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Адреса змісту:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1922112/1/Crumbling-




Гарри Поттер


Разрушающийся пьедестал



Slash, HPSS- Свидание Гарри с Волан-де-Мортом в конце Турнира

Трех Волшебников прошло не совсем так, как планировалось. Судьба

вмешивается с «уникальной» возможностью, предлагая Гарри шанс

жить и взрослеть в прошлом. На какое-то время, во всяком случае.


Художественная литература T

- Английский - Драма - [Гарри П., Северус С.] - Главы: 43 - Слов: 179

530 - Отзывов:

1 009

- Избранных: 4 403 - Подписчиков: 1 207 - Обновлено:

15.02.2005, 23:53:23

- Опубликовано:

21.06.2004, 10:03:57

- Статус: Завершено - id: 1922112

1. Prologue

Title: Crumbling Pedestal

Warnings: Slash, brief het, time travel, the founders, moderate super!

Harry, identity hopping, clichés...

Pairings: Harry/OFC, Harry/Severus

Spoilers: PS-OotP (no HBP)

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and

owned by J. K. Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to

Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner

Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark

infringement is intended.

Summary: Harry's date with Voldemort at the conclusion of the

Triwizard tournament didn't go quite as planned. Fate steps in with a

unique opportunity, offering Harry the chance to live and mature in the

time of the founders. For a while, anyway.

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007 (02-04 October), all chapters

have been modified to correct things like missing words, improper

comma usage, choppy sentences, and cardinal sins (i.e. spelling a canon

name incorrectly), and then replaced using the handy feature available at

this archive. Due to the inability to use blockquote here (and bloody

sadistic that is, too), the formatting of applicable sections has been

altered (though you can always find the proper format at Grazhir). Any

mistakes are entirely my own.

Crumbling Pedestal

— 00: Prologue —

Journal Entry, 25 June 1995

I look back on my life, up until that moment, and can only hang my

head. I don't understand anymore, any of it. I don't understand what I did

to deserve the things I've suffered. Was there some dark aura that

lingered around my body, originating from the scar on my forehead?

Something that touched everyone I met and led them down the path of

distrust and disbelief?

I know I may die at any moment, so I'm getting it out, getting it down,

while I'm still able. Maybe someday they'll read this and know. Most of

them won't understand, and I don't expect that they ever would.

Certainly not guilt, that would be like a miracle.

Growing up, I was taught I was worthless, a waste of space. I was a freak,

an abomination. I was good only for the work I could do, the abuse I

could suffer, and the amusement I could provide my cousin. It's a wonder

I lived so long. I still don't know why my uncle had not simply strangled

me as a baby, or left me to die in some back alley or desolate field.

Maybe the attraction or benefits of a legal slave was too much to give up.

When I found out about the wizarding world I thought I'd gone to

heaven. When Hagrid came and stood up for me, I thought it was just

some dream, but it was real. I took him seriously when he told me about

Voldemort, when he told me that not a witch or wizard gone bad hadn't

come from Slytherin.

Malfoy made his impression, too, of a spoiled snob from a privileged

family of importance. But still, I thought I finally had a place to belong.

My first year wasn't so bad. It was even exciting, despite everything that

happened and the risk to my life and that of the friends I'd made.

Snape was a nightmare. How can he hate me so much for something I

never did? He'd like to think he never treated me specially, but he did.

He treated me worse than any other single person.

I never told anyone but Dumbledore that the sorting hat wanted me in

Slytherin. I wonder sometimes what things might have been different had

I let it sort me as it wished. Would I have suffered less or more? Would I

have been dead before a week was up?

I learned in my second year that fame is definitely not everything, as

Snape once said. It was his fault I was revealed as a parselmouth. I think

it shocked him as much as anyone else. Either way, it caused me to be

subject to distrust and suspicion from everyone but those who believed in

me. Me, the Heir of Slytherin?

Still, it backfired spectacularly on him. I wasn't scared in the least. I think

everyone at the club could see that, even if they didn't have a clue what

was happening. Imagine that—I inadvertently got one over on Snape.

Until Hermione was petrified, many wholeheartedly embraced the

notion. But some couldn't bring themselves to believe I would do that to

one of my closest friends. Funny that—if I really was dark, that would

have been an excellent ploy on my part. What better way to avert


Even when I'd faced the memory of Tom Riddle, killed the basilisk, and

saved Ginny's life, people were still afraid. You simply cannot win.

I think it was around then that I started to appreciate something that my

friends would have found crazy. No matter what happened, the

Slytherins, from Snape on down to the youngest student, always treated

me the same. They never wavered in their views. Okay, so they were

awful, but they were consistent.

My third year was a picnic in comparison, though I still have to think

back and wonder if I did the right thing in convincing Sirius and Remus

not to kill Peter. Maybe if I'd given in to my rage and pain, Sirius might

be free today, and I might not be here writing my last words, waiting for

Voldemort to finish the job he set out to do thirteen years ago.

It's done. I can't change the past.

And then this year. The year the visions started. Everyone goes on about

how participants in the tournament shouldn't accept outside help. We all

know cheating is wrong. Then how come people kept trying so hard to

get me to do it? I managed, though.

But at the cost of another betrayal. People I thought were friends, the

wizarding community at large. Lucius Malfoy and Rita Skeeter should

work the media aspects of political campaigns, they're that good at

crucifying the competition.

From Savior and Boy-Who-Lived to the next Dark Lord in training. I was

supposedly delusional, psychotic, a liar . . . an attention seeking, insolent,

arrogant brat. Everything Snape had ever accused me of being.

What do I owe to a world that would as soon spit on me as adore me?

The pedestal they put me on is crumbling from the blows they insist on

wielding against it.

I lived because my mother loved me, so they say. I have my doubts. I

helped protect the philosopher's stone. I saved the life of a girl and saved

an innocent man from the Dementor's Kiss.

But people fear me, even as they expect me to be their Savior. I wouldn't

put it past people like Fudge to throw me in Azkaban the moment that

happened, too, for fear that I'll take Voldemort's place.

Like I said, you can't win.

But it won't matter, because I'll be dead. I'm not even sure why I'm still

alive. He'll be coming for me soon, though, I bet. I just hope it's clean and


2. Duel Interrupted

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Credit: The italicized beginning of this chapter is lifted directly from

book four to set the stage for the AU split. Reference, US hardcover

edition, page 659.

— 01: Duel Interrupted —

Wormtail approached Harry, who scrambled to find his feet, to support his

own weight before the ropes were untied. Wormtail raised his new silver hand,

pulled out the wad of material gagging Harry, and then, with one swipe, cut

through the bonds tying Harry to the gravestone.

There was a split second, perhaps, when Harry might have considered running

for it, but his injured leg shook under him as he stood on the overgrown grave,

as the Death Eaters closed ranks, forming a tighter circle around him and

Voldemort, so that the gaps where the missing Death Eaters should have stood

were filled. Wormtail walked out of the circle to the place where Cedric's body

lay and returned with Harry's wand, which he thrust roughly into Harry's

hand without looking at him. Then Wormtail resumed his place in the circle of

watching Death Eaters.

"You have been taught how to duel, Harry Potter?" said Voldemort softly, his

red eyes glinting through the darkness.

"No," said Harry, "and I refuse to now."

Voldemort was slightly taken aback at this and said without thought,

"Excuse me?" He fixed his slit-pupiled eyes on the boy and stared.

"I said no. Why don't you look like you did in the Chamber, Tom? Young,

handsome, a deep commanding voice. . . . What's the point in achieving

immortality if people can't even stand to look at you? I mean, which is

more frightening? Velvet-clad steel or a horror show freak?"

"Shut up, you worthless piece of—"

"Sod off," Harry spat back defiantly at the Death Eater who dared speak.

"I'll be dead shortly anyway, so I might as well speak my mind."

Voldemort had been on the verge of obliterating the boy when a phrase

came back to him. The Chamber? Tom? The boy was still speaking,

though, so he turned his attention outward and back to his words. After a

second he realized Potter was hissing in Parseltongue, judging by the

confused postures of his minions, and paid even closer attention.

"You know, I've had it. One minute I'm a muggle, the next a wizard. One I'm

some hero, the next a dark lord in training. I've had it! In the muggle world,

thanks to my oh-so-loving family, I'm an incurable criminal that everyone likes

to either avoid or hunt down to be kicked and beaten. In the wizarding world

I've already been painted in delusional colours, subject to fits, dangerous, even

psychotic. I'd be willing to bet if I got back to Hogwarts alive I'd be blamed for

Cedric's death, too."

Potter waved his wand around in agitation, sparks bursting from its tip as


"So go ahead, do your worst, you scaly bastard. At least dead I could see my

parents again, except this time I wouldn't be seeing or hearing them die over

and over again."

The boy took a deep breath and clenched his hands tightly, his knuckles

turning white.

"And I wouldn't have to endure the petty tyranny of my so-called family,

either. It's no wonder that with muggles like them around some wizards think

we'd be better off without them."

Potter continued to rant, breathing heavily, and Voldemort began to

wonder if the boy had finally gone over the edge. But that thought was

dispelled a moment later when Potter paused long enough to stare him

straight in the eye before starting in again. There was only sanity in those

emerald depths, and passionate life, despite the boy's words and air of

teetering on the edge of despair and the potential battle against suicidal


"You started it all, Tom. You killed them, you tried to kill me. Somehow you

failed. Maybe he was right and it was my mother's love that prevented you,

but it set me up as an icon. I'm nothing more than a myth, something for

people to pin their hopes on, or use as the whipping boy for everything that

went wrong since Grindelwald."

He paused and made a nasty little motion with his wand at the name,

then continued. "I don't care anymore! At least my so-called family was

honest. They hated me, and our world, and never said otherwise. They were

constant, just like the Slytherins, just like Snape. They never wasted time

coddling me one moment, then fearing me the next. Whatever I am now, what

started with you, and ended with them, it is because of them. They made me

what I am now, willing to just lay down and die."

Voldemort raised his hand, causing his faithful to each step back a pace,

some out of respect, and some anticipation. Potter didn't appear to notice

anything until Voldemort moved to stand directly in front of the still

ranting boy.

It was only then that Potter stopped his vehement hissing and looked up

into his eyes. He did not, however, step back in response, nor did the fire

in his eyes morph into fear. They remained starkly defiant in the face of

the nearness of his enemy.

Voldemort lifted his wand and made a show of inspecting it before gazing

back into Potter's eyes.

"This is much too easy," he said dispassionately, then quickly stunned the

boy, watching as he toppled to the ground bonelessly.


"Yes, master!" Wormtail slipped out of position and groveled at

Voldemort's feet.

"See that the Diggory boy is delivered back to Hogwarts."

"Right away, master!" The rat-like man leapt to his feet and scurried


Voldemort turned back to the Potter boy and stared for a moment, then

flicked his wand, levitating the body. Changing direction, he strode off

toward the house, Potter floating along behind him as his Death Eaters


— — —

Harry awoke to dimly-lit surroundings, though he was not

uncomfortable. Given the yielding nature of the surface beneath him and

the warm weight covering his body, he deduced he was in a bed.

His mind and body warred briefly, one happy, while the other was

wondering just what was going on. His hand automatically reached to the

side seeking his glasses. He had them on a second later and was trying to

focus on the room before it occurred to him that it was odd that he had

them at all.

After all, they were a decided disadvantage, so why he had access to

them was, for now, beyond his ken. He shrugged and continued to look

around, silently surprised at the opulence of the furnishings and decor.

Looking down he saw he was dressed in a clean set of plain pajamas, and

obviously unhurt. Again, he shrugged, then pushed himself up, swinging

his legs out from under the covers and onto the floor.

Lifting them aside, Harry stood and examined the room again. There

were two doors, though only one of them was open. It revealed a

bathroom, tiled in white and sea green. The closed door, he assumed

without bothering to check, was locked against his efforts.

Next to the bed was a small table with a narrow drawer, and topped with

an ornate lamp which was currently turned off. Looking up he saw that

the molding was not flush with the wall, but angled outward at the top,

and from the space within spilled soft light which illuminated the room.

Against one wall was a heavy desk and matching chair, set with an

inkwell and several quills. The drawers were closed. As Harry

approached it and sat down, a meal appeared in front of him, steaming

slightly in the air.

He sighed. Did it matter if he ate? Did it matter if the food was poisoned

in some way? He was already willing to die, wasn't he, and end it all?

Harry lifted the fork that had materialized beside the plate and began to

eat, enjoying the food for what it was.

When he was done and had settled back in the chair, he felt a curious

sense of calm descend over his mind and body, and knew that the meal

had in fact been drugged. Any thoughts of worry, or anger, or escape

were wiped away, and he found himself accepting the current situation.

As he stood to visit the bathroom and take care of his pressing needs, the

plate and utensils disappeared. A half hour later he stepped back into the

bedroom, dressed in a fresh set of pajamas, and sat down at the desk

again for lack of anything better to do.

Opening one of the drawers revealed a small book, which he lifted free of

its confines and laid on the desk's surface, then opened. The pages inside

were empty and pristine. Harry reached out and uncapped the inkwell,

took a quill in his hand, and began to write.

— — —

Some few days later, Voldemort took the time to assure that Potter's

evening meal was laced with a powerful sleeping draught, and entered

the room to investigate exactly what the boy had been up to in his

drugged little retreat from the world.

The journal he had left in the desk was sitting on top, practically begging

to have its contents exploited to his benefit. So he sat down and opened it

to the first page and began to read. Nothing of the first entry struck him

as particularly odd, given what the boy had been ranting about the night

of the duel that wasn't, though he found Potter's childhood an interesting

parallel to his own.

He sneered when he read of Hagrid, and snarled when the younger

Malfoy was mentioned. He would need to give Lucius a little

reinforcement to pass along to his wayward child for such behavior.

Obviously Lucius had been remiss in his teaching to produce a child who

was unaware of political machinations and sly subversions. What a waste

of pure blood.

However, when he reached Potter's words on Severus, his eyes widened

slightly. The implications were quite illuminating. He knew full well that

Snape was a traitor, and had not been the least bit surprised to note that

he had not been among those who came to his rebirth calling. He had not

known that it was by his actions though that Potter had been exposed to

the first stirrings of betrayal.

Furthermore, it made him realize that for all Lucius's failings, it must

have been him who released his own diary into the life of the youngest

Weasley in an attempt to raise his master once more, despite never

having searched in the more conventional way. Of all his Death Eaters,

Lucius was the first to have consciously tried to bring back the old order.

Perhaps he would reward and punish. Good deeds must not go


He would need to question Lucius closely about the aftermath of that

event. Thoughtful, he read through the remainder of the entry, then

flipped to the next.

26 June 1995

Actually, I have no idea what day it is. I have no idea how long I was

sleeping before I woke up in this room. I guess it doesn't matter, just like

whatever I write here has no real meaning. I know my food is being

drugged. I'd have to be stupid not to realize that. But anyway.

I'm tired of alternately being thrust upon a pedestal and dragged off it into

the mud. If I truly am the Savior of the wizarding world then you have all

damned yourselves to hell, for I will no longer serve as the whipping boy of

or for corrupt officials and a capricious public.

Well, I'll be dead, right?

If the wizarding community and its leaders had been as united against the

problem of Voldemort and his followers as they have been in persecuting

me, then maybe he would have no power base from which to strike, and we

would not now be in a state of abject fear and denial.

It's all very stupid really. Just because I somehow miraculously lived I'm

supposed to have the power to defeat Voldemort again? And how come it

was only my mother's love that could save a child, and not all those other

mothers and fathers who must have died for their children. How come none

of those survived? I'm having a hard time believing now the things that

Dumbledore said.

I don't really think that anyone in the general public will ever read any of

this. If they did though, maybe they'll come to understand just what they've

done. How they've made sure of their own destruction by ripping to shreds

their icon of fool's gold.

I wonder if there's a special place in hell reserved for idiots?

So let me see . . . since I'm getting it all out, let's start with my family. No,

not my parents, since they're dead. I'm talking about Uncle Vernon, and

Aunt Petunia, and Dudley. I think the idea was to squash the magic out of

me. Dudley didn't know much, but they knew enough certainly. Petunia

hated mum, despised her, and Vernon is the same.

They thought if they tried hard enough, the magic would leave me, and I'd

be an ordinary boy they could cast off at the first opportunity. Yet, I was

useful to have around. I learned very early not to ask questions and not to

expect anything but hardship. I still wonder why I was placed there. Surely

it would have better elsewhere?

I know Dumbledore said he didn't want me growing up with a swelled head,

but is abuse the right response in contrast? I never bothered to say

anything. I knew he'd give me one of those gentle smiles, pet me on the

head, and send me right back again saying it was for my own good and I'd

be safe there. Does that make him a bad man, or just ignorant?

Dudley and his friends love to play a game they call Harry Hunting. Trying

to chase me down so they can rough me up and feel better for it. Well, when

they aren't out terrorizing anyone else they can get their hands on.

Still, something must have gone right, because I don't think I'm such a bad

person in the end. I'm not cruel, and I'm not timid either. I guess you could

say that adversity breeds either contempt or strength. Maybe both.

And that stupid sorting hat, insisting I'd have done well in Slytherin. How

the hell would it know? Was that some sort of oblique way of telling me I

could have corrupted Slytherin from within? Or that I'd make a fine dark

lord in training so I could join right up and have fun exterminating muggles

like my family?

And then there's Dumbledore again, saying things like choices make us who

we are. What about the choices made for us? Is he saying that his choice

not to assist a young Tom Riddle had no bearing on the outcome? That Tom

could have decided to push aside what had happened to him and strove to

be better for it rather than submit?

It makes me wonder, since he knew I never liked going back to the

Dursley's, but made me go anyway, just like he never bothered to help Tom.

Am I identifying too much here? Never mind, it doesn't matter. He's dead

set on revenge, and dead is what I expect to be.

The boy certainly had a way with words, and it was clear that he

understood far more than some gave him credit for. Voldemort wondered

if it would be more prudent to simply kill him, or keep him around to see

what evolved.

He wondered if killing off the boy's remaining family would be seen in a

good light or bad, if it would be a release or a further burden upon those

slender shoulders. Not having decided what to do, he decided not to

decide for the time being.

He smirked when he read about Dumbledore's choices and actions. It

seemed as though in some respects the old man was doing his work for

him. Surely he must be ignorant of the effect it was having—or was this

some ploy to force the child to see him as the epitome of safety and a

deserving recipient of gratefulness when the boy was rescued each year

from his relatives?

— — —

Several days later Voldemort returned. Potter was in another of his

forced sleeps, though it could not be used very often. Too much of the

potion would likely permanently harm him. Addiction was not unknown

in the wizarding world, and insomnia was one of the easiest problems to


He sat down and began to flip through the new entries in the journal.

27 June 1995

Draco is an idiot. I remember when I accidentally floo'd into Borgin &

Burkes and listened, hiding in the cupboard, to what he and his father were

saying. When Lucius told Draco that it wasn't wise to appear less than fond

of me against the tide of the wizarding world's opinion.

Draco thinks he's so superior, but he never listens. All we ever hear are the

same old tired taunts. No wonder his father is so cruel about his grades. He

should spend less time repeating himself and more time studying, since it's

obvious he hasn't got a jot of creativity to his name. Of course, Hermione IS

loads more brilliant than he is, but did he ever bother to find a way to slow

her down and make her grades drop?

Having his father buy his way onto the team was typical, I guess, though I

can't imagine why Mr Malfoy agreed to it. If Draco's grades are so awful,

why give him a treat like that? Fairly stupid if you ask me.

At least I got him back third year when he pulled that silly dementor trick. I

hope he pissed himself in fright. He's nothing more than a gormless bully,

who runs at the first sign of real resistance. He can't even do anything

without his two hulking twits at his side.

Some tatty old books appeared overnight. At least now I have something to

do other to stare at the ceiling or write in this book. They don't exactly look

thrilling, but they're different.

— — —

28 June 1995

Snape is an unmitigated bastard, you know? Takes every chance he can get

to ridicule me, humiliate me, and punish me, all because I'm supposedly so

enamoured of my fame. He can have it for all I care. I just wanted to be


Asking me questions on the first day of class I couldn't possibly answer.

Slapping me and my friends with detention every time we turned around.

Looking the other way when Slytherin students ruined our potions and

blaming us for the destruction.

Why did he even make the effort to save me? Honestly, I have to wonder if

it's only because of Dumbledore. Maybe he didn't want to go back to

Azkaban as a Death Eater. Not much use he'd be in there, but his

personality might have improved.

I wonder what he's doing now. Has Dumbledore forced him into returning

so that he can spy on Voldemort? Is he alive or dead? Or has he been biding

his time all the while, waiting the the moment he can return and tell his

master all that he knows?

I wonder why I'm still alive. I wonder why I'm not reading one of those

boring books instead of sitting here at this stupid desk writing drivel?

— — —

29 June 1995

I'm tired of this place. It's lonely. I haven't seen a soul since I got here. Just

this journal, those books, that bed, and meals that appear at timed


I almost think I'd rather be sitting in Professor Binns's history class than

endure this too much longer. I finished two of the books—they're dry. I bet

Hermione would like them. Forget it, I'm tired. I may as well just go back to


— — —

Harry had been imprisoned for what he reckoned was several weeks. He

couldn't be sure by any means, as he had no idea how long he slept each

time, and no way of knowing the passage of time in any meaningful way.

The lights came on when he started to rise from the depths of sleep, and

winked out when he laid down and began to slip under.

He continued to alternate between writing in the journal—whatever

came to mind—and reading the books that rotated on the single shelf.

Every time he'd finished what was available, another group appeared to

take their place.

His wand had been found in the side table drawer, but no amount of

spellwork on the closed door made it open, so he'd long since given up

trying. When he felt willing he practiced the spells he knew, just to keep

in shape, though he wondered at the futility of the exercise.

Aside from the books changing, nothing else did. Not even after the

nights when he knew he'd been drugged into a heavy sleep. No bruises,

no wounds, no aches or pains. Not a single thing in the room appeared to

have changed on those 'mornings.'

Unfortunately, he couldn't even feel sorry for himself, not with whatever

was spiking his food, and he wasn't the type to try and starve himself to

death. So he waited.

— — —

He woke up, or was it fell asleep, to find himself in a plain white room.

His mind called it a room, but in fact it was more like an endless

existence of white stretching in all directions. He walked around until he

noticed that not only was he getting nowhere fast, but that he wasn't

tired after all that exertion. So he sat down on the spot, then flopped over

onto to his back.

After a time, streaks of not-white began colouring the bleached expanse,

slowly devolving into a recognizable grey, and then into black. The

swirling made him want to feel dizzy, but he was not. After a short time

he heard an androgynous voice speak to him.

—Greetings, young Harry, and tidings on the day that marks the fifteenth year

since your birth.—

"Hullo," he replied, "and thank you. Where am I?"

—You are nowhere and everywhere.—

"Then why am I here? Is this a dream?"

—In this timeless moment you have a choice, young Harry. Here you will be

unburdened by grief and guilt, by fatigue and hunger, for so long as it takes

you to decide your own fate. You will see, and understand, and think clearly

for perhaps the only time in your young life. You may ask of me any question

you desire, in order that you may properly formulate your answer. You stand

at a crossroads, a divergence, and you alone have the power to decide which

path is correct.—

"What choice is it that you expect me to make?" he asked curiously,

strangely unbothered by the situation.

—You will decide your fate, young Harry. Do you choose to return to what

you have just left, and give over the choice of your fate to the hands of the

Dark Lord? Or do you choose to leave that place behind you and move

forward through another kind of uncertainty?—

A pause, of indeterminate length.

"Are you able to tell me what would result in either choice?"

—Each choice presents a multitude of results, young Harry. Should you choose

to stay, then Voldemort will decide for you, whether it be torture or death, or

corruption enough to turn you as black of heart as he. Should you choose to

move forward you will be taken from that place and brought elsewhere, to

train, to learn and grow, and eventually to come back to a point in this circle

to confront what you may not choose to, or be capable of, doing now.—

"If I chose to stay, what fate the wizarding world?"

—A wise question, young Harry. If you were to die now, the wizarding world

would rally to the cause of a martyr, fighting against the darkness that

threatens them, but in the end they too would die. A few here, a few there, a

crowd or a mass, and many too weak to believe or defend would submit to


"And if I were turned?"

—Then the people of the light would despair and fall into apathy. Precious few

would hold fast to their ideals, and people would come to know death faster

and in greater numbers. In the end, the result is the same.—

"Who are you?"

—I am everything and nothing. I am the voice of the earth's cry and the sound

of magic as it whispers along your veins. I am the blinding white of life and the

suffocating darkness of death. I am, in a word, opportunity.—

"Then I have no choice," Harry stated calmly.

—How so, young Harry?—

"A choice that allows me to hasten the demise of the only world I knew

happiness in is no choice I could bear. I have no choice but to move

forward. To do otherwise at this junction would be to deny everything

that shaped me."

—And if I told you that Albus Dumbledore has consistently and knowingly

manipulated your life in order to produce such an answer?—

"Then I would say that it is that much more imperative that I move

forward, so that I may have the chance to investigate the validity of your

claim, and act accordingly when the opportunity arises."

—Interesting, young Harry. I think that you would be angered presently were

you able to feel negatively.—

"Perhaps. But anger clouds clarity, and you do not allow for it. Anger

won't help me anyway, will it. You are manipulating me though."

—How so, young Harry?—

"Wouldn't it have been more cunning to ask me my thoughts on a claim

that staying might prove out Voldemort's kind and cuddly nature in the

face of a man who had shaped him as he shaped me, to kill two birds

with one stone and retain his ascendency of power? You lean toward

moving forward, and it shows."

—You are quite clever, young Harry. And correct. Regardless, the choice is


"As I said, there is no choice. I don't know everything, and I can't, but I

do know that stagnation is death, so moving forward is the only option

there is."

—If you say so. Strange though how only a month ago you were ready to die.

"It doesn't matter. What happens now?"

—Now? Now you begin a new life. Right now, in fact.—

3. Bedtime Stories

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Credit: Portions of this chapter are paraphrased and/or borrowed from

the US edition, chapter 35 (Veritaserum) and chapter 37 (The Beginning).

Notes: Um...the rather cliché plot device coming up? Or should I mention

I like pretty boys, bishonen? Meh. And on that note, I don't do accents. I

also make fun of myself for using said clichéd plot device. I also make

wild assumptions about certain things based on lack of knowledge. Ha!

— 02: Bedtime Stories —

At the edge of the maze, the stands rising above with the shapes of

people moving in them, and the stars overhead, lay the body of Cedric

Diggory. Beside him, his wand, and clutched in his stiffening hand, the

Triwizard cup. Had he been alive to hear it, he would have been hit by a

confused welter of sound, of screams and the pounding of feet, the

groaning of the stands as its inhabitants struggled to escape their confines

and set the framework to swaying.

Had he been alive to see it, he would have noticed the note pinned to his

robes. He would have been able to read the scarlet ink that read, "Potter

is mine now," and seen the dark mark burned black into the parchment.

But Cedric was dead and could not hear, nor could he see. Others did

those things in his stead.

At the leaving feast, Dumbledore raised a toast to Cedric, reminding

everyone of his good nature and sense of fair play, his bravery and

honesty, and his loyalty to his friends. But he could not explain what

happened the night of the third task, when Cedric returned to them dead,

and alone.

And he did not tell those assembled of the note he had ripped from

Cedric's body before anyone else noticed it, nor of the strange trunk he

had found in Moody's quarters, or how the professor was found within

one of the compartments of that same trunk, thin and starved in

appearance, missing his glass eye and wooden leg and hanks of his

grizzled hair.

Dumbledore didn't know what had happened, but he suspected.

So the students were merely given a speech about Cedric Diggory, one

that praised his fine example, and bemoaned the loss of a young man

who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Of Harry Potter, he

said little. Missing, and presumed dead, he called for a toast to another

brave young man.

That night, the Gryffindors were beside themselves, clustered in the

common room of their tower. All of them had been forbidden the

hospital wing ever since the night Cedric returned, and none of their

questions had been answered. Not one of them knew what had happened

to Harry, or if he was even locked away in the infirmary.

And now they knew.

There was very little talk, just scattered murmurs and low-voiced

speculation. For a while.

— — —

Harry awoke to dimly-lit surroundings, though he was not

uncomfortable. Given the yeilding nature of the surface beneath him and

the warm weight covering his body, he deduced he was in a bed.

Harry had a strange sense of déjà vu. That alone made him want to just

keep his eyes closed and wait for the moment he knew was coming. But

as he lay there, he started to remember that strange place and the strange

conversation with someone he couldn't see. Or should that be some


When nothing happened, Harry finally cracked an eye open and saw a

different blur of colours than he had been greeted with previously. From

that he took courage enough to open both eyes and reach for his glasses.

They were in the exact right place. He slipped them on and pulled

himself upright, then looked around.

The room was quite plain. Off-white walls, white ceiling and pale wood

furniture. Harry decided it was either a guest room of some kind, or the

bedroom of one of those cheerful, perky, morning people. However, the

decided lack of things had him leaning toward it being a normally

unused room.

As if on cue, just when he was about to slip out of the bed, one of the

doors opened and a young man stepped in. He was average height in

Harry's opinion, perhaps 5'10, maybe even six foot. Taller than Harry, at

any rate. His hair was a glossy black that reached his shoulders, curling

slightly at the ends. Pale skin, high cheekbones, and a well-shaped, sultry

mouth were surmounted by the greenest eyes Harry had ever seen.

The stranger, whoever he was, smiled.

Harry hesitantly smiled back.

"Well, you're awake. That's good. You had us worried." The man stepped

further into the room, leaving the door ajar. "You've been out cold for

over a week. How do you feel?"

"Er, fine, I guess. Do I even dare ask where I am?"

The stranger tilted his head and smiled again. "Had a rough time of it

lately?" He produced a wand from his sleeve and conjured up a chair,

then sat. "You're safe, if that means anything. My friends and I built this

place. We plan on making it into a school."

"I'm going to make a wild guess and say you named the castle Hogwarts."

The man blinked. "Yes, actually. What, are you skilled at Legilimency or


Harry narrowed his eyes for a moment, vaguely recalling something

about that from one of the books rotated through on the shelf. "I'm not

holding a wand. I'm not sure why you think that."

"True, though you need only look in that table to find yours. We saw no

reason to hide it."

Harry took his eyes off the man long enough to fumble open the drawer

and pull out his beloved wand.

"Interesting, though," said the man, "that you carry a wand with a

phoenix feather core. It's quite rare. Then again, it was because of that

that we didn't see you as any danger."

Harry let out a bark of laughter. "I wouldn't be so sure of that. I know the

owner of this wand's brother, and he's no saint."

"Well, you seem to be all right, so I suppose I should introduce myself.

Salazar Slytherin, at your service." He inclined his head for a moment in


"I assumed that to be the case," Harry hissed, then switched to English.

"Harry Potter, though I doubt that name means anything." He was

pleased to see the look of gentle astonishment on Salazar's face, which

quickly turned into another smile.

"Well and so. You are an interesting fellow, aren't you." Salazar gave him

a once over. "Hungry?"

Harry took stock, realizing he didn't feel nearly as hungry as he should

have if he'd been out for a week. "Yes, a little."

Salazar pointed his wand at the other door. "Facilities are through there,

and some clothes that should fit you. If you'd prefer to eat here I can

arrange that, or you can come with me and meet the others."

Harry glanced over, then back at Salazar, wrinkling his brow. "To eat in

here would be to say I was never a Gryffindor. If you'll wait, I'll go get


Salazar gave him a very odd look, but nodded, so Harry slipped out of

the bed and disappeared into the next room. His clothing, what there was

of it, he stripped off and dropped in a basket that served the purpose of

hamper well enough to Harry's mind. The room itself was partitioned,

with a rack of clothing and a puffy velvet bench to one side, and what

was obviously a bathroom to the other.

Harry could only assume that in this time, no one would be threatening

him for using magic, and so spent a good ten minutes bathing, using his

wand to dry off afterward. The rack offered him a choice of trews, shirts,

and several sets of robes in various styles. He yanked out a pair of dark

green trews, and spent several minutes fiddling with the buttons along

the side of each calf, then pulled a shirt of lighter green on and tucked it

in. Plain black leather boots went on next, followed by a set of plain

black robes.

When he stepped back into the bedroom, Salazar was still waiting. Harry

gave him a small smile and said, "I have a request, if I may."


"I've said my name, but if I'm really when I think I am, I'd rather not use

it. Do you suppose when we go to eat, that perhaps we could come up

with something else? Not mention what I said earlier?"

"That's a peculiar request. When? Something tells me you have quite a

story to tell." Salazar stood, making an odd movement with his head,

then said, "As you wish. Please follow me."

He left the room and Harry followed, not immediately recognizing his

surroundings. If hadn't been told otherwise, he would not have known he

was in the castle he'd lived in for four years. After they walked for several

minutes and turned down several corridors, Harry finally knew where he


"Are we headed for the Great Hall," he asked, "or someplace else?"

Salazar spared him another odd look but continued to walk. "The

kitchens, actually. Seems rather silly to eat in the Great Hall when there's

only a few of us."

Harry nodded and spent the rest of the journey in silence, wondering

how it was that they could communicate so readily given the time

difference. He smiled slightly when a familiar painting came into view.

He'd had no idea paintings could last that long. Or perhaps, it had simply

been replaced over time when the need became apparent.

Inside, Harry noticed only a few house elves, but those that were there

were busy putting together a meal for the founders—as Harry was

mentally calling them—and he could see it would be no trouble to feed

one more mouth. The others smiled when they saw the two approach,

though their smiles for Harry were polite rather than warmly welcoming

as they were for Salazar.

"It's evening, by the way," Salazar said in an aside to Harry after he had

greeted his friends. Turning back he began to say to them, "This is—" He

looked back at Harry. "Suggestions?" he hissed.

Harry looked at his hands for a moment, thinking, then smiled and

hissed, "Heru. I read it in a book somewhere."

"All right. This is Heru." He turned back and hissed, "Should I assume you

already know who they are?"

Heru nodded and said, "Hello, Rowena, Helga, Godric. It's a pleasure to

meet you. I hope I haven't been too much of an inconvenience." He

copied Salazar's earlier greeting, inclining his head briefly toward the

three, and held back his amusement at the ping-pong match of looks that

had occurred over he and Salazar speaking to each other in Parseltongue.

"Heru, have a seat, please," Salazar said as he slipped onto a padded


"Thank you." Heru sat down beside Salazar and waited for the onslaught

of questions.

"So, Salazar . . . you never told us you had a relative close by,"

commented Rowena blandly.

"I don't," he said, which occasioned a series of looks at Heru.

"Would you like me to explain?" offered Heru. "It's a long story, but I

think I can compress it well enough, though you'll probably think I'm


Since everyone immediately nodded, Heru started to speak, pausing only

to fill his plate, take an occasional bite to eat, or drink to moisten his


"You could say, I'm not from around here," he began. "The worst of the

matter is that which you'll have the most trouble believing, I suppose. By

all accounts, I'm from a thousand years into the future, give or take a

decade or so. The records of your time are very imprecise. Later on, if

any of you happen to have a pensieve handy, I'd be happy to let you

rummage around in my head for supporting evidence."

He ignored the wide eyes and went on. "I was born in nineteen-eighty to

a couple who were part of a group of people fighting against the dark

lord of the time. My family was in hiding for some reason—I suspect a

prophecy was involved—using the fidelius charm. Anyway, it was

unfortunate that the secret-keeper chosen to safeguard my parents was an

agent of the Dark Lord, and he betrayed them. The Dark Lord came and

killed my father as my mother tried to get to me and escape. However,

the Dark Lord caught up with her. When she refused to let him kill me,

offering her own life in exchange, he killed her and then tried to kill me.

"Just as with them, he cast the killing curse, except that things didn't go

the way he planned. The spell rebounded and destroyed his physical

form, and left me with this scar." He fingered his forehead. "After that, I

was known throughout the wizarding world as the Boy-Who-Lived and

famous for that and as the defeater of the Dark Lord.

"As you might expect, he didn't die. His soul remained and he spent years

trying to find a way to get back his body. I didn't find out I was a wizard

until I was eleven, when I was brought into the magical world by the

groundskeeper of Hogwarts, a half giant. From then on, every year was a

struggle of some kind. I prevented the Dark Lord from regaining his body

during my first year; he'd possessed the body of our Defense professor

and was after the philosopher's stone.

"Second year I prevented his return again, by stopping him from

completing a transformation from memory into life at the expense of a

young girl, by finding and entering a very well hidden place within the

school and defeating a creature down there, then destroying the

container of the Dark Lord's memories."

Heru turned to Salazar and hissed, "Created the Chamber of Secrets yet,

Salazar? Started with basilisk wrangling as a hobby?"

Salazar blanched.

"Third year, well, he wasn't really a factor, but I did save an innocent

man from getting the dementor's kiss, though he's still on the run. Turns

out he was my godfather. In the process, the betrayer escaped us, and

went off to find what remained of the Dark Lord."

Heru smiled briefly. "This year, fourth year, was a nightmare. Though, I

think I was still being held during my birthday, so I should be fifteen

now. Fourth year Hogwarts hosted the Triwizard Tournament and I was

forced to participate—and I still have no idea how they managed it—and

eventually got to the cup along with my fellow Hogwarts student. After

arguing back and forth about who should take the cup and be declared

winner, we compromised and took it together. It was a portkey, taking us

to a graveyard, where the Dark Lord was waiting with the betrayer, and

he used the bones of his father, the flesh of his servant, and the blood of

his enemy, me, to become corporeal again.

"So that brings us to very near the end of this story. Short form, anyway.

By this point I was fed up, and I don't expect you all to understand that

just now. I was fed up of the image, the fame, the wizarding public and

students alternately loving me and hating me, idolizing me, and cowering

away as though I'd become a dark lord myself. And I snapped. He

challenged me to a duel, and I snapped. Starting ranting in Parseltongue

until he stunned me, hauled me off to Merlin knows where, and locked

me in a room. I was there for at least a month, but I had no way of

knowing just how long.

"The really hilarious thing about this whole thing is that the Dark Lord

was supposedly carrying on the work of someone in my distant past, an

effort to cleanse the world of mudbloods and muggles, when he himself

was a half blood, just like me. This last part is, again, where you'll think

I'm insane. I woke up at one point in a totally white place that got rather

strange looking after a while, had a conversation with a disembodied

voice, was given a choice to stay or move onward, and ended up saying

I'd take the offer. The next thing I knew, I woke up here.

"Oh. From what I understand, I'm not a natural parselmouth either.

Supposedly the dark lord passed on that ability when he tried to kill me

the first time. I'm rather fond of it, though. Snakes are lovely creatures."

He looked around the table, then calmly reached out and snagged a small

cake and bit into it.

After swallowing, when no one had spoken a single word, he said, "Are

we all right here, or should I prepare for a long stay in a room with

padded walls and a binding spell?"

— — —

A pensieve was set on the table, hardly making a sound as it touched the

smooth wood. Heru felt a little nervous, never having used one before.

"Er, this process doesn't actually take my memories does it? I mean, is

this just like copying them, or what?"

"Just copies, Heru. And you can put them back afterward, as the process

does have the effect of dulling them in your mind as a result," Salazar

assured him.

"If you say so. It isn't as though I've got much to lose by doing this."

Rowena nodded and gave him a small smile. "Touch your wand to your

temple and concentrate on a memory you wish to copy. You'll feel it

when it happens. Pull your wand away and place the resulting strand into

the pensieve. After that it's a matter of putting in as much as you think

we need to see."

"Very well. I suppose I should mention that my name isn't Heru. You'll

see that anyway, shortly. I don't much feel like using it though. It'd be

easier if I could just stick my head in and let it copy everything," he

quipped, then raised his wand.

Several hours later he was finished. Heru did conceal a few things. Any

mention of the founders was omitted from the selection he had provided,

with the sole exception of revealing that he had used Godric's sword at

one point. He did not reveal where, though. It was evident that no one

would be getting sleep anytime soon.

"Should I go in with you? I don't know if it might be easier since I'd be

there to explain if necessary."

"Yes, please. You can direct the flow of memories we see. Otherwise it's

likely to be a jumble of time."

Heru nodded, gave them a wan smile, then dove in.

It was some time the next day, or perhaps the one after that, that they

emerged exhausted. None of the four had any trouble believing his story,

and his presence had been immensely helpful in filling in the small

details as they skipped through his life. Heru was given charge of the

pensieve so that he could reclaim his memories later on, and all of them

dragged off to their respective bedrooms, promising that one of them

would come to fetch him later if he had not already woken and found

them first.

— — —

"I don't know. You saw the memory," Heru said. "I mean, I assume I'm

here for a reason, but what, I have no idea."

"Well, I can see why you don't want to use your real name, but you're

going to need more that just the one."

Heru shrugged. "I don't care about names. You pick them."

"In that case, your second name is now officially Servius," proclaimed


Heru nodded, unconcerned.

"Your third name is Tychon," decided Helga.

"Your fourth name is Anselm," chimed in Godric.

Heru blinked at the rapidity of these decisions, then stared at the final


"And your surname . . . is Slytherin," Salazar declared, lifting his chin.

"Eh?" Heru raised his brows in surprise.

"I said, your new surname is Slytherin," he repeated firmly.

"Er, not that I mind or anything," said Heru, "but isn't that a little—I

mean, I'm not even family. Why would you do that? I don't understand."

"Have you bothered to take a look at yourself, then at me?" replied

Salazar. "We could practically be brothers."

"Well . . . no, I hadn't."

"If you have no objections, we will be."

"Will be? How?" Heru asked, bewildered.

"Blood magic, of course. Don't they teach that anymore?" Salazar shot a

look at his friends.

"Nooooooo," drawled Heru. "Could you explain?"

"It's simple, Heru. A little of my blood, some of yours, a few quick rituals

—it should only take a couple of days—and you'd be my blood brother."

"But . . . are you really sure you want to do that?"

"Would I offer if I didn't?" Salazar countered. "The bonus is that it will

magically change your name and identity."

When Heru just stared at him in disbelief for a minute, Salazar hissed,

"And besides, you've kept my secrets."

"All right. Let's do it, then," Heru declared with a quirky grin.

— — —

Many things happened in the week which followed the agreement, but

the culmination of it all was the final ritual of blood bonding. Godric

claimed the right as Heru's ancestor—which boggled everyone for a while

—to actually perform the rites. Once the last words were chanted, the

last runes were inscribed, the final blood spilled and mixed, and all his

names added in, Heru was officially a Slytherin.

Months passed as the group worked on a number of things, among which

were ways to record the births of magical children, how to apportion

teaching duties and what to teach, where to house the students within

the castle, and any number of other details that could not be overlooked.

During that time it became quite clear that by the founders' standards

Heru already knew most of what they be teaching. Heru knew that was

only because they did not have to deal with a thousand years of spell

development. Insofar as the regular students that would eventually be

attending, Heru would be a fully qualified teacher.

On the other hand, the founders knew magics that were considered

ancient to Heru, things he had only read or heard vague references to,

magics that had unfortunately been lost over the centuries. So it was

those that they taught him, once it was clear that even at fifteen, Heru

was quite intelligent, a fast learner, and exceptionally strong magically.

Or was, once they fixed him.

After a lot of frustration on their parts, they realized the fundamental

problem that plagued Heru. The power and ability was there, but he

couldn't access all of it. Once they had spent the time to go over him with

the ancient—by Heru's standards—magical equivalent of a fine-toothed

comb, they pinpointed the culprit. His scar.

In the end, it was modified. With Voldemort being centuries in the future

they had, perhaps, a much easier time tinkering with its composition,

resulting in a release of Heru's innate power, the unblocking of his

divinatory ability, and a severing of the scar's pathway into his mind.

Heru very much doubted that anyone from his time could have

accomplished it.

It was not much longer after that, after Salazar had thoroughly tutored

Heru in the fine art of potion making, that they started to do a great deal

of experimental work. Potions, potions layered with spells, and anything

else they could think of. In particular, Salazar was fascinated by Heru's

description of polyjuice potion. However, while he thought that was an

interesting potion, he felt it was not quite good enough for his tastes.

It was nearing the time when the school would begin its first year of

operations that a rather nasty accident occurred in the dungeons. In

another time and place, Heru would have placed bets on Neville

Longbottom being the cause, but of course that was not so here. The

resulting disaster was cleaned up in careful stages, and Salazar chucked

his notes in the bottom drawer of his office desk, cursing at the lack of

progress, and resolving to deal with it some other time.

The actual consequences of the incident were rather more far reaching

that either he or Heru expected.

4. Revelations

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: I'll be playing a little fast and loose with the timeline (as plotted

out at HP Lexicon). While I'm not using actual dates, there's a much

larger gap between when Hogwarts was founded and when Salazar

leaves. I'm also feeling quite free to make things up as I go along to suit

my tastes and sense of aesthetics.

— 03: Revelations —

"I didn't say I'd deny the children entrance," protested Salazar. "I'm just

saying it'd be easier to let only purebloods in."

"Then what exactly is the problem?" asked Godric.

"I already said. The parents! Perhaps I'm too imaginative, but I'd be

willing to bet they'll be storming the castle at some point, waving

pitchforks and starting bonfires."

"What do you suggest, then?" asked Helga.

"I don't know."

"Why don't we worry about that if and when it happens," said Heru. "I'm

sure a solution can be found if it becomes necessary."

Salazar stared at him.

"What? If you worry yourself to a thread over it, don't expect me to

experiment on potions with you anymore. One accident was enough,

thank you." Heru crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. He didn't

bother to say aloud that he knew exactly what they'd come up with.

"We have more pressing issues to attend to. For example, a new wand for

Heru," pointed out Rowena as though it was the most obvious thing in

the world.

"What's wrong with the one I've got?" protested Heru.

Rowena gave him a patient smile. "Heru, if you end up going back at

some point, and I expect you will, do you honestly think no one will

recognize the wand you have now?"

Heru sulked for a moment, then said, "Sure, be reasonable and logical.

See if I care."

"Well, then, I suggest you and Salazar get to it."

"Is she always this bossy?" hissed Heru, darting a glance at Salazar.

Salazar blinked innocently and stood up. "Come along then, brother.

We'll go see Ollivander."

Unlike in Harry's time, the Ollivander making wands in the founder's

time did not have a shop filled with shelves of boxed wands. The magical

population wasn't large enough to require it, and some families had a

tradition of creating them personally.

The current Ollivander, who looked suspiciously like his descendant to

Heru's eyes and who did not admit to a given name, instead had shelf

upon shelf loaded with various kinds of wood and a plethora of core

ingredients. After being graciously ushered into his workshop, Salazar

and Heru sat down to have a spot of tea while Ollivander quizzed them

on the school.

Once the tea had been drunk and the biscuits eaten, they got down to

business. Heru was bidden to stand in the center of a circle of wood

samples and close his eyes, which he did, feeling a little foolish for it.

Ollivander simply requested that Heru lend his hand to the wood that felt

most comfortable to him.

In Heru's case his hands eventually found their way to both a shaft of

black birch and of linden, which caused Ollivander to make curious

noises in his throat and jot down some notes. After that, when Heru was

once again seated, Ollivander began to ask a series of questions about his

likes and dislikes, not to mention any odd abilities he might have.

In the end, after finding out that Heru was a parselmouth like Salazar,

and that he thought flying was the most freeing sensation in the world,

Ollivander decided to use one of his highly-prized snidget feathers,

coated in the dust of an expired ashwinder.

The resulting wand was stunning. Highly polished black birch was inlaid

with spirals of the much lighter coloured linden, and affixed with an even

darker handle, at a total length of twelve inches and quite rigid.

The price was 1½ galleons, which Salazar gladly paid for.

Nearly a full day later the brothers returned to the castle, and were still

arguing over the cost when they rejoined the others.

— — —

"How many children are lined up so far?" asked Heru, idly tapping his

newer wand against the table.

"Forty-two," supplied Godric, "three of which are muggleborns."

Salazar made a moue of distaste and flipped his hand. "I suppose it could

be worse."

After giving his brother a harsh stare Heru said, "Then we'll have plenty

of room, won't we, when they come."

"Speaking of room, dear brother, we need to do something about you," hissed


"Pardon?" Heru responded in English.

"This topic bores me, friends. I need to drag Heru here off to discuss

something else lest I become irascible." To Heru he hissed, "Come along.

You and I have some work to be getting on with."

Heru stood as Salazar sauntered out, casting a confused look at the

remaining founders, who responded with almost identical shrugs, and

followed his brother. Once through the door his arm was latched onto

and Salazar dragged him off toward the dungeons, eventually slipping

through a door Heru had never noticed in his days at school, which was

guarded by a very subtle snake inlay of stone in stone.

"What's this about?" Heru asked the moment he was seated.

"As I said, room. Specifically, your rooms. You didn't honestly think I'd

stick my brother in a guest room forever, did you?"

"Er . . . it hadn't occurred to me?"

Salazar snorted and flung himself into a chair, sending a dark look his

way. "It must be those damned muggles you had to live with. Rooms,

Heru. Yours! You know, like the Chamber, but with decorating more to

your tastes? Perhaps under the lake with a lovely one-way ceiling?"

Heru stared at him blankly.

"And on a related topic. . . ." Salazar snickered. "You need to be thinking

about producing an heir."

"What!? Salazar, I'm not quite sixteen!"

"Don't be foolish. Most men get handfasted at fourteen. Muggles only live

to their mid-thirties or so. They'd have died out by now if they didn't

start young."

"But we live longer!" Heru protested loudly.

"Yes, we do. So?"

"Salazar, we don't even know how long I'll be here."

"All the more reason to get started," Salazar said with a firm nod.

Heru groaned and placed his head in his hands. "I'm not sure I even like

women," he mumbled softly.

"We'll find you a nice girl and—" Salazar's mouth snapped shut, then

opened. "What was that?"

"Nothing," Heru muttered.

"Well unless you plan on brewing one in a cauldron I suggest you listen


Heru gave him a pleading look and said, "About those rooms. . . ."

"Right, change the subject. You won't get me off track that easily, dear


"You changed the subject first, may I remind you," Heru shot back.

"Stow it. You have a duty as a Slytherin to produce at least one heir.

Preferably several. I intend to do so myself just as soon as I find a likely

girl of high magical talent, with wide hips, and who doesn't squint too


Heru gaped at his brother in a mixture of shock and mild disgust.

"There, see? You're stunned at my forward and practical thinking. You

should take notes. Now, about those rooms. . . ."

— — —

As it turned out, creating a flat for himself—with Salazar's help, of course

—wasn't all that difficult. It did, however, mean expending huge

quantities of magic between the two of them. In the end Heru had a set

of private quarters under the lake that anyone would be envious of.

The ceilings were, indeed, of a magical one-way substance which gave

him a watery view of the lake, nearer to the shore so that the sunlight

could filter down to some degree. All in all, his quarters were

approximately the size of a small manor house. The lowest level

contained a vault and rooms for a potions lab and storage. The middle

level, in which the door leading to castle was located, consisted of things

like a kitchen, library, lounge, dining room, and a necessary. The upper

floor was comprised of bedrooms, each with their own facilities, more

storage, and a private library and study which led off the master

bedroom. It went without saying that the storage rooms had normal


When Heru asked why he needed a vault, Salazar simply gave him a look

which said everyone of importance needs a vault, and a few days later

snuck in long enough to fill it with gold and jewels. Heru didn't notice

the change for weeks, and by then it was too late to protest the phantom

gift. It did, however, raise an important point in his mind, one which he

planned on addressing in the future, just as soon as he figured out the


The entrance to the complex, which was located deep within the bowels

of the dungeons proper, was guarded by a portrait of himself, which Heru

insisted be left unlabeled except for the surname "Slytherin." A matching

portrait was placed inside the entrance hall—which extended two floors

high—so that his painted self could move between them and announce

who was on the other side if necessary.

A secondary entrance, located at the end of one of the lower floor's

hallways, led to a spot deep within the forest located to the east of the

castle itself. To Heru's eye the forest was much smaller than he

remembered it being, but that only made sense. If the scenery was

anything to go by, his rooms were on the east-most side of the lake. Heru

had insisted on the addition after a discussion about Salazar's Chamber,

which also had an alternate, outside entrance.

It wasn't until several weeks later that Salazar finally noticed something

odd about the arrangement. He and Heru were heading in to make some

last minute changes. When they stopped at the portrait, Salazar looked at

it closely, then at Heru, and back again.

"Am I imagining things," he asked, looking at Heru intently, "or have you


Heru hissed the password then said, "I don't know what you mean," as he

waited for it to fully open.

Once they were inside Salazar conjured up a mirror and stuck it to the

wall temporarily. "Look here. Your face, and the portrait's."

So Heru did, a number of times. "Why don't we look the same anymore?"

he finally asked.

"I don't know. Why do you think I brought it up?"

"You're asking me? Is it the blood bond?"

"It's never done that before. At least not that I've seen." Salazar squinted

at him. "It certainly affects the appearance of any children, but never the

one who goes through the ritual."

Heru shrugged helplessly.

"We'll just keep an eye on it, then. If you keep changing, we'll have to

check you over for mysterious maladies."

Heru was not comforted by the pronouncement. Not in the least.

— — —

Heru's sixteenth birthday finally arrived, and as a gift from his four

friends Heru received a portrait of each of them, which he promptly hung

in his study. This occasioned a small party, which brought on comments

from all of the founders on his appearance, and resulted in an

interruption of said party while they went over Heru again with every

test known to see if anything was ailing him.

Nothing was.

Later that evening, after the others had left, Heru went to bed unable to

get the mystery out of his mind.

When he awoke and was in the middle of going about his normal routine,

he was brought up short in front of his mirror. He looked like himself

again. He stumbled out into his bedroom, dressed, and drifted off to the

castle proper in a daze.

The others noticed immediately and crowded around him, pestering him

with questions he couldn't answer to their satisfaction. After he had been

led through an excruciating account of his evening after they had sought

their own beds, they all sat back, lost in thought.

Finally, Helga spoke. "Heru, you were concentrating really hard on this

last night, correct?"

"Yes," he allowed. "It was really bothering me and I kept thinking of how

I looked when I first came here."

"Did you feel anything strange?"

"Not really."

"And you woke up like this. Hm. . . ." After another period of silence she

said, "All right. Think about how you looked before you went to sleep,

Heru. Concentrate on that for a few minutes."

Heru shot her an incredulous look, then closed his eyes, building an

image of himself against the grey canvas of his mind. He opened his eyes

when he heard a gasp and said, "What?"

Rowena conjured a hand mirror and turned it to face him.

Somehow, Heru wasn't surprised at his reflection.

It was a week later when Heru remembered about the potion accident.

He had been assured repeatedly, to the point of having to dodge the

hexes of a very irate Godric, that there was no such ability. The only

thing out of the ordinary that had happened to him was the explosion.

So he went in search of his brother, finding him sitting at the edge of the

forest conversing with a small snake.


His brother looked up and nodded a greeting.

"Do me a favour, would you?"

Salazar arched a brow and tilted his head to the side.

"Just for curiosity's sake, form an image in your head of Godric and

concentrate on it really hard?"

Salazar straightened up, gave him a look as though to say he was daft,

then closed his eyes. A short time later, his features shifted abruptly.

Heru conjured a mirror and coughed; Salazar passed out. Heru told the

snake to keep an eye on his brother, then left to find the notes that

Salazar had put in his desk almost a year ago.

Several weeks after that, when everything was ready and settled—

including the slightly sullen look on Salazar's face—the students arrived.

5. Of Enchantments

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Nada.

— 04: Of Enchantments —

Arrival plus 3

Heru was tired. The school had been open for two years and the number

of students per year had risen. What started at forty-two was now almost

one hundred. Unlike in his day professors did not specialize in teaching,

with the exception of Salazar. Being the youngest, Heru had taken on the

task of teaching the least skilled of the students. Helga had the second

bunch, Godric the third, and Rowena the last. Salazar alone taught a

specific subject: potions to all years. He spent most of his free time—

which was copious—in his private lab working on experimental potions.

Heru had the sense not to be anywhere close by when that was the case.

As it was, the school year was coming to a close, and Heru was glad of

the fact. Though it would have been easier to keep the children year-

round—and probably safer—they had obligations to their families. Many

of the children needed to be home during the early summer months to

help on their parents' farmsteads, as well as for the harvest.

The school year did not start until after the harvest, accordingly, and

ended before planting season begun. Even so, most of the muggleborn

students could be overheard lamenting their return home, even as they

applauded not having to be there for the rest of the year, and thus got

out of other duties that needed to be handled year round. Magic was, in

their opinion, ever so much more fun. Milking a cow was in no way

comparable to their way of thinking.

They had but days left before they were shipped home, some parents

having already arrived to escort their progeny home, and the students

were getting antsy because of it. Heru was forced to employ stern

methods in his classes to keep the children in line, which caused any

number of complaints that he promptly ignored. When his day finally

ended, Heru was tired, and relieved. Soon enough, they would be gone,

and that day, at least, was the end of the working week.

Dinner that evening was noisy as the student's high spirits continued to

shine, making Heru that much happier when he was able to retire to the

peace and privacy of his rooms. Unfortunately, Salazar decided to come


"So," Salazar said as he dropped into a squashy chair across from Heru.

"So," said Heru, not bothering to look up.

"It's been two years, and you still haven't taken a wife."

"Neither have you," pointed out Heru.

"Ah, but you see, dear brother, I have already decided upon whom I shall

confer the favour of my hand. Or should I say, whose hand I will take."

Salazar smirked and tossed his hair back.

Heru absently thought of how close in appearance they were; he had

stopped trying to control his change and had ended up looking almost

like Salazar's twin. His eyes, however, stayed that same rare green. He

was glad for that much, though he knew he could have kept them

regardless. Either way, he no longer looked much like he had when he'd

arrived. There was only a passing resemblance left, and he very much

doubted that anyone from his time would believe it to be him.

His scar he had hidden from the world, before the first students had

arrived. Perhaps it would not have mattered long term, but he had

thought at the time it was the proper thing to do, much like changing his


"Oh? And who is this lucky lady, pray tell?" Heru asked indifferently. He

did not much care who his brother married, so long as she wasn't

annoying. And perhaps, just maybe, a wife would occupy enough of

Salazar's time that he would leave off bugging Heru about his lack of one.

"Ah, sweet bud. Her name is Ethelinda. She's from a pureblood family,

naturally. She's passing fair in looks, doesn't squint, and looks to be quite

well suited for childbearing."

Heru blinked slowly. "I see. And is she a nice girl?"

Salazar shrugged. "Does it matter? But yes, she's a biddable thing, so I

shan't have any problems I expect. She graduates this year, in fact."

"Of course. A docile child-bearer. Just what every man dreams of," Heru

said, masking the sarcasm he felt welling up inside him.

"Naturally. Well . . . I trust you aren't foolish enough to say things like

that in front of Rowena and Helga," Salazar said. "They have rather

different views."

"Why does that not surprise me?" Heru said dryly. "Though, I would have

thought that with those two as friends, your own views might have been


"I can't imagine why," responded Salazar. "But come now, stop avoiding

the subject at hand. Why have you not found a girl for yourself?"

Heru sighed heavily. "I still think I'm too young. I know it's different here

and now, but you have to understand where I come from."

"Forsooth. But you shall not be able to hold me off forever, dear brother.

I consider this matter to be of paramount importance."

"I'm sure you do. I will keep an eye out, but I promise nothing in the way

of expeditious compliance."

"Hmpfh. We shall see." Salazar stood and brushed down his tunic. "I will,

then, see you tomorrow," he said as he strode toward the exit to the

castle proper.

— — —

Breakfast went by rather quietly, the students not really yet awake. But

as the hour drew to a close they began to perk up, knowing that they had

the day in its entirety to spend outside, or in any way they pleased. So it

was that several hours later that a young girl came stumbling in through

the main doors, screaming at the top of her lungs.

Heru, relaxing in his rooms, felt the stirrings of unease, like clouds of

poisonous gas coming to envelop him where he sat. Standing, he let

himself be guided by some unknown sense, ending up several minutes

later where the girl was gasping out words of warning. Muggles were on

the grounds, trying to either capture or kill anyone they could find.

Heru and his fellow adults sprinted through the main doors and out to

the grounds. Spotting a cluster of taller figures menacing a group of

children, they raced toward them, wands at the ready. As they

approached a volley of stunning spells were cast, felling the attackers one

by one. When they drew close enough, Helga motioned to the students,

then herded them back to the castle to calm them down, by force if

necessary, and check them over for injuries.

Rowena and the men cast spells to bind the muggles as quickly, then a

single target was ennervated.

"What have you done to me!" demanded the fellow, struggling against his

bonds. "Foul creatures! Abominations! We will destroy you!" he yelled in


Salazar looked at Godric and snorted, then said, "You lot are here to

destroy us?"

"Yes!" the man shouted. "Your kind is abhorrent to normal people. You

don't deserve to live, you perversions of nature." He continued to struggle

and shout nauseatingly obscene insults until Godric stunned him again.

The sudden silence was shocking.

After staring at him for a minute, Heru finally asked, "What shall we do?"

"What is there to do? Take them far from here and corrupt their

memories. If they cannot remember this place, they cannot come back to

cause more problems," said Rowena.

Salazar sighed and shot infuriatingly knowing looks at the others, then

said, "Wait here. Keep an eye on them until I get back."

He returned with a sack of potions and administered a phial to each of

the captives, stroking their throats to force them to swallow.

"They'll be out for at least a day. Let's obliviate them, then load them up

in a wagon and let one of the local farmers haul them somewhere."

As no one had a better idea, they did exactly that, removing the ropes

before turning the task over to one of the men who routinely worked in

the castle gardens, a squib by nature. He was more than happy to assist,

saying that he'd be sure to take the bumpiest route he could think. After a

wide, toothless grin, he clucked at the nag harnessed to the wagon and

set off.

It was then, as they canvassed the grounds for any others hiding in wait,

that they found the dead bodies.

— — —

The bodies had been identified, and seven students were left orphaned in

the aftermath. The last few days of the school year were canceled. The

remainder of the children left for home as soon as their escorts arrived

and had rested overnight. All were assured that the founders would

ensure this could not happen a second time.

After hours of discussion, constantly interrupted by at least one of them

being called away to comfort the bereaved children, they had decided

what to do—about the orphaned students at least. Local families of good

standing would be endowed, and in return they would take on the

responsibility of caring for the children. Some of their own children

would soon be coming to Hogwarts.

The first exception was Caedryn, a second year male student to whom

Heru had taken a great liking to. He expressed his interest to the others

of adopting the child, and they agreed, despite the fact that Heru had no

wife. They knew how well he usually interacted with the youngest of

students, and had seen for themselves how Caedryn looked up to Heru

after two years at the castle.

The second was Ethelinda, Salazar's intended. There was no question of

where she would be living, having already agreed to wed. Her family had

been thrilled at such a fine match their daughter, and had given their

blessing almost as soon as they had been approached. Salazar would

abide by the conventions and put off the bonding until a year of

mourning had passed, but other than that, his plans stood firm. She

would live in the castle until that time, in an apartment of her own.

The only thing remaining to do was to contact the families in the tiny

settlement nearby, and talk to the children. Heru, though nervous,

thought that Caedryn would be agreeable. Or at least, as agreeable as one

could be with such a fresh loss.

Several days later, after the worst of the initial shock had worn off, Heru

pulled Caedryn aside and away from his fellow orphans, bringing him to

his private quarters deep under the lake. Once Caedryn was safely settled

in a comfortable chair, Heru began his appeal.

"Caedryn, I wanted to ask you something," Heru said in soothing tones.

"Sir?" Caedryn said in a dull voice.

"You see, we get along very well. I've grown rather attached to you over

the past two years."

Caedryn raised his head a little, looking slightly more interested in both

his surroundings and his professor.

"I really don't want to upset you any further, but you're going to need a

new home." Heru glanced down at his hands and realized he was

wringing them slowly; he stilled the movement of his hands abruptly.

"And, I thought I would offer my home to you, if you'd like that."

"What about the others?" Caedryn asked.

"Assuming things go to plan, they'll be placed with good families in the

nearby settlement since they have no other family left, either," Heru


"Why am I different, then?"

"You just are. I see a lot of myself in you." Heru hesitated then said, "If

you'd rather not, we'll find you a family in the village like for the others.

Either way you'd still be able to attend school here."

"What about my home?"

"We've been making arrangements to travel to everyone's homes to

collect anything they need and settle affairs, so you'll be going as well.

You needn't fear that you'd be left out, Caedryn. And if you want a few

days to think about my offer, that's fine. The last thing I want is for you

to feel pressured."

"No, it's all right, sir. I accept your offer." Caedryn gave Heru a tentative

smile, which Heru returned.

"I'm very glad to hear that, Caedryn. Would you prefer to stay in your

current rooms, or move your things here? Just because I'm to be your

guardian does not mean I'll insist that you stay down here, but I would

like it if you did."

Caedryn said, "I'd need to stay with my year during school, though."

When Heru nodded, he said, "I think I'd like to live here with you."

"Then let me help you collect your belongings, and I'll give you a tour

when we come back."

— — —

The founders took turns escorting the orphans to their homes, along with

one member of their new family, to gather up anything they might wish

to keep, and collect anything else that might be of use in the village.

Salazar accompanied Heru and Caedryn, traveling mainly by mundane

methods; one could not very well apparate to an unknown place without

severe risk of damage.

When they arrived, Heru and Caedryn set about dealing with the contents

of the small home while Salazar went off to see the local Lord to inform

him of the abandonment of the property due to the death of the family

who held the land of him. Salazar prudently did not mention that the boy

lived, and by the time anyone arrived to check on things, the trio were

well away.

The village outside the castle was scheduled for renovation. The founders

wished to expand it to accommodate the influx of residents, especially

the homes of those families which were taking on additional mouths to

feed. Because of the villagers' fondness for mead—a number of them

harvested wild honey to ferment—a name was chosen: Hogsmeade.

The tiny inn, as yet unnamed, was expanded as well, as it belonged to

one of the families taking on orphans. Things brought back from the trips

were divided up into groups. Anything a particular child didn't care to

keep was placed to the side for division among the villagers, with records

kept of the approximate value of the goods.

Records were kept of the totals; the orphans who availed themselves of

the inn's primitive tavern could get simple meals, paid for out of their

credits. Once those were gone, they would need to find other ways to

pay, such as bartering chores or other work either in the village or up at

the castle.

All of the new construction was arranged and paid for out of the

founders' personal funds, much like the Lord of a castle would take care

of the settlements on his land and under his control. Having done that,

the founders turned to even more important matters.

Day after day was spent either in discussion or work, devising,

experimenting, and finally creating defensive wards for the castle and its

immediate environs. The final touch were the repellant enchantments,

those that made it impossible for muggles to see the reality of the

landscape in the vicinity, and which subtly encouraged them to find

business elsewhere post haste. These extended to cover the small forest

off to the east on the grounds that it presented an issue of security; in

many places forests were used as hideouts for bandits and thugs, and the

founders did not want to overlook this potential problem.

At the beginning of the month before school was due to resume, Heru

found himself with a young boy on his hands who was persistent in

pushing a particular wish of his.

"But we're magic," Caedryn had said. "Can you not make it so that you are

more than just a guardian to me?"

Heru had closely questioned the boy, wanting to be sure of exactly what

Caedryn was requesting. In the end he had gone to Salazar and Godric to

discuss things.

"He wants to blood bond to me," explained Heru once they were settled


"Well, it would be a step toward you having legitimate heirs," pointed out

Salazar reasonably, "and you are to all accounts his parent now."

"Yes. But will you do it?" asked Heru.

"Of course. As Godric stood in for family before, so shall I this time. We'll

bond the boy to you as child."

In preparation of the event, Heru decided to do something a little

different. He spent a full week spell weaving, taking threads of raw silk

and magically binding them together, laced with the essence of his blood.

When he was done, he held a fair sized tapestry which he permanently

stuck to the wall in his study. Thus far it only showed his name and


After the ritual was complete, with Salazar standing in to perform the

rites, the tapestry was seen to update itself to include Caedryn. Heru's

family was begun, at a mere eighteen years of age.

6. Things Change

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: (This originally contained babbling about my computer woes of

the time.)

— 05: Things Change —

It was a very private bonding; the only attendees were Godric, Rowena

and Helga, Heru and Caedryn, and of course, Salazar and Ethelinda. The

bride was dressed in forest green silk embroidered with delicate silver

thread. Her robes were form fitting above the waist, then flaring out over

her hips, split down the front to reveal a chemise of pale green. Had Heru

not known better, he would have sworn it was a dress. Salazar was

dressed similarly, though he looked eminently masculine in his attire.

In less than an hour the ceremony was complete and everyone made for

the refreshments. Less than an hour after that Salazar and Ethelinda had

disappeared. Shortly thereafter the group dispersed.

— — —

Heru thought it was a good thing, having come back here and learning

things long since forgotten. Whether no one had bothered to write things

down, or the books had eventually turned to dust, or even if those with

the knowledge had died without issue or capable apprentices, Heru did

not know. But his personal library held the wisdom of the age, and every

book in his collection was protected by enchantments. So long as they

were kept stored in their cases, time could not erase their lore.

He was especially glad of the knowledge he had obtained when he

decided to rework the external entrance to his quarters. It was warded,

certainly, but not in a way he was happy with for the long term. No one

had figured out the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets for centuries, and

he wanted something as innocuous, or at least better protected than it

was now.

The forest would get larger, he knew; it was currently nowhere near the

size it was in his time. He hovered overhead, the broom he was riding a

far cry from what he considered to be minimally decent, and sighted

landmarks to triangulate by. He assumed, given what he'd chosen, that

they would stand the test of time. If not, he would be remembering the

location the hard way.

Once he had the locations fixed in his mind, he landed at the entrance

and began to work. The entrance currently was a simple descent into the

earth, lined with stone, and covered with obfuscation and repelling

charms. Further in was a password-protected door, much in the same

style as the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. But the present

arrangement wasn't good enough.

It took him hours, but when he was done he had a new, unobtrusive

entrance a short distance away from the original. In looks it was simple

enough; it greatly resembled a milestone pillar. Surrounding it was an

innocent looking disc of flat stones with the occasional weed or spot of

grass growing from the mortar that bound them together.

In reality, it was far more complicated. The pillar was imbued with magic

to create a control mechanism which would activate when the password

was given, but only if the person attempting it had Heru's own magical


The stones he had so painstakingly arranged would drop into a circular

staircase which led down to the second gateway, a door which was also

password-protected like the pillar. The redundancy was tedious, but Heru

decided that one couldn't be too careful. Only once you were past the

door would you enter the passageway to his private quarters.

The pillar would both raise and lower the stairs, as would similar

mechanism on the passage side of the door. After testing his efforts a

dozen times over, Heru decided to rework the original entrance as it was

no longer needed, and covered it after converting it into a small storage


The last thing he did was to add in spells which would allow him to spy

on the surrounding area to see if anyone was present. All this work would

be of little use otherwise if he opened the entrance while someone was

present to see it happen.

Eventually pleased with the results, Heru wandered around the forest for

a while, making non-functional replicas of the pillar and its surrounding

ring of stone. Each had the approximate distance to the castle incised in

bas-relief. Absolutely nothing set them apart from the original in

appearance except the distance marking.

When he was done making decoys, Heru returned to his private entrance,

descended and closed it back up. After he carefully made his way to his

quarters, Heru choked down some food, stripped and cast a cleansing

charm on himself, then passed out in bed.

— — —

The next morning after breakfast, Heru and Caedryn took their daily

constitutional around the grounds, skirting the lake and forest, and even

down to the village and back. The past year had been a good one for

their relationship, and Heru had come to realize how emotionally

rewarding it was for him to have a son, though he understood that he

had missed much having acquired a child of that age.

As they walked past the forest for the second time, their discussion was

interrupted by trilling. It was rather far off at first, but it continued to

draw closer, causing them to stop and wait to see if the songmaker would

appear. Out of the forest flew a brilliantly scarlet and gold phoenix, its

beak open to let loose liquid sound that soothed and invigorated at the

same time.

The bird swooped in and landed on Heru's shoulder, flipped its wings

back and finished its song.

Heru gave Caedryn a sidelong look then turned his head at an angle to

gaze at the phoenix, which clicked its beak at him. Caedryn, eyes wide

with astonishment, stepped around to face his father, carefully tucking

his hands behind him and leaning forward slightly.

"Greetings, my fine friend," Heru said, not knowing what else to do, but

knowing that, like Fawkes, this phoenix would likely appreciate being

treated courteously.

The bird gave a short, happy trill and nudged his cheek with its beak.

"Has it chosen you, father?" asked Caedryn breathlessly.

"It?" he replied, still gazing at the phoenix. "I don't know, Caedryn.

Though why—my dear fellow, would that be right? Have you chosen me,

or are you just in the mood for company?"

The phoenix trilled again, sending a shiver of warmth down Heru's spine,

then nuzzled against his face. Heru flicked his eyes toward his son,

arched a brow, then looked back at the bird.

"How about we head back to the castle? If our friend here would like to

accompany us, perhaps the others could assist us with that question. And

if he chooses to fly away, we shall be grateful that we were visited by

such a delightful creature even for such a short time."

Caedryn nodded eagerly so Heru turned carefully so as not to disturb the

phoenix's perch, and started the walk back up, his son tagging along at

his side. When they reached the main doors the bird was still perfectly

content to remain so they continued on in to search out the founders.

They found them in the kitchen, clustered around one of the tables

discussing the rising number of students and what should be done to

handle the increase. Heru's appearance with a phoenix on his shoulder

stopped everyone cold, causing them to stare at him with varying degrees

of surprise on their faces.

"Isn't it wonderful!" crowed Caedryn, who was bouncing up and down.

"Heru, what have we here?" asked Rowena, tilting her head to the side

and giving him an intense look.

"Well, that's what I was hoping to find out. I've only ever met one

phoenix before, and he was the familiar of, um—well, anyway, I'm not

really sure what's going on, but Caedryn seems to think I've been chosen."

"And you have," spoke Salazar with no small amount of smugness. Heru

did not doubt that his brother counted this as coup for the family name.

After Heru gave him a quizzical look, Salazar said, "You merely need to

accept. Formally, that is. They very rarely choose the company of a

wizard, or witch for that matter."

As Heru stood there feeling a bit lost—it wasn't as though anyone had

ever explained this formal acceptance thing to him—Godric began to

smile widely. "Go on, then. Say something along the lines of 'I accept

your offer of companionship.'"

"Er, right." Heru angled his head again so he could look the phoenix in

the eye. "Though I know not why, I am very honored that you have

come, and would be pleased if you would remain with me to be my

companion and guard my back should it be needful."

The phoenix seemed to think that was suitable and let loose another

glorious trilling sequence. Heru felt the bird's acceptance of his words

settle over him like a warm, comfortable mist, and grinned rather


After several suggestions were tossed at Heru as to a name for his new

friend, Heru said, "Would you like Praecino as your name, perhaps?"

The phoenix nodded and nudged him, so Heru took it as given. "Right. I

should show you where I live, no? And find you a nice place to rest when

you like." Heru turned back to his companions and smiled, saying, "Thank

you for your guidance."

As he turned to go Caedryn was already by the door, pulling it open.

Back in his private quarters, Heru watched as Praecino flew over to perch

on the back of a chair, then started looking for something handy to

transfigure into a stand—something vaguely similar to the one that

Professor Dumbledore used.

Heru suddenly felt tired, watching his son acting with all the exuberance

of youth, and gave a half smile to Caedryn when he had a chance to sit

down and Praecino was testing out his new perch.

"I wonder what phoenixes eat?" he mused.

That afternoon he sat with the founders to bring himself up to speed on

the discussion he had interrupted that morning. Helga was advocating

the hire of additional staff. People were needed to teach, to tend to the

castle, to cook, and so forth. While Salazar agreed, he found it hard to

believe that they would be able to find enough people to meet their

growing needs.

So Heru said, "What about more house elves? Not for teaching, of course,

but for everything else. They're small, loyal, and just love to work. I think

if it were a given that any in service to the school continue to be well

treated. . . ."

The others mulled that over for a bit, casting speculative glances at each

other. "We wouldn't be able to bring in that many at first," said Rowena,

"but Heru is right. They work very hard, and do excellent work."

Heru spared a moment to send up a prayer for forgiveness to Hermione

for such a betrayal of her ideals. Realistically, however, he knew very

well it would have happened regardless, so he didn't feel all that bad

about having suggested it.

"And, if they take on the mantle of most of the domestic work, that leaves

only a few people to be hired on for teaching duties," Heru added in a

reasonable tone. "However, I think it makes sense to say that we should

specialize more if we've more people. Salazar already does."

More nods followed, along with talk of who might be suitable. Heru

eventually became bored and slipped off to admire Praecino; they were

bogged down in a discussion of various candidates, none of which Heru

knew or could comment intelligently on.

— — —

Though it had not occurred to him at the time of his change, it was when

Caedryn complained that the entrance portrait didn't look like Heru that

he decided it would be the better part of discretion to have it updated.

He really should have thought of it earlier. It was not until well after

Salazar had proudly announced that Ethelinda was expecting that Heru

managed to secure the services of the same artist who had painted it to

come to the castle and begin the delicate work.

That he needed to do both portraits was something that profoundly

disturbed Heru, as it meant either letting the man inside his quarters, or

adding an alternate method of entrance to the rooms. In the end he let

the man complete the first portrait, then had them switched, and let the

man finish the second. The portraits didn't care which one was outside,

after all, and they often switched frames. In the end both pictures looked

a great deal more like he was presently.

By then Salazar's wife was starting to show her condition—that is, when

anyone actually saw her. Salazar seemed rather happy about the fact that

she was a retiring, rather shy creature. Heru simply rolled his eyes a lot

when her name came up—out of Salazar's sight, naturally—and declined

to comment whenever possible.

It was easy enough to do when Salazar insisted on extolling the supposed

virtues of his Ethelinda, those being the very kinds of things that Heru

considered to be incredibly sexist and archaic. And as he knew without

question that Salazar was not about to change—and Heru had no

business thinking he would—he held his tongue, nodded a great deal,

and hoped his brother would forget about his own lack of a wife.

After all, he did genuinely like Salazar and enjoy his company, just not

when it came to discussing any female aside from Rowena or Helga.

Partly in the hopes that it would keep his brother too busy to remember

certain details he would prefer Salazar forget, Heru suggested that his

brother begin writing down his doctrines, along with anything else he felt


Heru himself was interested to see what Salazar would commit to paper,

and had hopes that he could read his brother's writings in the future.

How far into the future that would be he had no idea of knowing,


He also took the time to ask Salazar about the basilisk. Salazar was rather

offhand about the entire subject, insisting it was really nothing special.

"Look here. She's just a pet, dear brother. A bit on the large side, I admit,

but still a pet. What's to worry about?"

"But, Salazar, knowing what I know, your answer doesn't tell me much of

anything," he protested.

"Well, you've never been very forthcoming on the subject yourself."

Heru came to the conclusion after several minutes of circular arguments

that Salazar would never admit to anything. He could only conclude that

the basilisk was a failsafe of some kind. It was not something he could

actively interfere with, much as it pained him. He did feel that he had

won something, though, when Salazar agreed to keep a journal.

The school year continued on; the new teachers were settling into their

positions, and Heru was happy to be teaching the Defense classes, though

he felt some loss at not having as close a relationship with a year group.

Had things been like this when Caedryn had lost his family, he might not

have a son.

Spring arrived in due time and Ethelinda was blooming along with the

early flowers. Unfortunately, she was not the type to attain that special

glow some women did. Instead she was even more rarely seen due to her

increasingly cranky mood and erratic behavior. Shortly thereafter, she

delivered up a healthy son, which Salazar promptly named Salvalus.

It was a bad day for Heru when he realized that the birth of Salazar's son

meant his brother's mind could now switch focus from that happy event

to the scandalizing lack of a wife on Heru's part. Salazar became

increasingly persistent on the subject, going so far as to grab the arm of

passing girls in the school and subject them to numerous questions about

their parentage, then look at Heru questioningly.

Heru finally appealed to Helga and Rowena for assistance. He spent

several hours talking with them, all but coming out and saying that

women did absolutely nothing for him, without quite making it plain.

Whatever they thought of his diffidence was left unsaid. They did,

however, take the time to winnow through the current student

population in an attempt to find a girl of good breeding and suitable age,

who was as indifferent as Heru to the idea, yet still willing to secure

herself a good marriage if offered.

Heru took to spying up and down corridors in an effort to avoid his

brother, and while that worked well enough, it did not prevent Salazar

from entering his quarters to ambush him and inquire about his progress

in the search. An offer to personally assist sent Heru flying back to the

ladies for protection.

When they finally decided on the girl they deemed best, Heru was caught

between relief and further anxiety. He met with her to talk, and to

ascertain that she was actually willing—not that he distrusted the ladies

—and that she was someone he could at least get along with. It was just

as well she was in her last year. Once Salazar found out about her and

had given his personal seal of approval, he would let nothing stop their

joining come the summer.

That Caedryn seemed to be pleased with the idea of a step-mother was

enough for Heru to strictly forbid himself from ever appearing anything

but pleased by the whole venture. The boy got along with Regan far

better than Heru did, but then he wasn't the one who had to marry her.

Even Praecino acted as though he approved of the girl.

A small distraction came in the form of the upcoming end of term.

Another discussion broke out when the numbers were compiled for the

next year; the people in the village had never been slow about producing

children, nor had wizarding families living further away.

The problem was not so much that they were lacking personnel, but that

the student housing was becoming an issue. All the girls were placed in

one location, the boys in another; the founders knew that their

population would continue to rise, and the current arrangement would

not suit forever.

Add to that their differing opinions on who should be allowed to attend

the school. Salazar was still against the idea of muggleborns being

accepted, but grudgingly gave way. Heru was wondering if he would

have to remind his friends of what they had learned from seeing his

memories or if they'd spontaneously recall how it was handled in later


They still had not decided by the time the students returned home and

Heru was seriously considering giving his friends a sharp nudge.

Anything to keep Salazar distracted from the upcoming wedding. Godric

saved the day when he ambled into the kitchen and flung himself into a

chair carelessly, tossed his hat down, and promptly squished it by

swinging his legs up to rest on the table.

After an exclamation of dismay—Salazar chided him on his bad manners

—Godric tried to rectify the damage, but the poor hat sat there bent and

crumpled. When one looked at it right, it rather resembled a crotchety

old man who'd had a little too much to drink, tilted over as though it

couldn't keep its balance.

Heru waited patiently for their minds to produce what he knew must be

there, waiting to come to fruition, and heaved a sigh of relief when Helga

said, "Oh, how charming! It looks like you after a night in the tavern,

Godric." She laughed merrily as she looked at the hat again.

"Hush," he scolded.

"No, really. All it needs is a bit of your personality and we'd be all set."

Something flickered across Rowena's face, then subsided, but she gave

the hat a closer look.

Helga snatched the hat off the table and placed it over one hand, playing

with it like a puppet. Raising it in front of her face she used her fingers to

move an impromptu mouth.

"Godric," she had the hat say gruffly, "you should be more careful!"

Salazar began snickering quietly and Rowena covered her mouth hastily.

Heru sat back with a slight smirk on his face.

"I ought to have said something sooner," said the hat. "If I had half your

brain I'd—"

Helga stopped and turned the hat around to face her with a frown on her

face. "Now there's an interesting thought. Don't you think?"

She turned the hat back. "I would if I could," said the hat.

Helga moved the hat to the side and raised her brows at Rowena in a

silent question. Rowena in turn tilted her head down to the right for a

moment, her forehead furrowed slightly, before looking up over at

Salazar. He was tapping his chin with one long finger.

Heru felt almost sad. He would never know if the sorting hat was a

paradoxical creation, or their own idea spun from the whole cloth of

their imaginations.

It took a month for them to work out the details of the hat and how it

would determine who went where, and to infuse it with their own

thoughts and power. Once completed it enjoyed pride of place on the

desk in Godric's office.

Then, Salazar remembered about Regan.

7. Life's Little Surprises

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: (Originally contained babbling that isn't all that important now.)

— 06: Life's Little Surprises —

Arrival plus 5

A small gathering was held at the end of July that year, a small honoring

of Heru's twentieth birthday. He might have enjoyed it more—and he

usually did—had it not been for the fact that on the next day he was to

wed Regan. It continued to annoy him that his brother had been and was

so damnably insistent on this, whereas his other friends—the remaining

founders—hadn't even started looking for themselves.

He still worried about what would happen if he were called back to his

own time. Would Regan even care? Would she be relieved that she was

free of an arrangement of convenience? Should he even mention it? It

was bad enough that Heru had adopted a son—not that he would change

that if he could—but marriage implied more children, and that meant

more people left behind.

In consequence he drank perhaps a little more than he should have, and

went to bed feeling rather giddy when he wasn't morose. When he awoke

the next morning, rousted out of bed at an abominably early hour by a

disgustingly cheerful Salazar, he was surly and ready to snap at everyone

and everything. His head ached and his stomach was queasy, though he

honestly wasn't sure if it was the mead or his feelings about the day

which brought them on.

His brother chivvied him about like a mother hen, chattering away

brightly as Heru bathed and got dressed, and adjusted his clothing as

though Heru were a life sized doll of some kind. It was with a great deal

of self control that Heru nobly refrained from socking his brother in the

teeth as he blathered on about the benefits of having a wife to warm

one's bed and be available to do his bidding and any number of other

domestic things that Heru had been managing on his own quite

comfortably for years.

The ceremony was held at the top of one of the towers, providing a

brilliant backdrop of cloudless blue sky and a gentle breeze to flirt with

their clothing and hair. Heru was too preoccupied with not stumbling

over his lines to appreciate the setting though, keeping his eyes on Godric

the entire time.

Regan spoke in a calm, clear voice, seemingly indifferent. In an odd way

that served to help settle Heru's nerves. Once the final vows were spoken

and Heru had given his new bride a chaste kiss, they repaired to a room

inside the tower for a light meal. Gifts were displayed off to one side long

enough to be noticed before a house elf delivered them to Heru's quarters

for later investigation.

When they were finally able to escape the tower, Heru bade his son to go

find something to amuse himself with and led Regan down to the

dungeons and into his quarters, giving her a non-parseltongue password

with which to gain entrance. Inside they settled into a pair of

comfortable chairs by the fire, which had been lit in anticipation of their



"Yes, husband?" she replied calmly, gazing into the flickering flames.

Heru winced. "Er, please don't call me that. It sounds so . . . formal."

"As you wish." She gave him a placid look.

"I know I've already asked you this before, and it's a little late to be

asking it again, but are you really all right with this? We barely even

know one another."

"I was not forced. From all that I have seen you are a good man, and a

kind one. While I was not actively seeking a husband, I could do far

worse than to be married to you, and well know it."

"And you could possibly have done far better."

"That is irrelevant now, is it not? Conversely, you may be trampled by a

hippogriff tomorrow and I left a rich widow."

Heru was startled enough out of his anxiety to chuckle. "All right. I'm


"Do not apologize to me for speaking your feelings, Heru. I think that

both of us would prefer honesty over sweet little lies designed to

accommodate rather than reveal."

He nodded and looked at his hands for a moment. "Yes. Does it bother

you that Caedryn is almost as old as you are?"

"He is a delightful boy. You took him in, I presume, out of the kindness of

your heart and because you felt some sense of kinship with him. I would

be a fool to disdain such an action. If it is easier for us to be as mother

and son, so be it. Else, if sister and younger brother, that is also well."

"I think," said Heru slowly, "that you are likely far wiser than I am."

She gave him a faintly impish smile and replied, "Some say women

always are." Then she sobered and looked at him quite seriously. "Heru,

speak your mind. You sit there so uncomfortably, perched at the edge of

your chair. I would be blind to still not see that you did not want this,

but I am not offended by it. I do not feel it has anything to do with me,

and I would like to at least be your friend."

Heru slumped in his chair. "That would be nice. It's true, I didn't want

this. I didn't think I was ready for it. And it's true that it has nothing to

do with you. I just—I see my brother, and how he is, and I think—that

isn't me."

"And you are not. Had you been, I would not have agreed to this."

He brushed the hair out of his eyes to study her for a few seconds. He

thought that perhaps this would not be so bad after all. After a moment

he pulled out his wand and summoned the table over to them, then

returned it to its holster.

"We might as well see what presents we got," he said with a faint smile

for her.

They took their time opening each offering, pulling away the wrappings

to be set aside for later use, and reversing the miniaturization used to

keep down the sheer size of some of the gifts. There were bolts of silks

and velvets for Regan, a set of manticore-skin clothing for Heru, and a

portrait of Regan to be placed in the study.

There was a phial of re'em blood, which Heru carefully set aside for later.

He only vaguely recalled what it was for and thought it wiser to wait

before availing himself of it. And there was a cradle, which caused Heru

to flush uncomfortably as Regan looked on in quiet contemplation.

"Do you . . . want children?" he asked softly.

"I would be lying if I said otherwise," she replied with equal softness. "But

I do not consider such to be my life's sole ambition." Regan reached out

and lifted his chin with her fingers, gently making him meet her eyes. "I

do not claim to fully understand your reluctance on some things, but rest

assured that I will ask no more of you than you are capable of giving. I

do, though, find it in my heart to yearn for a few."

"Very well. I would prefer you not be unhappy, Regan, so I will do my


"That is all I could ask for." She smiled and released him, then picked up

the last gift, which was revealed to be a set of cloak pins with the

Slytherin family crest.

A short time later as they were sipping tea and cautiously feeling each

other out on various topics, Caedryn dashed through the door and

skidded to a stop.

"Is it all right if I stay in the village with Carsis and Clanar for a few days,

father?" he asked breathlessly, then blushed and gave Regan a sketchy

bow of greeting.

"Their family does not mind?" Heru asked.

Caedryn shook his head. "Not at all, and it would be ever so much fun.

Do say yes, please, father?"

"Hmmm." Heru finished his tea, swirled the cup, and flipped it over onto

a service tray to drain.

"Oh, father, really! Not that again," whined Caedryn.

Heru silenced him with a stern look, waited a bit, then flipped over the

cup and peered into it. After mumbling unintelligibly for a few moments

and making some odd noises, he looked up and smiled. "Very well. But I

trust I you will comport yourself properly during your stay."

"Of course, father." Caedryn looked positively scandalized at the idea of

acting up, though they were both well aware that he was no more saintly

than any other boy his age.

Heru gave him an incredulous look and waved his hand. "Off with you,

then, and don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Thank you, father," Caedryn said with a bounce. "I'll just go collect a few

things and see you both in a few days." He sketched another bow to

Regan and dashed out.

She gave Heru an amused look and said, "You really do care about each


"He's one of the best things that ever happened to me," he replied, then

rinsed and re-filled his cup.

— — —

Heru was, to put it mildly, discomfited. He had at first tried to recall how

he'd felt when he'd see Cho in the halls or at meal times, to remember

exactly what sensations those encounters had produced within him. But

those memories were fleeting and unreal, as difficult to grasp as mist and

as hard to hold on to as a fading dream.

Kissing Regan made him feel as though something was out of kilter, or

missing. While her body was finely formed, it did not incite him to any

particular action, but rather left him indifferent. And when he joined

with her and began the slow but steadily quickening dance of lovers, he

could not help but feel curiously detached from the process.

He did not know if it was because she was nearly a stranger to him, or if

it was that she had a way of unintentionally making him feel so much

younger. He was not even sure if his breakdown in the graveyard and the

subsequent events had somehow shattered a part of him that might never

be mended. All he knew was that this act, supposed to be one of pleasure

and joy, left him as unmoved as he had ever known.

That knowledge weighed heavily on his shoulders, even as they came

together more quickly and strived for that pinnacle to be sought after.

And yet . . . there was a soft song that reached his ears, a song that

cleared away the worry from his mind and allowed him to continue

where he might have faltered. The song of what could only be Praecino,

soothing away his inadequacies long enough for them to cry out and


Some few minutes later, Regan's quiet voice sounded out of the darkness.

"Is that normal behavior for a phoenix?"

— — —

September found Salazar strutting through the castle well pleased with

himself. Ethelinda was expecting again, and Heru's brother was the type

to think that showed how manly he was. Heru privately wondered how

on earth Salazar had become such good friends with ladies like Helga and

Rowena given his rather muggle-like views on the proper place and

duties of women. He also wondered how it was that his brother still had

his own teeth given the frequency with which he invariably infuriated

someone over the course of any given day.

While Salazar had not been the easiest of men to begin with, marriage

had had the effect of solidifying certain views he held. And, while it was

not clear why it seemed to strengthen some and not others, Heru and

everyone else was made exceedingly well aware of Salazar's increasingly

demanding recommendations that muggleborn children not be allowed

into the school.

He went out of his way to cite examples of the barbarism that muggles

appeared to revel in, and shared each and every report of muggle activity

anywhere near Hogwarts as though it were a crowning piece in his

arguments. And yet, Salazar had so many admirable qualities about him;

his generosity was legend, his breadth of talent astonishing, and his mind

blazingly intelligent. He would no sooner snub one of the muggleborn

students under their care than he would slap Rowena for a joke at his


Heru knew what would eventually come. He just did not know how, or

why, or when. That partial knowledge ate at his insides and caused him

to ignore much of the unpleasantness that Salazar brought into their

lives. However it happened, he knew he would fiercely miss the man who

made him brother.

But that, it appeared, would not be for some time yet. The castle seemed

to sparkle, and inhabitants within its walls moved about with a quiet

confidence that bespoke safe and happy lives.

Regan's parents arrived in the village one fine morning with a wagon

piled high with their belongings, intent on settling closer to their

daughter, and on getting to know their new son-in-law Heru. Everyone

pitched in to construct a modest house on a quiet, though developing

street for them, and lingered long hours when they had completed their

welcoming gesture over mead and victuals laid out on tables that

groaned from their weight.

Despite his nervousness, Regan was so clearly content with her life that

Heru found he need not have worried about his reception with her

parents. They were openly pleased to meet him, and her father stole

away Caedryn almost immediately to explain to him all about their

family business.

If it were not for the part of his life that Heru could not still fully

embrace—that part that only Praecino could ease him through—one

might have said he was the epitome of a happily married man. He had a

son he loved, a wife he found to be an intelligent, witty companion and

good friend, and a home and friends he frankly adored. And wonder of

wonders, he got along splendidly with Regan's parents. The only people

who knew differently were Heru, Regan and Praecino, and they never

talked of it.

