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Адреса змісту:https://www.webnovel.com/book/harry-potter-the-


Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox (

English Version)


60 Chapters


Author: Zeroz7


(27 ratings)


Extimum reincarnates in the world of HP AU with knowledge of his past

life except his identity, luckily he also gets a gift with his reincarnation,

extimum must learn to control his gift, discover the mysteries of his

current identity and live his life in this fantastic and dangerous world of



This version is translated by google translator, so I am not sure of the

quality, I upload it mainly for those of the app that do not have a


I will edit the chapters slowly to be more readable, you can identify them

with the symbol they have before the name.

If you want to read the original version (Spanish), you can enter my

profile or follow this link:




the original image on the cover is not mine, just modify it, if the owner

wants me to remove it, he can tell me.


This is the first story / fanfic that I write so I will upload some test

chapters if you like it, constructive criticism is accepted


One 17 and Under Admitted

Before reading the story, please

read this.

Power system:

this power system is just to get an idea, it probably won't be used

Awakening (11 years, maturity)

Initiate: can perform basic spells (students first years)

Apprentice: has a basic mastery of various spells in general that can be

performed without problems (middle year students)

Master: at this stage are most adult magicians, can perform spells of

medium difficulty without problems and basic magic is natural

Wizard: Most talented wizards who strive can reach this level, have great

mastery in an area of ​​specialization, and can perform spells of great

difficulty (teachers, aurors, most characters have decent power)

Great Wizard: Peak existences, with great mastery of magic (Dumbledore,


Magus: touched by some but not yet reached


"hello" = speak

'hello' = thought

** = sound

. = scene change

... = after a considerable time

. -. = time jump and change of scenery to another place, generally does

not include the mc

- = change of perspective


All the mystical abilities of the MC are related to magic, they are not

separate abilities, likewise the progress of an ability will not always be

said unless it is necessary but this is a list to know what abilities it has

obtained apart from the spells.

11 years:

- telekinesis, weight 5 kg, objectives 5

- illusion, reach 30 square meters, 10min

- metamorphmagus

- Empathy (Legimacy + Lineage Effects)

- ability to touch ghosts

I will measure the physical strength of the mc for now with how many

times stronger than a normal person (eh I will not put anything like the

strength of 2 tigers or an ox, xd or yes? Suggestions are accepted)

for now Mc has the strength of 5 people.


My explanation of magic is telekinetic in itself if it is the will of a

magician applied to reality, that said, when a magician can cast a spell

without singing it is the same as applying his will and imagination to

perfection, therefore the MC skills is actually his ability to shape reality

with his will in certain aspects with which he has an affinity, here

telekinesis = a simple action of his will to manipulate objects around

him and illusion = the ability to with his Willingness to create

projections in the mind or in physical space that can do whatever the

user decides; That said, it does not mean that a magician can use his will

to revive someone easily, after all they are magicians, not gods, however,

they can make use of external forces such as ritual magic and others to

perform actions beyond their power. .

therefore in a spell:

wand movement: rigid method of movement of the energy or will of the

magician to facilitate the use of a certain action that shares a certain

resonance with the world.

chant: the magic word is an aid so that the magician can access the

memory image of him for his spell, in addition to a resonance created by

the language and the world over the years that facilitates influencing


wand: a focus that concentrates the will or energy of the magician to

perform magic, the best wands or magical artifacts not only focus but

also enhance the magic cast, the effectiveness of the wand derives both

from its affinity with the magician and with its raw power; All of the

above said, wands work as a good method to perform magic for novices

but a crutch for the actual development of a magician's own power.

the difficulty to perform magic then, is decided by its base power (its

nucleus), its ability to control its power (here, practice enters and very

few magicians practice but has to use their wands), imagination

(visualize what you want or just use songs and movements), the

complexity of the action you want to perform (the complexity can be

reduced if you have an affinity) and experience, this because an

experienced magician knows better methods to summon his magic or

others on the contrary end up putting limits.

an example of magical affinity: natural legimens or oclumens,

metamorphmagus, mongrel magicians with other magical beings inherit

the abilities of their other party such as half-candles (transformation,

natural charm), it can also be due to the character of the person , like

voldemort and dark magic or Harry Potter and the patronus, although

they still strive, it is easier than others.

now the world or the consciousness of magic, is not a thinking entity and

is only a rector of itself, for example, magic by contracts or oaths are

governed by it, as well as the claims or memory of magic.


Finally, there are some things to keep in mind, the first chapters may not

have been the best, I have been editing them when I make time or they

remind me very often, since this is my first novel, it is normal that I grow

and I develop more over time the more I write, so in that part the

understanding of the readers is expected, another thing is that in the first

year the MC will follow the Hp trio a bit, this for 2 reasons, the first is

that At the beginning I did not know very well how to separate them

properly and because the MC has a friendly relationship with them, so

solidifying the first year with adventures together with them seemed fine

to me, otherwise the MC will not be a babysitter or anything like that,

many of me They emphasize that fact a lot, so I clarify it here, another

thing is that the skills of the MC will be described little by little or in

Chapter 18 where those that we will see that its lineage offers are already

correctly introduced.

MC women and some other


Over there I have seen some questions about which women will be an MC

partner, so I have put this auxiliary chapter to not only give a small

preview but also to leave it open for discussion.

The first thing is, how many will there be? The expectation is 9-10, I

don't really like the big harem that much, I prefer it small but logically

speaking, the harem is based on having all the girls you want, so that's

why the current number.

1. Luna Lovegood

2. Hermione

3. Daphne

4. Bloom

5. Tonks

6. Bellatrix

7. Fleur

These are some sure that if there will be, then we have 3 Oc who would

come much later, they will be a surprise.

then some had mentioned to me that they wanted Milf among them, they

said that Bellatrix, Mc's mother, Narcissa.

Milf was not so much among my ideas, but hey, we can do it, I

particularly like Bellatrix so it is likely that I added her, the mother of the

mc, ehh, because I had other plans for her but it is not impossible, I must

admit that I have considered adding incest to the story but it would be

for the future and not with her mother, as for Narcissa, well we'll see.

[Comment on this line for your candidates]

Another thing I read there, although they felt sorry for them and they

deleted it ( :v ), don't be upset, this is the internet, don't be afraid of your

wild thoughts, they asked me and the label ['r*pe']? Well, in fact there

will be 'r*pe' in the story with a complex event that will occur later, I will

not spoil it, so for those who like this label, rest assured if there will be.

speaking of which, those scenes were going to be a bit heavy a bit of

sadism around here and well.

[comment here, if you don't have problems with it]

Although personally I have never written those scenes, but hey, there are

good references on the internet and I will try to make them satisfactory

even if I delay uploading them, as with the fight scenes, I have never

written them but I think the first fight of the mc with the thieves was not

bad don't you think?

To clarify, the story does not focus on the R18 as s* x, but if they are an

important part, so it will not be neglected, on the other hand, since there

is still time, it is good that you give your suggestions so that there is a

good development of them in the future, unless you want an unofficial

one-shot xd?

Chapter 1: In the Beggining

[Please read the Auxiliary chapter to understand the writing


September 1, 1991, London. Station 9¾.

It was a cold morning with a cloudy sky, few rays of sun barely escaped

from the clouds , offering slight glimpses of warmth.

It was quite early and the train station still looked somewhat lonely, with

only a few people visible around. At that station, a large black and red

train with a rustic but well-maintained design was parked. Steam from

the locomotive escapes occasionally , giving a little more life to the cold


The train wasn't too long on the outside, but mysteriously, the inside

seemed much larger than it looked. Each car had several compartments

that formed small rooms that could fit up to six relatively uncomfortable

people or four people comfortably as was normally customary .

A child was sitting in one of those compartments.

The boy was sitting near the window, looking lost in thought as he

watched the cloudy sky. He had a rather extraordinary and eccentric

appearance even within the standards of this world.

He was 11 years old, however, he was considerably taller than most

children his age.

He was wearing a rather elegant black suit. At a second glance and you

could even see that it looked expensive, however, it was quite common in

the fashion of his social class.

On the other hand, his features were remarkable.

He had platinum white hair accompanied by certain shades of purple in

certain areas of his hair that sometimes formed purple lines, highlighting

his style.

His dark purple eyes hid an unknown depth inside, giving him a touch of

mystery, along with a certain predatory air, due to his mostly vertical

pupils, like those of felines or reptiles.

However, even if we ignored his hair and eyes, his face alone could be

considered handsome and charming and that was already considering his

young age.

His name was Extimum Enoch.

[Previously Shadowless, now Enoch, in the last unedited chapters you

can still find "shadowless"]

Extimum was currently reflecting on his life, on what he had been until

now and what he would probably be in the future. At first, he lived a

fairly 'normal' life until he was 5 years old.

On that exact morning of his fifth birthday , his mind experienced a

shock, as if two orchestra cymbals had hit his head and from one moment

to the next, he gained memories of a past life.

The memories were vague and full of gaps, but there was some

information that, when merged with his mind, gave a completely new

meaning to his life. It was almost as if I had woken up from a dream.

His reality became clear and at the same time confusing, but... he was

sure of one thing and that was... that he had been reborn and according

to the few memories he kept, he knew where, on the other hand, the

memories did not affect his mind or his personality too much.

He was a person from this world, he had been born and raised here, and

his memories had so many gaps that he could barely patch up what he

had learned in his current life.

But putting that aside, he had been reborn in the world of Harry Potter,

only… there were some differences.

Some were quite obvious and he could tell given his current situation,

others, on the other hand, were unknown until he explored them for

himself, but if there was one thing he did know, it was that his family or

family clan did not exist in the original story.

The Enoch family in this world was very recognized and was part of the

sacred 28, although more than a family it could properly be called a

family clan, since the Enoch family exists in every large country with a

magical community in the world and although they had their historical

origins in Britain, the family currently residing here was just another

branch of the family.

A branch that, like the others , were distant from each other, but strongly

united, forming a self-directed and independent network among its links

and that did not have a defined general leader other than the consensus

of each head of family.

Thus, the family had great military power and political influence locally

and globally, however, they are also one of the most discreet and

generally neutral families, thus leading to a powerful and influential, but

low-profile existence.

However, although the branch of the Enoch family in Britain enjoyed

great prestige, it cannot be said that the Extimum family circle was very


Since birth, he can almost count the times he had seen his father, not to

mention having seen him; even having him speak a word to him was


His mother on the other hand, was a little more approachable, but by 'a

little' we mean that after she made sure to teach him enough so that he

wouldn't embarrass the family in the face of basic knowledge and

etiquette, she became almost as elusive as his father.

Although, at least he got to see her more regularly than his father or it

was like that at least for the first few years, until she simply stopped


Because of this, Extimum grew up under the care of his family's house elf,

Bob, who attended to almost all of his requests, but who was equally

short of words.

Thanks to Bob, he was able to access the mansion's library and dedicate

himself to learning more about this world.

Some tough times those were, but having certain memories of his past

life, although sparse, still gave him a broader perspective of the world.

So he concentrated on what he had and focused all his attention on

reading and learning, ignoring his situation and the cold treatment of his

family, after all, ignoring their treatment of him, at least they provided

him with everything he needed: a comfortable place to live, food and

everything that the mansion and money could get under certain limits.

At the cost of his young heart and feelings, his personality slowly became

colder and more callous, stunning his very ability to understand them, as

he focused all of himself on magic.

However, his rebirth was not so simple, similar to the fragments of

stories he remembered, his rebirth came with a gift.

He was a holder of the bloodline of the celestial fox

A fact that clarified some unknowns in his mind.

The reason for the difference in his features and appearance compared to

his family and some other strange quirks that he had dismissed before,

such as his enhanced senses (sight, smell, etc.), along with the fact that

he had noticed that his physical strength He was much stronger than

children his age, as to whether there were any other advantages, abilities,

or implications of having this bloodline, he did not know them at the


The memories he obtained only contained information about the movies

and some things about HP's books. Based on this, Extimum had reflected

on its situation and its future.

It was only until he ascertained the date in a newspaper that he

immediately knew that he was likely to be the same age as Harry Potter,

so being a victim or being involuntarily involved in difficulties by going

to the same year as him was a strong possibility.

On the other hand, he still didn't know if he would approach Harry

Potter, after all, he didn't know him personally nor did he know if it

would be worth being his friend, but getting along with him was also

within the possibilities if he found him to his liking, even trying to help

him might not hurt.

After all, this is his life and he wouldn't carelessly go into trying to be a

hero or help everyone, adding that he was a little interested in Hermione,

although her character was quite annoying at first, it's not like he

couldn't try to tame her. ahem help her improve her character.

It was only after some time of pondering his plans that he had decided

not to complicate things too much, he was only 5 years old at the time

and there were still 6 more years until the plot began.

So he had enough time to discover his abilities and the real difficulty of

magic, plus he didn't know the reason for his rebirth and since he didn't

remember anything about who he was in the past, there was no point in

thinking about it too much at the moment.

In fact, the knowledge and memories he had gained only made him wiser

and more mature for his age, but he was still a child.

By having free access to his family's resources and Bob's assistance, he

was able to begin to establish his knowledge bases about magic,

naturally, as a good connoisseur, he organized the different topics that he

remembered and that would be very useful.

Such as legilimency and occlumency, as well as books to help him

understand the perspective of magical society.

This study lasted for a year and a half in which he would study

everything that could help him better understand the wizarding world

and the first year of Hogwarts studies.

He didn't have much interest in getting too far ahead and then doing

nothing in school, plus even if he could, he wasn't sure he could learn

everything on his own, especially the later years and more so with the

large number of useless books that portrayed all in ways too complicated

for simple topics.

That said, while studying, he discovered that he had an eidetic memory,

although that didn't mean he understood everything, at least he could

remember it perfectly. In between that time he also had rare classes with

his mother about manners and family history.

He also accompanied his father to some political meetings, mainly

because he was the current heir of the family.

From these meetings he came to know that he had an uncle (paternal),

Rhys, who, unlike his parents, treated him kindly and was willing to

communicate normally with him, something a bit refreshing. However,

he didn't see him very often either and they weren't very close.

Over time, in addition to just studying magic, he also added a gentle

routine to train his body, although he said gentle, it was actually quite

intense since, although his body was young, thanks to his bloodline his

limits required more work to develop.

Among his studies, he discovered that in this world in order to perform

magic, two things were needed.

The first is the lineage and the second is the nucleus.

The lineage part didn't say much, just that it requires magical blood to

perform magic and as for the core, it is a kind of extra muscle that all

magical beings have, which develops over time and training.

However, according to various situations, the core has a better

development or remains stagnant at a level, although the levels are more

theoretical, an approximate classification would be five levels from the

awakening of magic to the current peak of power (more info in data).

After learning about this, he even wondered if wizards were really

humans or the same species as the so-called muggles; after all, a certain

lineage is required to perform magic, so wizards could be a species

derived from humans, thus also being magical creatures.

Or on the contrary, just another magical being that looks like humans but

is not human, however, then he stopped thinking about it anymore, he

realized that there was no point in knowing the answer for the current

him anyway.

The following years he continued with his studies and physical training,

in addition to trying to test if he could gain some control over wandless

magic and having Bob get someone to teach him fencing or

swordsmanship. Although it differed depending on the type of sword, he

didn't know if he could really get an instructor for it, especially since he

couldn't leave his house, except when his mother came over.

On the other hand, he had never handled a sword, but he had a certain

fanaticism for swords and although it was unlikely that he would have

one anytime soon, perhaps in the future he could get one.


*Knock Knock*

At that moment the sound of someone knocking on the compartment

door was heard, waking him up from his memories.

Shortly after knocking, a boy opened the door. He was a brown-haired

boy wearing a rather ordinary gray suit. After opening the door, he

looked inside as if looking for something or someone and after not

finding it, he left, closing the door and leaving without saying anything.

Extimum didn't think much about it and turned his attention back

outside, realizing the flow of people boarding the train and families

saying goodbye was larger than before, probably approaching boarding

time. Since he had arrived early, he had taken his time resting and

sometimes flipping through a book in his compartment until he was lost

in thought.

As he looked outside, his door opened again, this time a boy who was a

little skinny and short for his age entered, he had black hair, green eyes,

he was wearing clothes that were clearly too big for his size and round

frame glasses accompanied by a slightly nervous look on his face.

???: "Hello, is this place unoccupied?" Even though there was clearly no

one else in the compartment other than Extimum, the boy still asked.

Extimum: "oh, hello, go ahead, it's free." Extimum was surprised to meet

Harry Potter so soon, it's not like he hadn't thought about meeting him

here, but he didn't think there would be such a coincidence.



As I said in the synopsis, this version is translated by google translator

and the quality may not have been very good, I don't know much

about English, so the reviews are rather superficial.

On the other hand, if someone wants to help or detects an

inconsistency in the text, they can mark it for me to review it, you can

also look for the Main version in Spanish or if you want to help leave

me a comment.


Chapter 2: Way to Hogwarts

Harry Potter: "I'm Harry Potter." After sitting across from Extimum, Harry

looked at Extimum and introduced himself, although he was a bit

impressed by Extimum's appearance, since this is a magical world he

thought it might be normal.

Extimum: "Enoch, Extimum Enoch, it's a pleasure." Extimum also

introduced himself and nodded slightly, maintaining an appearance open

to the exchange, but not very expressive.

While they were having a casual talk someone again appeared at the

door. A red-haired, blue-eyed boy with a fair complexion and a little

freckled, he was wearing normal clothes, though some of them looked a

bit old. (I will remove the last name of the characters that are too


???: "Excuse me, can I sit here? The other places are already full."

Harry looked at Extimum and seeing that Extimum had no problem

nodded to the boy, who enthusiastically came in and sat down next to


Ron: "My name is Ron Weasley."

Harry: "I'm Harry Potter."

Extimum:" Extimum Enoch".

Hearing their names, his face quickly changing between excitement and

curiosity, shooting a quick glance at Extimum before focusing on Harry.

Ron: "So it's true…do you have…the scar?".

Harry:" Ah, yeah".

Harry lifted the hair that covered his forehead and showed his scar.

Ron: "Fantastic". Ron was excited to meet Harry Potter and turned his

gaze in Extimum's direction.

"And you're… Enoch? I've heard my dad talk about your family, he says

they're very powerful and discreet. I also think I've heard talk about you,

you are the current heir to the family, but, like your family, not much is

known about you, it is said that it is almost impossible to take a picture

of you and only those who have known you personally know what you

are like".

Ron was quite surprised that just as he entered the train he had

encountered two famous figures. First there was Harry Potter, and who

hadn't heard of him?

Ron himself even read his books on occasion, though it was mainly that

others read it to him or told him about it.

Then there was the Enoch family, even though they were pretty low-key

and didn't make waves, their presence and prestige, added to the many

myths and rumors about them, were never lacking.

Even Ron, who tended to be quite prejudiced towards certain families,

had nothing to say about the Enoch family.

It was especially so, because he had heard his dad tell him that the Enoch

family had been one of the main behind-the-scenes benefactors of the

light side. in the previous wizarding war against Voldemort himself and

though they hadn't acted directly, their influence alone had already given

the faction great support.

Voldemort himself didn't dare do anything to them unless it was

completely necessary, because even in his heyday he was quite wary of

them despite their neutral attitude to the changes in the world.

Extimum only smiled slightly at his emotive reaction.

Honestly speaking, he had a little prejudice against Ron, after all, in the

movies his character wasn't very trustworthy and although he later found

out that the original character was actually quite important in the series

(in the books) and it was in the movie where they reduced its

importance, he still did not know what it would be like in this new


At the moment it did not seem so different from the movies, but he

supposed that he should first meet him before judging him and more so

now that like everyone else, they were just children.

However, if there was one thing to note so far, it's that while all the

characters you've seen so far bore a strong resemblance to their actors

from the movie, they seemed to look better here.

He put it down to perhaps magic further enhancing humans or subtly

influencing the body of magical beings.

Even if there is no such thing as mana running through this world, surely

there is something similar that works.

After a while, a lady passed by pushing a cart full of sweets.

???: "Would you like anything from the trolley, darlings?"

Ron perked up looking at the wide variety, but could only sigh as he

remembered that he couldn't afford it, so he just showed a food wrapper

that was in his pocket.

Ron: "No thanks, I brought something".

Harry immediately picked up on Ron's reluctance and remembering that

he had a little cash with him and could afford it, Harry reached into his

pocket to pull out his money.

Harry: "I want it all." Pulling the money out of his pocket, Harry told the

cart lady.

Seeing his actions, Ron was surprised that Harry had so much money

with him.

Extimum blinked slightly, not too surprised by his actions, but he thought

he was somewhat wasteful with his money not knowing its value.

Not that he particularly cared, but he knew Harry was doing it because

he wanted to share, so he decided to interfere.

At the same time, he also thought that it wouldn't hurt to explain the

value of money to him if he had the chance.

Extimum: "Let me pay half". Smiling slightly, he took out some of the

money his uncle had given him, took a part of what Harry had taken out,

paid the lady, then took a part of the sweets to leave the rest to Harry

and Ron.

Then the three of them sat down and began to taste the great variety of

magical sweets, even for Extimum who was from the magical world, the

taste of some of the sweets surprised him.

Although he has tasted the food of the magical world, he did not have or

take the time to try the sweets or special foods.

Also, although in general the food in the magical world is good, some

dishes are too strange and made him wonder who came up with those

flavors, the perfect example is the Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans

Why would anyone include the taste of snot or intestines in a candy?

Even if it was fun to see the expression of the one who consumed it, it

would not be a pleasant experience for the one who was unlucky enough

to taste it.

All in all, there was a subtle twisted sense of humor in some things about


They kept tasting their sweets, until Ron noticed Harry's interest in his

rat and remembered the spell his brothers taught him and since he

wanted to show off a bit, he decided to give it a try.

Ron: "It's Scabbers, isn't pathetic?"

Harry: "I guess so…" Harry replied a little unsure what Ron was referring


Ron: "Fred taught me how to change their color to yellow, shall I teach


Harry: "Yeah". Since Harry hadn't seen much magic and wanted to know

more about it, he was excited at the prospect of learning a spell.

Extimum just let out a small smile and watched from the side.

As Ron prepared to "cast" his spell, a girl stood over the doorway and

peered into the compartment.

She had thick brown hair, brown eyes, and large front teeth that stood

out a bit; she was already wearing her Hogwarts uniform.

Seeing her interruption annoyed Ron a little, after all, he was about to

cast his spell when he was interrupted, but he looked at the girl anyway

waiting for her to say what she needed to.

The girl, realizing that everyone had directed their gaze towards her,


Hermione: "Mm, have you seen a toad? a boy named Neville lost it".

Ron: "Ah, no". Ron got uncomfortable at the way the girl just interrupted

without even apologizing.

Hermione: "Oh, were you about to do magic?, then go ahead."

Remembering that the boy before her was about to do magic before she

arrived, Hermione decided to encourage him again, after all, she was still

new to the wizarding world and very interested in everything related to


Ron still felt annoyed at the slightly commanding tone in which the girl

in front of him was saying things, but remembering that he was about to

show off his spell, he put that aside and braced himself again.

While all this was happening, for Extimum it was different, the moment

he saw Hermione he felt inexplicably uncomfortable, as if something

inside him stirred.

That faint feeling quickly morphed into restlessness, and from

restlessness to desire… a possessive one.

Extimum: 'What's wrong with me? It's not like I haven't seen pretty

women before and even if I did, I shouldn't feel that way, besides,

although Hermione will surely be beautiful and more so in this world,

currently I can only say that she is pretty'.

Extimum was confused, even if we ignore everything else, we can't ignore

the fact that while he has a more mature mind, he is still that of an 11-

year-old boy and still shouldn't be attracted to women, moreover, the

feeling it was a little more primordial, the only explanation could be his

bloodline, although he didn't know what could make him react like that

to her, anyway, it wasn't difficult to suppress that uncomfortable feeling.

Ron: "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow".

After Ron finished the spell, there was a small light in Scabbers, however,

nothing else happened after that.

Hearing Ron chanting the fake spell his brothers gave him brought

Extimum out of his thoughts, however, he was no longer in the mood to

tease him.

Extimum: "Your brothers must have tricked you with the spell, spells

aren't usually like that, unless of course you're trying to do a ritual."

Harry just shrugged; Hermione on the other hand looked at Extimum, as

she was concentrating on looking for the toad she didn't pay much

attention to those inside, but now that she looked better she was a little

surprised by Extimum's appearance, however, deciding to be prudent she

didn't comment on it.

Hermione: "I don't think it's a real spell either, because well, it doesn't

work, does it?"

Ron couldn't help but feel annoyed at her tone again, looking at Harry

and Extimum for understanding, causing Harry to only smile slightly and

Extimum to wave his hand slightly as if to indicate that he wasn't taking

it too seriously.

Hermione: "Of course I've only tried simple spells, but it's worked fine."

Listening to Hermione, Extimum couldn't help but think that Hermione's

words really did sound a bit scathing or authoritative, if it wasn't that he

knew a bit of the context of her behavior, he might find her quite

annoying and offensive, but it was nothing that a little "help" couldn't fix.

Hermione took out her wand and sat down next to Extimum, to face

Harry. Then she cast a spell.

Hermione: "For example, Oculus reparo." After the spell took effect,

Harry's previously cracked glasses returned to their original state.

Harry was very surprised by the effect and took off his glasses to check it

out in more detail, however, as he took off his glasses, it ended up again

revealing the scar on his forehead, which was clearly seen by Hermione,

making her exclaim.

Hermione: "Boiled snails, you're Harry Potter."

Listening to her, Extimum couldn't help but his lip trembled and he

almost smiled, but he quickly regained his stoic face, although he grew

up in the magical world, since he didn't have too long contact with the

outside, found some of the expressions funny and tried to use them

minimally or not at all.

With her exclamation, Hermione also realized that she had been speaking

freely all along without even introducing herself, so she quickly

introduced herself.

Hermione: "I'm Hermione Granger." After introducing herself, Hermione

hoped to get to know the others a bit more, so she turned her attention to

Ron, hoping that he would introduce himself as well.

Ron: "ñamn* Ron Weasley." Ron, who was still chewing on his candy,

introduced himself.

Hermione felt a little disgusted by his act of talking with food in his

mouth and shifted her gaze to Extimum, who, noticing her gaze, also

looked at her and replied.

Extimum: "I am Extimum Enoch." Extimum took advantage of his

closeness to observe her better and see if there was something special in

her that he had overlooked to cause such a feeling in him.

Only now did Hermione notice Extimum's eyes, in addition to their

incredible deep purple color, she also noticed his almost predatory pupil

and couldn't help but inexplicably blush a little, but she quickly shook it

off and paid attention to his last name, which surprised her again.

She had read a book with the famous families and the Enoch were surely

among the most mysterious on the list, but her racing thoughts were

interrupted when she remembered why she was here in the first place

and the time that had passed.

Hermione: "You have to change now, we'll be at the station soon." After

finishing her words, she quickly left the compartment, after all, she still

needed to search for Neville's toad.





As I said in the synopsis, this version is translated by google translator

and the quality may not have been very good, although I am not

English enough to write it in the language and correct it.

On the other hand, if someone wants to help or detects an

inconsistency in the text, they can mark it for me to review it, you can

also look for the Main version in Spanish or if you want to help leave

me a comment

Chapter 3: Classification

Upon reaching the station, the train came to a stop, and all the students

began to disembark. It was already night.

Upon disembarking from the train, a large man became visible standing

at the station. His hair was black, resembling a mane that covered much

of his face, along with his beard. He was tall, at least 3 meters, and he

was carrying an antique lamp in his hand.

Hagrid: "Attention, first years come with me." Seeing the students

approaching, Hagrid shouted. Upon his shout, the first years gathered

around the half-giant.

Silently, Extimum followed the others, examining the place. It was not

too impressive, but it was a change of view from the usual, given that he

had stayed mainly in his mansion. From his memories, he only had vague

images of modern cities.

Harry, on the other hand, greeted the half-giant enthusiastically, bringing

with him Ron, who was surprised that Harry knew someone like that.

Turning his attention back to the half-giant, Extimum couldn't help but

marvel at his height, even though it was easy to see someone else as tall,

given that they were just children and height was already low. However,

Extimum knew that Hagrid is only a half-giant, and true giants are much

taller and bigger in general.

After gathering everyone, Hagrid led them to the boats that would take

them to Hogwarts. Since only 4 people were allowed per boat, Extimum

sat together with Ron, Harry, and another boy who didn't bother to pay

attention to him.

After a tour of the lake, they finally arrived at the castle. Then Hagrid led

them up the stairs to the castle entrance. When they arrived, a somewhat

older witch with a tall, slender, strict-looking figure was waiting for

them. Her hair was black, worn up in a bun, her eyes were green, and she

wore a pointed hat and a green tunic.

Once the students were in front of her, she began to speak.

McGonagall: "I welcome you all to Hogwarts, in a moment you will stop

by here to be sorted..."

Extimum continued listening to the introduction. Although he already

had a vague idea, it was good to listen in case they said something

important. As for which house he would like to be chosen in, he didn't

particularly care much. He was quite inclined towards learning and

would prefer to spend his time calmly, so he had some expectations for


Although he wouldn't care too much if he was sorted into Gryffindor, he

believed he had enough courage, and since he had already met Harry and

Ron, his stay there could be relatively good.

On the other hand, his character was a bit individualistic and he did not

lack ambition, so it was not impossible to go to Slytherin. Added to the

fact that that was where everyone he had met before would probably go,

although he was not particularly close to anyone.

As for Hufflepuff, although he could be loyal and hardworking, he didn't

consider himself too honest; rather, he was somewhat selfish. But these

characteristics were for the Hat to consider, so he didn't bother too much

with it.

While he continued reflecting on the houses, Professor McGonagall

finished her introduction and left. However, silence did not reign in the

place for too long. A voice soon opened in the crowd.

???: "So what they said on the train is true, Harry Potter has come to


It didn't take long for the words to sink in, sending most of the

surrounding children who knew the name into a flurry of murmurs and

exclamations. While the children argued and sent glances to the people

around them, a trio of children made their way until they were in front of


Draco: "This is Crabbe and Goyle, and I am Draco, Draco Malfoy."

Hearing his words, Extimum felt his eyebrows twitch.

Although his formal presentation was also like that and was considered

normal in etiquette, something in the tone of Malfoy who presented

himself with such presumption made him sound more amused than


But although Extimum did not react to it, the same could not be said for

Ron, who did not possess such consideration.


Ron let out a laugh that was barely contained but still clearly audible to

everyone. One that sounded especially unpleasant to Malfoy at that

moment. However, as he was preparing to scold him and mock Ron, he

saw Extimum standing next to him.

Draco: "Oh, Extimum." Malfoy just said that and gave a slight nod.

Extimum only nodded in response, although he was not a friend of

Draco's, they had already met before at the few gatherings his father took

him to, as well as some other children of prestigious families. So they

could be called acquaintances to a certain extent. (I will change Malfoy

= Draco to avoid confusion in the future)

Draco didn't consider Extimum and Ron to be friends. So after greeting

Extimum, he continued with his original plan.

Draco: "Hmp, with those worn-out clothes and the color of your hair, I

don't even need to ask who you are; you must be a Weasley." Draco

snorted and disdained Ron for mocking his presentation and turned his

attention to Harry.

Ron's face darkened a little, and he remained silent. As for Extimum, he

simply ignored it. He already knew Draco's attitude a little. Besides, he

could barely consider himself Ron's friend, and despite the hurtful nature

of Draco's words, it didn't change the fact that Ron also made fun of

Draco's name.

Draco: "You will realize that some families are better than others, Potter;

you don't want to hang out with the wrong ones. I can help you." After

finishing his words, he extended his hand towards Harry.

Harry: "I know who's wrong, thanks." Although Harry was unaware of the

general political situation of the wizarding world (and a child probably

wouldn't care much either), since Draco was so rude to one of his few

friends, he decided to reject him.

Draco felt a little offended by his rejection, but before he could say

anything else, McGonagall returned and led them down the hall to head

to the great hall.

Upon entering the great hall, they passed through it until they reached

the table where all the teachers sat, and there, on a high chair, was a

worn black hat.

Looking around, you could see the artificial night sky on the ceiling, as

well as candles floating overhead and a crowd of students sitting at their

tables in much of the large dining room.

McGonagall: "Wait here please, in a moment, you will be called so that

you can be sorted into your houses, but before we begin, Professor

Dumbledore will say a few words to you."

After McGonagall finished her words, Professor Dumbledore stood up

from his seat. He was a tall old man, with long white hair matching his

long beard. He carried on him a red magician's prickly pear.

Dumbledore: "First of all, I would like to say a few words. New students

must remember that you cannot enter the forbidden forest under any

circumstances. Likewise, our warden, Mr. Filch, asked me to remind you

that the right hallway of the Third floor is off-limits to anyone who

doesn't want to suffer a terrifying death. Thank you."

After finishing his words, Professor McGonagall returned to the sorting.

McGonagall: "When I call your name, you will approach, I will place the

Sorting Hat on you, and you will know which house is yours."

McGonagall: "Hannah, Abbot."


McGonagall: "Hermione, Granger."

When her name was called, Hermione couldn't help but feel nervous

about her sorting. She had researched the qualities of the houses and

already had an idea about which one she would like to go to and which

ones she was most compatible with, but she still had her doubts about

Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.

Her clear nervousness was evident to everyone, especially Ron, who was

observing her figure from further back and couldn't help but scoff.

An act that reminded Extimum again of Ron's bad tendency to make fun

of others.

Extimum: 'Maybe... I should try to correct him if we are in the same

house. It would be problematic if he started talking without thinking and

ended up hurting people, although his bad language also facilitates

certain events...'.

Sorting Hat: "Gryffindor!!!"

After the hat shouted the house, a great cheer of applause and shouts was


McGonagall: "Draco, Malfoy."

Sorting Hat: "Slytherin!!!"

Extimum wondered if the hat had been warned beforehand to put it in

that house. After all, he didn't even touch the hat, and although which

house you want to go to influences the decision, with Draco's character,

although he is certainly selfish, but he lacks enough on an intellectual

level to resemble snakes.

McGonagall: "Ronald, Weasley."

Sorting Hat: "Gryffindor!!!"

McGonagall: "Harry, Potter." As McGonagall's words finished falling,

there was a momentary silence in the previously bustling room before

multiple murmurs began to be heard.

Harry tried to mostly ignore the sudden change in the environment and

sat in the chair while they put his hat on. After what seemed like a few

minutes, the hat shouted its decision.

Sorting Hat: "Gryffindor!!!"

McGonagall: "Extimum, Enoch."

After his name was called, although the reaction was not as exaggerated

as with Harry, it certainly also created quite a bit of controversy over his

last name. Extimum walked over to the hat and sat on the chair, then

Professor McGonagall placed the hat on his head.

Sorting Hat: "Hmm, interesting... what a curious mind, like an unpolished

quartz, in some areas as clear as crystal and in others as dark and murky

as common stone... a mind like this at your age and naturally born is

truly interesting... it doesn't seem like Occlumency... young wizard, allow

me to see your qualities to choose which house I should place you in."

Extimum was surprised by what the hat said. Although he had practiced

Occlumency, he had not made much progress. Curiously it was

Legimancy that seemed to work best for him, although he did not get

very far in the art; it allowed him to perceive certain things.

Like emotions, an empathic ability, although he suspected it was more

related to his lineage. On the other hand, he did not expect to hear that

his mind already seemed to have something similar to a natural defense,

but it was certainly a pleasant surprise.

Perhaps, it was for this very reason that his efforts in Occlumency had

been fruitless, as he possessed natural defenses. His approach when

applying the art should be different.

After thinking about this, he tried to reveal his entire life, except for his

awakening. He didn't care if the hat could see his memories; he had

nothing else to hide. Besides, he suspected that the hat mainly searched

and probed certain things in his mind more than his memories, added to

the fact that he couldn't share anything he saw, so there was a certain

layer of security.

Sorting Hat: "Mmm, there is certainly the cunning and ambition of a

Slytherin, the bravery of a Gryffindor, and the desire to learn and the wit

of a Ravenclaw, given your character you are also a loyal person with

those who manage to touch your heart, mmm. Tough decision, do you

have a preference?"

Extimum thought about it a lot; he didn't really care that much. After all,

he didn't plan to get carried away with this house nationalism. However,

after thinking about it a little, he reasoned that he doesn't necessarily

need to be in Gryffindor. After all, he doesn't plan to go in Harry's

babysitting mode. Sure he would help him and keep the friendship going,

but he shouldn't focus so much on following them.

Extimum: 'Ravenclaw.'

Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!!!"

Extimum walked towards the table that was cheering and took a seat at

the table near the other students. Ron and Harry seemed a little

disappointed by their sorting; likewise, Extimum thought he would

occasionally go to their table to chat and hang out.


After the sorting was over and everyone was seated, Professor

Dumbledore introduced all of this year's teachers and said a few more

words. After that, the banquet officially began, causing all the tables to

be filled with plates after plates of different foods.



The chapters that have been marked with the • symbol have been

edited, those that do not have it could contain many translation errors,

your understanding is appreciated, if you find He / She errors in the

chapters, please tell me to fix it.


Chapter 4: Progress

Seeing all kinds of dishes appear on the table, Extimum marveled at the

visual effect with which they appeared, however, he quickly returned his

attention to the food and began to serve himself what he wanted, without

neglecting the nutritional need too much.

While Extimum was eating and listening to the conversations of the

surrounding students, a ghost suddenly emerged from the center of the


He was not surprised because he had already seen some on the way,

rather he was curious about them, although he knew the theory of their

existence, the fact that a wizard could immortalize their soul as a ghost

was very interesting, although they would lose their magic, it did not

change the fascinating nature of their existence.

The question arose about whether many other mythical beings, perceived

as fantasy in the Muggle world, are real, beyond those seen in the series.

While he was thinking about it, he reached out instinctively to touch it,

however, he was surprised to feel that he touched something, of course,

he was not the only one surprised, although the others did not notice it,

the same cannot be said for the ghost. who had introduced himself as Sir

Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington to those present.

The ghost gave him a confused and doubtful look, even Nicholas doubted

what he felt, after all, it was known that ghosts could not be touched by

normal means.

Helena Ravenclaw: "What's wrong, Nicholas? Have you taken a liking to

a student from my house?"

Nicholas: "No, Lady Helena, it's nothing". Nicholas hesitated, but decided

to dismiss the feeling when he saw that Extimum was still acting

naturally, so he continued on his way.

Helena only gave the two a glance, but then returned to her own things.

Extimum continued to eat naturally, hiding the same doubts, while

occasionally addressing a few words to the students around him who

were having casual chats or introducing themselves out of politeness, he

did not want to appear too withdrawn.

After dinner, the Ravenclaw prefect, indicating that they should follow

him, led them to the common room.

The Ravenclaw common room was located in a tower in the west wing of

the castle. On the way, Extimum observed the different paintings that

were in the hallways and stairs, although in his house there were also

some paintings that were alive, in general they were very few and not

very talkative like the ones here.

As he admired the place, he made sure to remember the path to idealize

the castle; He couldn't help but feel relieved to have an eidetic memory,

because a path that changed frequently was sure to be difficult to


Luckily, their path did not require as many complications as the one they

remembered in Gryffindor, since after some crossroads, the prefect

showed them a passage that took them directly to the entrance of

Ravenclaw tower.

Once there, the prefect demonstrated the correct way to access the

common room, which was by solving a riddle that a bronze knocker in

the shape of an eagle asked the students who wanted to enter through the


That said, he also explained that if they made a mistake they would have

to wait for someone else to try or they wouldn't be able to get in.

Extimum:' I wonder if I can find a hidden private room. I still don't know

who my companions will be, I just hope they won't be annoying, besides,

I would like a little privacy, especially since I still don't know if my

bloodline will have reactions that I don't know about.'

Upon entering, there was a large circular room that had large arched

windows decorated with soft blue and bronze silk, the walls were

decorated with blue and bronze tapestries with a midnight blue carpet

and a vaulted ceiling painted with stars, from the windows you could see

The view of almost the entire school and on the floor was a navy blue


Tables, chairs, and bookshelves were arranged in the room, and a marble

sculpture of Rowena Ravenclaw is placed next to the door that leads to

the bedrooms.

After seeing that all the students had finished observing and had

gathered, the prefect spoke again.

Prefect: "Now, the boys will sleep upstairs on the left side and the girls on

the right side. They will discover that their belongings are already here."

Since it was already late, Extimum decided to explore tomorrow,

hopefully he would find something, for now, he headed to his bedroom.

After finding his bed, he changed his clothes with a wave of his wand and

settled into it, after all, he was also a little exhausted from the whole trip.

His roommates were surprised by his magic act, but since they were also

tired, they continued doing their thing to go to sleep quickly.

In fact, Extimum's training in the 6 years after his awakening was not

wasted, at first his progress was slow because there were too many things

to learn, furthermore, his schedule not only occupied studying thousands

of books on magic and related things, but also the physical exercise, the

sword classes that, to his surprise, his mother agreed to get an instructor

and his practice of wandless magic.

In his study, Extimum managed to lay a firm foundation of knowledge of

all general topics of magic, he wouldn't say he knows everything, but at

least he has a basic knowledge of most of the things a magician should

know, as well as an understanding from the reach of magic.

He also delved into Hogwarts studies for the first 3 years and a little of

the 4th year with complete mastery, that way, in these first years he

could explore the library for any other topic of interest and be able to

carry out the year of study more calmly. taking into account the

challenges he may or may not have to go through.

In his physical training, his progress was perhaps the greatest. His

physical abilities were constantly developing with his exercises and

practice with the sword. Currently, if he were to measure his strength, he

would say that he has the physical strength of 5 normal adult people


His improvement had been general, not only in terms of brute strength,

but also in agility and endurance, although that did not include mental

effort, that being said, he still remembers an event that made him jump

in fright in a training session with his instructor.


Enoch Mansion, Courtyard.

On a clear area, there were a man and a boy staring at each other, both

had a sword in their hands and were facing each other in a posture to

start combat.

Extimum was 8 years old this year and was wearing tight black clothing

that covered his entire body except his face. This clothing had been

specially designed to give him good mobility without neglecting defense,

ensuring that any wound he might have was too deep or fatal. It had

been especially recommended by his instructor.

Their instructor, on the other hand, was a middle-aged man, he had short

black hair, with eyes of the same color. He had a compact physical build

and was about 1.75m tall. He was wearing gray pants and a white shirt

with a gray vest. Although his appearance was average, his posture

exuded an elegance and sharpness that was impossible to ignore.

Since weapons training could only be truly learned with real weapons,

and the instructor had already taught the basics of swordsmanship a few

months ago, this match would be taken seriously. Although of course, the

instructor would not give his all, but he would still give enough to put

pressure on Extimum.

After a brief moment of silence, the fight began.

**Clank Clank**

It was a blink of an eye, but the sound of swords clashing was

immediately heard in the silent courtyard.

The battle began with some quick and light clashes testing the strength of

both parties and the firmness of each swordsman, but the more they

crossed swords, the speed and intricacy of each blow increased.

The instructor put pressure on Extimum at all times with difficult angles

and his great skill, quickly forcing him to adopt a defensive approach.

At some point, the instructor's sword easily dodged Extimum's attack and

slid towards Extimum's ribs. The sword moved with such speed that it

would be difficult for an ordinary person to grasp.

Extimum: 'He's too fast, I can only try to deflect his sword blade.'

Extimum frowned slightly as he observed the difficult situation, his mind

was completely focused on the battle, but this was his first combat with

real swords and he couldn't help but be a little tense.

He had not forgotten the real danger of receiving a hit, but he knew that

only in combat where there was a real threat could he improve quickly.

Extimum's sword moved just as he had expected, but just as he was about

to deflect his instructor's blade, the instructor's sword turned and moved

upwards cutting the inner area of his arm. Although the cut was small, it

still hurt.

Instructor: "You should not let your opponent's sword get so close to your

body unless you have complete confidence in your abilities to defend

yourself, and even then, it is not without risk."

After that little reminder, the battle continued without any break.

Naturally, Extimum couldn't do much and couldn't even touch his

instructor's clothes with his sword. By the time he finished, Extimum was

covered in cuts on his body and clothes and was exhausted.

After finishing, his instructor gave him some final advice and he left for

the day.

Afterwards, Extimum dragged his tired body to his room. Upon arrival,

he took off his clothes, leaving them on the floor, while he entered the

bathroom to take a shower. However, when he was about to enter, he

noticed something peculiar about his body reflected in the mirror out of

the corner of his eye.

As he approached to check, he noticed that near his wounds, in addition

to the red dried blood stains, there were also some smaller gold and

purple stains. Both colors were not mixed and compared to the amount of

red in his blood they formed a very small part.

Extimum: 'What are these gold-purple stains? My clothes had nothing

that could come from them and before starting to train they already

checked my health, I shouldn't be sick or something.'

While Extimum was reflecting on what those stains meant, he saw that

from one of his wounds that had not yet closed and was still dripping a

little blood, his blood when it came out was generally red, but it also

contained small gold-purple parts.

Observing that, an incredible, but plausible idea immediately came to his

mind: 'Could it be that... these golden-purple spots in my blood are the

representation of my bloodline?' '.

This realization scared him a little, after all, no one knew he had a

bloodline and there is no real reason for him to have one, while his

physical features are quite special, his family did not find it strange

because his mother, Ava , was metamorphmagus and that, in fact,

Extimum was also one himself, which is why he never hid or changed his

appearance, however, it was a completely different story if his blood is

no longer only red, but also has another color .

Furthermore, he clearly remembered that his blood was completely red

before his awakening, he had cut himself before by accident and his

blood was normal, this could imply that it was not as simple as just

having a common lineage that gives you abilities like in the stories that

had read, but it could very well change part or all of what he is.

--End Flashback---

Since then, Extimum has been very careful not to let anyone see his blood

or if necessary, try to hide it, luckily, with the physical improvement not

only did his body become stronger, but his regeneration did as well, so

otherwise, it would be very dangerous if someone noticed the color of his

blood, even more so as over the years, the gold-purple in his blood has

been thickening.

As for magical training, his improvement was also very significant, when

he started practicing to see if he could perform wandless magic, he

discovered that in fact, there were two things he could do with his magic,

the first is basic telekinesis, although we say basic, he was not weak, but

he could perform it stably, although he was limited in terms of the

number of things he could control, with a maximum of 2 objects at the

same time and the weight of a maximum of 150 grams, it was still quite

enough decent.

As for the other, he had discovered it by coincidence when he didn't want

his house elf, Bob, to see one of his magical experiments. Bob had arrived

unexpectedly at that moment and had not had time to hide it, so he had

subconsciously wished for it to be invisible or to disappear and to his

surprise, when Bob approached, he could not see it.

Discovering that he could create illusions of various types.

His motive for wanting to hide his experiments in that lot was simple. It

had to be known that, although Bob seemed loyal and complied with

most of his requests, Extimum had discovered that he reported all his

actions to his parents. Something that instinctively generated distrust and


The illusion magic worked based on his imagination, he could cover a

small area or a target to make them see what he wanted, as for the

effectiveness of this, he tested it with his instructor secretly by wrapping

himself in it to make himself invisible and discovered that despite his

limitations, as long as he did not interact directly with the outside world

it would be difficult to be discovered.

This was under the premise that his instructor was an accomplished and

very experienced mage. If he had to give him a grade, Extimum guessed

that his magical strength was at Mage level, although it was just his

speculation and it was not certain because Extimum had not asked him.

As for normal wandless magic, it took him 1 full year to be able to

perform even stable lumos, so he speculate that the other two skills must

be because they had a high affinity with his bloodline, although he could

do wandless magic, but he still had to make movements with his hands

and say them in case of normal spells, mainly basic spells.

Currently, with his telekinesis (it is still magic, not a skill, his lineage

only gives him affinity to make it easier for him to do so) he can control

up to 5 objects at the same time and handle a weight of approximately

5kg, as for his illusion, improvement in terms of the area (30m) in which

you can throw it, its realism and the time it remains (10 min).

As for his study of the academic material, he discovered that he has a

great talent for transfiguration (although it is not a surprise since he is a

metamorphmagus) and although he did not study much about runes, he

also discovered that he could learn them with great ease.

Chapter 5: First day

Early in the morning around 5am you can see Extimum fixing his

uniform, he got up early to take a little tour of the castle before breakfast

time ; According to the school year, the first year would take classes in:






Defense against the dark arts


History of Magic

The general schedule for the day would be:

Breakfast is served between 6:30 - 8:30 am, then classes are held in the

morning or afternoon divided by lunch, classes in the morning are from

9:00 - 11:30 am, lunch from 1:00 - 2:00 pm and afternoon classes from

2:00 - 3:30 pm.

Dinner from 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm, the rest of the between times usually be

breaks between classes or free time, that said, students must be in their

rooms at 10pm and there are variations for the astronomy class that is

given at midnight; In this way, in one day there could be an average of 2

or 3 classes.

Extimum did not know his schedule for this year, but he guessed they

would tell him a little later.

The entrance to the Ravenclaw dormitories was on the second floor of the

tower, with the entrance to the men's and women's dormitories facing

each other and accessible via stairs leading from the common room. The

dormitories were arranged along an extensive hallway with a few

intersections leading to dormitories for different years.

So after walking a bit, Extimum reached the entrance of the hallway, a

small balcony attached to the beginning of the stairs overlooking the

entire common room. There weren't many students so early in the

morning in the common room, and most of those he saw were from

higher years.

It wasn't common for first-year students to wake up so early, especially

on their first day in the castle. This was something Extimum noticed as

he was the only one from his dormitory who had gotten up, and it was

confirmed as he entered the common room.

Extimum didn't linger much contemplating the view. He descended the

dormitory stairs, crossed the common room, and exited through the

tower door, descending the long spiral staircase and ending up on the

seventh floor of the castle. (The entrance to the tower is on the seventh


Given that it was early, he wasn't in a hurry, so he set out to wander

around the seventh floor, wanting to explore its entire expanse. The

corridors featured some paintings or commemorative images, along with

windows that provided views outside the castle and illuminated the

hallway beyond the torches placed in the area.

As he walked near one of the paintings, he noticed a plump lady dressed

in white Roman robes.

"Was this how the entrance to Gryffindor common room looked, right?

And it's also close to the stairs."

Extimum wasn't entirely sure, but it looked very similar to what he

remembered; he would have to pay attention later if any Gryffindor came

out to confirm.

On his way to the seventh floor, he hadn't taken the usual path, as their

prefect had led them through a secret passage that left them closer to the

entrance of the Ravenclaw tower.

Setting aside whether it was the entrance or not, Extimum continued

exploring the corridors.

He wanted to see if he could find the tapestry with a man teaching trolls

to dance ballet. Although he didn't currently need the Room of

Requirement, it wouldn't hurt to know where it was. After all, if it was as

magical up close as it was described, it was a place he couldn't afford to


On the way, he passed several classrooms and noticed the distinctive

entrance to the Divination classroom. Even though he wouldn't be taking

it this year, he kept it in mind for the future. Divination was a very

interesting branch of magic, and Extimum was curious about its true


Extimum: "I wonder if I'll have the so-called Inner Eye or the Sight for

Divination,"—he wondered as he looked at the entrance to the classroom.

—"Well, I'll find out later."

After exploring a bit more, he also found the tapestry of the trolls and

marked the location mentally. With the Room of Requirement located, he

had seen the most important things he remembered from this floor. As

there was little time left until breakfast, he decided to explore the lower

floors a bit and then leave the castle for his exercise routine.

He hoped there wouldn't be any issues leaving the castle; if there were, at

least he now knew the Room of Requirement and could use it before

classes began.


In one of the Hogwarts dungeons , the first-year students from Ravenclaw

and Hufflepuff were currently waiting for the teacher for the start of


Suddenly, the doors of the professor's personal room are opened, out of

there comes a thin man with pale skin, a large hook-shaped nose, teeth

were yellow and uneven, he had long greasy black hair that framed his

face like curtains, curly lips, dark penetrating eyes that looked like

tunnels and he wore a black tunic.

Snape: " You are here to learn the subtle science and the exact art of

making potions. There will be very little stupid wand movements here

and many of you will doubt this is magic . I do not expect you to come to

understand the beauty of a gently simmering cauldron, with its glistening

vapors, the delicate power of liquids that glide through human veins,

bewitching the mind, deceiving the senses...

I can teach you how to bottle the fame, preparing for glory, even

stopping death ... if you are something more than the cork oaks that I

usually have to teach ". Said the man walking towards the small

auditorium in front of the class with an arrogant air as he delivered his

speech glancing at all the students present.

Extimum: 'Snape certainly has a great character.' Extimum was slightly

moved by the expectation and confidence in Snape's words, although

Snape has a very bad temper and tends to act despotically it does not

change the fact that he is a great potions master.

'I hope he teaches in a less hostile way given that Harry isn't here'.

Snape "Now what would you get if you add asphodel root powder to an

infusion of wormwood, can someone tell me?"

A Ravenclaw student raised his hand, to which Snape directed his gaze.

Snape: "Tell me sir ...".

Student A "Smith Rodolfus, sir, the combination would lead to the

sleeping potion : draught of living death ". Although a bit intimidated by

Snape's gaze, he still responded quickly.

Extimum: 'I did not expect it to always start with the same questions,

although luckily they are not very difficult .'

Snape: " Well ... now does anyone know where exactly I would go if I had

to search for a bezoar? ".

A Hufflepuff student raised his hand, Snape just looked at him and raised

his eyebrows waiting for his response.

Student B: " e -the bezoar is a stone found in the stomach of a goat ." The

student responded with a little stutter at first.

Snape: "Well sir ...".

Student B: " Stephen Moris". The student responded quickly.

Snape: "Mr. Moris, what is the bezoar for?"

Student B: "yes-it serves as an antidote to various poisons." The student

was again flustered by Snape's intense gaze.

Snape: " Well, finally, does anyone know the difference between aconite

and luparia ? ".

Hearing the question, the entire room fell silent.

Seeing them like this, Snape felt a little complacent as no one seemed to

know, in previous years normally only Ravenclaw students and a few

exceptions knew the answers, but just as he was about to finish and start

class, he noticed someone else raise their hand.

Looking at the student Snape could tell who he was, although he had not

met him personally, but his features were quite prominent among the

other students, that and that he knew a little about the Enoch family.

Snape: " Mr. Enoch... do you know the answer to my question? ".

Extimum: " Monkshood and luparia are the same."Extimum simply

nodded slightly and provided the answer. He hadn't been particularly

interested in responding, but seeing that no one else knew the answer, he

decided to participate. First impressions were necessary, after all.

That being said, while wolfsbane wasn't rare, unless someone studied

herbology specifically, it was unlikely that they would know the plant's

other name. Moreover, not many paid attention to the alternative name it

was identified by. The only need to know it was because in some older or

foreign recipes, it was referred to by that name. In fact, it still had a third

name by which it was known, which was anapelo, but he didn't consider

it necessary to mention.

Snape: "Well ... it's good to see that this year, we will have at least some

acceptable students, that maybe they are worth teaching, I hope... that

you have written all of the above...".

After Snape finished his words, most of the students rushed to write.


After the potions class ended, transfiguration followed, but since they

were just starting out, only a few theories and concepts were instructed

to take into account before the practical class .

After finishing the transfiguration class there was some free time before

lunch , Extimum decided to go see the Hogwarts library .

Hogwarts Library was a vast hall divided into two floors, featuring

hundreds of shelves filled with books organized by sections and

categories. The place had a cozy and quiet atmosphere, with some books

flying from one place to another, organizing themselves, and various

study tables scattered throughout where some students were seated,

immersed in their reading.

Most students sat at the tables in the central area, but others who enjoyed

discretion were seated at tables within the book sections, mostly hidden

from plain sight.

Extimum: ' I'll have to take time afterwards to explore the entire library,

although I do not think all these books will be useful, most should be,

well , I think there was some secret sections'.

'There are sections on Runes, Famous Wizards, Magical History, Muggle

History, Newspapers, Spells, Ritual Magic, Potions,… '. Extimum mentally

read the labels of the sections as he went further into the library, some

caught his attention and he file them to explore later.

As he read the labels, he noticed a dark section; it was strange because

the library was well-lit, and it was still daylight. The aisle of this section

was quite narrow, and no more than 5 books were visible on the entire

shelf. Casting a glance at the rusty label, he murmured, "The Space."

With curiosity piqued, he ventured further into the section,

simultaneously casting a "lumos" with his wand and focusing his gaze on

the titles of the books.

Extimum: ' The space and its dimensions, all about portkeys and how to

create them, the apparition and its problems, the space in which we live,

a trip to muggle metaphysics'. Extimum mentally read the titles of the


Browsing through the introductions of the books, the first one discussed

ways to comprehend space and its dimensions, along with some basic

experiments involving magic.

The second explained all the technical information about Apparition and

provided procedures for performing it; however, upon closer inspection,

it seemed quite complex.

The third was an article discussing the Apparition spell, from its technical

aspects to ideas for improvement, which apparently were rejected by the


The fourth was a logbook of a wizard who experimented with spells

applied to space, detailing his experiences with current spells and his

understanding of the world's laws regarding space.

The last book seemed more like a verbose review of the author's

understanding after reading some Muggle articles on physics and

philosophy. While most were not practical or detailed for the time, the

wizard tried to bring a bit of Muggle theory into magic and explained his

findings in the book.

Extimum thought to himself, 'Most of the content seems too complex, but

if I take bits of the understanding written here by these wizards, it

shouldn't be difficult for me to, in the future, develop my own spatial

spells—something like a portal or a magical door.'

Extimum spent an hour trying to comprehend the content of the books.

He didn't focus on just one because the knowledge presented in each

book was very complex, and some could explain things better or skip

over certain details.

Although all the topics had different focuses and contexts, they

essentially discussed the same thing—space. However, it was just the

beginning of the school year, and he would have plenty of time to study

them, so there was no need to take a serious approach just yet.

Checking the time on his pocket watch, he returned the books and

prepared to leave the library. He still had half an hour until lunchtime,

but leaving a bit early was good. After all, he was just exploring the

library today.

As he walked towards the exit, he caught sight of a familiar figure from

the corner of his eye. Turning his gaze, he saw Hermione reading alone

in one of the sections. Initially, he didn't pay much attention and was

about to continue on his way when he suddenly stopped.

An uneasy feeling coursed through his body once again, similar to what

he had felt on the train but at the same time a bit different. The

possessive feeling was still there, but it was no longer the focal point.

Now, it was more like... a need? He couldn't clearly articulate it, but

undoubtedly, it felt much stronger than before.

Extimum took a deep breath and tried to focus. The feeling couldn't just

come randomly; there had to be a reason. As he pondered on it, an idea

settled in his mind as if by magic. What his magic, his body, yearned for

was... how to put it? To possess her? A connection? Her essence? It was

confusing; he understood it yet not entirely.

He wanted her, desired her, but it wasn't a sexual attraction. No, it was

something more profound, primitive.

But what became clear to him was... that he needed to claim her, make

her his, and his alone.

Extimum: "Damn, what's happening again?" Although he wasn't against

making her his own in the future, this sensation supposedly coming from

his bloodline was just too overpowering.

He stood there for a while, resisting the feeling, until he took a deep

breath and tried to think about it.

'Okay, this lineage is mine. It's a part of me and therefore represents me.

There's no point in fighting against myself. I just... I just have to

understand it and take control of it.' As he thought this far, the

oppression within him disappeared. However, he knew he had to claim

her, or whatever he wanted that to mean; that was the compromise he

had reached with himself.

Extimum: 'I don't know what's happening to urge me so much to claim

her, and even more, why her? The only thing I can think of is that my

imperceptible desire for her is being driven by my bloodline'.

In fact, Extimum wasn't far from the truth. Born into this world, his

bloodline was always present with him. Even before the awakening of his

consciousness, he already possessed the physical traits. The bloodline was

a fundamental part of him, and though it lacked individual

consciousness, it instinctively knew what it needed to develop.

Thus, when his body became strong enough, the first awakening occurred

at the age of 5, unlocking basic abilities and bringing forth some of the

memories that had been blocked in his soul. The bloodline would never

do anything to harm him, being more of a subconscious part of himself.

However, it was limited, parched, desperate for its instinctive inability to

grow and evolve, as its primary sustenance had been denied.

Yet, it had glimpsed a ray of hope, based on just a small, insignificant

mental preference. It was enough for its instinct of self-preservation to

activate, fervently fighting, grasping onto the only visible straw.


He needed a partner to evolve—not in the sense of intimate physical

union, but a psychic and chemical connection that had to be established

for evolution.

This connection could be formed with a very special friend or a family

member, but since Extimum hadn't developed any deep connections since

arriving in this world, he couldn't evolve. With no other option, his

bloodline took interest in and created a connection with Hermione based

on his internal desire.

Extimum had no real relationship or closeness with Hermione, but he had

considered courting her in the future. So, even that passing and

emotionless thought was enough for his bloodline to choose her. The

connection was somewhat one-sided and didn't affect Hermione, but it

did affect the wizard.

Extimum needed to claim her as his own to validate that connection

between them and maintain occasional and constant physical contact

with her. This physical contact would provide the necessary chemical

effect for his bloodline to evolve. Completing the claim would also allow

him to vaguely sense Hermione's physical/emotional state.

Fortunately for Extimum, he could instinctively feel that something like

this wouldn't happen again. It was a one-time occurrence, and once he

completed the evolution, it wouldn't be necessary in the future.

Extimum was unaware of much of this information. He had only felt

internally what he needed to do and why, never questioning for a

moment whether evolving his bloodline was even completely necessary.

Extimum: 'Well, since I have to do this, I might as well make the most of

it and lay the groundwork for a future relationship.' Calming himself, he

analyzed what he had to do. Initially, he had no intention of delving into

relationships so early. Not only was he very young, but he also planned

to focus on his studies. Luckily, the requirement didn't demand that he

stick like glue, but rather be in contact as much as possible.

Extimum didn't even consider the implications of claiming her, nor did he

think about whether the other party would agree. At most, he considered

that it might be strange or uncomfortable at first.

All this contemplation seemed to take a long time, but in reality, it lasted

only a few seconds. Since the library wasn't crowded, and everyone was

scattered and focused on their own tasks, no one noticed the


Having made his decision, Extimum headed towards Hermione.

Chapter 6: Hermione Granger

As Extimum walked towards Hermione who was focused on reading a

book, he couldn't help but feel an unfamiliar feeling of insecurity that

only grew with every step he took closer to his goal.

He had decided to act, but what exactly did he have to do? It's not that

his mind didn't have ideas, but were those ideas even what he needed? It

wasn't like his bloodline was an entity, it was just a part of himself and it

hadn't told him how or what exactly he should do.

But as he thought about it, his time was up and he found himself

standing in front of Hermione.

Hermione looked up from her book as she noticed someone approaching

her, but before she could say anything, Extimum reached out with his

right hand and gently cupped Hermione's face, making sure her gaze was

locked on his.

Just a look, no words, no more movements, nothing else accompanied by

the complete silence that fell over the place.

But as each focused their gaze on the other's eyes, time and the meaning

of all reality was erased in what seemed like a trance. Even the constant

ticking that reached Extimum's ears from the watch in his pocket slowly

faded away.

Extimum: 'From today on, you are mine.' As the seconds slipped fleetingly

out of the two's consciousness, the thought came to Extimum's mind


And immediately, as if a new door had opened in his mind, a new

knowledge and invisible psychic connection was established between the


His ears were filled with the sound of flowing blood, the beating of his

heart, the gentle breath slightly held in his lungs, and... the gulp caught

in his mouth. However, before he could marvel at the new information

flooding his mind, his consciousness was swept away by the utter

confusion and dreamlike depth that surrounded Hermione's mind.

The bond, the claim had been made, however, could only be considered

partial until it was truly consummated, even so, that was enough.

Only a small and almost unidentifiable magical mark remained as a

testimony of such a magical union.

After holding the gaze for a few more seconds, Extimum's hand finally

slipped from her face, brushing against her skin, while his mind shook

itself from the slight stupor and came back to itself. It felt different, but

at the same time, completely the same.

Unconsciously, his hand continued its path, running along Hermione's

arm until he reached for her hand and picked it up and then, leaning

slightly from his position, he brought it to his lips and placed a light, soft

kiss on it.

After performing this entire set of actions, he turned around and walked

away normally.

Or at least that was how it seemed on the surface, because in just a few

seconds, his figure faded from view, giving an idea of the implied speed

of his movements.


After quickly exiting the library, Extimum deviated from the path,

entering an empty room in the hallway and closing the door behind him

right after entering, before letting his breath drop and leaning against the


Extimum: 'That turned out...better than expected.' Even if Extimum had a

stoic and mostly indifferent character, he had never performed such

daring actions.

After calming his thoughts, he left the living room and headed to the

great hall.

--- Pov Hermione ---

Hermione Granger is a Muggle-born witch, her parents Mr. and Mrs.

Granger, are dentists in the Muggle world.

At 11 years old she discovered that she was a witch. At that time she

seemed very excited about it, especially when she found out that there

was a magical and unknown world out there, so she made an effort to

learn everything she could before entering Hogwarts.

Her childhood was a bit difficult. Although she has very understanding

parents and they gave her everything she needed, she did not have many

friends due to her somewhat mature personality for her age, added to her

exaggerated enthusiasm for studies. Studies in which she always had

outstanding results.

In addition to this, her peers used to make fun of her appearance, mainly

because of the fluffy and unusual shape that her hair used to take since

her front teeth were particularly elongated. Of course, it wasn't so

exaggerated that it could be said to be a monster or a beaver, but it was

something like rabbit teeth, and although to adults it might look cute on

a child, to other children it was instead a reason of laughter and


Such teasing made her more conscious of her own appearance and

affected her self-esteem and confidence, with certain effects on her child's


Effects that were reflected in insecurities and fear of failure. Because

what could be worse than losing what you base your pride and success

on? What makes you feel confident about yourself?

With that as a basis, her efforts and interest in studies were reinforced,

little by little forging in her a more fearless character that sought the

approval or recognition of those in whom she placed her admiration, thus

improving her self-confidence.

However, what such changes generated could be shown or interpreted

differently to the outside. Showing herself as a responsible and rigid

personality, added to an authoritarian character and with some conceited


And with respect or idolatry towards the rules and authority bodies.

Getting to know Hogwarts was a wonderful experience.

It was a great castle full of magic. There were armors that moved on their

own, paintings with life in them, items flying back and forth, food

appearing out of nowhere. All these intriguing things increased her desire

to learn.

After being sorted into Gryffindor and finding her dorm, she learned the

names of her roommates: Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, and Fay Dunbar.

They didn't seem like much of the type he would socialize with, but she

still made a casual chat out of politeness and went to sleep after that.


Today was the first day of school at Hogwarts, so she got up early, made

her preparations, and headed to the dining hall for breakfast.

After which he headed to his classes. First thing in the morning she had

transfiguration classes with Professor McGonagall.

She explained some important points about transfiguration on the board

and then waited until the students copied it, while she showed an

incredible display of transfiguration, transforming herself into a cat while

looking placidly at the students.

As she concentrated on writing on her scroll, the doors to the classroom

opened and two students ran in. She recognized them as Harry Potter and

Ron Weasley. She had met them on the train, but hadn't interacted with

them much.

Hermione: 'The nerve to be late for the first class.' Hermione internally

complained about their tardiness on the first day of school, as she

watched them head to their seats.

Ron: "*sigh*...we arrived, can you imagine what McGonagall would do to

us if she discovered us." Ron exhaled relaxing from his agitation and said

to Harry as they approached their seats.

However, before they could finish settling in, Professor McGonagall, who

was focused on her desk, jumped up and transformed back into her

human form, quickly approaching the place where Ron and Harry were,

leaving them amazed by her transformation.

Ron: "That was brilliant." Ron couldn't help but say as he watched

McGonagall transform from a cat to a human.

McGonagall: "Thank you for the compliment Mr. Weasley, perhaps it

would be more helpful if I transformed the two of you into a pocket

watch, so maybe you would arrive on time."

Harry: "But coming back is a hassle." Harry couldn't help but say when

hearing what McGonagall said

McGonagall: "Then I'll turn you into a map...that would help you find

your chairs." Professor McGonagall decided to forgive them considering

that it was only the first day and they were still getting used to school.

After that event, class continued as normal.


The next class was Potions with Professor Severus Snape.

Hermione was really excited about the idea of making all kinds of potions

with magical effects and while she was lost in her thoughts, the professor

entered the room.

His entrance was theatrical, accompanied by a great speech, however, the

speech, although inspiring, was somewhat overshadowed by the dark

vibe that the professor gave.

As Snape finished his speech, he focused his gaze on his deskmate, who

was Harry Potter again.

He also seemed excited about the speech and was writing down as much

as he could about it, however, the professor seemed bothered by the sight

for some reason, as if he needed the students' full attention.

So, shortly after, the professor fired a series of questions about some

herbs for making potions at Harry.

Hermione excitedly raised her hand to respond, but the professor seemed

focused on questioning Harry.

Hermione: '*sigh*, why don't you ask me.' She mentally sighed when she

saw that she was ignored by the teacher.

Harry: "It's clear that Hermione knows, it's a shame you didn't ask her."

Harry felt somewhat overwhelmed by the professor's attitude and

questions and not knowing what else to do, he pointed out the flagrant

carelessness of Hermione, who had kept her hand raised at all times and

it was obvious that she wanted to answer.

His comment caused some ridicule among the students, finding the

response to Snape's comments amusing.

Snape: "Silence." After Snape spoke, the entire room became silent, after

which Snape approached Harry's seat.

As Snape approached, he noticed that Hermione still had her hand raised

and remembering the previous comment, he couldn't help but comment.

Snape: "Put your hand down, silly girl."

Hermione: 'How rude.' Hermione felt offended, she just wanted to

participate in class and the teacher treated her so rudely.

After sitting near Harry, Snape proceeded to answer the questions he had

asked earlier, after which he retreated to his desk and deducted 5 points

from Gryffindor for Harry Potter.

Class continued as normal after that.


After classes ended, Hermione took her time to tour the castle a bit and

upon seeing the library, she decided to go inside and look at some books

to read.

The library also had a magical touch that made it the most charming

place to spend time. Not only was there the smell of books and

parchment, the atmosphere was also cozy and there were a large number

of books on all subjects ready for him to read and learn about the

wizarding world and magic.

While searching a section of interest to choose a book to read, she could

see an occasional book flying off a shelf or another one that was instead

organized on it. After searching for a while, she found a book she liked,

so she sat down at one of the nearby tables and immersed herself in it.

After reading for a while, she felt someone approaching her, so she

removed her gaze from the book to look at who it was.

But before she could correctly identify the person, he approached her and

directed his hand to her left cheek, gently touching her face and turning

her head a little to completely direct her gaze to his.

He instantly recognized it, it was Extimum Enoch.

I had talked to him a little on the train, but other than that, she hadn't

had any other exchanges with him.

He was tall, much taller than other boys his age. He had somewhat long

hair, but it was hidden by combing it back. It was a fairly common

hairstyle in aristocratic families, however, his seemed a little freer, fitting

much better into it.

But leaving his hairstyle aside, his hair was a resplendent platinum white

color, accompanied by certain pronounced purple hues.

His skin was fair, although somewhat pale, but still at healthy levels.

His figure was slender and similar to that of other children, however, in

certain areas where his uniform did not cover, certain features marked by

continuous exercise were noticeable.

With all that, the most notable thing was his face and his eyes. His face

showed a certain serene firmness accompanied by a distant coldness, but

with charming and beautiful features that made it difficult for you to

forget or look away, it was to a certain degree… unnatural and

bewitching, and then there were his eyes.

Dark purple eyes with an unknown depth and a predatory vertical pupil

that almost caused involuntary shivers, although it was difficult to tell if

it was out of fear or something else. Looking into said eyes was

inexplicably hypnotic and captivating, almost as if you were going to get

lost in their gaze.

It was precisely those eyes that slowed her down in her usual reaction

and by the time she managed to shake herself out of her stupor and was

about to speak, she stopped before a strange sensation.

It wasn't something she could explain in words, no, but it was something

deep and important, she could feel it, but she couldn't understand it.

That was at least until a sudden glimmer of understanding passed as if

whispered in his ear.

"You're mine...".

It was vague and maybe even incomplete, but that was all she could pick

up, although the whispering voice was similar to Extimum's, but she

didn't see him speak or even move his mouth at any point.

But those details were quickly pushed aside, as her mind felt jolted, as if

it had experienced a dump, leaving her dazed and only vaguely


She wasn't sure what she saw or heard, she couldn't even tell if she was

still in the library, years could have passed in the blink of an eye and she

wouldn't be aware of it, only the image of Extimum's face and eyes

remained, especially his eyes.

By the time she finally felt herself coming out of that state, a light, warm

touch on her skin took away all the little attention she could muster, as

she felt a hand slide gently and quickly up her arm until it reached her

hand and took it towards him and then …then nothing.

Everything went blank for a few seconds and when she came to, she

could only see his retreating figure, while in her hand she felt the

aftertaste of contact and heat.

And the heat was especially remarkable on the back of her hand. She

hadn't seen what happened, but she could guess.

Vaguely she also caught the strange reluctance in herself as she felt the

feeling of warmth and contact disappear from her hand.

However, her mind didn't have enough time to delve deeper into it when

a slight jolt ran through her body.

Similar to a shudder, but stronger and running through every part of her

body, as if the previous sensation she met in his gaze had intensified and

firmly established itself and then… it just disappeared, as suddenly as it

had come.

Hermione: 'What... What just happened?'

Hermione's mind was in chaos, confused and more than a little dazed by

all the sudden and unexplained sensations and events. Everything had

just happened too fast.

One moment she was reading a book comfortably in her seat and then

there was him, his gaze, his bewitching gaze that seemed to shake her

world for a moment with a myriad of indescribable sensations, but at the

same time significant in a way that she could not fully understand at all.

And then everything disappeared, disappeared with the same speed with

which it had come, but he was no longer there. Everything was

somewhat dreamlike.

The only thing that her mind still remembered were the words, no, it was

more of an intention, a thought, "You are mine...", those words along

with the image of Extimum remained hanging around in her head.

It was only after a while that Hermione managed to organize her

thoughts and calm down. She decided to finish her reading for the day

and head to the great hall, as to what just happened...

She herself didn't quite understand what had happened, but she had

decided to leave it for later. She would look for the opportunity to talk to

Extimum, to ask him what had happened.

Still, those eyes, along with her crazy thoughts of what she thought had

been a kiss, threatened to send her back into chaos.


Upon reaching the great hall and even when she walked towards the

Gryffindor table, her gaze could not stop searching for the figure of

Extimum on the Ravenclaw table, however, she could only be

disappointed when she could not find him and sat down resignedly to


--- End Pov ---

Sitting in the great hall, Extimum used his illusion magic to become

partially invisible and easy to ignore. It's not that he was shying away

from anything, he just didn't want to talk to Hermione right away and

thought it would be better to let the message sink in, after which he

would start actively approaching her, after all, he had already decided to

make her his.


After lunch, he only had a Charms class left with Professor Filius Flitwick

who was also the Head of House of Ravenclaw, the first class was

practical and the professor maintained an entertaining environment for

learning compared to the other professors seen so far. moment.

The class tried to perform a basic spell, lumos, although Extimum had

already learned it as it was one of the easiest, so I got 5 points for its


Naturally he took his time showing a process, so they wouldn't think he

already knew it and thus be rewarded with points.

He didn't particularly care about the house cup, but it wouldn't hurt to

try to win, maybe Dumbledore would make Gryffindor win in the end or

well, he'd see how things would turn out in the end.



Here in this chapter I gave a more detailed description of the MC that

although I did present it I did not detail it so much, although I did not

say what his eyebrows were like ... I guess it doesn't matter, right?


Chapter 7: •Cerberus's name is

Fluffy ...

After leaving incantations class , Extimum walked with the crowd

through the castle , enjoying the atmosphere, after walking for a while he

saw Harry walking along with Ron who had separated from the Weasley

twins , they have recently dropped out of flying class and Harry excitedly

told Ron how he had been selected to be the Gryffindor Seeker by

Professor McGonagall .

Approaching them, Harry noticed him first, followed by Ron.

Harry: "hello Extimum". Although they hadn't spent much time together,

Harry liked Extimum and considered him a friend.

Ron: "Wait Harry, it could be a Ravenclaw spy." Ron muttered to Harry,

though with Extimum's senses it wasn't difficult to hear him .

Harry: "don't be silly Ron, I don't think Extimum is like that."

Ron: "I just say ...".

Extimum : "Hi Harry, Ron… I heard you were accepted into the

Quidditch team , Harry, congratulations." Extimum greeted Harry and

when he greeted Ron he stopped his gaze a little longer but continued

normally; Extimum did n't really care what Ron said , in fact, he found it

a bit funny, him, Extimum , being a Ravenclaw spy ?, although coming

from Ron it's not impossible, however, if he gets closer to Ron he would

make sure to teach him a lesson or two so he doesn't talk so much

nonsense; As for Harry, although they didn't know each other that much ,

seeing Harry's goodwill , Extimum was sincere in his compliment.

As they continued walking and Ron was talking again about how

fabulous Quidditch was and easing Harry's concerns about the game ,

they were approached by Hermione on the way , who broke into the


Harry: "but I've never played Quidditch , what if I make a fool of myself


Hermione: "don't be afraid to make a fool of yourself, it's in your veins."

Harry was surprised by Hermione's sudden appearance next to him,

however, hearing her words, he quickly asked.

Harry: "what do you mean?"

Hermione: "come with me."

Hermione simply told them to follow her and led them to a hall where

some trophies were on display; on the way Hermione gave Extimum a

few quick glances, but decided to talk to him when they were alone.

Observing the trophies, one of them in particular was written: Seeker-

James Potter -197X

Ron: "Harry you never told me that your father was a seeker."

Harry: "No. ... I didn't know." Harry replied thoughtfully and excited to

find out more about his parents.

Since they had finished classes for today, after seeing the trophies, they

headed towards the common room, Extimum followed them because the

entrance to the Ravenclaw common room was also on the same floor as

Gryffindor, although he did not speak much and in general kept quiet

and added something to the conversation occasionally, Ron on the other

hand, he complained about how creepy it was that Hermione knew more

about Harry than Harry himself knew about himself.

As they crossed one of the stairs to access another floor, it shook a bit

and began to move in another direction .

Harry: " woow , what's up ?". Harry was alarmed by the sudden

movement of the staircase they were passing by.

Hermione, "Don't you remember anymore?, The stairs change places".

Harry: "let's go there."

Ron: " Okay, before the stairs are changed again."

On the floor to which the staircase now gave access, there was a door

and other stairs to go down in another direction, they all decided to enter

through the door since they did not want the staircase to take them to the

other side.

Extimum on the other hand, although he also advanced with them, he

could not help feeling that this scene was familiar to him , but he did not

remember that, in addition, a staircase changes place is not uncommon .

Going through the door, he found a somewhat dark corridor with some

statues and unlit torches.

Ron: "Don't you have the feeling, that we shouldn't be here?"

Hermione: "It's because we shouldn't be here, it's the third floor and it's

supposed to be forbidden."

Just as Hermione finished speaking, a nearby torch was lit and a cat

came through the door through which they entered.

** meow **

Looking down the somewhat creepy corridor, then at the torch that was

suddenly lit, and to confirm his conjectures the meowing of a cat,

Extimum finally remembered why he felt this scene was familiar to him

and what would happen; Although Extimum has eidetic memory , but his

past memories are only normal so they only contain the general idea or

highlights that a normal person remembers, however, since he is already

here it will not prevent them from entering the room after all, what they

saw there will ignite the spark of curiosity in the group.

Everyone looked at the cat blocking the road until Hermione so

recognized .

Hermione: "it's filch's cat, run." Since the cat seemed to have a connection

to Filch and they hardly parted it was only a matter of time until Filch

came and caught them.

They all ran down the hall, in which magic torches lit up as they passed

and went out as they walked away , until they saw a door and rushed

towards it , however, when they tried to open it, they realized that it was

locked, which that I despair of all, except Extimum .

Harry: "It 's closed." He said after struggling with the handle and not

being able to open the door.

Ron: "we are finished, this is the end". Ron panicked a bit.

Deciding to save them a bit of anguish and show a bit of his ability,

Extimum waved his wand and the door unlocked.

Hearing the door lock being released, Harry and Ron felt a little excited

and opened the door quickly , however, Hermione on the other hand was

amazed , although he knew the spell, but he could not do it without

chanting it, much less performing it so easily.

They all quickly entered the room and closed the door behind them.

Ron: "how did you do that?" After feeling a bit safe, Ron decided to

quench his curiosity.

But before Extimum could reply, Hermione answered.

Hermione: "It is the spell 'Alohomora', it is in the spell book, chapter 7,

but how did you do to launch it without chanting it? ". Hermione

explained the origin of the spell and asked her doubt, looking at Extimum

with sincere curiosity, although she knew it was possible to cast spells

without chanting them, but it was not something that generally freshmen

could do.

Extimum: "training". Extimum did not mind showing them that he could

perform spells without chanting them, it was not something so strange if

they thought about their origin, although it was impressive, as far as they

told others, maybe only Ron would say it, but since it was in the third

floor is unlikely to even mention it to him or well , not after seeing what's

next to them in the room.

Hermione wanted to know more, but since they still had to be careful

with Filch she didn't ask any more and went to the door to hear if there

were footsteps or the Filch was leaving.

After making sure they were gone, they relaxed and went a bit further

into the room.

Hermione: "already left".

Ron: "It is likely that he believed that this room was locked."

Hermione: "It was closed."

Harry: "And look at the reason." Harry responded just then with a little

nervous ism in his voice .

Extimum just looked at the dog with curiosity, he was not afraid of him,

he was sure that with his abilities he could at least stay safe in the worst

case scenario.

Extimum: 'actually what can you call a Cerberus like Fluffy…'. Extimum

felt his lip twitched a bit, seeing this big ferocious dog against the and

someone would have named him Fluffy.

And there he was, a large three-headed dog, the Cerberus Fluffy ... his

height and width covered the entire rest of the room, with a fierce aura

around him and black fur and yellow eyes , if you weren't prepared and

you had no experience with this type of creature, it was hard not to feel a

little intimidated and a little scared to face it from such close range; the

cerberus was dozing a bit and woke up to the noise of the door and

everyone's voices.

All except Extimum froze for a moment when they saw such an imposing

creature so close to them.

Extimum: 'this would be a good time to take a step forward'. Making a

quick decision, Extimum grabbed Hermione's hand that was still frozen

and dragged her quickly towards the door , however, that did not stop

her Hermione from crying out, either from the surprise of being suddenly

pulled or her surprise and fright contained by her. face the cerberus .

The cerberus was instantly alerted upon seeing Extimum move and all

three of its heads roared as it rose to its feet.

** Ahhhh !!!

** Roar !!!

Harry and Ron also screamed, venting their fear and running towards the

door that Extimum had already opened.

After exiting, Extimum readied his wand and pointed at the door just in

case while he waited for Harry and Ron to pass to close the door.

Once Harry and Ron got out, they quickly grabbed the door and tried to

close it; the cerberus on the other hand the had followed and pushed one

of their heads trying to bite , finishing pushing the door Harry and Ron

trying to close.

Extimum approached the door and pushing a little, the door closed

easily, of course no one noticed his incredible show of strength because

Ron and Harry were also pushing, as for Hermione, by the time she

wanted to help they had already closed the door.

After leaving there they headed back to the common room , on the way

Ron was only complaining about the madness of having a cerberus at

school, Hermione on the other hand was thinking about how dangerous

the previous event had been and how Extimum he had taken her hand to

get her out of there ; Reaching the entrance to the Gryffindor common

room, Extimum said his goodbyes and headed towards the entrance of

the Ravenclaw tower .

Upon entering the common room, there were several students reading

near some bookshelves, playing some board games or chatting in some

groups. Seeing the quiet atmosphere of the room, Extimum decided to

increase his social circle, although he was not used to talking much due

to his long times of solitude, he could not end up becoming a misfit in

the Ravenclaw house, he should at least aspire to have a good

relationship, then he would start by talking to his roommates that he had

previously neglected.

Heading to his bedroom, Extimum received a few glances, mainly from

the women, but some men still did not get used to his unique appearance

and were also looking at him more scrutinizingly.

When entering his bedroom he only found 2 of his companions, the other

was probably outside, so walking towards them he introduced himself.

Extimum: "Hello, I had not had the opportunity to introduce myself

before, I am Extimum Shadowless, it is a pleasure to meet you".

His companions were surprised by his approach, they thought that

Extimum would be very arrogant and that is why he had ignored them,

however, that had not mattered much to them because in Ravenclaw

they tend to enter extravagant or very particular characters, in addition,

since in general they have a style more rational and competitive, they

wouldn't be offended for so little.

Roommate 1: "My pleasure anyway, I'm Mitchell Knife." Mitchell was a

boy with tanned skin, he had crazy brown hair and brown eyes, he

seemed the type of person who liked to make friends everywhere.

Roommate 2 : " I'm Steve Genius ". Steve was a boy a little chubby and

short in comparison, he had reddish hair, but throwing a little more to

the red color, his eyes were gray, he looked like the type you would go to

hear gossip and with his lively look he reinforced the thought more .

After that they chatted for a while, from their conversation Extimum

learned that the Mitchell family had several farms that produced low

grade magical animal skins and Steve's family moved from Russia to

Sweden and ran some various business stores in the alley Diagon.

Extimum not talk much about his family, but if he did speak a little about

himself, after all, even he did not know much of his family, more than he

had read in the library or heard of the meetings of his father; He also told

her that his other roommate was named Trudor Naipe and that it was

likely that he would return later in the night; And just as he had guessed

before parting ways , Steve did not forget to tell him that if he wanted to

know any Hogwarts gossip he should not hesitate to ask him.

Although he had improved his relationship with his roommates, Extimum

still wanted to try to find a private room for himself, although it was not

safe to assume that there would be, but since Hogwarts has always been a

castle full of mysteries and secrets it should not be impossible that he

had. Some secret room, even if it wasn't a personal bedroom, as long as

there was a room it could still fit, so he embarked on a search for a secret





Chapter 8: •An interesting feeling

Extimum: ' well, where should I look, I don't think it's as simple as

moving a book on a shelf, maybe a brick it? Or some magic word? , this

being the Ravenclaw tower it would make more sense if it was some

puzzle or riddle and it can't be too obvious or the others would have

found it'. As he wandered through his room , the corridors, and the

common room, Extimum looked critically at everything around him for

some clue.

Going down the stairs that led to the bedrooms he finally noticed

something, on a side wall of the staircase there was a plaque with the

Ravenclaw symbol, the eagle, Although the shield is perfectly normal and

given the opaque colors of the shield it would be easy to neglect it, but

unlike the others, this eagle did not have its wings fully open, but only

halfway, this could be a very small and insignificant detail, But since

Extimum couldn't find anything else out of the ordinary in all this time,

he could only put his faith that if there is something special about the

shield and not just a poorly made shield or another version of the design.

Extimum put his hands on both wings and tried to lift them up and

luckily it actually sounded like something had clicked, however after that

nothing happened.

Extimum: ' haiz , I thought I found something, maybe it was just made to

fool the students.' Extimum sighed and was getting ready to go when the

wall where the shield was located became translucent and some words

appeared on it . On the other side of the wall only a dark path was

projected and nothing else .

Extimum: " Everyone has it ahead, but they show it with suspicion. It has

a head and needles, but no hair ". Extimum mutter the riddle posted on

the wall. (I'm guilty, I didn't find better riddles, but suggestions are


After pondering for a while, Extimum decided to take a chance with the

solution he thought of.

Extimum: "a ... pocket watch ?"

After Extimum said his answer, the words disappeared.

Extimum : ' Failed or did I say it right ?, it just disappeared ...'.

Reaching out to touch the wall, his hand passed through it.

Extimum: ' Maybe ... if I answered correctly?, let's see what's beyond'.

Nothing in particular was felt as he crossed the veil of the translucent

wall, stepping further into the dark hallway, a torch was suddenly lit

with blue fire, revealing a spacious room .

Extimum: ' I didn't know we could make colored fire, ah wait, I think

Hermione will do it in the future for the cold in winter'.

The room had 2 areas and a door, in one area was what would be the

resting place , a large King size bed, much larger than the single beds in

the bedroom, it also had a night table, a chair and a little further away,

there was a large closet next to a mirror, in the other area there was a

desk with a chair and on the nearby wall, there was an empty shelf closet

and a window that showed outside the castle, the room shared the same

design Ravenclaw with decorations bronzes and blue.

Walking to the door and looking inside after opening it, it was a large

bathroom, consisting of a sink, a toilet, a shower and a tub.

Extimum : 'this is perfect, even has a private bathroom, however, others

may enter if they also discover the mechanism?'. After appreciating the

room, It only remained to think about whether this room would become

his or someone else could also enter, if so, it would no longer be so


Extimum rummaged around the room a bit to see if there was some kind

of key or amulet to access the room, but couldn't find anything.

When I was beginning to lose hope of obtaining a private room, a small

explosion of blue light occurred in the middle of the room in which

words appeared that disappeared shortly after appearing.

"The room will belong to you while you study at Hogwarts and its entry

is only open to your will."

Extimum : 'and that, solves everything'. Extimum was very satisfied after

reading the message, now he only needed to move his things to his new


Running quickly to his room, Extimum packed his things and brought

them to his new room and proceeded to organize himself.

After finishing, Extimum took a bath and then went to sleep.


In the middle of the night, while Extimum slept, small changes began to

occur in his body, although they were not noticeable enough for anyone

to notice them, however, they were still happening. Extimum's body was

getting stronger by a small amount, his hair also grew although almost

imperceptibly and his upper fangs lengthened a bit, besides that,

Extimum's presence or aura also increased by a certain margin. ; These

changes were small, but they were the development that occurred from

the direct contact that Extimum and Hermione had when he took her

hand to flee from the cerberus. Of course, such small changes would not

be noticed in the short term, but as long as the contact was maintained,

the gradual changes would become noticeable.


The next morning, Extimum woke up feeling refreshed, He organized

himself and left the Ravenclaw tower to head towards the entrance to the

Gryffindor common room, today he would start hunting * ahem

accompany Hermione to breakfast to establish his presence around her,

after all, being in different houses, they would not see much except for

some classes that they shared or in free times like this.

Extimum:' Oh, that 's right, today I have my first flying lesson". Extimum's

mood improved upon remembering this, After all, who wouldn't want to

fly?, although he wasn't sure if he would make the Quidditch team in the

future, but he sure at least wanted to learn to ride a broom.

So Extimum waited by the Gryffindor door until Hermione came out,

even though he got some glances from other students leaving early, he

just ignored them.

After a while an animated Hermione and ready to go to the dining room

to have breakfast came out the door, as she prepared to go to the stairs,

Extimum approached her and gave a little greeting and then took her

hand and started walking with naturally with her towards the stairs.

Extimum : "Good morning".

Hermione: "Good morning." Hermione responded reflexively

Hermione: "Wait, hey, what are you doing?". Hermione was surprised

that he took her hand and started walking with her as if nothing was


Extimum : "mm, what are you talking about, I only walk with you to go

to breakfast". Extimum replied calmly and completely naturally as if it

were the most ordinary thing .

Hermione. " yes, but why are you holding my hand ? ". While saying this,

Hermione tried to free herself from his grip, but she couldn't, although

Extimum's grip was not tight nor was it hurting her, she could not release

herself from him and although it was not exactly uncomfortable, the

situation made her a little nervous, the development was out of place

again, I mean, you don't go and just take someone's hand and don't let go

and continue as if nothing happened.

Extimum : " because ... you are mine and I want to go with you :) ".

Extimum again calmly replied and smiled a little at the end of his words.

Hermione: " wh -what, what kind of answer is that and what is that again

about me being yours." Hermione was a bit caught off guard by his


Extimum did not answer and simply continued walking with her calmly,

Hermione on the other hand tried a few more times to free herself , but

when she saw that she could not free herself she stopped trying and just

accepted it , although she felt a little annoyed inside , he would have to

let her go when come to the dining room, because their tables were


Along the way they got a few glances, especially from the older students,

who directed some significant glances that inexplicably brought a little

blush to Hermione's face, Extimum just ignored the glances they received,

as for the younger students, they didn't think much about it.

For Extimum, this was an interesting and new experience, feeling the

heat, the softness of another skin in contact with yours, beyond that,

there were also the emotions he received from her, it was a strangely

pleasant feeling for him, although already he had taken her hand

yesterday, but since it was a moment of rush I hadn't given much thought

to that occasion. He could get used to it if it was all his lineage needed to


After they reached the dining room and approached the Gryffindor table,

Extimum released Hermione's hand and walked over to their table,

causing Hermione to breathe a sigh of relief, although she was not

particularly bothered by the situation was no less awkward for her.

Extimum approached his table to greet his roommates.

Mitchell : "Hi Extimum , where did you go last night, didn't I see you

come back?" Mitchell with his energetic attitude asked after saying hello.

Steve: "yes, tell me, you are not doing strange things at night, right?".

Steve quickly continued with his question after Mitchell, using a tone

that seemed to hint at something Extimum was unaware of.

Extimum : "eh, stop imagining strange things, I was just lucky and found

a private room for myself." Extimum was unaffected by Steve's advances

and responded with his ever stoic face.

Mitchell : "Seriously, that's great, oh, right Extimum, look, I introduce

you to our other roommate or in your case, ex- roommate , he is Trudor

Naipe". Mitchell said while pointing to another boy who was across the

table from them.

Trudor was a slightly scrawny Asian boy, but scholarly in appearance,

with black hair and eyes.

Extimum also introduced himself and gave a short courtesy talk.

Steve:" Hey, do not you go sit down?".

Extimum:" Oh, i just came to greet you and tell you about my room

change, we'll see you in class". Without saying a word after that,

Extimum back where he came from and went to the Gryffindor table to

sit next to Hermione.

Trudor: "wait, what is he doing? He wouldn't think of sitting at the table

in another house, right?".

Mitchell:" yep , it looks like that's what he's doing".

Trudor: " But, won't they tell he anything?".

Steve: "if he's doing it, he probably has a way so they won't tell him

anything." Steve said with a thoughtful look and looking deeply at

Extimum , Steve wouldn't waste an opportunity to get a gossip.


Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table after separating from Extimum and

began to help herself to what she would eat for breakfast, as she finished

serving herself, Harry and Ron arrived and sat across from her .

Harry: "Hello Extimum". Harry sat up and was a little surprised to see

Extimum in front of him, but he didn't care and kept looking at what to

eat just like Ron.

Hermione on the other hand, widened her eyes after hearing Harry greet

Extimum and quickly glanced in the direction Harry saluted, only to see

Extimum sitting right next to her.

Hermione: "When did you get there? No, wait, more importantly , how

can you be here?"

Extimum:" What are you talking about? I've always been here with you,

as to how can I be here, mmm, I don't see anyone saying anything or


Hermione gave him a long look, she clearly remembered seeing him walk

away in the direction of the Ravenclaw table and had previously seen

that there was no one next to her, he just appeared out of nowhere, as for

someone to say something, she He looked everywhere, but in fact it was

as he said, the Gryffindors did not seem to care and the teachers did not

seem to notice, he could only resign himself and continue eating his


Naturally Extimum was not always there, as for how he appeared without

her noticing and since no one seemed to tell him anything, it is actually

very simple, he use an illusion about whether so that people do not

notice him, similarly something he use Before, however, he discard his

ex-roommates, because it would be strange if he suddenly disappeared or

they seemed to suddenly ignore him, as for if any teacher noticed it, he

believed that they would not be so focused on all the students and still

had confidence in his illusion, as for Dumbledore he didn't know if it

would affect him but he guessed that even if he saw him he wouldn't

mind as long as he did nothing wrong.

Of course, what neither of them would know at the moment was that in

fact, it was not forbidden for students to sit at the table in another house,

it is just that due to the usual tense relationship between them, not many


Extimum enjoyed his breakfast and after finishing said goodbye and

headed to his classes for the day.


In an open field next to the castle, the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students

stood in a form side by side and the two houses facing each other like

that, leaving a wide empty space between them .

???: "Good afternoon everyone". A woman greeted as she passed through

the space between the two houses, she was a middle-aged woman, with

gray hair and yellow eyes, wearing a black suit and wearing a silver

feather necklace, with a strict face and serious.

All: "Good afternoon, madame hooch ." Everyone saluted in sync, to the

Quidditch coach and flight instructor, Madame Rolanda Hooch .



The chapters that have been marked with the • symbol have been

edited, those that do not have it could contain many translation errors,

your understanding is appreciated, if you find He / She errors in the

chapters, please tell me to fix it

Chapter 9: Stepping on air and

little timeskip

Hooch: "Welcome to your flying lessons, okay, please stand to the left of

your brooms." After she finished saying, all the students positioned

themselves next to their brooms that were in front of them.

Extimum was excited for his first flying class on his broom, however, he

was also a little apprehensive, after all, he had heard that the brooms at

Hogwarts were a bit old and if suddenly became a bit you crazy?

Extimum: 'I just hope my broom doesn't get out of control like Neville's '.

Hooch: "now, place your right hand on the broom and say up".


Extimum's broom went immediately to his hand, most of the students

were able to pick it up the first time.

Extimum heard Mitchell taunting Steve, who were lined up on the right .

Mitchell: " Hey , what's up Steve, can't you get it up, huh?". Mitchell

scoffed, he had been one of the first to pick up his broom, while Steve's

broom next to him was shaking and bouncing a bit.

Steve got a little angry at Mitchell's words and even looked a bit

embarrassed, although only he knew why. (something is wrong.jpg)

Steve tried again to lift his broom and this time his stronger emotions

helped him to lift his broom although he hit his hand a little hard.

Hooch: "now, when you have your broom, get on it and hold it tight,

don't slip ... when you hear the whistle I want everyone to hit the ground

hard, keep their balance, float for a moment, lean forward and come back

to the ground …, Are you ready? ".

As Hooch said the instructions, the students followed them step by step.

** Fiuit (whistle )

Everyone proceeded to do the exercise and everything seemed to go well,

there were no incidents and everyone was able to do the exercise.

Seeing that the first step, which was positioning on the broom and

landing, was easily grasped by all , Madame Hooch decided to continue.

Hooch: "Well, now that you know how to properly hold your broom,

hover and land, we will do a little flight test, however, you will not fly

high or you will be punished."

** Fiuit (whistle )

At the command of the whistle they all took off up and began to move

slowly at first and then faster with their broom making sure not to fly too

high, although we said they did not fly very high, most of them were

flying at a height of 3 to 5 m and very few flew close to the ground.

At the start flying Extimum oblivion by complete their concerns. L

brooms as flying was n a magical artifact that worked n with an

accelerator or lever section where feet are placed and the basic

movements of the user address, the maximum speed was defined as the

Broomstick to, also as comfort , stability and maneuverability, however ,

its performance depends entirely on the skill of the magician.

As Extimum flew and tried different speeds, his broom went haywire and

he tossed his body to the side .

Extimum : 'damn, of all the brooms, did mine have to be the bad one?'

Although the broom shook Extimum's body off the broom, since he was

holding the upper part with his hands, he did not shut up, however, he

was not in a very good situation, although he was not very worried about

the fall, in This position any bad movement and the broom could move in

any direction so trying to use his strength to climb could end up sending

him flying, only without his broom this time .

Extimum:' fuu , this situation is annoying and just seems that Madame

Hooch still I have not noticed, I should not stay away so much, on the

other hand, I think you could let me down and I would not hurt, but if

someone sees me, it would be difficult to explain '. While pondering his

situation moved slightly his left foot in exasperation, which to his

surprise felt as if that foot stepped on a hard, slightly soft surface, a

rather mixed feeling, not lingering long with useless thoughts take this

mysterious surface and jump her broom.

(to clarify, when jumping using his foot, he did not exert pressure on the

broom that at this moment was static, so he could climb again on it, on

the other hand, if he had exerted force with his arms, he could move the

direction or tempt her luck to move by herself, since the broom is an

ancient magical artifact it may have flaws like Neville's who flew away


Some students who were nearby and rushed to try to help him, stopped

in their tracks before this exhibition, from their point of view Extimum

had been shaken from his broom and had been left hanging with his

broom inclined diagonally, holding only her with his hands However, at

one point he seemed to pick up an unknown momentum and literally

jumped up and repositioned his body on the broom.

After repositioning himself , he nodded slightly towards the students who

intended to help him in gratitude and headed over to where Madame

Hooch was, although it had been fun he had had enough experience

flying brooms for today, at least he already knew how to control the

broom to fly .

Extimum : 'however, what was that surface that helped me jump? Did

someone help me? And the feeling so contradictory at the same time

when stepping on it. ' Extimum reflect on the strange done, 'But if it was

someone, But if it was someone, how do I synchronize their spell with the

exact moment when I kicked it? or was it a coincidence? , a lot of

questions, I'll think about it later. '

After the students flew a bit more, the class ended, Extimum observed

how all the other brooms worked perfectly and couldn't help but look at

his own.

Extimum : "Stupid broom". I mutter as I return the broom to its place.


-Time Skip -

A month and a few days later, things have developed well in this time,

Extimum in the mornings would vary between accompanying Hermione

to breakfast or doing her exercise routine outside the castle, he did it like

this so as not to be too intense with Hermione, some Sometimes he would

join her for lunch or dinner and other times he would spend them at his

table with Steve, Mitchell and Trudor, the classes on the other hand,

were going well it has not been a long time so they have not seen so


In herbology it has seen some plants that had studied before and now he

could experiment with them.

The Astronomy was one of his favorite classes, liked to watch the stars

and learn of its effects in magic .

In charms, although the class was entertained by now also have more

references of what could go wrong with spells did not learn much

because everyone was basic spells .

Flying classes have improved, he said to mark the malicious broom to not

to take it and everything seemed to go well, but did not know whether to

say the same from others but it seems that ended up removing the

malicious broom to repair, he would like to donate best brooms but he

would have to ask at his house if they would agree since he still has no

money of his own, however, he would have to wait until holidays,

Extimum did not buy owls or any of the other animals they asked for at

Hogwarts , although they said it was simply mandatory he ignore it, he

just didn't seem to like any of the animals out there, so he planned to find

a better companion in the future and if he got a letter, which he doubted

they would send him with the familiar owl .

In transfiguration already seeing basic spells such as transforming a

match into a needle, he had no problem with doing so, earning him some

points and a better reputation in Ravenclaw.

In defense against the dark arts was getting impatient, he had decided to

make a joke to Quirrell in the coming days to vent his frustration , that

stammering and inability to give a class he was properly angering much

besides that smell awful that It gave off tormented his improved senses ,

it generated a bit of stress, luckily he can regulate it a bit with magic, the

only good thing is that he had already studied the first years in material,

otherwise he would have to go to study at the library. What the teacher

was supposed to teach, however, he expected more details from an

experienced teacher.

Potions was not so bad as long as you had patience , it could be worse,

you imagine being in the same Harry Potter class, no, no .

In as a magical story, just your sack own books borrowed from the

library for the class, it was too boring and had studied the content, OTR

to form could fall asleep.

His friendship with Ron and Harry had grown closer, with Ron was easy,

just agree to play with Ron to the chess magic once had no one to play ,

as Extimum had not played chess magic before, decided to try, but not It

was also possible for him to defeat Ron in his third game, although after

that he got serious and it was difficult to beat him again, but hey he just

tried the game, as for Harry he didn't have to do much because he

already considered him his friend so I just spent his free time with them

cua I was not studying NDO .

His personal progress in this time was slow but steady, although the same

cannot be said for his body, although it had only been a little over a

month the effects of his constant contact with Hermione finally showed

his results, one in particular was quite surprises.

- FlashBack -

Extimum had just woken up early in the morning like any other, the day

before he had stayed up late studying so he was a bit tired, he walked

sleepy to the bathroom and took a bath, after leaving he got dressed and

while organizing his hair, he smiled in various ways in front of the mirror

as a joke, however, when he smiled widely, he noticed an anomaly.

Extimum : "Shit !!!, did I turn into a vampire or something?" Extimum

cursed and screamed in surprise, his upper fangs elongated like a


Extimum : 'no, wait, my lineage is supposed to be related to foxes, unless

a vampire has bitten me which I doubt because I don't feel different, but

then because my fangs lengthened like this ... And definitely they are

sharp '. While Extimum thought he checked his neck just in case and

lightly touched his fangs .

That day, Extimum spent the whole morning without breakfast, and he

finally discovered that he could retract his fangs for the most part,

remaining only a little longer than usual, only to run away to get to his

first class on time. dia .

Although even when found he could retract them even do not understand

that are bone clearly not a vampire, so you do not need to drink blood Or

if ?, I was hesitant, after all the only other reason to have them tearing

serious flesh, But he didn't think he needed them for it, anyway, his

worries were relaxed afterwards as he didn't feel any thirst for blood or

anything like that.

- End FlashBack -

Other than that there were no other noticeable changes, perhaps that his

aura grew again and now he seemed to be able to convey certain feelings

he wanted, but the effect was very weak and he currently had no use for



Extimum got up early today , today was October 31, took a shower and

then got organized and thought while looking in the mirror .

Extimum : 'mm, today is Halloween, so today the Troll should happen, I

wonder if I should try to hit him? I think I could shake him a bit right?

Or maybe I play it safe and cast a cutting spell on him? , no, it would be

too bloody, maybe I just hit him with all my telekinetic strength ?,

Sounds better than hitting him with his own bat. '

Extimum naturally wouldn't try to stop the event, it didn't make sense to

do so , on the one hand, he didn't think he could fight a teacher let alone

one with a Voldemort on his head, although his physical strength was

quite good and he had better knowledge than everyone. The other

students of the early years, it was just that, in front of an instructor who

is not only more capable but also more knowledgeable in magic, it would

not be a threat, in terms of physical fight? Maybe it could surprise him

but given his experience it is Probably later it would end badly, besides

he had no reason to do it, after all even if he succeeded he would not

achieve anything, in the end Harry could do it and more efficiently with

Voldemort lowering his guard towards him, regarding the encounter with

the troll, It was an important turning point that would improve and

accentuate the friendship of the trio and in his case it would improve the

relationship with Hermione, even with in the middle the current

relationship of the three is more like companions of kind that get along,

until Ron screw it up, that said, Extimum would n't be careless , after all

this is the real world, anything can happen.

Speaking of his relationship with Hermione, she already accepts his

presence and sometimes has even discovered that she is waiting for him

to go out for breakfast, we would not say that they are in a romantic

relationship and even a friendship is still in development, they are more

like a close acquaintance , maybe a neighbor ?, mm it's hard to say, but

she's on the right track, as for how Extimum has an idea of ​​their

relationship, that's naturally because of her empathy, Extimum

sometimes feels a little mistrust on her part, but they are not things to be



The morning classes went normally, today he did not go with Hermione

to breakfast, in fact, he was a little late for breakfast, he took his time in

the morning to practice some contingency spells and telekinetic power

casts , he basically compresses everything his power at one point and

then he throws it , he wanted to knock out the Troll by hitting him; he

also did his exercise routine.

It was the later afternoon lunch and Extimum had just left his kind of

herbology , when sense by means of its connection with Hermione her

emotions agitated and chaotic became , the link only gave a vague idea

of their status but it was enough because it basically worked when they

crossed a certain peak , so if you want to know its status you should go

up and see it ; she decided not to go right away after all it would be a bit

strange, however, she wouldn't wait too long either, after all letting her

cry all afternoon when you know she feels bad would be very


Extimum : 'Well, I should find it at the entrance to the kitchen, after all

we are likely to miss the food, I just remember something about a fruit

box where you were tickling a pear and since the kitchen is below the

dining room It should be on the same floor. '

Extimum went to the room under the dining room, he knew the way

because he had seen the Hufflepuffs go there to go to their common

room, when he passed through the hall after going down the stairs he

saw it , it was a painting of a fruit bowl , including a pear she was made

came and tickled the pear and this was transformed into a doorknob.

Extimum : 'it's an interesting way to hide a door'.

After passing the door, Extimum saw the Hogwarts kitchen for the first

time , the kitchen is a large high- ceilinged room with five tables

identical to the ones in the Great Hall; they are also in the same position.

There are large amounts of pots and pans stacked around the stone walls,

presumably on countertops or stoves, as well as a large brick fireplace at

the other end of the hallway from the door, there were also some house

elves doing the odd thing, It was still quite a while before dinner time so

it was likely that they weren't all here.

House elves were short even by the standards of a child , if we were to

put a measurement on it it would not be more than 1m in height , they

had large green eyes, their skin was white with a slight healthy redness, a

large nose and large Pointed ears similar to the wings of a bat, although

their features varied between them, those were their main characteristics.

To see someone approaching the all house - elves who were stopped here

after one of the house elves Avanzo ys and filed with Extimum .

???: "Tutu introduces himself sir , what can Tutu do for the young


Extimum : "hi Tutu, I need 2 portions of dinner to go, could you help me

with that please".

Tutu: "Tutu is happy to please the young wizard, Tutu will go and

prepare the takeout." Tutu was happy to be able to help Extimum, so she

went into the kitchen and together with other house elves they set out to

prepare 2 servings of food.

Extimum sat at one of the tables to wait and while he watched the elves

preparing the food.

With everyone helping out and the great skill these house elves had who

always prepared food for the entire castle, the food was quickly prepared

and packed.

After packing the food Tutu approached Extimum .

Tutu: "Tutu and his friends prepared food for the young wizard." Tutu

said as he handed over the two containers.

Extimum : "Thank you Tutu and all of you too." Extimum kept the two

containers in a bag that he carried on his waist, it was just a normal bag

with a weight lightening rune.

The house elves were encouraged by the wizard's gratitude and then

went back to doing their business.

Extimum came out of the kitchen and decided to go find Hermione,

although the house elves were quick to prepare the food it still took time,

so he should go now.



That Steve always seems to be thinking strange things for a child, don't

you think?

Chapter 10: The troll attack

Without wasting any more time, Extimum headed to the girls' bathroom

on the first floor. Along the way, he covered himself with a layer of

illusion magic to avoid being seen.

He wasn't worried about things like it being the girls' bathroom, or that

there were other people there, after all, he just goes what he's going, he

has no interest in spying and unless it was for fun, frankly Extimum

didn't believe that with his appearance would have to resort to such

methods to get a look.

Extimum: 'Heh, who needs the invisibility cloak when you have such a

useful spell, unless of course it really hides you from death.'

Upon reaching the entrance to the bathroom, Extimum crossed the doors

and entered directly into it.

Once inside, it wasn't hard to tell where Hermione was when you could

hear her crying immediately upon entering the place. Extimum even

wondered how she could cry for an entire afternoon, or perhaps she took

breaks and then continued?

The door to her bathroom was closed, but with a little magic it wasn't a

problem at all, so, with a slight shake of his hand, the door lock was

lifted and the door was opened.

Hermione was sitting on the floor with her head between her arms that

were resting on the toilet seat. Given the sound of her crying and

Extimum's generally quiet demeanor, she didn't notice his entrance.

In one swift motion, Extimum lifted Hermione by her hips and sat her on

his lap as he sat on the toilet.

Hermione: "Ahhhh, who-who!?" Hermione screamed in surprise and then

asked somewhat brokenly due to tears.

Extimum: "Shh, it's me." Extimum had no experience comforting others,

so he did everything he could think of, gently rubbing their back and

releasing his aura sending a calming effect, however, since the aura was

still very weak, although it helped a little, it didn't seem affect her too


Hermione: "It's you, what do you want? I'm not in the mood now, go

away, you also just want to make fun of me." Hermione's breathing had

recovered so even if she was still crying a little, she was able to speak


Extimum tried to calm her down, but his efforts didn't seem to work, it

didn't seem as simple as he had imagined it would be.

Hermione, on the other hand, tried to free herself from his embrace and

get up, but Extimum wouldn't let her.

As he quickly thought about his options, he again felt a call from his

bloodline, this time, however, its intention left him baffled. His bloodline

told him to bite her.

Extimum was trying to make sense of the message, but it didn't make

sense and as he thought about it, Hermione broke free of his arms.

Since he wasn't actually holding her tightly, after a bit of struggling she

was able to free herself.

Once free, Hermione headed for the bathroom door, leaving Extimum no

time to think of more ways to calm her down.

With no other option, he simply approached her before she walked out

the door and wrapped his arms around her waist from her back, then

moved some of her hair away and bit the area between her neck and


A sudden silence seemed to descend at that moment over the previously

noisy bathrooms.

Contemplating the difference it almost seemed like time had stopped, one

moment the bathroom was noisy and then a dead silence settled in the

room and neither of them seemed to move.

**dripping sound**

In the quiet bathrooms only the very occasional sound of a drop of water

hitting the floor could be heard.

The silence seemed to be postponed for a few minutes until suddenly, a

faint moan could be heard.

Hearing Hermione's soft moan brought Extimum out of his stupor,

immediately separating himself from her.

He took a few steps back to give her space, however, when he had only

taken the second step, Hermione seemed to lose strength in her legs and

fell back into his arms.

The situation seemed to fall into an awkward silence again, however, this

time for different reasons. Both Extimum and Hermione had experienced

a myriad of sensations the moment Extimum bit her.

Extimum: 'That was... mind-blowing in more ways than one.' That was

the only thing he could think as he remembered the sensations he


For Extimum, the moment he bit Hermione, his mind was jolted by an

unexpected sensory shock.

First he went from a slight shudder to a euphoria, then as the sensation

was settling in, he felt great complacency as if he had accomplished

something, and when he thought the sensations were over, he was hit by

a flow of unintelligible information of the kind you could understand, but

not knowing how you got to it.

If before he could know Hermione's emotional state through the psychic

link, after drinking a little of her blood it was as if he had strengthened

the link and obtained a whole report from her.

Although the effect of the strengthening of the bond did not seem

permanent, but with the strengthening of the bond, it was also hit by

some of the chaotic emotions that Hermione was experiencing herself.

Extimum was not a vampire, so he did not actually drink much of his

blood, however, just that little bit he had drank gave his body the feeling

of being filled with energy, accompanied by a very pleasant feeling, but

more than pleasant. It was its flavor... it was so... Intoxicating…so…

addictive, so much so, that for a moment he had felt his sanity falter.

Another aspect that Extimum noticed when separating from Hermione,

was that her saliva seemed to have a small healing effect, although not

very strong, if it was strong enough to close the small holes that must

have been left after the bite, unlike the pristine skin that he observed.

Hermione on the other hand, felt something completely different.

--Pov Hermione--

Hermione was angry, upset and sad, but mostly sad.

In the short time she had been at Hogwarts she had given her best and

worked hard, but most of the students didn't really care that seriously

about their studies and mainly wanted to play.

This situation had been slowly distancing her from everyone. She had

tried to socialize a little, but his attempts didn't seem to go very well for

the most part. Then there were her annoying housemates, especially Ron

Weasley, always finding a moment to say bad things about her, when he

just needed to try harder himself.

On the other hand, there was also Extimum, although her first

approaches weren't exactly ideal and were even a little annoying, with

him taking her hand and dragging her to dinner without her consent, but

over time it wasn't that bad and she even enjoyed it a little of the

moment they shared.

However, today, with Ron's comment, something exploded inside her and

she simply couldn't take it anymore, so she went to the bathrooms to vent

her sorrows. After that and to her irritation, someone had somehow

entered her cubicle and woke her up from her wailing state.

Hermione: "Ahhhh, who-who!?"

Extimum: "Shh, it's me."

Hearing the familiar voice of the person who was holding her in his arms

and trying to comfort her, she was able to recognize him immediately, so

she cleared her throat to speak and try to scare him away.

Hermione: "It's you! What do you want? I'm not in the mood right now,

so leave. You also just want to make fun of me."

She didn't really want to say that, but now she felt really bad and she

didn't want anyone to see her in this state, so she tried to free herself

from his arms and after a little effort, she managed to get out. Not

wanting to stay here anymore, she decided to go somewhere else.

And as she broke away from Extimum's arms and headed towards the

door, she suddenly felt like she was grabbed again by her waist and

before she could start to protest again, she felt a light sting in the area

between her neck and shoulder and After that, everything seemed to go


Her body received an intense reaction. All the hairs on her body stood on

end and her body became slightly stiff, but not long after, that feeling

disappeared and instead, it was as if her body was bathed by a warm

breeze or massaged by warm waters.

At the same time, her mind felt as if it were caressed by clouds as soft as

cotton, as slowly, all of her chaotic emotions and grievances seemed to

dissipate or at least become largely pacified.

It was as if her mind and body were floating through the clouds.

Everything was so serene and calm…so peaceful, however, the

comfortable feeling that ran through her body and mind was quickly

transformed from a comfortable feeling to an exhilarating one.

Just feeling it run through her body once and she couldn't help but suffer

a slight shudder, followed by which, new and unknown sensations filled

her senses and enveloped her body, causing her already relaxed body to

soften and lose a little strength.

Hermione: "~Huuh~~ ". Hermione let out a slight involuntary moan.

Shortly after the moan escaped her mouth, she felt Extimum move away

from her body and lose her footing, however, her body felt soft and when

he pulled away, her legs couldn't support her and she slid backwards,

ended up falling back into his arms.

The sensations were simply too spontaneous and intense and she hadn't

been prepared, although even if she had been, she doubted her outcome

would have been much better.

Especially the last sensation, although she couldn't describe it under the

cloudy state her mind was in, left a small, almost imperceptible spark

inside her of longing.

Even up until this moment, with everything that had happened,

Hermione hadn't once wondered what Extimum was doing in the

women's bathroom.

--End Pov—

Hermione: "w-what was that?" Still a little dazed from the previous

experience, Hermione asked as she looked up to meet Extimum's gaze

still holding her in his arms. (no spiderman kiss for you, XD it's still too


Extimum, who was also a little distracted, came to his senses when he

heard Hermione's question, but when he was about to answer her, his

words stayed in his mouth when he heard heavy footsteps approaching

from the entrance of the women's bathroom.

The sound of footsteps also completely woke Hermione up, although she

still felt a little boneless, but she was able to stand up properly using

Extimum for support, only to see the imminent entrance of a large,

slightly fat bipedal creature into the bathrooms.

Only now did Extimum remember why he had come here besides

comforting Hermione. He had been so focused on Hermione and the

sensation of having bitten her, that he had completely forgotten about it.

Trolls are fearsome creatures approximately three and a half meters tall

and weighing more than a ton. Both their strength and their stupidity

stand out; It is often violent and unpredictable, a bit like giants. The

smartest ones were trained as guardians and can even speak a few words

in the human language.

Trolls eat raw meat and practically don't care where it comes from; They

are not disgusted by anything, they hunt everything from wild animals to


The troll that Hermione and Extimum were facing was a mountain troll,

one of the three derivatives of the race, these being among the largest

and most ferocious of their species.

His skin was pale gray and his head was bald with large ears, his body

had a slightly disproportionate shape, some parts such as his hands or

feet were bigger and thicker than his arms and legs and he only wore a

few dirty and dirty cloths. Worn as a vest and loincloth.

The troll walked at a slow pace, while carrying a crude club in one of his

hands, which was probably just a crudely shaped tree trunk.

The troll's face was what one would expect from a troll, with a silly look

and a little saliva flowing from his mouth, he also carried a strong smell

around him and a wandering look.

Just when Hermione was about to scream from the surprise and pressure

caused by the intimidating creature, Extimum quickly covered her

mouth, but, it was too late, the movement and the suppressed sound had

already caught the attention of the troll who, although He hadn't seen

them, he had had his attention directed in their direction.

Extimum hugged Hermione's waist and quickly walked backwards as he

walked deeper into the cubicle, closing the door at the same time.

Although this wouldn't stop the troll, given the distance from the

bathroom entrance and the cubicle they were in, coupled with the fact

that the troll wasn't very intelligent, it could at least delay him until

Harry and Ron arrived.

Extimum: 'Well, now all that remains is for Harry and Ron to arrive, with

them being present, the situation should develop in a similar way.' Of

course Extimum would intervene, but he had to first let the situation

develop to a certain climax before interfering.

Hermione on the other hand, although she had calmed down a bit

because of Extimum's presence and that the troll had not found them yet,

but that didn't stop her from getting a little anxious, she didn't know

Extimum's capabilities, but even if she knew them that might not

necessarily make her feel safe when a troll with a club was covering the

only exit to the bathrooms.

So she was trying to think of some way they could get out. She did not

even consider facing him, she did not believe in their possibilities,

furthermore, it was known that trolls as well as some other magical

creatures had a certain resistance to direct magic, although it was very

weak, it was not something that the current her could overcome.

Another point is that when you face a troll, it is likely that the first thing

you think is not to fight but, on the contrary, to flee.

As this was happening, Extimum suddenly felt a strong feeling of crisis

and covered himself and Hermione with a layer of telekinetic force.

The troll had not waited and with a movement of his arm, his baton

destroyed the entire upper part of the bathroom stalls, sending splinters

flying everywhere and covering Extimum and Hermione with some pieces

of wood.

Hermione: "Ahhh!!!" Hermione screamed in terror as the wooden walls

covering them exploded and covered them in some debris.

Extimum was no less upset, although he did not scream, he was surprised

by the troll's abrupt attack.

Extimum: 'You shouldn't try to measure the actions of a troll with logic.'

With the situation developing, Extimum was ready to act if Ron and

Harry did not arrive in the next few seconds.

Currently he and Hermione were covered by the rubble of the bathrooms

that served as cover so the troll would not discover them in a short time.

Furthermore, since the telekinetic field was still active, their mobility was

not really restricted, so, while If he struggled a little, with his great

physical strength it wouldn't be a problem to get out of there with


At the same time, the bathroom doors opened and Harry and Ron entered

the bathroom just in time to see the troll knock down the walls of the

bathroom stalls and Hermione's scream was heard.

Harry: "Hermione, Extimum! Move quickly." Harry was surprised to find

Extimum next to Hermione in the bathroom.

Now that he thought about it, he didn't see him in the great hall, but he

assumed he would be at the Ravenclaw table, however, given the

situation, he didn't think much of it and focused on trying to help.

Ron: "What is Extimum doing here?"

Harry: "Ron, now is not the time for that."

Ron: "Huh, yeah."

After the small exchange, they quickly grabbed nearby objects and threw

them at the Troll while shouting to try to get his attention and give

Extimum and Hermione room to get away from the troll.

Ron: "Hey, dummy, here!". Ron yelled at the troll as he threw a piece of

debris that happened to hit the troll in the head.

The blow to his head managed to catch the attention of the troll who

turned to look at Ron. Extimum and Hermione on the other hand, quickly

ran for cover to the other corner of the bathroom, however, their

movement did not go unnoticed by the troll who waved his club in their


Since the bathroom wasn't that big and there wasn't much to cover

themselves in other than the sinks, Extimum once again covered himself

and Hermione with an energy field, only for the sink they were hiding in

to be quickly destroyed by The troll's blow and the club collided with the

barrier, which rippled and cracked greatly as it resisted the blow.

Hermione: "Ahhhh!!!" Hermione screamed again as she saw the troll's

club heading towards them, breaking the washes and only stopping a few

centimeters from her face.

Hermione's face paled and a few drops of cold sweat ran down her

forehead and back. The blow had been too sudden and he hadn't been

able to avoid it, to make matters worse, she had lost her wand in the

bathroom stall that was destroyed.

On the other hand, she only now noticed that there was a layer of

translucent energy covering her and Extimum, however, she could not be

content too soon when it began to crack slightly as it completely resisted

the troll's blow.

Even Extimum couldn't help but sweat a little from the troll's strength. He

was lucky that telekinesis magic was one of his strong suits, or he might

have had to withstand the blow with his body and he wasn't entirely sure

if his body could fight back or if he would be directly crushed into pulp.

Extimum: 'Damn, it's stronger than I expected, I think even with my

preparations it's still too much for a direct clash.'

(A small change, when I refer to the use of telekinetic magic, I will better

say it as energy in some cases, it is strange now that I think about it, after

all, telekinesis is the ability to move objects with the mind and although

the principle is similar, what it really does is magic and the design of its

use is with your mind, but it will still be understandable).

(Now that I think about it, the energy field or layer is similar to the spell

I protect, but it won't be as good at defending against spells, after all, I

protect was made to defend against specific spells and the energy field is

more of a barrier of energy made in a rustic way, so in addition to being

very good against physical attacks, its effectiveness is greatly reduced

against magic, although it can still stop or weaken it).

Harry, seeing that the situation was not good, mustered up his courage

and jumped onto the troll's club which he had let rest for a moment near

the ground in preparation for his next attack.

As the club passed over the troll's head, Harry immediately let go to fall

onto its back and then grab onto its neck to prevent itself from falling.

Harry's actions surprised the troll who failed to hit the energy cloak

protecting Extimum and Hermione again.

The troll was alarmed when he felt the weight and grip of someone on

him, so he shook himself hard to try to throw him off.

On the other hand, Harry had managed to climb up the troll's back and

was now sitting on its neck while gripping onto its head. Amidst the

troll's erratic movements and his hold on its bald head, he ended up

inserting the wand he had in his hand into the troll's nose. (Poor wand :v)

Feeling the wand buried in his nose, the Troll became more upset and

tried to snort at it without success, while shaking his body. Seeing no

effect, he seemed to come to a realization and grabbed Harry who was

above his head.

Taking one of his feet, he pulled Harry up and held him hanging upside


Harry: "Help me!" Alarmed and now feeling a little afraid of his situation,

Harry screamed for help.

Ron: "But what do I do?" Ron panicked a little, not knowing what to do.

Harry: "Whatever, but do something."

While they were talking, the troll used his baton to try to hit Harry who

was hanging by his other hand.

Harry was barely able to dodge the blows by moving his torso to one side

or flexing his body in desperate movements. Luckily, the troll wasn't very

fast or very smart, otherwise he could have found more efficient ways to

hurt Harry.

Extimum seeing the danger Harry was in, released a soft flash of light,

strong enough to distract the troll, but not strong enough for it to become

alarmed and throw Harry across the room.

Extimum: "Lumos!!!".

Although the light stopped the troll for a moment, he quickly ignored it

as it was not of interest to him and tried to hit Harry again.

Ron could only think of the spell to levitate things, but he didn't have

enough confidence to perform it correctly.

Hermione saw Ron's doubt immediately and quickly shouted to try to

cheer him up.

Hermione: "Remember, swish and flick"

Ron took a deep breath and tried to perform the spell as best he could.

His efforts were rewarded, when the club that was swinging again in an

attempt to hit Harry suddenly stopped and floated out of the troll's grasp,

however, due to his nerves, the club faltered in its attempt and looked

like it might fall at any time.

Hermione: "Oh no."

Although the club continued to rise higher into the air, the speed was not

fast enough and the troll had already fixed its gaze on it.

Without considering it too much, Extimum ran out of his energy field and

jumped towards the troll, taking advantage of one of the troll's legs he

rose even higher and grabbed the club that was floating upwards and

brought it down with all his strength in the troll's head.

The club was heavy, he could barely shake it under the aid of the

levitation spell and the force of its fall when Ron released his control.


The club hit the troll's head forcefully, shaking him a little and leaving an

obvious sign of dizziness and pain on his face.

Dazed and in pain, the troll moved around wildly, shaking Harry all over

the place.

Forcing Extimum to retreat to avoid being hit.


Seeing the situation, Ron felt angry with himself for having failed in his

effort. He wiped the sweat from his hands and grabbed his wand again

with a new firmness in him and shouted.

Ron: "Wingardium leviosa!"

The club that had already fallen to the floor shot out from its place and

hit the troll squarely in its stomach.


The blow deflated the troll and made him stop in his movements, while

he released his grip on Harry's foot, causing him to fall to the ground

shortly after.

Taking advantage of the situation and not wanting to leave the situation

to chance, Extimum launched an energy blow directly at the troll's head,

which ended up knocking him out completely and falling with a crash on

the bathroom floor.

Harry, although slightly dizzy, had already crawled quickly away from

the troll before it fell.

Everyone sighed when they saw the troll fall to the ground and not get

back up and they approached cautiously to confirm it.

Extimum, on the other hand, could sense that the troll had been knocked

out and approached more confidently; otherwise, he would not approach

an enemy so easily, even if the troll was not clever enough to fake his


Hermione: "Is he dead, Harry?" Hermione asked uncertainly to Harry who

was closest to the troll at the moment.

Harry: "I don't think so... he's just knocked out."

Extimum: "In fact, I don't think that with just those few hits the troll

would die, even if they went straight to the head."

Harry approached the troll's head and pulled out his wand, which was

covered in mucus from his nose.

Harry: "Ughh, that's disgusting."

Ron: "Ughh, troll snot."

Both Harry and Ron, who was next to him, complained about how

disgusting it was, although curiously Harry cleaned it on his robe.

While they were doing this, footsteps were heard and Professor

McGonagall accompanied by Snape and Quirrell entered the bathroom.

McGonagall: "Oh, for Merlin's sake, please explain to me what you are

doing here." McGonagall exclaimed in alarm as she entered the bathroom

with a troll on the floor and everything around her destroyed.

Harry: "Uh…"

Ron: "Well…"

Harry and Ron found themselves in the dilemma of not knowing exactly

how to explain it, say that they fought a troll? Or the fact that they snuck

away when they should be in their common room? None of the reasons

seemed the most appropriate for them get out of the problem.

At that moment, Hermione intervened and spoke.

Hermione: "It was my fault, Professor McGonagall." Her statement

impressed the teachers present and even Harry and Ron.

McGonagall: "Miss Granger...?" McGonagall asked for more and at the

same time questioned, she found it surprising that Hermione, one of her

best students who didn't usually get into trouble, was involved.

Hermione: "Oh, well, I was the one who went out to look for the troll. I

read about them and I thought I would control it, but i was wrong, if

Harry, Ron and Extimum hadn't found me, I wouldn't have made it out

alive." Hermione said slowly, testing her own words as she said them.

McGonagall: "Despite your intentions, you did something extremely

dangerous, I always thought you were more cautious than your

classmates and I am very disappointed, Miss Granger. 5 points will be

deducted from Gryffindor for your complete lack of good judgment."

McGonagall said clearly disappointed by Hermione's behavior.

Just hearing her admission and reasons was enough for her not to listen

to anything else. After finishing reprimanding her, she fixed her gaze on

Ron and Harry.

McGonagall: "As for you gentlemen, I hope you realize how fortunate you

are. Not many students manage to defeat a mountain troll and live to tell

the tale... 5 points... as a reward for each of you, for the luck you had."

Snape: "You said, Miss Granger, that Mr. Enoch was also here and came

to help you?" Snape's slow, cold voice was heard interrupting the


The words of Snape, who had remained silent until now and had only

shared a look with Harry, made everyone realize that, in fact, in the

bathroom, apart from the 3 professors and the troll, only Hermione,

Harry and Ron were there.

Hermione quickly turned her head to look to her side and sure enough,

Extimum wasn't there. Harry and Ron were also surprised, when they

examined the troll, Extimum was clearly next to them.

Seeing the silence and not getting his response, Snape reiterated.

Snape: "Well?"

They all had different thoughts running through their minds and as they

thought of what to say, McGonagall answered for them.

McGonagall: "Clearly, Miss Granger must have been confused, after all,

we came through the only door and there is no way he could have left

without us seeing him."

Snape was unconvinced, but he had nothing to say to McGonagall's

words, so he just waved his wand a few times around the room and

chanted silently but it didn't seem to get anything, so he retreated with


Quirrell only stayed to try to say a few words.

Quirrell: "y-you better get out, the troll could-might wake up, hehe."

Quirrell just said with a nervous laugh as he looked at the troll.

Harry, Ron and Hermione just ignored him and left the bathroom.

Naturally, Extimum sensed some people approaching and quickly covered

himself with his illusion magic and then quickly and carefully sneaked

past them out of the bathroom and waited for them to come out.

He wouldn't stay inside when he was likely to be discovered and would

also end up implicating his house.


Walking through the hallways after leaving the bathroom, Harry, Ron

and Hermione walked together.

Harry: "Extimum disappeared?"

Ron: "I don't know, he was clearly with Hermione before."

Harry: "Anyway, thanks for getting us out of that mess Hermione."

Ron: "Don't forget we saved her life."

Harry: "Don't forget that we wouldn't have to go save her life if you

hadn't insulted her." Harry responded a little annoyed by his friend's

excessive comment.

Ron: "That's what friends are for."

Hermione smiled a little at Ron's statement and together they walked

towards the common room.

On the way Hermione was still thinking about everything that had

happened and how in the end Extimum simply disappeared.

Even ignoring that and now with things more settled and calm, Harry,

Ron and Hermione were surprised by the development of the situation. It

was especially so when they remembered the scene of Extimum wielding

the club to hit the troll.

It was necessary to know that the club was almost as long as themselves

and was also quite thick reaching the tip, with all that, there was nothing

to say about its weight.

However, by the time they were walking towards the common room,

although none of the three of them mentioned it, they came up with their

own logical explanations to understand that fact.

Like it could be the sum of a group of coincidences that nullified the

entire weight of the club while Extimum directed its trajectory towards

his head or that Extimum had used the same other levitation spell to

direct it, etc.

Of course, they completely forgot, that Extimum had been able to jump

past the head of a more than 3m troll in just two jumps.

After entering the common room, where some of the students who had

not gone to sleep were, the three sat on a large sofa to rest a little from

the heated moment.

Ron: "I don't think I want any more adventures like that in the next few


Harry: "yes, and say it."

Extimum: "In fact, that was quite a dangerous and exhausting situation."

Harry: "Woaahh!!".

Ron: "Ahhh!!"

Hermione: "Kyaah."

Everyone gave a little shout and jumped a little due to the surprise

appearance of Extimum's voice next to them.

Turning their heads immediately, they saw Extimum sitting next to

Hermione. Their shouts attracted a few glances from some Gryffindor

students, but after giving them a few strange looks, they paid them no

further attention, as if they didn't seem to notice anything strange.

Extimum: "Shhhh! Why are you making so much noise? You'll get

everyone's attention."

Ron: "w-when did you appear? Are you a ghost?" Ron asked scared,

completely ignoring that he saw ghosts every day in the castle.

Harry just sighed a little to relax and looked at Extimum, as for Hermione

she was just watching him carefully while also calming herself down.

Extimum: "mm, maybe it is? Sometimes I seem to discover a part of

myself that I didn't know myself before." As he said his words, Extimum

couldn't help but think of when he had touched the ghost on his first day

at Hogwarts.

Her response slightly alarmed Ron who was about to run away.

Harry: "Calm down Ron, he's just playing with you." Little did Harry

know that Extimum meant his words very seriously.

Hermione: "So, how did you do it, I mean, disappear in front of the

teachers, wait, how did you even get in here?"

Hearing the last part of his words, Harry and Ron were also surprised.

Ron was close to trying to run again if his answer didn't satisfy him, his

emotions were agitated since the previous event and his sudden scare,

added to the mysterious way in which Extimum appeared and

disappeared, made his mind go crazy again, thinking about different


Extimum: "Hmm, how I disappeared... it's... a secret, although maybe I'll

tell you in the future, or you could just try it yourself, after all, it's

magic!!! As for how I got in here, I simply followed you and slipped in

along with you."

(I couldn't help but imagine SpongeBob when I wrote this, It's magic.jpg)

Extimum: "Oh right, get this, since you were in the bathroom the whole

time, you probably couldn't eat anything." Extimum took out one of the

portions he had in his bag and handed it to Hermione.

Hermione: "Thank you."

Extimum: "Okay, that's all for today, *sigh*, I'm tired too, so I'll go."

Extimum stood up and stretched a little and then simply walked out of

the common room.

Ron: "Huh... I thought it would disappear again."

Harry didn't say anything, but he also expected the same as Ron.

Harry: "I'll go to sleep now too, see you Hermione." Harry said and got up

from the couch and left.

Ron: "Hey, wait for me Harry. And goodbye to you too Hermione." Ron

said and also went after Harry and when he was a little far away he also

said goodbye to Hermione.

Hermione just stood watching them leave and then proceeded to unwrap

her food.

When she opened the food, she realized that it was hot and the smell

made her salivate a little. Although the Extimum bag didn't have a stasis

charm on it, he made sure to heat it with a spell before handing it to


Hermione spent some more time in the common room enjoying her food

and thinking about the detail of Extimum and everything she experienced

with him in the bathroom before also going to sleep.

Chapter 11: •The origin of the


The next day, the morning passed normally. Today Extimum did not join

Harry and the others for breakfast, but rather spent it with his friends at

the Ravenclaw table.

Steve: "hey guys, you heard some Gryffindor students took on the troll


Mitchell : "What? Who told you that, I haven't heard anyone commenting

on it."

Steve: "hehehe, I'll just tell you, some students heard Professor Snape

complaining to another teacher about the recklessness of the students

who searched for the troll."

Trudor: "Wow, sure those Gryffindors have big balls, I wouldn't dare go

near a troll even if they gave me 100 galleons."

Mitchell : "ehh, how can you say that, it's 100 galleons, if they gave me

100 galleons, I would go face it myself, speaking of which, Steve, do you

know who they were?"

Steve: "Unfortunately the person who told me did not hear who Snape

was talking about, however, I do hear Snape say that among those who

were there seemed to be a Ravenclaw."

Trudor: "There is no way, we were all there yesterday, besides, who

among us would be so crazy to go see a troll that could kill you?"

While his friends argued, Extimum remained silent and praised Steve's

contacts a bit, until now no one knew about the troll, after all, it just

happened last night and yet Steve already has the information, naturally

no one thought it was him, after all Extimum like Hermione had a good

reputation for being quite applied.

Steve: "Among other things, they know that today will be the first

Quidditch game of the year, it will be Gryffindor vs Slytherin, I also

heard that Harry Potter, played as a seeker."

Mitchell : "What, but that's cheating, I heard the freshmen couldn't play,

how come he can."

Steve: "I just heard that Professor McGonagall recommended it, speaking

of which, Extimum , you're not a friend of Harry Potter? Don't you know

anything else?"

Extimum : "Actually, Harry can play because Professor McGonagall saw

that he had a talent for it in a flying class, so she recommended him to

the team."

Mitchell : "Boy is he lucky, I did well in flight class too and no teacher

came to recruit me."

Extimum : "It's not like you can't go to Professor Flitwick and ask him to

consider you, you know?"

Mitchell was silent, seemed to be really considering the option.

Mitchell : "ok, I'll go after the morning classes to ask him."

Trudor: "Are you really going?"

Mitchell : "but of course, why shouldn't I go?"

Trudor: "huh, fine if that's what you want."

The truth is that, although Mitchell was good at flying, he was not good

enough to try to enter the team as a search engine, after all he would be

competing against students of higher years, as for other positions? It

would be even more difficult, but He did not want to tell him his opinion

when he saw him so energetic so as not to discourage him.

Extimum : "Okay, today I will not join you in the game guys, I will be in

the Gryffindor tower".

Mitchell : "Traitor".

When Mitchell finished his words, everyone looked at him.

Mitchell : "Okay, sorry, I got into the role a lot." Mitchell immediately

cowered from his act of house nationalism by being intimidated by

everyone's stares.

Although they were all from Ravenclaw, they had promised each other

that they would support their house but would not allow themselves to

be carried away by the patriotic fanaticism of their peers and thus avoid

problems, after all, Extimum had friends in Gryffindor and spent a lot of

time with them, Steve had to have friends everywhere if you wanted to

have access to the best information and Trudor had an older sister in

Hufflepuff , who was a year older; So if they got too serious about it, they

could damage their friendship.

Mitchell : "changing the subject, Extimum , what is your wand made of ?,

I have seen the wands of other students and although there are

variations, most of them are quite common in their appearance, only a

few personalize it, since they do not know how to do it or they are afraid

of damaging them, however, yours seems quite special on its own ".

Hearing her question, Extimum took his wand out of the case in his left

hand and placed his wand on the table.

In fact, Extimum's wand is quite particular, it is made of a 'beech' wood, a

wood not so rare in the magic circle, however, it is its core that makes it

so special, so special that in fact the Extimum himself doesn't know what

it's made of, which makes him remember the time he went for his wand.


It was a dark and cold morning on the streets of London. In an alley away

from the traffic, there was a little lighting and with a big twist and two

people appeared. The first was a woman, she was tall, with light skin and

wore custom black robes, she enjoyed great beauty and figure that

despite Seeing himself hidden under her tunic still left the impression of

what would be under them, but the most remarkable thing about her was

perhaps her hair, her hair was a vibrant dark green color, however it did

not seem inappropriate to the eye, it was what you would call made for

which, next to her was Extimum who was currently 10 years old, as she

was the mother of Extimum, Ava Shadowless.

Today, Ava accompanied Extimum to get her wand, although the age to

obtain the wand was 11, wizarding families were allowed to obtain them

earlier if they wanted, as long as they only used it at home.

As for why his mother led him to get his wand despite their cold

relationship, one of the reasons was that, as the heir of a great and noble

family, he must be familiar with her wand and the other was of course to

keep up appearances to the public.

Ava: "Are you ready? Then let's go." Ava asked more out of politeness

than out of curiosity about her condition after the apparition.

Extimum just kept silent and followed her into the leaky cauldron


???: "Ah Ms. Shadowless, I haven't seen you around here in a long time,

do you go to Diagon Alley on business?"

Ava: "Yes, today I accompany my son to get his wand." Ava showed a

slight smile and answered.

???: "Ah, the choice of wand, certainly an important moment for a

magician, well, I will not bother you anymore, have a nice day."

After entering the establishment, Ava greeted and had small

conversations with some of the people present at the bar and then guided

Extimum through the wall passage to Diagon Alley, after which she led

him in front of a shop that had like tag " Ollivander's wand shop ".

Ava: " enter the store and get your wand, I'll go do some business and

wait for you in the dripping cauldron."

After Ava finished speaking she went in another direction.


As you approached the door of the store you could see some golden

letters that announced " Ollivanders: makers of fine wands from 382 a. C.


Across the door a store with two floors was observed, in front there was a

reception desk and a chair in the corner, in addition to being full of

shelves with thousands of boxes containing wands that reached up to the


Following his entrance an old man appeared from inside the store, who

was wearing a brown suit with a tie, had white hair with a little gray, his

expression was a smile along with a playful look in his eyes.

Ollivander: "Ah, someone from the Shadowless family… I can see it, there

are not many metamorphmagus today, not at least in this area. Hmm, It

makes me remember the day your mother and her sister,Lauren, came to

choose their wands, a bit unfortunate what happened to her. Well let's

hope and get lucky finding a wand that's right for you too. " As

Ollivander spoke, he was looking at different boxes trying to find a wand

according to the Extimum character .

Extimum was a bit curious about what Ollivander was referring to with

his mother's sister, as far as he knew, he had no aunt, even in his house

there is no photo or sign that he had one, however, he decided not to ask

for the moment.

Ollivander: "Here, let's try this one." Ollivander handed over a wand

which he removed from a box after a pause to deliberate.

Extimum approached and took the wand and then shook it, however, to

everyone's surprise, the tip of the wand exploded destroying half of it.

Ollivander: "that is ..., a result that I had not seen before, generally the

rejection tends to be more ... friendly, let's try others".

Then, Ollivander presented to Extimum another 3 wands, but all without

exception exploded and were thus destroyed.

Ollivander: "I must say, that you, Mr. Shadowless, are one of my most

difficult clients so far and perhaps the most expensive, however, it will be

an interesting experience to discover which wand is the right one for

you." Ollivander commented after observing the destruction of 4 wands;

when he commented "the most expensive" he could not help but look

with regret at the 4 destroyed wands.

As Ollivander pondered which wand to choose, Extimum spoke for the

first time since entering the shop.

Extimum: "Do you make custom wands to order?"

Ollivander: "mmm? Yes, I do, but generally for wizards who have lost

their wands and are rarely the ones who have asked me to make one for

the first time, why? Do you intend to order one? ".

Extimum: "If possible I would like to know if you can make a wand out of

this." Reaching into his pocket, Extimum pulled out what looked like a

white fang the size of half his palm and presented it to Ollivander.

Ollivander took the tusk and began to inspect it.

Ollivander: "This is indeed a material eligible to create a wand, however,

it is quite peculiar, its essence is adequate to make a quality wand but its

attribute seems indiscernible and I find it difficult to determine the

creature to which it belongs; I am sure I will have fun creating a unique

wand with this power core, however, since it is a custom wand the wand

will naturally be more expensive, although I don't think it will be a

problem for you; If you prefer, you can come back later for it or wait a

few hours until you finish doing it ".

Extimum:" I will wait ". Extimum had no problem waiting, maybe only

his mother was waiting for him and he didn't know when he would finish

with his things and if she finished first she could come and get him.

Speaking of the fang, Extimum actually didn't know what or who it

belonged to, he just appeared next to his table the night after he found

out that he was going out to buy his wand, he suspected it was another

gift that came with reincarnation and the words of Ollivander's

description of the tusk increased his confidence in this theory.


After 3 hours, Ollivander emerged again from inside the store with a box.

Ollivander: "Here it is, a finely made wand, I must say that the

experience did not disappoint me until the end and I can say that this

wand will match you perfectly; It is not only peculiar in appearance like

its owner, but it is also made of beech wood. The true companion for a

beech wand will be, if he is young, wise beyond his years, and if adult,

rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands also work in an

extraordinary way for those who possess serenity and tolerance;

accompanied by a nucleus of great power that will drive a young

magician to achieve his goals and being a material of unknown origin, it

perfectly complements the mystery and hidden veil of his family ".

Extimum was impressed by the description of the wand given by

Ollivander, because it was actually quite accurate.

Extimum took the wand and waved it and this time only a few illusory

lights of a myriad of colors could be seen in front of the wand before


Ollivander: "I must say, it has been a pleasure to provide you with a

suitable wand and I look forward to seeing the great things that you and

your wand have to show us."

Extimum: "Mr. Ollivander, I wonder if you could tell me what you mean

when I talk about my mother's sister, as far as I know, my mother has no

sister and I have never seen or heard of her."

Ollivander: "Oh, it's no problem, however, I don't know much about her

either, on the other hand, what if I know is that your mother had a twin

sister named Lauren, she was also metamorphmagus, that at least was a

point that helped them to distinguish themselves, with a peculiar orange

hair. Like her sister, Ava, Lauren also married Callum Shadowless, with

what happened to her, it is not clearly known, but about 10 years ago,

she disappeared and her family reported that she had died in an

unfortunate accident, that it is all that I know". "

Extimum thought about it, but now he had no more information, so he

would make sure to investigate further in the future.

After paying for his wand and damage overruns, Extimum left the store,

only to find that his mother, Ava, was coming here, it is likely that she

did not find it in the dripping cauldron and decided to come looking for


Ava: "did you get your wand?" Ava asked when she arrived in front of

Extimum , she didn't seem bothered to come for him herself.

Extimum : "Yes".

Ava: "Well, being like this, we have nothing else to do here, let's go."

-End FlashBack-

Extimum's wand is generally black and thin, however, along its wand

there are several shiny silver cryptic patterns, in addition to the tip of its

handle there is an inlay of a purple gem.

Extimum : "it is made of beech wood and as for its core ... I do not know".

Mitchell : "What, how come you don't know what your wand is made of?"

Extimum : "just another mystery". Extimum just shrugged and didn't

comment further.

Seeing Extimum's attitude towards the question, they didn't ask any more

and after finishing breakfast they went to the incantation class together.


In a spacious room located on the third floor, there was the room of

enchantments. Currently in the room were the Slytherin and Ravenclaw

students and Professor Flitwick was in the center of the room, standing

on a mountain of books.

Flitwick : "Very good class, today we will do something different, in the

previous time, we have practiced some basic and essential spells for every

magician, however, today we will talk a little about the magical theory of

what we are doing, something that very few books bother to explain ".

Flitwick : "tell me, does anyone know why it is that, when casting spells,

we say the enchantment? Or do we move the wand in a specific way? or

even better, do you know why we use wands? ".

A student raised his hand and Flitwick gestured for him to speak.

Student S1: "well, we say the enchantment because our magic reacts to

the words, we move our wand in a way because that is how the spell

flows and we use wands because without them we could not do magic."

Flitwick : "well, your answer has some truth, but not everything is


Flitwick : "Let's start with the chanting of a spell, the chanting of a spell

has two reasons for being; The first, is as you said, our magic reacts to

our words, but why is it like that? The answer is by magic itself, you see,

although magic in the world is not an entity, but it has always existed

and has witnessed the path of thousands of magicians since ancient

times, from what she remembers, she remembers the struggles of the

magicians, their efforts and their struggles, with which they once made

their way into the world, that is why when a magician says the words of

a spell, the magic remembers and is partially activated or directed based

on it. The second reason is quite simple, magic is something that requires

imagination, but it is not always easy to concentrate our mind on

something or we simply cannot fully conceive it in our thinking, so when

we say the words, our mind unconsciously focuses on said idea and it is

easier to bring it to reality, it is wonderful, isn't it? ".

Student R1: "But Professor Flitwick , if so, then we are not really doing

magic, just ordering?"

Flitwick : "ah, there you are wrong, as I said magic only gives a slight

answer and at most it will help a bit, but the direction and the execution

of the spell depend entirely on the magician".

Flitwick : "Now, let's talk about the movements that we do with our

wands, as the student said earlier, in fact, the movements are performed

to help with an invisible flow in which the spells flow, with this the

situation is a bit similar to The previous one, when we make the specific

movement, the magic also reacts a little and subtly helps with the control

of the spell, likewise when we make the movements we allude to a

certain nature of the spell that allows us to obtain a finer control over

what we want to do. If we combine chanting and movement when

performing a spell, we get to have a basic structure that supports our

spell and it is particularly easy to cast it, so much so that basic spells can

be cast immediately even if you have little knowledge of it ".

???: "but Professor Flitwick , what happens then with magicians who can

perform spells without singing or making movements."

Flitwick : "Ah, Miss Greengrass , that's an excellent question. When a

magician acquires a certain mastery of magic, they can correctly focus

their thoughts and skip the use of chanting, in terms of movements, when

a magician has precise control of their magic, they can skip the use of

movements and direct your magic directly and manually with your

intention, naturally they are not things that are acquired overnight and

require a magician to dedicate a lot of time, although sometimes

magicians with exceptional talents are born to whom it is natural to

control magic " .

Extimum : 'This is certainly valuable information, even in the family

library books there was only a little mention of magic control, but

Professor Flitwick can explain it in depth.' Although Extimum explained

himself like this, he himself knew that the library he had access to was

only what could be considered a public library, he had not gained access

or even seen private books or family magic.

Flitwick: "Finally, we will talk about the role of wands in the life of a

magician, wands as some of you know, are actually a magical tool that

focuses magic and power, in this way a magician can perform magic with

greater ease and greater power, but wands are after all a tool, so the true

magic does not come from them but from ourselves ".

After that Professor Flitwick resolved several more doubts on the subject.

Flitwick: "Well, that will be it for today's class, you can drop out."

Extimum and his friends chatted in their free time and then continued

with the rest of their morning classes.


The Quidditch game was scheduled for the afternoon after lunch, so

when classes were over, Extimum and his friends headed there, on the

way they had to put up with Mitchell's complaints that he had been

rejected by Professor Flitwick to join the house quidditch team.

Luckily for Extimum when he got close to the quidditch fields he had to

take a different path and was saved from continuing to listen to his

complaints, but not before receiving glances from Trudor and Steve when

he saw that Extimum could escape from Mitchell who looked like a

heartbroken wife.

Heading to the Gryffindor spectator tower, Extimum set out to search for

Ron and Hermione.

Honestly speaking, Extimum was not so interested in Quidditch, he had

nothing against the game, in fact, he really liked the feeling of flying, it's

just that he was not interested in it, but since Harry would play today

and it was his first game, he decided to go Besides, he would hang out

with Hermione and could ruin Quirrell's plans by the way.



someone wants to be an editor for fun xd?

Chapter 12: •Quirrell?

After climbing the Gryffindor observation tower and looking around the

seats he saw Hermione greeting him.

Hermione: " Extimum , over here."

Ron: "friend, you are very slow, the game is about to start."

Extimum : "I was just taking it easy, besides, look, Harry hasn't even

come out yet."


After a while the game started. At first Gryffindor played splendidly and

had scored 2 points, leading the game, but then Slytherin got to playing

rough and easily manages to tie the 2 points, although they injured some

Gryffindor players in the process. Among the entire game, Harry hadn't

moved much, after all, it was his first game and he just had to catch the

Golden Snitch .

The quidditch was a dangerous game, even if you ignore the balls that

are flying at full speed and that could easily knock you out if they hit

you, the fact that players can fall from a considerable distance while

speeding on their broom already raises the danger level by several levels,

in addition the players would constantly collide to try to snatch the ball

to pass it through the ring and score points, and if that were not enough

in the end it all comes down to the team that has the luck and the ability

to catch the snitch to win the game. Extimum I would not say that it is

boring, but you must be willing to break a bone or even get knocked out,

luckily it is a wizard sport, can you imagine Muggles playing a similar

game?, although there are probably some similar ones too, You just don't

heal and you go back to playing so soon, right?

Returning to the game, at some point Harry seemed to perceive the snitch

and flew after her to try and catch her, only to have his broom start to

spiral out of control midway.

Public: "Ah". Gryffindor fans and guests exclaimed as they saw Harry's

broom go wild.

Hermione: "It's Snape! He's casting a spell on Harry's broom, I saw him

muttering as he kept his gaze fixed." Hermione who was looking with her

binoculars around said.

Ron: "Spell the broom? and what do we do now?".

Hermione: "I will break her spell."

But before Hermione could leave Extimum stopped her.

Extimum : "stop, you don't need to go, besides, I'm sure it's not Snape"

Hermione: "but Harry needs help and besides, how do you know it's not


Ron: "Yeah, who else could want to hurt Harry?"

Extimum : "just trust me, as far as helping Harry, just watch."

Hermione seemed to have more to say, as she had clearly seen Snape

acting like he was casting a spell, but hearing the confidence with which

Extimum claimed to be able to help, she decided to wait and see what he

would do.

Extimum had already thought about it before, naturally he could not

interfere with the spell cast by Quirrell, It mean, Snape could barely

contain it so that the broom wouldn't get worse, so he planned to

interrupt Quirrell to damage his spell just like Hermione planned to do

with Snape, only that his method would not only be faster, But it will

also allow you to display suspicions about Quirrell.

Extimum : "You two, use the binoculars and look over Snape, who do you

see there?"

Ron: "I think ... I see Quirrell, he's a bit hidden."

Extimum : "Well, Hermione, you focus on Snape and you, Ron, don't

leave your sight of Quirrell, the moment I act they will see Harry's broom


Ron and Hermione just nodded and followed her gaze.

Extimum concentrated and tried to perform a spell of his own creation,

although it was extremely crude and limited, after studying the space

magic books he managed to learn a little and create a little trick, given

his little knowledge it was not really a great spell and In addition to its

limitations, it was also very exhausting to launch, however, for situations

like this, it is perfect.

Extimum : "Foraminis in spatio ". Extimum pointed his wand in Quirrell's

direction and imagined his spell before casting it.

Suddenly the seat Quirrell was sitting in broke.


In one of the Slytherin towers in the teachers' section, Professor Quirrell

was sitting and secluded in the corner while small, almost inaudible

murmurs seemed to come from his turban, his wand was hidden inside

his robe and its tip was slightly illuminated. while pointing it in Harry's


Suddenly, Quirrell seemed to feel a small tremor under his seat and the

next second, his seat broke, being trapped between the seat below and

the rubble of his seat.

Quirrell: "ahhh, could a-someone help me?" Quirrel was trapped in a

position where his arms and legs were now pointing upward and his

body was sunk in his seat, showing the hand with which he held his


The other teachers and guests were surprised by the sudden destruction

of the chair, but still helped him up. Nearby Snape also paid attention

and after making sure to stabilize Harry's broom by removing Quirrell's

spell, he turned to look.


Ron: "Wow, Quirrell's seat exploded."

Extimum : 'Heh, I finally got my revenge, you bloody fake stutterer.'

Extimum : "Well, tell me, do you see something else?" Extimum asked

after taking a breath, the spell was quite demanding for novice


Ron: "Yeah, Quirrell had his wand out and Harry doesn't seem to have a

problem with his broom anymore."

Extimum : "See, doesn't it seem strange to you that he carried his wand

outside when he should just be watching the game? And your Hermione

tell me, what happened to Snape."

Hermione: "He kept muttering even when Quirrell fell, but Harry's broom

was fine already." Hermione didn't ask because Extimum knew it was

Quirrell, after seeing what it really was Quirrell and then the amazing

spell, just put aside asking about it

Hermione: "but wait, what did you do? What spell was that?"

Extimum : "well, that was a trick I invented, or at least an attempt to

perform one."

Hermione: "did you make up a spell?"

Extimum : "well, yes, but it's not that impressive, just modify some things

from other spells and the result is still not good."

Hermione: "still very impressive."

Ron: "even I think it's impressive."

Although it might sound a bit arrogant, Extimum's spell did not actually

complete, however, Extimum already knew it would be like this; the true

objective of the spell was to open a small point in space that would allow

spells to be cast from difficult distances and angles through it, but since

his understanding of space was so poor and its power was not enough,

the only thing it could do, is cause a small explosion. In the mechanics of

the process, the small portal actually opens, however, its stability is

broken almost immediately so it explodes, although the explosion cannot

be consider mortal, if it can cause considerable damage, so Extimum took

advantage of this effect of his spell and focused it under Quirrell's seat,

the best part is that since the strong point of this spell is to open a point

in space anywhere on sight, he was able to do it without having to go to

the Slytherin tower.

(I mean, you can put the portal while the place is in sight, you don't have

to see the exact point, that's what the magician's imagination is for, that

said, it's limited to the viewing area, it's not like you have a photo and

send a spell there just because you saw and imagined it. Now of course a

spell like this is mainly for surprise attacks, due to the difficulty of

establishing it, so there will be no spam Op from it in the future until mc

masters it.)

Hermione: "back to who sabotaged Harry."

Hermione: "Looking at the situation, in fact, it is very likely that it was

Quirrell and not Snape who attacked Harry."

Ron: "But why would Quirrell want to hurt Harry? He has no reason to."

Hermione: "well, not none that we know of."

Ron: "huh, well, but Snape is still very suspicious, they could have

worked together and the spell was only broken the moment one stopped."

Extimum : "but with Snape's ability, if he wanted to he wouldn't need any

help to sabotage Harry, furthermore, although Snape is quite harsh and

biased negatively towards Harry, he also doesn't have an exact reason to

sabotage him or not at least to a level where he could get seriously hurt

and less with Dumbledore around ".

Hermione: "Well, they are both suspects, however, for now the main

suspect is Quirrell."


Continuing the game, after Harry regained control of his broom, he was

able to once again follow the Snitch into a close match with the Slytherin


Thanks to the fact that he was not so dizzy because his broom only went

berserk for a short time, it was easier for him to reject the Slytherin

seeker, landing on a direct flight towards the Snitch,in which Harry

performed a maneuver by standing on his broom and chasing the Snitch,

only to lose control of the broom and fall off it, ending up propelling

himself forward and swallowing the Snitch while it was still in the air.

That last part was especially fun for Extimum , although most of those

present could not observe the exact moment until Harry vomited it after

getting up from the ground, but Extimum with his superior physical

senses could observe the moment in which Harry lost the control, only

for him to head headlong into the Snitch, swallowing her on the impulse

and then falling head first into the sand.

Extimum : 'Now that I think about it, maybe it's really fun to watch

Quidditch games again, I could see a crowd of players planting their faces

in the sand, ugh, forget it that sounded very creepy, maybe I'm just still

stressed about the troll. '.

After Harry caught the Snitch, Gryffindor was declared the winner and

the entire stadium celebrated his victory.


After the game ended, Extimum , Hermione and Ron went to meet Harry

and after that they left the Quidditch pitch together , on the way they

met Hagrid and Harry took the opportunity to introduce them all


Seizing the moment now that they were together, Hermione quickly

recounted what happened while they were in the stands to Harry and his


Harry: "Are you saying you think Quirrell is to blame for making my

broom go crazy?"

Hermione: "That's right, it was most likely him, the other suspect is

Snape, but given the moment it doesn't seem that he was the culprit."

Harry: "But why would Quirrell want to hurt me? If someone cast a spell

on my broom, it was most likely Snape, you've seen how he behaves

when he's with me, it's like he's his enemy."

Hagrid: "Nonsense, Snape is a Hogwarts professor, why would he

threaten the safety of a student?"

Harry: "I don't know, but then why did he want to evade that three-

headed creature?"

Hagrid: "who told you about Fluffy?"

Ron: "Fluffy?"

Hermione: "Does that thing have a name?"

Extimum : 'poor cerberus, being named that way is really very

regrettable, luckily for him, his appearance is still very threatening.'

Hagrid: "Of course it has a name, it's mine, I bought it from an Irishman I

met in a bar a year ago, I lent it to Dumbledore to take care of ... I

shouldn't have said anything, don't ask another question, I can't say

anything" .

Harry: "but Hagrid, no matter what it is, Snape wants to steal it."

Extimum : "why do you say that Snape wants to steal it?"

Harry: "because the night of the troll attack, I saw his injured leg and it is

likely that he used the troll attack as a distraction to go and steal what

the dog is keeping."

Extimum : "but wait, that doesn't explain why Snape is guilty, you're just

deducing that based on what you saw Snape hurt his leg and his

suspicious attitude, besides, wasn't Quirrell the one who first saw the troll

and then passed out being He, the Defense Against the Dark Arts

Professor ?, even if Quirrell is pretty useless, he couldn't get the job if he

doesn't have at least a little bit of skill, so based on what you're saying,

Quirrell might as well have pretended to pass out and go to see the dog,

as for Snape ?, He could have been hurt in any other way ".

Ron: "Huh, Harry, I think Extimum is right, we have no proof that Snape

actually did what you say."

Harry: "Okay, you're right, it's just that Snape always gives me this bad

feeling, and I can't help but suspect him."

Hermione: "don't worry Harry, besides, what Extimum is trying to tell

you is that you shouldn't draw such hasty conclusions, not that you don't

suspect Snape".

Hagrid: "Listen, this is serious, you should not redound in all these

conspiracy theories, you are getting into something that you should not

mess with, it is dangerous, what that dog takes care of is the property of

Professor Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel ".

Harry: "Nicolas Flamel ?" Harry seemed to have a slight aftertaste of the

name, but he couldn't tell from where.

Hagrid: "I shouldn't have said that, I shouldn't have said that, me and my

big mouth."

Ron: "Do you know who Nicolas Flamel is?" Ron asked Hermione.

Hermione: "No." Hermione then turned her gaze to Extimum to see if he

knew, after all, Hermione had noticed in the time they were together,

that Extimum was also very diligent and spent time really studying.

Extimum : 'Huuh, this question is difficult, very difficult, on the one

hand, if I told you, you could put the pieces together faster, but on the

other, this will put Ron and Harry really studying, hahaha, alright, that's

Decided, I'll have them study for the next few months. ' Extimum didn't

have much thought about telling them, except for the fact that they

would get to the answer faster, but since Quirrell would only act when

Dumbledore left and didn't necessarily even know how to unlock all the

traps; telling them what he was hiding wouldn't really help, on the other

hand, if he didn't tell them, it would condemn Ron and Harry to seriously

studying stacks of books just to find a clue.

Extimum : "mmm, no, I don't know." Hearing his words, Hermione looked

a bit disappointed, but nothing more.

Since Hagrid didn't want to talk anymore and they were approaching the

castle entrance, they stopped talking about it, although they would

clearly ignore Hagrid's words and investigate further.


Upon reaching the castle, Extimum broke away from them and headed

towards the Ravenclaw common room, on the way, however, while

heading towards a passageway on the first floor, he encountered a small

group of 3 girls.

They all wore the Slytherin uniform, the first was a girl with brown hair

and hazel eyes, she wore thin-framed glasses, from a distance she seemed

to have a bubbly personality, while still being demure, although she was

young she had certain features that even with her glasses denoted that

she would be quite pretty in the future; the second was a girl with brown

hair and black eyes, unlike the first, she already had large features that

made her very beautiful, however, her beautiful features were clouded by

her haughty and arrogant expression; The third had blonde hair and blue

eyes, she had a slightly superior beauty than the previous one except for

the fact that her face showed a cold and serene expression, perhaps a

little haughty too, however, this did not seem to underestimate her

charm at all and on the contrary, it only highlighted it. All this, of course,

enclosed in a childish face.

When the girls saw Extimum they slowed down a bit until they stopped

in front of him, with different expressions on their faces; the first was the

clear image of curiosity and appreciation; the second, on the other hand,

seemed to have a bit of caution and considerably reduced the arrogance

on her face; the third on the other hand, although she still looked with

her cold expression, but she seemed a little warmer and more

approachable than before.

Pansy Parkinson : "Shadowless…". The first to speak was the second girl,

who was to the left of the formation.

Extimum : "Oh, Miss Parkinson, Miss Greengrass and you must be ...".

Tracey : "Tracey Davis". The first girl quickly responded with a bit of

enthusiasm. Tracey's introduction was more casual as she did not belong

to such a prominent family that they instilled a flamboyant presentation,

yet she was still considered a pure-blooded witch.

Extimum : "Miss Davis. It is a pleasure to meet such charming ladies on

my way, I introduce myself to you in case you do not know me, I am

Shadowless, Extimum Shadowless ".

Pansy: "Oh please. Leave your chivalry for others, Hmp, I've seen you

hanging out with the Gryffindors, especially those half-bloods and blood

traitors, and you seemed pretty close. " Parkinson said with a little

annoyance in his voice, not hiding his contempt when he mentioned who

Extimum was talking to.

Extimum : "Miss Parkinson, you shouldn't be so biased, we are all

Hogwarts students after all." Extimum responded in his usual calm voice,

albeit with a bit of familiarity.

The two of them were in fact no strangers to Extimum , in his father's

meetings, children were naturally not allowed when serious matters were

discussed, so the children of different families who attended, gathered in

an area to fraternize and foster. friendship between families.

Not all children were from noble families so parents brought their

children who already had a certain understanding of relationship politics,

Extimum naturally was not exempt from this and although the

Shadowless family was not an active player in such matters. , he always

made sure to maintain good relationships and be always present.

At such gatherings it was not uncommon for him to meet the heirs of

major families who were of a certain age group, such as the Parkinson

family, Malfoy, Greengrass, Abbott, Nott, etc. Some others also like the

Longbottoms or the Weasleys, however, Neville did not attend because

his grandmother did not consider him suitable for such meetings, as for

the Weasleys, they were not very frequent, and the rare cases in which

Extimum saw them did not bring to their children, after all, the Weasley

family has been in decline for the last generation and their children were

not well suited to participate in political struggles. Lower-ranking

families such as the Crabbe , Zabinni and other less well-known families

also attended .

Extimum in general did not establish much closeness with any of the

other children, but that did not prevent him from becoming known

among those present, not when his appearance always made sure that he

could not go unnoticed, for which, Extimum had to talk and relate to all

those who wanted to get closer to their family or simply maintain good

relationships. In such situations she met Pansy and Daphne, her

relationship with Pansy could be considered good, a little better than

Draco, maybe it had something to do with her appearance being quite

effective with the opposite gender even if the girls had no thoughts about

it. Daphne on the other hand, was more of a situation where they felt

comfortable together, generating a small spark of chemistry between


They both preferred silence and were stoic about the situation, so

sometimes they were left alone, even if they did not speak. That said,

Daphne's personality was like this for different reasons than Extimum ,

unlike Extimum which is the result of her isolation and cold childhood,

Daphne is what you might call a victim of magic, after all , in some noble

families it is customary to teach children the use of occlumency from a

young age so that they have a more serene disposition and establish the

foundations for their mental defenses, however, for young people or

children it is not good to learn this art, since they do not have a good

control of their magic and their emotions, they end up with an indifferent

temperament that they have no control over and although with time they

can fix it but it still leaves consequences if they do not actively practice

showing their emotions.

Even Extimum had the same problem when he tried oclumency, luckily

for him his temperament was already like that, so he didn't seem to be

affected much, even if it was.

So, although Extimum's relationship with them could not be considered

that of friends, given the little time they shared and the atmosphere of

said encounters, they had still met on several occasions and could be

considered close acquaintances from long ago.

Daphne: "Pansy, you shouldn't be so hard on him, after all, it's important

to have good relationships with others." Daphne said breaking her cold

expression a bit, slightly surprising Tracey who was always with her,

although Daphne in general could not show many emotions, when they

were strong enough, they still showed a little on her face, since her

practice with oclumency was not yet at advanced levels, so the side

effects of poor art learning or control were minor.

Extimum : "In fact, it is as Daphne says, maintaining good relationships is

one of the keys to success, you on the other hand Pansy, you should

consider your attitude so contemptuous, lest you end up creating more

enemies than you can bear." Extimum said the last part in a voice a little

more serious than usual.

Pansy: "Hmp, they are just dirty half-breed wizards, they are destined to

lead mediocre lives. You on the other hand should be careful not to sink

too low and damage the honor of your family ". Although Pansy seemed

to maintain a friendlier demeanor towards Extimum , her words were

still equally poisonous.

Speaking of relationships between families and consideration with

Muggles, the Shadowless family, in general, did not hang out much with

those issues, after all, being considered as blood traitors like the Weasleys

would not be good for them, therefore, the family Shadowless used to

treat such matters with utmost seriousness and indifference, leaving no

room for doubt in the more purist part of the circle, while not leaving a

bad image in friendlier circles, even if it did not foster their relationship.

Extimum : "mmm, that is the difference between us Pansy, although I also

think about the superiority of the lineage, I consider that true talent is

not limited to it and therefore it would be a real shame to belittle others

because of their origin".

Extimum actually had some logical and other preconceived ideas about

the nobility and the lineage, it was an inevitable point, after all, Extimum

was born and raised in the magical world in a pure-blood noble family

and although he did not interact much, They took care of at least making

him understand basic things, although Extimum also has certain

knowledge of the world of his past life, but those do not contain nothing

of his identity or personality, so such knowledge was only added to a

child who had already been living in this world for a few years,

Furthermore, it should be noted that Extimum has never been to the

Muggle world and everything he knows about it is based on books,

images or memories of an alternative and future version of it, at best

Extimum does not have that repulsion or contempt for mongrel magicians

because the knowledge of his past life gave him a broader view of the

world and that Extimum tries to be objective with such controversial


Pansy: "Hmp". Although Pansy still maintained her tough demeanor, she

seemed to be slowly savoring Extimum's words .

Tracey: "oh, Shadowless ...". Tracey was about to speak when she was


Extimum : "you can call me by my name".

Tracey: "Okay, Extimum , I can ask you, is it your natural hair? It looks

fantastic, is that its natural color? Do you use any hair elixir? If so, which

one do you use? And why What is its color so peculiar? Tracey

enthusiastically accepted the suggestion and quickly threw a series of

questions consecutively, it seemed like she had been holding back to

avoid asking.

Pansy and Daphne seemed a bit embarrassed by their friend's lack of

discretion, even if it was hardly noticeable on Daphne.

Extimum only raised his eyebrows a little at Tracey's intensity.

Tracey noticing the situation a bit and seeing the reactions of the people

around her, had at least the modesty to be a bit embarrassed and


Tracey: "hehe, I'm sorry, it's that sometimes when I get really excited or

something really catches my attention, I can't help expressing myself this


Extimum : "Okay, after all it's part of who you are, you should just try to

moderate it a bit so as not to make people uncomfortable. As for your

questions…, it is my natural hair, I only use the common elixirs that are

in my house and yes, it is my natural color, I am a metamorphmagus , so

I can control it a little, although that is its natural color " . Extimum

answered slowly as if he were answering something routine, it is not as if

he had not asked him those questions before, just not with the same


Tracey: "Thank you, as for elixirs, you say you use a common one? What

is it called? I'm not sure that common elixirs have such good results,

besides, what is a metamorphmagus?". Tracey thanked Extimum's

understanding comment and this time asked more slowly so as not to

sound too overwhelming.

Before Extimum could reply, Daphne intervened.

Daphne: "The metamorphmagus are magicians who have the magical

ability to change their physical appearance by sheer will , as for the

details ... I'm not very clear on them."

Extimum : "I think the name of the elixir was 'Latish', I really didn't pay

much attention to it, because it's the only one available in my house."

Pansy: "Oh yeah, my mom uses it too, it's really good for her hair."

Tracey: "What!!!"

They all looked at Tracey who had screamed.

Daphne: "What's wrong?"

Tracey: "but a bottle of Latish costs 8 Sickles , that's almost half a


Pansy: "And ...?"

Tracey: "Hmp, rich spenders."

Tracey: "So ... can you transform into anything? Can you show me?"

Tracey's mood change was quite fast, one moment she was grumbling

and the next again full of excitement and curiosity.

Extimum : "Mmm, it's okay." When Extimum finished speaking, his

previously silvery-white hair with purple lines transformed into a brown

color and lengthened to his waist, his previously purple and predatory

eyes turned normal and hazel in color, his height reduced to match

Tracey, her body took on certain curves and her face was transformed to

finally look exactly like Tracey.

Tracey: "Ahhhh, he transformed into me, I'm going to be replaced,

Daphne helps." Seeing another Tracey standing right in front of her

except that she did not have glasses and was wearing the Ravenclaw

uniform, Tracey first became alarmed and screamed and then regained

her calm and already in a slightly playful tone she took Daphne's arm and

hid in her back.

Pansy: "It serves you well, for being so loud." Pansy commented from the

side jokingly.

Extimum : "jem.jem. How rude, how could I, replace someone like you,

clearly I am the original and I am much better, instead we should just

discard you ". Extimum first tested his voice to match Tracey's and then

responded in the same playful tone. Although Extimum wasn't the type to

joke around, but since she was transforming into her she decided to play

around a bit too.

After finishing the little joke, Extimum reverted to his original form,

Being a metamorphmagus had many advantages, not only did it give you

an affinity with transfiguration magic, but even more importantly the

ability to transform into any living being, Extimum had proven. With this

ability when he was little, until now it was not a problem to change parts

of his body into animals or other people, although he had not tried a

complete transformation into an animal, but he supposed that it was

possible if he could change only one part, in addition to performing such

transformations did not need the use of a wand, it is the perfect skill for

espionage or when you simply do not want to be found, of course if you

do not leave clues that reveal your identity, for example, Extimum could

have transfigured his clothes into Slytherin's and transform an item on

some glasses or get some and it would be the same as Tracey, however, I

do not consider it necessary, but if I had I would be It was difficult for

someone to discover him as long as he followed the performance of his

personality well.

Extimum : "Well, ladies, I say goodbye for now."

Tracey: "Okay, you have to make time to visit us."

Pansy: "well, watch your steps on the road."

Daphne: "See you later." Daphne nodded slightly and said.



uff, each time the caps are longer, xd more time to review them.

Here we are slowly sowing small changes in the story and introducing

new characters that will be interested mainly in the future, I noticed

that Pansy left me a little Tsundere, it was not my intention, I tried to

fix it xd, but it still feels a bit like one

Chapter 13: •Do you want to try


In the next few days Extimum enjoyed seeing how Ron and Harry were

forced by Hermione and by themselves to read books, to find the so

called Nicolas Flamel, on the other hand, Extimum would only study his

books on space magic and other subjects, and with a little illusion magic

no one would notice he wasn't helping.

He would also spend time with his friends in Ravenclaw and after his

meeting with Daphne and her friends, he would try to make time to go to

the Slytherin table and talk with them and even with other Slytherins, in

this way he would expand his social circle, it is not That he planned

world domination or anything crazy, he just wanted to be more open to

meeting all kinds of people, broadening his perspective.

Naturally his action attracted the attention of more than some, on the

Gryffindor side, Ron could not believe it, his face for the next few days

was the clear expression of betrayal, uuntil Hermione and Harry made

him see reason, Neither the Ravenclaws nor the Hufflepuffs seemed to

particularly care, however, their action almost seemed to set off alarms in

the heads of some teachers, but they eventually calmed down, after all

the Shadowless family had a reputation for being impartial, not that they

knew that Extimum was not particularly adept at family teachings, on the

other hand, the Slytherins didn't have as much trouble, some murmurs

here and there but they quickly subsided, from his perspective, Extimum

should always have belonged to their group so having him back in their

circle could only be good. Although Draco didn't seem entirely happy

with the situation at first, he had seen Extimum and Harry's recent

friendship after all, but after Extimum gave Draco his goodwill and

properly managed his pride, it wasn't difficult to blend in.

Extimum : 'Maybe… if I had more Slytherin in me than I thought?'

Extimum couldn't help wondering, noticing his ease with which he

controlled the situation.


Sitting near the edge of the black lake next to a tree, Extimum was sitting

alone, he came here because the place was particularly good for quiet

time and he wanted some time alone to consider his options.

Extimum :' Christmas holidays are getting closer and closer, but I don't

know if I should go home or not, if I stay ... I suppose that in addition to

studying and spending time with those who stay, I could also see the

mirror of O esed , It would be interesting to see what you can show me,

also, I don't know where it will go once Dumbledore removes it when he

finishes hiding the stone, on the other hand, I also have several things to

do at home, it would be good to finally get my own sword and not only a

heavy wooden sword to practice, I could also get a bag with an

expandable space, the one I have is very limited as I do not have the

enchantment, I could also make some preparations for the plans I have

for when the school year ends, register a personal Gringotts account,

which I probably won't be using anytime soon, researching information

about Lauren Shadowless, um, maybe I can ask Dumbledore when I get

the chance, if… I definitely have to go back '.

Extimum : 'Well, speaking of things to do, I have not yet analyzed the

feeling I had when I fell off the broom; nor what happened after biting

Hermione,she didn't mention it at all these days, but sometimes she stares

at me strangely while rubbing her neck, the latter is particularly

complicated, I guess I will address it when the opportunity arises. For

now, let's try to reproduce the strange sensation in my foot that day, the

feeling and the moment was too strange for someone to have been the

one to help me, so the answer can only be in me '.

Extimum closed his eyes and concentrated on remembering the feeling of

that time, however, there was no reaction.

Extimum : 'Maybe I need stimulation? After all, that time I was in the

air…'. Upon reaching this conclusion, Extimum looked at the lake and

after thinking a bit, he quickly took off his cloak leaving only his

uniform, then took off his shoes and stockings.

Extimum could feel the roughness and freshness of the grass at his feet,

directing his gaze towards the lake, Extimum again closed his eyes and

focused on the sensation and then he ran in the direction of the lake and

jump once he felt he reached the end of the field, he did not open his

eyes until his body was on the lake.

Upon opening his eyes, Extimum was clearly on the surface of the lake,

however, his body did not sink, his feet seemed to be stepping on the air.

Extimum : "Damn, can I fly?" In his excitement, Extimum took several

more steps and jumped up, in his first steps he actually stepped into the

air, however, when he took his last step his body fell directly into the


** Splash **

Extimum : 'yes… I guess I can't'. Extimum thought as he poked his head

out of the water.

Extimum : 'however, it is likely that in the future I will be able to do

something similar, the feeling is clearly like stepping on a cloud, it has

the softness that you would expect to feel and the hard enough so that

you can use it for support, it is like walking on air, but I can't control it at

the moment. '

Coming out of the water, Extimum dried his clothes with his wand and

put the other part that he left on the ground.

Extimum : 'Well, there was also that time I touched a ghost, but I'm not

sure that detail is of any real use, unless I want to be a ghost hunter.'


Today was december 23, so most of the Hogwarts students were

preparing to go home and celebrate Christmas with their families, it was

still early so most of the students were packing their bags. In the

Ravenclaw common room, Extimum was with his friends having a casual

chat on a secluded sofa, departure from the castle was scheduled for 9

am, so they would have the rest of the morning free to prepare.

Mitchell : "So are you staying?"

Steve: "Okay, I'll stay, I'm just developing my influence as an informant,

so I'll stay in the castle to finish some tasks that I have to do, at least

thanks to the influence of Extimum, in recent days it has become easier

for me to access the inner circles of the other houses".

Trudor: "Heh, only you would choose your gossip empire over spending

Christmas at home"

Steve: "hey, are you sure you want to talk about me, lest I tell someone

that you sleep with a tedd **".

** mmp **

Trudor: "shh, shut up, they will listen to you, hmp, you are not the one to

speak, that letter will not work with me, I have also seen that strange

poster that you hide in your closet of American witches on the beach".

Trudor covered Steve's mouth and fought back quickly.

Steve: "Hmp, I'm not ashamed to admit it." Although Steve said so, his

face clearly said otherwise. The poster they were talking about was a

secret poster that he kept in a drawer of some American witches who

wore Muggle swimsuits on the beach.

Mitchell : "Seriously, why are you taking that poster with you? If you're

going to have a poster you should have one of the Tutshill Tornados ."

Steve: "Bah, why would I want a poster of that Quidditch team , you just

don't understand the value of my treasure yet, hmp, when they grow up I

won't show it to them, even if they beg me".

Steve: "Besides, we all know that team will lose, you think so too, right

Extimum ?, Hey wait, Extimum save me !. Damn, leave me alone


As Steve was saying his line he had already gotten off the couch and ran

as soon as Mitchell pounced on him.

Until now, Extimum only listened to their conversations, he was

entertained by their conversation.

Extimum : "how long do you think Steve can run before getting hit?"

Trudor: "Hmm, hard to say, lately he's been constantly chased by the

first-year girls in our house, although he didn't want to tell me why, so

maybe it could last about… 5 minutes ?, after all, Mitchell is trying very

hard in his training so as not to be rejected again on the Quidditch team .


Extimum : 'This fat man always does strange things, even I, who have

memories of another world, don't go around doing such dubious acts.'

Extimum : "Well, what will you do this Christmas?"

Trudor: "Oh, my family plans to travel to Japan to visit relatives and

spend Christmas there. And you?".

Extimum : "Japan eh? I suppose that I will also spend it at home with my

family and I will take advantage of the rest of the time to carry out some

pending matters".

Extimum imagined the Japan he had seen from his memories and

wondered what the magical community would be like there; When he

mentioned that he would spend Christmas at home with his family, he

could only think of himself and the house alone, Although this Christmas

maybe Extimum will have a different time

Extimum : 'I'll see if I can get a portkey to visit other countries later,

mmm, maybe visit other branches of the family'.

Although the other branches of the family were not so close due to the

distance, but they maintained a stable communication and met

occasionally, due to the seniority of the family, each branch had been

integrated with the country in which they resided and therefore adopted

different cultures that gave more diversity to the family, in that aspect

perhaps the Shadowless family was one of the only truly pure ones,

although relationships between the family were also practiced, since each

branch is related to magical families of their respective places, the

Diversity in the blood does not face as many problems as other families,

in fact, marriages between the branches were still common.

Extimum : "Well, I'll go hang out with Harry and the others, you should

try to help Steve, you never know when you might need to collect a favor

from him."

Trudor: "Oh that's an excellent idea, okay I'll go help him, see you on the



Going down to the dining room, Extimum saw that the decoration was

already installed for the most part, large trees around the tables,

mistletoes and among other things to improve the atmosphere were put

up by teachers and some students chosen to help decorate the room.

Ron and Harry were at a table playing chess, as they approached their

table, he realized that Hermione was also coming with her suitcase and

heading towards the place. Extimum did not carry that much luggage, he

would leave his things here at Hogwarts and only pack essential items,

after all he was only going home.

Hermione got to the table first and watched Ron playing with Harry.

Magic chess is quite interesting because it gives you a bit of immersion in

the game, not only the apparent death of the pieces, but the personality

of each one can make you feel as if you really command a war of armies,

after all, not very often the piece you are going to move tells you which

move would be wiser, right?

Looking at the game, it seemed that Ron had the upper hand. And after

Ron made a move and his token killed Harry's token, he ended up

alarming Hermione who was watching the game closely for the first time

with its realism, she had not seen the game before and at most she

thought it was just magical because it responded to voice commands to


Hermione : "That's barbaric."

Ron: "This is magic chess, this is how the game is. I see you have already

packed ".

Hermione : "Of course, and why not you?"

Ron: "I have other plans, my parents decided to go to Romania to visit

my brother Charlie, he studies dragons." Ron was smug when he

mentioned his brother.

Harry: "psst, Extimum , tell me which chip to move to beat Ron, he hasn't

let me beat him since we started and we've already played 5 games."

Harry muttered as Hermione spoke to Ron.

Extimum moved his illusion magic a little to go unnoticed in front of

Ron, after all being so close it would be difficult for him not to notice if

he told Harry what move to make.

Extimum : "well, move your knight to position D5 and if given the

opportunity move your right bishop to position G9". Extimum muttered

to Harry a possible play that would put Ron in a difficult situation

according to the current game.

Hermione : "great, you will accompany Harry and help him read more

books to find Nicolas Flamel."

Ron: "What !, but we have already read hundreds of books, also because

you don't tell Extimum , he likes to read."

Hermione : "That's because Extimum is also going home, don't you see

that he's also carrying his bag, plus Extimum has read more books than

you in the search for Nicolas Flamel."

In fact, Extimum had read more books than they had, but he wasn't

exactly looking for Nicolas Flamel.

Hermione : "Besides, they haven't read the ones in the forbidden section."

Hermione lowered her voice as she approached to say.

Hermione : "Well, merry Christmas, Extimum will you join me?"

Extimum had no problems, although he was going to stay with them for a

while, accompanying Hermione to go out of the castle seemed more


Extimum : "Good." Extimum nodded and held out his hand for Hermione

to take.

Hermione hesitated a bit, this would be the first time that she would take

his hand willingly, the other occasions were more like her simply

accepting her destiny and taking him by the hand, but this time it was

more of an invitation; however, in the end she still reached out her hand

for him to take it.

Extimum smiled a little when he saw that she had accepted and pulling

her a little, he brought her closer to himself and then they left the great

dining room together.

Ron: "I think we are a bad influence on her." Ron muttered to Harry who

was in front of him when he heard Hermione's words .

Harry: "Okay, Ron, now continue." Harry just nodded and asked Ron to

continue his game.

Ron: "ok, bishop to C4".

Harry: "Bishop to G9, check."

Ron : " What ?, ¿ I when ? , How is it possible?".

Harry: "haha, come on Ron, hurry to move."


Extimum and Hermione walked together hand in hand, they headed

towards the carriages that would take them to the station to board the


Since they were still in good time to go to the station and not all the

students would be back, it was easy to board a carriage and go just them,

without the need for someone else to board the same carriage as well.

Once they boarded the carriage, They separated his hands and sat facing

each other.. They were silent as they watched the changing scenery

through the carriage window.

After an indeterminate time, it was Hermione who broke the silence.

Hermione : "About what happened that day ... when we were attacked by

the troll ... when ... why did you go there?" Hermione began to speak

slowly and when she was about to ask her question, she quickly changed

it to another.

Extimum was enjoying the pleasant atmosphere in the carriage until he

heard Hermione speak directing his attention to her.

Extimum : "because I heard from someone that you were unwell and I

wanted to go and console you."

Hermione : "but we weren't that close."

Extimum : "Well, now we are, right? Therefore, it means that it was

worth it."

Hermione was silent for a few seconds upon hearing his words and then


Hermione : "Thank you." Hearing his words now, Hermione felt a bit

touched and her impression of Extimum improved .

Extimum : "You're welcome ".

Hermione : "... a-and why did you bite me !?"

Extimum seriously considered his answer.

Extimum : "it was what I felt was necessary."

Hermione : "What does that mean? Besides, that was clearly not just a

bite, it was much more than that, I felt ... many things and later when I

looked in the mirror there were no marks, it was as if it had never

happened. Also consider if you were a vampire, but I did my research

and I was watching you and you definitely don't match the description of

one, but the bite and your fangs… ".

Extimum just stared at her and listened until she noticed his outburst and

was a bit embarrassed, then asked again.

Hermione : "So ...?"

Extimum rose from his seat, leaned close to Hermione's face and then slid

close to her ear and whispered.

Extimum : "why? ... do you want to try again ...?".

Hermione was stunned, in fact, she asked more because of her confusion

about the whole thing, but what exactly was she looking for when she

asked that?

As Hermione quickly thought of her answer, Extimum lightly raked one

of his fangs near her neck causing Hermione to flinch.

Hermione : "What-are you ...?"

Before Hermione finished her words, Extimum gave her a light kiss on

her neck and walked away.

** iihaa **

Hermione cried out in surprise and then looked at Extimum .

Hermione : "Y-You."

As Hermione tried to form a coherent sentence, Extimum spoke.

Extimum : "Wow, we've arrived, well, I'll see you later on the train"

Extimum spoke naturally and with a bit of enthusiasm, as if nothing had


In fact, while all this was happening the carriage had approached the

station and by the time Extimum spoke they had already arrived, so he

saluted and quickly got out of the carriage.

Hermione : "Ungh." Hermione got up and stomped the floor of the

carriage a bit in exasperation and then headed towards the train as well.

As she got out of the carriage, Hermione looked around at the station,

but couldn't find Extimum anywhere.

Hermione : 'He disappeared… again… hmp, but he dared to take

advantage of me.' Hermione didn't really think of anything about the

little kiss, perhaps between her daring and the previous bite,, a kiss did

not mean much or simply his youthful mind did not give much

importance to it. Although it was necessary to know that Hermione was

already 12 years old, she turned years shortly after entering Hogwarts,

she was in fact a few months older than all of her group, however,

something like this is not of importance.


Some time later, inside the train, Extimum was walking through the

wagons observing the compartments to see if there was any group that

would call his attention to join in for a while, as the train still did not

start, many of the compartments were open and so Extimum could see

who was inside without going inside; As for Hermione , he would let her

cool down a bit and then go find her.

In one of the compartments there were four children: two girls and two

boys, the two girls and one of the boys were not unknown to Extimum ,

as for the other boy, he sure saw it but they should not be very

outstanding if he did not He bothered to remember their names, although

he could remember everything, if the information was not very relevant

he would file it in his memory among other things in case it was useful in

the future, situations like this, in which if he had to interact with him, he

would know their names, were skills like this for which oclumency

became important among other things. The two girls were Hannah

Abbott and Susan Bones, the boys were Ernie Macmillan and Justin

Finch-Fletchley , all four were from Hufflepuff . Extimum hadn't

interacted much with them since he came to Hogwarts, he had seen

Susan speak with Hermione a few times and Extimum had interacted a

bit with her since he knew her, he also knew Hannah and Ernie, being

family Abbott and Macmillan respectively, however, with them he had

not interacted much, that said, Extimum had not even tried to socialize

and try to get along with the Hufflepuffs more than necessary yet, after

all Extimum already divided his time among other things.

Having mentioned them before, Susan was a girl with red hair and she

wore her hair in a long braid, her eyes were brown and in terms of her

appearance, we could say that she was above average, although given

that she still mostly retained her features Childhood was difficult to tell

in the future, at first glance you could tell that she was a bit dreamy and

a bit shy. Hannah had blonde hair and brown eyes, her appearance was

also above average, but again, it was too early to say how she would be

in the future, looking at her you would say that she was a happy and

enthusiastic person. Ernie had blond hair and was Caucasian, his eyes

were black and his expression was a bit pompous, yet he seemed friendly.

Justin had brown hair and brown eyes, he seemed to have a friendly and

cheerful personality.

So, deciding that it was a good time to improve his relationship with

some Hufflepuff acquaintances , Extimum entered the compartment to

say hello.



Well, here's another chapter.

Know that when I take the time for the extra employees it is because

in the future they may or may not have a role and it would be better if

they had a previous entry for a better development.

Speaking of extras, what do you think of my Extimum colleagues? In

general I think I have given them a good development and they offer

fun moments without being forced, they are just things that occur to

me at the moment, said this in my original idea They didn't exist, it's

just that I thought it was strange that he didn't have friends at home

Chapter 14: •The Shadowless


Upon entering the compartment, Extimum caught the attention of

everyone present inside.

Extimum : "Good morning, how are you this morning." Extimum did not

enter completely and from a few steps after the entrance he spoke.

Hannah: "Extimum, it's been a while, I almost thought you would forget

us and choose to ignore us."

Extimum : "ah, my apologies, it's been a busy few months, but after all,

here I am."

Susan: "It's good to see that you're okay."

Ernie: "Shadowless".

Extimum : "Macmillan".

Extimum and Ernie only nodded .

Justin: "Susan, is he?"

Susan: "Oh yeah Justin, he's Extimum Shadowless, maybe you've heard of

him from some of our peers."

Justin: "oh so you're Extimum , actually, I've heard of you, especially

lately with your act of associating with other houses."

Extimum : "ah, I'm just looking to share different perspectives so relating

to the other houses is just natural".

Extimum : "Anyway, I just stopped by to say hello, if the opportunity

presents itself, we could meet in the library or in the dining room."

Hannah: "Okay, but make it come true."


After wandering around the compartments and greeting a few people,

Extimum looked for Hermione. On the way he had already met his

friends and after chatting a bit and asking how the problem with Mitchell

and Steve was solved, Extimum continued on his way.

Speaking of Steve, Mitchell couldn't catch him thanks to Trudor's help,

however Mitchell stole his poster and refused to give it back to him until

he apologized to the Tutshill Tornados , on the other hand, Steve doesn't

care at all about his pride. and immediately apologized, Steve's

impudence knew no bounds.

Upon finding the compartment in which Hermione was , Extimum

entered, inside there were only her and Neville sitting opposite each

other, Hermione was looking at a book and just like Neville.

Extimum : "hello". Extimum just greeted casually and walked in, then sat

next to Hermione .

Neville: "Hello Extimum ." Neville responded, but continued in his

herbology book.

Extimum : "what are you reading?"

Hermione : "It's a potions book, the classes with Snape are a bit difficult

and I have to try harder to achieve the best results and although the

written part is going well for me, some practical exercises are difficult for


Extimum : "oh, let me look, maybe I can help you."

Hermione passed the book to Extimum and showed him the procedure

she was having difficulty with.

After that Extimum and Hermione argued for a while on the subject.


Upon reaching Kings Cross, the students got off the train with their


As he got off the train, Extimum moved away a bit to make room and

then looked around, most likely his house elf was coming for him. He

knew that at least someone would come because he had already sent an

mail advising that he would return; he had to borrow Harry's owl to send

the letter because he didn't have one.

As Extimum looked around, Hermione also got off the train and

approached Extimum .

Hermione : "Have you seen your parents yet?"

Extimum : "mmm, they must be around, it is likely that I will see them

when all these people disperse."

Hermione's question was normal , Extimum was very reserved and only

occasionally spoke about his family or personal life beyond what you

asked him and was willing to say, he did not seek pity from anyone, nor

did he feel that he needed it, on the other hand He did not find the

subject personally interesting so he never spoke about himself unless they

were common things.

Extimum : "and you?"

Hermione : "oh, they should be here by now, they tend to be very

punctual, it's just that like you, with so many people it's hard to see


Extimum : "oh, why don't you tell me what they are like and I'll help you

look for them?"

Hermione : "well, my father should be a tall man with hair the same color

as mine, my mother on the other hand has black hair and they should

both wear common clothes since they are not wizards, they should both

look like in his 30 years ".

Extimum cast a quick glance around the place.

At this point, when Extimum focused it was as if for a moment time

would slow down and he could easily see among the people passing from

one side to the other, it was not very difficult to find a couple who wore

Muggle clothes, although there were many students with Muggle parents,

most did not enter station 9 ¾ directly or tried to dress differently so as

not to stand out so much in the community, that said, Hermione's mother

also had a certain resemblance to her, so this trait made it easy to

recognize them.

Extimum : "they are there." Extimum pointed in one direction.

Hermione : "where? I don't see them."

Extimum : "wait for those people to come by and you will see them."

Hermione : "oh, that's right, there they are, thank you." Hermione was

about to leave when she seemed to remember something and asked.

Hermione : "do you want to come and meet them?"

Extimum doubted a bit, but in the end he was willing, it was just to

introduce himself to his parents and then he would look for Bob.

Extimum : "okay, let's go."

Hermione and Extimum headed towards the couple looking through the

crowd looking for their daughter.

???: "look Stuart, there is Hermione". Appearing in front of the couple's

sight, the woman exclaimed.

Arriving in front of them, Hermione ran to hug them while Extimum

waited to the side.

After finishing the reunion hug, the man, Stuart, was the first to notice

Extimum .

Stuart: "hello young man, you must be friends with Hermione right?".

Stuart observed Extimum's peculiar appearance and couldn't help but

repeatedly look at Extimum's hair .

Extimum : "nice to meet you sir, I'm Extimum Shadowless".

???: "Wow, what a polite young man."

Stuart: "Our daughter is also very educated, Wendy, you should not say it

as if it is strange to see young people with good manners."

Wendy: "well, it is true that good manners are not lost yet, but it is rare

to see it in such young boys." Wendy on the other hand was not so

surprised by Extimum's hair color , anything could be explained if you

spoke of magic, so instead of looking at her hair she was appreciating

Extimum's refined features and bearing.

Stuart: "It is a pleasure to meet you too Extimum, I am Stuart Granger

and this is my wife Wendy Granger".

Wendy: "Tell me Extimum , where are your parents? If it's not a bother,

I'd like to meet them."

Extimum : "ah, I 'm sorry to disappoint you, they haven't arrived yet, but

I suppose I could invite them another time."

Stuart: "do you want us to accompany you to wait for them?"

Extimum : "that will not be necessary, I just came to meet you, it was a

pleasure, I will say goodbye for the moment."

Extimum : "I'll write you for Christmas Hermione ."

Extimum said goodbye before delving further into the matter and with a

few steps back his presence disappeared in front of the group.

Stuart: "He disappeared, how incredible the magic is."

Wendy: "It's a shame, I wanted to meet his parents."

Hermione. "He went really fast." In all this time Hermione did not speak

much, when she was about to introduce Extimum, he introduced himself

before she could and after greeting her parents he left too quickly.


As he left the place, Extimum withdrew his illusion and looked in a

certain direction.

There was a very particular house elf, he looked quite old, but still fit,

unlike others, this one had a straight back and although he did not dress

very ostentatiously, he could be considered well dressed among his peers,

with a white shirt and pants Black, accompanied by a black vest, were

not of the best quality, but it was still clothing that you could find in low-

income English workers. He was of course Bob.

