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Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Новый профессор в Хогвартсе2

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Адреса змісту:https://www.fannovels.org/novel/new-professor-at-


In the summer of 1992, news that Hogwarts was about to open a new

course and needed a new professor quickly spread throughout the

wizarding world through newspapers such as the Daily Prophet and The

Quibbler. Countless people moved and sent letters to Hogwarts.

Ciaran Frémont, as a wizard who has graduated from Hogwarts for eight

years, also wants to return to Hogwarts and hold a professorship, and he

also received a reply from Principal Dumbledore, inviting him for a few

days Later, he went to Hogwarts for an interview. While happy, Xia Ran

found that he had an urgent task. He had to submit his resignation to his

immediate boss, the Director of the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement, the largest department of the Ministry of Magic!

Chapter 61 The end of the school


"Everything goes well, Dobby is finally free." Xia Ran smiled, waved her

wand, and changed into a chair for herself to sit on.

He then told Dumbledore his request.

"Books?" Dumbledore nodded and said, "Yes, I do keep a lot of precious

books here, and some unique ones, Xia Ran..."

Dumbledore did not refuse Xia Ran's request, and also opened his

collection of books. There was a room full of magic books, and Xia Ran

wanted to move them all away.

"I have taken away some of the more dangerous books from the library.

Those books are not suitable for students to read and can easily have a

bad influence on them." Dumbledore said, "But it doesn't matter,

Professor. You are interested in them." Just borrow any book. If you

really need it, you don’t have to give it back to me, but you have to make

a copy for me. After all, these are the collections of all the past principals

of Hogwarts."

"I just borrowed it for a look, and will return it when I've read enough."

Xia Ran said, and he finally borrowed seven thick books from

Dumbledore, all of which were about curses, dark magic, Transfiguration

and magical creatures.

After choosing the books, he said goodbye and returned to his office. He

spent the next few days reading the books. Food could be delivered by

the house elf in the kitchen using a spell. Anyway, there was a toilet in

his office. , living a self-sufficient life without going out, he almost never

steps out of the door.

The short vacation passed quickly, especially when Xia Ran was

concentrating on books. It seemed that the next semester was coming

soon, and the teaching tasks fell on Xia Ran. However, he did not find it

difficult. He had already mastered many of these curses. Completely

mastered it, otherwise he would not be qualified to be the combat class


As for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, forget about it.

The Quidditch game resumed, and there were wins and losses among the

four houses. But overall, Ravenclaw had the most wins and the highest

points. In the last game between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, Gryffindor

won the match. Gryffindor was unfortunately defeated in the end, and

Ravenclaw won the Quidditch championship this school year.

Gryffindor's teachers and students—Professor McGonagall is a loyal

Quidditch fan— They all looked very depressed. Xia Ran discovered that

the Gryffindor little lions were not active in the classroom during those

two weeks.

Ravenclaw was naturally happy. After all, Hogwarts only had two honors

in a year: the Quidditch championship and the Academy Cup. Although

the Academy Cup was more important, the Quidditch champion was also

a very special person. A big honor.

The students of Slytherin and Hufflepuff knew that they had no hope of

winning the Quidditch championship, so they adjusted their mentality

very early. Therefore, even though their grades were worse than

Gryffindor's, they were actually not as good as Gryffindor's. The students

are so frustrated.

In the next few months of the next semester, Xia Ran borrowed books

from Dumbledore several times. He felt that his knowledge had been

enriched a lot, and his level of transfiguration had also risen from level 4

(medium) to level 4. (higher).

The same is true for the level of Charms. At the end of the semester, it

was upgraded to level 4 (advanced). Both of these were improved by his

own efforts. Now his system panel has undergone certain changes.

[Name: Xia Ran Frémont. 】

[Age: 26 years old].

[Magic: Level 4 (Advanced)].

[Force points: 0 points. 】

[Transformation: Level 4 (Advanced)].

[Potion Science: Level 3].

[Charms: Level 4 (Advanced)].

[Herbology: Level 3].

[Flying Technique: Level 3. 】

His main improvement is still focused on magic level, transfiguration and

charms. Potions, herbalism, and flying are still the same as before, still at

level 3. He feels that if he really gets the next force point , it can be

properly divided and used to improve Potions, Herbalism and Flying. You

don’t need to be very powerful, but reaching level 4 is the minimum.