In October, when the temperature began to chill and the air took on a

crisp quality, the people of Hogwarts began to notice that the staircases

were often not in the same position as they were the day before, or the

day before that. Since no one wanted to stay awake of a night spying on

them, it was shrugged off and laughed about as an oddity, a quirk, and

not anything harmful.

Midway through the month the students began to arrive, stopping in at

the village to rest before making the final leg of their journey. As they

wandered into the Great Hall in small groups, some paused to take in the

changes that had been made, then turn back to their companions to

speculate on what was to happen.

They milled around uncertainly until Helga took charge, bidding them to

form lines according to their year groups and quiet themselves so that

they might proceed.

"There are," began Godric, "as you may have wondered, to be some few

changes starting this year. Because we are so many, and expect to be

more as the years roll on, we have decided to alter how we handle

certain aspects of your life here, and our own."

He swept his gaze out across the many upturned faces and continued.

"You are to be sorted into houses, which will determine where in the

castle you will reside, with whom you will sit at meals, and so forth. Each

of you in turn will come up, and once your house is named will be

directed to the appropriate table."

After a quick glance at his fellow founders, Godric nodded and pointed at

the first column of children. "We'll start with you."

In retrospect it was a good thing the students had arrived early that day,

well rested and fed, for it took several hours to sort every child standing

in the hall. Heru, who normally enjoyed sorting ceremonies, found

himself stifling yawn after yawn and feeling as though his brains would

leak out his ears if he had to listen for much longer. It was a shame,

though, he reflected, that the sorting hat had not yet inspired itself to

song. Perhaps it was too young in life to be bored enough to find ways to

amuse itself.

When the last student had been sorted and taken a seat, Heru sat up a

little straighter at the high table and tried to look more awake. Godric

gratefully slumped into a seat and let Rowena take the floor.

"Now that we are all settled, I have a few announcements to make before

we eat, so please bear with me. It will not take long," she said.

"Thank goodness that's over," said Godric in an undertone. "Much more of

that and I'd have had to hex myself senseless to relieve the sheer tedium."

Heru gave him a quick look and choked back a bark of laughter, nudged

Godric into an upright position, then turned to face the students with a

perfectly composed face.

Rowena went on to explain about the increase in professors, and quickly

introduce each and which subject they would be teaching. In mere

minutes everyone was ravenously tucking into plates heaped with food,

the prevailing mood throughout the hall being relieved appreciation.

When the students were as groaningly full with food as the tables had

been, and the professors were quite willing to retreat for that one last

evening sans children, the four founders stood. Each went to the house

table they headed and bid the children to follow them to their new


It was around then that Heru realized he hadn't even registered which

house Caedryn had been sorted into.

November brought with it another change to the school. Heretofore, no

one had ever actually caught the staircases in movement, though the

evidence of their activity was clearly seen on a regular basis. Now,

however, students could occasionally be heard shrieking with laughter

over the rumbling noises of a stair swiveling from one landing to another,

often delaying the children in their attempts to navigate the castle.

After the first few times, when adults had come running from every

direction at what they perceived as the sound of a child in peril, they

stopped bolting like frightened rabbits each time it happened.

They had only just become accustomed to this new facet of castle life

when previously normal portraits—ones that had been placed in various

spots for a bit of colour or to soften the stone walls—began to act just

like their magically-created counterparts.

One might see a shy shepherdess peeking out from among her flock, or a

strapping young man brandishing his sword to excite the fancy of girls

passing by. Heru speculated with Regan that it could be that as the level

of available magic rose, and with each and every spell that released that

energy into the air, that the castle itself was coming to life.

She had taken to giving him odd looks over some of his theories, but that

might have simply been because she, like Ethelinda, was now expecting.

Heru had been mystified by the changes he'd seen previously in Salazar's

wife during those rare occasions that he spent time with her, and

wondered very privately if his own wife would become practically

another person over the course of the months ahead.

On the other hand, when Regan had come to him with a smile of

restrained pride and announced that she was with child, he had

experienced a deep wave of relief that he could for a time ignore that

particular portion of his life, like a poorly fitted costume tucked back into

the dark depths of a seldom used closet. Because of it, he was able to be

tenderly solicitous about her health and needs, even if he wasn't sure he

was ready for the end results.

8. More and Less

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Hmm, none, really, except to say that this story somehow got a

great deal more serious along the way when I wasn't paying attention. I'm

not sure how I feel about that.

— 07: More and Less —

Arrival plus 6

Caedryn was nowhere to be found. Heru suspected the boy was down in

the village enjoying the hospitality of Regan's parents and pestering the

father about his work. The moment the year had finished he had begun

talking about moving down to be closer to his friends. Not, of course, he

had assured Heru, that he wouldn't miss him. Heru had taken it with

fairly good grace. After all, he knew it would happen at some point. He

would miss their morning walks though.

More important was the announcement that Ethelinda had delivered up

another son, which Salazar had proudly named Solonis. Heru wondered

just how many Salazar was after, and if either of the boys had inherited

his ability at parseltongue. The summer rolled along sweetly with the

addition of a permanent healer to the staff, though when it came time for

Regan to deliver, she was attended by Rowena and Helga.

And she delivered up twin boys. As they had already discussed this

beforehand, Heru was able to name both immediately as Servius and

Tychon, using the names the founders had given him. After that he was

swept off by the founders, leaving his wife to recover, and subjected to a

great deal of tinkering.

They had decided—behind his back—that a little something more ought

to be done about his scar. While Regan attended to the twins during the

day, Heru sat quietly in a chair while the founders poked and prodded,

going over his scar a second time. They were of the opinion that it might

be used as a line back to the mind of the originator, one that Heru could

access and manipulate with ease. And since it could no longer be used as

a pathway into his mind, it couldn't be used to identify him either.

Unfortunately, when they were done fiddling there was no way to test

their efforts, so Heru went back to spending his days with Regan and the

twins, and with Caedryn when the boy was around.

The sweetness of summer turned abruptly sour near the end of August.

Ethelinda, back on her feet and back to her customary visits to the

village, encountered something she might not have had she left just a few

minutes earlier. Or so the messenger said.

Salazar pulled himself up to his full height, an imposingly grave look on

his face, and started for the door. When the others made haste as though

to accompany him, he cut them off with a sharp gesture and left with the

messenger in tow.

The others looked to Heru, and he in turn stood and filled a bowl with

water. After a minute he flatly stated, "She's dead."

"What in—"

"Muggles," Heru said as he turned to face them, a severe look on his face.

"I daresay, when they realized they could not storm the castle grounds,

they did the next best thing and attacked the village we hold."

The faces he looked at were a mixture of consternation, embarrassment,

regret, and culpability. Heru didn't feel much better. It had never

occurred to him when the wards were placed around the castle and

grounds that Hogsmeade should have been similarly protected, even

knowing that it was to become the only wizarding village in the country.

"Oh my stars," Helga breathed.

"I hate to say it, but Salazar will likely blame us," said Godric.

"How much did you see, Heru?" asked Rowena.

"They came to the village openly, asking questions about the castle.

When the villagers were less than helpful they left and came back later

from the cover of trees to attack. From what I could glean of their minds

in the vision, they were running on rumors again about how us wicked

people were corrupting the minds of children better left on the lands of

their parents or lords. Ethelinda happened to linger a little too long and

was caught off guard. We all know that while she was powerful, she was

hopeless in battle situations. It was her death that alerted the villagers so

they could deal with them."

Honoring Salazar's wish to go alone, they immediately set about

discussing the best way to protect the village from further incursions.

Repellant charms, without question, were to be used, though they would

need to be slightly different, as not all wizarding folk married other

wizarding folk.

Heru suggested that, in addition, the protections have the subtle effect of

repressing violent tendencies in any muggles that had married into the

community, or something to that effect. He did not go on to suggest that

the villagers be subtly directed not to marry muggles—even he thought

that might be going a bit too far.

They also discussed the area to be covered, making the logical

assumption that the village would grow in time. They were in the process

of sketching on a piece of parchment when a house elf appeared and

announced it was time for dinner.

Of Salazar they saw nothing for several days, and his offspring were

moved into Heru's rooms to stay with Regan and his own children, and

several house elves detailed to provide additional help. He was

eventually located by Godric and Heru in the room that had been set up

as the primary office, hunched over the desk with his wand in one hand.

As they drew closer Heru could see that his main focus was the book

laying open before him. Salazar heard them and looked up, gave them a

blank stare, then back down. A few more steps allowed Heru to identify it

as the Book of Souls, but with a difference. Whereas before all names had

always appeared in black, they were now written in either green, red or

black. Heru glanced in confusion over at Godric, who gave him a slight

shake of the head.

"Salazar," Godric said quietly, "we had hoped you would assist us in our

efforts to provide protection to the village. It is to our eternal regret and

shame that none of us had the foresight to do so earlier."

Salazar looked up and sneered. "Fine." He slammed the book shut and

stood, holstered his wand and stalked out.

After a quick glance at the book, they followed Salazar to the kitchens,

where Rowena and Helga already sat at the table containing their map.

Heru and Godric took seats as Helga cried, "Where have you been,

Salazar? We were quite concerned about you."

"Were you," Salazar drawled. "And were you ever concerned when I told

you repeatedly that the muggles must not be trusted?"

"Salazar, please," said Rowena. "We cannot undo what has happened,

regardless of how much responsibility each of us holds."

He tossed his hair back and snorted. Stalking over to Heru's side he gazed

at the map for mere seconds before scoffing rudely. "Those borders are

ridiculous!" he practically shouted. "You don't actually have the temerity

to believe the village will never grow beyond that point do you?"

"That is a part of what we were still discussing," Rowena replied calmly,

"and part of why we wished you to assist us."

"Double it! Triple even," he shot back, resting a hand on Heru's shoulder.

"By the stars, woman, the further the muggles are kept away the better."

"We can do that," said Godric quickly. Nobody was willing to point out

that Salazar was just as guilty of not thinking ahead as they were. He had

his own hand in the death of his wife.

"Then there's no problem. The protections should go up immediately. And

now that I'm here. . . ."

Heru looked back over his shoulder and spotted an odd gleam in his

brother's eyes. Salazar's face softened for a split second as his eyes met

Heru's, then reformed into a cold mask. Heru had to know, so he asked

quietly, "What did you do to the book, brother?"

Salazar smirked and squeezed Heru's shoulder. "Nothing special, I assure

you, but sure to be quite beneficial."

"What do you mean?" Heru asked in the same quiet tone.

"Yes, what do you mean?" echoed Helga, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"I wished to be sure that I could identify any potentials properly," he

replied, taking a moment to examine his nails and buff them against his


"By what criteria?" asked an equally suspicious Rowena.

Salazar heaved a sigh and gave her a direct look. "I should think by now

that you know I'm right and be willing to finally listen to me. I have been

patient, I allow, but things have gone too far now for you to continue to

hide behind the bulwark of blind optimism."

"So, parentage," said Godric, heaving his own sigh.

"Naturally. Surely you must agree with me now about the dangers of

having muggleborns in this school. Even half bloods are suspect to some

degree." Salazar spoke in even, reasonable tones. Heru wondered if his

brother even remembered that he was a half blood, with a muggleborn


"Salazar," said Rowena slowly, "while I can understand what you say, do

you honestly believe it is wise to let muggleborn children fend for

themselves? You know as well as any that children have spontaneous

occurrences of magic. They'll end up dead at the hands of their own

parents, or their neighbors."

"What of it?" Salazar replied carelessly. "Perhaps then they'll be too busy

worrying about that to spend time persecuting us. And perhaps

muggleborns will stop being born to begin with."

Godric groaned and dropped his head into his hands. While he was a

great man for a speech or a lecture, he was hopeless at arguments,

preferring to simply hex a person and be done with it. Obviously, it

would not do to fling a stunning spell at Salazar, so he apparently had no

idea what to do.

Helga was not much better at it, and Heru would have preferred to be

anywhere but in the kitchens at that moment. It was normally Rowena

and her cool use of logic that prevailed, but at the moment she seemed a

little stunned at Salazar's casual cruelty.

"No," she said finally, "I cannot allow that. We four began this school, and

we four must agree on what is to be done." She paused a moment to

shoot an apologetic look at Heru. "We must discuss this calmly and

rationally before a decision of that magnitude is made."

"So we should sit here for days on end and discuss something I have no

intention of changing my mind on? Am I to browbeat the lot of you into

waking up and realizing that I am right, and have always been right on

this matter? When will you cease your foolish insistence and do what

must be done!?"

"Perhaps we should turn our attention back to protecting the village and

discuss this other matter at a later time," suggested Helga.

"Do as you please," Salazar snapped. "I have a wife to bury." He pulled his

hand away from Heru and pivoted, then stalked off stiffly.

The long silence that followed was broken by Rowena. "I am sorry, Heru,

if that exclusion caused you any pain."

He gave her a faint smile and shook his head.

— — —

Salazar went missing again for several more days. During that time

attempts were made to restore the Book of Souls to its original state, but

it resisted further alterations. Instead, they trooped down to the village

and began the process of setting the new wards.

They were still at it when Salazar showed up and lent a hand. The only

person for whom he had a smile was Heru, but even those were fleeting.

He said nothing of his aims and no one brought them up. Each day they

worked in near silence, until they had managed to enchant the entire

region's expanded borders.

Heru knew the final task was to make the modifications he'd suggested,

and that it would be just as well if Salazar were absent for that. Assuming

they were done, Salazar disappeared again the next day, so they made

one last trip around the lake to Hogsmeade to finish up and were back at

the castle for dinner.

They were having lunch when Salazar turned up next.

"Do join us," said Godric.

"I've already eaten and that isn't why I came. I want to know where we

stand on this muggleborn issue."

"I assume you have not changed your mind?" enquired Rowena.

"Correct," Salazar said curtly.

"Then we must endeavour to do so," she muttered, so softly that only

Heru could hear. "We have not discussed it since that day," she said more


"And why not?" he demanded. "Am I to understand that you do not see

the urgency of this decision?"

"I assure you we do."

"Then all you need do is agree. Agree to bar the muggleborns from this

school and all will be well," he said with forced patience.

"And I think that you need to realize that barring them, and letting their

own parents kill them off as abominations, will only fuel the hatred of

the muggles for our kind and cause them to look harder and further than

they have before."

Heru stood and walked over to the window, keeping his back to the


"What are you doing?" asked his brother.

Heru glanced over his shoulder long enough to say, "I'm sorry, but I have

no place in this particular discussion." He could feel his brother's eyes on

his back, and then the sensation vanished.

"If they're busy killing off each other they'll have no time to persecute us,"

insisted Salazar. "They are inferior beings and it doesn't matter if they die

off in droves!"

"I suggest we stop for now and meet tomorrow to continue this," said


"Then I suggest you do so without me, and may you have joy of it,"

growled Salazar in disgust and stormed off.

"Heru?" Godric's voice was tentative.

He turned and said, "I'm not hungry anymore," then slowly walked back

to his rooms.

No one took any special notice when Salazar did not appear again for

several days. His children remained in Heru's rooms and were cared for

with the same attention that Servius and Tychon received. When a week

had passed they began to get concerned.

The days continued to roll by and still Salazar was not seen. They were

worried for his wellbeing and his state of mind. Heru wished he had the

Marauder's Map so he could see if Salazar was hiding on the grounds, but

of course that was impossible. Heru also briefly considered checking the

Chamber of Secrets but dismissed the idea almost immediately for two


The first was that the castle had developed an odd habit of shifting rooms

around from floor to floor, or causing new ones to appear without

warning. Heru couldn't even begin to guess where the entrance was

located in this time. The second was that he could in no way be certain

that Salazar's pet basilisk would not try to kill him.

When the children began arriving in Hogsmeade for the start of a new

year they were resigned to his absence, and to the lack of a Potions

teacher, which was in some ways a far more difficult issue. The only

person left with any real talent for it was Heru—thanks to Salazar.

With no time left to acquire a replacement, Heru took on the role of

professor for both Defense and Potions. Considering there were only

about thirty students per year, he simply had two classes per day to deal

with, rather than one. Caedryn had offered to take over one of the

positions, but having only just left the school, it was considered a good

idea to decline so that he would have time to actually think about what

he was offering.

The school year itself began in some confusion. No one had thought to

separate the new students from those returning, so it took some time to

get everyone settled and the incoming year to line up to be sorted. With

that dealt with and the announcements made, another year's opening

feast commenced.

With his new schedule, Heru was more often tired from the additional

responsibilities—not to mention twice as many babies wailing at all

hours of the night—so when Regan began to make noises about having

another child he tried to put her off by reminding her they already had

four under their care. She had nodded and smiled sweetly, reminded him

that two of the boys were not her own issue and that she made very few

demands—on his time or otherwise—then restated her request. Heru

gave in and by November she was expecting again. He breathed a quiet

sigh of relief on hearing her announcement, and hoped that this would be

the last.

— — —

In no time at all it was August again, and with it came the birth of Heru's

third child, Anselm. He had lived in the past for seven years with nothing

to indicate that he would be leaving anytime soon. Regan came out of the

birth pale but happy, though two days later Heru awoke to find her as

cold and silent as a tomb.

Magic had not yet advanced far enough to determine the cause of death,

so they were all left wondering. Caedryn immediately abandoned the

village and moved back into his father's quarters, unwilling to pursue his

own amusements in the face of this further tragedy for the family, and to

take on the Potions position.

A small cemetery was designed and created between the castle and

Hogsmeade, positioned alongside the east side of the lake in a stand of

trees, somewhat closer to the village. A mausoleum was tucked between

two elderly specimens of Alder, crafted of snowy white marble.

No one ever did figure out where Salazar had entombed his Ethelinda.

Out of morbid curiosity, Heru checked the tapestry the next time he was

in his study. He was altogether out of sorts; he had been very fond of

Regan and had enjoyed her company, but there wasn't much more there

in his heart. He had been sitting at his desk wondering if he shouldn't be

a great deal more torn up over the loss of his wife when the tapestry

caught his attention.

Ethelinda's name was in red and the dates of her birth and death were

recorded in tiny numbers beneath her name. The same was true of

Regan's. But a look at Salazar's name showed that he must be alive,

somewhere. Heru shrugged and turned away. The next day he worked on

enchanting the first of the small boats intended to bring the new students

across the lake.

— — —

Due to Rowena's concerns, a concept was devised for a new group of

wizarding folk. Its duty would be to keep watch on the muggleborn

children, and even the half bloods, to assure that they remained hearty

and hale. Or, at the least, to assure that any deaths were not the result of

scared or enraged muggles.

They selected as the core group the young people who had originally

been orphaned by muggles: Melfice, Morag, Carsis, Clanar and Jolin.

Those five were invited up to the castle for a meal and an explanation of

their intentions, then left to consider the offer after being bidden to

return with their decision.

The five came back to the castle several days later and requested an

audience, then accepted the job, promptly giving themselves the rather

unimaginative name of the Watcher's Council. They were provided with a

complete list of the non-pureblood names from the Book of Souls,

separated into muggleborn and half blood, and told that they would be

updated directly each new name became available. With each was the

location where they could be found.

The council was enjoined to report any and all instances of potential

problems, and most especially the abuse of one of the children, and

remove any that was in imminent danger by any non-fatal means

necessary. It went without saying that they were to clean up after

themselves, but Rowena mentioned it anyway.

She finished off by telling them that any of the named children who were

in danger of being maimed or killed for their magical eruptions were to

be brought first to the castle, where homes would be found for them in

the village once they were sure it was safe and wise to do so.

Heru though the entire plan was both enlightened and misguided. He

agreed that magical children should not be punished for that innate

talent and ability, but he wasn't so sure about the kidnapping part. A firm

moral stand could be made for both sides of that debate, so he remained

silent. His own childhood was not a proper setting to argue from.

Heru didn't smile a great deal over the next few years.

9. Twilight

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: On another note . . . considering that I never even followed my

original outline (Harry was never supposed to go back to the Founder's

time), I can't be too unhappy about the fact that I've been winging it in

stages. So, if there's the odd dry spot, it's probably because I wanted to

make sure something was mentioned/known, without necessarily making

a huge production of it. I almost relegated parts of Heru's time in the past

to journal entries like in the prologue and chapter one, but decided

against it.

— 08: Twilight —

Heru had been wondering for a very long time. Whenever he wasn't

otherwise occupied, his tenure in the past tended to fill his thoughts. It

wasn't that he was necessarily unhappy; his life had been rewarding,

despite those things that made him uncomfortable. He had four children,

and two nephews who were practically his own. Still, he could not help

speculate as to whether the time that passed here would translate to the

years in the future. Would he return—if he did at all—to the moment of

his departure, or would he find himself years ahead? He felt helpless and

frustrated, and at times strangely apathetic.

Finally, he went to Rowena. She took him to a recently revealed tower,

one that had appeared complete with a rooftop garden which sported a

variety of flowering plants in neat little stone planters. Heru didn't take

in much of his surroundings, however, or wonder at how the castle had

managed such a feat. Heru was in the middle of listening to her voice.

"I want you to accept where you are, take the time to recognize each

thing around you, then put them aside as unimportant pieces of the

physical world," she said in a low, even voice. "Each thought, each

memory, must be placed aside as well, because they come from inside

you and are an integral part of you. When the only thing left is the sound

of my voice, I want you to nod."

She continued in the same vein for some time, until Heru eventually

nodded. "Good. Very good, Heru. Now I want you to purposefully recall

each time you have sent your mind to the past to see what was. I want

you to recall how that made you feel, and understand by what process

you achieved those visions. When you have that, please nod again."

Had Heru been thinking independently he might have questioned

Rowena's way of handling things in comparison to Professor Trelawney.

He might have even questioned how he had instinctively known how to

see the death of Ethelinda by scrying in water, or to know the minds of

the attackers, or even what any of this had to do with his initial question

of her. But he wasn't. And she was speaking again after his nod.

"Now, with that firmly in mind, I want you to imagine yourself as a flat

stone, and there before you is a lake. See as I hold you in readiness to

throw, to skip across the surface of the water, each touch like an

immersion in the life of one of your line through the centuries. A vision

of what will come to pass, and a family like no other. . . ."

When Heru came back to himself, one sense at a time, and guided by the

sound of her voice, he realized that even if he did not consciously

understand how he did what he did, he could induce visions of the past

or future with little to no effort. Something in his mind knew what to do.

It was, he thought, true that all the methods he'd learned of were nothing

more than tools to focus talent. It could be done without those crutches,

it was just more intensive and difficult to do so.

But that didn't answer his question. He understood there was a purpose,

but had no information as to how long he would remain. He did,

however, have a very good idea of how far forward and back he could see

because of her instructions. After she left, pleading other obligations, he

tried again, using the remembrance of her voice to return to that place

that didn't exactly exist.

He was very frustrated to realize, some time later, that he could not

directly see his own future. Or, if he could, was not allowed to remember

what he'd learned. He had seen one thing of interest, though, so he

located some notes in his office, then hunted down his children—all six

of them. When he had them comfortably situated, he began.

"There was an accident, years ago, that brought about a most fortuitous

result. And I have seen something which makes me believe that some of

you may likewise be affected." The children, and Caedryn, looked

understandably confused. "I refer to, of course, this," Heru said with a

smile, then morphed his appearance.

He didn't change drastically, just his hair colour and skin tone. His

audience was gratifyingly impressed. As they did not seem in any way

scared, Heru changed completely and stayed in that form for a full

minute, then reverted back to his normal appearance.

"Now, I want you to try. Just imagine something easy, like the colour of

your hair, and concentrate on it changing," he explained. "It's easier than

it sounds. And, use the mirrors." Dismissing the boys from his attention

briefly, Heru gestured to Caedryn to come closer.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not sure you can manage this, son. I don't think the

blood bond would have. . . ."

"I understand, father." Caedryn looked disappointed, but not envious.

"But," continued Heru, "I want you to try regardless. If you cannot

accomplish this, there is a way." Caedryn perked up considerably while

still managing to look largely unaffected. "The drawback is that we won't

know if it's working until your features begin to change on their own,

and it can take a while before anyone realizes it's happening."

"Why would they change from my normal appearance? The bond is only

supposed to affect my issue."

"Simple, son. That's what happened to me. As I said, this ability came

about by way of an accident. We realized nothing of the implications,

your uncle and I, until he noticed that my face no longer matched the

portrait that had been made of me to guard my rooms. Shortly after that

we understood. When the changes ceased, I looked like this."

Caedryn looked slightly awed. "And you would do this for me?"

"Of course. Perhaps we should consider it a family secret." Heru raised his

brows and smirked lightly. "You are my son."

"Yes," Caedryn agreed with a thoughtful expression. "I shall try, then, and

we will see."

Heru clapped him on the back and checked on the children. He was

greeted by an array of wild hair colours and much laughter. "Keep at it

and see what you can do," he told them, then turned back to Caedryn.

"Had it been necessary to do for them what I suspect you will need, they

would not have changed."

Caedryn nodded and closed his eyes. Several minutes later he opened

them in failure. His expression remained hopeful, though.

Heru clapped his hands loudly to get the children's attention. "Listen to

me. This is a very powerful ability, so you will all understand that if I

find out you've used it to cause trouble in any way, I will not hesitate to

find suitable punishment." Each young face presented him with a look of

wide-eyed innocence. "Mmm. Go on, then, get out," he said sternly, then

pointed at the door and waited until they left.

"Right, then. Let's you and I get down to business." Heru checked his

pocket for his notes, then led Caedryn off to one of the private labs.

Before they started, Heru remembered to say one thing more. "Son, you

know that your own children will not be likewise blessed. Children you

father after this have a very good chance, but—well, let us simply make

enough for all of you, all right?"

"And the effect on someone so young?" was Caedryn's reasonable


"I do not know. I was, I think, fifteen or sixteen at the time. It is . . . up to

you. I have no idea how long the potion will last."

"Father, it sounds like there's something you aren't telling me," Caedryn

said shrewdly.

Heru sighed and dropped his eyes, massaging the back of his neck with

one hand. "Yes." Running his hand up through his hair he said, "And

they're too young. I wouldn't even begin to know how to figure out the

correct dosage. You'll learn now how to do this, so you can do it later if I



"No. No arguments, Caedryn. And I want you to swear on your honor that

this secret will never pass your lips, nor be written down. When the time

comes you will decide to give your children this gift or not, but you will

never share the making of it with anyone, even them."

"Yes, father. I so swear. You have my word of honor that I will not betray

our secret."

"Very well. Let us begin."

Hours later they parted, Caedryn having been both taught and dosed.

Time would tell if the potion would work as it had originally.

— — —

During that year, the Watcher's Council had delivered to the village a

total of five children. Each of them was placed with a wizarding family

and provided for out of the pockets of the remaining Founders, much like

they had done for the orphans years ago. Their parents and neighbors, or

in some cases their owners, had been obliviated. What they could not

remember, they could not protest, nor go in search of.

The children were understandably upset and confused. They had been

ripped from their homes and thrust into an entirely new life. It took time

and a great deal of patience to make them comfortable and to relieve

their fears. Once they realized they would no longer be punished for the

oddities they were responsible for, they settled down. That some

occasionally could be found crying over the loss of their family was not

to be denied.

All in all, the year was not much different than those previous, and the

children stolen from their lives did not react much differently than those

before them.

Of more interest was the day that the primary office disappeared. This

caused some consternation on the part of the founders considering that

the Book of Souls and Sorting Hat were likewise missing. Several days

following that, an exceptionally ugly stone gargoyle appeared in a

hallway on the second floor.

Even if no one else understood, Heru did. He spent the better part of an

hour investigating the sculpture and the wall behind it. Though once or

twice he got the distinct feeling that someone was watching him, he

found nothing to make him believe the changes were complete.

When he passed by a week later he found reason to smile. A distinct arch

had formed behind the gargoyle, centered within the spread of its wings.

"And do we have a password yet?" Heru asked. The answer he received

was phoenix song. Praecino arrived in a burst of flame and came to rest

on the gargoyle's head, singing.

Rowena came, led by the song, then Godric and Helga. When they were

all assembled Praecino took flight, his song modulating from a call to an

entreaty. And as Heru expected, the statue leapt aside to reveal a now

open entrance and a spiral stair beyond.

Leading the way, he stepped in and moved several steps up to make

room, and waited until each of them joined him. The staircase moved of

its own accord, twisting upward to end in a small foyer. Heru stepped

aside and let his friends take the lead down the small hallway and

through the door at the end, into the missing office.

"I'm not sure why this was necessary," Helga said, "but I admit I find it

rather interesting."

"I, too," admitted Godric.

"Perhaps," offered Rowena, "we should consider this a gentle hint on the

part of our dear castle."

"You believe she thinks—can a castle think?—that more security is

necessary for these objects?" asked Godric.

"Who can say?" Rowena shrugged. "If she could talk, I'm sure we'd know."

"This is all very well," said Helga, "but we can hardly expect Praecino to

appear every time we need to get in here. There must be a way for the

gargoyle to respond to a password."

Godric gave her an arch look and suggested, "Why don't you go down and

whisper in its ear?"

"Maybe I just will," she retorted with her hands on her hips. "And maybe

if it works I just won't tell you what the password is." She turned smartly

and marched off through the door, not sticking around to hear Godric's

badly muffled laughter.

And while Heru noticed more than once that Rowena would look at him

thoughtfully, he offered no information and no speculation. In truth, he

had no idea how the password was set, though he certainly hoped to find

out, through them.

— — —

Anselm turned eleven the year Heru turned thirty-three, heralding

another call for a magical portrait artist. Much as had been done for his

brothers, Anselm was immortalized and the resulting picture given a

place in Heru's study. The same could not be said for Caedryn's offspring

—or at least, their painted selves did not find a home within Heru's

underlake rooms.

The following year is when things began to change.

— — —

Heru found himself in a place he had only visited once, if one could call

it a visit. It was a place lacking boundaries. All he could see, in any

direction, was unrelieved white. Then he woke up.

These odd snatches of dreams—or memories—began to occur on a semi-

regular basis. They never lasted for more than a few subjective minutes.

But as time went by Heru started to notice off-white streaks forming in

the landscape, then grey, and black.

Heru wasn't a stupid man. A tad forgetful at times, perhaps, but far from

stupid. It took only a few repetitions for him to have a good idea what

was going on; his time was ending. The first thing he did was call his

eldest son to him, to the privacy of his rooms.

"Please, have a seat. This will be difficult to explain. And"—Heru gave his

son a sad look—"you may not be very happy knowing. Nevertheless, I

must tell you."

Caedryn took a deep breath and nodded. "This is what you refused to

explain before."

"Yes, it is. Hard as it may be to believe, I am not from this time. I was

born almost a thousand years in the future." As he expected, Caedryn's

face betrayed his surprise and incredulity. "You can ask the others, later. I

appeared here when I was fifteen, when I was in grave danger of either

being killed or turned into a heartless, cold imitation of the man who had

captured me. Not long after I arrived, I received a new name, and a

brother, Salazar."

Heru took a seat across from his son and resumed. "Since then I have

lived here and been a part of the founding of this school, watching it

change and grow, and watching as what little I knew of this time come to

pass, often in ways I never expected. It was through the insistence of

Salazar that I came to be married and have children. But, none of that is

terribly important."

"And what is?"

"The fact of the matter is . . . it is getting close to the time when I must

leave you. I always assumed the day would come when I would return to

my own time, and I confess, I have been here so long that the idea holds

some measure of fear for me. The signs are unmistakable, Caedryn, and I

cannot change it, even if I wanted to."

"What is it you require of me, father?"

Heru was a little surprised that his son wasn't protesting this news. "You

are an adult. Your brothers and cousins are not quite there. I would ask

that you watch over them, but I believe you would do so unasked."

"Yes, I would," agreed Caedryn.

"What may be more difficult is that I would ask you to not reveal what

you know. Much like our family secret, in fact."

Now Caedryn protested. "But, father—"

"Please. I ask you, man to man, please do not argue with me on this."

When Caedryn settled back in his chair, Heru said, "As I have provided

for you, I will provide for them. I will need to speak with my friends

about this as well, and they will no doubt assist you. Caedryn, I don't

know how much time I have left, but I believe it will be soon. And, when

that time comes, these rooms will be sealed."

"All right, but I will not pretend I like this."

"I don't expect you to. I would be saddened if you did. Do you recall how

to make the potion?" he asked in an abrupt change. At Caedryn's nod he

said, "I have one other thing to say, something you should pass down to

your brothers, your cousins, and your own children. There may come a

day when it may conceivably be dangerous to bear the name of Slytherin.

If this unhappy event should ever occur, I urge you most strongly to

adopt a new name, one that is safe from immediate association with our

great house." He paused for that to sink in then said, "And, if you will

wait here for a few minutes, I need to collect something."

He turned and left the room, heading directly for his personal vault.

Outside where he had left them in readiness were chests, one for each of

the boys. Inside he stopped cold, astonished at how his fortune had

apparently multiplied when he wasn't looking. It came to him then that

Salazar must have visited one last time before he disappeared for good,

and left another gift. The amount he had planned to use as the boys'

inherence would be only a tiny portion of the current whole.

Shaking his surprise away, he stooped to begin filling each of the chests,

levitating them back out the door after each was closed. Minutes later,

his vault was sealed and the chests floated along behind him and his son

as they went to speak with the founders.

They were not as surprised as Caedryn to hear what Heru had to say, but

then, they had been the ones to welcome him in the first place. They

agreed with every one of his requests, and with a great deal less


"Did you want to house the children in the castle, or construct a residence

in the village?" Helga asked as soon as Heru finished. At the slightly wild-

eyed look he gave her, she said, "In the castle, then. The house elves

already in your service will be retained in their current capacity. The

only question is . . . well, no. The children are old enough to be trusted to

behave without an adult living right there with them. It is not much

different from the dorms, after all."

Heru nodded. "I see no reason to object. They're good boys. And, as I

mentioned to Caedryn, nothing will be said to them of what happened to

me. Make something up."

"That may be harder on them, Heru, if your disappearance is left in

doubt. They may feel you've abandoned them for some wrong they've


Heru winced and turned away. "Then tell them I died. Open the

mausoleum long enough to inter an empty casket."

"As you wish."

— — —

Heru was enjoying—if you could call it that—his annual ritual. The

timepiece next to his bed ticked away the minutes to midnight like a

doomsday clock counting off the seconds until the end of the world, of

his world.

When the moment finally arrived Heru was suffused with a sense of

purpose. Like an automaton he rose from his bed and crossed to the small

desk he used for times when his office didn't seem quite right. He

scratched out a note on a small piece of parchment, blew the ink dry, and

rolled it into a tube after placing his seal at the bottom. A length of green

ribbon served to hold it closed, and Praecino was called to deliver it to a

spot on the desk in the primary office.

When that mission was complete Heru left his room and spent a few

minutes talking to his entrance portraits. His first action was to remove

the English password entirely. His second was to change the Parseltongue

password so that only he would know of it. And, his third was to require

a blood offering—his blood—in order for it to be opened again. Even if

some clever soul could speak the password, they would still be denied


While he still stood in the dungeon hallway, Heru let his eyes sweep over

the walls and ceiling, then came to rest on the well-worn floor. Speaking

softly, barely above a whisper, he asked, "Will you remember me through

all these years, fine lady, and welcome me home once again?"

Without waiting for an answer he reentered his rooms. His original wand

was safe within the vault, his new wand tucked in his robes. Despite

being laid out on his bed, he remained fully dressed. Praecino returned to

him and perched on his ankle. Not even an hour had passed when he

returned to the abyss of streaked white, and this time, he would not wake

up in minutes.

10. Revisiting a Troubled Past

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: I am very well aware of what JKR has to say about certain things,

but choose to ignore them, or twist the facts to suit me, just like I've done

this whole fanfic (you'll see what I mean shortly). I spent quite a bit of

time deciding when Heru would return to, but the title of this chapter

(from a lovely song...I can't for the life of me remember which game at

the moment) decided for me.

— 09: Revisiting a Troubled Past —

Heru woke to the sound of phoenix song. It lifted him out of the abyss

and gently held him as his other senses awoke. His sight was last, but

that was generally so when a person moved from sleep to awareness.

When he did open his eyes, he was gratified to realize he was lying on his

own bed. If he had bothered to give it any thought prior to his departure,

he would have wondered where he would end up. Here? Back in the

bedroom Voldemort had placed him in?

Heru assumed since he was in his underlake abode, that his age remained

the same as well. A quick look in the mirror after he got out of bed

confirmed the theory. Praecino trilled happily at him and flashed out of

the room. As Heru looked around he laughed; the blood protection for his

home had been a good idea, but he would have to exit through to the

castle in order to remove it.

Perhaps it was just as well. Heru was well aware that in the past, at least,

apparation had never been an issue for the founders, or for himself.

People of modern times might not be aware of the exceptions built into

the castle protections, but he was. He would never need to remove that

extra layer of protection if he didn't want to. And, as he could also exit

via the tunnel, it was a point safely rendered moot.

One of the first things Heru did was to start a fire in the lounge and flop

into an armchair to think about things. He had no idea what year it was,

never mind what day. And it was pressing that he further his education

to include all the intervening years between the past and present, and all

those things he had not had a chance to learn in later years in present-

day Hogwarts. And, he was hungry.

Satisfied that he had definite things to accomplish, he extinguished the

fire and headed to his vault on the lower level to gather up a fair amount

of coin. He briefly considered opening a vault at Gringotts, but could not

see how his money would be any safer there, and dismissed the idea

almost as soon as he thought of it. Though he couldn't be sure without

asking, he somehow doubted that Gringotts paid out interest or made

loans like a muggle bank might.

It was when he had already apparated to Diagon Alley that he realized

one important thing. There was no way he could have the paper

delivered to his underlake flat. He sighed and scanned the alley, then

ducked into the closest shop and approached an employee.

"Excuse me, dear fellow. Would there happen to be an estate agent in the


The young man nodded and said, "Yes, sir. If you go up toward Gringotts,

you'll see where it splits off to either side? The left is Knockturn Alley,

but the right has an estate agent a little way up on the left. You can't miss


"Very good. I appreciate your assistance." Heru exited and followed the

given directions, easily locating the establishment the clerk had

mentioned. Inside the cool interior, Heru commanded immediate

attention, and had a young lady going over listings with him within

seconds of him expressing his need.

Even though location was not exactly an issue—he could have lived

anywhere and been able to apparate to his real home—Heru felt a certain

fondness for Hogsmeade. After flipping through a number of pages in a

leather-bound tome, he decided on a modest little dwelling on a side

street with plenty of room to expand. It did, however, require him to

return to his vault to withdraw the asking price, which barely made a

dent in his fortune.

The problem came when he was signing the paperwork. Maybe his mind

was a little muzzy from being transported in time, but it had not occurred

to him that his name would come into the deal. But, since it was a

magical contract, he was forced to sign his actual name. If the clerk had

simply given him his copy and filed the original, he would have been

satisfied. Unfortunately, she looked, and saw his surname.

"Sir!" she squealed.

"Is there a problem?" he asked.

"You're—no, sir, no problem." Her eyes had taken on a gleam he didn't

much care for. "Sir, you'll want to keep one copy for yourself, but this

other one you'll need to drop off at the Ministry." The smile she gave him

nauseated him with what it conveyed. "While you're there, you might

want to arrange for floo service and house elves," she suggested.

That, at least, was helpful, he thought. It would make more sense to

delay his shopping and take care of those tasks, then return and have any

elves he managed to hire assist him in transporting whatever he

purchased. "Yes, that would be wise," he said, then added, "I trust you'll

be discreet, my dear girl?"

"Of course, sir," she promised fervently. He didn't believe her for a second

and gave serious thought to obliviating her right at that moment. When

word of his name got out, and he knew it would, he could come under

close scrutiny by Voldemort's forces, not to mention those connected to

Dumbledore. Slytherin was not the safest of names to claim.

He arched a brow at her in blatant incredulity, then turned and left.

Outside he realized he had no idea where the Ministry was located and

cursed under his breath. His education was lacking in more than just the

number of spells he could cast. He walked back down the length of the

alley and into the Leaky Cauldron and used the public fireplace.

After he briefly surrendered his wand to be registered—which occasioned

a very odd look from the official—and had been given a visitor's badge,

Heru checked the directory to learn where he needed to go, then boarded

the lift.

When he dropped off his deed he found no cause to worry, for the clerk

on duty was so bored he could barely keep himself awake. He yawned

repeatedly as he took the paper and tossed it into a box to be sorted and

filed later on, so Heru sauntered out and headed toward the Floo

Regulation office. There he was told it could take up to two weeks for the

connection to be established. He was also handed a pamphlet of

regulations and information on things such as how to assign a password

to his fireplace. The clerk there was more interested in his address than

his name, so Heru was similarly dismissed as unimportant.

His final stop was at the Office of House Elf Relocation to see if he could

hire on at least two of the creatures. His luck at the Ministry held; there

was a selection of elves to choose from who were immediately available

for service. Heru walked out with two in tow after a fairly simple

ceremony of binding. Their names were Flick and Guin, a mated couple,

and after telling them to meet him in Diagon Alley, he apparated out.

Their first stop was for clothes. He suffered through fittings, selections of

fabrics and styles, and all the things necessary to purchase a complete

wardrobe, especially one that would peg him as a man of substance. After

gaining an agreement for them to be delivered, the group moved on to

Flourish & Blotts. There Heru needed the help of his elves as he pulled

book after book off the shelves and out of stacks. After he had managed

to collect a healthy amount—though by no means enough—he took them

to the counter for payment and complimentary shrinking. Before he left

he also took a catalogue.

He still needed things like food and wood, but decided to hold off briefly.

Back at his newly-purchased home, the books were dumped into a likely

room, the catalogue placed on top of one of the piles, and Heru handed

Flick a pouch full of money and requested supplies from the village, then

directed Guin to begin cleaning, starting with the kitchen. When they

were safely occupied, he returned underlake long enough to collect

Praecino, then began cleaning his new library and arranging books in the

built-in bookcases.

Furniture was another matter; he had none. However, it turned out to be

an easily solved problem. He went back underlake and posed a question

to the castle, then waited patiently for a response of some kind. Without

warning his sight clouded, then cleared to reveal a room somewhere,

filled with furnishings. Heru took that as a positive sign and held that

image in his head as he apparated. When he returned to his house, he

carried with him enough furniture to start with, and most importantly, a


When Flick had completed his shopping in Hogsmeade and put

everything away, Heru sent him off to arrange for delivery of The Daily

Prophet and several other publications while Guin helped him arrange

furniture. That evening, after having made a list of things he still needed,

and a delicious dinner, Heru asked his new little friends what room they

would like for their own and what they would require to make

themselves comfortable.

After a not unexpected period of wailing and weeping—Heru

remembered Dobby quite well—things were settled, and he promised to

take care of that the next day. For the time being he transfigured some

odds and ends into what they needed for the night. Heru went to bed

tired, but fairly happy.

The next day was more of the same, though the house elves did the bulk

of the shopping. Heru simply handed them bulging pouches of coin and

the list, and reminded them to pick out uniforms for themselves that

they'd enjoy. Flapping his hands at a second bout of happy wailing, he

retreated underlake to check on the family tapestry and refresh his

memory on warding.

The tapestry was vastly illuminating in more ways than one. The first

thing he noticed was that his brother's name was blurry. While that

might not have been so odd considering its age, other names were as

crisp as the day they'd appeared. Also of note was that no date of death

was listed for Salazar. Heru noticed his own name was slightly blurry,

and that no dates whatsoever showed.

He shrugged and began tracing the lines, which took a considerable

amount of time. Several things became apparent when he was done.

None of the lines terminated in Tom Marvolo Riddle. Heru speculated

that it could only be connected to whatever blurred his brother's name.

Somehow Salazar had changed his identity, either by blood-bonding to

someone else, or by some method Heru was not aware of, and had most

likely had additional children. There was, frankly, no way to tell.

The next thing that caught his attention was that there were several

present-day descendants from his own line, though only one of them was

young enough to be below school age. He could tell, however, that this

Mark Evans was a fully magical child, despite his parents being shown as

muggle and squib. This child he resolved to keep an eye on.

There was no evidence that the Potter line or even the line that produced

Lily Evans was connected to the Slytherin family. That made him feel

unexpectedly better. Were he his own ancestor, he wasn't sure his mind

could have handled the knowledge.

An hour or so spent in his library gave his memory a chance to recall

exactly how to set up warding that would rival that of Hogwarts itself,

and it was with that that Heru returned to his home in the village.

Working alone it would take him longer to accomplish, but it was well

within his capabilities.

Before he began on those, he liberated a mirror from Hogwarts and set it

up in the Hogsmeade house's library, using an ancient spell to tune it so

that instead of reflecting its surroundings, it showed a constant image of


— — —

Heru threw down the book in disgust. After wading through several texts

he was convinced that they could indeed teach him what he needed to

know, but also that they were very badly written. He would not have

realized this as a boy; he would not have known enough to question how

the material was presented. And half of them didn't include things he

knew of that would still be quite useful.

Scowling, he stalked into the kitchen to ask for lunch, then stayed to eat

at the table. The Daily Prophet had an article about the Quidditch World

Cup, but he didn't find that very interesting. His younger self would be

seeing it soon enough. Witch Weekly was filled with gossip, none of which

was about him. Rolling his eyes, Heru finished his sandwich, drank the

last of his cider, and set to work on his daily afternoon session of


A week later he was convinced that modern texts were the next thing to

worthless and had begun to seriously consider turning author. But that

thought was interrupted before it had a chance to blossom fully. A

chance look in the mirror showed young Mark in the company of several

officials, being led to an institutional-looking building. Heru was

hampered by both the lack of sound and by the view being focused on

Mark's face. While he could adjust the depth, he could not rotate the


Slightly frustrated, he took careful note of the boy's surroundings and

committed them to memory. Much later that evening he apparated to the

place he remembered to have a look around. It didn't take long for him to

realize it was an orphanage. That was unacceptable.

Over the next few days Heru could be found in muggle institutions

tracking down information on the boy and his family. Several days after

that found him ushering the child away from the orphanage after

bulldozing his way through a multitude of red tape with the judicious use

of magic and a faked paper trail. Getting Mark home, however, would be

a bit of a trick, and after thinking of and discarding half a dozen ideas in

the time it took to move partway down the walk, Heru finally said the

hell with it and waited until they were out of sight before stunning him

and apparating them to just outside his house in Hogsmeade.

He carried the boy inside after adjusting the wards and sat him in a chair

in the kitchen, then woke him up after telling the house elves to stay out

of the way for a bit. While Mark was getting his bearings, Heru said,

"Hello again, Mark."

"What happened? Where am I?" The boy's eyes took in the kitchen, which

looked remarkably muggle in nature at first glance.

"In my house, your new home. But I must say that the name I gave those

wretched people is not real. I found it easier to grease a few wheels than

wait months to make sure of this. I know what could happen to a child in

a place like that, and you are a relative of mine, however distant the

relationship may be."

"I don't understand."

"No, I don't expect you do. It may be easier for you to consider me your

uncle. I certainly wouldn't dream of trying to replace your father. Are you


"Er, a little. But what is your name?"

"Heru. Any objections to a ham and cheese sandwich? No? Did you want

butter or mustard, then?" Mark gave a tentative shrug. "Right, butter." He

pulled open the cooling box—he'd long since transfigured the exterior to

more closely resemble the muggle appliance—and rooted around until he

found what he needed, then pulled a loaf of bread out of the breadbox on

the counter. He slapped together two sandwiches with more speed than

expertise, then put the ingredients away.

He slid two plates on the table, filled two glasses with pumpkin juice and

placed those as well, then sat down. "If you don't like the juice, I have a

few other things you might prefer, but give it a try." He took a healthy

sip himself to show the boy it was safe, then started on his sandwich.

After Mark had been fed and watered—he wrinkled his nose at the first

sip, but must have decided he liked it—Heru decided to start breaking

him in as gently as possible.

"Mark, this isn't a normal house, and the village we're in isn't a normal

village. This is something you'd have found out about eventually, but

circumstances forced me to take an active interest in your welfare. And

you, Mark, are not a normal person, any more than I am." He slipped his

wand out of its holster and held it up. "Ever seen one of these?"

"Sure. Plenty of kids have something like that, for magic tricks. But it's

just a stick."

Heru smiled indulgently. "So they say. But what if I were to do this?" He

pointed his wand at one of the empty glasses and whispered,

"Wingardium Leviosa." Mark's eyes widened to alarming proportions as

the glass slowly rose into the air and hovered. "As I said, we are not

normal people." He directed the glass to rest again on the table and gave

Mark a frank look. "I would let you have a go at it, but there are rules

about underage children and magic."


"Yeah. Magic. Real, honest magic. Not party tricks, not stage magicians,

and not elaborate fakery. Come on, there are some people I'd like you to

meet. They'll be a bit strange, but there's no reason to be afraid." He

stood up, tucking his wand away, and gestured for Mark to precede him

out the door.

When they reached the library he indicated a chair and closed the door

behind him, quietly locking it, then sat in his usual spot and propped his

legs on the convenient coffee table. Then he reached out with his mind

and called Praecino to him.

The phoenix arrived in a burst of flame, almost startling Mark out of his

chair, and came to rest on Heru's ankle. "This is my friend, Praecino. He's

a phoenix. Praecino, this is Mark Evans. He's come to live with us.

Something soothing might be nice," he suggested in an offhand manner,

and was rewarded by a trill of welcome, then a gentle song that sent a

wave of relaxation over the room.

Looking at Mark—who calmed down almost immediately—he said, "You

might have thought phoenixes were a myth, but as you can see that is

incorrect. I have two others for you to meet. They are house elves in my

service, and I warn you ahead of time that they are not to be abused in

any way. They are generally very gentle creatures, willing to please, and

loyal to a fault. Do not be alarmed at their appearance."

Mark gave a vague nod so Heru snapped his fingers. Flick and Guin

popped in—the noise didn't phase Mark in his relaxed state—and gave

the boy a curious glance before looking to Heru. "Mark, this is Flick"—

Flick bobbed a greeting—"and Guin"—she too gave a quick bow—"our

house elves. Flick, Guin, this is the young man I told you about. He's a

little unsettled at the moment, so I hope you'll do everything you can to

make sure he's properly taken care of."

"Of course, master," they chorused. "Whatever the young master needs."

They turned to Mark, and Flick said, "We is pleased to be welcoming the

young master. We is hoping you will be happy here," while Guin nodded

several times in agreement.

"P-pleased to meet you," Mark said.

"Oh!" exclaimed Guin, wringing her hands together and bouncing

slightly. "Young master is being very kind!"

"Very kind!" affirmed Flick, twisting one of his ears happily as he hopped

from foot to foot.

"We've already had a light lunch, so you'll only need to worry about

dinner," Heru said in a gentle dismissal.

"Yes, master," they said in unison, then popped out.

"Let me show you to your room." Heru reached out to stroke Praecino's

feathers before the bird flapped over to a new perch, then stood up and

made for the door to unlock it as surreptitiously as he had locked it. A

glance behind him showed that Mark was just a foot away, so he opened

the door and walked out.

The bedroom was on the second floor, across the hall from Heru's. Two

more bedrooms rounded out that level, unfurnished and unused. After

ushering Mark in he said, "If you want to choose different colours or if

there's anything else you'd like to have, all you need to do is tell me or

one of the elves. I know it's a bit plain right now."

Mark—outside of the influence of Praecino's song—pinned him with a

suspicious look. "This is a lot, you know. I don't know who you are, I

don't know anything about you. For all I know that was a bunch of tricks.

You've even said the name you used wasn't real. How do I know you

aren't some sick person who. . . ."

"I understand perfectly. So let's start right in here." Heru waved a hand at

the room. "What colour walls would you like?"

"Blue. Dark blue." Mark crossed his arms over his chest, looking a bit like

a nine year old commander.

"Sure." A few waves of his wand later, Heru had transformed the walls,

much to Mark's renewed astonishment. "How about the floor? A darker

finish perhaps? Or linens in a lighter blue to go with the walls?" Mark

nodded soundlessly so Heru turned the bare wood floor to a rich, dark

shade, then made the sheets and blankets shades of sky blue and the

duvet a mid-tone that harmonized.

"Care to take a walk around the village with me? You'll see an entirely

wizarding town. You won't see any muggles—that is to say, no non-magic

folk—anywhere. It should help to set your mind further at ease, and then

we can return here for dinner."

"All right," Mark said softly.

"Splendid. On our way out we can stop in and tell the elves what we'd

like for dinner, unless it doesn't matter to you. They're incapable of

making a bad meal."

"No, that's fine."

"Let us be off, then." Heru holstered his wand and ushered the boy out

and back down to the ground floor and out the front door. They spent

several hours wandering around, stopping in at each shop so Mark could

pick out a few things he'd like, and letting the boy see a multitude of

wizarding folk going about their daily lives, using magic as naturally as

breathing. By the time they returned to the house, the boy was convinced

his new uncle was being entirely honest.

Over dinner Heru made some further explanations. "You see, while you've

been living as a muggle up until now, that would have changed when

you turned eleven. You would have been sent a letter telling you you've

been accepted at Hogwarts. That was the castle you saw off in the

distance. Magical folk begin school then, and it lasts seven years.

Hogwarts isn't the only wizarding school, but it is the only one in Britain.

But, now that you're here with me, you won't be returning to a muggle

school. Instead I'll give you a number of books to read so you can

familiarize yourself with this new world. When you do start at Hogwarts,

you won't feel lost or ignorant like many who come from the muggle


Mark nodded so Heru continued. "The first thing you need to remember

is that wizards hold themselves apart from muggles. While most of us live

among them, our world is kept a secret. The only exceptions are those

who marry into our world, or those who learn of us because they have a

child, or children, who are magical. So, never show your nature to a

muggle, and never talk about it. If in doubt, say and do nothing. Here in

Hogsmeade you're safe enough. As I said, there aren't any muggles here—

muggles can't even see this village, or the castle. Not like we can,


"But what am I to do until then?"

"Various things. Learn history, for one. It will help you, in part, to

understand why we maintain secrecy. You can also read up on wizarding

customs and learn more about this world. I won't lie and tell you there's

no such thing as prejudice or strife, because there is. Just as there are

good wizards and witches, there are also bad. In that sense, we are no

different from muggles, just on a smaller scale. You can also begin

learning about first year spells and potions, even if you can't actually


"Why not?"

"You aren't allowed to have a wand until you're eleven and ready to

attend Hogwarts. And then, you aren't allowed to use magic during the

holidays. When you turn seventeen you'll be considered an adult, and the

restrictions will be removed. That's custom and law. But there's nothing

to stop you from learning as much as you'd like, and practicing things

like wand movements with a stick or a pencil, or proper pronunciation.

I'll have to check, but you might be all right working on potions since

those don't generally require any spells."

"All right."

"You can even help me. I've been going over textbooks lately and I've

come to realize that they're very badly written. I was thinking of writing

my own versions to see if I can get published. Maybe they could replace

the current texts up at the school. I think your point of view would be

very helpful in making sure I remain clear and concise."

"That sounds like it might be fun," admitted Mark with a small smile.

"Hopefully it will be. Tomorrow we can go shopping for new clothes for

you. Either here in Hogsmeade, or at Diagon Alley. In fact, it wouldn't

hurt if I were to set up a vault for you at the bank."

"Wizards have banks?"

"Of course," said Heru with a smile. "Practically anything a muggle can

do, a wizard can do. Some things we can't, but we can do many things

they cannot. Gringotts is at Diagon Alley, a bank run by goblins. They're

somewhat nasty creatures, but if you treat them honorably, you'll be fine.

You don't need a vault, but I don't see any reason not to set one up for


Apparently unwilling to say either way, Mark simply nodded.

"Right, then. Let's get you a few books for this evening, and tomorrow

we'll head out to do some shopping."

— — —

Heru woke abruptly and completely, sitting up in bed even before he was

aware he had done so. He cocked his head to the side, trying to figure out

what had awakened him. Hearing nothing, he slid out of bed and padded

to his door, slowly opening it and peering out into the hall. He wasn't

worried about intruders—he'd learned ward creation with the best.

A whisper of noise from across the hall caught his attention. Pressing his

ear against Mark's door he strained to hear beyond the wood. The boy

was crying. Heru took a deep breath and pulled away; he should have

expected this. He eased the door open and ghosted across the bare floor,

taking a seat on the edge of the bed. Gently he pulled Mark up into the

shelter of his arms, smoothing the hair from the boy's forehead and

crooning softly words of reassurance and comfort.

They stayed like that for what seemed like hours, until Mark slipped back

into normal sleep. Heru watched over him for a few minutes longer, then

went back to his own bed. The next morning neither of them mentioned

the incident, though Mark's eyes were slightly puffy and red.

11. Cat & Mouse

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Time compression ahead! I have one goal of importance for this

chapter, if you can believe that, and it might not end up being obvious.

Of course, I'd rather write a potentially boring chapter and give people a

sense of what's going on at certain milestones, than to just summarize

months or a year and leave it all to guess. And so, bending rules

wherever we go, on with the party. . . .

— 10: Cat & Mouse —

Diagon Alley was full of noise, from people, animals, and odd little

devices on display. Mark's eyes were full of wonder, even more so than

they had been while exploring the village. Heru took his hand and led

him toward the imposing edifice of Gringotts, leaning down briefly to

remind the boy in a whisper about the goblins he would shortly be


The grip on his hand tightened when Mark caught his first look of the

interior and saw the beings he had been warned of, but did not protest

with word or movement when Heru led him up to one of the clerks to

arrange for an account to be opened. While he was there, and after Mark

had been presented with a shiny new key, Heru exchanged a quantity of

galleons into muggle bills for a trip into London proper.

He watched with barely veiled amusement as Mark suffered through

being measured and fussed over as the ladies at Madam Malkin's fitted

him for a wizarding wardrobe, then treated his new charge to an ice

cream at Fortescue's. As they ate he pointed out the various shops Mark

would eventually become familiar with, then led him to a bare brick


"What's this?" the boy asked, plainly puzzled.

"Not everything is as it appears," he replied vaguely, then tapped several

bricks with his wand.

"Brilliant," breathed Mark as the bricks reformed into an arch, then

stepped through quickly, as though afraid the wall would snap closed at

any second.

Heru stepped through and said, "The Leaky Cauldron serves as a gateway

between Diagon Alley and muggle London. Muggles can't see it from the

outside, and they certainly can't get past this archway since you need a


When they arrived home several hours later, Mark went upstairs to drop

off his packages before lunch, which they ate in the kitchen. They had

not yet finished eating when Guin announced a visitor. Heru was far

more surprised than Mark, who wouldn't know what to expect as normal.

It turned out to be a man from the Floo office, come to complete the final


He was dusty and carried himself as though he held the weight on the

world on his shoulders. He spent a half an hour puttering around and

making odd little gestures at the hallway fireplace, then explained

everything Heru had already read in the provided pamphlet in a voice

that practically oozed boredom. Heru had to stifle yawns by the time the

fellow took himself off, and went ahead and set a password before his

body could convince him to have a nap.

— — —

Over the next few weeks Heru busied himself in organizing a wealth of

information into categories. These potions for first years, those for

second, and so on. He was also compiling a complete list of ingredients

along with sketches or photographs, information on their habitats—flora

and fauna—smell, taste, whether or not each was poisonous, and

handling instructions.

Then he began to write. Each potion was separated in sections. The first

was meant to serve as material to read beforehand, and explained in

detail why a particular order, and what the interactions and instructions

actually accomplished, not to mention how to correct common mistakes.

The second section provided a straight list of ingredients, followed by a

short-form version of the instructions.

After he had written a half dozen of those for first years, Heru had Mark

look over his work to see if he was losing his audience or not. When he'd

made a few minor corrections in how he explained things, Mark

pronounced him well on the way and went back to his own books about


There were incidents of wee-hour upsets, where Mark would have

nightmares and cause Heru to wake up to comfort him, but they were not

nightly, making Heru wonder just how close the boy had been to his

parents, and how strong he was emotionally.

It was somewhere near the end of August when Mark looked up one day

and asked, "So this Grindelwald fellow . . . the headmaster of the school

defeated him?"

"Yes. Albus Dumbledore. He's been offered the position of Minister of

Magic in the past, but he's always turned it down, preferring to remain at

Hogwarts." Seeing Mark's curious look he said, "I think he believes he can

do far more good helping with the education of so many children than to

be stuck in bureaucracy and red tape."

"Is he a nice person?"

"That depends, doesn't it? He is seems serious in the pursuit of his goals,

but appears to have quite a sense of humor. However, he is no friend to

dark wizards and witches. Perhaps I should say evil. Make no mistake,

Mark—dark does not always mean evil."

"So things are all right now? This was a long time ago."

Heru exhaled and smiled at the same time, his breath coming out in a

gust. "Well, not exactly. But, since you've read about Grindelwald, I

suppose it would be best if you understood more about things today." He

moved over to crouch down next to Mark's chair, gesturing for the book

in his lap. He flipped through the pages until he found the right spot,

then handed it back. "There, read that. Ask me again when you're done."

Eventually, Mark asked, "Is he really gone? I mean, aren't I a


"Technically, no. Nobody is certain that Voldemort is gone. And despite

evidence to the contrary, you aren't muggleborn. We are very distantly

related, and you have a number of wizards in your family tree. You recall

what a squib is? Good. Obviously, any wizarding family can produce a

squib, though I don't think anyone is really sure why. Maybe it's too

much inbreeding among pureblood families, and maybe it's just a quirk of

genetics. You, however, come from a line containing squibs that

intermarried with muggles and wizards. Though, I have no doubt you'd

show up as muggleborn when it came time for your letter—or would

have if I hadn't come along."

"Um. . . ."


"How do you know all that, and who exactly are you anyway? All you've

ever told me is your given name. I'm not saying I dislike it here, but. . . ."

"I've seen your family tree, of course. If you know where to look, you can

find out a lot of things. As for my name—my family name—you should

recognize it. It's Slytherin. Don't look at me like that—it's quite


"And we're related."


"And all of this has what to do with this Voldemort person?"

"Everything and nothing. You are of the Slytherin line, as am I, as is

Voldemort. Voldemort claimed to be carrying on Salazar's noble cause of

denying muggleborns entrance to Hogwarts because muggles couldn't be

trusted. And if you've absorbed enough history, you'll understand why he

thought that way."

"So there may or may not be this Voldemort person running around

trying to exterminate muggleborns and muggles, among other things."

"I'd say that just about covers it. Getting back to Albus Dumbledore, he

would be opposed to someone like Voldemort, who is both dark and


"If you're a Slytherin, how come you weren't a part of Voldemort's


Heru coughed and blinked at Mark. "Because I don't happen to agree with

his aims, or his methods. A name doesn't make you who you are, though

it can open some doors, and close others. Believe me, if I came to the

attention of Dumbledore, he would be highly suspicious of me, simply

because of my surname."

"How would he even know it was real?"

"There's such a thing as magical identity. I could tell people my surname

was anything, but if I needed to sign a magical contract, I'd be forced to

use my real name. Sort of like when I purchased this house. Also, there's

a potion called veritaserum. Ever heard of sodium pentathol? Hm, well,

veritaserum is a truth potion. You are incapable of lying if you've been

dosed with it. Its use, however, is restricted by the Ministry."

"Oh. All right. Am I in danger?"

"Not that I'm aware of, but if it becomes an issue, I'll rethink things. I

suggest you go back to where you left off at Grindelwald. The more you

learn before you attend Hogwarts, the better."

That night, Heru had his first taste of how effective the meddling of the

founders had been. Something woke him, that was sure, but it wasn't

Mark having a nightmare. When Heru checked on him, the boy was

sleeping peacefully. He wandered around for a while checking windows,

looking in on the elves and testing the integrity of the wards, even

though he knew they couldn't possibly be defective.

Eventually he went back to bed, still puzzled. When he was in the process

of reading The Daily Prophet later that morning it struck him. Harry had

had a dream, a vision, of Voldemort. Today would be the day Harry

would leave Privet Drive for the Burrow.

— — —

It had become habit, a routine. Heru would work like a man possessed to

produce several chapters for a text, and Mark would skim through them

and make suggestions. Heru would make corrections—he wanted things

to be as clear to a muggleborn as it would be to a pureblood—then move

on to the next set.

Life was quiet and calm, despite the excitement that permeated the

village once news of the Triwizard Tournament got out. No one bothered

them at the house, and the shopping was handled by the house elves.

Neither of them left other than to stretch their legs with a walk. Heru had

no guests, as he had no friends—or at least, no friends he could expose

himself to. Most people would damn him the moment they learned his

name, never bothering to give him the benefit of the doubt.

If any of that bothered Mark, he didn't mention it. After he'd got over the

disappointment of no electricity, he'd inveigled Heru into teaching him

wizarding games and would often drag him into a game if he got bored of

reading and there was no one in the village he wanted to visit.

When he completed the first year Potions text, Heru went back over other

texts he'd purchased to make sure he had not included too much, or

anything that could be considered too advanced. Satisfied, he moved

straight into the second year effort. When he felt like a change of pace he

worked on the compendium.

By the time the students from the competing schools arrived at Hogwarts,

Heru was well into the third year text, and beginning to think about

finding someone willing to publish his work. Naturally, he had no idea

how to do that offhand, but the checking a few books gave him names to

start with.

Mark thought it would be a bit posh to send a phoenix off with letters so

they took a day off to go owl shopping, one for each of them. Heru tried

not to think about Hedwig. Once that mission was accomplished, Heru

sent out letters to each of the publishers on his list. Then he went right

back to writing.

Mark asked him at one point why he was working so feverishly, if he was

short of money. Heru sat back and ruffled his hair, then said, "Because.

Current texts are horrible. If I can convince someone to publish, then

convince people to buy them, that would be great. No, I don't need

money. I'm quite comfortable, actually. I do, however, need something to

do with my time. As to why I'm working so hard on this, if I can get the

series completed, then it might be ready for next year."

A couple of weeks later Mark looked up from The Daily Prophet and

started asking about Harry Potter. "So, this is the kid who defeated


"That's how history writes it," Heru said vaguely. "All anyone really

knows is that Voldemort failed when he tried to kill him, and no one has

seen Voldemort since, though his followers are out there somewhere."

"I wonder what he's like. Potter, I mean."

Heru shrugged. "You'll no doubt have a chance to find out in a couple of

years. That is, if you don't meet him here in Hogsmeade."

"Yeah," Mark replied.

A week later, Heru got back responses from the publishers; only one of

them was interested enough to provide a date for him to come in and

talk. It was another reason for him to shrug; if it didn't come together,

he'd figure something out.

Out of pure curiosity, Heru hauled Mark with him up to the castle in

order to watch the first task a few days later. The only downside to the

treat was Mark's sudden and keen interest in having a broom of his own.

Heru promised to think about it.

On the last day of the month, armed with drafts of the first through third

year Potions texts and a partial compendium, Heru traveled to Diagon

Alley, leaving Mark in the care of Flick and Guin. He found the

publisher's office easily enough and was immediately ushered into a

smaller room for his meeting.

He arrived home several hours later slightly pissed off. Things had gone

quite well until the subject of his name had been raised. The publisher

was more interested in digging for gossip fodder than in discussing the

actual texts. After repeated attempts to get the man back on track, Heru

finally gave up and left.

He stomped down to the basement and took a good, long look. His next

action was to send off a letter to a publisher, not of books, but of a paper.

The second week of December found Heru having a cozy chat with one

Mr Lovegood of The Quibbler over cups of tea. Rather than obsessing over

Heru's name, Mr Lovegood was far more interested in talking about

whatever came to mind; he was delighted to find someone who didn't

automatically assume he was a bit lacking.

When his guest was nice and warmed up, Mr Lovegood took Heru on a

tour of his business, pointing out details large and small, and explaining

just how the printing process worked from start to finish. When Heru

questioned the size of the press being used, Mr Lovegood pointed out that

books could be made on a much smaller one, which in turn sparked a

discussion of exactly how much room would be necessary for a private


In the end Heru realized he could manage to convert his basement, but

he wasn't sure if he wanted to make that kind of commitment right at the

start. That occasioned another cozy chat with Mr Lovegood. The

agreement they finally worked out was simple. Heru would pay for all

the equipment, to be set up at at The Quibbler. He and Mark would assist

Mr Lovegood in producing a very small run of each text, and those would

be sent out for consideration.

If things went well, Heru could either renovate his own basement and

transfer the equipment, or hire on Mr Lovegood to oversee things while

providing the funds for additional personnel. The only problem Heru

could think of was of translation. While he was fairly fluent in French, he

couldn't say the same for any other languages. He decided not to worry;

if he could convince Hogwarts to use his texts, Beauxbatons and

Durmstrang could be approached. If things went badly, he'd wait a bit

before deciding whether or not to sell off the equipment.

A week later found Heru and Mark getting a lesson in the art of

typesetting, wizard style. Though the press had not yet arrived, they were

able to begin the tedious process of setting up pages. Naturally, they took

a break for Christmas. The highlight of the holiday was Mark receiving a

broom—which he loved—and a kitten—which he promptly named

Cooper. When Heru asked the for the logic behind the name, Mark

pointed out that the cat had an odd pattern of banding that reminded

him of barrels.

On the same day that Hogwarts began classes again, Heru and Mark went

back to see Mr Lovegood. Together they spent the entire day running off

copies of the books, including a partial compendium. While the work

wasn't difficult, it was as tedious as setting up the pages had been. It was

also a lot more work overall, having to constantly change the plates out,

then getting the texts properly compiled and bound. All Heru could say

to himself was, Thank goodness for magic.

The following day, after sleeping in, Heru bundled up a set and sent them

off to Hogwarts along with a letter of introduction and explanation. After

that he went back to writing, and Mark went back to reading, convincing

Heru to play the odd game with him, and flying around the quieter

sections of Hogsmeade. It was approximately three weeks later when

Heru received a response.

Mr Slytherin,

We would be pleased if you would come to Hogwarts to discuss the sample

texts you have provided us with for consideration. As these are Potions

texts, Professor Severus Snape would also be present as our resident

Potions Master.

If you are agreeable, we have set aside the morning of the 6th so that we

may meet. We would also be pleased if you would take the noon meal with

us. We await your owl confirmation.


Albus Dumbledore



"Here, have a look." Heru handed the letter to Mark and waited for him

to finish reading, drumming his fingers on the kitchen table. "I was

wondering if I should ask Praecino to come along with me."

"What for?" Mark laid the letter on the table and reached for his pumpkin


"People tend to view a person with a phoenix a lot more favorably. It's

very rare for anyone to have one as a familiar because they're so

selective. If I showed up with Praecino, it might offset the name, you


"I suppose so."

Heru finished his breakfast and went to dash off a quick reply.

— — —

The walk up to the castle was pleasant enough, though quite cold. Heru

was glad he'd used warming charms on his clothing before leaving the

house. Rather than make Praecino endure the journey he resolved to call

him once he was safely inside. And that's exactly what he did after he

was greeted by Professor McGonagall. When she offered to escort him to

the headmaster's office, he begged her patience long enough for Praecino

to appear and perch on his shoulder. Other than widening her eyes, she

showed no sign of surprise, and after delivering him to a very familiar

office, she disappeared.

"Welcome, Mr Slytherin. I am Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of this

school"—he held out his hand, which Heru shook firmly—"and this is

Professor Severus Snape, our Potions Master." Snape merely inclined his

head, which was just fine with Heru, who inclined his as well. "Please,

have a seat."

Heru selected a chair directly across from the headmaster and looked

around the office with adult eyes, and the eyes of a person who had

witnessed the inception of the room's use. He could feel a faint sense of

welcome lingering in the air, though it did not originate from either of

the two men. Finally, he returned his gaze to Dumbledore and smiled.

After the rest of the social niceties were out of the way and Heru had a

cup of tea to warm his hands, he was amused to note that Praecino was

busy carrying on a quiet, trilling conversation with Fawkes up on the

second level. Albus, noticing the line of his gaze, was moved to comment.

"Your friend seems to be getting on well with Fawkes. He's quite a

magnificent example of a phoenix. May I ask where you got him?"

"I would not say I precisely got him, Albus. Rather, I would say he found



"Indeed. I was talking my customary morning walk when he flew out of

the nearby forest and landed on my shoulder. I confess I did not

understand quite what was happening at first, but after consulting with

friends of mine, I formally accepted Praecino's offer of companionship. I

felt quite honored, and still do."

"Ah, I feel much the same way. As I'm sure you know, it is a very rare

thing." Heru saw peripherally that Severus was watching the two birds,

apparently ignoring the conversation. "I do confess, however—and you

may find this to be impertinent—that I am quite curious as to how you

bear the name you do." Dumbledore's manner was relaxed without being

off-guard, a state Heru attributed to Praecino's endorsement.

"It is simply my name," Heru said with a casual sort of shrug. "I recall

when I purchased a property in Hogsmeade this past summer that the

estate agent was quite surprised, as was a publisher I spoke to, but I

admit he was far more interested in dredging up items for gossip than in

evaluating my work. History tells us very little about the past—most of it

is quite murky—but I find it curious that there are so few of us left who

bear the name."

"Yes, I can see where you might run into certain difficulties." Albus gazed

at him over the rims of his spectacles for a moment. "But tell us, please,

how you came to author these textbooks."

"And," cut in Snape's resonant voice, "where you obtained some of these

potion formulas."

"Shall I be blunt?" Heru deliberately paused long enough to push up the

sleeves of his jumper, exposing his bare, unmarked forearms. "I find the

currently available offerings to be badly written and lacking in what I

consider to be valuable information. When I considered those things,

along with the fact that my own personal library contained potions that

none of those texts made mention of, never mind explained, I felt it was

worth trying my hand at correcting the situation. After all, failure

presents no great loss to me personally, though I think it would be a loss

to children at schools such as Hogwarts, especially those who do not

come from a wizarding background."

Severus was now staring at him intently.

"Interesting, very interesting. A most enlightened point of view."

"Not to be rude, but that begs the question—do you mean to say, for a

Slytherin?" Heru asked archly. "I ask, of course, because I am well aware

of the reputation the name of Slytherin holds."

"That would be the most obvious way of looking at it, yes," Albus replied

vaguely. "You have a unique way of presenting the material. I presume

that you are currently at work on the remaining year texts, and the

completion of the compendium?"

"Indeed. At present I am nearly finished with the fifth year text, though I

can say the material is already organized for the ones beyond that. It was

my intention that in later editions, each text would contain references to

the compendium so that they could be more easily used in conjunction

with each other. Even if they were not used as primary texts, I feel they

would be an excellent addition to a student's library."

"Do you feel they would be complete prior to the start of the next school


"I do. I began this project during the summer. I gave some thought to a

separate work detailing potions which are no longer used, mainly as a

historical aide to show how potions have progressed and evolved over

time, but could not quite decide if there was an actual point." His sleeves

had worked their way down again, so Heru pushed them back up, as

though it were a reflexive habit.

"It might prove interesting, were you to do so," said Albus

noncommittally. "I myself have no objections to the use of your texts,

though I would prefer to be sure that the full set would be available in

time for the new year." Albus turned his head away and said, "Severus?"

"I would prefer to speak with our guest in more depth before making a

decision." Snape arched a brow and asked, "Would you care for a tour of

the dungeons while we discussed this further?"

"Certainly. Never let it be said I turned down the opportunity to see a

Master's home territory."

"Very well," said Albus. "I hope to see you at lunch, then. If not, it was a

pleasure to meet and talk with you."

"Likewise. You have been a gracious host. Though, if I may ask, would it

be all right if Praecino waited here? He seems to be quite happy at the

moment. I can either summon him before I go, or he would return home

at his leisure."

"No trouble at all. Fawkes is delighted to have company."

Heru stood and inclined his head in thanks, then looked to Severus,

preceding him out of the office at his gesture after gathering up his cloak

and folding it over his arm. When they were back in the hallway, Severus

said, "This way," and started off at a slow walk.

12. Playing at Innocence

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Ah, because of a review question—I will be quite plain in saying

I'm not good with children. I don't have any of my own, and never

wanted any. So, Heru's relationship with Mark may not be as rich as

other things might be. Frankly, I tend to model story children off myself

as a child—rather studious, rarely in trouble, intelligent, focused, and

fairly mature for their age. I realize that it presents a distinct schism from

reality, but. . . .

— 11: Playing at Innocence —

Severus said nothing as they made the slow walk down to the ground

floor. It was not until they had descended to the dungeon level that

either of them spoke, and at that, Heru was led along a series of passages

first, a route that eventually led to a very familiar dead end.

"It is," Severus said as he indicated the portrait, "quite remarkable how

much you resemble this man. It seems the Slytherin look breeds true on


"Yes, I see what you mean." Heru tilted his head and pretended to subject

the portrait to intense scrutiny.

"Unfortunate, though, that there is no given name. I have long wondered

who he is."

The portrait, which had woken at the sound of voices, squinted for a

moment at them, then flashed a quick, secretive smile. A moment later it

hissed, "You keep getting older, I see, unlike myself."

Heru laughed softly and shook his head, looking over at Severus to see a

fiery spark of curiosity burning in his dark eyes. "Shall we continue with

the tour?"

"Of course. Follow me." Severus led him away, back into the more

common areas, pointing out various rooms as they passed them and

explaining their use. Eventually Heru was led into the main classroom

and through to Snape's office. He wondered where Severus actually lived,

and what, if anything, was now behind the snake-inlay door Salazar had

used so long ago.

Severus settled in behind his desk, in a titular position of power, while

Heru took a seat in the first chair he saw after laying his cloak over the

back. Leaning back, he crossed his ankles, pushed up his sleeves, and

aimed a pleasant smile at Snape.

Severus wasted no further time on social form. "Those potion formulas—

you say they came from your personal library? It must be very old, or

quite unique."

"I would say both. Would I be wrong to assume that you've personally

tried them? It seems to me to be the kind of thing a Potions Master would


"A wise assumption. I would be very interested to see your collection."

Heru arched a brow. "Perhaps. My books are stored quite carefully to

ensure their near pristine condition. I might be persuaded to bring one or

two by to show you. I'm quite protective of them, as you might


"As would I be, were they my own."

"I suppose I see no reason to object. I hardly think a man of your

reputation would play me for a fool. I will select a few I think might

pique your interest."

"What did the portrait say?" asked Severus abruptly. "People don't

normally laugh for no reason, or because they were hissed at."

"You never know, dear fellow. I may be certifiable." Heru flashed an

amused smile. "But to answer your question, it appears the portrait agrees

with you about the resemblance. It said it would never look as old as I


"Then you are a parselmouth."

"One might draw that conclusion. I get the distinct feeling I'm not down

here so you can ask me about my work." Severus gave him the barest of

smiles, though it more closely resembled a snarl. Heru found it oddly

erotic, and almost shook his head in surprise at his reaction. "Yes, I am a

parselmouth. But that is allegedly quite common in the Slytherin line, is

it not?"

"Undoubtedly. You seem quite comfortable with your lineage," Severus


"Shouldn't I be? Though, with a madman like Voldemort running about it

takes a very secure person to be so these days. There isn't much one can

do about masking reality in any case."

"Indeed. Your little show isn't fooling me, by the way. You're quite casual

about it, but I understand well what you're not saying out loud."

"And this means what to me?" Heru gave Severus another pleasant smile.

In return, Severus snorted. "You've made it very clear that you aren't

Marked. You arrived with a phoenix as your familiar. One must assume

you are attempting to deflect ill will before it has a chance to manifest."

"Aren't we the clever fellow. That does not, however, mean I'm safe or

harmless, as I'm quite sure you're aware. But still, I must wonder what it

is that you're getting at."

"You are . . . a very talented writer."

"I appreciate your opinion, especially as you are a Potions Master and I

am not, though I suppose I could take the exam." Heru shrugged in an

offhand manner. "You may call me Heru, if you wish. I certainly don't


"So, we are supposed to come to the conclusion that you have utterly no

connection to the Dark Lord," Severus stated.

"How very odd, dear fellow. I thought it was only Death Eaters who

referred to Voldemort in that fashion. Should I be worried?"

Snape's expression congealed. Several heartbeats later he said, "You are

being evasive."

"As are you. Would that I could prove my sincerity, but I do believe a

fellow such as yourself is rightfully cautious." He cast a meaningful look

at Severus, then said, "If you like, you're more than welcome to visit my

home in Hogsmeade. You can even meet my household. I'll arrange for

the books I mentioned to be available. Otherwise, I will await an owl

from you with a time that is good for you that I may come back here and

bring them with me. Regardless, I am far more concerned with whether

or not you'll be endorsing my textbooks. This venture is doomed to

failure if you do not, and if that is the case, I'll sell off the equipment I

purchased and find another way to spend my time."

"I have no issue with the texts. If you can complete the series prior to the

start of the next school year and have them ready for order by Flourish &

Blotts, then I intend to use those in the book lists."

Heru gave Severus a genuinely pleased smile. The effect was interesting;

Severus leaned forward slightly, his eyes seeming to burn black fire. "You

have my sincere thanks. I will definitely continue working to the utmost

of my ability on the remaining texts, starting when I return home today."

Severus nodded and straightened. "And those books?"

"As I said—if you would prefer I return here, so be it. Otherwise you are

welcome to visit me in the village. You will . . . have to let me know."

"I shall inform Albus, then. And now"—Severus's gaze focused on

something behind Heru for a moment—"it is just coming on time for

lunch. Will you be joining us for the meal?"

"It would be my pleasure."

"Let us be on our way, then." Severus stood, prompting Heru to rise, and

ushered him out and up to the Great Hall. He did not introduce Heru to

any of the staff, though he did give the headmaster a faint nod as they

approached the head table. He steered Heru to the last seat at the end of

the table and sat beside him, a buffer between Heru and other staff

members. A number of curious glances were shot down the table, but out

of courtesy they did not persist in such behavior throughout the meal.

It had been a distinctly peculiar feeling for Heru to sweep his eyes over

the house tables and see himself as a child. Seeing Ron and Hermione

almost undid him; he maintained his composure by sheer force of will.

After that he mainly kept his head down, or turned toward Severus when

they conversed intermittently. In consequence, he missed the blatant

stares from the occupants of the Slytherin table. When the meal was over

he stopped beside Albus long enough to give voice to his farewell, then

allowed himself to be led to the main doors by Severus. After a parting

inclination of the head, Heru stepped out and began the walk back to

Hogsmeade and his home.

— — —

It was a week later that Heru received word from Severus; by then he had

completed the fifth year text and sent word to Mr Lovegood regarding the

felicitous decision made by the school. The letter read:

Mr Slytherin,

There are several matters we should discuss at this time. If the twentieth is

convenient, please send confirmation by owl and I will stop by on that date

at ten in the morning.

Severus Snape

The writing was a reminder of days gone by, inciting nostalgic feelings in

Heru, perhaps only because it was not insulting. But then, Severus Snape

wasn't writing to Harry Potter. He didn't answer right away. The letter

was set aside as Heru considered the problem of Mark. He could, if

pressed, prove the blood relationship with the boy; the results would

show not the exact relationship, but rather only that it was quite distant

without markers to denote—in this case—whether that meant upward or

sideways. Despite that, Mark would be seen as inferior in the eyes of

most purebloods.

Would the child be safer as he was, and more at risk should he agree to

blood bond to Heru, or was the reverse more apt to be the case? After

letting his thoughts run in circles for a half hour, Heru had Flick summon

Mark to his study.

"I have a very important question to ask you," Heru said once Mark was

seated, "and I believe you're old enough to make this decision on your

own." Mark immediately looked bewildered. Heru smiled and continued,

"This may come out as a bit confusing at first, so please bear with me.

You and I share a blood relationship, distant as it may be. Normally, that

would be enough for me—though I have not adopted you in either the

muggle or magical worlds, I am your legal guardian in the eyes of the

muggle authorities, so by magical standards, that's all that matters."

Mark nodded uncertainly.

"What causes me to worry is that one of the professors from the school

will be visiting in a week."

"Why?" was the mystified question.

"Because there is every chance he will learn your full name, and I'm not

sure how I feel about that. As it stands, you are considered a muggleborn

in the eyes of the wizarding world, even living here. And though you are

of the Slytherin bloodline, that perception would provide you some order

of protection from the interest of Voldemort and his minions in terms of

recruitment. On the other hand, it makes you more vulnerable as a target

for extermination. There is good and bad on both sides of this equation."

"I don't think I understand what you're trying to ask."

"To put it simply, Mark, I have been deliberating whether or not to offer

you a blood bond."

"A what?"

"I have three options. I can leave things as they are and see how it all

plays out. I can adopt you, but that won't technically change anything

except your surname. Or I can blood bond you to me, making you

literally my son, blood and name. Make no mistake—no matter what you

decide, I will do my utmost to assure that you grow up safely, even if it

means leaving the country. You are family and I won't abandon you."

"So you want me to decide?" Mark squeaked.

"Yes. I feel it would be wrong to decide for you. If you choose not to

decide, then I will be forced to at some point, but I think you're mature

enough to take a day to consider things and tell me what you would


"The blood bond would mean I wasn't Mark Evans any longer?"

"You'd still be you, but biologically speaking, you'd be a pureblood

Slytherin, as much my son as if I'd fathered you myself," Heru explained.

"And I could be in danger either way."

"Yes. I will always be honest with you, Mark, if I am able. I would never

intentionally lie to you, though I may not be able to reveal everything I


"Does it hurt?"

"Not really. It is called a blood bond for a reason, though. I must draw

blood from both of us to accomplish it."

"But don't you plan on ever getting married and having children?"

Heru coughed and shifted uncomfortably. "I have no wish to, nor

intention of, ever marrying a woman, so children are not an option.

Regardless, you are family no matter what you decide."

Mark gave him a slyly curious look, then dropped his gaze to his hands.

"I should point out that I very much doubt anyone aside from myself

knows how to perform a blood bond, so I would appreciate you not

speaking of it to anyone. Consider it a family secret."

"All right," said Mark suddenly. "I've decided."

"So quickly?" Heru said in surprise.

Mark looked up and nodded. "I would prefer the blood bond. How long

will it take?"

"Several days to prepare, then an hour or so for the ceremony. If you are

sure, we can begin now."

"Then let's start."

In the amount of time it took for Heru to stand, he idly wondered what

effect this would have on the family tapestry.

— — —

Precisely at ten that morning a knock sounded at the door; Heru

answered it personally. After returning Severus's greeting, he invited the

man in, asking once the door was closed if he would like anything to

drink. Severus politely declined—and it was polite for Severus if Heru's

memory was anything to go by—and was subsequently guided into the


"Please make yourself at home while I fetch those books. I'll only be a

moment." Heru inclined his head briefly and walked out of sight. Less

than a minute later he apparated back into the house holding two bulky

cases, which he brought to the lounge. He placed them carefully on the

low table in front of Severus, then took a seat.

Severus, after a quick glance at Heru, leaned forward to open the first,

then froze in place as Mark stepped into the room. Heru said, "Ah, let me

present my son, Marcus. Mark, this is Professor Severus Snape of

Hogwarts, the Potions Master." He wasn't sure if it was the revelation that

he had a son, or Mark's resemblance to himself that had arrested Severus


"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," offered Mark with a half bow and a

disarming smile. After receiving a nod Mark turned to Heru and said, "I'm

sorry to have interrupted. I wanted to know if it was all right for me to

visit the shops."

"Sure, but if you run into any trouble, summon Flick." He then rolled his

eyes and said, "Who am I kidding? If you aren't back in time for lunch

he'll probably find you and drag you home."

Mark giggled and raced off, the sound of the front door closing coming

moments later.

Severus gave Heru a penetrating look, then opened the first case and

moved the book within to his lap. He spent several moments gliding his

long fingers over the cover, then flipped it open carefully. Heru settled

back in his chair, prepared for a potentially long wait. And he was not

disappointed in that expectation. When a half hour had gone by, he

quietly stood and exited the room, stopping in at the kitchen to ask Guin

for a pot of tea, and waiting until a tray was ready. He returned to the

lounge and set the tray at the far end of the table, poured himself a cup,

then sat down. Severus did not even appear to notice he'd been gone.

He was on his second cup when Severus replaced the book in its case and

reached for the other, giving it the same odd caress before beginning to

turn the pages. Heru had just poured his fourth cup when Severus looked

up at him. Naturally, Heru smiled.

"I cannot believe what I'm seeing," said Severus as he put the book back

into its case. "Do you have any concept of how valuable these books are?

And you have an entire library?"

Heru shrugged. "They have a lot of sentimental value for me, certainly."

"These were written by Salazar himself."

Heru took a sip of his tea and nodded. "So I understand."

"Do you?" asked Severus almost rudely. "These books are priceless. How

in Merlin's name did you come by them?"

Heru blinked slowly. "They stayed in the family," he said as if it were the

most obvious answer in the world. "Some of them were written by the

other founders." Heru got the distinct impression that Severus wanted to

groan. "I even have a few written by Salazar's brother," he added, just for

shock value. He wasn't disappointed that time either.

Severus closed his eyes briefly then said, "Brother?"

"So family lore goes."

"And this alleged brother's name?"

"The same as mine."


"Yeah. I looked it up once because I was curious. Apparently the alternate

is Horus, the Egyptian God of Light," Heru said cheerfully. "Interesting,


"Quite." Severus didn't appear to know what to do with that little tidbit of

trivia. He was saved from saying more by the sound of the front door

being closed, and a whirlwind called Mark blowing into the room.

"Father!" he cried. "Please say I can keep him." Mark thrust something at

Heru and deposited it in his automatically outstretched hands. Heru took

a deep breath and looked down at a green snake with white banding.

"Oh. Well, I don't know," he temporized, angling his head to the side.

"And what exactly are you?" he hissed.

The snake raised its head and gave him a beady stare. "You don't know?"

it hissed back, apparently affronted. "I am an emerald tree boa from Brazil."

Heru looked up at Mark and asked, "They had this at the pet shop?"

Mark nodded and bounced, looking inordinately pleased with himself.

"Can I keep him? He didn't cost much 'cause he's not venomous." Turning

to the snake he hissed, "You want to stay, don't you?"

"If you promise to find me plenty to eat," it replied, coiling around Heru's


Heru raised his eyes heavenward, paused, then said, "All right. But next

time, please ask first. And make sure he doesn't scare Flick or Guin. The

last thing I need is a house elf having a nervous breakdown." He held out

his arms, allowing Mark to retrieve his new pet, then flapped his hand.

"Go on, then, and introduce him to Praecino as well."

Mark nodded vigorously and dashed off. Heru dropped his head into his

hands and sighed. After a moment he straightened and said, "I'm sorry.

Where were we?" Severus looked a little pale, he noticed.

Severus cleared his throat. "We were about to discuss your texts. But I

only have time now to inform you of how many copies should be printed

in anticipation of next year."

Heru replied, "Please, continue."

After relating the figures, Severus rose to his feet, prompting Heru to do

the same. "The rest will have to wait until another time, I'm afraid."

"That's fine. I'd like to thank you for coming down here."

After a last, lingering look at the cases Severus nodded and made a move

for the door. Heru walked him out, then returned his treasures to his

underlake quarters.

Four days later, Heru and Mark made the trip up to the castle to watch

the second task.

13. Unexpected Reactions

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Some of your reviews have had the effect of solidifying plans I'd

made tentatively, so that's spiffy. Most of this chapter, however, is

completely spur of the moment, and went in a rather odd direction.

— 12: Unexpected Reactions —

Heru and Mark were preparing to walk back to Hogsmeade when a rich,

deep voice stopped them. Severus was approaching, so they waited for

him to catch up.

"I did not expect to see the two of you here," Severus stated when he was

close enough.

Heru smiled easily. "We came to see the first task as well. An amazing

bunch of kids, really. Of course, it meant Mark started nagging me for a

broom once he saw the Potter boy zooming around," he said blandly.

Severus's eye twitched ever so slightly in response. "Indeed. As you are

here, I thought I might ask if you'd be willing to show me more of your

collection. I found the first two books quite informative. Even Albus was

fascinated by my description of them."

Is that so? thought Heru with a mental smirk. Come closer, little fishy. I've

got a nice baited hook for you. He said out loud, "Sure. I don't see why not,

and you seem to be the kind of man who can appreciate them. When

would be a good time?" He noted that Severus's eyes would occasionally

flick down to Mark, then back up.

"If you'd care to follow me to my office, I can check."

"Certainly. We can spare the time for that, can't we, Mark?"

Mark whipped his head around from where he'd been watching the

departing spectators and said, "Of course, father."

As they followed Severus to the castle and down into the dungeons,

Mark's head was nearly a blur as he tried to take in everything and nearly

stumbled several times before Heru placed a hand on his shoulder to help

guide him. "You'll see a great deal more, I expect, when you come here

for your own schooling," he said in a low voice.

Mark also seemed awed at the potions classroom and Severus's office,

prompting the professor to ask if the boy was any good at potions.

"I have no idea," confessed Heru, "though he's been a huge help to me

with the texts. But now that you mention it, I should ask if there are any

laws against him working on them before he comes to Hogwarts. I know

he isn't allowed a wand just yet, but it seemed to me that potions ought

not to be an issue. I'd hate to deliver him into your capable hands as a

rank tyro in terms of practical work."

Severus seemed mildly surprised at the question. "There are not. And if

you are as good at teaching him as you are at writing on the subject, I

would expect him to start school well in hand."

"Splendid!" Heru began, then was interrupted by his sleeve being tugged


"Can we start as soon as we get home?" asked Mark excitedly.

"If you like," Heru replied indulgently. "Now behave and let the professor

check his schedule."

Severus crossed to his desk and behind, pulling open a drawer and taking

a book from inside. Flipping it open, he paged through it, then stopped to

skim the contents. After a moment he looked up and said, "This Saturday

morning appears to be open. Would ten suit?"

Heru nodded. "I can manage that with no problem."

Severus grabbed a quill as he set the book down, then made a notation

before putting it away. "Very well. Let me show you out then. It is easy to

get lost down here."

"Ah . . . do you think we could visit that portrait again before we go?"

Heru asked.

If Severus thought the request was odd, he made no indication of it. He

inclined his head briefly then led the way. On arrival, Heru said to Mark,

"This is the portrait I told you about. Interesting, eh?"

"You're right. It looks a lot like you, just much younger. This is really


The portrait opened its eyes and smirked. "You again?" he hissed. "One

might start to think you missed me or something."

Heru laughed as Mark's eyes widened. "Hello," Mark hissed. "My name is

Marcus Slytherin. What's yours?"