Extimum approached him and spoke directly.

Extimum : "let's go."

After Extimum finished his words, Bob took the hem of Extimum's clothes

and they disappeared from the place. As for why Bob didn't say words, it

was simple, Bob knew that Extimum didn't particularly like to talk more

than necessary and therefore also didn't like to listen to him.

It's not that Extimum treated him badly, it's just that since he found out

that Bob said everything he did at home, Extimum stopped considering

him as someone close, he didn't need someone to watch him, besides

compared to the few months at Hogwarts, Extimum has improved a bit

his character being more open to talking to people.


Extimum appeared in a valley, in front of him was a mansion, the

mansion was large and imposing, its general color was black

accompanied by white and gold decorations, it inhabited an approximate

space of 5000 meters, not counting the magically expanded areas behind

the barriers, there was a garden at the entrance and some sculptures of

ancestors or great beasts of the past were scattered.

On the other hand, the mansion was surrounded by a high fence that

exposed the family's shield at the entrance. The shield was black stamped

in silver, at first glance it seemed to be empty, but when you got closer

you could see a dark figure sitting on a throne with a dragon at his feet,

at the top of the shield it was written with words of imperious character

was the name of the family and at the bottom was the family motto, all

this decorated with dark fog around the main image.

"In the shadows of those who believe they are in power, we will maintain

our existence until the end of time".

It had to be admitted that the founding ancestor of the Shadowless family

was a very arrogant wizard, after all, daring to say that they would hide

under the noses of the powerful and still be superior, keeping their

existence always present in the passing of time was not Little thing. On

the other hand, it is not that he was wrong with his vision, after all, how

many great families had not become extinct?, Even the great Peverell

who beat death on one occasion could not avoid that fate and even they

may not have achieved silent dominance over most of the wizarding


Shadowless's mansion was visible in the Muggle world and was known as

an old family's mansion and even a tourist spot, the family liked to show

themselves proudly before the public, although some had dared to try to

enter, but none had left, so the curious stopped coming, the mansion was

located near a wealthy town that was quite commercial, but Extimum

had never been there, as for the magical family secret, there were

hundreds of barriers once You cross the fence, some were in charge of

murdering any uninvited, others only warned, others made sure that you

could not see what was happening inside, As for what would happen if

someone walks in and outsiders see him disappear? That would not

happen, an illusion barrier ensured that outsiders would still see those

who entered even if they were no longer there.

Although the mansion was known in the muggle world, but very few

knew that it was the Shadowless mansion, after all, this was the ancestral

home, so unless they were friends of the family, It would be difficult for

them to be brought to this house or even see where it is, if it were for any

kind of business they would go to any of the other houses, in addition,

the Shadowless did not fear an invasion in their house, the defense

methods in them were ancient in character and they used thousands of

evil methods of lost ages to harvest to their invaders.

The house had great security, but it wasn't that deadly either, as long as

you rang the bell properly and were invited in, you could access


In addition, there were also some incantations so that even if you came to

see the house you would not want to enter it the wrong way, after all, in

the past when the economic situation in the muggle world was difficult,

many opportunistic Muggles had bad intentions and disappeared, Which

alerted the nearby community a bit, so to scare away most of the people

and avoid attracting attention they had to enchant her in such a way.

Which some did not agree, after all, the mansion was made in such a way

that it would kill without warning because in the founder's time killing

was very common and although they did not change the design, but

letting those sassy muggles live was a lot of consideration in his opinion,

not counting the fact that they would lose a reliable source of subjects for


Yes, although the Shadowless family was more inclined towards the side

of the light, but they also had no problems or prejudices to use darker


Returning to the present, after taking a long look at the house, Extimum

entered. The house naturally acknowledged his arrival upon opening its

doors, the house had no conscience, but it was haunted in such a way

that some things would do themselves if you had the Shadowless blood in


Inside the house it was as ostentatious as you would expect from a large

mansion, the environment was quiet, but not uncomfortable, Extimum

was used to the silence and space of the mansion, it is also not like those

old houses where you would see dust or a dark environment, it was

actually quite well lit and although the decorations varied, they kept

mostly old style rooms, generations of the family had taken it upon

themselves to make the uk ancestral home up to date with fashion and

sufficiently cozy. That said, the English branch of the Shadowless family

had had better times, currently there were only 3 small families that

belonged to it: the first was the family of Extimum that consisted of him

and his parents; the second was the family of his paternal uncle, Rhys,

Rhys has a wife and a young son; the third was a paternal aunt of whom

Extimum did not know much, he had seen her a few times, he only knew

that she had a husband, but did not know if she had children; As for the

family on her mother's side, she came from another branch of the family

so she didn't know much. Extimum had no grandparents that he knew

and he assumed they had died or perhaps gone somewhere.

The ancestral house was supposed and was inhabited by Extimum and his

parents, as for his uncle Rhys and his family, since they left for the

commercial side of the family, they lived in another house of the family

that favored business for its location and as for her aunt, she handles the

military aspect of the family and lived with her husband, leaving her

father who controlled politics and was the head of the family.

After looking around Extimum turned and looked at Bob who had

already closed the door.

Extimum : "send this letter to my mother or father if possible and tell

them that I await their prompt response." Extimum handed over a letter

he had written at Hogwarts to Bob.

Bob: "Yes, Master Extimum , Bob will go right now." After receiving the

letter Bobo disappeared.

The letter only contained a few cordial greetings and asked permission to

leave the mansion from now on freely, in addition to a bag of money for

justified reasons in it. Extimum had not requested such a request before

because even if his parents did not want him, it would be difficult for

them to let such a young child out, now on the other hand he had already

started his studies at Hogwarts and was old enough to think rationally,

Therefore, it was likely that they would not reject it, as for money, it

would be less of a problem, in addition, the reasons he had given for

them were conceivable, they were to buy some things for their studies

and to buy gifts to maintain good relations with other families.

Now that he had sent the letter, he just had to wait for the answer to go

out and do most of his things, as for the way he would get around, he

would just go out to the nearby town and call the night bus, although it

was not very comfortable from how he knew about his memories, but it

would be quite an experience for Extimum who had never left home


Extimum : 'Well, since I am not feeling very tired, I will look around the

house to see if I find something that has been overlooked before'.

The Shadowless mansion had many rooms, however, most of them were

sealed because they no longer had an owner and had not been used


There were some magic paintings here and there, but mostly they were

only moving images, Extimum only knew 2 paintings in the whole house

that could talk and he believed that his father should have conditioned

them not to speak to him, otherwise not he knew why they would be so

apathetic when he didn't know them and they were family.

The portraits or magic paintings, were paintings specially made and

enchanted to imitate the personality of the person portrayed and respond

accordingly, although in general they were more like a fixed memory of

said person, they could also move between nearby paintings or travel to

versions of themselves in distant places .

The mansion consisted of personal and guest bedrooms, bathrooms, the

public library and study, dueling room, kitchen, dining room, potions

room, ballroom or meeting room, basement, a front garden and patio, as

well as an observatory. and ritual hall on the roof. Most of the rooms

mentioned above were large and enchanted in such a way that they could

be adapted to some extent to the needs of their inhabitants, it was not

like the room of requirements, but it could exert minor changes, such as

the decoration or reorganization of it.

As Extimum wanders through the rooms and looking for any suspicious

spots that he hadn't seen before, I enter the public library, this place was

one where Extimum had spent much of his childhood, I'd say he had

already read every book in it that he had. relevant information, after

reading the vast majority of books was when he came to the conclusion

that it was a public library and not a family library, although there was

really useful material but there was nothing really special or secret that

you would expect an old family to have and there was no way at all that

it was so.

Feeling a bit tired after searching around the house and the entire train

journey, Extimum looked at the wide shelves of books and decided to

pick up any one of the books he hadn't read; After reading for so many

years and more intensely in his time at Hogwarts, reading had already

become a habit.

Extimum took a seat in an armchair, opened the book and read a few

paragraphs and then stopped, turned the book and looked at its cover,

there it said "Magic for Muggles", Extimum was first stunned and then

burst out laughing.

Extimum had never laughed like this in his entire life, even if it was one

more critical laugh and tired of the stupidity of the situation.

Extimum could not help it, he had spent a lot of time in these 6 years

looking for anything out of the ordinary, even here in the library where

he had spent a lot of time, he had looked at least all the books, even if it

was just reading their titles and here was a A seemingly common book,

however, upon reading its title and as long as you weren't stupid to

notice that something is clearly wrong, there is no way such a ridiculous

book would exist in a magical library.

Extimum : 'aish, I think even for me I would never expect to find the key

in a way like this.' In the book were the steps to access the real family

library, he supposed it was some kind of bad joke for the younger

generation to test their wits and luck.

After a few moments of reflecting on the book, he got up from his seat

and walked over to the shelves, looked at the titles of the books and

rearranged some of them in a specific order.

At the end, the word Shadowless could be read by connecting the initial

of the title of different books located on different shelves and each one of

a different color. Once order was established, one of the shelves was

turned a bit, revealing a dark hallway.

Extimum turned the bookcase to clear the way and entered the hall; on

the other side was a torch-lit room, a star system was magnificently

drawn on the ceiling and a much smaller library was here, on the other

side of the room was a statue of a man next to an armchair, the floor it

was upholstered with a black rug of an unknown material.

Extimum looked around the room and then fixed his gaze on the statue,

there it said "Devan Loyd Shadowless", he was the founder of the

Shadowless family, he was a sturdy man with a heroic aspect, he wore a

robe and some pieces of armor, in his his right hand carried a dagger and

his wand in his left.

After appreciating the ancestor statue, Extimum noticed what he came to

look for here, on average there were about 100 books and a large book

on the side.

With great anticipation , Extimum began to look at the titles.

Extimum : "seizure of shadows, the soul and its secrets, blood curses,

1000 forms of torture, rituals with sacrifices, potions: by Elizabeth

Shadowless, magic contracts, etc.". Extimum muttered some of the titles

he read, the library was full of many books on various subjects, however,

most of them dealt with quite dark subjects, they ranged from books on

Muggle and wizard sacrifices, torture, possession of the body,

necromancy to books on familiar potions, ancient history written by

ancestors who lived it, taboo magical theories never tested, bestiaries of

rare creatures and much more.

The theme ranged from the darker side to normal themes written by

family members.

Extimum : 'This is true magic.' Extimum was moved by the countless

perspectives these books offered him, he knew that many of these

concepts would be very difficult for him to learn, but he still had a lot of


Extimum now turned his attention to the thick book that was set apart

from all the others.

Extimum : "Shadowless Grimoire". Upon reading the title a new emotion

arose in Extimum's eyes .

Grimoires in the wizarding world were very scarce, it was a magical

registration tool that had a weak conscience, they used to record all the

spells claimed by a family member, they also kept a record of all

members related by blood to the family and recognized by magic, even

those that the family itself did not know, in general the grimoires could

contain everything that their creator wanted them to contain, however,

the special thing about them is that their level of security made it

practically impossible to access it If you did not belong to the family, as

well as keeping all the secrets that were told, in practice a grimoire had

many uses that were little considered by some and only the oldest

families still had them, after all, in wars ancient magic, families aimed to

destroy it, so they could erase all the magical heritage of a family and as

long as they killed all its members with knowledge. so it would be

impossible for the family to resurface as it once was. This of course

would be erasing very important knowledge from history, but the

existence of the grimoires ensured that as long as there was a living heir,

the family would resurface and since it was an accumulation of

generations, the knowledge contained in them was updated and

optimized by itself.

Grimoires are now just magical tools from myths or secrets of some of the

ancient families.



Expansion of the information of the Shadowless family, do not forget

that this is an Au and in the future there will be things that are not in

the original, besides that not everything is canon history I will also

show other scenes from the magical world.

Chapter 15: •Shopping in the

Diagon Alley

Extimum took the large, thick book and carried it over to the sofa and

placed it on a nearby table, then sat down and prepared to read.


The history of ancient times


Family magic

Family tree

The index was quite simple, one would expect more from such a large

and thick book, however when Extimum tried to look at the other pages

they were blank.

Extimum : 'I can't see anything, maybe I need to do something?'.

Extimum : " In the shadows of those who believe they are in power, we

will maintain our existence until the end of time" Extimum tried

tentatively saying the family motto.

When Extimum finished his words, the book lit up and shrunk down to

the size of an ordinary book, then the following words came out on the

index page.

"Think about the section you want to access and press your hand on the


Extimum thought about it, at this moment he was only researching what

he could read and was not looking for something specific.

Extimum : 'Since I'm not looking for anything special, let's look at some

spells.' Making his decision, he pressed his hand to the book and thought

of 'family magic'.

In the next second, his mind was plunged into a dark space and the began

to form columns of words.

Shadow Manipulation - Shadow Capture - Ancient Language - Ancient

Runes - Fate - Love ...

There were a lot of titles, some were spells and others were related topics

or investigations of complicated magical concepts, there were some about

space, but they were very few, he supposed that in ancient times the

concept was very ambiguous.

After looking at some more internally, he discovered that although some

topics did not have many titles, but their content was quite in quantity

and their elaboration was quite clear, as the sum of multiple

understandings that claimed to cover all the points to be considered.

Even complex topics greatly reduced their difficulty.

Extimum immersed himself for an indeterminate time in reading, he read

about Ancient Language, Shadow Capture, as well as a book that

contained information on space magic . Although it could be many topics

for a short reading, but since he already had knowledge of space, this

book was more to reinforce his knowledge, in terms of language, it was

about a universal language used in ancient times when magical creatures

still walked with humans and magicians alike, free in the world, with his

memory it was easy to memorize it, he would understand it when he had

more time, as for the last one was the one in which he took the most time

to learn this new concept of shadows, the one chosen because well, it

would be strange that being his last name Shadowless, he did not know

any spells related to shadows or darkness.

After finishing his reading, he only wanted to leave and his mind

returned to his body, looking around everything seemed the same,

however, Extimum noticed that the drawing on the ceiling seemed to

have changed.

Extimum put the grimoire back in its place, it was not a book that he

could casually carry with his current strength.

On leaving he found Bob there waiting for him.

Bob: "Bob congratulates the teacher for discovering the secret of the

library, the ancestors would be happy to know that this generation,

unlike the previous one, will have magicians with great eyesight and

ingenuity." Bob said with great emotion and joy, he almost seemed ready

to cry if it weren't for his taught manners.

Speaking of Bob, he had been working for the Shadowless family all his

life, his position is one that has been passed down by his family from

generation to generation, in fact, Bob, also had a son to whom he

planned to pass the position of head butler.

The organization and treatment in the Shadowless family towards house

elves is different from other families, that is because the ancestors knew

the truth of their origin and have been willing to treat them with care to

ensure their maximum loyalty and care.

Bob's father gave him his position when Bob was young and made sure to

teach him everything to properly serve the family, among the secrets his

father told him, he told him that in the library there is a test for the

young generations placed there by the second generation of the family to

know if there was in his descendants subjects worthy to learn the true

magic of the family, unfortunately Bob had not had the opportunity to

observe the opening of the secret library, until today that he saw

Extimum leave there.

As for Bob's betrayal, it's not that Bob is bad, it's just that the orders he's

been given are to report everything Extimum did, however, seeing the

current situation, Bob would make sure to keep it a secret.

Extimum was surprised to hear Bob's words, I do not imagine that his

father or mother had not discovered the entrance to the place and he felt

a little worried that they might prohibit him from entering.

Bob: "the young master need not worry, Bob is aware that he does not

have the young master's trust and Bob is also aware that in the past I

have let him down, however, Bob only follows the orders of the master of

the family, on the other hand, Bob is loyal to the family and would never

do anything to harm it, therefore Bob will not tell the family master

about the young master's feat. "

Although Extimum did not show his concern on his face, Bob as an old

house elf who is used to dealing with stoic, cold or serene masters knows

how to identify by the slightest changes in behavior the changes in

attitude of his master, moreover, Extimum still He is young and has not

been practicing oclumency for long, so it is not surprising that he can

sense Extimum's state of mind .

Extimum calmed down a bit upon hearing his words and felt that perhaps

he had misunderstood Bob a bit, although it did not change the fact of his

actions, at least he understood the situation better.

Extimum : "Thank you." Although Extimum did not change his cold tone,

his words conveyed his sentiment.

Bob: "the young master can be sure, Bob is just doing his duty."

Extimum : "well, have you received an answer to my letter?"

Bob: "Here, Bob has brought Master Callum's written answer and a bag."

Receiving the letter, Extimum immediately opened it to see the answer.

"You can". Only that was written on the letter.

It was a response worthy of his father, the first few times Extimum was

surprised by his ability to only say a few words to him and manage to

convey his objective, however, he has almost never heard him speak to

him directly, Extimum sometimes amuses himself with the thought that,

if he had no eidetic memory, he would have long ago forgotten the sound

of his father's voice.

Extimum : "Tell me Bob, and I hope you don't tell anyone about my

question, but you know something about Lauren Shadowless." As

Extimum asked his question, he took Bob's bag of money.

Bob: "N-no, Bob is sorry young teacher, but Bob can't say anything about

teacher Lauren, Bob suggests to the young teacher not to investigate

about it, only problems will ensue." Bob freaked out the moment

Extimum brought up the name, almost looking horrified at the thought of

talking about it.

Extimum : 'Although he did not say much, at least I confirm that he did

exist and from his words it seemed that he occupied a place as important

as my mother.'

Although Bob did not actually say anything, by calling her a teacher, he

confirmed that she had the same position as her mother in the past and

from her reaction it is likely that he is strongly forbidden to talk about


Extimum : 'looks like I'll have to be more cautious when asking about her

again, I wouldn't want it to end up in trouble just to satiate my curiosity.'

Extimum : "well, you prepare my bath and apply the potions that I

prepare before I go and while I take a bath, you prepare dinner".

It was already close to 6pm when he left the hidden library and had

entered there around 4pm and now he wanted to take a long relaxing

bath after all this day. As for the potions , it was a potion that he found

in a book that helped to rest the body and strengthened it, although the

strengthening effect did not seem very effective, the relaxing effect was

actually very good.

Bob: "Bob will prepare everything right away."

Extimum headed towards his room to get ready to enter the bathroom.

. -.

In a slightly dark room, there was a well organized office with multiple

papers in it, a man was sitting on the desk chair, his hair color was black

and his eyes were gray, his height was around 1.8m, his body was robust

and he wore an elegant suit along with a cape that wizards frequented;

his features made him look stern and a little intimidating, yet his face

was as expressive as a stone, it seemed that nothing could shake and

cause waves in the . In his hand was a letter, if you look closely you will

notice that it was the letter that Extimum sent previously.

In front of him was a mature and beautiful woman, she was tall, with

dark green hair vibrant and his eyes were also green emerald, her skin

was clear and her figure had curves in the right places that attracted the

attention of the least experienced, she wore luxurious black robes that

accentuated her beauty well.

They were Callum and Ava, Extimum's parents .

Callum : "Have you noticed any signs?" Callum asked in a neutral voice.

Ava: "Dear, everything seems in order, I have told Bob to report any

irregularities to me, but he has not notified me of anything strange, he

has only told me that he has a special talent for magic." Ava spoke with

warmth and softness in her voice when she spoke to Callum.

Callum: " Hmm , maybe it's too early, he's still too young."

Callum: "Keep watching him for any signs, since he will spend much of

his time at Hogwarts, we cannot be careless."

Ava: "don't worry darling, I'll be on the lookout for any anomaly."

If Extimum were here he would have been surprised, he did not know

that his father could speak so much, nor that his mother could be so

expressive with her words.

. -.

After taking a bath and resting a bit, Extimum went downstairs and had

dinner alone in the dining room of the mansion.

Extimum : 'Well, now that I have money and I can leave freely, I'll go out

tomorrow and take the opportunity to buy gifts for everyone.'


The next morning, Extimum got up a little later than usual, since it was a

vacation, he allowed himself to rest more than usual, after taking a bath,

he dressed in a white suit with a cape for a change, took his wand with

its case and he put it on, as well as putting the bag of money in her

pocket, then I go downstairs to the mansion and grab some fruits for a

light breakfast.

Extimum : "Bob".

Hearing her call, Bob came out of somewhere.

Bob: "Did the teacher call Bob?"

Extimum : "Yes, take me to Diagon Alley."

Bob: "Yes, Master Extimum ".

Bob reached over and took the hem of Extimum's suit and together they

disappeared in a snap.


Extimum and Bob appeared in a secluded corner of Diagon Alley .

Extimum : "Well, that would be it, you don't have to wait for me or come

back for me."

Bob: "as you wish, Master Extimum ". Bob leaned in a little and then


Looking around, Extimum took his time to look at the place again and at

some point his face changed, his hair turned black, his eyes blue and his

body grew at least 20 cm. He looked like a young man in his early 20s

with good looks.

Extimum : 'now I can avoid drawing too much attention'. Although

Extimum was still not well known by the common public, but could not

say the same of his features, not every day you see a young man with

that peculiar hair color and combined with his appearance it would be

difficult not to be recognized or to attract too much attention; As for age,

I change it because that way it would be easier to deal with people.

Extimum : 'let's start with the essentials, I need a suitable bag for my


Extimum joined the crowd of people wandering the path, after reaching a

shop that sold tools and enchanted items he stopped and entered it.


When crossing the door, the sound of a bell was clearly audible advising

the owner of their arrival.

The store was big inside and there were all kinds of gadgets, there were

big suitcases like those used in Hogwarts or briefcases, there were also

other sundries like watches or even clothes.

???: "Welcome to my humble shop, how can I help you?" A middle-aged

man came out from behind a desk and asked Extimum .

Extimum : "I'm looking for a bag with expansion and stasis spells."

???: "Oh, you came to the right place sir, here we have many objects of

that type, however, if what you are looking specifically are bags, I am

afraid I only have 2 to offer you."

Extimum : "Okay, show me the ones you have, as long as they have

enough space and they look decent they will do."

The salesman went to the back room and a moment later brought two

bags with him, the first was leather, it was in good condition, it was

neither very elegant nor very casual; the second one was a bit… peculiar,

it was dark blue and had multiple stars on it, it looked like the kind of

cloth that Muggle 'wizards' would use to do their tricks.

???: "This one here is made of hybrid dragon skin , it has an approximate

space of 20m 2 , as for this other one ... despite its strange design, it has

an approximate space of 50m 2 , I'll leave them at 20 Sickles and 30

Sickles ".

Extimum : 'mmm, the design is very strange, but for now I just need the

space, then I'll create one for myself when I have the knowledge.'

Extimum : "here, I'll take the one with the strange design." Extimum took

out 1 galleon and 13 sickles and then took the blue bag.

After finalizing his purchase, Extimum left the store and now with his

new expandable bag he went to different stores to buy gifts for Christmas

for his acquaintances, he would give special gifts to his friends and some

other courtesy with the people he had developed at less a good

relationship. Buying everything took him about 2 hours, I buy a wand

case for both Harry and Ron, it is an essential item for the comfortable

use of the wand; for Steve he bought a tool that could help you listen to

conversations at a distance, given Steve's character, he supposed he

would like it; to Mitchell he buy a broom Nimbus 2000, as his fanaticism

for the Quidditch sure would like; to Trudor he buy a self-writing pen, he

planned to send Hermione a book from her family's public library, had

some books currently inaccessible that could give; he would give Daphne

and Pansy some candy along with a dress and he sent Tracey a pack of

'Latish' hair bottles, as for the others like Draco or Susan who had a

medium relationship he would only give sweets along with objects that

he thought would use them, anyway, with all the money they gave him

they would not do much damage to his finances.

Extimum : 'and with that I have all the gifts, it was more exhausting than

expected. Since I don't think I can get a sword now, I'll leave it for later,

For now, I can only go to Gringotts and investigate where to get the

Portkeys'. After he finished thinking about it, Extimum headed towards


Gringotts was an imponent white marble building multi-storey located in

the lower part of Diagon Alley , near its intersection with alley Knockturn

, towered over neighboring shops; to enter the had to climb some stairs

and pass a set of burnished bronze doors. The gates were flanked by a

goblin in a scarlet and gold uniform who stood guard there.

Extimum went up a few stairs, past the doors with the guards, inside

there was a small entrance hall and another pair of silver doors with a

message written on them.

Extimum had memories of this message, but took the time to read it since

it was his first time here.

"Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there".

Extimum : 'is it an interesting poem?'. Extimum didn't know if it was a

poem or not, but the phrases certainly set the scene.

Extimum passed through the doors in front of him and came to a vast

marble hall with long counters stretching the length of it with doors

leading to the vaulted corridors with about a hundred goblins sitting in


There were a few wizards scattered on different bar, Extimum looked

around until he found an empty bar labeled "New Users", the goblin there

seemed more focused on his work than the goblins on other counters,

Extimum guessed not quite at all. new magicians were often registered.

Extimum approached the counter and with a wave his hand touched the

bar a little hard to get his attention.

???: " Yes ?" Goblin of the fixed counter their attention on Extimum was

in front of him and talk about apathetic and disinterested way.

Goblins were a very intelligent race of little magical humanoid beings

with long fingers and feet that coexisted with the wizarding world , had

long ears and pointed noses, domed heads and were slightly larger than

house elves , goblins as well. they had their own magic and could

perform it wandless.

Extimum : "Excuse me goblin gentleman, I would like to register a

personal account in Gringotts ." Extimum treated the goblin in a polite

way, it was well known that the relationship between magicians and

goblins was a bit tense, so trying to be polite and friendly for the better

the interaction would not cost anything.

???: "Okay, magician, fill out this form and then we will proceed with the

final requirements." The goblin gave Extimum a long look, noticing that

he did not show the wizards' contempt and spoke more affably.

Extimum took the questionnaire and filled in his data, it was nothing out

of the ordinary, name, surname, age, address. Extimum answered it with

his real information, although he left the address blank, he did not care if

they knew his identity, it is not that he was going to yell at it or tell

someone, unless they bribed him of course, but it would be difficult,

Gringotts policies they were quite strict especially with those who

betrayed them.

After he finished filling it out, Extimum passed his form to goblin.

???: "Well, follow me here." The goblin got down from his high desk and

guided Extimum to the door behind his counter.

???: "I am Snaglok and from today I will be your account manager".

Extimum "it's a pleasure Snaglok , I hope we can work together in the


Snaglok : "You are a strange wizard and you are ... Shadowless ...".

Snaglok felt good and at the same time strange with the good treatment

of Extimum that he was giving him, it was something new for him, on the

other hand, when he looked at the form to look at his name, he froze a

bit when he saw his last name.

Snaglok : " hahaha , it looks like we will have an interesting cooperation

in the future." Snaglok could smell money when he saw the last name,

not everyone was lucky enough to run the accounts of great wizards.

Arriving in a room with only a desk and cabinets of papers Snaglok

stopped and searched for a contract, then filled in some information and

passed it on to Extimum .

Snaglok : "Well, finally , drop a drop of blood on this contract and

everything will be settled."

Extimum paused for a moment at the mention of blood, I doubt a bit but

after thinking about his illusion magic he relaxed a bit, took a dagger

from Snaglok's desk and cut off his fingertip, while concentrating on

covering his blood with an illusion to make it look normal, naturally he

did this after finishing reading the contract; the contract was just routine

things, confidentiality agreements and responsibilities of both parties

when using the service.

Snaglok : "Well, now you only need an initial deposit and you can

officially use your account."

Although in the magical world there were no credit cards or anything

like that, but you could pay with magical checks.

Extimum deposited 25 galleons, it wasn't much, but he couldn't spend all

the money they gave him on this.

Extimum : "well, Snaglok , in the future I will be visiting you to do some

business that I am sure you will be interested in".

Extimum : "by the way Snaglok , do you know where I can find portkeys


Snaglok : "That depends on where you are looking to go, if they are

tourist places you can get some in Terrortours , if you are looking for

some difficult places, maybe you can find them Borgin and Burkes or in

the ministry, there you can also find them to travel."

Extimum : "Thank you, we'll see you later."

After finishing all the paperwork for his account, Extimum left Gringotts.

Extimum : 'now it only remains to find out the trips by portkeys '.

Extimum first turned to his most viable option, Terrortours .

The Terrortours travel agency was located at number 59 Diagon Alley , it

was a small, but lively establishment, however, it had a rather ugly sign

that announced its name in green letters, although perhaps that was its

intention, it knew a little about that place, had a reputation for offering

trips to destinations that were a bit dubious in terms of safety for its

tourists, but Extimum was only looking for portkeys , so I ignore it.

Upon entering the store, an older man and a young woman were serving,

there were multiple posters and pictures of vacation destinations on the


Man ??? : "Welcome, look for an amazing trip to a castle full of vampires?

Or maybe a graveyard with thousands of zombies roaming around there."

The man greeted and said a business quote with enthusiasm.

Extimum : "I'm sorry, no, I'm looking for more common places."

Woman ??? : "you saw it?, I told you not to say the phrase of the store,

nobody wants to go there. " The woman complained a little to her partner

Man ??? : " Hmp , what do you know, you're just new here, last time we

had a whole family going on a trip to the hidden pyramids full of

mummies and the day before you went to work here, a man asked to go

to the last shelter of succubi, hehehe ". In the last part, the salesman

laughed a little, as if highlighting the ambiguity of the place to which the

man traveled.

Woman ??? : " Hmp , whatever." The woman did not like the ambiguous

sentiment that her partner put.

Man ??? : " Ahaha , young gentleman, excuse the rudeness of my partner,

go ahead and tell me where you want to go, we have Portkeys and travel

plans for almost all the main tourist sites in the muggle and magical

world and even some not so famous."

Extimum : "well, at the moment I would like 2 Portkeys for two different

destinations, the first for Paris, as for the second for China, I don't know

which place specifically, I'll let you recommend one".

Man ??? : "Ah , a young wizard who wants to see the world, excellent,

the one in paris will cost 70 sickles, as for china, it depends on whether

you want to know the wizarding community or the muggle part".

Extimum : "the magic community".

Man ??? : "Well, in that case it would be 95 Sickles, in total 9 Galeones

and 12 sickles, the destination in China would be Nanchang ".

Extimum payment for trailers , the one in Paris was a coin and the one in

China was a paintbrush.

Man ??? : "Do you know how to use them? I will tell you, you just have

to direct your intention to the portkey and wish to activate it and the

next moment it will take you, since they are tourism porters, they will

take you to the magic embassy of the respective country when you arrive

and the portkey It would allow you to go back and forth once before it

becomes a normal object or is destroyed and it can take a maximum of

10 people as long as they all hold hands or touch the object ".

Extimum : "thank you".

Man and Woman: "Come back soon."

Extimum left the shop after that, he only had to go out to tour Muggle

London city for the first time and then return home.



It's sad that very few of my subscribers left a review, which is strange

because there are almost 500 subscribers to the English version of the

story, or maybe the readers of this version have a different schedule?

Anyway, like those of the Spanish version and some participated here,

I published the chapter since I was ready and it was only to review the


Chapter 16: •Are you an animal?

Extimum entered the Leaky Cauldron and ordered a breakfast, he had

already been doing his shopping all morning and decided to take a break

before leaving.

The food he ordered was some Cornish patties and a pumpkin juice,

given his age, Extimum did not use to drink any liquor, although I would

not say that he has not tried them when he has given the opportunity, his

favorite was a drink called floating infusion , it was a strange drink that

in a meeting he had the opportunity to try, if you described the flavor it

was a combination of coconut and pineapple with some cherry nuances,

in addition, its alcohol content was high, it had the side effect of literally

making you lighter for a few seconds, You might as well try to jump and

you'd jump almost double, pretty dangerous for drunks, that being said,

although Extimum described the taste like this, it was made of a strange

fruit similar to a pineapple but blue in color along with some herbs that

gave it its cherry flavor, the true wonders of the magical world.

After finishing his breakfast Extimum paid his bill and went out through

the entrance that faced London, once outside the atmosphere seemed to

have changed, inside the Leaky Cauldron the atmosphere was warm and

a bit dark, there were some suspicious figures but the atmosphere was

lively But when you left you were faced with a city like thousands of

people walking from one place to another and a somewhat cold

environment while the morning sun was barely warming, there was also

the noise of some vehicles that circulated on the road.

This was the first time that Extimum took the time to observe the Muggle

city, the few times he passed through here were on quick tours. It wasn't

exactly the best view from where he stood, and in fact, Extimum found

the noise of the city to be a bit annoying, but it wasn't difficult to get

used to.

Immediately afterwards, Extimum could be observed walking down the

street and looking at everything as the child that he really is, each new

thing attracted Extimum's attention and if it were not because he was

currently transformed with the image of another person, Extimum might

have been embarrassed by his behavior, he even got some curious looks

from the people who were sitting in some commercial premises, not

every day you saw a 20-year-old walking down the street and observing

everything around him as if it were the first time They saw, you could

even see that their amazement was real.

Even Extimum didn't realize that he had broken his usual serene face as

his inner child pried around, honestly speaking, although Extimum had

some memories of the world from his previous life, but Extimum didn't

know what country he was from, at least he knew he didn't. It was

British, plus the architecture and technology are quite distant, so this was

quite a new experience for Extimum .

Extimum : "Ahem". Extimum got organized when I finally noticed his

behavior and the strange looks he was receiving. ' Damn, I think I got a

little carried away by my excitement. '

Returning to his previous stoic face, Extimum ignored the people who

were looking at him and continued on his way, he was not looking for a

particular place, he was only interested in seeing the muggle world.


Arriving at a park after walking for an hour around the city, Extimum sat

on a bench and observed the people around him.

Extimum : 'The muggle world has a lot of interesting and strange things,

although maybe if I remove the magic from things, some might make

sense, but others are just weird, and they say wizard clothing is weird,

but I clearly saw a man dressed as a jester in the middle of the street. '

Extimum could identify most of the things he saw from his memories or

logically thinking about the answer by taking into account that they did

not have magic for some things, however he did not have all of his

memories and some were fragmented so Extimum did not understand

that the strangely dressed man was advertising for a certain company by

dressing like this.

While he was there thinking about what he had seen, Extimum caught a

smell that caught his attention, looking in that direction, there was a man

selling hot dogs at a nearby stand.

Tempted by the smell and curious to try something different, Extimum

approached the stall.

???: "good morning sir, do you want to buy a hot dog?".

Extimum : "Mmm, of course give me one." Extimum thought about it a

bit, but decided to give it a try. Of course Extimum had money, since he

knew that he would go out to the muggle world, he did not forget to

change a little in case something caught his attention, it is not as if he

could not steal it with his magic, but he would avoid committing such

acts if possible, Furthermore, his magic was limited in the muggle world

since his wand still had the trace due to being underage, so he could only

wield magic without a wand unless he wanted to be chased by the aurors

or summoned.

After paying and getting the hot dog, Extimum returned to his seat that

was a bit far away and began to eat.

While consuming his food and observing the surroundings, Extimum felt

a sudden jolt and stopped eating, set his food aside and quickly ran to the

area of ​​trees behind him.

Arriving there, Extimum vomited what he had eaten.

** bleurgh **

Extimum felt ill for the first time in his life and his nausea only subsided

a little after throwing up everything.

Extimum : 'the taste was clearly not bad, ugh, and it didn't seem like

there was anything out of the ordinary, so why is this strong rejection of

my body?'

Extimum : 'was there something wrong with the hot dog and I didn't

realize it?'

After removing his vomit from the floor with a wandless spell and

cleaning his mouth with water, Extimum returned to his seat and

inspected his food.

Extimum : 'clearly nothing wrong'. Extimum took a good look at his food

and even inspected it with a spell to see if there was anything wrong, but


Extimum : 'wait, now that I'm concentrating…'.

** snif, snif **

** cough cough **

Extimum sucked in the air and smelled food; A foul smell filled her nose,

it wasn't strong enough to vomit, but it did make her face pale a bit from

the sudden invasion of bad smells and she couldn't help but cough to

expel the feeling.

Extimum had not felt the smell before, somehow his mind had only felt

the common aroma of food and not the hidden smell in food that seemed

only to be perceptible to him.

Extimum : 'the smell is clearly from the food, but it didn't seem to come

only from there'.

By focusing his senses, he was actually able to tell that the foul smell was

not just coming from the hot dog in front of him or the ones at the stall,

the smell was coming from most of the food they sold in the park.

Extimum : 'the smell comes from all the food, but how could all the food

be bad? And why is it that only I react so badly to eating it? '

Extimum couldn't understand it, the food was clearly fine and the people

who ate nearby enjoyed it and didn't show any discomfort, it was only

the one who felt that the food was bad.

Extimum had no way of knowing currently, but since the previous meal

had left a bad taste in his mouth and a little sick, he decided to go to a

restaurant and eat something there.

Extimum : 'I will eat in a better place, maybe the food here was spoiled

by the atmosphere.'

After that, Extimum looked for a restaurant that looked good and

addressed him, however, before Extimum could enter the restaurant he

felt the disgusting smell again and quickly left and decided to find



The search for Extimum was doomed to end badly, no matter what kind

of restaurant I looked at, from food from different cultures and high-class

restaurants to common, the only thing that changed was that in some the

smell was better but still not entirely healthy .

Extimum : 'It can't be that all the food is bad, am I cursed? Don't wait,

rather, was I cursed?'. Curses were very real things in the magical world,

however, it was a knowledge that was generally lost in the time and only

some methods were preserved, naturally they were a dark and illegal

practice, in addition, they were more on the path of ritual so they could

not be thrown directly into battle, and unless you had a great hatred for

another you were unlikely to investigate the subject.

Extimum : 'no, I don't think that's it, maybe it's just me.'

Extimum was sitting on a bench near a bus stop, he was thinking about

his situation and trying to meditate a bit with himself.

Sure enough, although he didn't have a real answer, but instinctively he

knew it was related to him and his lineage.

Extimum : 'maybe I should try to meditate or focus on myself more often,

the result was unexpectedly good, on the other hand, that solves the

question of food, but what is the difference from the magical world?

They are not very different, some Muggle dishes can even have more

sophisticated procedures if we ignore the magical extravagance, so that

leaves only the food itself. '

Extimum : 'well I'll think about it later, I don't think I come to the muggle

world that often or need to eat here.'

Extimum spent the rest of the morning and afternoon touring the city, he

decided not to eat for today and would eat when he returned to the


It was already getting dark when Extimum decided to end his excursion

in the muggle city, today he visited different buildings, parks,

establishments, even visited the cinema and the subway, with his magic

of illusion he even entered restricted places that he wanted to see

personally without problems.

Now, Extimum was crossing an alley that would lead him to a lonelier

road to call the night bus, the way to call it was very easy, you just

needed to carry a suitcase of luggage, be a magician, make a lumos with

your wand and your call would be sent to the bus.

As Extimum walked towards the road, halfway there he was stopped by

two men in dark coats and hats.

Mugger 1: "Hey, stop there." As the first man spoke and crossed the road,

the second man stopped Extimum's retreat path .

Extimum : 'is this what is supposed to be a robbery? How interesting'.

Extimum was surprised to be detained and although the men hadn't said

anything yet, given the situation, it wasn't hard to guess. Extimum was

not afraid, either because of his ignorance of danger being so young or

because they were just simple men against a wizard and a physically

strong one at that, so Extimum did not find the situation very threatening

and on the contrary found it interesting.

Assailant 2: "you'd better hand over all your valuables calmly or don't

blame me for what might happen to you." the second assailant who was

behind Extimum threatened while pulling a knife from his pocket.

Assailant 1: "don't be a tough guy, just hand over your things and we'll let

you go."

Extimum : "oh, okay." Extimum just replied naturally and even smiled a


The men relaxed a bit when they saw that Extimum was cooperative.

Extimum reached into his pocket and pulled out the bag with the galleon

coins and as he approached to give it to the man in front of him, his hand

reached out quickly and flattening his hand he directed it to the man's


Extimum did not plan to use magic for obvious reasons, so he would only

use his physical strength which had not had a chance to show his

brilliance until now.

Assailant 1 was surprised by the change in the situation, he thought that

today's robbery would be an easy prey seeing how young he was and that

he was alone, on the other hand, when Extimum responded cooperatively

he had lowered his guard a bit like that that when he saw Extimum's

rapid movement he could only raise his arms in defense, although since

Extimum was faster it didn't do much good.

Assailant 2 on the other hand, had not dropped his guard that much and

pointed his razor at Extimum's lower back area upon seeing his sudden

movements, however, his concentration stopped midway upon hearing

the muffled sound of his friend. and watch him back off while holding his


** ahhgg **

Extimum had directed his hand to the neck of the first assailant with the

intention of hitting him and causing him to lose balance by hitting his

windpipe, however, he did not expect that when his outstretched hand

approached his neck, his nails would lengthen of their own accord and

end up skewering the man

Extimum knew it was strong, but did not know that it had reached the

point of piercing people and much less hope that its nails could lengthen

and be surprisingly hard at the time of attack as to cut the man's throat,

moreover , Extimum did not intend to kill him, he only planned to hit

them a bit, so he wasn't the only one who was surprised to see the result

besides the raiders that were next to him.

Extimum was alarmed by his imminent murder of the first assailant,

although it was not something he had not been mentalized to do before,

after all, his sword practices were not only to know how to wield it

elegantly and his magic practice was definitely not only to do surprising

tricks, however, he was still affected by his first involuntary murder.

Thanks to his oclumency , Extimum was able to control his emotions and

focus on the current situation even as his emotions started to turn


Fixing his attention on the second assailant who had also recovered and

again directed the dagger to stab him, Extimum quickly dodged his razor

by moving backwards.

Assailant 2: "You, you killed my partner. I did not think that you would

also hide a razor in your coat, but that does not mean that you will easily

get out of here; you took my friend by surprise, but I won't fall so easily. "

The man thought that Extimum was hiding a razor since he did not see

how it cut his friend's throat.

As they spoke, Assailant 1 had already bled on the ground and was now

lying there dead, however, neither of them distracted their attention to

look at him, they were both focused on the other and gazed at each other


Although Extimum was stronger and had training in fighting, but he had

never participated in a real battle, in his sword classes at most the danger

of getting hurt was real, but it was not a real threat to life.

Extimum in an act of illumination transformed his face into that of the

dead companion and while the second assailant was horrified at the

scene, Extimum charged him and pointed his hand at his throat to try to

finish it in the same way as the other.

The second assailant was horrified to see how Extimum's face was now

the face of his dead comrade and lost focus for a moment, however, when

he saw Extimum charging at him, he concentrated again and dodged

Extimum's claws .

Extimum did not expect the assailant to dodge his attack, he had become

a little confident and had not used all his strength, it seems that he

needed to put all his strength and not belittle the assailant who seemed

to have a bit of experience in close battles.

Assailant 2: "You, are you an animal? How can you expect to hurt me

with your nails? Do you think you are some kind of beast? maybe in your

next life you should try to fix your nails a bit hahaha". The assailant had

been surprised in the previous exchange when he noticed that Extimum

was not attacking him with a razor but with his nails and was reassured a

bit when he knew that he did not carry any weapon, in turn he also tried

to provoke Extimum to distract him, in addition to vent a bit of his

frustration over his friend's death.

Extimum, on the other hand, was outwardly unfazed, yet something

within him felt particularly annoyed by the words of the man in front of


Extimum : "well, we'll see if these simple nails can rip your neck or not."

After Extimum finished speaking, he did not hold back anything and with

all the strength of his physique he approached the man and pointed his

claws at his neck again, this time instead of sending his hand in the form

of a shovel, he sent it in the form of claw to catch his neck directly. In

reality, Extimum had only held back because he didn't expect to need so

much strength and even though he had some chaotic feelings regarding

the whole situation he still wanted to use the moment as a combat


Now that Extimum had used all his physical strength, the man could only

see a sudden movement before he felt his neck grabbed by Extimum's

hands and saw Extimum's face (the 20-year-old adult form) before he felt

a hard tug and his vision spun before darkening.

Extimum had grabbed the man by his neck and only gave him a slight

breath before directly ripping his throat, causing his head to drop from

his neck.

Now that it was all over, Extimum gathered the bodies and all evidence

of them and incinerated them with a simple controlled fire spell,

although the spell was not very powerful to incinerate people, but with a

little time and effort the bodies were transformed into ash, then cleaned

up and fixed her clothes and the blood on her hand.

After disposing of the bodies, Extimum walked to the end of the alley and

looked for the bus stop, when he got there, Extimum sat on a bench and

closed his eyes.

Now that there was more calm, Extimum was processing all the mixed

feelings he felt with what had just happened.

It was a mixture of interest, fun, surprise, horror, guilt and sadness until

finally nothing, just nothing, killing for the first time was certainly not an

exciting experience, but in addition to the feelings of guilt and others that

he felt for committing the act, no It was so terrible, or maybe it was his

lineage helping him in an imperceptible way to make him feel more

natural or indifferent to such events, in fact, somewhere in all those

chaotic emotions he felt, there was a little spark that said that they

should die for offending him and that they were just Muggles.

Extimum wasn't that disinterested in life or that ruthless, so even if he

thought a little less of Muggles he wouldn't despise them to such an

extent, so that last thought was quickly dismissed.

After Extimum made sure to assimilate all the feelings of the events and

with his more stable mood, Extimum meditated for a few minutes with

the oclumency and freed his mind from such feelings.

Extimum : 'Aish, this isn't exactly the way I expected my day to end, but

my regret or guilt didn't change the facts, I should just be more mindful

and careful on future occasions.' Extimum sighed.

Extimum : 'on the other hand, I did not know that my nails could be

lengthened, nor that they were so hard and sharp, I suppose that I should

definitely take time for an introspection'. Although Extimum could

lengthen his nails like metamorphmagus, but it was a different story that

they automatically lengthened when they felt that Extimum was going to

attack, it was something rather similar to his fangs.

Extimum got up and looking that there were no more people nearby, he

took out his bag and put it in his right hand and with his left he took out

his wand and waved it slightly making a lumos under a layer of illusion,

after that he dedicated himself to waiting.

Although the wand had a tracker, but since magic did not detect that any

Muggle saw the spell and Extimum was not that close to the few who

passed, there were no problems about it, on the other hand, the lumos

was used for various things so that he would not be punished for wearing

it in the middle of London.

After what seemed like 5 minutes, an elongated purple 3-decker bus

came speeding and braking hard in front of Extimum .

The bus door opened and a pale young man got off the bus, with many

pimples on his face and large ears, had brown hair and looked a bit

unkempt, wearing a purple uniform as a bus attendant.

The man looked at Extimum and after making sure that he was the one

who had requested the bus, he took out a paper and read some

commercial lines.

???: " Welcome to the night bus, emergency transport for the witcher left

to his fate. Extend your wand, get on board and we'll take you wherever

you want. My name is Stan Shunpike. I will be at your disposal tonight".

The man spoke apathetically, iit was obvious that he had read the paper

with his lines many times to the magicians he was carrying, however, it

seemed that the quote had not yet been learned.

Extimum : "a pleasure". Extimum replied simply and showed his wand,

after Stan confirmed, he got on the bus.

The night bus was a bus that transported wizards who needed

transportation and had no other ways to travel, it was invisible to

Muggles and when he reached his destination he wrapped a small area

with his enchantment so that the magicians could board without being

noticed, the Muggles would just ignore the area.

After entering the bus, Extimum looked inside, it was more spacious

inside than it seemed outside, it probably had an expansion charm, there

were several beds arranged on the first floor. The driver was an elderly

wizard with very thick glasses , his head was bald and he had hair on the


After sitting on a bed, Stan came over and asked.

Stan: "welcome, you can call me Stan and the driver's name is Ernie, now

tell me where you want to go."

Extimum : "take me close to xxx ...".

(I do not know England as such, so I do not know in which town I could

put the area near the Shadowless mansion, I had mentioned that it was

near a town, if anyone has a suggestion for the location, comment it


Stan: "the trip there will cost you 15 Sickles."

Extimum : "okay".

After hearing his confirmation, Stan approached the driver and yelled the

address, it seemed like he didn't have very good hearing.

After Ernie found out about the location, I hit the gas fully and Extimum

who already had an impression of the bus held on tight to a bedpost

before the inside of the bus shook a bit; Extimum could see through the

window how the place was quickly blurring and looking ahead he could

see how the bus was going at great speed, at one point the bus seemed to

blur and when he could see clearly again, they had reached another place

further away from London, only to keep driving at full speed until

reaching the destination of Extimum .

If we had to relate the event from another perspective, it would be like

the car going back to the future, the bus accelerated and then

disappeared and appeared in another place. The bus had the ability to

make great leaps in space when the place they were going was too far

away and when it was in the same city it only accelerated at full throttle,

in this way it could reach all the places where a magician was in need.

Naturally, the bus only circulated in England, otherwise it would be

impossible for it to easily reach other remote places, however, in other

places there were other buses or similar services.

Extimum looked around and then paid and got off the bus which after a

moment accelerated at full speed and disappeared into the distance.

Extimum felt that the ride was a bit strong but the feeling was despite his

jumble much better than his first apparition experience, the bus jumping

method must be based on a different form than apparition.

Speaking of where Extimum asked to be taken, the place was the town

near the Shadowless mansion, Extimum had never been here, but he

knew the name of the place and in which direction the mansion was.

Since Extimum was mentally exhausted for the day, he decided not to

explore the town.

Extimum went to a secluded place and undid his transformation, his body

shrunk again and his features changed, after that he prepared to run in

the direction of the mansion.

Extimum : 'it's a bit liberating, to feel the wind in my body as I run

home.' Extimum could feel the breeze as he ran almost in a blur through

the streets of the town and quickly got out of it. With Extimum's speed ,

it took him about 15 minutes running to spot the mansion in the

distance, after a few more minutes he finally arrived and entered.

Upon entering the house he was greeted by Bob.

Bob: "Bob greets the teacher, Bob hopes that the teacher Extimum

enjoyed his day."

Hearing Bob's words, Extimum couldn't help but remind the men that he

murdered, although it no longer weighed so heavily on his mind they

were still in his thoughts.

Extimum : "Yes, for the most part it was a good day, make me dinner, this

time serve me a little more than usual."

Bob subtly felt Extimum's spirits dim a bit after he said his words, but he

didn't say anything.

After saying his words, Extimum went to his room and after entering

there he went to the bathroom, took a long shower, after which he

arranged himself with comfortable clothes and he go down to the first



A sumptuous dinner awaited him in the mansion's dining room, which

Extimum found especially delicious after not having eaten all afternoon.

While Extimum was enjoying his dinner, Bob approached with a small

glass that was only slightly full, in it was an amber liquid with pink


Bob: "Master Extimum , Bob took the audacity to serve him this little

glass that he hopes will improve the teacher's spirits a bit".

Extimum could recognize its content, it was the floating infusion, an

alcoholic drink with a particular flavor that Extimum enjoyed, however,

he had only tasted it once and was surprised to know that Bob knew

about it, it seemed that Bob was more attentive than what it seemed.

Extimum accepted the glass, after all, the content of it was little and it

would not be a problem to drink it.

Extimum : "Thank you."

Extimum finished his dinner and enjoyed the little content of the glass for

a while.

Extimum : "Bob".

Bob: "yes, Master Extimum ".

Extimum : "take this bag, in it you will find several gifts packed and with

a recipient, please send them with Nocturn". Shadowless's mansion had a

special magical creature that they sent mail with, it was very special and

efficient, however, you could only send it if you were in the mansion or

were the head of the family, so I could use it to send all the gifts and it

would be faster than an owl, especially for Extimum who hadn't bought

one for himself and needed to send quite a few gifts.

(me and my originality with the names: v)

Extimum did not know what kind of creature Nocturn was, he only knew

that it was the family's emblem pet, it was similar to a dementor only

that it was not so terrifying or gave depressing vibes, also, unlike this, the

creature could move through the shadows and clinging to them so he was

especially fast at night, on the other hand, he had a very weak presence

and was quite tame as long as you didn't judge him by his appearance.

Extimum would dare to say that he was the friendliest intelligent

creature in the house after Bob and it had to be said that Nocturn could

not speak, however, somehow you could understand what he meant, it

was a slightly disturbing feeling, on the other hand, to Sometimes you

could play with him when he changed his shadow form to other things

like animals or objects.

Bob: "yes, Bob will notify Nocturn to make the shipments, I'm sure he will

be pleased to leave the mansion."

After making sure to send the Christmas gifts and letters for everyone,

Extimum went to his room to rest, tomorrow he would make his own trip

as a Christmas present for himself and he would take time to do

introspection, he had to take advantage of his time, the holidays would

only last a week and then he had to go back to Hogwarts.



This cap was long, the extimum vacations will only take a maximum of

1 or 2 more caps, it depends on how you square it.

Here we have a little more development of the character, in the next

chapter we will have a development of the world that I had lacked

Chapter 17: •The Story of the

Wizarding World

(In this chapter, I will try to adapt the first-person perspective, when I

write, the third person usually comes out naturally xd, I don't know why,

but hey, this chapter will be a kind of test to see how it comes out).

--Pov Extimum -

Today is December 24, I get up early again, even if I want to sleep more

to take advantage of the holidays, it seems that my body has already

gotten used to getting up early in most cases.

After I woke up, I went and took a bath and changed, I was not very

enthusiastic about going down to the first floor, I knew there would be

no gifts, but did they ever give them to me? I asked for nothing, but the

gesture would be nice if they gave me something, right?

Anyway, today I plan to go on a trip to Paris where I will spend my

Christmas, from me to me, isn't it fantastic? Well, I'll have breakfast first.

Going down the stairs I go to the dining room, breakfast was already

served and Bob is next to the table waiting in case I had any instructions

for him; I just nodded towards him to indicate that everything was fine,

he would understand then that he could withdraw.

Breakfast was good, a restful night and the little cup of floating infusion

that Bob gave me and today I feel more sober from the feeling that

haunted me a bit after killing those two men.

I plan to read the grimoire a bit in the morning and before lunch I will go

with the portkey, I have nothing else special for this day other than that.

However, before I headed to the library, Bob stopped me.

Bob: "Master Extimum , yesterday while you were sleeping some owls

arrived with mail for you ."

Extimum : "Oh that's… unexpected, where are they?"

Bob. " I have left them in the study next to the library, since I thought I

would go there as usual ".

Extimum : "Okay, thanks for the information, is there anything else?"

Bob: "no, master Extimum , Bob has nothing else for the master."

Just ask just in case, I knew my parents wouldn't give me anything.

I went to the study, it was not far from the dining room, just two rooms

after leaving and there it was, entering the library, I went to a secluded

side where my desk is, since nobody else uses it and only I really seem to

live here I naturally take it as my own. The desk is nothing special, it is

made of polished brown wood and a black furnished chair is in front of

the table.

On the desk there are several letters and a few wrapped boxes, taking a

quick look I can see that they are from my friends and acquaintances.

I begin to read the letters and open the presents.

Harry and Ron are at Hogwarts and their current situation is not very

good so they only gave me sweets, the gesture is appreciated I will eat

them on my trip.

Hermione sent me a special thanks for the offensive spell book that I sent

her, it is fortunate that the title of the book and its content is from a

more open thinker, otherwise I think I would have discovered that the

spells taught there are considered dark, I wonder how long it will take

her to discover that part, maybe I can take advantage of it to give her an

appropriate talk and expand her perspective of the magical world, not

everything is black or white even if it seems that those colors stand out

more. Anyway, Hermione sent me a muggle physics book, do you really

read these books at this age? Anyway, there are no books like that in the

family library so I'll read it later, maybe they will support my spell

experiments .

Then there were the gifts from Daphne, Pansy, and Tracey; Daphne's gift

was a purple scarf with silver lines, I'm sure I will use it would match

well, Pansy sent me a white dragon skin cape and Tracey sent me some

white boots, I wonder if they have agreed between them to send me these


Draco sent me some white dragon skin gloves, huh, Could it be that they

all agreed to give me the whole set, right?

Susan, Hannah, and other acquaintances sent me more magic candy and

various other items. Maybe I'll use them later.

I must admit that my mood improved after receiving the gifts, although

some were just to maintain good relationships, but I also did the same so

I see no problem, but in any case it is a good gesture, maybe that's why

people give you gifts Even if you give them one too, it is the feeling and

perhaps the expectation that make the moment something worthy of


Okay, now that I've looked at all my gifts, I'll go to the hidden library to

read the grimoire.

First I rearranged the books in their proper places to open the hidden

door behind the shelf, I found out earlier that they were randomly

rearranged when I closed the door when leaving.


I heard the now familiar sound as the shelf was detached from the wall, I

proceeded to move it and entered the dark corridor, again seeing in front

of me the room with torches that keep the most important books of the


I went directly to the family grimoire, I have to take advantage of the

time to be able to leave at the planned time, it is not that I have more

things to do, but at least that way I establish a schedule.

Once I took the family grimoire, it seemed to recognize me by changing

its appearance back to a common book when I took it in my hands; I had

read that grimoires were sensitive and had true consciousness albeit

limited, but seeing it makes it more magical.

When he opened it this time, instead of the familiar index, there were

written words.

Grimoire: "Do you want to continue your previous reading?"

I put my hand on the grimoire and sent my intention, today I did not

want to read about space or shadow magic, today I wanted to read

something else.

After submitting my intent, the book recognized the command and

displayed the index.

• The history of ancient times

• Origins

• Family magic

• Family tree

This time I chose History.

Immediately my conscience was absorbed by the grimoire, but unlike the

previous time, this time it did not take me to a dark place, but to a

meadow, in it was an old man who was wearing a tunic and armor, his

appearance was familiar to me, but It wasn't until he spoke that I finally

knew who he was.

Devan: "it is good to see that my descendants are interested in history, I

am Devan Loyd Shadowless and I am the founder of the Shadowless

family, to my present descendants, do not bother to talk to me, I am just

a memory recorded in the grimoire, created with in order to explain the

story in a more convenient way ".

I did not expect that, I thought I would read a boring book that would

tell the story, but I did not think I would find a memory of the founding


Devan: "Well, where to start? Ah, the passage of time, what a terrible and

wonderful thing at the same time, I will begin to tell you what the world

was like in my time and I will name some events of vital importance in

history, in terms of to other facts, it is probable that my projection is

used by the grimoire to explain it in the same way ".

- Story narrated by Devan from here—

In those days the world was very different, iit was dark times and life was

hard, but the world at that time was what we would call the epitome of

what it could show us. Magic was common in those times, however,

magicians were not the rulers, much less common humans, in those times

the space was wider, the forests seemed to have no end and the sky

seemed to have no limits, fantastic landscapes they adorned the world,

like all kinds of creatures. The world was inhabited by various intelligent

creatures capable of doing magic, many of them proudly stood on all

species, they had a natural gift and an affinity with magic like no other,

magic was just second nature to them, there were elves, goblins, gnomes,

fairies, nymphs, all kinds of creatures you could imagine. You could see

them walk through the same land and look at the same sky that you saw,

as for humans? Well, life was difficult for them, but the magicians were

in charge of giving them a dignified life, the other races preferred their

territory like that They weren't competing too much for territory either,

with magic there was no such thing as lack of space for everyone, basic

resources weren't a problem either, however everything naturally comes

to an end.

But before talking about it, why don't we talk a little about the origin of

wizards? Wizards or witches are beings as magical as any of the others,

however, their origin usually diverges into 2 types; The first were the

natural magicians, it was difficult to call them humans with their traits

and abilities, but they were still identified as such, so by association they

were declared that way, they enjoyed great power and did not lose to

many of the other races, however , they did not care much about the

human race as a whole, as long as humanity lived it is fine for them, they

did not get into secular affairs, they had a long life so it was not difficult

for them to live 1000 years, maybe that's why they were so detached

from ordinary humans or maybe it was their passion for magic that

occupied them.

The second type of magicians were born from the union of natural

magicians and other magical beings or in rare occasions when a magic

creature of great power gave its life and its lineage to a human, the

second type was naturally more popular, after all, the Natural magicians

were few in number and given the attractiveness of other species it was

difficult for them not to relate, thus giving rise to an era of magicians of

magical lineage. This is then how all kinds of magicians with different

talents and affinities spread, but like ordinary humans, these magicians

were burdened with too many feelings and desires, they became greedy

of each other and conflict was inevitable. At some point, all this desire

was directed to the rest of the magical world, it was then that the first

great magical war occurred, it could not be said that it was entirely the

fault of the magicians, humans were not the only ones with wishes, the

goblins always wanted more gold, dragons always wanted to dominate

others and elves always wanted to take care of their lands, everyone had

their own things to consider, however, for the most part the other races

were kept in a balance or were not so prone to war.

The Great Magical War was devastating, by the time it ended, thousands

of races had become extinct and many others only left few survivors who

over time could only join with other species to keep the lineage alive, but

not all unions turned out good, some in Instead of strengthening the

lineage, they ended up degrading it and for the next Age, only vestiges of

what they once were remained. The war did not give mercy to any race

and those that did not fight were exterminated.

Great races such as dragons were mostly extinct and those that did not,

hid, some had offspring, but the children they gave could only be

considered Wyverms, the dragon race was never the same again, their

descendants were doomed to be no more that simple powerful beasts, but

without brains.

Werewolves went from being large wolves of up to 5 meters that could

take human form to simple men with wolfish features.

The races lost their legacies and forgot their ancient magic, those who

lost their intelligence were condemned to be nothing more than beasts

that others would hunt, such as trolls and ogres.

Those who lost the strength of their lineage were only able to bring out

some abilities that they once had countless of, such as vampires.

another perfect example of this fact were the elves.

Wizards and elves were initially good friends and had a firm alliance, but

with the expansion of wizards, they were the first to suffer from their

insatiable greed, however, elves were one of the strongest and most

intelligent creatures of those times. , so after a hard fight that killed a

large part of the magicians, the elves were defeated, forming an

irreconcilable relationship, the survivors hid in a secluded space that they

later sealed to never return to this world, with their withdrawal only the

cousins ​​of the elves remained.

And what unfortunate creatures they were, they only had some similar

characteristics, but in general they were completely different from elves,

they liked peace and lived apart from the magical world in general, in

fact, they could not be considered elves, however, that did not discourage

to the wizards to direct their hatred towards them when they saw that

they could no longer find the elves anywhere. The wizards enslaved them

and launched all kinds of hexes and experiments on them that in the end

ended up changing the race completely.

What remains of them is what today we call house elves, beings that still

retain their pacifist character but with the changes resulted in slightly

funny-looking creatures with a submissive character, their nature now

required magic to survive and it is that although they were magical

beings, they became incapable of producing magic by themselves, so

their slave jobs suited them perfectly by forming unions with powerful

magicians or magic houses that offered them all the magic they could

need, all this resulted in beings who see work as their life and who have

immense devotion to their masters.

Thus becoming an essential part of the daily life of each magician, all

magicians had at least one to perform the various tasks that they did not

want to perform or that took up the time for the study of magic.

Time ran and although the world had lost much of its magical legacy on

all sides, it still remained, now that the world was freer and the dangers

had been reduced considerably, ordinary humans began to emerge, built

empires kingdoms and dynasties, and claimed all of the now ownerless

territory until they encountered the remaining creatures still defending

their territories. The wizards now reduced in number, lost much of their

previous vigor and led a more peaceful life, some returned to the path of

magic and dedicated themselves to it, turning away from the world,

others on the other hand, again allowed themselves to be seduced by the

world secular and they interfered in the lives of common humans, the

common humans we now call Muggles, eagerly accepted their help, even

if inwardly they were filled with wariness and envy.

With the help of the magicians a great Era flourished for the human

species, the magicians obtained great respect and fame and were advisers

or sages of different kingdoms, others were great heroes who were

dedicated to fighting against magical creatures, however, as well as

wizards coveted magic and the knowledge of other races, Muggles also

coveted the power of wizards, it was with this thought that the second

great wizarding war began.

Although wizards were more powerful on their own, but Muggles were

more numerous and did not fear death.

Wizards had been careless, abandoned the path of magic and led a life

full of luxury, they never thought that the common humans they

supported would stab them in the back.

Only the great families of wizards and witches still preserved their

heritage and continued to study magic, despising the existence of wizards

who ingratiated themselves in the wealth of the Muggles and forgot their

pride as magical beings, they classified those wizards as traitors to blood.

It was those traitors who taught Muggles of our world, gave them the

opportunity to rise up and dare to challenge the wizards who once cared

for the very subsistence of humanity.

War was inevitable between wizards and Muggles. Most of the wizards

and witches who were caught were burned or sacrificed by their church,

** spit **, nothing more than organizations that sought to unravel the

secrets of magic, did all kinds of experiments and barbarities with the

magicians they caught, such Facts infuriated the great wizarding families,

how could those filthy Muggles dare to bite the hand that kept them alive

in the dark times, the wizards who helped them build their empires and

protect their families, blasphemies, that's what they were . The magicians

swept the towns and empires, since they did not want the magicians'

help, then we would take away everything that we once gave them.

Kings were killed, artifacts and enchantments were removed or

destroyed, those who knew too much were tortured and eliminated, the

memory of wizards was erased from common people, and wizards

became elusive among the common people.

Later and taking advantage of the momentum that the magicians still

had, the great families rose up and put order for the first time in


Treaties were made with the other races and rules were established that

limited contact with Muggles, of course not everyone was willing to

listen, but if they were discovered... the punishments were severe. Over

time the magical world was withdrawn and separated by barriers and all

kinds of charms of the common world.

All this led to the hidden magical society that it is today, the process was

not without small wars and changes, but especially time, over time all

Muggles were forgetting, over time magic would seem like fantastic

stories and not reality, over time sightings of magical beings were

considered supernatural and fantastic themes that had little real effect on

the world.

The other races had to accommodate themselves to the regime of the

magicians, however, the magicians would not allow the other races to

have a chance to rise up and we put rules and regulations that would put

them in difficult situations or limit them, the goblins were forbidden to

access to obtain wands , they didn't need them, but we shouldn't give

them tools that would make them stronger, right? Races that were

especially persuasive were forbidden to enchant magicians or use their

magic, so succubi, incubi, and veela had no choice but to turn to Muggles

or willing wizards, luckily their beauty was still with them.

The world was molded to the taste of the magicians and with it the

magical families were calming down. over time some particular

descendants began to appear among the magical families who softened

with the Muggles and began to fraternize with them, so that over time,

the previously tense relationship was reduced a little and although the

contempt for Muggles remained, but they were no longer hated for the

acts of their ancestors, the secret relations between the Muggle and

magical government became possible with the enthusiasm of the wizards

and the persuasion of some spells, strengthening thus the wizards' control

over a wizarding sub-world that now lay hidden amongst the muggle


One thing led to another and now wizards had offspring with Muggles,

luckily for wizards, the world had reached a new era of peace and

structuring so the secret was kept and incidents like those of the past

would not occur. least not against magicians.

Naturally, such acts brought with them some disadvantages, the purity of

the magical blood seemed to decrease, generating squib children or

children suffering from strange diseases. This information again sent the

wizarding world into a rage, blood purists were born, and the term blood

traitors resurfaced among the community.

The real issue with the lineage, is that Muggles are not magical beings,

their nature is very different from that of real wizards, so when they get

together, their magical blood will weaken, in some cases from genetics,

on the contrary. , they could improve, but few Muggles are suitable for it.

Naturally, such a problem did not worry the families of true magicians,

the natural magicians, although withdrawn, were always there, observing

the madness of their neighbors and all the chaos they caused, some

joined these wars, others only kept in the dark , we were 10 great

families of natural magicians that stayed together and alive over time and

although we have also had our ups and downs, we remain stronger than

anyone else.

Lineage problems did not exist for families of natural magicians, since it

was difficult to maintain the lineage of natural magicians because of their

low number, it was impossible for them not to join with other races of

the same level, but even this was not exempt from the fact that the

lineage would thin, so while the magicians were busy waging their wars,

the natural magicians were desperate investigating methods to avoid

extinction, years later we discovered rituals that could thicken the

magical blood of our descendants. Although our lineages had already

been reduced considerably, but we were able to maintain a large part of

it thanks to the ritual, if this ritual were applied to mestizo children it

could thicken the blood to a state of equal purity to its previous

generation, therefore, there was this limit that had to be maintained in

order not to drop the purity and power of the blood.

With the passage of time, the 10 great families were reduced to 9, due to

an event that reminded us that, if we were alive, they too still exist there,

remnants of ancient races, they also observe the world, the most of them

have abandoned all pretense, a war like the first one was enough for

everyone, nobody would want to see the extinction of magic, others on

the other hand, are still waiting around waiting for their opportunity to


And that's the basic story from ancient times to today.

--Devan's narrative end--

I must admit that I was dumbfounded by the revelation, that the world

was once so great and now only vestiges of what it once was, it is also

surprising to know the origin of the wizards and the background of my

family, perhaps our motto has a little more reason than I expected.

That was definitely an incredibly informative and emotional history class.

Well, that's enough history for today, I want to go out.

The next moment of having such intention, my mind returned to my

body, I took out the watch that I always carry in my suit pocket and look

at the time, I spent about 2 hours listening to the ancestor's narration.

You had to know that while the story was being told, realistic images

were shown in the air that represented the events told.

I put the grimoire back on the shelf and left the hidden library, when I

came out through the shelf I closed the door and watched as the books

turned back into their respective sections.


Extimum : "Bob". Call Bob to say a few words to him before I go.

Bob quickly appeared at the entrance to the library.

Bob: "yes, Master Extimum ".

Extimum : "I will take a trip and will only be back one day before I have

to go back to Hogwarts."

Bob: "Bob understands, have a nice master trip."

Having made that clear by now, I pulled out my star-patterned bag and

reached into it, after rummaging for a while I pulled out a French coin

used by the Muggle government.

Before I left I changed my appearance to what I had used previously, my

height grew 20cm, my hair turned black and my eyes blue, my face

became pleasant but more common and naturally my apparent age was

around 20 years or more.

Although it would fill the legal data, travel logs are usually more to keep

track and inform visiting magicians of rules or warnings they should

have, as well as a basic introduction to the country and its magical

society, so it was very little They would likely investigate my personal

information further, unless I came to the attention of the authorities and

found out with the British Ministry that I am only 11 years old or my face

was that of someone wanted.

Taking the coin in my hand, I directed my intention to the coin and

expressed my desire to travel.

The next moment I felt as if I had been quickly grabbed and pulled

somewhere, the landscape was a mess, like seeing from inside a tornado.

The situation did not last more than 1 second and the next moment I was


It was inside a large room, the walls were white, there were some seats

attached to the walls and there were several reception offices with French

magicians. There were several magicians of different nationalities lining

up to be treated, on one side of the room there were large doors that led

into the French Ministry of Magic.

This place should be the French embassy, ​​here all the magicians who

came to France arrived by means of legal porters, the place had a

beautiful and elegant design.

After looking around me, an English-looking woman wearing a dark blue

uniformed dress approached me.

Receptionist ???: "Good morning sir, welcome to France and the paris

city, it must be your first time here. You are currently at the magical

embassy of France, you must go to any of the tables there to register your

entry into the country and receive some recommendations and warnings

so that you have a good stay ".

It is good that they have people who speak native languages ​​to

facilitate communication, although I also know French and other

languages ​​thanks to my eidetic memory, but since I have not practiced

them, it is easier if they only speak to me in English.

After receiving the introduction from the woman, I approached the table

that had the least line and waited.


The process was not very long, but if I take about 5-10 minutes per

person, now only one person is missing and it will be my turn.

After a while it was finally my turn, the one attending was a man

wearing a uniformed suit the same color as the previous receptionist.

Man ???: "Good morning sir, welcome to our country, you just need to fill

in these data for registration and if you are new to our country, you can

take an information brochure to know all the recommendations and

warnings and have a better experience in your visit. After you finish you

can go out by that elevator, if you need to change money you can go to

the stand there. "

After listening to the man, I started to fill out the entry form, once I

finished it I handed it to the man and took a brochure, then I walked


First I went to the currency exchange stand, exchanged half of the

galleons I had left in the bag I received from my father into the local

muggle currency, after that I looked for the elevator and headed towards


As I made my way to the elevator, I started flipping through the

brochure, it said places to visit in the muggle world, minor differences in

certain rules, places to be careful, the location of the wizarding city, and

other places of interest to wizards. .

After seeing all the contents, I put it in my expandable bag and stepped

into the elevator.

After waiting a moment, the elevator went quickly up the shaft and in a

few seconds I was out on a large plaza.

According to the brochure I am currently in the Furstemberg square in

the 6th arrondissement of Paris.

After making sure I understood the directions, I headed to a nearby hotel,

I'd chill out the rest of the afternoon and do some introspection, after

which I would devote myself to enjoying my stay in muggle and magical



After entering the hotel and reserving a room for a few days, I entered it

and lay down on the bed for a moment to relax a bit from the trip.

About 15 minutes had passed and I was ready, so I sat on the bed in a

position that was comfortable for me to meditate for a while.



mm, I think the chapter is not bad for me, but it is better to iterate

between first and third, this chapter was completely first person, but it

was a good one for a change, unless you prefer me to write like that?

or if I can not, then, as before in only third person and leave this first

exclusive of the povs.

Although I accept opinions about how it is more comfortable and try

to do it.


changing the subject, what seemed like my story of the magical world,

most of it occurred to me on the fly but I already had an idea that it

was something like that. I even think it was a bit emotional

Chapter 18: •Introspection and

returning to Hogwarts

[before continuing, you should know that the bloodline will be nerfed

(weakened) xd , the general power of the HP world is good, but not too

crazy, or at least not in the movies, so although the bloodline will

eventually Op and MC will be stronger than their peers physically and

magically but it won't be done right away]

Extimum was sitting on the bed in the hotel room, he had taken a

comfortable position to meditate.

-- Pov Extimum --.

Breathe slowly and clear my mind, in normal cases it would have been

very difficult, but with oclumency the process is relatively easy.

I focus on myself and try to feel my body and especially my blood, my

lineage, I want to understand this part of me that I have neglected.

At some point I found myself in a dark space full of stars, similar to

space, it was strange that my mental space was as such, the sensation

around my psychic body also felt weightless as if I was actually in space,

however, the whole place around me on the other hand felt familiar and


I Look in front of me.

There in the distance the shape of a small fox white with purple spots he

was, the more I looked at it, the more detailed and large it became.

At some point the little fox was now completely in front of me, it was

actually a big fox maybe 5 meters tall, it was difficult to know its

measurement with just one look and with nothing for reference, it had

nine tails and on its legs and the tips of their tails a kind of fire or purple

energy seemed to emanate.

The fox looked at me and I returned his gaze, those purple eyes with

predatory pupils equal to mine were especially attractive. At some point I

seemed to lose concentration and when I came to, the fox was nowhere

to be found, on the other hand, when I looked around I felt different, I

saw different.

Looking at myself, now I see myself as the fox.

It was a strange sensation, like regaining control of a part of your body

that had been crippled.

I looked at my body and tried to move my tails and as if they were a

common extension, they moved exactly as I wanted, they looked more

like limbs like hands or feet than I expected a tail should be.

Next, I moved my whole body, stretched, jumped, ran in the space of

which I did not know its origin, beginning and end. At some point I

stopped from my emotion and discovered that I did not even know how I

was moving through space, when I got here it felt like floating without

direction, but now it seemed to move with freedom.

The only thing discernible was the energy oozing from my feet or paws?

It hadn't even felt strange to walk on all fours.

After having pried out all the physical capabilities, I stopped and sat

down or at least did the action that surprisingly seemed to hold up in


I closed my eyes and tried to focus on what I was now.


After an indefinite time I came back to myself, having concentrated on

myself for a while, it made me feel some things imperceptibly.

Just as I had imagined, my lineage actually gives me the ability to walk

on air.

My fangs are not to bite my enemies, well, they could, but the result

would be strange, their main use in addition to providing me with energy

like a vampire is to transmit currents of energy that can calm or excite

the victim, a particularly use strange in my opinion, seen from another

side, maybe it is to dominate your prey?

My claws are mainly to attack there is nothing special about them, I do

not think I will use them unless I am unprotected.

My physical capacities aspired to be incredibly strong as well as my

senses, it would be difficult to measure the exact potential. Maybe I could

destroy a mountain? Only time would tell.

Among other abilities, the use of the aura to influence emotions, strong

mental energy, mastery of illusions and an extrasensory sense that

perceives a different view of the world.

Although these abilities might not seem very powerful, they nevertheless

all have impressive effects at their peak, the pinnacle of illusion is to turn

the real into the false and the false into the real, the extrasensory sense

can come to perceive the destiny and the death itself.

In addition to that, the lineage provides many passive augmentations.

That said, I should also be able to naturally transform into fox form and

even just stick my tails out into my human form. Perhaps being a

metamorphmagus I involuntarily suppressed its appearanceFurthermore,

although I have good control for partial transformations, but for a radical

and complete transformation, such as totally changing shape, effort and

skill is not something that I currently possess.

The attributes that the lineage offers me, in fact, separate me from

humans, however, since I was born to a wizard, I share his blood and just

as I am a wizard I am also a celestial fox.

Perhaps the only effects of the word 'heavenly' in the breed's title are due

to the long lifespan that comes with it, the level of existence it represents

is also on a borderline between magical and supernatural even for this

magic world, maybe that's why I was able to touch the ghosts.

Now I can also feel a call to some unknown place, it is not too strong, in

fact it is so insignificant that I could ignore it if I do not focus on looking

for something.

However, although each of these things has great potential,it's just that,

potential, currently, on either a physical or magical level of development,

I am quite weak.

** Roarrr **

A loud roar took me out of my contemplation, I looked towards the

fountain, there was a dark and large creature there, however, before I

could discern its appearance, I was hit by it and expelled from my mental


--End Pov--.

Extimum found himself on the bed again sitting sweating a bit, however,

he did not know what had happened, at one point he was calmly

contemplating his lineage and obtaining an enlightenment about him and

the other a kind of indiscernible beast appeared and took him out to the

strength of your own mental space.

He tried to re-enter his mental space but he could not, however, he could

still feel his connection with his lineage now stronger than before, in fact,

now that he realized he noticed that his lower back had grown or

appeared, 9 fox tails that wagged slightly.

Extimum extended his hand to touch one of his tails, it was soft and

smooth to the touch, the sensation to the touch that it generated in the

hand was so pleasant that it was almost unnatural, in addition, he could

clearly feel that they were very real, he could control and feel them like

any part of your body. The tails were totally white with a platinum glow,

but at the tip there was a purple coloration, however, unlike their tail in

mental space, they did not emanate that kind of fire or energy from it,

perhaps it was still very weak?

Returning to the subject of the creature that appeared in his mental

space, Extimum felt a bit disturbed by it and tried to ponder it with his


The result was that the creature seemed to be there before even the

lineage was integrated with its body, however, it was unknown what it

was or what its appearance could mean.

Extimum got those thoughts out of his head, just as he currently didn't

seem to be able to do much, it would be best to just keep getting stronger

until he could know something else.

Looking back at his tails, Extimum glued them to his body and hid them

with his illusion magic, he did not want to withdraw them inside him

now that he had them and they would not get in the way by keeping

them tight to his body, on the other hand, he also had ears on his head,

but they seemed very funny and those if he decided to withdraw them


After finishing all the introspection, Extimum took a shower and changed

his clothes, then embarked on his journey through this new country.


Extimum had a great tour of paris: first he visit the muggle side, went to

see monuments or normal tourist places like 'the triumphal arch', '

Montmartre neighborhood ', ' The Louvre ' and others until the afternoon,

however, had to make some stops to get something to eat, which became

a big problem, he couldn't find what to eat and more now that he had

assimilated even more with his lineage, everything is repulsive for the

most part, luckily, he found Some stores that sold food that didn't taste or

smell that bad, it was like eating stale food. This confirmed his idea that

there was something wrong with muggle food, even if it did not include


By the time the night came, Extimum became invisible and climbed to

the top of the 'Eiffel Tower ' and from there I enjoy the view and wait for

the clock to strike 12:00 am / pm

There was only 1 minute left, so in the meantime, he watched all the

people gathering near the tower. There were families and couples in the

area under the tower who were also waiting for the time change.

Extimum watched with an impassive face all this, perhaps only his eyes

slightly betrayed the complicated feeling in him.

When the clock finally struck 12, a series of fireworks ignited and lit up

the sky.

Extimum : "Merry Christmas to me." Extimum commented and moved his

hand a little, then the fireworks that were still in the sky seemed

gathered by mysterious forces and formed different realistic figures,

animating the sky even more and causing shouts of excitement from the

people who watched the show from below. .


After appreciating the show, he quickly fled, not wanting to risk that

there would be a magician in the audience and clearly notice the

abnormality of the act and follow him.

The magic was not technically seen though, but it was a bold display of

magic obvious on the faces of Muggles who believed it was part of the


[on this occasion, I made the mc trip to France short so as not to delay

things too much, but in the next trips I will make a good development]


The rest of his Extimum vacation is spent visiting the magical city and

other attractions.

When there was only one day left until the week was over, he took out

the coin again and sending his intention, he was again magically dragged

and arrived at another place.

These portkeys specific functioned in such a way that they would return

to the magi to the previous place where you first activated the portkey .

Arriving again at a familiar place, Extimum looked at the library that had

not undergone changes while he was away, then looked at the coin in his

hand that turned to dust and disappeared.

Muggle items did not always resist magic well, so they were used to carry

consumable enchantments such as Portkeys .

Extimum did not buy many souvenirs from his trip, he had almost no

money left, so he save it for possible emergencies, I needed to find a

source of money soon.

Extimum : 'Well, everything seems to be in order.'

Extimum : "Bob".

After Extimum called, Bob appeared after a few seconds.

Bob: "Master Extimum has returned, Bob apologizes for not having come

to meet him, Bob was with teacher Ava, Bob hopes that Master Extimum

had a good trip."

Extimum : "Okay, I just called you to find out if anything had happened."

Bob: "The teacher can be calm, nothing has happened that requires

greater concern."

Extimum just nodded, then he entered the hidden library, he had already

enjoyed his vacation so now he would study to become stronger.


It was early in the morning at Kings Cross Station, some families had

already arrived and were accompanying their children before they

boarded the train.

Suddenly, at an empty spot in the station there was a jumble and Bob and

Extimum appeared .

Extimum : "Thanks Bob, you can leave now."

Bob nodded and shortly after disappeared.

Extimum looked at the people around him, seeing that there were not

many acquaintances or anyone who caught his interest, he went straight

to board the train.

He walked into the first empty cubicle and pulled out the physics book

Hermione gave him , he didn't have much on hand to read right now.


At some point in his reading, the compartment door opened. Looking up

from his book, he saw Hermione there.

Hermione approached with an excited face and gave Extimum a light hug

and quickly pulled away.

The hug was just a casual greeting so neither Extimum nor Hermione

thought much about it.

Hermione : "ah, Extimum, it's good to see you, how was Christmas?"

Extimum : "It was good, I went to Paris for Christmas and visited many

interesting places, as well as seeing the magical community there."

Hermione : "Wow, I have read some things about magical paris, I hope to

go there later with my parents."

Hermione : " I see you are reading the gift I gave you, at first I didn't

know what to give you, so since you like to read and you probably don't

have books that don't deal with magic, I decided to give you a book of

physical since you're experimenting with spells. Maybe It can serve you".

Extimum : "In fact, there are some theories that can be applied in certain

aspects to magic, speaking of which, have you read the book I gave you?"

Hermione : "It's fantastic, although it was a bit complicated, but just from

the description there were many useful spells, although some were a bit


Extimum : "in the world of magic it's good to know a trick or two to

defend yourself, that's why I gave you the book."

Hermione : "Thank you, I'll finish reading it in the next few months."

Hermione and Extimum shared a bit of their Christmas experiences and

so quickly passed the time, until the train left and headed to Hogwarts.


Seeing Hogwarts covered in snow was a great sight to appreciate from a

distance, adding to its charm.

They arrived at Hogwarts near the end of the afternoon.

Extimum along with the other students returning from their vacation

week were now entering the castle.

After entering, Extimum said goodbye to Hermione and headed to the

common room with some other Ravenclaws; on the way he ran into

Mitchell and Trudor so they had a little talk unraveling what they did on

vacation as they headed to the common room.

When they got to their common room, they saw Steve sitting on the

secluded couch where they always sat, he was probably waiting for them


Mitchell : "Damn, Steve, why do you seem to get more fat?"

Steve: "why you ..., Hmp , I will forgive you this time because you just

came back".

Although they talked like that, they were clearly happy to see each other


Trudor: "However, Steve, Mitchell seems to be right, you look fatter, how

much could you eat in a week to get so fat?"

Steve: " Hmp , these 2 extra kilos only add to my charm." Steve said as he

puffed his chest forward and posed with his hand on his hip, ending up

just by bouncing his belly a bit.


Trudor and Mitchell : " hahahaha ".

Even Extimum's lip couldn't help but tremble upon seeing this funny


Extimum : 'Steve is always good at brightening my mood.'

Steve: "well, stop making fun of me and better tell me what you did on

your vacation."

Mitchell : "Well, especially you , Extimum , you always spend it in

silence, since you also went home for Christmas, you must tell us what

you got."

After listening to Steve, everyone sat on the couch and started telling

where they went and showing off the gifts they received.


After a while, everyone went down to the great dining room for dinner,

since Extimum had already chatted with his Ravenclaw friends, when he

sat down he went to the Gryffindor table and sat next to Hermione .

Extimum : "Hello".

Harry: "Hi Extimum , thank you for the gift you gave me." Harry showed

his arm that now wore a clamp to hold his wand.

Ron: "yes, thank you Extimum , I didn't know they were sold to students,

I thought they were only sold to adults."

Hermione : "What is that?"

Ron: "They are wand cases, you can store your wand there and summon

it to your hand quickly when you need it, it is very useful, especially in

duels, in addition, it prevents you from losing or damaging it by always

carrying it in your pocket."

Hermione : "Sounds useful, but why don't they sell them to the students?"

Ron: "I don't know." Ron just shrugged

Hermione : "how did you get them?"

Extimum : "I only asked for them and they gave them to me."

Although Hermione gave him a questioning look by not believing his

words, the truth is that Extimum only did that, however, he never said

that his appearance at that time was that of an adult.

Harry: "Hey, I have something to tell you, it's something I saw while

investigating in the forbidden section, but I can't tell you here, when

dinner is over let's meet in the common room, Extimum should be able to

enter." Harry was referring to the Gryffindor common room, as he did not

know any more places, he chose there and since he had already seen

Extimum enter, he thought it would not be a problem for him to do it


After that they continued to have dinner and chat about what they did,

especially Hermione and Extimum who were out of Hogwarts, Harry also

had things to say, but I save them for later.


After dinner was over, Hermione , Ron, and Harry headed to the common

room and sat on the floor in a corner where they wouldn't be heard.

Ron: "when will Extimum arrive ?"

Extimum : "Now". Extimum whispered in Ron's ear scaring him.

Ron: " Woah , damn, don't show up like that Extimum , I could end up

suffering from my heart at this rate."

Ron : " Hmp , don't let him catch you later, Harry has an invisibility cloak

and if he lends it to me I can get revenge."

Hermione : "Is it true Harry?"

Harry: "Yes, they gave it to me as a Christmas present, then I'll show it to


Harry: "Now what I wanted to tell you about is a conversation Quirrell

and Snape had."

Harry: "It was like that ...".


Harry had been searching the forbidden section of the library for any

information about Nicolas Flamel , he was only able to look at a few

books before he heard Filch approaching and hid in his invisibility cloak,

however, because he was in a hurry, he dropped his oil lamp to the

ground that made a noise as it broke, drawing Filch's attention in his


He had to sneak around with his Filch and Mrs. Norris (the cat)

invisibility cloak carefully so as not to be discovered and when he left the

library he ran into Snape and Quirrell.

-- Pov Harry--.

I had just escaped from Mrs. Norris, that cat almost seemed to be able to

feel me even when I was invisible.

As I was walking away from the place, I heard a noise and suddenly, the

door in front of me opened.

From there came Professor Quirrell and Snape.

Quirrell: " Se-se- severus ."

Snape had cornered Quirrell against the wall

Snape: " You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell."

Quirrell: "I-I don't know what you're talking about"

Snape: "you know perfectly well."

At that moment, Snape stopped and looked in my direction, he seemed to

be able to perceive me and he tentatively moved his hand grabbing the

air in my direction, luckily I was a little away otherwise he could have

caught me.

Snape: "We will chat again soon, when you have time to decide where

your allegiance lies."

As they continued talking, I slowly walked further and further away from

them until they were distracted by Filch's arrival and entered a room

close to my position.

End Pov .

Harry: "and that's what happened."

Extimum : "See, Snape could be claiming Quirrell for his attack on you."

Harry: "But what if it was actually Snape who was threatening Quirrell to

do it and now Quirrell doesn't want to do it?"

Ron: "But Harry, that doesn't take away from the fact that Quirrell still

spelled your broom."

Hermione : "It's true, even if Quirrell was threatened, but he was still

attentive to you, besides, the conversation was very ambiguous and if we

follow our first theory, it is more likely to be as Extimum said ."

Harry: "I think we should keep an eye on them and if we notice

something strange we might know what is really going on."

Extimum : "Well, why don't you and Ron follow Quirrell then? As for

Snape, I'll keep an eye on him."

Harry: "Good."

Extimum : "but remember, you must judge what you see as impartially as

you can, otherwise it would be easy for you to misinterpret things."

Harry: "I'll try."

Ron: "Oh that's right Harry, you didn't tell them about the mirror you

showed me."

Hermione : "What mirror?"

Ron: "It was a fantastic mirror, albeit a bit creepy, it showed me as

captain of the Quidditch team and winning the house cup, however, it

showed Harry… huh , his family."

Harry: "okay Ron, the mirror could show you the desires of your heart."

Hermione : "That's great, where did you find it? Can we go?"

Harry: "I'm sorry, but it's not there anymore, Dumbledore removed it."

Extimum : 'just as I thought'.

After that, they talked for a while and then Extimum said goodbye by

returning to their common room.

Extimum : 'I wonder if I can see the mirror later, I really want to know

what the mirror sees, is it power? Love? Family? Fame?

Such thoughts haunted his mind as he prepared to rest.

The darkest secret your heart desires, can you contain it once it comes to




I think I improved the writing for this chapter a bit, by the way, I

came across a comment that says that my mc is a bit like a secondary

character, mm, I admit that in the first chapters it could seem like that,

but I tried to improve it and if it is Possible in the future I will edit the

caps, do not hesitate to share your opinions just do not give me too

hard xd, the criticisms help me to see what I am doing wrong and try

to fix it.

Since this chapter is more like an intermediate I will try to upload

another chapter later if possible.

Chapter 19: •Unexpected change

and complete transformation for

the first time

With Christmas now over, classes were resumed.

Extimum followed his morning routine and then went to class.

At the end of the morning classes, there was free time before lunch.

Today he would put into practice his study of shadow magic, he had only

learned 2 spells, the first, 'tristis tie', focused on tying the body of a

person with his shadow and the second spell, 'truci cursu' allowed to

leave a trace in someone's shadow, as well as listening to the target's


So with the goal in mind he went to the Ravenclaw common room, he

planned to test it with the students who were there, he would not do

anything drastic, he would only test its usefulness.

Upon entering the room, he sat on a cushion and set his sights on a

second year student who was sitting on the other side of the room, he

specifically chose it because the light fell on one side of his body casting

good shadow, in addition , he was concentrating on reading a book.

He took out his wand and pointed at that person's feet.

Extimum : " tristis tie ". Extimum muttered the spell.

The spell wouldn't give any obvious signs, so there was no problem with

testing it on someone stealthily.

After casting the spell, he could feel a connection with the shadow of the

target, he did not think that he could bind him completely, but with the

strength of the connection he felt he could retain it for a few seconds.

I try to mobilize her.

the shadow effectively distorted a bit and stretched out, moved it slowly

near the leg of the chair, he wouldn't test it directly on the person, that

would be too risky, if he could control his shadow to tie it down would

be enough.

The spell did not allow much control over the shadow, its function was to

slightly control the shadow and solidify it on a chosen target, however, it

was a simple spell that would allow he to test the magic of said element.

When the shadow wrapped around the chair leg, he fully cast the spell.

Then the shadow darkened, taking on a solid build and tightening around


Seeing that the spell worked, he undid his control. To his surprise, the

spell did not disappear immediately, it remained for around 5 minutes.

Extimum : 'its duration without intervention is quite good, however,

unless you want to break someone's bones, you will have to be very

delicate with its use'.

In fact, when the shadow disappeared and returned to its place, the leg of

the chair to which it was tied showed marks as if it had been strongly


Extimum : 'well, we'll have to try the second one'.

He pointed his wand again at the same person and again murmured the


Extimum : " truci cursu ".

Suddenly, information came to Extimum's mind of the approximate

position of the target as well as what he was muttering about.

???: "so, you should make sure to add the rose thorns followed by the

mint ...".

Extimum : 'I can really hear what you are mumbling as you read, wait,


Extimum : 'those ingredients…'.

Extimum focused his gaze on the student.

He was a boy of 12 or 13 years old, he had black hair and brown eyes,

his face was a bit handsome but he had nothing else in particular, except

for the fact, that what Extimum had just heard was the recipe for the

potion 'filter of love ', a potion that is taught in higher years, such a

potion is learned more for the importance of knowledge than for its use,

there was no reason for a second year to learn such a potion.

Extimum : 'it seems I need to be more careful what the students around

me are doing.'

It was a mere coincidence, but it doesn't change the fact that a second-

year student was learning such a potion and it was clearly not their grade


Extimum : 'Well, a lot of practice for today'.

After finishing his practices, he headed to the dining room for lunch.


Time passed and with it, the days, the snow melted little by little with

the passing of these, giving way to spring.

Extimum was in the dining room right now, it was his free time, he was

doing an assignment for his potions classes, as he approached to finish he

heard a noise that distracted him. Looking up from his work, he found

Neville entering the dining room, jumping with both legs glued together.

Not giving it much importance, he just waved his wand and undid the

spell of Neville who fell face down to the ground when he suddenly

regained his leg mobility.

His fall caused a series of laughter from the students. Extimum ignored it

and finished his task.

It was not uncommon to see Neville the victim of some spell or prank,

mainly due to a lot of bad luck and that he looked vulnerable.

Hogwarts students could be quite cruel, and while magic was there to

solve common problems, It did not exempt you from the new magical

daily problems to deal with in a magical world.

For example, did you know that ghosts often leave ectoplasm when they

pass through some objects? Ugh, it's disgusting, there is even a spell

specially created to get rid of it.

As for the jokes, well they range from magical surprises in your seat,

crossing a door or eating something, their results would vary in general,

such as getting dirty, some slight pain or discomfort, an example would

be the slight transfiguration spells, on one occasion he saw someone end

up with bunny ears on their head.

Ever since Extimum noticed that student researching the love potion, he

has discovered that there seems to be a silent war between some students

with these kinds of jokes. Luckily it seems that no one has targeted him

yet, although if it were the case he would make sure they regret it.

** pam **

While Extimum was lost in thought, Harry, Ron and Hermione arrived at

his seat.

Harry: "We have leads on Nicolas Flamel."

Ron: "We found out that he was associated with Dumbledore before".

Hermione : "there was a book in the library that mentioned it, do you

want to come?".

Extimum : "okay, let's go."

Extimum : 'It was about time they found out, which means the time for

Quirrell to act is near'.

Extimum got up and put his scrolls in their expandable bag, then

followed them.


In the library, Extimum , Harry, and Ron were sitting at a table waiting

for Hermione .

Hermione came up with a large book and tossed it on the table.

Hermione : "I had them look in the wrong section, how could I be so

clumsy, I pulled this out days ago for a light reading." Hermione

expressed her annoyance at herself with the situation.

Ron: "is that ... a light reading?"

Ron's comment earned a look of judgment from Hermione .

Extimum : "Mmm, depending on the subject ... it could be."

Ron: "Fanatics."

Hermione : "Here he is, Nicolas flamel is the only one who has been able

to create the philosopher's stone."

Ron and Harry: "the philosopher's stone?".

Extimum: "is the one that is mentioned in some stories with which you

could turn metal into gold and make the elixir of eternal life, I know its

basic information but I did not know who had made it."

Hermione : "exactly and the only one that exists today was belongs to

Nicolas flamel, the great alchemist, who has just celebrated 665 years of

life. That must be what they keep on the third floor, what Fluffy cares

for; the Philosopher's Stone".

Harry: "We should ask Hagrid, he was the one who pulled the stone off

the bench so he must know more about it."

Extimum:' should I go? I don't want to be caught and I couldn't escape

the situation again or it would be as if I betrayed them, on the other

hand, I really want to see a dragon, ahh, forget it, I will take advantage

and explore the forbidden forest, I could try to test my transformation '.

Hermione : "Fine, but we'll go after dinner, I still have some work to



At around 9pm, the group met Extimum at the entrance to the Ravenclaw

tower and they sneaked off together to visit Hagrid.

Hagrid's hut was located on the outskirts of the castle, near the entrance

to the forbidden forest, it was a medium-sized stone hut, with a chimney

protruding from its roof.

As he approached the door, Harry knocked to knock.

**Knock Knock**

Hagrid opened the door a moment later, He wore simple clothes and had

oven mitts in his hands.

Hagrid: "excuse me, but I'm not in a position to entertain you."

Immediately after finishing his words, he tried to close the door.

But he stopped midway upon hearing everyone's words.

All: "We know about the philosopher's stone."

Hagrid: "aish, come in." Hagrid let them pass after sighing.

Upon entering, they all settled into one of Hagrid's giant armchairs.

The hut was noticeably larger inside, however, in addition to a personal

bedroom and a bathroom, the living room was close to the kitchen and

dining room.

Harry: "We think Quirrell might want to steal the stone."

Hagrid: "Do you keep making things up? First Snape and now Quirrell?"

Harry: "but he's been acting suspicious."

Ron: "Yes, Harry and I followed him and we saw him visit various places

while hiding behind a cloak, although ultimately we lost him ... but that

and his act of bewitching Harry's broom show that he's up to no good."

Hagrid: "that's ridiculous, Quirrell has been working at Hogwarts for

several years and I have never seen him do anything strange, I admit that

after coming back from his vacation he became a little more nervous but

maybe he is just a little traumatized by his travels, even he was the

former Muggle studies professor. "

Ron: "What about Snape?"

Hagrid: "what about him?"

Harry: "Snape is also suspected of wanting to steal the stone."

Hagrid: "that's even more ridiculous, Snape is one of those who protects

the stone, he doesn't have to steal it."

Harry: "what?"

Hagrid: "You heard, well see you later, I'm a little worried about other


Extimum: "So there are other masters who also take care of the stone?"

Hermione : "Sure, then there must be other magical wards protecting the


[I couldn't write Hagrid's laugh, it's like a kind of proud and contained

laugh at the same time]

Hagrid: "That's right, that's why I think it's a waste of time, no one will be

able to pass Fluffy, jojojo, the only ones who know how to pass it are me

and Dumbledore ."

Hagrid: "I shouldn't have said, I shouldn't have said that."

Ignoring Hagrid who was again berating himself for having a loose

mouth, they continued talking.

Extimum : "Maybe Snape was bitten by Fluffy trying to stop Quirrell?"

Hermione : "That really could be."

Harry: "However, why would Quirrell want the stone?"

Since no one knew the answer, they fell silent thinking about it, until

they were interrupted by the noise of a cauldron shaking.

Hagrid upon hearing the sound, rushed over to the cauldron and took out

an egg.

Hagrid: "Ah, it's hot, it's hot." Hagrid exclaimed as he carried the egg in

his hands quickly towards the table.

Extimum's eyes gleamed, one of the things he had come here for was

finally ready. Even if he had seen strange creatures like Nocturn or others

in magical books with realistic images, but it was not the same and here

he had the opportunity to see a real dragon.

Everyone got closer to see the egg that was constantly shaking.

Harry: "Hagrid, what is that thing?"

Hagrid: "This is ... ah ... it's a ...". Hagrid hesitated to say it, he clearly

knew what it meant to have a dragon.

Ron: "I already know what it is, but Hagrid, where did you get it from?"

Hagrid: "I won it, a stranger gave it to me at the bar, I suspect ... he was

happy to get rid of it."

As they spoke the egg shook more intensely and finally cracks began to

appear on the surface of the egg.

** creak creak **

After a few more seconds, the egg explosively collapsed sending some

pieces to fly and in front of them was a dragon, it was the size of a small

dog, green in color and still retained a bit of its stickiness when it had

just come out of the egg.

** roaguah **

The baby dragon tried to roar, but it was just born and its vocal cords did

not allow it to unleash a true roar.

Hermione : "It's a ...".

Extimum: "Dragon". Extimum finished his words as he observed the

dragon's characteristics. The dragon was in fact as his ancestor had told

him, only a Wyverm instead of a true Dragon, even though he is still a

baby, according to the records in the grimoire, a true dragon at birth

could already roar and regardless of the species They are usually much

larger, however it was still interesting to observe a dragon by today's


Ron: "He's not just a dragon, he's a Norwegian ridgeback , my brother

Charlie works with them in Romania."

Hagrid: "Isn't it beautiful? Look at him, he knows his mom, jojojo, hello


Harry: "Norberto?"

Extimum : 'another poor creature condemned to call itself by unworthy

names, however, we still have time to save you from such a fate'.

Hagrid: "yes, it need a name right?"

Extimum : "in that case, why don't you call her Kaida ?"

Hagrid: " Kaida ?"

Hermione : "why that name?"

Extimum : "well, because she is female of course".

Ron: "What, how do you know?"

Extimum : "I just know, I can't explain it to you." Extimum could actually

feel it, even if he knew it from his memories, but he could also come to

that conclusion just by looking at her, he wasn't sure why, maybe it was

that extrasensory sense? or something else?.

He got weird looks from everyone but they didn't say anything.

Hagrid: "mm, if so, then her name will be Kaida, it's a good name."

** roaguah **

Hagrid: "the dragon seems to like his new name." Hagrid scratched the

dragon's chin as he commented.

However, the dragon seemed to get over excited and spit fire into

Hagrid's thick beard.

Hagrid: "oh, oh, fuu, fuuu". Hagrid quenched the fire quickly with his


Hagrid: "ah, I have to train him a bit."

As everyone gave the dragon glances for its danger in spitting fire, Hagrid

seemed to notice someone through the window.

Hagrid: "who is he?"

They all looked out the window to see Malfoy there.

Harry: "It's Malfoy."

Hagrid: "this is bad."

They all ran out of the hut to see if Draco was still there.

To everyone's surprise, when they left, Draco was actually still there and

hadn't come to accuse them.

Harry: "Malfoy."

Draco: "Potter. You know, you're lucky, at first I thought about going to

rat them out with the director of their house, but thinking about my

friendship with Extimum , I decided that I will forgive you this time and I

will not tell anyone what I have seen, but I do not think you have so

lucky next time, Hmp ".

After Draco finished his words he turned and left.

Extimum : 'Well that was out of my plans, I guess having good

relationships really helps a lot.'

Ron: "That Malfoy, always getting into things that don't concern him,

must have followed us on purpose, what other reason would he have for

being here."

Hermione : "You're right, but we should go, although Malfoy won't say

anything, it's hard to tell if someone else won't see us out here."

Hagrid: "yes, you should go, it's late, lest Filch catch them for being out

of their beds."

They had spent about an hour chatting with Hagrid and seeing the

dragon so now they had passed curfew.

Harry: "come on."

As they advanced a little further, Harry realized that Extimum was not

advancing with them.

Harry: "what's up Extimum , aren't you coming with us?" Hearing Harry

speak, Hermione and Ron also stopped.

Extimum : "oh yes I'll go, it's just that I still have something to do and you

will go to the Gryffindor common room anyway so I won't go with you."

Ron: "What are you planning to do at night here alone?"

Harry: "Ron."

Ron: "What? Don't tell me you don't want to know?"

Hermione : "It must be something important." Hermione gave Extimum a

fixed look and spoke.

Extimum : "Well it's important to me, don't worry, it won't take long".

Harry: "Okay, let's go."


Extimum actually wanted to do something else and that was to go to the

forbidden forest and explore, in addition, he also wanted to test his

complete transformation, on the other hand, Draco's performance was

unexpected, it was a pleasant surprise but then they would not be

punished and therefore not they would go to the forbidden forest, so he

decided to go alone.

After separating from the others and losing sight of them, Extimum

headed for the forbidden forest.


Harry, Hermione, and Ron walked through the hallways as they made

their way to their common room.

Ron: "pss, hey Harry, what do you think Extimum will do ?" Ron

whispered to Harry who was next to him.

Harry: "I don't know, maybe he wants to take a night walk."

A look of realization seemed to pass over Ron and Harry's faces as they

heard their own words.

Ron: "you won't believe that he ...".

Harry: "it's ... possible."

Hermione : "What are you two muttering so much about?".

Ron: "Oh, I think I left something at Hagrid's cabin and it's really


Harry: "yeah, so we were wondering if we should go back quickly for it."

Hermione : "and you can't go tomorrow?"

Ron: "is that it is really important and maybe I need it first thing

tomorrow morning."

Hermione : "then let's go back, it shouldn't take long."

Harry: "ah, it is not necessary, Ron and I will go together, it will be

something quick, you do not have to give you back, besides, it is too late,

if we go around so much it is likely that Filch will find us or that we will

be disturbed by 'peeves' ".

[clarification in case anyone does not know, peeves is a poltergeist who

annoys students]

Hermione gave them a suspicious look, she felt they were hiding

something, but their arguments were valid and they had to get up early

for their classes tomorrow.

Hermione : "Good, but you better not delay."

Having obtained confirmation of his alibi, Ron and Harry ran together

back to Hagrid's cabin.


--Pov Extimum -.

** sniff **

Ah, the air in just the entrance of the forest already seems more

refreshing, although the atmosphere is a bit dark, I suppose it is only the

image of this enchanted forest.

I went deeper into the forest and reached an area where I felt

comfortable I stopped.

This is the first time I have attempted a full transformation.

I removed all my inhibitions, my tails unfolded and my ears popped out

of my head.

I took off my clothes and put them in my bag, I did not know if it would

merge with me in my transformation or appear on me.

Extimum : "Well, you can do it." I encouraged myself.

I closed my eyes and concentrated, imagining myself as when I had been

in my mental space.

Some time later, I opened my eyes, my perspective seemed to have

changed, I should have succeeded.

While feeling the environment with my senses now enhanced, I became

aware of something.

Why does everything seem ... bigger ...

I looked down at my body and ...

Extimum : "damn, why am I so small?"

I had definitely completed the transformation perfectly, but why am i so

small?, I shouldn't be bigger than the size of an average rabbit or a small

dog or Kaida, something in between those sizes.

How can my magnificent size of at least 5 meters be reduced to this.

Ahhh aish! I can only sigh at this situation.

I can't do anything else, maybe because my control is not good or this

specific transformation is special, I can't transform to my actual size.

Well, let's not focus so much on it and enjoy my nighttime adventure.

I took my extendable bag that I had stored my clothes in and hung them

around my neck and then looked out into the depths of the forest.

I started to run through the forest and jump from one side to the other,

the feeling in this form is… so free… so natural in a way. Although my

perspective is lower now, it doesn't affect the experience much.

My body feels stronger and I can see that although my size is small my

physical abilities could allow me to survive well here, just the speed with

which I run would already be enough to lose the vast majority of normal

magical creatures.

The forest is dark, but the brightness of the moon illuminates the forest

enough to see the path, in addition to my apparent night vision.

There was also a bit of fog corresponding as the night progressed.

Moving deeper, I can see bright mushrooms and plants of unusual colors,

some plants or ferns move slowly by themselves, waiting for some

creature to approach them. Some common insects can be seen roaming

the forest quietly; little magical creatures run and jump among the trees

like squirrels.

The forest seemed to have its own melody, some creatures hummed in

very low tones and the plants themselves seemed to respond, the leaves

of the trees moved and some animals stirred the ground, an occasional

howl or distant walk was also audible. All this in a magical symphony

typical of the forest.


At some point in my exploration I come across a lake.

It is a true magical lake, the lake water is clear and with a faint glow and

you can see through it even in the low light of the moon. Some fish swim

there silently.

There are no trees blocking the view of the starry sky in this area and the

reflection of the moon falls directly into the center of the lake, seeming to

incite the fish to swim around it.

Looking across the lake, I can see some unicorns together quietly

drinking water.

Everything seems like a dream place, it is sad to think that such

landscapes were once natural in the world and now they are only limited

to restricted areas like this.

While I appreciate the beautiful view, I am pulled out of my reverie upon

hearing a scream.

** Ahh **

The scream comes from far away, but I can still hear it, with the scream a

slight evil and disgusting feeling seemed to ignite, breaking the peace of

the previously silent forest. The fish stop swimming around the reflection

of the moon and dive into the water, the unicorns also seemed to feel

such an unpleasant aura and flee in the opposite direction and the

previously calm silence now seems to contain a touch more of the dark in


Looking in the direction of the scream, I run towards him, the voice of

the scream was clearly Ron's, although I don't know why he could have

come here, did they try to follow me? But how did they know I was

here?, Is Harry's insight really that great?

End Pov.


Some time before Extimum delved into the forbidden forest.

Harry and Ron reached the edge of the forbidden forest.

Ron: "hey, on second thought, I don't think we have to enter there, I

mean, I don't think Extimum wanted to enter a place like that either,


Harry: "There is no other more likely place he could have gone, besides,

Extimum is a bit strange in those ways, you know he probably doesn't see

it the same way."

Ron: "ugh, alright, let's go in."

Harry and Ron went into the woods with a lamp that they took from

Hagrid's cabin before coming.

The trees of the forest stretched high in the sky and the thickness of each

one counted its long life. The forest was dark, the moon helped a little

but it would not help you not to stumble over the ins and outs of the

winding road, in addition, a light mist had begun to appear from the cold

of the night.

The lamp lit the way as they went further into the forest.

Harry: "See, it doesn't seem so bad."

Ron: "yeah, it's just that all this silence is a bit unsettling."

The forest was in fact not totally silent, it is just that normal people or

wizards with weak physical senses would not be able to enjoy the sound

that was produced by life throughout the magic forest.

Harry: " Extimum !!!, are you here?"

Ron: "shh, Harry, what are you doing? You will attract some magical

creature if you keep yelling, you could attract a werewolf ...".

Harry: "Calm down Ron, I don't think there are werewolves here, well I

hope so."

Harry and Ron kept talking to lower their nerves and they went slowly

into the forest.

Harry: "Ah."

Ron: "what's up Harry?" Ron was alarmed to hear Harry's complaint.

Harry: "it's my scar, it hurts."

Ron: "Maybe we should go back?"

As Ron waited for his friend's response, he saw Harry's gaze fixed on the

front, looking that way, Ron also froze.

In front of them was a creature or man, it was covered by a cloak and

emitted a dark and menacing aura. The figure was on a unicorn that was

dying while the dark figure bit its neck and drank its blood.

At some point, the figure seemed to sense the presence of Harry and Ron

and directed its gaze towards them, slowly rising from its position on the

unicorn, the figure seemed to move in a ghostly way.

Seeing their approach, Harry and Ron were alarmed.

Ron: "Ahhhhhh, run Harry."

Ron was the first to wake up and screamed in fear, he quickly grabbed

Harry's arm and pulled him, starting to run towards the exit of the forest

dragging Harry.

The figure sensed their intention and approached them at high speed.

Harry: "it's catching up to us."

Ron turned at Harry's words to see the dark figure about to reach them.

Panicked and not knowing what else to do, Ron threw the lamp in the

direction of the dark figure.

The lamp crashed to the ground right in front of the figure, lighting a

light fire that made the figure recoil.

Seeing that they were able to delay the figure, Harry and Ron ran with

new vigor.

However, to their bad luck, they seemed to take the wrong path and find

themselves in a more closed area and the only way out was a steep path

that would take time to climb, time they did not have as they were

followed by the dark figure.

Ron: "It's over, we have nowhere to go Harry."

Harry just looked around for options quickly, but nothing other than the

slightly steep path was in sight.

Harry wanted to draw his wand, but he didn't know of any really

effective spell he could use against the creature that followed them, he

didn't even know what it was.

When the creature was closing in on them and making the pain in his

scar worse, there was a blur and the dark figure was pulled a bit away.


Extimum ran through the forest in the direction of the scream and where

the evil presence seemed to come from as well.

Extimum : 'damn, because they had to enter the forest, I had not worried

about Voldemort because I did not expect to find him and if I saw it I

would just walk away'.

Upon reaching the area where the scream had come from, he only found

a broken lamp in the vicinity, so he assumed that they had managed to

flee, not lingering here any longer, he followed the trail of the unpleasant


Following them a little more I come to a more closed area of ​​the


There he could see Harry and Ron cornered by a dark creature that gave

off an unpleasant aura. His existence for something that nature itself


Given the current situation, he did not hesitate any longer and lunged at

the figure.

He was confident that he would have an advantage even if it is physically

in this way, in addition, Voldemort at this time, completely possessed

Quirrell's body so he was in his weakened state as he did not have

Quirrell's support and could not use magic given that his soul was very


So taking advantage of his weak state he pounced on him with his claws

and pushed him away from Harry and Ron.

Since he appeared in front of Harry and Ron, before they or even the

dark figure could perceive his image, he took his human form again and

with a spell his clothes quickly took their place on his body. He had kept

her in her expandable bag in case she couldn't transform, though after

doing so she realized that she could indeed transform her along with her

body if she took the form of a celestial fox which was a kind of natural

animagus form, although calling it that is not. It mattered a lot when you

were a metamorphmagus, after all, as long as he had enough control he

could transform into anything.

In her thrust she had not only pushed him away, but also hurt him a bit,

so the creature was now staying wary.

Harry and Ron: " Extimum!" Harry and Ron screamed and were shocked

by Extimum's sudden arrival and that he could somehow drive the dark

figure away.

As the dark creature kept a cautious distance due to the physical force he

felt from the boy in front of him and how he had not seen it coming, a

sound of footsteps could be heard.

A few moments later and with a great leap another creature had


It was a centaur, easily recognizable by its features, it had the body of a

horse and the torso, arms and head of a human being , its body was

white and its hair was blond with blue eyes.

[I'm going with the version of the book that is cooler and for a change, to

those who have noticed it, I have put some content of the book to have

more information on the story, other things I just invent xd]

Centaurs are astrologers, with deep minds, capable of magic, especially

healing, divination, as well as having great talent in archery.

The centaur in question gave a certain feeling of strength, perhaps it was

the body of the horse that combined with its human part made it look

more robust and strong.

Alerted by the arrival of the centaur, the dark figure immediately

withdrew, the boy had already made him extremely cautious and now

with a centaur he would have no chance, so he chose to flee.

After the dark figure left, the centaur fixed his gaze on Extimum and gave

him a deep look, as if observing an enigma. One that he found

particularly strange.

The gaze to which Extimum responded by also staring at him only lasted

a moment before the centaur approached Harry and Ron who had also

come in this direction upon seeing that the dark figure had fled.

???: "Harry Potter, you must get out of here, many creatures know you,

the forest is not safe at the moment, especially for you."

Harry and Ron did not question how the centaur learned his name, the

previous situation still had them somewhat scared.

Harry: "but what was that thing that attacked us?"

???: "A monstrous creature, killing a unicorn is a heinous crime. although

drinking his blood will keep you alive even if you are on the verge of

death, but even at a high price, it is something so pure, that from the

moment the blood touches your lips, you will have a curse for half your

life ".

Ron: "Who would want something like that?"

???: "Can't you think of anyone?"

Harry: "You mean, the person who drank the blood, the one who killed

the unicorn, was it Voldemort?"

???: "Do you know what they hide in the school right now, Harry Potter?"

Ron and Harry: "The Philosopher's Stone". Ron and Harry said in unison.

The centaur just nodded.

"Harry Potter, you are safe and I see that you are in good hands, now I

must go, good luck."

The centaur took one last look at Extimum before leaving.

Now finally calm from the previous event, they turned their attention to

Extimum .

Harry: " Extimum , are you okay?"

Ron: "Yes, you were very close to that thing."

Extimum : "don't worry, I'm fine, rather, what are you doing here?"

Ron: "eh ...".

Harry: "We tried to follow you, we worried that you might have come to

the forbidden forest."

Ron: "but you're here too, so you can't say anything."

Extimum : "Yes, but I knew what I was doing, you can clearly see that in

fact I am completely fine and I have even been able to come to save

them, they are lucky that Ron is good at screaming or he would not have

been able to hear him."

Harry: "ugh".

Extimum : "Come on, let's get out of the forest now and come back."

Extimum , Harry and Ron began to walk quickly out of the forest, it was

much easier because Extimum remembered the way and could see better

than them, especially now that they did not have the lamp.

Ron: " Extimum , how did you manage to hit that creature?"

Hearing Ron's question, Harry also paid attention.

Extimum : "oh well, the creature hadn't seen me so take advantage when

I was focused on you and hit it that's all".

Ron: "What? How can it be so easy? Besides, that thing was terrifying, it

was even possible to touch it."

Extimum : "yes, in fact, its texture was very strange, it was smooth, but

cold and at the same time almost ghostly, yet it gave a very unpleasant


Ron: "ugh, we better not talk about that any more and come back."



This is officially the longest chapter, I even had to cut it, it was already

too long for just one chapter.

here we are seeing some more effects that the existence of Extimum

causes, on the other hand, there were unexpected things, don't you


Chapter 20: •Visiting the Slytherin

common room

Back at the castle, Extimum escorted Harry and Ron to the common

room, it had been a night full of emotions and not very good for Harry

and Ron.

Extimum did not plan to enter the Gryffindor common room, but only

planned to accompany them and continue on their way, however Harry

stopped him before he left.

Harry: "Wait Extimum, why don't you come in with us for a moment and

we can discuss what happened more calmly?"

Extimum: "Good." Extimum had no reason to refuse so he agreed.

Upon entering the common room they found that Hermione was there in

her pajamas waiting for them.

Hermione: "it seems. Ron. that what you forgot must have been very

difficult to find, so that they took so long and even returned with

Extimum ".

Hermione had been waiting for them because in fact she had doubts

about their suspicious attitude, so she hoped that, if they only forgot

something, she would see them soon, she did not expect that she would

actually wait for almost two hours for their return, at some point she

even stayed asleep.

Ron: "uh ... you see ...". Ron began to hesitate as he thought of a plausible


Extimum: "ah, let me explain. Well, as you know, I went to be my things

and here my friends decided that they were very curious and they

followed me, but they ended up embarking on a very interesting and

dangerous adventure from which we have just returned, as for the

details, we will discuss them lively in a moment ".

After finishing speaking, Extimum motioned for Harry and Ron to sit on

the couch as well, that way they would break the scolding stage.

Hearing Extimum's response, Hermione looked at Harry and Ron with a

judgmental look.

Extimum: "well, since you are slightly informed. Harry, why don't you

continue with what you wanted to discuss? "

Harry: "ah, uh, yeah." Harry and Ron were surprised at how easily

Extimum with a few well-placed words can prevent Hermione's outburst

towards them, or at least delay it.

Harry: "Well, to sum it up a bit, we basically went to the forbidden forest

following Extimum and got lost by not being able to find him, however

instead of Extimum we came across a terrible creature and when the

situation was not good Extimum and a centaur they saved us and then we

are here ".

Hermione: "Wait, what? They went to the forbidden forest? They don't

know that for something he has the 'forbidden' in his name? It's very

dangerous to go there. And Extimum, what were you doing there too?".

Extimum: "more than the one that went there, the question is why can't

I? Although you consider it very dangerous, but from my point of view it

was a quite pleasant place".

Ron: "Nice enough? That place?" Ron couldn't understand what part of

that gloomy forest was nice, they even encountered that dark creature.

Hermione: "And what were you looking for there, even if it seems nice to

you, it doesn't change that it's a very dangerous place."

Extimum: "that ..., I can't discuss it yet, but you shouldn't worry, it's not a

bad thing, as for that, I'll tell you about it in the future." Extimum

excused himself in his usual serious voice and made his point by saying

that he wouldn't say it but that they could trust him.

Hermione: "good ...".

Extimum: "now that everything is clear. Harry why don't you continue?

Harry: "yes, but first, although Hermione already understands the

context, but it would be better if I tell her in detail what happened with

that creature."

After that, Harry narrated in detail the entire encounter with the dark

figure, from how they found him, to what he felt and then how Extimum

and the centaur saved him and Ron, ending he said the words that the

centaur had said. .

Hermione: "So you think that dark figure was Voldemort?"

Harry: "That's right, besides, he's weak, otherwise he wouldn't consume

the blood of unicorns".

Harry: "So, Quirrell or maybe Snape, they must want the stone to give to

Voldemort, so he can make the Elixir and recover".

Ron: "But if he comes back ... you don't think he's trying ... to kill you do

you?". Ron said nervously as he thought about the consequences.

Harry: "It is likely that he will, otherwise he would not have been so

insistent in trying to catch us tonight, however he currently cannot".

Ron: "ugh, I don't know if I'm worried about final exams right now".

Extimum: "You shouldn't worry so much about it, it's like Harry said,

currently he can't do anything, you even saw that I was able to hit him

and make him run away".

Hermione was curious about how he could have hit Voldemort, but like

Harry and Ron they decided not to ask any more because Extimum did

not want to explain himself.

Hermione: "yes, besides, Dumbledore is still here and it is unlikely that

Voldemort will dare to do anything while he is and more so now that he

is weak".

Extimum: "Well, we shouldn't go around with such negative thoughts,

besides, it's already late, why better not go to sleep?".

Hermione: "It's true, it's already very late and tomorrow we have classes

in the morning".

Extimum: "see you later". Extimum disappeared from everyone's sight

after finishing his words and headed towards his bedroom in the

Ravenclaw tower.


A few days passed after the encounter in the forbidden forest.

Things were progressing normally, Harry and Ron continued to watch

over Quirrell, Hermione on the other hand would watch over Snape with

Extimum, although Extimum was taking it easy as he knew that Snape

would not really do anything.

Today, Extimum was heading to the Slytherin common room, in fact, it

would be the first time he would sneak into that place, although he was a

bit wary of Snape, but since he is always busy with his things it would be

unlikely that he would really comply well his duties, even if he were, he

wouldn't be watching the common room.

The Slytherin common room is in the castle dungeons and below Black

Lake, the entrance was behind a bare stretch of stone wall.

Extimum did not know the password to enter so like to enter the

Gryffindor common room I wait for someone to enter and then follow


Luckily he didn't have to wait long, after a while a boy came and entered.

Following him quickly he was able to enter, they continued through a

corridor full of cobwebs and then they arrived in front of a library,

passing the small library was the common room.

The Slytherin common room has a fairly large space, but also very cold;

It has a semi-subterranean location since the dungeon in which it is

located extends partly under the lake, so that a light enters the room of a

green tone, with the walls and ceiling of rough stone. Several greenish

lamps hung from the ceiling on chains. There was also a fireplace as in

all the common rooms to heat the place on the coldest nights.

The living room has lots of black and dark green buttoned armchairs,

leather sofas; skulls; and dark wood cabinets. The walls are adorned with

tapestries recounting the adventures of medieval witches and wizards.

There were some students in the room right now, some were playing

magic chess and some were just chatting.

Extimum came here today, not only to satiate his curiosity as to what it

was like, but also to chat with his acquaintances and thank Draco for his

earlier act, it wasn't like Draco was doing him a big favor, but Harry and

Draco's relationship was pretty bad, so the fact that Draco let them go

when they were actually outside after curfew was commendable

considering the enmity present.

He hadn't had time to thank him because he was busy with his studies

and helping Hermione with her espionage. On the other hand, his

relationship with Draco had improved, at least he had gone a bit beyond

the simple relationship for political good.

Draco was not that difficult to deal with, of course he had a more 'purist'

view of things, but as long as you ignored all that, you could say that he

is currently like any other child.

Extimum considered that it was worth forging a real friendship with him,

currently Draco was just like any other child and was not yet so involved

in the dark side of the world, so there was no harm in getting together

with him and on the contrary if he succeeded To improve his mentality,

it would not be a problem to create a new Draco, of course it would all

depend on whether Draco was willing.

Extimum transfigured his clothes and changed them to Slytherin colors,

then he changed his features and the color of his hair a little.

Since he wanted to walk calmly until he met an acquaintance, he could

simply do so in disguise and with a bit of illusion they would think he

was someone from Slytherin even if they did not know who he was.

While he was admiring the historical decorations in the room, he realized

that in one of the windows overlooking the lake there was a girl with a

stony countenance and a lost look, she had blonde and blue hair, She was


Seeing her in such concentrated thought, Extimum approached her to

greet her and chat.

Daphne seemed so absorbed in her thoughts that she did not notice her


Looking at her more closely, she seemed to have a letter in her hand.

Intrigued by the content that could make her so thoughtful, Extimum

decided to look at the letter, taking the letter gently from her hand in

such a way that Daphne did not notice until after a while, by which time

Extimum had already read the letter.


Dear Sister, I have bad news to tell you, I wish I could tell you in person,

but there is still considerable time until you can get out of Hogwarts. The

results of our father's examination have been resolved. Our father has

said that like our mother, I also suffer from the blood curse of our family.

I wish you could join me now, but I know that you must continue with

your studies, however, I wanted to share this news with you.

With love, your sister, Astoria Greengass.


That was the content of the letter, it was not very long but its meaning

was quite clear.


Realizing that she did not feel the letter in her hand, Daphne turned

quickly to look at the daring wizard meddling in her affairs, already

preparing to attack him.

Extimum knew that the situation was delicate according to what he had

read, so he undid the transformation of his face and hair so that she

would recognize him.

Sure enough, the moment her face was clearly visible, Daphne stopped.

She already had her wand in hand and would likely have cast a spell had

it been slower.

Extimum: "Excuse me, it was impertinent of me to take your letter."

Extimum held out his hand with the letter and apologized, since he

interfered at a time like this, it would not be proper to act too harsh

about the fact that she is pointing her wand at him.

Daphne: "It's you, I'm sorry, I was a bit agitated". Daphne accepted the

letter and under her wand, her body relaxed a bit now that she noticed

that she was actually quite upset by the content of the letter.

Extimum: "okay, do you want to sit down and discuss it?"

Daphne thought about it for a bit and then nodded, They walked to a

nearby chair and sat together in it.

Daphne: "how did you get in here?" Now with her mind a little more

calm, Daphne asked a question that was quite relevant to the situation.

Extimum: "Oh, can't you see my uniform? I'm clearly a Slytherin, why

can't I go in?"

Daphne: "Tch, it's okay if you don't want to tell me."

Extimum: "So, will you tell me what the letter is about?"

Daphne: "aish, my family has been affected by a blood curse for

generations, the curse affects a member randomly in each generation, in

the previous generation, it was my mother who was affected by it and

now according to this letter , my sister will be the one who suffers it in

this generation ". Daphne sighed and began to recount the context of the


Extimum: "What are the effects of the curse?"

Daphne's face seemed to darken a bit at his question and with a slightly

heavier tone she answered.

Daphne: "The curse will weaken its user slowly from the moment it is

manifested and at some point the person will die, although the effect is

slow, none of its previous holders have ever reached old age."

A brief silence seemed to descend around them as Daphne finished her


Based on his past experience trying to comfort someone, this time

Extimum took a gentler approach.

Extimum released his natural aura in an attempt to ease the depressed


After his connection to his lineage, his abilities had grown stronger and

more effective. This was also the case with his natural aura.

As he wrapped his aura around Daphne, Extimum reached out and placed

his hand on Daphne's hand giving it a light squeeze.

Extimum: "it is still early, you should not lose hope so quickly, although

it is not sure to find a way, it would be difficult to know if it is possible

to change something without having tried, therefore, you must try, also

... Can you tell that you're really alright? Although your face is always

indifferent and you have closed your heart to most things ... but I can still

see it ... I can feel it ... sadness ... despair ... impotence and the loneliness

that abounds in you ... How to live like this? ... I really can't promise you

anything but ... if possible ... I'll help you find a way to heal her, then you

should cheer up and fight, fight to find a solution". Extimum said slowly

and meaningfully in his words, although there were no palpable emotions

in Extimum's tone when he spoke, yet you could still feel that he truly

understood her feelings.

The feelings that she felt were complex for him, his perspective on

emotions until now has always been as if they were alien to him, he can

clearly feel them and more, but it is different, Extimum is empathic, so he

can feel the emotions of the people who are close to him, however, he

also practices oclumency that desensitizes him to a certain extent and

allows him to organize the mind including the emotions that he

perceives, that means that he registers the emotions, but his mind is

usually indifferent to them, combining his emotional atrophy together

with a cold control of them have made him aware and at the same time

oblivious of it. It is like being anesthetized, you feel your body, but you

are insensitive to the sensations of it.

His ability to feel emotions has been with him for as long as he can

remember, initially it was weak, so weak that it could be considered

more like an occasional rare perception of emotions, however, when he

practiced legilimency, empathic ability seemed to evolve and become

capable enough to perceive the feelings of the people around you.

Such ability is usually passive in nature and does not directly affect

Extimum thanks to its oclumency, however, it sometimes manages to

distract its mind due to the influx of unknown emotions that it receives

not only in its origin but also in nature.

Seeing emotions from an observer's point of view including your own is

one of the reasons that has driven Extimum's character. Such things

should be felt to be truly understood.

Daphne seemed to calm her chaotic emotions as she felt suddenly

enveloped by a wave of tranquility and understanding, however, she still

felt sad, however, when she heard Extimum's words, her previously stony

face seemed to break, although she wanted to, she did not break to

crying, the calming aura and her own pride did not allow it, although she

could not avoid the redness of her eyes, Daphne hid her face in

Extimum's chest to not allow herself to show her emotional state.

After a few seconds, however, he withdrew and organized.

Daphne: "Thank you, you're right, I can't drown in these depressing

thoughts, I must find a way to help my sister."

Daphne: "I'll retire for the moment, we'll talk later." Daphne left quickly

after that.

Extimum: 'Well, it wasn't exactly what I planned by coming here, but at

least I was able to help her.'

Extimum had his doubts about such a curse, it was very likely that if the

family had such a curse, the ancestors must have tried to eliminate it and

the fact that they did not succeed not only says a lot about the strength of

their caster but also the complexity of the curse, on the other hand, in the

current era there was not much information about curses or it is very

well protected, likewise, perhaps with the change of Era new methods

were discovered to eliminate such curses, so not even trying would be

difficult to give a verdict.

Looking around, Extimum wondered when Draco or some other

acquaintance would arrive, since Tracey wasn't with Daphne she was

likely somewhere else, as for Pansy she was likely to follow Draco,

though she shouldn't be madly in love with him yet. Extimum had

already noticed a bit of fanaticism on her part, as for other students in

the house ... he was not that close.

Luckily it seemed that his thoughts were heard because a few minutes

later, Draco entered the common room from the dungeons, he was

accompanied by his always faithful Crabbe and Goyle, plus an addition of

Pansy who came behind.

Wanting to lighten his own mood, Extimum decided to joke around a bit

and waited until they sat down and then using his illusion he sat next to

Draco silently.

Extimum wondered since when he likes to scare or surprise people so

much, he was not someone to make jokes, however, lately he seemed to

enjoy it.

Pansy: "Hey Draco, when are we going to bother Longbottom again?"

Draco: "Afterwards, we have been a bit intense these days, we must let

him rest, otherwise how can we continue to bother him?"

Extimum: "Wow, you really are very mean to poor Longbottom."

** ahhh **

Draco, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle almost jumped immediately upon

hearing and feeling someone right next to them, Draco and Pansy

especially who were closer couldn't help but jump in shock and surprise.

Draco: "Merlin, you want to surprise us to death." Draco quickly

composed himself ignoring her earlier scream and exclaiming.

Draco: "wait, how did you get in here Extimum?"

Extimum: "Ah, I dressed like Slytherin and they let me pass."

His answer clearly didn't convince anyone, but before they could

continue, Extimum spoke again.

Extimum: "Okay, changing the subject, I come to thank you for what you

did last time, it is rude of me to have taken so long, but hey, today I have


Draco: "Oh, you don't have to worry, after all… we are… friends…

right?" Draco said tentatively, unsure of his own statement, but with a

hint of expectation.

Extimum: "Of course, I wouldn't bother coming here otherwise."

Crabbe: "Huh, but you hang out with Potter and his group."

Goyle: "It is true, how can we know that you are sincere?"

Draco: "You guys ...". Draco was slightly outraged by his friends'

comments, but was interrupted before he could say anything.

Extimum: "in fact, I may seem unreliable if you rely on my relationship

with them, but don't forget that I'm actually a Ravenclaw, not a

Gryffindor, on the other hand, there's not much I could really get if I had

ulterior motives for approaching to you".

From a certain point of view, Extimum's attitude could be considered

hypocritical, after all, he has been fraternizing with Gryffindor and

making friends with Slytherin, but Extimum saw it differently, for him

they only represented an enmity of houses that was carried too far. , they

were all Hogwarts students and the goal of the separation should be to

distribute students who could be more like-minded by their character and

worldview, as well as increasing the competitiveness among the students

and their fighting spirit.

In addition, Hogwarts was one of the few schools that had a house

division, it would be the only one if not for Ilvermorny or another that he

did not know, although the division had its benefits it also separated its

unit as a magic school.

On the other hand, although his behavior may not be taken very well by

all the members of the houses, but that is where politics and charisma

come in.

Extimum is in one way or another influenced either by the fame of his

family or his teachings, the same can be said of some other students, they

maintain good relations by politics, but it is Extimum's charisma and

cunning in dealing with everyone, which keeps them calm with their

fraternization actions.

Pansy: "Well, don't fight about it, the important thing is that Extimum

came here with us, which means he's one of us."

Draco: "you're right."

After that, Extimum spent the rest of the afternoon chatting with the

group and playing some games.


--Pov Draco--.

Draco Malfoy is the only son and heir to one of the oldest and richest

pure-blood families. He was raised in an atmosphere where he lamented

that the Lord Voldemort had not successfully seized power in the

wizarding community and for as long as he could remember, he

associated primarily with the pure-blood children of his former Death

Eater friends. dad.

Draco's role model was the most impressive person he knew, his father,

and he based most of his behavior on him.

Like any other boy Harry Potter's age, Draco heard stories of the "Boy

Who Lived" during his childhood. Given the great fame and origin of

Potter, Draco's father, Lucius, hoped that Harry Potter could become a

great champion for pure-blood supremacists and help him dominate

magical Britain, this due to rumors and theories that spread for a few

years about how Harry Potter managed to survive what should have been

a deadly attack and that Harry himself was a great dark wizard and had

retired from the wizarding community for that reason, Such rumors and

fame are very useful if used properly. It was because of this, knowing

that he was doing nothing that his father would disapprove of, and in the

hope that he could send home some interesting news, that Draco Malfoy

always wanted to meet Harry Potter when he was Hogwarts.

However, the reality was different, when he finally formally presented

himself to Harry Potter, he rejected him in front of everyone and by

someone who was a member of a poor and blood-traitorous family like

the Weasleys.

Such an act naturally created great hatred towards Harry Potter.

On the other hand, it seemed that things were not going so bad for him,

although he had some conflicts with Potter, there was still the heir of the

Shadowless family, he already knew him so getting close to him might

not be too difficult. Although his father does not have nor would he dare

to have thoughts with such a family, but his father would be pleased if he

could establish a good relationship with them, however, it was not only a

surprise but also an annoyance that the Shadowless heir, Extimum , met

with Potter and his friend Weasley, with whom he already had a

relationship of enmity. Such a situation only managed to make him more

osco, why would the heir of a great family like Extimum join a Weasley

and Potter, who had dared to reject him?

On the other hand, Draco hadn't really managed to make many friends or

at least real ones. Crabbe and Goyle easily got together with him and

although they were friends, but they were very silly and seemed more

like his followers, it is not as if he had no doubts about whether they

really were and only followed him by suggestions of their respective

families, for another On the other hand, Draco also related to Pansy

Parkinson, but she was also silly and a little crazy, she sseemed to have a

fanaticism for him, which was a bit strenuous; He had tried to form

relationships with others but it didn't work too, the example of this was

Daphne, she just treated him coldly and indifferently and ignored him,

annoying him a bit. His relationship with the Slytherin house in general

was good for the fame of his family, although he might not be the most

respected being only a first year, but given his character so in line with

the ideals of the house and his family, he easily obtained her influence

and recognition, leading him to associate with others like Blaize Zabini

and Theodore Nott who were also blood supremacists.

All that said, Draco was not really alone and could be considered very

well-off in Slytherin, however, he still had not found a friend who felt

him real or trustworthy, his current relationships did not bother him

because they were with like-minded people or useful for social and

political connections, but they could not be considered. as someone on an

equal footing.

That is why he had wanted to associate with Potter, he considered him

worthy enough, but being rejected there were not many other options,

however, before Christmas Extimum had approached the members of his

house, he seemed to have a good relationship with the trio of Daphne

where Pansy was, after that she even fraternized with others and even

got close to Draco himself.

Such development surprised him, given that Extimum had been selected

in Ravenclaw he already expected it to be more difficult to approach him

and when he got together with the Gryffindors even more, especially

with Potter with whom he did not have a good relationship. Draco

expected to receive the cold shoulder, but to his surprise Extimum did

not seem to take that into consideration and treated him normally as if

he were indifferent to it, even with the days, he seemed willing to

improve their strained relationship and become his friend.

Draco accepted at first quite suspicious of his intentions, but over time he

realized that Extimum was easily integrated into Slytherin after he agreed

and not only received recognition from the majority of the house, but the

environment seemed more friendly. .

Over the days, Draco slowly lowered his guard and considered whether

he should also try to become his friend, he even sent him a nice gift for

Christmas, he had asked Pansy who had given him a good suggestion.

Finally, the opportunity to improve their friendship appeared when he

followed the Potter trio and discovered the dragon, at first he had

decided to rat them out with the head of Gryffindor, McGonagall, he

knew that Extimum would not personally mind if he messed with them,

besides he had seen the methods of him and knew that he could easily

disappear so he would not be caught, however, as he prepared to escape

the scene he changed his mind, this would be a good time to show his

goodwill and cement the possibility of turning Extimum's friend, even if

he had to forgive Potter this time.

So when today he was surprised by his sudden appearance and heard the

reasons for his visit, he got a little excited and was willing to improve

their friendship.

--End Pov--.

[this Pov was more of a Draco intro so there was no first person]



I wanted to do a little development for the story, since I am based on

the film after the forest event it goes straight to the problem and then

to the outcome of the story and many months are skipped.

here I introduce the position of Draco, if anyone does not like the

character should know that here Draco is still a child so although he

has a bad character he is not bad.

on the other hand i introduce a little to Daphne.


to those who have not noticed add another auxiliary chapter, take a


Chapter 21: •A Hairy Heart

It had been a few weeks since he sneaked into the Slytherin common


He had met a few more times with Draco after that and they had become

closer, He hadn't tried to change his ideas yet, because their friendship

still lacked more confidence and development. She had only been able to

meet once with Daphne, she seemed to be always busy in her free time,

focused on looking for any useful information, however, you had to know

that finding something would be a difficult and long process, there was

much to look for and little whether it really served, moreover, also

depended on whether what she found in the end would actually be

effective for the specific curse her family suffered, she seemed to know as

well, but that did not prevent his search from being less intense.

Today, as usual for the last few weeks, he met up with Hermione to

follow and spy on Snape. As Extimum and Hermione spent their time

mainly studying or practicing magic, they did not take as much time to

follow their target unlike Ron and Harry with Quirrell, they used almost

all of their free time that they did not spend doing some of their tasks to

follow it.

At this moment, Extimum and Hermione were sitting in a nearby corridor

and which gave visibility to the door through which Snape would exit at

the end of his classes, the place was a rest area that was far enough away

not to be visible unless that you will look specifically or seek to find


Extimum and Hermione had had to practically run out of their classes

once they were finished, in order to get to this place that they had

already agreed, in this way they could really be attentive to the situation.

Normally even if they ran it would be difficult to get there on time, but

they were lucky that Snape was a potions teacher and he took a little

more time for the students to finish organizing their tools or other items

after class, so when they got there they had a few moments before Snape

came out.

Since there was still a while before he came out, they had a casual chat

while they waited.

Hermione: "Aren't you hanging out more than usual with the Slytherins


Extimum: "Oh, if you wanted me to spend more time with you you just

had to tell me, it would not be a problem to take more time to

accompany you."

Hermione: "Hmp, who said he wanted to spend more time with you, I'm

just saying that you seem more and more friendly with them, it's not like

you don't know about the enmity between the two houses; especially

with Draco, he seems especially hell-bent on causing problems, you

yourself are aware or have you seen his behavior, even if we exclude

Draco, there are also his friends or Pansy, that girl is especially annoying,

always with her disdainful act ".

Extimum: "Hmm, given the difference in ideals in general between the

two houses, it is difficult that both can really be friends, but it is not

impossible to make their relationship at least neutral or passive between

them, I will try to do something about it in the future, I still don't have

enough influence to try to mediate. " Extimum said contemplatively,

however, by the time he spoke again his tone seemed to take on another

kind of intention.

Extimum: "for now ... you shouldn't worry so much about them ... when

you still have to worry about yourself ...". As Extimum slowly spoke his

words, he closed the distance between himself and Hermione.

Hermione: "why… wait… ah look, Snape came out." Hermione was at

first puzzled by his words, but as she understood the apparent intentions

and their approach, her bewilderment turned into slight panic only to

notice Snape emerging from the dungeons out of the corner of her eye

and seize the moment to change the subject.

Hermione stepped back a bit and pointed in the direction of Snape who

had just left and was walking away.

Extimum: "Oh, you're right, let's go then."

Hearing the clear change in attitude, Hermione sighed a little and turned

to follow Snape. Extimum's approaches to her had continued after they

came back from Christmas and made her a little nervous inexplicably.

However, as they prepared to follow Snape, Extimum stepped forward

and approached her from behind and whispered in her ear.

Extimum: "However, Snape won't always come out at the right time."

Extimum put those words close to her ear as he walked past her to follow


Hermione: "**'hii'**". Hermione gave a little cry and jumped a little when

she felt him so close unexpectedly, the warm breath in her ear and the

apparent implications of his words did not improve the situation for her.

Extimum: "don't get too distracted or we'll lose it."

Hermione was still a little suspicious of being with him now, but she still

followed him because they had to spy on Snape, to tell the truth, such a

method with which they followed a teacher and more one like Snape,

would not have been effective, would they have been easily discovered,

however, Extimum used his illusion magic on them to go unnoticed and

keeping their distance it was possible that they could really spy on him,

otherwise, being Snape a powerful wizard and quite skilled at that, it

would be difficult for him not to notice two students who followed him

and more in a castle where he has been working for years.

On the majority of occasions that followed him, they made sure to use

places that were not very visible or far away, in addition to doing a

preliminary study to find out good places to observe him based on the

places he frequented. From their observation they knew that he only

going to his personal office, visiting very occasionally the Slytherin

common room, the dining room, Dumbledore's office or in a potions

room in the dungeons, on other occasions she had seen him observing

Quirrell from a distance. , but since there was no contact between them

they could not know anything else. Of course, some of the places they

frequented were difficult to access or know the situation, but in such

cases they prepared means to know what was happening from afar, for

this they had to ask for some enchanted tools from the Weasley twins;

Extimum had tried to use his 'truci cursu' spell, but the result was not

good, Snape immediately felt that there was something wrong and

destroyed the spell, luckily that Extimum was far away and Snape could

not identify what it was at the time, taking it as some student making a

joke on him, otherwise things could have gone quite wrong, although

Snape clearly got angry on that occasion and made a slight scandal, but

could not know that what he felt was the intrusion into his shadow.

Extimum and Hermione followed him all afternoon.


They stopped with their spying as dinner time approached.

Extimum: "sigh, today was a very boring afternoon again, following

Snape who does nothing special. You know what, we will do something

different today so that at least all this spying has been worth it."

Extimum: "Tutu?" Extimum asked tentatively into the air in front of him.

After a few seconds and while Hermione was questioning her actions,

there was a little Pop and a house elf appeared, it was Tutu.

Tutu was a house elf who worked at Hogwarts, Extimum had met him

when he went to find food in the kitchen for Hermione and him before

the Troll attack. Generally Tutu would not respond or could not even

hear Extimum since they do not have a connection between them,

however, since they knew each other and Extimum was at Hogwarts,

Tutu could hear him thanks to the magic of the castle, that said, since

they were not connected, Extimum couldn't order him properly, it was

Tutu who had come willingly.

Tutu: "Tutu greets the Young Wizard, Tutu is happy that the young

wizard still remembers me."

Hermione was surprised by the sudden appearance of a house elf, she

knew of the existence of such beings, but had not had direct contact with

them, likewise, she did not know that there were house elves at


Extimum: "It is also a pleasure to see you again, I called you to see if you

could help me with something, could you bring our food for dinner to

another location?".

Tutu: "Tutu can do it and Tutu is happy to help the young wizard."

Extimum: "Thank you."

Tutu disappeared after another Pop.

Hermione: "how can you call an elf ... woah?" Before Hermione could

complete her question she was pulled by his hand and away from the


Extimum did not give her time for so many considerations and dragged

her to a nearby room that she knew.

The hall was a classroom that was not currently used, probably for some

subject that was not currently being taught or just one of the many that

were empty throughout the castle.

Upon entering, you could see a large room, as most of them had enough

space for students from two houses of a certain grade to attend. The hall

was a bit dusty, but not too much, you could tell that the elves had

cleaned it at least a few months ago, they had the usual tables with chairs

and a space for the teacher, as well as some cabinets.

After seeing that the classroom was really empty, Extimum took out his

wand and began casting spells from one side to the other, by the time he

finished, the previous classroom had been completely transformed.

The current room was clean, with a warm atmosphere, there were rugs

on the floor and a large table in the center along with two seats on each

side, the decoration also became more welcoming, the large space also

seemed smaller with the decorations, giving a more closed and intimate

atmosphere, especially since, as night approached, the candles on the

table complemented the atmosphere very well.

The place seemed perfect for a romantic dinner, it is not like if you asked

Extimum he would deny such a notion, the design was made based on

such an idea by putting together some images of his memories and the

decoration that is usually used in his house.

Hermione on the other hand was a bit annoyed by Extimum's act of

ignoring her, however, as she watched Extimum cast spells from one side

to the other and how the previous classroom was gradually transformed

into what she now saw, she was surprised .

The transfiguration classes had already advanced far enough that the

first-year students knew how to do various transfigurations, but not to

such an extent, much less with such freedom. She knew that Extimum

already had a good base and his knowledge was more advanced, after all,

she had already seen him throw an 'Alohomora' without chant, but this

was on a completely different level.

Hermione: "Wow, I didn't know you are so good at transfiguration,

everything seems so detailed and beautiful."

Extimum was also admiring his handiwork as he made sure nothing was

missing, however when he heard Hermione's praise, a sudden idea lit up

in him.

Such an idea was for a business, he had been thinking for a while some

ideas to start his own business, but he had not come up with a really

good idea that he could carry out on his own with his current skill and

knowledge that could generate good profit for him, without However,

when he heard Hermione's casual praise he came up with an idea that

might actually work.

In the current magical world, the style and design were quite outdated or

without enough refinement, although there were exceptions there, but

the general style was quite poor and neglected, the example of this are

the houses or establishments that magicians inhabit, the facade External

is often neglected or totally lacking in style and design. Although the old

design has its own charm, but the current magicians seemed to take their

places for granted, thinking about it, Extimum could establish a company

that would be dedicated to the exterior and interior remodeling of such


You could implement all kinds of styles and designs, accompanied by

various decorations and set everything in it in some spell or artifact that

would allow you to apply it to the homes of magicians.

One would have to be careful with the designs so that there were no

issues with the fashion or the tastes of wizards, but it wouldn't really be

that difficult for Extimum, he had some memories from his past life and

had seen the muggle world, if he set modern designs or Even in the old-

fashioned way, you could use your ideas and magic to create fantastic

settings fit for a magician.

The current wizard dwellings are based on simple houses of the time that

were poorly made and then haunted, only the most current have better

designs or those who were eccentric with their homes in the past have

homes that are noteworthy and still They could be improved, like the

Shadowless mansion.

Now he only needed to research how to do it and get an adequate start-

up capital, the problems about how to establish the business he would

think about later.

Extimum: "You just gave me a great idea Hermione, but it will be for

later, come, have a seat." As Extimum spoke he had already taken a chair

and he waited for Hermione to come over to settle her in her seat.

Hermione: "Good." Hermione had already passed her previous annoyance

after seeing the place, besides, she was also hungry.

Shortly after they both took their seats, Tutu appeared again, this time

carrying with him several plates of food that floated around him.

Tutu: "Tutu has brought dinner, Tutu hopes the young wizards will enjoy

dinner." Tutu began to place the plates on the table and then the food

was served on the plates.

Tutu: "Tutu will now retire."

Extimum: "Thank you Tutu, in the future I will pay you a visit to thank

you appropriately."

Tutu: "oh, the young wizard must not bother, Tutu did it because he

wanted to, Tutu is happy to help the young wizard." After finishing his

words, Tutu disappeared again with a Pop.

Extimum: "Okay, let's enjoy our dinner."

Hermione: "Okay." Hermione decided not to be so insistent with her

question about the house elf, she would ask after dinner.

The dinner consisted of turkey and potatoes, some cakes and pumpkin

juice or fruit juice, there were also some other complements, it did not

lose with anything that would be served in the large dining room.

As they ate, Extimum observed Hermione and reflected on his

relationship with her.

At first, his approach to her was mainly driven either by necessity or

because he had an appreciation for her future beauty, in addition, she

was a very hard-working and intelligent witch, if we except her origin

and lineage, in fact, she is an excellent match as a couple. With all that

said, it was more his desire for her than there was any feeling.

According to he has spent time with her, the closeness between them not

only grew on her part, but Extimum also came to appreciate her as a

friend. Their light flirtations have been his attempts to not only declare

his intentions but also to get her used to him and facilitate the

rapprochement between them in the future, that said, although Extimum

found it difficult to understand his own feelings, but at least he knows

from his observation of the emotions and feelings of others, that not only

does he like her, but he also wants her for himself.

Hermione: "Why are you staring at me so hard?". Hermione said as if she

had been intimidated by his gaze.

Extimum: "Hmm, appreciating the view maybe?"

Hermione: "Hmp, even now you're in the mood to make fun of me."

Hermione didn't take his comment seriously, she wasn't confident enough

in her appearance to even consider such words seriously.

Although the current Hermione, could not be considered ugly, but given

certain factors, she was mainly poorly groomed, her teeth had not been

fixed yet and people tended to ignore her faces when looking at them,

they were not really that big but they did stick out and given that his

parents wanted to fix them themselves when he was older, they had not

been retouched, on the other hand, his hair used to be quite free, perhaps

he lacked more care or some spells or elixirs and it would be more

appropriate, having said that, the rest it was mainly her lack of

confidence from past experiences, that made her take such an approach.

Seeing that she was not taking her words seriously, Extimum rose from

his seat and approached her.

When he was close enough, he cupped her chin so that it would direct

her gaze to him.

Extimum: "why not believe it? It is perhaps ... What do you not used to

that others allude to your beauty? ... Or do you distrust it? Because what

you and others cannot see ... I can see it and I personally like it. "

Moving closer to his ear, Extimum continued.

Extimum: "it attracts me a lot, also, how to forget your taste ...". He said

the last thing again raking one of his fangs into his neck.

Hermione jumped a little and shuddered again when she felt the raking

of his fang, she had forgotten what happened in the afternoon and she let

him get closer to her again.

Hermione:" y-you think so?". Hermione asked nervously, almost in a

trance looking at his eyes, they always seemed to hypnotize her a little

and make her lose in them.

Extimum: "of course". While saying this last statement, Extimum had

almost put his two fangs to bite her, although he was not a vampire, but

the sensation was very stimulating both physically and mentally.

Hermione felt a sudden tingle run through her body, the sensation felt

very good and familiar… very familiar.

Hermione: "w-wait, ahem, thanks for dinner, we'll talk tomorrow." Such a

feeling triggered certain memories in her body and woke her up from her

involuntary reverie, quickly standing up from her seat and walking away

from Extimum, she said goodbye and ran out of the room.

Extimum: "it's a shame ...". Extimum also realized that like Hermione he

had gotten carried away a lot at the moment, acting a little different from

his usual self.

Extimum: "Well, let's fix this place."

Extimum then proceeded to transfigure everything to its original form

and place them in place, while doing so, Tutu came and took all the

dinner plates, by the time he finished, the room looked almost the same

as it did when they entered, except that it looked clean.

When she finished, she left the room and headed for the Ravenclaw

common room.

Extimum: "It was a good evening, now I need to find an initial capital for

my business and find a way to make it happen, that way, by the end of

the year I will be able to implement it."

Thinking about it and as he headed towards the entrance of the tower, he

changed direction and headed somewhere else.

Upon arrival, he found a familiar tapestry, he had visited it before but

had not returned here since then, the tapestry was of trolls trying to

dance ballet.

Extimum: 'there is nothing wrong with trying if it can really work'.

Extimum had some ideas as to the uses that the requirements room could

give it, he knew its general idea and had a memory about what seemed

like fantasies regarding what this room could do, so he decided to try if it

would work.

Walking three times in front of the wall opposite the tapestry, Extimum

thought about what he wanted.

Extimum: 'I need money, I need money, I need money'.

Extimum: 'when I think about it more, it's strange that I need money

when my family is one of the richest'.

After Extimum passed the wall for the third time, a door materialized in

the previously empty wall.

Extimum: 'well, we'll see if it really works out'. Thinking this far,

Extimum walked over and opened the door.

Upon entering the door there was a room, it was small and dark, on the

floor there were some bags and a chest in the corner of the room.

Moving further in, he took a bag and emptied its contents into his hand.

Extimum: 'there are about… 15 galleons, not bad for a single bag'.

Extimum searched the other 2 bags and there were 20 and 18 Galleons


After emptying those bags, he fixed his gaze on the chest.

Extimum: 'with the above I already have 53 galleons, it is a good amount,

but I still do not know how much the simple assembly of the business and

the production of my product will cost me'.

Putting his latest expectations of getting money into the chest, Extimum

opened it to view its contents.

Extimum: 'wow, there are about 200 galleons here, who could have lost

so much money?, although the fact that he is here because someone has

lost it is not certain, but I also don't think he took it from others,

otherwise it would be a lot plus'.

Extimum: 'this should be enough to at least get started, as long as it's not

too expensive in initial production'.

Putting all the money in his star-patterned expandable bag, Extimum

closed the door and headed back to the Ravenclaw common room.

When entering the common room, he saw many students in the place, it

was still early, so most were in the common room.

He planned to go to his room to rest early but then he saw Steve waving

his hand for him to come closer, Steve was in a group of freshmen and

sophomores, most were girls in the group; that explained the emotional

smile on his face.

Since it was still early, he did not reject him and approached.

Steve: "It's getting harder and harder to find you, you weren't at dinner,

where were you?"

Extimum: "I was busy doing other things, besides, I see you almost every

morning and in class, I'm not so elusive." Extimum said while smiling a

little more than usual but without completing the smile.

Steve: "Merlin, it's the end of the world! Something bad must have

happened! I just saw Extimum smile." Steve almost screamed in alarm

Mitchell: "calm down Steve, just smiled a little more, it wasn't a complete

smile, the world won't end so soon." Mitchell seemed to have come from

somewhere and said.

Steve: "sigh, you're right I think I was a bit too upset, after all Extimum

has a Hairy Heart".

Extimum just gave them an emotionless look as he listened to their

mindless ramblings.

Steve: "Oh well, changing the subject, Extimum, I called you to meet

some colleagues here, although you probably have already seen them,

but you may not know them."

Steve: "Do you see this pretty girl here? Her name is Padma Patil." The

girl Steve presented was a girl with Hindu features, her hair was black as

well as her eyes, her skin was brown, her features were quite attractive

and outstanding among the majority for her exotic character.

Padma: "Hello." She seemed a bit shy about her unexpected introduction

after Steve had finished his drama.

Extimum: "It is also a pleasure to meet you, I am Extimum Shadowless".

Extimum: "Actually, it's like you say Steve, it's hard not to notice

someone so charming and exotic."

It was hard not to meet her, after all, twins are not common and at

Hogwarts there aren't really that many students, it's hard to miss them,

even if you didn't see her in Ravenclaw, you would have seen her

Gryffindor twin.

Steve: "of course, your friend here, he knows all the pretty girls and he

doesn't forget to introduce them to you, also look, you already have her

shy just with your look, I really think it would be very bad if you smiled


Mitchell: "Steve, you should be more discreet, you will end up scaring

Padma with your words."

In fact, Padma seemed to have blushed a bit at Steve's words.

Padma: "Well, I'll retire for now, good night." Padma withdrew along

with another girl quickly in the direction of the girls' dormitory.

Mitchell: "See Steve, you only know how to bully girls, maybe that's why

you got chased before Christmas."

Steve: "ahem, don't talk if you don't know anything, besides, it was

clearly Extimum with his predatory gaze."

Steve: "speaking of which, I can understand your hair, but what about

your eyes?"

Extimum: "they are family traits."

Steve: "Does your mother have eyes like this too?"

Extimum: "No."

Steve: "Your father then?"

Extimum: "No."

Steve: "then ...". Steve's gaze grew more suspicious, but before he could

ask, Extimum answered.

Extimum: "Maybe my grandfather, but I've never met him."

Extimum: "well, enough trying to know more about me, my eyes are

natural that's all you need to know, well, I'm leaving too now that you're


Extimum walked away after that and headed to his bedroom.



I'm sorry for the delay, but since I write the chapter with little time

and while I watch online classes it takes me late xd, here it is anyway.

I think this will be the last chapter of development unless I come up

with something for tomorrow.


What strange shapes those of magicians, a Hairy Heart huh?

Chapter 22: •She won't kill me,

will she?

It was early morning on March 7, it was a cold morning, although the sun

threatened to change that quickly.

Extimum had left the castle for his morning training, usually looking for

a remote area so as not to be disturbed.

--Pov Extimum--.

Upon reaching the area where I usually practice, I reached into my bag

and took out my wooden sword, it was a long and heavy sword, it was

made of a magic wood that was characterized by its weight, apart from

that, it had nothing special, I usually use it for my practices or sparring if

the opportunity arises, I could not bring a real sword to Hogwarts, it

would be dangerous they said, it's funny they say something like that,

when you can do more with a wand, on the other hand, swords at home

are not really good, it's more relics instead of useful swords.

I did some push-ups to stretch my body, I generally divide my training

into 3 sections, in the first I focus on exercises with the sword; in the

second section, I break a bit and I focus on practicing the casting of

spells, perfecting their casting and my understanding of them, sometimes

I even try to cast them non-verbally or without a wand, the progress is

not much, but it improves my ability; In the third section, I focus on my

body, I would run around the castle, try to jump in air when I am not

seen and hit a tree that I spells to be soft, it maintains its resistance but it

is not painful to hit it, on the other hand, lately I have added some

exercises with my tails, they are surprisingly fast and very strong, I have

confirmed that they can lift or support my body weight even if I only

relied on one of them.

Finishing my stretch, I grab my sword and stand in position.

** Ha - ha**

** swoosh **

I swung my sword forward over and over again, then shifted position and

repeated the process.

At some point during practice, I started to sweat a bit from the effort and

took off my uniform shirt, I wasn't worried about being seen, this place

was quite far from the castle and I hadn't seen someone come to this

specific place or at least not in the morning.

After practicing straight movements, I moved on to more complicated

movements, I would move along with the sword, turn on some occasions

or concentrate on mastering the sword while keeping closed to a specific

space, it almost seemed to dance as I was carried away by the flow of the

sword in every movement.

I was brought out of my concentrated state when I heard an exclamation.

???: "Wow, what incredible movements with the sword."

???: "Ah, don't stop, I'm sorry if I interrupted you, I was just passing by

and I couldn't help exclaiming when I saw you move magnificently with

your sword."

I stopped my movements and rested the tip of the sword on the ground,

then looked at the person who interrupted me.

Extimum: "Oh, it's you."

???: "Ah, do you know me?"

--End Pov--.

Extimum: "well, if you leave me aside, there is no other student who has

such a particular hair color, in fact, it is quite surprising that we have not

spoken before, do not you think Nymphadora Tonks?".

Tonks was a young woman who exuded a happy aura, she had short hair

that only reached her shoulders of a particular purple-pink color, bright

black eyes and fair skin. She was quite old in comparison, due to her

being her final year at Hogwarts.

Nymphadora: "ah, I would prefer if you didn't call me by my name, but

you're right, we stand out a lot because of the color of our hair, although

I've never met another metamorphmagus before, but I've seen you there a

few times, Extimum". Nymphadora said as her hair turned red and then

back to her usual purple.

Extimum: "Well then I'll tell you Nymp, it's shorter."

Nymp: "no, no, call me Tonks, I don't like my name."

Extimum: "it is true that its meaning can be interpreted in a not very

aesthetic way, but its real meaning is quite the opposite, but it is fine, if

that is what you prefer".

Extimum: "However, you don't seem to control your metamorphic ability

very well." Extimum put away his sword and approached a nearby stone

on which he sat, while he sat down, he also took the opportunity to put

on his shirt.

Tonks: "yes ... sometimes you tend to get out of control with my

emotions, on the other hand, I've never seen you with another color".

Tonks said as she also walked over to sit next to him, however, she

seemed to steal quick glances at Extimum's shirtless body, although she

preferred older men and the current Extimum was very young, but

couldn't help but appreciate his well-marked body for his age. .

Extimum: "mmm, well, that's mainly because I practice oclumency, you

should try it, before I practiced it my hair also used to change color

without my wanting it, only in my case it turned a deep blue-purple".

Tonks: "ah, oclumency, yeah ... it's too complicated, I've taken a few

looks at the content, but I just can't empty my mind, I think I fell asleep

when I tried, although I learned some defense tricks, but nothing more" .

Extimum: "I can help you with that if you want, it is difficult to control

the transformations when they depend on the intention and they tend to

take the subconscious intention, I would not be surprised if a

metamorphmagus obsessed with someone ends up unconsciously

transforming into that person without knowing it".

Tonks: "haha, you're right, hey why don't you continue with your

practice? I want to see, you really looked cool while brandishing your


Extimum: "It is not supposed to be a show ... but well, I still had a little to


Extimum got up from the stone and drew his sword again, he had caught

a bit of the bubbly and enthusiastic attitude that Tonks had.

After taking his position again, he continued his practice.


** clap, clap **

Tonks: "Bravo, it was magnificent."

Extimum: "anyone else and they would have been ashamed with all the

enthusiasm you put into congratulating me." Extimum said as he lowered

his wooden sword at the end of his routine.

Tonks: "From my point of view, it looks amazing, you should show your

sword training to others, you will surely get a lot of fans."

Tonks: "Oh well, it's a bit late now, I had to go meet someone, but I

forgot, hehe, we'll see you later, thanks for letting me see your sword

dance." After she finished speaking, Tonks took off at a brisk pace to

search for the person she left waiting.

Extimum: 'his personality is as enthusiastic and funny as I expected'.

Extimum continued with his training and then went to the large dining

room to have breakfast with the others.


The afternoon classes were over.

Extimum was now sitting alone in the Ravenclaw common room, he was

reading a book of Runes, since it was material for 3rd year onwards he

did not have much support for the subject, but he was looking for

something that could help him create an artifact that contained the

effects you expected for your business, your research was going well so

far, you had some ideas, the best way to do it was to set a model of the

house or room on an artifact and then customize it with some spells, after

which, you would apply the changes in the house, transforming it.

Although that was the idea, but there were many things to consider, such

as the fact that all houses are different, the barriers or spells that they

possess, how to make his previous idea come true, at least he already had

an approximate path by which to go.

As he concentrated on his book, he felt a sudden approach coming from

his back.

Extimum: "I know you're there Steve."

However, Steve and whoever was accompanying him did not respond

and continued to advance, Extimum knew it was them, the sound of their

footsteps, their smell and even the emotions he felt that came from his

back were familiar to him, so he wagged two of his tails and he stretched

them out of the sofa he was sitting on, wrapped the two people he felt

and gently pulled them to the sofa in front of him.

** woahh ** x2

Steve: "Damn, How did you know that I was there?, I clearly didn't make

a noise."

Mitchell: "clearly you are very fat and your steps were heard by


Steve: "Heh, it must have been your limp from training that made noise

when you walked, I'm perfectly stealthy."

Trudor: "Stop arguing, you two, I told you that Extimum would be able to

feel it coming and there was no point trying to surprise him, it almost

seems like he had eyes on his back." Trudor arrived shortly after with a

box in his hands.

Mitchell: "Hey, how did you cast us like that? Did you master a new

spell? Although I've seen you throw objects, but I don't think you can lift

us both."

Steve: "It's true, I almost felt like I was grabbed by something."

From the external point of view it seemed as if they were simply grabbed

by something and thrown to the sofa, since Extimum kept their tails

under the illusion, they could only be felt, but not seen, and even that

would depend on whether Extimum does not exert himself because his

senses are also deceived.

Extimum: "Even if they are silent, their malicious intentions could be felt

while I was reading my book, as for how I cast them, we could say that it

is a skill that I learned."

Steve: "You are creepy, man, how can you say that you felt our

intentions? Then also did you know what we wanted to do?"

Extimum: "actually, I felt like you two wanted to jump on me, that's why

I threw you on the couch."

Trudor: "Steve stop rambling, don't forget why we came."

Mitchell: "Right, Ahem, what are you waiting for Steve, stand up."

Mitchell stood first and fixed his slightly messy uniform.

Steve: "Tch, alright, ahem."

Trudor, Steve, Mitchell: "Happy birthday!" Steve and Mitchell screamed

as they threw confetti and Trudor opened the box to display a cake.

Extimum: "what, how did you know it was my birthday?" Extimum was

truly surprised, he hadn't told anyone his birthday, it's not something you

normally say unless specifically asked.

Steve: "But of course, how could I establish my gossip empire if I couldn't

even find out information like that."

Mitchell: "It is true, Steve had to beg and promise favors to many

professors so that they would tell him, but none were willing, it was not

until he gave his reasons that Professor Flitwick told us."

Steve: "Shh, shut up Mitchell, how can I maintain my reputation if you go

on saying how I get my information".

Trudor: "and I got the older students to tell me where the kitchen was so

I could ask them to prepare this cake for you".

Extimum's gaze was fixed for a moment at the cake, there were some

complex emotions running through his eyes, after a few seconds of

silence on his part and when his friends noticed that he was not speaking,

he turned his gaze to them and said.

Extimum: "Thank you."

His action surprised his friends, there was not the usual serenity in his

voice and instead a slight warmth was perceptible, but the most

surprising thing is that they saw for the first time how Extimum's hair

flicked like a candle, its color had changed by a second, but then it went

back to its original.

Steve: "pss, you saw that right?". Steve rubbed his eyes, it almost looked

like he was hallucinating to him.

Mitchell: "hush, you'll ruin the moment." Mitchell had also noticed the

flickering in his hair, they had already taken the trouble to do a little

research on metamorphomages by having a friend being one, but they

hadn't had the chance to see Extimum transform into something, to see

that they could affect him just by celebrating. his birthday was surprise


Trudor: "well, look, open my gift." Trudor had put the cake on a nearby

table and brought out a small package.

Extimum took the gift and opened it, inside there was a small table with

runes, it was used to enchant objects quickly for students who were just

learning and were not very good at it, although its use was limited to the

inscribed runes, but it was very useful for the current Extimum.

Trudor: "I had seen you reading about runes and since we still do not see

the subject, I assumed that it would be difficult for you to learn it

without help, this table can help you while you learn".

Extimum: "Thank you, it will help me a lot at this time."

Steve: "hey, I'm still-".

Mitchell: "stand back, because of you they discovered us, so I will give

him my gift first."

Extimum: "or just give it to me at the time, fighting to be the first in this

situation is frankly childish."

Steve: "Okay, look at my gift, with this you will always remember us."

Steve took out a small box that had a photo of all of them, it was curious

to know that Extimum did not remember taking such a photo, it was

probably edited with magic.

Mitchell: "Mine is a ticket to a very special place ... it was recommended

by Steve and my father had one among his things, it will be for July, so

you can go when we get out of Hogwarts." The context of such an entry

sounded very suspicious, but Extimum received it anyway.

Extimum: "Thank you all for your gift and celebrating my birthday."

Steve: "Oh but it's not over yet, I took the liberty of letting everyone

know, although I must admit it was difficult to convince the Slytherins

and Gryffindors to be together without fighting while we came to call


Mitchell: "Wow, they looked like mad dogs, if we weren't careful, either

side could start saying anything that would end in an argument. we

better go fast, lest they have already started fighting again ".

After that Extimum followed them to an empty castle hall where they

had invited their friends, the hall had basic decoration and they had put

food and drinks on some tables, in addition to clearing much of the hall.

In the living room were Draco and his group, Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, there

were also Daphne and Tracey, separated a little were Harry, Ron and

Hermione and Neville; from Ravenclaw they had invited Padma and she

in turn invited her sister Pavarti; Hufflepuff invited Susan and Hannah,

the most surprising thing is that they invited Tonks, I had just met her

this morning, I did not know how they managed to invite her.

Extimum even began to suspect that he had been watched all this time

and while giving Steve a suspicious look, he seemed to sense it and know

the reason for looking at him and responded quickly.

Steve: "don't look at me like that, she overheard our conversation and

invited herself, we don't even know if you really know her."

Tonks: "Hmp, you talk like I'm sneaking into a party for the food." Tonks

said that while clearly having a plate with some snacks in her hand.

Steve gave that a half smile, even he wondered if it would be so


Tonks: "hey, Extimum, I came to your party to wish you happy birthday

too, look, I even brought you a present." Tonks said as she handed him

dark bottle.

Tonks: "put it in the drink and you'll see how those tense over there

become friends." Tonks leaned over and whispered close to his ear while

slyly pointing out the group of Gryffindor and Slytherin who were giving

each other provocative looks.

Extimum: "isn't it liquor, right?" Extimum opened the bottle and smelled

a little, it had a fragrant smell, but he did not know what it was.

Tonks: "Aih, how do you think I would give them that? But this is much

better." Tonks walked away and responded animatedly.

Extimum had his misgivings, but he didn't think she would give them

something bad, on the other hand, he wouldn't dare to casually drink it


Extimum: "pss, Trudor, add this to the drink." Extimum whispered to

Trudor who was next to him

Trudor: "Ok" Trudor seemed to have less concern in front of the

suspicious bottle and directly went to do it.

Then everyone took turns giving their congratulations and gifts, some

gave great gifts and others just simple things like candy or magic toys.

Steve: "Okay, now everyone have a drink and we'll toast Extimum." Steve

said that with a crooked smile, he seemed to know there was something

wrong with the drink.

All: "Happy birthday." They all toasted and drank their drink, it was just

a punch, but Extimum had brought out another drink and had changed

the contents of his glass before the toast.

The party was supposed to last only a short time, since it is most likely

that with the tense relationship of the guests they did not take any more

time outside of delivering the gift and eating, however, soon after the

mood seemed to change.

Extimum was not an expert in potions so he couldn't tell what the bottle

contained just from its smell, but the effects were quite fast.

Extimum didn't know when things started to get weird, maybe it was

after hearing Tonks's cheeky laugh as she watched all the mess. Everyone

began to cheer up and jump around or dance with others. You knew

things were really bad when you could see Draco dancing with Ron or

Neville with Pansy, Others seemed to whisper things to each other while


Steve: "Damn, what was that? A potion of euphoria?"

Tonks: "hahaha, I don't know, a friend gave it to me to liven up the

parties." Tonks looked just as euphoric, but somewhat more controlled,

perhaps she had experience drinking such drinks.

Extimum: "how are you not affected Steve?"

Steve: "Heh, here as you see me, I have taken a lot of strange things and

my stomach has a certain resistance to them." Although Steve said that

with his usual demeanor, but still seemed to look more animated than

usual, it was likely to affect him to a lesser degree.

Hermione: "Extimum come and dance with me." Hermione had

approached at some point to ask Extimum to dance, however, before she

could take Extimum away she was stopped by Daphne.

Daphne: "that, no, he will dance with me."

Hermione: "I invited him first."

Extimum thought that they would fight, but at some point their

discussion changed and in the end they went dancing together.

Although we said dance, it was mainly children doing what they thought

was dancing, jumping or moving from one place to another holding

hands or arms.

Extimum: 'what a dangerous potion'. The effects so far seemed like

extreme euphoria and the fact that you seemed to not only lose your

inhibitions, but also your rational thought, Extimum found no other

reason why Ron could dance with Draco.

Extimum: 'my first birthday was certainly interesting'. While Extimum

was thinking about it, he took out a magic camera that he had been given

last Christmas from his bag and started taking pictures of everyone, these

would be truly memorable photos.

Extimum then took a glass with punch and took a light sip to know the

intensity of the effects, at first he felt nothing, but then he felt as if he

was full of energy and wanted to run and jump, luckily he had experience

handling sudden attacks Sensory and emotional or otherwise he could

have gotten carried away, the effect was so strong that his magic on their

tails had come to flicker and make them visible for a second.

Extimum: 'damn, if this is just a sip, I don't want to imagine the effects if

I took the whole glass.'


Extimum spent the party doing various things, sometimes I dance with

whoever I wanted, in others I listen to the ravings or bold statements of

some, other times I just observe or record what they said, he ate and

drank normal punch, the party lasted a long time, they missed dinner

time in the large dining room, it is possible that the teachers have

wondered where the loudest of the first year of all the houses had

disappeared, on the other hand Extimum and Steve made sure that no

one left the room, it would be Too crazy if they came out in that state,

Tonks was one of the ones who had the most fun listening to the

nonsense they were saying and dancing with everyone, by the time she

finished, they all fell asleep to the ground.

Extimum would definitely remember this day, then with the help of

Tonks and Steve who seemed to be the only ones still awake and sane,

they took everyone to their respective common room and asked other

students to help them accommodate them.

For Extimum the party was especially emotional, because he had not

celebrated his birthday before, for him it was just a common date, except

for Bob's congratulations and a cake, he had not celebrated or received

gifts before.


The next morning Extimum got up early as usual and met everyone in the

dining room for breakfast, in recent weeks they seemed to have reached

an unspoken agreement for their acquaintances to be in the same parallel

places between their tables to see them at everybody.

By taking a quick look I can see several dark faces, those of Draco, Pansy,

Hermione and Ron were especially notable, some others took it better

like Daphne who only seemed to have a lost look, or Harry who although

he felt strange, He found the situation more amusing than anything else,

perhaps the most interesting expression was Neville who looked as if he

had committed a grave sin.

Extimum sat at the Gryffindor table in parallel with Slytherin.

Extimum: "Good morning everyone." Extimum had already returned to

his usual serenity, but he had a look full of interest and a bit of toy shop

when observing the situation.

Hermione: "Good morning? Is that all you have to say? After what

happened yesterday?"

Extimum: "What are you talking about? A lot happened yesterday, oh,

You talk about when you told me that I was very handsom-".

Hermione: "shut up, I didn't say anything like that, You should have

imagined it for the effects of that drink". Hermione covered his mouth so

he wouldn't continue speaking, while she blushed a little.

Everyone present had memories of what they did yesterday for the most


Extimum: "It's a shame, because I didn't drink that drink and I have

recorded here some of the most interesting confessions of yesterday."

Hermione: "What? You can't be serious right? Show me."

Ron: "Can you stop arguing about that now, my situation is worse, I ... I

danced and hug Draco like we were fellow drunks yesterday."

Harry: "Don't worry Ron, look, Draco doesn't seem particularly happy

with such a memory either."

Looking in Draco's direction, he still kept his face dark and it seemed his

mind would not be returning anytime soon.

Ron: "You say that because you didn't dance with him, on the other hand,

I did see you dance with Susan and other girls and you were quite


Harry: "Yeah? You must have imagined it, I-I don't remember any of

that." Harry clearly got a little nervous when he remembered how he

behaved yesterday, he had danced with Susan, Tracey and Hannah, even

he wondered where he got so much energy and daring, he also

remembers some embarrassing things he said that made him want to hide

somewhere On the other hand, luckily almost everyone had said things

that they did not want to remember and that is why they kept an

unspoken silence between them not to mention it.

Neville: "you're still fine Ron, but I ... I danced with Pansy, she won't kill

me, will she? I've seen her give me weird looks all morning and she's

starting to make me nervous, besides, I ... I said strange things

yesterday… ".

Tonks: "Yo, good morning everyone, I see that today you are less

energetic than yesterday." Tonks who had just entered the dining room

commented while observing everyone who was at the party yesterday.

Tonks: "yesterday's party was amazing, so many confessions, new friends

and bold statements, ah, you will surely have more fun in the next years

at Hogwarts with those memories." Finishing his words, he continued on

his way to where the senior Hufflepuffs were.

When everyone heard his words, more than one blushed or hid his face in

his hands, even the proud Draco had to turn his head away, the

memories of the things he said would haunt him for a while. Not taking it

anymore, she got up and pointed her finger at Ron.

Draco: "Listen to me well, Weasley, what happened yesterday ... you must

completely forget it and I too will forget what you said, otherwise, Hmp,

I will find a way for you to regret it." After finishing his words he left the

large dining room, Crabbe and Goyle followed him, Pansy also got up

and gave Neville a long look and then also followed Draco.

Some others who heard Tonks words like Hermione, Susan, Padma,

Pavarti and Tracey hid their faces in their hands, even Daphne's stoic face

flushed, although she refused to hide her face.

Ron: "ugh, I don't want anyone to know either."

Harry: "yes, I think it will be a silent promise between all of us."

Hermione: "I hate you Extimum."

Extimum: "Hmm, don't worry, I'll keep the photos and recordings very


His words seemed to make some a little nervous, but then they let it go.

Extimum: "by the way, has anyone seen Steve? I don't see him in the

dining room."

Trudor: "huh, I think I heard that he was again chased yesterday by the

second year girls from Ravenclaw."

Mitchell: "that damn fat man always does such dubious things."

After that everyone finished their breakfast and went on with their day

normally, more than one of them will have spent the day thinking about

the things they said or did at that party.



I must say that I laughed a little while writing it, it made me funny to

imagine such a situation, I planned to continue with the plot, but then

I wanted to introduce Tonks and take advantage of Extimum to turn

12 and this came out.

this event will shake up the plot at some point, ahaha so many

implications of what they could say

Chapter 23: •The Philosopher's

Stone Part 1

After what happened at Extimum's birthday party that day, the

relationships between those involved changed very subtly, Draco and Ron

pretended that such a thing had not happened, ignoring what happened

was their best way out, although they still shared strange looks between

each other, They simply did not agree with the idea of ​​having acted

like great friends that day. The girls were a little shy about this topic, if

the men said strange things, then they were not the exception, of course,

given their age the comments could be more common, but there were no

inhibitions in anything they said and so it was they spoke many truths

frankly, however, over time they put it aside, even if the event sowed

some seeds with some thoughts on them, the perfect example of this was

Pansy and Neville, she was staring at him for days every time she found

him, she forget to even tease him, Neville must have been very capable

with his words that day so that he could leave her with such a look for

days, Harry on the other hand got a new fame among some freshmen,

some silent rumors and among few they ran About his ability with

women, the innuendo was more innocent, but the older students who

heard him didn't think exactly the same.

The Potion did not really have such a strong effect, otherwise it would be

almost a 'veritaserum', its effects were more a coincidence of the

combination of several aspects: the low resistance of the body of 11-12

year old children to such a potion, the lack of a strong mentality to resist

the effects and not say what you would not normally say and of course

the most important touch, the potion was a failed potion. Since Tonks

was also greatly affected, she found out with the student who gave it to

her and knew that he himself did not know how he had done it, it was

actually a failed potion, the original would have similar effects, but not

so strong and crazy.

On the other hand, the classes continued naturally during the following

months, Extimum continued investigating his project for the business and

he already had a base, he only needed a few more considerations and test

it to see if it was feasible, although he only had a basic model, but if it

worked he could sell a magical remodeling service, his studies on space

had also improved, however, he lacked a lot of general knowledge to get

a real profit and apply what he learned to spells that anyone could use,

although he made advances, most of its results were more to test the

utility because they were incredibly complex and exhausting to perform,

basically, if you were not an expert on the subject you could not do the

spell and on the contrary you could end up exploding.

Extimum had spent time getting to know and improving his relationship

with his new acquaintances such as Tonks, Padma, and Pavarti. His

friendship with Draco had improved, after what happened at that party,

Draco seemed to have lost much of his usual arrogance, he was still a

strong opponent and hostile towards Harry and his group, but Extimum

noticed that his attitude as such was less Contemptuously, Draco also

started paying attention to Hermione who had joined Harry's group, but

since he saw that she was very close to Extimum he was careful and

chose to ignore her for the most part.

A funny thing was Pansy, although she was still a follower of Draco, but

she seemed to have reduced her fanaticism, Oh, and Extimum was pretty

sure why, but we'll tell about that later.

Harry played some games of Quidditch and Extimum was gaining more

and more points for his house, Ravenclaw being the first followed by

Slytherin, maybe it was possible to defeat Gryffindor who was in 3

place?, It would be necessary to see if Dumbledore has nothing to say .

Speaking of the teachers, they didn't seem to have spoken out or

interrupted in any of the activities from before, they seemed to have their

attention mainly on the older students who were more unruly, after all,

you wouldn't expect 11-year-olds to go around playing with a cerberus or

spying on a mass murderer, you wouldn't believe it right?

As time passed, it was inevitable that the final exams would come, Ron's

worst nightmare and only a temporary refresher for Extimum, until they

did not reach 4 years, Extimum would not have to worry about actually



Extimum was sitting at the desk in his private room, he was playing with

the prototype of his business project, the functionality was almost

implemented, a few more days and he could try to make it really work.

While he was at it, a token on his desk lit up and vibrated a bit.

Extimum: "Oh, does anyone want to see me right now?" Extimum had

already had his exams in the morning, as they were extensive exams,

there were no classes or exams in the afternoon, giving him time to

improve his prototype, so he hoped that everyone was resting or studying

for the tests that were still missing.

The token on his desk was one of his first inventions while studying

runes, it was a kind of doorbell, since his room only granted access to

him or whoever he allowed and did not have a real door to enter, he

installed two tokens that would resonate and send a signal to the other if

it was activated with magic, one was naturally next to the secret entrance

and the other kept her inside her room. Since it was ringing it meant that

someone was outside and calling you.

Leaving the things she works with on the desk, she put on her coat and

left the room.

As he walked out of his room, he could see Trudor standing by the


Trudor leaned out to try to see inside, but the access hall was dark.

Trudor: "friend, when you come out of a dark corridor with your

impassive countenance, it almost seems that you are an evil wizard

coming out of his cave."

Extimum: "stop talking nonsense, what's up?"

Trudor: "hehe, when you let me look at what you're hiding there, ahem,

well, Harry, Ron and Hermione are outside the common room, they

seemed a bit upset and asked me to call you." Trudor was rambling again,

but when he saw Extimum's gaze, he said directly why he had come.

Extimum: "Well, I'll go now, if you want you can enter my cave, but make

sure you don't touch anything, lest you end up as a subject for my evil


Trudor: "** Gulp **". Trudor couldn't help but swallow when he heard it.

Although Extimum said it jokingly, but since he almost always kept his

face stoic, if he did not deliberately show any emotion, you would feel

that he meant it.

Trudor. " Ah, I'll see it when you want to show it to all of us, right now I

remembered that I had something to do, bye ".

Extimum: "Hmp, even if you get caught by something there, you wouldn't

suffer too much." Extimum muttered as he made his way out of the

common room.

Trudor: 'uff, I really escaped from something in there'. Trudor sighed as

he walked away, Extimum's murmur audible to him.

Extimum actually did have some traps, but they weren't deadly and they

were just jokes, like being hit by something or suffering a tickle or itch

attack, they weren't really dangerous, at most you could pass out and

they would only activate if you touched some of their important things.


As he left the common room, he encountered Harry, Ron, and Hermione,

who were milling around while waiting for him. Seeing him leave, they

pushed it away a bit and spoke to him.

Harry: "Extimum, you finally came out, we discovered something and we

wanted to tell you about it."

Ron: "we discovered that it is likely that Quirrell really wants to steal the


Harry: "Yes, when we finished doing the exams, something occurred to

me that we had not noticed, when we followed Quirrell we saw him

cover himself with a cape and visit some places until he managed to

sneak away, but one of those places where that we saw him go was the

same bar that Hagrid went to ".

Extimum: "and then?".

Ron: "That the person who gave the dragon egg to Hagrid was Quirrell

and apparently he was interested in the cerberus and Hagrid told him

about it."

Hermione: "That makes it very possible that he gave him the egg just to

try to get information out of it and he already know what the defenses

are to access the philosopher's stone."

Harry: "We also went to tell Professor McGonagall and she said that

Dumbledore had left Hogwarts, which makes it too coincidental."

Hermione: "Yes, he must have found a way to make Dumbledore leave

the castle and he should only wait for the time when the teachers are

busy to act."

Harry: "We have to stop him, we can't allow him to get the stone, besides,

he probably already knows how to get past all the defenses and how to

get to it."

Extimum: "and how exactly do you plan to defeat Quirrell?"

Harry: "... we just have to get the stone before he gets it and wait for

Dumbledore to come back". Harry thought a bit more when he heard her

question, in fact they hadn't thought that far since their minds only had

the thought that Quirrell would get the Philosopher's Stone.

Extimum: 'that "plan" doesn't sound reliable at all'.

Ron: "You will come with us right?"

Extimum: 'sigh, I really would rather not go, Harry can do it himself and

try to go further it could only mean that something changed and that

would not be good, on the other hand, I could try to bring a teacher to

the place, although they wouldn't believe me, but if I just bring them ... it

might work, but I don't think a direct confrontation between a professor

and Quirrell ends better than Harry just touching him to the ashes, and

on the contrary something could go wrong; I also don't think Voldemort

will let me attack him by surprise, he must already be a bit wary of me

after I could physically hurt him last time and I'm not so arrogant to

think that I can currently beat him ... well this will be a promise to

myself, I'll just interfere this time because I've already gotten into this,

but just to make sure everything goes smoothly, I'm not going to get into

all these conspiracies again unless it's completely necessary. '

Extimum: "sure, when will we go?"

Harry: "We plan to go tonight, we can't delay it."

Extimum: "Good."

Hermione: "we will meet here at the entrance of the Ravenclaw tower."

Extimum: 'I'll have to think about security measures.'


Extimum returned to his room, he had to think of methods to reach the

stone that were safer. The safety to get to the stone could not be as

simple as it seemed, it should be more dangerous and it is likely that it

did not stick to what it remembered from the movie but rather to the

books that were more realistic, moreover, since they were made to

protect, they should not be simple games.

Extimum: 'I only have a vague idea what testing could really look like,

but I should prepare certain countermeasures.'

Extimum drew his wooden sword from his bag, gave him a long look, and

then took out his wand and pointed it at the wooden sword.

Extimum: 'let's hope it works'. Next, Extimum cast various enchantments

to give him more durability and a bit of edge, although a wooden sword

is probably not much use, but he could use it to defend himself in the last

stay against physical attacks.

Extimum also prepared various protective amulets, they were weak, but

could help, he also prepared some potions to stop poisons or bleeding.


It was already night when Extimum left the Ravenclaw tower, they were

due to meet at approximately 8:30 pm.

Extimum: 'I hope everything goes well'. However, Extimum had to wait

10 minutes longer than expected.

Extimum: 'hasn't something unexpected happened, has it?' To his relief he

could feel a presence approaching him some time later.

As he waited for them to get closer, Extimum looked directly where he

felt they were, he couldn't see them, but through his senses, his mind

seemed to be able to reconstruct a vague image, his hearing gave him a

spatial perspective, his scent gave him the exact position of Each one, his

emotions colored his silhouettes and his imagination assimilated them

with who he believed each corresponded, his eyes on the other hand,

although they were quite good, they did not allow him to see them, but

he could vaguely see random distortions if he concentrated on one point

for a moment , it would not help you to detect someone invisible if you

did not know their position.

When they were already in front of him, they stopped and then ...

Ron: "Buu". Ron raised his cloak and jerked around trying to scare him.

Extimum: "…". Extimum just gave him a blank look.

Ron: "Come on, How could you not be scared with that?, we clearly came

out of nowhere."

Harry: "Maybe ... was he expecting us?"

Ron: "what? That's impossible."

Hermione: "But his gaze was clearly on us from before we got closer,

didn't you see it? Can you really tell where we were?". Did Hermione

seem particularly aware of his eyes or was she just more detailed?

Extimum: "I can't see them ... not at least with my eyes, but I can

perceive them."

Ron: "Are you sure you're not the son of a supernatural being?"

Extimum: "not that I know of."

Harry: "Okay, let's not waste any more time and let's go."

Extimum covered himself with his illusion and followed them on their

way to the third floor, although since they were all invisible, it was more

like they all went to the place and knew they were going together.

Extimum: "by the way, why did they delay?"

Ron: "huh, Neville didn't want to let us out, and Hermione tried to petrify

him, but he seemed much more attentive and managed to dodge him, we

had to try a few more times, he looked a little pale, I don't think he has

slept much lately, maybe did the nerves make him more sensitive?

Extimum: "Shouldn't I take some calming potion?"

Ron: "He's taking them, it's just that He've taken so many in the last few

months that they no longer have as much effect on him and He had to

stop taking them for a while".

Hermione: "You should talk to Pansy, At this rate, Neville will not be able

to be calm, although perhaps now if he is a little now… ".

Although Neville was concerned about Pansy, it was not his only

concern, exams also took up a lot of break time for some students.

Ron: "that's evil."

Hermione: "Do you also want to be bewitched?"

Ron: "wickedly cool." Ron hastily corrected


Upon reaching the door to enter the room where Fluffy is, everyone

stopped and breathed deeply encouraging each other.

Harry: "Well, it's time to go in." Harry took off his cloak, it would not

serve them against Fluffy because he could feel them even if he did not

see them and given their large size it would not work very well, Extimum

also undid his illusion.

Hermione: "Alohomora". Hermione pointed her wand and cast the spell to

open the door.

Hermione: "let's go in."

They all went through the door again into the room a little dark.

Fluffy was sitting in the middle of the room, one of his three heads was

asleep, another was drowsy and the last one had an annoyed look as he

changed his gaze from a destroyed harp in the near corner, to the 4


** Wow **

Its central head which was awake let out a loud bark, curiously its bark

did not seem to wake up the other two heads.

Ron: "ahhh, he's clearly angry."

Harry: "but look, there is a harp there, that means that Quirrell must

have come already, besides, two of his heads are asleep".

Ron: "Come on Harry, use the flute before he gets close."

Harry: "yes". Harry took out a flute from his pocket, Hagrid had given it

to him for Christmas and had practiced a bit with it, he planned to use it

to put the cerberus to sleep after hearing Hagrid say his weakness.

The four of them had already discussed how to pass the cerberus before

arriving here, although they did not expect the situation to be different

than they expected.

** Fiu ~~~ **

The cerberus seemed to stop his movement and his anger as soon as he

heard the sound, but he still kept his gaze fixed on them and after a

pause he got closer.

Ron: "it's not working completely."

Hermione: "ah, I don't know, It should just fall asleep to the music."

Extimum seeing that the cerberus did not seem totally willing to give in,

he released his aura sending feelings of calm and laziness. The effect was

quite clear as the cerberus' previously slow steps seemed to slow down

more and his eyes seemed to close longer when he blinked.

** Fiu ~~~ **

Ron: "It's slowing down, but it's still coming this way." Although the room

was not that big, but the cerberus also did not walk too fast, from the

beginning it seemed sleepy, its steps were slow, in fact, one of its heads

had even already fallen asleep by the time the music played.

** Bam **

The cerberus fell asleep a few inches from them.

Harry: "that ... was close, I was getting tired of playing the flute."

Extimum: "let's not waste any more time, let's go." It wasn't exhausting for

Extimum to manipulate his aura, it was quite natural, although if he tried

to force it too much it could be a bit mentally exhausting.

After stepping over Fluffy, they reached the hatch that had been

completely uncovered due to Fluffy falling asleep further ahead of the

hatch, only his tail seemed to be close but pointed in another direction.

Ron opened it and looked at what looked like a dark void.

Ron: "Let's hope it's not too deep."

Harry: "I'll go first."

Extimum: 'there are already several divergences, I don't even know how

things will be down there'. After thinking this far, he said nothing and

immediately jumped after Harry.

Shortly after Extimum, Hermione and Ron also jumped.

While descending through the hole, the place became a little clearer,

there were some plants that worked as lights, they did not shine much,

but they gave minimal visibility for those who did not have night vision.

** ahh **

Harry's scream could be heard as he fell, he was a few meters from

Extimum, the fall seemed deeper than expected.

As they approached what looked like a web of plants, Extimum felt a

sudden sign of danger.

Stepping into the air, he pushed his body to the left and dodged what

looked like a vine, he had approached him taking advantage of the

shadows and since Extimum was preparing for the fall he had not seen


Extimum: 'Damn'. Looking around, the room was clearly a plant trap,

there was a net below, but on the walls were thousands of the plants that

had attacked Extimum.

Extimum: "Everyone, be careful with the plants on the walls."

All of this seemed to take a long time, but it actually happened in the few

seconds in which they fell.

Extimum extended two of his tails and reached out to grab Ron's and

Hermione's waists that fell higher than him.

Ron: "ah, something grabbed me."

Extimum: "calm down, that was me."

With a little effort Extimum drew them towards him and, stepping on the

air, he propelled himself directly downwards, those plants on the walls

did not seem only to want to entangle them, some seemed capable

enough to pierce them.

As they swooped down, a plant grazed Ron' arm and another ripped a

piece of Hermione's shirt.

** puff **

In the end, they fell on the web of plants that were surprisingly soft so

that the fall did not hurt.

Harry: "Are they okay?" Harry seemed completely unscathed, it seemed

that the plants had not noticed him, perhaps it was his entrance that

drew attention to Extimum and the others who came after.

Ron: "ugh, yeah, lucky these plants were here to land, although some of

the ones up there scratched me a bit, but Extimum saved me, otherwise

they could have impaled me ...". Ron said as he slowly got up.

Hermione: "I'm fine too, they just ripped my shirt a bit."

Extimum: "well, let's not waste time, these plants are dangerous and the

one we are standing on is no different, we need fire-".

Harry: "Ah!"

Hermione: "Ahh !!!"

Ron: "Help !!!"

Before Extimum could go on and draw his wand, the vines they were on

moved and shot out from all sides, trapping them.

Harry was pulled straight down by his feet leaving half his body out,

Hermione was turned upside down, the vines grabbed her feet and lifted

her up, Ron was grabbed by her hands and feet and lifted off the ground,

Extimum on the other hand, seemed to have been considerate As the

biggest threat from plants, her whole body was pulled away and then her

feet sank down to her ankles and her arms were grabbed back, another

plant even covered her mouth. The devil's snare seemed more dangerous

and intelligent than the books described it.

Ron: "ahh, get me out of here."

Hermione: "stay put or It'll kill you more faster." Although Hermione said

so, but her panic was not minor, not when you are literally on your head

and you feel like the vines are sliding down your skin trying to wrap you

around and squeeze you tight.

Ron: "Will it kill me faster? Oh, now I'll relax." Ron said sarcastically as

his nerves only grew.

Harry: "Extimum seemed to want to say something of fire, think of

something quickly, Extimum is being heavily attacked by the vines, I can

hardly see it anymore."

Harry was also not well, the vines seemed to want to engulf and suffocate

their victims, given that Harry was still, he was not that aggressive, but

he was still tightly clenched and wrapped at a speed visible to the naked


Hermione: "It's the devil's lasso, they like the dark and the humidity."

Harry: "Then light a fire." Harry couldn't do it himself because his wand

was in his pants and that part of his body was buried in the vines.

Hermione: "Yes ... of course ... but I don't have wood!" panic and growing

nervousness had nullified Hermione's ability to think properly.

Ron: "Have you gone crazy? Are you a witch or not?" Ron yelled

Hermione: "Oh, it's true!"

While they argued, Extimum was in a slightly more complicated

situation, thanks to his strength, breaking a few vines was not difficult,

but his attacks were even more intense, his tails could hold them, but

they could not cut them and although he could draw his wand from his

hand once it broke free, but the vines seemed to have isolated him in a

semi-dome, if he cast a spell with such a distance, it was sure to burn too,

so he could only hold out and hope they could cast rapid fire .

Extimum: "Merlin, what happens to these creepers, this is clearly not

normal, even if they fight harder, they should not be so smart and much

less able to regenerate in this crazy way, what the hell did Professor

Sprout feed them with, if not they can get me out of here, I'll risk

throwing fire on me ".


Hermione: "Incendio!" Being the only one with her hands free, the wand

easily accessible and still having enough mobility and space, Hermione

cast the spell to the center of the room.

A red flame was lit in the middle of the room.

** screek **

The vines twisted and quickly moved away from their position, however,

the spell only helped Hermione who fell head first into the plants and

Ron who was closer to the spell and was completely released, Harry and

Extimum on the other hand did not. It was also. Harry was pulled along

with the receding vines and had almost been swallowed completely,

Extimum only got a slight respite due to being further away.

Extimum: 'f*ck these plants'.

Extimum: "Ahh!"

Extimum screamed and expanded an energy field as hard as he could

outward and when he couldn't take it anymore, he pointed his wand and

cast his spell, while releasing the energy field.

Extimum "Fire!".

** screek **

A large fireball appeared in front of Extimum, the fireball collided with

the vines that were thrown again trying to catch Extimum and were

incinerated, the surrounding ones quickly moved away or were also

consumed by the fire.

The fireball quickly made its way to where Harry was under Extimum's


Extimum: "sigh, damn, that was exhausting."

The vines let Harry go when they felt the heat, as they moved away, they

left a large hole through which Harry was sinking showing that there was

another room below.

Extimum: "Harry, get out of there."

Harry: "ugh, I feel like I want to puke after being squeezed like that".

Hermione: "That was really close, ugh, I don't want to go through

something like that again."

Ron: "yeah, let's get down fast, I want to stay away from these vines as

much as I can."

With unanimous agreement, they all jumped and landed on the floor

below after completely clearing the path with fire, the fall was not high

so they landed well.