Relatively speaking, he is indeed more pleased with the improvement of

magic power, as well as the rapid progress of Charms and

Transfiguration, and is more willing to work hard on these three. If he

has extra Force points, he does not exclude the use of Potions, In the

three aspects of herbalism and flying.

"It's almost June. This school year is about to end. After the summer

vacation, I can rush to Gaunt's old house. Slytherin's ring and the

Resurrection Stone, one of the Three Hallows of Death, must contain the

original Strength points.”

Xia Ran suppressed his already restless mind. He glanced at the

classroom and saw a group of wizards writing furiously. This was a

theoretical examination.

The brown-haired girl sitting in the front with an anxious and confident

face is Hermione Granger.

The petrified students were rescued one after another on the eve of the

exam - Professor Sprout cultivated the mandrake, and Snape prepared the

potion - originally these students did not need to take the exam, because

at least they They lay in the hospital for a semester, unaware and didn't

learn anything from the teacher, so they didn't have to take exams for

this academic year.

But Hermione still applied to take the exam, including Penelope Crevat of


"Penello is a prefect, she will not fail to take the exam." Percy said,

satisfied with Penello's decision.

During lunch, Ginny whispered to the others, "Penello is Percy's


After she was discharged from the hospital, she returned to her previous

lively and cheerful personality, except that she was still nervous and

blushing when facing Harry Potter.

"Ginny!" Percy heard Ginny's murmur, and his face suddenly turned red,

and his neck was red.

The others couldn't help but laugh, feeling that the haze of the exam in

their hearts had weakened a bit.

But they still have to take the exam in the afternoon.

During the exam, Lockhart took the initiative to apply for resignation to

Dumbledore. Xia Ran was also on the side and heard the conversation

between the two.

"Gilderoy, do you really want to resign?" Dumbledore said in a gentle


Lockhart sighed and said: "Dumbledore, to tell you the truth, coming to

Hogwarts to teach is the worst decision of my life, bar none!"

"I'm so sorry."

"I don't mean to blame you. The last time I applied for resignation, you

rejected me because the school year was not over yet. Now it's the final

exam. You can't still use this reason to reject me, can you?" Lockhart said


Xia Ran recalled the scene when she met Lockhart after Christmas. It

seemed that he went to Dumbledore just to resign.

"Okay, Gilderoy, thank you for your support and help this year."

Dumbledore still agreed to Lockhart's resignation application and said,

"You can go to the banquet before leaving."

"No." This time it was Lockhart who refused, saying, "I think the students

and teachers don't want to see me attending the banquet, because..."

At this time, the two people came over, and Xia Ran coughed lightly at

the corner, which was a reminder.

Lockhart reached out his hand, shook hands with Xia Ran, and

immediately went down the stairs to his office.

"Hey, where are we going to find a wizard who is willing to teach

Defense Against the Dark Arts next year?" Dumbledore said worriedly.

This was almost his biggest headache every summer.

Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?

Xia Ran couldn't help but feel something in her heart, she immediately

smiled and said, "Dumbledore, I have a candidate."

Chapter 62 Candidates

"Do you have a suitable candidate?" Dumbledore's eyes lit up and he said,

"Xia Ran, are you sure he will agree to my invitation?" After a slight

pause, Dumbledore smiled bitterly: "I invite many people every year.

Wizards, but almost no one finally agreed to my request, especially in the

past two years, this phenomenon has become more and more obvious."

"Don't worry, if he comes to teach at Hogwarts, I think he will most likely

agree." Xia Ran smiled confidently.

"Who?" Dumbledore was curious.

"Remus Lupin!" Xia Ran said, "Dumbledore, you must know Lupin."

Dumbledore nodded. Of course he knew about Remus Lupin, a werewolf.

The Whomping Willow was planted for Lupine to enter Hogwarts, and

the Shrieking Shack was born because of it. -These are mainly to cover up

the movements of Lupine's transformation on the night of the full moon -

How could he not know about Lupine?

When Lupine was a child, his father offended the werewolf Fenrir

Greyback, which led to the werewolf breaking into his house and biting

little Lupine in a sneak attack, which resulted in little Lupine's mutation.

