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Адреса змісту:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12177763/1/The-Potter-


Books > Harry Potter

The Potter Alliance

By: OrionB15

OoTP Alternate Story Line. Susan Bones has many questions for one of

her class mates, and some of these questions lead to a proposition that

very well may shake the future of the wizarding world. Read to follow a

story in which Harry has some fateful romantic times, and how they will

effect his decisions. Mostly Canon! HarryXSusan no slash, no major

character bashing.

Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - Harry P., Sirius B., Neville

L., Susan B. - Chapters: 34 - Words: 137,380 - Reviews: 1,240 - Favs:

4,281 - Follows: 4,260 - Updated: 23.04.2020, 08:33:39 - Published:

05.10.2016, 07:58:10 - Status: Complete - id: 12177763

1. Possibilities

Chapter 1

"When your seconds away from dying, or watching a friend die...you just

don't know what that's like."

The assembled students in the Hogs Head were shocked to silence. Harry

Potter, the boy who lived, and the boy who had lost his mind in the maze

last year was presenting himself naked in front of his fellow students. He

sounded desperate, and defeated. It was in this moment that some of the

students were stirring. This wasn't some ploy for attention, or an attempt

to usurp the Ministry like they had been told. Whatever had happened to

the last Potter, it was deep, and it was scarring. Something had changed

the young heroic boy, and the man that stood before them was

attempting to save them, though they had done nothing to deserve it.

A young head red head, whom was in Harry's year stood in the back of

the room in deep thought. Her Auntie was unsure of what exactly had

happened at the end of the Triwizard Cup, and Dumbledore had blocked

her off at every attempt to get in contact with the young man. Susan had

tried to reserve her judgment about Harry, she had once fallen prey to

the rumor mill that entranced the magical world, and she misjudged the

boy then, but now she did not want to misjudge the man in front of her.

Susan Bones was many things, but a fool was not one of them. She knew

from what her Auntie had told her, Harry was almost dismissed from the

Wizarding World just before the start of term for simple underage self

defensive magic, which was undoubtedly used to counter a dementor.

Her Aunt had questioned as to how she knew that he hadn't just used it

to show off, but Susan knew the boy well enough to know that wasn't his

style. Harry Potter had a short temper, and if he was going to get in

trouble for underage magic she had no difficulty believing that it would

be a blasting charm to some stupid muggles face.

She didn't know how much of the rumor mill was true, but she knew that

every rumor had to hold some truth to it, and if even one of the stories

about Harry Potter was real, he was an incredibly powerful young

wizard, with a decent fortune to inherit when he became of age. He was

no millionaire by any means, but he certainly had enough money to buy

himself some better clothes, or some private lessons to fix his grades in


Had Harry been in Hufflepuff Susan would have tried to befriend Harry

Potter, and maybe even ask him some of the questions that she at times

pondered when he came up at the dinner table conversations. However

she was not friends with Harry Potter, yet here he was offering to, if

nothing else save her grade from a failing practical OWL.

Looking at her best friend Hannah next to her she knew that the girl was

much more interested in the drama then the grade, but also knew that

she would want the grade. Every person in the room had different

opinions about Harry Potter, but at one point or another they had all

seen his clever abilities, or superior wand work. The Triwizard

tournament certainly proved that he was capable if nothing else.

When Hermione stood at the end of her tirade she turned to gathered

students, "Whether you believe Harry's story or not, Umbridge has to be

stopped. I am not proposing any actions against her, but if you want to

past your practicals Harry is your best shot. He covered every spell up to

NEWTs last year to help him survive the tournament, and he was able to

teach Ron and I most of these spells. He is a capable teacher...I have a

contract here that says you won't rat any of us out to Umbridge. If you

sign it, I will give you a fake galleon that will heat up when we have

decided a time and place to meet. If you don't decide to sign you can

leave now, and forget this ever happened."

Not many people cleared out, but nearly everyone was at the very least

interested in what Harry would teach them, so by the end of the day

there were lots of signatures on Hermione's paper. Susan wasn't surprised

to see lots of Ravenclaw names on it. Everyone knew that they would ace

the theoretical portions, but if they wanted to get their outstanding, they

would need the actual practical to get it.

Susan and Hannah got in line standing behind Cho Chang who was

attempting to give Potter her doe eyes. Susan rolled her eyes a bit

knowing that Cho was a bit of a psycho obsessive, especially when it

came to her powerful wizards. A bit of the teenage girls heart throbbed at

the thought of her friend Cedric she had lost just six months, but shook it

off hoping that he was in a better place, and also importantly, away from


As people were clearing out Susan was trying to explain to Hannah that

she just wanted a quick word with Harry before they headed back to

more popular side of the village. Unfortunately convincing her very

blonde best friend of anything wasn't the easiest task in the world, and

that wasn't the only obstacle in her way. When she approached the table

again that Hermione, Ron, and Harry were quietly talking at they all

went quiet when she got within ear shot. Ron and Harry looked

expectantly at her, while Hermione smiled at her, "Hey Susan, glad to see

you signed your name on the list. Did you have a question or...?"

Susan understanding that she was kind of interrupted something said, "I

was just wondering if I could have a word with Harry."

Ron protectively said, "Anything you need to say to Harry you can say to

us to. He's my best mate, he is going to tell me anything you say


Hermione bit her lip, like she always did when she wanted to give

someone a only half way pacifistic answer, "Harry just had a bit of a

rough meeting, can't it wait?"

Clearly being annoyed Harry rolled his eyes, "Harry can speak for

himself, thanks. Is it important Susan?"

Susan was biting her lip nervously now, she had never been under the

pressure of Harry's watchful green eyes before, "Uhhh, no it wasn't

important, I will just ummm, talk to you later, yeah?"

Harry glared at his best friends, "I was just leaving actually, mind if I

walk you out?"

Susan smiled a bit, but felt her confidence waver under the glaring eyes

of Hermione and Ron, "Its really okay Harry, I don't mean to intrude. I

just had some questions for you, it really isn't that important! I will just

see my self out, Hannah is waiting for me at the door."

Harry nodded his head, "If your sure then. Will I see you at the next


The girl tucked a bit of her hair behind her ear smiling, "Yes, I do believe

you will. See you around Harry!"

With that the girl turned around and walked over to her best friend

guiding her out to the door. The blonde whom had seen the conversation

unfold immediately busted out her questions the second the cold air was

on their faces, "Merlin! If Hermione and Ron weren't so damn up tight

Potter might have more friends around our parts! And what was with

that all that tucking your hair behind your ear, and smiling, and

stuttering? I mean seriously what are you 12?"

If it was possible Susan's cheeks would've turned a deeper stage of red,

but the freezing cold weather kept her pride in tact, "Hannah Rebekah

Abbot! Don't you dare lecture me on my actions in front of Harry, after

you all but accused him of attacking Justin in second year. Also should I

remind you the last time that Cormac Mclaggen tried to talk to you, I had

to all but carry you out of the room."

Hannah swore, "You promised never to speak of that again!"

Grinning the red haired girl spiked out, "I fight dirty to defend myself!"

"Fine fine! I won't attack you or your school girls crush sorry!" Hannah

held her hands up in mock surrender.

Susan tried to glare at the girl further, but the brutality of the winter

storm was overwhelming, which made the two girls decide to head back

to the castle a bit early.

The nervous students gathered in the large room hesitantly. None that

gathered had ever been in this room before, in fact most did not even

know it existed until about 30 seconds before entering the room. Harry

had not told them how to open the room, or what he did to make it

appear, but it was clear that the boy with the scar once again had a well

kept secret.

Susan and Hannah were among the nervous tonight. Susan's aunt was the

head of the Department Magcal Law Enforcement, and if she were caught

in this group tonight she would be in big trouble with not just the school,

but her aunt as well. It was now against Hogwarts student code of

conduct to be in unsanctioned groups. The result of being caught could

be expulsion, and that was not something any member of the Bones

family had ever had to endure, yet she was still there, hoping for

something worth her while.

Harry stood in front of assembled group with a neutral expression on his

face. Flanking his left and right were his usual best friends that were

always at his side, and they both at least had a bit happier expressions.

Hermione was of course the one who got the ball rolling, "Thank you

everyone for coming out. Believe me, we know and appreciate the risk

you are taking to be here, so we will try to make it worth your time and

dismiss you in groups to ensure that you won't be caught out in corridors,

and that you will be back before curfew."

Mandy Brocklehurst from Ravenclaw rose her hand sarcastically, and

asked, "How exactly are you going to do that? The whole not getting us

caught thing?"

Harry speaking for the first time tonight, "You won't be caught. Trust


Some murmurs and whispers came from the group, and Herimione bit

her lip as if she wanted to say something to Harry, but shook her head

and continued, "Anyways, I think before we get started we should come

up with a name. Something to call ourselves, I also think we should elect

a leader."

Harry's eyes flashed with annoyance as he gave Hermione a look Susan

was becoming all to familiar with, while Neville asked timidly, "I thought

Harry was going to be the leader?"

Ernie nodded speaking out, "Yeah, no thanks Granger, your brilliant and

all, but I don't think I want practical lessons from a text book!"

Hermione flushed, and Ron spoke up, "She was just suggesting it

McMillan, we will both be voting for Harry, but its a formality, don't be a


Ernie blushed a bit, and nodded his head. Hermione then asked, "So all in

favor of making Harry the leader?"

Most of the hands went up, and when Hermione asked for other

nominees the room was quiet, meaning the one's whom had not raised

their hands had been abstained from the vote, "Right then. Now a name?

I was thinking something simple, and something that would make an

easy acronym."

Silence enveloped the room so Ron spoke to the group, "If no one has any

ideas we discussed a few. Dumbledore's Army, which would be kind of a

shot at the Ministry as a joke. We thought Defense Association, and also

Potter's Marauders?"

There were some whispers at each of the names, but Cho said, "Best to

keep as simple as possible, in case we are caught. Potter's Marauders

would probably see Harry in Azkaban, and Dumbledore's army would be

unfair to the headmaster."

There were some nods at this logic, and Harry shook his head, "That is all

really excellent, so now that we have done all of Hermione's pre-

planning, does anyone have any last complaints? We elected a leader, we

took a name, shall we move on?"

Some more quiet mutters of agreement went up and Harry nodded his

head, "Good, grab a partner, and practice the shield charm and disarming

charms. Obviously one person will attack, one person will defend. Make a

line, and we will assign a side to attack first."

Zacharias Smith Susan's least favorite housemate voiced a loud

complaint, "You gotta be joking Potter? The shield charm is a third year

spell, and the disarming charm I learned in second year! You talk about

fighting the Dark Lord, but that is all your going to teach us."

Susan's eyes never left Harry's as he spun around in annoyance, "I was

going to have Hermione demonstrate with me, but I suppose you would

like to Smith. By all means. See if you can disarm me correctly. I won't

even move. You get one shot, and then I will return fire. We will take

turns until one of us is disarmed."

Zacharias nodded as people began to clear a path between the two. Harry

held out his wand as Zacharias pointed it at him and cried out,


A jet of red light shot from the boys wand, and Harry's head weaved out

of the way at the last second as the spell zoomed past him. Before most

people could blink Harry had returned the spell and disarmed Zacharias,

holding both wands now in his hand.

Harry threw the wand back on the floor towards the boy, "Your wand

movement was to erratic. Had my head been my wand you would've had

a good chance at disarming me. You can perform the spell, but you can't

hit a wand with it, which makes it worthless. Your shield was to slow, if I

was a death eater you would be dead. If I was a dark wizard you would

be dead. If I was your enemy, you would be dead. Keep that in mind as

you practice Smith."

Feeling thoroughly chastised, Zach fell in line with the rest of the pairs,

and began working on the charms.

Susan was quiet impressed with Harry's wand work. His follow up spell

was so fast, she wasn't sure an auror could have blocked that. She was

also impressed with his critique. It was useful, and to the point. She

wasn't sure she had someone ever critique her like that, which made the

young red head hope he would get around to her in this class period.

After a few minutes of mostly failed attempts Harry stopped the lesson

and told everyone to face the center as he and Hermione faced off against

each other. He called out to her to ask if she was ready, and as she

nodded, he shot a spell slowly at her. Though the spell was slow, Susan

was certainly not the only one to notice its power. Hermione had a nearly

solid shield, and it still shuddered at the impact. Still though her moves

were exaggerated, and fluid. It was clear the two had worked on the

combination of spells many times together.

Harry spoke as the demonstration went on, "The shield charm has to be

one precise circle. It has to be with your whole arm, and not as much

wrist movement. If we were dueling and just flinging curses, it would be

the flick of a wrist, but this is just practice so keep in mind you know

exactly what spell is coming. Use it to your advantage. The disarming

charm is almost the opposite. Its no arm and all wrist. Make a tight circle,

and will your magic to the results. You know what should come out of

this spell, just make it happen. Don't focus on the words, focus on the

goals. I believe everyone in here is capable of this drill. Just focus, and

don't force yourself to it, let it flow. Half the effectiveness of this drill is

to make it flow, and give it good speed. It helps with your reflexes and it

helps with your wand work. Get back at it, I will come around and assist

where possible. Hermione and Ron will do the same."

Harry went straight back to Neville whom was greatly struggling while

Ron and Hermione both went over in different directions to help people

from different houses. Susan wondered if they had a system of some sort

worked out, where Harry would help the Gryffindor's, Hermione would

help the Claws, and Ron would help the Puff's. The thought irritated

Susan greatly that the teacher might just work with one house, but tried

to focus on the drill he had laid before them. Her shield charm wasn't

bad, but she could not seem to hit her friends wand with her disarming

hex. Hannah was only having a little bit of luck with each of the spells,

but she hadn't had as much practice as Susan had.

Ron caught of wind of their troubles after just a short while, and came

over to help out. He watched for a moment and corrected Hannah first,

but when he watched Susan it was like a confusing puzzle or riddle was

laid out to him, "I don't know, it looks alright, but your spells are

shooting off a few feet in the wrong direction. I would try and

compensate and go a different direction with your aim, but that isn't

what Harry would do...let me go get him, and I will try and help Neville."

After just a moment the two stopped and watched as the gangly red head

walked over to the teacher, and watched him teach Neville for a few

moments then interrupted. Ron seemed to explain the situation to Harry,

and the young man nodded and started heading in their direction.

Hannah muttered, "Don't look now Suzy, your crush is coming over!"

Susan glared at her best friend, but held her best composure as the

handsome young man approached them, "Okay guys lets see it. Ron says

your wand work looks good, and that he doesn't understand whats

wrong, maybe I can give a better guess then aiming in a different


Susan nodded, and once again tried to complete the drill with her best

friend. Harry watched it 3 times before walking over to her. He was

standing maybe a foot in front of her, and seemed to be inspecting her.

The young red head did her best not to blush, and failed when he asked,

"May I see your wand arm?"

Susan nodded and stuck her arm out quietly, and when she felt his hands

touched her she almost flinched in surprise, but what happened next

shocked her. Harry put his hands on her wrist and began rolling back the

sleeves on her robes, then said, "Now try it again!"

Susan still a little red in the face turned to the smirking Hannah and told

her to cast first. The shield charm came up easily enough when the

disarming hex came at her, and when she fired at the hex back at her

best friend it felt just a little different, and was a little to surprised when

a wand came flying towards her and fell to the ground.

Harry smirked at the girl putting a comforting hand on her shoulder,

"Your robes are to long, when you are here roll them back a bit to give

your wrist some room. That was good wand work, but make sure you

work on your catching. The advantage to having your opponents wand

can be more than just taking their wand, but it could be alternate wand if

you lose yours in a battle. Keep up the good work Susan, now Hannah

your circle is a little off..."

As Harry explained the intricacies of Hannah's critical wand work error,

Susan was simply amazed that Harry was so knowledgeable in dueling

and in spell work! It made her mind swell with even more unanswered

questions, which made the enigma of Harry Potter just a little bit more


When he was walking away he Hannah whistled lowly, "I think we did a

good thing joining this group Suzy. I will be reluctant to admit it, but

Potter really knows his stuff. At least in his basic dueling charms."

Susan nodded her head in agreement, and finally the two had pulled off a

successful four rounds of exchanges, before Hannah over powered her

shield and disarmed her. They practiced for thirty more minutes, when

Potter called the end of the class.

"Alright guys that was pretty good, I noticed improvements in everyone's

work, some of you it was drastic, and for some it was simply rolling up

your sleeves so well done!"

Susan smiled at the acknowledgment, but no one except Hannah knew

whom Harry was referring to, "I would like to keep classes less than two

hours, but more than an hour if possible. Next time for fifteen minutes

we will practice this, and move onto the next few things. We are working

to have a full on duel before the end of the year. I think everyone did

great today, and I hope everyone can make it to the next meeting

hopefully in a few days. Thanks for coming out guys, goodnight!"

Before the class could dismiss, Colin Creevey of Gryffindor asked, "Harry

can you show us your patronus now? You told me you would show the

class sometime, and I really wanted to see it?"

Harry's cheeks colored a bit, "Umm, maybe not tonight Colin, everyone

has been here for a while, I am sure the others want to get back to their

common rooms."

Terry Boot of Ravenclaw muttered loudly, "I've never seen a real patronus


Others around him nodded and Harry sighed, "Okay, I will give a

demonstration. The patronus is one of the easier wand movements, it is

simply a flick outwards."

Taking a deep breath Harry closed his eyes. A small smile appeared on

his face as he flicked his wand outwards, "Expecto Patronum!"

A giant light erupted from his wand, and a etheral creature emerged from

the light. A large stag stood in front of the students standing proudly, and

simply radiating power. Harry spoke, "Meet prongs, it was my dads

Animagus...He has saved my life more times than I will ever care to

count...Now if that will be all, Hermione says we can release the

Ravenclaws. Thanks for coming out guys!"

Harry bowed to his patronus, and Prongs bowed back, and then

disappeared in a fine mist that settled to the floor. Everyone had clapped

at the performance, but Susan was speechless by the power of the

patronus. Her aunt told her that only a few wizards alive could cast a

true corporeal patronus. Harry's was almost alive though, it was almost

as if Prongs could actually impale something with his massive antlers.

Susan wasn't just impressed, she was amazed!

As Harry dismissed the Gryffindor students, Susan began to approach

him, "Thanks for the lesson Harry, I really appreciated the fix in my

fashion statement!"

Harry gave the girl a slight nod, "It was an easy fix. Your wand work was

pretty good, I am guessing with your aunt being an auror, you have had

some pretty good teachers before me?"

Susan shrugged, "Just my Auntie actually. She doesn't like to take time

from her other aurors, but she has helped me during the Summer when

she could, as you can imagine she has been quiet busy over the past two


Harry nodded grimly, "Yes I am afraid I can imagine so."

Susan grimaced at her choice of words and began to apologize, but Harry

waved her off, "Its okay really! I am glad you learned something, and I

am glad you and Hannah enjoyed yourself. Next week hopefully I will

have time to reach out to the others. I told Neville if he wanted extra

work we could do some stuff together in the dormitory since we are

neighbors after all."

Susan smiled at the boy, "Thats great! Hey listen Harry, I was wonderin-"

Ron came into the conversation at that point, "Brilliant lesson mate! We

should get going before Umbitch catches out past curfew!"

Harry nodded and agreed, "Yeah okay Ron! I'm sorry Susan what were

you saying?"

Susan looked from Harry to Ron, and held a fake smile, "Oh I was just

going to ask if you would give me some last second tips, but next time! I

will let you get back to your dorm!"

Ron grinned and carried Harry off, as Hannah walked over to her best

friend, "That red head is one annoying prat!"

Susan sighed, "I don't want to ask anything super personal! Just a few

questions about the trial, what happened at the third task, and if you-

know-who is really the one who killed Cedric."

Hannah gasped, "So you believe him?"

Susan pondered her best friends question for only a moment before

answering, "I do, but if he is telling the truth, then we all have a lot more

work to do then just shields and disarming hexes."

(A/N) I know new story, while two others are in progress, but as

you can all see it has been a while on those updates. I have quite a

bit of this story already written, so I am going to update every

Tuesday or Wednesday, and maybe if the reviews are really good I

will update some more :) Cheers guys and its good to be back! Also

please comment if you want lemons in this story making it M, or if

we are good with T and no lemons!

2. A Scheme

Chapter 2

The winter had definitely arrived in full force at Hogwarts. The Scottish

Highlands were in the middle of a blizzard that was not allowing the

students to go anywhere. If you asked the usual Hogwarts staff where

their students where, they would say they are having a lie in, or that they

were studying for midterm exams. However that was not the truth.

Somewhere on the seventh floor in a room unknown to most of the

wizarding world teenagers, along with many whom could be considered

young men and women were training their hardest in order to make a

passing grade in their upcoming exams, and also learn a few things about

what it could take to survive.

Susan Bones was in a frenzy trying to block incoming spells at her. She

had done really well so far and defeated four opponents before her

current opposition stepped to the plate. Hermione was fast with her

wand, but what was really killing Susan today was the spell variety. She

was getting hit with a bunch of charms that could not simply be blocked

with a little protego charm. She needed different shields to block some of

these nasty little charms.

Most of the onlookers were impressed with Susan's defiance. Most of the

people who had faced Hermione went down before 10 spells could be

cast. Susan had easily doubled that number, and was looking at 30 spells

being traded soon. Though most people couldn't tell that Susan was

starting to approach her limit on magical exhaustion, one person could,

and they were getting tired of the duel fast.

Harry called out to his best friend and said, "That's enough Hermione,

finish the duel."

Susan was confused at first, but then she saw three spells zooming

towards her, and before she could even block the second spell she was on

the ground completely immobile, and tied up.

The young red head was only that way for a moment though when she

was released from the spells by her best friend, "That was some duel

Suzy!...Potter looks furious!"

A faint buzzing was in the air as Harry was clearly taking Hermione for a

spin or two. When the spat was over the buzzing faded and Hermione

approached Susan sheepishly, "Sorry Susan, I was just trying to test your

endurance as well as mine. I don't usually get to cast so many spells, and

you were doing such a good job at blocking them and countering."

Susan shrugged, "Don't worry about it Hermione, it was good practice!"

Susan offered her hand to the girl which Hermione joyously took. Harry

was quickly behind the girl though saying, "Susan take the rest of

practice off. I don't want you to strain yourself."

The pretty young Hufflepuff girl huffed in defense, "I can make my own

decisions Potter."

Harry turned around in surprise looking at the girl, "I'm sure you can, but

whether you realize it or not your magical core is rapidly depleting. If

you exerted yourself much more you could be on the verge of passing out

from magical exhaustion, which if you haven't done before, I can promise

you its not something you want to experience."

Susan countered, "Well how am I supposed to get better if I don't push

myself? Did you hold back when you were facing you-know-who?"

A dark look crossed the green eyed boys face, and his eyes seemed to

turn a few shades darker, "Get up then. Grab your wand."

He quickly shouted for everyone to move to the side as he walked across

the floor in long strides, "Hermione give us the countdown."

Susan quickly fumbled for her wand, and Hermione stumbled

questioningly, "Harry are you sure this is a good-"

With a powerful glare sent towards the usually bossy girl she began

calling the bows and then shortly followed it with the countdown. Susan

was staring across at her opponent nervously, and when the number one

was hit she immediately raised a shield but she only managed to block

four spells and the next two hit her hard taking her to the ground. Her

eyes rolled back into her head, and she thought for a moment she had

been killed.

What felt like many hours later she opened her eyes and saw Harry

Potter standing over her looking only a little sorry, "Hermione was toying

with you. That is not what we are in here to do. If you want to get better

by harming yourself you will want to find a different teacher. I want you

guys to get better, and I want you guys to survive any bad encounter, but

not at the cost of your lives or your health. Pushing yourself is one thing,

but pushing yourself to the point where you could pass out, injure

yourself, or even die, that is where I draw the line. We don't train in here

to kill ourselves before the darkness can get you. We train in here to fight

the darkness in case it ever comes knocking on our door. For someone

like you Susan I hope that never happens, but if it does one day I hope

you are prepared to throw it all the line to stop it. Next time I ask you to

rest... I expect you to do so. I don't do it to handicap you, I do it to keep

you safe."

Susan nodded blearily and felt really sore that she let her pride get in the

way of her learnings. The room was very quiet over the ordeal, and Harry

stood in front of the group now, "I can appreciate the effort you guys are

putting into this, but it is my belief for at least today we are safe in the

castle from death. Whether you believe me about you-know-who or not is

irrelevant, I can tell you for a fact he isn't going to launch an attack on

the castle. Umbridge is not going to kill any of you. I only say this

because we have 6 months until the Summer. That means we have six

months where everyone in this room can grasp the basics to the best of

their ability. In that six months you will see massive improvement, and

the duels in here could get a little heated. You must however keep a calm

head, and keep in mind your limitations. Out there in the real world, that

is where you push yourselves to the limits. In here, this is where I want

you to figure out just how much you can do without putting yourself in

jeopardy. Because no matter how badly you want it in here, out there

you are going to react differently, and there is nothing I can do as a

teacher or a friend to simulate that. Please keep that in mind tonight. We

have one more lesson before the holidays, and tomorrow I promise we

are going to work on something a bit more fun. Sorry to take this all to a

deep end, but sometimes it is necessary. Good work everyone, and I will

see you all tomorrow!"

There was some light applause to Harry, and he turned around to walk

towards the back of the room to be alone. Susan was watching this boy

the entire time, and knew that if she didn't want things to be awkward

between the two she needed to say something.

When she approached the boy he was leaning his head on a mirror where

a picture of a group of young adults was taped to at the top. Along with

other headlines from the daily prophet. Ron and Hermione were no

where in site this time around, and Susan hoped that this might be a

chance to talk to the young man in front of her.

Before she could open her mouth Harry spoke softly, "I'm sorry."

Recoiling slightly at the unexpected apology the young girl replied back

quietly, "About what?"

The green eyed boy turned to face one of his brightest students with

clearly red eyes, "That I got so upset with you earlier. I shouldn't have,

especially because were our rolls flipped I can almost guarantee I would

be doing with you were doing."

"Then why get so-"

"Because sometimes I can't control it. I feel this intense anger from

everything that has happened this year, and when someone does

something that I don't like or agree with, I tend to lose it. With Hermione

I thought about it all the wrong way. She knew she was going to win, but

she was also helping you with your shields. I still don't think she

considered how tired you were, but that isn't here nor there. You

questioning my authority just snapped something in me. And that thing

has been snapping more and more, and I feel like I might be losing my

mind after everything that has been happening. So I am sorry."

This time though the girl shrugged, "Your under a lot of pressure right

now. You are trying to keep the DA together, you have been suspended

from Quidditch, which everyone knows is something you loved.

Umbridge is basically keeping you under house arrest, among Merlin only

knows what other things that you don't tell the rest of us. If anyone

should be sorry it should be me!"

Harry looked up at the girl questioningly and she sighed, "You are risking

a lot in helping all of us. Vol...You know who is on the rise and instead of

training yourself you are offering training to everyone. You are fighting

for the system that is working to basically oppress you."

In surprise Harry asked, "So you believe me?"

The two made deep eye contact. It made Susan freeze in her place. The

eyes she were looking at now, weren't the same ones that looked upon

her earlier. These were a calm light green, desperate, hopeful, and

beautiful, "Yes Harry, I believe you. I don't think you killed Cedric, and I

don't think that Headmaster Dumbledore and yourself sat in his office for

hours devising a ridiculous plan to usurp the Ministry. The timing isn't

right, and things are looking bad out there. From what the aurors have

told me its beginning to look like before, and these disappearances are

how they started last time. So its either Sirius Black being the new dark

lord, or Vold-...You know who has returned."

Harry actually laughed at what she said, and before the girl could be

insulted he said, "Its not Sirius Black, I can promise you that. Could swear

an oath to it in fact."

Susan was confused by his answer. She knew the history of the Potters,

and story that led to their downfall. She found it very hard to believe that

Harry would defend this man in any way, "He is no doubtfully powerful,

he escaped Azkaban, tried to kill you, and has been evading the law for

well into two years now. Something that many believed to be


Harry shook his head, "You misunderstand. Sirius Black didn't try to kill

me, in fact he was trying to save me a few times. He was after someone

else here at Hogwarts it was why he came here."

"But he led Voldemort to your parents. He practically killed them

himself!" Susan exclaimed in shock.

"Sadly that is the story the world believes. I could swear you an oath on

my magic right now that Sirius Black is one of the good guys. He didn't

betray my parents, and he didn't kill Pettigrew or those muggles. Make

no mistake he is powerful, very powerful in fact, but he is no murderer.

In fact he is my godfather." Harry explained.

Susan stared in disbelief, "But the Ministry...the Aurors..."

"Were not under your aunts leadership at the time. Trust me. Crouch

wanted nothing more than to appease the Wizarding World as he was

about to be up for election for Minister. Bagnold was ready to end the

whole thing and put Voldemort behind them for good. They arrested

Black without much investigation or a trial, and ended the thing right


"But that is so..."


"Yes! How could the Ministry do this! Sirius Black would have been the

Lord of House Black, and they didn't even warrant an investigation for

the arrest of a Pureblood Lord?"

"The Ministry is more corrupt that some might guess Miss Bones."

"So you know him then? You know where he is? You know that he is

innocent and that Pettigrew betrayed your parents?"

Harry took a defensive step back as if he was going to reach for his wand,

"How did you come to that conclusion?"

Susan recognizing immediate danger instantly began defending herself,

"My Aunt is the head auror Harry. It isn't hard for someone like me to see

a connection. If Black was arrested for murder of Pettigrew, but Pettigrew

is still alive, then Pettigrew had to be the one to murder those muggles,

and he had to be the one who betrayed your parents. If Black was

innocent like you say, then there would have been no reason for the man

to go after Pettigrew if he didn't hold some guilt over your parents death.

Which means the stories were wrong and that Peter Pettigrew was the

secret keeper to the fidelius charm in October of 81!"

The young man nodded his head deeply impressed, "And this why I hate

the Ministry. You don't even have your OWL yet Susan yet you were able

to figure this out in a five minute conversation. Its been fifteen years and

the Ministry never even questioned it!"

"If my auntie even had half the information you had just given me she

would have figured it out. She would have freed Sirius Black. She was

friends with him in their school days from what I heard from my

Grammy Bones. They may have even been romantically involved at some


Harry's head was now spinning with the information that he was given,

"Perhaps I need to sit down with your aunt then, and maybe I can make

something happen!"

In hopes of making amends, and possibly even a new friend she offered,

"I could set up an appointment between the two of you over the holidays.

You could come over to the manor and talk privately, she even has a

pensive that could help the situation. I can't promise you anything, but a

foot in the door!"

Harry stared at the pretty red headed Hufflepuff in front of him for a few

minutes, as if he was using Legillmency on the girl. Susan had even

considered the possibility of it, but knew her shields would have felt a

probe had he attempted anything. Finally after what felt like forever

Harry sighed, "I don't think I can do it."

Susan was extremely confused in that moment, "But Harry, if this man is

your godfather and innocent, don't you want to help him?"

Harry looked around sighing, rubbing his head with his fingers, "Its a

little more complicated than that. I don't get to really go home during the

holidays, because Hogwarts is my home. I usually spend it with Ron's

family with Dumbledore's permission. He doesn't let me go anywhere

while I am away from Hogwarts."

"No thanks to you or the headmaster Harry, but Dumbledore doesn't get a

say in what you do outside of school. He isn't your legal guardian if Sirius

is innocent!"

Harry looked puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Looking exasperated and slightly frustrated Susan exclaimed, "Harry! If

Black is really innocent and didn't have a trial then Gringotts and magic

itself will not have recognized anyone elses attempt at guardianship,

meaning if you took Dumbledore of the Weasley's or anyone else who

claims to be your guardian who has a say over your life to court, they

would lose. Unless Black specifically says you can't then you don't have to

do what any of these people say outside of school."

Harry seemed to take all this deeply into consideration before saying,

"Sirius won't let me leave if he thinks I could be going into danger or

anything that might put me at stake."

Susan immediately recoiled at that realizing just how Harry knew that

Sirius was innocent. He wasn't staying with the Weasley's he was staying

with the known fugitive and criminal Sirius Black. Susan knew it was

better not to address that though, especially after she had seen how

thorough Harry was with his wand work, she didn't stand a chance if he

decided she knew to much and obliviated her. She had heard the rumors

behind the second year professor Lockhart incident to, whether they had

any truth to them was not something she was super keen on finding out.

Before she could think her plan or response out she said, "Be my


Harry's eyebrows shot into his hairline, "Excuse me?"

The redhead blushed a color that rivaled her hair as she stuttered out her

response, "We pose as a couple for the next few days to spread the

thought into everyone's minds. Then over the break you tell the Weasley's

or Dumbledore, or whoever that you want to see your girlfriend just for a

few hours over the holidays. Whether that be Christmas Day, New Years,

or whatever. We don't tell anyone the truth, and then we get in my aunts

ear about your godfather, and we could get the ball rolling towards an

investigation, and Harry by the time Easter rolls around you could have

your godfather attending your quidditch matches."

Harry put his hands on his hips in deep thought with a small smile

tugging on his face, which Susan secretly thought was quite adorable on

the young man. Harry didn't say anything for only a few more moments

then said, "Okay lets do it."

Susan nodded her head, while Harry asked, "So how do we do this?"

Susan looked at the boy questioningly while he turned a bit red, "Well I

have never had a girlfriend before so, I am kind of at a lost as to how to

do all this stuff!"

Susan's eyes widened, "You've never heard a girlfriend? What about

Granger? Or Chang? Or even Patil at the Yule Ball?"

Harry scowled, "I'm not pulling your chain Susan, I have never had a

girlfriend including any of those 3."

Susan held her hands up in surrender clearly detecting some defensive

hostility, "Sorry right. Well the best thing to do is hold my hand in front

of a bunch of people, offer to walk me to my classes, sit with me at lunch,

maybe kiss me on the cheek if you are feeling bold and want to really sell


Harry shrugged, "Seems easy enough!

Susan gave him a small smile, "Yeah, though if you have sometime I do

have some of my own questions that I would love to ask you, if we have

extra time over the holidays."

Looking at the picture that hung on the mirror Harry said distractedly,

"Yeah I am an open book, you can ask me whatever you want!"

"I will hold you to that Harry!"

As he stared at the picture with such intensity Susan began to wonder if

she was intruding on something personal, "Well I am going to go."

Harry immediately snapped out of his trance, "I'll walk you to your dorm

then, as that seems to be one of my boyfriend duties!"

Susan gave the boy smile and offered her hand out to him, "That it is!

Good job passing the first test!"

Harry gave the girl a coy smile as he took her hand, "Your going to be

testing me then professor Bones?"

Taking it in stride, "That I am Mr. Potter, you make a a good teacher, lets

see how you do as the student!"

With that the two walked out hand in hand alone. They were the last out

of the room of requirement as most of the crowd had fled earlier in hope

of avoiding Harry's obvious ire!

As the two were walking Harry realized it must have gotten pretty late as

they passed a window that led to nothing but darkness, "We may be out

past curfew. If I show you something very secret as my fake girlfriend do

you promise not to tell anyone?"

Susan looked at the boy curiously and nodded, "As long as its not super

illegal and will jeopardize my Aunt's job or my life then I won't tell a

soul. You have the promise of a Hufflepuff!"

Harry nodded, "Don't worry its nothing like that, but it could see me

expelled with Umbridge on the warpath she is on right now."

With that he pulled out a large piece of folded up parchment and drew

his wand looking around. Susan was about to accuse him of being

mental, but not for the first or last time, Harry Potter surprised her with

10 words, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!"

With that a map evolved in front of her. With hundreds of names all over

it, and little footsteps by each name. Harry quickly scanned the map,

folded it up and said, "Mischief Managed!"

Susan spat out a response quickly, "What the bloody hell was that?"

Harry grinned, "A family secret and heirloom! Only a few people in

Gryffindor know about it!

Susan shook her head, "Harry Potter you are full of surprises! Are we


"We will have to take a secret passage, but we should be all good, I will

check it again when I drop you off!"

Susan was not about to question how Harry knew the secret passage way

system in the castle that was supposed to be only known to the head

master, but she sure was glad he did.

When they reached the Hufflepuff floor she was almost unsurprised when

Harry took her right up to the dorm room which was supposed to also be

a secret, "Harry can I ask you something before you let me go?"

Harry turned to face the girl directly in front of the Hufflepuff common

room, "Sure, whats up?"

"The picture in the Room of Requirements? What is it?"

Harry froze for a second, "Thats a tough question, because I am held

under magical oaths and charms. The best I can tell you is its a group my

parents fought with in the first war against Voldemort."

"My parents were in that picture Harry..."

Harry recoiled in surprise, "Then it seems we have a lot more to talk

about over the holidays than I thought. I will see what I can do to tell

you more...are they...?"

"Yes...by Voldemort himself. My dad dueled him long enough for my

mom to get me out. We apparated to a safe point when we were

ambushed by an unknown death eater. He or she killed my mom and

tried to take me, but Aunt Amelia and a team of aurors showed up and

took me."

Harry looked pained by the story, "I'm sorry Susan, I didn't know."

Susan gave the boy a sad smile, "Your parents weren't the only ones who

died for what they loved Harry. Mine were actually some of the first to

go. I am not ashamed to be that child, nor do I hold any ill will towards

the subject. They died heroes fighting for their family. My dad told

Voldemort to his face that he would rather die on his feet then live on his

knees. From what they tell me my dad was no upstanding duelist either,

but he held him for nearly three minutes. Longer than just about anybody

else, longer than many aurors could."

Harry nodded, "I wish there was something better I could say, but all I

have is that I am sorry, and that I am going to do my best to prevent

things like that happening in our generation, and if any of us go down

then we go down fighting, and taking as many SOBs as we can with us.

That's a promise Susan."

The girl looked up at the boy wiping away an incoming tear, "Well

goodnight Harry, and thank you for the words."

Harry gave her a smile and she walked towards the barrels and before

she could open the door to her common room Harry called out to her,

"Hey Susan?"

The red headed girl turned around to see Harry right behind her planting

a kiss on her cheek. The two didn't say anything for only a moment then

he said, "Thank you for the chance to save my godfather, I know there

are no promises, but its nice to have some hope again. Also I wanted our

first kiss to be in private, just in case I botched it!"

The girl laughed lightly at that, which sounded nearly musical to Harry,

"It wasn't bad Mr. Potter, but I expect more practical work in the future

to ensure optimum potential."

Harry shivered at her nearly perfect recall of Umbridge's sickeningly

sweet voice, "Goodnight Susan."

"Goodnight Harry!"

(A/N) So I hope everyone likes that chapter. I got 5 yes and 1 no,

but didn't really mind, for the lemons, so I will let it go for another

week or so, and then change the story rating if need be! Cheers, and

please review!

Questions: Do we want Amelia Bones to die? Do we want her with

Sirius? Tell me about what you would like to see done with her


3. Building a Trust

Chapter 3

Harry didn't say anything to his housemates or friends that night about

Susan, so imagine the whole school's surprise when Harry walked past his

two best friends the day before the express departs for the holidays to sit

at the Hufflepuff table and plant a gentle kiss on Susan Bone's cheek

while sitting down as if he belonged there his whole life! The whispers

were immediate, but Harry played it off like he knew nothing, "Good

morning Susan, sleep well?"

The girl gave him a large smile and before she could retort a squeaky

voice came from behind, "Good morning Mr. Potter, forgive my intrusion,

but I was just wondering what you might be doing?"

Without even turning to address the elephant in the room Harry stared

into Susan's eyes saying, "Having a pleasant breakfast with my girlfriend

Professor Umbridge, you have yet to make an educational decree about

that, or did you do slam that one in there while I was sleeping last


Professor Umbridge giggled falsely, "Now now Mr. Potter, you know it is

school rules that each student must sit at their house table for all meals

of the day."

Before Harry could retort Susan used her excellent impersonation of the

professor with a sickly sweet voice, "Actually professor, the Hogwarts

guidelines and rule book which can be found in your friend Mr. Filches

offices states that any member of any house can sit at any table with the

exception of three days, can you guess what days those are Harry?"

Grinning at the brilliant red head he responded, "Opening feast,

Halloween, and the last day of school."

Before further interuption could come Professor Sprout came bustling

down the hall, "Ten points to Hufflepuff and Gryffindor for a good show

of house unity, another 5 to you Ms. Bones for checking in the school

rules before inviting Mr. Potter to have breakfast with us. As long as

there is no disruption or tension from the majority of your housemates,

then I am glad to have another student sitting at our table!"

The bat like professor turned slowly to face her colleague and gave a very

large predatory smile, "Now Pomona, I do believe that encouraging

defiance particularly in young Mr. Potter ought to be avoided and-"

"Good lord Delores the boy if following school rules, if you have that

much of a problem with it then I suggest you get to the Ministry and start

working on educational decree number 84 or whatever number you may

be on today." Professor Sprout put her hand on her hips and gave the

women a defiant glare.

The two women stared each other down, and Harry heard Dumbledore in

the background talking more to himself than anyone else, "Why the

house elves made some fine tea this morning."

This literally caused Professor Umbridge to flinch and immediately flee

the hall in attempt to create another educational decree as suggested.

When the women was out of ear shot Harry turned to his Herbology

teacher, "Thanks for that Professor Sprout!"

The women shook her head towards the door, "Someone has to stick up

for what rules are left around here. Besides Mr. Potter if you are

welcomed by Ms. Bones for any reason at this table then I along with the

rest of Hufflepuff will support the invitation. Enjoy your breakfast!"

As Professor Sprout stomped back to the staff table Hannah Abbot whom

was sitting across from the new couple the whole time whispered, "Hey

Potter, I am guessing you forgot to tell your pals and housemates about

your new relationship status, yeah?"

Harry and Susan both looked at the girl curiously and she tilted her head

towards the direction of the Gryffindor table causing the two to turn their

heads to discreetly to look at Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, who were in

hush whispers at the table. Harry shrugged it off casually, "Yeah, when I

got back to my dormitory last night, everyone was either asleep or

avoiding me. Whoever Susan told is completely her business, but nobody

asked me where I was or who I was with, so I didn't tell anyone!"

Ernie McMillan who was seated nearby laughed, "Merlin Potter they

probably thought you were going to blast one of them to pieces after last

nights altercations. By the way how did you to going from dueling to

dating in just a couple of hours? Your wand work must be better than we


Harry who missed the innuendo shrugged, but Susan caught it quick, "Oh

yeah he is pretty good! He has offered to show me a couple of tricks, and

give me a few extra lessons after each DA meeting."

The pretty red head said it with a wink, but Harry missed it again causing

the nearby Puffs to laugh up a storm, but Harry who was still not

understanding the whole concept said, "It just takes a lot of practice!"

This caused the eruption, that literally made Justin Finch-Fletchleys

morning Pumpkin Juice to shoot out of his nose! Harry however was

watching the scene in confusion, which was misinterpreted slightly.

Wayne Hopkins another fifth year Puff said, "Ease it up their Potter! We

know the Griffs like to be serious all the time, but us Puffs over here like

to keep things real laid back! As long as none of our own are being

persecuted we like to keep the party ratings up, and the detention/

fatality level to a real low!"

This caused some nods of agreements and even some high fives, while

Harry nodded, "Sounds good to me, I could use a bit of a laid back

atmosphere, a third of the school thinks I am a liar, another third thinks I

am a murderer, and the last third is usually my staunchest supporters.

Nice to be on a bit of neutral ground. Though I still don't get what was so

funny earlier."

That caused some more snickers down the line, but Susan whispered in

Harry's ear really quietly, "I still think your cute!"

Harry wasn't sure that if the whispering was supposed to be apart of the

act so he simply smiled and once again kissed the girl on the cheek.

Nobody else had to know that he was a nervous wreck the first time, as it

was his first official kiss.

When lunch ended Harry attended to his boyfriend duties and walked

Susan to class without a shred of complaints. When he left her at potions

he met up with the rest of his classmates whom were all heading to

Professor Planks care of magical creatures class.

Hermione spent the rest of the day giving gentle indicators and cues that

she wanted to know how him and Susan hooked up, but he pretended not

to know what she was talking about each time, and to keep the act up

just gave small smiles as if he were thinking of something or someone


By the end of the school day though, later in the common room finally

Ron was tired of Hermione beating around bush and asked," Merlin,

enough Hermione! Harry mate, when did you and Susan start seeing each


Harry shrugged his shoulders, "Last night after the meeting. While all you

guys were running with your tails tucked between your legs Susan finally

approached me to ask her questions, and apologize about the way she

acted. Of course I apologized first, but her follow up apology was a nice

addition for sure. We talked, that led to this, and here we are now,

having this conversation."

Hermione sniffed a bit and stared at Harry expectantly, "Thats it?"

Harry agreed with a small smile, "Thats it Hermione, no complicated

puzzle no sinister plots, just someone who found me interesting outside

of me being the boy who lived, asked me out and I said yes. We knew we

couldn't do Hogsmeade because of Umbridge, but you know we are

dealing with what we got so she asked me to be her boyfriend and I said


Ron clapped his hands together clearly pleased, "Well done mate! Bones

isn't exactly hard on the eyes. I would offer you my congratulations, but

from the Hogwarts rumor mill I hear you don't need them!"

Harry chuckled a bit, "Thanks Ron, but you know about how reliable that

circuit of news it!"

Scoffing Hermione replies, "About as reliable as the daily prophet, but

really Harry! Don't you think its a bad time? With the Ministry?

Umbridge? Voldemort? The DA? OWLS? Dumb-"

Interrupting the brainiac for a moment Harry spoke clearly, "Hermione, if

I survive all of this, and we all get to live in peaceful times again I want

to be able to say that I didn't stay indoors hiding from death eaters. I

want to live my life! Maybe not like a normal teenager, but I want to live

it! Susan is a nice girl, surely you don't protest to that?"

Hermione looked to counter, but came up with nothing which allowed

Harry to continue, "Exactly, which means she will be a good first

girlfriend for me, I will get some experience about what I should do with

a girl, she may teach me a few things, I may teach her a few things, isn't

that what growing up is all about? I mean I am not about to go get

married to her or anything, but its something that I want to see where it


Harry wasn't quite sure why he was so keen to jump to the defense of

Susan, but after all she was putting her reputation on the line by helping

him out, so the least he can do is defend her honor, and make sure she is

well defended in the Gryffindor common room! When clearly no more

opposition was going to come from his friends he said, "Look I seem to

have Ron's support?"

He looked to his best male friend who nodded his head then he turned

back to bushy haired girl, "I would really appreciate it if I had your's to

Hermione, you guys are my best mates! I need you guys as much as I did

yesterday when I was going stag in life!"

Hermione stared at Harry for a moment, and the temperature in the room

seem to get really warm with all the tension, but it died when she took a

deep breath, "Okay Harry. I am going to do this for you, but I will be

keeping my ear to the ground on Susan, I don't want to see you getting

hurt, or this be some kind of cruel trick!"

Harry just about jumped into defend his faux girlfriend again, but

realized he couldn't say anymore without revealing ulterior motives!

With the conversation being over and the day dying quickly the three

friends made their way to the room of requirements on the seventh floor,

where some of its members were hanging out inconspicuously across the

top habitable floor at Hogwarts. The leader of the DA had already

checked the Marauders Map before coming, and quickly checked again

before opening the door to the groups hangout, and he was glad to see

that Susan, Hannah, and a few of the other puffs were already waiting

around near the entrance to the room.

Upon arrival the DA took their hushed whispers as Harry fake

commanded the door open with the waves of his wand. The reality was

he was taking small steps pacing back and fourth to create the need for

the room. Hermione had come up with the idea, so that way no one from

the DA would truly be able to open the room without them knowing

about it. They had yet to figure out away to plot the room on the

Marauders Map, but once they could they agreed to share the room a

little more extensively.

There were small greetings between everyone once they had gathered in

the room, and even gave some of the late members a few minutes to

show up before beginning the lesson, "Thanks for coming tonight guys.

This is our last night, so instead of taking things serious, and causing

some emotional distress we are going to do something a little more fun!"

One of the girls in front giggled, a girl Harry recognized to be Romilda

Vane, "Geez Bones what's your secret? One day of being Potter's new

girlfriend and you already have him giving the DA a bit of relief and


There were some sniggers in the group, but before Harry could say

anything Susan stepped up to the plate with quite the surprise, "Harry

and I actually agreed to leave our relationship at the door when we are in

here, for at least as long as people are in here with us. We don't want

anything interfering with everyone's practice, and we certainly don't

want to make anyone uncomfortable. So please guys out of respect for

Harry if anything try to keep the comments down during the DA lessons!"

Harry nodded his head gratefully at the girl, "Were all friends here, and

joking around is good, and yes Romilda I did think the DA had been

working really hard, so I thought one good lesson of the Patronus charm

may ease people up a bit for the holidays. No matter whether the spell

works or not, I can guarantee you will be walking out of here with a

smile on your face!"

Some excited whispers rang throughout the group, and Harry gave his

Hufflepuff friend and impressed smile at her ability to keep it all going

on the fly, "Okay guys like I showed you on the first night, the Patronus

charm is a very simple wand motion, but it is not the motion that

produces the charm, but a memory or an emotion. Though I do not have

the background to prove it, I myself do not use a memory, but an

emotion to power this charm. Professor Lupin taught this to me in third

year, as you all had obviously seen at the quidditch matches or heard

about it, you know they affected me rather drastically. So the good

professor taught me this charm. At the time however I did not have a

happy enough memory to produce this kind of magic, so I used an

emotion. An emotion powerful to my specific soul."

Cho Chang raised her hand nearby, "Is the Patronus charm soul magic

then Harry?"

Hermione however stopped Harry from answering this question as she

said, "I actually asked Professor Flitwick that same question Cho, but he

told me that it was something much older than soul magic, but it was

emotional magic. Without giving a history lesson to everyone, the first

type of magic was something from pure emotion, whether that be anger,

hate or love. That was long before spells were ever invented/"

Harry nodded, "Yes, so the more powerful the emotion the more powerful

this charm is. Now Professor Lupin says your happiest memory can

usually power a good patronus, but for it to take form and be truly

powerful it must come from the heart. Today we are just going to try and

produce the mist though. Feel free to spread yourselves out in groups or

however you like as you practice the charm. Feel free to talk among

yourselves to try and think of something happy! That is the key here guys


As the group of DA members spread out Harry immediately began

helping the Ravenclaw as Hermione predicted they would be the

toughest to work with. It was only a few minutes before someone got

their first mist produced, and unsurprisingly it was a Gryffindor, what

was surprising however was that it was Colin Creevy!

What got to Harry though later was that Colin had not only produced the

first patronus, but he swore he saw it beginning to attempt to take a

form. That either meant Colin was more powerful than he gave the boy

credit for, or he had one very happy memory! Neither would completely

shock the leader of the Defense Association, but he was curious.

Harry quickly found a trend in the people who were producing patronus

were muggleborn. It didn't at that point take a genius to figure it out. For

most magical kids finding out they had magic was something they

discovered when they were very young. Harry however understood from

being raised by muggles, and basically anti magic folk, that finding out

you were special, and could do things only a few beings in the world

could do, was amazing!

Harry heard some people sharing their memories with other people

trying to spark more memories, but the room went dead silent when a

rabbit began darting around the room! When Harry looked to see who he

should be congratulating he saw Luna Lovegood holding her wand with a

very happy smile, that could almost be heartbreaking, as he could see the

pain behind it. He knew her story, and much like him, it was a tragedy.

Harry quickly and loudly congratulated the young Ravenclaw for the

corporeal patronus, "Well done Luna! That is a beautiful patronus! If

what Remus tells me, your animal can sometimes change in your life, so

keep working at it, fantastic!"

An hour passed and most of the class had been able to produce at least a

bit of a mist, while very select few were taking weak forms of animals.

Some they were able to decipher, others would still be a mystery for

quite sometime. No one had produced one like Harry or Luna, but Harry

was happy with the results. He figured however that without the pressure

of a dementor and all the core exercises they had been doing, there were

some pretty powerful young witches and wizards in the room that may

all one day be capable of producing a true patronus!

The last person Harry worked with was Susan, he came to her after he

had nearly helped everyone else and the girl was clearly frustrated. Harry

came up behind her clearly watching the concentration on the pretty girls

face, and when she attempted to cast the spell for an unknown number of

times he spoke softly, "You need a different memory Susan. Whatever you

are using isn't strong enough to your soul."

Susan swung her wand in frustration, "Its the happiest I have ever been

or could imagine being."

Harry nodded, "Okay, take a break, we will work on it, but let me get

everyone else out of here. I promise you we will get something before the

nights over."

The girl merely shook her head and walked back to her group of friends

while Harry called everyone together, "Fantastic work today everyone

truly! If people outside of this room could produce patronus like that

everywhere I guarntee you the guards of azkaban would be all but


There were some light applause to this while Harry continued, "This was

our last meeting for the holiday so go home and be with your families,

and practice what you can, and truly well done everyone!"

There was more applause, and Ron came around the corner, "Alright

Claws, you guys are all good to go, have a Happy Christmas, and see you

guys on the train tomorrow!"

No one any longer questioned just how Harry, Ron, and Hermione always

knew when the coast was clear, but by now the trust in the group was

pretty solid, and people were just grateful they had the tools or assets to

keep them out of trouble.

It didn't take long for Hermione and Ron to shuffle everyone out of the

room, and then it was just Susan and a few of her friends, including Ernie

and Hannah. Before the few Puffs left they threatened Harry jokingly to

have her back within 30 minutes of curfew, or they would go on Potter


Ron and Hermione followed the last of the Puffs out and quietly gave

Harry back the Marauders Map as it once again just became him and

Susan, "I don't mean to be personal Susan, but can I ask what memory

your using?"

Sharply she shot back, "Can I ask you what yours is?"

Harry recoiled a bit at her frosty tone, "Of course you can. I told you

though earlier, its not a memory its a thought. Its more of my

imagination then anything else. I suppose it could be real, but the truth is

I don't really know...its an image...of my mum and dad talking to

me...just talking. I don't need to imagine their warmth, or anything of

that nature, I just have to imagine the two of them talking to me. Before

there was any war, or Dark Lords. Its the three of us as a family. That is

my happiest emotion. Trust me I went through the loops with this. A

Dementor knocked me out 3 times before I got it. I tried to use the

memory of the first time I road a broom, the day I found out I was a

wizard, and even when I met Ron and Hermione, my first friends in the

world. The emotion is what powers this Susan, not the memory. Do you


Susan stared at Harry's emerald green eyes for several moments. Harry

had never been under the direct scrutinzation of a Bones women before,

but those piercing brown eyes were striking to him, and he felt as if he

was an open book to this red headed beauty. After a moment longer she

closed her eyes. She took several deep breaths. She cast the spell. It


Harry spoke commandingly, "Be confident Susan its in your head! Your

happy, you see the memory, you feel the memory, you taste, smell, hear

it all. Feel everything in the memory."

"Expecto Patronum!"

A mist finally formed, but Susan had yet to open her eyes and see it, and

Harry knew she wanted to be pushed, "If its sad Susan cry, if its happy or

funny feel free to laugh, the moment you are creating is as real as it will

ever be right now! Call it to you, pull your magic to create this moment."

This time she opened her eyes and flicked her wand out faster, "EXPECT


A small creature on four legs erupted from the wand of the fifth year

Hufflepuff, and it was fast and darting around the room with an intent to

smell something out, or attack, whatever came first. Harry was only a

little surprised to see that the corproreal Patronus of Susan Bones, was a


Susan watched the creature in awe, while Harry did it in appreciation,

"The animal your patronus takes is the animal that reflects you or your

past the most. The badger represents your house, loyalty, fierceness,

protectiveness, and many other fine qualities. Congratulations."

The girl smiled very brightly in the light of her patronus, and when the

little creature faded she took a deep breath, "Its tiring!"

"It can be very tiring! The stronger it becomes, the tougher it is to hold,

but it will help you grow your core pretty quick! I think my core took its

biggest jump while practicing this all the time, several times a day!"

Susan shook her head in amazement, then began to look sheepish, "I am

sorry about snapping at you Harry! I was embarrassed that all my friends

were getting the spell down with at least a little success while I couldn't

seem to do anything right today!"

Harry shook his head, "I disagree, I think you did lots of things right!"

Susan looked at the boy questioningly, but he didn't have to think long to

compile a few things, "Your execution of this whole plan has been

flawless, your on the spot acting is great, and you are handling these

things beautifully, and things are turning out far better than I predicted

on all this! Plus you managed a corporeal patronus much brighter and

stronger than anything Hermione or Luna managed to produce! Well

done Susan, well done!"

The girl gave a shy smile, "Be careful Harry its starting to sound like your

beginning to like me!"

Harry returned the smile, "Oh don't worry Susan I like you plenty, and I

really do appreciate everything you are doing for me!"

"Its not half as much as what you are doing for all of us Harry, really

thank you!"

The two gazed at each other for a moment and Harry felt the urge to say

or do something to win the approval of the girl in front of him, but

before he could she said, "Its getting late, would you mind walking me

back to my dorm?"

Harry wanted to say something more, but couldn't find the words so

settled with, "Of course Susan, come on, we can take the shortcut again!:"

The two walked in very companionable silence for the rest of the walk.

Harry wasn't sure if it was out of comfort or instinct that he took her

hand either. He didn't really care though. When they made it to the

Hufflepuff common room, the red head turned around, "This is me Harry,

thank you!"

With the girl kissed him bravely on both cheeks, and turned to common

room, "Goodnight Harry! See you on the train!"

Harry waved gently to the girl, "You can count on it Susan, goodnight!"

(A/N) Thanks for the all the positive reviews! You guys have been

great so far, and I look forward to reading more feedback. It really


So questions... Ron and Hermione friends to the end? I have always

like the character of Collin Creevy, and I am thinking about making

him a little more prominent. Thoughts?

4. The Head of Magical Law


Chapter 4

A large snake of unknown origin slithered down the hallway of a forbidden

location. His eyes appeared to be narrow slits, but the truth was this creature

could see the whole room, and everything within it. In the distance he saw a

man with a partially lit wand, clearly someone who attempting to hide

something from the world, and whatever it was hiding, the snake wanted to

find out. For this was not a creature of secrets.

As the beast slithered upon the man it was clear that he had been spotted. A

spell was cast at the snake before he could decide whether he was going to

strike, but once the spell washed over it, the creature was angry. Incredibly so.

It lashed out opening its mouth and scraping his teeth across the human being.

Making him want to suffer for his unprovoked attack. He bit him again and

again, and the creature felt glee from the pain of the man whom he made pay

for attacking him. The snake let out a bellyful laugh that did not sound at all

like a reptile of any kind, but an evil human being that has haunted the

nightmares of many.

A young man with emerald green eyes and a scar on his forehead bolted

out of bed in fright. He knew the man that was being attacked in his

dreams. It was the father of his best mate. He was dripping in sweat, and

felt dirty, as if he had comitted a terrible crime. It was clear that his

dream had awoken up some of the others, and for some reason he could

not shake the feeling that what he saw was more than just a dream so he

took a chance, "Ron, get McGonagall , we have to get to the headmaster,


Neville who was getting closer to the bed now clearly alarmed, "Harry

whats happened?"

Harry and Ron made eye contact, and Ron never did respond to Harry as

he darted out of the common in seek of his head of house. Harry

attempted to stand, but he collapsed into Neville's waiting arms, "Easy

there Harry, I got you! I will help you get to Ron and McGonagall just

hold on!"

Harry wasn't positive of where he was, which resembled the state he was

in perfectly. He hardly even knew who he was in that moment. When

McGonagall came through the portrait with Ron she looked highly alarm,

"Potter what is it?"

Harry shook his head, "Professor it has to do with the Order, we have to

speak with Dumbledore!"

The head of Gryffindor House merely sighed, "Potter it is nearly 3 in the

morning, whatever you have to speak with the headmaster about, can't it

wait till morning?"

Shaking his head quickly, "No professor, I think its Mr. Weasley, I think

he has been attacked!"

The women eyed one of her favorite pupils with great surprise and much

worry while finally nodding, "Very well, Mr Longbottom can you please

help Mr Weasley escort Potter and I to the headmasters office?"

Neville nodded his head as Ron with a bit more urgency swept under

Harry's arm and helped practically carry their young leader down the

grand staircase. When they made it to the headmasters office Harry was

finally regaining his strength to as he could walk on his own two feet.

Ron and Neville were in no mood however to slow down and let him

gain his step.

It was only a matter of moments, before Harry was facing the fully awake

Headmaster of Hogwarts whom had been avoiding him semester, "Good

evening gentlemen, I don't suppose you have come to me at this hour for

a drink, so please have a seat. Mr. Longbottom thank you for being an

astounding friend and carrying Mr Potter down here, but we can take it

here from here, goodnight!"

Neville whom had gained a lot of confidence from his recent success in

the DA stood tall however, "With respect Headmaster, if you don't want

me apart of the conversation, I would prefer to wait outside until Harry is

ready to go back to the common room."

Harry said, "I trust him headmaster, his parents were in the order, and he

has just as much right as Ron and I do to know what we do!"

Without looking or answering the boy Dumbledore turned to his second

in command, "What is the situation Minerva?"

The head of Gryffindor house immediately launched into her

explaination, "Mr. Weasley came banging on my doors, and I thought

someone had died. He told me that Harry was possibly hurt, or needed

some type of help so we hurried back, and I saw that Mr Longbottom had

helped Potter down the stairs where he told me that Mr. Weasley, I am

assuming he meant senior, was in trouble and needed our help, that is

really all I know!"

The witch then turned to one of her star pupils and awaited the rest of

the explanation, "Sir, Mr. Weasley was attacked by Voldemorts snake, I

don't know where you have him, or what he was doing, but I know he

doesn't work this late on his own accord, please send someone to help


Dumbledore was still looking everywhere, but at Harry while he swept

towards a few paintings giving quick commands on where people needed

to be going, including a picture of Sirius great grandfather Phineas

Nigelius who was supposed to inform the order and send immediate help

to Arthur Weasley, "In the dream were you watching the scene from

above, or merely standing nearby."

Frantically Harry was trying and failing to understand the situation,

"Neither, I was...This dream, are you sure it was real?"

Without answering the question Phinease returned to his photo, "Arthur

is alive, but gravely injured, he is being escorted to St. Mungos as we


Dumbledore chanced a quick glance at Harry as he nodded, "Inform them

that I will have Arthur's children gathered, and they will be arriving

shortly, by portkey!"

With that the Gryffindor head of house immediately darted out of the

room to retrieve the other Weasley children. Harry however was still out

of the world of focus, "Professor, can you please just tell me whats-"

Phineas responded quicky, "It was also told that the prophesy was not

discovered on this night!"

Dumbledore seemed to have a great deal let off his shoulders when he

heard that, "Oh Thank God, we-"


The young boy with emerald green eyes had enough of the whole

situation. He was tired, he was scared, and he felt terribly weak, "Whats

happening to me?"

The room went dead silent as all eyes were on Harry. A deep voice came

from behind the boy shortly after his explosion however, and the local

potions master had arrived, "You asked for me headmaster?"

Dumbledore nodded, "Yes Severus, I am afraid we cannot wait any

longer, not even till morning, otherwise we will all be vulnerable!"

Severus nodded and reached to grab Harry, but before he could he found

a wand at his chest, "Don't touch me! I am not going anywhere with

anyone, until someone tells me something."

Snape looked like he was about to smack the boy, but he quickly found

two more wands drawn on him. Neville no longer feared professor Snape

like he used to, and Ron was already in quite a state, so Harry felt his

two closest male friends covering his back as wands were clearly being

drawn, "How dare you!"

Dumbledore spoke calmly over the situation, "That is enough! Boys lower

your wands!"

Harry shook his head, "I want answers Headmaster, I am scared, and I

don't know whats happening to me, and all you have done this term and

this summer was avoid me. No more! I am not going anywhere

consciously or with a wand until I know something!"

Dumbledore raised his hands in a placating manner, "I understand your

confusion Harry, but please you must trust-"

"Trust is a two way street Headmaster, and I have trusted you with

everything and you have nearly gotten me killed at every turn! Please I

just want to know what's happening to me!" Harry begged.

Dumbledore looked saddened and greatly pained by this turn of events,

"Perhaps I will just send you back tonight with the Weasley's perhaps

sometime with your Godfather will soothe things over. Severus my friend

you may rest for the night. I will call for you if I need further assistance.

It is clear that our young Mr. Potter is not quite ready for his lessons as of


Snape glared from Harry to Dumbledore to the two boys still pointing

wands at him, and swooped out of the room.

Dumbledore turned to face his three young charges and spoke gravely,

"You three are all very good together. You remind me a bit of three other

boys who once walked these hallways. Though each of your situations

were different from there's, I believe you all to be quite similar. It is truly


Harry's frenzied rage had died, and he merely stared at the man he once

idealized, and knew tonight something had broken between them.

Dumbledore however did not say anything of it, and merely continued

with his line of thought, "I think you all should stick together, for the

greater good. I believe you can all do wonderful things together, and I do

hope that you won't lose yourselves in the coming times, with what may


The cryptic message was not understood, but Ron and Neville who

understood a warning when they heard one exchanged nervous looks.

Harry was still staring defiantly at the headmaster when his head of

house returned with the other Weasley children, "Excellent, you will be

going straight to St. Mungos to be beside your father. I am afraid tonight

he was gravely injured, but has the best care in the magical world

looking out for him right now. Mr. Potter you shall be first to leave

however, as you are going back to Grimmauld place."

Harry glared at the headmaster once more, but knew he couldn't be so

selfish as to keep his best mate and practical family away from their

father, so instead he turned to Neville, "Tell Susan I'm sorry, and give her

the bare minimum of what happened, and inform her that I will send her

a letter the moment I wake up tomorrow."

Neville nodded in understanding, and said, "Happy Holidays Harry, if you

need me, owl me."

Harry gave the boy an appreciated smile, and stepped towards the floo.

He wasn't thrilled with the situation, but did understand his needs were

not as great as the others!

A few days had passed into the holiday season. Mr. Weasley had

recovered, and was told that he would make a full recovery with just a

little bit of time.

Sirius was surprised and thrilled to have Harry home a day early, and his

heart was warmer with his godfather back in his presence, and prayed to

every god that may or may not have existed that one day he would be a

free man.

With those thoughts on his mind he had started his correspondence with

Susan about when they were going to meet up. They had thought either

Boxing day or New Years would be there best bet on selling the whole

thing to whoever was in charge at the order that day.

He had also exchanged gratitude and correspondence with Neville since

he had gotten to Grimmauld place. Harry never knew the boy could be so

brave, but what also shocked him was his loyal conviction that he wasn't

sure a Hufflepuff could have faced down.

Harry had told Sirius that he had a new girlfriend and that he was hoping

to see her on the day after Christmas so they could exchange gifts, and

spend a bit of time together and the man was ecstatic to hear that Harry

had one, but even more so when he heard that he was being invited to

her home the day after Christmas!

The green eyed boy couldn't wait to get his godfather in on his plan

maybe, but he was also cautious because he didn't want anyone to stop

him until he got the wheels rolling.

Christmas came and gone, which allowed Mr. Weasley to return home to

his kids just before the holiday would be over. That made everyone in the

house a little more humble and thankful that year, despite the

circumstances of what they knew would be the coming days.

On boxing day Harry rose a little excited from his bed. When Sirius saw

him he thought he was nervous to meet the parents of his girlfriend, but

truly the man had no idea. He had yet to tell Ron or Hermione his plan to

leave yet, but figured as long as he Sirius' permission then no harm could

be done.

When he finally got ready to leave however he was quickly proven wrong

of his theory. As he was preparing to enter the floo network Molly

Weasley of all people came storming into the kitchen, "Harry Potter just

where are you going?"

Harry recoiled in shock at the tone of the women's voice, "To Bones

Manor Mrs. Weasley? I am visiting Susan for the day."

The women immediately came bustling over shaking her head, "Not

without Dumbledore's permission your not, now get upstairs go, go!"

Harry pulled away from the women as she approached, "I got permission

from Sirius, and he is my godfather and this is his house, so if you don't

mind Mrs. Weasley, I would really to see my girlfriend as I do miss her!"

Harry thought he came off at a perfect level of respect and defensive, but

clearly he was wrong, "Why the nerve of you men! You don't get to just

leave without asking permission of the headmaster!"

Harry all but shouted back, "The headmaster is not my father! He does

not make decisions for me, and if he has in the past that ends today. To

say my faith in the man has been shooken is an understatement."

Molly recoiled as if he said he was devil himself, "Mind your tongue

young man!"

Before the women could retort however a new voice entered the room,

"What is going on here?"

It was Sirius to Harry's great joy, and he seemed quite irritated, when

Molly began talking before Harry, "Your Godson seems to think he go off

with some girl without asking anyone for permission!"

Sirius strided forward slowly, "He did have permission...from me!"

Molly shook her head, "That wasn't your decision to make!"

Harry growled out, "Its certainly not yours! Sirius is my godfather, he was

never convicted of a crime, and is technically my legal guardian. If Sirius

says I can go, then I am leaving!"

Sirius nodded, "Get out of here pup, I will handle this crowd until you get


Mrs. Weasley looked like she was going to stop him, but without any

further question he swooped up the floo power at barked out, "Bones


Green fire erupted around him and his stomach dropped heavily as he

was whisked across the country. When the fire subsided and he slid out

of the fireplace of his destination, he heard some giggling and groaned as

he knew he was on his back, "I hate magical travel! If it isn't a broom

then I really don't want anything to do with it!"

He quickly pulled himself to his feet, and saw a smiling, beautiful Susan

Bones, "I see you need work on your floo travel Harry. I heard rumors of

your less than graceful entrances, but I must admit I am impressed!"

Harry glared at the girl for only a split second, and then remembered

why he was there, "Thanks again for helping me do this, I hate that you

had to lie to your friends and be stuck with me for a few days!"

Susan shook her head, "You aren't exactly hard to be around Harry!

Besides I have enjoyed your company, before you ran out on me on the

last day of term."

Harry paled a bit at the memory and she asked, "Do you want to talk

about that?"

Shaking his head he responded, "Not today, I would have to explain a lot

more than a days worth of information for you to understand that one!"

The young women nodded with a bit of a sad smile, "Do you think we

still might time to talk after your done with my aunt?"

Harry grinned nodding, "Yeah that still sounds great! Like I told you

before I am an open book, I just don't like telling people half told stories,

or tales with only half the facts behind them. That is how are rumor mill

at school gets so drastic most of the time!"

Susan grinned at him, "Have you heard the ones about us?"

Harry groaned, "A few, though I have been trying to avoid them?"

Susan gigglged and put a teasing finger her mouth, "Oh so you don't like

the one where I seduced you in the room of requirements, and convinced

you to marry me and give me the Potter fortune!"

Harry rolled his eyes, "The rumors are always better than what really


He said this with a wink, which caught Susan by surprise, and made the

girl blush ever so slightly, however his moment of victory was short lived

when he heard a stern voice come into the room, "I hope you were not

entailing that you want my niece to seduce you Mr. Potter?"

Spinning on his heel he saw a lovely women at about forty wearing a

monocle over her left eye, and wearing quite sharp looking dress clothes,

"Of course not Madame Bones! I was merely playing! Susan gets me all

the time, and I was hoping to get her back at least once, of course my-"

"Timing was absolutely terrible?" The women asked chuckling lightly.

Harry nodded a bit sheepishly, "Maybe we can start over, I am Harry

Potter, and I don't know if Susan has told you, but I am her fake


The women raised an eyebrow at this, "Yes she told me your cover up,

and your reasons why. With the plan you two came up I am surprised I

am not staring at two Slytherins' instead of a Hufflepuff and Gryffindor


Harry nodded, "Professor Lupin told me my third year they sort us at 11

because if they sorted us at 13 we would all go to Slytherin."

The women chuckled, "Remus Lupin. A fine man, and a very worthy

scholar! A shame that he had to leave his post at Hogwarts, Suzy told me

that he was a fine teacher."

Harry nodded, "The best we ever had."

Susan shrugged, "Some of the DA might disagree with you on that Harry."

Harry stared at the girl in shock, but her aunt beat her to the explanation,

"Yes Susan explained to me what you were doing for the other students,

and I find it very admirable of you Mr. Potter. I would love to have you

work with some of my aurors on the patronus charm if you can produce

the same results you did with Susan. I dare say her Patronus is almost as

powerful as my own."

The green eyed boy grinned sheepishly, "Remus Lupin taught me ma'am,

perhaps you should seek him sometime. I could give you a way to contact


The women nodded in thought, "Perhaps, though he is not the reason we

gathered here today is it? Susan would not budge on just what you

needed, but told me it was the up most importance, and that we were to

meet in complete secret. So here I am. If you are submitting the

information of inquiry you have for me today in a legal sense then I have

brought Veritserum home from work, and my pensieve is just in the other

room, if you just wish to speak on certain events however none of that

will be necessary."

Harry gulped a bit realizing it was time to get down to business, "I will

submit to whatever practices you might want so you may get the truth,

but I swear to you that to the knowledge I have today this is the truth."

Harry delved into the story of Sirius Black, and his meeting in third year.

He pulled back the blinds on the very gross miscarriage of justice that

had happened for all these years, and the women was openly hostile

about the conversation at first, but she softened greatly after she asked

the same questions with him under the truth serum. Harry tried to tell

the women easily as he knew it was easily life changing knews he had

just dropped on her, and potentially even career defining.

The last thing he did was show her the memories of the last few nights of

his third year that led his reuniting with Black, and the moment where

Pettigrew reappeared.

When they emerged from the final memory the women was shocked.

Susan had been allowed to watch it all as well, as she already knew the

whole story from Harry. It was then when the women sat down in her

chair, and began cursing almost inaudibly.

To break the ice Susan spoke, "It was why I suggested this meeting. I

thought and hoped that with some luck that Harry might have his

godfather back sometime this Easter!"

The women spoke softly, as clearly she was devastated by the news, "The

hell with Easter, my department will begin the investigation today, and I

will have my day in court before you kids are back in school. This is

preposterous! I knew Sirius Black my entire time at Hogwarts, and he

was a soul with a mean streak a mile wide to people who wronged him,

but James and that boy were brothers. Not even the Imperious would

have turned those two against each other, and I fell for it. I was a rookie

auror when all this went down, but I didn't even raise an eyebrow at it. I

just took it lying over without asking any questions."

Susan stood by the women and hugged her tightly, "Oh Auntie, you

couldn't have known."

When the two women separated Harry stood trying to relieve himself of

the awkward situation, "I should leave you to your thoughts Madame


The women however quickly wiped at her good eye and stood fast,

"Wrong you are Mr. Potter, now is not the time for that. Now we must

compile a list of evidence as quickly as possible, witnesses that can come

to all of this. I will have to pull some strings to get Sirius his court date,

and call an emergency Wizengamot session, that I will need you at Harry.