Extimum: "let's rest here for a moment, we can't continue if we're tired."

Everyone: " alright".

Although the fight against the devil's lasso had not lasted too long, but

even if it had been short, it was a desperate fight against the creepers

that gave no rest in their attacks.


After resting for a few minutes, they continued, down a few corridors and

after crossing a door, they entered a spacious and mostly empty room, in

the ceiling there was a window that allowed the moonlight to illuminate

the room and in at the other end of the room, there was another closed


** srrr **

There was a strange sound as they entered, they seemed like continuous

rapid flapping.

Hermione: "How curious, I have never seen that kind of bird."

Harry: "They are not birds, they are keys."

Extimum: "and they will be one more annoyance."

Harry: "One of them is likely to open that door." Harry said while

pointing to a door.

They had all been looking around until Ron pointed to a broom that was

suspended in the air in the middle of the room.

Ron: "Look, a broom and it's floating."

Hermione: "ugh, and now what will we do?, there must be hundreds of


Ron: "let me try to open the door first." Ron walked over to the door that

would allow them to move forward and pointed his wand at her.

Ron: "Alohomora". However, the door did not respond, it seemed to be

enchanted by the counter spell.

Ron: "well, I had to try ... to open it it had to be an old key, rusty like the

door handle".

Extimum on the other hand, he was thinking of two ways he could try to

open the door, the first was to force the door and the other was to catch

the key without flying on the broom, both were not without unexpected

reactions, but he was wary of just go for the key with the broom.

Harry: "there, there it is, the one with the broken wing, but ... I don't

think it's that simple."

Ron: "Go ahead Harry, if Quirrell was able to get it, you can too, you're a

star player."

Harry took courage from his words and was about to take the broom

when Extimum stopped his hand.

Extimum: "Wait, we both know that wouldn't end very well, let me try

something first." Extimum said so, because as Harry reached his hand

closer to the broom the keys seemed to get faster and more aggressive.

Harry: "Good." Harry withdrew his hand and waited.

Extimum looked at the fat key and with the broken wing, he

concentrated on it and directed all his magic to enclose it.

The moment the key stopped, the previously noisy room fell silent.

Extimum wasted no time and pulled her towards his hand, however, as

he approached, the room seemed to transform, the light dimmed, the

walls seemed to move and the previously static keys moved quickly in a

frenzy heading not only towards Extimum who had just finished take the

key, rather it was towards everyone.

Extimum: "Quick run. and take the key ". Extimum passed the key to

Harry next to him and together they ran to the door.

As they ran towards the door, the room grew darker and darker, so dark

that the door they came through was no longer visible, it seemed to have

melted into the darkness.

The keys on the other hand had a slight flickering glow, which made

them difficult to perceive as they appeared and disappeared in the

enveloping darkness.

Ron: "the darkness is getting closer."

Hermione: "Ron, make room for Harry to open the door."

Harry made it to the door, but at the same time the keys reached them,

the keys were already close to impaling Hermione and Ron who were at

Harry's sides.

Extimum turned around at the last minute and expanded a force field

around him.

** tras plum paf **

The keys were quickly threaded into the barrier filling everyone's sight

and the fastest ones even managed to slightly pierce the barriers,

however, they were all stopped.

Ron: "Quick Harry."

Harry: "the door won't open! It must be because we didn't take it with the


Extimum: "What?" Extimum already had some beads of sweat on his

forehead resisting the constant attacks of the flying keys, since the

attacks did not come in one direction but were all spread out, they

generated a greater oppression in all directions even if it was not so


Extimum: 'Damn, these tests want me to play by their rules, but I'm not

here to play'.

Extimum turned his gaze slightly and pointed his wand at the door.

Extimum: "get away Harry."

Extimum: "Open up- Portaberto!" Extimum yelled his spell in the

direction of the door. At first he was going to cast the 'Open sesame' spell

in his frustration, but he remembered at the last second that such a spell

will destroy the door and he quickly changed the spell.

Immediately following Extimum's spell, the lock on the door seemed to

melt and fall, leaving a gap where it had been.

Hermione: "Quick, come in."

Harry, Ron and Hermione pushed open the door and entered quickly,

turning to see Extimum, they noticed the situation on the other side.

Everything beyond the Extimum barrier had faded into darkness and only

the keys that were still blinking buried in the barrier were visible and the

slight glow of the barrier itself, furthermore, a bit of that darkness

threatened to seep into the barrier.

Extimum was still concentrating on holding the barrier, his palms were

sweating a bit, seeing that they crossed the door, he pointed his free hand

towards the barrier and yelled.



I know that many had told me not to follow the trio because they did

not want a babysitter, but at least in this first year I will, to establish a

good union certain events are necessary, also, it would be strange if

you only leave your friends to chance When you are aware of the

situation, in the future Extimum will try to avoid following them and

instead there will be events that will change or interfere in really

necessary situations.

With all that said, I took a more dangerous approach to the tests, I

mean even if they were dangerous but their level of danger was quite

low to be defenses that their creators should be able to pass easily,

don't you think? So they will be different in some things .

Chapter 24: •The Philosopher's

Stone Part 2

Extimum: "isolamento!".

Extimum's barrier and everything that touched it seemed to freeze in that

instant, taking advantage of the moment, he picked up the lock that lay

on the floor, then ran quickly and crossed the door, Hermione closed the

door after seeing him enter.

Without slowing down, he turned and pointed his wand again at the hole

in the lock and placed the lock he had picked up over the hole.

Extimum: "repligamen unionis". When casting his spell, the lock fused

again with the door.

** Bam Bam**

There was the sound of something banging hard on the door, but it

couldn't get through.

Extimum: "Sigh". Extimum took a long breath.

The spell that Extimum used to stop everything for a moment was

'isolamento', it was one of his latest inventions, basically it isolated the

space for about 3 or 2 seconds or from another perspective it frozen it,

the spell was not very practical without preparation and how the

previous one, it was very tiring to launch.

Ron: "That was very scary."

Harry: "Don't even mention it, maybe ... Should I have tried to take the

key using the broom?"

Hermione: "It's hard to say what would have happened if you had, maybe

the same thing would have happened or at least the keys would have

attacked us."

Extimum: "that does not matter now, we are here, let's continue."

Extimum would admit that things did not turn out as he expected, but it

was not safe to assume that something similar would not happen, until

now, the actual danger level had been quite high.

They walked a little further down a short corridor that led to large black

metal doors.

Ron walked over and pushed open the large doors, which slowly opened

revealing a large room with what looked like large statues and rubble,

there was little light, so it could not be seen very clearly.

They all entered the room slowly, going a little further into the room, the

door closed behind them.

Hermione: "I don't like this, all those statues ... giving a very gloomy


Harry: "Is it ... a graveyard?"

Extimum: "that's a bit of an exaggeration, although Hogwarts is strange

and magical, but having a graveyard inside the castle would be on

another level, don't you think?".

Ron: "it's not a cemetery ... it's a chess table." Ron seemed in wonder at

the oversized chess, thus advancing to the center of the room or the

center of the chessboard.

Flames flared around the dash, lighting up the previously dark room.

Harry: "there is the door." Harry pointed and headed in the direction of

the door.

The others seemed to want to follow him as well, ignoring the fact that it

would be strange if they could pass the stage so easily that it clearly

seemed like another test, but they were stopped before they could

advance much.

Extimum: "wait, don't you really think it would be so simple right?"

Harry: "ehh ... isn't it?"

Extimum: "but of course not, this room literally screams that it is another

test, look". Extimum threw a stone that he took out of his bag towards

the door, as to why he had stones… well you never knew when you

would need to throw a truth? And since it had an expandable bag it was

not a major concern.

When the stone approached one of the statues, it seemed to come to life

and moved to cut it with precision with his sword.

Seeing the stone split in half on the floor, silence seemed to descend as

they kept their gazes on her.

Hermione: "How dangerous."

Harry: "what do we do now?"

Ron: "It's obvious, this is chess, we just have to play in order to pass."

Ron: "but three pieces are missing, the bishop, the queen and the knight,

so we will have to replace them in order to play"

Ron: "Hermione, it would be better if you don't play, this will be very

dangerous and you saw how they cut that stone."

Hermione: "well ... I'll wait for them to finish". Hermione wasn't so

convinced, but it was true that it was dangerous and she wouldn't

necessarily do better when she only had to replace one token.

Ron: "Harry, take the bishop, Extimum will take the queen and I will take

... the knight."

Extimum had not planned this development, he hoped to stay as an

observer and try to intercept the attacks of the pieces to prevent someone

from being hurt, but if he played he had to abide by the rules to move,

however, this development was not necessarily bad, Hermione would be

safer and Ron could play with the queen with a little less concern than

moving her, so Extimum did not refuse such a distribution.

Extimum drew the wooden sword from his bag and stood as the queen


Ron: "Where are you getting all those things from? and why are you

bringing something like that?

Harry: "It's true, I've already seen you take several things out of your bag,

but that you can take out a wooden sword is totally disproportionate."

Hermione: "It is an expandable bag, it has enchantments that allow it to

store many objects inside, they are a bit scarce, but they work the same

as some suitcases that are used at Hogwarts, it is just that they tend to be

more expensive".

Ron: "Oh, I haven't really seen one like that before, but why do you carry

the wooden sword?"

Extimum: "that's because I practice fencing, in fact, I usually practice

every morning, it's just that you are sleeping at that time and you've

never seen me".

Harry: "that's fantastic, but can you fight with it? I mean, it's made of

wood, right?"

Extimum: "It is not exactly the most indicated to cut, but it should not be

a problem to crush or destroy the chess pieces".

Hermione frowned a little at his comment, but since they were only

statues and very dangerous ones at that, she didn't say anything.

Ron: "Okay, Harry, go to your position."

Harry and Ron went to their respective positions and waited.

Hermione: "no ... nothing happens?"

Ron: "you must be patient, white moves first".

As he finished his words, all the white pieces seemed to convulse a bit,

then a slightly shrill sound was heard and all the white pieces stood

upright on their towers, their former simple features acquired a more

lively touch, even their pale and metallic Their eyes seemed to acquire a

certain brightness, their bodies also seemed to contain a realistic detail

that was not there before, although the pieces were mostly wearing

armor, some raised the sights on their helmets or simply weren't wearing


** ho 'war cry' ho **

All white tokens raised their weapons high as they celebrated and then

all were calm again.

Ron: "** glup **, I didn't think ... this version ... would be so realistic."

Extimum: "calm down, you won't get anything by getting nervous right

now, just do what you know and play well."

Right after Extimum finished his words, a white pawn made his first

move, his gaze resembling that of a true warrior entering the war, he

even had a challenging gaze with the black pieces.

Seeing such a scenario left Harry a bit speechless, Hermione even covered

her eyes just to see through the space between her hands.

Ron concentrated when he saw that it was his turn, since he was the best

player and who played the most among all, he would be the one who

would command the chips.

As Ron analyzed his possible playing strategy, the black pieces also

convulsed and, like the white ones, seemed to come to life.

** ho 'war cry' ho **

Such a war cry seemed to give Ron a little more confidence.

Ron: "Hey you, Pawn, go to C5."

Pawn x: "Hail the King and glory in the blood of our enemies." The pawn

moved from its square while shouting aloud, it was literally a cry for the

beginning of the war.

Harry: "can they also talk ...?"

Extimum: 'yeah… this definitely shouldn't be, sigh, Professor Flitwick

must have helped McGonagall to bring this level of realism to the game.'

Extimum tightened his grip on his wooden sword. This game could

become more dangerous or more convenient depending on how it will be

played with the new additions.

The game was resumed being the turn of the target again, there were no

unnecessary deaths of pieces even because Ron was more careful with his

pieces seeing them so realistic.

** hiiii, hiiii **

One of the white horses jumped a few squares forward, jumping the

pieces that were between him and the place he was heading, made a

great noise in his strong landing, however, the board did not seem to be

fazed by the hard blow.

The position of the white horse threatened the black pawn in its new



Bishop x: "My King, our soldiers are dying, you must help them."


Tower x: "My King, we have dealt a great blow to the troops of our

enemies, it would be more sensible to corner them from the other side."


Pawn x: "I will serve my King even in death ... agh ..".


Ron commanded the game as best he could, some tiles advised him,

others released casual comments, the realism was costing him a certain

psychological pressure, luckily the tiles did not seem to have lost their

spirit and their screams even in death were full of devotion, otherwise,

although there was no blood, but they could have disturbed him if they

began to scream tragically.

The chances of winning were debated in each game, the intelligence with

which magic chess seemed to play was at a higher level than expected,

being even difficult for Ron who was a skilled player, another thing that

also made the game difficult, was the reluctance to move the pieces that

Harry, Extimum, and himself were occupying. He had only moved such

tokens to threaten and then he would withdraw them costing him moves

and avoiding certain strategies that could speed up the game.

Extimum hadn't moved more than twice in the course of the game and it

was mainly as a deterrent; Although the game is dangerous, but at this

rate they could end up losing and the winnings would not make up for

the losses.

Extimum: "Ron, stop holding me back, don't worry about me and send me

there, the queen token is the most versatile, you can't hold back in the

game just by not using it."

Hermione: "Are you crazy? Didn't you see what happened to the chips

that were expired?"

Harry: "yes, it is too dangerous to go straight to the front."

Extimum: "Ron, don't listen to them, just do it, I'm not here to waste my


Ron: "Well, Reina on horseback B5."

Extimum moved towards the horse and when he was in front of him, he

gathered strength in his feet and took a great leap, brandishing his sword

in the air and breaking the horse's head and part of its knight.

** swish **

** Bam puff **

Extimum was quick, the realism of the game gave the opportunity for the

pieces to defend themselves, but so far all those that had to die did, so

Extimum did not know if it was possible to break such status, but he

would not risk it.

Harry: "Wow, he broke it like it was nothing ...".

Ron and Hermione were also impressed, they had not seen Extimum

display such colossal strength or perhaps they had just ignored him until

now, so they were surprised to see him.

After making his move, a white bishop moved and put Extimum in direct


Extimum: 'Fine, fine, let's break this game.'

Feeling inspired by adrenaline, Extimum screamed.

Extimum: "Ron, ignore that bishop, keep playing."

Ron: "no, that would be too dangerous."

Extimum: "then I'll make the move."

Extimum: "Tower X to F4". Extimum said it more tentatively, he didn't

know if the game would respond to someone other than Ron who started

the game, luckily the token did move.

And just as they feared, the white Bishop moved in the direction of

Extimum, and stopped when it was in front of him.

Extimum: 'I will find out for myself if I can break the game under the

same game system.' Extimum only dared to try to circumvent logic

because it lent itself to it, but he would not dare to charge directly

against the chips and open a path, when I try to do it with the keys the

situation was not very good, but doing it while the game was being

played was different.

On the other hand, Extimum relied on his strength and his senses to

defend himself or dodge the attack without leaving his box.

The bishop finally moved, since it was on a small tower where all the

chips were held, the blow was from a considerable height, the bishop

shook his staff strongly downwards.

Hermione: "ahh". Hermione screamed in alarm seeing the bishop attack.

Extimum waited for the moment when the staff came down and dodged

it with a slight movement and immediately jumped, brandishing his

sword towards the bishop, however, the bishop seemed to recover the

staff that was down quickly and tried to hit Extimum from his back,

Taking advantage of the closed space, he stepped on the staff that

reached from behind and his sword pierced the bishop's head.

After finishing, Extimum landed in his previous place.

Harry: "can he really do that?"

Ron: "huh, it shouldn't be possible, it's ... well, it's not against the rules,

but it just violates common sense with which one tile beats the other."

Extimum: "Okay, let's move on, Ron, do you think you can finish or not?"

Ron: "Okay, we'll finish this game, X-pawn to D3."


With this new method to beat the tiles, the game changed completely, an

enemy playing against Extimum was the same as the enemy throwing a

suicide attack.

However, such an act caused the pieces to defend and attack more

fiercely in their turns, but it could not really affect Extimum, nor

influence the game. It seemed that the game did not have any

countermeasures against such an action, however, a player or person was

not expected to substitute the tile, so there were already several things

that were not considered.


Ron: "Checkmate."

The white army had only kept one pawn and the King for when he was

completely cornered.

Ron: "uff, that was intense."

Black tokens: "The glory of our King has conquered our enemies!"

Ending the shouts of victory, the doors behind where the white king

stood opened.

Extimum: "that was a lot of fun." Extimum really had fun destroying the

white pieces, at first he was a bit apprehensive of their actions, but

eventually he only destroyed them the moment they arrived, although

they fiercely counterattacked they didn't move at the same speed as


At some point even Harry had come out on the board, but had been

backed up by Extimum so that he would not be attacked.

Harry: "let's continue."


They all went towards the now open doors and continued, shortly after

they reached another room again, however, the moment they entered

they were enclosed by a circle of fire, it did not seem like common fire

due to the color it presented, the fire the door through which they

entered were purple and the door to continue was black; in the center of

the room was a table with 7 bottles of different sizes and colors and a

scroll. The most prominent among them were 3 bottles: the sixth being

the largest with a slight wine fragrance, the third being the smallest and

the second which, although normal in size, contained a strong smell of


Ron: "there is no way out, it is magic fire produced by elixirs".

They all gave Ron a slight look at his comment.

Ron: "don't look at me like that, I know things too, this fire is different

from the fire produced by a common spell, it has certain properties that

will consume everything they touch and you can only turn it off if you

know that it is made to make something capable of putting it out Or that

you know a stronger spell. I know this because my brothers once played

with elixir fire for some pranks and almost set the house on fire by not

being able to put it out. "

Hermione: "the scroll has a riddle." Hermione commented as she took a

quick look at the scroll and then proceeded to read it aloud.


The danger lies before you, while security is behind, two of us want to

help you, for anyone who finds us, one of us seven will let you go ahead,

another will take the one who drinks it back, two contain only nettle

wine, three are deadly, waiting hidden in line.

Choose, unless you prefer to stay forever, to help you in your choice, we

give you four keys:

- First, no matter how cunning the poison has to hide itself, you will

always find some on the left side of the nettle wine;

- second, the ones at the ends are different, but if you want to move

forward, neither is your friend;

- third, as you clearly see, we all have different sizes: neither the dwarf

nor the giant keep death inside;

- fourth, the second on the left and the second on the right are twins,

once you try them, although at first glance they are different.


Ron: "I'm not very good with riddles, so I'll leave them to you."

Harry: "Me neither."

Hermione: "It doesn't look so difficult, it's just logical, with a little time I

can solve it."

Extimum: "It doesn't matter if we solve it, what is clearly explained is that

only two will be able to leave, one will continue and another will

advance, which suggests that another 2 must stay here or find a way to

get out of here."

Extimum: "However, I brought something that might help us get out of

here." Extimum rummaged in his bag and took out 4 amulets against fire;

I do not prepare more because he made them with little time at hand.

Extimum: "However, I don't know if they will help us, so it would be

better to try them before using them ourselves."

Harry: "That bag is really useful, you have almost everything there."

Extimum: "Well, not really, prepare some things that could help us before

coming and the space inside is also limited, but I do have a lot of things

here. Well, I'll test if the amulets work ".

Extimum activated a talisman and guided it first towards the front door

with magic, when the talisman was in the area of ​​black fire, it

released a barrier around it and was covered with fire, however, it did

not last long and was consumed by the black flames along with the


Ron: "Can't we go out?" Ron exclaimed as he saw how the amulet was

consumed by fire almost immediately.

While they were testing the talisman, Hermione was trying to solve the


Extimum: "Calm down, we haven't tried the fire at the entrance yet."

Extimum repeated the process with the purple fire, but this time the

barrier could resist the fire.

Harry: "Great, we can get out if something goes wrong."

Hermione: "I was also able to solve the riddle, so ... who will go?"

Harry: "I'll continue, it's me who mainly wanted to come here."

Hermione: "but will you be okay?"

Harry: "I will be, don't worry about me, rather, you should go send a

message to Dumbledore, we need him to come help us." Harry was

decisive, after receiving Hermione's elixir and ingesting it, he headed

towards the door with the black flames.

The elixir would grant temporary immunity to black fire to whoever

drank it just like the other to purple fire, Hermione also drank the elixir

after giving Harry hers.

Extimum: "take your amulet against fire."

Ron: "Thank you."

Hermione: "let's go too."

Extimum took a long look at the door with the black flames, he had his

own considerations with which he still debated, for the moment, he

withdrew with Hermione and Ron.


Harry kept walking and down a long staircase after crossing the door

with the black flames, at first he was apprehensive about touching the

flames, but they seemed to move away and clear a path for him as soon

as they felt it, so he was able to cross easily.

Harry could feel a slight discomfort in his scar as he made his way down

the stairs.

Finally, after walking to the end of the path, I come to a round room. It

was dark, but like the previous ones, it had a hatch in the roof through

which light entered; in the center of the room was the Erised mirror that

he had seen earlier in that room before Dumbledore took it away. In

front of the mirror was a man wearing robes and a turban.

Harry: "It was really you ... I was suspicious ... but I still had the doubt

that it was Snape."

Quirrell: "ah, Harry, I did not expect you to be so smart, Maybe they

should have put you in Slytherin ?, there you would be fantastic, on the

other hand, who would really think it was me? Next to Snape who always

gives that vibe, no one would think that someone like me, the po-poor st-

stuttering professor Quirrell was guilty. "

Harry: "I would never be a Slytherin, besides, I didn't discover it alone."

Quirrell: "oh yes, your friends, very ... particular and ... unpleasant ...

although one of them in particular is quite good ... so your vision might

not be so bad, however, you should be careful, Potter, approaching a

family as dangerous as the Shadowless… you could end up not knowing

how you died ".

Harry: "Extimum is not like that."

Quirrell: "but ... do you really know him? ... do you know about his

family? ... is he really the person you think you know?, on the other

hand, his joke against me was especially detestable, ruining my moment

where it could to have killed you, although it was mainly Snape who

helped you with a counter-spell, but his attack on me was the cause of it

failing. "

Harry: "Snape, He trying to save me?"

Quirrell: "I knew you would be a threat from the beginning, you are so

young, but you defeated a troll, that clearly shows your talent". Quirrell

completely ignored Harry's question, he seemed more concerned with

continuing his monologue.

Harry: "So you let the Troll in?"

Quirrell: "Okay, Potter, you see, you are brilliant. Snape unfortunately

was not fooled by the troll. "

Quirrell: "while everyone was running in the dungeons, he went up to the

third floor to stop me, from that moment he stopped trusting me, he

never left me alone, but he doesn't understand ... I'm never alone, never".

Quirrell turned to look at the mirror as he spoke, not looking at all

concerned with turning his back on Harry.

Quirrell: "Now, what does this mirror do? I see what I want, I have the

philosopher's stone, but how do I get it?"

???: "Use the boy". A dry voice seemed to be heard all over the place.

Quirrell: "Come closer, Potter, now!"

Harry: "No." Harry immediately fled, since the stone was not in sight and

Quirrell did not have it, there was no point staying here.

Quirrell: " Atabraquium!" Quirrell cast a spell and the next moment,

Harry fell to the floor, his feet seemed bound by an invisible force.

Harry: "agh, ah." Harry tried to free himself, but couldn't, his bonds

weren't even physical.

Quirrell: "Come here, Potter." Following his command, Harry was

dragged towards Quirrell, next to the mirror.

Quirrell: "Tell me, What you see?"

Harry was reluctant to look at the mirror at first, but then his head was

forced to look and he had no choice but to do so.

Harry: 'how is it possible?' Harry could not believe his eyes, the mirror

showed that he had the stone in his pocket, to his horror, after

visualizing himself in the mirror, he felt that his pocket in which the

stone was displayed was heavier.

Quirrell: "What did you see?"

Harry: "ah, I'm saying hello to Dumbledore, it looks like I won the cup."

Voldemort: "Lie." The voice again spoke through the room. Voldemort

had used legitimacy to look into Harry's mind and find out the location of

the stone, which is why he knew he was lying.

Quirrell: "Tell the truth."

Voldemort: "Let me talk to him."

Quirrell: "but he is not strong enough." Quirrell looked concerned as he

spoke into space.

Voldemort: "I have enough strength for this."


Extimum had retired with Hermione and Ron, now that they were taking

a real break, it was inevitable that their bodies would begin to take their

toll, they all had bruises in some places on their bodies from the devil's

lasso, those of Extimum had long since disappeared due to because he

mainly dedicated himself to fighting them and not letting himself be tied

up and to his strong constitution, but he was still a bit sore. They also

had some minor scratches from the plants or from the debris from the

chess game, nothing really important, however, the biggest cost was the

mental one, going through so many dangerous tests had worn them

down, Extimum felt a little better, after his adventure to the muggle

world could afford higher levels of stress.

Currently the three of them were walking back down another corridor

that had opened when they crossed the purple fire.

Hermione: "do you really think he's okay?"

Ron: "It's hard to say, for now, we can only trust him and send a message

to Dumbledore."

Hermione: "what do you think about that, Extimum?"

Ron: "Extimum?"

Extimum walked alongside them, but seemed to ignore them even when

they called out to him several times.

Ron: "Hey, what's wrong with you, why don't you answer-?"

When Ron touched Extimum his hand passed through him.

Ron: "Ahh, I went through Extimum."

Hermione: "calm down, take a good look." Hermione had also moved

closer when she saw Ron go through it and touched Extimum.

It was as if there was nothing, there was nothing perceivable when

passing his hand over the place, perhaps the most sensitive could feel the

magic there, but nothing else, it was just an illusion, one who had been

walking silently alongside them all this time.

Ron: "is it ... an illusion?"

Hermione: "and a very realistic one, if we hadn't touched it, it would be

hard to say it's not Extimum."

Ron: "So he was never with us?"

Hermione: "no, it is likely that, if he had dated us, but at some point he

left and left his illusion with us."

Ron: "But what did he expect when he returned? There is no way to get

past the black fire, is there?"

Hermione: "Maybe ... he had some shape ... but ... he couldn't take us

with him?"

Ron: "but you could have told us."

Hermione: "He probably didn't want to worry us or stop to discuss it,

since he's made that decision we should go ahead and send the message

to Dumbledore, we won't be able to do anything by stopping here."

Ron: "Okay, let's go."


Extimum had actually left for a while after leaving the room that

contained the enigma, he had put the illusion of his image because he

wanted to avoid explaining.

He had no safe way to get past the black fire, but this was a good

opportunity to experiment with his magic.

Arriving in front of the black fire, Extimum stopped.

Extimum: 'Okay, I'll do this quickly.'

Extimum concentrated and his body began to change, his skin began to

turn black and hard, at some point his structure became a kind of

humanoid monster, he had tried to reinforce his skin by transforming it

with scales similar to snakes, then he concentrated his magic and he

created an energy field around him, finally, he activated a charm against

the fire and he threw himself into the black fire to cross to the other side.

The heat was suffocating, once inside, the amulet broke almost

immediately, its energy barrier on the other hand was able to resist well

the first wave of fire that was leaning towards its body, but with the

seconds it began to weaken and visibly weaken.

Extimum: 'Come on, you have to last.' When he was 70% of the fire path,

his energy field was consumed by fire, leaving only his now tough skin to

support it.

Extimum: "agh". Extimum let out a slight growl when the fire began to

eat away at his skin, seeing that there was little left, Extimum used all his

strength and leapt into the air, followed by a second step that almost

failed that allowed him to get thrown out of the path of fire.

Extimum landed on the ground, his clothes had long since been scorched

and his scaly skin was red and with multiple visible cracks, it was

fortunate that his wand case was especially resistant to resist fire.

Extimum: 'ugh, it's lucky I left my bag on the other side…'. Extimum

writhed a bit on the ground and by the time his scales were black again,

they returned to his previous human skin, revealing his burned skin in

certain areas that was slowly beginning to heal.

Rising to his feet, Extimum drew his wand and using the few fragments

of cloth on his now naked body, it expanded, repaired to some extent and

then adapted into a ragged black robe that he used to cover his body.

Extimum: 'but… why didn't the fire remain in my body?' That was indeed

a great question, Extimum did not have any special affinity for fire and

even then, it would not save him from the fire persisting in grabbing his

body and burning him even if he left the fire path, otherwise the fire

would not it would be so threatening. Extimum planned to force his

lineage and magic to fight fire or in extreme measures, he would use his

space magic to separate himself from the fire, but it would just disappear

once he stopped being in direct contact was too strange.

Extimum: 'it doesn't make sense to think about it now, but my lineage

definitely has nothing to do with it.'

Extimum's body had already healed to a great extent, curiously his hair

did not seem the least bit affected by the fire, something that Extimum

did not take note of at the time. The black fire did not have a perishable

or incurable effect on the victims because in principle it was not

supposed to be easy to get rid of once you came into contact with it,

therefore, the natural regeneration of Extimum was enough to remove

the aftermath, leaving some ashes. and dry skin near your body.

Looking at his body, Extimum waved his wand and his entire body

seemed magically washed and dried, he could not allow himself to move

forward leaving traces or a lingering smell of burning.


Extimum covered himself with his illusion magic and headed towards the

last room, but when he arrived, he almost jumped from his place when

the fire ignited right in front of his face, it was too unexpected, he almost

thought that he had been discovered and was being attacked. .

But upon hearing a booming voice, his concerns were calmed.

Voldemort: "Don't be a fool ... why suffer a terrible death when you can

join me and live?"

Harry: "Never." Harry had been released from his bonds when Quirrell

saw that he was looking at the mirror, leaving room for him to hand over

the stone.

Extimum: 'damn, that almost scared me to death.'

Extimum hid behind a pillar and he waited for a moment when it was

feasible to cross, although this was also magic fire, but it was only

normal fire, as long as you covered yourself well and the caster did not

deliberately aim at you it would be easy to cross.

Voldemort: "Hahaha, bravery and stupidity, your parents were the same,

tell me… Harry, would you like to see your father and mother again?

Together, we will make them come back, you just have to give me the


Extimum crept around the pillars until he reached a position where

Voldemort couldn't see him, he wouldn't risk testing if his current illusion

works with Voldemort and crossing right in front of his eyes. When he

saw that he was concentrating on his monologue with Harry to get the

stone, Extimum jumped over the fire and landed softly behind the mirror.

Voldemort: "that's right, Harry, there is no good or evil, there is only

power and those who are too weak to seek it, together we will do

extraordinary things, you just have to give it to me."

Extimum: 'Tch, you're only scared to get close to Harry because he killed

you once.'

Harry: "I won't give it to you."

Voldemort: "Kill him."

Quirrell immediately obeyed and practically flew in Harry's direction,

grabbing him by the neck and choking him to the ground.

Seeing an opportunity while Quirrell hanged Harry, Extimum made his

move, drew his wand and held it up to his face.

Then he turned and pointed his wand at Quirrell's back and cast his Spell.

Extimum: "Foraminis in spatio!". It was the first spell that Extimum

invented, although he had not been able to improve it, but curiously he

had found a way to increase its destructibility when it failed its cast, one

would hope that it improved the spell not that it found ways to make it

worse ...

Voldemort: "Behind you!"

However, just as Extimum had feared, Voldemort could see it, his illusion

did not make it difficult for him for a second to find it, he had only to

ignore him because of the fire, his monologue and the precautions of

Extimum that made him not notice it until now.

Quirrell: "Who ?, agh" although Voldemort had spoken in time, neither of

them expected the spell to hit them almost immediately. A spatial

distortion triggered by the collapse of a spatial vortex had occurred on

Quirrell's back, leading to an explosion that destroyed that part of his

robe and left a terrible bleeding wound.

Voldemort: "How dare you." Voldemort, in fact, could not see it fully, but

he could feel it and see a kind of hazy figure covered by a black cloak.

But Voldemort's difficult situation did not end, since Quirrell was

distracted and Harry was kicking to free himself, when Quirrell turned

his head, one of Harry's hands had managed to hit him with a slap by

chance, resulting in a small part of his face was consumed as if it were

burned by flames.

Quirrell was not really a man of arms, although he was a great wizard

and was quite skilled, but he had no talent for physical or magical battles

against other wizards, that is explained in his impulsiveness when

attacking Harry with his bare hands when he could use many other

methods. Perhaps it could be due to Voldemort's precaution of launching

a direct attack on Harry, in any case, receiving a serious wound on his

back and then feeling a terrible burning on his face, added to the screams

of Voldemort next to his head, it They got a little anxious and panicky as

they lost control of a situation that was supposed to be under their


Quirrell: "Aghh, my-my face." Quirrell was shocked to see the burning

spread, he could see the ashes of his face burned in his hands, he could

feel the pain of the magic eating away at his skin.

Voldemort: 'damn incompetent, forget it, the priority is to survive'.

Voldemort was upset with the incompetent body he had taken to occupy,

it was bad enough having to live as a parasite in someone else's body, but

now, even this body was decaying due to injuries.

Voldemort: "The stone, take it." Not caring about the state of the body he

possessed, the stone demanded, if he had obtained it, Quirrell's death

would have been worth it.

Harry had released himself from the grip and after taking a breath he was

able to reposition himself in the situation. Hearing Voldemort scream for

the stone, he ran towards it to take it, but, although Quirrell was weak-

minded, he had great perseverance, not everyone could carry a parasite

on their head even under the promise of power, so he immediately He

threw towards the stone and against Harry who was in the way.

Extimum on the other hand, had been stunned for a few seconds, had

received a strong attack of legilimency from Voldemort, it was fortunate

that his mind had natural defenses, because his ability alone would not

have saved him from the tremendous shock his mind received, his His

body almost fell to the ground, otherwise it would have been because he

regained consciousness a second before falling, although he was still

disoriented and exhausted from his previous spell, he managed to cast a

simple energy attack spell in the direction of Quirrell.

You have to know , although Voldemort is currently weak in both

existence and magic and does not possess a physical body of his own, but

his skill level is still present and he is not one of the greatest dark wizards

of the last era for nothing, just his attack of legilimency in his weakened

state had shaken a practically occlumens man with natural defenses

almost to swoon.

Harry and Quirrell's struggle had started when they were inches from the

stone, however, Quirrell had been alerted again this time by his mind of

another incoming attack, so he launched a quick counterattack that

parried Extimum's attack and dove straight for the stone, only to be

slapped by Harry destroying what little intact face he had left. (look at

that XD reference)

Quirrell: "ahhhgg ...". Quirrell was consumed by the magic in Harry to


Voldemort: "arggg, I will remember this." Voldemort roared and attacked

Harry who was nearby in his soul state, knocking him out from direct

damage to the soul, it was fortunate that Voldemort was weak, or such an

attack could have done more than just knock him out.

Extimum had recovered only to see Voldemort's attack on Harry.

Extimum: "Damn, all this effort and I was only able to achieve this ...

maybe I was expecting too much?"

Extimum took a long look at the place where Voldemort disappeared and

then turned his attention to something more important.

Extimum: "but it would be a real shame to destroy you." Extimum walked

over to the philosopher's stone and picked it up.

The philosopher's stone was not very big, it was a little bigger than

Extimum's fist, it was ruby ​​red, its structure was crystalline and it

emanated an imperceptible energy from it.

Extimum: 'it is a pity not to be able to keep it completely'. Extimum

lengthened his nails and cut a considerable chunk of the stone, he had

tried before and discovered that although he could not use them as sabers

because he could not make them too long, but they were surprisingly

hard and sharp, in addition, it would be strengthened with their lineage

Extimum: 'I don't think they wonder too much about a piece missing, it is

already a lot that Voldemort does not have it, although the traps were

good, but since he could get this far, it shows the incompetence of those

responsible, on the other hand, this chunk… I could get a lot out of it

after researching it enough, spending a limited item would be a real

waste'. Extimum put the piece of stone in a makeshift pocket of his robe

and put the rest in Harry's hand.

After that, Extimum turned and walked over to the mirror.

Extimum: 'with that out ... tell me, mirror, mirror, now that we finally

meet, why don't you tell me what I really want?'



Ugh, today I was lazy to write but I also wanted to finish this part, so

it took me longer to finish it, besides thinking about how things would

happen and attending classes, well, here it is.

I wanted to comment that chapter 6 of Hermione's scene was finally

edited, I think that now it doesn't seem so out of place, for those who

want to read the changes, it doesn't matter much besides being less


Also, I know that this chapter could be like Mc following the situation

a lot, but it seems to me that I adapted it well, also combined movies

and books and I gave it my touch.

Chapter 25: •If you misbehave, I

will have to arrest you

The mirror was tall, framed with a gold frame with fine details and at the

top of the frame was a combination of the words "Oesed lenoz aro cut

edon isara cut se onotse".

Extimum walked over to the mirror after detailing it a bit and looked into

it. There he was, dressed in nothing more than a ragged black robe that

covered his body leaving only his face, hands and feet exposed, he was

barefoot, although he had washed, with the trip here, crossing the fire

and the fight had made him dirty a little, his hair was the only thing that

seemed normal, leaving Extimum puzzled, one would expect to be bald

or with burned hair after all his "adventures" by fire. In fact, now that he

pulled out his tails, he could see that they were intact against the fire, it

seemed that the natural resistance of his hair and fur was better than that

of his meat, I did not check his fox ears because he did not have them

outside in that moment.

After finishing examining himself, he fixed his gaze on what the mirror

had to show him.

Very soon the scenario in which he was reflected changed and several

events began to unfold. At first he showed things that he expected, then

some that he had neglected, but they seemed important, but the last one

... that left him a little dumbfounded and perplexed.

Extimum: 'what? That doesn't make sense…'. (Extimum was like WTF


At first, the mirror showed him in two scenarios that seemed to lead to

the same thing, love, Extimum was aware of his inner desire for him,

even if his thoughts and feelings were complex about it, however, like all

people , he also wanted love, having said that, in the first scenario he saw

himself with his family in a home environment with what an ideal family

would be expected and in the second he saw himself surrounded by a few

women, it was interesting the The fact that although he recognized

Hermione, the faces of the other two women were blurred ... what did

that mean? What did he want more women but didn't know yet? Or that

he knew them, but hadn't he accepted them? Extimum did not know, it

was already a surprise that in the image there was more than one

woman, did the number also have meaning or was it just how it came

out? he was quite ambiguous and unclear in that regard, so he could

simply be associated with wanting more from a partner but not having an

idealized one.

The following scenes were also within his expectations, he wanted the

power, the knowledge and the ability that would allow him to do

everything he wanted, opening a new path for the magical world. He

could easily associate it with his constant struggle to learn and become

stronger, not only for his safety, but also to find freedom in his actions,

the latter was a wish he got after hearing the magical story and

visualizing his former glory. So far everything was fine, they were desires

related to his being that he knew.

But the following scenes started to get darker and darker, to a point

where he couldn't understand where such thoughts might come from.

It started in a scenario where he would kill his parents, it was too

extreme a thought, Extimum would admit that he had some animosity

against them and would not blink if he saw them being beaten, but he

did not believe that they deserved death, nor that he would kill them


Following that, he could see himself in a dark and chaotic world, killing

and destroying everything in his path, he would establish his dominion

and take everything he wanted, treasures, money, women, he would even

destroy the muggle world and lay a monarchy of conquest of the entire

magical world.

Extimum: 'isn't this thing damaged or is it?'

Extimum could not understand those images that seemed to be the

projection of his wishes, he did not have a hatred for Muggles or the

magical world to destroy them, in such images he even killed his friends

for power, he wished for power, but not in that way nor for those

purposes, although the domain was a pleasant idea but he had no interest

in dominating an entire magical world or not in such a brute way as just

killing everything in his path, this world despite its dangers is not

completely dominated by power, so such methods would only work in

the short term and with multiple consequences, that's for sure, if you

have enough power.

Extimum 'because there just seem to be more unknowns and problems

everywhere, can't it be easier? '. Extimum brought one of his hands to the

bridge of his nose and frowned.

Extimum: 'too troublesome ... we better go'. Turning his attention back to

the unconscious Harry on the ground, he walked over to him and picked

him up with two of his tails holding him in his lying position. Since

Dumbledore had not yet arrived, he left the philosopher's stone in Harry's

pocket and continued on his way out.

However, midway through, Extimum quickly snapped his fingers and

Harry floated by himself, then quickly drew his tails inside his body.

Harry was floating now due to a spell cast on his clothes that kept his

body afloat.

Almost the immediate moment that Extimum finished doing all that

group of actions, an old man appeared in front of him. Extimum hadn't

expected to meet him so soon, nor did he even know if he would see him.

His speed was surprisingly fast for an old man, if you looked at his

movement you would not notice anything out of the ordinary, but each

of his steps seemed to span several meters, until he stopped in front of

Extimum, the old man first gave Harry a scrutinizing look and After

making sure he was okay, he focused his gaze on Extimum.

The old man wore a red robe and a magician's hat, he had long silver-

white hair and a long beard that reached down to his abdomen, he had

fair skin and blue eyes, he had a sharp look and eyes that seemed to hide

a great wisdom and knowledge, he was of course Albus Percival Wulfric

Brian Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, or better known as


Dumbledore: "ah, Extimum, what an interesting moment to meet us,

however, given the ins and outs of this situation, I feel obliged to ask,

what has happened here." Dumbledore began to speak in a familiar way,

like old acquaintances, adopting his role as grandfather well.

Extimum: "yes, it is in fact a very particular moment and although

explaining it would be simple, given the complexity of the matter, it

would be simpler if only I reproduced it with magic".

Dumbledore: "Well, it's just that some things are better heard first by

people instead of resorting to magic, but since you insist and it seems

that the greatest danger has passed, I will take your word and we will

relive the moment."

Dumbledore walked a bit more, returning to the scene where Quirrell's

ashes were located.

Dumbledore: "Appare Vestigium". Dumbledore waved his wand and the

entire area seemed to be covered in a light golden mist, after which,

images materialized in the mist showing the events that occurred since

Harry was dragged to the mirror.

Dumbledore reviewed the images with an impassive gaze. Extimum was

surprised by such a spell, he had not had the opportunity to study or see

magic related to time until now, this especially seemed to show the

events that occurred in a place from the moment magic was used, if the

event was within a certain rank of time.

Even so, Extimum knew of its existence from stories and references in

other books, so he suggested such an idea.

Dumbledore: "It's wonderful, isn't it? The things we can do with magic,

such an ability to achieve things that are impossible in the eyes of


Extimum: "Magic is indeed great."

Dumbledore: "Well, now that we have clarified the events that occurred

in great detail, we can take Harry to the infirmary, although he does not

suffer from any serious symptoms, It would be good for both him and you

to get a checkup". Dumbledore had already checked Harry with some

silent spells, so he knew that in addition to being exhausted, he only had

a slight affectation in his soul, which would recover naturally with rest or

with some medicines in the infirmary and would be in a few days . As for

Extimum, he had also gone through it quickly.

As they headed towards the exit of the venue, Dumbledore took the

philosopher's stone from Harry's pocket.

Dumbledore "On some occasions ... especially those ... where danger

abounds like today, it is inevitable that things beyond our control will

happen and things will be lost, it only remains to assume that a certain

fraction of the stone has been lost and hope that it is in good hands".

Dumbledore naturally saw through the precise cut in one of the corners

of the stone, although Extimum had done it in such a way that it would

not be very noticeable, but as one of the owners of the stone,

Dumbledore could naturally notice that the size of the philosopher stone

had changed. That said, Dumbledore decided to let the event pass and

trust that it would be put to good use, it was of course not too much to

subtly indicate this point, so that Extimum would be aware of his

intentions on the matter.

Extimum was naturally happy with such an arrangement, even if it was

Dumbledore trying to establish his goodwill, but there was no reason to

reject it.

As they continued walking in the direction of the infirmary, Extimum

remembered a question that he had wanted to ask Dumbledore if he had

a chance to meet him, with the turmoil of previous events and time, he

had already almost ruled it out.

Extimum: "Dumbledore, I have a question in particular, which I was

wondering if you could answer me" Extimum did not speak formally

since Dumbledore did not seem to have a preference for them.

Dumbledore: "as long as it is in my power and it does not allude to too

delicate matters, I would be happy to help you."

Extimum: "Okay, I'm sure you could tell me, a woman named Lauren

Shadowless, my mother's sister, you must have known her, however, her

existence almost seems erased and it doesn't seem like there are many

willing to discuss it, can you tell me about her?".

Dumbledore: "There is not much I know about the facts surrounding her

death, but I can tell you what I know about her, Lauren, she was a bright

and beautiful young woman, her kind and pure-hearted personality was

really commendable, even if your mother Ava will change the color of

her hair to look the same, you could still differentiate them by the great

difference in their characters, she was a very special person, it was a real

shame that she died, from what was known, she had a very good

relationship with her husband and sister. They came from Canada to the

UK from a very young age because they were committed to Callum

Shadowless through a magical contract, the contract was arranged

between two branches of your family and the relationship between them

since they were little at Hogwarts was always good. there were several

speculations about his death but it was believed that it was due to an

expedition, at that time some ancient ruins were discovered, the

Shadowless family was the one who led the exploration of said ruin along

with some other people, some believe that they could find something

there that changed them, or perhaps he was the victim of a powerful

curse or ancient poison, although the time of his death was a few months

later, it was the only event that could be emphasized, on the other hand,

many others have gone to such ruins but did not find no danger like that,

so it is only a speculation, the real cause of his death was not known

because your family refused to show his body to the authorities, so only

the statement given by your father was released, Callum".

Dumbledore: "that's all I know, I hope it has been helpful to you."

Extimum: "well, it was quite enlightening in the face of certain facts,

thank you". Extimum actually learned a lot from Lauren from

Dumbledore's words, more than many were willing to tell him.


After exiting through the third floor, Dumbledore led Extimum and Harry

to the infirmary, where Ron and Hermione were, in addition to receiving

an inspection to verify their condition, they were waiting for Dumbledore

to return with news.

The Hogwarts hospital wing is located on the first floor, it is a large room

with an elongated shape, it has large windows on the sides that give an

excellent entry of light in the day, there are also several beds

accompanied by a nightstand for patients, all instances have curtains or

screens for patient privacy, there are also some cabinets that store


Seeing them arrive, Hermione and Ron ran with concern on their faces,

seeing Harry unconscious behind them and Extimum wearing nothing but

a threadbare robe and his bag at his waist.

Extimum had not had the opportunity to change his clothes, his bag had

been left at the entrance of the black fire corridor and before he could get

there, he met Dumbledore, after picking it up on his way back, he did not

change because he had decided to wait to get to the infirmary, there were

no students at this time so he was not seen either and he had no

problems getting there.

Ron: "Harry, Extimum!"

Hermione: "Professor Dumbledore, Extimum, are you okay? What

happened to Harry? And Professor Quirrell?".

As he approached, Ron expressed concern about the sight before him and

Hermione asked the most important questions that came to mind.

Dumbledore: "Miss Granger, you can calm down, we are all fine, Harry

here is just unconscious, but without any damage to worry about, as for

Extimum, despite his appearance, he has no damage to worry about, but

they will still be checked. by Madame Pomfrey for added security ".

Dumbledore rushed to speak to relax the concerns of those present,

saying the facts with a calm that seemed to relax those present a bit,

likewise, he gave the situation of his state, he had already reviewed for

the most part the state of both, but, although he was a great wizard, his

specialty was not healing magic, so he left the final verdict to the medi-


When she finished her words, Madame Pomfrey, who was waiting to the

side, gave no more time and approached.

Pomfrey: "Put the unconscious boy on the bed over there, and you, wait

for me in this other room so I can check on you." Pomfrey arranged the

beds to accommodate Harry and closed the curtains for Extimum's bed

since she knew he would need to change, it was not difficult to see that

he was not wearing anything under his robe.

Madame Poppy Pomfrey was a woman of a certain age, she had gray-

brown hair, she had blue eyes and fair skin, she wore a nurse's uniform

with a traditional design and on her chest she proudly displayed her

medal that certified her as a medi-witch. Her personality seemed to

contain the kindness that you would expect from a nurse who would be

in charge of your care and the strictness and seriousness to deal with the

matters that involved her profession.

Extimum floated Harry to the bed indicated by Pomfrey and he himself

entered his room.

Dumbledore: "Well, since everyone is fine, I will retire for the moment to

resolve some matters, I will visit you another time."

Hermione and Ron seemed to want to ask more questions, but Madam

Pomfrey wouldn't let them.

Pomfrey: "And you guys, get back or wait a bit far from here, I need to

check the condition of the students and you two have already been taken

care of."

Having no choice, Hermione and Ron sat a little apart on some waiting


Returning to Extimum's room, she took off her threadbare robe and

opened her bag, pulled out a spare uniform that she had, and put it on

after checking her body.

Extimum: 'Maybe, I should take time to learn a little healing magic, know

some inspection spells or to treat certain wounds could be more useful

than potions'. Although Extimum had a strong regeneration, but that was

only based on superficial injuries, if he was injured internally, lost some

part of his body or had a serious injury, his regeneration could only

retain the rapid deterioration of his body, such as avoiding loss excessive

blood flow or compressing your muscles, it would also ensure that your

body maintains its energy so that it can function relatively normally, but

unless you could use outside help and had time to rest, your regeneration

could not help you.

Extimum hadn't tested him to such limits, he wasn't a masochist who

would get hurt just to find out the extent of his regeneration, but training

with swords, experimenting with magic and potions alone at home was

not without accidents, as far as he already knew. the extent of her natural

recovery, it was more of a passive ability that boosted her survival, but

that was it. Therefore, his wounds such as skin and burned flesh could

heal with a little time, his regeneration was quite efficient when it came

to quickly healing small wounds or that had to do entirely with his skin

or outer flesh, but he seemed to weaken. when it came to his interior, a

rather strange operation and since the fire did not enter his body there

were not so many problems.

When she finished changing, she heard Madam Pomfrey's voice outside

her curtain.

Pomfrey: "Mr. Shadowless, can I come in now?"

Extimum: "Go ahead."

Madame Pomfrey entered the space enclosed by the curtain and took out

her wand to cast various spells on Extimum that would help her

determine its status.

It was truly fortunate that things like blood tests were not necessary in

the wizarding world, either because of the meaning of a wizard's blood or

because they simply had more efficient methods, but a general medical

examination is usually just a series of Spells that reveal the apparent state

of certain parts of the body, naturally require a certain understanding of

the physiology of the patient's body to perform them, not only to know

where to cast them, but also to be able to interpret the results given by

the spell.

That is why after making sure that there was no trace of blood on him,

Extimum relaxed awaiting his examination, although honestly speaking,

Extimum could intuitively know the condition of his body, so he knew

that, in addition to some ailments or Minor bruises, his body was

perfectly fine, his head on the other hand, it was a bit dizzy even from

Voldemort's attack, that said, this was only an intuition or his estimation

of his body and not a real result, so he agreed with the exam.

Pomfrey: "Well, you do not have any injuries that require immediate

attention and only some minor abrasions, on the other hand, you seem to

be dizzy, am I correct? I will apply an elixir that will quickly heal your

wounds and as for your dizziness, It does not seem to be due to natural

causes, I will give you a medicine to help you dispel it, so it would be

better if you spend the night here so that you can recover and I can

observe you in case anything happens ".

Extimum: "Thank you." Since he would stay, Extimum put his bag on the

nightstand and sat on the bed.

Pomfrey came out after that, to bring the medicine.

Pomfrey: "You can talk to the patient now, but only for an hour, then you

must leave, he must rest, just like you." Madam Pomfrey said as she

passed Hermione and Ron, as she had already made sure that it was

nothing serious and she only had to give them some medicine for minor

injuries, she allowed them to get closer.

Hermione and Ron wasted no time and ran quickly towards Extimum,

since he was the only one who was awake and from what seemed like he

was in the place, they wanted to ask him what had happened.

Ron: "friend, are you okay?"

Extimum: "yes, I'm just a little dizzy, but it's nothing to worry about."

Hermione: "Hmp, it's good that you're fine, but that doesn't excuse you

from leaving without telling us."

Ron: "It's true, you could have left a note or something."

Extimum: "oh, but I leave you my illusion that I accompany you all the

way, Isn't that already a sign of my presence?".

Ron: "ugh, not exactly, but changing the subject, what happened there?"

Hermione also listened carefully, waiting for him to tell the facts.

Extimum: "Well, after returning, I had to resort to" special "methods to be

able to cross the fire, it was not something with which I could take you,

so I had not mentioned it before, after I managed to pass the fire ...".

Extimum narrated in detail everything that had happened, naturally, he

did not say anything about his obtaining a piece of the philosopher's

stone nor did he mention what he saw in the mirror.

Hermione: "That was really dangerous, it's lucky they weren't really hurt."

Ron: "And you say that Harry was struck by the soul of who-you-know?

Will Harry really be okay? "

Extimum: "Yes, but he will be fine, Voldemort couldn't do much because

he was weak and had to run away."

As they spoke, Pomfrey returned and prepared to prepare the

medications and apply them to certain areas of Extimum's body, luckily

for the one who did not have any injuries near the waist down.

After that, Extimum talked to them some more and finally Madam

Pomfrey pulled them out so that Extimum could sleep.

Extimum stayed awake for a while, the mirror images still passing

through his mind, it didn't particularly disturb him, even if the mirror

portrayed something real, it was still entirely up to Extimum what

happened, but the thought of why such images could represent his wishes

It still left him puzzled, with such thoughts he finally fell asleep.


The next day, Extimum awoke feeling refreshed, the medicine had cured

his ailments and his dizziness had disappeared with the medicine and

with rest.

Putting on his uniform again, Extimum organized and left his room,

Extimum had long ago learned a spell to avoid bathing, but in situations

like this where there was no bathroom nearby, he would use the spell to

avoid discomfort .

Looking at the bed next to him, Harry was still sleeping there, he would

guess he would be unconscious for a while. Not wanting to stay here

anymore, he headed towards the Ravenclaw common room.

It was around 8am, Extimum didn't get up as early as usual, so he would

just go get some things he left in his room and go to the dining room for


Upon entering the Ravenclaw common room, he found that all the

students directed some glances at him, since he had not received such

glances for a long time, it was only at the beginning of the year when

they found his appearance very peculiar and it was a similar situation

Extimum: 'gossip really does run fast at Hogwarts…'.

Extimum just gave them a blank look and continued to his room, only to

be stopped by Steve.

Steve: "Hey, you can't just ignore us, the whole school already knows that

you ended up in the infirmary and that you were involved in a dangerous

situation, you have to tell me the details."

In fact, the news of his stay in the infirmary together with Harry was

known by many, because some students found out and were in charge of

spreading the information, that added to some other very persuasive

students who looked for information, for the morning already there were

various rumors and theories of what might have happened.

Extimum: "oh, okay, I embarked on a deadly magical game where I fight

monsters, plants, statues of magical knights, cross a path of fire, and

finally kill a teacher."

Steve: "Tch, if you don't want to say it, don't make up nonsense."

Extimum: "... Well, you're right, Hermione, Ron, Harry and I entered the

third floor and fell into some traps, they weren't too dangerous so in the

end we managed to escape with some injuries." Since they did not want

the truth, Extimum settled for saying another version, maybe sooner or

later they would find out that he said something really, it was not a topic

that could be easily hidden even if it was wanted, but it is likely that not

everyone will find out about it. she.

Mitchell: "What? They went to the third floor, even though it was

forbidden? And I thought you were someone who followed the rules."

Extimum: "what exactly made you think that?" Extimum felt a bit

perplexed, although he was doing very well in his studies and regularly

studied other subjects, but he did not think he gave the image of

someone who followed the rules.

Mitchell: "uh ... well ... are you always studying?"

Extimum: "So?"

Mitchell: "Forget it."

Steve: "Okay, come tell me more, I'm sure the whole school wants to

know what happened."

In the end, Extimum made up a whole story about what happened to

Steve and when Steve left, he told the real story with some parts

suppressed to those present, which only included Trudor, Mitchell and



The following days, Extimum continued with his classes regularly, the

third day after the incident, Harry finally woke up, he was also relieved

that everything ended well, thanked Extimum for his help at that time

and asked him about what happened when he fell. unconscious,

Dumbledore also came at that moment and resolved his doubts.

Dumbledore made the same decision with Nicolás Flamel and they

destroyed the philosopher's stone, as for the one that Extimum kept, I

keep it carefully in a box that is now inside his bag, it was still too early

to study it and experiment with it.

Other than that, Extimum set about finishing his project and a week later

his prototype was finally ready.

Today he would test his prototype, since he had not fully tested it yet, I

do not invite anyone, it would be embarrassing if he gathered them and


Heading towards an abandoned hall, Extimum closed the door after

entering and took his prototype out of the bag.

Currently it was too rustic, but the basic functions worked. The current

design was a medium-sized book, on each page certain things were

configured. On the first page you could redesign the structure of the

room, on the second you could transfigure the materials of the room,

although you could only make the change of stone, wood and glass, but it

would be a good introduction to improve the material in the future , on

the third page you could customize the design, this part was quite

difficult because he had to find a method to infuse the thoughts to send

them to the book and develop the design, on the fourth page he could

apply certain basic incantations to improve the house and on the Fifth

page I add some special functions that you might need.

The prototype was indeed very complete, it was a 5 page book where you

could easily redesign a room, but it was too poor in Extimum's words.

In theory, you could reform the layout of the walls and pillars, alter the

materials, change the design to one that you mentalized and apply basic

enchantments, but it was not in the ability to reform an entire house and

turn it into a totally new and improved one, because I would not take

into account structural things like pipes, the list of materials was too

limited, it did not matter if I had the material I could not apply it, not at

least through the book, the enchantments only included things like anti

dust or self cleaning, but I could not apply spells of space expansion,

durability or repair, anti-appearance, anti-Muggle, etc. Nor could he

apply spells that would transform the house into a magical place. All of

the above said, the way of redesigning such things through the book was

not really efficient according to Extimum's vision for their product,

although it would work.

But it was mainly that Extimum was demanding too much and had very

high goals, his prototype alone, if it worked, it could magically reshape

entire rooms in a much more effective way than casting multiple spells, it

only required having the book and being a magician.

Looking at the room he was in, Extimum looked at the book and injected

magic into it.

The moment he injected his magic, the color of the book cover changed,

it would take a design according to the place it scans, this first step

would scan the place, naturally since it is a prototype it would only do it

in the current room, although even at maximum power it would be

difficult for him to scan all of Hogwarts, much less without having

control of the multiple barriers and enchantments that would stop him.

The book now had a brown cover from its previous white, when opening

the book, the first page had an architectural drawing of the structure of

the place.

Extimum: "Structure test… correct". Extimum modified a wall to have an

empty space on it and it worked when applied.

Extimum: "Transformation test… correct". Extimum transformed the hole

into glass using the stone that should be in place.

Extimum: "Design test .... Correct". After thinking about its design and

submitting it to the book, the glass was acquired a refined design

befitting a window.

Extimum: "Test of enchantments ... awaiting verification." Extimum

waved his wand and the surrounding dust flew towards the window,

however it seemed to slip when it made contact causing it to accumulate

on the floor.

Extimum: "correct and extra functions… correct, excellent". Extimum

tested it by removing dust build-up, cleaning is generally easy for

wizards, but Extimum put it to use primarily as a test for other functions

in the future.

Extimum: "now I just have to find a way to improve it and add more

options, redesigning its operation will be for when I know how to do it".

The expectation of his idea was much more futuristic and comfortable,

but currently he did not know how to do it, on the other hand, the book

had one more use that Extimum had neglected, given its functionalities,

it was easy to scan a small plot and build a house from the nothing just

having the materials, or making the house of earth or a tree of the place,

such use was implicit in its capabilities, but since Extimum thought it to

remodel and improve it did not think that the word remodel could have

more than one application in the runes and could reshape a place, even if

it did not have a previous structure.


The next few days Extimum spent in relative calm, he devoted himself

completely to improving his prototype and hanging out with his friends.

The end of the school year was getting closer and closer and soon it

would be time to go home. The days passed and at some point it was the

last day of classes at Hogwarts, everyone gathered in the great hall for

the farewell banquet and to announce the winners of the cup.

Extimum was sitting at his table with his Ravenclaw friends.

** Tin Tin **

Dumbledore: "as time goes by, another year has already flown by and I

think now is the time to hand over the house cup and the points are like

this: in fourth position Gryffindor with 312 points, third position

Hufflepuff with 352 points, second position Slytherin with 472 points and

in first place with 495 points… the house of Ravenclaw ".

** Hurrah**

Trudor: "We won."

Padma: "well, Extimum won quite a few points for the house this year".

Mitchell: "It's true, although the Slytherins had Snape's help, but with

Extimum here they can't beat true talent."

Extimum: "well, it is true that I earned a lot of points, but it was done by

everyone, I alone could not earn so many points, on the other hand, the

same cannot be said of Gryffindor, where a few took it to be the last or

for now…". Extimum muttered the last part.

Steve: "hehehe, it's true, being in the same house as Extimum gives you

great benefits." Steve said while rubbing his hands.

** pah **

Mitchell: "don't do that, you sound and you look creepy." Mitchell

clapped Steve on the back.

Steve: "Oh damn you did it on purpose, why did you hit me so hard?"

Mitchell: "Well, because of course I wanted to."

Steve: "You ... you'll see when we get out of the big dining room."

Dumbledore: "Well, Ravenclaw really tried hard this year, well done,

however, recent events have to be considered and I have several

additional points to assign."

Extimum: 'come on, I don't think you can really pass the Ravenclaw do I?'

Dumbledore: "To Hermione Granger for her display of great intelligence

and ingenuity, 50 points."

Dumbledore: "to Ron Weasley for the best chess game Hogwarts has seen

in many years, 50 points."

Dumbledore: "To Harry Potter for his good reasonableness and

astonishing courage, 60 points."

Dumbledore: "It takes courage to face our enemies, but it takes even more

courage to face our friends, 10 points to Neville Longbottom."

Dumbledore: "To finish, I would like to give Extimum Shadowless 50

points, for a great show of skill and temerity in the face of danger and

above all, for his great perception with which he was able to see beyond

common sense."

Dumbledore: "That leaves this year's new rankings with Ravenclaw in

first place with 545 points, second place Gryffindor 482, third place

Slytherin with 472 and fourth Hufflepuff with 352 and the house cup for

this year is Ravenclaw ".

Extimum: 'Well, I guess this time I really was able to beat Gryffindor.'

There was not so much celebration since the winner was not changed,

but the Gryffindors were clearly more than happy to beat Slytherin and

as for the Hufflepuffs, at this point they weren't very keen on competing,

not that there weren't some brilliant characters. Also there, but it was just

that Gryffindor and Slytherin always made a big lead with their tireless

competition and Ravenclaw always had those resourceful students who

secured almost every score in class, so it would be hard for them to beat

them without getting someone outstanding enough. as if to overshadow

the other houses.


Extimum packed all his things in his expandable bag and headed along

with the crowd of people leaving the castle towards the train station.

As he made his way there, someone wrapped their arms around his neck.

???: "How cold you are, you didn't even come to say goodbye to me."

Extimum: "I could still have done it on the train, besides, Tonks, you're

still not very good at changing your voice, I can clearly know that it's you

just by the way you speak."

Tonks: "you're not funny. on the other hand, this could be one of the last

times we see each other, I have decided that I will join the auror

academy, so ... if you misbehave, I will have to arrest you". Tonks said in

a playful tone trying to tease Extimum.

Extimum: "It is a tempting idea, I have not yet met an auror who would

dare to arrest someone from my family, on the other hand, it would be a

good opportunity to practice the last course I learned about knotting with

an auror, Can you imagine having young Auror Tonks tied up in the

basement of my mansion?". Extimum wouldn't be intimidated by Tonks's

pun, so he responded naturally making his words sound like he was

actually considering it.

Tonks: " *Hiii*, what kind of things are you learning, besides, knots? Are

you reading strange things? I didn't know you had such peculiar hobbies".

Tonks jumped away from her previous position hugging Extimum and

shuddered slightly, that seriousness in his words and the neutrality in

Extimum almost convinced her that he was serious.

Extimum: "Oh, too bad, it would have been fun to show them to you, I

guess I'll have to wait for you to come arrest me? Or should I… send a

letter to the auror department asking for an escort for my safety and say

that I would prefer that they send someone close to my age or maybe an


Tonks: "Okay, okay, you win, I won't bother you anymore, Hmp ... but

you won't send that letter right?"

Extimum: "... unless you want me to?" Extimum gave her a blank look

upon hearing her comment, she only said what came to her at the time,

she had no such thoughts in her head, but she seemed quite cautious and

convinced that she could.

Tonks: "no, of course not, well I think I saw one of my friends, bye".

Tonks quickly escaped not wanting to stay any longer to be mocked.

Extimum: "Heh, why do you want to make fun of me, maybe I really will

if I want to say hello later."

Tonks heard his comment as he walked away and ran faster to get away.

Although Extimum said it jokingly, in fact, the political power of his

family did allow him to take such requests, requesting an auror for his

safety, especially a rookie in peacetime would not be a problem for the

ministry; assuming that Tonks if she were to pass the exams and become

an Auror, that she was sent to protect Extimum, it was quite likely, but

Extimum had no intention of actually doing so.

After his encounter with Tonks, he ran into a few others on his way to

the station until he finally boarded the Train to London.



Well, here he learned about the Saturday chapter, you know that I

don't go up on Sundays, but I was busy yesterday so it was the chapter

for today, we finally finished the first year, then I will make a

development of the magical world that I had left pending in Paris,

some things extras and then the second year, I want to say that there is

still a long way to go for S * x scenes, but there will be some previews,

Luna's introduction to the story and what they wanted, I will stop

getting so attached to the trio.

Chapter 26: •who are you? or

what are you?


In one of the towers of Hogwarts, there was a large circular room with

many windows and many portraits of directors, with a large library

surrounding the room and cabinets with all kinds of magical gadgets, this

place was, the director's office.

Sitting in his main office chair was Albus Dumbledore, the students had

just boarded the train, so he took some time to reflect in the comfort of

his office.

Dumbledore is one of the strongest wizards that the current world knows,

considered a great sorcerer for not only his power, but also his great

knowledge and wisdom about magic, he is a very influential man due to

the growing fame that he accumulated with his Distinguished

achievements and the political posts he has held throughout his years,

the most recent of his achievements credited to him was his fight against

the dark wizard Lord Voldemort. He has had a long life, not without ups

and downs and is currently dedicated to directing the Hogwarts School of

Witchcraft and Wizardry, as one of the greatest current wizards and who

has control and influence in magical Britain, enjoys great prestige and

admiration, He is a supporter of the path of light, however, to maintain

peace in the magical world he has resorted to certain methods and

committed acts of which he is not proud, all for the greater good; he

cannot be considered a completely evil man, but a man who will do what

is necessary for his goals. His great foresight and wisdom have made him

a calculating man and his power has given him the ability to act on his

goals, making him the great enemy of Voldemort by defeating him many

times before his fall at the hands of the Potters, his plans even continue

at this time.

Drinking a cup of tea and some eating some candy, Dumbledore thinks

about the latest events.

Dumbledore: 'ah, that Extimum boy ... he is a complicated and dangerous

variable, I must be careful with his actions, I see great power and

knowledge in him, he has also approached Harry and I am worried that

unexpected changes may occur ... also, it was especially careful in my

presence, he has not given me the opportunity to inquire into his secrets,

as if he suspected me, I can only console myself that like his family, he

will not interfere, on the other hand, I think that by giving him that

fraction of the stone I was able to install a certain trust between us. '

Dumbledore had his plans to prevent the resurrection or in that case,

completely eliminate Voldemort, but there were several variables and

information that he did not know, so at the moment he was only

concerned with ensuring the child of the prophecy, giving him a good

childhood, to while subtly preparing him for the challenges he is destined

to face.


Upon arriving at Kings Cross Station, the students got off the train and

began to scatter looking for their families.

Extimum got off the train after a while, he was perhaps one of the freest

students in terms of Baggage, it was mainly because Extimum had

disposed of his large Hogwarts recommended suitcases after getting his

expandable bag, although not all things fit through the diameter of the

bag, but it was not difficult to shrink such objects and then store them,

He planned to design his own storage equipment later when he had more

knowledge, perhaps he could draw on some ideas from his memories or

just improve on the current one.

Extimum had slept much of his trip and spent time talking to his friends

and saying goodbye to them, especially the ones he would not see again

for a long time like Tonks, so he was well rested by the time he arrived

and had already shared with everyone, it was around 6pm when they

arrived at the station in London.

Shortly after he came down, Draco followed behind him as well.

Draco: "Oh, Extimum, will you meet my father? He is a great admirer of

your family." Draco seemed enthusiastic about introducing his new friend

to his father and receiving his praise.

Extimum: "if it's just meeting him that's fine, but I'm afraid that, if he

wants to see a member of my family, it would be difficult, usually only

my house elf comes, you know, they're busy with a lot of business."

Draco: "hmm, I don't think he cares much if he can still meet you."

Extimum had seen Lucius Malfoy before, but they had not introduced or

interacted directly.

Extimum: "then let's go."

When they were about to head over to Draco's family, Harry, Ron, and

Hermione got out.

Ron: "Extimum, do you want to come meet my family? Oh, you're with

Draco ...".

Draco: "You're late, Weasley, Extimum has already agreed to come meet

my father."

Extimum: "If you don't leave too soon, I'll go after greeting Draco's


After that, Draco quickly led Extimum to a particular couple who kept

their distance from the surrounding people, only sharing a few glances

with acquaintances.

The first was a man with blond hair and gray eyes, his hair was long

reaching to his shoulders and he had fair skin, he wore ancient

aristocratic clothes and kept a haughty look on his face, his arrogance

was clearly palpable, but it is a common sin among wizards, especially

purebloods, the man was Lucius Malfoy.

The person next to him was a woman, she was tall and thin with pale

skin, her hair was blonde and she had blue eyes, just like her partner, she

had an expression that showed the great arrogance she possessed, she

was a very beautiful woman who outlined the elegance and glamor of a

true lady born into a pure blood family, she was Narcissa Malfoy.

The couple noticed his arrival, giving first a glance to Draco and then to

Extimum, Narcissa let her gaze a little more on her son before focusing

on Extimum as well.

Lucius: "It's good that you came back safe and sound Draco and you even

brought a friend."

As Lucius spoke, Draco had already walked over to his mother to give her

a hug.

Draco: "That's right father, he's Extimum Shadowless, he's the one I told

you about before."

Lucius nodded and extended his hand towards Extimum.

Lucius: "I am Lucius… Malfoy, it is a pleasure to meet the Shadowless


Extimum kept his formality and shook hands with just the right amount

of force to show his confidence.

Extimum: "The pleasure is mutual, Mr. Malfoy and Mrs. Malfoy."

Narcissa: "It's good to see Draco make new friends, are you also in

Slytherin I guess?" Narcissa kept a cold but cordial expression on her face

when she spoke, it was a true expression of a master of oclumency,

however, her previous expression of pride was considerably reduced,

seeming to give Extimum her acceptance.

Extimum: "oh, although the sorting hat was enthusiastic about the idea,

but since I am mainly inclined to the pursuit of knowledge, it

unfortunately decided to put me in Ravenclaw, however, I still maintain

good relations with Slytherin, my friendship with Draco it is proof of it ".

Extimum naturally chose his words well, when speaking with blood

supremacists, you should not show weakness, much less preference for

those who do not agree with the ideals, especially not show appreciation

for mongrels or blood traitors.

Of course, if you investigated in detail, it would be known that Extimum

had a good relationship with them, but again, it was not unacceptable

due to its origins and as they say: out of sight, out of heart.

Narcissa: "ah, it's a shame, but I suppose that being in Ravenclaw is also

acceptable, I will hope to see in the future his great performance by being

chosen in such a house."

Lucius: "And won't your father come to pick you up? It would be nice to

bring our families closer, Mr. Callum is usually quite elusive and I haven't

had the opportunity to speak properly with him."

Extimum: "I am afraid that we will have to agree on such a statement, as

you know, my father is a very busy man and it is unlikely that he will

honor us with his presence today."

Lucius: "Then it will be for another chance, Draco, have you invited your

friend to visit us?"

Draco: " Yes, father, I had already mentioned it to him on the train."

Lucius: "Well, Mr. Shadowless, I hope we have the honor of welcoming

you into our home in the future, Draco would be especially pleased to

share his time with you."

Lucius was truly cunning, he brought up the subject at the time to make

Extimum commit to visit them, establishing a close relationship with the

Shadowless family would come in handy to gain more political power.

Extimum: "I appreciate your intentions, but I must apologize if it is not

possible, at this time it is possible that I will travel abroad, but I will

make sure to pay an appropriate visit when the time is good."

Narcissa: "then we will look forward to your visit." Narcissa bowed

slightly and left with her husband.

As they already turned around, Draco leaned closer to speak.

Draco: "You don't have to feel obligated to come if you can't, we'll see

you later anyway." Draco also said goodbye and followed his parents.

Extimum kept his impassive face and an occasional cordial smile at all

times, unless they were talking with close people or in a more intimate

space, the conversations used to be very formal between members of

aristocratic families, just a lot of gallantry and etiquette.

Returning the way he came, Extimum returned only to find himself on

the road with a large family of redheads.

???: "ah, you must be Extimum, what a great boy, you look a lot like your

father." A middle-aged man spoke before Extimum had a chance to

introduce himself.

???: "Arthur, introduce yourself first, he doesn't know you, hi dear, I'm

Molly Weasley, I'm Ron's mother."

Arthur: "hahaha, excuse my lack of manners, I'm Arthur Weasley, Ron's

father, Ron? Where are you?" Arthur asked the rest of his family who

were after him.

???: "Dad, he went to see Hermione off with Harry." A girl who looked a

year younger than Extimum was the one who spoke, hiding behind

Charlie Weasley as he spoke.

In the group besides Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, were Charlie, Ginny, Percy,

Fred and George.

Arthur: "ah, well, it will come soon".

Extimum: "It is also a pleasure to meet Mr. Weasley and his family, are

you acquainted with my father?"

Arthur: "oh well, I wouldn't say we're very close, but I've had the

opportunity to speak to him regularly lately due to some ministry issues

and I see that they share his… expressiveness."

Molly: "Come on dear, don't bore him with your ministry stuff, Extimum

has to hear a lot about it at home with his father being an active member

of the Wizengamot."

Ron: "Mom, Dad, oh, Extimum, you already met my parents." Ron had

returned along with Harry.

Extimum: "yes, I already had that pleasure, a really lovely family".


After everyone was reunited, Extimum spoke and got to know all the

members of the Weasley family a little more, until they said their

goodbyes, leaving only Extimum and Harry. Extimum could call Bob at

any moment or Bob would come looking for him in due time, so there

was really only Harry left.

Extimum and Harry took in the view of the Muggle city outside the


Extimum: "haven't they come for you yet?"

Harry: "yes ... they come from a bit far away."

Extimum could easily see that he was only lying, the Dursleys didn't care

too much for Harry and would arrive when they remembered and had

bought the time.

Extimum: "Tell me, Harry, if it's your choice ... would you stay with


Harry: "of course not, they ...". Harry didn't continue but his mood

seemed to drop a bit.

Extimum: "you don't need to tell me if you don't want to, on the other

hand, I have a proposal for you."

Harry: "what is it?"

Extimum: "What if I had a way with which I could make your stay a more

comfortable place? I would just have to do a few things ... and for you to

keep the fact a secret and we could improve your situation."

Harry: "really?"

Extimum: "if that's what you want."

Harry: "Yes."

Extimum said nothing more and stood up, took out his wand and pointed

it at Harry, alarming the latter by the unfolding of events.

Extimum: "truci cursu". Extimum pointed at Harry and cast the spell, a

dark light shot from the tip of his wand and clung to Harry's shadow.

Harry: "no ... nothing happened? What did you do?" Harry had been a

little alarmed and closed his eyes, but when he felt nothing, he opened

them again, but he did not feel anything different.

Extimum: "although I said that I will help you, but I cannot do it right

now, well, it seems that they came for you, I will visit you in the

morning. Bob ".

Extimum said as he backed off a bit and yelled the name Bob last.

Extimum: "home".

Bob immediately appeared near Extimum and before Harry knew what

happened Extimum had disappeared.

Harry: "bye ... wait, tomorrow?" Harry couldn't think much about it

because a car had stopped outside the station and he was being yelled at

to get on.


Extimum returned to the entrance of his house again, generally it was not

used to appear inside the houses unless it is an emergency or he does not

have any consideration for the owner of the place, it was considered

impolite, in addition, to appreciate the place before entering him It gave

more meaning than just showing up inside.

After a look around the place, they entered the mansion together.

Bob: "did the young master enjoy his stay at Hogwarts?"

Extimum: "yes, it was ... different and stimulating in more ways than


Extimum: "prepare the usual, I'll be in the library."

Extimum said no more words and went straight to the secret library,

upon entering, he did not go directly to the grimoire, but on the contrary

to one of the books that were on the shelf.

"Blood magic"

Extimum had some ideas to help Harry, the simplest was just to modify

the memory of the Dursleys to make at least Harry's stay there friendly or

reasonable, however, he had to first investigate with the magic that

inhabited Harry's blood, He didn't want to have a violent reaction and

end up like Voldemort, he would just have to find a way that was Harry's

will and magic not interfere, after all, the magic in Harry protected them


It occurred to Extimum to do such a thing when he saw Harry sitting

waiting for his uncles, they were now friends and worrying a little would

not hurt, in addition to giving Harry a better environment for his


Extimum investigated for a while, he was not looking for spells but only

theory, although it was love magic that cared for Harry, but it was

equally connected to the lineage and resided in it.

The process took about 1 hour and by the time he finished, he took the

bath that Bob had prepared in advance and later had dinner, after that he

went to his room and rested for the rest of the night, there was no rush

he would go to where Harry at the morning.


Extimum appeared in front of Harry's house with Bob, before separating,

he had cast a tracking spell on Harry, in addition to knowing the general

location, he had also heard Harry mention it before and with some

indications to Bob it was not difficult to get there.

Extimum: "Okay, Bob, wait here until I get back."

Extimum could feel the magic in the air, there seemed to be some

restrictions so that the wizards wouldn't put too much emphasis on this

place if they didn't specifically come here and maybe some protections or

alerts that Dumbledore should have put in case someone came, Extimum

couldn't really Knowing it, however, Bob seemed to have had no problem

getting past them and getting here easily.

It was around 7:30 am, the streets were quiet and most of the families

were having breakfast or sleeping in their houses, the house where Harry

lived was large, with a garden in front and another in the back, the color

of the house was brown -beich, Extimum could hear the sound of the

television and some footsteps, they were probably awake, not caring too

much about this muggle house, he waved his hand and tried to open the

door directly, however, it didn't work.

Extimum: 'maybe if there are real defenses ?, ugh, forget it'.

Extimum: "Bob, can you open it?"

Bobo: "immediately, master Extimum". Bobo snapped his fingers and the

door slid open slightly.

Extimum: "thanks Bob. damn trace on the wands, I should find out if I

can erase it ...". Extimum thanked Bob and muttered the last part to

himself, it was really annoying to have his magic limited when he came

to the muggle world due to the trace of his wand.

Extimum casually entered the house, he observed some pictures on the

walls as he went to the dining room of the house.

As he entered the dining room he found 3 people sitting at the table and

Harry eating in the kitchen.

The first to notice it was Dudley, a chubby boy with black hair and eyes,

he was only a few weeks older than Harry, likewise he was also a little

taller than average for his constitution. That said, the boy did not speak

and just stared at him with wide eyes.

Petunia: "what's up Dudley, why don't you eat?" The woman next to

Dudley asked when she realized that she stopped eating, she was a thin

woman with black hair and black eyes and a long face.

Vernon, who until now ate, he looked up from his plate to observe his

son upon hearing Petunia's comment, only to see Extimum standing in

the entrance to the dining room. Vernon was a fat man, he had graying

black hair, his face stood out with a pronounced mustache.

Both Vernon and Dudley were surprised by Extimum's appearance,

although they had already seen magical things and even Hagrid who was

half giant, but Extimum's appearance was too exotic for ordinary

Muggles. If you ignore the color of her hair as some strange fashion, you

still have her outfit that although elegant clearly has some peculiarities

not much used or strange, only to shudder when they meet glances with

those purple eyes.

Vernon: "You ... who are you? or what are you? And how did you get into

my house? Vernon yelled with caution and alertness in his voice.

His scream caught the attention of Petunia and Harry who hadn't seen


Extimum: "Good morning, I am sorry for my inappropriate intrusion into

your home." Extimum was almost tempted to do an act and scare them,

but then he decided not to, it would only complicate things. on the other

hand, he did not feel the least bit guilty about entering his house without

knocking, if there were Muggles to despise, it would be those in front of


Extimum: "I am here this morning to make a transaction with you, one

that I am sure you will be happy to accept and that will benefit you."

Extimum expected at first to speak civilly and cast a spell on them, while

rewarding them with money or something.

Vernon: "how dare you, I don't want anything, get out of my house,

weirdo." Seeing Extimum's polite demeanor only seemed to eliminate fear

and give Vernon confidence and revert to his usual rude and haughty


Extimum: "I see, I guess we'll do it the fun way." At the end of his words,

Extimum waved his hand and everyone fainted, this was a very useful

new trick against Muggles that he discovered while practicing his magic,

it was about sending an overload to the brain and causing a blackout; By

sending a magical, mental and aura pressure it could overload or press

them in such a way that they would fall unconscious, the same effect

could be achieved using only legilimency like Voldemort, but its

consequences would be more severe and it still did not have enough

ability. The current attack on the other hand, could be resisted by strong-

willed wizards, so its usefulness was mainly with Muggles who had no

means to defend themselves against such an attack, it would have been

useful if he had discovered it on his first outing to the Muggle world. .

Harry: "You didn't do anything wrong to them, did you?"

Extimum: "oh, don't worry they'll just have a slight headache when they

wake up and maybe they're a little groggy, just let me fix some details

and everything will be finished."

Extimum approached the trio and began to make use of his legilimency,

he was not very skilled in the arts of the mind, because he had no one to

practice with other than Bob and it was a rather difficult art, but he

could do simple things if he did it calmly and on time.

Extimum implanted in their minds some suggestions and thoughts in

which they would treat magic as something they should not fear,

suggestions to treat Harry better and give him some appreciation and

finally give him more permissiveness in his actions. Since it was

suggestions, they could still reject them, but Extimum would not only

give simple suggestions, he made sure that they remained in their minds,

even if they rejected it they would end up accepting them in the end. He

wouldn't trade them and they would only treat Harry better.

Extimum: "Well, they should be a little different people with you by the

time they wake up."

Harry: "is that all?"

Extimum: "well, I didn't do something too extreme, so yeah, that's it,

changing the subject, Harry, do you want to come with me on a trip?"

Harry: "a trip? Where?".

Extimum: "oh, we will go to China, what do you think, see a whole

different magical culture".

Harry: "but I don't think they will let me go, besides, we are children, we

cannot travel alone or will we go with someone else?"

Extimum: "oh, you just have to say whether you want to or not, I'll take

care of the details."

Harry: "Okay, if I want to go."

Extimum: "Excellent, now let's advance the recovery of your uncles so as

not to wait too long". Extimum took a potion out of his bag and made it

levitate to the mouths of the three, it was a simple potion that would

wake them up and eliminate the discomfort in their heads.

Soon after, Vernon was the first to wake up, followed by Petunia and


Vernon: "ugh, what happened? Who are you?".

Extimum: "oh, I'm a distant relative, I came to visit today, but suddenly

you fainted when I arrived and I just gave you something to wake up."

Extimum made use of his illusion and legilimency, taking advantage of

his puzzled state to insert such an idea as truth.

Vernon: "I see ... what happened and what did you want?"

Extimum: "I'm glad you asked, I came to ask your permission to take

Harry with me on a trip for a few weeks."

Vernon: "okay, just make sure he gets back okay."

Harry was in awe of the development, his Uncle Vernon behaved

appropriately and agreed with everything Extimum said.

Extimum: "thank you, Harry, go pack your things."

Harry ran to his room under the stairs and packed his things in a


Extimum followed him and seeing his terrible dwelling place, he couldn't

help but give him a few glances.

Extimum: "Mr Vernon, don't you think it would be better if Harry had his

own room and a 'proper' one? you know, it would be terrible for the

authorities to see that your nephew lives in such a deplorable place. "

Vernon: "Ugh, yeah, if you're right, I'll give him the room that Dudley

uses for his toys for Harry to use., I'm sure Dudley won't mind, will you


Dudley: "yes, Harry should have a suitable place."

Petunia." I will fix the place for when I return ".

The submissive state of the trio was only temporary and once the effects

ended they would return to their originals except that they would have

some suggestions on their behavior from Extimum.

Extimum: "ah, don't bother I'll fix it, it'll be quick." Extimum went up to

the second floor and after checking some rooms, he found the one they

were referring to. Harry followed him shortly after to see what he would


Taking his magic book out of his bag, he scanned the entire house. After

a second, the book turned blue.

Opening the book, the whole design of the house came out. Extimum had

managed after much effort to improve his book, now it was a tool worthy

of a magic designer or builder, with his study of the last weeks at

Hogwarts he had improved it so that he could modify an entire house if it

had a certain rank and now he also had many configurations to make the

changes correctly, he didn't want a tower of uneven rooms as he

remembered it was the Weasley house, which luckily he did not see such

a place yet, on the other hand, now he could change the material of a

structure as long as it was in the scan area and could be more precise and

detailed with the imagined design, in addition to adding more

enchantments for greater comfort; It still wouldn't be a magical home

with great security, but it could make a perfect home if it was a remodel

or if it didn't have too many protections. Extimum had also noticed the

detail of being able to build from scratch with the book and also installed

various default layouts for certain situations.

Now it was a truly useful and capable tool.

Extimum made some strokes with his finger on the book and Harry

watched from the entrance as the room changed almost instantaneously,

in a blink the boring beich color changed to a bright white with some

carvings, the room grew about 20% internally and its general quality

seemed to improve, its window expanded and became more ornate, in

addition, the things in its room under the stairs appeared arranged in the

place and the toys disappeared.

The room now looked like an elegant but simple room, in addition to

having multiple charms including one that will allow Harry to perform

magic within it and not allow Strangers to enter without his or Extimum's

explicit permission, the latter was thought of a certain house elf.

Mischievous, of course the quality of such spells could still be broken but

they had been applied to the very structure of the house, so unless he was

an expert spellbreaker, they would have to demolish the house in order

to enter the room.

Harry: "It's ... unbelievable."

Extimum: "in fact it is, it is the result of months of study, maybe you

should study more magic? Speaking of which, I added an enchantment

that will allow you to practice magic as long as you do not leave this

room and other enchantments that you will discover later in time".

Although much of the magic that was applied in the room was runic

magic and not properly magic cast by Extimum, it still had a certain

signature and relationship with him, being the creator of the book.

Extimum: "Okay, let's go." Extimum and Harry walked slowly out of the

house, arriving in front of Bob.

Extimum: "Harry, this is Bob, my house elf."

Bob: "Bob greets the heir to the Potter house." Bob had only minimal

courtesy to Harry, he did not consider him as high as other house elves,

on the one hand, Bob's situation was different from theirs, he also knew a

lot more about events and although he had a bit of I appreciate Harry,

Bob considered the true Hero to be Harry's mother who sacrificed herself

to cast the love spell, in addition to considering that the family he

belonged to could have defeated Voldemort if they wanted and lastly,

Harry was a half-blood wizard and for an elf of a house as old as

Shadowless it was already a lot of consideration to treat him with respect

on behalf of his master.

Extimum: "Okay, take us to Diagon Alley."

Bob: "right away". Bob took the hem of Extimum and Harry's clothes and

they disappeared.

** Pop **


** Bluagh **

Currently, Harry and Extimum were in a far corner of Diagon Alley.

Harry: "ugh, you should have told me it would be a rough move--

Bluagh." Harry had ended up getting dizzy with his first experience with

the apparition.

Extimum: "thanks Bob, you can withdraw for now."

Bob leaned in and then disappeared.

Extimum: "Well, I didn't have such a privilege in my first appearance

either, but you get used to it, it's not so bad."

Harry: "ugh, alright, where are we going?"

Extimum: "First we have to run some errands of mine before we go, but

... we will have to make some changes." As Extimum spoke, he took on

the appearance he usually takes when leaving, his hair turned black and

his body grew, his eyes turned blue and his face became more ordinary.

Harry: "Wow, it's the first time I've seen you do that." Harry was amazed

at his transformation, he also knew he was Metamorphmagus, but he

hadn't seen him change before.

Extimum: "and now you are missing, your scar will be problematic if they

see it."

Extimum waved his wand and painted Harry's scar with makeup, a spell

he studied for entirely professional reasons. Since Harry's scar had

magical traces, it was simpler to cover it with makeup than to try to hide

it. After that, I paint Harry's hair in a blonde color.

Extimum: "Excellent, from now on you will be ... Harold, yes, Harold

sounds good, we will use it while we are here, do you understand


Harry: "is it really necessary?"

Extimum: "Of course, although not many knew you in person other than

your scar, but that changed after your first year at Hogwarts, we don't

know who we might meet or who might be watching us."

After that, Extimum and "Harold" went in the direction of Gringotts and

entered through the large doors arriving again at the room full of

counters, their appearance did not attract much attention and they went

directly to Snaglok's place.

Extimum: "Good morning Snaglok, I am here today with the businesses

that I mentioned earlier."

Snaglok sat at the counter with his ever listless gaze going through log

books, until he heard a familiar voice.

Snaglok: "ah, Mr. Shadowless, an unexpected but pleasant visit, I can

already feel it, the smell of gold and a slight tingling in my feet that tells

me that we will have a great negotiation." Snaglok's voice still

maintained its accent when speaking the language of wizards, but it

showed true joy, the gold could really move them.

Harry: "can they be so talkative and upbeat?" Harry was surprised by the

cheerful treatment of the goblin, his previous experience had been quite

apathetic, he had felt a bit of the disgust and disdain of some goblins

towards wizards and they did not speak more than necessary.

Snaglok narrowed his eyes upon hearing Harry.

Extimum: "don't bother with the Snaglok, he's new to the magical world

and he had misunderstood the goblins, so seeing you today so

enthusiastic he was surprised."

Snaglok: "wizards and their silly prejudices of us, well, follow me."

Snaglok guided them to his personal office.

Snaglok: "Okay, now, show me the product we'll get rich with."

Extimum: "well, I currently have 3 prototypes, however, they will not be

sold, their profitability will be seen if we offer a service, if you have

control of the restrictions of this room I could show you its use". Extimum

said as he took out 3 white papers.

Snaglok: "well, I'll let you surprise me." Snaglok spoke and gave Extimum

an amulet that would give him control of the restrictions of this room.

Extimum took it and deactivated the ones that would limit it, then used a

book that changed to a golden color when scanning the room, followed

by which, Extimum modified its design making it similar to a muggle

office with some more refined details.

Snaglok: "can you ... change the place just with that book? It could

certainly be an attractive service, British magicians have a terrible sense

of taste with their constructions, they do not compare to the

magnificence of ours, this on the other hand is acceptable".

Extimum: "I know that you are quite enthusiastic about obtaining some of

this, then I will leave you as administrator of this business, I need you to

solve all the legal means to found my company and we will start with a

section of remodeling and construction of houses, we will need 3

employees to that each one manipulates a book, it already has an

instructions inside about its use, in addition to of course, patenting my

invention, we will start with something simple with wizard houses and as

soon as it can improve it we will try with important places and places

that are willing to contract the service".

Extimum narrated several more details, while excited Snaglok rushed to

get all kinds of papers and magical contracts to organize everything,

Harry just watched the hyperactive goblin jump from side to side.

Extimum spent about 2 hours organizing all this, he had some other

simpler plans to implement later, but for now he needs money, luckily

the cost of everything only cost about half his money, leaving him with

140 Galleons, enough to spend. on his journey.

Extimum: "Well, with all that settled, there is something else I need, my

friend here needs to withdraw money from his account, I wonder if you

could help me with that."

Snaglok: "Of course, I will need your name, key and vault number."

Extimum: "unfortunately we do not have the key, but a blood test and it

will be enough, as for his name ... he is Harry Potter".

Extimum had already commented to Harry that if he wanted to travel

naturally he needed money for expenses that occurred there, Extimum

was not currently in a position to waste money and would not try to ask

his family for money again to cover Harry's expenses.

Snaglok: "Harry Potter you say ...?"

Extimum: "As you know, we can't come here too ostentatiously, so we

have a little touch-ups."

Snaglok: "I will know that after verifying it, right here I have the bowl to

verify the lineage, bring your hand, magician and drop a drop of your

blood." The bowl was made of stone and had multiple runic characters

carved into it.

Harry looked at Extimum for confirmation, even he knew how delicate it

was to give his blood.

Extimum: "okay, use this dagger." Extimum handed him a dagger that he

took from his bag.

Harry cut his finger a bit, dropping a drop into the bowl, which then lit

up, followed by a paper airplane with a results report, it was a pretty

efficient system.

Snaglok: "Indeed you are correct, Mr Potter and here you also say that it

would be nice if you could contact your account manager to fix some

details that have been left neglected over time."

Extimum: "we have time".

Snaglok: "Well, I will take you to his office to discuss things with him,

then I will continue with our business."

Snaglok led them to an office not far away where they met the goblin

responsible for managing the Potter family's accounts, Extimum took

some time to advise Harry on fixing minor problems, as well as letting

him know the real value of the money in the magical world, the goblin

only listened to Harry's opinion, so Extimum only explained and gave

suggestions, in the end, the goblin took them to the Potter vault where

Harry took money this time aware of what he could do with certain


After that, they left Gringotts.

Extimum: "It has been a busy morning."

Harry: "yes ... I'm hungry."

Extimum: "well, we will go to dinner at a nearby restaurant and then we

will leave on our trip."

Extimum then took them to a restaurant in Diagon Alley that served good

food, they didn't go to the dripping cauldron for a change.

The food was superb and after finishing they were ready to go.

Extimum took out of his bag a traditional Chinese writing pen.

Extimum: "well, this is a more comfortable method to travel, you just

have to touch the object or grab someone who touches it."

Harry took one end of the quill and then Extimum directed his intention

to the quill, making them disappear from their place shortly after.



Well, here we are starting the development of the magical world, I

decided to invite Harry because it would be better if he did not travel

alone, in addition to helping him with his abusive family.

every time I see more details that could change the canon to some

extent xd, on the other hand in the following chapters I will put an

idea that I recently read, it is Extimum's partner, he had been left

without owl or anything like that because the mc did not He liked

none, and I had already thought about which one from the beginning

but a suggestion that I read was adapted to my idea so that I will see

how to adapt it xd

Chapter 27: •The Flying Sword

Extimum and Harry appeared in a large hall after being teleported by the


The hall was large, its walls were black with some fine carvings on it,

there were also some imposing statues and decorations of mythological

creatures made in great detail on the spot. Similar to the French embassy,

​​there was also a section to make the entrance official and assistants

ready to guide the new visitors.

The clothing of the reception assistants and employees was a white-red

hanfu for women and black-red for men, in addition, they also had on

them certain magical tools of different natures, such as rings or pendants,

hair accessories, they all had some imperceptible magic wave about them

that indicated their magical origin.

Harry: "Wow, what realistic figures." Harry was impressed by the realism

of the statues and the greatness that the place conveyed, the Chinese

certainly did not skimp on ostentatiously decorating their embassy.

Extimum: "Come on, this is just a reception." Extimum was also excited to

see the whole place, but he already had a certain idea of ​​what to

expect so it was not so emotional.

Because Extimum went straight to line up at one of the counters, no

attendants came over to guide them.

There were many more counters than in France, so despite the large

influx of foreign magicians and magicians returning to their country, the

service was effective.

???(Chinese): "Welcome to our nation, please fill in your information in

the form to register your entry." The man who served at the counter

bowed slightly, cupping his fists and indicated the steps to fill in the

register while commenting on some routine details for foreign visitors.

Harry: " ?, Did you understand what he said?" Harry hadn't understood

the man's words at all, he had been so excited about the idea of traveling

for the first time and learning more about the wizarding world that he

completely ruled out the fact that, if they went to China, it was natural

for the locals to speak Chinese.

Extimum just nodded and filled out his and Harry's forms, he had already

made some not entirely legal arrangements with Snaglok to obtain a

permit to travel with Harry, since Harry could not change his appearance

and age, so naturally he must have the power to enter another country

without the permission of his guardians, otherwise, it was likely that

even if he got permission from the Durleys, Dumbledore would learn of

their intention to remove Harry from the country.

Extimum(Chinese): "Thank you."

After finishing, Extimum and Harry went to a 'floo network' that would

take them to the magical city, it was around 6pm in China, although they

had left London around 11am, there was a time difference of 7 hours, so

Extimum he planned to find a hotel in case there was too much

congestion and then they would tour the magical city.

According to the information leaflet, China only had three magical cities

located in the Muggle city areas of Jixi and Nanchang and the Tibet

region , the latter is located near the Chinese magic school called Shēng

shàng tiānkōng, which is located on a floating island.

(At once I tell you that they have not said what school there is in China,

the only one in Asia is only for Japan, but being Chinese, it is impossible

that they do not have one for themselves and more so being so large in

territory, so I invent XD)

The magic city that Extimum and Harry are going to is located in

Nanchang, called Xuézhě de xiūxí (scholar's rest) being the closest to the

Chinese Magic Ministry.

When they reached a fireplace Extimum turned and spoke to Harry.

Extimum: "Well, listen to me, you just have to take a little of the dust

from that container and shout the place we are going to, let's go to the

scholar's rest city, just say the name right while you throw the dust at

your feet and voila, come on, go first ". It was fortunate that the floo

network worked with the names adapted to English, otherwise it would

cause problems for tourists who cannot pronounce it correctly.

The use of the floo network was quite common among magical societies,

the network worked only in the country and in the chimneys registered

in the network, it was a preferred method of transport for its ease and

speed, however, mainly used when traveling With young wizards who

had no other methods, wizards preferred to make use of apparition,

riding magical creatures, or flying magical tools.

Harry: "Okay, scholar's rest!" Harry screamed after picking up some dust

and throwing it on the floor of the fireplace, disappearing in green

flames, it was good that the name wasn't complex or maybe Harry could

end up anywhere in China.

Extimum: "Scholar's Rest". Extimum followed him after paying the

manager for Harry and him, the price of traveling by floo was quite

cheap, it only cost 10 Knuts per person, since the floo powder was a

consumable alchemical item, its sale was very popular and a very

business profitable for traveling.

After disappearing in a green blaze, Extimum appeared in a giant

fireplace in an alley lit by red paper lanterns, as he exited he saw Harry

looking anxiously at the large traffic of people.

Extimum: "Harry".

Harry: "You came, I thought for a moment that I had lost myself."

Extimum: "I just took a moment to pay for the trip, come on, let's find a

hotel first."

Extimum observed the magical city, from his point of view he saw several

ancient buildings and some pagodas illuminated by multiple floating

lanterns or ancient lamps, there were also occasionally some people

flying at a certain altitude on magic carpets and Extimum even saw

someone flying on a sword. .

Brooms were the most popular flying tool in the wizarding world mainly

because of how popular Quidditch was, but there were many preferred

flying tools depending on the location.

The streets were quite spacious, but the equally high flow of people made

it not seem like it, the local people wearing styles very different from

those seen in the ministry.

It was common to observe people with magic weapons on their backs or

hips, likewise, the clothing was varied, they wore all kinds of hats, capes

and accessories, some wore Kāṣāya , qipao and kimonos, a minority wore

common robes of the magicians or suits foreign. Although the clothing

was similar to that worn by Muggles in ancient times, but all had fine

details that emphasized the abnormality of their clothing, such as the

material, charms, or extra accessories added to the ensemble.

There were hats of curious shapes that appeared to be alive, breathing or

moving, the costumes or dresses of some had images of dragons flying or

moving landscapes on them as if they were real, Buddhist beads seemed

to float near some, illusory flowers or ghosts seemed to emanate from

some others, others simply They were not human, it seemed that Chinese

cities were more fantastic and free compared to European cities, the

special effects added to their clothing or the nature of their magic seemed

to vary.


Harry: "Does that woman have horns?" Harry was pointing to a beautiful

woman with ruby ​​red hair wearing a pink kimono, the woman could

be considered almost normal, if not for the two horns on her head, her

two slightly pointed teeth protruding from her mouth and a slight

redness in your skin.

Extimum: "hey, don't point her out." Extimum quickly stopped Harry, the

woman was tall at about 1.8m and after a bit of observation she looked

like half human-half Oni.

Luckily the woman did not notice them, although perhaps she would not

be offended due to Harry's age, but she could get angry and there was no

need to look for trouble as soon as she arrived.

Discrimination between races was not something new, but in some places

it was more extreme than in others, some countries had strong

regulations and limitations against certain races, others on the other

hand, accepted them without much problem and even lived with them

more peacefully, for this reason, many races lived confined in their own

areas or territories and in other cases, they had managed to integrate into

certain countries where they were accepted, such as the goblins who

despite their unfriendly relationship have control of almost all magic


As long as the creatures enjoyed a certain level of intelligence and

appearance similar to that of magicians, it was more likely that they

could live together without too many considerations, in such cases the

creatures or hybrid beings had more place in the magical community

than their more bestial relatives, the Oni in front of them was an example

of it, her counterpart had a rather beastly appearance and they were

almost extinct in the current era, but the woman had drawn her

appearance mainly from her witch blood so she could be accepted in

places with less discrimination and it can even be considered a great


Such a fact was one of the reasons that Extimum worried about his

lineage, but given the abilities he possessed it was very unlikely that

anyone would discover him, at most some very sensitive creatures or

people could notice the abnormality in the nature of his magic, but it

would even be difficult for them because Extimum could hide it under his

human part, it wasn't like there was something wrong with it, it was

mainly prejudices.


Extimum and Harry roamed the city late into the night, tasting all kinds

of foods and seeing many shops, however it seemed that the magical city

was quite large, Extimum hoped that like the one in paris and London it

would be just a few streets , but the current city seemed much bigger

than the previous ones, so they only toured about half, it was mainly

because Harry couldn't understand anything and Extimum was basically a

translator, he couldn't say anything since he was the one who invited


Extimum on the other hand got the address of a magic weapons shop that

he planned to visit later.


The next morning Extimum woke up around 8am, after getting

organized, he left his hotel room and went to find Harry.

**Knock Knock**

Extimum: "are you awake yet?"

Harry: "Extimum? Yes, wait a minute." Harry had a habit of getting up

early to make breakfast for his uncles, so he had actually been awake for

a while.

Harry left his room shortly after and went with Extimum to breakfast at

the hotel restaurant, the style of the hotel was quite good by the usual

standards of wizards, it had a style in which each room had a patio

included, although the space was reduced in each patio, but it still had

space for a room, a bathroom and a space with dirt where there was a

table with a stone chair to rest.

The hotel restaurant was a large room with wooden floors and walls,

with tables at a different height than usual, but it was not uncomfortable.

Extimum and Harry took a seat at a table while they waited to be served.

As they waited, a hush descended on the table, since Extimum wasn't too

talkative so he relished the silence when he had nothing in particular to

talk about, Harry on the other hand, didn't seem comfortable with the

situation and after a time of silence, he speak.

Harry: "Do you often travel alone? Isn't your parents or someone with


Extimum: "well, this is just the second I do, my parents are busy people,

so I don't see them very often." 'Or almost never'.

Harry seemed to notice that he asked an awkward question and was

thinking of saying something else, he was saved by the waitress who

arrived at that very moment.

???: "Good morning dear guests, what do you want to order?" The

waitress who came to serve them, was a woman with Asian features and

yellow eyes, she seemed to be able to speak English fluently, on the other

hand, she had particular lion ears and a cat's tail, in addition to visible

fur in some areas that his clothes did not cover. It was likely that he was

a kneazle-mage hybrid , however, how such a hybrid was born was a true


Harry: "It is good that you speak English, it is exhausting to see so many

characters everywhere and few places with normal signs ... give me a

normal breakfast".

The waitress carried with her a notebook that she wrote by her side, on

the other hand, when she directed her gaze to Extimum her eyes seemed

to visibly expand and the pupil of her previously round eye seemed to


???:" and you sir?". The waitress seemed to give Extimum a more

scrutinizing look, but could not find anything out of the ordinary, which

left her puzzled, her senses had been inexplicably sharpened when she

fixed her gaze on him, but after observing everything was normal.

Extimum: "I'll take the same." Extimum noticed his abnormality, but he

did not pay much attention to it, he had not had problems with his

lineage before and he was sure that no one would notice him if he did

not want to, much less with his current appearance.

The waitress left shortly after taking their order.

Harry: "Don't you think there are a lot of magical creatures and hybrids

here? Just in what I saw yesterday I've already seen more magical

creatures than I saw at Hogwarts or even in the books on defense against

the dark arts".

Extimum: "it is true, the regulations on magical creatures and beings are

much freer in China, it almost seems that we have gone to another


It was true that they seemed much more common here, even the ones

that were not so pleasant to look at, as long as they were not violent and

could behave, it seemed that they could walk through the magic city, on

the other hand, it could also be because what Extimum assumed They

were the Chinese aurors, they were heavily armed, it was difficult to tell

if you wanted to act too fierce with aurors with swords or magic spears

patrolling the city, they gave a more threatening effect than knowing that

they also carried their wands.

Speaking of magical weapons, they were used in many current magical

communities, due to their immediate effectiveness even without the

direct use of magic, in addition to other cultural beliefs, although they

were not as effective at casting spells as wands or close, but if you were

skilled enough, they could be used in the same way, on the other hand,

just as wands were the product of ancient techniques and special woods

along with cores, cold weapons were the product of the combination of

runes, enchantments and alchemy, using metals or other magical

materials, however, it was clear that being magicians, such weapons are

left mainly for certain occasions or cultures that support their use.

An example of this is the Committee for the Extermination of Dangerous

Creatures that uses enchanted weapons for the execution of magical

creatures, it could be due to a certain perverse morbidity that still lasted

in the blood of the magicians in which they enjoyed seeing how the

blood flows by the metal of the blade.

After breakfast, Extimum and Harry went to the magic weapons shop that

Extimum had found out earlier.

The store building had a peculiar boot-like shape, it was made entirely of

a black stone with a white colored metal, despite the oddity of the

design, the place was pleasing to the eye. currently only about three

more people were seen looking at the products inside the store.

Extimum entered the store along with Harry who mainly engaged in

observing everything around him.

The interior of the store was not very big, on the right there were several

shelves with different weapons: swords, daggers, spears, praise them,

sabers, axes, hammers, crossbows and even truncheons, all well

organized by their type and size, in front there was a large counter that

contained some raw or already refined magic metals, as well as handles

or accessories, behind the counter were two men, one was a robust

Chinese man and the other was a goblin; further down you could see

many more weapons and a door that was probably the shop's workshop.

???(Chinese): "Welcome, my name Wang Shixou, how can I help you

young man?" The man who spoke was the magician, he was a middle-

aged man, with a muscular and tall build, he had black hair and eyes, the

man wore a gray Cheongsam and a white apron over his clothes.

The goblin in the background only looked up a little, but kept sharpening

the blade of a spear in his hands.

Since he arrived in China, Extimum had maintained the appearance of a

young man, since he would attract a lot of attention if they were only

two children traveling alone, besides that it was simpler to be attended,

on the other hand, his appearance would not be too striking In China, as

he had seen, in his short stay here he had already seen people much more

peculiar than he.

Extimum(Chinese): "Good morning, I am looking for a sword, however,

this is the first time I have bought one, so I would appreciate some


Wang(Chinese): "ah, it is good to see that young people are interested in

weapons, in recent times, except for aurors, the new generations do not

hold cold weapons very high."

Wang(Chinese): "to give you an introduction, here we sell different types

of weapons, the first option is simple magically improved weapons, their

use is mainly for practice, they have nothing special besides being better

than common ones; then we have the enchanted weapons, they have a

variety of applications and adapt to the taste of the ideal user if you only

want a good weapon, finally, we have the mythical swords of our

country, you will not find it for sale elsewhere, It work the same as the

previous ones but they have one more functionality, they can also be

used as a flying tool, it is the style most used by large families due to its

versatility, although I do not advise you to play Quidditch with it, some

people tried to do it, but it didn't end very well".

Wang(Chinese): "Well, dear customer, which one do you want?"

Extimum(Chinese): "the third type will be fine, I wish it was a long


Extimum and Wang discussed several details about the sword below, the

swords that also functioned as a transport tool had several models like

the magic brooms, according to the improvements in the market in terms

of flight power, also, unlike the brooms, enchanted weapons were

attached to the wizard by means of a simple blood ritual, which ensured

that the wizard could mentally command it. Weapons could be made to

order or just bought one on display.

After discussing all the minors of the weapon that Extimum wanted, the

goblin got up from his place and went to the inside of the store.

Wang(Chinese): "he is Roging, my partner in the store, he will bring a

weapon that he finds suitable to your specifications."

Soon after, Roging returned with a sheathed sword. The sword sheath

was black with golden decorations of a roaring oriental dragon.

Roging(Chinese): "This sword is suitable for you, you just have to drop a

few drops of blood on the hilt of the sword, I have already prepared the

union ritual so that it recognizes you as its owner." The binding ritual

was more of a contract between the weapon and the magician, it was

very simple and did not require too many precautions from the magicians

to perform it.

Extimum took the weapon from Roging's hands and drew the sword.

The sword was long, of a beautiful platinum color, it did not have

remarkable characteristics because it had not yet joined any magician,

the sword would take the shape that the magician found most pleasant

and comfortable for its use, within what is acceptable, of course , should

be kept within the scope of the weapon type, it could not be transformed

into an ax or a spear.

Harry had been all this time observing the weapons and then watching

Extimum negotiate in Chinese, he still found it strange and was surprised

that Extimum could speak it fluently, at first Harry saw how Extimum's

Chinese was quite bad, but shortly after talking to some people could

speak it perfectly. Extimum naturally had a few difficulties, he knew the

language having memorized it, but he did not know its pronunciation

much so after trying to speak it with the hotel receptionist and listening

to the people around him, he was able to learn the correct pronunciation.

Pressing one of her nails against his finger, Extimum made a small wound

on his thumb, then pressed his finger on the hilt of his sword, after

which, the sword and Extimum were enveloped in a faint glow for about

2 seconds and then everything. returned to normal.

Extimum could now feel a connection with the sword in his hands, he felt

that he could call out to her even if he was away from her and he could

order her in detail how he wanted her to move, although it required that

he keep his attention on her.

Likewise, the moment the ritual ended, the sword and sheath changed.

The previous simple sword was transformed into the shape that Extimum

wanted, the blade turned a crystalline silver with some purple details in

the center of the blade, acquiring a more detailed design, the sheath also

changed the dragon for a nine tails fox and instead of gold it became

shiny silver with purple details.

[sword shape picture] (it's just the shape, the design is as I mentioned)

The sword took on an appearance that made it look like real crystal, but

still maintained the same physical and magical properties to it.

Harry: "It looks amazing, like it's really made of glass."

Roging(Chinese): "Tch, pretentious". Roging muttered from his position,

he didn't seem happy with the dazzling design for the sword, even if he

secretly praised the great detail it acquired.

Extimum(Chinese): "Thank you, here you go." Extimum heard Roging's

comment, but completely ignored it. Being a bit childish, Extimum found

the sword to look very cool with its crystal design, even if he had not

explicitly thought of such a design.

Extimum then paid for the sword which cost him 15 Galleons and then

left the shop with Harry.

Leaving, Extimum and Harry ran in the direction of an area where flying

magic tools could take off; Although there were some magicians flying in

the sky, but you could not take off or land anywhere to avoid accidents,

it had to be done in certain assigned areas or in buildings that had the

space for it.

Although Extimum was outwardly calm, he was just as excited as Harry

about flying on a flying sword, so they both ran to the spot after leaving

the store, they didn't need to speak to each other to know why they were


Upon reaching the place, Extimum drew his sword and threw his sword

into the air, with the communication with his sword, it immediately

floated in the air horizontally and then expanded in size.

The weapons merchant had already explained the variety of

functionalities it had, it had basic enchantments for its safety such as anti

hex, anti theft and anti Muggle, in such a way that the Muggles could not

see the sword and if Extimum flew in it it would also result invisible to

them, unless the enchantment was deactivated, it also had some others,

but one of its main ones was to be able to alter its size to carry up to 4

people on it, varying between its width and length, in such a way that it

can be mounted standing or sitting, the sword could also be called as

long as the connection was maintained and focused on it, regardless of

the distance, but it would be better to be careful when doing so to avoid

taking everything in its path, after all, the sword could fly at a maximum

speed of 300km / h.

Extimum jumped directly onto his sword, the sword was perfectly

balanced and was not unbalanced by his landing, Harry also climbed up

behind Extimum, although more carefully, the sword still held its edge.

Standing on the sword, they felt a sudden pull of the sword towards their

feet, in such a way that they would not fall, after that, with a thought of

Extimum the sword bent slightly and soared into the sky at high speed.

The flying sword had a spell to remove the effects of air, but Extimum

did not activate it.

** swish **

** yuuujuuuuu **

Extimum cried out in excitement as his sword shot high into the sky,

feeling the wind hit his body and his clothes flutter, he only stopped

when the city below began to blur with the clouds.

Harry: "It's amazing, it's much faster than my broom."

Extimum nodded at his words and gazed at the view from the sky.


Extimum and Harry flew on the sword around the sky for a long time,

trying multiple stunts, due to the way the sword was used, it was really

difficult to fall from it unless they were knocked down, they could even

hang upside down in the air, given that the sword would only release you

if you so desired, being able to reduce the attraction it exerted or only

apply them to a specific area of ​​the sword.

After having tasted the sword, Extimum landed in an area with few shops

in the city, descending mentally ordered the sword and it released its

attraction to his feet, after which they jumped from it.

Harry: "I almost want to buy one myself, it's a totally different experience

than flying a broom, but my thing is more Quidditch, so I'll settle for just

using the broom."

Extimum: "It is true, but you should consider if you are interested in

buying a magic weapon while we are here, you know, it never hurts to

have a tool for your defense and it is unlikely that you will get them in

London, unless you negotiate with the goblins" .

Harry: "I'll think about it."

Extimum looked at his sword and it moved towards its sheath, keeping

itself perfectly, Extimum brought its sheath on his left hip to use with his

right hand.

They had spent about 1 hour flying and testing all the abilities of the

sword, although they did not leave the barrier that hid and separated the


Having already satisfied his excitement for flying and approaching

lunchtime, Extimum planned to visit a nearby restaurant, he had enjoyed

some Chinese dishes, especially the spicy food, they literally made you

breathe fire, it was difficult to get bored with dishes with such

entertaining effects, as long as they did not taste horrible and you had a

strong stomach, but even without it, that's what magic was for.

Harry and Extimum noted to their surprise that the area where they had

landed was much less crowded, compared to the large flow of people

from the streets they previously visited, on the other hand, people

seemed more elusive and silent, but they did not give it much

importance. It could be just a residential area or with less touristy places,

however, after walking a few streets in this somewhat desolate area of

​​the city, Extimum saw a store that caught his attention, mainly

because the name on the sign was in English , it was uncommon until

now in the buildings they had seen, which generated a bit of curiosity.

"Exotic creatures."

The name was not particularly attractive but the appearance of the place

was, it was a golden building in the shape of a bird cage, the design of

the walls of the building even gave a similar illusion, on its ground floor

there was a large window, but it did not allow to see the interior, seeing

only that, was not what attracted the attention of Extimum although it

was peculiar, he had already seen buildings with novel forms before,

even in London there were some, however, he felt that he should enter

the place, more like a premonition that he would find something there

that might interest him.

Seeing his gaze on the building, Harry asked.

Harry: "do you want to enter that place?"

Extimum: "yes ... I think I can find something there that I want."

Harry: "and what is it?"

Extimum: "I don't know." Extimum just shrugged and headed toward the


Harry followed Extimum to see what he was looking for, not that he

could do much on his own due to his trouble communicating with most

locals, he was seriously considering whether he should study some

languages ​​when he returned home.

Extimum pushed the door and entered the premises, the store was quite

large inside, however, the vibe was not correct for a store of magical

creatures for magicians, in fact, when looking more closely, the place fell

into the stereotype perfect than you would expect from a slave shop ...

The place was a bit dark, with multiple cages of various sizes in the

place, some creatures were even chained and looking at some cages, it

was not limited only to magical creatures, there were also some magical

beings with a lost look in them, or they were drugged or they had been

here a long time.

???: "Oh, welcome dear customer, forgive me for my delay in serving

you, I don't usually have many visitors at this time and even more

English." An old man emerged from behind the nearby counter. He was a

Chinese man, but he had great command of the English language, he

wore a black hanfu, his face had a slightly sinister and dark expression,

he had rotten teeth and a mannerism that forced him to rub his hands


Harry had also entered the store by the time the man arrived, however,

his expression was one of surprise and disbelief as he watched all the

creatures and some human-looking creatures locked up and in chains.

His attitude earned a deep look from the merchant, his customers didn't

usually bring children here.

Extimum: "Harold, why don't you come out and wait for me outside?"

Harry seeing the interior of the place and hearing the name with which

Extimum addressed him, understood his intentions and left the store.

Extimum: "ah, excuse my nephew, he is too young to understand certain

things." Extimum did not show any trace of discomfort or insecurity in

front of the old man, only his gaze on Harry had already alerted Extimum

a bit that he could recognize him, so he asked him to leave, in addition to

preventing him from committing nonsense being inside the store.

Although the fame of Harry Potter who defeated Voldemort was not so

popular in this part of the continent, but given Voldemort's infamy, his

defeat was widely known, so as of the one who defeated him, if the man

in front of him had bad intentions towards Harry, Extimum wouldn't

know if he could defeat him.

???: "ah, yes, youth, his nephew is quite special…, on the other hand. I

introduce myself, I am your server Li Xie, as you may have noticed, I

trade with almost any creature you can imagine, even if I do not have it,

I can get it for you for a price ... of course you will have to sign certain

confidentiality agreements to conduct our business, just to to make sure,

you will know that the handling of many of these creatures requires a

greater 'care' to maintain them ". The man felt that Harry's appearance

was familiar, but could not find why it was so, he put it aside for the

moment to attend to Extimum.

Extimum now understood why this area seemed so sparsely populated, it

was very likely that he would have landed in a dark or low security area

where certain more murky businesses were allowed, just by casually

finding a slave shop and the fact that the man seemed certain that

Extimum was here to shop underscored the fact that this place was well

known to a certain group of people and the fact that there had been no

problems with its existence demonstrated the silent acceptance of the

authorities of tales places in the remote areas of the city.

Extimum: "Of course, however, my visit today was somewhat more

sporadic, something in particular has attracted me, if possible, I would

like to take a look at all your 'products'".

Li Xie: "Of course, feel free to explore my place, I will personally advise

you if I find something of your interest, I am sure we can get a good

price." Li Xie judged by Extimum's clothes that he faced a fat customer

who would be willing to spend a lot of money if he satisfied him.

Extimum did not say anything else and began to go through the cages,

there were house elves, dragon eggs, harpies, zombies, banshees, spiders

and snakes, he even saw a real mermaid in a tank, on the side of magical

beings, he saw some vampires and werewolves, most were in a dazed

state or just sat there with a vacant gaze, yet it was obvious that they

weren't keeping those who might prove too destructive in this area of ​​

the store.

Li Xie: "oh, don't worry about their appearance, they are in that state just

to make it more comfortable for our customers, it would be annoying if

they made too much fuss, on the other hand if you don't find what you

are looking for here, we can go to the back room , there I keep the most

dangerous… ".

Extimum kept going through the different cages until he saw one in

particular that caught his attention, he imperceptibly felt that that was

what he was looking for.



Well, not much to say, here we see another side of the magical world

and the MC finally got his sword, what do you think it will be there

will be in the cage? ,I'm sure you wouldn't guess, I don't think at least,

although it's not weird, but I do think it's unusual.

Another thing is that webnovel does not like Chinese letters or content

xd, I had put some things but they got me notices that if I uploaded it,

the readers could not give me a vote, wtf.

Chapter 28: •The figure in the ice

Extimum's gaze was not fixed on any cage, but on a figure enclosed in a

block of ice, it was not very large, its approximate dimensions were about

15 cm high and 10 cm wide.

The block of ice emanated a constant stream of cold air as it approached

and greatly blurred the frozen figure within, however, it could still be

seen what kind of creature was in the ice, it was a fairy, about 8cm tall,

only her figure could be seen in a defensive pose with her hands covering

her face and her iridescent colored wings.

Li Xie: "Oh, I see that this relic has caught your interest, it is mainly an

ornament, my clients find it interesting, it is an ancient fairy found in

some ruins, it must have been enchanted by a powerful magician of the

time, the ice emits cold even to this day ".

Extimum was sure, his premonition came from the figure in the ice,

however, according to Li Xie's words she had been frozen for a long time

so it was difficult to know if she was alive, Extimum could not feel any

breath or signal from inside her.

Li Xie: "If you are interested in fairies ... I have some similar ones on

display or if you are looking for something similar I also have cornwall


Extimum only kept his gaze fixed on the figure frozen in ice.

Extimum: "Tell me, would you be willing to sell it to me?"

Li Xie: "if it is what you want ... it is only an ornament for my store, since

it is a new client, I will leave it to him at a good price, only 10 galleons".

Hearing the exaggerated price, Extimum gave Li Xie a sharp look.

Extimum: "Didn't you say it was just a decoration?"

Li Xie: "Do not be angry my lord, although it is a decoration, it is after

all, a specimen of an ancient creature, not many have the opportunity to

see them." Li Xie became a bit nervous from the natural pressure exerted

by Extimum, although he was dealing with difficult clients, Extimum

gave him a more primitive feeling of danger in him, furthermore, he did

not want to lose a client.

Extimum: "I'll only give you 8 galleons, do you sell it?"

Li Xie: "ah a tough negotiator, well, I will sell it to you, do you want to

look at something else?"

Extimum: "yes ... do you have binding magical contracts?"

Li Xie: "Of course, they are indispensable for this business, but my lord

must know that they are very rare, so the price ...".

Extimum: "just say it."

Li Xie: "hehehe, it is good to deal with direct clients, it will be 5


Extimum: "I'll pay you 3 and it's a deal." Extimum would not be easily

scammed by the merchant, although they were rare, but they did not cost

that much because not many would dare to buy them, if they found one

in your hands you would be given a direct death sentence.

Li Xie: "excellent, it will be a total of 11 galleons."

Extimum paid and then waved his wand throwing a 'reducio' on the ice

block shrinking it and then put it in his bag.

Li Xie then took out a scroll from his pocket and handed it to Extimum, it

seemed his pocket was also enchanted similar to Extimum's expandable


Extimum paid for the 11 galleons and left the store, Harry had been

waiting outside the store with many thoughts about what he saw inside.

Extimum: "let's go."

Having finished everything that stopped them in such a place, Extimum

and Harry walked in the direction of the main street.

Harry: "Did you get what you were looking for?"

Extimum: "Yes, but I still have to see what I can do with it, I'll explain

later, changing the subject, Harry, what you saw in there ... it's just

another side of the magical world, not everything is fantastic landscapes,

I think you should already know it ".

Harry: "I know… it's just that I can't understand how they can allow a

place like that to exist here".

Extimum: "think of it this way, although light judges darkness, it cannot

deny that one lives off the other."

Harry seemed to reflect on his words, due to his childhood he knew that

not everything was light and rainbow, but he did not think that there

would be slavery in the magical world, seeing them in that state locked

up and in chains left a bad taste in his mouth.

In no time they returned to the main streets, while walking through the

place, Extimum saw a sign that gave him an idea.

Extimum: "Come, I have an idea that could change your mood."

Extimum pulled Harry towards a building with a sign that had a picture

of glasses.

"Magi-oculist" (Chinese).

Magic has existed since the beginning of time, so it is normal that many

problems or difficulties of magicians have already been investigated

previously, a rare and scarce profession, is that of a magi-oculist, they

specialize in treating eye problems, from making glasses to the eye itself,

that being said, not everyone is willing to let any magician touch their

eyes, which is why glasses for poor eyesight are still sold, others prefer

them for a certain fashion. Magi-oculists make all kinds of glasses with

varied effects such as: microscopic glasses, glasses to observe magic,

glasses to see invisible creatures, slow perception glasses, glasses to see

behind walls, there are all kinds of glasses you can imagine ; many of

them are used for specific professions where they are very useful and

others are just interesting gadgets. Magi-oculists are also capable of

replacing a damaged eye and, although healing magic can work miracles,

but cannot recover some damage done with overly powerful or malicious

spells, many magical creatures leave incurable or difficult to treat

wounds, due to In such cases, the profession still persists, although many

distrust it.

** ding ding **

A bell rang when entering the place, it was a small store, with only a

space for customers and a large counter full of all kinds of glasses, behind

the counter there were two other closed rooms, a young Asian woman

was at the counter, she had He had long straight black hair, he had a

pretty face and fair skin, his eyes were white, he wore a white coat

similar to what you would see in Muggle doctors and large glasses on his

head with different colored lenses.

??? (Chinese): "welcome to my store. oh, but what do we have here,

those are glasses… Muggles ". The woman saluted and then immediately

turned her attention to Harry due to the fact that he had glasses,

however, noticing that they were only Muggle glasses, he seemed to feel

a great disgust.

Harry couldn't understand what he was saying, but he could see the

disgust on his face.

Extimum (Chinese): "good afternoon, my friend here wants to solve his

problem with his glasses".

??? (Chinese): "I see, do you want to get some new glasses or fix his

vision problem?"

Extimum (Chinese): "his vision problem".

??? (Chinese): "boy, come here".

Extimum: "go in front of her." Extimum indicated to Harry that he did not

understand what the woman wanted to say to him.

Harry went to the woman, who when seeing him approach, lowered her

big glasses from her head and put them on correctly, then she began to

move some of the multiple lenses that her glasses had, calculating

according to certain information the problem visual of Harry.

Harry just gave him a curious look, seeing how the woman moved

colored glasses from one side to another while she looked at him as if

detailing a hieroglyph.

??? (Chinese): "well, I have already seen your problem".

??? (Chinese): "Perfectom jingse!". The woman took out her wand and

pointed it at Harry's eyes and then cast her spell, it must have been a

spell of her own invention due to the combination of Latin and Chinese.

The languages ​​with which spells are usually cast are mainly ancient

languages, the older they seem to be more effective, likewise, some

languages ​​have certain magical inclinations, an example of this is

parsel which is particularly good at casting dark spells, however , it is

mainly to the taste of the magician and the teachings in their training on

what language they use to cast their spells.

After the spell was cast, Harry blinked several times and then removed

his glasses to look around.

Harry: "I can see ... perfectly." Harry exclaimed excitedly, although he

was not so bothered by glasses since he had worn them most of his life,

but everyone who uses glasses would prefer not to wear them if possible.

??? (Chinese): "it will be 20 Sickles". The woman smiled and told

Extimum the price, now noticing that Harry didn't understand her.

Harry: "Ah, I'll pay." Although Harry couldn't understand much, but he

could understand when the woman named the money, so he offered to

pay, after all this was for himself and Extimum had already paid some

other things for him.

Harry didn't even know it was possible to cure his bad eyesight with

magic, it was strange that no one had mentioned it to him before.

Harry then took two galleons out of his pocket and paid, after which he

put his glasses in another pocket as a souvenir.

Extimum knew that although magi-oculists were a bit rejected in the

community, there were really few reported cases in which someone

suffered damage to their eyes from being treated by them, in addition,

the fact that this business could remain in the main streets of the city it

indicated that it had a good reputation, otherwise, with the high

prejudice of the magicians for the profession, they would have been

removed from the city.

After paying the magi-oculist, they left the store and headed to find a

restaurant for lunch, neither of them needed or wanted to buy any of

those glasses, Extimum especially could see many things with his eyes

without needing those glasses .

Shortly after searching, they found a restaurant, it was a wooden building

with 2 floors, with a heavy ceramic roof and an upward slant; some

lanterns decorated under the eaves of the roof.

They sat on the second floor at a table with an outside view.

Extimum: "Oh, I just remembered something, when the waiter comes

back just point him to this and the one you chose, I'll be back". Extimum

pointed out to Harry the name of the food he wanted. The food had their

description in English on the menu, although curiously their name was

still in Chinese.

After saying his words, Extimum left the restaurant and went to a nearby

store that he saw on the way, it was a potions shop, he did not linger

long at the place, he only needed to buy a few potions, two of which

were for Harry.

Extimum: 'it will be interesting to see everyone's expression when they

meet the new Harry.'

The potions that Extimum bought for Harry were: a body readjustment

potion and a strengthening potion, with the first, Harry's body could

recover from his abuse and readjust any part of the body that has been

malformed by starvation or physical abuse, the second potion, it would

strengthen the body and enhance the effect of the first potion by

providing energy so that the process would be easier and could readjust

Harry's constitution more effectively, after all, a stronger Harry equals

more peace for Extimum.

Extimum returned to the restaurant shortly after, the dishes they ordered

had already been served on the table, Harry was even already eating a

plate of noodles, Extimum's plate, on the other hand, seemed more…


Extimum sat at the table and looked at his plate, he had ordered a

"dragon roar 'hotpot'", however the way they did it here was funny, from

one of the food dishes, an occasional dragon made of meat and soup

would come out roaring or devouring other pieces of meat, naturally he

didn't really eat them and they were more like fusing with the dragon.

Harry: "How can you eat that? I burned my tongue last time, I think not

many of the locals even ask for that hotpot you asked for." In fact, Harry

was the one who discovered the dish, he had ordered it yesterday at the

hotel without knowing what it was, after eating it he literally spat fire

from his mouth, the locals even made fun of him, it seemed that it was a

trap dish for tourists.

Extimum on the other hand was intrigued by the food after seeing Harry

spit fire and ordered one for himself, since then it has been one of his

favorite dishes.

Extimum: "It is a very interesting sensation when you eat the dragon, in

addition, when you breathe fire you vent all the itch and you can eat

more". As the dragon ate other foods on the plate, it acquired a more

compressed and diverse flavor when tasted.

Extimum: "well, here you go, first take the blue bottle and then the white

one, oh, but before taking the white one, bite something".

Harry gave him a suspicious look, the last part sounded particularly

sinister when Extimum said it.

Harry: "what are they for?"

Extimum: "They are for you to become a dragon and fly high in the sky,

now just take them". Extimum tried to say it sarcastically but his

impassive voice made Harry wonder if they would actually turn him into

a dragon.

Harry had already begun to notice that Extimum took particular pleasure

in the misery of others, even if it was just harmless things.

But knowing that Extimum wouldn't really harm him, he gulped down his

food and drank the potions in the order said.

The first tasted strawberry, but the second tasted terrible of iron.

Extimum just watched the changes in Harry's body with a slight smile.

First his skin glowed with a blue hue, followed by his body beginning to

swell and thin in succession, his hair grew longer and his body stretched,

then terrible ** crack crack ** sounds began to be heard, making Harry

he opened his eyes wide and when he was about to scream, he

remembered Extimum's words.

He couldn't scream in the middle of a restaurant and there was nothing

he could bite to muffle, he thought Extimum was only saying to joke the

last part of biting something, thinking quickly and seeing Extimum's

slight smile, Harry took Extimum's hand and bit her in revenge.

Extimum: "Ah, damn you, bite something, not me." Harry couldn't pierce

Extimum's skin with his strength, even as he bit back in pain, but he still

caught Extimum off guard by biting him.

After about 10 seconds in which some slightly shuddering sounds came

from Harry's body, Harry collapsed in his seat sweating.

** pant pant **

Harry gasped several times and then spoke, ignoring the amused looks

from other nearby diners.

Harry: "Damn you cheated on me, that was so painful, for a moment and

I thought I would die, it felt like all my bones were moving, ugh, I don't

want to remember it."

Extimum: "well, you bit me, so we are at hand I think, on the other hand,

you should look in a mirror or check your body, here". Extimum handed

Harry a mirror, his always reliable bag still didn't disappoint him.

Harry looked at his body and then looked at himself in the mirror.

Harry: "Is that me?" The current Harry had changed a lot, his previous

lean and slightly malnourished constitution had changed to a more

embattled, his body also became taller and he got some slight changes in

his face that together with the fact that he no longer wore glasses gave

him an aspect quite different from his previous one, although he still had

his scar and someone close to him could associate them, but the change

was palpable.

Extimum: "well, it has been a lot for today, let's go back to the hotel, I

have to check something, later we will visit another place". Extimum got

up from his seat and stretched a bit, after which he went to pay for the

food and headed out with Harry to the hotel.


In a dark shop filled with cages and chained creatures, Li Xie sat on a

chair in front of his shop counter.

Li Xie: "hahahaha, hehehe, now I remember ... that was Harry Potter, oh,

but what great news is this, I'm sure many would be willing to pay a lot

for this information." Li Xie laughed in his dark tent and spoke to himself.

Because Extimum didn't expect anyone to recognize Harry in china, they

hadn't preserved the transformation in him.


Extimum had already returned to his hotel room. He sat on his bed and

took the ice block out of its bag, returning it to its original size.

Extimum: 'how should I open it…'. Extimum rubbed his chin in thought.

He didn't want to end up destroying the creature/being inside, so it had

to be something more delicate. While thinking about it, Extimum came

up with trying to use his purple energy, he had not managed to invoke it

properly but it was still possible to extract a certain amount with effort, it

was just an idea and he did not know if it would work.

Staring at the palm of his hand, Extimum concentrated and tried to

gather his purple energy, after a few seconds there was finally something,

an ethereal purple energy appeared on his palm flickering like a flame;

Bringing the energy in his hand closer to the block of ice, Extimum hoped

if there was any reaction.

Extimum's action turned out to be successful, the ice seemed to be

consumed and slowly disappear, leaving no trace of water as it

disappeared into the air.

Finally, after a few minutes, the figure on the ice fell onto Extimum's bed.

Now it was possible to observe his features in detail. The fairy was a girl

with an approximate appearance of 16-17 years old, only half 8cm tall,

she wears a cyan tiara with a purple gem on her forehead, she had large

wings on her back that ranged from a little higher than her head up to

above the knees, her wings were similar in shape to those of a butterfly,

however, her design was an iridescent mix in which blue and fiery red

stood out, her clothing was a one-piece dress With a design similar to

crystal scales with blue pantyhose that ended in her heeled boots, she

also possessed gold bracelets and a translucent lavender cape that

connected with her dress.

Despite his apparent age, his body was quite pronounced, he had a

slender and curvy figure, his hair was an orange-red color and came close

to his knees, although his eyes were closed, Extimum had noticed that

they were of a color cyan

[Image here]

Fairies are not usually very considered in the current age, they are seen

as nothing more than beautiful and decorative creatures, they usually

inhabit forests, but some wizards also have them as pets because their

wings serve as ingredients for some potions, they have their own magic ,

although it is not very powerful, they are also one of the most famous

magical beings in the Muggle world, having said all the above, they have

a warlike and narcissistic character, although in general they are usually

docile and have a certain intelligence, but they cannot communicate with

words and they communicate with buzzes.

That is the general idea of ​​a fairy, but that is of course an ordinary

fairy, the same cannot be said of the fairy in front of Extimum.

Extimum checked her to see if she was really alive, her body was cold

and a little stiff, there were no obvious signs of life in her and she also

couldn't feel any spark of life inside her, but Extimum had the feeling

that she was not dead, That is why he had bought some potions before

lunch, they were mainly: nutritional, strengthening, life extension,

vitality and magical recovery potions. This last potion was for when a

magician over exerted himself in the use of magic and damaged his body

so they took such potions to heal such wear and tear.

Removing the potions from her bag, she took a large bowl and put the

fairy there, given the size of the fairy, using the potions on her would

seem more like giving her a bath, Extimum bought potions related to

vitality because if she is alive, her state has being too weak, so such

potions could help her awaken from her current state, of course,

Extimum did not combine the potions, such a thought would only be

committed by novices, it is known that potions are the product of the

combination of certain materials , combining them could give an adverse

effect, in addition, the potions were made thinking about magicians, not

a creature / magical being, there were different potions for them, but the

effects of using them were only limited to less effectiveness or they

simply would not work, for therefore, I would give them to him at


Extimum naked the body of the fairy and then immersed her in the bowl

with each potion for around 10 minutes, leaving the vitality potion last.

It was a bit strange to undress her, it was like taking off a doll's clothes,

only the clothes and the doll were too realistic.

After immersing the fairy in each potion, Extimum noticed that her

body's condition improved, but there were still no signs of vitality, one

thought led to another and she finally decided to drip some of her blood

into the vitality potion on which she was standing. soaked the fairy.

** dripping sound **

The potion of vitality was white in color, however, when Extimum's

blood fell on the surface of it, the surface of the liquid changed and

divided into a golden-purple evenly, leaving in the center a red line that

divides them. , after that it merged with the potion, leaving no trace of

the previous abnormality and only a white potion with a golden glow.

His blood contained greater power and effects than ordinary blood or

that of magicians, so he decided to use it, also, there would be no

negative effects on the potion.

Extimum: 'well ... maybe now if it works?'.

Extimum removed the fairy from the bowl and dried her and wrapped

her with a handkerchief, after that, he just wait, she didn't need to wake

up, he just needed to feel a spark of life in her to know if it had been

worth all his effort.

Not knowing if there would be results and how long it would take to see

them, Extimum set about meditating and strengthening his oclumency.


About 2 hours later, Extimum woke up from his meditation, stretched a

bit, and then turned his attention to the fairy.

Surprisingly the fairy was breathing, her breathing was slow but steady,

as if she were just sleeping.

Extimum stared at her for about 10 minutes until the figure moved a


Extimum: "then, she really is alive." With that thought in mind, Extimum

withdrew the yellowish scroll that he bought from Li Xie, it was a master-

slave contract.

Extimum was not fool enough to believe that an ancient being would not

be a threat to him, he was clearly a being of unknown power and

disposition, what if he were evil and ended up reviving his murderer?,

No, no, there were many things that They could go wrong, the fact that

the natural disposition of fairies is good does not mean that there are no

evil ones, much less when we talk about a being that is much more

superior to the current ones, so the precautions were within what is

acceptable, Of course, there was also the possibility that he was only

worrying too much, but it was better to be safe, his feeling was to find

the fairy but he did not know why, what if it was to destroy a threat?

A real master-slave contract is considered illegal and it would bring

serious consequences if found in the hands of someone, in addition there

are no methods to create them currently, however, there are inferior

versions, although very scarce, they could be obtained if you looked in

the right place. That said, the specific contract that Extimum bought, was

not the one that was used from a master to a slave, although it was

governed by the same sense in which the master can order the slave, but

it was a contract for a pet / companion, This would establish a not so

invasive connection and given its use, it would bring both parties closer,

in this way, even if the fairy was evil or not, it would become Extimum's


Pricking his finger again, he pressed it into a special area of ​​the

contract and then directed it towards the fairy, the contract flew towards

her and plunged into her body leaving a mark that shone and then

disappeared. This was a true enslaving contract, a very limited and scarce

product, it was fortunate that the merchant had it, most contracts

required the initial agreement of both parties, so, if it were the case,

Extimum wouldn't have tried to wake the fairy yet.

After going through the whole process, Extimum just waited a bit longer,

until the fairy blinked and opened her eyes.

His gaze was initially lost in emptiness, but then he seemed to come to

himself and look around in confusion.

The fairy then slowly got up and noticed that she was wearing nothing

more than a scarf that covered her, so she held it with her hands closely

to prevent it from falling, she took a better look at the place until she

fixed her gaze on Extimum.

??? (###): "Hh-hi, * cough *, where am I?" The fairy first tried to speak,

but her throat seemed parched and it took a while for her to speak.

The fairy was weak, her wings were drooping and slightly discolored,

even standing seemed to cost her, but seeing the unknown place and her

situation it was not strange that she woke up on alert despite her daze,

although now she was awake, it seemed that such a quick recovery came

at a price, clearly visible by his sickly pale face.

Extimum: 'and… she can speak'. Extimum understood her, however, she

did not speak in English, much less in Chinese, it was not the connection

of the contract, no, she spoke in an ancient language, the same one that

Extimum had previously looked at in the grimoire merely out of


The language itself did not have a name, because when it was spoken it

was used by everyone and although other species had their own

languages, all could and knew how to speak the universal language, as

for today, there are only few records or writings left undeciphered in the

treasury of the various ministries, perhaps only ancient families like that

of Extimum keep a detailed book of the language.

???: "what is this place ?, ugh, who are you? And… who am I?". The fairy

seemed to have memory problems from the long frozen time and

although she kept herself in a defensive position, it was more out of habit

that she really was able to do something.

Extimum: 'memory loss huh… is also within the possibilities'.

No longer ignoring the fairy, Extimum decided to answer her.

Extimum: "we are in ... well, the place where I reside at the moment, as

for you ... I don't know." Extimum at first was going to say China, but it

was likely that he did not know what place that was, so there was no

point trying to explain it to him, it would be as good as saying nothing.

Extimum: "you can wear these clothes." Noticing her discomfort,

Extimum handed her her clothes.

???: "I see… thanks for the clothes". The fairy took the clothes and

changed on the spot, it seemed that her mind was not completely stable

yet, at first she covered herself to cover her body as if she were ashamed,

however, now she only did it without inhibitions.

After that, they both shared a look and looked at each other for a few

minutes in silence.

They were both thinking a lot about the current situation. The fairy was

trying to organize her thoughts and try to remember something about

her, there was also her unknown current situation and finally... there was

the new link or connection that she now felt with the being in front of

her, when she concentrated on him, she could feel his presence and

understand his superficial feelings.

Extimum likewise, he was also feeling the link, it offered a two-way

telepathic connection, he could also feel the chaotic feelings he felt at

this moment and feel his existence, in such a way he would always know

where he is even if he closes his eyes, in addition, from his side, Extimum

could order him anything he wanted due to the contract.

The feeling was different, it was very different from the one he had

established with Hermione, by claiming her or even drinking her blood,

this connection felt more intimate, it brought them closer to each other,

Extimum could almost feel familiar with the fairy now, it was something

strange because such a feeling was born out of nowhere, such an effect

was there only to ensure a good relationship between the two, but it

would not force the other to trust instantly if there was a real precaution.

So the two of them only looked at each other like this for an indefinite

amount of time, until the sound of someone knocking on the door was

heard by both of them, pulling them out of their previous state.

Harry: "Extimum, are you finished? You said we would go somewhere

else in the afternoon."

Extimum did not immediately reply to Harry, he kept his gaze on the

fairy and after a moment, he extended his hand towards the fairy, she

looked at his hand for a moment and then climbed into it. Extimum

carried her on his head and left her there, she shrunk in size and settled

between Extimum's hair leaving little visible to the public.

At some point in their silent communication, they had reached a trust

and familiarity between them, it was mainly due to feeling the feelings

and intentions of the other which allowed them to develop their rapid

confidence, also, she could not hurt him due to the contract.

Understanding that she could not currently fly, he decided to carry it on

his head, he could feel that she still felt totally lost and worried about the

unfamiliar environment, so he put it on his head so that he could hide in

his hair, also, although Fairies weren't too weird, but they weren't

something you'd see anywhere, much less one as quirky as Extimum's.

Extimum put on his shoes and straightened his clothes, then opened the

door and left his room, finding Harry waiting there.

Extimum: "I'm sorry for the delay, come on, I had planned for us to visit

my family's branch in China."

Harry: "Oh, I didn't know you had family here."

Extimum: "well, basically there is a branch of my family in every major

country with a magical community."

Harry: "So that's what Ron meant that your family is everywhere, I

thought that was just a way of saying it."

Extimum: "It is not certain that we can meet they, after all, I have not

warned they of my presence here, but we can come and say hello."

Harry: "wait, if you don't know them, how do you know where they live?"

Extimum: "there is a way for it, you'll see".

Extimum and Harry left the hotel and walked through some streets, some

time later, they came to an elegant looking building, with an old design,

but well preserved, on its sign was written in cursive "inmemorial

vesperi", that was the Brand name of all the companies under the

Shadowless family, this particular place acted as a shopping center,

inside there would be all kinds of businesses that were also part or

affiliated with the family, from clothing stores to potions and artifacts.

Extimum guided Harry inside the building, as expected, there were many

shops of various things inside the building, it was also a quite crowded

place, mainly people from middle or wealthy families could afford to buy

in such a place.

Extimum walked towards what looked like a customer service office, as

he approached, his appearance that he had maintained since he arrived

in China, began to change to his original appearance, he attracted some

glances from the people around him, but nothing more.

Extimum also felt the surprise and alarm of the fairy to see his

appearance change.

The person who ran the reception noticed his arrival, he was a middle-

aged man, with Asian features, he had a shaved head and his eyes were

brown, he wore a Buddhist kasaya, he had kept his eyes closed until he

noticed the entrance of Extimum .

???: "good afternoon, dear customer, how can I help you?" The man

spoke directly in English, probably understanding the origins of


Extimum: "Please, send a message to anyone in the family with whom

you can communicate, tell them that a guest from the English branch has

come to visit." Extimum went straight to what he needed, without giving

too many details, It was common knowledge among the family members

that all the receptionists in customer service, were actually the

administrators of the place and that they had direct contact with the

family, they were the main connection to communicate with the local

branch of the family if not the normal means were available.

???: "blood will not flow without drawing your sword." The man just

nodded a little and then blurted out a sentence.

His words confused Harry, who was next to Extimum, there was no

logical follow-up to such words.

Extimum: "but my sheath will still rest on your neck." Extimum on the

other hand only responded as if he understood and was perfectly normal.

The man leaned over a little and cupped his hands and then disappeared

using 'apparition'.

Harry: "What was that?"

Extimum: "procedures, you cannot just say that you want to see the

family and they will go looking for them, if it were, anyone could call

them, so there are some sentences that you must complete to verify your


Harry: "what if someone learns the answer?"

Extimum: "well, it is not impossible for them to do so, but they do not

always say the same phrase, also, this is only for someone to come, if

they come and you are not family, let's say that you will not get out of

here very well, if at all You go out, not all branches are so kind to

usurpers ".

Harry: "So how does a normal person communicate with your family?

Wouldn't communication then be impossible?"

Extimum: "well, just do it in a normal way, you ask for an appointment,

you meet directly with a member or if you are known you can speak to

them by owl or something".

When Extimum finished speaking, the man came back, this time he came

with an elegantly dressed woman behind him.

???: "My lady, he is the guest requesting your presence."

The woman shared some Asian traces, but she also had some North

Americans. She had a great figure, she was tall and robust, giving her big

breasts and hips; she had blonde hair and gray eyes, she carried a pipe in

her hands and wore a red qipao with a white scarf and heels, she had an

arrogant and cold look on her.

???: "oh, let me see, those features ... the color of your hair ... your

clothes, you must be the son Callum and Ava, come here." The woman

gave Extimum a scrutinizing look and then drew him to her in a hug,

leaving Extimum somewhat puzzled by the sudden show of affection.

???: "Ah, you are also as cold as them, my name is Rou Shadowless, I am

something like ... a distant aunt for you? It doesn't matter, we are family,

come, I'll take you to meet the family" .

The woman was quite energetic and affectionate, however, Extimum

believed that her last comment referred to her behavior between family,

because the man next to her was clearly surprised by her attitude, it was

only to take into account the cold and arrogant attitude she had by the

time it arrived compared to the rapid transformation.

Extimum: "wait, I bring a friend with me."

The woman's enthusiastic gaze paused a bit at his words.

Rou: "would you trust your life in him?" Rou raised an eyebrow and

asked very seriously, it was a rule never to bring people you did not

completely trust to the main family house, if Extimum's answer was

negative, Rou would take them to another house and leave Harry there.

to be taken care of and then she would go with Extimum.

Extimum quickly considered his question, it was difficult to say that if, if

you are asked such a question so suddenly, it is your life that you speak

of, Extimum considered it a little and decided that he could trust Harry

enough not to fear being betrayed at least.

Extimum: "Yes".

Rou took a deeper look at Harry and then looked back at Extimum.

Rou: "Well, you come too." The woman stopped her serious act and took

Extimum's hand and offered her other hand to Harry.

Harry was slightly moved by Extimum's statement to such a question, but

he left it to himself, took the woman's hand and then disappeared from

the place along with them.


The place they arrived at was the union of their mountains, between

them there seemed to be a dark and misty road, there was nothing in the

surroundings of the place, but between that dark road was an old

mansion that floated in what seemed like solid clouds , the mansion was

small, we said mansion mainly because of its style, the design of the

mansion was very similar to the mansion where Extimum lived, however,

it followed Chinese architecture.

The peculiarity of the place is that to enter such a house one had to cross

a path of floating stones that occasionally moved in scattered ways, but

always maintaining a path to the mansion.

Harry: "Wow, it's beautiful."

Rou: "Of course, this is the main house of the Shadowless family in China,

however, what is truly incredible is the interior."

Extimum was about to comment on something, when he felt a slight tug

on his hair, the fairy seemed to feel a bit dizzy, it was not a problem for

her to endure the apparition, but like Harry the first time, her body was

not prepared for such a jolt.

Rou: "well, come on- oh, I see that your friend is not feeling well, don't

worry, I always bring some elixirs for such occasions." Rou said as she

took out a bottle from somewhere.

Harry: "who?"

Rou: "I'm talking about Extimum's partner, haven't you seen her?"

Harry directed his gaze over Extimum's head following Rou's gaze and

after looking a bit, he noticed the fairy taking refuge in her hair.

Harry: "Since when do you have a partner? I thought you didn't have?"

Harry already knew that Extimum had no creature attached as a

companion, he had heard Hermione complaining about how she did not

meet Hogwarts requirements, only to be silenced when Extimum

threatened to do something to her that she did not understand.

It was normal for a magician to get a pet or companion, for multiple

reasons, the most superficial would be that it provides some

psychological comfort and company, it also encourages care in each

magician towards magical creatures, they are also often used to practice

spells, in some classes of transfiguration they were transfigured into

objects or other animals, it does not cause them any real harm; some can

also be used as messengers, such as owls, the other is just a cultural

custom that a magician always has a pet that accompanies him on his

path of magic, for such reasons it was a cultural custom for each

magician to obtain a partner at some point in their life, usually in

childhood, however, it was not mandatory and many did not.

Rou brought the bottle to the fairy on Extimum's head, the fairy took its

previous size of 8cm and took the mouth of the bottle with her hands,

then drank some of the contents.

The Fairy naturally did so because Extimum had assured him that it was


Extimum: "she was the one I went to look for in that store."

Harry: "Oh…".

Rou: "good, now if we go".



This is yesterday's chapter, but the power went out and I couldn't

finish editing and uploading it :(

well here it is.

Chapter 29: •Knowing the Chinese


They approached what was the first rock of the floating stairs to go up to

the house, Harry was especially entertained thinking about jumping from

one stone to the other, however, to his surprise, when the four of them

entered the perimeter of the stairs , the veil of reality in front of them

seemed to thin, revealing a passage to a completely different place.


Harry: "Wow, what?"

Rou: "Come on, come on, don't be too long here."

Extimum hadn't stopped and crossed the passage, he had intended to tell

Harry when he saw him admiring the houseboat, but then he just left it

at that.

Actually, most of the houses of the Shadowless family are hidden in a

kind of sub-space, both places are in the same space, but in different

dimensions of it, the first or upper layer is the directly connected area.

with the original plan and the second or lower layer is where they really

live, in this way, anyone who accesses the location will only be able to

interact with the first layer, in this case the dark path and the houseboat.

When a family member approaches and touches the veil that divides both

realities, they can choose to access the one that is hidden under the

other, this is one of the strongest security measures that protect

important family properties, it is even superior to 'Fidelio' in various

respects, having said that, the lower layer is actually the true space that

was once in the original plane and that were separated and closed as

special territories or sanctuaries that still retain part of their magical

nature, however, it is not preferred that all families inhabit it, some like

the branch of Extimum, inhabit the first layer in the original plane, it is

entirely due to the preference of the head of the family.

Extimum has learned about it since he was little, but he has never

accessed the hidden area of ​​his house, he has only seen it in a few


The other side was completely different, the dark and gloomy path

transformed into a bright and vegetated path, seeming to ooze life,

similar to an enchanted passage, with flowers all over the place and

mushrooms or rocks that emitted light, even an occasional one. magical

creature could be seen on the way.


Although the place was pretty and colorful, it was only the driveway to

the area where the main mansion was located.

They had to walk for about 5 minutes through the forest until they were

able to leave, while they were leaving the forest, the place began to fill

with a light fog that grew as they moved further away from the forest, for

when they left the forest completely, they found themselves in An open

area with nothing but mist around it, however, shortly after, a

magnificent ensemble of ancient palaces, buildings, and pavilions that

hoisted the Shadowless family's flag seemed to emerge from the mist.

Extimum: 'really impressive'. Even Hogwarts paled in a first impression

with the place, on the other hand, Hogwarts was a school and this was

the place of an ancient clan.

Harry: "You're right, the outside was nothing compared to this."

Rou looked proud upon hearing his praise.

Rou: "the sanctuary of England must also be just as fantastic, right

Extimum? I have seen in the records that they are great magical caves,

with unique nocturnal plants and animals, as well as a fountain with

miraculous effects, ah, I really want be able to go".

Extimum: "unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to enter myself,

but I have seen some photos and stories of the place that Nocturn

sometimes tells".

Rou: "oh, it's a shame, but I guess you'll have the chance later, you live

there after all."

Harry listened with interest to their conversation, he did not know that

there would be such fantastic places hidden there, the only place similar

to this could be the forbidden forest, if it were not for its creepy

environment and his bad past experiences in it.


The small ancient city in front of them seemed truly mystical, with

hanging stone paths supported by chains that led to the entrance to one

or more buildings and a cover of mist that enveloped the whole place,

increasing its mystery and its transcendental air.


Rou then led them directly to the main building, it was the tallest

building almost completely hidden among the mist and clouds, it was

located in the deepest part of the small town. The buildings enjoyed great

glitz and craftsmanship, however, there were not really many people who

inhabited them, although natural wizards had a much longer lifespan, but

they were not breeding machines and even so, the world had seen too

many wars, so some branches were not as heavily populated as others,

that said, the Chinese branch enjoyed many more descendants compared

to the English branch, throughout the great place, although they were

few, but you could still see a person occasionally by the place.

The features of most of the people they saw retained the inclination

towards Asian features, however, they all had certain peculiarities that

betrayed the variety among the blood, most of the variations were not

necessarily human, but due to the passage of time, the members still

retaining inhuman traits among all branches of the family were very rare,

current pureblood magical beings / creatures were too rare or elusive and

the Shadowless had never associated with impure bloods, if that was the

case, they would resort to everything type of rituals until they could

"purify" the couple or in extreme cases if they did not want to "purify" the

member had to choose between his partner or the family and in case of

choosing his partner, they would be stripped of their surname and

expelled. That being said, such cases were truly rare and perhaps only

one or two would have been seen in the entire history of the family, after

all, there was no real reason why a wizard or witch wouldn't want to

improve their lineage and it was just impossible. do it if it was a muggle.

Muggles or non-magic were seen in different ways by ancient families in

general, but there was something that was present in everyone to a

greater or lesser extent, that was contempt and caution, they would not

underestimate the Muggles, but they would not see them either very

high, although the ancient families did not sufer losses directly in those

times, but they still lived and interfered to some extent in those wars and

unlike the others, they still preserve the history of those times. Muggle-

born wizards, on the other hand, are not looked down upon to such an

extent, but unless they prove themselves, they will not look favorably on

them either.

Being families with so much history, ancient families even take Muggle

knowledge into consideration, but few really study it in detail, the

magical world like the Muggle is governed by certain natural laws that

establish a sense of reality, the non- magicians with their science and

magicians with their magic, that is why very few fix their attention on

such knowledge, although some theories and concepts are applicable on

both sides, especially magic, but diseases that kill non-magicians can be

something inconsequential for magicians or just need a wave of their

wands to eliminate them, that is why both worlds are so distant in their

methods, magic is wonderful but at the same time complex and not

everyone has the wit, luck or simply the dedication to progress in it and

open a new path for magic.


Some time later, they finally reached the main building, although the

building was very large, they were mostly guest rooms or specialized

rooms, so getting to the inhabited or gathering areas wasn't really that

difficult with Rou leading the way. In a certain area there was even a

platform that functioned as an elevator if they didn't want to go up the

stairs, Rou led them to it and they went up to the highest part of the


The highest part of the building was a large terrace arranged in such a

way that the entire area looked like a garden high in the sky. The garden

had a lake in the center with a display platform and a pavilion on either

side of the lake.

There were only three people in the entire garden before Extimum

arrived. In one of the pavilions a couple was sitting affectionately, they

were observing a girl on the exhibition platform, the girl appeared to be

about 12 years old and was practicing a martial dance with a sword.

The woman in the pavilion had a slender figure and wore a light blue

hanfu, she had delicate features and a gentle gaze, her hair was long and

silver in color with eyes that ranged from cyan to lilac, her appearance

placed her between the 25-30 years old, however, the depth in his gaze

contained wisdom and experiences beyond his age, in his hand he held

what looked like a sprig of flowers, but on a more detailed look it was a

magic wand that he occasionally fiddled with. On the other hand, she

was sitting on the man's lap as she watched the girl on the platform.

The man on the other hand, had a robust build, was quite tall and

muscular, he wore a dark blue hanfu that he wore a little open in his

chest area, his features were not Asian, but more European, with light

skin and brown hair leafy giving it a slightly rebellious touch, his eyes

were yellow and had an outline around him with a marked black color,

highlighting his sharp gaze, he seemed to emit a kind of wild aura, but at

the same time careless.

The girl on the platform had similar features to that of the woman in the

pavilion, sharing her silver hair and the color of her eyes, however, she

had a more serious and elegant disposition, which added to her charm by

brandishing her sword, she was wearing a blue kimono and seemed

focused on the movements of her sword.


The scene seemed quite calm and harmonious, a couple watching their

daughter practice with the sword, only the occasional whistle of the wind

was heard when the sword was shaken.

Not wanting to interrupt the scene, they did not enter directly, but

waited for it to end.

Rou: "Let's wait a bit, we'll go in after Mei'er finishes her sword dance,

meanwhile, I'll give you a brief introduction, that great man you see

there is Leonardo, the husband of the woman sitting on his lap, Lian Hua,

my sister, she is the head of the family and Mei is her daughter. Leonardo

comes from the Italian branch of the family, I have heard that he has

manticore blood, but in addition to his great body, I have never seen him

show anything related, I think it is only those Italians who invent stories

to show off ". Rou was pointing at the person while talking about her and

even though she seemed sarcastic in the last part, she knew it was true.

(To clarify, it's Lian Hua Shadowless and Leonardo Shadowless)

Harry: "Uh, and how can a human have children with a manticore?

Manticores aren't like… you know… like a lion?"

Rou: "hahaha, what kind of question is that? You don't really ask, right?"

Rou first laughed upon hearing Harry's naive question, but seeing that his

face was still confused and blushing a bit from his mockery, she seriously


Rou: "What a funny friend you have, Extimum, you really don't know

something as basic as that, those schools today don't teach like before, I'll

tell you, a long time ago, when the world was dominated by magic,

creatures and Magical beings had a very powerful magical lineage and

when they reached a certain level with their magic, or some even from

birth, they could take a humanoid form, so in such times, the union of

various races was feasible as long as you liked that kind of beings, of

course, the mediocre manticores of now cannot do it, they are only beasts


Harry: "But, Are not such relationships despised?"

Extimum: "in fact it is, but it is different, there are methods to hide such

peculiarities, also, the manticore you think of is not the same as the past,

it is like comparing a phoenix and a sparrow, both are birds, but they are

not on the same level ".

Because current magical beings / creatures are mostly nothing more than

a mediocre version of their ancestors, having a lineage associated with

them is considered impure and abominable, furthermore, such creatures

have already lost the ability to adopt humanoid form, so the only

reasonable way for him to obtain his lineage was, that you had certain

very particular tastes in your sex life or that they performed forbidden

rituals to obtain them, therefore, ancient families that had members with

traits of the union of ancient lineages with such beings / creatures, they

hid it from the general wizarding community, due to possible stigma and

to maintain an image before the public. On the other hand, it was a

source of great pride and presumption among ancient families to have

such traits, after all, they had records of such unions and the actual proof

of their power as indications of the purity of such a union. As for the

general magical community and the current great wizard families, they

were not suspicious of the less discreet traits due to the fact that the

members of the ancient families have always had a rather particular

appearance in one way or another.

Rou: "oh, Mei'er is done, let's go."

Following Rou closely, they entered the pavilion where the couple was

and now the girl as well.

Even up close, Leonardo had a great height, It wouldn't be strange if he

was almost as tall as Hagrid and it had to be taken into account that

Hagrid was half-giant.

Rou: "Sister, I have brought our guests, they are Extimum, the son of

Callum and Ava and a friend that he brought along with him."

Extimum: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Lian Hua: "Ah, what a pleasant surprise to receive visitors, I must say that

they already had me a little worried, in recent years, Ava and Callum

have not established contact with the other branches of the family and I

was worried that something had happened to them, but seeing your son

come here to visit, gives me the assurance that they are well ". Lian Hua's

voice was soft, she almost seemed to have a velvety charm in her words,

she spoke while retaining a gentle smile and she looked especially weak

and delicate sitting on her great husband's legs, she was like a kind of

beauty and the beast. .

Leonardo:" hahaha, you worry too much Hua'er, on the other hand,

Extimum, you are a really interesting boy, I can feel more in you than

meets the eye, it seems that future generations in the English branch will

be prosperous, don't be too formal, you can call us uncle and aunt, we are

of the same generation as your parents and given the extension of our

family it would be too troublesome if we looked for a suitable title for

each member". Leonardo's voice was thunderous and relaxed, fitting well

with his imposing figure, emanating more of a carefree but slightly fierce


Harry was going to introduce himself too, but they seemed to focus all

their attention on Extimum, ignoring him.

Extimum: "thanks for the compliments, uncles" Extimum had no problems

about such direction, he already expected something similar seeing Rou's


Lian Hua seemed to notice that Harry had been completely ignored and


Lian Hua: "Ah, excuse our lack of manners, it's just that family gatherings

always get us a little excited, what's your name?"

Harry: "I am Harry Potter."

Lian Hua: "Potter ... uh ... yes, you had a really outstanding ancestor, the

Peverell, on the other hand, you are also very interesting, that particular

scar and the ancient magic that runs through your blood." Lian Hua acted

with the same sweet attitude, but her words betrayed her ability to see

Harry completely through, being the head of a main branch, no less

would be expected of her abilities, besides, Harry had no defenses of any

kind, so it was really transparent to them.

Harry: "What about my scar?" Harry already knew about the magic in his

blood from Dumbledore, but even though he knew there was something

strange about his scar, he didn't know what.

Lian Hua: "It's a shame ... but I can't interfere, it's not time yet ... certain

chips must fall into place and when that happens ... naturally you will

know." Lian Hua pouted at not being able to tell him, acting totally out of

his age and commented with a slightly glassy gaze, as if observing

something elsewhere.

Leonardo: "ah, don't bother the boy, if you didn't plan to say anything to

him, you didn't have to tempt him with your words, well, Extimum, this

is my daughter, Mei, she's beautiful right? Would you be interested in

marrying her?" .

Mei: "Dad, how can you tell him that when you barely know him."

In fact, neither Mei nor Extimum overreacted, it was something common

within their perception, therefore, what bothered Mei was actually the

fact that they had barely met Extimum today.

Extimum: "I appreciate your consideration, but it is still too early to talk

about marriage, furthermore, I think I remember that, if it is not

discussed before the birth, it is not very ethical to propose such proposals

before the family reunion."

Extimum referred with his words to the family tradition, there were

certain rules that had to be followed for such proposals, therefore, they

could only occur in three ways: the first was that it was an agreement

before or shortly after the birth, such as the commitment of Extimum's

parents , the second was that both members had built a true relationship

and had feelings for each other and the third was of course, in the family

reunion, in said meeting all the previous and current generations would

meet, so they all had the opportunity to meet and they would be in equal

conditions to propose a compromise between two parties; of course, the

deliberate approach by the parents was prohibited so that the second

form was fulfilled, it had to be something happened by chance.

Although such a tradition seemed a bit strange, in reality it was faithfully

followed by all members of the family, this was because such regulations

were actually a formula that acted according to certain patterns of

destiny and love, the formula was written by great magicians of the

Shadowless family who in ancient times investigated in such areas, their

objective was to ensure that the union between both parties was the

indicated one and that there were no couple problems, until now it had

never failed, all couples united by such considerations ended with a great


Leonardo: "hahaha, you're right, I was hasty, on the other hand, wouldn't

it be wrong if they only knew each other a little while sparring with their

swords, right?" Leonardo said when noticing the sword that Extimum

carried on his waist.

Rou: "Stop trying to marry my niece off, there are only a few years to go

before the family reunion, family traditions must be followed if you don't

want me to be unhappy."

Lian Hua: "well, let's have dinner, so we can get to know each other

better." Lian Hua got up from his place on Leonardo's lap and spoke.

Since it was approaching dinner time, no one disagreed, so everyone

climbed onto the magical platform that led them down to the lower

floors and then into the dining room, where they took their seats.

The dining room was a large and well-lit room, the wall facing the

outside had a large window that covered the entire length of the room,

giving a great view of the palaces and outer pavilions of the territory. In

the center was a large round wooden table along with its chairs, and

there was a door on the other side of the one that likely led to the

kitchen room.

Shortly after taking a seat, a group of house elves wearing clean white

coats entered the room decorating and organizing everything in their

path, tablecloths and plates, silverware and napkins all arrived at their

place. After decorating everything, they quickly left leaving only one to

snap their fingers and make all the food appear on the plates arranged on

the table.

The dinner was luxurious and lively, everyone shared a little about

themselves, Harry and Extimum also talked about their last experiences

they had when arriving in China, at some point during the dinner, Lian

Hua got a little closer to Extimum who was sitting next to to her to speak

more closely.

Lian Hua:" your friend, Harry Potter, really has a very dark destiny ... and

that scar, I'm sure you know what it is and you can feel the sinister

feeling in it. I see it in your eyes, you have the empathic ability of the

family, a great skill, it's a blessing and torture at the same time, although

you seem to control it quite well". Lian Hua spoke softly near Extimum so

that only he would hear.

Lian Hua: "well, let's talk about happier topics, it's really interesting that

you could find an ancient fairy and one with such a pure lineage ... I'm

sure it's very special, but the other families better not get to see her, it is

good that they are not so scattered nor that they are as numerous as we

are, otherwise, if when you return to England someone saw you with her,

hehehehe, another magical war could occur, ah! the blood, that iron

smell, so warm to the touch and that beautiful red color, how I miss her,

there has been no action for a long time, imagine a new epic war

between the 9 great ancient families, how much lost magic would

resurface, how many more souls would not be harvested, I still have a

collection with the shadows of the Osset family, although I can't see

them, sometimes when I get bored, I torture their shadows, just

imagining their faces twisting wherever they are makes me excited,

hehehehe hahaha, ahem, excuse me dear, I got excited a bit with the

idea, just remember to be careful that they don't discover its true origin".

Lian Hua had started to speak with his usual kind demeanor, but the

more he spoke, the more he seemed to get excited, it was strange to

witness such a sweet voice, but seeing the slightly unhinged look in his

eyes and his wide smile as he imagined and narrated in detail its

reminiscences of torture.

Lian Hua was a witch with a great predominance of divination magic,

therefore, it had a certain sense that it made her more perceptible to

certain things, such as the fairy that lay asleep between Extimum's hair.

As for the spell she was referring to, it was one of the family brand spells,

"shadow stealing", a true spell to torture your enemies, you should only

be able to grab the shadow of your target and you could rip it off and

take it, then you could do whatever you want with it, the Shadowless

family had the habit of collecting them in jars or lamps and then playing

with them, it was perhaps one of the most insane and deadly spells in the

collection, as long as you had their shadow, the person could never

recover it and their life would be in the hands of its owner, although

some families had methods to counteract them the cost was half their

lives to recover their shadows, although such a spell did not seem to

affect the target unless it damaged the captured shadow, the reality is

that having no shadow It had several consequences, people were more

prone to being attacked by dark creatures and being more vulnerable to

them, in addition, at certain times of the year, looking in a mirror could

ia resulting in being trapped in them, the most interesting thing about

the spell is that apart from the Shadowless family, no one else could

touch the shadows, so they could only take it back if it was put in a



Extimum blinked a little at his outburst, he did not consider himself the

sanest and was aware that he was having problems with his changing

personality, but even he did not expect such a side of her, it was

unexpected, but not incredible, not everyone grew up in such times

peaceful as the current ones, in addition, magic had its own dark side

that corrupted the minds and souls of some if not treated with care, the

tales of dark magic were not only to scare children, those who could not

master to magic they risked losing or transforming a part of themselves

in the process, even ancient families were not spared from it, it was

fortunate that strong genes and secret arts of the mind could keep them

sane for the most part, from otherwise the world could have been


After dinner, some house elves indicated the rooms for everyone to rest.

Leonardo: "Extimum, could you wait a moment."

Before Extimum left the room, Leonardo stopped him.

Extimum: "of course, tell me."

Leonardo: "I hope you don't give too much importance to what Hua'er

said, she… has suffered a lot, the last world war of those disgusting

Muggles took more than one wizard by surprise and Hua'er lost her

parents, due to as a result, she forced herself too hard to learn dark magic

to defend the Chinese branch and her personality was affected a bit, but

she is actually still the sweet person you met. " Although Lian Hua had

largely whispered their conversation, but Leonardo had great physical

senses and it was not difficult for him to hear the conversation.

Although the magicians were aware of such wars, but none expected the

true extent of the devastation that nuclear bombs could cause, therefore,

some unfortunate ones who were in the wrong place and time were

victims of such an event by underestimating their destructive power,

naturally Its effects were later countered by the great magicians, but

some others had already claimed their lives, only those who lived in

cities or ancient places that had true defenses against enemy attacks

could withstand the first barrage.

Extimum: "don't worry, although I was a bit surprised by his sudden

change, but yeah * ahem * are we family after all, right?"

Leonardo: "hahahaha, you're right, well go rest". Leonardo's face

expanded into a big smile, making him look wilder, then he patted

Extimum hard on the back and pushed him a little out of the room.

Extimum: "Well we'll see you tomorrow." Extimum rubbed his back a bit,

Leonardo really had quite a bit of strength, it left him a bit sore.

Extimum then turned and followed the house elf waiting outside to guide

him to his room.

Leonardo: 'he really has a very strong and mysterious lineage, not

everyone can receive my slaps with half all my strength and keep

walking as if he did not feel anything'.

Although Extimum's lineage was very well hidden in his mage lineage,

but the difference between Extimum and Leonardo's magical abilities was

quite wide, after all, Leonardo was an accomplished great wizard from an

ancient family and had a Manticore lineage. ancient, so his sensitive

capacities were naturally very strong, even with such capacities, the hairs

on his body couldn't help but stand on end slightly when he tried to pat

Extimum, since he saw him he knew he had something special in him,

but after feeling His hair stood on end and seeing how Extimum resisted

half his physical strength, his suspicions were confirmed, he would not

meddle in the affairs of others and less since he is a "nephew", but it

really made him curious about the background of such a lineage.

It was unlikely that someone would actually discover Extimum's

abnormality, Leonardo had only been lucky because he was the possessor

of a very strong lineage and was a great wizard, but most likely anyone

else would only feel a certain pressure, but could not identify anything

let alone Extimum's magical growth rate, it would be only a matter of

time until no one could see through it, unless Extimum was deliberately

showing it or was heavily forced.


The room assigned to Extimum was quite spacious and cozy with an

oriental touch in the design.

Taking off his clothes, Extimum took his pajamas out of his bag and

changed, it was mainly comfortable black pants, he found it more

comfortable to sleep without a shirt lately.

After changing, she brought her hands to her hair and grabbed the fairy

who had fallen asleep at some point, it was not unusual since she was

still recovering, however, she woke up when Extimum was holding her in

his hands.

Extimum: "I'm sorry if I woke you up."

???: "Okay, on the other hand, now I remember ... my name... is Bloom".

Extimum was a bit surprised by her words, it wasn't because he

remembered her name, no, it was because she had spoken in English.

Seeming to sense their confusion, Bloom spoke up.

Bloom: "I learned it after listening to them speak and interpret your

intentions, it is similar to another language that I remembered so it was

simple, otherwise it would have cost me more time".

Extimum: "do you remember anything else?"

Bloom: "No, there are only blurred memories of a fight, then a great

darkness that seemed to envelop everything, and cold, very cold and then

... nothing."

Extimum sat on his bed and placed the fairy in front of him.

Extimum: "there is no need for you to push him so hard, for now, it

would be better if you just try to understand the new world around you."

Bloom: "and what about the connection between us?"

Extimum: "... at first they were just precautionary measures ...".

Bloom: "and now?"

Extimum: "And now ... I guess we'll find out as time goes by".

Extimum: "let's go to sleep." Extimum took it and put it on his chest and

then covered himself a little with a sheet, since he could remove his tails,

he no longer felt the need to wrap up with blankets when sleeping, with

one of his tails he covered Bloom a little.

Bloom: "you're not human either ...".

Extimum: "I don't think it really matters?"

Bloom: "you're right, it doesn't matter." Bloom nodded and then settled on

Extimum's chest using her tail as a coat.



the chapter came out a little late, mmm, I think I will reduce my

upload of chapters, there is already at least some content and writing

and uploading a chapter a day is hard for me sometimes with the

study, but hey, I'll keep doing my best to upload a chapter a day if


I think that in this chapter I give a little more development of the

world but I still leave some more things to explain later.

talking about it, they can give suggestions of aspects that they want

me to develop, places to go or things they want to see, they serve as

ideas to later write to be interesting and according to history, since

they asked me for more development of the world, I I will take a little

more time this time showing more about the Shadowless family and

magical china before moving on to the second year of Hogwarts.

Chapter 30: •The Ghost Town

The night passed and now another day begins.

Extimum woke up early, he had had a good night. Looking at her chest,

Bloom was still sleeping there, her wings seemed brighter and more

colorful today, it seemed like it would only take a few days for her body

to return to its normal state, her mind on the other hand, it might take

More time, however, from the few observations and what he has been

able to feel, Extimum did not believe that she was bad, although she was

quite defensive at first, it was something understandable in her situation

and even she was able to adapt quickly, however, he still didn't know

much about her, but since they are now connected by contract, it would

only be a matter of time before they got to know each other better.

Not wanting to wake her up like yesterday, he made the tail of his that

sheltered her hold her and carry her a certain distance from him, while

taking a bath and getting ready, he finally put it gently on her hair again,

it was interesting the fact that he could ordering her even asleep, she had

asked her by her link to shrink so he could put her there and her body

had shrunk automatically.

Although Extimum had no plans to abuse such power over her, but it was

an unexpected piece of information about the functioning of her role as

master under the contract.

After that, he left his room. She would practice a bit with her new sword

and try to infuse it with magic, she had seen Mei do it in her practice

yesterday, her sword had taken on a certain magical glow as she waved

it, it was quite a different method of focusing magic. Such methods were

the interesting thing about visiting other magical communities, although

common knowledge is quite widespread in the community, but the bases

and approaches with which magic is practiced vary, although the great

domain of every magician is to perform magic without a wand or

artifacts, but using them is also not bad as long as you have perfect

control without them, among such methods, Extimum had read some of

using magical animals or creatures as a medium or even using a certain

item, however such methods were more applied to something specific

compared to common magic that can simply affect everything, but due to

such approaches, a more intimate control of the associated aspects is


That said, it also came down to a certain talent, the magical creatures of

yesteryear had strong inclinations towards a specific aspect and had a

natural and detailed control of it, but they also had a much harder time

mastering other opposites, the natural magicians , on the other hand,

they did not have such limitations, their slight superiority was based on

the fact that they had talents but not inclinations, this gave them the

same abilities as other creatures or magical beings, but without their

derived problems, that said, their talents were from birth and only

transferable In the lineages, from them were derived the great ancient

families of natural magicians or those who survived at least, such as the

Shadowless and their natural talent with shadows, surely any magician

who is dedicated to the study of such an aspect of magic could acquire

the same domain, but do not have the same facility and capabilities, such

as the "shadow stealing" spell, in addition to the Shadowless lineage, it

does not exist another type of magician capable of touching shadows in a

tangible way.


Extimum went to a practice room, he had asked a house elf on the way

and he had pointed out the place.

The place was an artificial patio that simulated the outside environment.

Extimum had dressed in a white kimono with purple that he had bought

in the city market, he had never used one but was able to hopefully put it

on the right way, I wear it mainly to try the local style, they were

certainly very comfortable and more more intricate than the clothes he

usually wore.

After that, he put down his bag and other objects that he had on a table,

took his sword and went to the center of the room.

He held his sword with one hand on the hilt and the other on the

scabbard and closed his eyes.

Focusing on the sword in his hands, he needed to focus so he could flow

his magic into it, unlike wands that focus and direct magic, his sword

couldn't do it, so just like when he performed wandless magic, he had to

focus, feel and flow the magic the way he wanted, this time, on the edge

of his sheathed sword.

He maintained that state for a few minutes of calm, alone standing there

in the middle of a courtyard, with total silence around him, focusing on

feeling his sword. He already had the mastery of controlling and

directing magic through his body, so his magic flowed through him

smoothly, reaching every part of his body through which he directed it,

without forcefulness, only with the strength to move forward.

At some point, he could feel and imagine how his magic passed from his

hand and flowed through the cold steel of his sword, forming an invisible

connection between his hand and the sword he held.

At the same moment he felt his magic flow on the blade of his sword, he

drew his sword and held it in front of him, he did not open his eyes, just

wait a little longer, he did not need his vision to see it, that supernatural

sense that always accompanies him would allow him to see it in his

mind, even if he could only see darkness, but gradually he was able to

see his magic flow through every part of his sword blade until it could

flow through it with stability, completing the cycle between the sword

and his body, without having to overexert himself filling it with a violent


At that moment he opened his eyes, his sword looked the same in a

casual sight, but for those who can see magic, they could observe the

energy that enveloped the sword and that occasionally emanated from it,

magic has no shape or color, it is just energy, but takes on the

characteristics that the magician applies to it.

Extimum did not speak words, he just silently appreciated his

achievement and then began to perform his own martial dance with his

sword, but maintaining the softness and calm of the silent courtyard.

** swoosh **

Although he did not move with the same force and speed with which he

usually practices, the single energy emanating from the sword cut

through the air every time it allowed him to stop his movement.

While performing the movements with his sword, he lightly waved his

left hand invoking his wand that was waiting in its case and continued

with his dance trying to follow it with his wand while directing part of

his magic also to her gently.

Every time he supplied his wand with magic, the stability of his magic in

his sword shook a little, it was not so much the fact of directing his magic

to two different parts of his body, although doing so required a certain

degree of control and effort, It was not problematic, the problem is that it

was two magic tools that act as a focus and trigger of the magic energy,

therefore, if you are not careful enough with any of them, you could end

up casting spells or magic explosions around the place or in extreme

cases even create a clash between the two.

His constant practice gave him good results in the first minutes, but at

some point his concentration wavered when he felt the presence of

someone and the magic he kept in his wand shot out crashing against a

rock in the courtyard, creating a small explosion. It was fortunate that it

wasn't his sword, or it could have cut through much of the yard.

It was Mei who was at the entrance to the courtyard. she had gotten up

early to practice with his sword and had come to this area where the

practice courts were, but before entering any of the courtyards, she heard

the sound of someone practicing, it was not common for her to meet

someone else here at this time and since they did not usually have many

visitors, she had forgotten they had them, for that reason, she had

approached the entrance of the patio from where the sound came and

since Extimum had not closed the door, was able to enter directly

without knocking on the door

Mei: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt". Mei bowed her head slightly


Extimum: " it's okay, it was my fault for not closing the door".

Mei: "Do you want to practice with me? I usually do it with my father or

someone else in the family, but I don't think I will come this morning or I

would be here by now. On the other hand, your control of magic is really

amazing, I have also tried to use the sword and the wand at the same

time, but in the end I was only able to direct the magic to one of them".

Extimum: "Hmm, this was the first time I tried it, I just directed my magic

first at my sword and then I did it slowly and carefully towards the wand

and it seemed to be working ... well, let's practice".

Mei blushed a little embarrassed as she understood what Extimum was

suggesting, clearly saying it was working until she arrived and

interrupted him.

Although Mei was young, she seemed quite mature, perhaps her constant

practice of martial arts and magic had tempered her into a calmer

character, because she did not possess the normal effusiveness of children

her age, however, such behavior was only more comfortable for

Extimum, that way not many words would be needed besides those that

should be said.

After both took positions, the fight began when both had found their

resolve to fight in each other's gaze.

The first to move was Mei, Extimum wanted to learn a little from her, so

he let her get ahead.

Mei's sword immediately glowed with a slight blue color, it didn't seem

like it was going to give quarter, starting with attacking with her magic-

infused sword.

Extimum also directing his magic to his sword and collided directly with

hers, he was a little slower in directing his magic to the sword unlike Mei

who did it immediately, but it was good to observe his first movement,

otherwise, he would have directly collided with only his sword.

Mei's sword carried a great weight in her shocks, an effect of the magic

she applied on her sword, it was fortunate that Extimum's natural

strength allowed her to completely ignore such effect, because it was the

first time she had fought by infusing magic in her sword and still did not

know how to properly defend or attack using it, however, his luck did not

last long when Mei seemed to notice him and switched to another focus,

notable for the now green glow on his sword.

The fight lasted for about an hour, Extimum was much more skilled with

his sword than Mei, but she still maintained superiority in combat, due to

the difference in knowledge.

Extimum's mastery was limited to only wielding his sword with great

skill, but Mei on the other hand, had trained in martial arts and

swordplay, so what her sword could not achieve, she was compensating

with some refined movements and efficient that allowed him to control

his body to gain a certain advantage in combat, although Extimum could

notice it, but it was not so simple to counteract it, managing only to leave

the combat in a stalemate, however, the fight had so far been very

illustrative in as to how to use magic on his sword and some other

strategy in close fighting.

That said, they were both true geniuses to achieve such mastery at their

age without neglecting the main path of magic.

After clashing with their swords for another 20 minutes, they both

stopped, they were a bit sweaty and panting, but they were still in good


Mei: "* pant *, you are very good with a sword." Mei gasped a bit and

congratulated Extimum.

Extimum: "you are not far behind either, you were much more capable

than me in the fight."

Mei: "Hmp, tell me that when you're not holding yourself back so as not

to wake her up." Mei snorted lightly and pouted.

Extimum: "Could you tell? I really wasn't trying to hold back, I just

reduced the force of my attacks a bit, but in a skill fight I shouldn't have

lowered my level."

Mei: "We will know that after fighting again, for now, we should go to

breakfast, my parents should have already prepared and it is likely that

your friend has also gone, I saw him wandering the corridors when he

was coming here."

Mei's words about Extimum were true, as Extimum was still holding

Bloom on his head, his movements were mainly soft but firm, to avoid

waking her, however, as Extimum had said, that only detracted from his

attacks and he not underestimate his actual skill with the sword, so in

addition to giving Extimum a bit of an advantage, he wouldn't have

influenced the fight that much if he hadn't held back.

After finishing their fight, both of them organized their kimonos a little

and dried their sweat with a spell, it was especially Extimum who did not

have his kimono particularly well tied and ended up asking for help Mei

who indicated the correct use of it. Then they went to the dining room to

have breakfast.


When they entered the dining room, in fact, it was only they who were

left to sit at the table.

Leonardo: "oh, they were practicing, hahahaha, it is good that they build

a friendship, the best friendships are made by fighting and what better

way than by entrusting your life to the edge of the other's sword."

Leonardo seemed pleased with such development, he was especially

ambiguous when he mentioned about making their friendship.

Rou: "Hmp, only barbarians like you would think of making friends in

such a way."

Extimum and Mei took their seats in their respective places.

Lian Hua: "oh, now I remember, you two have not been in China long,

what do you think if Leonardo guides you through the other magical

cities, he might even take you to some really interesting places of those ...


As they spoke, the elves were setting up the table and then serving the


Rou: "Hey, wait, why do you want him to take them? I could do it-". Rou

seemed against the idea, but fell silent when she received a silent look

from Lian Hua.

Harry: "I think it would be nice, so far we have already seen everything

in the city of Xuézhě de xiūxí and it would be nice to have a guide to

show us the best places."

Oh, Harry would probably regret his decision a few days later.

Extimum: "Yes, however, I would like to leave in about ... 3 days,

practicing with Mei is very productive in my training."

Extimum could guess Lian Hua's motives, it was likely that he wanted

Leonardo to accompany them for his safety, after all, this was not

England and given China is one of the largest countries, it was also the

place of residence of the ancient family Mòshuǐ.

The Shadowless family did not necessarily have a friendly relationship

with the Mòshuǐ family, but they were not like seeing and killing either,

they were more like simply neutral, however, It was not too much to be

careful, not to mention what would happen if they discovered the origins

of Bloom, who still could not hide part of her characteristics to pass for a

normal fairy in front of the eyes of the connoisseurs. That said, it's not

like they knew Extimum or that he had to necessarily date Bloom, but

due to Extimum and Bloom's special and "particular" bond, it was better

not to part until she recovered, that and Leonardo really I could show

them the same places as if they went with Rou.

Leonardo: "do not worry, with me with you no one would dare to

approach, unless he really did not know my name here in China."


The following days passed quite quickly, Extimum would practice with

Mei fighting with magic and with his swords, Mei's magic was really very

interesting, they were a derivation of some famous Chinese spells

adapted by the family, if other magicians would shine by throwing flower

petals Mortals, the Shadowless family had adapted and improved them in

their own way, such that instead of a glittering petal, it was more like the

shadow of a petal, they were basically invisible unless you saw their

shadow flying towards you or were very sensitive to shadows or such an


Extimum also took the opportunity to practice his own space spells and

some others that he saw in the library that Mei suggested, the library

here was not hidden, it was only divided by an invisible barrier that

limits public and family books.

Given that he had a fairly capable partner and did not seem to shy away

from casting life-threatening spells on him, his sword and magic fighting

training progressed rapidly, so much so that instead of the agreed three

days it was 8 days.

Extimum naturally did not neglect Harry, but pointed out some books in

the public library that had basic knowledge that a wizard should learn if

he were born into a magical family and some other subjects that Harry

asked about, such as Chinese language and some spells.

Since it was only the public library, nobody had a problem with accessing

it, the purpose of such a library was precisely to entertain the guests.

On the other hand, Extimum also met the other relatives who lived in the

other palaces, although they were also family, because they had already

become independent and formed their own families, they did not live in

the main building, they were the families of some of the uncles of Lian

Hua and Rou, and there was even her grandmother, who raised Lian Hua

and Rou when their parents died, that particular old woman gave an

especially suffocating air around her when she wasn't paying attention, it

wouldn't be strange if she was so strong or even more than Dumbledore.

About her, Extimum learned because there were almost no elders in the

family branches, although it was not tradition, but most of the elders

used to retire from their administrative positions in the family and were

mainly engaged in traveling the world, perfecting their magic and

visiting the magical shrines of other branches of the family, sometimes

going into seclusion to investigate a certain topic or simply wandering

the non-magical world to broaden their knowledge and lead a more

peaceful life.

However, Extimum did not have the opportunity to ask him if based on

such information, he really had a grandfather or grandmother, he only

knew that unless they wanted they would not return to the family or that

there was an emergency at the level of war or destruction of a family



Leonardo: "Well, well, today we will go to one of my favorite cities, Guǐ

city, although it may not be the safest place or the most visited by

ordinary tourists, but it will be an interesting experience."

Harry: "is it ... the ghost town?" Harry thought for a bit and said


Leonardo: "Wow, you seem to be a quick learner, you're right, it's a real

ghost town, although over time it became a normal city, but in the

beginning it was a city of wizards that was burned by an ancient dragon,

none survived to such a calamity, except maybe those who were not

there, since none were willing to go to the other side because of their

hatred of the dragon, they became ghosts, however, although that is the

history of the place, they do not have a particular hatred for the dragons,

rather than for the dragon that killed them ".

Extimum: "oh, I read something about the place in the brochure, it seems

to be a place especially inhabited by creatures or magicians with dark

tendencies, but at the same time, it has the largest magic market in


Leonardo: "in fact, although the city in its beginnings was not so famous

and not so well seen, but after we and the Mòshuǐ family invested in it,

it was increasingly accepting more magicians with good dispositions and

now you are a large market where you can find practically everything, it

is not even difficult to find old materials or objects if you are lucky ".

Harry: "And why are we here? Aren't we going to floo? Or will we go by

apparition? ".

Harry said this because at this moment they were on the terrace of the

tower, instead of going near a fireplace or if they were to go through the

apparition, they did not need to come here.

Leonardo: "hahahaha, if you come to visit, naturally, I must give you all

the experience so that you have a good memory of your visit, I am sure

you could discuss it with your friends, Abil!". Leonardo gave a great

shuddering cry, his voice almost seeming to reverberate through space.

** Roarrr **

Shortly after Leonardo's voice calmed down, there was a terrible roar that

came from the back of the building, opening a path through the dense fog

that did not allow to see beyond, after that, a large shadow was projected

over them, hiding the sunlight.

A large red dragon of around 10 meters had appeared hovering over

them. Soft and scarlet scales, it had two wings and a pair of legs, its tail

was long and ended in a shape similar to the tail of an arrow, it had a

row of golden antlers around its face, a flat snout and extremely

protruding eyes. , it was a 'Chinese Fireball' dragon.

The dragon did not land, he only gave a glance to those present and then

he positioned himself still flying in front of the building, giving the

opportunity for them to jump on his back.

Harry: "A Dragon!" Harry yelled in alarm after seeing such a large

dragon, he was nothing compared to Kaida. (Norberto)

Leonardo: "Jojojo, but not just any dragon, it is a 'Chinese fireball' and

perhaps it is one with the purest lineage today, just look at its impressive


Extimum was also a bit impressed, he didn't expect to meet a dragon

here, but on second thought, it wasn't that rare that they had one, after

all, they had quite a lot of territory to themselves, so keeping multiple

magical creatures here shouldn't be a surprise.

Mei was the first to jump on the dragon's back, at first it was not planned

for her to come, but at the last moment she had followed them here,

keeping silent all this time.

Extimum also did not hesitate and jumped, followed by Leonardo,

leaving only Harry who had a slightly doubtful look.

Leonardo: "come on boy, if you can't do it, you won't live long in the

future, hahaha". Leonardo made a casual comment, but there seemed to

be more implications in his words.

Harry: "ugh, good." Harry gathered his courage and leaped onto the

dragon's back, which was surprisingly stable upon landing.

Mei: "you should hold on tight, Abil likes to start a bit roughly." Mei told

Extimum who was next to her.

Extimum: "thanks for the warning".

Extimum just sat up and grabbed Bloom who was watching everything

curiously from his hair and stuffed it into a pocket of his jacket.

Extimum: 'stay there until the dragon stabilizes'.

Bloom just nodded and peeked out from her pocket.

The dragon seemed to sense when everyone was on it and flapped its

wings, propelling itself in the air several hundred meters ahead, although

its movement seemed smooth, but for those on its back it felt like a

strong push that tried to leave them behind, followed by a strong wind

from the front.

Extimum had to sneakily grab Harry with one of his tails or he would

have been blown off the dragon, Leonardo and Mei on the other hand,

seemed to know the proper technique to keep a perfect grip, although

only Leonardo remained standing, covering much of the wind that was

trying to hit them. from the front.

The dragon flew fast and in a short time they reached the colorful forest

that they had seen when entering, then, Leonardo shook his fist striking

forward opening a large hole in the veil of reality, showing the plains and

the two mountains that were in the entrance of the territory.

** Boom ** crack **

** Roarr **

The dragon roared and accelerated as it crossed the hole, enjoying

returning to the original plane, after reaching a certain altitude it stopped

flying so aggressively and began to glide over the air and an occasional

flapping of its large wings.

After that, it was possible to observe and stay more relaxed on the

dragon's back, allowing everyone to see the view of all the plains and

valleys from the high altitude and enjoy the journey.

The location of the previous mountains was somewhere far away from

civilization, so they didn't see non-magical cities for a long time.

Although Extimum did not perceive when Leonardo hid the dragon, he

assumed that either he already had some spell or artifact on him or he

had resorted to another method so that people would not have seen a

large 10-meter dragon flying high in the air.

The flight lasted about 2 hours, mainly because Leonardo asked to slow

down sometimes to show them certain places in non-magical cities,

however, the flight was still quite fast to go from Nanchang to Jixi. After

reaching Jixi, they flew towards a great mountain, flying over it until

they reached a wide valley, the place seemed to have some ancient ruins,

but they had already been erased for the most part with the passage of

time, there were no non-magical settlements nearby, the last Extimum

had seen was on the mountain they had passed before.

Leonardo: "hehehe, now comes the fun part of our entire trip, because

Abil naturally cannot enter the city, he will only leave us on the road."

Leonardo said while giving a wide smile and will laugh to himself.

Harry: "What's so funny about that? Isn't it just entering the city? Or is

there something special at the entrance?"

Leonardo just kept smiling as the dragon began to fly over the ruins.

Extimum seemed to have a vague idea of ​​what he was referring to and

quickly got up, drawing his sword and leaping at it, just in time to see

the dragon jerk and twist his entire body, letting them all fall from his

back to the scanties ruins.

Extimum: "Damn, Is everyone in my family crazy??" It was not a joke the

great height in which the dragon dropped them and with the exception of

Mei who was already flying on her sword that she always carried with

her, Harry and Leonardo were in free fall.

Bloom: "no, it's his manticore lineage that makes him so wild, I wouldn't

be surprised if I saw him eating humans."

Extimum: "have you recovered more of your memories?"

Bloom: "No, it's just things I know, are they like common knowledge? But

they come to me sometimes when I see something, in this case it was

more like I instinctively answered your question."


Harry: "Ahhhh."

Leonardo: "hahaha, you are a brave boy, I thought you would pee in your

pants. Well, we're almost there, so get ready. " Leonardo approached a

screaming Harry and said, his voice seemed magic induced because

otherwise, it would not be possible for Harry to hear him with all the

wind, after that, he extended his left hand and pulled Harry by his

clothes pulling him closer to himself until he could hold it with his whole


At some point, they quickly passed through a veil and their entire sight


The landscape, previously warm and illuminated by the light of the

morning sun, was transformed into a somewhat desert and rocky place,

the previously sunny environment seemed to dull considerably giving the

place a darker vibe, although the sun was clearly shining in the sky, but

below It seemed almost night and you couldn't feel the earlier heat of the



Extimum and Mei also descended on their swords behind Harry and

Leonardo, although Extimum planned to take Harry, but when he saw

Leonardo partially hug him, he guessed he had another way to land.

After crossing the veil that protected and hid the city, a great ancient city

with a dark atmosphere came into his vision, with lamps that fed green

fire. Although the place had a rather dark appearance at first glance, but

the flow of people made you ignore it when you saw such liveliness, even

among the most dead of the place.


Extimum and Mei followed closely Leonardo and Harry, until they saw

that the back of their Hanfu was ripped and large red wings like a bat

emerged from it, which with a flutter denied all the force of the fall and

even raised them a little in the air to finally land hard on the ground,

with Harry still keeping his eyes wide on his arm.

After releasing Harry, his wings went back into hiding and his Hanfu

automatically repaired, as if nothing had happened. Although his arrival

attracted a bit of attention, the locals seemed accustomed perhaps to so

much eccentricism because they did not show great surprise, perhaps

common sense in a magical world was quite broad compared to the truly

incredible. On the other hand, the locals only saw him fall and then

mysteriously slow his fall, they could not see the unfolding of his wings,

perhaps only if there was a Mòshuǐ could have seen him.

Leonardo: "hahahaha, boy, was it not fun?".

** bluergh **

Harry vomited almost immediately as Leonardo clapped his back, his face

was terribly pale, as if he had seen death just a moment ago.

Extimum: "no, that was not fun at all, maybe it would have been if we all

had a flying tool and the security of being able to fly before landing."

Mei: "Yes ... he did it with me on my first visit here, I didn't go out with

Dad again after that, that's why I only go out with Aunt Rou."

Leonardo: "uh, I thought it was fun, I have seen some Muggles do it and

when I asked why they did it they told me that, for fun, so I tried

jumping from Abil and found it fun, maybe it is a very boring experience

for the magicians? ". Leonardo seemed to seriously consider his own


Harry: "Ugh, that's skydiving and you're not supposed to do it without a

parachute, in fact, you're not supposed to do it from a dragon…".

Leonardo: "Skydiving? Parachute? What's that?".

Harry: "Didn't you say you saw them throw themselves?".

Leonardo: "oh, you got me wrong, that was on one occasion that I

sneaked into a muggle plane carrying POWs, when I asked the soldier

why he threw the prisoners, he said it was fun to see their faces before

throwing them and then watch them fall, yeah… maybe I shouldn't be

looking for recreational activities with the soldiers ".

Harry felt like patting his face when he heard his words, who sneaks a

war plane carrying prisoners, even without Hermione, he himself could

imagine many things to say about how bad he was doing it.

Extimum: 'sneaking into a war plane ...'.

Leonardo: "Well, changed the subject, what do you think of the city? I

think it has grown in recent times, don't you think Mei'er?"

They had landed exactly in the flying tools take-off / landing area, Guǐ

city, it was as the name indicated, there were many ghosts around the

place, some just flying or roaming the place, but many others were the

ones who ran the posts of trade, all wore old clothes and a little burned,

others seemed to remain permanently on fire, but the vast majority were

normal, they must have died almost instantly so that their cause of death

was not noticed, however, it was not ghosts the only thing that stood out

from the Instead, there were also many creatures and magicians from the

darkest spectrum of magic, although they were all well covered, the

general auras could not hide in such a place, Extimum even saw a Lich,

perhaps they were the only skeleton that could enter a city without being


Mei: "In fact, it looks much more lively and bigger than before."