The portrait moved its gaze from the boy to Heru and arched a brow.

"Adopting more strays?" Heru gazed innocently at the ceiling, so the

portrait returned its eyes to Mark and hissed, "Is that so. My name is Heru

Slytherin, but you should already know that."

"I should?" asked Mark, turning an accusing gaze on his father.

"Hey, don't look at me. He said it."

"Said what?" inquired Severus smoothly.

Mark glanced over his shoulder and said, "He says his name is Heru

Slytherin, and that I should have already known that, sir."

Severus's eyes narrowed.

"Hey now, just because we look a great deal alike is no reason a person

should assume we have the same name," protested Heru, casting a

pointed look at the portrait.

"So this is Salazar's alleged brother," Severus stated.

The portrait gave him a snooty look and lifted its chin. "Alleged my ass,"

he hissed.

Mark giggled and glanced at Severus again.

"Dare I even ask?"

"Um . . . it doesn't translate directly," said Mark with another giggle. "But

he does say he's Salazar's brother."

Heru had to wonder why Severus didn't ask the obvious question, which

was why the portrait refused to speak in English.

"How very interesting. It appears your family lore is correct," said Severus

redundantly. "Well, as fascinating as this is, I'm afraid there are things I

need to be taking care of. May I escort you to the entrance?"

"Oh, yes. Sorry about taking up so much of your time." Heru placed a

hand on Mark's shoulder and firmly turned him around. The journey out

was short and silent, broken by a perfectly polite parting exchange at the


On the walk back down to the village, Mark asked, "What did he mean

about adopting strays?"

Heru resolved to have a long chat with the portraits very soon. "Family

lore has it that Heru adopted a son well before he married and had

children of his own," he explained. Luckily, Mark said no more on the

subject, and when they arrived at the house Heru took him downstairs

for a beginning lesson on making potions.

After a late lunch, Heru warded the basement so Mark couldn't get into

any trouble while he was out, then apparated directly into his underlake

rooms. There were several things he wanted to do, but he started with

the portrait in his entrance hall. A lengthy discussion ensued and Heru

finally got across the notion that people of this time should not be able to

make a definite conclusion that the portrait Heru and the real Heru were

actually the same person. He hadn't realized what a pain in the ass he

could be until now, even if it was his painted self being such a thorn in

his side. He did not worry about the portraits in his study—the younger

set probably thought their Heru was dead, and Caedryn and the founders

knew better than to reveal anything to anyone.

Instead, Heru stood in the middle of his lounge and voiced a question to

the castle. "Dear lady, are you aware of anything Caedryn might have left

for me here before he died?" Several minutes later he was graced with

another vision. He apparated to the room it showed and picked up a

wooden crate, gave his sincere thanks, then apparated back to his home

in Hogsmeade. He barricaded himself in his study and wrenched the

cover off to reveal a stack of journals in near perfect condition. Each was

stamped with his son's name and a number in silver. Either Caedryn had

thought ahead, or the castle had preserved them of her own volition.

Heru picked up the first and opened it.

Dear Father,

I know now that you are gone, much to my regret, and it is because of this

that I have decided to keep journals in the hopes that one day you will think

to ask the castle about me and my life. Obviously, if you are reading this,

you did.

We told my brothers and cousins that you died as you requested, though we

refused to explain the circumstances. The news hit them very hard, I'm

sorry to say. It was weeks before we could get even a tiny smile out of any

of them.

I was forcibly reminded of the day my own parents died, but then I recalled

how you spoke with me and welcomed me into your life, how you cared for

me as if I were your son from birth. Have I ever told you how much I love

you, and how grateful I still am?

Heru had to stop for a moment to wipe away the tears that had begun to

slide down his cheeks. Memories he had subconsciously repressed came

crashing back over him, and he felt the deep and abiding pain of not

having seen his children grow up into men.

I do not mean to cause you any pain, father, please believe that. I miss you

very much and wish you had not had to leave us, though I understand it was

ordained. I hope that your years here have given you whatever it is you

need in your own time. I must believe that it has, for there is no other

reason for you to have been taken from us, right?

I will record anything of interest that happens so that you may understand

how our lives have gone, and the lives of those around us. I should add that

Godric, Rowena, and Helga also seem quite despondent, but they are much

more resilient having known from the start. I have taken to visiting your

portrait on occasion. The only people it will speak to intelligibly are me and

the founders. For anyone else it stoically pretends it only speaks

Parseltongue, which I find moderately amusing. For now let me say that I

pray you are doing well, and that you are happy wherever you are.

With love,


Heru flipped the journal shut and sniffled loudly. A glance in the mirror

showed that his eyes and nose were red and swollen, but he didn't care. If

he couldn't express his loss in some fashion he might scream. Not feeling

up to reading more at the moment, he placed the book back into the

crate and sealed it, warding it against intrusion before shoving it under

his desk. He was glad he'd thought to ask, but needed more time to get

himself and his feelings under control before he attempted to see what

more Caedryn had written. An hour or so later, when he could

reasonably show his face again, he emerged from his study and headed

for the library to go back to work on the sixth year text.

Over the next few days he alternated between instructing Mark in the art

of Potions, working on the texts, and reading more of the journals. Aside

from the first page, Caedryn had made no more references to his

knowledge of Heru's origins or departure, and instead wrote as though he

were composing letters to his dead father. If it came to it, Heru knew he

could excise that page and be able to show them to anyone if he wished.

Early Saturday morning he returned underlake and selected a book from

his collection, one he had written himself regarding his and Salazar's

ability to change their appearance, though he had not gone into exactly

how it was possible. That secret—Salazar's original notes—were safely

tucked away in his vault. That his handwriting had changed over the

years was just as well.

So it was that when Severus arrived promptly at ten, Heru was there to

usher him in and lead the way to his study. Not bothering to ask this

time, he summoned a house elf and requested tea, then picked up his

selections to show to his guest.

"One of these is purportedly written by Salazar's brother Heru and

contains some rather interesting information. The other is written by

Heru's eldest son, Caedryn. You seemed quite interested in him, so I made

my selection based on that."

Severus arched a brow at him and actually smiled faintly. As he reached

out to accept the books, Guin popped in with a tray and poured two cups

of tea before disappearing. Heru fixed one to his liking and sat down,

watching as Severus ignored the tea in favor of opening one of the books.

Heru could tell by the cover that it was the one he had written.

Over the next few minutes he watched as Severus's brows raised higher

and higher with every page he turned, until finally he looked up and

said, "Yes, very interesting, considering it is an account of the origins of

metamorphmagi. I find it extremely intriguing that it was a potions

accident, and quite disappointed that there is no record of how to

recreate the circumstances."

So that's what they decided to call it, thought Heru. Now I don't have to

appear appallingly ignorant on the subject. He nodded at Severus and

smiled. "It seems to run in the family, much like being a parselmouth," he

confided. He was rewarded with a slight quirk at the corner of Severus's

mouth. His guest carefully closed the book and placed it on the table,

then started on the journal. Heru had selected it quite deliberately, for it

held an accounting of the first year after his departure and thus was full

of comments about his other sons, nephews, and the remaining founders.

But more importantly, it mentioned, much as the excised page had, that

Heru's portrait was quite stubborn about who it spoke to.

Eventually—it was frightfully clear that the man was a fast reader—

Severus closed the book and looked at him again with those burning

black eyes. "I am honored to have had the opportunity to read these," he

said. "You are fortunate to have such an intimate link to your past."

Heru couldn't help but smile.

"My own family was not so careful, to my eternal regret, though I know

my line reaches back quite far."

"That is unfortunate, I agree," he said. "It is always a shame when the past

becomes nothing more than a collection of myths."

"If I may ask, how many more journals are there?"

Heru shrugged. "I'm not sure. I only just recently started reading them,

and haven't bothered to count yet."

"I would," said Severus, "be interested to read more of them. They

provide a fascinating insight into that time period. Even Albus would be

overjoyed to see these."

Heru made a noncommittal noise. "I suppose that might be true, but I

don't feel quite the same sense of rapport with your headmaster," he

replied. "One must assume that he is quite intelligent and capable of

being crafty—in the best sense of the word, that is—but I somehow doubt

he shares some of the qualities you appear to possess."

Severus responded with a look of mild incredulity and the question, "And

those would be?"

Heru gave him an artless smile—it was entirely calculated for effect—and

said, "You were a Slytherin as a student, were you not?" At Severus's nod

he continued, "As I understand it, Slytherins tend to be sly, ambitious,

and cunning creatures who very carefully weigh their opportunities for

risk versus reward. The headmaster strikes me more as the type who

would sacrifice much for his desired results while remaining fairly

straightforward about his motives and reasoning. As such, he would be

far more caught up in thinking on a global scale rather than from a more

personal point of view. All very upright and aboveboard."

He wrested another faint smile from his guest at his carefully worded

opinion. "Perhaps," Severus said. "Are you attempting to flatter me, Mr


Heru widened his eyes to falsely innocent proportions and said, "Am I?

And here I thought I was simply being honest."

Severus snorted. "Your lunch with us up at the castle raised more than a

few brows. The staff were all very interested in you, as were the students

of my house."

"I have no particular interest in satisfying their curiosity about me," Heru

pointed out. "I just want to live my life, raise my son—if it's bad, though,

I'll have to reconsider sending him to Hogwarts. I'm more than capable of

teaching him everything he needs to know personally."

"I notice you do not seem to have a wife in residence."

Heru blinked. "That's rather impertinent of you. Mark's mother is

deceased, and she wasn't my wife in the first place. I would not care to

repeat the experience, but I am grateful for having Mark in my life."

Never mind that he was twisting the truth like pretzel dough.

"Curious," said Severus mildly. "I also notice you live quite simply despite

having such an exalted lineage."

Heru was so agitated by the implications that sparks flew from his

fingertips, shattering the empty cup he was still holding. Aiming a glare

at Severus he said, "Are you trying to irritate me, or are you just morbidly

curious?" Without waiting for a response Heru glanced down at the

shards and gestured. A moment later he placed the repaired cup on the

table. "If you must know," he resumed after noting how pale Severus had

become, "I don't much see the point in flaunting anything—not my life,

my power, or my lifestyle choices. I trust that answers your question


When Severus didn't respond after a minute Heru reached out with his

power. What he ended up sensing was a feeling of awe that verged on

worship, making his mood deteriorate even further. "Stop that," he

snapped. "What in Merlin's name do you think I am, anyway? Thank the

powers that blot on my family name doesn't actually share it. I could

never live down the shame if that were the case."

Severus started and dropped his eyes, placing the book he held on the

table. Slowly, very slowly, he said, "The resemblance is un—"

"Don't you dare compare me to that pathetic excuse for a man," Heru

interrupted heatedly. "You know what? I have an idea, Mr Snape."

Severus raised his eyes, his face blank of all expression once more.

"Let us, you and I, go on a little trip. Would you like to see a place of

legend? I'm sure you do. So how about we toddle on up to the castle so I

can show you what a real Slytherin accomplished, and what one bastard

used for his own twisted and disgusting desires."

Heru rose to his feet, followed by Severus. Once outside the study Heru

warded the door and stalked off down the hall. By the time they had

reached the castle doors Heru was much calmer, and mentally kicking

himself for reacting so violently. Apparently some habits were harder to

break than others. Still not speaking, he unerringly led the professor to

the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, not giving a damn if his

companion thought it was peculiar that he knew exactly where to go.

After slapping a set of wards on the bathroom door, he turned to the

sinks and hissed, "Open up."

When the entrance was opened he gestured sharply for Severus to

precede him, then jumped into the pipe himself. At the bottom he

brushed off his robes with a mild feeling of disgust and stalked off,

climbing over the remains of the rockfall, past the remains of the skin the

basilisk had shed, to stop in front of a solid wall carved with two

entwined serpents with glittering emerald eyes.

"How's this for family lore?" he asked sarcastically, then turned and

hissed, "Open." After the wall split he stalked through, then watched as

Severus entered and began to look around. The corpse of the basilisk was

still there, slowly decaying, but not yet entirely gone. Eventually Severus

stood in front of the statue of Salazar, staring upward at the stone face.

Heru snorted as he saw it again, causing Severus to look back over his

shoulder in confusion. "Family lore has it that Salazar looked a great deal

like his brother, so this statue is a bit of a mystery to me. However, I

understand that it also opens. Care to take a look inside? This is the first

opportunity I've had myself so we can explore together."

Severus nodded and looked back at the statue, so Heru sent out a mental

call for Praecino. Moments later he appeared in a burst of flame and

came to rest on his shoulder with a short trill of inquiry. Heru took a

second to give the phoenix an affectionate pat, then looked up at the

statue and hissed, "Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four."

It occurred to Heru at the last moment that he was taking a huge risk. He

had no way of knowing that Salazar had just the one basilisk.

Fortunately, though, the only thing that happened was that the mouth

smoothly swung open. "Praecino," he asked quietly, "would you be

willing to give us a lift up to that opening?"

The phoenix trilled agreement and flew over to the foot of the statue and

hovered. Heru followed and grabbed Severus's hand, then took hold of

Praecino's tail feathers. After a short but exhilarating flight they were

standing inside a fairly large tunnel. Praecino perched in the opening and

began to preen his feathers, so Heru forged on ahead, followed closely by

Severus, eventually coming to a huge, high-ceilinged room that lit up as

soon as he entered it.

"I always wondered what this place was like," he murmured, spotting a

desk and moving toward it. Laying on the surprisingly clean surface was

a single sheet of parchment, which Heru picked up.

My Dearest Brother,

I can only hope that someday you will be able to read this. Perhaps I am

wrong to do as I have done, but I made my decision when Ethelinda died at

the hands of those muggles, realizing despite the evidence to support my

arguments that the others would never be able to agree with my wishes. I'm

sorry, Heru—I could make no other choice but to leave, knowing that I

would always be at odds with them. My deepest regret is in leaving you and

the children behind to wonder what has become of me.

I am also sorry for the things I forgot in the heat of the moment. I know the

things I said must have wounded you deeply. It was truly insensitive of me,

and I beg your forgiveness from the depths of my heart. You did not deserve

to hear such things come from my mouth. I hope you know that I never

once considered you in that light. If anything, you would have been the

impetus for a change of heart, but that was not to be in the end.

I know that you have taken my sons into your home and begun to raise

them with as much love as you have for your own, and for that you have my

eternal thanks. And by now you will have realized that I left you one final

gift in your vault. I also know that it has probably made you angry, or at

least very annoyed with me. Please do not think too badly of me, Heru, and

do not forget me.

All my love,


Heru struggled with himself, trying desperately to contain his reaction to

the words of his brother, knowing that Severus was somewhere in the

room with him. When he heard his companion quietly clear his throat

somewhere off to the side, Heru thrust the parchment out blindly,

keeping his eyes firmly on the surface of the desk. As ill-conceived as the

idea had been, and as much as he wished he had not brought Severus

with him, Heru would not have traded in this moment for the world.

After a span of time Heru didn't even bother to try and make sense of,

Severus cleared his throat again. Heru turned around and extended his


Severus hesitated, then said, "Would you mind very much if Albus were

to see this?"

Heru snapped his fingers expectantly and quickly took the parchment

from Severus when he offered it back. "Fine," he said in as normal a tone

as he could manage. "But this is a piece of my family's history. I have

every intention of taking it home to be properly preserved."

"Understood. Shall we go see him now?"

Heru spun on his heel and stalked off down the tunnel to Praecino, who

carried the both of them not only out of it, but back up to Myrtle's

bathroom, then disappeared in another burst of flame. Heru closed the

entrance and removed his earlier work from the door, then let Severus

take the lead on the short trip to Albus's office.

When he had greeted the headmaster tersely and was seated, Heru let his

mind wander a bit as Albus read the letter. His eyes focused sharply

when Albus said, rather perceptively, "You seem to be somewhat strongly

affected by this, Mr Slytherin."

Heru immediately produced an easy smile. "I simply wasn't expecting to

find anything of the sort. I find it quite intriguing, not to mention vastly


"Yes, I see," responded Albus. "I'm grateful you were willing to let me

read it. While it does not provide complete answers, it is at least some

information as to why Salazar left the school." He handed the letter to

Severus, who handed it to Heru.

Heru nodded and stood abruptly. "If you don't mind, I will return to my

home. Don't worry, I know my way out now. I'm sure we'll speak again."

He inclined his head and left before either of them could respond. As

soon as he was home he barricaded himself in his study, and finally gave

vent to his feelings.

14. Trading Favors

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Oh, the joys of winging it. Maybe this is like, waaaay too fast, but

there I was looking at the calendar for GoF and went, ooooo, there's an

opportunity. So I pounced.

— 13: Trading Favors —

By the time another week had passed, Heru completed his work on the

sixth year text and had begun the seventh. He felt confident that he could

manage to finish everything in good time and had stopped in to see Mr

Lovegood about the number of copies to print for the first six books, plus

hand over the necessary money for the hire of workers to set the most

recent text and take care of the press operations for all of them. He fully

expected to have the seventh year text and the compendium done by the

end of April if his current rate of progress was anything to go by.

He had taken to writing down in the basement so he could work and still

keep an eye on Mark as the boy continued to make potions from the first

year text. Heru would not have been surprised to find out in the end that

Mark was years ahead of himself when it came time for him to attend

Hogwarts, if indeed he did actually go. He even set his son homework to

attend to, similar to what he remembered of his own years at Hogwarts

as Harry Potter. Tests, however, he decided were too much trouble,

though it did make him consider a teacher's companion that would

contain sample assignments and tests. But, knowing what he did of the

Potions Master, he made the assumption that for as long as Severus was

employed at Hogwarts, such a book would not be necessary, and might

be construed as insulting.

When Mark arrived home from a walk around town, Heru listened

absently to a scattered account of a chance sighting of Harry Potter at

Gladrags, and something about socks, but other than making the odd

noise or nod of the head occasionally, he didn't much pay attention. He

found it easier to distance himself from that situation, even though Mark

found it all very exciting indeed. It did serve to remind him that Sirius

was in town, though, but he had no earthly idea what to do with the

information. As touchy as Sirius was about his family, he doubted that

being approached by a Slytherin would go over well at all.

Because of that reminder, and because things were fast rushing to that

key point in time, Heru began to wonder a great deal about what would

actually happen when time caught up with itself. The disembodied being

had given him no real reason to favor one potential outcome over

another. The only thing he could be reasonably sure of was that he had

been sent back not quite to that point for a purpose. That he did not

know why was immaterial. He would have to have faith that he would be

able to accomplish necessary things without too much thought. Then

again, Fate might have kept him so long in the past out of necessity or


Heru shook his head. It didn't bear thinking about any longer just then.

Instead, he pushed aside his barely-started text and reached for a fresh

sheet of parchment. He dashed off a quick note to Severus, letting him

know that the sixth text was complete, work had begun on the seventh,

and that all was proceeding to plan. After signing his name with a

flourish, he addressed it and had it sent off.

A brisk walk through the chill air of the village served to help clear his

head, though he had the distinct impression that his every step was being

shadowed. It was confirmed—perhaps it was coincidence—when the

sound of his own footsteps developed a faint echo as he approached

home and headed down the short walk toward the front door.

Considering that he had taken his own house wards one step further than

most, to the point where any spells aside from his own were negated

almost as soon as they were cast, he was not unduly worried.

When he did gain the entrance, he turned slowly to see who was behind

him, and smiled. "Hello, Mr Snape. What a pleasant surprise."

"My apologies for not giving you adequate warning. Are you available, or

should I return at a later time?"

"Think nothing of it. I'm quite a casual fellow, don't you know. And yes,

as it happens, I'm free at the moment." After ushering his unexpected

guest inside and taking care of both their cloaks, Heru led the way into

the kitchen. He could have been mistaken, but the combination of his

plainly muggle clothing and the obvious similarities in the kitchen's

accouterments caused a pained expression to pass fleetingly over

Severus's face.

Though it was long past lunch and ages until dinner, Heru had every

intention of making himself a snack. He whipped open the refrigerator

and started to rummage around, asking in a somewhat muffled voice,

"Did you want a sandwich?" as he pulled out packages of ham and

cheese, along with a dish of butter, and placed them on the counter.

Severus didn't respond, so Heru yanked out a freshly baked loaf of bread

and made two sandwiches, then put everything away. Tossing the plates

on the table, he said, "If you don't eat the second one, I will, so there's

naught to worry over. Care for a drink?" Severus gave a faint nod. Heru

produced two glasses of cider and sat down, sliding one of the plates over

to himself.

When Severus finally availed himself of a free chair, Heru asked, "So,

what's on your mind?" then bit into his sandwich hungrily.

After a slight pause, during which Severus took a sip from his glass, he

asked, "Where is your son?"

Heru angled his head curiously and replied, "In the lab. I've asked the

elves to keep an eye on him while he works. I reckon they can contain

any tendency Mark might have toward blowing the house up."

"I see." Severus eyed the remaining sandwich, then said, "First, let me

extend my apologies for my . . . impertinence . . . during my last visit."

Heru nodded and took another bite.

"Something happened yesterday."

Heru raised his brows and continued to eat.

"Something that disturbed me a great deal."

Heru sighed inwardly and wondered if Severus was ever going to get to

the point. Nevertheless, he smiled, took a sip of his cider, and another

bite of his sandwich.

"You see—rather, are you aware of who Igor Karkaroff is?"

Heru gave an affirmative grunt—the least rude response possible at the

time aside from a nod.

"He came to me yesterday, interrupted my class."

Then Heru remembered. After swallowing he said, "And probably showed

you how his Dark Mark was becoming more and more distinct, no?"

Severus gave him a wary look. "You wonder this, why?"

Heru waved his sandwich airily. "Call me a prophet. I often get odd

glimpses of the future, and sometimes the past. Karkaroff is worried that

it means Voldemort is gaining strength, that he isn't really dead. Right?"

Severus pulled the remaining sandwich closer and picked it up. "Yes," he

said shortly, then took a bite.

"Should I then surmise that you also fear that is the case, and worry for

your own sake? After all, you were, or still are, a spy, am I right?"


"So let me ask you, my dear man, why are you here speaking to me about


Severus lowered his sandwich and said, "Because I think you might be

able to do something about it."

Heru arched a brow. "Are you trying to tell me you trust me?"

"I don't know. But I do think you can help."

"I see. All right, we'll set trust aside for the moment, though I think it's a

fairly important factor. I would like to hear why you think I have the

power to help you." Heru wolfed down the remainder of his sandwich

and got up to make another.

"Isn't that obvious?" asked Severus. "You're . . . you."

A pregnant silence ensued while Heru finished and packed everything

away again before taking his seat. "I'm sorry," he finally said, "but I don't

quite follow. What about me? Is my surname actually being Slytherin

some sort of magical talisman to hold fast to as though I am

automatically better, smarter, and more powerful than the family black


Severus had the grace to look vaguely embarrassed.

"I'll grant you, I bet I have a better grasp on what the name of Slytherin

has to offer than that poor fool does. Merlin knows I didn't come down

from some wastrel cadet branch of the family, and I certainly didn't have

the hubris to create a lordly new name for myself in an attempt to

intimidate people. Well, all right—I'll give you that Slytherin is enough to

manage that on its own. Salazar had very good reasons to distrust

muggles, but I have it on good authority that he was as much to blame

for the death of his wife as any of the other founders."

Heru pointed his sandwich at Severus and said, "Even he made mistakes

of monumental proportions. It's a damn shame he left behind something

for that Riddle boy to find, as I doubt he could have found the Chamber

by accident. He'd have been better off blowing up a forest or two in anger

than to do whatever it was he did. Maybe then we wouldn't have had a

war, with another one potentially looming on the horizon. And for that

matter, Riddle should have pulled up his socks and made something of

himself, not gone haring off to every two-bit dark arts whore to learn

how to rule the world in ten easy steps after a bit of hard luck as a child."

Heru took a swig of his cider and repeated, "So, I would like to hear why

you think I have the power to help you."

Severus's eyes had slowly widened during the impromptu speech, but

then he blinked. "I think you can undo what he did. I think you can free


"Really. And suppose I can. What would your headmaster have to say?"

"I don't really give a damn," was Severus's bald reply.

Heru chuckled appreciatively. "Fair enough. Again, supposing I can, what

do I get out of this, Mr Snape?" The look on Severus's face made him

laugh softly. "Come now. I'm already rich beyond the dreams of avarice,

but you don't really expect me to perform such a task out of the goodness

of my heart, do you?"

"What do you want?"

"Quite frankly, I have no idea. I live a very simple life, as you know. I

lack for very little, except perhaps for companionship." Heru sat back and

took a bite of his sandwich, staring at Severus with half-lidded eyes.

"It would be worth anything to be free."

"Anything is a very vague sort of offer, my dear fellow. How about this?"

Heru raised his brows and leaned forward. "You begin by using my given

name, and I'll determine if what you ask is even possible."

"As you wish, Heru."

He found it interesting what a bit of stature and power did to Severus.

Given a figure he was convinced was so much more than he was himself,

Severus seemed to relinquish the role of alpha and slide into what might

almost be construed as subservient behavior—if you squinted. "There,

see? That wasn't so difficult. Small steps, Severus. Now, let us finish our

snack, and then we'll get down to business."

A short time later they were barricaded in Heru's study. He had called in

one of the house elves and given instructions not to interrupt them unless

there was some kind of pressing reason, and to continue to keep an eye

on Mark. When Guin was gone, Heru asked Severus to find a comfortable

seat and bare his arm.

Whereas Heru had always before been the subject of study, he had not

been entirely unaware of what was going on, and what was being done to

him when the founders had investigated and modified his scar. Based on

that experience, he had a pretty good idea of what to do in Severus's

case. Drawing upon that, he placed his hand on the Dark Mark, closed his

eyes, and sought to unravel its mystery.

His delicate probing had the effect of causing the hairs on Severus's arm

to rise, and the professor shifted more than once as though trying to find

a more comfortable position. Heru could see a twisted melange of spell

threads emerging from the otherwise innocuous mark—threads that bent

backward to flow up the man's arm and split at the shoulder to travel

both to his heart and his brain. Still more of them reached further down

and out.

"This is a very nasty piece of work," Heru muttered. "Did you know it is

designed to either crush your heart or snap your mind like a twig on

demand?" he asked conversationally. "And, oh dear, that is vile. . . .

Here's an impertinent question for you, Severus. Had any trouble

sustaining a relationship, by chance?"

Severus shifted again, almost yanking his arm out of contact.

"I'll take that as a yes," Heru murmured, eyes still closed. "Hm, no, that's

just for pain. All right." He opened his eyes and smiled, then stood up and

brushed his shirt down, wandering over to a chair a moment later and

seating himself.

Severus's eyes were at once cold and curious.

"A very nasty piece of work, indeed. But to satisfy the curiosity I see

looming in your eyes—yes, I can get rid of it. It might be hideously

painful, but I can remove it."

Severus relaxed marginally, and exhaled. "I'm not sure it could hurt much

worse than when it was put in place."

"Did you start out with the intent to be a spy, or did you turn, and why?"

"I'm not sure how that matters."

"My dear man, consider who you're talking to. And consider—why would

I want to free a person who may have turned only because he thought it

was the more expedient route to take, and who would, if he thought he

could get away with it, go right back to his master and continue to wreak


Severus's lips compressed into a thin line. Then he said, "No, I did not

take the mark with the intent to spy. But it was not long before I realized

what a fool I had been, and what a lie his service was. I allowed myself

to be branded in exchange for fool's gold and cheap promises. I resigned

myself then to a painful death, and decided that so long as it was going

to happen, I may as well do so in the service of something I could trust

in, or should I say, someone."

"That person being Albus Dumbledore."


"Well, then." Heru gave Severus a genuinely pleased smile, and was

happy to notice the same reaction he had seen weeks before. Severus

leaned forward almost imperceptibly and his eyes burned black fire. "If

we can come to an agreement, I see no reason why you should not be set

free." It didn't particularly matter to Heru at that moment whether or not

he trusted the headmaster, or even his childhood perceptions of the

Potions Master. He was in a position to help, which he normally would

have been happy to do, but he wasn't going to appear easy.

"I don't know what to offer you. You said you lacked for nothing."

"Except for companionship," Heru pointed out. If he was not mistaking

the signs, it was worth a try.

"I'm not sure I'd know how to be anyone's friend," said Severus with a

faint sneer.

Heru chuckled. "Have you ever bothered to try?"


He suddenly felt tired and depressed, and let it show. His gaze roamed

over the walls and the ceiling, eventually coming to a rest on his hands

where they laid in his lap. "I don't understand you," he said quietly. "I've

told you I can free you, and you quibble over such a little thing. Would

you prefer I replaced it with a brand of service all my own?" He waved

his hand, dismantling the wards, then snapped his fingers. When Flick

appeared, he said, "Please show Mr Snape out. If he returns tomorrow, be

sure to announce him." Then he stood and apparated upstairs.

— — —

Heru was in the library working when Flick popped into the room and

announced, "Mr Snape is being here to see you, master."

"Where is Mark presently?"

"The young master is being in the basement with Guin."

Heru yawned and nodded. "All right. Please show Mr Snape in here, and

do not disturb us unless it's an emergency."

"Yes, master." Flick gave a little bow and popped out.

By the time Severus appeared, Heru was tilted back in his chair with his

hands behind his head. "Please have a seat," he said tonelessly, then

warded the door with a wave of his hand. "I assume you still want that

mark removed," he stated.

Severus nodded and lowered himself into a chair.

"Fine." Heru sat up and stretched, then stood and moved to kneel next to

his guest. "This will take a while," was all he said for the next several

hours of painstaking work. Each thread was carefully drawn back from its

point of destination, then delicately severed from the brand, and each

one shriveled like a dying thing when he tossed it onto the floor. He had

no idea what Severus was seeing, if he even had his eyes open. It must

have looked like a pantomime of sorts. When every spell thread had been

removed, Heru concentrated on leeching out the pigment embedded in

Severus's skin, one molecule at a time.

By the time he was finished he was sweating heavily and exhausted,

gratefully letting himself slip down to the floor so he could stretch out on

his back and rest. Eventually he felt well enough to rise so he could to

move to the couch, where he promptly stretched out again and flung one

arm over his eyes. He must have fallen asleep, for someone was gently

shaking him and asking him to wake up. "What?" he muttered, thinking

only of rolling over and dozing off again.

"Heru, it's getting late. If I don't return to the castle soon, Albus will start

to wonder."

"Mm. Right." Heru absently dismantled the wards, this time using his

wand. "Later."

He heard a sigh, and then, "We have not discussed the details of what

you wanted, Heru."

"Sod that. Don' owe me damned thing, Sev'rus. Tried, you don' like me,

s'get out. Got what you wanted." Heru let his head loll to the side, then

licked his dry lips and rolled over, absently fumbling his shirt down

where it had risen up; the cool air against his skin didn't feel so good.

Distantly he heard a few footsteps, then silence. A couple more were

followed by the sensation of something being laid over him, then a series

that faded off into nothing.

— — —

On the last Saturday of March, Heru sent another short note to Severus,

letting him know the seventh year text was complete and that he

expected the compendium to be finished in approximately a month. On

the final Saturday of April, Heru sent another note, informing him of the

completed compendium, and that he expected Severus to inform Flourish

& Blotts of his selections for the upcoming year. Then he sent a package

to Mr Lovegood with the final text, and a request to let him know if the

expected order did not actually arrive.

He was at a complete loss for what to do with himself the next morning.

Several hours in his study after breakfast had him tentatively considering

a somewhat autobiographical work on his time with the founders,

centering on the origins of Slytherin house. Naturally, the moment he

pulled over a fresh notebook, Guin popped in to announce a visitor. "Mr

Snape is being here to see you, master."

Heru blinked and frowned, then took a deep breath. "All right. Please

show him in."

"Yes, master," she said, before popping away. He had started a rough

outline when Severus strode through the door, stopping in front of his


"What can I do for you?" Heru asked politely and looked up for a

moment, then as an afterthought said, "Please, make yourself


Severus sat. "I've been thinking about what you said."

Heru wrote out another line and said, "Yes, all right."

"I think perhaps that is exactly what I thought you meant—trading one

form of servitude for another."

Heru stopped writing and looked up from his notebook. Severus's face

was a peculiar mixture of pain and embarrassment. He let his gaze slide

down for a moment and back up, then arched a brow questioningly.

"I owe you an apology."

Heru let his brow drop. "I'm afraid I have no idea what you're referring

to. I did a favor for a friend in need. No apology is necessary." He looked

back down and started writing again, but stilled his pen when he heard a

rather gusty sigh.

"Heru, I'm sorry. You treated me as you knew I would expect, and even

then I was suspicious. I felt ashamed that night when you sent me away."

Heru set his pen down and folded his hands, but did not raise his eyes.

"I'm not sure what I can do to make things right."

Heru wasn't sure if he should be enjoying this, or feeling a bit ashamed

himself. But, he had left Severus alone to come to his own conclusions,

and it was rather interesting to hear the man speak without his usual

mask in place. The corner of his mouth quirked up as he thought.

"Will you say something?"

Heru flicked his gaze up to meet Severus's. He unfolded his hands and

used one to comb the hair back from his forehead, letting his fingers slide

down to cradle the back of his neck, then smiled faintly. "It'll be lunch

shortly. Were you planning on staying?"

15. Distant Memories

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Oh, the joys of winging it, part II. :P I fully expect that part of this

chapter is going to throw people into confusion right off the bat (unless

you've played the same games I have), but it should become clear as it

goes along, eventually—in the next chapter, apparently, now that I think

about it.

— 14: Distant Memories —

Heru didn't often use the dining room. In fact, he was surprised to

remember it was actually there. He decided it was much too formal and

closed the door, wandering to the lounge instead with Severus in tow. A

snap brought Guin to the room. "Where, pray tell, is my son?"

"The young master is being in the lab again, master."

Heru looked over at Severus and said, "You know, that might have been a

mistake. I can't keep him out of there." To Guin he said, "Well, make sure

he washes and comes up. Please go ahead and prepare lunch for three, to

be served in here."

"Certainly, master." Guin bobbed and popped away.

Heru ruffled his hair and sat down. "I'm telling you, ever since that last

trip to the castle practically all he's done is make potions. I'm not sure

you'll have anything to teach him when you get your hands on him. I

even started giving him assignments—essays—to try to slow him down."

Severus looked fairly interested in the turn of events. "I must wonder

what house he'll be sorted into."

"No idea. Though, I doubt Gryffindor. He doesn't seem to be recklessly

brave so much as endlessly curious. Ravenclaw, perhaps."

"Not Slytherin?"

Heru shrugged and spread his hands with a smile. "You tell me."

Severus opened his mouth slightly, hesitated, then said, "Going on the

idea that we are . . . friends . . . I had a few questions."

"Sure. I can't promise what I'll be able to answer, though."

"Understood. I really would like to know why you live this simply."

Severus seemed to be holding himself as though waiting for another


"You mean without the normal trappings of wealth, fancy clothes, dozens

of servants, and what not. I considered buying The Daily Prophet, you

know. All very quiet and hush hush. Anyhow, I live this way because it's

comfortable. To a very tiny extent it's calculated to disarm, but when you

come right down to it, I prefer muggle clothes, a small home with only

what I actually need, and very little to seduce me into an inflated sense

of ego." He paused, then asked, "What about you? Has your headmaster

erupted over the removal of that mark?"

"He is . . . suspicious. He is considered the most powerful wizard of our

time, and you have just surpassed him, managing a task that he could not

even find a starting point for in attempts to remove it."

"Well, that comes as no surprise. But is he angry with you?"

"No. His joy at seeing the mark gone was almost as keen as my own. It

was after that point that he began to think about the implications of the


"Albus Dumbledore need not fear me," Heru said deprecatingly, then

ruined it by saying, "Unless of course he tries something foolish. Saying

that all Slytherins are dark and/or evil is like saying all Gryffindors are

paragons of virtue, and we all know that's not the case. Even some

Gryffindors are rats."

"How very right you are," said Severus with a touch of amusement. "I

recall from that journal that the portrait of Heru only speaks

Parseltongue. Do you have any idea what it guards? It seems a rather odd

place for it to be hanging, after all."

Heru temporized by saying, "I'm not sure, though I imagine there's good

reason for it being there. Have you by chance seen a wall with a subtle

stone-in-stone snake inlay anywhere in the dungeons?"

"I have."

"Hm. Perhaps some day soon you can show me." Heru narrowed his eyes,

wondering if Salazar had left anything behind there. It might well have

been what a young Tom Riddle had stumbled over during his early years

at Hogwarts.

"You seem very much offended by the Dark Lord," Severus commented


Heru blinked and said, "Wouldn't you be in my position? Though I'll

grant you, I expect he would be very much offended by me given the

chance. He has used the Slytherin reputation to his advantage, no doubt

ruining, or at least hurting, countless young lives in the process. That he's

sullied the name practically beyond repair is another reason to take


"Why are you curious about that inlay?" Severus backtracked.

"I saw it once. I'd like to know why it's there." He turned his head as Mark

skipped into the room and took a seat.

"Hello, professor," said Mark politely. To Heru he said, "I could have

eaten downstairs, father."

"Yes, and you could also have contaminated your food and nearly killed


"I wouldn't," protested Mark with a scandalized expression.

"So you keep saying," Heru replied dryly. He shot a look at Severus and

said, "Can't you get through to him?"

Severus found himself quickly in the position of having two Slytherins

looking at him expectantly and coughed. "Mark, your father is entirely

correct. You should not be eating in the lab."

Mark looked down and kicked at the carpet with a sullen expression,

then perked up when Flick appeared with lunch and dove right in

without so much as a may I.

Because of the boy's presence the conversation turned to a discussion of

his progress, with Mark waxing enthusiastic over everything that he had

accomplished and what he planned on tackling next. When Severus had

caught up with his surprise he heard Mark saying in confiding tones,

"Father wanted to make a companion teacher's guide with suggested

lectures, assignments and tests, but"—his expression turned sly—"he said

you might be offended."

Severus's brow quirked up. "Indeed. And perhaps I should start coming

down here at the weekends and setting you rigorous exams, or having

you come up to the castle so I could do so in an actual classroom."

Heru laughed outright when Mark nearly squirmed off his chair. "Feel

free, if you like. Mark certainly seems excited about the idea."

"Could I really?" asked Mark, his eyes shining.

Heru, knowing damn well that his son was excelling, smiled and said,

"Only if the professor doesn't mind being saddled with you."

"I do believe something could be arranged," affirmed Severus. "You might

want to consider visiting the castle this coming Saturday. Young Mark

could take some first year exams, and the both of you could stay on for

the noon meal."

"Albus wouldn't mind?"

"I will check, though I cannot imagine why he would."

"Sounds wonderful." To Mark he said, "Then I suggest you hurry along

back to the lab, but don't forget to take Flick or Guin with you. And send

one in here to clean up, all right?"

"Brilliant!" Mark bounced to his feet and gave Heru a quick hug, sketched

a bow to Severus, then skipped back out while whistling an off-key tune.

A minute later Guin appeared and swept up the trays, gave them a toothy

grin, and disappeared.

"I really hope you don't mind. He seems awfully excited about the idea.

He's also insanely curious about the school."

"I was the one to make the offer," Severus reminded him, then changed

the subject. "About that wall—you said you saw it. Was that in some kind

of vision?"

Heru wrinkled his brow and tried to decide how best to approach that. "I

don't recall exactly. But that does remind me of something. Perhaps you

might be interested—we could always check it out, as I've said. In any

case, I unearthed a bit of a treasure recently."


"A very old pensieve," he said slowly. "Ancient, in fact." Heru had already

decided that he was willing to share certain salient parts of the historical

record if it seemed harmless to do so, and if Severus had come around to

seeing things more clearly. Hopeless optimism, perhaps, but it had been

his main reason for considering the somewhat fictionalized


"Then I shall assume it was not empty."

"Far from it. It skips around a bit, but there are some fascinating scenes


"I begin to wonder if you have access to the original Heru's vault."

"Perhaps," Heru said cheerfully. "Interested?"

Severus regarded him with half-lidded eyes. "How ancient?" he asked.

Heru leaned forward and said in a breathy whisper, "How would you like

. . . to see the real Salazar Slytherin?"

"I would indeed be fascinated."

— — —

Heru dismantled the wards on one of the cabinets in his study and

removed the pensieve with a touch of dramatic reverence. Lifting it

slightly for emphasis, he then placed it on his desk. "I don't know why

these particular memories were placed in here," he lied, "but they appear

to cover a number of years, culminating with when Salazar left Hogwarts.

Shall we?"

The two took the plunge and emerged into the first memory, with Heru

guiding the selection. Severus remained silent as the scene played out,

starting with a much younger Heru arriving in the main hall to the sight

and sound of a young girl screaming her head off, gasping out a warning

of an attack on the grounds. Together they followed as the founders

sprinted for the doors, and out toward a group of children surrounded by

adults. Heru noted that Severus's face stayed blank during the ensuing

conversation and subsequent actions.

He paused things when the farmer began to drive away and said, "As I

understand it, that is what prompted the founders to create the wards

around the castle." Severus nodded, so Heru guided the pensieve to play

the next memory, which started with Godric crushing his hat, and ended

with the beginning of the conversation on how to create the sorting hat.

Severus's quiet comment was, "Who would have thought? What a

horribly mundane way for that to have come about."

Heru chuckled and said, "I thought so, too."

The next memory began in the kitchens and with the arrival of a

messenger from the village. Heru paid close attention to the expressions

on Severus's face as the scene unfolded, pausing it when Severus held up

a hand. "Yes?"

"Heru seems to be an odd fellow considering who he was."

"Why do you say that?"

"He advocates, not the banishment of muggles from the village, but

measures to keep them docile? I also find it peculiar that he can do more

than just see. He can gain far much more from divination than any person

alive today can manage."

"And yet, as I understand it," said Heru, "muggles are deflected from

Hogsmeade even as they are from the castle. Obviously the wards around

the village were not constructed to suit his tastes."

"Hm. Proceed."

Heru released the pause and let it continue, watching as it skipped ahead

under direction to the discovery of Salazar, in what was now Albus

Dumbledore's office, several days later. Severus showed particular

interest in the Book of Souls, and even more in the quiet exchange

between Heru and Salazar in the kitchens over it. He smirked at Salazar's

somewhat snide denunciation of the other founders, then looked

thoughtful at Rowena's form of defense. But it was Rowena's quiet words

to the young Heru that caught his attention most keenly, though he did

not comment.

The final memory contained in the pensieve was the last confrontation

with Salazar. When they emerged back into the normality of Heru's

study, Severus's face was creased with thought. After several minutes of

silence Heru asked, "What do you think of them?"

Without looking up Severus said, "For all that time and legend paints the

founders as ten foot tall minor deities, they appear to be surprisingly

normal people." After a pause he said, "Brothers though they may have

been, Salazar and Heru obviously didn't see eye to eye on things. In fact,

he purposely holds himself apart, despite being intimately involved in

such things as the creation of the wards."

Heru had no trouble following what Severus meant. "Perhaps he felt he

had no right, or did not want to appear actively opposed to his brother.

Something was there, some kind of subtle rift. The letter we found proves


"You do look remarkably like him if you take into account the difference

in age. You even sound the same." Severus studied him carefully.

"And? Mark looks quite a bit like me, though I'll have no idea on his

voice until he gets older. He does share the other two family traits, as

well. Or maybe I should say three."

"True," Severus agreed, then shook his head lightly. "There is no sense in

dwelling on the impossible."

Heru picked up the pensieve and returned it to the safety of the cabinet.

After restoring the wards, and knowing what Severus was likely

contemplating, he asked, "What do you suppose Albus's reaction would

be to seeing those?"

"He would be equally fascinated. It is a rare privilege to witness so much

of the school's origins, though I am not sure the opportunity would do

much in the way of cementing happier relations, as they provide only

historical value. He would, of course, be infuriatingly inquisitive as to

where you find these things."

"He can be as inquisitive as he likes. I know how to be infuriatingly

reticent, so I expect we'd come out even."

Severus unbent enough to actually grin for a moment. "Then again, I

suppose it doesn't much matter. Unless the Dark Lord were to somehow

arise a second time, Albus's opinion of you is more or less irrelevant."

Heru frowned at what he considered to be the persistence of a bad habit

on Severus's part. "I haven't decided if I care. Though if Voldemort did

return, I expect I'd be in for a rough ride. But, no matter. Nothing short of

a natural disaster could rock this place, and even then I'm not so sure."

Heru smiled cheerfully. "I'd ask, but it doesn't seem to be aware in the

same way the castle is."

"The journals?"

"Yes. That and what I've sensed during my few visits."

Severus gave him a curious look. "Now that might make a difference."

"I don't follow you."

"Albus also thinks the castle holds some level of awareness, but he cannot

communicate with it. He has long been frustrated by his inability to

effect certain changes in the protections."

"Such as?"

"The apparation wards. He can no more bypass them than the rest of the

wizarding population."

"I'm surprised," Heru said honestly. "I would have expected him to be

annoyed to some extent that he could not prevent Death Eaters from

entering the grounds." He already knew he could ask the castle for

further exceptions any time he pleased, and was fairly sure she would be

agreeable to his requests.

"Even if he could have that, it would be nothing more than a warning

system. A number of the parents of children in Slytherin house are so

marked, and have the same right to see them as any other parent."

"Hm. Not my decision, I suppose."

"Yes, well, much as I hate to appear rude, I'm afraid I really should be

going. I have some work to take care of which will last most of the

remainder of the day, and a student I must oversee in detention."

Heru shook his head. "Sounds like fun," he said insincerely.

"I will check with Albus about the visit and inform you directly."

Heru nodded. "That would be wonderful. I'll look forward to hearing

from you."

"I'll be fine showing myself out. Give my regards to your son," said

Severus, then left.

Heru played with the wards that evening, intent on barring the intrusion

of any Death Eaters onto the property.

— — —

A note arrived the next day just after lunch, so Heru was able to tell Mark

that they would be visiting the castle at the weekend. They spent part of

the afternoon in Diagon Alley as a treat, eventually arriving home with a

number of frivolous things, including a third owl for some reason that

escaped Heru completely. After a round of introductions—the owl

seemed rather wary of the snake—Heru sent it off with a confirmation to


So it was that several days later they made the journey up to the castle

and were met at the main doors by Severus, who led them down into the

dungeons to his classroom. Mark practically threw himself into one of the

front desks, eliciting a laugh from Heru. It seemed that Severus was of a

mind to give the boy a midyear exam, both written and practical portions

included. Mark had barely begun to answer the first question when Albus

appeared in the doorway, then stepped in.

"Ah, Severus. There you are. And, Mr Slytherin, how nice to see you

again. This must be the son I've heard about?"

Heru kept his sarcastic thoughts to himself, inclining his head in greeting

instead. "A pleasure." He took a few steps away, closer to Mark, and said,

"This is my son, yes. Marcus, this is Professor Dumbledore, the

Headmaster of the school."

Mark looked up and smiled winsomely, saying, "Good morning, professor.

It's nice to finally meet you."

"Such a charming child," Albus murmured. "And to you, dear boy. I see

you have just started, so I will let you get back to your work." Looking at

Severus he said, "I was wondering if I could borrow your guest for a little


Severus responded with a glare, which Heru could almost have predicted.

"That is up to him, wouldn't you agree?"

"Of course, dear boy. Mr Slytherin, would you care to follow? I find

myself most anxious to discuss several things with you." Albus unleashed

a gently benevolent smile at Heru after patting Severus on the shoulder.

Heru considered several reactions before settling on a bland smile.

"Certainly." On his way out he glanced back over his shoulder and rolled

his eyes at Severus, then let the headmaster lead him upward. When he

was comfortably settled in a chair across from Albus in the headmaster's

office, he took a moment to chant a few phrases under his breath and

make an obscure gesture.

Albus took his own seat and gave him another smile. "Would you care for

a cup of tea before we begin?" A tap of his wand revealed a tray with a

teapot and cups, ready to pour.

"That would be nice," Heru said, "though, I think a different cup is in


"I'm sorry?" Albus said, pausing with the pot hovering over the second


"Unless you actually intended to dose me with veritaserum, I think a

different cup is in order, don't you?" The characteristic glow emanating

from the bowl of the cup was quite visible to Heru's eyes. He was pleased

to see that Albus lost a minute portion of his composure, despite his

protest of ignorance. Nevertheless, Albus banished the offending cup and

summoned a new one, this time without any tricks.

Heru accepted the tea with nary a murmur and took a sip, feeling the

pleasant warmth slide down his throat. A quick flick of the eyes to the

side showed him that Mark was fiercely focused on the test and that

Severus was sitting at his desk, apparently marking papers.

"What was it you wished to discuss?"

Albus, having been thwarted in his original plan, moved on his next.

"Severus has mentioned several things in passing that I find worthy of

note. And of course, I was astounded that you were able to remove the

Dark Mark. I had not thought it was possible for any other than the one

who placed it."

Heru smiled in appreciation of the subtle gibe and responded with one of

his own. "It all depends on what your eyes can see, Albus. And if you can

see something, you can avoid it, or potentially negate it. For instance, I

can tell that your spectacles allow you to see through invisibility. That

must be quite useful for a man in your position."

"I see," said Albus vaguely, then took refuge in a sip from his cup. Heru

glanced over again to see that a student he didn't recognize had entered

the classroom and was speaking to Severus too quietly for him to hear. "I

must express my gratitude that you were able to free Severus. I think of

him almost as a son, you see."

Heru smiled automatically. "It was my pleasure." The student kept

shooting covert glances at Mark, and Heru wasn't sure if he should be

worried or not.

"Well, then, on to other matters," said Albus. "I understand that you have

a number of family treasures in your possession, though Severus was

quite tightlipped about the exact contents. Might I inquire as to what

they are that they hold his attention so dearly?"

Heru took another sip before responding. "As you know, I have a

collection of books passed down through the years—those are that which

provided some of the content for the texts I wrote. But that is not the

extent of my holdings. To give you an example, I have a set of journals

written by the eldest son of Salazar's brother Heru, as well as a rather

ancient pensieve containing some very important memories, historically


Albus's eyes started to twinkle, their brightness in no way disguised or

distorted by his spectacles. Heru continued, "Given what I have been able

to uncover, I have tentatively decided to write an entirely different kind

of book. People hold such a fascination for the founders, so it might be

worth my while to attempt a written account of that time."

"I can see why you would think that. I myself would be interested to see

what you could accomplish along those lines. History is a wonderful gift,

if we are able to learn from it."

Heru nodded without comment. The student had finally left the

classroom, but not without a final, lingering glance at Mark.

"I don't suppose you would be willing to share any of it with me?" asked

Albus hopefully.

"As a matter of fact, I brought a few things with me just in case," stated

Heru. "It is up to you whether you would prefer to skim through the

journal first or view the memories, though. Neither appears to require

much explanation, but I will say the journal was written well after the

point that Salazar left the school, whereas the memories deal with that

exact subject."

Albus appeared to consider that for a moment, then said, "I think the

memories first, if you are agreeable. Then the journal."

"Certainly." Heru set down his cup and fished in his pocket, pulling out

both items and leaning forward to set them on Albus's desk.

"Please feel free to wander around the office while I experience these. Oh,

and do have a lemon drop if you wish. I quite enjoy them."

Heru cast a wary eye at the mentioned sweets, blinked, and said,

"Cheering charms, Albus? No, I'm quite well balanced already, thank you.

I believe I shall wander around."

"As you wish," said Albus with no trace of repentance. A moment later he

was immersed in the pensieve.

Heru turned his attention back to the classroom.

Severus sat at his desk with a seemingly permanent glare disfiguring his

face, liberally scratching scarlet lines across the paper he was marking. He

would occasionally glance up at Mark, or push the hair out of his eyes as it

threatened to blind him, as he made presumably scathing comments on the

written efforts of the students.

Mark was sitting quietly, never looking up from his task, his quill

automatically dipping into the inkstand every other line as he scratched out

his answers with very little pause between them.

Another boy appeared in the doorway, knocking quietly to get the

professor's attention. After being scowled at, the boy advanced to the desk

and handed Severus a roll of parchment, then backed up.

"It's about time," Severus said. "You should have turned this in yesterday.

Was that it, Theo?" The boy nodded, so Severus waved him away, saying,

"Tell the others to not disturb me. I have no time for your youthful

curiosities today."

"Yes, sir," said the boy. He, too, cast a lingering look at Mark before he

disappeared, though Mark never once lifted his head during the entire


Theo, Theo . . . Theodore Nott? thought Heru. As he couldn't very well ask

Severus on the spot, he grabbed his cup of tea and stood, sipping as he

examined the multitude of portraits that graced the walls. Many of them

were sleeping, or pretending to be asleep, and Heru amused himself by

checking each name he could see before moving on to the next. He was

not exactly surprised to realize that there were no portraits of the

founders within the office.

He quickly became bored of that and stopped at Fawkes's perch to admire

him, then ask if he would like the company of a fellow phoenix. When

the bird trilled an affirmative, Heru was happy to summon Praecino and

conjure up a temporary perch for him so the two birds could converse


Heru didn't think it wise to go so far as to open any cupboards or

cabinets, regardless of his curiosity, and eventually ended up back in the

chair he'd started in with a fresh cup of tea. Shortly after that, Albus

emerged from the pensieve with a thoughtful look on his face. After

giving Heru a vague nod, he picked up the journal. He, too, was a quick

reader, and it wasn't long before he replaced the book on his desk. Heru

reached over and retrieved his belongings and stowed them in his pocket.

16. Requests Abound

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Oh, the joys of winging it, part III.

— 15: Requests Abound —

"Fascinating, and rather curious," said Albus. "I quite see now why

Salazar left, though I cannot say I agree with his reasoning. It seems to

me that he was as much to blame as his friends for what happened."

Heru nodded, even though it looked as though Albus was speaking to

himself more than anything.

"The journal is also illuminating. A revealing account of normal life,

though with a great deal of sadness woven into it." Albus fixed his bright

gaze on Heru and said, "Tell me, if you will, are you able to see the wards


"If I exert myself, yes."

"Are they comprehensible to you?"

Heru blinked slowly. "I would have to spend a great more time examining

them," he lied, "for that to be the case." Movement to the side caught his

attention; Mark was beginning the practical portion of his exam.

"Yes, yes. I suppose that makes sense," said Albus, stroking his beard.

"Would you be willing to do so?"

"For what purpose?" countered Heru.

"It is my belief that the castle is sentient, and that the wards are a part of

it in some obscure way. What I have read in the journal only confirms

that belief." Albus adjusted his spectacles and resumed, "While I do not

possess your particular talent, it seems to me that one who understood

the protections we enjoy might also be able to modify them to our


"In what way?"

"I believe this came up in conversation with Severus, actually. It would

be preferable if certain people were able to apparate in and out of the

castle at will, while all others remained restricted to the more normal

methods of conveyance."

"You think it's wise to tamper with the wards in that fashion, possibly

allowing for the inclusion to the exceptions of a traitor?"

"I'm not sure I follow. A traitor?"

"I know more history than you might think, headmaster," Heru said

stiltedly. "Imagine if a rat were given free and easy access to the grain


Albus blinked and sat back.

"Not to mention, if I were able to do as you ask, you must realize I could

easily include myself in that list of exceptions, and I don't think you trust

me." Mark opened his mouth to speak, so Heru held up his hand in a

quelling motion so he could pay attention.


"Yes, Mark?"

"Mr Slytherin—"

"Heru," he said absently.

"What do you think of father?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because he likes you."

Heru choked at almost the same moment Severus did.

"Heru, what are you doing?"

Heru flapped his hand and said, "Shush."

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"He likes you, so I want to know if you like him too." Mark looked down

and added some diced frog livers to his potion and stirred it carefully.

Severus waved his wand at the classroom door, closing it and locking it. "I

think your father is an intelligent, talented person."

"That's not what I meant, sir."

Heru ignored the fact that Albus was staring at him intently.

"Aren't you a little young to be asking questions like this?"

"If I'm old enough for it to come to mind, then I'm old enough to ask, right?

So do you?"

"Don't you think that is a topic better discussed between your father and


"Of course, sir. But I don't think he'd ever come right out and ask you."

"Damn kid," muttered Heru.

"Then isn't that an indication that he doesn't wish to?"

"I don't see why, sir. He doesn't have any friends. You make him smile,

though, and I see the way he looks at you." Mark gave Severus an

ingenuous look.

Severus covered his eyes with one hand as though weary. "Mark, please

return your attention to the potion, or I'm afraid I might have to mark you

down for messing about."

"Awwww. If you say so." Mark produced a sullen pout, which had no

appreciable effect on Severus, and dropped his eyes.

"Dear Merlin," breathed Heru. "I really need to have a talk with him." He

blinked and looked up at Albus. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

"If I may ask, what was that all about?" Albus asked patiently.

"Oh. That was about my son being too nosy for his own good and me

needing to set him straight on a few issues."

"How do you know he was being nosy?"

"Because I'm watching him, of course. What else?"

"I feel much like we're standing on opposite sides of a great chasm, Mr

Slytherin—Heru. How are you watching your son?"

Heru squinted at Albus. "A spell. It can be a little distracting at times, I

admit, but I occasionally find it useful, especially when both of the house

elves are out on errands." Albus steepled his hands in front of him, the

twinkle in his eyes back at full force. "Anyway, we were talking about the

wards, I believe, and how I think you don't trust me in the first place."

"Yes, of course." The brightness of his eyes dimmed slightly, and Albus sat

back. "It is true that I have no particular reason to trust you. That you

have freed Severus could be for your own designs, and showing me a bit

of the past is also of no real value except perhaps to a devoted historian."


"But I do believe that Severus is, generally speaking, a very good judge of

character. I would appreciate if you would consider the matter of

becoming familiar with the wards at Hogwarts, and let me know if you

are willing."

"Sure. I'll consider it." He glanced off to the side for a moment before

saying, "But as it seems Mark is finishing up, I wonder if you would

escort me back to the classroom? I'd hate to get lost."


Heru stood up and checked his pocket, then called out, "You come home

whenever you're done talking, Praecino. I'm not sure when that'll be for

me." He turned back to Albus and smiled, then allowed himself to be led

back to Severus's classroom. Thankfully, the journey was mostly silent.

Heru didn't dismiss the spell until after he had knocked on the door and

saw Severus coming to open it. On the way down he had decided to leave

well enough alone and not chastise Mark, so when he was admitted, he

merely ruffled his son's hair in greeting.

"It appears I have excellent timing," Heru said, casting a pointed look at

Albus, who smiled and excused himself. He could only hope that the

headmaster would play along, lest Severus come to find out that Heru

had been keeping an eye on things. That Albus had no idea what Heru

had witnessed was beside the point; if he mentioned it to Severus,

Severus would figure it out, and the potential for embarrassment was

high all around.

"As it is not quite time for lunch, would you care to check out that inlay?"

"Inlay?" Mark repeated.

"Yes, inlay. And yes, I would very much like to see it."

Severus finished locking Mark's efforts away in one of his desk drawers,

then led through a maze of corridors to the serpents Heru remembered

from years ago.

"Hey, that's neat," cried Mark. He reached out to trace the inlay, jerking

back in surprise when one of the snakes moved to avoid his hand.

"Stop that," it hissed. "It tickles."

Mark bent over giggling and Heru chuckled. Severus looked perplexed.

"If we promise not to tickle you, will you open up?" hissed Heru.

"It has been many years since one of your kind has come," it hissed as its

companion nodded. "We will open for you."

A moment later the wall sunk back and shifted to the side. Heru stepped

through, followed by Severus and Mark. In truth, the room was quite

bare. The shelves were empty, as was the desk. Aside from the furniture,

the room contained nothing of interest. Heru stepped back out, gesturing

to his companions, and focused on the serpents when they reappeared.

"When was the last time one of my kind was here—do you remember?"

The snakes exchanged a stony glance. One hissed, "Decades ago—"

"Five perhaps," hissed the other.

"—there was a young boy. He came for several years. We never saw him again

after that."

"Who?" hissed Mark.

"He did not tell us his name."

Severus cleared his throat. "We should get going."

"Oh, right." Heru hissed, "Thank you for the information."

The serpents nodded and went still. They arrived at the Great Hall via the

adjacent room at the back. An extra chair had been placed at the end of

the table on the side Severus usually sat at. Heru took the last seat with

Severus to his left, facing the house tables, and Mark took the one at the

end, ending up with a view all the way down to here Hagrid customarily

sat. Heru very carefully hid his amusement at Mark's wonder, especially

when the food appeared, knowing that even though the child had become

quite comfortable living in the wizarding world, it was still quite a lot to

experience the school's atmosphere, muggle-raised or not. And while his

son busied himself with the food and all the things available to look at,

Heru conversed quietly with Severus.

"To fill you in, the serpents knew only that a boy used the room for

several years back about five decades or so. They never knew his name,

but I think it's safe to assume it was Riddle."

Severus nodded, then sat up sharply and glared down at the Slytherin

table. After a moment he murmured, "You'd think the little blighters had

never been introduced to the concept of discretion." When he relaxed

again he said, "It is at times like these that I wish I were a parselmouth."

Heru didn't know what to say to that, so he took another bite of his meal.

"Too bad it isn't easy to give as some things are, or to take away," was the

next murmured comment.

Heru thought about that for a moment and said, "Next you'll be wanting

me to produce working notes on the metamorphmagus potions accident."

Then, "Hey, hang on a minute. That was bloody hard work, what I did."

"Yes, and I am eternally grateful for your efforts. I'm also feeling a little

envious at the moment, if you don't mind. Stop spoiling my fun."

Heru chortled, causing Mark to look over with wide eyes. "It's nothing,

Mark. Just a joke. There's plenty more if you're still hungry." Having

successfully distracted his son, he murmured to Severus, "Sorry."

"Your son was born with the ability, I presume?"

Heru paused in the middle of forking a carrot. "Yes, of course."

"A pity."

But it did make Heru wonder. He hadn't been born with it, or so Albus

said. He couldn't very well make a family tapestry for Harry Potter—not

without a great deal of trouble—but could he possibly make one for

Voldemort to prove that Tom Riddle and Harry Potter shared no common

ancestor? And could he prove that the ability was not always genetic?

A nudge brought his wandering thoughts back in time to hear, "Were you

going to eat that, or did you just plan on stabbing it to death?"

Heru looked down and realized his carrot was in pieces and flushed. "You

brought up a very interesting point, is all."


"We both know of someone who was not born with the ability, or so it is

believed. It makes me wonder."

Severus flicked his eyes toward the Gryffindor table and sneered. "Your


"If it can be done once. . . . It might prove to be a curious experiment,

even if only for my own satisfaction." At that moment, Harry looked up

from the Gryffindor table and locked eyes with him, then quickly looked

away. Heru felt an odd feeling of weakness sweep through his body,

followed by a sense of foreboding he couldn't explain. "Poor kid. I'd hate

to be in his shoes right now."

"Why, because he flaunts himself where you do not? Because he parades

around as though he has the right to own the world?"

"No," said Heru softly. "I've got the strangest feeling something bad is

going to happen to that kid soon."

"Surely you jest."

Heru angled his head to the left so he could stare directly at Severus.

"No," he said, shaking his head slightly. "One look in his eyes and I felt—

I'm not sure, and it doesn't feel good."

"You have the same eyes—did you know?"

Heru smiled and looked away. "I wasn't aware you'd noticed them,

Severus. In any case, you've given me a neat little problem to poke at."

"If it turns out it can be done, I shan't mind you spoiling my fun, then."

Heru chuckled and said, "I'm not sure why you'd want it. Serpents aren't

the best conversationalists."

"Perhaps. But not all desires are rational."

— — —

Mark was thrilled to be a guinea pig, especially when it didn't require

much effort on his part. Heru took to studying him constantly over the

next few days, feeling much like he was trying to separate individual

stands of spaghetti with chopsticks fashioned from tree limbs as he sorted

through the many threads of magic that ran through the boy's body. In

the end, he derived a simple solution for finding what he wasn't sure he

was looking for to begin with.

He asked Mark to speak to him using Parseltongue. When the boy

complied, Heru could see a change in the weave of his magic. After

having Mark babble whatever came to mind for several hours straight,

Heru thought he had a very good idea of what ought to be where and

why. Of course, Mark was a natural parselmouth. Heru sent a note to

Severus at the castle, asking if it would be possible to sit in on a class

invisibly. Specifically, a double period with Harry Potter in it.

Severus sent back a note inviting him up on Friday and giving him the

time. He wanted to know if Heru could find his way alone or if he would

need an escort. Heru sent back a note a few minutes later to let Severus

know he'd be fine on his own.

When he did arrive, he was already invisible, and didn't bother to walk

the entire distance. He apparated into the castle at the serpent inlay,

arriving a minute later at the classroom door and slipping through

without anyone being the wiser. After sliding a bit of parchment on the

desk behind Severus's back, he found an advantageous spot and began his

study of Harry.

He did notice at one point that Severus had found the note and looked

around, but had then quickly gone back to stalking up and down the

aisles looking for an excuse to yell at someone. By the time the class was

over, Heru had noted several interesting differences between Mark's and

Harry's ability. Apparently, Albus was correct. And without being able to

study Voldemort, or himself, that was as good as it got.

He slipped out just as deftly as he had slipped in, found the inlay again,

then apparated underlake and faded back into view. After another

bracing chat with the portraits of himself, he apparated home to consider


The next morning Severus was admitted and shown into the library.

Before Guin had a chance to pop out, he handed her a sheaf of parchment

for Mark, then found a seat across from Heru.

"How did he do?"

"Quite well. Nearly perfect, in fact."

"Nearly? Hm. I don't know if I could stand the shame of an imperfect

score from my son in Potions." Heru rolled his eyes and snorted. "He'll be

quite pleased then, as am I."

"Care to tell me about that little note?"

Heru braced his elbows on his knees and placed his chin in his hands. "I

spent quite a while studying Mark, but he's a natural-born parselmouth. I

thought it would be wise to also study a person who purportedly was

given the ability, so I could compare."


"They are different, and I could take that to mean it is in fact because of

the presumed difference. Unfortunately, I know of no way to study

myself, or any other natural parselmouth, so I can't be sure."

"Do you think it can be replicated?"

"I don't know. I could try, but I'm not sure of the end result. Nothing

might happen. I could end up with a new parselmouth. Or it might have

unexpected consequences."

"Let me rephrase—do you think you are able to try?"


"Will you?"

"You could end up a squib for all I know, Severus, or dead."

"Will you?"

"Only if you absolutely insist."

"How long do you estimate it would take?"

"Today, possibly tomorrow. I'd want to put you under for the duration."

"May I use your owl?"

Heru winced. "Are you sure about this?"


"All right, then."

— — —

Mark was curled up in a chair, sleeping. He'd spent most of the day

reading quietly once his initial interest in the proceedings had worn off,

playing template. Heru used what he saw in Mark, combined with what

he had learned from the study of his younger self, to decide what threads

to move and what threads to create and insert. He also remembered what

Albus had said—two years ago or twenty-two, depending on your point

of view—about the transference of power.

He spun strands of pure magic from his fingertips and carefully wove

them into place within Severus's body and his existing magic. It was

tiring at first, then exhausting, so Heru had been taking frequent, short

breaks throughout the day, giving himself a chance to rest and replenish

his own energy, but without taking a great deal of time away from the

process. It was nearing midnight when Heru felt he had completed his

task. A comparison of Mark to Severus showed that everything looked the

same, at least, insofar as the weave for that particular ability. Heru was

starting to have grandiose notions of playing God when he sat back and

wiped the sweat from his forehead.

But he wasn't really done. All of it would be wasted effort if the threads

unraveled or shriveled in place. The worst case scenario would be them

shriveling away, taking Severus's original magic with them, like some

cancer that traveled at light speed. He remained awake through the

night, drinking frequent cups of coffee and checking often to see if his

work remained stable and whole. By the time the first light of morning

crept over the sill, Heru wanted to sleep for a week. Mark eventually

woke and padded off, yawning hugely, so Heru summoned an elf.

"This will be a peculiar request, but I want you to check in here every

half hour until I tell you to stop. If I'm asleep, wake me up, so I can see

how Severus is doing. All right?"

"Yes, master."

"For now, some breakfast would be nice, and more coffee."

"Right away, master."

After he ate he checked again; things looked all right. Heru leaned back

in his chair and closed his eyes. By noon, things still looked fine, so he

told the elves they could stop checking in and woke Severus from his

induced sleep.

"How do you feel?" he asked, then yawned.

Severus visibly took stock, then said, "I don't feel any different."

"Mm. Listen. Gonna lay down. Stay here, wake me for anything odd. No

spells. Wards'll stop you." Heru flopped onto the couch and stretched out.

"Might want to call for something to eat." And then he was out.

He swam up from the depths of sleep to the sensation of someone

brushing his hair back from his forehead with their fingers. The corners

of his mouth curled up slightly and the movement stilled, only to start

again a few seconds later. He enjoyed it for a few moments longer, then

realized he had a thundering headache and whimpered in pain. He heard

a faint snap, followed by a pop, then a deep voice ask, "Pain potion?"

Heru frowned and shifted in irritation at the noise. The fingers shifted

with him and continued their soothing motions. Several minutes later—

he had almost decided the pain was worth it if Severus would keep doing

that—he heard the click of glass against wood. The hand moved away—

Heru frowned again—and slipped under his neck to raise and support his


"Come on," coaxed Severus. "You need to drink this."

Heru batted a feeble hand at the air.

"Heru," said Severus sternly. "Don't make me hold your nose closed."

He sighed, and when he felt a vial against his lips, opened his mouth to

let the potion trickle in. He swallowed and grimaced immediately at the


"There we go. You'll be feeling better in no time."


"I realize that, Heru. But I do need to return to the castle, and I think you

ought to come with me."

Heru considered speaking, but settled on a puzzled frown instead.

"You need to be able to check easily if I remain well over the next few

days, and while you're there, you can consider learning more about the

wards in case you decide to help Albus. Mark is also welcome."


"I'll take that as a yes." Severus lowered Heru's head to the couch and

began stroking the hair back from his forehead again, until he fell asleep.

17. Speaking in Tongues

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Oh, the joys of winging it, part IV. And the cat just walked over

my feet. Hm.

— 16: Speaking In Tongues —

The next time he woke up he was in a strange bed in a strange room.

There was an odd, though pleasant scent in the air, something his mind

eventually identified as patchouli. It faintly perfumed the linens with its

rich odor—enough to tantalize without being overpowering. A murmur

of voices sounded from somewhere nearby, making him pull himself up

and blink his eyes open. The room was pitch black but for a faint outline

around what he presumed was the door—it was the right shape, anyway.

After that peculiar, internal twist of his senses, Heru gazed around the

room and spotted his wand glimmering on the nightstand. He threw back

the covers and pivoted, then stood up; someone had undressed him

before putting him to bed. Heru shrugged and looked around until he

spied his clothes, then picked them up and shook them out gently,

grabbing his wand to perform a quick cleansing charm before pulling on

his jeans and T-shirt. He shoved the wand behind his ear and made for

the door, opening it slowly against the difference in light levels.

That didn't stop him from blinking repeatedly when he stepped out,

though he was able to see Severus and Mark sitting on opposite sides of a

low table playing a game of wizard's chess. He sank to the floor at the

end of the table and squinted at the board.

"You all right, father?"

"Mm." Heru blinked slowly a few times.

"He tends to be grumpy when he wakes up," Mark said in confiding tones

to Severus.

Heru gave Mark a halfhearted glare and went back to looking at the


Severus moved one of his pieces, taking a pawn.

Heru slung an elbow onto the table so he could support his head against

his palm and looked at Severus. Everything still looked fine.

After a moment, Severus met his gaze and asked, "Are you hungry?"

Heru furrowed his brow. Maybe it was all that coffee, but he wasn't sure.

Severus stood gracefully and walked to the fireplace to call in an order to

the kitchens, then resumed his place at the board. Mark, being a

fundamentally honest child, had not taken advantage of the situation,

and waited until Severus was seated again before making his move. They

played in silence until a house elf popped in, whereupon Severus directed

it to set up next to Heru, then went back to his contemplation of the


After a few minutes of breathing in the smell of freshly baked bread,

Heru was moved to take a slice, spread it with butter, and begin to

nibble. Shortly after that he felt energetic enough to have some soup and

a few sips of pumpkin juice. He let his eyes wander around until he

spotted a clock, which informed him it was seven in the evening. Heru

turned back to the meal and slowly worked his way through it. Then,

feeling quite full, he began to yawn.

Severus stood up and moved the tray out of the way, then held out a

hand to help him to his feet. Heru ignored the sounds of mirth from his

son, and allowed himself to be led back into the bedroom. Severus

lighted a single candle and pointed at a second door. "The bathroom," he

said. Heru shuffled off and was back several minutes later.

"Now, strip."

Heru sat on the edge of the bed, staring at nothing for a moment, then

slipped his wand out from behind his ear and placed it back onto the

nightstand. After another pause to yawn, he pulled the shirt over his head

and tossed it to the side. Severus tsk'd and stooped, picking up the shirt

and laying it on the same chair Heru had taken it from a short time

earlier. Heru finally managed to get his jeans off, though he was nice

enough to hold them out instead of flinging them wherever, and Severus

placed those on top of the shirt.

A second later he advanced, pushing Heru back against the bed and

getting his legs into place, then pulling up the covers. "Sleep," Severus

commanded, passing his hand over Heru's eyes to make them close, then

brushing the hair gently out of his face. And so he did.

He woke up feeling refreshed and alert, though momentarily disoriented.

When his memory had caught up with him, he sat up and stretched, then

slipped out of bed and into the adjoining bathroom. On returning he

located his clothing and got dressed, tucking his wand behind his ear,

and exited into the lounge. He stopped dead when he saw Severus asleep

on the couch and realized that he had taken the man's bed. Mark was

nowhere to be seen and the clock read 6.45 in the morning.

Another close look after he sat down in a chair revealed that nothing had

changed insofar as the alterations he had made to Severus. Now that he

was awake, he noticed a number of doors leading off the room aside from

the one into the bedroom, but he felt no pressing urge to explore. Instead,

he slipped a book off a shelf at random and sat back down to read. A half

hour later Severus abruptly opened his eyes and sat up.

"Good morning," said Heru, feeling absurdly perky. He hated perky,

though, and thought morning people should be taken out and

bludgeoned, repeatedly if necessary. "Still feeling all right?"

"Yes. I assume you've already checked?"

It was disgusting the way Severus went directly from sleep to waking.

"Yup," he said cheerfully. "Nothing has changed, so you appear to be


Severus gave him an intent look, then said, "I thought you were grumpy

on waking."

"I am," agreed Heru with a smile. "I have no idea what's come over me."

"I see. I'll return in a few minutes." Severus stood up and headed for the

bedroom, disappearing within.

The moment Severus was out of sight, Heru felt like someone had

wrapped a warm blanket around him. He glanced upward, startled, then

laughed softly. "Good morning, dear lady," he murmured. "I know, I

haven't slept within your walls in ages." He felt a sense of agreement

greet his words, and a touch of petulance. Casting a quick glance at the

bedroom door he murmured, "I'll be here a few days, so that's good for

both of us." He felt a pleasant sensation tingle down his spine and

squirmed. "Now you behave, or Severus is going to come back out here

and think I'm insane."

A tendril of curiosity touched him and he tilted his head to the side. "You

know who I mean. I assume Mark is around here somewhere?" A light

appeared in the short hallway at the back, then vanished. Heru nodded.

"You'll keep an eye on him while we're here?" Assent brushed against his

ear almost like a sound. "That's comforting. He can be overly curious. But

I suppose that's no surprise to you." A feeling of mirth made him smile.

"I—" Sounds from the next room had him choke off what he'd been about

to say. Keeping his eyes on the door he whispered, "We'll talk a bit later,

all right?" He looked back down at the book he was holding as he

received the equivalent of a hug from the castle, only to look up a

moment later as Severus emerged and sat down.

"Unfortunately, it is customary for staff to eat in the Great Hall, but I will

be stopping in as time permits. I know I've used the excuse of you

examining the wards to explain your presence, but you need not feel

compelled to do so."

Heru shrugged and said, "I may as well. What I find is another story."

Severus nodded. "Obviously, you have the run of the castle in that

capacity, though you can use the fireplace for calls to the kitchen and

various other places, such as Albus's office. The password for these rooms

is currently set to 'Lycompodium.' I have already informed Mark."

"Er, how exactly did I get here, anyway?"

"I sent to the school for a carriage. Mark packed up a few things he

thought you would each need, and told your servants where you'd be.

The only difficult part was getting you out to the carriage, and then down

here once we'd arrived."

"Why did you give me your bed? I'd have been perfectly fine on the

couch, or Mark would have. I never meant to put you out."

Severus arched a brow and said, "It was convenient at the time." After a

pause he continued. "Mark can wander around the castle, but he will very

probably get lost in the process. I'm afraid he may find it a bit boring

here for the time being. I would suggest the services of a house elf in case

he would like a guide."

"That sounds like it might work," Heru said agreeably. "It would probably

be far less intrusive if Mark and I were to eat in here. I think we've stirred

enough fires of curiosity already during visits."

"How long do you think it will be before you can be sure the alterations

are in no danger of reverting, or worse?"

"A couple of days, I suppose. Perhaps later on today we can visit the inlay

for a little comprehension test, or the portrait. If they stuck through that,

I'd be more reassured that I've done nothing to harm you."

"That sounds reasonable." Severus glanced at the clock and rose. "I must

be off. The earliest I will likely see you is at four."

"I hope you have a pleasant day, Severus."

"That depends on how many students screw up," Severus replied, then


Heru shook his head and glanced at his book, prepared to wait until after

the normal start of breakfast for the usual inhabitants of the castle before

he requested anything for himself. When the clock pinged the hour, Heru

continued to read for another ten minutes, then set down the book and

firecalled the kitchens with an order for two. He had a good feeling that

when it had been delivered the smells would draw Mark out, if he wasn't

already up. And so it was, with Mark appearing sleepy-eyed not more

than five minutes after Heru tucked in.

Afterward, Heru said, "Severus says you can wander around the castle if

you like, though it would be better for you to have a guide. Did you want

to do that, or would you prefer to stay down here?"

"Today," Mark said with a yawn, "wander."

"Go get cleaned up, then, and dressed."

Still yawning, Mark headed off down the hallway.

Heru firecalled the kitchens again, figuring that was the most logical

place to start. He told the elf who answered that the trays could be

removed whenever it was convenient, and requested a guide for his son.

A minute later two elves popped into the room, one of which went

straight for the trays to clean up and disappear. The other, however,

came to stand before him, hands clasped in front.

"Your name?" Heru asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"Dobby is being my name, sir."

"Well, Dobby, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Oh! Sir is being so kind! Sir is being—" Dobby stopped in mid-wail and

asked, "Sir is being who?"

"Heru Slytherin, a guest of Professor Snape for the next few days."

"Dobby is being happy to meet sir," Dobby said with a little bounce

followed up by a wide, toothy grin. "What is sir wanting Dobby to do?"

"My son is here with me and I was hoping you would be kind enough to

accompany him as he wanders around the castle and grounds. You see,

I'm afraid he might get lost, or inadvertently get into trouble."

"Dobby is being happy to be of service to sir and sir's son."

"Why don't you take a seat until he comes out," Heru suggested. That set

off another round of happy wailing, though Dobby did sit down, dangling

his legs above the floor like a child. When Mark reentered the room and

spotted the elf, he smiled and looked to his father.

"Mark, this is Dobby. He'll make sure you don't get lost today."

"Hello, Dobby. I'm happy to meet you." When Dobby let loose with

another round of wails, Mark said in an aside to his father, "I wondered

what all the ruckus was about." Dobby eventually calmed down and

hopped off the chair. "Young sir is coming with me. Dobby will show

young sir the castle."

"Stay out of trouble, all right? And if Dobby says you're not to go

someplace, don't argue."

"Yes, father." Mark nodded to Dobby and the two of them took off,

leaving Heru alone.

Heru got up and moved to the couch to stretch out and close his eyes.

"So, dear lady, will you give me fair warning if Severus or Mark return?"

The castle agreed readily.

"What do you think of Albus Dumbledore?"

She was a touch ambivalent in her response.

"Hm. Do you think he's trustworthy?"

—In what sense?— she seemed to ask.

"Do you know what he wants me to do?"


"I'm not sure that I should, you know? The wards were put in place for a

reason, and I don't think the founders ever thought past themselves as


—I don't know.—

Heru sighed. "Assuming he is trustworthy, that doesn't mean everyone he

would want to allow apparation rights to is."

—I agree.—

"Let me ask you this, then. If someone were allowed, and you noticed

them doing something you thought was alarming or potentially harmful,

would you revoke their right?"


After a few minutes of thought he asked, "What do you think of Severus?"

—I like him.— What Heru actually got for a response was a warm, fuzzy

feeling that made him smile.

"So do I. I never thought I would, but I do. Do you think he's



"Is there anyone here you think is untrustworthy?" A confused welter of

images flashed across the canvas of his mind, disorienting him. "Whoa,"

he said, relieved when things went black. "Never mind. That was a silly

question, I suppose."


"Maybe what's bothering me most is that if Albus gets one thing he

wants, he may start to ask for more."

—That's possible.—

"And if that happened—well, I could just refuse, and so could you."


"Am I the only one who can talk to you—who understands you?"

—I don't know.—

"Albus has tried and failed, though."


"That's so odd. He's always seemed so powerful."

She shrugged. Considering that she communicated with feelings and

images, Heru was having a remarkably easy time interpreting what she

wanted to say.

"Well, here's a thought. Is Mark in a reasonably safe place?"


"Now, I think you know what I mean when I say nobody around here

knows the whole story about me."

—I do.—

"And it would be a very difficult to explain if they did find out."

—I agree.—

"So, with that in mind, want to have a little fun?"

—What do you want to do?—

"Try to communicate with Mark and see how he reacts?"

After a short pause, an image formed in his head of Mark doubled over

with a case of the giggles, a perplexed Dobby looking on.

"It worked."


"That's pretty neat. I wonder if it's a bloodline thing, or just chance."

—I don't know.—

"I guess it doesn't matter for the moment, though I can explain later on to

Mark what happened to him. Getting back to the actual subject, now that

we've had our fun, I suppose we could give Albus what he wants on a

case-by-case basis, reserving your right to revoke the privilege if you

think it's necessary."

—I agree.—

"I don't think I'll say anything to him for a few days, though, else I won't

have an excuse to be here so openly."

She laughed.

They continued to talk about whatever came to mind until she flashed

him an image of Mark walking down a dungeon corridor. After he and

Mark had lunch, the boy went off to explore again with Dobby. Severus

returned shortly past four p.m., so the two of them left his quarters for

the portrait after leaving a note in plain sight in case Mark should come

back before they did.

Heru cleared his throat and the portrait opened its eyes. Heru kept his

gaze on Severus, though, when he hissed, "Hello again. We're trying a little

experiment." Something definitely triggered, though he wasn't certain

what it meant until Severus spoke.

"Why are you using English?"

The portrait gave Severus a superior look and snickered. "He wasn't, you

daft idiot."

"It worked? It worked."

Heru didn't respond; he continued to watch Severus's magic.

"What worked? You currently resemble a landed fish, by the way. Very

attractive, I'm sure. Somebody has been tinkering, since you obviously

understand me now," hissed the portrait accusingly.

Severus looked over at Heru, then back at the portrait. "Amazing."

Heru thought so, too. Just as had happened with him, Severus didn't

realize he was hearing and speaking a different language until someone

pointed it out to him. Heru, at least, had gained the control to know

which was which, and chose which language to speak in consciously.

Glancing at the portrait he hissed, "Thanks. You've been very helpful."

"Any time."

Heru placed a hand on Severus's shoulder and firmly guided him toward

his quarters. When they were back inside, Severus sat down and stared at

him for a moment. "Why not just speak to me yourself? Why use the


"I could have. But I can watch more easily if I'm not involved in the

conversation. Obviously it worked, except that you don't yet know which

language you're using, though that will come in time. I still want to check

over the next few days to make sure nothing decides to spring loose or go


"Of course."

"I'm sure I can find ways to amuse myself during the time when you're

occupied with meals or classes."

"There's plenty here to read."

Heru gave Severus an arch look and said, "You do realize the portrait

insulted you, right?"

"Did it?"

Heru laughed and shook his head. "Never mind. It has an odd sense of

humor, I've noticed. Still, it occurs to me that it might be wiser not to

mention this particular new ability, aside from the obvious fact that it

might not last."

Severus angled his head in thought, then nodded. "What people don't

know is to my advantage."

"Yeah. I also think it would be beneficial to have the three of us converse

in Parseltongue this evening, and the next few. You'll get a better handle

on how it feels, and I'll be able to spend a lot more time watching things

in action. I'd suggest you get a snake, but that would be like waving a red

flag in front of Albus and saying, 'Look here, I've got a secret.'"

Severus smiled normally for the first time Heru had ever seen and it

made his breath hitch for a second. The way the man's eyes lit up was

incredible. After clearing his throat he said, "I'm not saying Albus isn't

trustworthy, but I am reserving judgment for the time being."

"Yes, I understand."

Three days later Severus was still fine and nothing had gone haywire, so

Heru decided it was time for another chat with Albus. He had already

gone to the trouble of ascertaining whether or not he needed to speak out

loud for the castle to hear him, and discovered he could remain silent if

he chose, though it made things more difficult. He left Severus and Mark

hissing away at each other and made the walk to the headmaster's office

alone, not breaking stride when he came to the gargoyle, which glanced

around quickly before leaping out of the way without a word being

spoken. Inside the office, Heru accepted a cup of tea—it was not drugged

—and a seat—it was nice and squashy.

"A pleasure to see you, dear boy. What can I do for you?"

Heru wondered occasionally if Albus fell back on that appellation so as to

not have to remember anyone's name. "I have considered your request.

Do you happen to have a list of names for those you would like to be able

to bypass the apparation wards?"

"I do, actually, though I confess I thought I was getting rather ahead of

myself to even write them down at this point." Albus pulled open a

drawer and fished around for a moment, then produced a sheet of

parchment and handed it over. "You have already tested this?"

"I have," lied Heru with a faint smile. "On myself."

"Splendid, dear boy."

Heru glanced over the list, noting that Albus's name was prominently

written at the top. Curiously, or not, Sirius Black was not one of the

names. He looked up and said, "Shall we begin with you?"

"I would be delighted."

If a star could twinkle any brighter than Albus's eyes, Heru wasn't sure he

had ever seen one. He nodded, took a sip of his tea, then silently formed

the request in his mind. Several seconds later he noticed Albus's eyes

widen slightly, then felt the castle's affirmation.

Heru took another sip of tea, then said, "I'm sure you're dying to try it, so

don't mind me. I'll wait right here." Albus looked both skeptical and

hopeful as he stood. Heru had a sudden image flash through his mind of

the headmaster anxiously biting his nails, and almost laughed.

"Yes, yes. One moment, then." Albus disappeared with a faint crack and

was back within thirty seconds, a blooming smile on his face. He clapped

his hands in delight and reached for a lemon drop, popping it into his

mouth before sitting back down. "Marvelous!"

Heru smiled indulgently and said, "Just to clarify—you did feel something

when the wards shifted, correct?" When Albus nodded he continued,

"Then I believe each person needs to be within the castle walls during the

attempt. I don't think it would work otherwise."

Albus dimmed for a moment, a faint glimpse of hesitation and something

calculated flashing across his face before it returned to a cheerful

expression. Heru thought it a good idea at that point to be open to extra

information, and extended his senses. Being able to tell truth from

falsehood by looking a person in the eye was all very well, but there were

times when one wanted that little extra something.

Apparently coming to some kind of a decision, Albus said, "Tell me,

please, how much you know about Voldemort's defeat."

Heru chuckled. "Are we going to discuss rats again? Nasty creatures, I've

always thought."

Albus chuckled as well and said, "You did warn me, I admit." Heru felt

the man's relaxation more than he saw it. "How about we discuss dogs,


"I'm always up for a good, grim tale," Heru replied archly. The tension

level dropped another notch.

Albus rose and said, "One moment, please."

18. End Juxtaposition

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Still winging it, actually. :) I am using events from OotP in this

story, but they're being shuffled around and modified to suit me. This is a

time-skippy chapter, as well.

Warnings: This chapter contains graphic material of a violent nature. It

isn't until the end section, though, and frankly, I don't think it's all that


— 17: End Juxtaposition —

Albus returned a few minutes later accompanied by a large black dog.

The headmaster had not even sat down properly when Heru said calmly,

"Good evening, Mr Black. It's a pleasure to meet you."

It bared its teeth and growled at him.

Heru chuckled and began forming the request in his mind. The castle was

more than happy to comply, managing to startle a yelp out of the dog.

Albus gave the dog a curious look and said, "Dear boy, whatever was that

for? Sirius, please meet Heru Slytherin. If I'm not mistaken"—Albus

glanced over at Heru, who nodded—"Heru has just shifted the wards to

allow you to apparate in and out of the castle."

The dog let out a skeptical bark, cast a beady-eyed look at Heru, then

changed back into human form. "Are you out of your mind, Albus?" he


Heru gazed up at the ceiling and remarked, "Something tells me you

didn't bother to let Mr Black know who was down here."

Albus twinkled at him and confided, "I didn't think he'd come with me if I


"Now I know you've lost it! An actual Slytherin? Aren't all you people dead


"Now, Sirius—"

"Don't worry, Albus. I don't mind. You were suspicious yourself, not so

long ago. It comes with the territory."

"Hm, yes. Quite true. Sirius, as I already said, you are now able to

apparate in and out of Hogwarts."

Sirius folded his arms across his chest in blatant rejection of the idea, his

expression quite clearly saying that Albus had finally gone round the


"Give it a try. If I am being delusional, nothing will happen. And if it is

true, you can go, and be back here in less than a minute."

"Fine, I'll humor you in your dotage." Sirius snarled and disappeared.

Moments later he was back with a slightly dazed look on his face. "I don't

believe it," he breathed, then hooked a chair over with his foot and sat


"But you just did it," pointed out Albus cheerfully. "Isn't it marvelous?"

Sirius gave Heru a suspicious look. "How do you know he didn't just

break the damn wards?"

"That is a very good question. Heru, would you object if I called in

Minerva for a test?"

"Of course not. But I would counsel caution on one point."


"I cannot control the castle, only request. She may not feel . . .

comfortable, I suppose, would be a good word . . . doing this for certain

people. So I would not warn anyone ahead of time of what we're trying

to do. For that matter, considering rats have been at the grain in the past,

you might do well to explain things only to those who . . . pass. You see?"

"Ah, yes. I do see your point." Albus scratched out a quick note and rose

to give it to Fawkes, then returned to his seat.

"You," said Sirius slowly, "are a Slytherin? A real one?"

"I am."

"I don't believe this. Albus, how can you trust this man?"

Albus heaved a patient sigh. Before he could summon up a response,

Heru said, "One would do as well to ask how anyone could trust a man

who springs from the noble and most ancient house of Black. Your family

has quite a reputation, too, if I'm not mistaken."

Sirius rounded on him with a snarl, but did not rise.

"Now, boys," said Albus.

"Just pointing out the hypocrisy, Albus. I shall say no more on it, rest


The tension level had risen sharply, so it was perhaps fortunate that

Minerva chose that moment to enter the office, blink at what she saw,

and close the door behind her. "Albus. Sirius. Mr Slytherin."

Heru felt Sirius relax marginally when Minerva seemed to take the

situation in stride. Apparently he thought she was a bit less batty than

the headmaster. Albus smiled and said, "I was hoping you would help us

with a little experiment, Minerva."

"Of course, Albus. What do you need?"

"Now, we all know I'm a tad"—he made a circling motion with one finger

at his temple—"but I would like you to try apparating down to

Hogsmeade from here. There is some question about the integrity of the


"Oh dear. All right, Albus." She adjusted her spectacles, paused, and went

nowhere. "Nothing," she said. "They appear to be fine to me."

"Very good. If you will wait for one moment. . . ." Albus flicked his eyes

toward Heru, who made the request. A moment later Minerva acted as

though she'd been goosed if her suddenly severe expression was anything

to judge by. "Could you try again, please, Minerva? And, of course, return

if it should be necessary."

She disappeared with a crack, returning with the same dazed expression

Sirius had worn. Heru took the time to ask the castle if only the people

she approved of would feel anything, or if they all would. The castle

relayed back that only those approved would, so Heru was satisfied.

"Albus, what just happened?"

"Do have a seat, Minerva. It is time I let you in on a little secret, much as

I just have to Sirius. Thanks to Heru's efforts and particular talents, we

are able to modify the apparation wards selectively, with an eye toward

letting key people, such as yourselves, bypass the restriction."

Heru let Albus blather on while he looked over the list again. Lupin was

on it, and Moody, Arthur and Molly Weasley along with several of their

children, and a host of other names he did not recognize offhand. As his

eyes wandered over each name, he got faint feelings of approval or

rejection from the castle.

"—Slytherin. Heru?"

Heru looked up quickly and said, "I'm sorry, what? My mind was

elsewhere for a moment."

"I said, I believe I have adequately explained the situation to Minerva.

You looked distressed, however. Is something the matter?"

"Sort of." He glanced down at the list again for a moment. "Some of these

names—it won't work, but I have no idea why. Reading them over, I

could sense which was which."

Albus looked mildly surprised. "If I may ask, who?"

Heru shrugged and said, "Professor Moody and Percy Weasley to start.

Isn't the Weasley boy rather young?"

"Some of the names are of a potential nature. I should not have included

those, perhaps. But Professor Moody is a surprise. You are unable to tell

why, you said?"

Heru asked about the man again, and got back a confused set of images.

The best he could translate it was to say, "No, not really. All I get is a

sense of duplicity. I strongly suggest you not mention any of this to him

until there is more information."

"Yes, well, I think then that with one or two exceptions, you should hold

off with any of the other names until I have arranged for a secure

location within the castle for use as an apparation point. I will have to

send Remus a note."

"And the other?" Heru asked, raising his brow.

"Severus, of course."

"Severus!" screeched Sirius. "You can't mean that. He's nothing but a

lousy, back-stabbing, sniveling little Death Eater just waiting to kill the

lot of us in our sleep!"

"It is not up for discussion, Sirius."


"No. Please desist, Sirius." To Heru he said, "When Remus does arrive, I

will send word to you, but for now I believe we're done."