Do I have full permission to use the memories, and veritserum evidence

that I acquired today in court?

The green eyed boy nodded furiously, "Of course Madame Bones. You can

use whatever means necessary to get Sirius free."

"Do you have a means of contacting him?" The stern women inquired.

Harry looked a little sheepish at that question, "Yes ma'am I do!"

She raised an eyebrow at the coloring of his cheeks, and new the answer

to her next question, so skipped it in order to not incriminate the boy at

all, "Very well, inform him that I will summoning him to court for his fair

trial day, and that he has the words of Lady Bones, the head of

Department of Magical Law Enforcement, as well as an old friend that he

will be protected."

Harry smiled hopefully, "I will let him know as soon as possible then."

Madame Bones nodded, "I will want Remus Lupin to come to this trial to,

so if you have a means of contacting him that will be perfect, otherwise, I

will send some people to hunt him down."

"No ma'am, I no where he is as well, and will be seeing him in just a few

days." Harry explained.

"Good. I will reach out to Minerva, your head of house, as well as a

couple of old classmates to come and testify on his behalf, or whatever

may be necessary to see this go down fairly, and legally." The women's

brain was clearly running a mile a minute as she went over to the floo,

"Suzy I am going to the office today, we need to get this ball rolling now.

The longer we wait the more that could go wrong. Harry you are

welcome to stay here, I just ask that you respect my home in my


Susan blushed, while Harry gawked at the insinuation, "Ma'am we really

are just friends."

Amelia gave a sideways glance at the two before nodding, "I will leave

the pensieve here for now, so feel free to use it Suzy for anything that

may come up, and let me know if I need to be made aware of anything

before this day is over."

With that the head of the Bones family slipped into the floo network and

vanished with green fire.

(A/N) Okay so that was the first chapter of putting the plan in legal

motion. Susan and Harry make quite the team, and it seems so far

we have positive reviews on how their relationship is being

portrayed. The next chapter is nothing but Harry and Susan getting

to know each other, and the lead up to Harry going back to face the

order! Stay tune, and please review.

Questions: Should Harry be forced to stand trial? What do we want

to see happen after the trial? Marriage contract between Susan and

Harry? Or true love conqueors all? You tell me in the comments

section below! Cheers!

5. Locked Away Memories

Chapter 5

It was just Harry and Susan in Bones manor for the remainder of the day.

The two kept it pretty light until around dinner time, when they decided

to sit down and eat together before sending Harry back, "You know I am

glad this all went well, I half expected Dumbledore to show up and

demand I return to Headquarters!"

Susan lifted her small glass of wine off the table asking, "Headquarters?"

Harry stuttered a bit before saying, "You know I trust you Susan, but

there are somethings that are dangerous to know. I don't want to

endanger you like that."

The girl leaned back in her chair a bit clearly befuddled by what had just

been said, "I don't understand Harry, are you in some kind of danger?"

Shaking his head a bit he shrugged. "No more than I usually am I guess. I

don't know if you've noticed yet, but I am kind of a magnet for trouble!"

"You know there are a lot of people who are envious of you at school!

Even some of the members of the DA, I mean who doesn't want a little

excitement in their life!" Susan said neutrally.

"Yeah its really great to almost be killed every year, or be forced into

tournaments that are designed to kill you. Its so much fun when your

friends life is on the line, and your mistake could cost them their lives."

Harry said sarcastically and bitterly.

Susan recoiled a bit, "I only felt that way towards you our first year. You

guys were so behind in our first year in the house points, but on the last

day Dumbledore awarded all those points, and you all won the cup!"

Harry snorted a bit, "Yeah that was kind of ridiculous. Dumbledore told

me he wanted to keep the whole Quirrel incident to a minimum, but then

he rewarded us all those points, and the whole school had to have known

something went down."

This was the questions that Susan had been waiting for, she had hoped an

opportunity would arise to ask some of these questions, and get some

answers. The young red head was much like her aunt, she loved puzzles,

but she hated them when pieces were missing, and Harry Potter was a

very large missing puzzle, "So something did go down between the two of

you. Do you mind if I ask what happened?"

Harry opened his mouth and immediately closed it, as if he didn't want to

tell her some horrible secret, "I don't mind telling you, but you have to

understand, these aren't childrens novels. These are real world disgusting

stories, that don't always have a happy ending. On all accounts I should

have died in our first year, and our second, third, and fourth, this is the

only year so far where I have not nearly been killed at school, or because

of school!"

Susan reached out and took Harry's hand that was on the table talking

very softly, "I am curious about the things that have happened around the

school, but don't feel like you have to tell me. I am here to listen, and I

am here as your friend. Or if nothing else someone who would very much

like to be your friend."

Harry took a small suspicious look, "But why? Its not because I am-"

"No Harry, its not because your the boy who lived. Its because you are

the boy who beats the odds. Who takes care of people, who saves people

lives. Who shows bravery and loyalty to people who certainly don't

deserve it. You are offering so much of your time and effort to give

people a fighting chance with the DA, and you are risking it all to teach

us how to defend ourselves, and if nothing else pass our OWLs. Harry I

am grateful, and I am not the only one, but I am the one that is here right

now, and wants to get to know the real Harry Potter. Not the one in the

prophet, or the boy who lived, or even the Triwizard champion. But the

boy who is our leader, and the one who one day may save us all...I

believe you about Voldemort Harry, and I also believe that another war is

coming. I am a Hufflepuff, myself and the rest of my house will take a

clear stance on whose side we are on. You will not ever meet a neutral

Hufflepuff, we are loyal, and do take sides in all matters, and I am siding

with you."

At the end of the girls tirade Harry stood up abruptly, and Susan went to

stand with him to prevent him from leaving, but instead she felt two very

strong arms wrap around her body. At first the girl was surprised and

froze, but then she realized who was hugging her, and immediately put

her arms around the boy. After a short while she heard him whisper two

words that would change it all for her, "Thank you."

She wasn't sure why those two words seemed so significant in the

moment, but she knew they were. Susan Bones knew in that moment she

was smitten with the boy that was holding her, and she hoped one day

soon, she would be more than just his faux girlfriend.

When they separated Harry said, "I could easily sit her and tell you the

stories of what has happened at Hogwarts, but I think it will be better if

show you."

She nodded and summoned the family pensieve to the dinner table, and

had her personal house elf clear the rest of the room while they prepared

for the memory. When Harry held his wand to his forehead as instructed

early by Madame Bones he dropped a fairly large memory and said

without looking at her, "Before we enter I must ask two things of you. Do

you mind?"

Susan nodded her head, and the boy made his two request, "If it becomes

to much for you at any point, don't try and be tough, just let me take you

out of it? Okay?"

The fifth year Hufflepuff agreed, and Harry made his final condition,

"Don't tell anyone all of this. If you want to share it with your Aunt or

with Hannah thats fine, but I would rather this not get around to

everyone, you know what I'm saying?"

Susan shook that off easily, "Of course Harry, now shall we get started?"

Harry took a deep breath and nodded, "This is going to be a bit violent,

and kind of long, so I hope you are ready for it...Lets go."

Then they delved into the memory. Susan watched as the memory started

in a bathroom that she recognized on the third floor. However it was

hardly recognizable with the troll in the room...literally. The site that was

in front of her was just short of horrifying. A large full grown mountain

troll was swinging his club around in attempt to possibly kill first year

Hermione Granger! It wasn't long before the heroics started!

Susan literally laughed when Harry and Ron began throwing debris at the

troll, and claimed it was cute, until the thing turned on them and decided

they needed some attention. She awed in Harry's bravery when he dove

towards the creature, and attempted to furtherly distract from Hermione

who was practically a sitting, wounded, scared duck in the corner.

She had a heart attack when the troll grabbed him and attempted to

dislodge his head from his body, and nearly fell to the ground with relief

when Ron's stupid levitating charm managed to knock the troll


The scene then skipped to a memory she was all to familiar with. Harry's

first game against Slytherin. It was pretty much the same as she

remembered, but Harry said something kind of quiet that made her think

twice, "It was obvious, I can't believe we missed it."

She wanted to question Harry, but knew it would be better to save all

questions until the end, so that way she did not upset the boy. It skipped

around talking about the Sorcerers stone, and finally it came down to the

facing of the three headed dog!

Susan was nothing short of terrified when she saw the three headed

monster wake up its slumber, though even Harry said it was much more

frightening to watch the dogs wake up, compared to suddenly realizing

they were about to attack like in the initial memory!

She was impressed that Hermione managed to clear Professor Sprouts

Herbology puzzle so quickly, and even awed in Harry's ability on a

broom down beneath the school with the keys. What really amazed her

however was Ron who managed to sacrifice himself to win the chess


Then came the potions room, which surprised her with the simplicity of

the riddle. It was a common one in the Wizarding world that she had

definitely heard more than a few times. The simplicity to all these trials

were starting to seem more like test than they were traps as Harry had

explained to her.

When the final room came down she was holding Harry's hand in fear

knowing that he was not about to go face Snape in the next room, but

Professor Quirrel.

When Harry reached the room Susan froze, and didn't say anything for

the entirety of the conversation. When he removed his turban though the

girl gasped in a cold fear. Harry wasn't sure if she watched the whole

fight between himself and Quirrel, but she saw the end results of him

killing the man, and stopping Voldemort from reaching the stone.

When the memory was over they reappeared in the dining room of Bones

Manor and Susan was close to being shell shocked. Harry let her digest it

all for a few minutes before saying, "A tough pill to swallow huh?"

Susan shook her head, "You were only 11 years old Harry, that's the

amazing part. You doing that today I don't think I would've freaked out

so bad, but you were only 11. With less than a year of magical learning,

yet you survived it all, and even managed to come out on top. Your place

in Gryffindor has never been questioned by the school, but now I am

truly impressed."

Harry blushed a bit at the girls praise, and said, "Well like you saw, I had


She disagreed immediately, "Through the puzzles, that I think almost any

intelligent second or first year could have passed, as long as they had a

decent flying ability, and knew how to put the dog to sleep with music.

But Harry you stood down fear itself, and there you didn't have luck, it

was just you!"

The green eyed boy blushed a bit, "You say I faced down fear, I say I

faced down my parent's murderer. I was not raised with the same fear

that all of you have of Voldemort. I don't fear him personally now, and I

certainly didn't fear him then."

Susan awed at the boy who was clearly Gryffindor through and through,

"So not even the rumor mill had gotten the exaggeration of this tale right

Harry. Had Quirrel gotten the stone we may have faced a fully charged

Dark Lord 5 years sooner."

"I suppose you could look at it that way. Admittedly though I didn't have

that intention going into the situation." Harry explained.

Susan stayed quite for a few moments before asking, "That may have

been one of the most horrifying things I have yet to witness in my now

seemingly sheltered life, but at the first gathering of the DA people

mentioned so many other things, that I had never even heard in the

rumor mill! Hundreds of dementors? Something about a basilisk?"

Harry shrugged, "The basilisk was the creature that was going around

petrifying people in second year. The whole school was blaming me for

it, and were calling me the heir of Slytherin, so I took it personal to

figure out what was happening. However when a certain Gryffindor was

taken into the chamber to die, Ron and I did everything we could to try

and help, which made us stumble upon Slytherin's monster. The rest is


Susan shook her head, "I would like to see that memory if you don't


Harry hesitated, "This isn't like the first memory Susan. In the last

memory you saw me face a man, the next is much more complicated, and

much more horrifying. I still have nightmares from what happened down

there in the chamber. Its one thing to hear the story, its another thing to

watch it. No one has ever known or watched what happened down there

when I faced the basilisk, not Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore, or anyone. I

think it was for the best, because I don't believe anyone would want the

burden of this memory. I don't think you should watch it..."

Susan asked directly, "So are you not going to let me watch it?"

Taking a deep breath Harry shook his head, "I told you I am an open

book, but I want you to understand that I advise you against it, and that

even I will admit the memory is truly horrifying when I look back on it."

The red head took his hand gently and said, "Show me, you have taken

this burden by yourself for long enough. Besides if 12 year old you could

beat this thing, then 15 year old you can keep me safe from a few ghost

and memories."

Trying to take the compliment that was given Harry sighed, "Okay then

lets get started."

When Harry pulled the memory it started with the first petrification and

his attempt at following the noises that even in the memory Susan could

not understand, "What are you doing?"

Giving the girl an odd smile he said, "Following the voices."

"Of course its a snake, and your a parselmouth." Susan exclaimed!

Harry gave the girl an ecouraging, but forced smile, "I wish I had known

that when this was all happening. Maybe we could've discovered the

answer, before what happened to Hermione."

She nodded and watched as by shere coincidence Harry stumbled upon

each petrification. It was then seen how they used the invisibility cloak to

confront Hagrid, "Blimey Harry, I thought I was the only one in the

school that had an invisibility cloak!"

Harry gave the girl a surprised look. "You have one too?"

She grinned, "Yeah my uncle made it for me when I was born. He is an

unspeakable. Very rare, and very hard to make."

"Mine has apparently been in the family for generations!"

Susan recoiled a bit at that. She wondered if every 10 to 15 years a Potter

just redid all the charms on the cloak, after all they aren't supposed to

last forever. Making a mental note to ask him another time if he did it

himself, she paid attention to the descending pair into the dark forest.

She clearly was not keen on following the two, but she did so anyways as

the memory dragged her around.

When they were confronted by Aragog Susan thought she was going to

past out in fear. She wasn't particularly afraid of Spiders, but seeing one

this large, this close, was not something that was going to be on her top

100 things to before she died. The message they received from Aragog

was vague and cryptic, and it all went to hell when he told them they

were dinner.

Thankfully Harry did not choose to show her the next scene, and it took

them to revelation that it was a basilisk going around the school, and

Harry explaining to Ron why no one died. Shortly after they saw the

message on the wall that was written in blood, but Harry turned to her

before they approached, "Promise me you won't ever confront this

particular Gryffindor about what happened. It is her story to tell, and I

don't want to betray any confidences. I would also appreciate if you

never mentioned this part to anyone. Can I have your word?"

Susan straightened up clearly realizing that Harry was trying to give her

some of his trust, "Of course Harry."

He nodded and they approached the scene just in time for the two 12

year old boys to realize that Ginny had been taken into the Chamber.

After that the scene skipped to the confrontation in Lockharts office,

where he admitted his crimes, and prepared to obliviate the boys.

Susan merely rolled her eyes as the full grown wizard got over run by

two second year Gryffindors without using a single spell.

The next part of the memory however was already to starting to turn her

insides to jelly. Harry walked over to the sink on the familiar second

floor girls bathroom to her, and whispered something in Parseltongue to

open the Chamber of Secrets, "What did you say Harry?"

Sheepishly Harry answered, "Well I wasn't sure if there would be a

password, so I just tried Open!"

Chuckling lightly she watched as they shoved Lockhart down into the

chamber. Without saying anything on the matter she held out her

knuckles which Harry grinned and touched with his, "Wish I could've

done that to the geezer!"

Harry took the moment to laugh one last time before Ron and his twelve

year old self delved into the chamber. It didn't take long for Susan, like

they themselves did, to notice the very large snake skin, "Merlin Harry,

that thing must be huge."

In a bit of terror relapse Harry whispered, "You have no idea."

The failed confrontation horrifed Susan when she thought Harry was

going to lose his memory, and that Ginny was going to be left to die

down there. She prayed that someone was going to come in and stop the

man, that way Harry and Ron would have some help, but what happened

next was far worse. She watched the spell backfire and cause the massive

cave in, which separated Ron and Harry. She knew in this moment that

once again in the final hour of desperation Harry was alone. She wanted

to cry for the boy, as she feared he would die down in the chamber, but

she knew the young man next to her was breathing proof that he

survived this encounter.

The next few minutes were a blur when Harry approached Ginny

Weasley, only to be approached by a specter of a young man. The fear

Susan felt when the ghost revealed himself as Lord Voldemort, and the

fear spiked even further when he summoned his monster.

Susan felt a tear of pure fear drip down from her face as she saw 12 year

old Harry run for his life in hope of fleeing the beast. She herself had

drawn her wand to help, but Harry put a hand on hers gently, "There is

nothing we can do but watch Susan, it is in the past."

When Susan's eyes went to the teenage version of the young boy running

for his life she his face was paler, but he was also standing a little taller.

Clearly proud that he survived such an encounter.

Her heart soared when she saw the phoenix swoop into the room and

claw the basilisk eyes out, to give Harry a chance to actually look at the

beast. Her heart stopped when she saw him cornered in the pipes and

nearly fell with relief when the stupidest rock trick worked.

She noticed Harry turned a little pink looking back on the idea, and how

stupid it actually was. The final confrontation between Harry and the

snake was terrifying and exhillarting the moment the sword came out of

the hat.

She felt that Godric Gryffindor himself would have been proud to know

that his sword had defeated Slytherin's Monster, and that one of his

possible descendants was the one to do it. She also thought he would be

even more proud to know that a twelve year old had done it.

When she saw the sword go through the roof of the giant snakes mouth

she wanted to cheer, but instead she screamed when saw the fang go into

his arm, knowing that in mere moments he would be dead.

By instinct she turned to face the other Harry who to her grand surprise

was actually smiling a bit, "How...How are you alive?"

Harry turned her shoulders gently and whispered, "The greatest miracle

of my life is about unfold, just watch."

She watched as twelve year old Harry Potter crawled over to eleven year

old Ginny Weasley who was waking up and clearly terrified. He heard his

whispers, "Ginny, go to the end of the chamber and find Ron, he will get

you out of here."

Ginny didn't seem to comprehend why he could not go with her until she

saw the cut. The girl looked devastated for a moment, but then the

Phoenix landed in between the two. Fawkes took one look at Harry, and

did what any sentient being in Susan opinion would do...it cried.

What Susan didn't know was that Phoenix tears could heal any wound,

including something as destructible as basilisk venom, "That stuff still

runs through your veins Harry..."

He nodded stiffly, "I know, I try not to think about it. From what

Hermione told me the stuff is so destructive it literally eats everything

inside the body. It is still a mystery to us how I survived long enough for

Fawkes to save me."

Susan nodded in agreement, and just watched as the scene unfolded, and

then felt the familiar drag that indicated the end of another memory.

The red headed Hufflepuff immediately took a seat on the closest couch

and put her hands in her head. She felt the stress of the last memory pour

over her, and she wanted to cry. She was on the verge of doing so to,

until she felt the couch shift a bit indicating that someone else was now

sitting down with her, "Its a tough pill to swallow isn't it? Some days I

myself find it all hard to believe and accept."

Susan lifted her head up a bit, "Tough pill to swallow? Merlin Harry, I

didn't have enough to drink to prepare myself for something like that!"

Shrugging his shoulders as he usually did when he didn't know what to

say he responded with, "You could be amazed by what adrenaline and


"Harry by the love of Merlin if the next word that comes out of your

mouth is going to be luck, I am going to slap you!"

The boy recoiled a bit in surprise, and Susan jumped right back on the

wagon to finish, "That was incredible Harry. It was stupid, it was

reckless, but my gods it was incredible. You survived something I

guarantee you most grown wizards would not have, and you did off pure

nerve. You didn't cast any super powerful spells Harry. You didn't use

incredible feats of magic, you did it off everything that anyone else has

the potential to have. Courage, wit, and yes maybe a little bit of fate, not

luck Harry, but fate."

Harry stared at the girl without saying anything, because he felt

interrupting her would be detrimental to his health, "You've been tested

Harry. Your whole life you have been tested. I don't know if any one man

is pulling the strings, or any one being, but I do believe with all my heart

you have been tested. Maybe something out there is pulling for you, but I

think nature, and perhaps magic itself is preparing you for something big,

and I place all my money on that it is going to have something to do with


She didn't say anything for a moment, so Harry took his chance, "I have

always considered the possibility that someone was testing me, even that

Dumbledore may be testing me, but I don't want to believe that someone

or some being would put me through all this for any reason."

Susan stared at the boy in disbelief, "Even if that reason was to help you


That question silenced Harry for several moments. So Susan continued,

"Harry...I don't think anyone else at Hogwarts...no I don't think any kid in

the world would have survived both events you went through. One

maybe, with the luck of all of magic behind him, but both? No Harry,

that isn't possible. Not to mention you still survived 3 dangerous tasks in

a tournament meant for people with twice your magical experience. Not

just survived either Harry, you won! And that included fighting a dragon!

Whatever all this Harry, its destiny, it has to be, or I don't think you

would've made it this far."

The two made eye contact, and didn't break it for nearly a full minute,

when a bell chimed indicating that another hour had passed. Harry broke

the contact when he looked to the clock and saw that it was now

10:00Pm and it was time for him to go home, "I should get going. They

may send a search party after me, if I wait any longer!"

Susan shook her head nodding, "Yeah that's a good idea...listen Harry, I

don't know why these things have happened to you, but I do know that

something out there has got it out for you. I guess what I am saying is,

thanks. Thanks for being the hero we all need. Is there any chance you

will come back around New Years, or maybe even New Years eve to

finish your story with me?"

Harry blushed a bit, but then smiled at the girl, "If I can get out again, I

promise I will come back New Years Eve, if anything to visit a friend, and

to get away from where I am staying!"

The girl smiled at him, as she escorted him to the floo, "Well goodnight

Harry, and thanks for everything."

Harry shook his head as he grabbed the floo pattern, "No Susan, thank

you, for listening. Headquarters #12!"

And with that Harry Potter was gone from Bones Manor.

(A/N) So what do we think? Harry and Susan are getting closer, and

I hope everyone likes the progression of the relationship so far. Stay

tuned for more.

Questions: How much do we want to see Neville in this story? How

about other Hufflepuffs as main characters? Voldemort is of course

going to be pretty OP like he is in the books, but I wand a death

eater other than Bellatrix to also be super powerful, thoughts?

6. Reprecussions

Chapter 6

When Harry flooed back into the kitchen of the Order of the Phoenix it

was clear that he had stumbled right into the proverbial shit storm.

Dumbledore was there sitting at the head of the table, and it looked like

almost all the Order members were there with him, "Good evening Harry,

I trust you have had an eventful day."

The conversation across the table was silenced, and he noticed that Sirius

was not at the table, nor was Remus, "That I did Headmaster, was your

day swell?"

The old man chuckled lightly, "In fact it was not, I got quite the alarming

call that you had left headquarters without permission! I came here as

soon as I heard."

Crossing his arms and leaning against the fireplace, "I did have

permission headmaster, from Sirius. I asked him yesterday if I could go

have a late Christmas visit with my girlfriend, I told him who it was, and

he knew Madame Bones from their school days, so he didn't think it

would be an issue."

"A decision that was not for him to make!"

Feeling his anger rise he shouted back, "Then whose was it? Mum and

Dads? Well they aren't hear anymore, so you know who they chose to

look after me if they couldn't, two people! Alice Longbottom whom is

currently and most likely permanently unavailable, and then there is

Sirius whose house we are currently staying it. I will tell you whose

decision it wasn't headmasters, but you wouldn't like the answer."

Arguing around the table commenced once again, many were towards

Harry, but he defiantly stared at Dumbledore, whom merely raised his

hands for silence, "What brings such hostility towards me Harry, we used

to have the quiet the trust in one another, but on days like this I wonder

what you would do if my back was turned."

"Your back is already turned on me headmaster. If I would've known that

this is what it was going to take to get you to talk to me, I would've run

from Hogwarts months ago. This is the first time you have even looked at

me since the Triwizard tournament. Its actually funny you asked what

happened to the trust we had in each other, because I was going to ask

you the same thing."

Dumbledore recoiled a bit this time, "I don't underst-"

"Understand, Understand Dumbledore! I have been your loyal little lap

dog for years. I stopped the Stone from being stolen, I defeated Slytherin's

Monster, I kept Sirius from getting kissed, I won the Triwizard

tournament that I shouldn't even have been allowed to compete in, but

you let it happen, and by extension you let Voldemort rise. You let me go

into that graveyard, and you let me deal with your problems. He is after

me headmaster, only a few would think otherwise, yet you keep me in

the dark." Harry exclaimed hotly.

"What happened to your humility Harry, you yourself have always told

me you had help doing all of these extraordinary task, but now you take

credit for them as if you did it all on your own."

Growling Harry responded, "Someone opened my eyes. I don't think I

could've done some of those things without Ron and Hermione, but at the

end of the day, I was alone in the chamber, I was alone when Quirrel and

I fought, I was alone in the Triwizard tournament, and this year you have

isolated me more than ever. We should be comparing information, you

should've asked for my memory of what happened in the graveyard,

because I promise you I didn't tell you everything, and I promise you

there were a lot of things happening that I didn't quite understand, that

you could probably answer, but you won't because you have been

running from me all term."

The headmasters calm demeanor finally broke when he shouted, "Because

I fear what will happen to you!"

Silence in the room. Harry had expected lots of answers and responses,

but he expected them to be overly calm, and ridiculously secular, but this

was something he didn't expect. After the silence lasted so long

Dumbledore said, "Everyday the Dark Lord Voldemort grows stronger. He

has a connection with you Harry, I trust you know that. I fear that if this

connection grows to strong he will attempt to either take over your mind

or destroy it. That is why we have been so careful with information

around here. If we lose you, and Lord Voldemort knows everything you

know then we are doomed. You have seen so much as it is. You know the

faces of our order members, you know the location, you know so much,

and if we lose you, we stand to lose a lot, and I do not wish to lose


Harry felt anger well up inside him as he responded back, "Then why not

have Snape give me the Occulemency lessons, I know that's what you

wanted him to do. Sirius and Remus gave me a good foundation, and

from what I have heard Snape is a master. Not that I anticipate meeting

with the old...Professor, but if it was jeopardizing peoples lives, I promise

you I would've gone with only a bit of complaints. If you feared to lose

me, then you should've held me closer instead of pushing me away. I

have so much to learn, and so much that I need to do, before Voldemort

and I face each other again, and you must know the moment is


Dumbledore slouched down into the chair behind him, "That it is Harry,

but I promise you if there is breath in my old body you will not do it

alone. You will have myself and the wand of every person in this room.

We are still trying to prevent Voldemort from gaining intelligence on so

many things, that I fear to share these things with you for the time being,

can you respect that?"

Harry nodded, "Yes Headmaster, I can. Had you told me that at the

beginning of the Summer when you brought me here, we would not have

had such a shaky year. Dodging me all term must stop, I beg you. Even if

you just spoke with me and asked how my day was, I would like that

better than you just walking by me as I attempt to talk to you, which you

have done at least 3 times this last term."

"I did it to protect you Harry!"

"Well you have done a great job at doing that haven't you..."

Silence stung the room this time, "Now I will let your meeting continue

without my 'childish tantrum' as some of you called it. But I am going

back to Bones Manor on New Years Eve, and if anyone wants to stop me,

you are going to have to draw your wand to do it."

Having made his point, and drawn his lines, he stormed out of the room

in hope of avoiding the imminent hexing that someone was about to have

coming their way.

When Harry made it out of the room, he went straight upstairs with the

intention of going to his own room to be left to his thoughts, however

when he got there, two men were waiting for him, but it wasn't an

unwelcome site, "Sirius, Remus!"

Sirius smiled slightly at his godson, "Hey pup, have a good day with the

Bones women?"

Harry smirked a bit, "Bones woman, Sirius, Madame Bones had business

to take care of. Remus, no order meeting?"

Remus sighed a bit, "I had to make sure Sirius didn't take off, I thought it

was very mature of him however to come up here to this room instead of

storming off like he would've when your parents were around!"

Harry blushed a bit, "So you missed the fireworks huh?"

The werewolf gave the boy a slightly knowing smile, "We are Marauders

Harry, we had our ways of listening in. I would lecture you about half the

things you said, but I am afraid Lily is standing in your corner right now,

and if there is one thing about that women I don't miss is her flaming

temper, and I just witnessed the second coming of it."

Growling Sirius added, "Plus half of your points are well justified. I had

half a mind to fight my way out of here, and come remove you from the

whole damned country all together."

Remus interjected, "However I was able to convince him out of it, as

Dumbledore, Kingsley, and Severus would likely prove to much for him,

and even both of us had I decided to go along with the crazy idea."

At this Harry took a serious look on his face, "We need to silence this

room from listening ears, I have something I need to speak with you

about Sirius, and maybe..."

At the questioning look he shot towards Remus, Sirius waved his hand,

"His loyalty will always be to the Marauders first pup, and you are one on

an honorary basis for now. Not to worry. Mooney and I will handle our

privacy problem."

With that the two men went to work on bringing up charms in the room,

and when they put their wands away Harry began speaking, "I am afraid

I may have told a little white lie to you Sirius, but I hope you won't get

mad, because I have found a way to set you free."

Sirius and Remus both looked shocked by that, and the old werewolf

spoke first, "Harry I wish it were that simple! But so many eye witnesses

put Sirius at the scene of the crime, and no one among the living have

seen Pettigrew alive outside of the people in this house. Without the

capture of Pettigrew we would never be able to get him a trial."

"But what if I could get him a trial? Do you think we could prove his

innocence with Veritaserum and memories?" Harry inquired, "How about

an awesome defense attorney, and possibly the leading prosecution on

our side?"

Eyeing his godson carefully he asked, "What have you done?"

Harry gulped a bit under the strict gaze of his godfather on which he had

never seen before, "Susan Bones and I tricked everyone into believing we

were a couple. We told no one and kept it to ourselves, so when the

image of me wanting to visit my girlfriend around Christmas came up, no

one would question it. Not even Ron and Hermione. I managed to speak

at lengths with Madame Bones today, and I gave her enough information

to demand a trial. She has offered her word as Lady Bones, and her

department head to ensure your safety on the day of the trial. Given that

you submit yourself to arrest one hour before the trial she will personally

come to place you under arrest, and administer veritaserum in front of

Kingsley Shacklebolt, and Master Auror Mad Eye Moody for validity.

With that information they take you straight in front of the Wizengamot

and make you re-testify the truth, in which point you will be found

innocent. Remus I was told to inform you that Madame Bones would

want you to stand trial on Sirius' behalf, and tell the court your opinion

of the events."

Sirius looked shell shocked by the plan that his godson had put together

on his behalf, while Remus was letting the gears whirl to see where the

potential failures in his plans might be. After a few moments the two had

said nothing so Harry spoke, "Sirius, I don't want you to be a prisoner for

the rest of your life. You spent thirteen years behind bars for something

you didn't do. Today we have a chance to change it all, and make you a

free man. I know there are risk, but what happens if Voldemort gets

annoyed and kills Pettigrew tomorrow, we never find his body. You

would have to be on the run forever, or if someone we knew became

Minister of Magic. Do you want to wait for that to happen? What do we

have to lose?"

Sirius sighed, "Amelia is a good women. I knew her well while we were

in school, and she was as Hufflepuff as they come. I don't think she

would lead you astray by all this."

Putting a hand on his godfathers hand in hope to comfort and assure the

man Harry said, "She was crying Sirius. When it was all said and done

she cried. She left to get started on the case as soon as we finished, and

she seemed absolutely determined to see you free."

Stunned the man asked quietly, "Amie cried? Truly? You saw the tears?"

Harry nodded his head, while Remus was dead silent, "No doubt Sirius."

The man rolled his hands through his hair a few times slowly, and then

spoke, "If Amelia has set her mind to it, then I will be a free man one day.

She is just as brilliant and clever as your mother Harry. The house of

Bones has always been influential in law makings, and they have heavy

influence in the political arena. If anyone was going to set me free

without bringing Pettigrew to the courts alive, it was going to be

Dumbledore or Amelia Bones."

Harry shook his head, "I wouldn't count on Dumbledore to do anything

for me today, or tomorrow. No thanks to the old man, but I think he is to

into controlling the situation, that now some of the aspects are changing

he is trying to tighten the reigns, and make him seem like the most

important player on the board."

Remus defended the man in an instant, "Dumbledore is a good man

Harry. He has everyone's best interest in mind when he makes a decision.

He is also the only reason we are all gathered in this room together. Any

one of us would be dead without him."

Harry shook his head, "I think without him and his interference I would

be living with Sirius probably far away from here. But it is pointless to

speculate what could have happened. Dumbledore has fallen from what I

believed to be grace, and I am going to be more dependent on my

contacts and what I can do for myself, instead of what he can attempt to

do for me. From here on, I am just another student. If he keeps going on

the route we are on now, I will be dead before the year is over."

Neither men responded to that, but all had decided that the night was

over. No one in the house slept easily that night, but for most it was

different reasons. Some were apprehensive about the rise of Voldemort,

and the disappearances that were rampaging the country once again. A

few were apprehensive about a certain upstart teenager that was starting

to cause trouble in the Order. However a young teenager was wondering

if he was ever going to have a family with his godfather in the open

world, or if he was going to have to continue being the orphan, that he

was perhaps meant to be.

The next day Harry received an interesting letter from Susan that

professed her dying love for him, and that she couldn't wait to have his

arms around her again. He read the letter once under the scrutiny of

Molly Weasley whom had received the letter and clearly attempted to

read it before giving it to the young man. The letter was rather graphic in

their non existant intimate relationship, that made Harry smile stupidly

at the girls clearly dirty mind, and chuckle a bit remembering how Mrs.

Weasley blushed before handing it over..

Later when he was alone he had revealed the true contents of the letter

with the password he thought she might use, "I solemnly swear that I am

up to no good!"

When he said that the true words of the letter revealed themselves,

Dear Harry,

I hope you were clever enough to figure out the message. I wasn't sure of a

password in which you would get, so I thought I would try the one that

activated your map. If we have to correspond through more letters it will be

the same password each time. However I don't think we will have to do this

anytime soon, because Auntie has already put together enough things to bring

up a trial. She wishes for Sirius to surrender himself to her office at exactly

12:00Pm tomorrow afternoon, where my auntie will open her floo line for five

minutes. If he misses this time line, we will assume that he does not wish to

play the cards he has been given, and completely understand the skepticism

that might follow this letter. However Aunite promised that it was quite

disgusting how easily she found the error in justice, and hopes to fix it as

quickly as possible. Ron, Hermione, Remus, and Professor Mccgonagal are

going to be receiving court summonings the moment Sirius submits himself to

trial. If everything goes well, then this may be the best coup ever pulled off by

a couple of magical teenagers!

Tomorrow is December 28th, and Auntie says that when the year 1996 rolls

around she expects your godfather to be a free man, and I hope this becomes a

reality. With whatever its worth Harry, I really hope this all works out, and I

will be at the trial, which will start by 1:00PM at the latest, needless to say I

would arrive thirty minutes early, just in case. I will meet you at the visitor

center floo with some dress clothes that I don't believe you have access too.

Stay well, and stay safe Harry,

Susan Amelia Bones,

PS. Sorry about our cover up letter, I wanted to embarrass someone from

reading the whole thing, or trying to delve into it to far.

Harry grinned at the end of the letter and immediately set out to find his

godfather and give him the news.

The two celebrated quietly after Sirius carefully read the letter multiple

times, cracking a smile at the last line each time. When it was over the

man jumped up with glee and hugged his godson happily, "I can't wait to

take you to all these places we never got to go to! I will take you to

where the Marauders went during the summer, I am going to teach you

become an Animagus! So much to do, so much time to make up for!"

When he finished that statement he brushed the hair out of his godsons

face smiling, "Were going to make your parents smile down at us Harry,

that's a promise. I know we had a tough start in life together, but its not

to late to turn it all around. That promise about us being a proper family

comes true tomorrow. We will activate the Potter and Black vaults once

again and start taking an offense in everything we do. Dueling lessons

from the best teachers in the world. Wards, wards, and more wards. We

could hire hitwizards from the continent or the America's to come help us

fight. So many options Harry, and so many opportunities once I am free!"

The man smiled, like Harry had never seen him smile before, and he

prayed and swore upon his magic and life, that he would do whatever it

took to see his godfather walk out of the Ministry of magic tomorrow a

free man.

(A/N) So the next chapter is the trial and what happens directly

after. Its not going to be too much honestly, as I want to move to

the actual story line of this fanfic. The summer is going to take up

several chapters, and the remainin of school year will do the same,

so plenty of story to still go through.

Long run story thoughts:

Where would we like to end this? At the Half-Blood Prince? On the

run with Susan through the Deathly Hallows? I won't reveal how it

ends, but just where do we think this is going?

7. The Trial

Chapter 7

When Harry awoke the next day he was very anxious. However he was

not quite as anxious as his godfather who hadn't rested a bit. Thankfully

not many Order members were around that morning, so most didn't see

the nervous tendencies of Harry, Sirius, or Remus, throughout the

morning, though Ron and Hermione were starting to catch on to the fact

that something was up. Hermione noticed that Harry had a big smile on

his face and asked him with a snippy tone, "Another letter from Susan


Forgetting about his faux girlfriend for a second Harry looked confused,

but then said, "Oh no. Why do you ask?"

Ron grumbled as he sat down at his late breakfast, "Because you look like

you just won the Cup over there mate. Stop smiling so damn big!"

Making Harry smile larger at the twos frustration he said, "Oh come guys

cheer up, its going to be a good day."

Ron in fake cherry tone said, "Oh yeah mate, it will be great. More sitting

around the house doing nothing, but exploding snap, and reading."

Hermione gave the boy a nasty look, "And what may I ask is wrong with


Ron held his hands up in surrender, "Nothing at all. I was just saying its

not my cup of tea for a great day that smiles over there is talking about."

"I don't think you are going to be sitting around all day here Ron, I think

you should be ready for anything." Harry said with a bit of a wink.

Before the two could question the boy Harry looked at the clock, and

knew it was time. As if on cue he heard an explosion go off upstairs, and

new the plan was going into motion. With a quick draw of his wand he

faked panic, and went straight for the stairs, with everyone in the kitchen

behind him. As he ran pass Sirius under the invisibility cloak he gave a

little prayer that everything today would go over well.

When they arrived to the top floor there was a small fire started, and a

stench that could make a skunk blush was in the air. Mrs. Weasley

immediately set out to blame Fred and George, but when they wouldn't

fess up to it, no one believed them. The mess took a bit to clean up, and

took almost every available wand to do it. However when they were

done, Harry slipped out of the room, and prayed that no one was going to

be downstairs when he got there.

Making it into the kitchen however he saw the back of a man he really

did not have an interest in seeing. The old bat was wearing his usual

black cloak, and was clearly already annoyed Harry quickly checked the

time to see it was already almost 12:30, and knew he had to get out, and

change before he could appear before the court.

Deciding whether to stun the man or not, the decision was made for him

when an owl flew to the window and was impatiently waiting for the

man to retrieve the letters. When he did this Harry made a casual walk

into the kitchen and into the floo, Snape didn't realize what he was doing

until it was to late. A red spell flew towards him, but by the time it

approached him he was already whirling across the country to the

Ministry of Magic.

When he appeared out of the floo he was in a familiar large atrium that

he had only first stepped into a few months before. Looking into the sea

of unknown faces, he saw one familiar one that had a pretty smile, and

long red hair, that was clearly searching for someone familiar as well.

Hoping to be the one the girl was looking for he quickly set out to

approach her, "Susan!"

The girls eyes darted straight to the sound of his voice and she exclaimed,


The girl quickly embraced the boy clearly happy to have a familiar face

to be with and said, "I ordered some robes with the money you left me

with the other night, and I had some change left over."

She quickly reached into her pocket as she handed him the parcel she

was carrying, but Harry waved her off, "We can use it to celebrate tonight

so keep it."

Smiling at her fake boyfriend she nodded, "Alright now go change. The

trial could start any moment. I have already seen a few Wizengamot

members come in clearly disgruntled!"

Harry nodded quickly taking his first good look at the girl who was

looking prettier than usual. Wearing a short skirt, and expensive looking

blouse, the girls bust, and waste line were looking phenomenally on

point. Not that this was the first time Harry had noticed either of those

things, but today he was wondering just what life would be like if Susan

Bones was his girlfriend.

Shaking the cobwebs out of his head, he quickly told her that he would

shortly returned and changed into his robes.

Looking into the mirror he knew he had never worn finer clothing. The

silk type material he was wearing now was dark black, and had what he

believed to be the Potter family crest on his robes. He had never seen a

real picture of it, but he had it described to him by Sirius over the

Summer, and knew this must have been the majestic symbol of his


When he left the nearby changing room he approached Susan once again

who looked him over once and quickly adjusted his cloak and collars,

gave him another look and smiled, "You look great Harry, lets go have a

seat in the courtroom. We may be separated in there, or they could have

us sorted by minors maybe, it depends which room we get."

Glad to have the clearly well informed red head at his side, he took her

outstretched hand and followed her to the courtroom that they were

instructed to go to.

Upon arrival to courtroom number ten Harry remembered that this was

the exact room that he had once been seated in on trial himself. This also

meant that the entire back part of the room however was for media, and

guest. The front row was cleared off for some of the of witnesses, or their

guests. Naturally Harry invited Susan to sit with him in the front row of

the stands, where Professor McGonagall was already seated with Remus

Lupin, one of whom were surprised to see him there, "Mr. Potter? I don't

suppose you know why we were called here today do you? I had feared

that it might be you on trial up there, when I received the message."

Harry and Remus exchanged brief looks that said, 'Don't rat me out, I am

playing dumb.'

Taking Remus' ignorance into account he attempted to feign the same

ignorance, "I have no idea professor. I was downstairs when I received

the call to the Ministry, and I thought it might have been Professor

Dumbledore needing me, so I came straight here. In bad judgment

though, I forgot to tell anyone I was leaving."

The Transfiguration teacher nodded then looked at Susan, "And you Ms.

Bones? What are you here for?"

Flying on the spot with hope of fooling the old women she said, "I am

interning for my Aunts prosecution position. She told me that there was

going to be a huge case today presented to the Wizengamot, so I thought

it would be a good day to come spectate. I was just as surprised as any

when I saw Harry here."

It was clear to both pupils of the stern professor was not easily fooled by

the two's lie, and sniffed, "Potter why do I have a feeling you know

exactly why we are all sitting here today?"

Harry gave the women a small sheepish smile, and said, "After all these

years professor, I thought you were starting to just kind of go with it!"

This time Harry and Susan were almost floored by the smile that crossed

the witches face, "You're right Mr. Potter, I don't know why I even asked!"

The four that made up the group in that moment all smiled a bit. The

teenagers were sharing mischievous like looks, while the older man had a

look of remembrance, which the oldest witch shared.

Ron and Hermione filed in shortly after, and it was unsurprising when

Hermione revealed the obvious to something that the adults had

previously overlooked, "Harry. When did you get those robes, and when

did you have time to change into them?"

Grinning at his female best friend he said, "Its going to be an interesting

day Hermione, and I will apologize in advance for keeping you two into

the dark. We had to be sure no one would interfere with what happens


Hermione looked accusingly at Susan, "Since when have you kept us in

the dark?"

Susan visibly flinched, but not from Hermione's word, but Harry's

reaction, "When you decided to keep me in the dark over the Summer! Its

not that I wanted to, but I couldn't allow Dumbledore to try and stop us,

and who would you side with Hermione, me or the headmaster?"

Hermione hesitated to answer that, but thankfully Ron didn't, "It would

be you no doubt mate, you know that."

Harry gave his best friend a grateful nod, "Thank you Ron. I wish

Hermione shared your loyalty."

The girl blushed at that, but before she could protest Fudge slammed his

gavel on the desk. "It is December 28th 1995 the year of our Lords and

Ladies. This is the 455th gathering of the Wizengamot, and we have been

called by Amelia Susan Bones, whom wishes to address with what I have

been assured is a most pressing matter. Madame Bones."

Madame Bones stood up from her position straighening up here business

dress and robes, "Thank you Minister Fudge. I don't want to waste to

much of everyone's time with the politics of all this, so I will just say that

2 days I ago I stumbled across some evidence in the case of Sirius Black

murdering 13 muggles back in November 1981. This evidence troubled

me, so I began to dig. I kept digging and kept digging, and this is what I


Amelia dropped two sheets of paper on the desk, and immediately the

chamber went into silence, until the uproar began starting with Augusta

Longbottom, "That is Preposterous, that is two measly pieces of Paper

Madame Bones, I assume there is more to this evidence list that caught

your professional eye."

The head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement merely shook

her head, "Actually Lady Longbottom it was the fact that there were only

two sheets of paper that caught my attention in the first place. I was

looking for a court record that way I could take the testimony and

hopefully see why it was that Black did not get the death penalty,

because believe it or not Lords and Ladies of this governing body, what

brought this whole thing to light was teenage love."

It was then when Amelia Bones turned to Harry and Susan in the visitor

box, and Susan instinctively quickly took Harry's hand to prevent him

from panicking, "You see, my niece Susan wanted to give her boyfriend

Harry Potter a Christmas gift that would be more meaningful then

something of monetary value, because she knows his story, better than

probably anyone else in this room, and she asked me why the person who

handed the Potters over to Voldemort still was a freeman, and I saw

something I hope I never saw in my nieces eyes, and that was doubt, that

her government, and my department could protect her, so I began to dig."

It was clear to Harry that the women's words had already struck many

people in the audience, so he didn't attempt to protest anything yet, and

clearly Susan had a lot of faith in what was being said, so he implied that

she had heard this speech at least once, "Ladies and Gentlemen I found

two pieces of paper, and all it was is the arresting papers that Barty

Crouch Sr. filed when he took Black into Custody. It includes that Black

was laughing hysterically, and that they found Pettigrew's finger and 13

dead bodies. That is it ladies and gentlemen, no more and no less."

The room was silent, but not for long as one person stood in the crowd of

Lords and Ladies, "You mean to tell me that the Department of Magical

Law Enforcement sent a lord to Azakaban without a trial, is that what I

am getting Madame Bones?"

Susan whispered in Harry's ear as quietly as possible, "That is Hannah's

mom Harry, Becky Abbot, both her parents are on the Wizengamot."

Harry nodded while Amelia put her hands in front of her and looked

down in shame, "Sadly that is exactly what I am saying. Sirius Black was

never given a trial. His wand was never recovered. Nor was Pettigrews,

nor were any magical eye witnesses there to put him at the scene of the

crime, much less say that he did it."

The Minister was quick to intervene, "This can't be true Amelia. I was

there as a young auror cadet when we apprehended Black! He was mad

with rage."

"Rage Minister, or hysterical from losing his best friend, a man he

considered to be his brother in all but blood?

The man sputtered out, "It can't be. Not wirth Barty, nor Bagnold as

Minister of Magic!"

Amelia shrugged, "The war was over Minister. Many people were still

being found dead in the streets. Can you blame former Minister Bagnold

or Barty for trying to sweep this all under the rug."

Knowing it was wise not to answer that bait he remained silent, but

Amelia decided to take command, "Lords and Ladies. I propose we

rescind the kiss on the site order of Black, and offer him a fair trial. Right

here, right now. We use emergency powers of veritserum, and pensieve

collected memories from people in this room, and make a decision on

guilt or innocence. Minister Fudge has repeadtedly said in the media in

the past few weeks that this is a time of peace, lets act like it, and

attempt to fix our families old crimes, and potentially shed light on a

family who lost everything in the world for the people in this room."

Many were screaming their agreements from the stands, including

Augusta Longbottom, the Abbots, the Diggories, and many other families

of the light and neutral side of things. Even the darkest of families like

the Notts and Malfoys' had stayed respectfully quiet.

When the chanting and talking died down Fudged banged his gavel,

"Very well. All in favor of rescinding the kiss on the site order of Sirius

Orion Black, and allowing him a trial as soon as possible. If in favor say


More than half of the crowd easily answered that and raised their hands

in the air in show of approval. In Harry's surprise even Fudge raised his

wand to show his favor on the matter. When the matter was decided

Fudged banged his gavel again, "Excellent dispatch an edition of the

Daily Prophet and let it known that Sirius Black is now being welcomed

and invited into the Ministry for a fair trial for the murder of Peter

Pettigew, and 13 muggles. Let it be known that we are ready to here

Black's side of the story, and if that he does not show up we will have to

assume that he is guilty of all charges."

Amelia Bones then stood up and said, "As it happens Minister Black

surrendered himself just an hour ago to the questioning of my

department, we have dementors getting ready to kiss him as we speak,

should I rescind the order!"

Fudge looked pale at the thought, "Amelia! I am surprised at you. I order

you to rescind the command, and bring him here at once."

For a moment Harry's heart dropped, but Susan gave his hand an extra

squeeze to assure him that it was all a hoax, to ensure that Amelia didn't

take any of the heat on this. The women quickly however through her

patronus charm out of the room and it took off towards the headquarters

of her office, "Forgive me Minister, I was merely fulfilling my duty, and

trying to fulfill the last standing order. Black will be brought here within

minutes. My men will be quick, that is a promise."

Quicker than what would have perhaps convinced most people Sirius was

being dragged into the room a little roughly by Moody, and Shacklebolt,

both of whom kept a very serious poker face. Many people gasped at the

man who was clearly not the young man they had all remembered years

ago. Of course for many people in the room they had gone to school with

this man, and were shocked as the rest of the country to learn that he had

been sent to Azkaban for what he had been accused of.

Sirius was aggressively sat in the chair, and the Wizengamot was abuzz

with quiet chatter until Fudge banged his gavel, "Sirius Orion Black, you

have been brought in front of the Wizengamot today for the murder of 14

individuals, 13 muggles, and one Peter Pettigrew, I am afraid that

regardless of your guilt this body owes you an apology, this is a matter

that is very long over do. With that being said Mr. Black, would you like

to the court to present you with an attorney."

"No Minister, I would merely like to face the music I have been forced to

live with."

Mutterings in the room seemed to not like his choice of words, but Fudge

nodded, "Very well, then how you plead Mr. Black?"

It was the next words that would change Harry's life forever, "Not guilty

on all counts."

This surprise was clear to everyone, and then outrage. Harry stared at the

back of his Godfathers head the whole time, and part of him was

wondering if they had been foolish to attempt this, but then Madame

Bones stood up, "Minister I would like permission to administer

Veritaserum to the accused."

Fudge nodded quickly to the women who signaled for a nearby auror to

bring her some, and the man stumbled to do it quick enough. When

Amelia took the bottle she menacingly walked over to Sirius Black, "Lord

Black I suppose we should call you until the court has determined your

guilt or innocence, do we have permission to use the truth potion on you

for the sake of this trial?"

"You may."

The man said confidently. She then swept forward capping the bottle

open and administering three drops to his mouth. She waited a long

thirty seconds then asked, "What is your name?"

"Sirius Orion Black."

"What is your date of birth?"

"November 3rd 1955."

"Are you ready for the questions that will determine your future Mr.

Black, that may very well determine whether you live or die today?"

"I have been waiting for 15 years Amie, and I don't wish to wait another


His words shocked the court, but no one said a word. Voldemort himself

could have appeared in the room, but Harry was unsure whether people

would have noticed him or not, "Sirius Orion Black, are you a death


"No, I hate death eaters."

"Did you support Voldemort in the last war?"

"I would rather have died."

"Were you the Potter's secret keeper in 1981?"


"Who was?"

"A man we very well trusted James and I. We thought we had everyone

fooled. We had no idea just how true that was. Peter Pettigrew was the

secret keeper, and I wish I could've have killed him for it."

Harry waited for the shouting, but it never came, "Lord Black, do you

mean to tell this body of Lords and Ladies, that you did not betray the


"I would've died a thousands times over before I gave up James and Lily.

Not a day goes by where I wish I had not allowed Peter to cast the

Fidelius charm and become the secret keeper."

"Can you tell us what happened Lord Black, don't leave anything out, it is

time for the world, and the young man behind you to know exactly what


Sirius nodded and began his story. He told the crowd how he had

convinced James and Lily to make Peter the secret Keeper, how they

thought Remus was the spy in their group that was fighting the death

eaters. He told how he felt the spell destroyed on Halloween of 1981, and

thought that Peter had been found and killed, so he made a beeline to

Godric's Hallow only to be to late. He cried through the part of holding

the Potter's dead body, while Hagrid came and pulled Harry out of his

crib, and took his to Dumbledore. He sobbed through the part where he

tracked Peter down and confronted him in the street after he had learned

of the man's survival, and the taking of the dark mark.

The room was silent, except for one interruption from Fudge to

readminster the Veritaserum as the dose might have worn off. But Sirius

took another dose, and they continued on. The story of him being

arrested, and then carted off to Azkaban, and stopped at his escape where

he confessed to being an illegal animagus. He even ratted out James and

Peter for their law breaking habit. But after he told the court why they

had done it they understood, and it was basically an unspoken agreement

that he would not be charged with such a small crime in the grand

scheme of things.

When it was all said and done, Amelia said her final words, "Lord Black. I

cannot speak on behalf of this body, much less the wizarding world, but

if everything said today was true the world owes you an apology, and I

hope you will take mine first, for I am truly sorry."

The women didn't cry though it was clear to some that she wanted to.

She then stepped down from the stand, "Minister I have witnesses to

something that happened on Hogwarts ground in 1993, as well as

teachers and friends to testify on behalf on Lord Black today. I do not

wish to burden or take anymore of the courts time, so if it found

unnecessary, and we believe we can cast a just decision, then I am

prepared to rest my case."

Minister Fudge looked pale as he said, "No Madame Bones, I do believe

that is all we need to make an informed decision."

"All in favor of clearing the accused of all charges?"

Harry was surprised to see Fudge's hand go straight up. He looked over to

the Delores Umbridge who was sitting in the stand with a clearly angry

look on her face. The green eyed boy was almost disturbed the fact that

the toad faced women had said nothing during the trial, but couldn't

bring himself to think anything negative in the moment, because this was

possibly the moment he had been waiting for his whole life. The moment

he would no longer be an orphan.

As he looked across the room his hopes continued to rise. It was clear

that many people had been touched by the trial. It was then when Fudge

slammed his gavel on the desk, "Cleared of all charges!"

Harry didn't wait for anything or anyone else, he cleared the bench that

separated him from his Godfather and run up to the man as fast as his

legs would carry him, and hugged the man. He heard the sound of

snapping cameras, but for the first time he didn't care. He felt his

Godfathers hand run through his hair, and knew his dream since he was

just a little boy had come true when he heard the words, "Thank you pup,

for helping me keep my end of the bargain up!"

Harry didn't hold back the tears that followed. They weren't sobs or

anything like that. They were dignified tears, that showed he had a rough

start of things in life, but on this day of December 28th 1995, his world

was going to change, and he owed it all to a certain red head behind him,

and he was never going to forget it.

(A/N) So short and sweet, and I hope to hear from all of you in the

reviews. Cheers!


I have written out pretty far into this, and I am looking at some

characters that I need to know what to do with. This is a Harry light

side story, so do we want to see Snape killed? Draco? The story line

with Draco and the vanishing cabinet? Tell me what you think!

Also to the reviewers who have commented on the explanation

points, I am working to fix it...lol sorry.

8. A Free Man

Chapter 8

The court scene that Harry and Sirius dealt with was rather ridiculous,

but at the time neither man could be upset. It was a miracle that Sirius

Black who started this day as a mass murderer, and Enemy #1 of the

country walked through the halls of the government a free man.

Many Lords and Ladies had approached Sirius as Lord Black, and he told

them that he had been away for a long time, and would have to speak

with his advisors at Gringotts, and check what the state his house was in

before he could make any promises, or contribute to any alliance

building activities.

The main moment of truth came when Sirius and Amelia came face to

face and he bowed deeply, "It seems that I find myself once again in the

debt of your family Madame Bones. Is there anything I can do to

compensate you for your efforts? I know the risk you took, and a Black

always likes to pay his debts. What will it be? Gold? Property?"

The women stared sternly at the haggard man for a moment before

saying, "I think you and your Godson should join my family on New

Year's for the Bones annual party. Perhaps then we can discuss the state

of our alliance, and perhaps other things that may be relevant at the


Sirus bowed once again, "I humbly await the day then my lady."

The Marauder then kissed the fair ladies hand, and put his arm back

around his Godson and dragged him off to get closer and closer to the

gate. It was there where they faced Dumbledore, who did his best to look

cheery for the victory, "Congratulations gentlemen, your schemes on all

fronts seemed to have paid off."

Harry shook his head, "I learned from a master Headmaster. I was sad to

not see you at the trial. Perhaps you could've been Sirius' defense."

The old man took a fake smile with the men responding with, "It does not

seem Mr. Black needed any extra help today. He had a good ghost in his

corner, and I can only be of joy that a tragedy of justice has finally been

corrected. I hope this does not end any of our current arrangements."

Sirius merely shrugged his shoulders, "Oh many changes are coming

Dumbledore, and I will remind you that I am Lord Black as I am the sole

remaining survivor of the Black Line that holds the name. Headquarters

may still be yours, as I hate the home, and you may still uphold

operations there. Harry however is going to be coming with me, and we

are going to revive Potter Manor, and ensure that guardianship is in my

name before the day ends."

Looking grave Dumbledore said, "I don't think that is a good idea Sirius.

Perhaps you should stay at Headquarters for a while, that way you have

some time to find your feet once again. As for moving to Potter Manor, I

do not believe that wise with Voldemort stocking through the streets."

Sirius stepped up toe to toe with Dumbledore this time and growled out,

"No more Dumbledore. The last time we listened to you it nearly killed us

all. Had James listened to his father chances are he would still be here.

Potter Manor's wards are still standing, and it would take Voldemort

himself to rip those wards apart. Harry will be safe there, and will finally

have the chance to be the young wizard that he was supposed to be.

Given the world of opportunities that I know Lily and James would have

wanted him to have. He will have the finest dueling instructors in the

world, along with a Quidditch coach if he so desires it. Because that

Dumbledore is what I childhood is supposed to be like, not that equivocal

shit you left him in. Good day headmaster, and for once stay out of the


With that Sirius dragged Harry through the atrium roughly bumping the

headmaster as he walked by. Before they made it to the floo network

though they were stopped by a soft voice calling for Harry. Harry

instantly recognized the voice and stopped to look for the source, when

he saw a red head trying to make her way through the crowd and get to

them, "Harry! I am sorry to catch you guys on the run, but I was

wondering if we were still on for New Years Eve?"

Sirius managed to beat the boy to the explanation however and claimed,

"It seems you are a dollar waiting on a dime Lady Bones. My young

Godson here has already made plans with me, and I apologize if that

takes him from you."

Knowing that Sirius was playing a mean trick Harry spat out, "With your

Aunt Susan, Sirius is playing his first joke as a free man. Madame Bones

invited us to come over New Years for the party, and celebrate the

victory, and alliance between our houses."

Susan's face instantly brightened at that announcement and jumped into

a hug for Harry, "Then I can't wait to see you guys then! Enjoy the next

few days Harry, from what I understand you will have deserved it."

Harry wanted to say more to the girl, but knew this wasn't the time or

the place, so he merely returned the hug the best he could, and promised

to write to her soon. As the two men were preparing to turn to the floo

they heard a scream in their direction, "Die Blood Traitors, AVADKA


Seeing a flashing green light come towards them Harry did the only

natural thing he could think to do, and that was tackle the person closest

to him, which was Susan, the moment they hit the ground though he had

popped back up and began returning a flurry of spells towards the man

who was the clear attacker, "Reducto! Impendimenta! Expulso!"

The three spells snapped out so fast the man didn't have any time to

defense himself, and he was quickly knocked out. Most of the atrium had

come alive at the site of the green killing curse though and had scattered

to run for their lives, as if they were chickens with their heads cut off.

Harry was almost disgusted with these people, but didn't want to raise a

fit now. Aurors were already on the scene, and he didn't attempt to rush

the downed man. He turned to Susan whom had already made it to her

feet, "You saved my life Harry."

Shaking his head, "I did what anyone would have done Susan. I saw the

curse coming, and I moved as quickly as possible. I remember what

happened the last time I heard those words, and didn't see it coming. I

didn't want it to happen to you."

A scream from behind them made Harry's nerves jump and pointed his

wand towards the sound of the voice, but quickly discovered the attack

may have been over, but there was a casualty. Laying on the floor nearby

was an unknown man who had a look of fear in his lifeless eyes. Harry

felt his insides go cold. He had saved one, but cost the life of another.

Sirius swept quickly behind the two and said, "Lets us all leave. Susan

you can come with us for now, and we will send your Aunt a Patronus

from Ollivanders which will be our first stop. We must get a wand in my

hand, before something like this happens again. The fact that my fifteen

year old Godson had to save my life, and yours Ms. Bones is no longer

acceptable. You will be safe with us I promise."

Susan looked around and nodded her head at the chaos. The aurors were

still surrounding the man that had been down, and noticed he was not

moving. Fearing the worse, she quickly agreed hoping to prevent Harry

from seeing who he may or may not have killed.

The trio quickly went into the floo, and traveled to the Leaky Cauldron in

mere seconds, but the moment they touched down, Harry drew his wand

on Sirius and said, "The news may not have traveled yet Sirius, you

should go in disguise for today. Nothing to drastic, but something that

will keep most eyes off of us."

The Marauder nodded his head quickly, and Harry cast a few advanced

glamor charms to change his look, and then turned to Susan, "I will send

your aunt a message now if you'd like. You are welcome to tag along

with us, but it could be a long day, and I assume your aunt is about to be

a very busy women."

Susan looked around for a moment and then said, "Tell my Auntie that I

am going to hang out with you guys in the alley, and I will return to

Bones Manor by 6PM at the latest."

Accepting the red heads answer he looked at Sirius and thought of the

future they were going to share together as a family, and flicked his

wand out, "Expecto Patronum!"

The stag popped out quickly and bowed to his master as he saw no

enemies were around, "Prongs, go to Madame Bones at the Ministry and

inform her that Susan is safe with Harry Potter and Sirius Black, we are

fleeing the scene of the crime where a man just shot a killing curse at us,

and attempting to get Sirius a wand as quickly as possible. Susan will

return to Bones Manor by 6PM."

The large creature bowed once again, and then shot off in a direction that

must have been the quickest route to the Ministry. Sirius gaped at the

boy for a moment, then merely hugged him, "I think that was the first

time I consciously saw your patronus Harry…It looks just like your dad.

Down to the smallest detail. It's perfect."

Smiling sadly at the man he said, "It's still my favorite spell. Now come

on, we need to get going. The sooner we can get you a wand the better."

Agreeing with the sentiment the three runners went straight for the alley,

and straight to the wand shop without getting a second glance. When

they made it to Ollivanders wand shop, he was clearly surprised to see

the people in the room, "Mr. Black, Mr. Potter, Ms. Bones, what a

pleasant surprise. I do not usually do much business during the school

year, so it is nice to have some company today. Let us see if I can

remember this right, Mr. Potter, 11' Phoenix feather and holly wand. Ms.

Bones you were 11' Unicorn hair and holly. One of the odder

combinations I have ever made. I find it interesting with the similar

components of your wand, and Mr. Potters, that you approach me

together. I do believe these wands could quite easily-"

Sirius interrupted the man, "Sorry to interrupt Mr. Olivander, but we are

in a bit of hurry, we were just attacked earlier at the Ministry."

The stern man then turned on the younger man saying, "Considering the

fact that you are with the head of the Department of Magical Law

Enforcements daughter, can I assume that you have been finally clearled

of all charges then Mr. Black? Or should I be checking these two very

unlikely people you would be with for the symptoms of the Imperius


Susan snorted, "Even if I were Mr. Ollivander, no one can hold Harry

under the curse, not even Mad-Eye Moody."

The man looked in amazement at the young man across from, "Quite an

impressive ability Mr. Potter, one I did not know you possessed. But yes,

perhaps given the circumstances we should make haste. Mr. Black, I did

not give you your first wand if I remember correctly, which I almost sure

I do. Your wand was made by your grandfather Orion Black, who was

quite the skilled wand crafter. Made every primary wand for the Black

children for as long as I can remember. It is sad to know that he left the

world without passing that knowledge on to you, or another."

Sirius looked at the ground sadly, "It is true, my grandfather was a very

talented man, but you are correct, I don't believe he passed his

knowledge down to anyone. My last wand was a Blackthorn wand, 11

inches, and Acromantula heartstring."

Harry and Susan both shivered at the thought of an acromantula heart

being the core to someone's wand, but mostly because of the memory of

Aragog running fresh through both of their minds. Ollivander nodded, "I

myself have never used Acromantula heartstring for a wand, and I hope

your previous wand is one day recovered so that way I may study it?"

Sirius shook his head sadly, "If by some miracle it is found again, I can

promise you I will let you research it, but I believe Pettigrew stole it

many years ago."

Shaking his head the man nodded, "Alright let us begin with something

then. You are older, and your magical core is most likely almost fully

built, so let us see if we can find a last permanent partner for you. I have

a few blackthorn wands in the shop, let us see if any of them work for


After several attempts at wands, with no success, Sirius was beginning to

get frustrated, when Ollivander handed him a completely different

looking wand, "Humor me Mr. Black, I do believe this wand may fit your


Eyeing the wand skeptically Sirius reached his hand out to grab the

wand, but before he could touch it, the wand shot straight into his hand,

and a shower of red and yellow sparks came out, causing the three to

spectators to jump for joy. Sirius eyed the wand in amazement, "I have

never felt such power in a wand, what is it?"

The old wand crafter smiled lightly, "It is thestral hair, and elder wood

Mr. Black. I have only ever made five wands with this type of core, and

they have all been given to all kinds of different people, but I do believe

this one will serve you well."

Sirius nodded again in appreciation before pocketing the wand, and

offering his hand to the man, "Thank you Ollivander, for your haste, and

your silence."

With that Sirius reached into his pocket and pulled out 10 galleons and

placed them on the counter. Harry and Susan both watched in shock,

clearly not knowing the man had galleons on him, but he merely winked

at the kids, as the man took the coins happily, "I am happy to serve the

house of Black. I hope in the future if you sire offspring I may seem them

in my store."

The man laughed lightly, "I don't know if the world is ready for Sirius

Black to have children old chap. I don't think they are even ready for him

to be free, so perhaps, but perhaps not."

The man smiled and bowed to the Lord of the Wizengamot and recently

freed man.

This allowed a moment to pass before Sirius said, "I do believe Gringotts

is next, for I have exhausted the little cash I had on hand. Ms. Bones you

have a choice here. You can sit in on whatever we do next, or you may

return home. Now that I feel I can safely escort you to the place."

The girl shyly looked around for a minute and said, "Auntie isn't going to

be home until late, and Hannah is on the continent, so if you don't mind

the intrusion..."

Sirius waved the young girl off before she could go on, "No intrusion at

all actually! Just some simple matters, and you can even be a witness to

something quite historical."

Looking confused the red head asked, "What would that be Lord Black?"

The man took one look at her then dramatically out to the sky, "The day

the tides turned Miss Bones, the day the tide turned."

Susan and Harry grinned at each other, as they followed the man who

was clearly on a hot streak a mile long, and they followed him straight

up to the pillars of Gringotts, where he pushed both doors open and

walked in like he owned the place. When he made it to a counter he

proclaimed, "I would like to see my useless account manager, I believe he

goes by the name of one nut!"

The goblin behind the counter growled, "What business do you have with

Lord Rugnut wizard. He is only Black Account Manager, and does not

take calls from a wizard of lower status."

Grinning Sirius snapped, "Well I do happen to be Sirius Orion Black, Lord

of House Black, so if you don't mind retrieving my account manager, I am

sure he will be both happy and pissed to see me at the same time!"

Suddenly a booming voice came from behind the counter nearby, "Why I

thought I smelt a son of a bitch walk through our doors! I would've had

the guards throw him out had I known he was going to rot the place up

so bad!"

"Lord Rugnut, it has been a while!" Sirius said walking towards the

master goblin who stood at about average height of the rest of the race.

When the small creature approached him they stood toe to toe for a

moment before the goblin responded in a serious tone, "Not long


The two stared at each other for a moment, and Harry and Susan both

began fingering their wands as if a death match might take place any

moment, but just as Harry was about to suggest their departure the

creature and man began laughing as one! The two teenagers took the

moment to stare at each other in pure confusion, while Sirius and the

goblin shook hands aggressively, "It is good to see you again Lord Black. I

feared those imbeciles at the Ministry would never let you walk these

halls again as a free man!"

Susan asked in shock, "You knew he was innocent?"

The goblin turned to face the young lady snorting, "Knew it? We told the

Ministry about 300 times in the first year that Pettigrew and Potter took

the Fidelius here at Gringotts with Rucksalt! I was in the room at the

time, and we attempted to get in contact with many Ministry officials,

but us being lowly goblins, we did not get the grace of a response!"

Shaking his head Harry responded, "Why does that not surprise me!"

"Your dad did the fidelius charm here with the Potter account keeper,

who was a long time ally to house Potter. Rugnut was there at the time,

and witnessed the event. Its how I have been getting money, and how I

got your firebolt Harry." Sirius explained.

Rugnut nodded, "No trial, means no guilt. In goblin nation you are

innocent until proven guilty. So Lord Black and I exchanged

correspondence from time to time, but kept it minimal in his best

interest. He mailed me just yesterday however informing me that today

he would likely be a free man, and that he had certain interest he wanted

to take care of immediately. With that being said, lets us all take a step

back into my office, so we can make this as short as possible."

In awe Susan and Harry followed back the goblin and wizard to where

they entered a quite quaint little office. It wasn't anything special, but

Harry knew the goblins probably didn't spend just large amounts of time

in these small little spaces, as they were obviously very busy creatures,

"Right down to business then. These are the papers that makes Harry

James Potter your blood and legal son. This will give him all rights to the

Black family in case of your demise, and it will also require him to sire 2

Black children, neither must be male, though it will be stipulated from

birth that one of them must keep the name Black. These are the papers to

annul the marriage of Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy. These are the

papers to bring back Andromeda and Nymphadora Tonks back in the

house of Black. I also took the liberty of gathering what properties you

have left, and putting them in this file. I need several signatures, and a

couple drops of blood from both of you."

Harry looked at his godfather in shock, whom had already frozen, "I had

yet to inform Harry of that possibility Rugnut."

The goblin looked slightly embarrassed as he stared from the folder back

to the boy, "Err, right, well then perhaps I will give you two a few

moments to talk-"

Harry shook his head, "No need. Sirius if you are offering to blood adopt

me then I accept."

The man shook his head and dropped to his knees in front of the boy as

he was seated in the chair next to him, "I am not asking you to forget

James and Lily Harry, in fact I am asking you to do the opposite. Let me

protect you from everything that may legally stand in your way. Let me

do what Lily and James chose me to do all those years ago, that I have

failed so greatly. Let me be the dad you always wanted, and James will

be the father you always needed."

Harry nodded gently, trying to hold back the tears, "Nothing would be

better Sirius!"

The two men stood up and embraced each other tightly, but then quickly

separated and listened to the instructions of the master goblin, "I warn

you Mr. Potter. Upon your seventeenth birthday you will still become

Lord Potter, with the full duties of a Lord. That will include the possible

duty to marry, and continue the Potter line. This will give you the

opportunity to learn about this as I am sure Lord Black will teach you

many things, but if something were to happen to him then you would

take on both titles, and be required to uphold both ends of the family

tree. Do you understand and accept these conditions?"

Harry nodded his head slowly, "Sirius still has time to have children, and

I hope he lives through whatever may come next in life, so yes I do


The goblin nodded and pointed at a few places that required signatures.

After that he said, "Ms. Bones I believe? Will you please come stand over

here and witness the blood signing of the papers?"

The girl quickly nodded and stood up while the goblin made Sirius and

Harry stand a percise distance apart while holding their hands out over

the paper while he swiftly nicked both of them, "By the power of magic,

law, and Gringotts we deem these documents official and completely

legal to be recognized by all intelligible bodies in the world. So mote it


Harry and Sirius both said at the same time, "So mote it be."

This caused the blood droplets to turn golden for only a moment, and

then solidify onto the paper, "That is all that I require of you three today.

Lord Black I will begin filing all of this at once. Is there anything else that

you require of me?"

Sirius shook his head, "I need another large pouch of 1000 galleons

retrieved from the Black family vault, and then that will be all."

The goblin nodded, and called out to a goblin standing outside the door

to go and fetch the gold while Sirius finished signing just a few more

spots on the paper, "Your gold is waiting for you at the counter at the

front. It is a pleasure to have you back in these halls Lord Black."

The man grinned shaking the goblins hand again, "It is a pleasure to be

back Rugnut, I am sure we will be in touch soon for further actions."

Grinning menacingly the goblin responded, "I sure hope so Lord Black."

With that the three once again departed another location. As soon as

Sirius had picked up his gold, and then left the building Susan didn't wait

ten steps for saying, "What the bloody hell was that? I have never seen

wizards and goblins act so casually with one another? I have also never

seen such efficient work from them in my fifteen years of dealing with


It was news to Harry that Susan was fifteen like him, making her one of

the younger ones in their year like him, but didn't raise the question as

he to was curious about the goblins. Sirius grinned at the girl and walked

off for a moment before turning around saying, "Why don't we all discuss

it over lunch. I am buying, and then I can talk to you two, and get you

home Ms. Bones as it is now 4:00Pm and I never like to send a lady home

past a set curfew."

The girl grinned and nodded following after the man who was clearly

strutting towards the leaky cauldron with his two young charges in tow.

After arriving at the Cauldron the group ordered their food at the front,

and then took a seat at a nearby booth while Susan was clearly waiting

for some answers. Sirius however was perfectly content on looking at his

fake finger nail polish, so Harry took some mercy upon the girl, "Come on

Sirius out with it!"

The man chuckled and leaned over the table to whisper quietly to his

younger companions, "Look Black family stuff has made the Goblins and

my family go way back! I have known Rugnut my whole life, and I used

to deal with him when I went to the bank with either my grandfather or

my father. I learned that the little goblin has a wicked sense of humor,

and doesn't like to be treated any differently then how we treat each

other. So I deal with him however I want, instead of trying to act all

cordial and respectful. He appreciates, and I appreciate it, because we

aren't into the whole formalized bull shit. Sorry I hate to swear in front of

a lady, especially one that has red hair, because it brings nothing but bad


The man grimaced, but Susan wasn't appeased or distracted, "But what

about everything else. You clearly had plans, and you didn't execute all

this in the twenty four window we gave you."

Sirius gave the girl a sad smile, "Ms. Bones I have been planning this day

for a long time. I have had most of this stuff running through my mind

for well over 10 years. When I heard of my brothers death, and the death

of Orion Black, I began planning just what would happen to the house of

Black. Well I certainly didn't want it to fall in the hands of a Malfoy so

my first thought was, how do I get the fortune and the title to someone

who won't spoil the house or fund the dark lord. Well that was easy, if I

could get Harry to agree, then I would blood adopt him and then he

could have it all if I die or have no kids. Boom that was one problem

solved. However if that didn't happen and I was never freed it was all in

my will for Rugnut to make sure Harry was my blood adopted to son off

the record when I died. It couldn't be on the record for obvious reasons,

but he would've known to make sure it happened the moment he heard

about my death. Do you follow me so far?"