Leonardo: "Well, although I came mainly to take care of you, but I don't

want to be too annoying, just be careful around there, I'll be in that Bar,

if you need me just shout my name, even if you don't believe it, I will be

able to listen to you and I would get there immediately". Leonardo said

that last part mainly for Harry than for Extimum and Mei, with his senses

even if the city was very noisy, he could catch if someone called his name

between all the voices.

The bar that Leonardo pointed out was an old tavern that was close to

the place, with a rather peculiar sign.

"Tavern: Drunk to the bone."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and headed towards the

indicated tavern.

Extimum: "Well, we are going to tour the city." Extimum was excited

about the idea of ​​seeing this peculiar city, perhaps he could even find

something interesting to buy.

Mei: "mmm, oh, we should visit an ice cream parlor that I know on the

way, they sell some ice creams that look ghostly, I don't know how they

make them, it's like eating a cloud, but it tastes like ice cream."

Harry: "like cotton candy?"

Mei: "is there cotton made of sugar?"

Harry: "uh ... no, it's a candy similar to the one you describe."

Mei: "I don't know, we'll see later."



create a discord server to upload some images and maybe get


Anyway, here I leave it in case someone wants to see it.


Chapter 31: •Returning to London

The city of Guǐ was really magnificent, once you ignored the slightly

gloomy atmosphere, you could appreciate the ancient and spooky-looking

buildings, the city was even bigger than the city of Xuézhě de xiūxí, a

high flow of people, the noise of the voices of the crowd and an

occasional harmless spell were just commonplace here.

Extimum walked along with Harry and Mei, looking at the signs and shop

windows, the market here was not as traditional or local as the one in

Xuézhě de xiūxí, rather there was a great variety of things from different

foreign places.

There were clothing stores of different cultures and very varied

restaurants, at some point they even entered the store that Mei had

mentioned, the name of the store was also quite peculiar, "so sweet as to

die for", it seemed that the local ghosts had implemented quite a bit of

humor in most of their store names. Speaking of the cloud ice cream

mentioned by Mei, it turned out to be something really similar to cotton

candy, however the taste was really ice cream.

The ice creams of the magical world were very different from those made

by Muggles, although it was still ice cream, but the flavors were much

more diverse and peculiar, likewise, the base of the product, that is, the

milk, varied from establishment, some were from common animals fed by

plants from the magical world, others on the other hand, it was from

some magical creatures, although they did not give any magical effect, it

sure would turn the experience of eating ice cream into something very

different, at least you could say that ice cream is really nutritious now.

While they ate the "ghostly ice creams", they slowed down the speed at

which they walked, looking at the shop windows with more calm,

cobbled black stone paths, some houses and premises kept the main

ghostly style, but others had already been renovated and painted with

more colors. Animated, in this city there were not so many magical

beings / creatures or they seemed to have a more discreet disposition in

comparison, it was also curious to observe the sky, although the sun was

high, it seemed more like the moon. Some ghosts also went around

singing songs or telling their stories, others ran shops or just wandered as

if they were still alive, few were dedicated to disturbing visitors,

however, the variety of ghosts made the place quite interesting, there

were carriages and ghostly horses, families, couples, soldiers and even

nobles; In a way it might seem sad, but they all decided to be ghosts. As

they wandered the streets, they overheard the conversation between two

men heading in the opposite direction.

Man1 ???: "I mean it, the guy who told me is trustworthy, besides, I paid

a lot for the information. He said that Harry Potter, the one who defeated

the dark wizard Voldemort, is here in China. "

Hombre2 ???: "hehehe, are you sure ?, however, the rumors about him

are very incongruous, some say that he is a great dark magician, wouldn't

it be better to sell this information to the Death Eaters of the United

Kingdom?, Anyway, I don't see that we can gain much from this ".

Man1 ???: "you are not very ambitious, we could charge more if we could

catch it and sell it ourselves."

Man2 ???: "….".

The two men crossed alongside the three, but continued on their way.

Extimum and Mei were a bit surprised by the conversation of those two

men, however, it was not visible in their behavior, they continued to

walk normally while enjoying their ice cream. However, the same

couldn't be said for Harry, who had stopped midway when he heard what

the men were talking about.

Extimum: "what are you waiting for? Let's go".

Harry: "but they-". Harry was going to continue his comments in panic,

until Mei covered his mouth

Mei: "*shh*, you really are not very discreet".

Extimum: "let's just continue".

Harry reluctantly followed them, still a little concerned about what the

two men were talking about.


Man2 ???: "hey, wasn't that kid from before? He matched the description

of black hair and green eyes."

Man1: "nonsense, my contact said he wore glasses and was skinny,

besides, I didn't see his scar."

Man2 ???: "hehehe, but… it's not like it matters even if it's not him,



After making sure they weren't being followed by those men just in case,

Extimum looked for a place to take a break and discuss what happened a


??? (Chinese): "Welcome, a table for the three of you?" One of the

waitresses of the place asked them when she saw them enter.

Mei (Chinese): "yes, if it could be inside the building it would be better".

??? (Chinese): "of course, follow me".

Soon after, the waitress led them to a secluded room and handed them a

menu with the variety of tea they offered.

Mei chose what they would drink, because she had more knowledge of

the tea served in these places, it was different from what they used to

drink in the UK.

Harry: "How did they know I'm here? I haven't told anyone my name."

Harry blurted out their questions as soon as they were alone.

Extimum: "It was probably Li Xie, the man from the slave shop, he could

have recognized you, however, like those men before, they shouldn't

know your appearance, much less now that you look different."

After Extimum finished speaking, the waitress returned with a tray with a

teapot and three cups, followed by which she served each and then left

the room.

Extimum: "hmm, you should take it, Harry, it can calm your nerves."

Mei: "have you already tried it?"

Extimum: "oh no, it's just that the smell already gives a certain sense of


Mei: "you look like my father, he also has very good senses, this tea

actually gives off almost no smell unless you hold it close to your nose."

The three of them drank the Magical Herbal Tea and rested from walking

around the city, they had already visited quite a few shops, but Extimum

still hadn't noticed anything really interesting, although he wouldn't deny

the variety, but he didn't find anything useful at the moment.

Extimum: "well, let's see the southern part of the city and I think we

should finish for today, there are not really as many interesting shops as I


They stayed in the store for about an hour, rested for a while, and

discussed casual topics.

After leaving there, they toured the other half of the city, Extimum was

about to declare his excursion boring if not for the same feeling as when

he found Bloom who caught his attention in a nearby store.

Extimum: "let's get in here."

Mei: "wait ... aish, fine." Mei seemed to want to say something upon

seeing him enter that store, but Extimum had already entered.

"Talismans and amulets"

The name of the store, was perhaps one of the most normal so far, when

entering it became clear why, it was not run by ghosts, if not by an old


There was not much to say about the woman, she was short and stooped,

with gray hair, wearing a dark blue tang suit and carrying a cane in her

hand, she was sitting in a reclining chair near the entrance of the store.

The store was small, but it was very well kept inside, after entering, there

was the counter in the back and the items in the entire right space of the

store. There were some tables that displayed some artifacts: such as

pendants, necklaces, hairpins, earrings, belt buckles or accessories for

weapons, there were even Taoist talismans, all in a wide variety,

displayed on tables, shelves and coat racks.

Extimum knew how to make protective charms himself, so he didn't

really need to buy the common charms, however, there must be

something particular for him to want to enter here.

The old woman only opened her eyes a little to look at her clients and

closed them again, while smoking from a pipe that she kept burning in

her hand.

Mei seemed reluctant to fully enter the store and I only waited a bit after

the entrance, Harry on the other hand, he looked around at all the

objects, most of them were colorful, intricate and quite elegant.

Extimum: 'there are too many…'. Most of the objects were small, so

searching through so much variety would make it difficult to find the

object that had drawn him here. He had to take his time walking closely

to the shelves and tables, occasionally touching the odd object to try to

capture a different feeling.

As he slid his gaze over all the objects, one finally caught his attention, it

was a slightly deteriorated jade pendant, detailing it a bit, it was a waist

pendant, made of white jade and a rope matching the colors he used to

wear, plus That worn, it looked pretty dirty, but overall in good shape.


??? (Chinese): "You have good eyes ... most of the young people who

come to my store look at the brightest or newest items, but you only have

eyes for that old pendant." The old woman who had kept to herself from

the beginning spoke.

Extimum (Chinese): "I find a particular affinity with ... what are its uses?"

The woman widened her old eyes and rose from her chair, slowly

approaching Extimum with her cane.

??? (Chinese): "mmm, the paramita talisman, it was a great talisman

without a doubt, but now it is just a common pendant, I do not remove it

from the store simply because I thought that no one would buy it, but if

there really is one affinity, then… I'll sell it to you for 2 galleons, it may

be a bit expensive, but if you study the pendant you can try to fix it,

there are still magical traces of the ancient runes it once had ".

Extimum (Chinese): "well, I will buy it together with these two forks".

??? (Chinese): "just pay me for the pendant, these two, I give them to

you, their use is to help focus the mind to better cast magic without using

focus artifacts. I can feel a great future in you, so consider it my good

intentions towards you, if the opportunity presents itself ... we will at

least be good acquaintances, what do you think?". The old woman said as

she handed him the two hairpins that Extimum had pointed out.

Extimum: "Hmm, that's fine, forming good relationships is always good."

Extimum considered that there was no real harm in just forming a

friendship, even if there was some other interest, he must first be willing

in the future.

The old woman smiled a little at his acceptance and was about to turn

around to return to her seat when she stopped and cast a doubtful glance

into Extimum's jacket pocket.

Old woman ??? (Chinese): 'mmm, how strange, I thought I felt ... I must

have imagined it'.

Extimum paid the old woman and then left the store. Continuing his tour

with Mei and Harry. It should be noted that the woman never looked at

Harry or Mei.

Extimum: "What did you want to tell me before, Mei?"

Mei: "that store ... is owned by the mòshuǐ family, but it is likely that

this woman did not recognize us, or at least not you."

Extimum: "There should be no problems with it right? After all, we are

only buying, although I must say that since I have never come across

them, I don't know for sure"

Mei: "not really, it's just that the current generation of the mòshuǐ family

is very unruly and they are very full of themselves, I usually avoid them

for that, I always want to cut them with my sword just listening to them


Harry: "are they that annoying?"

Mei: "mmm, you should see them, I don't think their own family can

stand them, they pamper them too much and the spells they practice

make them quite proficient in battle even if they don't use magic


Extimum: "well, changing the subject, I think we've already seen

everything of interest in the city, we should go back to look for your


Mei: "well, let's go back. I think it would have been more interesting to

visit the city of Ji Nian in Tibet, we could have even seen the outskirts of

the Shēng shàng tiānkōng school ".

Harry: "do you study there?"

Mei: "yes, but I won't tell you how it is, wait for us to visit it later."

Extimum stopped suddenly on the path, causing Mei and Harry to stop in

his tracks as well.

Harry: "What's wrong? Why are you stopping?" Harry turned his head to

look at Extimum with a slight confusion on his face.

Extimum: "listen around you". Extimum replied as he looked around, his

gaze searching for something.

Harry: "listen ?, but I don't hear anything ...". Harry seemed to notice the

problem with his words, they were in the middle of the city, so there

should be no silence, but the noise of the crowd walking and chatting.

Everything seemed normal, people were still circling around, yet they all

seemed kind of muted from his perspective.

Mei hadn't seen this kind of magic, but it wasn't necessary to know it to

know that they were being targeted, so she immediately drew her sword.

Extimum also waved his hand invoking his wand from its case and

immediately cast a spell towards a particular corner.

Extimum: "devorans tenebras". A dark beam shot from the tip of

Extimum's wand crashing through a barrel.

A man came straight out of that place when he saw that Extimum had

cast a spell on him.

Man1 (Chinese) ???: "Zhang, ski him, quick". Extimum's attack was seen

by the man, but he only managed to dodge it and then yell at his friend

who was behind him.

Zhang (Chinese): "Ahg, damn, old Zhao, these children are violent, it is

fortunate that they are young." Zhang screamed in alarm as he felt the

spell hit him, but scoffed at feeling nothing but a slight tingle.

Zhao (Chinese): "hehehe, you're right, on the other hand, boy, you do

have good eyesight, I was sure I had hidden my presence well."

Extimum: "I think we are in a kind of barrier that isolates us from others.

Mei, see if you can destroy it and Harry, be careful. "

Zhao (Chinese): "What did that boy say?"

Zhang (Chinese): "You have probably noticed the barrier and are

expressing your panic to your friends."

Zhao and Zhang did not know English, so they could not understand

what Extimum was speaking.

Harry: "Shouldn't we call Leonardo?"

Mei: "the barrier will prevent us, on the other hand, these two don't seem

really smart, although they isolated us, but, putting a barrier in the

middle of the city is like turning on a beacon of light in the dark. Not

only would it alert the alarms of the city calling the aurors, but also, the

moment a powerful magician inspects the place, he will be able to feel

the abnormality.

Zhao (Chinese): "Ahhhg, my arm."

As they argued and the two men prepared to act, the man named Zhao

suddenly yelled.

Zhang (Chinese): "What's wrong? Why are you screaming?"

Zhao (Chinese): "look at my arm!" Zhao's arm was a charcoal black color

and the darkness seemed to grow with time.

The spell 'devorans tenebras', was a curse-type spell that Extimum had

learned from the library in recent days, it is a very interesting spell, its

literal meaning is to devour the darkness, but it does not devour the

shadows, but, on the contrary, the darkness in each person, so in addition

to unicorns, it was likely that it could affect everyone. Its effect is slow at

first, but once it consumes a part of you, it will start to consume you

faster and faster, on the other hand, it is painless, if Zhao had not seen

his totally dark arm, he could have died without knowing it. The only

way to stop it is to amputate the affected part or to know the counter-

spell, but since it is a familiar spell, it would be unlikely that anyone

would know.

Extimum had practiced it a few times, so he had a certain mastery of it,

he had taken the opportunity to cast it as his first spell. Since it was a

curse, his best results could only be seen by testing them on living beings,

it was fortunate that the Chinese shrine had facilities for it, among his

practices, Mei had guided him there so that he could efficiently practice

his spells.

The Shadowless family seemed to have an agreement with the local non-

magical government to obtain a supply of criminals sentenced to death

and those criminals were then locked in dungeons and used as

experimental subjects for the practice of all kinds of magic.

Ah, the benefits of living in a modern civilization, you no longer have to

wait for non-magicians to fall for your traps or capture Muggles wanted

for misdeeds, you just have to buy them directly from the government

who is especially happy to satisfy their mysterious partner, but very rich,

in exchange for people who would die one way or another.

Extimum was a bit reluctant at first, even if he had killed two men

before, it had not been exactly because he wanted to, however, his

reluctance quickly disappeared a little later, as carried by the wind, he

only remained indifferent and continued with his practice, perhaps that

dark part in the mirror or only his oclumency and reasoning allowed him

to do it without problems shortly after, also, although he did not look at

them, but the place had the criminal record in case the young

generations of the family did not have enough cruelty and decision ;

Years of experience had given the family strategies to maintain an overall

good psychological state for its members.


Zhang (Chinese): "Damn, it turned black, it must have been that child's

spell, let's not waste any more time, let's get this over with before

someone discovers us, then we'll look to see if he has the counter spell".

Mei was hitting the barrier with her sword, although the barrier could

defend her attacks quite well, but it was already showing signs of cracks,

it didn't seem like both men were very good at magic to dare to try to

kidnap someone.

Extimum observed the 'failed attempts' to be kidnappers in front of him,

they could not even concentrate well on what they were doing, only

casually speaking because they trusted a barrier that they themselves

knew would only attract attention, perhaps the only thing that would

praise them was their stealth for put up such a barrier and make them

enter without realizing it, something quite dangerous, if they weren't so


Extimum: "Hey Harry, why don't you try to fight with them, do it as a

practical experience of dueling, you must have learned something in the

last days right?" Although Extimum treated the situation fairly calmly, he

still maintained a position to attack at any moment, should he see them


Harrry: "Desmaius!" Harry seemed in agreement, immediately attacking

the approaching wizards. He hadn't studied many spells in his short

instance with the other subjects I look at, but at least he learned the stun


Zhang (Chinese): "Expelliarmus, Flipendo". Zhang deflected Harry's spell

and tried to stun him, they needed him alive after all.

Zhao (Chinese): "Bombarda maxima". Zhao had no qualms about

attacking Extimum, as he did not consider it useful.

** Boom **

Extimum just waved his wand a bit creating an energy field similar to the

'shield' that stopped the attack and calmly observed how his previous

spell had already consumed up to Zhao's shoulder.

Zhao: 'damn, this boy is not easy and I can't use killing curses'. Zhao had

no qualms about killing Extimum, it was only important to keep Harry so

he could sell him, however every time he tried to formulate a killing spell

in his mind, he felt a death pressure from his own magic.

The spell 'devorans tenebras' devoured the darkness and to perform

murderous curses it is necessary to use negative feelings, so using it

would only drive the spell to consume the victim much faster. The spell

could only be stopped if Extimum died and even so, the damage done

could not be healed without knowing the counter-spell and going to a

competent medi-magician and it would still leave serious consequences.

Although the spell was quite lethal, but like everything, as long as you

could block it, dodge it, destroy it or counter it before it hits, everything

would be fine.

Extimum: 'it is quite slow to devour the target even with my current

mastery of the spell… but limiting the use of killing curses makes it a

pretty good spell for battle, especially because of its silent action


Extimum: 'okay, too much fun for today'.

Extimum: ' Confringo'. A reddish light shot out of Extimum's wand and

slammed directly into the man's chest.

** Boom **

Zhao (Chinese): "protego". Although he managed to raise the shield, the

shield was very weak and he was forced backwards almost slipping, only

managing to stop the spell.

Zhao (Chinese): "well, then we will die together, Avada Kedavra". Feeling

cornered with the situation, Zhao sent out a killing curse, Extimum's

curse was already reaching dangerously to his neck and he could no

longer move his entire arm, it was fortunate that it was not his right-

handed arm.

Extimum was a bit surprised by his decisive behavior, but he was not

alarmed, his calm was shown when the spell hit his body and it only

melted in midair. Actually, when he attacked earlier, he had created an

illusion of himself in place and moved to another, so the spell only hit

the barrier.

Zhao (Chinese): "hahaha, die boy".

Extimum: "Confringo".

** Boom **

A small explosion lit up over Zhao, leaving nothing but pieces of cloth

and blood from him, however, the arm that had been consumed by

Extimum's curse remained, but soon after it melted into a black liquid.

The man never got to know how he died.

Zhang (Chinese): "Zhao !, Ah, you will pay for this". Zhang shouted in

anger when he saw his friend die, it must have only been two adult

magicians bullying three first-year children, however, things had turned

out very differently than expected.

Not wanting to stay here to die and counting on the barrier to stop them,

he was about to flee and then make use of an 'apparition', when he was

stopped by a great noise in the place.

** Crack ... Crack ... Crash **

The barrier broke from the top and a man slightly taller than 2 meters

landed directly behind Zhang. With a fierce smile and narrowed eyes, he

took in the place and then fixed his gaze on Zhang.

Zhang (Chinese): "Leonardo-…". Zhang was unable to finish his words as

what looked like a scorpion's tail pierced through his abdomen.

There were not many men with such a dominant body structure and even

among them, Leonardo was known in various circles, mainly for his

despotic behavior, so anyone with any knowledge in the Chinese magical

community knew about him.

Before Zhang's body could fall to the ground, Leonardo finally showed his

wand, he seemed to be carrying it in its case hidden under his hanfu,

with a wave of his wand, Zhang's body dispersed in the air like dust

being carried away wind.

It was a curious sight that such a large man would use such a small

wand, it was likely that he kept it in that state for convenience and for

official uses he transformed it into a staff or something similar for his


Leonardo: "ah, I see you had fun without me, well, let's go before this

place is full of people." Leonardo had actually been watching them,

although he was not aware the whole time, but as Mei had said, if

someone created a barrier in the middle of the magic city, it would alert

all the powerful wizards capable of sensing their existence, not to

mention the auror office that he would receive the alarm of the casting of

such a spell in the middle of the city.

Because of that, he calmly watched the development and only entered

when Mei had managed to make a reasonable crack to justify her delay.

Mei had been attacking the barrier at all times and watching Harry, just

like Extimum, she still wondered how there could be such incompetent

wizards, she didn't even have to fight because of how weak they were, for

wizards like that, Muggles were likely to have ideas against wizards.

Mei: "pathetic".

Harry stared at the place where his previous opponent disappeared,

sometimes forgetting the methods wizard families used to deal with

things, it didn't affect him as much after fighting Quirrell, but it was no

less stunning to watch. He had even ignored seeing the scorpion tail that

emerged from Leonardo's lower back at some point.

Leonardo sneaked them out of the place and they joined the crowd

already waiting outside the barrier, aurors ready to attack. He seemed

quite adept at escaping the encirclement of aurors and crowds without

being seen, confirming his willingness to create chaos.

As they were approaching the "magic vehicle" take-off area to take a ride

out of town. A man who stood straight next to the place, spoke.

???: "always causing havoc wherever you go, isn't it, Leonardo? It is

fortunate that you didn't start it, or I would have the pleasure of taking

you to the ministry to testify." The man wore a white hanfu with black

outlines, he carried a cane in one of his hands that looked like a kind of

giant paintbrush and a tall hat / cap. Her hair was long and black, with a

pale complexion and made-up.


Leonardo did not stop his step and answered without giving him many


Leonardo: "Heh, don't try your luck, Mòshuǐ Yuxuan, even if you have to

take me one day, I won't make it so easy for you."

No more words were said as each went their way. After entering the free-

take-off zone, Extimum and Mei carried Harry and Leonardo on their

flying swords to a more secluded area of ​​the city. The change was

visible when returning to a clear and illuminated environment after

exiting the dividing barrier of the city.

Harry: "who was that?"

Mei: "he is the opponent of papa, he also wanted to marry my mother,

but she rejected him for papa".

Marriages between the great ancient families were quite common,

however, after the ancient times ended, they were only performed if

there was love between both parties and political marriages were not

practiced, to avoid creating tensions between the families if the

relationship was not. It was good, in fact, although marriages were

performed within the family or with great local families, the favorites

were from other families of equal status, the lineage of each great ancient

family is just as strong and sometimes great geniuses were born with the

skills of both, there were already enough marital connections since

ancient times, so in a certain way the 9 great ancient families are one,

what was preserved in each one was mainly the pure lineage and

ideology, therefore, although there are some tense relationships or

neutral, all the 9 families are actually quite close and try to maintain

good friendships between them, in addition, each one d It plays a

different role in the magical world, an example of this was the

Shadowless family being the family with the largest information network

and although they did not dedicate themselves to murder, it was surely

one of the most deadly in raw power, the Mòshuǐ family, on the other

hand, she was an expert in creating enchanted artifacts and contracts, her

specialty is runic magic so although they do not make artifacts, but the

objects enchanted by them have been worthy of legends.

For this reason, the relationship between all families is synergistic, on the

other hand, although marriages with outsiders such as school friends or

acquaintances are accepted, in fact it is less frequent, but everything falls

within what is acceptable as long as they are not non-magic

[To clarify, although I think I have made it obvious, but to avoid

confusion, the great wizarding families refer to houses like Malfoy,

Gaunt, Potter, etc. However, the word 'ancient' is not used below because

for the 9 families of natural magicians, such families cannot be

considered truly ancient compared to them, but if it causes confusion you

can tell me and I will change the term I do. references to them]

Leonardo looked proud when he heard Mei's words, remembering how he

beat Mòshuǐ Yuxuan.

Harry: "Oh, but why did he say he would arrest you? Is he an Auror?"

Leonardo: "is Head of the Chinese Auror Office, but he cannot take me for

something as small as what happened, it is a convention that is given to

the members of the ancient families of each country, as long as you are

not directly involved in the matter, of course ".

Extimum: "this should be fine for you to call Abil." Extimum reminded

them when they were far enough away.

Leonardo: "Abil!". Leonardo again gave a cry that seemed to reverberate

in space.

** Roarr **

Abil's roar could be heard from a distance, as his towering figure

descended from the top of the clouds, landing in front of them, spreading

dust with his landing.

They all climbed onto the dragon's back and prepared for its subsequent



The following days, Extimum and the others traveled in Abil through

different parts of the wizarding and muggle world. No unexpected events

occurred again.

The last place they visited was the city of Ji Nian, it was not very

different from that of Xuézhě de xiūxí, however, the landscape and

environment was much more peaceful and natural, the city was located

near the mountains in an area far from the major Buddhist monasteries

and non-magical cities.

[Ji Nian]

Religion in the magical world is a somewhat complex subject, but at the

same time simple. Religious beliefs have their origin mainly from Muggle

peoples, however wizards also had their own figures that they worshiped

even if they did not deify them, they wore them with great admiration

and respect, like Merlin. On the other hand, wizards lived for a very long

time among non-magical communities, not counting the large number of

Muggle-born wizards, so they adopted their ideologies at some point by

association, especially in the period when The magicians actively helped

and lived with the non-magicians, however, the perspective of the

magicians is different from that of the non-magicians, for them, religion

is taken as an ideology of life: philosophy, culture, ethics and some cases

even elevated guides to magic, seen from a concept that leans towards

the spirit, the esoteric and the universe

Although they do not know the authenticity of such gods, if they are

aware of great legendary magicians who reached the peak of magic, with

a wisdom and enlightenment that created legends, not to mention their

power worthy of miracles, on the other hand, the magicians are not

really willing to argue about the deities of the religions they follow. (me


The religious beliefs of the magicians are reflected in the more spiritual

clothing, customs and applications on the path of magic. So when

arriving at the place it was not strange to see magicians dressed as real

monks meditating in some places and improving their control of magic.


Near the city of Ji Nian, it was sometimes possible to see the school of

Shēng shàng tiānkōng. The Chinese magic school is most of the time

hidden in the clouds. It was a large ancient castle on a large land mass

that floated in midair. Currently it was a vacation period so there were

no students or teachers going to the place, but Mei said that to enter you

could go on your own in any flying tool of your choice or mount, if you

did not have one, you could wait for him school transport that would

pick them up in Ji Nian city, it was a great flood dragon that roamed the

skies of the school.


After they finished their little dragon tour that lasted about 13 days, they

returned to the Shadowless shrine, where they stayed for another 5 days.

At that time, Extimum dedicated himself to training with Mei and sharing

some moments with the family. His stay here was the closest thing to

having a true family relationship, there was Lian Hua who in general

behaved like a loving and slightly eccentric mother, Rou, who seemed

more like an older sister, Leonardo who, although he was not the best For

example, I could fulfill the role as father and Mei and Harry as friends,

however, the holidays only last three months and I had been here in

China for just over a month, there were still several subjects to study at

home and Harry also had to return .

Harry also took advantage of his time, since at home he did not have

access to so many books nor so much free time to study, in addition to

the great space he had here, he took advantage of every moment to learn

new things and improve his magic, while like Extimum, to a certain

extent he also had fun and had a good time with the Shadowless family

who welcomed him kindly and selflessly.


It was around 2pm.

Extimum was in the mansion outside the sanctuary (in the original

plane), he had met with everyone here to say goodbye, because they

could not use the portkey inside the sanctuary being in another plane,

they had to go back to the original plane to return to United Kingdom.

Lian Hua: "sigh, time went by so fast. It was a great joy to have visits and

share with you and I see that it has also been for you, I hope you will

come visit us again Extimum and you too Harry. On the other hand, if

you can, Extimum, I would like to ask you to ask your parents why they

have not communicated with the other branches lately, anyway, the

family reunion will be in a few years, so in the worst of the cases we will

be able to see each other again on that occasion ".

Leonardo: "That's right, boy, I'll keep my attention on your branch on the

day of the meeting, hahaha. And your Harry, boy, you have improved a

lot in your stay here, I see great promise in you, however, as a man of

this family, it is my duty to take certain precautions for it, I hope you will

excuse me ". When Leonardo finished his words, he took out his wand

that transformed into a magic staff and waved it at Harry.

A beam of white light shot from the top of the staff and struck right at

Harry's scar.

Leonardo: "these are just some countermeasures that you will understand

in the future and will not affect you, on the contrary, they may help you

in a time of need".

Harry only rubbed his scar a little, it felt strangely lighter after being hit

by the spell, but nothing more.

Harry: "Okay, I can understand, thank you."

Leonardo's spell had sealed or rather encapsulated the memories of

everything he saw inside the sanctuary and its location, Harry would

remember, but no one apart from him could see his own memories of

such events.

Rou: "Hmp, you on the other hand do not have me at all happy, you

focused only on studying magic or spending time with Mei and left me

neglected, how ungrateful, when I was the one who brought you." Rou

said in annoyance, but mainly acting spoiled, her slightly regular

Tsundere attitude was interesting, she could act like quite a cold and

arrogant lady, but she was quite childish and spoiled within the family.

Extimum: "You are exaggerating too much, Aunt Rou, it's just that with

so many hills and curves it's hard not to find yourself looking at more

modest plains." Extimum joked a bit with a pun.

Rou blinked at Extimum's apparent pun, she could sense that there was

something else there, however, she couldn't find the relationship between

her words and her previous question.

Leonardo: "hahaha, boy, although Rou speaks English well, but it doesn't

mean that he can understand everything about it, I think he will discover

your words long after you leave."

Lian Hua: "Are you not ashamed of Rou? Even Mei seemed to understand

Extimum's words." Lian Hua said laughing while covering her mouth,

mocking Rou and seeing Mei's slightly rosy cheeks that she had

understood the hidden meaning of the words.

Harry: "but I didn't understand either ...".

Rou (Chinese): "See, even Harry who is native did not understand

Extimum, that you keep your minds beyond it does not mean that I do,

do not forget that I run the business and unlike you, I only deal with

locals, so I don't use English that much ".

Rou seemed to find a support in which to vent with Harry's words.

Lian Hua: "Oh Harry, you are too innocent, maybe you will understand


Mei: "have a good trip." Mei still had a bit of a blush, but said goodbye to

both of them.

Extimum: "Well, thank you all for taking care of us during our stay, we

will see you later if the opportunity presents itself." As Extimum spoke,

he pulled the brush-shaped portkey out of his bag.

Bloom also flew out of his pocket and sat on his shoulder. In the last days

she had recovered for the most part, now she could fly and hide her aura

that made her stand out among the fairies, as long as she hid her

abilities, no one would suspect her origin.

Mei: "Goodbye to you too Bloom."

Bloom: "Goodbye."

Harry took the other end of the brush and shortly after, they disappeared.

Lian Hua (Chinese): "sigh, I just hope everything is fine in the English

branch, I couldn't see anything, but troublesome situations were on the


Leonardo (Chinese): "don't worry, Extimum was very capable, I think he

will solve it and if he can't, we will help him. Oh, but what is this, has

our Rou finally understood the meaning of Extimum's words? "

Rou (Chinese): "shut up, I'm going." Rou was a little flushed and

screamed as she walked away. Just as Leonardo had said, he was able to

understand the meaning of Extimum's words after he left and had time to

think about it.

Leonardo: "maybe ... we should include it in the proposal at the next

family reunion?"

Lian Hua: "hehehe, maybe… only time will tell".

Rou almost stumbled upon hearing his words.

Rou: "Mei, don't get together with them, come better with your aunt, they

will lead you astray."



In a secluded corner of Diagon Alley, there was a sudden distortion and

Extimum, Harry, and Bloom appeared.

Harry: "After coming back, I feel like a lifetime has passed."

Extimum: "in a way it was."

Bloom: "is this where you live?"

Extimum: "no, this is Diagon Alley, from here we left for China

previously, then we will go home, for now ... Bob!".

* Pop *

Bob: "ah, the Master Extimum has finally returned, Bob is happy that he

came back, Bob hopes he has enjoyed his vacation. Master Ava has not

been very happy with her prolonged disappearance. "

Bob could naturally feel his call upon entering London territory.

Extimum: "Well, trouble for later, take us to number 4, Privet Drive."

Bob: "as you wish, Master Extimum". Bob took the hem of Extimum and

Harry's clothes and they disappeared from Diagon Alley.


It was around 9pm when they got back to London, Extimum dropped

Harry off at his house, along with his suitcase of personal belongings and

items he bought on the trip and then returned with Bob and Bloom to the

Shadowless mansion.

Extimum: "Now, Bob, tell me the details of the matter." Extimum's tone

and humor unconsciously cooled as he returned to his usual self, not that

the change was so noticeable, perhaps now the only one who could feel

his changes was Bloom, who was connected with him.

Bob: "yes, master Ava came about 3 days after his trip, as usual she asked

me about his situation and personal observations, however, since master

Extimum was not there, I couldn't tell her anything, so she waited a

whole day for your return, but you did not return, Bob could only say

what he knew, that Master Extimum had gone on a trip, but do not

mention the place ".

Extimum: "Hmm, apart from that, did he say anything else?"

Bob: "No sir, although the master Ava was upset, she didn't say anything

else, just to let her know if you came back."

Extimum: "well, do what you have to do, whatever, you know where to

find me."


I created a Discord server to upload some images of the characters,

because some I uploaded late and not everyone has seen them, on the

other hand, I will also upload info about some things for more detail and

in case someone wants to write suggestions, mmm I don't know, We will

see if it is put to use.





Well, I did not want to extend it too long, but I think I gave a good

expansion of the magical world, after others I do not know 2 or 1

chapters? I will return to the second year, so that they do not get

bored XD

Chapter 32: •End of the holidays

and shopping for the second year

Extimum planned to go to the library, but before arriving, he changed his


Extimum: 'forget it, I've already read too much, I'd better practice my


Extimum changed direction and went to his room, he would not practice

casting destructive magic, only his control of wandless magic.

His room was spacious and well-lit, with white walls and a large

chandelier on the ceiling. As he entered, to his right was his dressing

table, followed by a wardrobe of jackets and coats. In front was his bed,

it was large and decorated with curtains and a little further away from it,

was the door to access the bathroom, where there was also his main

wardrobe; afurther down there was also a large window overlooking the

back garden of the mansion; Around the room there was also other

decorative or seating furniture.


After entering her room, he put his coat on a rack and unzipped his

clothes a bit. Although he preferred to dress according to the English or

French magical fashion, but he would not deny that the clothes that he

wear in China were more comfortable for him.

After putting his coat on the rack, Bloom flew out and sat on his shoulder


Bloom: "your house is very beautiful".

Extimum: "well, the witches in the family have not been that old-

fashioned in terms of the design of the house." As he spoke, he sat on his

bed, removed his shoes, and struck a lotus flower pose on the bed.

He didn't close his eyes, he just focused on his magic, guided it through

his body, feeling its movement and then focused it on his left hand. He

had always focused on using his left hand for magic and his right for

wielding his sword, although he could still use both.

Extimum: 'water'. A concentration of water was slowly taking shape on

his outstretched palm, floating slightly in place. The summoned water

was not consistent, so it threatened to overflow, but with great skill made

it stabilize and take the form of a perfect sphere of water.

Extimum: 'ice'. The water began to cool and emit mist and then solidified

from the inside out, completely freezing the water sphere.

Extimum: "I think I have improved after my trip to China, it only took me

about 2 seconds to summon and stabilize a perfect water sphere, before,

it took me 5 seconds to do the same".

Although there were simple spells like 'aguamenti' to create water out of

thin air, but it was very different from what he did, instead of launching

a controlled jet of water, Extimum was manually creating the water in a

controlled way and keeping it afloat on his hand, compressing it into a

perfect water sphere or ball.

Bloom: "You should try to change the element from within, for example,

create fire from inside the water / ice ball, without allowing the water to

extinguish it, maintaining two opposite states requires greater difficulty."

Extimum: "do you say this?" The ice sphere now had a flickering flame

within it. The ice was in perfect condition and the flame was able to stay

perfectly isolated inside.

Bloom: "oh, that's right, that's a practice for me, it might not be as

effective for you."

Extimum: "what can you do with your magic?"

Bloom: "well, my skills are mainly inclined to fire, so if I wanted to make

water it would take a little more effort, however, my fire is very

versatile." As she spoke, a small ball of fire lit up in her hand, which grew

rapidly away from her, until it took the shape of a dragon about 20cm

high and 50cm long.

Bloom: "Although it is small, it should be able to incinerate a non-magical

human in 10 seconds, if it is a magical creature, depending on its natural

resistance, it could resist more or cancel it, anyway, this is just a basic

fire spell ".

Bloom: "Although my magic is mainly about fire, it is not limited to just

destroying, sometimes it can also heal."

Extimum: "can you make the dragon bigger?"

Bloom: "yes".

The dragon began to grow to almost cover the height of the room, it was

good that its control was excellent or it could have set the room on fire.

Extimum: "It is a very particular fire, it does not resemble common fire,

but neither does it resemble the fire of curses."

Although with magic a great variety of variations of an element could be

created, but the nature of them always remained within specific ones:

normal fire, invoked fire, eternal fire, etc. There are many magical fires

for different things, but all of them maintain a similar or equal nature,

this could be really altered under the effects of other forces, such as

Fiendfyre, which when affected by dark magic acquires a very different

nature. Bloom's fire shared a different nature than those mentioned, its

nature was vibrant like life and fierce and destructive like a beast.

Bloom: "hmm, my fire magic is actually rare, I can remember that even

among the fire fairies, there was none who could use this magic fire like


Extimum observed Bloom's magical creation, her magic control was very

good, the dragon was detailed, with scales and horns and although it had

no life, it simulated a state of activity, without forgetting that Bloom did

not use a wand, only some movements hands and nothing else, he didn't

need to say words either.

Bloom was flying around Extimum, waiting for his opinion of his


Extimum: 'in a direct fight of raw power… hmm, I don't think he loses

with any of my current best spells.' Extimum considered the magic power

he felt from the great dragon in front of him, if it was only considered

raw power contained within, Bloom could currently be stronger than

him, although with strategies it is not impossible to defeat her, but she

was only 95% recovered.

**tap Tap**

Hearing the sound of a heel, Extimum clapped his hands and Bloom's

dragon was suppressed until it disappeared. He had some control over

Bloom's magic thanks to the contract, so it was not difficult for him to

dispel it.

** Knock Knock**

Extimum: "go ahead".

The door opened almost immediately the moment Extimum respond,

questioning whether she was really going to wait for them to respond or

if she was just too eager to get in and had knocked on the door out of


A tall and slender woman walked through the door, wearing a long black

dress, accentuating her beautiful green hair and figure, she was Ava.

Ava: "I see that you have returned ... and ... you brought a pet." Ava's

searching and cold gaze almost made Bloom jump, yet she still floated

calmly in the air next to Extimum.

Ava: "make sure you tell us the next time you want to go out to do your

things, even for us, there are dangers out there." Ava's voice was slow but

there was no hint of emotion.

Extimum: "will we attend the next family reunion?"

Ava: "oh, I didn't think you would know about it, but yeah, it's tradition

after all."

Extimum did not mention about Lian Hua's question, that would clearly

reveal where he had been, furthermore, if they went to the meeting, they

would have to communicate with the other branches sooner or later.

Ava was about to walk through the door, but paused in her footsteps to

say a few last words and then leave.

Ava: "I've heard you fraternize with Mr. Potter ... I'll just remind you ...

don't forget how the Shadowless family does things". Harry was

considered to some extent a figure of influence in the wizarding

community, so being around him, would inevitably expose him to certain

encounters that had to be taken with care, well, that and that the

Shadowless family knew quite well about the situation that engulfed

Harry Potter and they preferred to stay away.

* click *

Ava closed the door before leaving.

Bloom: "is that your mother?"

Extimum: "yes".

Bloom: "What a cold woman, I almost shuddered with her gaze, I don't

even ask about you ... I mean, she's very beautiful, hehe".

Extimum: "don't worry, I'm used to it, she's been like that for as long as I

can remember. Let's keep practicing magic ".


In the following days, Extimum visited Snaglok, the business had been set

up well and they had already obtained some clients, some Extimum

designs were especially popular with Muggle-born wizards who wanted

to decorate their home, Extimum took advantage of his visit to add more

designs that had occurred to him on his trip to China to the options of his

magical artifact. The earnings were good, depending on the amount of

things the magician ordered, the service would be more expensive,

earning from 10 galleons for a simple remodel to 50 for a good one or a

little more if they were very demanding. It was especially popular

because many wizards did not know how to cast specialized shielding or

barrier enchantments at their home, that was knowledge generally

reserved for every great family or great wizard.

In just one month, he had already recouped the initial investment and

earned 2,300 galleons.

With that money he could begin to focus on other ideas to make money,

perhaps sell enchanted artifacts, there were certain fanciful ideas that

might be feasible to apply with magic and that did not currently exist on

the market.

On the other hand, he spent some time investigating blood curses,

however, it turned out to be much more complicated than he expected,

there were several spells that could curse a lineage and they all had

different ways to get rid, without forgetting that he had to find the

catalyst that held the curse, so he would need to obtain blood from the

current victim, among other details, also, he was not especially adept at

magic related to blood and lineages. So it would require a lot of study

and research, but he had time, so he would study it in his spare time, as

he remembered, he would be about 20 years or more before Astoria died.

Interestingly, his mother came to see him more often, and his father even

came once.


Extimum was sitting in the dining room, it was lunchtime and he was

surprised when Bob served two more people, he even paused a bit in his

actions when he saw that.

Bloom: "What's wrong?"

Extimum: "there are two more dishes ...".

Bloom: "and ...?"

Extimum: "I think the last time I saw that scene was when I was 4 years

old and I attended a meeting of the local magical families and it can only

mean that we will not have dinner alone this time."

Bloom: "will your mother and father come?"

His question was answered with the entrance of a couple through the

front door to the dining room.

The man was tall, approximately 1.85m and slightly stocky, had slightly

long black hair, gray eyes, a stony face with some touches of pride and a

cold and intimidating look, he wore an elegant black suit with cape and

in one of his hands was covered by a black glove, despite his slightly dark

or oppressive aura, he could be considered really handsome. He was

Callum Shadowless


Next to the man, there was Ava, who was coming a little behind him.

They both took their seats in the seats arranged by Bob near Extimum.

As Bob served the dishes, Callum gave Extimum a fixed stare that lasted

until Bob finished serving, followed by which he glanced at Bloom who

had what looked like a mini seat on the table, where she was sitting next

to Extimum.

Callum gave a certain oppressive air that seemed to become more intense

when he focused on a person, his gaze was able to slightly cool the

environment near the person, even Extimum could not help but swallow

slightly, but he kept his father's gaze without hesitation.

No words were shared at the table and they ate in silence.

Bloom: 'your father is a little scary'. Bloom commented within the mental


Extimum: 'mmm, his aura is quite oppressive, maybe more than I

remembered, maybe he got stronger? On the other hand, not that I see

him very often.'

After lunch was over, they left with the same silence with which they

entered, the loudest thing about dinner perhaps the occasional clink of

silverware or glasses.

As he watched their departure, Extimum couldn't help but think.

Extimum: 'is it really that difficult to say a word?' Although it was not a

topic that he touched too much, but, he could not help but consider

many wild thoughts, is it even his father? Does he hate him? Does he

despise him? Does he care about him, but does not say it? Will he be

shy?. Extimum wouldn't deny saying that it doesn't affect him and it's not

like he didn't try to talk to him when he was younger, but his father

ignored him and stopped coming to see him when Extimum became

insistent in wanting to talk to him, even his mother would either drag

him out of the room or scold him for trying to do so.

Extimum doesn't hate him, you can't hate someone you hardly know, or

maybe you can, but he just didn't deign to do it, besides, if you exclude

certain traits of his mother and those given by his foreign lineage, he

looked quite physically like his father when he kept his hair the same


Some years ago, he had been tempted to go directly and ask, why do you

ignore me? However, he feared in some part his answer, until at some

point in his life it became inconsequential and the thought only

generated curiosity. because if he really hated it, Extimum could have

gone to another family and attended another school, he could have gone

to France or Sweden that were not so far away and attend another

magical school, he could even go further to any place where he wanted,

the other branches would probably give him a more friendly treatment

and care, his visit to the Chinese branch made evidence of this, however,

he did not want to leave, he liked it here, although he did not have much

to get attached to, something just seemed to hammer his head saying not

to leave.

As for his mother ... because she was to some extent in his upbringing, in

some part of him very deep, he truly considered her his mother, it was

true that she was a cold woman, you should not expect her to give you a

hug , a kiss or wish you good night, but when you have no one else in

this great mansion and you can only compare her with your indifferent

father, it is difficult not to have some appreciation for her, also, maybe

because she is a woman, Extimum has noticed at times that she seems to

show concern or help him imperceptibly, actions that only after much

thought, you can feel that she seems to say more than her simple words.

(I mean here because women are more sentimental in general. I'm not

saying it's bad)

Sensing Extimum's state, Bloom walked over and stood on his shoulder,

lightly stroking his face and pulling his mind from such thoughts.

Extimum: "I'm fine, let's go back."

--End Flashback--.

Since he spend his remaining time studying and practicing: space magic,

researching blood magic and blood curses, studying runes to improve

your magic house redesign artifact, studying runes to try to recreate

certain magical artifacts to sell, practicing with your sword, train his

body, improve his oclumency, and enhance his wandless magic. So many

things naturally took up all his free time, so he could not visit Malfoy

mansion, maybe he could do it on the next vacation. In addition,

although he was dedicated to studying, he also took time to play or chat

with Bloom who accompanied him at all times, who also helped him

study, but mainly he was lazy and only slept on his shoulder or his head.


Because he had been so busy in his spare time, Extimum had to leave his

second-year shopping to the last minute, although most did too, but

Extimum preferred to buy his things earlier, thus avoiding the crowd of

wizards who carry your children to buy their school supplies.

Extimum: "Okay, let's go Bloom, we'll go to Diagon Alley."

Bloom: "I'm coming, I'm coming, I was finishing fixing my hair." Bloom

flew quickly from the bedroom dresser to Extimum and then slipped into

Extimum's jacket pocket.

Bloom: "now yes, let's go!" Bloom said as she raised her fist high in great


Her body had fully recovered in this time and her mind seemed to have

recovered as well, although she still lacked memories of his past,

everything about her had returned. She had a cheerful and enthusiastic

personality, she was also a bit reckless at times and clumsy, on the other

hand, since her recovery, she did not part with Extimum in almost no

time. Since they basically sleep, eat and spend their time together, their

relationship has become very close beyond the effects of the contract.

Extimum went to the chimney of the mansion to travel by floo. The

access had previously been closed, so Extimum had always had to go

with Bob, but since Callum's last visit, it remained open.

Since it is unaesthetic to have a large fireplace in the middle of the room,

the fireplace had a small and refined exterior appearance, however, when

you approached with the intention of using it for travel, the upper bricks

were moved allowing access to a spacious interior and a section where

the powder floo is kept for travel.

Extimum: "Callejon Diagon". A great green blaze engulfed Extimum and

Bloom and then they disappeared.

* Fosh *

Although floo travel only allows one person to travel at a time, but

strangely, Extimum could travel together with Bloom. They discovered

him on an occasion when Extimum was going to visit Snaglok and

despite having told him that he could not come with him and his reasons,

such as that they would go separately and could reach different places,

Bloom still dove flying straight towards him before he was engulfed by

fire, such an event scared a little Extimum, he would not know what

would happen, and if, like the apparition, deformities occurred or worse?

However, to his great relief, they arrived perfectly well.

In a later attempt with countermeasures, they discovered that they could

travel together.


They appeared at a public fireplace in Diagon Alley.

Extimum: 'Ugh, too many people.'

Bloom: 'then you shouldn't have concentrated on reading so many books.'

Extimum: 'mmm, but it was worth it.'

Extimum first went to the 'Madame Malkin' store, with his constant

training and his physique, he had grown a few good centimeters, so he

needed new robes for Hogwarts, although he could magically enlarge his

current ones, it was better not to do it if it was completely necessary.

Due to his magical house remodeling company, he already had a good

supply of money that allowed him to keep good savings and liquid

money for himself, however, he did not waste the money his parents

assigned him for his purchases for the year of studies, for so after buying

some materials and ingredients that they asked for some classes, they

only had to buy their books.

As he went through the list of books, he couldn't help but notice certain

titles that instead of instructional books had the names of stories, and

when he looked at their author, he couldn't help but complain.

Extimum: 'ugh, should I try to get him kicked out of Hogwarts? ... but his

destiny is not bad either and maybe it will help... ah, I'll just ignore it and

let it be'.

"Gilderoy Lockhart"

Bloom: "who is he?"

Extimum: 'a useless charlatan, well, maybe he's good for something, as a

buffoon. You'll see later. '

On the way to 'Flourish and Blotts' he made a stop to buy an ice cream at

'Heladería Florean Fortescue', despite always keeping stoic, Extimum

quite enjoyed consuming magic sweets frequently, besides, with magic

there were no problems such as cavities, only magicians too lazy to fix

their teeth, although an expert in the area was also required if they

wanted to adjust their teeth, but if they were only minor fixes, any

magician who studied a little could do it, besides, it was not very used to

worry so much about teeth, due to the medieval culture that still lasted

among the community, except of course, for those who really cared about

their image.

Soon after, I get to 'Flourish and Blotts' and walk in. The bookstore was

located on the north side of Diagon Alley, although its entrance was

small, but its interior was spacious and consisted of two floors, with the

large shelves filled to the ceiling with books.


The place was packed with people, especially fanatical witches across a

wide range of ages. They all seemed amazed looking at the man of the

moment and his most famous "opportunity" next to him.

The man was handsome, with wavy blond hair, with smooth and shiny

teeth, blue eyes and fair skin, he wore a suit and tunic of quite striking

colors, with an arrogant and charismatic attitude, being the most

remarkable thing about him, his great narcissism without doubt. He was

Gilderoy Lockhart. Who was holding Harry with one arm as he posed for

the camera.

As he was looking around the place, someone slowly walked up to stand

next to him.

Draco: "Disgusting, right?"

Extimum: "what exactly? The charlatan or the fame of your opponent?"

Draco: "Is he really Potter? I had my doubts, but his scar is clearly visible.

On the other hand, I think both. And how have you been, Extimum?".

Extimum:" pretty good, thank you, and you?".

Draco: "Well, although it's a shame your trip lasted so long, I had some

interesting things planned in case you came to visit".

Extimum: "don't worry, although I couldn't go this time, on the next

vacation, I'll go."

Draco: "then, I hope so."

Extimum naturally made up an excuse to reason why he could not go to

Malfoy mansion, this was, of course, that his "family trip" had taken him

almost every vacation and he had not been able to go.

Soon after, Harry along with the Weasleys came out of the large crowd,

finding themselves head-on with Extimum and Malfoy.

Draco: "It really fascinates you, doesn't it? Potter? Being the center of

attention, the fame ... now you even change your appearance to stand out


Extimum just smiled a little, thinking that it was he who actually made

the change to Harry, who looked so much better now. wearing much

better clothes under his Gryffindor robe, looking more confident and oh,

the detail that he wasn't dirty, he probably wouldn't have a problem

getting here considering he already knew how to properly use the floo


Harry: "It's hard to say, I think we all enjoy a bit of fame, don't you

think?" Surprisingly, it was Harry who defended himself, his trip to China

seemed to have matured him in several respects and among them his

newfound confidence was the most visible.

In fact, the Weasleys and Hermione had been quite surprised when they

first saw him, if it weren't for Ron coming to visit him, he wouldn't have

believed it to be Harry, although his signature scar was still his most

distinctive feature.

Lucius: "Ah, wise words, Potter, we all really enjoy fame, it is, after all,

recognition of our achievements. Lucius, Malfoy, it's nice to finally meet

you. "

As everyone looked at Harry, surprised by his newfound confidence,

Lucius came from the entrance of the store. With her always graceful

mannerism, she introduced herself and offered to shake Harry's hand.

Harry didn't hesitate and shook his hand anyway.

Lucius: "your scar is really legend ... like the wizard who made it". Since

Harry's scar was visible with his hair now not so messy, Lucius could see

it clearly.

Harry: "Voldemort is just a murderer, no need to brag about him." Harry

stepped back and detached his hand from the grip upon hearing her


Lucius: "You must be very brave, Potter, to mention his name or ... very

foolish." Lucius seemed a bit annoyed at the lack of respect for


While this was happening, Hermione had also stepped out from within

the large crowd, only to hear Lucius words. With her temper, she

wouldn't stay quiet if someone said bad things about her friends.

Hermione: "-".

However, before Hermione could speak, she was interrupted by Extimum,

who was not particularly pleased with her at the moment. Not when he

had seen her among the fanatics.

Extimum: "It is more a matter of being cautious with such sensitive

issues, don't you think, Mr Lucius?"

Extimum received an withering glare from Hermione, but he ignored it,

while Bloom went unnoticed like a pocket ornament and watched the

entire conversation with interest.

Lucius: "ah, Extimum, sorry for my lack of manners and that I did not say

hello, meeting Mr. Potter was quite an… experience." Lucius said as he

took his gaze away from Hermione who had managed to get his attention

and focused on Extimum for a moment.

Extimum: "You are very decorous, Mr Lucius, it is not necessary to worry

about such trifles."

Lucius gave a slight nod in agreement and then took a closer look at the

people around him.

Lucius: "let's see, reddish hair, distracted look, and oh, books ... second

hand, it must be the Weasleys." Lucius said with a disdainful look

appreciating each other's features, including the book that Ginny carried

in her cauldron, taking it to show the fact.

Arthur Weasley, who was in the area at the back of the store, talking to

Hermione's parents, seemed to perceive Lucius talking to their children,

so he approached at that moment.

Arthur: "children, you should not stay here, do not let the environment be

damaged by the presence of such unpleasant people".

Lucius: "well, well, but if it isn't Weasley Father".

Arthur: "Lucius…". Arthur seemed to give him the same face of

annoyance, when he met Lucius and he slowly approached until he stood

in front of his children and facing Lucius.

Lucius: "a lot to do at the ministry? With so many raids, I hope you get

paid a little more, but judging from this ... I don't think so. What good is

it to dishonor the name of a magician, if you do not get paid well for it ".

Arthur: "We think very differently about what it is to dishonor a wizard's

name, Malfoy."

Lucius: "Sure… being with Muggles. I believed that your family could not

sink any lower ". Lucius couldn't help but show great dislike and

contempt as he looked at the various Muggles who were in the shop and

returned the books he took to Ginny's cauldron.

Lucius: "See you later. oh, Extimum, be careful staying too close to them,

fraternizing is good, but, it would be a shame if you were implicated by

people of their ilk".

Extimum just remained silent. Talking too much in the confrontation

between both parties would be counterproductive, He could end up

having to choose a side and it was not something he was willing to do;

Far from it, he would not risk having problems at home, not when it was

one of the few rules that he had been taught repeatedly, unless it was a

very serious situation, which requires him to do so or affects him directly

of course.

Draco: "see you later Extimum and Potter...". Draco smirked a little as he

said goodbye to Extimum, but switched to a smug look with Harry.

Bloom: 'I almost saw sparks in the eyes of both men'. Bloom was talking

about the looks Lucius and Arthur had given each other, they must have

been really close to starting to fight.

[looking at things, I found out that they actually fought, I didn't even

know, because it doesn't appear in the movie]

Extimum: "Well, putting aside the bad vibes, how is everyone?" Extimum

tried to change the mood of the group and spoke a little more animated

than usual, sounding a little strange when it came from him, but his

abnormality seemed to lighten everyone's spirits.

Arthur: "Ah, Extimum, boy, it's good to see you in shape, I see you didn't

miss your vacation, if it weren't for Harry's transformation, you would

have been the most outstanding for this new year. Come, why don't we

go somewhere else to talk for a bit?". Arthur said animatedly, in his

friendly tone, patting Extimum's arm and then turned to ask everyone.

Extimum: "oh, I would love to, but I still have to buy my books, so I'll

join you in a moment."

Harry: "Well, we'll wait for you outside."

Everyone else left the store afterwards, and Extimum went to gather the

books he needed for this year. Not without giving the second book in

Ginny's cauldron a few discreet glances before walking away.

His book shopping did not take too long and even less when the ones he

mainly needed were only those Lockhart stories, so he left the bookstore

to meet them shortly after.

They went to Florean Fortescue Ice Cream Parlor, only this time, just to

drink some milkshakes and share a space. All the Weasleys, Hermione,

Harry and Extimum.

Sneaking up on Harry, Extimum whispered to him.

Extimum: "I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention that Bloom can speak."

Harry only nodded slightly without looking at him, he seemed to have

acquired a little more discretion.

Harry recounted the problems he had with a house elf who broke into his

house, it was fortunate that the "new" Dursleys did not take it so badly.

Dobby had actually entered his house, but he hadn't been able to get into

Harry's room, however, he still caused a bit of disorder and chaos in his

house, although he had studied more on his vacation, but he couldn't

stop Dobby from throwing a pudding cake to the guests and although the

business was still ruined for Vernon and they were very angry, Harry was

not punished so badly. On the other hand, Ron still had to go visit him in

the magic car because Dobby had stolen the mail and they did not know

how to use the phone correctly, so Harry went the last days of vacation

to the Weasley house.


Hermione: "It's a very nice ornament that you have there, but I didn't

know you liked dolls ...".

Extimum: "Oh, she's not a doll, she's just pretending so she can tease you

guys later. Bloom, say hi to my friends. "

Bloom: 'traitor'. Bloom stopped playing and flew over to the table

everyone was at, waving her hand in greeting, of course she didn't speak,

but she made the distinctive buzz of the fairies.

Arthur: "Wow, you have a fairy ... these days they are rare to see, unless

you search well in certain stores of magical creatures".

Hermione: "wow, it's a real fairy." Hermione on the other hand was

delighted to see a real fairy, Bloom had previously behaved like a real

doll and had even hidden her wings, but now seeing her fly with her

colorful wings and the weak magic she emitted, she looked like the

fairies of the stories, but more beautiful.

Ron: "Wow, so she's going to be your pet? What can she do?"

Extimum felt a bit uncomfortable with the reference mode, although her

mother had also called her a pet, she had not commented too much due

to their strained relationship and that it was not necessary for her to

know the importance of Bloom, but listening to Ron now, it reason to

clarify a bit, also made it sound like a toy when he heard his question.

Extimum: "well, she's not my pet, I'd say she's more like a companion. On

the other hand, she can do very interesting things with fire, then I'll let

you see her do it. "

Everyone seemed to understand the reason for his clarification and

learned something new from Extimum.

Ron: "fire? Not bad."

They were talking about various things, like what they did on vacation,

what had happened to Harry, they also told about their experience in

China, excluding some facts, among other things, they talked for a little

over an hour and then said goodbye.

Tomorrow would be the day to go to Kings Cross Station to leave for



Early the next morning, Extimum took a bath and got dressed, then

rearranged all of his things in his expandable bag, not wanting to have it

too cluttered with things he didn't need.

Extimum: "

Sword - Done

Books for this year - Done

Materials and Ingredients - Done

Self Study Books - Done

Artifact Prototypes - Done

Clothes - ready

Miscellaneous useful items - Done


Extimum: "Well, I think I have everything, come on, Bloom."

Bloom: "Bloom - Done". Bloom screamed as she settled into the jacket

pocket of Extimum's suit.

Extimum: "good. Bob! ".

Bob: "Does Master Extimum wish to leave for the station now?" Bob came

shortly after and went into his room.

Extimum: "yes".

Hearing her statement, Bob approached and taking the hem of her

clothing, disappeared along with Extimum and Bloom from the place.


They appeared directly on station 9¾.

Bob: "Bob wishes the teacher and Bloom a safe journey." Bob leaned in

and said goodbye to both of them and then disappeared with a * Pop *.

Bob held Bloom in high regard because he could recognize the purity of

her lineage, as well as being Extimum's mate, so he had no problem

treating her properly.

They had arrived early as usual, Extimum boarded the train and made his

way to the sophomore section and took a seat in an empty compartment.

He took this time to read a new topic that he had not taken time to read

before, while Bloom sat on his shoulder and accompanied him to read. It

was a magical anatomy book. After going to the infirmary last year, she

had wanted to learn medical magic, but hadn't taken the time to learn, so

now she started with the basics, knowing the anatomy of magicians and

their differences with some magical beings and creatures.

The anatomy of magicians was not really that different from non-

magicians, other than aspects such as genes and lineage, physically

visible by their hair color, eyes, physical and mental abilities. The real

difference was in a more metaphysical field, like the soul and core of a

magician. The book gave a simple and detailed explanation of the

important aspects to consider.

The soul in particular, was a quite complex subject, at least in the English

community, although according to some family books that he read, this

subject was studied in other foreign communities where this branch of

magic had more history, of course, it was not a strange subject for his

library, it was only a matter of time, he couldn't stress too much, there

were too many subjects to learn, a lot of magic to research and practice.

The road to being a great magician was long, but it had a long time, at

some point I might find ways to learn faster, everything is possible in this

world, you only need the right key and although magic is complex, it is

the perfect tool. to find the solution to those problems.


After half an hour, the compartment door opened.

Hermione: "So you were here, I've been looking for you for a while, but I

couldn't find you."

Extimum: "mm? I don't know, I've been sitting here reading all this time,

did you feel something Bloom?"

Bloom: 'mm, well, while you were reading I saw you release a wave of

magic, but I thought you did it.' Bloom replied for her link and just


Extimum: 'how strange'.

As he thought, Hermione took a seat next to him.

Hermione: "oh, now you read about magical anatomy, that's great, but

have you already checked this year's books? Especially the-".



well it took me a little longer to upload the chapter, but here it is.

Chapter 33: •Returning to


Hermione was talking quietly about the books, when she stopped

abruptly. Her eyes widened and before her body could react she found

herself feeling boned.

Extimum was still upset, yesterday when I visit the book store, Hermione

seemed like a complete fan of Lockhart, you can call him jealousy, but

more than jealousy was his pride, even if Lockhart is handsome and

presents himself as a great wizard, Extimum did not think he would lose

in the looks department let alone capabilities, even if he doesn't have as

many "achievements" and "legends" as Lockhart. In addition, he believed

that he had been quite clear with his intentions and was not being

rejected either, so that she tried to mention it again with such enthusiasm

made him remember his annoyance and without much consideration he

simply shut her up by biting her neck.

Bloom: 'wow, so you're a vampire? No… you had tails and ears…

something else maybe?'. Bloom asked through the link, but Extimum

didn't answer.

Extimum was again lost in sensation. The sensation of biting her… her

taste… her aroma… her warmth.immersing himself in the sensation, the

flow of his blood, feeling his heartbeat, his breathing, then there was the

ecstasy, the arousal, the addiction for more, even a trace of madness may

have flickered at some point, but there was so much more to it than to

notice, the sensation of feeling again united by an invisible bond when

tasting his blood, perceiving it closer, feeling not only her body next to

him, but her soul, her presence, the physical seemed to transcend and

only remain both.

However, he had not allowed himself to fall prey to such euphoria, to

such ... addictive pleasure, this was a punishment for her, not a reward,

so after being satisfied, he separated from her, not before doing what It

felt like a habit, running his tongue through the holes he had left in her

skin and seeing them close almost immediately.

Extimum: 'it's really a unique flavor'. Extimum truly regretted that it was

only the second time that he had been able to drink his blood.

Hermione sat limp on her seat, her eyes glazed over. Extimum just looked

at her a little and then went back to his book, ignoring the surprised,

question-filled look Bloom was still giving him.

The tranquility continued for about 10 minutes, until Hermione came out

of her stupor, however, the aftermath of the bite still had her in a

somewhat dreamy state and relaxed to an abnormal degree. She seemed

to have engaged in contemplation, it could not be known if about the

facts or the experience, however, since Extimum's bite was with different

intentions than the previous one, taking her annoyance and

dissatisfaction towards her, the effects on she was too strong, so shortly

after she fell asleep without knowing it.

Bloom: "Weren't you a little ... tough on her?"

Hearing her words, Extimum raised his gaze a little from his book.

Extimum: "then, will you take his place?"

Bloom immediately flew to hide in her hair, altering her size in the

process. She had been able to perceive the sensory discharge that was

produced through the link, just perceiving it had already made her

shudder, she did not know if from fear or curiosity, but she was not sure

if she could be the recipient of such sensations.

The train left the station some time later, the journey was uneventful, no

one came to look for it, Extimum had his suspicions that it probably had

to do with what Hermione mentioned earlier and it was likely that

everyone had already located in a compartment, for On the other hand,

Extimum could guess because he didn't see Harry and Ron.

that Dobby was all a lunatic, who trying to do good, ends up doing bad.

Although Extimum did not plan to interfere, not after what happened in

the first year, unless it was completely necessary, but he did make a small

detail, thinking of Mr. Weasley treating him well, he gave an amulet to

Harry yesterday, that had the disillusionment spell, it would last about

20 minutes and it would be activated under two conditions: that the time

had passed to enter the 9¾ stations and that it detected that its possessor

got into a car, despite the fact that there are quite a few gaps in that

Logical, but it was good enough that he could detect the car and function

with his limited knowledge. In this way, when they use the flying car, it

will hide them for the time it takes them to realize that they must be

invisible, of course it would not protect them the whole trip, it is likely

that they would see them later when they reach the train, but it would

prevent them from the non-magicians would see them and it would save

Arthur from trouble.

At some point in his quiet journey and reading, he heard the loud sound

of a car engine.

** Burrun-burrun **

Looking out the window was a car, it was a small blue 105E Ford Anglia,

which flew past the windows of the train making turns.


Extimum: "is he a very bad driver ... or does the vehicle just fly badly?"

Bloom: "maybe it's both".

Extimum: "you're right".

After that episode, nothing out of the ordinary happened again and they

finally arrived at Hogwarts around 6pm.

Hermione had woken up near the end of the trip, but remained silent and

only read her books next to him. She didn't seem upset, rather, she

seemed speechless or confused in the face of the facts.

After getting off the train, they rode in the carriages drawn by thestrals

towards the castle and finally sat in the great dining room to greet the

new first years.


Dumbledore: "Good evening everyone, I welcome the returning students

and newcomers entering Hogwarts today for the first time, then Professor

McGonagall will lead the classification for your houses".

After Dumbledore gave his opening remarks, Professor McGonagall

continued with the classification.

McGonagall: "Ginny, Weasley."

Sorting Hat: "Gryffindor !!!".


McGonagall: "Luna, Lovegood."

Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw !!!".


As in their freshman year, after the grading ceremony was over, dinner

was served.

Steve: "friend, you disappeared on the train, I was looking for you to tell

you the new gossip".

Mitchell: "Right, besides, you left us very abandoned on this vacation,

you only sent me a letter in 3 months."

Trudor: "Bah, what are you? A girl? Why do you need so many letters?"

Mitchell: "Hmp, all of you who went on a trip somewhere, but I spent my

vacations at home and was very bored."

Extimum: "I was a bit busy, but don't worry, I'll give you something in

return later."

Steve: "oh, what do you have there? A fairy?"

Mitchell: "What, where?"

Steve: "on Extimum's shoulder". Steve said while pointing at Bloom.

Trudor: "Wow, he really is a fairy, incredible."

Mitchell: "I think I had seen some at Hogwarts, but they are quite


Steve: "Heh, you just have to flatter them a bit and they will come, they

can't help it. ahem, look. Beautiful fairy, come and shine for us, so we

can admire your beauty ".

Bloom: 'is he sick in the head?' Bloom just gave him a fixed look as her

eyebrows furrowed a little.

Extimum: 'mm, nope, that might actually work with other fairies.'

Mitchell: "wow, Steve, you are so charming, where do you learn those

phrases? Look how convinced she is." Mitchell said sarcastically seeing

that the fairy was ignoring Steve.

Extimum: "her name is Bloom".

Steve: "Ahem, I was not using all my charm before, now if you see how

she comes to me. Oh, Bloom, beautiful resplendent fairy, come and

ingratiate oneself us with your beauty and glory ".

Bloom: 'should I go because I feel embarrassment for he?'.

Extimum: 'if you want'.

Steve was starting to blush when he saw that Bloom did not go where he

was and since he had become very passionate in his speech, some of the

second year had listened to him and paid attention to him, so if Bloom

did not go, he would become a great joke for everyone.

When Mitchell was about to tease him, Bloom flew close to Steve and

glowed with a soft iridescent light, circled around Steve and returned to

where he was before with Extimum.

Steve: "Hmp, you see Mitchell, she couldn't resist my charm."

Trudor: "yes, of course, I think he must have felt sorry for you or

Extimum should have told him to go to take pity on your face."

Steve: "Heh, you'll see in the future how my charm will attract all the


Extimum: "well, enchant them all, just don't try again with Bloom, I don't

think she'll take pity on you again."

Mitchell: "Hahaha."

The dinner passed quietly, Bloom attracted the attention of some of her

acquaintances, especially the girls, such as Padma who came over at

dinner to greet and appreciate Bloom. Around the middle of dinner there

was a scandal with the arrival of Harry and Ron at school, many had seen

them fly in the car when they were on the train and although there was

not so much commotion because they were not seen flying by the non-

magicians about London, but the students on the train and some wizards

had seen them on the way, not counting the fact of the sensitivity of the

subject of minors wearing enchanted Muggle items, which still affected

public opinion a bit about Arthur Weasley who had a position in the

Department Against the Misuse of Muggle Objects, fortunately, since they

were not seen by non-magicians, the matter was not considered as too

serious and would probably be more easily forgotten, although Harry and

Ron they were still punished.

The Gryffindors were especially excited about the feat of flying to school.

The uproar managed to bring Hermione out of her calm state, only to be

replaced by anger and annoyance at the rumors that basically said Harry

and Ron had been in a flying car accident. Not only was that wrong by

the rules, it was also very dangerous.

Because they were grounded and would have a detention, they did not

attend the rest of the banquet and Extimum did not visit them that night



Extimum got up early the next day, since he always kept the same

routine, even if he varied a bit in his period at home, it was not difficult

for his to get up early again.

Extimum got up from his bed around 5am, dressed in comfortable clothes

and went to do his physical and sword training for an hour, then used the

remaining half hour to go back to his bedroom and take a shower,

followed by putting on the Ravenclaw uniform, the blue made a good

match with the purple of his hair.

After that, he went to wake up Bloom, who had not accompanied him to

training because she was tired of attending to the effusiveness of the girls

from Ravenclaw and even some from other houses.

Extimum: "come on, you've already slept enough."

Bloom: "ah, in a while ...".

Extimum: "well, I suppose today you will have to look for your food in

the forest".

Bloom: "ah, what? No, wait". Bloom flew off the bed immediately and

flew out almost colliding with Extimum's face while still remaining

dozed. It was good that Extimum's reflexes were good and he could grab

her a little earlier, although he could have dodged her, but she probably

would have hit the wall.

Extimum waved his wand casting the quick bath spell at her and then

placed her on his shoulder.

Bloom: "kyaa, I don't like how that spell feels, it's shocking." Bloom

squealed and sat upright on his shoulder.

Extimum: "then, you should have fixed yourself before."


Extimum went to the great dining room to have breakfast. On the way he

met Trudor who also used to get up early, Steve and Mitchell on the

other hand, they liked to sleep more and they arrived about half an hour


like yesterday he had punished Hermione to fainting, he did not

immediately go to her table, also, he had not spent time with his

Ravenclaw friends, because he had not seen them in Diagon Alley.

Since it was early, only the few older students and a few sophomores

were at the table, the freshmen would probably still have trouble waking

up early and finding their way.

Extimum sat next to Trudor and they began to select what they would

eat, Bloom also seemed happy bringing things to his plate, which she

would take for herself later, of course.

As a fairy, the food base was mainly vegetables and fruits, however,

Bloom did not seem to have a problem with consuming meat, on the

other hand, she was quite fond of cheese, notable for the small mountain

of cheese on Extimum's plate.

Extimum took out his magical anatomy book, he almost finished it, so he

read it while eating calmly, although he was actually using one of his

tails to feed himself. It was an interesting exercise to divide his

concentration, it did not generate any mental burden to control his 9

tails, but it was an interesting feeling, like having a sub-brain that could

direct each one, so he had no problems like bumping the spoon against

his face. From an outside perspective it seemed as if he had enchanted

the spoon to feed him, but Extimum didn't like that method because the

spoons weren't very patient if you didn't eat at their own pace.

Trudor: "You really are eccentric right? Reading while being fed." Trudor

couldn't help but comment upon seeing him like this, although the scene

looked quite natural in Extimum. You could see him there reading his

book with an impassive gaze in a concentrated way and a floating spoon

would occasionally come with a part of his food and give it to him in his

mouth; he would eat it gracefully without distracting her attention from

the contents, even his glass of pumpkin juice would occasionally come


Extimum: "well, you're a magician aren't you? You can use your

imagination to put magic into practical things and I consider being fed by

myself while enjoying my reading is a good use." Extimum replied

without moving his gaze from his book.

At some point, he felt someone sit next to him, but he didn't pay much

attention, until he spoke.

Padma: "Oh, are you interested in healing magic, Extimum?"

Extimum paused his reading for a moment to look at Padma who was

next to him.

Extimum: "how perceptive, in fact, I want to learn a little from her, it

would be useful if something happened and there was no medi-magician

nearby, at least being able to guarantee life would be fine."

Padma: "You are right, I have also read some books on the subject, but

what fascinates me the most is how magic can affect a magician's body,

so many possibilities: potions that can strengthen you, magic rituals that

can grant abilities, magic stones that can lengthen life, human

transfiguration or transformation, it might even be possible to improve

the magical lineage ... Ahem, sorry if I talk too much, it excites me a little

". Although Padma was a brilliant witch, her character used to be more

shy and low-key compared to her sister Parvati who was in Gryffindor.

Extimum: "Okay, actually, except for that occasion" - Padma blushed a

little understanding what occasion he was talking about - "it's the first

time I've seen you talk so much. The topics you mention are certainly

interesting, if we talk about longevity, although we live longer than non-

wizards but there are still limits and perhaps only Nicolás Flamel with

the philosopher's stone would be the only magician who discovered a

method for immortality and is not yet a perfect method. If we look at the

physical capabilities, although we have many methods to break the

physical limits, but it is not a very studied field in magical Britain and

although we have a superiority in our genes, but we are not that different

from the non-magical physically ". 'well, at least ordinary wizards, great

ancient families might not necessarily agree.'

Padma: "Yes, that's why I like to read about those topics ...".

In the end, the conversation became quite interesting, so Extimum put

down his book and began to chat with Padma while tasting her dessert.

As they spoke, the great hall filled with more people. Steve and Mitchell

had also arrived at some point and were surprised to see Padma so

enthusiastic in their talk, so even they also joined in to talk about things

they knew.

Steve had commented on some stories he had heard about the benefits of

getting the Animagus transformation and Mitchell commented on a

strange rumor he heard that there were hidden inhuman wizards with

insane physical abilities. That last one made Extimum's eyebrow twitch a

bit, thinking that he could fit into that category.

Their lively conversation was interrupted when a loud female voice was

heard from the Gryffindor table.

"Ronald Weasley! How did you dare steal the car? I'm really mad! Just

wait for me to see you. Harry and you could have killed each other. You

were lucky the car was not seen by Muggles or your father could have

faced severe charges and yet has yet to solve the problems you caused. If

you disobey again, I'll take you home! Ginny, honey, congratulations on

getting into Gryffindor. Your father and I are very proud ".

** pruurr **

Steve: "Merlin, that yeller almost gave me a heart attack."

Extimum: "It was certainly very annoying." Extimum had also been

caught off guard, when his senses caught the loud scream of the howler,

the sound was even louder for him, besides he was not that far away.

Trudor: "Yeah, howlers are the worst, plus a bit dangerous if you don't

open them."

While most of the students argued about the howler Ron received, the

principals from each house passed by the tables handing out schedules to

the students for each year.

Flitwick: "Okay kids, here are your schedules, please spread them out

among you and be careful not to lose them."

Extimum received a packet and distributed the rest to the other


Giving a quick look at his schedule, he would have Potions with Snape as

the first class of the day, followed by herbology, all along with Slytherin.

After finishing breakfast, he headed to class with his friends.


Snape: "Prepare your cauldrons and your ingredients, today we will make

the flame protection potion, it is on page 14 of your basic potion books."

Extimum was in potions class, he was sharing a table with Padma. Snape

on the other hand, has just entered the classroom kicking off class.

It was something new that he was sitting next to Padma, usually Steve

and Mitchell fought to sit next to him, because they had a lot of difficulty

in classes with Snape. Padma had simply beaten them because he was

still talking to Extimum on the way here and when they realized they had

already sat down, to make things worse for them, Trudor, who was the

second best in potions of the four, got someone else, leaving them no

other options but to sit together.

Extimum took out the ingredients to prepare the potion, since he had

already read the book, he did not have to look to know what he needed.

If he had been able to make this potion that day to go for the

Philosopher's Stone, the results could have been much better, but it had

not occurred to him at the time because his mind was full of the ancient

runes that he had been studying for the last few months. In addition, he

did not have the time or the ingredients to make it on that occasion.


Extimum reached into his bag and took out two cloth bags and a flask.

Inside one of the bags was a large mushroom about 10cm long. Its stem

was white and its head was red with white dots. It was an explosive


In the second bag, there were some cubes similar to those of yellow

sugar, it was warty powder, it was better not to touch it directly or it

could cause crusts to form on the skin.

The vial on the other hand, contained magic salamander blood.

These three were the three main ingredients to prepare the potion.

Snape: "Well, I hope they made sure their cauldrons were clean of any

other substances." Snape spoke in his usual slow and slightly dramatic


Snape: "Now, light your cauldrons and add a liter of water."

Extimum unconsciously waved his hand and lit the fire for his cauldron,

then he began to cut the explosive mushroom carefully and expertly, he

does not need Snape to tell him how to do it, this potion was actually

quite simple, however, he did it silently he didn't want to have Snape on

him scolding him for not listening.

It was something he used to do in his classes because he already knew

the subject and with a little bit of illusion magic here and there, he never

had a problem.

His relationship with Snape was not exactly good, but it could not be said

that bad, but it was likely that at least for this period it would get worse,

since he shared classes with Slytherin and Snape would probably try to

take points from Ravenclaw and give Slytherin for the least chance.

However, to his bad luck it seemed that his thoughts would be fulfilled,

because Padma who was next to him, had followed in his footsteps, it

would not have been a problem in a normal case, but she was not so

discreet, nor was she covered by the light layer of illusion, so she was

noticed by Snape, who in turn was able to notice Extimum.

Because Extimum had a certain reputation in his academic area, with all

his perfect grades in the first year, it was not strange that someone took

him as an example and much more when Padma saw him light the fire

just by waving his hand.

Snape: "Now, slice the exploding mushrooms with a knife and- oh, Miss

Patil and Mr. Shadowless ... I didn't know you were so far ahead of the

class, if you're not willing to follow directions, you could do an essay on

the next one. subject of the class 'Wiggentree bark', describing its uses

and where we can find it ".

Padma almost jumped when Snape suddenly called her name, Extimum

for another frowned a little, but then returned to his normality.

Extimum: "I apologize Professor Snape, I have acted a bit impatient in my

actions, it's just that your presence is really motivating for me and I

couldn't help but want to go a little further, however, I still wish to

continue in class if possible, for On the other hand, my partner Padma

has only been a victim of my actions, because the howler that Weasley

received has left her a little deaf in hearing, she has only been able to

follow my actions ".

Snape: "Is that so ... well, I hope it doesn't happen again, minus 5 points

for Ravenclaw and Miss Patil, go to the infirmary after class is over."

Snape's face seemed to improve a little at Extimum's admission and let it

pass, not taking away too many points or being too exaggerated, it

seemed that having been the least annoying and perfectly fulfilling in all

his classes last year had served to earn him some consideration , although

it was probable that such a development would not be repeated.

Snape: "Okay, let's go on, add the chopped mushrooms to the cauldron

and stir clockwise until the potion turns blue."

Padma: "sorry". Padma muttered as she followed Snape's instructions.

Extimum: "okay, it was really me who came forward."

Extimum had already acquired a certain ability to deal with problematic

situations, although his words might sound a bit flattering, it did not

mean much to him, it was only political, on the other hand, the results

showed that his previous words and actions had been worth it.

The class continued and no further incidents occurred.


Leaving the potions class, they headed towards the castle greenhouses,

the potions class had been extensive so they only had 10 minutes of rest

and to get to the other class.

Steve: "Hey, Extimum, what happened there, I've never seen Snape

discover you or tell you anything."

Extimum: "I was just a little careless." Extimum didn't want to make

Padma feel bad for such an innocent mistake, so he didn't expose her to

her friends.

Mitchell: "that's weird, I've seen you do a lot of things before and they

didn't see you, but I guess you're not always lucky."

Steve: "On the other hand, I heard that today we are going to greenhouse


Trudor: "so soon? I thought we would continue to see the plants in

greenhouse 1 and 2".

Mitchell: "We have already seen all the important ones there, so it is

likely that we will start to see some more dangerous ones and that is why

we will go to greenhouse 3".

Padma: "mmm, if we go to greenhouse 3 we might see mandrakes".


The greenhouses are located behind the castle, they are generally divided

by greenhouses according to the plants that are seen each year, however,

they are also divided like this based on levels of danger.

The greenhouse was a long house made of glass and iron, with various

enchantments to ensure an ideal environment for each plant and that the

most mischievous plants did not escape.


Herbology class was taught by Professor Pomona Sprout. She was a short

woman with short, gray, wavy hair; He usually wore a worn witch hat

with some patches, he wore a beich-colored work tunic and his clothes as

well as his nails were noticeable a bit dirty from his constant handling of

the plants and the earth, on the other hand, he always kept a smile on his


Sprout: "Good morning everyone."

All: "good morning".

The students were arranged around several tables that were centered in

the greenhouse, on them were placed multiple pots with plants, Professor

Sprout, on the other hand, was at the head of all the tables and in front

of all the students who were they distributed between the two sides of

the tables. They all wore a work tunic because they would get dirty and

some dragon skin gloves to avoid getting dirty and protect their fingers

from some plants.

Sprout: "Today we are going to dedicate ourselves to replanting

mandrakes. Let's see, who can tell me what properties the mandrake has?


The mandrakes were arranged in the pots in a row in front of the

students, nothing more than their green stem and purple leaves

protruding from each of them.

Trudor raised his hand.

Sprout: "Okay, tell me Mr. Playing card."

Trudor: "the mandrake is an essential ingredient in the manufacture of

most antidotes, mainly for those who have suffered from spells or

transformations, but it is also very dangerous when it is mature, because

its cry can be deadly".

Sprout: "excellent answer, 10 points for Ravenclaw. Now the mandrakes

we have here are still young so they don't pose a fatal threat, but you can

still be stunned for hours, so make sure to put your ear muffs on if you

don't want to miss your first day of school, now put your ear muffs on,


The ear muffs were arranged in a piling pot, so all the Ravenclaw and

Slytherin students huddled to catch one each, however, at some point,

the last remaining, including Extimum, were they gave a certain glance

when they noticed that in the remaining earmuffs, one had a rather

childish and pink design.

Steve: "Mitchell will leave you the stuffed animal, I think it suits you


Mitchell: "hmp, I'd say they match your hair, you should take it."

(remember Steve has ruby ​​red hair)

While they argued, Crabbe and Goyle who had remained among the

Slytherins and had not yet taken their earmuffs, came forward in a rare

display of intelligence and cunning by taking two common earmuffs,

leaving only three ears, two normal and the stuffed one.

Extimum: "they are just earmuffs, it doesn't matter." Seeing that Steve

and Mitchell were going to fight again, Extimum takes the pink earmuffs.

Before putting them on, I change their color to purple, but I do not alter

the plush design. They didn't really look that bad, it was just them who

were overthinking.

Steve: "you are a real man, Extimum". Steve patted Extimum as he put on

his own ear muffs.

Mitchell: "yes, yes, a great friend too."

Some too childish among the group of students still wanted to tease

about the design of the earmuffs, but one glance from Draco or Extimum

and they fell silent.

Bloom: 'hmp, What's wrong with it, the plush-patterned earmuffs are


The ear muffs did not completely soundproof, rather they reduced it to a

certain extent, making it possible for you to only hear if someone was


Extimum on the other hand, it did not seem to affect him too much,

because technically he had 2 pairs of ears, although his fox ears are kept

tucked away and it is his human ears that he mainly uses, but his fox ears

still provide him with some perception of sound. far away, not to

mention that although they are saved, his sense of hearing has always

been just as strong with or without fox ears and it was mainly that when

he obtained them, the sense became more acute, although in his first year

he had already learned to regulate from naturally or with magic his

higher senses, but if he did not regulate it he could become a weakness.

Interestingly, such a problem did not occur when he transformed into his

fox form, the reasoning behind it, Extimum did not know yet, he assumed

that perhaps it was part of his constant evolution process.

Professor Sprout had her methods of communicating her voice without

straining her voice too much to each student, even when wearing her


After making sure everyone was well covered, she rolled up her sleeves

and with the gloves on, grabbed and pulled up the plant in front of her.

Sprout: "then, they take their mandrake firmly and abruptly remove it

from its pot."

** Chiii, chiiii **

A loud and annoying screech was immediately heard when she removed

the plant, although it did not affect anyone and was only mainly an

annoying sound thanks to his earmuffs.

Extimum only narrowed his eyebrows, but nothing else. Bloom on the

other hand, had been quite resourceful, she had taken a bit of some

plants from the greenhouse and created a miniature earmuffs for her, in

addition to applying some quick enchantments to them to work just like

the ones everyone used.

It was important to know that simply removing the sense of hearing

would not help, because the attack generated by the mandrake squeal

would still affect the ear even if you could not hear it, although you

could inhibit the stun effects, but your eardrums could explode or end up

severely damaged. if you didn't die of course.

The plant they had been talking about finally emerged before everyone's

eyes. The plant was similar to a newborn child, small, muddy and

extremely ugly. The leaves came straight out of his head. Her skin was

light green with spots, and you could see she was crying with all her



Sprout: "See? Now they put it in another pot and put soil on it to cover it

and that's it." Sprout explained while manipulating his own mandrake.

Sprout: "well, as everyone understood, take the mandrake that is in front

of you and take it out."

They all positioned themselves in front of their pots and grabbed their

mandrakes from their leaves and then pulled them up.

** Chiii, chiiii **

The sound this time was much worse, when about 20 mandrakes were

taken out at once.

Extimum also held his mandrake in front of him, as he watched her. her

high-pitched crying was a bit irritating and she wasn't surprised that they

could actually stun or kill someone.

Bloom: 'Oh let me, I know how to deal with these crying kids.' As she

spoke, Bloom spread what appeared to be fairy dust and Extimum's

mandrake immediately stopped screeching, easing her irritation.

Bloom's act earned the stares of nearby students and a bright stare from

Professor Sprout.

Sprout: "a clever use for fairy magic, 5 points for Ravenclaw." Sprout

naturally thought it was Extimum's idea, however, the surprises didn't

end there, when all the other mandrakes stopped crying.

Extimum was already preparing to plant his mandrake when the

previously noisy greenhouse was silenced, however, unlike Extimum's

mandrake that had been soothed by Bloom's magic, the others seemed to

tremble in fear and not dare to scream.

Extimum: 'did you do that?'

Bloom: 'No… I just calmed yours down, rather… I think it was you.'

Extimum: 'Me?'

Extimum was not the only one confused and surprised by the facts, the

others too, however, Professor Sprout did not think it was Extimum, as

an expert in magical plants she could clearly see that it was not fairy

magic, There was no comparison to the apparently scared state of all the

mandrakes and the peaceful mandrake that Extimum was holding,

furthermore, she didn't see him do magic either and you could see the

look of surprise in his eyes.

Sprout: "okay, go ahead and plant your mandrakes."

Although everyone was puzzled, they finished the exercise and after

Professor Sprout explained some other things about the mandrake, the

class ended.

They all returned their earmuffs and entered another area where they

were able to remove their work robes and gloves and then send them to

the laundry.


At the end of the morning classes, everyone still had a little free time

before lunch, but they still headed to the large dining room to complete

the homework that the potions teacher had left while they were waiting

for lunch.

In the end, Snape still had everyone do homework rehearsal, being a task

that he planned to put everyone to do the same.

Extimum remained at the Ravenclaw table as he did his homework along

with the others.

Steve: "That was weird, what happened with the mandrakes."

Padma: "Yes, they looked scared."

Mitchell: "On the other hand, Extimum, Bloom was great, put that

screaming mandrake to sleep with a little bit of fairy dust."

Steve: "Right, they could be very useful if you want to dedicate yourself

to being an herbalist or if you just want to take care of your plants to

make potions."

Extimum just nodded to their comments, he was still thinking a bit about

what happened and what Bloom said.

Extimum: "well, I'm done." Finishing his words, he closed his book and

put his scrolls in his bag and then got up from his seat.

Steve: "What? Hey, wait, where are you going? I still haven't copied your


Extimum: "I never said I would let you copy it."

Extimum went to the Gryffindor table and sat next to Hermione.

Extimum: "I see that you are becoming famous Harry".

Harry: "Ugh, I don't want to talk about it."

One of the freshmen named Colin Creevey had come to ask for photos,

being a huge fan of the Harry Potter and Draco story books of course he

didn't miss the opportunity to cause more trouble.

Extimum had only listened a little while finishing his homework, but he

still knew, on the other hand, Draco did not show that much hatred for

Harry currently, however, it was more like a rivalry combined with a

slight enmity, influences from his father and his own. pride which still

made him so determined to annoy Harry and Ron and perhaps Hermione,

when Extimum was not there.

Extimum: "oh well, I've been a bit busy in the morning, because they

don't tell me about their great adventure in the flying car now."

Ron: "oh, now I remember, thanks Extimum, if you hadn't given that

amulet to Harry, I think my father would have gotten into much more

serious trouble."

Extimum: "your family is nice, besides, you are my friend, so, of course, I

would give you a hand".

Ron: "If you smiled more while saying it, I could have been really moved

by your words, but still thank you, I really appreciate it."

Hermione: "wait, but how did you know they would need the amulet?"

Extimum: "You think too much, Hermione, the amulet had a

disillusioning charm that would only work once, he had given it to Harry

to take with him. The amulet would detect if magic was done in the

presence of non-wizards and hide them, given Harry's problems and what

happened with the house elf, I gave it to him in case he had a similar

situation ". Extimum had already thought of an excuse in case they asked,

although there could be flaws in it, like that the magic of the car is not

actually detected by the ministry, but he did not think they would

discover it even if it was like that, also, his reasons were true Harry had

received a message from the ministry as a warning about the magic that

Dobby manipulated into thinking it was Harry.

They chatted for a while longer and then went together to the after-lunch

class, which was Defense Against the Dark Arts, which would be given to

all four houses at the same time for the sophomores.


The Defense Against the Dark Arts room was located in Room 3C on the

third floor. The hall was large enough to hold all the second-year

students from the four houses, with an iron chandelier hanging from the

ceiling, as well as the skeleton of a dragon. At one end of the classroom

was a magically activated projector. Various desks and tables can be

found in the classroom, as well as some large window sets. Behind the

professor's desk, there was a staircase that led to the current professor's

personal office.


Entering the living room, Extimum took a seat next to Hermione in the

front seats, with Harry and Ron at the table to his right, Trudor and

Padma to his left, and Steve and Mitchell sitting behind him.

Once everyone was seated, the office door opened, from there, Lockhart

walked gallantly out.

Lockhart: "Let me introduce your new Defense Against the Dark Arts

teacher. I, Gilderoy Lockhart, Knight of the Order of Merlin, 3rd Class,

Honorary Member of the League for Defense Against the Dark Forces, and

a five-time winner of the Most Enchanting Smile Award from 'Witch's

Heart magazine ', but I do not want to talk about that. It was not with my

smile that I got rid of the banshee that heralded death !, haha ​​ha ".

Lokhart laughed at what he considered a joke.

Extimum kept his face indifferent listening to so much presumption and

like everyone else, he found no reason to laugh, causing Lockhart to be

greeted with silence throughout the room, making him feel


Lockhart: "I see you bought all my books, fine. I think we will start today

with an exam. " - All except Extimum pouted when they heard his words

- "You don't have to worry, it's to verify how much you have learned from

my books."

As Lockhart approached and began to hand out the exam sheets,

Hermione showed much of her fanaticism and apparent infatuation on

her face, however, she felt a sudden tingling in the place where she had

been bitten yesterday and she came out of that state quickly recovering,

she gave Extimum a quick glance, but he just had his usual serene face,

giving her no clue about the sensation she felt.

Ron: "what is this? Aren't they just questions about your life?" Ron

complained as he looked at the questions.

Lockhart: "You have thirty minutes. You can start ... now! ".

Taking the paper in his hands, Extimum gave him a quick glance, there

was no palpable emotion on Extimum's face as he looked at the ridiculous


Extimum: ' well. well. well.'.

1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?

R /. pink, of course.

2. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition?

R /. To die of pleasure at the hands of the incubi.

3. What is, in your opinion, Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to


R /. preserve his pathetic life after performing such great feats

4. What day is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday, and what would be his ideal


R /. 26 of January. His ideal gift would be to free himself from his dark



There were about 40 questions. Extimum answered the questions very

calmly, some, he answered them correctly, because, in fact, he had taken

the trouble to read those books, others, he simply answered them with

what he wanted, also, it was only a test to check "basic knowledge".

After the 30 minutes were up, Lockhart collected all the sheets and spent

some time going through them.

Lockhart: "Wow, wow. Very few of you remember that my favorite color

is lilac. I say it in 'A Year with the Yeti'. And some of you have to re-read

'Walks with the werewolves' in greater detail. In chapter twelve I clearly

state that my ideal birthday gift would be harmony between the magical

and non-magical communities. Although I wouldn't be grossed out by a

magnum bottle of aged Ogden whiskey either! "

Most of the men pouted at his blatant words.

Lockhart: "on the other hand, I must say that I am a bit disappointed with

Miss Granger, who did not answer any of the questions, I hope you get

used to reading a little more and… Mr. Shadowless, who… great

imagination, it shows that He has read my books, but has mixed up

certain inconsistencies. Luckily, Mr. Naipe does know my secret

ambition, which is to rid the world of evil and to market my own range

of hair care products. 10 points for Ravenclaw ".

Lockhart's words surprised more than one, if not all, both Hermione and

Extimum were considered the two most diligent students of their

respective houses, Extimum even had fame in the four houses, but one of

them did not answer anything and the other he was wrong, which was

quite surprising.

Lockhart: "Now, watch out! It is my mission to equip you with defenses

against the most horrendous creatures of the magical world. It may be

that in this same classroom you have to face the things that are most

terrible. But know that nothing bad will happen to you while I'm here.

All I ask is that you stay calm. " Lockhart said as he approached an object

covered by a cloth.

Lockhart's narration had managed to put a certain atmosphere that

silenced the murmurs among the students and caused caution and

nervousness among the most cowardly.

Lockhart: "I have to ask you not to yell ... They could get mad." Lockhart

said theatrically as he lifted the holster as if he was showing something

truly amazing.

** ah hi oh **

Lockhart: "They are freshly caught Cornish pixies."

The pixies were electric blue and about eight inches tall, with sharp faces

and voices so shrill and shrill it was like hearing a bunch of parakeets

arguing. They seemed quite agitated, arguing with each other and

banging on the cage.


** LOL**

Many scoffed at the content, as the creatures within did not cause any

fear, releasing the pressure they had built up from Lockhart's narration.

Lockhart: "oh, how funny they are eh, they will see that they can be

devilishly deceptive beings!". He yelled the last part as he opened the

cage door letting the pixies out.

The pixies shot out like rockets in all directions. Two grabbed Neville by

the ears and lifted him into the air, leaving him dangling from the

chandelier. Some flew through the windows, filling those in the back row

with broken glass. The rest were dedicated to destroying the class,

destroying books and scrolls, posters and spilling inkwells, everything

they found in their way was used to create chaos, they did not hurt

anyone directly but their chaos and destruction brought a certain level of

real threat, besides being very annoying.

The chaos was so great that most of the students had taken refuge under

their tables to avoid his not entirely harmless antics.

Extimum remained in his calm seat watching all the chaos, next to

Hermione and Bloom.

Bloom: 'what annoying creatures'. Bloom crossed her arms as she

watched the crazy creatures.

Hermione was a bit anxious when she saw the creatures being suddenly

released and since they were in the top ranks, many of them charged to

try to disturb them, only to collide head-on with an invisible barrier that

Extimum had quietly raised with his wand when he saw Lockhart

approaching the cage.

Lockhart: "come on, come on, what are you waiting for? Catch them,

they're just pixies." Seeing that no one seemed to be able to do anything,

he rolled up his sleeves and waved his wand.

Lockhart: "Peskipiski Pestenomi!" However, either his spell didn't work or

it was due to the fact that a pixie had snatched his wand from him almost

immediately after he finished saying the spell and threw his wand out the

window, but nothing happened.





Does anyone know a good image for Extimum friends? If you know it

please share it on Discord. Speaking of Discord, I opened a section in

case anyone is interested in creating one of the 9 ancient families in

history, currently they are not so relevant, but they will have their

moment later.

Now for fans of Luna, calm down your horses or hippogriffs xd,

Extimum if he met her in the first year, but it would not be

immediately, it would be unnatural considering that they are not in

the same year and if they have seen well, although the MC is

somewhat flirtatious but, "yet" he does not proactively seek women, so

meeting will be something eventual, on the other hand, as some had

mentioned the Patil twins and I am seriously considering it (although

it is likely that only one of them) , I'm giving Padma some


Chapter 34: •And how exactly will

you cast a spell on me?

The classroom was plunged into chaos, but luckily for most of the

students, the bell that signaled the end of the class rang, so they quickly

fled the room, leaving only a few who were the main target of the pixies

or like Neville who had been left hanging from the chandelier

Seeing that the situation was completely out of his control and the class

was over, Lockhart tried to hide and when he saw the opportunity he ran

to his office.

Extimum: "Silence!" Extimum's voice was not loud, but it echoed

throughout the room and had the immediate effect of stopping all the

chaos, causing a sudden silence to descend.

The few students still hiding under the tables cautiously poked their

heads out to look and seeing that all the pixies had frozen, they slowly

got out.

Lockhart also stopped in his escape, seeing how the pixies had stopped in

midair. They didn't seem under the effect of any spells, but they seemed

stunned beyond their minds.

Lockhart: "Excellent, Mr. Shadowless, I must say I could have done better,

but hey, there was a little mishap, on the other hand, you haven't done

badly at all, 10 points for Ravenclaw, now for the rest of the class. You

can back off, and don't forget to help Mr. Longbottom down from there. "

No longer lingering with his words, Lockhart ran into his office.

Among the remaining students, only Steve, Harry, Ron, Hermione and

Extimum remained, the rest had been able to escape.

Harry and Ron had tried to fight them, Steve had not been able to escape

in time and Extimum and Hermione had simply watched, although

Hermione had been about to act, but Extimum had been one step ahead

of her.

Ron: "can you believe it?"

Hermione: "maybe he wanted us to get practical experience?"

Harry: "Hermione, he had no idea what he was doing."

Bloom (###): "come on, all of you, get in the cage." Bloom assumed a

straight pose like that of a general and began to order the pixies to enter

the cage in the ancient language, which was not understood or heard

clearly by the others present, taking it as the usual buzzing that she


The pixies obeyed by entering the cage, although they still behaved

chaotically as they did so, but they did so without deviation until finally

closing the door to the enchanted cage themselves, only giving Extimum

a few glances once inside.

What Extimum had done was not really a great trick, it was a simple

lineage suppression, any of the 9 great and ancient families could do it or

even some very strong creatures towards beings of lower lineage and

power, so, transmitting a little of magic in his voice and the essence of

his lineage, the pixies had gone rigid, the effect would make them very

cautious and would stun their minds making them submissive. This effect

is different from what happened with the mandrakes, which were clearly


Steve: "good, good, it's good that everything is over, ah, I think I lost a lot

of sugar after such an event, by the way, you were fantastic, Extimum."

Ron: "yes, it was like you were an emperor ordering them to stop."

Extimum: "I just infused my voice with magic, applying a stun effect that

calmed them down, well, let's get out of here."

Neville: "hey, don't forget about me."

Steve: "oh right. don't worry, I'll show you my magic ". Steve rolled up

the sleeves of his robe and pulled his wand out of his pocket, acting like

an expert.

Steve: "Wingardium leviosa". Steve pointed his wand at Neville's robe

from which he hung and in the same way lifted his body and then

released him close to the ground.

Neville: "thank you, * sigh *, I don't know why these things always

happen to me."

After helping Neville down they all got out and headed to their respective

common rooms.


--Pov Hermione--.

After getting out of Defense against the dark arts classes, Hermione

headed towards the Gryffindor common room. It was around 3:30 pm

and she had no more classes for the day, so she wanted to rest for a


Upon entering her bedroom, she packed his things in her trunk and then

threw himself on her bed, burying her face in the pillow.

The bedroom was large, equipped with a central stove. Each student has

their own four-poster bed, flanked by a set of windows and spaces to

store personal items, at the foot of each bed there was a trunk for

students to store their belongings. The room also consists of curtains for

the windows and a mat on the floor, likewise, there were some night

stands next to the beds and everything is decorated in the colors of the

Gryffindor house, red and gold.


** Sigh **

Hermione rolled a bit on her cool sheets and pillows, unloading the

fatigue of the day. After feeling satisfied, she turned her body to now

look up at the ceiling of her bed and then lost herself in thought.

The unfolding of events these days had been confusing even for her. First

there was her conflict with Extimum, according to the facts, it was

already evident that his annoyance towards her was due to his

fascination with Lockhart. Lockhart was handsome, incredible, he had

done so many feats in the wizarding world, fighting dangerous magical

creatures; then there was his charming smile and finally, now he would

teach them as a teacher at Hogwarts, occupying an even higher position

in his heart by becoming an exemplary figure.

However, part of her fascination was subverted when Extimum bit her on

the train. When she felt that she was bitten, followed by the incredible

sensory discharge, however, unlike the first time when it had been an

overwhelming yet gentle feeling, this one had been overwhelming and

fierce, she could even perceive the clear indignation and discomfort of

Extimum towards her. So after what might have been the first 3 seconds,

his consciousness was dulled by the overwhelming sensations. By the

time she came to herself some time later, she was still in a daze. She

could only think about what she had felt and before she knew it, she fell

asleep in her contemplation.

She woke up again a few hours later, much more lucid, but in a sedated

state, she had more time to consider her actions and was able to better

understand the situation. Her relationship with Extimum has been good

since they became friends, they spend time together, he accompanies her

to study, he also cares for her on an emotional rather than a physical

level, something that not many can do and often neglect, she appreciates

him very much and knows the feeling is mutual. So when she was bitten

by him, she was not really angry and although she still had her questions

about the bite, she did not think much about it at the time, rather, it was

the fact that he was more distant from her and could feel that that bite

was a punishment for her.

She was thinking about it the rest of the trip and she hardly paid

attention to her book, she only came out of her musings when she heard

the commotion over the arrival of Harry and Ron, replacing her thoughts

with anger and concern towards them for having done such a thing, not

only was it wrong, but they could have died as well. Due to all the

murmurs that narrated how they had apparently collided with a tree, she

spent the rest of the night and even part of the morning thinking about

this issue and she put aside her previous thoughts.

Subsequently, she ran into Extimum at lunchtime and later during

Defense Against the Dark Arts class. She sat next to him at the same

table, however, her attention was focused on her new teacher who would

be giving her first class today; she couldn't help but be fascinated again

when she saw him.

Extimum could not be considered inferior in any way in appearance with

Lockhart, he even had some followers from the higher years, in fact, he

was much more handsome, it was just that Lockhart had something

special about him, whether he used some spell or potion or just a great

skill, but he knew how to use his appearance very well to his advantage.

He was handsome, with a big smile and charisma, something that he did

not forget to show or highlight at every opportunity, in addition, he had

a reputation of being a great wizard having done great feats and had

even become a teacher at Hogwarts, a fact, which made him look even

more exemplary. Considering that he was young, he was the perfect idol

for young and mature witches.

However, when she thought too much about him, her body

subconsciously seemed to remember that bite on the train and startled

feeling as if she had been bitten again, but looking at Extimum, he had

done nothing. That feeling did not disturb her too much and it was more

her mind that went back to thinking about Extimum, because of that, she

could not concentrate on performing the Exam, even she was surprised

by it herself, but reluctantly she had to let him pass and turn in her blank

exam because they were already picking up, she didn't care too much

because it wasn't a real exam, just the fact that it would leave a bad

image as a student to her new teacher.

Just to be slightly offended when Lockhart mentioned that she should

read more books, but since she had turned in the blank exam, she let it

go with a sigh. Later the incident with the pixies happened and then she

came back here, to the present.

She had not yet understood the hints or the real reason why Extimum

behaved like this with her, taking it more to mean that he was like that.

Although she found him very attractive and pleasant, but had considered

so far that his approaches were due to his slightly flirtatious and playful

personality with women, considering it perhaps part of his act that was

taught to him in his family, besides that he seemed having a secret about

hisself, something that she had experienced by herself when being bitten,

although she was no longer making crazy theories on the subject, it could

also be that her approach had to do with that. With all this, he has not

considered in depth the idea of ​​having a relationship or love.

She wasn't really in love with Lockhart, she was mostly just like everyone

else, fascination and attraction for him, maybe even fanaticism. Thinking

about the events of today, she couldn't help but have a spark of suspicion,

however, she still does not believe that Lockhart is a fraud, after all, for

something he must have been able to enter Hogwarts as a teacher, it was

not possible that they simply let in anyone right?

--End Pov--.


The following days were quite normal, they saw some safer plants in

herbology. Professor Flitwick taught them the sanitizing spell and

dancing feet. Professor McGonagall tried to teach them how to turn a

rock into wood, an elemental transfiguration; Professor Snape gave them

more homework, fought boredom in magic history, and improved their

patience with 97% useless classes with Lockhart.

Perhaps the most interesting thing was the astronomy class, it was

interesting to know that wizards seemed to know quite a bit about

different planets and stars in the solar system, even when there was no

record of a wizard ever traveling through space. As Extimum understood,

the information was obtained through magical telescopes that could give

them a great view as if they were in the place, in addition to many

studies of the constellations that the ancient magicians made. They might

know more than the non-magicians from space themselves and yet no

magician had ever stepped on space, of course there were stories of

magicians attempting to fly to the moon or other planets, but since there

were no books or records, it seemed they either found nothing interesting

or died for obvious reasons.

However, Extimum archived that topic to investigate later, he did not

believe that so many centuries and no magician has been able to achieve

it, it would be strange if they were not interested when astronomy is

quite important for certain branches of magic.

Hermione also seemed to have let go of her one-sided fanaticism and

begin to view things with a bit more judgment than her usual self, the

seed of doubt that Lockhart sowed in the first class had been much more

important to her because of Extimum.


Extimum was in the great dining room having breakfast, today he was

reading his first book on healing spells, in the last days he had read and

informed himself with all the pertinent information that an apprentice

half-sorcerer should know, he was planning to visit Madame Pomfrey to

ask her if she could guide him, it would make things easier, although it

would probably not be so easy to convince her, considering that she must

attend to the students of the school and you would be surprised with how

often someone goes there.

Students injured by practices or games of Quidditch, secondary effects of

poor potion preparation or a victim of any, students who were victims of

some minor transfiguration, wounded by spell practices and of course,

sick from common diseases or in rare cases magic, mmm, maybe ... there

was also on occasion that girls of superior years went for potions to

prevent pregnancy, Extimum had already noticed, certain ... encounters

in some places, although it was more likely that they bought it

themselves or others out of shame.

It wasn't that weird, if you think about it, Hogwarts is a boarding school

where you spend a lot of your life and then there are the hormones and

youthful excitement, there was also the fact that wizards and witches,

especially from noble families, had very good genes and they were quite

pleasing to the eye, although that was quite relative. Magic could get

better, but it could also get worse. the effects of some enchantments or

practices have led some to wear rather ugly and neglected appearances.

All that said, Extimum had heard I have even seen some scenes while

looking for places for his magic practices, some at least had the decency

to put soundproofing charms, but others were not so considerate and

Filch along with Mrs. Norris were quite happy to catch them and take

them to detention.

Extimum suspected that Steve used to spy around those places.


Trudor: "Hey Steve, what new gossip you have, we've been here for a few

days now, there's no way that nothing happened outside of the flying car

crashing into the whooping willow tree."

Trudor was a faithful follower of Steve's many gossip and it is that when

you live in a huge castle full of wizards with a lot of youth and

irresponsibility, it is quite common for all kinds of things to happen.

Steve: "mm, there really isn't that much, oh, now I remember something I

heard, no but I wouldn't say it's gossip because I don't have much

information yet."

Trudor: "come on, say it now."

Steve: "I heard from some fifth graders that there seems to be someone or

something that has been walking the halls at night, but I have not

checked, they could have seen wrong or that it was Filch."

Trudor: "hey, I don't feel like going out looking for something that might

or might not exist, if it were actually Filch, it wouldn't end well for me."

Mitchell: "I do have something to tell, ahem, tomorrow I will try to try to

join the Quidditch team again, last year I failed, but this year, not only is

it completely allowed, but I have also practiced a lot at home."

Extimum: "well, if you succeed, I will buy you the nimbus 2001 as

compensation for not sending you messages, but if you do not succeed

heh ...".

Mitchell: "Ugh, don't do that, they give me the creeps, on the other hand,

will you really give it to me? Hehehe, I hope you keep your word."

Steve: "Heh, don't count on it so soon, you are not the only one from

Ravenclaw who will do the tests this year, I from you, I better prepare to

be the experimental doll of Extimum".

Extimum: "they say it as if it were bad, I have not failed to make one of

my potions in a long time, I have even improved the taste, that is already

a lot of consideration, also, it is to practice some harmless spells not for


Trudor: "The problem is not the taste, in fact, I must admit that your

potions that taste like chocolate or mint is quite good compared to the

others, but ... Ugh, your potions are very strange, I have nothing to say.

of its results, but it always has chilling side effects. I remember the potion

you asked me to drink at the end of the year to improve memory. I felt

that I had gone to another world for a well and returned after years ".

Steve: "It's true, the elixir you gave me to improve stamina ... ahem, it

made me lose 5 kilos, can you believe it, it was 5 kilos in one day."

Extimum: "oh, but that was on purpose, I thought you wanted to lose

weight and I was able to find a way to help you with that as well."

Mitchell: "What about the night vision potion? My eyes glowed like lamps

for 3 days after the effect wore off."

Extimum: "and now you have permanent night vision. You are too lazy, I

admit that some side effects were strange, but they were not things that

affected too much and they were only temporary, also, I have not seen

anyone sell potions with effects as good as mine.

Because Extimum already had knowledge of the first three years, he was

bored in some classes that could not contribute more than he already

knew from the books, so he took advantage of that moment to come up

with other things, such as modifying potions with the theory that tasted

in the middle of a potions class. Naturally, he only did it with basic

potions, but the side effects of his experimentation startled his friends too

much and that he had only done it about 5 times, because then he

concentrated on studying runes for the rest of the year and stopped

torturing his friends.

In fact, he had also originally thought of selling them instead of making a

magic artifact, but he only knew basic potions and modifying them was

not as simple as it seemed, not at least without risking fame as a crazy

potions master and the wizarding community was pretty good at creating

prejudices, so starting their brand with something so dubious was not


Padma: "can you make elixirs to improve skin?"

Extimum: "be one, but I haven't tried to improve it yet." As Extimum

considered, Steve and Mitchell signaled to Padma to give up on the idea

before it was too late.

Extimum: "when I have time I will do it especially for you."

Padma: "okay".

Steve: "another poor victim". Steve muttered under his breath.

Extimum: "You know... Steve, I think girls now like skinny guys better, I

think I'll put a weight loss elixir in your food later."

Steve: "wait, wait, I didn't say anything, why do you do this to me ...".

Extimum just got up and left, they didn't have classes in the morning

hours today, so it was free time, except for those who played Quidditch.


Extimum devoted his entire morning to physical training, returning

before lunch to take a shower and then go to the great dining room for

lunch, on the other hand, in recent days he had mostly spent with his

friends from Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, even taking a time to talk to

Hannah and Susan, who had asked for help with an assignment they had,

however, she hadn't made time to spend with the Slytherins, so she

headed over to their table for lunch today.

Daphne: "So at last you deigned to come, didn't you?"

Barely sitting down, Daphne's usual cold voice could be heard.

Extimum: "It's been a busy few days and it's not like I ignored them,

didn't I catch you in potions class yesterday? I also got hold of Pansy in

herbology class and helped her with those elusive jumping mushrooms,

too… ".

Daphne: "Okay, I got it, but I'm saying you haven't made time to spend

with us, apart from classes, you spend time with Gryffindor and


Draco. " It's true, today I even did you a favor, the one... you protect,

she's very sharp with her words, I'm telling you Extimum, if you don't

control her, I can't assure you that I'll always have patience with her,

being a… ugh, forget it ".

Pansy: "yes, Granger still hasn't learned her place in this school."

Tracey: "It doesn't seem so terrible to me, it is true that she is quite rigid

and annoying at times, but I think that after Extimum, there is no one

better than her academically".

Daphne: "well, let's not talk about her anymore".

Draco. " Right, I think you still don't know, Extimum, but i officially

joined the quidditch team".

Extimum: "oh, I can imagine it."

Draco: "We went to practice this morning and oh, you must have seen the

face of the Gryffindor Quidditch team when they saw the new brooms my

father donated to the Slytherin team."

Pansy: "And Wood seemed very angry when we took the field from them,



They kept talking for much of lunch, now that they had time, they talked

about what they had done on their vacation or they talked about

Professor Lockhart, whom Tracey seemed like a fan of, just to have

everyone roll their eyes, something in common between Slytherin is that

they did not have so much High opinion of Lockhart, being mostly from

great families, they knew a little more and were more suspicious of his

supposed "accomplishments" and more after his "splendid" performance in


Among other things, Pansy no longer looked strangely at Neville, but

Extimum still noticed something in her gaze.

Tracey, it was just, Tracey, told him about everything she had done on

vacation in great detail and almost blurted out some indiscretions about

Daphne, but Daphne covered her mouth before she could speak. Tracey

was silent the rest of lunch like a scolded puppy after receiving Daphne's

scathing glare.

As lunch time was running out, almost everyone left to pack their things

for the next classes, leaving only Daphne and Extimum at the table.

Extimum had sensed that she wanted to speak to him in private, so he

waited until the others left.

Daphne: "and ... did you meet interesting people in China?" Daphne

started the conversation with a casual question.

Extimum: "yes, quite interesting and… nice people, I think I have some

photos, then you showed them to you. Changing the subject, I saw your

sister in the classification ".

Daphne: "yes ... we did not want to deny her the possibility of going to

Hogwarts and making friends, luckily, her body still does not show clear

signs of decline, but she no longer has as much energy to carry out

physical activities".

Daphne: "I've been doing research, but I still can't find anything useful

...". Daphne said in a slightly lower voice.

Extimum: "we are only in second year, you shouldn't try so hard, even if

you put makeup on, I think everyone has noticed your dark circles, at

this rate you will wear out too much. On the other hand, I have done

some research and have some ideas, but I can not draw no conclusion

without further testing and research, however, if you could give me some

Astoria blood ... things might be easier. " Extimum hadn't wanted to

mention it at first because he didn't have anything substantial yet, but

seeing her down, he decided to give her a little hope. Extimum had at

least that confidence in himself as to believe that he could achieve it, on

the other hand, another thing that also made him reluctant to say it was

the fact that it was delicate to ask a wizard for blood.

Daphne: "I'll give it to you in a few days, Astoria doesn't like to see blood,

much less lose it". Daphne had really only thought about it a bit, but

hadn't hesitated to agree.

Extimum: "well, if I have her blood I could discover something, on the

other hand, you should rest more, yesterday an accident could have

occurred due to being exhausted".

Extimum hadn't mentioned it before, but when they were brewing a

potion in class, Daphne almost fell asleep and let an ingredient slip early,

narrowly and the cauldron may have exploded.

Daphne lowered her head slightly in guilt and shame, although Extimum

hadn't reprimanded her before, but she was very ashamed of making a

mistake like that, enough to hide her face.

Extimum: "Just relax a little, otherwise I'll have to cast a spell on you to


Daphne: "and how exactly will you cast a spell on me?" Although Daphne

asked with her usual voice sounding somewhat defiant, but Extimum on

the other hand could feel a mischievous implication in her words,

seeming to imply more than was being said.

Extimum: "mmm, I could give you a sleeping potion in your food or


Daphne: "I always inspect what I consume, it is a family custom."

Extimum: "I could just cast a spell on you with my wand."

Daphne: "I can defend myself quite well."

Extimum: "oh so do you want to play hard? because if i had to resort to

other methods ... i could just disappear and attack you when you least

expect it ... hehehe, well we'll see you later".

Extimum said as he disappeared in front of Daphne and made his way to

the exit of the great hall, surprising some of those who still remained and

had not seen him disappear before.

Daphne: "then I'll be waiting for you." Daphne muttered to herself,

though Extimum could still hear her.

The exchange between the two was a simple game to change the mood, it

was visible even from the perspective of others, however, for Extimum

who is empathetic and could hear their murmur, their friendly and a

little playful exchange had other implications, she might not even have

noticed it herself, but Extimum did feel some expectation and interest, so

it was certain that she did not disagree with such development and might

have some interest in Extimum. Which was not so strange for someone

like her, the perspective of those born in great families is always much

more mature in the face of certain things, one of them finding a partner,

in addition, she actively practices oclumency so her mind is not only

clearer and stronger, but also makes her much more rational, on the

other hand, her younger sister's situation has also made her mature a lot.

Extimum: 'I suppose you could consider it, with time I will see how

things develop'.

Extimum also had a certain interest in Daphne, so he was not against the

idea, but he was not in a great hurry with such matters either, he was too

young, he could take such matters in stride, although he was not a

faithful follower of fate, but there are things that just flow naturally and

things to wait and see for.


Extimum was in the library, the afternoon classes had already finished

and he had come to reread the books related to space magic, after having

read the books about space from his family library, his perspective and

understanding of the subject had been expanded, so he wanted to try to

understand his knowledge better, of course, Extimum still remembered

everything the books said thanks to his memory, but it was more

comfortable for him to just think calmly in a good environment like the

library while turning the pages of the book.


As he immersed himself in reading, time passed quickly and soon it was

time to vacate the library, Madame Pince was already taking them out of

the place. Extimum had not gone to the great dining room to eat, he had

smuggled food into the library and had spent the entire afternoon and

part of the night reading. It was no problem hiding his food and hiding

when he ate it.

Extimum stretched and returned the books to their place, then headed

towards the Ravenclaw common room, on the way, however, he stopped

for a moment when he heard a dark and rumbling voice.

"Come ..., come to me ... Let me tear you apart ... Let me tear you apart ...

Let me kill you ...". the voice spoke in a slightly hissing and slow way.

Bloom: 'It's Parseltongue! I Didn't know they had magical snakes here and

from the sound it seems very big. '

Extimum: 'something similar… yes, but we won't get into that'.

Extimum paid no more attention and continued on his way, what

surprised him the most was actually being able to understand her. I

hadn't paid much attention to magic snakes when I looked at the pet

store, so I hadn't discovered it before, however, I knew that he didn't

speak Parseltongue, that skill wasn't among the Shadowless bloodline, it's

not like they needed it either. , because they had other abilities: some

were empathic, others could communicate with magical creatures

naturally, others were natural Legilimens or were skilled in art, on the

other hand, if there was the full need, there were books with many

languages ​​used by different races. With all that, it was not really

necessary that they possess such ability, because they had the methods to

avoid languages ​​or learn them if necessary.

Extimum assumed that his ability to understand her came from his

celestial fox lineage, because his empathy would only allow him to

understand the basilisk if he were close to him.


The next day, after afternoon classes. He went to the infirmary to speak

with Madame Pomfrey.

Upon arrival, it seemed that he had chosen a good day to go, because the

place was empty, It would have been difficult for her to pay attention to

him if the place had had patients.

His arrival was seen by Pomfrey who was sitting lounging at her desk,

only to quickly get up to attend to him.

Extimum: "good afternoon, Madame Pomfrey."

Pomfrey: "You are… Shadowless right? What brings you here? You are

not hurt right?"

Extimum: "no, in fact, I came to ask if it was possible that I could help

you in the infirmary to attend to some students, under your supervision

of course".

Pomfrey: "oh, are you interested in healing magic? That is excellent and

if I could use some help, especially in the next month, I am sure this

place will be filled with many students and teachers with the flu, without

However, to practice as a medi-magician you must have earned the right

by obtaining the certification, so I cannot let you treat patients, but, I

think you can help me with other things and I will let you watch while I

treat patients and who knows, if you show you have a certain ability, it is

possible that he will let you attend to some minor matters ".

Extimum: "thank you very much".

Pomfrey: "well, who will let you stay here will depend on your ability,

take these three books, you will need them if you want to be able to do

something, come back in a few days when you have read them."

Extimum again thanked and took the books, she had given him 3 books:

the first was about common diseases and how to treat them, the second

was magical anatomy, the third was a bit more complex with some spells

and potions commonly used for apprentices of medi -Wizard. He was

already grounded in these topics and had even read the second book, so

it wouldn't take him long to get back here.





well, here is another chapter, there is still a little to Luna, while we go

with the development of the story.

Chapter 35: •Opening of the

Chamber of Secrets

A few days passed and October arrived. And just as Madame Pomfrey had

said, the weather changed to a much colder and rainier one.

Extimum spent these quiet days studying the three books and today he

was ready to go to the infirmary again, although he hadn't been able to

actually practice some of the healing spells, but he was confident that

with his current mastery of magic and the low difficulty of the spells, it

would not be a problem to perform them perfectly. Among other things,

Mitchell made the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. Extimum gave him the

broom that he promised and for that reason he had no one with whom to

practice his healing spells... On the other hand, there were really many

affected by the weather and had the flu or similar affections, in addition,

the Quidditch teams did not stop their training only because of a heavy

rain, so they were the ones who perhaps visited the infirmary for flu or

accidents derived from the difficult weather.

Extimum had also taken the opportunity to go flying on his sword. Flying

high in the sky while dodging the occasional lightning bolt and crashing

into a layer of rain made it quite fun, perhaps one of the few less-than-

responsible activities that Extimum did. Speaking of the weather,

Extimum hadn't gotten sick, in fact, he doesn't remember ever getting

sick in his life, not even from a simple flu, he didn't know if he had been

lucky or his immune system was that strong.

Entering the infirmary, he could see rows of students and even saw two

teachers who came to receive the Pepperup elixir, a potion that could

take away the flu immediately, his arrival was noticed by the always

attentive Madame Pomfrey.

Pomfrey: "Ah, Mr. Shadowless, I'm glad you came, you're coming at a

good time. Come and help me distribute the doses of the Pepperup

potion, you just have to give each one a spoonful and if they come for

something else, send them to that area ".

Pomfrey walked by him and placed a jar and a spoon in his hands and

then continued walking quickly towards the area where she was treating

other cases, she seemed very busy. Her actions caused the ranks of

students to focus their gaze on him, not only in the face of the fact that

he was helping Madame Pomfrey, but also that he was now responsible

for caring for them.

Extimum: "good morning everyone, continue in your ranks, I will be

calling you shortly." Extimum didn't think too much about it, it was an

interesting experience to act as a nurse.

He walked to the front of all the rows and pulled up a table, then put the

flask there and pulled out his wand, pointed at the spoon and cast a spell.

Extimum: ' Geminio'. The spell created at least 5 other spoons from the

original. It was a duplication spell that I had read before, I had not used

it much because the objects duplicated with this spell were only

temporary or of lower quality, but the spell could be useful at a time like

this, as long as the magician knew how to control the spell effects that

leaned primarily into the curse category.

Then he held the spoons with 5 of his tails and poured the contents of the

jar into each of the spoons.

Extimum:" Okay, now, 3 people from this row and 3 from this other can

come please".

There were only two rows in the infirmary, so he call 3 from each row.

The people around him admired his use of magic to speed up the process

and they followed the said instruction.

Sinistra:" A very creative use of the spell for this situation, 5 points for

Ravenclaw". The astronomy teacher was one of the few flu-sick teachers

at the front of the line, so she reward Extimum for his creativity.


Extimum attended for about 2 hours to all the students or an occasional

teacher who came, although it might seem like a boring activity, in fact

he offered a good practice of magic continues by having to cast the spell

"Scourgify " on the spoons once used, He said it audibly so that the

students would not be displeased, Pomfrey had also congratulated him on

his effectiveness in treating all the students, among them he had seen

Astoria, he did not know if it was bad luck or her curse made her more

susceptible to getting sick, on the other hand, he didn't talk to her, since

they still didn't know each other or formally introduced themselves.

The effects of the Pepperup potion were immediate, the flu disappeared

after drinking it, but it caused those who drank it to acquire a slight

blush and to expel smoke from their ears for the following hours, it was a

very interesting scene to watch.

Pomfrey:" Well, today you have helped me a lot, end there and come to

the other area, I will teach you while treating some of the patients".

Pomfrey had come to see his work at some point and seeing that there

were few people left, allowed him to come to attend students with other

illnesses or injuries.

Extimum: "Good."

There were only 2 students left, however, as he was about to finish, a

very dignified-looking Percy Weasley came dragging Ginny over.

Percy: "oh, Extimum, have you seen Madame Pomfrey? I'm here to treat

Ginny, she looks very pale, I think she also has the flu."

Extimum: "it is not necessary, I am taking care of those who have the flu."

Extimum gave Ginny a few glances, he really did have an unnatural pale

to his face, but that was for Harry to sort it out, although he could still

give her a little help to make her feel better.

Percy: "oh, are you authorized to do it?"

Pomfrey: "That's right, Percy, I allowed him to help me, it's just giving

out the flu potion after all." Pomfrey's voice came from the area behind


Extimum: "well, you heard, here".

Extimum handed him one of the spoons with the potion, it did not seem

different from the usual one, but Extimum had dropped a drop of his

blood while they were not paying attention. he had already discovered

that his blood had certain healing characteristics and strong vitality,

Bloom was proof of this and since it had no side effects, not at least one

that he knew, he gave it to her to help her regain some of the constant

vitality Voldemort was stealing from her. He naturally wasn't afraid he

was helping Voldemort, there was a limit to what he could steal, so the

fact that Ginny had more vitality wouldn't make him stronger if he can

only extract the same amount in the same time.

Percy: "Okay, here, Ginny." Percy made no more trouble after hearing

Madam Pomfrey say she had authorized it, so he received the spoon and

handed it to Ginny who had stood silently behind him.

The effect was immediate, just like everyone else, her face flushed and

smoke came from her ears, but there was also a hint more life in her

previous downcast gaze.

After that event, nothing of greater relevance happened, Pomfrey taught

him while she treated other students and solved some of his doubts in the

process, she seemed quite happy to teach a student all the

recommendations and care that they should have with magic, in addition

to how to cure them if they went wrong.

Extimum even wondered why there wasn't a class like this. He believed

that at least seniors should know some tricks to treat basic wounds or

take care of their health, because except for those who were inclined to

be mediwizard, potions masters and perhaps herbalists, there was no

subject that taught something that could really save or improve the life of

a magician, of course, the Hogwarts library had such information if you

were willing to look for it, but most young witches and wizards would

not deign to investigate it if they were not asked, they had many other

things that interested them to investigate themselves.

Extimum: 'maybe I should suggest it to the Hogwarts School Board or to

Dumbledore.' Although the study material was regulated by the ministry,

but the headmaster and the Hogwarts school board also had some power

to change things.

The Hogwarts school council was ruled by 12 wizards who fulfilled a

supervisory role over the school, in addition to taking action if the

students' parents complained about something and Extimum knew one of

its members, Lucius Malfoy.


Extimum had put aside for now creating magical artifacts for his business

and devoted himself to studying healing magic for the rest of the month,

he had made some progress in creating shoelaces that would increase the

lightness of the person who uses them, making them more agile .

On the other hand, he sent Bloom back to London by floo to buy the

'Mandrake Restorative Filter'. Mandrakes were not really rare in the

magical community, however, they could not be found anywhere either,

there were generally greenhouses and specialized stores that harvested

them due to the risks involved in taking care of them and even so, there

were some rare accidents in which some unfortunate person was not

careful and died because of them, therefore, it was an important issue

that occurred in magical schools .

He had sent Bloom with the help of Professor Flitwick who accepted

since only Bloom would go. She was on a mission to call Bob to help her

get a batch of the potion so when the petrifications occurred he could

heal the victims quickly, and unless he was 24/7 with Hermione, it

would be difficult that he could really prevent her from being attacked by

the basilisk, in addition, it could also help the others on the way.

Of course, there were still simpler options such as: defeat the basilisk,

destroy the book, find out if there were any artifacts that could prevent

the basilisk's ability and some others, but, Extimum was not here to do

Harry's work, nor would he It would be convenient for him to do it,

otherwise, he would alter the course and end up having to solve all the

problems himself, while just helping a little when necessary and getting

on with his things was much better, besides, he had already given him a

good boost to Harry.

Extimum didn't know if Bloom and Bob could find the potion quickly, it

wasn't something you needed very often, but at the very least, they could

get the extract from ripe mandrakes and not have to wait that long for

the Hogwarts ones to mature and make the potion. With that in mind, he

had asked Professor Flitwick to reopen his office's floo network on

December 1, until then, Bloom would not return.

Daphne had also given him a vial of Astoria's blood, but Extimum hadn't

checked it yet, keeping it under a stasis charm for later.


Today was October 31st, Extimum had finished his afternoon classes and

was heading towards the great hall to attend the Halloween banquet.

The large dining room was decorated with floating pumpkins and live

bats that occasionally flew by. The usual artificial starry sky had been

changed for a more terrifying one, with a dark and gloomy night.

Extimum took a seat at the Ravenclaw table.

The table was already filled with sweets of all kinds, lollipops and cakes,

chocolates and an occasional joke candy.

Steve: "Look at all these sweets, that's why I love Hogwarts, they never

disappoint me."

Mitchell: "I must agree with you this time, look at how many lemon

cream cakes."

Trudor: "you only know how to eat * yum *, you should also admire the

decoration * yum *". Trudor scolded them as he stuffed himself with

chocolate cake and pointed to the decoration of the place.

Steve: "Hmp, at least have the decency to swallow, besides, I'm also

enjoying the atmosphere, I even heard that they had prepared some acts

for later."

Padma: "yes, Professor Flitwick had also said that he would prepare a

surprise for Halloween."

Extimum: "oh, speaking of it, I also prepared a surprise for you."

Hearing Extimum's words, Mitchell, Trudor, and Steve stopped in their

eating activity.

Mitchell: "* gulp *, no ... you didn't add anything to our food did you?"

Extimum: "What are you talking about? I would never put anything in

your food."

* sigh * x3

Extimum: "because I put it in yours drinks."

** Nooo ** x3

Extimum: "oh yeah, here's your enhanced skin potion, Padma." Extimum

ignored her drama and handed a small bottle to Padma.

Trudor: "Say it! What did you put on it?" Trudor snapped out of his

drama first and asked anxiously.

Extimum: "ah, don't bother, you'll know later, I felt bored today, so I gave

everyone I knew something to enjoy the banquet more."

Padma: "wait, me too?"

Extimum only gave a half smile and didn't reply, he had asked Tutu to

add some potions that he made to his friends' drinks. He had done them

in his spare time for fun, in terms of effects ... they were varied and

would only last an hour.

Steve: "ah, whatever, on the other hand, where are Harry and the


Extimum: "oh, they said something about going to a birthday party of the

death of the ghost Sir Nicolas, they had also invited me, but I preferred to

attend the banquet, I have read that ghosts prefer rotten food, so I better

reject it".

Mitchell: "I didn't know that ghosts celebrated their deaths".

Padma: "oh yes they do, for them it is like their normal birthday now that

they are actually dead and living as ghosts, in fact I saw a lot of ghosts

coming to visit the castle and heading to another area for the birthday

you mention" .

Dumbledore: "your attention please. Thanks. Today we are celebrating

the Halloween banquet and that is why some teachers and I wanted to

give them a show to liven up the occasion ". Dumbledore drew attention

and waited for everyone to be quiet to continue.

As he finished his words, a group of skeletons and medieval armor

marched through the door of the great dining room.

Then they did various acts, the skeletons played music and danced, they

were animated by a spell from Dumbledore, the armor did a short

medieval battle play made by McGonagall and to finish, Professor

Flitwick launched magical fireworks that took the forms of various

magical creatures. livening up the living room.

At some point in the banquet, Extimum's prank potions took effect,

causing quite a few laughter among all the houses, the targets were only

his main friends.

Daphne's hair turned a deep red; bubbles started coming out of Pansy's

head which then flew around the place; Draco grew vampire fangs and

his eyes began to glow red.; Steve's hair turned into leaves; Trudor grew

a monkey tail on his lower back. There were different effects, all

completely harmless.

Only his Ravenclaw friends knew it was him, but the Slytherin and

Hufflepuff friends didn't know who had put something in their drinks.

Daphne was unable to discover the potion because Extimum gave it to

her after she checked and before she drank it. The teachers didn't say

anything because they were just harmless jokes and they didn't know

who was responsible, although they could find out by asking in the


After the best part of the banquet had passed, Extimum left a little before

it was over to head to the bathroom. As he walked the corridors and

thought about his things, he heard a * splash * and he couldn't help

stopping in his footsteps.

Extimum: 'what kind of twisted luck is this'. Extimum had stepped on a

puddle, or to be more specific, the whole floor was puddled. Although he

had seen it once last year, but seeing it this year did not have the same

meaning, his thoughts were confirmed when he heard Ron call to him

and when he looked up from the puddle at his feet to look at the wall.

Ron: "ah, Extimum, you're here too." Ron was further down the hall and

called out to him when he noticed him coming towards them.

Hermione: "Look there!" Hermione pointed to the same wall that

Extimum was looking at.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware".

These words were written on one of the corridor walls illuminated by


Ron:" What's hanging under there? "

Harry: "It's Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris."

Extimum considered leaving at the exact moment, but I could already

hear the footsteps of the other students and this corridor formed an L,

there was no place to hide, well, Extimum did have it, but since the bitch

of destiny wanted him to pass through here at this moment, he could not

just disappear leaving his friends to chance, as for hiding them, he

considered that today's events would show Harry what kind of society

makes up the magical world, on the other hand, this event would not

affect him too much, In fact, by the time Bloom came back tomorrow, he

could heal Mrs. Norris.

Ron: "Let's get out of here." Ron exclaimed when he saw that the situation

was not very good.

But it was too late, from each end of the corridor they were in, came the

sound of hundreds of feet climbing the stairs and the loud and joyous

chatter of people who had eaten well. It was just a moment later and the

students stormed into the corridor from both sides, stopping all

excitement and chatter that they previously carried.

The students looked at the words written in blood, then at the cat and

then at the four who were in the place, the students further back were

also interested and crowded around the area to see, but all seemed to

refrain from crossing the imaginary fence around the area.

Draco on the other hand, did not think the same and proudly pushed his

way through the crowd of Slytherin students, then looked around the

place and finally focused on the message written on the wall.

Draco: "Be afraid, enemies of the heir! The next ones will be the impure

ones! ". Draco just gave a general glance near Ron and Harry as he said

and refrained from saying 'Mudblood', this way he wasn't telling someone

specific and he could take it out on the annoying Granger at the same

time, on the other hand, he ignored Extimum in his speech.

The apparent calm of the moment was again interrupted by Filch's


Filch: "get out of my way, get away, let's see, what happens? ...". Filch

pushed his way through the crowd and yelled.

Filch: "Mrs. Norris!… You, you killed my cat, I will kill you! I will…".

Filch screamed after observing the scene and immediately blamed Harry

who was closest to his cat. Mrs. Norris was hanging from the end of her

tail which was nailed to a torch holder.

Luckily, the teachers arrived shortly after and Dumbledore stopped Filch

who was on the verge of freaking out at the thought that his faithful

companion and friend had died.

Dumbledore: "Argus! Please, everyone, go back to your bedrooms. "

Seeing the cat hanging and the message on the wall, he understood that

the situation would be a bit complicated.

Dumbledore: "except you." Dumbledore pointed at the four and although

Extimum was the furthest of the four from the scene, he was still within

the area.

The prefects of each house directed the students from their houses to

return by another way to their common rooms. On the other hand, some

Extimum friends gave them looks of concern or bewilderment at the


Hermione sighed as she acknowledged that she had gotten into trouble

again and Harry and Ron got nervous.

Extimum remained calm, but perhaps in situations like these, Bloom's

presence would have helped him a lot to lower his annoyance and inner


Dumbledore: "She is not dead, Argus, someone has petrified her."

Dumbledore had already cast some silent spells to inspect the cat and

concluded that she was not dead.

His words were like a ray of light that illuminated Filch who was close to

tears. As Dumbledore spoke, Lockhart stepped closer to inspect the cat

and seize the moment to brag again.

Lockhart: "Oh, of course I do and I know the exact remedy for the curse."

Lockhart said following his usual fanfare, but seeing that he had actually

managed to draw everyone's attention to him with his words, he pulled

away a bit and fell silent, ignoring the looks that were directed at him.

Dumbledore: "but how it was petrified I don't know ...".

Filch: "It was him, he must have been the one who did it, because he

knows ... he knows I'm a squib".

Harry: "It's a lie, it wasn't me."

Dumbledore: "I don't think it was them, no sophomore could have done

this. It is very advanced dark magic. " Although he spoke firmly and

confidently, Dumbledore gave a slight quick glance at Extimum who was

further away.

Extimum: 'damn old man, do not look that way, you will create non-

existent suspicions'.

Snape: "If I may speak, Mister Headmaster, they could simply have met in

the wrong place and at the wrong time. However, here we have a series

of suspicious circumstances and I do not recall seeing Mr. Potter at

dinner. " Snape also considered saying that Extimum had left before

dinner and could have, but it was too short a time and he currently had

no reason to point it out, it was better to focus on Harry.

Harry: "We had been to the birthday party of Sir. Nicolas, there are many

ghosts can testify and we did not go to the dining room because I was not

hungry, Hermione and Ron decided to accompany me so they were with

me, as for Extimum, he only arrived a little later". Harry didn't want to be

overwhelmed by Snape's suspicions and tried to cover every angle with

his answer.

Although on closer observation, Extimum only remained here as a

suspect mainly because he was near the scene, there was not much

suspicion about him due to the short time since he left the great hall and

perhaps only Dumbledore knew of his real capabilities. Which could only

mean that Dumbledore left him either to keep all the suspects or…

because he had other intentions.

Dumbledore: "He's innocent until proven otherwise, Severus."

Filch: "They have petrified my cat! I demand that the guilty be punished!"

Dumbledore: "We can heal her, Argus. I understand that Mrs. Sprout has

gotten mandrakes recently. As soon as they are mature, we will make a

potion with which to revive Mrs. Norris. In the meantime, I suggest a lot

of caution to everyone ".

After that, everyone went their own way, Extimum went along with

Harry, Ron and Hermione as they made their way to their common


They did not speak much on the way, the mood was a bit gloomy,

although they had not been involved in the matter.


A few days passed after that event. Bloom had returned, after searching

together with Bob for a few days, they had found a magic plant shop that

handled mandrakes, it was not difficult to ask the potions master of the

place to prepare a batch of 'Mandrake Restorative Filter' after come up

with a price.

On the other hand, many rumors and discussions had made their way

among the students of all the years, about the chamber of secrets and the

Slytherin heir. However, a variable that Extimum had not considered was

that Harry was not the only suspect, in fact, some suspected him too,

after all, he hung out with the Slytherins and was at the scene. However,

Extimum was not the type to just sit and watch, he easily approached

each and every one of those who had such ideas and convinced them to

leave such ridiculous ideas, his current influence, his skill with words and

perhaps a pinch. magic helped with that.

Extimum: 'that damn old man, surely that was what he wanted'. Extimum

had not understood what Dumbledore was looking for with his

intentions, but hearing such murmurs made it clear to him, perhaps he

wanted to muffle Harry and remove him from being the center of that


Bloom: "Hmp, how dare that old man plan against us."

Currently, it was night, around 10pm. Extimum had gone out to fly on

his sword and enjoy the quiet of the night, so after reaching a certain

height, he widened the width of his sword and sat on it together with

Bloom, looking at the castle from high in the sky. .

Extimum: "Heh, but it won't be that easy, even if he has a powerful

wisdom, I know things that he doesn't and unlike Harry, I won't just

watch how they try to damage my image."

Extimum: "Okay, let's go back now." Extimum jumped up and landed

standing on his sword and then he flew at full speed straight towards the

ground. When it was only a few meters to reach the ground, he jumped

from his sword while grabbing it with one of his tails and falling freely

downwards, however, when he was only 2 meters away, he canceled all

the kinetic force of his fall and was cushioned resulting on a soft and

light landing on the ground.

Bloom: "You are improving a lot in your wandless magic." Bloom had

grabbed onto Extimum's shirt as she also fell with him.

Extimum: "yes, but… although it has been good progress, it is ultimately

unnatural. Although my progress has been fast, but they are only the

apparent result of the last episodes of spontaneous magic, the worst thing

is that I do not even realize it, first on the train, then with the mandrakes

and although it has not happened again, it is not something that needs to

happen. The only positive thing about it is that it's easier for me to do

magic without a wand, but I don't like it, it doesn't feel like me. "

Bloom: "I don't know why that happens to you either." Bloom made a

worried face, it has never been a good sign that a magician does not

control their magic, magic is part of magicians, so not being able to

control it when you have the ability is as bad as not being able to control


Extimum: "But let's not worry about that for the moment, my control of

magic has improved, so as long as that spontaneous magic does not

happen again, everything will be fine."

Having finished his night flight, Extimum covered himself with a cloak of

illusion that would cover him and Bloom and headed towards the castle,

in the direction of the Ravenclaw common room.


After crossing a secret Ravenclaw passage to quickly reach the seventh

floor, he made his way towards the entrance of the tower, but while

crossing a four-way corridor, he perceived someone in a side corridor

that he was passing through. Since he was invisible, he only gave a look

out of curiosity, but was surprised to see a girl in pajamas walking with

her eyes closed.

Bloom also followed his gaze when she noticed his gaze lingering on the


Bloom: 'is she… asleep?'

Extimum: 'that seems…'.

The girl was walking at a slow pace, she was wearing a full body pajamas

of some creature that Extimum could not identify, but she was a bit cute

in her way, however, she was not barefoot, she was wearing her shoes.

she had blond hair, it was long, reaching to her waist, and it was

disheveled, probably because she had been sleeping. Since he did not

recognize her, Extimum assumed that she was a first year, although there

was something familiar about her, but given her current looks, the

darkness of the place and her hair covering much of her face, it was

difficult to tell who she was.

Extimum approached to see better who it was, after reaching her, he

circled her while maintaining the same slow pace with which she walked


Bloom: 'do you know her?'

Extimum: 'not personally, but I think in a way yes'.

Bloom: 'mmm, I think we should take her with us, Filch is too tense these

days with what happened to his cat, it would not be good if they found

her, even if she is asleep'. Bloom didn't understand exactly what he

meant, but she didn't ask either.

Oh, they had already had some annoying encounters with him in the few

days that Bloom had been back, looking for every opportunity to stop

and punish someone, even if you will just smile or show your happiness

in front of him. That's why they hadn't given him the potion yet, it was

too annoying.

Extimum: 'fine, let's take her'. Extimum extended two of his tails and

lifted her gently so as not to wake her and then brought her behind him

as he headed back towards the Ravenclaw tower.

After climbing the tower's spiral staircase and answering the puzzle of the

eagle statue, I enter the common room.

Extimum: 'oh well, let's find out which bedroom it belongs to.' Extimum

accessed the girls' area and followed what he believed to be his intuition

along with some occasional glances until he found an empty bed, put the

girl back on the bed, covered her, and then walked out closing the door.

Bloom: 'do you think he opened the door asleep?'

Extimum: 'maybe'.

Extimum had no problem accessing the women's area, she had discovered

it by chance in her first year at Hogwarts. Padma had asked him to help

her by bringing something she forgot in her room and since Extimum had

to go get something too, he helped her along the way. Extimum hadn't

paid much attention when they brought up the fact that the men couldn't

access the women's area and Padma didn't know it either, so they didn't

take any precautions in the face of it, however, to the surprise of their

friends who were expecting to see it make a fool of himself, he actually

was able to go normally and come back.

Steve had tried it himself to see if there was something wrong, but the

stairs had turned into a slippery ramp and he was unable to climb.

That was an interesting and slightly unsettling discovery, but Extimum

had no doubts about his gender, so he assumed it must have been

something else.

After leaving the girls' area, he went to his private room, crossing the

invisible veil that protected the entrance to his bedroom and arriving at

his room which was immediately lit up by the blue fiery torches signaling

his arrival.

He stripped off his uniform and changed into more comfortable clothes,

freeing his tails from the illusion and allowing his ears that he didn't

allow anyone except Bloom to see to pop out in the torchlight, then

settled on his bed.

It didn't take long for Bloom to lie on his bare chest to sleep under

Extimum's tails.


The next morning, Extimum waited at the entrance of the Gryffindor

common room to go with them to breakfast, it had been a long time that

he had not come to wait here, when his relationship with Hermione

improved, They were only meeting directly in the dining room now,

though he occasionally returned to accompany her on the way to

breakfast or dinner from the dining room to the common room.

Before long, Hermione came out with a still sleepy Ron and Harry.

Extimum: "Good morning".

Hermione: "Good morning!" Hermione responded enthusiastically to start

the morning.

Ron: " * uaaaah *, Good morning, Extimum ." Ron yawned and saluted.

Harry: "yes ... hello".

Extimum: "they look tired, haven't they slept well?"

Hermione: "They hadn't finished their history essays and had to stay up

late to be able to finish it for class now in the morning."

Extimum: "Wow, Ron, you outdid yourself."

Ron: "Ha, Ha, we better go to the dining room, I'm hungry."

Bloom: ' * uaaaah *, me too'.

After the little talk, they headed towards the large dining room.


Extimum: "So, do you think Draco could be the heir to Slytherin?"

Extimum said showing his best skeptical and sarcastic look that he could

show with his usual impassive face.

Hermione: "I also told them that I think it's unlikely that he is, it's that it's

Malfoy we're talking about. But, in fact, it is not entirely impossible, at

least he must know something by how he behaved ". Hermione

summarized Harry and Ron's opinions while giving her opinion.

Extimum: "I don't think I know more than you can find out by asking a

professor who is willing to speak."

Hermione: "We already tried, but besides telling us a bit of information

about the camera legend, he really didn't tell us anything else."

Ron: "Also, don't take it the wrong way, but you're friends with Draco, it's

normal that you also want to defend him."

Extimum: "well then I won't say anything else on the subject, good luck

with your research." Extimum didn't bother too much trying to convince

them, saying something to them was enough.

After talking a bit more, Extimum got up from his seat and went to the

Ravenclaw table, there was still some time left before class. He took a

seat between Steve and Padma.

Steve: "oh, you finished talking to them, tell me, is Harry the heir as some

rumors say?" His question made the others look to Extimum.

Extimum:" Don't talk nonsense, Harry is from Gryffindor and although

that does not make it impossible for him to be the heir, but I think you

also know him well enough to know that it is not him, changing the

subject, I heard that you play tomorrow, Mitchell".

Mitchell: "hehe, of course, you'll see, I'll surpass Harry as the best seeker

and bring glory to our house."

Padma: "That will depend on whether you can beat Hufflepuff in the

practice match tomorrow."

Mitchell: "How cruel, I liked you better when you were more shy."

Mitchell said jokingly acting hurt by Padma's words.

As they chatted about casual topics, Extimum turned his gaze to the rest

of the freshmen, searching for the girl he saw yesterday.

Steve: "Oh, are you interested in someone? Hehehe, tell me who he is,

maybe he knows something."

Extimum didn't answer right away, he looked at the features of each

freshman, until he found someone who looked similar, he hadn't detailed

her much last night because it wasn't really important and he was tired


Extimum: 'then, if it's her…'.

Steve followed Extimum's gaze and took in a girl who seemed a bit

removed from the other first years.

Steve: "is it her?"

Extimum: "yes".

Steve: "Have, let me think about it ... I've been watching lately gossip

from the senior years, but I think I knew something about her."

Under Extimum's gaze and now with daylight and more groomed, his

features became clearer. She had long blonde hair still a bit disheveled,

but now more organized, protuberant blue-gray eyes, fair skin, and pretty

features that highlighted a developing beauty. She seemed to keep a

slightly dreamy look, probably because she was a bit estranged from the

other first years and had no one else to talk to.

Steve: "Ah, now I remember, her name is Luna Lovegood, I really don't

know much about her, I only found out because I heard some first years

saying that she says strange things, I guess that's why she is alone. Why

are you interested in her?

Extimum: "oh, because the person from the rumor you told earlier about

someone walking the hallways at night is her. I found her sleepwalking

last night ".

Trudor: "oh, so it was real, but, wow, that's very dangerous, can you

imagine if you walked up the stairs sleepwalking and fell from the

seventh floor."

Extimum only looked at her a little, he had some impressions of her from

his memories, but he had not paid much attention to her, he had many

other things to do and think, so, although he remembered that she had

been called in the classification, he had not paid attention, he didn't have

a reason to get close to her either. However, yesterday's encounter had

managed to get her attention a bit, and watching her today, she found

familiarity in her loneliness.

Getting up from his seat, Extimum walked a little further from his table,

approaching where the first years were and the corner where Luna sat

and then taking a seat across from her.

His friends had raised their eyebrows a little when they saw him go to

her, but Extimum was already quite eccentric with his things, after all,

there were not many who wanted and managed to become friends from

all the houses.

Extimum: "Hello". His greeting brought the girl in front of him out of his


Luna blinked and looked around, seeing how the gazes of the other first-

year children were focused on her and especially on someone in front of

her, she turned her gaze to meet Extimum's piercing purple eyes.

Most of the first years had focused their attention on them because they

saw Extimum approaching. Extimum was quite popular, although he did

not talk so much with others outside his circle, but he was a quite

accessible person, also, he had friends in all four houses and had

contributed a lot last year in scoring points to win the house cup, so he

had built up some goodwill from Ravenclaw's senior years, on the other

hand, his appearance made him quite difficult to ignore, especially for

the students of first years that they hadn't seen such particular people, so

they all had their gaze on him and well, the strange girl he sat across


Luna: "Hello. You have very curious eyes ".

Extimum: "thank you, I am Extimum Shadowless and you are?"

Luna: "I'm Luna Lovegood". Luna smiled a little as she looked at

Extimum's very particular appearance.

Extimum: "do you want to come and sit with us?". Extimum didn't take

too many detours and said directly while pointing to his friends who

were poking their heads looking at what Extimum was doing.

Luna blinked a little surprised at her words, she hopes he would come to

ask her something or bother her, she had already had some similar

situations with some students when they saw her estranged from the

other members of her house, but she didn't think too much about it and


Luna: "sure, I'd love to."

Extimum got up and went to his previous place with his friends. Luna

also followed him from across the table and watched as Trudor and

Mitchell made a place for him to sit across from Extimum.

Luna: "Hello."

Steve: "Hello, beautiful lady, let me introduce myself, I'm Steve Genius."

Although Steve did not know why Extimum had invited her, but he was

never one of those who thought too much, so he only presented hisself

elegantly to leave a good impression on what he believed would be a new

member of the group.

Mitchell: "Bah, quit your act, Steve. Luna, you shouldn't believe his

elegant act, I'm Mitchell Knife, it's nice to meet you ". Mitchell's words let

Luna know that they seemed to already know his name, because he had

not yet introduced himself.

Trudor: "I think you are rather overwhelming her with so much emotion,

don't you think? You haven't even let her introduce herself. I am Trudor

Naipe and are you?".

Luna: "hehehe, they're actually quite funny, I'm Luna Lovegood." Luna

giggled, finding Steve and Mitchell's attitude amusing.

Padma: "I am Padma Patil".


The others didn't really ask about Extimum's action of bringing her to the

table with them, on the contrary, they greeted her cheerfully and tried to

make her feel like part of the group. Extimum had only brought her

because he saw a little in her, besides, her person was a bit interesting to

him, although she was still young and still did not have such strange

ideas, but she still said peculiar things or observations that they did not

usually notice. The others could clearly understand why the first graders

called her strange, but they did not reject her for it, although she fell into

a different category of weirdness than Extimum, but with him, she was

not so strange.

Luna was quite fascinated with Bloom and they seemed to get along well

with each other, although Bloom did not communicate with words.


A few more days passed, Extimum had helped in the infirmary half of his

time and the other half was dedicated to finishing some of his products,

Christmas was approaching and he could return with Snaglok to open the

new branch of his business and try to sell his products .

Mitchell had turned out to be a decent enough seeker to win in the

practice match against Hufflepuff and Luna now always sat with them,

although she used to be quieter just like Extimum, but spoke or shared

her opinion at times, it seemed much more glad now that she didn't sit

alone during meals.

Extimum had caught her sleepwalking again when he went out again for

a night flight with Bloom. Seeing her made him wonder if there was

something that would take away the sleepwalking to help her, he

supposed she knew about her problem, because he didn't think someone

slept in shoes for fun.

Harry, Ron and Hermione had been meeting in the girls' bathroom where

Myrtle lived to plan their entrance to the Slytherin common room,

Extimum only accompanied them once to hear their plans, but since they

were just doing something that Extimum already knew the answer to, he

didn't get involved, however, his position was that they couldn't really

trust the veracity of their words for obvious reasons. Extimum didn't even

have to bother, Draco had told him so himself earlier when they had

discussed the subject.

Classes with Lockhart had now become what seemed like a drama class,

it was fun in a way, but very bad academically. It was because of

situations like this that he studied his early years so carefully at home,

because seeing Harry pretend to be a werewolf and Lockhart acting like a

brave hero who defeated him with a simple spell was not very

instructive, well, the spells he mentioned. if they were real, but their

effects weren't as exaggerated as he claimed they were.

Among other things, today would be the first official Quidditch match of

the interscholastic tournament, where Slytherin and Gryffindor would






first introduction to Luna.

oh, some interesting things are coming, well, we'll see how it turns

out. I'm also missing some Povs, so be patient for those who don't like

it, but don't worry, they are short Povs, similar to the last one

Chapter 36: •The Dueling Club

In one of the Ravenclaw observation towers, the Ravenclaw students had

gathered to watch the Quidditch match. The tower was tall, with

multiple seats and covered with a cape with the colors and the shield of

the house, there were at least two other equal towers around the playing

field for the students of the house to occupy, in addition to an area that

connected all the towers on the ground floor for those who couldn't get a

place in the towers, after all, parents also used to occasionally come to

watch their children at games.


Sitting among the students was Extimum and next to him were: Steve,

Mitchell, Trudor, Padma, Luna, and of course Bloom.

Steve: "Okay, listen, I'm betting 2 photos from my secret collection and 3

galleons that Slytherin will win, who's joining?" Steve got up from his

seat to stand in front of them as he spoke.

Trudor: "and what exactly are these photos ...?".

Mitchell: "Do you really need to ask? It must be one of the shady things

Steve does, I'm telling you, you can't do anything good if you manage to

get chased by all the first-year girls at least twice in a single year." .

Padma: "Now that you mention it, I heard some girls say that Steve had

stolen-". Padma couldn't continue because Steve had reached out and

covered her mouth with his hand.

Steve: "shhh, don't believe the things those girls say, they just make up

rumors. Ahem, as I was saying, does anyone want to join the bet? "

Trudor: "Although I am curious to know what is in those photos, but it is

obvious that Slytherin will win. Draco's father donated 'nimbus 2001' to

the whole team, so they have a great advantage".

Luna: "I think Gryffindor can still win."

Steve: "will you bet then?"

Luna: "I only have some candies ... are you interested?" Luna reached into

her pocket and pulled out some candy and showed it to Steve. He hadn't

brought money to Hogwarts.

Steve: "Hmp, then no."

Luna: "but Extimum can, right?" Luna said as she looked and pulled a

little on the sleeve of Extimum who was sitting next to her.

Extimum had been lost in his thoughts, he was doing hypothetical

construction in his mind for a new artifact that he planned to sell, they

were work gloves, however, at some point he felt that Luna who was next

to him was pulling his tunic trying to call his attention, so he snapped out

of his thoughts and looked around, noticing the expectant look they all

seemed to give him.

It only took a moment for his mind to register what his brain had heard

while he was thinking about other things, understanding why they were

looking at him like that. This had been a skill that he had discovered

when a few days ago when he managed to advance in his mastery of

oclumency, he could review memories that his brain registered in his

subconscious, although only if it had passed an average of 5 hours since

it occurred, then it would erase.

Extimum gave Luna a slight look who was looking at him with an

expectant look, she seemed to have become inexplicably close to him

these days, Extimum had not even realized when and it was not because

she was like that, because although she had also integrated well with

others, she seemed closer to him. He believed that it had something to do

with him being the one who invited her to the group or something else,

however, it wasn't a bad thing either, so he didn't give it much


(close in friendship, don't think too much about it yet)

Extimum: "well, then I'll give you 5 galleons if Gryffindor wins."

Steve: "haha, that's it, without fear of failure, excellent Luna." Steve gave

Luna a thumbs up for helping him convince the big shot.

Bloom: 'Heh, we will finally know what the suspicious acts of that fat

man are.' Bloom had already learned from Extimum that Gryffindor

would win this first match, although he did not explain how he knew it,

it was not necessary to know and she trusted his words.

Extimum: 'you're right, Steve's actions are too suspicious'.

Extimum kept thinking about his magic gloves some more before the

match started. The idea was for gloves that could reduce the weight of

everything with what, between contact, would be something similar to

force gloves, only that it would reduce the weight of the object in

contact. Although magicians could make use of spells to float things or

make things smaller, but they also preferred to do some work manually,

moreover, these could work while they had magic blood, so squibs or

other magical creatures that cannot do magic they could use them. They

would be very useful for doing heavy work efficiently, especially for

squibs like Filch who has to do tough cleaning jobs and other things

without magic.


???: "Good morning everyone and welcome to the first Quidditch match

for the Hogwarts Interscholastic Cup. Today the Slytherin team will play

"- * cheers * -" Against Gryffindor "- * cheers * -" Well, let the teams come

in. " The announcer had started the introduction by introducing the

teams that were coming out onto the field of play.

The announcer for the matches was chosen from among the students,

Extimum had not been very interested in it so he did not know very well

if you should only request it or you were chosen at random.

Shortly after the announcer's introduction and Madame Hooch had the

team captains greet each other, the players shot off on their brooms to fly

over the playing field.

The match started quite well, with the Gryffindor players having good

leadership and strategy that allowed them to gain some ground in the

game, they were quite agile, however, their strategy did not help them

for long. The Slytherin team players were much faster and easily crushed

the Gryffindor players, the speed of their brooms gave them a great

superiority, also, at some match point, one of the bludgers went crazy

and started chasing to Harry obsessively, leaving Fred and George no

choice but to focus on defending him so that he would not get hit by her,

however, by focusing on him, they stopped defending other players from

the other bludger, making things difficult for other Gryffindor players.

Seeing that the situation could not continue like this, Harry had chosen

to continue alone without the help of Fred and George, so he was seen

flying from one place to another, circling and zigzagging while looking in

all directions looking for the snitch golden and dodging the bludger that

threatened to hit him.

Trudor: "This is too much, Slytherin not only has better brooms, they

even loved that bludger."

Mitchell: "I think you will lose Extimum, the odds were already difficult

for Gryffindor before, but now ...".

Extimum: "It is still too early to speak." Extimum said as he occasionally

followed with his gaze to the golden snitch that until now no seeker had

been able to find.

Steve: "hehehe, I can already feel the weight of the galleons in my bag."

Harry kept dodging the bludger until he managed to lose it and finally

allow himself a quiet moment to search for the snitch. Luckily, the snitch

appeared in his vision not long after, right behind Draco who had come

to tease him for his performance in front of the bludger. The break didn't

last long when the bludger came back and flew past him, nearly hitting

Draco on the head.

The situation allowed Draco to also notice the nearby golden snitch and

began a chase after the snitch while fighting Harry while being pursued

by the mad bludger.

Extimum could not see what happened until shortly after because they

had gotten into an area below the stadium ground. Draco and Harry had

shot out of the place much later, however, Draco had lost his grip on his

broom and had been thrown out risking a rather ugly landing.

Extimum drew his wand at the right moment and with great effort

managed to stop Draco's impending collision. Slowing him down from

such a distance was quite different from what he had done when he

jumped from his sword, besides, he had not yet learned the spell 'Arrest

momentum' so his action was quite demanding, however, he managed to

slowly land Draco on a sitting position, which could have had pretty bad

results for your family jewelry otherwise.

Harry on the other hand, had gone out in close pursuit with the golden

snitch, but when he was about to take it, the bludger finally managed to

catch up with him and directly hit his outstretched arm, breaking it,

however, Harry had not wanted to give up and making a last effort, he

extended his last good arm and while maintaining a poor grip on his

broom, he managed to catch the snitch, just to end up losing his grip on

his broom and his body sliding off the broom leaving his sole support at

his feet. This caused his body, which was now flying close to the ground,

to be raked on his back against the sand on the ground until he

completely released himself from his broom and came to a stop.

???: "Harry Potter caught the golden snitch, Gryffindor wins!"

** vitores **

Trudor: "I think the weight you felt in your bag was that of your galleons

disappearing, don't you think Steve?"

Steve: "Hmp, we better go see Harry."

Extimum: "fine, but you better give me my reward when we get back to

the common room".

Bloom: 'oh wait, I want to try something…'.

They all got up from their seats and headed for the stairs to go

downstairs to see Harry. Extimum had planned to do the same, but

Bloom had suggested a more interesting method. Bloom took him from

his robe and flew down directly onto the playing field. It must be said

that Bloom despite his small size, had the strength to carry two adults

without problem (150kg). It was a much more efficient method, proposed

by Bloom who wanted to show her her strength, although it would not

serve to travel, but it would not be a problem for her to cushion falls or

fly at a certain speed for short distances while carrying someone.


Upon landing in the field, he was one of the first to get close to a sore


Ron, Hermione and Hagrid had also arrived since they had positioned

themselves in the lower observers and did not have to come down from

the tower. Hermione had even destroyed the enchantment that drove the

bludger mad which had still threatened to hurt Harry even on the


However, it didn't take long for a large crowd to arrive behind them, who

also gave Extimum and especially Bloom surprised looks. They didn't

know that a fairy could be that strong. On the other hand, they also

thought that it could be with the help of some of the strange inventions

that Extimum was rumored to make.

Hermione: "Are you okay, Harry?"

Harry: "Ugh, no, I think I broke my arm."

Extimum was about to cast 'Férula', a spell to splint Harry's arm, when

Lockhart crossed in front of him causing him to stop midway.

Lockhart: "Don't worry, I'll fix your arm right now."

Harry: "No, do not".

Extimum: "yes, it is better if I do it, I have been studying healing magic

with Pomfrey in recent months."

Harry: "yes, you do it."

Lockhart: "haha, poor thing, you don't understand what you're saying,

you're still too young, I on the other hand, I'm an expert on this." Lockhar

rolled up his jade green robes and prepared to cast the spell.

Harry: "No ... no!" Harry cried out weakly in denial. He felt very weak

from the great pain caused by his broken arm.

Although Harry was reluctant, people had more confidence in Lockhart

as a teacher, and he also didn't seem very willing to listen and

immediately acted.

Lockhart: "Now, this won't hurt, 'Brackium emendo'."

Extimum could actually have stopped him, but since almost everyone

wanted Lockhart to do it, it wouldn't look very good if he stopped him, so

he didn't interfere, also, although Harry will suffer a little, it was

Lockhart who was again digging his own hole. , in which each time he

saw himself closer to falling.

Lockhart then took Harry's arm hoping to show it fixed, but instead a

very unpleasant sound like something jelly was heard.

Bloom:' Ah, that's ... disgusting'.

Lockhart: "Yeah, well, sometimes this happens. But the fact is that the

bones are no longer broken. "

Extimum: "Useless". Extimum muttered under his breath, although given

the silence of the place, everyone could hear him and some got a certain

smile that threatened to get a laugh.

Hermione wasn't too amused that he insulted a teacher, but one look

from an annoyed Extimum was all it took for her to shift her gaze to a

concerned one at Harry's now jelly-like arm.

Hagrid: "but he has no bones anymore." Hagrid was also upset, not only

with Lockhart's incompetence, but because Lockhart had come to try to

teach Hagrid how to take care of animals earlier. Something I don't take

very well, given the years he's been taking care of them and the nonsense

Lockhart spits out, he was perhaps the only teacher Hagrid really


Lockhart: "But it's more flexible now. Good, Mr. Weasley and Mr.

Shadowless, why don't you help Harry go to the infirmary. " Lockhart

decided to ignore Extimum's comment and go on naturally.

The 'Brackium emendo' spell might indeed have repaired his bones, but it

was better to first splint it and then fix it, furthermore, Lockhart had

failed the spell, ending up removing the bones instead of repairing them.

Both spells weren't really complex, it was just about stabilizing and

rejoining the bones. Something that only required a certain level of

knowledge of the bones in the affected area and skill to perform the spell.

It was obvious that Lockhart had failed to perform one of them well or

had even failed both.

Extimum cast some spells on Harry's scrapes and then together with Ron

they helped him up. Since his arm no longer hurt, Harry was able to walk

himself to the infirmary, although he still had a very strange and slightly

unpleasant feeling coming from his arm.

Steve and the others had already come down from the tower and had

come to look at Harry, but with so many crowds and then seeing the

current state of Harry's arm, they did not approach.

Extimum: "Come back, I will accompany Harry to the infirmary. Steve,

don't forget to prepare my award. "

After that, Extimum went with the Gryffindors to accompany Harry to

the infirmary.

Extimum: "do not worry, you will not lose your arm, there is a special

medicine to recover the bones." Extimum said to Harry seeing him so

concerned about his arm.


The next day, all the students woke up to a news from their heads of

house, a Gryffindor student had been petrified, Colin Creevey. Such news

reignited the flames of rumors and gossip among the students and this

time, even a little concern had begun to leak out, it was different to have

a cat petrified than a student was petrified.

The news had been given by the heads of the house in each common

room, so it was a topic of discussion in the great dining room at breakfast


Extimum was sitting at the Slytherin table, while he listened to the other

students discuss the subject, although the Slytherins were the least

affected with the subject, because they were mostly pure blood or

believed they had a certain security to be part of Slytherin house, but for

the latter it was still a cause for concern. As he listened to the

conversations, Draco and the others came to the table and sat down.

Extimum: "Good morning".

Draco: "oh, Extimum, thanks for yesterday, it could have ended worse if

not for you."

Extimum: "Okay, it's good that you haven't been hurt".

Pansy: "Did you hear what the heads of the house said? The Mudbloods

are already beginning to be cleaned."

Daphne: "Hmp, be careful with your words Pansy." Daphne exclaimed

angrily as she comforted Tracey who seemed nervous. Although Tracey

came from a pureblood family, but she was actually mixed blood, so

Pansy's comment was not very pleasant to her.

Pansy: "ah, Tracey, I didn't mean you, you are in Slytherin and you also

come from a pure blood family." Pansy apologized and tried to clarify her

point. It was true that half-bloods could also be considered mudbloods,

but those born of wizarding families were held in a better point of view

than those who were not.

Extimum: "You shouldn't worry Tracey, I'm sure they'll solve the problem,

besides, it's like Pansy says, you're in Slytherin, so the Slytherin heir

won't attack you."

Tracey: "do you really think so?"

Extimum: "of course".

Extimum's words seemed to be far more effective in calming and

reassuring Tracey than Daphne's attempts.

Draco: "Changing the subject, Professor Snape told me that Lockhart will

open a dueling club next week, I think everyone will go, especially with

the ruckus the monster is causing. I wonder if I can hit Potter. "

Extimum: "sounds interesting, I'll go."

Pansy: "Hmp, those Muggle-borns shouldn't even know the etiquette of



They talked about some more things until breakfast time was over,

Extimum had incantation classes with Hufflepuff so he parted ways with

them to catch up with Steve and the others. Steve had not yet delivered

his reward for winning his bet.

As he was walking out of the dining room, Luna who was still in the

dining room caught up with him and stopped him.

Luna: "wait, Extimum".

Extimum: "yes?"

Luna:" Was it you who took me to my room when I sleepwalked?".

Extimum: "yes, in fact, the first time I saw you was when Bloom and I

found you walking through the corridors."

Luna: "Thank you, I have been able to sleep much better these days by

not walking around the castle while I sleep."

Extimum: "Okay, it wouldn't be good if you're walking around there at

night, fine, we'll see you later, I still have to get to incantations class."

Extimum had already turned around when he heard another question

from Luna that made him stop in his tracks.

Luna: "Do you happen to wear ... woolly gloves or something like that? It

is that, even though I was asleep, I could feel as if something very soft

had supported me." Luna asked while putting a finger to her cheek, as if

remembering the sensation.

Extimum: "maybe you should have imagined it, you were asleep after all."

Extimum continued on his way after replying.

Luna: "yes ... it's just that I remember touching something really soft,

fluffy and warm, I had never felt anything like it, but maybe it was really

just a dream".

Bloom:' hehehe, she discovered you'.

Extimum:' Of course not, I made sure he slept, at most he will only have

hazy memories about it'.

Bloom:' but, I don't understand, why didn't you drink his blood? You

seemed to enjoy it when you did before'.

Extimum:' mmm, I don't know, I guess I didn't mean to at the time, don't

ask weird questions, it's not like I'm out there biting anyone when I get a


Bloom had asked because Extimum had superficially bitten Luna in the

previous nights. Although Extimum could actually stop her and even take

Luna away, but she would still continue in her plan to wander, so it

would just cause a struggle on her part, although being asleep she would

not exert too much force, but she moved too much, so Extimum had

slightly sunk one of his fangs into Luna's neck; managing to relax her

body and make her sleep soundly. Making it easier to transport it back.

As they disappeared after crossing the door, Luna lightly rubbed her neck

looking in the direction Extimum left.

Luna: 'But the feeling was very real…'. Luna actually had no clear

memories because she was sleepy, but between some of the occasions she

remembered feeling a slight sting in her neck accompanied by a warm

sensation that made her sleep again.


A week passed quickly and today would finally be the dueling club.

Harry had recovered from his literally boned arm just one day after the

events. Among other things, he, Hermione and Ron had made a big fuss

in the middle of a potion class in order to steal the missing ingredients

for the polyjuice potion they were preparing, however, although Snape

got very angry, they were not really discovered. Extimum hadn't been

there due to the fact that they didn't share that class, but Ron

enthusiastically remarked that Hermione had been the one to act

primarily in the robbery, making Hermione a bit ashamed of her actions.

Professor Flitwick also approached the students this week to confirm who

wanted to go back for Christmas. Extimum was originally planning to go

home, but then he thought that there was nothing he really needed to do

in his house and he just had to visit Snaglok, so it was not worth going

back, it would be much better if he just stayed here where there would

be other acquaintances, for this reason, he sent Bloom by floo together

with a suitcase with his prototypes and a letter to Snaglok.

Bloom seemed perked up at the idea of ​​going to Diagon Alley again

and since she would only go to Gringotts and return, it would only take

her a day. Although Bloom was actually not bored here either, after all,

except for the forbidden forest, she had gone with Extimum almost

everywhere, her routine was based on going out with Extimum in the

mornings around the castle, have a great feast at all meals, listening to

lectures, reading books, listening to conversations from the people

around her, occasionally touring the castle alone, and flying out at night

with Extimum.


Among the prototypes that Extimum shipped were: an upgrade for its

home redesign artifact; shoelaces that increase the lightness of its wearer;

gloves that reduce the weight of everything they touch and slightly

increase strength and a potion that cleanses and improves the quality of

the skin. They were few products, but it had not been that long since he

managed to complete them. All were accompanied by a letter explaining

all their complications and instructing Snaglok what steps to follow with

them. Extimum did not need to take over a market that sold all kinds of

things, it just needed: to make a profit, increase the recognition of the

wizarding community towards its brand and achieve a definitive and

completely exclusive product that would take it to the top.

He already had an idea of ​​what that product could be, it was an

ambitious and revolutionary project for the magical community, but

currently he did not have the ability to make even a prototype, perhaps

by the fifth year he could, the Ancient Runes teacher did not liked having

students learn runes unsupervised and she wasn't willing to teach them

until the third year, well, she was right in her precautions. Extimum had

already had to bolt for a moment before her experiments exploded in her

face for writing a rune wrong or make combinations that are too crazy. If

Extimum did not have the reflexes that he has, he would not risk playing

with the runes so carelessly, however, such experiments were not without

results, he had managed to discover some methods that were not widely

used or not even known with the runes.

Runes were a very demanding branch of magic. Starting with knowing

and memorizing the runes, their uses and effects, not to mention that

there were runes in different languages ​​and some were better for

certain things or had more development in certain subjects, you also had

to know how to write it correctly, some runes were just words in ancient

languages, but others were more like characters or symbols. Extimum

had no trouble remembering them, but since he had only studied up to

the third year and part of the fourth, he only knew basic runes, which he

managed to use in conjunction with the runes he found in the family

grimoire. There were several ways to inscribe them, by means of special

pens that help in their writing, writing them manually and if you had

enough skill, writing them with your wand or finger. Extimum hadn't

bought a runemaster pen, but he didn't want one either, it was better to

learn how to make them without help first. Then there was the question

of combining them, because runes is an ancient magical branch, there are

not many complete records of a specific language or simply the magical

slant of the language was better for certain things, so combining the

runes of different languages it was not a rare activity and it had no

impact on effectiveness either.


According to the notice that Extimum read a few days earlier, the dueling

club would be held in the great hall at 8pm. Although the topic sounded

interesting, when looking at a general level of Hogwarts population,

there weren't really too many who attended the club. Some were not

interested in it and others just knew how to duel, after all, it was only

duel, not actual combat and although duel battles in the magical world

could be quite dangerous, but Extimum doubted they would get that far

on the subject and it is likely that many people knew it too, so except for

Lockhart fans, only those of the first years went, or people like Extimum

who only went to see the fun.

Extimum spent time after dinner chatting with Steve, and the others

before leaving the common room and heading to the great dining room

to attend the dueling club.

Upon entering the large dining room, the place had been adapted. The

large dining room tables had disappeared and instead there was now a

long golden dais, illuminated by lights that floated over the place, similar

to the lumos enchantment. The ceiling was now completely black,

without any magical effect. The students had gathered around the dais,

toting their wands and waiting excitedly.

After securing a spot near the stage, Extimum waited for the event to

begin, though it didn't take long for Lockhart to be seen walking the

stage wearing fencer-like clothing along with a cape.

Lockhart: "Come here, come closer! Does everyone see me? Can you all

hear me? Great! Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to

open this modest dueling club, with the intention of preparing all of you

in case you ever need to defend yourselves as I have done countless

times. For more details, consult my works ".

Lockhart: "Now, allow me to introduce you to my assistant, Professor

Snape." Lockhart said as he pointed to the other side of the dais Snape

was now climbing up.

Lockhart: "He agreed to help me with this demo, but don't worry, you

won't be left without a Potions teacher after this demo, don't be afraid!"

Lockhart said while winking at the last part.

Mitchell: "yeah ... I wasn't worried about him at all." Mitchell commented


Extimum, on the other hand, watched the development of the situation

with great amusement.

Lockhart and Snape faced each other and bowed. They then raised their

wands in front of them, as if they were swords, then they turned around

and walked a bit to give themselves some distance between them.

Lockhart: "As you can see, we hold our wands in the conventional

fighting stance. When I count three, we will do our first spell. But of

course, neither of them has the intention of killing. "

As Lockhart spoke, he and Snape struck a fighting pose. Lockhart chose

to maintain a fencing pose, while Snape held a pose in which he raised

the arm that held his wand and used the other to stabilize his



Lockhart: "One ..., two ... and three."

Lockhart didn't act immediately upon finishing his account, but seemed

to think about it for a bit, giving Snape time to act first.

Snape: "Expelliarmus!" Snape spoke the spell clearly and slowly, making

clear his intention that those present might well understand the spell he


A bolt of yellow light shot out of his wand and slammed into Lockhart,

sending him flying a few feet back and landing at the end of the dais.

Steve: "Damn, take away that half smile you have, Extimum, you give me

the creeps."

Extimum: "It's true, how disrespectful, Steve, to feel the chills when you

should be worrying about the teacher's health." Extimum sat up and said

in a dignified way.

Moon: "hehehe".

Mitchell: "It's true Steve, we worried about Lockhart and you

incriminating Extimum, how low are you falling".

Steve: "you guys ... Hmp".

Lockhart rose from his position on the ground and quickly dusted himself

off as if nothing had happened as he walked over to Snape.

Lockhart: "That was a disarmament charm; As you can see, I have lost the

wand ... "- As Lockhart spoke, a girl had come to give him her wand -"

Ah, thank you, Miss Brown! Yes, Professor Snape, it was an excellent idea

to teach it to the students, but if you don't mind me telling you, it was

very evident that he was going to attack that way. If I had wanted to stop

him, it would have been very easy for me. But I thought it would be more

instructive to let them see. "

Snape's face clouded a bit upon hearing her words, but he only calmly

responded to Lockhart's words.

Snape: "Perhaps it is wiser to teach students how to block enemy attacks

first, don't you think, Professor Lockhart?"

Lockhart: "Excellent suggestion Professor Snape, let's pair you up.

Professor Snape, if you please help me. "

They both got off the stage and entered the crowd to form pairs.

Extimum was set against Daphne, Steve against Mitchell, Padma against

Pansy, Harry against Draco, etc.

After making pairs, both teachers returned to the stage.

Lockhart: "Stand in front of your opponents and bow."

Extimum and Daphne bowed slightly, keeping their gazes fixed and

adopting their poses.

Extimum adopted his combat pose, it was similar to Snape's, but with

some differences. His right hand, with which he would hold his sword,

was kept closer to his body so that his sword would protect his body, in

this case, keeping his palm extended. His left hand on the other hand,

would remain raised at the height of his head to protect it and have a

good angle to attack. All this while keeping your body in a sideways


the pose was primarily a graceful yet practical base for dueling, but in a

battle royale he was likely to just maintain a more relaxed pose and act

accordingly, maintaining some aspects of the practiced base.

Daphne on the other hand, kept a much simpler pose, keeping her wand

level with her face and her body also in a sideways position so that she

could quickly dodge.

Lockhart: "Wands ready !. When he counts to three, cast your spells to

disarm the opponent. Just to disarm it; we don't want there to be any

accidents. One, two and ... three. ".

Although Lockhart said disarming spells, not many of the firsts years had

fully mastered it or even seen it, so it was understood that it was

primarily spells that could fulfill the task of immobilizing or disarming

the opponent.

At Lockhart's signal, multiple spells shot out from all directions in the


Daphne: " Flipendo".

Extimum: "Expelliarmus". (disarm/ redirect spells)

Daphne: " Expulso". Daphne was not at all discouraged by his ease in

rejecting her spell and continued. (explosion capable of sending someone


Extimum: "Expelliarmus, Everte statum ". Extimum redirected the spell

and counterattacked as he got closer to Daphne. (temporary stunner)

Daphne:" Rictusempra". Daphne dodged to the side and cast her spell.


Extimum:" Tarantallegra". Extimum tilted his head avoiding the spell and

cast his own.

Daphne was hit by Extimum's spell and her feet began to dance, however,

she was still able to cast a spell.

Daphne:" Expulso".

Extimum dodged again and turned his body quickly approaching

Daphne's position, stopping his body when his right hand that now had

its long nails gently pressed against Daphne's neck.

Extimum: " You have lost". Extimum said as he canceled the spell that

still affected Daphne.

Daphne: "* uuff *". Daphne just sighed dropping all the held breath she

had held during the duel and gave up when she felt the sharpness of his


Extimum: "you really know how to defend yourself." Extimum praised her

as he watched the students who duel in much more disorderly fashion,

some had already abandoned all pretense and were fighting with blows.

As they did not know many spells, they ended up using their fists, it was

not something exactly very well seen considering they were magicians,

but it was still the last resort.

Daphne: "* sigh *, what are you talking about, you were much better."

Extimum: "that is true, but if you look at the others, you will realize that,

in fact, you are one of the most outstanding".

Daphne looked at the chaos of the battles going on around her and, in

fact, she could be considered one of the most skilled for her age. Those of

higher years had much more organized and exciting battles, but by the

early years, about half were already fistfighting or constantly falling

victim to the spells of their opponents.

Lockhart: "Stop, stop." Seeing the great chaos that mourning actually

resulted, Lockhart decided to stop them.

Extimum meanwhile, approached the battle that Hermione and another

girl a little more robust were still continuing. Because of the situation,

Hermione was losing and not on very good terms, the other girl had her

tightly held by the neck while they both writhed on the ground in a

struggle and their wands were on the ground at some distance.

Extimum launched a 'Rictusempra' on the more robust girl who

immediately released Hermione when affected by the tickling, then

Extimum helped Hermione up.

Hermione: "* uff *, thank you". Hermione gasped a bit from

breathlessness and thanked Extimum.

Snape then walked around stopping the spells that the students had cast

on others and they did not know how to cancel them.

Lockhart: "I think I'd better teach you how to intercept unwanted spells."

Extimum: 'don't tell me'. Extimum thought sarcastically.

Trudor: "then * uff * why didn't * uff * not show us before?" Asked a

panting Trudor with a bruise on his face.

Lockhart: "I need a couple of volunteers ... Longbottom and Finch-

Fletchley, how about you guys?" Lockhart directly ignored his question

and continued.

Snape: "Bad idea, Professor Lockhart. Longbottom causes catastrophes

with the simplest spells, we would have to send Finch-Fletchley to the

infirmary in a matchbox. "

Snape: "How about Malfoy and Potter?"

Lockhart: "Excellent idea, you two come up here please."

After being chosen, they both took the stage and positioned themselves at

a good distance from each other, while Snape and Lockhart gave them

some advice.

Extimum and the others gathered around the stage again to watch the

demonstration. Extimum also checked all his friends, but very few had

any real injuries other than a blow or just being exhausted.

Steve: "ugh, I want to die, I feel like everyone was against me today."

Steve said plaintively while rubbing his bruises.

Mitchell: "ai, I didn't hit you that hard, don't be a crybaby."

Pansy: "It is true, you should learn from your friend, she fought a second

year and you don't see her complaining". Pansy teased Steve while

pointing at Luna.

Luna had had to fight a second year boy and it was not a very good fight

for her when she only knew at most 2 spells, however, she did not lose

that badly due to being good at dodging spells.

Padma:" It's true, you were incredible, Luna, I don't think I could have

lasted that long against a second year if I was only in my first year".

Luna: "thank you, although it was actually very exhausting and I still


Lockhart: "Three, two, one, go!"

There was a quick exchange between Harry and Draco, but Lockhart

didn't seem to have taught Harry any spells that could really help him, so

the first few rounds were just a replay of their previous duel, however,

Snape did seem to have recommended something to Draco. who cast a

new spell shortly after.

Draco: "Serpensortia!"

There was a pop at the end of Draco's wand and a long black snake came

out of it, which then fell to the ground between the two of them and

stood ready to attack. His appearance shocked and scared the nearby

students back, except for Extimum, who was now curious if he could

understand the snake, even though he could not speak to it.

Snape: "Don't move, Potter, I'll take care of it." Snape seemed to enjoy

Harry's dilemma in the face of the vicious snake, but since he posed a

real threat, he still had to act.

However, before Snape could arrive in front of the snake, Lockhart acted.

Lockhart: "Allow me! 'Alarte ascendare' ". Lockhart pointed his wand at

the snake and it immediately rose into the air, only to then fall intact to

the ground shortly thereafter.

Extimum blinked a bit at Lockhart's actions, he didn't understand what

his goal was in making her fly, even if he wanted to get her away from

both of them, that wouldn't solve the problem.

The snake seemed angry at being treated that way and looked for

someone to try to vent its anger, focusing on the students around it.

The unfolding of the events further scared the students who recoiled

further when they saw that the snake was now looking at them.

Harry (parsel): "~~Leave him, don't attack him. just calm down~~".

(Well, you won't see me writing in parsel here, sorry)

The snake then focused its gaze on the two closest people, an unfortunate

Hufflepuff, Finch-Fletchley and of course, Extimum who was still

standing close and looking at the snake with great interest.

Actually, Extimum couldn't understand anything, he didn't know if it was

because the snake was common or he just didn't want to say anything

with his hiss, but at least his empathy told him that the snake was very

upset and he could understand the meaning of the words what Harry


Steve: "Extimum, stay away from the snake."

Trudor: " Could he be scared?".

Mitchell: "don't be silly, it's Extimum we're talking about."

Extimum just kept watching as Harry's constant hiss seemed to calm the

snake and made it hesitate.

The snake seemed reluctant to follow Harry's command, so he just shifted

his focus from Finch and looked at the next closest one that was

Extimum, however, the moment the snake crossed glances with Extimum

it froze, it seemed really exalted and fell into a dazed state, so it more

easily followed Harry's command and slowly backed away from the edge

of the dais, until it focused on Harry.

Snape immediately acted upon seeing the snake recoil and cast a spell.

Snape: "Vipera Evanesca". Snape's spell was the counter-spell of the snake

summoning spell, so the snake disappeared consumed in sparks.

A silence seemed to descend on the place now that everything had

calmed down, everyone was looking at Harry with different looks: fear,

anger, interest, cunning and intrigue.

Finch-Fletchley: "What do you think you were playing at?" Finch seemed

offended by what seemed to him an attempt by Harry to encourage the

snake and said between fear and anger.

Extimum: "Tch, what annoying children." Extimum muttered as he

sneakily moved his finger and tied Finch's laces.

Extimum had had a lot of fun with the events unfolding, so he was

annoyed by Finch's comment that he blamed Harry without knowing that

he actually saved him.

So when Finch along with the other students were about to leave the

room, he stumbled falling face down on the floor.

*LOL* (mmm,It is interesting that the translation says LOL, is it really

used in this way? instead of just saying 'hahahaha'?)

His fall caused laughter among the slightly sour atmosphere of the place

and although some had doubts if it was Harry, but being on the stage it

was impossible that he would have done it without being seen, so they

discarded it and took it as someone's act plus.

Extimum also turned to leave the place.

Pansy: "Wow, Extimum, I didn't know you could be that bad." Pansy

patted her shoulder as she walked out with the crowd.

Extimum: "I don't know what you're talking about." Extimum kept his

expression always calm as he replied. If Pansy hadn't accidentally noticed

the movement of his finger, she wouldn't have believed he had something

to do with it.

Pansy: "whatever. Hey, Longbottom. " Pansy didn't care much that

Extimum didn't admit it, instead she fixed her attention on Neville who

was in the crowd and walked away as she followed him.

After leaving the dueling club, Extimum said goodbye to Daphne, Draco,

and Tracey; Ron and Hermione on the other hand, had run off with Harry

to explain the situation to him. Extimum did not follow them and went to

Professor Flitwick's office to ask him to open the floo network so that

Bloom could return, they had an agreed time so that there would not be

too long to wait.


**Knock Knock**

Flitwick: "Go ahead."

Extimum: "good evening, Professor Flitwick."

Flitwick: "ah, Extimum, go ahead, come in, you come to open the

network floo, right?".


Extimum: "that's right."

Flitwick: "well, wait, I'll finish here and I'll help you right away, if you

like, you can have a cupcake." Flitwick said as he opened a drawer in

which was a box full of cupcakes.

Extimum: "I will not be polite then." Extimum thanked him and took

some to eat while he waited.

Professor Flitwick's office is on the seventh floor. It was not a very large

room. As you enter, the desk where Flitwick attends is located directly in

front, to the right there are some a shelf with books and to the left there

is a simple partition that separates the office from the teacher's personal

bedroom. The place has some portraits and trophies. Farther behind the

desk is the fireplace that the teacher uses to heat the room and travel by


[img] (only this image of the games comes out: v)

Professor Flitwick was sitting on a large chair reviewing some papers on

his desk, the chair had something similar to stairs so that he could sit on

it comfortably.

Flitwick: "And voila, alright, now let's let your little friend come back."

Professor Flitwick jumped from his chair and landed on the floor, then

took out his wand and waved it in a certain pattern that opened the

fireplace grate and allowed access to the floo network.

Extimum took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, it was 9:38

pm. The dueling club had only lasted about an hour and a half and the

agreed time for Bloom to return was at 9:40 pm, Snaglok would help her

to return safely since this time Bob was not needed.

A few minutes later, the fireplace was lit with green fire and from there

Bloom flew out. Professor Flitwick immediately closed the fireplace after

she left.

Flitwick: "Ah, Ah you two are really on time, neither of you a minute


The Flitwick words were true, but it was because Extimum could still

maintain the link with Bloom even from a distance, although it would not

be as good as if he were in the castle, but it would work as if they sent

messages from a distance, the message arrives late, but it arrives. Which

is why he had advised Bloom to enlist since he left dueling class.

Bloom immediately flew towards Extimum and sat on his shoulder.

Extimum: "Thank you Professor Flitwick, you have been very helpful."

Flitwick: "Okay, you are a very good student, so making a few exceptions

and helping you with this matter is only minor."

Extimum: "I'll say goodbye for the moment, good night."

Flitwick: "Good evening."

Extimum left Flitwick's office and headed for the common room.

Bloom: 'now yes, tell me everything that happened'.

Extimum: 'well, the really interesting thing happened in the dueling

club…'. Extimum narrated to Bloom the facts of what had happened


Extimum: 'oh that's right, did you order the things I told you?'

Bloom: 'yes, they said they would arrive in a few days'.

Extimum: 'that's good, well, let's rest now, it's been a long day'.



Chapter 37: •An unexpected event

[mmm, I guess a mini R18 warning? I don't have much confidence in the

scene so I won't highlight it in the title]

About two days passed after the dueling club when another attack

occurred again. The students who until now were keeping up with their

worries got into a real panic and uproar, luckily, the uproar did not go

too far because the teachers managed to reassure them in time, assuring

them that they would solve it and keep them protected, in addition,

Christmas was coming up, so most of those planning to stay quickly

changed their minds and signed up to go home for the holidays. Some

were not afraid, but their parents demanded that they return, so the

castle would be much lonelier than normal at Christmas this year.

Steve, Mitchell, Trudor, and Padma were among those who would return

home. Padma and Steve didn't want to at first, but their parents forced

them to come back; Trudor planned to return from the beginning and

Mitchell was going on a trip with his family this Christmas, so all of his

Ravenclaw friends except Luna would be leaving.

The uproar was due to the fact that another student and a ghost had been

petrified, although the fact that another student was petrified was not

something new considering the previous one, but the fact that the attacks

continued and that one of the victims was a ghost was what scared them,

mainly because it was crazy when you considered that they are undead

beings, if the monster could attack even a ghost who were basically a

soul-encapsulating energy being, they did not have much confidence in

survive being just young wizards. Those petrified had been Finch-

Fletchley and Sir. Nicholas.

Harry spent those days in a rather difficult situation, first he was found

near Mrs. Norris, then everyone discovered that he could speak

Parseltongue, the ability that Salazar Slytherin had and to top it off, he

was found near the other two bodies of the petrified. Although there

were many things that made him look like the culprit, since he had the

support of Dumbledore and there was no conclusive evidence that he

actually did it, he did not face consequences, but most of the students

treated him quite badly, from insults to practical jokes and ridicule,

others were only afraid of him and kept away from him. It was

interesting that some still dared to attack him when he was under the

assumption of controlling a monster.

Extimum couldn't do much to help him, he could only use his influence

to advocate a little for him among the students of the Ravenclaw house,

in addition to his friends who did not believe that Harry was really

responsible for the attacks, because of that, Harry had a better reception

from the Ravenclaw students, however, the same could not be said for

Gryffindor who was his own home, they were quite good at showing him

their coldness, as well as the Hufflepuff students who believed he had

taken it out on Finch's comments to him that day, plus Finch had

apparently told Harry he was a Muggle-born. The Slytherins were the

most varied group on the subject, some did not care, others were afraid,

others thought that Harry was not worthy of being the heir or did not

believe that he was, others like Draco and Pansy only looked at the

situation with fun and there were those who only saw it as a joke, an

example of this was Fred and George.


The day before Christmas, Extimum received several packages from

different stores. He had asked Bloom to order certain things when she

went to Diagon Alley earlier, they were mainly gifts to send everyone at

Christmas and some items he needed to start studying Astoria's blood.


December 25, 1992, Christmas.

--Pov Extimum--.

When I open my eyes I wake up with the dark environment of my room,

there is only a slight light that crosses through the curtains of the

windows, although the environment seems tinged in shadows, but my

eyes can still perceive everything clearly, as if the dark ones it was just

another color and not the absence of it that threatens to obscure the


Looking up at my chest I see Bloom sleeping soundly, her mouth slightly

open with a drop of saliva that threatened to fall, wearing nothing but

sheer cyan silk pajamas, giving a great view of her assets in her

underwear. I take her gently with both of my hands and put her on my

pillow as I get out of bed. She shivered slightly when she lost her main

source of heat and if not, it was due to the cold weather that it is

currently doing. It's snowing outside, it has been since the last few days.

I stretch my body a bit and head towards the bathroom to take a shower.

On the way I stop to look at myself in the mirror for a moment.

My hair has grown a bit, but I still do not see the need to cut it, I have

gotten taller this year, I think I have grown about 2 to 3cm, Maybe later I

will measure myself to know how much exactly. On the other hand, my

appearance has no limitations while I am inside my room. Platinum

white hair with a few purple hair lines, just enough to look stylish

without looking too weird. There are also big fox ears on my head, they

are the same color as my hair except the tips are colored purple. My teeth

don't stick out, but they do look pretty sharp when he smiled. Perhaps

the most striking thing in the image are the 9 tails that appear behind my

back that seem to move slightly as if with a mind of their own, they are

completely white silver and like my ears, they have purple colored tips.

After appreciating my image, I go in to take a shower, the tails are quite

useful when bathing, it is like having 9 arms that help you from the back,

on the other hand, it is also easy to clean them, although I'm not sure I've

seen them really dirty before, but I still do it to make sure they are clean.

After taking the bath, I put on casual clothes, normally I should wear a

uniform, but since there are no classes and it is vacations, they do not

make problems for entering the great hall with common clothes, on the

other hand, today, I woke up much later than usual since it was

Christmas, so I will not go out to exercise today.

Once ready, I walk out of the bathroom, only to see Bloom still snoring.

Bloom is quite lazy when it comes to getting up, almost every day I have

to wake her up.

Sometimes I let her sleep, but it's almost 7:30 a.m. already, we'll run out

of breakfast if she keeps sleeping, so, gathering a pinch of magic in my

fingers, I focus it on my fingertip and throw it in the direction of Bloom,

slapping her ass and jumping her awake.

Bloom: "Kyaaa, ouch, my ass." Bloom jumped up and rubbed her butt

while giving me an annoyed look. A look that I found particularly cute on


Extimum: "Well, now you are awake, go take a bath now that we have

time, otherwise I will cast the quick wash spell on you."

Bloom: "No, I'll go bathe myself." Bloom quickly flew into the bathroom

as she spoke.

Extimum: "Well, I'll wait for you in the common room."

On the way to the exit, I take the pendant that I bought in China and I tie

it to my pants, since I bought it I have been wearing it, even with the

uniform. I haven't had time to really examine it yet and have tried to

activate it, but just like the old lady had said, the necklace doesn't work,

but it's still a cosmetic item to my liking after I clean and restore it a bit.

--End Pov--.

Leaving his private room, he found a fairly quiet common room and it

wasn't just because he was a little late for breakfast, there were really few

students among all the houses in all of Hogwarts.

As he walked over to a sofa to wait for Bloom, he noticed that there was

already someone sitting in the place.

Luna: "Good morning, Extimum and merry Christmas."

Extimum: "good morning, merry Christmas to you too, haven't you gone

to breakfast yet?"

Luna: "Oh, I was waiting for you and Bloom, so I was reading this book

while I was waiting for you to come out."

Extimum: "how long have you been there exactly?"

Luna tilted her head slightly as she considered and then answered.

Luna: "I think from 5 am, here is your gift." Luna replied as she took out a

wrapped box that was next to the foot of the sofa.

Extimum: 'two hours…'. Extimum was internally surprised that she had

gotten up so early to wait for them.

Extimum: "thank you, have you seen my gift?"

Luna: "Yes, it's a very nice hairpin, look, I'm wearing it now." Luna said as

she pulled out a cyan bobby pin from her hair.


Extimum had bought two hairpins on his trip to China, one of them he

had bought thinking of Hermione, as for the other, he had not had a

person in mind, he had simply decided to take some souvenirs and maybe

give it to someone else. The hairpin on the moon was precisely the extra

hairpin that he had bought.

Luna: "and Bloom?"

Extimum: "oh, she shouldn't be long in coming."

As they spoke, Extimum opened Luna's gift, inside there was a fruit

similar to a large red apple, it was only similar because its size was as big

as two normal apples in width and height, in addition, its texture did not

look like what you would see in a An ordinary apple, its surface was

sparkling like crystal, ruby-red in color and instead of the normal thin

stick of an apple, it had a thick, pumpkin-like stick.

Extimum: "Where did you get a vintage malus?". Extimum asked

curiously as he gave the fruit a thoughtful look.

Luna: "My dad had some saved and since I stayed here this Christmas, he

sent me some, so I decided to give you one, also, look, there is another

gift under the old malus."

Extimum could sense that Luna was not entirely honest with her words,

but she decided to let him go for now and look at the second gift.

An aged malus was a traditional Christmas dessert from the English

wizarding community, however, despite being a traditional recipe, it was

not something you will find for sale in any store.

The 'vintage malus' was a dessert made from a 'lost malus', which was an

apple twice the size of an original, but with some characteristics that

made it look quite different, one of them was its glass-like surface and its

stem. similar to that of a pumpkin, on the other hand, its interior was soft

similar to biting a mango instead of an apple and its taste was like tasting

a very sweet apple but with a different touch, it was difficult to explain if

you did not taste it, without However, that touch made it always taste

different from any other lost malus, there was none that tasted the same

as the other by a quite remarkable fraction, which made it quite delicious

and unique in each experience for its consumers, unfortunately, there

was no many trees of this fruit currently and only bore fruit every 3 years

in December.