"You can have this back for the time being, then." Heru rose and placed

the list on the desk. After a perfectly polite, "Good evening, everyone,"

Heru left the office and returned to the dungeons. He wasn't even curious

enough to spy on the trio at that point. One thing was clear; Sirius would

have reacted badly to him either way, as a Slytherin or as a friend to

Severus, but it was really nothing personal.

He walked through the door into Severus's quarters. He and Mark were

playing another game of chess and conversing in Parseltongue, but both

paused and looked up when he took a seat. "Severus, brace yourself for a

moment, all right?"

Seconds later he showed no more of an obvious reaction than Albus had.

"What, dare I ask, was that?"

"You being keyed into the apparation wards."

— — —

The next morning Heru and Mark returned to Hogsmeade, and that

evening as he tried to get to sleep Heru realized he missed the scent of

patchouli. He dropped off almost as soon as he decided to track down

some of the oil for himself. The next few weeks went by quietly and

Severus was a frequent visitor, which pleased Heru to no end, and

apparently Mark as well. During that time, Severus could occasionally be

caught laughing openly, though the sound was rare if he happened to be

on the ground floor of Heru's house. He had also developed a tendency to

sit on the couches after Heru had displayed a marked preference for them

over his usual chairs.

Remus Lupin had still not arrived, so Heru spent most of his time

roughing out ideas, annoying the house elves by cooking for himself, and

generally being lazy. He did receive a letter from Mr Lovegood letting

him know that not only had the order come in, but that the entire

shipment had gone out the same day. That was reason enough in Heru's

eyes to pay out bonuses to the people hired on before letting them go

until the next time they were needed.

The days grew warmer as spring tried its best to cozy up to summer, and

Heru knew that very soon things would become rather nasty, not to

mention vastly confusing. With that unhappy event looming on the

horizon, Heru seriously considered asking the castle to squirrel away

Harry's belongings once he went to begin the third task, but eventually

decided that he could well come under suspicion if he did. Albus and a

handful of others knew he had some way to communicate with the castle,

and might look to him first if Harry's things were to disappear.

He became increasingly nervy as the twenty-fourth of June approached

and tried very hard not to let it show. Knowing that one Harry Potter was

going to vanish into the mists of time was not the whole story, and Heru

knew it. Along with his anxiety came the question of whether or not that

was the case. Would Harry simply disappear, never to be seen again, or

did Fate have something else in store—something more final.

After a great deal of thought—Mark and the house elves would no longer

even step in the room with him if he was pacing—he told everyone he

was going out, then apparated underlake. While he could not see his own

future, what he wanted to know technically lay in his past, or his original

self's future, so it was both and neither at the same time. And when he

did get an answer—it had worked—he was not sure if it could be

construed as good or bad for all parties involved. Either way, he had

every intention of being in the stands when the third task started.

And so he was, sitting with Severus to one side and Mark to the other, in

full view of Albus Dumbledore and his deputy. He waited through it—it

was devilishly hard to see anything clearly with the hedge walls so high

—experiencing things with a kind of double vision as he recalled his

passage through all those years ago. When it finally became clear that

something was horribly wrong Heru remained seated, keeping Mark with

him. Chaos erupted as Cedric Diggory's corpse was discovered holding

the cup, his wand at his side. Albus was the first to reach the body,


It wasn't until the body was being levitated away that Dumbledore turned

and stared up into the stands. At that moment Heru rose, nudged his

companions, and said, "We should probably go inside." Though they had

to be careful—other people in the stands were practically trying to

stampede their way out—they eventually gained the main entrance to the

castle and stepped through the huge doors.

Albus appeared almost instantly, looking extremely agitated. "All of you,

come with me."

Up in his office he made a quick show of social form, then got right down

to business, pulling Heru off to the side. "That day, when you revealed to

me you could watch a person from a distance—can you manage that with

Harry Potter?"

Heru had half been expecting the question, but furrowed his brow and

said, "I can but try." He stepped back a pace, ignoring the odd looks

coming from Severus and Mark, and chanted several phrases under his

breath, finishing off with a peculiar gesture. A heartbeat later he could

see, off to the side, Harry sound asleep in a very familiar room. He

exhaled and looked over at Albus. "He is alive."

"Is there anyway I could see what you do?"

Heru blinked slowly and appeared to consider. "I don't suppose you have

a large mirror handy so I could try something?" Albus produced one

quickly, shoving it into position against one of the walls. Heru stepped

over and tuned it to display Harry Potter. Then he turned, stepped away,

and gestured at the image, releasing his other spell at the same time. "I

wasn't sure it would work," he confessed.

Severus stepped up, rubbing his chin, with a calculating expression on his

face. "This is a pretty picture indeed. That is not a natural sleep, Albus.

The boy is either drugged into somnolence, or stunned out of his wits,

assuming he had any to begin with."

"I tend to agree," Albus said vaguely, absently pushing Mark back when

he tried to look. "Heru, is there any way to adjust this image?"

"Only to a certain extent. It's designed to follow the target. So, I can only

zoom in and out. As the boy moves, so will the image, but I can't, say,

adjust it out past the room itself, as the focus range is finite."

Albus's face fell, and after looking at Heru's own expression, did not ask if

there was any other spell that could be used. Eventually, they all became

quite bored; there was nothing exciting about watching a child sleep,

after all. Mark curled up in a chair to sleep himself while the adults,

joined by Minerva and a furious Sirius, began a discussion on ways to

find Harry and get him back.

Sirius was in the midst of another raging hissy fit when Heru went still

and said, "Shut up. Look." He pointed at the mirror. Harry was just

waking up and reaching for his glasses. After a great deal of looking

around and shrugging, Harry sat down at a desk, sighed as a meal

appeared, and started to eat. They continued to watch as he entered the

bathroom (averting their eyes politely most of the time, though it was

noted that Harry was unharmed), then again as he found a book in the

desk and started to write.

Everyone but Heru cursed as they tried to read upside down. Severus,

apparently, was better at it than some, for Heru noticed a decided smirk

when Harry scratched out a sentence beginning with his name. Though

he kept his own face carefully blank, he was privately amused at the

rapid changes of emotion that flitted across his friend's face as Harry

continued to write, and Severus continued to decipher. He seemed

particularly aghast when Harry wrote about the sorting hat. On and on

Harry wrote, until there was nothing more he wanted to say.

Things became boring again at that point, especially since Harry

persisted in lying in bed half awake, half asleep, eventually drifting off.

All of them but Heru had drawn, white faces with identical expressions of

disbelief. In her distress, Minerva made the particularly inane comment

of, "Well, Harry certainly is well spoken." They talked, and discussed, and

argued, until one of them finally noticed that Heru had been silent the

entire time. He hadn't said a word since "look."

When asked about it, Heru said, "I never knew him, so I don't understand

your reactions. I'm sorry. This is really none of my business, and my son

is sleeping in a chair at the moment instead of a bed as he should be. The

mirror image won't fade, trust me. Would it be all right if I took Mark

someplace nicer to rest?"

Albus quickly assured him that would be fine, and Severus leaned over to

whisper the most current password to his quarters into Heru's ear. After

he stood Heru said, "I would attempt to set up some kind of alarm so one

of you was alerted when the boy moved, but it would go off every time

he shifted in his sleep, making it useless."

Albus assured him that was all right as well, and that they'd discuss

things in the morning. Heru nodded to everyone, gathered Mark up in his

arms, and exited the office, getting far enough past the door that they

wouldn't hear the sound of him apparating directly into Severus's

quarters. Mark was placed in the spare room, and Heru went to sleep on

the couch.

It was several days before anything of particular interest happened,

unless you counted an apathetic Harry writing in a book. And by then it

was well known that Moody hadn't been Moody at all. The real Moody

had been found locked in his own trunk, his hair hacked to bits for the

impostor's alleged use in polyjuice potion. As Heru had pointed out, "Now

we know why the castle didn't like him."

When Voldemort appeared they were all present, but unable to see much.

Heru adjusted the focus out as far as it would go to reveal the Dark Lord

sitting at the desk flipping through what Harry had written. It was just

barely possible to see the edges of Voldemort's varying expression as he

read. Heru found it interesting to see his reactions, though they didn't

especially surprise him.

The routine continued and Albus was often seen with a lost, and

sometimes hurt look on his face when he wasn't trying various methods

in an attempt to locate Harry. Not having seen any of what happened

after the two boys had disappeared, nobody had any clue where Harry

could be, and none of the locating spells were useful. Everything they

tried either fizzled out or hared off on a wild tangent.

Heru and Mark spent quite a bit of time up at the castle during July,

often sleeping over in Severus's rooms and taking their meals there as

well. Mark had been placed under the watchful eye of a house elf and left

to tinker with potions while everyone else huddled in the headmaster's

office, watching or experimenting further. Heru made sure he was

present on his birthday. He had only vaguely seen what was to happen;

he wanted to see it more clearly.

And so it was that Harry Potter fell asleep the night of 30 July, just as he

had every night for the past month. One watcher was left at the mirror

while the rest went to their own beds. They all converged before the

boy's usual waking time, prepared to see if the new day brought anything

of interest, or any clues. What they did see—and were totally unprepared

for—was Harry Potter laying in bed when the lights came up, or at least,

pieces of him. Streams of blood splattered the walls and oozed

downward, still glistening as though it had only just happened. His

glasses were shattered beyond repair, shards sticking out of his

unrecognizable eyes, and the rest of Harry wasn't too well connected

anymore, either; his limbs had been hacked off and stacked like kindling

at the foot of the bed.

They were all still staring in mute horror when the door opened and

Voldemort stepped in, took one look, and proceeded to blast the room

half apart in anger. Heru took a moment to reflect on things. He couldn't

decide if he should be impressed at the sheer destruction that had been

done to his body—well, a body—or disgusted by the lengths Fate had

gone to. Either way, it was quite plain that Harry could not have done

these things to himself.

Voldemort eventually calmed down into a seething tower of quiet rage

and stormed over to the desk he hadn't yet destroyed. Yanking the

drawer completely out of its tracks, he then stooped down to retrieve the

journal and stare at it.

"So," he said. "Do I deliver you along with the pitiful wreck of your

master's corpse to the wizarding world, or do I just keep you? Do I let

those fools like Dumbledore see just how much damage they did to you

before you ended up dead anyway? Perhaps if I were able to see the

looks on their faces when they read through your pages it might be worth


Voldemort lowered the journal and turned to look at Harry. "And you,

you pathetic little brat. How dare you die on me!? That was my right! My

decision! You would have made a lovely pet for me, Harry. A lovely little

minion, obeying only me, begging and pleading to do my bidding. Can't

you imagine the faces of your adoring public when that came to light? I

even came here today to try and talk some sense into you. But no, you

had to go and get yourself killed under my very nose. How dare you!?"

Voldemort flung the journal at the bed, smirking slightly as it lodged

somewhere in Harry's chest cavity. "Oh well, you shan't be missed. I'll

decide where to deliver you once I've had a chance to get creative with

my followers. And by the way, thanks for reminding me about my dear,

traitorous Severus. I'll have to think of something special for him. He was

one of my favorites, you know. But he's already been replaced. Did you

realize that your dear Professor Moody was an impostor all year? I'll bet

you never had a clue. Barty Crouch is back safe and sound, and I don't

have to worry about him betraying me. And then there's that other fellow.

We shall see about him."

Voldemort turned away and moved to the door, then paused. "Before I

go, Harry, did you have any last requests? No? Hm. Tirrah, luv." He

stepped out and pulled the door closed quietly behind him, and they

could hear his high-pitched laughter trailing away.

Minerva, always one to remain calm in a crisis, promptly averted her face

from the image still displayed in the mirror and sicked up all over Albus's


Two days later a corpse was discovered on the outskirts of Hogsmeade,

its limbs sewn back on with what looked oddly like fishing line, carefully

cradling a book in what was left of its chest.

19. Ordered Actions

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Nada.

— 18: Ordered Actions —

Harry's body was removed almost as soon as it had been found and

placed in a room provided by the castle after Albus had asked Heru to see

what he could do. It went almost without saying that the wards on that

section of the castle were more stringent than most; the hordes of

reporters crowding the main doors were continually being turned away,

but one never knew just how enterprising some of them might be.

The journal was cause for much fighting, breast beating, and

recrimination—and not all of it spared the victim, Harry. Each person

had a chance to read it in full, and often passed it on with an expression

that said very little of what they were feeling. It eventually was passed to

Heru, who affected a look of surprise at the offer.

"I'm not sure I understand," he said. "I'll read it, but other than helping

out on a few things I'm not sure what value there is in me reading it."

"That will become more clear, I think, a bit later on," said Albus. "You

have indeed been very generous with your time and ability, something I

believe we ought to discuss further once we have all had a chance to

assimilate this material."

Heru shrugged and set to reading, even though he could still remember

most of what he'd written. Part way through he suddenly looked up and

said, "The castle says Remus Lupin is here," then went back to the

journal. He absently noticed that one of their number left immediately,

and by the time he had finished and handed it back to Albus they had

returned with Remus in tow.

"Before we go any further," said Albus, "would you be so kind as to take

care of Remus, Heru?"

It took him a moment to understand what the headmaster meant, but

when he did recall, he asked the castle for her assistance, and she made

the necessary changes. Albus pulled Remus off to the side, presumably to

explain what had just happened, and to hand him the journal.

Albus was the worst hit by what Harry had written, but that was on a

personal level, Heru noticed. He was apt at defending himself during the

ensuing discussion, often stating that a child, however precocious, could

not possibly understand the entirety of the decisions Albus had been

forced to make. Heru found it both amusing and sad, but he could afford

to; it had been his life, and time and distance had a way of softening even

the roughest of edges.

Remus had a tendency to bemoan the fact that he hadn't spent more time

with Harry that one year, and that he had, until the very end, withheld so

much more than he had given. Sirius was beside himself, often cursing

that he'd had so little time with Harry, and even envious of Remus for

having had that year. He felt he had totally failed in his desire to keep

Harry safe, despite knowing he could not have done much more than he


Severus displayed a curious mixture of reactions, though Heru doubted

that anyone would notice them through his habitual stony expression,

which tended to vary only in how intense his glare or scowl was—

assuming he showed an expression at all. He seemed profoundly

disturbed that Harry had almost been sorted into Slytherin house, and

Heru considered asking him about it later, in private. Severus also

seemed quite angry over some of the things Harry had written, especially

as much of what he had done was designed to protect him. Heru noticed

more than one faintly quizzical look directed at him by Severus.

Minerva simply seemed bewildered. She had not been so close to Harry.

Albus had always been the parental figure in Harry's life. Arthur was in a

similar state. It was Molly who would often begin wailing over the loss of

her "son" and generally acting as though she'd birthed him herself. She

was eventually hauled off to the infirmary and sedated for hysteria.

It was then that Albus came to a decision. "We have proof enough that

Voldemort has returned. Therefore, I am reconvening the Order of the

Phoenix. All of you here, with the exception of Heru, know what that

means. Now, aside from the obvious task of informing all the original

members, we must look to recruitment of new people. Heru would

possibly be the first of those."

Sirius sat up immediately with a fierce scowl, then subsided. Remus, who

had no real idea who Heru was, or why Sirius would be so opposed to the

idea, glanced at both of them, then back to Albus.

"Does anyone here object if I explain to Heru what the Order is about?"

Sirius retained his mulish expression, but said nothing, and neither did

Arthur. Nobody did. "Splendid. Heru, to put it simply, the Order of the

Phoenix was created at the time of Voldemort's first rise as a dedicated

group of individuals intent on his defeat. Unfortunately, there was a

traitor among our number—you recall to whom I refer—that led to the

deaths of Harry's parents and ultimately to Voldemort's first defeat. Now

that he is back, we will begin again."

"And you would like me to join?"

"That is the idea."

"Just so that we're all clear on the obvious—don't you think just being

who I am will cause problems?"

"Ah, Albus?" interrupted Remus, casting a quick, apologetic look at Heru.

"Could someone tell me what they haven't been telling me? I'm a little

lost here."

"My apologies, Remus. The problem Heru is referring to is that he is Heru

Slytherin, and as such, subject to a tide of ingrained distrust and


Remus's brows shot up and he cast another look at Heru, who smiled

pleasantly in return.

"In any case, there are always problems with integrating various people,

Heru, as I'm sure you understand. The obvious in your case may be a bit

more to get past, but I don't see why it should be an issue in light of the

larger picture."

"Then I reckon it would depend on what this all entailed. I had every

intention of living a simple life, but I suppose that was a foolish hope."

Heru shrugged and pulled his hair into a tail to twist around his fingers.

"I try to match people with tasks which suit their abilities. As it stands,

you are our only link with the castle itself, and are admirably suited for

spying from a distance, it seems. Different people serve in different


"That sounds fine so far, but I would have to say I'd strongly object to

anything that put me directly in harm's way. While I am not the only one,

I do have a son who expects me to be around for a while longer. I think

you're already well aware that I will not be dealt with lightly, based on . .

. truth." Heru arched a brow at the headmaster on the last word for even

more emphasis.

Albus broke into a briefly amused smile and nodded. "Yes, indeed. I think

we understand each other then." Both of them ignored the confused looks

they were getting. "Very well. Minerva, I would ask you to send out word

after we are done here."

"Yes, Albus."

Albus sighed heavily at that point and said, "We must decide where poor

Harry is to be laid to rest. I confess, I am greatly worried that if his

location becomes known, his remains will be disinterred almost before

we have a chance to take care of things."

After a number of unworkable suggestions, Heru hesitantly spoke up. "Er,

there is . . . as I've learned . . . a place at Hogwarts itself."


"On the grounds, along the east side of the lake, is a graveyard of sorts. If

I recall correctly, Salazar's brother and sister-in-law were laid to rest

there, in a mausoleum. I would assume it still exists."

"I have never come across such a thing," said Albus, frowning. "I suppose

one of us could go look."

"I might have a faster way of being sure," said Heru. "It cannot hurt for

me to try." Albus nodded, so Heru closed his eyes and silently asked the

castle if it still existed.


When he asked why no one seemed to know about it, she flashed him

several images. He understood after several moments of thought that the

castle had purposely hidden it from prying eyes sometime after his

departure from the past. As it was technically on the grounds, she had

that much control over it, but she was willing to relax the protection she

had assigned to it enough to allow for this new proposed addition.

Heru smiled and opened his eyes. "It's there. It was hidden purposely. I

get the feeling that at some point after Salazar's brother died and was

placed there that attempts were made to break into it. Apparently the

castle has a soft spot for some people."

"Perhaps, then, you would be willing to go down and see what might be

done for Harry?"

Heru nodded, privately wondering if it was wrong to feel amused that he

was preparing for his own grave in the same spot he was supposedly

already buried at.

"Then I believe we are done for the moment. Minerva, I think Saturday

morning at ten would be suitable."

— — —

Severus joined Heru on the walk down to the site, remaining silent until

well after they had exited the castle. "As I recall, you said you felt

something bad was going to happen to Potter. How right you were."

"Things aren't usually so vague. Nobody deserves to die like that,


"As much as I detested the little brat, I must agree."

"You seemed really upset, Severus, at some of the things he wrote."

"He said I gave him special treatment! I treated him no worse than I did

any other non-Slytherin student. And I saved his precious little hide on

more than one occasion."

"Do you even have to do that now? You are not a Death Eater, Severus."

Severus kicked at a flower as they passed it and said, "I allow I am

mortally tired of the façade. And now, I have no doubt that the Dark Lord

is sure of my betrayal and will seek to revenge himself on me. No, I do

not need to any longer."

"Will you continue it anyway?" Heru touched Severus's arm briefly,

smiled, and continued, "I'd hate to think of Mark getting into a house

other than Slytherin and facing you in class if you did."

"Oh, well, for his sake I shall consider being the sweetest person alive and

none shall fault my manners or treatment of the bright young things that

come here to learn with eager attention and hearts full to bursting with

the desire to better themselves."

Heru snickered. "As you say."

"He is a likable little brat. He does you credit."

"Thank you, Severus. And you do have an entire year to practice, should

you choose to."

Severus glared at him halfheartedly, then smiled. "For practical reasons, I

must be stern in the classroom. Some students are far more concerned

with attempting pranks than they are in learning."

"True enough," Heru said, and stopped. "There. Within those trees." The

ground was dappled with sunlight and the air was sweet with the scent of

flowers. Heru was glad in some ways that Regan had been entombed in

stone, for she had not become food for nature's whimsy, but also sad,

because she could not return to the earth from which she had ultimately


The individual trees may have changed, but the mausoleum was still

surrounded by alders, and Heru breathed a silent sigh at the sight. It had

become an idyllic little glade if you could ignore what it actually

contained. It was clear, though, that Harry's body could be placed within

its confines after a new structure had been created and enjoy the same

privacy. Heru was quite sure the castle would see to it.

They discussed positioning for a few minutes, finally, though tentatively,

deciding on a mausoleum that would stand a short distance from the

original and at a slight angle. It depended a great deal on whether or not

Albus was of a mind to transfer the remains of Harry's parents there or

leave them wherever they currently rested. After several minutes of

silence, Heru turned to Severus, feeling a bit hesitant to speak his mind,

and at the other's look of inquiry, he plunged ahead.

"Severus, this is probably so wildly inappropriate that I would not blame

you for being disgusted with me, but—this place of death, the depression

it makes me feel, it makes me all that much more keen to live life and

experience the things I've yearned for and not dared to go after. I want—I

would like to be a great deal closer to you, if you would let me."

"Closer," Severus repeated. "I recall once telling you that I wasn't sure I

knew how to be a friend."

"Yes, you did," Heru agreed softly.

"I would li—I will deny ever saying this should you repeat it to others,

you understand. I would like to think I've learned differently since then."

Severus took a step forward. "I would like to think I have as much

courage as you show at this moment to be honest." He took another step

closer. "I would like to think you are not referring merely to friendship."

Heru closed the remaining gap and said, "I would like to think that if I

were to kiss you at this moment, that you would return it." He leaned in

slowly, so that Severus could still step away if he wanted, and touched

his lips to Severus's. A heartbeat later he pulled back slightly and saw the

brightness of Severus's eyes, then leaned in again, snaking one hand

around the nape of Severus's neck.

When their lips touched this time, it was not in innocence, but with full

intent of exploration. Moments later they were tangled together,

completely oblivious to their surroundings, and totally forgetful of why

they had come in the first place. It was, perhaps, ten minutes later when

reality intruded on the pleasurable haze in Heru's mind and he gently

disengaged, slightly out of breath.

"I don't want to stop, but I think. . . ."

"We must not do this here," Severus agreed.

As one they turned and left the glade, walking back to the castle rather a

little more closer to each other than normal. They reported to Albus that

the site would be quite suitable for their needs, then retired to Severus's

quarters for lunch. That night they shared Severus's bed, though they did

no more than they already had. It was enough for the moment to simply

be close. And they continued to share the same bed, much to Mark's quiet


— — —

Saturday dawned fair and sunny, which some took as a kind of insult

given the prevailing mood. There were two issues for the day: Harry's

funeral and the Order meeting.

Those few who had been invited, mostly those who had been close to

Harry, gathered on the front steps and were led down to the glade as a

group. During the intervening days Heru had constructed a mausoleum

for himself, unable to prevent that same sense of morbid amusement

from rearing its head as he did so. He had, in fact, volunteered for the

job, having explained that it was a member of his own family responsible

for the tragedy, and that he would feel obscurely better for having been

the one to accomplish this particular task, especially as the only people

buried there were, again, among his family.

Molly was quite patently under the influence of a calming potion as she

did no more than let silent tears slip down her face, clutching tightly to

her husband's arm. Ginny had been left at home, though Ron had been

allowed to come. Hermione was also present, having been fetched by

several Order members, and her face was deathly white and drawn. She

stood very close to her remaining best friend, who watched the entire

proceeding with a bemused look of denial, occasionally shaking his head.

When the door to the structure closed, it capped the sense of finality, and

Hermione finally burst into loud, racking sobs. Molly, whose motherly

tendencies kicked into gear, immediately pulled her into a sideways hug

and led her away, back to the castle. After a brief moment of silence they

all returned, gathering in the Great Hall for a very quiet, very somber

lunch. When it came time for the Order to meet, Mark was introduced to

the two students, who eyed him with as much suspicion as they could

manage under the circumstances. Albus made it a point to be very firm

on the subject of manners, then swept away with the adults in tow.

Heru, of course, immediately set up a watch on his son, ignoring the

knowing look Albus shot him.

The first order of business was to make introductions. Most of the

members were as clueless as Remus and the Weasleys had been over

Heru's identity. Suspicion and distrust softened slightly when Albus

explained much of what Heru had done for them, though it did not

completely disappear. Moody—the real Moody—was especially paranoid

about having him included.

After that, Albus dropped a bombshell. "There is," he said, "something I

have not fully told anyone, not in all these years. I felt that it was of

paramount importance that the exact details should not be revealed, lest

they somehow be betrayed, whether by guile, force, or an inadvertent

slip of the tongue. As it turns out, my decision was probably wise given

that we were betrayed, but at this point in time, it may no longer matter.

Therefore, I will reveal now what I would not in the past."

He took a pensieve out of a nearby cabinet and moved it to his desk,

tapping it before taking a seat. Everyone watched as Trelawny appeared,

slowly rotating above the silvery substance within, and intoned her

prophecy. Albus played it a second time before saying, "Now you will

understand why James and Lily Potter were placed under the fidelius

charm. Even, possibly, why Voldemort was defeated the first time."

"The Longbottoms were also placed under protection at that time. Are

you saying it could have been their boy?" asked someone in the back.

"Yes. Both boys were born near the end of July. As it stands, it was Harry

who was attacked, and Harry who was marked. That he is dead bodes

very badly for us. If this prophecy is true in its entirety, we may be lost,

unless the interpretation is wrong."

"There is some room for argument, Albus," said Moody. "I have a hard

time believing any child is capable of defeating Voldemort. I don't care

how talented he is. And for all we know, this is telling us that both die.

Come on now, 'Neither can live while the other survives?' They were both

alive at the same time if what I've heard is accurate, and it isn't even

clear that it was Voldemort who killed Harry. This other could be

referring to a third party."

"Those are very good points, Alastor. For the benefit of everyone, I will

show my memory of that moment." He tapped the pensieve again, this

time to display the morning they had seen Harry's mutilated body, and

Voldemort's subsequent entry, speech, and exit. "I agree. It is not clear

whether or not it was Voldemort who personally killed Harry. I cannot

speculate as to his state of mind at the time, or guess with any accuracy if

he was experiencing a type of denial or amnesia. Of course, it could well

be that a third party is responsible."

"Harry is dead and all you two can do is quibble over semantics?" Molly

shrieked in disbelief.

"Molly, please." Albus peered at her over the rims of his spectacles.

"Regardless, I cannot stress strongly enough that I believe the contents of

the prophecy should go no further than this room. To let Voldemort

know of the actual wording, even if it is useless to us now, would give

him an advantage I do not want him to have. I show it to you to drive

home the utter seriousness of our situation. Am I understood?"

Murmurs of agreement sounded all over the room, so Albus continued.

"There is one more thing I must show you. It arrived early this morning

along with a note, which I will share with you now." Opening one of the

drawers of his desk, Albus produced a second pensieve and a piece of

paper. After clearing his throat he read:

I thought this might pique your interest even though I've already sent you

one present this week. What can I say—I'm feeling exceptionally generous,

so enjoy it while you can. I hope you liked the first one. I certainly did. Now,

enjoy this, and watch your mistakes in action, come to fruition like weeds in

a neglected garden. Too bad most of it will be beyond your understanding,

old man.

"As you might guess, it was signed 'Lord Voldemort.'" Albus dropped the

note back in the drawer and set the pensieve down, pushing his to the

side. Then he tapped it, letting the memory of the night in the graveyard

appear, starting just before the duel that wasn't.

The only people who understood all of it, predictably, were Heru and

Severus, though Severus pretended not to. At length, Albus turned to

Heru and said, "You were able to follow that?"

"Yes, of course," he responded. "He was ranting, all right, but it wasn't

much different from what was contained in the journal. He dared

Voldemort to kill him and get it over with so he could rejoin his parents.

I think that's why Voldemort didn't. As he said, it was too easy, and if the

boy was that disaffected, he probably had hopes of turning him at that

point. It makes sense, especially given what we saw in that room. If you

want, I can work on an exact transcript, but I'm not sure what use it

would be."

Numerous people had turned in Heru's direction, looks of fear and

loathing on their faces. He could only presume it was because he was a

parselmouth, though why that should bother them more than his name

was beyond his reasoning. He flipped his hair back in a nonchalant

manner and kept his eyes on Albus.

"If you think there's no point, perhaps not. Let me think on it. There are a

few other, somewhat mundane, things to be brought up. Harry's trunk

was brought to my office as soon as possible after we realized he had

been taken. There is a rather peculiar, rather large piece of parchment

I've been wondering about. . . ." He paused to peer over his rims again.

"And also Harry's invisibility cloak, which will go into the common Order

possessions for use on missions. I think Ron and Hermione might have an

idea how to apportion his remaining items of any value, though I fear

there are precious few." Albus sighed and added, "I do not think . . .

Harry would have minded."

Albus took a moment to return Voldemort's pensieve to his desk, and his

own to its normal location. After sitting down again he said, "The next

thing we need to discuss is where we shall be holding meetings in the

future. I do not think it particularly wise to use Hogwarts in this capacity.

Cornelius Fudge has been obstructionary in the past, and I have no doubt

that he will continue to be so. I very much doubt he will listen to reason,

even with evidence of Voldemort's return. I have been removed as

Headmaster once already, though that was due to Lucius Malfoy's efforts,

but it is common knowledge that Cornelius greatly respects Mr Malfoy's

opinion and guidance where he will no longer listen to mine. Does

anyone have any suggestions?"

Nobody said anything for a moment. People craned their necks to look

around at each other or half rose from their seats so as to better see, but

no one volunteered anything until Sirius stood, catching everyone's


"The family townhouse," he said flatly, with a sneer curling his lip. "It is

mine by right. I don't particularly want to ever see the place again, but it

is in London, and already fairly well warded. As private property, Fudge

couldn't do a thing."

"Are you sure, Sirius?"

Sirius gave a sharp nod and sat down.

"Very well. Unless there are any objections, or other suggestions, that is

what we will do." After a pause he said, "No? Then it is settled. Sirius,

please see me after the meeting to discuss that further. Next, let us

discuss the possibility of new members. . . ."

20. Grimmauld Place

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Certain review suggestions/questions have filtered into my notes,

so you'll start seeing "answers" in the story along the way, tied into

existing plans.

— 19: Grimmauld Place —

Heru had been keeping one eye on Mark during the entire meeting. Now

that they had begun a discussion on likely new members, he gave more

of his attention to his son. For whatever reason—and Heru had not been

able to follow things precisely—Hermione and Ron had chosen to stay in

Mark's company while the meeting was in progress rather than

wandering off on their own. He was pleased to note that they were

actually talking to each other, and that Mark was able to provide

somewhat of a distraction for their grief.

"They didn't let me see anything, so I can't tell you. I reckon it was pretty

bad, though," he said with a sniff. "I don't think you would have wanted to


Ron grunted. He'd been staring at the ceiling for some time, and didn't look

to be done with it anytime soon.

"I suppose so," admitted Hermione. "None of it seems real. I feel like it was

just yesterday that we talked. I can't believe—never mind. I suppose it

doesn't matter." She averted her face for a moment, then looked back with

a determined expression. "You didn't really explain how you and your father

came to be here, Mark."

Mark shrugged and lifted his brows. "Father decided he wanted to live in a

wizarding town, so he bought a house in Hogsmeade. But. . . ." He

scrunched up his face, looking as though he were trying to remember

something. "Yes, it was because father decided to write new Potions texts

that he ever really came to Hogwarts."

"Potions texts?"

Mark nodded vigorously. "He even had me help! He said the current ones

were just awful and thought he could do better, so he did. Anyway, he sent

samples up here and got invited for a meeting to discuss them." Mark

smiled proudly and said, "They'll be used from now on, too. Professor

Snape was quite impressed."

A vaguely disgusted noise issued from Ron. Hermione cuffed him lightly and

said, "Your father must be quite happy."

"Oh, he is! He—"

Heru blinked as he felt a nudge at his side. He turned to look at Severus

in confusion.

"What are you doing?" Severus whispered after leaning closer.

"Keeping an eye on Mark. He's with those two kids and I wanted to make

sure nothing got out of hand. Besides, I have no idea who these people

are they're discussing in here."

"Fine, if anything you can help with comes up or the meeting ends, I'll get

your attention."

Heru nodded and checked back on his son.

"—haven't said where you lived before Hogsmeade," Hermione was saying.

Mark scrunched his face up again, this time looking pained. "I . . . don't

really like to talk about that. My—mum died, see, and. . . ."

"I understand. I'm sorry, Mark. You'll be coming to Hogwarts, then?"

"Yeah, but I'm not old enough yet. Well, I hope I will. Father is a bit worried

about that."

"Your . . . name?" She looked slightly apologetic.

"Yeah. He's worried that I might get hurt because of it, I think. The other

kids might, you know. . . . But, I'd really like to. Father thinks I might get

into Ravenclaw."

Ron choked in apparent disbelief; Hermione ignored him.

"He says he doesn't care, so long as I'm happy. Getting into Slytherin might

be kind of strange, though."

Hermione didn't wait; she cuffed Ron before he could react. "Why is that?"

"It'd be"—Mark shivered—"creepy if people were fawning over me because

of my name. Like how people did with the Po—sorry. I don't know, it just

would be," he finished lamely.

"So I take it you really like Potions?" she asked.

"Yeah! I'm already—"

Severus nudged him again, so Heru focused on what was around him


"I think that covers things for the time being," Albus said. "You will all be

getting word shortly. Those of you I asked to stay behind, please do. The

rest of you may go." As people started to file out of the room, Albus

appeared at Heru's side and said, "I would like you and Severus to stay as

well, if you don't mind."

They began vanishing the extra chairs, and when the room was cleared,

sat down again to see what Albus wanted.

"I think we should confess," said Remus after a glance at Sirius, who gave

a slight nod.


"That parchment? Could we see it, please?" Albus produced it from a

drawer and laid it out. Remus activated it, drawing a pleased smile from

Albus once he realized what it was. Severus, obviously recognizing it,


"I see. Yes, this could be quite useful," said Albus, twinkling again


Remus wiped it clean, then stepped back a pace and sat down.


"Right. I don't care what you do to the place, Albus. Though, I think

Kreacher has got to go. I don't trust the little blighter any further than I

can kick him. He was entirely mother's servant, and babbles her nonsense

every chance he gets. Technically he belongs to me now, and I can't stand

to look at him."

Albus nodded and said, "As you know, most of the members of the Order

are employed—now don't look at me like that—but I think it would be

unreasonable to ask that you and Remus take care of getting the house

into shape so quickly by yourselves. Would you object to some additional


Sirius narrowed his eyes. "Who?"

"I was thinking of Heru, I admit." He shot a quick look at Heru, who

shrugged lightly. "It isn't the most enjoyable of tasks, but more people

means less work done faster."

Heru cleared his throat; all eyes turned to him. "Albus, I have to say that

Mark and I have been spending most of our time here for the past month,

so I don't see any reason why I can't temporarily close up my own home

and bring along my house elves to assist if Mr Black does not object to

our help. As it is, they're perishing for lack of anything productive to do,

and nothing short of a natural disaster is going to get through my wards."

Albus peered at Sirius hopefully. Sirius tried to look anywhere but back,

and finally sighed. "Sure. Why not. Invite the Weird Sisters for all I care."

"I do believe they're already booked, Sirius. I suggest you two spend the

night here. In the morning, on your way to Grimmauld Place, you can

stop long enough in Hogsmeade for Heru to make arrangements and then

floo to London. Heru, I don't see any reason why you can't take Mark

with you. It is your choice. You might feel better if he stayed here at the

castle with Severus. I trust you three will keep me updated."

Heru took that as a dismissal. After nodding he turned and left; the others

weren't far behind him. Out in the hallway he paused to ask, "Do either

of you mind if Mark did come along?" Sirius and Remus shook their

heads, so Heru said, "I'll talk to him about it this evening. Tomorrow,

then, gentlemen."

Severus was clearly not happy with the temporary arrangement,

prompting Heru to start asking a few questions after dinner. And while

he already knew most of the answers already, it would be harder to

explain his intimate knowledge of the subject if he slipped up. It was

easier to purposely cover the material again. He also wanted to hear from

Severus directly on certain matters.

After seeing that Mark was safely occupied elsewhere, he said, "There's a

few things I think I need to know more about, and I was hoping you

could clue me in. I have enough of an understanding of events to get by,

but. . . ."

"What things, precisely?"

"Well, a rundown of the first rise of Voldemort, along with what actually

happened here at Hogwarts over the past four years. And, I'm rather

curious about why you and that Sirius fellow snarl at each other so


"I was hoping for something simple," Severus replied with a scowl. "Fine.

You may as well get comfortable. This will take some time."

Eventually they got around to discussing Mark. Heru was perfectly happy

to leave him at the castle as company for Severus, or to bring him along.

Severus, who had grown far more fond of the boy than he was likely to

admit, favored keeping him at Hogwarts. After wrangling over it for a

while, Heru suggested a compromise. If Mark wanted to go he could, but

for only a few days, at which point Heru would take a break and bring

him back to the castle. Severus wasn't happy with that, either, but

agreed. Heru did not point out that he found Severus's attachment to the

boy endearing, or that they were discussing him as though he were their

son, not just Heru's.

— — —

The next morning after breakfast Heru, Mark, Sirius, and Remus left for

Hogsmeade. At Heru's house they waited in the lounge while he

explained to Flick and Guin what he wanted them to do, then took the

time to further modify the wards to prevent any and all access that was

not himself, Mark, Severus or one of the two elves. Heru had already

made a quick stop in at his vault for a supply of coin, so once he was

finished they left and used a public floo to go to Diagon Alley, outside

which they caught a taxi to number twelve, Grimmauld Place.

The moment they stepped through the door the screaming and screeching

started, startling Mark nearly out of his wits. Sirius showed everyone

down to the kitchen with a resigned air about him that managed to

surpass the blackness of the scowl etched on his face. They had barely

entered the room when a house elf crept in, mumbling to itself about

blood traitors and disgraced sons. It was a strange echo of the cries from

the ground floor, though with the door closed the female voice was


After listening the creature's filthy mouthings for all of thirty seconds,

and seeing the look of intense disgust on Sirius's face, Heru turned to

Remus with a pleasant smile and said, "Mr Lupin, I was wondering if I

might ask you for a favor?"

"What is it?" Remus asked guardedly.

"I don't suppose you would be willing to escort Mark above stairs and

perhaps help him pick out a room for us for our stay?" His eyes flicked

over to the elf, presumably Kreacher, then back to Remus.

Remus nodded and placed a hand on Mark's shoulder. "That sounds like a

good idea. Shall we?"

The moment they were out the door Sirius started in on the elf, telling it

to shut up before he cut its throat, right then and there. Heru, finding

himself rather agreeable, cleared his throat. Sirius stopped mid-sentence

and looked at him. "What?"

"Perhaps it isn't my place, but I happen to agree with you."


"I think dismissal is too cruel. The creature is obviously insane. It would

be kinder in the long run to simply kill it, not to mention be expedient."

Sirius blinked.

"I wouldn't be surprised," Heru continued calmly, "if it would manage to

behead itself if you asked it to, though I think it would be a poor addition

to the existing decor."

Sirius smiled for a second and said, "You really mean that, don't you?"

"Absolutely. It would be like putting down an animal too wounded to live

properly. A humane act, if you will."

Kreacher had stopped his muttering and was instead looking back and

forth between Sirius and Heru.

After a moment of consideration, Sirius turned to Kreacher and said, "You

would rather be beheaded and stuck on the wall than serve me, wouldn't

you. Don't mind me if that's what you want. Go right ahead. Of course, if

you don't mind taking orders from a blood traitor and a disgrace to the

family, so be it. Your first task will be getting that portrait off the wall so

I can start a bonfire with it, though."

Kreacher, reacting as though he'd been slapped on hearing Sirius's plans,

headed straight for one of the kitchen's drawers and pulled out a wicked-

looking knife, then offed himself in one swift movement. It took but a

moment to clean up the mess, after which Sirius flashed another brief

smile. It faded when the sounds from the portrait upstairs filtered back


"Dare I ask?"

"Don't think I trust you or anything," said Sirius, "or even expect someone

like you to understand."

"All right."

"That bitch is my mother, or was. Her and her pureblood fanaticism,

always bellowing about me being such a disappointment and how I was

nothing like the rest of the family. Her ways got my idiot of a brother

killed in Voldemort's service. If I could shut her up I would, but I think

she used a permanent sticking charm on that portrait. I swear, she did it

just to make this house uninhabitable."

"Have you tried removing the wall?"

"Wha—no, actually." Sirius trotted off out the door with a focused look

on his face.

Heru pulled out a dusty chair and sat down, closing his eyes. While he

waited he made a close examination of the wards that surrounded the

property. It was fairly well protected, though he suspected most of the

things included were considered standard fare for paranoid purebloods.

When no one had bothered him for several minutes, and the noise level

from the ground floor had risen to alarming proportions, he opened his

eyes and stood, then headed out the door and up the stairs.

Sirius was using his wand to trace a fiery line around the portrait at a fair

distance to each side. His mother's visage was spewing forth vile

obscenities at her only living son, and not doing a very good job of

convincing him that he was making the wrong decision. Heru stayed well

off to the side, and when Sirius managed to connect his lines, he too

stepped aside, then punched his fist through the wall and yanked. The

entire section toppled forward, twisting and cracking around his hand,

then fell to the floor with a resounding thud. The portrait's voice was

decidedly muffled at that point, though no less vehement.

It might have been the noise that drew them, or simply that they were

done choosing up rooms—Remus and Mark appeared on the top of the

stairs and approached, looking curiously at the section of wall on the

floor and the gaping hole left behind.

"I see you've started to clean house," commented Remus mildly.

"Damn right," replied Sirius, savagely kicking the piece on the floor. "Now

I just need to find a good place to set it on fire and be done with it. And

if that doesn't work, I'll figure something out. Whatever it takes."

Flick and Guin chose that moment to arrive, popping into the narrow

entryway very close to Heru. After a brief look around with wide eyes,

both of them assumed scandalized expressions at the condition of what

little they could see, and looked to Heru for instructions.

He in turn looked at Sirius, who shrugged and said, "Whatever they feel

comfortable doing is fine. This place needs a lot of work. Maybe the

kitchen, so we can have lunch in a bit without feeling like spiders are

going to drop into our food at the slightest provocation."

Heru nodded and gestured to his elves, then descended the stairs. He

asked them to please clean the room and get it ready for safe and

serviceable meals, and handed Flick a pouch of coin in case he needed it

for any additional food or supplies. "I figure by the time noon rolls

around you'll be able to have one ready, and one of you can let us know."

He went back out and up to the others in time to see Sirius and Remus

attempting to hack the portrait and attached wall to bits, and getting

only as far as chipping things off around the edges, much to the

frustration of Sirius in particular. Not wanting to interfere further in what

was obviously a family matter, Heru gave both men a nod and asked

Mark to show him the room he'd chosen.

When lunch rolled around they gathered in the kitchen to eat. The space

was as clean as it could get, though it persisted in looking worse for

wear. Still, no one was worried that the food was contaminated.

"I wonder if I could get my hands on a really strong solvent," Sirius said


"She can't bother us in the attic," pointed out Remus.

"I know that," Sirius said testily. "I want that thing destroyed." He stabbed

at his food viciously, then looked at Heru with a calculating expression.

"Do you have any more bright ideas?"

"I'll go up and see what I can do," he said lightly. "Is it all right if Flick

and Guin get a head start on cleaning once they've cleared away lunch?

They can begin with the bedrooms and work their way out from there."

"Yeah. Anything that they don't know what to do with or looks suspicious

they can put in the attic for now."

Heru nodded and glanced over at the elves, giving them permission with

a tilt of his head. They spent the remainder of lunch discussing the

probable needs of the Order, and what could be done to the house in

order to achieve those aims. Sirius was in favor of gutting the place and

starting over, but Remus objected to the unnecessary waste of time and

money. Heru didn't care either way; he was there only to assist, and to

try and establish some kind of tentative relationship with the two people

he considered to be family in this time period aside from the obvious.

The next few days were fairly uneventful. Flick and Guin swept through

the house like a hurricane, cleaning everything in sight and hauling loads

of odd objects up to the attic for someone to later go over. Heru spent

time up there with the portrait of Sirius's mother, carefully unweaving

the magic that made it what it was and what protected it. In the end he

had a plain painted canvas that could be easily shredded and disposed of,

though he left the actual destruction to Sirius feeling that he would get

some sense of satisfaction out of the experience. Remus and Sirius spent

most of their time deciding what rooms were to be used for which

purposes and what things needed to be brought in.

On Wednesday afternoon, Heru bid the two men a temporary good-bye,

saying he would return the following morning, and took Mark back to

Hogwarts. He apprised Albus of the current situation, then spent the

evening with Severus, cozily tucked up together on the couch in front of

the fire. And, for all that Mark had wanted to go with his father to see

someplace new, the novelty had worn off quickly and he was relieved to

be back in a place where he had a lot more space to roam around and

play with potions if he felt like it.

That night, in the privacy of the bedroom they shared, Heru took one

more step toward showing Severus how he felt. When he was done and

Severus had recovered, he found himself being repaid in kind, and he

finally had an inkling of what it was he'd been missing those years with


The next morning he returned to Grimmauld Place and helped Sirius and

Remus renovate the rooms. Flick and Guin were detailed to strip down

the walls in preparation of a coat of paint—they were in such bad shape

that spells would have had little effect—and remove any lingering

unpleasant things at Sirius's direction. Once the first space had been

prepared, the elves moved to the next while the men moved in suitable

furnishings for a meeting room. Between the five of them, the house was

more or less ready by that weekend, so they summoned Albus.

After a close examination and a few questions, Albus pronounced the

place imminently suitable and proceeded to place the entire structure

under the protection of the fidelius charm. Already being within its

confines, Heru, Remus, and Sirius did not need to be told anything,

though Albus would have to inform each member of the Order of its

location and that it was ready for use. Flick and Guin were left to watch

over things for the time being, and everyone returned to Hogwarts. Heru

had seen one thing, though, that made him remember a thought he'd had

some time ago.

21. Blood and Bone

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Nada.

— 20: Blood and Bone —

Mark was thrilled to see his father again even though it had been only a

few days. Heru supposed it was possible that the boy held some lingering

anxiety from the death of his natural parents and, as he had more or less

not been apart from Heru for any length of time since he had been

brought to Hogsmeade, any absence was troubling. He was happy to

show his affection and keep Mark close by his side for the remainder of

the day, even though it meant he could not discuss certain things he had

on his mind with Severus, or anyone else.

By the next morning, however, Mark seemed quite himself again, and

was happy to wander off on his own rather than being clingy. So it was

that Heru was able to share his idea with Severus and get his opinion.

"I believe it's worth a try. The question is if you would like to come and

help me, and if you think the memory we saw is enough for you to be

able to apparate there."

Severus clearly had his doubts about the idea as shown by his expression,

but he agreed to assist. Heru asked the castle to keep an eye on Mark

while they were gone, then they apparated straight to the graveyard

while it was still daylight. A careful examination of the area revealed

nothing and no one to worry about, so they began checking the


Eventually they found the right one and cast a few spells to disguise what

they were about to do. Shortly thereafter, they apparated back to

Hogwarts with the remains of Tom Riddle's father. Heru had been honest

with Severus—he wasn't sure if his idea would work, but he intended to

find out and now he could.

The first thing he declared after examining the remains—there wasn't

much to examine—was that Tom's father had definitely been a muggle,

or so far down a line of squibs that it made no difference. When Severus

asked how he could tell, Heru explained that magic warped the body in

characteristic ways and left signs behind. "If he had died recently I

wouldn't even have to examine him. I could tell just by looking, and

gauge his respective power level by the amount of residual magic


At that point Heru pulled what he could from the remains and set about

spell-weaving a new tapestry.

The next day the Order met at headquarters. As Heru had heard that

Molly was unwilling to let her children out of her sight and was bringing

them along, he took Mark with him after getting Albus to clue the boy in,

so to speak. It was, perhaps, unfortunate that Hermione would not be

present to provide a buffer against half a tribe of Weasley children.

They arrived a bit early and were sitting in the kitchen hearing all about

what Flick and Guin had been up to the previous day when the Weasley

clan walked in. Molly immediately bustled over to Mark, saying how

much he looked like his father, and asking him if he'd been eating

properly. She was either heavily in denial, or managing to recover her

more normal personality.

"You're too thin," she said, hands on her hips.

"But I eat plenty, Mrs Weasley," Mark protested, shooting a rather

desperate look at his father and getting no sympathy.

"Just like Ron and the twins, I swear. Eating people out of house and

home and you'd never be able to tell it by the look of you. Now, why

don't you introduce me to these two fine elves and I'll see what they have

to say about it," she said, and gently but resolutely prodded Mark off

ahead of her.

Heru noted that her own children had varying expressions of disbelief

and resignation on their faces, and even a little relief that she was off

mothering someone else for a change. Heru chuckled softly and averted

his face.

Several minutes later she dragged Mark back over to the others and

addressed her children. "Now you listen here. Mark is a very nice young

boy and I don't want to hear even a whisper that you've been giving him

any trouble." She eyed the twins significantly. "And he could probably

give you quite a run at chess, Ron, so you might want to play a game or

two while the meeting is going on."

Heru almost laughed out loud at the amount of information she'd got

from his son in so little time. Sounds from above alerted everyone that

more people were arriving, so Heru stood and pulled Mark off to the side

for a moment. "While I don't expect any trouble, I'd like to remind you

that you can call Flick or Guin if you need them, all right?" he whispered.

Mark's eyes widened slightly, then he nodded. "Right."

"Good. The same goes for you, by the way. Behave yourself, but I expect

you'd do that anyway." He ruffled Mark's hair, causing him to duck away

in embarrassment.

The meeting wasn't actually very lengthy. It was mainly to introduce

everyone to their new headquarters and the new recruits. Everyone was

invited to wander around the house to familiarize themselves, barring the

attic level, and meet whoever they didn't already know. Anyone who

wanted to stay for lunch was welcome to.

Heru found Mark engaged in a game of chess with Ron and carefully

didn't smile, and from the looks of the board it was a fairly even match.

After placing a hand briefly on Mark's shoulder to let him know the

meeting was over, and getting a preoccupied smile in return, Heru

wandered off to see if anyone dared to speak to him aside from Severus,

Albus, and a few select others.

What aroused his interest most keenly was one of the new recruits he

found chatting with the twins and Ginny. He watched her change her

features for their amusement for several minutes before he sought out

Severus, who happened to be speaking with Albus about the open

Defense Against the Dark Arts position.

"No, Albus, I don't want the damned spot for myself. I just want to know

if you're going to hire another mass murderer this year," he said with

considerable sarcasm.

Albus stroked his beard and said, "That is difficult to answer, dear boy.

Apparently, the Ministry has decided to involve themselves in affairs at

Hogwarts, possibly because I tried to make Cornelius accept that

Voldemort has risen again."

"What do you mean?"

"The Ministry has created a new educational decree giving itself the right

to appoint someone of its own choice if I am unable to fill a position."

"Bollocks. You know damn well they'd saddle us with someone who'd be

following the Ministry's idea of what is appropriate for young minds to

learn, and not necessarily what they need to."

"Yes, I agree. I have been trying to convince Remus to take back the

position, but he is being rather difficult about the whole thing. He keeps

insisting that the parents would never stand for it. He is quite wrong on

that score, however."

"There must be somebody else you can ask, Albus, or twist around your

finger and persuade to take it on. Even Heru could do it for Merlin's


Heru's eyes widened in alarm and he stepped back, seriously considering

the idea of bolting. Severus latched on to his arm and held him in place

as Heru cursed softly under his breath.

"I had considered the idea," Albus said with a touch of amusement, "but I

did not wish to make things any more difficult when Heru has a son

below school age. It would also make him that much more visible to the

general public, and I'm not sure that's wise."

"Don't be an idiot, Albus. Half the Slytherin students, or more, have

already informed their parents that he's been at the castle. They've also

received their book lists by now, and know that he exists."

"Could you two not talk about me like I'm not here?" Heru asked

plaintively. Severus gave him an impatient look while Albus twinkled.

"While I wouldn't mind filling in while Remus was, ah, indisposed, I'm

not sure that. . . ."

"I have every intention of convincing Remus, and your offer is

appreciated, Heru. I'm sure we could find other things for you to do as

well that would not take too much of your time away from Mark, but

allow you to remain at the castle if you wished. Still, that does not mean

the Ministry won't come up with something else in an attempt to gain

more control."

"I suppose that means Black will be roaming around the castle as Lupin's

little pet," Severus said snidely.

Albus gave him a patient look. "I do believe it is time for lunch," he said

and wandered off.

Heru turned to Severus and said, "I don't know about you, but I'm


That afternoon and evening Heru worked on the new tapestry. A week

later he was finished, but it had been an almost wasted effort. It showed

only a handful of generations, and Heru needed it to go back centuries.

Then he remembered seeing the new girl at headquarters and went to see


"I can do that, but why?"

"Call it a personal quirk of mine. She's obviously a metamorphmagus, and

that is a trait of the Slytherin bloodline. I would like to get blood samples

to see if I can fit her into the family tree somewhere, or determine if the

ability has sprung up in more than one family."

"I don't see any harm in it, though I'm not sure why you're asking me."

"It isn't as though you can walk up to a stranger and ask them to let you

collect blood samples, Albus. I was hoping you would send her a letter,

and she could contact me if she was willing. Coming from you, she would

be more likely to at least consider it."

"All right. I will send her—" Albus cut off at a soft knock, then called out,

"Come in, Remus."

The door opened, revealing Lupin, who stepped in and closed the door,

then realized Heru was present with a tiny start of surprise. "I'm sorry,

Albus. Should I come back later?"

"Oh, no, not at all," said Albus cheerfully. "In fact, it is just as well that

Heru was here when you arrived. Do sit down, Remus." When Lupin had

Albus said, "Remus, I simply must insist that you return as Defense

professor. I already sent you copies of the letters I received after you

resigned, so you are well aware that your condition is not at issue here.

Also, Heru has graciously offered to fill in for you when you are


Remus let out a resigned sigh, then said, "And what about Sirius? You

don't really think he'll be happy stuck at Grimmauld Place by himself.

There are too many bad memories there for him. I also doubt that

Severus would be very happy having to make wolfsbane potion again for

me every month."

Albus cast a speculative look at Heru. Heru responded by saying, "I am

aware of a certain enmity—well, let me just say I have no reason to share

it. Wolfsbane will not be an issue, I assure you." He shrugged.

"As far as Sirius is concerned," continued Albus, "he is free to apparate in

whenever he likes, though obviously he must not be seen, even in his

animagus form. It is possible that Peter made sure Voldemort was aware

of it, and some of the students would no doubt report a large black dog to

their parents as a matter of curiosity even if they had not already been

warned to look for one specifically."

"All right, fine. You win, Albus, as always." Then Remus turned to Heru

and said, "You have my thanks for being willing to assist."

Heru inclined his head in acknowledgment.

"I am sure once you have made out a lesson plan you will forward a copy

to Heru, Remus, though you may still have the one from before. I am

sure under these circumstances that none of the . . . misunderstandings . .

. which happened the last time will occur."

"Of course."

"Splendid. There is one other matter I would like to raise before you

leave. As you know, Hagrid is on a mission with Madame Maxime to try

to sway the giants to our cause. That leaves the Care of Magical Creatures

position empty until his return. I did ask to see if Professor Kettleburn

would be able to return temporarily, but he was unwilling to risk any

more of his limbs, even for such a short period of time. He did, however,

send along a set of his old lesson plans and a fruitcake."

Albus paused for a moment, then said, "I do believe he was trying to tell

me something. Well, no matter. By now I'm sure you are wondering what

this has to do with either of you. I was hoping that you, Heru, would fill

in for Hagrid. I very much doubt it would be for longer than a month."

Heru frowned in consternation, then turned to Remus. "Should I assume

it is much easier to just agree and get it over with, rather than waste the

time to bring up all the reasons why I ought to refuse?"

Remus flashed a wry smile at him.

Albus chimed in with, "It goes without saying that Mark would live here

as well, so that is not a concern."

Heru sighed and rubbed his forehead. "You'll send that letter?"

"Of course."

"All right."

"Excellent. Oh, and, if you do not wish to sit at the head table, I will not

object. I realize that you may prefer to have meals with your son

privately rather than trying to place him at one of the house tables

during the interim."

— — —

Heru returned to Severus's quarters feeling rather outmaneuvered,

though he could have refused the request. However, the threat of the

Ministry had weighed in his decision and made him feel at least a tiny bit

better at having agreed to take on a class that he had never taught

before. He wondered, though, what the Ministry would do in response

once it became clear that Dumbledore had in fact filled the openings. He

assumed that Albus had changed his mind about offering him a position

after hearing Severus's argument that not doing so would not make him

any less visible.

It did not surprise him in the least that Severus was pleased with the

news, despite it being a position—even if temporary—for a subject that

he normally disdained. While he certainly cared about the ingredients

one might be able to obtain from magical creatures, for him the creature

was a means to an end for the most part. He had always been careful to

treat Praecino well, though. And, as no one had mentioned anything

about assigning Heru his own quarters, he planned on continuing to use

Severus's. His lover found that to be equally pleasing.

The next day Heru received a letter from Tonks. She was agreeable

enough and said she would come by the castle that day. If that was not

suitable, Heru should send word. She arrived shortly after lunch and was

announced by a house elf, who informed Heru that she was waiting in

the potions classroom. He immediately went to meet with her, shadowed

by Severus and Mark.

Once the introductions were handled, and Heru had got over the lurid

pink of her hair, Tonks said, "I don't actually understand what it is you

want—Albus was rather vague—but I reckoned that if he thought it was

all right, there was no reason to refuse. Could you maybe explain what

you're trying to do that calls for me?"

"Yes, of course." Heru placed the tapestry he had brought with him on

one of the student tables and unrolled it, then weighted down the

corners. "I found it very interesting that you are a metamorphmagus, as

previously I had understood the ability to be solely within the Slytherin

blood line. This tapestry was an attempt on my part to trace back at least

part of Voldemort's blood lines, but it wasn't very successful given that I

was using, er, very old material."


"I liberated the remains of his muggle father."

"Oh." She looked a bit disturbed by that revelation.

"In any case, my tapestries are best created using the blood of a living

person. Now, as you undeniably possess the ability, I want to trace your

line back to see if this is simply a case of it randomly springing up, or if

there is some obscure connection. If you do not object, I would like to

collect a few blood samples from you to make another."

Tonks looked at him curiously, then at Mark. "I did know you had to be

born with it. You two have it as well, then?"

Heru nodded and concentrated for a moment, turning his hair a fiery

shade of red and giving himself a healthy tan. A few moments later he

reverted, being careful to not reveal the scar he had kept hidden for so

many years. When she turned to look at Mark, she was greeted by a set of

grotesque fangs and wickedly arched brows, along with a set of hideously

long, pointed fingernails. Then Mark giggled and reverted back to his

usual appearance.

She grinned broadly at him and winked, then asked Heru, "How much


"Several small vials. Seven, actually. One for each day it takes me to

create the tapestry. Not even as much as one might donate in the muggle

world. And, you are welcome to have the resulting tapestry once I have

had a chance to study it."

That seemed to decide her, as she nodded firmly. Severus stepped up at

that point to commence the bloodletting, and shortly thereafter they were

done. Tonks, thrilled to have met more people with the same ability,

asked if she could steal Mark for a while, and after a brief exchange with

the castle, Heru agreed. Once they were away, he and Severus returned

to their quarters so Heru could start the new tapestry.

Another week had gone by when Heru finished his new effort. Tracing

back the lines, however, was a process requiring extreme patience. Heru

could have simply assumed that something obvious would appear at the

top of the tree, but that would not tell if Voldemort was related in any

way to Tonks. There were other factors at work, as well. The Riddle

tapestry had been easily dealt with because so few generations had

appeared. In the case of Tonks, it was an entirely different matter, as the

tapestry could not immediately display the entirety of the picture.

It had not been an issue with Heru's tapestry; it updated itself as children

were born or people married into the blood line. For the Tonks tapestry,

Heru had to check each day to see how much had appeared. Of course,

since the tree went up, rather than in every direction, there was no

guarantee of seeing Voldemort appear at all. It was much more likely that

Heru would find a starting point centuries in the past, so at that, he

might still need to find another way to get what he wanted. So it was

that the tapestry was not even close to completion when the school year


It had been decided that Heru would sit at the head table for dinner on

the day the students arrived. After that it would be optional, unless Mark

decided he would like to sit at a house table if he was able to become

friendly with anyone. For that night he would be tucked in between

Severus and Heru.

Heru noticed that a number of the students were eyeing them curiously

as they took their seats and after. He had no doubt that some of them

remembered the day the year before when he and Mark had eaten at the

head table. But their attention was pulled away, briefly at least, when

Minerva led in a long line of first years and had them assemble for the

sorting ceremony. It was both interesting and boring for Heru, but Mark

appeared to be fascinated by how each child's house was determined, and

how the other students reacted when the hat would call out the name.

Afterward, Albus rose to make his usual start of term announcements,

which included his customary warning about the dark forest.

"In addition, I am pleased to introduce two new staff members. Mr Lupin

has returned as our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. I'm sure

many of you remember him and will welcome him back." Albus paused

for the student reaction. "And, as our Care of Magical Creatures professor

is currently away from the castle, Mr Slytherin will be taking his place

until Hagrid returns. I am sure you will all give him a warm welcome."

Heru almost snorted at the looks on the faces of most students, and it

depended a great deal which house they were in as to what they

expressed. Predictably, it was the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students who

looked the most alarmed or upset. The Ravenclaws looked reflective, and

the Slytherin students displayed a mixture of awe and calculation, not to

mention sly hope and pride.

Still, many of the students looked equally puzzled, given that anyone

taking Potions well knew that their new books were written by a man

named Slytherin, published under the name of Slytherin Press. The

applause for him was noticeably less than it had been for Remus, but that

was only to be expected.

"I should also point out that Professor Slytherin's son will be staying at

the castle during that time, so you will most likely see him around. Now,

let us welcome in the new year with a feast!"

Severus turned to Heru and smirked; he had not missed the faces of those

in his house, nor those of the Gryffindors.

22. Class Action

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Nothing important.

— 21: Class Action —

Heru had already faced down a number of students, but the second day

of the term would bring a class of fifth years after lunch. Specifically, a

combined class of Gryffindors and Slytherins. He ate in Severus's quarters

with Mark, gave him a hug good-bye because he couldn't stay, and

headed out onto the grounds a bit early to prepare. When the students

arrived he could see that the reactions were again mixed.

Following the plan he had been given, he had set up a display of

bowtruckles for them and had every intention of having them do the

suggested work, as it would keep them out of his hair for most of the

lesson even though he thought it was a stupid assignment. Once they had

settled down, he began.

"Good afternoon. Who would like to tell me what these creatures are?"

Hermione's hand shot up immediately, along with a few others. As she

had been first, Heru pointed to her.

"Bowtruckles. They are tree guardians and usually live in those that are

used in wand making."

"Very good. Five points to Gryffindor. Now, perhaps someone else would

like to tell me what they eat." He ignored it when Hermione's hand shot

up again, choosing instead a Slytherin boy named Nott.

"Normally wood lice, though they will eat fairy eggs if available," said

Nott in a bored tone.

Heru nodded. "Five points to Slytherin. These creatures may not appear

dangerous, and generally speaking they are not, but you can expect that

any person approaching a tree which houses bowtruckles should be

carrying a distraction such as wood lice. Otherwise, they might find their

eyes scratched out. For today, you will each make a sketch of one and

label all its parts by the end of the lesson. There is a supply of wood lice

in that box over there for you to use. If you have any questions, I'll be

right over there."

Seeing that no one was yet brave enough to approach him, he wandered

several feet away and leaned against a tree, crossing his arms over his

chest and propping one foot against the rough bark, trying to block out

the squealing that some of the Gryffindor girls were doing. He was not

surprised when Hermione was the first student to finish and approach


"I'm done, professor," she said, holding out her sketch for him to take.

"Assuming it is of top quality, I'll award another five points to Gryffindor

for such speedy completion." Heru pulled a pencil out from behind his

ear and made a notation in the corner, the tucked it back, slipping the

parchment into the folder he was holding.

"Sir?" she said hesitantly.

"Yes, Miss Granger?"

"Do you . . . know anything about Hagrid, sir? I mean, is he all right?"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I have no idea," he said. "Was there

anything else I could try to help you with?"

She bit her lip and looked away for a moment, then shook her head. "No,

that was all, professor."

"You can either rejoin the class or run along," he told her. "You needn't

stay when you've already handed in the assignment."

She nodded, took a step back, then turned and walked a short ways off

from the bulk of the Gryffindors. She sat down on the grass and pulled

out a book to read, presumably to wait for Ron, who was currently

snarling at his uncooperative specimen.

He was forced to intervene at one point, which annoyed him, for it was

Draco Malfoy causing trouble by launching the creatures at unsuspecting

Gryffindor girls. When he walked over, Malfoy sensed his presence and

turned with a smirk on his face.

"Five points from Slytherin for this disruption and five points for

potentially harming not only the creatures, but fellow students," said

Heru flatly.

Malfoy's expression went momentarily blank, then he drew himself up

and said, "Do you have any idea who I am?"

"Another five points for disrespect. Now, would you care to actually do

the assignment, or would you prefer a detention?"

Malfoy's eyes narrowed and his face took on a spiteful cast. He turned

abruptly and stalked away muttering, his two cronies trailing after him.

Heru returned to his lazy position at the tree and considered giving

everyone an outstanding simply for finishing such a ridiculous

assignment, but he knew he would likely get in trouble for it. He also

wished he could chuck the folder into the nearest fire, but realized that

some students would be very upset when they did not receive them back.

Eventually they all came up to him and handed over their drawings and

were told they could go. After storing the bowtruckles and their food

supply away, he strode back up to the castle with the intention of getting

them evaluated and marked as quickly as possible. By that evening more

names had appeared on the tapestry, but not nearly enough.

When Friday evening rolled around the tapestry had branched out far

enough for Heru to have some basis for exploration. He spent the

majority of the weekend searching through the names once he had

located the approximate time period, starting at one side and slowly

working his way across, adjusting the visible text sideways as he went

along. His eyes were so tired by the time Sunday dinner approached that

he almost missed a very curious thing.

One of the upward male lines terminated abruptly, even though other

names of that period continued on further back into the past. When he

looked more closely—he had to squint to focus properly—he realized that

not only was the name blurry, but there was no date of birth. Knowing

that it was not enough to call it proof of anything, Heru noted down the

name for later and kept scrolling sideways, looking for other


Severus came in a short while later and interrupted, asking him

caustically if he intended to ignore his son for much longer, especially as

Heru had already skipped lunch. Feeling rather ashamed of himself, Heru

rolled up the tapestry and stored it, then thanked Severus for his

intervention and went to find Mark to spend the remainder of the

evening with him, talking with him after dinner as he started the

wolfsbane potion for Remus, and letting Mark help with the preparation

of ingredients.

At breakfast, Heru was given a slightly rude awakening. The Daily Prophet

reported that the Ministry had appointed one Dolores Umbridge to head

a special investigation into the quality of education being received at

Hogwarts. She would be visiting the school several times each week to

audit classes, and speak to staff and students alike. And, she was due to

arrive at the castle the next morning. Heru wondered if Albus had been

given any more notice than this, and if so, why he had neglected to

inform the staff.

It was clear to him that this was Fudge's response to not having been able

to appoint someone loyal to him into the school's staff, and even possibly

a way to investigate the knowledge that one of the people Albus had

hired bore the name of Slytherin. Heru would not have put it past

Cornelius to accuse Albus of openly consorting with the enemy in this

case if he could get even a smidgen of something that could be construed

as proof. With Albus having stated that Voldemort was back, Fudge

might well be looking to discredit him in any way possible, and put his

own man in as headmaster.

He talked about it with Mark that afternoon, after he'd brought Remus

the completed wolfsbane potion, asking if the boy would mind terribly

having his meals alone on those days so that he could be sitting at the

head table in the Great Hall along with the rest of the staff. Mark wasn't

especially thrilled with the idea, but agreed, probably because it was his

father doing the asking.

There was a brief meeting among the staff that evening about Umbridge.

Albus did not reveal any of the suspicions he may have held, but the

Order members on the staff felt they had reason to be anxious about this

new move on the Ministry's part. Heru could only assume a note would

have gone off to Sirius warning him to be exceptionally careful when

popping into Remus's quarters to visit.

So it was that the next morning Heru was already ensconced at the high

table next to Severus, the chair to his left remaining empty as Remus was

recovering from his bout with the full moon, when Albus arrived at the

Great Hall with Dolores Umbridge at his side. She looked, Heru thought,

like a woman who had attempted to do an animagus transformation into

some kind of amphibian, and had failed part way through, locking herself

into a state where she strongly resembled a squat little frog or toad.

That she was dressed, not in the more customary robes, but with a fuzzy

pink cardigan wrapping around the bulk of her upper body and an

astonishingly lime green bow perched in her hair told Heru that she

either dressed in some kind of denial of her appearance, or dressed to

make the grotesque first impression of her appearance even more

horrifying. She had a sickly sweet smile on her wide mouth as the two

approached the head table, and Heru was appalled to realize she would

be sitting in the empty chair next to him for the time being.

He gave her an excruciatingly polite welcome and resolved silently not to

say another word during the meal, hoping she would pester the person to

her other side and that he would not have to deal with her directly for

some time. It was to his great misfortune that Heru was audited not once

that day, but twice, Umbridge having appeared at both the Defense and

Magical Creatures classes he was teaching.

It was, perhaps, fortunate that Defense came first, for he was undeniably

comfortable teaching that subject. After introducing herself again in a

sickly sweet manner that spoke of coy flirtation, she took a seat up near

the professor's desk and set about taking notes as whim—or purpose—

struck her. Heru did his best to ignore her, giving the class a short lecture

and demonstration, then had them divide up into pairs in order to

practice the new spell. It was then that she appeared at his side as he was

watching them, ready to intervene or correct students as necessary.

"I understand you are not the normal Defense professor," she said, a smile

that might have been pleasant on anyone else stretching her mouth to

alarmingly wide proportions.

He glanced at her for a second before returning his eyes to the students.

"No, Professor Lupin is ill at the moment so I am taking his classes for

him while he recovers," he said, then surged forward to prevent one of

the more boisterous students from aiming not at his partner, but at the

back of another boy.

When he had stepped back again she said, "I see. And are you aware of

the nature of Professor Lupin's illness?"

"Sorry, no. I didn't ask," he said, then stepped forward again to correct

the wand movements of a girl who was almost, but not quite, getting it


"Do you think that teaching the students these types of spells in a

practical setting, rather than giving them a sound grounding in defensive

theory, is like giving them a false impression of the world and what they

should expect to find in it once they move on into adulthood?" she asked.

"I'm not sure I follow your reasoning," Heru replied calmly. "I believe if a

student is expected to be able to perform up to standard on mandatory

official testing at the end of their fifth and seventh years, that they

should have a firm grasp on not only theory, but the practical aspects as


He gave her another quick look, then said, "While I, or anyone else I

imagine, would hope that these children never need to use this

knowledge, having it is not the same as telling them that they must find

an excuse to employ it in everyday life. It is, in some respects, a

cautionary aspect of a rounded education, just like our history teaches us

many things we would prefer not to accept, but must, as we cannot deny

they happened. Understanding and prevention is the aim, I would say,

not reaction."

"How very interesting," she managed to say, before Heru turned to face

her fully and unleashed a dazzling smile at her.

"Much as it pains me to interrupt, I must move on to the next phase of

this lesson. Please excuse me," he said, then moved forward before she

could respond. Then he called everyone to a halt and began the second

half of his lecture, explaining the common problems he had noted and

the best ways to correct those issues. Sometime during the process he

noticed that Dolores had disappeared and heaved a quiet sigh of relief.

After lunch he had the Gryffindor and Slytherin fifth years, and another

visit from Umbridge. This set of students appeared to be avidly curious as

she stepped daintily across the lawn in a pair of high heeled, pointy toed

shoes that were totally inappropriate. Heru held back a groan and

wondered if it had been her idea or Albus's to torture him twice in one

day. As she drew closer Heru handed out the sketches he had graded the

week before, and by then she had reached the group.

While the students were examining their papers, she said, "I understand

you are also not the normal teacher for this class."

Heru gave her a determinedly pleasant smile and said, "I am not. The

headmaster asked if I would be willing to fill in while Professor Hagrid

was away on leave, as he would not be getting back until several weeks

into the term."

"I see," she said and flashed another wide smile. "And I understand that

you claim to be a member of the Slytherin family."

"Oh, dear lady," he said with another dazzling smile, "I claim nothing.

But, I wonder if I might ask you a question, for I can see that you are

quite intelligent and must be very well versed in Ministry affairs, and

indeed, magical ones in general."

She gave him a slightly uncertain nod, raising her brows curiously.

"Would you say that it is impossible to forge a magical contract?"

"Why, yes, of course," she replied, looking faintly confused.

"Ah, now, that is a relief. I wanted the verification of someone such as

yourself, you see, because I recall that when I purchased a home not too

long ago that the officials at the Ministry seemed quite taken aback when

I dropped off a copy of the deed. I had the feeling they thought the

document was not valid. But"—he smiled warmly at her—"as you have

made it quite clear just now, it must be, so I need not have any lingering

worries on the subject. I had thought for a moment that there must have

been some kind of error at the estate agent, but now I see that could not

possibly have been the case."

She took a half step back, a thoughtful look on her face. Then she shook

her head slightly, gave a simpering smile, and said, "Are you aware of the

reason for Professor Hagrid's leave of absence? Information on that is

quite vague."

"Would that I could assist you, dear lady." Heru arranged his expression

to show sadness and remorse. "I'm afraid I do not know, though I would

surely tell you if I did. However, I was quite happy to agree to fill in,

even if only for a short length of time. The children"—he swept his hand

expansively off toward the now waiting students—"are our future, after

all, and one could scarcely turn down the opportunity to see them learn

and grow."

She gave him another simpering smile. Either she thought he was

mocking her and responding in kind, or she had been given enough food

for thought for the moment and was responding to his flattery. "Though,

it does appear the children have finished examining their papers. Would

you be terribly put out if I began the lesson, dear lady?"

"Oh, no. Do go right ahead," she said. "I shall be wandering through the

class and speaking with some of the students. You won't even notice me."

Heru inclined his head and turned to face the class, launching into a

lecture about kneazles once he had their attention, and showing them

several varieties, including a few that were crossbred with non-magical

domestic cats. Once he was able to assign the homework he stood and

watched over them, keeping a close, but not obvious eye on the

Umbridge woman.

She was roaming around, stopping from time to time at a knot of

students to ask questions. When she arrived at Malfoy's little crowd he

noticed that the boy was smirking more obviously than usual as she

started to speak. She carried her clipboard along, making copious notes,

though Heru had a feeling that he was not the target this time. Hagrid


Severus informed him later that evening in the privacy of their quarters

that Umbridge had seemed quite interested in the fact that all the Potions

texts were written by Heru, and had questioned his suitability for

teaching subjects outside that field. She had gone on to question the texts

themselves, and Severus's opinion of their worth.

"I confess," Severus said, "that I was more interested in dissecting the

woman to see if she shared any other characteristics with toads than in

answering her questions. However, I would not have approved the texts

for use if not for their obvious value and superiority, and so was able to

be quite firm on that matter. As for your teaching skills, I told her I had

seen you instruct on a variety of subjects and was quite unconcerned

given the results."

"She came to your first class?" asked Heru, getting a nod in response.

"That might explain a little." He briefly summarized his own two

experiences with her, finishing up by saying he thought he might have

been disarming enough for her to lose interest and leave him alone.

Though, he did not doubt she would be checking the files for the deed he

had mentioned, to verify that he was who he professed to be.

Over the next few weeks her inspections continued, though she never

dropped in on one of his classes again. Heru often quietly apparated to

London to visit Grimmauld Place to check up on his house elves and see

that they were not suffering unduly from their change of assignment.

Apparently they were getting on splendidly with Sirius, though they did

report that they had more than once seen him sitting in a chair with tears

running down his cheeks and staring morosely into the fire.

Heru had finished his examination of the Tonks tapestry and written

down any names that caught his eye as being odd or different. After

arranging to meet with the young woman he brought it to headquarters.

When she arrived he showed her how to adjust what text appeared on the

surface and made sure she was able to do so. Then, he spent a few

minutes twisting its function in the other direction so that it would now

begin to record forward from that point. If she married and had children,

those names would appear, and would continue to do so through her

line. She was quite pleased with the results and gave him an exuberant

hug, then bounced off cheerfully, the rolled tapestry tucked under her


When Heru returned to the castle he felt immediately that something was

not right. The castle provided him with two images—one of Hagrid in his

cottage, and one of Professor Trelawney and Dolores Umbridge. Heru

took the first to mean that his sojourn as Magical Creatures professor was

over. The second he wasn't so sure about. On his way up to find Albus he

stopped dead in the main hall. Albus was certainly there, but so were a

number of people, among which was Trelawney with a bottle clutched in

her hand, and Umbridge with a poisonous smile etching her wide mouth.

"You can't do this to me!" wailed Sibyll tragically, waving her bottle

around and splashing the contents on several of the students who had got

too close.

"Oh, but I can." Dolores held up a roll of parchment and shook it. "This

gives me the right. I'm afraid that you are by no means a competent

teacher. This educational decree gives me the power on behalf of the

Ministry to fire you from your position and have you replaced."

Sibyll collapsed into a sobbing heap on the floor as Albus stepped

forward. "Might I see that?" he asked, and took the parchment when she

thrust it out.

As he began to read Dolores said, "So you and your things need to be out

of the castle post haste. Tonight if possible."

"But this is my home!" wailed Sibyll, then tossed back her head and took

a swig from the bottle she was holding.

"Not anymore," Dolores said coolly, then turned to Albus, who looked up

for a moment. "And if you cannot find a replacement by tomorrow, the

Ministry will appoint one for you. Classes must continue despite this

unfortunate occurrence."

Heru didn't think she looked the slightest bit as though this was

unfortunate, and wondered what it was she saw in Cornelius Fudge that

she was so willing to be loyal to his aims and goals. As he was standing

behind Dolores and somewhat to the side, he was able to catch Albus's

eye when the man finished reading.

Albus handed the decree back to Dolores and said in a voice that carried,

"Students, you will continue on to lunch immediately." Knowing that the

show was over, and not wanting to bring the headmaster's wrath down

on them, the students immediately complied. Albus then said in a much

lower voice, "Have no fear, Dolores. The Ministry will receive word

tomorrow as to the name of the new Professor so that their files might be

properly updated."

Albus then strode over to a still sobbing Sibyll and pulled her to her feet.

After whispering something in her ear, he gave Heru a tiny nod and left

to head up the main staircase. Heru followed, catching up with him

quickly, but remained silent until they were safely in Albus's office.

"What did you say to Trelawney?" he asked curiously.

"That despite her loss of position, Hogwarts will be her home for as long

as she wishes," Albus said. "She is totally unaware of the true predictions

she has given us. I would not release her into the world unaware and at

risk when Hogwarts can keep her in comfortable safety. She would not

know what to do with herself if she were forced out."

Heru nodded, smiling. "I came to find you originally because I knew

Hagrid was back and assumed he would be resuming his duties."

Albus appeared surprised, but said merely, "I shall have to go see him."

"I'm amazed that you already have a replacement for Trelawney picked

out, though I suppose I shouldn't be. Umbridge seemed to be far too

interested in her for it to be coincidence."

Albus twinkled at him, making Heru instantly suspicious. "I did have one

or two candidates in mind, I confess. I had spoken to one of the more

helpful centaurs in the dark forest as they are known to be great diviners.

But, they are a strongly insular community, and I feared that him taking

on the position would mean his expulsion from their society. They use

their talent to guide themselves, and not for the benefit of humans."

Heru shot him a narrow-eyed look.

"On the other hand, there is you," said Albus airily.


"Dare I hope that you are as gifted as your ancestor was? You do have

extraordinary talents. It would not surprise me if divinatory sight or

ability was one of them. Though, if you do not, I will speak again with

Firenze, hoping that he will agree to his banishment from his own kind.

Mind you, it has become quite clear that Dolores holds a strong dislike of

part-humans, so that may drive her to find other ways to be a thorn in

our sides."

Heru thought that while guilt was an effective method of persuasion, he

did not appreciate that the tactic was being used on him. Nevertheless,

he did possess the talent, and sighed in consequence.

"Fine. Send me a schedule."

23. An Unexpected Chat

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: No, I have never tried reading tea leaves. I prefer to buy mine in

bags, yup. Twinings, English (or Irish) Breakfast.

— 22: An Unexpected Chat —

Albus announced the change at breakfast the next morning, or so Heru

heard. A schedule had been delivered, and Heru was relieved to note that

Divination was even less popular than Care of Magical Creatures was. He

would have more time to himself or to spend with Mark. He would not

have been surprised, however, if someone had confided in him that an

entire generation of children had been warning their siblings, cousins,

and friends about the crazy old bat who lived in one of the tallest towers

of the castle, advising them to avoid the class.

Heru had spent a little time wondering why there appeared to have been

no word on Voldemort's activities, and why it seemed that the Order was

perfectly content with that. Did they assume that Voldemort, only just

reborn to corporeal state, was lying in wait and recuperating to regain his

strength? He was slightly ashamed to admit to himself that he felt rather

blasé and disconnected from events. Time had a way of making things

seem so less urgent, and it was easy to get caught up in the day-to-day

happenings directly around him.

Heru shook his head as though clearing cobwebs from his mind, then

smiled at his son and explained the new schedule.

"That's wicked, father. But. . . ."

"What's wrong, Mark? Is it still too much?"

"No, it's not that," Mark protested. "It's—well, I used to have the whole

house and village to roam around in, and there was Flick and Guin. I do

have my snake, and Cooper, and Dobby is always happy to come visit,

but it's not the same. It's so cramped here, even with having a whole

castle. I don't have room for my things, you know? Or. . . ."

Heru wrinkled his brow. "I don't like the idea of leaving you at the house

all day alone, Mark. But if you have some suggestions on how to help

make you happier here at the castle, I'm all ears."

"Can't we have more or bigger rooms?"

"I could ask Albus for bigger quarters, but that would mean you wouldn't

be able to see Severus as easily, Mark."

"I meant right here. You can talk to the castle—can't you ask her to

rearrange things a little?"

"Well, yes. But don't you think you should ask Severus first before I start

making requests?"

Mark bounced in his seat. "I think he'd say yes, don't you?"

"He would," broke in Severus's voice from the doorway. Mark squealed

and bounced off his chair, running over to engulf Severus in a hug.

Severus bore it patiently, even returning it, before looking at Heru to say,

"Now what did I just agree to?"

Mark had let go and dragged Severus over to the table before Heru spoke.

"Mark is feeling a bit claustrophobic and wanted to know if you'd object

to me asking the castle to try and add a few extra rooms to these

quarters." He barely had the words out of his mouth when he felt a

warm, misty hug envelop him. "And apparently, the castle says she can."

"Then by all means. I suppose we are a bit cramped in here."

"Yay!" Mark cried. "I'm going to go tell Selthis!" He dashed off to go find

his snake as Severus took a seat.

"Then I assume I needn't expect to find the two of you in quarters

halfway up the castle as soon as I turn around."

Heru shook his head. "She seems quite confident, and happy to expand

yours. Both Mark and I would prefer to stay here anyway."

Severus flashed a brief smile and asked, "Any idea how long it would


After a moment Heru said, "No, she won't answer me. She just keeps

humming." He shrugged helplessly and grinned.

The next day, Heru had his first Divination class. He did with them what

he intended to do with each of his classes until they had all been

introduced to the new order of things. His classroom was not up in

Trelawney's tower, but rather in the dungeons. He had arbitrarily taken

over a large unused room not far from the stairs to the ground floor and

had Dobby post messages as to the change in all house common rooms,

and help him clean the place up and get it ready.

It in no way resembled Sibyll's tea room atmosphere, and there were no

clouds of incense fouling the air or making the inhabitants sleepy. Each

station for two was set up so that under each table was storage for a

selection of divination instruments along with copies of the books

Trelawney had been so fond of passing around for her classes. When the

students were all settled in after lunch, he began.

"I do not know firsthand what kind of teacher Professor Trelawney was,

nor do I care to know. As such, comparisons are unwelcome. If you feel

the need to make them, do so on your own time and do not waste mine

or that of your classmates while here. With that out of the way, I would

like to say there are three kinds of people. Those with true sight, those

who are able to get glimpses of the future and sometimes the past, and

those with no ability whatsoever. Which one of those each of you is will

determine how things are done in here. Obviously, if you do not possess

the ability, practice will not make you any more likely to succeed."

Heru moved to the front of his desk and conjured up a stool, placing it a

foot or so before him. "So, the very first thing we're going to do is find

that out. I will call you up one by one, check, and make the appropriate

notation. Once that is out of the way, I may ask that you swap seats

around into a more efficient arrangement."

The students all looked a little shocked at his words, and a few looked

worried. Others looked quite pleased, possibly thinking that it meant

vindication of the talent they had always professed to hold. Heru pulled

out his class list and called the first name, gesturing for the girl, Lavender

Brown, to sit on the stool. After a minute of intense focus, he made a note

next to her name and sent her back to her seat.

When he had checked all of them he was surprised once again to realize

that Ron Weasley actually had talent. Remembering back through two

years of class with him was a reliable indication that while Trelawney did

have the power to spout off a prophecy every decade or two, she had no

real idea how to teach.

He spent the remainder of the class rearranging their seating, trying to

put a person with no ability with someone who did, without stating

explicitly which person was which. Even if a person could not predict or

interpret the signs, they could learn properly what methods there were,

and how a seer used them to focus their talent. He let them go that time

with an admonishment to remember the new seating for their next class.

When that same group arrived Wednesday morning, they did remember.

Completely disdaining the syllabus for the class, he decided to use tea

leaf reading as an example.

"This is redundant information, I realize, but I want all of you to

understand how this really works. Each of you will go ahead and prepare

a cup while thinking about a question you have, then give it to your

partner. Once the cup has drained, you will each write down what you

think you see the leaves forming. And by that, I mean for you to write

down all interpretations of the images, in order of what you believe is

most likely that it represents. Don't worry about looking anything up in

your books just yet. I'll be coming around to talk with each of you, so

after you're done writing down your observations, just wait and talk


The first twosome he approached was Ron and Neville, and he started

with Neville. He picked up the cup the boy had been reading and

interpreted the results, raising his brows slightly when he realized that

Ron would eventually become the Gryffindor quidditch captain. Then he

turned to Neville.

"All right, let's go over these." He turned the cup so that both boys could

see the clumps of tea and pointed to one. "What did you see for this, Mr

Longbottom?" Neville had apparently written down the first thing that

came to mind for all of them, and even admitted so. That his

interpretations were completely off was no surprise to Heru. Neville had

no idea what any of it meant overall.

He repeated the process with Ron, taking the cup and looking inside,

then nodding and asking of the boy's interpretation. Ron had the vague

idea that Neville's question had something to do with his wand, but aside

from that he wasn't sure.

Heru smiled. "Mr Weasley, judging from the cup you prepared, you had

the quidditch captaincy on your mind"—Ron blinked—"and you, Mr

Longbottom, were wondering if your ability at magic has anything to do

with the fact that your wand is not one that chose you."

Neville gave him a wide-eyed look, so Heru said, "I can see by your faces

that I am correct in those assessments. I am going to mark which images

are which, and let you two get on with using the book to interpret. You

might want to discuss why you chose as you did and what prompted you

to do so. It will help you, perhaps, to get a better understanding of the

process, and to know that sometimes thinking too hard about what it may

be is a deterrent to seeing what's actually there."

After taking a moment to put checks next to the correct guesses, Heru

moved on to the next twosome. When he came around for the second

pass he was in time to hear Ron saying, "I don't know. I just felt like it

had to be a father figure, even though it's really more like a blob."

Heru smiled and said, "Exactly so, Mr Weasley. You felt, you had an

unexplained urge. Interpretation is not exact. You will not see the leaves

do you a favor and arrange themselves just so into picture perfect images.

If you have talent, they will spark something in your magic that produces

a response, even if it seems silly. That is a father. This is a club. That is . .

. whatever." He waved his hand like a magician on stage.

"Once you start to trust those feelings, and come to learn what the results

mean in terms of an overall interpretation, you'll be able to look in a cup

and realize an answer almost immediately, as I do. Now, let me see what

you've made for conclusions."

A few moments later he said, "Mr Longbottom, you've done a good job

with this, though I can see you would not have arrived at the correct

conclusion, nor known exactly what Mr Weasley's question was." At

Neville's downcast look he said, "Do not worry. Not everyone has the

talent. I am far more concerned with you learning why things work.

These tools are just that—tools that focus a seer's talent so they can

produce an answer rather than a wild guess. The same is true for crystal

balls, palmistry, and any number of methods. Ron can help you to learn,

and you can help Ron to learn by getting him to voice what he's sensing

and to point out things from how you see them."

Neville gave him a slightly more encouraged look, so Heru moved on to

Ron. "You have also done a good job with this. You were more or less on

in your original interpretations, and your conclusion is fairly close to the

correct answer."

He paused long enough to shoot a quelling stare at two of the girls for

bursting out into loud giggles. "I think with time things will start to come

together. Since this group will be taking the OWLs at the end of the year,

I'll be reviewing much of what you've gone over the past two years. But I

will warn you—how well you do depends entirely on how much effort

you put into this, Mr Weasley. You might want to consider keeping a

serious dream diary, even if none of them make any sense to you."

He paused again, this time to gather his thoughts. "I think the two of you

get on well enough to be a great help to each other with this. There's

time enough left in class so that you can try again with a new question if

you like." He straightened and moved on to the next group.

When the students shuffled out at the end of class, Heru realized that

none of them seemed particularly disturbed that he was a Slytherin any

longer, and that made him smile. And, while Umbridge was still visiting

the castle and making inspections, she had not yet bothered him in his

new capacity.

That weekend was the first Hogsmeade weekend of the year, and Heru

had every intention of taking advantage of it. So it was that he, Mark,

and Severus went down to the village to spend the day in idle pursuits

like shopping for things they didn't need in the first place. They were

walking down the main thoroughfare toward the book shop when two

white-blond males rounded a corner and approached. Severus stiffened

slightly at his side at the sight of them. When they were but a few steps

from the shop they were hailed, or at least, Severus was.

"Ah, Severus. How lovely to see you again," said Lucius Malfoy with

smiling insincerity. "I trust things are going well."

"Lucius," Severus said shortly.

"You simply must introduce me to your friends, Severus," Lucius said,

placing a hand on Draco's shoulder.

Mark looked up at his father in mild confusion, apparently not having

missed the undercurrent of seriousness. Heru responded by tilting his

head toward the shop and saying, "Go ahead and look. I'll be in shortly."

Mark nodded and took off, disappearing within a second later.

"Lucius, this is Heru Slytherin. Heru, this is Lucius Malfoy."

"And the boy?" Lucius persisted.

"My son," Heru said in clipped tones.

"So," Lucius said, pausing to give Heru a once-over, "you are the professor

my Draco has told me about, and a Slytherin. How very interesting. You

have quite a fan in Dolores Umbridge, I hear."

"I'm flattered."

"I also hear you've become the new Divination professor. Such a curious

choice, I think, though rumor has it that you've managed to inspire new

interest in your students for the subject."

"Was there something in particular you wanted?" asked Severus.

"Severus, really, you forget your manners. I merely wished to greet an old

friend and perhaps meet a new one. I have some business opportunities I

might consider discussing with you at a later date." He bared his teeth in

a parody of a smile. "However, we must move along for the time being.

Have a good day, gentlemen. Draco, come along." After inclining his

head, Lucius continued on past them with his son in tow.

Heru exchanged a glance with Severus, then chanted a few phrases under

his breath and made a peculiar gesture. Then they entered the shop to see

what Mark was up to. When they did return to the castle, Severus went in

search of Albus while Heru took a seat in their quarters to pay closer

attention to what Lucius was up to.

"What is it, Lucius?" asked Voldemort.

"I thought you might be interested to know that I ran into Severus today,

my lord. With him was the Slytherin man and his son. They seemed quite

comfortable together, those three."

"What are you suggesting?"

"I thought it might be possible, my lord, that Severus is not so far out of

your grasp as we thought. While I cannot be in any way sure, I found it

interesting that Severus had taken up with someone from your family. It

makes me wonder if he sensed an opportunity on your behalf, even though

the previous evidence supports his betrayal of you."

"My family," said Voldemort, clenching the arm of his chair so tightly that

the wood splintered. "How is it that this man can appear out of nowhere

with such a name and have it be genuine? Severus indeed showed his

betrayal by helping to keep that Potter brat alive while I was trying to

regain my body."

"It is possible, my lord, he was only doing so to keep from arousing

Dumbledore's suspicions as to his loyalty. I would not be surprised if the old

man keeps a very close eye on him and his activities even now. Severus has

always been steadfastly pro-Slytherin, almost to the point of obsession."

"I hear a lot of ambiguity there, Lucius."

"I'm sorry, my lord. I cannot be sure, and only raise the issue so that you

might consider what it means."

"And what have you learned of this man so far?"

"He nominally resides in Hogsmeade, my lord, with his son, and there is no

evidence of a wife. He was originally hired at the castle to teach during the

half giant's absence, and to cover for the werewolf after full moons, but has

since taken over the divination position on the dismissal of the Trelawney

woman. Dolores Umbridge from the Ministry seems to be quite fond of him

for some reason, which I find surprising given that she is a pawn of Fudge."