Susan nodded, and Harry paid close attention trying to pick up on the

little things, "Okay so the other things were even simpler. Narcissa was

forced into that relationship with Lucius Malfoy, and she hated the man

while we were in school, so I didn't want her to be stuck with him. My

dear sister Andromeda was cast from the family by my mother because

she married a muggleborn, but that is kind of ridiculous and medieval so

I reversed that decision to. Had I died all this would've happened, but

now I get to live to see it happen. I had written it all down months ago

when Voldemort returned, because I assumed that anything could happen

at any point, so I wanted to be ready."

Feeling amazed by the man's well thought out plans Susan said, "That's

brilliant Lord Black! It seems like you really thought it all out!"

Taking a bit of an easy smile he said, "No Lord Black stuff around here. If

we are in the Wizengamot its a must, but anywhere, and I do mean

anywhere outside of that courthouse or government building, I am Just

Sirius Orion Black, or Padfoot if you prefer."

The girl looked questioningly at the man, and he just laughed, "Oh pup

you have a lot to teach this one!"

Harry smiled at the girls colored cheeks, and chuckled, "I will explain it

another time!"

Smiling back at the boy she said, "I look forward to it."

The two stared at each other for a moment, but then the food arrived and

they were distracted from one another in the form of food.

When Lunch was over they walked Susan over to the floo, and said their

farewells, and made sure she made it okay. From their the two sat back

down and began talking again, "That some girl you have there."

Smiling lightly he said, "She isn't mine Sirius. She is just a friend."

Shaking his head the Marauder reached out with his hand and swatted

the boy in the back of the head, "Ow Sirius what the bloody hell was that


Laughing the man laughed, "Oh come on pup, you can fight dragons, but

can't take a good smacking from an old man? But listen, that girl stuck

her neck out on the line for you. Risked her reputation, and her aunts

career by taking this to her. She knew the risk, but she still did it...for

you! I only spent one afternoon with her, and I know that girl is worth a

million galleons! She reminds me a lot of your mum, and its not just the

red hair. I admit years ago I had hoped you and Hermione would end up

together, but the truth is your just two different, and I think she herself

has a thing for red heads. Missing the point though, a girl like that won't

wait around forever. Believe me I know! What's stopping you from going

after that? Shoving the girl in a broom closet, I tell you what if I was

twenty years younger..."

Harry shook his head quick to dispel those thoughts from entering his

mind, "There is a lot on my plate right now Sirius. I am trying to lead the

kids at school, with a lot of stuff I still need to tell you about. I have

Umbridge, Dumbledore, Voldemort, and OWLs, and she has all that too."

"You're starting to sound like Hermione talking like that!"

Rolling his eyes a bit he then softened up, "I don't want her in danger

because of me Sirius."

"Isn't that her decision to make though Harry? I tell you what, on New

Years you give her a nice little chaste kiss on the lips, and be careful

about it or she is going to put your lights out. I know Amelia Bones pretty

well, and if she taught her niece anything its how to handle handsy boys.

But you know keep it simple. Maybe it will be nothing to either of you,

and you will know its not how its supposed to be." Sirius advise carefully.

Giving the man a questioning look the boy asked, "How will I know if its


The godfather of the boy laughed very hard at this and patted him on the

back standing up, "Oh trust me pup you will know. You will know!"

(A/N) Next chapter is a Boneless chapter, but the good stuff is

coming, just wait! Cheers, and please review!

9. Up to Speed

Chapter 9

Sirius, Harry, and Remus along with some of the aurors that presided in

the order of Phoenix were talking excitedly over the trial that had taken

place just earlier that day, and the atmosphere inside Grimmauld Place

was exciting.

Sirius swore up and down that this would be the last night he ever stayed

in the house of his ancestors, because as of today, he was the man with a

plan, and he was very soon to share that plan with his Godson who had

no idea the firestorm they were about to create.

Leaning against a nearby wall with a butter beer in hand Harry thought

about just how all this had become possible, and like most of his

thoughts that day they had been on one Susan Bones whom had done the

above and beyond to help him get the family he now had, and he played

many situations and possible outcomes in his head at the inevitable

conversation that would take place between them.

Ron and Hermione had been a little bitter with Harry at first over the

plan, but knowing how well it went, and how important it was to keep as

few people involved as possible they lightened with the party, and

forgave Harry easily. Hermione however started the notion that Susan

was a bad influence on him, but Harry had taken to the girl's defense and

ripped the brainy girl a new one, which caused Fred and George Weasley

to erupt in applause and laughter when he stormed out of the room.

Even Ginny whom had a crush on him since her first year knew that all

the good recent changes in Harry's attitude and overall life were because

of the girl, and no matter how much she wished she was in the other red

heads shoes, she was not, but couldn't help herself to be happy for her

friend Harry.

Sirius had come to finally talk to his godson in private about just what

the next move is as he knocked on his door gently, and was invited to

come in, "Hey pup!"

Harry merely raised his eyebrows towards the man, and put the book

down he was pretending to read as his godfather took a seat on his bed,

and spoke, "That was some lecture you gave Hermione, and don't get me

wrong I think you are right about most of those things, but it proved to

me a little more that you two are just too different."

Seemingly thinking on something deep Sirius quickly waved it off,

"Anyways, we have some big plans in the making that need to be

executed, and I want you in on them the whole way through. Are you


Harry sat up immediately recognizing excitement in old Marauders voice,

"Born ready, what's the plan Padfoot?"

Sirius and Harry talked deep into the night, and Harry absorbed a lot of

information, and at the end of it all he merely asked, "Are you sure all

that is going to work?"

The old man merely threw an arm around his shoulder and laughed

though, "Trust your old dog father, and have a little faith. Tomorrow we

start with Gringotts, and that will determine just how successful we will

be from there."

"I would like to see my account manager Rucksalt." Harry said

confidently to the young goblin that was sitting behind the tellers' desk.

The goblin however did not even look up as he said, "Name and purpose

of business."

"Harry Potter with the purpose of claiming his heir or Lord Status." Harry

said giving only a briefly faltering confidence look to Sirius whom had an

impassive look on his face.

The goblin this time did look up, and then his eyes flitted from Harry's

eyes to his forehead, and then nodded quickly, "Yes Mr. Potter I do

believe your account manager has been waiting for this meeting for quite

some time now."

The young goblin shouted behind him in his native tongue as an even

younger goblin rushed forward, "This way sirs."

Harry and Sirius followed the young goblin around the corner, and to

what appeared to be several offices that went down a very long corridor.

They went only a few doors down though when the young goblin lightly

knocked on the door, "Master Rucksalt, Harry Potter is here to see you."

There was a brief silence, but then the door swung open, and a goblin

unlike Harry had ever seen stood before him. This goblin was the tallest

he had ever seen, which was still short at maybe 4 foot six inches, but the

thing that would make him stick out beyond that was his massive build.

His shoulders were wide, and he looked like he could wrestle a bear into

submission, and it all looked so out of place in his finely tailored suit, "Ah

young Potter, I have been waiting for you to show up here for ages.

Excellent, truly excellent."

Harry and Sirius were cordially invited into the office and were offered

seats, biscuits, and drinks all at once, which they accepted all of. Harry

who was already curious asked, "Lord Rucksalt, if you had been so

anxiously waiting for me to arrive, then why not write me a letter?"

"Standard protocol. At fourteen years of age you can acquire your heir

status as I am sure your new father by magic has informed you, but the

thing about that is it was the duty of your magical guardian to inform

you of this, and not Gringotts. We are efficient, but we are merely

bankers, not a wizard's keeper. Even those of us who are designated to

take care of one massive account must respect tradition on the matter.

Had it been my way or had your parents ever instructed me to do so I

would've reached out to you, but without such a request I merely

patiently waited for you to come in, but over the past 3 years you have

not visited Gringotts since your first and only visit at 11."

Harry thought back on it and realized the goblin was right. In his second

year, he used what gold he had on him still from his first visit to get all

of his school supplies, and his third year the Minister had it done for him

when he hid out in the Leaky Cauldron. In his fourth-year Mrs. Weasley

fetched it all four him. Suddenly Harry had the feeling that none of this

had been coincidental, but no longer cared if the situation was fixed, "I

suppose that makes sense. So today I am here to claim my position as

heir Potter, and hopefully find out the state of my accounts and


The goblin leaned back in his chair thoughtfully and said, "You competed

in the Tri-Wizard tournament last year did you not?"

Sirius nodded with a smile, "He did, and won the damn thing at that."

Harry confirmed this with a nod and a small smile noticing Sirius' pride

in his voice. The goblin smiled what seemed like viciously, "Interesting

that the headmasters of the three largest schools in Europe seemed to

overlook the fact that you are now a recognized adult by magic itself,

whether the Ministry wishes to acknowledge it or not."

Sirius this time look taken by surprised Harry however remained

confused, "Is it because you had to be seventeen to enter the


"That is precisely why Mr. Potter. When you stepped foot into the first

task and your magic did the will of the goblet of fire you became a legal

adult in the matter, however you will not have the full powers of one, or

can you take on the full benefits of Lord Potter. I do believe when you

leave this bank today you will be Lord Potter." Rucksalt explained.

Sirius looked giddy, "That is way better than we could have hoped for,

what needs to be done Rucksalt?"

Reaching around his desk and standing quickly he pulled out some

supplies, and a large bowl, "First I need to magically confirm that this

Harry James Potter birth son of Lily Evans Potter and James Charlus


The goblin pulled out a knife that looked wicked sharp and asked, "The

last enemy to destroyed, will it be death?"

Harry who didn't know what to do was nudged by Sirius to go forward,

and he offered his hand in only basic understanding, "Yes, as the words of

my family motto say."

"But do you believe it Harry James Potter?" Rucksalt asked almost


Harry flinched back a bit, and thought about the words. He felt a slight

tingle in his body at the thoughts that led him along the lines of the

family motto, but spoke anyways, "Yes I do."

"Allow me to take a bit of your blood as a sacrifice to your ancestors and

magic itself."

Offering his hand out Harry felt a quick slash go across his palm, and it

was relatively painless as blood dripped into the stone basin that glowed

immediately a bright gold color, and Rucksalt along with Sirius had their

eyes widen. Rucksalt almost stuttered, "Magic has accepted your claim. It

recognized who you are; now ask it confidently if you are ready to be

Lord Potter."

Harry felt almost a little silly talking to himself, but did as he was told,

"My name is Harry James Potter, and I seek to learn if I am ready to be

Lord Potter."

Another drop of blood fell into the basin and it glowed the same color,

and Rucksalt said with a bit of a barking laugh, "Merlin, I dare say magic

accepts your claim."

Sirius murmured, "I barely got a slight glow of silver."

This comment was missed by Harry, but the goblin smirked at the man,

"Well that was accepted, but I still do not believe you will have the full

title of Lord Potter. Make no mistake you are now Lord Potter once I grab

the ring from your vault, but whether you will be able to take your seat

on the Wizengamot or empty your vaults if you wished is still a


"I wouldn't want to empty my vaults though, I only want to use some of

the gold and reactivate the properties of Potter Manor, and see if my

family owns anything of value." Harry said honestly.

Rucksalt laughed as he pulled out a large binder from his desk, "Hold

onto your pants there boy, because I think you are about to be in for a


The goblin began flipping through a few pages and said, "Now your

grandfather was not the most established wizard, but he died young

compared to some of his previous members of your family. That however

does not mean he did not make his fortune selling the hair product that

he invented himself when your father was just a boy. It still brings in a

respectable amount of money each year to even this day nearly forty

years later. His father was a curse breaker for Gringotts, and didn't care

to live life very extravagantly, and made another fortune that was never

spent. Before him another curse breaker, before him a ward creators,

before him a Hogwarts professor, and so on and so forth of successful

legacies from the Potter family, now. This is your overall account total."

The goblin slid a piece of parchment over towards Harry, and he picked

up and said, "Holy Sh-"

"It's quite impressive, isn't it?" The goblin said interrupting his swear

word in mid formation.

Turning to look accusingly at his godfather, "Did you know it was this


Shaking his head, he responded, "No, but we all knew that your family

had money. The way James always bought stuff for us, and took care of

Remus like it was no big deal at all, but he never flaunted his wealth

enough for us to know anything like this."

Harry blew a raspberry quietly, and said, "What about investments?"

The goblin nodded his head, "That is actually what your father did for

nearly a decade. He had a financial mind the likes very few wizards ever

have. If Gringotts hired Wizarding accountants I guarantee your father

would have been the dream pick for some of our best accountants. He

took the fortune and spread it out, but now in the past fifteen years he

has been gone it has nearly doubled."

Another piece of parchment was passed over to Harry, and he gasped

again, but this time Sirius wasn't as surprised this time, "The old codger

always said he wanted to run the world, and we thought he was just


Rucksalt shook his head, "No I daresay your father was a genius and a

gambler. He took every bit of the fortune and invested it in different

companies he thought would do well. Some did okay, some did great,

some failed, but for the most part it was all good investments, and it

certainly paid in a decade and a half."

Harry recognized lots of the companies on the list. Nimbus, Florean's,

Florish and Blotts, the potions shop, dervish and bangs, and dozens and

dozens of others. Some were even muggle Harry noticed. Sirius asked,

"How many of those does he have controlling interest on?"

The goblin shook his head, "None on that list. All the controlling interest

companies are on this list."

Another sheet a parchment, and Harry almost dreaded to look at it, but

the only two names he recognized on it was, "Firebolt and Marauders


Sirius looked up in what almost looked like alarm, and scrambled up to

see it, before cursing, "Damn! I wish I would've known before I bought

you that broom they might very well just give you one if you called for it.

What is Marauder's Jewelry?"

Harry shook his head, and looked at the man incredulously as if to ask,

'how am I supposed to know?'

Before he could respond verbally the goblin said, "Lily Potter was founder

and CEO, and I believe the business was never given the opportunity to

take off, but it started their last year in Hogwarts when James and Lily

Evans, at the time, came in and started talking about a company start up.

They laid out all the investment plans, but to my knowledge they never

got to go through with it."

Sirius looked curious at this, but didn't say anything. Harry however

wondered just what his parents might have been up to, while Rucksalt

was patient, "That is all of your financial equities. Let's move on the last

thing and most likely what you actually came for and that was property. "

The man pulled out a much smaller binder thankfully and said, "Your

father did not care as much for property and had lots of it sold off to

build the fortune for investments, and I can say it paid off in the overall

value of the Potter account, but you still have 10 properties. One on each

of the six habitable continents, in New York just outside of MACUSA

headquarters, in the Amazon Rain Forest near the school Castelobruxo,

un Minami Iwo Jima, Japan, also near the Japanese wizarding school of

Mahoutokroro school of magic, Uagadou that actually sits on the grounds

of the African school in Uganda the Potters actually helped build, a small

cottage in Sydney Australia just outside the magical community, and then

four homes across Europe, of course Potter Manor, Godrics Hallow's

cottage, the home in France, and the mansion in Rome. Lily Evans also

had a flat that she called The Marauders Lodge. So, eleven properties is

what you own and ten of them belong in the Potter Family. Each home

was also there for good reason, and James Potter was not stupid when he

decided to keep them all."

Harry processed this and had a disturbing realization come to him. If he

wanted to run he could do it, and run far. He could make Dobby his

secret keeper, and he could literally disappear under the fidelius charms

of any of these homes that are far away, and would be safe forever.

However, he was no coward, "That's amazing."

Sirius nodded in clear surprise, "What of Potter Manor, it still stands yes?"

"Of course, and all the wards will be in place still. Some of the finest

work goblins have ever done for a wizarding home. Of course, it will

need an exceptionally powerful wizard to power the wards, but from the

way young Lord Potter here made the basin glow earlier, I dare say he

could do it just over a few short days." Rucksalt explained easily.

Remembering the plans Harry and Sirius laid out the night before he

spoke, "I would like access to all these homes, and over the Summer I will

attempt to resurrect the wards at least two of them, and every break I

have from Hogwarts I will repower the wards. How do I get to Potter


"And do we have any house elves at our disposal from the family?" Sirius


The goblin flicked threw a few papers before saying, "You need to go first

by portkey to Potter Manor after that you should be able to plot it in your

mind and apparate to it if you wish. You may even bring back on the floo

line as it has been warded against the Dark Mark, but I still advise you to

be careful using it considering just who it is after you."

This caused Harry to look up sharply, "You know Voldemort is back?"

Nodding gravely the large goblin said, "Of course Gringotts has known

since the first day that the Gaunt family vault was reactivated. Never in

our history had an expired vault reactivated like this before, but it left no

doubt that someone had committed dark magic to come back, and

Voldemort is the only one with that type of power, and the only logical


Harry didn't know who the Gaunts, were but Sirius looked fascinated by

this, "So it's true that Voldemort is the heir of Slytherin?"

"Aye, and we are lucky that those incestualized inbred idiots killed off the

family fortune before Voldemort rose to power or I doubt anyone

could've stood in his way." Rucksalt spoke calmly.

Storing all this information away for another day Harry asked, "So all I

have to do is go inside the Potter Vault, and find a portkey that will take

me to Potter Manor?"

"Yes, but you won't have to search for it. Upon entering the vault, you

should fine the Potter family ring, and that should easily guide you to the

portkey, or it is possible that the ring is the portkey, we goblins do not

know, and have never seen it before."

Sirius exclaimed, "It must be. James always wore that ring after his

parents died, and he usually preferred portkeying onto the grounds then

apparating, and we never knew how or why. We assumed of course, but

knew it would be a faux pas to ask even our best mate about his family


Rucksalt agreed, but didn't give any verbal signs. Harry however stood,

"Forgive my rudeness Lord Rucksalt, but I am very anxious to see just

what my family has left for me, and what the family home looks like."

Rucksalt waved him off, "You are welcome to anything in the vault, just

know that if magic thinks you are trying to take too much out for your

own good it will stop you in a potentially violent way so be careful. The

goblin that escorted you in will take you down to the vaults and allow

you ample time to get what you may need."

Harry shook hands with the goblin as he pressed a small button and

barked into a command that neither man in the room understood. The

young goblin from before however spilled into the room and asked for

them to follow him as they said their farewells to the account manager


The young goblin led them to the carts where Harry asked him to turn it

on top speed so that way they could get their fast, which was a decision

that Sirius wanted to smack his dog son for, and Harry tried not yell out

in glee at what seemed like a high-powered roller coaster.

Upon arriving at the vault after a short journey Harry jumped out and

faced it, but then seemed to realize something obvious, "But we don't

have a key?"

The young goblin snorted, "Lord Potter I do believe that the oldest

accounts are the best protected as they usually contain the most valuable

objects, so it is my belief if you touched that door and confirm that you

are Harry James Potter it will merely open, and if you are not then

well…I suppose it will be a lonely ride back to the surface."

Harry gulped only a little bit before going forward and gently placing his

hand on the wall, and having the upmost confidence having already been

accepted as Lord Potter by magic just an hour before hand. The door

responded to his command, and when it opened Harry did get through

his whole swear, "Holy shit."

He however noticed that Sirius had said the words as him, and didn't

even bother to chastise him for his language. The closest thing to him

before emptying the vast vault that could've been a large one story house

was a stand with a closed mahogany box that he marched straight over

too, and opened it at once as if he was compelled to do so. He then

without question pulled out the ring in the top right corner of the

beautiful box slipped it on, and felt a nice smooth sensation trail through

his body. Harry sighed contently, and looked back to his dog father, "It

must have worked, and I think you were right this is the portkey."

Sirius carefully stepped into the vault looking around as if he was afraid

he might be struck down by some unknown force, and only relaxed when

he got next to Harry once again, "That is the ring James used to always

wear, and I don't know what the rest of these are. I think I saw your mom

wear that bracelet a few times though. Why don't you grab a few things,

and then we will go check out Potter Manor?"

Harry quickly agreed to this and walked around grabbing a few random

things that picked his interest and nothing as nearly as interesting as the

journals that he found that had Lily Evans Potter engraved on them. He

put those in a small duffle bag that he found in the room, and a couple of

other trinkets, that he wanted to look into, and walked over to Sirius, and

the small goblin who had been waiting on him, "Sirius, a lot of your

family had magical portraits painted of them, do you think that my-"

Sirius shook his head sadly, "Your family was much to humble for

something like that Harry…I'm sorry."

The boy merely nodded though having not gotten his hopes, up and then

said, "Alright then let's get out of here."

Harry, Sirius, and the small goblin made their way back to the cart,

which took them to the main lobby back at Gringotts where Harry and

Sirius left the small goblin behind, and attempted to exit the building.

Their attempt however was thwarted by an aged wizard with an all too

familiar white beard, "Ah good afternoon gentlemen, Harry, Sirius. Or

should I say Lord Potter and Black?"

Harry tried not to let his face reflect his surprise, but Sirius squashed his

suspicions, "See the thing on his finger then? I hope that will dissuade

you from interfering in his life any longer. He should have all the legal

rights of an adult now, and when the letter reaches the Ministry

tomorrow I suspect even his trace of underage magic will disappear."

Dumbledore nodded I agreement, "I dare say that I believe so as well. I

trust that you two are off to Potter Manor then? To revive the wards?

Perhaps I may be of some assistance."

At first Sirius looked like he wanted to object, but Harry spoke first,

"What is it you want Headmaster? I know it is not some coincidence that

we run into each other here."

Dumbledore sighed, "I merely wish to begin to make up for my mistakes.

I recognize a changing tide when I see one, and while I still do not wish

to endanger you Harry with too much current information, I still wish to

help you to the best of my ability, and that means if Voldemort peers into

your mind and sees Potter Manor, I want him to face the full wrath and

vitality of what hundreds of years of wards can bring. I believe I can help

you with that."

Sirius didn't say a word as Harry and Dumbledore eyed each other, and

then Harry spoke softly, "I do suppose that will be okay. I don't exactly

know how to power wards up."

Dumbleodre smiled at the boy, "Then perhaps I can teach you so you can

do it to other properties that the Potter's own. I know the location, so if

you will portkey first to replot the property on the maps I will follow

shortly after."

Harry nodded, and turned to Sirius, "It's all up to you pup I will follow

your lead, but we need to get a move on. If Dumbledore new we were

here it's possible a Death Eater could too, and even an idiot would know

that our first step would be to power up the wards at Potter Manor so

that way it would take some serious fire power to get to you."

Harry nodded quickly, and the three wizards walked outside where Harry

activated the portkey by the simple word, "Portus."

Harry held onto Sirius for dear life as he felt his body whirl through time

and space, and when he landed on the ground with a hard thud he heard

a soft pop from behind him, "Well done Harry. We must be quick though

in case we were seen."

Harry nodded, but as he stood he took in the area. He didn't know where

they were, but there was a small mountain in the distance along with

trees that surrounded the massive property. It was the largest land he had

ever seen, and while the house wasn't anything terribly impressive in size

it looked like a comfortable home at just a little bit larger than the

burrow in length, but not nearly in height. The grounds were beautiful

though as he admired the green grass, and the blue little lake or pond

that was at the end of his eye site.

Dumbledore was already moving forward though as Sirius and Harry

followed him towards the house. When they approached the front door,

several loud pops were heard, and Harry at first thought they were in

trouble, but then saw that what had appeared were tiny house elves who

were screeching in joy, "Master Harry has returned!"

They all took a low respectful bow, and Sirius said, "Hello mips, I

wondered if you would still be around these parts. I forgot to get my

answer from Rucksalt."

The oldest of the elves stepped forward bowing, "Master Padfoot it is a

pleasure to have you back on the ground with the good sir. It is our

honor to have a Potter back on this land."

Sirius spoke gently to Harry, "Harry this is Mips the head Potter elf.

These are his children, and his wife is…"

Sirius looked at Mips, and the creature bowed his head with a small sad

smile, "Gone to the next world I fear. Took her just a few years ago, but

she lived a happy life and went surrounded by myself and her children."

The marauder smiled sadly at that, but said, "I am sorry to hear that

mips, I loved tips. She made the best dog biscuits."

"A recipe shared before she passed with our oldest daughter." The house

elf motioned to another elf that looked young and a little like winky that

Harry had met in fourth year. That crazy elf though was a bag of cats he

never wanted to cross paths with again.

Dumbledore smiled patiently at them all, "Forgive us, but we must power

the wards quickly, Mips, can you take us to the stones?"

The old elf smiled instantly, "Ah Master Brian, of course come this way."

Harry wasn't sure why the elf referred to Dumbledore by his middle

name, but didn't question it as he followed the elf and two wizards to the

middle of the house where Mips took them into a small room surrounded

by books, and pointed to a nearby bookshelf, "Young Harry go place your

ring on Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and a small room

should be revealed where you may power our protections back to life."

Harry couldn't help but notice how sophisticated and intelligent this elf

sounded compared to Dobby, and wondered it Dobby was just so

mistreated that he didn't know proper English or such. Harry however

did as he was told and placed his ring up to an old textbook, and the

book shelf folded in on itself and gave a small passage way to a room

with a dully lit green stone.

Dumbledore swept into the room before Harry could even check it out

and said, "Watch carefully Harry."

Dumbledore took two of the three stones presented in the triangle on

separate stands, and began breathing deeply, "Make sure you only do this

while you are perfectly calm. The wards will react to your magic, and the

emotion it feels. Once you feel a slight tingle in your body start saying

spells quietly. Any that you wish. I caution you against saying spells that

are dark magic, but it will power your wards if that is what you wished.

It is merely going to take the magic from your core that you would cast

these spells with and power the wards like so, protego, expelliarmus,

expulso, bombarda, expect patronum…"

Dumbledore said easily two dozen spells most of which Harry knew and

with each spells the stone grew brighter, until they were emerald green

like the color of his eyes, and when Dumbledore was done he let go the

stones, and Harry noticed out the window that lights were flashing

around the property, and a large dome was being created out of magic.

Harry watched in awe, and Dumbledore said, "Now you try the last stone,

and see how you do. This old man is rather drained, but I still have

energy to fight in case of emergencies."

Harry nodded and stepped forward repeating the process that

Dumbledore did, however he used expect patronum half a dozen times,

and each time it was clear that this caused the biggest flux of power to

the wards, and wondered what would happen if he only used this spell to

power another home.

It only took a moment to finish, and when he did he saw Dumbledore

looking outside, "I feel them. They are as powerful as ever before."

Sirius nodded at the old man, "Thank you Dumbledore for your help. I

am sure they are more powerful since you did them yourself."

The man merely smiled, "I did say I was here to help. Now Harry, would

you like to place the Fidelius charm on the grounds?"

Thinking for a moment he shook his head, "Yes, but not today. Possibly

not even before summer, but one day yes."

Dumbledore nodded, and did not attempt to voice his opinion, "Well you

two gentlemen have lots to do, and lots to learn about the grounds. I am

sure you are in capable hands with the house elves and Sirius who knows

his way around. I will bid you two good day."

As the headmaster began to exit the room Harry called out, "Wait

Headmaster…" the man stopped and turned while Harry continued, "I

don't know if I will fully forgive you for what you have done, or perhaps

what you haven't done, but thank you for what you did today. I would

still like for us to be friends one day."

The old wizard seemed to look through him as he said, "My boy I am but

an old man, and I have made many mistakes, and I fear some of my

worse one's will have been involving you. I hope you will find it in your

heart to forgive me one day, and would very much like to be friends as

you said."

Harry nodded to the man, and he tipped his hat, and walked out of site,

and a few moments later he heard a pop indicating the man was gone.

10. New Years

Chapter 10

When New Year's Eve was upon them the men dressed their best after

receiving a formal invitation from Madame Bones that the dress wear was

semi-formal, and that many other friendly Lords and Ladies would be

attending the party.

This made Harry and Sirius go buy new outfits for the occasion and get

neatly trimmed up, and shaved to make it all look presentable. Ron and

Hermione had both been invited by the Bones family, as had quite a few

members of the DA Susan explained briefly in a letter he had received

that morning, and the boy was greatly looking forward to the event, that

he knew could very well change his life. At least if he listened to

anything Sirius Black said.

The two were walking through the wards side by side in accompany with

one another when Sirius said, "Relax Harry I think your beginning to

sweat. I haven't seen a man get this nervous over a red head since your

dad, and before him, never!"

Remus was in tow with the men when he grinned, "I will never forget

how pale looked when he came back from asking Lily to be his girlfriend

the first time."

Harry was only recently getting used to the story of knowing that his

mum had rejected James Potter well over a dozen times before accepting

his invitation to go on a date, and still couldn't believe they didn't have

the golden romance like people had told him!

Sirius cracked a laugh at the memory, "We can say what we want about

old Prongs, but the man was determined, and he was loyal."

The three held a moment of silence as they approached the main door,

where Sirius insisted they entered like proper gentlemen, and not

through the floo which was a wizard's rudeness sometimes.

Looking at Bones Manor from the outside Harry realized the massive size

of the home, and wondered just why if this was a wizarding home the

place even had a doorbell, which Sirius rang to see if anyone would be

waiting at the door, "That will be five sickles Mooney old chap, I told you

no wizard or witch waits at the door for their guest anymore, its always

by the fireplace!"

It wasn't long before a striking woman whom Harry did not recognize at

first opened the door, "Harry!"

The women slowly walked over to the young man and embraced him

tightly, and for the life of him he couldn't think of an intelligent response,

much less his first name. Susan was wearing a short silver dress that

hugged her body quite nicely, and showed off everything the girl was

blessed with. From her nicely tanned legs, to her widening hips, to her

ever-growing bust line that made many boys at Hogwarts drool.

While Harry remained speechless, Sirius saved the boy from

embarrassment, "While my boy Harry here seems to need his tongue

untied, I hope you don't mind that we dragged Remus Lupin with us, I

know you two know each other, and I know your Aunt will remember

him, but the poor old chap was sitting alone when we were leaving

Potter Manor, and I begged him to come along with us, so he could spend

my first New Year's Eve as a free man with me!"

Smiling at the two men to her right she responded with, "Of course!

Auntie Amelia is always happy to have more guest in the house,

especially because it feels kind of empty with just the two of us around

most of the time! It is good to see you again Professor Lupin!"

Remus offered the girl his hand and said, "Please just Remus or Mooney

will do. I am no longer your professor, and now that I am entering your

home, I insist that we keep it simple!"

The girl laughed, "I think I am familiar with your nickname Mooney, so

that will do nicely for me!"

The two Marauders both gave the boy a surprised glance that he had

shared that story with the girl, and he turned a bit red, "It may have

come up once!"

This caused the men to throw their shoulders back and laugh heartily,

and Susan escorted the three inside. It was three hours to the New Year,

and most of the guest at Bones Manor had already arrived, including like

Susan promised many of the DA members. Among the notable people

were Neville, and Hannah who seemed to be getting cozy in the corner

when he walked in. When the two Gryffindor boys made, eye contact

however they went towards each other at once. As the boy approached

Harry noticed he had several small cuts on his face, and a large bruise on

his neck, "I was hoping I would catch you here tonight Harry. You have

had a busy holiday it seems!"

Grinning at the boy he smiled, "I had some help, but yeah it has been

busy, and great! How about you? From the look of those marks, it looked

like you came across something that didn't like you!"

This caused the boy's face to nearly split in two, "That was my Uncle

Algie, he came into Christmas this year and began bagging on me like he

usually does. He then started on Gran, so I told him to shut his mouth. He

didn't like my disrespect, so he stood up to teach me a lesson, and we

dueled. He got me a couple of good times, but I taught him to respect me

for it."

Harry laughed a bit at the boy's crazy family saying, "Well I am glad you

are able to use some of what I am teaching to you guys!"

A voice came from behind him that sounded stern and almost like a

certain Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts, "The boy is being modest.

What he didn't tell you was that his Uncle is an Unspeakable, and one of

the best duelist in our family, which given its law enforcement history is

saying something. Whatever you are doing Potter keep it up. You have

the full support of House Longbottom, and I am glad someone in that

school is standing up to things."

Scratching the back of his head with a bit of embarrassment the boy said,

"Thank you Madame Longbottom, I am just doing what I can. It's not

much, but these are dangerous times we live in."

The women raised her a glass a bit to him, "That they are Mr. Potter.

That they are. I won't bother you kids any longer, but I just wanted to

congratulate you. If you can teach my nephew the art of dueling, and

self-defense, then perhaps you have a higher calling in teaching. Have a

good evening."

The teenagers said their goodbyes to the older lady, and circled up

talking about their holidays and plans. At some point, Antony Goldstein,

Hermione, and Ron showed up, which made their circle even bigger. It

kept growing until eleven, where it was almost half the DA!"

Susan and Harry spaced out from the group at some point as the red head

could tell he was getting overwhelmed. She decided to take him down to

the grounds for a bit for some fresh air, and some personal one on one

time together, "It is a beautiful night, if not a bit cold."

Noticing for the first time that the girl was a little bear in her clothes, he

quickly removed his jacket without word, and wrapped it around the girl

carefully, "Sorry I didn't even think about how cold it must be in that


The girl laughed a bit, "Well you know sometimes a girl has to dress to

impress, and it can get a little cold once you step away from the party."

Those words felt significant to Harry though he didn't comment on them,

as they walked through the garden. The comfortable silence didn't go for

long as Harry spoke, "I really do appreciate what you did for me Susan.

No matter what you say, I don't think I will ever be able to repay you for


The red head bumped his shoulder lightly with hers as they walked

grinning, "It was the right thing to do Harry. You have been robbed of so

much in this life, and the fact that I was given a chance to help you and

make a difference was important to me. You give so much to help the

kids back at school, and I know most of them in a heartbeat would give

up just about anything to you if you asked for it. We all feel a little

indebted to you."

Shaking his head, "Well you definitely shouldn't, you have done more for

me than literally anyone has in my whole life, and we have only been

speaking for two months."

"Don't you think that is a shame too?"

Raising his eyebrows, a bit he asked, "What do you mean?"

The girl stopped and faced him, and began nervously twirling her hair, "I

don't know, I just feel like we have hit off pretty well these past few

months. We made a hell of a team with this whole scheme we through

together too. We had everyone fooled, and we put that together in one

night. Imagine what we could have done together had we been friends all

this time."

The boy offered his arm in a fake arrogance, "Care to take over the world


The girl laughed at his outrageous suggestion, but took his arm none the

less as they continued to walk through the courtyard, "I guess when we

go back to school we can tell everyone we broke up. It was friendly, and

that it was clean. Not many people would ask questions after the first few


Without thinking Harry asked, "Yeah, but what if we didn't?"

This caused both of the teenagers to stop, and then she looked a little

bewildered, "What do you mean Harry?"

At a loss for words Harry tried to reach for the right words, but couldn't

find them. It was then he heard a voice call over his head, "Harry the

New Years is starting, come up here and get Champagne glasses!"

Turning to look at the girl then his calling godfather, he decided to hold

off the conversation for a bit and just offered his arm again, "Come on

let's go celebrate the new year with some style!"

Smiling at his words the girl took his arm once again and they quickly

made their way back to the manor. Upon arrival, most of the party had

gathered around a conjured clock that looked a bit like the tower that

stood in London, but a much smaller version. Sirius was standing with

Madame Bones, and Remus, and he was holding his glass in preparation

to speak when his godson and friend walked back into the room, "Now

that were all here, I would like to say a few words as we only have a few

minutes left in the New Years."

Everyone gave the former prisoner of Azkaban their attention as the

clock ticked towards midnight, "This year I started as a man on the run

from the law, and life itself, and today I stand before you a free man. In

just five minutes we are going to enter a new year, and it is a very

important one to me, and the people I call family."

Harry watched his godfather speak carefully, and tried to analyze every

word he said, "Though I may be a free man, I know dark times are ahead,

but the people in this room, tonight, have reminded me just why we all

fight for the light. Why we as people, friends, and family, fight for one

another. Many changes are coming, and House Bones, and House Black,

are going to take them together. I hope in time, many of you will stand

with us, because a fight is coming, and I know many of us lost a lot in the

last war, in fact some of us lost it all, but we must stand together, if we

want to save it all this time."

The clock showed one minute left and he held his glass in the air, "A

toast to the new year, to peace, to family, and to everlasting alliances, for

without those things, I would not have a reason for tomorrow! To 1996

Ladies and gentlemen!"

Many people called back the toast, and Harry hugged his Godfather, but

then he turned to the red head who has had his attention the whole

night. A countdown was going on in the background, but he wasn't

processing it. The words Sirius had just spoken rang in his ears, and he

knew they were true.

As he approached Susan, something inside him clicked, and he grabbed

the girl, and gently brought her to closer to him, as he softly placed his

lips against hers. He heard the cheers behind him, and he wasn't sure if it

was the New Year, or people were happy to see young people kissing, but

either way it was over his head.

Harry felt something he had never felt before tug inside him during the

short kiss. It wasn't anything huge, but it was intimate. It felt special. It

was his first kiss. It was his first kiss, and it was on the first moment of a

new year.

When the two separated, the girl blinked a few times, then said, "Was

that why you didn't want to tell people we weren't split up?"

Nervously the boy pulled at his collar a bit, "Yeah, yeah it was."

This surprisingly made the girl smile, and she pulled him back in for

another soft kiss, and whispered back in his ear, "Yes, I think I agree


The young man's smile in this moment could have lit up a dark room, it

could have blinded the dark lord, but instead it made the beautiful young

women across from him smile just as large, because she had never seen

such a look on his face before.

A stern clearing of the throat happened from behind them, and Harry

turned to see the smiling face of Amelia Bones, "Mr. Potter, I hope I don't

have to give you the usual threatening speech about how if you hurt my

niece you will find yourself in the darkest corners of Azkaban?"

Harry chuckled nervously, "No ma'am, I have had my fair share of

dementors in my life, and I don't fancy another casual run in with them,

much less on a regular basis."

The women laughed lightly, "Good, you are welcome over here anytime,

but I don't think I will be leaving you two alone all day anymore. Heaven

only knows what I would have done in this empty manor with a boy here

all day."

This made the two teens blush, and others who were listening nearby

laugh. Thankfully Harry remembered a last piece of advice Harry had

been given by Sirius and asked, "Will you go on a date with me before we

go back to Hogwarts?"

The girl looked surprised at the question, but then smiled, "I am sure I

can fit you in my schedule Mr. Potter, just when would you like to do this

certain date?"

"How about Tomorrow, I can pick you up here, and we can go out and do

something fun."

Giving the boy a teasing smile she said, "What kind of fun did you have

in mind Potter? From what I have seen of your life, we might have two

very different definitions."

"I think I might just surprise you then. I don't get to surprise people very

often for something good, ya know?"

"Then I very much look forward to tomorrow night, and our evening


Feeling lucky and in the moment, he laughed, "Let's take it one day at a

time then from here? I know things can get shaky back at Hogwarts, so

let's do it right while we can?"

"That sounds wonderful, but don't forget I still want to know a few things

about you! I do believe we have two more years of memories to go

through sometime. When you're ready."

Harry forced a bit of a smile at that, "I know, and a promise is a


The music in the background was starting again now that people were

done wishing each other a happy new year, and Susan dragged Harry out

to the dance floor saying, "If you're going to be my boyfriend you're going

to have to learn how to dance with me, and handle me. I am also a bit of

a partier, but for you I don't think that will be a bad thing at all."

She whispered the last part in his ear, and the two danced with the other

people on the floor. It was mostly the younger crowd, but Sirius had

guided Amelia on to the floor at one point, and kicked it back for a while.

Harry wasn't sure what this new year would bring, but if this was any

indication, then it was going to be the best year of his life.

11. Interruptions

Chapter 11

The days that followed were wonderful to Harry. New Year's Day the

men slept in extremely hung over, because after the party they had come

home, and 'made Harry a man' as far as drinking went. There was some

vomiting, and a lot of laughing on behalf of the Marauder men. Which

meant when they work up that day hungover to hell, they spent a lot of

time just lounging around, and not going anywhere.

The day after New Year's was the date that Harry had planned with

Susan, and with the Marauder men help they planned something pretty

fun, and what they all thought would be safe.

As planned Harry, had arrived at Bones Manor at 7PM sharp, and was

dressed in casual muggle clothes, as he had instructed Susan to do as

well. Like Sirius instructed him however he did not arrive at the floo, but

at the front door with flowers in hand.

Ringing the doorbell nervously, a regal looking woman answered the

door with her monocle in staring down at the boy, "I see you arrived just

in time Mr. Potter. I hope you can keep up your streak through the night

as being a gentleman."

Bowing to the lady slightly he said, "I will do my best Madame Bones. Is

Susan ready?"

Laughing lightly the women gestured for him to come inside, "Not quite,

but if you aren't prepared to wait on the women, you don't deserve her in

the first place."

Smiling at the gesture, and the welcome he responded with, "I don't mind

waiting, I like to think myself pretty patient."

"From what I hear you have done with the students of Hogwarts so it

must be at least partially true." The women said with a hint of respect.

"Dueling and dating ma'am are two very different things." Harry

answered honestly.

The women nodded, and went silent for a few moments then said, "I

won't forget that you saved Susan's life at the Ministry the other day. The

fact that someone else died in her place made it even more real, and all

the more horrifying. I trust that since I am allowing you to take my niece

on this date that you will be keeping her safe?"

"I understand your concern Madame Bones, as did Sirius, so we decided

to delve into the Muggle World for the night, in order to avoid wizarding


The women smiled at that, "Brilliant mind you and your Godfather must

have, because that is precisely what I was going to suggest. I had

forgotten that you had grown up in the muggle world, and might know

some of the best things to do."

"I don't know about all that, but I am going to try and show Susan a good

time." He answered avoiding the fact that he had only heard about the

great things of the muggle world, seeing as that the Dursleys never

allowed him to go anywhere without them.

It was at that point that a young women's voice came from behind the

hall, "I am sure it will be fine Auntie if you are done giving my boyfriend

the fifth degree."

Turning to the girl to face her he was once again impressed with her

choice of outfits, and it wasn't because of the pretty red color of her skirt,

"You look beautiful Susan, I brought these for you, but we will be moving

a lot tonight, so I suggest leaving them here."

Looking intrigued by his words she nodded her head, and ran to put them

in water, it was then he turned to the head of Department of Magical Law

Enforcement, "I will protect her with my life, I hope you know that. I

have been trained well by my experiences, and I don't know if I have a

talent in the world at anything, but escaping bad situations relatively

unscathed is quite the niche. I promise to bring her back in one piece, by

whatever time you wish her to return."

Understanding the underlying question, she responded, "Midnight Mr.

Potter, not a moment later. If that clocks rings 1201, I am sure you will

not like the consequences."

Gulping slightly, he nodded, while Susan arrived back in the entry way

exclaiming, "Alright I am ready to go."

Smiling at the beautiful girl again he responded with, "Then let's be off.

Thank you again Madame Bones for letting us do this. I give you my last

word of being absolutely safe."

With that the two were off walking onto the Bones property across the

ward scheme to arrive at the main road when she asked, "Are we taking

the night bus Harry?"

Smiling at the girl he pulled his wand out and gently waved it in front of

him as a shining black motor bike appeared before them, "We are

actually going by land. If you are comfortable with it, if not then yes I

can call the night bus."

The girl gaped in awe at the bike in front of them, "But Harry we are

thirty minutes from the nearest muggle town!"

"Does it make you nervous? The bike flies, as it is magical in nature, but

if you don't feel comfortable with the fifteen-minute ride, then that is

really okay."

"Is it safe?"

Harry nodded, "Completely. Unless we are blasted out of the sky, but in

that case I was given emergency portkeys, so if we are attacked, we can

bail on the bike."

He showed her the two shoe strings that he was holding in his coat

pocket, and she nervously stepped towards the bike, "If this is a part of

your plan, then I guess I will go with it!"

Smiling he helped her onto the bike and then mounted it himself saying,

"Hold on tight. We have quite some distance to travel, and I don't want to

perform any dives after you today."

"Maybe the second date then?" The girl joked.

"Maybe!" Harry joked back.

With that he started the bike, and with the roar of an engine, he slowly

started moving across the nearby dirt road, and after some time on the

ground he asked, "Ready to fly?"

The charms on the bike were quite sophisticated. It had notice me not

charms, it had anti wind charms, and many heating charms, direction

charms, balance charms, and charms he had never heard of. When the

girl squeezed him tightly indicating she was ready he hit a couple of

switches that Sirius had very specifically shown him, and they were off to

the skies.

The girl yelled a bit in joy, and in fear, but the dominant emotion seemed

to be exhilarated. After a moment, she screamed behind him, "How long

have you been able to fly this thing?"

"About 24 hours!" He smiled at her clear surprise, but didn't say anything

more about it.

They were in the air for about fifteen minutes, and Harry could start

seeing the city lights, so he took the bike down to where a part of paved

road started, and avoided muggle traffic as he landed very softly, "We are

just a few minutes from our first stop, but I will ask how did I do?"

Keeping her arms wrapped tightly around him she kissed him on the

cheek, "Well I didn't fall off and die, so that is a good thing!"

Nodding in agreement at the thought he then asked, "So what do you

think, dinner and dancing, or dancing then dinner?"

Surprised at his proposition she asked, "We are dancing again tonight?"

Shrugging his shoulders, "It seemed like you really liked it the other

night, so I had thought it would be fun. Good time to get to know each

other socially instead of personally like how we started. We can get

dinner at a nicer place first, or we can eat some food at our dancing

destination. How does it sound?"

Laughing the red head said, "I am glad I got to you before the other

Hufflepuff girls did, if they knew you liked to party, I would probably

have to beat them away with a beaters bat! Let's go straight to the

dancing, and just eat there. I am always ready for the party atmosphere!"

Glad she liked the idea he went straight to the club that Sirius had told

him about, and parked in the specified areas, which allowed them to

dismount the bike. They talked casually until they walked into side to

blasting music. Harry had to pay a cover charge upon entrance, but the

exchange rate at Gringotts that day was particularly generous, so he

didn't mind giving up the cash.

The music was bumping as was the party. It was already dark outside,

and it was clear the youth of the town had already arrived in force. Susan

was clearly feeling her dancing feet coming to life, and immediately

dragged him onto the floor after they got showed to where would sit.

The dancing was some type of electronic funk, and Harry had never

heard anything like it. Susan though was quickly getting into it bouncing

on the balls of her feet, making her heels barely touch the ground. The

teens were getting rowdy, but it was nothing like when a few minutes

into the song the song stopped, and then an explosion of music

happened, which caused most of the people to lose their minds, and he

could faintly hear a happy giggle that made his heart soar.

The dancing ranged from the slow mellow toned beat, to the complete

raging party atmosphere that was making some girls to drop low, and rub

themselves against their men. The place was awesome, and Harry was

really glad his godfather had told him about it. Susan seemed to be

having the time of her life, and was begging to come back to the place by

the end of the night. As Harry, had watched how the girl moved her body

to some of the songs, he quickly agreed to it, and helped her out the


The two were walking side by side holding hands towards the motorcycle

parked nearby when Harry felt something poke into his back, "Don't

move Potter, or it will be your last. The Dark Lord will be extremely

grateful for my capture here tonight, and I am sure my men will be even

more thrilled to have such a young beauty in their beds."

Going stiff beside him Susan froze as she glanced at the man who was

wearing strange black pants, and a shirt that was partially open, she did

however recognize him from the wanted posters as she whispered, "Fenrir


The man leaned back and laughed, "That I am lass. It is good to know my

name is still a household fear in the Wizarding World. I was just hoping

to go out tonight to feed on some muggle scum, but who would have

thought that I might find Potter and a whore out while I was at it."

Harry growled, "Greyback, I didn't know you ever gave your victims a

chance. I am surprised you didn't just come up and bite us while you had

the chance, or are you going soft for your master."

Susan stared at the boy in fear and awe that he was speaking so

disrespectfully to man who had a wand in his back who was notorious for

killing his victims most brutally. However, the man merely grinned, "The

Dark Lord has offered a price so high on your head Potter that even I can

respect that he wants you alive."

Laughing sarcastically Harry said, "Becoming the Dark Lords bitch must

be such a harassment Greyback, you know I am sure he has enough

followers kissing his arse, but I thought you were better than that."

At this the werewolf growled and spun the back around and lifted him off

the ground roaring out, "Listen here boy, I will rip-"

Before he could say another word, he was blasted off his feet, and thrown

backwards. The moment Harry's feet touched the ground, and his arms

were free he pulled Susan close to him, and drew his wand screaming

out, "Stupefy!"

The werewolf dodged the first curse, but Harry rained stunners down

upon the man until he made contact and saw that the man had been

downed. It had all happened so fast, by the time Susan had drawn her

wand the man was unconscious. Turning to his girlfriend he asked,

"Susan are you okay?"

He grabbed her gently and she answered quietly, "You handled him so

quickly. But you used magic. The Ministry will have you expelled."

Harry grinned at that, "Not when I bring them enemy #1, you do happen

to know much his bounty is these days?"

In awe the girl made him let go of her, "You used the situation to get his

bounty? How could you put me in danger like that?"

Harry straightened up quickly at that shaking his head, "I didn't use the

situation. Nor did I put you in danger on purpose. In fact, I actually kept

his attention on me the whole time, while you still have your port key.

The only other thing I want to say on the matter is your adrenaline is still

pumping, so I hope you didn't seriously just believe that I was going to

put you in danger like that."

"But what about the bounty?"

"It was a joke to try and relieve some of the tension, now we need to get

him out of here before more werewolves, death eaters, or the Dark Lord

himself shows up."

Susan shocked, and sad that she had not thought out her accusation

merely nodded, and followed Harry as he kept his wand locked on the

downed death eater. For good measure Harry stunned the man again, and

walked over to him taking his wand, and snapping it, "That was for my

uncle. Be lucky a lady is here with me, or I would do so much worse."

With that he offered his open hand to his date, "Take my hand, we are

going back to my home. I will fly you back to Bones Manor by broom, or

you may take the floo if you wish to go home right away."

She nodded not saying a word as she took his hand, and they felt the tug

of a portkey whisk them away from the area.

When they landed, they landed to an alarm ringing throughout the

house, and Harry immediately drew his wand commanding her to do the

same, "Don't fire unless they do. Defend yourself, but don't attack yet."

Not understanding what was happening they heard two distinct pops

nearby and a man barked out, "What were the words said in front of

Hogwarts in June of 1993 from Sirius Orion Black."

"You offered me a chance to live with you. If I wanted to get away from

my aunt and uncle. You also turned into your animagus form to save us

from Mooney's furry little problem."

The man stepped forward and then gasped when he saw the body that

was on the floor, "That's Fenrir Greyback!"

The man that had stepped forward was easily identified as Sirius Black

himself, while the other man stepped forward, "That's impossible."

This man was Remus Lupin, and he was as pale as a ghost, "He held

Susan and I at wand point in the parking lot of the muggle club. He

picked me up and I blasted him off his feet with a wandless blasting

curse. He was so surprised that he didn't even have a chance to duel with

me. We came straight home once we grabbed him, do we have a notice

from the Ministry yet?"

Sirius shook his head, "Nothing here pup, but this is incredible, you

captured the most notorious werewolf in the world, this could very well

be the cure to Remus' infliction if we kill this man now."

Before either man could point their wands at him Harry spoke sharply,

"The niece of the head of DMLE is here with us tonight. We can't very

well kill him in front of her. Besides we need to take him in alive if we

are to prove my innocence."

Sirius said, "I say we hold him here then for 24 hours, and if we don't get

a notice we take him out front and set the bastard on fire."

Surprised by the hostility of the men in the room Susan was silent. Harry

however turned her citing, "This man may have killed more people in the

first war then Voldemort himself, not to mention the hundreds of lives he

ruined by changing people. He also is the reason that Remus is a

werewolf, bit him when he was eight years old."

Remus spat, "And I have hoped for revenge ever since I was a boy."

Susan spoke timidly, "We should call my aunt and have him arrested. No

matter what you do to him, it won't be worse than the dementors kiss.

Plus, Harry would stand to gain a lot of money from the bounty. It would

also give my aunt a chance to interrogate him possibly to get information

about Voldemort or his pack."

The men all looked back and forth between each other, and for a moment

Susan wondered if she was about to have her mind wiped of the evening.

Harry spoke softly, "Killing him now wouldn't be right. He has been

beaten. He had no wand, and no means of defending himself. We would

just be killing prisoners, and then we are no better than them. I am sorry

Remus I shouldn't even have bothered stunning him, the curse that came

from my wand should have been green instead of red, but Susan is right,

we must turn him in. It could do too much for our side."

"And if he escapes from Azkaban like the rest of them?" Remus asked

quite dangerously.

Susan shook her head, "Won't happen. No one would come for him. He is

to dangerous, and he will be held in a cell at the Ministry. Judging by his

list of crimes on the #1 most wanted list I am guessing he will be given

the death penalty pretty much immediately. His trial would be nothing,

but a formality."

"You think he would be thrown in the veil?" Remus asked skeptically.

"I certainly think it is a possibility. With his crime record. People have

gone in for a whole lot less."

Questioningly Harry asked, "What is the veil?"

Sirius explained, "It is supposed to be a doorway to death. It is rumored

to take people to other dimensions or wipe them off the face of the Earth.

No one knows for sure, but anyone who goes through has certainly never

come back."

Feeling cold as he learned about this death penalty Harry asked, "Where

is it?"

"The department of Mysteries, usually guarded by the unspeakables."

Susan answered.

Harry sighed. If we kill this unarmed man now we would be due to

answer for the crime. We can't ask Susan to lie to her aunt, and we can't

wipe her mind because she has seen too much. Then we are no better

than them."

Taking a sigh of relief at hearing her boyfriend's words, she also

understood that her fears were very real possibilities when she entered

this room.

Sirius looked back and forth between the two teenagers then nodded his

head simply, "I will fire call Amelia right now. Bring her down here. I

will also call for Kingsley, he is a friend, and I know he will help us out

with the arrest, and that way your aunt doesn't have to take this scum in

alone. If anyone could handle this man it would be Kinglsey."

With that he told the three remaining in the room to kill the man if he

rose to his feet, and not to give him a chance. Remus gave a curt nod,

while the two teenagers didn't say a word. When Sirius left the room,

Remus asked gently, "Well before this happened how did you two's first

date go?"

Harry was about to answer with a quiet negative response, but Susan

beat him to it, "It was such a good time. Harry and I danced most the

night away at this little muggle club. The food was great, the people were

great, and the music was-"

Remus gave the girl a smile, "Great?"

"Better than great! It was unlike any thing I ever heard!" She exclaimed


Recalling the hours before Harry was really warm on the inside looking

back at the moments, and suddenly very angry that Greyback had ruined

a perfectly beautiful first date with his now very real girlfriend.

Bravely Harry said, "Well on a first date we capture the most wanted

known felon in all of England, what should we do for our second?"

The question was clear to Sirius and Remus, but Harry was very unsure

of what the answer may be. The girl looked at the man on the floor in

front of her who was out cold, then back at the boy in front of her, "I

think we should hit up the Dark Lord next! If next time you let me draw

my wand on our enemy I think the second date will be very successful."

Remus grinned, as did Harry at the girl's boldness. At this moment,

Amelia Bones came storming into the room wand drawn, "My Gods."

Staring at the frozen unconscious body on the ground she asked, "Is

everyone alright? St. Mungos is just a floo call away."

Harry shook his head, "We were lucky. Greyback let his arrogance get the

better of him, and I hope it will cost him everything for it. I made sure he

didn't lay a hand on Susan."

The head of DMLE turned to face her niece, but the girl was nodding her

confirmation, "It's true, Harry handled the beast beautifully. One

wandless blasting charm, and several stunners. Greyback didn't even have

the chance to raise his wand."

Amelia Bones immediately casted several binding charms on the man,

including creating magical resistant handcuffs. Once she had the man

secured Kingsley Shacklebolt walked into the room, "You have a prisoner

for me to take in Madame Bones?"

The women snapped up, "I didn't call for you Shaklebolt?"

Sirius stepped back into the room, "I called for him actually Amelia. I

didn't think you should take this monster in alone."

The women fixed the Marauder with a glare before softening up a bit,

"Very well. Shacklebolt, make sure this one gets processed properly, and

is held at the highest security clearance in the Ministry, with five aurors

on him always. His trial will be tomorrow, and I want Potters bounty, as

soon as possible. Congratulations Mr. Potter, you just apprehended

arguably the most dangerous werewolf since Lyacon himself. On behalf

of the Ministry I would like to thank you for your capture. I must also

offer my thanks for keeping your word and keeping my niece safe. It is

1130, so I hope you don't mind me stealing your date for the night, as I

take her home."

Harry shook his head, "Of course, thank you for assuring safe passage to

her, and your swift arrival of getting rid of the scum in my family's home.

I believe all of our wands were itching to purge the trash."

The women seemed surprised by the boy's hostility, but looked to Remus

Lupin, and seemed to remember something from the past, while nodding,

"Of course. Susan I will give you five minutes to say goodnight to your

date. Then I expect you to go straight home. Let's go Kinglsey, we have

paperwork to file."

With that the prisoner was levitated out of the room, with the rest of the

adults in toe. Harry was just beginning to prepare an apology to the red

head, but before he could say a word, her lips were on his in a heartbeat.

The moment lasted what definitely could have been longer than the five

minutes Madame Bones demanded, but he couldn't really find himself to

care. When the kiss separated, she whispered into his ear, "I have never

seen something so attractive as to watch a young man protect his women

with whatever it took. Thank you for keeping me safe tonight. Goodnight


With that the girl spun out of the room, and Harry's mind was in the

clouds. Thinking overall the night had been great, and anxiously awaited

to be back in his girlfriend's presence on the train in just two short days.

12. Preparing For a Storm

Chapter 12

The day after Greybacks trial the kids were all back on the train, and

Harry was ten thousand galleons richer. The trial had been nothing short

of a ridiculous formality, where the auror department came in with an

overwhelming list of evidence, and witnesses, that permitted them to

instill the death penalty on the monster.

Of course, it was all over the daily prophet, that Harry had been trying to

eliminate all competition of the most dangerous dark wizard, and that he

had seduced young and naive Susan Bones into the muggle world, where

he intended to have his way with her. This of course brought the outrage

from Susan on the train ride to Hogwarts as she had her feet on Harry's

lap in the compartment with Nevllie, Hannah, Ron, and Hermione, "I

can't believe they said you seduced me! Those stupid imbeciles. I am not

some common slut that follows untrustworthy wizards out into the

muggle world where people can't see me. They didn't even mention that

we were dating!"

Harry shrugged, "That's probably for the best. It is our benefit that the

rest of the wizarding world may see you as a victim, it could make you

less of a target."

Susan was about to argue, but Hermione interjected, "He is right you

know Susan. For whatever reason Harry, has been quite the target, or

magnet to Voldemort, and his death eaters. With Malfoy, and the Crouch

problem, along with Quirrel, I think the less the public knows about your

relationship the better."

Hannah countered with, "But if the Hogwarts rumor mill is still as

legendary as it always has been then most of the students already know,

and anyone who shouldn't know from Slytherin or Ravenclaw has

probably already told their parents. You can't protect her from this


At this Hermione shot Harry a dirty look, but before he could say

anything Susan interjected, "I knew what I was signing up for Hermione.

Besides, what is the difference between you and I, you are always at

Harry's side, and all of Hogwarts knows that. So, by extension why aren't

you a target?"

Hermione gave the girl a soft smile before responding, "That may be true,

but I have a reason to fight. I know what would happen to people like

me, Muggleborns, if the Dark Lord took power, or if any death eater took

power. I stand with Harry, just like I stand for the cause. I always have,

and I always will. I have faced these dangers with Harry-"

"I have too now, when Greyback tried to rip our throats out. These

maniacs killed my parents Hermione, I understand why you are doing

these things, I just ask that you understand why I am doing it. I like

Harry, and I will not let his beliefs or mine be a reason we can't be

together. If things don't work out, it won't be because someone told us we

couldn't be together."

Neville clapped his hands together, "Here here."

The girl beamed at the shy Gryffindor who was gaining more confidence

by the day. Ron spoke up at this point, "I just hope you don't freak out at

the end of the year when things go to hell."

The other three in the cabin all looked at Ron in confusion, while Harry

flinched, and Hermione looked pained. Susan then turned to Harry to ask

him directly, "What does he mean Harry?"

Hermione came to Harry's rescue at this saying, "Its somewhat of a

rumor, and a fact. Some say it's a curse in our house, but we don't know

for sure. But every year at the end something bad happens. First year it

was Quirrel, second year it was the chamber of secrets, third year it was

Professor Lupin, and Sirius, then last year Voldemort returned at the end

of the Triwizard Tournament. If History repeats itself then something bad

will happen this year. There is even a betting pool going on in the house.

Some are hoping that Harry leads the school in a rebellion against

Umbridge and the Ministry."

Harry stared at Hermione in shock, "I haven't heard that rumor! That's

ridiculous! Besides Dumbledore won't let this all fall that far down. He

had to maintain his control for the greater good. He won't give that up,

and I won't lead people against him."

Trying to lighten the mood Neville asked, "Do you think I might be a

trivia question one day? Who stood in the way of the Golden Trio as they

marched to defeat the Dark Lord in their first year?"

Grinning next to him Hannah said, "I would like to solve the puzzle! Fifty

points towards the answer of who is Neville Longbottom!"

Everyone laughed at that lightly, but Susan said with a frown, "Aren't you

worried then about what happens at the end of the year?"

Harry shrugged, "I believe we make our own destinies, and I don't believe

in divination so I don't see a reason to stress out over that. We have six

months till we approach that bridge, and we have much bigger problems

that are looking us in the face these days. Umbridge, the DA,

Dumbleodre, Death Eaters, Voldemort. I think we can safely say that this

curse it towards the bottom of my stress list right now."

With that said the compartment door to the room slid open, and an

arrogant voice entered the room, "Must be feeling pretty high and mighty

these days Potter. Shagging up with blood traitors, becoming friends with

idiots, and capturing the big bad wolf."

Before any of them could do anything, Neville jumped to his feet wand in

hand, "Take it back Malfoy."

The rest of the group was so surprised by Neville's launch out of his

chairs they didn't even move, "Careful Longbottom are you sure your

holding the right end of your wand."

Growling back, "Care to find out. One word and you will hit the ground,

and be left outside of our compartment for the rest of the ride."

Draco looked behind him to see his two goons were watching carefully to

see if the boy would do anything or given them a command. Draco

merely held his hands in the air in hope of placating the angry boy, "I

only meant to pass a message onto Potter. Now get that wand out of my


Speaking quickly enough Neville responded with, "Harry doesn't care

what you have to say, neither do we. Now get, before I blast you out of


"That is no way to speak to a prefect Longbottom."

Harry groaned, "Speak your mind Malfoy then get out. Neville don't

lower your wand."

Draco looked over to Harry speaking angrily, "Call your dog off Potter, I

won't speak under this threat."

"Then get out Malfoy. We don't want whatever you are trying to sell."

Hermione said.

"Fine, but you will regret this-"

"My father will hear about it, yes we know. We hear it every year, bugger

off." Ron said in annoyance.

With that Neville stepped back and slammed the compartment door shut,

while Hannah said, "Well done Neville."

Harry smiled at the boy who was gaining his confidence, "I didn't get to

hit him though for insulting my ladies honor!"

Susan gave the boy a soft wink, "I do feel rather tainted with the insult

still ringing in my ear."

Neville not getting the girls innuendo said, "I can drag him back here if

you want Harry?"

Grinning at his friend he shook it off, "No don't worry Neville. But that

was fast wand work. We are going to keep working through the semester,

but loved your confidence. That can be half the fight sometimes."

The others also congratulated Neville, and began taking turns changing

into their robes. The arrival at Hogsmeade allowed the teenagers to exit

the train, and find their horse drawn carriage back to the castle. This

time around Harry was not as surprised to see the thestrals, but sad to

hear the words that came from his girlfriend, "What are they?"

Most of the group took a moment to comprehend what Susan had asked,

it did not make the headlines that Harry had saved her life, nor had they

mentioned it to the others, "They're thestrals Sue. They have been kind to

me in my few encounters with them, but you can only see them...if you

have seen death."

Susan paled a bit, and the others all raised their eyebrows, while Ron

asked, "I thought you didn't kill Greyback? I heard he was being thrown

through the veil."

Harry sighed, "A story for later guys. Greyback is as of today, still

unfortunately alive, but we can discuss it more later. Let's get up the


The group all still looked partially confused, but none raised anymore

questions as the squad boarded onto thestral drawn carriages.

Harry held Susan closely to him, as she was clearly remembering that her

life had flashed before her eyes, and the green-eyed boy had felt a little

guilty. Both times she had almost been killed were because of him, and

he hoped that his romantic life at Hogwarts wasn't going to cost this girl

her life.

When the group entered the castle, it was to light chatter and amusing

tales of other's holidays. It wasn't until Harry saw Professor Umbridge

that he remembered it was time to go back to hell. It was easy to forget

with all the positive things going on in his life recently that things were

still not going well on the Hogwarts front. Umbitch still ran the castle

practically, and they were all still in constant danger of being expelled.

Harry tried not focus on this as he let go of his girlfriend's hand with a

kiss on the top of her head allowing her to join her housemates for the

welcome back feast, and the start of the newest term. No speeches were

given, other than that Dumbledore welcomed the students, back and

reminded them to remain vigilant despite dark wizard activity, with brief

mentioning of the war criminal Fenrir Greyback instead of the Dark Lord.

Many eyes went to Harry when this was mentioned. Rumors had

circulated, but Amelia Bones had claimed that a citizen that wished to

remain anonymous had captured Greyback by surprise, and that the only

way this citizen was going to lose that right was if it was decided that

they were going to give him or her an Order of Merlin.

However, no one knew for sure how Greyback had been apprehended,

and Harry hoped that it was going to stay that way. He wouldn't lie to

anyone, but he wasn't going to be forthwith with the information.

It wasn't long into the new term when the DA had been back in session, "I

hope everyone had a productive holiday. As I am sure you have all heard

mine was quite busy, but we can get to some of that later if people are

more curious."

Some people smirked at that, and Harry himself figured just about

everyone was interested, but he didn't want to take time out of the

lesson, "Now normally we review our last lesson, but we will save more

work on the patronus for later, mostly because I have taught you all I can

on the matter. The rest will be up to you."

There was some disappointment at that, but Harry was ready for this, and

smiled, "But with that being said, I think we have done as much as we

can with the basics, and it is time to start working on something a bit

more complicated. Ron, Hermione if you would please."

They had already gone over in private of what would happen next, and

they had tried to prepare as best as they could, "Two on one dueling is

very useful practice, but I want you to attempt something rather specific

while doing this. I will demonstrate first."

Everyone cleared the middle of the room as the three duelists gave each

other wry smirks, while Harry thought he would be more playful, "Come

on Ronnikins I think I deserve some payback for some of the well placed

comments you made about me and my lady. Or are you going to fidget

your way out of it at let Hermione do the man's job."

This made both bristle, Ron for being called out, and Hermione for the

sexist comment. Almost on cue they both started sending spells flying

forward with marksmen level precision, however this is what Harry had

hoped for as he brought up a reflective shield, and then began firing

spread fire shots of magic. Two stunners at the same time, with almost

perfection, but that wasn't enough to beat down his protege's. So, with

that he followed it up a chain spell that was quite simple. It consisted of

the reducto blasting charm, flipendo the knockback jinx, and then the

disarming charm expelliarmus. This allowed him to take Hermione's

wand, and then focus in on Ron, who was just at that moment preparing

to fight back, but it was too late, once Harry focused on him. There was a

smattering of applause once both of his friends had been disarmed, and

Harry grinned at them, "Sorry guys that was a bit of personal vengeance

for some comments I heard this morning. The goal of your training is to

learn to stand up to two duelers, AND use your chain spells. This is the

first time we have done something like this, so I would like to start with

just the chain spells. We will over the next few weeks work our way up to

what you just witnessed.

Now pick a target, and we will begin working on that exact chain I just

did, it's one of the most basic, and easiest to master, but it is one of the

most useful. Get to it."

With that Harry flicked his wand and felt a bit like Dumbeldore when

targets around the room appeared. With the DA began at once.

Susan was watching her boyfriend with a smile on her face as he easily

impressed the entire room with his casual display of his dueling prowess.

To Harry it was clearly no big deal of what he had just done, but to the

rest of the DA it was quite the display of power. She would never admit

it, but she didn't have to when her best friend giggled beside her, "He is

dead sexy when he does stuff like that!"

Susan turned and gave her best friend the stink eye, "Hannah you have

your own hunk of a Gryffindor to make eyes at, don't you dare give mine

two looks."

This made the girls burst into giggles as they prepared to attempt the

chain spell with only a little success. After several attempts, Harry came

by smirking, "Ms. Bones it seems you may need some tutoring."

The girl gave him a flirtatious grin, "I am sorry Professor Potter I am

trying my absolute best."

With that he winked at the girl, and moved on so as not to take too much

time of his lesson. It made Susan smile as he went to interact with some

members of her house, giving them quick pointers, and most of them

seeing instant progress.

This went on for over an hour, while Harry called the meeting to an end,

"I gave us a little extra time, because I wanted to answer some questions

about what happened over the holiday. Instead of feeding the rumors my

friends and I have agreed perhaps it's time to be a little honest with

everyone, and see how that one goes for us, instead of just letting the

rumors fly to the point that I was under the imperious curse by Susan."

Some people laughed at this while Susan huffed having not been

enthused by that particular rumor she had heard at dinner the night

before, "Listen, without going into a lot of personal stuff it is true, that

Susan and I managed to get my now father by magic Sirius Black a trial

and a chance at being a free man. We did some pretty underhanded stuff

to make it happen, but it worked perfectly, and I owe Susan a great debt

for giving me a chance at a family..."

This made some people smile, including all of Harry's friends, "Now I

would rather you all not advertise this bit of information to much, but... I

will confirm that Susan I were the ones that apprehended Fenrir

Greyback. He attacked us while we were out on a date, and I assure you

we were lucky, I got the drop on him, and I did not do any incredible

magic to do so. He was arrogant and I bested him with one blasting

charm, and a ton of stunners. Which is part of why I wanted to focus so

much on the basics in here. I didn't use anything a second year couldn't

have used. All I used was a lot of trash talking, and a little bit of luck!"

Silence enveloped the room until Ernie McMillan asked quietly, "You

mean you talked to trash to one of the most dangerous werewolves, and

dark wizards of the century."

All eyes went back to Harry and he blushed a little bit, and Susan took

pity on him, "It was pretty scary hearing Harry swear at the monster, but

it was clear he knew exactly what he was doing."

This caused a roar of laughter to come from some of the boys, "Blimey

Harry does nothing scare you!"

Harry merely grinned at grimaced at the implication, while Cho asked,

"So was it true that Susan and yourself made up your relationship?"

The green-eyed boy was just about to answer that, but Susan merely

stepped forward and took his hand, "Not in the slightest. We had a very

pleasant and romantic holiday together, though we are still going to hold

to our promise that we are leaving our relationship at the door each night

we come in here."

Agreeing Harry spoke, "We ask everyone to do that for any developing

relationships in this room. We have noticed a few come up, and we ask

that each night you leave them at the door. Don't forget about them, just

don't let it affect the way we train in here."

Many people agreed to that easily, and Harry began dismissing the group,

until it was just Susan and Harry again.

Susan was nervous, as she was preparing to make a request of Harry that

she wasn't sure he was going to be very receptive of, "Harry, can I ask

you for something? I know we agreed to leave our relationship out of the

DA, but still feel like this needs to happen if we are going to be together."

Harry rose his eyebrows, "What is it Sue?"

Susan took a deep breath, "Twice I have almost been killed in your

presence, and neither time was I even able to draw my wand. But what

happens if next time I have too, and you really need another capable

witch or wizard at your side. I don't want to be the witch that was killed

in the first few spells and couldn't even raise her wand to defend her

friends or family."

Harry looked at the girl deep into her eyes, as he pondered what she was

asking, "Susan...I don't know if what you are asking for is a good idea.

You seem to pretty good for the average fifth year, and-"

Susan interrupted him gently, "But if I am going to be with you I can't

just be the average fifth year. I need to at least stand out amongst you

guys. Ron and Hermione both could wipe the floor with me, and I am

sure at least a few others could as well, no more how decent I am with a


Sighing deeply the boy scratched his head, "I don't know how to go about

this Susan. I don't know if I am worth the trouble for you on this. You are

right, you have almost been killed twice, and we have only been together

for a few weeks. It's going to be worse to once Voldemort comes out in

the open."

The red-haired flame stepped right in his bubble saying aggressively, but

quietly, "If you think I am coward Harry Potter you really don't know a

thing about the Bones women, Hufflepuff, or me in general. Just because

things are getting rough and ugly, doesn't mean I am going to lay down

in die. In fact, I want to rise up, and become the capable witch that my

family has produced, and if you won't help me to reach that potential I

will find someone else who will. I want that person to be you Harry

Potter, but don't think for a second that you are the only reason I will be

targeted when You know who returns."

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts Harry nodded, "What you are

asking for isn't easy. The training I underwent with Ron and Hermione

was hard. My very life was depending on it last year in the tournament,

and I had that to push me through every day. The DA is also taking lots

of our spare time, and I don't know if we will have the amount of time I

did last year for me to prepare you."

Susan disagreed, "I don't need to be as good as you Harry, I just need to

hold my own, or to protect our backs if you are having to fight whatever

is in front of us. Or give you an extra wand if we are both fighting a fight

we are hopelessly outmatched in."

Understanding where the girl was coming from Harry finally nodded,

"Okay. I will do everything in my power to help you Sue, but I don't

know if you are going to like me if I push you to this."

Disagreeing she put a finger under his chin, "Or maybe I will find it really

attractive that a young man is willing to go so far for a girl he still hardly


Smiling at the girl, he said, "We will do everything we can then my lady,

when would you like to start?"

The girl looked around at the empty room, and then smiled, "Right now!"

13. Valentine's Day

Chapter 13

The first month of the second term had gone splendidly, but it had also

gone horribly on different fronts. As far as how happy Harry was he

could easily say that he had never been happier. Umbridge had not

attempted to give him the blood quill again now that she new that Sirius

Black was in regular contact with his godson, nor did she want to tangle

with Amelia Bones now that her niece was dating the boy. However that

did not prevent her from attempting to make Harry's life difficult. Each

day she cracked the whip with new educational decrees that did make

the DA members slightly nervous knowing that someone had to be

leaking information, and there was no way Umbridge was just this good

at guessing.

Several decrees had been passed about organizations being formed, and

even about groups not being allowed to gather outside of the common

room. She even managed to cancel a few Hogsmeade visits, but

thankfully not all of them.