The 'vintage malus' was a 'lost malus' filled with some other things that

was then sealed with magic and left to age for a few days. The filling

varied a lot depending on the taste of the person who prepared it, but

other sweets, wines, liqueurs, etc. were generally added. Due to the

special surface of the lost malus, it would not be damaged over time and

could instead be used as a container to age things without decomposing.

The 'vintage malus' would later acquire certain peculiarities of its filling,

further improving its flavor and making it much more special, of course,

since it had already been opened and filled with other things, it could

only be aged for a maximum of a month until you have to put it under

stasis spells for preservation.

The reason Extimum gave him a thoughtful look was that, the 'vintage

malus' was probably the only Christmas present he had received from his

family before making friends at Hogwarts. Bob had given it to him once,

according to him, it was a gift from his mother, the only gift he had ever

received. Even so, Extimum had his doubts about the veracity of Bob's

words, on the other hand, he never forgot that gift and he had not had

the opportunity to see or taste one after that day.

At the bottom of the box was a detailed rag doll, made of wool, where he

and Bloom were.

Extimum: "did you do it?"

Luna: "yes, do you like it?"

Extimum: "yes, thank you". the doll would be nice as an ornament, so I

keep it in its expandable bag. Although it was an unusual gift, it did not

look creepy or ugly, plus, she had made it herself, so I accept it.

While putting her gift in her bag, Bloom had left the room ready and flew

over to them.

Bloom: 'ready, let's go'.

Luna: "Hello Bloom, here, I also have a gift for you, I made them myself."

Luna said as she took out a small box from her pocket.

Bloom: 'Oh, let me see.' Bloom took a much smaller box from Luna's

hands and ripped it open quickly, her action in sharp contrast to the calm

and delicate way Extimum had opened her gift, keeping its wrapping


When opening the small box, the contents became clearly visible, there

were at least 2 sets of small clothes inside, each garment was quite

detailed, showing Luna's great skill with her hands to make clothes of

such a small size.

Luna: "I noticed that you didn't seem to have many styles of clothing, so I

made these myself following your tastes."

It was true that Bloom did not wear many styles of clothing, but in reality

it was because she preferred it that way, Extimum had already gone with

her to various stores and bought clothes for her, clothes that she later

shrunk to be her size, without However, she curiously only modeled or

wore most of her clothes in front of Extimum, leaving the clothes she was

usually seen in as her uniform that she always dressed in while outside.

Bloom: 'Wow, they look beautiful.' Bloom flew over to Luna and gave her

a hug, although given Bloom's size it was more like her hugging Luna's


Bloom really wanted to be able to speak and say thank you herself, but

she knew she couldn't, it would be very dangerous if someone saw her


Extimum could feel Bloom's emotions and discomfort at not being able to

express himself, so remembering one of his spells that he had learned

recently, he put one of his fingers on Bloom's forehead and another on

Luna's forehead.

Extimum: 'Try it now'.

Bloom: 'can you hear me?' Bloom asked tentatively, roughly

understanding Extimum's intentions.

Moon: "yes ...". Luna widened her eyes and blinked as she got a vague

idea of ​​what had happened as she looked at Extimum and then at his

finger that touched her forehead and Bloom's.

Bloom: 'the dresses were very beautiful, thank you.'

Luna just smiled happily and Extimum withdrew her fingers. It was a

small gesture, but it had a lot of meaning to Bloom. It was not easy to

always have to express himself with signs or gestures when in fact she

could speak.

It was a legilimency trick that he had learned recently, although his

progress in this art was not nearly as good with his occlumency or his

magic, but he still made occasional progress. So projecting the thoughts

of Luna and Bloom using himself as an intermediary was not that

difficult, besides, since he was connected with Bloom, It didn't require

much effort on his part other than simply connecting with Luna. This

method was non-invasive, so it would only work if there was physical

contact and the people could decide if they wanted to send their thoughts

or not.

After that, they all went to the large dining room together for breakfast.


The Great Hall gleamed everywhere. Not only were there a dozen frost-

covered Christmas trees and thick streamers of holly and mistletoe

crisscrossing the ceiling, but warm, dry, magical snow fell from above.

Christmas carols music was also played in the background that some

students or teachers sang occasionally.

The great hall was now much emptier, perhaps less than half of each

table was actually occupied by students. Extimum hadn't spent last

Christmas here, so he really didn't know how many people there used to

be on average, but even he thought there should be more. Many people

used to stay for multiple reasons: some were orphans or lived in remote

areas, others liked to spend Christmas at Hogwarts and others simply had

economic family situations or difficult relationships for which they chose

to stay, an example of the latter is Harry .

Extimum walked over to where Ron and the others were sitting.

Extimum: "good morning, merry christmas".

Harry: "Merry Christmas".

Ron:" Merry Christmas".

Hermione: "Merry Christmas, Extimum. And who is she?".

Extimum: "Oh, she's Luna, she is a first year".

Hermione, Harry and Ron had seen Luna before with Extimum's other

friends, but they thought she was just a passerby and she was close at the

time being from the same house, they hadn't thought she was actually a

friend and acquaintance, because of this, none of the three knew Luna.

Luna: "Hello."

Hermione seemed to give Luna a more searching look, but nothing more.

Luna on the other hand only responded with a smile to Hermione's gaze.

Hermione: "look, here's my gift for you." Hermione diverted her attention

from Luna and pulled out a wrapped gift from her bag.

Ron: "oh, here, take mine."

Harry: "Yes, here is mine."

Extimum: "thank you, I'll open them after breakfast."

Extimum received the gifts, but did not open them immediately, he left

them on the table to look at after breakfast. He had already delivered his

gifts to the others yesterday, sending them with some owls that were in

the owlery. He had bribed them with bacon and turkey to send the

presents, the other gifts she had left in each other's bedrooms the night

before with Bloom's help.

After taking a seat, he began to serve himself his food, because it was the

holiday season, most of the food was mainly less healthy food, such as

cakes and all kinds of fatty snacks, however, and although in less

quantity, the basic foods for breakfast were still scattered among the

other foods.

Extimum: "You have some very interesting cakes there." Extimum

casually commented while looking at two small chocolate cakes that

were further away from the food on the table.

Ron: "oh, they are for you know ...". Ron said suggestively.

Hermione: "yes, we'll have it ready for tonight."

Luna: "What thing?"

Harry: "ah ...".

Extimum: "It's for an experiment they plan to do with potions."

Luna: "Oh". Luna didn't ask more, she could understand that they hardly

knew her and it was a matter of a secret nature.


They stayed for quite some time in the large dining room, first they had

breakfast while talking about casual topics, then they spent some time

getting to know Luna and playing some board games. They were together

until the morning hours were almost over and they said goodbye to

return to their common rooms.

Extimum returned with Luna to the Ravenclaw common room. Of the

students who stayed, there was not one they knew especially and they

weren't in the common room either, so the place was a bit desolate.

Extimum: "will you do something else later?"

Luna: "mm, I was thinking of going for a walk there and maybe playing

with a little snow, why? Do you have something else in mind?".

Extimum: "well, I don't know if you found it interesting, I was planning to

investigate a magic curse, do you want to come?".

Moon: "Sure". Luna didn't even blink and accepted immediately. His

quickness made Extimum wonder if he understood what he had asked or

if he just wanted to go with him.

Extimum: "Then follow me".

Extimum led the way towards a wall near the stairs, on it there was only

a Ravenclaw shield plaque, however, when Extimum approached the

vicinity, the wall became translucent, showing the way to a dark room.

Luna: "oh, so this is where the entrance was?". Luna exclaimed when she

saw the ordinary wall turn translucent. She already knew that he had a

private room, Steve was not exactly the most discreet considering that he

collected gossip and information, but, although he knew of its existence,

he had never seen Extimum go or leave it.

Upon entering the dark corridor, the torches in the corridor and the room

immediately lit up illuminating the place with a cyan white light from

the blue fire burning in the torches.

After entering the room, Extimum took out two suitcases from his closet

while Luna surveyed the place.

I put both on his desk. Upon opening them, the first contained a vial with

Astoria's blood and the second contained a variety of artifacts that he

would use to investigate blood.

Luna: "whose blood is it?"

Extimum: " Is from Astoria Greengrass, she's a first-year Slytherin girl."

Luna: "Oh, I think I've seen her in some classes, but I haven't talked to


While Extimum was checking other things, Bloom flew to the second

suitcase and from it, she took out a kind of microscope with a double

viewer that had a rudimentary design.

Bloom seemed to be experienced as she took all kinds of things out of the

suitcase and put them in a specific order on the table and organized the

settings for each one.

Luna: "have you done it before?"

Extimum: "Oh no, this is the first time I have done it, but Bloom seemed

more excited about the idea of ​​investigating and had already looked at

all the artifacts before."

After finishing reviewing some notes on the instruments and other things,

Extimum took the vial containing the blood in stasis and extracted a


Extimum: "put this in the magi-scopeo". (:v)

Extimum passed the sample to Luna while he put the vial back in the

briefcase. After putting it away he walked over to the magi-scope and

turned some knobs. Immediately the artifact seemed to exude a little

ephemeral vapor and then a light was turned on over the sample.

Extimum: "go ahead, you can watch." Extimum told Luna as he

approached one of the viewers to observe.

The magi-scopeo was somewhat similar to its non-magical counterpart,

however, although they also allowed the specimen to be focused, its main

function was to observe the chains and traces of magic that were hidden

at a deep level in the sample, an ability that it was not available in other

magical artifacts.

Although there are devices to observe magic, but when speaking of a

blood curse, it is not something that is clearly visible even for artifacts

made to observe magic, much less for the magical traces of a blood curse

that has been around for generations in the lineage, so not just any

artifact can be used and one that allows observation with a great level of

detail must be used, such as the magi-scopeo.

When looking through the viewfinder of the magi-scopeo, it didn't look

like it was looking through a tube, but instead looked more like just

looking through a lens. Under the light, the blood sample could now be

clearly seen from a close and detailed perspective. The blood was like a

sea made up of thousands of red microparticles packed together in

different heterogeneous shapes, however, under the magi-scopeo, an

occasional dark flicker was seen that simulated a kind of sea beast. It

would appear suddenly and try in vain to swallow some of the nearby

particles, then dive again and disappear, however, although it could not

devour them, if it left them much fainter.

Luna: "looks like a water dragon". Luna commented while observing the

event that was unfolding.

This "water dragon" was precisely the "physical" representation of the

blood curse that inhabited the lineage. The point was that their

appearance patterns were not specific and there was not just one in the

entire sample, but many. Its effects were weak on the other particles of

the blood, but under careful observation, a clear loss of vitality was

noted, one that would consume the vitality of its host, facing a struggle of

attrition between the production and natural restoration of vitality and

the constant attempt to consume it, on other hand, the "water dragon"

did not seem to cause any reaction to the magic contained in the blood at


Although the curse was made clearly visible thanks to the magi-scopeo,

curing the curse was not as easy as simply eliminating those water

dragons. The curse affected an entire bloodline, even if Astoria died, as

long as someone held the Greengrass bloodline on him, he would be

affected. Since it was a lineage extinction curse, it is likely that the curse

would end if they gave up their last name and abandoned the lineage,

however that would be too high a price for a wizard and a disgrace to the


On the other hand, if the family was left without an heir, the curse would

also stop spreading. In the current generation, Daphne is the heir to the

family, so when marrying, her husband must take her last name to

continue the lineage or in case her partner belonged to a family of equal

status and was not willing to giving up his last name would take both

names, one married and the other family, but that did not happen very

often. That was of course, if you wanted to keep the last name alive,

Daphne could still marry normally adopting the last name of her husband

and keeping the last name Greengrass as a maiden name, but unless she

chose one of her children to bear her family's last name, that would be

the end for the Greengrass family.

All this under the premise that his father, Damián Greengrass would not

get another woman who would give birth to another heir.

Of course, renouncing his last name and lineage would not necessarily

remove the curse from those affected, but he ensured that he would not

pass it on to the descendants if he was a man or heir to the family.


Extimum spent the rest of the afternoon testing various spells, potions

and even intervening directly with his magic, but in addition to obtaining

data, he did not obtain any results in his attempts to remove the curse.

Luna also became interested in the subject the more time she spent

observing and contributed some interesting ideas to the experiment, she

would have liked to do more, but her current knowledge of magic was

very limited, so she mainly suggested ideas for Extimum to try and some

others. she tested them herself on another sample.

Bloom had also participated, she controlled all kinds of artifacts that they

thought could be useful and acted as an assistant for Extimum and Luna,

in addition to testing her own magic on the sample, with her control she

obtained some results, but not very satisfactory.

The curse was insidious and cunning, when attacked, but without fatal

effects, it consumed the vitality of the blood to recover, on the other

hand, it was quite resistant. Extimum had tried to get it out of the blood,

freeze it, burn it, cut it, even explode it was not out of the question, all

this under a miniature and moderate scale of course, he had even

sneakily tried a curse on it to try to counteract it. Luna was the one who

mainly took care of using the potions, some of the ones that Extimum

had among his list of possible ones and others that Luna suggested and

had availability. The effects of pure and direct magic on her were so far

the most effective on the list, but in addition to shaking the "water

dragon" a lot, it does not cause much.

Some more deadly tests could actually kill the "water dragon", but there

was not only one water dragon and the others would hide if it managed

to kill just one, that added to the fact that they did not have an

appearance pattern made it a very ineffective method, moreover, tthey

weren't very safe methods if they were to be applied on Astoria.

To all this, the experiment provided Extimum with a lot of data about the

nature, behavior, possible weaknesses and counterproductive acts of the

curse; data that Bloom made sure to write down on his mini-notebook.

The experiment lasted until the night, when the main blood sample that

had not been greatly affected died, due to the prolonged exposure of the

blood to the environment, added to the fact that it was no longer kept in

stasis or in the body of its owner, the blood naturally oxidized, slowly

dissipating their magical qualities, at the same time, the "water dragons"

died immediately due to living on blood and existed only because of it.

Luna: "I did not know that removing a curse could be so difficult, I had

only heard that like hexes are basically impossible to heal, but observing

it for myself is very different."

They had now finished putting away all the instruments and were

finishing dinner on the desk in the room.

Extimum: "well, I already knew that it would not be easy and probably

would not achieve anything today, but it was necessary at least to have

an idea of ​​what he was dealing with, in addition to observing how he

behaves and reacts".

Luna: "You're right, well, we'll see you tomorrow." Luna said goodbye and

after getting up from her seat, she left the room.

Extimum: "What time is it, Bloom?"

Bloom: "It's 8:30 pm, do you still want to do something else?"

Extimum: "Ah, I just wanted to go see how Harry and the others fared

with their attempt to get information."

Bloom: " * uaaaah * ". Bloom yawned, she was tired after all the hustle

and bustle of the day.

Extimum: " If you want, just stay to rest, you have worked a lot today, I

will go alone".

Bloom. " Well, don't forget to wake me up later for the night flight. "

Bloom then flew off in the direction of the only bed in the room and after

taking off her little shoes, she lay down to sleep on Extimum's pillow.

Extimum just watched her sleep for a while before leaving the room. He

went to crying Mytle's bathroom, he didn't know if they had already

returned, he only knew that it was the most likely place they could be if

they had already finished.


The corridors of the castle were mostly empty and the students he saw

around the place were not walking with less than 2 other people for


After crossing some corridors and secret passages, Extimum arrived in

front of Myrtle's bathroom.

When entering the bathroom and looking superficially, he found it

empty, Myrtle wasn't even there. Observing the place, they had not yet

cleaned up the evidence of the preparation of the potion, nor the mess

they caused during its consumption, so he cast some spells to clean and

remove the residue and then put away the cauldron where they prepared

the polyjuice potion. Looking at the time on his watch and considering

the scene, it was obvious that they should have finished their

investigation by now.

The effects of the polyjuice potion only last one hour after ingestion and

taking into account the time and the evidence of its consumption, by now

they should have finished the effects and have returned to the bathroom.

Extimum: 'then it only remains to see the infirmary'. Extimum

remembered that Hermione was supposed to mistake her target's hair for

that of a cat, however, she hadn't paid too much attention to the matter

because she thought it would only be something temporary, besides, she

had focused so much on her research that there was no time for me to

warn him later. He had no recollection of how long the side effects of

taking Polyjuice Potion with Animal Hair would last, and he hadn't

researched such a potion, aside from remembering its ingredients and

preparation, but he guessed it shouldn't be long.

After making sure everything was in order, she left the bathroom and

went to the infirmary.


When he got to the infirmary he didn't find Harry and Ron anywhere, but

on the other hand, he saw Madame Pomfrey sitting on her desk with an

exhausted face.

Pomfrey: "oh, Extimum, you haven't been affected by something too,

have you?"

Extimum: "don't worry, I didn't come for medical attention, is Hermione

behind that curtain?" Extimum said as he pointed to the only one of the

beds that was completely covered by the curtain.

Pomfrey: "* sigh *, that's right, I didn't ask them what they were doing,

but taking a polyjuice potion with hairs from anything other than human

always has adverse effects, so now, she will have to stay with some extra

things for at least 2 weeks ".

Extimum: "2 weeks? That long?" Extimum was shocked, he thought it

would only last a day or two at most, he didn't expect it to be for such a

long time.

Pomfrey: "yes, I have already treated her with all kinds of things, so we

have been able to remove much of ... the aftermath, but some parts will

take at least 2 weeks due to the nature of the parts." Pomfrey didn't want

to go into too much detail to respect the privacy of her patients, so she

tried to explain everything without saying too much.

Pomfrey: "oh, that's right, what did you need?"

Extimum: "ah, actually, I came to see how Hermione was doing."

Pomfrey: "she should still be awake, if she is willing to see you, there

would be no problem with you seeing her."

Extimum nodded and was about to approach when Pomfrey spoke again.

Pomfrey: "Extimum, do you think you could take care of her for a while?

I have to go help Professor Dumbledore with something and at this time

no one else should come, although, if someone really did come, I think

you could offer them basic attentions while I return or notify them of my

location, it shouldn't take me too long ".

Pomfrey didn't think that Hermione would refuse because she knew they

were both friends, besides, it was only a short time until the attention

time was up, so she really didn't think anyone was coming.

Extimum: "sure, leave it to me."

Madame Pomfrey then got up from her chair, grabbed some things from

a closet, and left the infirmary.

Extimum walked this time without interruptions towards Hermione's

"room", he did not enter directly, but stopped by the curtain.

Extimum: "Hermione?"

Hermione: "E-Extimum?" Hermione asked in surprise and a bit of alarm,

her voice sounded especially shrill when she spoke.

Extimum: "Are you okay? Can I come in?"

Hermione: "No!" Hermione screamed when she saw Extimum's shadow

reaching for the curtain.

Hermione: "I mean. I'm fine, but I don't want you to come in and see me

right now, not how I am now ".

Extimum: "don't you trust me?"

Hermione: "It's not that, it's just that ... Ah, no, don't go in." Hermione

lowered her tuno as she rambled on, not finding very good arguments for

Extimum not actually coming in, after all Harry and Ron had already

seen her and aside from the fact that she wasn't comfortable with others

seeing her in her current form, she didn't have a reasonable enough

reason not to let him in.

Extimum on the other hand used her hesitation as a confirmation that she

didn't have a real problem with her coming in and it was probably that

she was just embarrassed. So he opened the curtain and entered.

Hermione immediately hid under her covers when she saw Extimum

open the curtain and enter.

The area covered by the curtain was not too big, inside there was only

the bed, a nightstand, a chair and a sliding sick table at the end of the

bed. There was also a single candle chandelier above the nightstand,

offering some illumination to the place.

Extimum took off his coat and left it on the chair, then sat on the bed

next to Hermione who was still covered with the sheets and just waited

like that, doing nothing else.

She would have to get out at some point, she didn't think she would just

stay under the covers. Hermione of course felt the slight tilt on the

mattress and knew he was sitting next to her.

And so, it was about 15 seconds before Hermione was finally ready to get

out from under the covers.

Hermione: "but don't laugh ...". As she spoke, she slowly lowered the

covers that covered her.

The first thing that entered Extimum's vision were brown cat ears that

were down. Seeing them unconsciously made him get closer, it was the

first time he had seen ears like that on another human from so close. The

next thing he saw were yellow cat eyes with sharp pupils.

Because he had gotten closer to take a better look, when Hermione

lowered the covers, their eyes met from a fairly close distance, causing

Hermione to pull away a bit and end up releasing the sheet, exposing

herself totally.

She was currently wearing a long white one-piece pajamas, she had a

pair of cat ears the same color as her hair on her head, her eyes were

yellow the same as a cat's, her face, although it didn't look too different,

but some of her features had become a bit more feline. Since she was

wearing long-sleeved pajamas, he did not know if the fur was still

covering her body, but he saw some signs that made it likely that she still

had certain patches of cat fur on her skin. Other than that, a long cat tail

now seemed to prowl near her lower waist area.

They were both silent. Hermione was mainly because she was still

expectant about what Extimum thought of her current cat form. It had to

be said that Pomfrey had put a lot of effort into giving Hermione all

kinds of potions and salves some time ago to remove much of the fur

from her body, however, some parts still had it and not to mention her

tail and ears.

However, contrary to Hermione's expectations, Extimum said nothing,

no, rather, he was closing the distance between them, while keeping his

gaze fixed on Hermione, until the distance between them was only a few

centimeters and leaving only the eyes of the other would remain in the

gaze of each one.

Hermione: "w-what?" Hermione asked a little intimidated to see him

approach and his sudden fiery gaze, followed by the intense atmosphere

that seemed to be slowly building up.

Extimum shook his head a little, it felt like someone had hit him very

hard and left him a bit stunned, although it was not a real blow, he

would have felt it if someone approached him. Due to the sudden feeling,

his attention was diverted from Hermione and he ignored that he had

gotten too close due to his dizziness, however, as he tried to reposition

himself and eliminate his stupor, he felt as if he had taken a strong drink

of alcohol and a fire came down from his throat to his stomach, the

sensation managed to remove part of his stupor, but now it was replaced

by a mist, slowing down his thoughts and forcing him to release a slight

pressure that made the environment a bit suffocating. This all seemed too

long, but it happened in just a few seconds.

The strange feeling that now assailed him had nothing to do with his

lineage, he had already made sure to become one with him and have him

under his control, that was what made him strange, he could not identify

the source of the anomaly that affected him , the only thing that was

similar to this situation were ... the previous episodes of spontaneous

magic of which he did not know its cause, the magic was clearly his, but

it was not him.

At first it was just his mind clouded, as if he was stunned, but then, the

situation changed radically, although his mind remained numb, a sudden

wild and uncontrolled feeling seemed to run through his body, if before it

was like taking a strong drink of alcohol, now it was as if his blood had

turned into alcohol itself. Looking up, Hermione was still looking at him

waiting for his opinion on his appearance, she did not seem to have

noticed the last second situation affecting Extimum.

Extimum: "** Grrg **". Extimum grunted and tried to suppress the

sensation that assailed him.

And then there it was, the goal or perhaps just the outlet of whatever it

was that was struggling to gain control of his body, Hermione. His

current situation was like being an observer, like riding a cart down the

slope of a mountain, he could control the direction, but it would not

prevent the cart from continuing down the mountain.

And as if he saw the path he would have to travel further down, Extimum

even in his numb state knew what he wanted, his oclumency did not

seem useful, it did not even seem that he had passed it to reach him.

Feelings of savagery, madness, excitement… desire… and lust invaded

her mind.

Extimum could only stick to his little sanity which was equally blunted

by feelings and try to at least be the headmaster himself.

Moving a little closer to Hermione, he tilted his head and stepped past

her to be by her ear and whispered to her.

Extimum: "I also like this Hermione."

Right after he finished his words, one of his hands slid down to

Hermione's waist and held her tightly as he pulled her towards him and

then bit her on the neck.

** Ahhg! **

Hermione gasped at being bitten, perhaps no longer so surprised that he

had bitten her, however, she could still feel how her body seemed to

soften at his bite and a tingle running through her body.

However, it was not enough, biting her did not satisfy the unhinged

feeling that overwhelmed him, so he stopped biting her and with the

hand that held Hermione's waist, he ripped directly her pajamas.

Hermione: "What are you-?" Hermione had her mind a bit dreamy due to

the effect of the bite, but when she felt the strong tug followed by feeling

the cold air on her now exposed skin, she recovered quickly as she

questioned in alarm and confusion, but her protests were only silenced by

another bite.

Extimum's eyes raked over Hermione's now naked body. Her tender pale

skin, a slender but small figure, the two little white mounds that stood

tall on her developing breast. As she shifted her gaze over her body, she

could notice some patches of hair that still persisted from her

transformation and dropping her gaze a little further down her abdomen

to a small bush that hid her pink cave.

Hermione: "Ex-Extimum, stop, stop." Hermione tried to cover her body.

She felt weak and could barely offer resistance, furthermore, Extimum's

intense gaze on her body made her feel as if it burned her, making her

squirm slightly.

But Extimum wouldn't let her, he stopped her hands and then held them

above her head. He brought his face closer and breathed close to her

neck, inhaled her scent and brushed his lips against her neck and gave

her a light kiss, his lips left a path of kisses as he went down, running

over her body, while his hands traced her figure, feeling the warmth and

softness of her skin.

** mmm ~ **

Hermione could only lie there on the bed helpless, letting out an

occasional moan as she felt Extimum's hands roam her body, it seemed as

if every drop of strength had drained from her body the moment she was

bitten, however, she released an especially shrill moan that brought back

a bit of fleeting lucidity when she felt Extimum's hands on her breasts.

Her breasts were small, but soft and he couldn't help but squeeze them a

little, shaping them, feeling their texture and consistency. Hermione's

moans were beginning to truly turn him on and following the feeling, he

brought his mouth to one of her breasts and took a light bite of her

nipple, earning a loud cry from Hermione.

** Kyaaahh ~! **

The scream was of pain, but in one last note there seemed to be some

pleasure there. Hearing her cry of pain excited him even more, but he

didn't bite her again and instead just sucked on her now hard nipple

while pinching the other with his other hand.

Their tails slid out of their hiding place and began to slide down

Hermione's body, traversing every crevice within reach until they

wrapped around her limbs. Extimum also ripped off his shirt and tossed it

to the ground, showing off his sculpted chest.

** mmm ~ **

** Ahh ~ **

Sweet moans occasionally came out of Hermione squirming under the

constant stimulation.

When he was satisfied with one of her breasts, he changed to the other,

however, his other hand did not return to the breast that he had left

alone, that place was replaced by one of his tails that now slid along the

nipple areola, playing with him to keep him entertained. Meanwhile, her

free hand slowly went down, feeling her smooth belly and passing some

sections where cat fur still remained, until she reached that brown bush

she had seen before.

Hermione didn't consciously react though, but her body still visibly

stiffened as Extimum's hand slid further, touching her now damp cave.

Noticing her stiffness, Extimum left her chest and moved closer to her

face. Hermione's eyes were misty and narrowed, hiding a great heat in

her gaze, her mouth came out with constant moans at the constant

teasing she felt from the hands and tails that ran through her body.

Extimum lightly kissed her cheek and slid close to her ear.

Extimum: "Hermione ~". Extimum whispered close to her ear, sucking in

hot air along with her strong desire. A large tent was already pressing

hard on his pants. Extimum took a gentle bite on Hermione's earlobe,

causing Hermione's body to jerk a bit and let out a louder moan, relaxing

her body.

Extimum's hand slid gently across her vagina lips, feeling a slight

wetness, he had only begun to explore her pussy when Hermione let out

a loud moan and came, wetting Extimum's hand.

Hermione: "** Aaahhhh ~! **… timum…". Hermione moaned loudly and

barely muttered Extimum's name. Due to all the stimulation her body had

undergone, when Extimum touched her pussy, she couldn't take it

anymore and came.

Hermione's gaze was heated, she was completely lost in pleasure, her

eyes only reflected strong desire and expectation.

Extimum's breathing became harsh seeing her like this, so with a bit of

magic she removed her excess clothing and positioned herself over


However, when he was about to go further, the pendant on his pants lit

up giving a slight glow from its place on the floor. The glow was just

that, light, but when it came into contact with her body, she felt a slight

soothing warmth that allowed her to regain some lucidity, but soon after

it dimmed and did not come back on.

But regaining a bit of clarity at a time like this did not help, the burning

and fire of lust had not disappeared, she had only achieved a bit of

clarity that would not last long and would disappear as quickly as the

brilliance of the pendant.

He tried to quickly think of something, but there was no solution to

dealing with the fire that seemed to have taken over his body, so he just

pulled Hermione closer to him and hugged her tightly, feeling her body

against his. Her tails also moved to entangle them both and holding them

tightly together.

The fleeting lucidity was quickly gone and his mind and body were once

again burdened with lust, but his tails did not share the same thought

that he was trying to control him with, so they did not release his self-

imposed restraint. His nails began to lengthen and his arms to apply more

force, pressing Hermione even tighter against him and scratching and

digging his nails into her back, leaving slight bleeding wounds.

Hermione. "Ahhg."

Extimum: "Ugh". Extimum felt as if a great tension seemed to build up in

his body and he had no way to release it, without more ideas and with

his current little wit, he aggressively bit Hermione's shoulder.

Hermione: "Ahhhg ... mmm ~".

Extimum: "Grrr".

It was a hard bite, without consideration, expressing all his frustration

and lust. I release all that fire that overwhelmed him through the bite,

transmitting a torrent of sensory discharges evenly between him and


It was not an entirely wise decision considering the force and violent that

was the torrent of emotions and sensations that went through him, but it

was either that or lose control completely.

Hermione widened her eyes and yelled, Extimum on the other hand, only

growling while still biting Hermione.

It was as if lightning had struck both of them, only instead of frying them

with its power, it gave them an overdose of stimulation. Hermione let out

another loud moan and came again, falling asleep from exhaustion.

Extimum withdrew his mouth from Hermione's shoulder, there was a bit

of blood due to his lack of delicacy, on the other hand, he felt terribly

fatigued and dizzy. It was good enough to stay conscious after feeling

that barrage of sensations.

Extimum: "'Fermaportus', 'impassivitas' 'messag-'". Extimum stretched one

of his fingers through the tangle of him, Hermione and their tails in the

direction where the curtains opened and cast two spells and nearly

completed a third before losing consciousness.

His intention with both spells was to prevent someone from entering. The

first spell should block the entrance and not allow the curtains to be

opened, however, the spell was intended for doors, so I was unaware of

its usefulness, so the second spell would establish a barrier that would

make sure that no one entered. Both spells should give him plenty of time

in case he failed to wake up in time.

A few minutes after Extimum fell asleep, Madame Pomfrey returned to

the infirmary.

Pomfrey: "Extimum? Is he already gone? But he would not leave the

place just like that."

As Pomfrey looked at the infirmary where no sign of Extimum was

visible, a piece of paper slipped from behind the curtains in Hermione's


Pomfrey saw it immediately and picked it up.

"Dear Madame Pomfrey ... I have taken care of the place as you have

asked, but I had to leave a few moments before you arrived, so ... I left

this letter to let you know as I felt that you would not be long in coming

back." The letter was a bit slow because it contained Extimum's thoughts

in his fatigued state. The spell had actually failed, but the letter had been

created in time and since the barrier was not preventing something from

coming out, it was able to slip under the curtains by chance.

Pomfrey: "oh, I knew he was a responsible boy and wouldn't leave the

infirmary alone for long, well, I'm going to rest too." Since it was late, no

more patients would be seen except for an emergency, on the other hand,

it was fortunate that he didn't need to check on Hermione again until






This was the first R18 scene that I wrote, I don't know if it's because

I'm the one who wrote it, but I feel like I am missing something, I

reviewed it several times, but I don't think I could get the feeling, but I

don't know, when I read my own work I It is difficult for me to give a

good opinion sometimes. I think this chapter will be subject to change

in the future when I improve my writing.

I hope your honest opinion even if it is bad xd.

oh and this is not the r * pe scene there will be.

on the other hand, this chapter is a new record with 8.4k words :v

Chapter 38: •The Guardian of His


I woke up the next morning, still a little dizzy as if I had a hangover,

something curious since I have never gotten drunk. My body felt stiff, I

could not feel that I could even move a muscle, on the other hand, my

nose was invaded with a sweet floral scent accompanied by a musky

smell and I became aware of a weight on my body.

Hermione was sleeping on my chest, while still hugging her naked body,

it must be early because the light was still quite weak and quite clear.

I mobilized my tails by untangling my body and Hermione's from his

grip, at least I could move them more easily than I could feel I could do

with my body.

"Re-Reinforcement". Damn, even talking is difficult. After managing to

cast the spell on myself, I felt a slight tingle go through my body and now

I felt a little stronger. I was feeling so tired that I couldn't even remember

where I learned that spell from, but at least I know that it should enhance

or empower the caster's body.

Very carefully I moved Hermione to rest on the bed as I tried to get up.

Even with the boost spell, my limbs constantly shake as I force them to

move, they feel like noodles.

With a little effort I managed to sit on the edge of the bed and with a

wave of my hand, I invoke my pocket watch that I keep in my jacket

pocket. The watch immediately flew off the jacket on the chair.

Once in my hands, I look at the time. It's 7:46 AM, it's still early, but I'm

sure Bloom will realize that I didn't come back last night or sleep with

her, I didn't even wake her up to go out for our night flight.

Putting that aside, I turn my gaze to Hermione sleeping naked on the


** Sigh **

On his back there are some scrapes and scratches with some lines of dried

blood, there are also some bruises from when I put too much pressure on

his body, his body is also covered in bites and hickeys. On a closer look,

he has some inconspicuous spots of semen on his abdomen, something I

also share, the last sensory barrage was too stimulating, so I ejaculated

when we were hugging.

Seeing her like this fills me a bit of guilt and pity, but it's not only that,

there is also the disturbing feeling that finds it thrilling and exciting to

see her like this.

I shake my head and try to push those thoughts away. The reinforcement

spell won't last long and I feel too weak, terribly weak, I've never felt so

pathetic in my entire life, I can't call Bloom for help either, I don't want

her to see me like this.

Moments like this make being a magician a really good thing, although

my body feels terrible, but I can still do magic.

I wave my hand a bit and cast the quick shower spell on me and grab my

clothes to try to get dressed.

As I put on my pants, I hear some noise from outside and someone finally


Pomfrey: "Hermione? Are you awake?"

Hearing Pomfrey's voice makes me stop immediately. This was not good,

it was almost certain that she came to check on Hermione's condition and

if Hermione did not respond it is likely that she would come in to check

that everything is fine and that she has had a good night.

I take the wand out of my clothes and wave it to allow the barrier to let

the sound out, then proceed to alter my vocal cords, I haven't practiced

my metamorphomago skills for a few months, but it shouldn't be that


"G-Good morning, Madame Pomfrey." My voice sounds a little hoarse, not

only because my throat is dry, but because I hadn't tried to imitate

Hermione before, however, I managed to get Hermione's voice right.

Pomfrey: "oh, you're awake, are you okay? Your voice sounds a little

hoarse." Pomfrey didn't go in right away, she could feel that a barrier had

been erected around the 'room'.

"Yeah, ahem, it's just that my throat was a little dry." As I cleared my

throat, I managed to finish tuning my voice so that it sounded exactly

like Hermione's.

It was quite an interesting scene if someone could see me speaking in

Hermione's voice.

Pomfrey: "Oh, I see, did you put up this barrier? I don't remember seeing

it last night."

"Yes, I did not want anyone to see me right now and considering how

gossip runs at Hogwarts, I did not want anyone to come spy on me."

Given how gossipy they were at Hogwarts, my words were quite

plausible, even if there weren't that many students right now.

Pomfrey: "oh, I understand, well, since you are well, I will come later to

review your condition and apply the treatment."

"I understand".

Shortly after I heard Pomfrey walk away to do her own thing.

** pant pant **

After Pomfrey left I was able to gasp a bit, just having that conversation

was terribly exhausting.

I quickly finished putting on my clothes and then stepped out of the

curtains while covering myself in an illusion cape.

I immediately head for the potions cupboard. Pomfrey seems to be

checking the petrified students, so she is a bit far away.

Let's see, bone-growing potion, calming potion, sleeping potion,

antidote… antidote… essence of murtlap… ah, here it is, invigorating


I take it from the cupboard and pour its contents into a small glass that I

grab from a nearby shelf.

* Gulp *

It doesn't smell very good, but it's not a big deal at the moment. After

drinking it in one gulp, I could feel much of my strength regaining,

enough not to depend on the spell to sustain me, but not enough to fully


I could drink more, but this should be enough for now. I return to

Hermione's 'room'.

I don't think she will wake up anytime soon, I can barely move and I am

physically much stronger, so she should get a lot more sleep to be able to


Now, I must treat his wounds, I could look for some potion in the

infirmary, but it would not be entirely friendly to his body with his

current state, on the other hand, in this case and maybe only for me, the

poison itself can be the medicine.

I got back on the bed and lay down next to her. I take a deep breath and

then close my eyes and focus, searching for one of my most neglected

skills so far, after a few seconds of concentration I was able to find it; It

shouldn't take me that long to access it, but given the lack of practice, it

is inevitable, at least controlling it is not a problem. After getting control

of her, I open my eyes. A very faint purple glow now surrounds my

hands, I give it a fixed gaze as it slowly begins to spread through my

body, giving the illusion of outlining my silhouette as a visible aura on

my body.

Then I turn my attention back to Hermione who sleeps next to me and I

slide my hands over her skin, but this time, gently and delicately,

exerting a little pressure on certain wounds and infusing the faint aura

that runs through my body.

Step from your feet, then to your thighs, following your abdomen and

then your chest and neck. Leaving the most sensitive areas for last.

** mmm ~ **

Although Hermione is still sleeping, her body instinctively reacts to my

touch, moaning slightly and squirming. The wounds that were massaged

by my aura slowly disappeared as my aura grew stronger by a minimal


When I get to the area of his back, I am much more delicate in my

actions than before, this part was the one that hurt the most in my

outburst, when I gently run my fingers through the wounds I can feel

Hermione's body shudder slightly. Seeing her so sensitive, I decide not to

use my hands and use my mouth instead of her. My mouth, in addition to

my fangs, has a certain tendency to create a generally relaxing and

stimulating magical effect or in this case analgesic, so I continue its

treatment with light kisses.

My action is appreciated when his previous shudders disappear and

instead his cat tail seems to wake up as a slight purr escapes from a still

asleep Hermione.

I continued giving light kisses and running my hands over his body while

his wounds were disappearing. His tail on the other hand, becomes more

and more active moving from side to side as if enjoying the caress. At

some point I even had to stop her because it made it difficult for me to do

my job well.

Purple energy is something like my natural magic derived from my

lineage and like my magic from the natural magician lineage they grow

with age, however, the true way to make my purple magic grow is

through intimate contact with a couple.

Last night I was not fully aware of myself, so I did not use it, but now

that I actively use it to heal Hermione's body as my hands travel over

every part of her body, it reacts to my actions and grows accordingly. .

In a way, it could be considered quite perverted magic, but if it were, I

wouldn't be the only one to have similar magic, I can think of some

magical creatures / beings that it would be similar to, however, my

magic is not totally inclined in that direction, even if it has its strong


I have not experimented too much with this energy, if I had to define it,

it would be like my magic derived from my celestial fox part, while my

human magic is generally colorless and without attributes, this looks like

a seductive maiden who performs soft and sometimes wild dances, He

has much stronger and more practical approaches than if I only used my

normal magic, but until now I had not encouraged it, partly because I

was not ready for it and partly because it would develop the longer I live.

Its appearance is generally weak when I compare it to my human magic,

however, that is mainly because I have not practiced much with it and

because having a fully visible form, it seems quite weak being a dim

light, although in reality it is completely inconsequential.

It didn't take me too long to heal all of Hermione's wounds, just leaving

some hickeys and bites still visible on her skin, a part of me is really

reluctant to erase them and instead wants to see them there, marking her

as mine.

Healing her with my purple energy has not only greatly improved her

previous fatigued physical state, but has also helped me.

With her body now healthy, I take a cloth out of my bag and summoning

some water, I proceed to cleanse his body of all dirt, I could have used

the quick wash spell, but I did not consider it appropriate, also, in a

certain way, this it is also a kind of penance and apology.

Once finished cleaning her body, I repair her pajamas that I tore last

night and dress her again.

** sigh **

With all of this finished, I lie down next to her as I hug her to me, resting

her head on my chest.

The question now is ... what the hell happened? I feel like I'm getting

very emo with so many things that happen, but you don't just go casually

through life and suddenly you lose control and attack someone, right?

Now that I think about it, I really don't remember ever learning a spell

called 'Reinforcement', I've never looked at a category of magic that

directly drives the body, hell, I didn't even know it existed, I could have

assumed it did, but I never have read about magic like that.

While I'm lost in thought I can't help but play with Hermione's tail with

one of my hands, curling the tip of her tail with one of my fingers,

speaking of which, do tails always have something like a mind of their

own? although I can perfectly control mine and They do not shake

shamefully when I am happy or something, but they maintain a kind of

natural dance in their resting state and can move perfectly in sync or

independently following my wishes. Their action of following my will

and ignoring what was trying to control my body last night was a clear

example of it, although it could also have been due to the lineage to

which they belong that they did not deign to be controlled and could

resist on their own.

Returning to the topic, the events that occurred today are quite worrying.

It's not like I don't have some theories or ideas of the cause ... but apart

from the possible culprit, I don't know anything and I can't allow

something like this to happen again. On the other hand ... this pendant of

mine was able to help me, it will be one of my priorities to investigate.


** mm, uhh **

I was taken out of my thoughts, when I heard a slight moan of laziness

and felt like Hermione who was resting her head on my chest was

moving now.

Shortly after, she opened her eyes still sleepy. At first she was a bit

disoriented and rolled around a bit while clinging to me, in an act of

taking off her laziness and then getting up, however, then her eyes

acquired a little more clarity and feeling the warmth of our closeness, she

turned her head to look at me.

We stared into each other's eyes for a while, there was no abnormal sign

in her eyes and she smiled a little as she waved.

Hermione: "Good morning."

Or that was what she thought she was doing, because the reality was

quite different. I saw doubt, confusion, reminiscence, surprise, horror,

anger, sadness, misunderstanding and finally perhaps expectation along

with fears.

Even if I wasn't that perceptive or couldn't feel her emotions, her tight,

nervous smile wasn't fooling anyone.

Hermione: "I-". Hermione was trying to act normal and trying to get up,

but I didn't let her and held her next to me. I was not too Rude, all my

previous actions were in order to give her better peace of mind for when

she will wake up from her, so I held her close to her preventing her from

leaving, but I was not too harsh for her to feel that she couldn't escape.


The unfolding of events had been beyond my control,but it didn't change

the fact that I was also guilty. I was not afraid to apologize, but I didn't

start the conversation with a plethora of words that might or might not

do any good, I needed to know her disposition first, was she even willing

to listen to me?

Hermione just buried her face in my chest and remained silent, but

shortly after I could feel a slight wetness on my chest.

Feeling her tears instead of her screams indicated that there might be

some salvation to the situation, so I hugged her a little tighter in an

attempt to comfort her, even if I was the cause of the damage.

I thought for a moment how I would handle this delicate situation and

acted once I decided what approach to take. Softening things and giving

them time would be the common option, but I do not agree with that

method as the first option, leaving things to chance is only a valid option

when it is not in my hands to be able to change something, but since I

can still do something, I will not hesitate to do it. In this case, a more

direct and simple method is more effective.

"Look at me"

Hermione didn't move right away, but I didn't push her. I only had to

wait a few seconds until she finally lifted her head from my chest and

looked at me. Her eyes are still teary looking into mine.

"You hate me?"

Hermione lowered her gaze a bit, but then she looked back at me and

just shook her head.

It was nice to know that she didn't really hate me, but given her state,

she didn't seem too willing to talk either as she continued to process her


But even with my little experience, there is something I do know about

women, their minds are quite creative and capable of forming all kinds of

ideas, some reasonable and some quite crazy and even paranoid. That

said, in problematic and delicate situations where there is a real interest

in saving the situation, the ideal is not to allow them to think too much,

instead, give them the answers to questions that they have not yet asked

themselves and that on the contrary. They could lead to negative

conclusions for both parties, in this way, although it is not assured to

save the situation, the possibilities can be improved.

'Legilimens'. One of my tails held my wand pointed at Hermione and cast

the spell from an angle invisible to her sight.

It wouldn't erase her memory, no, it wasn't something I wanted to erase, I

just used the spell to allow me to establish a true connection with

Hermione's mind. There are things that are simply too difficult to say in

words, but if we only spoke with our thoughts and said everything that

we really wanted to say, it would be much easier to understand each

other at times.

Ah, the mind, sometimes it would really be good if it was like a book, but

what you really find when you enter is something like a world upside

down, in a way similar to a maze or in some cases more complicated

forms, it was a Luckily it wasn't really necessary to understand all of that,

in a way it was in its own way a natural defense, however, perhaps only

really advanced Legilimens and masters of the art could really decipher

much of all that puzzle. Like many, I only play a kind of trial and error

game, looking for what information I can obtain through certain

stimulations. Knowing how to interpret and how to find the information

was the real task, in addition to knowing the different sectors of the


Sometimes the Legilimency was just a kind of mental probe, other times

it was a projection of our mind that entered directly into the minds of

others, both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, but

superficially they are not very different, because everything that we may

occur occurs in the time of a thought

Those who had trained their minds with mental arts like oclumency on

the other hand would shape their mind to their liking, hiding things,

putting up defenses and blocks, with a little practice even defenses

capable of counterattacking. However, I did not seek to read his

memories, or see his superficial thoughts, no, what I was looking for was

the version of Hermione that inhabited this space, one with whom it was

possible to dialogue and was willing to listen in her current state,

something like that like her conscience.

On the other hand, the mental space that is accessed when practicing

Occlumency or entering deep states of meditation is not the same place

that someone would come to. My mental space is something like a dark

space filled with stars, but that is just a room where my consciousness

usually waits. Therefore, if someone were to enter my mind, what I

would find would be a world, a world that represents my mind, a world

that does not necessarily have a shape, feet or head, even if I can

organize it with oclumency, I cannot alter it, perhaps hide it. But the

place would never really disappear and would only change if I changed.

That is one of the reasons why the Legilimens do not carelessly enter the

mind of another and much less the mind of the insane or with mental

disorders, the internal worlds that await there can be quite terrifying if

you do not have experience.


I could have tried to dialogue with her directly, but in a situation like

this, I would rather not take chances.

Hermione still had no mental defenses, so based on my previous

practices, I immersed myself in a passage that allowed me to get straight

to her mental version.

Along the way I used the influence of my purple energy and calm

Hermione's restless emotions, alleviating possible traumatic effects in the


The place I arrived was the Hogwarts library, one of the places where

Hermione spends most of her time, on the other hand, she was sitting in

a corner with her head between her knees.

I walked over to her and sat next to her and was silent for a few seconds.

This version of her was much calmer, my actions along the way had

managed to calm her agitated emotions, on the other hand, this version

would not have so many qualms about speaking, of course, since it is her

mind and conscience, she will decide what really I mean, but it's more

like that in a way it would lack all the self-imposed limitations, it was

like the voice of conscience that we hear in our head saying how much

we hate someone even when we smile in their face.

I started speaking taking a casual and leisurely approach.

"I'm really sorry ... What happened last night was something that was

beyond my control, of course, that doesn't change the fact that I did it,

but I wanted you to know, on the other hand ... my words at the time

they weren't fake, I really like you, your current appearance doesn't

change that fact, however ... I won't lie to you, I hated it as much as I

enjoyed it. "

Hermione: "I don't hate you ..." Hermione muttered barely audibly.

"What did you say?". Although I could hear her, I wanted her to say it


Hermione: "I said I don't hate you! I just ... I was scared, you didn't

behave like you, you were more like a beast, in your eyes there was no

longer the same calm and playfulness, it was just savagery, you looked at

me as if I was just a prey ".

Hermione didn't really hate him, she wouldn't deny that she experienced

a lot of negative emotions when she woke up, besides fear, there was also

a certain feeling of betrayal and misunderstanding as to how things

turned out like that, it was not a completely pleasant experience at first,

she had really felt as if a beast wanted to devour her in a literal sense,

her inability to do anything and perhaps worst, at some point she enjoy

it, the stimulation her inexperienced body received was simply too much,

but even she could tell that the The situation was not entirely natural and

with the terrible sensation he felt at that moment, Extimum really

seemed to have exercised some restraint or held back. Something

important in her consideration was also that in reality, at some point she

became completely unaware of what happened, she could remember the

first parts, but after that, her mind only seemed to remember the

sensations, a memory that caused certain shudders in her but not because

of fear.

Hearing her tone, I could feel that she felt much calmer, but her deeds

still had her a little disturbed. I used those moments when she revealed

her emotions to try to mitigate those feelings in her subconscious, doing

so might seem like I was manipulating her, but in reality I just wanted

the event to be less traumatic and difficult for her, I was not trying to

change the facts.

Hermione: "We ... we did it?"

"What thing?". Her question surprised me a bit, I didn't expect her to ask

that, but I deliberately decided to play ignorant.

Hermione: "you know ...".

"I can't tell if you're not specific, a lot happened, I-".

Hermione: "Don't say it. Ahem, I mean, You and I ... we had ss-se, ugh,

did we have sex?". Hermione was quite hesitant, but seeing that I wasn't

understanding, she finally said it with a strong blush on her face.

"oh, no, we didn't, I guess that will be for another opportunity, one in

which we are much more lucid".

Hermione: "Yes ... on another occasion, wait, what? No, no". Hermione

muttered absently, but blushed and quickly shook her head when she

realized what he was saying.

On the other hand, Hermione seemed much calmer knowing that she

hadn't done it, she didn't want her first time to be like that, much less

that she couldn't even remember it correctly.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you."

Hermione: "Hmp, I didn't say anything, you're imagining things."

"Well, I'm glad you're feeling better." I said while getting up from my

place and shortly after disappearing from the place.


All of the above seemed to have taken a long time, but in the real world

it had been less than a second.

I found myself looking Hermione in the eye again, she blinked at the new

information in her mind.

Hermione: "I didn't know you could do that."

Extimum: "a bit of mystery gives things a certain charm, but you can take

your time trying to figure it out."

Hermione: "yes ...". Hermione said as she looked up at my head and at

my waist.

Hermione: "You didn't have ... forget it, maybe I just imagined it".

Harry: "Hermione? Are you awake?"

Ron: "just come in, you know how she is, it is impossible that she is not

awake before us".

Harry: "Well ugh, I can't come in."

Ron: "What, let me try, ugh, I really can't, it's ... like there's a barrier."

Harry: "Maybe if we push together we can cross, let's try together, 1,2

and ... 3, Woahh."

Harry and Ron charged together against the barrier, but by that time he

had already deactivated it, so they went through the curtain and fell

together peering out the other side.

Pomfrey: "you two, what do you think you are doing? You just need to

ask permission to cross the barrier." Pomfrey screamed from a distance

seeing them fall to the ground after crossing the barrier.

Harry: "hehe, sorry, we didn't know."

Ron: "oh, Extimum, have you already come to visit Hermione?"

Ron was the first to look inside. We had already parted and now we were

both sitting on the bed together.

Pomfrey: "oh, I hadn't seen you come in Extimum." Pomfrey said while

giving us a slightly suspicious look, she was always very aware of those

who entered and almost never anyone managed to enter the infirmary

without her noticing, but remembering that Extimum did not seem like a

bad boy she supposed that he had only entered when she did not I was

paying attention.

Although I was able to act perfectly calm, Hermione blushed slightly

when she felt Pomfrey's slightly suspicious gaze upon us.

Pomfrey: "ah, you are very blushing, maybe you still have some adverse

effects? Okay, you two, quickly get out of here and wait for me outside,

first I need to check Hermione's condition, then you can talk to her."

Ron: "eh, but why can Extimum stay?"

Pomfrey: "Extimum is learning medicine with me and since Miss Granger

has given him permission to enter, I suppose he would not mind his

presence in the more discreet exams."

Harry: "Come on Ron, it won't take long."

Ron: "Good ...".


I left the infirmary shortly after, Madame Pomfrey did not find anything

abnormal in Hermione so she consider her blush as something casual,

however, after applying the ointment to Hermione to remove the fur that

still had her body, she was surprised when much of it it fell directly from

her. She could not understand how the effects had been much more

effective now, on the other hand, it was not a bad thing and on the

contrary, she reported that the time that Hermione would have to stay in

the infirmary had been reduced by at least a week, still had to solve his

ears and tail.

When Madam Pomfrey asked Hermione if she had done anything in the

evening that could explain her rapid progress earlier today, Hermione

only answered No while keeping her head down with a huge blush on her


Of course, I was only present for parts of Pomfrey's exam and still had to

wait outside when Pomfrey had to put the salve on Hermione, but I could

still hear her speak clearly from outside.

One fact that I noticed was that, unlike me, Hermione's ears and tail If

they seemed to react to her emotions, her ears and tail would be down

when she was embarrassed or sad or they were raised and her tail would

wag happily in opposite cases. I don't mention it to her because she

seemed embarrassed enough before and seemed to have noticed it too.

On the other hand, there was a slight tic that she would do very

occasionally in which she would let out a slight 'meow' when speaking

long sentences, something that she seemed to have tried to suppress

before and was not present in her mental image.


After leaving the infirmary I headed towards the Ravenclaw common

room, this time there were about 3 or 4 students in the room, I didn't pay

much attention to them and headed straight for my room.

Once inside I saw Bloom sleeping soundly on my pillow, however ...

"A curious occasion in which you finally decided to get up early, don't

you think? Stop pretending, I know you're awake."

She was awake, she didn't even need to go to our link to find out, it

might sound strange, but when you have an eidetic memory and super

senses, you start to notice certain things that no normal person would do,

like the sound of breathing and heartbeat Naturally it is because I have

paid attention to them when I was not doing anything in particular,

otherwise I would not only know something about it just by listening to


Considering that I have been sleeping next to Bloom for a few months

and they are things that I literally cannot just ignore, I cannot just decide

all the time what I want or not to hear, even if I can control my senses, I

am not a machine to have a filter or an on / off button, so sometimes I

notice things that I had not the slightest intention of noticing.

With that said, although Bloom is quite good at hiding it, but there is still

a minimal difference between the speed and rhythm with which she

breathes and her heart beats when she sleeps to when she is awake, of

course she could also be having a nightmare or a dream quite

exhilarating, but something just doesn't feel natural.

"I suppose then that I will throw you a quick bath, after all, you are

sleeping, velox-".

Bloom: "wait, wait, wait, I'm awake, okay? Don't throw anything at me."

Bloom shot out of the pillow to now be flying in front of me.

"Hmp, then don't pretend, that won't work for me, unless of course you

had other intentions." I said my last words in a dangerously low tone.

Bloom: "Eh… no… I was worried about you, yes, that's right, I woke up

and you weren't in bed, you didn't even wake me up last night, besides,

you feel a little different."

"Different like?". It seemed that she did have other intentions, putting

that aside, her last words caught my attention.

Bloom: "I can't put a finger on it, it's something that I just feel, it's as if

before you were a calm sea that waits patiently and now you have a great

storm in the sky, waiting for its victim to arrive to throw lightning at it.

The first thing it remains, but there is a latent ferocity".

"A peculiar way of saying it, but you express the point well. I have some

ideas about it, but I'll leave it for later, for now… I just want to sleep. " I

said as I directly threw myself on the bed, even if I am no longer

physically exhausted, the same cannot be said for mentally, it is as if the

night before I had not been sleeping and instead my mind had been

awake all night.

Bloom: "Sleep? You? Hey wait, you still haven't told me what happened.

Extimum !, Extimum !, * sigh *, well, let's go back to sleep. " Bloom tried

to find out what happened, but he had already fallen asleep, so he

resigned himself and "very reluctantly" lay down next to Extimum to


Bloom had actually not had such a good night, around the time Extimum

fell unconscious, she had quite dark dreams involving him and her and

had woken up around 4 am with black circles under her eyes and body. a

bit sweaty, which is why she had spent all morning trying to fall asleep

and worried that her dreams were real, which is why she was quite

relieved when she saw him return safe and sound.


--Pov Bloom--.

Dark and cold, that's all I remember, I don't know how long I was there,

but when I was able to see the light again and observe the world,

everything had changed.

When I just woke up from my long hibernation I was very disoriented, I

couldn't remember who I was, what I was doing or where I was, there

was only him.

A young man, looking quite dazzling even among my memories, not that

he had many at the time, but a general opinion based on my

subconscious opinion already said a lot, his name was Extimum


Their last name was somewhat familiar to me, but even now I don't

remember much of them.

At first I thought he was human, he had the shape of one, however, his

body seemed to give me a very different signal that at first I ignored,

later, he showed me his true form, then I understood that he was not

really human, well, in a certain way. form was a hybrid, but there was

something else. The transformation he showed was indeed quite

impressive, it was unlike anything I had ever seen before, I sure had seen

similar things, but none like him, however, what surprised me was not

only the fact that the essence of his True form would have been so well

hidden, but the fact that the other feeling I perceived from him was not

that, that was… quite strange to say the least. I mentioned it to him later,

but he didn't seem surprised, however, he didn't seem to know anything

about it either.

Our first meeting was a bit confusing, because in that first moment we

were already connected, I was not sure what he did at that moment, but I

get to my ideas about it when I get back a bit of my memories.

Contrary to what others would think, I was not so angry, I could

understand his reasons, it would be difficult to trust something

completely unknown, there was also the fact that he had been the one

who had pulled me out of a dream that could have been eternal.

That at least was enough not to go crazy with the idea, but it was not the

only thing, in the time when I was especially vulnerable, he took care of

me as if I was someone really special to him, he helped me understand

my situation, he gave me all the support I needed at that time when even

my own name was a big question and he treated me with special care, he

did not give me any orders or force me to do anything, even if I had been

aware at the time that a contract was binding us, I would not have

thought that I really was because of their deal.

When some fragments of my memories returned, I was able to

understand my situation a little more, I became aware that what united

us was not mere chance, but a magical contract, an ancient one at that,

but what I perceived of him was not false, his treatment towards me was

real, the link could corroborate it and even without him, I was good at

judging people and could tell, even if what led him to find me was a

whim, but his act of bringing me back from my state of being neither

dead nor alive and then using the contract to create a bond between us

was not just for the purpose of satiating a curiosity, there was a real

expectation of something there.

The current world is very different from where I come from, the magical

world seems stuck in old things, it does not advance, there are some new

things that could at least be considered the fruit of the passage of time,

however, at best it was just vestiges of the vastness and glory of the

ancient wizarding world. The true magical world was not limited, much

less so closed.

On a plus side, today's world is relatively more peaceful, but wizarding

society is in decline. We live in a sad imitation of magical cities, the great

magic structures and towers have disappeared, the air is dirty and the

earth dies. Although some great inventions of magic are still preserved

and there are some places worthy of praise, but for the most part even

non-magical beings have cities greater than ours. I don't know what

happened in the time I was away, but there was a great loss and

involution on the part of the magical world or at least the common

magical world.

When I visited one of the houses of Extimum I was able to see again a

trace of the former glory, pure air and full of magic, wonderful

landscapes, the plants sang a happy melody and the leaves moved with

life, the magical creatures had a vigorous magic and the buildings were

grand and magical. Structures don't have to be flashy to be magical, they

just have to have that special touch in them, that touch that you can only

do with magic, showing the wonders of such power.

Based on this I came to the conclusion that whatever happened did not

affect everyone and that the sad and limited world that I see still contains

somewhere part of its former glory, protected by the wands of the great


While I was with Extimum I was able to get to know him better and the

world today. He is a bit difficult to decipher at times, he always

maintains a serene posture towards life and despite his great intelligence

he seems to have problems understanding feelings properly, giving him a

strange common sense in which he ignores certain actions or behaviors

that can be considered abnormal, the keyword here is 'ignore', in a way

he seems to know what he is doing and to be aware of its implications,

but he just ignores them, such things are evidenced when he does not

seem to have the slightest sense of shame in walking naked across the

room or sleeping with me as if we were a couple, the first time I saw him

I was naked, it was not difficult to know that it was he who had done it

since there was no one else at that time, however, he also did not seem

affected and acted completely indifferent when observing my nakedness.

Other times I have seen him observe the interactions between people as if

he was watching an educational class, I am not completely sure what he

can see, but I can perceive it through the link between us, it is as if there

are colored clouds around the people and he could catch certain colors of

them, then analyze those colors with people's behavior and superficial

thoughts and come to a conclusion about how to behave. It is like a

magical golem that learns human behavior.

Some time later I discovered the cause. The cause was his family and his

home. I have seen it in his eyes, from his perspective, things do not seem

so bad and he accepts them as facts, even if he sometimes questions those

same facts.

The mansion he lives in according to his words is a big and beautiful

mansion, in fact, when I saw it for the first time I also shared his opinion,

however, that is not the truth.

The mansion is a terrifying place, I myself would not have been able to

live there if not for him, it looks like a great prison, that eerie silence that

seems to surround it, the long corridors that lead to a myriad of magical

rooms from which he seems knowing every corner and ... loneliness, in

the first days of my stay there I only saw two more creatures, a being that

Extimum called 'house elf', quite strange in my opinion, I don't see how

they resemble elves, even its long ears may be due to many other

creatures; on the other hand, there was also a shady shapeshifter,

however, he only came around occasionally and although it was a lot of

fun, at the end of the day, a shady shapeshifter doesn't really speak, they

only express themselves by a telepathy-like ability, a skill that now falls

under the category of Legilimency.

But other than that, the mansion was lonely, even the castles of ancient

undead creatures or beings with evil leanings didn't seem so lifeless and

then there was his mother. She did not seem so special, she was a

powerful witch that was for sure, she also had a certain strange aura

around her, something similar to the one that Extimum had, but of a

completely different nature, the most peculiar thing was, that she had

everything as a witch, because she didn't look like a mother.

He had never seen a mother so cold with her son, her demeanor was true,

there was not really a hint of concern or love when she saw Extimum

again after a long period of distance.

Someone darker than her was her husband, Extimum's father.

In addition to his appearance, the man had exorbitant power and a

terrifying aura, it was like being in front of a demon with an

expressionless mask, just being in front of him made me sweat a little. I

have met quite terrifying beings according to some fragments of my

memories, but the sensation that came from him was something totally

different, indescribable, inhuman, that's what it was, something inhuman.

On the other hand, he also shared the same feeling that I felt in his wife,

but his was also different.

Most annoying of all, I find a certain familiarity with that feeling, but I

just can't remember what it was.

In a way, looking at his life I felt a bit of sympathy, but that was not

what Extimum was looking for and if he knew that he was thinking that

would probably displease him, he was strong enough to have learned to

live with it, so To give him my pity is like scorning his efforts, which is

why I never said it.

Observing this whole new world allows me to realize a truth that I had

ignored until that moment due to all the previous events, now I am

alone, completely alone ... my friends… my family… my acquaintances…

even my enemies, all have probably also disappeared with the river of

time. Maybe it's the last of my kind, the current fairies are ... a joke? I

have no way to put it in a better way, they lost their power, their

intelligence, even if they look and act to some extent like fairies, but they

are no more Than a sad imitation of what's left of us

I would be alone in this world if it weren't for Extimum, he is now all I

have. I need him and he needs me.

Therefore, I will give him my full support and I will be there for him like

no one else can. No one but me can feel when he is truly sad or angry,

happy or confused, understand the darkness in his heart and his struggles

to find his place in this world. Even if one day there is another person ...

no one will know his heart better than me, I will be the only guardian of

his heart.

--End Pov--.





mm, let's see, here's another attempt at a totally first-person episode, I

think it turned out better than my first attempt.

the first person is more immersive and I think there are fewer errors in

the translation, although sometimes I had to correct because I

unconsciously wrote in the third person.

Not bad, right? Comment which one you prefer, although I still haven't

gotten used to the first person, I could try more often until I write

perfectly that way, here in this novel we are growing together xd.

On the other hand, I think that Bloom's Pov came out a bit

sentimental, but it is to be expected considering her situation, the

character clarified better, I still need a Pov of Luna

Chapter 39: •The informant

When I woke up again, my room was dark, I had slept from morning

until night.

Oddly, he wasn't hungry, but he could think about why. Although it was

not too much, I still consumed more blood than I have drunk before,

there is something really strange about me drinking blood, I am not a

vampire and even if I looked at it from a worldly point of view, a fox at

most consumes meat, no blood, even if the meat contains it, is not the

main target.

But I don't think getting stuck in an existential problem about why I

enjoy drinking blood so much is something to think about now.

Looking near my pillow, Bloom slept mere inches from my face, she

would probably be hungry, at least when she woke up.

Now more rested I can think much better about the events, the feeling ...

it is familiar, I had discarded it because at the time it was the least of my

worries, but the feeling before feeling that my mind was dull was similar

to the one I felt on that occasion in my mental space.

I don't know what that thing was. I had already tried to look for it before,

but I never found it again when it entered my mental space, much less

find any indication of it, it was as if that occasion had only been my

imagination, but even without my memory, my lineage that was nothing

happy on that occasion could remind me. Speaking of which, although

the lineage is not alive and is just another part of me both physically and

spiritually, but it seems to have a certain kind of natural instinct that

works based on me and my benefit.

The spontaneous magic that occurred earlier is likely related to that dark

figure in my mind, however, I also have no clue of what it is. The fact

that it exists is for sure, it also seems to have a great influence on me and

a rather beastly nature, but the most important question is what is it?,

Except for my wand, of which I have no suspicions, I am not carrying any

items that I didn't get it myself or have it checked out by me, which

leaves out that I'm being affected by a cursed item, of course, it could

also be that the curse is so insidious and powerful that I haven't been able

to detect it , but if it were the case, it would mean that I also have no

ways to fight it since it is basically an invisible enemy against which I

would find myself powerless with my current capabilities.

A curse on me ... it is not impossible ... but I have not let my guard down

when I have left the mansion or at Hogwarts and I do not think that my

family has, also, it would be almost impossible at least according to my

understanding that someone could curse me without even feel something.

I could also be under the influence of a potion, I am careful, but it is not

impossible that someone has really managed to circumvent my caution

and have strained it into something that I have consumed, but that being

the case, it must have been between a period of my first day at Hogwarts

and before Christmas break last year.

I will have to go to Pomfrey to verify that there is no foreign substance in

me, but ... for that if I would need to take a blood sample, among other

bodily fluids ... something that even with patient-doctor confidentiality I

do not feel safe to show or ... learn to examine myself for potions and

elixirs in my body, as well as identify them.

Finally ... it could be me ... my soul ... or my body ... I hope I have not

been some kind of literal monster in my past life and that this is the

aftermath ... I don't think so, at least I hope so, but leaving the

nonsensical ramblings aside, If it really were one of those two, I would

have to investigate in the grimoire, if the cause really resided in those

two options, not only do I not know what it could be, but how it came to

be from the beginning.

- Or at least that's what Extimum wanted to think. Inwardly he refused to

accept that dark thought that whispered to him that he really knew the

cause or rather the culprits. -

With that aside, only the pendant remains… an unexpected help, but

certainly a last-minute appreciated.

Both investigating the pendant and the more complex points that I must

investigate on myself require time, time and probably a trip home,

perhaps asking for help-No, not that there was someone.

My continuous reflection was interrupted when I felt something warm

touch my face.

Turning my gaze, I saw Bloom, she had woken up and was now looking

at me. She kept one of her hands on my cheek while giving me a kind of

look as if trying to tell me that she was there with me, supporting me.

Bloom: "Will you tell me now what happened?"

** Sigh **

I sighed a little, I wasn't ashamed to say it, but I wasn't very proud of it


"Well, yesterday, when I went ...". I told Bloom everything that had

happened in detail.

Bloom listened attentively, sometimes making pensive or surprised faces

and did not give any negative sign, something that I would have accepted

as it was not out of my expectations.

Bloom: "that's really worrisome, but do you know why it could have

happened just now?"

That was actually a good question, yes, why, why now, why not before?

"The only possibility that comes to mind is because whatever it is, I

couldn't before, as to why to do it at that time, maybe it was just a

coincidence or was stimulated by something."

Bloom: "On the other hand, I think this was a very good purchase and

that old woman said it was not useful." Bloom said as she took the

pendant that was on the nightstand.

"I don't think he was wrong, what happened before must have been

perhaps a last spark that he still had on himself and was activated at the

time. Changing the subject, haven't you slept well?

Bloom: "Why do you say that?" Bloom asked innocently, but the next

moment she blushed a little and looked away.

** Grouoor **

A slight growl came from Bloom's stomach, a sound that was quite

audible at the time, she seemed to be protesting that she had not received

food all afternoon.

"Well, if we ignore the fact that you didn't wake up to eat, I felt like you

were quite stressed and exhausted in the morning."

Bloom: "Well, I really didn't sleep well last night… I had a strange dream,

although it was more of a nightmare. In it we were you and me, the place

was like an underground magical world, it was magical and great, yet it

was unusually dark even though there were light sources around. I don't

know why we were there, but we explored the place.

We saw all kinds of things in that place, the fauna and flora of the place

was quite unusual or rather peculiar, mostly with nocturnal inclinations,

basically it was an entire ecosystem that always remained at night,

during our exploration we found an old building I can't remember what

the place looked like though, but we decided to go into it.

My memories of the inside of the place are also blurry, but after being

there for a while, we were suddenly attacked by a large dark figure that

came out of somewhere and tried to eat us; the figure did not seem solid,

it was something like ghostly, but it was very large, so large that its

mouth seemed to be able to swallow us in one bite.

However, for some strange reason we didn't fight her, we just ran away

immediately. The more we ran, the more we noticed that the place began

to become darker and colder, but it was not normal darkness, it was

something more enveloping and insensitive, as if on the other side there

was only nothingness, emptiness, death.

We ran all the way to what we thought was the exit, but then in the

middle of all that darkness, I saw fire, a great fire coming our way

quickly and we had to part ways to protect ourselves from it. When the

fire finally ceased, I turned to see that you had been captured by the

creature and you were fighting hard in its mouth trying not to be

swallowed, I wanted to do something, but for some reason I could not,

you did not seem to be able to offer too much resistance and when you

were about to be swallowed by it I woke up ".

Bloom: "But now listening to you, I don't think it was something as

simple as a dream, maybe it means something or is it a vision? Although

it may be that I'm just thinking too much, I don't have any skills or magic

about things related to divination".

"Hmm, I think we should try to review that dream, I remember seeing

something similar to a pensive in the mansion, there we could review

your dream in detail. Although it could have been just a coincidence and

maybe a dream nothing more, but I feel like there could be more to it. "

"Well, there is still time, why don't we go down to the great dining room

to eat?"

Bloom: "Yes, come on, I didn't eat anything after breakfast."

Getting out of bed, I organized my wrinkled clothes, put the pendant

around my waist, and then left my room with Bloom.

We arrived quite late for dinner, I could almost say that we ate by luck,

although the hours were more flexible now that we were on vacation, but

there were still certain regulations due to recent events.

The dining room was pretty empty, but there were still some students

and most of the teachers.

Neither Harry nor Ron were in the dining room, on the other hand, there

was no sign of Luna, so I sat next to Draco, Crabbe and Goyle at the

Slytherin table, they seemed to have arrived not long before me and they

were also having dinner.

We chatted for a while while enjoying the food, Draco told some quite

entertaining stories about some exploits of his father, in addition to the

obvious embellishment of the facts, there were some interesting facts, the

one that caught my attention were some about confrontations with wild

vampires and others with great vampire families.

The topic caught my attention mainly because I was curious about them,

they were not really that rare, most of them are part of great families

worthy of the ancient title in their name or at least one branch or another

and although they are not necessarily united, but all They seem to be

governed by certain ancestral customs. That said, there were also wild

vampires or vagabonds, who did not belong to any family, these

generally committed many heinous acts and were hunted by the ministry

or professionals in the matter.

Vampire families did not necessarily require a blood family bond in every

sense of the word, they were something more like covens, although they

were still linked by ritual or vampire magic to such families, at least for

ordinary families.

The current vampires had declined a lot, in general they could not use

magic freely and were rather limited to certain abilities of magical origin

that they obtained by their origin and purity of lineage.

In fact, mage vampires were incredibly valued in such families and while

they would be of great benefit to the family, they were actually

something of a breeding ground.

Given the current poverty of lineage, excluding the noble families of

vampires that still had vampires capable of free magic, most were just

Dhampirs conceived from the union of a vampire and a wizard and yet

did not ensure capable offspring to use magic.

With all this, it was possible to visit certain towns where these families

lived and some were even a formal part of the magical community and,

although there was still a certain bias towards them, but as long as they

were well fed, they were perfectly reasonable people and with some

Pretty nice extras.

Vampires were actually quite beautiful, but their skin was terribly pale

and generally quite cold, as well, even though they didn't have red eyes

or protruding fangs unless they drank blood, they were still recognizable

most of the time, it's not like they weren't potions existed to normalize

the paleness and temperature of their skin, so it was not really a problem

for them to fit in, however, given the difficulty in conceiving offspring

that can use magic, wizards would not normally marry vampires if they

had not a great love, after all, the odds that they would have a quasi-

squib child were quite high, of course, at least if that was the case, they

would still be physically strong and capable of doing some tricks of their

lineage, but for magicians it was something unacceptable, how could

they have children who cannot use magic?

This was the reason why perfect Dhampirs were so highly valued in

vampire families, if they could obtain the abilities of both parents, they

would be a class superior to the common magician and vampire and their

offspring had a good chance of continuing this trend, of course , this did

not mean that everyone was happy with this deal, you had to remember

that vampires were basically immortal, which meant that there was a

good population of them and since their pregnancies took a little longer

than normal, no one would want to end up being a brood mare for

thousands of vampires.

That said, for the most part, the perfect Dhampirs hid, escaped or

committed suicide, apparently the bite of the vampires had similar effects

to mine, but because their fangs did not have the same objective, many

times I could break the mind of its victim or leave it out for a long time.

Of course, there weren't as many vampire overpopulation issues, they had

a kind of tendency to go crazy at some point in their life of their own free

will or they were just tempted to go rebellious and try to use their

abilities to dominate others and given the current regulations Within the

ministries of magic, the profession of vampire hunters remained official

and in continuous operation.

Well, enough explanation about vampires, talking about an entire race

would take too long, thinking about other things, today I did not see

Luna all day. It wouldn't be such a big deal if it weren't for the fact that I

don't think I have other acquaintances or close people and it is likely that

she was alone.


After dinner, I went out with Bloom for a night walk. I can't really get

bored with the feeling, feeling the wind hitting your face, the speed and

the feeling of freedom of movement while flying is something really


Besides, I can also vary between the way I fly, I can simply let myself be

pulled by the sword while I hold it by its handle; I can use it like those

skateboards non-magicians use, I can use it like riding a flying broom or

just stand on it while subtly directing it with my mind.

Bloom also enjoyed flying, especially when she was climbing on the

sword with me, the high speed could not be compared to her own ability,

and it was not exhausting for her since I was the one driving.

The night was cold and the sky was partly cloudy, it was not snowing at

the moment, but the whole place was still covered in snow, reinforcing

the cold drafts. She was wearing a coat more for comfort and the feeling

of being covered than for the cold itself, however, Bloom was a little

more affected by the weather, her usual clothes were not exactly very

covered, luckily, her strength was the fire magic added to the fact that

she was hiding in my coat, she had no problems getting the weather to

not reduce her experience, I think she enjoyed these night flights much

more than I did.

We flew for about half an hour until Bloom asked me to stop, currently

we were flying over the area near Hagrid's hut.

Bloom: "Why don't we go explore the forbidden forest? You told me

about the place the other time, but we haven't been there yet."

"You are right, I have not gone again and it would be a slightly different

experience being a snowy forest, very good, let's go"

With that decision made, I slowly flew down to a stop some distance

from Hagrid's hut, not wanting to alert any of his pets.

Once on the ground, put my sword away and walked into the forest.

The place was still the same as I remembered, a dark but magical place, it

always gave me this contradictory feeling when I entered it, it was as if a

part of me told me that it was a gloomy and dangerous place and another

only saw it as a pleasant forest a little dark, full of life and magic. If there

was something to highlight, it was that the landscape was much more

charming with the snow covering everything.

Both perceptions adapt well to my magician side and my fox side, for one

it is a dangerous place and for the other it is normal and even


As I plunged along with Bloom into the forest, I took the bag from my

waist and held it with one of my tails, then stepped forward as my body

began to shrink and change shape.

- A white fox had now appeared in Extimum's place, his height was

around 50cm, a common size for his worldly counterpart, but still small

by the standards of his true species. At first glance it would appear

similar to an arctic fox, with a pure white fur, however, with more detail

you will notice the 9 tails that protrude behind it and the design of its

fur, which seemed to give it some areas of a slightly purple color bright,

as in the tips of their ears and tails, in addition to their purple eyes that

seemed abnormally bright in the darkness of the forest -

The transformation did not take more than a second. I have to say that

although I have not practiced my metamorphomago skill lately, my

constant improvement in magic, as well as the fact that I keep my ears

and tail out have given me some improvement in my ability to transform

into my fox form.

After a more detailed study I discovered that this ability cannot be called

entirely as an Animagus transformation, although it is similar, but this is

more an ability entirely from my lineage, on the other hand, the

Animagus ability is an ability associated with those who possess lineage

of magicians, it is not something that magical creatures can do, although

it does not exclude them from finding other methods or resorting to

physical transfiguration.

My vision had taken a lower perspective again, but I noticed that it was

not as low as before, my size was much larger than before, if before it

was something similar to that of a rabbit or a small dog, with an

approximate of 40cm now at the less should be 50 cm tall, it is still a

pretty sorry size, but I think it could change exponentially in the next few


With constant practice I had learned to transform my clothes along with

my body when doing these transformations, thus avoiding having to put

them away and then put them back on.

However, there were still certain traces of my clothes or accessories at

times, such as a symbol that I was now looking at carefully on one of my

legs, it was the same symbol that my pendant had. From previous

observations he had come to know that clothing basically blended with

skin, but accessories seemed to take a different approach taking the form

of tattoos or other discernible features that depended on the animal to

which it was transformed on how they would be made visible.

Bloom: "Wow, so this is what you look like." Bloom said as she walked

around excitedly observing every part of my new form. She hadn't seen

me completely transform into a fox before.

Bloom excitedly went to lie on my back, however, I involuntarily jumped

dodging her when I felt her approach. Bloom managed to stop in time to

keep from crashing to the ground and then gave me a sad look.

Bloom: "Why did you dodge?" Bloom had wanted to dive into the soft fur

that now occupied Extimum's form, but she didn't expect him to reject

her, considering that she always sat on his shoulder or on his head.

I blinked in surprise at Bloom's question, in fact why did I dodge it? I was

confused for at least the first 2 seconds until it allows me to feel my inner

emotions about it. I felt a clear refusal to allow anyone to climb on me,

however, shortly after thinking about Bloom I did not feel so reacted to

allowing her to do so, it was perhaps just a reaction to being the first

time someone tried it and much more since I had taken this form very

few times.

"It's nothing, come on, get on and let's go"

Bloom gave me a much more careful look and approached slowly, but

seeing that I didn't really dodge her, she lay on my back, hugging my

new form and running her hands over my fur.

After that, I ran with Bloom on my back into the depths of the forest.

Tonight there was a lot of spiders activity, but I was not interested in

following them, much less paying a visit to a giant spider, I was not

afraid of them, but tonight it was to relax and go looking for a fight was

not exactly my definition of rest .

The forest had not changed much, the only thing was that the unpleasant

presence of before was gone and the forest seemed to be much calmer

and at peace, of course, that was within the parameters that a magical

forest would naturally have, it was not uncommon to see like a seemingly

normal plant it opened a large mouth and swallowed a toad that passed

near it.

Thanks to the apparent peace of the forest it was not difficult for me this

time to finally go through the entire forbidden forest.

The forbidden forest stretched over a large area, which I mostly toured,

besides some normal creatures that coexisted here, there were also some

species of magical plants and animals in it, both guys seemed to have no

problem living together here without end up completely exterminating

the other party.

In the forest there were also certain territories of some creatures, the

most intelligent ones left clearly visible marks that contained a certain

essence of them for other creatures capable of feeling or seeing them and

the less blessed creatures used more common methods, such as using

some of their secretions.

The territory of the centaurs was quite large, they marked their territories

with marks on the trees, arrows or rudimentary totems of different types.

I just explore lightly using illusion magic and being very careful, given

your character, I'm sure I could have started a battle if they had seen me

enter without their permission. They lived in houses made of rather

rudimentary wood or in tents made of skins, on the other hand, their

place was quite organized and they seemed to have certain facilities like

schools or meeting centers.

The vigilance was good, a small group formed by 2 or 3 centaurs with

bows and arrows or cold weapons guarded the limits of their territory

and its surroundings.

After knowing the place of the centaurs I came across the territory of the

trolls, the place was distinguishable from afar by the smell they gave off

from their bodies, curiously despite their terrible smell, they were good

at hiding with nature, I did not stop too much in the place, they lived in

caves, big trees or simply in the light of the moon, they seemed to have

some places similar to a dining room, recognizable by the great

accumulation of bones of all kinds of creatures around.

Among other things, I also saw a herd of Thestrals and unicorns, both of

them weren't together of course, but they weren't too antagonistic to each

other either.

I did not find any werewolves, or a settlement of them, but on the other

hand, this is a forest, so it was possible that other creatures found caves

to hide or also established or found magical places that were not easily


Among the most interesting things that I found in my excursion through

the forest with Bloom, it was Fluffy who was sleeping soundly in a large

cave and a very interesting specimen, it was a wild Ford Anglia, not

every day you saw a car with an apparent consciousness behaving like a

living being, of that I am pretty sure, that was strange even by the

standards of the wizarding world.


He was currently leaving the forest with Bloom.

Bloom: "That was very exciting, we should have come earlier, it was

especially so when that centaur seemed to feel us and stared at us for a

long time with his bow in hand."

"That was because you were too noisy, if you weren't so excited seeing

the place, the centaur wouldn't have heard you, that could have been

dangerous, you know?"

Bloom: "Mmm, it was interesting to see centaurs again, I remembered

that they used to be much more fierce and proud, but now they seem a

little more serene".


As I was walking closer to the edge of the forest, I heard a voice nearby

that almost made me jump in surprise, I didn't know if I had been too

careless, but I hadn't felt it approach.

Luna: "I knew I had seen something."

Luna came out from behind a tree not far from my position.

Bloom had also been taken aback by the sudden appearance and had

shrunk her body down to its smallest size, effectively staying out of

public view unless specifically sought out.

Luna: "Oh, so it was a fox ... no, not a fox, a kitsune? So it is a little fox?"

Luna said as she got closer, she was currently wearing her full body

animal-shaped pajamas.

Little fox ... little ... little fox ... profanity, how daring. Hearing her

directional form was especially insulting and unpleasant to me, causing

me to frown, something that from an outside perspective looked quite

threatening in my fox form.

Bloom: 'Hehehe… she called you-'.

'If you say anything else, you will regret it.' I said annoyed when listening

to Bloom, while I followed with my eyes Luna who was approaching.

Luna stopped when she saw that the fox's face seemed to contort.

Luna: "Don't you want me to come closer? Well, I guess I'll stay here. It's

a nice night, don't you think? ". Luna stopped in her tracks about 3 or 4

meters from the fox.

Luna: "Although I wonder how I got here? I only know that I was

sleeping and then I woke up near here." As Luna was talking, she sat on a

nearby rock in the path, totally unconcerned about meeting an unknown

creature on a lonely night, on the other hand, they weren't that far

outside, Hagrid's hut was clearly visible in the distance.

Luna: "After waking up, I walked around a bit until I felt something and

looked in a certain direction and then I saw something go fast through

the trees. I wanted to see what it was, so I decided to follow him and

then I found you here. " Luna spoke as if she thought the fox really

understood her and without even bothering to be cautious.

Seeing her like this made me relax a bit, although I still felt annoyed by

her direction so me, it would be something to fix later, so I sat in my

place listening to her. Honestly speaking, he could have simply

disappeared the moment he saw me, but it was not a concern to be seen,

much less if I am near the forbidden forest, the only thing would be if

someone had other intentions towards me or saw me transforming.

Luna: "Maybe it's because I dreamed of animals and since I usually come

near Hagrid's hut to see them, I unconsciously came here while I was

sleeping, but I don't know how I got out of the castle ... Will I have the

ability to appear in my sleep? or did someone bring me here?". Luna said

thoughtfully as she looked up at the night sky partially covered by


Luna: "Ah-Ah, it's cold. I've never seen you here before, is this your first

time here? " Luna exhaled hot air as she rubbed her hands together.

Although her pajamas covered her quite well, it was only pajamas and

with the cold of winter added to the night, it was inevitable that she

would start to freeze a little.

I wonder what would happen if I actually answered her, um, but being

Luna, it probably won't surprise her too much.

Seeing her slight shiver from the cold as she rubbed her hands together

made me wonder why she was still here, but seeing that she wouldn't

move anytime soon, I decided to approach her. She didn't seem at all

defensive even when I was totally in front of her.

She extended her hand trying to touch my head, but immediately I

withdraw taking a step back, making her stop her hand, instead, I

extended one of my tails to touch her hand.

Her body was frozen, something that strangely I was able to feel just

from the contact of my tail with her skin, probably, she must have

wandered through the sleepwalking snow longer than she knew in this

cold climate.

Luna: "So soft and warm ...". Luna said when she felt the tail wrap around

her hands and offer a cozy feeling that offered her warmth.

Luna: "It feels like that dream ... today I didn't see Extimum all day ...

where he must have been ... it was quite lonely ...". Luna spoke as if

rambling, as if only exposing a part of her thoughts with her words and

not her complete thoughts, while repeatedly blinking and finally closing

her eyes falling asleep.

Bloom: 'Did she fall asleep?' Bloom had been hidden and under a cloak of

illusion observing the situation, but was surprised that Luna could fall

asleep like that.

'It seems…'. How can she be so careless? Fall asleep before an unknown

magical creature and within the forbidden forest area? Sigh.

With a thought my body expanded and in a moment I was back in my

human form. I took off my coat and wrapped her with it, then I retracted

one of my tails that held my bag and put it back on my waist, finally, I

wrapped two of my tails around Luna's body and carried her while

bringing her with me to the castle .

"It really is very sloppy." Although I said that, I couldn't help but think

about his words, putting her last comments aside, her appearance here

was something really strange.

"Unless she really has some ability to unconsciously appear, I find it too

strange that she has appeared outside the castle and at night, even if we

ignore the fact that she goes down to the first floor, it is really quite

coincidental that she was able to avoid meeting some teacher or student

who would stand guard and leave the castle to this remote place ". I

couldn't help frowning at that thought, something was clearly very wrong

here or Luna wasn't completely honest, but… I didn't feel like she was


Bloom: "Maybe someone guided her here while she was sleeping? But

currently there are not many students and besides, why would someone

want to bring her here?"

Those were truly troubling assumptions and questions if they were real,

but there was still a chance that we were just overthinking.


It did not take us long to return inside the castle and enter the Ravenclaw

common room, I went with Luna to her bedroom, thinking about it, it

was becoming quite common to visit her place, curiously, I did not find

any record of something that healed sleepwalking, there was only one

counter-spell, but Luna's sleepwalking wasn't a curse, so unless I

investigated a form myself, Luna wouldn't be leaving her night walks

anytime soon and didn't currently have much time, however It wasn't too

serious a condition, either.

After leaving Luna in her bed, I realized that she didn't seem willing to

let go of my coat, with a sigh I put it down and just covered her with her

blankets and then left the room.

I think I am becoming something of a babysitter, I must stop

concentrating so much on others, I will only make an exception to

Hermione and Luna, now I have other more worrying matters on my


Leaving Luna's bedroom, I made my way to my room with Bloom now

beginning to nod sleepily from her position sitting on my shoulder.


A few weeks passed.

Christmas was over and then it was New Years, Extimum had gathered

with the others for December 31st to celebrate and spend some time

together, because Hermione was still in the infirmary, they spent most of

the time there, Extimum had invited Luna and made sure this time not to

neglect her, spending time with her at least at meals or inviting her to

keep him company while he did his own things.

Luna had been a bit confused about the events that occurred that night,

but she only asked cursory questions about the event and when I told her

that I had been flying with Bloom and found her asleep in the snow, she

didn't ask anything else besides give me back my coat.

I had asked Pomfrey to teach me how to perform blood and fluid

diagnostics to detect potions or elixirs in the blood and although she had

given me a few more looks towards my question, she did not ask

anything and was willing to teach me, said that, I still need a bit so that I

could do it myself, there was some complexity to the matter.

In the meantime, I had resorted to investigating and casting many spells

on myself in an attempt to find out any anomalies and even went back to

searching my mind extensively for something, but there were no results,

on the other hand, I also rechecked all objects in my possession as a

precaution, but there were no results either.

Since it did not seem feasible to obtain results at the time, I dedicated

myself to studying my pendant, it was at least one of the few options that

I could make at the time. My studies in that area were not bad at all,

many of the ancient runes that I studied from the family grimoire were

used in the pendant, however, the pendant had a very intricate

construction and some parts were unknown to me, luckily, at least I

could start rebuilding a blueprint of the runic system it worked with, as

long as I could repair it, even if it took me longer to figure out my

problem, I would have some security with me.

Because of this, I spent the rest of the holidays and the first days

afterwards completely focused on studying him, I also visited Hermione

on occasions, which led me to discover why he was still in the infirmary

in addition to hiding his current appearance and continuing to receive


His behavior became quite peculiar, leaving aside the fact that he rarely

spit hairballs and that he had a tail and cat ears that already generated

certain changes in his activities.

Hermione seemed to suffer from bipolarity derived from a hormonal hit

from her current state, so sometimes you would meet a clingy and

affectionate Hermione, other times she would be irascible, sometimes she

would seem bored, sometimes a little silly and sometimes you could even

see her crying for no reason.

Speaking of the fact that it spit out hairballs, it was something really

strange, logic dictates that cats spit them because they lick their bodies

with their tongues and when swallowing they end up accumulating them,

something that clearly did not make sense in this situation and their

physical characteristics current.

But getting back to the topic, Harry and Ron had made sure to escape

when a sudden change in mood occurred, leaving only me to reassure

her, she herself was not at all pleased with her emotional attacks and the

crazy variations that occurred due to her hormones, she had even

managed to surprise me on at least two occasions, only so that when she

came to herself she would lock herself behind the curtains and not want

to look me in the face for a few hours.

Perhaps the one who got the worst of it was Pomfrey, who had to deal

with a different Hermione each time.

Among these things, Hermione improved her relationship with Luna who

had been very supportive in her emotional outbursts, Luna did not seem

affected by her constant mood swings and what the Hermione of the

moment did and instead only patiently accompanied her while I was


I would personally say that it was an interesting experience, at least as

long as you took it easy, maybe not the best experience for her, but I was

able to meet quite a few Hermiones in that time and even better

understand certain things on an emotional level.

After a few days, the students returned from their vacations and the

castle again recovered its bustle and life, it is not as if I had not enjoyed

the peace, the large size of the castle and its few people did not generate

any pressure on me, something similar home I guess, but I can also say

that it feels more natural when those long hallways and classrooms are

occupied by students.

I had to slow my pace a bit in the first few days to be able to attend to all

my returning friends, I didn't consider them a nuisance, it's just that even

if there have been no more signs or accidents since the event with

Hermione, my mind is off all calm, I have felt quite disturbed by it,

something that my friends seemed to notice when I being distracted in

our meetings.

Because of this, I only explained that a particular change had occurred in

me that I needed to consider carefully, I did not explain anything else,

but it would be enough for them to at least understand.

Hermione was still at least a few days away from the infirmary, her cat

ears had disappeared and only her tail remained, so she was unable to

attend the first days of school.

Among other things, Ron seemed quite happy as he made sure everyone

knew that he had been able to repair his wand.

My Christmas gift had been a coupon or rather an invoice that would

allow him to send his wand to the Ollivander store for repair or

replacement if necessary, so I take advantage of Christmas to send his

wand by mail and he received it again on the 1st of this month. I had not

given him money because I was sure he would refuse it, but given his

need and that it was already paid for, he did not refuse my gift.


Shadowless Mansion, main room.

It was a spacious and luxurious room, currently the room was a little

dark and with a somewhat heated atmosphere in dissipation.

On the bed in the room were Callum and Ava.

Callum was sitting on the edge of the bed, arranging her clothes a bit,

while Ava remained naked on the bed, the sheets only covering her lower

half, exposing her two large mounds that stood proudly on her chest.

Ava: "Mm ~, you're so happy." Ava said as she purred a little seductively

and squirmed on the bed, exposing more of her bare skin.

Callum: "Hahaha, the maturation has begun, the informant has news that

it is very possible that he has experienced his first awakening."

Ava stopped her movements on the bed and fixed her gaze on Callum

who seemed quite happy, giving a rather strange image when a slight

smile adorned his always hard and indifferent face.

Ava: "Mm ~, that's wonderful, don't you think then ... that warrants more


Hearing her words, Callum immediately returned to his original

nonchalant expression and replied.

Callum: "It would certainly be a nice thing to do, but there are still

business to attend to. The family reunion will be in a few years and since

he has had his first maturation, it means that things are on the right

track, we cannot allow ourselves to be negligent ".

Ava: "But ...".

Callum said nothing more and got out of bed, grabbed his coat and left

the room, leaving Ava alone in the room.

Ava: "The first maturation, uh ..., once it's completed, Callum will turn

his full attention back to me, sigh, for now I'll just hang on". If Ava was

upset about being left alone, I don't know not at all.






sorry for the delay, this week was full of exams and other things so I

could barely finish a chapter today.

I think I am beginning to adapt well to the first and third person in the

rhythm of reading, what do you think? or should I go back to like


Chapter 40: •Valentine's Day

The days passed quickly and in the blink of an eye it was already


Nothing noteworthy happened in the past weeks. Hermione made a full

recovery within a few days of classes starting and will only have taken

about 4 more days in the infirmary, a fact that gave her great happiness

by not having to miss classes and just settling for doing work in the


I, on the other hand, concentrated on my studies and training, I just can't

get enough of it, leaving aside my desire to improve, the more I learn

about magic the more I want to immerse myself in it, it's like an

insatiable thirst for knowledge that only gets stronger and stronger the

more I drink from it, sadly I had to slow down a bit this year. The

professors seemed to have some kind of unspoken agreement to fill the

students with hundreds of papers, and even if I had a great command of

the subject, I still had to take considerable time to write the essays. At

this point I really came to appreciate having Bloom and 9 Tails who

seemed to think for themselves.

With a little concentration, 10 pens could move efficiently while writing

the answers to certain questionnaires on the scrolls or directly writing a

dictation of the information in my mind regarding the subject, while I

myself studied other subjects. My focus was of course, the pendant; With

a hidden threat that could come at any moment, I couldn't sit still

without having at least a little contingency. Because of this, Bloom had to

work very hard as my 10th hand while transferring my thoughts to the


One might think that studying Runes while at the same time you are

thinking about an essay for 10 other writings could be inefficient and

exhausting, but on the contrary, although there was a certain mental load

and of course, in the long run it was quite exhausting, but not There was

no problem for me to do it for long hours, after all, both Bloom and my 9

tails were able to act on their own and they only needed me to divide a

small part of my mind to think and distribute the information, I would

say that the effects practicing oclumency played a large role in this result.

This got me thinking a bit about how the other students would be doing

when they only had themselves. Having thought this far, it was not

difficult to suppose that this intensity was done on purpose, this way

there would not be so many students roaming the castle in their spare


Which worked up to a point, there were still some students who were too

lazy to try so hard or had other methods to get their assignments done

and of course there were also well organized groups that divided the load

among themselves to make it much more relaxed, but With that said, it's

not like the students forgot about hidden danger just by being absent for

a few weeks, so they weren't that reluctant to stay in their common

rooms or the library for homework either.

I, on the other hand, had done it all by myself and did not join any study

group, although occasionally I would throw in some help according to

what Bloom told me when she went out to wander by herself, but it was

only when I was in the mood and I was taking a break from research.

Among other things, Ron and Harry had found the TM Riddle book and

although I was really very curious about the book, I decided not to

interfere and remain ignorant in front of the book, in this way I would

avoid being involved more than necessary.

Although it was a real shame, even if he knew that the book was a

horcrux, he was really very curious about how Voldy imprinted his will

or a whole personality in the book.

Although I have not personally studied about Horcruxes, it was

impossible that just putting a piece of soul in an object would give it a

will of its own, otherwise it would not be difficult to create clones of

itself under the premise of dividing the soul.

Of course, not that there are many people bold enough to experiment

with their soul, much less divide a part of it. The soul is the essence of

the existence of every being and even in ancient families there are not

many recorded methods to repair damage to it if by chance you were


Perhaps only the Mallku family located in South America would know

more about the subject, after all, it is their area of ​​specialty.


It was almost like any other morning at Hogwarts.

When I looked in the mirror I saw that I had a bit of dark shadow under

my eyes, it seemed that I had overdone it a bit with my studies, although

it is not like the nagging thought that something could control me at any

moment was very reassuring.

Leaving that aside ...

"Why are you up so early?" I said as I finished fixing my uniform and

looked down at the dresser.

Bloom was there looking at herself in the mirror as she finished touching

up her appearance. He seemed to have woken up in a very good mood

earlier today.

Bloom: "Isn't it good to be up earlier? I thought that was what you


His words weren't convincing anyone. It's not like it wasn't good for her

to get up early, but it's Bloom we're talking about, even if she wants to

get up early, she probably couldn't do it on her own without enough


Because of this, I could only give her a dry look as I watched her finish

fixing her hair in front of the mirror.

"Of course it's good that you get up early and stop being lazy, but it can't

be as simple as that."

Bloom: "mm? I don't know what you're talking about, well, I'm ready,

why don't we go?"

I kept my gaze on her a little longer as I watched her fly out of the room.

It doesn't matter if she don't want to tell me, it is likely that I will find

out soon.

So, I grabbed my extendable bag and followed Bloom out of the room.

Today I would not go out to do physical training, I had reduced it in the

last days after feeling that I was not making much progress, I suppose

there is a limit as to how much more the body of a 12 year old child can

be strengthened, it is already quite surprising how much physical force

that my body can currently exert, at least by human standards.

So the most I could train now besides my magic is my sword wielding,

but I'm also hitting a bottleneck with it, so unless I find a much more

capable master in the future, I don't think my sword skills improve a lot.

With that said, getting up early in the morning was mostly a habit, but it

usually took up that time to go back to studying. Today for a change I

just wanted to go for a walk around the castle and clear my mind of other


However, I had only taken a few steps out of my room when I heard

Steve's yell.

Steve: "Ah, Extimum has turned into a zombie."

Mitchell: "Damn, I knew it, with that cold gaze it wasn't very difficult for

her body to do it too."

Trudor: "Hmp, say that when you don't seem like one yourself."

Padma: "You exaggerate too much, although the dark circles… Hmm,

that gives him a kind of dark feeling or aura around him, but it still looks

good. Also the zombies are, I don't know, more dead? ".

Not far from the "secret" entrance to my room were Steve, Mitchell,

Trudor, Padma, and Luna. They all seemed to be in a fairly lively mood,

even if you ignore that almost everyone has dark circles under their eyes

to a greater or lesser extent, outside of that, their skin was a little paler

than usual, as to whether it was due to lack of energy. or from the cold of

the morning, it was hard to tell.

"Why did everyone get up so early? Maybe you could understand if I saw

Luna or Padma, but you three ...".

Mitchell: "Hey, hey, what do you mean by that? Don't compare me to

those two over there, I have to get up early quite often for some meetings

or training with the Quidditch team. TThe two of them are the only lazy

in our group".

Steve: "Hmp, of course, how will I maintain my beautiful appearance if I

do not rest well?" - He said while puffing up his chest with pride and

exhibiting his rather plump figure.

Mitchell: "Bah, you have no shame."

Steve: "..."

Steve and Mitchell seemed to get into an argument and ignore the main

focus of my question, but it was nothing new anymore, so I ignored them

and looked at the others for an answer.

Luna: "Well, I was already here early, I was reading a book while waiting

for you to come out and they came a few minutes ago saying all kinds of

things about discovering the surprise for today".

"Today ... oh." I thought about it a bit and finally remembered the date,

although it hadn't been very relevant before, it could only be that.

Steve: "Ah, it's true, I was about to tell you, knowing you I knew that you

would not give much importance to the date, but today is different from

the previous times."

Luna's words seemed to pull Steve and Mitchell out of their discussion

and remind them of my question, so they rushed to complete the answer.

Mitchell: "That's right, today Lockhart-". - He was about to continue

speaking, but was interrupted by Steve who covered his mouth.

Steve: "Hey, what do you think you do counting when I was the one who

found out the information?"

Mitchell: "Ack, what do you think you're doing putting your dirty hands

in my mouth, did you even wash them?"

Steve: "..."

And again they began to argue.

'They seem more animated than usual ... or maybe it's just the stress'.

Padma: "Steve found out that Professor Lockhart had a surprise for

Valentine's Day." Seeing that Steve and Mitchell were being more

annoying than usual, Padma ended up explaining what they couldn't.

Trudor: "So we decided to get up early to try to discover what the

surprise is, and since we knew that you also woke up around this time,

we were waiting for you; although Luna was already here by the time we

arrived and Padma arrived shortly after we had come down from the


Mitchell: "Right, so are you going with us?"

"Will you all go?"

Since Luna and Padma were here without Steve and the others calling

them, it didn't hurt to ask.

Padma: "mmm, I actually planned to meet my sister to help her with

some chores, but I'm also curious, so I'll go, anyway, I don't think my

sister is awake yet."

Luna: "I was just waiting for you, so I really don't mind going."

Luna's response was not a surprise, she also generally woke up early,

however, when she got bored or not sleepy she decided to wait for me to

follow me wherever I went.

"Well, I didn't have anything special planned for the morning either, so

let's go."

'Does this have something to do with your enthusiasm?'

Bloom: 'Mmm, in a way yes.'

-Bloom had actually come across some information while wandering

around the castle alone and in addition to her curiosity and excitement to

see what Valentine's Day was like, she had also heard certain information

that she was sure would create great chaos.-

Although Bloom acted a bit elusive on the subject, there was a certain

playful malice along with hidden expectation in her demeanor.

Mitchell: "Well, I'll lead the way."

Steve: "why do you- ...".

Steve was about to start arguing, but I quickly cut him off with a cold

look that silenced him.

Listening to their childhood struggles might be funny once or twice, but

it gets annoying if they do it continuously. Maybe I underestimate the

mental pressure of the last few weeks a bit.

Padma: "At last peace."

Trudor: "They looked like two goblins fighting for gold".

Luna silently nodded in agreement, even she was beginning to get

annoyed with Steve and Mitchell's behavior.


After leaving the Ravenclaw common room we wandered around the

castle for a while and searched the places where they usually keep

holiday preparations, we even asked the castle house elves, however we

really couldn't find much, It was to be expected, even if we had clues that

Lockhart was the one planning the event, the castle was too big and aside

from some decorations being organized in the Great Hall, we really

couldn't figure out what the surprise was.

On the other hand, I didn't really have expectations, I took this time just

to hang out relaxing in an activity other than studying.

Bloom didn't want to say anything either, and shortly after we started the

castle investigation she flew off to Luna and spent most of her time with

her. I wasn't interested in forcing her to tell me either.

Padma had retired after searching with us for a while, she had yet to find

her sister to help her with her homework.

At this time we were heading towards the Great Hall to have breakfast

together with some groups of students who were also heading there.

The place had been covered by flowers of all kinds that hovered in

different shades of pink along with a magical confetti in the shape of

hearts that fell continuously from the ceiling.

You couldn't say it was really nice to look at, how to say… the

decorations were a bit over the top and the colors were a bit garish,

making it a bit unsightly.

Although, seeing that the spirits of the students seemed more animated,

at least it had fulfilled its function.

And, although after the last attack everything seemed to have calmed

down, the students still kept their concerns intact regarding the invisible


Luna: "It's beautiful, although a bit exaggerated ..." .- He said while

clasping his hands to collect the confetti of hearts that fell from the


Steve: "ugh, because suddenly there are so many flowers, when we came

before, the place still looked good, I just hope they don't have pollen, it

gives me a little allergy."

Mitchell: "Friend, I think I'm going to get dizzy if I keep looking at the

flowers, I feel like I'm starting to hallucinate, they won't be delighted,


Trudor: "Then stop looking at them and walk faster towards the table."

I just looked around a bit and kept walking in the direction of our space

at the table. I had just sat down when I heard a lively Lockhart announce

from the teachers' table.

Lockhart: "Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I also want to thank the

forty-five people who have sent me cards! ... ".

Yeah, I just listened to it for a bit and then ignored it and started serving

my breakfast instead, it was unbelievable how much nonsense I could

spout. It was the last straw when he blatantly claimed to have scared the

basilisk. The man might be funny at times, but so much work lately

doesn't leave me the patience to make the effort to listen to him.

I ignored him until at least the moment I heard everyone exclaiming.

Bloom: 'Extimum, look, they're dwarfs.'

Shifting my concentration away from my food, I turned my gaze to see a

small crowd of dwarves in front of the staff table. They were wearing

what was supposed to be a cupid outfit, but it just didn't match their


Although, as their name implies, they are indeed small, most of them

maintain quite sculpted and muscular bodies and not to mention their

somewhat grumpy faces, on the other hand, it seemed that their beards

had been shaved so that they looked more like cupid.

Of course, if you were a dwarf and were suddenly hired for a job and

then told to wear only diaper-like briefs, along with gold wings on the

back and carry a harp or bow in your hands, you would not be very


Well, at least some of them could wear the full white robe and not just a

loincloth-like fabric, but surely they still wouldn't be too happy.

Lockhart: "So all day today they will be touring the school offering you

Valentine's Day greetings and of course I am sure some of my colleagues

will be happy to help you on this day. Why don't you ask Professor Snape

to teach you how to prepare a love filter ?, Although Professor Flitwick,

the very mischievous, knows more about enchantments of that type than

any other wizard I have ever met. "

Well, seeing the teachers' faces after Lockhart brought that up was

certainly satisfying and improved my mood a lot.

Trudor: "hahaha, seeing Snape's face really made my day."

Steve: "Didn't you see McGonagall's face? It seemed like she wanted to

dig a hole and hide there until this was over, she's very unfortunate

sitting next to Lockhart."

I didn't really give the event that much importance, after the excitement

passed, I went back to my food and chatted a bit with the others until

breakfast was over and it was time to go to class.

But maybe if I had paid more attention I could have avoided so much



Transformation class.

McGonagall: "Well, remember to make sure the porcupine has been

properly transformed before interacting with it, otherwise you will get

points reduced."

The first class in the morning was transformations, we continued with the

activity explained in the previous class. Transform a porcupine into a

pincushion. This particular activity created some conflicts with those

born of non-magical, although it did not have much impact on those born

in the magical world.

After all, if you weren't able to transform the porcupine properly and you

were trying to stick a needle or pin in, let's just say it wouldn't be such a

pleasant experience.

Of course, if you were careful you could test first by pulling out a needle

that in the worst case it would only tear off a quill and it was much safer

to test if the transformation was successful, although there were some

who were too impatient and ended up hurting the porcupine.

Therefore, Professor McGonagall tried to check everyone in a timely

manner and deduct points from those who hurt the porcupine.

Naturally if the spell worked, no problem would occur, the exact logic

behind its operation was not too complicated, the spell only worked with

creatures that possess spikes or the like, and it would be something like

removing or adding these spikes naturally to the target and since at that

moment his body functions essentially differently, it does not affect the

being at all. That is clear, from a general point of view, but thinking

about it a little more in depth it resulted in a slightly unsettling spell.

But hey, as long as you did it properly, everything would be fine.

* pack *

The door was suddenly opened in an impolite way and a group of at least

4 dwarves entered the room.

McGonagall was noticeably annoyed at the rude interruption, but upon

seeing who entered, she seemed to acquire a resigned look.

Dwarf 1: "ahem, ahem, I have a letter for Daphne Grengrass."

Hearing the dwarf's words, the crowd did not wait and immediately

turned their gazes to Daphne who seemed petrified at the sudden


Dwarf1: "Oh, it's you, okay, let me read it to you."

The dwarf1 approached Daphne's seat and opened the letter, preparing to

recite it aloud.

Daphne: "wait, wait, what are you doing? If it's a letter for me, just give it

to me, don't you dare read it."

Dwarf1: "I'm afraid I can't, I must read them to make sure the recipient

receives the message and the sender's sentiments are delivered."

Daphne tried to convince him for a while or take the letter from him, but

in the end she couldn't get it.

Daphne: "sigh, good ...". Daphne had no choice but to reluctantly agree.

Dwarf 1: "oh, my cold maiden, golden hair like yellow rain and blue eyes

like pixie, your cold voice drives me crazy like mandrakes, I want you to

love me and fly with me on my broom".

Daphne's face was still calm at first, but the more she listened, the more

her calm was breaking.

* giggles *

Daphne tried to keep her composure at first while listening, but in the

end she hid her face with her hands.

Even McGonagall was trying her best to keep her face straight and not

pay attention to such an embarrassing poem.

Steve: "On his broom huh ... ah, why are you hitting me Padma?"

Padma: "Hmp, Extimum told me that you only think dirty things and that

I should hit you if you said strange things."

Steve: "What? Extimum, how can you tell that to Padma, that's treason

friend, besides, I didn't say anything strange." Steve put on a hurt look as

he rubbed his head.

I just rolled my eyes at Steve's comment, no one would believe that he

was not thinking dirty things when he intoned the sentences in such

suggestive ways.

Dwarf2: "ahem, ahem, well, I have a song for Extimum Shadowless."

Dwarf3: "Oh, me too."

Dwarf4: "I have a letter."

Hearing the words of the remaining dwarves, I slightly frowned and

could notice a slight mocking smile from Bloom who was lazily sitting at

the table.

The dwarves' words seemed to distract everyone's attention from Daphne

instantly directing their gazes to me.

I must say, I hadn't paid enough attention to this event and forgot that, in

fact, I also have a certain group of fans of varying ages among the


Dwarf2: "It goes like this, snow-white hair with…".

Before Dwarf2 could begin to sing properly, I waved my wand in a quick

motion and opened an area of ​​illusion that covered the 3 dwarves,

which was essentially suppressing sound within that area, or was

technically altering perception from the sound itself in that area,

sometimes the way illusion magic works was quite strange, yet it was

perhaps the most versatile skill within my capabilities.

Noticing the sudden silence and the dwarf still moving his mouth, made

it not take long for the students around to realize that he had somehow

silenced the dwarves, so the hint of disappointment on the faces of many

was not at all covered up.

Of course, I could still hear the dwarves, but no one else could. At least I

took the time to listen to them, it is not like I did not appreciate the

gesture, but it just seemed that the young magicians had not studied too

much literature and their imagination in the use of words was disastrous,

they almost seemed to put the first thing that came to them came to

mind, things like "snow white hair with those beautiful colored lines troll

vomit", I did not even know that troll vomit could be that color, one of

them on the other hand, was quite bold in her statements clearly must

have been from an older student, however, at least her letter didn't seem

to compare me to strange things.

McGonagall: "Although I am not your enchantment teacher, I will give

Ravenclaw 5 points for her excellent display of magic, Mr Shadowless."

McGonagall seemed to appreciate my act of silencing the pesky cupids.

The dwarfs finished shortly after and left after laying the letters on my

desk, which I quickly swept into my bag.


The rest of the day, it was something similar, I received quite a few visits

from the cupid dwarfs, but with a little magic, no one but me received

the disastrous lyrics, although at least I received some that were more

normal and even romantic.

I'm sure if it had been anyone else, I probably would have ended up

buried in shame over failed attempts at poems and songs and even

blushed over those latest letters.

It's not like some aren't watching me expecting to see a reaction when

they notice that I still pay attention to every letter I receive.

It was honestly an interesting experience and a bit of fun, that's of course,

because no one other than me was able to hear the content of the letters.

I even had to shoo Bloom who more than once tried to steal some of the

cards from my bag, she seemed clearly discouraged with this

development of events.

When I got to the dining room for dinner, the biggest topic of

conversation had, of course, been the various letters that some students

sent to each other.

"Well Steve, how many letters did you get?"

Steve: "Hmp, it seems that nobody knows yet to appreciate my beauty,

just wait, in a few years, all this beautiful figure of mine will transform

and become a great irresistible physique, then it will be the moment

when I will reject all of them."

Mitchell: "Sure, and I'll be the captain of the Quidditch team when that

happens," he said sarcastically.

Trudor: "Hahaha, I do get a letter from Rossetta from Hufflepuff, and

another letter from Emma Vane from Gryffindor."

The girls Trudor mentioned were both sophomores and they were a bit

recognized, at least so that those present here would have some

impression of them.

Padma: "What are you so proud of? Extimum must have received at least

15 letters during the day."

Luna: "But that doesn't seem like a fair comparison, after all, Extimum is

... it's special." Luna wanted to support Trudor, but halfway down her

voice and continued eating her food.

Mitchell: "You're right, Extimum is on another level, I only got a letter

from a Slytherin girl, speaking of which, why don't you let us read some

of your letters, Extimum?"

"Of course ... no, the letters contain the private intentions and feelings of

their senders, as I could act so inconsiderately and leave them for anyone

to see, it would detract from their value".

Steve: "Tch, spoilsport."

After that little conversation, we no longer touched on the subject of


Speaking of Valentine, it was not a celebration that I had paid much

attention to before today, it was just one more day, although the

reasoning behind it was also obvious, on the other hand, and if my

observations are not incorrect, it did not seem that sending dwarves with

letters was a very romantic experience, even if your words were splendid,

we would not say that the voices of the dwarves were very sweet or

touching when compared to the caramel theme, so in reality today's

event was more of a comical matter of seeing the misery of others.

With those thoughts in mind I had refrained from trying to send some

letters or details by those means, as for trying by more conventional

means ... I had some ideas that I would execute later.

To begin with, this was not an event I was planning to participate in, but

it was not something that apparently I could remain oblivious after

having received multiple letters throughout the day, so staying on the

sidelines was not very appropriate.


When I finished eating, I just stayed in my sitting place, while I watched

the noisy room and slowly my concentration was unfocused until I was

left alone in the silent emptiness that was my mind at this moment.

And although reality kept running before my eyes, there was only silence

and peace from my place. It was a feeling or perhaps a familiar memory,

but at the same time unknown ... I could describe it as the feeling of

enjoying the silence of the night in the city, that moment in which there

are no more sounds of vehicles and the sound of all activity has stopped. ,

just an occasional noise from those others who are still active at such

hours of the night. It is the contrast, the peace, the lonely feeling but at

the same time calm in all that silence while you look at the city from the


Even more interesting is that such a comparison has no place in my

current life.

Hmm, should I have some kind of existential question at a time like this?

Although on second thought, I never questioned my existence, the

memories I have, my lineage ... but having thought too deeply would not

have led me to any answer, even Now I have no idea about it, it is not

something too relevant now, everything I am now has no relation to what

I possibly was, questioning my existence is also not an objective thought

and questioning my lineage will not lead me to any answer with my

current capabilities. That being the case, the only thing that remains is

curiosity ... yes, curiosity, perhaps many in my place would simply

choose to forget, but it is perhaps because there is this detachment in me

towards the past, that remembering something like that generates simple


I was born and raised in this world, so there is no strange or totally

indifferent feeling towards it, however, perhaps it is this perspective that

I sometimes get from my memories that makes me feel strangely distant

from the world.

Maybe I should enjoy my life a little more, but magic by itself represents

a great hobby and enjoyment. Although there is no such thing as a

feeling of empowerment when I improve in my magic, but if there is this

invisible confidence that grows stronger the more mastery over the world

I gain, perhaps it is this confidence that makes some magicians look

down on the non-magical?, mmm, but each being has their different


Hmm ... well, I'm done writing the last letter, I guess I can save these

thoughtful thoughts for another time.

-Although invisible to all, while Extimum was lost in thought, he was

directing his queues to write reply letters to each person who sent him a

romantic letter today and had the courage to sign her name on it, as well

he also took the time to write a letter to her friends. Although he don't

necessarily use a romantic approach after all, aside from Hermione who

he had hardly been able to talk to today; He did not share any

relationship that he consciously carried with romantic intentions, so the

rest of the letters were using a friendly approach, Valentine also

represented friendship, as for his male friends ... why would he write a

letter to men in a day like today?

That aside, his main reason for responding to the other letters as well was

that throughout the day he had been able to explore and feel the

emotions of everyone around his.

Nervousness, shyness, courage, fear, shame, and even anger.

All those emotions could be clearly perceived by Extimum while

observing the recipients and sometimes even unintentionally discovering

the senders of said letters.

Even if her words were lacking in decorum, they were not without

feelings, leaving aside the ones that were sent in jest, they all carried a

real emotion along with the courage it required to decide to do so.

So, in response to all those emotions, he was motivated to answer the

letters. Although Extimum's temperament was quite cold and to some

extent insensitive, but the empathic perception of such emotions could

still give him a rough understanding after a whole day of immersing

himself in them, so he did not want to despise the strong emotions that

he perceived from people. around it.

Therefore, he dedicate an appropriate response to each letter. -

"We're leaving now?".

Trudor: "Yes, anyway, we are done eating and some are also beginning to

return to their common rooms."

Mitchell: "Oh, but Padma isn't back yet, where was she supposed to go?"

Luna: "She said she would be with her sister for a while and would come

back later."

Trudor: "If that's the case, then we should go back first." - As he spoke, he

took the initiative to get up from the table.

But he was stopped by Steve's arm.

Steve: "hey, hey, wait, we should wait for her, if we leave now, she would

have to go back to the common room alone, although it has been quiet

around here, we don't know if that monster is still around there."

Steve's words were not without foundation and most seemed to agree.

Mitchell: "But didn't Lockhart say that he scared the monster himself?"

Mitchell's casual comment made everyone stop and look at him with

raised eyebrows.

Mitchell: "hehehe, don't look at me like that, I was just joking, I didn't

mean it."

"Anyway, what Steve says is true, we should wait for her just in case,

besides, I don't think it will take long, waiting won't kill us ... probably."

The last part of the sentence was said in an almost imperceptible


Steve: "yes, yes, Extimum is always the voice of reason, wait, what did

you say at the last?"

"Hmm? Wait won't kill us?"

Steve: "No, after that."


Steve narrowed his eyes at my denial.

Steve: "I'm sure you said something else ...".

Luna: " Padma is coming this way, let's go."

Steve: 'Forget it, maybe it's just one of his jokes.'

Padma: "ah, it's good they haven't left yet, I didn't want to go back alone."

Trudor: "Okay, let's go back."

With Padma now with us, we got up from our seats and started to walk

out of the Great Hall.

As we walked through the doors, I lightly patted my bag and a group of

different colored paper butterflies flew out from inside my bag and

scattered in different directions.

** swish **

Steve: "Wow"

However, 3 of them did not fly too far before stopping.

The butterflies were beautiful pieces of origami with a lively touch in

their behavior, they had an enchantment on them that would make them

fly towards their recipient and only allow themselves to be caught by it,

likewise, they had an enchantment that would hide their content from

everyone except the recipient. Once in the hands of their recipient they

would lose their living quality and would be like a normal letter.

The spells to do it weren't complicated at all and were just a creative use

for the occasion.

The three letters that stopped nearby were naturally those from Luna,

Padma, and Bloom. Needless to say, Bloom's butterfly was much smaller

in size and almost went unnoticed by most.

Luna, Padma and Bloom soon took the butterflies that flew in front of

them with their hands and brought them closer to look at them more


Mitchell. " What were those paper butterflies?

Trudor: "They came from the magic bag of Extimum."

Padma was the first to take the paper butterfly in her hands, which

unfolded into a letter in her hands.

Padma: "they are ... letters."

Mitchell: "oh, let me see, huh? Are they blank?"

Padma: "How blank? There are clearly words here, look" .- he said as he

showed the others the leaf that the butterfly had transformed into.

Mitchell: "Nope, I don't see anything."

Steve: "Luna, you also received one, let me see."

Moon: "Sure." Luna turned the letter she still hadn't finished reading for

the others to see.

Steve: "It is also blank."

"I did it this way, only the sender will be able to see the content."

Trudor: "Tsk, always with secrecy."

Steve: "Hey and where is my letter."

"They are only for women."

Steve: "Tch, Stingy." Steve muttered as he turned to continue down the







hey, how long, well actually not so much xd. I really wanted to go

back up chapters before, but some problems arose and one thing led to

another and when everything was solved I was left blank for a few

days to write, well, I'm trying to get the previous rhythm back, but

maybe be a little slow for a while, maybe here are two chapters

Chapter 41: •What is mine,

naturally I am not afraid of losing


Pomfrey: "Excellent Mr. Shadowless, with this you have mastered all the

concepts and the proper way to perform a blood test. It only remains for

me to say that, although this particular ability cannot cause any harm, I

hope you put this knowledge to proper use".

Extimum: "Do not worry Madame Pomfrey, I am very grateful that you

have agreed to teach me, I would not dare to disappoint your

expectations and effort".

Hearing Extimum's words, Pomfrey's previously serious and strict face

visibly relaxed and a look of appreciation seemed to fleetingly pass her

eyes before softening her gaze.

Pomfrey. " Well, it's still early and you've already helped me a lot today.

Go, go, take advantage of your free time, do not always be around here

hanging around or glued to books, do not think I do not notice those dark

circles, the season of intensive work has already ended a while ago, but

your dark circles do not seem to diminish and for the otherwise they

seem to be deepening. If you continue like this, I will have to make you

stay in the infirmary, but as a patient". Finishing her words Pomfrey

seemed to be about to resume her strict gaze.

Extimum: "Okay, I'll take your words into account and try not to over

force myself". Speaking up to here, Extimum said goodbye and left the


It had been about a month since Valentine's. Things continued calmly and

the excitement of the events that occurred on that day had already

lessened to a greater extent.

The teachers realized that it was not very realistic to continue to overload

the students with homework and decided to give them a break. Extimum

had the slight idea that Lockhart was the cause of such a heinous idea,

but since all the professors seemed quite unanimous on this matter he

could not be completely sure of it.

Well, it's not like it was something really important about who came up

with that idea.

That aside, Extimum had followed the same intensive pace with his study

earlier and this time devoted all his attention to deciphering,

understanding, and experimenting with the Runes that make up the


Extimum knew that he was biting off more than he could chew with this

project, the pendant was not a simple magical artifact, even among

advanced artifacts it could be categorized as one of excellent quality and

complexity. With his knowledge that could hardly be considered

outstanding among apprentices it was unrealistic to try to replicate and/

or repair an advanced artifact.

Also, some runes were completely destroyed, so he had to start playing

around with possible replacements and hope the prototypes don't explode

or worse.

Of course, the question of some Runes being different than the ones he

currently know was not something that was off the table, however with

his current capacity it was enough if he could make the pendant work to

some extent and there was no need to repair it completely, this could

give him some peace of mind to continue developing at a more relaxed


Speaking of the classification of magical artifacts, there was not really an

official division to classify them because there really was no need,

however, it could still be said that some artifacts are better than each

other based on the overall quality of their construction.

Currently, Extimum had finished learning how to perform a magical

blood test. The process was a bit more complicated than I expected, but

on second thought it was not that strange, I was just beginning to venture

into the field of magical medicine, it would be strange if, on the contrary,

I could grasp everything.

So he had to learn a few more things, not only theoretically but also a

certain set of related little skills, at least until his base of magical

knowledge and understanding of medicine was sufficient to perform a

magical blood test.

It had been a bit tedious, but you couldn't expect him to be good at

everything, a talent for compression and practice were different after all.

Extimum: 'Now that I know how to do the blood test, one of my goals is

almost complete, I guess I'll rest a bit for now and then test it on myself,

if the problem is really in my blood I won't have to try so hard with the

pendant '.

Although his thoughts were these, he himself knew that there was not

much hope of finding something really useful in his blood, be it his

instincts or just his perception of the situation, but he felt that it could

not be that simple.

Leaving the infirmary, Extimum walked through the corridors of the

castle, he did not have a specific goal and was just taking his time while

observing the place and distracted in his thoughts.

As he wandered the castle halls he felt someone sneak up on his back,

well, at least she seemed to be trying to sneakily, but it was hard not to


Today was Sunday, so there were no classes and it was around 3 in the

afternoon. The atmosphere was quite good today, spring was just

beginning, but they already had a warm climate, a break compared to the

previous cold days of winter, so all the students seemed to be in a good

mood and surrounded by an atmosphere. relaxed.

Although the weather had long since ceased to be one of Extimum's

concerns, the feeling of the warm and soothing atmosphere together with

the light cool breeze creates a certain relaxing and enjoyable balance for

the body and mind.

Speaking of the breeze, they brought a distinctive scent of someone

familiar to Extimum's nose.

The combination of his memory and his keen senses were quite efficient

at identifying things or people with whom he had had some interaction,

he did not even have to turn around, but his mind had already

immediately thrown images of someone into his mind .

Such perception of his surroundings for such minor things had ceased to

be a surprise long ago and he no longer found strange the way in which

the hypersensitivity of his senses seemed to come together in a unique

way to provide him with what seemed like a sixth sense.

Extimum: 'Hermione huh… actually, I haven't talked to her much these


Thinking this far, he decided to take her by surprise instead.

Extimum slightly accelerated his pace and turned directly through the

next intersection, at all times his face did not reveal any trace of change,

on the other hand, even if there were, it is most likely that the person

behind him could not notice it.

After turning through the intersection, he turned immediately after and

extended his arms to capture the person coming behind him.

Hermione: "Kyaah." Hermione cried out in surprise and shock as she was

grabbed by two arms and suddenly lifted off the floor.

If the scene were seen by some of the nearby students they would be

surprised that Extimum could lift Hermione completely off the ground

with just his arms, considering there wasn't too much of a difference

between their sizes.

Hermione: "* Sigh *, you almost made my heart fly, it was too sudden.

How did you know I was behind you? I didn't see you turn around at any

time, by the way ... could you put me down now? " As she spoke,

Hermione had one of her hands holding her chest area over her heart.

She had been greatly surprised while trying to surprise Extimum herself.

With that aside, Hermione didn't seem at all surprised by Extimum's show

of strength. Although she hadn't experienced it herself, she had already

gotten an idea about various peculiarities of Extimum, including his

physical strength.

Extimum: "well, I don't think your intentions in following me so stealthily

have been much more innocent, so a little retribution is not bad."

As he spoke, Extimum turned Hermione around a bit while still holding

her in the air before gently placing her on the ground.

Extimum: "Also, I could discover Ron under the invisibility cloak, why

would it be more difficult this time?"

Hermione: "it's different." Hermione smoothed her messy clothes a bit as

she spoke.

Extimum: "How is it different?"

Hermione: "well, on that occasion you knew that we would come, you

were also specifically waiting for us and you also knew the direction from

which we would come, so even if you could not see us, you could have

listened to us, after all, there was no one at that time more in the hallway

and everything was very quiet or you could just have been acting and not

showing your surprise. "

Extimum: "Well, what you say makes sense, but ..." - as he spoke,

Extimum was slowly reducing the distance between them until leaving

only a small space between their eyes - "How could such a sweet

fragrance be so easily ignored."

Hermione: "Hmp". Hermione only snorted lightly and pushed Extimum

lightly to create some distance between them, although a slight blush

that quickly disappeared was still perceptible to the watchful eyes.

Of course, it was mainly Extimum who allowed himself to be pushed,

otherwise it would be difficult for her to move him with just that little


Hermione: "Do you still remember how to speak?, but a few days before

and one would think that you had forgotten, if it weren't for a few

moments in class or at dinner, everyone could have forgotten that we

lived in the same castle."

Extimum: "oh, so did you miss me?"

Hermione: "It's not about whether I missed you, but about the fact that

you became too elusive and distracted, not only do I mean it from my

perspective, I'm sure everyone else thinks the same." Hermione softened

her tone a bit and deftly dodged Extimum's question.

Hermione: "What has kept you so busy?"

Hermione's words were not without reason, Extimum had become quite

elusive of late, a change that was only truly noticed by others as the

terrible day of intensive work ended. Because Extimum continued with

the same rhythm, it caused that except for the times when it was

absolutely necessary to appear, it was difficult to talk to him, he would

even seem distracted during classes and meals as if he was always

thinking about something, neglecting a little to the people around him,

sometimes he even skipped meals and they only saw Bloom who came to

eat and brought a portion for Extimum.

Of course, Extimum didn't ignore them, he just seemed less attentive and

more distant when meeting others.

Extimum: "These are just a few matters that were too important,

however, don't worry, I'm also a bit tired, so I already planned to stop."

Hermione: "Those issues ... do they have something to do with what

happened the other time?"

Extimum blinked a little at his words.

Extimum: 'That's a pretty insightful assumption.'

Extimum: "No, it is just a project of vital importance to me." Of course,

Extimum lied, he did not want to generate unnecessary worries in the

people around him, for him it was already quite stressful and he did not

consider it useful at this time for them to share his concern.

Hermione: "Mmm." Hermione gave him a fixed look, as if trying to find

something on Extimum's face, but couldn't find anything and could only

sigh at herself.

It's not like Hermione didn't have her suspicions, but Extimum was a

person who was generally quite reserved, perhaps only Bloom could

know more about the situation, but she seemed quite determined not to

say anything.

Hermione had already tried both hard and soft methods and still couldn't

get anything out of her.

Of course, from the outside perspective, Bloom could only nod or shake

her head, but they had also seen her write on paper on occasion by

mistake, so she still did not speak communication was not too difficult. It

was interesting that despite knowing that Bloom could understand them

perfectly and could even write in the same language, it never occurred to

them if she could speak, except for Luna of course.

Hermione: "Just don't forget that you have us, if it's really that important

to you, you can ask us for help, you don't have to carry things yourself."

Extimum: 'I have you huh… I guess that's true, but it's not that I look

down on you, but even I can only do so much and I already have a

certain advantage over you. Right now my problem is not necessarily one

that can be solved by simply having more hands and it is not an issue

that can be easily disclosed. '

Extimum was silent for a moment processing Hermione's words and then

he couldn't stop a soft little smile from playing at the corner of his


Of course, this small smile still could not bring down his imperturbable

face and only added a small touch of softness to his image, this smile,

although loaded with a certain feeling, was still not far from the common

standards that Extimum would usually demonstrate.

Extimum: "You're right, thank you."

Extimum: "then, would you grant me the honor of enjoying your

company for the rest of my walk?" Extimum tilted his body slightly as he

offered his left hand to Hermione.

Hermione: "Of course, I would be delighted to accompany you."

Hermione replied with the same tag playfully as she took his hand.

Since Extimum was fine and could even joke around, it meant that the

situation could have actually been resolved.



Bloom: "oh, you came back and you seem much more relaxed."

Extimum: "Yes, today I finished learning everything I needed to do the

blood test, so the load on me was reduced a bit, also, I think it is time to

reduce the intensive rhythm. On the other hand, I didn't expect you to be

here too. "

After taking a walk around the castle and its surroundings for a while

with Hermione, Extimum returned to his room. Although he had

originally planned to sleep and rest, while spending time with Hermione

he had relaxed his mind and eliminated much of his fatigue until at one

point he even completely forgot his tiredness and became more energetic.

Extimum's room had changed quite a bit from its previous order. It was

still a spacious room illuminated by light blue torchlight, however

compared to its previous neat appearance, it was now mostly occupied by

all sorts of papers and posters plastered everywhere in the room.

Even the ceiling had not been saved from having some paper stuck. Each

of those sheets and posters contained several Runic experimental leads

that he had been investigating for the past few weeks. The only place

that contrasted with the walls and furniture was the floor.

Although the room was flooded with papers, none of them were on the

floor, it was more likely that you would see a sheet suspended in the air

than some of them would remain on the floor.

With this it could be inferred that, despite all the apparent chaos,

Extimum still maintained order in his room.

Bloom: "Ouch, you hurt me, isn't this also my room?" Bloom said


Extimum: "yes, but I thought you would be with Luna."

Since Extimum had been so busy recently, Bloom would only spend a

little of her time with him helping him where she could and then spend

most of her time accompanying Luna, of course, she would not forget to

come back at night to sleep with Extimum.

Bloom: "Are you jealous?"

Extimum: "Oh, should I?" While saying his words, Extimum narrowed his

eyes as he stared at the figure of Bloom who was sitting on the desk in

the room.

Bloom: "Hmm, maybe?" While putting a finger to her cheek, Bloom said


Extimum: "What is mine, naturally I am not afraid of losing it."

Extimum's words weren't strong, but they seemed awash with an

irresistible confidence and dominance that seemed to reverberate through

the room, yet just as he finished his words, both Bloom and Extimum

were dumbfounded.

Bloom: "W-what?" Bloom was the first to shake herself out of her shock

and ask in surprise.

Extimum: "…".

An uncomfortable silence seemed to descend in the room for a moment,

disturbing the thoughts of Bloom who was still a little surprised.

In fact, the silence was not because Extimum was embarrassed, but just

like Bloom, he was just as shocked by his own words. Those words had

come out with such confidence as if he was just saying a natural fact.

Other than that, he was not aware of his own words until after they left

his mouth. In fact, if there were an image to describe the current state of

Extimum, it would be of someone massaging their temples at the

troublesome implications of the situation.

Extimum: 'clearly, that is not something I would say, however ... the

more I savor the words the more I feel as if such a statement is correct, it

seems that I have overlooked something, * sigh *, should I be concerned

?, forget it, It was enough for today. '

Extimum: "* Ahem *, let's ignore that for now, I'll sleep until dinner


Bloom: "What? How can I just ignore that? I want-".

Extimum: "Good, then sleep with me."

Extimum did not give Bloom a chance to speak more and directly cut her

off as one of his tails extended and captured her, thus attracting her if

before her he had a chance to say something else.

In the time they had been talking earlier, Extimum had left his things on

the nightstand and loosened his clothes as he walked to the bed, so there

was no need for too many pauses before laying down on the bed.

Bloom of course still wanted to talk more, but she was unable to free

herself from the tail that held her until she found herself lying on

Extimum's chest and calmed down a bit.

In the end, Bloom didn't fight anymore and simply fell asleep quickly on

Extimum's chest. After all, although Bloom's routine had been slightly

more casual compared to the intensive form he took Extimum, but she

had also dedicated a lot of her time from early morning to late at night

helping him.

Speaking of the current situation, Extimum was naturally a bit worried

about the development, however, it was not something so urgent and he

could fix it later. Truth be told, although the previous situation in which

he had said something that even he felt was out of place had not

happened before, yet he had previously felt as if certain emotions or

ideas were trying to seep into his mind and alter his behavior personality,

it was fortunate that in his current state, both his mind and his heart

were not things that were easy to move and Extimum could easily

eliminate those invasive thoughts with his oclumency, that is why

although the previous development surprised him, he was not too

preoccupied and could remove the influence at any time.


Despite only sleeping for less than 2 hours, Extimum still woke up in the

perfect time to go to dinner. It had only been a few minutes since the

start of dinner time, so it would still be considered early.

So he organized his clothes and left his room into the large dining room.

Of course, he brought Bloom with him, who he let sleep on his head,

there was no need to wake her up and in the same way he would wake

up to the bustle of the dining room accompanied by the aroma of food.


In fact, not long after entering the large dining room, Bloom woke up and

organized herself slightly as she looked around with a look a bit dazed

from sleep, either way, given her size, not many would notice her on a

first glance. .

On the way to the dining room Extimum had already thought about

where to sit, so when he arrived he sat at the Gryffindor table next to

Hermione, after all, he could perfectly imagine the scandal that Steve and

Mitchell would make when he arrived if they noticed that he had

returned to The normality. Although they were his friends, those two

were overly enthusiastic and rowdy at times, and Trudor was not too far

behind at times. The only ones who were calmer in that group were Luna

and Padma and at the Slytherin table he would probably find a similar

situation, leaving the only tables where he could find a bit of calm being

Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.

Ron and Harry were already at the table as well, although they seemed a

little less enthusiastic about their arrival except for the common greeting,

thinking that he would still be spending it in his own world at dinner.

Ron: "Pst, hey Harry, when do you think Extimum came back from his

mind? I think now he acts even more dreamy than Luna."

Harry: "Mmm, well-".

Extimum: "Actually, I have not been completely oblivious to anything

you have said when I have been sitting with you, it is just that I mostly

ignore it leaving it in the background. So yeah, I've been aware of all the

things you said when you thought I wasn't listening. "

Ron: "What? Y-everything?" Ron's face went a bit pale as he asked with a

hint of panic in his voice.

Extimum: "Of course, and taking into account the above, I have already

scheduled a day to settle all the pending accounts, after all, it seems that

you still like to talk without consideration, so I suppose a little more

experimentation could fix it."

Ron: "Hey, no, Extimum, you know ... I didn't mean those things, I was

just ... I was thinking aloud."

Hearing Ron's excuse, Harry couldn't help his smile twitch a bit, Ron

didn't seem aware of how he finished digging his grave.

Extimum: "you're right, that's precisely why you need to reflect on

leaving some things in your mind, luckily for you, I'm sure I can fix you

with some more experiments."

Hermione: "Hahaha-".

Ron: "What are you laughing about Hermione, you're not innocent either,

you keep using the same bossy tone, so you should also go through the

same thing as me."

Hermione: "Of course not, I don't ...".

Ron: "Harry himself was a witness, so you can't deny it."

Harry: "It's true, both you and Ron failed to meet self-improvement


Hermione gave Harry a betrayal look, trying to convey that she would

seek revenge.

Extimum: "oh, actually, Hermione will also be punished, but not as a test

subject. With you, Ron, it will be enough for that task, however, she will

also have her own punishment. "

Extimum's words seemed casual and no different than usual, but they

made Hermione's body tremble strangely.

Ron: "ah, it's not fair, you're giving him preferential treatment."

Extimum: "Hmm, actually, I'm giving her preferential treatment, but as to

whether this preference is really better than your punishment is just

something she could say herself."

As for which self improvement goals they were talking about and which

they would be punished for, it was actually goals set by Extimum on Ron

and Hermione for each of them to meet. Ron's was to stop talking

without thinking by making potentially hurtful comments and

Hermione's was to be aware of his bossy tone that he took most of the

time when he spoke.

It was in a way nothing more than a personal improvement game, but for

real problems. As for Ron's punishment, it was serving as a test subject

for potions that Extimum created.

Of course, Extimum was fully aware of the effects, however, he still

needed to know their extent, so a test subject was necessary, furthermore,

they were not potions that had risky potentials and their results were

already to some extent calculated by the Extimum itself through other

methods, however, it was necessary to observe its effects live.

Given Ron's character, it had been much more difficult for him to hold

back and be thoughtful with his words and he had already had a chance

to taste Extimum's punishment.

As for Hermione, she had so far managed not to fail, however, as

Extimum wasn't around them all the time and lately he seemed distracted

it was easy for her and Ron to relax unconsciously. Of course, Harry who

was in favor of the changes would act as a lookout in the other times, but

his presence did not put too much pressure on Ron and Hermione.

Naturally, there was also a reward for both of them being willing to play

this game of improvement. On Ron's side there were some Quidditch

things, from a new broom to other elements, with his fanaticism for the

game it was not difficult to convince him that he was willing and on

Hermione's side it would be access to certain topics of interest of his

choice that were not available in the Hogwarts library.

With the benefits and a reasonable goal, it was not difficult for Extimum

to convince them to agree, in addition, leaving aside that he was helping

his friends, this game was not without benefits for him and the losses did

not generate too much problem in his current finances .

Harry: "Let's change the subject, by the way, Extimum, what had you

been so thoughtful about before? I hadn't wanted to ask you before

because you really seemed very dedicated to it, but now that you finally

came to, does that mean you solved it? "

His question caught the attention of Hermione and Ron who turned most

of their attention to Extimum, awaiting his answer. Of course only part of

his attention, since Ron had not strayed from his main objective which

was to eat.

Extimum: "I would not say completely, but let's say I solved an important

part of it and now I can take things more calmly". 'Well, it's more like I

just can't afford to continue in the same way, plus it's not a lie when I say

there was progress. Fixing the pendant can only represent one of the

issues that complicate my mind right now. '

Harry: "So it's good that you were able to solve it, it was a bit worrying

how you seemed so focused on that that you didn't even seem aware of

your surroundings, besides that you disappeared in your free time."

Harry also had his concerns with the state of Extimum, but based on the

understanding he had come to when he had traveled with Extimum, he

thought that no problem could be really difficult for him, after all he had

a great family that could support him.

After putting the Extimum topic aside, they continued the rest of the

dinner in a more lively atmosphere while enjoying the food and talking

about some casual topics and things that happened around this time.


Leaving the large dining room, Extimum still ran into Steve and the

others and just as expected, they made a dramatic commotion as they

made their way to the Ravenclaw common room, however, everyone

seemed glad that Extimum was okay.

Because of this, Extimum accompanied them for a while in the common

room before returning to their room.

Bloom: "So, about what you said earlier ...".

Almost immediately after entering the room, Bloom's question came up.

When they had left before, Bloom had not asked about the subject again,

besides that she maintained an ordinary fairy facade for the people

outside and had concentrated like Extimum to enjoy the dinner and the

atmosphere. Of course, if she had wanted to, she could also have asked

him using the mental connection he had with Extimum, but she had

decided to wait until she returned to ask.

So when he entered, he could not help asking about the situation they

had left on hold, out of the simple curiosity of knowing.

Extimum: "I don't know… to put it honestly, I was as surprised as you by

such words, however… after questioning myself a bit, I don't completely

disagree." Extimum spoke slowly and deliberately as if each word was

carefully selected before saying it.

"On the other hand, the key here is ... are you mine?" These last words

carried an extra mix of a new emotion, one that neither Extimum had

expressed nor Bloom had felt in him before ...

With the end of the words there was again a short silence in the room

until Bloom answered.

Bloom: "Have I not been yours from the moment I woke up in this

world?" Bloom said with a certain tone of joking, after all, they were

already linked by a master-slave contract and although the connection of

said contract united them in a rather particular way, it did not change

the fact that in theory she was his property. Of course, she did not have

too many thoughts regarding the subject, after all, she had never been

treated as a slave or an object by Extimum, being so, her comment was

simply for joking.

Extimum: "However, that is only limited to your body and to a certain

extent to your will that follow the contract, then I have you, but are you

really mine?"

Bloom: "Can't you say it?"

Extimum: "Is that so? ... .... .... However, I still feel a little greedy, what I

have now is simply not enough for me, what I want ... is all of you".

Extimum's words shocked Bloom a bit, but more than the words it was

perhaps the feeling and the intention that he conveyed and that only she

could feel. There was no lust, greed or a possessive desire like the one

there was when those first words were said previously, it could not be

Love, it was still too early for something like that to have developed, it

was something that in a way transcended everything. that and that at the

same time he was not completely detached from such feelings.

Either because of the peculiar way in which they had been intimately

bound by the magical contract or because of Extimum's eccentricity of

thought and heart, but the resulting sentiment was difficult to express in

words alone, however, even if what was there It was not love, surely it

was not very far down that road.

So his words disturbed Bloom a little, who had been sitting on Extimum's

shoulder at all times, while he spoke and moved around the room.

Bloom: "We haven't been together for too long ... but time just can't

define feelings. Your words are limited, but the message is clear to me.

Give you all of me ... something so important ... but in my heart there are

no doubts about it".

There were not too many words, but the meaning was there, so when the

silence fell, it was no longer uncomfortable, everything returned to calm,

however, something invisible really changed. The sun would still rise in

the east and set in the west and the stars would not stop shining with the

same splendor in the night sky, but something definitely changed.

Of course, while the outcome was significant in more ways than one,

there was no such thing as a passionate continuation or anything like that

at this point. There were still too many things on Extimum's mind. His

heart had not yet warmed up enough and despite all the experience and

development, he was still a 12-year-old boy.

However, that night Extimum did not investigate anything else on Runes

and instead just went to bed early accompanied by Bloom.


The next morning Extimum woke up early in the morning as usual. The

only difference was that instead of getting up early to go out to exercise,

he wake up early with a bigger goal in mind.

So much so that instead of taking a bath naturally, he cast the spell of

quick bathing on himself to start his activities more quickly.

Then he took out his wand and almost like directing a musical, he waved

it from one place to another throughout the room, meanwhile, all kinds

of papers flew and fluttered around the room until then settled in a pile

and entered a filing cabinet. delighted that it had been added to the room

recently, after which some instruments came out of his bag and others

out of his closet until they were arranged in a certain order on his desk.

It was a really interesting scene to see how each thing seemed to move of

its own free will and flutter through the air until it organized itself in a

certain place by itself.

Extimum: 'Well, I think I should have everything I need.'

Of course, all this procedure was still carried out with relative silence, so

it did not interrupt the sleep of Bloom who was still sleeping peacefully

on the pillow of the bed.

Extimum: "Let's get started."

Putting his wand in its case, Extimum extended his hand in front of a thin

concave glass container and then using his other hand he brushed his

index finger. The movement seemed very casual, but by the time he

passed his hand, the fingernails of said hand had been extended and

sharpened for a moment while leaving a slight line on the finger of his

outstretched hand.

With that finished, he exerted some pressure on his finger from which a

few drops of blood subsequently fell into the container. Extimum only

controlled that his body did not try to close the wound on his finger, of

course he could also have done it more dramatically by cutting the palm

of his hand to speed up the flow of blood, but he found it unnecessary

and exaggerated to extract a quantity of blood so minimal.

He bled his finger for a time until there was a substantial enough amount

in the container and then he allowed the wound to close.

Although she had already gotten used to the peculiarity of her blood, but

even so, Extimum couldn't help but lift the glass container to have it in

front of her gaze and observe her carefully.

A mostly red liquid, but with fine lines and flickering gold-purple

particles. Both colors were quite striking in the mix. Compared to before,

the gold-purple lines seemed to have thickened and even intensified,

however, the observation that most caught his attention this time was on

the contrary red.

The red had always been there as a record of his human part, however, in

his last observation the red seemed to have become a bit depressed

compared to the other two, it was not that it became weak, it was simply

a feeling that it generated to the observer, However, now, it was difficult

to tell, the red seemed as if it had drawn strength from an unknown place

and suddenly became more animated and alive and although still

incomparable in front of the gold-purple, it seemed to maintain that

energy that made it stand out even between their difference. Of course,

all of this was nothing more than a feeling that arose after continuous

observation and it may or may not really mean something.

Extimum: 'An interesting development, but we'll see if it's relevant.'

Bringing his thoughts here, he did not linger in contemplation any longer

and began to move between the different instruments on the desk.

With a tool similar to a dropper, he extracted small amounts of the blood

from the container and distributed it: a little for microscopic observation,

a few more for other containers where they would collect and react to

other substances, a few for certain meters and a last part is saved for later


The sound of some instruments moving and glass jars clinking or shaking

became clearly audible for a moment in the previously silent room.

Luckily the sound wasn't too loud and it didn't bother Bloom who

continued to sleep comfortably.

Extimum: "almost already ... done".

The analysis that was being carried out covered several areas, therefore

there were so many different types of experiments and it was completely

different from the superficial results that could be obtained if only a

common spell was implemented on the blood, of course, in Extimum's

opinion it was mainly an optimization problem, although the current

method was quite good, the cumbersome part of the process could be

avoided by taking a different approach.

The blood analysis required observing, combining and comparing the

various data that could be analyzed by the various magical devices,

however, since magic exists, why would it be necessary to take so many

steps to obtain the information? Magic is capable of many fantastic

things, then why does it require so much procedure here? The answer is

that they have not tried to develop it until now and as for why would this

development path be taken from the beginning? It was quite simple, for

Examining the blood there were many things that had to be measured,

are there potions present? Are there curse effects present? Is it under the

influence of any spell? Any foreign substance? Diseases? etc.

There were simply too many things that could be found, too many

variables, of course, not all things are directly reflected or affect the

blood, but for which, if they were, different methods had to be used to

identify them, in addition, despite the similarity in certain methods,

magic was not equal to science and the behavior of certain things could

become quite abstract and unpredictable for limited knowledge.

With that said, the problem was still based on the initial development

path that was taken to address these problems, the approach of verifying

each visible option is the most common and simple way, it would be

something like a checklist, is it present? Yes? No? How to continue?

However, this method was simply too slow and if the development of the

field of magic was fast, then in the long run the method would become

more and more inefficient.

Therefore, the correct way would be to identify the root of each of the

options and gather them in a single method, capable of verifying and

classifying all the previous processes without too much experimentation.

Something like that would not be naturally simple, but having current

information as a base and some years of development it would not be

impossible to summarize the long list of procedures in some simpler ones

gathered in some spells.

Of course, Extimum did not have the time or the interest currently to

carry out such a complicated process, creating a new spell was not as

simple as saying what you wanted and waving your wand, there was a

whole related study that had to be done and a specific logic to implement

it. If it were that simple, it would not have become a high-risk task that

very few magicians of the current era would risk doing and even more so

when the not short list of reports of magicians who perished when

embarking on such a task was at hand.

Extimum's achievements in the area of ​​spell-making could already be

considered quite impressive, and much more as dangerous and

complicated a subject as space.

But leaving aside the subject of spells, in a short time, the results of most

of the experiments on the table were coming out little by little.

The contents of some containers had changed color, some had dissipated,

and others remained completely the same as they were at the beginning.

On the other hand, some magical instruments had stopped their previous

movement and magically transcribed the result onto a nearby scroll.

The scene could still be considered quite common within wizarding

society, but there was no doubt that if it were seen by non-wizarding

society it would look as if they had combined a scientist's laboratory and

a table from some strange cult with perhaps no the best of intentions.

Extimum: 'well, let's see the results and then ... the verdict'.

Subsequently, Extimum recorded the visible results in certain vessels and

the data from some instruments before sitting down to analyze them.

It had to be said that, although starting all these instruments and

experiments until their results took no more than 10 minutes, I put some

pressure on Extimum.

After all, although Pomfrey had taught Extimum how to perform most of

these tests, there were some of which he hadn't had a chance to test for

himself before.

The scope of these tests that I perform were far too detailed and would

normally only be done on demand at St Mungo's Hospital, so Madame

Pomfrey was only able to fully teach him up to a point with the school

supplies and manage with some others that fortunately she herself had

among her belongings, as for the latter, she could only explain it to her

theoretically and with some images of books, however, she did not have

the instruments herself.

Since Extimum wanted to be thorough, naturally he got all the

instruments and had ordered them beforehand, however, showing so

much eagerness and importance regarding the subject could be seen in a

different way than simply learning, being too energetic would clearly

reveal his intentions and although he trusted Pomfrey to some extent, it

was not a topic that he was willing to share with anyone at the moment,

just the fact that she saw his blood would already raise too many

questions, then there were the possible outcomes and the reasoning

behind why someone like him would need to perform such an exam.

Of course, Pomfrey could have her ideas, but most likely she just thought

that Extimum was quite interested in the subject and wanted to learn it

for the future, it would be a different story if he was learning it to rule

out possible threats, because even if he seemed quite mature for his age,

it is very likely that Pomfrey did not think in the same way and did not

allow him to perform such experiments himself. After all, although these

experiments are visibly risk-free in their procedures, in reality there was

a certain level of risk if the instruments were not handled correctly or the

reactive substances in some of the containers were combined or touched


So, to avoid suspicion and annoyance, he hadn't mentioned that he had

the missing instruments. As for how he obtained them, he had

commissioned some easily obtained things from the Weasley twins who

were very welcoming after offering them a good commission and for the

more complicated he had asked Professor Flitwick again to allow him to

send Bloom for them through the network flu.

Extimum: "So it is: curses - negative, strange substances - negative ... -

negative ... - negative ...".

"… - Positive".





Well, after the previous experience I think that I really do better

writing in the third person and the first one is better only for POVs,

although the immersion is greater in the first person I think it limits

my options a bit for certain things when writing, so I will no longer

write a first-person chapter like the previous ones.

mmm, I think I still have to do some tweaks to this chapter, but they

would not be too big, so for the sake of freeing the content, I will

publish it

Chapter 42: What lurks in the


Extimum: "Sick-...". Extimum was about to continue his review, when he

stopped abruptly.

One of the options had come out positive...

He was surprised and had to review the displayed data several times,

even checking the analysis process before he was completely sure.

Honestly speaking, Extimum didn't expect anything to actually come out

positive, his reason for taking the test was mainly because he was careful

and wanted to be completely sure before ruling it out, so the

development of events was quite unexpected for him.

Extimum: 'Potions: Positive'. Looking at the clear result, he couldn't help

but remain silent for a few seconds.

Had he been careless?

It would have been somewhat easier to accept if he found something else

instead, it could have been a curse, after all, someone who was really

capable could have thrown it at him so perfectly that he wouldn't have

noticed or instead would have been affected by some object he had taken

by being too curious, but… a potion?

Consider that in a society where things like potions were common and

most magical heritages were no strangers to wartime, countermeasures

and precautions against such things had been integrated into the daily

lives of many wizarding families, being especially so for those with large


Of course, the current times were ones of relative peace, and as the

generations passed, many customs were increasingly cast aside, so, not to

mention children, even accomplished magicians were not overly cautious

against such means, unless his line of work or life was aligned with such


However, at the very least, knowledge and measures were still implicitly

and/or explicitly present in some of the families, such as in the amulets

or rings of lordship carried by the heads of noble families, important

figures or direct descendants of them.

With that said, the same couldn't be said for Extimum.

Even if the other families were lax, the Shadowless family would

definitely not allow such mediocrity in terms of etiquette and customs of

a noble magical family, even if he ignored the custom, he himself would

not allow himself to be careless with his own safety.

Extimum always tried to be careful, even when he had been conducting

all kinds of uncertain and dangerous experiments, he was always assured

that he could protect his own life and have some outlets for himself.

Of course, it wasn't possible to be completely careful or prepared enough

for everything, but he didn't think he would find fault with one of the

things he felt most confident about.

Therefore, the surprise and blow to his pride was not small.

Extimum:' Heh'—thinking about it, he couldn't help but let out a self-

deprecating laugh—'I guess I've been a little arrogant and my mindset

was too narrow, so what if I've been careful, in the end, I'm not just a

child in the ways of the world?, being deceived or surpassed means

nothing, after all, I have been able to discover it and although I do not

know at the moment the effects of the potion, it should not be impossible

to fix it'.

After lamenting a bit inwardly, Extimum sighed and perked himself up.

Extimum: "*hah*, let's relax a bit... for now, let's find out what exactly

was affecting me so quietly." Letting out a sigh and taking a deep breath,

Extimum's mood returned to its previous serenity and calm.

The positive part was that the potion was still in his body, so the process

of investigating it was greatly reduced in difficulty.

Usually, the potions had two ways of acting once ingested, some could

affect something directly after ingested and then dissipate like any

common substance, others, on the contrary, would remain stealthily

circulating through the body, maintaining their effects as long as they

remain there or their properties were consumed.

It was not an exaggeration on some occasions to even call potions liquid

magic rather than a simple combination of substances with convenient


Now that he knew there was a potion coursing through his veins, it

wasn't too hard to figure out exactly what it was.

Identifying active potions on the body was also among the things he had

learned from Pomfrey, plus he wasn't too oblivious to potions, so unless it

was some rare or unique potion, chances are he could figure it out.

So about 20 minutes later, he was able to get the name of the potion.

Extimum: "well... I was expecting something more specific, however, at

least I now know what it is and I can eliminate it from my body in no


After extracting part of the substance, analyzing its nature and trying a

few things, the mysterious potion became clearer as he ruled out possible

ones and finally found the right one.

Even so, the result ended up being somewhat unexpected, so he could not

help but feel a mixture of relief and disappointment.

On the one hand, he was actually relieved to have discovered the exact

potion and to know that it was no problem removing it from his body,

but on the other hand, he had had some small expectations that the

potion was the source of his problems, which it ended up not being,

moreover, he felt that this hidden threat was actually… too weak?

Not that he would have preferred anything more terrifying, but a

compulsion potion was simply too simple.

Extimum:' Well… I guess it couldn't be that easy, on the other hand, I

would have preferred it to be another kind of potion. A compulsion

potion just doesn't tell me anything about what its purpose was, well, for

now, it just remains to remove it from my body. With some time, maybe I

can get some ideas'.

After thinking so far, Extimum proceeded to remove the potion that had

silently circulated through his body until now. The process for this

specific potion wasn't too complicated and he was able to remove all

traces of it in less than 5 minutes.

There were many methods to remove the effects of a potion or the potion

itself from a person, but they mainly depended on the type of potion and

their circumstances.

Fortunately, the compulsion potion wasn't an overly complicated or

dangerous potion, at least for wizards.

For such a kind of potion, taking an antidote, a blood cleansing potion or

even some simple spells or rituals could help remove it while having

enough control and knowledge.

Of course, Extimum didn't plan to use too complicated methods, the

blood cleansing potion would be enough.

It wasn't a very complicated potion and he already had it in his stock for

situations like this, although honestly speaking, Extimum didn't expect to

have to use it on himself, at least not so soon.

The blood cleansing potion was a potion that could remove any foreign

substance found in the body; although it did not distinguish between

good or bad substances, so all foreign agents would be eliminated.

It was a fairly common potion and was almost always kept in stock in the

infirmary, as its clinical uses aside, it was an excellent potion for clearing

drunkenness, among other substances.

Of course, although the potion was quite useful, it also had its

limitations, if the intruding substance could hide very deep in the body

or its effects would act immediately, the blood cleansing potion could not

remove it or undo the effects, so it was only useful for removing potions

that were recently ingested or that lingered in the body and had no

tendency to react violently.

Extimum: 'Tastes like...nothing, um, well, that's good.'

After taking the potion, Extimum realized that it actually had no flavour

at all, on the other hand, the effects of the potion were almost immediate

and other than feeling a slight warmth that disappeared almost as quickly

as it appeared, there was no another feeling in his body after you eat it.

Extimum: 'Well... I don't feel any different, but it's hard to say, it would

be simpler if I had at least suspected something, but right now, the effect

of the compulsion can be literally anything.'

The compulsion potion, like the spell, imposed a certain idea or thought

regarding something specific in the consumer's mind, it could range from

something as simple as making the victim think that his favorite color is

another to reshaping the thought of someone.

The most dangerous thing was that this "suggestion" would be perceived

as his own, that said, it was not omnipotent; it would be difficult for the

compulsion to force someone to believe something that was in complete

disagreement with his ideals.

In addition, the idea that was imposed had to be something simple, not

too detailed and if the compulsion is too radical, it could generate an

internal conflict and the victim could suspect it or ignore it directly.

However, the real danger of this specific magic lay in the fact that it

could silently mold ideas in people's minds and if given enough time even

make that idea a reality.

Therefore, if someone is the victim of a compulsion that tells them they

hate a specific person and the victim doesn't know them, but does meet

them in the distant future, they might truly hate them upon meeting

them because the compulsion is already ingrained completely and there

was absolutely no interference in her assimilation.

With the current situation of Extimum, he would have to consider a

myriad of things until he could find some change in his thinking

regarding something, so it was more likely that he would simply discover

it by chance given enough time.


Bloom:" It's so early in the morning, what are you doing already staring

off into space?"

Extimum: "Good morning, Bloom. I just finished my blood work and the

results were, well, a little out of line."

Hearing Bloom, Extimum left his contemplation and directed his gaze

towards his bed, more specifically, he looked towards the pillow on his

bed, where Bloom was lying lazily shedding her drowsiness.

Bloom: "And what was the result?" Rolling back and forth on the pillow,

Bloom asked carelessly even with sleep permeating her mind.

Extimum: "...There was a positive result, but I just deleted it".

Bloom: "Oh, a positive result, it was to be expected…-".

"Wait! Did you say positive?" Processing those words snapped Bloom out

of her dream stupor immediately and made her sit up straight on the

pillow as she stared at Extimum with wide-eyed surprise.

Extimum: "Yeah, I discovered a potion, but I removed it a few moments

ago, so it's no longer a threat". Extimum responded with his usual calm

and reiterated the fact that he had already fixed it so that Bloom would

not be too alarmed.

Bloom: "There were traces of a potion? But how? No, more like when?

I've always seen how careful you are".

Extimum: "Well, it's not like there aren't other ways for someone to

absorb a potion into their body, but either way, I have no idea."

Bloom: "And what potion was it?"

Extimum: "A potion of compulsion".

Bloom: "And what was the compulsion?"

Extimum: "I don't know."

Bloom: "So… you didn't discover anything?"

Extimum:"…you don't have to say it that way, do you?"

Bloom: "Hehehe, sorry, it was inconsiderate of me". Bloom realized she

was being inconsiderate and giggled to lighten the mood.

Extimum could not help but roll his eyes. Not that he is any happier than

she is with this unrewarding quest.

Bloom: "Well, there's no need to be so depressed, right? Speaking of

which, are you done doing all your experiments yet?"

Extimum: "Yes... no, in fact, I still want to check my blood under the

magi-scope, among so many tests, I didn't have time to see if there was

something there too and I'm a little curious. Since we are discovering

unexpected things, it would be a good time to check it out, a second

surprise at this point probably can't be too impressive."

(Look how he raises flags :v)

As he spoke, he got up from his seat and cleared a bit of space on the

desk to put the magi-scope and then took out the container where he had

stored the remaining sample of his blood.

It was a glass jar sealed with a cork at the top. Despite its delicate

appearance, it was magically reinforced to prevent it from being broken

by something as simple as a fall.

The jar was not too big, it fit perfectly in Extimum's fist and its contents

were less than 1/10 of its space.

The blood inside was a rather peculiar scene, capable of misleading more

than one about the true nature of its content without detailed observation

and familiarity with the blood.

Bloom: "I want to see too. By the way, don't you think your blood is very


Extimum: "That perhaps your blood did not shine as if a rainbow had

vomited on it?".

Bloom: "Ah, you're right, hehe." Extimum's words made Bloom respond

awkwardly and turn her head to look in another direction.

'Damn, I must still be a bit sleepy.' Bloom could not help but rub her face

with her hands at her stupidity.

Although unremarkable in common fairies, the blood of fairies was

actually surrounded by a thin, almost invisible layer of brightly colored

particulars, so even though it was still red, it would certainly look quite

special compared to that of other creatures.

Extimum: "Okay, it's already on, so use the other viewer if you want to

watch as well".

Under the lens of the magi-scope, the view of Extimum's blood widened.

A large red sea became visible, however, unlike others; it seemed as if it

had been divided into two even halves.

In one of its halves were two closely linked lines of a golden-purple

colour. The colours were contrasting and the feelings that they generated

when observing them were even more so.

While the golden one seemed to give off a godly feeling, the purple one

seemed to give off an illusory and terrifying feeling, yet underneath all of

that, both of them seemed to merge into each other without any loss

being caused to either of them. A clear symbol that despite their

delineating appearance, both were actually one.

In the wide red sea, the blood particles that made up the golden-purple

were actually few and only took up a small space of the half of the

sample that they had claimed for themselves.

However, all the blood cells on this side had one or more characteristics

similar to the purple-golden concentrate, as if they were still in the

process of evolving.

Outwardly, the red sea seemed evenly divided by a thin, flickering silver

light that separated the predominant colossi of the place.

The sight in the other half of the red sea was no less interesting, albeit

subtle given the depiction of this work, but under close observation, a

kind of battlefield was taking place between two sanguine sides.

[I am not entirely sure if it's understood here, but in "the depiction of this

work", the word "work" refers to something like a theatre piece]

One of the sides was clearly differentiated by the visible depth of the red

color of the blood particles, in addition to having a quite outstanding

behaviour among the others. They seemed charged with a wild and

untamed feeling, behaving arrogantly at times and then taking a shy and

slippery approach.

This group of particles made up a fairly small part in the middle of the

red sea and were quite spread out, at the same time, they were constantly

trying to turn the normal particles around them into one of them, and

were sometimes even fighting wildly against the barrier dividing the Red

Sea, trying to cross over to the other side.

With that said, the other side was by no means inferior and in fact held

the upper hand, it was made up of the normal blood particles that

inhabited this space, although they did not seem to give off any singular

sentiment, their momentum and strength was no less in the absolute

compared to the other side individually.

After watching for a while, it became clear that the original side's

inability to win against the other even with a numerical advantage was

based on two things.

The first point was the savage nature of the first side, which made them

difficult to defeat coupled with their timid attitude when they were about

to perish and managed to slip away.

The second point was that even when these were eliminated, new ones

reappeared from some unknown place, so the battle was fruitless and the

ultimate outcome was an indefinite stalemate.

The most curious thing of all within this image was, that from the gold-

purple eccentrics on one side, to the ones who continually battled, all

were and ultimately represented the same.

The Celestial Fox Bloodline was part of Extimum and despite its

completely different nature, it didn't seem to have a problem with the

Shadowless Bloodline, inhabiting like two sides of the same coin in one

body, both of them were different, but their integrity represented


However, the third blood group was the most complicated, it didn't seem

weaker than the Shadowless bloodline and it didn't seem to have the

intention of coexisting as a unit in the same space, on the other hand,

despite its behavior and the unknown of its apparition, was itself a part

of Extimum and not something external.

This last detail was the most disturbing and revealing so far, since it

meant that the complexity of this problem could have increased, whether

it was something external or its own, it did not change the fact that at

this moment it was already a part from Extimum and if not dealt with

properly, trying to remove it would only backfire.

After observing the blood sample for a few more minutes, Extimum

withdrew and directly turned off the magi-scope.

Extimum: "Interesting…".

Bloom: "Hey, I was still watching it."

Extimum : "Oh, so did you get anything out of it?"

Bloom: "Well, no, but... aren't you running any more tests or something?

Otherwise, why did you watch it for so long? Besides, no matter how you

look at it, what you see there isn't normal at all".

Bloom voiced her thoughts, while subtly changing the course of the

conversation. The truth was that, although she could give good ideas

based on her knowledge, she understood almost nothing of the data or

experiments that Extimum made.

Bloom could not be said to be dumb, but her area of specialty was

definitely not in magical research, on the other hand, her true talent was

focused on destruction and battle, because ignoring her small and

beautiful appearance, with the recovery of her body and the passage of

time, her magic was growing exponentially to the point that it would be

difficult for Extimum to say that it could currently defeat her.

Bloom's magic power would currently not lose against any Hogwarts

teacher and that was just in common magic, when she used fire magic,

her power could reach much higher levels when talking about raw


Extimum suspected that she hadn't regained her peak magic power yet,

but given the long period of time she was frozen for, it would still take a

long time for her to have another breakthrough in her magic power

recovery and reach new heights, so she was currently in a state where

she couldn't really enhance her magic and could only wait until her body

returned to normal.

Extimum: "Well, I wouldn't say it wasn't surprising, but it still doesn't

beat the previous surprise. I already knew that something like this could

be seen, it would be difficult for something to affect me so deeply and it

wasn't showing the changes somewhere, but I must say that direct

observation of the phenomenon is really something else".

The sight of such development in his blood was truly something worthy

of the word "magical", but it was not too exaggerated nor did it affect

Extimum's state of mind.

The situation that had occurred before and those little ideas that were

trying to get into his head had already given him an idea that something

was affecting him deeply, so the development in his blood was only a

confirmation of it.

Perhaps the only thing that caused a little apprehension was the fact of

learning that whatever was affecting him had already become a part of

him, however, it was just something that complicated things a little and

had not yet reached the point of being a desperate situation yet.

The previous plans to deal with this problem and the time available

remained the same.

Extimum was confident enough in himself to believe that he could

overcome this tribulation in his life and that if not, his will was

determined enough to pay the price if he was wrong.

Extimum :" But okay, all this traversing aside, my understanding of

magical blood has improved quite a bit with all these experiments,

maybe I'll make some progress with the blood curse of the Greengrass

bloodline, although I don't think I'll spend time on it for now"

Bloom: "Aren't you taking this a little too lightly?"

Bloom frowned and asked with a bit of concern, she did not know all the

details nor had she felt for herself the real scope of what was affecting

Extimum, but she did not think it was that simple, on the other hand, the

plans of endorsement she'd read in the Extimum notes were too extreme

in case he couldn't solve the problem.

Extimum: " Taking this a little too lightly? No, I'm giving it the value it

deserves, but... is there another way? Maybe there is... but for now, I will

act based on what I have and what I have is honestly little. But still not at

the level of desperate for it".

"The last few weeks have made me see that rushing too hard won't

necessarily bring me results, so I'll take it easy, step by step and if the

worst comes to the worst... well, we'll see...". Extimum's tone was

especially serious and composed as he said his words, even to his usual


"Well, it's still early, there's no need to burden yourself with such

complicated matters when the day is just beginning, wouldn't you rather

sleep a little longer?"

Bloom: "And you expect me to be able to sleep peacefully after all that?

Even if I don't worry about it, it would be hard not to wander into such


Extimum: "So let's go outside for a bit, there's still a few hours left before

breakfast and classes, we can… I don't know, wander around or maybe

we'll find someone outside".

Bloom: "Fine, but just wait a minute. I need to at least wash my face".

With that said, Bloom flew straight in the direction of the bathroom.

It was good that this was a magical world, since when Bloom returned, it

became quite apparent that she had done much more than just wash her

face. She'd changed her outfit, combed her hair, and given a few factors

we won't mention, it was more than obvious that aside from washing her

face, she'd also had a quick bath and perhaps a few other touch-ups.

Although all of this was not surprising to Extimum, Bloom always took

care of her personal image most of the time and only allowed herself to

be a little sloppy on occasion when she was together with Extimum.

Extimum: "Let's go out then".

It didn't take long for Bloom to fly quickly and land on Extimum's

shoulder as they headed for the exit.

Bloom: "And what will we do?"

Extimum : "I don't know, it could be just walking around like sometimes,

maybe we'll go flying or... just sit around for a while."

Outside the room was a silent common room, given the time the only

audible sign of life was a very occasional soft crackling of wood over the


It was still early and the light in the common room was a bit dim in

general, except for the area by the fireplace that was dimly lit by the


Despite the hour and the silent atmosphere, the figure of someone sitting

on the sofa by the fireplace was noticeable.

The light in the room was dim, but even so, said figure held a thick book

in her hands. She had all her attention focused on the open book in her

hands, however, although her gaze seemed deep, there was a certain

feeling that the depth of her thoughts was not found in the words of the


The book seemed like nothing more than a means to let her mind wander

further into the depths of her thoughts.

Seeing Luna so early in the morning wasn't really a surprise. Although

she was not always awake at such times, she had become a frequent


Extimum thought about it for a bit and then came over to sit next to her.

His approach didn't seem to bring Luna out of her thoughts entirely, but a

few small reactions let Extimum know that she was already aware of his


Although at first he planned to go for a walk, when he saw Luna, he

decided to come closer for a moment.

Lately, his relationship with Luna had become very good and close, at

times it was perhaps better than his relationship with Steve and the

others, he had also caught himself acting a bit intimate with her, like at

Harry's quidditch match when she asked him to bet on the results of the

game and he had done so without hesitation.

He was not too sure how they had gotten so close in such a short time,

perhaps it was a matter of chemistry between their personalities?, leading

him to consider the fact that at first their meeting was more of a

coincidence and their integration into the group was done without too

much consideration.

And now, it almost seemed as if he had adopted a younger sister.

It was similar to when he met Mei. At first, their relationship was quite

short and distant, added to the fact that Mei seemed somewhat short in

the beginning towards words, however, it was precisely in those

moments of inaction of the word, when they had gotten used to each

other and their closeness grew.

It wasn't exactly a very common friendly closeness, rather, it was quite

strange in itself and contrary to the common sense with which people

relate, but, on the other hand, that in itself made it special.

That said, with Luna things developed much faster due to the open

personality that she maintained.

Sitting there spending a few moments enjoying the atmosphere was really

peaceful, however, Bloom's personality was much more active and

energetic so she wasn't really able to enjoy the silence too much and not

long after that she was distracted fiddling with the fire that burned in the


Not everyone could immerse themselves in the silence so harmoniously

or stay in it for too long, it was something that rather required a certain

state of mind.

However, said silence did not last for too long when it was interrupted by

Luna's abrupt question.

Luna: "How many Ashwinders do you think could come out of all the

flames in Hogwarts?"

Extimum: "Hmm, I haven't been to all the places in the castle, but it

would probably be more than 10k, on the other hand, I don't think any of

them will appear here. The main fireplaces of each hall are always put

out after no one is there and the torches throughout the castle are also

blown out by the house elves at certain times, so the conditions would

not be met".

"Why? Do you want to see the castle on fire?"

Extimum was not surprised by the sudden question that did not seem to

have an apparent relation to the situation, he had vaguely come to

understand how Luna's thoughts ran.

Luna: "No, no, it's just that I've never had a chance to see one myself, I've

only seen the frozen eggs in the potions lab."

Extimum: "Well, they're not particularly surprising or very different from

their picture and description either. Although, if you really want to see

one, I've seen one stuffed in a store in Knockturn Alley, if you get the

chance you might as well go see it. It's almost an attraction to the area;

however, I didn't pay attention to the name of the place where it was

being exhibited".

Luna: "Really? But don't they disappear naturally in an hour? How could

they keep it? Are you sure it was real? I think my father once mentioned

that they sell a lot of fake things in that area".

Extimum: "I didn't really check it, I just looked at it in passing, but at that

time there was a huge crowd looking at it closely with the same doubts,

so I think it was real, moreover, even if it's fake, they managed to make it

a living image of what one would look like, so it's worth going to see".

Luna: "How do you know? Have you seen a live one before?"

Extimum: "Yes, in fact, it was really a big coincidence and I made quite a

stir on that occasion. Her image is exactly the same as described in the

books. The only thing that would differentiate her from a common snake,

besides the trail of ash what it leaves behind when moving would be a

faint reddish aura and temperature rise when it's close, however unless

you're really close it would be hard to notice either".

Luna: "You were very lucky to have seen her."

Extimum: "Yes, although I don't know if the owner of that inn would

have thought the same…" he murmured unconsciously as he remembered

what happened that day.

Bloom: 'Hm? That sounds like something interesting, why don't you tell


Luna: "Oh, did something funny happen? Isn't that just an Ashwinder?"

Extimum's comment finally got Luna's full attention, so she closed her

book and placed it on the sofa to concentrate on Extimum.

Extimum: "Okay, it happened last year. I was on a trip to France."

"The trip was not very long, but I visited several magical and non-magical

tourist places. It was while I was going to visit one of those places in the

magical zone that I stopped at an inn to have lunch. The place was quite

crowded and the weather was something cold in that season".

"Fortunately I was alone, so it wasn't hard to get a place to sit and order

my food. While I was waiting for my food to be brought, I got distracted

looking around and at some point I noticed that the flames in the

fireplace were moving abnormally. At first I thought it was just some

wizard who was bored and playing with the flames".

"However, at one point I watched as the flames suddenly died down and

the flames converged into a physical form. At first somewhat illusory, but

in a matter of seconds it became more and more vivid, until a green

snake with red eyes completely realistic came to life and slipped silently

out of the embers".

"The fireplace wasn't too far from some of the tables, so it didn't take long

for the snake to get close to one of them. By the time the others noticed

the Ashwinder, it had already set the table on fire. It was a surprise to

me, really." The first time I saw it, it was definitely something to behold".

"After knowing what it was, I didn't think much of it, after all, I was in an

inn full of mages or so I thought, but somehow, the situation got out of

control too fast".

"First it was a table and at some point there were three, the nearest

wizards didn't know how to effectively put out the fire with the

Ashwinder constantly rekindling and increasing it as they went. Someone

tried to pull the Ashwinder straight out of the place, but tripped midway

and the Ashwinder landed on the other side of the room, just making it

angry and burning things around it more intensely".

"The owner of the inn seemed like he was busy in the cellar just then and

he came out after hearing the commotion, just to see that his inn was

about to catch fire. He directly took out the Ashwinder and put out all

the fire and that's the end of it".

Luna: "What? With so many magicians there and none of them did


Bloom: 'Right, the Ashwinders are not difficult to subjugate, the other

time I read it in one of the books in your library, they are only

considered xXx dangerous'.

The levels of danger were a fairly simple system implemented by the

Ministry of Magic that reflected to a certain extent the danger that

certain magical creatures represented compared to the magical abilities

of the magicians, being as follows:

X bored; xx harmless; xXx manageable by competent wizards; xxxx

dangerous, only expert magicians or with specialized knowledge can deal

with it; xxXxx highly dangerous, extreme moderation is advised.

Of course this classification was still somewhat vague considering the

great difference that could exist from one magician to another and the

definition that could be given to "competent magician" and "expert

magician", that added to the fact that they were creatures alive, so there

were many variables that could alter the perception of danger in front of

a certain creature.

As for whether higher danger categories existed, there were, but in the

current era, there was simply nothing to include in them so they were

nothing more than a technical title to include certain extinct creatures.

Extimum: "It would have been, but the situation wasn't that simple. Sure,

there were plenty of capable wizards at the time, but they all just sat

comfortably and watched the show".

"I later found out that the innkeeper was not well liked by the locals and

was also quite lax about taking care of the place, so he never bothered to

properly maintain the place and had allowed an Ashwinder to hatch, so

in the end, even though he was a victim, he was fined by the French

ministry for malpractice".

"Although he was a bit lucky, the snake had already left an egg in the

ashes in the commotion, so I guess he was able to use it to cut costs to

refurbish the place. Well, that is if he manages to reopen it, I really don't

know what happened after that incident".

Luna: "Wow that was an interesting experience you had. I don't normally

see such amazing things except when I help my dad with some of his

research. Although we don't always find what he is researching, but we

almost always end up seeing something interesting on the way".

Extimum: "I guess they are things that become more interesting and fun

when you share them with someone... but, changing the subject, are you

sleeping well?".

Luna:"Mm?, well, actually it's something variable, sometimes I wake up

quite tired, I think it's because maybe I've been walking all night,

however, it's hard to say, I've left certain clues to know when I sleepwalk

out of the room so I know when I do".

"Although there is no exact pattern, but it doesn't happen very often, on

the other hand, sometimes I have the opposite problem, I can sleep

enough, but I wake up very early and I can't go back to sleep, so instead

of staying in bed, I go out to walk or read something".

Extimum: "Have you tried taking sleeping potions?"

Luna: "Yes, but the effects aren't that good, and taking them too often

isn't good either, so I only do it sometimes".

Extimum: "Perhaps there is something bothering you?".

Luna: "No, it also happened when I was at home, my father had already

mentioned it to me, however, it used to happen less frequently there.

Although…". Luna was a little thoughtful about continuing.

Extimum: "What is it?".

Luna: "Well, after that time you found me sleepwalking and took me back

to the room, I was able to sleep very well for the next few days and I

didn't sleepwalk again".

"At first I thought it might have had something to do with that weird

feeling I got, but when you told me there was no such thing and that I

probably just imagined it, I could only dismiss it."

Bloom: 'Wow, did you have that kind of ability? Maybe that's why I

always sleep so well when I'm with you.'

Extimum didn't respond to Bloom or immediately comment on Luna's

words, although inwardly he too was surprised by such an assumption.

He had no idea if he really had such an ability.

Extimum: "Why did you think that strange feeling had something to do

with it? Couldn't it just have been a coincidence?"

Luna: "I wonder too… I don't really know why I thought they were

related, I just felt it. *sigh* But I guess maybe I was just too excited that

something could actually help me".

"But, it's okay, I'm used to it now and it doesn't really bother me that

much, sometimes I even forget that I'm a sleepwalker and since it was

just my imagination, I shouldn't think about it too much".

Extimum: "Yes…".

After that, they didn't talk anymore and just went back to how they were

before. Luna reopened her book to read, while Extimum thought about it

for a bit.

Naturally, he would like to help Luna, but first he had to confirm if he

really had that ability and if so, was it his bite?... or did it have

something to do with his fur? But even leaving those questions out of the

question, how should he deal with it?

If it was his fur it would be fine, he could try to create an amulet with it,

but what if it had been the bite... He couldn't just go and bite her every

night, right?

That last possibility in particular was quite…ridiculous!

Extimum: 'Ah, what nonsense I'm thinking, that's not the important

thing'.- He couldn't help complaining when he felt again how the

unknown influence twisted his thoughts in that way.

Bloom: 'Is something wrong?'

Though Bloom couldn't hear Extimum's inner thoughts since he didn't

choose to share them, she could feel his sudden feeling of annoyance.

Extimum: 'It's nothing, just pointless ramblings'.

Bloom: 'Mmm, as long as you're okay, by the way, what do you think

about what Luna said? You're going to help her, right?'

Extimum: 'Of course, as long as she's within my reach there's no reason

not to help her.'

Extimum: "I'll go for a walk, see you later, Luna".

Finding nothing else to do sitting there, Extimum got up from the couch

and headed towards the common salt outlet.

Luna: "Oh, okay…no, wait, I'd better go with you, the book isn't that


Luna answered somewhat languidly, but then changed her mind as she

closed the book and put it into her magic bag, then quickly followed


--Pov Luna--

After putting the book in my bag, I ran a bit to catch up with Extimum

who was waiting for me at the door of the common room. After reaching

him, I reflexively grabbed his robe while going down the tower stairs.

I like spending time with Extimum, he always gives me a calm feeling

when I'm around him.

I also like looking at her eyes, I've noticed they seem to have a mild

hypnotic effect, or at least that's what I think because Hermione always

stares at them when her eyes meet Extimum's, although I've never been

hypnotized, but I still like their colour and the shape they have.

His gaze is always so serene, but when those eyes look at me, they

generate an inexplicable warm feeling in my heart.

In those serene purple eyes there are no waves, but why do I feel as if

there is actually something more?

I always feel as if his eyes were looking at something else in me,

something that only he sees and what he finds makes him unconsciously

transmit a certain warmth and care to me.

I like that feeling.

Sometimes it's hard to understand him, but when you spend more time

with him it becomes a little easier to understand him, plus Bloom

sometimes teaches me how to understand him better.

Thinking about it, I don't know how she really does it, but Bloom is a

very special one, I have seen fairies before, but they don't compare at all

with her.

She is much smarter than she lets on and can understand us perfectly,

however , I don't know why the others don't notice, they've even seen

Bloom write, if she can write, shouldn't she be able to talk too?

Hmm, I guess they just haven't paid enough attention to her, but I think if

Bloom can really do it, she must have her reasons for not doing it, either

way, I want her as my friend.

Although it hasn't been long since I met both her and Extimum, we have

become very close in that short time.

It still feels a bit unreal at the time.

When I got to Hogwarts, I hoped to be able to make friends, I didn't have

many at home because we live in a bit of a remote place and apart from

my father and some magical creatures, I didn't have much company most

of the time.

Although sometimes guests would come with their children and could

play with them or meet people on the trips I took with my father.

Apart from those occasions, I did not interact with anyone else in my

time at home, however, the reality hit me quickly, it was not that easy to

make friends.

At first, everyone was very enthusiastic about meeting me, but when I

started talking about the things I like and my dad's theories, for some

reason they moved away, some even made fun of me saying that

everything was nothing more what lies and stories.

I really didn't care that they said those things, I assumed that everyone

believes in different things and it was normal for them to find it difficult

to accept the beliefs of others, however, with the passage of time, they

did not stop and, on the contrary, they became a little more aggressive

with their dealings and ended up isolating me.

There were only a few who had no problem hooking up with me in class,

but they didn't talk to me too much either.

So, I spend my time reading books, walking around the castle or just lost

in thought.

That was at least until the day I met Extimum.


It was a day like any other. I was sitting eating breakfast, when I felt the

students around me fall silent and direct their gazes in one place. I felt a

bit curious so I looked at who had caught everyone's attention.

Sitting in front of me was a boy a little older than me, he had a very

particular appearance, his hair was platinum white with some purple

highlights and he had predatory purple eyes. I knew from his uniform

that he was also a Ravenclaw, but he must have been some year older

since I didn't remember seeing him among the students who entered with

me, nor having seen him in classes before.

Extimum: "Hello".

He waved in my direction, but at first I thought maybe he was talking to

someone else. I didn't know him and I don't think there was something

special about me that he would have come especially for me. However,

when I looked around, I realized that, in fact, the others were sitting

quite far away and that it could only be me he was talking to.

"Hello, You have very curious eyes."

Being so, I greeted him in response and commented on his eyes, they

really were unique eyes.

Extimum: "Thank you, I'm Extimum Shadowless, are you?".

"I'm Luna Lovegood."

Extimum: "Would you like to come and sit with us?"

At first, I was a bit surprised that he wanted me to go with him, but I did

not have a reason to say no so I went with him.

"Of course, I would love to".

--End FlashBack-

After that I met Steve, Trudor, Mitchell, Padma and Bloom, they were

very good to me and although maybe they didn't understand me

completely, they didn't judge me for it, making me finally not alone.

After that day, even if I didn't talk to anyone in class, I wasn't really alone

anymore. Besides, others stopped isolating me, making fun of me or

treating me badly. I even think some actually wanted to get close to me.

It was as if from the moment I decided to accept Extimum's proposal and

follow it, everything had changed.

Perhaps for this reason, he is someone very special to me.

Lately I have sensed that he seems preoccupied and a little tense about

something. However, when I ask the others, they don't seem to see

anything and just say that Extimum is as usual, "cool and unflappable

beyond its eccentricities", which makes me, wonder if maybe I am just

being too sensitive?

Even Padma doesn't seem to feel there is anything wrong with him. But

sometimes I can't help but have that feeling, maybe I should ask Bloom?

I really wish I could help him, just like he helped me.

--End Pov--



"Stop there, don't run."

A loud scream could be heard outside the castle, as the sound of hurried

footsteps resounded. Neville did his best to run as fast as his legs would

carry him without tripping on the way.

Neville honestly didn't know how he ended up like this, it was already

rare that he was truly left alone when no one dared wander the castle

alone in these uncertain times and yet to his bad luck, of all the people

who could have stayed to go to the central areas of the castle together, it

had to be Pansy Parkinson.

Pansy: "Longbottom, I'm telling you to stop! If you don't stop, I swear

you'll suffer more."

Hearing her words, Neville could just force himself to accelerate more.

Neville: 'Not even for Merlin that I'm going to stop, does she think I'm

dumb? Does she think I can't understand the 'more' in her words? She'll

just hit me. *sigh* I had tried so hard not to have to be alone with her for

the rest of the first year after what happened and the beginning of this

one, I guess you can't always be so lucky."

Pansy: "*gasp* L-listen, I'm really not doing anything to you, *gasp*, just

stop, I just want to talk to you". Pansy's voice was slightly breathy as she

gasped for air. She really didn't expect Neville to be able to run so fast for

so long without getting tired.

Neville: "I-If you want to say something, just say it from a distance, you

don't have to get close."

Neville was also tired from running, but he was much better than Pansy,

somehow his physical condition had improved from trying to run away,

well, that and that he had negotiated with Extimum to sell him a potion

that slightly improved the basic functions of the body, maybe that's why

he could breathe much better and didn't feel so tired.

Overall, enduring the feeling of bone-chilling cold for a whole day while

the potion took effect and gave him an immediate improvement had been

worth it.

On the other hand, he finally understood why Steve gave him a pitying

look when Extimum mentioned that it was an improved potion in

experimental phase and he sold it to him for half price. But he didn't

regret it.

He couldn't help but shiver as he remembered the feeling of cold, but he

didn't slow down his steps and kept running. Actually, he could have

entered the castle much sooner and not have had to run as far, but Pansy

had managed to block his access through the door and he could only run

around the outside of the castle to the next entrance, which was why

they had run so hard.

Pansy: "L-listen, I… I really have something important to tell you,

*whimpers* no, you don't really know, h-how much effort did I have to

put in to even have a chance to be alone since you always run away from

me *whimpers* ".

Neville's eyes widened as he turned his head to look behind him,

unconsciously slowing his running.

Neville: 'Is…is she crying?'

Looking at her carefully, Neville really couldn't believe it, was the proud

and arrogant Pansy Parkinson who always teases and disdains him

crying? And for him?

Seeing her like this, Neville almost felt sorry for her and went over to

comfort her, however, how could he trust her, knowing her, and if it was

really just another way to trick him and once he got close, she would

catch him? He really wasn't sure, seeing her standing there crying and

having completely stopped running, he really felt like he should try to get


But in the end, his sense of survival and his fear that it was a trap was

stronger, so after giving him one last look, Neville did not hesitate and

ran towards the entrance to the castle that was a few meters away.

While Pansy just stood there wiping the tears from her face and looking

helplessly at the figure of Neville who disappeared after crossing the

castle gate.

Pansy: "I-Idiot". Feeling sad and tired, Pansy sat down on the grass and

buried her face in her knees.

'Don't you know that when a woman cries, the man must come to

comfort her?'.

Pansy had really gone to great lengths to get this opportunity.

She basically had to use hard and soft means to buy or threaten all the

students who normally stayed with Neville to go back to the castle, so

they wouldn't wait for him. After that, she had to run from her class

room which was almost on the other side of the castle only to arrive as

Neville walked out of herbology class.

It was lucky that Neville always took extra time in the greenhouses to

look at the plants or else it would have been hard for her to actually

catch up with him just as he came out of there.

On the other hand, she couldn't do it in a class where Gryffindor and

Slytherin were together because if they were, Neville wouldn't let his

guard down so easily and would have left immediately.

Crabble: "Huh…Pansy? Are you okay? What are you doing sitting there

on the floor? Aren't you going into the castle?"

Pansy: "Shut up! Idiot, it's not your problem what I'm doing!" Hearing

someone else's voice, Pansy snapped out of her depressed state and yelled

at Crabble in venting her frustration before running off towards the


Crabble was surprised by her aggressive response. He had been helping

Professor McGonagall to transport some materials that she had requested

and when he finished, he saw Pansy sitting on the floor at the entrance of

the castle, so he just wanted to ask her if something was wrong, but he

did not expect that instead it would be insulted instead.

Crabble: "Huh... you just might not have answered, *sigh*, I better not

worry about her."






It's been a while since I've uploaded chapters.

I really apologize for leaving you guys hanging right after I picked it

up, but you know, things happen and it's not always in our control or

ideas just don't flow as smoothly as they used to.

On the other hand, I think I'll try to upload a chapter a week since now

it costs me a little more to do it and that the chapters are now more

original than before, but don't worry, the chapters are still a bit long,

so at less will be fleshy chapters xd

I will be remastering many and if possible all the chapters, especially

the first ones, improving some scenes to improve the general quality.

There will be very slight plot changes, so don't worry if you miss those


Chapter 43: Easter

A few days later it was Easter.

Ravenclaw common room.

On one of the sofas distributed around the place, Three children were


Steve: "How can it be? I'm already anguished with just the subjects we

have now and now they tell me I have to select more?"

Mitchell: "Why are you making such a fuss? It's not like you didn't know

from the start".

Steve: "Yeah…but I didn't expect I would have to start worrying about

them so soon".

Trudor: "Isn't it just making sure you're in the same class as Extimum?

That way you can easily pass all subjects".

Steve: "Trudor, you're a genius! How did I not think of that? What's the

matter with you, Mitchell? Why the constipated face?"

Extimum:" Oh, I didn't know you had that kind of ideas about me".

Trudor and Steve suddenly stiffened at the sound of Extimum's voice

from behind them.

Due to the position they were in, they hadn't seen Extimum approaching

along with Luna and Padma.

Only Mitchell, who was sitting across from them, had caught sight of him

when he had cast a casual glance behind them and watched him

approach, immediately deciding not to comment on what they were


Extimum: "That being the case, I think I should open myself up to

working with other people, I trust that with your efforts, you will also do


Padma: "Yes, you could work with me".

Steve: "Wait Extimum, it's not like that, you heard it yourself, that was

Trudor's idea, I was just contemplating the idea and about to scold

Trudor, how could we try to take advantage of you? Hmp, I always have

considered that you are a magnanimous and handsome man, of course,

you would not abandon your friends in the face of difficulties, right?"

* lol *

Hearing Steve's shameless words, Mitchell and Trudor couldn't help but

make a nasty face, while Padma and Luna laughed.

Padma: " Wow , Steve, who taught you to say all that? Were you always

so shameless?"

Steve: " Hmp , what do you know, I have always been a straight and

sincere person, and each one of my words is only the truth that I believe

in my heart." Steve put his hand on his chest and said in a dignified and

sincere manner.

Luna:" Ah, I thought it had to do with the book you were reading before,

I also read it once and saw something similar".

Luna's words caught everyone's attention, was lazy Steve reading?

Even the previously sincere Steve couldn't help but break his expression a

bit when he heard Luna's words.

Steve: "*Ahem*, that was nothing major, I just saw something that made

me curious and I gave it a look or two before I left".

Luna:" Mm?, but you really seemed focused at that moment-".

Steve:"Ah, Luna, that's right. I didn't tell you, but I heard that Hagrid had

brought a new magical creature and according to the third years, it's a

really beautiful one, don't you want to go see it?".

Luna: "But I'm not very familiar with Hagr -".

Steve: "Don't worry, don't you know who I am? I'm the great Steve, come

on, come on, I'm sure Hagrid will like you." Steve wasted no time and as

he spoke, he grabbed Luna's hand and dragged her out of the common


Luna could only give a look between expectation and in perplexity before

the rapid movements of Steve, who took her quickly. He hadn't even

given her a chance to say no.

Padma: "Wow, what kind of book could it be? He took Luna as soon as

she mentioned it".

Trudor: " Hmm , I've never seen Steve read anything unless the teachers

forced him to".

Mitchell: "Knowing Steve, it won't be…you know…?"

Trudor quickly shook his head. "Impossible, if it were, that would also

mean that Luna had read something like that".

Extimum: "Mm, I think I know what book it was".

Padma: "Oh, which one?"

Extimum: "The Roswell Goblin".

Trudor: "What? Does Steve read something like that? No, more

importantly, does Luna read something like that?"

Padma: "What's so special about that book?"

Mitchell: "You really don't know?"

Padma: "No… what is it about? Is it a dark book?"

Extimum :" It's nothing like that, it's... mmm, to put it kindly it would be

a diary that recounts the great deeds of the Roswell goblin, but to put it

concretely it actually represents a great embarrassment for the magic

community of several countries, So it's not exactly a topic you'd bring up

in a normal conversation and you wouldn't look good if someone saw you

reading something like that either".

Padma: "Wow, I didn't know there was such a thing, what exactly did he

do?" Padma asked with genuine curiosity.

Her family came from India and had moved to England just a few years

ago for a job opportunity that her father got, so she did not know many

of the popular things in this area of the world and had never heard

anything about the goblin Roswell.

Trudor: "Hmm, not much really, he just caused the biggest embezzlement

and swindle wizarding families have ever suffered, plus he actually

managed to fool at least two wizarding ministries".

Padma: "What? And that doesn't seem like much to you?"

Bloom: ' How pretentious'.

Mitchell: "It's true, it is said that the amount of money that he steal

amounts to hundreds of millions of galleons , do you know what that is?

Can you imagine everything you could do with that much money?".

Padma: "But how do he manage to do all that? Is it even possible to fool

the magical ministry? With all the power they have it's really hard for

anyone to do it, but wait, we're getting off topic, what does that have to

do with what Luna said?".

Trudor: " Err ... Well, in that book, Roswell was quite... detailed with his

methods and ways. Reading it is almost as good as meeting the Roswell

goblin himself".

Mitchell: "Yeah, it's honestly a bit unsettling when you read the book, but

there's no denying that the man was a genius in his own way".

"Steve was probably afraid that Luna was going to talk about it freely and

everyone would find out what he was reading, after all, it is very likely

that there are members of the affected families around here and he will

earn their enmity, in addition to the reputation that he could obtain".

Padma: "But if the book is so abominable in the eyes of the wizarding

community, then why can it still be around? Shouldn't it have been


Extimum: "That's because it's not that simple, Roswell made sure that it

wasn't that easy for them to destroy the immortalization of his exploits

and those who can really destroy them don't necessarily want to".

Padma: "Why wouldn't they want to destroy it if it represents such a


Trudor: "For knowledge".

Padma: "Knowledge?"

Trudor: "Yes, there is a lot you can learn by reading that book, that's why

it's something of an open secret that all wizards read it at least once in

their life, however, there are still people who want to destroy those books

in when they see them and since the names of many families are

explicitly mentioned in the book, it is almost a taboo for someone to see

you reading that book".

Padma: "Wow, I didn't think there would be such a thing, now I'm a bit

curious about that book, but looking at the situation, I don't think it's

easy to read. But what happened to the Roswell goblin in the end?"

Extimum: "He died."

Padma: "Did he die? I thought if he was as incredible as you said, could

he have escaped unscathed?"

Extimum: "Heh, Roswell was really amazing, but he was also too greedy

and in the end, he bit off more than he could chew and was killed."

Extimum's voice was unusually nonchalant when he mentioned that he

had been killed.

Padma: "And who killed him?"

Trudor: "Callum Shadowless". Trudor's eyes flickered with a strange look

at the mention of this name and he secretly glared at Extimum.

His gaze was not inconspicuous to the others and it wasn't hard for

Padma to infer something based on the surname and the look Trudor

gave Extimum.

Extimum: "That aside, I plan on signing up for pretty much every

elective, so you don't have to go through any kind of special effort trying

to pick a subject I'm in, except for muggle studies, but if you pick that, I

don't think you need much help and I don't know if I'd be the best person

to ask".

Mitchell: "Is it even possible to sign up for almost every subject?"

Padma: " Hmm , it should be if the schedules don't cross, but I think it

would still be very difficult."

Trudor: "No, in fact, normally you only choose a maximum of three

electives, with only two being common, so choosing more would be

almost impossible because the schedules would definitely cross and you

would not be able to attend all of them".

Extimum: "Naturally I have a path, or rather, there is a certain

opportunity available that the house directors offer to the best second-

year students, but to access them, you must have shown that you can

take the core subjects in the higher averages the first two years and

continue to do so in subsequent years or else, you would have to choose

to drop some of the electives".

"Although this year is not over yet, Professor Flitwick mentioned that he

would help me next year".