He paused a moment and resumed, "He wrote new textbooks for all seven

years of Potions, which are currently being used at Hogwarts, and spent a

great deal of time at the castle over the summer months, though I have

been unable to determine why. He has two house elves in his service and is

purportedly a parselmouth, as is his son. The students have apparently

gotten over their shock and distrust of him as well, and have come to view

him for the most part as a knowledgeable and fair-minded professor who

will tolerate no fooling about in his classes. If Draco is correct, Slytherin

appears to reside at the castle with Severus, and his classroom is in the


When Lucius finally ran out of things to say, Voldemort adopted a

thoughtful mien. Several minutes later he murmured, "Then perhaps I

should summon Severus. If he fails to appear, I shall know that his betrayal

is complete. And if he does come to me, I shall question him most closely on

his knowledge of the situation."

Heru took the time to reach out down the link he had with Voldemort

and connected with his mind a moment later, causing him to experience

a dizzying sense of double-vision.

Voldemort gestured and said simply, "Lucius." Lucius knelt and bared his

arm, then extended it. Voldemort touched his finger to the Dark Mark and

concentrated. A moment later he frowned.

Heru could feel the confusion in the man's mind. His attempt to summon

Severus had resulted in what felt like trying to grasp hold of fog. He

watched from two viewpoints as Voldemort tried several more times,

causing Lucius no small amount of pain in the process. Voldemort tried

one last time, targeting someone he knew was not Marked as being in his

service, Draco Malfoy. The sensation was the same.

"What is this madness?" he finally snarled in frustration, withdrawing his

hand and letting Lucius stand.

"My lord?"

"Either Severus has died since you saw him earlier, or he has somehow

managed to remove the Dark Mark. And if he were dead, I should have at

least felt an echo. This is impossible. No one holds that power but me!"

Lucius wisely remained silent as Voldemort continued to mutter to himself.

"Dumbledore could not have, I am sure of it. Slytherin? Is this some bid to

show me his strength as a courting gesture, or a signal that he has decided

to show his opposition by stealing one of my servants?"

Eventually he seemed to realize that Lucius was still standing there and

ceased his musing. "You will find out everything about this man. Speak to

Fudge as well. If this is a bid for my attention, I want proof. And send Peter

to the castle to spy in animagus form. He can at least attempt to be useful

for something other than making me nauseous. Get to it!"

"As you command, my lord," said Lucius immediately, bowing deeply

before hastening off.

Heru jumped to his feet and severed the link, then grabbed a spare

pensieve from a cupboard to tuck into his pocket and exited their

quarters to the hallway. He had not yet reached the stairs when Severus

came into view, so he grabbed his lover by the arm and turned him

around, and continued walking toward Albus's office.

Once there—the gargoyle had again jumped out of the way at the sight of

him—he held his wand to his temple, drawing out a copy of what he had

just witnessed and placing it in the pensieve. That object was placed on

the desk before he asked Fawkes to find his master. Albus arrived a few

minutes later with the phoenix on his shoulder, wondering what the fuss

was about. Heru pointed to the pensieve, then entered the memory with

Albus and Severus behind him. When they emerged, expressions were

equally grim.

"Are you able to tune a mirror to focus on Voldemort?" Albus finally


"No. Something about him prevents my attempts."

"Can you tune more than one, so that we might keep an eye on both

Lucius and Peter?"

"That I can do, easily. But who will watch them?"

"I had thought Sirius, but perhaps it is unwise to expose him to Peter. He

may attempt to do something foolish. Alastor, perhaps. He is retired, and

may be willing to move into Grimmauld Place for the duration to keep an

eye on him while Sirius watches Lucius. Fawkes could go over daily for

progress reports. . . ."

"And our little spy?" asked Heru.

"As tempting as it is to use him to pass on disinformation, I would prefer

to capture him so that we would be able to prove Sirius's innocence.

Amelia Bones is the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement

and she is a reasonable woman, despite what Cornelius might have to say

on the matter."

"Then I will ask the castle to alert me when he arrives."

Before Heru and Severus left, two mirrors had been tuned, though only

one would be delivered for the time being. If Peter were to be caught

promptly the second would be useless, and with just the one remaining,

Sirius and Alastor could watch in shifts. The castle promised to report

when Peter arrived, even if it meant waking Heru up, so he was able to

retire that evening without undue worry.

The next morning they discovered that the short hallway in Severus's

quarters had lengthened overnight, revealing several more doors to be

investigated. Part of the day was spent transporting more belongings

from Heru's Hogsmeade home to the castle, and Mark was delighted to be

able to fly around outside on his broom, pretending he was in the midst

of a ferocious quidditch game out at the pitch.

Heru had purchased a practice snitch some time ago with the intent of

giving it to his son at Christmas, but decided that now was as good a time

as any to hand it over. So it was that he and Severus were watching the

boy play when an image formed in his head out of the blue. Somewhere

nearby, Peter was lurking. The castle continued to provide him with

images until he was able to pin down the man's location, at which point

Heru rose for the ostensible reason of giving Mark some pointers.

On his return to where Severus was seated, he casually let his wand drop

down into his hand and cast a lightning quick spell. A minute later, he

had himself his very own pet rat, complete with a charmed cage to hold

him in. The gleam of the bars matched perfectly with the little silver paw

the rodent was sporting.

24. Unwilling Confessions

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: On reflection, I have to wonder if this is a boring chapter, though

the ending of it might be considered a cliffie.

— 23: Unwilling Confessions —

They stayed to watch Mark fly around until the sky began to darken, at

which point Heru called the boy down after he caught the snitch one last

time. Once inside the castle Mark was sent off to their rooms to clean up

while Heru and Severus headed for Albus's office with their prize. Albus

was delighted at how quickly Peter had been captured, though there was

some discussion as to how exactly they would deal with the situation.

They could have delivered Peter immediately to the Ministry, but it was

possible that Cornelius would interfere, so Albus went directly to the next

best source, as he had stated he might earlier, and invited Amelia Bones

to the castle. Peter waited on Albus's desk during lunch, guarded by a

rather curious Fawkes, though Heru had no doubts as to the soundness of

the cage he had wrought. Amelia arrived shortly thereafter and Albus,

she, Heru, and Severus repaired to a more secure room in the castle. They

were joined by Minerva and Remus within a few minutes, and then by

Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and Tonks.

In that space Heru was able to create a much larger cage. That one had a

fine, strong mesh between the bars that would shock anyone who tried to

touch it, so even if Peter transformed back into a rat once inside, he

would have no way to get past it or climb it. Inside the cage he placed a

simple chair with arms. After stunning the rat a second time—he had

long since woken up and had been squeaking incessantly—Peter was

forced to transform back to human and planted in the chair.

Severus went ahead and administered veritaserum, then backed out and

sealed the door. When Peter came around Albus began his questions,

mainly designed to establish for Amelia the severity of the situation. His

name, participation in the events of the first war, and his current

knowledge of Voldemort. Amelia agreed that a trial should be called for

as quickly as possible by Albus in his capacity as Chief Warlock of the

Wizengamot. Unfortunately, as they would want the testimony of at least

three of the professors, it would have to wait until the next weekend,

with the call to the members of the Wizengamot going out on fairly short


It would, on the other hand, provide Albus and Amelia plenty of time to

prepare a list of questions to be asked during the trial. Peter was stunned

and returned to the original cage, where he would reside for the next

week and be fed grain and water as befit his appearance. Classes went

on, and Heru used palmistry for his example with the OWL-level

students, hoping to get through at least one per week up through where

they should have stopped at the end of the prior year so he could begin

moving ahead. One thing he had agreed with was the keeping of a dream

diary for all students who took Divination, even for those with no ability.

A notice went out late Thursday night from Albus to every member of the

Wizengamot, and on Saturday morning the trial commenced. It had given

Fudge very little time to take any action, though it was obvious he had

talked, as Lucius was sitting in the stands as a spectator. Severus had

remained at the castle to not only watch over Mark, but to keep an eye

on the school as well. And, as Mark could communicate with the castle,

she could let him know if there was anything to pass on to Severus. Peter

was brought in, still in his cage, and deposited in front of Albus for the

time being. The first witness up was Heru.

"Please state your full name," said the official.

"Heru Servius Tychon Anselm Slytherin," replied Heru.

"Please state your profession."

"Divination professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

The official stepped back and nodded to Albus.

"Mr Slytherin, could you please tell us the circumstances under which

you captured this specimen?"

"I was on the quidditch pitch watching my son play. On my way back to

sit down after giving him some pointers I noticed something odd, a rat

with a silver paw. I stunned it, then conjured up a cage to hold it in to

bring to the headmaster."

"You did not think it was simply someone's familiar?"

"I thought it would be exceedingly peculiar for a familiar to have a metal

body part. I believed it would be wise to investigate such an oddity,

rather than simply let it pass."

"And after you had delivered the rat?"

"There was some speculation that it might be an animagus, and when

tested, that proved to be correct."

"Were you aware of the identity of the animagus?"

"No, I was not."

"You are excused, Mr Slytherin."

The official opened the gate and Heru rose and stepped out, crossing the

floor to take a seat in the lower ranks of the spectator area. Before he

actually turned so he could sit, he noted that Lucius had a very

thoughtful look on his face. Heru unobtrusively set up a watch on the

man. The official opened a door off to the side and admitted Minerva,

seated her in the box, then ran through the same two questions.

"Ms McGonagall, are you able to identify the person Mr Slytherin


"Yes, his name is Peter Pettigrew."

A loud murmur of disbelief rose from the spectators, causing Albus to

bang his gavel and call for order. "Are you absolutely certain of this?"

"Yes. I taught him for seven years. Though I do not understand how it is

that he's alive, that is definitely him."

After a few minutes she was dismissed as well, and Remus was called in

and run through the same kind of questions as Minerva had been.

When he was dismissed, the rat was stunned in its cage, then released.

After being forced to transform—another loud disturbance rose from the

crowd—he was placed in the chair at the center of the room and strapped

in, then given veritaserum. Before he was ennervated an anti-animagi

field was brought into play.

"Please state your full name."

"Peter Charles Pettigrew."

Albus banged his gavel several times at the noise and said, "If you cannot

remain quiet, the silencing field will be used." Then he looked back at the

official and nodded.

"Please state your profession."

"Death Eater."

Albus employed the silencing field, not even bothering to call for quiet.

Flash bulbs started going off from the media's portion of the spectator

seating. "When did you become a Death Eater, Mr Pettigrew?"

"Shortly after I left Hogwarts."

"Why, Mr Pettigrew?"

"I was being heavily pressured. The Dark Lord was threatening to kill me

if I did not submit to him."

"Are you aware of the reason why?"

"He said that I was very close to important people on the other side and

that as meek and unassuming as I was, they would never suspect I could

betray them."

"And what primary duties did you perform for Voldemort?"

"I passed on information to him from the organization created to oppose


"Were you involved in the deaths of James and Lily Potter?"


"In what way, Mr Pettigrew?"

"I was their Secret Keeper and used that position to betray their location

to my master so he could deal with them."

"The wizarding world has always understood that it was Sirius Black that

was the Potter's Secret Keeper. But it was you?"


"How did that come to pass?"

"Everyone was suspicious of everyone else as someone—me—was leaking

information to the Dark Lord. James and Lily wanted to use Sirius, but

Sirius thought that was too obvious and convinced them to use me

instead. He said no one would believe it to be me, and Sirius could draw

off anyone seeking to make him talk so that I and they would be safe. So

I became their Secret Keeper, and immediately informed my master of

their location."

"Who else knew you were the Potter's Secret Keeper?"

"No one. Just me, Sirius, James and Lily, and my master."

"Were you present when Voldemort went to kill the Potters?"


"What happened?"

"I didn't see much. My master told me to wait downstairs. I heard James

die, and Lily's scream. Then I heard Harry's crying. After a few minutes,

when my master had not returned, I crept upstairs to see Harry alive with

an odd cut on his forehead and my master's wand on the floor. He was

nowhere to be seen, so I grabbed the wand and fled."

Heru could see off to the side that Lucius's face was a cold mask of

indifference. The people around him weren't even bothering to try and

speak any more; their faces expressed everything they felt and thought.

"Everyone has believed that Sirius Black killed you the next day. What

actually happened when he confronted you?"

"I knew he wanted revenge for what I had done and I needed to escape. I

cast a spell that killed the muggles nearby and severed my finger while

Sirius was distracted. Then I transformed into my animagus form and

escaped through a nearby grate and into the sewers."

"So, you are the reason James and Lily Potter died, not Sirius Black. Is

that correct?"


Heru could just hear a faint surprised mutter from Fudge of, "I'll be


"Let us clarify something a little more recent, then. Were you able to

reunite with Voldemort?"


"How is that possible—it was thought that Voldemort was defeated,

destroyed, the night he tried to kill Harry Potter as a baby."

"He did not die, he lost his physical body. I helped him to regain it."

"Please explain how, Mr Pettigrew."

"When Harry was transported to the graveyard I—"

"Stop. Let us back up. How was Harry Potter transported to this

graveyard you speak of?"

"Barty Crouch Jr. had been posing as Alastor Moody all year for our

master, using his position to help Harry win the tournament indirectly.

He made the Triwizard Cup into a portkey to transport Harry to the

graveyard at Little Hangleton when he won so that my master could be


"How is it possible that Barty Crouch Jr. was even still alive? He

supposedly died in Azkaban."

"That was his mother. She was already ill and dying, so they switched

places on a visit using polyjuice potion at her insistence. Barty Crouch Sr.

could not deny her request. My master eventually found out he was still

alive and being controlled by the imperius curse by his father, and took

care of things, releasing his servant and giving him his instructions to

impersonate the ex-Auror."

"What happened to Barty Crouch Sr.?"

"He is dead, killed by his son when he attempted to gain the grounds of

Hogwarts to warn people."

"All right. What happened in the graveyard the—this was the night of the

third task of the Triwizard Tournament?"


"What happened that night in the graveyard?"

"When Harry and the Diggory boy were transported in, my master had

me kill the spare with his wand, and Harry was captured and tied to a

headstone. My master had unearthed an obscure ritual to give him back

his body, and we did so."

"What did that entail?"

"The bones of his father, the flesh of his servant and the blood of his

enemy. My hand was sacrificed, and some of Harry's blood. Thus was my

master reborn, in all his glory."

Heru noted that many of the faces around Lucius had become paper


"Is this how you came to have the silver hand?"

"Yes. My master was generous enough to give it to me for my service to


"Why Harry's blood specifically?"

"My master thought that whatever blood protection the boy had against

him would pass on to him in the process, rendering Harry more


"Where was Harry Potter taken?"

"To my master's estate in—"

"Stop. How did Cedric Diggory return to Hogwarts?"

"My master bade me make sure he did, so I laid his wand on his chest and

levitated his hand back onto the portkey cup to force his return."

"Do you know who killed Harry Potter?"


"Does Voldemort know who killed Harry Potter?"

"I don't know. My master is confused about that."

"Voldemort is now alive, correct?"

"Yes, but my master was never dead."

"Voldemort now has corporeal form, correct?"


Albus turned away. "Amelia, do you have anything to add?"

"Not in a public forum, no," she replied calmly.

"Then as I see it, we have several decisions to make here. Guard, please

administer the antidote, but leave Mr Pettigrew where he is. We will

resume our questioning at a later time."

A minute later Albus said, "Based on the testimony you have heard today,

specifically that of one Peter Charles Pettigrew under the influence of

veritaserum, members of the Wizengamot will now vote on his innocence

or guilt on the charges of the betrayal of the Potters and ultimately

causing their deaths, the deaths of thirteen innocent muggles during his

escape from Sirius Black, the death of Cedric Diggory, and various other

questionable activities under the leadership of Voldemort. What say


A resounding cry of guilty rang out from that side of the auditorium.

Peter's eyes bulged and his face took on a look of desperation and abject

fear. Lucius sneered.

"Based on the same testimony, members of the Wizengamot will now

vote on the innocence or guilt of Sirius Black for the same charges. What

say you?"

A resounding cry of innocent arose and Heru's breath hitched in his chest.

"Will the members of the Wizengamot vote to pardon Sirius Black for his

crime of escaping the fortress prison Azkaban based on the years already

served? Yea or nay?"


"I am sure we can work out some form of reparation for his wrongful

imprisonment. A statement will be issued shortly as to the exact

disposition of Peter Pettigrew. For the time being, this courtroom is to be

cleared of all media and spectators." Albus banged his gavel three times


— — —

No one had actually told Sirius that Peter had been captured. But, that

evening a special edition of The Daily Prophet had been issued. The front

page was splashed with a number of article lead-ins, among them the

trial of Peter Pettigrew (giving credit to Heru for his capture), the

innocence and pardon of Sirius Black, and the second rise of Voldemort

(though they used 'You Know Who'). As soon as Remus had his hands on

a copy he disappeared, presumably to headquarters to show Sirius the

good news.

All in all, it felt like a very good day. Perhaps best was the fact that Albus

reported via Fawkes that Cornelius had become an avid supporter of his

once again and had left everything in Albus's hands once the courtroom

had been cleared, taking himself off so he could devise a speech to give

to the press. That also meant that Fudge heard nothing of any additional

interest that he could pass on to his friend Lucius, such as the second

round of questions Peter endured from a much smaller section of the

Wizengamot. Heru had the feeling that Fudge would stop making such

ridiculous attempts to take control at Hogwarts now that Albus had

established his credibility beyond question.

Severus, of course, wasn't quite so pleased with the news. His reaction

was mixed. But, as Mark had developed a slight fondness for both Sirius

and Remus, he tempered his responses—around the boy, at least. They

had just finished dinner—Severus had disdained the Great Hall for once,

especially as Albus was not yet back from the Ministry—when a knock

sounded at the door. Confused, Severus got up to see who it was, and

shortly thereafter admitted Ron and Hermione. How they knew where

Severus's living quarters were was beyond anyone.

"We're so sorry to bother you," said Hermione breathlessly, "but we

simply had to come and thank you, Professor Slytherin!"

Heru gave them a blank look.

"You caught Peter!" she cried while Ron nodded. "Sirius is our friend, and

he's free now because of you."

Severus rolled his eyes out of their line of vision. Heru shifted

uncomfortably—not that he really felt that way—and said, "You're

welcome, but a note would have been fine, really."

"Oh no, sir," Hermione protested. "We had to come personally. A note

would have been horribly rude."

Heru shifted again. "How did you know where to find me, anyway?"

Hermione bit her lip as Ron gave her a slightly resigned look. Then he

looked back at Heru and said, "She convinced Professor Lupin to tell us,

sir. He said Sirius would be along in a few minutes, so we were just

headed back after we came here."

Mark crawled halfway over the back of the couch and said, "May I go,

too, father?"

Heru's brows rose. "Only if these two don't mind."

"That's fine, sir," said Ron.

Heru's brows rose higher. The next thing he knew Mark would be sitting

at the Gryffindor table. "All right, but don't stay too late, and don't

outstay your welcome, okay?"

"Of course, father!" Mark slid back down and bounced to his feet, then

raced around the side of the couch toward the door.

Ron and Hermione followed a moment later after she said, "Thank you,

sir, again. And thank you, Professor Snape, for letting us come in."

Once they were out the door Heru looked at Severus and said, "Well.

Remind me to think up a prank to play on Remus for letting those two

know where we live."

They discussed the trial, and more importantly, Heru's brief testimony

and Lucius's reaction to it.

"I think you managed to strike the right balance," said Severus after some

thought. "If Lucius reacted as you say, he will not know if it was simply

coincidence that you captured Peter, owing to his exceptionally poor

skills at spying, one presumes. Voldemort may still think he has a chance

to sway you to his side. But, do you really want that? You did say you

wished for nothing that would put you directly in harm's way."

"Yes, I did. But there is a difference between being ordered or asked to do

something, and coming up with my own ideas. No, I don't want to die

and leave Mark alone, or you. But as a Slytherin, I may have no choice

but to be the one to handle my little black sheep."

"And that prophecy?"

"I have no idea." Heru wound his hair around his fingers absently. "But I'll

do what I think is right. Even if I had been the one to speak it, I doubt I

would know exactly what it meant aside from the obvious. Prophecies

don't work that way. They only tend to make sense after the fact, or just

prior to an event they reference. For all I know, I am the other it speaks


He paused, frowned, then said, "Well, except that makes it sound like I

killed the boy, and that isn't possible. Not unless I'm damn good at

sleepwalking my way to a place I can't even find, past Voldemort and his

Death Eaters, and get back here without you or anyone else noticing."

Severus chuckled. "I hardly think that is what occurred."

"I wonder, though. . . ."


"If Voldemort still can't tell which side I'm actually on, he might approach

me through a proxy, like Lucius."

"What of it? And that's assuming that the Wizengamot didn't interrogate

Peter as to the names of all Death Eaters currently in Voldemort's control.

For all we know, there could be notices of arrest in the morning paper.

Lucius took a huge chance showing up at the trial."

"Well, true. Though, he was probably ordered to go after Fudge leaked

the information to him. I assume that's how he found out. Then again, it

may not matter. They may prefer to catch people in the act and bring

them to trial then rather than haul them in for questioning on the word

of another Death Eater, veritaserum or not. Speaking of which, I'm sure

by now that Lucius has informed Voldemort that Peter was about to

reveal where their headquarters is. I expect they've moved, or are in the

process right now, assuming that is their main location."

"We never really knew to begin with. We simply went where we were

summoned to," Severus offered.

Heru flipped his hair back over his shoulder and sighed. "Anyway, if

Lucius were to approach me, perhaps I could work that to my advantage."

"How so?"

"Part of it is my personal quirk. I badly want to know what rock

Voldemort sprung up from under. Don't you think it would be a

reasonable delaying tactic to request proof of his heritage?"

"Being a parselmouth isn't enough?"

"Harry Potter wasn't a Slytherin and he was a parselmouth. In fact, sappy

romantics would have you believe he was only able to use Godric's sword

because he was from that bloodline."

Severus raised his eyes heavenward for a moment.

"I'm not saying it's logical, Severus. I should think I'm being properly


"And let's say you get what you want—what then? You play a dangerous

and twisted game of cat and mouse with him?"

"I'm sorry, Severus. I just don't know. But there must be a way to get rid

of him, and his people."

"I could pretend to go back to him," Severus said slowly.

25. Declarations

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Vaguely naughty parts approaching. Please make sure your

seatbelts are fastened and tray tables are in an upright and locked


— 24: Declarations —

"Over my dead body," was Heru's immediate, fierce response. "Are you

out of your mind!? I didn't save you just to turn around and watch you

die the second he decided veritaserum was a good choice and you were

forced to spill your guts." He reached out and grabbed Severus by the

shoulders and shook him. "I love you, you idiot! I want to marry you.

Don't you dare make suggestions like that. Don't even think it, or I swear


He stopped and let go. "Well, I don't know. But I would!" he insisted.

"Please don't say things like that. If I died you'd be the only father Mark

had left. You're already in my damn will, Severus! I can't believe you

could possib—"

He was cut off when a hand slapped over his mouth, and blinked when

Severus said quite clearly, "Shut up. Now, I'm going to remove my hand,

and you're going to stay quiet. Right?"

Heru gave a grudging nod.

"Good." Severus drew back, then placed a hand on each of Heru's

shoulders and shook him lightly with each word. "And I. Love. You."

After releasing him Severus continued, "So perhaps you can understand

why what you've been saying is so alarming to me?"

Heru dropped his eyes, feeling a bit sullen despite the fact that his

declaration had been returned. Eventually his gaze crept back to see that

Severus was waiting patiently. He managed a small, sheepish smile that

sparked amusement in his lover's eyes. "All right. That's fair," he


"I'm glad to see you can be taught to see reason," Severus stated smugly.

"You're awfully brave for a man who knows I could probably snap you

like a twig."

"Ah, but you wouldn't. You see, you love me. And besides, it would upset


"Where the hell do you come off being all rational and logical?"

"When you start displaying reckless, brash behavior that positively reeks

of those insufferable Gryffindors."

Heru opened his mouth to retort, then snapped it shut. Severus was

entirely right. He thought he had lost that part of himself years ago, but

apparently it still lingered around the edges. The realization actually

scared him a little. He looked back at Severus and said, "I'll make you a

deal, then—something for something. You stop making such ridiculous

offers that are likely to get you killed quicker than I can say Salazar, and

I'll try to curb my tendency to think that because it's my family that's the

problem that I have to be the one to deal with it."


"Fine. I'm glad that's settled."

"Now, about that other thing. . . ."

"What . . . other . . . thing?"

Severus gave him a sly look. "When do you suppose our Mark will be


Heru's eyes widened slightly.

Some time later, after Mark had returned and gone to sleep, Heru and

Severus had another kind of talk in their room. Several times, with

silencing charms.

— — —

Heru woke up the next morning feeling absurdly perky, but at least this

time he knew why. He had never quite realized before how hard it was to

smile and yawn at the same time. He rolled over onto his side and

propped his head on one hand so he could look at Severus's sleeping face.

The corners of his lover's mouth were quirked up faintly, something Heru

had not witnessed before. It was far more the usual thing to see him

relaxed, but blank of expression, or more rarely, somewhat pained. Heru

reached out to carefully guide the strands of hair back that had fallen

across Severus's face, not really wishing to disturb him, then rolled away

and off the bed to land on his feet and pad into the bathroom.

He had only been in the shower for a few minutes when he felt Severus

enfold him from behind with his arms and bite his neck. "Do you feel as

disgustingly happy this morning as I do?" Severus asked lazily, then bit

him again, making Heru arch his neck back and tilt his head to the side

to offer better access. Heru really wanted to answer, but it didn't come

out that way. Severus bit him again where his neck curved into his

shoulder, then laved the abused flesh with his tongue.

Heru didn't protest at all when several minutes later Severus guided his

arms out to press against the shower wall for support and gently toed his

feet apart. He didn't protest anything Severus did for the next space of

time, and indeed, encouraged him enthusiastically in as many ways he

could think of without losing his balance or interrupting the flow of their

bodies as they moved together under the water's caress.

It wasn't until they were dressed and sitting at the table eating breakfast

that Heru said, "To answer your question, yes, I do."

Severus gave him a funny little smile and replied, "I gathered that, but I

liked the way you answered earlier better."

Heru might have said more, but Mark bounced in looking rumpled and

ready to eat. Heru struggled very hard, telling himself sternly to act like

an adult and to stop grinning like a loon, and eventually succeeded in

repressing the worst of his urges to light up like a Christmas tree every

time he tried to raise his eyes. Eventually he was able to look up from his

plate with a fairly calm expression.

"So, how did your visit with Remus and Sirius go?" he asked Mark.

"Oh, fine. It was kind of hard to get a word in edgewise, but it was nice

to see them looking so happy. We didn't stay very long, actually. Ron and

Hermione invited me up to their tower for a visit."

Heru suddenly had no trouble keeping a straight face. "They did?"

"Yup! We played chess again. Nobody seemed to mind that I was up

there. They all just sort of said hello and left me alone. I don't see why

Hermione is in Gryffindor, though. Seems to me she should be a

Ravenclaw. That would have been neat since I still think that's the house

I'd like to get into, and I'd have already known someone in it."

Heru relaxed minutely.

"Well, Slytherin would be okay and all, but I still think those kids might

treat me funny."

"Yes, well, that remains to be seen, I suppose."

Mark shrugged, unconcerned. "So long as it's not Hufflepuff or Gryffindor,

I reckon. The one's too boring and the others don't seem to think all that

much before they act."

Heru raised his eyes and sent up a silent prayer, then realized Severus

seemed to be doing the same thing. He blinked and said, "I'm sure

Ravenclaw is just fine. They have a reputation for weighing things

carefully before they act, and don't seem to get bogged down in surface


Mark nodded vaguely as he scooped more eggs into his mouth.

Later that morning Heru and Severus stopped by to see Albus.

"You might be interested to know," said Albus with a twinkle, "that I

received word this morning that Dolores Umbridge will no longer be

gracing us with her presence."

Heru heaved a sigh of relief and flopped into a chair. "Blessed be."

"Apparently, Cornelius is now much too busy with the problem of

Voldemort to send her off to find fault with us, and professes to need her

with him during this difficult time."

"What is the situation on Lucius?" asked Severus.

"Ah, yes. Thank you for reminding me, dear boy. Alastor reports that he

was called to Voldemort not long after the evening edition of the paper

was sent out. He has graciously included a copy of his memory of that

encounter, for us to view." Albus rooted around in his desk for a moment

and produced a pensieve. "I really should buy more of these. They're

coming in quite handy all of a sudden."

Heru gave the headmaster a patient look. "Is it better to display, or

should we immerse ourselves?"

"Alastor did not say, so we shall just have to jump in, won't we?"

Heru rose and stepped up to the desk, Severus coming to stand at his

side. A moment later, they were inside the memory. The perspective was

a little odd, but not nearly as much so as when Heru had shared his

memory after using his distance spell.

"Well?" demanded Voldemort.

"My lord, though Peter's answers were occasionally cut off, I am quite sure

they asked him a great deal more once the gallery was cleared. One of those

questions involved the location of where the Potter boy was taken—Peter

was able to mention that you had an estate before he was stopped. Fudge

was not present after the initial questioning, so I am not sure what else they

might have asked, but it would be reasonable to assume they interrogated

him for additional names aside from Barty Crouch Jr."

"What of Slytherin?"

"They did not use veritaserum on anyone but Peter, my lord. Slytherin

appeared to have no idea what he'd done. He claims to have simply noticed

Peter while watching his son playing at quidditch, saw the silver paw, and

stunned him for capture as an oddity. It was not until he brought it to

Dumbledore that Slytherin learned who it was."

"So it is possible he was not telling the entire truth of the matter."

"Yes, my lord."

"If so, he is a very clever man to keep his options open. Either way, he has

managed to steal another minion from my service. Have you found nothing

else out about him?"

"I have been trying, my lord. He has covered his tracks exceedingly well."

"I didn't ask for excuses, Lucius. I asked for results. Crucio!"

Lucius managed to hold himself upright against the debilitating effects of

the spell, and to keep from voicing his pain. When he started to crumble,

though, Voldemort lifted the curse. "It pains me when you force me to do

this to you, Lucius," he said with patent insincerity and mock regret. "You

were doing quite splendidly, and then you go and tell me things like you

were merely trying. I do wish you'd buck up and make me happy."

"I live only to serve you, my lord," Lucius rasped.

"Of course you do, Lucius. You're one of my most loyal purebloods, aren't

you? And I'm very fond of you. Really, I am. But if you make failure a habit,

I might not find it so easy to forgive you."

"Yes, my lord."

"That's my good man. Now, you're going to draft out a letter to Slytherin.

Something subtle, I think. Something to see if we can determine which side

of this conflict he leans toward. After all, one would think that as a fellow

Slytherin of the blood he would be inclined to think as our ancestor did,

despite what he currently allows the world to see. If indeed he is trying to

court my attention with what he has done to Severus, he is wise to appear

enamored of the Light so as to dispel suspicion. Yes, I think that will serve

for the moment, Lucius. See to it."

"As you command, my lord."

Heru found himself abruptly back in Albus's office, and promptly sat

down and grimaced.

"We can," Albus said after a pause, "always come up with a suitably

ambiguous response to whatever it is Lucius sends you, Heru."

— — —

Heru flipped the envelope over in his hands restlessly. He didn't

particularly want to open it. He had, of course, already checked it for any

magic and knew it was quite safe, if you discounted what was written

inside. He had been playing with it for perhaps ten minutes before

Severus's curiosity got the better of him and he snatched it from Heru's

hands, giving a quiet snort as he broke the seal and tipped out the

contents. A second later he slapped it down in front of Heru and stared


Mr Slytherin,

I trust this greeting finds you in good health. I must say, I was quite

intrigued by our short encounter not so long ago. One could almost say you

were the very twin of our dear Salazar if the existing portraits are anything

to go by. Have you, by chance, a portrait of him in your chamber?

I have decided, after much careful consideration, to extend to you one of

the business opportunities I mentioned in passing. And, of course, by proxy

to Severus, who has always been steadfast in his appreciation of all that

Slytherin has had to offer.

I speak, naturally, of your particular talents. It had occurred to me that it

might be a wise venture for me to back your next book, or series of books.

Several topics came to mind when I considered the idea, though the one

that stood out was an analysis of our population, showing the breakdown of

pureblood, half blood, muggleborn, and squib, as well as potential cause

and effect factors.

I appreciate that you are busy with your position as Professor of Divination,

so I know that it might take you a few days to think the matter over and



Lucius Malfoy

"He calls this subtle?" Heru passed the letter back to Severus to read. "He

just about comes out and asks if we're on board, or stupid. I'm still not

sure which."

Severus shushed him and continued to skim the contents, then dropped it

to the table and looked up. "I see what you mean. How do you plan to


"Well, for one thing, I don't need anyone to back me up with wealth. I've

quite enough of my own, thank you very much. I didn't exactly lose

money on the Potions texts either. So why, exactly, would I cut someone

else in on the deal that I didn't even trust, never mind want to get to



"Actually, I'd already thought of doing a book on why squibs were born,

but what he's asking for is ridiculous. I would have to be stupid, or naïve,

or in agreement with his aims to consider writing that kind of work."

"That doesn't say how you plan to answer."

"No. I'll have to draft something out and let you read it over. Possibly

Albus, as he is quite a master at being infuriatingly vague."

Severus grunted and stood up long enough to return with writing

supplies. "Then you may as well get started, hm?"

Mr Malfoy,

Your greeting found me in good health, and I trust you are also well. I

would extend that to your son, but of course I see him most every day here

at Hogwarts and know that he is fine. While I am not sure what you found

so intriguing during our encounter, I am nonetheless flattered at your


I do, actually, own a portrait of our dear Salazar, it having been passed

down through the generations by my family, though I must say, I do not

have a chamber set aside strictly for such things. I have seen some very fine

examples, however, one of which displayed a number of objects which

typified my family's interests.

On the matter of my writing, I am currently in the middle of a rather more

thorough version of the events during the Founding of Hogwarts, though I

do have notes somewhere for a work on the morality of power, having often

thought it was a shame that no one has had the courage to sit down and

write a rousing treatise on when power is its own justification, and at which

point morality, or at least a common code of behavior, must step in to assist

in setting the rules under which we live as a society. And, of course,

enforcers of those rules.

Your offer of backing is quite appreciated, but I'm afraid I must decline. The

equipment I use is already paid for, and the modest profits from my first

venture will serve well to accommodate the cost of temporary employees in

the future when the need again arises.

You see, I feel I would be doing you a disservice, as I do not anticipate any

meaningful returns on my efforts for some time. In any case, I am quite

comfortable, and had not even considered bringing in outside funding until

you mentioned it. It is something I will keep in mind for the future of

Slytherin Press, especially if other authors flock to that banner to seek to

publish their work.

The subject of your idea is interesting, bringing to mind that I had

considered a statistical analysis of squibs born into pureblood families,

wondering greatly why such an event occurs. At the moment, though, the

sheer breadth of your concept is more than I wish to undertake given the

workload I am currently under. As it is, I am relieved that the genealogy I

was creating for an acquaintance of mine is finally complete and delivered.

In closing, let me state that should you come across a different venture you

believe I might entertain interest in, I would be pleased to hear you out.


Heru Slytherin

Severus read over his response with a slight smile on his face. "I think

you've done a fine job in each section of playing both sides of the fence,

not to mention slapping him down once or twice. Several things you've

said could go either way, but I think in the end this comes out as

ambiguous as you could wish for. And it even hints at something you


"Should I even bother to show it to Albus?"

"I don't see why, but he might get that look if you don't."

Heru shrugged. "Then I'll make a copy of both and send them up with

Praecino. I'm sure he wouldn't mind visiting with Fawkes. Albus can let

me know what he thinks, and I can send out the response sometime this


The letter went out on Wednesday, sent in an envelope sealed with the

Slytherin family crest. By that Sunday another had arrived. Heru was

tempted to just let Severus deal with it, but knew he'd never be let off the

hook. And by then, Mark was occasionally eating at the Gryffindor table,

sitting next to Ron. Heru could only imagine it had something to do with

chess, or quidditch. So it was that he was sitting at the head table that

morning when Lucius's second missive appeared. After showing Severus

the crest, he schooled his face to blankness and read.

Mr Slytherin,

I find myself curious as to what it is that you consider as being typical of

your family's interests. With such a heritage as your own, one would

imagine there is a great deal of speculation surrounding you and your son.

However, I can clearly see that your interests are wide and varied.

I would never have guessed you dabbled in genealogy for the sake of others,

though I can appreciate your relief at the project's end as I expect it would

take a great deal of time to do such research with the unfortunately

incomplete records we so often hold at this time.

On your other current ventures, I must say they are impressive in scope.

Indeed, I am somewhat shocked that you did not mention plans for new

textbooks on divination. I have taken the time to browse through some of

what you have published for potions and am amazed at the time and care

you must have taken. That there are formulas included that even I have

never before seen is unexpected and welcome.

Your brief description on the morality of power sounds fascinating and I

urge you to consider locating the notes you speak of. There are many who

would be interested to see the results of such an undertaking. I also imagine

that you must hold a great deal in the way of family history at your

fingertips to be able to tackle a project such as the Founding.

In closing, it occurs to me that your son must nearly be of age for school

himself. If you have not yet commissioned a portrait of him, I would be

happy to recommend the services of someone reputable.


Lucius Malfoy

Heru casually laid the letter flat on the table next to his plate so that

Severus could eye it as he ate, then began to eat himself. A glance up to

check on Mark revealed that his son was fine, though when his gaze

came back around he noticed Draco eyeing him. After several minutes he

said in a low tone, "Is he always this obsequious?"

"You will remember, Heru, that you are suspected of being the one who

can remove his master's mark of service. That makes you as powerful, or

more so, than the Dark Lord in his eyes."

Heru snorted softly. "So I suddenly deserve to be fawned over?"

Severus looked over with an arched brow. "No, just respected."

"You do notice he's picked up on every likely reference but one and

ignored the rest."

"Of course. He seeks to guide the flow in a particular direction."

"I suppose it would be no harm to confirm I am a parselmouth. I'm most

interested in tweaking the bit on genealogy though. You know what I'm

after. And, I wonder what the younger Malfoy will be reporting to his

father this evening."

"Were you planning on taking Lucius up on his offer?"

"What, the portrait? I don't know. I can't imagine he'd recommend

someone without talent, but I would expect it to be a sympathizer at the

very least. Could be useful, maybe not. But if I did, I sure as hell wouldn't

let Mark sit alone."

"And yet, by doing so, you might make him more of a target then he may

already be. Assuming, of course, that a portrait artist would spend time

questioning his subject."

"It wouldn't matter. I don't have any intention of letting Mark sit for a

complete stranger whether it's Lucius or I who chose the artist. I would

be there."

"I'm not criticizing, Heru, just pointing out possibilities."

"I understand that, and at one point I had every intention of leaving the

country if necessary to keep Mark safely out of politics."

"But not now."

"No. Not now."

26. One Clue Too Many

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Reviewer comment-inspired scene coming up. I figured, since the

conversation wrote itself out in my head, I may as well use it, right? (You

know who you are.)

— 25: One Clue Too Many —

As a change of subject Severus asked, "Have you even gone any further

with the book on the Founding?"

"No, but the material is there, sort of. Frankly, I'm finding that it's

singularly dry. I can only spend so much time recounting a list of things

in chronological order, and it's not very interesting."

"Then why not use that information, what you have of it, as an

introduction to something else?"


"Establish a timeline, assuming those people ever wrote down any

dates"—Severus flicked his eyes up briefly—"as an introduction into

Slytherin family history. You do have those journals of Caedryn's. And

Salazar's letter."

"Don't you think that's a bit like airing the family's dirty laundry in


"What's there to air? They lived a very long time ago. And it might serve

to show that the reputation of Slytherin house as we see it today is not

what it was. What I've read in those journals—and I would like to see

more, by the way—is a detailed account of life during that age by

someone who lived it."

"I suppose so," said Heru doubtfully. In point of fact, he could write an

account from his own perspective, detailing the slowly deteriorating

relationship between the founders and the breech between brothers. For

him, though, Caedryn's journals were a bit of a sore point. To Severus, his

eldest son was long since dead and dust. To Heru, he'd only just seen him

a little over a year ago.

Heru brought his eyes back to rest on Severus. "Have you ever wondered?

Why is it that Voldemort does so little? Was he always like that?"

"I'm not sure I follow you."

"Always so . . . laid back. No, let me explain. It seems as though, and

again, maybe it has always been this way, that he rules his people

through a combination of power and fear. He doesn't actually do much of

anything personally aside from torture or kill when he's angered. It's his

people who go out on raids."

"Why expend his own energy when he has people who believe in his aims

enough to do so for him? And with the structure of the Dark Mark as you

described it, anyone marked would do well to obey lest they be killed. In

any case, there has been so very little activity since his rebirth that a

comparison lacks evidence to work with."

"Yes, but what if he can't? He couldn't even be reborn without the help of

his people."

"Are you trying to suggest that he's holding things together with the

appearance of power—not substance?"

"Perhaps. I suppose we'll know more as time goes on. The fact that he can

kill on whim based on what he set up years ago. . . ." Heru shrugged. "All

he would need is enough power to create more Marks, cast a few

unforgivables here and there—and those depend a lot on emotion and

will—and sit back and enjoy things as his people scurry around. Fear and

intimidation are powerful allies, but that does not mean you are


"I don't know. But as breakfast is ending, the subject is better continued

at another time." Severus pushed back his chair and rose.

Heru snatched up the letter and folded it, tucked it back into the

envelope, and got up as well. He ignored it for several days before even

thinking of writing a response. Lucius had gotten back to him much too

quickly as it was. The last thing he wanted was to be writing to Lucius

several times a week for however long it lasted, as though they were

penpals. And as yet, Moody and Sirius had not reported anything

untoward about Lucius's activities.

Friday breakfast brought about the beginning of the close to that week,

and an article in The Daily Prophet that certain people found to be of

some interest. It was reported that a fellow by the name of Broderick

Bode had been found wandering aimlessly around the Ministry, though

the exact location within the building was not specified. He had been

taken to St. Mungo's when it became apparent that not only did he seem

confused, he could not speak properly, either, resorting to primitive

grunts and nonsensical hand gestures.

That evening Albus called in some of the key people within the Order.

Nothing much was accomplished aside from people learning that Albus

was quite curious as to why Bode was in the condition he was. And, as no

one had any bright ideas they were willing to share on how to find out,

the meeting broke up within a half hour.

The next morning Heru went on a little trip. After he arrived at Diagon

Alley—and, incidentally, changed his appearance completely—he

stopped in at one of the shops for a small trinket, then floo'd to St.

Mungo's and asked after the Bode man. He was directed to the fourth

floor's Janus Thickey ward. He stayed only for five minutes, dropping off

the get well gift he had purchased as an excuse, then left and apparated

back to Hogwarts, correcting his appearance the second he arrived.

A minute later, his son swept through to drag him off to the Gryffindor/

Slytherin quidditch match; Slytherin won, though not by much. Mark

babbled about the game incessantly up to and right through lunch, going

over every play he could remember while it was all still fresh in his mind.

Seeing the game had given Heru tip-of-the-tongue syndrome, though.

There was something he ought to remember, but couldn't.

When lunch was consumed, and Mark had run off to find some of the

people he had become friendly with, Heru grabbed a scrying bowl and

filled it with water. Severus found him some minutes later, staring

intently into its depths. Heru eventually looked up, and noticed Severus

was there. "Interesting. We should go see Albus."

Albus was actually present, causing the idle thought in Heru's mind of

whether Albus was always present unless he was asleep, eating, or in

transit. "You were curious about that Bode fellow," Heru said.

"Yes. Have you managed to uncover something?"

"I paid him a little visit to get a better sense of who he is, then did some

scrying. He was being controlled with the imperius curse." Heru nodded

when Albus sat forward. "He was sent to get at the prophecy you showed


"Potter is already dead. Why go after it?"

"Voldemort only knows the beginning of the prophecy, enough to identify

what month the child was born in. His spy was discovered before they

could hear the entirety. Obviously, he wishes to know it all," said Albus.

"It exists, that is the only justification he needs."

"Well, you don't want him to know," said Heru. "You've considered this


"No," said Albus in a tired voice, "I had not."

"Isn't there some way you can have it replaced?"

"There are only certain people who can touch the sphere held in the

Department of Mysteries. Harry Potter, Voldemort, and one of the

keepers. One is dead, one would be very unlikely to appear himself, and

the keepers—I do not know if the Ministry would be willing to cooperate.

And, as there are a number of leaks within, Voldemort would probably

know of the switch almost as soon as it was made."

"So it was touching it that made Bode . . . unbalanced."

"If that is what he did, then yes. Simply a part of the protections. The

spheres can only be removed from the archive by those named on it, and

the keepers. I shall have to think on this. Thank you for informing me of

your discovery."

Heru took that as a dismissal and left to return with Severus to their

quarters. Once inside he paced around the room restlessly. He could

remove it, or thought he could. He wasn't actually certain, having bonded

into another family. He had no idea how Albus would react to the

suggestion either.

He came to an abrupt halt and looked up in surprise when Severus

stepped in front of him. "You've been very clever, you know. I admit that

it took me quite a while to put the pieces together and finally see the


"Severus, what are you talking about?"

"It was all there. Tiny bits scattered all around. I'm surprised I didn't

realize it sooner. I'm not usually so dense."

Heru was really perplexed, though whatever it was that Severus meant he

didn't seem upset, just slightly annoyed with himself.

"Shall I explain?" Severus offered.

"Please," Heru said, spreading his hands in the air.

"Let me think of where to begin. You arrived here seemingly out of

nowhere, bearing the true name of Slytherin. You never went to

Hogwarts—I don't have to check to know that—and I sincerely doubt you

attended Beauxbatons or Durmstrang, either. You are undeniably a

parselmouth. You had a surprisingly good grasp on many aspects of the

situation we were in for having popped out from under a cabbage leaf."

"There is such a thing as being home-schooled, Severus," Heru pointed


"Indeed. However, the portrait of Salazar's brother apparently knew you,

and intimated as much to your son. Granted, the latter could be

explained away by the multitude of Slytherin family treasures you seem

to keep revealing."

"Ever heard of Gringotts?"

"Of course, but you do not have a vault there. Only your son does. And,

speaking of Mark, he also raises questions. You see, while I have no

doubt he is of the Slytherin blood line, I do not believe he is your natural


"I can't imagine why."

"You said once that his mother was not your wife, and that you didn't

care much for the experience. At the time I accepted the obvious

meaning, but it could have referred to several things. Curious, I did a

little checking. Were you aware that in the Book of Souls there is a male

child's name that is blurred out? A child named Mark? And that Marcus

Slytherin appears now where he had not before. I know that must be

true, as Minerva goes over the entries every year in preparation of

sending out letters, and she would have mentioned seeing him listed. I

think you already know that children listed in the book who die are lined

out, not blurred."

Heru was getting very uncomfortable, edging away slightly.

"How exactly he now appears as Marcus Slytherin I am not sure, but I

would be willing to bet that in a likewise manner, Heru Slytherin is not

your original name. You knew the way to the Chamber of Secrets as

though you had been there before. You were deeply affected by the letter

we found there as well."

"You had an ancestor," Severus continued mercilessly, "that very

conveniently placed specific memories in a pensieve for the generations

ahead, and whose eldest son made sure to leave behind a record to his

supposedly dead father, almost as though he knew those words would be

read. You know magic so ancient that no one else alive today

understands it or has even heard of it, and you can talk to the castle and

understand her."

"Severus, I don't understand the point of all this. What you're implying is


"Is it? I also find it interesting that your middle names, Servius Tychon

Anselm, are also those of the original Heru's sons, aside from his eldest,

Caedryn. Your family must have quite a tradition for you to end up with

that particular mix."

"Severus, I really don't want to talk about this. It's a waste of time. We

have more important things to worry about."

"Oh, but I do want to talk about it—Harry."

Heru sat down abruptly. "No. That's not my name. That's not who I am."

"I agree. It is not who you are—now. Do not misunderstand me, Heru. I

am neither angry or upset, nor do I harbor feelings of being betrayed,

used, or mocked. The sorting hat was more right about you than anyone

could have possibly imagined. How this is possible I don't know, but it is

obvious to me that whatever we entombed in the glade was some kind of

poppet. Your scrying earlier was the last piece I needed to be convinced

to confront you on this."

Severus moved forward to stand directly in front of him and cupped

Heru's face gently with his hands. "I'm not going to tell anyone. I just

want to know what happened."

"You didn't even like Harry," Heru protested inanely.

"No, I did not. That is currently beside the point. I do like you a great


Heru spent what felt like minutes looking into Severus's eyes searchingly,

trying to come to a decision. Finally he sighed heavily and dropped his

gaze. "All right. Come with me." When Severus released his face and

stepped back, Heru stood and led the way back to his portrait. He

hesitated, then used his wand to slash his palm open. He placed his hand

against the portrait, hissed the password, then gestured for Severus to

enter before him.

"Dear Merlin," Severus breathed, taking a good look around.

After a quick conversation with the portrait guardian on that side, Heru

grabbed Severus's arm and led him off to his study. He sat down behind

his desk and hunched over, burying his face in his hands. "All right. It is

true. I was Harry Potter, and Mark is not my son by birth." When he

looked back up he saw Severus examining the portraits hung on the walls

with great interest, though they were currently sleeping. "Yes, that's

everyone," Heru said. "Godric, Rowena, Helga, my brother Salazar, and

all my children. And, my wife Regan."

Severus looked back over his shoulder at him, then moved to sit down. "I

have no doubt there is a fascinating explanation, if you wish to share it."

Heru closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, then said, "Yes,

rather. Fascinating would be the right word, I suppose. Well, as you

probably already realize, it started the night of the third task and ended,

or perhaps I mean began for real, when I turned fifteen." Heru gave

Severus a summary of what had happened to him, and where he had

found himself awakening next. From there, he skimmed over his years

during the time of the founders, and when he had finally realized he

would be returning to the present.

Severus seemed particularly interested in the concept of blood bonding

and that Heru still knew how to give a person the metamorphmagus

ability, but overall he listened with rapt attention to every word Heru

said. Part way through the portraits had woken up, and all of them were

nodding through most of the recitation and throwing in comments of

their own. He also explained to Severus why Mark had become his son,

and gestured at the tapestry he had made years ago to illustrate.

"So that's why you've been so insistent on tracing back the blood line."

"Yeah. I wanted to know who Salazar must have become since Tom

Riddle and Tonks didn't appear on my own, and his portrait wasn't

willing to say anything about it, or couldn't."

"This is almost too fantastical to believe, but I understand why you've

never told anyone these secrets."

"Severus, it's difficult enough being a Slytherin in this age without people

finding out by some odd twist of fate that I'm their dead hero as well."

Heru managed to produce a smile finally.

"I shall enjoy being one up on Albus," Severus said with a sly expression

of pleasure.

"I considered telling you, Severus," he said with a rather hangdog

expression, "but. . . ."

"Naturally you worried that I would react poorly."

"You might say that, yes. But you would have been my only choice. I see

most things a lot differently now. I had plenty of time to think, and a lot

of experiences to assimilate. Harry would never have received that

chance had he lived. Er, I mean—"

Severus held up a hand to stop him. "I understand. And I've had my own

opportunity to see things differently. That makes it possible for me to be

almost delighted that you fooled me for so long, given the results."

"So, are we still . . . us?"

"I have one question."

Heru nodded.

"Were we to bond, to marry, would it be possible for Mark to be bonded

to me as his other father, as he was to you?"

Godric answered before Heru could speak. "Of course! Heru might not

know how without disturbing the existing bond, but we do." He flashed a

wide, pleased smile. "In fact, we could do a real marriage bond if you

liked, not whatever tosh it is you people do then. Now. Whatever." He

flapped his hand in dismissal of a minor detail.

Heru twisted around to look at the portraits, vaguely surprised that none

of them seemed unduly upset over the fact that his marriage to Regan

had been more of a sham than anything, and that his heart belonged to

another man. The ladies, perhaps, he could understand, but the others?

They noticed his expression and simply smiled. Obviously his children

had been brought up to speed well after the fact, as had Regan.

"Er, right," he said when he turned back to face Severus.

"Even without, we would still be us, as you put it."

"Well, then, care to see the rest of my real home?" Heru offered, feeling

vastly relieved on several accounts.

"I would love to."

Heru showed him everything, though the library of carefully preserved

books from the past was what Severus found most enticing, ending up in

the lounge some time later. "You realize, of course, that if we did things

Godric's way, you'd end up as Severus Slytherin."


"You also realize that—actually, maybe I didn't explain that part. I'm not

saying this to dissuade you, either. If Mark is bonded to the both of us as

his parents, we'll have to keep a close eye on his appearance. It'd

probably start changing and we'd have to remind him to stick with what

he looks like now."

Severus arched a brow and said, "Have you even spoken to him about


"No, but I think he's made it pretty clear he approves. Severus, I'm

worried about you. If someone had forced you to speak the truth prior to

this, they'd have only encountered a suspicion and thought you were

crazy. Now you know the truth."

"The same could be said for you."

"Yes, I know, but I never planned on—"

"The key word being planned."

Heru glared at him.

"My dear Heru, are you trying to tell me that you are somehow

miraculously immune to veritaserum? Or that the possibility does not

exist that you could be interrogated? You are displaying those

distressingly Gryffindor tendencies again."

"Oh, shut up. I thought I'd buried that part of myself years ago. And no,

I'm not immune that I know of, but I can see it when my drink is spiked,

as Albus found out to his chagrin. They'd have to knock me out cold to

dose me properly. I can unweave spells, remember? And I don't need a


That wiped the smirk right off Severus's face. "You win that round. So,

does any of this explain your pacing earlier?"

Heru shrugged. "I was him. Does it still count enough for me to remove

or replace that sphere? Or would I have to weave something else to hold

back the existing protections or remove them?"

"Considering that magically speaking you are not him any longer, I would

not care to see you risk your mind in the attempt."

"Magically speaking, his name is Tom Riddle, not Lord Voldemort. You

tell me the odds that it has his real name on it."

"Then I suggest we wait to see what Albus dreams up. In the meantime,

perhaps you should answer that blasted letter from Lucius before he

charges up to the school to visit his son?"

When they did leave, had they bothered to check, they would have seen

no trace of blood on the portrait. It had been absorbed, exactly as


— — —

Mr Malfoy,

I should think that would be self evident. Potions have always been one of

the primary interests of the Slytherin family, though I would have to say it

vies with serpents. Then again, that can hardly be a wonder considering our

tendency toward being born as parselmouths. It is always much more the

thing to obtain venom supplies from willing subjects, and snakes can be

quite amusing creatures to speak with. I have often found myself convulsed

with laughter listening to runespoors, for example. Though, it may be

possible that I am overgeneralizing.

As for genealogy, I'm afraid I do not have the time nor patience to spend

countless hours sifting through musty old books in search of marriage,

birth, and death records. I employ a far more sophisticated method of

creating a family tapestry, though I admit they go only backward or

forward, and do not fill in the lateral gaps.

I have considered textbooks for divination, especially if I end up staying on

at Hogwarts. The current selection, though no doubt written by gifted seers,

is not to my personal tastes, much like the potions texts were not. I find

them obscure and misleading, if I may be so blunt as to say so, very often

leading the aspirant into the grey fog of failure if they are without a capable

hand to guide them.

Only some of my knowledge comes by way of my family's historical

treasures, but there is certainly enough from ancient times for me to

undertake certain projects. Indeed, they are no doubt the source of the

potions you were were unfamiliar with. My thoughts on the morality of

power come from a much broader range of source material, however.

As I understand, you were in Slytherin house during your years here at

Hogwarts, so perhaps you will share your opinion with me on something. It

was recently pointed out to me that as I hold a number of journals written

by our dear Salazar's nephew, I should consider publishing them. I remain

undecided on this matter.

Regarding portraiture, my son is coming up on the age when I would

consider having one done, though I have not yet begun looking for an

skilled artisan. If you have a recommendation, I would be happy to hear it.


Heru Slytherin

27. Finessing Situations

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Nothing important, aside from saying that I haven't bothered to

correct Severus's presumed middle name.

— 26: Finessing Situations —

When Heru and Severus apparated back to their quarters, Mark was

nowhere to be found and it was just about time for dinner. A quick check

with the castle revealed the boy to be headed for the Great Hall, so Heru

joined Severus at the head table, finally spotting his son sitting at the

Ravenclaw table with a bunch of first years. And, when the meal was

over, Heru made sure to collect his son and bring him back to their

quarters, and into Mark's room.

"There's something I wanted to talk to you about," Heru said.


"What do you think of Severus?"

"I think he's great," said Mark, taking a seat on his bed.

Heru rubbed the back of his neck. "Yes, but—all right, how do you feel

about him?"

"Oh!" Mark grinned. "How do you feel about him, father?"

"If your behavior is anything to go by, I think you already know the

answer to that question," Heru temporized.

"Isn't the same true for you?" Mark countered.

Heru narrowed his eyes and frowned. "Are you happy living here with

him? Would you miss him if we were to move elsewhere?"

Mark's eyes widened. "You aren't thinking of leaving, are you? I don't

want to go! I won't!"

"So your answers to the questions would be. . . ?"

Mark scowled and banged his heel against the bed frame.

"I'm waiting."

"Yes and yes."

"And how you feel about him. . . ?"

"You never let me have any fun," Mark whined. "He's like another father

to me, all right?"

"Would you like him to be that for real?"

Mark immediately brightened back up. "Really?"

"Yes, really. I take it you think that's a good idea, then."

"Of course I do!"

"Even though he can be very strict?"

Mark dropped his eyes for a moment. "He hasn't been, though."

"He can be, Mark. Don't ever doubt that. And he isn't the most

demonstrative of people."

"But I know he cares. Does he want to be my other father?"

"Yes, he does. And I mean in the same sense as I am."

"So you two really are. . . ."

Heru nodded. "Just like before, I'm giving you a choice, and I want you to

make it knowing that if done, it cannot be undone. I would very much

like to marry Severus, but if you're unhappy about any of this, I would

wait until you were an adult."

"No! I want to."

"You don't want any time to think about it first?"

Mark shook his head vigorously. "Can we go tell him?"


Mark bounced off the bed and whipped the door open, racing off. Heru

followed at a slightly more sedate pace, but was in time to see his son

fling himself onto a rather startled Severus, who was sitting on the couch.

Heru leaned against the wall and waited.

"So what would I call you?" demanded Mark.

Severus glanced over at Heru and arched a brow, then said, "That would

depend. Since he"—he pointed at Heru—"already lays claim to 'father,' I

suppose it would have to be 'dad.' I absolutely refuse to have anyone

calling me 'pops' or 'pa.'"

He gave a slight shudder, and Heru could not decide if it was the thought

of being called 'dad' as opposed to 'father,' or just a reaction to the even

less dignified terms.

Mark grinned, then twisted around to look at Heru. "I thought I wasn't

supposed to talk about that. So how come. . . ?"

"You still aren't. It's a family secret."

"When?" Mark asked.

Heru inhaled with a hiss. "That's a good question. But, Mark, for the time

being, you won't mention any of this to anyone. You remember what I

told you when I bonded you in the first place. Some things just aren't safe

to talk about. Until it is, I'd rather you keep quiet on these changes."

"All right, father. When are you getting married? You did ask already,

didn't you?"

Heru exchanged a look with Severus. "Um, sort of. . . ."

"I suggest," said Severus, "that you double check your source before we

decide on the timing of both issues."

"Mm. Yes, let me go do that." Heru apparated to his study and tapped on

Godric's portrait until he woke up.

"Hello, Heru!"

"I had a question for you, about the bondings."


"Would it be better for me to bond Severus to me first? Or Mark to


Godric furrowed his brow, then said, "It wouldn't matter. But if you were

going for the preferred order, I'd say Severus to you first."

"All right. How long would that take? I already know Mark to Severus is

about a week."

"The same amount of time, really. You could prepare for both and do

them back to back."

"You really . . . aren't upset?"

"Why should I be? You did your duty, Heru. And I must say, your sons

turned out to be fine men. Now you can do as your heart requires."

"Would you refresh my memory on how the bonding ceremony works for

marriage, then?"

"Well, first. . . ."

Heru returned to Severus and Mark when Godric was finished and took a

seat on the couch. "Both take the same amount of time, a week. It is

preferable to do the marriage first."

Severus nodded. "Would we need to be any particular place?"

"Er, yes, actually." He paused and frowned. "Well, no. I could get around

that little detail. It's not like I used a permanent sticking charm." Noticing

Mark's confused look he waved a hand in dismissal. "Nothing to be

concerned about. He's just going to guide us through things," he said


"Then what do we need to do to get started?"

— — —

Albus called an Order meeting for the next afternoon, and Heru brought

Mark with him so he could visit with Flick and Guin. In point of fact, he

wasn't comfortable leaving his son at the castle when both he and

Severus were elsewhere. That it wasn't entirely rational he discounted.

"It has come to my attention that Bode was sent in, controlled by the

imperius curse, to obtain the prophecy sphere regarding Voldemort and

Harry Potter. If Voldemort were to succeed in getting his hands on it, it is

possible that he too may come to one of the conclusions we did, that

being the potential for an unknown third party. On the other hand, he

might well conclude that he has already won. I am opening the floor to

suggestions as to how to react to this event."

"Set guards!"

"Remove it!"

"Replace it!"

"He'd never dare go after it directly!"

The suggestions and arguments went on for some time before Albus

called things to order.

"We could set guards, though it would mean most of you would need to

stand duty overnight in rotation, keeping watch on the entrance to the

Department of Mysteries. If Voldemort did in fact personally appear to

obtain the sphere, we would only know that he had, as I would not

expect any of you to risk your lives dueling him alone."

He peered over the rims of his spectacles. "But consider that in doing so,

if he were to realize our actions it would make him that much more

intent on getting it. As to removal or replacement, only one of the

archive keepers has the power to handle those spheres while they reside

under the protection of the Ministry. So, if we cannot manage one of

those, keeping watch would mean simply that, with no attempts at


"We can get a list of Unspeakables—isn't there any way to figure out

which ones are keepers, and then which one might be open to a little side


"Possibly," Albus replied. "But it would need to be a person who would

not speak of what he or she had done. If one of you is able to discreetly

obtain a list, I shall see what can be done."

When the meeting broke up, Albus held back Heru for a minute before

they returned to the school. "If a list were made available, would you be

able to divine anything from it, even not knowing the actual people?"

Heru shrugged. "The limitations of each type of divination are peculiar.

In the case of Bode, I had to at least meet him because of the method I

used. However, that shouldn't be necessary for the information you're

after. All I can say is, get me a copy of the list and I'll do all that I can do

pinpoint a likely candidate."

Albus nodded. "We shall see, then."

— — —

Saturday brought about many things. A new letter arrived from Lucius,

which Heru promptly ignored in favor of other activities. A list arrived

from Albus of Unspeakables, which Heru also promptly ignored in favor

of other activities. Once breakfast was over and he, Severus, and Mark

had retired to the privacy of their quarters, Heru took a few minutes to

fetch the portrait of Godric from his study and hang it in Severus's


Godric was in an exceptionally good mood, despite having been

reminded again not to reveal anything to Mark. Before they started Heru

quipped to Severus, "Just try not to sign any magical contracts for a

while, eh?"

An hour later, Severus had become Severus Rhys Marcus Snape Slytherin,

bonded mate of Heru. His comment after the fact was, "This isn't done

much differently in this time period as I understand it, though the process

has been puffed up a great deal with nonsense. Of course, blood is not

usually a component, nor are modern ceremonies designed to be

permanent in quite the same sense."

"Blood magic isn't normally practiced in this day," Heru pointed out. "I

expect it's on the list of forbidden magic, or at least categorized as dark. I

never bothered to check."

"There's nothing wrong with it unless you've got a twisted, perverted

mind," interjected Godric huffily.

"I know, Godric," Heru reassured him, "and we aren't that kind of people.

Severus, the main difference is that you gain my gifts, at least in

potential, and I gain yours. Assuming we were male and female, our

children would have a much better chance of being born with them


Severus nodded his understanding and said "Shall we move on to the next


"Give it a half hour," said Godric. "Have a drink or a snack, exchange

gifts! You need a short rest, trust me."

"Speaking of gifts—I have something for you, Severus." Heru disappeared

for a minute and returned with a small sealed vial.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Yeah. But don't take it yet. Wait until after we're done, if you would."

Severus nodded and took the vial, placing it carefully into a pocket and

giving it a gentle pat. Though his mouth stayed straight, his eyes were


"Mark, there might be a side effect of the bonding I should mention. Now,

this didn't really happen with us because we already looked so much

alike, so—"

"What do you mean?"

"Be patient, I'm getting to it. Because you're a metamorphmagus, when

we add Severus to our bond as your second father, your appearance may

begin to change to reflect both of us. That's another thing we need to

keep under wraps for the time being, so if you notice anything like that

happening, I want you to keep focused on your current appearance, all

right?" said Heru.

"Oh, okay. I can do that."

"Good. Why don't you scare us up a snack like Godric suggested, and

after we've rested a little bit longer, we'll proceed."

Mark jumped up to go firecall the kitchens. They shortly had a selection

of nibblies and some drinks, and spent the next twenty minutes talking

about potions. Mark in particular wanted to be able to sit in during some

of Severus's first year classes, but that sort of decision rested with Albus.

Godric, who had been staring up at the top of his frame in boredom,

eventually cleared his throat loudly and said, "Right! Let us move along."

An hour after that suggestion, Severus had been inserted into the father-

son bond that Heru and Mark shared, tying the three of them together as

blood family. And as a family, they repaired to the Great Hall for lunch.

Afterward, Heru addressed his other two pressing projects for the day. As

he opened the letter from Lucius, Severus knocked back the contents of

the vial he had kept in his pocket. Heru pretended not to notice the

absolutely hideous face Severus pulled in response to the taste.

Mr Slytherin,

Your brief account of your genealogical methods sounds quite interesting,

though I expect it is, in its own way, tedious and painstaking as a process.

Do you often take on commissions for such work? I might know of someone

who would be greatly interested in such a prize for their own family. Indeed,

I myself may be interested. I trust that your work is conducted with the

utmost regard for personal privacy.

I am sometimes reminded of the maxim, "Those who can't, teach," but it

appears in your case that you are well equipped to do both when it comes to

a number of subjects. Quite the Renaissance man, I would say. Should I take

your comments on divination to mean that you are in fact gifted?

On the subject of the journals, I suppose that would depend on what you

would hope to accomplish by publishing them. If it is merely to expose one

man's accounting of that time period, I should think that a great many

people would be interested in what they would reveal. If you had some other

goal in mind, it would depend entirely on what they contained, correct?

I have enclosed a card for a reputable portrait artist, and taken the liberty

of sending him a short introduction in case you should decide to engage his



Lucius Malfoy

Severus took the letter when Heru was done and scanned it, snorting

once or twice as his eyes flicked over the words. "I see we're getting down

to the cauldron lining," he commented. "I confess to being curious on

whether the identity of the mysterious person he mentions is who we

might expect."

"I dare hope that it would be Voldemort, but I have to wonder if Lucius

has mentioned any of this yet. Moody and Sirius either haven't seen

anything of interest, or Albus hasn't passed reports along for being

irrelevant." Heru got a fresh sheet of parchment and laid it atop Lucius's

letter, then created a copy of the text. A second sheet of parchment

served as a note asking about any results of the interaction. After he had

folded both and shoved them into an envelope, he asked Praecino to

deliver them to Albus's desk.

Then he sighed.

"What is it?"

"This isn't what I wanted to be doing today," Heru replied.

"I am tempted to tell you that whining is best left to people who have

nothing better to do. However, as today is a bit of a special occasion,

perhaps we should take a breather, and return to these tasks in an hour

or so, or after dinner."

Heru arched a brow at his mate, then smiled slowly.

That evening Heru attacked the list of Unspeakables; fortunately it was

not long. After doing readings for each name he reordered them on a new

sheet, putting the most likely candidate at the top, and lining out those at

the bottom who would either categorically refuse any kind of requests

regarding their work, or were not archive keepers. He also put a rough

percentage next to each candidate, indicating the chances of success as

he saw things. That too was delivered up to Albus's desk thanks to

Praecino, along with the almost forgotten question as to whether Mark

could attend some of Severus's first year Potions classes.

"Lucius can wait until tomorrow," Heru said. "I don't feel like dancing

around any subjects right now. I just want to relax."

Severus, who had been reading a copy of Potions Monthly, laid it aside for

a moment to pull Heru down onto the couch so that his mate's head

rested in his lap. Then he picked up his publication again to read as he

ran his fingers through Heru's hair rhythmically.

Heru had just reached that state of drowsy relaxation where dreams

began and reality started to recede into sleep when Praecino flashed into

the room in a burst of flame, then dropped a note on Heru's chest. He

cursed under his breath and lifted his head so he could read it, then

cursed again and shoved it at Severus.

With a gesture he conjured a mirror to sit on the low table in front of

them, then tuned it to Lucius Malfoy. "Famous last words, right?" he said

in disgust, then gave his attention to the scene.

"Well, Lucius?"

"My lord, the Slytherin man should have received my latest letter this

morning, so I expect to receive a reply shortly, as before. Thus far he

confirmed several things about himself, but much of what he says is

maddeningly vague as to direction. I have brought you his letters." Lucius

held out a thin packet.

Several minutes later Voldemort said, "I see. And this genealogy he

mentions—how did you respond to it?"

"I intimated that I knew of someone who might wish for such a thing, my

lord, and that I myself might be interested, under the assumption that his

work was kept private. I thought that I could see exactly what it is that he

requires, then commission one for my own family, so that we might see the


"And divination—what is this about?"

"I suspect given the reports that come to me through Draco that he is

gifted, my lord. Assuming he were to ally himself with you, it could be of

great value to have such skills at your disposal. I saw no harm in trying to

confirm that suspicion."

Voldemort nodded, but remained silent for the moment.

"As you can see, nearly everything he says is fraught with double meaning,

my lord. He is either unwittingly clever, or very particular in what he says in

reply. One moment he sounds like a fitting person to stand at your side, and

the next like someone mired in neutrality."

"Yes, but that in itself is encouraging. Continue the correspondence. Now,

what of Severus?"

"He continues to act in the same manner as always in his classes, favoring

Slytherin students over all else, my lord. A seat is reserved at the head table

next to him for the Slytherin man, though it is not always used. When it is,

they converse steadily throughout the meal, though in far too low tones for

any of the students at the Slytherin table to overhear. Aside from his

interactions with that man and his son, Severus does not appear to have


"It is a shame that it is not you who holds the Defense position, Lucius."

"And deal with dozens of brats every hour, my lord?" Lucius looked

positively disgusted with the idea.

"You would do what I told you to do and be grateful for the opportunity to

please me, Lucius."

"Of course, my lord," he said hastily.

"However, there is no way that could happen unless the werewolf were

dead or incapacitated and Dumbledore was unable to find a replacement.

Though, I expect that Fudge might yet be willing to back your appointment

to the position were you to sweeten the pot for him."

Lucius didn't seem to think that required a reply.

"Fine. You have done well for the time being. If the Slytherin man is

willing—and you had better pray he is—give him a commission and bring

me the results directly you have them. If they prove out, I may consider one

for myself as proof of my heritage. You may go."

Lucius bowed deeply and departed.

Heru flipped the mirror up for the time being and laid his head back on

Severus's lap. If there is even the slightest chance, he thought, then closed

his eyes and addressed the castle, asking her if she would alert him if

Remus were in danger while within her confines.

—Of course. Or Severus.—

"What?" he said aloud, his eyes opening. "What do you mean Severus?"

"I beg your pardon?"

Heru shook his head at his mate and pointed up.

—Wait.— After a moment she said, —I like Severus, and you changed him

today. He can hear me now.—

"So it is a family thing?" he asked, noting that Severus had a sudden,

focused look on his face.

—Perhaps. I don't know. But I can warn him, too.—

"I don't see why not. Thank you. Also, since you can selectively modify

the apparation wards, do you think it would be possible to narrow that

down even further for a specific area?"

—What do you mean?—

Heru lifted his head and glanced around quickly; Mark was nowhere to

be seen or heard.

—Mark is with his Ravenclaw friends.—

"I mean underlake. Is it possible to restrict that to just me and Severus for

apparation rights?"

—I can do that.—

"Thank you, dear lady. As always, I appreciate your help."

—You're welcome.—

Heru said to Severus, "Were you able to follow all of that?"

"That has got to be the most peculiar conversation I have ever listened to,"

replied Severus with a blink. "Yes, I was. What did you originally ask?"

"I wanted to see if she would keep an eye out on Remus and warn me if

he were in danger."

Severus nodded in understanding of the underlying reason. "You weren't

thinking of telling those two anything, were you?"

Heru snorted. "I'll firecall Remus and tell him to be on his guard and why,

but aside from that? I already told you I'd planned on telling nobody. If I

form any kind of relationship with them, it will be as I am now. That's

all. Trust me, the temptation has not surfaced just because you were a bit

too curious for your own good."

Severus sneered and said, "Fine. So go warn the werewolf now and get

back here. I was enjoying myself before that damned note arrived."

— — —

Mr Malfoy,

You are correct in assuming a number of things.

Creating a family tapestry as I have been taught is indeed a tedious and

painstaking process, but one well worth the effort in my opinion. And I do

not feel that it is even my own business what appears on them—once I have

completed one it is rolled up to await the owner's arrival so that I may give

them a briefing on its use and what to expect from it.

They are certainly superior to other tapestries I have seen, which must be

updated manually and depend on an actual person to remember to do so,

and even then one is more apt to use a book. In any case, discretion is both

a virtue and a responsibility. So long as I am supplied with the necessary

materials and am adequately compensated when finished, that is all I need

or want to know.

If you wished to commission one we would need to discuss the price and the

requirements. I feel that would best be done in person, preferably here at

the castle.

In regard to your other question, I think I would be a poor teacher of

divination if I possessed no ability at it, so I shall say my current success

speaks for itself. You have my gratitude for both your opinion on the

journals and for the recommendation.


Heru Slytherin

28. Bad Faith

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Nothing important.

— 27: Bad Faith —

Heru made sure that Mark would safely be off with friends on the day

Lucius was to arrive. He and his mate were sitting in Severus's office

engaged in an idle discussion of the most recent issue of Potions

Advancements when the time came and a knock sounded at the open

door. Lucius strolled through a moment later, his white-blond hair loose

down his back in sharp contrast to the deep black of his cloak.

"Good morning, gentlemen," he said, coming to a stop a few steps into the



"Mr Malfoy. Would you care for some refreshment?" asked Heru, slipping

off the edge of the desk.

"Very kind of you. Perhaps some tea." Lucius stripped off his gloves and

tucked them into his pocket.

Heru summoned a house elf. "Would you be so kind as to prepare a tea

tray for three?"

"Of course, sir. Krell is being right back with sir's tea." After a quick look

at Lucius, the elf popped out.

Heru arranged a chair for himself so that it was angled, then gestured to

the other for Lucius to sit in. Severus was already seated behind his desk.

Heru sat down, then helped himself to a cup of tea after Krell popped

back in a moment later and he had thanked the elf.

"Let me explain a few things about these tapestries, if I may," began Heru,

continuing at a nod from Lucius. "The price is somewhat negotiable

depending on the client, though I never go above five hundred galleons. I

fear anything more would be wretched excess on my part." He paused to

smile and take a sip from his cup. "The actual creation process spans

seven days at which point, as I believe I mentioned, I store it until it can

be picked up. After completion it will begin to update itself on a daily

basis until the construct can no longer determine the proper connections."

"What, exactly, do you require in the way of materials?"

"Aside from a huge quantity of silk thread, which is no trouble for me to

obtain, each tapestry requires fourteen vials of blood from the intended

owner. I can process two per day, each taking two hours to incorporate

into the weave," Heru explained untruthfully.

"This is blood magic."

"Of course." Heru tilted his head to the side and looked at Lucius

curiously. "That is not an issue for you, is it?" And if it is, I'll eat my

dressing gown.

"Indeed not," replied Lucius smoothly. "I had not thought to encounter

anyone brave enough to practice such magic in today's current climate."

Heru let out a soft laugh and said, "Brave? I'm afraid I don't pay a lot of

attention to what fools think, Mr Malfoy, so I'm sure you'll understand as

a fellow man of the world that such petty distinctions as blood magic—

even the most harmless of it—being classified as dark or illegal are not

something I bother myself with."

A faint smile turned up the corners of Lucius's mouth. "Do call me

Lucius," he said.

"Of course, but only if you will call me Heru. I would be glad to dispense

with what can be, at times, somewhat tedious formality."

"You said fourteen vials—how large might those be?"

"Severus?" Heru turned and accepted a vial, then held it up. "Nothing

much. Number tens, actually. If you decide to go ahead with this, the

blood could be drawn and I could begin today." He placed the vial on the

desk and smiled again.

"I don't see why not. I am here already, after all, and find myself quite

curious as to the results."

"Then let us begin."

While the vials were being filled—in a room they had set aside for the

project—Lucius asked, "Would it be troublesome if I were to watch for a

few minutes while you begin work?"

"No, not at all. I'm not sure how interesting it would be, but you're

welcome to see how it starts out if you can spare the time, Lucius," Heru

assured him. Given that most of the work was only visible to someone

with Heru's particular type of Sight, he wasn't the least bit worried that

Lucius would have any clue what he was doing aside from using magic to

weave the strands. The only difference from his normal routine would be

the appearance of using his wand and his speed. "I doubt I will hear you

if you speak to me, though."

"I would not recommend watching for long," interjected Severus as he

prepared to fill another vial. "It becomes either tediously boring or

hypnotically entrancing.

"You've seen Heru at work on one, then?"

"Assuredly. And just as assuredly I would end up marking papers or


"Forgive me for not asking sooner, Heru. I trust your son is well?"

Heru looked up from laying out strands of silk and said, "He is, and I

thank you for asking. Your Draco seems to be in fine health, though of

course I only see him at meals, and sometimes during days I take


"Draco tells me he's often spotted your son at the Ravenclaw and

Gryffindor tables during meals."

"Mm. He likes to play chess."

If Lucius thought that was an odd answer, he did not comment.

"That's the last of them," said Severus, clearing away his equipment. Two

of the vials were placed on the table Heru was using and the rest went

into a padded box with angled inserts. That was stored in a cabinet under

the table. Heru took one of the vials and secured it in a loop on the front

of his robes.

Then, leaving only a small percentage of his attention on Severus and

Lucius—enough so that he could hear and comprehend anything they

said—Heru opened the second vial and began to work, remembering to

pull his wand out from behind his ear before beginning. Strands of silk

began to slowly pull together, forming a tiny square at one corner of the

large table.

"I cannot hear him incanting," said Lucius quietly.

"You won't," Severus replied. "But you can see that he is. I don't

recommend getting close enough to hear it, though. He tends to be very

unpleasant when interrupted."

"Speaking from personal experience, Severus?"

"I have seen what happens when he becomes vexed, Lucius."

"And just how did you come to meet him? The texts he authored?"

"Naturally. He sent first runs of the then completed texts for our

consideration. When we realized the quality of the work, he was invited

for a meeting to discuss them. As he was able to promise the completion

of the entire set plus the compendium in time for the following year, we

decided to go ahead with them."


"You do not actually think Dumbledore would leave the decision entirely

in my hands, Lucius."

"I suppose not. Dumbledore is far too suspicious of anything connected to

Slytherin to not have the final word, which makes me curious as to why

he agreed to meet with Heru in the first place."

"To ascertain the potential threat? To assure the claim to such a

prestigious and honorable name? Or maybe he's just a doddering old fool

who wished to find a new person to urge his never-ending supply of

lemon drops on who would not be expecting the assault."

Lucius chuckled. "I see your point. What exactly is the blood used for,

then? I see nothing more happening than weaving."

"Were you to wait long enough, you would no doubt notice the amount

in the vial steadily decreases as he weaves. In fact, if you look closely

enough, you will see it has already decreased a minute portion."

"Ah, indeed you are correct. He appears to have a rather unusual wand."

"I'm sure he is an unusual person."

"And his son? The boy appears to be quite seemly, despite his distressing

tendency to sit at the Gryffindor table on occasion."

"The boy likes to play chess almost as much as he adores Potions. Despite

being as hampered here by the general reputation of Slytherin as any of

us, he has managed to find a few unlikely partners. I presume that Heru

says nothing so as not to appear other than neutral."

"I'm surprised you do not play the boy yourself, Severus."

"I do. It is one way to teach the young strategy."

"And his name?" Heru absently noted a hint of an edge to Lucius's voice.

"I assumed you already knew, Lucius. It is Marcus."

"His mother?"

"Deceased," said Severus flatly.

"I see. How unfortunate. I don't suppose you happen to know why

Dolores Umbridge is so fond of Heru?"

Severus let out a snort of mirthless laughter. "Because she is an easily

charmed toad of a woman. While I was contemplating dissecting her,

Heru was busy flashing his dazzling smile and making her coo and bask

in his perceived warmth. She fell for it hook, line, and sinker. She

wouldn't hear another word against him after that, and went off

crusading against others."

Lucius chuckled and said, "Quite cunning. Well, I do believe I've seen

enough for one day. I shall check up on Draco and return when the

tapestry is complete. Please give Heru my regards, Severus."

A moment later Heru could hear the door opening and closing. When

Severus confirmed that Lucius had gone, Heru spared a second to sigh in

relief, then tucked his wand behind his ear and continued his work at a

normal pace, rather than the half speed he had been progressing at.

— — —

An unanticipated result of the encounter was an accusation on the part of

Moody and Sirius as to Heru's dangerous and illegal activities within the

very walls of Hogwarts. Albus gave them a brief explanation of the

situation and reminded them of the exchange of letters, assured them

that he was fully aware of the singular application of blood magic that

Heru employed, and essentially told them to let it rest. While it did

nothing for Heru's reputation with those two men, it didn't exactly

damage it either, as both were inclined to believe the worst of him

already. The only thing that upset Heru specifically was that he had not

thought about the fact that one of them would be watching.

Lucius arrived on Saturday morning after the breakfast hour a week later

to pick up the completed tapestry. He was led to the same room by Heru

and Severus and ushered in after Heru hissed the Parseltongue password.

Inside, Heru pulled a huge roll of woven silk from a stand along one wall,

revealing that it had been edged with a darker border and a wooden pole

run through a pocket at the top for hanging.

He placed it into hooks on the wall and pulled the ties to let it unroll so

that Lucius could see it, and so that he could explain how it functioned.

"As you can see, not very much has filled in since I finished it last

evening, but that will change every day. In any case, I need to explain

how this works. If you touch a name, it will come to the forefront. The

only point of that is if you have poor vision." Heru shrugged. "However, if

you touch a portion that is blank and glide your finger in any direction,

the focus will change, like so. . . ."

He demonstrated, even though there were so few names showing that

very little changed. "Obviously, this will be more applicable as time goes

by. When it stops updating—I'd say about ten days to a fortnight —you

can bring it back to me if you'd like it to be reversed."


"Yes. As you can see here, neither your wife or son are listed. If the

tapestry's function were reversed, they would both appear, as would any

new children you had. From there it would continue downward, updating

to include your son's marriage and issue, and so on. It is up to you if that

is done, and it's already included in the price."

"How many of these have you completed?"

Heru produced a quirky little smile. "I prefer not to say. My clients

generally do not share their treasures with others, and I work on a

somewhat selective basis, as I'm sure you can understand."

"Of course. I shall probably see you in several weeks, then, for I believe I

would wish the reversal." Lucius reached into his cloak while Heru took

care of re-rolling the tapestry and securing the ties. After he had slipped

it into a waterproof case and turned back to Lucius, he was presented

with a slip of ornately decorated parchment.

They exchanged the two, and Heru glanced at the parchment long

enough to see that it was a bank draft from Gringotts for five hundred

galleons. They shook hands, and Lucius took his leave.

Heru turned to Severus and said, "What the hell do I do with this? Open a


Severus smirked. "What the hell did you expect—a bag with coins in it?

Can you just imagine Lucius Malfoy clinking all the way here? You could

donate it to the Order, though I expect you might wish to open a vault

anyway, just for the sake of appearance."

"Honestly." Heru made strangling motions at Severus, then allowed

himself to be prodded back to their quarters by his highly amused mate.

— — —

Another week had passed, and several developments occurred. An

Unspeakable from the list had agreed to a little side work. He had, in

some respects, a rather casual sense of ethics. As he was adamantly

opposed to Voldemort and saw no particular harm in the substitution, he

agreed to switch the prophecy sphere for a fake that Albus had created.

The original sphere's label was placed on the fake, and it received a new

one with nonsensical names. Had Albus requested that the original be

removed entirely from the Department of Mysteries, then the man would

have balked, but the compromise would do.

Heru had tuned a mirror to the man, having been present at the

discussion of the specifics—not that the man knew he was there—and

they watched as he did exactly as requested with no one else the wiser.

The Order decided to go ahead with the rotational watch, simply to show

that they had suspicions about Bode's hospitalization, and that they

suspected the sphere was in danger. Each person on the duty roster was

warned again that they should not interfere in any way if Voldemort

himself should appear to go after it, unless their own life were in danger.

They merely needed to report incursions.

And, Lucius had taken his partially filled tapestry to Voldemort.


"My lord, I bring you the tapestry the Slytherin man created," Lucius said

after he conjured up two hooks and stuck them to the wall so he could

display it. "It has perhaps another week to go before it stops updating, or so

he tells me."

"And how is it created?"

"That is the interesting part, my lord. This is created through blood magic."

Voldemort arched a brow.

"When I delicately questioned that, he laughed it off. He said he doesn't pay

attention to fools who dismiss blood magic as being dark or illegal, my lord.

And when I asked if I could watch him begin, he had no issue with that, so I

stayed to watch him work for a while and spoke with Severus."

"How very interesting." Voldemort bestowed a smile on Lucius before

asking, "What did our dear Severus have to say?"

"To start, my lord, while I could see the Slytherin man working on the

tapestry, and even eventually see that the blood was being incorporated

into it, I could not hear anything of what he was incanting. Severus says

that is usual, and that it is unwise for anyone to interrupt the man.

Apparently he has quite a temper when provoked. They met because of the

potions texts the man authored, when he was invited up to the

castle—Severus was not allowed to make the decision on his own.

Dumbledore wanted to vet the man himself before he'd permit it. Severus

seemed as derogatory as usual about the headmaster."

Lucius paused to collect his thoughts and continued, "He has a very unusual

wand, my lord. Two different types of wood, though I could not get close

enough once he began using it to determine which. The boy, his son, is

called Marcus, and appears to have found partners in both Ravenclaw and

Gryffindor for chess games. Severus's comments on that indicated that

Slytherin preferred to say nothing so as to appear neutral. The mother is

dead, unknown causes. And, according to Severus, the Umbridge woman is

fond of the Slytherin man simply because he set out to charm her and


"How does this tapestry function?"

Lucius gave a quick demonstration, then said, "I will bring it back in a

week to have it reversed. It will then update to include Narcissa and Draco,

and continue down from there as things change."

"It appears that Slytherin is not so neutral as he appears on paper, Lucius.

How did he strike you?"

"On our first encounter, quite guarded, my lord. But these past two times he

was relaxed and quite charming. I had no sense of deception while

conversing with him, though I admit I do not share your talent at such.

Even Severus seemed more relaxed. Well, as much as he ever has been."

Lucius frowned slightly. "Slytherin seemed quite at ease around me."

Voldemort smirked at that. "What did you need to provide for the


"Severus took fourteen number ten size vials of blood, my lord. The cost

was five hundred galleons. I should mention that he claims not to look at

the tapestries once completed. They are stored until they are picked up, at

which point he explains the usage. When he explained it to me, he appeared

to be totally uninterested in what was displayed."

Voldemort nodded. "Very well. You have a week before you return. Send

him another letter. This time ask if he is willing to take on another

commission without knowing who the recipient is. You will provide the vials

if he agrees on the day you have your own—reversed, did you call it?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Fine. See to it. I will have my proof."

Heru considered dancing around after Lucius left and things quickly

became boring to watch, but restrained himself. He was mildly surprised

that either of them had agreed to having a tapestry made considering

what interesting things could be done with a person's blood. Granted,

Lucius had been ordered to do it, but apparently the things Heru had said

had paved the way for his own personal goal to be realized.

— — —

"Today we'll be going over psychometry. This is one of the odder abilities

that falls under the umbrella of divination. Even someone with true sight

may not be able to get anywhere with this method. Odds are, if you can,

you're already aware of it. In converse, a person may have this ability,

but not be able to get anywhere with any other method. It depends."

Heru sat on the edge of his desk and cross his ankles. "In brief,

psychometry is getting impressions from an object, usually something

small like a ring or a watch, though plenty of things apply. Impressions

can come in the form of images, emotions, or even one of your senses like

sound, taste, or smell. I have here a box of items—I'm going to pass it

around and I want each group to take one thing."

Heru twisted enough to pick up a small box, then said, "Each of you will

hold the item and write down your impressions, if any, then let your

partner do the same. When you're both done, set the object at the front

and I'll come talk to you." He hopped off the desk and handed the box to

Neville, and collected it back a few minutes later from the last group.

Heru only had rudimentary skill at psychometry, but he knew the history

of each item well enough to know what to expect for impressions should

anyone be gifted.

Most of the students came up blank. The only person who seemed to have

the ability was Lavender Brown, who wore a rather smug little smile on

her face as Heru approached her and Parvati. They had chosen a quill

from the box. Seeing that Parvati had written down nothing, Heru said,

"All right, Miss Brown, what did you sense?"

"I saw a man, dark haired, pale, sitting at a desk using the quill. I couldn't

really see his face that well, though."

"Anything else?"

"Sadness, I think. It was very faint, sir."

Heru nodded. Considering that the quill had belonged to Salazar, he

suspected that she had sensed things accurately, if vaguely. "Very good. I

encourage you to spend some time each day handling objects—with

permission, of course—to see what impressions you can get. The more

you use this ability, the stronger and more accurate it may become.

Though, not everything will give you a reaction, keep that in mind. "

"All right, professor."

Heru collected the quill from her and placed the box back on his desk.

"Since we have some time left today, I'll review mirror and crystal

scrying, and we can give that a try next class." He sat down again and

leaned back on his arms. "For mirrors, it is preferable to use round or

oval for shape, with a silver frame. Obsidian is the material of choice,

though a normal mirror can be used, or glass that has been painted black

on one side instead of the normal silvering process."

"The mirror should be laid flat," he continued, "with you gazing at an

angle so that you are not reflected. The same tends to hold true for water,

by the way. If you are successful, you'll probably first notice that the

mirror, or its depths, appears to turn grey or that colours will come and

go. Visions can appear either within the glass or around or outside of it,

and may come in the form of still or moving images. Rather like the

difference between muggle photographs and wizarding ones."

Heru slipped off the desk and paced lightly back and forth. "You can see

the past and future this way, depending on your ability. How far in either

direction depends on the strength of your talent. Crystal scrying is

similar, and best done in a near dark room so that nothing reflects. You

want to gaze into the center of the sphere, not the surface. . . ."

29. Bad Faith Revisited

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Reviewer comment-inspired scenes included in this chapter.

Omigosh—I just figured out how to kill off Voldemort this time (current

date, 13 November 2004). Mwuahahahaha! It's brill! Brilliant, I tell you!

(At least I hope you folks think so when I eventually trot the sucker out.

Then again, maybe I haven't had enough sleep.)

— 28: Bad Faith Revisited —

Heru received a letter from Lucius that evening and responded

immediately with an affirmative, giving the impression that he couldn't

care less who it was for so long as he got paid for the work. So it was that

when Lucius arrived that weekend, Heru was prepared to begin another


Severus was not present this time; Heru escorted Lucius into his

workshop and accepted first the fourteen vials the man had brought with

him. They went into the same padded case used earlier, though of course

the extra vials of blood had been removed and stored elsewhere in stasis.

Lucius next handed him another bank draft, apparently having decided

that as the first had come out as promised, there was no point in waiting

to pay for this one. Heru wondered as he tucked it away who had

actually provided the funds.

Heru took Lucius's tapestry and hung it long enough to twist its function

to the reverse, then re-rolled it and slipped it into its case to give back.

Then he said, "To be doubly sure on this one, as I do not know the owner,

if you would like I can arrange to be finishing up at a specific time. That

way you could come and pick it up as soon as it is complete rather than

waiting until the next day."


Heru nodded. "Given that I have no students on Friday afternoons, I

could have it ready by five. Otherwise, I would say noon on Saturday, or

five. Whatever is most convenient for you."

"That is most thoughtful of you. Friday would suit nicely if you're sure it

isn't extra trouble for you, Heru."

"No, no trouble at all, I assure you. I can schedule a break long enough to

let Severus in when his classes are done, then finish things up by the time

you arrive."

"In that focused of a state?"

"Oh, sure. I'll just tell myself to snap out of it at a specific time, let

Severus in, then continue." Heru shrugged.

"Have you come to a decision on the journals you mentioned?"

Heru tilted his head to the side. "They're an accounting of life, personal

thoughts. Rather like letters to the man's dead father. I'm not sure if there

would be a point aside from sharing history. I have the feeling they

would—people might be disinclined to believe them, considering that

we're talking about a member of the Slytherin family, Salazar's nephew,

and they are not filled with anything remotely resembling agreement

with Salazar's views on muggleborns. People might take them to be

romanticized fiction, essentially."

Lucius narrowed his eyes slightly. "And have you anything from Salazar


"Certainly, but those are more in the way of instructional texts. I'd have

to dig a lot deeper to see if there was something more personal. The only

thing I do have offhand is a letter to his brother, and I'm not sure if I'd

want to release that. That, too, would bring mixed reactions, I expect."

Lucius really looked curious at that bland statement. Heru spoke again

before Lucius could ask to see it.

"Basically it's an apology to his brother for leaving due to his wife's death

at the hands of muggles. The other founders would not agree with his

insistence that muggleborns be denied the school, so Salazar opted to

leave. He left his two sons in the care of his brother as well, knowing that

they would be all right under his guidance. Of course, as I understand it,

the brother died when Salazar's boys were around eleven or twelve, so

the eldest nephew took over—that would be the author of the journals. If

I recall correctly, Salazar was all for letting the muggles kill their own

children if they turned out to be magical, assuming that if they were busy

enough exterminating each other, they'd have no time to go after


Lucius smirked. "I imagine he might well have been correct in that


"Oh, I don't doubt it. The point is, the material I am aware of paints a

rather mixed picture of Salazar, and Slytherins in general. So you can see

why I'm hesitant to publish any of it."