Susan's training had been coming around great. Harry did it with her in

private as often as they could. He had not told everyone what they were

doing, nor did he plan on it. As far as he was concerned it was their

business, and he was fine if people were thinking that he was taking one

of the most attractive girls in the school to a broom cupboard. Susan

smacked him a couple of times when she caught him grinning about that

rumor, but he was also rewarded at the end of many of their private


The girl was the type of loser that Harry had a deep respect for. Susan

Bones was a very competitive witch, but he knew there were two types of

losers. One type would just be sore about losing, and not do anything to

attempt to make the next match any better, but then there was another

type who took it personally, and let the bitterness seep into their training

allow them to push themselves harder and harder each time, and that

was the type of loser Susan Bones was, and Harry loved it. Each time

Harry struck her down, she would get up and insist they do it again.

A month had passed and Valentines was approaching quickly. It was the

twelfth before Susan even brought up the day to Harry.

It was a cold February Friday night, while Harry and Susan were training

privately after the DA lesson. Susan was doing fantastically, as her magic

was finally starting to respond to her brain, and not just her hand

motions and words. She had made a marked improvement that was

almost as big as Neville's. Nevillle had definitely come the furthest, but

Susan was quickly approaching Ron and Hermione and it had only been a

month of Harry's private tutelage.

Susan was drinking a pepper up potion and wiping the sweat off her

brow. It had been a tiring lesson, and Harry had finally gotten her to

apply the chain spells in a full-length duel. She had even almost disarmed

Harry, but unfortunately for the young red head he had seen it coming a

mile away. Never the less the girl was quite encouraged by her success

and felt on top of the world when we asked, "So what are we doing for

Valentine's day?"

Harry looked up abruptly, "Valentine's day?"

Susan looked at the boy in surprise and carefully said, "Yes Harry,

Valentine's day it's this Sunday."

Gulping a bit Harry said, "Can I be honest, and say that I have honestly

never had Valentine's day with a girl before?"

It was clear there was a question in his voice, but Susan honestly didn't

know what to say, "Gee, Harry I don't really know what to say to that. I

haven't exactly spent tons of Valentine's day with actual Valentine's, but

you know it doesn't have to be a big deal. Of course, I do want to spend

the day with you, and all that, but it doesn't have to be much beyond


Harry took on a very thoughtful facade, and then said, "I think we should

spend it just the two of us, right?"

Susan gave the boy a pretty smile that made his heart beat a bit faster, "I

would like that."

Harry nodded, "Then consider it done my lady. Maybe I can end up

surprising you. Thank you for bringing it up though. I think I might have

embarrassed myself pretty good had you not said something about it."

The red headed girl shrugged, "Your busy Harry, and the girls in

Hufflepuff didn't want me to say anything to you figuring you had some

kind of surprise, but something told me I shouldn't let it be a surprise just

in case."

Smiling at the girl he called his, he responded, "Come on I should get you

back to your common room, and I need to let our group no that we are

unavailable this Sunday."

The couple took each other hands, and took a quick look over the

Marauder's map as they marched down to the Hufflepuff common room,

and Susan was just about to walk into her common room after a kiss

goodnight when Harry stopped her for a moment, "I'm sorry for not being

normal on this type of thing Sue. I really want this to work between us,

so please if you feel there is something else I am not doing as your

boyfriend that I should be doing please don't let it be quiet. Sirius had

taught me a lot, but we still have a lot of time we need to spend together

before I learn more about the fairer sex. I guess what I am trying to say

is, thank you for being patient with me."

Susan was shocked for a moment, but then gently cupped the boy's face,

"Harry I know from what little you have told me, and what rumors have

gone around the school that you didn't have the best life before

Hogwarts, with the muggles. I also know from how little you talk about

them and how excited you were to live with Sirius for a change that they

probably didn't treat you very well. I am happy to help you with these

things, and glad we can learn about some of this stuff together. You know

that is kind of what being a young couple is all about so Auntie says. We

learn stuff together, and we just live our lives to the fullest. No regrets,

just fun nights, and great times that we spend together."

Harry smiled at that and leaned down and kissed her gently on the nose,

"Brilliant witch your aunt is! Goodnight Susan."

"Goodnight Harry."

Two days had passed and the day of love had finally arrived. It was a day

that many young witches around the castle had high hopes for. One of

those girls was Susan Bones. It was clear that she may not have been in

for the greatest day, but she had high hopes that she would get some

personal alone time with her boyfriend and they could enjoy the perks of

being young and together. She had no idea that her boyfriend did not do

anything half ass.

Harry Potter woke up Gryffindor tower with a smile on his face, and

nerves in his stomach. After his conversation with Susan just a few nights

before he had gotten in touch with his godfather, and began planning

what he hoped would be quiet the romantic day for his girlfriend. He had

hoped that she would be receiving her first surprise at any moment now.

Said surprise had just been discovered by the certain red head as she

rolled out of bed, and saw that the most beautiful flowers were found on

her bed side. They were an assortment of colorful lilies, and they seem to

brighten as she stared at them. She noticed a card was on her bedside,

and she quickly opened it,


Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you found these by your bedside first thing in

the morning, and that my charm on the flowers worked well. You see while the

flowers before you are not real, they are enchanted to be as beautiful as any

real flower. They will change colors with the mood of our relationship, if you

are happy with it, they will be a beautiful bright color, and the happier you are

the brighter and livelier they should be. And of course, it does work both ways.

Now I have prepared a series of surprises for you today, and hopefully I can

make this day special to you. The first surprise lies in the flowers, hold the tip

of your wand to them, and it should recognize your magical signature and give

you my first gift. I'll see you at breakfast, and hope your housemates won't

mind that I join you.

Hoping to see you soon


Susan quickly fumbled for her wand and taped one of the lilies, that

bloomed out a silver charm bracelet, that had two cute charms on it. One

was a snitch, that obviously represented Harry, and then there was a

small little animal that was clearly a badger that represented her. She

had to do her best not to squeal, as the boy had already blown her away,

and she had yet to even see him. Her best friend was at her side in a

moment clearly detecting the girliness that was going on. As she read the

note, looked at the flowers, then at the bracelet the girl whistled lowly,

"Damn Potter is good. Once this gets around the Hufflepuff house all the

girls are going to be expecting something like this from their guys!"

Susan grinned, "I wonder how he got the flowers up here. You don't think

he managed to do it himself, do you?"

Hannah at first looked skeptical, but then shrugged, "If it was anyone else

I would say definitely not. But this is Harry Potter we are talking about,

so I don't know. I guess he could've. I just don't bloody know how!"

Susan grinned, but then her smile changed, "Maybe I should wear

something nicer today, if this is just the beginning of his surprises, then

perhaps I should do a bit better."

Hannah shook her head, "No go with your plan Bones. It freezing ass cold

outside! We can see what he is wearing at breakfast, and if he is pulling a

Mr. Darcey then I will make up something that will allow you to come

back to the common room and change!"

Susan nodded gratefully at her best friend and planned to do just that.

When the rest of Hufflepuff house rose, it was already going around the

common room of what Harry did, and many were speculating how he did

it. Some said he snuck in, some said he used the windows, some said he

used some kind of advanced switching charm. Susan wasn't sure what the

truth was, and wasn't entirely sure she would even attempt to figure it

out. It would somehow make the moment less magical.

It wasn't long before most of the house went down to breakfast in groups

as it usually did, and it when she got into the great hall she was very

shortly joined by her boyfriend with a kiss on the cheek, "Morning my


When he sat down there were immediately some whispers, but Harry

ignored them and gave the girl a charming smile, "Did you get my


It was clear he was a little anxious about the matter, so she quickly

pacified him, "Yes Harry thank you so much. It was really sweet of you."

Susan took this moment to take a good look at him. Harry was looking

particularly handsome this morning as he was wearing a longsleeve nice

Black polo, that hugged his body rather tightly showing off all the muscle

he had put on in his training and in quidditch, while also wearing a

simple pair of nice jeans and nice dragon hide boots. It made the girls

heart do a little dance, as she too was wearing something rather cute, but

simple at the same time. She was very content with having breakfast with

him, and not having too much conversation.

It wasn't long before they heard a sickening giggle that interuppted their

breakfast, "Good morning students."

It was clear she expected a response, but when none came she began

speaking again, "Mr. Potter I must ask you to go back to your table."

Harry gave the women a surprised glance, "Really professor? Why is


The women gave the boy a patronizing smile, "It is against school

mandates to sit at other tables. Be glad I am in a good mood this morning

and simply wish for you to move back to your table."

Harry shrugged, "Its acutally not against school mandates professor. Will

that be all?"

The green eyed golden boy gave his girl a slight wink, and began

attempting to restrike up conversation with the people around him when

umbitch tried to continue the conversation with a slight giggle, "Funny

Mr, Potter, you seem to think you know the rules better than me. Now

please go back to your house table before I assign you a detention."

Now turning completely around to face the women he stood, "Professor

Umbridge. I don't quite understand the problem this morning. I assure

you it is nowhere in the school by laws that says I must sit at my own

table. While I do not claim to know the school rules better than anyone,

my best friend you see is considered the brightest witch of our age, and

has read Hogwarts History backwards and forwards many times as what

she considers light reading, and she assured me last night that it is not

actually required to sit at your own table except for 3 meals. Now

Professor, it is Valentine's Day, and I have quite the special day planned

for my Lady, and do not wish to be taken from her any longer."

Just as Umbridge was about to retort Professor Sprout came bustling by,

"Good morning Puffs, and welcome to our table Mr. Potter, I am always

happy to see new comers come sit at our table. Good morning Dolores.

Shall we have a cup of tea before we enjoy our Sunday afternoon off."

Professor Umbridge looked very conflicted about what to do next, but

then she bristled, "Mr. Potter should not be welcomed by you Pomona he

is breaking school rules?"

The head of Hufflepuff house instantly looked alarmed and looked at

Harry and his hands as if they were doing something inappropriate, when

she saw they were firmly relaxed at his sides she shook her head, "I am

afraid I don't see it Dolores, what rules is he breaking?"

"Sitting at the wrong house table!" Umbridge said in clear exasperation.

Professor Sprout instantly took offense to this, "How dare you! Is my

table not good enough to be visited by the other houses."

The Undersecretary the Ministry flinched, but then smiled at the clear

misunderstanding, "I think you misunderstand Professor Sprout, Mr-"

"Mr. Potter has been welcome to this table by my house, and his lovely

girlfriend Ms. Bones. If he wishes to sit here this morning he can and he

will. I ask that you not furtherly disturb my students and their guests


The women looked prepared to argue some more, but she was getting

glared at by the entire house of Hufflepuff now feeling that their house

had been slighted due to the twisting of words that Professor Sprout had

done, "I still feel that we are misunderstanding each other Pomona, but I

suppose we can discuss it in private over our morning tea. Good day to

you children."

With that the women bustled off towards the table while Professor Sprout

turned and winked at Harry and Susan and followed shortly after. Harry

stared in astonishment of what happened then turned to the Puffs who

were watching him, "Your head of house is totally wicked! Are you guys

sure she wasn't a Slytherin in school?"

This caused some laughter while Justin grinned, "You better watch

yourself Potter, us Badgers can be just as vicious as the rest of you, and

we have been known to kill a snake or two!"

This caused some good-hearted laughter, and Harry merely smiled at his

girlfriend as they enjoyed the rest of their breakfast together. When

breakfast was over Harry smiled, "Are you ready for an adventure with

me Ms. Bones?"

Susan's eyes lit up at this, and she nodded quickly, when Harry offered

her his hand, "Then please follow me."

With that hand in hand the couple left the hallway, but did not head

towards the entrance hall, but towards the grounds in the direction of

Hagrid's Hut. When they made it onto the grounds Susan was starting to

think that perhaps they weren't going to Hogsmeade, but when they

made it outside Harry looked around and then grinned as he pulled out a

miniature version of what looked like his firebolt. He then asked, "We

have two options. Its early so we could do both if you want. One option

is we take this broom and fly over the lake towards a secluded area that I

have warded off where we can have some private time just the two of us,

and do somethings you've probably never done before. The second option

is we can fly this broom disillusioned to Hogsmeade and spend our day

there. Its Valentine's day how does my girl feel, adventurous, or a need to


Her heart jumped a bit when he called her his girl, and she was nice and

full from breakfast so she didn't need food right away, so she figured

maybe the adventure first, and then Hogsmeade for food later, "Well Mr.

Potter you have my curiosity, lets what kind of adventure you have

planned for us."

Harry grinned at the girl, "I was hoping you would say that."

With that he mounted the broom, and offered a place behind him, where

she mounted the broom and tightly wrapped her arms around him. From

there they took off and stayed low to the ground over the lake. There was

still a light snow on the ground, and it would have been very cold, but

Harry seemed to have some type of heating charm or something come

from his body, but she did not know what it was as she had yet to be cold

all morning.

The fly over the lake was truly beautiful, and Susan had never flown this

close to the water. At some point, she even dipped her shoe in the water

and skimmed it which proved to be the first time that she had actually

felt the cold since they had stepped outside. She knew they flew good

ways from the castle, and it was almost out of site when Harry dipped

them towards and opening in the forest on the right. At first, she got

nervous thinking that they were going into the Dark Forest, but Harry

quickly assured her, "We are so far out that this actually not a part of the

dark forest. This is part of a forest that actually muggles can hike


Susan hadn't ever really thought about it, but they weren't that far from

muggle towns that were out in Scottish Highlands in fact she was

surprised Hogwarts students never came across them from doing exactly

what she and Harry were.

When they landed on the ground Harry smiled at the girl, and drew his

wand and did a quick motion with it causing a small backpack to zoom

towards him. He quickly grabbed it and pulled out a couple of things like

two sticks that he enlarged into hiking sticks, and a large knife he put

over his back with a strap. He smiled at the girl and offered her a stick, "I

thought we could go on a little hike. I know a place."

The girl smiled at the boy, and took a stick gratefully, and Harry took her

extra hand and began leading her down the trail that was before them. It

was a peaceful silence, as they walked along beautiful trail hand in hand,

but there was one thing that was kind of getting her, "Why am I not


Harry chuckled lightly, and touched the charm on her wrist, "The

bracelet is charmed."

She looked at the bracelet curiously, and then gasped, "Enchanted

jewelry where did you get it?"

Harry looked at the girl in surprise, "I made it."

Susan stopped looking at the boy in awe, "You made it?"

The boy nodded, "Sirius gave me this journal my mum had, and it had

step by step instructions to do it, it was easy."

Susan quickly spoke, "Harry don't share that journal with anyone.

Enchanted jewelry is super valuable and super rare. It must either be a

family secret, or your mother could have been on the verge of something

huge for a business."

In shock Harry merely nodded but then smiled, "Well I am glad I could

you something so cool. I had no idea, but I am glad you did."

The red head smiled and leaned up against him finding it very romantic

that he had taken her here, and made her super rare enchanted jewelry.

They walked for a while, when Harry finally spoke, "Were here."

Susan had clearly been lost in her thoughts, because when she looked at

the opening on her left she saw something breath taking. A small fire was

lit over this little campsite, and it sat right on the water, where you could

see a clear drop off, that made a small waterfall. She also noticed that a

small basket was by the fire, that might have held food, or snacks, and

the girl was instantly curious, but the view in front of her kept her

attention. Susan looked out into the distance in wonder, not even

knowing that Hogwarts was so close to something like this, "It's


Harry stared out at the cloudy sky, as snow gently fell, "It is."

With that Harry grinned, "You ready for the cool part?"

Susan looked at the boy in confusion, "This isn't the cool part?"

Laughing quietly the boy shook his head, "This was the beautiful part.

The adventure was only partly going off the school grounds, and don't

worry I covered our tracks well."

Susan sighed in content, "You didn't have to do all this Harry, it was

really, really sweet of you, but I would have been happy with something


"You only live once Susan, and the odds are against us on super long

lives, so might as well make the best of the peaceful times we have,


The girl gave him a shy nod, and Harry grinned pulling something else

out of his back pack that looked very strange. Harry quickly put it on,

and gave the girl a fierce smile, "Do you trust me?"

Susan looked at his out stretched hand, and nodded ever so slightly

taking his hand, then Harry smiled and said, "Then come here."

She did as she was told, and Harry directed her towards the edge gently,

and Susan was starting to get a little nervous, "Is this going to be safe?"

"Well I have only done this once. But I think it's safe particularly."

Susan muttered about how he wasn't being very reassuring, but then he

said, "Sometimes you just need a leap of faith."

When she looked at his face when he said that he was grinning so wide it

was infectious, but then she replayed the words in her head a leap of

faith, "Harry James Potter were not going to-"

"Jump? If you are up to it we are. You are going to hug me, and then we

will jump off. You will pull the parachute, and we will coast down to the

bottom where Sirius left us a half a dozen portkeyes where we could it as

many times we wanted it we so desired."

Susan looked over the edge in trepidation, and a bit of fear, "Harry I don't


"You trust me, right?"

The girl nodded silently, "Then give me a hug, I promise that no matter

what happens I will keep you safe. I swear it on my very life."

With that they stared into each other's eyes, and then Susan gave the boy

a hug, and he lifted her off the ground effortlessly, and then he asked,

"Are you ready?"

She didn't say anything, but nodded quickly, and that gave Harry the cue

to take a running few steps forward, and then jump off the cliff. It didn't

take long at all as they plummeted with Susan screaming and Harry

laughing, that she pulled the parachute. When she did that Harry gently

turned her around where she could see them slowly descending over the

water, and towards a nearby shore line. Susan was in awe.

When they hit the ground Harry, redid the parachute real quick and set

the girl on the ground, "What did you think?"

Susan took a deep breath and gave a hearty laugh, "It was incredible

Harry, can we do it again?"

Harry nodded at the girl with a smile, the longer we wait to use the

parachute the more thrilling it will be!"

The girl nodded and they took the portkey back to the top doing the dive

again, and this time they did wait a little longer, and a little longer, and

one time Harry even pulled out something a little more daring, "This one

you do on your own, you just put it on over your clothes and glide to the


Susan smiled nervously and agreed as he tied the harnesses to her. He

gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as he did his own, and then smiled, "I

have come to find out I am quite the dare devil, so let's see if you can

keep up."

With that Harry charged towards the edge of the cliff, and jumped off

blowing her a kiss as he dove. Susan rushed to the side and didn't jump

right away, but instead watched her boyfriend do flips throughout the

air, and glide across the sky. It was so impressive, but then she got

nervous and thought she would wait for him to come back up, which he

did quick after he noticed she wasn't following, "Something wrong Sue?"

She shook her head, "No, I just wanted to go first on my first try, so that

way if something happens you can catch me."

Harry winced, "Sorry I got a bit carried a way, I really like this one. Just

be like a bird, and let your arms go out as far you can to the side, and the

wind along with gravity will do the rest."

Susan nodded eyeing the side warily. After another moment, Harry took

her hand, "Let's do it together yeah?"

Susan shook her head in response thankfully, "Please."

As one the two jumped off, and screamed in fear and joy. It wasn't long

before they were flying in the air with speed of the wind as they fell. It

was a rush, and so much fun.

The two spent the rest of the day doing this kind of thing, and at the end

of the day they laid out by the fire, looking out at the sunset. Susan was

very happy with their day, and Harry looked equally pleased. She leaned

on his chest smiling, "Thank you for such a wonderful time Harry."

They had already eaten the food he had packed and baked himself in the

kitchen with the help of his house elf friend named Dobby, and they were

now just resting preparing to head back, "Your welcome Sue."

She blushed a bit as she felt around in her pocket, "You know I got you

something, but not it feels like it doesn't measure up to what you did for

me today."

Harry grinned a bit, "Sirius said Valentine's day is more about your

special lady, and not so much about yourself. He said it's the day I spoil

you to the point where everyone else is jealous, and if you choose to tell

the other girls, I am sure some of them will be."

Susan blushed even deeper, as she pulled out a small black box, "I had

this made for you, but if you don't like it, I can get you something-"

"I am sure it is great Susan, whatever it is."

She handed him the box, and said, "Happy Valentine's day Harry."

As Harry opened the box a watch was revealed, that had a lightning bolt

in the middle of the clock. IT was nice as it was all black, and then just

showed a small silver lightning bolt in the middle. Harry loved it, as she

whispered into his ear, "It's to remind you that you are who you are no

matter what anyone thinks. Don't ever forget where you come from. Or

what made you who you are today."

Harry stared at the watch as she attached it to his wrist, and then they

stared at each other in the eyes for a moment, when Harry whispered, "I

think I might be falling for you Ms. Bones."

The look he was giving her made her body tingle, and she whispered

back, "You have me spellbound Mr. Potter."

With those words, they met in the middle for a sweet kiss, and then

another, and then another. It was a sweet moment, and neither new that

this night was the night they started to wonder if they were falling in


(A/N) Honestly not my best work. I promise after this chapter it gets

more interesting. It was fluff, and I apologize lol!

14. The Inquisitorial Squad

Chapter 14

Valentine's Day had been a resounding success in Susan's opinion. It was

clear to the young red headed girl that the boy that kept her company

had cared a great bit for her after their very thoughtful date. She had

been completely blown away with how well he treated her, and his gift

giving skill. She did however proudly note that every time she had seen

Harry he was wearing the watch she had gotten him.

Her friends had been very jealous and envious of her when she told them

about her day in the common room, and Hannah swooned a bit

sarcastically, "I think you're in love Suzy!"

Susan didn't dare comment on this, as her face reflected her line of

thought clearly. It had been a few weeks now since Valentine's Day, and

she could hardly think about anything else, other than Harry. He was

constantly on her mind, and wondered just when their next adventure

would be together, or when she was going to learn more about the

enigma that was her boyfriend.

The DA classes had gone well, and Susan was almost as helpful as

Hermione and Ron these days, as she helped out her housemates as much

as possible, which gave the other two members of the golden trio more

time to work with their own house, and Ravenclaw. Of course, that didn't

mean they never worked with them, but usually Susan could give the

little pointers that fixed their spell work.

Harry practically made it a point to never help Susan in class, and usually

if he ever even spoke to her it was to ask for a demonstration, or

instruction on how to teach someone something specific that they may

have been struggling with.

Most of the quidditch teams had been disbanded by Umbridge, which at

first got a lot of people down, but then it just caused an influx of

meetings, which made some people hope that Harry was soon going to

lead the school in uprising, because what happened next would anger

them all.

At Breakfast one morning in early March, Dolores Jane Umbridge grinned

at the gathered students, as she cleared her voice, and moved to stand in

front of them all. It was not very long after Valentine's Day that the foul

women had created an educational decree about having to sit at your

own house table, but that did not stop Harry and Susan from exchanging

glances when she began speaking to the gathered crowd, "Good morning

students. I would like to make an announcement."

The student body went silent instantly expecting heavy trouble coming,

"Due to the standards at Hogwarts having slipped, I have decided to

create another educational decree, and students this is one is important

which is the reason why I have decided to address the entire student

body. Starting today a new group has been formed under my command

that will help ensure that order maintains in the school. Today is the day

that the Inquisitorial squad will be founded."

There were some quiet murmurs across the hall at this, and Susan felt a

small knot form in her stomach as the toad like women smiled widely, "I

would like to welcome the captain of this squadron, fifth year prefect

Draco Malfoy."

Susan flinched at this knowing that the women could not have picked

anyone worse to give power to, and the look on Draco and Harry's face

confirmed that she was not the only one in these thoughts. Draco came

and stood by the High Inquisitors side, while she gave a light applause

that only followed from Slytherin. After a moment of no one joining in on

the clapping she gave the crowd a stern look before continuing, "Mr.

Malfoy has been asked over the past few weeks to gather a few students

to join this squad and at first, they will remain anonymous, but they will

be revealed over time. The powers these students have will be a bit more

than a prefect. They will assign detentions, and deduct house points.

They will also be reporting directly to me to help maintain optimum


With that said the women motioned for Draco to take a seat, and then

took her own seat back at the staff table. Susan and Harry held eye

contact for a moment, but then he nodded at her, making it clear that

they would speak at lengths later about what could and should be done.

Breakfast went by much quieter after that announcement. When it was

over the Hufflepuffs rose together, and went towards their lessons. When

they exited the great hall, she felt a hand grab her arm, and at first she

had hopes it was her boyfriend, but when she turned and saw a blonde

boy that she could just not quite stand holding on to her, "Bones, can I

have word with you in private?"

Susan stared at the boy in clear anger, "Perhaps if you unhand me first."

Draco grinned at the girl saucily, "You mean the rumors that you like to

be handled a little roughly aren't true? How disappointing."

At first the girl blushed, but then she bristled, "Excuse me!"

Ignoring the girl's outburst, he spoke, "I just thought I would give you a

warning. From one Pureblood to another. You are a very attractive witch,

and I hate to see that you might get caught in the coming crossfires while

being in the company of undesirable company. I am not sure the taint

will ever come off you, but if you come around Slytherin common rooms

fairly often I am sure I can help you."

Susan at first was confused, but then she got very pissed off, "How dare


Draco shrugged, "A war is coming Bones. A war that is going to cast a

dark shadow over Hogwarts, and Umbridge is going to bring it, are you

going to be on the wrong side, just so you can be at the side of some idiot

boy wonder."

Susan had to do everything she could not to slap the boy, "I can choose

my own side thanks."

Draco shook his head, "Don't make the same mistake that your parents


Susan couldn't resist any longer before she could comprehend it her hand

was moving very fast towards Draco's face when she connected with a

resounding SMACK.

The blonde hair ponce looked shocked for a moment, but then anger

crossed his face, "You stupid bitch."

He reared back to punch the girl, but before he could a spell hit him hard

and blasted him across the hallway. She felt a pair of strong arms begin

to carry her away from the scene, but before they could get to far, he felt

the same arms slide her out of the way as a shield appeared in front of

them, Harry taunted, "Now now Draco that was dark magic. You should

be careful just who you throw spells like that at. Had that hit Susan and

seriously injured the niece of the head of the DMLE you could be sure

that nothing would have kept Amelia Bones from throwing you into


Draco growled, "I'll have you in detention for a month for this Potter."

Harry stepped forward boldly, "No you won't Draco. Because if you do, I

will ensure that you are disowned from the Black family. My father by

magic is now the head of your mother's house, and if you do something

that magic would see as an insult to the family, Sirius will be able to

banish you from the family. Which could give you a lot to lose if Sirius

and I die in the coming war. Which you and I both know is likely.

Consider this a peace offering between you and me. Attack my girlfriend

again though, and the least of your concerns will be losing a part of your


Draco bristled, "I won't be threatened by the likes of you Potter."

Harry stood at his full height, and stepped towards Draco, "That wasn't a

threat Draco. This is my threat. If you ever touch my girlfriend again I

will fucking kill you. Not your father or even the Dark Lord will stop me

from doing it either. Stay away from Susan, and stay away from me."

Harry stared at the boy in the eyes, as he pulsed out his magic feeling the

anger palpable in the air. With that Draco gave him one last angry look

and then stormed off. Susan was surprised at Harry's language and his

rage, but was quite thankful for his intervention when he had come. He

spoke softly, "Are you okay?"

Susan nodded her head quickly, "Malfoy was nothing I couldn't handle,

but thank you for coming to my defense."

Harry shrugged, "This isn't over, but hopefully I will have put him off you

for a while."

Gratefully she took the boys hand, "I think we're lucky Umbridge didn't

show up like she usually does."

Grinning happily the boy responded, "The Weasley's are going to be

keeping her busy for a while. They were quite displeased with the

announcement, and made sure that she knew it."

The grin was near sinister, but Susan was still incredibly heated from the

argument, and felt an overwhelming desire to jump Harry's bones for

standing up for her, and doing it so furiously.

However, she felt calmer as he walked her to his classes, and when she

got there Harry pulled Ernie and Justin aside quickly, "Watch out for her,

we had a little run in with Malfoy, it should be okay for now, but you

can't ever be too careful."

The boys nodded, and Susan put her hands on her hip as her boyfriend

grinned and kissed her on the cheek and darted out of the room

obviously towards his next class.

That night during the DA lesson Harry stood up addressing the group,

"This inquisitorial squad is going to be a serious nuisance, but I assure

you we will continue in here with as many people who want to do so,

however, if anyone wishes to leave, I would not think anything less of

them. You don't have to walk out now, but if you don't come into the

next lesson I will completely understand. Umbridge had a lot of eyes

before, but now she has some students in our school who are basically

her spies. We will do our best to figure out who they are, so that way we

can watch out for them, but I can't promise anything. The stakes have

been raised."

Harry took a deep breath, "I ask you all to keep in control of your

emotions. I know that can sound rich coming from someone like me, as

we all know I am not the poster child for self-restraint, but I am going to

do my best as well. I don't want to give the bitch a reason to get any of us

killed or worse expelled."

He gave Hermione a look at this as the girl blushed and Ron chuckled,

"Now other than that, we need to keep working in here, and if this is

anyone's last lesson, take this one with you, and work on it on your own,

because it will be useful."

Throughout the rest of the lesson Harry explained the finer magical

science behind how to duel properly, and what you can do to improve

your skills. He talked about stances, and chain spells, along with dodging,

and its importance. Part of the lesson had Harry taken people's wands,

and having the golden trio cast light stinging hexes at a few people at a

time, making most of them yelp in surprise.

After a bit, Harry had the groups watch him, as Hermione, Ron, and

Susan casted spells at him. Over the next minute, he would only be hit by

one spell which came from Susan whom was definitely the best

marksmen possibly out of all of them.

Harry then gave some advice, "The key to this is to trust your instincts.

You must be light on your feet, and very alert of all your opponents.

Right now you are only dodging one opponent, and not returning spell

fire. But soon you will be able to dodge, and return spell fire. This is your

best chance of beating opponents who horribly outclass you. Surprise."

The gathered group nodded, and went back to attempting their dodging

lesson, and some had some improvement, while others were still getting

stung. At the end of the lesson Harry spoke calmly, "This is the last lesson

we will go over and hopefully in the next few weeks we will work on

straight up dueling. That will give us what is left of the two-month term

to put everything we have learned together. It will be a struggle at first,

but that's why I am giving up two months to go over it. Well done

everyone and stay safe."

It would be a few weeks before anything of note would happen. Harry for

one was glad however to see that no one had dropped the DA, in fact

many were approaching him about a few people who wanted to join in

on the resistance, but Harry firmly said, "I taught you all as a core group,

teach others now. If it comes to it next year then maybe we can split it up

into an advanced and beginner group for those who are struggling, and

those who need to be pushed. I can promise everyone that I will be busy

training this summer with my Godfather."

It was those words that were relayed to the hopefuls which made many

pray for the next year to come a little faster. The DA was already in need

of two groups. The older students were progressing beautifully, while the

younger kids were hitting a bit of a wall due to the under developed

magical cores.

It was discussed among who Harry was considering his inner circle which

consisted of Hermione, Ron, Susan, Neville, Luna, Collin Creevy whom

had grown up quite a bit this year, and Hannah Abbott, of course with

the addition of the Weasley twins who were their own firecrackers that

could not be controlled or tied down, that they were doing all that could

be done so far, and weren't sure if anything additional should be added

due to the current oppression happening in the castle. Had they known

what would happen next, perhaps they would have split the group to

minimalize casualties, but it was too late.

On a warm evening in May Harry was holding a rather productive DA

meeting that consisted of fast pace dueling from the younger years, and

nice slow going duels for the younger years. Harry was cheering with joy

watching his students fight fiercely, as he was quite proud of them. Soon

though the ceilings rattled a bit, and Harry looked up in surprise.

Everyone ceased what they were doing and stared around the room.

Harry went to where they had the map laid out, and saw Umbridge along

with a large gathering of students outside of the room. It was then when

Dobby appeared, "Harry Potter, you must run, the evil pink women is

trying to get in."

This caused panic in the group, and before anyone could seize control of

the group a giant blast came from the wall blasted apart and he heard a

young yell, and then smoke filled the room. When it cleared, Harry was

standing in front of everyone with his wand drawn, and Dolores

Umbridge was looking at him triumphantly.

A small groan was heard nearby, and Harry realized that someone had

been caught in the blast as Umbridge had blasted the wall in, and quickly

discovered it was his friend Collin Creevy. He attempted to move towards

the boy to free him, but Umbridge held her wand up at him, "Ah ah, Mr.

Potter I think you should best be still."

Harry looked at Collin for a moment then back at the pink toad, "He is in

pain, and he needs help. At least allow me to pull him out of the rubble."

Umbridge looked to see who was under said rubble, but then grinned

viciously when she saw who it was, "I think Mr. Creevy will be fine just

where he is. "

Harry felt a cold fury grip him, "I will come quietly, but let me help him."

"I think not Mr. Potter, you are violating maybe a dozen educational

decrees and I will see you expelled for it."

Harry shrugged, "Don't do me any favors, but I am going to pull Collin

out of the rubble."

"Not a move Mr. Potter."

Without listening Harry moved forward to help the boy up, but a spell

came flying towards him, but Harry raised his shield quickly, and

growled, "Cursing students Professor is that what it's going to come to."

Many people were looking very angry, and he could see that many wands

were itching forward as if a spell was on the tip, "I asked you not to move

Potter. Now everyone put your wands away, and come quietly."

No one moved to put their wands away, in fact many people inched

forwards to stand by Harry. Harry shook his head whipping his wand

around and blasting the rubble off Collin, and all wands were now

pointed at Harry from the other side. No one said anything though at the

tense moment, and Harry called out, "You okay Collin?"

The young blonde boy nodded looking sheepish, "Yeah thanks Harry."

Umbridge looked furious, "Put your wands down or I will call the aurors."

Ernie McMillan however stepped forward bravely, "I think we will lower

our wands when you do Professor Umbridge. I have never had a

professor point a wand threateningly at me, no matter how much trouble

I was in, and I don't think me or my friends are going to lower our wands

until yours are lowered first. You injured one of our friends with your

blasting charm, and I think it is lucky that spell fire was not immediately

traded upon your entrance."

Umbridge gave the boy a patronizing smile, "Now Mr. McMillan be

reasonable, by educational decree number-"

Neville shouted out, "We don't give a bloody hell about what educational

decree you were given this power by, lower your wands, or we aren't

going anywhere with a bunch of snakes who would love a chance to

curse us all in the back."

Shouts of agreement went up behind the group, and Harry began to

wonder if this was going to be it. The moment the battle would start.

Harry thought they had a good chance. The numbers were even, but he

wasn't for sure, "If you don't turn yourselves over then I will be forced to

have my students and I take you by force."

Harry stood tall, "Is that a threat professor?"

Umbridge stared at the boy coolly, "Indeed it is Mr. Potter, one I promise

that will be backed if you don't have your little minions drop their


Everyone looked at Harry, and he knew that they were going to follow

his lead. Harry wasn't going to be the reason anyone got hurt, and he

slowly began to lower his wand. As soon as he did several lights came

flying towards him, but his wand came up and deflected a few of the

curses, and felt his shield begin to collapse but soon it was being enforced

by two others, that helped hold the spells back, and then there were

shouts of cowardice, and Susan practically screamed, "You cowardly

bitch! He was lowering his wand!"

Outcry was going out across the DA, and Harry fumed, "Is that how it is

going to be professor? Curse a fifteen-year-old who was lowering his


Draco Malfoy stepped forward aggressively, "It's your word against ours.

Everyone knows you're just a liar Potter."

Some people bristled at that, but Harry merely stared at Umbridge, "You

don't scare me anymore Umbitch. Expel me I have a family at home, and

other schools who would be happy to have me. So I will attempt to end

this here and now. Voldemort has returned, and you and your coward of

a Minister is causing more damage than good. Not teaching these kids

how to defend themselves from what's out there. You're the worse kind of

coward, and with the help of Fudge you are going to get us all killed."


"I must not tell lies Professor."

With that the women raised her wand, and Harry matched hers, and

blocked a curse that came sailing towards him, and this time he didn't

just stand there, his wand was a furious motion of forward striking,

completely taking the women by surprise. However, it was not enough to

disarm her or stun her.

Draco Malfoy attempted to engage him, but Neville stepped forward and

began raining spells upon Draco, and suddenly a battle emerged. Spells

were being traded with rapid speed, and before things could get out of

hand a man appeared in front of them in a bright ball of flames, and the

spells instantly stopped, "Harry that is enough."

Dolores Umbridge fumed, "Dumbledore! I have caught the students red

handed in breaking multiple school rules."

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow, "Oh? And what rules are those?"

Umbridge went on to list several educational decrees that were being in

fractured upon, but Dumbledore held a hand up, "Actually Dolores Mr.

Potter started this group under my strict instruction. It was clear that

students were going to struggle on their OWL's and I had absolute faith in

the boy's skill with a wand and instructed him to start this little group."

The women turned red with fury, "It is not Mr. Potter's job to teach

practical magic! In fact, magic is forbidden in the corridors."

Dumbledore looked around confused, "This does not look like the

corridor to me Dolores. The only infraction of the rules I see here is that

you are trading spells with students. Did you not perhaps think to consult

with me first, before coming in upon students who were practicing for

their OWL's. It is clear you knew something was happening in here."

"You can't be trusted Dumbledore! You and Potter are conspiring against

the Ministry, and I have proof now." The women said ecstatically.

"Do you?"

The women looked ready to erupt, "Dumbledore you have gone too far

this time."

"With that I do agree Ms. Umbridge."

A man with a bowler hat came storming into the room with a few large

men in auror robes following behind, "You deliberately went against a

ministry official who was trying to help your school. It is merely

unacceptable. You are committing conspiracy and sedition against the

government and will spend the night in Azkaban and wait for a trial."

Dumbledore merely smiled at the advancing aurors, "Is that what you

believe Cornelius? You are truly blinded by fear. I thought we might

eventually hit this little snag though. You see I have many plans that

need to be executed if I am no longer going to be Headmaster, and

believe me I have no intention of going to Azkaban."

Without any other words being said he turned and winked at Harry, and

then disappeared in a bright red flash. Cornelius Fudge looked aghast

that the men had escaped so easily, and then turned to his aurors, "Go

search the grounds. You can't apparate in or out of Hogwarts. GO GO!"

With that Cornelius began exiting the room, but Madame Umbridge

stopped him, "Minister what about the boy?"

Cornelius turned and looked at the teens that still had all their wands

drawn, "Let them go. It is clear they were all working under

Dumbeldore's order, and without him they are nothing. But make it very

clear any further infractions will result in immediate expulsion.

Congratulations Madame Umbridge I am issuing executive order right

now that you are to be Interim Headmistress of Hogwarts. Good luck."

With that the man quickly hobbled out of the room, and the women

looked at the group in front of him with a sickly smile, "Off to your

common rooms. We will have a very interesting discussion tomorrow, but

I believe that is enough for one night."

With that she withdrew from the room and took her squad with them.

The DA watched in shock at what had just happened, and how quickly

everything had gone to hell. Harry turned to face the group, "Keep your

heads down. This isn't over. I will be in touch with everyone, but we

have lost our protection from Dumbledore, and we need to watch the

situation, we are only 3 weeks away from summer, let's see what happens

from here before we decide to act."

Most of the group was still pumping with adrenaline, but nodded not

putting their wands away as they left the room in big groups. When it

came down to just Harry's inner circle, he carefully checked Collin over,

and then said to stick to his side until they get back to the common room.

Harry however sighed, "Everyone go back to your common rooms. We

were lucky tonight, but we can't push our luck any further, give me some

time to think over all this."

Susan looked at her defeated looking boyfriend and kissed his cheek,

"Don't worry Harry, it will all work out."

Harry gave his girlfriend a weak smile, and then watched as she left the

room with what was left of her housemates.

(A/N) I'm back! With the next 13 chapters already written out, will

try to update every 3 days or once a week depending on the

feedback. Cheers!

15. Open Rebellion

Chapter 15

The next day brought the month of June to Hogwarts, and there had

never been a more downtrodden day for the students. There last great joy

in Hogwarts, the Defense Association, had been ruined. Some of the

students were annoyed with Umbridge for just taking another thing away

from them, while others were disappointed because they truly enjoyed

the meetings. However, one young lady was nearly apoplectic with rage

having remembered the night before a Hogwarts Professor and her

stooges had attempted to attack her boyfriend as he was lowering his

wand. In the wizarding world that might as well have been a surrender,

but the cowardly swine's still attacked him anyways.

What irritated the young Hufflepuff even more was that she could not

confront the women, or even speak to her boyfriend as they had

inquisitorial guards and an auror outside each of the houses that had DA

members, and they were being escorted around like they were some type

of criminals. Susan had wanted to write a letter to her Aunt to let her

know what was happening at Hogwarts, but Umbridge had even

confiscated that this morning citing that she would make sure that it

went through the appropriate channels.

It was that evening in the great hall when Susan felt like they had truly

lost the battle. It had been confirmed by some miracle that the Hogwarts

board of Governors were granting Dolores Jane Umbridge the spot of

Headmistress which meant she could basically create any educational

decrees that she wanted. This gave her the literal power of being able to

make up rules on the spot, and basically being able to enforce them with

the might of her squadron of goons, and the teaching staff no matter how

willing or unwilling they might be.

The only silver lining in it all was that Fred and George Weasley seem to

be giving the women absolute hell, and have obviously been unleashing

everything they had on the tyrant. These events caused the school to

edge closer and closer to open rebellion, and Susan was starting to think

if her boyfriend didn't do it, she might!

Defense against the Dark Arts class had been even more boring and dull

than usual. Susan and Harry would steal glances at each other the whole

class, and they even tried to send messages, but this proved to be

unsuccessful as every other thing they had tried.

Umbridge was watching the class in the great hall one day with her usual

hawk like techniques. Today they were taking an exam which made

everyone uncomfortably quiet, because they had not been reading the

garbage that the old bat had been supplying. Even Harry who usually

was the best in Defense Against the Dark Arts on any topic was struggling

with the ridiculous concepts the Slinkard was trying to convey.

Harry glanced throughout the room periodically to see everyone else was

struggling as much as he was, and he even caught his girlfriends eyes and

gave her a reassuring smile. It was this that caused the teacher to swoop

down on her unsuspecting prey, "Mr. Potter, please quit giving lecherous

looks to Miss Bones, it is quite unbecoming of her stature to even

associate with you, and you will no longer pull her down with you. I

think detention in my office tonight will-"

Susan was about to get up, and give the cow a piece of her mind

however, it seemed like something more interesting was happening

outside. Loud blasts of noise were being heard from nearby, and

Umbridge immediately straightened up, and glared at Harry for a

moment before walking towards the door to see just what was

happening. Before she could open the doors however they were blasted

open, and two young men with flaming red hair came into the room on

broomstick shouting, and throwing magical fireworks high towards the

ceiling causing explosions that shook the hall, and made some people

even duck down in fear. The twins then brought out their wands and

summoned all the papers into the air, where they threw firecrackers, and

other assortments of low powered explosives at them causing them all to

burn up.

The students who were familiar with the Weasley twin's pranks were

ecstatic, but even they knew the boys had gone too far. Umbridge

however had enough. Her horror and shock only lasted a minute, when

she then proved that she may have been better at Defense Against the

Dark Arts then everyone had thought when she fired a stunner at one the

Weasley's downing him from his broomstick, and causing him to crash

towards the floor. Quickly she followed that with another stunner

towards the other Weasley, and had them both downed before they could

cause further damage. Harry however was not going to let them hit the

ground to hard, and thankfully Hermione was right behind him in

helping him catch them, "Arresto Momentum!"

The spells barely hit the two boys, and prevented them from crashing

into the ground. Harry couldn't believe it. This woman just cursed two of

his friends off their brooms, and caused them to almost crash into the

stone floor. They could have been seriously hurt.

The women however looked gleeful, "Finally a stop to all this madness. I

have known all along that these two were causing everything to stop

working in my office, and causing all this mayhem in my school. I think

it is finally time to let Mr. Filch test out his punishments. Draco please go

fetch Argus and let him know he has some targets."

The hall merely watched in stunned silence as Umbridge stared at the

two downed boys with serious malice. Harry was being careful not to

move. He was clearly very angry at what the women had done, and it

was not very surprisingly Ron who broke the silence, "You cursed two of

my brothers off their brooms! You could've killed them."

The women merely scoffed, "Please Mr. Weasley, your family will be in

enough trouble as it is. I am a Ministry official, and I knew that no

serious harm was going to come from the two miscreants I just stunned.

They were making a ruckus, and disturbing your education, you should

be just as outraged as I am."

Ron made to start again, but Harry silenced him, "Enough Ron. Your

brothers were in the wrong, and they deserve to be punished."

Everyone now turned to Harry as if he was off his rocker. Ron bristled

and looked like he wanted nothing more than to hex his best mate at that

moment, but couldn't seem to believe he had just heard what was said.

Susan herself could not understand her boyfriend's words, and merely

watched the scene unfold.

Umbridge smiled, "Very good Mr. Potter, it seems without Dumbledore in

the castle perhaps you have learned your lesson and your place."

It was only a few seconds later that Argus Filch, Draco Malfoy, and a few

other members of the Inquisitorial Squad came storming back into the

room. Umbridge turned to the caretaker, "Mr. Filch, I believe your whip

will finally see its first blood today. These two stormed into my testing

room, and caused a serious ruckus, ruining all these students testing day

which they have prepared so hard for."

The women flicked her wand and a desk that had been thrown aside in

the initial onslaught of fireworks was transfigured into a tall pole, and

with quick whips of her wand she had chains transfigured and ready, "I

believe 15 lashes each will do them both some good. Don't awake them

until you have them tied."

"And the rest of the student's ma'am?" Argus asked gleefully

"They may watch the example we will make of these two."

Argus again looked like it was his golden day, however when he took two

steps forward Harry said, "Not another step."

The power and rage in his voice was palpable. Umbridge looked up, and

gave him a patronizing smile, "Now Mr. Potter that is not your decision

to make. Argus please continue."

The man took a step forward, but Harry was much faster than the squib,

and stunned him with the lightning fast reflexes that his life had given

him. Umbridge raised her wand at the boy, and so did many of the others

gathered, however it was nothing compared to the number of people that

raised their wands back at the women whom had clearly gone too far,

"No Umbridge. I will not allow you put my friends on a pole and whip

them. I don't know about the legality of it all, and I don't really give a

damn either. I thought you would just threaten them, and scare them, but

no, you have gone too far this time."

"No Mr. Potter it is you who have gone too far this time. I will have you

arrested for assault against a Hogwarts Staff Member, and held in

Azkaban prison for crimes that I will be able to convict you of on my day

in court. Marks my words." The woman said angrily.

Harry barked back his magical aura swirling with rage, "No you mark my

words. You will not touch my friends, and I will not let this go quietly.

Expel me Madame Umbridge, but don't for a second believe I am going to

let you do this."

With that the women swirled her wand around and ropes shot towards

Harry, but he quickly threw up the protego charm, and started the open

rebellion, "Reducto!"

A powerful blasting charm flew from his wand, and slammed into the

women's shields, and spells began raining towards Harry, but in this

moment the rest of the hall had drawn their wands and chosen a side.

Neville and Susan were at Harry's side in a moment helping him raise

shields, while Ron, Hermione, Hannah rallied the other fifth years into an


It quickly squared off into lots of people getting stunned out of the fight.

It was immediately noticeable to someone who was looking in on the

situation that mostly everyone in Harry's defense group was still

standing. Neville was fighting with Draco Malfoy, and the Gryffindor was

giving the boy absolute hell, while Susan was standing with Harry trying

to knock Umbridge out.

Hermione had managed to take on Pansy Parkinson and Millicent

Bullstrode at the same time and quickly managed to stun and bind them.

Ron had taken on Crabbe and Goyle, and did it was practiced ease.

Compared to fighting Harry they didn't throw up much of a fight. The

others were all knocking out Slytherins whom had tried to interfere, and

even had their wands pointed at people who ran to the sides in hope of

not getting stunned.

Harry and Susan however were still dueling against the Ministry Official.

It could easily be said that Harry did not believe this woman was a worth

a damn until now, but having been able to hold back himself, and Susan

for even this long was not a feat a poor witch or wizard would have been

able to accomplish. Just when Harry thought things were going their way

Umbridge whipped her wand towards Susan and a disturbingly familiar

red curse launched towards her barely allowing Harry to jump in front of

the curse taking its effect on himself. At fist no one knew what the

unknown red spell was until they heard the young man's cry of pain.

The scream didn't last long however, because what could have easily

been thirty spells flew quickly at the witch who was holding their leader

under the crucitas curse, and the women raised a decent shield, but

nothing that was going to stop the full range of what was left of the


Harry gasped with breath when he felt that the curse was released from

his body. He couldn't have been under the spell for more than few

seconds, but it still hurt like the devil. Harry stood shakily and for the

first time observed the carnage. Susan quickly however ran over to him,

and looked like she wanted to jump into his arms and give a hug, but had

more fear of breaking him further if he did that, "Are you okay? I can't

believe you took that spell for me! You stupid, stupid man."

Nodding slightly and opening his arms to the girl as she closed the

distance between him, "I am alright. It hurt, but it was nothing compared

to what Voldemort's could do, and I could not stand to think of you in

that kind of pain."

He twitched a bit, and he heard a slight swear word come from the side

as a Slytherin who was hiding against the wall approached with her

hands up, "My mom is mediwitch for Saint Mungos I can help you with

the twitching."

Harry looked distrustfully at the girl for a moment, but then nodded and

let her come over, and no one managed to curse her in the back as she

stood next to him slowly drawing her wand, "Definitely the cruciatas

curse. Though I don't know how the High Inquisitor is going to hide the

fact that she cursed the boy who lived with an unforgivable curse. Even

with your reputation at all time low, people aren't going to take a liking

to that."

It was clear to Harry that the Slytherin girl was just nervous with all

these eyes on her, and Harry did not comment on it. However, a few

short seconds passed when a voice entered the hall, "Dear God, Ms.

Granger what happened here."

Professor McGonnagall had arrived with a few other professors, and it

was obvious that a battle had taken place from their perspectives. Many

people began to lower their wands at the site of the friendly professors,

Harry however rose his, "Your boss just started a fight she couldn't finish.

She then used the cruciatas curse on me when she realized she couldn't

take Susan and me, at the same time."

"That is a serious accusation Potter, mind that you lower your wand from

its current position." The stern transfiguration teacher asked, but more


Harry almost complied instinctively, but shook his head instead, "Not

until we know that no one else is going to come in here and start flinging

curses. No one else will be hit by an unforgivable today."

The women rose to her full height now, "Right you are about that Harry,

but I ask that you trust me, and believe that if you are not going to lower

your wand it will look quite bad when Ministry officials arrive.

Particularly given your prior circumstances."

Hermione came over next to Harry quickly, "She's right Harry the fights


Harry stared for a moment before lowering his wand and turning back to

Susan, "Are you hurt?"

"You just got hit by the cruciatas curse, and you want to know if I am

okay?" Susan asked in exasperation.

Before Harry could answer, Harry heard Hermione telling the deputy

Headmistress just what had happened here. It was not embellished, but it

was just a simple accurate retelling of what happened today. The

members of the Defense Association were still standing with their wands

drawn as if expecting that another round of curses was going to come in,

but they were more apprehensively watching the downed members of the

inquisitorial squad, and the Slytherins that had tried to foolishly attack


Harry surveyed the scene once more. The great hall was a disaster. Many

of the desk were destroyed. Leftovers of the exams, and the damage the

Weasley twins had done were evident, and it was clear that the other

Professors were just going around making sure everyone was okay, and

reviving those whom had been downed, but taking care to ensure they

had all been disarmed. Fred and George were also revived and looked

furious as if they wanted to cast curses they had not yet perfected on the

women who blasted them off their brooms. They were making their way

out of the Great Hall, and Harry wondered briefly if he would ever see

them inside Hogwarts again.

When the telling of the story was over the transfiguration professor

looked grave, "I think we will see some serious trouble out of this. I can

easily see Dolores getting exempted from using the curse on you Mr.

Potter. It will come down to self-defense, and the fact that she is such a

high ranking ministry official it is possible that Minister Fudge will issue

his undersecretary a pardon. Without all that I don't think we are going

to like the results of this."

Harry stared at the women in shock, "We have all these witnesses, and

you still think that we are in trouble?"

The professor looked around for a moment, "All the witnesses I see are

school children though Potter. No one is going to take your word over a

senior Ministry official."

Wanting to scream Harry all but shouted, "I will make a magical vow, I

will do whatever it takes to see that women tossed out of here, but I

promise you I will be out of this school by the end of the day if she is still

here. With Dumbledore gone, and being close enough to take my OWLs I

will take my chances with testing out and going to France and finishing

my education, you relay to the Ministry that decision, and let me know

what I can help you with from there. If they need my statement you

know where to find me."

With that Harry began to stroll out of the room. For a moment, no one

followed, but then as one the members of the Defense Association began

to follow their leader right out the door. It was more than just walking

out the door though. It was also a stand showing that they supported his

decision, and hell they might even follow him right out the door to

France if this was it was going to be. No one was any longer going to be

in fear of punishments that can physically scar their bodies, or their

minds. No one was going to stand for Dolores Jane Umbridge any longer.

Susan ran to catch up with her boyfriend, and gave him a light smile,

"Well it looks like we still made a pretty good team out there."

Harry shrugged still feeling very upset about how Professor McGonagall

told him of their chances, and the probability of them still getting into

trouble. Susan detecting his agitation said, "I am not just saying this to

make you feel better Harry, but I think considering just who your

girlfriend is, and who the women who raised her is, I don't see Umbridge

getting away with this. Once I tell auntie what happened, and then she

confirms it from you under veritaserum, and a memory, I don't think

McGonagall will be right. I think charges are going to stick to the women

like glue!"

Looking at the girl with a bit of a hopeful look, "You think so?"

Taking the boys hand gently in hers, "Yeah I do think so. Have some faith

Harry, and let's take all these people who are following you right now

and talk in the room of requirements before the Ministry comes looking

to arrest all of us."

Neville who wasn't to far behind shouted ahead, "I hope they bring a lot

of people if they plan on arresting you Harry, because they are going to

have to arrest the whole lot of us if that is the case."

Some shouts of approval came from those words, and Harry smiled at the

boy who had clearly found his Gryffindor courage this year.

When they got to the seventh-floor Harry saw Colin Creevy, and Luna

Lovegood standing with maybe fifteen or more students that ranged in

age from fourth year to seventh year, "Blimey Harry, we heard what

happened downstairs, and with Fred and George. What happened?"

Susan stopped Harry from speaking and said, "Let's get everyone inside

and talk. Let's not stand in the corridors where we might be ambushed by

Ministry Officials who may or may not come for Harry."

This caused the fourth years' mouth to drop open, as Harry raised his

wand to open the room of requirements, and performed his usual act. In

a moment, everyone had advanced inside to the room. Once everyone

was there Harry began to explain just what had happened down in the

great hall without leaving out much detail in why they had done it.

"Then McGonagall showed up and said that they probably would still get

Umbridge off. So, I don't know honestly. There is always hope, but I think

if Umbridge stays here then we are all in danger. There are only two

weeks of school left, and something must be done if I am going to

consider coming back to Hogwarts next year."

Harry let the silence swept into the room, and Colin asked, "You would

leave us like that Harry?"

Looking at the young man he considered a friend, he saw desperation and

fear in his eyes. He looked across a few of the younger faces and saw the

same thing. He immediately began questioning his decision. No one was

speaking while he thought, and he did not know that his inner circle was

watching with baited breath. This was something that could make or

break him even in his leadership spot of the Defense Association. He

looked at Susan who just stared at him waiting for him to come to

decision, and he saw doubt in her eyes for the first time in him, and he

was keen to see that look go away.

"No, I won't leave you like that Colin. I won't leave anyone like that. I am

going to do everything in my power as the future Lord Potter to make

sure that this foul..."

Someone called out from the back, "Bitch!"

Harry smirked a bit, "Bitch of a witch is thrown out of our school, and if

she isn't I will personally lead us into a revolution against her. I will

make sure that we throw her out of the castle next time, and we won't let

any teacher, or Ministry Official stop us from doing it. I won't let anyone

else get hurt, and I won't run from this coward."

Ernie McMillan in the front started a notion, and soon everyone followed

it as they raised their wands slowly into the air. The sign of allegiance in

the wizarding world, and soon every wand in the room was raised with a

small light ignited at the tip of their wands. The room of requirements

even darkened a bit to add to the effect of the matter. It was clear to

Harry that the DA was going to stand with its leader no matter what he

decided on how he was going to deal with the problem.

He looked to his side, and saw that Susan was standing next to him with

a proud smile and her wand raised, and with her other hand she gently

took his. This was going to be there stand. Together.

(A/N) Thank you so much for all the reviews! Sorry it took me a few

days longer to get this up then I thought. I live down in Texas and

the storms have been messing with me power. Hopefully will get the

next chapter out soon, please let me know what you think of the

most recent chapters, and where you think things are going!

16. A Cowards Way

Chapter 16

It wasn't long before the Ministry Officials arrived. Unluckily for them,

Sirius Black, and Amelia Bones were in toe with them. Minerva

McGonagall tried to appease everyone, but in the end they wanted to

speak with the students, and Sirius loudly exclaimed that he wished to

see that his Godson was alright after having to deal with an incompetent

idiot of a Headmistress.

Harry found himself summoned to the Headmistress' office with Susan,

Neville, Hermione, and Ron, with the rest of the DA and the fifth years

waiting outside of the office as if they were expecting a battle to break


In the room, Fudge was bristling, "Potter are you still trying to lead an

open rebellion inside my school?"

Sirius however was on the man in a minute, "I resent that accusation

Fudge! My Godson has not even had his chance to tell his side of the

story yet you accuse him of a very serious accusation. I remind you that

this young man is not only the Heir to House Black, but also Lord Potter,

and I suggest if you wish to remain Minister for another day that you just

remind yourself who you are talking too!"

Fudge looked at the man with anger, and began to retort, but Amelia

Bones stopped the man, "Harry if you will please tell me your side of the

story, so that way we can hear all sides of this case."

Harry quickly began to delve into his explanation and when he finished

Sirius was drawing his wand, and beginning to fire a very unfriendly

curse at the Ministry official, however Remus Lupin whom had been

quiet the whole meeting stopped him. Sirius screamed out, "Fudge if you

don't have this woman arrested I will challenge her to a duel right now

and kill her myself."

Fudge looked a little frightened at how fast things had gotten out of

control, and looked to his auror guards to make sure they were still there

before saying, "Now Mr. Black-"

"It's Lord Black you fucking idiot, or have you forgotten just who I am!"

Sirius said in a bellowing rage.

The Minister bristled, but Sirius was on a role, "Madame Bones, as a

member of the Wizengamot and a Lord of our Nation I demand that this

women's wand be tested to see if the Cruciatas Curse has indeed been

used on my Godson."

Madame Bones immediately stepped forward to carry out the command,

but Fudge said, "Bones you will be out of the job tomorrow if you take

one more step. If Madame Umbridge did use an unforgivable it was in

self-defense, and I will be issuing a full pardon if it is true!"

Sirius roared out, "Against a minor! A student that has not even taken his

OWLs yet, are you or are you not the Defense Against the Dark Arts


Umbridge bristled, "Considering all the infraction of the rules your

Godson has committed, I think you should count yourself lucky he still

has a school to attend."

Letting his animalistic side get out a bit he barked, "Well you can forget

that. I am pulling my Godson from this school tonight, and I am taking

your head with me. By the ways of magic itself I invoke the right of

challenge, as my house has been wronged. Only a duel to the death will

bring my house and honor satisfaction so mote it be."

Harry wasn't familiar with anything that just happened, but many people

in the room paled as Sirius' wands glowed a bit, and Fudge now cowered

a bit realizing that he had gone beyond the point of repair. Magic itself

had accepted the challenge, and he had no authority on these matters. To

go against Magic, would cost him, and possibly his future generation of

witches and wizards in his family.

Not allowing for anyone else to speak Sirius demanded, "Who will be

your second? Why don't you choose the worthless man beside you, and I

will kill two birds with one stone!"

Umbridge blindingly furious yelled out, "You will not be dueling me. I am

Undersecretary Delores Jane Umbridge! Headmistress to Hogwarts. I am

above such laws."

Sirius laughed with an evil sound, and Amelia Bones spoke softly,

"Delores you must accept his challenge. Magic itself has accepted it. If

you were to deny his challenge it is possible that you could lose your

magic and be reduced to a squib or worse. Had magic denied the

challenge you would have had a chance."

Harry speaking for the first time in a while said, "Magic itself accepted

his challenge?"

Remus spoke, "The glow at the end of his challenge indicated that magic

was dissatisfied, and that it would allow the retribution to be sought out.

It is old, but still very legal. Had it been denied then obviously, it would

have classified as a legal blood feud, but you being his son by magic and

law, it easily accepted it, which to me is magic itself admitting that

Umbridge used a dark curse against you Harry."

Umbridge looked to the Minister who looked grave, as if he was seeing

his life flash before his eyes, or worse his career, "Madame Umbridge,

you must select a second."

The women let fear show on her face for the first time, "Minister surely

there is something you can do. I have done so much for this admi-"

"I'm sorry Delores there is nothing I can do. Laws much older than the

ones even the Wizengamot wrote are at stake here." Fudge said

apologetically clearly trying to think of away to get his champion out of

this nightmare.

The women stood up straight, "Very well, I will take Auror Dawlish if he

will assist me."

The auror stood up at full height at this, "I will assist you Madame


This caused the women to smirk triumphantly and Harry stepped

forward, "I will be your second Sirius."

Before anyone could protest Remus stepped forward, "Sorry cub, but the

spot has already been spoken for. Padfoot and I have been dueling

together since we were school boys, and besides I owe you this fight."

Sirius nodded approvingly throwing his arm around the man, "I will

teach you all I can this Summer pup, but today we will show you how it's

supposed to be done, and we will get rid of your toad problem here."

This caused some chuckles from Ron and Neville whom had remained

quiet through the whole meeting, and for the first time his eyes went to

Susan who seemed to be deep in thought over the whole situation, as if

she was calculating the ramifications of it all. Giving the girl a bit of a

wink he turned back to face Fudge who said, "Let's take the night and let

heads cool, and we will have this duel take place in the auror department


"Not so fast Minister. I was the challenger therefore I pick the time and

the place of this excursion, and it will be in ten minutes down in great

hall. Fillius Flitwick is a dueling champion, and circuit qualified judge.

He will be able to set up the platform, for some his old favorite students,

and be willing to officiate." Sirius proclaimed.

The Minister looked to protest, but Amelia proved to be on their side one

hundred percent by saying, "It's the law Minister. The challenger reserves

the right to dictate the rules of the fight, and the setting."

"This is a school you madman!" Umbridge cried out.

"Yes, and someone will need to inform Minerva that she will be needed as

Headmistress for the remainder of the year." Remus said with a bit of a


This caused Umbridge to pale a bit, but Dawlish merely smirked thinking

that he was the big bad auror, and was clearly forgetting that at one

point Sirius was a senior auror before things went to hell in the first war.

When the group of people descended into corridors again a group of

students were milling about with wands drawn, Umbridge was about to

rage at them before Ernie McMillan stepped up, "Minister Fudge,

Headmistress Umbridge used an unforgivable curse on Lord Potter today.

As an ally of House Potter I demand satisfaction, and will see this women

arrested, with the backing of House McMillan."

Hannah stepped besides him, "Also backed by House Abbot."

A few other kids from pureblood houses stepped forward and Fudge

seemed to pale a bit more with each person stepping forward, clearly

realizing this battle was lost, and it had not even started yet. Harry

grinned at the others, "My father seemed to be thinking along the same

lines, and he has challenged the Headmistress to a duel to the death

which was accepted by magic itself."

This caused whispers, but the entourage that came from the

Headmistress' office merely carried on towards the great hall, while

Neville was sent off to get Professor Flitwick so he could officiate the


Susan had taken Harry's side and whispered into his ear, "You look

awfully cheerful for someone who is about to watch their dad/godfather

kill someone?"

Smirking at the girl he shrugged his shoulders, "No adult has ever stuck

out up for me like this before. It's nice to see someone outraged on my

behalf. Besides Sirius isn't going to kill her today. You forget the stories I

told you about the Marauders, they are notorious pranksters, not killers. I

just don't think Umbridge and Fudge know that just yet."

Sirius and Remus were chatting up ahead about what they were going to

do for dinner, and even joked that Headmistress McGonagall will let

them have dinner in the great hall with the rest of the students. Each

word they exchanged seemed to infuriate Umbridge more, but it didn't

matter, because when they arrived in the hall Neville and Flitwick were

rolling in right behind them. Fudge stood before the assembled students

claiming, "Anyone under the age of 15 must now return to their common

rooms, as this is a duel to the death, and we do not wish young faces to

witness this."

This caused some murmurs of discontent to sweep the halls, but many of

the students left, including some of those who were over 15. However,

Harry was walking up with his group of friends to the platform that

Flitwick and McGonagall were transfiguring. It was just a few short

minutes before everything was ready, and Harry was standing on the

platform with his dog father, and Remus. Remus spoke softly, "Just don't

panic Harry no matter what you see. In these duels, all type of magic is

allowed. Even unforgivables."

Harry gulped a bit, and asked, "Is that auror any good? Dawlish?

Sirius shook his head, but Remus gave the man across the hall from him a

wary look and said, "He is an auror so we won't underestimate him, in

fact we will take him out first."

"Mooney old chap I like the way you think!" Sirius exclaimed.

Harry asked, "Aren't you two in the least bit worried?"

The two men exchanged looks and then gave Harry a soft smile,

"Something we will teach you this summer about the art of dueling is

nothing but confidence on the outside, and I do mean nothing. It can

unnerve your opponent even if you are scared out of your wits!"

Taking his voice to an absolute whisper he asked, "Are you?"

Before either Marauder could answer the referee, Flitwick, called the

match to begin. Harry watched as the bows were called through, and

then with bated breath listened to the countdown, and at one he blinked,

and suddenly spell fire rang throughout the room.

Watching the duel with a bit of amazement Harry could not help but

admire the way the two men dueled together, and how they

complimented each other, and protected each other in the fight always. It

was almost like they had discussed a very extensive strategy, and that

they had planned this duel for days, but that was impossible and Harry

knew it.

Remus was a blur of wand movements, and he was also seemingly

throwing out a different spell every second, as his wand was pushing out

spells of all colors and sizes. It was obvious that the Marauders were

hardly even giving Umbridge the time of day as they blasted Dawlish and

his defenses to shreds.

Sirius was a site to watch too, for someone whom had been in Azkaban

for 13 years he was still in incredible shape, and his reflexes that rivaled

Harry's. He had only seen the man shield once, and he dodged everything

else, and countered with amazing speed. His power was also a little more

pronounced then Remus', but the duel was impressive.

Harry even had to tip his hat to Dawlish. The Marauders were giving this

man absolute hell, yet he was still standing, but to the experienced

duelist, and even Harry recognized that the man was running out of

steam. Whispering soft words to his girlfriend he said, "Dawlish is about

down for the count."

Amelia Bones who was standing right next to Susan heard the boy, and

raised an eyebrow at his proclamation. She was a very experienced and

veteran duelist, and of course she recognized that the man was almost

down, but this was the first time she had seen firsthand of Harry's

prowess and knowledge in the dueling arena, and admitted to herself that

she would like to see the young man in action.

The duel turned around quickly when Umbridge who was clearly tired of

being ignored screamed out, "Avada Kedavra!"

It came out in her usual girlish voice, but that didn't stop the chill that

ran down everyone's spine when the green curse sailed towards both

men. With amazing speed, Remus conjured a brick column, and Sirius

raised a metal shield. The Brick wall shattered effectively stopping the

curse, but the debris sailed towards them and impacted Sirius shield, and

at this they both took offensive steps forward and began using the five

chain spell that Harry recognized as a finisher, Expulso, Defodio,

Confrigno, Reducto, Bombarda.

Harry honestly didn't believe for a second that anyone other than maybe

Voldemort or Dumbledore would have found their way out of that

combination when two people are throwing them at the exact same time,

and incredible speed, and for a mediocre Auror like John Dawlish it was

too much. The man barely deflected the first five spells, and the last five

easily through him off the platform with undoubtedly injuring the man

greatly. This left two Marauders vs. an ugly Toad the boy who lived


Sirius grinned at the women who was not even attempting to fire curses,

"Expelliarmus. Levicorpus. Diffindo. Flipendo."

The first spell disarmed the women before she could even raise a shield.

The second spell hoisted her into the air. The third spell caused a small

gash to appear in the women's shoulder, and the fourth spell made her

swing on the ceiling comically her pink cardigan falling off in the


Sirius marched just below the women, while Remus fired about a dozen

jinxes changing the women's physical appearance, and then looked

angrier than Harry had possibly ever seen him. Sirius roared at the

women, "You used the torture curse on my Godson who has done more

for this nation than you or your pitiful Minister will ever do. He saved us

all from a Dark Lord that was on the brink of victory, and would've

conquered our nation. People like you half-blood would have been hated,

and discriminated against. Yet this is how you repay him. He tries to tell

you the Dark Lord has returned, and this is how you repay them. You are

the worst kind of Witches and Wizards, and that is a coward, and I would

love to strike you down where you are right now."

Remus spoke now, "Your lucky our brother in all but blood James Potter

is not here today, because I promise you would be dead where you stand,

and that is if Lily wouldn't have gotten to you first, because she would've

made you beg for it had you hurt her son, and thought you were going to

get away with it."

"But they aren't here right now, so please give us a reason we should not

uphold their wish to protect him, and not kill you, and you better make it

good, because my patience is almost gone." Sirius growled.

Harry watched in awe as the men magically man handled this woman,

and bullied her into a perfect position for manipulation.

The women who was now panicking said, "Please I will do anything, just

please don't kill me."

Sirius who raised his eyebrows at this said, "Anything? How about

resigning as Headmistress and Madame Undersecretary?"


"How about admitting that you sent the Dementors on my Godson this


This caused silence to ring throughout the hall. Everyone had heard

about the dementor attack on Harry, and while even now some did not

believe him, this accusation brought all right back to the fronts of their

minds, "How did you-"

"Know?" Remus said coldly, "There are only a few members in the

Ministry who can control dementors that well, and they are all in this

room. Madame Bones being one of them, and I seriously doubt an ally of

house Potter for over 12 generations would attack their heir, so that

ruled her out, and then there was Minister Fudge who wouldn't have had

the balls to do it, and then there was you."

"Sweet vindictive little Delores." Sirius growled, "Do you admit to it? I am

an accomplished Occulmens, and I promise right before I kill you I will

rape your mind to the point that I will know every little dirty secret you

ever told your imaginary friend at the age of five."

The women cowered in fear at the thought of her mind being raped

before her and said, "Okay yes I did it. I sent the dementors to little

whinging! I had hoped to get the boy on trial and have him silenced, but

the old fool Dumbledore interfered with that totally ridiculous squib

witness. We had no record of a squib being the area. It was supposed to

be full proof."

"Who all knew of this plan?" Amelia Bones said now standing on the

platform that the woman was hanging just above.

"No one just myself." The women said with tears streaming down her

very red face. All the blood was clearly rushing to her head, and she was

starting to lose control.

Sirius however cursed the women causing her to cough violently, "Liar."

"I swear."

"If you aren't going to tell the truth I have no further use for you, and

since magic has granted me permission to-"

"Fudge knew…" It was all but a whisper, but it was a whisper that caused

half the great hall to erupt in anger. Students who were friends of Harry,

and even some who were not were outraged that their government had

allowed something like this to happen.

Sirius turned to look at the man, but before he could start flinging curses

Amelia drew her wand, "Aurors place Minister Fudge under arrest for

corruption, and the attempted murder of a Lord to a Most Noble and

Ancient House of the Wizengamot. Also, charge him with Purgery for

lying under oath, and sedition for abusing his position as Minister of


Kingsley Shacklebolt and Gwain Robards immediately stepped forward

and grabbed the man by each arm as he bustled his protests and began to

issue threats, and just as Amelia was getting ready to have them all of,

but Sirius stopped her, "I want one more confession Umbridge, and I may

allow you to live. If you lie, if you even think about lying you will find

out just what kind of magic they teach in Black Family and why we get

our name as a dark family. Are you ready?"

The women was barely conscious at this point, but she nodded in clear

desperation, "Good, are you aware of the Dark Lords return? Let there be

no mistake, are you aware of the Dark Lord Voldemorts return."

The women choked out a sob, and then nodded her head, but Sirius

roared out, "YES or NO!"

Harry was shocked. They had done it. They cornered Umbridge, and now

she was going to have to admit it, "Yes…Yes I know he is back."

"Are you a death eater?" Amelia Bones asked with her eyes wide.

"No, but I had an informant let me know this Summer, its why I had the

dementors attack Potter, I had thought I would be rewarded." Umbridge

sobbed out.

The hall roared with anger, and clearly some were shaken with fear, but

not the DA. Sirius shook his head and flicked his wand up towards the

ceiling, and the women fell with a loud thunk, "You have twenty-four

hours to leave Britain, and if I ever see you again I will kill you where

you stand. Do I make myself clear?"

The women did not even answer, but Sirius grabbed her by her stupid

pink jacket screaming, "Do you understand?"

The women nearly screamed with fear, but said, "Yes."

Sirius nodded, and stood, "Amelia do you have all you need?"

The department shook her head with a wicked smile, "More than I ever

needed actually. We will be in touch soon. Someone get in touch with

Dumbledore if possible, and let him know Hogwarts wants him back as


"My honor and my families is satisfied, so mote it be." Sirius said in a

near whisper with his wand in hand.

Harry hugged the man when he approached, and said, "You were

brilliant! But, how did-"

Sirius ruffled the boys head as they separated, "We are Marauders pup, if

you think for even a second that Remus and I didn't have a very specific

plan in place when we heard about what happened from Amelia we have

a lot more to teach you than I thought."

Remus came over, and Harry hugged the man tightly for a moment, and

separated from him with affection swelling for both men. They had

cleared his name, and now everyone knew Voldemort was back. No one

would call him a liar anymore, or think he was crazy, or think he was a


The voices in the hall had still not been subdued, and it was clear that

people were afraid, but Harry was not going to let it go quietly, with a

feeling of bravery he shouted, "Everyone listen up."

Silence immediately rang throughout the hall, and even the aurors who

were escorting Fudge out turned to stop and listen. The professors were

watching him, the students were watching him, and with the bravery he

felt in the moment he felt that his parents were watching him too,

"Voldemort is back. I know some of you didn't believe me, and possibly

some of you still don't believe me, but it's true. I swear it upon my very


A glow came from around the boy, but he didn't even stop to

acknowledge it, "I fought this man, and "He killed my parents, and most

likely he may have killed some of yours too. If he didn't maybe he killed

some of your family members, and like me maybe some of you want

some revenge, and because of that I say this. A fight is coming. He may

be taking cover now, but when the Ministry Convicts Fudge, and the

truth comes out, he won't have to hide anymore, and he will strike."