Mitchell: " Wow , I didn't know there was such a thing, but wouldn't it be

a headache to have to stay in the top ranks every year after that? Will

you even have time to have fun?"

Padma: "Right, maintaining a level like that every year would be quite

difficult, as unforeseen events can happen that force you to lower your


Trudor: "Indeed, it would be very stressful, though I've never heard of

such a thing at Hogwarts." Trudor couldn't help but say between doubt

and suspicion. Although he was not at the level of Extimum, he was also

ranked high among his year, however, he had never heard of anything

like that.

In fact, Trudor was correct to suspect.

The opportunity that Extimum mentioned was the time-turner, however,

an item like this would not be so easily given to the students and even if

it was given to them, it would be unlikely that the students would

actually be able to keep up with such a busy pace of study afterward.

After all, they were young and wanted to have fun, which was all the

more reason they wouldn't normally be given it.

However, when there were cases of really exceptional students, the

headmasters of each house could try to request it from the headmaster, in

this case Dumbledore and if he agreed, he would give them the time-

turner in his possession.

That said, something like this hadn't happened too often, because even if

there were such students, who would want to study even more than they

already had to, plus they had to maintain an average in all major subjects

at high levels.

Not to mention others, even Extimum wasn't initially interested in such

an idea, he already had enough on his plate and there was no reason to

put even more on it, so he had thought of just choosing the ones he was

most interested in.

However, when he had found himself considering his choice of subjects,

he hadn't expected Professor Flitwick to approach him and casually ask

him if he was interested in taking more than three electives.

Extimum of course was fully aware of his situation and his limited time,

but his lack of knowledge was great and he wanted to learn much more...

Bah!, mere nonsense, he might as well learn it by himself.

However, how could he resist the temptation to experiment and study a

time-turner? We were talking about one of the few, if not the only

invention related to time magic.

If space magic was already quite rare and scarce in its applications, there

was not much more to say about time magic.

Even the ministry had a "secret" division in the department of mysteries

that especially investigated this magic and everything related to it was

kept top secret, so much so that it was likely that the information

contained there would be destroyed before someone could steal it due to

the implications of such a branch of magic.

So, very "reluctantly" he accepted Professor Flitwick's proposal, however,

if there was real caution when he accepted the proposal, and that was

because, although his relationship with Professor Flitwick was quite

good, it was not that good.

That meeting had been too casual, added to the fact that the final

decision to hand over the time-turner fell to Dumbledore, could not help

but make Extimum wonder if such a coincidence was not actually him

walking into the lion's den and being subtly directed at another


Extimum didn't really want to be played as cannon fodder in whatever it

was. But again, the time-turner was still too attractive and although it

was a trap, he was willing to enter it with pleasure at least for this time.

With that said, Professor Flitwick hadn't mentioned anything related to

the time-turner at all, but Extimum believed it would definitely be that,

because he himself couldn't find any other way for him to attend the

other classes.

Unless, of course, there was cloning magic, but that was even more

unlikely and Extimum seriously doubted anything like that actually


Extimum." Well, maybe you shouldn't think too much about that, as for

your choice of subjects, just choose the one that you think will help you

the most in your goals or the ones that are more related. I'll go out for a

walk." Speaking up to here, Extimum turned around and prepared to


Mitchell: "Extimum, wait…um, you're not ditching us later in the studios,

are you?"

Bloom: 'Wow, they really must think you're some kind of petty villain'.

Extimum stopped in his tracks upon hearing Mitchell, however, he

couldn't help but slightly move his eyebrows at Bloom's words and think

out loud.

Extimum: "Am I such a petty person?"

Mitchell: "Uh… maybe? Ah!".

Trudor: " Shh , Mitchell, shut up." Trudor who was next to Mitchell

quickly pinched him to shut up.

Bloom: 'Oh, hahaha , I didn't expect that'.

Padma: "I don't think so, it's just that your tone is usually quite flat, so it's

hard to know if when you say something you're joking or really mean it.

Anyway, after meeting you and reading the environment it's easy to

understand you, although perhaps there are still some who are a little

foolish and cannot understand it".

Extimum :" Ah, so, maybe like this…". Suddenly, a strange low sound was

barely perceptible for a moment as "#Don't worry, I'll still help you when

you need it#".

* Ahh !*

The faces of everyone present turned into one of shock and terror for a

moment as they stared at Extimum with wide eyes.

And that was because the voice and expressions he spoke with were

exactly the same as Steve's.

Although his face and body remained the same, the expressions and voice

would make anyone wonder if for a moment, Extimum had been

possessed by Steve, making for quite an unsettling contrast.

Even Bloom couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat and quickly jump

up from her comfortable position and check if she really was with

Extimum. If it hadn't been for the connection between them, she might

have almost been scared to death.

Mitchell: "You… what did you do?"

Extimum: "Hm? Why do you look so terrified?" 'I really think it was my

best performance, it was quite realistic and expressive…'

Extimum felt a little surprised by their exaggerated reaction, it shouldn't

have been so scary right?

Padma: "Don't ever do something like that again, that was creepy".

Trudor said nothing, but nodded in agreement as he kept his serious gaze

on Extimum.

Bloom: 'Yeah, it was really creepy, is it a new magic? I've never seen you

do it before.'

Extimum: "Okay, my mistake, I think it was quite surprising, anyway,

while you have time you can ask me for help as usual, I'll go now."

'It's nothing new or anything like that, it's part of my metamorphmagus

ability, it's just an application that I don't use much usually, however, I

usually practice it in other kinds of things and that's why you hadn't

noticed. I didn't think you would be so surprised…'.

Bloom: 'Surprise is not enough, I almost thought my heart would stop

there…'. Bloom thought quietly

Extimum' Did you say something?'.

Bloom: 'No, nothing.'

After Extimum left the common room, Padma, Mitchell, and Trudor

gradually regained their composure.

Mitchell: "I think I'm going to have nightmares after this..."


Somewhere by the black lake.

Extimum was sitting on the grass observing the landscape near the lake.

This specific place had already become something like his private place.

It was quite a secluded place and far from the castle, slightly covered by

a large rock and a tall tree that Extimum liked to come to lie down on.

Bloom: "What are you thinking about?"

Extimum: "Nothing special, I'm just digressing between various things."

Bloom: "But you look cheerful, so there must be something good".

Extimum: "Well, as strange as it may seem, when I saw everyone's

terrified faces a while ago, an idea occurred to me that could help me

finish the external rune circuit and the more I think about it, the more I

find it more and more viable".

Extimum had naturally not been idle in recent days.

So, after surviving two explosions of experimentation, burying his room

in runic papers, and managing to trick the rune teacher into

hypothetically answering one of his questions while posing as another

student, he had managed to fix the problem in the outermost circle of

runes of the amulet.

However, there was only one place left to fill that would ensure the

amulet would work again, but he hadn't been able to fill it until at least a

while ago when a fleeting and unrelated thought seemed to have thrown

him the answer and though he hadn't tried it yet, hhe was sure it would


Extimum: "However, now there is something else I would like to try".

Bloom: "oh, tell me, what is-?".

Extimum grabbed Bloom who was resting on his shoulder and put her on

his lap and then, before Bloom could fully express her doubts, an almost

translucent purple energy flew out of his hand and hit Bloom directly.

In the first seconds it seemed that nothing had happened and after Bloom

finished checking herself and didn't notice anything different, she was

about to complain about having been fooled so suddenly, when...

A change occurred. It was as quick and sudden as Extimum's attack.

Extimum blinked a little and leaned back from his position a little to

better observe the new sight.

Now sitting on his lap was Bloom, however, her body was now even

bigger and taller than Extimum.

She had returned to her original size or human size.

In front of Extimum was an astonished Bloom who was looking at her

body with surprise.

Her long hair that was a mix between orange and fire-like red fell down

her back, while her large wings covered the view beyond her back and

outlined her figure with a faint iridescent glow.

Then there was her slender but developed seductive figure capable of

producing dire thoughts even in the most disinterested. Looking up,

Extimum met Bloom who stood much taller than him now, meeting her

bewitching blue eyes, they were a beautiful sky blue that seemed to hide

incredible magical power.

Extimum watched Bloom carefully. His eyes showed no change at all as

he burned this new image of her into his mind.

It was the first time he really felt Bloom's weight while sitting on top of


The light floral fragrance beginning to spread and the warmth of contact.

It wasn't like he hadn't been close to Bloom before, but now it was

something completely different.

Though which one was different exactly, it was hard to tell at first


Observing her figure, Extimum's gaze remained unperturbed, however,

his hand was still slowly drawn in her direction, until he gently cupped

Bloom's face, drawing all her attention to him.

His action of meeting her gaze directly seemed to trigger a short moment

of silence, however, it didn't last too long, as Bloom's cheeks reddened

slightly and in the next second, she reverted to her reduced fairy size and

quickly flew to hide inside Extimum's robe.

Extimum: "Why are you hiding now?"

Extimum didn't react much to her sudden escape and just smiled softly as

he withdrew his hand from the now empty air.

His movement was natural, but if there had been someone in front of

them at that precise moment, they might have noticed that Extimum's

little finger had actually stabbed into his own palm, a fact made visible

by the bloody outline of that finger and the few sliding drops.

Bloom: "It was just too unexpected and I haven't returned to my original

form in a while, so, I was feeling a little awkward, just give me a little

more time and I'll introduce myself".

Bloom slowly came out of hiding as she calmly explained.

She felt somewhat embarrassed by the fact that she was aware that even

though she had been able to return to her original form a long time ago,

she had deliberately hidden that fact even though she knew that

Extimum wished to see her in said form.

However, she had had her own considerations, the first of which was that

her body might not be able to fully withstand returning to that form.

The ice that had imprisoned her was not simple at all and had caused

serious damage that still lasted in sequels inside her. Extimum had only

been able to easily destroy her ice prison due to the sheer singularity of

his energy and the fact that the ice had lost much of its power after so

much time had passed.

Another of her considerations was that she had already acquired a certain

attachment to her current state because she could do things that she

definitely could not do once she returned to her original form.

The myth that fairies were always small beings comparable to butterflies

was actually only part of the truth. That form was taken mainly by

convention or by too young fairies who hadn't finished maturing yet, and

ultimately, it was a trait of certain fairies to remain that way


Extimum: "Why are they so different? At first glance one would think it

would just be the difference in size, but I feel like it's more than that."

Extimum asked as he silently wiped the blood from his hand, as for the

wound, something like that could heal in a few seconds. Despite his

indifferent face, mentally he was frowning and the reason was not

entirely related to Bloom.

To tell the truth, Extimum had already had some speculations for some

time about Bloom being able to revert to her original appearance,

however, on a spur of the moment he had wanted to see her now, so

using his energy, he stimulated a certain part of her body in such a way

that it returned to its original form.

In a way, it was more of a casual attempt since he had never tried

anything like that.

But the recent improvement in his energy had instilled in him some

interest and he had spent some time experimenting with it, so he felt he

could do more with it now.

From his observations, Extimum could only say that his energy seemed to

have a somewhat insidious personality, his nature was always so gentle

that it seemed impossible that he could harm anyone.

However, at the slightest change in the user's intentions it was always

ready to draw a silent dagger on the target, on the other hand, it was for

this very reason that Extimum could rest easy experimenting with it so


Bloom: "I didn't expect you could tell with just one look. But you're right,

the small form usually compresses or discards certain attributes from the

final form, some because they're not needed, others just naturally


Extimum: "I see, so I'll just be patient until you feel comfortable returning

to that form. But changing the subject, I've always been curious, are there

male fairies ?"

Bloom: "Yes, but they are very rare. Generally, when one is born, it has a

chance to become the king of the fairies ."

Extimum: "Do they have something special?".

Bloom: "I haven't met many and I haven't had a very close relationship

with them, however, if there was one thing that they all definitely had, it

was talent, a monstrous talent for magic, moreover, either by magic or by

nature, their life expectancy used to be much longer than a common


Extimum: "It's quite a curious thing, well, we've been away for a long

time. Let's go back." Extimum got up from the ground and shook his

robes a bit as he spoke.

It was almost time for lunch, so considering the distance, it was better to

get back early.

Bloom: "Okay, oh, now that I remember, why don't we stop by Hagrid's

hut on the way to the castle?, I want to see what kind of creature Steve

was hoping to trick Luna with".

Extimum: "Hagrid? Hmm, thinking about it, it's almost time I acted."

Bloom: "Was there something you wanted to do with Hagrid?"

Bloom's interest perked up a bit, she was almost all the time with

Extimum and although she could tell he was on good terms with Hagrid,

but except for a few times when Extimum went with Harry and the

others, he didn't really visit or get too close with him, so what was the

reason for the sudden interest?

Extimum: "Ah, I was just thinking out loud, but it's just something like a

wish?... mm or maybe do a good deed? Well, I'm not too sure myself, I

just feel like I should do something".

Bloom: "something about what?"

Extimum: "About-... the corruption of the magical world, although I 'm

not a seeker of justice, but helping an acquaintance is still within

acceptable limits. But for now don't think too much about it, it's about

something I found out by chance, but it hasn't happened yet".

Bloom: "Oh, I see".

Bloom decided not to pay more attention to the matter, although she

considered Extimum's sudden change of words, she felt that it was not

necessary to delve too much into something that had not yet occurred

and was not related to her or Extimum.

Of course, from their conception, Extimum's words about learning of

something to come weren't exactly attuned to the true meaning of the

words he actually gave them.

Extimum: "Well, let's see what creature it is then."

Bloom: "Yes."

After that, the two headed towards Hagrid's hut, although, on the way,

Extimum still casually glanced at his hand to make sure it was okay and

Bloom didn't notice a thing.


Back to the castle.

Bloom: 'I think Luna wasn't fooled by anything, it was really cute and

fluffy, although if it hadn't tried to eat me it would have been much

cuter. I guess it still suffered its retribution when it had a sudden attack

of stomach pain and chills, don't you think so?'.

Bloom happily flew through the castle as she followed Extimum towards

the Ravenclaw common room.

Extimum: "Yes... a true coincidental retribution, maybe it was karma?".

The magical creature they saw was quite cute.

It was a small light pink furry ball, with big purple eyes and a small black

nose, it wouldn't be hard to mistake its for a stuffed animal, well, that

was at least until it saw Bloom and its little mouth expanded to a

disproportionate size, enough to swallow two Blooms in one gulp.

Of course, by twists of fate, the creature suffered a sudden stomach ache

that made it stop and roll over in place as it shuddered, a true

coincidence no doubt.

Hagrid then apologized very sorry for what had happened and then

proceeded to treat the creature, which recovered shortly after Extimum

and Bloom left the hut.

Coincidences also dictated that since the creature was only being looked

after by Hagrid as a favor for a friend and would later leave, its

retribution had been rather "light".

Bloom: "I don't think 'ghost ice cream' is that bad, it just must have been

hungry and thought I was some bird or something".

Extimum: "Ghost ice cream? Did you already give it a name? And why

did you give it something like that?"

Bloom: "Yeah, it smelled and looked a lot like the ghost ice cream I ate in

the ghost town, so I decided to name it that, don't you think that's a good


Extimum:" yes, No, it's not really a good name, it sounds like you want to

eat it too, though... Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea?".

Bloom: "Ah, don't say such things, I just thought the name was very

suitable, I never thought of such a thing as eating it."

Extimum: " Tch , I guess it will be another time".

Extimum muttered almost inaudibly and turned through the intersection

of the corridor when.


As he turned down the hall to the right, he collided head-on with a girl

who was running in that direction.

The situation had caught Extimum off guard enough that he almost fell

from the impact.

But he had managed to hold himself thanks to their tails that had

extended at just the right moment and caught him before he fell to the

ground, leaving him in a strange position with his body leaning back

close to touching the ground.

???:"* ouch *, my head."

Bloom: 'Oh, are you alright, Extimum?'

Extimum: 'Yes…'.

Extimum quickly recovered from his awkward position and arranged his

robe while looking at the girl on the floor who was holding her head with

her hands.

Extimum: "Sorry, I must have been distracted with my thoughts and

didn't notice you, are you okay Ginny?" As he spoke, Extimum reached

out his hand to help lift Ginny off the ground.

Ginny: "Ah, yes, I'm fine, thanks, I'm the one who should apologize, I

came running and I didn't take a good look around me".

Ginny accepted his hand and braced herself off the floor as she picked up

a few books she had dropped in the crash.

Ginny: "Are you wearing something under your robe? I felt like I bumped

into something really hard." Ginny asked as she rubbed her forehead, her

head no longer hurt as much, but she still felt a bit disoriented from the


Extimum:" I'm not wearing anything, maybe it's because my bones are a

little more robust than normal, well that and you were running very fast".

Ginny: "Oh, I was being inconsiderate, you crashed into me too, are you

okay?" Ginny said embarrassed that she had completely forgotten about

him and checked Extimum for any visible injuries.

You never knew if the crash might make you hit something or land in a

bad position.

Extimum: "I'm fine, I was just a little surprised." As he spoke, Extimum's

eyes surreptitiously wandered over Ginny's body and objects, he wasn't

being polite with his words at the moment.

He was really surprised by the fact that he had bumped into someone.

His senses hadn't given him any indication that anyone had gotten that

close to him, it was only when his eyes suddenly stopped on an old black

book resting in Ginny's hands that a ray of realization flashed in his eyes.

"It's a nice Diary you have there, it must be a relic, nowadays you don't

see so many in that style"

Ginny: "Diary? Ah" — Following Extimum's gaze, Ginny saw the diary he

was referring to and became alarmed, immediately remembering the

reason she had been running—" I-it's nothing special, it's just a old book

my parents got second hand.

Ginny tried to act calm, but her slight panic at first gave away the clear

abnormality and she quickly covered the old black diary with her things

as she tried to change the subject.

Bloom: 'What 's so interesting about that diary? It just looks like a very

common old book, maybe it's just well preserved at most.'

Bloom walked over and cheekily circled around Ginny while looking at

the Diary from all angles.

Extimum: 'Its appearance is indeed quite ordinary, but it is its content

that is of value.'

Bloom: 'Oh, I see, is it perhaps written by a great author? a famous


Extimum: 'Yes…"— Seeing that Bloom seemed to have misunderstood his

words, he couldn't help but respond with a certain unnaturalness,

although he decided not to correct her misunderstanding for the time

being— "I'm sure he's a very famous author, so much so that he makes

people shudder just hearing his name'.

Bloom: 'Wow, I didn't think there was such a famous and impressive

character, do people get excited just by hearing his name? You have to

get me a book of him or her, I'm really curious about his work.'

Bloom's eyes sparkled with excitement as she imagined the content of one

of the works of such a distinguished character.

Even though she wasn't that enthusiastic about reading books, under the

influence of Extimum, she came to enjoy reading a bit.

Although it wasn't like she had many options, the current magical

civilization didn't keep almost any magical artifacts for entertainment

other than the more classic ones, so unless she went to a non-magical

city, which wouldn't be any time soon, it would be hard to get anything.

Extimum: ' Hmm , it would be difficult, I can't promise anything'.

Bloom: 'Isn't it just borrowing it from Ginny? Besides, even she was able

to get a second hand one, how come you can't get one?' Bloom asked

suspiciously. How could it be so difficult to get a copy of the book?

Extimum: 'Forget it, even if she were to lend it to me right now, I'm

afraid I wouldn't dare accept it, at least not right now.'

Extimum actually didn't dare, if it had been a while ago, he might have

considered taking it and studying it, but by now it should have already

stolen enough of Ginny's vitality and regained some of its power, so he

wasn't too eager to find himself in unnecessary trouble at the moment in

case he didn't have the same luck as Harry.

Ginny: "Ah, you're here too Bloom, you look very lively. Extimum, I

apologize again for bumping into you. I'm in a bit of a hurry so I'll say


Ginny's eyes sparkled at the sight of Bloom, but she didn't feel

comfortable after Extimum noticed the book, so she apologized again and

ran quickly as she waved goodbye.

She was really worried that Extimum would come to recognize the book

she was carrying in her hands, after all, she knew that he was close to

Harry and it was possible that he had seen it with Harry, it was especially

so, because she had left a big mess on her way to find the diary, so there

would surely be a bit of a ruckus and Extimum would eventually find out.

On the other hand, she was a bit reluctant to have to leave, she didn't

always get the chance to get close to Bloom.

Bloom was kind of a little idol or pet for most of the girls and even some

boys at Hogwarts, many actually envied Extimum for being able to get

such a cute and smart fairy.

However, even though Bloom didn't act aloof, it was a bit difficult to

approach her since she almost always stayed with Extimum and some felt

a bit embarrassed to approach his casually or just to look for Bloom.

Also, students were technically not allowed to have pets other than the

stipulated ones in the first year, but there seemed to be some kind of

exception to this rule for Extimum.

Speaking of which, it seemed that Hagrid had been one of the

contributors to being more strict about what kind of pets could be

brought to Hogwarts, however, since Bloom did not belong to a

dangerous class and could use some of his family's influence, it was not

difficult for them to accept.

It was that and that Extimum hadn't had any pets (wizard partner) before

and that Bloom's behavior was quite good, so there was no reason to ban

his either.

Bloom: "She really must be in a hurry if even after getting hit, she runs

away again and not much slower than the speed she originally came


Extimum:" Yes, she sure is "in a hurry", wait, did you see her coming?".

Bloom: "Yes, as she was going ahead I could see her, it's just that I didn't

expect both her and you to collide, especially you, I think I've never seen

you collide with someone, and with your senses, I thought you would

avoid her even if she was distracted".

Extimum: "It was just a set of coincidences. Let's go."



Gryffindor common room.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sitting on a couch discussing which

electives they would be choosing for next year.

Though, it was mainly Harry considering, since Hermione had chosen

almost all of them as well as Extimum and Ron had been advised by his


So they were just doing their own thing while they waited for Harry to


Ron: "Hey Hermione, has anything happened to you recently?" Ron asked

casually as he played a game of wizard chess against the board.

Hermione: "No… why do you say that?" Hermione answered in an

uninterested way, while reading a book.

Ron: " Um , well, I didn't want to be the one to say it, but you see, you've

been a bit weird lately and Parvati mentioned that you were…having

trouble sleeping, so, I wanted to know if there was something bothering


Hermione still didn't look away from her book, but for some strange

reason her cheeks flushed slightly.

Hermione: "Nothing has happened to me, it's just that I've had a lot on

my mind, by the way, Parvati…did she mention anything else?"

Ron: "No, but, you shouldn't scold her, she was just worried about you

and brought it up so we could ask." Ron thought that Hermione might be

mad at Parvati for talking about her, so he tried to clarify the situation.

Hermione: "*cough*, no, that's fine, I get it, I'm not mad at Parvati, I just

wanted to know if she mentioned anything else." Hermione answered

now a little calmer knowing that Parvati hadn't mentioned anything else.

Ron: "No, she didn't mention anything else, just that you had trouble

sleeping. Maybe it has something to do with Extimum?" Seeing that

Hermione wasn't angry, Ron turned his attention back to the game and

asked casually to change the subject.

Hermione: "Extimum? W-why do you think he would have anything to do

with it?" Hermione stopped her reading and raised her head to look at


Unaware of Hermione's reaction, Ron continued speaking.

Ron: "I don't know, I was just asking casually, apart from me and Harry,

Extimum is the one you spend time with the most. Speaking of which,

I've always been curious, is there something going on between you two?"

At his question, Hermione who was about to turn her attention back to

the book stopped and stiffened slightly as she felt inexplicably flustered,

while Harry who was about to finish filling out his form, paused in his

actions upon hearing the question of Ron.

Hermione: "No!, uh, I mean, are we just friends?" Hermione flustered a

little at Ron's question, but quickly fixed her tone and said uncertainly.

Hermione's overreaction struck Ron as odd, who diverted his attention

from the chessboard and turned to look at Hermione a little annoyed.

Ron: "Isn't that obvious?, but I'm asking if you guys have been doing

something in secret that you haven't told me or Harry. If you don't want

to say it, just don't say it, you don't have to yell".

Hermione: "Ah… that's what you meant… No, we just study in the library

sometimes or well…".

Ron: "Uh-huh, so there was something, but okay, you don't have to say it,

I just wanted to know if my instinct as an investigator was correct".

Ron hadn't taken into account the other possible interpretation of his

question and Hermione's response, but Harry had fully grasped the other


Harry: ' Perhaps Extimum is finally having a bit of a hit?'





Just a little interlude, plus we find out that Bloom can regain her

human size.

On the other hand, I think the next chapter will be much more


Chapter 44: Memories of the past

--Hermione pov--

After Harry finished filling out his form, I didn't stay in the common

room any longer and ran to my room, then threw myself on my bed.

I can't believe I had inadvertently fallen for Ron's words, it was all a

misunderstanding and although Ron didn't notice anything, it was clear

from Harry's look that he had understood something.

Ugh, it's Pavarti's fault too, she shouldn't go around saying what's going

on in the bedroom even though I know she meant well. *sigh*

No, actually, it's all Extimum's fault. Since what happened that time, I've

felt a little strange at times.

It's like a kind of phantom sensation that runs through my body and

makes me feel sensitive and anxious, it's kind of uncomfortable. It even

manages to distract me during class sometimes.

The only good thing is that it does not appear very often and usually

occurs at night, where the sensation also becomes stronger...

Sometimes the feeling is so bad that I unintentionally let out weird

sounds and have to try to suppress them to prevent Lavander, Pavarti or

Fay from hearing me, although with what Ron said, Pavarti probably

heard something.

Maybe it's still lingering effects of Polyjuice Potion, but I really don't

want to go back to the infirmary for a long time at least.

On the other hand, maybe it really is Extimum's fault. I've felt the

sensation lessen when I'm around him, or maybe it's just my imagination?


I am really confused.

Sighing, I turned my position and lay down facing the ceiling.

« Is there something between you? »

Ron's question echoed through my mind.

Is there? Our relationship is strange, we are friends and I love him, he is

the closest person to me, followed by Harry and Ron. Beyond that… I

don't know, his attitude confuses me.

His personality is almost always serious and collected, but towards

women… or at least towards those closest to him, his personality takes a

completely different turn.

Although he is almost himself, his words and actions become more…how

to put it?, passionate? Gallant? Playful?

Sometimes he says such sweet things that it makes my heart tremble and

it doesn't stop beating fast... and his eyes... just looking at them makes

me involuntarily lose myself in his gaze, then there is the feeling of calm

that invades me when I am with him, makes let my thoughts wander


And then there are all the other girls he does the same thing with. Are all

the things he tells me even what he really feels? What does he really

think of me?

--End Pov--


Near the black lake.

Bloom: "Almost…almost…just a little more…" Bloom was sweating

lightly as she kept her gaze fixed on Extimum's hands.

Extimum: "Bloom… if you could be quiet for a second, I'm sure I could

finish it".

Extimum stopped his actions as he gave Bloom a slight look who seemed

so nervous and anxious that it ended up affecting his concentration.

He was currently writing the outer runic system of the amulet and he

only had to write the last rune, which he had not tried yet.

Therefore, there was a certain level of risk that it would explode, if it

were incompatible.

Oddly, though, it was Bloom who seemed much more nervous about that

fact as she watched him write the runes, that was of course, considering

that she had actually been hiding behind a tree some distance away from

where she was watching Extimum work.

Bloom: "Okay, sorry, I'll be quiet until you finish".

With Bloom's confirmation, Extimum paid her no further attention and

fixed his attention on the flickering golden characters floating in the air

in front of him. They vaguely seemed to form a complete circle as they

magically floated there.

After checking again that everything was correct, he fixed his attention

on the empty space that prevented the circle from being completed.

Extimum: 'I hope it works… or at least, that it doesn't explode'.

Moving the magic pen in his hand, Extimum drew the last rune in the air

and with a light push, sent it towards the empty spot in the circle,

when... nothing happened. (XD)

Bloom: "It's a hit". Observing the lack of reaction, Bloom happily flew up

to approach Extimum.

Extimum:" *sigh*, yes." Sighing, Extimum gazed with satisfaction at the

entire circle of runes that now shimmered in a tuned fashion as a single


He really had been ready to run in retreat in case it did not work out.

The fact that there was no reaction when completed meant that no

incompatibility or dissonance had occurred, so as long as the rune circle

made complete logical sense in what it would do, there should be no


[Pendant/ Amulet]

Bloom: "Come on, come on, what are you waiting for? Add it to the

pendant quickly".

Extimum: "Okay, it's not like the runes are going to disappear right


Although Extimum spoke like this, he was no less slow as he manipulated

his pendant so that it floated in the air and directed the rune circle

towards him so that they would fuse.

Under his control, the pendant glowed faintly and exposed a much larger

and more complex runic circle with most of its runes blurred or


As the rune circle approached, it merged with the outermost circle of the

rune system, perfectly replacing it. Shortly after that, the rune system

disappeared and reintegrated itself into the pendant, etching the new

runes into it.

[Rune System: It is a set of different runic components, which, when put

together, create a complex and functional system that can act in

synchrony to obtain stronger or specialized results, somewhat similar to

the gears of a clock.

Runic Circle: One of the methods for runic inscription that enhances the

effects of the runes used by building a circular structure.]

Bloom: "Excellent".

Seeing that it had blended in perfectly, Extimum also smiled faintly and

waved his hand so that the pendant flew towards him.

The pendant did not look any different on the surface as only its runes

had been modified and these were generally not very noticeable to the

naked eye in most designs.

However, if there were something different, it would be the instinctive

feeling that was now perceptible when holding it in his hands. As long as

he sent out his magic and his will, the pendant's runic magic would


On the other hand, the only thing that did not leave Extimum alone was

that, although he had managed to fix part of the amulet, the other half

was still damaged, not to mention that its true effect would only be

present when both parts were complete and worked together.

The runic system of the pendant was composed of two runic circles, the

first and most external focused on the body and the second, occupying

the internal part, focused on the mind.


But for now, he had to settle for this small success, since he hadn't been

very successful in deciphering the inner runic circle and wasn't even close

to understanding it.

--Pov Extimum--

"Okay, now I'll see if it works".

Bloom: "Wait, wait, isn't it a bit hasty to try it right away? we still don't

know if it works or even what exactly it does".

"There's no other way, the pendant hadn't reacted to anything or anyone

before it was affected by whatever it is that's trying to mess with me".

"So, we couldn't test it on someone else, plus when it was activated last

time, it didn't cause no damage on me, so even if it can't work at full

capacity now, the effect should still work to a certain extent".

Bloom: "But-". Bloom was still worried that something might go wrong.

"Okay, I've already checked the runic system and I know its effects,

besides, even if something happens, I don't have you here with me?"

Hearing my words, Bloom could only reluctantly agree, as a fire of

determination seemed to shine in her eyes.

Bloom: "Well…".

I took a deep breath and looked at the pendant in my hand. I didn't know

if anything could go wrong, but I was sure that at the very least, it

wouldn't affect my life.

In addition, there were certain things that had been going on lately that I

didn't mention to anyone. It really worries me… What if something like

what happened with Hermione in the hospital wing happens again?

I had already felt faint signs of it, like when I saw Bloom's real form for

the first time.

Losing control of my own body or even ending up being an accomplice of

its intentions, just to spare the bestiality that runs through my body to

my victims is not something I want.

I can't just go on like this, I won't allow it...

Without further consideration, I sent my will and magic to the pendant in

my hand, causing it to glow faintly.

** Trink, Trink **

The effect was immediate and for a moment I had the illusion of the

sound of chains rattling, followed by an oppressive feeling coming from

all directions.

It was as if gravity or the world itself had made my body a target.


The air seemed heavy and each breath felt harder than the last, it was as

if an invisible hand was squeezing my throat tightly, only leaving small

spaces to barely breathe.

I don't know when, but at some point, I found myself on my knees on the

floor, as I faintly felt the grip release and strong gasps for air came out of


For a moment, I thought it was all over and when I had finally managed

to take a full breath, a burning feeling was building rapidly and steadily

in my body.

It was a somewhat familiar burning feeling, like that time. But this time,

it was stronger, much stronger.

If my senses weren't so highly developed I would have believed that the

bubbling sound of my boiling blood was just a hallucination, however,

far from just ending there, my skin was also beginning to feel hot, as if it

was being burned or corroded.

At some point, I was unable to tell if I was still in pain, it was like a

moment of lucidity before the fall, but the cold sweat on my back and

forehead still gave me a bit of a sense of reality.

It didn't take long for my mind to blur. I could vaguely hear Bloom's

screams, but couldn't tell exactly where it was coming from.

Bloom:" ~mum~, ~Exti~ ".

"*Grrr*". A low, throaty growl barely escaped my throat as my hands dug

into the ground barely heeding my conscience or maybe an instinct to

release all the pain I was feeling.

And then…everything went dark.

The last thing I could think before being sucked into darkness was that it

had been a good idea to have put up a barrier and covered the area with

my illusion magic.

It is dark…

???:" She's dead…".

It's cold…

???: "There was no other way?".

It smells... it smells of blood...

???:" Do not…".

Whose voices are those?... They are so familiar... yet unknown at the

same time... Why can't I remember?... Remember... Remember...

My eyes snapped open.

A familiar, yet unknown ceiling greeted me as I opened my eyes. What

happened? Did I fall unconscious? Bloom brought me here?

But where are we? Where is Bloom? And... Why is it so dark?... I hadn't

seen the darkness like this for a long time.

Feeling my thoughts scramble for a moment, I took a deep breath and

forced myself to ignore my confusion and unease. I felt that my thoughts

were running slowly and only after a moment, I was able to recover and

focus on observing my surroundings.

I'm in a big dark room and it looks like morning, but the closed curtains

in the room keep the light out, so there was barely any visibility.

The only places that were dimly lit were by the window and near the

door, which was tight so a little bit of light managed to escape.

I felt a slight tremor run through my body. It's cold… cold? Why do I feel

so cold?

I waved my hand trying to summon a lumos to light up the room, but it

didn't work, but I felt imperceptibly that I couldn't use my magic.

Without magic, I walked towards the window with the intention of

opening the curtains and seeing where I was, being careful not to trip

over something, but when I tried to move the curtains, they didn't move,

it was as if they were solid, impossible to move.


All the hairs on my body stood up for a moment and I almost jumped

from my spot in surprise at the strange sound.

Quickly turning my eyes around me, I tried to find the source of the

sound, but everything was dark, a darkness that did not allow me to see

in it, barely if anything was visible.

I'd been sure there was no one else in the room with me, but without my

night vision, it wouldn't be strange if my senses were also impaired.

The strangest thing of all was that I didn't find it strange to have lost

those abilities.

I could only strain my eyes and keep my guard up as I detailed the

location in the poor visibility, or at least until I felt a cold breeze blow

past my back.

And with the breeze, a little light came into the room.

The window had been open, and with the flow of the curtain, there had

been a glimpse of the cold weather outside, it was snowing outside.

The curtain did not close completely and left a new path of light that

allowed enough light to enter the room.

Looking around, my eyes widened for a moment before narrowing.

I know this place; I have been here before...

The familiar crimson curtains, the elegant pattern on the walls and door,

the style of the furniture… this room is…

???: "So what do we do now?". A woman's muffled voice questioned.

???: "Nothing has changed, we will continue with the plan".

???: "Nothing has changed?! She... my sister is dead! Your wife is dead!

Even if we achieve our goal, how can it be the same? How can you say

that nothing has changed?! *sniff**whimper*."

???: "You... Do you think that what is happening doesn't hurt me?! Do

you think I'm not suffering? I... just like you, I loved her with all my

heart, with every part of me. None of this was supposed to happen, but…

it was that damn compassion of hers. That damn-…kind heart of hers,

that made her make that decision. If it didn't, things wouldn't have ended

this way". The man's voice was deep and carried a somewhat hoarse and

sentimental notation.

The voices of the man and woman came from outside the room, they

seemed to be on the other side of the door talking, but those voices, I

think I heard them before waking up, however… I feel a slight familiarity

with them, but it is mainly unawareness or... incompatibility.

Ignoring the voices behind the door, my eyes wandered around the room

searching for the source of the earlier sound.

I didn't have to try too hard when my eyes fell on a crib in the middle of

the room.

For some reason, looking at them generated an uncomfortable feeling in

me, I didn't want to, but my feet didn't waver on the way to get closer to


Looking at what was inside the crib, I couldn't help but stop in my tracks

and stare with what I think would have been my most expressive face so

far, because I could only feel a mix of uneasiness and surprise as I stared

at what was inside.

???: "You killed her!" The woman's voice was heard with a mixture of

anger and pain.


???: "You know it wasn't like that! It all happened too fast… it was an


There was a baby in the crib. His pale body was naked and covered in


???: "Come here, hug me. We'll bring her back, she'll come back, they can

do it, I'm sure he can and when it's all over, I'm sure he'll bring her back

in view of our contributions".

???: "B-but, what will we do with the child?".

???:" What should be done".

But the most important…

???: "But, it's his so-".

???: "Don't say it! That thing is the main culprit of what happened and it's

only alive because it's necessary".

It's just that he baby looks like me.


The door to the room opened, drawing my attention to the door, but

before I could see who the voices from earlier belonged to, everything

went dark again.

I woke up again and just like before, everything was dark, but this is a

familiar and clear darkness.

I can see the moon hanging high in the sky, while I feel the brush of the

wind and the grass on my skin. It's not cold anymore...

--End Pov--

Lying under a tree. Extimum found himself looking around in a bit of

amazement as the scenes from that dream replayed in his mind.

Bloom: "Did you wake up?"

Extimum: "Yes, I hope I didn't worry you too much".

Bloom: "*sigh* You really did, but it was only for a short moment, after

you fell unconscious, your condition got better after a while and you just

seemed to be sleeping normally." Bloom had been quite worried and a bit

angry, but she had had the whole afternoon to calm down while she

nursed and waited for Extimum to wake up.

"Don't you feel any discomfort?"

Extimum: "No, I just feel a bit tired and… confused".

"Do you have the recording of what happened?"

Bloom: "Yes, here, take."

Extimum: "Thank you…for everything".

Bloom: "Okay, you've done a lot for me too". Speaking up there, Bloom

flew over to Extimum's head to nestle in his hair.

Extimum took the video camera that Bloom had given him and turned it

on to watch the video.

The camera was one of the few non-wizarding items Extimum possessed

and he only used it occasionally, such as at his birthday party the first

year, where he took photos of everyone in their drunken state.

On the other hand, he mainly used it because he didn't have something

like a portable pensieve, nor had he bought any magical artifacts that he

could record with. In fact, this camera itself could be considered the best

of current non-magical technology, and it hadn't come cheap.

However, before he could continue and play the video, it suddenly


Bloom for her part, felt a sudden shiver run through her body, while the

atmosphere seemed to cool significantly and she stopped her hand that

was about to touch one of Extimum's ears.

Bloom consciously withdrew her hand and only then, did the cold

atmosphere fade as Extimum's ears disappeared.

Ultimate: "No". Extimum said no more words as he returned his attention

to the chamber, but his meaning had been clear.

Bloom only slightly puffed out her cheeks pouting at his cold attitude,

but did not say anything.

After selecting the video, Extimum hit play.


Extimum was holding the white jade pendant in his hands when it began

to dimly light up.

After it lit up, Extimum lay still for a few seconds until he began to shift

uncomfortably in place, then looked like he was gasping for breath,

before he brought his hand to his neck in an effort to free himself of what

seemed like an invisible grip that prevented him from breathing.

Bloom: "Extimum? What's wrong, can't you breathe?"

Bloom flew around Extimum as she surveyed his situation with a clear

show of concern on her face.

She tried to help him with her magic and checked the potions that

Extimum had left in case the situation turned bad, but nothing seemed to

have any effect.

It was only after exhausting most of her options that she discovered that

Extimum's choking feeling was actually a hallucination of his own mind

and even though it was causing him some degree of damage, he was

actually breathing fine for the most part, though this fact only managed

to slightly reduce Bloom's concern.

Only for a moment later, Extimum fell to his knees on the ground and

began to slowly relax the rhythm of his breathing as he moved his hand

away from his neck.

However, Bloom didn't have much time to relax when Extimum's body

began to twist strangely and released his 9 tails along with his ears.

His skin began to flush a deep, unnatural hue, and his nails lengthened as

he dug them into the ground in an attempt to resist the torment that

seemed to course through his body.

Bloom was immediately concerned at the strong reaction and although

she hadn't lost her cool, she was restless as she didn't know exactly what

to do, but Extimum wasn't responding to her calls and was beginning to

consider taking more drastic measures.

However, her considerations did not go too far when Extimum relented

and fell unconscious on the grass.

Which soon made Bloom very worried and somewhat anxious about the


She only calmed down upon making sure that Extimum was completely

fine and even though he had fallen unconscious, his current state was not

much different from just sleeping from exhaustion.

After that, Bloom returned to her original form and carried Extimum in

her arms to the nearby tree.

--End video--

Bloom: "You know, I let you sleep on my lap for a while. Did you have a

good dream?"

Extimum: "A good dream? I don't know if it was good or bad, but let's say

it was something... different, but leaving that aside, don't you think it's a

little sad, because you only took that form while I was sleeping, but now

that I'm awake, I can't see her".

Bloom: "Ah… that…".

Extimum: "Hm? It's not like I'm going to eat you, is it?"

Bloom: "Hmp, who's going to eat me? I'm older here, if anyone was going

to eat, it would be me eating you."

Extimum: "Wait, do you know what eating means?" Extimum knew that

Bloom, after all, had only been learning the English language and culture

for a few months.

Bloom: "Aren't you just saying that because you think I'm scared?"

Extimum: "Oh…".

Bloom: "I feel like you're not telling me something".

Extimum : "It has to be your imagination, I'll just wait for you to try to

eat me".

Bloom:" *Yum nibble *".

Suddenly, Bloom bit Extimum's finger.

Extimum: "What are you doing?".

Bloom: "I'm venting my annoyance".

Extimum: "...hahaha." Extimum couldn't help but laugh at Bloom's sulky

face as she bit his finger.' She looks pretty'.

Bloom: "What are you laughing at? Does being bitten make you laugh?"

Bloom's eyes sparkled forgetting her annoyance. It was a very rare

occasion to see Extimum laugh.

"Maybe… if I bite you harder, you'll laugh more?" Bloom voiced her

thoughts out loud and was about to bite down harder on his finger again



Bloom: "*Ouch*". Bloom jumped when she felt she was hit in the butt.

Extimum: "Okay, that's enough, don't be cheeky, I wasn't laughing

because you bit me in the first place, who would laugh at something like

that? it's just that you were making such a funny face".

"We better go back to the castle, it's getting late and we've been out most

of the day, we might make people worry that we were attacked by the


Bloom: "Hmp, okay, but don't hit my ass, how do you even manage to hit

me without sending me flying?" Bloom questioned with genuine curiosity

as she rubbed her butt gently.

As for the basilisk, Extimum had long ago told her about it.

Returning to the castle, Extimum just passed through the great hall,

grabbed a plate of food, and left without greeting anyone. He felt

strangely tired and didn't feel energetic enough to talk to anyone more

than was strictly necessary.

To avoid precisely this point and not worry anyone, he hid under a cloak

of illusion and just let Bloom go to greet them while passing them a

paper that said, "I'm fine".

After which, they both returned to their room together only to fall into

sleepy embraces right after taking a shower and eating.

«She's dead» «It's his fault» «It was an accident... » «It's her so-»

Tonight was destined to be a bad night's sleep for Extimum, as the images

and words of that memory seemed to echo through his mind, stirring his

thoughts while allowing other lingering thoughts to creep in.


Holy Week was drawing to a close and the students seemed reluctant to

part with their short week off.

Two days had passed after Extimum had partially repaired the pendant.

Sitting under the shade of a tree, Extimum, for the first time let his

thoughts wander to something other than the content of the book in his


After waking up the morning after activating the jade pendant, he had

felt the difference in his body immediately.

He felt that his body had become much lighter. It seemed as if he had

shed a weight he hadn't known he was carrying.

On the other hand, the malicious thoughts and ideas had not stopped

and, on the contrary, seemed to have become more active by having

blocked their progress in the physical body.

However, his biggest concern, which was that his body was controlled,

was at least, for now, solved.

His study of the pendant's runic system had given him a rough idea of its

scope and effect. He knew that the physical section of the runic system

had as its main function to suppress and condense.

The suppression had been experienced the moment he activated the


The magic had suppressed the invading agent, which had had a strong

backlash until it was finally suppressed.

Furthermore, Extimum also felt that the suppression effect slightly

affected his Heavenly Fox Bloodline, however, that feeling had

disappeared upon waking up the next day.

The condensing part hadn't been entirely clear to him, so he guessed it

might be an auxiliary function for the other rune circle.

With all of this, Extimum was also aware that although the pendant was

working fine, but ultimately, that was not the correct working of it and it

was only a partial working, so it wouldn't be strange if it couldn't fully

live up to the expectation.

Reason for which, this morning he had extracted a small amount of his

blood again to observe his condition again. Which, true to his

assumptions, proved to be true.

The foreign blood cells had stopped appearing as often as they were

destroyed and the new cells that appeared afterwards didn't seem as

strong as the old ones, so the stalemate of the guerrilla war was over and

the Shadowless bloodline was slowly retaking control

A result like this was already good enough for the time being, as not only

had much more time been bought for himself, but he also now had a

countermeasure that would make sure he didn't lose partial control of his

body and to a certain extent, his mind.

Trudor: "Extimum, Extimum!".

Trudor's cries calling his name brought Extimum out of his thoughts, as

he realized that his mind had, in fact, been distracted enough to ignore

his personal study.

Closing the book in his hands, Extimum deposited it in his magic bag.

Walking away from the tree he had been leaning against, Extimum

walked towards a more open area from where he had heard Trudor's


It was almost 12 in the afternoon, there was still some time before it was

time for lunch and he wondered what Trudor would need to search for

him with such anxiety.

Shortly after walking and out of the cover of the trees, Trudor soon

spotted Extimum and approached him. He felt a little sweaty and his

breathing was a little rough as if he had been running.

Trudor: "I finally found you, you don't know what we had to do to find

you, if it wasn't for Steve to ask Bloom if she knew where you were, we

might not have been able to find you. It was a good idea of you to leave

Bloom a piece of paper with your location on it".

Extimum: "Yes... leave her a paper with my location, anyway, why did

you need me in such a hurry?".

Trudor: "Oh, that's right!"

Trudor: "There is no time, Extimum, come quickly, something serious has

happened". Trudor grabbed Extimum's wrist and pulled him in the

direction of the castle.

Extimum: "Something serious? Why so much mystery? Can't you just say

it?" Following Trudor, Extimum couldn't help but comment. If it is

serious, why say so many nonsense and not just say it directly?

Trudor: "Um... Listen, what I'm about to say might be difficult...".

Just as Trudor was about to speak, he was interrupted by the arrival of

Steve and Mitchell.

Steve: "You found Extimum, well, let's get back to the castle quickly".

Mitchell: "Yeah, we need to get back to the common room quickly. It was

already hard to escape to come here, we were just lucky we didn't run

into any teachers on the way or they would have made us go back".

Steve:" Okay, let's not waste time, did you tell him Trudor yet?".

Trudor: "No, I was about to, but you know… it's a tricky thing".

Steve: "*sigh* And you say I'm dramatic. We're talking about Extimum,

chances are even if you tell him the castle is under attack, he won't

panic". Steve shook his head and said haughtily, as if he were saying

something elementary.

"Listen, Extimum, there was another monster attack and Hermione was

one of the victims. She's currently in the infirmary".

Finishing his words, both Steve and the others turned their eyes to

Extimum in case the news was too strong.

Even Steve who had said that Extimum could take it easy, said it more to

subtly prepare the news and he wasn't entirely sure that he could

continue with his usual calm, after all, Hermione's life was in danger if

she wasn't already dead.

So, he had his concerns when he told the news directly.

However, to the dismay of the three, Extimum did not overreact.

Extimum: "Oh…".

More than an answer, it was just an exclamation and one that sounded

quite uninterested in it.

His answer quite surprised the three of them.

Although Extimum and Hermione's relationship hadn't progressed any

further, they could still be considered very good friends.

Also, it was no secret to anyone how much attention Extimum gave

Hermione, perhaps only Luna could almost compare in the level of

favoritism and attention he gave them, so they expected at least a more

emotional reaction from him.

Such a reaction couldn't prevent the three of them from having a new

understanding of Extimum, as well as certain doubts being formulated in


Steve and Mitchell got over him quickly though, because they knew they

couldn't quite read Extimum and he might just not be expressing himself,

plus they'd known him for a while and they didn't think it was like that.

Trudor still seemed to be in other thoughts, but he recovered not long


Extimum: "Thanks for telling me, you should go back to the common

room first, I'll go to the infirmary right now".

Mitchell: "Okay, we'll wait for you in the common room so you can tell us

the situation. Professor Flitwick must be waiting for the students to

gather to give a report, we'll tell you what he said later".

Steve: "Yes, for now, go".

Extimum nodded and headed straight for the infirmary.

Although his figure seemed to be moving with his usual speed, it only

took a few seconds before his figure was seen far in the distance.

In truth, although Extimum had seemed totally insensitive and somewhat

disinterested, that had only been partially true.

Receiving such news had not surprised him.

It had already been within his expectations for a long time and although

he had been quite concerned at the time he heard it from Steve, a check

on her psychic connection had allowed him to feel that she was alright.

The only thing was that all her physical and mental activity had been

completely frozen.

Honestly speaking, Extimum really didn't want her to be petrified, but he

couldn't just deprive her of her freedom or stay with her all the time to

prevent her from being attacked, that would only be very uncomfortable

and annoying for both of them.

Therefore, unless he had headed straight into a fight against a basilisk, he

wasn't certain that it could prevent her from being petrified or having a

much more unfortunate fate.

What if his actions, on the contrary, caused her not to have the same


And though those were the very words he kept repeating to himself, the

thought of going to kill the basilisk seemed to grow more appealing as he

approached the infirmary.

However, ultimately, the basilisk would die anyway at the hands of

another and he could spend that time on other things.

Although... the image of him sticking his sword into the basilisk's head

was quite attractive... it would make a great story to tell...

Extimum: 'Damn hormonal mind, how is it that even killing a basilisk is

such a simple thing? I don't think I just have such crazy luck as Harry's,

fuck the fact that it looks cool, in the future I will kill a great dragon and

that should be enough'. Extimum mentally exclaimed with a vigor he

didn't know he had.

He was wondering if those thoughts were influencing his mind more than

they should. Normally, I wouldn't think so uncivilly.

On the other hand, it wasn't that Extimum was afraid of fighting the

basilisk, but he had more to lose than gain right now if he was inclined to

do so. After all, it wasn't a real threat to him and interfering or not didn't

change the outcome.

He could always go after the basilisk butcher it to use in experiments as

revenge for petrifying Hermione.

Having shaken off those reckless self-destructive thoughts, Extimum

walked through the door to the infirmary.

The infirmary was alone at the moment and there was no sign of Madam

Pomfrey to be seen.

She had probably had to go out to take care of something important and

since the only current patients were basically stone statues, she shouldn't

have left anyone to look after the place when she left.

Walking down the hall between the beds, Extimum walked until he

stopped at a cubicle that was hidden by the curtain.

Looking at the curtains, Extimum couldn't help but think how similar the

situation was to the previous time, except this time, Hermione wouldn't

be able to say anything to him to prevent him from entering.

Stepping through the curtain that cut off the view inside, he found a

petrified Hermione lying on the bed.

She had been left with open eyes and a semi-extended hand. Her skin

seemed to have turned paler and slightly greyish, while her entire figure

seemed to carry an unnatural stiffness.

Sighing lightly, Extimum sat on the bed next to her in silence.

Extimum: 'How should I act now? I can't depetrify you right away, that

would be too weird and raise questions, questions I'm not interested in

answering. I should wait at least a few days and then I'll just give a

convincing excuse, maybe…'.

'Should I steal you from the infirmary and have you all to myself for a

while? Ha, a tempting idea no doubt, mmm, although perhaps not so

unrealistic, I could even leave a replacement for you here and depetrify

you in my room, so I can depetrify you immediately and not cause

problems… I like that idea'.

Just as Extimum was preparing to act, the door to the infirmary was

heard being opened followed by a voice.

Pomfrey: "Extimum? Is that you? *sigh* you know you shouldn't be here.

All the students were sent to meet in their common rooms a while ago

and for security reasons".

Extimum: "Oh, in that case there should be no problem, aren't you here

with me? But how did you know it was me, Mrs. Pomfrey?" Stepping out

from behind the curtain, Extimum spoke casually, ignoring Pomfrey's

words and surreptitiously wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead.

Pomfrey: "That's simple. I've had several intruders in my infirmary in the

years I've been working here, however besides you; no one else has

bothered to help me organize the infirmary on each visit".

Extimum: "Oh, who would have noticed something like that? It's more of

a routine action and my appreciation for you, so I've given you a hand".

Extimum surprised himself, perhaps he had become a bit rigid with the

order, in fact he had manipulated with wandless magic the items in the

infirmary that he had seen scattered as he made his way towards

Hermione's bed.

It was an activity he had done before when he was helping Pomfrey

organize and he had gotten into the habit of doing it on every visit.

However, he had not paid much attention to that detail, after all, it only

required him to wave his hands a little like if it were a musical and all

the disorder took its place in a few seconds.

Pomfrey: "I appreciate the gesture, I really appreciate it, but anyway, you

should go back to your common room before you get in trouble, I, for

now, will cast my eyes aside as I haven't seen you so you can say

goodbye to Hermione. Do you want me to come with you to your

common room later?".

Extimum smiled softly at Pomfrey's words.

The time he had spent learning with her made them become quite close

in general, appreciable by the fact that the normally strict Pomfrey was

willing to help him even against the rules.

Extimum: "Thank you, but that won't be necessary, I'm done visiting

Hermione and I don't think I'll be attacked by the monster, but I'll be

careful anyway".

Pomfrey: "Okay, but be careful and don't go out of your way to go to the

common room".

Leaving the infirmary, Extimum walked as two of his tails brought

Hermione's petrified body behind him.

Extimum had to say that this time he had surpassed himself using illusion


He had used much of his magic to create one of the most realistic

illusions he had done so far, it was so realistic, that unless someone

wanted to manipulate Hermione's body, it would be difficult for them to

discover that he had taken her.

The illusion almost touched the limits of the physical, so much so that

Hermione's fake body could be touched and people would not doubt that

they had touched something.

He had even been able to leave the paper note that Hermione was

holding in her hand to the fake Hermione.

Extimum didn't think anyone would find out that he had taken Hermione,

after all, petrified people were almost stone. They didn't need to eat or go

to the bathroom and just had to make sure their bodies weren't damaged.

Still, he decided to occasionally come to the infirmary to make sure the

illusion didn't weaken, plus he had had to finish it in a hurry because

Pomfrey had arrived.

Extimum: 'Illusion magic is really convenient. On the other hand, I have

managed to touch the limits of the physical, until now, my illusions could

only deceive the senses, but they would be nothing more than smoke if

someone made contact with them, but after this, although it takes a lot of

effort, I can do that the illusion is partially physical'.

On the way to the common room, Extimum was quite cheerful thinking

about his sudden breakthrough in illusion magic.

It had to be known, that even if he could confuse someone's sense of

touch into believing the illusion was physical that was only on the

premise that they would not interact.

If the illusion simulated a person and another external person tried to lie

on the illusion or touch it with an object, it would be easy to pass

through it.

Fooling the sense of touch could only make it so that if someone were to

try to touch the illusion, they would feel the touch and reflexively have

their mind act as if there was something physical there.

So, touching the limits of the physical would mean that the illusion

would begin to have substance on the physical plane, although it would

be weak and could have voids, but if someone collided or tried to lean on

the illusion, the collision would occur.

But there was no need to worry so much about it, after all, the fake

Hermione just had to be lying on a bed and be real enough playing a


After solving the puzzle and passing through the door to the common

room, Extimum came across a bustling hall.

From the sofas, to the chairs and even on the stairs.

The common room was more crowded than he had ever seen it before.

His arrival attracted the attention of several nearby students, but they

didn't pay much attention to him after seeing who he was.

On the other hand, Padma, Luna and Bloom who were among the

students came over as soon as they saw him.

Padma: "Extimum, how is Hermione? Did you see her?"

Extimum: "Yes, I could see her, as for how she is… Good? Bad? She was

petrified, so let's say her life is not in danger."

"But changing the subject, I understand that everyone has to go back to

the common room, but why is everyone concentrating here?"

Extimum asked seeing so many students packed here.

The large number of people had forced him to lift Hermione's body above

his head to prevent anyone from colliding with her and with the

hyperactive wizards, that still wasn't entirely certain.

Luna: "Professor Flitwick said that from now on students must spend all

their free time in the common room and we must always be escorted by a

teacher to go anywhere. So most are here waiting for a teacher come take

us to the great hall for lunch".

Extimum: "Oh I see, I'll go to my room for a few things and I'll be back

then, by the way, where are Steve and the others?"

Padma: "There were too many people here, so they went to their

bedroom until the teacher came to take us to the great hall."

Extimum: "Well, I'll be back now".

Extimum did not delay any longer and headed towards the entrance of

his room, however, upon arrival, he could not enter because a group of

students was leaning against the wall where the secret entrance was.

Bloom, meanwhile, had followed him and had already sat on his shoulder

to accompany him. She had been with Luna all morning.

The "secret" entrance was in a wall near the stairs and was currently

occupied by a group of students.

Extimum: "Excuse me, could you move a little? please."

At Extimum's question, the third year looking students gave him strange

looks. They didn't understand what he meant, when there was only a wall

behind them and they weren't blocking the stairs.

Student x: "Extimum, right? What do you mean if we could move? Do

you need this place for anything?"

Extimum:" Oh?, you're Malcolm, I remember you"— A strange look

flashed through Extimum's eyes as he looked at the boy who had spoken

to him—"But getting back on topic, it would be easier if I show them to


The Malcolm boy felt inexplicably uncomfortable when he met Extimum's

gaze, however, his face was mainly surprised and incomprehensible when

he found out that Extimum knew his name.

However, when he was about to ask, he was interrupted by the shout of

one of his friends.


Looking back, two of his friends who were leaning against the wall had

fallen backwards to the ground.

Student A:" *ouch* What happened? How did we fall?"

Student B: "Huh…look behind you."

Following student B finishing his words, both student A and his two

friends who were still standing, including Malcolm, looked directly at the

source of the problem.

The wall that had previously seemed completely normal and solid had

become translucent and intangible, revealing a dark corridor to some

unknown place.

As if ignoring the confusion and surprise of the students in front of him,

Extimum continued speaking.

Extimum: "With that clear, I thank you for your collaboration, with you

permission, see you later".

Extimum passed directly between Malcolm and the other student who

were still looking dazedly at the dark corridor and passed over the two

fallen students until they entered the dark corridor.

Just after his figure disappeared from their vision and some ideas were

starting to go through their heads, the two students on the floor were

suddenly pushed out of the corridor by an unseen force, followed by the

wall returning to normal.

This scene was only seen by the few people present and some others who

had turned their eyes upon hearing the screams of the two children as

they fell, otherwise it was as if they had mysteriously ignored him


Malcolm: "Was there something like that here?" Malcolm asked surprised

since he had snapped out of his earlier dumbfounded state.

Student A: "That seems…".



Bloom: "Why did you let them see the entrance to your secret room? I'm

pretty sure you could have come up with something to keep them away

or just make them ignore you".

Upon entering the room, Bloom couldn't help but ask as she considered

the whole scene totally unnecessary.

Extimum: "More like, why not? It's not really important if this room is

known about, anyway, I don't consider it that 'secret'. On the other hand,

it's not like it matters, if they're going to forget it in a few seconds


Bloom: "How is it not important? They could…ooh…I see". Bloom

immediately grasped the meaning of Extimum's words and didn't

comment any further.

"By the way, who was this Malcolm? I don't remember you talking to him


Extimum: "I haven't even done it, I only know his name because I

investigated it out of simple curiosity, nothing really important".

And it really wasn't, Extimum only knew his name because he had caught

his attention once. Malcon was the boy who had been researching the

'love potion' the last year.

Approaching his bed, Extimum moved his tails that were carrying

Hermione's body and gently deposited her on his bed.

Although Extimum didn't know if someone petrified could break like

sand or if they were completely solid, it was better not to check.

His action didn't go unnoticed by Bloom, who exclaimed in surprise when

Extimum removed the cloak of illusion that hid his tails and Hermione.

Bloom:" Now we kidnap people? should I practice my lines as a villain?

'We have their in our possession, if they want it back, they will have to

pay…', hehehe, it's okay, don't look at me like that, it was just a joke" .

"She is fine?".

Extimum tore his gaze from Bloom and back at Hermione.

Extimum: " She will be". Reaching out his hand, the closet door opened

and a small trunk flew out in front of Extimum.

It only took a stare, when a sound of turning gears began to be heard

from the trunk and shortly after, it was opened after releasing all its


Inside the trunk was a neatly arranged group of translucent jars

containing a dense light green substance.

Taking one of the many jars, Extimum released its lid and tossed the

contents into the air.

Bloom was about to say something upon seeing his action when she

noticed that the liquid didn't fall completely, but instead floated in the air

and moved until it was on top of Hermione.

Extimum: "Don't be so alarmed. I have no reason to waste it".

Bloom only snorted lightly at his words. If he didn't want to alarm her,

then why did he so casually toss it into the air? Couldn't he just do it like

a normal person? He clearly just wanted to annoy her.

Extimum only smiled imperceptibly at her reaction, but then he returned

to normal as he drew his wand and pointed it at the green liquid floating

above Hermione.

The atmosphere suddenly changed from mockery to solemnity, as

Extimum closed his eyes and held his wand close to his face, then slowly

intoned his words as he pointed his wand at the floating green liquid.

Extimum: "The essence has been lost, but the fire of life still burns

brightly. That the souls and the memories not be forgotten, for the cold

tomb is still lies far away and the stony illusion of death is nothing more

than a fallacy made in stone, therefore, return the essence and make of

the living as what they really are".

As Extimum's words echoed through the room, the liquid spread out and

then became a cloud of green gas that slowly covered Hermione's entire

stony body and slowly melted into it.

No sound was heard other than the final echo of the words Extimum,

accompanied by the faint sound of drops falling to the floor.

Small ruby ​​drops with light golden-purple tints that slid down

Extimum's right hand until they fell to the ground.

Bloom felt as if the light from the windows had slowly dimmed, as if

twilight itself had descended before its time and space had quivered


However, as quickly as this strange sight occurred, it disappeared, as if it

had all been nothing more than a hallucination.

Extimum: "It's over, Hermione should be back to normal in a day or two.

Well, that's an approximation based on normal effects though, so I'm not

entirely sure".

Bloom: "You looked really cool while doing the ritual". Bloom couldn't

help but comment upon seeing it.

Extinct: "Thank you".

The ritual had been a very simple one indeed, it did not require too many

things more than a small blood sacrifice, as much as a drop was, at least,

when that drop came from Extimum, however, from his investigation,

Extimum knew that he had better results to depetrify than to do it with

the usual method.

To a certain extent, it ensured a better and faster recovery.

With the disappearance of the green gas, the light droplets of blood that

had also fallen to the ground also disappeared.

After finishing there, Extimum walked out together with Bloom from the

room. Upon leaving, it was noticeable that the students from earlier had

left and he had no problem leaving.

He had used a little legilimency trick along with a compulsion to make

them forget and walk away from the place.

Thinking about it, Extimum couldn't help but think that such action was

somewhat questionable.

Even though he had some degree of control with legilimency, it was still

a dangerous art to practice casually, and while that little trick wouldn't

do any harm, it was the fact that he had done it so casually that made

him question.

Although he had already gotten over something like taking a life and

using people it wasn't too far removed from his family mindset, but he

still retained a certain respect for life within reason and was not

particularly fond of playing with it, unless they were his enemies.

So his action raised some silent warning flags within him.

On the other hand, he didn't care that Bloom would think less of him for

doing it. Bloom hardly ever questioned his actions beyond concern or

simple curiosity.

After leaving, they didn't go directly to meet Padma and Luna, but

instead went to the bedroom where Steve, Mitchell and Trudor were.

Ravenclaw dorms were generally quite large, similar to Slytherin, so

bunkrooms were actually quite few in number, if any at all, not that

Extimum had bothered to find out.

Entering his bedroom, he found Steve and Mitchell playing cards on a

bed, while Trudor drew something in a notebook.

Mitchell: "And I win".

Steve: "Damn, why do you always win when we play cards?"

Mitchell: "Hehehe, that's a talent, well, that and if you want to avoid

milking the goats in my family, you should learn to play cards right".

Trudor: "What could be wrong with milking goats? I think it's pretty

simple". Without looking up from his drawing, Trudor asked.

Mitchell: "No, no, you don't understand, they're not ordinary goats,

they're one-eyed goats that breathe fire through their noses, they're

terrifying, I don't even know what species they are, but I hate when it's

my turn to milk them when I'm home. If their milk didn't sell so well, I

wouldn't even go near their".

Extimum: "They're called cyclops goats and they're actually very


Mitchell: "I never said they weren't". Mitchell answered unconsciously.

Steve:" Extimum!, you're back, how was your visit to the infirmary?, if

you were able to get there? How is Hermione?, she won't be…".

Extimum: "She'll be fine. Just like the others, she was just petrified and I

had no problem going or coming back, you should know by now that I

have no problem sneaking away"-

Mitchell: "It's a relief that she's okay, although it will be a little sad that

we won't be able to see her for a while."

Mitchell's words were the thoughts of others.

They weren't so paranoid about the petrification issue, although that

didn't reduce the fear of being one of the victims, but at least, they knew

that it could be cured, as long as they had the same luck and didn't die

trying of course.

Steve: "Right, Extimum, when will you teach me to disappear like you?"

Wanting to lighten things up a bit, Steve asked.

Extimum: "Hmm, I don't know, why don't you just get yourself an

invisibility cloak?, although they're a bit rare, it's still possible to find

them... or you could learn the Disillusionment Charm".

Steve: "Wait, is there really a spell to make you invisible?"

Extimum: "Let's say it's something like that, but more like turning you

into a chameleon, changing the subject, I see you put the bed I left to

good use".

Extimum's bed was being used to put all kinds of objects on it. It wasn't

like he particularly cared though, after all, he doesn't sleep there.

Steve: "Yeah, you don't use it anyway, so we use it to put the extra stuff

that we'll have to reuse later, so we save time".

Trudor: "By the way, have any teachers come to take us to the great hall


Extimum: "I don't know, but considering the time, I think it should have

already arrived or be coming".

Mitchell: "Okay, so let's go".

Without another word, they all got up and left the room.

Extimum: "Who was the person you were drawing, Trudor?".

Trudor: "Oh, now that I think about it, you guys haven't met her yet. She

is my sister. Last year we didn't see her because she was very busy with a

job that my father gave her".

"Although, I'm glad it was like that, because anyway, I usually try to

avoid her because she's such a pain in the ass."

Extimum: "I think you mentioned that she was in Hufflepuff".

Trudor: "Yeah, she's a year older than me and she's in third year".

Steve: "Let's see, let me take a good look at the drawing. Tch, I'm not

surprised that you're good at drawing, but…hmm, I think I do know her".

Trudor: "What? When?".

Steve:" Oh, you know, sometimes you just go out there and find things,

meet people"— Steve was about to continue when he felt a slight

ominous feeling—" Eh… *ahem* or not, wait, I think I'm wrong, yes, I

don't know her, definitely, I don't know her. I'll go ahead to find Padma".

Not breaking stride, Steve immediately sped down the stairs until he was

lost in the crowd.

Trudor: "Steve, come back here! I'll be a goblin if I believe you, tell me

what you did to my sister". Trudor looked much shaken as he ran not

much slower behind Steve.

Mitchell: "Wow, I didn't know Trudor could act like that".

Extimum: "Me neither"

Mitchell wondered for a moment if that was really what Extimum

thought or if he was just saying it. His tone had been as flat as ever.

Unfazed by what just happened, Extimum and Mitchell calmly walked

down the stairs to where they had seen Luna and Padma.

Mitchell: "By the way, Steve should have paid his debt, right? So what

was in that picture? I've always been curious about the things he does,

but he always acts very cautious, can you believe he keeps his stuff in a

trunk with a magic lock? So, I've never been able to see what those

photos are".

Extimum: "Oh... you can see for yourself, here, take". Reaching into his

bag, Extimum pulled out a photo and handed it to Mitchell.

Mitchell: "This is…"





I liked this chapter a lot in my opinion, I think I had not written

something so dramatic before xd.

On the other hand, wow, I just realized that I broke my own record for

the longest episode again.

Chapter 45: The True Value of

Ancient Blood

Mitchell was stunned as he kept his eyes wide open on the photo.

The photo appeared to have been taken in the Quidditch locker room. In

it was a girl not much older than they were.

The girl had long black hair that reached her waist that matched her

sparkling black eyes. She had delicate and beautiful features with Asian

features along with some mischievous undertones. Her figure was slender

and somewhat outlined by constant exercise.

The photo was quite normal at first, however, everything changed when

it was moved.

Showing how the girl began to undress with slow movements, leaving

with nothing more than a bra and skirt; stopping just as the latch on the

bra popped open and the girl turned her face as if something had drawn

her attention in the direction of the camera.

Mitchell: "...Wait, wait, doesn't she look like the woman Trudor drew?".

Without taking his eyes off the photo, Mitchell asked hesitantly with

cheeks almost fuming.

Bloom: 'Wow, it really is'. Bloom commented in amazement as she took a

closer look at the photo.

Hearing her words, Extimum also fixed his gaze on the face of the girl in

the image and checked that it was indeed. Previously, he hadn't paid

much attention to the girl's face in the photo, in fact, he hadn't looked

more than twice at the photo itself.

Extimum: "Oh, it seems so… do you want the picture?". Extimum

answered selflessly.

Mitchell: "Yeah...wait what? No, no, besides, it was you who won it-".

Extimum: "Just take it, I don't really care. I accepted the photo mainly

because I was curious about what it was and well, as you saw, the

suspicions towards Steve weren't badly unfounded. So, you can keep it".

Mitchell:" *Ahem*, It's okay". Mitchell put the photo away surreptitiously

and tried to compose himself quickly when he saw that they were

approaching where the others were.

Steve: "Oh, Mitchell, you're right on time. I was just telling Padma and

Luna that you're scared of goats".

Mitchell: "What? Of course not, I already told you those things aren't


Bloom: 'You dodged a bullet there by getting rid of that picture'.

Extimum:' Hmm? Where did you learn that expression? Are you reading

non-magical literature? '.

Bloom: 'I don't really know where I got the book from, but now that you

mention it, they never mention wizards or magic itself in the book".

Suddenly, the once bustling place calmed down.

A bright and slightly blinding lumos rose through the room to a

considerable height, drawing everyone's attention while drowning out the

voices of the students.

Flitwick: "All right, everyone, follow me into the great hall for lunch".

Professor Flitwick's voice echoed through the common room with a

simple amplifying spell.

Shortly after, all the students in the common room, plus a few coming

out of their dorms, followed Professor Flitwick as he led the way into the

great hall.


Night had fallen and under the light of the stars, two students slipped out

of the castle until they reached a cabin on the outskirts.

Harry: "Are you okay, Hagrid? Did you hear about Hermione?". Sitting in

a large armchair, Harry asked a bit dejectedly as he looked at a flustered


Hagrid: "Oh, yeah, sure I heard it!" Hagrid responded somewhat

perturbed, but his concerns seemed to lie elsewhere despite his clear

regret at the situation.

Ron: "Are you sure you're okay, Hagrid?" Watching Hagrid's nervous

hands move so awkwardly, coupled with his distracted gaze, Ron could

not help but ask.

However, the answer to his question never came when they were

interrupted by the sound of knocking on the door.

**Knock Knock**

Seeming to sense his fears incarnate, Hagrid became even more alarmed,

spilling the snacks, he was serving Harry and Ron.

Ron and Harry noticed it too, but ran to hide behind the invisibility


With the new rules in place, it wouldn't be good for them to be seen here,

and even without them, it would still be troublesome.

After seeing that Harry and Ron had gone into hiding, Hagrid calmed

down as best he could as he grabbed a crossbow that was kept nearby for

his safety and went to the door to open it.

Dumbledore: "Good evening, Hagrid".

Recognizing the two individuals, Hagrid sighed as he lowered his

crossbow and ushered them into his hut.

With the door open, the two individuals slowly entered the cabin. It was

Dumbledore followed by another man.

He was a short, stocky man with dishevelled gray hair. He was dressed in

a pinstriped suit, red tie, long black cape, and pointed purple boots. He

was holding a lime green derby hat under his arm.

Ron: "That's Cornelius Fudge, the Minister for Magic! My father works for

him." Ron almost cried out in surprise to see such a character here;

however, he managed to catch himself as he received a not-so-gentle

punch from Harry.

Hagrid seemed aware of his guests motives, so his face quickly darkened

at the sight of them.

Fudge: "Bad news, Hagrid, really very bad. I had to come. There have

been four attacks on Muggle-borns. The Ministry has to intervene."

Hagrid: "I would never..."—He directed an imploring look at Dumbledore

—"You know I never would, Professor Dumbledore, sir..."

Dumbledore: "I want it to be clear, Cornelius, that Hagrid has my full

trust". Dumbledore said, frowning at Fudge.

The two wizards could be considered to have a good friendship and he

felt that Fudge's actions were no different from slapping all his good will.

Fudge: "Look, Albus…" Looking clearly uncomfortable at the look on his

face, Fudge continued, "Hagrid has a record. The Ministry has to do

something… The school board has been in touch... And we must do

something to try to calm them down.".

Dumbledore: "Still, Cornelius, I insist that kicking Hagrid out isn't going

to solve anything." Although Dumbledore's face and tone did not change,

something in his eyes seemed much more annoyed and indignant.

Fudge: "Look at it from my point of view. They are putting pressure on

me. I have to prove that we did something. If it's proven that it wasn't

Hagrid, he'll come back and that's all there is to say. But I have to take

him. I have to. If not, I wouldn't be doing my duty...". Seeming to catch

Dumbledore's much sharper gaze, Fudge responded nervously as he

fiddled with his hat.

Hagrid: "Take me? Take me where?". At the mention of taking him

somewhere, Hagrid looked like he was finally going to panic.

Fudge: "It will only be for a short time. This is not punishment, Hagrid,

more of a precaution. If we catch the culprit, you will be let off with a

full apology". Not daring to look directly at the intimidating half-giant,

Fudge answered.

Hagrid: "Won't it be Azkaban?" Hagrid asked hoarsely.

Before Fudge could respond, there was a loud knock on the door again.

Dumbledore, being the closest, walked over and opened it.

Behind the door was Lucius Malfoy, who did not hesitate to enter the


**woof woof**

His presence seemed to displease Fang, who began to throb as soon as it

saw him.

Lucius: "Ah, you are here, Fudge! Good, good..." Lucius spoke

complacently after walking in and looking around at everyone present.

Hagrid: "What are you doing here? Get out of my house!". Like his dog,

Hagrid quite disliked Lucius's presence and asked with great displeasure

and a hint of anger in his voice.

Lucius: "Believe me, good man, it does not give me any pleasure to enter

this... have you called it home?"— A clear contempt could be noticed as

he looked around the place and asked rhetorically—"It just so happens

that I needed to talk to the headmaster and with Minister Fudge, and I've

been told I could find them here".

Dumbledore: "And what exactly do you want from me, Lucius?" Great

discomfort and sparks of anger were beginning to show in Dumbledore's

eyes, but he still spoke politely.

Lucius: "Ah, Dumbledore, although I have business with you as well, but

since I'm already here, I might as well take matters in order"—Taking his

complacent gaze from Dumbledore, he glanced at Fudge—"I'm afraid you

won't be able to take my good half-giant friend here... Or at least not to

its original destination. You can find more details about it in this


Fudge was astonished by his words and went over to take the document

and look at it, while Dumbledore and Hagrid were still processing the

words that Lucius just said, they were amazed at such a development of


Fudge: "Did something like this really happen?". Fudge uttered in

amazement as he read the letter, however he put it away with suspicion

as he felt Dumbledore's piercing eyes close on the contents.

The letter basically said that the previous case Hagrid was charged with

had been reopened for re-investigation, added to a strict request that he

not be taken to Azkaban and only be detained in the ministry since such

an act was found too exaggerated for simple suspicions of a possible


Suspicions that could end up damaging the public image of the ministry,

since a simple apology would not be enough to justify the stay of an

innocent magician in a prison as terrible as Azkaban.

Of course, what surprised Minister Fudge the most was not only the fact

that this new request and order to reopen the case were endorsed by the

Malfoy family along with other families, but also by the somewhat more

discreet seal, but much more significant on parchment.

It was an inconspicuous but well decorated and flickering S, as if it were

a flickering shadow of a candle, vaguely giving off a dark and dignified

feeling if watched for a long time.

Fudge: 'To think even the Shadowless family has their eyes on this. No, it

would be more accurate to say, that it is because the Shadowless family

paid attention to this that the other families followed suit'.

Fudge didn't give much thought to the fact that it was only the family

seal and not the head of the house's signature. He thought that as always,

the Shadowless family just wanted to make their opinion clear, but was

not actively intervening in it yet.

It wasn't as if just anyone could use the Shadowless family's seal right?

Well, to an extent, Fudge was not wrong, but it was a different case for

Extimum. Since he basically lived alone, he had long ago explored the

main office of the mansion and obtained a signature seal from the family

by chance.

So as long as his father was not asked directly, it would be difficult for

them to know his ignorance of the subject and much more since the seal

generally symbolized that it was something they supported, but that it

was not a priority.

For such a distinguished and influential family, not just any case could

really draw their attention to direct action.

On the other hand, Extimum as an heir did have certain rights, however,

that was only limited to certain things and he couldn't just bring up

things like this, not least, without being part of the Wizengamot.

However, that was not for the others to know, much less now, that he

had the help of the Malfoy house.

Hagrid: "I don't want your charity, Lucius-".

Lucius: "Charity? No, no, no. Make no mistake my good half-giant friend,

the last thing someone like you would get from my earnest charity. In

fact, we could say you're lucky instead".

"They say that the brightness of gold shines even in the darkest and most

remote places as long as there is a small spark of light. That a little of

that brightness has reached you can only be considered luck".

Dumbledore's anger subsided considerably and he began to regard

Lucius's words with a new light in his eyes. It was a pity that Fudge had

prevented him from seeing the contents of the letter; otherwise, he might

have had some inkling of the facts.

Lucius: "Now then, back to the more formal and relevant matters. I must

say, I am surprised that today is the bearer of both good and bad news.

And I feel compelled to add, Dumbledore, that is really a regrettable

thing". As he spoke, Lucius pulled a scroll from his coat.

"But the school board has thought it's time for you to drop out. Here is a

cease and desist order, and here are twelve signatures. I am afraid this

matter has gotten out of hand. How many attacks have there already

been? And I think there were two more this afternoon, right? At this rate,

there won't be any Muggle-born students left at Hogwarts, and we all

know what a great disservice that would do to the school."

Fudge: "What? Wow, Lucius!"—He said with great alarm in his voice

—"Dumbledore dismissed... No, no... The last thing I want, right now...".

Lucius: "The appointment and dismissal of the headmaster is the

responsibility of the school council, Fudge. And since Dumbledore has

failed to stop the attacks...". Lucius replied calmly, as if he had already

expected this response from them beforehand.

Fudge: "But, Lucius, if Dumbledore hasn't been able to stop them, who

can?" Now beginning to worry and seeing the possible problems that

could befall him, especially for him, Fudge asked.

Lucius: "That will be seen. Either way, it is something that is already

decided." Lucius couldn't help but let a nasty smile spread across his face

as he finished speaking, clearly aware of the implications.


That same night, Extimum Room.

The rest of today had been mostly boring for most of the students at

Hogwarts and except for those who had activities that could be done

indoors, the rest had no choice but to settle for chatting with the people

around them or finding a new hobby different from the usual.

In Ravenclaw house, it had not been much different, but perhaps because

they had a private library, the stress of lockdown had not been so

noticeable for the most part.

Extimum spent the rest of the afternoon with the others, before retiring

to his room early after dinner.

Where he spent late into the night researching space magic.

Between his advances, he had managed to fully understand the essential

inner workings of the apparition spell.

The spell basically covered the people in the area of effect and then

compressed the space in that specific place, until it seemed that the

people disappeared.

Subsequently, that reduced space broke the layer of the void and traveled

through it to the place of destiny imagined by the magician, where the

space decompressed again.

The reason why the apparition was dangerous was because, if one of the

people was not completely within the area of the space being

compressed, the parts that were excluded could be directly cut off by the


And on some occasions, even in unknown results that could occur when

being in a middle point between being compressed by space and not


Also, if after entering the void, one of the people separated and exited the

compressed space, they would not be injured because they would still be

covered by a layer of the spell.

However, they would briefly wander through the void until they found

themselves ejected by it at any random location related to the original


The difficulty of such a spell lay mainly in two points, the first being that

a certain level of power and experience was required to complete the

process of compressing space and breaking the void.

While the second was that, the magician should already have a good

ability to mentalize an image in their mind, so that the journey through

the void would find the expected place.

Of course, being able to mentalize the place correctly included being able

to not only project, but also maintain the projection of said image;

otherwise, it wouldn't be strange if they ended up somewhere else.

Extimum believed that with his abilities, in a year or two he should be

able to pull off a perfect apparition or in a pinch, he should be able to

force an apparition if he combined the magical power of his mage lineage

along with that of his heavenly fox bloodline.

Bloom: "Hey… Extimum… will she sleep with us?".

Taking his eyes off the papers on his desk, he glanced at Bloom, who was

pointing at Hermione who took up at least half the bed.

Extimum: "I think there is enough space, the bed is big enough".

Bloom: "Well, yeah, but, I mean, she's basically a statue right now. Isn't it

a little weird sleeping next to a statue? Even if I know she's petrified

Hermione, it just feels weird".

Extimum: "Didn't you sleep with a doll when you were little?".

Bloom: "...You know that's not what I mean".

Extimum: "Okay, just don't look at her, she'll sleep on one side of the bed

and we'll sleep on the other, plus I'll be with you, so it'll be easier to

ignore her".

Bloom: "Okay…" Although she spoke like this, Bloom still stared at the

petrified Hermione.

Seeing her like this, Extimum also looked at Hermione. He hadn't really

given it much thought when he brought her in, but to some degree, it

was perhaps… a little unsettling?

He didn't have much to say about it, for him, she was still Hermione.

Putting down his pen on his desk, Extimum decided to call off his study

for today. In any case, it was still Easter and he should take advantage of

the last few days for something other than studying.

Taking Bloom who was sitting on the back of the chair, she headed

towards the bed.

Given the time, both he and Bloom were already wearing comfortable

clothes to go directly to sleep, so it was only a matter of lifting the sheets

a little and getting inside.

Once under the sheets, his tails soon spread over the mattress, while two

in particular took different routes. One of them moved up his body to

cover Bloom, while the second reached out to wrap around Hermione's


After settling down, Extimum lightly waved his hand, turning off the

torches and fell silent to get ready to sleep.

Bloom: "Extimum".

Extimum: "Yes?".

Bloom: "Did you sleep with a doll when you were younger too?"




Bloom:' Extimum… Extimum, wake up! '.

Extimum:"Wha-".'What's wrong?'. Narrowing his eyes, Extimum glanced

warily and surreptitiously around his room as he quickly shook himself

out of the stupor of sleep.

It was early, but not too early. Judging roughly from the sun shining

through the windows, he'd say it was around 8am, but he didn't

understand why Bloom would wake him up so early when they'd both

been up late and there were no classes today.

It was especially so, because ever since Bloom had learned that she could

sneak into the kitchen to get food from the house elves at any time, she

had become much more relaxed about getting up early.

However, what really caught his attention and limited his annoyance was

actually that Bloom was talking to him through their mental link and not

as usual, even when they were alone in his room.

Unless… they were no longer completely alone…

When his thoughts got there, Extimum fixed his gaze and all his attention

on the still figure of Hermione.

Bloom: 'She moved, I'm sure of it. I think he has recovered'.

It seemed that his thoughts had aligned perfectly with the situation.

However, it still needed to be confirmed, so he stealthily moved the tail

that had wrapped around Hermione and applied a bit of pressure.

And, he felt it...

The touch was no longer solid and stony, instead, he felt the softness of

the flesh and how it softened under pressure, accompanied by a slight

body heat.

In fact, he did not have to wait too long, when he saw how Hermione's

hands began to shake subtly.

Keeping her hands outstretched in that position would definitely be


Extimum: 'Did you see her looking this way?'.

Bloom: 'No, but she could have done it before I woke up. I only

discovered her because I saw her move when I was about to get up to go

to the bathroom'.

Extimum: 'I think she's definitely already looked, otherwise, why is she

trying so hard to pretend she's still petrified the moment she saw you


Bloom: 'You're right, but then, that doesn't mean she saw…'.

Extimum didn't answer that question, but it wasn't necessary.

It was impossible that she hadn't noticed the tail around her waist and

even if she had mistaken it for a scarf or something else, just one look at

Extimum could change that thought.

In his sleeping position, Extimum was partially covered by a sheet, while

his tails spread around him, one of them was even on his chest wrapped

around Bloom's body.

Even ignoring that, Extimum's fox ears were clearly visible on his head.

Extimum: 'Then let's see how long she can keep pretending'.

The tail that was gently wrapping around Hermione's waist suddenly

tightened and then dragged Hermione's body right up beside it.

Hermione's performance was really commendable. Her hands only

trembled slightly and she managed not to let out a sound or blink as her

body was dragged away.

Once close, he straddled her and looked her straight in the eyes searching

for any hesitation. Throughout all of this, he had kept his fox ears and

only kept the tail that he was holding on to Hermione with.

Hermione, however, froze in place and seemed determined not to break

her performance.

'Hard to the end huh…'.

Extimum: "I think we should clean up Hermione's body. Don't you think

so Bloom? After all, she will be petrified for a while and the best thing

would be that when she recovers she will not find herself dirty".

** Ti li lin **

Immediately sensing Extimum's intentions, Bloom nodded as a soft

chime-like sound escaped her mouth, similar to how she normally acted.

Extimum noticed how Hermione's emotions began to stir at his words;

however, she still did not seem ready to react.

Without saying anything else, Extimum got up from the bed and dragged

Hermione's body with his tail in the direction of the bathroom.

Extimum: "Oh, that's right! Bloom, you must have more experience, help

me take off Hermione's clothes".

** Ti li lin **

Hermione: "W-wait, wait, I can do it myself".

Unable to continue her act, Hermione said immediately as she noticed

that they were quickly approaching the bathroom and Bloom was already

starting to pick up her clothes.

Extimum: "Okay, you can take it off yourself". Extimum nodded in

agreement, but his steps didn't stop on his way to the bathroom.

Hermione: "What? No, I mean I can take a bath myself"-

Extimum: "Oh, you should have been more specific with your words".

Extimum made a clear expression that it was Hermione's fault.

Just a step away from the bathroom door, Extimum finally stopped and

turned to look at Hermione. With the end of his words, it was as if the

previous casual atmosphere transformed into a much more oppressive

and intense one.

Extimum: "However, what should I do with you?"—While speaking,

Extimum gradually shortened the short distance that separated them

—"You've seen too much…".

Hermione was startled, aware that she had broken her performance in

the excitement and momentum of the moment.

Hermione :"Could you…could you let me go?". Hermione swallowed hard

and answered between doubt and nervousness.

With Hermione inches from him, Extimum could almost see her mind

racing trying to think of something.

The ease with which he had been able to confuse her told him clearly

that she must not have woken up long ago, so her mind was still

disoriented by the experience she had lived in addition to what she saw

when she woke up.

Extimum moved closer and closer, tempted by the same tension in the

environment that he himself had created and the vulnerable sight of


Hermione shivered slightly at the feel of his breath on her skin. While her

mind wanted to withdraw, her body seemed ignorant of her desires and

stayed there.

Extimum: "It would be very dangerous... Why should I do it, knowing

what you've seen?"

The air felt hot and Hermione's rationality almost seemed to desert her

when she felt a light touch on her neck, making her answer weakly from

her mouth.

Hermione: "Because…because we're friends?".

The voice was weak and soft at this point, but as soon as her words fell, it

was as if suddenly, the entire atmosphere of tension and warmth had

been removed.

Extimum: "Yes... We are friends". Finishing his words, Extimum withdrew

and released his tail's hold on his as it also disappeared behind his back.

"Go ahead and take a bath first, when you get out we can talk things over

more calmly. There should be a clean set of clothes in there for you to

wear while your current clothes are washed".

Without saying anything else, he stepped aside, leaving the path to the

bathroom visible, while subtly indicating for her to enter.

The sudden change caught Hermione a little off guard and made her feel

a little strange, almost as if she had done something wrong.

Therefore, after giving Extimum a long look, she walked to the bathroom

and closed the door behind her.

Extimum just followed her figure with his eyes until he saw her close the

door and then he went to his closet.

Bloom: "Are you okay?". Subtly sensing the sudden change, Bloom could

not help but ask.

She knew that all of the above was simply Extimum's way of bullying

Hermione, but still, she felt that something had been different.

Extimum: "Of course, why wouldn't I be?".

Downplaying all of the above, Extimum snapped his fingers, while it

seemed that his entire figure was fleetingly enveloped by a gale and after

his disappearance, he looked fresher and cleaner.

Opening his closet, he took a quick look and selected his clothes for

today, while directly removing the only piece of clothing that covered his

body, his pants.

Bloom: "Kyaa! What are you doing all of a sudden?" Bloom covered her

eyes with her hands as she watched him stand completely naked in front

of her.

Casually putting on his clothes, Extimum replied while raising one of his

eyebrows and looking in her direction.

Extimum: "Mm? You know, you'd be more convincing if you weren't

looking through your fingers. Besides, I don't think it's anything you

haven't already seen, you even stared at me the other time."

"And it's not like I haven't seen you naked before, right? Even before you

got your memory back, I used to bathe-".

Bloom: "Don't say it!". Seeing that she had been caught and even

Extimum mentioned such embarrassing events, she flew to hide inside

the wardrobe out of embarrassment.

It wasn't her fault that last time she'd been so shocked to see him

suddenly undress in front of her that she'd froze and taken in the whole


Extimum: "Don't run away, come here".

Finishing putting on his clothes, she reached out his hand to the closet

and searched briefly before catching Bloom who was trying to sneak


Bloom: "Ah! Let go of me". Bloom struggled weakly in Extimum's hands.

Straight up ignoring the overreaction, he pulled her close and then

planted a kiss on her cheek that immediately stopped all movement.

Bloom: "Hmm ~ x_x." Bloom moaned weakly and then dramatically

pretended to pass out in Extimum's hands.

Seeing her fall "unconscious", Extimum blinked strangely at the sight. It

was hard to take her seriously when she had "passed out" with her tongue

hanging out, which made for a cute and funny sight.

Extimum:" hehehe *sigh* What are you doing?".

Bloom: "Releasing our stress and shame?".

Extimum was about to respond, when the sound of the door lock being

released was heard.


The sound was followed by the opening of the door.

Seeing her leave, Bloom immediately flew to sit on Extimum's shoulder,

clearly grateful to be able to escape her embarrassment.

Extimum also turned his attention to the figure of Hermione emerging

from the bathroom.

Her hair was slightly damp and she was wearing a white shirt along with

long black pants, both were clearly a few sizes larger than her own, but it

didn't affect too much, added to the fact that her pants were held up by a


Extimum took the chair from his desk and pulled it over to the bed,

taking a seat on it as he gestured to the bed in front of him at Hermione,

a clear indication to take a seat.

Hermione immediately caught the hint and walked over to sit across from


The clothes that he had previously had been deposited in a dirty clothes

chute. She had been a bit surprised to see it, it was usually found outside

of every bedroom, but the Extimum room had one in its bathroom.

After sitting across from each other, they sat in silence, while Extimum

gave her a little more time to collect her thoughts.

Honestly, he had thought she would take her time in the shower to

collect her thoughts, but it seemed like she had just had a quick bath

before heading out.

Hermione also welcomed the moment of silence, even taking the time to

look not so subtly at Extimum's back and head.

Extimum: "You should have already suspected or known after the things

you have seen and have happened between us, but I am not quite


Hearing him talk about "the events", Hermione couldn't help but

remember what had happened in the hospital wing that time.

On that occasion, she seemed to have had a faint memory of something

similar, however, thinking of that occasion, her mind ended up drifting to

other memories and her body couldn't help but suffer a faint shudder

along with a vague phantom feeling similar to the one she had been

feeling for the last few days.

Her shudder, however, did not escape Extimum's eyes who looked at her

attentively, making him frown slightly at such a response.

However, before he could say anything else, Hermione spoke up.

Hermione: "It's not what you think, I just remembered something else.

But then what are you?" Seeming to have immediately seen Extimum's

thoughts, Hermione clarified to prevent him from misunderstanding.

She did not want to cause any more misunderstandings.

Seeing Hermione's expression relax, Extimum decided to ignore it for

now and continue.

Extimum: "I am half human and half celestial fox". As he made mention

of the latter, nine platinum-colored tails with faint and intricate purple

markings extended from his back, while his fox ears also appeared

momentarily on his head before tucking them back into hiding.

Hermione looked carefully at the tails that sway gently as if the wind

itself were swaying them with a certain natural rhythm and the ears that

had appeared briefly.

She was not too surprised at this point, but it was still an amazing sight.

She had never had the opportunity to see anything like this beyond the

books, the closest thing would be when she suffered the aftermath of

Polyjuice Potion, but that had been ultimately unnatural and completely


It was not only the tone of the image, but also the feeling it provoked,

which made it so different and natural.

She was almost tempted to reach out and touch one of the tails, but was

able to stop herself in time, feeling that it would be inappropriate.

Although, to her surprise, one of them actually reached out and touched

her hand before she could withdraw it completely.

It was soft, comfortable and perhaps a little warm; she was almost lost for

a moment as she played with it, until she heard Bloom coughing loudly

breaking her out of her light reverie and excitement.

Hermione" *Ahem* Sorry, I think I let myself get a bit". Feeling Bloom's

gaze on her, Hermione coughed in embarrassment.

Extimum had only limited themselves to observing Hermione's reaction,

finding it a bit curious and reassuring in the face of certain ideas that

vaguely floated through his mind.

Extimum: "Okay, so far, that seems like a pretty natural reaction.

However, let us get back to the important stuff. You must be a bit

disoriented, but it's only been a day since you were petrified and-"

Hermione: "Wait! What? One day? How is that possible? I thought

Professor Sprout's mandrakes would still take a while to ripen".

Extimum: "And it still don't-".

Hermione: "But then how could I be unpetrified and why-?".

Hermione was about to continue her outburst, when her words were

suddenly caught in her throat, when she caught the cold look Extimum

was giving her along with a slight smile.

Extimum: "As I was saying. The mandrakes haven't matured yet, but that

doesn't mean you can't get them outside, right? And yes, I know that it's

not easy to get mandrakes outside if it's not in their growing maturation

season, but leaving those minor issues aside-".

Hermione: "Those are not minor issues…" Hermione's voice trailed off as

quickly as it started as she felt a sudden chill and fell silent.

Bloom: "I think you should bite her, that always works to calm her down

when she gets like this".

Hermione: "What? Who? Who said that?" Hermione jumped from her spot

and looked around the room alertly, searching for the source of the

unknown voice.

Extimum: "Yes, but then it would also be hard to say if her mind would

still be fully aware of everything we talk about later".

Bloom: "Hmm, I hadn't thought of that".

Hermione's eyes widened in surprise and looked directly at Bloom who

was resting on Extimum's shoulder.

Hermione: "You… did you speak?"

Bloom: "Yes".

Hermione did not say anything else and instead took a deep breath and

sat back down on the bed.

Extimum: "That was more effective than expected... well, you are the

only one who has been depetrified at the moment and you are currently

in my room".

Hermione: "I understand, *sigh* Well, I'll go meet the others, they must

be worried". Hermione still had many questions, but she felt like she

wanted to go outside first for a breather.

However, as she was about to get up, she felt something wrap around her

waist and not let her go.

Extimum: "You can't leave".

Hermione: "What? Why?"

Extimum: "Well, I already went to the trouble of kidnapping you, how

can I let you go so easily?".

Hermione frowned slightly, but her mind could not think too hard when

Extimum spoke again.

Extimum: "You know, it's a little offensive that you actually believe that".

Hermione: "I-I'm sorry".

Bloom: "But... Isn't bringing her here in some way a kidnapping?".

Extimum:" Discretion, Bloom, Discretion."

Bloom: "Hmp".

Observing their interaction, Hermione felt inexplicably more relaxed and

could not help but notice with interest the way Extimum and Bloom

communicated so casually and freely.

She had not seen Extimum act like this before. Although he was also

more casual with his friends, she felt that with Bloom he seemed much

more free from apprehension and even a bit more expressive.

Extimum: "Actually, Hermione, there's a reason why you can't go out.

Perhaps you are wondering why you are the only one depetrified? The

answer is that I already had the mandrake extract before and after I

found out what happened to you, I stole you from the infirmary and

brought you here to depetrify you".

"I'll leave the details about how I did it, but what, if I can tell you, is that

there is currently another very realistic Hermione taking your place in

the hospital wing".

Hermione: "Okay, ignoring the fact that there's another me. If you had it,

why didn't you give it to the school so they could destone the others

first? Or…don't you have enough to go around?" Wisely deciding to

temporarily ignore her surprise and intrigue that there was another

Hermione in her place, she asked what confused her the most.

Extimum: "There is enough for everyone".

Hermione: "So…"

Extimum: "Because I'm selfish. I certainly have enough, but tell me what

if a lot more people had been petrified? What if a single serving wasn't

enough to depetrify someone? It's not like I'm being cruel either, after all,

the school It also has its own means, which will only take a little longer,

but, you're different".

Hermione: "Different… How am I different?" Hermione's brows furrowed

in contemplation as she asked.

Extimum: "You are different, because I can see them petrified, but not


Hermione: "W-what?" Hermione's eyes widened and a slight blush crept

up her cheeks as she was caught off guard by Extimum's words.

Extimum: "Isn't it obvious? You are important to me, as are our friends. If

Harry or Ron, Mitchell or Padma were petrified. If things started to spiral

out of control and escalate to such levels, I wouldn't have enough extract

of mandrake for all students".

"However, some of my immediate concerns have already been removed,

so I was thinking of handing over most of the extracts I have to the

infirmary to treat the few current students anyway. However, before that,

you should not be seen outside. I don't think I have to tell you why, do


Hermione was processing every word and although she had calmed

down, the slight blush had not completely disappeared from her face as

she nodded in agreement to Extimum.

Hermione: "I understand, but where am I going to sleep then?".

Extimum: "In that bed."

Hermione: "And you?"

Extimum "In the same bed of course".

Hermione: "What? But…"

Extimum: "Didn't we sleep together before? It won't make a difference".

Hermione: 'Of course there will be a difference, before I was frozen in a

statue, but now…'.

Hermione really wanted to share a bit of her mind with him, but she

knew he had already done enough for her and this was, after all, his

room, so asking for more was pretty inconsiderate.

Extimum: "However, this is also a very good opportunity, you can meet

and talk with Bloom, so you won't be bored. I'll take care of everything

else, like food and that you don't fall behind in your studies".

Speaking up to here, Extimum took Bloom and handed her over to

Hermione for her to take.

Hermione took Bloom a little hesitantly, she still had her doubts, after all,

to her, Bloom was just an ordinary fairy, but now she seemed very

different and she was afraid that it would be another Extimum-level


Bloom: " I can't help but feel like you're giving me over to her like I'm

some kind of cat". Although she was very serious, she clearly stuck out

her tongue at Extimum to show that she was joking.

Extimum: "Okay, it's a little late, I'll go get us some breakfast. You can

talk to each other in the meantime".

Extimum left the room soon after. Breakfast time had already ended a

while ago and since she hadn't gone with everyone else, she would have

to sneak into the kitchen while covering herself with a cloak of illusion.

Hermione: "So… you've been able to talk all this time?"

Bloom: "Yes."

Hermione: "But why didn't you speak up? Why did you hide it?

Pretending to be a common fairy… You are a fairy right?".

Bloom: "*sigh* Yes, I'm a real fairy, maybe much more real compared to

the others you've seen. As for why I didn't speak before... It's kind of

complicated, how much do you know about the great ancient families?".

Hermione: "Do you mean the sacred twenty-nine?".

Bloom: "Bah, what sacred twenty-nine? Can they even be considered

ancient families versus real ones?"

Hermione blinked like an owl at Bloom's display.

Not every day a girl who was barely 8cm tall scolded you with so much

attitude, besides, what other ancient families were there? Such a question

briefly ran through Hermione's head until she decided to speak.

Hermione: "So what great ancient families are you talking about? I do not

know of any others. Or maybe you're talking about very old families that

are now extinct?"

Bloom: "Ugh, well then, what do you know about the Extimum family?"

Bloom flopped onto the mattress, finding that it would take a while to get

Hermione up to speed on the situation first, before she could really

explain her situation.

Hermione: "The Shadowless family? Hmm, well, I know they're part of

the sacred twenty-nine and they're one of the most influential families in

modern times. I know they have several shops in Diagon Alley and quite

a bit of political influence. Other than that I've read and heard all kinds

of rumours about them".

"Things like they are very mysterious and a lot of their activities are

hardly known about, some say that despite their facade they are actually

a terrible dark family, although it sounds more like gossip. I really do not

know much about them. Last I heard, it seems like everyone is pretty

wary of them and even trying to curry favour with them".

"But what does all this have to do with my question?".

Bloom: "It has a lot to do with it, but before I tell you, let me explain

what the great ancient families are. I learned this mostly from the mouth

of Extimum and although it is not something of a secret, I hope you can

be discreet with such information".

Hermione nodded in agreement, beginning to wonder at her words.

Bloom: "Currently there are only nine great ancient families left. They are

called great ancient families because their existence dates back to almost

time immemorial, if it had to be said, they could be considered the first

families of the human magical civilization, although of course, in those

times there were many more, but what stands out about these nine is that

they still exist today".

"Going into detail about each one would be too long, but basically they

are: Shadowless, Oset, Mòshuǐ, Eisenfaust, Mallku, Urma-rosie, Oqiul-

rău, Óneira and Caerimonia".

"The nature and origin of each of these families is different, so they are

generally not named in the same realm, however, despite the differences,

these nine are actually very close and have multiple generational

connections, either friendly or antagonistic".

"They could be considered the families with the purest lineage and the

greatest magical heritage in the current world. However, here comes the

main point, all of these families have a very important ritual that they

perform at least once for every generation, it is a pretty sensitive subject,

so I can't tell you what kind of ritual it is".

"However, one of the main ingredients is Ancient Blood Essence. As its

name says, Blood Essence is something very vital to every being, and

there are only two ways to obtain it. The first is to take it directly from

the heart of each being while their heart is still beating and the second is

to refine large amounts of normal blood".

"The purer and therefore older the blood, the better effects it provides to

the ritual. That is why beings with great ancestry are protected by

ancient families, they protect them and as payment they obtain large

amounts of blood among other necessary things for the ritual".

"And my blood… if it were used, it could be worth thousands in quantity

and thousands more in quality, but how much essence blood do you

think I can produce before I die? Or have a fate worse than death?"

Hermione's face paled slightly as she vaguely understood what that fate

might be based on Bloom's words.

Hermione: "But… you said it yourself, they can't get much from you and

there are many and you're just one, why would it be dangerous if them to

know of your existence when you're worth so little in the wide range of

things?". Hermione immediately grasped where Bloom's whole story was

leading and asked the key question.

Yes, why would a single fairy with an ancient lineage be so valuable? It's

not like there were no other alternatives. And the answer is…





Today I was busy so I upload the chapter a little late, but hey, here it


Chapter 46: Danger awaits even

the most prepared

Bloom: "I can't tell you. It's not because I don't trust you, but Extimum

told me that I shouldn't tell anyone without his permission, but I can tell

you that such a secret has great relevance to the great ancient families".

"That's why, to avoid trouble, I must pretend to be an ordinary fairy, at

least until we can hide it completely or have the strength to defeat every

threat, after all, you can't hide who you are forever, right?"

Bloom momentarily showed a lonely and sad look.

A look that Hermione returned, causing the atmosphere to drop into a

sad mood.

However, Bloom quickly erased that expression and then smiled softly,

her gaze briefly focusing on a coat hanging on the rack before looking

back at Hermione.

Bloom was of course strong, but she was still quite far from the pinnacle

of this world and even there, she could still be defeated if she was

overwhelmed by too many numbers, numbers that more than just count,

were truly significant.

And it is that, you could not underestimate any of the nine ancient


Although they were mostly all currently simple wealthy families and

business tycoons, with some even living quite secluded from the

community and reducing the impact of their existence, , but they were all

fearsome existences worthy of the most terrible and frightening stories of


Even the most peaceful and friendly ones were not exempt from having a

point in their history where they showed their true darkness and terror to

the world.

After finishing talking about that matter, Bloom and Hermione began to

talk about more common and pleasant topics.

Hermione took the opportunity to quench many of her doubts through

Bloom, while Bloom reciprocated by talking about many things with

great emotion.

It was a very nice experience for her to be able to talk to someone else,

because apart from some written conversations with Luna or when she

was with Extimum, she used to hardly get a chance to talk to someone, so

she was very enthusiastic during the conversation.

They were so into it, they missed when Extimum came back and put the

food on the table by his desk.

It was not until their stomachs began to growl at the tantalizing aroma of

food that they stopped talking and went to eat.

Extimum had simply sat down to eat in silence while watching them in

such a cheerful mood, especially Bloom who had hardly had any chances

like this.

Extimum: 'Having close people with whom you can talk and share is

more important than it seems'.

Smiling slightly, he took out a book to read after his breakfast, while he

left them to do their things. He was not worried about Bloom saying too

many things. She still had a sense of discretion and he trusted her.


Two weeks passed quickly from that day.

Things were a bit awkward the first few days for Hermione, but soon

after that, she got used to it.

Extimum had been true to his word, making sure that both food and class

notes were always on time, so Hermione did not have to neglect her


In addition, Extimum had not bullied her again in this time and had been

pretty respectful of her space in general. Therefore, it was a pretty

peaceful coexistence.

In her studies she might even have gotten some improvement from

reading the unorthodox notes of Extimum.

Where he not only exposed the basic content that was requested, but

having had time to re-study it, he could begin to add new insights or his

own discoveries that he made in his own research on the subject.

Likewise, Extimum had left his small personal library at her disposal and

also brought her books of interest that she requested, added to the fact

that Bloom was quite talkative, it was not boring days at all for her.

However, outwardly, some not-so-kind rumours were beginning to spread

among certain students. Not that it would have mattered too much,

because the character of Extimum was widely known and therefore such

rumours did not gain much strength.

But, there were some students who hadn't learned their lesson before and

they was trying to fan the flames of discord. Because it was no secret that

although Extimum and Hermione's relationship was just friends, it was

quite special in itself, so his display of complete indifference and

insensitivity to her situation was quite disconcerting to everyone.

And although such things normally wouldn't matter to others, but lately,

Extimum felt that it had inexplicably become more popular among the


Even Steve mentioned it to him with no little confusion at the sudden


But whoever was trying to play tricks on him, they don't consider, that

given Extimum's ability, making him more famous would only help him

more easily control those same masses.

On the other hand.

Extimum had not immediately delivered the mandrake extract. Doing so

would have been too suspicious.

Therefore, he had decided to wait a few days and had just delivered it


With that said, he had still decided to hand it over on behalf of Mitchell's

family, who had adamantly refused to take credit until he told him that

he would trap him in an illusion with cyclops goats if he continued to


And while it wasn't like the merit was bad for the Shadowless family, but

since he knew who was mostly behind this, he decided to step back at the

last moment and maintain the facade of neutrality, especially now that he

was using the help of the Malfoy house.

Originally, he had planned to deliver it only a few days later, but after

analyzing certain things, he had decided to postpone it for a longer time.

And that consideration had been to put some pressure on Harry and Ron.

He had even gone to the trouble of asking the school to keep the fact that

they had obtained the mandrake extract a secret until at least the time

the petrified students recovered.

Well, at least from the other students, the parents of said students of

course could not remain ignorant of such good news.


Extimum: "The day after tomorrow you will be able to return to your

normal life, since you will be officially depetrified".

Hermione: "That's great, I already want to be able to go out and go to

class by myself".

Bloom: "Hmp. To think that our hospitality was so easily dismissed".

Hermione: "Oh Bloom, don't say that. You and Extimum were so good to

me and I'm really grateful. It is just you know, I want to be able to go out

again too. Being cooped up in here all the time gets boring too".

"Also, I promise I'll try to find opportunities for us to continue talking".

Bloom: "Okay, I'm just bothering you, naturally I know you want to be

able to go out. I'd get bored too if I had to be in one room all the time".

Extimum: "Anyway, there are still at least two days left, so you can still

talk freely together".

Bloom: "Oh, I know. Why don't we bring Hermione with us on our

overnight flight? It would serve as a farewell activity, plus we haven't

gone out in a few weeks and it would be a good experience".

Hermione: "Night flight? Do you leave the castle at night? Although I

don't remember you having a broom or ever seeing you with one,


Extimum: "And I don't have".

Hermione: "So…"

Bloom: "You'll know when it's time". Bloom said placidly, while imitating

Extimum's voice.

Extimum: "... Whatever". Extimum just rolled his eyes and sat at his desk,

as he started to look at one of his notebooks.

Bloom: "Okay, I'll leave you alone for now, Hermione. I already promised

to meet up with Luna to help her look for some narglos or something".

Extimum: "It's nargles".

Bloom: "Yeah, that. Fine, see you later". Bloom didn't delay and then flew

out of the room.

Hermione: "What's a nargle?"

Extimum: "...Although I could answer your question, I think Luna could

explain it to you better than me. You can try to ask her in two days".

Hermione: "But…I've never really talked to her directly. I think I've even

only spoken to her once or twice and that was mostly when she was

around you".

Extimum: "Then all the more reason you should. That way you can meet

her and become friends with her. Although maybe...given you very

different personalities, that's a bad idea. Well, at least try to meet her


Throwing herself onto the bed, Hermione leaned back lazily.

She could almost say that the last few days were the calmest and most

relaxed that she had had since she had entered Hogwarts and all that,

without having to put aside her studies.

Hermione: "Hey, Extimum…why don't you tell me a bit about your

family? When I was talking to Bloom, I realized I don't really know much

about you or your family. All I know is what I've heard or seen".

Hermione spoke from her comfortable position lying on the bed, as she

turned and rested her face in her hands and looked at Extimum's back.

Extimum: "About me and my family? Why the sudden interest?" Stopping

his hand, Extimum dropped the quill onto the stand next to the inkwell

as he asked.

Hermione: "It's nothing special, I'm just curious. So far, I only have Ron's

parents for reference and what I've read in the books, but what's it like to

be part of a magical noble family? Do they really live in big haunted


Hermione was really curious. Although she had had the opportunity to

share with people and read a lot about the wizarding community, there

were still many things she didn't know about and wizarding families were

especially one of them.

And since each family was different unto itself, along with Ron's family

not exactly being the ideal image of lore, she didn't have many


Hearing her question, Extimum fell silent for a moment and then turned

his chair, facing Hermione.

Meeting her gaze full of curiosity, Extimum thought for a moment and

finally answered.

"A magical noble family... Well, maybe it's not really that different from

what you may have read or believed. Noble families get their title

primarily due to their antiquity, heritage, blood purity, achievements,

and lastly, for representing a pillar of the magical community to which

they belong since its establishment

Some call us old-fashioned, but it's simply because they don't understand

our customs and traditions. Although I would admit that, there are

certain things that really need to be changed, but others, even if they

look and/or are bad, should not be touched.

Because beyond their appearance, they not only contain everything we

stand for, but they also have a deeper motive and in occasions, secrets,

behind their reasoning.

That is why the general law does not have much to interfere with when it

comes to the internal rules and traditions of each family.

Tradition and custom are part of our culture and culture is part of who

we are.

There are both good and bad things about it, it all depends on what you

choose to watch.

But, coming back to a more personal view.

Since I was little, I have been educated to know the etiquette and

customs of the magical world; the correct way to relate to all kinds of

people; the inner workings of the economy and politics and, above all.

I have been instilled with the dignity and pride that not only belongs to a

noble family, but also for being part of the house to which I belong.

There is no need for things like brainwashing, it is as simple as listing the

achievements of our ancestors and the responsibility to continue with

that vision that made us what we are today.

Out of respect. For pride. For belonging and, above all, for ourselves, so

that one's work and effort may today be the pride and strength of our

children and their children's children.

There are some of course, do not understand this responsibility.

They think that in reality, such responsibility is just chains that bind

them, that prevent them from being free and independent. They are just

short-sighted who do not understand the difficulty and effort it takes to

get where we are.

They want freedom, but they don't know that no one in this world is truly

free. Their savagery and idealism is nothing more than a passing joy,

because when the time comes.

Whether they are tired or have a reason to seek stability, because they

have found something to love or protect, they will find that there is no

place for them in the world and achieving such stability is nothing but a

path full of difficulties.

And, even so, I am sure that there will be more than one who will be

willing to cross it with a smile on their face, because the price of

maintaining their ideals has come and alas to those who are not

steadfast, because the way back paints a sad landscape and the edge of

the road a bottomless abyss.

Well, saying all that is a bit of an exaggeration in itself in some cases,

given that in life there are always new opportunities for the attentive or

the lucky, but it is not a malicious and untrue exaggeration either.

I am one of those who believes that there is always a path in the middle

and although this path is not so different in itself compared to the

previous one in difficulty, but, if the cards are played well, it is not

difficult to obtain the best of both worlds without discard or lose

anything along the way.

For this reason, carrying the responsibility by birth and the wild but

faithful aspirations to our hearts is not something impossible.

It is just knowing how to find the balance or which card to play first so

that at the end of the entire journey, the results are as good as the naive

fantasy that many want.

Of course, if you achieve something like that, the results would be much

more satisfying and stable at the end of all that, although, of course, that

is on the premise that you don't lose yourself along the way.

Changing the subject.

I'm not what you'd call a blood supremacist, but I won't lie that there isn't

a bit of arrogance and thus underestimation towards our non-magical


There is no wizard born into a wizarding family who does not, even if

they don't want to admit it.

Well, that's enough of the philosophical rants from the wizarding world".

Extimum turned his gaze to Hermione and found that she seemed to be

staring off into space, deep in thought.

It seemed that his words had more than broadened Hermione's

understanding of this magical world that she hadn't been long into


But just as he was ready to get back to his business, Hermione spoke

again in a thoughtful tone.

Hermione: "There are a number of things that I may not understand right

now, but your words have really given me a new perspective that I

haven't seen before".

Extimum: "You'll understand over time, at least if you want to stay in the

magical world".

Hermione: "Yet you haven't told me anything about yourself yet".

Extimum: "Eh… Well, what do you want to know?".

Hermione: "I don't know. What is your family like? You never mention

them, nor have I ever heard you speak of them".

Extimum: "My family… I wouldn't say I find the subject very much to my

liking, but I don't mind sharing it if you want to know either. Where do I

start… Well, my father's name is Callum. He's a complicated man… quite

busy too and maybe a 'little'… cold.

Since he keeps himself very busy, I don't see him very often. He works in

the Department of International Wizarding Cooperation, in the office of

wizarding law, and is an active member of the Wizengamot.

My mother is not really very different from my father. Her name is Ava.

She does not work, but spends her time mostly helping out at my father's

job and occasionally taking his place and attending multiple meetings or

political gatherings.

To a certain extent, we could say that she is something like his secretary,

but she also acts as the head of the house instead of my father in certain


Besides them, I also have an aunt and an uncle on my father's side, but I

don't see them very often and they don't live with us. They are each

responsible for the administration of a part of the family.

With them gone, only the family's guardian beast remains, although you

could also just say it's a pet.

It's a shadow shapeshifter, a very rare species in modern times, in fact,

they must be incredibly rare to see, if they exist at all out there.

But my family has been in charge of protecting and caring for them for

generations, so they are a representative creature of our family, almost a


If you're curious about it, you can try looking it up in books, but it must

be in ancient bestiaries, most current ones don't include it anymore given

how incredibly rare it is to come across one.

Added to the fact that they are generally not aggressive, so maybe if you

don't find it in the old ones, maybe in the mythological or extinct

creatures you will get some reference.

But, back to my family.

Our area of specialty is quite broad in the wizarding community, due to

the great diversity in our family and our numbers.

Therefore, we have several commercial establishments or stores under

the name of my family.

My family is mainly engaged in the export and import of goods.

Despite what you might think, it's not that easy to move certain goods

between different wizarding communities, especially if it's in large

quantities. Many of them have great restrictions and require a lot of

paperwork for their export and/or import".

'Or well, at least that's what my family is supposed to be in the public

eye. Because putting aside that we are the current family with the most

votes in the Wizengamot since the founding families of Hogwarts died

out, the real business of my family has been and will be for generations,

information and murder.

Being the information area our main specialization given the natural

decline of modern times to the use of assassins'.

Hermione: "Wow, your family is more amazing than I thought". Hermione

commented in surprise, as she considered certain things that Extimum

had mentioned.

She felt that there was something wrong somewhere, but since Extimum

hadn't shown much emotion and had been rather superficial in some

parts of his description, she couldn't tell at that precise moment where

the problem was.

Extimum: "Heh, well, it's not that big of a deal, but let's put my family

aside. Why don't you tell me more about yours now?"

Hermione: "Huh… But I've already told you everything there is to know.

My family and parents aren't wizards, so, it's a pretty normal family…

Well, pretty normal by non-magical standards".

Extimum: "So what about you?"

Hermione: "About me?" Hermione asked blankly.

Extimum: "Yes… No, better forget it. If you want you can sleep for a

while, we usually go out at 10pm at night and we are out for an hour or


Hermione: "Okay".

Hermione again sensed that there was something else behind Extimum's

words, but since he cut the subject off, she didn't feel too sure about

bringing it up again.



A sudden cry full of surprise and panic was heard from the outskirts of

the castle.

Today's night was especially dark and cloudy, with almost no sign of the

moon visible in the sky.

Just the faint trace of the hidden glow, creating a dim gloom that made it

dimly visible.

Hidden within all that darkness and occasionally visible under the gloom,

a dark shadow was seen flying at full speed high up in the sky.

And in a moment of special lucidity, the nature of the shadow could be

dimly glimpsed.

It was a flying sword that carried two shadows above it and moved

particularly quickly.

It was only when the sword finally flew higher and broke through the

cloud cover that covered the sky, that the figures on the sword became

clearly visible.

Sitting on the surface of the sword blade were Extimum and Hermione.

Although, in a more detailed view, it would be noticeable that Bloom was

hidden in Extimum's hair, while Hermione hugged him tightly and closed

her eyes trying to appease her panic.

The sword flew a little higher and finally stopped, floating horizontally in

a cloud-free area.

Extimum: "You can open your eyes now".

Hermione: "N-no, I'll fall".

Bloom: "Trust us, you won't fall off. The sword can expand to have

enough room to sit comfortably on it".

Hermione didn't reply, but after a few seconds, she finally opened her

eyes. Tentatively narrowing her eyes at first, but the more she looked,

her gaze grew wider and wider, calm slowly replacing her earlier panic.

Her gaze was greeted with the splendour of the nightscape high in the


Below them was a mostly dark sea of clouds that stretched as far as the

eye could see, while overhead was a dark, twinkling sky full of stars,

splendidly framing the moon that hung high in the sky.

While a soft and slightly warm breeze passed by, shaking some of her


Hermione: "It's beautiful". Hermione's face lit up and her eyes sparkled

with excitement as she took in the magnificent night view.

The brightness in her eyes did not escape the gaze of Extimum who was

watching her from behind her and even if her eyes did not contain even a

ten thousandth part of the brightness of the stars in the sky. Extimum

found them much brighter and more attractive than any of the stars in

the night sky.

However, his gaze didn't stay too long on it and he turned his sight in

another direction.

Aside from some activities he did with Bloom on the nights they went out

flying, it was mainly a place he liked to come to think. Perhaps because

of the influence of the calm atmosphere and the view of the vastness of

the starry sky.

So, while Bloom and Hermione were distracted looking at the stars in the

sky, his gaze, instead, found hisself taking in the surrounding dark

clouds, lost in thought.

His state of mind had been much calmer and more relaxed these last few

weeks. Beyond the fact that he enjoyed Hermione's company so closely

every day.

His main relief was that the pendant had been working perfectly, given

that even with Hermione so close to him, he hadn't felt anywhere near

freaking out or the slightest bit uncomfortable.

Even now, when Hermione hadn't yet disengaged from the embrace she

was holding him in, he didn't feel uncomfortable.

Apart from that, he had felt some small changes in his body.

His blood and physique seemed to strengthen by a small amount after

each night he spent and slept near Hermione.

Luckily though, the changes this time around weren't of the mostly

visible to the naked eye type and instead, were of a more subtle and

internal nature.

A change that, although for the most part imperceptible, did not go

unnoticed by Bloom, who with her great closeness and connection with

Extimum, could feel those small and discreet changes.

Based on them and their gut feeling, Extimum had made an

approximation and concluded that, with their current progress, it was

very possible that the evolution of his bloodline would be completed by

the beginning of the next year, counting the fact that Hermione would be

gone in two days.

Once the evolution was over, he would no longer need to be so adamant

about being close to Hermione.

In fact, Extimum had hoped that by having Bloom, his evolution could

speed up or even become independent from Hermione.

But it had been beyond his expectation that because Bloom was bound to

him by contract, something between their union had changed a certain

aspect between their essences and magic, so that, within the standards of

their lineage, they seemed like a single individual or two different, but

with an equal nature.

Resulting in the expected reaction not occurring, because the chemical

and magical reaction required a substantial difference between their

natures, in order to generate a certain shock.

On the other hand, it hadn't been a bad thing either, he still had

Hermione around. Furthermore, he had learned that his and Bloom's

essential natures were similar, which was knowledge that, if used well,

could bring certain advantages.

However, even if he was no longer affected, he still found strangely, that

the sight, smell and taste of Hermione caused in him some attraction of a

rather primitive character, but Extimum was not a beast and such a

feeling could only be considered as that, an attraction.

So the latter had long ceased to be a concern for him.

Leaving nothing but recurring ramblings occasioned by the enticing

fragrance of hazelnuts wafting faintly from Hermione to his nose.

Hermione: "I didn't know you could get such a clear and magnificent

view of the stars".

Extimum: "Very tempting…".

Hermione: "What?"

Extimum: "Oh, nothing, I was just thinking to myself. But to think, a

moment ago you were screaming in fear for me to come down and now

you look so placid".

Hermione: "Hmp, that was your fault. We had barely made it out of the

castle when you carried me up on your sword, just to then fly off into the

sky at top speed. I didn't even have anything to hold on to, so how am I

not supposed to be alarmed?".

Bloom: "That's because flying swords work differently than brooms. Their

surface has its own gravity and unless the controller wants it to, even if

you're upside down, you won't fall".

Hermione: "But I didn't know, I didn't even know there were flying


Extimum: "Anyway, now that you're used to it and you're not scared, we

can start the night flight".

Hermione: "Aren't we flying already?".

Bloom: "Yeah, but we only go up here. We usually fly around the castle

or even go to Hogsmeade. We also do sword tricks or just count stars or

try to find constellations".

As Bloom spoke, the sword began to move forward slowly, gradually

increasing in speed with each second, as if giving Hermione time to

mentally prepare for the next full-speed dash to come.

Hermione: "Ugh, I don't know, I don't really like flying".

Bloom: "Trust me, it will be fun".

Hermione: "Well…"


Hermione: "I'll never let myself be swayed by you guys again".

Bloom: "Oh come on, it wasn't that terrible, after the second time you'll

get used to it or well, you won't have anything to throw up anymore".

Hermione: "Wait, what? Second time? I'm not going to aahh-".


Bloom: "It'll pass, it'll pass, see? I'm sure you'll feel better now".

Hermione: "Something is seriously wrong with you two".

Bloom: "Wow, did you notice?"

Hermione: "What?"

Bloom: "Alright, Extimum, enough rest, let's go, full speed ahead".

Hermione: "No, no, I want to get downnn-!".

Lying across a large sword that floated suspended in the air, was

Hermione. Her head was resting on Extimum's legs, while she looked at

the stars in the sky.

Her face looked a little pale and her eyes a little lost, but other than that,

she looked completely fine.

Bloom: "Oh, I found another one, look, that's the constellation


Extimum: "And there is the Ursa Minor".

Hermione: "Hmp".

Bloom: "Oh come on, are you still mad? Even with all that, I'm sure you

had fun, at the last you were even laughing and screaming with


Hermione: "I didn't…" Hermione muttered weakly as if she wasn't

entirely convinced of her own words.

Extimum: "Here, take this, it will make you feel better."

Looking at the small bottle that one of Extimum's tails held in front of her

face and contained a strange purple liquid, Hermione stared at it for at

least three seconds before taking it and drinking it.

Although she did have fun at the end, her stomach felt empty and her

head a little dizzy.

Within seconds of drinking it, Hermione's eyes lit up and she looked up to

meet Extimum's.

Hermione: "How did you do it? It tastes delicious, if it wasn't for the fact

that I feel so much better after drinking it, I would have thought it was

just a blueberry smoothie".

Extimum: "It's one of my hobbies. I like to try and create an appetizing

flavor to potions, though sometimes it's hard to do without messing with

the potion's effects, but since I had to make quite a few recovery potions

for Bloom earlier, I had a stroke of inspiration on one of those occasions

and managed to make this".

Hermione: "That's amazing. If you don't mind, could you give me the

recipe for this one in particular?"

Extimum: "Sure, I'll give it to you after we get back".

Hermione: "Thanks. Well, there's the constellation of Scorpio, Ursa Major

and Aquarius. I think that gives me the upper hand".

Bloom: "What? How did you find them so fast?" Bloom looked at

Hermione in surprise, she had thought that she wasn't planning to play.

Hermione: "Well, I do pay attention in astronomy class".

Bloom: "Hmp, don't get so complacent, you only have one more than me

and Extimum".

Extimum: "I'm sorry to disagree with that last one, though. There's the

constellation of Libra".

Hermione: "Wow, looks like you're in last place now". Hermione's tone

was especially mocking as she said her words.

Bloom: "Ah, Extimum, how can you abandon me?, just wait, I'll quickly

find two constellations."


Two days came and went quickly.

Hermione had already returned officially depetrified and along with her,

all the other victims, however, despite the happy news, in the grand

scheme of things, it had not managed to lighten the gloomy mood that

had been installed in the last days.

A great unknown threat was on the loose and Dumbledore had been

removed from his position, so even if the students were unpetrified, they

were all still at the same risk.

Although the unknown part of the threat was quickly eliminated by the

events that occurred this morning.



A small group of people was currently gathered around five people.

Although, to be more exact, there were actually four students and a

ghost, who were sitting on their respective stretchers.

Despite all this crowding in the infirmary, Madam Pomfrey said nothing

and, on the contrary, kept silent along with the others, waiting for the

current director to ask the key question to which everyone was eager to

know the answer.

McGonagall: "I am so glad that all of you have successfully recovered and

I have to say that were it not for the kind intentions of the family of

student Mitchell Knife, we wouldn't have been able to cure them so


"However, while I know you must still be a bit confused by the events

you experienced and your recent recovery, I must ask this question for

the well-being of all students and staff at this school. Do any of you

remember or know what happened? who attacked you?".

After McGonagall's words were finished, there was a short pause of

silence, in which the four students and a ghost looked at each other.

And as if they had an unspoken understanding, the others fell silent,

while one of them began to speak.

Colin: "Huh, Professor McGonagall, I really wish I could answer you, but

all I remember is I was walking through the halls of the castle and I was

photographing some spiders coming out of a window to the outside of

the castle, when I heard a strange sound".

"When I turned around to see what it was, while still using the camera, I

just saw that something very big was in front of me and when I looked

up, it felt like everything went dark. The last thing I remember is

pressing the button on the camera as an instinctive reaction".

Hearing his words, more than a sigh was heard from the people around.

McGonagall: "Okay, maybe it wasn't all that bad that you didn't see or

remember too much."

With Colin's narration finished, everyone instinctively turned their gazes

to each other.

Nicholas: "Well, if I may, Professor. My situation was not very different

from the one narrated by the boy Colin. I also heard a strange sound and

when I turned around, everything vanished. For a moment, it was as if

eternal rest had been granted to me and I slept like never before since I

was a ghost".

Justin Finch: "I-I remember anything, I was also walking down the hall

with Sir Nicholas, when I also heard the sound and turned to look. I saw

it through Sir Nicholas and although it looked a bit distorted, but I could

still see a huge creature and glowing yellow eyes. After that, everything

just vanished".

Justin's words caused more than a few murmurs from the surrounding


And the only ones who were kept considerably calm by his words were

some of the teachers who knew how to keep their composure and a trio

of children who were among the entire group.

They were Extimum, Harry and Ron. They had been allowed to come

along with the close friends of all those affected.

However, while Extimum maintained a perfectly calm image, Harry

seemed to have a look full of emotions.

There was rectification, concern, relief and anger, so much so that

unconsciously his fists clenched; further crumpling the sloppy sheet of

paper, he carried in one of his hands.

Ron on the other hand, although he remained calm for the most part,

there was a trace of undisguised panic in his eyes.

Hermione: "*Ahem* Head-. Professor McGonagall, I definitely know what

the creature is that haunts the castle and attacked us".

As the murmurs grew, Hermione finally decided to speak, drawing

everyone's attention, however, as she was about to speak, she narrowly

missed calling Professor McGonagall her new position, when she

remembered that she shouldn't be aware of it.

McGonagall: "Are you sure?"

Hermione: "Yes".

Penelope Clearwater: "That's right, Professor, I was with her when she

found out, and I was able to survive thanks to her directions".

Being supported by someone else's words, the relevance of Hermione's

words suddenly became more serious.

Or at least that's what the Gryffindor prefect, Percy, who was also on the

spot, thought of it.

Hermione: "It's a basilisk."


Hermione's words immediately caused a panic in the crowd, even the

teachers who had seemed mostly stoic before, couldn't help but flinch or


A basilisk was an incredibly dangerous creature and was set at the

highest current level of dangerousness. It was not something that any

magician could try, because even the most experienced ones could fall if,

due to the greatest of misfortunes, they accidentally met their gazes.

Hermione: "Although like everyone else, we didn't see it that clearly, but

I had already managed to figure out what it was the same day I was

attacked. Harry, could you show them that sheet?". Having noticed the

sheet in Harry's hand, Hermione mentioned it.

Everyone immediately turned their gazes to Harry when they heard

Hermione's words.

Harry: "Here you are, Professor McGonagall."

Harry didn't delay and immediately handed over the sheet.

Looking at the sheet, McGonagall gave a few odd looks between

Hermione and Harry before looking at the contents, mainly because she

noticed the sheet had been ripped from a book and had a strange

premonition that the sheet belonged in a library book.

However, considering the seriousness of the situation, she said nothing

and continued to read the content, as she read to herself; Hermione

narrated the facts that had led her to such a conclusion.

The people around her also found the great relationship between the

points and with the information recorded on the crumpled sheet, it

became even more believable.

McGonagall: "I see… Well, Madam Pomfrey has already checked you out

and said you shouldn't have any problems, so you can go back to the

other students, however, if you feel any discomfort, please feel free to

return to the infirmary".

"With that being said, all students may leave. I only hope, that what you

have heard here can be treated with proper discretion, after all, I think

we can all agree that panic would only cause more problems for

everyone. Not to mention, that we are aware of all those who were

present today".

Ron: "*Gulp*."

--End Flashback--.

Currently, the students were gathered in the great hall for lunch.

.-- Pov Extimum--.

The great hall bustled with activity and voices, while to the surprise of

few, the news that the monster was a basilisk had spread among all the


I could almost feel how the teachers' eyes burned on my neck from the

intensity they were giving to each one of us who were in the infirmary in

the morning.

I think they also knew that it would be very difficult for such news not to

become known. However, more than a punishment and judging by the

faint murmurs that reached my ears, the release of said news had only

made the consensus of teachers lean a little more towards the side of

closing the school.

Although it was still possible that some teachers would give a light

punishment when the situation was resolved.

But getting back on topic.

Some teachers even wanted to advance the date of the final exams and

establish a set of compilation works of the content of the last months of

the school year to give an adequate closure and not harm any of the


It wasn't something that particularly bothered me, but I'm sure that if

such news got out, Ernie Macmillan and his friends wouldn't be as happy

and smug as they seemed right now.

In addition, they might even become the center of the students' hatred.

It would be a shame if Susan and Hannah were implicated as well, but

they were also to blame for not stopping him.

Luna: "What do you think about so much, Extimum?".

Extimum: "In that things can get quite complicated in the next few days if

we are not lucky".

Steve: "What are you talking about? Everything seems normal and they

even found out what the monster was".

Trudor: "That's why, silly. It used to be a mystery, so the problem could

be big or small, but now that it's known what it is and it turns out to be a

basilisk, the situation has gotten a lot worse, it wouldn't be strange if

they decided close the school".

Mitchell: "What? Is the school closed? But what about the Quidditch


Padma: "Tsk, don't just think about Quidditch, or how are you going to

play if you're turned to stone?".

Steve: "Damn, it's all Ernie's fault, just look at him; he seems all proud

like he did something great, when it was Hermione who found out. Tch,

seeing that stupid face of his being so cocky pisses me off".

Padma: "Isn't it just because he beat you to the news and now he got all

the attention?"

Steve: "Tsk, tsk, oh, Padma, Padma, you're still very new to this, what do

you know? Being an information handler is not only about knowing the

information first, but also knowing how to manage it. Letting go of the

information without even considering the implications it's just idiocy and

only an amateur would do it".

Extimum: "Anyway, it's still not a sure thing, though…".

Steve: "What is it?"

Extimum: "Well, if you really want to prevent or, rather, postpone the

closing of the school, the only viable option besides killing the basilisk of

course, would be if you managed to close the owlery and lock all the

owls there. While the news of this does not reach the outside, then

nobody from the outside could try to speed up the process".

"Although that is on the premise that Professor McGonagall who is the

temporary director does not make the decision, because then the above

would not make sense".

Trudor's eyes lit up at my words and he immediately commented.

Trudor: "That's a great idea. If Professor McGonagall makes the decision,

then there's nothing to be done, but if the school is closed down because

of the students' profanity, then that's another matter".

Padma: "But how would we do that? Although closing the access to the

owlery is not difficult, but the owls can still come and go easily and

locking them up would only serve in the short term".

Mitchell: "No, it's actually simpler than it sounds. We can lure the owls in

with a little food and while they're entertaining, put up a barrier across

all the windows, that way they can't get out".

"As for an issue like them noticing, it's not a problem either. At that time

we should spread our theory among the most influential students in each

house and who don't want the school to be closed, that way, we can

make them help us by making them understand or controlling the

students to prevent someone from screwing up this matter".

Mitchell's words managed to motivate everyone with the prospects.

Luna: "But… Aren't any of you worried about the basilisk?". When Luna's

question fell, everyone's previously animated faces fell.

Quietly sipping some tea, I watched, as everyone was suddenly silent at

Luna's words.

Although I had proposed the idea, I was also aware of the implications,

however, the basilisk was not exactly one of my current concerns, not

because I underestimated it, but because I had already devised some

countermeasures and was not afraid of a direct confrontation as long as I

had enough space and preparation.

Extimum: "That's why I created these glasses, here, everyone can have

one for free".

Pulling out a bag full of glasses, I put them on the table, watching as

everyone began to pick one up curiously.

Luna: "What do the glasses do?".

Extimum: "Well, not much really, but they have a special thin film that is

highly reflective to certain magical waves. I made it based on the

situations above, such as Colin's camera, a mirror reflection, or the view

through through a ghost. All these gave very good data to create glasses

capable of insuring your life".

"Although of course, there are still other problems, like being directly

devoured or being petrified, but, well, at least you won't die from just

one look".

Luna: "That's not very comforting…".

Extimum: "Well, they shouldn't get too depressed either. The decision

about what happens is still in the hands of the teachers and the principal.

If they find that there is no other way, they would be the first to act to

ensure our safety, then, these glasses would really just be insurance".

"Okay, Steve, I'll put it to you. You can sell the unit for 1 Galleon, though

if they don't have much money you can sell it to them for 50% off. I'll

give you a 30% commission on the total profit. I know you'll know how

to handle it".

Steve: "Of course, hehehehe, just leave it to me". It didn't take long for

Steve's eyes to take on a greedy, cunning look as he took the bag full of

glasses and put it away.

Snape: "Those who have Potions class with me, follow me".

Snape's cool, slow voice reverberated in the ears of all the second years

as he headed out of the great hall.

Padma: "*sigh* Break is over, well, Luna, see you later".

Extimum: "See you later, Luna".

Luna: "Yes, see you later".


Potions class ended and I slipped away as usual so I didn't have to go

straight to the common room.

Extimum: 'Who would have thought that moon salts could be used that


Bloom: 'That was actually an interesting use, it must be a "modern" app

for them'.

As I left the potions room I couldn't help but comment.

Although I was still a long way from mastery of potions and my greatest

achievements so far had only been limited to some improvements to

basic potions or improving the taste, but the use of the moon salts that

Snape had shown in Potions class today had been almost revolutionary

for my knowledge.

Honestly, it was nice to finally be able to start seeing that my earlier

thought wasn't wrong. There is much that cannot simply be found in

books and teachers are free sources of knowledge and experience.

With what had happened in the first year and with Lockhart in this one, I

had started to wonder if I had really been wrong to come to study at

Hogwarts. It was never too much to study at home with tutors or enroll

in another magic school, although the latter would mean that I would

have to travel or move from England for enrollment...

That's it …

'Bloom, I think I finally know what the compulsion potion did'.

Bloom: 'Really? What is it? Quick, tell me'.

'It is-'.

I was about to answer, when suddenly, I felt as if all the hairs on my

body stood up abruptly and a shiver ran through my body, making me

stop in my tracks.

Bloom: 'What?-'. Bloom's voice trailed off as she seemed to feel something


A cold and chilling feeling seemed to come from my back and I felt

imperceptibly, that if I dared to turn my head, I would die.

The sense of threat was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

'Do not look back'.

Breathing slowly but deeply and I did the most rational thing I could

think of.

To run.

It was just that my breathing slowed down, so that my body was already

shooting forward. The chilling sensation felt intense and it almost felt as

if my own body hairs were turning into needles against my skin.

**Bam Crash**

I had only gotten a few meters away when I heard the sound of

something heavy dragging followed by something breaking.

With the sound, the chilling and dangerous feeling rose to terrifying


My ears filled with the sound of Bloom's rapid heartbeat, along with

heavy breathing at my back.

I knew turning my back on whatever was behind me was unwise, but

turning or stopping would be even more so.

'Bloom, after it turns, do it'.

Bloom didn't reply, but I knew she understood me and judging from the

growing hot magical aura that I felt above my head and steadily

increasing, it seemed she had gotten my point.

The L intersection to turn into another hallway was drawing near.


Both the terrifying sensation behind me and the hot aura kept increasing,

as I moved as fast as I could.


A warm and disgusting current of air hit my back, as if its origin was only

a few centimeters from me and I felt a cold sweat run through my body.


**Ba-Dum Ba-Dum**

My heartbeat quickened, joining the desperate symphony.

I considered drawing my sword, but if I was delayed by even a second, it

would be hard to tell if I wouldn't end up in said creature's stomach.


I didn't know if I'd make it to turn and the hot, nauseating air felt closer

to me, taking on a damp feel.

Without waiting to check my thoughts, I extended my tails and made

them grab onto the base of a torch attached to the wall that just bordered

the other corridor.

And… I yanked my body, launching myself forward and swinging around

the curve into the other hallway.


Bloom: "Incandescent sphere!".



A great flash accompanied by a great wave of heat came right from

behind me, followed by a strong blizzard produced by the explosion that

propelled me a little further forward.

The huge explosion was followed right after by a hissing roar that ended

with some hints of pain.

And, without waiting to know the situation behind me, I covered myself

and Bloom's body with a cloak of illusion and rolled to the other side of

the corridor while leaving an exact copy of me behind, which kept

running along the same path.


Just a second after we got out of the way, a huge creature covered in

flames and smoke smashed its head into said spot.

~* hatefullll fireeee*~

**Sniff** ~* There is no blooddd*~

The fire was quickly extinguished, while a disgusting smell settled in the

place, along with a light greenish mist that escaped from the mouth and

nose of the creature.

Bloom: 'It's the basilisk!'.

The head of the huge snake finally became clearly visible as the last of

the smoke cleared. Half of their face was badly burned, but other than

that, it was mostly intact.

My breath hitched.

The basilisk was only 2 meters from us and the only thing that prevented

them from seeing us or even perceiving us with their strong senses, was a

thin layer of illusion, but it would only be enough for something to draw

its attention to us or for its head to enter the area by mistake and all that

would be over.

The situation was not good at all. The space was closed and the distance

between the two was short, it would only be enough for us to reveal any

sign of our position and the basilisk could swallow us or crush us with its

enormous head.

~* Where did my prey go*~

The basilisk hissed and as its mouth moved, more greenish mist escaped

from its mouth, as its serpentine eyes began to wander around.

Light beads of sweat began to form on my forehead as I focused all my

magic on maintaining and reinforcing the layer of illusion.

'Bloom, close your eyes'.

Bloom: 'No, we can't afford to let our guard down'.

'I still have some reflective glasses, just trust me and close your eyes'.

Bloom: 'No, I-'.


Bloom: 'Okay…'.

Though I couldn't see her from where I was, I was sure she had closed her

eyes, so stealthily pulling a pair of glasses out of my bag, I put them on.

~* Should be here*~

The basilisk's body slowly backed away, as it moved its head to look

around the L-shaped corridor.

Its eyes moved slowly, but carefully, scanning every corner, when

suddenly, its head snapped in our direction and its eyes rested on us.

its gaze was intense, almost instinctively forcing my body to tense up,

even Bloom who had her eyes closed, I could feel her tugging at my hair

a bit.

I lowered my eyes immediately trying to avoid meeting his gaze,

however, I had only slightly lowered my gaze, when my movements

suddenly stopped and a strange feeling of poisonous anger rose in me,

like whispering voices.

«Look at it» «Why must you lower your gaze in front of that dirty snake?»

«Do you plan to run away from it too?» «Will you let it corner you so

miserably?» «Will you let it strut so brazenly?» «Is that what they teach

you in your family?» «Hide Like Rats»

I shouldn't care, I shouldn't listen to them, but… still, I raised my gaze

and looked directly into the big yellow serpentine eyes that were only a

meter away from me.

It was a direct look, as I felt the hot, nauseating air coming out of its nose

hit my face.

The big yellow eyes against similar purple ones, but much smaller.

And with the look, a deathly silence descended, accompanying the

unsettling mix of warm and disgusting sensations, along with cold and

chilling ones.

Neither of them moved or, for that matter, blinked or averted their gaze,

but I didn't dare to at this point either.

~* Go...back...to...*~

It was only with the sound of another slower hissing voice that the

silence was finally broken.

The basilisk kept its gaze on me, but then slowly began to back away,

while turning its body, to return the way it came.

The sweat was already running down my face, product of my desperate

reinforcement of the layer of illusion, along with the tension of the



Watching him back up and prepare to leave, I let out a sigh.

When suddenly...**Bam**

--End Pov--.





Honestly, I think the chase scene wasn't dramatic enough, it leaves me

a little dissatisfied, but it may also be that as always, after reading it so

many times, it doesn't create much emotion in me.

I would appreciate comments, if I can create a little pressure? A little

of that nervousness? or was it very bland?

I think I'll edit it in the future when my drama improves xd

Chapter 47: Aftermath I

** Pop Jumble **

--Pov Extimum--.

** Cough Cough**


As soon as my body landed on the ground, I couldn't help but start

coughing heavily and finally vomit due to the dizziness caused by the

abrupt jumble.

** Bluergh **

And from the sound next to me, it seemed like I wasn't the only one.

Following the sound of retching, I saw Bloom standing a few feet away

from me, not much better off than I was, though at least she wasn't


Rising from my kneeling position on the ground, I lightly dust my clothes

and then summon some water to wash out my mouth.

It was a pity that the quick bath spell didn't cleanse internally and

therefore couldn't cleanse the terrible taste of vomit from my mouth.


Maybe some ideas for the future, so I would avoid brushing my teeth.

Bloom had also thought the same as me and had summoned water to

cleanse her mouth.

As I pulled a handkerchief out of my pocket to wipe my face, I couldn't

help but think how close we came to dying there.

We had only made it out of there alive because at the last moment I felt

that sudden sense of crisis again and had immediately drawn my wand

and forced my two magical natures to merge while making the


And with that, I had brought us to the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest.

It's not like I hadn't thought of doing it before, but the situation wasn't

very good, it was only because the basilisk retreated far enough that I

was able to act at the exact moment I felt something was wrong.

On the other hand, it was a good thing that I had already tried forcing an

appearance in the castle before, and while there were some side effects,

they were not too big.

Well, if we put aside the great wear and tear generated by carrying out

such an action.

Although I still don't understand why the castle's defenses have such a

great vulnerability and even more so, as so few people know.

I can understand that anti-apparition defenses and restrictions work

primarily against those who fall into the mages category, or those with a

magical nature common to what is associated with mages.

And this is because there aren't many creatures that can teleport or use

the Apparition spell on their own to begin with.However, the fact that

there are few does not mean that there are not.

In my case, it was only enough to cover my magical signature with that

of my celestial fox bloodline and the castle no longer restricted me at all

from appearing.

Bloom: "Are you alright, Extimum?" .

"*Cough* Yeah, I'm just a little exhausted. *sigh* Damn, how can you be

so unlucky?"

To make matters worse, the ideas in my head are more and more like

voices, but not just voices, but rather persuasive voices.


My involuntary actions at that time could have ended very badly, in fact,

I'm pretty sure my glasses would only protect its wearer from dying, but I

still have no reasonable idea as to why I wasn't petrified despite sharing a

direct look...

*cough cough*

And what about this cough?

Removing the hand that covered my mouth, I sighed and was about to

speak, when I noticed that Bloom's eyes widened in the direction of my


Following her gaze, I noticed a light red stain with some blackish tinges

on my hand, it was blood.

Bloom: "Are you hurt?!" Bloom exclaimed in alarm and concern as she

reached over and took my hand for a closer look.

"No… The basilisk didn't even get to touch me, though, I have a good

idea what it could be. For now, I just need to rest."

I wasn't too surprised by the sight, to some extent, I had expected it.

Ignoring Bloom's gaze, I wiped my hand on my handkerchief and turned

my gaze to survey the surroundings.

Just a few glances and I realized we weren't too far from Hagrid's hut,

that would at least do the trick if I need anything, after all, I can't go

back to the castle in my state.

Also, I lost my bag…

Thinking a little more about my situation, I couldn't help but think how

strange and laughable my situation was, especially that I could so easily

identify my location.

Literally turning my eyes is like...



Oh look what is that? A tree.

Yeah…since I can joke around like that, I think my injury is more

worrying than it seems.

Fun aside, though, I could pick up a lot of differences between each tree,

bush, and leaf, so I was able to easily understand my location.

With that in mind, I started walking, looking for a suitable place to rest,

while Bloom flew after me.

Bloom: "If I don't touch you, then...Wait, I saw a greenish mist come out

of the basilisk's mouth before I closed my eyes, don't tell me that was-"

"Poison, yes."

Bloom: "But we were both at the same distance, it's impossible that only

you show signs of being poisoned and I don't, unless... You!... You didn't,

did you?"

"Do what?".

Bloom: "Use your magic to block the poison coming at me".

"*Cough* Even if I keep several layers of illusion reinforced, it still isn't

too much of a burden to create an insulating barrier around you


Bloom's face changed at my response and I commented with a few hints

of anger.

Bloom: "Why did you do that stupid thing? You could only have told me,

I could have done it too, so you could have protected yourself".

"Heh, who are you kidding here? Do you think I didn't realize that just

throwing that fireball used up almost all of your stamina? *cough cough*

Although you've recovered very well, but after all, you don't even have a

year since you recovered and you were frozen for at least a few centuries

*cough cough*".

The anger on Bloom's face was greatly reduced by my words and now she

looked even a little embarrassed with herself.

"For me it will just be a bit of pain, but for you, the results may not

necessarily be something as simple as that. You can't just force your body

to such levels without even your magic core recovering. Besides, hadn't I

told you before?"

"*Cough cough* I've never been sick before, so this may not be so bad".

And I wasn't really lying, it would be a bad experience, but a unique and

new experience for me, even so, besides, I was able to protect Bloom.

However, putting that aside, I finally found what I was looking for; a tree

big and thick enough for what I needed.

I unsheathed my wand and pointed it at him and after a flash; a large

hole was made in its trunk.

It was just an application of elemental transfiguration, molding the inner

shape of the tree, in this way, it could form a safe space inside.

Giving a small jump, my body shrank and I took on my heavenly fox


I imperceptibly felt that I had grown a bit more since last time, but the

hole was still big enough to hold me comfortably.

The instant I had transformed, I felt that the poison coursing through my

body was now much more tolerable.

I hadn't shown it to avoid worrying Bloom, but it felt like my blood was

boiling and my flesh was eating away, however, compared to what I had

felt when I activated the pendant, the current feeling was just a joke and

it was to a certain extent, quite tolerable.

Looking up, I met Bloom's gaze who was looking at my body attentively.

Her eyes were watery and a little red as if she was holding back the urge

to cry.

"Come on, you don't have to be so sad, I'll just stay here for a short time,

until at least the poison wears off and since my exposure was pretty low

in all respects from just breathing in a bit of mist, the only thing what

remains is to remove the poison and be careful about where and how to

release it.

"That said, releasing it into the castle would still be very dangerous given

the poison's highly corrosive characteristics".

Bloom: "But I... I feel useless, I could barely hurt the basilisk and I even

had to be protected by you at the end." Bloom's voice sounded frustrated

and even though she was flying, her feet still stomped in exasperation.

"You're not useless, it's just that you haven't recovered yet, besides, if it

wasn't for you, it would have been very difficult for me to get a chance in

that situation. In a normal situation I could have faced the basilisk, but

having appeared so suddenly and from our back it is already a good

result to have come out intact".

At my words, Bloom immediately raised her eyebrows in question.

"Well, almost intact…".

It was really a combination of bad luck and my carelessness that I left the

briefcase where I kept the roosters I stole from Hagrid's farm before

Ginny killed them all.

Had I had them with me at the time, I might have been able to annoy the

basilisk enough to get the upper hand and attack.

Although it's at least lucky that I didn't come into direct contact with the

basilisk's poison, if so, I wouldn't have a way to get rid of the poison that

easily since I still haven't gotten phoenix tears.

Bloom: "Are you really going to be okay?".

"Yes, I can feel it, I just need rest and… sleep. My body can take care of

the rest; however, you shouldn't be too close to me while my body expels

the poison".

Bloom: "But then how will I know if you're okay?"

As Bloom spoke, I felt my eyelids grow heavy. My body instinctively

demanded sleep so it could focus on eliminating the threat.

"You will begin to notice that the nearby nature withers... When there are

no signs of corrosion... you can go ba...ck".

Finally, everything went dark, as my mind wandered on its way to the

world of dreams.

--End pov--.

Bloom stood for a few minutes looking at Extimum's body in his fox form,

however, when she finally noticed a green mist starting to come out of

Extimum's body, she quickly flew away.

And just as he had said, nature was slowly beginning to wither in a wide

area around him.

Flying back and forth in indecision, Bloom finally stopped, took one last

look at Extimum, and flew towards the castle.


--Pov Mitchell--.


That was the feeling that now surrounded all the students of Hogwarts at

this moment and the one that I could observe the most in the faces of my

housemates that surrounded me.

Something big had happened.

I do not even know when things started to turn so bad.

All was quiet in the morning and although in the afternoon a certain

level of panic had been reached by learning the identity of the monster

that had been lurking around the castle, but given the approach of the

creature and the results so far, in the end, things were able to calm down.

Although it was mainly thanks to the joint effort of several students and


Like the prefects and some students who had great influence in their

respective houses and had used some words and little tricks, in order to

stabilize the morale of the students.

Extimum himself had contributed with his act of selling a pair of glasses

that could apparently prevent you from dying from the Basilisk's gaze.

Honestly, I wasn't entirely sure if it worked, but relying on my knowledge

of Extimum that he doesn't usually crack jokes especially when it comes

to serious matters, plus I've seen some of his inventions, I chose to

believe him.

In addition, even if they didn't work, it served to give us a bit of security

or peace of mind.

The principal also made an effort to try to reassure the students and had

commissioned the kitchen to make some desserts in order to lighten the

atmosphere a bit.

With everyone's efforts, the tense atmosphere had managed to relax and

although there was still pressure, things slowly returned to the way they

were before the identity of the monster was known.

I even think I've heard some Hufflepuff students joke about the basilisk.

However, it had all gotten worse when it was recess after afternoon



I was sitting at my table with the others while we were doing a boring

essay that Professor Snape had left.

Ugh, sometimes I wish I were like Extimum with his eidetic memory. I

literally saw him write a short essay on moon salts within minutes of

Snape saying he'd give it up for homework. Is that even fair?

Steve: "Hey Mitchell, what's up? Why are you making that face? I'd say

this is one of the simplest topics Snape has ever put up, even I'm not

complaining". Steve's mocking tone was not hidden at all.

"Tch, of course you're not complaining, your family has a moon salt

factory, you don't even need to read the book and you already know the

vast majority of related things".

Steve: "Hehehe, it's just a coincidence, besides, I don't know everything

yet, and I only know some basics, however, hehehe, look what I have

here". Finishing speaking, Steve took out a thin scroll.

The scroll itself was quite ordinary, but seeing the neat and symmetrical

handwriting on it, I knew immediately who it was from.

"Impossible! How did you get it? Did you manage to take it without him


Steve: "Hmp, I would never steal anything, besides…"—Lowering his

voice slightly, Steve continued—"Is it even possible to take it without him

noticing? Don't you remember what happened last time?" Steve flinched

slightly at his own words, though I was not much better.

Extimum can be very scary when he wants to be.

"Good point, but then?"

Steve: "Hehehe, well, do you remember that I was late going to the

potions room? Actually, I was deliberately late and used the opportunity

to quickly sell all the glasses that Extimum gave me. I didn't even have to

give discounts, I only sold a few and I said that Extimum made them and

with that, most of the students came by themselves to buy them".

"Only in that short time did I manage to sell them all. So, on the way out

of potions class, I proposed to Extimum that instead of giving me my

share of the sales commission, he lend me his homework instead".

"And, he agreed, can you believe it? I'll finally get an O in potions".

Padma: "You know, saying that, that's pretty lame in itself, how can you

even not have one for the entire school year? Besides, Extimum always

helps if you ask".

Steve: "Yeah, but there's a limit to what you can get just by asking".

Padma gave me an "oh, you haven't told him yet" look as soon as she

heard his words, but did not say anything else.

The highest grade Steve usually got was an (A) Acceptable and very

occasionally an (E) Exceeds Expectations, but with the exception of last

year, this year he hadn't gotten a single (O) Outstanding in any subject.

"Tsk, I would have preferred the money".

Hahahaha, Oh Steve, poor Steve, you wasted a good amount of money on

too little, if it had been me I would have asked for at least a week's worth

of homework.

It's a shame that you still don't know how Extimum works, but I don't

plan on telling you any time soon.

Although it is true that he never lends his homework to copy, but there is

a gap that he himself left and that is that as long as you ask him and he

was in a good mood, although the latter was a bit difficult to know; you

could get him to give you a quick dictation of the assignment.

And though he would only say it once and not repeat himself, Padma,

Trudor, and I had managed to split up and write a portion of his dictation

as fast as we could, managing to greatly improve our grades on this year's


Is there perhaps some magic in the way he write his essays that somehow

makes teachers give you a better grade? Hmm… honestly, it has been

one of our unknowns.

McGonagall: "Your attention please. All students are to return to their

respective houses immediately. Teachers are to proceed to the staff

lounge. Please hurry". Professor McGonagall's voice echoed throughout

the castle.

Trudor: "Hey, what's up? It's still half an hour until free time is over".

Padma: "Maybe… maybe there was another attack?".

"Never mind, we'll find out later, for now, let's go back to the common

room, maybe Extimum will know something."

--End Flashback--.

Arriving in the common room, the three groups from our house had

already gathered, which were essentially the students who decided to go

to the library, the great hall, or the Quidditch pitch. They were the three

supervised places they'd been allowed to go to in the last few days

besides the common room.

I didn't see a trace of Extimum though, maybe it's already in his room?

While we waited for the arrival of a teacher to explain the situation to us,

the prefects made a silent count of all the students.

The students started whispering among themselves wondering what was

going on or making crazy theories. Nervousness grew when the calm that

had been built among the masses seemed to waver.

Although I'll admit it, I was a bit nervous too, I just hope it's nothing

serious… Who says it cannot be an emergency meeting for a good deal?

Perhaps will Dumbledore return?

*sigh* I looked around to see how the others were.

Trudor was talking to the other students in our year, apparently

discussing the homework Snape left behind and we still haven't finished.

Padma had also met a small group of girls, most of them from our year,

but there were also a few third years.

Luna was... well... being Luna, although she was together with Padma,

she only spoke occasionally and other times she was looking at


Seriously… What is she looking at so much? Maybe there is something I

am not seeing? Hmm… sounds likely, sometimes she says very observant

things, things that most people sometimes overlook.

Though for some reason, she seems worried?

Steve, on the other hand, he was… What is he doing? It looks like… Ugh,

I have no idea what he is doing, it has a weird object, it looks like those

weird prototypes that Extimum sometimes makes.

However, he quickly snapped out of whatever he was doing when a boy

approached him from within the crowd and started whispering

something in his ear.

Oh, on a closer look, that's Reinold, one of the most active informants

and gossip finders who works for Steve, although I'm still not sure what

he pays them with… oh forget it, I can already make a guess.


What's the matter? What could he have said to make Steve go that pale

and look so worried?

Sensing my gaze, Steve also looked at me and then, careful not to draw

the attention of our friends who seemed busy with other matters, he

approached me and secreted information in my ear that made me open

my eyes in surprise.

--End pov--.

Flitwick: "Silence, everyone, please. Thank you. As some of you may have

noticed, an incident has occurred again, however, the seriousness of the

situation this time is truly dire, for which the headmistress together with

the rest of the teachers have decided to close the school until the

situation can be properly dealt with".

Flitwick's voice sounded incredibly serious and carried a slight hint of

heaviness in it. The mere sentiment in his voice made the students listen

carefully, they had never seen the normally friendly and cheerful teacher

in such a state even when the previous incidents occurred.

"Therefore, you will leave on the train to return home in two days. Until

then, classes will be cancelled and instead, they will be assigned a

compendium of topics and assignments that will serve to bring a

satisfactory closure to their school years".

Student x: "But Professor Flitwick, how will the papers be graded if we

leave in two days?"

Flitwick: "You could say that, in order not to disadvantage students, the

end of the school year will be dealt with by mail".

"Ah, one last thing, students who are close acquaintances of young

Extimum, please follow me to my office for a moment to discuss some

matters". Saying the last part, Professor Flitwick seemed slightly


His last comment caught everyone's attention and caused different

reactions in some.

Steve, Mitchell, Trudor, Padma, and Luna only shared a glance, and then

followed Professor Flitwick out of the common room; while the other

students discussed the information, they had just been told.

Some time later, the door to the Ravenclaw common room was opened

again, as Steve and the others were seen returning, however, some more

observant students noted that they looked visibly downcast and a little


Of course, not everyone was so observant or considerate and they

immediately surrounded them to try to get some information out of


For some reason, on this occasion, the victims or the general situation

were not reported, which greatly puzzled the other students.

Among the small group, Luna was the one who stood out the most, as she

did not stop to look at the students around her and walked slowly, but

without stopping through the crowd, while holding a bag tightly in her


Her lost gaze that didn't even pay attention to the path she was walking

on and the slight aura or sinking feeling around her, along with a distant

feeling, made all the students who saw her unconsciously make way for


Only to then return to surround Steve, Mitchell, Trudor and Padma under

his circle of people and questions.


--Pov Extimum--.

My mind wandered in the dream landscape, while I felt how my body

was slowly expelling the poison from my body and even though I slept

most of that time, when I finally felt that all the poison had been

eliminated, I felt more tired than before instead of rejuvenated.

It was so much so, that I was only fully lucid for a few seconds before it

fell into a state somewhere between being asleep and partially awake,

keeping a light watch for any creatures approaching.

However, I doubted that any would dare to do it in a good time due to

the slight aura of corrosion and the state of the surrounding environment.

At some point, I felt Bloom's aura approaching… I also vaguely felt

another aura next to her, but at that moment, my body finally gave up on

holding that last bit of consciousness as I felt Bloom close by and didn't

detect any threat or danger.

Falling asleep again.

I woke up some time later, I was feeling completely fine now, though still

a bit lethargic, something unusual for me, but still, I lazily stretched in

place to shake off my sluggishness and was about to open my eyes, when

I felt as if all the hairs on my body were standing on end.

Without a second thought, I carelessly rolled to the side and looked

around alertly.

I was in a room, but it was not mine… and a few meters from me, two

girls were staring at me intently, showing a rather strange and disturbing

look in their eyes.

There was emotion, affection, tenderness and… Ugh, I felt a shiver run

through my body.

My alarms of danger had been extinguished largely when understanding

the origin of my previous concern, but that last emotion made me feel


Student A: "Kyaa, it's so cute".

Student B: "Yeah, he finally woke up, does that mean he's fine now? Can

we play with him now?"

Pl…play…with me?

--End Pov--.

All Extimum's thoughts suddenly calmed down when he heard that girl's

last comment.

And if possible, a swollen vein might have been visible on his forehead

upon hearing such words.

Extimum: ' Breathe… Breathe… Exhale, they are just uneducated

children, you must not take them completely seriously- '.

As he calmed down and analyzed his current situation, he quickly

realized that he was in the girls' dormitory, however, he couldn't figure

out why he was here.

He didn't have much time to think though, as his body instinctively

jumped back as one of the girls lunged at him trying to catch him.

Only to almost trip in the attempt, due to a blanket that had been

covering his body and he hadn't initially noticed.

Student A: "Oh, it's a very fast".

Student B: "I know, we're going to surround him, so he has nowhere to


The two girls were getting into position to try to catch Extimum again,

when suddenly, the door to the room opened, making a rather screeching

sound that caught everyone's attention and made the two girls stop in

their actions.

Luna: "What are you doing? I told you not to bother him because he

needed to recover".

Luna said with a firm and slightly angry voice, different from her usual

calm, as she looked at the two girls, at the same time, she also gave a few

curious glances at the fox who was now lying awake on her bed.

She recognized him as the one she had met that time when she woke up

sleepwalking, but she still wasn't entirely sure why Bloom had asked her

to help bring him to the castle.

Although at least, in all that journey to bring him to the castle, she had

learned several things that had greatly cheered her previously low mood.


After returning to the common room, Luna looked visibly downcast as

did the others who accompanied her, so she ignored everyone else and

went straight to her room.

Upon arrival, she simply sat on her bed and stared at the wall, trying to

reign in her thoughts and make sense of what had happened and at the

same time, herself.

Student to: "Hey, Luna".

Student b: "Luna?"

Her two roommates tried to talk to her, also wanting to know what

Professor Flitwick had told them, but she just ignored them, keeping her

eyes on the wall.

In the end, her two roommates got tired of calling her and trying to get

any answers from her and just left her alone while they went back to

doing their things.

It was like that until at least…

**Ti-lililin Ti-lin**

A familiar sound entered her ears.


The first time she partially ignored it, but when said sound entered her

ears for the second time, the depth of her gaze was reduced, replacing it

instead, with a much more lucid gaze accompanied by a touch of


That sound was soft and a bit dreamlike, but despite its low key, it

managed to completely get Luna out of her thoughts or rather, the

absence of them.

So her gaze moved around the room trying to find the source of the


**Ti-lililin Ti-lin**

Hearing the sound for the third time, Luna's gaze finally focused on the

window near her bed.

There, behind her window, was Bloom, who was flying and beckoning

her with her hands.

'Bloom… If Bloom is here and okay, then Extimum…'. Thinking about it,

Luna's hands tightened on the bag she had carried with her all this time.

It was a blue bag, with a peculiar design full of stars.

Without dwelling any longer on her thoughts, she went to her window

and opened it.

As soon as the window was opened, Bloom immediately flew into the

room; however, she did not stop immediately, but circled around Luna

several times and finally, after giving her a scrutinizing look, stopped in

front of her.

The slight sound, accompanied by Luna's actions, attracted the attention

of Luna's two roommates, who were looking on curiously.

Looking Luna, Bloom frowned slightly.

Luna: 'Hmm? Why is she looking at me like that?'

Seeing Bloom's expression, Luna was taken aback, her actions upon

entering had been as if she was checking if she was all right, besides, why

was she frowning? Not understanding, Luna quickly looked at herself in a

nearby mirror.

Luna: 'I look normal, maybe just a little sloppier than usual, though… my

eyes are a little red… No wait, that's not important right now'.

Just as Luna asked the question that disturbed her mind, Bloom also

seemed to have a change of mind and cast aside Luna's somewhat

haggard state, while instead putting on a somewhat anxious face that

Luna had never seen on her before.

Bloom walked over and tugged on her robe while pointing outside

repeatedly and looking at her.

Luna: "Do you want me to go outside?"

**Ti-lin** Bloom nodded immediately.

Luna: "I don't think I can go out and much less now... things have become

very complicated". 'Maybe she doesn't know yet?'

Bloom's face screwed up, frowning, however, her attention quickly

seemed drawn to something else and she shifted her gaze to the star

patterned bag in Luna's hand.

Bloom flew over and put her hands on the bag, her gaze resting on it for

a moment and then, while pointing at the bag, she pointed out again.

Luna: "You say Extimum is out there?" Understanding her implication,

Luna immediately asked her guess.

However, the instant she understood her own words, Luna suddenly felt

energized, as if all her earlier decay was just an illusion.

Nonetheless, Bloom immediately shook her head upon hearing her

question, causing all that energy to disappear and her mood to drop

again, however, seconds later, Bloom nodded much more discreetly,

reviving Luna's spirits again.

Luna almost felt like Bloom was playing with her emotions just by

nodding or shaking her head.

At all this, Luna finally noticed that her two roommates had actually

been paying close attention to their entire exchange, however, they

seemed a little less interested when they saw Bloom shake her head.

Understanding the situation, Luna made a sign to Bloom, which she

understood immediately, flying towards her and sitting on her shoulder,

later, they left the room.

She needed a more secluded place in order to fully understand Bloom,

however, with the current situation, there didn't seem to be anywhere

that was discreet enough.

Just as Luna was weighing her options, Bloom caught her eye and then

pointed to a seemingly normal wall in the area just after going down the


Looking at said wall, Luna's eyes lit up and she didn't take long to go

towards it.

Because that was the entrance to the Extimum room and although she

didn't know how they would get in, she believed that Bloom should have

a way since she had suggested it herself.

Arriving in front of the wall, Bloom waved her hand, causing the wall in

front of them to suddenly turn translucent.

And without too many thoughts and not wanting to draw too much

attention, Luna quickly crossed to the other side of the wall, to which she

became corporeal again right after, noticeable by the astonished gaze of

some nearby students at that moment.

Passing the short dark corridor and reaching the room, Luna went

straight to Extimum's desk.

Luna: "Just wait for me a moment, I'll take a scroll, along with a quill and


???: "That won't be necessary."

Luna stopped dead in her tracks at the sudden unfamiliar, yet slightly

familiar voice that sounded close to her ear.

And as her eyes flickered in surprise and she turned her head to look at

Bloom, Bloom spoke again.

Bloom: "There's no time to explain how I can speak. Extimum and I were

attacked by the Basilisk. He's fine now, but he's recovering and I need

your help to…to…bring someone very important to the castle".

Luna: 'Bloom can talk!... It's amazing! I had suspected it, but seeing or

hearing it for myself is something completely different'.


"What about Extimum?".

Bloom: "He…he'll be fine".

There was something else, Luna could tell, but it was fine, just knowing

that he was fine was enough for her at the moment.

Luna: "But I don't know if I can help you, going out is currently very

difficult, I don't even think I can leave the common room outside to go to

the bathroom and only under the supervision of some teacher. Everyone

believes that the basilisk did something to Extimum and since nothing

but his bag was found, there's too much speculation, on top of that, the

basilisk took Ginny, while the heir of Slytherin left a message enacting

her death".

Professor Flitwick had briefed Luna and the others on the situation when

they entered his office. The bag of Extimum had been found abandoned

in a hallway of the castle and after a short investigation, it was learned

that no one had seen it since potions class.

In addition, the heir to Slytherin had left a message written in blood

under the old one, along with Ginny's disappearance. Everything pointed

to the fact that the basilisk had reappeared and attacked two students,

taking one of them and as for the other… it was not known, but the

worst was feared.

Bloom: "That won't be a problem, that's precisely why I asked you to

come here". Speaking up to here, Bloom opened the bag of Extimum and

then took out a long sword from there.

The sword was mostly silver with some purple details, however, its body

and especially the silver parts, gave the feeling that, instead of some

metal, it was made of some kind of silver and translucent glass.

Luna: "What will you use the sword for?". Luna's curiosity grew when she

saw her draw a sword in such a situation.

Bloom didn't answer her question and instead opened the bedroom

window and then threw the sword directly.

However, to Luna's surprise, the sword, instead of falling, floated there a

few inches from the window.

Luna: "A flying sword! It's fantastic, my father had told me about them,

but I've never seen one".

Bloom: "Well, get on".

Although the idea sounded very tempting to Luna, the sword was very

thin…. 'Oh, it can expand'.

Without further thought, Luna climbed onto the desk and then held on to

the window frame while stepping one of her feet on the blade of the


And contrary to what she expected, the sword held incredibly steady and

she was able to put her second foot down with ease.

Already standing over her, Luna couldn't help but comment.

Luna: "But…I don't know how to fly a flying sword…"

Bloom: "Okay, I'll drive". As Bloom spoke, she also flew towards the

sword and sat in front of Luna and soon after, the sword began to move.

--End Flashback--.

After accompanying Bloom, it was quite a surprise for Luna when they

reached a part where the entire forest seemed dead and at the epicenter

of all that disastrous area was the mythical nine-tailed fox that had been

found that snowy night.

It was even more so, when Bloom asked her to help him bring it to the

castle and although she didn't know why she wanted to do it, when she

saw the poor fox in what seemed like an area of devastation, she actively

helped her in the process.

It was so much so, that she refused when Bloom told her to leave him in

Extimum's room and ignoring all her words, she brought him to her room

to take care of him.

In addition, Luna could not help but think that Extimum might be angry

when he came back if he saw that they had brought an animal into his

room and even let him sleep in his bed. It's not like she saw him angry,

but she guessed that he might not like it and would rather not be the

cause of his anger.

Considering all that, she left him in her bed and covered him with one of

her blankets, where he had slept all the rest of the afternoon and night,

until early today.

Precisely because it was already early, she had gone out with Bloom to

go to the bathroom and when she returned, she found herself in this


Student A: "Ugh… But he's already awake, besides, look at him, before

you got here he was able to jump and even make all this mess".

Student B: "Yes, besides, we didn't do anything wrong to him, we couldn't

even touch him, he's very slippery".

Looking at the situation in the room, Bloom was first glad to see Extimum

awake, however, when she felt the atmosphere in the room her joy

quickly faded.

The blankets on the bed were torn, accompanied by a trail of claws

reaching to Extimum's position.

And although the two girls had moved away a little when they saw her

and Luna arrive, Bloom could see that they still hadn't taken their eyes

off Extimum.

However, what alarmed her the most and made her feel uncomfortable

was actually that she could clearly sense that Extimum was very angry

and displeased with the situation.

He had seen Extimum angry, at times domineering or grumpy, but she

had never seen him angry.

Furthermore, the gaze with which he looked at the two girls was

beginning to turn dangerous from her perception.

Luna: "Of course he would try to move and escape if he feels threatened,

but that doesn't mean it's good for his health. I'm back anyway, so you

can go back to your business".

Student A: "Hmp, stingy".

At Luna's words, the two students were not entirely convinced and even

felt a bit resentful, however, all those thoughts quickly died upon hearing

a low, but chilling growl.


The growl almost made them wince, so they looked scared at the fox that

had seemed completely cute and harmless before and took a few steps


« insolence » «it is blasphemy» «they must die»



Extimum mentally sighed that he could finally silence the voices in his

head and not wanting to stay here any longer, he was about to slip away,

when he felt a hand lightly rub his head.

Luna: "It's okay, it's okay, don't get mad. They were a little rude, but they

didn't mean anything bad". Luna said softly as she lightly rubbed the fox's

head trying to comfort him.

Extimum froze in place when he felt someone touch his head, for some

reason, he felt that today everyone was testing his patience and self-


However, he quickly snapped out of his daze and stepped back, pulling

his hand away above his head, while staring into Luna's eyes.

Luna also kept his gaze, a little insecure and nervous inside, although she

didn't show it outwardly, since she was aware that she wasn't too close

either, nor had she gained the trust of the nine-tailed fox in front of her.

She knew that a magical creature could not be treated as a simple

animal, much less those that had a certain level of renown and history,

because all of them were mostly possessed of great intelligence.

Of course, the main reason why she dared to do so was because she

believed that he must be an acquaintance of Bloom's, and besides, she

had helped him, so he shouldn't be hostile towards her.

Sharing glances with Luna for a while, Extimum finally sighed mentally

and just turned around preparing to leave the room.

Extimum: '*sigh* I think I'll get old from so much sighing. Forget it, it

must be that I have exhausted all my good luck in the past few days and

this is just my retribution'.

Luna: "Wait, you can't leave."

Seeing the nine-tailed fox heading for the exit, Luna unconsciously

walked over and hugged him to try and stop him from leaving.

However, she quickly released him upon being aware of her actions.

And feeling the gaze of the nine-tailed fox, Luna hurriedly said.

Luna: "You can't just go out like this, to begin with, you're not supposed

to be here, besides, although you seem to be fine, but when we found

you, you were in a devastation zone, so maybe you should rest more".

Extimum considered it a bit and took a quick glance at Bloom, mainly to

better understand his situation and finally agreed.

So he walked over to the corner of the bed and lay down there, planning

to at least stay for a while before he just disappeared.

Extimum: 'So my actions managed to make Voldy nervous, huh… so I

guess he decided to act earlier, presumably I should have considered it by

directly healing his victims. Although seen from another side, they could

actually be considered more like a game for his entertainment or just a

very large series of coincidences'.

'Otherwise, it would not make sense that none of those affected were

completely petrified and all were only partially petrified due to one event

or another'.

Luna sighed to herself seeing the nine-tailed fox accept her request, on

the other hand, contrary to her calm, Bloom felt a little restless.

The look Extimum had given her seemed normal on the surface, but it

seemed like he blamed her for the unfolding of current events and felt

like his look promised revenge.

Extimum: 'On the other hand… I'm currently reported missing and only

Luna knows I'm fine. So how should I go back? Just showing up isn't

entirely unfeasible, but I would need a good excuse, no, wait, first of all,

my disappearance could raise a lot of problems, because even ignoring

the fact that someone in my family cares, but only for the sake of the

image, they could take action'.

'Damn it, I swear that even if Harry doesn't, I'll find my ways so that

basilisk doesn't rest in peace even in its death, as for its master, we'll


Extimum's mind began to race as he thought of different ways to deal

with this situation, mostly ignoring what was going on around him.


As Extimum thought of a solution to his situation, a slight shuffling sound

was heard around him and as he looked, he noticed that the canopy

curtain surrounding the bed was beginning to close.

And turning his eyes, he didn't find Bloom anywhere, only Luna...





Ugh, sorry for the delay, I had wanted to upload the chapter last week,

but I got too busy with some exams and by the time Saturday arrived,

what I had left of the chapter did not leave me very satisfied, added to

a small mental block...

Anyway, I'll try to do a double release at the end of the month if

possible to recover the chapter.

Chapter 48: Consequences II

Meanwhile, on the same day of Extimum's disappearance.

Gryffindor Common Room.

Unlike the Ravenclaw common room where the students were still trying

to maintain a good attitude as they remained largely ignorant of the

situation, the atmosphere in the Gryffindor common room was quiet and


They were so silent that it was possible that if students from other houses

saw them at this moment, they would be shocked at the sight and doubt

that they were really Gryffindors.

And while there was also the feeling of unease in the air, it was more a

feeling of sadness and grief that actually surrounded the students.

And that was because the news that the basilisk had taken Ginny and

Extimum had managed to spread among all the students, causing them to

fall into a depressed mood.

In fact, McGonagall herself had not wanted to discuss it so openly and

instead had also wished to keep the matter as discreet as possible

between the principals concerned for as long as possible.

Unfortunately, the Weasleys weren't exactly the spitting image of the

word discretion, so in the end, they had ended up spilling the news as

soon as they found out.

On the other hand, it wasn't that McGonagall wanted to keep the students

in the dark, but she had wanted to at least keep the matter as discreet as

possible until the students boarded the train.

She was fully aware that news like this could not be kept secret and, in

fact, had already informed the Weasley parents, however, when it came

to how to deal with Extimum's disappearance, the situation became much

more complicated.

-Pov McGonagall-.

In a large office, filled with finely organized books and scrolls, a figure

could be seen moving about in a disorderly fashion.

His steps, unsteady and hesitant, stopped and continued at an

indeterminate pace, reflecting the chaos in their owner's mind.

At times, the gaze of that figure would pause, staring at some point in

space, for one, two or even three seconds, before gently shaking their

head and moving their gaze in another direction.

Although, something remarkable, no doubt, was also the fact that among

all their walking and contemplation, the gaze of that figure would still

return, without fail, for a few short moments, to the parchments on their


This scene was repeated for a while, before finally, the figure got tired

and walked to the back of their desk and plopped down on their seat.

An action performed almost simultaneously with that of their hand,

which reached out to rub the area of their forehead and temples.


And with that, a faint, but audible sigh was heard in the lonely office.

Minerva Mcgonagall was a woman of strong and intelligent character and

there was nothing to say about her abilities. Being a teacher at one of the

most renowned magical schools in the magical world, she also had a long

history of experience and there were few situations that really managed

to unbalance her.

However, regarding the current situation, she was really in a very bad

situation. She had chosen the best course of action and also maintained

her composure in front of the other teachers and students.

It managed to calm possible chaos and stabilize everyone's restless hearts.

And it was only in these moments, when she was able to retreat to the

privacy of her office, that she was finally able to let out the emotional

mess she was experiencing.

There was sadness, worry, hatred, anger, helplessness and some dashes of


However, all those emotions were mostly dissipated thanks to her good

mentality and occlumency skill, she would not allow such emotions to

cloud her correct judgment and divert her from her priorities.

With that said, the situation at the school worried her, more so the fate of

her students and she had to admit that, without Dumbledore to hold

down the fort, things were much more difficult.

There was a great responsibility she carried on her shoulders.

As if that were not enough, now the problems were not only for the

students, but also for their guardians.

And when it came to the goers, at least the Weasleys could be said to be

reasonable people, but as for the Shadowless...Ugh. A big headache was

coming and there wasn't much she could do about it.

It was just that, of all the families in the magical world, of all the

students who could be victims, why just one of them had to be a member

of that family, and none other than its heir.

It was a common fact in the magical world that magical families tended

to get a bit messy when it came to the livelihood of their lineages, so

when it came to the direct heir, the situation was destined not to end


Because of this, even at this time, she had not yet sent the letter on her

desk to the Shadowless family and if possible, she would prefer to do so

when the students left on the train.

Though of course, she knew that such an act was futile at best, because

news like this would soon reach her ears.

She wasn't just any witch after all and she knew what the Shadowless

family was really capable of.

On the other hand, it's not as if she didn't attach enough importance to

the matter or didn't care about Extimum's safety and fate, but in her long

years at Hogwarts, she had been lucky or perhaps unlucky enough to

have met the leading members of the Shadowless family.

They had all been her students at one time or another.

On one side were Callum, Rhys and Christelle, who made up the central

core of the family at the time, followed by the two sisters, Ava and


They were all good kids until they grew up and began to find their place

in the world.

Under her perspective as a teacher she may not have known them

completely in depth, however, at least it was not easy for outside factors

such as rumors or fame to color her judgment or opinion of them.

Yet, even if such a family and its members always raised high the banner

of light and basked in it, her years as a teacher allowed her to see the

budding darkness they hid.

Perhaps only the twin sisters Ava and Lauren were an exception to that

opinion, on the other hand, they had not been native to the region or

branch of the family and had only joined the Shadowless family when

Callum was in his fourth year.

Callum, the eldest of his three brothers and although he was generally

quite polite and approachable, he always gave a sense of distance and

falseness in his intentions.

Rhys, the most innocent in her opinion, was just a little pretentious, as

well as a womanizer, but other than that, he was pretty normal.

However, the one who always caused a frown and secretly disturbed

McGonagall was the youngest of the three siblings, Christelle.

She was a strange girl... her existence was as if nature had managed to

bring together in a single body two completely opposite poles and the

result was as fascinating as it was chilling.

At first, she had been somewhat popular as she belonged to the

Shadowless family, in addition to her good looks, however, after people

managed to get close to her, they would move away as if she were the


Not because of the way she acted and much less because of her

performance as a student, it was simply because the moment she opened

her mouth and spoke, she caused people to feel shivers, an indescribable


Even some teachers were no strangers to feeling slightly affected at times.

With all that, it was difficult for people to really want to stay close to her.

Comparatively, Ava and Lauren were fairly common among their group.

However, over the years, everyone had changed and even Lauren, one of

her favorite students, had passed away.

An event that greatly affected the Shadowless family, especially her twin

sister, who has never been the same since.

But all that aside, what worried McGonagall was that although Callum

was a difficult, domineering, and on top of it all, quite influential man, it

was not him she would most likely have to deal with, but the youngest of

the three siblings, Christelle.

For it was certain that the Shadowless family would not stand still for

long and when they started to act, she would undoubtedly be the one to


For nothing more than the simple fact that this was exactly the role she

played in her family.

A fact that over the years had been established, as she was the one who

appeared in each and every situation that went beyond the political or

else... formal and... friendly.

Added to the fact that she possessed a record as a former auror and

current ineffable of the department of mysteries, she had not only the

ability, but also the attitude and experience for such a role. Which made

things much more complicated.

And it had to be said that despite having been one of her students,

McGonagall would be glad not to have to meet such a woman if possible.

Because she was simply a difficult woman to deal with, with a somewhat

tyrannical personality and unorthodox with traditions despite her

background, yet somehow she managed to never step out of line despite

always treading on the edge harshly.

Her appearance alone could already evoke the fine reference image for

what one would assume was a dark wizard.

--End Pov--.


Located in one of the corners of the Gryffindor common room, Hermione,

Ron and Harry were sitting silently on the mat as they let their minds fly

in reflection and lamentation.

Not far behind them were also Fred and George, who were not feeling

much better.

On the one hand, the Weasleys were facing the terrible news that their

younger sister had been taken by the basilisk and by estimation, was

probably dead at this point.

On top of that, Extimum, a close friend to the trio and a somewhat

distant one to the twins, had also disappeared within the same hours,

leaving as the last evidence his personal bag where he kept his things.

With both pieces of news, naturally, it was difficult for the mood to be

anything but depressing.

So, while each processed their own emotions and thoughts, they kept

only silence, while letting the presence and lamentation of the others

slightly comfort their heavy moods.

At some point, even Fred and George did not want to remain in that

environment any longer and retired to their rooms.

Ron: "Harry, do you think there's any chance that she and Extimum

aren't...? You know...".

Harry didn't respond, as like everyone else, he didn't want to accept that

they had really died.

The facts were so sudden and unbelievable to him that his mind was not

yet prepared to accept such bleak possibilities.

Finally, unable to bear his situation any longer, Ron rose from his place

on the floor and said.

Ron: "You know what, I can't go on like this, I think I'll go crazy if I'm

still here thinking about it. Why don't we go see Lockhart and tell him

what we know? He's going to try to get into the chamber. We can tell

him where we suspect the entrance is. Every second counts."

Hermione: "Wait... do you know where the entrance is?".

Hearing his words, Hermione also snapped out of her thoughts and asked

in surprise.

Ron: "Huh...Yeah?". A little unsure of himself, Ron replied.

Hermione: "What, why didn't they tell me?". With his confirmation,

Hermione's spirits improved and she asked a little angrily that they were

hiding things from her.

Ron: "Well, we...". Ron felt a little cornered by her fierce reaction to his

statement and internally could only complain that they hadn't even had

the chance.

Harry: "Calm down, Hermione, it's not that we didn't want to tell you, it's

just that we hadn't had time. You only recovered a day ago and with all

the revelations and classes, there just wasn't a chance."

Hermione: "Huh...". At Harry's words, she remembered that in fact, she

was only supposed to have recovered today.

"Well, later you can tell me how you found out, for now, let's follow Ron's

idea and go to Professor Lockhart. Since he will be confronting the

basilisk, we could save him time looking for the chamber and thus

increase the chances of Ginny and Extimum being saved."

The fact that Lockhart would venture to confront the basilisk was no

secret, in fact, although the professors themselves had little confidence in

him, but they had still let the information out.

Mainly to try to calm the students' restlessness until at least all the

students left the castle and could start planning how to deal with the

beast properly.

Still, there were also some teachers who actually spread such news with

not-so-pure motives. Because everyone quite liked Lockhart, didn't they?

As for Lockhart himself, he had ended up agreeing very reluctantly and

had had to maintain that premise all day, because the teachers had been

trying to "support" him in his preparation under McGonagall's order due

to the tense situation.

Ron and Harry pulled themselves together and left the common room

with Hermione. Motivated with the idea of being able to save their

friends and family.

Although, even so, oddly enough, it was Hermione who seemed to take

the lead and lead the way out and into Professor Lockhart's office.

No one stopped them, or said anything to them when they saw them

leave the common room, partly because they could understand that as

those closest to the victims, they would probably want space and partly

because they didn't think the basilisk would attack again.

Besides, at this time, Professor McGonagall who was their Head of House,

was too busy acting as Head of School to be around and most teachers

were either keeping an eye on other areas of the castle or simply

preparing each year's study compendiums.

They did not believe that with the recent situation there were still

students who dared to go out.

After a while of walking, they finally reached the Defense Against the

Dark Arts classroom and approached the professor's quarters.

As they approached, a faint sound of various things moving came from

the other side of the door.

The three of them stopped in front of the door and after exchanging a

glance at each other, in the end it was Hermione who stepped forward

and knocked on the door.

**Knock knock**

With the sound of their knocking on the door, it seemed that all sound on

the other side suddenly stopped, leaving the place silent for a few

seconds, as the trio gave each other dubious and questioning looks.

Finally, the door opened slightly and Professor Lockhart poked his head


Lockhart: "Ah...! Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger.... "—he said,

opening the door a little wider—"I'm very busy at the moment. If you'll


The three of them could tell that Lockhart looked a little uncomfortable

and rushed, however, they didn't think much of it and Harry hurried to


Harry:" Professor, we have information that we think might help you".

Lockhart: "Ah... well... it's not nee- It's okay, come in." Lockhart struggled

a bit and was on the verge of turning them away, but in the end decided

to let them pass, he would just have to listen to them and then resume

his preparation.

The office was almost completely empty. On the floor were two large

open trunks. One contained jade green, lilac, and midnight blue robes,

hastily folded; the other, books jumbled together haphazardly.

The photographs that had covered the walls earlier were now stored in

boxes on the table.

Harry: "Are you going somewhere?". Harry couldn't help but ask

dubiously as he looked at the situation inside.

Lockhart: "This... well, yes... "— Lockhart admitted, tearing off a life-size

poster of himself and beginning to roll it up —"An urgent...

unavoidable... call.... So I have to get going...".

Hermione: "What?" Hermione opened her eyes wide and showed an 'I

can't believe it' expression on her face, while, in her gaze, however, there

seemed to be a glimmer of disappointment, at the same time as a final

layer of reluctance in her thoughts cracked even further.

Ron: "What about my sister and Extimum?" He asked in a halting voice

and with not much less surprise than Hermione despite his thoughts of


Lockhart: "Well, as for that... it's certainly regrettable"— He said avoiding

looking them in the eyes as he picked up a drawer and started emptying

the contents into a bag—" No one regrets it more than I do...".

Harry: "You're the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher! You can't leave

now with all the dark things going on!". Harry said in a tone of voice

several levels higher than usual.

Lockhart: "Well, I have to say that... when I took the job... there was

nothing in the contract about doing something like this.... And I didn't

expect...". Lockhart continued to put his things away as he spoke.

Hermione:" Are you going to run away?"- She asked more to herself than

to the others, as she said faintly - "Why?! aren't you a great wizard who

has survived multiple situations, proclaimed almost as a hero? Even your

books emphasize it..."

Hermione found it inconceivable, but at the same time, it seemed as if

deep inside she understood it and just didn't want to accept it. The

implications of Extimum, the suspicious points and the current situation?

Lockhart: "I..."— Lockhart was a bit affected by the faint sentiment in

Hermione's words and hesitated a bit in his actions—"Books can be


However, although he felt affected, that did not last long, when he again

strengthened his resolve. He would not have made it this far in his life, if

he did not have at least that little ability, so he still responded firmly and

only slightly lowered the tone of his voice.

Still, it was just those few words that managed to finally break that last

shred of hope and blind faith in Hermione, making her fall silent and

digest her realization.

Harry: "How can you say that? Even if they were misinterpreted, the facts

shouldn't be too far removed from reality, after all, you wrote those

books yourself".

Lockhart: "Boy, use common sense. I wouldn't have sold my books half as

well if people hadn't believed I did all those things.

No one is interested in the story of an ugly old Armenian magician, even

though he will rid a village of werewolves. It would have looked horrible

on the cover.

He had no taste in clothing. And the witch who cast the banshee that

portended death had a harelip. I mean... come on, what...".

Harry: "So you've been taking the glory for what the others have been

doing?" Harry asked incredulously, simply not daring to believe his ears.

Ron was also taken aback, although he had never believed Lockhart's

words too much and found him very annoying to look at, however, at

least he thought his exploits were real, even if they were sugarcoated.

After all, it wasn't easy to simply deceive so many people and raise a

reputation as big as his in the magical world with lies alone, even

allowing him to become a professor at Hogwarts.

Or at least that's what he thought....

Hermione, however, seemed the calmest of the three now, already

getting a sense of the reality of the situation when Lockhart answered


Lockhart: "Harry, Harry"— Lockhart shook his head weakly—"It's not that

simple. I had to do a great deal of work. I had to find those people, ask

them how exactly they had done it, and enchant them with the

dememorizing spell so they couldn't remember anything. If there's one

thing I'm proud of, it's my dememorizing spells.

Ah..., it's taken a lot of effort, Harry. It's not all about book signings and

publicity photos. If you want to be famous, you have to be willing to

work hard."

Hermione's hand trembled faintly at his words, as she unconsciously

clutched her wand, she faintly felt a familiar yet unfamiliar premonition.

Lockhart on the other hand, seemed not to care much for their reactions,

as he finally finished putting everything away and locked his trunks.

Lockhart: "Let's see. I think that's it. Ah, yes. There's just one detail left."

As Lockhart spoke with his back to them, he slowly moved his hand to

his wand in his pocket and turned around.

"I am deeply sorry, boys, but now I have to cast one of my dememorizing

spells on you. I cannot allow you to reveal my secrets to the whole world.

I would never sell a single book again....". Having grabbed his wand,

Lockhart turned around.

But just at that moment...



Two lights flashed past and Lockhart was thrown backwards, crashing

into one of the trunks that held his luggage. The wand he was holding

flew through the air and Ron took the opportunity to grab it and throw it

out the window.

The whole event happened in mere seconds and it almost seemed as if it

had been planned in advance given the great synchronization with which

the trio had performed their actions.

However, like Lockhart, the three were also a bit surprised by the

unfolding events.

Especially Harry and Ron.

Harry had reflexively attacked upon reading the situation and because of

his past experiences and Ron on the other hand, had been attentive

enough to jump aside and grab the wand, showing his good reflexes and

decisiveness in throwing the wand.

However, Hermione's performance, on the other hand, had been quite

surprising considering her performance in the dueling classes, as well as

her quick understanding of the situation and, above all, her decisiveness

in attacking.

It had to be known that her attack had come a few moments before


Even Hermione herself was surprised by her sudden reaction, although

she had done it consciously, it felt more like she was guided by the

strange perception she had felt.

Only by relying on it had he employed one of the spells she learned from

the untitled book Extimum had given her.

However, they did not dwell too much on useless thoughts and all only

focused their attention and wands in Lockhart's direction.

Harry: "I shouldn't have allowed Professor Snape to teach us dueling

techniques." Harry said weakly as he held back the great anger inside


It didn't take Lockhart long to come to, finding himself on the floor,

wandless and with three other wands pointed in his face.

Lockhart: "And what do you want me to do? I don't know where the

Chamber of Secrets is. I can't do anything." He replied weakly.

Harry: "You're lucky, I think we know where it is. Come on." Harry said

as he waved his wand at him to get up.


Extimum's mind went blank for a moment, as his eyes remained fixed on

the sight in front of him.

A smooth white back greeted his eyes for a moment before that image

moved to two small white rabbits like hills in a snowfall.

Luna's hands were gentle as she slowly and casually removed the clothes

on her and arranged them at the side of her bed.

Just as Luna's hands went to her pants, Extimum came to with a little

start and quickly turned towards the curtain to try to get out of bed.

Luna: "Where are you going? Didn't you agree to stay and rest?". Luna

noticed his intention and paused in her actions, as she asked in


Her question made Extimum pause in place. He had certainly agreed to

stay, however, he hadn't expected Luna to simply start undressing,

certainly not when she was already wearing her pajamas.

Extimum hesitated a bit, he was not one to go back on his words or for

that matter, his commitment, however, the current situation....

He hesitated for a few brief seconds, but finally did not get out of bed,

however, neither did he turn to look at Luna, remaining with his back to


Luna found the scene somewhat curious, but continued to remove the

rest of her clothes.

Luna: "Normally I like to sleep without clothes on, however, since I came

to Hogwarts I can't do that, because if I happened to sleepwalk out like

this, it wouldn't be a very good thing... but today I have a feeling I won't

be sleepwalking."

Extimum: 'What kind of feeling is that?'

Extimum was actually curious about what kind of sensation could give

him such security as to sleep naked even when she knows of her

sleepwalking problem, however, thinking that he himself could feel

things that did not necessarily have a common sense or form, he put

aside the strangeness.

Only after hearing Luna reaching under the quilt did Extimum finally

relax and turn his gaze back to her.

He had no thoughts about Luna, nor did he see her that way, however,

even when he had the pendant, he didn't feel too safe, especially when

whatever it was that was inside him had no qualms about anything or

was finicky when it managed to get out of control.

As those thoughts ran through his mind, he felt two hands grab him from

his abdomen and then he was tucked under the quilt until he fell into

someone's arms.

'Damn, I shouldn't get so lost in my thoughts, I was careless.'

Extimum stiffened, not only from his strangeness at being picked up like

that and hugged, but also from the faint mounds he was feeling directly

beneath him.

Luna: "You don't have to stay so far away. You're better off here, so you

won't get cold." As she spoke, Luna hugged Extimum a little tighter.

Extimum really wanted to debate that she shouldn't be so trusting of a

magical creature she barely knew and that his body had enough hair on

it that he wouldn't be cold even in a snowfall, so he didn't need to cower.

But since he was currently a nine-tailed fox, he could only keep those

comments to himself.

Luna just smiled, as she watched the fox peek its head out from under the

quilt and rest its head on her chest.

She herself did not know why even though she had not met the nine-

tailed fox more than once, she felt an inexplicable feeling of closeness

and even trust, it was as if she knew he would not hurt her.

While she enjoyed the softness, Extimum on the other hand, was not as

mentally comfortable with his current situation under the covers, but he

didn't find it entirely bothersome either, in fact, beyond his strangeness

and considerations, the situation was actually...quite pleasant.

The sensation of being hugged like this by someone was not at all

bothersome, once he relaxed a bit.

Luna: "hey, little- *ahem* what should I call you then?".

Luna was about to call the nine-tailed fox as little foxie, when she

stopped immediately as she sensed a clear annoyance and animosity from

the bright purple eyes under her quilt.

Extimum: 'Are you really expecting me to answer?' He wondered, but

seeing the attention and expectation in Luna's eyes, he was somehow

convinced that it was.

'But I don't have any name in mind for this particular form, not that I was

thinking of employing it as an identity, so... a name... a name. Something

simple, just for this occasion...'.


Luna: "Mum?" Luna blinked in surprise, she hadn't expected an answer,

but as she continued to stare into those bright purple eyes, such a word

came unconsciously out of her own mouth.

"That's a good name. Mum, like Moon, meaning moon, similar to me"—

She said cheerfully, but soon after, her enthusiasm waned— "*Sigh* Tell

me, Mum, do you know how Extimum is?".

Extimum turned his head to the side when he heard her question, he

didn't know how exactly to answer that question or if he should even

answer it.

His action of uncertainty, however, had a different effect in the eyes of

Luna who watched him as Mum turned his head and gave a thoughtful

look totally out of character for a mere magical creature.

Luna: 'Cute'.

As soon as those words passed through his mind, Mum changed his

thoughtful gaze and stared at her, narrowing his eyes.

Luna: 'Will he be able to read my thoughts?' Luna opened her eyes in

surprise as that idea fell into her train of thought.

But before her mind got too far, a 'No', mysteriously appeared in her

mind just as before.

'He's fine, you'll see him soon.'

Extimum wasn't really reading her thoughts, but he felt instinctively

insulted and gave Luna a suspicious look, other than that, he could

subconsciously understand what she was thinking from her expression

and the emotions he saw around her.