"Yes, indeed. Perhaps it would be wiser to refrain. It would not do for

your family's reputation to be tarnished."

Heru smiled easily. "I agree," he said, though his meaning was the

opposite of what Lucius would assume. "It would be a less than desirable


"I'm sure you'd like to get started, so I shan't take up any more of your

time at present, Heru. I will return on Friday at five. Give my regards to

Severus and your son."

Heru waited until the castle informed him that Lucius had left the

grounds, then returned to his quarters. When he stepped in the door he

had to pause—Mark was sitting on the couch snuggled against Severus's

side while Severus read aloud from a copy of Potions Monthly, taking the

time time explain the words Mark didn't understand. He nearly laughed

at the sight, but had the good sense to choke back his initial reaction.

Instead he advanced into the room and quietly sat down at the other end

of the couch.

It wasn't until several minutes later that either of them realized he was

even in the room, and Severus looked vaguely embarrassed to be caught

in such a compromising position. Heru responded with an amused smile

and caught Mark in a hug when their son bounced across the intervening

space to greet him.

Acting as though he had been doing absolutely nothing out of the

ordinary, Severus said, "I assume you're now able to get started on the

next project?"

Heru gave a quick nod, then looked down to see why Mark was tugging

his sleeve. "Dad says that the headmaster gave permission for me to sit in

on some of his classes!"

"Oh? And have you already discussed which ones?" Heru hadn't missed

the slightly bemused look that crossed Severus's face at being referred to

as 'dad.'

Mark nodded, his eyes bright.

"He can sit in with the Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff first years, though I have

already warned him he may find it boring. He has already covered

material into the second year," said Severus.

"But not 'til after the holiday." Mark's face lost some of its excitement.

"Are you sure I can't start sooner?" he asked hopefully.

"Perhaps you should consider it the headmaster's Christmas gift to you,"

Heru said, "and be properly thankful."

Mark evidently remembered that deceptively casual tone, for he

immediately said, "Of course, father!"

"I need to stop by Diagon Alley today. I thought perhaps you two might

like to join me and we could have lunch while we were out."

"He paid in advance?" Severus asked.

"Yeah. Kind of surprised me, actually. I'll get started on the tapestry this


"Aww, another one?" whined Mark.

"Hush. Hopefully it's the last time for a while, so quit pouting."

"Go get ready, Mark," said Severus. Once their son had disappeared into

his room Severus said, "He gave you no trouble?"

Heru shook his head. "Not really. I will need you to stop in after classes

are done Friday so you'll be there to let Lucius in. He's due at five. I told

him I thought it would be better that way, as he'd be right there when I

finished and I wouldn't have the chance to really see any names forming."

Severus smirked. "Of course. Though I wonder what will happen if the

tapestry does not reveal Salazar as one of the names."

"I've been thinking about that. I could force it, I suppose, but I haven't

decided if that's wise or not. On the one hand, not seeing it could be a bit

of a crushing blow. After all, he is seeking proof beyond simply being a

parselmouth. It might cause enough confusion to create delays in his

plans. On the other hand, it might make him assume something went

wrong, or that I'd deliberately mucked it up, suspecting who it was for."

"Perhaps a compromise?" Severus suggested, then abruptly stood up when

Mark appeared. "I'll get your cloak while you write a quick note to let

Albus know we've left the castle."

On arrival at The Leaky Cauldron, they exited into the alley itself and

headed for Gringotts. Heru had opened an account for himself in order to

cash the first draft, so it took only a moment for him to deposit the latest

one. Since it was not yet noon they took the time to wander in and out of

shops as they walked back along the length of the narrow street. And

though they did spot Lucius at one point, the man did not stop or

approach; he paused for a heartbeat, then continued on his way to

wherever it was he was headed.

The three of them had a lazy lunch at one of the finer restaurants

available, then returned to Hogwarts sated and a bit tired. Mark ran off

to find some of his friends and Severus resumed from where he had left

off earlier.

"As I was saying, perhaps a compromise. Perhaps you could force

Salazar's name to appear, but not clearly."

"As though there were some doubt, or problem the magic couldn't quite

resolve properly?"

"Yes. I expect you already have a likely candidate from the Tonks


"Mm, yes. Only one of the questionable names lacked a birth date. It has

to be him. I could do it that way, I suppose—tamper with it enough that

the name is forced to Salazar Slytherin, but everything else remains the

same. It shouldn't even be that difficult, and our copy would be

unmodified. I'll do the one in the workroom and the other in private."

It was shortly after lunch the next day when a knock sounded at the

door. Confused—it was extremely rare that anyone visited—Heru cast a

revealing charm on the door to see who it was. Draco Malfoy was

standing outside. Heru quickly looked to Praecino and asked him to make

himself scarce for a while, then banished the phoenix's perch to the

bedroom before answering the door.

"Mr Malfoy. What can I do for you?"

"I was hoping Professor Snape was here, sir," the boy said politely,

though the corner of his mouth was quirked up.

"Mm. Do come in and have a seat." Heru stepped back to admit him,

waited until Draco had taken a spot on the couch, then went into the

room they had set aside as a small library to tell Severus he had a visitor.

When he returned to the lounge, Draco was examining a picture of Mark

on the mantelpiece. He cleared his throat just as Severus arrived, causing

Draco to whip around to face them.

"Uncle Sev!"

Heru stopped breathing for a second, then watched as Severus advanced

into the room toward the boy. "Draco. What brings you here?"

"I wanted to know if you'd be willing to give me some extra credit work

for the holiday," Draco explained as Heru scanned the room for anything


"You already have the highest marks in your class," Severus pointed out.

"And why couldn't you have asked me this af—"

"Father! Selthis says he's going to squeeze Cooper until—" Mark tumbled

into the room and came to a dead stop. "Sorry." He sidled over to Heru

and stared openly at Draco, absently batting the snake's head out of his

line of vision.

Draco stared back for a few moments, then addressed Severus. "I thought

it would be better to ask you privately, Uncle Sev. Other students might

consider it favoritism if they were to overhear."

"Interesting. Especially as that would not have bothered you in the past.

Fine. Stay behind next lesson. Now, is there a fire raging out of control in

your common room? No? Flood? Tornado? Volcanic eruption? Then I

suggest you take yourself off and put in a little work on Care of Magical

Creatures. Your father would not have wanted you to take it without


Draco's eyes narrowed slightly, but he said respectfully enough, "Yes,

Uncle Sev." He made the barest inclination of his head toward Heru and

Mark, then backed up, reversed, and slipped out through the door.

Severus turned around and said, "No."

"Then what?" asked Heru.

"Courtesy title, nothing more. Mark, come here." After the boy

approached he said, "Listen closely. Be very careful around Draco. I do

not care how friendly he might seem to be, don't let anything important

slip. The second you have your back turned he'll report everything to his

father. If you have any doubts about something, avoid the subject or just

don't speak about it. Understood?"

"Yes, dad." Then he frowned and said anxiously, "Will you please tell

Selthis he isn't allowed to crush Cooper for playing with his tail? He

doesn't want to listen to me!"

— — —

Heru and Severus were marking papers when a qualified warning came.

Heru's response was to conjure up a mirror and tune it to Mark to see

what was happening. Severus appeared at his side as soon as he realized

he would also be able to watch.

Mark was walking down one of the many corridors of the castle with Ron

Weasley and a first year girl from Ravenclaw named Glendale. Draco

Malfoy was approaching the trio from behind with a supercilious sneer

twisting his mouth.

"Slytherin!" Draco called when he neared. "Interesting companions you

have. You really ought to choose your company more carefully."

The trio stopped and turned and Mark said, "Is there a problem?" Ron's

fists were clenched and the girl simply looked confused.

"They might be purebloods, Slytherin, but are you sure your father would

want you to be seen with this lot? They're blood traitors you know, hardly

the sort of people someone of your family ought to be associating with."

Severus clamped a hand on Heru's arm. "Keep watch. I am the brat's Head

of House, so I will take care of this." He let go and stalked off scowling.

Mark turned to Ron and said, "Is there some obscure rule about chess

partners you never mentioned?"

"Like he would know," sneered Draco. "He can barely play Keeper

properly, never mind understand how real purebloods live and comport


"Ron," said Mark in a very low tone, "you know as well as I do that if you

use your wand. . . ." To Draco he said, "I thank you for your concern, but I

don't think it's necessary at the moment."

"Not necessary?" retorted Draco. "Have you any idea what kind of foul

diseases you could catch from Weasel and his disgusting little mudblood


Ron pushed Mark to the side and brandished his wand.

Draco laughed. "What are you going to do, Weasel? Curse yourself again

for my amusement? What's the matter—missing Potty so much that you'll

suck up to the next big name available? Are you hoping he'll make you rich

for Christmas?"

"Ron, don't do it," said Mark quietly as the girl turned and ran.

"That's right, Weasel. Listen to Slytherin. He already knows you couldn't

possibly win against me."

Mark scowled. "I don't see what business it is of yours who I speak with or

play against. Who died and put you in charge, anyway?"

"Maybe Potty wouldn't have died if he'd taken my advice and stayed away

from this pathetic excuse for a pureblood."

Mark's eyes widened, as did Ron's. A second later the clearing of a throat

could be heard, then, "What, may I ask, is going on here?"

"Weasley tried to attack me, sir!"

"Is that so," commented Severus. "Mr Slytherin, would you care to


"Of course, professor. I was returning from a chess meeting with Ron and

Margaret when Malfoy stopped us to share his poor opinion on my choice of


"Mr Slytherin, Mr Weasley, I suggest you return to your rooms


"Yes, professor," they chorused.

Heru re-tuned the mirror to focus on Severus as the two boys left.

"Draco, what were you thinking?" Severus demanded.

"Why is he hanging around that filthy trash? Nothing good can come of it."

"You foolish boy! Has it ever occurred to you that Professor Slytherin must

play a part of his own? You're interfering in things you don't understand. If

you alienate that child or—"

"But father told me to learn more about him!"

"And you proposed to do that by insulting him, I presume? If you muck

things up I wouldn't be surprised if your father shipped you off to

Durmstrang, and then you wouldn't have me to straighten out or smooth

over your indiscretions! Has it occurred to you that the child may have been

asked to be nice to certain people so that he might learn things?"

Mark burst into the lounge saying, "Father! You'll never guess—" He

closed his mouth and went over to see what Heru was staring at, then

said accusingly, "Hey! That's—"

"Shush. We'll talk in a moment."

"You are not the only child here keeping his eyes and ears open, and if you

continue to blunder about with all the finesse of a bull in a china shop, you

might not be able to at all. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir."

"I will be speaking to your father about this. Now get back to your common

room and think about how you could have handled the request differently."

Severus whirled and stalked away.

Heru broke the connection and turned to his son. "The castle warned us

you might be in danger," he explained.

"And dad came to make sure nothing bad happened?"

"That's right. He did warn you about Draco, though I don't expect he

thought the boy would be so antagonistic. What would you have done if

Severus hadn't appeared?"

"I was getting ready to call Dobby. I didn't think Ron would be able to

stop himself from retaliating for much longer, and I thought if we turned

away to leave, Draco might attack."

"Very good. You thought about the safety of both of you and came up

with a plan that probably would have worked. I'm proud of you for

keeping a clear head and urging caution, and thinking about what help

you could call on."

Mark squirmed and flushed slightly, then said, "But what did dad mean

by what he said?"

"Draco's father asked him to learn more about you."

"Oh," replied Mark quietly. "Then. . . ."

"Yes. So I'll warn you again. I don't want you caught up in any of this if

possible, so avoid what you can of it. Try to make sure you aren't ever

alone with Draco for one thing."

"And," said an arriving Severus, "the same goes for any number of

students in Slytherin house, unfortunately. While not all of them have

Death Eaters for parents or are from sympathetic families, many of them

are connected in some way."

"Does that mean I should stop playing chess with some people?" asked

Mark somewhat nervously.

"No, it does not. You make friends with whomever you want. I believe

Severus made a few comments to Draco that will make him rethink just

exactly what it is you're up to."

"Draco is currently laboring under the impression that you have been

asked by your father to pretend to be nice to certain people so as to

gather information, Mark. It will probably be enough to make him back

off on any further accusations as to your fidelity to the family name."

"I don't like this," said Mark. "Can't we just go?"

Heru pulled his son closer and said, "Mark, you know that Voldemort is

supposedly a member of our family, and that's part of what I've been

trying to prove or disprove. If it is true, don't you think your dad and I

ought to be here to help stop him?"


"And if he isn't, don't you think it would be churlish to abandon your

friends to him? I promised you once, Mark, that I would keep you safe,

and I will, even if it means placing you at Grimmauld Place with Sirius. I

wouldn't like it anymore than you did, but you'd be safe and you'd have

Flick and Guin to watch over you."

"No! I don't want that!" Mark pulled himself away and ran off to his

room, slamming the door behind him.

Heru buried his face in his hands and mumbled, "I knew this might

happen. That stupid, wretched boy. . . ." He looked up at Severus and

asked, "What were you planning on saying to Lucius?"

Severus sat down next to Heru and said dryly, "I thought I'd compliment

him on raising such a consistently moronic son."

Heru chuckled and leaned his head against his lover's shoulder. "I hate

that Mark is getting dragged into this."

"And yet, you cannot prevent it unless you place him in a gilded little

cage, which I do not recommend. He's a very sweet, honest boy, and that

works against him right now. He will need to develop some measure of

Slytherin cunning of his own, even as you have."

Heru made a noncommittal noise in response. They stayed like that for

some time in silence before the sound of a door being opened filtered in.

A minute later Mark was standing nearby, fidgeting. "I'm sorry. I

shouldn't have yelled."

"Scared?" asked Heru softly.

"I'm not scared!" said Mark vehemently, then looked slightly ashamed of


"No, of course not. If you had been scared earlier, you wouldn't have

been able to think about calling Dobby. Worried, perhaps, then?"

Mark nodded and came closer, close enough for Heru to reach out and

yank the boy onto their laps and make him squeal.

"Well, that's fine," Heru said once he had an arm around their son's

shoulders to support him. "I'm a bit worried, too. But yelling at each

other won't help. You know that, right?"

"I know."

"Then let's try not to do that again. Maybe you and I will have to sit

down and see if you can do any of the tricks I can. Then you'd have a

little more to work with if you get in a tight spot."

"Do you think I could?" asked Mark, looking altogether less upset.

"I have no idea, but we can check."

"That's great!" Mark wriggled off their laps and leaned in to give them

both a hug, then ran off back to his room, this time closing the door


"Disaster averted, for the moment," Severus commented.

30. Sins of the Father

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Reviewer comment-inspired scenes included in this chapter. More

paraphrasing of certain events from OotP as well. I very much enjoyed

writing a certain part of the chapter.

— 29: Sins of the Father —

Two days later Lucius arrived promptly at five and was let into the

workroom by Severus. Heru had not timed it quite that exactly, so there

was still a bit to go at the bottom. He kept one ear open as he worked,

just in case.

"So good to see you again, Severus."

"Lucius. I believe you and I ought to speak about Draco."

"Whatever for?"

"You may already know of it. I happened upon him being rather

indiscreet and had words with him. Apparently he wanted to know more

about Heru's son, but chose to do so by way of provoking a fight over the

boy's choice of companions at the time. In short, I have no doubt he was

insulting. In fact, if I recall the conversation correctly, he made a distinct

comparison between the health of Heru's son and that of the Potter brat's

on the basis of neither having appeared to be willing to listen to his

advice. And, while we may be grateful that the latter is dead. . . ."

"I see." Heru absently noted a hint of nervousness in Lucius's voice.

Several minutes later Heru stepped back from the table and placed his

hands on his hips. Then he nodded, shoved his wand behind his ear, and

opened one of the cabinets under the table to pull out already prepared

edging pieces. After he positioned them properly and recovered his wand,

he took a minute to spell them into place.

He was just about to look around for the pole when Severus stepped up

and eased it through the pocket at the upper end. Heru smiled as Severus

rolled and secured the tapestry, then slipped it into a waiting case. Just

to drive the point home, when Heru turned to Lucius he arched a brow

and said, "I hate to be a bore, but I heard a rather odd story, Lucius,


Lucius held up a hand and nodded. "Severus has informed me. You may

be sure I will be speaking with my son regarding the matter."

"Ah, splendid. Then I expect I need not concern myself further, will I?" He

bared his teeth in a quasi-smile and tapped the table with his wand in an

absentminded manner. "I should so hate to become annoyed. Things have

an odd way of getting broken when that happens."

"Indeed you will not, you have my assurances and my apology."

Heru tucked his wand away—looking for all the world as though he had

forgotten he was holding it—and took the case from Severus, then smiled

normally and stepped forward to offer it. "I trust your friend will find this

enlightening. If a reversal is needed after the usual amount of time, just

let me know. I'd be happy to do so."

"I will be sure to inform him," Lucius replied smoothly.

As Heru couldn't imagine for a moment that Voldemort had ever had

issue—at least not without having found a woman who thought power

was so intoxicating as to disregard his appearance—he wasn't particularly

concerned about having to come through on that aspect. But, one never


"Well then, I allow that I am a bit tired, so I shall bid you good-bye

knowing that you will take care of pending matters from here," Heru said


"Of course."

Severus ushered Lucius out, then he and Heru returned to their quarters.

"You know," Heru said, "it's almost fun toying with him. I'm beginning to

see why Voldemort finds him so amusing."

"Don't get too enthusiastic," said Severus warningly.

"I'm just commenting. You know I'm not like that. But it was still fun to

see him get nervous, and I bet he has harsh words with Draco about what

he's done. It's his own fault—he's the one who told Draco to learn more

without bothering to remember what kind of trouble that boy gets into

almost as easily as breathing."

Severus gave him a sharp look, then said, "I have every expectation that

were Draco to become a Death Eater, Voldemort would keep him around

just so he could slap him down when his ego grew too large."

Heru beamed—Severus had said 'Voldemort.'

"What are you smiling about?" Severus asked suspiciously.

"Nothing important," Heru said breezily, then kissed his mate in a serious

kind of way. Things were just starting to get really interesting when

someone pounded on the door.

Severus pulled away, cursing, and stalked over to the door to open it.


"Professor Snape, the seventh years have gone crazy! They're cursing

anyone who dares to speak! They're—"

"Desist! Let us go see." Severus pushed the student forward and left.

Heru, standing in the middle of the lounge, sighed.

— — —

Because he was bored, and because Severus hadn't returned yet, Heru

decided to spy on Lucius. As it turned out, it was a wise choice, even if

only for the amusement factor. He set up two mirrors so he could tinker

with one while the other was left alone.

"So Lucius," said Voldemort silkily. "How thrilling to see you. I have heard

a very interesting report just now. And strangely enough, it involves you."

"My lord?"

"Yes, indeed. You. Tell me, Lucius, does your son always screw things up so


Lucius's face went carefully blank.

"Perhaps you should be more careful when speaking to him. Then again, if

you had allowed reason to rule you this time, you would not have been

overheard, and I might not have been informed of what occurred. As I

understand it, our dear Draco treated the Slytherin boy as he would have

treated the Potter brat. Don't you think that's a tad unwise, Lucius?"

"Yes, my lord. I was very harsh with him."

"Of course you were, Lucius. After all, you are his father, and the one

primarily responsible for his behavior, isn't that right? So if your son is

acting like a complete fool—tell me, whose fault is that?"

"Mine, my lord," Lucius said slowly.

"Very good, Lucius! And do you know what that means?"

Lucius nodded.

"Of course you do," Voldemort said in a kindly tone. Then, "Crucio!"

Severus arrived and sat down next to Heru. "Dare I ask?"

"Someone clued Voldemort in about Lucius's chat with Draco," Heru

explained, then went back to tinkering with the extra mirror.

Voldemort lifted the curse and clucked his tongue. "Lucius, really. Now if

the Potter boy's journal held any truth in it I know that you alone tried to

restore me to my body. That is why you are currently my favorite. But I

cannot allow that to sway my judgment forever, not when you have a son

you cannot seem to control. Now why don't you tell me what caused you to

have this little chat with Draco."

"My lord, when I arrived to pick up your tapestry, Severus made mention of

finding Draco with the Slytherin boy. He told me that Draco all but

threatened the child with the same fate as Potter. Slytherin started to

mention it when the tapestry was complete, but stopped when he knew

Severus had already spoken. He threatened me with his displeasure over the

incident. When I extended an apology and said I would be speaking with

Draco, he backed off the subject."

"How very interesting. And did Slytherin scare you, Lucius?"

"Yes, my lord," came a response so low it was almost a whisper.

"And why is that?"

"Something about his manner, my lord, and his eyes."

"Ha!" exclaimed Heru triumphantly.


"Look here." Heru nudged the frame of the second mirror a few times,

showing Severus that the viewpoint was no longer fixed.

Severus whistled appreciatively and watched that one instead.

"You know, Lucius, perhaps it would be best if our dear Draco were to have

a special visit once he was home for the holiday. Now, why don't you be a

good man and hang up that tapestry for me. Then you may go."

Lucius hastened to comply, ducking down to retrieve the case where he had

dropped it earlier. After he finished and was ready to depart, Voldemort

stopped him by saying, "Oh, Lucius. This is but a taste of what your son will

soon feel. Crucio!"

— — —

Something had woken him. Heru looked over and saw that Severus was

sleeping peacefully, so he slipped out of bed and checked on Mark, who

was also sleeping peacefully. Heru stumped out to the lounge and flopped

on the couch, puzzled, and irritated that his rest had been disturbed for

no apparent reason.

The only thing that ever tended to cause that was Voldemort. Whatever

the founders had done, it had not completely severed that side of the

link. Heru heaved a sigh and reached out only to find that Voldemort was

nowhere interesting, though he was excited about something—something

to do with the prophecy.

Heru got up and asked Praecino—who was fairly mild in his reaction to

being woken in the middle of the night—to please wake Albus as he

would be going up as soon as he was dressed. Praecino flashed out, so

Heru returned to his bedroom and started rummaging up clothing. He

half considered leaving Severus to his own rest, but the decision was

made for him when his mate propped himself up.

"What are you doing?"

"Something is wrong. I'm about to head up to Albus's office. I couldn't

decide whether to wake you or not."

"You have no idea what it is?"

"Just something about the prophecy."

"Fine. I'm coming with. And next time don't be so damned nice."

Heru had a brief chat with the castle while Severus pulled his clothes on,

asking her to let Mark know where they had gone should he wake up and

find them missing. Then they apparated directly into the short entry

leading to Albus's office, not wanting to be seen out and about by anyone

wandering the halls.

Severus pushed the door open without bothering to knock, waiting until

Heru had passed through before kicking it shut with his heel and taking a


"What brings you here at this hour, dear boys?" asked a tired and

rumpled Albus.

"Something is wrong," Heru repeated. "I sometimes get prophetic dreams,

but I don't usually remember them. Something is definitely wrong,

though. Who is on duty tonight at the Ministry?"

"I see," said Albus, though it was clear he did not. "Arthur is scheduled."

"Fine." Heru conjured up a standing mirror and set it to Arthur Weasley,

then levitated it over so that all three of them could view.

Though the mirror was tuned, all they could see was an empty hallway.

Arthur must have been using one of the Order's invisibility cloaks. They

watched for a time, yawning occasionally, and were almost ready to give

it up as being a false alarm when an odd sound reached their ears. It was

like something inching across the floor in measured movements with an

oddly metallic flavor to it.

Heru adjusted the image outward to reveal a huge snake slithering down

the hallway a foot or so at a time.

"Nagini," said Albus and Severus together.

As she slithered closer they heard something that sounded suspiciously

like a snore crossed with a snort, and the cloak was verified as it drifted

down a ways to reveal a man sitting against the wall. He stretched and

yawned, then took a look down the hallway and started. The cloak

dropped away completely as he leapt to his feet and brandished his


"Oh dear," said Albus absently as Nagini struck, then again, and a third

time. "Everard!" he called sharply.

"What?" said one of the portraits, that of a sallow-faced wizard with a

short black fringe, who then yawned insolently.

"Go immediately to the Ministry and sound the alarm. The man has red

hair and glasses. Make sure the right sort of people find him. Hurry!"

Everard disappeared sideways out of his frame. By now most of the

portraits were listening in, though many of them pretended to still be

sleeping, taking peeks every so often when they thought no one was

looking. "Oh dear," repeated Albus with a shake of his head. "I had not

thought it would come to this. It will be a few minutes before—what

news on the tapestry?"

"It's complete," said Heru. "I just need to wait for it to finish updating so I

can find the connection."

"You finessed the one you gave to Lucius?"

Heru nodded. "For what good it will do. Which reminds me—I was able

to save enough of the blood to attempt to use it to tune a mirror to its

owner." Albus's brows shot up and Heru could see Severus shift in his

peripheral vision. "Assuming it is Voldemort's, I may be able to get

around whatever prevented me before."

"That is exception—" He switched focus when several people rushed

down the hallway to collect Arthur. One of them paused long enough to

vanish the pool of blood and grab the cloak, then dashed off after the

others. "They seem to have things well in hand. That is exceptional

news," he said, eyes still on the mirror. "It would be a priceless feat if you

can manage it. Ah, there he goes. It is as well that the students are

released tomorrow—today, actually."

Albus scratched out a short note and rose, giving it to Fawkes and asking

him to deliver it to Minerva. Fawkes flashed out and Albus resumed his

seat. "I shall send the Weasley children to Grimmauld Place now, rather

than waiting."

They watched as Arthur was rushed through St. Mungo's and into a bed,

several healers fussing over him to stem the flow of blood and repair his

cracked ribs where Nagini's fangs had struck. As soon as footsteps were

heard in the outer room Heru banished the mirror up to the second level.

Minerva arrived a moment later with the four Weasley children in tow;

all of them looked frightened and confused.

"Ah, Minerva, thank you for being so prompt. Arthur Weasley has been

attacked and taken to St. Mungo's. You four will be going to Sirius's home

as it is closer to your father than the Burrow. Your mother will no doubt

be joining you shortly."

They stared at him blankly.

"Minerva, you can arrange for their things to be packed up for transfer

tomorrow morning. Heru, I would ask that you go now to warn Sirius of

their arrival and to help keep an eye on things."

Heru started to protest, then subsided. Instead he leaned over to Severus

and whispered, "Get Mark and bring him over?" Severus nodded and rose,

leaving without another word. "All right," Heru said, then rose as well,

getting far enough past the door before apparating directly to


Flick appeared a second later, wondering who was visiting at that hour,

and smiling toothily when he saw Heru.

"Flick, could you please wake Sirius for me and ask him to come to the


"Flick is being happy to, master." He popped out, so Heru trotted down

the stairs to the kitchen and took a seat. Guin arrived and immediately

set about making tea, having time enough to serve him a cup before

Sirius pushed through the door and gave him an irritated look.

"Arthur Weasley was attacked," Heru stated calmly. "He's badly hurt and

has been taken to St. Mungo's. His children are coming here shortly."

Sirius's expression changed to worry. Heru called Praecino to him and

handed him a note he had prepared while waiting., and the phoenix

flashed out obligingly.

"I was asked to come warn you and to help keep an eye on things."

"Yes, of course." Sirius took a seat and blindly took the cup Guin plunked

down in front of him.

Seconds later four children appeared in a tangle of sleepy limbs, then

sorted themselves out. Guin picked up the blackened tea kettle Albus had

used as a portkey with her fingertips and carried it off cautiously, only to

appear a few seconds later and pour out more tea.

The children were no sooner settled when Severus pushed through the

door and came to a stop at Heru's side. "Mark is already upstairs, having

shown me the room he used previously."

"Thank you, Severus. Are you able to stay?"

Guin paused in the act of getting another cup. "No, I must be on hand for

when the Slytherin students leave tomorrow. Albus has sent for Molly."

He turned and left as abruptly as he had come.

"Why are we sitting here?" cried Ginny, now shaking a bit. "We should be

at St. Mungo's!"

"Yeah!" chorused the twins.

"No," said Heru. "You will remain here. There is nothing you can do at St.

Mungo's that you cannot do here for the moment."


"He's right," said Sirius unexpectedly, ignoring—or perhaps not seeing—

the incredulous looks on the faces of the children. "Your mother will be

on her way by now to see what's happening. There is no point in going

when you'll likely be shoved into a waiting room and told nothing."

"But, Sirius—"

"No. Have some tea and try to calm down. Unless you're hungry, that is."

Nobody spoke up. A short time later a flash of light startled everyone.

Praecino dropped down to perch on Heru's shoulder and offer a roll of

parchment. When he looked at it he saw it was for the children and

handed it to the closest of them.

"Mum says she's on her way to St. Mungo's now and for us to stay put.

We're supposed to sleep if we can." The twin laughed mirthlessly and

dropped the parchment, burying his face in his hands.

Things were quiet again after that. Guin noiselessly provided more tea as

necessary, casting worried little looks at everyone, until eventually Molly

Weasley arrived looking very tired, but relieved. The only one of her

children who had managed to stay awake was Ron, who stood up and

was swept into a hug by his mother.

"He's fine," she assured him. "We can go see him later today." She

released him and pushed him back down into a chair, then gave each of

the others a hug, waking them from where they were sprawled over the

table and repeating the news.

Then she turned to Heru and managed a grateful smile. "He might be

dead if it wasn't for your intervention. Albus explained," she said


"What're you on about, mum?" demanded Ron.

"Never you mind the details. Your father is fine and that's what matters.

You lot should go get some sleep."

"Can't," yawned one of the twins. "Hungry now."

Heru nodded at Guin and rose. "I'll just go check in on Mark, then, and

see all of you later on today. I'm a bit short on sleep myself."

Heru did not go to St. Mungo's. He spent the time after he woke up

playing chess with Mark and explaining what had happened. The

Weasleys had not yet returned when Severus arrived, trailed by an

anxious looking Hermione Granger. Mark's face lit up with a welcoming

smile, but it was perhaps just as well that one couldn't be sure for whom

it was intended.

Cooper wound out from behind a chair to sniff at the carrier Hermione

held, meowing curiously. She hastily set it down and released her cat,

Crookshanks. They immediately set off to get to know one another and

investigate the house, and Hermione sat down.

"I thought you were going skiing," said Mark as Severus took a seat as


"I was, but then—Professor Snape was kind enough to escort me here.

Mum and dad will be disappointed, but. . . ."

"I know where Ginny's room is," offered Mark. "Want me to show you?"

"Sure," she said a bit listlessly.

Mark bounced to his feet, paused long enough to make a move on the

board, then left with Hermione.

"Just what I always wanted," Heru said facetiously. "A holiday in

someone else's home."

"Some things must be endured," said Severus. "But, as Molly is now here

—I assume Lupin will also be arriving—perhaps we can return to

Hogwarts. There are other Order members who would suit as well, or


"Hm." Heru got up and grabbed some supplies, then scratched out a short

letter. A moment later Praecino appeared and was sent off with it.

"Though if it comes down to a choice as to where to spend Christmas day,

I'm not sure which I'd choose."

"It isn't as though you'd have to eat in the Great Hall," Severus said.

"Oh? In that case. . . ."

Praecino flashed back in and Heru took the note he was holding. "Albus

says we can return as soon as Remus arrives." He crumpled the

parchment and shoved it in his pocket. "I don't know where Moody got

off to, but he should be here as well."

"He's probably off investigating dustbins for subversive activity," was the

snide response.

The Weasleys returned a short time later and Molly passed on another

round of thanks to Heru on Arthur's behalf. Tonks had a sly wink for him

and confided that she had found a very strange name on her tapestry.

Heru told her vaguely that he was looking into that and would get back

to her, hopefully within the next week or so. Moody arrived with Remus,

his magical eye swiveling all around as children moved back and forth,

though his normal one stared fixedly at Heru with undiluted suspicion.

Heru captured his son when he appeared and pulled him off to the side.

"We can go back to Hogwarts now," he said. "If you want to stay here for

the holiday that's fine. Otherwise you and I and Severus will return to the

castle after dinner."

Mark gave him a wary look, no doubt remembering his father's

pronouncements about his safety. "Hogwarts," he said firmly.

Heru nodded. "Have fun while we're here, then, and be ready to go after

we eat." Mark scampered off quickly, so Heru went to go join Severus,

stopping part way there when Sirius intercepted him.

"I . . . should have said this earlier, but I didn't. Thank you for capturing


Heru smiled faintly. "It was the least I could do. You're quite welcome."

"Yeah, well, maybe you aren't completely untrustworthy."

Heru's smile broadened. "Perhaps. We will be leaving after dinner, by the


"Huh. Good, then Snivellus won't be around to sour the atmosphere."

Heru's smile vanished and was replaced by a sneer. "You would do well

to guard your tongue, Mr Black."

"Why do you even defend him? He's nothing but a loathsome, turncoat

Death Eater."

"Let me ask you a question or two, Mr Black. Did you think you could

live with yourself if your little prank had been successful that night?

When you used the nature of one of your best friends against himself, and

Severus? And would you have been able to live with yourself when

Remus was put down like a dog with rabies after killing someone you

despised, or was sent to Azkaban as a murderer? Did it make you feel

good to play God with people's lives, deciding who should live and who

should die? Some sick, twisted pleasure we would have expected to come

from Voldemort or one of his people—dare I say it, your mother? Has it

ever occurred to you that your actions, along with those of your friends

over the years, helped push Severus into the decision to become a Death


Heru snorted derisively. "There was a time when you defended Peter, I

assume because you couldn't trust your friend Remus any more than he

could find it within himself to trust you under the circumstances—there

were only so many people to point the finger at, after all. And look how

that turned out." He didn't bother to mask his sarcasm. "Severus, on the

other hand, spent that time betraying Voldemort to you and yours so that

you'd all have a fighting chance, working on your behalf despite not

being able to stand the sight of you. Who do you think is the better bet,

hm? I'll thank you to be civil in my presence, especially when you think

to disparage my house and by proxy my name and reputation."

"Your house?"

"Is it not? It was begun by Salazar and I am a Slytherin of the blood. If

you want to quibble over semantics and ignore the real issues here, be

my guest."

"No one forced him to become a Death Eater," Sirius protested faintly.

"And no one forced you to be a complete jackass during your school

years. If you'd left each other alone, I expect we wouldn't be having this

conversation. But you know, I will continue to do what I can to assist the

Order, as will Severus, but you can be damn sure it won't be for your

sake if you persist in this foolishness. It will be for those of everyone

involved, and certainly for a very dead young boy who cannot do much

of anything now but rot." Heru turned on his heel and stalked off to

Severus, muttering under his breath.

"You do realize you're emitting sparks—" murmured his mate.


"—and judging by the shell-shocked look on Black's face, your little show

has given him something to think about. What did he want, anyway?"

Heru ran a hand through his hair in agitation and sighed. "To thank me,

sort of, for capturing Peter."

Severus arched a brow.

"Then he called you a rude name—I refuse to repeat it—and I got a bit


"My gallant hero," Severus said breathily, raising a hand to his chest.

"Oh, shut up. I called him on a few points, is all. Maybe he'll feel guilty

enough to consider what I've said."

"I hope you aren't entertaining some fantasy of Black and I becoming

friends, Heru."

"Bite your tongue. I'm not completely deluded. I'd settle for insincere

civility and a cessation of overt hostility."

A snicker not far off made them both turn their heads; Remus had

evidently been listening in, and hastily took off as soon as they noticed


Dinner was announced a few minutes later, and when that was finally

over Mark ran upstairs to grab the overnight bag Severus had packed for

him while Heru tracked down Cooper. Molly appeared to see them out,

and when Mark came back downstairs the three of them left


31. Territorial Exploration

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Nothing important.

— 30: Territorial Exploration —

The next morning Heru was in a better mood. It had felt good in a

perverse sort of way to say those things to Sirius. His godfather had been

so intent on disassociating himself from his family's ways that he had

gone completely overboard in despising what they stood for. He had

never really matured, either, and Azkaban certainly hadn't helped the

situation. As much as Heru wished he could feel about Sirius the way he

had as a child, his adult perspective wouldn't allow for it.

He knew that Sirius was not entirely to blame; Severus had added his

own caustic nature into the mix and made things much worse. Heru

would never know the whole of it, though, not unless he was able to view

the entire progression of events from an unbiased point of view. That

being exceedingly unlikely, he was willing to set aside the issue of who

started what.

Severus had continued to temper his actions, waiting until it was only

Heru or Albus before launching into snide remarks and underhanded

digs. Maybe it had started with an eye toward Mark's feelings, and maybe

it had been reinforced when Severus learned the truth of who Heru had

been, but he was trying, at least in public.

Heru hadn't been lying, though. He had absolutely no expectations of

Severus and Sirius ever becoming friends. That would have required a

miracle of the highest order. He pushed aside his thoughts with a purely

mental sigh and started to roll out of bed, reversing himself when Severus

snaked out an arm and latched onto him with a sleepy murmur.

Consequently, it was much later than he had planned when he did rise,

shower, and seek breakfast.

He found Mark reading quietly in his room a short time after and asked

him if he wanted to try out a few things. Mark responded by flipping the

book onto the bed and leaping to his feet, the picture of eagerness, so

they moved out to the lounge and got comfortable.

"Now, some of what I'm going to ask you to do may sound really silly, but

bear with me." When his son nodded, Heru said, "Good. Close your eyes,

then." He pulled his wand out from behind his ear and held it up in front

of Mark's face.

"I want you to try to imagine what you'd be seeing if your eyes were

open. Try that for a bit, take your time, and tell me if you notice

anything odd, okay?"

Mark nodded and furrowed his brow. After a few minutes the furrow

became more pronounced. "Why am I seeing a thin glowing line?"

"Where is it, and how is it positioned?"

"Right in front of my face, and it's perpendicular to the floor, about a foot


"Open your eyes."

Mark did and jerked back almost immediately. "Wow."

"That's one test, then. When we are done here you're going to start

practicing, trying to identify all the magical objects in a room with your

eyes closed, and verify when you think you have everything, all right?"

"Yes, father."

"Eventually, if you have enough of the Sight, you can do it with your eyes

open. But for now, let's try something else. See that piece of paper over

there? Try to call it to you. Don't speak, just call it with your mind and

imagine it coming to your hand."

"Won't I get in trouble if it works for being underaged?"

Heru shook his head. "You aren't using a wand, for one thing. And with

the magical ambiance being what it is here, I doubt anyone will even


Mark shot him a suspicious look, then concentrated. After a minute of

effort the paper slid an inch across the table it was on, then stopped.

"Not bad," Heru said with a smile. "That's something else for you to

practice, but only here in our quarters, understand? Start out with small,

light objects. If you can master those, you can try something with a little

more weight. Actually, that's enough for right now. Two is enough to

begin with. When you get tired of practicing, or bored, I want you to

write me up a list of ways you could use these two to your advantage."

"All right."

"And don't forget lunch, either."

Mark nodded and ran off, possibly so that Heru couldn't give any more

instructions. Heru set about finding something he could transform into a

real mirror rather than conjuring one. He was actually a little surprised

that his temporary ones had lasted as long as they had. He did not want

the one he tried to use as a mirror for Voldemort to vanish unexpectedly,

not when he only had a minute portion of blood to work with.

The castle interrupted at that point with a vision, so Heru apparated to

the location she specified and returned with a magnificent example of a

standing mirror. Severus wandered out of the bedroom just as Heru was

preparing to move the mirror to a less trafficked spot in their quarters

and headed straight for the fireplace. Heru moved the mirror into their

library, then came back.

After pouring himself a cup of tea, he sat down across from Severus and

smiled. "I tried a few things this morning."


"Mark can apparently see magic and has some ability at wandless magic."

Severus managed to look more interested. He was strangely out of it for a

man who usually passed from sleeping to waking in a heartbeat.

"I have no idea yet how strong he'll be at them, though."

"I thought you said you could tell power levels just by looking."

"Yes, but that doesn't exactly apply here. For example, I had to work to

find the parselmouth ability. If I had sat down in the past and made . . . a

map, I suppose you could say . . . then I would know better now how to

judge. And, I cannot study myself. Anyway, Mark is practicing right now.

Later on I or you can see if he can determine what an object is by its

magical signature rather that simply being able to tell that it's magical."

"The mirror?"

Heru nodded. "The library. I'll start work in a bit to see if I can tune it to

Voldemort. I'd be a lot happier if it works knowing I wouldn't have to

keep reaching out. Still, it's only sight and sound, not a look into his


"The less you're in there, the better. Then, I'll be marking papers today,

getting them out of my hair. The sooner those are done, the more time I'll

have to relax." Severus squinted at the clock. "I can get plenty done

before lunch."

Heru and Severus separated shortly after. Heru had a number of things he

wanted to check into and try, the first of which was to study in detail the

mirrors he'd already been tuning. A lot of time had been spent teaching

him how to do certain things, but not much on why or how they worked.

He used conjured, transfigured, and normal mirrors, all tuned to the same

person, to determine the differences and how much effect they had on

the spell, if any, as well as how the spell related to the target. He also

experimented with obsidian, but that tended to lose the spell almost as

soon as he had placed it.

That, and Severus working with Mark on honing his newfound abilities,

took them right through to Christmas day. They opted to remain in their

quarters until noon, at which point they took lunch in the Great Hall to

be sociable. Very few students had stayed over during the break so it was

not a huge gathering. As soon as everyone had finished eating Mark ran

off with a friend who had remained, and Heru and Severus retired to

cozy up on the couch in front of a crackling fire. Heru hadn't bothered to

spy on the people at Grimmauld Place, despite having arranged for gifts

for each of them—anonymously, of course.

Two days later the tapestry had finally filled out enough to be useful.

After a great deal of scrolling Heru found the name he was looking for

and began tracing it down to Tom Riddle's. What he found was a little

shocking, and Severus felt much the same when Heru showed it to him.

Heru decided to contact Tonks to see if she would be willing to bring her

tapestry by so he could do a little comparing. She was, and stopped by

that afternoon. This time she was led to their quarters.

Tonks chattered away brightly at a mostly silent Severus as Heru traced

through her tapestry; he found the same peculiar results. Heru waited

until she paused for breath and interrupted.

"Tonks, I'm not quite sure if this is good news or bad news," he said.

Severus gained new interest in the conversation and straightened.

"What? Is it that odd name?"

"Yes," he said gravely. "I very strongly suspect that the ancients had a

way of becoming another person, so to speak. And if my suspicions are

correct, that odd name was actually an alias, a new identity, of Salazar

Slytherin after he left Hogwarts."

"But that would mean—I'm not even a parselmouth!"

"No, but I think I have a good idea why. Look here." He indicated a spot

on the tapestry and began tracing it down. "If you notice, it is not your

mother in the direct line. It's your supposedly muggleborn father who

carries Slytherin blood. If you look at the colours of the names as we go

along, you'll see that he descends from a line of squibs. I cannot tell from

this if one of them left the wizarding world to live as a muggle or not.

The point is, the potential was always there, and when your father

married your mother, a pureblood, it resulted in you, with the

metamorphmagus ability."

"Auntie Tonks?" she said, making the vague connection.

"If you like." Heru smiled warmly. "I'm sure Mark will be thrilled,

actually, though I wouldn't be very open with this information if I were


Her face dimmed for a moment. "Yes, of course."

"It gets more interesting, though, and this is where you make the obvious,

and not so good connection."

"Eh? Voldemort?"

"Yes. Look at this one—we'll start with the same name. You'll notice that

there is a different son born to Yshan, not the one that leads to you." She

nodded, so he continued with, "If we trace this down, we lead to

Voldemort's muggle father."

Tonks let out a merry laugh. "I bet that would get his knickers in a twist,

wouldn't it?"

"I expect so. Now keep in mind, I have yet to prove that this Yshan is

actually Salazar, but it seems frighteningly likely. There are a couple of

other suspect names on your tapestry, but none of them appear on this


"How did you—"

"Guile and deceit, my dear Tonks."

She grinned broadly. Heru thought she was taking the news far better

than he had hoped for; she must have an extraordinary sense of self to be

so relaxed. "Well, I suppose it comes with the territory for

metamorphmagi, eh?" she pointed out shrewdly, giving him an

exaggerated wink, then laughing again.

"But this is great," she continued. "I actually have more wizarding

relations who aren't supporters of the pureblood manifesto!"

"Would you like to stay for dinner? I'm sure Mark would like to see you

again, also."

She stopped bouncing and dimmed. "Can't," she said with a sigh. "I'm on

duty in a bit. I planned on grabbing some takeout on the way into the

Ministry for my shift. Another night?"

"Sure. You're an auror, correct?"

"That's right. A ruddy bore over a holiday, too. Most people end up at St.

Mungo's over a family argument. But still, we need to be available in case

something comes up. Do you need that for another day or so?" She

pointed at her tapestry. "I know you might want to show Albus or

something. I can just pop round on my next free day to collect it, and

maybe have lunch?"

"That would be very helpful, thanks," said Heru.

"Right! I need to be off, then." She bounced over to give him a quick hug,

started to do the same to Severus, but paused, remembering who he was,

and instead gave him a cheerful wave, then left.

Severus turned to him and slowly said, "I am related to her."

"Yup! 'Fraid so."

"I may never recover."

"Don't be such a baby. She's a nice girl."

Severus pinned him with a frosty look. "She has enough energy to make a

five year old tired just watching her. I suggest we take these tapestries

and go see Albus. I'm sure he will be equally thrilled with the news."

"Just imagine how Voldemort will feel." They each packed up a tapestry

and apparated to the entry, then continued on in to Albus's office.

The next day a letter arrived at breakfast. Heru checked it over for magic

before opening it, as he always did with anything not delivered by

phoenix, and shook out the contents. Rather than a normal letter, it was

revealed as a rectangular piece of thick, stiff paper. Fancy black script

wrote out a message, and the first letter of each line was edged in gilt.

Heru hadn't even read it yet and he was already suspicious.

You are cordially invited to dinner at Malfoy Manor

on the evening of 8th January,

with cocktails to begin at 7pm.

Please RSVP to let Narcissa and myself know if your

son will be joining you and Severus on this occasion.

It was signed 'Lucius Malfoy' and embossed with the Malfoy family crest

in the lower right corner. Not having received a formal invitation for

anything before, Heru had no idea if this was the proper way of doing

things. After staring at it for a minute he flipped it over to Severus, who

skimmed it and snorted.

"How utterly delightful. Mark is not going," Severus said firmly.

"No, he is not. I also note that he seems to assume we will not decline the

invitation. What do you know about Malfoy Manor?"

"I've been there numerous times. Prepare yourself for understated

elegance, a quarry's worth of marble, the usual. No apparation wards that

I'm aware of. I doubt we'd see anything out of the ordinary."

"Except, perhaps, other guests?"

"That may be. And while I think Lucius would never dare tamper with

the food, it would be unwise to assume he might not."

"That's not a problem. I suppose we should go see Albus again."

— — —

Tonks arrived shortly before noon two days later and announced herself

by banging on their door several times. When Heru opened it—the castle

had flashed him her image before he could check who was on the other

side—she was gazing up at the corridor ceiling, whistling, and bouncing

slightly on the balls of her feet. She gave a theatrical start, then grinned

slightly when he appeared. "How come you live with Severus, anyway?"

she asked.

"It was convenient originally, and temporary," he said as he stepped back

to allow her entrance, "and it seemed silly to change things after a while."

He shrugged with apparent indifference. "Severus does not mind, and he

is of Slytherin House."

"I suppose that makes sense." She bounced into the middle of the lounge

and looked around with bright eyes.

Heru crossed the room to indicate her tapestry, neatly contained in a

waterproof case. "Don't forget to take that when you leave, of course," he

said, then moved to sit down. "I've been sent a dinner invitation from

Lucius Malfoy, by the way. I do believe that my efforts are beginning to

pay off in some obscure way."

She dropped onto the couch and grinned. "Better you than me!"

"Yes, well. . . ." Heru shrugged and smiled back. "That remains to be seen.

Listen, are you free on the eighth?"

She raised her brows and shifted her gaze down, her eyes going a bit

wide. Then she blinked and looked up. "Sure am. Why?"

"It is rather short notice, but I thought perhaps you might wish to spend

that evening with Mark. And, incidentally, keep an eye on him at the

same time. Severus will be going with me, you see, and quite frankly, I

am loathe to leave my son in the hands of certain people while we're

away from the castle. You, however, are family."

"I can do that, sure! It would be fun," she assured him.

"We will be leaving here at around seven, but you are certainly welcome

to arrive earlier than that." He looked away as Severus arrived, and their


Lunch went well enough. Mark was pleased to hear that Tonks was a

member of the family and took to the idea immediately. That her energy

level was a match for his was just as well. Severus was almost sociable,

though it was clear to Heru that he found the girl to be excessively

wearying. The concept of a family comprised of—essentially—nice

people might be new to him, but he was handling the adjustment well

enough, disdaining his usual sarcasm for something a bit more restrained

and mellifluous.

Heru smiled frequently during the meal, though he was careful not to

aim it at his mate too often. And eventually, Tonks wandered off, taking

her tapestry with her, promising to return on the eighth. No one was

foolish enough to refer to it as keeping an eye on him to Mark, though.

— — —

They arrived shortly after seven, Severus having assured Heru that it was

never the done thing to show up on time. A house elf answered the door

and admitted them, then took their travel cloaks and showed them into a

lounge. Three people rose to greet them; Draco was nowhere in sight.

Two were white-blond, naturally. The third, a man, had light brown hair

and hazel eyes, with the kind of face that was easily forgettable.

"Ah, Heru and Severus," said Lucius. "How delightful to see you again.

We're so glad you could come. Narcissa, dear, let me introduce Heru

Slytherin. Heru, this is my lovely wife, Narcissa."

She extended a porcelain white hand and Heru captured it in his own,

placing a butterfly kiss on the back before releasing it. She nodded to

Severus by way of greeting, then stepped back and settled in the chair

she had vacated.

"Heru, Severus, this is a recent acquaintance of ours, Xavier Chaldren.

Xavier, Heru Slytherin and Severus Snape." As they exchanged a round of

hand shakes Lucius said in a supposed aside to Xavier, "They are both

professors at Hogwarts." To them he said, "Would you care for a drink to

start with?"

Heru glanced over at the selection carefully and determined it was safe.


"Certainly. Severus?"

"The same, if you please."

"Of course. Please, make yourselves comfortable."

They took seats in matching chairs, and Heru took the time while Lucius

was pouring to briefly study Xavier while Severus engaged the man in a

meaningless query about his work. Heru saw what he expected to see, a

glamour. Beneath the layer of magic obscuring his real features was a

stretched-smooth, pasty-white face with slits for nostrils like a snake and

eyes that matched.

Xavier professed to be in the import business. Heru held back his

disbelief; everyone knew that was a commonly used euphemism for

underhanded activities. Lucius arrived with two glasses and Heru

rechecked them; neither had been tampered with. The next fifteen

minutes were spent in an excruciatingly boring round of social

pleasantries, and he was hard pressed to keep the smile on his face. So, it

was something of a relief when a cowed looking elf popped in to

announce that dinner was served.

32. Fishing Expeditions

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Reviewer comment-inspired stuff in here. Some of this is really

kind of odd, but I was in a strange mood when I wrote it. Things just

wandered that way. There's also a bit of fluff in this chapter for Heru and


— 31: Fishing Expeditions —

Once they were seated—Xavier ended up directly across from Heru—the

soup course appeared. The utensils looked fine, the soup looked fine, so

Heru tapped the top of Severus's foot with his under the table a single

time. He used his soup spoon in the properly prescribed manner, moving

it away from himself to fill it, and had taken a sip—without any noise, of

course—when Xavier opened the conversation.

"I understand that you are the creator of the tapestry, Heru, that Lucius

arranged for me."

Heru smiled and nodded. "I trust you were pleased with the results."

"Quite. One wonders where you learned such an accomplishment."

Heru paused to have more of the soup—he detested it, actually, and

thought that cold soups were an affectation of the wealthy—then said

vaguely, "Oh, here and there. One finds all manner of interesting things

during life's journey."

"Is it the sort of thing anyone could learn to do?"

Heru allowed one corner of his mouth to quirk up. "Fortunately for me,

no, I'm afraid not." He turned to Narcissa and said, "This is quite good.

My compliments." She gave him a wintry smile and he took another


"A shame," said Xavier, "but I can see why you do not take on many

commissions given the amount of work that goes into one."

"Yes, they are somewhat fatiguing," Heru agreed.

"I did have the odd question or two about them if you didn't mind."

Heru shook his head and reached for his glass to try to banish the soup's

taste from his mouth.

"I noticed that the names only go so far back—why would that be?"

"If you think of magic as a living thing, a thing that can be passed down

from person to person—in part—like genetics, just as certain abilities are

passed down from father to son, and so on, then you can imagine that

part of that magic contains information on a person's ancestors."

Xavier nodded, so Heru continued, "The process taps into that

information, taken from the person's blood and extrapolating from it the

magical signatures of the people in a person's direct line—going

backward, at least. However, there is a finite amount that can be

maintained. After a certain point the information becomes vague or

incomplete, and the magic of the tapestry can no longer accurately divine

the names, so it stops updating. The process forward is understandably

different, as the tapestry updates in real time as each change occurs. A

completely different situation, really."

"I see," said Xavier, then paused as their bowls disappeared and the next

course appeared. "Then what might be the cause of names that appear to

be blurry, or other such oddities?"

Heru noticed immediately that the dressing on the salad was tainted, at

least for his plate and Severus's, and tapped his mate's shoe twice. He

plastered a thoughtful expression on his face, as though thinking deeply

about the question, and set about unweaving the magic that permeated

their food. When he was done he tapped Severus's shoe again, once.

"Well," he said slowly, "that can be caused by a number of things."

He picked up the correct fork and poised it over his salad. "For instance,

the magic could be vague for that name. Because the odds of it being

correct are so high, it gets placed on the tapestry, but what you actually

see is blurred, or some of the information is missing, such as a birth

date." Then he delicately forked some of the greens and took a bite, not

missing the slight smirk on Lucius's face as he did so. Then he wondered

how it was that people at dinner parties ever came away feeling full if

the portions were always so small.

"I see, yes. It makes a great deal of sense when you put it that way."

"Was there anything else that brought to mind a question once you had a

chance to look over the updated tapestry?"

"There was one thing, now that I think about it. One of the names—a

very old one—almost looked as though another name was underneath it.

Why do you suppose that might be?"

Heru shrugged and looked Xavier in the eye. "I have a theory on that. I

strongly suspect there is a lost art from ancient times, a method whereby

a person could change their identity. I speculate that if a person were to

do so, their magical signature would retain some vestige of their original

identity. So, when something like a tapestry is created, the magic used

becomes confused and attempts to place both names. But, I have no way

of proving my suspicions."

Xavier remained silent for a minute, long enough for the salad plates to

disappear and be replaced with the main course. Heru wondered if Lucius

or Narcissa had a little button or something under the table that they

pressed to signal the house elves in the kitchen.

He took that opportunity to check the food, tapping his mate's foot twice

before disabling the carrots, then once. He also wondered if any of them

thought he or Severus were that stupid as to take this dinner at face

value. Surely they did not normally consist of two people talking while

the rest listened politely and affected rapt attention.

"I can see why you're a professor, Heru," Xavier finally said with an

engaging smile. "You certainly have a way with words. And, for more

than one subject I hear."

Heru responded with a charming smile of his own and said, "How very

flattering. I have taught more than one subject, yes. If one knows the

material and can interact with children on a level they understand,

almost anything is possible."

"And your wife—does she also teach?"

"No, she doesn't do much of anything except lay about all hours of the

day and night. She's dead, you see," Heru said callously. "A rather

unfortunate accident involving a niffler and some diamonds. I don't really

like to talk about it. I'm sure you understand."

"Yes, of course." Xavier pushed right on with, "I'm surprised you've not

remarried. Surely a man of your talent and good name would be sought

after by any number of ladies of good family."

Heru shrugged. "One was enough for me. I got what I wanted out of it."

"Ah heir, I presume?" asked Xavier.

Heru smirked and said, "No, the title of Widower. The heir was just a


"What if something should happen to your heir?" Xavier persisted.

Heru laughed softly and forked a carrot. "I'm not a Divination professor

for nothing. I wasn't hired for my good looks, after all. It's amazing what

someone with talent can find out if they just put their mind to it." He

turned to Narcissa and smiled warmly. "These carrots are prepared so

exquisitely. You simply must send the recipe over so I can have my house

elves replicate it."

Conversation was rather stilted after that, and Lucius and Severus finally

joined in. Narcissa remained silent, acting as nothing more than an

aesthetically pleasing manikin who had faultless table manners. The

subject rolled back around to divination, which afforded Heru an

opportunity when Xavier gave him another thinly disguised compliment.

"Ah," Heru said with a dazzling smile, "since you have expressed such

interest, you shall be my subject in this." He had chosen his words very

carefully, knowing that the implication would be something to make

Xavier itch. "Would you be so kind as to extend your hand?"

As the man did so, the plates disappeared. This time they were not

replaced with the expected sweet course, perhaps in deference to the

little show Heru was about to put on. Heru took Xavier's hand in one of

his own, brushing it open, palm up, with his other. It was, perhaps,

slightly awkward as they were sitting across the table from each other,

but Heru did not let that get in the way. He was sure to make Xavier be

the one to make more of an effort.

He affected a very thoughtful look as he studied the palm carefully, then

pulled his head back to consider the overall shape of Xavier's hand, and

consider the relation between the palm and fingers. Then, in a truly rude

move, Heru released the hand and snapped his fingers, ending up so that

his index finger was pointed at Xavier's other hand, then flipped his hand

over and crooked his finger.

After a slightly shocked moment of silence, he was able to study the

second hand as well. A minute later he released Xavier and sat back.

"This will take some time, so I suggest we finish the meal before I

continue," he said rather imperiously.

There was another moment of silence, then the sweet course appeared.

Conversation wandered back into the realm of social politeness for the

time it took to finish up, then everyone repaired to the lounge. Heru

seated himself in a cushy armchair and looked expectantly at Xavier,

whose face betrayed a hint of anger. But, the man pulled up a chair to

the side and sat.

"Which hand is dominant?" asked Heru. "We'll start with that one."

Xavier extended his right arm, his hand palm up again. Heru laid it atop

his own, using his thumb to force the index finger slightly down. "You

could consider this insight into your public nature," he commented

absently. "Your other hand would give insight as to what you keep

private. This . . . tells me you are quite confident, smooth, and charming.

Very much in control of your surroundings and not afraid to be


He tilted his head to the side and paused. "You can be single minded and

intense, almost to the point of obsession." He looked up and smiled

disarmingly. "I imagine that can be quite useful in your business."

Shifting his gaze again, he said, "This"—he traced his index finger across

one of the lines in Xavier's palm—"tells me that there is some division in

your life. For example, it can denote a wide gulf between the public and

private, or a new beginning in life."

He lifted his head a bit and pursed his lips. "You're not a square," he said

abruptly. "Elongation is quite evident"—he tapped Xavier's palm—"and

your lines are strong and defined. Patience is not your strong suit, though

you would make a good leader despite that. Along with that, you can be

dogmatic. That can be a very good trait for someone with a particular

goal in mind, but it can lead a person down fruitless pathways, or cause

them to miss the alternate possibilities. You definitely have some goal in

mind, there's no doubt about that, and a great deal of your sense of self is

tied up in it. However"—Heru released the hand and took Xavier's left—"I

can see that there is danger involved, and deception. Some of the people

you deal with on a regular basis are those you feel cannot or should not

be trusted. What people see in public is far from all that you are."

Heru flipped Xavier's hand over and studied the back and the nails,

looking through the glamour. "I'm afraid you have some health problems,

my friend." He flipped the hand over again and reached for Xavier's right

to hold them side by side, palm up. "You keep your private life very

private, showing only what you feel is necessary. Deception is easy for

you, effortless."

Heru wasn't mentioning half of what he was seeing, not particularly

wanting to see Xavier erupt into fury at having his life and personality

discussed or dissected openly in front of his minions, though he was

speaking so quietly that it was possible only Xavier could hear him

properly. "And, your family is very important to you. Something occurred

within the past year that brought you rather a lot of good fortune." Heru

squinted and cocked his head. "It's a bit fuzzy, actually. I cannot tell if

you caused it to happen, or if it was serendipitous—how strange. You've

spent a great deal of time traveling, but that's hardly a surprise in your

line of work."

Heru straightened and released his grip, allowing Xavier to reclaim his

hands. In a slightly louder voice he said, "I sense that you currently have

two major goals—more immediate, that is, as opposed to an overriding

one. Both of them are attainable and I see nothing that bars your way for

either. I am quite confident in saying that you will achieve success for

these two things, though it may take up to six months to realize them


Xavier gave him a measuring look, then nodded and sat back.

"Fascinating. But you cannot see what those goals are?"

Heru shook his head. "I would have to take more time than I have this

evening to give to determine what they were. And, they are your goals to

share or not, as the case may be, with whom you see fit. I wouldn't dream

of trying to delve more deeply without due cause." He gave Xavier a

quirky smile.

"So you would have no recommendations as to likely associates?"

Heru appeared to consider, then shook his head. "I would need the proper

tools before I could attempt to answer that."

"I see." Xavier gave him another measuring look, then angled himself as

though inviting normal discussions again.

When they were finally able to leave Heru and Severus donned their

travel cloaks once more and stepped outside. Heru checked the cloaks

over for anything odd as they strolled through the frosty air to the gates

of the estate, then nodded to Severus once they were through. "Shall we?"

Back at Hogwarts—they had apparated to underlake—Heru snatched a

pain potion from a cabinet and downed it, then dropped onto the couch

in the lounge.

"So tell me, what did they try?"

"A derivative of veritaserum and something to make us very agreeable to


"And your impressions?"

"Aside from the obvious, I think Voldemort was searching for something I

wanted, something he could provide and have me owing him for. But I

wasn't giving him the answers he wanted—well, except for the one

genuine prediction." He shrugged and leaned back.

"That I am already aware of." Severus folded his arms over his chest and


"Sorry. Yes, I was able to study him once he stopped interrogating me

and the rest of you were able to join in. And then again after that

reading, though I was able to spare a bit during it as well." He sighed and

stretched his legs out, rubbing his forehead reflexively.

"Severus, I may be right in my suspicions, but I really need more time.

My first impression was that he's very tenuously put together. I think his

little ritual was slapped together haphazardly, as though he couldn't quite

manage to do what he was supposed to, so he improvised. It worked, but.

. . ."

"But you aren't sure. Are you even watching right now?"

Heru shook his head. "I'm sure Moody or Sirius is. Or even Albus. I did

set up a mirror for him. One of them can fill us in later. If not, I can

always scry."

"Then I expect we should be thinking about the fact that you need more

time around Voldemort and how to accomplish it without committing to

anything. And I should, perhaps, be thinking about the fact that they did,

after all, use potions against us—or tried to."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't see why I cannot use my knowledge and talent to try and find a

way for us, and the Order by extension, to become immune to

veritaserum, even if only temporarily. You cannot always be there to

defuse things."

Heru gave him a blank look. "All right. Please forgive me for sounding

like an ass, but why haven't you tried before now?"

Severus sat down beside him and said, "Because, my dear Heru, up until

not so long ago, I was a chained man. You released me, remember? I

continue to play a role out of choice, but I am freer now than I have ever

been in my life. I have time now—actual time—to try to accomplish

things that prior to now were only fragments of dreams." Then he gave

Heru a rather intense look. "Besides, even what little you did this evening

is more than enough to make you look like hell."

"I didn't—"


Heru started to say it was only a little pain, but remained silent. He knew

that Severus would rightfully lay into him, and be merciless about it. "Do

you think you could?"

"The answer to that lies in trying."

"Well, you are better at Potions than I am," Heru said diplomatically. "I

don't have your flair and intuitive understanding." Severus gave him an

incredulous look. "I don't. I like Potions very much, but I think you love


"I'm not sure I see where that makes a difference. You are not


Heru sighed. "I'm not sure I can draw an accurate comparison. I love the

kinds of things I'm good at, but I can't show you the beauty of magic in

its most raw state. I wish you could see what I see, and be able to

manipulate the threads of pure power. I can spin them from my

fingertips, but I can't share that with you except indirectly. Potions, well,

they interest me a great deal, but I wouldn't say I'm passionate about

them. I don't have the particular mind set that says, what if?"

"All right, I can accept that."

"I feel like I missing something. Something so obvious that I'm going to

kick myself for days when I realize what it is. Something is very much

not right with Voldemort," Heru said in frustration. "All I can see right

now is the forest, not the trees in it. Or maybe I mean the other way. I

don't know."

"Shush." Severus reached out and pulled Heru into his embrace. "You're

tired and in pain right now, potion notwithstanding. Just let it go for the

moment. It will come," he soothed, his fingers trailing through Heru's

hair. "We'll figure it out." After a minute of silence he said, "You were

magnificent, by the way. I nearly choked at some of the things you did,

though, but you played him well."

"Thanks," Heru said softly, letting the sound of his mate's heartbeat

steady him. "I'm glad you're here. You have always helped me to see

things more clearly."

Severus's hand paused for a fraction of a second, then resumed its slow

movement. "Even then?"

"Even then," Heru agreed in a whisper. He reached up without looking to

trace his fingers over Severus's lips gently. "I was so lonely, so scared, so

angry, and then, so resigned," he said in a detached voice. "I didn't

appreciate you enough back then. Later on, I did. I appreciated you. I

delighted in crossing swords with you. I loved your sarcasm, your quick

mind, even your suspicion to some extent. You were so alive, so fierce.

But it hurt when you didn't actually trust me. I know it's not rational. I

just. . . ."

Heru felt Severus shift, then a hand on his own, and a kiss pressed

against his fingertips. "I miss my children, Severus. Isn't that crazy? I feel

like all I should need to do is walk a few steps into the next room and

they'll be there waiting for me. And for all that Salazar was an ass, I miss

him like I'd miss one of my arms or legs. I don't know whether to feel

cheated or blessed for what I was given. I guess I'm wrong to be so


Severus shifted again, pulling Heru onto his legs so he could cradle him

against his chest more comfortably. Heru rested there for a while, idly

playing with the buttons on the shirt his mate was wearing. "I'm sorry,"

he said finally. "I don't know what's wrong with me." Severus pressed a

soft kiss to the top of his head and went back to stroking his hair.

Eventually, Heru drifted off to sleep.

He awoke to filtered light that shifted ceaselessly around the room,

stained blue by the water it traveled through and the sky from which it

came. Seconds later, Severus appeared with a muted crack of sound and

took a seat on the edge of the bed. His eyes were soft, and the hand he

placed on Heru's chest was gentle. His tone when he spoke, however, was

quite normal. "It's about time you woke up."

Heru blinked in confusion and looked around, his gaze shifting back to

Severus when his mate spoke again. "I thought it was best to just let you

sleep last night, rather than waking you so we could return to our normal

quarters. I also thought about taking advantage of you, but I decided you

were in no condition to appreciate it."

Heru smiled without thinking. "What time is it?"

"Just about ten. Not too bad, considering."

"Considering what?"

Severus arched a brow at him. "Considering how badly you were affected

by last evening's activities and how much strain you were obviously

under." He paused and tilted his head to the side. "You know, I never

thought I'd hear myself say this, but your moments of vulnerability are

strangely endearing."

Heru flushed and dropped his gaze.

"I see that I need to explain. It makes me feel like this isn't all some sort

of dream. You are here, with me. You trust me enough to let down your

guard, to show me what you're really feeling, and you trust me not to use

it against you or think less of you."

"Severus, I. . . ."

"My dear Heru, we are bonded for reasons other than convenience or

mere physical expressions of desire. You don't always have to be strong,

and you aren't. You let me be that for you at times. I wish I could be as

open as you."

"I think you're doing a pretty good job right now," Heru mumbled,

glancing at his mate through his lashes.

"Well, then, I shall continue. When you are vulnerable I feel a number of

things, but one thing is crystal clear. Not one part of me doubts the depth

of your feelings for me. I believe. You need not say it, because I see it and

I feel it." A moment later he removed his hand and said briskly, "Now get

up. Your son has been driving me mad with his requests to see for himself

that you are all right."

Heru's head shot up. "Oh, so now he's my son?" He snorted and struggled

up to a sitting position, then shot a glare at Severus. "Push off, then, so I


33. Out of Sorts

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Odd things happen in chapters when my mood is flaky. Reviewer

comment-inspired scene included.

— 32: Out of Sorts —

It took several minutes to reassure Mark. Eventually, though, he stopped

fussing and ran off to firecall the kitchens so Heru could have breakfast.

Heru wisely made a run for the bathroom so he could take a shower. As

the warm water cascaded over him, he tried to think back over what he

had seen and sensed, trying to find the knot that would unravel the

puzzle named Voldemort if pulled.

He thought about it while he ate, listening to Severus with only half his

attention. He continued to think about it all the way up to the

headmaster's office, only really becoming aware of his surroundings at

the sound of the door being kicked shut by his mate. He shook his head

to clear it, then dropped into a chair.

"I am pleased that you could come," said Albus. "Heru, your performance

last night was masterful."

Heru waved his hand vaguely in acknowledgement, already back to

thinking about Voldemort.

Severus let out an exasperated snort. "His head is off in the clouds, Albus.

You won't get much sense out of him for a while."

Heru snapped back to attention. "That is so not true. But you'd be a little

distracted too if you had to touch that foul creature for so long."

"I'm sorry—dear boys, what is it that I'm missing here?" asked Albus.

"I take it you didn't realize that Chaldren was Voldemort?" asked Heru,

and was not surprised to see Albus's eyes widen. "Well, then, I assume

you can understand that dinner was not quite as aboveboard as it may

have looked."

"Please, go on."

"You've probably already drawn the obvious conclusions. They were once

again trying to ascertain my preferences or inclinations, and I was not

particularly willing to be cooperative. However, what you would not

have been able to see, aside from being unable to penetrate through

Voldemort's disguise, was that several of the meal's courses were tainted.

They tried to ensure both that we would be speaking the truth, and that

we would be very open to suggestion."

"When I—" Albus stopped and furrowed his brow, darting a look at

Severus. After a moment he came to a decision and said, "The one time I

attempted something similar, you simply pointed it out. How is it that

you avoided the issue this time?"

Heru gave a deprecative shrug. "At the time you refer to, it was more to

the point to make you aware I saw through your ploy. However, last

evening it was far more important to handle the issue quietly. As you

well know, I was able to remove Severus's Mark. That is possible because

I can see magic, just as I can see the wards here at Hogwarts. I simply

unwove the magic, rendering the food harmless, normal."

Albus appeared to be mildly speechless for a moment. "You're saying—all

right. If I were to present you with any magical object, could you disable


"Most likely, sure."

"What of the prediction you made last night?"

"I assume you do not mean the palmistry. The prediction was genuine

enough, though I wasn't trying very hard, I admit. He does have several

goals at this time. I suspect one must be the prophecy sphere, and he will

eventually get it, Albus. As for the other, I am not sure what it was, but

he will also achieve it."

"Do you have any sense of what order?"

Heru shook his head. "Sorry, no. But given that I placed a six month time

period on them, that gives us some breathing room. He will be far more

likely to proceed carefully with what I've told him. And, as the sphere

was replaced, that should confound him for a time further."

"I confess to being curious as to why you bothered at all."

Heru favored the headmaster with a piercing look and a snort. "I should

think that would be obvious."

"Heru," said Severus warningly.

Heru narrowed his eyes at his mate, then said, "Then I shall explain.

Again, I can see magic. I thought it would be wise to take the opportunity

handed to us to study the man—if you can even call him one." He snorted

again, this time in disgust. Being awake had its disadvantages; he felt

rather unclean despite his shower. "I was looking for weaknesses. There's

something very much not right about that man, and I'm not talking about

his head."

Albus cast a look at Severus, clearly disturbed by Heru's sudden shift in


Severus gave a slight sigh, then said, "The ritual Voldemort used is

suspect. It is possible that he was unable to correctly follow the actual

directions and had to improvise. That it worked is one thing, but there

may be repercussions that would prove to be his undoing. Heru would

need more time to study him, and that in itself is problematic."

"Yes, of course. Well, I continued to keep an eye on Lucius after the two

of you left, but I'm afraid his guest left shortly after you did, which is

probably why I did not realize who he was."

Heru noted that Severus nodded out of the corner of his eye. "Then I

expect I should get back to working on that mirror. It would be far easier

for all of us if we could watch Voldemort directly," he said.

"Yes, how is that going?" asked Albus.

"I find it rather odd that my conjured mirrors have stayed around as long

as they have, actually. But that is beside the point, I suppose, or not. I did

not wish to waste what little blood I had on a mirror that would

disintegrate, but was curious as to the differences between conjured,

transfigured, and normally created mirrors. Anyway, I am just about

ready to try my experiment, though having spent that much time sitting

so near the man, I may be able to try something else."

"What," said Albus, "do you mean?"

Heru shrugged again. "I leeched a few power strands from him." That was

not exactly true, but the headmaster did not need to know that. In fact,

he had been thinking that the time the founders had spent working on his

scar might be of use to him in a peculiar sort of way.

Apparently that was the wrong thing to say, as Albus actually frowned.

"This disturbs me," he stated. "I am already disturbed by your reaction to

last evening. I worry about the consequences to you personally."

"Albus, I have no doubt that you would be disturbed on a far more

personal level than I already am if you had had to touch that man, or

spend time delving into his magical nature looking for points to exploit.

But to answer your unspoken question—or should I say, concern—I am in

no danger of being corrupted by him, so get that out of your head right


The headmaster did not seem entirely reassured, but Severus spoke up to

reinforce the idea. "I myself am confident that Heru is able to handle

himself quite well."

And, while that endorsement seemed to ease Albus's worry slightly, it did

not completely go away, which only served to worsen Heru's already

deteriorating mood. "You know, Albus," he said in a deceptively casual

tone of voice, "I'm beginning to think you no longer trust me, or trust in

the things I say. And, if that is the case, I could simply pack up and leave

so that you would not need to worry any longer about the state of my

mental health."

"Heru," said Severus again in a warning tone.

"What?" Heru snapped.

"You're sparking again," Severus pointed out sternly, though his eyes

were amused.

Heru took a deep breath and dropped his gaze, then slid his eyes over to

fix on the headmaster intently. "I understand that you have concerns,

Albus," he said tersely, "but if you think for one moment that I will sit

here and let you call into question my abilities, my talent, my sense of

self, or my loyalty, then you'd better think again, old man. Perhaps it

would be wiser if I were to gather up my household and leave the British

Isles before I become angry enough to—" He had slowly risen to his feet

as he spoke and let an ugly sneer disfigure his face. Almost as soon as he

cut off the flow of words he apparated out to his underlake bedroom,

then shed his clothes and slipped into bed, falling asleep in mere seconds

through sheer force of will.

When he woke up again it was late afternoon. He stared at the watery

ceiling for a long time, trying to understand why he felt so wretched.

With a sigh he ran it all through his mind again, what he had seen, and

eventually gave it up. He simply had not been able to see enough, and

perhaps it was his frustration that was making him so edgy and quick to

anger. He spared a moment to check and see where his family was; they

were reading, though Mark was in his room rather than sitting with


He seriously considered going back to sleep. He had no doubt that

Severus had checked to see where he had gotten off to and decided to

leave him be once he was satisfied that Heru remained on the grounds.

He thought about returning to their quarters, but decided he didn't really

want to do that, either. Now that his anger had cooled, he felt apathetic

and listless. It was at that point that the castle decided to meddle in


Severus appeared a few seconds later and took a seat on the edge of the

bed, causing Heru to suffer a moment of déjà vu. Severus did not speak,

though. Instead, after looking at Heru for some few seconds he rose and

stripped, then slid into bed himself and wrapped himself around his

mate. It wasn't until after Severus had expressed his feelings in a very

physical manner that he opened his mouth for speech. "Consider yourself

taken advantage of."

Heru smiled faintly. "I consider myself lucky to be taken advantage of by


"Then maybe I should do that more often."

Heru rolled over and pressed his back against Severus, then sighed. "I

won't complain. Thank you for giving me some time to myself, though."

Severus draped an arm over his form and kissed his neck. "I thought it

was wise considering your mood. I know you're frustrated, and probably

even feel a bit ill."

"I am. I do. Why, Severus? I've never felt that way when I've reached into

his mind. Why now?"

"You said the founders severed the link into your mind, correct?"


"But you still experience moments when something nebulous alerts you.

While I know that could be prophetic powers, it may be that they were a

little off in their manipulations through no fault of their own. It could be

that being so close physically does something to you that neither of us

comprehends. He does have some of your blood, my dear Heru. I admit, I

can only speculate, but it is possible there is a very valid cause for your

exceptionally bad reaction."

Heru sighed again. "Was Albus very upset?"

Severus gave a low chuckle. "He was beside himself after you walked out.

He is worried that he has offended you so badly that you will, in fact,

pack up and leave. I told him he ought to be grateful for your self-


"I should probably apologize."

"No." Severus placed another kiss on Heru's neck, then said, "I do not

think that would be wise. Albus needs to learn that while he may be the

leader of the Order, he by no means controls you, regardless of how

amiable you generally are. You are more powerful than he, and you are

the only one who truly understands what you are capable of. He must

respect that. You are not his damn pawn, Heru. You refused that role

once already. Do not willingly place yourself into a position where he

knows he can push you around. Don't you dare be weak in front of him."

"Can I at least apologize to you for being such a bear?"

"Of course. Though, I can think of much sweeter things that could come

from your lips. In fact, I heard some of them not so long ago."

Heru grinned and twisted around so he could kiss his mate properly,

reaching back to tangle his fingers in Severus's hair. Things had just

become very interesting again when Severus stiffened for a moment, then

cursed under his breath. "What?" Heru asked, alarmed.

"She didn't alert you? The castle passed along a message from Mark.

Lupin is looking for you."

"Well, Remus will just have to wait a little while," Heru purred, then

asked the castle to relay back a message through Mark.

— — —

They apparated into their bedroom and emerged seconds later to find

Mark and Remus sitting in the lounge discussing the virtues of quidditch.

Remus stood immediately and nodded a greeting, then smiled as Mark

bounced over to Heru and hugged him tightly. After dropping a kiss on

Mark's head, Heru looked at Remus and said, "You wished to see me?"

"Yes, if that's all right. There were a few things I was hoping I could talk

to you about."

Severus disentangled Mark from his father and said, "Come along, then.

We'll give your father some privacy." Mark seemed a bit reluctant, but

allowed himself to be led away.

Heru crossed to a chair and sat down, gesturing for Remus to sit again.

"What can I do for you?"

Remus looked nervous for some reason. "I realize you know I overheard

you and Severus that night."

"Yes. What of it?"

"It made me curious about a few things. Naturally, I spoke to Sirius to

find out what happened. You have to understand that he's—"

Heru cut him off. "Don't attempt to apologize on his behalf—"

"I wasn't—"

"—and don't attempt to explain him, either. I know quite a lot about our

Mr Black, and no, not all of it is from Severus. I am a fairly patient man,

Remus. If Sirius has a change of heart at some point, I'm quite sure he

can find the courage to tell me himself. Until then, I would hope that all

of us can at least coexist."

Remus looked to be at a loss for a moment, then said, "You see, after

listening to what Sirius had to say and thinking about what I overheard I

—well, I'm rather glad you said what you did."

Heru arched a brow and waited.

"I've cut Sirius a lot of slack. Part of that is because of what he's gone

through. Part of that is because even I found it hard to believe in his

innocence then, and I—he's very important to me. But I can't say that I

pretend to completely ignore his faults, regardless of the cause. I'm not

entirely sure what's keeping him going at this point—some of the time, at

least. Your talk with him—it was like a sharp slap in the face from

someone he couldn't afford to ignore. I think . . . it may have done him

some good."

Heru tilted his head to the side and declined to comment.

"He's been . . . very thoughtful lately. Maybe coming from you, a relative

outsider, those words actually penetrated for once. I've also noticed that

Severus has backed off. I get the feeling that has something to do with

you as well."

"Mark, actually," said Heru.


"Mark has developed a bit of fondness for you and Sirius. Severus knows


"I see." He paused a moment, then said, "You've certainly never shared

Severus's enmity, nor have you discriminated against either myself or

Sirius, though you obviously aren't afraid to tell it like it is. I guess what

I'm trying to say is thank you."

Heru's brows rose and he leaned forward."I mean no offense when I say

this, but I have long considered you the more reasonable person out of

yourself and Sirius, so I am not entirely surprised to hear you say that.

You're welcome, by the way. I had not intended to be so harsh, but Sirius

set me off and I'm afraid I lost my temper a bit."

Remus nodded. "Were you the anonymous gift giver?"

"I'm sure I have no earthly idea of what you mean," Heru said with a


"Of course," Remus said with a smile, then, "Arthur should be out of St.

Mungo's in a couple of days. I know the Weasleys are very glad you were

able to prevent his death, as am I."

Heru inclined his head. "I was pleased to be of service. I try not to ignore

when I sense things."

"If it isn't rude to ask, what did happen? No one really explained."

Heru shrugged. "A prophetic dream that woke me. The only thing I was

sure of was that it involved the prophecy sphere, so a watch was set up

on Mr Weasley just in case, as he was on duty. As it was, his death was

prevented by quick action once his peril became clear."

"It's a shame, then, that a watch of that same type couldn't be set up on

the corridor itself."

Heru shook his head. "Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way, and while

I agree it would be nice, part of the point of having watchers physically

in place is so that Voldemort is aware of the Order's suspicions."

"Yes," Remus agreed with a sigh. "Well, I suppose I should be going.

Thank you for sparing me some of your time."

Heru smiled. "Any time, though there may be the occasional delay."

The moment Remus was out the door Heru cast the spell to spy on him.

There was something the man had not brought up and Heru was hoping

to find out what it was. It wasn't long before Remus was with Sirius.

"Well, I was right," said Remus with a slight smile.

Sirius looked a little shocked at the bland statement. "You can't be serious."

"Oh, but I am. I could smell it. It was some time before I actually got to see

Heru, and I'm quite sure of why." Remus didn't seem smug, just satisfied.

"Is that why he was defending him?"

"No, I think he was being honest with me when I brought it up. You really

pissed him off, Padfoot. He was being nice about it, though, I think. He's

quite willing to hear you out, by the way—that is, if you wanted to talk to


"What about Snape?"

"Heru says he's backed off because of Mark. Seems the kid has taken a

shine to us."

"I don't understand."

"Well, Padfoot, the logical conclusion is that Severus is a bit fond of the boy

and doesn't want to upset him. It stands to reason, don't you think? If Heru

and Severus are shagging each other, I imagine that he at least likes the

child, and I didn't see any evidence that they didn't get along. In fact. . . ."

Sirius gave him a plainly curious look.

"I noticed something odd, I guess, about Severus. I'm not quite sure what it

was, though. Maybe the next time I see him I'll be able to figure it out.

Either way, I'm positive those two are together."

"But, Severus?"

"What—because he's not Witch Weekly material? Because he can cut you to

pieces with words alone and his nature is often abrasive?"

"Moony," whined Sirius, then he sat up straight and said, "Do you think it's

a power thing?"

"Strangely enough, no. I don't. I went to see Albus first and heard a few

interesting things. Apparently Severus has absolutely no fear of Heru or his

temper, though it is clear Albus does."

"Huh? Why on earth would Albus be afraid of Slytherin?"

"I'm not sure, but whatever happened, he was almost frantic—at least as

far as I could tell. I think he did something to piss off Heru as well. In any

case, I believe that Heru takes the stain on his family name very seriously. If

you had stopped at saying thank you, you probably would have avoided

what he said. Though"—he gave Sirius a frank look—"it's probably as well

you didn't."

Sirius flushed.

"You know I love you, Padfoot, but you can be awfully rash and pigheaded

at times, and you don't always listen to me."

"I know," Sirius mumbled. "I'm sorry, Moony. I'll try to think before I open

my mouth."

"That's all I can ask for. Now, why don't we go see those two lovely elves

and ask about something to eat. I'm famished."

Heru broke the connection, feeling a bit like a fool himself. It wasn't like

he could send a note to Remus asking him to keep quiet about his

knowledge, and he'd already told Sirius. On the other hand, Sirius

seemed to be paying a lot more attention to what Remus was saying, so

perhaps his little outburst had done some good. That didn't stop him from

feeling a sense of dread over the idea of telling Severus that their secret

was out, at least among certain people.

When his mate did come out—probably at some signal from the castle—

Heru was slouched in his chair with one hand behind his head. "Am I

going to have to take advantage of you again?"

Heru gave him a weak smile. "As much as I would love to have another

go at that, there's something I need to tell you."

Severus narrowed his eyes and sat down across from him.

"Is Mark safely occupied for the moment?" At Severus's nod he said,

"Well, you aren't going to like this, I expect. Seems we were a little

indiscreet, popping in here as we did so quickly. I suppose it didn't occur

to you, either, at the time that Remus is a werewolf?"

Severus's eyes widened. "You're saying he knows."

"Yup. And he's told Sirius. It seems that they were quite curious about us,

but I will point out that Remus thinks, and I quote, 'Apparently Severus

has absolutely no fear of Heru or his temper, though it is clear Albus


Severus couldn't seem to decide between anger or smugness. As a result,

his expression was somewhat peculiar.

"Remus also thinks there's something odd about you. You might want to

avoid him for a while. On a brighter note, my little chat with Sirius

seems to have done some good. Black was a great deal more thoughtful

and willing to listen to his friend about things in general. Perhaps he will

not be as antagonistic in the future."

"You don't think it's the blood bond, do you?"

"I honestly don't know. It could be. Maybe you smell different." Heru

shrugged helplessly. "He's barely spent any time around Mark, so I guess

I'm not surprised he wasn't mentioned in that same sentence. He wouldn't

know any better, unless he made some connection about you and looked

at Mark next."

"Wonderful," said Severus sarcastically.

"Severus, I wouldn't exactly mind if people were to find out. I think it's

entirely the wrong time for it to come out, but I do love you, and I'm

honored that you chose to be with me. Hopefully, those two will stay

quiet for now. Remus seemed more interested in confirming what he

suspected than in rushing out to tell the world."

"I'm sorry, Heru. I didn't mean to imply I was in any way ashamed of us.

Though, I'm not sure I could stand the reaction I'd expect from Albus—all

that damned twinkling. You may have to hide my wand."

Heru laughed and leapt to his feet. "We should see about dinner. There's

no point in worrying about this right now. It's happened, we can't change


"I don't have to like it," Severus said with a growl, then stood. "Mark!" he


Heru grinned as he went to firecall for a meal.

34. Mirror Linking

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Reviewer comment-inspired stuff in here. Also a little bad

language. I'm still feeling a bit odd, as you may be able to tell. And I

should probably point out that while I did play a Prophet/Seer at one

point, the most I've ever done in the real world is use Tarot cards (I have

a lovely Crowley deck somewhere, and the artwork is gorgeous).

— 33: Mirror Linking —

Two days later Arthur Weasley arrived at headquarters, hale and hearty

once more, or so Heru was told. The day after that the students returned

to Hogwarts, which made Mark happy as the remainder of his friends

were now back. Heru had made a halfhearted stab during that period on

the mirror, but his disagreement with Albus made him rather less than

enthusiastic about it.

He was somewhat grateful to get back into teaching and was in a fairly

good mood when lunch was over and his class started, despite the fact

that he was the only buffer between Remus and Severus at the table.

When his students had settled down, he began after perching himself on

the edge of his desk.

"Right! I hope everyone had a good holiday and is ready to get back to

work. Today we're going to be discussing dowsing. That actually covers

several forms, so I'll go over each at least briefly. The first involves using

a forked rod or stick. While it isn't horribly important what kind of wood

is used, you will get better results with ash, hazel, willow and rowan.

Obviously, we aren't going to go outside and try this. I don't know about

you, but it's a bit cold for my tastes."

A few of the students giggled, but most of them simply smiled.

"Dowsing has been around for at least seven thousand years, if not

longer, and it is still used to this day, even by muggles. Common things

it's used for are for locating water, gold, people, fuel sources, and so on.

When dowsing, you would hold the forked end of the rod with a hand on

each extension, palms up. You'd know you found what you're after when

the rod dips down, and it will give you a certain sense of which way to

head prior to that. Personally, I find it a horrible bore, and feel quite silly

wandering around outside following a stick. I keep thinking I should


Some of the students laughed openly.

"The reason you hold it palms up is so that you don't subconsciously try

to influence the rod. If you were holding it palms down, you would be far

more likely to drop it yourself inadvertently—it's rather difficult to do if

you're holding it properly. Moving along, there are several forms of

dowsing which use a pendulum suspended by a line, often a crystal or a

ring—it depends on what you're trying to do—though technically, you

could use this the same way as you would a forked rod outside. For

example, if you were trying to locate a person or an item, you might get

yourself a map and spread it out, then suspend a crystal over it and let it

start swinging as you move your hand above the surface. If your target is

somewhere in that area, the tip of the crystal should hit the map in a

specific spot."

"The next two are also fairly simple. The first involves marking a cross on

a sheet of parchment and suspending a ring from silk thread over it. You

ask your question, and the direction the ring swings in will tell you yes or

no. Anyone know offhand which is which?" Ron raised his hand,

surprisingly enough. "Mr Weasley?"

"If it swings from side to side, the answer is no. Up and down would be

yes, professor. Just like how we shake or nod our heads."

"Exactly so. Five points to Gryffindor. Though, I ought to point out that in

some countries or cultures, those head motions can be reversed. The next

involves silk thread and a ring—or a crystal—but this time it is

suspended inside a glass. You ask your question, and the number of times

the pendulum taps the side is your answer. Any guesses there?" Neville's

hand crept up, causing Heru additional surprise. "Mr Longbottom?"

"One is yes, two is no, and three or more means it's uncertain or you've

asked something that isn't a yes or no question, sir."

"Very good. Another five points to Gryffindor. You lot certainly are

prepared today considering I didn't bother to mention what we'd be

covering before the holiday started. There is one more method, but it

involves materials that you aren't likely to see just yet, though if anyone

is interested, see me after class and I'll give you some extra credit work

on it. For now, let's start with the two easiest methods, shall we? If you

look under your stations you'll find the necessary tools. Keep in mind—

those of you who do not have any trace of the gift—muggles also use

dowsing, so you might be surprised at the results you get. If anyone has

any trouble or questions, let me know."

Though there was a great deal of giggling, there were very few questions.

He wandered among them for a few minutes, murmuring things like—"be

sure to properly visualize your target or think clearly about your

question"—and—"don't try to force it in any particular direction, just let

it circle and find its own path"—before heading back to his chair and

relaxing. He was quite pleased, actually. Everyone seemed to be enjoying

themselves, and even his rather silly jokes had been met favorably.

He was even more pleased to see that students like Neville were having

some success if their faces were anything to go by. When the class ended,

several students did stay behind to ask about the extra credit. Heru

handed them each a slip of paper with the assignment and waved them

off with a smile.

The next morning was not as pleasant. The Daily Prophet ran a small

article on Broderick Bode. He had been strangled in his bed at St.

Mungo's by a potted plant delivered for him over the holiday, which

turned out to be a cutting of devil's snare. Obviously, someone had

wanted the man dead, probably to prevent anyone from learning who

had used an unforgivable on him.

A look from Severus told Heru that his mate was thinking the same thing.

Neither of them glanced down the table to look at Albus. Heru was not

surprised when Albus didn't even call a meeting over it. It was simply

confirmation of what Heru had discovered months ago, albeit in a rather

gruesome way. That night he awoke abruptly and went through his ritual

of checking on his mate and son; both were fine. With a sigh Heru

reached out across the link to find Voldemort, then drew back with a

startled cry and woke Severus.

"Get dressed. We need to go see Albus." Heru grabbed the first robe that

came to hand and called Praecino, asking him to wake the headmaster.

As soon as Severus was up they apparated directly into Albus's office.

Albus had barely appeared when Heru blurted out, "He's gone to

Azkaban. He's getting back his supporters and taking the dementors with


Albus's face went ashen. "Perhaps I was wrong about your ideas for that


"Is now really the time to be concerned about that?" Heru turned away

and conjured up a mirror, tuning it to Peter Pettigrew with barely a

thought. "It's too late."

Severus stepped up and scowled. "They're already leaving the island."

"Why the hell wasn't I warned earlier," hissed Heru. "What the fuck good is

this if I don't get information in time for us to do anything? Bastard just had

to hold in his emotions this time." Albus cleared his throat, causing Heru to

turn around and say, "What?"

"We could not understand you."

"It doesn't matter. By the time you could send anyone after them, they'd

be long gone, apparated to who knows where." He turned again,

watching as Peter groveled at the feet of his master with a mixture of joy

and fear twisting his face. Arrayed behind him were ten others, most of

whom were holding themselves proudly upright as best they could


"The worst of that lot is Bellatrix Lestrange," murmured Severus. "Black's


"Well, I guess The Daily Prophet will have another article in the morning,"

Heru said rather calmly. "Albus, I will leave this mirror here. If Peter is as

much the right hand of Voldemort as he thinks he is, you should be able

to learn quite a bit from it. That is, assuming Voldemort doesn't kill him

for being so pathetic. I have to wonder if that's the only reason he was

released with the others."

"Quite possibly," murmured Severus.

"I haven't met the others, damn it. I'm not sure I can locate them if Peter

dies," Heru said softly.

"Severus, Heru, thank you for coming up here, but it is obvious there is

nothing we can do at the moment. I will handle things from here, as

much as is possible."

They turned back to face him, then nodded and apparated out. Back in

their room they stripped off their robes in the dark and slipped back into

bed. "Severus, I'm starting to get a bit worried about Albus. You know

him much better than I do. Is he still up for this?"

"Despite appearances, yes. He is simply old, but I have the feeling he

would refuse to die even should death come wielding his scythe and try

to take him personally. Not before all this is over, anyway. Go back to

sleep, my dear Heru. You've done what you could for now."

— — —

The most exciting thing that happened during the next few weeks was

that Mark had attended several classes of Severus's and was thrilled to

have done so. He seemed to be completely unaffected by the news that

had thrown most of the British wizarding community into fresh spasms of

terror and panic. He had managed to inveigle his way into being

Margaret's Potions partner on the strength of their mutual love of chess,

displacing a slightly disgruntled girl who occasionally shot him dark

looks—according to Severus.