This caused some more mutters of fear to spread across the way, "If you

were in my defense meetings this year then you learned a little bit about

me, but if you weren't let me tell you this. That madman killed my

family, and he killed a lot of people who would've been my whole world,

and I will not let it go. I have a family now, and the people in this room

are it. When Voldemort strikes, and prepares to go to war with our

Ministry I am going to be there fighting him with everything I have, and I

can't do it alone. I don't ask anyone to fight, but I ask you to think about

what really will happen if he returns, and how it will affect you. Are you

going to tell your kids one day when they ask you what did you do when

the Dark Lord took over, are you going to tell them you just stood there

and watched it happen? Because I won't, and maybe that means I won't

have kids, but it doesn't change the fact that I will not rest until he is

dead, and I hope I am not alone in that."

Silence was in the room first, but Neville jumped to his side first, as he

had done many times this year, "I owe the Death Eaters for my mum and

dad, and I will be with you Harry. Anytime anywhere."

Susan next, "Voldemort killed my parents, and if my boyfriend, and

friends are going to fight, then I will too."

From there people began raising their wands. This was the second-time

Harry had this happen, but this time it wasn't just members of the DA,

and it wasn't just kids. Sirius and Remus had their wands up. Kingsley

and Tonks had there's raised. Amelia Bones. Harry looked around the

gratefully, and began to say something, but before he could he heard a

scream, "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

He turned and saw a killing curse sail towards him, and he expected it

would be the very last thing he ever saw.

(A/N) I will only say this...he was hit. Thanks for all the reviews

love the feedback! Cheers.

17. A Powerful Reunion

Chapter 17

Harry opened his eyes and look around in amazement. The world before

him was extremely white, and he was suddenly very confused. He looked

around some more and noticed that he was in a familiar location. He was

at Kings Cross Station, but there were no trains, and no people.

Standing slowly, he felt a little shaky, but none the less he could stand on

his own two feet. He wasn't sure what was going on, but as he thought

about what the last thing he remembered was, he knew he had been

taken by the killing curse, and wherever he was now, must have been

what ever happened after life…

"Hello Harry."

Harry spun around at the female voice, and turned to see two people

standing in front of him. One was a beautiful young female with red hair,

and stunning green eyes that immediately left no question of who the

women was. The other was a male, which looked like an older version of

himself with different colored eyes, "Mum, Dad."

Harry rushed forward and hugged the two with such ferocity they

laughed lightly, and Harry felt tears sting his eyes, "Is this real?"

The first tear fell, and when it hit his mums shoulder she pushed him

away, and immediately wiped the tear away, something that no one had

ever done in his life, and he wanted to cry more. James spoke, "It's just as

real as anything else. The question of how real everything else might be

is always a question of life."

Lily smacked her husband gently, "Don't confuse the pour boy he has a

pretty big decision to make and we were sent here to help him in any

way we could."

Harry looked at the two bewildered, "Decision? Who sent you?"

Lily and James exchanged looked, but James shook his shoulders, "I don't

know. No one does. Whoever is command of the next great adventure as

Dumbledore calls it I guess. We have been at peace for 14 years though,

but when we looked down upon you today we knew something had to

have happened, because we thought you would join us instantly, but you

didn't we had to be summoned to you."

Harry looked like he wanted to understand, but Lily shook her head,

"Don't try. I spent the first five years, and I gave up. Now I just kind of go

with it. I think the Marauders wore off on me a bit in my last few years."

At this Harry felt a desperate feeling of lost clutch at him, "I am so sorry.

I never meant anyone to die for me. I never would have wanted you two

to sacrifice yourselves for me."

James shook his head with a smile, "You're my son. I would've died a

thousand times for you. Besides never fear, if I have to spend eternity in

this adventure, at least I have your mother with me."

"Don't ever think we regret our decision. Your destiny is so great, and you

are going to do such great things in the world." Lily said with a bright


"I guess I was? It doesn't matter now, and we are all together, like we

should have been."

James said softly, "It's not your time Harry."

Looking at the man oddly, and then looking around as if it was all in his

imagination he asked, "But I am dead, just like you two."

Lily shook her head, "No it seems that is not true. If you were really dead

you would be in the next Great Adventure, but as to where we are now…

It looks like Kings Cross. We think you still have a decision, and a destiny

to face."

"But I don't understand I was hit with the killing curse?" Harry asked

puzzled and almost alarmed.

James put his arm around his son and walked him in a direction a few

steps towards a nearby bench, and then pointed out to underneath it

where a disgusting creature that looked disturbingly familiar was

writhing in pain, "What the hell is that?"

Lily smacked him in the back of the head, "Language young man."

James rolled his eyes, "Its Voldemort son. Or at least apart of him. I

believe when you faced him in the Graveyard you saw him in a form

similar to this."

"So you two were there in the Graveyard?" Harry questioned excitedly.

Lily shook her head, "No spell can awaken the dead Harry. Dumbledore

told you that."

Casting his head in disappointment a bit she added, "But we are always

there watching. We saw the whole thing happen in the great hall, and are

grateful our friends finally pulled their heads out of their asses, and I

fully expect them to delve you into Marauder training this Summer if you

are to return."

James nodded approvingly, and looked at his wife with much affection,

while Harry asked, "So I have to go back?"

The parents just looked at their son sadly, "You don't have too. It's our

belief that a train will arrive soon. If you take that train I think it will

take you to us forever."

"But if you ignore it," James Potter said, "We think you will go back. You

will wake up and no time will have passed."

Harry held his head in confusion, "None of this makes any sense."

Lily looked at the boy consolingly, "Look Harry. We will do our best to

explain, but let me start with this. We are so proud of you. You have

done so much, and believe me there are a lot of people who are going to

answer to us when they finally face us in the next world, and

Dumbledore is at the top of the list, because I think he knew all along,

but Voldemort is in all practicalities immortal."

Harry stared at the women in shock and fear, but James started in

without letting anytime pass, "Voldemort during the first war, and

possibly even his young adult hood created these magical items called

Horcruxes, they are basically containers in which you can put your split

soul. As long as these objects remain basically those parts of your soul

will never die, hence making you immortal. The process of creating these

are very vial and evil though."

"To split your soul you must commit a true act of evil, and murder an

innocent. We never knew until now, but we believe you were his

accidental horcrux, and that he never meant to create you as one, which

makes us believe he had created several for this to happen." Lily


"The diary in your second year, Harry, you have already destroyed one of

the Horcruxes with the basilisk venom. We have no idea how many he

created, but obviously at least 3." James said carefully.

"I believe he created 7." Lily said with a bit of fear in her voice, "In my

seventh year Arithmany class, I delved into magical numbers, and seven

is definitely the most powerful. Three would not be bad, but I think that

would be simply wishful thinking. The diary is a destroyed Horcrux, and

he would've had to use one to regain his body, and then Umbridge just

destroyed the one in you Harry."

His head was swimming with all the information, "I don't understand. So

Voldemort committed seven murders to split his soul, and put each piece

in a container to make himself immortal, that's…"

"Disgusting?" James Potter said, "Yes I agree. However it does not change

the fact that he did it. Harry you were one of these things, because I can

help you understand a few things and how I know… No Potter in History,

and believe me it's an extensive history, has ever been a parselmouth,

and Lily is a Muggleborn so you didn't get it from her, and it is

hereditary. Also the visions you have been having by peering into his

head, that will all be over now. You won't be able to speak to snakes, and

he won't be able to peer into his mind, and vice versa. This is actually a

good thing, because as Dumbledore warned you without being a master

Occulemens basically one day he was going to rip your mind to pieces."

Harry stared at the man with incredulity, "Fantastic. So what now? I go

back, destroy these Horcruxes, and hope he doesn't kill me?"

James put a hand on his shoulder, "Son there is a prophesy. It is because

of this prophesy that one day I am going to hit Dumbledore so hard his

head is going to spin around, but this prophesy is very important."

Lily spoke softly, "This prophesy predicts that you will be the one to

defeat Voldemort. It is why he came after us Harry. It is why he wanted

to kill you as a baby. It is why we went into hiding."

"But diviniation is a sham! Hermione says so all the time." Harry


Lily gave her husband an I told you so look, but then said, "I thought so

too, but Dumbledore believed it, and Voldemort believed it, and that was

enough for us to try and protect you. Oh how I wish we would've just

stayed at Potter Manor, and fought, at least there we would've stood a

chance, but we had no way of knowing Peter would do what he did."

James growled, "That's another person that better hopes they can

permanently dodge me in the next life."

"Regardless. Harry this prophesy has been very much legitimized by

Voldemort, and he will not rest until you are dead because he believes

you are the only thing that stands between him, and the world."

Harry was beginning to feel a little dizzy with all the information, but

James kept talking and put his hand back on his son's shoulder steadying

him, "It's going to be okay son. You can beat him. You have my blood

and your mothers as well. You have our skills, and more leadership than

either of us would have ever dreamed of having. Harry twice now you

have had witches and wizards give their allegiance to you, that's huge. I

never had that happen, and neither did your mother. You are a symbol to

the wizarding world whether you want to be or not, and I really think

after your Marauder training you will be able to use it to the best of the

worlds possibilities. I have faith that you can do this son."

"It's okay to be scared sweetheart. It's okay to cry. We've got you."

Harry was scared. He did want to cry, but the best thing about those two

things was that in this moment he had two parents who wanted nothing

more than to comfort him, and help him through this moment, and to

him the emotion that produced was way more powerful than the fear,

"What do I have to do?"

Causing the two parents to smile Lily said, "Voldemort does not know his

half of the prophesy. Go to the Department of Mysteries and remove it.

Train with Sirius and Remus this Summer, and give it everything you've

got. Go to school, and see how things play out. You may or may not get

to finish. Voldemort will not attack Hogwarts for as long as Dumbledore

is alive so you have some time to prepare. Once things go to hell, and

you are out of options go and hunt these horcruxes and destroy them. I

wish we could tell you what they are, but we don't know."

James looked his son in the eyes taking his attention, "And you give him

absolute hell. No matter what you fight. You fight until you have nothing

left. You are a Potter and that is your duty. You don't stop until he is

dead or you are dead. Harry I don't give a damn if the prophesy is real or

not, but what I do know is that he believes it, so you might as well too,

and not let the bastard get you first. It breaks my heart to say this, but I

don't want to see you again for many years, and I hope we can talk about

the many Potter heirs that will bless our family with life again."

Lily smiled at her husband and son, "You go back and live your life, and

follow that romance you are in now. So far I approve, and think you have

been perfect gentlemen. Don't give up on it until you think there is no

future there. Be a better friend to Neville, because that boy is showing

you some fierce loyalty, and Harry please give those idiot Marauders of

mine a hug, because I love them and miss them so dearly."

James looked at his wife and was blinking back tears, "You do the same

for me. One day we can be family again, and that will be a glorious day,

but it's not today."

Harry looked at the two, and asked feeling very small, "Couldn't I stay."

The two smiled at him, "Of course you could, but we all know you won't."

Harry tried to gather the courage to say he would stay, but he couldn't

because it would actually be the opposite of courage, it would be

cowardice, and if there was anything in the world Harry James Potter

was, it was not a coward.

Standing again the boy who lived pulled his parents into a hug as he

heard a training coming in the distance, "I love both of you so much."

Lily embraced her son tears falling slowly, "We love you too son."

"More than you will ever know Pronglset." James said quietly in his ear.

When they separated, the train pulled into the station, and Harry turned

to face it, but not before taking one last glance at his parents, and not

before taking a disgusted look at Voldemort. He watched the train and

admitted to himself that Sirius was right, but not quite at the right time…

this was the turning point.

(A/N) Thank you all so much for the reviews, here is an early

update as promised! Cheers!

18. Calling Out The Man

Chapter 18

For the second time Harry opened his eyes slowly, but unlike last time

there wasn't silence, there were roars of anger, and sobs filling his ear. He

felt two small arms around him, and felt wet drops touching his shirt. He

took a moment looking and realizing that only a few minutes could have

passed in this world since he was hit, and whispered, "Sue I really like

this shirt, please don't ruin it."

The girl immediately froze, but no one else seemed to be noticing what

was happening, and she looked up to see two beautiful green eyes staring

at her. They seemed different, but they were perhaps even more beautiful

to her now, "Harry?"

"Who'd you expect?" The boy asked grinning slightly feeling pain in his


She hugged the boy tightly, and sobbed, "I thought I lost you."

"Not today." He whispered.

With that he tried to sit up, and someone nearby screamed, and a lot of

people were turning to look at him, and it was only a moment before he

heard running footsteps, and he saw Sirius standing in front of him with

wide eyes, "Harry?"

"Padfoot?" The boy asked with a slight smile.

Susan backed up just a bit for the man to be able to dive bomb his pup.

Harry felt the strong arms grip him, and heard the man sob, and he heard

Remus say, "That's not possible."

People were watching him now with shock, and some with a bit of fear.

Harry whispered to Sirius, "I saw them Sirius. My mum and dad. I talked

to them."

This caused the man to freeze, and he pulled out of the hug and looked

his son into the eyes, "What?"

"I have a lot to tell you, but people just stopped thinking I was mad, lets

not change that by telling them that I think I can talk to the dead." Harry

said with a bit of a smirk.

Amelia was at Harry's side a moment later, "Harry you need a healer. We

saw the killing curse hit you directly in the face. There was a shock wave

that through all of us back to. A shock wave of magic, as if a bomb had

gone off. We don't understand it; did you do some kind of wandless


Shaking his head, "I don't need a medic, not yet. I feel fine, actually the

longer I sit here the better I feel."

Susan whispered, "You survived two killing curses. Maybe you are


Harry shook his head, "The next killing curse that hits me will be the last.

I can swear to that. I think we have been luckier…I think fate has been

on our side a lot when it comes to that curse."

He winked at the girl a bit, and she smiled slightly at him, but her eyes

were still puffy and red from the sobbing and heart break she

experienced earlier.

Neville approached offering a stick to him, "Harry here is your wand, you

dropped it when…"

"Its okay Neville thank you." Harry said

When his hand touched the wand, he felt a disgusting rush of power

shoot up his arm, and he dropped it in surprise, and he quickly yelped.

When the wand fell to the floor it broke in two, and Harry stared at it in

shock, but not as much as everybody else. Sirius looked confused

between his son and the wand, "What just happened?"

Harry looked at the wand a little sadly now, "I think my magic has

changed, and it is rejecting the wand because it is a brother to


Harry then thought for a moment then thought of a way to test to see if

he was going mad, "If what I know is true it won't be the only thing about

my magic has changed. Sirius summon a snake."

The man looked at the boy like he had lost his mind, but Sirius

murmured something about slimy snakes, and when the snake appeared

Harry stared at it, and then said, "Can you understand me?"

The snake however merely stared at him and moved towards him, but

now Harry scrambled back a bit, "Sirius kill it!"

The man without hesitation struck the snake, and Harry grinned at his

girlfriend who also looked a bit worried about her boyfriend's sanity, "I

am not a parselmouth anymore."

Everyone looked at him with more shock if that was possible. Sirius said,

"You have a lot of explaining to do."

Agreeing with his father he said, "Yes I do, but not here."

The man nodded, and ducked under one of his arms, while Remus gently

pushed Susan aside and did so on his other side helping the boy stand up.

For the first time he realized his vision was really blurry, and felt around

for his glasses when he realized he was wearing them he said, "Susan will

you take off my glasses please."

The girl nodded thinking they were stabbing him somewhere, but when

she took them off he said, "Please find some way to blow those out of

existence I won't be needing them anymore."

Thinking her boyfriend was still coming out of shock, she just held onto

them as his surrogate fathers took him out of the great hall and away

from all the gawkers. The aurors that were supposed to take Fudge away

had already left, and Harry asked, "What happened to Umbridge after she

hit me with the curse."

Sirius looked furious at the question spitting, "She got what she deserved,

and will not be a burden to anyone else in this world ever again."

Harry nodded not feeling the slightest bit sorry for the women who had

cursed him in the back. In a way however he should thank her. In this

moment he felt happier than he had ever been in his life. He had gotten a

chance to talk to his parents, and get some invaluable information.

Things were going to change now, and hopefully for the best.

Harry said quietly, "Someone please make sure, Neville, Ron, and

Hermione find their ways into this meeting. Susan your aunt needs to be

there too. This is going to be important."

Susan nodded running back towards the great hall before they got too

far. Harry's head was still spinning from everything that had happened, it

has been a busy twenty-four hours after all. Everything was going to

change. Well he hoped not everything.

It was only a matter of minutes before they made it to the Headmasters

office, and sure enough Dumbledore was sitting there with Fawkes in his

chair as if he had never left the school, "Harry…"

Remus and Sirius did not look that surprised to see the man, but Harry

spat, "You have a lot of explaining to do headmaster."

The man smiled at the boy, "I fear I do as well. I hope you trust all the

company you have invited to this meeting with your life, because it very

well may depend on it."

The two marauder men just watched the verbal volley between their pup

and the most powerful light wizard alive with interest as they helped him

take a seat at the headmaster's desk. It was only a moment later before

Susan came in with Neville, Ron, Hermione, and Amelia Bones.

Harry started, "Headmaster I won't bother to ask why you didn't tell me

about the prophesy, because I am sure if you tell me I might try and

curse you, so save that explanation for yourself, however I do want to

know why the FUCK I was not told there was a Horcrux in my head."

Amelia Bones was almost appalled at the young man's language, but

considering she knew exactly what a horcrux was she gasped instead,

"That's what that was. The explosion, the dark magic, the killing curse

ripped the horcrux out of your scar."

Harry couldn't turn to see Amelia, but he did look to Susan who was at

his side holding his hand softly, "You were right love your aunt is

brilliant. Madame Bones I guess you know what a Horcrux is, and for

those who don't they are a soul container that one could place split their

soul into, and basically achieve immortality. Voldemort created seven of


Dumbledore looked up alarmed at this, "How did you come across all this

information, specifically that last bit."

Harry glared a bit at the man, "I think I am going to withhold some

information for now to see just how much you are going to cooperate

with me."

The man looked at the boy imploringly, "Please Harry, if Voldemort truly

did create seven Horcruxes and you know this for a fact then it is far

graver than I ever feared."

"Tell me this headmaster did you know I was Horcrux all along? And if

you did how did you plan on getting it out of me?" Harry spat with


The man looked into the eyes of Harry and he felt something brush his

mind shields, that were small, but there, "Don't try and force it out of me

damnit, use your words old man."

Dumbledore shook his head instantly, "Forgive me, I did not know for

sure you were a horcrux. I had my suspicions, but they didn't really add

up to that until your vision with Arthur Weasley, and you told me you

were the snake that was the first big indicator, but you have my word I

never knew for sure. I even had doubts because Voldemort never actually

tried to control your mind."

Harry spoke sharply, "Well he will never be able to either unless we are

face to face. The connection has been severed, and I can no longer even

speak parseltongue."

Dumbledore only looked minorly surprised by this, but Susan asked,

"Harry, why did your wand snap?"

"It's because Voldemort and I had twin wands, and I think my magic was

always in tuned with the Horcrux since it had been there for so long, and

now that it's not there, and there is no longer any inhuman connection to

Voldemort, my birth magic is coming forward, which means all of my

magic may have changed, as I have noticed I no longer need my glasses.

My vision is perfect."

This caused Dumbledore to look fascinated now by this development,

"Interesting. I wish I had theorized more on you being a Horcrux,

however I feared to do it too much, because every time I thought about it

I feared I or Voldemort would have to kill you to expel that part of the

soul. I never even thought you might survive the encounter its why I

never tried to do anything about it, or try and prove my theory. You were

quite the powerful young wizard, and I thought if it was true, then you

would be at max potential with it in you, and we would have to approach

the possibility at you being at Horcrux after there were no remains of

Voldemort left in the world. I even theorized that if you were the last one

he would never be able to return."

Harry looked at the man as if trying to detect a lie, but sensed none and

sighed, "My mum thinks that Voldemort created seven Horcruxes,

because of some arithmancy project she did in her seventh year over

magical numbers. She also told me that the Diary, myself, and whatever

he used to come back to life indicates that he had more than 3, but she

did not believe he could separate his soul more than seven times without

it fracturing, and him just killing over."

Dumbledore looked at the boy with wide eyes, but everyone was, "Harry

your parents are-"

"Dead. Yes, I know. I saw them on the other side. I was there for only a

few minutes. I got to speak with them at Kings Cross Station. I remember

every detail of it. Whether it was real or not does it matter? I have

information that even you can't deny is true, and I would have had no

way of knowing it. The prophesy, and the horcruxes."

Dumbledore looked amazed, but Sirius stood in front of him now on his

knees, and stared at his Godson, "You got to speak with them? Were they


"Happier than any of us. Dad said that there were worse ways to spend

eternity, and that spending it with my mum would be great. Mum also

said that you were to finish my Marauder training at all cost. She told me

many other things, but it's all personal stuff that only a few of us need to

know. I never knew dad called me Prongslet."

Remus stared at the boy in shock, "He only ever called you that when Lily

wasn't around…He only ever said that to two other people other than


"I don't know if it was real Remus, or if my brain did something funny

and reached for memories when I was a baby, but it was enough. I know

the prophesy, what it says, and that Voldemort believes I am the one that

is standing in his way of domination. Neither can live while the other

survives. Does that sound accurate headmaster."

The old man looked a little sad, but nodded, "Yes. I guess I don't have to

fear information leaking now that the connection has been severed. It is a

little relieving; I swear it to you Harry that I will not keep things from

you about yourself. I swear it."

Harry wanted to yell at the old man, but merely said, "You must face my

parents for your sins, and I would avoid being punched by my dad when

you see him, because he really wants to. I also don't forgive you just yet,

but hopefully you can reach that point by sharing what you have

gathered over the years about Voldemort. We have to start somewhere

about stopping him."

He then turned to Susan, "It seems you and I also have a few things that

we will need to talk about in private later if you will grant me a chance?"

The girl looked sadly at him, and patted his hand, "Of course Harry."

Harry then turned to his Gryffindor friends, "Ron, Hermione, Neville, I

think we could all use a good private talk too, so please don't think I am

ignoring you all. I just want as much information as possible, and I can

fill you all in on the holes later. I promise."

The three nodded and smiled at him. Hermione still had red eyes, Harry

guessed she had cried when she suspected that he had been killed, and

that made his affection swell for the girl despite their many fights of their

over bearing attitudes sometimes, he really did love his friends.

Turning back to Dumbledore, "What can you tell me headmaster?"

The old man thought for a moment before saying, "It is my belief that

Voldemort began creating Horcruxes right out of Hogwarts. Starting as

young as seventeen. I have belief that he was looking for artifacts of the

founders of Hogwarts to use as his horcruxes. I can't confirm this yet, but

I have been digging around for people who may spoke to him from the

time he left Hogwarts to the time that he rose to power. I am doing the

best I can. I ask that you give me a few days to compile everything I

have, and let me get back to you. Can you give me any hints as to what

the objects may be?"

Thinking for a moment he said, "The Snake. Something my mum said, I

think the Snake is a horcrux. Other than that I don't know. I can't even

swear that the snake will be one, but it is my belief."

Dumbledore nodded, "I have had that suspicion since the attack on

Arthur as well. Very well. I ask as your headmaster and your friend that

you go get some rest Harry. It has been a tiring and traumatic day. Ms.

Bones I grant you permission to enter the Gryffindor Common Room

tonight so that way you may watch over young Mr. Potter until Curfew,

where I expect you to return to your own common room with the escort

of Mr. Weasley and Mr. Longbottom, Madame Bones do you find this


The stern women nodded clearly having remained respectfully quiet

during all this, "Yes, and Dumbledore you have a lot to answer for. It

seems you have kept a lot of information from my department, and we

will be racing to catch up for information. If there is a hunt for

Voldemort's Horcruxes, I want to assign a special team to help you with

it. You can help me hand pick them if you like. I know you are partial to

Kingsley, Mad-Eye, and Tonks, perhaps we can pick a few more, and get

this hunt started."

The man bowed his head slightly, "That would be excellent Madame

Bones, we will be in touch."

The women nodded and looked over at everyone, "May I use your floo

network to get to my office, I fear there will be a mountain of paperwork

to do, and a case to prepare against Fudge."

Dumbledore nodded, "Of course."

The women turned to her surrogate daughter, and walked over to her

kissing her on the head, "Stay safe Suzie."

The girl beamed at the women, and watched as she disappeared.

(A/N) No cliff hangers this time around, the next chapter brings the

end of the year and the start of the Summer. Cheers, and please


19. From Bad To Worse

Chapter 19

The end of the school year came and went quickly. With Dumbledore

back as the head of the great historic school things went much more

smoothly within the castle, however on the outside it was a firestorm.

With Harry having been hit with another killing curse in front of a

hundred witnesses there was no keeping it quiet that the Boy-Who-Lived

will be keeping his title for life. Of course, no one offered a reasonable

reason for how he did it, and Harry and his friends intended to keep it

that way forever if possible. The way they saw it was that if the enemy

didn't want to throw killing curses at him in case he was immune or

something ridiculous like that then that was fine by them.

At the Ministry there was currently a power vacuum happening within

the Wizengamot and the heads of the departments. Fudge was convicted

without even having to drag Harry into the trial, and was sentenced to

Azkaban for 3 years. Nothing too bad, and Harry honestly felt the man

had gotten off easily.

The announcement that Voldemort had returned had so far been met

with silence from the Dark Lord and his followers, which left doubt in the

minds of the slower people in the Wizarding Community. It was even

speculated in the Daily Prophet that Harry Potter and Dumbledore had

managed to usurp the Ministry, and have changed the tides of the

Wizarding World. These articles had many of Hogwarts students bashing

their heads onto the table or burning the newspaper with frustration.

Harry however was happy. Umbridge was gone. His friends were

standing closer by him than ever. They had even gotten official

permission to continue the DA under the restriction that a Hogwarts

Professor must supervise it every meeting in case anyone was hurt. This

mean that Professor Sprout, Flitwick, McGonagall, and Hagrid were going

to alternate watching over the group. They had only had two meetings in

which professors attended, and they were amazed at just what the DA

was capable of. They were even going to accept a new group of students

next year and run two different groups for advanced and beginners.

When asked if they accepted students from all houses some were quick to

say no Slytherin's but Harry remembered the girl who had helped him

after being hit with the cruciatas curse, and thought that everyone had a

right to know how to defend themselves, but he added into that he had

the right to kick anyone out of the group that was not behaving with the

level of etiquette that he expected in the group. This was agreed on by

Dumbledore which left no room for anyone to question the final decision.

There was currently no Minister of Magic in Britain, but there are

currently several names in the running. The one that Harry was pulling

for was of course Amelia Bones, and Harry could not wait to talk to the

women, and ask if this was something she really wanted, and if she did

he would publicly support her, which according to Sirius would be

almost a guarantee foot in with his backing right now.

The only other thing of note that had happened was the end of the year

exams. They had been canceled for most of the students, but NEWT

students and the OWL students still had to sit the Ministry exams, which

had most of them studying hard over the past few weeks.

The test had gone pretty good Harry thought when he walked out

towards the express with his arm around his girlfriend gently. They were

already talking about when they could visit each other during the

Summer, and had plans to do a lot. Harry told her that his Marauder

training was going to be very important, but he was going to keep as

much time for her and his friends as possible, because even though it

wasn't said aloud, the group had talked war strategy, and Ron who was

the best strategist, assured them that they had probably a little more than

a year before things went into an all-out war. That didn't mean there

wouldn't be skirmishes, but war wasn't going to happen right away. That

meant this was their last summer without war taking over their lives, and

they were going to do their best to make it the greatest summer of their


There had been a minor shock among the older students after seeing the

thestrals for the first time, but it was quickly put to rest when Harry

approached one and pet it with some friendly words, and then boarded a

carriage with his friends. This seemed to convince most people that they

were friendly, and they boarded the carriages to the express.

Harry was looking forward to a peaceful train ride, and meeting Sirius on

the platform. He had never had someone waiting for him before, and it

was kind of exciting knowing that big things were in store for him this

summer, and that he would be well cared for this time around.

When they boarded the train they all got comfortable in a compartment

with a similar setup from after the holidays the only addition was Colin

Creevy, because he wanted to talk with Harry about hanging out over the

holidays, and Harry didn't seem to mind the boys company as much. He

had really changed over the past year, and he thought that Colin might

just be his protégé one day, and he knew when they left the school he

hoped someone would continue the DA and Colin may not have been a

bad candidate one day with his guidance.

Sitting closely together in the compartment was Hannah and Neville

whom had still not become anything official yet, though Harry and Susan

both expected it was only a matter of time before the two hit off a little

bit better. Susan even had hopes for this summer, and Harry couldn't help

but smile at the girl's enthusiasm. Just like Harry Susan was very much

looking forward to an adventurous summer with her boyfriend, which

she hoped would include lots of swimming, and dates, and dinners, and

just time to be regular teenagers which sounded like her boyfriend hadn't

had a lot of. She was excited for the experiences they would have


Harry asked, "So Ron, Neville you boys are going to come over this

summer for a bit of fun right? Sirius promises entertainment and all kinds

of new stuff this summer. He even wants to go to a quidditch game, and

since he is a Puddlemere fan I suggested when they played the Canons,


"You're joking!" Ron asked excitedly jumping out of his chair.

Harry and Neville laughed, while the boy blushed a bit realizing there

was no need to shout, "Yeah Ron, I have only seen one professional

match, and Sirius thinks that if I am good enough I should try and go pro

once everything settles down."

Susan giggled, "Dating an international quidditch star does sound like


Kissing her on the cheek lightly Ron asked, "So we are going to see one of

the best games of the year with our old Captain playing my favorite

team…Bloody fantastic…just bloody fantastic!"

Ron seemed to be more excited than Harry had seen him since the

Quidditch World Cup, and was happy that he could make his friend seem

so chipper. Harry then turned to his favorite book work, "He also wants

your help this summer Hermione to go through the Black Family Library

and value some of the books and maybe sell some of them, or see what

definitely needs to be kept. I think he was looking to pay someone to do

it, but Remus reminded him that you were probably just as good for the

job, and would enjoy it more than someone else, while also getting paid."

Hermione's eyes lit up knowing that the Black family was very old, and

became instantly excited. Neville just grinned at his friends, but Harry

said, "Neville you will have to come over to Potter Manor, apparently we

have a greenhouse, that I don't know anything about, and Sirius told me

honestly that he doesn't have much interest in it, so maybe I can part

with some of it. Who knows there might be something valuable in it."

"That would be brilliant Harry!" Neville said gratefully.

"Hannah you would be welcome to join him, from what this old boy tells

me you are quite a green thumb yourself."

This caused the girl to blush a bit, "That would be awesome Harry,


Susan huffed, "So everyone gets surprises and cool stuff, but me!"

Knowing the girl was playing he whispered into her ear, "You get a more

special and private surprise."

This caused the girl to instantly heat up, and she knew her face must be

matching a color that was close to her hair, as Hannah laughed, "Breath


This caused everyone to laugh a bit, and Susan gave Harry a look that

said he was going to pay for that comment later, but he merely winked.

He found it so much easier to be happy these days. He just felt honestly

lighter than he ever felt in his life. He also fingered the brand-new wand

in his pocket, and felt the warmth of it reaching out to him. Holly type

wand was still good for him, but instead of the Phoenix feather he used

hippogriff heart string, and it was a great match to him. He had never felt

more powerful, and his spell casting was currently out of control

powerful. He hadn't even wanted to duel with Susan as hard, because he

was afraid of hurting her.

Collin asked, "So what are you looking forward to most this summer

Harry? Sounds like we have lots of great stuff coming up!"

Harry nodded, "Well other than spending time with my favorite people I

really look forward to this Marauder training. I don't really know what it

entails, but I know my dad, Sirius, and Remus were all brilliant with

charms, and transfiguration, but personally I am hoping they are going to

train me to become an animagus. I don't know how long something like

that takes, but I would really like to be one."

Susan said, "That would be so cool! Do you think if you are one, and can

complete the transfiguration you can teach all of us too?"

Harry saw that everyone in the cabin looked at the young leader with

hope and he grinned, "I sure can try!"

This caused some short cheers, and Colin asked, "What was your mum

good at Harry? Do you know? You always talk about the Marauders, but

never about your mum? From what I have heard about her from Flitwick,

and McGonagall she was just as smart as Hermione!"

Before Harry could answer Hermione said, "Lily Potter was a Runes

prodigy. Professor Babbling raves about her all the time. They went to

school together."

Harry raised his eyes at that information, "I didn't know that."

Hermione nodded, "Professor Babbling is always comparing Susan to her,

because she is the best in our class!"

Susan immediately protested, "We go back and forth all the time

Hermione, you are just as good as I am!"

"But you are more creative in the area, which I think makes you a bit

better. Runes aren't always done by the books, sometimes you have to

experiment, and you are definitely better in that field." Hermione said


Susan blushed at that and Harry smiled, "I didn't know you were so good!

Maybe this summer I will look for my mum's old journals, and let you

and Hermione look over them. Sirius said he has a trunk full of some of

their old-school stuff."

Susan and Hermione both lit up at this and Susan snuggled his arm, "That

would be great."

Harry kissed the top of her head, and then looked out the window

thinking nothing, but blissful positive things. That all changed however

when he felt the train lurch, and looking outside the window he knew

they were nowhere close. Immediately he drew his wand standing up,

"We're under attack."

These words sobered everyone up as they stood drawing their wands.

Ron spoke confidently, but still had a bit of a shake to his voice saying,

"We have to outnumber them ten to one. It doesn't matter, and they

would have to aboard the train. We would slaughter them in tight


Harry merely shook his head, "Not if Voldemort is out there."

Hermione spoke sharply, "We haven't even seen a Death Eaters yet let's

not jump to conclusions."

That did not encourage anyone to put their wands away as he opened the

compartment door, and saw his friend Heidi Macavoy who was head girl

last year marching towards the front of the train to get a better look. He

called out to her, "Heidi did you know about an extra stop?"

She turned to look at Harry, but when she did a voice entered the train,

and it was a deep voice saying only two words, "HARRY POTTER!"

Harry felt his skin crawl, and he gripped his wand tighter in suspense.

The voice was not that of Lord Voldemort's which made him feel little

better, but it was clear they were here for him. He flicked his wand out,

"Expecto Patronum."

Prongs appeared in a brief moment, and he said, "Sirius we are under

attack on the express. I don't know exactly where we are, but we need

help. Please hurry!"

Harry turned to Susan saying, "Get a patronus to your aunt, we are going

to need all the help we can get. Heidi, keep everyone in their carriages,

and I will approach him."

The girl nodded, but looked at the boy in fear, "You're crazy Potter, but I

have always liked that about you. I will keep everyone down."

Harry followed the girl forward, but his friends were in roars of protest,

"Harry you can't go out there by yourself you will be slaughtered."

Shaking his head, he responded with, "No you all would be slaughtered.

They only want me, and they probably know he must kill me himself. If

we stand here he comes in and there will be a death toll. If we run we

die. If we stay we die. If we fly we die. The only option is to fight, and I

am the safest bet to reduce this turning into a blood bath."

Before anyone could argue anymore, Neville said, "Damnit! He's right. I

hate that he's right, but he is."

Some looked at Neville in surprise having never heard the boy curse, but

Harry looked at him, "Keep them safe, and move towards the front of the

train. If it comes to it, then maybe you can lay down some cover fire."

Neville nodded, "We will be ready to join the fray if reinforcements


"HARRY POTTER COME OUT OR WE COME IN!" Came the same voice

from before

Harry shook a bit in anticipation, "I won't be able to hold them forever,

and this is only until backup arrives. Susan get that Patronus out. We

don't have much time."

Harry kissed his girlfriend quickly, and ran out of the train. When he

stepped out of the train he saw dozens of faces appear in the windows to

watch their savior go confront the many masked death eaters.

(A/N) Next chapter is the confrontation!

20. The Battle of The Hogwarts


Chapter 20

Nothing was said as he approached however one Death Eater stepped

forward, "Harry Potter. I find it my displeasure to be back in your

company again."

Recognizing the voice Harry spat, "Lucius Malfoy I find it my displeasure

to be among a coward in a mask, why don't you take it off, you aren't

fooling anyone."

This caused a slightly chuckle, and the man moved his wand in front of

his face removing his mask slowly, "Very good Potter. Now we need you

to come with us. We need a little favor, and then we will take you to our


Harry shook his head, "No I don't think so. If you want to retrieve the

prophesy you are going to have to tell your half-blood master he will

have to go retrieve it himself."

This caused the only unmasked death eater to step forward, "How dare

you insult our master like that. CRUCIO!"

Harry quickly dodged the curse and flung one back at her, with rapid

speed, however Lucius merely flicked his wand to absorb it, "Now now

Bella, we were told to bring Potter to the Dark Lord unharmed. He wishes

to do all the harming himself."

Harry laughed, "I've escaped him three times so far, you think I can't do it


Trying to buy as much time as possible, Harry hoped to keep them

talking, but Lucius grinned, "You're stalling Potter, and there is really no

longer a need for that. Come on or we are start killing people on the


Harry took a defensive step back as if he was prepared to defend the

whole train by himself, but a voice from behind him said he wasn't going

to do it alone, "If you want to take Harry you are going to have to kill us


Susan Bones was standing with her wand out and a group of at least

twenty other students, and a few adults that he did not recognized

possibly undercover aurors. Among them were all DA members, Neville,

Ron, Hermione, Colin, Hannah, most of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team,

Luna Lovegood, most of the fifth year Hufflepuffs, and of course Susan


Bellatrix laughed, "These little ones know how to play, itty bitty babies."

Neville spoke with fire in his voice, "Bellatrix Lestrange."

Bella looked up, "Neville Longbottom right? Recognize the voice, though

I am not used to hear a Longbottom not beg for their lives."

Neville quickly raised his wand shouting, "Reducto."

That was all it took, and the battle begun. Harry and Neville quickly

paired off against Bellatrix Lestrange in hope of stopping her from going

on a rampage, while Ron and Hermione began blasting at Lucius Malfoy.

The others paired off against the Death Eaters and it was a fire fight.

Harry was grateful that killing curses were not being chucked around,

but had the feeling that if they lost to Bellatrix it would be shortly behind


Bellatrix was a demon. She fought with such speed, and returned her

spells with such ferocity that Neville and Harry were struggling. Never

had Harry felt his wand move so fast, and answer his commands so

quickly, and he could tell his spells were wearing on the witch, but also

knew they couldn't keep this up forever. They had to put her down.

Harry summoned it up inside of him and let his magic loose, "Bombarda


The spell was so powerful coming from his wand that he barely saw

Bella's eyes widen as she threw up a shield, and Lucius Malfoy was not so

lucky. The spell was so wide he caught most of the impact, and he

screamed in pain as the spell hit him and chunked him backwards, while

now four casters were pounding Bellatrix's shields breaking them quickly,

and taking the women out.

Neville wanted to charge at the downed Death Eater, but Harry grabbed

his arm, "We have to help the others come on!"

The rest of the DA wasn't doing so great. Several had been stunned and

clearly injured, and it seemed that they had defeated Bella, and Lucius at

the perfect time, because their main group were quickly engaging the

others to balance the battle. It didn't go on for much longer though as

sheer numbers overwhelmed the death eaters and a few more from the

train had poured out to help.

Harry was dueling quickly with one Death Eater, and then found himself

fighting another, and another until all were either stunned or otherwise

knocked out of the fight. Neville was heaving for breath nearby with cuts

all across his body, "I think we did it."

Harry looked around and surveyed the battlefield. They had done it.

Twelve Death Eaters came in, and twelve Death Eaters were now stunned

or otherwise out of commission."

Neville began marching forward, and Harry knew what he was going to

do, and knew he had no business stopping him. He approached Bellatrix

Lestrange and stood over her in what seemed like triumph. He pulled his

wand back to blast the women, but suddenly Harry knew something bad

was about to happen. He ran towards Neville, and summoned a nearby

chunk of ground that had been uprooted during the duel and chunked it

towards Neville. Some people were surprised, and shouting at Harry.

Neville himself looked at Harry in surprise, but in perfect timing a green

spell connected with that part of the ground creating an explosion that

hit Neville dead on and threw him backwards into the ground clearly

unconscious. He heard a screech, and saw Hannah try and run towards

him, but he grabbed her, "No wait!"

He didn't want to stop the girl, but he now saw a lone man standing in

the field among his unconscious death eaters, "Hello Tom, I wondered

when I would be seeing you again."

Voldemort growled, "No portkey to run away with this time Potter, and I

have reliable sources telling me you can't apparate just yet."

Harry nodded, "That's right. No running this time. The prophesy foretold

this moment."

Voldemorts eyes flashed, "So the old man has finally told you the


"I have learned of many things Tom."

Voldemort roared, "Stop calling me that."

With a flick of his wand a red burst of light sailed towards him, but

remembering the pain it caused him last time he was quick to shove

Hannah out of the way, and dive into a roll on the ground behind her

pushing himself back to his feet, "What happened to the formalities of a

duel Tom! Or have you been shaken by the rumors that the killing curse

doesn't hurt me!"

Harry knew this was a lie of course, but he didn't have to tell the dark

wizard that. Voldemort merely spat, "You want to duel Potter, is that

what you want?"

Gulping Harry whispered to Susan who was standing nearby, "Get the

others out of here…now. Go."

Susan looked at her boyfriend in fear as he stared down the Dark Lord.

Knowing she had no other choice she started shouting to the others, "Get

the others and get back!"

Harry raised his wand to his face, and Voldemort did the same. They

walked towards each other, much more formally than last time. They

were face to face and Harry said, "No tricks this time Tom. Just you and


The Dark Lord grinned manically, "Finally the day the boy who lived


They put their wands at their sides, and began pacing backwards. Harry

thought it quite honorable that the man did not curse him in the back,

and was grateful everyone had been moved back safely with the train

covering them now. This was it.

Once they reached the appropriate distance Harry spun around not

letting formalities dictate shit anymore, "Reducto!"

Voldemort didn't even bother shielding this curse as he dodged it and a

killing curse sailed towards him. Knowing that this spell would be the

last he ever saw he tried to dive out of the way, but found that he didn't

need to as something had intercepted the spell, and a man was standing

between him and the Dark Lord.

Before Harry could say anything his savior spoke, "It is not his day to

fight you Tom…It is mine."

Turning to face the voice Harry nearly collapsed with relief. The young

man was running off adrenaline, and trying to stall the dark wizard, but

now he had a chance, "The aurors are on their way Tom." Dumbledore

said resolutely.

The students nearby shuffled anxiously sensing the Dark Wizards rage,

and Voldemorts eyes merely seemed to turn a darker shade of red, and

barked back, "By which time I shall be gone, and you shall be dead!"

With that the Dark Lord flung a killing curse at the two of them, but with

agility that a much younger man ought to have possessed the headmaster

twirled out of the way, and returned several quick jinxes. The battle

quickly became one to the death, as stunning and lethal magic was being

traded at speeds Harry never could have attempted.

He watched as charms he never could have even imagined were being

thrown around. A basilisk made of fire, a conjuration of water that nearly

drowned the Dark Lord, it was all so fast.

Harry knew that he could not let Dumbledore fight his battles forever,

and thought if there was ever a time to buy the light some time it was

now, "Bombarda! Reducto! Confrigno!"

No one was as shocked as Harry when his spells flew towards the man

and connected. It was clear to the outside spectator such as Colin Creevy,

whom had just made wizarding history by catching a picture of this feat,

that the young wizard had cast his spell at the perfect time that

Dumbledore had all of the Dark Lords attention. It was not due to any

skill or power, it was just a miracle that he had fired his spell at the

perfect moment.

Voldemort roared in pain as he felt several of his bones shatter, and he

was thrown backwards. Dumbledore looked at Harry in surprise only for

a moment, but a voice screamed behind him, "ATTACK NOW!"

This snapped both student and headmaster out of their shock, as dozens

of spells flung towards the Dark Lord however; it was not to be today

that he would be defeated because he quickly got back to his feet, and

apparated back to the center of the field looking positively livid.

However before he could cast a spell dozens of pops were heard from all

around, and Dumbledore had been right, the aurors had arrived.

Roaring in anger that the Dark Lord threw a curse so fast Harry almost

missed it by blinking, but Dumbledore was ready, and prepared to

counter, but the man was gone. Only a second later multiple pops were

heard, and the unconscious death eaters on the ground had followed

undoubtedly by Portkey.

Dumbledore who looked very tired turned and patted Harry on the

shoulder, and looked about ready to share the wisest words ever said, but

before he could get them out two arms enveloped him, and red hair was

all he could see, "That was the bravest thing I have ever seen you do."

Holding the girl tightly he laughed, "Brave? I was so scared."

Dumbledore nodded, "And that is what made it so brave Harry. Courage

isn't about standing up to something you don't fear, it's about standing up

to fear itself."

Amelia Bones ran her way to the front, "Dumbledore what the bloody hell

happened here. We have injured students, and-"

Before the old wizard could say anything Harry spoke, "If not for the

headmaster we would all be dead right now. He only arrived a few

minutes before you Madame Bones. That was after the students and I had

taken down a dozen Death Eaters, and dueled Voldemort."

Amelia paled, and when she looked to Susan she nodded her head

quickly confirming everything Harry said, and she shouted behind her,

"We need medics from Saint Mungos here now!" Turning back to Harry

she said, "I am going to need your statement Harry."

Nodding slowly he said, "Of course, but perhaps after we get everyone

back to platform 9 and three quarters. We have injured Voldemort he is

done attacking for today."

Amelia looked once again sharply at Susan, and she said, "Yes Auntie he

is telling the truth."

"Harry!" Another voice came from nearby.

The green eyed boy turned to see a medium sized man running towards

him, and he took a few steps towards the man embracing him, "Can't you

stay out of trouble for just a few hours!"

"But then I wouldn't be a Marauder, would I?" Harry asked cheekily.

This caused Dumbledore of all people to laugh, "He does have you there

Sirius. Now I would like to inquire who yelled to attack, I believe that

was you Ms. Bones?"

Harry turned back to the girl having completely forgotten that part of the

battle, and she was blushing bright red, "Well were all just standing there

and Harry had hit him, there was never such an opportunity to hit him.

For a brief foolish moment I thought we had him."

Looking at the girl in awe he said, "You commanded my defense group to

attack the most feared Dark Wizard, and even had the nerve to think you

were going to kill him for me?"

The girl looked a bit abashed, but Harry grabbed her by the waste

planting a smooth kiss on her lips surprising her, "I love you!"

This caused a smile to appear on the girls face that Harry had never seen

before, and planned in his mind just how he would get it to appear more

often, but Dumbledore interrupted, "While I am sure Mr. Potter's reward

is most satisfying Ms. Bones just know I would have awarded you 100

house points if we were still in school. In fact I may still give you house

points upon return. That was some astounding bravery and leadership.

Madame Bones you have raised an incredible young woman."

Amelia stood a little taller, and gave her niece an approving smile, "Well

she does have that Bones blood in her, but we need to get this train

moving again. Students you can get back on the train we are only about

an hour or two from Kings Cross, and I believe Harry is correct. If the

Dark Lord has been hit, and they have taken out a dozen Death Eaters I

think the chaos for today at least is over."

Harry nodded gratefully at the women still having looked forward to

getting off the train to see his godfather he turned to Sirius, "See you in

just a few hours. Madame Bones we will come by your office as soon as

we get off the train. I will bring Susan with me."

She nodded, as a medi-witch came up telling her that no one needed

immediate medical attention except Neville whom had several broken

bones, and some cuts across his body. Harry cursed at himself having

forgot Neville in all the chaos he surveyed the field and saw him being

dragged off by two aurors that he recognized as Gawain Robards and

Kingsley Shacklebolt, and knew he was in good hands, "I will need to

visit Neville too as soon as our meeting is over to know he is going to be

okay. He was so close to getting Bellatrix Lestrange."

Sirius yelped, "You took down Bella?"

Susan shook her head, "The four DA Gryffindor leaders did. Harry,

Neville, Ron, and Hermione took her down after Harry probably killed

Lucius Malfoy."

Harry grumbled, "I don't think we were that lucky."

Before anything else could be said Tonks came running out, "Madame

Bones there was some trouble on the train, Savage is having to arrest a

few kids who were trying to lead a revolt inside the train to apparently

help the Death Eaters. They were being led by Draco Malfoy, but were

crushed by the head girl, and the seventh year Hufflepuffs."

Dumbledore sighed, "What a mess."

It seemed he had half a mind to find a way to get everyone to platform 9

and 3/4s without the train, but merely said, "Do what you have to do

Amelia, but as you said we need to get this train moving again."

With that Harry hugged his godfather, and Susan hugged her aunt, and

followed whom had followed them out into battle back onto the train.

Ron and Hermione appeared uninjured, but very tired, while the rest of

the group still had their wands in their hands as if preparing for another


When they reboarded the train as Harry and Susan were the last ones

applause immediately broke out. It started with a few, and then even the

defenders of the express were applauding with what had turned into a

roar of approval. Everyone had seen Harry go forward, and risk his life to

keep the Death Eaters off the train, and even saw him push everyone

back as he went toe to toe to fight the Dark Lord. He was preparing to

sacrifice himself, and they all knew it. They all saw it. People were

applauding Susan as well for her bravery, and her defiance to attack the

Dark Wizard, and Harry wouldn't let her shy away from the attention this

time as he took her hand and held it in the air as a show of unity, and to

show most students Hogwarts now had its new golden couple, and new


(A/N) Hope you guys enjoyed that! I believe the next 4-5 chapters

are the summer, cheers! Please review.

21. Summer Dreams

Chapter 21

"Well Susan any hopes you had of keeping Voldemort away from you

died today." Hermione said with a bit of a satisfied smile.

This caused a reaction no one outside of this room would have expect,

and that was that the red head merely smiled, "Yes, but hopefully Harry

will always be there to defend me, and get a good hit on him. If all I have

to do is rally over a dozen people to throw spells at him I think I will be


Harry grinned at the courage in his girlfriend, while she was holding her

shaking friend Hannah whom was shaken from the battle, and seeing her

long-time crush almost get killed. Everyone was a little shaken, but it was

over, and they would be arriving at Kings Cross shortly. The green eyed

boy hoped the press had yet to get a hold of what happened, but with so

many students and aurors involved he had a feeling it was just wistful


Everyone in the compartment minus Neville looked relatively unscathed,

and Ron shook his head, "I don't understand how you-know-who ever got

this far. Today a bunch of school kids stood up to him and his Death

Eaters, and while we didn't win, we didn't lose, and no one on our side

died. If the auror department struck them with fully trained wizards I

don't see how they couldn't do it."

Hermione looked like she was going to nod in agreement, but saw the

look on Susan's face and asked, "Thoughts on it Susan?"

The girl bit her lip a bit before replying, "This was the first time anything

like this every really happened even in the last war. In the ten years

Voldemort rose to power he never led a massive assault during the

daytime, and no one ever fought back they just ran. That meant when the

aurors arrived they had to fight through the crowds of runners, and

trying to defend themselves from the incoming Death Eaters. Today

happened because Voldemort thought if regular full grown witches and

wizards were too afraid to fight him and his followers, then children

would just tremble in his presence. I don't think we will be so lucky a

second time."

Harry looked at the girl, "You mean no one ever resisted him? No regular

witch or wizard tried to fight them?"

Shrugging the girl said, "Not everyone has your bravery Harry. It was

also rare that he attacked hugely populated areas. He would raid

wizarding communities, but there was no rallying point, so the Death

Eaters were the only organized force, and they would do to those people

what we did to them today, overwhelm them by sheer numbers. I don't

think you lot could have taken Bellatrix if all four of you had not

attacked her. At least judging by my aunt and Sirius' reactions."

Harry flippantly said, "Bellatrix used to be a Black, so I guess if anyone

knows what she is capable of it would be Sirius. From what he has told

me of his family they are very well rehearsed in the Dark Arts too so if

she's got power and that she is formidable. She did also duel with Neville

and I with practiced ease."

This silenced the rest of the group, and Susan grabbed Harry's hand

comfortingly, as he was still clearly a little shaken from his most recent

encounter with the Dark Lord.

Arriving at Kings Cross it was Harry expected. Another political firestorm

was clearly in the process, and now no one could deny the return of

Voldemort. He had been seen by well over a hundred students and

aurors, and there was no more hiding. Stepping off the train Harry had

Susan safely behind him as he drew his wand, and began walking

towards the crowd the reporters were swarming him and his girlfriend

calling out questions and shouting to be heard. Harry however was just

becoming annoyed with the incessant people and was thankful for seeing

Sirius at the end of the platform waiting to apparate the pair away from

the platform.

They had already said goodbye to their friends when they stepped off the

platform, and as they approached Sirius Susan yelped and Harry didn't

even to think as he turned around and smashed his hand into a man's

face who had attempted to pull her away from him. His wand was

leveled at the down man as he barked out, "My friends and I just took on

Voldemort and his followers what chance do you have. Don't touch my


Harry then put his hand on Susan's hip and gently pushed her to move

forward, as he turned his back on the reporters who took down every

word he had, and someone shouted something about an assault charge

and the young man merely shouted behind him, "Bill me!"

As soon as they got to Sirius he grinned at his Godson and then took him

and his girlfriend into his arms, and apparated away.

"That's it Madame Bones. I was lucky. I had some brave friends, and we

took on the Death Eaters. We didn't do anything amazing we just stood


Harry had just finished his retelling of what happened on the Hogwarts

Express, and the adults in the room were dumbfounded. To hear this

young man tell it a little less than two dozen teenagers and a few adult

volunteers stood up and fought the Darkest Wizard in a century and his

henchmen, and not only lived to tell the tale, but seemingly won the

battle. After Susan explained her theory on why she thought they had all

survived the adults did give some nods to the idea, but truthfully none

could get their heads around the fact that a group of teenagers did

something all of them didn't do in 15 years of the last war.

Gawain Robards proclaimed after the prolonged silence, "The boys got

ten times the balls Godric Gryffindor himself had, and the power to back

up. If Voldemort doesn't kill him he would make a hell of an auror one


Susan said, "It is Harry's ambition to be an auror."

Harry grinned at his girlfriend saying, "At least it is now. After learning

everything I know now, I may be done hunting Dark Wizards if we ever

survive this whole war."

The adults in the room to a grim look of understanding, but Susan

frowned as if she didn't suddenly like the idea of dying in the war. Sirius

however sighed, "Amelia we will keep the kids safe this Summer. Bones

and Potter Manor are practically indestructible. It would take dozens of

Death Eaters to take the wards down at either of our homes. They will be

safe there. If they want to venture out they can do it by portkey in the

muggle world, anywhere else I will hire hitwizards from America or the

continent to escort them in case they need help in a fight. What I mean to

say is I don't think we should let this dictate how our kids live their lives

this summer."

Taking a moment Amelia took a long sip of whatever she was drinking

and nodded, "I agree with you Sirius. I just think this has all been a bit

much. In six months we have had the attack at the Ministry, the

Greyback incident, the battle at Hogwarts, twice, and now the attack on

the Hogwarts express."

Susan however countered with, "The battle at Hogwarts was going to

happen as long as Umbridge was in power. You can only suppress people

so much before they lose their cool and go into uprising. The spell at the

Ministry could have been anyone. The Death Eater wasn't aiming for

anyone in particular he was just hoping to kill a blood traitor. It's

possible had Harry not run into me that day the spell still would not have

missed, but he didn't take that chance. All things considered I think

things could be a lot worse."

The adults didn't seem to like that line of thinking, but agreed. Amelia

was clearly hinting that Harry was putting her niece in too much danger,

but she was right other than the attack on the express all of it was merely

imminent, and more than likely Susan would have dragged herself into

each of these situations whether she was dating Harry or not. Susan also

chose not to address the Greyback situation, as she did not have a good

counter to that truth.

With the adults not saying anymore Susan said, "I was still hoping Harry

was going to be able to come over for my birthday, is this still going to

be possible?"

Harry and Sirius both looked to Amelia with blank faces. It was clear that

her niece was challenging her, and neither man wanted to look like they

were indicating support that would get them into trouble with the head


The women sighed after a moment, "Of course he will be darling. It is as

Sirius says, you will both be safe on the grounds of our homes, and we

don't have any right to take away your lives to live as teenagers."

This caused the girl to grip Harry's hand again, and squeeze it a bit.

Harry merely squeezed back to comfort her, but then stood to ask,

"Madame Bones, I have been meaning to ask you this for a few weeks

now, and I need to know before I speak to the public about anything. Do

you want to be Minister of Magic?"

The women looked surprised at his question, "I don't know what you

intend by asking that question."

"I want to know if you want to be Minister, because Sirius and I believe

that I need to back someone when I talk to the public about what has

happened this month. We also think that with the influence of everything

that has happened on top of everyone now knowing for a fact that

Voldemort has returned people are going to listen to me. Now I know

your name has been thrown around for Minster, and I didn't want to

support you if it isn't something you actually wanted."

The women merely stared at the boy as if she was trying to uncover some

sinister plot in his offer, but said instead, "I do not honestly know if I

would like to be Minister. I would not be the first Bone's to be one,

however I would be the first female Bone's Minister, however I like my

job as an auror. It is a tough decision, because I feel I could do a lot of

good for the war effort as Minister, but I can also do a lot as Head Auror.

I would also have to be careful because I certainly don't want Pius

Thicknese to be head auror he could do a lot of damage as a Death Eater

Sympathizer in that position. The truth is Harry I really don't know. If

you want my honest opinion I think someone else would be a better

choice. I think Minister is someone who must be ready to commit

everything to the job, and now I don't think I am quite ready to do that."

Harry nodded, "Thank you for your honesty Madame Bones I suppose this

means Sirius and I will find a different candidate to back."

Madame Bones thought for a moment before looking at Robards, and

another auror Harry had never met before, "Rufus, Gawain?"

Gawain Robards shook his head, "Not me ma'am, I hate bloody politics. I

honestly barely put up with being a senior auror, it is much easier taking

commands than giving them."


"Perhaps ma'am. I would have to speak with my family about such

matters, but I do perhaps believe I would like to be Minister. I had

thought I wouldn't take the position for a long time yet, but-"

"You can also see the advantage to having two veteran aurors leading our

government in a time of war." Amelia answered for him.

The man merely nodded, and Amelia turned to look at Harry expectantly,

while the young man eyed the auror across from him, "Forgive me for not

accepting right away, I think I will have to get some counsel from people

I trust on your character Mr.?"

"Scrimgeour, Rufus Scrimgeour Mr. Potter. I was the head of your father

and Godfathers auror command when they started." The tall man with

mane like hair said.

Harry looked to Sirius for confirmation while he smiled and nodded

clearly remembering the good old days. Nodding Harry said, "I will get

back to you soon. I would love to even sit down and talk with you some


"Let's make it soon if you are going to speak with the public lad."

Scrimgeour said.

Harry nodded, "If it is okay with Madame Bones we could meet here at

the auror office Tomorrow night? That would give me some time to talk

it over with a few people I trust."

This seemed to satisfy everyone and Harry prepared to depart the

Ministry and go back to Potter Manor for a nice reunion with his home.

Before he left however Sirius handed Susan something that looked an

awful lot like a vanity mirror, however Harry gasped when he saw it,

"Sirius you managed to recreate the mirrors?"

Susan looked confused, but the old dog looked smug, "Well I didn't do it

all by myself, Remus helped a bit."

"Brilliant!" Harry exclaimed.

Susan however retorted with, "Well what does it do?"

Sirius handed Harry another mirror, and Harry spoke to it, "Susan."

The girl gasped as she felt her mirror warm up, and Sirius helped her out,

"Say his name to answer it."

The girl nodded doing as she was told and then in the mirror it she saw

her boyfriend looking down at her with a grin, but was much happier

looking up to see the real thing, "This is wicked!"

Sirius threw two hands behind his head and continued looking smug,

"Thanks Padfoot. Now I can know when you're in trouble, or you can call

me before you come over. This is great."

This caused the red head to smile at her boyfriend's enthusiasm, and

kissed him on the lips gently before saying, "You better get home so you

can finally find out what your training schedule will be like this summer,

maybe then we can plan a little better."

Giving the girl one last smile and kiss he grabbed onto Sirius as he

portkeyed them back to Potter Manor.

"It's going to be a long summer pup, and we want you to have as much

fun free time with your friends as possible, but we also want you to train

as hard as you can so this won't be your only great summer, you

understand, that right?" Sirius asked his godson with a bit of pleading in

his eyes."

Placatingly Harry said, "Please Sirius this is already the best summer ever

since I don't have to go back to the Dursley's what have you and Remus

worked out so far."

Remus pulled out a small piece of paper and said, "There are three

different regiments we came up and you can take any one of them. Its six

days a week, and the hour choice is flexible. One choice is to get up at

5:30 every morning and workout till 12:00 with of course several breaks

with Lunch and Breakfast in there as well. Another is you can start at

12:00 eat lunch, and then workout till 6PM. The third is to start after

dinner which we say is at seven and work till 1:00Am. The first few

weeks will be tough, but after that you will break into your own routine

and you can alternate on those schedules depending on what you're

doing that week with your friends you understand?"

Harry took a deep breath feeling for the first time just how serious these

two men were taking this, "Yes. I think it would be best to start in the

mornings for now until I can get used to it. Maybe sometimes I will do

lunch or dinner schedules, but I think morning is the what will work best

for me, and I will have the whole day ahead of me."

Sirius said, "If you do the morning one, we want you to be home by

10PM every night, because we don't want you to exhaust yourself is this


Harry nodded and Sirius clapped, "Good, there will of course be

exceptions to that, but you could also always just sleep in and down the

lunch shift the next day if you had too, but Harry…Remus and I

interviewed some of America's best and most expensive Hitwizards over

the past few weeks, we told some of the one's we liked our situation, and

they told us this was the best way to make you a dueling beast as fast as

possible. I am sure you can imagine that none of the Death Eaters train

like this, and most of the aurors don't either, but I'd eat Mooneys old sock

if Voldemort doesn't start whipping his Death Eaters into shape after that

embarrassing ass whooping you and your mates put on them today."

Remus nodded gravely, "Voldemort was injured at the end of the battle,

and that means someone if not all of the Death Eaters that were in the

battle are likely dead. He has been known to kill his own people in fits of

rage, and I would not be surprised if that happened today."

"Considering the fact he expected to be the cleanup crew when he got

there today, and instead he faced nearly two dozen teenage witches and

wizards prepared to die fighting him, I also imagine he was not exactly

the color pink." Sirius said admittedly.

"I understand, so what kind of workout will I be doing?" Harry asked

"Dueling training for an hour everyday with one of us, and hopefully a

few extra people we can bring in to give you some outside help a few

times a week." Sirius said

Remus continued, "An hour of running, an hour in the pool, and another

hour doing calisthenics."

"And an hour of occulemency. Which leaves about thirty minutes or more

where we want you to be researching new curses, defensive spells, and

other things that might be useful to you. Our man Remus here used to be

a book worm, and your best friend is a witch who could likely

recommend you a library full of books, you have good resources on that


Whistling lowly the slightly overwhelmed teenager said, "That's a lot of

none magical work outs in there."

Remus agreed instantly, "Yes your core has taken a huge expansion.

Because of this we want it to grow up to its fullest potential, and your

previously impressive stamina we hope will pale in comparison to what

we are going to build. You will also have two rest days of your choosing

every week. You could take it in the middle, the beginning the end, we

don't care. Every calendar week though you only get two, unless special

circumstances are happening."

"Idealistically we would like you to do six days a week, but we still want

you to live." Sirius added at the end.

Holding his head high he said, "I just hope this will help. Today I caught

a glimpse of just how hilariously outmatched we are out there."

"Don't feel discourage pup. You stood up against the best and lived. Not

many can say they have done that, and no one can say they have done it

as many times as you. Just remember to be young, and on weekends

maybe you, me, and your boys, can party hard. Even Remus likes the

occasional hammering of alcohol. Plus you have a very fine young lady

that needs to be shown the finer qualities of men, so just be careful

because her aunt is still head auror."

Harry blushed and Remus laughed at the boy, "It is going to be a fun

summer. We are going to do our best to keep it fun and entertaining. Just

keep your head up."

"What do we think of Scrimgeour?" Harry asked.

Remus spoke first, "I honestly have never known the man that well.

However, from what I know of him he is a light wizard, and a good

auror. Dumbledore has worked with him on a few things over the years."

"Scrimgeour was a fair and tough teacher in the auror trainee program. I

honestly never liked the man till I was done being a trainee. As a Jr.

Auror we really didn't like him. But after he was funny, and ambitious,

and he really liked to give our old head Barty Crouch hell. Which made

us like him even more. He was also super liberal about using whatever

magic it took to get his team out of it alive, which may be a good

philosophy considering what may happen next."

Harry nodded at his words thinking, and Sirius added, "If he has Amelia's

support to that ought to mean something to all of us. If she knows you

could be one of the deciding votes in the coming election she wouldn't

have offered a name that she didn't think would do well in the position,

or someone she didn't trust."

"So, we are going to trust Madame Bones on this?" Harry asked.

"It looks like the best course of action for now. I hate to say it, but the

next Minister will likely not be Minister for too long if Voldemort gets on

a roll again." Remus said darkly.

Harry sighed, "Okay I am going to bed since we have to be up early. We

will train, and talk to Scrimgeour tomorrow. I need to let Susan know the

current plans, and I also need to check on Neville I keep forgetting with

everything going on."

Remus said, "I was already at Saint Mungos they said he will be fine, just

needs some rest, and maybe some company tomorrow from his friends."

Harry sighed with a bit of relief, "Okay night Mooney, night Padfoot."

(A/N) Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and please review!

22. Press Conference

Chapter 22

The first few days of summer had gone within the blink of an eye.

Meeting after meeting, training regime after training regime were harsh,

yet entertaining and productive undoubtedly. Harry Potter had been

having the most interesting few days starting with his first day of

training, which had been tiring and draining. The push on his body and

magic seemed to be welcomed by his enlarged magical core as if he was

years behind of practice.

Also a note of great importance was his meeting with Rufus Scrimgeour.

He seemed to genuinely like the man, and his political aspirations were

quite mild compared to what Percy Weasley might try and do given the

support Harry could put behind him. Rufus wanted to bulk up the auror

department immediately and open up applications to anyone that had

slightly less standard of NEWTs than previously desired. No one was

going to kid this man, and he knew the war that was coming would be

ugly, and that the Dark Lord Voldemort was going to recruit massive

numbers of not just witches and wizards, but several dark creatures that

they would have to be prepared to fight. Harry admired the man and his

belief that he could do this, but did have to concede to a few of the man's

needs beyond just his verbal support. He made the request that Harry

dropped in and out of the Ministry a few times a week, and make public

appearances that way he would appear to be in full support of the

Ministry. Harry agreed to this, but said that he would only do this if

Rufus upheld his promises. Gawain Robards even said that he would love

to put Harry through the paces when he came in just to give him a

benefit to it all.

All this led up to the end of his first week of summer where Harry was

fidgeting with his dress robes, and Susan was straightening him up every

time he did this. His tie was something he just kept playing with, while

the red head smacked his hands this time, "Harry relax love. You are

going to be fine. You did brilliant last year with the DA, and now we are

going to stand in front of the press and talk about it. I have absolute faith

in you, just keep breathing. You may be leading this conference, but the

others and I will be right beside you just like we always are."

Hannah chimed in jokingly, "Merlin Suzie just take him back to a room

and shag him senseless for a few minutes, that ought to take his mind off

of things!"

Harry blushed deeply, while Susan glared at the girl, "Not helping Han."

Harry nodded shaking his head, "This is different. The people that

gathered before were willing to fight in the Hogs Head. These people are

just gathering for information to gossip, and quarrel with us."

"Don't think of it that way sweetheart. Think of it as recruitment for the

Defense Association. We are going in front of witches and wizards who

are going to spread the word of resistance, and defiance of Voldemort.

Harry…if you convince even one witch or wizard today to stand against

them then this is a huge success, and I think you can convince a lot of

people." Susan said patiently with her nervous boyfriend.

Nodding his head and sighing in acceptance Harry didn't say anymore as

the others slowly began trickling into Ministry of Magic.

Today was the day Harry was holding a press conference with the help of

his godfather where they were going to tell the public the truth about the

uprising at Hogwarts, the attack on the express, and even about the

prophesy that Sirius and Remus helped Harry swipe just a few short days

ago. They won't of course be telling the content, but when the inevitable

question came up they would answer it carefully.

Neville, Hannah, Ron, Hermione, and Collin Creevy were standing staring

expectantly at Harry and Susan, and Harry addressed them, "We are just

going to stick with the truth today, and I will try and get us all of this as

quick as possible. Thank you everyone for your willingness to help."

Collin smile at his role model and friend, "Of course Harry, here to help!"

Neville agreed with the sentiment, while Ron said, "I am just glad we

aren't doing this just the three of us anymore. That would have made this

whole thing pretty uncomfortable; at least there are seven of us now days

to spread the joy around."

Harry agreed with Ron at this, and squeezed Susan's hand a bit, when

Sirius came into the room he looked like all smiles, and said, "Are we all


Everyone in the group nodded, and Harry led the way behind Sirius into

the floor network, where each teenager one at a time flooed into Madame

Bone's office as planned. The press conference was going to be held in the

auror department section of the Ministry of Magic, and hoped that this

would allow them protection, and an escape if they needed it.

Rufus was waiting in the office, as he spoke immediately shaking Harry's

hand and talking fast, "Madame Bones is talking to the public, she will be

ready for you at my signal, do you have an idea of what you are going to


Harry felt his throat go raw, and was silent for a moment, before Susan

said, "Yes Rufus we practiced a speech, my love here is just nervous."

The green eyed boy felt his heart swell a bit, and smiled at the girl, and

then nodded at the man, "Yes we have a speech prepared."

Rufus smiled at the teenager very quickly reminded that the boy was still

young, and not infallible, "You will be fine lad."

At this the man turned and walked towards the door, and Sirius came

over to his godson, "Here take a drink of this, it will help more than a

calming draft."

Harry took his dog fathers flask, and took a swig, and immediately new

what his guardian had given him, firewhiskey. This caused the man to

wink at him and said, "Liquid courage, good luck pup."

Harry grinned at the man, and looked at Susan who looked at him

unsure, but the young man said, "It's going to be okay."

At this he heard Madame Bone's voice clearly as the door opened, "Harry

Potter and his friends as agreed are here to answer some of your

questions and tell you just what has been going on at Hogwarts."

Harry led the way out to the open room where dozens of photographers,

and reporters were all calling out questions and exclamations, but when

Harry shook Madame Bone's hand and stood at the podium with his

friends taking seats on each side of him he said, "My name is Harry

Potter, and I have news that may change the course of history."

This brought silence to the crowd, "Many times over the years I probably

should have attempted to come before all of you to crush rumors, and

whispers, but I think my ignorance of this world has cost the people at

this table a lot, and now I stand before you with nothing but the truth

prepared. I don't want questions until it's over, and after that I promise to

do my best."

No one said anything else, and Harry began his tale. He started with the

first confrontation he had in Delores Umbridge's defense class, and the

detention that he suffered and being forced to using a blood quill. He

talked about how his brilliant best friend beside him had suggested that

he start a defense group, and that led to the first time he had spoken to

people about what had happened in the maze over a year ago now. He

was then only partially truthful about how Susan and him had become a

couple, and that he visited her on boxing day to talk with her aunt at

dinner where he had told the head of the DMLE the truth about Sirius

Black, and many other things including the return of Voldemort. He

proceeded to talk about the Defense meetings, and the part all the people

behind him played in the events that transpired leading up to where

Dumbledore fled the school, and the battle that took place in the great

hall. The next topic he breached about being hit with the second killing

curse led the first eruption of questions, but Susan stepped to Harry's

side, "Shut it!"

This caused everyone to stop, and she said, "He said no questions till the

end. We will sit here all day if we have too, but let the man finish."

Harry grinned at the girl, as she winked at him and stepped back as he

continued with what happened after the battle and his resurrection, and

then finally what happened on the express. Then he was finished with the

disappearance of the injured Voldemort.

Then the eruption began, and Harry inwardly groaned, but Susan stepped

forward to help him, "Mrs. Boot?"

The crowd went quiet, and the women asked, "Thank you Susan, Harry, I

am Victoria Boot, with the Wizarding press, you have now faced and

survived an encounter with you know who more than perhaps anyone

alive, and some people are calling you the chosen one, what is your

reaction to this nickname?"

Harry could tell everyone was raptly paying attention to the young man

as he said, "Voldemort killed my parents. I believe that one day

Voldemort and I are going to face each other, and only one of us is going

to walk away. If someone else gets a hold of him before I do, I will of

course be ecstatic, but as I get older the more I feel that I will be the one

to fight him to the death, and I do not fear that moment. If that makes

people want to put their faith in me, and make me a rallying point then I

will do my best to kill the bastard one day. At any cost."

This caused Neville to use his mic for the first time, "Here here!"

Then the questions started again, and Susan said, "Lord Greengrass."

The man stood tall, and Harry thought he looked vaguely familiar, "Mr.

Potter, Daniel Greengrass chief editor and commentator for the wizarding

wireless who are listening to this interview live, and I believe all my

listeners are wondering just what makes you special as you believe you

can fight the Dark Lord?"

Before Harry could answer Collin Creevy spoke, "What makes him so

special you ask? Maybe it's that he has more guts and courage than every

wizard in this room combined, that he stood in front of a dozen death

eaters and then their master prepared to die just so that they wouldn't

attack the Hogwarts express. Maybe it's that he could teach 14, 15, 16,

and 17 year olds the patronus charm, maybe it's that he is a beast of a

duelist. Maybe because fate ordained it when that monster gave him the

scar, does it really matter though Mr. Greengrass? He is brave enough to

rise to the challenge which is more than I hear of anyone else doing since

I stepped foot into this world, and it is why I stand at his side today,

because I have faith."

Harry gave the boy a grateful nod, and thought that his 15th birthday

present was going to be something pretty spectacular to Colin this year,

and waited for Susan to let the next question come in, "Ms. Bones, do you

feel that you have placed yourself in more danger than before by placing

yourself at Mr. Potter's side?"

Susan merely shrugged, "My friend Hermione over here said that to me

just after school started back after the Christmas break, and I will tell you

all the same thing I told her. Voldemort attacked my family in the first

war. The Bones have always been a light family, and nothing is ever

going to change that as long as I am alive. I believe myself the safest

witch in this room, because I know for a fact if Voldemort came in this

room right now my boyfriend would duel him to keep me safe, and give

me time to run if I want to, but I would not. I will say it now, and I hope

it gets to that creeps ears, if he is going to kill Harry he is going to have

to kill me too."