Luna: "It's good to know he's okay. I was really worried when Professor

Flitwick told us that it was very likely that he had been taken by the

basilisk or even worse, been...eaten directly." Luna expressed with great

relief, even though Bloom had confirmed the same thing to her before,

she still couldn't feel reassured.

To begin with, the idea or expectation that the people attacked by the

basilisk were still alive was already quite idealistic, since for what reason

would a magical creature attack the students to kidnap them? It wasn't as

if the basilisk was among the list of creatures with high levels of

intelligence and therefore thought beyond instinct. Wouldn't it make

more sense for it to attack to eat them? Perhaps the only thing fueling

such an outlandish thought was that the basilisk was being controlled by

Slytherin's heir.

But when she heard the same thing from Mum, she felt that it really was

so and her mind unconsciously released a great heaviness.

Luna: "I really don't know what I would have done if he really had...".

Luna didn't continue her words, but a great heaviness along with a

somber feeling unlike her usual self settled around her for a moment.

Making her lose herself in her thoughts.

Extimum blinked his big eyes in surprise, he had never thought he had

such a special place in Luna's heart or that he even weighed that much to


He himself would admit that he really liked Luna a lot and she was even

one of the people who managed to become very close to him in a very

short time, almost coming to consider her as a younger sister in his heart.

However, symbolizing something as heavy and deep, as the emotions he

could see and feel at this moment, gave a completely different meaning

to the appreciation he felt for her.

He almost felt that he had actually been quite shallow, because such

depth of feeling had only slightly developed between Bloom and him.

And he didn't feel that he had actually done anything important enough

to earn such feelings.

He couldn't help but feel a little moved.

He no longer wanted to see her sad.

Luna continued to be lost in thought for a moment, when she was

suddenly interrupted, "What are you D-? Pfff Hahahahahahahahahaha,

AH, w-wait, de-stop, it's too much tickling, Hahahahahahahaha, I'll die if

you keep this up, Hahahahahahaha."

Luna could barely see straight, as she rolled slightly and her eyes blurred

with tears of laughter.

She could vaguely see Mum's head moving back and forth on her chest

and something velvety tickling her armpits.

Luna: "St-stop, Hahaha, I-I can't take it anymore. Mmm~".

Extimum was having a bit of fun watching her roll around like that from

the tickling, however, when that last sound entered his ears, he suddenly

stopped as if struck by lightning.

He had forgotten... that under the quilt, Luna was actually wearing

nothing and the place where he was tickling the fur on his head was

actually Luna's chest.

Luna: "*gasp gasp* *sigh*." Luna on the other hand, seemed completely

unaware of the strange connotation of that last sound that had escaped

her mouth.

"Thanks, Mum, I really needed that. *Bostezo* It's getting a little late

now, let's go to sleep."

Luna settled a little on the bed and, still hugging Mum, closed her eyes to


Though unlike her, Extimum could not be said to be as calm inwardly,

feeling that his previous actions had been a bit inappropriate even for


But seeing that Luna hadn't noticed and even felt comfortable and

cheerful enough to sleep, he slowly put the situation aside.

Before long, he could hear the sound of Luna's breathing becoming more

even and the emotional spectrum around her fading for the most part,

symbolizing that she had finally entered the world of dreams.

Extimum remained alone like that for a while, silent, watching her sleep

as he remained in the shelter of her arms, with different thoughts running

through his head.

Almost succumbing to the temptation to just relax all his thoughts and

sleep there next to her, but after a few minutes, he quickly shook off that


'I still have to think of a good way to excuse my disappearance, besides...

'— Thinking in a more grumpy tone —'Where did that little fairy go? She

played me not just once, but twice in a single day. All she had to do was

leave me in my room, but not only did she involve Luna but she also put

me through all this trouble'.

He was no longer angry, much of his bad mood disappeared after staying

with Luna for a while, however, he still felt annoyed.

As he thought about it, his body moved strangely, as he reduced the size

of some parts of his body and made them softer and more flexible,

slipping gently and slowly from the sweet embrace he was in.

Finally, after a few seconds, his body returned to normal and he stood up

on the bed, took one last look at Luna and finally, jumped through the

canopy of the bed that separated him from the outside.

Landing on the floor, he scanned his surroundings, but saw no sign of

Bloom in room, so he left and headed for his own room.

He was in no hurry to use the connection he had with her to find her and

preferred to search for her normally.

The corridor outside was silent and only an occasional murmur could be

heard escaping from under the doors that still had the lights on.

It didn't take long to reach the end of the corridor and the staircase down

to the common room.

The main lights were already out and the room was lit only by the light

from the fireplace and a few candles scattered on the nearby reading


There were still a few students in the common room who had not gone to

sleep, but with the general darkness, it was no problem for Extimum to

slip out all the way without being seen even if he did not use an illusion


Extimum: 'Hmm?'

As he walked down the steps and approached the wall that would lead

him to his private room, Extimum began to notice that something was

wrong, something didn't feel quite right....

Extimum: 'Why does everything seem so small...No, things don't get any

smaller, actually, Shit!'.

Things were not suddenly getting smaller, but his body was getting

bigger and bigger every few seconds without interruption.

And with its growth, a great shadow began to be cast across the room

under the favor of the flames in the thick of the darkness.

???: "H-hey What's that?"

???: "What the-? Ahhh!"


A loud scream echoed throughout the common room, startling all those

who had not yet fallen asleep and awakening those who were light




In a large, dark subway dungeon with water flooding the surroundings.

s~*Cah in ush ch su hash xan esh *~s

???:"¡! What did you say? Couldn't you finish him off?"


"So he disappeared eh... Interesting, not a simple thing if he can get

around the castle restriction, unless Dumbledore... no, he wouldn't give

such freedom to a student. You said he was a pureblood?"


"Alright, it's good that he were able to escape then, maybe he can join us

and be useful to me in the future. Still, it's not so easy just trying to ruin

my plans and hoping to get away unscathed. Did you use the element I

gave you in case he was a pureblood?"


"Well, with that he'll learn that there are people he shouldn't mess with, if

he survives that is."


The night outside the castle was quite serene, the full moon hung high in

the sky brightly illuminating this night, the atmosphere was a bit chilly,

but there was still a residue of warmth in the occasional breeze, making

the night especially pleasant.

The faint sound of crickets and cicadas subtly adorned the atmosphere to

make the night even quieter.

**Wind Whistling**

An indistinct sound was heard in the distance, brought to the ear by the

coming wind.


And with the wind, another almost indistinct sound was heard, at first

almost inaudible, but as time went on, it became clearer and clearer, at

the same time it seemed as if all the other sounds of the night were being

silenced to give it more prominence.


The warm breeze coming from the distance was rapidly getting colder,

the more audible the sound became, as if the night had entered its

deepest stages.


Dark, subtle clouds gathered around the moon, dulling its splendor more

and more, until nothing but temporary darkness was left over the land.

And the once soft whistling sound now seemed sinister and creaky.

Flitwick: "She has arrived."

McGonagall: "Yes... I can see that."

Standing quietly at the entrance to the castle were the now headmistress

of the school, Minerva Mcgonagall and Professor Fillius Flitwick.

Both kept their gazes on the nearby horizon, where an indistinct shadow

was rapidly approaching.

The shadow moved like a blink of an eye, one second it was in one place

and the next second it was in a totally different place closer to its


McGonagall: "*sigh* Thank you for coming to join me, Professor

Flitwick." Letting out a tired sigh, she comment.

Flitwick: "Don't mention it, it is also my duty to be present here as the

head of Ravenclaw house, besides, it is also partly my fault and I share

the responsibility in allowing one of my students to face such an

unknown fate." He said in a subdued tone devoid of his usual joviality

and enthusiasm.

Finally, after waiting a few seconds, the dark figure coming in the

distance arrived in front of them.

The figure belonged to a young woman, about 29 years old, with a tall

and slender figure. She was wearing a tight black dress that emphasized

the charm and proportions of her body, with some areas of her shoulders,

neck and hips uncovered, as well as a long, dark cape like the night.

In one of her hands was a long staff of polished dark wood.

Her face was covered by a cloth mask connected to her cloak. The mask

had some faint, intricate markings on it and only highlighted the eye


Her gait was smooth and relaxed, giving the feeling of someone strolling

leisurely through a park, quite in contrast to the cold and unsettling aura

around her.

With their arrival, the surrounding air seemed to become heavier

creating an oppressive and suffocating feeling, however, Minerva

McGonagall and Fillius Flitwick, were by no means weak and

inexperienced wizards and quickly dismissed that feeling.


A long, heavy breath escaped from the person in front of them the

moment she stopped, sending up a faint cloud of smoke from her mask.

???: "Professor McGongall, long time no see. Oh, that's right, you're a

principal now, aren't you?"

A soft, gentle voice escaped from the shadowy figure, creating a stark

contrast, yet as pleasant to the ear as it sounded, such a sweet, soft voice

caused faint shivers to run through the bodies of its listeners, making

their hair stand on end, as if it provoked an instinctive fear in people.

McGonagall: "It certainly has been a while, however, I'm sure you haven't

come here just to brush up on old times and have a cup of tea, have you


Mcgonagall commented with a slight tinge of distaste as she looked at the

revealing and unconservative robes worn by the witch in front of her.

Christelle: "Straight to the point, eh... That's not as much as you,

Headmistress, but I prefer it that way. It saves both of us time"—

Switching to a more cheerful tone, the voice continued—" Ah, Professor

Flitwick! Don't think I've forgotten about you, you are certainly a difficult

figure to ignore and even more nostalgic than Headmistress McGonagall,

I'm pleased to see you brimming with health."

Flitwcik: "Yes-". Flitwick's look was a bit complicated as he looked at


Christelle: "But let's leave the pleasantries aside, there will be time to

share about our lives when we are done. So tell me, any news about my

nephew yet?".

Flitwick's face became a little uncomfortable at having been cut off

before he had a chance to express himself, but he did not pursue the

matter further and decided to wait for McGonagall to address the main

issue at hand.

McGonagall: "I'm afraid not yet-".


McGonagall's words were not yet finished, when the staff in Christelle's

hand rose slightly and tapped downward, making a dull sound.

Following the sound, an illusionary wave spread from its point of impact

towards the surroundings, until it collided with the castle's door and

finally dissipated.

Christelle: "Oh? The school's defenses are better than I remembered. It

seems the legacy of several generations of principals has not been in

vain". Christelle's voice came out with a certain tone of surprise and

playfulness contrary to her disposition.

However, it was really hard to tell what kind of emotions were playing in

her heart and face, as she kept herself hidden.

"Well, Principal McGonagall, I hope you can give me the pleasure of a

tour of the school, after all, there is a large snake to find and eliminate,

plus of course, finding my nephew."

McGonagall was beginning to lose a little patience with Christelle's

disrespect towards her and Professor Flitwick, however, she quickly

calmed down and took a deep breath, before asking instead somewhat


"Do you have such confidence in young Extimum's safety?"

Christelle: "Hmm? I don't know, actually, let's just say it's just a feeling of

mine that he's doing well."

McGonagall: 'Feeling? Hmp, It must just be some family magic checking

on the status of the familiars'. Mcgonagall thought teasingly, unaware of

how her thoughts seemed to become more emotional in front of


Without wasting any more words, Mcgonagall and Flitwick led Christelle

inside the castle for a tour.

Since Christelle was a former student, it was more of a courteous tour to

be aware of the changes and begin a light investigation.

Although the relationship between the three of them did not seem very

amicable, they managed to discuss everything as professionally as

possible, leaving aside each other's personal feelings.

In fact, the two teachers fervently wished that Christelle could really find

something with their skills and experience in such cases, because they

really cared about the safety of their students.

What puzzled them, on the other hand, was that Christelle actually asked

a lot of questions about Extimum, from the everyday, to the research-


However, the strange thing was that based on the questions, they seemed

as if... she herself did not know Extimum, going so far as to ask about his

current appearance.

In fact, little did they know that their strange assumption was not at all

far from the truth. Christelle was genuinely curious about this nephew of

hers that she had never met, beyond in a baby picture and the knowledge

of his name.

Of course, as the three of them toured the castle, Christelle's staff never

paused in its now lighter tapping of the ground.


"T-The monster went that way."

"Warn the teachers."

"N-no, a-help, it's coming my way."

A cacophony of screams of terror, alarm and more cries for help spread

from the Ravenclaw common room to the hallway leading to their

entrance on the seventh floor.

The common room was a mess, with furniture overturned and books

thrown everywhere, plus an occasional student huddled in a dark corner

trembling with fear.

The surprise had been too much for the youngest among them.

There hadn't been many people to begin with in the common room,

however, when the screams of a few drew the attention of those not yet

asleep and even some who were, people soon came and witnessed it.

A huge figure at least three or four meters high, with an indiscernible

shape completely covered by a purplish mist with scarce and almost

imperceptible greenish hues.

The figure generated an ominous and terrifying sensation just by looking

at it, as if the very sight of it provoked the deepest fears and nightmares

in the hearts of each one of them. Those who did not faint, ran back to

their rooms or remained frozen, barely trying to raise their wands.

With the current situation, no one hesitated to immediately associate it

with the basilisk.

Before they had a chance, however, the snake-like figure slithered

quickly out of the Ravenclaw tower, even though its size suggested that it

should not have been able to exit through such a small entrance.





Extimum ran as fast as he could through the corridors of the castle, trying

to find an exit or a place to hide.

Things had gotten out of control too quickly, he could not return to his

true form, his magic was not responding to him and his body, now of

large proportions, was covered with what looked like a hallucinogenic

cloud that caused terror in all those who saw him.

With all the chaos, he could only rely on the abilities this form allowed

him to try to find a place to hide while whatever was affecting him

passed or find a way to eliminate it from himself.

The problem was... The castle itself was already in a state of emergency

and surveillance due to the latest attacks. So there were blocked roads

and patrols of seniors and teachers in the main corridors.

And if the above wasn't enough, either they all had a great deal of hatred

and anger built up and it grew courageous or if the enveloping fog was

affecting them in some way.

But as soon as they spotted him, they did not hesitate to run towards him

with their wands and attack with all kinds of spells.

Although without a doubt, what frustrated him the most was when he

overheard the conversation of some of the students as he fled from their


"Raimond, wait, don't you think it's dangerous? It's a basilisk after all, we

should wait for the teachers, do you even want to die?"

"Dylan, we can't hesitate at this point, now that we are all gathered here,

we can beat them, besides, here, just wear the magic glasses that

Extimum created, with this at least we won't die."

"You're right, we will avenge Extimum and all the students who were



"Hey look, it looks like our attacks are finally affecting the basilisk."

"It must be that we have at last broken through their magical defense,

comrades, follow me for revenge."

Extimum:' Damn it, I'm not dead, okay, don't just use my inventions as a

reason to recklessly carry what you think is a basilisk, do you trust me

that much?'

If it were anyone else they would have already spat blood upon hearing

that conversation, it was fine if they just wanted to pursue him, but now

it seemed that one of the reasons that gave them enough courage to do so

was his own invention that he had sold as a protection measure and

worst of all many were charging in screaming vengeance on their behalf.

Extimum:'Come on, come on, my illusion magic, you just have to help me

a little.' He had already tried to mobilize all kinds of spells and his own

illusion magic, but his link to his magic seemed as if it had sunk into

dense mud, he could feel it, but not move it and the little illusion magic

he managed to move was like sand slipping through his hands.

There really wasn't much he could do, his appearance in front of

everyone seemed to have provoked and inverted all those fearful negative

feelings, for ones of hatred and rage that drove the bravest to go out and

chase him.

The only bright side is that it forced the few teachers who had left to try

to stop them from having accidents, otherwise they would not have had

such an easy escape route until now.


Mcgonagall: "This is the place where the heir of Slytherin left his message

and subsequently, students began to be attacked. Mr. Filch had to make a

great effort to erase the blood stains from the wall and even so, there are

still some more discreet marks due to magic."

Christelle: "This heir apparent certainly has very particular tastes."

Flitwick: "What do you mean?".

Christelle: "Well, it's just that, while the first words were written with the

blood of the cat they found that time, these last ones were written with-".

"Quick, quick! It went that way."

"Don't let it slip away! and don't forget to wear your glasses."

"Stop! Stop right now, it's too dangerous. All students are to return to

their common rooms. We teachers will deal with the creature."

Christelle's words were interrupted by the sound of shouting, arguing and

the disorderly footsteps of students and a few teachers.

Under the mask, delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly at being

interrupted, so she couldn't help but ask hesitantly.

Christelle: "Do they still do activities this late at night and with the

current situation?".

"Uh..." Flitwick was speechless, the answer was of course, No, but the

situation he saw a few corridors ahead made him hesitate for a moment if

there was something he hadn't heard about.

Making him unconsciously cast a questioning glance at McGonagall.

His innuendo went unanswered, however, because Mcgonagall was just

as surprised as the two of them.

Mcgonagall: 'What's going on?'

The castle had been very quiet and still a while back when she went out

to wait for the uninvited visitor with Professor Flitwick when she sensed

someone crossing the barriers of Hogwarts.

The students had clearly been in their common rooms and in somber

moods, most had even gone to bed early, so the scene in front of her was

no less disconcerting.

Without hesitation, she quickly crossed a few corridors, until she reached

the part where the crowd of students was passing by.

It didn't take long to notice one of the teachers in the crowd, who was

currently detaining some students and trying to stop some others from

getting through.

Even so, their efforts did not prove too fruitful, as many had made it

through their net.

Mcgonagall: "Professor Sinistra, can you tell me what is going on here?".

Sinistra: "Pr-Principal McGonagall.*gasp* The monster, the basilisk,

appeared and-".

Before Professor Sinistra could finish her words, a shadow rushed past

her and pushed its way through the group of detained students, soon

merging with the crowd running not far behind.

Sinistra: "Uh...who was she?".

Mcgonagall: "She is the guardian or representative of the Shadowless

family. Please continue the explanation." Mcgonagall did not wish to

leave Christelle alone, but first she had to properly understand the

situation and then try to quickly organize the plan of action.

After all, she was now not just another teacher at the school, she now

had other responsibilities as principal.

Sinistra: "It's okay. The basilisk showed up and this time it's not hiding

like before, it's wandering around the school. It was first spotted in the

Ravenclaw common room and given the location, the news didn't take

long to reach the Gryffindor common room."

Flitwick: "What?, how could it have appeared there?, what about the

students?, how are they doing?, are you really sure it's the basilisk?, did

you see it?". Flitwick almost jumped when he heard where the basilisk

had appeared and quickly rushed to inquire about the situation.

Sinistra: "Uh... Actually, I didn't see it clearly with my own eyes. I was

finishing the compendium of papers for the juniors when I heard the

commotion outside and when I came out, I only saw the crowd of

students running and a large indistinct shadow spinning down a


Flitwick frowned at her words, "You didn't see it clearly? Then how do

you know it's the basilisk? And how are the students?"

Sinistra: "Although I didn't see it clearly, but all the students running

around claimed to have seen the basilisk, moreover, I could hear a faint

hissing sound, accompanied by a very faint trace of corrosiveness in the

air, like basilisk venom."

Sinistra frowned slightly in annoyance, she wasn't liking this

interrogation at all, but McGonagall was present and besides, she could

understand Flitwick's concern.

Hearing her say the words "basilisk poison," the color drained from the

full face of both Mcgonagall and Flitwick, however, noticing their

condition, Sinistra hastened to explain.

"But it was too weak to affect anything or anyone and only strong enough

to be felt if you had knowledge of it. I could only identify it because I had

come into contact with it on one occasion when I went to look at

ingredients for potions.

As for the students, there are some who were partially petrified when

they encountered him and have already been taken by Madame Pomfrey

to the infirmary, however, nothing too serious has happened yet.

Apparently, all the students who ran to confront him had on them special

goggles. Upon asking around, I learned that they were a magical

contraption sold by Extimum, which was supposed to and would allow

one to survive the basilisk's gaze, though of course, it does not inhibit

from the effects of petrification."

Mcgonagall: "Okay, I understand the situation. Please continue to restrain

the students, I will go meet with the other teachers and then we will

figure out a way to deal with the basilisk. Professor Flitwick, will you

come with me?".

Flitwick: "Of course."




*sigh* it's been a long time since I've uploaded chapters, sorry for the

long wait, all I can say is, the life.

Anyway, I plan on uploading chapters more often from now on,

speaking of which, I think this is the longest chapter I've written so


Among other news, I have rewrote almost all the chapters before this

one and in the next week I plan to update them.

The rewrite is to fix some minor issues, plus a few changes to the

story, though they won't affect enough to make it imperative to reread,

but if you want, no problem :v

Even so, I must say that this will take longer for the English version,

there is no way, even with the current AI the translation still has

errors, especially in long text translations and I have to take my time

to manually check the translations for of errors, lucky that at least my

English is not so bad, but as a non-native it still takes me time and

they are quite chapters.

As always, if there is any native interested in helping, you are always

welcome to write to me on discord or if you have any suggestions.

Chapter 49: The cat and the


--Pov Extimum--.

**AHHH Teenage War Cries**

**Boom** **Pam**

-Screams, flashes and small explosions occurred throughout the corridor

of the sixth floor.-


Damn, damn, I can't find a way out and mindless running just isn't


Also… the behavior of the other students is just not normal, I could have

understood if I was chased by a few hot-blooded youths at first, but


Looking back.

"Stop right there monster, don't run away!"

"Expulso" **Boom**

Stop your grandfather! Why would someone stop just because they are

told to?

The way they act is no longer something as simple as the spur of the

moment, instead they seem to have gone crazy and worst of all... no one

seems to notice the abnormality.

Do they really think that just because they're wearing my glasses then the

basilisk can't just swallow them whole in one go? Or send them flying

against a wall with a swipe of their tail? Even if Gryffindors can be that

impulsive, I don't think any of the Ravenclaws haven't considered the


"There you are!". Going through an intersection, a group of three students

jumped in front of me trying to do a "sneak attack".

But I just jumped over them and kept running.

They were not the first to try to do so, nor were they the most discreet.

Most of the paths are blocked by obstacles or barriers and the crowd

behind seems inexhaustible, plus my size isn't exactly inconspicuous, the

situation is only getting more dangerous the more time passes. Being a

castle prepared to resist an invasion was no joke.

To make matters worse, my magic seems out of control, which has

prevented me from getting out of here sooner with a simple 'apparition'.

At first I didn't notice as I was busy running away and dodging spells, but

after a while I started to notice where the abnormality or rather

abnormalities came from.

The first one was easy to find. *Ugh*


*gasp* I-I should have known that you can't just screw up and hope no

one sees you. But it's a little late to notice, right? *Boom Boom Boom*

Damn hyperactive students! Don't they get tired? Where the hell was all

that power and energy in dueling classes?


The basilisk not only contaminated me with poison, there was something

else…a potion perhaps? Most likely, I'm not thinking of much at the

moment anyway, that's probably the cause of all this fog of terror and the

stupid state of the students behind me.

**Psttss** **sound of lightning** **Rumble**

As for the second thing, although I can't say exactly what it is, but it feels

like I'm constantly being shaken by some invisible force or to be more

exact, my part nine-tailed fox, which to begin with is the only one I can

use right now.

*!!!* **Swoosh*

-In the middle of all the exhaust, a dazzling and boiling ray of light flew

by just inches from Extimum's eyes-


A cold drop slid down my forehead, while the sound of a loud explosion

reverberated from my back, though it quickly flew away with the strong

current of air and dust that flowed from the blast site, ruffling all my fur.

**Crack Crack**

Small and medium sized chunks of stone began to crumble from the wall

to my left, revealing a large smoking hole.

The huge explosion created a brief pause, as the students stopped a few

meters from my position and switched their gazes between the large hole,

me, and the direction from which such a destructive spell had come.

I took advantage of the brief moment to rest, running was not a problem,

but running while analyzing my situation, looking for an escape route

and worrying about not being intercepted by any of the hundreds of

spells flying in my direction was a completely different matter.

My thoughts calmed down a bit, as I moved my gaze for a moment to the

place where that spell had come from and I saw how among the dust and

debris that flew, a figure began to approach, but I quickly averted my

gaze as I analyzed my surroundings. The previous spell was not

something a student could do at all.

However, the more I looked the more my brows furrowed, there were no

more intersections to run through. Behind me, a horde of students; to my

left, a large hole leading to the outside of the castle, not yet large enough

to pass through; In front of me, a blocked corridor and a little further to

my right, four adult figures with their wands drawn and ready to attack

as soon as I made the slightest movement.

With all that, my gaze couldn't help but fall back on one of the four

figures to my right. I can clearly recognize Professor McGonagall,

Professor Sinistra and Professor Flitwick, however I have no idea who the

fourth person was.

Under the cover of dust, her figure became visible, with a wooden staff in

one of her hands, wearing a tight-fitting dress that showed a lot of skin, a

little too daring? although it was not bad at all... but I prefer something

more conservative. Her face was not visible as it was covered by a cloth

mask attached to her caped hood.

Her figure, especially her face area, emanated a certain mist around her

with every breath.

Is that some kind of Darth Vader-esque entrance? Though woman?

Though again, who was he? I shook my head, I had no time for irrelevant


Despite being someone unknown, she had the lead in the group of three


???: "Wow? Do it dodge it? Now, that's interesting. I guess I should give

you some points for that"

A strange and mysterious feeling ran through my skin, before turning

into an icy and disturbing chill, making all the hairs on my body stand on

end just by hearing her voice.

-The woman's voice was sweet, like an angel's song, nuanced with

touches of surprise and playfulness, however, when the voice finished

settling in each of the listeners, icy and shuddering chills ran through

their bodies, as if they would have heard something horrible and


It was a feeling difficult to describe, as if they had heard something they

shouldn't hear, a taboo, a heresy, an affront against nature itself.

All of the students who had stopped felt as if needles were pricking their

skin and couldn't help but take two steps back, erasing every thought and

intent towards the mist creature they had been chasing. -

What a dangerous woman.

Just a few words, but it can already generate such a feeling.

Mcgonagall: "Miss Shadowless, I'll ask you to please be careful with the

spells you use. Although destroying school property is still acceptable to

deal with the current threat, but your sudden attack may have hurt the


What did she say?! Shadowless?

Christelle: "Hehehe, don't worry, Headmistress. My Shadowless family

will pay for all the damages and as for the students, rest assured, I have a

sense of myself."

Shadowless really said…

Christelle: "Although…" Placing a finger on her face in what seemed like

a cute attitude, except for the featureless mask that covered her face—"A

basilisk…? Are they sure? Is this the same creature that has been causing


-Her words made more than one frown.

Especially Mcgonagall and Flitwick who had managed to keep up with

her and get here.

In fact, the purple cloud in front of them did not resemble a basilisk at

all. Even if they couldn't see its shape, but on second thought…

A basilisk would not have taken things so calmly if it was chased by so

many students, at least some would have ended up eaten and seriously

injured or even killed, but they had already been chasing it for a long

time and at most there were some incapacitated.

As if that weren't enough, in this short time it still hadn't moved to attack

them even after being chased and almost fatally wounded by Christelle.

All these points made it very suspicious, considering the hot-tempered

behavior of basilisks, but then why did everyone think it was the


I don't know her, but she seems more insightful than everyone else, on

the other hand, I haven't allowed any teacher to get close enough to me

so far, it would just be too dangerous.

My eyes quickly wandered around the surroundings.

There's no easy way out of here, but there's definitely a weaker link.

My gaze slid stealthily to the horde of students a few meters behind me.

I hadn't been willing to attack them before, that would escalate the

situation very quickly, plus I might unknowingly hurt someone I know,

however, looking at my current situation…

I couldn't care less, I had already given them enough indulgence.

But… my eyes returned to the mysterious woman who apparently shares

my last name in front of me, I can sense a great threat from her and I

don't think she would let me leave so easily.

Christelle: "Well, it doesn't matter anyway even if it's not a basilisk. You

showed up at a very bad time and you're clearly an unknown and

dangerous creature, so…"

There was a faint glow from the staff in the woman's hand.

Christelle: "Tristis tie!"

That spell!

Without thinking twice, I kicked the floor hard and propelled myself

almost to the ceiling and without pausing I kicked into the air again as I

changed my direction and propelled myself forward towards the students.

Right after I was thrown into the air, the shadow my body cast on the

ground moved strangely and turned into a dark tentacle that it tried to

grab right where it had been before.

The students were frozen due to the sudden turn of events, but some

were still able to react in time to at least try to break through the

students to avoid being crushed.

However, I jumped into the air again just before landing on them and ran

over them, pushing some of them to the ground hard, due to the heavy

pressure of my kick.

After landing on the other side, I quickly ran down the hall; It had been

lucky that Hogwarts didn't actually have that many students, or it would

have been much more difficult.

Christelle: "Oh my, where do you think you're going little cloud?"


My eyes widened when I felt a whisper near my ear.

Without thinking twice, I kicked the floor with all my strength and

propelled myself diagonally away from the female figure that had

appeared at some point next to me.

**Crack Crack**

Christelle: "Hehehehe, oh come on, don't be shy, I'm really intrigued by

what's hiding under all that purple mist, plus…you smell strangely like

poison and…dark magic."

Every hair on my body stood up painfully on my skin at the sound of her

voice as I tried my best to run faster.

Christelle: "That's it, run, run…"

I quickly ran down the path I had come from before and took advantage

of the moment when I reached an intersection of several paths, it was one

of the few I'd found that didn't have all the corridors blocked and without

stopping I ran down one of the paths I hadn't taken before.

Turning around, however, I noticed that the woman had no problem

keeping up with me and there wasn't much distance between us.

Frowning, I looked around, before my gaze fell on the torch holder and

an idea struck my mind.

I had tried this before, so I knew it was doable.

I increased the speed of my run and just as I had entered one of the

corridors, I extended one of my tails and grabbed the support tightly

before sporadically pulling my body straight to the other side.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see, as the woman couldn't follow

my arbitrary change of direction and almost ran into the wall trying to

follow my turn, we hadn't exactly been moving at a slow speed.

My mouth twitched slightly, seeing her figure trip over herself as I ran in

the opposite direction.

That will at least get me a few seconds away.

I hadn't gone too far, however, when I felt a warm tickle in my ear.

Christelle:"How interesting, you can also take out limbs, Hmm, are you

maybe some kind of octopus or squid? Or maybe a plant type creature?

They're not usually that fast though…"

My eyes widened in surprise and I kicked again to get away from my

previous position, while turning my gaze to the side.

And there she was, just a few feet from me.

How? How did she catch up so fast? I should have gotten at least some

distance with that last move.

I blinked rapidly as some dust brushed my eyes, only to find it mere

inches from me!

Christelle: "Surprised? Hehehehe."

Impossible! How could she get to my side so fast and without me being

able to feel her presence?


I shook my head and kept running, squeezing out every trace of strength

in my body.

Soon enough I came to another similar crossroads and repeated the same

trick, only this time I mobilized my stagnant magic in an attempt to

create an illusion, which failed miserably, but managed to create enough

visual distortion in the air to better conceal my escape.

I want to see how she manages to reach me again, does she have

teleportation magic?

I had barely run to the other corridor when I felt her breath near my neck

again, accompanied by her disturbing voice, causing chills on my skin.

Christelle: "Nice try, but that won't work, Bombar-Gukk-da!"


Before she finished her spell, I spun in the air twisting my body and

kicked her right in the stomach, sending her flying against the hallway

wall. At the same time, the spell she prepared was completed, but it

deviated from its path and hit the wall next to me.

**gasp**gasp* It's…it's really tiring to do magic in this state *gasp* and

running with every drop of energy doesn't help…

But I can't stop here, no matter if my blow was of any use or not, I still

have to escape.

With renewed hopes, I continued my run without looking back and soon,

I reached the area of the stairs and without even bothering to wait for

them to reach a crossing position, I launched myself into the void.

There were some stairs that crossed from one end to the other and some

others that were in full motion over my landing area, but I managed to

get out of the way by kicking a few times in the air. I tried to kick as few

as possible in the air, given the great effort they demanded of my body,

while gravity took me in a rapid fall towards the lower floors.


5 floor



4 floor



3 floor



2 floor


I can already see the start of the stairs to the first floor. Once I arrive, I

can take one of the secret passageways I know of and leave the castle

without attracting further attention.

Christelle: "Expulso!"

**Swoosh** *Slam* *Boom**

Christelle "Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?"

*Ughhh* My back…

Christelle: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, you shouldn't have thrown yourself like that,

don't you know the stairs are for something? It's not like I'd expect a mere

beast to understand something like that though."


I leaned weakly against the cold stone wall of the castle while grunting in

pain. That had been an unexpected blow and had broken a bone or two.

*heavy breathing*


I let out a long breath of air. No matter how much I run and get away,

she somehow manages to quickly appear close, very close to me. How is

this even running away? Isn't it just a game of cat and mouse?

It's almost like... if I'm stuck to my shadow...

That is!

Although knowing now doesn't change much if I can't stop her.

At least it's both lucky and strange that the other teachers haven't tried to

follow me or stop me.

I haven't even seen or heard another student or teacher along the way,

which only served to highlight the strangeness of the situation.

Holding back another grunt and before the masked woman got too close,

I scrambled up off the floor. I was tired, tired of running and jumping

around and while I didn't have any major injuries, there were no shortage

of scrapes and lacerations on my body.

However, this time I didn't run, it didn't make much sense at this point,

not when I knew that no matter how far I went she could blink from

behind me and deliver the final blow. If there was any chance of survival,

it was by facing her head-on despite how unfavorable that option seemed

or perhaps, now that we were alone, I could try talking to her.

Christelle: "Wow? Did you get tired of running so fast? That's not fun, I

thought we'd have some more fun… Hmm? Nothing? Maybe it's finally

time for a desperate fight?" Thinking of the last possibility, the woman

jumped on her spot excited.

Tch, crazy bitch.

Come on, my magic, I only need you to work once, even a little, and I'll

appear so high in the sky, this woman will have no choice but to forget

about me!

Christelle: "Hmm? Trying to use your magic? Kukuku, you can try all you

want, but it won't work. Ha! See this beautiful staff of mine here? It's

specially made to deal with beings like you, once I get it I use, it causes

all magical creatures in the surrounding area to go into chaos, unable to

control themselves.

Something very useful when dealing with elusive or sneaky creatures.

In fact, you're already quite outstanding from your monstrous physical

ability alone, plus you seem strangely calm…a fine specimen indeed,

jujujuju, although it's disappointing, as this usually doesn't have much of

an effect on mythical creatures, so perhaps, You're not that special..."

Although I haven't exactly felt in chaos? Given past events, I would

realize if it was, maybe my magic is blocking it and that's why I can't use

it properly?, but what about this weird clichéd villain trope where she

explains to me how her abilities work? …Although it's not like she knows

that I can fully understand her.

Christelle: "Well, that's fun enough I guess, I still have a big snake to

catch, so make haste to put up your desperate fight or die like the good

beast that you are." As the woman spoke her words, the tip of the staff

she was holding began to dimly light up.

Will this be my end?

Even so, I don't feel particularly disturbed or averse to the idea, in fact, I

feel unusually calm and indifferent about it. No doubt there are still

things I'd like to do, but they don't faze me too much.

Although it is somewhat bizarre that it is a member of my family who is

going to be the cause of my death... or not...?

But although I'm not averse to leaving for the other side, that doesn't

mean I'm willing, this life of mine hasn't gone too far yet, besides… How

could I rest in peace knowing that… That damn basilisk! It's all over


How could I reconcile myself and appease this boiling anger in my

stomach, when it was all its and Voldemort's fault.

On second thought, perhaps this situation was partly orchestrated by

him, the mere appearance of the basilisk near me was suspicious. I'm

always pretty careful when I'm alone, and even if I'm not as strong as the

basilisk, it would be hard not to have sensed it approaching, not when

you're that big.

He must have tried to eliminate me when he found out that I was doing

something capable of avoiding his pet's deadly gaze, plus other irrelevant

trifles that could only get into the gaze of small-minded people like him.

At least I know that the part of his soul that I plan against me will die

soon, since Harry and Ron…oh, that's right, also Hermione, should have

already confronted Lockhart.

They should already be in the chamber of secrets...

Christelle: "Hmm? The cloud lift?"

I wish I could have seen what it actually looks like, I've only seen its

entrance in the baths-

**Pop Jumble**

--End Pov--.


Second floor, Bathrooms.


A loud crash was heard throughout the bathroom, when there was a

slight flash and suddenly, a large figure partially shrouded in purple mist

landed heavily in the bathroom destroying some wooden cubicles, at the

same time, another much smaller figure was shot the other way and

collided with one of the cubicles.

Christelle: "Ugh, damn creature, so you could teleport too? But... how?,

your magic should be sealed." The woman let out a weak moan as she got

up a little unsteadily from the floor and tried to recover from the hard

and unexpected blow.

The large figure covered in purple mist remained in the same silence.

From the first moment he transformed, he had tried to utter the slightest

noise or word that would make people associate its image with

something, even the supposed hissing sound was nothing more than

hallucinations created by the mist that surrounded his body.

Extimum was also quite surprised by his sudden appearance, but thanks

to his size and strong build he was not hurt at all by his abrupt


In a quick glance, he noticed that faint greenish trail around him quickly

dissipated, as he felt himself being in control of his human magic again,

however, his heavenly fox magic was still not listening to him.

On the other hand, the purple mist that surrounded him was beginning to

disperse and his figure was beginning to be faintly visible.

Extimum: 'Was that perhaps a controlled hex?'

Christelle: "Heh, looks like I'll have to get serious or a lowly creature like

you will start getting too trusting."

"Shadow Banishment!"

A dark glow immediately expanded from the tip of his staff to attempt to

cover the entire room.

Extimum: 'Not good.'

Extimum no longer hesitated and put aside all the thoughts in his head

and jumped into the big dark hole in the middle of the bathroom, quickly

disappearing from sight.

Narrowly avoiding the growing darkness enveloping him.

Christelle: "*UGhh* He got away and By Erebus where did a hole come

from in the middle of the bathroom?"



Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Chapter 50: Not the face and hair!



A few hours before. Second floor girls restroom.

Lockhart: "Well, I guess you guys don't need me. So I-".

Harry: "You're not going anywhere. We've already come this far and

you're going to help us rescue our friends."

Ron: "That's right. You'll go down first."

Lockhart: "Boys, boys, what good is that going to do?" Lockhart replied in

a weak voice. His smile trying to keep up front, but the paleness of his

face betrayed the clear fear he was going through when he saw the dark

pipe in the middle of the bathroom.

Seeing him trying to back away, Harry, Ron and Hermione raised their

wands in his direction again, killing any attempt to move.

"I don't really think-Ahhhh." Before he could continue making excuses,

Ron kicked him in the back, sending him falling down the large pipe in

the center of the bathroom.

Hermione: "Ron!"

Ron: "What? He wouldn't shut up."

Hermione: "Yeah, but you didn't have to kick him, what if he hurts

himself later?"

Harry and Ron only glanced lightly at her comment.

Harry: "Hermione, did you forget that he wanted to erase our memories?"

Hermione: "But if he's hurt he won't be able to help us… ". Continuing in

a much lower voice, Hermione answered.

Harry: "Okay, let's not think about it, come on". Finishing his words,

Harry launched himself down the pipe.

Ron didn't hesitate either and dove right after Harry. Leaving Hermione


Hermione: 'I hope we're on time.'

Finally she jumped too.

The pipe was like a big dark slide, slimy and slightly wet, full of twists

and turns, but mostly going down vertically. The four of them slid at high

speed into the depths of the castle, lower even than the dungeons.

Finally, after a while, they all fell on wet and rocky ground. The place

they arrived at was a completely dark cave.

Harry: "Lumos."

Lockhart: "Ughh."

Hermione: "We must have slid for miles."

Ron: "Yeah, I even think it's under the lake."

Dusting themselves off the mud and dust as best they could, Hermione

and Ron moved closer to Harry and relied on his wandlight to take in

their surroundings.

The place was a dark cave with uneven walls and floor. Not far from

them stood Lockhart, in dirty robes and struggling to adjust his eyes to

the sudden light.

Hermione: "Lumos." Hermione launched her own lumos and stepped

away a bit to survey her surroundings.

Trusting in the light of the two of them, they began to move forward

with cautious steps along the only path there was. Their footsteps

echoing on the wet ground.

Even with lumos, the cave was very dark and visibility was very low,

being able to see only a short distance.

Ron: "Oh, we forgot to ask Neville for the goggles Extimum made. I told

you Harry, we should have bought them when Steve approached us."

Harry: "You're saying that because you weren't seeing the look everyone

else was giving us. If I'd agreed to buy them without waiting in line, all

the Gryffindors would have jumped on me."

Ron: "Yeah, but if you had, we'd have one with us now."

With panic and fear simmering in the hearts of the students, the

Extimum-made glasses that Steve was selling quickly became a coveted

item among all the students, and although there were initially more than

enough to go around, fear it made it so that even if they weren't totally

sure it would work, they would still buy more than they needed or used.

So in the end, not everyone had a chance to get one for themselves. An

example of this had been Harry and Ron. However, Harry hadn't really

wanted to buy them because he didn't want to have to put glasses back

on so soon.

Plus, the deadly looks they were getting from the other Gryffindors when

Steve offered to buy them without lining up was just too much.

On the other hand, when they decided to go with Lockhart they had

thought of going back and borrowing from Neville who had bought three,

since he was afraid of damaging or losing them by accident, however,

with everything that had happened, they forgot.

Hermione: "*Ahem* Don't worry, I brought enough for everyone."

Ron: "What? Where did you get them from? You were with us the whole

time and I didn't see you come over to buy Steve."

Harry: "Ron, that's not important right now."

Hermione: "*cough* Harry is right, what matters is that we have them,

now put them on."

Still doubtful on his face, Ron took the glasses from Hermione's hands

and put them on.

Ron: "Wow, that's how it feels to wear glasses."

Lockhart: "*Ahem* Miss Granger, wouldn't you mind giving me one too?"

Trying to put on his best smile, Lockhart asked.

Hermione narrowed her eyes slightly at Lockhart's question, but still

reluctantly pulled out another pair of glasses and handed them to


As they continued to move, Ron suddenly froze in place and grabbed the

shoulder of Harry in front to stop him from advancing.

Ron: "Harry, there's something... ". The husky tone in Ron's voice made

everyone stop as they followed the direction of his gaze.

They stood still, watching. They could only see the outline of a large,

hunched thing lying across the tunnel. It was not moving.

Hermione: "Maybe it's asleep?" Hermione whispered softly.

The hearts of everyone present clenched and began to beat at an

accelerated rate. Lockhart, still wearing the glasses, hastened to cover his

eyes, not completely trusting them.

Swallowing audibly, Harry took the first step forward with his wand

raised. Ron's hands had grown cold and sweaty, but he still followed

bravely behind with Hermione at his side.

Soon the light illuminated the skin of a gigantic snake, a deep green,

poisonous skin, lying across the tunnel floor, twisted and empty. The

animal that had left its shed there must have been at least twenty feet


Ron: "Wow!"

Hermione: "In the name of Merlin!"


Lockhart fell to his knees behind them, gazing through the crooks of his

fingers at the view before him.

Ron: "What are you doing? Get up." Ron snapped at his actions and

pointed his wand at Lockhart.

Lockhart obediently got to his feet, but in the next second, he leaped at

Ron and Hermione who were in front of him and knocked them to the


The sight of the basilisk skin had distracted them from keeping their

guard up and vigilance up.


Harry had been looking closely at the skin when he heard Ron and

Hermione's scream and the sound of scuffling. Taking a step back to see

what was happening.

But it was too late. Lockhart was already up and back, panting, Ron and

Hermione's wand in hand and his brilliant smile back on his face.

Lockhart: "The adventure ends here, boys! I'll take a piece of this skin and

go back to school, I will say that it was too late to save the girl and there

was no sign of young Shadowless, as for you three, you lost consciousness

seeing his mangled body and no trace of his other friend who was

probably already lying in the beast's stomach. Now, say goodbye to your


Harry: "Ah." Harry gave a sudden cry of surprise and horror as he pointed

behind Lockhart and backed away in a panic.

Noticing Harry's fearful expression as he looked behind him, Lockhart felt

a sudden chill in his heart and fearfully hastened to turn around, wand at

the ready, however, contrary to his fears, there was nothing behind.

Harry: "Exelliarmus."

Hearing Harry's yell behind him, Lockhart knew he had been tricked and

scrambled to the side, narrowly missing Harry's spell.

Lockhart: "Heh, nice try lad, I must admit you almost got me there."

Lockhart didn't forget to show off, having escaped the surprise attack

unscathed. But Harry wasn't done.

Harry: "Exelliarmus, Everte status , Flipendo."

Lockhart jumped from side to side in a panic, dodging each spell by just

inches each time, as if luck were smiling on him.

Lockhart: "Enough nonsense. Oblivate!" Wiping the sweat from his brow

and lightening the fear in his heart from having to dodge all those spells,

Lockhart cast his signature spell.

A nearly invisible ripple spread from the tip of Lockhart's wand toward

the trio. Harry wanted to lunge to stop him, but he was too far away and

he didn't know any warding spells.

Just as the spell was about to affect all three of them, Hermione jumped

in front of them and received the spell herself, saving Harry and Ron and

losing all strength in her body as she fell unconscious.

Harry and Ron: "Hermione!"

Seeing Hermione fall, Ron rushed to catch her.

Harry felt angry and worried as he watched Hermione fall unconscious

and he directed all those emotions into his wand, causing his hand on it

to clench.

Harry: "Eventratus Sapira, Obscurus!" **Whoosh** **Screech**

A spell of unknown nature and effect came out of Harry's wand, when a

certain passage from a book he had read on his visit to China came

impulsively to his mind.

The darkness of the cave seemed to twist, while a terrifying shriek was

heard throughout the place.

Lockhart: "Wh-what did you do?"

Harry: "I…" Harry wasn't entirely sure, the spell was part of something

else he had read by chance and it just stuck in his mind, but he had no

idea what it did.

Lockhart: "Lumos"


Lockhart: "Ahhhhhh. Bombarda."

An almost indiscernible dark shadow darted in Lockhart's direction. Fear

made Lockhart scream and recoil as he saw the creature brought out of

his worst nightmares.


Guided by fear, he cast one of the few spells he rarely used when he

needed to defend himself. The spell impacted the creature, but after the

small explosion there was no sign of it.

Not quite sure he had killed the creature, Lockhart looked around

fearfully, however, before he could concentrate on searching carefully,

the sound of footsteps brought him back to reality. Harry was

approaching his position at a rapid pace with his wand at the ready.

Harry: "Expelliarmus."

Lockhart: "Expelliarmus."

He tried to back up to give himself room to maneuver, but in his panic,

he coincidentally tripped over a stone and stumbled a few times until he

was able to steady himself.

Harry saw the perfect opportunity to see him stumble and cast another

spell. "Expelliarmus".

This time, his spell managed to hit Lockhart, who was thrown backwards,

colliding with the wall of the cave, as the wand in his possession flew

from his hand.


Seeing Lockhart fly away and lose his wand, Harry let out a long breath

he'd been holding.


But before Harry could be content with his victory, Lockhart was back on

his feet, another wand in his hand.

Lockhart: "You asked for it, boy. Bombarda Maxima!"


A fire-like beam of light shot from Lockhart's wand in Harry's direction.

Due to lack of practice and knowledge of it, the spell did not come off as

destructively and effectively as Lockhart had hoped, but it still served its


Even so, Harry didn't dare neglect it and hastily redirected it, afraid that

if he dodged it, the blast would affect Ron and Hermione behind him.

**Booom** **Crack crack**

Lockhart: "Bombarba, Bombarda maxima, aguamenti, Everte statum ."

Lockhart went on a mad spree of spells with a bit of madness and

despair. Throwing everything he could think of even if it wasn't entirely

destructive or offensive.

**Boom** **Boom**

Harry did his best to redirect or dodge them when he could. His hands

were sweating, but he did not dare to be careless.

Ron: "Harry, watch out!"

Ron's scream came from the side, but it was too late. The constant

explosions had damaged the structure of the cave and the ceiling of the

cave was collapsing.


Harry could only roll to the side at the last second with any luck and save

himself from being engulfed by the huge falling stones.

Dust flew everywhere and for a moment, everything went black as the

lumos in his wand went out.

Harry: "Lumos." Still maintaining his guard, Harry picked himself up from

the ground and returned to illuminate the cave.

However, in front of him was a thick stone wall that covered the entire

path he had come from, separating him from the other side.

To the other side.

The landslide also affected this part of the cave but to a lesser extent and

while Lockhart could only clumsily dodge the falling rocks. Ron had it

much harder with Hermione in tow, but he still managed to get them

both to safety.

After making sure Hermione wasn't hurt, Ron hid her behind a rock and

then slipped away.

On this entire side of the cave there was only one source of light, which

belonged to the wand in Lockhart's hands and otherwise, the other places

were almost completely dark.

Ron tried to be as quiet as possible and then, taking advantage of

Lockhart's carelessness, who was still somewhat disoriented, he charged

at him and knocked him against the wall causing him to hit his back hard

against it, then grabbed Lockhart's hand, which he had the wand and

repeatedly slammed it against the wall until he released it.


Lockhart recovered at that moment and tried to lunge for the wand, but

Ron wouldn't let him and the two got into a physical fight.

Lockhart: "Let go of me, animal."


Ron kicked, punched, and bit at times, while clinging to Lockhart and

preventing him from getting anywhere near the wand.


Lockhart: "Ahg! Stop! Stop! Wait! Not the face and hair! No! Aghhhhhh!"

They twirled on the ground. Ron was pulling at his hair and continuing

to hit him with his free hand, while Lockhart tried to separate the hand

that was pulling at his hair with one of his hands and shielded his face

with the other.


Finally, confident in his physical superiority, Lockhart emerged the

victor. His clothes were all messy and dirty, with bruises on his face and

bite marks on his hands and legs, even so, he rushed to retrieve the wand

and not wanting any more unforeseen events, he immediately pointed it

at Ron.

Lockhart: "*gasp* *gasp* This ends here. Oblivate!"

Ron: "Ah." Ron closed his eyes and let out a gasp of fear upon learning his

fate. However, **Boom** Lockhart was thrown backwards hitting his

head and falling unconscious.

Lockhart: "Ughh."

The sound of the loud bang and Lockhart's scream caught Ron's attention.

Opening his eyes, he looked through the settling dust and low visibility,

to find the scene of Lockhart knocked out and leaning against the wall.

Getting up from the floor and ignoring the pain from the bruises he

received during the fight, Ron approached Lockhart at a slow pace.

Arriving in front of him, he put a finger under his nose to see if he was

still alive.

Ron: "*Sigh* He's still alive." Ron didn't suspect it was some kind of trap,

after all there was no reason for Lockhart to pretend when he already had

him cornered.

Reaching out his hand, Ron picked up the wand that had fallen not far


Ron: "It's broken… The magic must have gone haywire like it did when

mine broke and that's why there was an explosion *sigh* Hermione's

going to be mad when she finds out. Now I just have to find mine"

Harry: "Ron! Are you okay? Ron!" Harry's muffled voice came from the

other side of the rock wall.

Ron: "Harry, I'm fine."

Harry: "Ron, are you sure? I heard a lot of noise from there."

Ron: "Yeah, a few things happened but…"— Glancing at the unconscious

Lockhart "It all ended well in the end. But this idiot didn't. The wand

turned on him."

Harry: "And Hermione?"

Ron: "I don't know, she's still unconscious. But what now? We can't get

through. It would take us forever to move all those rocks... ".

Harry: "There's no other choice. Wait here. Take care of Hermione and be

careful with Lockhart. I'll go. If I'm not back in an hour… ".

Ron: "I'll try to remove some stones. So you can…so you can cross when

you come back. And…"

Harry: "I'll be back." After that last word, Ron couldn't listen to Harry


Digging around a bit among the rocks and dust on the ground, Ron found

his wand, luckily it hadn't broken.

He conjured some vines to tie Lockhart's hands, for safety, he didn't know

what would happen when he woke up. He then transfigured a few things

trying to make a more comfortable place for Hermione and finally turned

his gaze to the rock wall.

Ron: "*sigh* It seems I have a big job ahead of me, besides…"—Glancing

at the clear cracks in the continuous ceiling—"I have to be very careful if

I don't want to end up completely buried."

With the end of his words, he began to move the rocks. The small and

light ones he moved himself and the heavier ones he tried to move them

with the levitating enchantment. Even so, there were still too many rocks

and some were especially large and heavy and he couldn't just levitate

them, not with his current mastery of the spell, plus he had to be careful

with the structure.



Returning to the present.

Extimum still in his nine-tailed fox form slipped down the dark pipe.

Having regained control of his form, he shrank back so that he could

easily slide down the duct, however, he didn't dare return to his human

form yet. He knew he hadn't lost the woman yet, and he wasn't entirely

sure what would happen if she found out.

However, as he slid further and further down the pipe that seemed more

like an endless slide, time began to pass second by second and he heard

no trace of her coming close enough to hear her.

Extimum: "It seems that when I appeared, the tracking spell that made

her appear right next to me lost its effect. I can no longer feel the magic

that prevented me from regaining my form, which confirms that she is

not close enough or… that she left the cane behind".

Soon, the slide came to an end. Upon landing, Extimum immediately

reverted to his human form. He no longer felt so insecure and believed

that the woman had not followed him or not at least immediately.

'At first I thought of using an excuse to explain my disappearance, but

with the way things are, I'd better go with the flow and go with what

everyone believes so far. The basilisk kidnapped me…and for some

reason it didn't eat me. I just have to make sure Ginny doesn't talk or

make it look like she didn't know anything'

Giving no more thought to the matter, Extimum went further into the

dark cave he had come to.

He didn't turn on any lumos, not only so he wouldn't expose his location,

but because he didn't need it either. His night vision allowed him to see

the entire interior of the cave with perfect clarity. It was good that it

worked under a more "magical" concept instead of a scientific/biological

one, since if that was the case, then he would not be able to see anything

as there was no light source nearby.

As he walked, he began to check himself for any abnormalities.

Previously due to the high stress situation, he had barely been able to

take care of himself and the situation, but now he had more time.

Most of his wounds were already closing and the most superficial ones

had even completely disappeared. His tunic was in perfect condition,

something that would have to be fixed later if he wanted to be

convincing. There were no superficial signs of any spell on his body

either, but without closer examination it would be hard to tell, however,

something soon made him frown slightly.

'My connection to Hermione almost seems to have disappeared, just this

slight feeling remains, very different from how it was before. I can clearly

remember that before I was chased I could feel her clearly and the bond

was strong, now it's almost non-existent. Something happened?'

The more he tried to feel the link, the more he frowned. That wasn't

natural, that's not supposed to be how it works. In the current state, apart

from being able to feel that she was still alive, he couldn't perceive

anything else. Thinking about it, he sped up his pace through the cave.

After walking for a while, he arrive at a somewhat rugged area. Dust

floated through the air, the walls and ceiling had marks of cracks and

explosions, and the end of the path ended in a small hole through which

a person could barely pass by lowering their heads.

Extimum: "Professor Lockhart?" Focusing his sight near the hole that was

the only way to go, he noticed a blond man with somewhat tattered


Lockhart: "Who? Me? Do you know me?"

Extimum: 'Did he still end up losing his memory?' Extimum thought that

with the small changes he made, things would turn out differently, after

all, now not only did Ron have a working wand that could do more than

just deter, but they also had Hermione with them.

Extimum: "Yes, I mean you. Do you know where the others are? Or

rather, have you seen anyone around here?" As he spoke, he kept


Lockhart: "Ah well, there was a boy with me before. I don't know who he

was, but he was very bossy, he made me help him move all those stones,

after that he went to the other side of the hole and told me to wait here.

Oh that's right, the boy also asked me to help him move a young lady,

she was fast asleep, even when we moved her she didn't wake up. We put

her on the other side, but he told me to stay away from her, so I don't

know anything else."

Extimum: "I see, thanks for the information."

Lockhart: "You're welcome, have a nice day."

Extimum: "Yes... I'll do that. Oh, but first... Oblivate!". 'You won't

remember seeing me pass by here.' Finishing his spell, Extimum went

through the hole to the other side, leaving a stunned Lockhart.

He didn't feel guilty for messing with the mind of someone who already

had it screwed up, after all, he was just erasing the last few seconds and

not messing with his mind in depth. Not that he had the ability for that,

of course.

Passing to the other side, he came across the large dry skin of the


'I had forgotten this was here, not that I have many details on everything

to begin with. Will the dried skin of the basilisk have any use? It doesn't

look very suitable for making items, it's been dry for a long time,

however, it might have some use as a potion ingredient.'

Taking his eyes off the long basilisk skin, he looked around and tried to

feel the link with Hermione to find its location.

Although weak, given the small size of the cave, he soon found himself

walking in a specific direction until he came upon a strange accumulation

of rocks.

As he got closer and took a closer look, he realized that it was actually

some kind of rudimentary shelter and through the cracks, he realized that

there was something inside.

Moving a large rock that covered one of the sides and served as a door,

he bowed his head and entered.

And there he saw her, stretched out on what looked like a straw mat.

Extimum: "Hermione."

Extimum hastened. The interior space was not very big and when he got

in front of her he was almost crouching.

A rare tinge of concern crept between Extimum's eyes as he looked at

her, especially as he focused what seemed like a jumble of mixed

emotions around her head.

He took her wrist in one hand and pointed his wand with the other,

silently casting all manner of diagnostic spells on her. His concern greatly

decreased when he realized that his body was in perfect condition,

however, it did not completely disappear due to what he could perceive

with his empathy.

'Her body is fine, but her mind… '. He couldn't say exactly what the

problem was, but something was clearly wrong. He didn't feel an exact

emotion, it was just chaos, a real confused chaos.

'I must take her to Madam Pomfrey as soon as possible, but it can't be

now…'. The situation did not allow it. The only way out of the place was

where that crazy woman was and even in her human form, she didn't

know what would happen when she found her. There was always the

possibility that he was suspicious.

Plus he just couldn't show up at the infirmary, not when he's supposed to

be missing.

Of course, even with that, Hermione's safety came first over mere "what


'Although I don't know if it will help, I can still try'. He had nothing in his

bag that could help and he still had a sense of urgency for the crazy

woman after him, yet there was still something he could try.

Focusing his mind, he gathered the purple energy and infused it into

Hermione's body. He didn't know if it would work, but there was nothing

to lose by trying.

The second his energy entered her body, he felt a sudden tug and

suddenly, all the energy he infused was immediately sucked out, what's

more, he felt that if it wasn't for his control, she would even try to suck

the energy out of his body.

Feeling taken aback, he continued to infuse more energy into Hermione's

body curiously. Time passed second by second and just as the purple

magical energy in his body was about to run out, it stopped.

In the next second, he felt the chaotic state of Hermione's mind quieten

and the previously nearly dead bond revive. But even though her mind

quietened and the amalgamation of previous emotions disappeared, he

didn't know if the main problem or its effects had disappeared.

'But I can't take any longer. I've taken too long, but leaving her here…

Oh, right! Now I can use my magic again, I had forgotten.'

Taking Hermione into his arms, he waved his wand and disappeared.

**Jumble Pop**



--Pov Christelle--.

???: "You must go, nothing can happen to that child." The cold and

indifferent voice of a man was heard from a face made of green fire in

the fireplace of the place.

"But Brother, I have important matters in the ministry, besides, they must

only be children's things, they tend to get lost-".

A chillingly sweet female voice was heard the moment the woman in the

room opened her mouth.

? ??: "There is a basilisk." The man's voice sounded again, interrupting

Christelle's words and creating a brief moment of silence, completely

undisturbed by the woman's voice.

"Okay, I'll go, I needed a break after all, plus it's always good to pay a

visit to reminisce about old times."

???: "Don't forget why I'm actually sending you there."

"Yes, yes. You worry too much, Callum. Your son, my nephew is a

Shadowless after all, he'll be fine. Just leave it to me."

Callum: "It's because I know you that I say so. Ensure their safety first

and then you can do whatever you want."


Christelle: "And how is my nephew? Is he a good student?"

Flitwick: "Oh yes, young Extimum is an excellent student, in fact he is the

best of his year"

Christelle: "Wow? What the first? Nice to know he haven't disappointed

the family name."

Flitwick: "Ahem, with all due respect Christelle, but it's not good to put

burdens like a family's honor on a student's academic performance,

especially since everyone doesn't have the same talents."

Christelle: "Oh, Professor Flitwick, it's not that I want to be antagonistic

to you, but I'm sorry to disagree with your words. While it is true that not

everyone has the same talents and therefore should not be measured in

the same mold, but Extimum is first and foremost a Shadowless and as a

member of the Shadowless family, performing no lower than third place

academically is the bare minimum that is expected of him."

"But changing the subject, does Extimum play Quidditch? Or is he in

some study group here at Hogwarts?"

Mcgonagall: "Miss Shadowless, young Extimum is currently only in his

second year here at Hogwarts, so not to mention if he's made the

Quidditch team, it would be quite rare if he even knew about study


Christelle: "I see… And what is he like? I mean, what does he look like?"

McGonagall and Flitwick: "…"

"Wow? Do It dodge it? Now, that's interesting. I guess I should give you

some points for that."

'Though I didn't cast the spell too seriously, but It shouldn't have been

able to dodge it that easily. Though I haven't seen the Basilisk yet, this

creature alone makes it completely worth coming here.'

Mcgonagall: "Miss Shadowless, I'll ask you to please be careful with the

spells you use. Although destroying school property is still acceptable to

deal with the current threat, but your sudden attack may have hurt the


"Hehehe, don't worry, Headmistress. My Shadowless family will pay for

all the damages and as for the students, rest assured, I have a sense of


"A basilisk, though…? Are you sure? Is this really the same creature that's

been causing trouble?"

'No matter how I look at it, even if it's covered by that thick layer of mist,

I don't feel like it's a basilisk. Otherwise, the expanse of mist would cover

a much larger area and not as concentrated, yet this creature is very large

on its own.'

'Neither is there any hissing sound or the putrid odor of basilisk breath

and venom.'

Flitwick: 'Christelle, even if it's not the basilisk, given the current

situation, it's best to capture or kill it. I already spoke with Principal

Mcgonagall and Professor Sinistra. We will surround it and you will

eliminate it'

'My, Professor, I didn't know you had also dabbled in the arts of the

mind. On the other hand, that's a good idea, so-'.

Flitwick: 'Christelle? Something wrong?'

The beautiful face under the cloth mask creased as she inadvertently

checked the device hidden in her cloak. It was a family artifact that was

used to monitor the status of a relative and know their approximate

location. It only worked with family members and a DNA sample from

the person had to be offered.

And that same artifact, was pointing right in the direction of the creature

made of mist in front of her.

Which could only mean two things.

The first option was that the creature in front of her was the nephew she

had come looking for, which was quite ridiculous and unlikely. As for

why? It was simple. Because the creature in front of her had a shadow. A

real shadow.

No member of the Shadowless family in its long history after the founder

of the family had ever had a shadow of its own. From there came the

nickname with which they had been known in ancient times and which

was later adopted as their last name.

Even when the Shadowless had offspring with members of the other

ancient families or with ancient magical creatures/beings, they couldn't

get their children to be born with their own shadow, no matter what

lineage they mixed, that was a distinctive and unique characteristic of


For simple convenience, the Shadowless had developed a spell that

created an artificial shadow, which was one of the first spells that each

member learned to maintain appearances to the outside and in the case

of children, it was their parents who cast it on them. Even so, any

Shadowless could see at first glance if they concentrated hard enough

when a shadow was artificial.

And the shadow of the creature in front of her wasn't fake, it was

completely real. As a distinguished member of the Shadowless family and

an accomplished mage in shadow magic that was one detail that couldn't

mislead her at all.

So the second option was the most feasible. The creature in front of her

had eaten her nephew or was carrying him with it.

And taking into account that the artifact marked that his nephew was

still alive. No matter the situation within all that mist, she couldn't let

that creature escape, nor could she carelessly attack it.

But considering that his nephew had been missing for quite some time

now, it was unlikely that he was lying in the creature's stomach.

'Change of plans, I'll need you to please not interfere. I will deal with the

creature myself. Let others know. Anyway, I think you guys still have a

'big' situation to take care of here.'

Its implications were obvious when looking at the army of students in

front of them and those still elsewhere in the castle. There was a lot to

put in order.

Flitwick: 'What? Why? Christelle? Christelle?! '

Ignoring the voice in her head, Christelle cut the mental link and focused

all her attention back on the creature in front of her.

"Well, it doesn't matter anyway even if it's not a basilisk. You've appeared

at a very bad time and you're clearly an unknown and dangerous

creature, so…"

'No matter the situation, I must capture it without hurting it…too much.'

"Tristis tie". A spell shot out quickly and almost imperceptibly from

Christelle's staff.

However, before it could take effect, the creature suddenly moved, a

second before the spell could take effect, it jumped high into the air and

then took a strange turn and ran over all the students.

'Do It anticipate it? Is it a creature sensitive to shadows? It doesn't

matter, you won't be able to run away from me.'

'Semper in umbra!'.

An invisible spell slithered under everyone's feet and attached itself to the

shadow of the creature that had just landed on the other side, seconds

before it bolted down the hall at full speed.

'? It's surprisingly fast, plus it can somehow…step on the void? It's clearly

not flying. Hahahaha This creature is getting more and more interesting.

I can't wait to catch it.'


"Oh my, where do you think you're going little cloud?" Before the

creature could get too far away, Christelle activated the spell's effect and

apparated directly at its back.

'Hehehe, I can't see it because of all this fog, but I can imagine the

surprised face it must be making right now.'

'Oh my, it can run fast. **Crack Crack**. its footsteps are also quite


"Hehehehe, oh, come on, don't be shy, I'm really intrigued by what's

hiding under all that purple mist, also…you smell strangely of poison

and…of dark magic."

'The aroma is unmistakable and comes from the layer of mist that

surrounds it.'

"That's right, run, run…" 'That just makes the experience more fun when I

catch you.'

As if heeding her words, the creature in front of her again increased the

speed with which it moved even more.


'It's pretty fast. Although I have dealt with some much faster ones. It's not

a problem to keep up with its speed, although it does take some effort.

Wait, do It accelerate even more? Fascinating'

'**Hoo** Looks like I'll need a boost if I want to continue. 'Aequalitatem


Another invisible spell shot out, impacting the figure of the running

creature just before it was lost as it turned into a hallway.

'**Haaa** That damned creature, how dare it hit me? **Deep breath**

*sigh* Not yet…hehehe. Let's first ensure my nephew's safety and

then…'. Images of all kinds began to run through Christelle's mind as she

imagined the torment she would put its through.

After recovering a bit and taking advantage of the speed boost from the

last spell he had cast, she managed to follow it with the artifact to the

area of the stairs, but when she looked down, it was nowhere to be seen.


'There you are!'


**Swoosh** *Slam* *Boom**

"Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you shouldn't have thrown yourself like that, don't you

know that the stairs are for something? It's not like I expected a mere

beast to understand something like that though."

Creature: "GRrr *Heavy breathing*." The creature tried to get up with

clear pain and although with difficulty it still got up again.

'That's it, writhe in pain and misery.'

However, contrary to Christelle's expectations, the creature did not start

running again as it had been doing, which soured her enthusiasm a bit.

"Wow? Did you get tired of running so fast? That's not fun, I thought we'd

have a little more fun…"— Giving a little wait and not moving from her

place, Christelle looked expectantly, only to be disappointed when she

didn't see its move— "Hmm ? Nothing? Maybe it's finally time for a

desperate fight?"

Emotion could almost be felt bubbling up in Christelle as she uttered

those last words.

However, she soon sensed a disturbance from the creature.

"Hmm? Trying to use your magic? Kukuku, you can try all you want, but

it won't work. Ha! See this beautiful staff of mine here? It's specially

made to deal with beings like you, once I use it, it causes all the magical

creatures in the surrounding area to go into chaos, unable to control


Something very useful when dealing with elusive or sneaky creatures.

In fact, you're already quite outstanding from your monstrous physical

ability alone, plus you seem strangely calm…a fine specimen to be sure,

jujujuju, although it's disappointing, as this usually doesn't have much of

an effect on mythical creatures, so perhaps, You're not that special..."

"Well, that's fun enough I guess, I still have a big snake to catch, so make

haste to put up your desperate fight or die like the good beast that you

are." As Christelle spoke her words, the tip of the staff she was holding

began to glow dimly.

She wasn't planning on killing it, no, that would be too easy and under

the current assumption, also potentially bad for her objectives, but at

least if she planned to hit it hard enough to knock it out completely.

"Hmm ? The cloud dissipates?" Just as she was about to act, Christelle

noted with surprise that the layers of mist that enveloped the creature

were beginning to thin and dissipate.

However, before she could see in more detail, she was swept away by an

irresistible force.

**Pop Jumble**


Second floor, Bathrooms.


Christelle appeared somewhere else abruptly, but before she could steady

herself, the momentum she was carrying sent her body flying and

colliding with a bathroom stall and hitting her hard.

"Ugh, damn creature, so you could teleport too? But... how?, your magic

should be sealed." Christelle let out a weak moan as she got up a little

unsteadily from the floor and tried to recover from the hard and

unexpected blow.

Nothing had been broken luckily, but the blow had still been hard.

"Heh, looks like I'll have to get serious or a lowly creature like you will

start getting too trusting."

"Shadow Banishment!"

A dark glow immediately expanded from the tip of the staff in her hand

and began to cover the entire bathroom room with her body as the

center. Erasing every trace of light and form as if devouring them from


But just as the darkness was about to close all gaps for the creature in

front of her to escape and devour it as well. The creature leaped and dove

into a large hole in the middle of the bathroom next to it.

"*UGhh* It escaped and By Erebus where did a hole in the whole center

of the bathroom come from?"

"It doesn't matter. As long as I can still track it, it won't be able to escape,

but I sense that something is not quite right, there is something strange

with the situation, perhaps the tracking device is malfunctioning?"

At the last moment the fog had dissipated enough and although she was

unable to fully appreciate the true form of the creature, she did not see

anything that would give her clues as to her nephew's situation.

Besides, if the creature had been able to teleport all this time, why didn't

it do it sooner?

'Unless something prevented it? There was a trace of dark magic in the

creature, but at first I thought it was because it was a creature of a dark

nature. Although I still can't eliminate that possibility entirely, but if so,

it would explain why it only teleported now. This is getting more and

more interesting.'

Even so, there was still something that didn't quite add up in Christelle's

mind. If the creature was already free of what ailed it and was able to

teleport ignoring the effects of its staff, then why did it jump into the

hole? Why didn't it just teleport back?

Most magical creatures don't think too much, they just follow their

instinct, if they can just disappear why would they bother doing anything

else? So perhaps there was more involved here and the teleportation had

been more of an accident.

'Besides'. Taking a look at the hole in the middle of the bathroom.

'I might have ended up discovering something more important in the

process. For now, I should let the teachers know that I have the situation

covered so they don't become a nuisance later, plus, I must close all

access and exit from this bathroom, lest it try to turn back and escape

through here later.'

With those thoughts in mind, she began writing and sending various

messages on paper airplanes to report the situation, and then set about

setting up barriers to seal off the entire bathroom. Nothing would escape

from that hole while she was in this castle.

As she finished setting up the wards, her attention was once again drawn

to the tracking device. The device's compass was beginning to go crazy

and spin in all directions.

When it finally stopped, its needle pointed in the opposite direction that

it had pointed before and was now pointing up instead of down.

'Did it really break down? No. Did the creature teleport again?'

However, a few seconds later, the compass took another crazy turn and

again changed the direction it was pointing a few moments ago, stopping

pointing up and pointing down again.

'Strange, if it can really teleport why does it return almost immediately?

Well, it shows that there's something strange and as long as it's still down

there, it won't escape now as long as there's no other way out down


There was also another possibility that had been on Christelle's mind ever

since she had been chasing the creature.

The device actually has the ability to show the location of the person, but

its operation was based on trying to find where the same DNA was found.

So if that creature had eaten or carried a substantial part of Extimum's

DNA with it, then the artifact wouldn't be able to tell the difference for a

while at the same time.

Nor could it indicate the direction or differentiate the main body from

one of its parts. So if Extimum had lost a leg or an arm and was in that

creature's stomach, she would be wasting her time.

"Here we go"

Walking towards the hole that was a large pipe in the bathroom,

Christelle dove.

--End Pov--.


**Pop Jumble**


Landing in his room, Extimum landed almost on his knees. Performing

the apparition once in a day was already very strenuous for him since

neither of his magical sides could sustain the casting of the spell and only

by using them at the same time could he achieve it.

So doing it 2 times without too much time apart and even having to do it

for a third time to come back, had him extremely exhausted.

Still, with an effort, he got up and still with Hermione in his arms, he

walked over to his bed and deposited her there, then he hurried to his

cupboard and took out some potions, putting them on the nightstand

next to the bed.

As he did so, his movement caught the attention of Bloom who flew out

of the room's bathroom.

Bloom: "Extimum, you finally came back, what happened? Did you stay

sleeping with Luna?" Bloom asked innocently unaware of all the

commotion that had occurred outside.

Extimum stopped for a moment, he think it would have been very good if

he had made that decision and never left Luna's room, but he quickly

shook off those thoughts.

Too bad there wasn't a What If… Also.

He knew enough about shadow magic and it was precisely because he

knew it, that he wasn't entirely sure that he had completely shaken off

that woman who seemed to be his relative. He had gotten rid of what

made her arrive right next to him in a second yes.

But he barely knew a few spells in that regard and even among those few,

he also knew one that could leave an almost undetectable tracking mark

on the target. If he knew it himself, why not her? From what he had seen,

she was someone who enjoyed playing with people, so it wouldn't be too

unusual for her to have learned that.

And if so, the last thing he wanted is for the creature that created chaos

throughout the school to be linked to him.

He had to spend considerable time analyzing whether there was

something off about the first one and it wasn't something he could do in a

short time. So every second counted and he couldn't stay here long.

Bloom: "Wait, is that Hermione?"

Extimum: "No, I didn't, but I don't have time to explain the situation right

now. Take care of her and give her one of those three potions at your

discretion, bye"

Bloom: "But-".

**Pop Jumble**

Bloom: "*sigh* What's happening now?"


**Pop Jumble**

Extimum reappeared again in the dark cave, next to the dried skin of the

basilisk. This time he landed directly on his knees and arms as soon as he


Extimum: "The price is too high...*gasp* Ughh, even so"— Relying on his

physical strength and will, he ignored the great physical-mental wear and

tear and got up from the rocky ground—"I must continue, find a

somewhat hidden place and with difficult access if possible. As long as I

have a full 5 minutes without any distractions, I should be able to be sure

I'm not being followed."

It was a pity that while Extimum made the correct assumption, he had

missed the methods they were actually following up with.




I wanted to upload the chapter on Saturday, but I was not satisfied, so

I just uploaded it :/

Chapter 51: Haunting voice. Fight

of Titans

[Since it's been a while and maybe not everyone rereads from the

beginning, we're going to do a little review.

"" Talk

'' Thoughts or depending on the context, speaking mentally

. Scene/time change, basically full stop to the theme

.-. Change of scene and also of Pov

… Some time later

-- Third-person argumentative text within a first-person POV

- Abrupt change of theme, I try not to use this much

« » Ideas, foreign thoughts ]


Although moving the stones was an extremely exhausting and somewhat

complicated task, with some effort and constant repetition, the results

were still felt.

Ron: "Haaa…Even though it works, this isn't very effective…" Ron let out

a long breath as he sat down on the dark floor under the cover of his



A slight groan sounded behind him, albeit light, echoing in the silent

cave, as if someone was waking up.

The sound immediately drew Ron's full attention, as he turned his gaze in

that direction, only to notice Lockhart start to move and open his eyes.

Giving a little jump and ignoring the tiredness of his body. He grabbed

his wand and raised it high, ready to attack if necessary. He would no

longer allow himself to let his guard down easily, not after what had


Lockhart: "*groans* My head... what happened?... hello?" Shaking from

his reverie, Lockhart groaned weakly as his body ached and his head felt

sore, as if he'd hit a hard blow.

Even so, it didn't take long for him to come back to reality and he

realized that he was in a dark and humid place, and he couldn't move his

limbs well. Soon, as he was trying to make sense of his situation, he

noticed a boy not far from him pointing a wooden stick at him.

Lockhart: "Excuse me, can you tell me where we are? And… who am I?"

Ron: "Uh…" Ron was stunned. 'Did he lose his memory? No, wait, what if

he's faking it?'

Lockhart: "Sir?" Lockhart reiterated when he did not receive a response.

Ron: "Sir?...". Ron muttered in bewilderment, would Lockhart call him so


Somewhat tentatively, Ron decided to play along.

"You… you are my subordinate and I am your boss and right now we are

at work, we are in… uh… an excavation, yes."

Spouting a bunch of nonsense that came to his mind, Ron carefully

watched Lockhart's reaction to his words, however, Lockhart's next words

surprised him even more.

Lockhart: "Is that so? Wow! I didn't think I was a miner, though, aren't

you too young? But... why can't I move?"

Ron: "*cough cough* That doesn't matter. Wait, I'll untie you." Although

he still had doubts, Ron was beginning to believe, so he pointed his wand

and burned the vines that bound Lockhart.

Lockhart: "Wow! How did you do that? Was that magic?" Although he

couldn't see much from his position, since the way he was tied up

wouldn't allow it, but he clearly saw a ray of light coming out of the

branch in the hands of the boy in front of him and then felt his limbs


Ron: "That's right, it's magic. I'm a wizard and…so are you."

Lockhart: "Me? A wizard? That's amazing". Lockhart got back up moving

his now free limbs and rising from the ground, while responding with

great emotion, admiration and surprise.

Ron: "Ahem"— Feeling a little embarrassed by Lockhart's emotionality,

Ron tried to change the subject— "Anyway, now that you're awake, I

need you to help me move all those rocks and make a passage."

Although his attitude softened a bit when he saw that he had lost his

memory, but when he remembered what had happened before, he still

always kept some distance and with the wand ready in case he needed it.

Lockhart: "Oh, okay."

Contrary to his concerns, however, Lockhart seemed much more calm

and honest, not even asking too much or refusing, he accepted and got to


His enthusiasm lessened his suspicion, for if he hadn't lost his memory, it

was unlikely he would deign to do a job that involved getting that dirty,

and more so knowing the danger that lay on the other side.

In the following time, Lockhart began to move the rocks. Although he

wasn't very physically strong, but compared to Ron who was a 12-year-

old boy, he had a lot more physical strength, so he could do it with more

ease, plus Ron still kept levitating rocks to speed up the work.

Sometimes they would take a short break, in which Ron would go to

observe the state of Hermione, who still hadn't woken up.

Lockhart: "What happened to her?"

Ron: "…She…"— Ron clenched his hand into a fist, but then released it

—"She had an accident and now she's resting." Ron said with some

concern, even so, he also felt quite angry since whoever had caused it

was right next to him and didn't seem to even remember doing it.

He had already tried to see if he could go back the way they came to take

Hermione to the infirmary, but there was no way back and the pipe was

just too slippery and tricky.

Ignoring the fact that he could go up there with Hermione, most of the

pipe was sloping vertically and it was also much darker, so it wasn't


Ron: "Don't waste time, if you've rested, get back to work."

Lockhart: "Yeah..." Sounding somewhat downcast, Lockhart responded

and got up to continue moving rocks.

During the time that they had been working on removing the stones, Ron

had continued to probe with questions and now he was completely sure

that Lockhart had lost his memory, besides, he had lost very important

parts of it.

He was like a child, although he still knew basic things, he had forgotten

almost everything about himself, and he did not remember anything

about the wizarding world or magic. In fact, sometimes he wouldn't stop

throwing questions at him, leaving him no choice but to silence him

because otherwise he wouldn't be able to concentrate, besides, he didn't

have an answer to all the questions.

Lockhart also seemed a bit clueless at times, it seemed like the spell had

screwed him up a bit too or he was already that dumb before.

On the other hand, his own ability with the levitating spell had improved

a lot given the constant use, he could now levitate medium-sized rocks

much more easily and at least shake off large ones without wasting much

energy or effort.

Ron: "*gasp* It's done."

Lockhart: "*gasp* Yes."

After a few long minutes of work, they finally made a hole big enough to

climb through, although it wasn't very high, at least he had no trouble

getting through it with Hermione.

It had to be said that with magic everything was made quite simple, well,

that and that the stones were loose from the collapse, otherwise it really

would have taken them hours since they did not have any more useful

tools or spells for it.

Ron: "Now, go back to the other side and wait there. You're not allowed

to come to this side until we come back or someone else comes."

Lockhart: "Understood…"

Seeing Lockhart obediently leave, Ron sighed and then walked away with

Hermione on his back.

Although he was worried about his sister, Ginny, he couldn't just neglect

the situation here. He still needed to get Hermione to safety before he

thought about going to help Harry.

With Hermione in tow, he reached a somewhat inconspicuous corner

away from the main path and then, using transfiguration magic, he

moved and shaped the stone to make a shelter that would keep out some

threats as well as be discreet enough to hide Hermione.

It didn't turn out great, but it was decent enough in his opinion, since he

basically just molded and glued certain parts together to make it work,

plus transmogrified some other rocks onto a straw mat.

With the darkness of the cave, the little shelter didn't seem out of place,

going almost completely unnoticed.

After shoving Hermione inside and barricading the entrance with the

heaviest stone he could find and move, he turned and ran up the path


The road was somewhat bumpy so despite his haste, he couldn't go too

fast or he might fall, even so, he soon arrived in front of a large circular

gate surrounded by two statues of snakes.

Stepping through the open door, He is greeted by the sight of a partially

flooded hall with statues of serpents lining the sides. The room was light

enough that he didn't need to use a Lumos spell to see, but it was still

kind of dark overall.

The place where he was standing was in a high place and a metal ladder

had to be lowered to go down to the level of the hall.

Going down the stairs, he notice that the room or chamber was much

larger than what he had seen from above.

In addition, outside the main path that leads to the depths of it, the

surroundings were flooded with water and for some reason, as he

entered, he felt a chill run through his body, as if the snakes in the

surrounding columns were watching him. following him with their eyes

Just when it was starting to make you uneasy, he saw a figure

approaching him from a distance.

Ron: "Harry!" Noticing Harry, much of his nervousness dissipated.

Harry: "Ron?!"

Ron: "Harry, I'm coming." Excited, he was already starting to run when

Harry stopped him.

Harry: "No! Ron, Run! Turn around."

Ron: "Wha'? Why? It took me a long time to get-". Ron's words died in his

throat as he saw a gigantic creature crawling up behind Harry and

without hesitation he turned and began to run.

s~"Other? Doesn't matter. Basilisk, kill him too, but your main priority is

Harry Potter"~s


Walking with somewhat leisurely steps, Extimum moved through the

darkness of the cave without stopping, despite his exhaustion he didn't

stop once.

At some point and without even realizing it, he had crossed the door of

the chamber of secrets. Coming to himself, he stopped. He took a general

look at the place, but did not go further into it, instead choosing to turn

off the main path.


Turning off the main path, he directly stepped through the water

surrounding the path into the depths of the chamber and stepped into

one of the giant pipes that served as passageways and ran along all the

side walls.

The place was like a goalless maze made up entirely of pipes that

interconnected all the entrances. He wander around the place for a while,

looking for a place to shelter and rest.

A strong smell of humidity and other unknown substances enveloped the


His footsteps were mostly silent, careful to make too much noise given

the echoes generated by the tunnels and the occasional puddles of water.

After walking for some time, he came across a dead end. It wasn't the

first one he came across, although he tried to dodge them as best he

could, but this one in particular was deep and hidden enough.

You had to go around a lot to get here and there was only one entrance,

since the others had been sealed with bars that prevented the passage or

with gates.

This specific part where he had arrived, was a long pipe with two other

surrounding pipes on each side. Each and every one without fail

completely sealed, ensuring a single entry.

The place was perfect, or as perfect as it could be, a great wet pipe in the

middle of a hidden and dark maze of medieval sewers. Still, given his

situation, he couldn't complain.

Before going further in to give himself a break while he assessed his

situation, he paused at the entrance.

Extimum: "First, let's put in some countermeasures and protections."

He was tired, but if he squeezed his will and body, it wasn't too difficult

to cast a few more simple spells.

Waving his wand gently in what looked like a wave motion, he arranged

several layers of illusions, covering the entire entrance to the place and

erasing any trace from the outside that there was even a fork there.

Just a simple wall would greet the sight of anyone passing by, even if

they tried to touch it or lean on it, it could still look completely real.

At the same time he also put an alert spell at the entrance to the path. It

wasn't very useful, but it will give him a few seconds of alert in case

someone still insisted on charging and crossed the illusion.

"*sigh* That should do for now."

Turning around, he entered the pipe and when he reached the end, he

chose the pipe to his left to sit down and rest.

Ignoring the humidity on the floor and the bad smell of the place, he

closed his eyes.

*Breath* *Exhale* *Breath* *Exhale*

He stabilize his somewhat disordered breathing and try to still his body

from the effort. He needed at least that, a few seconds of peace and rest.

Moving his hand a little, his wand came back out of its case on his arm

and fit directly into his hand.

With a little flash and another flutter, he aimed the tip at his chest,

casting in rapid succession two inspection spells he had learned from

Pomfrey that were used to find traces of spells on the body.

However, as expected, he find nothing. It wasn't unexpected, but

confirmation was never unnecessary.

Without showing any change in mood, he continue with what he had

really come to do.

Even without opening his eyes, he concentrated on his breathing in a

specific rhythm, trying to enter a meditative state, closed and solely

focused on himself.

Completely isolating himself from his surroundings, somewhat risky

based on his current situation, but not completely without merit, as it

would allow him to shorten time.

Given his experience and usual routine, it didn't take long for him to

ignore everything around him and deepen his consciousness, entering his

mental space.

His mental space was the same as always. A starry sky filled with both

familiar and unknown stars and planets.

Space, planets, stars and even the smallest asteroid in the place

symbolized his consciousness.

Gathering his thoughts, he focused on one point of the place.

He imagine his body, with all the parts it included. His bones, his flesh,

his veins, his skin, his hair, and his less human parts, like his tails and fox

ears, then... when all that construction had settled in his mind, he

focused on the light of his mental space.

The stars.

And with a thought, the starlight around him gathered and focused into a

stream of light that fell upon the incarnation of his body he had created,

illuminating it, as if a dazzling spotlight shone down the entire side of his


As the warm light fell on his body, enveloping him, a large dark shadow

was projected on the back of his body.

A fine shadow and as black as the darkest of inks, swallowing every trace

of light from the surroundings.

Suddenly, large purple eyes opened in the emptiness of the sea of stars,

with sharp pupils and an unnatural calm and detachment in their gaze.

He took in his surroundings for a few seconds, before finally focusing on

the much smaller body below him or rather, the shadow cast from it.

The detachment in the gaze was replaced with utter concentration, but

the calm remained. The eyes watched without blinking or even looking

away for a moment.

As if more than observing the unfathomable darkness of a reflection of

light, one was observing a mystery of the universe in the process of being


In fact, the longer the gaze remained on the shadow, it seemed more and


The shadows are a reflection, a projection, a part that the light does not

reach, if you want to be technical, but... beyond that, in their essence

they are simple darkness, the opposite of light.

It is always there, always has been, before even the first glow came into

the world, waiting in eternal calm and solitude.

But there is no terror, no unknown horrors beyond human or mere

mortal imagination, just the eternal embrace of beginning and end.

But for the Shadowless and all magical creatures/beings with an affinity

for darkness, it's much more than that. There is a whole mystery, a truth,

an intelligible knowledge and even a whole world to discover within it.

That is why they do not fear, but rather accept its embrace and immerse

themselves in it. They are part of it and it is part of them, accompanying

them every step of the way.

When the big eyes fell on his own shadow, analyzing each piece and

corner of it, as if he were not looking at a simple shadow but as if he

were seeing a complete image, being careful that no part was foreign or

with additional things that did not belong there.

Something, something deep in mental space stirred. And even when there

was no wind in the sea of stars, a gentle breeze began to blow. Ruffling

the hair on Extimum's body.

A totally imperceptible fact for him who was concentrating on reviewing

his own shadow in detail.

And with the breeze, a whisper.

«Are you looking for what is missing in your heart?» «What is missing in

your being…?» «What you can only see and feel through others, while

you yourself are incapable of» «You want to feel it, don't you?»

A voice, no. A thought, an intention came along on the breeze, ravaging

Extimum's mind. Reproducing as slow and deep insidious words.

«Or perhaps you wonder... why do you live?» «Why can your mother

show so much emotion to others, but with you she doesn't even bother to

pretend...?» «Does your father even consider you his son?» «Are you his

son...or...a tool to an end?»

The large eyes in the starry sea trembled slightly, but still kept their gaze

fixed on the dark shadow, refusing to lose the thread of their search.

«Jujujujuju» «You already know the answer, but you refuse to accept it»

«You're just trash, the remains» «What nobody wants» «Even so, you try

so hard...» «What for?» "Who will see it?" "Who cares?" «Jujujujukukuku»

«To nobody»

«You are as empty as the mansion in which you live» «As decadent as life

in the stars of your mind» «You are just a child that nobody wants, that

nobody remembers» «Maybe if you die here nobody will remember you ?

Oh, that's right, yes they will, after all, they still have to use you, before

finally discarding you Jujujuju»

The large eyes trembled violently this time, threatening to turn their gaze

to the source of the foreign wind, to the source of such vile words.


*gasp**gasp**holding breath*

Harry and Ron stuck to the walls of one of the pipes attached to the

chamber they had fled through. Their breaths held, while they looked

into each other's eyes in what seemed like a silent conversation.

With Ron running ahead, they had entered the pipes next to the snake

statues that lined the main path of the chamber. Harry, being in better

physical condition, had managed to reach it and seeing that the basilisk

would reach them quickly, they decided to hide, taking refuge in two

closed pipes next to the main one through which they were running.


Suddenly, as they maintained their silent communication, their breaths

hitched, while their bodies tensed and they slowly backed away, clinging

to the walls.


With a slow, careful movement, the great head of the basilisk poked out.

Moving in complete silence, like a hunter stalking its prey, contrasting

with its large size.

Its eyes, still oozing corrosive blood and completely blinded.

Trusting its sense of hearing, it had followed them here, guided by the

sound of their footsteps on the puddled floor and the rumbling echo that

was created in the spacious pipe.


Stopping right in front of them, it stood still, paying close attention to

any other sounds. Although losing its eyes to the clutches of

Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes, had lost its petrifying gaze and its ability

to see, it hadn't greatly affected its natural ability as a hunter.

Letting out a stale breath as it opened its mouth, the basilisk sniffed with

its nose, trying to catch some scent. It was difficult since the musty smell

was predominant, but at the same time it also helped to detect different


As it sniffed, its nose felt instinctively drawn in Ron's direction, who was

sweating nervously.

Harry and Ron didn't dare to breathe, in this silent environment and with

how sharp the snake was even blinded, any misstep could mean their


However, the basilisk still hadn't moved, it had stopped right here,

because it was where it had lost the sound of its footsteps on the puddled

floor. Sniffing and listening carefully.

Watching the basilisk start to get closer and closer to Ron, Harry finally

couldn't sit still and looked around for anything that might help him,

until his eyes finally landed on a stone on the ground.

Picking it up carefully, he hastily tossed it down the main path, diverting

the basilisk's attention.

*Tak tak tatak*

In the silent pipes, the sound of stone hitting the ground was especially

loud, leaving an echo with each tap.


Diverting its attention, the basilisk focused on the new sound and

continued to crawl forward, past Harry and Ron.

They both didn't move. They remained perfectly still even when they

could no longer see and hear it, before finally easing their breaths and

beginning to move carefully.

Ron: "*gulp* That was scary"

Harry: "Yes… but we don't have time, we have to go back. Quickly follow

me". Although he was curious as to how he had gotten here so fast and

where he had left Hermione, Harry didn't ask, at this moment, Ginny's

life was at stake and he still didn't know what had happened to Extimum.


Following the echo of the sound, the basilisk slithered down the pipes,

alert for any hint. It knew these pipes well, and without its eyes, its

hearing had grown even more acute, relying on the general echo of their

movement and its memories to tell it where to move.

As it slid down the pipes that perfectly fit its size and still gave it room to

stretch out slightly, it heard something.

A sound, minimal, perhaps indistinguishable and it probably wouldn't

have heard it if it wasn't concentrating so much on its ear, but it still

heard it and that was enough.

it immediately launched itself in that direction, moving and twisting

through the pipes towards the direction from which it felt the echo of the

sound came from.

It inadvertently headed for a completely enclosed pipe, but unable to see,

it kept going straight, easily traversing what turned out to be an illusion.

Not that it knew since it couldn't see.


«You can't even control yourself» «You hurt Hermione. You played with

her. You still do» «You play with the world, how do others play with

you?» «You can only hold hard to that useless and rickety pendant, as if it

were the last straw» «After all, who will help you?»

«It won't be able to contain us, not forever and even now, not

completely» «Jujujuju, you know it, but you pretend, you always pretend,

you hide behind that mask of serenity and expressionlessness»


«But I can see it, I can feel it...» «You will fall...» «You will cause damage,

chaos» «And you will hurt everyone you consider close» «And I will see it.

I'll watch you fall piece by piece» «Until there's nothing left of you»

«Completely lost… Distorted into something else» «Hahahahaha»



The large purple eyes finally moved, with red veins pulsing in them and

filled with a creepy feeling. They finished checking the shadow

completely and focused their gaze on the sea of stars.

The source of words, of the unnatural wind. A completely dark, star-free

swirl in space.

His gaze, bringing an incredible pressure that made the entire mental

space tremble and yet, despite his impulse, that great darkness seemed

imperturbable, even drawing a great white smile full of sharp teeth.

As if mocking his vain attempt at intimidation.


Grasping the meaning of the smile, a roar filled with rage and anger

resounded, shaking the entire space and sending it into chaos. Planets

exploded, stars went dark, and black holes filled all of reality, finally

erasing that foreign, abstract darkness.

And with him, all space collapsed.



The basilisk came closer, it was getting closer and closer to the source.

The faint sound had reappeared, and this time it was louder. Wilder and


And Just when it was about to turn to face the source.

**BOOOooom** **Crack Crack crack** *Pam*

Debris and pieces of stone flew everywhere as that section of pipe

collapsed, breaking even the surrounding walls.


A shuddering roar reverberated throughout the pipe network, causing the

basilisk to step back slightly. At that very moment, although it did not

know what had happened, the basilisk knew that it had not found its

prey, but something else.

But before it could decide whether it should stay or retreat to catch up

with its true prey, which its master had ordered it to kill, a large figure,

even slightly larger than himself, rushed from the place of the roar and

explosion and charged at it, hitting it hard on the head.


The basilisk shook its head, somewhat numbed by the sudden blow, and

fixed its reflexively blind gaze on the creature now in front of it.

A large silver-white fox at least 3 meters stood ready to pounce on it

again. With nine tails waving furiously and menacing purple flames

dancing on the tips of each one. Misty clouds seemed to be emitted from

its paws. Its eyes, deep purple with chaotic reddish highlights that

swirled in their center.

What puzzled it the most is that even though it knew it was clearly blind,

somehow it could see it or rather, its mind, its mind could perceive its

image perfectly and transmit it to it.



Though threatening, the basilisk was also undeterred, responding with a

venom-laden roar of its own.

However, the poison in its breath only ran and brushed, with no clear

effect on the creature in front of it, before the two of them lunged and

engaged in a vicious fight.

The space in the pipes was tight, but in its rampage, the nine-tailed fox

had demolished several pipe walls and part of the ceiling, expanding the


The stones that were in the way were directly turned into dust and

scattered on the ground with the force of its attacks.

The basilisk jerked and lashed its tail or squirted acidic, corrosive venom

before lunging in to take a bite out of the Fox again.

The nine-tailed fox lunged as well, opening its jaws in an attempt to bite

it and waving its tails that swung flexibly and were sword-sharp on



After running out of the pipes, Harry and Ron returned to the central part

of the chamber, where Tom Riddle waited for them with an impassive


Ron: "Ginny!"

Seeing Ginny on the floor, Ron seemed blindsided by the situation and

immediately rushed to her side, kneeling on the floor to examine her and

see what was wrong.

Tom: "Hahahahaha! It's too late, the process is almost over. In minutes,

Ginny Weasley will die and this memory will revive. Lord Voldemort will

return. He will return alive like never before"

Ron: "¡Ahh!" Ron yelled and got up from the floor angrily, although he

didn't fully understand the situation, but he could still read between the

lines, so he immediately took out his wand and pointed it.


Tom: "It's useless, you can't beat me". Tom simply waved his hand

nonchalantly and dismissed the incoming spell.

Ron: "Fire, Immobulus, Expelliarmus." Ron didn't want to stop, he didn't

know many spells that could do any damage, but he had to try, his sister

was dying and Harry didn't have a wand with him to help him.

Tom: "What's taking so long? s~Come back~s". Tom's hissing voice

boomed through the chamber as he continued to calmly and

disinterestedly reject every spell Ron threw at him.

He could finish it himself, but where's the fun in that? Wouldn't that be

too easy?

Harry could only watch, helplessly, wanting but not knowing what to do.

He didn't know how to do magic without a wand and throwing himself in

front of a magician like that was simply seeking death.


Suddenly, the place shook and the entire wall on the right exploded. Ron

and Tom immediately stopped their fight.


Followed by a huge angry roar, a large shadow flew overhead and

crashed to the floor on the other side of the chamber.



Turning their heads unconsciously, they saw the figure that had fallen on

the other side. It was the basilisk. Wounded and somewhat stunned by

the hard blow. It shook its head and contracted its entire outstretched

body, letting out its own roar of anger and preparing to continue


At once attention returned to the right, as more stones slid from the large

hole now in the wall, followed by the faint sound of a growl.

A large, very large figure, even larger than the basilisk to their left,

appeared before their sight, its footsteps silent, muffled by what seemed

to be clouds of mist on each of its legs.

Its large purple eyes with sharp pupils, tinged with a chaotic red at their

centers became the main source of their attentions as it pushed its way

through the cloud of dust that billowed with destruction.

However, that was quickly contrasted when shiny platinum fur appeared,

followed by nine wildly waving tails with what looked like balls of purple

fire at their tips.



Tom: 'A Kitsune? What is it doing here? No wait, why does it have nine

tails and is it so big? They're only supposed to have three…'

But the two great giants seemed completely oblivious to the surprise the

three people in front of them were going through or their desire to

appreciate the new sight more, as the two charged again and collided in

a mind-blowing and brutal fight.

**Boom Boom Boom** **Grrr** **Sssss**

The fight was fierce, sending drops of water everywhere along with the

occasional stone.

Harry had no choice but to pick up the unconscious Ginny and leave with

Ron who had turned his attention back to Tom Riddle.

The smell of blood wafted through the air followed by great shudders.

As that was happening, Harry noticed something. Picking up Ginny, he

had taken the sorting hat that was on the floor next to her and had left

Fawkes earlier and now, a silver sword had appeared from inside it.

Ron: "Harry, what do we do now? Ginny is very pale and although the

Basilisk is busy, we don't know if this new creature is also a threat,

besides him…I can't defeat him"

Harry: "..." Harry was silent for a moment, also quickly thinking about his


Basilisk situation aside, the main threat was Tom Riddle. But before he

could come to a consensus, he hears Tom speaking.

Tom: "Messy creature, leave the basilisk!" Waving the wand in his hand, a

crimson beam of light shot out and struck the nine-tailed fox, sending it

flying into the hole it had entered through.


Tom could not bear such a situation any longer. The nine-tailed fox that

had appeared was fighting with a ferocious impetus contrary to its nature

and his basilisk, although it was not at a clear disadvantage, found itself

more and more injured.

Furthermore, the fierce fight between the two beasts had completely

ruined and overshadowed their moment.

The basilisk wanted to follow the nine-tailed fox to the other side, but

Tom stopped him.

Tom: s~"Finish them. Now"~s.

Though reluctant, the basilisk still averted its gaze, focusing on where

Harry and Ron stood, guided by its connection to its master.

Seeing the basilisk approaching them and that the nine-tailed fox did not

appear again. Harry finally made up his mind.

Harry: "Ron, take Ginny." Wielding the silver sword that had emerged

from the hat and in an act of impulsive heroism, he decided to face the


Ron was about to protest, when he saw that Harry had already run off,

drawing the basilisk's attention.

With no other choice, he took Ginny under Tom's sneering glare and

walked away.


After some time sliding down the pipe, Christelle felt it tilt horizontally

and finally shoot out into a wide, dark area.

Landing on her two feet, she looked around to find complete darkness.

Christelle: "Noctis eyes." A soft dark glow covered Christelle's eyes, being

especially conspicuous in the dark place.

With the spell taking effect, Christelle's vision became much clearer even

in the absence of light.

Taking a look at the artifact in her hand and then at her surroundings,

she started on her way without hesitation.

The stony path didn't seem like an impediment, when her figure moved

like a fish in water through the dark cave, soon reaching what seemed

like a dead end, until she noticed something, or rather, someone.

Raising her staff, she flashed a light in the person's direction to get their


Christelle: "Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

Lockhart: "Good morning, fair lady, or is it night? Hard to tell here."

Christelle: "Answer my question"

Lockhart: "Are you perhaps a wizard too?" Seeing the light coming from

what looked like a staff and a hooded woman pointing it at him, Lockhart

asked when he seemed to come to a realization.

Christelle: "Hmm? Wait, you look familiar…Gilderoy Lockhart?"

Lockhart: "Ah! Yeah, I think that kid mentioned that was my name, too."

Christelle: "Kid? Was anyone else here? What did you see?"

Lockhart: "Yeah, before you got here I was with a kid, he said he was my

boss and we were mining here."

Christelle: "Er…mining, you say?" Christelle felt somewhat puzzled and

out of place, why would someone be mining in the depths of the school?

Even stranger, if the man in front of her was who she assumed, then

there was clearly something wrong with him.

Lockhart: "Yes, from what he told me, there was a cave-in and there was

that girl, right, she had been injured and we had to make a passage to the

other side for some reason."

Christelle: "Among those children, did you see one with silver hair

streaked with purple?"

Lockhart: "Hmm, no, if I had seen someone that peculiar I think I would

remember, I only saw brown hair. Oh, excuse me, who are you?"

Christelle: "That's not important now, bye."

Lockhart: "Oh, okay, good luck on your search."

Christelle was about to walk through the hole when she stopped.

Christelle: "Besides children, haven't you seen anything else come

through here? Some magical creature perhaps?"

Lockhart: "No, just kids."

Without another word, Christelle stepped through the hole to the other



**Shipping stones** **Pam**

Rocks flew everywhere, as a large figure came out from a mountain of


Extimum: 'Agh, dammit. Voldemort really doesn't play games, by a hair's

breadth and that spell could have done more than just knock me out for a

few minutes… But… At least it helped me come to myself.'

Before, though he had seemed to be in a state of utter madness and

savagery, blinded by rage, he had actually been completely aware and

almost…completely autonomous.

Thinking about it, Extimum wasn't entirely sure what had happened, but

there was certainly something he did know. It was all the fault of that

voice, that voice in his head.

Being completely focused, he hadn't been able to silence their, not this

time, and like a viper, it had slithered into the most vulnerable part of his

mind. Polluting and clouding his judgment.

He could remember feeling anger, a great, seething anger that wanted to

consume everything, and though most of those emotions had been alien

and foreign, a considerable part of them were truly his. This may well be

the first time he had ever experienced and expressed such strong emotion

and anger at that.

The basilisk had just come at the wrong time or perhaps the right one,

depending on how you looked at it.

Frowning slightly, he couldn't help but remember one of the words the

voice had said.

«You will cause damage, chaos»

However, he quickly relaxed his face and focused on his current

situation. This was not the time to wander into other thoughts.

Taking a look at himself, I notice with amazement and some satisfaction

his shape. It wasn't as if in his apparent earlier state of anger he hadn't

been able to notice it, but he hadn't had the time or the mind to really

appreciate it.

Extimum: 'It's the final form…At least in appearance that is, otherwise, it

would be too weak'

'However, this form can only be temporary. My current stage of growth is

not suitable for possessing such a large shape, let alone when considering

the really small size I normally take in comparison.'


'The basilisk isn't dead yet and by the sound of its roar, Harry must be

fighting it. Should I just go now or…? No, wait, what am I thinking?

Even if the basilisk is blind, it's still a dangerous creature and I just can't

believe things will still be the same after I intervened.'

'Now at least I know that that woman didn't put any tracking spell on me,

but even without that, she should still be able to get here. For now, I

should observe the situation…'.

Layers and layers of illusion covered Extimum's huge figure as he became

invisible, disappearing from sight and carefully moving through the hole

he had caused earlier, observing the situation inside the chamber.


Taking advantage of the basilisk's blindness, Harry ran as he yelled at it,

drawing its attention away from Ron and Ginny, as he did what seemed

like the most dangerous and eccentric bullfighting scene in the world.

Each time, the basilisk would lunge forward when it had secured Harry's

position and Harry could only dodge to the side and use the sword in his

hand to leave some wound marks on the basilisk's skin.

Not far away, Tom Riddle watched with a slight smirk as Harry found

himself more and more cornered.

Trusting that he wasn't very big compared to the basilisk since his

physique was much better now, Harry was able to manage with great

difficulty, however, the very gigantic size of the basilisk closed his space

and increased the danger.

Just when everything seemed to be going well and Harry was starting to

scale the head of the Salazar Slytherin statue to get a better fighting



The basilisk's head smashed into the statue and in a sideways retreat,

struck Harry, sending him flying.

**Puchi** s~** ROarr **~s

The sword in Harry's hand plunged into the basilisk's mouth due to the

angle of the blow, impaling it, but not enough to be deadly and instead,

similar to how a fish bone would drive into someone's mouth.


Harry was knocked down into the area of water below the statue which

cushioned his fall considerably.

Seeing the opportunity, Extimum didn't hesitate, he immediately

launched himself and bit into the basilisk's neck. Poisonous and corrosive

blood flooded his mouth, but that only made him bite harder.

s~** ROAaaaaaarr **~s

The basilisk flailed fiercely and waved its tail in an attempt to lash him,

but was stopped by Extimum's tails.

However, being completely stuck and hell-bent on biting, he couldn't let

go in time as the basilisk lunged at the statue, causing Extimum's back to

hit the wall as he lost strength in his bite.


Sensing the bite released, the basilisk withdrew quickly, widening the

distance between them.


Extimum spat on the ground, the basilisk blood outside of being

poisonous, it did not have a very flavor and left an acid aftertaste. Eating

poisonous creatures was definitely not on the menu.

The spit on the floor was an accumulation of blood, bits of meat, and a

strip of skin.

He had torn a chunk of meat from the basilisk, leaving a bleeding hole in

its neck.

Stopping for a few moments, they both gave each other a stare or

something similar, as Extimum was only looking at the basilisk's bleeding

eye sockets and the basilisk was only imagining it.

Quickly both charged again to face each other.



Emerging from the soaked water, Harry scrambled to the bank and

climbed out of the water. It was lucky to have fallen precisely in the deep

water area, even so, the blow had not been soft at all and he had injured

his wrist. Something had clearly creaked at the moment of the blow.

Tom: "Hahahaha, Great, Harry Potter, you have once again proven your

worth as a Gryffindor. Facing a basilisk, wandless and with a measly

sword, without the correct training or strength to wield it, really..." Tom

shook his head, clearly enjoying the moment.

"That being said…I must say you are lucky. That meddling creature

seems bent on obstructing the basilisk's work, so you will have the honor

of falling under my hand…and reuniting with your filthy mother."

**Boom** **Thump** **Roars**

The battle between the two creatures was still going on not far from


Somewhat tired and with his body heavy from the water, Harry took off

his robes that were heavy from the water, leaving him only in his inner

uniform, which consisted of a white shirt with a tie and pants.

Tom: "Mending your clothes before you die?"

Harry didn't answer, he didn't have much to share either, though he

could vaguely see Ron's figure slowly approaching from Voldemort's


Looking at the ground, he notice among all the blood, the silver sword. In

the previous fight, when the basilisk had struck the nine-tailed fox

against the statue, it must have fallen down along with some pieces of

meat and two fangs.

Bending down, Harry took the sword in his other hand and taking a deep

breath, tried to imitate the pose in which he had watched Extimum hold

it earlier.

Tom: "Are you planning on facing me with that sword? Great, but foolish.

You won't even be able to get close to me before you drop dead."

Harry: "Ahhh!" Harry ignored her words and charged with his sword.

Tom: "Hmp. Avada Ked-." Ron: "Expelliarmus."

Just as the energy began to swirl around Tom's wand, Ron cast his own

spell behind him, close enough that he couldn't dodge.

The wand flew into the air and the killing curse dissipated before it could

be completed.

Tom: "Messy boy." Feeling the wand fly from his hand, Tom turned

angrily and reached out in a grabbing motion in Ron's direction.

The next second Ron stopped in his tracks. His eyes widened and his

body seemed to rise slightly from the ground, while his hands held his

neck trying to grab something.

His face turned pale as he found himself unable to breathe.

Harry: "Ron!" Harry was alarmed to see Ron's situation.

Putting on more strength, he ran even faster while brandishing his sword.


The sword let out a low cry as its speed increased and cut towards Tom



However, contrary to his expectations, the sword did not cut. Tom's hand

reached out and struck the flat of the blade, stopping all momentum and

taking only a step back.

Harry's face was shocked as he looked at the scene.

Tom: "What? Did you seriously think that just because I lost my wand I

couldn't defend myself? Only those incapable and useless wizards from

the Ministry would limit themselves so much. Not to mention that I'm so

much stronger than you."


With a snap of his fingers, the sword in Harry's hands spun out of his

control and he went flying, landing far away.

Tom: "You can't even properly use the power of the sword. Now, I

wonder who will die first. Will the meddlesome Weasley run out of

oxygen in his body? or will Ginny finally dry up of all her vitality?"

Harry: "Stop it!" Harry took a step forward.

Tom: "Ah, ah, ah. Hold on there Harry Potter, if you take one more step,

you'll cause your friend to die faster." As if emphasizing fact, the invisible

grip on Ron tightened for a moment, evident by the way his eyes

widened even further.

How much he pressed and allowed air into Ron's lungs was up to him.


As if trying to remind them of his presence and break the dramatic

moment, an explosion sounded not far from them, as the basilisk was

launched crashing into the small pool where Harry had fallen moments

before, only to get up again and continue fighting.

The basilisk's fall kicked up a small wave of water and dragged a black

journal that had been neglected all this time between Harry's feet.

As if on time, Tom's and Harry's gaze lingered on him for a few seconds.

And as if a light was turned on in a dim room, an idea flashed and as

soon as it hit, Harry scrambled to pick up one of the fangs the basilisk

had dropped and stabbed it towards the journal.

Tom: "What are you doing? NO! Aghh!" Relaxing the hand that was

aimed at Ron, he moved it to attack Harry, knocking him back a few feet.

Ron immediately fell unconscious to the floor, his condition unknown.

Harry felt an invisible force hit him as his body flew uncontrollably back

at least two meters, but still with the diary in his hands. Turning his gaze,

he noticed how a hole made of light opened in the center of Voldemort's

body and without hesitation, he stabbed the diary back into his hands.

Tom: "AGhhh, NOooo!" Tom fell to the ground on his knees, with more

luminous holes in his body, while in those places his form and his being

dissipated, letting out more and more horrifying screams, until finally...

he vanished.

Leaving the place in complete silence for a moment, until he was

interrupted again by a **Boom**

Accompanied by two roars of different origin.


**Boom** **Thump** **Baam**

Extimum:'Why doesn't he just die? Is the vitality of all xxXxx creatures

that high?'

**scream of lamentation**

A heartbreaking and extinct scream caught the attention of both

Extimum and the basilisk, making them focus part of their attention on

the source, without neglecting the battle itself.

Extimum: 'The memory of Voldemort has died? This definitely changes

things and shows that not everything follows a fixed course, since the

basilisk is still alive and Harry hasn't killed it or at least not yet…'

**Tum…** **Tum…** **Tum…**

A familiar but remote feeling ran through Extimum's body, but this time,

much weaker than in his memories. Enough to divert his concentration.

And as if on cue, the basilisk took advantage of that distraction and dealt

a heavy blow, sending Extimum flying back towards the large hole in the



The basilisk allowed himself a slight rest, while it patiently waited for the

return of its opponent, as it always did, however, it soon noticed that it

did not return, what's more, when it looked out, it noticed that the

illusion of its figure in its mind had also disappeared. It couldn't see it


**Tum…** **Tum…** **Tum…**

s~** ROAaaaaaarr **~s

Realizing that itsenemy had escaped, it let out a roar of anger, then

turned to look in the direction where Harry was and where it had felt its

master disappear.

???: "Tenebris carceris".

However, before it could do anything, a soft yet shocking voice echoed

throughout the chamber and the next second, it felt that it could no

longer move. It was completely immobilized.



This time it took me longer to launch the chapter, this weekend I just

didn't feel like writing, but still, here it is

Chapter 52: End of the fight

Christelle: "To think there would be a place like this in the depths of the

school". Scanning the surroundings, Christelle commented.

Shaking off a slight feeling of dizziness, Harry rose to his feet and

watched as a woman with her face completely covered by a cloth mask

and cape, wearing a revealing tight-fitting dress and a cane in her hand,

approached from the chamber's entrance with resounding steps and

without haste.

Then he look at the basilisk writhing in what looked like bindings of dark

chains made of metal. Although somewhat distrustful of the new person,

Harry didn't allow himself to think too much, seeing that she wasn't

paying attention to him and putting what was left of the diary in his

pocket, he hurried over to Ron.

As he got closer, he noted with great relief that his chest was still rising

and falling rhythmically, although slight marks were still visible on his

neck, as if a hand had strangled him.


As he checked on Ron, a sleepy groan sounded from not far away and

turning his gaze, he noticed Ginny waking up from her coma and sitting

up on the floor.

Leaving Ron on the ground, Harry got up and hurried over to Ginny, past

the mysterious woman who was still staring at the place in fascination.


Focusing her sleepy gaze, Ginny's eyes went from bewildered to clear, as

she took in her surroundings, finally settling on the writhing basilisk not

far away, however, that sight was quickly covered by the scruffy figure of

Harry approaching her with concern on his face.

Harry's appearance was not very good. Having left behind his robe, his

white shirt was spattered and stained with blood and dirt. Some of that

blood was from the basilisk and some from cuts and bruises he had

sustained throughout the fight.

Leaving that aside, his right wrist was clearly broken given the somewhat

unnatural angle it was at and his hair and face were pretty messy and

dirty. Sticking out of one of his pants pockets was a folded black cover


Ginny: "Harry…"— Ginny tried to speak, but immediately a heavy feeling

of guilt overwhelmed her and choked her voice, while tears began to

slide down her face— "Harry, I… I tried to tell you, but in front of Percy I

didn't go capable. It was me, Harry, but I swear I didn't want to… Riddle

made me do it, he took hold of me and…"

Trying to explain in a panic, her voice choking on tears, Ginny spied

Ron's figure slumped to the ground not far behind Harry, marks on his

neck and an equally disheveled state.

Both her voice and her mind stopped for a moment and all kinds of

terrible ideas began to run.

Harry: "That's all right, it's all over. Riddle…he's gone and the basilisk,

you see, is being contained." Pulling the journal out of his pocket, Harry

held it out to her, showing the clear holes that ran through it and

highlighting its damaged state.

Ginny: "Ron-"

Harry: "He's fine, he's just unconscious."

Ginny let out a big held breath at his words, but the worry and guilt

returned to her face again in the next second.

Ginny: "I'm going to be expelled! With everything I've done. I've always

wanted to study at Hogwarts, ever since Bill came, and now I'm going to

have to go and what will my parents think?"

Harry: "Ginny, relax. We'll explain to Mcgonagall what happened, it

wasn't your fault. Besides, Ron, Fred and George or your parents, they're

all just worried about you and hope you're okay…"

Harry tried to calm her down with his words, but in the middle of them,

his eyes widened as he exclaimed.

"That's right! Extimum! I still don't know what happened to him, Ginny,

do you know anything about Extimum? Have you seen him before?"

Ginny: "Extimum? I think-". Ginny thought long and hard and finally

remembered something, however before she could speak she was


Christelle: "Did you finally finish your reunion scene? Now, I'm not

entirely sure what happened here and while it certainly looks like a great

story, I don't want to bother with all that, however, you, girl, you

mentioned Extimum. Tell me, do you know where he is?"

Harry and Ginny both jumped and felt as if electricity were coursing

through their bodies. With chills running through their bodies, they

moved their gazes somewhat mechanically in the direction of the owner

of the voice.

Only to find the woman Harry had seen earlier and Ginny had ignored

until now just a few feet from them, having approached in complete

silence and at an unknown time.

Feeling somewhat intimidated by the air the woman gave off and her

voice, Ginny forgot all the messy thoughts running through her head and

unconsciously hid behind Harry.

A brief moment of silence settled between them, accompanied only by

the constant struggling of the basilisk.

Harry: "Ginny… ". Harry couldn't see her because of the mask, but he

could feel the intensity of the gaze and the tension that filled the air as

they were penned in by the coercion of the woman in front of them.

Besides, Harry also wanted to know what had happened to Extimum, so

he urged her gently.

When he had first arrived here, Tom had not clearly responded when

asked about Extimum's situation or whereabouts and only gave him a

light laugh, before summoning the basilisk and ordering it to attack him.

Then, with all the things that had happened, he'd had even fewer chances

to ask questions or search for any clues, and with the memory of Tom

now dead, there was no way of knowing.

Ginny: "I…I'm not sure, I just heard Riddle mention that there was an

annoying silver-haired boy interrupting his plans and that he had a

surprise planned for him, then I heard him argue with the basilisk that

what they had planned had worked. I don't know anything else..."

Christelle: "Wait, did you say Riddle? Tom Riddle? No, wait, don't answer

that, I don't want to know." Shaking her head, Christelle opened her

palm, revealing a unique-looking contraption with a peculiar compass at

its center that pointed straight ahead.

"It's close…but…which one?"—Muttering to herself, Christelle looked

thoughtfully at the contraption in her hand before turning her gaze back

to Harry and Ginny—"Besides the basilisk, have you seen any another

magical creature around here?"

Harry: "Yeah, before, there was another creature, but…I don't know what

its name is, I mean, it looked like something I know, but it was


Christelle: "What did it look like?" A gleam flickered in Christelle's eyes

under her mask as she heard his affirmative answer.

Harry: "A fox?"

Frowning at his insecurity, Christelle asked, "Are you asking or are you


Harry: "I-I'm not sure, it looked like one, but it was very different…"

Harry really wasn't sure how to describe it exactly.

The general image resembled a fox to him, but at the same time it was

difficult to associate it with them. The creature he saw was of an

intimidating size, with nine tails with purple fire on each of them, with

clouds under each of one of its legs and a fierce and noble temperament.

It didn't take a genius to know that it was not a simple fox, but a magical

creature seeing all its peculiar characteristics added to the fact that he

saw it fight the basilisk, but at the same time, he found it difficult to

associate both images with a fox so as to refer to it as such.

Nor is it that I knew the official name of said creature, so he explain

rather vaguely.

Christelle did not ask more, it was useless to insist too much with a child

who was barely in his second year, however, such information at least

gave her a clue. She wasn't sure if it was the creature she was looking for,

but she wasn't about to let him go free if she had the chance, either.

**Bird Cry**

Suddenly, the sound of a bird's song was heard throughout the chamber,

as a beckoning red phoenix appeared out of thin air and landed on

Harry's shoulder.

Harry: "Fawkes"

Christelle: "Dumbledore's phoenix. Well, it looks like you're already in

company and I still have business to attend to. Goodbye." Finishing her

words, Christelle prepared to leave and follow the direction the compass

was pointing.

Harry: "Wait, I still haven't thanked you for subduing the basilisk, may I

know your name?"

Giving Harry a slight glance, Christelle replied without much emotion.

Christelle: "Christelle, Christelle Shadowless."

Harry: "Ah, so you are a familiar of Extimum? You're going to look for

him right? Can I go with you?"

Without pausing in her steps, Christelle replied, "Do what you want, but I

won't save you again if something happens."

Ginny: "Harry…"

Harry: "Ginny, I've got to go find Extimum. He's our friend too and he

needs our help. Stay here and take care of Ron, and Fawkes will keep you


Ginny: "But you're hurt, you can't go like this, why don't you just let her

look for him?"

Harry: "I want to". Harry responded resolutely, he just didn't think he

could sit quietly and wait, not after coming this far.

But just at that moment and as if he understood his words, Fawkes leaned

from his position on Harry's shoulder and let a few tears fall from its

eyes, spilling them on Harry's skin and healing his wounds in a few


Ginny: "Wow!"

Harry: "My wrist… now it doesn't hurt anymore. Thanks, Fawkes."

**Bird Cry**

Giving a slight flutter, Fawkes landed on Ginny's shoulder and nodded

slightly in Harry's direction.

Giving Ginny a reassuring smile, Harry turned and followed Christelle's

figure, which was already fading away in the distance.


The basilisk writhed wildly again as it watched Harry leave, but it

couldn't do anything more than startle Ginny.


Moving quickly through the labyrinthine paths of the pipes, Extimum ran

as fast as he could. Although it seemed that he had been hit by the

basilisk at the last, he had actually allowed it deliberately so that he

could quickly escape the heat of the fight.

He recognized that almost indistinct sound, that feeling of repression,

that woman. It was getting closer, so without hesitation, he chose to run


There was nothing to be ashamed of, Extimum simply knew his

capabilities and knew that he didn't have much room for maneuver in

front of that woman other than what she herself granted him for her

arrogant playfulness.

However, he hadn't gotten very far yet when he began to feel tired. An

exhaustion like no other overwhelmed him and made him slow down.

As if the muscles of his body turned to jelly and all strength threatened to

leave him. His steps began to falter and the clouds that were magically

generated under his paws began to dissipate and become less solid.

The purple fire in their tails also began to go out as if the gas had been

cut off from a lighter and even his concentration began to dim when he

noticed that the slightest carelessness could make him fall unconscious.

Even just blinking too much or for a few more milliseconds seemed


Extimum: "So, my body is finally collecting the bill." Extimum wasn't

surprised, he knew from the beginning that something like this would


After all, his body was drawing strength from nowhere, so he was

basically burning up his latent potential in order to maintain himself in

his current form.

Taking a few more steps that ended almost stumbling, Extimum returned

to his human form. He immediately felt some extra strength fill his body,

but his situation was not much different.

Giving himself a brief look, he couldn't help but comment in a low voice:

"Now I do look more like a victim kidnapped by a beast."

With disheveled hair, dirty robes, and a varied array of large and small

wounds from the previous fight all over his body, he looked like someone

who really had gone through quite a difficult journey to survive, not that

he wasn't really.

Leaning weakly on one of the tunnel walls, Extimum breathed heavily,

staying awake more than just by will, by the burning he felt from the

wounds on his body.

His previous transformation had taken away most of the poison he'd

absorbed in the fight, but it was still present in the wounds they found

themselves unable to heal, creating a cycle of constant stinging and

healing. Luckily, it didn't look like it was going to spread and as long as

his body could hold out long enough, everything would be fine,

otherwise, well…he would die.

But even so, if he didn't wash his wounds and remove the poison, his

body could end up running out of strength and become unable to resist,

allowing the poison to enter his bloodstream.

Walking with weak steps, he kept going, until he found another nearby

passage and finally collapsed into it. Dragging himself, he leaned against

the wall.

**drip** **drip**

The drops of water, like a lullaby, created a unique symphony for his ears

as they fell on the puddles of water from the damp and somewhat smelly


Even with exhaustion and with doubts about the integrity of the water,

he used the nearby dripping water to wash some of his wounds, washing

away some of the poison as best he could.

The last thing he cared about at the moment were infections, magic could

take care of that.

However, his efforts were getting weaker and weaker.

He blink once…twice…his eyelids growing heavier and more reluctant to

open or close, but he continue to wash the wounds on his hands and legs,

as well as one on his abdomen. Without realizing it, his vision became

more and more opaque and blurry.

Finishing, he raised his wand in his hand and rested it weakly on his leg,

pointing it toward the only entrance to the closed passageway he had

collapsed into.

Finally, his eyelids did not open again after the last sweep and he

plunged into darkness.

**Drip** **Step** **Step** **Steps** **Drip**

Extimum's eyes trembled… his mind, as if treading on brittle, cracked ice,

refusing to fall into the water below, but still treading on the frozen lake

that was unconsciousness.

With the sound of footsteps growing louder and getting closer, finally

though with great difficulty, one of his eyes opened, glowing with an

intense purple light that flickered for a moment before disappearing.

His body wanted to give in, his mind wanted to rest... but his will was

not resigned. Just a measly distant sound was enough for his will to cling

to nothingness itself to lift his tired and exhausted body with all his

strength and at least illuminate his mind for one last performance before

finally falling into the darkness.

The burning on his skin had subsided, but it was still there, burning,

eating away at his skin and flesh like the corrosive, deadly poison that it

was, but at this point the pain had faded into the background long ago,

rather, it was the primitive sense of survival and the knowledge that

more than red blood and poison, what was slipping from his wounds was

his unique blood, purple-gold accompanied by the usual red.

It was not yet the time for someone to find out about the peculiarity of

his blood and if possible no one should know, why? He himself did not

know. He could rationally draw several conclusions, but other than

perhaps a few questions, the stigma, and a few minor issues, he couldn't

come up with anything more substantial.

Something to back up the great warning of danger he felt from within at

the thought of anyone else seeing it.


Tightening his grip on his wand, he adjusted his stance a bit.

He had a spell in mind that could change the color of the blood on his

body and still flowing out of him for a while, but if he cast it, it was

certain that he would fall irretrievably unconscious and be vulnerable to

any threat.

**Drip** **Step** **Step** **Steps** **Drip**

It would all depend on what next showed up at the entrance to the

passage. If it was an enemy then his last spell would be the deadliest spell

he knew, but if it wasn't, it had to hide the color of his blood.

Finally, the footsteps were only one turn away from reaching him and he

knew from the sound that it was two people, one bigger than the other.

From the sound he could tell that one was female and the other…the

other felt familiar, but it wasn't something that in his exhaustion he could

quickly recall from memory.

Then, two figures appeared before the sight of his one open eye, similar

in build to what he had guessed, but as his gaze fell on the woman, his

sight couldn't help but narrow slightly, before noticing Harry beside her.

Extimum: 'There's no clue connecting us, so I guess everything should be

fine, considering she's probably here because of me and not the magical


Upon reaching such a thought, he did not hesitate and cast the spell to

change the color of his blood on himself, before they could see him well,

while he lost all his strength and fell unconscious, closing his only open


Harry: "Extimum!"

Crossing the hall, Harry was met with the terrifying sight of a scruffy,

blood-soaked Extimum, but before he could even start running to check

on him, he noted with a start that Christelle had disappeared from his

side at some point and reappeared next to Extimum.

Looking at the bleeding wounds and sickly pallor on Extimum's face,

Christelle frowned under her mask and hastily reached into the pouch at

her waist, rummaging around for a few seconds, before finally taking out

two potions in her hand.

Removing the cork that sealed the mouth of the two vials, she do not

hesitate to empty all its content on Extimum's body.

And as if water had been thrown onto a very hot surface, a slightly

sizzling sound accompanied by thick hot steam billowed out from

Extimum's body, creating a small cloud of steam as a greenish substance

slid down his skin.

Harry: "Is he alright?" Moving closer to Extimum for a closer look, Harry

couldn't help but ask.

He was quite worried, though he hadn't really experienced it himself, but

he had seen how dangerous the basilisk's venom was and if it hadn't been

for Fawkes blinding it, he wouldn't know if I could have survived that

long fighting a perfectly good basilisk.

Christelle: "He will be soon. His injuries are not very deep and besides

suffering from severe physical and magical exhaustion… it is mainly the

effects of the basilisk venom on his body that are truly troublesome and

truly life threatening." Speaking up to here, Christelle was quite curious.

Basilisk venom was one of the deadliest natural poisons in the wizarding

world, if even a small drop entered the body of a living being, it would

be enough to leave them terribly ill in a matter of minutes and dead in

less than half an hour, not to mention the large amount she found in

Extimum that was enough for him to have died several times in this time.

Christelle: 'It seems that my nephew is not that simple. Callum should

know that his son was born with some talents in the family and he didn't

tell me. Hmp'. Thinking that Extimum's ability to survive was due to his

inheriting one of the many lineage traits, Christelle wasn't too surprised

that he was alive under such circumstances.

Being a magical family with such a long history, mixing with other

families of wizards or magical beings of equal power was not uncommon,

so over time, all kinds of skills, abilities or traits appeared randomly

within the children and it was not rare, however, it was not very

common either.

With a tap of his staff, Extimum's body floated up off the ground and

with a thought, his mouth fell open, as another vial appeared in her hand

from her bag and the contents soon charged like an angry water dragon

towards Extimum's open mouth, quickly disappearing.

Suddenly and before Harry could show surprise and admiration at the

scene. Extimum's body began to blur and turn completely black, as if it

were nothing more than a dark stain or shadow, devoid of all color and

shape, however, the next moment, the dark stain flickered and Extimum

returned to normal.

If it hadn't been for the fact that he had been staring at him, Harry would

even doubt that it ever happened.

Harry: "What did you give him? Why did he react like that?" With some

hesitation, Harry wasn't shy about asking.

He had some experience drinking potions since Quidditch wasn't exactly

a very safe sport, plus he had undergone a partial restructuring just

drinking potions courtesy of Extimum himself, so he was sure that's not

how healing potions acted.

Christelle did not answer, she just kept her gaze on the floating Extimum

calmly, as if waiting for something, a wait that was not in vain when

after a few minutes, Extimum's eyes widened suddenly.

Christelle: "Wow! What a nice affinity, it took your father almost half an

hour, but you were able to do it in just seven minutes." With clear notes

of surprise in her voice, Christelle exclaimed with some admiration, as

she watched consciousness return to Extimum's eyes.

Harry: "Extimum, you're awake!".

Extimum got back up, as he felt his body lower back to his sitting

position. He felt strange beyond words. He wasn't sure if it was a good

thing or a bad thing, so he could only say that it was a bittersweet


But more than the feeling of strangeness, curiosity and perplexity were

what stood out the most. He didn't expect to wake up in the same place.

According to his own analysis, he expected to wake up in the infirmary

within at least a few hours or at most a day or two, depending on how

quickly he could be treated and how long it would take for his body to

recover, however, contrary to his expectations, it seemed like it had just

been a quick back and forth that hadn't taken very long.

In fact, judging from the woman's words, out of the time it took her to do

whatever she did, he was only gone for 7 minutes.

His body also felt strangely…full. As if all this time he had been hungry

and suddenly had a full meal, leaving him completely satisfied, which

was quite disconcerting.

Focusing his gaze, he looked at the masked woman who had been

chasing him around the castle trying to kill him in a psycho game of

hunting and now…she had saved him.

Extimum:"*cough* Thank you." Though dry, Extimum did not forget

basic courtesy and gratitude.

Making an attempt to get up, he was stopped by Harry who came over

and helped him up acting as a support, making him feel somewhat

uncomfortable, it wasn't that it was bad and if it had been a few minutes

ago he would have accepted it completely fine, but now... Now it felt like

something unnecessary.

Harry noticed his somewhat contemplative look, but even so, he didn't

stop, since to him, just a few seconds ago, Extimum seemed like someone

about to die.

What's more, aside from the fact that he now looked "fine" and that his

wounds seemed to have magically closed almost completely, his

superficial appearance hadn't changed at all. His clothes were still dirty

and bloodstained and his face and hair weren't much better.

Harry didn't think he'd ever seen Extimum so sloppy before, as he always

seemed to keep himself immaculate.

Extimum: "Thank you, Harry." Although unnecessary, Extimum still

appreciated the gesture and accepted his help to get up.

Meanwhile, Christelle noticed the clear difference in their treatment,

although she didn't know why since it was the first time they had seen

each other, but she intuitively felt that Extimum didn't have the best

impression of her. Even so, she only dismiss it considering that she

seemed the odd one out here not having introduced herself yet.

Christelle: "*Ahem* It's nice to finally meet you, nephew and since it's

our first meeting, I'll introduce myself. I'm Christelle Shadowless, your

paternal aunt."

Christelle's words caught Extimum's attention. He knew that he had an

aunt on his father's side. His uncle Rhys had mentioned it to him and he

had also seen some photos of her from when she was a Hogwarts student

in the mansion, but it was the first time he had seen her in person or

well, almost, since being covered...

Just at that moment, Christelle brought her hands up to her covered face

and the cloth mask disappeared, then the hood was lifted, fully revealing

her face.

Harry's eyes widened at the sight of her. In the short time that he had

known her and considering her chilling voice, he had thought that she

would have a more… terrifying appearance? Even the softness in his

voice was almost completely overshadowed by the contrasting, eerie

feeling it generated.

But looking at the woman in front of him, he could only tell that she

was…Beautiful, Beautiful and young. She looked like she was barely out

of her twenties, with a fair complexion, electric blue eyes, black hair, and

soft, delicate facial features, her appearance was worthy of being

compared to a living work of art, however, she had some less refined

touches on her face.

With a light purple lipstick painting her lips and dark makeup around her

eyes, they gave her image a darker touch without completely breaking

her softness.

In a way, her appearance was like her voice, there was a sweet softness

to it, but that same softness was perfectly matched with a dark and

gloomy undertone, which somehow didn't completely overshadow either

side. Perhaps that was what made it so fascinating.

Harry was lost for a few seconds just watching her, until their eyes met

and the sweet smile that appeared at the corner of the woman's mouth

brought him back to reality with a shudder, making him not dare look at

her again.

Cold sweat drenched his back. The beautiful and dark feeling caused a

great fascination that was very terrifying, it was as if his brain simply

could not decide which side to choose and created something


Extimum: "The pleasure…is mutual, Aunt, however, I don't think this is

the time or place to have a family reunion". Extimum only raised his

eyebrow a little at his appearance. Although she had clearly changed and

was much more beautiful now, he could still see the girl in the photo that

he had seen earlier.

The feeling of seeing something that went against nature simply couldn't

affect him, perhaps because he himself wasn't normal.

Harry: "Ah, you don't have to worry Extimum, your aunt is very strong.

She already subdued the basilisk and Tom…he…was destroyed." Seeing

to remember that Extimum didn't know what was going on in the

chamber of secrets, Harry was quick to say.

Christelle: "That's right, the immediate danger has already been removed,

however, as far as I know, there is still a magical creature roaming these

pipes, but that can wait, let's go back first."

With everyone agreeing, they soon got going.

On the way, Harry asked Extimum what had happened to him and how

he had ended up there, while Christelle remained silent, but no less

attentive to the side.

Extimum had already thought of a story all this time and simply narrated

that the basilisk had kidnapped him and then he had met Tom who was

apparently mad at him, however, he didn't seem to want to kill him, but

rather torture him.

Because of this, Tom had forced him to play a deadly game of hide-and-

seek with the basilisk and with some stumbling and some luck he had

managed to survive by hiding until the basilisk was called due to Harry's


It wasn't the best story, but it didn't have to be either. Tom Riddle also

known as Voldemort was always given to drama and playing with his

enemies when they did not represent a real threat.

Although thinking about it, Extimum believed that it was more a

characteristic of all magicians, since everyone liked to be dramatic or

mysterious in some way, even he himself was not entirely exempt from it.

He wasn't entirely sure why.

In addition to telling what happened to him, Extimum also acted clueless

and asked about what had happened in the time he was kidnapped, as

well as how Harry had gotten there.

Harry then in turn told him how they forced Lockhart to help them and

how they then fought the Basilisk and Tom.

Christelle had a strange look in her eyes when she heard that a trio of

boys as young as 12 to 13 had coerced a Hogwarts professor into helping

them and that said person was in fact who she thought, Gilderoy Lockart,

who was apparently a phony and…he had lost his memory.

When they were about to return to the chamber of secrets, Extimum

remembered that he had drunk something before waking up. He had felt

some of the aftertaste and seen the empty bottles when he woke up, so he


Extimum: "Aunt, if I may ask, what did you give me? I feel somehow

energized and satisfied…"

Extimum still couldn't quite get over the experience. He didn't know if it

was his mind refusing to accept the reality of his body or if it had to do

with the contents of the jar or something else, but it just felt strange.

Christelle: "Oh, now that I remember, although the potion has returned

you to an optimal state, don't try to do magic. I think you should be able

to feel it, but your magical core is beyond overpowered.

Regarding your question, I have no idea, the potion you drank is quite

special, it's called the Revitalizing Potion, it's a family creation. The fact

that you feel full of energy is normal, but what you say about being

satisfied... I have never heard or felt anything like that.

On the other hand, potions aren't my thing, that's more like your father's

interests and since he was the one who gave it to me in case you were

unwell, maybe it's an optimized version."

Extimum nodded, in fact, he could feel it himself, although the mental

exhaustion had only faded to about 60% and his body, though not

perfect, was quite fine considering his previous state, but his magical core

was completely drained and dry. If he tried to do magic in a short time

he could damage his magic core or directly collapse as a self-protection

measure of his body.

On the other hand, that again aroused his curiosity about what he had

drunk, but hearing that it was his father who was the source of the

potion made him feel a bit wary.

After that, they were silent for the rest of the ride. Christelle didn't think

much of her own words, as an accomplished exauror and witch, she had

come prepared with everything she might need for the task.

From potions and magical artifacts, to a contingency as simple as a few

live roosters stored in a special container in her expandable bag, the rest

of what she needed, like any witch, was in her mind and her wand/staff.

Because of that, she didn't make a big deal about her brother, Callum,

giving her an extra potion. Although she already had quite a few in her

repertoire, if he had explicitly mailed it to her before she left, she had no

reason to refuse, after all one is never prepared enough, besides, if his

brother wanted to take more care of his son, it was not her place to


The only strange thing, perhaps, had been that the note attached to the

potion had said that even if Extimum wasn't hurt, she still had to make

him drink it.

Speaking of potions.

The ones she had poured on Extimum earlier were in fact a rather

expensive antidote to deal with basilisk venom. The antidote was difficult

to manufacture and not very common on the market.

However, to her disappointment, she hadn't expected that when she

found it, the basilisk was in such a sorry state that she simply didn't have

to do much to subdue it.

It was not only blind, but also terribly injured and beaten. Its magical

defense had long since been broken and more than overwhelmed, and its

apparent ferocity was nothing more than a superficial screen that it

maintained due to its own pride.

That said, it was still somewhat dangerous, but it wasn't enough to even

have the intense and exhilarating fight that she hoped would occur.

This was in fact what caught her attention the most about the other

creature. Although the basilisk was not the strongest of creatures

physically, its attributes were not something that could be easily

overlooked. It would have no trouble taking down several Muggle buses

in a single charge, and its deadly glare was already more than


On the other hand, the strength of its jaw could chew rocks into powder

and most dangerous of all, it was its poison without a doubt. In the

ranking, even if it wasn't first, it was certainly in the top five most

dangerous poisons in the entire wizarding world.

Added to the fact that it was a fast-acting poison, if one did not have the

preparation, death was the only destination for anyone who faced it.

However, not only could the other creature easily compete in physical

strength, but just by looking at the state of the basilisk, it was clear that

it had the advantage, furthermore it was either immune or had a very

good resistance to poisons.

On the other hand, she now knew that the basilisk's blindness had not

been caused by the creature. At first she thought the creature might have

claws and was some avian creature, however, listening superficially to

Harry's account of Extimum, she understood that this had been the work

of Fawkes.

Although she felt it was a pity, basilisk eyes are very valuable in the

market and had many uses.

Ron: "Harry, Extimum!"

They had barely taken a few steps into the chamber, past the destroyed

wall, when Ron's shout, followed by his approaching figure, came.

And along with him, Ginny was coming not far behind. They both

seemed much better. Ginny now looked much more serene, but from her

expression, worries were still on her mind.

As for Ron, not only was he awake now, but the marks on his neck had

all but disappeared as well.

Extimum smiled slightly and took the opportunity to look at the figure of

the chained and heavily imprisoned basilisk not far away.

It had fallen unconscious, apparently, without the adrenaline of the battle

and the multiple injuries that Extimum had caused it, especially the large

hole in its neck from which he tore a whole piece of flesh added to the

great loss of blood, now it was only one step from dying

Ron: "Extimum, it's good to see that you're okay, with the situation here I

came to think that maybe you had died." Ron jokingly seeing Extimum's

scruffy state and glad that he was okay too.

With his sister alive and well, along with having survived the fight and

now seeing Extimum alive, his mood was quite good.

Extimum: "You haven't died yet, so how could I die?"

Ron: "You're right, but dude… you look miserable, hahaha"

Extimum: "You too."

Christelle: "Okay, save the jokes for later. It's time to finish off the

basilisk and get out of here. Although I was the one who subjugated it in

the end, I won't take credit from children, so what you do with it

afterward won't It will have nothing to do with me."

Although the basilisk was valuable, Christelle was proud enough not to

steal it from children, besides, she also did not lack money or needed it

for something.

Ginny: "Harry, here. I found it lying on the floor when you left." Ginny

raised the silver sword that had been thrown away in the earlier


Christelle only watched from the side as Harry took the sword and

headed for the basilisk. She had already completed her main mission by

coming here, by finding Extimum and ensuring his safety, and even

though she hadn't been able to fight the basilisk, it had still been worth

something by discovering the rumored chamber of secrets.

Now she only had to get Extimum out of here and then return to try to

catch the creature that was still hanging around here.

Sword in hand, Harry walked over to the basilisk and raised his sword

ready to plunge and end the life of the creature in front of him.

Extimum: "Wait".


Ron: "She should be here, I block the entrance with a big stone… the

stone! Someone moved the stone." Alarmed, Ron hurried into the

makeshift and heavily camouflaged shelter made of stone in which he

had left Hermione.

Following not far behind, the others followed, but did not enter, as the

shelter was very small and only allowed one person to enter.

Presently, with Ron's directions as their guide and the strong light

summoned by Christelle, they all started back, however they were only

seconds into arriving and Ron cried out in alarm.

"Hermione is gone! I had left her here…Lockhart!"

A thought struck Ron immediately as he remembered the only other

person in this dark cave and that was not far away.

Immediately Ron's anger flared and he ran to the hole on the other side

to confront Lockhart.

Everyone was just as baffled by the situation, well, everyone, except

Extimum, who was now thinking about this little detail that he missed.

Still, he hurried as did everyone else to follow Ron to the rock-blocked

passage with a medium-sized hole and through it to the other side.

Only to have just arrived to find the scene of Ron grabbing Lockhart by

the collar of his robes and shaking him ferociously.

Ron: "Where is she? Tell me what you did to her?"

Lockhart: "W-what? W-what are you talking about?"

Ron: "Hermione! Tell me, where is she?"

Lockhart: "Who?"

Ron: "Ahhh! The girl who goes to the other side."

Lockhart: "I… I don't know, after you took her I didn't see her again."

Somewhat frightened and bewildered Lockhart hastened to respond.

Sensing that Lockhart was feigning ignorance and driven by his anger,

Ron drew his wand and pointed it at Lockhart's face.

Harry: "Ron, wait, calm down."

Christelle: "Stop it kid, although I won't stop you if you want to attack

him and get yourself a trip to Azkaban at your age, but when I passed

there earlier, that 'door' stone had already been moved, besides, in the

state Lockhart's current, he couldn't have done it, let alone hide her too,

he wouldn't even dare to cross to the other side."

Ginny: "Ron..."

Clenching his wand, Ron took a deep breath and finally lowered it,

backing away from Lockhart.

Ron: "But what then? She couldn't have just disappeared."

Extimum: "I might know where she is…"

Harry and Ron: "Where?"

Extimum:"The infirmary. Don't ask. I don't know either, let's just get out

of here first. It wouldn't be too late to go back if I'm wrong"

Despite receiving stares from everyone, Extimum didn't say anything else.

It was better for them to treat him as a guess that he would later find a

solution to than for them to think he really knew something.

Harry: "Are you sure?"

Extimum: "80%."

Ron: "But... how are we going to get out? I've already been looking,

there's no way to go up the same pipe"

Although he wasn't entirely convinced, it was true that this cave wasn't

very big and was mostly linear, so there was nowhere to hide it and

Lockhart didn't have a wand with him to begin with nor did he seem

quite enough to even think about doing something

**Bird cry**

Fawkes yelled, drawing everyone's attention, as its body grew much


**Bird cry**

Ignoring the confusion of the people around him, Fawkes took the

initiative to fly in front of them and turn its back, looking at them as if

suggesting something.

Ron: "It looks like it wants us to hold onto it…but that doesn't make

sense, it just looks like itcould carry one of us on its back and we'd still

be too heavy…" Looking at Fawkes puzzled, Ron found the suggestive

action it was making meaningless.

Even if it grew a bit taller it didn't look like it could carry them all.

Harry: "Fawkes isn't a normal bird, it's a phoenix. If it says it can hold us

out, then that's because he can."

Showing his trust in Fawkes, Harry didn't hesitate and reached over to

grab Fawkes's flaming and warm feathers, and looking at the others, he

spoke again.

"Let's shake hands. Ginny, take Ron's. Professor Lockhart…"

Ron: "He means you." Ron said annoyed at Lockhart's bewilderment.

Harry: "Extimum and-"

Christelle: "That won't be necessary, Extimum and I can go up by


Harry: "Okay…"

Christelle's words earned everyone outside of Harry a superficial look at

her, since someone like her had another form, they sounded more

trustworthy, although at the same time they felt somewhat relieved not

to be around her any longer.

Christelle completely ignored Ron and Ginny's looks, for one thing they

weren't her responsibility and for another, her method didn't allow her to

carry more than one person at a time besides herself, but she wasn't

interested in explaining it.

Something curious, Extimum remained silent, wanting to see what

Christelle would do to make them come up. To be honest, it wouldn't be

too difficult for him to go back up, however, without his flying sword it

would still take a while before he transformed into his nine-tailed fox


Before the others took off holding Fawkes, Extimum felt that the darkness

of the cave began to move as if it had a life of its own and the next

second, both he and Christelle were completely enveloped by it,

disappearing from the place in a blink.

Ron: "Wow!"

Lockhart: "Hahaha, it's so magical"


When Extimum regained sight of his surroundings the next second, he

was in the girls' bathroom next to the large hole that led to the chamber

of secrets.

Extimum: "What is that spell?"

Christelle: "Hmm, I haven't thought of a name for him yet."

Extimum: "Did you create it?" Interest piqued, Extimum turned to face

her and asked.

Christelle: "Yes, its effects are somewhat limited at the moment, but it's a

stable enough spell." As she spoke, Christelle pointed with her cane at the

shadow they were standing in, cast by one of the undestroyed bathroom


Extimum: "It can only take you from one dark place to another, is that


Christelle: "That's right, although the spell relies on shadows to work, but

it also implements other factors, so in theory it shouldn't be impossible to

remove such a limitation."

Extimum: "Still, it's pretty impressive. If you don't mind, could you show

me? It doesn't matter if it's not finished, I'm just interested in

spellcrafting, of course, not right now, I should go to the infirmary first

and maybe get some rest"

Christelle: "Won't you wait for them?" Christelle did not reject or accept

his proposal, but currently, in addition to having her mind divided on

knowing more about her hidden nephew, she was still thinking about the

magical creature that was down there.

Extimum: "I'm sure they'll go there too when they get out." Walking

towards the exit, Extimum stopped before going through the door and

looked at his aunt who seemed to be considering something.

Christelle: "Okay, then I'll accompany you. Let's see who is that person

who can demand so much of your interest."

Considering that Extimum's injuries had almost completely healed, he

doesn't really need to go to the infirmary for treatment, at most, just a

checkup. She was confident enough in his brother Callum's potion that

the only other reason for him to go to the infirmary right now might be

the girl they were talking about earlier.

Finally, deciding that it would be boring to go back down there so

quickly and that it was not safe to find the creature, she decided to

accompany Extimum. Stepping forward, she waved her hand and opened

the long row of overlapping layers that covered the bathroom exit and

sealed the entire place.

Extimum, seeing this, wasted no time in opening the door and leading

the way to the infirmary.

As someone who constantly plays with illusions, it wasn't hard to notice

at a glance the row of restraints that covered and sealed the entire

bathroom room even if they were invisible, so he was waiting for her to

remove them so he could get out.

However, he don't expect that she decided to accompany him. Frankly

speaking, he didn't consider that they had developed a friendly

relationship yet and considering that she tried to kill him not long ago,

his impression and goodwill were more leaning towards a negative side.

Of course, the most important thing here was still that she is his aunt.

Even so, he also didn't actively make an effort to talk to her during the

ride and only spoke when a thought came to his mind.

Extimum: "Did you allow access so Harry and the others could get out?"

Christelle: "Of course."

Since Christelle hadn't removed the barriers but only allowed him

through, it would be quite a problem if when Harry and the others

returned they found they couldn't leave the bathroom.

That said, even though they didn't speak during the ride, Christelle still

gave him several not-so-discreet glances as if she were sizing him up.

He didn't know if it was his illusion, but the unnatural feeling in her

voice no longer seemed to affect him. On the other hand, although her

gaze on him was somewhat intense, he tried not to show discomfort. In

fact, he was also quite curious about his aunt, but perhaps because of the

first bad impression he was not so interested in talking to her animatedly

in the short time.

The chaos in the castle seemed to have subsided a long time ago since

everything is incredibly quiet and they didn't see a single soul on the

whole way, on the other hand, a few hours had already passed since the


However, upon entering the infirmary, Extimum noticed that it was

different here.

**Ughh** **ughh**

"Quiet, I want to sleep"

"But it hurts me"

"Then bite something or ask Madam Pomfrey to give you something for

the pain."

Despite being very early in the morning, the infirmary was quite full. At a

glance, Extimum observed that about 80% of all beds were occupied and

there was still a small accumulation of students waiting to be seen.

Pomfrey: "You two. You've already been treated and your injuries aren't

serious at all, man up a bit and go back to your respective common

rooms instead of bothering the others with your whining.

Ah, Extimum! You come at a good time, could you-"

Madam Pomfrey spoke out of habit when she noticed the entrance of

someone with silver hair with purple streaks, however, her tired mind

quickly reacted and she fell silent, turning quickly to look in detail.

The surrounding students also fell silent and followed suit, directing all

their gazes to the entrance of the infirmary.

"Ahhh! A zombie sneaked into the castle"

"It's not a zombie, it's Extimum Shadowless"

"Ahhhhh! So it's a ghost"

"Don't talk nonsense, he's alive! Besides, what if he was a ghost? Don't

you see many in the castle?"

"Oops, I forgot…"

"B-but, he's covered in blood and wounds"

Pomfrey: "Silence everyone. There are injured students trying to rest and

for the last time, you two, if you don't leave, I'll call Professor Snape to

take care of you."

Although surprised, Pomfrey quickly pulled herself together and silenced

the rowdy students, at the same time, she approached Extimum with a

somewhat worried look as she noted his more than unfavorable

appearance, however, there was also some relief in her eyes upon seeing


Perspectives on the disappearance of Extimum were not at all positive

among students and teachers.

Without giving Extimum time to even utter a word of greeting, she gently

took his hand and directed him quickly to the nearest empty stretcher,

making him take a seat and closing the curtains to begin the


It was only a matter of the curtain closing as his wand shot out with

impressive speed and with great practice and skill she chain-cast more

than a dozen spells over Extimum's body.

As the spells came and went, Pomfrey frowned and relaxed multiple

times before finally stopping and heaving a sigh of relief, however, her

hands didn't stop, as bandages and potions of all kinds began to float

from her tray of tools.

Pomfrey: "There are no fractures or seriously injured organs, just some

mostly superficial lacerations in the process of healing, but by Merlin, so

much blood... and these wounds look like burns... No, more like

corrosion caused by poison. Where I left my antidotes … It doesn't seem

like anything is going wrong, but clearly the blood and vitality levels are

almost millimetrically at the right point to not be dangerous…".

Extimum calmly watched as it seemed his person was completely ignored

in favor of treating his body and it wasn't until a few minutes later when

he looked almost like a mummy that Pomfrey finally stopped, wiping a

few beads of sweat from her forehead with a handkerchief that I pull out

of her apron.

Most surprising of all, Pomfrey had managed to do all of this without

removing the bloody and somewhat damaged clothing he was wearing.

Extimum supposed that it was out of fear that perhaps the blood staining

his clothes could touch other areas of his skin and hurt him more, that he

first isolated it with the bandages.

After all, although a good part of the blood was from Extimum, as a

medi-witch, it wasn't hard for her to notice that the other part didn't

belong to her and was clearly poisonous.

What she didn't know was that the poison in the blood on his clothes had

long since been dissipated by the antidote he was basically bathed in

before coming here, so right now it wasn't much different from normal

magical blood.

However, Pomfrey hadn't had time to check it yet, since outside of

controlling his main injuries and isolating his body from his clothes, what

troubled her mind the most and confused her were the results of her


Although Extimum's situation looked somewhat bad and in fact was bad

in a way, but he was just at the point, no more, no less, to pass as

someone healthy with only a few deficiencies that could be easily treated

with medication and rest.

Something like that didn't make sense given the evidence of something

more serious than his clothing, but before she could start questioning

Extimum, the sound of the curtain opening caught her attention.

With a graceful step and not opening the curtain too far to obscure the

view of the students outside, Christelle entered the area enclosed by it.

Christelle: "You don't have to worry so much Mrs. Pomfrey, I already

made sure that my nephew's life and health is not in danger and in

addition to needing a bath and a change of clothes, with a little rest and

supplements he will be in perfect condition again "

Somewhat upset by the intrusion in the middle of the treatment, Pomfrey

prepared to scold the incoming person, when she caught sight of said

person's appearance, followed by hearing her words. Immediately, her

complexion changed a bit.

Pomfrey: "Chris- Miss Shadowless... I haven't seen you in a long time. I

think I heard Principal Mcgonagall mention that a Shadowless family

guardian would be here, but I didn't think it was you..."

Christelle: "It's certainly been a while since the last time. On the other

hand, I'm glad to see that you still care so much about the well-being of

my family members."

Pomfrey: "Yes, it is my job after all, plus young Extimum could be

considered my partial apprentice."

Christelle: "Wow? That's kind of interesting now."

Seeing that the talk of the two women seemed to extend, Extimum subtly

pushed them out and proceeded to take out the sick clothes that he knew

were kept in the nightstand next to all the stretchers to change clothes.

He still hadn't got his bag back so he didn't have to settle for this.

He couldn't use magic and there was nothing to clean himself with, so he

just combed his hair a little as he could and wiped his face with a damp

cloth that was there, it wasn't the best, but it would work for a while to

at least not look so unfortunate.

While he was doing all that, he kept listening to the talk between the two

women outside the curtain. Judging by some tension and discomfort that

he was perceiving from the conversation and from the emotions that both

emitted, he intuit that there was some story between the two.

Since Madam Pomfrey wasn't exactly being very tactful with her


Extimum: "Madam Pomfrey, why are there so many students here?"

Opening the curtains that enclosed the stretcher, Extimum asked.

Pomfrey: "*sigh* It's because of that wild creature that's been running all

over the castle or rather, it's the fault of most of the students for being so

reckless. Running madly after an unknown creature and casting spells all

over the place? everywhere? That's just asking for trouble.

Luckily, that creature didn't seem aggressive enough or this could have

ended much worse.

Most of the students here just overshot their bodies and a few more were

injured by all the mess, reflected spells, or aftermath from it, with only

one last small part coming into direct contact with the creature and being

pseudo-petrified, although the effect is expected to dissipate in a few


"Ah, now that I think about it, that girl, Hermione, was also brought here

by Bloom late at night. For some reason she lost her memory of the last

few hours and we have no way at the moment of knowing what

happened, except However, given the delicate nature of the matter, we

have called a medi-wizard from St. Mungo specialized in these cases to

make sure that everything in her mind is fine and, if possible, recover her


Frankly, I'm not sure if she's lucky or unlucky anymore, since outside of

the Quidditch team, she's the one who has come to the infirmary the

most in recent months.

She's on the ninth stretcher, you can go see her if you want. I already

checked your status and it's as your aunt says, just make sure you rest

well afterwards."

Extimum: "Then I'll go see her, thanks for bandaging my wounds."

Pomfrey: "Just go, I still have a lot of work to do here."

Walking somewhat stiffly, Extimum now noticed that walking with

bandages all over his body was not very comfortable as they limited his

mobility a bit. Honestly, he wasn't entirely sure all these bandages were

necessary, but having arrived here the way he had, it didn't leave him

much of a chance to continue casually.

The surrounding students did not miss a chance to look at him seeing

him go out and walk outside. Many believed that he would not survive or

did not expect to see him again.

Glancing back briefly, he noted that Christelle still remained with

Pomfrey even though she had already set out to treat the remaining


Since the infirmary was not very large, it didn't take long for him to

arrive in front of gurney nine. Like most of the ones he saw on his way

here, it was shut in by the curtains, but the light inside was still on.

The reason why he had suggested that Hermione was here, was because

through his connection with Bloom he had sensed that she was no longer

in the Ravenclaw tower area but in the infirmary area and given last

instructions and how he left the situation with Bloom before he left her

with Hermione, it wasn't strange that he had brought her here.

Of course, there were still other possibilities, but he knew Bloom wasn't

someone irresponsible who would just leave it at that whens he saw

Hermione's abnormal state.

Standing in front of gurney nine, he hear the sound of muttering.

Extimum: "Can I come in?" Only now did Extimum notice that his voice

sounded somewhat strange, it had acquired a deeper note, it didn't sound

bad, but the change was somewhat abrupt.

Hermione: "Go ahead."

After some noise from inside, Hermione answered, so he pushed aside the

curtain and went inside.

Upon entering, he saw Hermione sitting on the table, with a notebook

that seemed to have been hastily closed along with a quill and inkwell on

the nightstand.

Not far from the inkwell with the quill, Bloom was standing acting

somewhat absent-minded, as she sometimes does when strangers arrive.

They were both looking at him when he entered and their faces went

from composure to joy and surprise.

Hermione and Bloom: "Extimum!".

Despite its mummy-like appearance, they both had no difficulty

recognizing it and moved closer to take a closer look at it.

Hermione: "Extimum, are you okay? Why do you look like a mummy?

No, delete that, I'm glad you're back safely, but how are you here? Did

Professor Lockhart really save you?" A sea of emotions surged through

Hermione as she saw Extimum alive and back.

Stopping the words he was about to say, Extimum looked at her

strangely. With everything that had happened, the last thing he expected

to hear was something like Lockhart had saved him, however, his

confusion didn't last long, when Bloom showed up to assuage his doubt.

Bloom: "Hermione lost her memory, she doesn't remember anything after

she went out with Harry and Ron to look for Lockhart"— Lowering her

voice a little more— "And I think she became a bit silly-"

Hermione: "Hey, I heard that and I already told you I didn't get dumb,

you just asked me at the wrong time, I was still relocating."

Extimum: "Did you lose your memory? Did Lockhart…".

Remembering how things were supposed to happen and Harry's vague

and rather short account of what he had gone through to rescue them,

Extimum began to connect the dots, as a train of thought began to form.

Now he understood why Harry had been vague on various details.

Lockhart had tried to erase their memories, but the Hermione factor here

and perhaps added to the fact that Ron now had his wand in working

order caused Hermione to end up affected.

Hermione: "What's with Lockhart? *Ugh* My head."

Extimum: "What's wrong?"

Hermione: "It's nothing, it's just a bit of a migraine". Trying to defuse the

situation and gently rubbing her temples Hermione responded.

Bloom: "Not true, she has that reaction every time she tries to remember

what happened."

Frowning, Extimum considered whether he had perhaps been too light on


Extimum: "Allow me for a moment" Taking Hermione's hand, Extimum

focused on his connection to her. He couldn't do magic right now, but not

all of his abilities were limited to it.

A slight distortion flickered in the air, as all the mental clouds that only

Extimum could see and surrounding Hermione's head dissipated. While

he couldn't help her right now with what Lockhart had damaged either

because of his current situation or because he didn't have enough mastery

of legilimency, but there was still a thing or two he could do with his

empathic ability.

Extimum: "Are you feeling better?"

Hermione: "Yeah... what did you do?" Feeling somewhat puzzled by the

sudden disappearance of the migraine and the new clarity of mind she

felt, Hermione asked.

Extimum: "Just dispel your mental confusion." This was a skill he had

developed after what had happened the day of the troll attack and he

realized that he was actually not very good at putting people at ease.

Although it was the first time he tried it since before it was more

theoretical, with so many ideas in his head sometimes he had trouble

putting them all into practice.

Bloom only watched from the side, in the time that had passed after

Extimum left Hermione, she had found out a little from the others'

conversations about what had happened, so she was worried when she

found out that Extimum was being hunted, but considering that he had

visited her some time after such events, at least she knew that she had

managed to escape, so she could be much easier to constantly check the

connection she had with Extimum.

However, he didn't know why Extimum hadn't asked him for help after

that, but choosing to trust him despite knowing his approximate location

hadn't gone looking for him, of course, that had nothing to do with the

fact that he was. he perceived several kilometers below the castle and did

not know how to get there.

Hermione: "But are you really okay? With all those bandages it's

impossible not to worry a little."

Extimum: "It's quite a long story actually and there will be time to tell it

when the others come here. The important thing is that everything is

resolved. As for your memory, don't worry, I'm sure you can recover it"


Christelle: "Ah, here you are, Extimum. So she is Hermione?" Stepping

through the curtain, Christelle commented upon seeing Hermione.

Her sudden arrival made Bloom rush to take refuge with Extimum and

both her and Hermione felt chills running through their bodies. The

surrounding atmosphere mysteriously became a few degrees colder.

With a somewhat sharp and searching gaze, Christelle swept her eyes

over Bloom for a moment before stopping on Hermione, trying to see if

there was anything special about her.

Although Extimum had not shown any emotion as usual, but by dealing

with similar men, among them, his brother, he had obtained some ability

to notice some things, among which although he did not feel any

emotion, but he did perceive a clear interest... in Hermione's state from

Extimum, which was enough for her to take a bit of interest as well.

Christelle: "I apologize for the sudden intrusion"— Bowing her head a

little as well as her body in a certain noble mannerism, Christelle spoke—

"I'm Christelle Shadowless, Extimum's aunt, you must be her friend,


Hermione: "H-hi, nice to meet you, I'm Hermione Granger." Stilling the

shudder in her body with force, Hermione introduced herself as she tried

to ignore the feeling that coursed through her body as she faced the

woman before her.

Extimum: "Okay, aunt, there will be time for you to meet my friends

later. It's quite early and Hermione needs to rest after the last events. In

fact, I need to rest too, why don't we go and settle down later to meet


Christelle: "Granger? Hmm... I don't know that last name anywhere. What

family are you from, Hermione? Or are you perhaps part of a collateral

branch?" Completely ignoring Extimum's words, Christelle continued

speaking, a genuine feeling of confusion in her tone.

Hermione: "Family? Oh no, I don't belong to any wizarding family, my

parents are normal people, they are dentists in the muggle world."

Although she still felt somewhat uncomfortable from the woman's voice,

upon learning that it was Extimum's aunt, she tried to ignore such


Christelle:"Dentists? Muggle world?"— Christelle showed a distinctly

puzzled look on her face for a moment, before her brow twisted deeply

and a hint of displeasure seeped into her gaze—"I see… Well, it's been a

pleasure meeting you, but since you need to rest, I won't take any more

of your time. Extimum, let's go, I still have to meet with the director to

end this situation."

As if all her interest had vanished, Christelle maintained her decorum,

but didn't want to stay any longer, waving Extimum out and taking the

first step out of the room.

Bloom: 'Although she wasn't rude, she could have been less obvious…'.

Hermione: "Did I do something wrong?" Hermione of course wasn't stupid

and she could feel the clear change, however she didn't understand what

had caused it. 'Perhaps my lack of etiquette bothered her?'

Although she had studied some wizarding world etiquette so as not to

seem rude or completely ignorant of the formalities, but she still wasn't

very good at it or spent enough time on it, so her first thought was

whether maybe it had been something rude

At no time could Hermione have thought that it had something to do

with her origin, however, it was not her fault, having Extimum as a

reference and taking into account the fame of the Shadowless family in

the community, she had created in her mind the idea that like the

Weasleys, the Shadowless had goodwill towards the muggle-born and

didn't care much for it.

In fact, that was precisely what the Shadowless family was looking for, to

be perceived as someone friendly to Muggle-borns in order to gain a

certain advantage in business, as well as being able to catch the

outstanding talents that came out of them.

Which was quite effective since many Muggle-borns preferred to go to

their establishments on many occasions to do all kinds of business or as a

place to work under said thought.

With that said, they were actually always more neutral, but under perfect

professionalism and a not-so-good comparison on the side, that was more

than enough, even so, each member's personal opinion could still be

different as long as they didn't explicitly show it. .

Extimum: "It's nothing, she's just like that." Throwing aside the barely

knowing her, he didn't want Hermione to feel unappreciated.

Christelle: "Extimum, aren't you coming?" Speaking from outside the

curtains, Christelle urged.

Extimum felt somewhat uncomfortable, in his entire life after he finished

classes with his mother at approximately 8 years old, he had never had to

answer to anyone or have someone meddle too much with his actions or

affairs, so that aside from having to meet various harsh and somewhat

rigid standards, it had always been pretty out of control.

However, soon the shouting of two people followed by his entrance saved

him from having a somewhat complicated conversation and having to

leave Hermione alone so quickly.

Harry and Ron: "Hermione!"



This time it took me longer than expected, but hey, we continue with a

long chapter

Chapter 53: Denouement

Harry: "Are you okay, Hermione? How did you get here?"

Hermione: "What do you mean?"

Ron: "What do we mean? Don't you remember?"

Hermione: "No…"

Harry: "..."

Ron: "…"

They were both silent for a second and the words they were about to say

caught on the tips of their tongues.

Shifting his gaze, Harry looked at Extimum for a silent explanation. He

had been the one to guess Hermione's location and he had also arrived

before them so he should know something.

Extimum: "It's what you think, but... at the moment it doesn't seem so

bad, on the other hand, it's hard to tell, the mind is a very complicated

thing. Madam Pomfrey said that an expert medi-wizard from St. Mungo's

would arrive in the afternoon, so until then the extent of the damage

cannot be said"

Ron: "Ah! I'm going to kill Lockhart!"

Harry: "Ron, no, calm down. It won't do any good anymore, he doesn't

even remember him or who he is to begin with…"

Hermione: "Guys, what are you talking about? You're just spouting

random stuff and I feel left out."

Harry: "I'll explain, but first... How did you get here to the infirmary? Do

you know?"

Ron: "Of course not, can't you see she's lost her memory?-"

Hermione: "Actually, I do know, it was Bloom who brought me here and

she's been with me all this time."

Harry and Ron: "Bloom?"

Harry and Ron's gazes immediately shot to the small figure of Bloom

sitting comfortably on Extimum's shoulder. Their glances caused Bloom

to shift slightly in her position, having suddenly become the center of


Bloom: 'Ah, ah, now what? And if they discover us? Extimum, tell me

quickly, what should I say?'.

Still maintaining her outward composure, Bloom hastened to say in a

panic and nervousness through the mental connection with Extimum.

Extimum: 'Nothing…'.

Bloom:'How come nothing? They will want to- Oh…hehehe.'

Facing the other direction, Bloom immediately changed her attitude to

one of being ignorant of what she just said, while Extimum just mentally

rolled his eyes.

Outwardly, however, she acted clueless and just blinked cutely as she

returned Harry's and Ron's gaze.

Since almost no one knew that she could communicate with words, there

was no need to worry about responding.

Ron: "Great, now the only person who has a clue what happened is

someone who can't speak or even understand the situation."

Harry: "Hmm, Bloom is quite receptive sometimes though, can't you try

asking her, Extimum?"

Extimum: "I'll try, but not right now. First we should go talk to Principal

Mcgonagall to explain the situation, we can't just let them continue to

believe that Ginny and me are missing."

Ron: "Ah, but in that case we still have to wait for Madam Pomfrey to

finish checking us all, otherwise she won't let us out of here, not in the

state we're in at least, we could only get here to Hermione because she

took care of Ginny the moment we walked in"

Harry: "Yes… however, Extimum is right, Ron, we need to let your

parents know that Ginny is alive and well."

Ron: "How did you know then that Hermione would be here though,


Extimum: "It's a little hard to explain, but don't forget, it was more of a

guess than a proper statement. I may not have told you, but I have a

somewhat special connection to Bloom, so I can sense where she is and

send her certain instructions through a mental link that unites us, this

also works in reverse if I wish."

"The point is that when I was kidnapped by the basilisk and I was

running away in the pipes in the chamber of secrets, I tried to call her to

help me. She couldn't come at first, but I guess when you guys came,

Bloom was finally able to find a way to go to where I was."

"But probably due to the difficulty of communication and the distance, it

was not easy for her to find me, even so, although at first I felt that she

was getting closer to my position, after a while she stopped and turned


"At first I didn't understand, but after you said that Hermione was missing

and the area where you showed us she was, I figured that maybe Bloom

went back because she had bumped into Hermione and seeing her

condition had taken her to the Nursing".

Hermione gave Extimum a somewhat strange look.

She knew that Bloom could communicate perfectly, so it was impossible

that if Extimum and Bloom could communicate, Bloom would just

abandon him after seeing her and it was more likely that after bringing

her here, she would come back for Extimum.

It was obvious to her that Extimum was hiding something here, however,

she didn't mention it right away and remained silent, things clearly

weren't simple and if he couldn't tell Harry and Ron then she had better

wait for him to tell her.

Ron: "Wait, did you make a magical contract with Bloom? Otherwise,

there's no way you'd be able to pick up on all those things you're saying."

Extimum: "Yes-".

Christelle: "Extimum, hurry up."

Ignoring Christelle's call from outside, Extimum continued.

Extimum: "Anyway, that's the gist of the matter, for now, it looks like I

have to go. Hermione, I'm sorry, although I told you I'd tell you

everything when Harry and Ron got back, but as you can see, I have to

go right now."

Hermione: "Okay, I understand, it doesn't look like a short story anyway."

Extimum nodded in gratitude for her understanding, although more than

that, for her silence, since he knew that there was a detail that could not

be hidden from Hermione in what he had said earlier.

Extimum: 'Bloom, stay here and continue to keep Hermione company,

although she is calm, this little conversation is already upsetting her

enough to feel that she forgot something important.'

Bloom: 'Okay, I'll keep her company, but you still have to explain

everything that happened to me.'

Extimum: 'Yes, I promise I'll tell you everything later.'

Bloom: 'Well…'. Although somewhat reluctant to part with Extimum so

soon, Bloom still flew up to land on Hermione's shoulder.

With that, Extimum left the room.

Ron: "Although then why didn't Professor Lockhart mention that he had

seen Bloom and Hermione being carried away by her?"

Harry: "Maybe...he didn't see it? After all, you left Lockhart alone and the

cave was very dark, besides, he doesn't even remember who he is, so it

wouldn't be strange if he still had memory problems" .

Honestly, Harry had some doubts as well, since he knew a bit more than

Ron. He knew that Bloom was not a normal fairy and unlike the others

he had seen, she was very intelligent and not much different from anyone

else, most importantly, she could talk.

This last, however, he sometimes forgot, since it was that time on his trip

to China, he had not seen Bloom speak again. In fact, when he mentioned

that Bloom was quite perceptive, he was surreptitiously hinting to

Extimum that he could ask her directly.

However, Harry didn't care so much about those details right now, what

mattered to him is that all of his friends were safe and sound.

Ron: "You're right..." Ron felt a little bad now that Harry was saying it

like that, since he felt that he was intimidating a sick person, however, it

was only a little, he still didn't like Lockhart very much.

Hermione: "Then could you tell me what happened?"

Harry: "Oh yeah, well, first tell me what's the last thing you remember."

Hermione: "The last thing I remember was..."

Hermione then proceeded to tell them what she remembered, while

Harry and Ron in turn began to fill in the blanks.

In the time that she had been here she had talked to Bloom, but she

herself did not know much about the situation and avoided telling her

many details so she could only base herself on what they told her now.


After leaving the room, Extimum found Christelle waiting for him not far

away, she seemed to be checking something, but she put it away as soon

as she saw Extimum leave. Leading the way out of the infirmary without

saying a single word on the way.

Her look and general mood were not as pleasant as before, although

Extimum doubted that it was because of the delay in leaving, however, it

was already something for which he had prepared a year ago when he

decided to follow the impulse of his body and become close with


The pace at which they were walking was much more moderate now

compared to their initial haste when they came. After some time and

having gone far enough from the infirmary, with no people in the

vicinity, Christelle finally spoke.

Christelle: "I hope you haven't forgotten-".

Extimum: "I haven't…I never would"

Christelle: "Insolent, I'm not done talking yet"— Giving him a haughty

look with a cold tone, Christelle commented, before lightening her tone

and continuing—"And even if you do know, you'd do well to listen."

"Being so close to Muggle-borns is not good, they put strange ideas into

your head. The neutrality of our family demands socializing and

fraternizing with all sides, but even so, a Shadowless must choose their

companions and associates carefully, especially with the current conflicts

in the wizarding world. You could cause serious misunderstandings about

the disposition of our family."

Extimum: "I understand, Aunt, but like I said, I haven't forgotten. My

relationship with the members of both factions is good, and my main

friends are not related to either of them, so you don't have to worry."

Christelle: "Okay, as long as you're aware of it… Now, let's put those

issues aside, such trifles shouldn't affect our relationship, especially when

it's just starting out, so why don't we get to know each other better? And

maybe I'll tell you a little about the spell you want to know, what do you


Extimum: "That's a good idea, but shouldn't we hurry up and talk to the

headmistress first?"

Christelle: "We should, certainly, however, clearly the Potter heir and

young Weasley know information of great relevance to the case, since

they got there first and by their words, they opened the chamber of

secrets, so if we just hurry to go at this time, we would still have to wait

for them to fill certain gaps in the information.

And I don't think the principal's office is a good place to socialize, so we

can take some time…Madam Pomfrey will still take a while to release

them anyway."

Extimum: "Do you seem to know Madam Pomfrey quite well?"

Christelle: "Hmm? The same could be said of you then. See what, Medi-

Wizard's Apprentice… you are the first in our branch to take an interest

in such subjects in at least five generations not counting mine. On the

other hand, You're right. Madam Pomfrey has been working at the school

for a few years now and in my time at Hogwarts there was a certain

period in which we were somewhat close, but that is now a thing of the


"We better talk about my spell…"

After walking around the floors of the castle and finding out that

Mcgonagall didn't use the principal's office but instead attended in her

personal office, they finally arrived in front of her door.

It was a remarkable fact that she did not choose to use the headmaster's

office despite currently holding the position, demonstrating her clear

faith and confidence that Dumbledore would return.

**Knock Knock**

Giving a light tap on the door with her hand, Christelle took two steps

back and waited next to Extimum.

"Enter". A female voice with a few hints of fatigue came from the other

side of the door.

Just as they were preparing to enter, the sound of hurried footsteps was

heard from their right and they turned to see the figures of Harry, Ron

and Ginny running towards them.

From the looks of it, they had left Professor Lockhart in the infirmary

since he wasn't coming with them.

Ron: "*gasp* Hadn't they been out long before us?"

Having rushed from the infirmary wing they were barely able to escape

Pomfrey and give Hermione some company, they had hoped to be the

last to arrive and not in its place, about the same time as Extimum.

Extimum: "We took a few detours before we got there."

Christelle didn't bother too much with them and opened the door

directly, while the others entered not long after with Extimum in the


Molly: "G-Ginny!"

Arthur: Ginny!

Mcgonagall: "Miss Shadowless, Extimum…"

As soon as they entered, they were greeted by cries of surprise, relief and

happiness, from a sobbing Mrs. Weasley as well as a distraught Arthur

Weasley, who were sitting on the sofa in the office next to the fireplace.

Ginny was immediately caught in their arms as Extimum and the rest

made some space for them.

Extimum's gaze shifted from the emotional parent couple to the back of

the office, where Mcgonagall and former Headmaster Dumbledore were

watching the scene with contrasting emotion.

While Mcgonagall looked clearly both relieved and concerned at the

appearance of the incoming people, Dumbledore instead stood there

calmly, a simple smile on his face and Fawkes perched over his shoulder.

Molly: "You saved her! You saved her! Thank you, thank you very much."

Giving Harry a big crushing hug and Ron as soon as she released Ginny,

Molly thanked them profusely before turning her gaze to Extimum and


"Extimum, I'm glad you're safe too!" Without losing her momentum,

Molly also gave Extimum a big hug.

Although somewhat stiffly, Extimum accepted the hug and gently patted

Mrs. Weasley on the back, who had leaned a bit due to the difference in


After releasing Extimum, Molly turned her attention to Christelle.

Extimum thought for a moment that Christelle would avoid her, but

contrary to his thought, Christelle also came forward to receive the

thanks even if she looked just as uncomfortable as Extimum.

However, with a little extra thought, it wasn't so strange anymore, in

fact, it made quite a bit of sense for her to get the hug.

The Weasleys now owed the Shadowless a favor to help save their

daughter, so getting the hug was in order.

It might be called hypocrisy, and Extimum wouldn't deny it, but that's

what all noble families were after all. Honor, glory, and pride were the

norm, but debts of gratitude carried far more weight even within families

on the darker side of the world.

Mcgonagall: "Miss Shadowless, would you mind sharing the situation

with us?"

Christelle: "Naturally it wouldn't be a problem, but… I think it would be

more appropriate if Mr. Potter told his part of the story first, after all, his

role was no less important and he played the first parts of it."

McGonagall raised an eyebrow at her words, and couldn't help but glance

at the grinning Dumbledore at her side, before fixing her attention on


Under everyone's gaze, Harry walked over to the front desk and placed

on it the Sorting Hat, the silver Gryffindor sword, and Tom Riddle's

damaged diary.

Then he began to narrate everything that had happened.

Starting with how he had gotten clues about the possible location of the

Chamber of Secrets, having gone into the Forbidden Forest with Ron to

ask Aragog about the first murder the Basilisk committed, guessing that it

was Myrtle and that the entrance might be nearby.

Mcgonagall more than frowned upon hearing all the infractions to the

school rules they had committed, but seeing the general mood she

restrained herself strongly from commenting.

Pausing briefly, Harry continued to tell how the news of Ginny and

Extimum's disappearance had affected them and how, counting on those

clues, they had decided to share them with Lockhart so that he would go

rescue them, but instead they found him running away and on impulse,

they had ended up forcing him to accompany them to rescue his friends...

Arthur and Molly Weasley frowned a bit and didn't hide their

dissatisfaction at hearing about this. With all the fanfare and fame of

Gilderoy Lockhart, they would have expected more from someone like


However, they soon let it go. Realistically, they themselves wouldn't dare

face a basilisk in any other situation. They knew their own abilities and

while they had had their share of experiences as members of the order,

these were limited only to dealing with other mages, fighting magical

creatures was an entirely different matter.

The story went on and on, moving on to fighting Lockhart once inside,

then being separated and Harry facing Tom Riddle, then Ron's arrival,

the appearance of an unknown creature, and finally the arrival of

Christelle who then subdued the basilisk.

This time, compared to the quick summary he had given Extimum and

Christelle on chamber, Harry was quite detailed in his recounting, yet,

whether out of personality or perhaps pity, Harry tried to downplay

Lockhart's actions. He believed that his current situation was more than

enough punishment seeing that no one ended up seriously.

Besides, the matter was quite delicate and it was best to discuss it with

Dumbledore in private.

With that said, Ron wasn't so convinced with his decision and interrupted

to clarify a bit more the facts of what had happened when he parted

ways with Harry, although since he wasn't very good at expressing

himself, it didn't make Lockhart's already low opinion too bad after what

Harry said.

Christelle: "In my case, things were simpler having this device"—Giving a

quick demonstration of the familiar tracking device, she continued—"As

Mcgonagall knows, I hunted down the creature wrapped in mist that

caused chaos at the moment of my arrival at school".

Ron: "What?"

Molly: "Shh, don't interrupt, Ronald."

Ron made a grimace as Christelle continued her tale. He glanced at Harry

and noticed that they both shared equally puzzled looks, as it seemed

that a lot had happened while they were trying to rescue Ginny and


Extimum followed the artifact with his eyes until Christelle put it away,

she hadn't mentioned it before and with so many things on his mind, he

hadn't considered the fact that her finding it wasn't just by chance and

the effort of look for it.

Christelle: "As I was saying, while chasing said creature, I ended up in the

bathrooms on the second floor, where the unknown creature jumped

through the open entrance to the chamber of secrets and after sealing the

area I dove in as well…"

Christelle then narrated about how she had easily subdued the basilisk

because it was already incredibly weak and using the same artifact she

had found Extimum in a near-death situation, which luckily she had

managed to reverse and stabilize.

Her words, in addition to bringing clarity and relief, also brought alarm

and caution to learn that under the school there was still a creature no

weaker than the basilisk and perhaps a little stronger.

Christelle: "You don't have to worry though. After this, I'll go back

downstairs myself and search every corner until I hunt down the


Mcgonagall: "*sigh* Thank you, Miss Shadowless, for all you've done."

Although Mcgonagall knew that Christelle had selfish motives, she still

thanked her since thanks to her, all the students had returned safely and

also, the other creature was clearly very dangerous and would be a threat

to the students' safety.

Dumbledore: "And the basilisk, I suppose it's dead, right?"

Christelle: "That's right, Mr. Potter himself took his last breath."

All the adults in the room subconsciously raised their eyebrows at his

words, as they had expected Christelle to be the one to finish it off.

Dumbledore: "What puzzles me most, however, is how Lord Voldemort

managed to bewitch Ginny, when my sources tell me that he is currently

hiding in the forests of Albania."

Extimum narrowed his gaze slightly upon hearing Dumbledore's words.

That was a rather important piece of information that Dumbledore

supposed he got from having people like Snape on the dark lord's side.

Thoughts of traveling to Albania to capture him in his weakened state

flashed through his mind, but he quickly dismissed them, since even if he

was weak, something like "he's in the forests of Albania" wasn't enough to

find him in such a large place.

How many forests would not be there? And not to mention that the size

may not necessarily be small, not to mention that Extimum knew that

Voldemort was currently in a spirit state so physical blocks would not be

an obstacle for him and he could even be under any stone.

Finally, if Dumbledore knew he was there, that meant that others on the

dark side knew as well and it was likely then that he was protected by

some fanatical Death Eaters.

Arthur:"Wha…what?"— Stunned, Mr. Weasley hastened to ask—"Y-You-

Know-Who? Bewitched Ginny? But Ginny hasn't…Ginny hasn't been…has


Fear was evident in Arthur's tone and Molly's pale face at the possibility

that her daughter had been corrupted.

Harry: "It was the diary," Harry said immediately, picking it up and

showing it to Dumbledore, "Riddle wrote it when he was sixteen."

Dumbledore picked up the journal Harry was holding and carefully

examined its pages, burned by poison corrosion and wet from exposure to

the Chamber of Secrets.

Dumbledore: "Magnificent"—he said softly—"Of course, he was probably

the most intelligent student Hogwarts has ever had"—Turning to the

Weasleys, who looked at him perplexed—"Very few know that Lord

Voldemort was formerly called Tom Riddle.

I taught him myself, fifty years ago, at Hogwarts. He disappeared after

leaving school... He traveled the world... delved into the Dark Arts, dealt

with the worst of our kind, undertook dangers, magical transformations,

to such an extent that when he re-emerged as Lord Voldemort, he was


Hardly anyone connected Lord Voldemort with the clever and charming

boy who received the Head Boy here."

While Dumbledore spoke, Extimum took the opportunity to get closer

and look at the diary in detail. Before, he hadn't dared to even pick it up

because of the risk, but right now it was nothing more than a discarded

magical artifact, even so, it still had some of its enchantments that would

be great study material.

Molly: "But Ginny... what does our Ginny have to do with him?"

Ginny: "Her...her diary!"—Ginny said between sobs—"I've been writing

on it, and it's been replying to me all term..."

Arthur: "Ginny! Haven't I taught you a thing? What have I always told

you? Don't trust things that have the ability to think, but you don't know

where their brains are. Why didn't you teach me the me or your mother?

Such a suspicious object like that, it had to be black magic!"

Ginny: "No...I didn't know"—Ginny sobbed—"I found it in one of the

books Mom bought me. I thought someone had left it there and forgot..."

Extimum's examination came to a sudden halt as Dumbledore calmly

closed the torn journal and placed it on the desk, giving Extimum a slight

smile before speaking, looking at Mrs. Weasley.

Dumbledore: "Miss Weasley should go straight to the infirmary. It has

been a terrible experience for her. There will be no punishment. Lord

Voldemort has fooled older and wiser wizards"— Walking to the door, he

opened it, indicating that they should come out—" Bed rest and maybe a

bowl of hot chocolate. It always cheers me up."

Ron: "We already went to the infirmary. Madame Pomfrey said she wasn't

hurt anywhere and just needed to rest."

Dumbledore: "Oh, in that case, you can go back to your bedroom if you

prefer, still, I think spending some quality time in close proximity to

family would be best."

Mrs. Weasley walked out with Ginny, and Arthur trailing behind, who

was still quite shocked by the information he had just received.

Christelle, on the other hand, simply remained silent and just as Extimum

took a few more glances at the diaryon the desk, but didn't come closer

to look at it, it didn't seem like it in its current state would command

enough of her attention.

Dumbledore: "You know, Minerva?"—he speak thoughtfully—"I think this

deserves a good banquet. May I ask you to go tell the kitchen?"

Mcgonagall: "Okay, then I'll go now and leave you to finish dealing with

business here."

"Now, Miss Christelle. Allow me to express my sincerest thanks to myself

and the school. The help you have provided today could have been vital

in the safe outcome of this situation. On the other hand, although I see

that young Extimum has already been treated, like Miss Ginny, I would

recommend you have a good rest, after all, the situation you have

experienced has been no less shocking and perhaps traumatic".

Extimum: "Thank you for your concern, Professor Dumbledore, after

here, I'll take your word for it and go to rest."

Dumbledore nodded slightly and continued.

Dumbledore: "Furthermore, as soon as you've finished your search in the

Chamber of Secrets, Miss Shadowless, if it's not too much trouble, I'd like

to take some of your time to discuss certain matters."

Christelle: "It would be a pleasure."

Nodding slightly to Harry and Ron, Extimum walked out of the office

with Christelle. They were done with the formalities so now they were

free to go.

Christelle: "Go back and rest. I'll go back to the chamber of secrets to find

the other creature."

Extimum: "You will still be-".

Christelle: "Yeah, I'll make sure I'm still there when you wake up,

anyway, I don't have any urgent business at the ministry right now."

The Unspeakables, as members of one of the most guarded and secretive

departments in the ministry, were essentially top-secret magical

researchers and only had some occasional special tasks they had to fulfill,

so they had some latitude to show up for work.

Also, since they were all under various magical oaths, the ministry didn't

care too much about divulging information, besides of course, the

identity or fact that a wizard was an Unspeakable was usually kept


Extimum's lip twitched a bit. Christelle's clear interruption had been

more than voluntary in a clear attempt to return the favor after he'd

interrupted her, the fact made even more evident by the suggestive smile

Christelle gave him before turning to go another way. .


Giving a tired sigh, Extimum started to walk towards the Ravenclaw

common room.

He no longer felt so bitter toward Christelle, though much of it had to do

with the talk they'd had on the way here, where he'd not only gotten to

know her a little better, but had also learned a lot from the short briefing

about his own lives experiences in creating spells.

Spellmaking was too complicated a subject and books weren't enough for

references, so it had been very enlightening. On the other hand, it could

be due to his peculiar childhood, but although he still felt somewhat

annoyed, he no longer resented the fact that she had almost killed him.


After taking a few shortcuts and walking around for a while, he finally

arrive in front of their common room and walk through the door into the

main hall.


As soon as he walked through the door, he was greeted with an explosion

of confetti, followed by sounds of whistles and trumpets coming from

some magical toy.

A crowd of students were gathered there, looking at him and chatting

excitedly, some even carrying banners in their hands.


"Welcome back".

"He really survived."

"Though it looks like a mummy now."

**Sound of fireworks**.

"Extimum! Extimum! Extimum!"

Extimum was surprised to be surrounded by a crowd of students who

seemed clearly happy for his return.

The Ravenclaw house was generally known for the competitiveness and

individuality of its students, however, it was one of the most united when

it came to external things, even so, Extimum did not believe that said

union was enough to receive such an emotional reception.

Of course, it was just that that surprised him, finding out about his safe

return was not at all unusual since as everyone knew, at Hogwarts, gossip

really does fly, especially when quite a few people saw him in the


Extimum: "Thank you all for your welcome." Although caught off guard

by the sudden outpouring, Extimum was after all someone who had been

raised to deal with people, so it didn't take him long to adjust and calm

down the students while receiving their emotionality and


Most were happy for his safe return, aside from the fact that he had

survived the basilisk attack, however, they also commented on various

things that he didn't fully understand, but he didn't bother to understand

right now.

Close to finally getting out of the encirclement of people, a somewhat

stocky figure pushed through the crowd.

Steve: "Extimum! I'm glad you're back. I always knew you'd be back."

Steve hurried over with a big smile and gave Extimum a big man hug,

before patting him on the back.

Trudor: "I must say you're not wrong for once, fat boy". Trudor also

stepped out of the crowd and patted Extimum a few times on the


Mitchell: "*Sniff Sniff* Extimum, you really came back, I thought I'd

never see you again". Mitchell also arrived, wiping his nose and red-eyed,

he gave Extimum a hug.

Steve: "Hmp, to think you were a crybaby". Seeing Mitchell's unrefined

attitude, Steve as usual didn't miss an opportunity to sneer.

Mitchell: "Shut up Steve, these are man's tears. I thought I lost one of my

best friends."

Extimum: "Okay, okay, I appreciate your sentiment, but don't get my

bandages dirty with snot."

Mitchell: "*Sniff* Yeah, this is the Extimum I know. Hahahaha."

Padma: "Euuugh, Mitchell, that's disgusting. Here, wipe yourself with this

tissue." Dodging the area where Mitchell had snotted Extimum's

bandages, Padma also walked over and gave him a hug, before handing

Mitchell a handkerchief.

Mitchell: "Thank you."

Extimum: "What is all this?"

Trudor: "It was Steve's idea, he said since you survived, we should give

our hero a big reception."

Extimum: "Hero?" Perplexed, Extimum asked.

Padma: "It's normal that you don't know, after all you weren't there at the

time. It's all because of the glasses you created."

"After you disappeared, things were a little tense all around and last night

it finally blew up into a frenzy. It all started here in our common room.

The basilisk showed up somehow and then…well, things got A little

messy honestly, but it was amazing."

"It was as if all the anger and resentment in everyone's hearts exploded as

one. All the fear, all the annoyance about the curfew and the restrictions,

all of that just became the fuel that ignited a thirst for revenge".

"*Cough* So well, everyone took their wands and the glasses you made

and we charged up to fight the basilisk and well, thinking about it now, it

was a really dangerous thing…"— Padma shuddered slightly at the

thought before continuing—" The thing is, well, if it wasn't for your

glasses, it's likely that many would have died or wouldn't have dared to

act so boldly."

"In counting on them, they were all too brave and even daring. Hmp, we

taught it well, the basilisk could only run away before us, and no

students were killed, only a few were injured."

Trudor: "Although the teachers later said it wasn't the basilisk, but we

don't believe it, after all, some students were petrified."

Padma: "And that's why you're our hero, since no one died because of


Extimum: "...".

Steve: "What's wrong? Aren't you happy? We taught that creature a lesson

for kidnapping you."

It was truly interesting how the effects of Ryddle's curse, which had

driven people mad and impulsive, were etched in everyone's memory

when the effects vanished like a mere outburst of collective outrage

under high tension.

Said that, Extimum didn't know if he should feel happy for the fact that

everyone celebrated how they tried to lynch him and also, that they took

his unwillingness to attack them as fear.

Extimum: "No, it's not that... I really like it, I just don't know if it deserves

the title just for creating and selling those glasses."

Steve: "Hahaha, don't worry, you really deserve it. It's just because you

weren't there, if you were, you would have seen us run off that creature

and it can't even do much to us."


"Well, although I'd love to stay a bit longer and chat, I'm actually quite

tired, so if you'll excuse me."

Mitchell: "That's alright, buddy, we understand you must be tired. Go on,

go on, we won't bother you any longer."

Extimum: '*sigh* I can finally rest…'.


Just as he was about to enter the corridor of his hidden room, a familiar

voice came from behind him and before he could even turn around, the

sound of footsteps became more hurried and he felt a weight hit his back,

before he said weight turned into a tight hug.

Luna: "You came back…".

Extimum: "Yes… I told you I would…". Hearing Luna's voice at this

moment brought to mind what he had experienced earlier in her room.

Moon: "Hmm?"

Extimum: 'Shit'. Extimum knew immediately that he had slipped the

tongue. With the effects of the potion wearing off, even if her body could,

his mind was reaching its limits and he wasn't as alert anymore.

Luna: "When did you-?"

Extimum: "Why don't you come with me for a while?" Without waiting

for her to respond, he undid the hug and taking her by the hand, he

dragged her down the hall towards his room.

He really couldn't afford to answer that question.


Torches of blue fire soon ignited at their entrance, and Extimum released

Luna's hand as he entered the open area of the room.

Extimum: "Take a seat if you want, I'll just take a moment"

Without looking back, Extimum headed for his closet. The hospital

clothes weren't bad, but he didn't feel comfortable in them.

Grabbing a few clothes, he go straight into the bathroom, leaving them

on the toilet for after bathing.

Looking in the mirror, he noticed that Luna had followed him and had

also entered the bathroom since he hadn't closed the door.

Although somewhat puzzled, he did not give it much importance.

Extimum: "Can you help me by removing the clips on my back?"

Moon: "Sure." Careful in her movements, Luna removed the clasps that

tied the bandages to Extimum's clothes on his back, while Extimum did

the same with the ones in front.

Luna didn't know what his current state was like, but seeing someone

covered in so many bandages that he looked like a mummy was usually

not a good indication and if she didn't know that Extimum wasn't a

reckless person, she wouldn't be helped to remove the bandages.

Feeling how he was no longer restricted to his back, Extimum released a

few knots and slid the loose bandages through his clothing, letting them

fall to the floor.

Madam Pomfrey had really exaggerated with the bandages, although it

was true that by the time he arrived at the infirmary he was not feeling

very well and there was the risk of poison.

But Extimum knew that his situation was not as critical as they thought.

That strange potion that Christelle had given him to drink had had

miraculous effects on his body even if it had not fully recovered him,

however, such miraculous effects did not make him as happy as one

would expect from someone who recovered from such a terrible state.

Extimum wasn't a Muggle-born after all, he was the heir to an ancient

and noble family and he knew that while such miraculous medicines did

exist, they weren't your everyday breakfast muffin.

His situation before he fell unconscious was enough for any normal

person to have died multiple times. He himself had only been able to

survive due to his previous state in which he had forcibly released the

hidden potential from him and drew a large part of the bloodline's power

from him.

But even though that had saved him, it had also had terrible

repercussions for his health and his body.

He only hoped to survive because he trusted the very abilities of his worn

lineage and the effectiveness of medicine and potions from the wizarding

world, but even then it would require a long resting process.

The fact that at this very moment he felt as if almost nothing had

happened, with only a few wounds that were still healing and great

fatigue, was strange in itself, even walking naturally and without support

was not within his expectations.

However, this was the reality of his state.

Such miracles do not come out of nowhere.

The magical world was not a fairy tale, it was certainly as magical as one,

but it was not that bright.

Extimum: "Thank you."

Taking off his bloodstained shirt, Extimum tossed it aside. He was now

waste material and even if he could remove the blood, it wasn't worth it.

His robes had been taken off for a long time, when Pomfrey directly put

them in the wastebasket as they were the most contaminated.

Just as he was about to take off his pants, Extimum remembered

something Bloom had said to him.

«Don't just take your clothes off in front of people, some people are


Turning his gaze, he was about to tell Lunato wait for him outside, when

he felt a warm touch on his back and abdomen area.

Luna: "A wound that big... it must have been painful... And if you don't

do anything to yourself, it'll leave an ugly scar."

Looking where Luna's hands were touching, Extimum did indeed see a

large wound covered by scabs/carroaches, especially in the area of his

abdomen, that was where the basilisk had managed to inadvertently

injure him most seriously, almost taking revenge for the piece of flesh

that he had torn from it.

In fact, his body right now was riddled with multiple wounds of various

sizes in the process of healing, covered with scabs, but they all seemed

insignificant compared to those on his abdomen and back.

Extimum: "They will heal. And in time they will disappear."

Although the potion had largely restored his body, his heavenly fox

lineage had only recovered to 50% and there was still a lot of wear and

tear on him, so his natural regeneration abilities that he normally

enjoyed were at this moment very reduced.

Therefore, some wounds were still healing or had even ended up closing

into ugly scars due to the effects of the medicine that Pomfrey applied to

him, however, he believed that by tomorrow they should have


It wasn't the first time he'd gotten a rather large wound. When learning

how to handle a sword with a real sword and in real combat, it was not

uncommon to end up with multiple wounds, so I already knew that even

if the wound was big, in a day or two at the most, as long as the wound

had closed, would disappear without a trace.

Luna: "No, you shouldn't be so careless. Wounds like these don't go away

that easily."

Taking a step back, Luna reached into the bag that hung from her waist

and pulled out a small container of cream. Her bag wasn't an expandable

magic bag, but many students used to carry one to carry some not-so-

large useful things.

Luna: "Luckily I always carry this with me, since sometimes I'm a little

distracted and I end up hurting myself." Without even asking for

confirmation, Luna opened the container and smeared some of its

contents onto one of her fingers.

But just as she was about to smear it over the large scar on Extimum's

abdomen, he stopped her.