Mark had learned, though, and quite quickly, that Severus was a different

person inside the classroom. The evening after the first lesson found the

two of them snuggled up on the couch, no doubt in an attempt to make

up for the coldness that Severus generally displayed during lessons. Heru

made no comment, only smiled softly at the sight, and went back to

working on his mirrors. Having already made the assumption that

Voldemort's newly freed followers would need to recover from their stay

at Azkaban and be provided with new wands, he had decided nothing

was likely to happen anytime soon.

Remus had occasionally been caught giving both Heru and Severus odd

looks, but he never actually asked anything aside from the usual,

mundane queries. He generally restricted himself to normal comments

about work and classes when Heru saw him at meals. Of Sirius there had

been no sign, though Mark had told him that the man had visited the

castle on several occasions. And, strangely, or not, there was no word

from Lucius.

On the last Saturday of the month, Heru failed at his attempt to use

Voldemort's blood to bypass whatever protection he had against attempts

to locate him. After dutifully informing Albus—he chose to send a note

via Praecino—Heru destroyed the mirror in disgust.

Severus found him staring at the ceiling from his underlake bed. Instead

of offering false comfort he said, "Your link. You lied to Albus about the

dinner with Voldemort, so you must have been thinking about your link."

"Yeah," Heru said softly.


"I don't know. I can use it to find him anywhere. There's got to be

something in that, right?"

"Can you duplicate it?"

"What? I can't even see it!"

"Don't be so bloody cranky. I'm trying to help." Severus sat down and

scowled at him. "The founders modified your link. Obviously they could

see something. Has it occurred to you to ask their portraits?"

Heru sat up abruptly. "Well, no."

"Then perhaps you should have a little talk with them to see if they have

any bright ideas. They might be able to lead you in the right direction to

using your link with Voldemort as a template to create one to a mirror,"

Severus said patiently. "I'm not suggesting you try to transfer the damn

thing, just borrow its structure." Then he paused with a thoughtful look

on his face. "Though, when it comes down to actually defeating him, that

might be a wise idea. The fact that you can still sense his emotions,

however distantly, makes me quite leery of you remaining linked up

through his death."

"You're amazing, Sev, did you know that?"

"Yes, quite. And my name is not Sev. I hear enough of that from Draco,

thank you very much. Now, are you going to stop moping around over a

single failure or do I have to take drastic measures?"

"No, no need," Heru said hastily. After a pause he squinted at his mate

and said, "Have you had any success with an antidote? You haven't said."

Severus shook his head. "Not as yet. But I will continue my experiments. I

may need to purchase more cauldrons, though, as I seem to be blowing

them up or melting them at an alarming rate."

Heru squinted again; Severus seemed inordinately cheerful. "Are you . . .

feeling all right?"

"Of course, why should I not be? I have a pet project I'm doing simply

because I wish to, and you, my dear Heru, obviously need me. For all your

luck and quick thinking during near-death experiences, you don't reason

all that well at times when things are calmer."

Heru snorted and batted a hand feebly at Severus. "Fine, you win that

round. I already knew you were smarter than me, so I don't see why you

have to rub it in."

"How could I possibly pass up such a golden opportunity?" Severus

grinned at him. "You do leave yourself so delightfully open at times."

"Fine, fine, fine. Now are you going to be nice to me, or should I get out

of bed and go chat up some paintings?"

Severus arched a brow, then leaned in.

— — —

Heru found it somewhat inconvenient that the portraits he had hung in

his study were behind his desk, as that meant he could not lean back in

his chair and prop his feet on the desk while he conversed with them.

Since that was unacceptable, and he refused to turn his desk around so

that his back faced the door, he moved the portraits—or at least, those of

the four founders.

Once they were arranged on easels in front of his desk to his satisfaction,

he began by briefly explaining the current situation he was facing and

trying to overcome. Then he folded both arms behind his head and


Predictably, it was Rowena who spoke. "Heru, I suppose that it is possible

for you to detach your link entirely, now that you can actually sense it

and use it. But, we'll get to that later. There is a way for you to see it,


Heru would have dropped forward were his legs not already half on the

desk. "You forgot to teach me something?"

She flashed him a quick smile that was entirely unrepentant."Well, I

suppose you could say that. I never really saw the point of it. It's like

being a ghost, only with less ability than even they possess to

communicate. I suppose you could use it to spy with, but . . . you would

have to be very, very good to reach any distance."

"So what is it?"

"Why, astral projection, of course. I'm sure I mentioned it, at least."

Heru shook his head.

"Are you quite sure? No? Well, all right. Before I get into any kind of an

explanation, let me ask you a question. Do you know if this Voldemort

person is able to possess other people?"

"Er. . . . I don't know. Wait, yes. Of course he can. He shared a body with

Quirrell, doesn't that count?"

"All right, though in that case he may have been invited. Still, that means

it is likely he can possess someone against their will as well. In what

you're going to try to do, it should not matter. But I would advise that

you always stay underlake when you attempt this. There is too much at

risk for you personally to allow others to be privy to these attempts."


"Do you remember that day, Heru, when I took you into your mind? You

set aside everything around you, and those feelings and thoughts of your



"This is somewhat similar, so I do not think you will have much, if any,

trouble. When you can achieve the state, you'll be able to look at

yourself, and see the link for what it is. To do this, just find a comfortable

place, a safe place—I would recommend your bedroom—and close your

eyes. Relax—you may even approach that point where dreams are just

beginning—and simply see yourself floating away from your body. You

may feel it, or hear something, but don't be alarmed. With your sight,

you'll be able to see not only the connection you have to your physical

body, but your link to Voldemort as well. Study it, work with it, and if

you still have questions after that point, come back to us."

Salazar nodded sharply. "I'm sure we can figure something out, brother, if

you cannot."

Heru cast an affectionate smile at his brother before saying, "And to get


"Just wish it so, Heru. Or, failing that, try to fall asleep. It will happen


"All right, thank you. I'll go let Severus know what I'm up to so he doesn't

inadvertently interfere, and give it a try."

He found Severus in the underlake laboratory, and peeked inside

cautiously, having remembered what his mate had said about his failures.

Severus looked entirely focused, so Heru hovered uncertainly, wondering

if interrupting him would cause a catastrophe or not. He was startled,

therefore, when without bothering to look up Severus said, "Yes, Heru.

What is it?"

"I wanted to let you know I'd be trying an experiment. Rowena was able

to give me an idea, and I don't know quite how I'll look from the outside.

I didn't want you to be alarmed or anything."

Severus looked up and arched a brow.

"Astral projection," Heru said.

"I see. I assume you won't be projecting yourself into the lab, then."

Heru shook his head. "Of course not. Who do you think I am, one of the


Severus snorted and dropped his gaze back to his potion. "I will check on

you later, then, assuming you do not come find me first."

"Sure." Heru ducked back out of the door and went to his bedroom. Mark

was revealed to be off with friends, so Heru made himself comfortable in

his bed again, precisely where he had started before Severus had come

after him in the first place.

— — —

Someone was shaking him gently, but as he felt very comfortable as he

was, he grunted slightly in protest and rolled over. He ignored the

exasperated sigh and snuggled up to his pillow.

"Heru, if you do not wake up this instant and come to dinner, I assure

you that you will not like what I do. As it is, I do not know how you plan

to manage to fall asleep tonight if you insist on taking naps at such odd


"Can wear me out later," Heru said faintly, drawing the blankets closer

around him.

"Oh, I assure you, I will. Did you even manage to accomplish anything?"

"Mm. Link very interesting."

"Will you please get up?"

Heru cracked open an eye, then closed it and rolled over. A second

attempt brought Severus into focus. "Didn't mean to fall asleep."

"As you say." Severus reached out to brush the hair away from Heru's

face, then rose and tugged back the covers. "Come on. Dinner. Food?

You'd like that, I'm sure. Then we can talk."

Heru sighed at the loss of his warm, cozy nest and sat up. "I really didn't

mean to fall asleep, Severus. And I was having such an interesting

dream." He slanted a look at his mate. "You would have liked it."


"Mm. There was this Potions Master and his naughty student—you

wouldn't believe what his detention was like. . . ."

— — —

Heru spent the next few weeks studying his link and trying odd little

experiments with mirrors in between classes, meals, and time spent

normally with Severus and Mark. Lucius had still not contacted him, and

that was becoming something of a worry to him. Heru did not know if it

meant his little act had inadvertently convinced Voldemort that he was

beyond his reach, or that Voldemort thought he was too wily and needed

additional consideration before another move was made.

His first attempt at mirror linking—as opposed to tuning—was done with

him trying to link a thread of his own magic to one. Of necessity, he did

not simply spin it free—he left it attached to himself. One thread

provided no visible result, so he added more slowly, one at a time. The

surface fuzzed at first, then gradually, as each thread was added, it

started to form a more definite image.

Heru left it at a blurry mid-stage. Though he had not linked a huge

amount of his own magic to the mirror, he wanted to see the actual

results of his tinkering so far and see if it had any adverse reactions for

him personally. He did, of course, ask Severus to please keep an eye on

him, as his mate would be as likely to notice anything odd as he himself


When nothing untoward happened over the following week, Heru went

back to the mirror and continued to link threads to it until the image was

perfectly clear. He went to bed that evening satisfied for the moment,

intent on letting it sit for at least another week. As the following day was

St. Valentine's, he decided that was just as well, not that he had some

sappy idea of him and Severus hieing off to Madam Puddifoot's for a cozy

lunch—he'd sooner die than be caught in that place after what he had

heard of it.

Something of interest did happen, however.

35. Keeping Secrets

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: I wandered off on a major tangent this time. Reviewer comment-

inspired scene included.

— 34: Keeping Secrets —

It was a Hogsmeade weekend, the perfect time to get out of the castle

and roam the village without anyone questioning the decision. And, with

the amount of time Heru had been seen in the company of Severus, most

of the students would not to think to question that, either. Heru, Severus,

and Mark had a hearty breakfast and bundled up against the chill, then

walked along the drive that skirted the lake and into Hogsmeade.

Not long after they arrived Mark went off with friends, leaving Heru and

Severus alone to wander in and out of shops at their leisure, though Heru

did keep a discreet watch on their son. He was not expecting trouble

from Voldemort's forces, but it would be very unwise to assume things

had not changed since their last encounter.

He and Severus were having drinks at The Three Broomsticks, speaking

in voices too low to be overheard, when Severus alerted him to new

arrivals by tapping his foot under the table and saying, "It shows a lot of

bad faith when people say one thing and do another."

Heru didn't need to turn his head to know that at least one Malfoy had

entered the building, but judging by his mate's wording it was more

likely that both male Malfoys were present. So it was no real surprise

when a shadow fell across their table and Heru looked up to see Lucius

and Draco. He flashed them an easy smile and dipped his head briefly in

greeting, noting as he did so that the boy looked extremely subdued. But

then, he had been since he had returned from the holiday. "Lovely to see

you, as always," he said.

"Heru, Severus," Lucius said. "I had intended to send an owl, but as I have

chanced upon you here, I was wondering if I might visit tomorrow to

discuss something."

"Your timing is excellent, Lucius. I have nothing in particular planned for

the day tomorrow, so I see no reason to"—he paused as he felt Severus

tap his shoe three times, which confused him momentarily—"refuse your

request. Perhaps three in the afternoon?"

Lucius nodded and gave him a faint smile. "That would be suitable. Good

day, gentlemen. Come along, Draco."

Severus gave a tiny shake of his head as they departed, forestalling any

questions on Heru's part as to his recommendation. Shortly thereafter

they left and located Mark, who was currently in the company of

Margaret, a girl named Luna who also hailed from Ravenclaw, Ron, and

Hermione. "We're heading back up," he told the boy. "You know what to

do if anything should happen," he hissed.

Mark nodded, ignoring the odd glances from his companions, then gave

Heru a hug. "Yes, father." Before he let go he hissed, "You're sure he'll come

if I call?"

"Yes. Have fun, then, and try to be back for dinner." Heru ruffled Mark's

hair and detached himself with a smile. He nodded at his son's friends,

then turned and headed back toward the castle, Severus a shadow at his


In their rooms he flopped onto the couch and looked expectantly at his

mate. "Why three?"

Severus laid down with his head in Heru's lap, so Heru began amusing

himself with his mate's silky hair. "If you had specified the morning, you

would have given Lucius the impression that he was more important to

you than he is, or should be. Having already said you were not busy,

telling him three in the afternoon will relegate him to his proper place—

in his mind, at least."

"I could wish this was all more straightforward," Heru said with a sigh,

"but I did ask for this, so I suppose it would be hypocritical to complain


"Yes," agreed Severus with a faint smile. After closing his eyes he said, "I

wonder what he wants this time."

"No idea. Sometimes I wonder if Sirius and Moody are asleep on the job.

Should we invite him in here, do you think, or use your office or the


"Draco has already told him by now that these quarters are strangely

expanded, so that is likely no secret. Perhaps here would be better. In

fact, perhaps you could begin stage two of your linking experiment."


"You have already completed your own mirror. I am going to assume for

the moment that it will have no discernable consequences to you

personally. So, move on to another. While I am certainly not going to

volunteer for it, why not use Lucius as a test subject? It isn't as though he

need be aware of your manipulations. If it works on him, then you can

move forward to transferring the majority of your link with Voldemort to

another mirror, or several. Frankly, the more I consider the link you

share with him, the more I become convinced that you ought to sever it

as quickly as possible."

"I'm not sure I can transfer certain parts of it, Severus."

"Then find something that will work. A lab rat," Severus said with a touch

of amused malice.

Heru chuckled. "They have enough of a mind to work with, I suppose."

"My dear Heru, you rarely ever reach into his mind, and then only

because he disturbs you. If we were able to watch him on a round-the-

clock basis, do you honestly feel you would need insight as to his inner


"I guess not. All right. If it worries you that much, I'll use Lucius as my

next target. I'll have to use a much smaller mirror, though, so that he

cannot suspect what I'm doing, or see anything happening."

Severus shifted his head in a faint nod. They stayed like that for a time in

companionable silence, Heru idly letting his fingers roam through

Severus's hair as he rested his head on the back of the couch and let his

mind wander. They both sat up straight when an image flashed through

their minds of Remus and Sirius heading toward their quarters.

Severus then stood and said, "I'm going to go sit in front of your mirror."

A second later, he was gone.

Heru went to the door and opened it before either of the two had a

chance to knock, startling them both. "Please come in," he said, stepping

back to allow them entry. "Make yourselves comfortable," he added as he

closed the door and turned around. "Would either of you care for

refreshments?" He thought that Sirius looked distinctly uncomfortable,

though Remus seemed fairly at ease.

"That would be nice, thank you," said Remus, taking a seat on the couch

and dragging Sirius down beside him.

As Heru moved to the fireplace to call the kitchens, he heard Sirius ask,

"Snape isn't here?" He looked over his shoulder long enough to shake his

head, then placed the order and took a seat.

"No. He's in the middle of some experimental work. It's best not to disturb

him when he becomes focused."

"How did you know we were coming?" asked Sirius. "Were you keeping

an eye on us or something?" Remus gave his friend a sharp look.

Heru chuckled. "No, I was not." After pointing upward he said, "The

castle informed me of your impending visit, that's all. To what do I owe

this pleasure?"

Sirius still looked vaguely suspicious, but refrained from speaking on it. "I

was on duty at the mirror when I saw something I thought you would

want to know about. When I later saw you approached by Lucius in

Hogsmeade, I was sure of it."

A house elf popped in with a tray, causing everyone to pause long

enough to pour themselves tea. "You know, then, what he wishes to


Sirius nodded. "Voldemort wants to see if you'd be willing to do another

reading for him in his guise as Chaldren. It seems he still has no idea

which side you're on, but he's willing to continue the association for now

in the hopes that even if you are not aligned with him, he can use you."

Heru snorted, almost upsetting his tea. "As well he should be confused,

considering the delicate little dance I've been performing. Well, then, I

shall have to be on my guard. However, as I've been looking for an

excuse to be able to study Voldemort in more depth, this presents a good

opportunity to do so." After a pause he said, "I'll just need to remember to

seclude myself after the fact."

Remus grinned, causing Heru to give him a look of calculated curiosity.

"Sorry. It's just something Albus said."

"I'm surprised," Heru replied. "I would not have expected him to reveal

much of anything about that encounter."

"He was a little out of sorts at the time, Heru. Very unusual, I assure you."

Remus gave a casual shrug and sipped his tea.

"I have a feeling you are gifted in making molehills out of mountains,

Remus," Heru parried with a faint smile.

"Perhaps, though that it is not always something to be proud of."

"That may be so," said Heru, "but I think we're starting to venture into

territory that is best left undisturbed and that was not my intention. I

would much rather concentrate on the here and now."

"Yes, of course. You're quite right."

"Has anything else of interest popped up in the mirror that may not have

been passed on to me?"

"Nothing special," said Sirius. "Just bits and pieces about the escaped

Death Eaters recovering." Then his eyes sparkled in an unmistakable

display of malicious pleasure. "Peter is currently providing the dementors

with a bit of fun, though."

"How tragic," said Heru mildly.

"Yes," said Sirius distantly, a smile curling the edges of his mouth. Then

his eyes focused on Heru directly. "Things got out of hand before. I'm


Heru arched a brow. "If I may presume to guess your reference, I will say

that that was partly my fault. I never intended to be so harsh, but I'm

afraid you touched a nerve. I lost control of my temper, so it would be as

well for me to apologize for my actions."

"Yes, well," Sirius said vaguely. "I hope we can put that behind us?"

"Of course. It never happened as far as I'm concerned." Heru waved his

hand as though swatting away a fly.

Sirius looked down for a moment. "You're as gracious as Moony

described. Are you and Snape really—" He broke off at a sharp nudge

from Remus and flushed.

While Heru could not think of an adequate response for Sirius's first

statement, his unfinished question was something he could answer. "Yes,

we are." He shot a narrow look at Remus before continuing, "You two

seem to be the only ones who have figured it out, so I trust that this

information will go no further."

Sirius raised his head, slightly bewildered. "People think you and Snape

are simply. . . ."

"Slytherins," said Remus, as though no further explanation were required.

Heru nodded. "And most people would come to a great number of

erroneous conclusions regarding my exact relationship with Severus were

it to be known. I would prefer that it not. I have faith, however, that the

two of you will keep this knowledge under wraps, though I can see I need

to be more careful around you, Remus."

Then he cocked his head to the side and stared at the werewolf intently.

"Speaking of which. . . ." His scrutiny was interrupted by an image in his

head of a scowling Severus, arms crossed in front of him.


"I wonder. . . . No, I'd have to study you in much more detail." Heru

shook his head.

"Heru, what are you talking about? I'm getting the shivers with you

looking at me like that, like you're seeing into me."

"I am, actually. I was pondering the possibility of freeing you from your

curse," he said blandly.

"What!?" Sirius said, rising to his feet like a shot. "That's impossible."

"Is it? You'd be surprised." And Heru was surprised, for another image

formed in his head, this time of Severus baring his arm. He blinked. A

moment later his mate apparated into the room and took a seat, then

calmly poured himself a cup of tea.

Sirius sat back down, a stubbornly incredulous look on his face. After

Severus had tasted his tea, he looked up and said, "Not so impossible, if

Heru was of a mind to tackle the problem." After setting down his cup he

said, "Consider this," then bared his forearms.

Both Remus and Sirius stared blankly at his smooth, unmarked skin.

"If Heru can free me from Voldemort. . . ." Severus pushed down his

sleeves and picked up his cup again.

"How in God's name did you manage that?" asked Remus eventually.

Heru shrugged one shoulder. "I simply took a long enough look to see

how the Dark Mark was constructed, then removed it. I admit, it took me

the better part of an afternoon to accomplish it, and I was exhausted

afterward, but it wasn't that difficult, just tedious."

"Is this why Voldemort is being so cautious?" Sirius asked with

uncharacteristic insight.

"Yes. Or at least, partly."

"Why . . . did you remove it?" continued Sirius.

Heru looked at Severus. He was the one who had brought it up, after all.

"I asked him to," Severus said evenly. "I think, Sirius, that you can

understand my wish to be free. Though it was not until I explained

myself in detail that Heru agreed to try. The point is, if Heru can manage

that, then perhaps he is able to manage something in the way of freeing

Remus from his own curse."

"I don't understand," said Sirius. "It's not like you had to reveal any of


"No. But as Heru has already begun to consider the possibility, I may as

well show you two that it is not outside the bounds of reason."

"But you hate us," Sirius protested. Remus gave him another sharp nudge

and rolled his eyes.

"No, I do not. I hate what you were and what you did. I am not inclined

at present to hate you specifically." Heru barely managed to prevent

himself from sending an astonished look at his mate. "I am free of the

unfortunate results of that time, and have better things to do now than to

waste my energy on something that no longer has any meaning."

Severus went on to say, "Do not mistake me. I am hardly extending the

hand of friendship. But I do think that putting the past where it belongs

behooves us all at this point. An olive branch might be a more accurate

assessment of the current situation."

"Wait a moment," said Remus. "How did you know what was going on in


Severus allowed a faint smile to appear. "I was watching, naturally. Heru

has been experimenting on ways to create a mirror that can track

Voldemort. His first attempt used himself as the target, and I happened to

check it at a fortuitous time."

Remus and Sirius both narrowed their eyes. "I'm going to assume that

makes some sort of obscure sense," said Remus, "considering that Heru

can tune a mirror to just about anyone already."

"Indeed," Heru said. "But I did not tune a mirror to myself. I linked it. I

plan to use Lucius as my next target. If that works, I will see about

Voldemort. It would be a great relief if we could watch him directly."


"Tuning is like using a locating spell that lingers. Rather than just a static

image or sense of where a person is, it provides a constantly updating

picture that can be watched in real time. Linking involves literal linking

—causing threads of a person's personal magic to connect with a mirror

so as to bypass any means of non-disclosure."

Remus paled slightly. "That sounds a great deal like what happened to


Heru shrugged. "You could look at it that way, yes. However, I believe

the Potter child was forced to deal with Voldemort's mind as well, so this

is not quite the same thing. I believe that most knowledge can be used for

either good or evil. In this case, I see no reason to deny the efficacy of the

original accident's presumed design, so I've begin modeling a useful

application of it, starting with myself, for use by the Order."

"You can see magic?" asked Sirius.

"Yes. So perhaps you can understand why I was able to free Severus, and

may be able to free Remus. Again, this is not common knowledge, so I

would ask that you keep it to yourselves."

"You knew, didn't you," said Remus suddenly, accusingly.

"Knew what?"

"That I knew about you and Severus."

"Since you bring it up, yes. There was something you obviously weren't

telling me, and I wanted to know what it was."

"You were spying on us!?" Sirius said.

"Yup," said Heru cheerfully. "I was. That was the only time, however, so

you need not fear I make a habit of it."

Sirius subsided, either remembering the content of the conversation itself,

or because he did not wish to bring Heru's temper to the fore. Remus

looked thoughtful, darting a glance at Heru, then Severus. Finally he

said, "The removal of the Mark is not the reason why Severus is


"Doubtful," Heru said vaguely, then poured himself another cup of tea.

Another minute or so passed in silence. "You're bonded, aren't you."

Severus let out a snort and said, "Heru, I insist you remove that curse.

He's too clever for his own good with it fouling up his system. I knew I

should not have come in here."

"Well, if you insist, Severus. Though, I think Remus ought to make that


"This isn't an ordinary marriage," said Remus, still looking thoughtful.

Heru smiled and shrugged.

"You know blood magic."

"Your point?"

"There's no other explanation for the change. What did you do?"

"I'm not sure I see why I should explain. You already know far more than

you should," Heru pointed out. "If any of this were to get out, Voldemort

would very likely change his current point of view."

"I understand that. But neither Sirius or I are sent out on missions."

"I still see no reason for me to reveal anything further," said Heru


"I am enough a student of history to know that current rites are a mere

shadow of what was, and almost a mockery."

"Again, your point?"

"I've been searching for years for the knowledge, for myself. For—"

Remus stopped and looked down. It was, perhaps, unfortunate that Mark

bounced in at that point and made a flying leap onto his father's lap.

Remus looked up again suddenly and his eyes widened. "Dear God," he

choked out.

Severus sighed heavily and said, "Spit it out, Remus."

"What?" asked Mark, looking around in confusion. "Oh, hello, Remus.


Heru managed to massage his forehead even with Mark on his lap. After

a moment he hissed, "Should we just be honest? About the blood bonds, at

least. Or obliviate them?"

"Did I do something wrong?" hissed Mark.

Heru shook his head, keeping a careful eye on Remus. "No, it's all right,"

he hissed. "You just arrived at an awkward time. Remus is a little more

perceptive than we understood or imagined."

Mark gave Remus a wide-eyed look, then hissed, "Maybe I'll just go read.

Can I . . . hug dad, too?"

Heru nodded and planted a kiss on Mark's head. "Go on."

Mark slid to the floor and launched himself at Severus, giving him a

quick hug before dashing off down the hall and disappearing into his


"Then it is true," Remus whispered.

Heru glanced over at Severus and arched a brow. Severus responded

with, "You have not made it plain why you care, Remus."

Remus looked at Sirius, who gave him a slightly bewildered shrug.

Obviously, Remus had never gone any further in his speculations with

Sirius. "How else would I be able to have a proper mate, or even


"Anyone can get married."

"But not anyone can have a child," Remus insisted. "That boy is as much

your child as Heru's, damn it."

"So adopt a muggleborn orphan."

"That isn't the same and you know it! It wouldn't be ours."

"Could somebody explain to me what's going on?" asked Sirius


Heru tipped his head back to stare at the ceiling. He could feel Severus's

gaze on him for several moments before the sensation passed. He

shrugged slightly in response; he felt it was entirely up to his mate what

to reveal or confirm at that point. If Severus felt they could be trusted, so

be it.

"Mark is as much my son as Heru's," Severus said after another pause.

"The differences you sensed are valid enough, I suppose. I was blood

bonded to Heru using the ancient rites, then Mark to me."

"Then you aren't Severus Snape any longer, are you?"

Severus shook his head.

"Somebody?" asked Sirius again.

"I shall attempt to explain," Severus said, catching Sirius's attention.

"Heru has an extensive library of books from ancient times, passed down

through the generations by his family. Included among that was the

knowledge of how to perform the original rites and a great deal of

information on blood bonds in general. We used those in order to

formalize our relationship, and then again to insert myself as Mark's

other father. If you were to do an analysis, you would find that

biologically speaking, Mark has no mother."

Sirius turned to Remus. "We could have children?"

"In a manner of speaking," said Heru, still appearing to stare at the

ceiling. "One of you would need to either have one first, or adopt one,

though. I can even speculate that, though I have no way of knowing, if

the child were young enough, it might change to resemble you both as it

grew older, rather than looking as it would have originally."

"Is that why Mark does not resemble Severus?"

"No. Actually, he does."

"I don't understand."

Heru summoned Mark, and a moment later he appeared. "Mark," he

hissed, "while facing me, would you be so kind as to revert to your natural

appearance?" A few heartbeats later he hissed, "Please show Remus and

Sirius? Then you can go back to whatever it was you were doing, or stay if

you like."

Mark turned around, revealing a face that was a skillful blend of both his

fathers, much to the astonishment of the two men. Then he sat down on

Severus's lap and leaned his head against his dad's chest.

"We could have children?" repeated Sirius.

Remus gave him an absent nudge. "I don't suppose. . . ."

"Not unless your affliction was taken care of," said Heru.

"Of course."

"We are extending a huge trust here, gentlemen."

"Would it be better if we were to each swear a Wizard's Oath?"

Heru glanced at Severus, then cast his eyes to the ceiling. "I think I would

prefer it to be a . . . Secret."

"With you as Keeper?" asked Remus.


"I see no reason to object. Sirius?"

"Yes, fine." Sirius was still a bit distant, his eyes unfocused.

36. Itsy Bitsy Spider

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: I make fun of myself in this chapter.

— 35: Itsy Bitsy Spider —

After the technicalities were out of the way, they settled back into a more

normal conversation, whereupon Mark called his father on spilling the

family secret yet again. "Why am I keeping a secret when you obviously

can't," he hissed.

Heru gave him a halfhearted glare and fiddled with his hair. "If your dad

thinks they can be trusted with the knowledge, that should be good enough for

us," he hissed back.

Severus smirked, and, after a quick look at Remus, hissed back, "That's

right, Mark. Your father has already admitted I am more intelligent than he


Remus narrowed his eyes and said, "Just exactly how much have you

been hiding from Albus?"

"Whatever it is he doesn't need to know," said Heru blandly. "And that

includes me working on your particular problem."

"Considering that for some things it makes Heru pass out for a day, I

think," said Severus, "that you can understand why we have remained

silent. Albus would be sure to take advantage of anything he could get

his hands on."

"How do you know I won't go tell him what I just witnessed?"

Heru smiled. "Because you can't. Because I very much doubt even if you

wanted to tell, that you would be willing to give up the chance at a

normal life. I may not ask for money, Remus, but I do exact a price for

my services, and for knowledge."

Remus darted another look at Severus, who said, "No." Remus nodded

and took on a thoughtful aspect.

"All right," he said finally. "I won't even ask how that was possible. You'd

still have to cover for me, though."

"Of course. That goes without saying. I would not have made the offer

without considering the effects."

"Why are you offering?"

"Because I think you've got a bad deal. I don't much care for when a

person is forced into something against their will, by accident or design.

As Severus does not object. . . ."

"Who the hell is in charge here, anyway?"

Heru and Severus exchanged a look. "Of what?"

"You two." Remus shook his head and said, "Between you two."

Severus looked at Heru again and said, "That's rather impertinent, don't

you think?"

Heru laughed softly. "Neither and both, Remus. We each have our

strengths and weaknesses. I would be a fool to discount Severus's

formidable intelligence and reasoning, and he would be equally foolish to

discount my very real ability."

Mark stirred and said, "I'm going back to my room. This is boring."

"Remember to change back," Severus advised, then returned the hug he

was getting.

"Sure, dad," Mark said, then paused to give Heru a hug. After a brief

wave at Remus, and a very distracted Sirius, he disappeared.

"Well, then, I suppose I should ask how you plan to go about this," Remus


"I don't really feel up to anything this evening, but if you want to stop by

tomorrow I could begin trying to figure out what I would need to do to

free you. The actual process would have to be set aside for a full day,

preferably a weekend. And it would also be wise if Sirius could be here

during that time."


"As a template. You see, that I am aware of, Sirius only has the ability to

be an animagus. Mark is a metamorphmagus as well as a parselmouth,

and that means I have to look more closely and mentally subtract what

comprises those abilities before I start making changes. Having a less

complicated template to observe makes things easier."

He paused, then added, "As well, the first full moon after I make my

changes—no Wolfsbane. You shouldn't need it anyway. And if you did,

for some inexplicable reason, it would interfere in my observations.

Logically speaking, it's a very simple curse."

"Observations—should this wait, then? Allow you to watch as I

transform, then back?"

"Yes," said Severus, "though you would not like going without the potion

that time."

Remus shrugged. "I've transformed for years without it. One more time

isn't too much to bear, considering." Then he looked at Heru curiously.

"Are you even an animagus?"

Heru flicked his eyes toward the ceiling for a moment. "I have no idea,

actually. I never bothered to try. It's not an issue, if that's what you're

thinking. I can quite adequately contain you, or me, whichever is easier.

Though, I think you'll understand when I say it would more likely be


"Yes. Sirius is normally with me then. Is that a problem?"

Heru shook his head. "I will caution you. I may not be able to pull it off,

though I will do all that I can to make sure the curse is removed."

Severus snorted.

Heru rolled his eyes and said, "Anyway, stop by tomorrow after breakfast

so I can take an initial look. We'll figure it out from there."

"Right. And thanks." Remus didn't expand, wisely. He rose and pulled a

still distracted Sirius to his feet, gave them both a nod, then dragged

Sirius out.

Heru turned and gave Severus a steady look.

"Because you wanted it, and because it will make you happy. All right?"

Severus said with a slight scowl.

— — —

Heru stretched luxuriously as he awoke and yawned, then rolled over to

wrap his arms around Severus—or more accurately, his mate's pillow.

Heru blinked his eyes open and sat up, glancing around the room in

confusion. Mumbling under his breath, he slid out of bed and padded

into the bathroom to have a wash, then back out to dress and consider

hunting down breakfast.

He spared a moment to glare at Severus, who was seated on the couch

with a book in his hand, and headed to the fireplace to put in an order.

After seating himself quite deliberately in a chair, he waited in silence for

his meal to appear.

Severus looked up and smiled briefly. "I see you're your usual morning

self," he commented.

"I wouldn't be if you'd still been in bed where you belonged," muttered


Severus smirked. "It is hardly my fault you cannot seem to wake up

properly in the morning."

Heru ignored him in favor of the breakfast a house elf delivered just then,

tucking in with appetite. When he was done, and felt a bit better, he said,

"So, about Lucius. If all he's going to do is visit to play proxy for a

request, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to conduct my little experiment. I

suppose it's possible that a small mirror would only need a fraction of the

threads bound to it that mine did, but I honestly don't know that."

Severus adopted a thoughtful look, and remained silent for so long that

Heru wondered if he would ever speak. Finally, he did. "Wing it."

Heru blinked. "I'm sorry?"

Severus gazed at him patiently. "My dear Heru, you have exceptionally

good luck, and things generally fall out the way you would like them to.

Just . . . wing it."

"You're mad."

"No, I am not. Did you spend hours searching for answers when you

wrote those letters? Did you agonize over your conversations with

Lucius? Did you pace restlessly when faced with dinner at Malfoy Manor?

No. If Lucius cannot be kept here for long enough, then another way will

be found, or another target. It isn't the end of the world. Now is hardly

the time to stop trusting yourself."

Heru thought about that for several minutes, then shrugged. "All right.

You win this round. I wonder what the impact would be of revealing

your lack of a Dark Mark to Lucius openly? Say, the two of us in here

dressed—dare I say it—normally?" Severus shot him a dark look. "Fine,

like I do, then. Very casually."

Severus relented after a moment and said, "Voldemort knows that his

Mark no longer works. He is not sure that it is actually gone, though

naturally that is what he expects to be the case. I see no harm in

confirming it."

"Fine, then I pick out today's outfits," Heru said with a grin.

— — —

Remus and Sirius arrived at 9.30 and were ushered in without ceremony.

Heru directed them to sit on the couch again as they had been the

evening before. "Try not to move around too much, but you can talk," he

said before closing his eyes and settling back comfortably.

A short time later he opened his eyes and rose, only to move to kneel in

front of the two men, between them, and rest a hand on the knee of each.

Then he closed his eyes again and went back to looking, and comparing.

After a startled silence, Remus and Sirius continued their low-voiced


An hour later, Heru opened his eyes and retracted his hands. "I think I

can do it," he said, then stood and returned to his chair with a yawn. "I'll

be able to confirm better after seeing you transform." He yawned again

and closed his eyes.

"Sleep," came a deep and decisive voice from behind him. "Now."

Heru smiled faintly. "Fine. Just make sure to wake me in time for Lucius."

When he didn't move, Severus tapped him smartly on the shoulder. Heru

forced his eyes open and rose, nodded to the two men, then disappeared

into the bedroom, leaving his mate to deal with their visitors.

— — —

When the time came Severus was lounging in a chair, and it was Heru

who went to answer the door. Lucius kept his expression smooth as he

entered, with just a faint hint of a smile touching his mouth, but when he

got a look at Severus it cleared to utter blankness. Heru's mate was slung

sideways in his chair, legs over one arm, wearing a pair of black jeans

and a black, ribbed tank. Naturally, his left arm was resting against the

back, exposing his unmarked forearm. Severus looked up from his book

and nodded. "Lucius."

"Severus, how pleasant to see you again." He simply stood there for a

moment, looking, then took a seat on the couch.

"Feeling a touch under the weather?" Severus inquired innocently as Heru

took a seat in the other armchair.

"I am fine, I assure you. I trust you are both well, and your son, of course,


"Yes, quite. We're all doing splendidly. Please feel free to take

refreshment," Heru said, reaching out to retrieve his bottle of butterbeer.

Lucius had just poured himself a cup of tea when a loud, angry hiss

sounded from the direction of the back hall. Heru sighed and went to set

his bottle back down.

"I'll do it this time," Severus said, slipping out of the chair and placing his

book on a side table. He went nowhere, however, as Mark appeared then

with his snake wrapped around his torso and neck, and a frustrated look

on his face.

"Will you please tell Selthis again he isn't allowed? He still won't listen to

reason," he demanded of Heru.

Severus held out his hands. Mark unwound the snake and deposited him

with a look of annoyance, then disappeared back into his room. Severus

forced Selthis's head around to stare at him for a moment, then sat down

in his prior casual pose, pulling his book off the table.

"You did very well," hissed Heru. "Now be a love and stare at Lucius here and

see if you can make him nervous." Selthis nodded his head and coiled up in

Severus's lap, fixing his unblinking, unwavering gaze on the blond. "So,

Lucius, what brings you here on this fine day?" asked Heru.

Lucius swiveled his head and said, "My associate wished to find out if you

would be willing to meet with him again."

Heru raised his brows. "He was unable to make the request personally?"

"He is . . . in the middle of some rather delicate negotiations at present,

and asked me if I would be willing to do him this small favor."

"I see. Do you do him many favors, Lucius?"

"When the need arises, yes."

"How kind of you." Heru smiled warmly. "I trust he compensates you

adequately for your service. Why does he wish to meet?"

"He was most impressed with your prediction after dinner. Considering

how important some of his negotiations are, he wished to have a better

idea of how things will go. After your display of talent, naturally, he

thought of you."

"I'm very flattered," Heru said. "Of course, with school back in session, my

own time is somewhat limited. It would be better for this to occur at a

weekend. Did he have any place specific in mind to meet?"

"I would need to check, now that I know you are willing. And—" Lucius

glanced over at Selthis for a moment before saying, "Is there any cost

associated with this?"

"With this?" Heru affected surprise. "I feel it would be wrong to take

money for such a thing. Perhaps I'm being foolish, but I believe that

doing so might lead toward the obscuration or even removal of my sight."

"I'm sure you could never be foolish, Heru." Lucius tensed a bit when

Selthis decided to ooze off Severus's lap and coil up next to him on the

couch, flicking his forked tongue rhythmically. "What a lovely snake," he

said quietly, shades of insincerity and anxiety colouring his tone.

"Mark found him in a pet shop in Hogsmeade of all places. As I consider

him a suitable companion, I allowed it."

"Was there a problem earlier, if I may be so bold as to ask?"

Heru smirked slightly and replied, "Nothing important, really. An

ongoing argument between Selthis and Cooper, Mark's cat. Cooper seems

to find Selthis's tail irresistible, and Selthis would like to squeeze Cooper

to death in retaliation for his frequent pouncing. Unfortunately, as we

cannot reliably communicate with the cat, it falls to Selthis to behave


"I see," Lucius said, very much aware of the snake staring at him. "He is a

constrictor, then?"

"Oh yes," said Heru cheerfully. "I expect him to get a great deal larger

over the years. Enough to incapacitate a man, I'm sure, or kill. I confess

that at times I find myself curious as to what that would sound like. But,

he only eats rodents, currently, so he's hardly any trouble."

"How fascinating."

"If your associate has no particular place in mind, I'm quite sure my home

in Hogsmeade would suit nicely, though you might find it a bit plain and

understated. I had planned to check up on it soon, in any case, so I may

as well handle two things at once."

"Ah, yes. I'm sure that would be fine." Lucius paused as Selthis unwound

and slithered across his lap, then around to perch on the back of the

couch behind him. "I will owl you as soon as I've had a chance to speak

with Xavier on the matter."

"Splendid. Well, then, I expect you have other business to attend to, so I'll

just see you out." Heru rose and stepped away from his chair. Lucius,

being no fool, stood as well and allowed himself to be gently ejected from

their quarters.

"Thank you, Selthis," Heru hissed, back in the lounge. "Please tell Mark

thank you as well. I think you did a lovely job."

"As if I could do otherwise," hissed the snake, then slid off the couch to

wind its way back to Mark.

"Well?" Heru delved into his pocket and removed a small mirror, then

handed it to his mate. "Very good. And he wasn't even here all that long."

"I'll just write up a note to Sirius for when he stands duty," Heru replied,

then went to fetch supplies. As soon as he had dashed off several lines

and dried the ink, he rolled the parchment and tied it off, then called for

Praecino. His phoenix was happy to oblige and flashed out with the note.

"I suggest you pull the same trick when we meet with Voldemort again.

Much as I hate to admit it, I'm beginning to think you were right about

certain things. I don't think he'll even notice what you're doing."

Heru smiled and moved in for a kiss, then resumed his chair. "However,

perhaps I shall use a method that does not require such close contact this

time. It isn't fair to you or Mark that I come away in such a wretched

mood, so if I can avoid it, I will."

Severus nodded. "If the transference does not work, the small mirror will

at least be something."

"True. Depending on how involved things get, I may be able to manage

more than one. For reference, that one didn't take nearly as many


Severus set the mirror on the table. "Now, if you don't mind, I shall go

change back into something decent."

Heru leapt to his feet and advanced on his still seated mate. "I don't

know, Severus. I like what you're wearing. It gives out such tantalizing

hints of what you normally keep hidden. I think it's . . . sexy." He

extended a hand and smiled when Severus took it. "Maybe I could show


"And have you drop off into another coma directly after?" Severus

favored him with a dark look, then smiled. "You should be resting, my

dear Heru, but in this instance, I will bow to your whims." He hauled

himself up using Heru for leverage.

When Praecino arrived shortly thereafter with a reply from Sirius, he was

kept waiting for some time.

— — —

They arrived early and Heru immediately set out to temporarily disable

the wards designed to prevent Death Eaters from entering his home, and

indeed, the wards designed to keep anyone out who was not a member of

the household. Mark was spending the evening with Tonks again; she had

been more than happy to help out. Severus went through the ground

floor vanishing dust from the rooms, eventually coming to settle in the

lounge where Heru was already standing, eyes closed.

Heru's hands were moving in strange gestures, almost as though he was

manipulating something tangible, yet unseen. Severus watched,

fascinated, as he had never been able to see Heru at this kind of work

before—unless one counted the removal of his mark. Without opening his

eyes Heru said quietly, "It should not take much longer. I think I will

want that replenishing potion, though."

Severus nodded reflexively and flipped his robes aside so he could open a

slim case attached to his upper thigh. From it he pulled several vials and

placed them on the table. "I'll go make sure Dobby has things ready and

waiting," he said as quietly, then turned and left. By the time he returned

Heru was reaching for the first vial, flipping the top back and downing

the contents in one shot.

"It's so much easier when the structure is sentient," he said with a

grimace. "And this stuff tastes bloody awful." He vanished the vial and

reached for the second, downing and vanishing that as well. He eyed the

third vial uncertainly, then shook his head; that one went into one of his

pockets. "How long?" he asked as he dropped into a chair.

"A half hour. Enough time for you to doze a little if you wish."

Twenty minutes later Heru was being shaken gently. He rose with a yawn

and began pacing the room to help wake himself up. When he felt a bit

better he re-checked his pockets to make sure the mirrors were in place,

then headed out into the hall, his wand conspicuously tucked behind one

ear. Even so, he waited a good thirty seconds before opening the door

when the expected knock came.

"A pleasure to see you both again. Do come in," he said, gesturing with

one hand. Once Lucius and Xavier were inside, he closed the door and

turned, saying, "Please follow me." They were barely seated when Dobby

popped into the room.

"Sir is wanting refreshments now?"

"Yes, Dobby. That would be lovely."

Dobby popped out and was back in seconds, placing a tray in the center

of the table that separated the four chairs currently in Heru's lounge.

Heru cast an amused glance at Lucius, making sure that Xavier noticed

him doing so, then said, "Thank you, Dobby. I will call you if I am in


"Sir is being most kind." Dobby gave a little bow and popped out. Not

once had he so much as looked in his former master's direction.

"It's so hard to get good help these days," Heru said casually, "but Dobby

is quite an entertaining little fellow. Very nice of him to volunteer to help

out this evening."

"He is not bound to you?" asked Lucius a bit stiffly.

"Oh, no. He works at Hogwarts. Quite an independent little creature, I

must say, but very helpful to those he takes a shine to. And he does love

to chatter away—Mark is rather fond of him, so he tends to be underfoot

at odd times. My own house elves are having a holiday at the moment,

you see. Dobby was absolutely delighted when we gave him several sets

of socks for Christmas." Heru smiled warmly, though not because of his

feelings for the house elf. Rather, Lucius's expression appeared to have

frozen. He reached out to snag a bottle of butterbeer and flip the top off.

Severus poured himself tea directly after, which seemed to shake the

other two men into action as well.

"I trust that your lovely wife is well, Lucius."

"Yes, she is. I will tell her you asked after her."

"And, Xavier, I trust things are well with business? I always did like to

see people get ahead."

"Yes, things have been well thus far, though one can never be too careful.

I was pleasantly surprised when your prediction bore fruit so quickly, so

you can understand why I wished to meet with you again. It is always

advantageous to have some idea of the future."

"Naturally, and it is a wise man who seeks outside assistance in certain

matters. What it is that I can do for you this evening?"

"Several things, I hope. Most pressing, however, is what you can see

regarding several people I was considering doing business with."

Heru tilted his head to the side, reaching out along his link at the same

time. "I would prefer I not know their names, then. If I happened to know

them, it could influence the results."


Heru stood up and crossed to a cabinet on the far side of the room, then

paused with an air of confusion. "Severus?" he asked, glancing back.

His mate tapped the side of his head without bothering to turn.

"Right." Heru slipped his wand out from behind his ear and tapped the

cabinet in a complicated, quick pattern, then shoved it back into place.

He opened the door and pulled out a small bag, then closed it and

resumed his seat.

"I thought we would try something a little different today, then. While

palmistry can be very illuminating, it won't do for what you want to

know." Heru opened the bag and pulled out a handful of gleaming, multi-

coloured scales. Setting the bag aside, he fiddled with them for a few

seconds, then looked up. "I'll need you to hold these each time,

concentrating on the person in question." He held them out, then

deposited the set in Xavier's outstretched hand.

Heru paid careful attention to what was going through Voldemort's mind,

then smiled and held out his hand. Xavier returned the scales, though he

did not sit back. Heru pushed the tray off to the side, then tossed the

scales onto the table with a flip of his hand, watching as they did strange

little dances on the surface. When they finally stopped moving, he pulled

his wand out again and used it to tap one of the scales.

"This tells me that the person you're thinking of is moderately well suited

for association. This one"—he tapped a different scale with his wand

—"says that you could get their cooperation in a very short amount of

time." He studied the scales for a moment before saying, "I also see that

the person is quite cunning. A bit manipulative, but trustworthy if the

incentives are right."

Heru gathered up the scales and cleansed them of influence with his

magic, then looked up. "A decent candidate, I should think. Next?"

They went through the same routine several times before Xavier decided

to speak. "How exactly is it that you read these?"

Heru jiggled the scales in his hand reflectively, then said, "Part of it is

simply intuitive understanding—where ability steps in and responds and

guides. But, it's also in how the scales move when thrown. If you've

watched closely, you'll have noticed that they do not just hit the table

and stop. If one bounces, it's like adding a modifier to the final position,

and even that depends on how many times it happens before it comes to

rest. If it spins, that's something different, and so forth. Someone without

ability can learn to read these, but what they saw would never be as

accurate. For instance, one of the scales would indicate—in this case—

whether or not you could secure a person's services. How that scale acts

tells me how quickly or slowly, and gives me an idea of how far up or

down the amount it is."

"Is that what you were doing at the beginning—adjusting them for the

particular type of query?"

Heru nodded. "It makes them quite flexible, within a certain scope.

Obviously, they aren't much good for yes/no types of questions, but

neither are they very good for things with too many variables."

"I don't believe I've ever seen this method before."

"I would be surprised if you had. They tend to be quite uncommon. They

don't have to be scales, of course, but using something from a magical

creature tends to enhance their usefulness. I certainly don't teach this at

Hogwarts—it would take far too much time to get the children to

understand them, and I find it's not really worth trying to teach someone

who lacks talent." Heru shrugged and handed Xavier the scales.

This time, Voldemort was thinking of Severus. Heru adjusted his reading

slightly. "Now, this one has me curious. This person is well suited, but

whether or not you could secure their services is iffy. It's pretty much

dead on center. In fact, I get the sense that you've done business together

in the past. This person is extremely intelligent, sly and cunning, would

make for a good candidate, and is very trustworthy."

He scooped up the scales and cleansed them again, then held them out.

When Heru got the scales back, he adjusted his reading again, for this

time he was the target. "This person is extremely well suited, but also

dead center as to whether or not they could be recruited. Quite

independent, actually, and rather like the last one in other respects.

Intelligent, cunning, loyalty is hard won but unshakable once given."

After several more rounds Heru affected to be a bit more tired than he

was and sat back, jiggling the scales in his hand again. "I think that's it

for these. Pushing is unwise. But there is something I'd like to try." He

reached for Xavier's cup without asking and swiftly reversed it; the

resulting mess was a bit nasty. While he waited for it to drain he tipped

the scales back into their bag, then returned them to the cabinet and

went through his little façade regarding the reestablishment of the wards.

After he sat down he picked up the cup and studied the interior carefully,

turning the vessel slowly, and letting his brow furrow slightly. "Hm. Not

good. Not good at all," he said distantly. "One of your associates is

thinking of betraying you, but—no, they are not yet aware of it. It is"—

Heru tapped the side of his head in an absent gesture—"somewhere in

their subconscious, and has not yet risen to actual conscious thought."

Heru shook his head and looked up to focus his gaze intently on Xavier.

"I strongly suggest you keep a close eye on things," he said soberly, then

vanished the mess on the table and set the cup down. "A sad note to

finish up with, but I would hardly be true to my nature if I ignored what

I was sensing." A second later Dobby appeared.

"Sir is wanting me?"

"Yes, Dobby. Would you be so kind as to clear away? Thank you." He

frowned slightly, then reached into a pocket and pulled out a vial, which

he uncapped and downed quickly, wrinkling his nose as he vanished the

empty. "Severus, do you have another?"

Severus scowled and revealed his case, and slipped out another vial to

hand to Heru. The fact that he was once again wearing black jeans was

probably not lost on either of their visitors. He stood abruptly as Heru

drank the potion and said flatly, "I would be happy to show the both of

you out."

Heru leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, seemingly


Severus said, "If there are additional names, I'm sure another meeting

could be arranged at some later date. Please follow me."

Both men rose without a word and let themselves be escorted to the door.

A minute or so later Severus was back. "Are you able to reset the wards?"

"Yeah. That took too long—what did they say?" Heru raised his hands

and began gesturing again, his movements a strange mirror to earlier.

"They were curious about the potions, of course. I told them the truth,

that this is tiring for you."

"I feel like I'm about to pass out, actually, even with them," Heru

admitted, his hands never wavering in their movements.

Severus took a seat and waited, quietly. When Heru finally finished he

rose again, crossing the space between them quickly, and laying a gentle

hand on his mate's shoulder. "I know you're tired, but we must return to

the castle. Are you able to apparate?" Heru's brow furrowed. "All right."

Severus picked up the empty vial that Heru had not bothered to vanish

and turned it into a portkey. Then he slid Heru's wand out from behind

his ear and tucked it into his mate's pocket.

Severus gave a slight sigh, then managed to maneuver things so he could

heft Heru into his arms without losing his grip on anything. After making

sure the portkey was touching both of them, he activated it. Heru was

placed into bed and his clothes banished right off his body, onto a chair,

then tucked in. He went to see about Mark and Tonks as Heru drifted off.

37. Complication

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: I wasted time in this chapter correcting the calendar starting from

the 5th of March. JKR really has a weird deal going when it comes to

time management, I gotta say. It screws up this story a little, but

whatever—the calendar at HP Lexicon is based off JKR and is really

sketchy in consequence.

— 36: Complication —

Heru awoke slowly, quite comfortable with the fact that a warm body

was curled up around him. He didn't know if it was early enough that

Severus would not normally have awakened, or if his mate was being

nice by staying in bed past his usual hour. He stayed like that for a few

minutes, pondering the evening before, then shifted experimentally.

"Good morning, Heru," was the immediate response. "How are you


"Fine, I guess."

"Then we shall get up and bathe, then have breakfast. I have already

asked Praecino to be on hand in case you need soothing. Then we can

talk about last night." Severus tightened his hold on Heru in a kind of

hug, then pulled away and slid out of bed.

After a rather sedate shower, they pulled on robes and moved into the

lounge, where Severus firecalled for a meal. Mark was still sleeping

according to the castle, but Severus ordered enough for three. It wasn't

until they were mostly finished eating that Severus spoke again, and by

then Praecino was softly trilling from a makeshift perch in the corner.

He pointed at a box resting on the table and said, "The mirrors from last

night. They appear to be working correctly."

Heru nodded and reached for another slice of bacon. "We're keeping one,"

he said, "until I can see about transferring my link."

"Albus can decide who will keep the other," agreed Severus. "Were either

of us ones that Voldemort asked after?"

"Yes. Both of us, actually. I made sure we came up dead center—those

two. The rest were people I either didn't recognize or didn't care about. I

thought it would be wise to assure certain things."

"Are you up to seeing Albus today, or would you prefer I report for us?"

Heru wrinkled his nose and had a bite of toast. After crunching through it

he said, "The latter. I have no idea how steady my temper is and I really

don't want a repeat of the last time. Tell him what you think is

necessary." He spent the next fifteen minutes describing what he had seen

and sensed in between lazy bites of the remaining food on his plate.

"And the leaf reading?"

"I'm not sure. Who it is, I mean. I just get the feeling that it's someone

fairly high up and valuable to him." Heru let out a mirthless laugh.

"Definitely not Peter."

"Given Peter's overall constitution, he is probably mad by now, or close."

"Maybe. Weak people have odd ways of protecting themselves. If

possible, he might yet betray Voldemort, if only because of the life debt

he owes Harry. But he wasn't the subject, I'm sure of it."

Severus nodded and looked thoughtful for a moment. "Stay here, then. I'll

take one of the mirrors and report. If things get bad while I'm gone, even

with Praecino here, go back to bed."

"All right." Heru watched as Severus opened the box and removed a

mirror, then turned and left. He sat back and closed his eyes, casting his

thoughts back to the tangle of magic in Voldemort. He wasn't sure how

long he had been musing when the sound of someone moving about

reached his ears, causing him to open his eyes.

"Morning, father." Mark gave him a sleepy smile and sat down, reaching

for a plate. After picking over the still warm selection he said, "Are you


"I'm fine. Just worn out."

Mark's answering look was slightly incredulous. "Where's dad?"

"He's up talking with the headmaster, reporting about last night's


"Why is Praecino singing?"

Heru felt a spurt of annoyance and clamped down on his reaction. "My

temper is a bit uncertain at the moment, Mark. Praecino is here to help

keep me calm."

"How come—" Mark cut off as Severus walked in. "Hi, dad!" he chirped,

then asked Heru, "How come you're in a bad mood?"

Heru's face twisted. Severus stepped over and grabbed his hand, hauling

him to his feet. "I suggest you go back to bed. I will explain." He placed

his hands on Heru's shoulders and turned him, then gave him a gentle

push. "Praecino, go with him, please?"

Heru gave up and ducked into the bedroom, shucking off his clothes to

the soothing sounds of phoenix song, and went back to sleep. He was

woken by Severus some time later.

"Mark understands," was the first thing he said, followed by, "I strongly

suggest you remove that link as quickly as possible."

"I'm sorry, Severus," Heru said sleepily.

"Don't be. It is beyond your control at this point, but I will not allow it to

infringe upon this family any further if I can help it. Voldemort has

already asked after us indirectly, so I doubt he will do so again. We

already have two mirrors to watch him with and discover any plans he

speaks aloud. You should no longer have any need of that connection."

"But I almost got angry with Mark, and he was just being curious."

"Then it is just as well I arrived when I did, though I'm certain you would

have put him off as gently as possible and retreated so as not to hurt him.

Do you feel well enough to begin tonight?"

"I guess so." He chuckled slightly. "I feel worlds apart now from how I did

when we first met after my return."

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't necessarily have any more clue then than I do now, but I felt a

lot more in control of things."

"Don't be absurd. The only difference is that you have someone you can

lean on when necessary, and I am happy to be there for you. I have no

doubt you would do the same for me."

"You never seem to need that, though," Heru pointed out quietly.

Severus snorted. "Neither do you, much. I told you, you don't always

have to be strong. I can tell, however, that you are not fully recovered.

Tomorrow will be soon enough for you to begin the transfer. For now,

you will have to settle for being coddled."

Heru gave his mate a sweet smile.

"Do you want your lunch in here or on the couch?"

Heru rolled his eyes in distress. "The couch! Staying in here would be too

much like being confined to the infirmary."

Severus snorted again, this time in amusement. "Fine. I will go and get

things ready." He leaned in to plant a kiss on his mate's lips, then rose

and exited to the lounge.

When Heru did leave the bedroom, he was immediately tackled by Mark

in a hug, then dragged over to the couch and pushed down and a blanket

thrown over him. Heru had been expecting either to not see his son, or to

see him looking rather uncertain. Whatever Severus had said must have

been good if Mark was treating him in this fashion. A tray was deposited

across his lap a moment later.

When he was done eating he was handed a book that held absolutely no

redeeming value whatsoever and told to amuse himself by reading it.

Praecino had taken up his perch in the corner again and was trilling

softly, encouraging Heru to stop thinking, stop worrying, and to simply

waste time in idle pursuits. He read right through until dinner, ate, then

again until Severus chivvied him off to bed for the night.

Two days later the first interesting bit of news surfaced from the mirror

Severus had taken to Albus. One of the escaped Death Eaters, Rookwood,

was witnessed informing Voldemort that his original information on the

prophecy sphere was incorrect. Avery, the originator of the erroneous

report, was punished severely for his transgression, but not killed. After

being crucio'd for some time he was sent off to join Peter with the

dementors to rethink the consequences of his actions.

Avery was hauled away, gibbering in fear, by a cadre of dementors. A slight

smirk graced Voldemort's face as he watched, which remained when he

turned his attention back to Rookwood and said, "Now that I'm done

amusing myself for the moment, you will repeat what you said."

"As you know, my lord, I worked in the Department of Mysteries. What

Avery told you is monumentally incorrect. Prophecy spheres are protected

by myriad enchantments, causing anyone who touches one to go mad unless

they are named by it."

"Mm. And what of those who work in that room? Surely they must be able

to remove them or manipulate them."

"To my knowledge it has never been done, my lord. I was never able to

corrupt one of them in order to learn fully what their duties were."

"You know I do not like answers of that sort."

"Yes, my lord. My life is yours."

Voldemort gave what appeared to be a slight sigh of disappointment. "Then

it is only I who can retrieve the sphere," he stated. Rookwood nodded


Voldemort looked thoughtful for a minute, then smiled to himself. "Well,

then, I can see why that prediction said there would be nothing to bar my

way toward that goal. Obviously, as I must be the one to go, rather than a

proxy. No wonder why you people kept failing me." A short pause ensued,

then Voldemort said briskly, "Very well. You may go. Send Lucius in."

"Yes, my lord." Rookwood bowed deeply then backed away, turning only at

the last moment to slip through the door.

When Lucius arrived moments later, Voldemort greeted him with a coldly

amused smile. "It seems that our friendship with Slytherin is paying off,

regardless of how slippery he is. However, something that happened has me

quite curious, Lucius. Did you know that Slytherin is very much aware of

that house elf's original master?"

"My lord?"

"Now don't be coy, Lucius. You know exactly what I refer to. I wouldn't

want to have to jog your memory—you might not like how I do it."

"The Potter boy tricked me into freeing the elf at the end of his second year,

my lord."

"I see. So, of course, Slytherin knows quite a bit about you, I expect, which

makes his games with me all that much more curious. What is it that he

wants, Lucius? What will it take to sway him to my side, to stand with his

family? He is not adverse to assisting me, that much is obvious. I do not

think our little ploys fool him for a moment, not now. So, Lucius, why have

you not found out what I need to know? Why do I even still keep you

around if you cannot do such a simple thing?"

"Slytherin is a wise man to seek information from unlikely sources, my

lord," said Lucius.

"Struck by the blinding light of the obvious are we, Lucius? It is a wonder

you can see straight. And what of our dear Severus? He is obviously

Slytherin's right hand man, daring to order us out in that fashion. Slytherin

must be powerful indeed if Severus shows a complete lack of fear when

faced with us. You already bungled the dinner—what is it that you will

screw up next, hm? I am fast losing my patience, but I think, rather than

simply killing you, I will give you some time to reassess your priorities. You

are, after all, one of my most faithful, are you not?"

"My life is yours, my lord."

"Listening in at the keyhole, Lucius? How utterly plebeian of you. Yes, I see

I am right. You need some time to think." Voldemort looked beyond the

blond's shoulder and nodded sharply. Several dark masses detached

themselves from the enveloping shadows at the far end of the room and

floated forward. "I'm sure you and Peter will get along splendidly for a few

days, my good man."

— — —

Heru had been torn between making several smaller mirrors, or making

one large one. After some discussion with Severus he decided on a large

one. It might come to pass that they would meet with Voldemort again in

a fairly innocuous setting, such as at his house in Hogsmeade a second

time, and he could always make more of the smaller variety.

He had nine days to work, nine days in which to complete the

transference, nine days before the next full moon, when he would need to

be on hand to contain and watch Remus as he transformed without

benefit of wolfsbane.

It was a delicate thing, transferring those last few threads of magic.

Rather than a rat they had located a tortoise, setting up a home for it in

one of the spare rooms at underlake. Neither Heru or Severus wanted

Mark to know of it, or have a chance to become in any way attached to

the creature. It was those last threads that saw Heru packed into bed

again for a day, getting up only to attend the one class he had and give a

written test so that his level of interaction was kept to the bare minimum.

He was ready in time, though he felt strange. Why exactly, he wasn't

sure. It was obvious to him that after repeated experiments that his

power and ability remained undiminished, so that was not it. Perhaps it

was simply the lifting of a burden he had held for nearly forty years. On

a whim he reverted, and was astonished to see that the scar he had bore

for most of his life was gone.

That afternoon he was ready. When classes ended he apparated to his

home in Hogsmeade and prepared, allowing for the entry of both Remus

and Sirius, who arrived after Praecino had gone to alert them, and for

them to use magic. Severus remained at the castle with Mark.

Downstairs, in a corner of the basement well away from where Mark had

been working on potions, Heru constructed a cage not unlike the one in

which he had put Peter. Remus recognized it immediately. His wand, and

Sirius's, were placed on the desk Heru had used all those months ago to

write at while watching his son.

He opened the door and ushered both men in, then closed and sealed it

behind them. It was not, perhaps, a massive cage, but it was at least as

big as the room Harry had first met Sirius in, if not larger. Heru moved

his desk closer and pulled out a notebook and pen, then sat to wait.

The moment Remus began to transform, Sirius changed. Heru's focus was

very intent, watching the threads inside Remus come to life and glow

with their own light. It did not take long, but Heru noted that those same

threads stayed active even after Remus was in the form of a wolf, which

suited him just fine. And, true to expectations, Remus did not attack his

mate despite the loss of his sense of self. Animals were not something a

werewolf cared enough about to attack; they saved their efforts for

human prey.

Remus spent some time prowling the edge of the cage, snarling and

snapping at Heru, so tantalizingly close and yet out of reach. That, too,

was something Heru was happy enough to see, for it demonstrated within

the man's savage form the links which held him bound. Eventually,

Remus felt he had made his point about the human intruder and turned

instead to Sirius, sniffing and pushing his body against that of the dog's,

showing his dominance over a lesser creature.

From Heru's viewpoint, it explained a great deal about the two of them as

a couple. The hours passed by, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly,

with Heru taking the occasional potion and even dozing. He was awake

when the time drew near for the moon to set and release Remus from its

treacherous grip. As before, Heru watched with careful concentration,

and when the transformation was finally complete, rose to his feet to

unlock the cage and open the door. Sirius stumbled out, Remus in his

arms, and looked around wearily.

Heru did not bother to voice his thoughts. He scooped up both wands

from the desk and pocketed them, pointed a finger at Remus and

levitated him, then turned smartly and headed upstairs. He could hear

Sirius following, murmuring at his mate, all the way up to Heru's

bedroom. It took mere moments to slide Remus into the bed.

"You will stay here," he stated, ignoring the look of tired surprise on

Sirius's face. "I have every expectation that you know how to care for him

in his condition. So long as neither of you leaves the house, nothing will

be able to get at you aside from the inhabitants of this residence."

Heru crossed to the bedside table and opened the drawer, then slipped

their wands from his pocket and placed them inside. Turning back to

Sirius he said, "Dobby will be here for that time period, ready to help in

any way. Also, I'm leaving you with a mirror tuned to myself just in case.

As I have prepared one tuned to you, we will be able to communicate

should the need arise. Failing that, Dobby can find me." He would

actually be using his spell, but that was beside the point.

He tapped the drawer. "Your wands and the mirror." Heru turned and

pointed at a door. "The bathroom, which also contains an extensive

collection of potions for your use if necessary. You have the run of the

house, though I do ask that if something is locked, respect that and leave

it alone, and please return any books to where you found them. Is there

anything you can think of that I've forgotten?"

Sirius shook his head.

"Excellent. I'll call in Dobby on my way out and be getting back to the

school, then." Heru inclined his head briefly and headed for the door. He

paused at the sound of another footstep and looked back over his


"Can you . . . free him?" asked Sirius.

Heru smiled without reserve. "Yes," he said, then continued on downstairs

to call Dobby and set him up with coin for supplies.

— — —

Heru was relaxing with a book, leaning against the arm of the couch with

his legs curled up beside him. Severus and Mark played each other at

chess, though it was clear that Mark had not yet progressed to his dad's

level of expertise. Heru smiled and went back to his own pursuit; truth be

told, he was more of an Exploding Snap person.

Classes were over, as was dinner, and Heru had all weekend to waste

time if he wanted. A knock at the door brought him out of his bookish

focus, so he marked his place and rose, seeing as he walked toward the

door an image of Draco Malfoy. Heru sighed, but opened the door and

gestured the young man in.

He followed Draco into the lounge; neither Severus or Mark had looked

up, so Heru cleared his throat. Two sets of eyes, black and dark green,

snapped in their direction, then widened. Heru resumed his seat without

a word. Draco was still quite subdued, and very anxious.

"Draco," said Severus.

"Sir," Draco began quietly. Heru was marginally surprised himself; he

would have expected the boy to be more familiar given where he stood.

"I wanted to talk to you and . . . Professor Slytherin."

Severus flicked his gaze over to their son. "I think I should find something

interesting to do in my room," hissed Mark, rising to his feet. Heru nodded,

so Mark slipped off down the hallway and through the door to his


"Have a seat, Draco," Severus said, tilting his head at the place Mark had

vacated. Draco sat, folding his hands carefully in his lap. "What is it,


"Sir, I—" Draco darted a look at Heru. "I'm scared." Severus arched a brow

and sat back, placing his arms on those of his chair. "I—over the holiday,

sir, my father—he—" Draco dropped his gaze and took a breath. "And

then, he came."

"Voldemort?" said Severus.

"Yes, sir. He was very angry with me, with father. He—"

"Tortured you," said Heru evenly. Draco nodded without looking up. "As

expected. Why is this of concern to us?"

Draco lifted his head part way. "I was only trying to do what father

asked. He never explained anything, just expected results."

"So far as anyone knows, Draco, your life's ambition is to join Voldemort.

I should think you would have expected such treatment at his hands for

failure. So I'll repeat: Why is this of concern to us?"

Draco raised his eyes to meet Heru's. "I try so hard to do what father asks.

I always get it wrong. I don't understand, I really don't. The Dark Lord

was furious—I think he must be mad. I can't—I don't want to follow


"Then don't," Severus said somewhat coldly. "You have a brain, a spine,

use them."

Draco's incredulous gaze fell on Severus. "But, sir—"

"Are you saying you do not? You would sit there and tell me with a

straight face that you could not resist Voldemort's call?"

"Sir, you went to him," said Draco, then flinched at the freezing coldness

which suffused Severus's face at his words.

"Am I supposed to take that to mean you believe I am strong? Stronger

than you, and by extension, that if I did not resist, you could not hope to?

Is that it?"

"Sir, please—"

Severus affected surprise. "Did I hear you aright? Draco Malfoy saying

please? I am sure I must be dreaming, for that boy doesn't know the

meaning of the word courtesy, or discretion," he said snidely.

"You can protect me!" Draco blurted, then dropped his gaze.

"Protect you? Why on earth would I want to do that beyond what I

already have? It is far more likely this is some kind of ill-conceived ploy.

In fact—"

Heru cleared his throat. "Severus, veritaserum," he murmured.

His mate rose and stalked off gracefully, returning a minute later with a

vial of clear liquid. Standing in front of Draco he said, "Wand." After he

had that, he administered the potion, then resumed his seat.

Heru waited until the potion had taken effect, then said, "State your full


"Draco Lucius Pavonis Malfoy."

Heru looked over at Severus and said, "Pavonis, huh? How appropriate."

To Draco he said, "Why did you come here?"

"To seek your protection, yours and Uncle Sev's."

That was interesting; Draco really did think of Severus as an uncle. "Who

sent you here?"

"I came of my own accord."

"Did you tell anyone, living, dead, or portrait of your intention to come

here for the purpose of asking for protection?"


"Have you spoken of it or written of it at any time?"


"Why do you think we can protect you?"

"Father is scared of you."

Heru chuckled; sound enough reasoning, he supposed. "Dumbledore

would have been happy to protect you—why didn't you go to him?"

"I don't trust him."

"And you trust us?"

"I trust Uncle Sev. Uncle Sev seems to trust you."

"How exactly do you think we can protect you?"

"You can prevent the Dark Lord from taking me as one of his followers."

Heru rolled his eyes in frustration. "We have no legal right to keep you

from your parents, Draco. Why do you not want to follow Voldemort?"

"I don't think I'd live. I can't even do what father wants correctly. The

Dark Lord would surely kill me."

"Do you agree with Voldemort's beliefs and aims?"

"I don't know."

Heru stifled a sigh and looked at Severus, who said, "Voldemort does not

usually take followers as young as you, Draco. So why now? Why do you

seek our protection at this time?"

"Father has passed on new instructions. I know I'll fail, which means I'll

be tortured again, possibly killed."

"What instructions?"

"I'm supposed to secrete a listening device in your quarters. Failing that,

I'm supposed to find a way to befriend your son. Preferably both."

"Do you know why?"

"The Dark Lord thinks you know more than you let on. There is

something he wishes to know that he has been unable to obtain from you


Heru waved his hand and Draco went curiously blank, more so than

could be accounted for by the potion. "What do you think?"

"I think his first real encounter with Voldemort scared him nearly to

death, and certainly into some semblance of reality. He's obviously been

thinking about this for some time, but has told no one of his

deliberations. He may yet be redeemable."

"We cannot afford to let him plant the device here, Severus."

"I realize that. And if he fails in both of those two goals, I would not

doubt he'd be called home over the Easter hols."

"You don't honestly think Voldemort would kill him, do you?"

"Do you want to gamble with his life?"

"They'd have to be idiots to believe the child could plant something in

here," Heru said heatedly.

"I agree, which means the real goal is to subvert Mark. Of course,

considering his last encounter, that goal, too, is somewhat unlikely. Is he

under the imperius curse?"

Heru shook his head.

"A trap?" Severus shifted in his seat, angling his body so he could prop his

head against one hand.

"What do you mean?"

"If we assist Draco in any obvious way. . . ."

"All right. But that means we need to play along to some extent, and that

means Mark gets dragged into this."

"I understand. Yet, you have at least twice now asked Mark for his own

thoughts on matters. All he would need do is appear friendly outside

these walls. If Draco needed anything to pass on, one of us could tell


"That's like turning a fifteen year old boy into a spy, Severus."

"And he wasn't already? Heru, you cannot change what has already

happened. If you are considering, even for the tiniest of moments,

helping Draco, then you need to remain realistic. If he makes it past the

Easter hols, chances are that this will not come up again until school lets

out. And by then, Draco can simply disappear for a time."

"And if that happens, Lucius will storm the castle demanding to know

what's happened to his child."

"Then we either lie, or use him to our own advantage. For now, I suggest

you release the boy so I can administer the antidote. Draco can return in

a week, after we have been able to discuss this in far more detail."

Heru gestured.

38. Skipping Along

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Time skippy.

— 37: Skipping Along —

Heru slumped into a chair the moment Draco was out the door. "I don't

need this, you know." Severus gave him a patient look. "Well, I don't.

Stupid complications."

"Complications which may be to our benefit."

"Well I'm glad you can see something positive in this, because I sure as

hell don't."

"I suggest we talk to Mark first."

"Fine." Heru summoned their son, and Mark arrived several moments


Once he had sat down, Severus spoke. "We have a situation which may

involve you." He summarized what had happened during Draco's visit,

then said, "So, it is your decision whether or not you would prefer to stay

out of this entirely."

Mark looked at his father. Heru spread his hands and shrugged slightly.

There was a long pause, several minutes worth, before Mark responded.

"I don't have any friends in Slytherin house. Not one. Wouldn't it be a bit

odd if suddenly Draco and I are being nice to each other?"

Heru smiled slightly. If nothing else was clear, it was evident that his son

had a good head on his shoulders.

"And, I expect if I did anything obvious, certain friends I do have would

react quite badly."

"Mr Weasley?" Heru asked softly.

Mark nodded. "I guess I could. . . . Well, maybe not."


Mark wrinkled his nose. "It doesn't matter, because it's too obvious. The

only people I could reasonably approach are first years."

"Then perhaps it is not so unfortunate that you have been having trouble

with your potions," said Severus smoothly. Mark opened his mouth to

speak, then shut it and waited. "I have been meaning to suggest you join

the revision group for first year Slytherins, but feared that you would

find the idea insulting."

Mark tilted his head to the side as Heru said blandly, "It's up to you, of

course, but if you're having difficulties, or simply want more practice

time. . . ."

"Well. . . ." Mark dipped his head briefly, as though in shame. "I didn't

want you to be disappointed in me. But if you think it's a good idea. . . ."

He glanced up at them from beneath his lashes.

"Mm. Wednesday evenings, Mark. Directly after dinner. Potions


"Yes, dad."

— — —

Draco did not return a week later; he did not need to. When Wednesday

evening rolled around, things became a bit more clear. Severus reported

to Heru afterward that the boy had caught on quite quickly. As one of the

best Potions students in Slytherin, he was one of those who spent time

helping during those sessions for house points. That he had been assigned

to watch over Mark was hardly a coincidence.

Mark had managed in one evening to charm several of the first years and

had been invited to visit the next evening. He did not, however, sit at the

Slytherin table the morning following his first trip into the Slytherin

common room. Heru assumed that Draco had enough sense to write his

father and tell him that he had begun to establish some kind of relations

with Mark.

That weekend Heru freed Remus from his curse. With the influence of the

moon at its weakest, he figured it was the safest time to take care of the

issue. Naturally, as had happened when he had removed Severus's Dark

Mark, Heru vaguely resembled a limp dishrag when he was done.

By the time the next full moon rolled around, they were ready. Heru had

kept the cage in his basement out of necessity. It was less of a waste of

magical energy to simply leave it in place than to remove it and conjure

it back into place. Remus and Sirius entered it a second time, wide-eyed

looks of hope on their faces as Heru closed the door and locked it.

As he had fully expected, there was no sign of the moon's influence on

Remus and he did not transform. Heru did not, however, release the two

men until the moon had set, just in case, and they remained in Heru's

home for the next two days. As the Easter holiday began the next day,

there was no need for subterfuge on Heru's part, for there were no classes

he needed to cover.

Two days later, however, on Easter itself, Voldemort moved, well before

the end of the six month time limit Heru had given him. The Order

member on duty that night was duly warned and managed to stay out of

the way, not to mention get out with his life. A number of people were

watching as Voldemort slipped into the Ministry and down to the

Department of Mysteries.

Those same people were watching as he retrieved the prophecy sphere,

and subsequently returned to his hideout, then triggered the contents. In

point of fact, Voldemort heard no more than his spy had all those years

ago, because at that point Albus cut in with a message of his own.

"Hello, Tom. I don't think you need to hear any more of the prophecy. Harry

Potter may have found death while in your tender care, but I am not such a

fool as to leave this particular aspect of things unprotected once I realized

your intent. Terribly sorry, dear boy, but that's how things are. You'll just have

to accept that I anticipated you this time, and won this round. Consider it a

return gift, humble though it may be."

To say that Voldemort's reaction was poor would be to understate the

case. Peter, unfortunate soul, happened by within minutes of the incident

and was promptly flung head first into a wall. The quite audible snap of

his neck made Voldemort pause long enough to flash a strange smile

before he continued in his attempts to destroy anything left standing, and

several people who made the same mistake as Peter.

— — —

On the day that the students who had left for Easter were to return, a

letter arrived at breakfast for Heru.

Mr Slytherin,

I trust this finds you and your son in good health. Having little time at the

moment, I must press on directly to the point and hope that you can forgive

the necessity.

My associate would like to meet with you again. The twentieth is the first

open date he has. If you are willing, please let me know.


Lucius Malfoy

After showing the letter to Severus, Heru dashed off a quick reply that

specified his Hogsmeade home on the evening of the twentieth. The

moment that was out of the way, Severus proceeded to drag every last

detail and nuance out of Heru regarding each encounter Harry had had

with Voldemort.

Several days later Severus began to outline a plan to his mate, one that

had Heru display the beginnings of a smile, one which broadened

fractionally with every detail Severus added.

— — —

As before, they arrived at the Hogsmeade home early so that Heru could

manipulate the wards to allow for the entrance of Lucius and Voldemort.

This time, however, they arrived early enough that Heru could take a

decent nap before their guests appeared. They were ushered into the

lounge and Dobby provided refreshments, then Heru got down to


"What can I do for you this evening?"

"I had a number of other names I wanted to check," replied Xavier.

Heru nodded and fetched his scales, spending a short time adjusting them

for the type of query, then handed them over. It was reflex for Heru to

attempt to reach out across his link, which of course did not work as it

was no longer there. His reaction manifested as, not a sheepish smile, but

a gentle upturning at the corners of his mouth.

They went through ten names before Heru called for a stop on the same

grounds as the previous session. But he didn't exactly stop, not really.

"You know," Heru said, eyeing Xavier curiously, "I must wonder about

something." The scales were being jiggled in his hand like some aid to

memory or deduction.

"Which is?"

"I wonder why you persist in that ridiculous disguise," Heru said calmly.

"I know who you are. Severus knows who you are. I'm quite sure Lucius

knows who you are."

Xavier arched one of his brows, then flashed a faint smile. "You do not


Heru shrugged. "I'm sure it's fine for wandering around incognito, but I

would have thought you'd realize I am hardly fooled by it. I cannot

decide if you think I am stupid, or abysmally unobservant."

Xavier tilted his head slightly. "You present varying stances to varying

people. You are indeed cunning, especially as you have managed to stay

balanced on a very fine line. Even to me you present a picture that

undulates back and forth like a snake from light to dark and back again."

"Fair enough."

"Since we're being so open and honest here, let me ask you a question or


"I'll answer what I can," said Heru.

After arching his brow again Xavier said, "You removed Severus's Dark




"Because I felt like it." At the look on Xavier's face, Heru continued, "It

presented a challenge."

"Why," Xavier said, gesturing around him, "do you live so simply?"

Heru chuckled. "I find it far more advantageous to do so. Were anyone to

see my home, they would assume certain things, would they not? As I

was far from ready to decide which side of things I wished to stand on, it

made sense to be disarming." Heru wasn't bothering to watch Lucius's

reactions; Severus would be able to tell him later on.

"I see." Xavier remained silent for a minute, then said, "And have you

come to a decision? Will you stand with your family?"

"I have not. And, I have always stood with my family, though not

necessarily in the sense that you mean."

"Then I shall be blunt. What will it take? Why do you hold back from

standing up for the beliefs of our dear Salazar?"

Heru smiled and shook his head gently. "My dear Voldemort, I have yet

to see what kind of a leader you truly are, and if you are what I would

willingly ally myself with. It may be that I would prefer to further my

own view on things independently."

Xavier's face took on a faintly calculating aspect. "And Albus


"What of him?" Heru spread his hands, careful to keep the scales safely

held. "I have performed several small services for him as well, and find it

amusing that the majority of his people continue to distrust and malign

me. However, they know full well I am not to be trifled with. I am, on

the other hand, sickened by the fact that those people go through Albus

in order to get at me. They have neither the courage nor cunning to come

at me personally or indirectly. I can only assume that Albus has them

firmly under his thumb."

Heru aimed a conspiratorial look at Xavier, then allowed his face to clear

to blankness. "But you, my dear Voldemort. . . . I mean no offense, but

your manipulations have not assisted me. I have had to fight a great deal

of ingrained distrust to get where I am now, comfortably sitting in the

camp of the Light." He could almost feel the amusement radiating off his

mate at his use of truth.

"My lord," Severus interjected quietly, as though hoping for leave to

speak further.

Both Heru and Xavier gazed at him, but it was at Heru that Severus was

looking, and Heru who spoke. "Yes, Severus?"

"Might I suggest that you sit in on one of the Dark Lord's assemblies?

Perhaps that would further your . . . analysis."

"What a lovely idea, Severus. Remind me to reward you later." Heru

turned back to Xavier and quirked a brow up.

The skin around Xavier's eyes was tensed. "So you admit that you have

stolen Severus from me," he hissed.

"As I said, it presented a unique challenge to remove the Dark Mark. Of course

I kept him when I was done. If I had let you come into direct contact with him

after that point, you'd have killed him for his betrayal, and I felt no particular

desire to discard him given his qualities. So, if you wish to use that exact term,

then yes, I stole him," Heru hissed back, smiling sweetly. "And, dear cousin,

he was fair game at the time, as you were not around to object."

"Qualities?" hissed Xavier.

"Surely even you know them. He is loyal, blindingly intelligent, and

trustworthy, not to mention a Master of Potions. Like any from Slytherin

house, he naturally gravitates to the service of one who can protect him, guide

him, and make use of his talents in an appropriate manner."

Xavier frowned and narrowed his eyes. "Why him?" he hissed.

"Is that not plainly evident? He held a position at Hogwarts and the

headmaster foolishly believes that Severus is actually allied with him. He also

trusts in Severus's ability at judging the character of others, and naturally

Severus sees me as someone to recommend. With Severus at my side, I could

be reasonably assured that I, too, could gain entrance and take the

opportunity to do a bit of reconnoitering."

"The two of us together could do great things," hissed Xavier.

"That remains to be seen. As to Severus's suggestion, what say you?"

"I will allow it."

"Splendid, dear fellow. We're getting along famously already! I would love the

opportunity to find a dark shadow to lurk in while you speak with your

people. That way I can watch and not make them feel uncomfortable, and still

get a sense of how things are. However, I do believe it should wait until after

the term has ended. Things are beginning to become rather hectic in my

current role. I would not like to overlook any details which may cause the

headmaster to become suspicious, and potentially sunder my advantageous


"Then I will have Lucius provide you with the date, time, and location when

the term is over."

Heru stood and smiled. "Very good," he said, then held out his right hand.

Xavier stood and reached out to firmly shake his, then glanced at Lucius,

who rose immediately. "Do let me show you the way out," Heru said,

then at the door, "I look forward to hearing from you, my dear man."

Moments later he was back in the lounge, slumped in a chair. Severus

took the scales from his hand and tucked them away in their bag,

remaining at Heru's side in a kneeling position. "Do you want

replenishers before you begin the ward manipulation?"

"Please." He quickly downed the vials Severus handed to him, dropping

the empties untidily on the floor, then began shifting the wards.

Severus snorted and vanished the vials, then said, "I think that went well.

Very well, in fact."

"What of Lucius?"

"He is conflicted. It is just as well that Voldemort did not see his face

during the discussion, else he would have tried to chastise him. I believe

he sees you as being the equal of Voldemort, or more so."

"Then we should be able to use him if the right circumstances present


"I believe so."

"Go ahead and let Dobby know he can leave. I'll be done shortly."

When Severus returned Heru was nearly asleep, but opened his eyes at

the sound of footfalls. "I think we should go as quickly as possible, before

I am unable. Underlake." Severus nodded, but waited for Heru to

apparate out first.

"I don't feel so good," Heru said from his position on the bed. When

Severus gave him a curious look he continued, "I'm starting to recognize

this reaction. I'm going to be a bastard again tomorrow."

"This doesn't make any sense," Severus snarled, then looked at his mate

appraisingly. "Or does it?" At Heru's expression Severus shook his head

and said, "Never mind." A moment later Heru was gathered up in his

arms as he braced himself against the headboard. "Nothing to worry

about, my dear Heru. Once you're feeling better, we'll talk about it. Until

then, I shall ponder the matter."

"S—all right, Severus." His mate held him, carding his long fingers

through Heru's hair in measured movements, until he fell asleep. He saw

no one the next day aside from Severus and Praecino, who once again

stuck close by to soothe him with music as he read or idly watched the

water above him.

He felt right as rain by Monday morning and was able to take his meals

publicly. That evening, Severus expanded on his original ideas, and once

again Heru's smile widened as he heard what his mate had to say. It all

made perfect sense when someone took the time to analyze the facts and


The remainder of the term went by smoothly and swiftly for Heru. A

number of his students in his OWL and NEWT level classes were happy to

tell him that they felt very confident about how they had done, which

pleased Heru to no end. Mark had continued to attend the revision

sessions for the Slytherin first years and have Draco as his nominal

mentor during them, and Draco had had no more problems with his

father requesting anything of him.

It seemed to Heru that once he had made his request to attend a Death

Eater meeting that all Draco's problems had ceased, probably in the

expectation that such measures were no longer necessary. A foolish thing

to do, perhaps, but one that suited him and Severus nicely.

The students in the remaining years received their yearly exam results on

the nineteenth of June, and two days later, all of them were packed and

ready to go home with the sole exception of Draco. He came to their

quarters early that morning, even before breakfast.

Heru gave him a once-over and said, "Right, then. You still wish to go

through with this?"

"Yes, sir."

"Fine." Heru crossed to the fireplace and called the kitchens, requesting

Dobby. When the house elf appeared he said, "Dobby, I'd like to ask you

for a favor." He ignored the wide eyes of the teenager.

"Dobby is being happy to listen."

"We're going to hide Draco here away for a while, Dobby, so I would like

you to provide him with meals and such for as long as necessary. Will

you come with us, please, so I can show you where he'll be staying?"

"Of course, sir."

"Very good. This way, then," he said as he headed for the exit. He strode

briskly down the serpentine corridors until he reached the inlay, then

hissed a request for it to open, which it did. A wave of his hand had his

two charges enter, and he followed behind and closed the door.

"All right. As you can see the door only accepts Parseltongue, so I have

no doubts as to your safety here, Draco. Nor do I need to worry about

you wandering off and getting into trouble." Heru turned to the elf and

asked, "Will you have any problems getting in and out of here, Dobby?"

"No, sir."

"Then I would like you to listen for Draco's call and see what he needs. I

know you will not help him to leave. If you have any doubts as to what

he requests, come see me before you do anything else, all right?" Dobby

nodded so Heru continued with, "I would like you to fetch his belongings

and bring them here, then provide breakfast for him, please."

"That is being no problem, sir. Dobby will go right away," Dobby said,

then bowed slightly and popped away.

Heru turned back to the boy, noticing and continuing to ignore the

astonished look, and said, "This isn't much of a room at the moment, but

I'll fix that. What's here can stay, but obviously you'll need a bed at the

very least." Heru looked around for a moment, then slipped his wand out

from behind his ear and gestured with it. A small bed appeared, hardly a

patch on what a student would normally find in the dorms, but given the

close confines of the room, it would have to do.

Several more gestures cleaned the room, added linens, and even

produced a small dresser. He left the option of unpacking to Draco after

Dobby popped in long enough to drop off the boy's trunk. As an

afterthought, he created a small nook in one corner with a self-cleaning

toilet. He tucked his wand away as breakfast appeared on the desk and

took a seat on the bed.

Fixing an intense gaze on Draco, who had seated himself at the desk,

Heru said, "I expect no complaints out of you. You will not ask Dobby to

deliver any letters or to pass on any messages unless it is to me or

Severus. You will not attempt to exact any kind of misguided revenge on

Dobby, either. He can and will show you exactly what a free house elf is

capable of. However, he is at least familiar to you, which is why I chose

him to watch over you for the time being. You will treat him with respect.

If Dobby comes to me with any outrageous requests from your lips or

tales of bad behavior, you can be sure you will feel my displeasure."

Draco shrank back slightly, but nodded.

"If you need books you do not already own, tell Dobby, and he will

inform me. In the meantime, you can begin work on your holiday

assignments. As soon as it is safe to do so, I will release you. Do you have

any questions?"

"Are you going to hurt my father, sir?"

Heru blinked slowly. "I don't plan to, no. I expect I may have to threaten

him, though. Why do you care?"

"He's my father, sir," Draco said.

Heru felt his jaw clench and made a conscious effort to relax it. "I will

leave you to your breakfast, then." He rose silently and stopped in front

of the door long enough to hiss it open, then left. Back in his quarters he

called Dobby to him again, this time not bothering with the fireplace.

"Dobby, I've just left Draco. There are a couple of things I wanted to

clarify with you. The only people Draco should be sending messages to

are myself and Severus, all right? If he tries to get out of hand, stun him

or whatever it is you do, but don't hurt him. If he asks for anything aside

from food, come to me or Severus first so we can approve it. I don't really

expect him to be in there all that long, but it never hurts to be prepared.

Obviously, you need to keep quiet about where Draco went if anyone

should ask you."

Dobby nodded his head and gave Heru a toothy smile.

"Thank you, Dobby. I appreciate your help."

— — —

The students ate their breakfasts in due time, then left the Great Hall to

take care of any last minute details before piling out through the massive

main doors and into the waiting carriages. Very few people seemed to

have noticed that Draco was even missing, something that caused more

than a few faint smirks to erupt on Heru's and Severus's faces.

Later in the day, that afternoon, Lucius Malfoy stormed up to the castle

and demanded to see the headmaster. Naturally, Heru and Severus were

watching via mirror, and naturally, Albus denied any knowledge of the

boy's whereabouts. In fact, he put on a lovely show of genial cluelessness,

one that caused Lucius's face to tighten in unspoken anger. When Lucius

said a curt good-bye and made to leave the office, Severus slipped out of

their quarters and arranged to be walking through the entrance hall as

Lucius stalked down the staircase. As expected, Severus was hailed

almost as soon as Lucius noticed him.

"Yes, Lucius?" Severus inquired smoothly.

"Have you seen Draco? He did not return on the train."

Severus half turned, cast a sidelong glance at Lucius, and murmured, "I

do not believe this is the proper place to discuss that." Then he completed

his turn and strode toward the stairs leading into the dungeons. Nothing

more was said as they walked to their destination. As soon as they

approached the door, Heru banished the mirror to underlake and picked

up a copy of The Daily Prophet to read. In less than a minute Severus was

seated in his usual chair and Lucius was on the couch, a touch of

frustration tingeing his normally cool expression.

"What did you mean?"

Heru folded his paper and placed it on the side table as Severus said, "I

know exactly where Draco is."

"Well?" Lucius demanded, then paled when Heru arched a brow.

"Well what?" asked Severus.

"I would like to know where my son is."

"That doesn't concern you any longer," said Heru calmly. "But I will say

that he's perfectly safe. From, I might add, your anger, and that of


"What!? Why? How dare you keep my son from me?"

"He asked for it," Heru said, still perfectly calm. "And, I have the power to

assure that I could hide him under your very nose and you would never

realize he was there."

Lucius made a visible effort to regain control, then said, "May I

understand this more in detail?"

"Certainly. Your son is very confused and frightened. He came to us

asking for protection. Naturally, he had enough sense to avoid

Dumbledore. Given that he fears for his life, we agreed to squirrel him


"Fears for his life?" Lucius repeated.

Heru tilted his head and gave Lucius an amused look. "Well, my dear

man, wouldn't you when your father insisted on giving you vague orders

and instructions, and you kept fucking them up? Wouldn't you when

Voldemort himself saw fit to administer punishment for your failures?

Wouldn't you be worried about further torture or even death when you

continued to fail? Quite frankly, Lucius, either you are extraordinarily

bad at explaining things to the boy, or he has none of the qualities which

would mark him as a fit servant of Voldemort."

"He is my heir," hissed Lucius.

"So? Why should that matter to me?"

"You don't understand. Narcissa cannot have another child. I must have

that boy."

"What a pretty picture of paternal love you present, Lucius," Heru said

sarcastically. "Given that I have grown passing fond of the child, I agreed

to help him. Until I am sure that he will remain safe and whole, I will not

release him back to you, simple as that. I really don't give a damn what

you think, either. No one should be forced into service and I get the

distinct impression that if the boy should live so long, that's exactly what

would happen. Sometimes I think you have no subtlety, Lucius.

Sometimes I despair of you even being a proper Slytherin."

"Draco is my heir!" Lucius repeated.

"You really don't want to anger me," Heru said and smirked as Lucius

paled. "I also imagine that you do not want Voldemort to find out about

this. Heaven only knows what would happen to you then, though I think

I have a very good idea. You, my dear Lucius, are going to accept that

your son is out of your reach for an indefinite period of time."

Lucius drew back slightly, then said, "And what makes you think that my

master would not back me up if I were to tell him?"

Heru laughed merrily as Severus snorted in amusement. "Surely you

aren't that stupid, Lucius. Voldemort will punish you for losing control of

your son like this. He may even kill you. I very much doubt he would

squander the chance to sway me to his side over such a little thing. We

have a far better chance of seducing the boy into service, after all. You

see, he trusts me and Severus. He doesn't trust you, or Voldemort. If, in

the end, I decide against allying myself with your master, the child will

remain with us, and I will hide him from your sight. You would have to

wait until he was old enough to make the decision for himself as to

whether he wanted to return to be a part of your life, and if he did not,

you'd have to find a way to dispose of the lovely Narcissa and find a new

wife to breed an heir upon. Either way, I expect your master will be most

angry with you."

Seeing that Lucius was at a bit of a loss, Heru said, "You might be

interested to know that your son asked me if I would hurt you." Malfoy's

eyes came into sharp focus. "When I asked why he cared, he said that you

were his father."