This caused quick scribbles to be jotted down by everyone, and Ron

added, "Me too, and I doubt anyone at this table is going to let Harry

walk into that battle alone."

Neville added, "Just a few days ago Harry did what no one has ever done

before, and that includes Dumbledore, he injured the man behind the

monster, and it proves that the devil does bleed."

Collin added in excitement, "And I got a bloody picture of it!"

This caused uproar, and a demand to see the picture, and Harry merely

smiled at all his friends as they had clearly riled the press up into a

frenzy, "Mr. Potter who are you going to support for Minister now that

you have ousted Fudge?"

Harry spoke calmly feeling his courage well up with all his friends

standing beside him, "I am under the impression that my friend Rufus

Scrimgeour is running for the office, and as he was an old family friend,

and even my dad's senior auror commander, I will be supporting him in

the coming election. I have high hopes that he will do the most for our

country in the fight against Voldemort."

This caused some interesting reactions, as some looked disappointed,

while others looked thrilled by the news. Someone that Harry recognized

as Elphias Dodge asked loudly, "Harry what do you comment about the

special Hitwizard training you are receiving from the America's and the


Harry wasn't sure just who leaked that bit of information, but he

shrugged, "I will only say that if you find out the Darkest Wizard in

history is after you and your family, and you don't take some extra

defense lessons from some people who have made their careers out of

hunting Dark Lords then you are crazy. I am training with many people

currently, and not to fight, but to defend my loved ones if the Dark

Bastard comes calling again."

Harry calling Voldemort a dark bastard seemed to shock many people,

but left others with a huge smile on their faces as they wrote their reports

down even faster. Susan said, "More questions?"

Instantly half the room raised their hands and Harry sighed, "Ms. Skeeter,

please make it good or Hermione will be making a public service

announcement here and now."

The women shivered a bit in fear and looked down at her notebook as if

she was searching for a different question, "You said you survived a

second killing curse, and that there were dozens of witnesses for this

obviously, why do you believe this happened?"

Harry cleared his throat saying, "No one in the history of our world has

ever survived the curse once, and of course that means no one has ever

survived it twice either. We are unsure why the curse does not affect me,

but we understand now that my mum was a Rune's prodigy, and have not

discounted the fact that she did something for me at birth that made the

first curse rebound, and the second one I absorbed, so the honest answer

is…we have no idea. I definitely won't be jumping in front of the curse

just in case, but anything is a possibility at this point."

"What about your business you conducted in the Department of Mysteries

the other day? Would you care to give more insight perhaps on your title

as the chosen one?"

This caused silence to ring throughout the room, while Susan asked,

"Who are you, and where do you get your information."

The women grinned maliciously, "Sadie Parkinson, and my informants

are merely some old friends that may or may not have work in certain

areas of the Ministry, are you going to answer my question?"

Everyone stared at Harry for a moment, while he thought on his answer,

"We agreed on the truth when we arrived, and that is what we will give.

In October of 1981 there was a prophesy made, and I am not going to tell

you who gave it, or who received it, but I will say that the Dark Lord

believes this prophesy to be true, and that he only knows half of it. It was

the reason his Death Eaters came for me first in matter of fact. He wanted

them to kidnap me, and take me to the Department of Mysteries to

retrieve the prophesy for him, but obviously, that did not work out. This

is the part he knows, and the only part I am going to share, The power to

vanquish the dark lord approaches. Born to those who have thrice have defied

him, born as the seventh month dies…and the Dark Lord will mark him as his

equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not…"

Silence was like an explosion in the room as clearly, he had shocked

everyone that was in front of him. Those of which were behind him

merely grimaced a bit, clearly thinking of the rest of prophesy in which

mostly they knew. Harry spoke from the heart, "I am the chosen one. At

least per the prophesy. The ending is not of much importance, but

Voldemort does not know it, and I will keep it that way. I am the only

one alive that knows it in its entirety, and that will not change until he is

dead. I don't know why, and I don't necessarily like it that fate has

ordained this death match, but I have accepted it, and I will do

everything in my power to stop him from destroying anymore families.

Or from taking any more loved ones from us, but I can't and won't do it

alone. Every witch and wizard in this room has a wand, and I say this

now, if you are not with us then you are against us. If you cross us out

there from this day forward then I will only say we duel to kill."

Sirius Black came forward, and said, "No more questions…Harry."

At his pause the man reached out for him to gesture his way out of the

room, and Harry wasn't sure who started it, but somewhere in the press

someone started the applause, and Harry didn't turn around to see that

some were even pulling their wands out. It didn't matter to him anymore,

he just hoped he convinced some people to fight, because he and his

friends were more than prepared for such a thing to happen. Harry

grabbed his girlfriend's hand with a smile, and one by one he and his

friends left the Ministry, and returned to his home.

23. Celebrations

Chapter 23

Susan's birthday had come upon Harry like a lightning storm, which

means to say it was fast and furious. With the girl turning sixteen now

Amelia Bones had insisted that they throw a formal party at Bone's

Manor, and then at least informal party for just her friends and family at

Potter Manor with the consent and help of Sirius and Remus whom were

of course the only adult occupants at the manor. This had thrilled the

two marauders whom had been doing nothing, but research and doing

their best to aid Harry in his training for the summer.

Harry himself was glad for a bit of a break because he had been training

very hard, and it was getting to be more than he thought when his

friends after the press conference asked if he would hold a class for some

of the DA this summer at Potter Manor, twice a week, once for everyone,

and then a private meeting with no more than ten to fifteen people

including himself. Harry was at first reluctant to accept, but then Susan

managed to convince him that one of those classes he wouldn't have to

do much, and the second class is when he could just help the teachers of

the DA, so they could learn some of the advanced dueling he had been

practicing and sharpening their skills to help teach.

This had led to some of the finest days of Harry's life. There was one

afternoon where over thirty kids from Hogwarts had come over to train

with Harry on the grounds of Potter Manor, and the entertaining thing

was that some of the parents had even come to watch. Harry loved

teaching the big group outside of Hogwarts, and he even loved training

with his friends, because they mostly did it late at night. There were

some nights that everyone would come over at about ten PM, and then

they would stay up training till 1 or 2 am having fun and working on

their spell work. It wasn't all seriousness all the time, and the adults

seemed to realize that when a few of the parents of his senior members

came to watch their practices.

It was after all pretty at ease, and Harry was not harsh with any of them,

and they all seemed to genuinely enjoy using their magic, which was

exactly how it was supposed to be.

The party at Potter Manor for Susan's Birthday was spectacular and in

full swing. Most of the DA members were there, and of course all his

senior members were there helping his girlfriend celebrate with style.

Madame Bones was evening seeming to take off her working hat and

enjoyed having good fun with Sirius and Remus, along with many other

adult parents that were good friends of the Potter's and Bone's family.

The group had even set about to playing sand volleyball in a court that

they had conjured earlier that day with lots of help, and the teenagers

were having a right blast. Harry couldn't even help showing off to his

girlfriend as he prepared to serve the ball, and had it levitate above him

as he stretched his arms and acted like he was getting into the zone. This

had some catcalls come from some of the girls, that Susan merely grinned

at and Harry called out, "Its coming to you Longbottom think you can

stop it?"

The boy whom had grown quite a bit since his days as a small quiet

Gryffindor shouted back, "I don't have to think about it Potter I just do


Susan who was standing to Harry's left winked at him when she called at,

"Yeah, tell Hannah that!"

The boy blushed and lots of people laughed, but Harry took this moment

of distraction and leaped into the air pounding the ball over the net

towards Neville who was unprepared merely bumped up into the air

where Hannah tried to get some vengeance and blast the ball back with a

bit of unnatural power, but Colin who was guarding the front of the net

jumped back to stop the ball from being spiked onto his side, and

managed to get it back into the air for Heidi Macavoy to jump and smash

the ball down onto the other side of the net effectively ending the game

25 to 23.

This led to great cheers, and for Harry to grab his girlfriend and give her

a searing celebratory birthday kiss, and some cat calls followed, but

Harry just grinned as they separated. Heidi whom was walking by said,

"Are you going to pass some of that love around to the rest of your

teammates Potter or does Bones not like to share."

Susan flashed a wicked grin at the girl, "Bones does not like to share."

This caused some uproarious laughter, and Harry threw his arm around

the girl, and Colin who ran over and high fived him hard in celebration

of beating Ron and Hermione's team. The trio walked up to the campfire

with most of their friends in toe. Chatter was light and friendly while the

party came together up at the top of the hillside in which Potter Manor

lied on. It had been a good day for Harry and his friends, and the night

was still going a few hours later when the sun had gone completely

down, and they were sitting around a bright fire with smiles on

everyone's face. Susan said, "So what are we going to do for you and

Neville's birthday Harry? I think you two are next in line, right?"

Neville shrugged saying, "Probably do exactly what you did Sue, will

have a formal party at Longbottom Manor, and then something a little

less formal, probably either somewhere in the muggle world or

something I don't know for sure. It seems like every day these days is a

blessing, and I will gladly celebrate it anywhere as long as I have you


Harry raised his butter beer toasting the boy, "I'll drink to that mate!"

This caused everyone to raise their glasses, and Harry said, "Speaking of

drinking too, I want to propose a toast…To the witch beside me, we have

only been together about seven months, but she has given me everything

I have ever wanted in life. She gave me my family that I have with Sirius,

a home that I may never have been able to get too without her, and she

has shown me something that I only heard in fairy tales…everyone here

knows I love this girl, so please raise your glasses to Susan Bones, or as

they are calling her in press these days, the girl who stood."

Ernie McMillan stood shouting, "To the girl who told us all to curse

Voldemort while he was injured!"

Roars of laughter and approval rang throughout the campfire as people

rose their glasses in a toast to the girl who blushed hard. Harry however

turned to the girl and gave her a kiss on the cheek, and reached into back

pocket in his cargo shorts, "And this is your birthday present my lady."

The girl smiled at him, and took the black velvet box, and she opened it

and gasped, "Is this…"

"A real charm necklace? Yes. The last person to wear it was my mother I

believe. It is passed down from Lady Potter to Lady Potter."

The girl looked at him shock written are her face, and she looked at him

in almost disbelief, "Are you asking me…"

"No not yet, but not because I don't want to. Sirius explained to me how

Wizarding culture works, particularly among purebloods, and that should

keep any unwanted attention coming towards you or your aunt. That

necklace says you are with the Potter family, and I promise you one day I

attend to make it legitimate, but we are still young, and it is soon, so I

hope you will take this as a promise that it will come one day, and that if

not it was because I left the world earlier than I intended and didn't get

to make it official. Never take it off if you believe in us, because now it

stands for our relationship, and my promise." Harry said quietly.

Everyone around the fire watched in serious interest, and a few with even

broken hearts. Not because they wouldn't have the boy who lived, but at

the thought that perhaps no one would. It suddenly became very real in

the minds of even the youngest of what Harry was sacrificing, and what

he was prepared to sacrifice. Susan looked like she wanted to cry, but

instead she took a huge smile saying, "Put it on me."

Harry's smile lit the rest of the dark night, as he fastened it around her

neck, and gave her hand a soft kiss, while she laughed, "You've been

talking to Sirius to much you cheese head."

A gruffer voice however came from nearby as it exclaimed, "Ms. Bones I

will have you know that I was quite the ladies' man growing up, and I

intend to pass it on to my Godson, so that way he knows his way around

the gentleman's vocabulary!"

Madame Bones, and a few women close by to him that had followed

rolled his eyes, and even Remus had joined them while the kids laughed,

and parents started calling for the kids telling them that it was time to

head back, and that they would all be returning for training or future

parties soon. Susan however was staring at her necklace, and noticed

something odd, "Harry I am pretty well acquainted with the history of

your family, and some of symbols on the necklace, but what is the dome

building here?"

Madame Bones laughed behind her and said to her niece's boyfriend with

a bit of incredulity, "You didn't tell her the part of your gift that you went

the most trouble to do."

This caused the boy beside Susan to blush as he said, "I was going to tell

her in private, but she was to clever for her own good."

Susan looked confused while Harry explained, "My family owns a little

villa outside of Rome, and with your Aunt's permission Sirius and I are

going to go there and power up the wards, and even stay for a little visit,

and of course I wanted you to come with me, so we could do some sight-

seeing. You know it might be our last chance before everything hits the


Harry had known from several of their conversations that Rome was

Susan's most desired place in the world to visit, and the girl looked from

shock to her aunt to Harry multiple times before asking loudly, "Are you


Sirius took the perfect time to announce, "No matter how hard my son

may try Miss Bones I promise you he can't beat the original!"

This however just confirmed it with her aunt nodding with a smile, and

she launched her arms into her, and then turned and launched herself

like a catapult at her boyfriend who made it all possible, and whispered

in his ear, "Think about all the fun we can get up too in the most magical

city in the world.

Harry grinned at the girl and kissed her on the head as he wrapped his

arms around her, "Happy Birthday Susan!"

"Duck down you are way to slow Colin."

With those words, Colin barely dodged a hex that Neville had flung at his

head, as he took cover behind a nearby tree, and then began returning

spell fire the moment he felt safe.

Harry was surveying the battlefield, as the final few people were still

standing. Harry liked to break the senior members up into groups and

have them duel to disarming in different locations and environments, and

today they were in the forest by Potter Manor. On one team was Colin,

Susan, Ron, and Hannah, while on another team was Hermione, Neville,

Ernie McMillan, and Ginny. Luna whom had hurt her ankle a bit during

training was standing next to Harry watching as he did and said, "Oh

dear I think Ronald is going down."

Sure, enough as she said this Hermione and Ginny flanked him on both

sides, but Harry said, "Don't count him out yet."

Most people would have looked at Harry as if he was crazy after saying

that he thought Ron wasn't out of a fight against his fire cracker of a

sister, and best mate whom knew more about magic than most of them

ever dreamed of, but Luna merely smiled respecting Harry's insight.

When the spell fire began towards Ron, he quickly dove behind a tree

and cast the gemino charm on himself to create two extra clones of

himself, as he had all of them dive out of the way and fire at the same

time, "Stupefy."

Three spells flew, but two of them went towards Ginny whom spent so

much energy to bat the first curse that was a fake away that the second

curse caught her in the shoulder and downed her instantly. Ron however

had a fully irate Hermione on him who was blasting him to shreds for

taking out one of her teammates, and just when Luna was going to say I

told you so, Susan came out from nowhere and began blasting Hermione

with stunners, disarming hexes, and body bind curses. Hermione however

was too smart to be overwhelmed, but cried for help which proved to be

a bad decision as Neville came surging forward to have to duel with Ron

while Susan was trying to destroy Hermione's cover to bring her out.

Susan quickly found herself against Hermione and Ernie whom had come

from nowhere. Neville had managed to take down Ron at the end of this,

which quickly turned into a three on one duel and the tides had turned

rapidly. However so caught up in taking down the skilled witch they

didn't see Hannah whom had managed to flank them from behind come

up and take out Ernie with ease and square off against Neville whom she

had partially hit with a stunner, and more importantly forced Hermione

out from her cover. This allowed Susan to properly duel the girl, and not

allow her to retreat behind anymore trees for cover as she was now

freezing the ground around Hermione so that way she could not try to

run on the slick ground. This led to a fierce duel with excellent charm

work, and Luna in a sing song voice said, "They are going to win."

Knowing who they were Harry shrugged, "Susan can handle Hermione,

it's not like it used to be."

Proving him right Susan managed to push Hermione back onto the ice

caused her to slip onto her bum and catch an immobilizing charm in the

chest and disarming her with practiced speed. This brought it down to

Neville whom was trying to get Hannah out of her hiding spot having to

fight spells coming from two different directions, and eventually the two

witches caught him with their spells and brought him down in ropes, and

binded him tightly.

Harry grinned at the girl, but she smiled back, "I was still right about


However, the boy shook his head, "Ron sacrificed himself to take one of

his opponents down, and to give his friends a chance to flank the enemy,

it wasn't my favorite strategy because he could've been killed, but it did

work for the purposes of the game, and situational practice. I could see

many Gryffindors attempting to make this move."

Harry walked over and helped revive the downed members, and then

walked over to Susan, "Congrats on the win, you lost two of your

teammates, but I am not sure you could've won without their sacrifices.

Let me ask you though did you know where Hannah was?"

Hannah grinned at the girl who blushed, "No we were split up at the

beginning, I thought she was out of the fight."

Harry nodded, "Well good job concealing your surprise in her

interference, but what were you going to do against all three of the

duelist? Your good, and I think with some luck you could've taken two of

them, but there is no way you were going to take Neville, and Hermione."

She shrugged, "Survive as long as possible, and hope that reinforcements

would arrive. For the sake of the game I just thought I had lost and was

preparing to make a stand and like you said try and take two of them

down, and leave only one standing. Of course, we all know how the

power goes in this group by now, so I was going to take Ernie out, and

try to take it down to two on one and attempt to take out Hermione


Neville asked with bewilderment, "You thought I was the bigger threat

than Hermione?"

Hermione patted the boy on the shoulder, "You've got more raw power

than me Neville, and she could easily match me in regular magical

prowess, so she would beat me with her admittedly very creative tricks."

This seemed to make sense to Neville, but still surprised him none the

less, "Blimey."

Harry laughed a bit then said, "Hannah Susan may have taken out more

opponents, but I think you got the MVP you wanted. Had you not gone

around and flanked she would've gone down almost certainly. You may

have only stunned one for sure, but you are responsible for 3/4s of the

team going down. Well done."

Everyone patted the girl on the back at this as they began walking back

to Potter Manor grounds, and Harry gave more words of encouragement,

and Ernie said, "Would love to see you back in there with us Harry. Teach

us a lesson or two."

Ron snorted, "Harry has more instinctual tactics than any of us combined,

if he entered the fray even against four of us at once I think he would

win. Not because of his power, but his trickery, and ability to give

anyone the slip."

Hermione agreed having seen a lot of Harry's tactics first hand, "Ron and

I have almost beaten him dozens of times, but never actually managed to

do it, even with Susan's help a few times we couldn't take him down."

Collin then suggest, "Well why not ask Padfoot and Mooney to have a go

with us to even it up. Maybe have just one of them at first, and if he still

wins then we throw both into the match."

The idea had some credence, and Harry was feeling more in tune with his

magic than ever. He had even dueled his dog father to a standstill the

other day for nearly five minutes when he slipped up just a bit and

caught a stunner to the face. Ever since they had started his animagus

training he had felt more in the zone with his magic than ever before.

Before Harry could offer a suggestion, a voice came from behind them,

"What if I offered my assistance instead for one round."

The whole group turned drawing their wands and pointing it at the new

arrival, before they all lowered them seeing someone they hadn't

expected to see, "Headmaster, what are you doing here?" Harry asked


The man smiled jovially, "I came here to speak with you my boy, and

your godfather sent me out here, which led me to see you and your

friends engaging in that wonderful game of tactics. I would love to play

myself as this old wizard does not get to experiment much with such

things anymore, but I assure you in my youth I would have loved

something like this."

This caused some excited chatter, but Harry shrugged, "I don't know if

there is any fair way to divide up the teams Headmaster."

The man frowned for a moment before shaking his head, "The 9 of you

vs. myself, your godfather, and Remus Lupin. That allows you three to

every one of us. Just for a bit of fun I assure you."

At first Harry just stared at the man, and most of the group thought he

was going to tell the man to bugger off, and perhaps when he had a

Horcrux in his head he might have, but he was not that man anymore,

and proved it by smiling, "You get to tell the two old men the rules, while

I prepare my troops. You are on Professor."

This caused cheers to go up on his side, and Harry smiled at his friends as

the man apparated away. Hermione however breathlessly said, "We are

in way over our heads, you all saw how he dueled Voldemort right?"

Susan however said, "That was for real though with lethal magic, and

anything that goes. I actually think we are at the advantage here."

Everyone but Ron and Harry looked at her like she was crazy, but Ron

agreed first, "She is right. Dumbledore must seriously limit what he does

to us, and he will not have done anything like this before. We all

however know the forest and know the rules and tactics. I think we have

a chance if we can gang up on him quick enough."

Harry agreed, "If we try and fight the three of them or let them gang up

on us were going to get wrecked, so this is what we are going to do."

The green-eyed leader started quietly talking over his plan with his

friends and they all grinned evilly when he finished and asked, "Well?"

Susan put an arm around him, "I think its very sexy, when you get all

smart and tactical."

This caused some groans for the group and Colin to laugh, "Get a room

you two."

That is when Dumbledore appeared coming from the house with two

marauders at his side.

(A/N) More to come!

24. Living Life

Chapter 24

"Ernie get down!"

Harry was the boys side in an instant blasting his godfather back with the

reinforcements of Susan and Neville who had stuck to him like glue since

the battle had started. "Remus on our left, Reducto!" Susan cried out.

Harry turned and saw the man had his shield up and threw a shield

breaker as Neville threw stunner after stunner. This caught the werewolf

by surprise, but instead of doing advanced magic, he apparated away to

safety, while sounds of loud spell fire rang out.

To the untrained ear they would have missed it, but Harry was not

untrained as he whirled around to catch a stunner that Albus Dumbledore

had fired at him, and his two friends besides him, along with three others

who were running together all fired spells at Dumbledore who threw his

wand in a sideways slashing motion creating a massive shield that went

almost all the way around his body from head to toe, everyone gasped

and stared, and this cost Ernie his part in the duel as he was stunned by

Dumbledore in the blink of an eye. Harry growled talking to Neville, "Go

fill Ernie's spot and protect Hannah as if your life depended on it, Susan

and I can handle Sirius."

The boy nodded and went to fill in where the fallen Hufflepuff had been,

and the group of Hannah, Neville, and Ron were now trading rapid spell

fire with Remus who was clearly getting tired for all the apparating he

had been doing.

Sirius on the other hand had begun his attempt to snipe his Godson from

faraway with advanced stunners, but Susan has his back covered well,

and even returned a few spells of her own, and this time when Sirius

apparated Harry barked out, "NOW!"

As planned the five closest duelists all turned towards the direction that

Harry shouted and blasted Sirius off his feet hard, when over a dozen

spells overwhelmed him and left no time for him to escape. This meant it

was now 7 vs 2 with Colin and Ernie already out of the duel.

Harry grabbed Susan's arm tightly, and said, "Back to back we can do

this. We have to at least take out Remus, and if all 7 of us fight

Dumbledore he can't win."

Harry began trotting with Susan right on his tail towards what was left of

the two other groups, and suddenly two pops were heard, and Remus

managed to appear, and stun Hannah to the ground hard, and then

apparate away only to reappear and stun Luna as well. This however cost

the man as when he reappeared to stun Neville he was taken down by

three separate stunners with no time to block at all.

Harry didn't like these odds as well, five against one to beat Dumbledore.

Ron, Hermione, Neville, Susan and himself against the greatest light

wizard since Merlin himself. Even with sheer numbers this couldn't go as

well as he hoped it would.

They all quickly fell into a formation where every direction was covered,

and Neville roared out, "I've never felt so alive! We can take him Harry,

even if four of us go down I think we can take him. If four of us had to

die for you to kill Voldemort I would be happy with that."

Harry shook his head, "I wouldn't. I think we need to treat this like it is

Voldemort, let me go forward and attack him, and try and throw him off

kilter, and then you four can sweep in and help me when he least expects

it. Follow my plan, and maybe this will work out."

They all looked at him wildly, and he just grinned as he imagined himself

with destination, deliberation, and determination, and with the image in

his head he willed himself to appear in the closest known location where

Dumbledore might be hiding and when he landed he shouted, "Come on

Dumbledore. One on one! This is what you wanted right."

Dumbledore appeared behind the young man and said softly, "In fact

Harry there is nothing less in the world I want. I hoped we would never

have to cross wands, and I still pray we never do, but I believe I can help

you, and if I can do anything in your fight against Voldemort then I will.

You don't have the Horcrux anymore, which means there will be no need

for your sacrifice, I now pull for you to walk out of this and live a long

happy life. Allow me to demonstrate just what I can teach you."

The man raised his wand, and Harry raised his just as fast, and at once

went on the defense as jets of red light, and bits of sharp fire flew

towards him. The old man's hand was a blur of wand movement, and

Harry could hardly comprehend the speed. However, he rolled behind

him to dodge a scary looking fire whip that came towards him, and then

fired out, "Expecto Patronum!"

The patronus hit the ground fast, and the spells immediately stopped

coming towards him, and Harry shouted, "Get him prongs!"

The stag made a sharp exhale and darted off towards the man, and Harry

popped out on the other side of the tree and attempted to take the

offensive stance from the man, but it was no luck. Dumbledore conjured

some type of dark shield that enveloped the patronus and stopped it in its

tracks, while also shielding the first of Harry's spells and then

transfiguring an entire section of trees into a dragon, and Harry just

stared in awe as the creature formed and then stalked his way towards


Diving behind larger cover Harry swore where were they. Turning his

wand towards nearby tree branches he quickly began turning them into

swords and levitating them as he felt the presence of Dumbledore's magic

approach he knew he had to act quickly or his cover would collapse, and

he would go down to soon. With a prayer and the hope of a final stand he

grabbed his newly transfigured swords, and apparated once again to the

other side of where Dumbledore had been standing, but as he expected

Dumbledore had moved, but this allowed him the chance to fling the

swords at the man's dragon and stick the beast hard enough where it

crumbled to the ground. Thankful for having listened to his head of

houses lectures in transfiguration he knew that while the creature may

have looked like a dragon it was still in fact not a dragon much like his

swords weren't swords, but they were sharpened transfigurations of sticks

that allowed him to destroy his enemy with the force of his magic. Now

to execute his plan. He quickly began waving his wand around, and

whispering quietly to himself, and finished his incantations, and then

peaked up behind his covering looking for Dumbledore. Now he just had


Before Harry could even finish his thoughts, Dumbledore was on him,

and this time Harry knew he was screwed. The man was moving towards

him with a flurry of jinxes, hexes, and curses, and Harry's legs were

dancing, he felt his body being knocked backwards a bit as he was doing

his best to stay on his feet, and then before he knew it he had lost control

of his wand, and stood there weaponless in front of Dumbledore, "You

did splendidly my boy, but what you lack is variety."

Harry merely grinned as he held up his hands in surrender, and suddenly

from four different directions spells were flying towards the old man, and

he looked concentrated and acted as if he was going to apparate away,

but he seemed unable too, and instead flicked his wand around to block

all the spells, but he could not. Harry had planned it all down to the T,

and when the headmaster was disarmed, and bounded Harry smiled at

the man, "But what you lack Headmaster is creativity."

The man just stared at the boy in awe, and said, "An anti-apparation

ward, how on Earth…"

"Did I manage it? I had help. You see I sent off Hermione and Hannah

two brilliant ancient Rune's witches to begin setting up the ward at the

beginning of the fight. Then I had Susan go by and make sure it was all

working before she rejoined me. After she told me all I had to do was

activate the ward I apparated over here and began to duel you one on

one while everyone else began running in their own directions to

surround you. You see I am the only one that can apparate, and

admittedly, I haven't done it enough to try and side along anyone yet, or

maybe I might not have been disarmed, but it was a trap all from the

beginning. Our hope was to only lose two to Sirius and Remus, that way

Susan and I could power the ward together, but we managed when we

had just the five of us. Had you been Voldemort we would've all been

firing lethal magic at you in the center, and of course the obvious thing

to do is to apparate away, but by the time you realize you couldn't it

wouldn't be too late, and it would force you to the shield. I told everyone

to use different curses though that way no one basic or advanced shield

would work on it."

Dumbledore looked at each of the teenagers, and then just took a deep

breath, "Well it seems the students have become the teachers. I should

have disposed of you all much quicker, and in a group. Not fall for the


Harry smiled at the old man for the first time and canceled all the spells,

"To be fair we had a pretty solid plan, and you haven't ever been in these

woods before. We had the location, and everything planned from where

we usually have our duels. This would only work if there was an attack

on Potter Manor in which case I don't think anyone could beat all nine of

us if we had a few minutes to plan."

Sirius whom had just arrived on the scene merely laughed, "They got you


The old man looked jovially at the old prankster and said, "Certainly. We

were just pranked I believed and made to think that our knowledge

would be superior to developed strategy and tactics, and they humbled us

by reminding me that we should've worked a bit better together instead

of trying to thin them out. I am most impressed."

Susan spoke to the headmaster carefully, "Harry has planned out dozens

of scenarios that we might fight Death Eaters in and we have practiced

some of them, and we try and of course keep the casualties as light as

possible. We would love to do this at Hogwarts sometime while no one

was in the school. I think we all know one day Hogwarts will be


Dumbledore looked at the girl for a moment and sighed, "You are right

Ms. Bones I will see what I can do about letting you all run one of these

training practices in the Hogwarts grounds, and let some of my teachers

and staff watch, and perhaps have the bases of a plan in case of invasion."

Harry quickly said, "Not Snape sir."

"Professor Snape Harry, and I have told you before that I trust him with

my life." Dumbledore said seriously.

"I am not saying you shouldn't tell him because I don't trust him

headmaster, I am saying that if it ever got to Voldemort's ears that we

had developed a strategy to fight his invasion then he would force it out

of Snape at any cost to make it an easier shot at me. Professor Snape is in

enough danger as it is and telling him these tactics would only endanger

him more." Harry said defensively.

The man thought for a moment and then nodded, "Yes I do believe you

are right actually. We shall discuss this more over a one on one training

session where I will do my best to teach you some spell variety, and

perhaps even a thing or two about your enemy that I am certain you are

not aware of. I will also give you notes that perhaps you, Ms. Granger,

and Ms. Bones can decipher to teach yourselves, however I caution you

against teaching to many, as you never know who your enemy might one

day be."

With that cryptic message the old man asked, "Do you accept my offer

Mr. Potter?"

Harry glanced around to his friends whom all had excited looks on their

faces and just grinned, "Of course headmaster that would be great, but

only if you call me Harry outside of school."

The man smiled, and then clapped his hands, "Excellent, then until our

first lesson Harry…Sirius…Remus…Students."

With his farewell, he suddenly disappeared with one of the loudest cracks

of appartion Harry had ever heard and Susan and Hermione just gawked,

and no one had to comment to realize that Dumbledore had just gone

right through their anti-apparition ward.

It had been a long day of training for Harry as his first month of summer

had already passed, and all was well. He would have to rectify that

thought, because all was only well in his world, because on the outside

things were not going as well. Dementor attacks had been happening in

mass numbers out in the muggle world, and random disaster had been

triggered by Death Eaters no doubt. Also, the disappearances had gotten

worse and worse.

These were things that Harry was trying not to let bother him. He was

only a few days away from leaving for Rome with Susan for a week, and

that was going to be awesome.

Over the past month, Harry's dueling prowess had likely doubled. All his

training with Gawain Robards and Kingsley Shacklebolt had been helping

a lot anytime he went in for a meeting with newly appointed Minister

Scrimgeour, and of course Harry through his backing behind most of the

things the Minister did. There was one incident that Harry had read

about in the paper that caused to major argument to happen between

him and the old auror, but after both heads had calmed Rufus had agreed

to release Stan Shunpike, and make sure that he was given protection

from the Imperious curse just in case.

Also, the training he had been receiving with Dumbledore was quite

educational and not just magically. Harry had been shown some

memories of every encounter the headmaster had with Voldemort along

with a few from Severus Snape whom had just seen him action. Now that

the old man new just how great at tactics Harry and his friends were he

was determined to show him as much as the dark wizards fighting style

as he could and attempt to allow them to create some tactics against the

man, but each time Harry watched he just thought the man was overly

powerful, and quick to the draw. He thought the fact that the man had

underestimated him each time they had met was the only reason he was

still alive, and after watching the duel between Dumbledore and

Grindelwald he thought the same thing about the headmaster as well.

It was only yesterday when Harry had managed to beat his godfather in a

best of three duel, and he had yet to get there with Remus who was a bit

craftier than Sirus. It was odd how certain types of dueling styles worked

against others, because Sirius beats Remus nearly every time, but Harry

could hardly ever beat his old Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Susan had also on intimate night told him how much she loved his

training affected him, and his body, and of course that had made the boy

reach an all new level of scarlet, as she was making a habit of touching

his chest and arms a lot. He knew she was mostly teasing, but secretly

also hoped she did enjoy all his hard work, and how it affected him

physically, after all he did very much appreciate her physically.

It was nearly 2am, and Harry had just finished his short training session

with his guy friends, and they were all hanging out up in his room now

as he was packing for his trip in just a few short days. The day before had

been a long one as they had finally gotten to see the Cannons take on

Puddlemere United, and they even got to go on the actual field and go

into the Puddlemere Locker rooms, after Harry had written to his old

quidditch captain Oliver Wood, and the man was ecstatic that his old star

player was coming to watch him play.

Neville, Ron, and Collin had joined him, Sirius, and Remus, while Ernie

was the only one who was unable to go since he was up in the far north

with his Scottish side of the family for the rest of his summer. It had been

a real blast even when Puddlemere thrashed on the Canons. Ron wasn't

too happy, but he was also pleased because Oliver had been the star

player and was unstoppable and on a high as Chudley could just not get

any goals in against him.

Harry decided he was now going to be a Puddlemere United Fan for as

long as Wood played for them and even bought a Wood Jersey when he

was out at the stadium, and asked jokingly if Wood would sign it, but the

Keeper whom was so happy after his win did it in a heartbeat, and

thanked the boy for coming up and supporting him, and even graciously

allowed Sirius to fanboy over him as he had been a Puddlemere fan since

he had met Harry's dad in the sixties!

Neville whom was just talking with Ron with a goofy grin on his face

asked slyly, "So Harry any chance you and Susan are going to be sharing

a room in Italy next week?"

Ron who caught Neville's wink said, "Ah come off it Neville we all know

Harry can barely keep his hands off her, I think he is finally going to just

figure out all the Bones' secrets."

Harry who went red merely fake laughed, "Ha ha, Sirius and Remus will

both be there, and I doubt we will have to much private alone time.

Sirius and I are going to power up the wards the first day, and then we

are going to do some sight-seeing in the city and visit the magical area

that they have. It isn't going to be much, and then we will be back on

Neville's birthday for the party at Longbottom Manor."

Colin whom had matured a lot thanks to hanging out with an older group

of boys said, "Just something about red headed girls man."

Ron seemed to agree with this only for a moment before saying, "OI! My

sister is a red head."

Neville and Harry both laughed as Colin flinched and reached for his

wand in case he had to defend himself, "Oh yeah that's right, speaking of

which, Ron I would like permission to ask your sister out to Hogsmeade."

Silence rang throughout the room, Neville and Harry exchanged nervous

looks as Ron seemed to turn an interesting shade of red, and when he

jumped out of his chair towards Colin, Harry and Neville jumped in

between them holding Ron back from killing the poor boy, but Ron

merely laughed while drawing his wand, "Creevy if you think I am going

to let you take out my sister…"

Collin looked instantly downtrodden and Harry and Neville glared at the

red head, but he winked at them surprising them both, "Then you are

absolutely right. You better treat her well though or you are going to

answer to me plus five more just like me. Not to mention that bat boogey

hex hurts like the devil."

Sighing and taking a deep breath of relief Harry and Neville stepped

away while Ron laughed, "You two should have seen your faces, you

actually thought I was going to kill the kid!"

Neville shook his head, "You turned all red, and we thought for sure we

would be picking up pieces of Colin."

Colin protested, "Hey!"

Ron laughed however, "At first I was mad, but then I realized that she

could do worse, and I here that Seamus fantasies her, and so does that git

Michael Corner, I would rather another Gryffindor steal her heart you


Giving some nods approval the door opened and Sirius snuck in with an

innocent face, "What's going on up here boys? Anything exciting?"

Neville casually said, "Oh just watching Ron almost murder Colin nothing

to big."

Sirius looked at Harry, but Colin said, "Ron gave me permission to take

Ginny out."

Sirius grinned at the boy, "Good on you lad. I wish you the best, she is

pretty young witch, but I just wanted to give you boys a little gift that my

friends and I would've killed for at your age. We will call this the guys

celebration of Neville and Harry's sixteenth birthday before anyone else

gets to celebrate it."

Sirius pulled two bottles of fire whiskey out, and all four boys eyed the

bottles in awe, and Harry just grinned wickedly, "You know what this


Neville looked at Ron, and they all looked at Colin who looked thrilled,

and Sirius didn't have to be a marauder to know that a prank was about

to be pulled.

25. One Love

Warning. Lemon at the end. A final warning will be giving before it

begins. It holds no storyline relevance, and can be skipped to those

who would not like to read it. Enjoy!

Chapter 25

When Harry awoke the next morning he felt quite groggy and

considering how early he had been getting up this Summer it was

unusual. What set this morning apart from others was the fact that his

best mates were lounging around the room gripping trash cans and

looking much worse than he was. At this he smiled, and stood up

stretching carefully and loudly announcing, "Good morning chaps."

Colin flinched at the sound of his voice, "Harry please keep your voice


Grinning Harry swept through the room and threw the blinds back in his

room letting the blinding sun into his room, "Come on boys it's going to

be a good day, on your feet."

Neville spoke quietly in the corner with a magazine now in front of his

face, "Harry you know I like you, but I don't like you enough that I won't

hex you into oblivion if you don't close those damn curtains."

Laughing a bit, the young man said, "I don't think you could even lift

your wand towards me Longbottom. I think you got lost in our little

prank last night and over indulged."

Groaning he threw the magazine at Harry which he easily deflected with

his front hand and banished in the direction of Ron who was still trying

to sleep. This caused the boy to barely grumble and roll over to his other

side, and Harry rolled his eyes as his oldest friend looked dead in the

corner, "Come on mates get up I'll make breakfast, I am thinking sausage

and bacon, I have grease that I used last week, and I bet it will be a fine


His sarcasm was leaking through in his voice, and Colin gagged a bit, and

leaned over his trash can so he would be a little closer.

This caused Harry to chuckle and shuffle out of the room as the boys

tried to gather their mental bearings. Harry however walked through

Potter Manor, and down to the first floor where Remus and Sirius were

drinking their morning coffee, and Remus looked surprised to see him,

"Morning cub, I didn't expect to see you this early."

Harry drifted his eyes to a clock nearby from behind him and it read

10am, "It's pretty late Mooney, I wanted to be up at 8 and really annoy

the boys."

Sirius chuckled, and Remus looked amused, "How are the champions of

the light?"

Grinning Harry said, "Peaky, I am going to make some bacon and sausage

for breakfast do you guys want some?"

Sirius laughed out loud this time, "You are a cruel leader Harry. I am glad

you have a bit of James in you after all these years."

Remus smiled at this as well, "I'll take some food Harry thank you."

Sirius just nodded the same as Harry went over to the stove and began

making his food. He had to argue with house elves at first to allow him to

work in the kitchen. The deal was that he had to make as much of a mess

as possible, and he wasn't allowed to touch it. Also, he was only allowed

to make his own meal once a day. He tried to make himself two one time,

and Mips almost blasted him out of his own kitchen saying that Potters

don't cook their own meals.

Harry enjoyed his interaction with the house elves, so he messed with

them from time to time, and they will freak out having never seen certain

behaviors out of wizards.

The green eyed young man was about halfway through making breakfast

when Mips popped in, "Your missus is in the fire master Harry."

Rolling his eyes at his title he asked Mips to take over breakfast for a few

minutes, while he walked out of the kitchen towards the living room

where his floo network was. He saw what resembled a face in the fire,

and said, "Morning Sue, what's up?"

"Just bored over here. I woke up a few hours ago and auntie went in

early. Can I come over for a little bit?" She asked patiently.

"Yeah come on through I am making bacon and sausage for breakfast."

Harry said with a smile.


With that Harry watched the fireplace expand a bit as a full grown

teenage girl appeared out of it, "Hey beautiful."

With that he pecked the girl on the lips, and took her hand towards the

kitchen, where she was greeted by the two Marauders and took a seat at

the table, "Where is everyone else?"

Sirius laughed a bit, "They are recovering from Harry's prank last night."

Susan looked at her boyfriend with a smirk, "What'd you do this time?"

Harry pushed Mips gently out of the way and went back to his frying

pan, "It was really a joint effort between Sirius and myself, he just didn't

know he was involved until-"

"I saw the look on his face. His dad used to have that very same look

when he was planning a masterful plan." Sirius said with a mischief

written all over his face.

"So, don't leave a girl in suspense, what did you do?"

At this Neville came stumbling into the room and Susan instantly laughed

while he said, "I'm going to murder your boyfriend Bones."

Shortly after Colin and Ron followed him and took a seat at the quickly

filling breakfast table, "Merlin Harry, these three look like they were

toasted last night, and aren't having a good morning of recovery."

Harry grinned at the girl as he brought the two pans over to the tables

placing breakfast on them, "Sirius brought us a little gift last night, and

let's just say there is none of it left after this lot started playing exploding

snap with it."

Suspiciously the girl asked, "Why don't you look as bad as them."

Neville groaned, "Switching charms, and really fast ones, wandlessly

probably too. He was pretty gone at one point, but not nearly as bad as

the rest of us."

Ron took one look at the food, and for the first time in Harry's friendship

with the boy he watched the Gryffindor push it away, "I hate you Harry."

The only one who wasn't talking was Colin and Susan asked, "You okay


Neville sympathetically patted him on the shoulder, "It was his first time

with Firewhiskey."

Susan cringed, and gave her boyfriend a bewildered look, "You couldn't

have broken him in easy, and then beat them into submission another


Harry shook his head, "I'd rather him learn his lesson here among friends,

and mostly just guys so he doesn't embarrass himself in front of the

others. I think I was actually quite merciful, if I were Fred or George I

would have saved this prank for everyone to see."

Colin cringed, and spoke, "Thanks Harry. It was a lot of fun. I just didn't

know I was going to pay for it this badly in the morning."

Sirius and Remus chuckled, while Harry and Susan just grinned at the

boy. Breakfast was a usual thing with Susan, as she usually popped over

on the mornings she knew her boyfriend wasn't training, but this was

everyone's day off, and it was their last one before Italy, "Are you all

packed for the trip Harry?"

"Of course, Luv, the guys helped me finish packing last night before we

started the party."

Smiling approvingly the girl patted him on the cheek, "Good boy."

Harry grinned, "Do I get a reward?"

Neville protested at once, "Not at the table man, were all sick enough we

don't need you two snogging to throw off our appetites even more."

Susan winked at her boyfriend, "I guess I will spare Neville's stomach for

now, so maybe later."

Smiling at the girl he settled for a kiss on the cheek, and just continued to

eat his breakfast. All the guys went home after breakfast claiming they

were going back to sleep, and resting for the rest of the day, while Harry

and Susan spent the day around Potter Manor hanging out and having

fun. There was a lot to do on the property of course with being so close

to the lake and the woods. The grounds of Potter Manor were far more

impressive then the home itself, and Harry enjoyed just strolling through

them thinking at one point his mother and father might have walked the

same steps he was taking each day.

The day was winding down and Harry and Susan were walking hand in

hand around the lake, and Harry had a small smile on his face. The girl

seemed to take notice and bumped his shoulder gently, "What's got you

smiling so big today?"

Pondering his answer for a moment he said, "Things are so good right

now, and with our trip next week I am just really excited, and happy, it's

kind of a weird feeling."

Looking at her boyfriend sadly the red head put a small hand on his

cheek, "I know you may have had a rough beginning Harry, but things

seem to really be turning around for you. Embrace it. We don't know how

long we have before things start going desperately wrong. Today we are

happy, so let's just do our best to love every second we have it. I for one

am very much enjoying a handsome boys company and look forward to

enjoying it even more in a foreign place tomorrow."

As she said her words she was leaning closer to him, and when she

finished she gently captured the boy's lips. Harry now being more

comfortable with her initiated physical contact he deepened the kiss and

brought the girl closer to him, which left no room for even a sheet of

paper in between them. He felt her tongue gently touch his lip, and he

opened his mouth to allow her access and have a slight battle for

dominance. At this point his hands were sliding down to forbidden

territories, and she moaned slightly once they arrived. At this point the

boy was so turned on he would have taken her right there at that point,

but when she broke the kiss and he pulled his hands away she slowly slid

them back down, "They were fine where they were Harry, I just didn't

want you to take me out in this field. While the sunset is pretty I think

there are more romantic gestures."

Grinning at the girl, "So then was that my reward?"

Laughing slightly, she leaned in to whisper into his ear, "Where your

hands are Harry, that is your reward."

The boy blushed a deep red, and she winked at him as she separated, but

then she started to come back in for another kiss, and the green-eyed boy

who lived closed his eyes and prayed for salvation…but was not in luck

when he felt a rough push that through him backwards into the pond,

and intense giggles that followed once he surfaced. It had been a warm

day, so the water felt good, but he was wearing some decent clothes and

he looked incredulously at the girl in front of him whom could not stop

giggling, "I am going to get you for that!"

Before the girl could even turn to run he flicked his hand forward and

used a wandless summoning charm, making the girl stumble straight into

the water. He laughed as she came up and her hair was soaking wet, and

she looked shocked beyond all belief, "The look on your face made

whatever happens next worth it!"

Then the boy just laughed and after a moment she joined him, and in

that moment, Harry felt that the girl had truly stolen his heart.

"Come on Harry put your power into it."

It had been a long day for Harry Potter so far, but most of it had been

great! They had arrived on the Potter villa property in Rome around mid-

day, where they spent most of the afternoon exploring the property and

meeting the house elves who were beyond thrilled to have a master back

in their home.

Pesky, the head elf, went on and on about all the excellent things to do in

Rome, and went into a very lengthy history about the property, and the

special rune design that defended the houses wards. It was all very

interesting, and Susan was just swooning at the view. It was the top of

the city, and you could overlook a beautiful site that gave hold to some

of Rome's most beautiful architectural wonders.

Harry himself was very impressed. The whole property had to be

charmed with some seriously high-powered expansion charms, because

from their position muggles would have to see something, but he was

quite unsure what they would see. Considering the property were just

inside a long tree line on the north side of town it wasn't exactly in a

remote area. In fact, standing in the master bedroom on the third floor of

the home you could see the coliseum and the government buildings that

were quite simply a marvel to look at.

At the current time however, Harry was powering up the wards so it

would be safe, and it seemed to be taking much more magic then Potter

Manor did, "Protego, Bombarda, Relashio, Expecto Patronum!"

Like at Potter Manor with each spell the dome around the home seemed

to solidify and after another 20 or 30 spells it finally seemed to stick, and

Pesky confirmed that the wards were fully functional!

At this the small group applauded Harry whom was heaving for breath,

"That was a lot more draining without Dumbledore's help."

Sirius laughed, "Your coming along nicely in the power shoes Pup, but

you are still a way behind the old man."

Remus consolingly added, "One day though this will be a lot easier, and

as long as you live the wards will too."

With that he just smiled at the group, and then Sirius said, "Well Remus

and I are going to go into town to get a drink and be merry. You two may

do as you wish, but don't leave the property tonight. Remus and I will

stumble in pretty late tonight so don't want wait up. When we wake up

we can all go out to the town and do a few sightseeing things together,

and then I think you can be on your own to do as you wish. Let's all meet

in the breakfast hall at around 8:00…Good evening!"

Sirius winked at his son and grabbed his best friend by the arm in

excitement while the wizened old werewolf merely rolled his eyes at the

man's antics followed bidding them both a pleasant night. This left the

two smiling as Harry asked, "So want to pick out the rooms? If you want

the master bedroom upstairs I will give it up to you."

Susan shyly looked around for a moment which Harry thought was odd,

but then she said, "Let's go check it out. Are you feeling okay, do you

need food first? I know the ward powering must have been pretty


Harry shrugged his shoulders, and rolled them back, "Nope I am good.

Still full from lunch to be honest. Pesky made a hell of a lunch. Let's go."

With that the couple ascended through the house to the top floor which

consisted of the massive master bedroom. The room was beautiful, and

basically just an attic that had been turned into a wonderful modern

room. The view was still as breathtaking as ever, as Susan wandered over

towards the windows and looked out with a sigh, "I can't wait till

tomorrow. This has literally been my dream since I was a baby to come

here. Auntie had planned to take me a few times but work always got in

the way and she couldn't take off long enough to come down and see


Harry came up behind the girl wrapping her up with his arms, and

kissing her on the side of head, "Well were here now, and anything you

want to see we will. I think you should sleep up here, it's a beautiful

view, and I know you really love it."

Not turning to face the boy she said, "Well it would be kind of lonely up

here. Its big for just one person."

Not catching her meaning Harry said, "I can stay up here till you fall

asleep if you want."

"And then what?"

"What do you mean?"

Still not breaking her eyes from the view she said, "Then what will you

do once I fell asleep?"

Confused at the girl's words he said slowly, "Go back to my own room?"

Susan didn't say anything for a moment, but then turned to look at him,

"I don't like that plan Harry."

Bewildered now at the girl he said, "What did you have in mind then."


She took the boys hand and dragged him over towards the bed where she

stood in front of him, and then pushed him over roughly where he fell

onto the bed with a thud. She slowly climbed on top of him mounting

him like a horse, "I think I would you rather you just stay in the bed

tonight Harry. We are in one of the most romantic cities in the world

with a view so beautiful most people couldn't even comprehend it."

"But what about Remus and Sirius?"

Smiling at him as she wiggled her way closer to him, causing quite the

effect on his body, she said, "They will be gone till late and roam into the

house drunk, I thought you caught Padfoot's innuendo he practically gave

us permission to sleep together."'

"He did?" Harry asked nervously.

Whispering in his ear now completely draped over his body, "Yes Harry,

and we have the whole house to ourselves for the next few hours."

With that she began nibbling on his ear, causing a slight moan to escape

the boys mouth, and then she went to his neck and began making slight

sucking sounds causing him to squirm even more, "Sue what are you

doing to me?"

With that she sat up and threw off her shirt exposing a nice black lace

bra that Harry was instantly turned on tremendously by, "Harry, you

have saved my life more times then I care to count, you have brought me

to my dream vacation spot for my sixteenth birthday, and have done so

much for me, I won't even waste time telling you all about it. I want this

night to be special. Our first night in bed together, and I can't think of a

better place or time. The war is coming, and I don't want to die a virgin

to be completely blunt about it. It could happen to either of us at any

point, and I want to be made into a woman, and I want to make you into

a man."

Harry just stared at the girl in wonder for a moment, but then took his

left hand and swung it towards her body making her roll over, to where

he was now on top, "Are you sure that's what you want?"

Feeling brave the girl reached a hand down south and gripped his lower

regions, "I can tell it's what you want, and I want nothing more than to

give you what you want right now."

Lemon Scene (Can skip has no plot details)

Harry gasped as she quickly unbuttoned his jeans, and reached into his

pants gripping his manhood, "Merlin…"

"What's wrong?" Harry asked in almost a panic.

Inwardly the girl was cursing herself for not mentally preparing more for

this. She had felt his excitement towards her many times before but

having never seen it she never realized it would be so big, "Nothing, I just

think you are going to make me hurt a little, and then give me pleasure

like I've never felt before. I think some girls are going to be very

disappointed when they hear about your endowment. In fact, I think

some girls will even have lost some money."

Confused Susan just grinned and ran her hand up and down his shaft a

few times, "Forget it, just touch me."

With her free hand she put it on one of her nearly exposed breasts, and

she captured Harry's mouth as he gently massaged her breast making

spikes of pleasure go through the girl.

Noticing her hand was dry against the young man's cock she quickly

broke the kiss and licked her hand moistening it up and then sliding it up

and down his erection once again causing the boy to moan even louder

this time. It was such a slow motion that Harry thought she was going to

drive him insane with it and feeling a bit of animal instinct take over he

pushed her hand away and put his mouth around what her exposed chest

showed him as he gently reached around the back and undid her bra

clasp with a little help from wandless magic. He then ripped it off her,

and instead of ogling like he wanted to he immediately attacked them

with his mouth. He noticed as he sucked on her tits, which was

something he heard Seamus Finnegan did to Lavender when they were

doing it, she moaned the loudest, and he was determined to keep hearing

that sound throughout their first experience together. He learned even

more when his tongue touched her pink soft tit, and she said, "Oh shit!"

This convinced Harry he was doing okay and went between sucking and

licking each of her tits for several seconds each, and then slowly went

down on her kissing each part of her smooth flat stomach, and getting to

her jeans and undoing the button where he looked for confirmation that

he was doing the right thing where she almost laughed, "Harry just rip

them off, I want to feel you down there."

Harry didn't have to wait to be told twice, and immediately removed her

pants and getting a great look at her thighs which were admittedly pretty

large, but that was honestly what he liked them. Her underwear was

nothing to frilly or sexy, but when he touched them, and she shivered,

and lifted her legs a bit to get him to take them off her he almost had

heart attack with how fast his heart was racing. However not wanting to

slow down and make it awkward he quickly removed them and then took

a moment to stare at his completely naked very sexy girlfriend whom was

blushing a bit under his stare, "I think you have to much clothes on


She sat up for a moment, and this time helped him pull down his jeans

where he was just wearing underwear that had a huge tent in it. She

smiled and pulled those down, and her eyes widened again, "Merlin."

Harry was about to say something but then she said, "I've never done this

before, but I have been told by the other girls in Hufflepuff that this feel

really good for you, so I am willing to try it."

Before he could ask her what she was going to do he saw something that

would likely power a patronus that could blind the world. She pulled her

hair back, and then immediately grabbed his cock, and placed it straight

into her mouth. Pleasure shot up through his body at this and felt at first

just the head go into her mouth, and then she tried to take a bit more

with each suckle she did. Harry was in the clouds as he watched the girl

do this, and he almost lost his balance a few times, so placed a hand

behind her head helping her keep her hair out of her face. The feeling

was incredible and intense. She did this for several moments, where he

then heard her gag, and only have about three fourths of it in her mouth

where she pulled out, "I can't get the whole thing in my mouth, the other

girls said they usually can, but."

She tried a few more times, and each time she tried she got a bit more

that made Harry feel his dick pulsate, "I think I am going too…"

Before he could say cum she quickly stopped and grinned, "I learned this

little trick too."

With that she jumped back on the bed, and away from him, but feeling a

bit animalistic and the overwhelming desire to make her feel the pleasure

he did he followed her. At first, she looked confused, but he went straight

in between her legs, and gently put his face at her entrance, where she

gasped at the mere sight. He had learned this one from what Dean

Thomas said that he did to Sally Anne, and he briefly wondered if Susan

had heard the same story. He didn't question it though as he took his

tongue and run it straight into her vagina. At first it was kind of

unpleasant for him, as she was really wet down there, and he got a lot of

thick cum in his mouth, but the sounds she made…made any unpleasant

feelings go away. He sliced his tongue through her, and even sucked a

few times on it, making the girl grab his head and practically scream

with pleasure. Harry couldn't believe that he was doing so well, and just

willed his tongue to go as fast it could. He even briefly wondered if it had

something to do with him being a parselmouth before. Whatever it was it

had put the redhead girl almost out of commission.

However, he heard her say stop after a few more minutes, and he looked

up confused. She gave him slow finger that told him to come to her, and

he did climb up to where they were face to face, "Harry this has all been

amazing so far, but I want you to come inside me. I want you to

experience every bit of me, and I want us to have that connection."

Still feeling a little hazy from his hormones, he nodded his head, "I love

you Susan."

She smiled at him, but didn't say it back, as she grabbed his dick, and

whispered, "Go slowly Harry. I think it's going to hurt me at first."

Harry nodded and positioned himself. She then slowly guided him in,

where he felt instant warmth. As he slowly pushed through her he

noticed how wet it was down there from his tongue, and her cum, and it

was really warm and felt amazing on his shaft. At one point he hit a bit

of a wall, and she said, "Now I want you to shove it in Harry just one

time, and then give me a moment okay."

She reached for her wand that was on the bed nearby and nodded at him

to go through with it. With a quick thrust he felt his dick go straight

through something and the girl yelped, and then pointed her wand at her

stomach, and the pain seemed to ebb away off her face. After maybe a

minute of him being inside her she said, "Okay I want you to move but

slowly Harry please."

Harry did as he was told very afraid to hurt her. He slowly slid half of it

in and out of her for the next minute, and listened to her moan, and

watched the look of pleasures flit across her face. He loved every second

of it, and even began sucking a bit on her neck as he slid in and out of

her, undoubtedly leaving a few marks.

The minutes passed, and she whimpered, "Deeper Harry, I want more of


Harry did as we told and slowly slid a bit more of himself in her, and she

moaned loudly, and then said, "More Harry."

At this point Harry was almost all the way in, and her eyes shot wide

open as he pushed the rest of himself in there, "Oh god!"

Harry felt how tight it was down there, and nearly blacked out with

pleasure himself, and then she took his face, "Harry make love to me

please. Go faster, harder, and deeper into me. Make me yours and only


Immediately taking that command he withdrew from her and quickly

reinserted the whole thing into her causing her arms to snake around

quickly and roughly, as he did this several times causing the girl to moan

and moan. He felt himself quickly coming to an orgasm, and he drilled

into her harder letting primal instinct take over. As he did this he finally

accomplished something that Seamus said was perfection in the bed…a

scream of his name, "HARRY!"

Susan then slumped a bit, and he continued shoving into her for only a

few more seconds before he said, "I'm going to cum!"

However instead of pulling out of her she screamed, "Cum in me Harry

fill me with your seed."

Harry not knowing if this was a good idea or not was far too gone to do

anything other than what he was told so fucked her to the point that his

cum shot deeply into her as she moaned softly clearly exhausted from the

pleasure she felt.

When he was done and feeling sensitive in his dick he pulled out of her

and laid next to her where she snuggled up in his arms, "That was

amazing. You were amazing. I am not sure I believe you anymore that

you have never been with a girl Harry."

Merely kissing the girl on top of the head panting for breath, "I swear to

you were my first. I just listened to what Dean and Seamus told me."

"I should write them a thank you card." Susan mumbled softly.

"Sue, you let me go off inside of you, does that mean…"

"No Harry not this time at least. I cast the charm at the beginning that

works like muggle pills. I can't get pregnant as long as I cast that charm."

Susan said gently.

Harry nodded at this and just let his mind replay the wonders he had just

experienced. She then said in almost a laugh, "You have to do all that to

me again every night we are hear you know."

"With silencing charms, I agree. You were quite loud."

"Did you like it?" Susan asked almost nervously.

"Too much, I almost lost it a few times way to early." He said grinning.

This caused the girl to smile though he couldn't see it, "Let's get some

sleep we have a big day tomorrow." Harry said.

She nodded and pressed her body up against his where she was spooning

him with her naked body, which almost made him want to do it all

again. They laid in silence for a moment, before she said, "I love you too


(A/N) Hope you enjoyed. Please review!

26. The Slug Club

Chapter 26

The rest of the trip had been an amazing experience as if it had been

from someone else's life. Harry and Susan had explored Rome to the its

very depths in both the magical and muggle world and had been utterly

amazed by it all. The Coliseum and the Roman architecture were truly

amazing, and Harry admitted he wanted to come back to Rome every

year to visit what may now be his favorite place in the world.

Also of course it would be where Harry and Susan shared their first

special moment together, and if the boy was being honest it had been his

favorite part. The two were very passionate, and very grateful for the

experiences, and were completely relentless to each other each night.

Harry wasn't even sure how they would manage when they went back

home without sleeping together every night, and that feeling went well

beyond just the desire for intercourse.

Each night Sirius and Remus went off, and never came to check on the

two of them, but instead met them in the breakfast hall at 8:00Am sharp.

Not wanting his two surrogate parents to come looking for him Harry of

course made sure that they were in the dining hall by then. Harry knew it

would come up between him and Sirius one day, but the Marauder never

saw fit to bring it up to his son/Godson, so Harry never saw a reason to

bring it up either.

The trip was over before he knew it though, and they were back in Potter

Manor celebrating his birthday which came and went far too quickly for

his liking. His gifts had been nothing spectacular but compared to what

Susan gave him on the night of he figured nothing compared.

The time to return to school had returned, and Harry considered himself

very lucky to get to experience an entire Summer of peace, and fun

without the interruption or attacks from Lord Voldemort. Since the day

on the train where Harry, and his friends had nearly defeated the Dark

Lord he had been deathly silent.

The friends and leaders of the DA had all given Harry some brief

speculation on why they thought Voldemort had remained silent, but

Harry was unsure if any of them were correct. Harry figured that if

Dumbledore remained in power at Hogwarts, he would be safe, but the

day that ended would be the first day that Harry would be in some

serious trouble at Hogwarts, and in the real world.

Speaking of Dumbledore Harry's training with the man had really taken

off as the wizened old man claimed they had covered everything he knew

about Voldemort, and now it was just a matter of preparing Harry for a

final confrontation, and of course hunting down the Horcruxes. He had

even helped the man recruit their new potions master Professor Slughorn

whom was apparently an old friend of Dumbledore's and his mother's

potion master. This of course meant that Snape was going to be moving

to another position as the Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher, which

meant anyone and everyone who asked Harry if he was going to be

continuing the DA this year got a definite answer of yes.

It had been a relatively normal day for the Hogwarts Express as they

were trekking their way across the countryside towards the ancient

school, and for once no interruptions had come in the form of Draco

Malfoy which was the most surprising thing of all. After all Harry killed

Malfoy Senior in the duel for the Express, and Draco had been arrested

and released after being warned about following the paths of Dark


It came up in the conversation brought forth by Ron finally, "So you

think Draco Dearest has finally had enough Harry? He has been awfully

silent on this train ride?"

Hermione barely looking up from her book said, "Well with him losing

his prefect badge, and four prefects being in this carriage alone he

decided the smart decision was to stay away."

Ernie shrugged, "Since when has Malfoy ever made a smart decision?"

There was some chorus' of agreements, when a door slid open to reveal a

young second- or third-year girl who squeaked a bit, "Excuse

me...Professor Slughorn gave me these invitations to hand out, I think all

of your names are on this list? I think it's for lunch!"

Hannah stood up asking the girl for the list being very kind as she

squatted down to her level reading over it, "She's right we are all on here.

Thank you Kimmie."

Taking the invitations from the girl Hannah politely dismissed the girl,

and turned to her friends, "Should we go to this?"

Looking at everyone in the compartment Harry sighed, "Well we were all

invited so I don't see why we shouldn't?"

The group seemed to take that in agreement while Susan patted the boy

hands, and took it dragging him to his feet and out of the compartment

with the rest of the group falling behind the golden couple as they were

now being referred to as.

When they made it to Slughorns cabin they were among the last to

arrive, and were greeted merrily, "Oh ho ho, I should have known you

would come with the clan Mr. Potter, welcome to you all!"

Harry smiled at the professor offering his hand, "It's good to see you

again professor."

"And you my boy, and you! I saved you and Ms. Bones a spot right next

to me, please!"

With that they were all seated in the spots that were left open with Susan

taking the seat right next to Harry. He took a brief glance at everyone

and recognized the Slytherin girl from last year that helped him after

being hit with the cruciatas curse. A seventh year Gryffindor whose name

escaped him. Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley whom was looking fidgety in

her chair, Terry Boot who greeted the group as they came in. Once

everyone was seated however Slughorn clapped his hands, "Ah now

before we eat, I want to make sure everyone is well acquainted with each

other. On my left is the ever so charming Daphne Greengrass, her mother

is quite the established mediwitch at St. Mungos, and her father Lord

Greengrass is the editor and chief of the Wizarding Wireless."

Harry's eyes lit up, at recognition of the name Greengrass, and the name

of the girl who had tried to help him last year, "Lord Greengrass is your

father? I met him over the Summer..."

Daphne nodded her head, "Yes he told me about that incident Potter, I

think your friend over there embarrassed him pretty good, but I did warn

up to be more tactful with his questions."

Collin whom had been the friend that Daphne referred to shrugged the

comment off, "We didn't mean to be disrespectful we had just agreed

before the meeting that we weren't going to let anyone walk all over

Harry or give any implied insults. The way your dad phrased it sounded

like Harry wasn't good enough or something."

Daphne held her hands up in defense, "I know, and he gave me some of

his questions before the interview, and I warned him that with Bones

being there no one was going to be able to walk all over him. He hoped

to catch you off guard and sneak several questions in there. It was a

foolish attempt."

Harry shook his head, "I never got to thank you. Last year. You helped

me after Umbridge put me under the Cruciatas...So Thank You Ms.


The pretty blue-eyed girl gave him a dazzling smile, "You're welcome


"Please call me Harry." The young man offered.

The girl nodded, "Daphne then."

The two shared a smile and Slughorn grinned at the two, "Well this

exactly what these meetings are supposed to be out. Strengthening

connections! Well done you two, take ten points to each house

respectively for school cooperation."

"Let's continue with introductions. We have Cormac Mclaggen a seventh

year Gryffindor whose Uncle and Father are both quite respected Wizards

in the Ministry. Blaise Zabini whose mother I taught back in school many

years ago, the women was quite the hand in potions."

Harry saw some of his friend's exchange looks at that. It had been a nasty

rumor, but also a fact that Blaise Zabini had lost several step fathers in

his life, and the popular theory was that his mother was a very talented

Black Widow.

"Terry Boot is a sixth year Ravenclaw, and also related to Anthony Boot

whom as some of you may or may not was one of the main developers of


Harry actually did not know that and gave the boy a surprised look that

he never brought it up to him during any DA meetings, over the Summer,

or during the school year, "Ginny Weasley whom I realized was a witch

to be reckoned with when I saw her blasting some poor boy with a bat

bogey hex charm. I invited her to this meeting instead of issuing her a

detention because I am always on the lookout for young people with guts

and gusto!"

That explained why the girl looked so twitchy. If Harry had been caught

by a teacher hexing someone, and then been invited to lunch he would

have been nervous too, "Then there is Marcus Belby his Uncle invented

the Wolfsbane potion. Now for some of you only your reputations got you

into this room. Starting with you Ms. Granger, Mr. Creevy. I read the

paper over the Summer and saw that you, well all seven of you, Ms.

Abbott, Mr. Longbottom, Ms. Bones, Mr. Weasley, and Mr. McMillan, had

been the leaders of the defense of the Hogwarts Express back in June,

and the revolution that took place inside the school."

Harry taking a chance to show his friends off a bit said, "If you don't

mind professor, I could tell you a bit about each of these people, as I

have come to know them over the years."

Slughorn patted the boy on the back, "Please do Harry my boy I trust

your judgment without doubt!"

Harry nodded, "Collin Creevy is about as Gryffindor as they come. He is a

Muggleborn who was the most annoying child I had ever met about five

years ago."

This caused some chuckles through the group and a blush from the young

boy, "But he is also one of the bravest among us. Fiercely loyal to his

friends, and a very quick learner if you just give him the right push. He

has stood out among even the best of Hogwarts duelist, and I think he

would give any seventh year a run for their money in a duel."

Blushing at the praise he turned to Hermione, "One of the brightest

witches of our age Hermione Granger. Saved my life with her brilliance

more times than I can count. The overall number one spot in my class.

This girl will blow you away with how much she knows, and how easily

she can recite text that she reads. She is as magically powerful as my

mother at her age, and intelligence wise everyone tells me she would

have been a great competition to Lily Potter."

Slughorn gave the girl a smile, "I could think of no higher compliment

Ms. Granger, if people even Mr. Potter who does not know his mother as

well as some, would compare you to her then take it in high pride. She

was the most brilliant student I ever had!"

Harry gave the potions master a grateful nod, "Hannah Abbott and

Neville Longbottom I will give together. A power couple that

compliments each other beautifully. Both are prodigies in the Herbology

field, and I have no doubt that they will do great things in that field once

we get out Hogwarts, Neville as Lord Longbottom also follows his

ancestry well. His dueling skill is among the most powerful in my defense

group and has definitely come the longest way since we got on this train

last year. Hannah also comes from a long line of Purebloods and will be

helping me teach the Defense Association this year."

Daphne interjected, "I hear it is going to be open to all houses this year?"

Harry nodded, "Yes anyone is welcome. I am the leader of the group

though, and I have been given permission to remove anyone that

attempts to abuse the teachings we as a group give to each other."

The girl asked almost timidly, "So you would even welcome a Slytherin?"

Quickly putting her doubt down Harry said, "I would gladly accept any

Slytherin particularly one who attempted to help me in a time of need. I

would welcome you and any Slytherin who was serious about learning to

defend themselves Daphne."

The girl smiled prettily at him, "Good to know."

Harry didn't see the glare his girlfriend was giving him, and instead

moved on, "Ron Weasley my best friend since first year, and my first

friend I made at Hogwarts. A brilliant Chest master, and overall

strategist. A very capable duelist. A Chudley Cannons die hard fanatic

and has the ambition to become an auror now that we don't have

Professor Snape's outstanding requirement to get into Potions."

Slughorn tipped his hat to the boy, "I taught both your parents. Neither

had much of a knack for potions, but I promise I will do my best to

ensure you get the required score for NEWTs to become an auror if that is

your ambition!"

Harry grinned, "And this beautiful young woman beside me is my other

half. Susan Bones. Hufflepuff, and Runes prodigy in the making. Fiercely

loyal to her friends and family, a fair hand at potions herself, and

extremely compassionate to all those she comes across. The press has

even started referring to her as the girl-who-stood. Not to mention she is

also quite the fierce duelist these days."

"With your help I don't doubt?" Professor Slughorn asked merrily.

"Yes Professor, when the Dark Lord put a price on my head, and Susan

didn't run away screaming I figured I better teach her everything I could

just in case the time ever came...but that is everyone, my closest friends

in the world, whom I would trust with my life. I don't think you would go

wrong with anyone in this group." Harry said looking at his friends with


Professor Slughorn then looked at the young man approvingly, "More

leadership than even your mother I daresay because the best are for last

introductions wise, though I doubt anyone needs one. Harry Potter the

man behind the legend. Survivor of two killing curses, Triwizard

Champion, and the Chosen One as now people throughout the country

are calling you."

Harry shook his head, "I don't know about all those things sir, but you

forgot my most important title."

The man looked bewildered at the boy, but he merely grinned, "Leader of

the Defense Association at Hogwarts."

The man boomed with laughter and the boys in the group including

Terry and Ernie banged their hands softly on the table in agreement,

"Might I add with enough charisma to incite rebellion against the

Ministry. Though I hear you get along with them quite well these days?"

Harry nodded, "Minister Scrimgeour and I see eye to eye on this coming

war, and that it needs to end before it begins. Voldemort is hiding under

a rock somewhere after my friends and I nearly put an end to him, and

while he licks his wounds the rest of us have trained everyday preparing

for the next confrontation. The Ministry and I will stand together in this,

because while we may not believe the prophesy, we won't discount the

fact that Voldemort does."

Blaise Zabini snorted, "Do you really think you can defeat the Dark Lord


Everyone looked at him curiously when he laughed saying, "No, not a

snowballs chance in hell. He would kill me in an instant if we were to

cross wands again one on one."

He said it with such conviction he shocked some people, but Susan

placed a hand on his in front of everyone smiling, "But he won't face him

alone. He will face him with every wand the Ministry and Defense

Association can offer him."

Ron Weasley then added, "Along with every member of the Order of the


Cormac asked, "Is that a requirement to be in your defense group? Swear

allegiance to you Potter?"

Before Harry could answer Neville answered, "No. Harry teaches us so if

the horrible occasion were to arise and the Dark Lord or any Dark Wizard

stood against us, we could survive. A lot of what he teaches us isn't even

actual magic, but instinctual defense. He teaches us how to survive by

any means necessary, even if it means standing against your enemy."

Hannah added, "Harry has never once pressured me about my side of the

war, in fact he has never even asked me. But when each situation arose

against him, I found myself standing beside a friend and many others

trying to help him."

Susan grinned at the others while saying, "Does that answer your

questions Zabini? Mclaggen?"

Slughorn laughed some more, "Merlin Harry my boy I think you have

quite a group here. It seems you inspire loyalty in people and that's a

very admirable trait. Treat them well!"

With that lunch was served, and the conversation was much more civil

without talks of the war or Voldemort. After a short while Slughorn

looked out the window and seen the time had gone, "Great Scott! I think I

have capitalized to much of your time. I will be holding various dinners

throughout the year with more students, and such it would be my honor

to have you all back for those, and around Christmas time I will my hold

annual party with some of my more interesting past students. I hope to

see you all there."

With that Slughorn greeted everyone goodbye, and the group of DA

leaders made their way back to their compartment to get ready to depart

from the train. Harry whispered to Susan quietly, "If Mclaggen keeps

eyeing you the way he did in that meeting I may blast the boy off his

broom at a Quidditch practice this year."

The girl grinned slyly, "He is pretty good looking, but I would hate to see

my favorite captain suspended for killing his Keeper."

Harry shrugged, "Ron may end up replacing him this year. He practiced a

lot with Ginny and the twins so hopefully he can stick it to Mclaggen.

Then I could just toss him off the Astronomy tower."

Susan shook her head, "Your impossible!" But then whispered in his ear,

"And incredibly sexy!"

This caused the boy to grab the girl by the hips, and she squealed darting

her way down the hallway trying to get back their compartment in a

hurry. The train arrived back at Hogwarts within a few moments, and the

group left quickly enjoying the cool fresh air. The carriages took them all

to the castle with relative ease where they had Filch, and a few Aurors

running some type of dark magic detectors over the luggage and


"Wothcer Harry!" A familiar pink haired auror greeted the boy as she ran

the detector over his luggage.

"Hey Tonks. What are you doing here? New station?" Harry inquired.

Nodding the girl stood up to her full height, "Yep! We are actually

stationed in Hogsmeade in case of trouble, but we will be making pretty

regular trips up to Hogwarts."

Grinning the boy said, "I'll buy you a drink at Hogsmeade sometime. Just

come find me!"

The girl winked, "I don't think Susie here would like you buying another

girl a drink."

Susan however looked up and down the girl before saying, "No I think I

wouldn't mind if you bought this particular girl a drink Harry."

Susan taking a chance winked at Tonks causing the girl to blush a bit,

and Harry to laugh. He had noticed since Susan and himself had taken

their relationship to a sexual level she had been a lot more confident with

him, and others in general as well. With this thought quickly passing

through his head they were waved along and approached the castle.

The feast was as extravagant as usual, with the presence of a few Aurors

included walking around the great entrance hall randomly not speaking

with students, but just pacing like they were expecting something to

happen at any moment. Harry could tell it made some people nervous,

but as for him he felt more at ease. If it came to a firefight at least he had

the Aurors to back him up as he recognized almost all of them from his

Summer training.

The feast went by, and Dumbledore began his starting announcements.