Luna: "Oh, sorry, I didn't ask your opinion, that was rude of me."

Extimum: "No, it's ok, you can rub it on me, just…wait for me to bathe,

otherwise it will be lost."

Luna: "Ah! I understand, I'll wait for you outside then". Finally noticing

the intention with which Extimum was in the bathroom, Luna put the

cream back on her finger in the container and left the bathroom closing

the door. Although she seemed normal, Extimum noticed a slight blush

on her face as if she was embarrassed.

Something strange to see, since Luna normally wasn't ashamed of

anything she did.

Waving his hand, Extimum locked the door and released his ears and

tails, before stripping off the rest of his clothes and stepping into the


Although he couldn't use magic, such a basic action was not a problem.

**Sound of water**

He would have preferred a hot shower, but he felt that if he did, he might

end up falling asleep in the shower, which wouldn't be very good.

**Sound of water**

Even if it wasn't a relaxing bath, it took him some time to finish it since

he had to scrub the dried blood stains on his skin and even part of his

hair and fur that had been stained as well.

It was only after 25 minutes that he finally turned off the water and

stepped out of the shower, drying off and changing into the nightwear he

had taken from the closet. He didn't bother putting on a shirt, since it

would cover the area where he had the most injuries, though even

without it, he didn't normally bother putting one on to sleep.

Putting back his fox tails and ears, he left the bathroom.

Luna was waiting for him patiently sitting on his desk chair and she

looked at him immediately when she saw him come out of the bathroom.

Extimum: "Well, now I'm ready." Sitting on the bed, Extimum looked at

Luna who had already approached prepared with the cream in her hands

and was looking carefully at the scars on his chest, before fixing on the

scar on his abdomen.

Smearing cream on her fingers, Luna gently rubbed Extimum's scars.

Extimum: "Hmm~ *Ahem*." The warm, soft touch caught Extimum a bit

off guard, but he quickly corrected himself, suppressing any sound.

He wasn't very used to close contact with others and less to being the

recipient of it. Bloom was the only person with whom perhaps he shared

more physical contact since they always slept together, but she had only

been with him for a short time.

Curiously, today was the day he received the most physical contact,

being hugged and patted repeatedly. Hugs alone had already made him

feel quite uncomfortable, due to the simple lack of habit, since such

displays of affection were not usual within his family, if there ever were.

Before long, Luna had run her hands over all the scars on his torso, arms,

and even one on his leg before stopping.

Extimum: "Thank you, Luna."

Luna: "You're welcome."

Extimum: "Hmm? The effect seems pretty good. Are wound creams

always that good?" Although it wasn't visible to the naked eye, but

Extimum could feel his body's previously dormant regenerative abilities

waking up a bit and speeding up its regeneration.

Since he almost always relied on his regeneration ability, Extimum

normally didn't rely much on medicine to heal himself other than using it

as simple supplements, also, in the infirmary he had not used similar

creams before.

Luna: "I don't know if the rest are, but this is a family formula, only my

father and I use it."


The dream was beginning to affect Extimum again and more when he felt

comfortable and safe in his room.

Extimum: "I think now that both myself and Ginny are back safely and

the basilisk has been treated, Mcgonagall will cancel the school's

temporary closure, so tomorrow we won't have to board the train."

Luna: "The basilisk was killed?"

Extimum: "Oh, that's right, I still haven't told anyone outside of

Mcgonagall's office what happened. Do you want to know what


Moon: "Yes." Nodding slightly, Luna settled at the foot of the bed, while

looking at Extimum with great attention.

Lying back in a more comfortable position on the bed, Extimum


Extimum: "Honestly, it was my fault. I was overconfident and I thought

that by seeing some countermeasures prepared, in addition to how big

the school is, nothing would happen and in case, I could fix it. But

everything was so sudden, that even I didn't I was able to use what I had

prepared and I ended up poisoned…".

"I narrowly ran away and then had to hide to try to remove the poison,

only to realize shortly after that the attack hadn't just been poison and

there, everything got out of control, it was chaos, I could only run despite

of wanting to do something and then I almost get killed, several times..."


"Things were a bit of a blur at the end, but I made the basilisk pay the

price before it had to run again… I ended up falling unconscious and

when I woke up, Harry and my aunt were there and it was over."


Extimum told the same story that he had already prepared and told

Christelle, only that he included a few more things, nothing he said was a

lie, but he skipped a lot of details that changed the meaning of the story

a lot.

It was just that the more he talked, the more sleepy he got.

"Leaving, I went with the others to the infirmary and finally to

Mcgonagall's office before arriving here…"

"Excuse me, Luna, I think I'm too tired to tell you more…" Extimum's

voice fell and with it no more words came out of his mouth, as his eyes

closed completely.

Luna: "Okay, you must be tired, rest easy." Luna sat at the foot of the bed

for a few more minutes before finally deciding to get up to leave.

'I don't think he'll be up for a while, so I guess I'll see him at lunchtime.'


Luna was about to enter the exit corridor, when she felt something that

made her stop and look back.

Her gaze swept the room, stopping several times on Extimum, but

everything was perfectly normal and peaceful.

"Did I imagine it? It felt quite real though-".


The sun rose to the top of the sky when it became noon and finally, the

news that the basilisk had been treated was released by the directors of

each house, as well as the cancellation of the closure of the school.

Likewise, it was also learned that the two missing students had been

found and were safe and sound.

With that said, while many could see Ginny taking center stage at

breakfast and lunch, there was no sign of the second victim, Extimum,

leaving some people wondering if he was really okay.

Even so, as it had been seen by the entire Ravenclaw house and some

students who had been in the infirmary, the rumors didn't carry too far.


Christelle: "Have you completed the assignments I gave you?"

???: "Yes, Miss"

Christelle: "Fine. As a new recruit you just have to focus on completing

the training and perfectly finishing each of the assignments, as for your

studies, it is fine if you continue with your current results, but you will

not be required more than just passing each one of the subjects, so you

can leave it in the background if it interferes with your homework".

???: "I'll keep it in mind, Miss, however, since it doesn't interfere with my

work so far, I'd like to continue doing my best to get good results in my


Christelle: "Do whatever you want then. Now that I think about it, you

did have a brother, right? And I think he's also a student at this school."

???: "Yes, he is, Miss"

Christelle: "What was his name? Duke? Dudor? Briñol? Well, it doesn't

matter. I heard he had a task as well, do you happen to know what it is?"

???: "No…I haven't talked much to my brother in a while, so I wasn't

even aware that he was assigned a task…"

Christelle: "Hmm? Well, it doesn't matter if you don't know, I was just

curious. You can leave first."

???: "Yes, Miss"

**Door sound when closing**

Christelle: "What are you planning, brother? Always with such secrecy

even from the family…".


In a blink the hours flowed and the sun completely hid behind the

horizon, giving way to the starry sky and the night.


The torches at the entrance to Extimum's room lit up signaling the arrival

of someone.

Bloom: "Extimummmm!!!!...".

With a loud cry that grew smaller as he entered the room, the small,

fluttering figure of Bloom appeared from the doorway.

Moving her eyes around the room, Bloom's gaze first fell on the office,

expecting to find him there, however, she quickly realized it was empty

so she focused on the bathroom, but there was no sound from there and

the door was open, so there was only one place left in the room,

depositing her gaze on the bed.

Bloom: "Is…sleeping? It can't be, he's been locked up here all day, he

couldn't have been sleeping all that time, could he?"

"*sigh* There's nothing to do then… I thought you'd come back for me in

the afternoon and tell me what happened, besides, the medi-wizard from

St. Mungo's already arrived… Hmm? Is that Luna?"

Lowering her gaze a little, Bloom noticed with surprise that there was

another person sleeping in bed and when she detailed their features she

realized it was Luna.

'Now that I think about it… I didn't see Luna all day, I thought we just

didn't match, but maybe… she was here with Extimum all day? But why

did she fall asleep in that uncomfortable position? So you will wake up

with neck pain'


With a snap of her fingers, Luna's figure floated from the bed, as if lifted

by an invisible force. Waving her hand, she moved Luna's body to put her

in a more natural position.

'Hmm, I guess while I'm at it, I might as well make her more comfortable

since those things aren't necessary for sleep.'

With another snap, Luna's shoes and stockings slid off her feet and flew

to land not far on the ground. Her robe slipped off her body and she

folded before settling on the desk chair. The shirt and skirt she was

wearing were unbuttoned a bit, just enough to give her more mobility,

but not all the way off.

'It's much better like this, anyway, it'll be like when Hermione was here

recently, although Extimum is sleeping all over the middle of the bed…

Should I move it? No, last time it didn't end well… '.

Thinking about it, Bloom controlled Luna's body and deposited it next to

Extimum, she supposed that he still wouldn't mind much even if he was

awake, but it was better than leaving Luna at the end of the bed as she

might fall.

As for rearranging Extimum, yes... that was not a good idea, since even

asleep, his instincts were good and sometimes if he didn't recognize

people by their sleepiness, things could end badly...

I had already had the misfortune to try it for being a joke...

With that done, Bloom flew to the dresser in the room where she kept her

clothes, changed into her nightwear, and then flew straight into

Extimum's chest to sleep.


Dumbledore: "How is it? Have you been successful in your quest, Miss


Christelle: "Unfortunately, I'm afraid not. Even though I used various

methods and even scrutinized all the passages and paths several times, I

couldn't find the slightest trace of the creature. It's as if it just

disappeared." Christelle spoke in a flat tone, but her dissatisfaction with

the situation could be clearly felt.

Mcgonagall: "However, we can't just leave it like that. The creature is a

threat to the safety of the students. At the most, we can wait a few days

to see if any changes occur before coming back down."

Christelle: "I'm afraid that will no longer be possible."

Dumbledore: "And why would that be?"

Christelle: "Because the entrance to the chamber has been closed and due

to the school's wards I can't force it open."

Mcgonagall: "Then-".

Dumbledore: "In that case, let's leave it at that."

Mcgonagall: "Professor Dumbledore?"

Dumbledore: "According to a more detailed observation, the creature did

not consciously attack any student even though it was able to do so on

multiple occasions, so we can intuit that its nature is not entirely evil, on

the other hand, if it is indeed still inside the chamber, now it's possible

that it´s stuck there, not to mention there's a very high possibility that it

actually managed to escape somewhere, so this matter can be laid to rest

for now."

"After all, we still have things that require more attention on our part at

this time. Although the closure of the school has been cancelled, it is

undeniable that all this event has affected the development of the

curriculum and also, most of the teachers they had already finished their

compendia by now, so it would be a shame to throw away all their work,

don't you think, Minerva?"

Mcgonagall: "You're right, we will have to restructure the way of teaching

for this last period, in addition to reestablishing the classes."

Dumbledore: "Good, then with that decided, we can now move on to

other matters…"


Chapter 54: Aftermath, End of

school year

The next morning, Extimum woke up feeling strange…again. It wasn't

surprising anymore and by this point he had gotten used to such a

feeling, especially since it was always too small a change, just enough to

feel something wasn't quite right, but so insignificant as to find himself

unable to lay a finger on it.

Maybe it was even common now, though he wasn't sure if that was a

good thing.

Putting the strange feeling aside, his concentration quickly shifted from

the state of his body, to a certain unfamiliar heaviness on his abdomen.

Blinking rapidly to clear his vision, a messy blonde hair came into his

vision, resting on his bare abdomen, as he became aware of a pair of

arms hugging him tightly around his waist area.

Extimum: 'Luna? Wasn't she gone? No, wait, what time is it?'

Feeling out of place, he reached for his nightstand by his bed and

grabbed his pocket watch that he had left there before he went to sleep.

'8:07 a.m.? That's not possible, I got here around that time… I slept for a

whole day?! '—Extimum lowered his gaze to look at his chest where he

felt another weight and familiar warmth—'Bloom is already here, so, did

I really spend a whole day?'

Moving Luna gently so as not to wake her, he moved one of the pillows

to his side and put it under her head, then picked Bloom up and laid her

down on his own pillow, before finally being able to get out of bed.

Luckily Luna hadn't been too insistent in her hug or it would have been a

pain in the ass to take it off without waking her up.

With Hermione he had already learned that girls were too clingy,

especially when they were asleep.

Even when they had demarcated the bed during the time she was living

in his room, on some nights she still moved to catch him in a strong

embrace that could only be released the next morning when she realized

her actions with shame.

Not that Extimum complained much.

While he wasn't entirely used to too much contact, it wasn't like he

actively shunned it, it was just that he felt uncomfortable at times.

Casting a quick bathing spell on himself, Extimum shed his pants and

quickly put on his uniform.

'If a whole day has already passed, then several things must have

happened. With the return of Ginny and I, plus the news of the death of

the basilisk, the main problems were solved, besides… I think I missed

the celebration party? Maybe I wasn't in much of a mood to attend'—

Turning his gaze towards the bed—' Even so, it would be nice to find

someone to ask what happened'.

'As for them, there is no eagerness to wake them up. Even if classes were

restored, today there are no morning classes for first and second years.'

Approaching his nightstand, Extimum took his pocket watch and put it

away before taking his jade pendant.

'Hmm? Did the color of the pendant change? I'm sure its color was much

paler before and with my memory it's almost impossible for me to be

wrong, but why did it change? Is it an effect for its partial repair? I don't

think… Magical artifacts aren't usually altered that easily… I'll have to

check it out later.'

Putting it in his pocket, Extimum walked out of his room.

The Ravenclaw common room was abuzz with activity at this time of the

morning, especially after yesterday's good news and the lifting of curfew


In fact, it was already a bit late to get up since breakfast time was almost

over and there were already many students sitting comfortably in the

armchairs, either reading a book or playing a board game.

'It seems that the restriction has already been lifted'

Mitchell: "Extimum! You finally show up, didn't you say you were just

going to rest? Where have you been? You missed the big celebration

party yesterday."

Extimum: "Yeah, sorry about that, I was more tired than I thought and I

didn't even notice the passing of time."

Mitchell: "Wait, you don't mean that all this time you…"

Steve: "Extimum! It's about time, I've been looking for you, Hmp, it's just

that you become a celebrity and you don't even bother to tell your friends

where you are anymore. *Sigh* well, I'll let it go since you're my friend

and patron-*ouch* Padma, why are you hitting me?"

Padma: "Tsk, stop talking nonsense Steve, Extimum is not like that,

besides, why would he miss the celebration party yesterday? Clearly he

was just very tired."

Steve: "Tch, I was just kidding... But you hit me too hard." Rubbing his

head where he'd been hit, Steve said in annoyance.

Mitchell: "Heh, who's the whiner now."

Steve gave Mitchell a dirty look, but didn't say anything.

Extimum: "That being said, I didn't expect to sleep that long myself, I

guess I was more tired than I thought, why don't you tell me what

happened while I was away?"

Steve: "Alright, I, your loyal speaker and informant, will tell you the

latest news, but only because it's you; if it were someone else, they'd have

to pay for my services."

Mitchell: "Yeah, yeah, enough with the nonsense, just start telling."

Steve: "*Tch*."

Padma: "By the way, where's Trudor? I can't see him anywhere, he should

be here by now."

Mitchell: "Uhh, he left very early. I think he said he had something to do

today so he'd see us later. I'm not entirely sure because I was only half

awake when I saw him leave and he told me."

Extimum: "Anyway, we'll see later. Have you guys had breakfast yet?"


Steve: "Actually, yesterday's party was very lively and almost everyone

was up very late, so most of the students are just getting up and going to


Mitchell: "Yes, those who have already had breakfast at this point are

either because they are bitter or because they are habitual to getting up


Extimum: "In that case, let's hurry up, I don't know if they'll extend

breakfast hours, but if not, it's better to be on time."

On the way to the great dining room, Extimum finally found out about

everything that had happened yesterday. First, as expected, the closure of

the school was cancelled.

With the threat resolved and no major incident since the students

involved had returned safely, there was no need to close the school now.

Classes would resume as normal from today, but there would be some

changes since most of the teachers finished the compendium of topics

and activities, in addition to the fact that some classes had already been

lost due to the latest events, however, it was nothing that affected

Extimum too much.

On the other hand, the final exams had been canceled this year since so

many things had happened in a row that the teachers themselves hadn't

had time to prepare for them and furthermore, the students had already

been under a lot of stress.

Among other things, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was

temporarily suspended due to Professor Lockhart being transferred to St.

Mungo's Hospital, the details of which were not released to the public.

Another big piece of news was, of course, Dumbledore's return to his post

as Headmaster.

The events were nothing too surprising and most were within Extimum's


Perhaps the most frustrating thing to hear was that due to events that

weren't entirely clear to the public to begin with, Gryffindor house had

received 400 points to its current 257 points.

'400… that is, 657 points…'

Extimum: "What a bother."

Steve: "Yeah… now even with the time left it is practically impossible for

our house to be first this year, there is a difference of almost 200


Mitchell: "Dude, I guess I'm starting to think there's some kind of bias

here. I mean, I don't have anything against Harry and Ron, but it was the

same last year. We were leading and all of a sudden Gryffindor was given

points like crazy, almost knocking us out of first place."

Extimum: "Well, though, they did contribute to the Basilisk hunt after all,

so it's not entirely unwarranted, but Dumbledore gave way too many

points as usual…"

Extimum was also somewhat annoyed even if he didn't express it clearly

in his tone of voice or face, after all, even if he didn't care much about

the house cup, but who wouldn't want to win?

It had to be taken into account that if someone had outstanding

performance in a class, they could at most earn 5 or 10 points depending

on the teacher's mood or the extent of the student's achievement.

Moreover, it was quite easy to lose points if a student broke the rules or

had bad luck, which actually happened quite often...

So increasing the house score was actually more difficult than it seemed.

Padma: "Wait, what? They contributed?"

Extimum: "Yes, to a certain extent, but they better tell you, anyway, look,

here they come."

Extimum didn't want to say much about it.

From what he remembered from the movies, although Harry's feats

weren't hidden, they were somehow blurred, either to avoid causing too

much commotion or because Harry wanted it that way, or perhaps for

other reasons. Anyway, it wasn't his place to comment on it, and if they

wanted to conceal it, then it was better to let the involved person decide

how much to reveal.

Following Extimum's gaze, everyone immediately took notice of the

figures of Ron, Harry and Hermione coming into the large dining room.

Just as Steve had said, even though it was a bit late to come for

breakfast, there were still a fair amount of students who were just

arriving since they got up late.

The teachers had quietly allowed the students to go to bed a little later

than usual, with the exception of the freshmen in order to relax.

Ron: "See, I told you we wouldn't be late."

Hermione: "Of course we're late, it's just that almost everyone else was

also late, but we hardly have any time left to have breakfast in peace."

Harry: "The important thing is that we've already arrived, and there's still

some time."

Hermione: "*sigh*"

Extimum: "Good morning, Harry, Ron, Hermione"

Harry: "Good morning, Extimum. You look much better, it seems that you

have recovered." Harry seemed quite lively, probably because he had

been able to rest and all danger had passed.

Still, some minor wounds were still visible on him, like his lower lip that

was split. In some way, it seemed that the tears of the phoenix hadn't

fully healed him, probably because it was more of a minor and superficial

injury. That or he had done it this morning.

Ron: "True, yesterday Madam Pomfrey had you wrapped up like a

mummy, but today it's as if nothing happened to you. I don't know

whether to be jealous or scared." Ron seemed just like always, if we

ignored the purple marks around his neck, slightly concealed by some

cream or makeup.

As they greeted each other, the trio took a seat at the Gryffindor table not

far from Extimum and the others.

At the very moment when the three of them took their seats, Steve,

Mitchell, and Padma got up and surrounded them, questioning with keen

interest and enthusiasm.

Steve: "Hey, is it true what Extimum said?"

Mitchell: "What does the basilisk look like?"


Extimum ignored all their fuss as he continued to enjoy his breakfast. He

wanted to go over to check on Hermione, but seeing how they were

being bothered by Steve and the others, he decided to wait a bit, anyway,

Hermione looked pretty good and her emotions didn't seem chaotic like

yesterday in the infirmary.

While he was waiting, someone sat across from him.

Still not stopping his hands from cutting off a piece of sausage and

putting it in his mouth, he looked up at the person who had sat across

from him.

The sight brought a rare, but slight smile to his face.

Extimum: "Good morning."

Luna: "Good morning. Why didn't you wake me up?"

Extimum: "You looked quite comfortable, so I didn't want to bother you.

These last few days have had everyone under quite a bit of pressure, so I

thought it was good that you rest a little more, on the other hand, I was

also thinking if you were still asleep and you missed breakfast I could

take the opportunity to show you the kitchens of the castle.

You haven't been here long, so I'm sure you haven't met them yet. There

are certain benefits to going there to eat, although it tends to be later and

more secluded than just coming to the great dining room at times."

'Good morning, Bloom.'

Sitting on Luna's shoulder, Bloom was already fully dressed up and giving

her a mischievous look from her place.

Luna: "I see, thanks for the consideration, yesterday… I think I was really

tired. Although the kitchen thing sounds interesting, I had guessed it, but

I didn't know where they were or if I could go there to order food, on the

other hand, It's always better to eat in company, right? You told me so


Bloom: 'Hmp, good morning. It seems that you are used to leaving me


Extimum: "Eh, that's right, I told you that. You're not wrong, but there's

no need to force it either. By the way… "— Pausing briefly in his

movements to eat, Extimum looked at her carefully— "Is there perhaps

something what bothers you or do you want to say?".

'Don't you always like to sleep? What is the problem now? Also, I didn't

leave you behind or alone; I left you with Luna. Don't you do the same

thing quite often? And I usually don't say anything even when you leave

me alone to go have fun.'

Luna: "Hmm? Why do you say that?" Surprised, Luna looked up from her

plate where she had already piled some things for her breakfast and

looked Extimum in the eye.

Bloom: 'Hmp, fine, then let's say we're even. But enough of that, you've

had me waiting all day; tell me now about everything that happened.

How did just leaving you in Luna's room end up in so much... chaos...

*sigh* Hermione regained the missing memories yesterday with the help

of the medi-wizard, along with what Harry then assisted her in

completing. I have a somewhat clearer picture of everything now, but...

I'm not quite sure where you fit into all of this.

What I do know, is that Harry mentioned that while all those dangerous

things were happening, a creature appeared and somehow saved him by

fighting the basilisk in a fierce fight and said creature... it looked like a

fox, but strangely it had nine tails… Which is curious because I don't

think I've heard of anyone else besides you. So tell me, what happened?'

Extimum: "Although you occasionally get distracted by other things, it's

the first time I've seen you play with your food, also, I see this aura of

recurrence or indecision in you, so I can only think that there is

something on your mind in this moment".

While speaking, Extimum glanced at the cloudy gray with pinkish hues

surrounding Luna's head. They weren't very typical colors to see around

Luna given her more open and straightforward personality, and even

without that, the emotions that were reaching him were already a

sufficient indication.

'So Hermione got her memory back? That's good news, but what exactly

did the medi-wizard say?'

Realizing herself, Luna stopped her hand that was holding the fork and

playing with a potato on her plate, leaving the cutlery on the table.

Luna: "I didn't know you were so observant"— With a smile of her own,

Luna commented, before returning to the subject in question—"I think I

did it unconsciously. But it's nothing important, they're just, you know,

questions that go through your head sometimes...".

Bloom: 'The half-wizard, ah! stop, stop talking to Luna and me at the

same time, listening to conversations here and there and totally different

topics is confusing me'.

Extimum: "I see…". Averting his gaze from Luna, he returned to

concentrating on his food, while the previous smile disappeared from his

face when he noticed the change in color in the cloud around Luna.

Luna lowered her gaze a bit as if she felt Extimum's disappointment,

finally concentrating on eating her food.

At the same time, a brief silence remained between the two.

Even within those who have dabbled in occlumency, protecting their

minds, guarding their thoughts and secrets, and erasing all instinctive

reaction to stimuli, the hardest thing to hide has always been the


Only the masters of the art are truly capable of hiding them.

You can hide your pain and fear under a mask, erase every trace of

nefarious thought that complicates your reasoning, and change your

natural reaction, but ultimately you still feel.

All emotion, as if it were a signal, is unconsciously emitted by the body,

like drifting waves, perceptible only to a few, generally beasts or

creatures that rely on less intelligible factors to analyze their

environment, with a single exception to the rule, empathic beings.

They do not perceive, they see, feel, experience firsthand what is foreign

as their own.

Even if they want to, most cannot escape that fate, that curse, or perhaps

that gift.

They are the closest thing to vampires in the broad range of species,

sucking up every drop of free emotion available to their surroundings left

behind by their ignorant issuers.

Very few have been able to hide the truth from Extimum and even fewer

have been able to grant him silence, yet even if what he hears and feels is

different, he would never deign to highlight such facts.

Let the private remain in the shadows of the hidden, while man displays

their light. A wizard unravels the mysteries of magic, not of people.

Or at least that's what he likes to tell himself whenever he receives

unwanted emotional feedback.

Extimum: 'It's not that difficult. Once you organize everything there in

your head with occlumency, doing something like splitting your thoughts

becomes quite easy. As long as it's not more than two things at a time, it

doesn't take a concentrated effort to do it, you should try it, I still have

the book on the shelf in the room.'

Bloom: 'Forget it, reading that book is headache-inducing, unnecessarily

complicated and has too many weird formulas. Also, I think there were

other simpler methods to strengthen and organize the mind, obtaining

the same results without so much effort'.

Extimum: 'Although they are not that good...'.

Bloom: 'Anyway, the medi-wizard said it was lucky the memory spell

didn't touch anything delicate, although it was also due to the caster's

focus, but at least there was no damage to her immediate memory, still,

he mention that we should be aware of any possible sequels, but hey,

don't change the subject, tell me what happened after I left you in Luna's


Steve: "Oh Luna, when did you get here?"

Luna: "A few moments ago."

Mitchell: "*Tsk* Luna's ability to blend in is on another level, though

speaking of which, where did you go yesterday? Outside of in the

morning when we received Extimum, I didn't see you again, not even at

dinner ".

Padma: "Those are not things to ask a lady, Mitchell."

Mitchell: "What? Why not? We're friends, besides, I'm just curious, after

all, after she greeted Extimum and entered his room, we didn't see her

again all day…"


Padma: "What?"

Mitchell: "Well, we didn't see Luna all day...and we didn't see Extimum

all day either, so..."

Extimum: "*sigh* Who knew how much being together with Steve would

affect you so much, Mitchell. Now you even jump to questionable and

hasty conclusions." Without disturbing his food, Extimum commented

sideways while trying to convey a clearly disappointed tone.

Steve: "Hey!" Lifting his face from his plate, Steve commented feeling


Mitchell: "Oh no! You're right Extimum, it's terrible. How come I didn't

realize it? What have I become?" Mitchell showed an expression of horror

and panic as he held his cheeks.

Padma: "Don't worry Mitchell, I'll help you. I won't let you fall into the

wrong way too." Padma gently patted Mitchell on the shoulder and said

with a sympathetic aura.

Steve: "Oi oi, why do you make it sound like it's such a terrible thing? I'm

not that bad…"


Extimum: "Well, nonsense aside. Be more careful, you know how

misunderstandings are created here."

Hogwarts wasn't a place where you could let your mouth run wild.

Gossips and stories were one of the main dishes of both students and

teachers' entertainment.

And frankly, constantly dealing with rumors was pretty exhausting.

Steve: "No, but wait, Extimum, what Mitchell says isn't wrong and it's not

completely unreasonable. After all, the last time we saw Luna you were

dragging her to your room, besides…"— Sneaking his gaze around them,

Steve continued quietly, "There's no one else paying attention to us, so it

doesn't matter much what he says."

Luna: "And why would that be something important? I was just tired

yesterday and I fell asleep."

Padma: "All day…?"

Luna: "Of course not, I was reading for a while in the morning and doing

other things in the afternoon, then if I fell asleep…".

Extimum: "Stop overthinking things, better start eating at once, breakfast

time is almost over and you haven't even touched what you served."

Mitchell: "Oh, that's right!"

Steve: "Heh, you're going to stay hungry for the rest of the morning for

going around saying so much nonsense."

With Mitchell's exclamation, everyone rushed to eat. There were only 15

minutes left.

Meal times were quite strict at Hogwarts in general, with only a few

festive or unforeseen exceptions.

As the appointed hour arrived, dishes in the dining hall would either

appear or vanish from the tables, only delayed if the headmaster or a

professor had an announcement to make. This was because the Great Hall

was also used for other purposes, like an open area for evening study or

as a venue for certain activities.

So, if students hadn't finished their meal by the time the clock struck the

hour, they would be left without food unless they held their plates in

their hands, although the dishes would still disappear if they were placed

back on the tables.

Of course, this wasn't too troublesome, but not all students simply piled a

messy heap of food onto their plates. Most, especially those with some

manners, would only serve onto their plates what they desired and would

only add more after finishing what they had already served themselves.

Bloom: 'You say you heard something and then you just freaked out?'

Extimum: 'Yes... at least for the first 5 minutes or so, you could say that


Bloom: 'And where did the voice come from? Did it sound familiar to

you? Though more importantly, what did it tell you?'.

Extimum: '…The voice came…came from me…'

Bloom: 'You?' Genuinely confused, Bloom asked.

Extimum: 'Yes, it's... somewhat complicated or rather strange to explain.

The voice didn't have a tone in itself, or well, though it might sound

redundant, the voice didn't have a voice. If I had to compare it to

something, it would be like hearing my own mental voice talking to me,

just something different.

Although such a tonality is normally nothing more than an illusion of our

brain of how we think it is heard and not a real sound, but that's how it


It was like me, but I know it wasn't me, but knowing it didn't change the

confusing and unsettling feeling it was to hear it.

As for what it said... It's not important, the problem wasn't so much what

it said, but what each word generated in me.

Every word I heard was like shaking my mind. Every word I heard was

like stirring my calm emotions. Every word... was like disturbing my very

ability to think and shaking the pillars of my sanity'.

Bloom: 'Wait, wait, how come what it said isn't important? Even if it was

more the negative effect that the voice generates in itself, what it said

cannot be dismissed since it could be related.'

Extimum: '…'

It was true, Extimum knew it, how couldn't he? Such understanding of

the psyche wasn't too complicated. The voice had a magical effect, no

doubt, but if there weren't a crack, how would the rain find its way?

That said, he wasn't comfortable with directly saying everything the

voice had told him, just thinking about it seemed like some kind of evil

mantra clouding his thinking.

Extimum: 'Later…I'll share the memory with you. Let's leave that matter

for later, the important thing here is that the voice managed to disturb

me greatly to a point that I did not think imaginable.

It's hard to say whether it was because it struck me at a time when I

couldn't afford to lose focus or even reject the ideas that came to me, or if

perhaps the voice was actually that powerful.

The only sure thing is that the chaos it caused me, made me lose my

mind and exploit the hidden power of my heavenly fox bloodline,

causing me to somehow take full form.

It was more of a bluff though, as even though I got bigger and more

threatening and was even able to feel certain things I didn't know I could

do before, but I didn't feel like the increase in strength was actually very


'Then there's what you heard, I fought the basilisk. I'm not even entirely

sure how it had gotten there. The state I was in at that moment had made

me ignore everything around me. The truth is, when I opened my eyes, it

was the first thing I had in sight, so I lunged at it.

All that anger, outrage, and madness that had been overwhelming me

from unfamiliar places, discharged onto the nearest thing.

Albeit very quickly, being consumed with anger and venting emotions

went further into the background.

There was no time or even thought, it was just… act or submit and die,

though even when I say that, somehow there were still things that could

go through my mind for those few minutes where I lost track of myself.

Fight, win, dominate.

The thought of losing could not even be conceived.

It was like…playing…. Within the very steel of the maddened fight, there

was pleasure and amusement in every clash.

My mind, like water thrown into a river, flowed non-stop, up and down

in an uncontrolled rhythm, plunging me into savagery. The desire... was

overwhelming, addictive, as if a thirst had been born in me... maddening,

no matter how I acted, how much I attacked or even if I tore off a piece

of meat, it felt insufficient, suffocating and desperate.

Any self-control or composure were nothing more than a simple guide to

what I really felt bubbling under my skin….......

Until I got hit by Tom Riddle's spell.'

A sudden silence descended on the table section, as everyone paused in

their chatter and looked at Extimum.

Extimum: 'Hmm?' "What's wrong? Why was everyone staring at me all of

a sudden?"

Mitchell: "*Gulp* A-are you alright? ". With a slightly pale face, Mitchell


Extimum: "Why wouldn't I be?" Extimum responded with a question of

his own, confused by the silence and the strange vibe around him.

Bloom: 'Extimum, are you okay? You were emitting a dark and terrifying

aura.' Concern was evident in Bloom's tone.

The conversation seemed to have simply veered off track at some point,

and Extimum's aura had become strange. As their mental narrative

delved deeper into recounting their madness, the aura around them grew

darker and colder.

It was to the point that his mind seemed deaf to the questions she was

asking when she noticed his sudden change. At least until he woke up in

the story itself and in reality.

Extimum: 'Why didn't you tell me anything?'

Bloom: 'I did, but you just weren't listening; your mind seemed to be

somewhere else.'


Seeing that Extimum didn't say more, Bloom also remained silent letting

him think.

Still, as she looked at him, Bloom bit her thumbnail with some

annoyance. Once again, the feeling that she had sensed that dark aura

coming from Extimum earlier struck her, but no matter how hard she

tried, she couldn't recall where, making her feel as if she had an

unbearable itch that she couldn't scratch.

Steve: "*Ahem* It's nothing, though, were you thinking of anything in

particular?" Trying to lighten the atmosphere that had suddenly gone

quiet, Steve asked casually.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Extimum replied calmly.

Extimum: "Thinking of something? I was just remembering what

happened in the chamber of secrets."

Steve, Mitchell, Padma, and Luna shared a quick look at each other,

before pretending nothing had happened and finishing eating.

Extimum's words left them somewhat puzzled and thoughtful. They

couldn't entirely grasp how what was supposed to be a terrifying

experience at worst or simply high adrenaline and danger at best could

lead a person to have such a dark and unusual emotional reaction,

completely divergent from the expected outcomes.

That is, if they assumed he was truly thinking about what he said.

Because what they had felt a few moments ago had been such a dark and

chilling emotion that it was almost palpable even when they weren't

paying him any attention, forcing them to pause what they were doing

and look at him.

They had heard from Harry and Ron about what happened in the

Chamber of Secrets, and they also knew that Extimum had been found in

a not-so-good state, but that didn't make everything clear.

After all, Harry didn't clearly recount Extimum's experience. For one

thing, he couldn't, as he didn't know it. Extimum had only shared some

general ideas of everything at that moment; after all, he was tired, and

the situation hadn't fully concluded.

And even when they got out of there, there wasn't much time to delve

into the topic. So, aside from Luna and Christelle, to whom Extimum had

already shared a version of the story with certain adaptations and

decided as the truth, no one else knew the details of the matter in great


Padma: "Extimum, could you tell us what happened when you were

abducted by the basilisk? Oh, but if it makes you uncomfortable, it's

okay; I'm just curious."

Padma: "Extimum, could you tell me what happened when you were

kidnapped by the basilisk? Ah, but if it bothers you that's fine, I'm just


Extimum: "Okay, there's nothing wrong with telling you. Now it's just one

more story. Let's start with when I got caught by the basilisk…".

Outwardly impassive, Extimum perked up a bit and began to tell the

others what he had experienced, once again mixing truths with small lies,

similar to what he had told Luna, but with fewer details.

He didn't like to lie very much, but there were things he couldn't or didn't

want to share at this moment, besides, he tried hard so that the story was

again almost the truth and simply changed the meaning of things.

Saying that, he was inwardly frowning.

Once again, things were happening around him of which he was

completely unaware. He hadn't felt any of what Bloom emphasized to

him, and the worst part was that upon recalling his own words, he

realized his train of thought had indeed veered terribly, and at the exact

moment, he hadn't realized anything was amiss, as if it were all natural.

He believed that if it weren't for the peculiarity of his own experience

and what he himself will admit to being emotional atrophy, feeling

terrified would not be enough to express the worry that bubbled like an

undercurrent through his entire being.

Even so, he could only take it easy to prevent others from worrying, plus

he knew that worry alone wouldn't get him out of trouble.

Unnoticeable to him, as he spoke, his close Ravenclaw friends weren't the

only ones watching and paying attention. Not far away, Hermione was

also watching him from the Gryffindor table.

For some reason, she had been the only one at her table who had also felt

the sudden chilling sensation that Extimum released, so there was also

some alarm and concern in her gaze as she looked at Extimum.

In fact, she had already been looking at him for a while. After all,

yesterday, under Madam Pomfrey's extreme care, Extimum had appeared

in front of her like a mummy and although he had mentioned that he was

fine, it was hard to believe at first glance.

So she had also been somewhat worried about his condition, but she felt

somewhat relieved after seeing him apparently well and without any

discomfort after a day of not seeing him.

Of course, the absence of all those bandages also played an important


Ron: "Hey, Hermione, what are you distracting yourself with? Breakfast

time is almost over, hurry up or you'll be hungry until lunch." Ron

commented seeing Hermione distracted and not eating.

Returning her attention, Hermione turned her gaze to Ron, only to see

him unpolitely stuff himself with food, bringing a look of disgust to her


Hermione: "Okay, I like to have a light breakfast anyway, and I've had


Ron: "*chew* You're missing out."


Extimum: "Hermione, wait for me."

Quickening his steps a bit, Extimum easily caught up with a small group

of students who were coming up the stairs.

Breakfast had already ended, so everyone was dispersing to go about

their own things. After finishing telling his friends the story he had

already decided as the truth, Extimum hurried to catch up with

Hermione, who had bid her farewells in advance.

With all the talking and the little time left at breakfast, he hadn't had

time to go over to talk to Hermione and he almost lost it when he noticed

her already leaving the great hall.

Giving a glance to Extimum who was walking beside her, Hermione


Hermione: "You're a bit strange, you know that?"

Extimum: "In what sense?".

Hermione: "Hmm, well, how sometimes you can be completely

uninterested in something, but surreptitiously you're doing something

completely different. I've seen you do it on several occasions, I even think

some of our friends have noticed it too."

Extimum: "That's an interesting way to put it, hmm, and perhaps not

entirely incorrect. There's just a lot on my mind, more than there should

be. Having said that, I think you're actually implying something else with

your words, aren't you? I wonder if I'm mistaken. Let me guess, are you

upset because I didn't approach you at breakfast?"

Hermione: "No, well, yes, a bit. Yesterday you told me you would tell me

what happened, but you didn't show up all day." Hermione had thought

that Extimum would come back to visit her in the afternoon since he had

said he would be back later, but even when she waited all afternoon and

even part of the night, she couldn't see a trace of him.

Being in the infirmary under observation was very boring and although

she had Bloom next to her to chat through a journal and Harry and Ron

visited her later to keep her company, it still didn't bring much relief.

Having a confused mind, being worried about perhaps forgetting

something important, and at the same time having piqued curiosity about

the events, wasn't exactly a very good combination, and definitely not a

very healthy one for a patient in mental recovery.

She had not even been able to concentrate on reading a book to study or

entertain herself.

Extimum: "I apologize for yesterday. After going to my room and

cleaning up, I fell unconscious almost immediately until this morning."

Extimum tilted his head slightly in apology, with a hint of

embarrassment. After all, he truly felt like he had broken his own word,

even if it wasn't something very significant.

Though it might seem insignificant, it was the attention to these small

details that held great importance in his education. After all, how can one

be called trustworthy and reliable if they can't even follow through on

small things?

Hermione felt a little embarrassed to hear him say that and hastened to

interrupt him.

Hermione: "Ah, ah, sorry, you don't have to apologize for that. I know

you were tired yesterday and you had been through a lot too, I was only

saying that because you didn't show up yesterday and Bloom refused to

tell me about what happened."

Extimum: "No, it's alright. Besides, I did break my word back then, and

since I didn't even approach you at breakfast earlier, I can understand if

you're upset or angry. After all, friends are supposed to care for each

other, and in a way, it might seem like I was being thoughtless and


Hermione: "*sigh* If you apologize like that and considering everything

that has happened, it's almost as if I'm the bad one. Honestly, I can't be

upset or angry. I don't even think I have the right to be. On the contrary,

I'm just relieved that it's all over and everyone is okay."

Letting go of her facade, Hermione gave a look that was somewhere

between worried and relieved. She was still young and though she strove

to be brave and maintain a strong front, the past few events had been

even more dangerous than last year.

It was her caring personality that actually made her ignore her rationality

and dare to act as rashly as she had, hiding her fear by entering a dark

place and where she was aware a monster was hiding.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had Harry and Ron and to a certain extent

Lockhart at the time, she wouldn't have found the strength to jump down

the slide.

And yet, she had ended up being hexed and losing her memory before it

had even started, becoming completely unaware of the danger her friends

were in until it was all over and even though it was all over and she had

even regained her memories with little apparent aftermath, she couldn't

say the same for the others.

Although Harry seemed fine on the surface, he had fleetingly noticed that

he had various scratches and bruises all over his body that were only

hidden under his robes. Ron had purple marks on his neck area that were

difficult to hide and had only been made less noticeable to everyone by

putting on a cream Madam Pomfrey had given him.

As for Extimum… She wasn't entirely sure, although he had seemed in

worse shape than everyone initially, seeing him today she couldn't find

any trace of any injuries and he seemed like his usual self, that being

said, she knew it couldn't be that simple.

Since he, just like Ginny, had experienced who knows what in the

Chamber of Secrets before they went in, and besides, Harry had

mentioned that if it weren't for an antidote carried by Extimum's aunt, it

was hard to say if he could be on his feet so quickly.

So now, she could only be relieved that everyone was alive and that it

was all over.

Extimum: "Yeah, it's good that everyone is safe. Besides, I'm glad

everything is fine in your head, I wouldn't want you to forget me,

although maybe starting over isn't so bad…Wow, hey." Narrowly dodging

a punch from Hermione, Extimum exclaimed.

Hermione: "Don't say such terrible things with such a flat tone, you make

me wonder if you really think it's good or bad." Hermione pouted and

said something annoyed.

Extimum: "I wonder too…". Looking somewhat distracted for the

moment, Extimum commented almost in a whisper.

Hermione: "You…Even-" A serious look momentarily settled on

Hermione's face, but before she could say more, she was interrupted.

Extimum: "Although you're right, sometimes I get careless and forget to

denote emotions in my voice. It's something I still have to improve on,

just as you should leave that bossy tone that you sometimes use."

Hermione: "What? But I hardly use it anymore."

Extimum: "Aha, there it is, almost there, but you still do it on occasion."

Hermione: "But I'm getting better…" Hermione said almost in a whisper

though it was still clearly audible to Extimum.

Extimum: "Anyway, let's set aside those not-so-cheerful topics. Instead, I

have something interesting in mind, something I'm pretty sure you've

never seen. Give me your hand." Extending his own hand, Extimum gave

Hermione an expectant look.

Hermione narrowed her eyes slightly as she looked at Extimum's

outstretched hand, even so, she still extended her hand slowly.

Extimum: "Why are you hesitating so much? I won't bite it…"— Taking

Hermione's hand gently, Extimum commented with some mockery before

continuing—"There are better places for it."

Hermione's hand trembled and for a moment she almost decided to

withdraw her hand, but finally didn't.

Briefly closing his eyes, Extimum concentrated, then recited something

under his breath that Hermione couldn't hear, before waving his wand.

Extimum: "Ready, now tell me, what do you see?"

Hermione: "What are you talking about? Is everything the same?"

Hermione looked everywhere, but everything seemed the same, she

didn't even feel that anything was affecting her.

Extimum: "Stop looking around. Focus instead on looking at one of the

people walking in front of us."

Focusing her gaze, Hermione looked closely at the people in front of her

as they came up the stairs.

Hermione: "I don't see anything…" Hermione retorted, but stopped

midway through her speech.

By focusing long enough on someone, she began to notice how a kind of

translucent cloud of different colors appeared around the heads of the


Hermione: "Wait, I think I can see something now. Is it like mist? Though

in colors. What is that?"

Extimum: "You finally notice it. I don't know if it has a specific name, but

I like to call it the emotional spectrum, everyone has it."

Hermione: "Emotional spectrum? You mean that cloud of colors is that

person's emotions?"

Extimum: "Well, 5 points to Gryffindor."

Hermione: Hmp, very funny, but how do you know what each color


Extimum: "Why don't you try…focus on one of the colors? Like you want

to touch it, but…remember, just one color, ignore the overall


Hermione: "Okay." Although taken aback by the warning, Hermione still

followed the instructions obediently and concentrated on a single color.

Of all the colors she saw on the person she had noticed, the one that

caught her attention the most was a purplish red, so she concentrated on

just that color.

The moment she concentrated on it, it was as if the color blurred and

flew at her at full speed, and then her vision felt somewhat blinded as

random ideas, emotions, and fragments of scenes flashed through her


Hermione's body tensed slightly and she stopped walking, stopping on

the spot. Extimum also stopped next to her and waited for her to finish


Within a few seconds, Hermione finally recovered.

Hermione: "I…" A deep blush appeared on her cheeks and her gaze

turned somewhat dreamy at the same time.


Extimum: "Wake up, don't get sucked into it"

Hermione: "E-huh? What? What happened?" Hermione shook herself back

to normal as beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

Extimum: "By concentrating on the emotion, you could feel it, but you

got too immersed in it and almost finished absorbing it. It's not too

dangerous, but the effects are not very good."

Hermione: "What? What is all this? How can I see it?" Feeling somewhat

overwhelmed by the recent influx of emotions, Hermione asked with a

hint of excitement in her voice.

Extimum: "Hmm? Was it really that strong? Being a single color, it

shouldn't be that shocking, especially since it was only from one

person…" Extimum commented somewhat confused, as he looked at

Hermione who was quickly recovering her calm after realizing that she

had gotten a little worked up.

The feeling that washed over Hermione was overwhelming, but the

second Extimum snapped his fingers, it all vanished, leaving her a little

confused by the complete and abrupt change.

"In fact, what should normally look something like this"

Somewhat thoughtfully, Extimum drew back a bit, letting go of

Hermione's hand and waved his wand again.

Hermione was confused by his words and his lack of response, but before

she had time to say anything, she stopped.

The moment Extimum finished waving his wand, her sight changed.

As if her field of vision had suddenly expanded, as if her whole life had

been with her eyes closed and she was finally opening them.

Everything seemed so much clearer, more detailed, deeper. Noticing

things she had never seen before. She almost felt dizzy as her sense of

depth and distance became distorted and she looked at things far away as

if they were actually close.

Extimum caught her slightly when he felt her sway a bit, but Hermione

quickly recovered.

When Hermione's vision finally steadied and she looked back at the

students in front, the view was different.

It was like seeing a rainbow.

Each time she focused on a person, translucent clouds of colors appeared

above their heads, swiftly forming a dreamlike scene in reality. Towards

the end, it was perhaps more her intention than her actions, as the colors

appeared over the heads of all the people walking ahead.

The colors came and went, with some lingering or reappearing

repeatedly, but the intensity varied.

Extimum watched her from the side, watching as Hermione's eyes seemed

to get brighter and brighter in a literal sense, the longer she looked. He

had taken advantage of the one-sided bond with Hermione to share with

her through legilimancy what his own eyes perceived to a certain extent.

Although it was more his sensitive capacity, since everything was still

reflected in Hermione's own eyes.

Of course, he could only do that because his bond with her made the

process easier and he had her right by his side.

Meanwhile, Hermione continued to be mesmerized by the sight for a few

more seconds, watching the dim and ephemeral rainbow, but the wonder

of the sight didn't last long.

The colored mist that made up such clouds began to blur in their

direction as if they were pulled by a magnet or had sensed something

irresistible, rushing in their direction like an avalanche.

Before she could even react, she was swallowed.

Her mind saw and experienced for milliseconds hundreds of emotions,

ideas and fragments of scenes, before everything suddenly cut out and

disappeared, leaving her blinking and feeling her vision return to normal.

Beads of cold sweat ran down Hermione's back as she imagined what

would happen to her if she were overwhelmed by all those emotions.

Extimum: "Now you see, that really is the full view. As for the reason you

were able to see it, it's because I shared my sight and senses with you,

especially my senses. The view itself doesn't matter much, except for the

fact that it looks good." 'Actually, I don't even know why I can see it…'.

Although he had some guesses, Extimum didn't know why he saw those

colored clouds. In the records he had read about other empaths, he did

not say that anyone else saw what he sees, although it did detail that it

presented differently in all people.

Hermione: "But why can you see? No, why can you feel something like


Extimum: "Because I'm an empath. It's not something very common, in

fact it's even rarer than being a metamorphmagus. Although on the other

hand, it's not limited to just magicians. It presents itself differently for

everyone, but in essence it fulfills the same function for everyone and

that is, to allow them to understand the emotions of those around us

through... feeling that emotion for ourselves".

Hermione: "Wait, so do you see all of that all the time or is it only when

you want to?"

Extimum: "All the time, of course. What did you think it was? Some kind

of ability that just turned off and on?"

Hermione: "No…" Hermione looked away, in fact, if she had thought so.

Extimum: "Hahaha"—Seeing her expression, Extimum couldn't help but

tease her a bit —"Okay, just kidding. Although it's really not something

you can turn off, but over time you learn to control it to some extent."

Hermione stared, she felt somewhat annoyed at being mocked, but since

it was rare for Extimum to laugh, she didn't say anything, however, she

quickly frowned as she resumed her walking action.

Hermione: "But why did they pounce on me when you shared all the

sense with me?"

Extimum: "That's how it usually behaves. Since I only shared a small

fraction with you at first, then the effect was greatly reduced. Normally

you can't just decide whether or not you want to feel other people's

emotions, they just…come."

"What you can do is learn to redirect or ignore the emotions that come in.

Since I learned some occlumency I usually just redirect all of it to a

separate space in my mind which then empties all of it out."

Hermione: "So, all this time?"

Extimum: "Yes, although it's not perfect, but unless you are very skilled

magicians in the arts of the mind, able to control the natural emission of

your emotions, I can always feel your emotions."

Hermione: "No, not that, all this time, no, all the time, you... are you

seeing, receiving such a deluge of information?"

Extimum: "Oh…yeah? I don't think that's that important."

Hermione: "No, how can you stay calm with all that?"

Extimum: "Well, it's always been like that for me. After you get used to it,

it's not so bad, although sometimes it's a bit annoying to adjust when I go

to places with a lot of people. Also, in a way, I-".

«What you can only see and feel through others, while you yourself are

incapable of» «You want to feel it, don't you?»

Hermione: "What's wrong?"

Extimum: "Hmm, it's nothing. You don't have to worry about it anyway.

I've lived with it for almost as long as I can remember. I'm used to it, I

just wanted to show you since I'm sure it's not something everyone can


Hermione: "Okay, if you say so."

They both remained silent for a few seconds as they continued walking,

but they had already strayed from the original path towards the

destination Hermione was initially walking to for some time.

Hermione: "By the way. I covered for you yesterday, but rather than you

telling me what happened, what I'm really interested in knowing is how

did I end up in the infirmary? From what Harry and Ron told me, plus

Bloom's reluctance to Telling me something makes it obvious that you're

hiding something…so what really happened?"

Extimum I consider for a moment.

He couldn't just say that he had never really been kidnapped by the

basilisk and that all this time he was actually hiding recovering from the

poison, that would probably make her angry since his disappearance

caused chaos and concern to his friends and everyone at school.

Besides, outside of Bloom who he had already told, he wouldn't admit to

anyone that he was the "monster" that was chased by the whole school,

that would be a somewhat embarrassing fact and he didn't plan on telling

anyone else in the near future.

Extimum: "…Okay, I'll tell you what happened, but not here, follow me."

Having thought it through, Extimum took Hermione's hand and pulled

her through some corridors until they reached a secluded spot.

Extimum didn't trust the privacy of the castle much, not when all the

cadres here had eyes and ears and were even gossipier than the students


Extimum: "Here it will be fine. Now, did Harry mention that he had seen

another magical creature in the Chamber of Secrets?"

Hermione: "Yes. Harry mentioned that after successfully evading the

basilisk with Ron, they had gone back to face Riddle, when suddenly one

of the walls of the chamber collapsed with the basilisk being thrown from

there. Not long after, another magical creature even bigger than the

basilisk appeared from the hole that had been created."

"Harry said the creature resembled a silver fox, but on a very large scale,

with nine tails with purple fire escaping from each one, among other

details. Why…?"

Hermione's voice trailed off as she saw nine silver tails, intricately

detailed with purple accents, emerging from Extimum's back.

Hermione: "Nine tails…" Hermione commented looking at him, when

suddenly a ridiculous thought crossed her mind and her eyes widened.

Extimum: "Don't make that expression, in fact, that magical creature that

appeared and fought against the basilisk, it was me." While emphasizing

it, they hid their tails under an illusion again.

Hermione: "What? But you…can you transform too? No, now that I think

about it, it's not that surprising. When you told me the first time I didn't

give it much importance because of the rest of the things that were

happening and since I didn't I found nothing about celestial foxes or the

like in the books, I hadn't given much thought to what that would mean."

"I hadn't even thought to associate the fact that Harry mentioned that the

creature looked like a fox with you."

Extimum: "Well, that's only natural, since I didn't tell you or show you

what I could do either. Anyway, now you understand, right?"

Hermione: "Yeah, so that's why you were so hurt. Ah, but what about the

poison? Even if you were able to deal with it in terms of strength, what

about the poison? I've heard that basilisk venom is one of the most lethal,

in addition to being fast-acting. How are you okay?

Though she still found it all quite unbelievable and more than a little

ridiculous, Hermione forced herself to believe, she had known ever since

she entered the wizarding world that she couldn't be swayed by normal

people's common sense, yet she still found it something difficult to


She had read the description and studied data on the basilisk when she

found out that this was the creature that lurked in the castle, so she had

at least a general idea of how strong and dangerous said creature was.

So even if she didn't experience it herself, believing that such a creature

could actually be suppressed and finally defeated by the person in front

of her was hard to believe.

Extimum: "It really was kind of hard, the basilisk was quite strong, the

poison was only bearable merely due to the fact that I was in a special

state, plus my natural regeneration is pretty decent, even so, it was a

little more than that. Added to a bit of luck as I was found by my aunt

who was carrying an antidote when I was close to fainting."

"But back to your initial question about how you ended up in the

infirmary. A while before the fight I had managed to escape from the

chamber of secrets, so I was looking for a way out of the cave. While

looking for a way out I saw a strange construction and when I went

closer to investigate, I saw you. Hidden in what looked like a stone hut."

"I didn't know what happened to you at the time, but your condition

didn't seem very good and you weren't waking up either, so I took you

with me and left you with Bloom who had been looking for me. Then I

went back to the Chamber of Secrets to help Harry and Ron. Of course, I

couldn't let the others know about my transformation so I hid it."

Hermione: "I see, so this is how it happened."

Extimum: "Yes, but you must keep it a secret."

Hermione: "Of course."

Extimum: "Good."

Hermione: "By the way, how did you share what you could see with me a

second time when you weren't holding my hand anymore?"

Extimum: "When did I say I needed to hold your hand?"

Hermione blinked owlishly for a moment, as she stared at Extimum.

Smiling slightly amused by her expression, Extimum continued .

Extimum: "I just wanted to hold your hand and it worked."

Hermione: "You… Now you'll see."

Hermione got a little angry realizing that she had been played, so she

tried to hit Extimum, who quickly dodged her and ran off.

Hermione chased after him, though she couldn't catch up. Extimum kept

up his speed so that Hermione would stay close, but couldn't catch up.


Later that day, Outside the castle.

Christelle: "So you really were here."

Extimum: "Aunt." Somewhat surprised, Extimum exclaimed when he

noticed that Christelle had arrived in front of him. Normally he wasn't

bothered by anyone here and it was hard to feel Christelle's presence if

you weren't being specifically careful.

Christelle: "It's good to see you've recovered, perhaps even faster than

expected. You really must have some inherited physical talent." Swinging

her staff, she easily transfigured a nearby root to transform into a bench

where she took a seat near Extimum.

Extimum: "Yes." Extimum replied flatly.

He knew the reason for his quick recovery, but in fact, it's not like he

didn't actually have inherited talents since his metamorphmagus ability

definitely had nothing to do with his special lineage and he had some

doubts about his empathy.

Christelle: "Oh? So you had a fairy,I had not seen her with you before,

hmm?" Christelle's gaze narrowed as she stared at Bloom who was

perched on Extimum's shoulder.

Bloom stiffened a bit, but she wasn't shy either, returning Christelle's


Christelle: "Oh ho, how interesting. You know nephew, every time I find

you and the things around you are more interesting."

Extimum: "Thanks? Although I'd appreciate it if you didn't give such

intense glances. You're kind of intimidating my companion. By the way,

how did you know I'd be here?"

Being cautious with his words, Extimum responded, making sure not to

show any favoritism. Although he had grown somewhat closer to his

aunt, he still couldn't feel entirely uninhibited like he did with Mei, Rou,

Leonardo, and Lin Hua.

Perhaps it had to do with them being from a different branch of the

family, where things were done differently. On the other hand, in his

own immediate family, it almost always felt like a battlefield, where he

had to be constantly vigilant and careful with his actions.

Christelle: "I asked around and coincidentally ran into one of your

friends. They told me that you occasionally come here and sit under the

tree." Withdrawing her gaze from Bloom after observing her a little

longer, Christelle commented while casting a glance around before

refocusing on Extimum.

Although Christelle hadn't noticed anything, she had sensed that the fairy

on Extimum's shoulder was not normal, there was something different,

although she couldn't be sure, but she trusted her instincts enough to

believe that it was. It was especially so because the fairy had stared back

at her.

Although it might seem normal and even insignificant, Christelle knew

the kind of effect it could have on people. If in her opinion Extimum had

been born with a special inherited physical talent, then she too had been

born with such a talent, however, hers was something more special and


Enough to make few people able to maintain their composure properly in

front of her if she didn't actively allow it, especially when she spoke.

Christelle: "I must say it's a good place. It's quiet and the tree is big

enough to give a good shade in sunny season."

Extimum: "Yeah, it's a good place to come for some relaxation. Have you

come to say goodbye? I suppose now that everything's over, you'll be

leaving today."

Christelle: "Yes, I still have Ministry business to take care of and there's

nothing else I need to do here. However, that can still wait until tonight,

in the meantime, I think we can continue discussing spell creation. You

have some interesting insights, but from what you shared last time I can

assume that you're not just curious, but you've actually done something

yourself, right?"

Extimum blinked briefly, he didn't expect to be seen through, perhaps he

had gotten too excited in the discussion so he ended up saying too much,

even so, it wasn't something he was specifically trying to hide so he

hadn't been so careful.

Weighing it briefly, he finally chose to tell the truth; in the worst case,

they would simply forbid him, and aside from not believing they could

control what he did all the time, he could still do many things.

In fact, he almost had a to-do list that he organized based on certain

priorities or events.

Extimum: "Yes, I've tried developing my own spells, but while the results

aren't bad, they're not too good either."

Christelle: "As I expected, after all, you've said many things that someone

who's merely curious shouldn't know. Needless to say, it's an incredibly

reckless act. Most wizards who've dared to even consider creating their

own spells have at least completed half of their studies; you, on the other

hand, are only in your second year and claim to have made some

progress already..."

Extimum: "...". Extimum kept silent, he already expected a reaction like

that. After all, spell creation had taken the lives of multiple accomplished

wizards and comparatively speaking, he was far inferior.

Christelle: "Magnificent! Worthy of a Shadowless. Many would label it as

a daring, foolish, and excessive act by not acknowledging one's own

capabilities, but I see it differently. Spell creation is the foundation of

magic, what defines us as true wizards. How can someone truly call

themselves a wizard when all they do is rigidly follow the work of

others? Jujuju, what's an artist who can't create their own authentic art?

However, that doesn't diminish how dangerous it is."

Extimum blinked a bit, he didn't expect that kind of response.

"I must say, you're quite bold for your age. Even my brother, your uncle

Rhys, wasn't as audacious at your age, and he wasn't as composed back

then as he is now. Putting that aside, you should know there's a perfectly

sensible reason why spell creation isn't actually taught until the later

years of studies or in specialized courses."

"For spell creation, while knowledge is undoubtedly one of the most

important foundations, what a wizard truly needs is understanding, and

that's not something acquired quickly. Understanding magic requires

concentrated study or a lot of talent. If you lack either of those, then all

that awaits you is death, hehehe."

"But well, enough of all this talk. The reason I'm willing to accept it and

even encourage it is because not only do I see your great interest, but you

don't actually seem completely ignorant. Furthermore, I have a good

feeling about it. Besides, it doesn't seem like you'll change your mind

easily, and knowing the character of a Shadowless, it would be a hassle

to try to control you to make you stop.

So, I'll lend you a hand. If you're going to do something, you'd better do it

right, even if you don't get very far. We wouldn't want you to become the

latest news in the Daily Prophet; that would be too embarrassing for the


Extimum: 'Was she so talkative?' Extimum wondered, until now he had

thought that she was more like him, but that didn't seem to be the case,

not that it bothered him though, after all, underneath all the gossip there

was something quite clear.

His aunt was actually worrying about him. At first glance, it might not

seem like it given the not a small number of derogatory phrases or that

highlighted the family above all else, however, as someone who grew up

in a noble family like the Shadowless and above all, under the "care" of

his unaffective mother, it was easy to glimpse certain things without even

needing to resort to feeling her emotions.

Extimum felt lost for a second, a part of him was actually somewhat

happy since he hadn't felt such care from his close family. The closest

would have been the sincere kindness of his Uncle Rhys when he had

visited him once, but that had been several years ago.

On the other hand, he also consider that it was just his imagination

misinterpreting the facts, after all, he couldn't feel Christelle's emotions

no matter how expressive she was. So a part of him didn't really want to

get his hopes up too much.

But perhaps what made him pause in his thoughts the most was his

perspective from his previous life. He generally didn't interfere with it

much, as much of it was quite fragmented, contributing little to his

current personality. However, in this specific moment, he felt as if it were

telling him that the whole situation was somewhat ridiculous.

While his life wasn't bad and he didn't have much to complain about, his

early childhood couldn't be considered normal by any means. Growing up

and living in such an environment had actually made his current

perspective very unusual, to the point where a child like him, only 13

years old, could read people in such a way.

He was pretty sure that in his previous life whatever he was, he hadn't

been an intriguing person, much less someone who could sense so much

from people who kept perfect masks that hid their emotions and


Because even though he was picking up on one thing, the tone and

sentiment conveyed in Christelle's voice were as cold as his or his


From what he had seen, even among the other noble and ancient

families, his case seemed quite atypical.

After saying all that, Christelle shared with Extimum more of her

experience in spell making as well as advanced knowledge in spell

making from theory to preventative measures when testing new spells.

That being said, most of the things she said to him were too complicated

for Extimum to understand, after all, even if he had mastered the study

material for the first three years and part of the fourth, it still wasn't

enough for him to be a full-fledged magician.

Even so, thanks to his memory, even if he didn't understand everything,

he made sure to remember it.


The days went by fast after that.

Somehow, after having survived such dangerous situations, the rest of

what was left of the student year was quite peaceful and perhaps boring,

but it couldn't be helped, there had been too much excitement this year.

Perhaps too much for the freshmen, but it was just another day in the

wizarding world.

Due to the fact that the teachers had already finished making the subject

compendiums, some classes from there were simpler since the teachers

could simply let the students follow the guides and dedicate themselves

only to solving doubts or guiding the strays .

The prepared compendia were handed out to all students, being

especially useful for seniors who had to dedicate themselves to studying

for their OWLS.

Though of course, the early years only saw the overly thick book as a

nuisance, with a few rare exceptions.

Also, as expected, Gryffindor won the house cup.

Extimum and the other Ravenclaw students had tried their best, but there

was still a huge difference of 60 points that they couldn't separate.

Among other things, Lucius Malfoy had been kicked out of the school

board, which Extimum was a little sorry for since he hadn't had a chance

yet to meet with him to suggest that Hogwarts should add at least one

elective class in medical magic or magical first aid. .

Even so, he didn't get too depressed since he was already learning

something from it anyway and besides, there were still other ways to get



Evening, Great dining room.

The tables of the large dining room were full of excited and rowdy

students. Today was the last day of the school year and everyone would

be leaving on the train after lunch was over.

Sitting among a group of Slytherin students was Extimum. Like everyone

else, the people at this table were also in a bit of an uproar as they were

finally going home.

Tracy: "Finally, I've been waiting for this day for so long. I don't even

want to wait for lunch, I'd rather go back right now." Tracy's bubbly

voice stood out from the group of snobbish and cold Slytherins as she

barely contained her excitement in her seat.

Daphne: "Calm down, Tracy, you're acting embarrassing. Besides, there's

no point in being excited, we'll be arriving at night anyway, so your

parents won't take you to see the new seasonal witch fashion

collection…" .

Tracy: "It doesn't matter, even if I can't see all the dresses, I'll make sure

my parents at least take me in front of the store to see the most

prominent ones through the display. It doesn't matter if it's this

afternoon, I have to see them so I can sleep peacefully."

Daphne: "*sigh*"

Goyle: "Well, at least you have a reason to be excited about going back.

Crabbe and I aren't so lucky. Our parents weren't too happy with our

grades this year, so they're planning to send us to a camp for the entire


Tracy: "Oh , which camp?"

Crabble: "Camp Dragontail..."

Tracey: "Oh..."

Pansy: "Wow..."

Goyle: "Yeah..."

Daphne: "Well, cheer up, maybe it's not so bad, I mean, at least it's said

that after coming back from there, people really improve their studies."

Daphne tried to cheer them up a bit, but since her voice was cold and

unemotional, it didn't help much.

Draco: "Tch, it's just a waste of time going to places like that, on the other

hand, there's no other way, you two really neglected yourself this year.

And I had good plans to do this vacation, now I'll have to do it without


Extimum: "I don't think saying that would help much."

Draco: "There's no other way, that's the way it is."

The Dragon Tail Camp wasn't a very famous place, in fact, it could be

said that it wasn't well-known at all. However, at least almost all the

children from noble families had heard of it, as it was an intensive study

camp for the children of noble families who were struggling with their

academic studies.

If it were just that, it would be fine; the problem is that it was known

that the place used quite harsh methods to ensure that every person who

left could meet the expectations. Despite its somewhat dark reputation,

most parents from noble families turned a blind eye to it since it could

straighten out their wayward children quite effectively.

After all, the performance of children and heirs also represented the

prestige of families.

So it was something like the worst place they could send you, a threat to

keep the children of noble or distinguished families from slacking off in

their studies. Still, it wasn't very common for someone to actually be sent


Extimum: "Anyway, as I promised you before, this vacation I'll make sure

to take time to visit you, so I hope you can receive me."

Draco: "Of course, just send me a letter a little in advance and I'll have

everything ready for you when you get there."

Mcgonagall: "Okay everyone, you can start heading to the station now."

Tracy: "There it is, the signal, go, go."




This time if I take my time to upload this chapter. Many things in my

head and then when I concentrated I didn't feel very satisfied with

how I was, on the other hand, this chapter was quite long, again I

broke my record

Chapter 55: Bitter surprise.

London, King Cross Station, platform 9 ¾, Night.

** Chussss **

Small puffs of smoke escaped from the train's locomotive, which had

come to a halt at the station, while a stream of children and young

people disembarked from the train cars.

Descending from the train, Extimum exhaled a breath of warm air,

creating a faint cloud of fog that swiftly dissipated into the chilly night

air. Several hours earlier, a heavy rain had accompanied the students on

their return journey, causing the nighttime temperature to drop a few

extra degrees.

The transition from the warm atmosphere inside the train to the cold

exterior became immediately apparent as the night's cold wind brushed

against the students' faces, prompting them to shiver slightly and

hurriedly retrieve their coats from their suitcases.

Disregarding the cold air that brushed against his face, Extimum moved

forward, dragging a single yet voluminous suitcase. He navigated through

the crowd of people near the exits of the carriages with little difficulty.

After maneuvering for a few moments, he finally left the area near the


Extimum: 'It definitely wasn't a waste of money to pay a few hundred

more to make this suitcase with expansion enchantments.' The

comparison between Extimum, who was dragging a single suitcase, and

the rest of the children who were pulling carts full of them was obvious.

As he walked to a less crowded area, Extimum stopped, released the

handle of his suitcase, and stretched his body a little. Small traces of

laziness and drowsiness seemed to slip from his body.

The gentle tapping of the wind on the windows, the distant sound of the

locomotive, the wheels grinding on the tracks, and the drops of water

bathing everything under the skies...all together, flowing with the long

course of the journey...created a symphony conducive to sleep.

After taking some time to read and talk to all of his friends, the second

half of the trip had been a short journey into the arms of Morpheus.

Sweeping away the last of the drowsiness that still remained in him.

Extimum's sight fell consciously or unconsciously on the train.

The stream of students getting off the train became smaller and smaller.

With students pushing their carts full of luggage and gathering in small

groups made up of their families. Mothers, fathers, brothers and in some

cases uncles and grandparents. All having a warm reunion after months

or even a year of not seeing each other.

There were a few exceptions of course, the flame was less warm, but the

heat was the same. Children meeting their orphanage caregivers or



A soft breeze of cold air passed by, rustling the raincoats and coats of the

people at the station.


Along with the cold breeze, an imperceptible flow of warmth flowed with

the air, with a sweet, but ephemeral taste, full of the happiness of

reunion and family love.

The brief flicker lasted longer than usual in the breeze, melting into the

serene pool of the heart.

Extimum's figure seemed lonely, standing in the middle of the open area

where he had stopped, with no one around him. His silhouette, dressed in

light clothing and without a coat despite the cold of the night, stood out

especially, drawing a few more fleeting glances towards him.

Bloom:'*Uahhh**Yawn* Are we there yet?'

[This is strange, on three different occasions I read the yawn and I yawn


Extimum: 'Yes, we are already on platform 9 ¾'.

Bloom: 'It's about time, the trip felt eternal. Well, what are we waiting

for? Why don't we go home?'

'Even though you spent most of the trip sleeping...'. Extimum thought to

himself before answering. 'I was just observing the landscape a little, but

it's time to go back.' "Bo-"

???: "Oh, if it's not Extimum. You've grown since I last saw you. I hope

you've been okay?" A familiar male voice came from Extimum's back.

Turning, Extimum saw a tall, brown-haired man wearing a suit with a

gray coat and a red scarf. He had a kind face and well-kept hair.

Extimum: "Mr. Granger, Good evening. I've been well, thank you for

asking and what about you?"

Stuart Granger: "Hoho, always so formal, you make me feel a little

embarrassed. On the other hand, I've been pretty good too. And what are

you doing here? Are you waiting for your parents?"

Extimum: "You don't have to take it so seriously, Mr. Granger, it's just the

way I am, there's nothing wrong with acting more casually. By the way,

are you looking for Hermione? She already got off the train a while ago."

Extimum subtly diverted the topic.

Stuart: "Oh, no. Actually, my wife went to pick her up first while I parked

the car in the parking lot. So, I guess at this point, they must be together.

That said, I don't know exactly where they are, but they shouldn't It

might be very far away. The platform is not that big, and we had agreed

to meet nearby. By the way, aren't you cold? You're quite light for the

cold weather. If you want, I can lend you a coat. I'm wearing two, since

I'm a a little cold."

Extimum: "It's not necessary, but I appreciate it. Actually, I'm not cold,

instead I think I feel quite comfortable, you can interpret it as a family


Stuart: "Oh! I understand." Stuart showed a sympathetic smile, the

moment his mind moved to magic, everything made sense and he didn't

ask any more questions.

Extimum could see at a glance what he was thinking and although it

wasn't exactly like that, he didn't bother to correct it either.

"Ah! I didn't notice Bloom was with you too. Good night to you too,


**Tilin** *bell ringing*

"I didn't detail her well last time, but now that I see her up close she

looks even brighter and prettier than before. I still find it very magical

and intriguing that she is a real fairy and that they exist to begin with.

"Did you know? My grandmother used to tell me fairy tales when I was

little. There was one in particular that she always repeated to me.

It was a story from her childhood.

She told me that once, while playing in the woods near her parents' farm,

she saw a flickering light fly by. At first, she thought it was a firefly or a

butterfly, or even that she was hallucinating because of the hot sun that


Even so, guided by her curiosity, she tried to follow where she thought

she saw the light, going deeper into the forest.

A low flicker here and there, made clearer by the shadow cast by the

trees, made her persist, searching for what she became increasingly

convinced was real.

At some point, she lost sight of the light, and began to grope around,

wanting to find its source. She continued searching for a while, but

without success, and finally she got bored. She planned to return for fear

of getting lost, but that's when she saw her.

Lying on a fallen, moldy log was a small creature with butterfly-like

wings, glowing with magical light. It was a fairy. Unconscious and with

clear wounds on her body.

My grandmother picked her up and took her home, where she hid her in

her room and took care of her until she recovered. My grandmother used

to tell me some stories about the time she spent taking care of the fairy

until she felt well enough to leave.

But what she liked to tell most was how the fairy occasionally came back

to visit her, even when she was an adult and, later, in her old age. She

brought her gifts or just spent time with her. At that time, I didn't believe

her. I thought they were just typical grandparent stories or that my

grandmother liked to make up stories to keep me entertained while I

spent time with her.

Now, seeing a fairy here and learning about the magical world through

my daughter, I can't help but doubt if perhaps my grandmother was

telling the truth... However, I also realize that it may not be entirely true.

After all, according to my grandmother, that fairy could talk like us.

Anyway, sorry if I ramble too much, Extimum."

Bloom: 'Extimum...'.

Extimum: 'I know.'

"Don't worry. As long as the weather is good, it's always nice to hear a

little about others, on the other hand, perhaps the fairy from his

grandmother's story was indeed real. While it is true that present-day

fairies can no longer speak like us, some records confirm that in the past,

some could. Perhaps his grandmother really did encounter a fairy like


Stuart: "Wow? Really? It fills me with joy to hear that it is like that. That

could mean that the fairy in her stories was real then. It really calms me

down..." — lowering the tone of his voice to almost a murmur — "know

that in her last days, she was never alone, just as her last note said." A

complex look briefly crossed his eyes, filled with what seemed like relief

and regret.

Extimum: "If I may ask, where did your grandmother live?"

Stuart: "Ah, it's not inconvenient. She lived in a somewhat remote area of

the city, in...".

Extimum carefully remembered the address, perhaps thinking of stopping

by at some point during the holidays. He knew that the premise that

there might still be other ancient fairies was important to Bloom, even

though she knew that even if there were, it was impossible for her to

meet someone she knew.

???: "Stuart! I finally find you, where have you been? I thought you

would find me before or we would meet outside the entrance to the


Stuart: "Oh, Wendy dear, I'm sorry, I ran into Extimum on the way and

stopped to chat with him for a moment."

Wendy: "Extimum? Oh, Extimum, Hello! I haven't seen you. How have

you been? Did you do well this school year?"

Extimum: "Hello, Mrs. Granger, I've been doing well, thank you. As for

my studies, I did well, it was a pretty productive year."

Wendy: "That's good, that's good, but-Oh, why are you going so light?

You should cover up better, it's getting really cold. Stuart, dear, didn't

you say anything to him or did you lend him one of your coats?"

Stuart: "Dear I-."

Extimum: "I appreciate your consideration, Mrs. Granger, but there's no

need to bother. Mr. Granger had already made me the offer before,

however, despite the weather, I don't feel cold and if necessary, I still

have a coat in my luggage".

Wendy: "Still..." Wendy didn't seem entirely convinced.

Stuart: "Wendy." Sensing that his wife was being too pushy, Stuart called

her softly and gave her a suggestive look.

Being too insistent would turn good will into annoyance.

Wendy: "Okay, by the way, aren't your parents here yet, Extimum? It's

already a little late."

Extimum: "Ah, don't worry about it, I was actually leaving, I just stayed a

little longer since I was a little lost in thought and then I entertained

myself talking to Mr. Granger. But looking at the time, it's like you say,

so it would be best to say goodbye here. I hope to see you again later if

there is the opportunity, Mr. and Mrs. Granger."

Wendy: "Always so polite. In that case, I hope I didn't keep you too long,

it would be rude of us if we actually made you keep your parents


Extimum: "Ah, you don't have to worry Mrs. Granger. My parents couldn't

be present today, so it's no problem. Well, if you'll excuse me." Finishing

there, Extimum turned to go to a secluded place and call Bob.

He could call him here, but it would be a little too flashy.

Wendy and Stuart shared a look with each other upon hearing his words.

For a few seconds it was like they were having a tough silent battle,

before finally Stuart sighed as if he had lost and Wendy smiled slightly.

Extimum had only turned and taken two steps forward when he stopped.

Stuart: "*Ahem* Extimum, if you want, can we take you home?"

Extimum: "Huh?" The proposal had been somewhat unexpected.

Stuart: "It's getting a bit late. If your parents can't make it right now, why

not let us give you a ride home? We can call your parents to inform

them. After all, heading out alone in the city at this hour can be risky,

and I'm sure your parents would feel much more at ease if you could get

home earlier."

Extimum: "I appreciate your offer, but I'm afraid that wouldn't be

possible. My house is in Northumberland, and it's quite a distance from

here. I wouldn't want to inconvenience you. Also, I'm guessing you

haven't had dinner yet, so I wouldn't want to impose."

Stuart: "Northumberland Eh… it's certainly far away, in that case it

would be-."

Wendy: "That being the case, why don't you come have dinner with us

Extimum? We don't live that far away, you can stay at our house tonight.

This way, tomorrow we could take you to your house or even your

parents could come pick you up and considering the distance, I don't

think your parents would refuse, after all, I would be worried if my son

had to travel so far alone."

Extimum: "Thank you, but it's not necessary, I can go back easily, besides,

my parents don't use phones...".

Stuart: "Ah! That's right, for a moment we forgot that wizards don't use

phones. Well, in that case, it would be difficult to get your parents'


Wendy: "Okay, in that case we won't insist any further, however,

Extimum, you should consider it well, after all, it is just as you said, the

trip is a bit long and you haven't had dinner either, besides, it's already

quite late and the streets can be dangerous.

We don't live too far away in comparison and if your parents don't use

phones we could just send them a letter right? You can also keep

Hermione company, plus we have a guest room that we rarely use and

my kitchen is pretty good. I'm sure your parents will be more relieved if

we take you early tomorrow instead of having you travel alone at night."

Extimum: "This..." For the first time in a long time, Extimum was

somewhat speechless. Wendy's words seemed quite rational and

objectively he had no reason to so insistently reject their kindness, well,

that was of course, if you discounted the fact that he only needed to

make the call and in a few seconds he would be in front of his house.

Bloom: 'You shouldn't have said you were going alone.'

Extimum: 'I did not think that my lighthearted comment would lead to

this development...'.

Extimum thought for a moment. He didn't want to come across as rude

by repeatedly rejecting their kindness, especially when he could clearly

sense their good intentions in the offer. This was particularly true for

Wendy, who made no effort to hide her concern for him. After all, from a

non-magical external perspective, they had reasons to worry.

Hermione: "So here they were! Mum, Dad, what's taking you so long?"

Just as Extimum was pondering, Hermione arrived. Wendy had left her

alone for a moment while she quickly searched for her husband, but

despite finding him quickly, she did not return, so Hermione was left

alone waiting for them at the exit of the platform until she got tired and

came to look for them.

Wendy: "Ah, Hermione, it's just that we ran into Extimum and found out

that he was actually going off on his own and we're kind of worried, so I

wanted to invite him to our house for dinner and spend the night."

Hermione: "Extimum?" Turning her gaze, Hermione noticed Extimum's

figure a few steps away from her parents.

Extimum looked at her with what he thought was an awkward smile,

though outwardly he appeared unchanged. He had already bid her

farewell before getting off the train, and they had taken separate paths as

she, like the others, headed to the cargo area.

Hermione: "Will he go away on his own? Is that true?" Hermione looked

at Extimum strangely, thinking about it, she had not seen Extimum leave

before, nor her parents.

Extimum: "Yes, but-".

Hermione: "In that case, why don't you accept the invitation? We could

spend a little more time together before we separate completely for the

summer holidays, plus, my mom cooks delicious, I assure you!"

Extimum: "...Okay." Although he had been about to tell them that he

simply had to call his house elf, he finally gave up, anyway, it shouldn't

be a bad experience.

Upon seeing Extimum agree, Wendy winked at Hermione with a smile.

Hermione looked at her with some confusion in response to her gesture.

After agreeing, Extimum followed them mostly in silence, occasionally

exchanging a word or two as they walked out of the station and into the

parking area. Meanwhile, Hermione spoke to him excitedly about

something called a sleepover.

After waiting for a few minutes at the parking lot entrance, Mr. Granger

emerged driving a Bentley Continental R.

Stuart: "What do you think of our car, Extimum? Not bad, right?

Although it doesn't fly, it's one of the fastest on the current market."

Wendy: "Here we go again..."

Extimum: "It's a nice car." Giving him a brief glance, he commented.

The car was black and seemed perfectly polished, demonstrating the

great passion of its owner for it.

Stuart: "Isn't that right?" While everyone was getting into the car, Stuart

continued talking—"And the best thing is that I got it at a low price. A

friend bought it as soon as it came out at the dealership, but after driving

it for a few months, He didn't really like it, so he called me and offered it

to me at a low price as long as I could take it from his house *sigh* A

real waste. Anyway, this vehicle has the latest in engines, with a

turbocharged V8 engine, plus..."

Extimum blinked slightly. As he drove, Mr. Granger seemed tireless in his

description and praise of the car. Mrs. Granger next to him already

seemed used to it and was just looking out the window.

Bloom: 'What is a turbocharged V8 engine?'

Extimum: 'I have no idea'

Hermione: "Dad... cars aren't much of a thing in the wizarding world and

even if it's not in the wizarding world, I doubt many kids our age would

even know what you're talking about..."

Extimum did not comment on it, but gave his silent agreement.

Stuart: "Oh, that's..." Stuart stopped talking somewhat awkwardly, seeing

how Extimum actually seemed quite silent and that his wife next to him

gave him a tired look.

Wendy: "I better put on some music, I have some pretty good ones here."

Between listening to Mrs. Granger occasionally sing along to some songs

from the tape she had put on, gazing out the window, and chatting with

Hermione, time flew by in the blink of an eye.

The car finally slowed down on a residential street, and shortly after, it

parked in front of a house's garage.

Extimum opened the door and got out of the car. The street was silent, a

sign of the depth of the night and only some houses still had their lights


Hermione: "Come on, Extimum, let's go inside, it's getting really cold out


Extimum: "Yes, just wait under my suitcase."

Hermione: "Don't worry, just leave it there, my dad will take them down

right now, better let me show you my house."

Extimum: "Alright." Extimum briefly considered; he didn't think it was

very appropriate, but Hermione didn't give him time to even approach

the vehicle's trunk before she pulled him towards her house.

Wendy had already opened the door, so they entered immediately.

The entrance hall was softly illuminated by a modern hanging chandelier,

sparkling with golden flashes on warm-toned painted walls. Tall windows

framed the dark night outside, adding a touch of serenity to the


The subtle scent of vanilla and cinnamon floated in the air, emanating

from a scented candle burning on a nearby table. Extimum could feel the

warm welcome Hermione's parents had prepared for his return as he

walked through the small, polished wooden foyer beneath his feet.

Hermione led him through a side hallway adorned with carefully framed

family photos and a miniature art gallery. Each picture seemed to tell a

story, and Extimum couldn't help but slow down his pace to observe with

a bit more detail.

Upon passing the hallway, they reached another smaller room where the

dining area was, and another room where the kitchen could be glimpsed.

Wendy: "Sweetheart, I'll go ahead to heat up dinner. Don't forget to bring

down all of Hermione's suitcases, not like the last time when we spent a

whole week looking for where her books ended up."

Stuart: "I'm on it." Mr. Granger entered the house with his arms full of

suitcases. Two large suitcases, one in each hand, and two smaller ones

hanging from his neck by their straps.

Extimum: "Do you need help, Mr. Granger?"

Stuart: "Oh, no, I'm fine. I'm used to it anyway. Hermione always brings a

lot of stuff, which translates to more suitcases."

Hermione: "Come, Extimum, I'll show you the rest of the house, and then

the room where you'll be staying."

"This is the backyard; here, I planted some potion plants to see if they

could grow... though, as you can see, I haven't had much luck."

Following Hermione, Extimum took a quick tour of the two floors of the

house until finally stopping in one of the rooms on the second floor.

Upon entering the room he noticed that Mr Granger had already left his

suitcase in the room. The room wasn't too big, but it had just enough

space. A bed, a nightstand, a closet and a small office.

Upon entering and observing the room, he finally understood what was

causing the strange feeling he had been having since he arrived.

Everything was...too small. Don't get it wrong, it wasn't that the place

was cramped or really small, it was just that even the bathroom in his

house was bigger than this room and from what he had seen, the

difference from this room to the other rooms wasn't much, excluding the

main room.

Hermione: "What do you think?"

Extimum: "It's...cozy."

Hermione: "Right? I helped myself when we were decorating and

organizing the furniture in this house, what do you think Bloom?"

Bloom: "Your house is very pretty, I especially like the relief on the walls,

it gives it a modern feel."

Hermione: "Yes, I thought the same, that's why I insistently suggested it

to my mom, although she was quite reluctant to listen to me."

Wendy: "Hermione, Extimum, come down to dinner!"

Hermione: "Dinner's ready, let's go."

Leaving the room they walked down a short hallway until they reached

the stairs.

Bloom: 'Aren't you a little quiet?'

Extimum: 'Hmm? Seem to you?'.

Bloom: 'Yes, you usually talk more, especially when you go to new

places, maybe you have something on your mind?'

Extimum: 'It just seems to you, I'm not thinking about anything.'

Bloom: 'No, there's definitely something... Is it the house?'

Extimum: 'What are you talking about?'

Bloom: 'On second thought, it can be considered quite small in

comparison. Both the house here in the UK and the one in China were

quite large and in fact using the term 'house' to describe them is not


Extimum: 'I tell you that's not it'

Bloom: 'No, it has to be that, there can't be anything else here that's

making you uncomfortable.'

Extimum: '*sigh* You're getting a little too perceptive, I'll have to keep

you away from Luna for a while.'

Bloom: 'What? Why?'

Extimum: 'You know too much'

Bloom: 'So what? What will you do?'.

Extimum: 'Hmm, I wonder...'.

Bloom: 'Wait, that phrase, I think I've heard it somewhere.'

Extimum: 'Which phrase? Are you imagining things now?'

Bloom: 'No, I'm sure I heard it somewhere, but I don't remember...'

Extimum: 'So, you don't feel uncomfortable with the house?'

Bloom: "Where? Where have I heard it before?... No, I'd say a house like

this actually feels more familiar, more like mine before..."

Stuart: "Extimum, take a seat, my wife will be here shortly with the


Extimum: 'Don't think too much about it, now you're here and you have


Bloom: 'Yes.'

Wendy: "Alright, it's done. My best dish, I prepared it in celebration of

Hermione's return today, and now with you here, Extimum, it will be a

welcome for both of you."

Hermione: "Lasagna!"

A fragrant aroma of cheese and condiments filled the dining room as

plates with portions of lasagna were served in front of everyone.

Stuart: "Ah, I can already sense it from the smell; it turned out

magnificent as always, dear."

Wendy: "Thank you, but tell me that after trying it, well, let's have


Bloom stared at the portion of lasagna served on a small plate where

desserts were usually served.

Extimum: 'Stop looking at him that way or you'll start drooling.'

Bloom: 'Don't talk nonsense, I don't drool.' Bloom complained and rushed

to grab some plastic cutlery like the ones children used to play with.

'Hermione's mum is very thoughtful, she even got these little cutlery'

Wendy watched the scene with an amused smile from her seat.

Also concentrating on his food, Extimum took the knife and fork and

picked up a bite before putting it in his mouth.

A taste of pasta, sauce and cheese flooded his mouth.

**Munch munch mun...ch...** **Gulp**

Extimum's hands rushing to cut another piece paused for an almost

insignificant second before moving again and bringing another piece to

his mouth.

His eyelids warmed slightly as he chewed the new incoming portion.

Wendy: "How is it? Is it tasty, Extimum?"

Extimum: "Yes, it's delicious"

Wendy: "I'm glad to hear you like it." Wendy showed a big pleased smile

on her face upon hearing his congratulations.

Although she was quite confident in her cooking, it was always nice to

get an opinion that didn't come from her own family.

Briefly lost in her complacency, she observe Extimum's strangely elegant

and slow way of eating.

'Wow, I didn't know someone could actually look good just by eating.' It

didn't seem to have anything special, but the simple gesture somehow

looked striking and harmonious.

Under Wendy's watchful yet unnoticed gaze, Extimum continued eating.

A simple, silent drop of sweat slid down one side of his forehead, while

the slight quiver in his eyelids transformed into a faint wrinkle on his


**Mun…ch… mun…ch… mun…ch…**

Since everyone was focused on their plates and the reaction was subtle,

no one noticed the abnormality that was beginning to become evident in

Extimum's behavior.

Although the movement was smooth, the pressure that Extimum's hand

exerted on the fork was beginning to reach the limits of what was


Narrowing his gaze slightly, Extimum looked seriously at the lasagna

plate from which he had only eaten ¼.

Extimum: "Excuse me for a moment." Wiping his mouth with a napkin, he

left his utensils on the plate and stood up from his chair.

At a moderate pace, he walked towards the bathroom located near the

staircase to the second floor. Upon reaching the door, he entered and

then closed the door behind him.

Just as the door lock made a click, it was as if a switch had been flipped.

Extimum's face turned green and then pale. A sour taste began to fill the

back of his throat and his face twisted slightly.

Leaving his previous composure, he hurried to the toilet, lifted the lid


**Bluerghh** **Guack** **Bluerghh**

"Haaa... Haa..."



Without lifting his face from the toilet, he took a tissue from his pants

pocket and wiped his mouth before stepping away. Taking a couple of

steps, he leaned on the sink and turned on the faucet.


After splashing some water on his face and rinsing his mouth, he finally

felt more at ease. Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he couldn't help

but display a forced, miserable smile.

Between all the excitement of the new and the thousands of things

running through his head, he had completely forgotten one small detail.

No matter the delicious surface fragrance or good presentation, he was

unable to eat food whose ingredients did not come from the magical


The food of the Muggle world was as good as eating any kind of

unpleasant thing and in large quantities even similar to a weak poison.

His sickly appearance was the proof; he had forced himself to eat since he

was being watched. However, he was no longer able to keep pretending.

If he continued, he might have ended up not enduring the nausea or even

falling seriously ill.

It was only after his body had fully processed what had entered his

mouth that the apparent illusion caused by his deliberate lowering of his

senses disappeared, making the full hit of flavor and aroma that only he

perceived become evident.

Extimum: "Damn, I thought I could hold out and at least finish dinner,

but clearly that's not possible. I haven't eaten anything from the muggle

world since last time, so I haven't been paying attention to it. Now I have

to find a way to get rid of the food unless I want to become intoxicated.

An illusion won't do, although it would get the effect at first, removing

the plates would make the illusion disappear and clearly I can't just cast a

spell that will make the food disappear."

Several options quickly ran through his head as he analyzed his situation.

It wasn't anything too complicated, but he didn't want to seem rude, plus

saying that he wasn't hungry or that he had already had his fill clearly

wouldn't work with Hermione there.

He hadn't eaten anything on the trip other than some sweets and

although he wasn't someone who devoured dishes disproportionately, his

appetite wasn't small either.

Extimum: 'Bloom'.

On the other side, in the dining room.

As she continued to enjoy the delicious lasagna, Extimum's voice rang in

her head.


Bloom: 'Extimum? What happen? Didn't you go to the bathroom?'

Extimum: 'I need your help with something.'

Bloom: 'What's wrong?'

Extimum: "I need you to help me in a small act... I will not return to the

dining room, not at least immediately, instead, I will create an illusion of

myself which will be the one that will return and continue eating dinner,

although it will seem that I am eating and the food will decrease, it will

of course be just an illusion. This is where you-"

Bloom: 'Wait, wait, I'm not understanding. Why won't you come back?

No, rather, why should you make an illusion of yourself that pretends to

eat? Didn't you say before that the food before was delicious? You don't

usually waste food like that-'

Extimum: 'I can't eat.'

Bloom: 'Huh? Why not?'. Bloom stopped her hand that was about to put

another piece of lasagna in her mouth, clearly taken aback by Extimum's


Extimum: 'I can't eat that food'

Bloom: ''What? Why? It's delicious, and besides, we only had some sweets

on the train. Aren't you hungry? Are you feeling unwell?''

Extimum: 'It's not that. I hadn't told you before because the opportunity

hadn't arisen, but for some reason I can't eat the food of the non-magical

world. My body just can't tolerate it, it's almost as bad as eating poison,

only incredibly repulsive.'

Bloom: 'How can it be? A few seconds ago, weren't you eating

comfortably? Besides, I feel almost no difference with the food we usually

eat.' Bloom of course did not doubt Extimum's words. Aside from the fact

that he wasn't much of a joker, he had no reason to lie about this.

Extimum: 'I was just pretending. I couldn't just throw up or walk away

after just one bite, right?'

Bloom: 'Certainly not...'

Extimum: 'So you understand, now, I'll tell you the details later, for now I

need you to listen to me...'.

The figure of Extimum returned to the dining room and sat down at the

table again, resuming his eating activity.

Bloom glanced briefly at Extimum before returning to her food.

Bloom: 'Your illusions have improved... If you hadn't told me, it's likely

that I wouldn't have realized until much later that the Extimum in front

of me is fake.' Bloom commented somewhat surprised.

While Extimum's illusions were already highly convincing, it was still

easy for her and other magic-sensitive creatures to detect the

abnormality. However, now there was no apparent anomaly in the

illusion at first glance. As long as no one interacted with him directly, it

was likely that no one would realize it was an illusion.

Extimum: 'Yes, after what happened that day...my illusion magic had a

slight qualitative improvement, it doesn't seem much different than

before or it became stronger, but it definitely now emulates something of

the person's essence, as if really was a living being."

Bloom: ' ~ Luckily I can still recognize you if I focus on our bond... ~ '.

Extimum: 'Did you say something?'

Bloom: 'Huh? That? Nothing, I didn't say anything'

Extimum: '…'

Bloom: '…'

After a few minutes, dinner was finally over.

Stuart: "*sigh* See, I told you dear, I don't need to try it to know it was

going to be delicious and as satisfying as ever, you should make dishes

like this more often."

Wendy: "Heh, you wish, this is only for special occasions. Plus you know

that I usually don't have that much time during the week"

Stuart: "Ha... it's true, the dental clinic is very busy these days. But that's

good for business"

Wendy: "Alright, I'll gather the plates. Extimum, Hermione..." —Pausing

to glance at the watch on her wrist, she continued—" You have one more

hour of free time, after that, you must go to bed. Even though you slept

during the journey, it's already late."

Hermione: "It's okay, mom."

Extimum: "No problem." Waving one of his hands, the dining plates

floated into the air and were stacked on top of each other with the

cutlery on them.

Wendy: "Wow!"

Hermione: "Extimum, we can't do magic outside of Hogwarts!"

Extimum: "Correction, we can't do magic with our wands, but there's

nothing stopping you from being able to do it without it. Well, why don't

you show me the collection of books you mentioned? Or should we play

a board game instead?" .

Bloom took advantage of Wendy's moment of surprise to approach the

stacked plates and spilling a little fairy dust, they levitated again, as they

headed to the kitchen.

Stuart: "How amazing." The wonder of the scene pleasantly surprised

Stuart as well as he followed Bloom carrying the floating plates into the


Although they had had the opportunity to see magic before, they did not

see it that often, since Hermione was not allowed to do magic at home

when she left Hogwarts, so they only saw one thing or another when they

went to Diagon Alley.

Despite the surprising nature of the scene, Wendy's fingers could not help

but move unconsciously, somewhat internally afraid that the plates

would stop floating due to the strange force that lifted them and fall to

the ground breaking, so she followed her husband to the kitchen, half

amazed and worried.

The couple's concentration on the floating plates completely misled them

that a plate was needed among the row of stacked plates.

Hermione: "It's not fair, how can you use magic so well without a wand?

I've tried and even getting a slight reaction from magic is incredibly


Extimum: "You'll learn. With time."

Soon they both left the dining room, leaving the place alone.

At some point, a plate of food on the table appeared where there was

nothing before, before mysteriously disappearing again.

Chapter 56: The dark side of


The morning came soon and a weak and scarce ray of light entered

through the curtain on the window, hitting Extimum's face directly.

An insignificant factor, but it immediately disturbed the calm of his

closed eyelids, until they finally opened.

Two purple nebulae with a sharp black hole in the center wandered

briefly in bewilderment looking at the surroundings, before suddenly

clearing up with a feeling of calm and reminiscence.

Moving aside the sheet that covered him, Extimum almost jumped out of

bed and with a smooth, practiced twist of his wrist, an ephemeral cloud

covered him before disappearing and appearing suddenly cooler.

He stretched briefly and then picked up the wand that was resting on the

nightstand next to his bed followed by waving it in the direction of his

voluminous suitcase, from which clothes immediately flew and danced

around him.

Stretching a hand here and there, his nightclothes fell off in a short

moment and a new, clean suit quickly took its place in a few seconds.

Seeing that his suit had been properly organized as far as he could see, he

waved his wand to pack his scattered belongings into his briefcase.

Taking one last look to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything, he pulled

Bloom, which until now he had held with one of his tails, to his coat

pocket where she could continue sleeping.

Turning, he stepped forward to enter the bathroom to look in the mirror,

except that he noticed...that there was nothing but a wall in that


'Oh, that's right, there is no indoor bathroom here... How can ordinary

people just leave their rooms without having first seen themselves in a

mirror? Do they really leave their rooms untidy? Should I then

investigate if there is a spell to create a mirror for situations like this?

Hmm...Although it would seem a bit narcissistic to spend study time on

magic to learn something like that...'

Reaching out his hand, he rubbed his temples a little, feeling some

discomfort due to lack of sleep. Normally when he slept little, he tended

to sleep for a long time or just put up with it, but today he felt

particularly unwell.

'It must be because of the lasagna...'.

Clearing his thoughts, he stepped forward and opened the bedroom door

to step out into the hallway.

More than having gone to bed late, the problem was that he had hardly


After dinner and "cleaning up" the traces of dinner, the rest of the night

had been like slumber party. Talking about different things with

Hermione and looking through several of the non-magical gadgets that

she excitedly showed him. Some gave him a certain familiarity and he

even knew how to handle them much to Hermione's surprise.

But others had left him completely blank, ignorant of how to even hold

them, alleviating the strange look Hermione had been giving him.

The feeling of knowing something without really knowing it was truly

mysterious beyond words. As if a patient with amnesia were interacting

with something they had used in the past.

He had to say that such a feeling was interesting rather than terrifying,

after all, in the magical world something almost never caused him such a

sensation and although in the non-magical world such a feeling was not

very common either, at least it existed.

A glimpse into a past, into a world that once and never knew.

That was why he found such an experience intriguing.

After that, they had watched a movie on the living room TV. Mrs.

Granger had complained a little about how late it was, but in the end Mr.

Granger convinced her and they even joined in to watch the movie.

It had been an action movie, although he hadn't paid attention to the

name. More than the content of the film, he found the television itself

more interesting. It was his first time seeing one or at least paying

enough attention to it.

Vague memories of something similar flowed into his mind, but much

flatter and thinner ones in comparison.

It filled his mind with ideas that distracted him almost completely from

the movie, however, in the end he didn't get much, since he didn't quite

know how to take full advantage of it with his current knowledge.

The only bad thing about the night was, perhaps, that Mrs. Granger had

brought some late-night snacks afterwards, which in any other situation

would have been fine, but in this one it was no different from torture. He

had had to excuse himself that he was full from dinner and that he didn't

want to eat anything so late, until finally they stopped insisting.

If he did nothing, the nauseating smell made him sick, and if he limited

his senses to that of a human, then instead, the fragrance made his empty

stomach growl weakly.

Even with that, his palate even at this moment held a bitter and

unpleasant aftertaste in the back of his throat.

The lasagna had been incomparable to the hot dog he had eaten the other

time. Such a sensation reminded him of when he made his first potion at

home and drank it to test its effect.

The potion had worked, but it had gone a bit too far when he added the

acacia leaves, causing a slight reaction that made the taste incredibly

bitter, so much so that he couldn't eat anything all day without feeling a

terrible bitterness in his mouth.

Comparatively, this had been a few levels worse. Forcing himself to eat

had not been a good idea and he didn't want to wait for breakfast.

That's why he planned to leave early while the others were still sleeping,

he would just say goodbye to Hermione and then say that his parents

came for him.

As for formality, although it was not very etiquette to simply go off, at

this moment it took a backseat. Later he might as well arrange for his

parents to send a thank you for their care, no, scratch that, that would

probably be a bad idea, however, he could still send it on their behalf or

create an illusion of them coming here briefly.

The important thing was to get out of here. Although he could pretend to

eat with an illusion, he didn't have that kind of masochistic taste.

As he walked, he quickly passed the bathroom, where he stopped for a

brief moment to check his appearance before continuing. After passing

through a room that served as Mr. Granger's office, he finally arrived in

front of the door to Hermione's room.

His suitcase had been floating behind him all this time to avoid making

noise as it dragged across the floor.

The entire hallway was completely silent, it being around 5:45 am

according to the last time he looked at his watch in the room and he had

gone to sleep around 1:20 am.

His hand unconsciously went to knock on the door, but he stopped at the

last second, thinking about how noisy that would be in this environment,

so instead he grabbed the doorknob and walked inside.

The interior of the room was as you would expect from a girl's room,

with only perhaps the addition of a greater prominence of books rather

than toys or dolls, and contrary to usual, everything was quite organized.

In the center of the room was a large, pink bed with a castle design.

Ignoring the peculiar appearance of the bed and the room that he had

already seen last night, Extimum approached the bed where Hermione

was sleeping.

Hermione was hugging a large teddy bear and wearing a blue pajama


Extimum shook her shoulder lightly to wake her up.

Hermione: "Hmm, no... it's the weekend... let me sleep..." Hermione said

in almost an incoherent babble.

Extimum: "Hermione."

Hermione: "Hmm? Extimum? Is that you?" Only vaguely opening her

eyes, Hermione spoke in a voice that clearly denoted her sleepy state.

Extimum: "Yes, you don't have to wake up. I came to say goodbye, my

parents came for me, but it's still very early, so I don't want to wake up

your parents. Say goodbye to them in my place and tell them I appreciate

their hospitality, then we'll return to give proper thanks."

Hermione: "What?... Are you leaving now? Can't you stay later?" Sleep

still dominated, but upon hearing that Extimum was leaving, Hermione

became much more lucid, however, there wasn't much light in the room

to begin with, so she couldn't really see Extimum properly, other than a

simple dark figure and few features.

If she didn't follow the sound of the voice she could almost be talking to

nothing. She even doubted whether the Extimum in front of her was real

or just a dream, so she subconsciously reached out to touch it.

Extimum: "I'm afraid not, but I'll visit you again this holiday if I have

time. I won't let you miss me too much."

Stopping Hermione's hand that was about to touch his face, Extimum

held her hand in a gentle grasp with his own hand.

Hermione: "Yes... do that..." With limited vision and sleep, her eyes were

beginning to close again.

Blinking slightly, Extimum smiled softly when he saw that she did not

deny his statement, although he did not take it too seriously because he

knew that she was still somewhat asleep.

Seeing her close her eyes and feeling her breathing return to a much

lower rate, he looked at the hand he was still holding briefly, before

bringing her closer and giving her a light, chaste kiss.

Extimum: "I will do that."

Without further ado, he gently placed his hand on the quilt of the bed

and hurried out of the room and closed the door behind him, then left

the house in complete silence.

The streets outside were still dark, but the sky was already beginning to

lighten. In fact the current amount of light was normally not enough to

wake people up, however, it was different for Extimum who used to sleep

in a completely dark room and his habit of getting up early almost daily.

Extimum: "Bob."

**Pop Jumble**

Bob: "Did you call, young master?"

Extimum: "Take me home"

Bob: "Right away." Approaching, he grabbed Extimum's sleeve and they

both disappeared in an instant.

**Pop Jumble**

**Pop Jumble**

After emerging from the jumble, a large and imposing mansion appeared

in front of Extimum's gaze.

This time Bob had transported him directly to the front yard, saving him

the time of going through the gate.

Taking a few steps, he walked towards the door of the mansion.

Bob: "*Ahem* Young Master"

Stopping in his steps at the sudden call, Extimum turned his gaze to look

at Bob. His personality seemed to have gained a few more shades of

coldness in just a few seconds.

"Something wrong?"

Bob: "Yes, the lady, she, is a little upset again..."

Extimum: "I remember sending a letter last night"

Bob: "Yes, she received it, even so, she was not happy at all, since even if

the young master notified her absence, the young master did not ask for

the respective permission and waited for her approval..."

Extimum frowned slightly upon hearing Bob's words. Since when did

they care so much? Since the last time, he had always taken into account

notifying them of their location and the time it would take to return,

even so, they had never told him anything, he thought that the letter

should have been enough, but now it seemed that it was not.

If it were any other family I would understand, but when it came to his

own, so much concern or rather, desire to keep him under control was


Extimum: "Okay, thanks for telling me."

Bob: "Bob is happy to serve you, young master."

Extimum: "Hmm." Humming lightly, he took a step forward to approach

the mansion, when the sound of voices nearby made him stop again.

?:"Mick, what are you doing?"

?:"Shh, be quiet, don't worry, I'll just paint one of the walls"

?: "But I thought the challenge was just to come spend the night..."

?: "Of course not, how could it be so simple? The boys said that only if I

painted one of the walls of the NorthHollow mansion would I pass the


?: "But you know that NorthHollow is cultural heritage, the police could

arrest us, plus... you know from the stories, all those who have attacked

the NorthHollow mansion have disappeared or become insane"

?: "Bah! Those are stories that grandparents told to scare children, do you

really believe in those things?"

?: "But everyone in the town knows it, it can't be just a story, plus you

know that this place is still occupied, what if the family here discovers

us? They will surely call the police or maybe even..."

?: "Shut up! If you're afraid, then just go, I'll do it alone, but I won't share

the credit with you."

Turning his head, Extimum's eyes fell on one of the high walls that

protected the outside of the mansion and where the voices had come


The high stone walls blocked his view, however, the distinct sound of a

can shaking along with the small conversation he had heard, gave him an

idea of what was happening on the other side.

Extimum: "I didn't think that even in this day and age someone would

dare to try to desecrate our mansion". Extimum's almost imperturbable

face twisted slightly, as the pupils of his eyes sharpened and his eyes took

on an almost luminescent glow on this dark morning.

The temperature even seemed to mysteriously drop a few degrees for a

few seconds, before returning to normal.

For the world and especially for the people who lived in the nearby town,

the NorthHollow mansion was a very special place, since it was an

important place in the history of this place, as well as a private and

tourist cultural heritage on certain occasions of the year.

The number of stories from the past that were related to this mansion

was not small. The mansion was said to have existed even before many of

the castles in the region were built and was even older than the town

itself, which existed even before the time of castles.

Although the town had changed over the years and modernized and some

castles had even collapsed, only the mansion on the small hill in the

valley still remained almost exactly the same as in those times.

Which in itself demonstrated how well built it was and the unique and

majestic design that even thousands of years later still made it have great

charm and appeal.

On the other hand, the relationship between the people of the town and

the family of the mansion had always been somewhat lukewarm and in

some times even bad, but with the arrival of modern times and the

standardization of multiple things, the relationship became much more

better and pleasant, so in general there was no problem between both


Furthermore, the ancient stories told from generation to generation by

the natives of the town had always made the people there not dare to

treat the family of said mansion lightly, so much so that at some point in

time it was treated as a taboo.

With the modernization, there had been no problems between both

parties for more than a century, however, unexpectedly, today someone

arrived at the mansion and wanted to vandalize the exterior walls that

enclosed and isolated the mansion from the outside.

Although Extimum had several conflicts with his family, he would never

allow anyone to tarnish Shadowless's name, which included his family

property. It was a pride and sense of belonging that went beyond

brainwashing, it was a belonging through blood.

Every stone and even blade of grass in this place had been built and

placed by the hands and wands of the Shadowless family.

Extimum: "Take care of it"

Bob: "Right away, young master." Bob's expression was even uglier, if

Extimum had still held back, Bob was almost bursting into fury at this

point and only his years of training as a family servant barely kept him

from completely losing his composure.

Extimum: "Hmp." Giving an annoyed huff, Extimum entered the mansion

without further interruptions. Although it hurt his mood somewhat, he

didn't want to bother solving this matter and it wasn't necessary either,

otherwise there would be no need to have servants in the mansion.

Even if it was just Bob and a few other house elves.


As Wilson watched his friend draw graffiti on the walls, he couldn't help

but feel an uneasiness in his heart the more he watched his friend spill

the spray paint on the walls.

Unlike Mick, whose family had moved to the town only a few years ago,

his family, although not completely native, had been living here for

several generations.

And I had grown up listening to the stories of this place. Many sounded

somewhat fanciful and others quite chilling, although generally

unreliable, so they were more bedtime stories, however, Wilson had

never forgotten the answer his father had given him when he asked him

if those stories were real.

"There is no smoke without fire."

That phrase, however little it was, had marked him since he was little

and he had even applied it to other areas of his life, so even if many of

the stories were false or very exaggerated, it did not take away from the

fact that there must be something really, in another way, why did all the

natives believe it and were so cautious?

Furthermore, it was not as simple as believing, the mansion itself and its

inhabitants had always been somewhat mysterious and secluded, but

their presence was almost always difficult to ignore when they appeared,

since they were very...particular.

So Wilson usually always chose to be cautious rather than sin.

In fact, he had only accompanied his friend Mick here because he

thought the challenge was just to come here late at night and spend the

night near the mansion. There was nothing wrong with that, at least until

Mick woke him up very early in the morning and made him follow him


Now he was conflicted about what to do. The uneasiness in his heart

didn't go away, but it only grew bigger the longer he stood there

watching Mick.

Finally, unable to contain himself, he gathered his things and spoke.

"I'm leaving, I won't accompany you anymore, I don't care if you don't

give me credit later, I don't want it." Finishing there, he turned around

and walked away at a fast pace, almost running, for some reason, his

heart was hammering loudly in his chest like a drum the longer he stayed

there, furthermore, now that he was running, he noticed that the further

he got from the place, the calmer he felt.

'Something is very wrong here'

"Tch, do whatever you want." Mick only paused for a moment to look at

Wilson's back, before continuing to paint. He was already close to

finishing, besides, in this area the sun was about to rise so he had to

hurry up and leave.

After all, there was some reason in his friend's words, if the police

discovered that it was him, the consequences for damaging cultural and

historical heritage were not small, added to the fact that he had heard

that the family that lived here was quite wealthy and even influential in

certain sectors.

**Piti piti piti piti**

Just as he was about to finish, a sound on his wrist startled him. Looking,

it was the alarm on his watch that he had set for exactly 6 am, since at

precisely this time the sun was peeking over the hill so he had to leave


Looking at his graffiti, he noticed that he still had a little left to finish,

but he had no time left. He had drunk a lot last night so he had ended up

ignoring the alarm and getting up later than expected and now he had to

race with time.

He packed the cans of paint into his suitcase and hurriedly slung it over

his shoulder before looking up at the sky.

"How strange, it's still quite dark, I had looked before and almost always

at this time it was already bright here. Maybe today will be a cloudy

day." Naturally he had done his research before daring to come.

Without paying more attention to the still dark sky, he ran towards the

place where his camp was.

**Haa haa haa**

"*pant* What's wrong? I don't remember it being that far away, I should

have arrived by now, couldn't that coward Wilson take my tent or did

he? *Gasp* no, even if it was like that, I should have seen the trails from

the camp as you pass"

Taking a deep breath and wiping the sweat from his forehead, Mick

looked around, however, he didn't see anything familiar.

They had set up camp in a small grove behind the mansion, however, he

saw no trace of the area he had chosen before, as if he had never been


"Speaking of which...shouldn't it be dawn already? Why is everything still

so dark? In fact, it seems even darker now than before..."


"Huh?" . A distant, low sound reached Wilson's ears from behind a tree.

**whisper** **whisper**

"What? Who? Wilson? Is that you?"

The sound was similar to a faint whisper, as if people were secreting to

each other behind the tree.

**whisper** **whisper** **whisper**

"Hey, this isn't fun, if you already packed our things, just get out of

wherever you are and let's go back to town."

**whisper** **whisper** **whisper** **whisper**

Walking towards the tree where the sound was coming from, Mick

stopped when he felt the sound behind the tree quiet down and then

sound again from another tree where it had come from, furthermore, the

number of voices had increased.

Swallowing weakly, Mick turned away from the tree he had been walking

toward and looked back. The sound of voices still seemed to come from

behind the trees, but no matter how hard he paid attention, he wasn't

able to pick up on anything they were saying.

They seemed to be saying words, but at the same time not saying

anything, no… it was more like he just couldn't understand it even if he

heard it.

Mick's back began to break out in a cold sweat, at first the whispers had

been weak, but now they seemed to be closer to him. He no longer

believed this was a joke on Wilson's part.

Without hesitation, he turned around and ran back the way he had come.

He didn't care even if he was later caught by the police or the mansion's

owners, but he had to get away from this place.

This time he ran even faster than when he was fleeing the mansion,

although he tried to hide it well, it was obvious that nervousness was

now affecting his mind.

"This place...No, it can't be..."

After running for a few minutes, he found no trace of the mansion, he

didn't even seem to have completely left the small grove, making the

whole place a little darker, however, he clearly noticed that the place he

had arrived at was very similar to where it had been before.

The grove wasn't even that big.

???: "Why couldn't it be?"

"Ahhhh, who are you?" Mick jumped in surprise when he heard a voice

right in his ear. Quickly turning around.

"Thank goodness there is someone, sir, who could tell me how to get

out..." Wilson's voice died in his throat as he saw the sight in front of



The grove had become incredibly dark at some point, almost as if it were

deep in the night, but the most disturbing thing was the person who was

standing just a few meters behind him, because that person...looked just

like himself.

"Am I hallucinating? But-"

???: "You're not hallucinating, this is real...Very real...". His other self

responded slowly with a somewhat disturbing voice and finally smiled, a

big smile, showing all his teeth.


Mick felt like every hair stood on end seeing that smile, even if the

person looked like him, in fact, that only made it more chilling.

Taking a step back Mick tried to stay calm and walk away.

"I-I, I have to go..." Taking another step back to have more distance, Mick

was about to run away.

The smile of his other self slowly faded…

???: "I'm afraid that's no longer possible...not for a while."

Feeling a chill run through his body, Mick didn't wait for his other self to

finish speaking and turned around to run.

He felt as if a surge of energy like none other ran through his body, while

adrenaline coursed through his veins propelling his body beyond what he

thought possible. He didn't even worry about his briefcase full of paint

cans as he discarded it to run faster.

But the excitement did not last more than a few seconds when to his

horror he discovered that no matter how hard he ran, the distance in

front of him did not seem to change, as if it were anchored in the same

place, no, in fact, it was moving, It's just that...not forward... but


The more he tried to run, the more he noticed how his surroundings

became darker and darker until the only light was from the horizon in

front of him.

Then something seemed to wrap itself around his foot and drag him

backwards. His body hit the ground hard, almost swallowing some of the

dirt that entered his mouth as he landed face down on the ground,

however, he couldn't care less about that when he felt himself being


The light was getting dimmer and the horizon was getting smaller and

smaller. He dug his hands and nails into the ground, trying to gain

leverage and resist what was dragging him.

"No! No! Let go of me! Let me go, I'll call the police." Clinging with all his

strength to the dirt and grass on the ground, Mick threatened as much as

he could before turning to face his attacker, but instantly the little color

he had left drained from his face.

Behind him there was nothing, only a complete darkness that seemed to

be dragging him, however, this was not simple darkness, just seeing it

made him feel terrible terror from the depths of his being.

"L-let me go! Let me go! Ahhhh, noo, I don't want to, I don't want to die,

let go of me, no, no, no, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-"

An abrupt silence descended over the entire place, as the marks on the

floor that Mick had made disappeared. Shortly after, the sun's rays finally

came out quickly, illuminating the small grove.

And on a bush not far away, only a quiet can of paint remained.


Ava: "Where were you?" Ava's apathetic and neutral voice sounded in the

mansion's living room.

Extimum: 'I thought I said it in the letter.' "I was at a friend's house,


Ava: "And why were you there?"

Extimum: "I was invited to dinner-".

Ava: "I don't remember giving you permission to do that."

Extimum: "..."

Ava: "You're only 13, even if we give you some freedom, you can't just go

wherever you want, especially with strangers."

Extimum blinked slightly, feeling strange and unfamiliar, he never

thought he would hear such common words coming out of his mother's


Ava: "There is proper etiquette and preparation that must be done before

visiting another magical family's compound, not to mention that you

should wait for my or your father's approval."

Extimum: 'Indeed... on the other hand, I didn't go to another magical

family's compound... but it would be better not to say that...'

"I understand, mother."

Ava: "What do you understand?"

Extimum: "That I should not neglect etiquette and... that I should wait for

your consent for those types of situations."

Ava: "Hmm, okay, you can go on your way."

Without another word, Extimum bowed slightly to his mother and then

left the room.

Upon entering the mansion he had gone directly to the kitchen to look

for something to eat, although it was mainly some fruits, since he was not

used to saving leftovers and he did not want to bother the house elves at

this time, he just wanted to satisfy his hunger a little before breakfast.

As he left the kitchen, he passed through the living room and was

stopped by the call of his mother, who after sharing a few words went

directly to this moment.

Bloom: 'That was kind of suffocating...'

Extimum: 'Are you awake? Did you hear all that?'

Bloom: 'Yes, I woke up when you were leaving the kitchen.'

Extimum: '*sigh* I can't help but feel that a lot of what she said was just

empty words, but her intention was still within what she said. It's

annoying that I can feel all the emotions of others without wanting to,

but from whom I'm most interested in knowing, I can't get almost any

response.' 'And I still have a headache... I should sleep a little more'

Bloom remained silent at that. The situation in this mansion and family

was simply too complicated for her to understand with the little

information she knew and could gather in this short time. She preferred

to remain silent for now.

Entering his room, Extimum slowly unbuttoned his shirt, while extending

his hands so that his coat flew to his coat rack.

His room was completely dark and he didn't bother to even turn on the

light. Thinking about it now, it was perhaps a little unnecessary to have

gotten all dressed up to go straight to his house when it would arrive in

just a snap, he had simply done it out of habit and presentation.

As he walked towards his bed, a fleeting feeling along with a thought

passed through his mind. 'This is more like that, space is definitely not

the same...'.

It seemed that an inexplicable discomfort had disappeared from his body

and even his nine tails were freed from his waist, beginning to move

freely with a vigor and activity that he did not share at this moment.

Bloom from Extimum's shoulder couldn't help but give them a few more

fleeting glances. She liked to play with them, but Extimum used to be

very suspicious of them except at bedtime.

Before Bloom's gaze could focus on one of the tails again, one of them

reached behind her and wrapped around her, lifting her from Extimum's

shoulder and the next second placing her on Extimum's chest who had

already lying down.

Bloom: "Oh!" Somewhat surprised, Bloom let out a small scream that she

quickly drowned out when she realized. Although her eyesight was much

better than average, she couldn't see as well in this darkness as Extimum

so the approach had taken her by surprise.

Extimum: "Let's go to sleep for now."


On the bedside table, the minute hand of the pocket watch moved rapidly

and at some point, the sun was already hanging high in the sky.

In a small cobblestone house in the village near the Shadowless mansion.

The sound of whistling pots and music from the radio sounded from the


?:"Wilson, go to the store and bring me the ingredients on this list for

your grandfather's cake and don't forget to choose only what is freshest,

you know what if you don't know-".

A beautiful middle-aged woman wearing simple clothes with an apron

shouted from the kitchen as she read the newspaper in her hand and left

a sheet of paper on the table where she had just written a list of


Wilson: "I know, I know, mom, don't worry, I've already done this several

times, worst case scenario I'll just ask Mr Ashkot for help. *sigh* you

know I'm already 18, right? I can go to the store and bring the

ingredients correctly without you reminding me...".

Coming down from the second floor and entering the kitchen, Wilson

couldn't help but complain. He was no longer a child and even children

could do something well like go to the store.

?: "Oh really? And what happened then last week when I asked you to

shop for lunch?" Lowering the newspaper in her hand, the woman

commented with some viciousness.

Wilson: "that... well, that was different, you know..." Feeling somewhat

uncomfortable, Wilson lowered the tone of his voice, while avoiding his

mother's gaze.

?: "How was it different?" Not being convinced in the slightest, the

woman asked, hoping what excuse her son would come up with.

Wilson: "It's just that I got distracted while shopping... But it was just a

small mistake..." Wilson couldn't help but remember with some shyness

how just that day he had met the girl he liked also doing the shopping, so

he couldn't help but look at her several times while he was choosing the


?: "I asked you for cabbage! Cabbage! And what did you bring me?

Lettuce! Even if you can't tell them apart, there is clearly a big sign

labeling it, plus why would I use lettuce?" The woman's annoyance

increased just by remembering it, after all, that small mistake had cost

her having to leave that day's dinner half-cooked since she had to go buy

it herself.

Wilson: "To make a sandwich?"

?: "You! Very funny, huh?" Grabbing the newspaper from the table

tightly, she rolled it up while hitting his son.

Wilson: "Oh, no, mom, don't hit me! I'm leaving, I'm leaving, if you keep

me any longer the cake won't be ready on time…" Running quickly to the

side of the kitchen, he opened the door to the yard and quickly left the

house, barely receiving two blows to the head.

?: "Huh, that boy, why can't he be more serious like his father? *sigh*"

Just as the woman sighed, the door leading to the yard opened again.

Wilson: "Ah, mom, but you didn't give me money for shopping."

?: "Are you still here?" The woman grabbed the newspaper on the table


Wilson: "Ah, I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'll buy it with my money". Seeing

her grab the newspaper again, he closed the kitchen door again.

Wilson: "*sigh* and there goes my money that I had saved to invite

Madison to lunch...". Feeling sad to see his little pocket money

disappearing as he left the store, Wilson walked somewhat crestfallen

toward his house. This time he made sure to buy what it said on the list.

"I shouldn't have said that last thing or I should have done it at least after

asking for the money for the purchases..."

?: "Hey, Wilson, is it you, I finally found you"

Wilson: "Matt? Were you looking for me for something?"

Matt: "Of course we do, or do you think the boys forgot about the

challenge? Mick was supposed to meet us in the morning as soon as it

was over, but he hasn't come with us yet and he had gone with you."

Wilson: "Isn't Mick back yet?" Wilson frowned.

Matt:"*Dahh* Obvious. If not then why do you think I'm asking you?"

Still frowning, Wilson answered. "That's weird, even though I left earlier,

Mick was already about to finish, it shouldn't have taken him so long to

finish and come back."

Matt: "Did Mick really paint the walls of the NorthHollow mansion?"

Surprise was evident in Matt's tone when he asked the question.

Wilson: "Well, of course, wasn't that the challenge?" Remembering it

made Wilson feel upset, after all, Mick had kept it from him until the last


Matt: "Well, yeah, that was the challenge, but... I didn't think he'd

actually dare do it. I at least wouldn't have done it."

Wilson: "Didn't you suggest it?"

Matt: "Of course not, it was the other kids. Besides, you know how my

father is, if he found out that I did something like that, he would kill me,

no, even worse, if he found out that I did it to the NorthHollow mansion,

It's probably going to leave me sleeping outside the house... Honestly, I

was prepared for Mick to come back later and say he'd given up so I'd

persuade the others to put up a different challenge..."

Wilson: "Hmm, well, I don't know, maybe he was really sleepy and went

straight home to sleep, have you looked for him at his house yet?"

Matt: "No, he was just heading there, after all he was supposed to meet us

in the morning, but it's almost time for lunch and there's still no sign of


Wilson: "In that case I won't bother you anymore, I have to take this to

my mom, see you later." Lightly shaking the bags he was carrying in one

of his hands, Wilson said goodbye and headed home.

Seeing Wilson leave, Matt didn't delay either and continued walking

towards Mick's house, for some reason he felt a little uncomfortable

about the subject.

Matt had not liked the challenge of painting the walls of the NorthHollow

mansion at all and not because he was a coward, but simply because his

father was the town sheriff.

Some might think that this would give him some kind of advantage, like

in the movies and that he could even act as some kind of mini boss in the

town, but the reality was very different. His father was very strict and

was even stricter with him.

If he even tried anything like acting like a mini-boss or a thug, his father

would beat him home and make him kneel in the yard for half a day.

His family was something of a law and order family for generations and

although they had not always held high positions, they had always been

involved with the management of security and law in the town.

So his father also expected him to become a police officer or a mayoral


Matt: "*sigh* Well, let's get this over with."

After walking for a few minutes, he arrived in front of Mick's house, so

going up a small step, he raised his hand to ring the doorbell.

*Ding dong*

?: "One moment"


The door opened showing a woman housewife, somewhat young and thin

for having been a woman who had given birth.

?: "Oh, but if it's not little Matthew, look at you, how much you've grown,

you're almost as beefy as your father, speaking of which, did your father

send a reply about the letter I sent him?" The young housewife spoke

quickly and forcefully, while denoting a great warm feeling like a

mother, along with something else that Matt just wasn't able to put his

finger on.

Matt: "*cough* I'm sorry to bother you at this hour, Ms. Elizabeth. I don't

know anything about the letter, if it's something personal you'll have to

wait until my father responds or if it's something official, most likely

some official come back later with the answer. Actually what I was trying

to do was ask you about your son, Mick, is he at home? "

Elizabeth: "Is that so..."—A sad smile was briefly seen on Elizabeth's face

before she regained her warm smile—"So you're a friend of Mick's? I

didn't know, but I'm glad to hear that, after all, you're a good guy

Matthew, Mick on the other hand, is a somewhat difficult child and

doesn't usually tell me much about himself. Speaking of him, he hasn't

returned yet. He had told me that he had gone with Mrs. Rosewall's son

to camp in the hill, but he didn't tell me anything else, in fact, I thought

he would be back for lunch, but he hasn't shown up yet".

Matt frowned, He just ran into Wilson and according to him, Mick had

already almost completed the challenge when they separated, so it didn't

make sense that he hadn't returned home or gone to meet up with the

other guys.

'Perhaps I have eluded him while going from one place to another?'

Elizabeth: "Did you need it for something?"

Returning from his thoughts, Matt responded. "No, it wasn't anything

important, it's just that he had promised to meet us when he returned

from his camp, but maybe he hasn't returned yet."

Matt had some doubts, but he didn't comment on them. Wilson had

separated early, so he couldn't tell if Mick for some reason chose to stay

on the hill or if he had gone somewhere else before.

He didn't particularly like Mick, so he didn't know as much about him as

the others, yet for some reason, the uncomfortable feeling he had

thinking about it only deepened more.

"Anyway, if he comes back, please mention that we were looking for


Elizabeth: "Of course, I'll be happy to tell him."

Matt: "In that case, I won't interrupt your lunch time anymore."

Elizabeth: "It's okay, you're not a bother. I still haven't sat down to eat


Matt nodded and turned to leave.

Elizabeth: "Oh and Matthew."

Matt: "Yes, Mrs. Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth: "...if you see...if you see your father later, could you remind

him about my letter?"

Matt: "Sure, if I see him later I'll tell him"

Elizabeth: "Thank you Matthew."

Matt walked away, now feeling somewhat curious about Mrs. Elizabeth's

letter to his father.


--Pov Bloom--.

Opening her eyes, Bloom stretched lazily while hugging a large, soft,

furry blanket.

The room was still dark and only some very weak rays of light entered

the room behind the heavy curtains.

Blinking her long eyelashes rapidly, Bloom felt strange, usually when she

woke up the curtains were already drawn and the morning light

illuminated the entire room, she was almost always the last to get up, so

the contrast was strange.

Tilting his head slightly, he looked up at Extimum's face. His eyes were

closed, clearly still sleeping.

His face seemed much more peaceful and although that

expressionlessness still remained, it seemed softer somehow. His hair had

grown a little in recent months and he hadn't cut it yet, so there was a

certain messy touch strange to see about it.

Seeing him like this instinctively brought a smile to her face, growing a

little larger when she noticed the extra pair of furry ears on his head, but

she quickly looked away from them. Extimum was always quite sensitive

about them, so much so that even just looking at them for a while would

alert him.

Today was one of those rare occasions when she woke up before him.

While she thought about it, she began to play with the large blanket that

covered her, or rather, Extimum's tail that she always used to sleep.

Moving it from one side to another and combing it on other occasions.

Even if it was dark, the fur seemed to have a faint silver glow of its own

when she brushed against it. The glow was faint, enough to be

noticeable, but not enough to bother the eyes.

Occasionally symbols like runes even seemed to appear faintly on the fur,

causing an unreal feeling, unlike magic.

In fact, that was a fact that made her curious. Although in mythology

there were some legends of nine-tailed foxes, that was only theoretical

and in the magical world in its long history only three-tailed foxes had

been seen even in the distant past.

But now there was one in front of her. Stranger still, although she had

not dared to ask it, but the question was always on her mind, Why did

Extimum possess such a lineage in him? And one so pure?

Such a pure lineage was for at least their mother or father to be a nine-

tailed fox themselves, but having seen them, it was clear that while there

were some quirks to them, they were essentially completely magical


She couldn't detect the slightest hint or connection between such a

lineage on their part, but how could it just come out of nowhere? It was

incomprehensible. The idea that they were not his parents was not viable

either, because at least the resemblance could be noted and the other side

of Extimum's lineage was clearly that of Shadowless.

Then how? There didn't seem to be an answer to that, at least not

without asking Extimum directly, however, she also didn't want to

intrude too much into his secrets if he wasn't willing to share them even

with her.

The connection between the two was strong and even closer because of

the contract, so she was in no hurry, time was what they had the most at

the moment.

But even with that aside, what bothered her the most was because even

now, she couldn't feel the presence of the nine-tailed fox bloodline, as it

simply didn't exist unless Extimum intentionally stimulated it.

Staring at the tail he held in his hands, it was clear that it existed, she

was seeing and touching it, but in her senses it was as if it simply wasn't


The only thing she could sense in Extimum was his Shadowless lineage

and...something else, something difficult to describe, she could also sense

it in Extimum's parents, but weaker, dirtier...incomparable to what he felt

in Extimum, but that, it couldn't being the nine-tailed fox bloodline, it

was of a completely different nature.

The feeling was dark, hard to see, hard to feel, and even harder to

differentiate from the Shadowless lineage, as if the natures themselves

were similar, but different in essence.

Frowning slightly, Bloom remembered when she was with Leonardo or

Lin Hua. The purity of their lineages was evident, however, they did not

possess that other feeling that Extimum and his parents had.

Comparatively, they felt more… free, pure. This something else was

clearly not related to the Shadowless lineage, but at the moment her

mind was too confused to pay attention to that detail.

Deep thoughts ran through Bloom's mind as they continued to look at the

tail in their hands.

"Are you done playing?"

Almost jumping, Bloom let go of the tail she was holding as she quickly

turned to look at Extimum.

--End Pov--.

Extimum observed Bloom's reaction somewhat differently, similar to a cat

whose tail had been stepped on.

Bloom: "How long have you been awake?"

Extimum: "Long before you even woke up, I was just thinking about

various things with my eyes closed"

Bloom: "You...you did it on purpose, didn't you?" A light blush appeared

on Bloom's cheeks.

Extimum: "I don't know what you're talking about, it was just a


Bloom: "*Cough*"—Coughing lightly to hide her embarrassment at her

actions, Bloom changed the subject—"And what were you thinking so

much about? You haven't even gotten up? I think we already missed


Extimum: "Breakfast? Do you mean lunch?"

Bloom: "What? No, it can't be that late." Rising from Extimum's chest,

Bloom flapped her wings and flew towards the pocket watch that she

knew Extimum left on the nightstand next to the bed before going to


Bloom: "See, it's only 2... in the afternoon..."

Extimum: "I told you, it's already quite late"


Extimum: "And it seems that someone else also noticed..."

Bloom: "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

Extimum: "Well, I was also a little tired and...I didn't want to destroy

such a sweet sight so soon"

A deep blush rose to Bloom's face upon hearing his words and tone,

causing her to quickly turn her head to the side.

'Come on, get a grip Bloom, you can't blush for just a few words, you're

the oldest here...'

"I'll go get ready." Without turning around again, Bloom flew towards the

room's bathroom and closed the door behind her.

Extimum smiled slightly even without intending to get out of bed, Bloom

always managed to improve his mood with things as small as her simple

reactions, perhaps that was why he liked to bother her occasionally,

although his words were always very serious and that was why he

managed to affect Bloom so easily.

Looking towards the window, he waved his hand and the curtains

immediately drew back to let light into the room.

His eyes quickly adjusted to the abrupt change from almost complete

darkness to light. The windows in his room were large, so his room was

completely illuminated immediately.

He felt a little hungry, but he was in no hurry to get out of bed. When he

woke up he had thought again about the images and information about

large thin televisions that had come to his mind when he watched

television at Hermione's house, so he tried to follow that line of thought

by trying to obtain other memories.

However, just like previous times, the attempt had been mostly fruitless,

his memories of the past were only vestiges and nothing more, yet, there

was something else that he had remembered.

An invention, a technology from many years in the future that had

become an almost indispensable tool in common human life and as

strange as it seemed although he could remember a lot about it, he could

not remember its name.

Even so, it was not difficult to link it with the technology he currently

knew from the Muggle world. Such a memory gave him great inspiration

as well as things to think about and although again there were big gaps

in the process and certain details, he felt that he had found a great idea

that could innovate certain aspects of the magical world.

That said, he felt that both on the magical side and on the non-magical

side he lacked a lot of information to develop such an ambitious idea and

make it real. He also found that he would need to learn and explore

many other topics just to even dream of developing a prototype,

however. Leaving aside whether he could do it, he just didn't have that

much time and energy.

He already had too much on his plate, yet he wasn't willing to give it up

either, so he was thinking of ways to solve that problem.



Hey, long time without uploading chapters, I would have liked to

upload the new chapter in the new year, but I got busy because of the

holiday, anyway, although a little late.

Happy New Year to everyone.

Chapter 57: Visiting Malfoy



A plume of green fire rose for a moment in an ugly, ramshackle chimney

in a dark alley before quickly disappearing. In his place, a young man

with a somewhat disheveled appearance and a cheap suit with a few

patches here and there appeared.

His appearance attracted a few glances from the people nearby, but after

looking at his appearance, they disinterestedly averted their gaze.

Stepping onto the dusty floor of the fireplace, the young man shook off

the dust that had fallen on his coat as he left. A simple action, but

executed with a mannerism that did not fit his appearance.

Taking a quick look through the gloomy alley where he was, he walked

at a measured pace and with a cautious look like the other people

walking there until he emerged onto another contrastingly illuminated

and lively street.

The contrast was like walking in two different worlds, yet the young man

seemed unfazed by the abrupt change and joined the crowd in deciding

on a direction.

After a few minutes of walking and turning down a few streets, he finally

stopped in front of a store with new paint and a fresh vibe compared to

the ones around it. It was evident that it was a store that had not been

open very long.

"Why did Snaglok decide to put the office in a place like this?" The young

man spoke out loud to himself with clear confusion in his voice, although

strangely his face seemed oblivious to the feeling, generating a certain

incongruous feeling.

The store was not in an area that was neither very far nor very close to

the main commercial center of Diagon Alley, but it was also so

unremarkable that it seemed like it would hardly attract attention and

therefore customers.

The only visible advantage was that there was a public floo fireplace

nearby, and even then, that didn't seem like enough.

Taking a few steps forward, the young man pushed the door and entered

the premises. Upon entering, the first thing that came into view was a

beautiful reception room, with some exhibition tables occupying the

center, as well as paintings on the walls that showed different designs of

houses and interior rooms in a before and after.

The interior atmosphere conveyed a lively yet formal vibe, while also

seeming strangely cozy, which managed to briefly captivate the eye.

The feeling was clearly conveyed, because the young man's face showed a

touch of pleasant surprise. His scrutinizing gaze good-naturedly

evaluated everything inside, especially the models on some display tables

that were constructed and deconstructed every few seconds.

After looking for what seemed like 5 minutes, he noticed that he had not

yet been attended to, so without further contemplation he approached

the reception table, where a young man was sitting reading the


"*Ahem* Excuse me, could you show me what you offer in this store?"

Raising his gaze slightly from the newspaper in his hands, the young man

at the front desk took a quick glance at the visitor in the store before

returning to his newspaper.

?:"Don't bother me, if you want to know, just read that magazine over


Blinking slightly, the disheveled young man looked blankly at the

receptionist. Still, he stretched out his hand to take the magazine from

the reception.

The information about the store was clearly detailed in the magazine.

Starting with a striking slogan that quickly progressed into a brief

summary of what they did to a not very long, but varied catalog of

different housing models and their possible improvements and


Seeing the content, a slight satisfied smile grew on the young man's face.

'I have to hand it to Snaglok, he really put effort into doing all this.

Giving him a share really motivated him to do his job well and save me a

lot of tedious tasks.'


While he was thinking contentedly, the bell on the door rang and a

couple of wizards entered the shop.

Surprisingly, before he even had time to turn around, he noticed that the

receptionist had disappeared at some point and appeared in front of the


?:"Welcome dear customers, how could I help you today?" The

receptionist's voice was overflowing with energy and kindness, a

complete contrast to his previous attitude.

?:"Good morning, we saw the store as we passed and the images caught

our attention, do you sell furniture here?"

?:"Hohoho, Sir, no, we do not sell furniture here, however, we have

something much better, if you allow me a moment of your time, I will

show you"

The receptionist deftly guided the couple in front of the moving model

and with a wave of his wand, its uninterrupted animation stopped and

with it the model began to shape itself according to the receptionist's

words, displaying practiced expertise.

The young man, or rather, Extimum, carefully observed the

demonstration, while listening attentively to the receptionist presenting

what they did in the store while supporting himself and demonstrating

his words with the model, causing a much more impressive and

convincing effect.

After a few minutes of talking and throwing questions back and forth, the

couple seemed quite interested and attracted by the receptionist's words,

ending up signing a contract before leaving the store with smiles.

The receptionist seemed even more excited than them as he watched

them leave and looked at the contract on the table or that was at least

until his gaze fell on Extimum who was still standing there looking at


?:"Tsk, are you still here? Haven't you finished looking?"

Extimum's left eyebrow raised slightly at his attitude.

"What skill! You change very quickly in dealings, why is that?"

?: "Does it need to be said? Don't you have mirrors wherever you live?

You should thank my tolerance for not kicking you out of the store. Just

by looking at how you dress I can tell that you don't even have a Galleon

to your name. No It's bad to look, but taking up my time and

overshadowing the store's image with your presence is already too much.

We don't do charity here, and do you even have a home where you could

use our services?"

"Oh…" Extimum was left somewhat speechless by the receptionist's entire

spiel. Looking briefly at himself and then back at the receptionist, he

realized that he certainly seemed too poorly dressed on this occasion, he

was even a little dirty because of the chimney he had come out of. He

didn't look much different from a homeless man.

Although he had prepared the bad outfit himself since this time he was

simulating a different style to practice his transformation ability, he had

not counted on the fact that the fireplace he had chosen at random would

leave him in such a bad state.

His current clothes had been purchased earlier on one of his many visits

to Knockturn Alley, as just transfiguring his clothes is inconvenient when

visiting certain places with high security measures. Not to mention that

most of his clothes were too flashy or inappropriate for certain roles he


After all, if he always transformed in the same way it didn't seem like

something very challenging for his ability. Besides, showing the same

face too much in Knockturn Alley would end up attracting attention,

which he had already experienced.

But this time, in trying to stay more in character despite his discomfort,

he had overlooked something towards where he was going, that being

said, he didn't expect this response either, although it was somewhat


"Hehekekeke." And with a realization, a light, restrained laugh escaped

through his teeth as he thought about the ridiculousness of the situation.

An almost emotionless laugh, but it made the receptionist take a step

back, his hair standing on end and an unpleasant feeling running through

his body.

?: "I-I'll ask you to leave the store, this place is for customers only!"

"*Haaa* You know what? I like you." Stopping his haunting laughter

suddenly upon seeing the receptionist grip his wand tightly, Extimum

composed himself in the blink of an eye.

However, his actions only seemed more strange to the receptionist.

?:"You are crazy! Get out of here or I'll call the aurors."

"I think I had read about a situation like this before, yes, somewhat

blurry, but I didn't think I would experience it myself..."

?: "Enough, I-!"

"Okay, that's enough." Extimum cut short and was about to explain

himself, when from the back room, the short figure of Snaglok came out


Snaglok: "What's this commotion in the store, Jerry?"

Jerry: "Mr. Snaglok, it's not what you think, it's that this homeless man"

Snaglok: "Oh, Mr. Shadowless, you're here, I've been waiting for you"

Jerry: "Mr Shadowless?!" Turning his head so fast that Extimum almost

thought he would twist his neck, Jerry looked at him excitedly, only for

surprise and confusion to grow in his eyes.

Blinking twice, he noticed that there was nothing where he expected to

see the homeless man, but when he lowered his gaze a few millimeters he

noticed a completely different figure.

A teenager of no more than 13 years old, with platinum white hair with

purple rays and piercing and intimidating purple eyes with sharp pupils.

His figure emitted a cold and distant aura, with that special touch that he

only observed in members of renowned magical families.

Not caring about Jerry's thoughts, Extimum approached Snaglok as he


"Yes, I must say that I was surprised, the layout of the store has exceeded

my initial expectations, especially the model, that was a lovely touch that

I would not have thought of"

Snaglok: "Hohoho, certainly, the model has attracted a lot of attention. In

fact, the idea for the model was Jerry's. Even though it looks young-

*cough*"—Suddenly remembering that Extimum was even younger than

Jerry , he interrupted himself awkwardly—"new... in this, his skills as a

salesman are excellent, plus he seems somewhat capable in the use of

runes and enchantments."

"I've certainly already had the opportunity to see his skills in action."

Jerry, groggily, finally woke up at this moment, feeling that there was

some special emphasis on the word skills spoken by Extimum.

Snaglok: "Yes, that being said, what was the reason for the previous


"Oh, about that..."

Jerry broke out in a cold sweat at this point. He was no idiot, his boss,

Snaglok, had told him that the owner of the store would come earlier

today, however, he had not given him any description, arguing that

almost always when he met him he seemed different and difficult to


He had not given much importance to that comment thinking that it

simply referred to the usual extravagance of most wizards, but only now

did he realize that Snaglok meant it in a literal sense. The store owner

was a metamorphmagus.

And now, in his eagerness to keep the store as good as possible while

awaiting his arrival, he had undoubtedly shown his worst face in front of

his real boss.

"Jerry, right?" Moving his sight, Extimum adjusted his body to look at the

stiff Jerry not far away from him.

Jerry: "Yes, Lord."

Extending his hand for a shake, Extimum continued—"You're good, just

make sure to moderate your character a little and especially… your eyes

." This time, there was a real special and sharp emphasis in the last


Jerry accepted the squeeze as he hurried to respond—"Y-yes, yes, don't

worry Sir, something like this won't happen again."

Sweat was still running down his back, with a few drops escaping from

his forehead, at least he knew he had been forgiven and hadn't lost this

job. It was difficult to find a job with such good pay and benefits without

having any experience or personal references. He had barely managed to

get the job by sheer luck in making a good impression on Snaglok.

"Would be the best…"

A sudden and somewhat painful chill ran through Jerry's body, making

his posture stiff again. His gaze stayed on the deep purple eyes that were

staring at him and for a moment he felt fear, a deep fear inside him that

seemed to want to drag him into the darkness, however, the next moment

it disappeared.

When he came to, Extimum's figure had already disappeared into the

back room along with Snaglok.



In a simple, but elegant office.

While Extimum reviewed the account books and Snaglok's observations

on the market over the past few months from the main chair that Snaglok

voluntarily gave up, Snaglok watched him from another seat.

--Snaglok Pov--

Business was going quite well, in fact, better than Snaglok himself had

anticipated. His thing was doing business and managing money, he was

not a merchant, so at first he didn't really care if the business could

succeed or not, anyway, even if it failed he wouldn't lose much. What he

really cared about was establishing a good relationship with the heir of

the Shadowless family.

After all, every self-respecting goblin knew how big that family's coffers

were. Normally there would be no way to get a piece of that pie, since

the goblins could manage the vaults and finances for a long time and

given the issues of secrecy and fidelity, It is possible that the position

continued from generation to generation in the goblin families without

giving any chance to outsiders like him.

However, not many years ago, news spread among the Gringotts goblins

that the administrator of the accounts of the Britain branch of the

Shadowless family had had no descendants and was about to retire, so

when he found out that the child was Indeed, the Shadowless heir almost

felt as if a cake had fallen from the sky and not only that, but it fell

directly into his hands.

As long as he managed to make a good impression and slowly build a

good relationship with Extimum, it was quite likely that in the future that

coveted position would fall into his hands.

That said, at this point, the situation was different, the business that at

first he didn't care about resulted in him having an excellent and

unexpected reception by a good part of magical Britain, which, in turn, as

someone who gives him great importance to money, he was forced to

seriously commit to this business.

And like a snowball, the more he dedicated himself to it, the more

involved he became, so much so that now, with the current state of the

business, withdrawing would prove disastrous for his finances and

instead, his profits obtained from his portion were giving good income.

Not too many, of course, given the current scale, but simply no galleon

could be disregarded, especially when he had invested in it.

Despite all that, he couldn't forget that all this unexpected success came

from a wizard boy... he didn't know if it was good that there was such

young talent among wizards. Wizards were already difficult to deal with,

but the smart ones were a real pain in the butt for the goblins.

Still, he didn't have any special thoughts about it, he was already busy

enough without worrying about past grudges that didn't even directly

include him. What really worried him was Extimum itself. He could

clearly see from his position that Extimum was not just passingly looking

at the accounts and their comments, but actually understood them and

was analyzing them.

Normal? Talent? Without sense! There was a fundamental difference


He didn't look like a 13-year-old at all, even if a child that age could read

and understand it, they wouldn't be able to get much out of it, but...

"Snaglok, change the supplier of the shiny marble for the luxury sets, the

current one is giving us too high prices and according to the record it was

not like that before, I suspect that..."

This didn't seem natural. Except for the first time when he had felt

somewhat passive due to his ignorance, the rest of the times it didn't

seem like he was dealing with a child at all, instead, he felt no different

from a formal wizard who was no stranger to the ins and outs of society

and business.

But the reality was that he wasn't...

He had done a little research... nothing too intrusive of course, he didn't

want to cause any misunderstandings if it was discovered, he just wanted

to know a little about his client and business partner's life at school,

where he seemed more llike a child making a few youthful mistakes or


Baffling. Disturbing.

Not even child wizards who learned Occlumency too young were like

this. It's like it's him and at the same time it's not, split personalities?

With wizards you never knew, but he had to take it into account to know

how to treat him more appropriately.

--End Pov--

Extimum: "That guy, Jerry, his model is quite interesting, I haven't seen

anything similar before"

Snaglok: "Certainly. He is a rune enthusiast, in fact, one of the reasons

why he wanted to work here in the first place was because he was greatly

attracted and surprised by your product and wanted to meet you."

Extimum: "Hmm, is that so?"

Snaglok: "However, If you want to fire him there won't be any problem

and the models were bought so we wouldn't lose them, we don't need it-"

Extimum: "No, it's okay, it's interesting, besides, he's quite capable, runes

aside, his skill as a salesman is nothing to sneeze at."

Snaglok: "it's like that..." Snaglok took a deep look at Extimum.

Extimum: "Well, then that would be it Snaglok, until we meet again."

Snaglok: "I'll be looking forward to it, especially the new projects you


The two left the office and arrived at the store's reception again.

Extimum: "May gold accompany your path"

Snaglok: "And let the tinkling of the gold be crisp and clear"

Extimum's figure transformed a second before he passed through the

main door, returning to his previous appearance with which he entered.

Watching him leave, Snaglok's razor-sharp smile dimmed a few notches,

as he subtly glared at Jerry standing next to him.

Snaglok: "You were lucky today Jerry. I hope you know that. I have given

you an opportunity by allowing you to work here, I don't want something

like what happened today to be repeated. Remember what I told you

when you first came in"

Jerry: "Smile first, judge later." 'Although I've never seen an goblin do it

in that order...'

Snaglok: "Exactly. I won't pursue the matter any further, after all, if Mr.

Shadowless didn't say anything it means he let it go this time. I guess he

really liked your model, since he's playing around with novel ideas like

that at Hogwarts"

Jerry: "Oh, Hogwarts? He's a teacher maybe?" Jerry's face suddenly

showed a touch of respect, although he already admired Extimum quite a

bit when he learned of its invention, the status of working at Hogwarts

was a different matter.

Giving him a ridiculous look, Snaglok responded before entering the back


"Of course not, silly wizard, as a student , didn't you see how young he

is? He's only just starting his third year."

Jerry: "Wait, you mean that was his real appearance?"

Snaglok no longer responded from behind the curtain.

Jerry: 'So the genius inventor is a kid who hasn't even graduated?' No,

wait... that means... I was afraid of a 13-year-old boy?'

Jerry was stunned for a long time and didn't know how to feel.


A week passed in the blink of an eye.

Sitting in a small office recently incorporated into the room, Extimum

calmly reviewed some papers on the desk.

Not far away on the desk, Bloom, sitting on the knight piece on the

chessboard, stared at him.

Bloom: "Isn't it boring to study all the time?"

Extimum: "No, it's not boring. As long as it's something that interests you,

boredom is reduced by a wide margin, besides, I'm not studying, I'm

researching, it's different"

Bloom: "Sure...and what's the difference?"

Extimum: "The difference? Hmm, I guess the fact that all the information

I look for, I try to apply and it is completely focused on something. When

you study you just absorb information, but here I am trying to solve a


Bloom: "Ah, that sounds like the same thing to me, *Sigh* I liked the

library better, I had more to entertain myself there."

Extimum: "Then go, who is stopping you?"

Bloom: "*Yee* How could I? What if that b-*ahem* woman shows up


Extimum: "My mother"

Bloom: "Yes, yes, your mother. Why is she even here? I mean, I know this

is her house, but..."

Extimum: "I know, she usually doesn't stay here. In fact, it's kind of

strange, she usually doesn't stay more than two or three days when I'm


Bloom: "Ugh, but I want to go to the library, I don't like playing wizard

chess...I prefer to read books"

Extimum: "It's not like she's always there"

Bloom: "I know, but I don't know what happens, whenever I feel like

going to the library, I meet her there."

Extimum: "It's just a lucky coincidence... If you hate seeing her so much-"

Bloom: "It's not that I dislike it, it's just..."

Extimum: "It makes you uncomfortable, I understand. Not many people

normally feel comfortable with us, I hardly think I could consider myself

an anomaly and that's only in recent times... " The last words came out

almost in a whisper and Bloom couldn't hear him clearly.

Before she could ask, Extimum spoke again.

"Anyway, if you really want to go, it's simple. She gets up every morning

at 6:01 am. You could get up early, but I know you wouldn't...

If you don't go earlier, there is no point in trying, since she will give a

tour of the entire mansion including the library until 6:30 am where she

will stop in the dining room to have breakfast, it usually doesn't take long

since she likes it. Have a light breakfast, normally after that she will go to

the library to read a book and drink a cup of her favorite tea.

She will stop and leave there at exactly 8:34 am and go to the greenhouse

in the backyard of the mansion, where she will be for at least two hours,

there could be your best opportunity, either to take the book you want or

you stay there to read during that time.

Depending on her mood she will go to her experiment tower in the east

wing of the mansion where she will make some potions until 11:58 am,

where she will go to the dining room for lunch, although if she is not in

the mood she may go down to the basement for a while time with

Nocturn, no more than 10 minutes, after which she will sit in the library

office to solve some family issues, there is almost always something to

discuss, so it is certain that she will stay for at least 30 minutes to 2

hours, but without fail it will stop at 11:58 am.

Then she will go to lunch, this time she will take her time, but I don't

think you want to skip lunch so-"

Bloom: "Wait, wait, that's too much information, besides, how do you

know all that?"

Looking up from the papers on the table, Extimum looked at her.

Extimum: "Well, that's always her routine and she's rarely late even for a

minute, so it's most likely going to happen just as I tell you."

Bloom: "But how do you know it in such detail? Even if you have an

eidetic memory, that doesn't explain how detailed it all is."

Extimum: "..."


At that moment, a large coal-black owl flew in from the window that

overlooked the garden. With a few flutters of their wings, they landed

steadily and intelligently on a section of the desk where there were no


Extimum: "Oh, the response came faster than expected, I didn't think they

would send it directly to you Nocturn, Do you know the conclusion?"

The owl, staring at him, blinked and then extended its beak and took a

tube from its paw extending it toward Extimum.

Extimum: "It's good then, so I can take a little break." Reaching out his

hand, the owl released the tube from its beak, falling directly into his


Opening the cylindrical container, a thin piece of parchment slid out

from within, lying perfectly flat and wrinkle-free on the desk.

Bloom didn't pay attention to the letter, instead she looked carefully at

the owl in front of her. Something didn't feel right.

Extimum: "Draco said we could go in the afternoon, to meet us at a cafe

called Taste in Wiltshire."

"Thank you as always, Nocturn, I'll tell Bob to make you something

special for your efforts."

Giving a cheerful flap of its wings, the owl suddenly dissolved into a

shadow, which slid from the desk to the floor and then disappeared.

Bloom: "I knew there was something wrong with that owl, it was too


Extimum: "Nocturn finds that method convenient when sending letters, as

it doesn't attract much attention. Though the flaw is always there, no

matter what form they take, they are unable to speak normally or make

sound directly."

"Okay, it's 9:36 am, there's still a while left before the scheduled time, do

you want to do something different?"

Bloom: "Yes! *ahem* Why don't we go to the garden? Bob mentioned to

me the other time that we had a maze, I want to try it."

Extimum: "The maze? Are you sure...? You should know that the

mansion's labyrinth was not exactly made for fun inside, but rather from

the outside..."

Bloom: "It doesn't matter, it's still a maze and I want to try it"

Extimum: "If you say so..."


Wiltshire, in a small cafe off the main street.

The atmosphere inside was warm, with a light, sweet aroma of coffee and

wood wafting through the air. It was a little windy outside, so there were

a good number of people occupying the tables.

Furthermore, a nearby radio had tuned to a soft music station, so

everything seemed quite comfortable and peaceful.

An environment like this seemed ideal for rest and relaxation, perfect for

sitting and reading the newspaper or a book.

However, in such an environment, a strange feeling floated, since no

matter who they were, from the waiters to the customers sitting at

different tables, everyone could not help but cast occasional glances with

different emotions towards a specific table or rather, to who was sitting


The emotions varied, some were curious, others, strange, a few, disgust

and the rest and a last minority, especially female, some fascination.

And all of this was due to the figure of a young man sitting at one of the

tables calmly drinking tea, as if unaware of all the eyes.

His aura and mannerisms alone made some raise eyebrows. Their

clothing made them curious and reserved. His appearance evoked some

questions and an irresistible attraction to look at him continuously.

His mostly pale hair with some purple hues made some older men and

women feel uncomfortable, as if it sullied the rest of his good image or

they found it unacceptable, of course, it wasn't like that for everyone.

Sure from the looks of some young women.

He stood out like a sore thumb throughout the café.

Bloom: 'Ugh, don't all those stares make you uncomfortable?'. She said

lying on Extimum's hair while a light layer of illusion covered her.

Extimum: 'Not particularly, with time you get used to it'

The reactions of the people around him were no stranger to him, in fact,

it was one of the reasons why he usually preferred to change his

appearance when visiting the non-magical world. The standards of what

was common and acceptable were simply very different.

That said, it's not like he hasn't experienced something similar in the

wizarding world, albeit for somewhat different reasons.

As he calmly read the book in his hand and took a sip of his tea, the door

of the café opened. There wasn't any shrill or abrupt sound or even a

jingle of the bell like in some stores, but the opening strangely caused all

the people to focus on something else, taking their attention away from


Through the doors entered a beautiful woman, exquisitely dressed. The

cold and distant aura, as well as elegance and nobility, was emitted from

each of her movements.

Still, despite her appearance, it seemed that no one could see her, no, it

would be more accurate to say that it was as if they unconsciously

avoided looking at her.

Just then, from behind the woman, a blonde boy came out. His haughty

gaze swept over the cafe tables, but he quickly skipped to the one that

caught the most attention.

Draco: "Extimum, here you are, I hope you haven't been waiting too


Extimum: "Not at all, I haven't even finished my cup of tea"

Hearing his words, Draco immediately fixed his gaze on the cup. It was

still steaming and he had only drunk a ¼.

Draco: "Okay, it's good if I didn't make you wait."

Extimum: "That being said..." — getting up from his seat — "It's a

pleasure to see you again Mrs. Malfloy, I hope you'll excuse my late


Showing a weak smile on her cold face, Narcissa briefly examined

Extimum, feeling quite satisfied with his label.

Narcissa: "It's okay, there's nothing to worry about. I'm glad you decided

to come visit us. Draco himself has been quite restless waiting for your


Draco: "Mom!"

Narcissa: "Well, let's not linger any longer in this little place..."

With that said, Narcissa began to lead the way out of the cafe. Draco and

Extimum immediately followed her as they chatted.

Their departure was not felt by any of the diners in the cafe. Although

once they had gone far enough, some inevitably turned their gaze

towards a particular table, although upon finding it empty they

wondered what it was they expected to see there, at that empty table.

It wasn't too long of a walk, they just had to cross a few streets and

suddenly they had arrived in front of the grounds of a large mansion.

The lands were quite extensive and its style seemed quite discordant with

everything around it, that being said, just a glance and one would not be

able to tell that there was some kind of magical separation at the

boundary, as ordinary people passing by while crossing the limit

appeared walking almost an entire block ahead.

Upon entering the area, they were greeted by the sight of an extensive

garden that only gave way to a narrow path that led towards the mansion

flanked to the left and right by neatly trimmed hedges and bushes.

The path was neither short nor long until the entrance of the mansion

where large iron gates blocked the way to the interior area. Although just

like in their own mansion, these doors opened when they got close

enough. Soon, they had crossed the gate and the narrow path arriving in

front of the doors of the mansion, which were opened by a house elf.

Upon entering they were greeted by a large, poorly lit and sumptuously

decorated foyer, with a large carpet covering most of the floor.

Narcissa took off her light coat and extended her hand with it in the air,

being greeted by another house elf who had appeared at some point.

Narcissa: "I hope our home is to your liking and that you enjoy our

hospitality during your stay. Well, Draco, I will leave you to your visit, if

you need anything, you know where to find me."

Extimum: "I appreciate the attention, Mrs Malfoy, I would also like to

give you this small gift, nothing too special, just my cordiality." As he

spoke, Bloom took out a thin box from inside his expandable bag and

handed it to one of the nearby house elves.

Narcissa: "You are very polite Mr. Shadowless, in that case I appreciate

your intention." Narcissa smiled and nodded slightly, clearly pleased.

With the end of her words, her figure turned and disappeared shortly

after behind a door. As soon as she was out of sight, Draco seemed to

loosen up a bit and was suddenly a few degrees more cheerful.

Draco: "I'm glad you decided to visit me, although I have fun at home, I

don't get visitors very often. I've been thinking about the time before you

came and I thought of some interesting things we could do, though

before that. Until what time can you stay? Or did your parents give you

permission to stay? If I ask my mother, it won't be a problem for you to

stay, we have many rooms here."

Extimum blinked briefly to himself, for some reason today's Draco felt

more… free? Although his attitude was quite manageable and good when

he wasn't around Harry or someone from Gryffindor to begin with, but

today's even seemed more natural...

Extimum: "It wouldn't be a problem to stay until before midnight,

although I wouldn't want to be a bother either, so I guess when the time

is right"

Draco: "Leave that, it's not a bother, on the contrary, my father was quite

excited about the idea of you visiting us, unfortunately it turned out to be

a last minute matter so he had to leave for the ministry, but let's not talk

about that, now come, I'll show you my room."

A few hours passed in the blink of an eye, after taking a brief tour and

introducing some places of interest in the mansion to Extimum, they

didn't really do anything too special, some board games and common

chat, until briefly discussing some spells, then It's lunch time.

One small oversight and his performance at lunch almost became

embarrassing, but it couldn't be helped, the last time he had dinner in a

house that wasn't his he almost passed out intoxicated, so even if he tried

to compose himself, his body seemed extremely alert and cautious

making him somewhat rigid when eating, luckily soon after he relaxed as

he felt the familiar unique taste of food from the magical world.

After that, he went out with Draco to the back garden, where at his

request, they had a small duel to eat lunch since Draco wanted some

advice after his failure in the dueling club and seeing Extimum's good

performance in his.

After all, Daphne Greengrass had shown great performance in the other

classes, raising not only her reputation but also that of Extimum who

managed to defeat her that time.

Almost at 5:00 pm Draco stopped dueling practice and took him to the

mansion's study.

Of course, during all that time Extimum did not neglect Bloom either,

although she could not speak, he tried to subtly include her in some

activities, surprising Draco when she defeated him in a game of wizard

chess, in addition to reading some books from Draco's collection. and

explore the mansion.

Draco: "Your fairy is too strange, she's not normal at all. I still don't

understand how she could beat me four times in a row at wizard chess, it

almost seems like the first time we played she just let me win. Seriously,

1-4, Is it possible that she really are that smart?"

Extimum: "I'd call it more cunning, that being said, Bloom is pretty


Bloom who was sitting on Extimum's shoulder raised her face proudly as

she listened to them talk.

Draco: "Yes, I think she's quite particular...which makes her kind of

interesting, if she's so smart, you could ask her to do various things for

you right?"

Extimum: "Indeed, do you still remember the fangs you grew on


Draco: "Yeah, they were a pain because I still had them the next day and

it was a pain to have breakfast, wait, was it her?"

Extimum only smiled slightly in silence.

Draco: "That explains it, you were sitting too far away to have tampered

with my drink... We arrive. This is the mansion's study, here there is a

good collection of books and other things in case you want to look at

something, we also have many antiques, my father likes to collect them."

Looking around, the study was a large room, half of it was occupied by

shelves of books and the other half was an office, further back, several

display cases could be seen.

Although the library caught his attention, he didn't think there were

many books in it that he didn't already have in his own library, so most

of Extimum's attention was caught by the display cases at the back of the


The objects presented were a collection of items that were quite varied

and unique in their own way. Some hieroglyphs, ancient coins, parts of

magical animals, among other things, it was difficult to classify

everything due to its variety.

That said, strong dark magic was felt from a good portion of them,

although those were in special sealed display cases, while the others were

simply displayed on shelves.

In the middle of the exhibition, a display case caught Extimum's

attention. Unlike the others, this one was covered with a curtain.

Extimum: "What's in that one? Why is it covered?"

Draco: "Oh, that one, that one is recent, my father brought it just a few

days ago from an ancient ruin that was reported to the ministry.

Apparently the information was not very reliable... so it was dismissed

by the ministry, even so, my father who is an enthusiast went to

investigate it personally"

Extimum: "Oh and did they find anything interesting?"

Draco: "Yes, well, more or less. The location was nothing special, it was a

simple cave found during a Muggle excavation, my father said that, if it

weren't for his persistence, he would have also dismissed the place, since

it was just when he reached the end of the cave and explored thoroughly,

he found traces of magic, the rest was completely ordinary, that said, the

extraordinary is only limited to a very particular magical mural.

Unfortunately, neither my father nor any of his friends could identify any

of the inscriptions and the images alone didn't say much, so anyway,

although he couldn't get anything out of the mural, he found this."

Speaking up to this point, Draco reached in front of the covered display

case and pulled a cord that pulled the curtain open, revealing a

receptacle that held a spherical object, similar to an egg, in fact, upon

closer inspection It was quite similar to a Fabergé egg.

The egg was metallic black in color, embroidered with intricate

inscriptions of pure gold and inlaid with diamonds, on its free faces there

were carvings of unclear figures. The design looked extremely detailed,

as if its maker had carefully sculpted every little part of it. Furthermore,

although from his perception it was clearly an inanimate object, when

stared at it it created the illusion as if it were palpitating.

Bloom: 'What an ancient aura'

Extimum: 'Do you feel something or recognize it?'

Bloom: 'No, not specifically and it's not familiar to me, but its aura is

even older than the time before it was frozen.'

Extimum: "*Humming* Hmm?"

Draco: "Is something wrong?"

Extimum: "No, it's just that I thought I recognized one of the symbols, but

it may just be similar"

Draco: "Really?"—Doubt appeared on his face, since he had seen his

father and his friends studying the egg for a long time and even relying

on some old books without success—"If you want, you can get closer to

see it in detail. There's no problem even if you touch it; my father already

inspected it and had a professional curse-breaker clean it."

As if reaffirming his own words, Draco waved his wand opening a

compartment in the glass display case and took the egg directly, offering

it to Extimum.

Extimum: "Is it really okay for me to take it?"

Draco: "Tsk, you don't have to hesitate so much, you see it's safe and my

father won't care as long as you don't break it."

Extimum: "Well, that being so." Without further hesitation, he extended

his hand and pulled it closer to take a closer look.

Bloom also flew around the egg, looking at it, clearly intrigued by its

intricate design and luxurious composition.

Upon observing him closely, Extimum noticed that he had indeed not

made a mistake. Although the inscriptions were somewhat faint and worn

by time, as he ran his fingers lightly over them, the outline was clearly an

inscription he knew.

Intrigued, he moved his hand, gently tracing the other inscriptions and as

he did so, several symbols passed through his head, trying to find

coincidences, since it was not strange for different systems to share the

same symbols, although with different or similar meanings.

As he concentrated, one symbol finally stood out among the others, but it

still wasn't enough, so he moved his hand to the next and then the next.

His mind racing and comparing his touch with his memory, it almost

seemed like a rain of characters and words in his head.

Soon, all the words and characters disappeared from his mind and a word

escaped his mouth.


Draco: "What?"

A single word, but to Draco's ears it felt like he had heard incoherent


Extimum: "The language, what is written here, is #"#$$"%"

Draco: "Wait, repeat that, Ytu#$=2? What? How do you even pronounce


Extimum: "No, what I told you is Yllu#$%#."

Draco: "Yfld&%?"


"fldsmdfr?" [:v]

Extimum: "Hahaha." A small laugh escaped Extimum's mouth as he heard

Draco spout nonsense with an impatient and constipated face.

Draco: "It's not funny, what you say is simply unpronounceable Yllu$

%&?, you know what?, forget it, I don't care, the important thing is, do

you know what it says there?"

Extimum: "As for that...I'm not entirely sure, at most I can give an


In fact, saying that he could give a rough idea was saying something.

Ylluxanty, an almost extinct language, if not for its presence in a few

books around the world. There were probably no longer any speakers of

that language, let alone even reading it. Even mere knowledge of

Extimun was limited to having seen him in passing when reading some

random information in his family's grimoire.

And other than remembering some of its symbols and their apparent

meaning, he hadn't studied or detailed anything about it, the only reason

he had even bothered to read it briefly was because it was the first

recorded language of the mages.

The nameless language was the most popular among all races, but when

it came to the language spoken by the early mages and the humans

among them, it was undoubtedly Ylluxanty.

Draco: "That's already incredible, try it, I want to know what it says"

Extimum: "Okay... Here, do you see this face? This is where the text

begins. It's only four sentences really.

The first one says something like, at the start, at the beginning? Everyone

was alone, but there were…Exceptions? Yes, that's more or less the

general meaning.

Let's see, the next sentence says, the star... No, the sun. Like the moon

and the sun or is it an eclipse? This is too vague and has several

interpretations… I will say, like the moon and the sun. Then, like the

moon and the sun, an unexpected fusion.

The third is: an unavoidable destiny, change, fall, the battle for the

future. This phrase doesn't have many interpretations, so I think that's the

correct meaning.

As for the last sentence..."

Extimum's brow furrowed as he looked at the last sentence, there were

two symbols right in the middle of the sentence that he had no

knowledge of, probably because it was on a page he skipped when he lost

interest in the topic.

Draco: "What's wrong? You don't know what that last sentence says?"

Extimum: "Hmm, I roughly understand the beginning and end of the

sentence, but I don't know what it says in the middle, so I don't know

how to fully make sense of it"

Draco: "Just read it as is, maybe then we'll come up with something."

Extimum: "Good. The fruit of… The untold horror"

Draco: "This... It doesn't really give any clue, anything could go in the


Bloom: 'The sun and the moon... The egg is black as night and the edges

are bright gold as day, could it be the fruit of both?'

Extimum: 'It is not a bad assumption, but it cannot be, since if it were so I

would recognize the words'

Bloom: 'Or maybe the key is not in what they are but in what they make


Extimum: 'What do they make up?'

Extimum handed the egg to Draco while he also struggled, thinking

intensely about what might be missing.

Draco: "Ugh, it doesn't occur to me that I could go there and although I

have some ideas, it could be so many things. Don't you have a book

where you learned the- that language? Maybe we could look up the

meaning of those two characters"

Extimum: "Yes, but I won't be able to access that book for a while, so I

don't know when I'll be able to review it and give you an answer about


Draco: "Hmm, maybe if you write me the name of that language, I can

ask my father to look it up, it shouldn't be too difficult to get the name."

Extimum: "It's not- wait... two? sun and moon? day and night? duality?

the fruit of duality. The untold horror. That could be, it sounds plausible,

what do you think Draco? Dra- "

**Clicking metallic sound** **Deafening screech**




Hello everyone, here is your fugitive author after a long time :v

I had wanted to upload this chapter for a long time, but you know how

things are. The mind is filled with many things and then there is no


Anyway, here's another update and I hope that soon I can release the

other one, I must admit in my shame that I forgot the part that

followed and that is why it took me so long to upload this one, but I

have more or less managed it now , anyway this is just a small

interlude...or maybe not? Find out in the next episode of....*Copyright


Chapter 58: A little adventure


With a crash, two figures flew out of nowhere, falling onto a rough, rocky

ground. The place was in a complete absence of light and the air infested

with a dry and dusty feeling, where even oxygen seemed scarce.

--Pov Extimum--.


With a slight intonation, the light turned on from my wand. I

immediately looked at where Draco had fallen and then at my

surroundings seeing that he was fine and just a little disheveled.

'Are you okay, Bloom?'



I looked around quickly and then tried to feel her, but...nothing. It's not

here... it wasn't transferred... Why? She was right next to me. No, that

doesn't matter right now.

If she's not here, it may be better. This place looks like a cave, although I

don't know where, but considering how we got here, I can assume that it

is either the same cave where they found the egg or... one related to its


As my thoughts wandered, another light illuminated not far from me.

Draco: "Lumos! Ugh. Damn, how did we end up here? *cough* and this

place is so dusty, I can barely breathe without feeling like I'm breathing

in dirt."

"The egg must have been a portkey, one that was activated by reading its



Draco spat on the floor as he brushed off his clothes.

Draco: "Then it's a cheap, tacky portkey. How could it just throw us

around like that? My mouth tastes like dirt and my clothes are a mess.

With that aside, how did it activate? You weren't holding the Egg, nor do

we use magic, to begin with, you didn't even read the inscriptions in their

original language, this goes against common sense." Annoyance and

confusion were evident in his tone.

"Most likely the trigger was not the words or the sound itself, but the

intention spoken through them."

Draco: "Eh, let's go with that for now. Speaking of which, where's the


"Didn't you hold it before we came?" I asked him as I directed my gaze to

his body and then around him.

Draco: "Yes, but at some point I lost it out of my hands. I thought it

would have fallen somewhere, but I already looked around and it's not

there."— Draco frowned —"This is making less and less sense. It's not

normal for the object that functions as a portkey to simply disappear,

since the portkey always travels with the people; it's the bridge. How

could it disappear??"

I was silent for a second, that was a good point, which made it more

disconcerting, plus if we had it, we could get out of here right away.

"Let's not dwell on it so much, now the question is, do you have a way of

knowing if this cave is the same one that your father explored?" Doubts

aside, I asked the most important question now.

Draco: "*Cough* Yes, although I have not been here, I saw the map that

my father drew of that place, it was not too complicated and it is almost

a straight path, so, if we are in the same place, as long as we walk In one

direction, close to the walls, we will reach the beginning or the end of

the cave quickly and we will be able to check it out."

"Well, in that case, let's go in that direction."

Draco: "Why that direction?"


--End Pov--.

As Draco and Extimum began to walk in the chosen direction, they

noticed that as soon as they stopped talking, a disturbing silence settled

around them. The cave was strange, perhaps not noticeable at first, since

only their footsteps or a casual word could generate an echo, but when

they stopped they noticed that the silence that enveloped them felt

somewhat abnormal.

Whether it was magic or just the characteristics of the cave was a matter

neither of them could say, but since the discomfort was obvious, they

tried to make a casual chat in low voices as they walked.

With the light of the two wands raised and the echo of their footsteps,

they stuck to one of the walls while they walked not far from each other.

Extimum held his wand aloft more for comfort than for the illumination

it provided, keeping a wary gaze as they continued forward.

It was 15 long minutes that almost seemed like forever to Draco until

they finally reached the end of the cave.

The place was much wider in all directions, so much so that the ceiling

was not even visible, and the floor seemed to be in a slight depression

towards the back of the place.

As they walked there, they saw a large mural carved into the stone of the

wall, contrasting due to its deep black color compared to the other walls.

Draco: "The inscriptions seem similar to the ones on the egg, although

these are even more worn. If this is the same cave, I understand why my

father didn't even bother to take a photo or copy it."

Extimum's gaze also watched carefully and upon seeing even more

unknown symbols on the mural he regretted not having at least reviewed

all the content of Ylluxanty, after all, he just had to have given it a more

detailed look to remember it and so he could be able to maybe

understand what it said on the mural.

That said, he didn't lament too much, after all, how was he to know that

he would come across something written in such an old and extinct

language? His reasons for ignoring it weren't entirely wrong, although

that didn't matter at this point.

Extimum: "So, are you sure it's the same cave?"

Draco: "Not completely, but, I have a way to check, if it really is the same

cave, then there should be something..."— Searching briefly with his

gaze, Draco ran towards a stone slab that seemed to move, revealing a

small cavity. —"Here. This confirms it, this is where my father and his

friends found the egg."

Coming closer to look, Extimum noticed a square, smooth cavity beneath

the stoneware that Draco moved. It wasn't very large, just the right size

to contain the egg.

Taking another quick look around, he silently cast a revelio, although as

expected, it didn't reveal anything, in fact, he would be more surprised if

it showed anything, but there was nothing to lose by trying. If he could

find something that Mr. Malfoy and his friends didn't see that would be


Turning around, he returned to the mural and moved closer to look at it

in more detail.

Draco also followed him curiously.

Draco: "Do you recognize anything?"

Extimum: "No. I see some scattered symbols, but most of them are in an

unrecognizable state, not to mention that I don't understand most of

them, and it's clear that whatever it said was meant to be interpreted

with the images, but those parts are literally in pieces. Not even a reparo

spell could fix something in this state."

Draco: "Well, we're here, anyway, see if you understand anything. In the

meantime I'll look to see if there's anything else here." With that said, he

walked away to check his surroundings, after all, it wasn't very often he

ended up in situations like this.

Extimum only nodded slightly and focused on the mural. Touching some

inscriptions, seeing if maybe they reacted to magic or if there was some

secret switch. As for the area around the mural, he didn't pay much

attention to it, he could see better than Draco without the light and he

had already vaguely glared at most of this space.

This part of the cave had a circular shape, as if it had been some kind of

room, and it also seemed to lean slightly towards the front of it, where

the mural was. If it weren't for the absence of anything, he would have

thought that this place was perhaps some kind of auditorium or


In fact, the latter is what made him lose interest in the rest of the room.

There was literally nothing here but dust and the occasional rock and

while there might still be some, he would leave that to Draco.

A few minutes passed like this, with Draco checking here and there and

trying to move the occasional rock and Extimum focused on getting

something from the mural.

**Creak creak**

Suddenly, Extimum's ears that he kept invisible on his head shook

slightly. Due to his state of alert he had taken them out to increase the

range of his senses and at this moment he perceived a light and distant


Pausing slightly, he listened carefully, but there was no other sound, so

he returned his attention to the mural, but just then.

**Creak creak**

The sound returned and this time it became louder, enough that even an

echo of it began to be heard very faintly in the silent cave.

Draco: "What is that?" Draco briefly stopped what he was doing when he

heard the sound.

Extimum did not respond, listening intently, unbeknownst to him, his

pair of fox ears had been raised firmly in a state of alert.

And after listening for a few seconds, he finally spoke.

Extimum: "They sound like footsteps, someone else is here." Taking his

gaze away from the mural, Extimum said as he looked at the path they

had come from.

Draco: "Anyone else? That's impossible, my father sealed the only

entrance, no one should even know about this place"

Extimum: "Wait, the entrance was sealed?" Extimum stared at Draco.

Draco: "eh...yeah, I had forgotten before because of the whole situation

and I wasn't sure if it was the same cave"

Extimum: "Well, at least the problem of us being locked up here is no

longer a concern, but...".

**Creak creak** *Footstep Footstep*

The sound became louder with each passing second, to the point that

Draco could also recognize the sound as footsteps, however, Extimum's

gaze was somewhat more serious because he could also vaguely hear


???: "Are you sure this is the place? It doesn't look much different from

the other caves in the mine"

??:"I'm sure, what I don't understand is why the entrance was covered, if

it weren't for the fact that I was sure there was something here and from

what I saw with my own eyes, I would have thought there was nothing"

?:"It's strange actually..."

???: "I just hope you're not wasting our time, George, because if you

made me come here just to smell dirt...*Cluck*"

An unknown sound like something metallic was heard.

George:"*Gulp* Don't worry, I wouldn't dare lie to you. When this place

was reported to the management they had a strange reaction and forbade

the mine staff to go near it. But I was with the team that discovered this

cave, I only explored a part of it before they made us retreat, but I found

this and I'm sure there was more"

Extimum's brow furrowed, from what he was hearing it didn't seem like

they were wizards, but rather muggles and leaving aside the fact that it

seemed like they didn't have permission to be here, the man named

George had a memory of this place after this place fell under the

surveillance of the ministry.

Which was unusual, since generally when the ministry found out that

some place related to magical civilization was discovered by the Muggles,

they pulled strings and sent investigators, in the first instance to secure

the area, in addition to investigating what was in it. According to what

was obtained the course of action was decided, however, without fail, the

first stages were about containment.

So it was rare for a muggle or non-magical to escape the encirclement

and remember anything.

Several thoughts ran quickly through Extimum's mind, from them being

another type of creature or that they had just been lucky, among other

things, although he finally stopped at something.

'Lucius... *Tch*, his blatant use of power to gain access to this cave is the

only explanation for the ministry failing in its duties.'

Though he thought about it, he quickly snapped out of those unnecessary

thoughts. Faint lights from the intruders were already starting to be seen

in the distance.

Without a second thought, he waved his wand casting a silent nox

extinguishing both his and Draco's wand.

Extimum: "Draco, come quickly, we must hide"

Draco: "Where? There's nothing here to hide with, besides, why should

we hide? I heard some of the conversation, they're just muggles. They

shouldn't even be here."

Extimum: "It doesn't matter if they are muggles, just come, I have a way

to hide us. If they see us it will only cause questions and we can't forget

them." Extimum didn't want to get into any more trouble, right now he

really preferred his vacation to be just that, plus he felt a little


Draco: "Hmp, it doesn't matter, they're just dirty muggles, with some

simple spells without them realizing it and thinking this place is cursed."

Extimum felt a headache coming on, when Draco got into that plan it

became problematic and to make matters worse, he had ended up

speaking in a much louder tone of voice that echoed through the cave.

There was no way they hadn't heard them.

?: "Huh? Did you hear that? I think I hear voices"

George: "That's impossible, there is only one entrance to this place and it

was completely sealed when we entered."

???: "No, I heard something too."

Extimum: "Draco, we are no longer in the mansion, we can't just use

magic with the wand casually."

The lights began to approach faster in his direction and Extimum realized

that it was too late to cast an illusion on them, at most he could hide

himself, but Draco was very far away and without using his wand, his

range was much smaller. Outside of wizarding homes, he only had a very

limited repertoire of spells he could use and that was under the premise

that no non-magicals would see him, unless he wanted to be involved in

a public scandal like Harry in the story.

However, as he assumed, Draco didn't even make an effort to approach

him, walking at a slow pace, with his head somewhat held high, although

he at least had the decency to hide his wand in the sleeve of his clothes.

In just a few seconds, the light arrived in front of them, showing the

figures of three adult men.

???:" Children?". One of the men shined his flashlight on Extimum's face

and then on Draco's.

George: "What are some kids doing here? How did they even get in?"

?:"That's easy to know, hey you, the one with the strange hair, tell me,

how did you get in here?"

Extimum narrowed his eyes in annoyance, the man had no manners

whatsoever, pointing his flashlight directly at his face and demanding


Extimum: "The derogatory comment was a bit unnecessary..."

???:"Wow, this guy has some attitude, Martin."

George: "But I still don't understand how they got in, it's not easy to

sneak into the mine with the tough surveillance and this cave is quite


?:"Probably since they are smaller they managed to sneak away, however,

boy, you still haven't answered my question, how did you get into this

cave? Is there another entrance?"

Draco: "Tch, I'm not surprised by the lack of education of these Muggles,

don't you know that you shouldn't shine the light in people's faces? Take

that damn light out of my face, you dirty monkey."

???:"Muggle? What is a muggle?"

George: "Probably just a few words from young people today"

???: "I don't believe it, I've never heard it before"

George: "You don't even have kids, how would you know what young

people today say?"

Draco's fist clenched in anger, seeing how not only did they not remove

the annoying and blinding light from his face, but they also began to talk

to each other, ignoring him and talking stupid things.

Draco: "Dirty Muggles-." Draco pulled out the wand he had kept in his

sleeve and squeezed it as he pointed it at the man who was pointing the

flashlight at him.

Extimum: "Draco, no!"

???: "Hey, look George, he has a branch! Be careful"

George: "Hahahahahaha"

???: "Hahaha"

Martin: "Alright, enough wasting time you two. Don't forget why we

came. Stop shining your flashlights in their faces and your boy, answer

my question."

Draco's hand was shaking, it was noticeable that he was clearly offended,

but Extimum's intense gaze made him hesitate briefly and then finally

stop. Taking a deep breath he barely lowered his hand, but didn't put

away his wand.

His behavior seemed ridiculous in the eyes of the three men.

Draco ignored their unpleasant looks and held back for now, the anger

still growing, but he regained a bit of lucidity. He knew that if he made a

move now, he could finish them off, but since his wand had a tracker,

things wouldn't end well for him any other way.

Killing them would condemn him to Azkaban and neutralizing them

would condemn him to a public trial for breaking the secrecy statute,

tarnishing his family's reputation among other punishments.

Draco: 'Damn tracker.'

Extimum secretly sighed as he watched him lower his wand. For the sake

of the situation, he was willing to offend Draco by quickly disarming him

if he saw him try something, at least that was within his capabilities

without using his wand.

Of course, it was not because he cared about the lives of the three men,

but he simply wanted to avoid trouble.

Turning his gaze, he focused his attention on the man in the center of the

trio, without the blinding light on his face he could see the appearance of

the trio. They didn't seem like people with many friends, but the man in

the center stood out a little more, either because he seemed to command

the others or because his clothing seemed much cleaner and more

expensive than those of the other two men.

Extimum: "There was another entrance, but it collapsed just when we

entered here not long ago"

Martin: "Oh? And where was that entrance?"

Extimum: "From where you came, there was a hole, but after we entered

here it collapsed"

???: "hmm...". Clearly Extimum's story didn't sound very convincing,

making the trio suspicious.

George: "It's hard to say, it's already strange that the entrance was

completely sealed. You should know that when we discovered this place

the entrance wasn't exactly small, but now it was completely covered up

as if we had never dug there. If these children found a hole or entered

before it was closed..."

George, although also unconvinced, commented on his opinion, since the

fact that the entrance was completely sealed had him more worried.

???: "Hmm, it is possible"

Martin: "In that case, it can be said that we indirectly saved them." A

crooked smile settled on the man's face as he looked at them.

???: "So it seems, in that case, I think you should thank us and

compensate us." The man commented while noticing the two children's

clothes that, although they were dirty, a second glance showed that they

were not ordinary at all.

With an unconcealed hint of displeasure on his face and gritting his teeth,

Draco spoke.

"We have no money with us"

George: "Tsk, they don't look like beggars, but how come they don't have

anything in their pockets? I don't think so, we should check them."

Draco: "Don't push your luck, you dirty muggle!"

Extimum: "There is no need to check us, we do not bring anything of

value on us." As he spoke, Extimum took out his pants pockets and

opened his vest, showing that he was not carrying anything. As for his

bag, he had turned it invisible as soon as he noticed that they were

approaching. An action done to leave a hidden card that now seemed to

have saved him from some discomfort.

Seeing his action, although clearly angry, Draco surprisingly endured it

and showed his pockets just like Extimum. He didn't carry anything

either, because he was home first, he didn't need to carry anything other

than his wand and anything else he needed he could get nearby or ask

the house elves at the mansion.

Draco: "See, there's nothing."

Just when they thought they would be left alone, their leader spoke


Martin: "I wouldn't say that. On your vest, the watch you were wearing, I

saw the chain. Give me that watch." Martin said as he stared at Extimum

and pointed his flashlight at his chest.

Extimum's pupils suddenly sharpened, but he still reached into his vest

and took out his pocket watch. It was just an ornate, old-style watch,

mostly composed of gold.

His eyes lingered briefly on it. It was just an ordinary watch, but it had a

certain special meaning to him. Even so, his gaze did not linger for two

seconds and he extended his hand in front of him.

"Take it". As usual, there was no fluctuation in his voice.

Martin narrowed his eyes briefly, there was something about the boy in

front of him that made him very uncomfortable. From the moment they

had arrived he was too calm, too indifferent, without emotion. It wasn't

natural. His oddity became more evident when he compared him to the

other boy next to him.

'He didn't even hesitate to hand it over…'

Martin: "Throw it to me."

Unperturbed, Extimum did not hesitate and threw it at the man in front

of him. Martin caught it easily and passed it to his partner next to him.

Extimum: "That should be enough compensation for 'saving' us."

George: "Look at this Gale, this watch looks like an heirloom, what

exquisite patterns. They haven't made these in almost a century and

what's more, it seems to be made entirely of gold." George's voice

sounded excited and a little greedy.

Gale's eyes widened slightly in surprise and he snatched the watch from

George's hands to look at it in more detail, without hiding his greed. If

this was an antique it could be worth much more than just melting it for

its material.

Martin was also slightly astonished, although he did not show it, instead,

he began to consider the background of the boy in front of him. Either he

didn't know the value or the family he belonged to could afford to give

an heirloom as is to a simple child.

Martin: "Well, that will be enough compensation."

Extimum: "In that case, we will leave-"

Martin: "However, you haven't thanked us properly yet and it turns out

that we conveniently need a little help digging. you both seem young and

full of energy, I don't think you'd have a problem with moving a bit of


Draco who was about to walk stopped suddenly and looked ready to


Extimum: "I don't think it's necessary, if it's just thanks, then thank you.

With the watch I think you have more than enough good will"

Finishing his words, Extimum did not wait and began to walk around

them. There was enough space in this spacious cave.

But right at that moment.


Martin: "I don't think so, I think you should help us before you leave


The sound made Extimum stop immediately and look towards Martin. A

slight fluctuation was finally seen in his eyes as he noticed the revolver in

his hand.

Even Draco calmed down for a second. Although he had not seen it in

person, he had heard of Muggle weapons. They weren't normally a

problem for wizards, but he wasn't a full-fledged wizard yet and he

couldn't use his wand without getting into serious trouble.

George: "Hehehe, come on, don't get too tense, we just need you to help

us dig a little, then you can leave."

Extimum stared at the gun and then at the three men. His eyes regained

their usual calm, while his expression remained unchanged, however,

there was a surreptitious change. A cold and inexplicable aura seemed to

emanate from him.

The three men felt as if a cold wind crossed their bodies, but it quickly

disappeared, as if it were an illusion, and when they looked carefully,

they were just children.

Finally, Extimum spoke.

"Lead the way."

Martin smiled pleased, but he did not lower the gun, in fact, without him

knowing it he was squeezing it harder. He was a somewhat cautious man

so he was cautious even when dealing with children.

Pointing with his gun, he showed the direction for them to move.

Extimum ignored the cannon pointed at him and began walking with

Draco. His calm somehow calmed Draco who was debating whether to

use his wand or how he would tell his father to capture these men and

torture them in the dungeons of his mansion.

Unnoticeable to everyone, a red glow flickered for a moment in

Extimum's eyes before disappearing.

They didn't walk long when one of the men spoke again.

George: "Stop, this is it."

The place where they had stopped was not too far away, it seemed clear

that if Draco had not spoken out loud, these three men would not have

approached their location and perhaps would have been able to pass by

them without them noticing.

As Extimum's mind briefly wandered to this thought, two shovels were

thrown in front of them.

Gale: "Now, let's dig."

Extimum looked at the shovels and then at the three men. By order of

their leader, Martin, they had kept a good distance from them at all times

and even the gun had not stopped pointing at them at any time along the


Extimum was somewhat surprised by their vigilance and caution, leaving

aside that being children they did not seem very threatening, their

current appearances were somewhat disheveled by their abrupt arrival


Without saying anything, Extimum walked over and took one of the

shovels and started digging. Draco hesitated, but when he saw Extimum

start digging he also followed him.


They dug for a while and after 30 minutes, the hole seemed a little deep,

although most of the work had been done by Extimum and Draco was

just stirring up some of the loose dirt that Extimum had subtly loosened.

To begin with, it was not even known what those three men or their

leader were thinking, since being children it did not seem that they had

much strength for something like this, especially after they saw their

clothing, they did not seem like those who led a lifestyle hard.

Draco at least had some stamina from practicing Quidditch, but as a

young man from a well-off family, he usually didn't have to do much

physical effort, so strength especially at this age didn't seem like

something very remarkable.

So the main force was Eximum. His current physical strength was already

comparable to that of 6.5 adult men so, if it weren't for not looking too

conspicuous, he could dig much faster.

What he didn't know is that, even holding back, he had already surprised

the three men, since they didn't expect that a couple of children could dig

so fast. Mainly they had been made to dig because what they were

looking for was not very deep and because it was very exhausting and


Gale: "I didn't think those two thin-armed children had so much energy.

They have been digging almost non-stop".

George: "It was a good idea to make them dig."

Martin: "Hmm."


Just then, the sound of metal clashing was heard.

Draco: "I found something."

Stopping his shovel from digging, Extimum walked over to where Draco

was digging to watch. Although due to the low light Draco couldn't

identify what he had found, Extimum noticed it immediately.

'More gold. Although they are no longer coins, they look like a plaque.'

A slight disappointment washed over Extimum at the discovery.

Moving his shovel, Extimum quickly helped dig around the found object

and before long the object itself became visible.

They were tablets made of gold, three to be exact, plus a few coins here

and there, however, they were not magical or related to the mural for

that matter, they just had some notations in a language derived from


And upon noticing that, Extimum's disappointment only deepened.

With the three tablets coming out, George and Gale approached and

entered the hole they had made to take a closer look, however, Martin

was still watching from above the hole.

George: "Hahaha, we found something big. I told you, that time I found

some gold coins while I was inspecting the place and I took advantage

when no one was looking to collapse some of the mounds of earth to

cover the place, but to think that deeper there would even be something

like this"

Gale: "Excellent, really fantastic! Look how much they weigh! This will

be worth a fortune"

Extimum moved away a little while both men excitedly reviewed the

three tablets and subtly moved his hand making certain strange signs.

George: "Wait, there's something else. Here"—Noticing something

strange, he digs a little with his hand and—"It's... Oh, god! It's jewels and


Gale next to him was also surprised and helped dig quickly. His hands in

almost a frenzy.

Gale: "Holy cow! Martin! You have to see this, there are so many of them,

this is...a treasure, we are rich!"

Martin was also surprised when he noticed the shine of the jewelry under

the light of the flashlights. And he leaned in to take a closer look. George

and Gale were pulling out handfuls and handfuls of shiny gems and

jewels from the dirt.

As he looked carefully, he didn't notice a shadow moving quickly.


Stunned, Martin touched his chest in pain and bewilderment. He felt a

somewhat wet and warm sensation. When he raised his hand he noticed

it was dyed red. Lowering his gaze, he notices an expanding red spot


Taking a step back with his feet suddenly feeling weak, he turned his

head back. His gaze met another. Calm. Serenity. Silence. The purple

eyes that looked at him seemed oblivious to his situation, however, the

sharp pupil that stared at him seemed like an abyss ready to swallow


He wanted to speak, but his throat felt choked and hot. As he lowered his

gaze he then noticed the reason for his sudden situation. A sword. Held

by the hands of the child who was looking at him. Going through his

back to his lungs and perhaps also his heart.

His thoughts slipped weakly and became somewhat confused, he wanted

to press the revolver in his hand and shoot him, but his hand felt empty.

His revolver was missing. He turned his gaze again to those eyes and

there, he saw something, for the first time since he met the boy, he saw...

Extimum bowed weakly without letting go of his sword and took his

watch from the man's pocket, putting it back in his vest before retreating

with his sword.


Immediately, Martin's body lost all support and fell into the hole, falling

next to George and Gale who in their excitement had not heard anything.


The body fell right next to the two men, who finally stopped in their

excitement of digging gems and jewels out of the ground, staring blankly

at Martin's body that had fallen next to them.

George: "Ma-Martin, what's wrong?"

Both men jumped up from the ground, alarmed, however, they did not

have time to fully understand the situation when they felt their visions

begin to spin.

From the side, Draco watched all of this with just a hint of surprise in his

eyes. Although he noticed some signs, Extimum had not told him

anything about what he planned so he was just as surprised as those men,

only, instead of terror, he felt somewhat at ease, but mainly reluctant

that they would die so easily.

Extimum: "It's over." Extimum's imperturbable voice snapped Draco out

of his lamentation.

Draco: "Ha, you deserve it, you dirty muggles, daring to covet wizard

things. I still feel like you got away too easily, but it's also a good thing

you're dead." Draco approached and kicked the two headless bodies,

venting his pent-up anger, although he then stopped, not wanting to get

blood on his shoes.

Extimum: "Hmm."

Extimum's gaze also briefly lingered on their bodies. A lot had happened

since the last time he had personally killed another human, so he had no

hesitation in ending their lives.

However, he did silence the anger that had been bubbling inside him. He

could have ended things sooner, however, he was quite wary of the gun

in the man's hands and didn't know if the other two also had one on


'It would be good to then get some firearms to measure their destructive

power and see how to defend myself against them. I concentrated so

much on the magic that I forgot this latent threat.'

His caution made him play along. Watching them, looking for an

opportunity and most importantly, curious to know what they had come

here to look for, although he was disappointed to see that it was only

gold. Valuable, yes, but not related to what had brought them to this

place or maybe it was, but it was just money, there was no artifact or

anything magical about it.

That is why after half an hour of digging and not finding much, he take

advantage of the fact that they went down into the hole to create the

illusion of jewels and diamonds under the ground of the gold tablets.

They were seething with excitement, but Draco only looked on with

disdain as they grabbed handfuls of dirt in euphoria and shouted about

having found treasure.

Meanwhile, as it became evident, Extimum slipped away and with a

thought, removed his sword from his bag and stabbed Martin, followed

by telekinetically snatching the revolver from him.

The moment they laid their eyes and then demanded their belongings,

there was no longer a chance for them to leave this cave alive. Maybe he

was exaggerating, the simple outrage against them by not letting them go

had already ignited a spark of anger inside him or maybe it really was

that they took away his watch, it didn't matter anymore.

Extimum: "Let's go, we've been here long enough"

Draco: "Okay, but what about these tablets and the gold coins we found,

don't you want them?"

Glancing at them briefly, Extimum was about to ignore them and leave

them all to Draco, when he remembered that he still needed capital for

his projects.

Extimum: "Let's divide the coins in half, as for the tablets...I will only take

one, keep the rest"

With the end of his words he extended his hand and a tablet flew into his

hand, saying that, his brow furrowed a little. The tablet turned out to be

surprisingly heavy and he had to struggle a little to get it into his hand


Draco: "Okay." Draco picked up the other two tablets happily and then

ran towards the bag where they had put all the excavated gold coins.

Draco: "Huh, this is pretty heavy."

Stopping in his tracks, Extimum turned around and saw him struggling to

carry the bag, with no option he turned around.

Extimum: "I will carry it"

After leaving the cave, they followed the mine signage and were finally

able to get outside. It was already night and with a little illusion magic

the guards at the entrance did not see them so they were able to leave

without problems, after which, Draco insistently called out to one of the

house elves in his mansion who finally took them back.

It's not that they haven't tried inside the cave or in the mine. But no

matter how much Draco called, no one appeared. Intensifying Draco and

Extimum's idea that there really was something strange in that cave.


Draco: "We're finally back!" As soon as he breathed the familiar air of his

mansion, Draco couldn't help but exclaim with joy.

This unexpected adventure had been somewhat entertaining, exhausting

and somewhat annoying, yet, all things considered, it wasn't bad.

Especially when feeling the weight of the gold tablets he carried in his


However, the next second his mood faded.

Narcissa: "It's a good thing you're so excited, because you owe me some


Instantly the excited Draco froze a little and turned his head to look at

his mother, sitting elegantly on a chair not far away and staring at him

and his dirty and disheveled appearance with her beautiful ice blue eyes.




Hello, here's another chapter as promised. This is the last chapter of

the intermission, in the next one the next school year will begin with

many changes and surprises.

That said, something in this chapter doesn't quite satisfy me.

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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