Lucius dropped his gaze, retreating into silence for some time. Heru and

Severus waited patiently for him to speak again. "It seems I have no


"No, you don't. However, just so that we're all clear on the matter, why

don't you be a good man and tell me what you're thinking. Or, would you

prefer I force it out of you?"

Lucius paled again, and Heru found that to be an interesting reaction

indeed. "You are more powerful than my master."

"Perhaps. Certainly his equal. So what?"

"I cannot lose my son. Will you allow me to see him from time to time?"

"Whatever for? I thought I made it quite plain already that he is not yours

at the moment. I don't care that he's your sole heir, Lucius. That isn't

reason enough for me to give you any concessions. If I treated my son as

you treat yours, I have no doubt he would have sought an escape even as

Draco has."

"He's my son," Lucius said softly.

Heru stifled the urge to roll his eyes and instead pinned the blond with a

cold stare. "I grow tired of your evasions, Lucius. I will presently become


"I love him."

39. Personal Playgrounds

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Nada.

— 38: Personal Playgrounds —

Heru raised his brows in gentle astonishment. Turning to Severus he said,

"Veritaserum." Several minutes later, Lucius was ready to be questioned,

having put up little resistance once Heru intimidated him thoroughly. "Is

it true that you love your son, Lucius?"


"Why have you been so ineffective in communicating your instructions to

your son?"

"I hoped if he continued to fail that my master would not insist on taking

him into his service."

"Is that because you wanted Draco to decide for himself?"


"How did you feel when Voldemort tortured your son?"


"Have you ever personally harmed your son?"


"Has Narcissa?"

"Not that I am aware of."

"Does Draco have any idea of how you feel about him?"

"I don't know."

Heru repressed the urge to roll his eyes. "Why did you join Voldemort?"

"I believed in him."

"How do you currently feel about being his servant?"

"I'm not sure."

"Do you wish to leave his service?"

"I don't know."

"How does Narcissa feel about Voldemort?"

"She does not like him, but bows to necessity."

"Does it bother you that she does not like Voldemort?"

"So long as she does not seek to interfere, I do not care."

"Do you love your wife?"


"Out of curiosity, Lucius, which is preferable—death or Azkaban?"


"Would you betray Voldemort?"

"I'm not sure."

Then, in a moment of unalloyed wickedness, Heru slyly asked, "Are there

only purebloods in your line?"


Heru smirked, gestured, then looked at Severus. "I suppose we should let

him see Draco. Briefly, at least."

"It is up to you."

Heru nodded and gestured again. Severus rose and administered the

antidote, then resumed his seat. As soon as Lucius recovered he blanched,

which, given his already fair skin tone, was rather a difficult thing to


Heru slipped back into his role, smirking nastily. "I do so love having

people at a disadvantage, Lucius. You might want to remember all that

you've revealed if the idea of crossing me ever occurs to you."

"Yes, sir."

"I am not without pity, though. So, after you hand over your wand to

Severus, I will bring your son in here for a short time."

Lucius nodded slowly and handed Severus his wand after dropping it out

of his sleeve. After a close look Heru could see no others on him, or

suspicious items. "Very well. You will keep an eye on him, Severus, until I

return. Feel free to get creative if does anything foolish."

He left and fetched Draco from his hiding place and guided him back to

their quarters, then pushed him down onto the couch before taking his

seat. "If you have anything in particular to say to your son, Lucius, I

suggest you do so now. You may not have another chance."

Lucius turned to Draco and attempted a small smile. "I cannot be angry

with you for what you have done. I have always striven to protect you

from my master in my own way so that you might decide on your own if

you wished to enter his service. If anyone should ask after you I will tell

them that you have stayed with Mr Slytherin to further your education.

The conclusions they would no doubt come to should be enough to dispel

any suspicions. I will tell your mother that you are quite safe."

He looked away for a moment, then said, "You should know that you

have always fulfilled my expectations of you, even though to you it has

seemed as though you've failed. I know you may not understand just yet,

but I think that Mr Slytherin or Severus would be willing to explain that

to you later on if you ask. You're my only son, and my heir. I understand

that it may be hard for you to believe, but I do care about you, Draco."

Heru cleared his throat, causing Lucius to startle, then place his hands on

Draco's shoulders and grip them gently. "What I'm trying to say is that I

do love you, my son, as does your mother. Do not forget that." When

Draco opened his mouth to speak, Lucius moved a hand to cover it. "Just

think on it. Talk to the professors later. That is all I can ask of you." With

seeming reluctance, Lucius released his son and nodded at Heru.

Heru rose and said, "Draco, follow me." After he had delivered the boy

back to his temporary room, he returned to finish things with Lucius. "I'll

give you one last warning, Lucius. I lied about how many vials of blood it

takes to make a tapestry."

Lucius blanched again. Heru smiled and said, "Voldemort is one thing—I

used those extras to make a second tapestry to satisfy my own curiosity—

but you, my dear man, are a different matter entirely. So you should

know that I have seven vials of your blood just waiting for me to find an

excuse to use them against you. I strongly recommend that you behave


Heru gestured and approached Lucius, kneeling next to him on the floor.

He pushed back the layers of fabric covering the man's arm and touched

his fingers to the Dark Mark, closing his eyes to focus better. Having

already spent so much time with Severus's—though it had been some

time ago—Heru was able to refresh his memory on its structure easily.

Several minutes later he opened his eyes, fixed Lucius's clothing, then

returned to where he had been previously and gestured.

Heru turned to Severus and nodded. As the blond's wand was being

returned he said, "Dare I hope that you already have the information I

need about the next meeting?"

"Yes, sir. The twenty-third at seven in the evening. As you are to attend,

it will take place at Malfoy Manor."

"Splendid. You run along now and expect to see me then."

"Yes, sir." Lucius rose to his feet and began to step away.

Heru stopped him with, "Oh, one more thing, Lucius. You will remember

to call me Heru at that time, of course. I don't think you'd want to explain

to Voldemort why you're suddenly calling me sir."

Lucius bowed slightly, then backed away, turning only when he reached

the door and could leave.

Heru waited a minute, the corner of his mouth twitching suspiciously,

then burst out laughing. A glance at Severus showed that he was also

highly amused. A moment later Fawkes flashed into the room and

dropped a rolled piece of parchment on Heru's lap, trilled, and flashed



You've uncovered some very interesting information, not that I noticed the

illegal use of veritaserum, of course. The mirror has already been removed

from headquarters on my order. The watch on Lucius and Voldemort will

continue unabated, but from here only instead.

Because of the prevailing attitude displayed by Alastor, he has been

released from that particular duty. While I have no doubts as to your

loyalty, I do believe it is best to avoid the confrontation that Alastor would

surely begin over what is to come.

I would like to know if you plan to take Severus with you or if he shall

remain at Hogwarts to guard your son. And, by the way, let me extend my

congratulations to you and Severus on your bonding. In deference to your

privacy, I have not mentioned my discovery to anyone.


Heru clutched at his hair with one hand and muttered, "Damn the man.

He just had to go and spoil my fun." He handed the note to Severus and

edged away, managing to place the couch between them before his mate

finished reading.

Severus pinned him with a cold look and said, "That map?"

"I assume so. And I'm going to assume he means bonding in the modern


"So help me, Heru, if he twinkles at me I shall hex him."

"Now, Severus, I don't think that would be a good idea. And, since I think

we should probably go talk to Albus about Lucius, maybe I should just

have you hand over your wand now and save us all a lot of grief?"

Severus scowled and shook his head. "No. First we speak to Draco. Then

we can go talk to that meddling old coot."

Heru folded his arms across his chest and stared. "All right. But if you

lose your temper with Albus badly enough to start hissing in

Parseltongue, you're going to pay dearly for making me obliviate the


Severus arched a brow and smirked. "Shall we, then?"

Draco appeared to be both happy and nervous on seeing them stalk into

his little room. Heru and Severus sat down on the bed as though they had

rehearsed synchronous movement and fixed steady gazes on him.

"We would like to know what your reaction is to having seen your

father," Severus said.

"Is he going to die, sir?" sighed Draco.

"That depends," Heru replied. "How would you feel if he did?"

"I don't want him to. He's my father."

Heru tilted his head. "Your father has participated in a great deal of evil,

Draco. You may even make the decision some day to join him in it. By

wizarding law, your father's life is forfeit."

"I don't care, sir."

"All right. How about Azkaban, then?"

"The dementors are gone. He would be alive."

"And very likely imprisoned for the rest of his natural life."

Draco shook his head. "Whose side are you on, anyway?"

"I think we've established what we needed to know for the moment,"

Heru said, preparing to rise.

"Wait. Please?"

"What is it?" Severus asked.

"Father said you could explain."

"Lucius already explained part of it, but I shall elaborate," Severus said.

"He purposely left you at loose ends when giving you instructions,

knowing that without proper training and details you would not be able

to accomplish those goals. In his eyes, your failures would translate into

enough time for you to decide for yourself which path you wished to

take. He willingly took your punishments in order to shield you from his


"Oh," Draco said quietly, not quite looking at either of them.

"Then we shall leave you to your thoughts, or your work, whichever you


Heru and Severus rose and left to go see Albus.

— — —

Albus was twinkling, but not at full force. Heru thought that was a good

thing, certainly, and hoped that the headmaster had enough sense to

leave well enough alone. He did not fancy the idea of having to restrain

his mate.

"I assume you wish to talk about Lucius?" Albus asked.

"Yes. We have just come up from talking to Draco," Severus said. "The

boy does not want his father to die. Are you going to object if he ends up

in Azkaban?"

Albus shook his head. "He is already halfway to the point of betraying

Voldemort, not that I am saying he will, and not that I am saying that

such an action at this late date would necessarily save him from facing

the consequences of his actions."

"Fine. Because I will tell you now that the majority of the Death Eaters

are going to die when their master does," Heru stated. "Do you think the

Ministry would be foolish enough to place the dementors back at

Azkaban once Voldemort is gone?"

"I do not know, but I would recommend against it. As my credit is

currently high, I hold some hope that I would be listened to."

Heru nodded, then shrugged a shoulder.

"Who will be watching the meeting Heru is to attend aside from myself?"

asked Severus.

"Not Alastor, obviously." Albus peered over the rims of his spectacles at

Severus, then Heru. "Is there something you'd like to tell me?"

"Well, Albus, I'd like to know if any of the watchers are going to try to

arrest me the moment I return to the castle," Heru drawled. "If you were

to call them here now, then Severus and I could explain what you might

reasonably expect to witness."

"I see. In that case perhaps you have suggestions of your own?"

Heru had the castle flash several images to Severus and got back an

affirmative in return. "Remus, Sirius, and Tonks. They are the ones I

know the best, and the ones I feel will actually hear me out."

Albus raised his brows fractionally, then reached for a quill and paper.

He delivered several notes to Fawkes, who flashed out seconds later.

When the three designated watchers finally arrived—Albus, Severus and

Heru had continued a mild discussion about Lucius and his son—Heru

got down to business.

"In two days I will be attending a Death Eater meeting at Malfoy

Mansion, so I need to make something crystal clear to those of you who'll

be watching. This isn't a game, just as nothing else up until now has been

one. You may witness me acting as something akin to Voldemort himself,

because I must convince him I am willing to be swayed to his side. I do

not want to return to this castle only to have to contain people out for my

blood because I cast Unforgivables at need."

Sirius was already nodding. "I can understand that," he said. "You . . .

surprised me earlier, when you were talking to Lucius. You already were

acting like Voldemort to some degree."

Tonks cast a curious look at Sirius, then turned to Heru and shrugged. "I

won't see anything I don't need to," she said with a faint suggestion of a


"Given that I'm unaware of the actual plans for after this," Remus said

slowly, "can I ask why it's so important?"

"I need him to trust me more than he does now. I need him to not notice

what I'm actually up to when I'm simply standing there, or so it appears. I

have every intention of manipulating the Dark Marks of as many Death

Eaters as I can while I'm there in order to make sure that they die when

their Master does."

"Manipulate?" asked Tonks, her face sweetly confused.

Heru glanced at Severus, who nodded and bared his forearm to the girl.


"I managed to make mirrors linked to Lucius without him being aware of

it, and mirrors to Voldemort, all while in the middle of a conversation. I

believe I can handle the manipulations. The worst case scenario is that I

cannot, but for every Death Eater I actually meet, that is one more I can

tune a mirror to, allowing us to know their locations at all times and to

hunt them down for trial and incarceration."

"And after the meeting?" Remus asked.

"I will tell him I would like to consider things for a day or so and invite

him back to my house in Hogsmeade for two days hence. In order to

make sure that he'll agree, I'll be going to that meeting displaying the

same mixture of amiability and imperiousness, and prove, if necessary,

that I have absolutely no qualms about being as sadistic and twisted as he

is. In fact, I expect to have to say things that would cause others, mainly

Severus, to want to strangle me when I return. At any rate, by the time

that meeting is over, if Voldemort isn't already salivating over the idea of

having me join his cause, he should be. And he'll be perfectly happy to

come back to my home in Hogsmeade for a more private meeting to

discuss things several days later."

"All right. But what does that mean?" Remus persisted.

"The wards of my home are rather similar to the ones of Hogwarts. You

see, Albus, I was less than candid with you." Heru shot a look at the

headmaster and smirked slightly. "I wasn't so sure I should trust you. So

while I did admit I could see the wards here, I did not tell the whole

truth at that time."

Strangely, or not, Albus's eyes were twinkling.

"My ultimate ancestor, if you start with the founding of Hogwarts, was no

fool. I know exactly how the wards here are constructed and I know how

to create ones like them thanks to his foresight and preservationist

tendencies. Inside my home, I hold control over who can perform magic,

just like I can control who is allowed to apparate here."

"One of these days you simply must tell us where you have all these

family treasures hidden," murmured Albus.

Heru favored the headmaster with an innocent smile and said, "Now that

I've had enough time to study Voldemort, I believe I can bring him down.

In my home, he will be unable to oppose me with magic. And with any

luck, he won't even realize what I'm doing until it's too late."

"Which is?"

"I'm sure you can figure that out. The point is, I need to know that none

of you are going to start screaming for my head if I prove to Voldemort

that I can cast unforgivables."

"It will not be an issue," said Albus. "I think we are all in agreement here."

"Then I'm sure you will all also understand that you probably won't see

me for at least a day after that meeting. However, as I plan on inviting

Voldemort over for the evening of the next, we will have time to meet

and discuss things again if necessary."

Albus nodded, as did Remus and Sirius. Tonks looked a little confused,

but nodded as well.

— — —

Heru spent some time in his vault, looking for ancient wedding gifts.

Eventually he found what he was after and brought them to the lounge

and set them on the table. "You know, I still find it odd that no one ever

seemed to wonder where Harry's wand went."

Severus shrugged. "No one ever saw Voldemort's reaction when he

realized it was not with the body, and our people assume he must have


"Mm. I suppose so. Do you think there's any point in me consuming this?"

Heru indicated the vial he had brought in.

Severus leaned forward to take it, then examined it closely. "Exactly

when did you get this, and how?"

"It was a wedding gift."

Severus gave him an odd look, then opened the vial and sniffed carefully.

"It's still good," he said after sealing it, "but is strength really something

that will help you?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking. I'm not sure if it would shore me up

through the work I'll be doing or if I'd be better off having a pocket

stuffed with replenishers. Is it even permanent?"

Severus shook his head. "It would last for several weeks, gradually fading

out. I will be honest—unless there is some reason for you to need

superhuman strength for that evening, I would not bother. Secrete a good

supply of replenishers and take them as needed. You'll still come home to

me exhausted, but I know that you can hold your mask in place until it's

safe to drop it."

"All right. Then that goes back into the vault, unless you have some use

for it." Heru shrugged. "Doesn't matter. I've made sure you can enter the

vault so you can get it if you need it, right?"

Severus nodded, then said, "And that?"

"Manticore skin. I figured I might as well get some use out of it since I've

never worn it. I can wear it under my robes."

"Well enough. Were you planning on something subtle, or. . . ?"

Heru exhaled softly. "I'd like your advice on that. You know I told

Voldemort I'd lurk in the shadows, but . . . I was thinking that might not

work, and I wasn't sure if I should just wear something of excellent

quality but fairly understated, or something with a bit of flash to it."

"I need not point out that if Lucius is the only one left alive, he is the only

one who could possibly testify against you."

"That doesn't help, Severus."

"Understated, my dear Heru. There's no sense in drawing further

attention to yourself."

Heru smiled. The vial went back into the vault, the set of clothing went

into their normal bedroom, and Heru and Severus sat down shortly after

for a family dinner with Mark.

— — —

When Heru arrived at Malfoy Manor it was 6.30 in the evening. The

house elf that answered the door looked somewhat startled at his

appearance, but allowed him entry and asked him in a soft voice to

please wait. It did not pop back into view. Instead, Lucius appeared in

the entrance hall and swept up to him gracefully, inclining his head as he

drew closer.

"Heru, how lovely to see you."

Heru took a moment to get a good look at the blond, then said, "I allow I

am a bit early, but as the meeting was scheduled for seven, I thought it

would be wise."

"Of course," Lucius said agreeably. "If you will permit, I will show you the

ballroom." He stepped back in a half turn and gestured, waiting for Heru

to move forward before he completed his turn and began to walk. As

Malfoy Manor was quite large, the walk itself took a number of minutes,

all of which were spent in silence. Eventually they reached a set of

grandiose double doors and stepped through.

The first thing Heru noticed was the utter lack of furnishings—that is,

aside from a chair set up at one end which closely resembled a throne

fashioned from snakes. The back of it rose up from the seat and widened,

then arched over, perfectly mimicking a cobra with its hood flared.

Someone—Heru thought whoever it had been obviously had too much

time on their hands—had made it as realistic and lifelike as possible.

The second thing he noticed was that Voldemort was already seated in

the embrace of the throne and had a peculiar smile on his changed face.

Heru smirked slightly and strode forward confidently, ignoring the fact

that Lucius, with his shorter legs, was having to move at an almost

undignified pace in order to keep up with him. Heru pulled up short

about a foot away from Voldemort and tilted his head to the side


"Well," Heru said, then furrowed his brow and shot a quick look at

Lucius. "I cannot fault you for your tastes, dear fellow, though it's a bit

ostentatious for me," he hissed, then lifted his chin and smiled pleasantly.

"Perhaps," hissed Voldemort. "You have come early—why?"

Heru grinned. "To investigate any dark corners in which to lurk, of course.

But I see that it would be a difficult proposition here, so I shall have to stand

around looking imposing, or something equally thrilling."

"Or perhaps even participate."

Heru arched a brow. "Indeed. One naturally wonders what that would


Voldemort turned his gaze on Lucius for a moment, then hissed, "Perhaps

you might be persuaded to amuse yourself with some of my less gifted

followers. I myself would be interested to see how you handled one of them if

they had disappointed me."

Heru clapped his hands and smiled brilliantly. "We shall see. Far be it from

me to turn down the opportunity to play with someone else's toys." Then he

smirked and hissed, "With permission, that is. Severus was an exception. But,

I see no reason for me to remain standing." He dropped his wand into his

hand and conjured up an imposing, yet squashy chair, and flopped into it

sideways, letting his booted feet dangle over one arm.

He hummed for a moment, then hissed, "Speaking of toys, were you

planning on summoning your followers this evening, or were they instructed to

arrive without such prompting?"

"I will summon them."

Heru arched a brow, then smiled. "It's more painful that way. I understand.

May I try? I've wanted to, you see, but somehow I did not think you would

have appreciated it had I used Severus as my test case. Very bad form and all

that." Heru let out a peal of high pitched laughter.

Voldemort smiled slightly. "I see you feel no constraint this evening to

appear neutral."

"I felt like having a night off, dear fellow. Don't misunderstand me, of course. I

have yet to make my decision. But as I'm here, I may as well enjoy myself,


Voldemort's smile widened fractionally. "Indeed. In that case, I will allow

it. You can summon them whenever you like."

Heru flicked his wand back into its holster and turned to look at Lucius.

After narrowing his eyes he crooked his finger at the blond and was

rewarded with immediate compliance. Lucius knelt before him and bared

his arm, so Heru reached out and touched the Dark Mark with his finger

and called.

40. Slytherin Solution

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: I sincerely hope that what you're about to read comes off as

believable. This is not the last chapter.

— 39: Slytherin Solution —

It took several minutes, but less time than Heru actually expected. After

the first of the Death Eaters appeared, they began arriving in clusters,

almost as though there was some obscure protocol that Heru wasn't

aware of when it came to who was allowed to come when. None of those

thoughts showed on his face, though; he wore a lazy little smile as he

lounged sideways in his chair and idly kicked one of his feet as though


They arrayed themselves in semi-circles, though not one of them took

their place until they had knelt before their Lord and kissed his robes. A

disgusting display of obeisance, but one that Heru had expected. All of

them had cast badly hidden looks at him before returning their attention

to their master and waiting for him to speak. Heru was a little surprised,

to be sure, that there weren't more of them. The second they had begun

apparating in he had flung threads of his power toward one and started

the process of finessing the man's Dark Mark. By the time they stopped

appearing, Heru had managed to deal with five of them from that


"How delightful of you all to join us," Voldemort said smoothly. "As you

can see, we have a guest this evening. I have every expectation that you

will be as courteous to him as you are to me."

A mass of heads dipped in ready agreement.

"Splendid. We are coming up on the anniversary of the death of Harry

Potter, so I think it only fitting that we should begin again with our plans

to overcome those fools who defy us on that date. Speaking of which. . .

." Voldemort turned to Heru and hissed, "Do you know where they interred

his body?"

Heru raised his brows and smirked. "On the grounds of Hogwarts. East side

of the lake. There are enchantments protecting it so that the unwashed masses

cannot get at his corpse."

Voldemort smiled faintly and turned back to his people. "However, as we

do have a guest, this will not be a meeting in the classic sense."

Heru did not frown; there was no need to. He had been divided in his

opinion on whether or not the meeting would be normal, or something

much lighter in nature. As he had not declared himself, it was no real

surprise to him that Voldemort wasn't willing to divulge anything much

in the way of plans while he was present.

"You will," Voldemort said casually, "mingle."

Heru thought that was just fine. Assuming he was able to walk around

and talk to people, he could be assured of fiddling with every last Dark

Mark aside from Lucius's. The best of it was that the modification did not

actually take all that much effort. The Dark Mark could already kill them;

all he had to do was make sure that if the connection back to Voldemort

disappeared, they would die.

Voldemort rose from his throne and half turned to Heru, smiling slightly,

so Heru stood as well and stepped forward, allowing himself to be led to

the first of the many people he would meet over the course of the

evening. A buffet of drinks and food had appeared at some unseen or

unheard signal, and as they passed it, Heru got himself a glass of wine to

carry around and sip from. It did not hurt that he was able to slip a

replenishing potion into it, though in truth, he was not yet very fatigued.

Heru smiled a great deal, smirked some, and generally made out as

though he was highly amused by the reactions of the men in Voldemort's

service as he charmed his way through the crowd. He was also full of

praise for the obvious magical strength of Bellatrix, the only female

Death Eater, and her loyalty, though he kept his comments about her to

Parseltongue. He did not in the least care for the fanatical gleam in her

eyes, nor her very tenuous hold on sanity, and kept those thoughts

strictly to himself.

Once Heru had met everyone the entertainment portion of the evening

began. Avery was still out of favor for his mistakes, it seemed, and it was

him that Heru got to play with.

"Avery, front and center," commanded Voldemort, once again sitting on

his throne. Heru, who had been talking with Lucius in a careful manner,

turned when he heard Voldemort hiss, "Heru, would you care to amuse


He smirked and strode up toward the throne, then hissed, "Would that be

to the pain, or to the death?"

"He's already felt pain."

Heru furrowed his brow, then glanced at Avery speculatively. "All right,"

he hissed. A bare shake of his arm saw his wand drop into his hand, and

he pointed it at Avery in a negligent gesture. A second later red lines

began to appear on the man's exposed skin, then split as his flesh began

to peel away from his body. Though Avery could most certainly scream,

he could not, apparently, move. His clothing started to bunch up oddly

and took on a wet gleam as his screams became more tortured; then Heru

cast again.

Tiny bubbles formed in Avery's blood that burst almost immediately, only

to be replaced instantly. Heru lowered his wand to watch with a faint

smirk as the poor man's blood literally boiled, then slipped it back up his

sleeve as Avery suddenly stopped screaming, his eyes gone completely

blank. Heru gave Voldemort a sidelong glance and hissed, "That was

mildly amusing. Thanks."

"Interesting," hissed Voldemort, an undisguised look of pleasure in his slit-

pupiled eyes. To Lucius he said, "Do clean that up, my good man." There

was a long pause while that was being taken care of, then Voldemort

hissed, "Feel like amusing yourself more quickly on one other?"

"Are you suggesting the simple route?" Heru asked with raised brows.


"If you insist," Heru hissed with a petulant expression, "though I'm afraid it's

not very creative."

Voldemort smirked and barked out, "Crabbe!"

Said man stumbled up, shaking and casting glances back over his

shoulder at Goyle, then stopped several feet away. Heru looked him up

and down, made a moue of distaste at the look of vacant stupidity on the

man's face, then shook his wand into his hand again. A heartbeat later a

blinding green light shot out and enveloped Crabbe, who fell over, quite


Heru turned and made a mocking little salute to Voldemort, then flopped

into his chair again. "Definitely not creative."

"I'm sure if you agree to ally with me, you can be as creative as you like,"

hissed Voldemort.

"Indubitably. I allow that you do have some very interesting people under your

command. Perhaps"—Heru gave Voldemort a speculative look and shook

back his hair—"you'll stop by in a few days and explain to me just what you

plan to do. This little get together has been very charming, but I think I'd need

to know a little more before I would be able to come to a decision."

"I think I could be persuaded to do so."

Heru gave Voldemort a dazzling smile and wrinkled his nose playfully. "I

knew I liked you for some reason. Well, I really must get back. Wednesday or

Thursday is fine, unless you prefer to wait 'til the weekend. You can always

have Lucius drop me a note. He's so deliciously obsequious at times—

delightful, really."

"Of course."

Heru leapt to his feet and vanished his chair, smiled sweetly, then

apparated to Albus's office, where he immediately sagged to the floor

with a groan of pain, not caring who saw him collapse. Severus was at his

side in an instant, slipping one hand under his neck to support his head

and holding a vial to his lips.

"Come on," he coaxed. Heru drank, then closed his eyes. He felt his mate

pluck the wand from his fingers and slip it into the holster hidden

beneath the sleeve of his robe. "All right, Heru. Let's get you into a chair."

Heru groaned again in protest and tried to sit up; the pain made him

dizzy. Severus started to lift him, but stopped when Heru abruptly rolled

to the side and vomited. Severus made a noise that was half distress and

half annoyance, which made Heru chuckle weakly. "Sorry," he whispered.

"It's all right, my dear Heru. If you feel well enough to try this again, just

nod." Several moments later Severus gently lifted him off the floor and

backed into one of the chairs, sitting down with Heru sprawled across his

lap. "Do you think you can keep a pain potion down this time?" he asked.

"Give me a minute." Heru opened his eyes to give his mate a pained look.

A whisper of noise made him turn his head, then wince for having done

so; it was only Albus cleaning up the mess he had made.

"Severus, is this normal?" asked Albus softly.

His mate nodded. "It is like. . . ." A soft sigh, then, "One comparison

would be a migraine, Albus. This is a reaction from direct manipulation

of dark magic, and of course, overexertion." Severus looked down at Heru

and added, "I doubt having to kill two people directly to maintain this

charade has helped matters any."

"Perhaps now I understand what happened the first time," Albus said with

a sigh.

Heru rolled his eyes, then bit his lip at the stupidity of his action and

promptly closed his eyes again.

"I won't move you again, Heru, at least not for some time. Shall we try

another potion?" When Heru mouthed an affirmative, Severus produced

another vial and held it to his mate's lips, making sure none of it spilled.

When it was down, he began to smooth the hair back from Heru's

forehead soothingly. "Judging from the way Tonks is looking at us, I

would say our secret is out," Severus said with quiet amusement.

A faint smile curled the edges of Heru's lips before he whispered,


"Just try to sleep." Severus stroked his hair for several minutes before he

spoke again, this time to the other inhabitants of the room. "I think that

went well. Voldemort seems very happy with the way the evening


Heru simply listened as they talked, absently pleased that no one seemed

to be angry or unduly upset at what he had done. They seemed far more

concerned with his current state of health. He wasn't really sure when he

actually fell asleep.

— — —

He awoke in his own bed—in their quarters, not underlake. That failed to

surprise him. Praecino and Fawkes were trilling softly off to one side,

somehow managing to be soothing while carrying on a conversation with

each other. Heru smiled crookedly; they must really be worried about

him if both phoenixes were present. Severus entered the room on the

heels of that thought and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm glad to see you're awake. As the castle says you're hungry, I thought

perhaps you'd like to move into the lounge. The others are here, though,

so if you'd rather eat in here. . . ."

Heru shook his head tentatively. "S'okay. Just find me a robe or


Several minutes later Heru was tucked into a chair with a blanket

wrapped around him and a tray hovering over his lap. He smiled in

appreciation of the fact that he had been given real food, not a

convalescent's. Severus was in his usual chair, while the couch was taken

up with Sirius, Remus, Tonks, and Albus. Praecino and Fawkes followed

him and continued to sing softly.

Heru looked at them, almost shyly—and it was not entirely for effect—

and said, "Sorry I collapsed. Didn't mean to." Bright, understanding smiles

greeted that statement, so Heru looked at his tray and picked up the fork

to eat.

They remained remarkably quiet while he ate, and Severus levitated the

tray away as soon as he finished. Heru gave another crooked smile. "Both


Severus smirked. "Of course. And if they don't work, I will. Now, are you

able to report?"

Heru sighed slightly. "I managed to change all the Dark Marks. I left

Lucius's alone. Do you think Voldemort was convinced?"

"We could not understand most of what went on, Heru," Albus pointed

out, "but if his expressions were anything to go by, then yes."

Heru looked over at his mate, who gave a tiny nod. "All right, then all we

need to do is wait for Lucius to contact me."

"Are either of you going to explain this plan?"

Heru dropped his chin and gaze, then looked up through his lashes. "No, I

think not. In fact, any of you could have come up with it based on

available information" Heru paused significantly. "But you didn't. So

you'll find out when Voldemort does. I think you'll enjoy the show. Just

be prepared to have someone take Lucius into custody, and believe me

when I say I will rise from exhaustion to deal with matters if that man is

killed, or even harmed. I'd like for Draco to have a father to visit once

this is over."

— — —

Everything was ready. Everything was set. Lucius and Voldemort (he was

wearing his Xavier disguise) arrived on time and were ushered into

Heru's lounge in much the same manner as they had been on previous

visits. And, as before, a number of people were watching them, holed up

in Albus's office in front of several mirrors, and absently noshing from a

tray of edibles.

Heru was sporting a dazzling smile comprised partly of genuine pleasure

and partly of a decided smirk that quirked the corner of his mouth. Truth

was a funny thing, and any good liar knew that truth was what lent a

good lie verisimilitude. Heru had very rarely been caught in falsehoods, if

ever. That Potter child might have been another story, though. It was

much easier to be honest in word but not in meaning, or to shade the

truth, or conceal aspects of it.

So it was that Lucius and Xavier took seats in the lounge, and

Voldemort's reaction to Heru's welcome spoke promises of sadistic

pleasures yet to come from a glorious union of family. Severus was once

again silent and forbidding, taking care to sit only after Heru had, but

letting his lips twist in a mockery of a smile. His eyes on Lucius were

distant, and on Voldemort revealed simply respect, but for Heru they

shone with unwavering loyalty and devotion.

When everyone was settled, Heru spoke. "Absolutely delightful to see you

again, my dear fellow," he said warmly, then added as an afterthought,

"and you, Lucius."

"I trust after this evening that we will become much better friends."

"Oh, I don't doubt that," replied Heru enigmatically. "Do you remember,"

he said casually, "when I told you that you had health problems?"

Without looking or gesturing, he cast a wandless spell of binding on

Lucius. He would be able to talk and move a bit, but not rise from his


"Vaguely. Why?"

"Something isn't quite right about you, my dear fellow." Heru had

something a little different in mind for Voldemort.

"Really. And why do you say that?"

"Because it's the truth." Heru gave him a look of mingled disbelief and

confusion. "Why would I lie? You aren't healthy. Whatever it is you've

done wasn't done properly, or was a mistake, and you're suffering

because of it."

Voldemort gave him a penetrating stare, then said, "Let me rephrase.

How are you able to tell? Surely this isn't some aspect of divination."

Heru arched a brow and cocked his head to the side, feigning concern.

"At first, yes. But you're right, this isn't about divination. There's

something about you that makes me ill." He didn't bother to hide his


Voldemort appeared startled by that, showing it plainly.

"Very ill. Something foreign, something that fights within your body,

something that makes me want to heave. Quite frankly, I can't stand to be

around you for long periods of time." Heru glanced at Severus and held

out his hand. His mate flipped aside his robes to get a vial from his thigh

case and pass it over. Heru opened it and knocked it back without a

second thought, then stared at Voldemort again. "What did you do? How

can you stand this?"

Voldemort appeared to consider his words, his brow furrowing in

thought. "It is true that I have not quite felt like myself since I was


"This is connected to whatever you did to regain your corporeal form?"

"Perhaps," Voldemort said vaguely.

"Will you tell me? Because, my dear fellow, I can hardly make a decision

of this magnitude when all I can think about when I'm near you is how

sick I feel. I'd rather not be forced into a decision against you because of

it. I'd like to be able to choose freely."

Voldemort's face tightened, his eyes narrowing slightly. "And how do I

know what you say is true?"

Heru smiled faintly and flipped the empty vial at him. "Look for yourself.

Smell it." Voldemort caught it handily and checked the label, then held it

to his nose. "You know very well that if I were to take that without

symptoms that I would be hunched over right now emptying my stomach

the hard way. I would not be able to help myself."

Voldemort turned his gaze back to Heru and nodded. "True enough." He

placed the vial on the table beside him and said slowly, "The ritual I used

required three things: the bones of my father; the flesh of a servant; and

the blood of my enemy. I chose to use Wormtail's flesh and the Potter

boy's blood. And it worked."

Heru sighed heavily and slumped a bit in his chair. "Of course—the trial.

Did you not know that the Potter brat was a descendant of Gryffindor?"


"You've poisoned yourself, Voldemort. You live, obviously, but you are

tainted with that bloodline now. I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell

you this."

"You're mad."

"Am I?" Heru stood and wandered back to the cabinets where he stored

his divination tools. He knelt and flipped up a wide, low door and pulled

out a case, then stood and returned to where they were all seated. He had

worked on this for some time, ever since Severus had explained his plan

and he had gone to Godric's portrait for help. It had not been easy to

duplicate the original Gryffindor tapestry and force it to cut off at Harry

Potter with a date of death. Wordlessly Heru stripped away the case and

revealed a tapestry, then conjured up a stand near Voldemort's chair and

hung it. "See for yourself. Trace down Godric's line," he said, then took

his seat.

A half hour later Voldemort was seething in anger.

"I'd appreciate if you didn't rip my furniture to shreds, dear fellow," Heru

said with a pointed glance at Voldemort's hands where they gripped the

arms of his chair. "As I said, you've poisoned yourself."

"Where did you get that abomination?"

Heru gave him an amused look. "The castle of Hogwarts holds many

secrets if one has the knowledge of where to seek. It was to my benefit

that the family passed down many things for me to learn from. But, it

was unfortunate that the family was not aware of you, dear fellow, or

you would have been brought properly into the fold."

"And what do you propose?"

"What I propose is not something you may agree with. I may be family,

but that doesn't mean you trust me."

"Why don't you tell me and I will decide that," Voldemort grated.

Heru gave a slight shrug and smiled. "Fair enough. I propose to leech the

tainted blood from you on the theory that its removal will allow you to

recover from the ordeal of your rebirth and allow you to regain your

former strength and prominence." Heru held out his hand to Severus

again without looking, and knocked back the vial placed in it moments


Voldemort gave him an incredulous look.

"You didn't really think that the creation of tapestries was the only blood

magic I was proficient in, did you? At least now I understand why your

presence affects me so." After a pause he said, "If you wish to think about

it, that's fine. We can always meet again at some other time, or not, as

you decide. I offer my help on this out of familial obligation, not as a sign

of my personal affiliation. As I said, I would prefer to choose freely, and

right now I would be unable to choose anything but against you."

"Removal of the taint poses no complications?" Voldemort asked finally.

"That depends. Why Potter's blood specifically?"

"I chose him so that I would enjoy the same protections he did."

"He's dead. Do those protections matter any longer?" Heru countered.

"I suppose not," Voldemort admitted.

"Then I see no complication. Besides, you have already proven that you

cannot be killed." Heru smirked, ostensibly in admiration for the feat.

"True enough." Voldemort considered again, then nodded sharply.


"Splendid. But first. . . ." Heru shook out his wand and knocked Lucius

out with a swift spell. "I don't think he needs to see this. In fact, you

might want to consider obliviating him later."

Voldemort gave Heru a faintly suspicious look. "And Severus?"

"I need him to keep me upright, remember? I can obliviate him

afterward. Now, if you would be so kind, please do not move, though you

should try and relax if that's possible. This may end up feeling quite odd.

Severus, fetch me a basin."

Heru waited until Severus had returned and placed the basin—it was

pure silver—on the table. "Lovely." Without being asked, Severus also

handed over strengthening and replenishing potions, which Heru

knocked back quickly. "Please turn your hands palm up, if you would,

and I shall begin."

Heru pointed his wand at Voldemort and focused, mouthing a string of

Latin words. Nothing happened at first, but that was to be expected. As

he continued to chant soundlessly, a droplet of blood formed in the

center of Voldemort's left hand, and a cut slashed open in his right. The

droplet grew larger, filling the depression of the left palm, and they

watched as a pure white light appeared in the air just above it.

Heru focused, his brows drawn together in concentration, and made a

odd little movement with his wand. The pool of blood arced up into the

light, then split, the majority of it continuing over to Voldemort's right

palm and sinking into the open wound, while a hair-thin stream went to

the basin.

Partway into the process Heru spoke absently. "You were raised in the

muggle world, weren't you? Think of this as dialysis, though it's much,

much faster." His eyes never left the arcing streams of blood, and a smile

of satisfaction slowly curved his mouth at the sight. By the time the

process ended—the arc to the basin disappeared—Heru was sweating

heavily. Severus rose and came to kneel at his side, offering up several


Heru made another peculiar gesture with his wand and chanted under his

breath, then slumped back. He noticed that Voldemort did not look much

better as he took the vials and drank them. "Severus, please take care of

that." And his mate did, picking up the basin and disappearing with it,

then returning a few minutes later to take his customary seat.

It was then, when Voldemort was still recovering from having his blood

filtered, that Heru slapped him with a very subtle binding spell and

smiled. "Well, I'm very glad that part is over. I should not like to do that

again any time soon."

"Why," Voldemort asked, "do I feel like utter hell?"

Heru tucked his wand behind his ear and smiled lazily. "Recovery isn't an

immediate thing, dear fellow. You've had that poison in you for quite

some time I expect, and even I can't work miracles. Those silly muggles

feel like hell, too, after having their blood purified."

"We are not muggles."

"No, and thank goodness for that. I've done some research," Heru said

casually. "I learned some very interesting things about you, my dear

fellow. For instance, I know why you did not die when you attempted to

kill the Potter brat the first time."

"Is that so?"

"Oh, indeed. I had always been curious about that, you see. But in time,

the answer came. It was when I learned of the diary you made as a boy

that I understood. You poured a part of your soul into that. It was a part

of you that was safe, and with it safe, the killing curse was unable to

properly finish you off when it reflected. It would be like trying to use it

on a vampire, you see? You cannot use conventional methods to kill what

isn't exactly alive in the first place."

Voldemort looked vaguely interested, so Heru continued.

"So you were able to stick around until the right time and regain your

physical body. The thing is, that diary was destroyed, and with it, that

part of your soul. The Weasley girl regained what you had taken from

her, but what you left behind was lost. She was too pure, despite what

you had done to her, to absorb it, and the Potter boy's actions made sure

it could not return to you. You are, in effect, a half-souled creature."

"Not something easily proved," commented Voldemort.

"Indeed not, but I have a few special talents, cousin. The only thing that's

been keeping you alive after that ritual is magic." Heru reached out

silently with his power and began his manipulations. "The Potter blood,

poisonous as it was, was also helping, though it hurt you just as much. I

am well aware that you've been near to helpless, relying on your former

glory to keep your people in line. You've been relying on the Dark Mark

and what it can do to maintain your people's fear of you."

"But that will change now."

"Oh, yes." Heru gave Voldemort a dazzling smile. "It will indeed. You see,

a half soul isn't such a terrible thing, but it does have some

disadvantages." He paused to smirk. "Without your magic, you would die,

unlike others."

A faint cast of suspicion crossed Voldemort's face as the glamour that had

been masking his features collapsed. Anger appeared as he attempted to

move and realized he could not.

"Problems, dear fellow?" Heru reached out a hand and curled it around

the vials Severus placed there a heartbeat later. "Perhaps you begin to

understand what I'm getting at." Without taking his eyes off Voldemort he

drank the potions and tossed the vials on the floor. "You see, I do have a

number of interesting talents, as I said. One of those happens to be spell

weaving, though I should probably clarify and say that I can weave and

unweave at my discretion. It's how I removed Severus's Dark Mark, Tom.

It's how I released a man from the curse of being a werewolf. It's how I'm

releasing you from the burden of being a wizard right at this moment."

Heru smirked again and said, "Don't bother trying to speak. It's not like I

care what you have to say. You're a disgrace to the name of Slytherin.

The gods know you allowed yourself to be outmaneuvered, but then, I

am a pureblooded Slytherin, unlike you. Did you know that Salazar was a

very kind, loving person, Tom? Very set in his ways, though. He feared

and despised muggles because they hate us and would do anything to be

rid of us. But, he would have been happy enough to live apart from them

and let them destroy the muggleborns with their own hands. He thought

it would help keep them away from us. But really, I doubt a history

lesson at this point will benefit you much."

Heru gave a mock sigh of regret. "You might be interested to know that

you never could do magic here. I'm surprised you never bothered to test

that, but it's just as well, because here you are now, under my control.

Honestly, I must be a better actor than I imagined to have fooled you."

Again without turning his head away, he said, "Severus, love, are you

enjoying this?"

"Exceedingly," came the rich voice, then a chuckle.

"That's good. It was an excellent plan you came up with and I'm glad

you're here personally to see it in action." Heru smiled gently as the fire

in Voldemort's eyes reached new heights of anger and panic. "I did tell

you that Severus is blindingly intelligent. Anyway, from what I can tell,

Tom, when Salazar left the school he obtained a new identity and started

a second family. You came from that line, as well as many others, though

not all of you had all of the family talents. I'm so very glad that I do have

the Slytherin family tapestry, and yours, because I do know who they are.

You're the only one who went bad, did you know that? Salazar would be

very, very displeased with you. I just hope that somewhere, somehow,

he's able to see this."

Heru chuckled. "Actually, I hope that when you're finally, truly dead, that

he can tell you himself. You look a bit drawn, my dear fellow. Not feeling

well? We've only got a handful more strands to go, so I think if you feel

any remorse for what you've done with your life, you better start praying


Long moments passed before Heru spoke seemingly to no one. "The

wards are adjusted. You can come in now."

Seconds later the crack of multiple apparitions could be heard. Albus,

Minerva, Remus, Sirius, and Tonks appeared behind Voldemort and

slowly walked around to face him, flanking the two chairs that Heru and

Severus sat in. Tom's eyes blazed again, but with less force; he probably

could barely keep them open.

"And now, for the last," Heru said as he reached out his right hand and

made a strange hooking gesture, then moved it as though he was dashing

something to the ground. The light in Voldemort's eyes died and Heru let

loose a heavy sigh.

"Heru?" Severus asked softly.

"It's over."

— — —

"What was that final gesture?" asked Tonks as she dropped into a seat in

Albus's office.

"The destruction of his magical core. What was left of it, anyway."

"And the blood?" asked Remus. He was looking very relaxed now that his

secret was out.

"I destroyed it," said Severus.

"I still don't understand why it made you sick, Heru," protested Minerva.

Heru shrugged and settled back in his chair.

"You aren't going to tell us, are you?" asked Albus with a twinkle in his


Heru shook his head and smirked. "No, I'm not. Someone once said you

could be infuriatingly inquisitive, and I replied at the time that I could be

infuriatingly reticent. That was between him and me." Heru tapped his

chest hard with his middle finger. "But it was important. It was part of

what helped to keep him alive. Once it was gone, I could cut off Tom's

magic and destroy him utterly. I'm sure you noticed his glamour

disappeared—it's not like he could maintain it at that point."

Several of them looked confused, so Severus spoke. "Some say that blood

carries a bit of a person's soul, and certainly a bit of their magic.

However much of a disgusting brat the Potter boy was, even he didn't

deserve to have a part of himself swimming around in Riddle's veins.

Now that the blood is destroyed, what's left of the child can return to


"In any case, he's dead for good this time. And, being the suspicious

person that I am, I did not tell him everything I knew, just in case

something went wrong. I would not have given him ammunition to use

against me later."

"How is it that you're so sure his soul is gone?" asked Sirius.

"I told you. A half soul cannot survive physical death. You heard what I

said to him—the only thing that kept him around the first time was that

diary. Tom only had half a soul, but the other half was still around. This

time it wasn't."

"Then why didn't you just use the killing curse and be done with it?"

Albus asked.

"Do you honestly think I like using that? That I wanted to taint my home

with it? My own soul? I've used it a grand total of once and you

witnessed it. Look at it this way—yes, I killed him, but I did it indirectly.

If I did to you what I did to him, you'd end up a squib, not dead. I killed

every Death Eater but two indirectly as well. I'm quite sure there are a

number of people out there still having hysterics right now. Yes, I could

have used the killing curse and had it over with almost instantaneously,

but frankly, that isn't a very Slytherin thing to do."

Severus started laughing softly and shaking his head.

"Oh, shut up," said Heru with fond annoyance. "And the rest of you stop

pestering me. I've dealt with my black sheep, that should be good

enough. Now I can go back to my quiet life, right?"

"Does that mean you're leaving us?" asked Albus.

"I don't know. Do you really want someone here who can do what I can?

Am I going to be faced with suspicion down the road? Are people going

to start thinking I'll turn on them, betray them? Am I going to be reviled

for my power? People have a history of turning on their saviors, Albus.

People have a history of being afraid of another's power and trying to

take them down so they cannot be enslaved to it or have to feel jealous

or envious. People would rather honor a martyr than a living person,

though, frankly, I'd just as soon my participation in this remain as under

wraps as possible. I can and will disappear if I need to, and take my

family with me."

Albus held up his hands. "There is no need. If you wish to remain, I think

you'll find you are welcome. I'm also certain that the castle will make my

life a living hell if you were to go."

Heru smirked faintly. "I suppose so. Severus, I leave the decision in your


"I would like to stay."

"All right, then. We're staying. Someone other than me is going to have to

go down and clean up the mess in my house, though."

"It was rather gruesome how Riddle's body just . . . disintegrated like

that," commented Tonks.

"That reminds me. . . ." Heru pondered for a moment and closed his eyes.

A second later he was given a vision by the castle and grimaced. He

sighed and opened his eyes. "Excuse us a moment," he said, then rose and

tugged on Severus's sleeve. Once they were off in a corner he said, "The

tortoise exploded. It's a complete mess in there."

"Just like the mirrors."

Heru nodded. "More proof, in any case, not that we need it."

"We'll deal with it later. For now, let us just rest and talk." Severus placed

a hand around Heru's waist and turned him, prodding him gently back

toward the others.

"I'm tired," whined Heru. "and I don't feel well. I want to go to bed. If I

take any more potions I'm going to be horribly ill."

"Then we'll go back to our quarters and let the others handle things from

here," Severus said soothingly. "Go on, but walk. I'll explain and meet you

in a few minutes, hopefully. If you've managed to fall asleep by then,

that's all right."

Heru nodded and split off, walking out the door without bothering to say

good-bye and heading on a slow but steady path to their quarters. Once

inside he gave Dobby and Mark an absent greeting and disappeared into

the bedroom, stripped off his clothing, and fell into bed.

41. Ripples in the Pond

Edits: Due to the Great Editing Spree of 2007. . . . (See the prologue for

full information.)

Notes: Final chapter, folks! (Please note, there is an alternate version of

chapter thirty-nine next, and then a snapshot regarding Heru's

interpretation of the prophecy. They show up as chapters 42 and 43,

respectively, but are not part of the main story. And I didn't include them

in the Great Editing Spree of 2007, because hey, I'm exhausted.)

— 40: Ripples in the Pond —

Heru awoke to the calming sensation of being wrapped in someone's

arms. Heru smiled lazily and shifted his hips. He got an immediate

response, one that made sure he got out of bed an hour later in a very

good mood.

When he left the bedroom for breakfast, Severus was at his side. Not five

minutes after the food was on the table, Mark bounced down the hallway

and took a seat, smiling winsomely at his parents. "Morning!" he chirped.

Heru smiled and continued to eat. Severus, on the other hand, said,

"Mark, just a reminder. Your father's temper may be a bit off today."

"Sure, dad. I remember. So, when are you going to let Draco out?" he

asked innocently, then snatched several pieces of toast from the rack.

Heru coughed and blinked slowly, then looked at his mate.

"Later this morning, I expect, though possibly this afternoon. We'll need

to speak with the headmaster first to make sure the details have been

taken care of."

"Okay. I just thought it would be nice to have another kid to talk to, you


"I think," Heru said, "that you could visit him after you're done eating.

But when you're ready to leave, call Dobby in to make sure he does not

get out, all right?"

"Thanks, father."

After breakfast Heru and Severus walked up to Albus's office and entered

after a quick knock, then seated themselves. Albus was already there

behind his desk, and looked up from the paper spread out before him.

"So, about Lucius," said Heru without preamble.

"He has been taken into custody by the Ministry. Of course, they found it

rather odd that his Dark Mark was no longer present and Cornelius has

pressed to have him released because of it, and because he survived what

obviously killed his fellow followers."

Heru furrowed his brow, then glanced at his mate. "Er, does that mean he

thinks Lucius is something along the same lines as Severus? That he was

a spy?"

"I believe so."

"Well, that's just great. I have no idea what to do." Heru snorted and

crossed his arms.

"You do still hold a dear threat over his head," Severus pointed out.

"Several, in fact."

"I suppose so." Heru sighed and shrugged. "Whatever. If he goes free of

his crimes, so be it. But if he has the temerity to try to rise in Voldemort's

place, he'll have to deal with me."

"Then I suggest you make that plain to him," Albus said calmly. "Would

you like me to contact the Ministry to have him brought here?"

"Yes, fine, but warn us before his arrival, or at least secure him

somewhere and let us know so we can prepare."

Albus nodded.

"Then I guess we can go let Draco out," Heru said.

— — —

Dobby was summoned almost as soon as they had stepped through the

serpent door and asked quite politely to pack up the boy's things and

move them to Heru's and Severus's quarters. Draco was led out and

eventually was able to sit on a real couch—rather nervously, that is.

Praecino was present for two reasons. Heru's temper was certainly not

steady, so naturally his faithful friend was there to sooth him with song.

And, of course, they had no reason to hide their affiliations any longer.

So it was that Draco's first act upon sitting down was to stare at the

phoenix with wide eyes, only to snap his gaze over to Heru when he


"That," said Heru calmly, "is Praecino. I'm his wizard." Draco said nothing

at that pronouncement, just blinked either in surprise or at the odd

phrasing, so Heru continued. "You are here, released, because Voldemort

is no more. You no longer need to fear slavery at his hands."

Draco looked at Severus for confirmation, who nodded and said, "Yes, he

is gone. Utterly, unlike the first time. Given that, I suggest you take a

good, long time to decide what kind of man you want to be. I think you'll

find that's a very important decision considering that Voldemort wasn't

actually all that hard to deal with in the end."


Heru shook his head, catching Draco's attention again. "How is irrelevant.

In fact, every single Death Eater, bar one, was killed as well." Draco's

already pale face blanched, so Heru hastened to clarify. "Your father

lives." He saw the confused look darted at Severus but ignored it. "No

doubt you will be able to see him. I suggest that you give that a great

deal of thought as well. Your father lived, when those of many others

died in Voldemort's service. Perhaps you will be grateful for that kindness

and strive to live up to being worthy of it."

"I don't understand. Uncle Sev?"

"I don't expect you do," Severus said. "Not yet, anyway."

"You aren't . . . dark?" Draco asked Heru, and was met with rich laughter.

"Dark, certainly. Evil? No. Do you honestly think a phoenix would have

chosen me otherwise?"

"Draco," Severus cut in, "I think you probably ought to clean up. I'm sure

you'd enjoy that at this point." He stood and flicked his wand out to

levitate the boy's trunk, then stalked off toward the bathroom Mark

normally used. Draco, after another look at Heru, followed. Severus was

back in a minute and sitting in his chair. "That went fairly well, don't you


Heru shrugged. "Hopefully." He gave Severus a steady look. "Hopefully

we won't have to worry about another Dark Lord rising. Severus, what

does the Ministry know?"

"Not much, actually. They know that the Death Eaters are dead and that

Voldemort is presumed so. Albus was . . . how shall I put this . . .

infuriatingly reticent about what happened. He was, however, being

straight about how the Ministry regards Lucius. Being that only he and I

survived—apparently there was a social gathering in progress when you

finished off Voldemort. Narcissa contacted the Ministry."

"Did she now. How very interesting. I think I feel a bit better about that

lady, then."

"Heru?" Severus gave Heru an indecipherable look.

"What is it?"

"How do you feel about what's happened? We shattered a number of

families last night."

Heru shrugged again and gave his mate a frank look. "Part of me grieves,

but another part of me says that had anyone else come forward, as you

had all those years ago to Dumbledore, and sincerely asked for help or to

help, I would have spared them. I realize that some of his people had to

have been too scared to do so, but you normally don't receive help unless

you ask for it. Nearly every single person was from Slytherin house,

Severus. Any one of them could have come to me, a blood Slytherin, for

judging. Even Lucius is only alive because of his son and he was halfway

to his own decision. As for the children, I'll find a way to take care of any

orphans or those of my blood who need assistance, even if it's quietly


"I can accept that. What of sympathizers?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we—" Heru broke off as Fawkes flashed

into the room and deposited a parchment on his lap. "Fawkes, can you

wait, please?"

Fawkes trilled agreement and fluttered over to sit next to Praecino for a

cozy chat.

Heru & Severus,

Lucius is in my office, along with Narcissa. Would you prefer to bring Draco

here, or for them to come to your quarters?


Heru scratched his head and handed the note to Severus. After a moment

he said, "I almost prefer going up there. I mean, we can threaten him

either way, right?"

Severus chuckled. "So we will go up there." He fetched a quill and

scribbled something on the parchment, then offered it to Fawkes, saying,

"Thank you, Fawkes. Please return this to Albus." The phoenix obligingly

flashed out a second later.

When Draco appeared again he was prodded out the door by a silent

Severus with Heru close behind, up to Albus's office and in. The second

Heru spotted Lucius he crooked his finger at him, then stalked off to a


"You will remember," Heru said as soon as the blond was at his side,

"what I told you previously. I trust you recall the things I'm referring to."

"Yes, sir."

"Good," he said coolly. "Then let me say a few more things before you can

reunite with your son. You owe that boy your life, and due to him people

think you lived because you'd betrayed Voldemort to us. I suggest you

capitalize on that, if you take my meaning." Heru arched a brow at Lucius

and continued, "I also suggest you stay far away from politics, my dear

fellow, or anything else that might cause my eye to fall upon you with

suspicion. Disgrace the name of Slytherin again and I will not be so

lenient. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"

"Yes, sir."

Heru could almost smell the nervousness that Lucius was hiding. "I'm sure

you can be quite reasonable when you put your mind to it. One last

thing. If you decide to be helpful in the aftermath of recent events, send

Severus and me a note. I'm of a mind to do a little more community

service work soon regarding the families that have been upset. You might

wish to partake of that, as it could help your image, no?"

"I will take that under advisement, sir."

Heru broke into a warm smile and rested his hand briefly on Lucius's

shoulder. "Well, then. I do believe you have a son to see and take home."

He turned on his heel and stalked back over to Severus, nodding ever so

slightly. Heru turned to Albus and said in a low voice, "Will you be able

to handle things from here?"

"Of course, Heru. Rest and spend time with your family."

Heru flashed the headmaster a quick smile, then paused at Narcissa's side

long enough to greet her before retreating back to the dungeons with


— — —


"July thirty-first."

"Sounds good. Found any candidates yet?"

"Yes, but we think you should look them over first for potential."

"Let us go look, then."

— — —

"Ow! That hurt!" whined Sirius, cradling his fisted hand with the other.

"Don't be such a baby, Padfoot, and get on with it."

Heru cleared his throat rather loudly and gave Sirius a pointed look. "The

blood is supposed to go into the goblet, if you please?"

"Right, sure." Sirius angled his hand so that the cut on his palm dripped

as directed, hastily snatching it away when Heru nodded.

Heru nobly refrained from rolling his eyes and gestured, then coated his

index finger in the blood still seeping from the wound and traced runes

on Remus's forehead and cheeks with it. "Now, each of you drink. Trade

off until it's gone."

Heru bit his lip at their expressions as they traded sips of the concoction,

then smiled briefly. "Now kiss, and that's it." Five minutes later—Heru

had to clear his throat again, loudly—he said, "Gentlemen?"

"That was it?"

"Yes." Heru gave a long suffering sigh. "You're blood-bonded as mates.

Congratulations!" He threw his hands up into the air, then brought them

down to push the hair back from his face. "We're taking a half hour break

before the next part, okay? Go . . . stare at each other adoringly or

something. Oh, and you can wash off the blood now."

A look at Severus showed that his own mate's mouth was twitching

suspiciously. "Just shut up, Severus. Not one damn word." Heru whipped

around to face the other way. Seconds later he felt arms slip around him

and sharp teeth nipping at his ear.

"Not even, I love you?"

"That's more than one word, so it's all right." Heru shivered and pressed

back against his mate, then abruptly pulled away and reversed himself. "I

don't care how lost they are in each other right this minute, or seem to

be. I refuse to provide them with any ammunition. But I'd be thrilled if

you'd take advantage of me later."

Amused laughter reminded them both that Tonks was standing nearby.

Heru shot a glare at her and said, "Don't think I won't hex you senseless,


Tonks gave him a saucy grin, bounced over to a chair, and flopped into

it. "Well, that was an interesting ceremony." She looked up with a sober

expression and said, "I'm glad you let me witness it."

"You're family, Tonks. I'll even do the same for you if you like, when you

find the person you want to marry."

"Why don't you explain that in more detail, hm?"

By the time Heru was finished it was time to bond the new couple to

their soon-to-be children.

— — —

"Sirius, Remus, I have a proposal," Heru said solemnly, though his eyes

were sparkling. "I realize this will probably open some wounds, but. . . ."

They glanced at Severus before raising their brows at Heru questioningly.

"There are some people that ought to be . . . chastised, don't you think?"

Heru cocked his head to the side and simply looked at them.

"The Dursleys?" Severus hissed.

Heru gave him a quick grin. "If they agree," he hissed back. "Don't you

think it would be fitting?"

"That depends on how you define chastisement."

Heru shrugged and looked at Severus innocently. "Just some changes, that's


Remus cleared his throat. "Excuse me, you two, but could you use


Heru grinned. "Sorry. This is really none of my business, actually, but it

came to mind, so I figured I'd mention it."

"Yes, but who?"

"Potter's muggle family."

Sirius sat up straight. "Albus would kill us."

"You'd let that stop you?" Heru asked with a snort. "What he doesn't know

won't hurt him, and it's not like I'm proposing anything nasty. Just . . .

somewhat malicious."

Remus gave him an appraising look, then glanced over at his mate. "What

did you have in mind?"

"For one thing—if what I've heard is correct, anyway—someone badly

needs anger management lessons. I was thinking that embarrassment is

an effective teaching tool for certain kinds of people, you know?"

Sirius grinned. "I can think of a few things I'd like to do to that lot, yeah."

"Then how about we have a little talk about their welfare, hm?"

— — —

1 September 2002

Heru took a moment to glance over at Mark and smiled faintly. His son

caught his eye for a second, then turned to answer one of his friends at

the Ravenclaw table. Moments later the last student had been sorted so

Heru stood and spread his arms, catching the attention of all the students

in the hall. As Severus sat down beside him, he began.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. . . ."

And Now, Our Cast:

Albus Dumbledore eventually retired and gave over his position as

Headmaster, finally taking on the mantle of Minister of Magic.

Minerva McGonagall also ended up retiring and gave over her position as

Deputy Headmaster, taking on a spot at the wizarding orphanage set up

by Heru.

Remus Black continues to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts and has

become the new Head of House for Gryffindor. It should be noted that he

took on the name of Black after agreeing with Sirius that it was time the

name was redeemed.

Sirius Black took on the position of Transfiguration Professor, though he

and Remus both spend as much time as possible with their blood-bonded

twins, Servius and Tychon.

Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy took an abiding interest in Heru's orphanage

under his watchful eye, and set aside a great deal of their own fortune for

its operations.

Draco Malfoy left Hogwarts at the end of his seventh year and went off to

see the world, purposely staying in muggle areas for a year to see how

the other half lives, and coming to the conclusion that the poor bastards

aren't that bad.

Tonks still hasn't found the right person to bond with, but insists that she

has plenty of time, blaming part of it on the fact that she let it get out

that she's related to Heru (and nobody wants to cross him).

Ron Weasley finally got up the courage to ask Hermione out and their

first date was a complete disaster. They agreed not to try again,

thankfully, and after he left Hogwarts went on to an entry level job at the


Hermione Granger attempted the auror program at the Ministry, but

decided it was not right for her, and ended up working at Heru's

orphanage while studying to be a mediwitch in her spare time.

Vernon Dursley was cursed with the unfortunate tendency to turn plaid

whenever he became excessively angry rather than red or purple, and

also to sound as though he'd been inhaling helium. Rumor has it that he's

gotten fairly good at reining in his temper of late.

Petunia Dursley has developed the unfortunate tendency to whinny like a

horse whenever she laughs, not to mention bray like a donkey every time

she attempts to spy on her neighbors.

Dudley Dursley mysteriously lost a great deal of weight and had to be

fitted for glasses after a small accident involving a quartet of smirking

wizards—not that he remembers the incident, having had his memory

erased—and has become quite frightened by technology in general.

Marge Dursley has embarrassed herself on more than one occasion by

having a little too much to drink and then spilling every secret she has to

whoever happens to be close enough to overhear. Rumors of bestiality


Mark Slytherin lost his Potions partner once he began at Hogwarts, but

continues to spend a great deal of time with Margaret, much to his

parents' barely hidden amusement.

Severus Slytherin took on the mantle of Deputy Headmaster in addition

to his duties as Head of Slytherin House and Potions Master, and has

already tried teaching his new son, Salvalus, how to brew a boil cure


Heru Slytherin took on the mantle of Headmaster and promptly tossed

Albus's supply of lemon drops, replacing them with Refreshers, and spent

the entire summer prior to the start of the new year searching for a

replacement Divination Professor, finally luring Ron Weasley away from

the Ministry to do the job.

42. Alternate 01

Name: Alternate 01

Source: Crumbling Pedestal, Chapter 39, Slytherin Solution

Notes: How things might have gone if Heru had been a bit more

forthcoming during his defeat of Voldemort. Some of the wording/speech

has changed, as well as the ending to the original chapter.

The changes and additions are extemporaneous, so don't expect anything


Responses: Please check my profile for the location of review responses.

(In this case, it'll show up in the CP section.)

"Severus, are you sure?" Heru gave his mate a piercing look.

"Yes, actually, I am. You know damn well Albus is going to get ideas from

this. He will pester us near to death to satisfy his curiosity."

Heru adopted a calculating expression. "Perhaps, but I could always just

forget to take your wand when he starts in and you could hex him


"You could. It is up to you, my dear Heru. If you want to be more

forthcoming, do so. If not, that is your choice."

"I allow that it would be nice to see the look on the old snake's face,"

Heru said.

"All I am saying is that I am in no way ashamed, Heru."

"We'd better get going. I have to shift the wards and I'd like a nap before

they arrive."


Everything was ready. Everything was set. Lucius and Voldemort (he was

wearing his Xavier disguise) arrived on time and were ushered into

Heru's lounge in much the same manner as they had been on previous

visits. And, as before, a number of people were watching them, holed up

in Albus's office in front of several mirrors, and absently noshing from a

tray of edibles.

Heru was sporting a dazzling smile comprised partly of genuine pleasure

and partly of a decided smirk that quirked the corner of his mouth. Truth

was a funny thing, and any good liar knew that truth was what lent a

good lie verisimilitude. Heru had very rarely been caught in falsehoods, if

ever. It was much easier to be honest in word but not in meaning, or to

shade the truth, or conceal aspects of it. Of course, Heru was strongly

considering using truth as a weapon this evening, and a very sharp

weapon at that.

So it was that Lucius and Xavier took seats in the lounge, and

Voldemort's reaction to Heru's welcome spoke promises of sadistic

pleasures yet to come from a glorious union of family. Severus was once

again silent and forbidding, taking care to sit only after Heru had, but

letting his lips twist in a mockery of a smile. His eyes on Lucius were

distant, and on Voldemort revealed simply respect, but for Heru they

shone with unwavering loyalty and devotion.

When everyone was settled, Heru spoke. "Absolutely delightful to see you

again, my dear fellow," he said warmly, then added as an afterthought,

"and you, Lucius."

"I trust after this evening that we will become much better friends."

"Oh, I don't doubt that," replied Heru enigmatically. "Do you remember,"

he said casually, "when I told you that you had health problems?"

Without looking or gesturing, he cast a wandless spell of binding on

Lucius. He would be able to talk and move a bit, but not rise from his


"Vaguely. Why?"

"Something isn't quite right about you, my dear fellow." Heru had

something a little different in mind for Voldemort.

"Really. And why do you say that?"

"Because it's the truth." Heru gave him a look of mingled disbelief and

confusion. "Why would I lie? You aren't healthy. Whatever it is you've

done wasn't done properly, or was a mistake, and you're suffering

because of it."

Voldemort gave him a penetrating stare, then said, "Let me rephrase.

How are you able to tell? Surely this isn't some aspect of divination."

Heru arched a brow and cocked his head to the side, feigning concern.

"At first, yes. But you're right, this isn't about divination. There's

something about you that makes me ill." He didn't bother to hide his


Voldemort appeared startled by that, showing it plainly.

"Very ill. Something foreign, something that fights within your body,

something that makes me want to heave. Quite frankly, I can't stand to be

around you for long periods of time." Heru glanced at Severus and held

out his hand. His mate flipped aside his robes to get a vial from his thigh

case and pass it over. Heru opened it and knocked it back without a

second thought, then stared at Voldemort again. "What did you do? How

can you stand this?"

Voldemort appeared to consider his words, his brow furrowing in

thought. "It is true that I have not quite felt like myself since I was


"This is connected to whatever you did to regain your corporeal form?"

"Perhaps," Voldemort said vaguely.

"Will you tell me? Because, my dear fellow, I can hardly make a decision

of this magnitude when all I can think about when I'm near you is how

sick I feel. I'd rather not be forced into a decision against you because of

it. I'd like to be able to choose freely."

Voldemort's face tightened, his eyes narrowing slightly. "And how do I

know what you say is true?"

Heru smiled faintly and flipped the empty vial at him. "Look for yourself.

Smell it." Voldemort caught it handily and checked the label, then held it

to his nose. "You know very well that if I were to take that without

symptoms that I would be hunched over right now emptying my stomach

the hard way. I would not be able to help myself."

Voldemort turned his gaze back to Heru and nodded. "True enough." He

placed the vial on the table beside him and said slowly, "The ritual I used

required three things: the bones of my father; the flesh of a servant; and

the blood of my enemy. I chose to use Wormtail's flesh and the Potter

boy's blood. And it worked."

Heru sighed heavily and slumped a bit in his chair. "Did you not know

that the Potter brat was a descendant of Gryffindor?"


"You've poisoned yourself, Voldemort. You live, obviously, but you are

tainted with that bloodline now. I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell

you this."

"You're mad."

"Am I?" Heru stood and wandered back to the cabinets where he stored

his divination tools. He knelt and flipped up a wide, low door and pulled

out a case, then stood and returned to where they were all seated. He had

worked on this for some time, ever since Severus had explained his plan

and he had gone to Godric's portrait for help. It had not been easy to

duplicate the original Gryffindor tapestry and force it to cut off at Harry

Potter with a date of death. Wordlessly Heru stripped away the case and

revealed a tapestry, then conjured up a stand near Voldemort's chair and

hung it. "See for yourself. Trace down Godric's line," he said, then took

his seat.

A half hour later Voldemort was seething in anger.

"I'd appreciate if you didn't rip my furniture to shreds, dear fellow," Heru

said with a pointed glance at Voldemort's hands where they gripped the

arms of his chair. "As I said, you've poisoned yourself."

"Where did you get that abomination?"

Heru gave him an amused look. "The castle of Hogwarts holds many

secrets if one has the knowledge of where to seek. It was to my benefit

that the family passed down many things for me to learn from. But, it

was unfortunate that the family was not aware of you, dear fellow, or

you would have been brought properly into the fold."

"And what do you propose?"

"What I propose is not something you may agree with. I may be family,

but that doesn't mean you trust me."

"Why don't you tell me and I will decide that," Voldemort grated.

Heru gave a slight shrug and smiled. "Fair enough. I propose to leech the

tainted blood from you on the theory that its removal will allow you to

recover from the ordeal of your rebirth and allow you to regain your

former strength and prominence." Heru held out his hand to Severus

again without looking, and knocked back the vial placed in it moments


Voldemort gave him an incredulous look.

"You didn't really think that the creation of tapestries was the only blood

magic I was proficient in, did you? At least now I understand why your

presence affects me so." After a pause he said, "If you wish to think about

it, that's fine. We can always meet again at some other time, or not, as

you decide. I offer my help on this out of familial obligation, not as a sign

of my personal affiliation. As I said, I would prefer to choose freely, and

right now I would be unable to choose anything but against you."

"Removal of the taint poses no complications?" Voldemort asked finally.

"That depends. Why Potter's blood specifically?"

"I chose him so that I would enjoy the same protections he did."

"He's dead. Do those protections matter any longer?" Heru countered.

"I suppose not," Voldemort admitted.

"Then I see no complication. Besides, you have already proven that you

cannot be killed." Heru smirked, ostensibly in admiration for the feat.

"True enough." Voldemort considered again, then nodded sharply.


"Splendid. But first. . . ." Heru shook out his wand and knocked Lucius

out with a swift spell. "I don't think he needs to see this. In fact, you

might want to consider obliviating him later."

Voldemort gave Heru a faintly suspicious look. "And Severus?"

"I need him to keep me upright, remember? I can obliviate him later.

Now, if you would be so kind, please do not move, though you should try

and relax if that's possible. This may end up feeling quite odd. Severus,

fetch me a basin."

Heru waited until Severus had returned and placed the basin—it was

pure silver—on the table. "Lovely." Without being asked, Severus also

handed over strengthening and replenishing potions, which Heru

knocked back quickly. "Please turn your hands palm up, if you would,

and I shall begin."

Heru pointed his wand at Voldemort and focused, mouthing a string of

Latin words. Nothing happened at first, but that was to be expected. As

he continued to chant soundlessly, a droplet of blood formed in the

center of Voldemort's left hand, and a cut slashed open in his right. The

droplet grew larger, filling the depression of the left palm, and they

watched as a pure white light appeared in the air just above it.

Heru focused, his brows drawn together in concentration, and made a

odd little movement with his wand. The pool of blood arced up into the

light, then split, the majority of it continuing over to Voldemort's right

palm and sinking into the open wound, while a hair-thin stream went to

the basin.

Partway into the process Heru spoke absently. "You were raised in the

muggle world weren't you? Think of this as dialysis, though it's much,

much faster." His eyes never left the arcing streams of blood, and a smile

of satisfaction slowly curved his mouth at the sight. By the time the

process ended—the arc to the basin disappeared—Heru was sweating

heavily. Severus rose and came to kneel at his side, offering up several


Heru made another peculiar gesture with his wand and chanted under his

breath, then slumped back. He noticed that Voldemort did not look much

better as he took the vials and drank them. After eyeing the basin

curiously, and while Voldemort was still recovering from having his

blood filtered, that Heru slapped him with a very subtle binding spell and

smiled. "Well, I'm very glad that part is over. I should not like to do that

again any time soon."

"Why," Voldemort asked, "do I feel like utter hell?"

Heru tucked his wand behind his ear and smiled lazily. "Recovery isn't an

immediate thing, dear fellow. You've had that poison in you for quite

some time I expect, and even I can't work miracles. Those silly muggles

feel like hell, too, after having their blood purified."

"We are not muggles."

"No, and thank goodness for that. I've done some research," Heru said

casually. "I learned some very interesting things about you, my dear

fellow. For instance, I know why you did not die when you attempted to

kill the Potter brat the first time."

"Is that so?"

"Oh, indeed. I had always been curious about that, you see. But in time,

the answer came. It was when I learned of the diary you made as a boy

that I understood. You poured a part of your soul into that—quite a lot of

it, actually. It was a part of you that was safe, and with it safe, the killing

curse was unable to properly finish you off when it reflected. It would be

like trying to use it on a vampire, you see? You cannot use conventional

methods to kill what isn't exactly alive in the first place."

Voldemort looked vaguely interested, so Heru continued.

"So you were able to stick around until the right time and regain your

physical body. The thing is, that diary was destroyed, and with it, that

part of your soul. The Weasley girl regained what you had taken from

her, but what you left behind was lost. She was too pure, despite what

you had done to her, to absorb it, and the Potter boy's actions made sure

it could not return to you. You are, in effect, a half-souled creature."

"Not something easily proved," commented Voldemort.

"Indeed not. But, I have a few special talents, my dear fellow. The only

thing that's been keeping you alive after that ritual is magic." Heru

reached out silently with his power and began his manipulations. "The

Potter blood, poisonous as it was, was also helping, though it hurt you

just as much. I am well aware that you've been near to helpless, relying

on your former glory to keep your people in line. You've been relying on

the Dark Mark and what it can do to maintain your people's fear of you."

"But that will change now."

"Oh, yes." Heru gave Voldemort a dazzling smile. "It will indeed. You see,

a half soul isn't such a terrible thing, but it does have some

disadvantages." He paused to smirk. "Without your magic, you would die,

unlike others."

A faint cast of suspicion crossed Voldemort's face as the glamour that had

been masking his features collapsed. Anger appeared as he attempted to

move and realized he could not.

"Problems, dear fellow?" Heru reached out a hand and curled it around

the vials Severus placed there a heartbeat later. "Perhaps you begin to

understand what I'm getting at." Without taking his eyes off Voldemort he

drank the potions and tossed the vials on the floor. "You see, I do have a

number of interesting talents, as I said. One of those happens to be spell

weaving, though I should probably clarify and say that I can weave and

unweave at my discretion. It's how I removed Severus's Dark Mark, Tom.

It's how I released a man from the curse of being a werewolf. It's how I'm

releasing you from the burden of being a wizard right at this moment."

Heru smirked again and said, "Don't bother trying to speak. It's not like I

care what you have to say. You're a disgrace to the name of Slytherin.

The Gods know you allowed yourself to be outmaneuvered, but then, I

am a pureblooded Slytherin, unlike you. Did you know that Salazar was a

very kind, loving person, Tom? Very set in his ways, though. He feared

and despised muggles because they hate us and would do anything to be

rid of us. But, he would have been happy enough to live apart from them

and let them destroy the muggleborns with their own hands. He thought

it would help keep them away from us. But really, I doubt a history

lesson at this point will benefit you much."

Heru gave a mock sigh of regret. "You might be interested to know that

you never could do magic here. I'm surprised you never bothered to test

that, but it's just as well, because here you are now, under my control.

Honestly, I must be a better actor than I imagined to have fooled you."

Again without turning his head away, he said, "Severus, love, are you

enjoying this?"

"Exceedingly," came the rich voice, then a chuckle.

"That's good. It was a very good plan you came up with and I'm glad

you're here personally to see it in action." Heru smiled gently as the fire

in Voldemort's eyes reached new heights of anger and panic. "I did tell

you that Severus is blindingly intelligent. For someone like him, figuring

out why you were a pathetic shadow of yourself was easy once I told him

what I could see and sense. He also explained to me why you made me

sick. I can't imagine why I didn't figure it out on my own, but then, as

Severus has pointed out, I think much better under pressure. I always


Heru chuckled. "I may as well tell you. After all, my victory would hardly

be complete if I were less than honest. Do you remember, Tom, that night

in the graveyard? How the Potter boy stood up to you with a complete

lack of fear? I enjoyed it quite a bit, watching it. Because, you see, I

could empathize completely."

Heru reached out and picked up the basin, setting it on his lap, then let

both his hands hover over the top, the tips of his forefingers just brushing

each other. He looked up and said, "It's time to take back what you stole

from me, Tom," then closed his eyes and concentrated. With agonizing

slowness the blood in the basin rose, reaching up to wrap around his

hands and back down into the basin.

At length Heru opened his eyes and flexed his fingers, smiling broadly.

"That's much better." He picked up the basin and placed it on the table

again. A glance inside showed only a dry red powder. "I bet you're

wondering what that was all about, aren't you, Tom? I suppose I should

thank you for doing nothing more than drugging me for a month. Did

you enjoy my diary? Did you have fun demolishing the room when you

found my dead, mutilated body?" Heru laughed softly and aimed an

insolent grin at Voldemort.

"I can see you don't believe me, or don't want to. After all, I am Heru

Slytherin, and nothing will prove otherwise to the magical community.

Let me think. I'd show you my scar, but I already got rid of that once I

removed the connection to you. After you tried to get a reading on

Severus and me that night, we decided I didn't need it any longer. Ah, I

know. How silly of me. Did you never wonder what happened to Harry's

wand? You let him keep it, we both know that."

Heru reached into a pocket and produced a wand with a flourish. "You

never found it, Tom, because I never lost it." Heru smiled slightly and

aimed off to the side, intoning, "Expecto Patronum!" A great silvery stag

erupted from the wand and galloped around the room. Heru fancied he

could almost hear at least one man passing out from shock up at the


"Well, it doesn't matter. All you need to know, Tom, is that Harry Potter

defeated you, just as he was prophesied to do, not that Albus ever let you

hear that prophecy." Heru tucked the wand away and smirked. "I

sincerely hope Salazar tortures you for making our name so black. You

look a bit drawn, my dear fellow. Not feeling well? We've only got a

handful more strands to go, so I think if you feel any remorse for what

you've done with your life, you better start praying now."

Long moments passed before Heru spoke seemingly to no one. "The

wards are adjusted. You can come in now."

Seconds later the crack of multiple apparitions could be heard. Albus,

Minerva, Remus, Sirius, and Tonks appeared behind Voldemort and

slowly walked around to face him, flanking the two chairs that Heru and

Severus sat in. Tom's eyes blazed again, but with less force; he probably

could barely keep them open.

"And now, for the last," Heru said as he reached out his right hand and

made a strange hooking gesture, then moved it as though he was dashing

something to the ground. The light in Voldemort's eyes died and Heru let

loose a heavy sigh.

"Heru?" Severus asked softly.

"It's over."

Remus dropped with a thump in front of Heru, eyes wide and pleading.


"What is it, Moony?"

Remus placed a hand on Heru's knee and repeated, "Harry?"

A choking sound made them both turn to look; Voldemort's body was

decaying in front of their eyes. "Bloody hell!" said Heru in disgust. "I am

not cleaning that up, damn it. Severus, please tell me you have more


"Of course." Thirty seconds later Severus pressed several vials into his

mate's hand.

Heru knocked them back quickly, tossing the empties to the side

carelessly. The hand on his leg brought his attention back to Remus, who

was looking at him with something akin to awe.

"Perhaps Dobby can take care of Mr Malfoy for the time being?"

suggested Albus. "And perhaps we can talk up at the castle."

"Fine." A moment's thought brought Dobby into the room. "Dobby, would

you be so kind as to secure Malfoy in the cell I created downstairs and

stay to keep an eye on him? Someone will come to collect him later, all

right? I want to make sure he isn't harmed and cannot get away."

"Dobby is being happy to help, sir."

"And don't worry about the mess. Someone else will take care of it."

Dobby simply nodded and finished releasing a still unconscious Lucius

from Heru's bindings and floated him off.

"Right, back to the castle then. Apparate to, er, the entrance hall. I'll

show you all something that will make things much easier to

understand." Heru slipped his wand out from behind his ear and secured

it up his sleeve, nodded at Severus, then apparated.

Once they were all gathered, Heru asked the castle to have Mark meet

them at his portrait, then stalked off toward the dungeons hissing,

"Severus, make sure no one gets trigger happy."

When they arrived at the portrait, Mark was already waiting. "Is it over,

father?" he asked with bright eyes. After a moment he stepped back at

the look on Heru's face and switched his gaze to Severus. "Dad?"

"It's all right, Mark. You know how he gets after being around


Heru shook his head, then got out his wand and slashed his palm. After

securing it again he pressed his hand against the portrait and hissed the

password. As soon as it was open, he stalked through, knowing that

Severus would make any stragglers follow. As soon as they hit the

entrance hall he hissed, "I'll be in the study," then apparated again.

Ten minutes later everyone trooped into the study and found chairs. Heru

looked up and said, "I'll never understand why I let Salazar convince me

to put the study off my bedroom."

"You have a lovely home, Heru," said Albus.

Heru smirked. "And now you know where I kept disappearing to." He

stood up and turned, tapping each of the portraits to wake them, then sat

down again.

"Heru!" said Salazar. "You didn't. . . ."

Heru didn't bother to turn around. "Sorry, brother, but I did. I couldn't

resist letting Tom know who was killing him."

"Hello, Severus. You are keeping an eye on my brother, aren't you?"

"Of course, Salazar."

"Harry?" asked Remus.

Heru sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I love you, Moony, but if you keep

calling me Harry I am going to hex you senseless. I haven't been Harry

for over twenty years." Heru swept his eyes over the assemblage, coming

to a stop on his son. "Mark, please come here?"

Mark stood up and walked over slowly, casting a look over his shoulder

at Severus. When he was standing in front of his father he clasped his

hands behind his back and toed the floor.

"You can revert if you wish, Mark," Heru hissed. "The time for most secrets is


Mark looked up sharply, then nodded. As his features shifted he hissed,

"Are you okay?"

Heru reached out and pulled Mark onto his lap. "Yes, I am. This will be a

bit of a shock, but I'm confident you can handle it. So, first, any questions

on what happened at my house?"

"What was that final gesture?" asked Tonks.

"The destruction of his magical core. What was left of it, anyway."

"And the blood?" asked Remus, somehow managing to look relaxed and

nervous at the same time.

Heru smiled. "You were watching, Moony. I reclaimed what was mine.

Tom stole it from me during that ceremony in the graveyard."

"I still don't understand why it made you sick," Minerva said.

Heru looked at Severus, who said, "Simple enough. I originally assumed

that Heru was badly affected by Voldemort's presence because of the

connection, but it continued to happen even after he completely removed

it. Some say that blood carries a bit of a person's soul, and certainly a bit

of their magic. The only explanation left was that. In a sense, it was

poison, but not in the way Heru implied. I deemed it best that Heru filter

the blood from Voldemort before he killed him. It was Heru's idea to

reclaim the pertinent portions of it."

"I'm having a hard time understanding why anyone believes this is

Harry," complained Sirius.

Heru chuckled. "Would you like me to describe what happened in the

Shrieking Shack the night I first met you for real, Padfoot? Or how

Hermione and I rescued you using Buckbeak? How I knew it was you the

night Albus brought you down to be keyed into the wards? How I know

which cave you used in Hogsmeade during Harry's fourth year?"

"He doesn't understand about your patronus, Heru," Remus offered.

"Mm, is that so? Perhaps you didn't see it well enough. But really, I can't

imagine that anyone else would have Prongs. You can also ask the sorting

hat, by the way. In fact, I suggest you all do. And Albus, if you don't stop

twinkling like that I am going to lose my rather tenuous hold on my

temper." He was rewarded by seeing the headmaster pale. "I will make

this a very short story, all right?"

Everyone aside from Severus nodded. "Fine. As you know, I refused to

duel Voldemort in the graveyard. I was, at the time, very, very angry

about everything. I didn't give a damn any longer and was quite happy

with the idea of dying. Voldemort didn't seem to think that was such a

good idea, and I'm sure if he had any idea what his actions would lead to,

he'd have killed me on the spot. But let's fast forward."

Heru extended a hand, snatching up a pensieve as it hurtled into the

room toward him and placing it on his desk. A slight shake had his wand

in his hand, and moments later he placed the first of several memories

into it. "Mark, you'll want to stand for this. Just do what they do, all


Everyone but Severus rose, and one by one they touched the silvery

surface. While they were immersed, Severus stood and moved his chair to

the spot next to Heru's and sat down again. Eventually they came back,

but remained standing.

"So, that was Fate, or Opportunity, or whatever you want to call it. I was

angry, yes, but not completely lost to reason." Heru reached out with his

wand and reclaimed the memory, then replaced it with a new one. "Mark,

you'll need to translate for parts of this, please."

Mark nodded and they all entered the memory. When they emerged he

repeated the process a third time. He didn't think he would need to show

any more after that. This time when they emerged he waved them back

to their seats, pulling Mark back onto his lap after he retrieved the


"So, there you have it."

"My father is Harry Potter?" Mark asked in a whisper.

Heru snorted. "Sort of, but don't you go repeating that. I didn't lie to you

when I said we were related, Mark." He flipped his wand back to tap the

tapestry and said, "Later on you can all look this over, but probably not

this evening. I am feeling more than a little tired, not to mention

irritable. So, questions?"

"How is it that you're so sure Voldemort's soul is gone?" asked Sirius.

"I told you. A half soul cannot survive physical death. You heard what I

said to him—the only thing that kept him around the first time was that

diary. Tom only had half a soul, but the other half was still around. This

time it wasn't."

"Then why didn't you just use the killing curse and be done with it?"

Albus asked.

"Do you honestly think I like using that? That I wanted to taint my home

with it? My own soul? I've used it a grand total of once and you

witnessed it. Look at it this way—yes, I killed him, but I did it indirectly.

If I did to you what I did to him, you'd end up a squib, not dead. I killed

every Death Eater but two indirectly as well. I'm quite sure there are a

number of people out there having hysterics right now. Yes, I could have

used the killing curse and had it over with almost instantaneously, but

frankly, that isn't a very Slytherin thing to do."

Severus started laughing softly and shaking his head.

"Oh, shut up," said Heru with fond annoyance.

"Care to introduce us?" Tonks asked, gesturing at the portraits.

"Mm. Starting from the left, that's Godric, Rowena, Salazar, Helga,

Caedryn, Regan, Servius, Tychon and Anselm."

"Regan?" Albus asked.

"My wife. And, of course, the guardian to my home is myself. I trust"—

Heru looked around sternly—"that none of this will become public


"Why didn't you just tell us from the beginning?" Sirius asked, looking a

bit hurt.

"Several reasons. First, I wanted to be who I was, not the lingering

shadow of the Boy Who Lived. I wanted to deal with you all on my terms,

as the man I'd become. Second, I couldn't very well imagine myself

waltzing up to Hogwarts to request audience with Albus so I could chirp

out that I was Harry Potter. Even if I had and convinced him, I would not

have been treated the same. As it was, you were all forced to deal with

me, Heru Slytherin, not the boy you knew. The knowledge would have

coloured your perceptions and caused you all to act quite differently. So I

did it the Slytherin way."

"Are you going to stay?" asked Albus.

"I don't know. Do you really want someone here who can do what I can?

Am I going to be faced with suspicion down the road? Are people going

to start thinking I'll turn on them, betray them? Am I going to be reviled

for my power? People have a history of turning on their saviors, Albus.

People have a history of being afraid of another's power and trying to

take them down so they cannot be enslaved to it or have to feel jealous

or envious. People would rather honor a martyr than a living person,

though, frankly, I'd just as soon my participation in this remain as under

wraps as possible. I can and will disappear if I need to, and take my

family with me."

Albus held up his hands. "There is no need. If you wish to remain, I think

you'll find you are welcome. I'm also certain that the castle will make my

life a living hell if you were to go."

Heru smirked faintly. "I suppose she would. She's quite fond of me, you

know. Severus, I leave the decision in your hands."

"I would prefer to stay."

"Actually . . . are you all right with that, Mark?"

"Of course, father!"

"So be it. But, if I hear one word whispered about what I've revealed this

evening. . . ." Heru pulled Mark into a hug, then said, "I know you're all

in shock to some extent, and I know you'll all have a lot of questions soon

enough, but for now, I think it's time I got some sleep before I pass out.

And maybe you all can come up with a reasonable explanation for what

happened to Voldemort that doesn't involve me too much."

Murmurs of agreement sounded and people started to rise. "Severus, I'm

staying here tonight," Heru hissed. "Make sure they know about the wards."


Two days later they gathered in Heru's underlake lounge. Mark had

found a room for himself and had his parents decorate it to his tastes,

then moved in his belongings. Heru had kept to himself as Severus had

transferred most of their things underlake; they had every intention of at

least appearing to use Severus's original quarters during the school year.

The Malfoys' had been dealt with, with Heru appearing long enough to

help Severus collect Draco and spend a few minutes threatening Lucius

before retreating underlake. Heru was feeling much more like himself

and lounged indolently on a couch with a bottle of butterbeer dangling

from one hand.

"So, any news?"

"Fudge believes I killed Voldemort," Albus answered with a slight


"He actually bought that?" Heru blinked, then laughed. "All right. Who

am I to argue."

43. Alternate 02: Prophecy

Name: Alternate 02

Source: Crumbling Pedestal, Post-Voldemort

Notes: One look at how Heru might have explained the prophecy, after

the fact.

Responses: Please check my profile for the location of review responses.

(In this case, it'll show up in the CP section.)

Severus shifted on the couch and glanced over, one brow slightly arched.

"What is it?" Heru asked, knowing that look.

"I allow that I am curious about something. Now that Voldemort is gone,

I have to wonder how you would interpret the prophecy made about the

two of you."

Heru blinked and rubbed the back of his neck. "I suppose I had not really

given it much thought beyond the obvious. I can try, though." After a

minute of silence he said, "I'll just take it line by line."

Severus nodded and shifted again, turning to face Heru more distinctly.

"The power to vanquish. Vanquish can mean a lot of things. Obviously, it

does not have to mean death, though in this case it ended up that way.

Really, all it means is I had the ability—some particular ability or

abilities—to defeat him in some fashion such that he was no longer a

threat to the wizarding world."

Severus nodded, so Heru continued, "The second line is obvious.

However, the only reason he came after me—that I know of—is that he

was able to subvert Peter. Who served as the Secret Keeper for the

Longbottoms? Was that person ever in any danger of being handled as

Peter was? So, in one sense, it was sheer chance that it was I he came

after first. I have no doubt that once he was able to finish me off, he

would have focused on getting at them as well. That way, it wouldn't

matter which one of us it was. On the other hand, it might well have

been me specifically. I have no way of knowing if Fate or Opportunity,

whatever you would like to term it, had this as a part of the grand plan. I

mean, where does prophecy spring from, anyway?"

"That sounds reasonable."

"It's the next line that I find interesting. You see—and you may recall this

from when I first admitted who I was—the founders determined that a

great deal of my power was locked away. They didn't understand why I

had so much trouble with certain spells, yet was curiously advanced in

other aspects. They determined it was the scar. So, in a backhanded

sense, Voldemort did mark me as his equal. He bought me down to his


Severus smirked slightly.

"Granted, that did make me a parselmouth, which, in a way, was also an

equaling factor. The bit about the power he knows not, though. . . . That

could refer to several things, I suppose. The prophecy said "he will have"

not that I did. And at that point, when he marked me, I did not. So, once

the scar was dealt with, all that I was became available. More power,

certainly. Also divination, though I'm not sure that was terribly

important. The knowledge of ancient spells, however, was. Sight, spell-

weaving. . . . All of those things played a role."

Heru brushed the hair back from his forehead and looked pensive for a

moment. "I suppose things could have turned out differently. We might

have found a different way." He shrugged and focused on Severus again.

"The next bit, well. That spells out death pretty clearly, but not who is

responsible. You could say that I am the mysterious other, because

technically I'm not Harry Potter, and technically I am the cause of his

death. And, of course, I am also responsible for Voldemort's death."

Heru shook his head and stared at the ceiling. "The same goes for the

second half of that line. But really, assuming other means either me or

Voldemort, then all it really means, I suppose, is that one of us had to

die, and it had to be the other of us who did the killing, killing the other.

Sometimes I wonder if I made it out alive so often because I simply

couldn't die, unless it was by his hand directly."

"As for that bit on surviving. . . . What is that? What does it mean? Is

survival simply existing? Is it passing on one's genes, as I did, where he

did not? With his death, I can live a normal life, more or less. I don't

entirely think that survival is living." Heru arched a brow at his mate.

"I understand your distinction."

"I do not exactly count Caedryn and Mark under the mantle of passing on

one's genes, though it does serve that purpose. I think you know I mean

Servius, Tychon, and Anselm. If you think about it, I survived his actions.

Yes, I stopped him first year, but it was Quirrel who was the agent.

Voldemort himself was basically untouched. I simply thwarted him.

Second year, it was a memory, half his soul. Thwarted again, but he was

harmed that time, but not in such a way that prevented him from

keeping on. Fourth year, I survived by putting him off guard, and then

again by choosing to move forward. He got back his own by being reborn

at my expense, so I think that made us even."

"It wasn't until I came back that the balance changed drastically. And,

well, you know all of that. I was more than his equal in power, blood,

knowledge, and so on. And I had the good sense to see you for what you

were, not what I once thought you were. I suppose that some might think

that the power was love, but . . . I would like to think you would have

aided me simply as my friend."

"I believe I would have, yes. But, it goes without saying, even though I

shall, that I am quite happy with how things turned out." Severus's mouth

curled up at one corner as his eyes gleamed.

"Perhaps we should go talk about that in more detail, eh?"

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