He started with the announcement of the new Potions Master Horace

Slughorn. Harry led the applause in this one as he felt he genuinely liked

the man and enjoyed the stories he had told him about his mother as a

young student. The applause was well met, and the following

announcement that Snape was taking over the Defense Against the Dark

Arts post was certainly not. The applause barely even came from the

Slytherin section. It was the following announcement that shocked Harry

though, "For those who have been unaware of the most recent

phenomenon at Hogwarts we are officially sponsoring a Defense Club led

by our very own Mr. Potter, and he will now come up and give a few

words about what the aims of this club are, and its importance."

Dumbledore took a step back from the podium, and everyone looked at

Harry expectantly. He exchanged looks with Ron and Hermione who both

looked at him questioningly, but the look he gave them assured them

that he had no idea this was coming. Harry quickly stood up and walked

across the great hall and took the offered hand from the Headmaster, and

the man winked at him as he turned to face the entire population of

Hogwarts. Swallowing his nerves down a bit he spoke softly, "Okay so

last year some friends of mine decided it would be a good idea to start

preparing for our OWL's and what else was out there. As we all

remember we didn't have the most useful Defense Teacher, but we

thought we would do our best among ourselves. I also want to make it

very clear that we are not going to try and usurp Professor Snape's

lessons. We are going to do our best to coordinate things that are

completely different from what he is teaching us this year, so we are not

interfering with his classes, or our own practices."

There was no talking in the hall just silence and stares, "Without giving

you all the history, and the reasons let me tell you how it is going to be

this year. I am going to run two groups. One will be Monday Wednesday,

and the other will be Tuesday Thursdays. It will be separated by beginner

and advanced and let me stress that myself and the leaders of this

Defense Association will determine where you belong, and you will only

advance with a majority vote among the already established leadership,

but you can be placed down if you cannot keep up. Everyone starts in the

beginner group until they prove themselves otherwise. That may happen

in the first class, first week, or first month, but if we think you can keep

up, we will move you up even if you struggle because we want to push

you to be your best."

Looking across the hall Harry eyes wandered upon nearly every person,

"This group is about learning how to defend yourself. We have decided as

a group we will turn no one away no matter who your family is, but I

promise you this...if you can't leave your house ties, your personal

problems, or even your personal relationships at the door you will not

make it in this group. I have been given the power to kick anyone out of

the group that does not keep up with the standard we set, and when I say

that I don't mean a power standard. The first meeting will be tomorrow

for the beginners, and I hope to see a lot of new faces there, along with

all of my familiar faces."

Harry turned to the headmaster who began clapping, and applause swept

across the hall. Harry gave a slight wave and awkwardly went back to his

seat, where Neville clapped him on the shoulder, "Breathe mate. You can

stand in front of Voldemort and the press but put you in front of your

peers and you looked like a nervous wreck."

Harry gave the boy a dirty look, "I was, I didn't know Dumbledore was

going to put me on the spot like that or I would have prepared


Hermione shook her head, "Don't worry Harry you did fine. You got the

important stuff across. Days of the meetings, everyone is welcome, we

expect a certain standard, it could have been delivered with a bigger

smile on your face, but other than it was fine."

Harry shook off the stares he was still getting from across the hall as

Dumbledore talked about the sign-up boards for the club and the heads

of house who would rotate watching over the club one day a week. Katie

Bell looked over to Harry asking, "How are you going to do Quidditch

and the DA Harry?"

Smiling at his star chaser he shrugged, "With whatever Susan and

Hermione put together. I won't be teaching every class. The leaders of the

DA worked with me a lot over the Summer and they are certainly capable

teachers, but of course I will be there as often as I can. I was assured that

they would take care of my scheduling since it was there idea in the first


The girl nodded, but Harry asked, "Would you be interested in Co-

Captain? You have been on the team as long as I have and are just as

talented. I would welcome you to hold practices on days that I can't, after

all pretty much everyone on the team will be in the advanced class for

DA so it may work out that way."

The girl gave the boy a brilliant smile, "Whatever I can do to help Harry.

Just make sure I get the password to the prefect's bathroom. I would love

to take a nice bath every now and then."

Harry grinned at the girl, "Thanks Katie, I will make sure you get the

password when I get it from McGonagall."

Given the girl a nod of appreciation he focused on the rest of the

announcements and was prepared to get up from the hall when a

messenger charm landed on the table in front of him. He easily picked it

up, and opened it looking around for who may have sent it, "Ice-Mice"

Looking up at the head table he saw Dumbledore smiling down on him,

and giving him a slight nod, and then turning to walk out of the room

allowing Harry to do the same.

(A/N) I'm back in action, and I am hoping I will bring you all the

epic conclusion to this story in the coming weeks. Look for my next

update next Wednesday, and please leave a review. It has been a

while since I touched this story so if I mix things up please politely

send me a message or leave it in a review, and I will fix it ASAP.


27. A New Tragedy

Chapter 27

Harry was standing in front of the headmaster's office in no time at all.

He had dismissed himself from the Gryffindor group that was heading to

the common room and had headed over across the castle with his wand

and invisibility cloak on hand.

Giving the password to the gargoyle allowed the boy entry to the

headmaster's office for what felt like the hundredth time. Harry hoped

there was good news waiting for him in the office when he went through

the door, "Good evening professor."

"Good evening Mr. Potter, we have a few things to discuss about this

year, and I wanted to get your opinion on it before I executed my plans."

Dumbledore said pleasantly.

Harry walked to the man's desk taking the offered seat, and even the

lemon drop that was offered, "I appreciate that headmaster. What is on

your mind?"

The man looked at the boy and began to speak, "You have a lot on your

plate this year. With running the Defense Association, being the

Quidditch Captain, taking lessons with me, keeping up with your own

training, and your own classes. I just want to do something that may help

you in your journey."

"What did you have in mind sir? The Quidditch Captaincy I have decided

to Co-Captain with Katie Bell if that is okay? She has been on the team

just as long as me and has a real shot at going pro next year. She is

capable if that is okay with you and professor McGonagall."

The man nodded his head, "That sounds like an excellent idea. I will

inform Minerva of your decision and I am sure she will support it. She

gave you captaincy because she thought you were the most talented

player on the team but worried it would be too much. I am glad she gave

it to you however so you and Ms. Bell can split the responsibilities. Now

about the rest of it."

Harry shrugged, "I will just have to do my best."

"And maintain your relationship with Ms. Bones?" Dumbledore inquired.

Looking at the old man sadly he said, "Susan and I have agreed that the

best thing we can do is be patient with each other. We both believe that

there is a really good chance that we have the rest of our future together

to spend time together, but if we don't treat these responsibilities

seriously there may not be a very long future."

The headmaster nodded his head wisely, "That is a very mature decision,

so I would like to offer you a very mature option."

He reached in and pulled out a sheet of paper that Harry noticed had

Sirius' signature on it, "I had spoken to your godfather at lengths about

your options, and he liked this one the best. Hogwarts used to house a

Lord of the Wizengamot every now and do to unfortunate circumstances

like your own, and they were given private quarters because they would

at times have to leave and not come back till late in the night or for other

reasons. They would also have some added stress then the average

student, so the founders thought given their circumstances they would

extend some help to these students of special circumstances."

Harry looked at the headmaster in surprise, "You are offering me private


Dumbledore nodded, "To come go as you please. You will still be given

the password to the Gryffindor Common Room, but your head of house

and I thought that considering all that you are trying to take on this year

we would give you just a little bit of help. The fact of the matter is we

will hopefully find a Horcrux this year to destroy, and we would like you

to come along on these adventures. That may involve pulling you out of

your common room in the middle of the night and we would like to

avoid the rumors circulating about what we may or may not be doing.

The living quarters are also quite large which will allow you and the

heads of the Defense Association to meet and plan out lessons or make

sure all the classes are covered."

Harry shook his head in amazement, "I can see the benefits. What do I

tell people?"

Dumbledore shrugged, "Whatever you wish my boy. We could simply tell

them nothing and let the rumors circulate. Or we could come up with


"I think we need to tell people something. I get enough accusations of

favoritism, and I don't want people to think it's actually true." Harry said


"Then let's do this. We have told the world that you are actively pursuing

Voldemort. If anyone ask you have been given special accommodations

to come and go as you, please in order to help the Ministry in any way

you could. I will pass that message on to Rufus and our reasoning behind

it, and I am sure he would be happy to throw fuel on that rumor."

Dumbledore offered.

Harry quickly agreed to this, "I like that. We might as well take

advantage of all the publicity help we have been giving them."

"Very good I will be in touch with Rufus tomorrow. Now I am going to

pass it among the professor's and the prefects that you have permission to

be out after hours, and I ask that you do not take advantage of that

unless you have too. I also ask that you and Ms. Bones respect curfew,

and other school rules that may be in place." The old man said offering

his conditions to prize.

"I assure you headmaster that I am a perfect gentleman with Susan, and

that I would never do anything she didn't approve of." The young man

said with a bit of a wicked smirk on his face.

The old headmaster bit back a laugh at the boy's response, and merely

raised his glass to him, "Of that I have no doubt Mr. Potter. Go and

inform your friends of the news and meet me on the third floor at 10pm


Harry stood giving a slight bow to the headmaster and walking out of the

room with a big smile on his face.

The start of term had been better than Harry would have dared even pray

for. With his own room he had been sneaking Susan in most nights to

allow them some real peace quiet, and privacy. They of course abused it

as any other teenager would, but no one else had to know that.

The start of the DA had gone over splendidly there were a couple of

Slytherins he was worried about, and some that he was already becoming

quite close with. Namely Daphne Greengrass. She had been a complete

natural duelist and was being quite successful in his group so far. She had

already been moved into the advanced class and was quickly climbing

the ladder in there. Harry wondered just what he could have done with

this girl had he had her last year. Malfoy had been kicked out by an

overwhelming vote of the entire leadership of the DA after he called

Hermione a Mudblood for trying to help him with a curse. With that most

of the other Slytherins had left as well.

Harry had become suspicious of Draco Malfoy in the weeks that would

follow. The boy was being sneaky, and he wasn't quite sure why. It was

clear he was trying to gain access to the room of requirements, but he

was simply unable too. Harry figured it had something to do with the

wards that Susan, Hermione, and Hannah had placed on the room, and

knew/hoped that it would keep the boy away from whatever he was


The only thing that wasn't just great in his life with his Defense Against

the Dark Arts class. Snape seemed to take personal insult to the fact that

Harry was leading a Defense Group, while he was the Defense Against the

Dark Arts class, and took points from Harry for literally everything. The

boy however did not complain and merely understood that he would not

have been much different were the situations reversed.

The first Quidditch game was upon the group quickly and Harry was

leading his team out onto the field with his head held high. The team was

looking good under Katie Bell's instruction, and Harry's gentle guidance.

Truth be told she was definitely carrying most of the weight for the team,

and Harry was going to do his best to ensure she got MVP this year at the

end of the season.

As the team walked towards the pitch many Gryffindor fans from his

house, and Harry Potter fans in general were applauding and whistling at

their arrival. Harry couldn't help but notice quite a few girls were

wearing his Jersey number, but they were all cheap knock offs compared

to the real practice Jersey that Susan was wearing. He gave the girl a

wink as he walked past her and his friends who were all smiles. Things

were so good at the moment he should have known that things were

imminently going to have to start going wrong.

The game was played like any other. The only oddity was that Draco

Malfoy had at the last minute resigned from his spot as the team Seeker,

and another young Slytherin had taken his place. The boy was no match

for Harry's experience, and the young green-eyed boy had captured the

snitch in under an hour, which allowed his team to score a considerable

amount of points already leaving them in a good position to win the

Quidditch Cup right off the bat.

That night the party was taking place in the Gryffindor Common Room as

always. Harry was hanging out near the back with some of the DA

leaders he had invited into the common room and were just relaxing

having a good time. Harry was a few butter beers and a couple shots of

firewhiskey in him, so he was feeling good, but not exactly to the point of


For the most part the party was rather relaxed as Harry had his arm

around Susan tightly as the two talked among the group, "Hell of a catch

today Harry. Great timing too. Left the field making Katie look pretty

great scoring 8 of the 14 goals." Ron said enthusiastically.

Hannah Abbott who was surgically attached to Neville's hip ever since

they became a couple after the attack on the Hogwarts Express said,

"Don't forget to give yourself some credit Ron you were outstanding on

the defensive side of things today, and that pass you made to Ginny

across the field was awesome. I know there were some scouts in the

stands today, and you keep that up you may actually end playing reserve

somewhere for a few years before getting a spot on the starting rotation


Ron blushed a bit at the girl's praise, and Lavender Brown whom was

nearby listening in accidentally on the groups conversation caught onto

this, "Ron would you want to be a pro in Quidditch?"

The boy looked at the girl with a startled look, "Honestly I never thought

I would be quite good enough, but it's been my dream to play for the

Canons since I was a kid. I can't think of anything better."

This got the two talking and Susan and Harry exchanged looks knowing

that Ron was about to be captured by Lavender Brown. The girl did like

her famous blokes. She made a pass on Harry at the end of the year last

year and Susan all but hexed her and reminded her to keep her hands to


Colin Creevey was getting cozy on the couches nearby with Ginny

Weasley whom had accepted his offer to Hogsmeade and had even kissed

the boy quite soundly after their first date cementing the two as a couple.

Harry looked around and for a moment he forgot there was a war, and

just thought that they were all young teenagers with a lot left to live for,

and a whole future ahead of them.

Suddenly Harry felt a little weak, and he felt his knees buckle. Susan

quickly yelped and got the attention of most of the people in the common

room who saw their brazen leader fall. Harry felt a pounding sensation

enter his head, and saw a green light go slamming into a barrier. Harry

was on the ground clenching his head and nearly shouted in shock of the

sudden intrusion in his mind.

Susan quickly asked, "Harry what's wrong? Is it your scar?"

Shaking his head quickly he grunted out, "I don't know what's wrong. I

saw a flash of green light hit a giant shield, and my head just started

killing me."

Neville was at his side again, "Was it another vision? I thought you were

done with those?"

Harry was just about to retort when a patronus shot into the room at that

point in the shape of a lion, "Potter... Your Ancestral home has been

attacked. Please contact me at once...There were casualties."

Harry felt a stinging sensation on his heart, and dread set in. He had

gotten to comfortable. To use to things going right. He wasn't ready for

this. It was Sirius...It had to be.

The Gryffindor Common Room was silent, but Harry stood back to his

feet, "If you all will excuse me. Try to enjoy the rest of the party. I will

come with news when I can."

Many people looked grim, and some could even hear the hollowness in

his voice, and his closer friends knew he was preparing for the worst.

Harry made his way out of the common room with Susan at his side.

Some of the others asked if he wanted them to come, but Harry cited that

the battle was clearly already over, and everything else could wait till

tomorrow. When he made it to the Headmasters office he said the

password and ascended the stairs. Dumbledore was waiting for him and

Susan with a grim look further cementing the fact in Harry's mind that

Sirius was gone.

Dumbledore sighed, "I trust you know of the attack already. I felt it just


Harry raised his eyes, "That's what that feeling was. It just about knocked

me over with the sickest feeling."

Dumbledore looked puzzled, "Yes. Voldemort himself must have ripped

through your wards. I felt it myself even as I only helped you power up

the wards. Fortunately for my health that it was not I who finished them,

or it might have killed me in my age."

Harry felt slightly bad about this and did not know such a cost could

come for putting up wards, but it made sense as they were tied to each

person's magical core. Dumbledore continued, "If you did not know the

wards were ripped apart how-"

"The Minister sent me a patronus. I got the message in the Gryffindor

Common Room. He wanted to speak to me straight away." Harry said

calmly as if he was already coming to terms.

Dumbledore nodded, "They are all at the Minister's office now. They had

to abandon Potter Manor. It is lucky but unknown why Voldemort

attacked it while you were not there."

Harry shook his head, "I know exactly why he did it. He wanted to crush

my spirits."

Susan tightened her grip on Harry's arm, but Dumbledore sighed, "I hope

you will not allow him too."

Shooting back a quick retort he said, "I will wait to pass judgment by

what I find out from the Minister. May I use your floo."

"No, I think it is best we all go together. Fawkes can get us out of

Hogwarts and straight to the Minister's office." Dumbledore explained.

The old man quickly stood up and walked over to the young couple

offering his arm to Harry, "Take my arm Harry. Ms. Bones don't let go of

Mr. Potter."

The girl nodded having no intention of letting go of her boyfriend and

the group fire flashed across the country to the Minister's office.

Upon arrival it was clear that quite a battle had taken place by the

number of injured that were present. Nothing life threatening, but it was

clear at least a dozen were hurt in some form or another. Harry spotted

Gawain first, and ran to him, "Gawain, what happened?"

The man looked down trodden when he saw Harry, which is contrast to

how the man normally looked when he saw the green-eyed boy and

Harry's stomach dropped further, "An attack on Potter Manor. The

Aurors, the trusted Aurors were having a meeting there, but someone

must have leaked the information. We were attacked by Voldemort,

Bellatrix, and some other Death Eaters. We fought as best we could, but

in the end, there wasn't much we could do. They had a goal, and it was

assassination. It was quick in and out. I am sorry Harry, Susan, but-"

Rufus Scrimgeour took that time to appear, "Harry! Susan. Please come in

to my office."

Gawain looked apologetically at the two and put a hand on each of their

shoulders, "Stay strong you too."

Harry almost couldn't stand the apprehension anymore as he walked

towards the Minister's office whom had his door opened to him. The

young green-eyed man instantly dragged Susan into the room, and he

thought he saw a ghost when Sirius, Remus, and Kingsley were all sitting

around. Harry was so happy to see his Godfather he didn't even stop to

register the grim looks on their faces when the young man rushed his

Godfather bringing him to a tight hug, "I thought it was you Padfoot. I

thought you were dead."

Harry felt like crying but was glad he didn't when Sirius separated the

two after a quick embrace, "Harry you and Susan need to have a seat. I

am afraid it's going to be a long night."

The young man was confused though he had seen everyone already,

except, "Where's Auntie?"

All the men flinched at that question, and Harry suddenly felt his gut sink

again, and he now knew why everyone looked so grim. The young man's

hand at once dropped into Susan's and took a seat bringing her into his

lap quickly allowing the Minister to close the door and take a seat at his

desk before addressing Susan, "Your Aunt Susan...She was one of the

bravest woman I ever knew. She fought till her last breath, and even

managed to help get us all out of the Manor. She was a hero Susan, but I

am sorry she...didn't make it."

The silence was harsh for several moments, and then Susan just stuck her

face in Harry's neck and the tears began to come. She didn't scream or

sob, she just let the tears fall out, and Harry knew they were coming as

they touched his neck. Harry held the girl tightly and whispered into her

ear, "It's going to be okay love. Let it out. She wouldn't have wanted you

to suffer silently."

Even with his words of encouragement the girl didn't do more than just

let the tears run silently down her face, and Harry honestly much rather

would have dealt with the sobbing Susan then this agonizing tortured girl

he was holding on to.

Harry asked the question next, "What happened Rufus? Gawain said there

was a trusted Auror meeting, but that someone leaked it."

Sirius nodded and quietly said, "We aren't sure who, but the information

got back to Voldemort somehow. He attacked us with two dozen Death

Eaters and there were only about fifteen Aurors. We lost at least six, and

the house...it's gone. Burnt to the ground by Voldemort himself. I am

sorry Harry. We tried to defend it, but it just couldn't be done."

Harry shook his head, "I don't understand. How did he get through the

wards so fast? I felt him break them and it felt like he did it with a single


Remus shook his head, "I dueled with Augustus Rookwood out there. He

must have had something to do with it. He was an unspeakable, and if

anyone would have known how to bring wards down in record breaking

time it was him. I honestly thought they been weakening, but when I

checked the stones they seemed fine. I honestly can't tell you how it

happened, only that it did."

Harry felt torn. He couldn't believe this had happened. Not to Susan. She

was just like him now. She was the last Bone's and he was the last Potter.

He wished there was something he could say. Something he could do for

the girl he loved, but he knew there was nothing. The only thing he could

do in this moment was be there for her.

Susan after several more moments of silence spoke, "How did she die.

Was it...was it him?"

Everyone looked uncomfortable by this, but Sirius sighed, "No it wasn't

Voldemort. Bellatrix and Amelia dueled for several minutes. For most of

the attack actually she kept her back from drawing blood, but at the end

Amelia stood in the way of both Bellatrix and Voldemort so some of the

Aurors could escape through the back of the house, but she couldn't hold

them both off. Bellatrix dealt the final blow after she had been disarmed

the only thing I will say is that it was quick. She didn't feel a thing."

Remus mumbled sadly, "Quicker than falling asleep."

Susan was shaking at this point as the strongly wrapped her arms around

Harry gripping tightly and the tears returned, but this time there was

light sobbing, and Harry was only slightly happier that the girl was

grieving properly.

It hurt Harry to see the love of his life hurt this way, and he wished there

was something he could do for her. Hell, he was even coming to see

Amelia like a future mother figure. Stern and respectable. Wise and kind.

Another great soul ripped from this Earth by the Dark Lord.

Harry spoke again, "I don't understand. If he wanted to break into Potter

Manor, destroy the home, break my spirits, then why not kill Sirius. Why

kill Amelia..."

Rufus looked at Harry and then back at Susan, when he spoke softly, "We

think he is trying to use psychological warfare against you Harry. He no

longer has access to your mind through the horcrux you had in your scar

so now he wants to hurt others around you, especially those closest to


Harry looked at the man puzzled, "That doesn't make sense. He could

have hurt me personally a lot more had he gone after Sirius, or Remus,


Susan snapped, "It wasn't about you this time Harry."

All the men in the room looked at the girl in surprise, and she pushed off

Harry standing to her feet, "Did everyone invited to this meeting know

Auntie was going to be there?"

Rufus looked slightly surprised at the girl when he answered, "Yes...it was

common knowledge among the invited group."

Susan shook as she said, "This wasn't vengeance at Harry. Burning his

home down was enough to hurt him. The assassination of my aunt was a

strike against me. I called the attack against him on the express, and I

have declared myself to Harry. He was hoping to break me, and hopefully

split Harry and I so he could get to me later. You are saying

psychological warfare and I agree, but I think it goes a lot deeper than


Harry nodded his head, "He knows that losing you after all that's

happened would break me. It's like he left the message in blood. He is

going for Susan next."

The men all looked at the two teens in shock. Rufus scratched his head,

"Its a plausible theory, but I don't think we should put too much stock

into what that mad man thinks. Our main goal must be to stop him from

getting everyone, but especially you two. You two are basically the

golden couple of Britain. You stopped Voldemort on the train and

exposed him. He will want to kill you both publicly and loudly. It won't

be behind some back-door meeting, this was personal."

Harry growled, "Then let's make it personal. Minister I would like to put

out a bounty of the Ministry's number two most wanted."

Rufus looked at the young man in surprise and asked, "How much?"

Harry looked at Sirius and the man said, "One Million Galleons. 500,000

from each the Potter and the Black funds. If Voldemort wants to make

this war personal, then we will take out his most trusted ally. I see where

you are going with this Harry, and while it's a Dark Place it would help

us deliver a blow to the heart of the enemy."

Remus skeptically asked, "You think killing Bellatrix will do anything, but

piss off the Voldemort."

Susan shook her head answering for both men. Harry had never heard

her voice sound like this, but it sounded hallow, and he didn't like it one

bit, "That's exactly what we want it to do."

Everyone went into silence, and when Harry looked into those beautiful

blue eyes he had looked into so many times he saw nothing but pain. He

knew the girl he loved was going to hurt until her aunt's killer was

brought to justice, and he would do everything he could to help bring

that peace.

28. Recruiting a Snake

Chapter 28

The weeks that followed Amelia Bone's death started very hard. Susan

wasn't herself at all, and disturbingly quiet, and Harry was really worried

about her. Around the third week of her mourning however she woke up

one day, and the girl was ready to go on with her life, but in a

completely new direction.

Susan had really dedicated herself to the DA and training with Harry. She

trained harder than anyone, and as hard as Harry. Her progress was

immense, and her training was intense. She also no longer really cared

for her grades, her future career, and anything that didn't involve the war

or combat, but that didn't extend to Harry.

The two had become closer than ever. Susan would sneak into his quiet

quarters at night...well after a while she didn't even really try to hide it.

She was caught after hours by Professor Snape one night and she asked

him to fuck off as she slammed Harry's bedroom doors on the old bat.

She skipped his two weeks of detention with the man, and instead went

to the Headmaster, and told him to expel her at which point she walked

out. Needless to say, the Headmaster wasn't going to kick out Susan.

Mostly because she was one of the most popular students in the school,

and she was a leader of the DA, and she was Harry's girlfriend, and the

DA probably would have thrown HIM out of the school had she been

forced out.

Harry secretly loved the new Susan. She was driven. She woke him up

every morning, and they went on a run together, and when they came

back, they would shower together, and she would reward him for

working hard with her. Then they would go to classes, go about their

day, run the DA, then train after hours in the room of requirements

which afterwards she would reward him again. Needless to say, Harry

was loving it. The girl was shining with confidence, and she worked hard,

and while her motives were definitely questionable Harry hoped that he

could protect her through any coming conflict. He only hoped she

wouldn't try and run off to do anything stupid on her own.

It was December before anything of noteworthy significance would occur.

Susan was running the advanced DA class and Harry was watching the

girl admirably. It was the first time he had turned over the advanced DA

class to anyone, but Harry had told her right before class that night that

he wanted her to walk them through the shield and counter offense,

because she was quite exceptional at it perhaps even better than Harry.

So, he turned it over to her willingly and was watching how she did the

in the big leagues. He could tell she was excited, but also a little nervous

that her closest friends in the world were basically watching her and

trying to get the instruction.

"The key to this drill is speed. I don't care how powerful you can fling

blasting curses, exploding hexes, or the unforgivables. If you can't get this

timing right, and the spell off then you are going to lose, and that could

cost you your life. So, I am going to demonstrate for you guys, Hannah,

Ernie if you please."

The two Hufflepuffs stepped forward from the group and simultaneously

cast the stunning spell at Susan, and with lightning speed the girl had she

shield up and returned fire to both taking out Ernie in surprise, and

almost catching Hannah in crossfire. The DA clapped politely at this, and

Susan said, "I was lucky. I don't think Ernie was expecting my response to

be real speed, but demonstration speed. Harry trusted me however to

teach this lesson, so I wanted you guys to see the practicality of the speed

in this. More than likely you won't catch a Death Eater or a Dark Wizard

off guard with this, but this could change the tide of a one on one duel

for sure. Imagine you are being overpowered by someone like Dolohov,

Lestrange, the Dark Lord, but then you surprise them and the blitz of

spells they were firing at you has now been turned on them. Then you

can gang up on them and turn the tide, but not if you can't even get an

attack in. Now partner off in pairs of threes and let's see it. Take your

time, and pace yourselves we don't need to see anyone getting hurt here."

The young red head nodded to Professor Flitwick who was over on the

side grading papers hardly even looking up. After the first the several

weeks of professors sitting in on the lessons they learned to trust and

respect the DA's control they had on the students there, and how well

they ran a lesson. The man would sometimes go around the room and

help correct people or make a good teaching point connecting it to the

practical lessons that he may or may not have taught to the classes

before. It very much legitimized the group, and Harry loved it.

This lesson was a struggle for people at first. Many were getting stunned

right off the bat trying to catch the shield at the perfect time, so it was a

moment too late or a moment too soon, and they would hit the ground.

However, some were getting it on the first try namely Daphne

Greengrass. She was fast, and her consistency was on point. She got

stunned a few times, but she always recovered and came back fast and on

the ball. She was also dueling with Colin Creevy, and Anthony Goldstein.

Anthony wasn't anything special, but Colin had become Harry's little

protege. The boy was fast, and he had some good power to back up his

speed. Nothing immense in power, but he made up for it in speed. Faster

than Harry some speculated, but definitely not as concise, and certainly

not as powerful.

Daphne was on a roll though after stunning both of her partners

however, and Colin had yet to touch her. Harry was impressed with the

girl's wand work, and wondered if perhaps next semester he would invite

her onto the leadership board of the DA. That would mean Private

Training with Harry and his group, but she also had to prove

trustworthy, and being in Slytherin he knew he would face resistance in

the group to bring her in. But at the end of the day they all respected

Harry's decisions for the most part.

After Daphne took down all her partners down for the third time Harry

called her out, "Daphne...Will you come sit with me."

Susan gave the boy a look, but he winked at her and she just grinned

going back to helping out a pair of younger Gryffindors. Daphne came

over and took a seat next to him, and she asked after only a minute of

silence, "What's up Potter why'd you take me from the lesson?"

For a second Harry stared over the group just watching the progress

people were already making under Susan's gentle guidance, but then he

said, "You're good..."

Daphne looked surprised at the compliment, "Thanks, but-"

"Really good." Harry said now looking at the girl.

The girl looked flustered for a moment, and even blushed a bit. Harry

then decided to try an approach, "Are you here spying on my group?"

A flicker of shock crossed the girls face, and then she stood up turning to

the boy, "Are you accusing me of being a snitch Potter?"

The boy remained calm and looked back over the group, "Don't make a

scene. Sit down."

Daphne eyes flickered to the seat, to Harry, to the door. Harry nearly

chuckled, "You wouldn't make it towards the door. Even with Flitwick

over there. Please sit-down Ms. Greengrass."

Considering her options, she seemed to realize she had few, so she sat

back down, "Am I in trouble?"

Harry asked calmly, "That depends. How much of my meetings have you

been leaking, and to whom?"

She quickly said, "Just my parents and my sister, who is a few years

younger in Slytherin."

"I know Astoria Daphne she is in my beginner Defense Class, and she is

promising. I am glad I got her young, and perhaps she will be great by

the time she gets out. If I can find some good leaders to follow this

program up behind me. Or who knows maybe they will hire me right out

of Hogwarts, and I will continue it myself once I have killed the Dark

Lord." Harry said with a bit of a smile on his face.

Daphne looked at the boy shocked for a second but didn't say anything.

Harry then looked at her, "You see Susan out, there right? Commanding

the DA? She's doing great right?"

Not sure why he was asking her this she figured honesty would be best,

"She is a little too quick in her lessons. She could go more in depth on her

explanations of the lessons. Her practical explanation was great, but I

think some of the younger years are struggling because she was vague,

but I think she does pretty good for a witch my age at only sixteen."

He looked lovingly at the girl, "She could be a great teacher. Once I take

her away from this war for a few years, and she some time to delve

deeper into the magics I am teaching her now, but that will be after I kill


He kept saying it, and she was only now starting to understand why, "You

think that I am leaking information to the Dark Lord?"

The boy looked her dead in the eye, "Are you?"

She looked hurt for a moment, but then steeled it over, "No. My parents

aren't Death Eaters, nor am I. I believe in the Pureblood society, but I

don't want people to die for it. I want it to be accepted as a culture, and I

am no way in line with the Dark Lords beliefs. I resent your accusation. I

have never told anyone about what you teach us in these classes, outside

of what my classmates have seen in duels that I have had in the Slytherin

Common Room."

"Duels?" Harry asked.

The girl took on a sad smile, and seemed to age a little, "You aren't a

popular side to choose Potter, but I trust you, and you have taken me in.

From one chance encounter where you allowed me to heal you after the

attack from Umbridge, and you took me in and made my formidable

dueling skills exceptional."

"So, you have had to duel just to stay safe and in the DA?" Harry asked.

"I do what I have to. No one tells me what I can and can't do. Besides I

aspire to taking Madame Bone's job one day. If I am on your side, and I

served your team loyally I figured I would get a hell of a

recommendation from the future Minister of Magic." Daphne said


Harry laughed softly, "Me, Minister of Magic? I think I would rather not."

Daphne shrugged, "Then you will be our generations Dumbledore, and

basically pick every Minister by hand until you die, which means it could

even be me one day. I am a Slytherin, and I am nothing if not ambitious."

Harry took his turn to look the girl in the eye again, "How about loyal?"

"I am no Hufflepuff Potter. You already have your gorgeous loyal

Hufflepuff leading your Defense Group right now." Daphne said with

what sounded like a little disdain.

Harry chuckled, "She is beautiful, but you misunderstand me. I want to

offer you a chance at being on the leadership team of the DA."

The girl looked positively shocked now, "What all does that entail?"

Knowing the girl was a Slytherin Harry gave his sales pitch, "Private

training with myself, and the other leaders in the Defense Association.

Access to each of the families' libraries in the group. A network of

connections in the Order of the Phoenix, the Ministry, and Hogwarts

itself. You work tactics with my group in and basically prepare for the

war. It is here at our doors, and we have to fight back. I won't ask you to

fight on the front lines just help us prepare too."

"You want a spy in Slytherin?" Daphne asked carefully.

Harry looked around the room grinning, "No I don't need one of those.

That position is already filled, and you can't replace them. No, I want

something much more valuable than a spy. Your mind. You are creative,

you are crafty, and we need a Slytherin in our group to give us that

different perspective. We need the mind of a Slytherin. If it won't be you,

we will pick someone else, but if you want that nice cozy office and easy

way to get there you pick my side right now, and you give us all you got

to get to the finish line."

Susan was calling an end to the Defense meeting, and it looked fairly

successful. Harry stood up grinning at his girlfriend, while not even

looking at Daphne, "It's your choice. I haven't even run it by my group

yet. I had to know I could trust you first."

As Harry was walking towards Susan Daphne called out, "How did you


Harry stopped turning to look at the girl one last time, "I read you like a


With that he winked at her and walked towards Susan throwing his arm

around her grinning and talking about how great she did and kissing her

on the cheek. All the while leaving Daphne Greengrass to her thoughts.

The group discussed Harry's plan that night. Susan was at first very quick

to deny Daphne Greengrass entry, but after the night Harry gave her...she

decided there was nothing to worry about and accepted right away. Once

Susan was on board the rest were easy to convince.

Harry approached the girl with the offer once again, and she too

accepted the offer with no further questions.

It was the first day of the Christmas holidays and the whole Defense

Leadership was at Bone's Manor, and that included Daphne Greengrass.

Most of the group was divided into groups. Boys and girl for the most

part. Ron, Neville, Ernie, Collin, and Harry were in one group while

Luna, Hermione, Daphne, Susan, Ginny, and Hannah were in the other.

That made the group basically eleven strong. They were going to start the

Holiday's with a bit of situational duels to and Harry was going to sit out

and let the girl's vs boys 4 v 6.

Harry knew Daphne was good, but he wanted to see how the girl held up

in a real combat like scenario. Where she has to defend herself and the

people around her. The DA doesn't practice anything like this on this

level, and the boy was curious to see how she would hold.

He walked over placing a hand on Daphne's shoulder before he began the

match, "How do you feel? Confident?"

The girl grinned, "Yeah I think this is going to be fun. All the other girls

are excited, but I will just have to see for myself."

"Did you have any trouble convincing your parents to let you come?"

Harry asked curiously still not knowing the girl's parents outside of his

problem with Lord Greengrass during the last press conference.

The girl snorted in a very unlady like manor, "Are you kidding I told

them just who was on the invite list today, and I basically had to plant

my feet from getting shoved into the floo network. I think they said

something about not coming back without a betrothal contract. They

definitely wanted me here, and I think I will be determining today if

these private training sessions are worth my time."

Harry grinned at the girl, "I hope it proves itself to you, but let me give

you some advice before we start the match...don't underestimate anyone

in there. Battle brings out a different side of you, and while this may be a

practice match these guys play for keeps. Keep your head out there, and

do your best to protect your teammates, because if you don't, they will

see you as a liability, and you will be out faster than you can say stupefy.

Go out there and have fun, but keep in mind these guys are playing just

under lethal, and they know this could save their lives one day."

The girl's eyes went to each of those who were out laughing and having a

good time, and only getting a brief idea at how serious things were about

to get on the practice field of Bones Manor.

Harry called the teams together, and the girls came over with smiles and

the guys came over all touching knuckles looking confident. Harry

announced, "Today's rules. You cannot revive your teammates, you

cannot cast any spells that could cause lethal damage, you cannot

transfigure my battlefield into dangerous magical creatures...Colin."

This caused a lot of groaning, and Neville to smack the young Creevy

brother in the back of the head. One of the last duels before the School

years start Colin attempted to do Harry's spell work against Dumbledore

and it didn't work out to well nearly killed Hannah Abbott.

"Other than that, there are no rules. Fight till one side has no men or

women left standing. The girls will attack from the west side, and the

guys will defend from the east creek, and-"

"May the best witches or wizards win. We plan too." Susan said coyly

winking at Harry.

The girl cheered, and all followed Susan as she ran towards the woods,

while Ron lead the guys all to the other side giving the team times to

plan. With the guys on the defense in this going around it left them with

a slight advantage, but with Susan in the midst and her power change in

the past two months Harry doubted the guys could pull it off and that

wasn't even accounting for Daphne Greengrass. Also, the number

difference of being outnumbered by two extra people.

Harry's thought process ended up correct. Neville was ganged up on by

Luna, Ginny, and Hermione, and immediately lost. Ron got overwhelmed

by the force and so did Ernie single handedly by Daphne. Susan went into

a very long and intense duel with Colin Creevy, while he managed to

fight off Susan, Daphne, and Hermione. He didn't last long, but he did not

give up until he hit the ground. Harry watched in puzzlement. The teams

were too uneven. The girls had too much power, and too much brains.

Susan came over and sat next to him with an innocent smile on her face,

"You must get so bored not competing with us anymore Harry. Have the

girls finally managed to scare you off, too much young power for you to


Harry grinned at the girl's confidence, "You know I would join the fray,

but it wouldn't even be fair."

The girl purred at that in his ear, "I still think its very sexy when you get

all confident, but I don't buy it. I think even with you couldn't make the

difference of stunning all six of us. The boys didn't take down a single

one of us, and we need a really stretch of our skills. What do you


Harry shook his head at the girl contemplating his answer, "I don't know

Sue, I don't think the girls would like it."

Susan called out, "Hey Daphne what do you say we run it again with

Harry on the other team?"

The other girls looked stunned for a moment, while Daphne shrugged,

"After the embarrassing whooping we just gave these boys I think they

could use a little bit confidence boosting even if they will lose either


Hermione looked nervous, but the other girls were grinning. Looking at

his girlfriend Harry couldn't quite figure out his girlfriend's angle, and he

did actually have a surprise he wanted to show the group today. Actually

a few surprises he had been waiting on, "Alright if the guys will have me

then let's do this."

This caused the whole group to cheer as they all rushed off to their

original sides. Ron asked Harry immediately, "What's the plan?"

Harry looked at the boy confidently, "Distract the rest of the girls and

force them to separate Susan and Daphne into the middle I will handle


Ron looked at the boy skeptically, "You're good mate don't get me wrong,

but Daphne's speed and Susan's power that could be a little much too


Harry grinned, "I have some tricks up my sleeve for this, and it will only

work once."

Ron nodded once again remaining clearly skeptical but did as he was


Harry had been training just as hard as Susan, but two times a week he

was leaving the school to Marauder training that he had just finished,

which meant she had no idea what he had been doing in these training's,

and she had been respectful enough not to ask, but that meant his next

trick would amaze.

The duels ran its course with ease, and Harry predicted most of it. It took

most of his team to take down Hermione, Luna, and Ginny, but that

meant Colin and Hannah were likely engaging in what could be a lengthy

duel. Neville was hiding around back somewhere in case things went

south for Harry, but he wasn't counting on that.

It was time to engage. With a gentle pop Harry apparated across the

grounds and directly in front of his favorite girl, and her MVP teammate.

Harry grinned at Susan as she spun around firing a single curse at him,

but he deflected it wandlessly, "Oh come on babe you aren't even going

to let me draw my wand. I will remember that tonight."

Daphne was looking at the boy with determination. This would be the

first time the two properly dueled, and she would have the advantage of

Susan. However, she had seen him duel many times, and knew how he

worked, or at least she thought she did. Susan smiled at her boyfriend,

"This is exactly how I planned it. You fell for my trap love."

Harry just smiled easily at the girl flipping his wrist causing his wand to

fall into his hand, "Well we know how you like to be the dominant one so

feel free to start it off."

Daphne gagged a bit, "Too much information Potter."

Both wands were pointed at him, but Harry's was at the ground, "You're

move my love."

Susan nodded and swept her wand in a wide motion, "Accio Tree."

Daphne pointed her wand with a flick and a heavy blasting curse that

Harry recognized as bombarda, and he whipped his wand out in wide

arcing shield that was solid and resounded across the grounds with a

mighty bang.

Before Harry could move to counter both girls were flooding him with

different offensive spells that were needed to be blocked by different

shields. It was already becoming quite difficult for him to both dodge and

block the appropriate spells with the correct shield, but he was hanging

in there just as he always did. After a minute passed Harry knew he was

basically playing God with how lucky he had been that he had not been

hit, so he decided to put his plan into action.

He waited to time the two girl's spells at the same time, and as soon as he

had it, he whipped his wand in a slash like motion across his body hitting

both spells with perfect precision and ducking under the next coming

spells while he drew a second wand from his dueling robe. Suddenly

Harry was shooting two spells at once at the two girls and the initial

shock almost ended them both, but it wasn't quite enough. Harry needed

some more skill.

With a new plan already being set in motion Harry reflected a spell

straight back at Susan making her roll out of the way in which time he

blast Daphne with six curses and had the girl tied up and petrified in the

few seconds it took Susan to get back up and return spells, but with

Daphne down the girl stopped cursing and so did Harry.

Susan breathlessly said, "How long have you been able to do that?"

"Successfully? Maybe a few weeks. Attempting? Since the start of term. I

was hoping to use it in a situation like this to surprise you." Harry said


Susan grunted, "No one has been able to do that since Grindelwald


Harry shrugged, "No one ever survived a killing curse either, and I have

survived two. I have kind of gotten used to being the exception. But I do

believe we have a duel to finish. Drop your wand, and I won't stun you."

Susan looked at the boy incredulously, "You think I am just going to


Looking at the girl with a bit of a smile, "I know you will. Just depends

on what I am going to have to do to make it happen."

Susan tightened her grip on her wand, "I am not the same girl you made

an example of in the DA a year ago. I am stronger, and I have become

your greatest fighter. I may not be able to take you down, but I will show

you that I am force to be reckoned with."

Before she could start casting, Harry smiled at her, "I love this girl that

stands before me now more than I have loved anything in my life, but it

isn't a question of that. I know what you have become, and I am so proud

of it, but there is still so much for me to teach you. Allow me."

Susan was about to raise her wand in the defense, but then Harry closed

the distance between the two, and where the boy she loved and admired

stood now stood a 180-pound timber wolf that had pounced her over

before she could even move. She was so shocked she didn't move or say

anything. She just admired the beast that was now on top of her ready to

easily kill her if that was its desire. It growled threateningly for only a

second, and Susan had dropped her wand in surprise because she knew

there was nothing she could do. Instead she reached her hand up and ran

her fingers through his soft fur, and the creature whimpered and looked

down at her allowing her to see the same green eyes she fell in love with

over a year ago, "You're beautiful."

The wolf reached its head back and howled to the world, and Susan was

in awe. It stepped off shortly, and as quick as the creature appeared it

disappeared and there was the young man once again in his dueling

robes smirking triumphantly with her wand in his hand, "I think you

should go let the others know it's over. Neville is standing nearby just in

case you guys were going to beat me, everyone else is probably


Susan nodded and with a shot of red sparks into the air the guys left

started cheering in victory while the girls were being revived and joining

them in the middle. Harry then explained to the girls the final moments

of the battle, and Hermione said, "I can't believe it. Two such rare gifts

exhibited in one duel."

Daphne agreed with her, "Believe me Granger, I saw it and I still don't

believe it. Part of me thinks Potter stunned me so easily because I was so

shocked to see a successful spell come from that second wand. Much less

six of them."

Harry sighed, "Another skill to add to the arsenal with each one that is

added we are one step closer to victory."

The others all nodded in thought, and wondered just where the next

battlefield would be, and hoped they would all be safe over the

remainder of the Christmas Holidays.

(A/N) That was a fun chapter to write! Let me know what you guys

thought it comments section down below. Cheers!

29. The Cave

Chapter 29

Staying at Potter Manor had been great for Harry. Sleeping with Susan

every night was also great for Harry. It was the first time in his life that

he felt so loved, and so at home, and he couldn't honestly quite get

enough of it. He counted the days until graduation, and the end of the

war where he could live his life in peace, but until then he knew he

couldn't lose focus on the end goal.

Susan and Harry were working on start of her Animagus abilities which

were coming along smoothly, but admittedly slowly. Harry did it just

under six months which was considered incredible, but now with Susan

he was guessing it was going to take at least 10, and he knew she wasn't

happy with that thought.

The young lady had actually been struggling with a lot, and with the first

holidays passing by without her aunt he knew that she needed

something. He wasn't sure what, but he hoped something could help

bring his girl a bit of peace.

School started back, and the second term had begun. Things were going

as well as they could be. Harry had been attending Professor Slughorn's

meetings, and Dumbledore had begun his private tuition with him. They

had been covering mostly advanced defense and stayed away from

offensive magic. It was clear to Harry that for whatever reason

Dumbledore would not teach him anything lethal that he could kill

someone with, and that went well with the headmaster's style of always

giving people second chances, and a shot at redemption, which Harry

would respect for now.

The DA of course was going along fantastically, and Harry was about

ready to promote several in the beginner group to the advanced group. In

the advanced group Susan and the others had been doing really well at

leading it, while Harry took a back seat and really began focusing on his

training. The time was coming, and they all knew it.

It was a cold night in February, and Susan, Harry, and the other couples

of Hogwarts had just finished celebrating Valentine's Day. It was a few

days after when they were all in the Great Hall having dinner, and a

small note found its way to Harry at the Hufflepuff table. Looking around

to see who sent the note the young man picked it up, and read it

carefully, "I have found one of the seven. Please come to my office after

dinner, and we can discuss what is to happen next. Ice Mice."

Harry knew the short and sweet message had to be from the headmaster,

and he grinned in triumph hoping that he was taking another small step

towards the defeat of The Dark Lord. Susan peered over his shoulder

reading the note, and said quietly, "I want to come with you...to this


Thinking for a moment the boy wanted to say no but knew that would

only invoke the red heads wrath. Knowing there was no point to that he

agreed with a slightly forced smile. He did not want Susan to be involved

in the Horcrux hunt, but there was no reason she couldn't be in the

meetings to start it off.

After dinner Susan and Harry went arm and arm to the Headmasters

office. Arriving at the Gargoyle Harry spoke the password that would

grant them access and followed the ascending staircase to the Ancient

Wizard's office.

Opening the door two young magical teenagers saw the wizened old man

smiling benignly on them, "Good evening Harry, Ms. Bones, I was

unaware you would be bringing company."

"Susan insisted to be a part of the meeting, and with everything that has

happened I figure she has just as much of a right to know what's going in

the war and the hunt as anyone. Now what did you find headmaster?"

Harry asked not trying to dance around the subject tonight.

The Headmaster gave a slight nod in understanding and did not push the

subject, "I have found a location. The Orphanage that I believe your

friends and yourself watched me meet young Tom Riddle at all those

years. I went there again and begun having a look around and found that

out that a field trip that they used to take back then was to a set of cliffs

and overlooks. I started my investigation there, and begun searching for

signs of magic, it wasn't easy, but we found a cave where we believe

young Tom Riddle was taking children and torturing them. Not

necessarily with normal curses and hexes, but with mind magic and

psychological warfare."

Susan gasped, "You think he was using Legillmency on them?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "Not a type you would be familiar with Ms.

Bones, but I believe he was planting images in their minds and making

them have visions of terrible things. Of course, Tom was so young back

then, and he was so different it is not hard to believe, but something

more important to note in all this is that we believe a Horcrux is in this

cave somewhere."

Harry nodded his head, "If we were to destroy it then that would be four

down, with the snake, that would just leave two more out there that we

are unsure of. It's a great start. When can we go investigate?"

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair gently, "I wish for us to go tonight

Harry. The sooner we can get this done the closer we can either destroy

another piece of Voldemort or begin our search in a new place."

Harry immediately stood from his chair, "Let's go then."

Susan however shot this down, "I think we should stand back and plan a

little more. Headmaster do you intend for just yourself and Harry to go

this cave where anything could happen, and I would be the only one with

the faintest clue of where you two went off too. Can you imagine how

catastrophic it would be if something were to go wrong and we lose both

of you? The war would be over, and we will have lost without taking a

single Death Eater down with you."

Thinking for a moment Harry swore, "She has a point Professor."

Dumbledore looked at the two in surprise, "What do you two propose

then? This piece of Voldemort's soul must be attended to immediately."

Susan shook her head, "There may not even be a Horcrux there professor.

Are you willing to risk both of the lights best chances of winning this war

for what may not even be there? I propose you send yourself and a few

others down to the cave with you. If something happens then Harry can

continue fighting the war without you, and while it will be difficult we

will not have lost everything in one night. Or vice versa, and you send

Harry and a few others down there."

Dumbledore thought on this for a few moments before countering, "I

value your insight on the matter Ms. Bones, but Harry and myself must

do this together. I do not believe Voldemort knew of anyone alive

knowing his secret, and while I am expecting some defenses to be in

place I am not expecting anything that myself AND young Mr. Potter

could not handle."

Susan argued, "Then let me and a few others go along with you two. We

don't need to enter the cave unless we have too, and that way if

something does go wrong then we can act immediately and begin a

rescue mission of sorts. It can't hurt."

Harry looked from his girlfriend to the headmaster, and thought Susan

was making perfect sense, while the old man did not seem so convinced,

"The less people the better Ms. Bones. If you insist on this I believe if I

invited Professor Snape to go along with the three of us, you would be


Harry immediately protested that decision, "I am not letting Snape

anywhere near Susan without me there at her side. I know you may trust

him with your life sir, but I trust very few with hers."

Susan smiled slightly at the boy and Dumbledore sighed, "Who would

you trust to take on this adventure. I cannot recommend anyone in the

DA, because it could bring serious-"

"Sirius!" Harry said excitedly.

Dumbledore looked between his two young pupils, and then nodded,

"Very well. Sirius should have been made aware of this anyhow as you

are his responsibility. Forgive my over site on this matter, I will contact

him at once."

It was several minutes later where Susan was nervously holding Harry's

hand in anticipation. She did not like the idea of him doing this. Not in

the slightest. It was dangerous, and her boyfriend could get hurt, but she

also knew there was nothing she could do to stop him, that however

didn't stop her from worrying.

When Sirius arrived, he looked grave and very irritated. Sirius turned to

Harry before even addressing anyone else in the room, "Are you sure you

want to go through with this?"

Susan looked at her boyfriend and prayed he would say he changed his

mind, but instead she saw the same fire in his eyes when he dueled

Voldemort on their last outing, "No I have to do this. Every step we take,

every horcrux we destroy brings us closer to ending this war. If there is a

chance we can do that tonight. Then it has to be done."

Sirius sighed, and looked to Susan, "Any chance you have tried talking

him out of this?"

Not meeting the man's eyes whom had been so kind to she said quietly,

"Even if I could stop him I wouldn't. He is right. He has to be the one to

end this and having anyone else try could be a waste of life. Harry and

the Professor are the best chance we have."

Harry squeezed his girlfriend's hand softly and kissed her on the cheek,

"Sirius your job is to protect Susan while we are in the cave and provide

reinforcements to myself and the Professor in case something is to

happen. I think we could hold a reasonable defense for as long as it takes

for you guys to help us, but let's pray it isn't too difficult."

Dumbledore nodded wisely at the young man before him, "We will

apparate just outside the cave system where Harry and I will then go for

a swim and attempt to infiltrate the cave. I have already discovered that

you cannot apparate directly in. It was quite painful in my first attempt

to do so."

Sirius argued immediately, "The water will be freezing. Anywhere in the

isles this time of year. You will both die of hypothermia before you even

reach the cave."

Dumbledore shook his head, "I have had professor Snape prepare myself

and Harry an antidote that will help keep our body temperature up,

however it will not help with the fact that it is going to be quite cold."

Susan and Sirius both looked at Harry, but he looked resolved so they

both sighed this time, and Dumbledore motioned for Fawkes, and the

phoenix flew over to him giving a happy trill bringing a slight feeling of

hope to the room, "Sirius...Susan, Fawkes has agreed to transport you just

outside the cave system. If all goes well, we will meet at the three broom

sticks with a drink for celebration."

Susan then asked, "Where are you guys going to apparate from?"

Dumbledore took a soft smile with the girl, "Right here Ms. Bones. Say

your goodbyes now, it is time to go."

Susan looked questioningly at Dumbledore and was clearly going to state

that you can't apparate out of Hogwarts, but Harry wrapped her into a

tight hug instantly saying, "Stay safe Susan. We won't be gone too long.

Just watch for the red sparks."

Susan embraced the boy whispering into his ear, "Just come back safely

to me Harry. I love you."

The two separated and shared a short kiss, and Harry walked over to the

old leader of the Light whom offered an arm, "Good fortune too you Ms.

Bones, Lord Black."

Sirius gave the man a dirty look, "Just keep my godson safe Dumbledore."

The man gave him a short nod, and then the two disappeared on the


As soon as they touched the ground Harry knew they had crossed a long

way. The ocean was at their backs, and they were facing a large set of

cliffs, with waves crashing onto the rock they were standing on.

Dumbledore stared in a straight line, "Follow me into the water Harry,

but first drink this elixir. It will help keep you alive."

The headmaster then pulled out to vials offering him one and saying, "To

your health Harry."

Then downed the contents of the vial, while Harry did the same.

Dumbledore shivered just a bit, and then motioned for Harry to follow

him as he dived into the water with the grace and speed of a much

younger man.

To say the water was cold would be an understatement. It was so painful

on his body, that he wanted nothing more, but to shut down, but he

knew he couldn't. He had to keep going. He followed the man he looked

up to for years as close as he could for what felt like hours, but what

could have only been a few minutes as they crossed the water and

approached the cliff. As they got closer Dumbledore dove full head under

the water, and Harry followed after him as fast as he could with a deep

breath. It only took a moment of descending to find a fissure in the cliff,

and Dumbledore went through it with Harry right behind him.

After a moment of ascension, they came out of the water and they were

in a much warmer place with no wind beating down on them. Both

student and teacher quickly got out of the water and began performing

warming charms on themselves repeatedly. Dumbledore took a deep

breath, "Well that was certainly unpleasant."

Harry snorted, "I think that was putting it mildly Headmaster."

Dumbledore nodded, "I think on our way I out I will teach you to

apparate out of wards. Going into these things is near impossible. Coming

out of them, well you have seen me do it on many occasions."

Thinking the skill would be useful in the future Harry just nodded

looking around the cave for the first time. Dumbledore too seemed to be

examining the current room they were in and spoke, "Do you feel it?"

Harry stretched his senses for only a moment and felt the familiar

presence, "Yes, this cave has known magic. I recognize it as Voldemort's."

Dumbledore who seemed to agree didn't say anything as he stepped

towards the wall on the far side of the room, "Oh how barbaric. I

expected better of you Tom."

Harry stepping closer to the old man was trying to see what he saw, but

before he could Dumbledore said, "It requires payment."

Drawing a wicked looking knife, the man cut himself right across the

hand and touched the wall while Harry barked out, "Sir!"

But before he could protest any further the cave wall began to fall apart

in front of his eyes, and there was now a massive cavern before them

with what looked like a lake that surrounded a small island in the

middle, "It required a blood sacrifice as payment? Why didn't you let me

do it sir?"

Dumbledore gave the boy a small smile as he stepped into the room,

"While I appreciate your assistance here today Harry I still find your

blood to be infinitely more valuable than mine. Also, your blood runs in

the veins of Voldemort, and I did not want to trigger any unnecessary

traps or precautions that he may or may not have placed."

Understanding, but still not completely agreeing with the man Harry

followed him into the next room. As they approached the water Harry

asked, "Another swim?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "I fear the consequences of touching the

water before you would bring something highly unpleasant. Much more

so than the cold water we previously faced. I believe there is another


Dumbledore walked over to what looked like a small dock and scanned

the room once more before holding his hand out of the water for a

moment, and then smiling as the water began to bubble slightly, and a

chain shot out of it towards his hand, "And he continues to disappoint

me. Who I once thought was my greatest student is now quite

disappointing? Harry your help please."

Listening to the older man Harry immediately grabbed the chain and

began trying to pull the boat from out of the water, and after merely a

minute or two he was successful. Dumbledore pulled out his wand for the

first time that night, and slowly ran his wand across it saying, "I think we

should both be safe to cross. I believe it will sit one adult wizard. Your

magic is great Harry, but I do not believe it will recognize you as a true

adult yet. I also don't believe Voldemort predicted that an underage

wizard could get this far. His arrogance will be his undoing."

Harry nodded taking a seat in the boat with the Professor wondering just

how much time had passed since they had begun their journey. The boat

began to move once Dumbledore had sat down and they crossed the lake

quietly, as Harry continued to survey the place. Looking over the boat he

suddenly became very uncomfortable and knew something bad was

below them, "I sense something terrible Professor."

Dumbledore nodded, "The Darkest of magic if I am right. We must do our

best not to awaken the cave's defenses."

Harry shook his head in agreement as he began to lower the anchor as

they got ashore. As one the two wizards stepped out of the boat and

approached the stone basin that was directly centered in the middle of

the room. Dumbledore approached it first, and looked saddened, "I fear I

was starting to underestimate you Tom. The potion must be drunk


Harry looked at the potion with a worrisome feeling, "Is it poison?"

"No, I do not believe so. I think it will make the drinker suffer a terrible

pain, and possibly see terrible things. I believe it is intended to weaken,

not kill." The man said taking the pale and scooping up some of the


"Allow me to drink it then Professor. If something goes wrong, you are

much more capable of defending us against whatever Dark Magic we just

went over. If it was a duel I would trust myself, but that's not what the

obstacle in front of us is." Harry said convincingly.

Dumbledore looked at the young man and seemed to consider his offer,

but shook his head, "No. I cannot be sure what this potion is. I believe it

is a nightmare draught, but I could be mistaken. The young man that

placed whatever is at the bottom of this basin was cruel, and he could

easily have brought any person to this cave and poisoned them, so he

could retrieve or place this item here."

Harry looked at the potion, and then to the headmaster, "We should

strategize with the others and come back."

Shaking his head one last time, "It must be done now. If we leave Tom

will be able to realize that someone has been here, and he will recognize

your magical signature immediately, because he has attempted to invade

your mind in the past. We must play with the cards we have been given."

Dumbledore lifted the potion to his lips, and before Harry could protest

further, he said, "Harry I must make a final request of you. No matter

what happens. No matter what I say. You make me finish this potion. If

you were to help me drink any of it, I fear that every defense in this cave

will come to life, and I am only certain of one of them, and it alone

would be unpleasant. Your word Harry."

Looking at the man he once looked up to he nodded, "My word."

Dumbledore held the potion too him, and then tilted his head back

drinking it quickly as if it were a shot of alcohol. The man quickly

scooped up more, but then potion took effect and he stared in front of

him in what looked like complete horror. Harry slowly walked towards

the man asking, "Professor? Drink the potion."

Clearly still slightly in his right mind the man slowly lowered raised the

potion back to his lips and took another drink.

This time he drops to a knee and continues to stare ahead, but this time

with a tear in his eye. He doesn't go to refill the pale, so Harry grabs it

from the man fills it up, and takes it the headmaster, "Lets end this

quickly sir, drink more."

Harry looked and realized there was at least four or five more doses left

so quickly went back to the man, but Dumbledore looked angry as he

tried to get it do go down his throat this time. The next time the man

spat at him, "No I won't! I won't hurt her!"

Harry begged the man, "Please Professor lets end this."

On the next Dumbledore physically shoved Harry away, "No! I hate you.

You can't bring her back."

With a bit of wrestling Harry gave him the next dose. Bringing the next

Dumbledore begged, "Please...no more...please. Have mercy."

Harry felt the tears sting the back of his eyes as his idol had fallen so far.

Whatever he was seeing it wasn't good. It was destroying the man from

the inside out. Two more doses as Harry tried to feed it to him, "Please

don't kill her. Please don't hurt them. Don't tell the Dark Lord please.

Spare them."

Harry had no idea what the man was talking about, but when he filled up

the final pale he turned and saw a wand pointing at him. Dumbledore

was on his feet pointing his wand aggressively at the boy, "You told him.

The boy will never forgive you! He will kill you!"

Harry froze. Dumbledore thought he was someone else. He didn't

understand, what did he tell..., "The Prophesy Severus. You promised to

protect the boy. It is your fault."

Harry stared at the man in cold horror. Snape had been the one who told

the prophesy. Why hadn't his parents told him? Snape tortured him with

every mental jab and probe that could possibly be made, but he was the

reason his life was as messed up as it was. Feeling the anger swell up

inside of him Harry whirled his wand around the man disarming him

with ease and surging forward practically forcing the last dose of potion

down the man's throat.

With disgust Harry watched the man drop to the floor, the man that had

defended the man that cursed his family. Harry went back to the basin

and looked inside to find a locket. The locket looked slightly familiar to

him, but when he grabbed it he knew something was wrong. This wasn't

a horcrux. He opened the locked by breaking the clasp and found a small

folded up piece of paper:

To the Dark Lord – I know I will be dead long before you read this, but I want

you to know that tit was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real

Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that

when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. - R.A.B

Harry read the note. Then he read it again. The locket was a fake, and

whoever this R.A.B person was he apparently had it. There was no way of

knowing how long ago this note was written. Harry turned and looked at

Dumbledore who was still wheezing on the ground but seemed to be

coming around. Harry approached the man dropping the necklace at his

feet, "Its a fake, but it's not the only thing. Were you ever going to tell me

about Snape."

Dumbledore stared at the locket on the ground and without looking up

said, "Water."

Harry looked at the man slightly in disgust but didn't say a word as he

went to the basin and cast the water charm in it but could not put the

water in the pale. Slightly annoyed at the cursed thing Harry walked over

and held his wand at the man, "Open your mouth. This is the only way."

Dumbledore nodded slowly and slowly opened his mouth, and Harry

wanted to douse the man, but knew it wasn't right as he gently cast the

water spouting charm into his mouth allowing just small drops to go into

the man's mouth.

After a minute Harry summoned the boat and helped the man onto it

without saying a word. As they crossed Dumbledore spoke for the first

time, "I will need you to apparate both of us out of here. I do not have

the strength."

Harry looked at the man as he helped him out of the boat and nodded,

"How do I apparate through wards anyways?"

Dumbledore smiled, "It is actually rather simple. Just imagine a force

field. Those are the anti-apparation wards. Then pinpoint a spot on the

imaginary force field, and expel your magic onto it, and then apparate

like normal. It will be incredibly draining I am sure, but you must do it."

Harry nodded, and as he crossed the threshold back into the cave, he

arrived into he turned and pointed his wand at the lake, "Fienfyre."

A giant eruption of fire roared out of his wand and shot across the room.

Harry quickly stopped the spell as the fire quickly spread and engulfed

the lake and the rest of the room. He grabbed the headmaster's hand and

did as he was told as he forced his way through the wards, and with a

cannon like pop the student and teacher were gone.

30. The Sacking of Severus Snape

Chapter 30

Arriving in Hogsmeade Harry felt incredibly drained. He was helping

carry the headmaster with one of his arms, and immediately went into

the three broomsticks nearby. Thankfully the bar was mostly empty, and

as he carried the wizened old man into the building very few even gave

him a second look. Madame Rosemerta the usually upbeat Bar maiden

came over to them looking to serve, but saw the state of the headmaster

and gasped, "What's happened?"

Harry sat the man into a booth as he groaned, "We have had just a bit of

a rough night. Would appreciate if you don't say anything to anyone

about this."

The young man wasn't in the mood for games, so pulled a few gold

galleons out of his back pocket and placing them on the table, "I will pay

anyone in this bar off to keep this quiet."

Madame Rosemerta's eyes widened, but quickly swept up the change, "Is

there anything I can get you two?"

Harry shook his head, "Send word up to the school somehow, and send

for Madame Pomfrey, and Professor McGonagall."

She nodded, and Dumbledore grabbed Harry's arm, "Severus Harry."

Quickly shaking off the grip of the old man Harry spat, "I don't really

want to see that man right now. I may not be able to prevent myself from

doing something we will all regret. I think right now you should be

fortunate that I didn't leave you in that cave. Now sit there and shut up."

Harry took a deep breath feeling the rage quench his body but thought of

Susan and began to relax as he drew his wand, "Expecto Patronum."

The stag appeared, and Harry instantly thought of Susan and basked in

the warmth his father's Animagus brought him, "Susan, Sirius, we made it

out. We had to apparate out of our last location for safety. We are at the

three broomsticks please meet us here."

With that the Patronus shot out of the bar and disappeared. Harry stared

where the creature previously was and tried not to look at the old man as

the next few minutes passed. The door swung open after some of the

longest minutes of Harry's life bringing forth a red head that shot towards

the boy wrapping him in a tight hug, "Oh thank Merlin you are okay."

Harry gently wrapped his arms around the girl and felt himself slowly

begin to calm down. When the two separated the familiar black-haired

man that had taken care of Harry over the past year stepped in and also

brought the boy in for a hug, "What happened Pup? Did it all work out?"

Looking at the Headmaster with a bit of disgust he said, "It didn't go

according to plan, but forgive me I would like to get as far away from

that man as I can. Just waiting for Madame Pomfrey to arrive."

Susan and Sirius both recoiled at the boy's frosty tone, but neither said a

word as they all waited in possibly the most uncomfortable silence


It didn't take much longer for the school matron, and the deputy

headmistress to arrive, "Potter! I heard Dumbledore was here with you


Harry nodded stepping aside to offer access to the patient, "He drank a

poison Madame Pomfrey, but I cannot tell you what it was or how it

came to be here. We need to get back up to the school now preferably.

His strength seems to be returning."

Both women looked ready to protest, but Harry said, "This requires the

upmost confidence. It has to do with the war."

This silenced both women, but before they could say anything else

Fawkes the Phoenix arrived, and Dumbledore smiled at his familiar, "Ah

thank you for coming old friend. Will you please take me back to my

office? Madame Pomfrey I will await you there. Harry...we will talk

another night."

Harry spat venomously, "Don't count on that headmaster."

With the man gave a tired sigh and then disappeared in a small column

of fire. Harry wanted nothing more than to scream or pull his hair out

but knew this wasn't the time. He was finally starting to trust the old man

again, but then he went and did something like this, and he couldn't see

straight he was so angry.

Everyone in the small party was looking at him curiously, but he merely

shook his head, and walked towards the door with the only hope of

pulling him out of his current mood right on his heels.

As he made it outside, he simply stared at the castle. He wanted nothing

more than to go in there right now and tear the castle down brick by

brick until he got to Snape, and he was about ready to reach for his wand

when he found a soft hand take his hand away from the temptation,

"Remember that last day in Rome."

Harry continued to stare at the castle in burning fury, but the question

threw him off, "What?"

Susan smiled, but said nothing for a moment merely looking off into the

distance like he was, "That last day in Rome? We woke up next to each

other that morning. We had breakfast with Mooney and Padfoot. We

went into the city and visited the coliseum. You do remember that day,

don't you?"

Feeling for the ring on girls finger he found the memory right there and

smiled for the first time in what felt like a long time, "Of course I do."

The two teenagers were walking in front of the Trevin Fountain for probably

the fifth time that day. It was a beautiful area in Rome, and it went way

beyond basic beauty. The two walked with no purpose, just happy to be by

each other's sides.

The girl bumped the boy's shoulder gently smiling wide, "You know I think I

want to make this trip every year. Until we have kids."

The young man's eyes widened as he looked at the girl who was admiring the

beauty in her area, "Kids?"

Susan nodded, "Yes as many as we can handle, I think. I think our family

lines have suffered enough, and we can revive them then I think we should as

much as we can."

This was the first time a conversation like this had really happened between

the two, and the boy was nearly breathless with the thought, "How many you


Susan shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know. I know money won't be much of

a problem between the Potter's, Bone's, and Black fortunes. I would say as

long as the first three don't make me hideously over weight then maybe four to

six. I just won't ever want you to lose your attraction to me."

It was clear to Harry that the girl was feeling slight self-conscious, but he put

an arm around her, "I couldn't imagine you being unattractive Sue, I don't

think you will ever have to worry about that."

The girl laughed, "You say that now, let's see how you feel when I am a


Harry stopped stepping in front of the girl, "Susan I don't think there is

anything you could possibly do to be ugly to me. In fact, the idea of you

carrying my child one day sounds extremely wonderful. I can't think of

anything more attractive."

Susan smiled a little wider at the boy and raised her fist to his cheek softly,

"You need to lighten up a bit Harry. Geez Ernie was right, fatality level low,

party level high. I know you wouldn't find me unattractive just like I know I

wouldn't let me my body get to a level where it could even be possible."

Glad the girl wasn't seriously worried about his attraction to her he laughed,

"How about where to live?"

Susan looked at the fountain for a moment then smiled, "Maybe here in Rome.

Maybe somewhere else in the world. I think when all our problems at home go

away, I think I would like to leave for a while, and maybe come back later."

Harry nodded, "This is my first real vacation, the idea of more sounds really

nice. As long as you are by my side forever."

Susan walked a few more steps and without looking at him said, "Forever is a

long time Harry."

The boy shook his head grabbing her hand and making her face him, "Not long


With that he dropped on knee and pulled a small box out of his back pocket,

"Susan Marie Bones. You have made me happier in the past 9 months than

anyone has made me in my whole life. You have made me feel love when I

wasn't even quite sure what it was. I will fight till my last breath to bring us all

to peace, so that way we can have our children and live in a world that our

kids can be proud of, but I don't want to do it with anyone else. We could

easily die in the next year, and the thought of passing on into the next life

without you being my wife makes my chest hurt. We don't have to get married

today, or tomorrow, or this year, or next year, but please agree that one day

you will be my wife, and wear this ring until your last day? Susan will you

marry me?"

The girl's eyes filled up with tears and the box opened showing a beautiful

diamond ring, "Who did you tell?"

"No one it's just between you and me." Harry said honestly.

The girl stared at the boy on one knee for a second longer, and slid the ring

onto her finger, "Yes Harry. I will marry you."

Harry smiled and stood up sweeping the girl off her feet into a powerful hug

and causing the girl to laugh. When he sat the girl back on the ground, he

kissed her gently, "To forever then my lady."

Zoning out of the memory Harry kissed the girl's hand that was holding

his, "I doubt I will ever forget it. It was the happiest day of my life."

The girl smiled at him with that same beautiful smile she was always

gave him, "It's going to be okay isn't it?"

Nodding Harry looked back towards the castle, and his rage was not

forgotten, but subdued. Another person entered the scene and the young

green-eyed man turned to face his god father, "We need to talk about

what happened tonight. Remus...Remus should be there."

Sirius nodded, "Let's go to Bones Manor for the night, and talk things


Harry nodded, and didn't say another word as he grabbed Susan's hand,

and apparated away.

Returning to school had been a task. It was a few days that had passed,

and the only word the school had gotten was that Harry and Susan were

on personal leave. Of course, no professor pushed it, because McGonagall

had let them all know that something big had happened between the

Headmaster and the Hero of the Wizarding World. No one knew what it

was either, because Dumbledore refused to speak on it. Many were

hoping the Potter boy would return soon however, as his followers and

disciples were starting to get a bit restless.

When Harry and Susan returned, they were both in very formal clothes.

Harry was wearing his Lord robes from the Wizengamot with his family's

symbol stamped on the back, while Susan was wearing her Aunt's former

dress robes. They had a plan, and it was going to be executed publicly

and officially.

It was lunch time at Hogwarts, and the morale was somewhat down

recently with more attacks being executed throughout the Wizarding

World, and without the support of their leader's things were starting to

look rather grim. When Harry and Susan walked through the Hogwarts

gates Susan was nervous, "Are you sure it has to be done this way? Harry,

Snape is not going to be some slouch or average run of the mill Death


Harry shook his head, "It does not matter. He took my family from me,

and the magic of House Potter must be satisfied. Besides there is always

hope he will go quietly."

Susan grumbled about how unlikely that was as they approached the

castle doors. They had informed their heads of houses that morning that

they would be returning at lunch time, and that they would be coming

through the front gates. They checked in with some Aurors upon arrival,

and they faced no problems regaining entrance to the castle.

Standing at the entrance to the castle Harry stared towards the Great Hall

which was open allowing students to come and go for lunch. He had

already laid eyes on the man, and he took a calming breath trying not to

lose his temper. Susan took his hand assuredly, "I support you on this

Harry...just remember not to lose your cool, and if things go from bad to

worse remember to play to your strengths."

Harry nodded squeezing the girl's hand and strolling forward into the

hall. Upon seeing him there was immediate whispers and excited shouts

of greeting. Colin even stepped forward to greet his mentor, but Harry

coldly said, "Step aside Colin. We will speak later."

His eyes were on Dumbledore, and the man instantly looked sad to see

him, and seem to know where this was about to go. Colin moved aside

clearly confused, and Harry continued on forward eyes never wavering

from the table. Susan had gone beside Colin and put a hand on his

shoulder giving him a sad smile.

When Harry reached the staff table Dumbledore spoke, "Welcome back

Lord Potter."

Harry gave a slight bow, "Your welcome is appreciated Headmaster."

The boy stood their unwavering for several moments, when the great hall

suddenly got quiet, and whispers spread around the hall. Dumbledore

sighed looking at the boy, "Is there something the staff can help you with


Harry nodded, "Yes actually. Forgive me Headmaster. But I would like to

ask my head of house a question out here in the open with everyone to

hear. Professor McGonagall will you swear to answer it honestly?"

The observant student could see Dumbledore looked saddened, but also

almost accepting of what was about to happen. Professor McGonagall

however looked to her star pupil saying, "What is it Mr. Potter you have a

question of?"

Harry stared at the women directly and spoke from the heart, "November

1st, 1981, I am left at the Dursley's. My parents are dead because of a

prophesy issued about someone with the power to vanquish the Dark

Lord. You were there, you were a part of all the action, but do you know

how Voldemort got his hands on the prophesy? Did you ever question

just how he find out as much as he did?"

McGonagall looked surprised at the inquiry, "You-Know-Who had many

eyes and ears Potter I would assume you know that. He could have

gained this knowledge from anywhere."

Harry shook his head, and looked directly at Snape for the first time,

"You have been terribly misinformed, and probably lied to. I am sorry to

be the one to tell you professor."

The women sputtered for a moment then asked, "What are you

insinuating Mr. Potter?"

Harry crossed his arms behind his back and began to reach for his wand

just in case, "It was Summer of 1980. Our Headmaster was holding an

interview for a Divination Professor, and-"

The Headmaster stood at this point, "That is enough Harry."

Harry shook his head his eyes now burning with rage, "No Headmaster I

am just getting started. The truth comes out today, and the publics outcry

will be executed, and there is nothing you or your precious Order can do

to stop it."

The coldness in the young man's voice stopped everyone, "The woman

the Headmaster was interviewing gave a prophesy during this interview.

It was fate and chance at the same time. There was no one else in the

room, so the only person to officially here this prophesy that would

dictate my life for the past 15 years was the headmaster...If only that

were true. A young Death Eater was spying just outside the door, and he

overheard the beginning of the Prophesy and was caught before he could

hear the rest. However, that did not stop him from relaying what he

heard to his master."

Harry turned to Snape who seemed pale, but angry, "This coward got my

family killed. The Longbottom's were attacked because of this, the Potters

were wiped out because of this. Is this a big deal? Is this some grand

revelation? No... of course not. Anyone with enough deduction could

have figured out that something like this must have happened. After all

there is no way the Headmaster would have leaked this information on

purpose. Not at the cost of so many lives..."

Some whispers were once again spreading across the room. Harry heard

the words privacy wards going around at many points, but he continued,

"No the shocking revelation is who this young coward was. Who the

young death eater was that cost me my family? He is in this room, and I

wish to challenge him...Snape, draw your wand and face me you


An explosion of yells erupted from the great hall from all tables, but they

weren't all on Harry's side. Harry however blasted an explosion like

sound out of his wand silencing everyone as Snape stood up, "You don't

know what you are talking about Potter."

Harry glared at the man, "Tell them how it happened. Tell them how you

have looked me in the eyes for years and taunted me, and goaded me,

and held a stupid grudge over my father who you got killed. Tell them

how you got your childhood best friend killed. Tell them."

Snape looked at the boy with hatred, but the headmaster spoke, "Severus

I would like you to leave for now. Harry we must speak. You must know

that Professor Snape proved himself invaluable before the war was over.

We proved that in a court of law."

Harry shook his head, "You proved his innocent without all the evidence

of the crimes he committed. Professor McGonagall they were your

friends. Your favorite students. A man who has sat beside you at dinner

for years got them killed. How does that make you feel?"

The women looked from Snape to Harry many times, and she drew her

wand pointing it at the man, "Draw your wand Severus, if Mr. Potter

doesn't blast you I will, but I will not curse an unarmed man."

Snape looked at the women in shock, but drew his wand and pointed it at

Harry, but Harry spoke, "It doesn't have to be this way though Snape.

Surrender your wand to me. Confess your crimes, to the auror in the back

of this room. Allow her to place you under arrest and go peacefully. If

you do this I promise no harm will come of you from my end of things."

Snape walked from behind the great hall staff table and held his wand at

his side, "What if I don't go peacefully?"

Dumbledore spoke warningly, "Severus."

The potions master barked out, "Be silent you fool. I warned you this

would come out one day. I told you the boy would not understand. I will

not let him believe that he can best me. Is it a duel you want Potter?"

Harry spoke menacingly, "A duel to the death would satisfy my families

honor and magic."

A slight glow emitted from his wand to show the acceptance of the

challenge. Snape growled, but looked predatory towards Harry, "I


Before anyone else could say anything, the man whipped his wand

around, and a violent red curse came sailing towards the boy, but Harry

was fast and ready whipping his wand around in a shield, and responding

back with perfect timing.

A loud series of bangs were traded between Snape and Harry within just

a few seconds, and most of the hall watched in horror as things spiraled

out of control so quickly. Harry was grateful that Susan was keeping

everyone from drawing wands, and helping, and most of the Slytherins

were supremely confident in their head of house's dueling skills.

The duel did not however go on for long as Snape was disarmed from the

side by none other than the headmaster himself, "Severus that is enough.

Harry...this will not bring the peace you seek."

Harry stared hatefully at the potions master with his wand pointed at

him still, "Give it back to him headmaster, he wants to continue to be

dishonorable I ought to just strike him down where he stands."

Shouts of agreement went up through the hall, and wisely most of

Slytherin house remained quiet knowing they were dreadfully


Harry looked at the man, "I want to know why. Why did you torment

me? It's obvious to even me in my rage that you did not mean to get my

mother killed. I have seen the memories I know you cared for her, but


Snape looked at the boy with hatred, but behind it all Harry saw

something else deep in his eyes, and it was a shameful regret, "I do not

have to answer you Potter."

"I will kill you where you stand. In front of all these people you will be

executed, and I don't really give a damn. I want to know why. Explain it

to me, and I may just let you go. I may just let you walk away from it all,

if not the curse that comes out next will decorate the wall behind you in

blood." Harry said viciously many gasps were around the halls, and

surprisingly Dumbledore said nothing.

Snape looked from the Headmaster to the boy, to all the people around,

many of whom were staring at him in discuss, "You wanted to humiliate

me one last time boy? Then just get it over with."

Harry shook his head, "I don't want to kill anyone. I didn't want to

humiliate anyone. I want the world to know the truth. If you give me that

you may just live to see tomorrow. Don't you dare lie."

Snape took a deep breath, and for the first time saw the young man who

survived the many encounters he had with his former master. There was

no longer a doubt in his mind that the young man before him would

strike him down, and that the headmaster of the school was going to

allow it, and that this was his last chance at redemption. He knew the

score, and had to decide what to do, "It wasn't just the worst day of your

life Potter. You lost your mother...I lost the woman I cared about most in

the world. A girl whom had been in my heart since I had met her ten

years earlier. A girl I lost to a man that I hated. You remind me of that

man, because you look just like him. Every time however I look into your

eyes I see the women that I loved. I betrayed the Dark Lord, I went

against him for years. To this day even."

Many gasps were heard, and some of the Slytherins looked murderous,

but Snape kept talking directly to Harry, "You must know had I known.

Had I thought for even a moment that this prophesy would have put your

mother in more danger than she was already in I would've rather cut out

my tongue. I am sorry that it cost her life. That is the only thing I can


Harry stared at the man, "The last time I let someone live they threw a

killing curse at me. Swear to me that you will leave the isles, and that

you will not harm anyone in my family again. Swear to it or I will kill

you here and now. I don't need your help to end this war. I don't need

your help to win this war. Swear the oath and leave the country, and

never come back, because I assure you many will come for you, including

my godfather and friends of the Potter's and Longbottom's."

Snape looked from the headmaster back to the boy, "You would offer this

even knowing that I got your mother killed?"

"I don't want to see anyone else die because of this war, and my mum

really cared about you. I wouldn't want to send you to her knowing that

her son did that to her best friend. Just because I don't want to doesn't

mean I won't though. Make the oath Snape." Harry said demandingly his

wand sparking a bit with anticipation.

Snape nodded, "I Severus Snape swear to leave the country within

twenty-four hours, and never to return to England. I also swear to never

raise my wand on a family member of Harry Potter or Harry Potter

himself, so mote it be."

Harry lowered his wand, "I don't forgive you. I won't ever forget this. If

we ever cross path's again I will kill you."

Snape nodded, and looked to the headmaster who offered his wand to

him, "It seems that we have somethings to discuss Severus. Let us finish

this in my office, before we say goodbye."

Harry nodded, and turned to leave the great hall, and no one tried to stop

him, but Susan and a few others followed their leader out the door

hoping to get the true story of what just transpired.

(A/N) This is not the last we will see of Severus Snape. That is all I

will say. Please review and I hope you enjoyed!

31. The Great Game

*Warning* Lemon in this chapter. Can be skipped. No important

details related to the story. Enjoy.

Chapter 31

The disappearance of Severus Snape had made the front page of the Daily

Prophet the next day. People were questioning the sanity of it all that

The Boy Who Lived could threaten a man like that, but the majority of

the country was behind him, and some were even angry that he was

allowed to live. It left no doubt in the minds of Harry and Susan that

Snape would be a hunted man until the end of his days, and that the only

safe place he might find would be away from their current side of the


Harry wasn't sure of a lot of things, but he was certain that he wished to

have been a fly on the wall in Voldemort's hideout when the news

reached him that he was never his man. He was sure that the betrayal

would sting the Dark Lord, and possibly even force the man to seek

vengeance, but Harry could care less whether the maniac extracted it or


In better news once, Harry and Sirius had done some investigating on the

locket they quickly discovered that it was Regulus Black, Sirius' brother,

that had stolen the locket. This led to an intense conversation that ended

with Kreacher appearing and explaining that he had done everything he

could possibly think of to destroy it but failed. This led to elation on the

part of Marauder's and it was quickly disposed of. Harry had even gained

the young elf's favor by gifting him the fake locket in honor of keeping it


This meant that there were only two unknown horcruxes currently out

there. They may not have had a clue as to what they were, but they were

getting that much closer to victory, or at least to having Voldemort

mortal once again.

Harry had informed Dumbledore about the destruction of the Horcrux,

but other than that Harry had refused to cooperate or even communicate

with the man, and the rest of his family supported the decision. No one

was happy with Dumbledore at the moment, but he had somehow

retained his position as Headmaster of Hogwarts though he had lost his

head of the ICW, and his position as Chief Warlock as the public opinion

of him had turned. Harry had even answered some questions in an

interview and told the world that he wanted Dumbledore to stay in as

Headmaster for as long as this war lasted because it was the only thing

that was keeping Voldemort out. This seem to convince the public to

keep him in charge for now, but when the war was over Harry had a

feeling that the public would be singing a different tune.

Susan and Harry were up late training in the Room of Requirements one

night when Susan called for a break and the two took a seat on a bench

that popped up and gave them a chance to hydrate and catch their

breath, "Harry? Do you think it might be time to take some political steps

to blockade Voldemort? He practically controls the Wizengamot with the

Dark Faction, and with their being a lack of a Longbottom, Bones, or

Potter they could practically force any law through they wanted too, and

we wouldn't be able to do a damn thing about it."

Harry took a long swig of water and shrugged, "Is there really anything

we can do about that, and don't you think if they could have done that

they would have already done so? Voldemort is getting desperate I think

after so many unsuccessful attacks and raids."

Susan shook her head, "I think he fears that if he makes it a political war

then you will step forward and create so many alliances that then they

would be back tracking. I think it may be time to take a seat in the

political arena and start an offensive. I have some ideas, but they are

bold, and they could turn a lot of the modern pureblood families against

us, but I also think it will help keep some factions of the magical world

neutral and may even tip some to our side."

"Well we could always use a few more allies, but I think we have enough

enemies. Your plan sounds risky, how long have you been thinking about

it? Harry asked curiously.

"Since my Auntie died. It's a huge plan, and I think we really need some

more information, but I think it could have some serious implications,

but it depends on how serious you are about changing the world when

this is all over." Susan said calmly.

"Changing the world? That sounds like a pretty hefty goal I thought you

were more content with just living a quiet life once this was over?" Harry

questioned clearly puzzled.

"I just want to make sure we win Harry. Whatever it takes, and I think

this could help. Our families all have seats on the Wizengamot's council,

and Dumbledore went ahead and gave you the Lord's room, and I don't

think he could've done that if the castle didn't recognize you as a Lord,

and if the castle does then magic must as well." Susan explained.

"I don't know a whole lot about magical politics in this world Sue, I don't

know if I would be cut out for that." Harry said honestly.

Susan smiled gently placing a hand on his, "I think that's the best part of

my plan. I want you to take your Lordship, but I want you to assign some

interesting proxies. Historically the Potter family can claim the

Gryffindor seat, the Peverell seat, and the Potter seat obviously. That's

three pretty important houses to our world, and they could command

respect. With the sword of Gryffindor at your side I think no one could

stop you from claiming it, and your father claimed the Peverell Lordship

somehow, and if we could figure out how then we could control all three,

which hasn't been done in your family in a long time, but it has been


Harry followed her thought process, but questioned it further, "So all I

really have to do is take these positions, and then hand them out to

people who will ally themselves with us, because we give them power.

Sounds easy enough, what else would I have to do?"

"Just make sure they are enforcing an agenda we can stand behind. Let

them do what they want, but obviously we would have to take some

oaths to ensure they didn't turn on us, and of course you could remove

them at any point if they found a loophole. Then it's just follow the paper

trail every now and then, which I could help you with, but I would do

the same with the Bones family, and I think we could convince Neville to

possibly take it depending on how he feels about it." Susan explained.

"Okay who are you thinking? If you think that it would make that much

of a difference to play these cards, then you must have some pretty

brilliant ideas of who we might want to choose." Harry asked curiously.

Susan nodded happily standing on her feet now pacing around, "I do have

some ideas, and they are radical believe me. I think we will rattle a lot of

cages, but I think we could also gather a lot of allies, and actually change

the world for the better in the long run. I mean what I am suggesting is

historically unprecedented and-"

"Susan love you are rambling. I am on your side but tell me what you are


Susan blushed, and sat down in front of him on her knees, "I want to go

to Gringotts and talk to them and see who they would like to choose

among their ranks to represent the Goblin Nation on the Wizengamot to

give them a voice. If we choose a goblin then we can keep them in

neutrality, and maybe even quietly convince them to slowly edge to our

side, but if we didn't have to worry about them turning on us right before

we win that would be great."

Harry whistled, but didn't see any immediate problems with the idea,

"That does sound radical. Admittedly I may not understand how much,

but I like the idea. Plus, we could even begin a possible investigation to

see if Voldemort hid a Horcrux inside of Gringotts. Perhaps this favor

would be big enough that they would just look into it for us."

Susan lit up at the thought, "I honestly didn't even think of that, but that

is brilliant!"

Harry grinned, "What else are you thinking?"

"Well honestly, I think the goblins would most appreciate the Gryffindor

title, but I was thinking we could go talk to the Centaurs' for the Peverell

family. If we could convince them to join us in battle on Hogwarts

grounds, they could help us turn the tides, but all conflicts outside of

Hogwarts we could allow them to stay out of it. I know you told me the

story of meeting a friendly one in your first year. If we got in contact

with them and their tribe then maybe, we could convince them to our

side. They have always been light sided creatures, and defenders along

with also being great warriors. They have historically sided with the

goblins so if we got them on our side, then I think the Centaur's would be

even easier to convince, and then they would have a voice in the

Wizengamot." Susan explained looking very thoughtful.

Looking thoughtful Harry nodded, "Interesting thought. If we could take

any potential of the goblins starting an uprising at the end of the war,

and having the Centaurs even just keep the acromantula out of the fight

for Hogwarts then that would be a huge victory. The giants are a lost

cause anyways, and the werewolves don't have any leadership after we

dealt with Greyback. The Vampires are probably to cemented with

Voldemort however to help us, so who could you possibly think to give

the other title too. The Potter one is probably the most important should

I just control it?"

Susan shook her head with a vicious smile, "No. I have been raised to be

politically savvy I will take the head of the Bones family and sit on the

Wizengamot sessions and make sure things are going our way, but I have

a better idea for the Potter family seat. I think we should give it to a

Muggleborn. No Muggleborn has ever sat in a Wizengamot position."

Harry's jaw dropped at the cunning plan that his fiancé had just given

him, and he shook it off quickly, "But who? I would say Hermione

without a doubt, but she is young, and I don't think she would turn me

down, and her school work would suffer, and that would make her


"Oh, my love you have much to learn in the political arena still. Your

Godfather is very close to Tonks yes? Well I don't know if you know, but

Nymphadora Tonks, and her mother Andromeda were cast from the

Black family a long time ago, because Andromeda married a


Harry quickly filled in the blanks, "Ted. Ted is a solicitor, and an absolute

legal genius. He would be a brilliant pick."

"There is that brain I fell in love with." Susan said with a smile.

Harry took another big gulp of water and asked, "So what is the first step

then? I like your plan, and I want to start it immediately just in case

Voldemort decides to make some political moves. The faster we can box

him out the better. We need to get Neville, and others in on us this too.

Make alliances that's how it all works right?"

Susan grinned happily, "Yes! We have some good alliances between the

two of us too. Plus, we can make some new ones with our current friend's

head of houses. The Greengrasses would be a huge help, plus the Black

family, the Abbots, the Longbottom's, the McMillan's we could form a

massive blockade if we could get everyone behind us."

Harry just looked at the girl and smiled, "Merlin you are so unbelievably

sexy to me right now."

Susan just looked at the boy in surprise, but then grinned seductively, "Is

that right?"

Harry stood up and immediately grabbed the girl roughly by the hips and

picked her up and looked her in the eyes letting his inner animal out a

bit, "I don't think I want to wait to go back to our room to take you."

Lemon Scene.

With those words Susan immediately captured the boy's lips, and Harry

aggressively pushed the girl towards the closest wall, which her back

impacted roughly and she moaned at his aggression. This was far from

their first time together, and with the amount of practice they had been

getting they had been getting braver and braver with their foreplay.

Harry was already nibbling around her ear, and slowly running his

tongue across her neck, and whispering parseltongue in her ear

occasionally which she had confessed to the boy was extremely sexy

especially knowing just what he could do with his tongue when he was

going down on her. Speaking of that Harry was groping her ass tightly,

and anxious to get her down on a bed that way he could start taking

some of these clothes off of her, and really get to the fun part.

As if the Room of Requirement read his mind a bed appeared nearby, and

Harry immediately took her over to it, and threw her down gently on it,

which caused the girl to wickedly grin as she wrapped her legs around

the boy's knees and brought her closer to him reinstating the heated kiss

between the two.

Harry was not one to waste much time however as he quickly just ripped

shirt off of her, which caused the girl to smile into the kiss. Magic would

fix the shirt later, but she was so incredibly turned on by just how badly

he wanted her that she didn't even care regardless. His mouth was

quickly finding every bit of flesh it could, and she leaned her head back a

bit as Harry teased her body with his hands as they came up her breast

and massaged them gently. It wasn't long before the boy had undone her

bra, and quickly taken off his own shirt before practically attacking her

nipples and breast this time causing a bit louder of a moan to escape her


Harry had put his hands to work on which ever nipple he wasn't swirling

his tongue around and leaving love marks on her skin, while even

deciding to pinch her a bit caused her hips to arch into his allowing them

to grind ever so slightly, which caused Harry to push against her even


This caused the boy to lose what little patience he had left and went for

her pants deciding that they were too much and took them off her

quickly revealing a very sex pair of red underwear that the girl was

wearing, but honestly it covered so little she might as well not have been

wearing anything at all. However, it was enough to make Harry want to

rip them off of her, but he didn't. Instead he decided to continue playing

with her breast and kissing the girl while slowly taking his hand and

massaging in between her legs.

This time the girl moaned a little quieter, but the look on her face said it

all as far as the pleasure she was experiencing. Harry was gently

prodding her body, and slowly even bringing a finger into her center

every now and then only to pump her at a rapid speed, and then slow

back down again continuing to give the girl fits of passion.

Harry had decided within their first few times of having sex that the girl

had a sex drive he just could not match, but that didn't mean he didn't

want to give her everything she wanted. So, he learned to play with her a

lot, and even sometimes when she was really horny, he would make her

orgasm twice before he even gave himself any pleasure. Usually by the

end of it the girl was a shaking mess, but also ready to give him the ride

of his life regardless.

Susan groaned out, "Fuck Harry. Please just take me."

Harry grinned as he kissed her gently a few times and pressed himself at

her entrance only to slide it in her to soaking wet pussy, "My Susan aren't

we a little horny. You are soaked love."

With this he bit down on her collarbone roughly causing the girl to moan

as he buried himself in her full length, "But I don't think I will give you

what you want. Not yet."

With that Harry pulled out and the girl looked at him in surprise, but

instead of disappointing her he quickly pushed her away from him and

quickly grabbed her legs and roughly went after her wrapping his arms

around them and placing his face right in between her legs and assaulting

her soaking wet pussy causing the girl to instantly yelp in pleasure, "Oh

fuck Harry."

"Yeah baby you like that?" He said it quietly and kept assaulting her with

a ridiculous speed that possibly only a parseltongue could go.

Susan moaned louder in approval, "Oh yes I love it."

"You like it when I run my tongue through your soaking wet pussy just

swallowing all the cum I can possibly get out of you." Harry asked with a

hint of mocking in his voice.

The girl either didn't mind being a bit submissive, or didn't care, "I love it

when you talk dirty to me."

Harry just grinned deciding the time was approaching, and admittedly

his own hormones were getting in the way as he pulled his face as far

into her snatch as he could and just assaulted her pussy with everything

his tongue had making her roughly grab his head and pull his hair as he

used his tongues full reach and speed, and within a moment her legs

were shaking and an orgasm just rocked her body.

For a second Harry stopped and took a few last long licks were his tongue

and then going back to the girls' lips and capturing them allowing her

tongue to touch his and get a taste of how much he had just swallowed.

It was then at that he whispered, "Are you ready?"

The girl quickly nodded, and turned him over quickly straddling him,

and grabbing his manhood and positioning it over her entrance as she

immediately dropped down on it. With how wet she was in sounded kind

of floppy, but hell Harry didn't care he was practically in heaven. He

currently had the most beautiful girl he knew bouncing on his dick and

riding him back and forth like her life depended on it causing her breast

to bounce around and cause a sexy site that had almost ended the round

too short like it had many times before. She rid him for what felt like

hours before she got a little winded, and Harry took the hint and rolled

them over throwing her legs over his shoulders as she wrapped them

around his neck while he stood up a bit and immediately penetrated her

causing her to moan his name loudly, "Harry!"

The boy just grunted as he forced his eight-inch cock in and out of her

causing her tits to continue bouncing, and he embraced just how tight the

sexy red head was. It wasn't long before he felt his orgasm coming and he

picked up speed leaning over body now making her knees come to her

head, and her legs go past it testing her flexibility. However, this made

her pussy stretch a bit as he penetrated further testing just how tight she

was. As Harry approached his orgasm he moaned out, "Baby I am getting

close. I don't think I can go much longer."

Susan merely moaned, "We aren't done by a longshot."

It was the look in her lusty eyes that almost had him begging for

salvation when he emptied his full load into her. He took a few deep

breaths as he pulled out of her as he finished emptying his seed and laid

back. Susan only gave him a moment however before she crawled over to

him on the bed with a seductive grin. His cock had gone limp a bit, but

not lost its size, "Too think how hard you pound me with this thing right

now it doesn't look very effective."

She played with it in her hand, and she could tell he was still sensitive as

she stroked it and he struggled a bit. However, when she immediately

began playing with it around her breast his hormones slowly started to

turn back on as she put her mouth on the tip gently sucking on it making

sure she had gotten all his cum either in her mouth, or her breast and she

flopped his dick against both of them a few times trying to get him to full

mast once again. Feeling brave she even pressed her elbows together a bit

and rubbed his dick in between her breast, which had been back standing

at attention in no time, and she wasted no time in trying to take the dick

in her mouth as far as she could. She had told him one night in a

confident manner that she would get his whole dick in her mouth

eventually. She just had to stop gagging, and while she wasn't quite

getting it her attempts were extremely sexy.

It was this that set him as he leaned forward and turned her around and

laid her aggressively on her stomach and pulled her up to him where she

was on all fours, and he came from behind her slapping her ass hard and

drilling her with his dick at full force. The girl immediately cried out in

shock. She was obviously still soaked but wasn't ready for the assault not

that she was complaining. He came at her so hard and fast it was only a

matter of maybe thirty seconds before she was screaming his name, "Fuck

Harry. Fuck me. Shove that big fucking cock inside me."

Harry only gave the girl what she wanted as he pushed harder and harder

into her. Even at one point he pushed her body out to where it was flat,

and he just rammed her with it repeatedly as she felt tighter in this

position perhaps than any other. She certainly seemed to love it as he

was practically lying on top of her just literally pounding her ass over

and over again causing the girl to orgasm powerfully as he refused to

give up. They were both now sweating, and Susan was on the verge of

straight up blacking out from all the pleasure as Harry grunted and

leaned over her where they were once again in a kissing position

however it was from the side and awkward as he refused to remove his

position to being on top of her and refused to slow down. After another

moment Harry grunted against and just laid flat on top of her moment

both panting for breath.

Harry rolled off of her for a moment and just laid there as her naked

body curled up next to him happily, "I will never get used to just how

good this is."

Harry just stared up at the ceiling thinking this sex could just be what he

was put on this world for. He may not have really believed that, but the

he felt right then it might as well have been true, "I will never get used to

hearing you scream my name, and I doubt I will ever get tired of it."

Susan just smiled as she curled into his side tighter, "I love you Harry,

and I hope this all works out."

Harry just kissed the top of her head gently, "We will begin tomorrow!"

(A/N) A new addition, and this will be the start of a temporary

HIATUS on this story. I need to write out the next few chapters, and

I am kind of stuck on 32 for a while now. So please be patient, and I

promise I won't abandon this story. Cheers, and thank you for

everyone who has been here since the beginning. I hope I will

disappoint with what will be truly epic conclusions!

32. The Potter Alliance

Chapter 32

The Potter Alliance

Unprecedented. Unprecedented readers is the only word I can use to describe

what has happened over these past few weeks. In a Special Spring Session that

will undoubtedly be left in the History books Lord Harry James Potter

announced that he was claiming his title as his right for winning the Triwizard

Tournament just two years before. That's right readers, Harry James Potter,

the boy who lived, is now sitting on the Wizengamot, or he would have been.

For those who don't know the Potter family is one of the oldest most ancient

families of our government, and it is said that they are descended from the

Legendary Peverell family, as well as Godric Gryffindors noble house.

Throughout our history an occasional rare Potter has claimed one or another,

but not in centuries has anyone claimed all three until today, and while this in

itself may not be unprecedented young Harry Potter's decisions on who will

proxy for him while he is in school certainly was. Goblins, Centaurs, and

Muggleborns. Those were the representatives that Lord Harry James Potter

chose to represent him on the Wizengamot.

From the Goblin Nation, Goblin Elder Ragnok was chosen to represent house

Gryffindor, and Harry Potter himself in the coming times. Ragnok, was chosen

by the heads of Gringotts, as he himself is considered to be the most esteemed

Goblin in the entirety of the Nation. This was the first appointment, and it was

met with pure outcry and rage from some of the followers of the more

traditional views of our government. Lord Potter however assured them that it

was not illegal for him to choose a proxy that was not a witch or a wizard, he

even suggested that perhaps if they had such a problem with it that "(he is)

friends with a few muggles that would love the position)." Silence was met by

the statement, and many are certainly looking to find a way to block Lord

Potter from this attempt at revolution.

If that wasn't enough however Lord Potter went onto choose Centaur Firenze

who is apparently a long-time friend and ally to Lord Potter himself, and

terms were agreed upon, but those terms are currently unknown to the general

public. When I attempted to question Lord Potter about his intentions he

rebuffed me and smiled saying that time would tell. Centaur Firenze will

represent house Peverell, and even came into court wearing the legendary

symbol of the Deathly Hallows around his neck. Many were outraged at the

site of Dark Lord Grindelwald's symbol, but Lord Potter assured the council

that it was the symbol of the Peverell family for many centuries long before the

crazed Dark Lord.

Lastly and possibly the most controversial choice was that of Muggleborn

Wizard Ted Tonks. The Tonks family has been in alliance with the Potters for

just over 20 years now, and Lord Potter assured that this was him merely

honoring an alliance with a man he very much respected and was going to

allow to represent him. Ted Tonks is an independent legal solicitor and

assured the Wizengamot that he would uphold the law and ensure that no

back-alley tricks were conducted while he was representing House Potter.

While most of the traditional community is floundering at the young mans

attempts to shape the current government other things were happening behind

the scenes, but they hardly gathered any attention from the Wizengamot after

Lord Potters appointments. Two other parties also took their seats in the

Wizengamot for the first time, and they are both sure to make waves. Lord

Neville Longbottom of House Longbottom has taken the seat from his

Grandmother after emancipating himself from her care, and has decided to

follow Lord Potters footsteps, "The alliance between house Longbottom and

house Potter is Centuries years old. Lord Potter and I are friends, and he

asked me if I would consider following in his footsteps and helping him revive

our alliance to its former strength and glory."

If that had been all my rabid readers, I think it would have been fairly

exciting, but that nothing compared to the stunning new Lady Bones who took

her seat. Susan Bones age 16 took the mantle of Lady Bones just merely 3

months after the passing of former Head of the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement. Some are crying that the girl is to young, but she is the last

surviving Bones and his this to say, "My friend Neville and intended Lord

Potter are both setting a great example for some of us who have lost it all in

the last two wars. If they are brave enough then I will gladly follow their lead

and continue an Alliance that will last for generations to come."

It was shock and awe that the Potter Alliance put forth. It silenced the entire

chamber with the Greengrass family a notoriously neutral family declared

their names to Lord Potters Alliance, and they weren't the only ones. House

Abbot, House Black, House McMillan, and several minor houses have all come

forward to join this coalition. What is going on in our community? This

coalition is the most powerful possibly seen in the Wizengamot in many

generations, and one must wonder just what they will do with all this power!

Susan smirked as she closed the newspaper and put it back down on the

table before her. Whispers were going on throughout the great hall, and

her closest friends were all sitting around with the smuggest looks on

their faces. Shouts of outrage even came at the breaking news headline,

but a few glares from Neville and harry was enough to silence even the

most adamant and offended person in the great.

Dumbledore himself raised his glass to Harry when the two had made eye

contact. Things had been on very rocky terms between the headmaster

and who most would consider his star pupil. The Snape incident had left

a bad taste in both of their mouths, and when a paper airplane landed in

front of Harry with only two words on it Susan squeezed his shoulder and

nodded; it was time to break this ice.

Harry and Susan found themselves walking once again to the

Headmasters office in high hopes that this meeting would be better than

their last encounters When Harry gave the password of 3 Musketeers the

gargoyle quickly slid open for the duo and allowed them entrance into

the office.

Fawkes the Phoenix was always going to be the first thing that grabbed

Harry's attention anytime he entered the Headmasters office no matter

who was in there, and the bird gave the happiest of trills when the young

man and his fiancé entered the room. Susan was the first to speak, "Good

evening headmaster, I hope things are well?"

The wise old man gave the young girl a smile, and nodded his head,

"Certainly not as well as things have been going for the two of you. You

both look fantastic, and I must say I was more than a little impressed

with your moves to down the Wizengamot. I thought for sure that the

more traditional minded thinkers would have a conniption about yourself

and Mr. Longbottom getting into the Wizengamot without being of age,

but the fact that the two of you managed to your emancipation without

my knowledge is astounding.

Susan gave the man a wicked smile, "It certainly does help when the love

of your life has connections in very high places with allies that touch

every corner of the Ministry."

At this Harry took his eyes off Fawkes and for the first time turned to

face the Headmaster, "Forgive my rudeness Headmaster. It was very good

to see an old friend, and I am happy we can try to be in the same room

again and leave things in the past. Where they belong."

The tone in Harry's voice made it very clear to Dumbledore that he did

not wish to speak on past discrepancies, but that he wished to forget they

ever happened. Dumbledore smiled lightly, "I agree with your wisdom

Harry and thank you for coming. There are many things we must catch

up on."

Harry nodded and reached for his pocket tossing an item on the

Professors desk, and when it landed it made quite a thud. Dumbledore

didn't move for several seconds and then he merely laughed, "When I saw

that you two were busy, I don't think I had any actual idea just how busy

that might be. I am to understand that this is the true locket of Salzaar


Susan smirked at the man taking a seat in one of the two offered spots,

"Of course it is. Once cooler heads prevailed in the situation Harry and

Sirius sat down and started actually brainstorming on who this RAB

character was, and it took all of five minutes of clear headed thinking for

Sirius to realize that he not only recognized the hand writing, but he

knew exactly who wrote this note."

Harry remained standing but came up behind the girl and put a calming

hand on her shoulder, "she's right. It took only the mention of Regulus

Arcturus black for Kreacher to come wiling into the room daring us to

speak poorly of his former master. When Sirius asked what the elf knew

of this locket, because it was Ron actually who recognized it. He had

worked with Sirius on the decontaminating of Grimmauld Place and

came across a locket nearly identical to this one."

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair, and looked astounded with a mad

twinkle in his eyes, "So young Mr. Black turned on his master right at the

end. So, what happened? Did Kreacher know where the locket was or

was there some grand quest involved? Please spare me no details!"

The two teenagers shared a smile, and Harry clearly becoming more

comfortable with the man once again decided to take a seat, "It was all

much simpler than we could have prayed for. Kreacher wailed and

wailed about how Regulus died to retrieve the locket, but he was never

able to destroy it. The poor sod was distraught with himself that he was

never able to fulfill his masters last command, and when I told him it was

my every intention in the world to seek out the object and see it

destroyed the elf looked at me like I might be some sort of deity."

Susan picked up from there, "I had never seen a house elf move so fast

and when he reappeared with the proper Horcrux it took us all of five

minutes to dispose of it with a basilisk fang."

"Remarkable." The old man said.

Harry triumphantly grinned, "That only leaves 4 horcruxes remaining,

with the destruction of my scar, the necklace, and diary."

This is where Dumbledore decided to look especially pleased with

himself, "3 Horcruxes actually."

Susan and Harry both stared at the man dumbstruck jaws open. Susan

quickly broke the silence, "You found another?"

"And you destroyed it?" Harry asked quickly adding to the question.

Dumbledore nodded opening a drawer and dropped a ring on the desk,

"And you may be more than a little interested at what I found because it

was more than merely a Horcrux."

Harry and Susan stared at the ring curiously but then Dumbledore put a

stone on the desk, and both looked at the man in confusion. Susan broke

the silence first, "So it's a rock?"

Dumbledore chuckled, "That might be the grossest understatement in

history my dear, this isn't just any rock. Might you two allow me to

indulge in old habits and put my teaching hat back on. Harry you in

particular might find this piece of Wizarding history quite fascinating, as

it relates to your family."

The two young sorcerers waiting patiently as the old man took a small

smile upon his face, "Can I assume that the two of you are familiar with

the story of the three brothers?"

Susan and Harry both nodded their heads. It was one of the things Susan

had insisted on when they were spending the summer together was that

Harry read some basic famous wizarding literature with her. They made

it quite the activity and had many interest conversations about it,

particularly about the three brothers. Dumbledore smiled at the

knowledge of his two students, "Very good. Then you know of the three

objects. The cloak of invisibility the very first in history, with claims that

no charm could detect its presence. The Death Stick otherwise known as

the Elder Wand was said to be unconquerable. Then there was the

resurrection stone. A stone that was known to bring the dead back among

the living."

Susan and Harry both now stared stunned at the stone in front of them.

Susan wanted to laugh, but the look on Dumbledore's face made it very

clear to him this was not a joke. Harry wanted to ask some questions, but

Dumbledore continued, "The Wand can be traced throughout history

changing hands from dark to light wizards in different time periods, but

the stories of its power are legendary."

Dumbledore then placed his wand on the desk next to the stone. Then

looked at Harry with what was possible just raw emotion, "The cloak of

invisibility was passed down from father to son just as Ignotus Peverell

intended for."

Susan gasped, "The stories of the Peverell brothers being the brothers in

the story are they-"

"True? I am certain of it. Which means at one point in my life I have had

in my possession all three of the Deathly Hallows." Dumbledore said with

quite the triumphant smile.

Harry stared at the man, but Susan whom had stood to look at the wand

and the stone a bit closer sat down in shock. Harry asked, "This was why

you had my father's cloak on the night Voldemort attacked Godrics


"Yes. James and I began to expect something was different about his

invisibility cloak. I had told him once in his second year when I caught

him out of bounds attempting to slip the cloak on that it was a rather

powerful family heirloom and that when the charms wore off that I

would love to help him or his father attempt to renew them. Much to my

surprise when James graduated that the charms had never faded even in

the slightest. I had brought this up to Fleamont Potter your grandfather

Harry shortly before he passed, and he merely smiled at me saying it was

a family secret. James never knew, it was why he allowed me to study

the cloak to see if I could uncover the secrets and duplicate it, or if it was

possible that this was indeed the legendary items from the story."

Dumbledore explained carefully.

Harry shook his head, and pulled out his moleskin pouch and dug

through it only for a moment when he pulled out his cloak and placed it

on the desk. The three sorcerers all stared at the objects in clear

reverence. Susan asked, "The wand. Where did you get it?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "The history of the wands starts with

Antioch Peverell. It was said that Death gave him this wand, and he was

murdered for it in his sleep. It then passed hands of many great and

terrible wizards until it ended up in the hands of Gregorovitch."

Harry looked up sharply at this, "The wand maker? Didn't he make Viktor

Krum's wand?"

Dumbledore nodded his head at the statement, "From there it was stolen

by Gellert Grindelwald, and he used it during his reign of terror. For

nearly twenty years."

Susan gasped, "Then when you defeated Grindelwald you took control of

the wand."

This made the man smile sadly, "Yes, but it was only because Gellert

respected our friendship as boys that he decided to use his original wand

in our battle. When I bested him however the wands allegiance changed.

It was one of the many reasons I did not take the man's life, and instead

along with ICW sentenced him to Nurmengard prison for life."

Harry then asked, "The stone how were you sure?"

Dumbledore sighed, but gave the boy a sad smile, "I used it to summon

my sister Arianna. For many decades I have held the burden of guilt that

her death was my fault. Regardless of whose spell might have taken her

life in the three-way duel between myself, my brother, and my friend, it

was my irresponsible nature in my youth that brought about her death. I

only wished to see her, and give my apologies. I learned through much

studying that while the stone may bring back the dead it only brings back

a shade of them. They are less than a ghost, but they can speak and they

do recall. I believe if we called upon someone whom had more recently

died it would perhaps work better, and if one were to delve deeply in

dark magic and necromancy one might be able to fully revive a recently

deceased person, but of course I would never advise you to disturb the


At one point in Harry's life this would have been the greatest gift

imaginable, but now he had his chance to speak with his parents. His

chance to hold them, and be held by them. It was not his place to test

this magical artifact, "Go ahead Sue."

She looked at him in shock, "What?"

"I've had my chance to speak to my parents when I was hit by the killing

curse. It's your turn. You have never gotten to speak to them or hear their

voices; wouldn't you like to change that?" Harry asked kindly.

Susan looked back and forth between the Headmaster and her fiancé,

"May I really professor?"

Dumbledore nodded to the girl, "Of course. All you must do is hold the

stone and think of whom you wish to see. It is my belief only you will see

them, and hear them. If you wish Harry and I can give you a moment of

privacy and allow you to make an attempt. If it fails merely come find us,

and I will attempt to instruct you further, but it is my belief that you will

be successful."

Harry held the girl's hand for a moment, and spoke, "We won't go far."

With that Dumbledore passed the stone to Harry who turned gave it to

Susan and kissed her on the head as he followed the older man out the

door. The last thing he heard Susan say was, "Mom!"

Harry smiled and continued after the man who was leading the way

down the staircase. Harry spoke calmly, "That was very kind of you

headmaster. It is every orphans dream to be able to speak to their

parents, and you just granted that to Susan. That was infinitely kind you,

and you have my thanks."

Dumbledore smiled as they made it into the courtyard underneath the

moonlight the man looked older to Harry than he had ever seen him, "It

was honestly not my decision to allow her the use of the stone it was


The boy blushed mistaking the man's purpose of the statement, "Forgive

me if I was to forward with my request headmaster. I saw the

opportunity, and thought of the amazing gift that we could give Susan


Dumbledore chuckled lightly, "You misunderstand me Harry. It was not

my place to decide how the object is used because it is not mine. It is

yours. It is your birth right."

Harry stared at the man in wonder, "It hasn't been in my family in many

generations, and it was far closer to Tom Riddle's family line than it is


Dumbledore took a grave look, "And we are very lucky that Tom did not

quite realize the power of the Gaunt Family Ring. I can only imagine

what kind of horrors the monster could have dredged up with one of the

Deathly Hallows in his hand."

"What will I do with the stone sir? I have no desire to bring back my

parents and speak with them. I know they are happy, and I know what

they expect of me. I feel- "Harry inquired before he was cut off.

"You may feel this way now Harry, but the war is only just reaching a

point of further conflict. Many more could die, and you may have the

wish to apologize or speak to some of the dead before they move on.

Make promises, or give final thanks. The stone in a time of war will be

invaluable to you, perhaps not in the fight, but in the aftermath."

Dumbledore explained wisely.

Harry nodded in understanding as the two walked around the courtyard,

"Thank you for your counsel and wisdom headmaster I have missed it."

The man smiled, and put a hand on the boy's shoulder, "You have proved

to be a far wiser and generous leader than I ever could have been Harry.

You were born to lead, and I feel confident that you will win this war

with or without me."

"But I will have you through it all right sir?" Harry asked suddenly

suspicious in the man's wording.

"I am an old man Harry. You never know what my fate could be in the

coming days. While I assure you I am just as spritely and powerful

mentally it is clear to me that my body is not what it used to be. Our

night in the cave was a very painful reminder of that. The Hunt for these

Horcruxes has also taken a toll on my body."

With that Dumbledore displayed his other hand, and Harry noticed for

the first time that there was a powerful glamour on it, and he could see

the magic swirling around it as he took a deep breath and felt the

familiar presence of it. Harry waved his hand over it dispelling the magic

to reveal that the man's hand was deeply rotted and black. It looked like

it could fall off at any moment. Harry was bewildered, "How-"

"I was a foolish old man. Without your company I decided to continue my

leads and suspicions of other Horcruxes alone. I stumbled across the ring

to realize it was dreadfully cursed, and it cost me." The man said with a

resigned smile.

Harry ran a simple diagnostic charm, and realized it did not look

promising for the old man, "How long? I can tell the poison is spreading."

Dumbledore sighed, "In my youth I could have perhaps cut this arm off

and stopped the dark magic from spreading through my body, but I am

old and Professor Snape told me that I would not survive the losing of a

limb at this age."

Harry whirled on the man, "Snape is still-"

"My dear boy he made the magical vow to you. He is gone. However,

with your godfathers' rather brilliant invention of the mirror I was able to

contact the man, and get instant help. It is only because of him I did not

perish that night." Dumbledore explained sadly.

Harry took a breath feeling guilty that Snape might have been the only

person that could have saved Dumbledore from the darkest of magicks,

"What of your wand?"

Dumbledore unsheathed two wands one in each hand. One was clearly

the wand Harry had seen many times before. A spiral like design of at

least 15 inches, and Harry could feel its power unlike ever before. The

other wand he had never before, and wondered its origin, "I suppose I

have seen the Elder Wand many times before, but I have never seen you

carry this other wand sir."

Dumbledore smiled lightly, "This is the wand I carried in my youth. The

wand I defeated Gellert with many years ago. Truth be told this wand

serves me just as well as the Elder Wand these days, which is why I now

give it to you."

Harry looked at the man in awe, and not completely understanding, "Sir

you still have time left don't you think you should hold onto it until your

last days?"

Dumbledore chuckled, "This wand no longer recognizes me as its master.

Do not get me wrong Harry it is still a very powerful wand, and in my

hands if I were to be so modest it is as powerful not recognizing me as it

master than my true wand which holds my sole allegiance."

Harry shook his head, "I don't understand. You won that wand. It should

serve you, and if it doesn't serve you it definitely won't serve me."

Dumbledore's eyes were very clearly twinkling once again, and Harry

knew that the man was being mischievous, "You will find that you are

refreshingly wrong in this case Harry. You see I have not been defeated

in a duel in over 50 years, that is until this recent Summer came to pass

where a group of extraordinary young individuals bested me in Magical

Combat. It is unclear to me who might have disarmed me though I

believe it was Ms. Bones, the magic in this wand recognizes intent above

all else, and it senses your power, and bloodlines. I believe every time I

have come in your presence since that fateful Summer day the wand has

hummed its allegiance in a completely different tune. It respects me and

my power, but it longs for a new master with young power."

With this Dumbledore handed the wand over to Harry, and the young

man carefully took it, and the wind immediately picked up. The leaves

around the two immediately began swirling, and when the wand touched

Harry's hand a small blast of power happened, and sparks shot in the air

from the wand as Harry grasped it. It was unlike any feeling he had ever

felt. He had truly felt power before many times, but never like this.

Dumbledore sighed, "You are now the Master of all three Deathly

Hallows Harry. Many would now refer to you as the Master of Death, but

I hope you will forgive me that I remain on a first name basis with you?"

Harry laughed at this, and actually laughed. The two enjoyed this

moment between the two of them perhaps longer than they should have.

It was a very innocent joke, but for some reason it was hilarious.

When the night seemed to change Dumbledore said, "We should return to

Ms. Bones. I believe her conversation is over, or soon will be. You will

understand that I think you should keep your new title and power a

secret. I think this could be the surprise you need when you face Tom

next. I also believe I have discovered what the last three horcruxes are

even if I have no idea where they could be."

Harry nodded carefully in understanding, "The snake of course, what else

have you discovered?"

Dumbledore sighed, "I did some deep digging and found out that Tom

was in deep pursuit of the Cup of Helga Hufflepuff. I believe like the

Diary, and the Locket he entrusted it to one of his faithful death Eaters. I

had to do some tracing through some old memories, and even speak to

some of his old employers at Borgin and Burkes, but he was for sure in

pursuit of the object when the owner suddenly died and the artifact


Harry nodded seeming suspicious of the Dark Lord knowing that his

plans were usually successful as a young man, and had no doubt he had

at least come into possession of the artifact one way or another, "What of

the other?"

Dumbledore took a breath, "One of these two Horcruxes I believe could

be here in Hogwarts I fear. I am unsure as to its location and have set the

house elves to be on the lookout. I also wish to search the Chamber of

Secrets with you one day in hope of possibly discovering more of the

Legendary chambers existence, and to possibly find our missing links.

However I believe the final Horcrux to be the Diadem of Rowena


Dumbledore acted as if he had just said something rather spectacular, but

for the first time in a while Harry disappointed the man. Dumbledore

chuckled, "I am guessing by your lack of wonder and surprise, you are

unfamiliar with the object."

Harry nodded his blushing a bit feeling embarrassed, "You see Harry this

would be quite the feat for Tom. It is considered one of the most

powerful magical artifacts ever created, but more importantly it has been

lost for several centuries."

Harry sighed deeply, "If anyone could have found it, I don't think we

could count Tom out."

"I was of similar opinions."

It was this that ended their conversation as they walked into the office to

see Susan smiling sadly. Harry greeted the girl with a tight hug and a kiss

on the forehead. Dumbledore asked the girl gently, "Was the experience

everything you hoped for Ms. Bones?"

Susan smiled at the man, "And so much more. I spoke to both of them,

and my Aunt."

Dumbledore returned the girls smile, "I am happy to hear you got the

closure you so very much deserved. Of course, like Harry I will caution

you with sharing your experience with anyone else. I believe I will leave

you two to it for the rest of the night. Harry has much to catch you up


Harry understood his dismissal and offered his hand to the wise old man,

"Thank you for everything headmaster. We can begin our search starting

immediately, and I will even put the DA on it to search anywhere they

can think of. I won't give anything to specific as far as details, but we will

do what we can. Including taking a tour of the chamber together."

Dumbledore grasped the boy's hand gently, and patted it with his

glamoured hand gently, "I look forward to it my boy. Get some rest. We

have a war to end."

(A/N) The next chapter is being quite tricky for me as I have written

it about 4 times and deleted the whole thing not liking it. I promise

the story will not be abandoned, but I can't promise when the next

chapter is coming. Hang in there with me, and tell me what you

think Harry should do now that he is the fabled Master of Death.

Cheers to all of you, and thanks for sticking with the story. -Spit

33. The Orphans Charge

Chapter 33

It only took a matter of days when Harry and Dumbledore compiled their

resources to find the Diadem of Ravenclaw. The two sorcerers called

upon every ally, house elf, and trusted former student to ask about places

where things could be hidden in the castle, and the answer was so

obvious it smacked the two genius level wizards in the face. The Room of

Hidden Things had been another name over the years that the Room of

Requirements had adopted, and from there it took a small search party of

the DA's leadership to waltz through the room and bring destruction to

the Horcrux. This left Voldemort down to only two pieces of soul, and

Harry was all but ready to go on the offensive.

The leaders of the DA had all agreed on something that the Headmaster

did not see eye to eye with, and that was slaying Nagini the snake. The

group for the most part believed that Voldemort was fully aware of them

hunting Horcruxes, but it was much too late for him to act upon it. At

this point the Dark Tosser wasn't going to let his final Horcrux out of his

site, and that meant they needed to lure Voldemort into a target area, kill

the snake, and possibly overwhelm the Dark Lord with numbers.

Dumbledore thought this presented to high of a risk, and that many could

be lost in such an attempt. The rest however felt that this could bring an

end to a war that could go on for years if they let this opportunity slip

away from them.

Harry and Susan with the help of the rest of the DA had pushed the Dark

Lord into a political corner. They had made it essentially illegal to have a

Dark Mark on any person's arm, and the only way to escape conviction

was to submit themselves to veritaserum and answer questioning under

the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Gawain Robards

who had absolutely no love for Death Eaters.

Together the power couple had also pushed a few other laws into place.

The Child Protection Act that would not allow Pureblood families to

abuse their children, or to punish them with more force than reasonable.

This was made with Harry in mind mostly, and in hope that if child

abuse was going on at the fundamental home level like Daphne

Greengrass assured the group it was, then the notion needed to die. There

was also the Muggleborn protection act that with the help of many

wealthy light families the government was going to offer a hiding place

for Muggleborns till the end of the war.

These little laws were clearly supremely pissing off the Death Eater

faction if the number of attacks across the country meant anything, but

the public had never been so happy with their government. Half the news

articles around the globe were about this Potter Alliance, and the group

that the youth of England had assembled. It was unprecedented, but the

people loved it.

It was a quite night in June when the school year was coming to a close.

Harry was training with the leaders of the DA, and the young fearless

leader was unstoppable. The green-eyed young man that had trained all

the people in the current room from scrap was currently handling them

four at a time. Susan, Hermione, Neville, and Daphne were all trying to

put the boy down, but not a damn one of them could even land a hit.

With the Elder Wand in his hand he felt completely unstoppable. Harry

had even bested Remus, Sirius, and Tonks all at the same time just a few

days before, and it was quickly becoming clear that Harry controlled this

wand better than even Dumbledore. The Master of Death Harry was, and

it was clear that the Hallows were singing with power in the descendant

of their previous masters.

Hermione went down, and Ron stepped in. Daphne and Neville went

down at the same, allowing Luna, and Ron to come in. This went down

until only Susan was still left standing fighting for her life against the boy

she loved.

Susan had said it best just a few short months ago on the grounds of

Bones Manor. She was Harry's greatest fighter, and she had proven it

time and time again. There was just no quit in the young woman and

everyone pitied Bellatrix Lestrange or any Death Eater that the girl came

up against. Even with all her work, power, and progress though she was

no longer a match for Harry as he disarmed the girl, tied her in rope, and

summoned her to his arms where he planted a kiss on her cheek

smoothly, "I think that will be a win for me my love."

The girl rolled her eyes, "Nothing new there, but I lasted the longest."

Ron groaned as he stood up, "That's because your boyfriend has that

stupid wand in his hand. It used to be fun and fair matches, but now he

just wipes the floor with all of us."

Neville chimed in, "You won't be complaining Ron when he has that

wand against Voldemort."

This caused the red head to chuckle, "Bloody right you are Neville. I

think we should just go hunting for the Dark Tosser tonight, and not

come back till Harry has his head on a Gryffindor Red platter that we can

mount in the common room."

More laughs followed this, and Harry just released Susan continuing his

beaming smile at her, "They are right you know. You have always been

the most powerful among us Harry, but we can't even make you draw

your second wand anymore. With the Elder Wand in your hand, and the

hard work you have been into until this moment I think at the very least

you are a match for him."

Harry considered the girls words, "I think you could be right, but he is

still invincible as long as the Snake lives."

Collin chimed in, "That may be true Harry, but I think for the first time in

his life You Know Who is actually being hunted instead of the other way

around. Whether or not he realizes this or not I'm not sure, but there

hasn't been a full-scale attack in weeks. The moment he pops his head out

we are going to be there to try and stop him, and maybe even end this

war before it really gets ugly."

Suddenly an ethereal light entered the room, and a familiar bouncing

silver fox came prancing towards Harry, "Harry we are under attack. The

Dark Lord is here. The Ministry will fall in moments. Help us."

Everyone froze for a moment, but before Harry could start running

towards the door Neville smacked Collin, "You just had to go taunting the

Dark Tosser about not poking his head out."

This melted the tension a little, and Harry said, "I don't expect anyone to

follow me but-"

Of all the people who interrupted him it was Daphne that started walking

past him, "Come on Potter save the bullshit speech for later. We have a

war to win, and we need to get there before the Ministry falls and all our

hard work is undone."

Harry wanted to protest, but no one cared to listen to him really as they

all started in a full speed run towards the Headmaster's office, and this

made the young man beam with pride and anticipation as he followed

behind them quickly overtaking the leaders. Dumbledore met them

halfway with Fawkes on his side, "You have received word the Ministry is

under attack?"

Nodding Harry said, "We are on our way to help out."

Dumbledore nodded looking over the group, "Stay together and protect

each other. You have all trained very hard together, and work as a team.

It is your greatest strength. The Order has been notified, and I am

expected a full-scale battle to be in place by the time we get there."

Harry surveyed the faces of each of his friends and expected to see fear in

at least some of their faces, but all he saw was determination. Even

Hermione, and Hannah who Harry considered some of the least violent

people he had ever met look ready. So much violence was done at the

hands of these Death Eaters I think everyone was ready to see this war

end before they could start getting any real traction. Taking the

government tonight would undue all their hard work.

"Fawkes will take us all to the Ministry. I am afraid he will be unable to

help us after that, but he can get us there. Form a circle and take each

other's hands." Dumbledore commanded.

Harry took Neville and Susan's hands as the group quickly formed up in a

tight circle. Harry spoke before the Headmaster could, "Let's end this. No

one fight alone, and everyone stick together. Let's go kill this son of a


Neville let out a hoot, and everyone yelled their defiance as Fawkes flew

to Dumbledore outstretched hands, and an eruption of flame shot out

towards everyone. The feeling was much more pleasant than apparating,

but when the feeling passed Harry was already conjuring a chair that

intercepted a killing curse, which Susan shielded the rubble and Hannah

banished it back in the direction of the attackers.

The atrium was alive with battle. Bodies were laying on the floor, and

dozens of black robed men were spread out across the area battling with

different Ministry Personnel. Harry immediately caught site of Sirius,

Remus, Gawain, and Kingsley all attempting to hold back Voldemort and

his snake Nagini, while Tonks, Emmeline Vance, and Rufus Scrimgeour

were all trying to hold back Augustus.

Dumbledore was a blur of action as he spurred forth stunning Death

Eaters who were so tied up in their fights that he quickly began turning

the tides of the battle almost single handedly. Harry roared out to his

group, "Follow Dumbledore, and let's get closed to Voldemort. Duel to


This was the order that told everyone this was it. Leave it all on the line.

It originally started with Collin asking how he knew it was time to end

the war, and Harry had put a hand on his shoulder and told the group

that he hoped none of them ever had to be killers, but if it came to that

then it would happen on the very eve that war would end, and that they

would do whatever it took to win the day. The group roared back their

approval at Harry as Neville, Ron, and Collin began throwing around

heavy duty blasting hexes at the gathered groups of Death Eaters. A small

group of Death Eaters intercepted them as their own reinforcements

began to arrive, but the group matched them man to man, while Harry

continued to follow Dumbledore through the hole in the crowd the two

were creating.

Harry screamed out, "TOM!"

This caused the man to scream out in rage and flick his wand in

devastating array of the darkest black magic throwing his three attackers

back and knocking them all out of the fight. Dumbledore spoke quickly,

"I will hold off Tom find the snake, and take out Bellatrix and clear up

some of our best fighters."

Before Harry could argue Dumbledore and Voldemort began their dance.

Harry frustrated turned back to his group, "Ginny, Collin, and Luna I

need you go get the Minister, my God father, and Remus out of here. You

three are the youngest, but we drilled apparition so hard this Winter

break, and I know you guys can do it. Do not come back to this battle.

Luna, Ron, Ernie I want you to cover them, and be ready to provide

assistance with taking down Bellatrix. Daphne, Hermione, and Hannah

take Augustus Rookwood we need to free up our fighters, and if the

battle isn't looking good get out."

They all recognized the man from the battle of the Hogwarts Express he

was picking off Ministry Personnel marching towards the group. The

group surged forward following his command and Neville asked, "Harry

what are we going to do?"

Susan answered for him, "We are the three-best duelist in the group. We

are going to thin the numbers and get the snake."

"Brilliant, but how are we going to kill it?" Neville asked curiously.

"Without basilisk venom we only know of one way to defeat a Horcrux

currently. It isn't just because you are my best mate and Susan is the love

of my life, or because you two are the best duelist. Its because you both

hold enough hatred in your hearts to make the curse work. You have to

mean it." Harry said feeling the anger well up inside him.

Susan and Neville both just nodded in understanding, "We kill the snake

then we kill Voldemort. Let's go end this."

With a barrage of curses coming from the three they joined in the fight

against Voldemort. It was a miracle the man had survived the three

entering the battle making it a four on one fight, but Voldemort likely

could've kept this up for a while, but he realized he was backed into a

corner, and even attempted to apparate away, but Dumbledore pointed

his wand to the ceiling shouting at Harry, "I will keep him here Harry,

but I can't do anything else."

Harry nodded at this and surged forward attempting to lead the orphans

in his charge. The three who now battled with the man and blasted at the

snake were possibly the three who lost the most to the mad man, and his

followers, and it was going to be them that fought him till their last

breaths. As their families had before them. It quickly became Voldemort

Vs. Harry as Dumbledore trapped the two with a powerful shield in a

dome like area as Neville and Susan pushed towards the snake and

Bellatrix who had joined in on the protection. Voldemort was like a

caged animal at this point, and he was deflecting Harry's power that was

eclipsing with Elder Wand flashing in his hand, while also trying to

protect Nagini and by extension Bellatrix.

Harry was pushing towards the monster, and when he caught heir of

Slytherin with a severing charm to his left shoulder the man roared out in

pain, but this was all Susan and Neville needed as two jets of green light

soared towards Nagini. Harry wasn't sure which curse ended the beast,

but it cried out a horrible cry, and it erupted into black dust. Harry

stopped for a moment as Voldemort screamed in pain, and anger. During

this time Susan screamed out in triumph as she hit Bellatrix with some

type of piercing hex that dropped the woman forever.

Harry shouted to Susan and Neville behind him, "Go finish the fight. I

have to do this."

The two didn't try, and argue, because when Voldemort got back to his

senses he was angrier than any living person had ever seen him. He was a

dangerous flash of deadly magic, and Harry matched him curse for curse,

speed for speed, and power for power. Harry at one point even two years

ago wouldn't have been able to comprehend this speed, but with his

training, his hard work, and his determination he was doing more than

comprehending it he was beating it. The duel went on and on, and Harry

was unsure yet that he would be able to defeat the man when suddenly

he screamed and dropped to his knees. The last curse that left Harry's

wand was a piercing hex, and it went straight through the man who was

now legless having been struck from behind. Susan was staring across the

battlefield with a determined look on her face. Voldemort screamed with

rage, but he was a dying wounded animal at this point. Harry walked to

the man as the battle around them had ceased.

"You marked me as your equal 16 years ago Tom. Today it happened. I

could've dueled you for days if I had to, but you couldn't. Your monstrous

crimes that split your soul would never have allowed you to stand up to

me forever, and for your crimes your reign ends today."

Harry raised his wand to the man's eyes, but the man spat, "What are you

going to do? The leader of the light is going to hit me with the killing

curse now?"

Shaking his head Harry however said, "That's your problem Tom. You

were powerful, you were dark, but you were woefully uncreative. I

should be thankful. It made finding and destroying all your horcruxes

that much easier. Goodbye Tom."

With the final words being said Harry cast the severing charm and

watched the man's head fall off his shoulders. It was a gruesome dark

scene, but the battle was done.

Harry looked up to Susan to see her running towards him and the two

embraced, but her body wasn't the last to hit his. It was followed by

Neville, Ron, Hermione, and the entirety of the DA Leadership that had

followed him tonight. Not even one of their own had an injury that

would see them in the Hospital wing for more than a few hours. Harry

tried to imagine what this battle, what this war could have been like

without his friends at his side, but truth be told it seemed almost

impossible. The body count would have been seemingly endless, and it

would've been all his fault. Sometimes you just must rise to the occasion,

and fight to the finish. Harry felt the love his friends surrounded himself,

and realized that he owed this victory to them, and the people that stood

up to the dark monster. In the end it was Potter Alliance that won the


{A/N) Epilogue is to follow. Stay tuned.

34. Epilogue


A young couple were sitting at breakfast in their Chateau in Rome

reading the local newspaper, and of course stealing glances at the Daily

Prophet that had been delivered as well. The two had a ritual every

morning to make love, eat breakfast, and read the local newspaper. The

two didn't even receive the Daily Prophet since their relocation and knew

whatever was in it was either good news or bad news. It had been sent by

Daphne Greengrass who was in a close working relationship with the

young married couple and they noticed it was dated from yesterday.

After stealing the tenth glance at it Harry sighed, "Go ahead my love,

open the paper."

They didn't have to look past the headline to know what had happened, "

Neither said a word as they began to read the article:

The couple sat the newspaper down with faint smiles. It seems Collin had

gotten the big article he was hoping to get to right, but the sadness of the

news washed over the two who had been so affected by the life of Albus


Harry stood up running his hand through his hair gently and took deep

breaths. He did not want to make his official return to Britain, not yet,

but he knew it was time.

"Come my love you can't hide from British Media forever." The beautiful

redhead spoke to the annoyed looking green-eyed man.

"I don't owe it to them. I owe it to him. He gave me the chances, he gave

me the weapons, and when things looked bad, he stood beside me in the

times that counted. Can't we stay off the radar for a little longer?"

"And what just not go to the funeral?"

This stumped Harry. He had of course never considered not going to the

funeral that just would be improper, and completely unfair to the

greatest light wizard of the last generation. Hell he was the one that gave

the ceremony at his wedding five years ago he couldn't just not go, "No of

course not. Dumbledore knew full well how I felt about him in the end

though. I don't know why the media is in a firestorm about our return to

Britain over this."

"Don't you think it's time to return my love? You read what Colin said,

and you know he is right. He practically wrote the article to you." Susan

asked carefully.

This made the man sigh. They had been traveling the world and living in

Rome ever since the fall of Voldemort. They had completely avoided all

the celebrating, and award ceremonies, and anything else that included

the post war celebrations. They had lost too much, and most of the

advanced DA had come out to stay with Harry for extended periods of

time, and even vacationed with Susan and himself from time to time. The

group had stayed very tight knit over the years.

"Here I thought you enjoyed the Italian lifestyle. We get up in the

morning and we make love. We go to the town for a walk, we come back

and make love." Harry grabbed his wife by the waist, "Then we eat lunch

from working up such an appetite, and then we make love again. It's been

a perfect life."

Susan rolled her eyes and giggled as the boy kissed her on the neck, "Yes

it's amazing I wasn't a balloon the week after we beat Voldemort, I

thought I would never get you to stop."

Harry grinned, "Well it looks like I finally got the job done."

As the 21-year-old man said this he grazed the woman's still very flat

stomach, but they both knew that wouldn't be the case for long, "Are we

going to tell everyone tonight?"

Susan laughed, "Sirius is going to faint."

Harry waved a hand, "Maybe it will light a fire under his ass and will

convince him to go give Emmeline her first baby before she locks him in

a closet and ties him up."

This caused both to laugh as they shared one last look knowing what to

do next. They quickly scrambled upstairs and began to get dressed. When

they were ready, they took each other's hands and apparated straight

across international borders, and the channel. 1500 miles was nothing to

these two power houses. They were able to travel incredible distances

due to their training, and intensive studies in the Potter, Bones, and Black

family grimoires. It was their family magic after all that had allowed

them to gather such a name on the continent. They had traveled from

dueling circuit to dueling circuit decimating competition everywhere

they went. They were the power couple of Europe, and few could even

hope to match their magical prowess, and much fewer their ferocity.

Susan and Harry had sat down through many interviews over the years to

answer the questions of how two such young people were capable of such

extraordinary magic, but the answer was simple. They trained their

bodies to the brink of collapse for years to get ready for the war, and by

the time it was over the results couldn't be undone. Of course, they also

stayed on top of their training even with Advanced DA when they came

down for visits. They would have the greatest assortment of light Wizards

the world would ever see, and most were expecting a golden age that

would begin the day Harry Potter entered the Political field with his

genius of a wife.

Of course, no one knew that Harry was still the master of Death as well.

He had retired the Elder Wand as soon as the battle was won against

Voldemort and began to use his original Phoenix feather wand once

again. The wand seemed to serve him even more efficiently since he

became the Master of Death, but it was one thing he was never going to

pry into much. Dangerous things can happen to people who tamper with

death, and Harry had seen that go wrong the hard way.

When the couple arrived just outside the grounds of Hogwarts the gates

were open, and thankfully they were a little late, so most of the press was

already inside taking pictures. This was the first time their arrival in

Britain would be public. They had of course returned for some weddings,

birthday parties, and other events that their friends held but nothing

major. This would be their supposed triumphant return, and Harry

figured his wife was right, and perhaps it was time to return home, and

make sure their hard work was not for nothing.

When they arrived at the site for the funeral by the edge of the Black

Lake many whispers broke out as the current Minister of Magic Kingsley

Shacklebolt was giving a speech. Most of the eyes had flitted back to

Harry and Susan who were standing in the back quietly keeping their

eyes forward. Daphne Greengrass quietly stood up and motioned for

Harry and Susan to come take the two saved spots next to her.

Daphne had become the Potter Bones official spokesman. She handled a

lot of their finances, and all their press releases. She worked very closely

with Harry and Susan over the years, and always gave statements to the

press when they would realize that Harry and Susan had returned once

again without talking to the media. It was a well-paying job for sure, and

she of course knew it was going to lead to bigger things once she got a

bit of a name for herself which was happening quickly.

The speeches went on and on, and all Harry could do was stare at the

white tomb behind Kingsley and say prayers for the man who had cost

Harry so much, but had also given him his best chance at success. The

man he had fought beside until the very end of the war.

When the last of the speeches were over Kingsley looked out into the

crowd and asked if anyone wanted to say any last words, and Harry knew

he had to say something. To absolute silence Harry stood. Susan patted

him on the leg as he walked out into the aisle, and to the front center of

everyone. Kingsley greeted the boy with a hug, and a whisper, "I hoped

you would say something. Thank you, Harry."

Harry nodded giving the man a slight smile and turned to address the

crowd, "Good afternoon everyone. I am Harry Potter."

This led to some laughter throughout the crowd, and Ron who was sitting

near the front shouted, "Unnecessary introduction if I have ever heard


Leading to more chuckles throughout the crowd Harry grinned at his best

mate and continued, "As Ron pointed out many of you know my story,

but not many know for a while Dumbledore and I did not see eye to eye.

This was while I was still in school, and I felt that the headmaster was

keeping things from me that was going to affect that war against

Voldemort. In a rare turn of events I was actually right, but it took awhile

for Dumbledore to realize it."

A small smile graced the young man's lips as he recalled the memory, "It

was in this time that my idolization of the man began to wane, but my

respect grew. I understood at some point during the best Summer of my

life that the Headmaster was always looking out for me, and he did

everything he thought was necessary to keep me alive, and safe. We may

not have agreed on the methods, but at no point did I ever have to fear

that he wasn't working in the best interest of the greater good, which is

an interest he and I shared. Dumbledore was the leader the world needed

during the war against Grindelwald, and he became a Titan of magical

power as he stood up to his once friend for the betterment of the world.

He sacrificed a lot back then, and he never stopped sacrificing for those

he cared about."

Harry looked back to the grave of the man and sighed, "I will the man

that showed me the way when the world turned to me in its darkest

hours against Voldemort. The teacher I respected, the friend I always

had, and the man I cared about. The world may never know a greater

light wizard."

It was at this point that Harry turned and placed a hand on the white

tomb, and whispered, "Until the next great adventure headmaster."

There was applause, a demand for pictures, and a lot of shaking hands.

There were then lots of small words exchanged between Harry and

Susans' closest friends as they invited them to the restored Potter Manor

for an evening of privacy.

The husband and wife put their team of house elves to prepare for guests,

but Harry was making a constant fuss of making sure his lovely pregnant

wife stayed down for the remainder of the evening, and to let him take

care of the rest until the guests arrived, and one by one they did.

There were of course the seven original defense leaders. Neville and

Hannah had fallen further and further for each other as the years from

school faded away. They had already been blessed with one child, and

Neville was taking his first huge job in the world as the Hogwarts

Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher, while Hannah was going to be his

assistant for the next few years until Professor Sprout retires, and the

husband and wife would have to flip for who would get which position.

Ron had Katie Bell attached to his hip. It was a couple Harry would have

never seen coming, but after three years of being on the Canons reserve

team together Ron was promoted to starting keeper, and Katie was traded

to the Holyhead Harpies. It all started with a bet with Katie who was

sweeping the nation with her offensive abilities as a chaser, and prowess

as an overall player that Ron had made a friendly bet with her that if she

couldn't put up five goals against him then she would buy him dinner.

She put up 6, but still allowed Ron to take her out to dinner, the rest was


Hermione and Collin gave dating a start during Hermione's last year of

schooling, the two hit off great, and with all their common ground being

from the muggle world it was a promising relationship. No one in the

group outside of those two new what happened to their relationship, but

when Hermione graduated the two broke things off mutually and

Hermione joined the Unspeakables right out of school. Collin had become

quite the casanova standing at over 6'3, and being a war hero made him

the desired eye candy to many witches, and he showed no signs of

slowing down, and even had the impossible Gabrielle Delacour on his

arm that evening. Hermione came in with Daphne with one arm looped

through hers as the two rattled on about some impossible theory of the

protean charm. Daphne and Hermione were the best of friends, and

Hermione's close friendship with the Pureblood Princess was one of the

big reasons Harry had trusted the girl enough to allow her to be their

financial advisor, and public PR spokesperson. Daphne had big dreams,

and she had all the right connections in this home to make it if she so


Luna and Ginny came out of the floo holding hands, and no one even

raised an eyelash at the site. Luna had gone on to intern under Rolf

Scamander a Magizoologist, and Ginny was playing with Katie on the

Hollyhead Harpies, both were as happy as could be, and to Harry that

was all that mattered.

Sirius and Remus came through next. Sirius with his arm around

Emmeline Black Nee Vance. The two had married shortly after the war,

and apparently fired up an old romance that had been cooking before his

stay in Azakban. Remus however was walking towards him with a boy

that was just five years old, but as soon as Harry made eye contact with

the boy he surged towards him and lifted his Godson off the ground, "Hey

Teddy, long time no see!"

"Uncle Harry!" Teddy bellowed in excitement planting a wet kiss on

Harry's cheek.

Susan embraced Remus as he laughed at Harry and his only son's antics,

"Nymphadora sends her regards, but they are keeping her for the cleanup

crew at Hogwarts to make sure none of the guests stay on the grounds for

longer than they should."

Harry grinned hugging his honorary uncle, and fellow Marauder, "As long

as my Godson gets to keep making appearances we can always harass

momma nymmy later."

Remus groaned, "Oh please don't let her hear you call her that."

This caused some laughter to ring out throughout the group, and Harry

just beamed as he saw everyone gather and chat with high spirits. Losing

Dumbledore wasn't the hit it certainly could have been. The man helped

the light win two wars, and was over a hundred years old, he lived a

great life, and Harry was certain he was happy in the next great

adventure. Everyone that knew him at all in fact were certain of it.

Dinner was served with the last of the guests arriving, and pleasant

conversations continued through the night before Neville put his hands

on the table, "Harry we all need to talk."

This brought silence around the table, and Harry looked at the boy with

an even face, "Okay Neville what's on your mind?"

Taking a deep breath the man stared into his mentors eyes, "Harry...you

and Susan have been traveling the world and living your lives together

for five years. I am sure it has been a great five years, and my God if

anyone deserved a break it was you two, but mate...we need you back in

the country. We have to make sure all the hardwork and effort we went

into winning the war stays in place. We have to make sure something like

Voldemort never happens again, but the public needs a face to rally

behind. A young Dumbledore. A new leader of the light, and one that

someone can trust."

Harry clapped his hands, "So you want us all to rally behind you?

Splendid! I was really dreading taking up that mantle. You have my

support 100% mate." Harry raised his glass, "To the Longbottom of

Longbottom's, our new leader of the light."

Dead silence went around the table as everyone stared at Harry with a

bewildered expression, but before anyone could say anything Susan

broke down laughing first, "You oversold that one my love. Just tell


Ron looked at the couple strangely, "Tell us what?"

Harry took Susan's hand gently, "What we want to tell all of you is that

Neville is right. It is time for Susan and I step into the limelight and take

up the mantles we are responsible for. If we want our child to be brought

up in a great world, then first we have to make it a good one ourselves."

Colin spit out his drink hard, "Wait did you say child?"

Susan beamed at everyone, "He certainly did. We are as of only two

weeks ago expecting our first. I have been dying to tell everyone!"

It happened immediately, but Harry was pretty certain Sirius was first

out of his seat and starting the whooping. What happened next was many

hugs, tears, and congratulations. Harry and Susan at the end were

holding hands, and Hannah asked, "So do you think its a boy or a girl?"

Susan answered, "It's a boy. Call it mother's intuition. James Albus


This silenced everyone, but smiles were evident everywhere. Colin shook

his head, "Your kid is going to be a legend. Born to two titans of magical

power, and dueling beast. Is it possible to start his training while he is

still in there?"

This caused a series of laughter, and Harry clapped Neville's arm, "Ready

to be a Godfather mate?"

Neville looked amazed, "Me?"

Susan put her arm around Hannah, "Well you and Hannah. That is if you

accept of course."

Hannah squealed and more laughter erupted from the group, "I'll take

that as a yes."

The next round of hugs started, and when it was all over and seats had

been taken Ron stood up, "I would like to propose a toast. To Albus

Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, to Harry James Potter, and James

Albus Potter, the greatest light wizards to ever live!"

The cheers was answered, and Harry took a look into Susan's eyes and

the two shared a smile. What a great life to live together, and it all

started with a scheme, and an alliance.

{A/N} Wow 3.5 years of writing this story, and it is time to close the

final chapter to this book. Please give me your final thoughts. It is

personally my favorite story I have written, so much so that I have

written this epilogue probably ten times, which is why it took so long to

get the ending down. I really appreciate all of the support this story has

received, and I am hoping to start closing the final chapters to a Badgers

Champion this year, and perhaps get started on some new projects

coming later in the year. A big shoutout to anyone who has reviewed this

story. I finished this one for you guys. Cheers, and Mischief Managed.

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