From then on, Lupine became a werewolf, and he would transform into

an irrational werewolf every full moon night. Later, Dumbledore

accepted him and was willing to let him enroll in Hogwarts, so he

became qualified. The four-person Lanffindor organization: Moony,

Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, among which Moony is Lupine's code


Unfortunately, even if he graduates successfully and has an excellent

resume, and Lupine is a kind-hearted person and has quite powerful

magic skills, few companies will be willing to hire Luping because of his

werewolf status. Even some companies that do not know his personal

situation will be willing to hire him after they have been together for a

long time. After that, more or less clues about his identity will be


At that time, Lupine will have to resign and leave, starting his wandering

journey again, hoping to find the next job, even if it is only a short-term


Xia Ran has met Lu Ping a few times, and Lu Ping has also interacted

with his parents. Generally speaking, the relationship is okay. Lu Ping is

now in a state of looking for a job, wandering around. If he can get an

invitation from Dumbledore, I think Lupine would be very happy to


Wasn't Harry's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in third grade in

the original time and space the werewolf Remus Lupine?

And almost all the little wizards spoke highly of Lupine. He was indeed

very qualified for the job of professor. He recommended Lupine to

Dumbledore. It was not considered a backdoor approach. It should be

said that he helped Dumbledore solve his urgent needs. After all, Dark

For the position of Professor of Magical Defense, fewer and fewer wizards

are willing to agree to Dumbledore's invitation to teach. Unlike other

professor's jobs, where applicants are like crucian carp, Dumbledore can

choose the best.

As for the Defense Against the Dark Arts course, it would be nice if

someone could agree to it. How could you ask for more?

Besides, Dumbledore also knew about Lupine's abilities. He was not an

ordinary wizard with little ability. On the contrary, Lupine's abilities

were very outstanding. If his werewolf identity had not prevented him,

he might have joined the Ministry of Magic and even become a

department leader!

"Okay, I will write to him later and ask for his opinion." Dumbledore

nodded and said, "Thank you very much, Xia Ran, for solving a big

problem of mine."

Xia Ran waved her hand and said with a smile: "Professor, you rejected

me before, but I applied for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position

several times?"

Before he awakened the memory of his past life, he did apply for the

professorship of this course, but due to various reasons, he was finally

rejected by Dumbledore, so he applied for the professorship of combat

course and succeeded in one fell swoop. .

"Hogwarts is even more lucky to have a combat professor like you."

Dumbledore said with a smile. After all, the position of Defense Against

the Dark Arts professor is cursed by Voldemort. A wizard who has taught

for more than a year has never appeared.

It seems that it would be better to serve as a combat class professor. Xia

Ran is not sure about fighting Voldemort's curse. Isn't it possible that

even Dumbledore can't solve it?


The exam time passed very quickly, and it was over in two days. After

the students had nothing to do and no pressure, they could finally have

fun. As a result, the atmosphere of Hogwarts Castle changed from the

previous few days, and pranks were everywhere. , the administrator Mr.

Filch looked very annoyed about this situation.

Lockhart quietly packed up all his things and left Hogwarts one night

when it was getting dark. At that time, Xia Ran met him again. He

originally wanted to rip off a sum of money, but then he thought that he

was not short of money. He simply gave up, shook hands with Lockhart,

and watched him walk out of Hogwarts in the night.

When Dumbledore announced the news of Lockhart's resignation at the

end-of-school-year banquet, the four long dining tables cheered, and even

many professors in the faculty seats smiled.

Xia Ran shook her head. Lockhart was so unpopular. No wonder he left

quietly. But compared to the unlucky guy who was hit by his own

forgetting spell in the original time and space, Lockhart was already

lucky this time. .

"I'm just saying he won't be able to stay at Hogwarts for long," Professor

Trelawney said solemnly.

Immediately, Dumbledore announced the winner of the House Cup this

school year. Because Harry Potter scored two hundred points for

Gryffindor, Gryffindor successfully defended the House Cup - the same as

last school year. Gryffindor won the House Cup - a thunderous roar

erupted from the Gryffindor table.

The banquet lasted until very late, and every teacher and student didn't

want to leave too soon. Even when they went to the office and went to

bed, Xia Ran still felt dizzy. He drank too much tonight.

The students left the school on the Hogwarts Express the next day. Xia

Ran slept until two o'clock in the afternoon and had a hearty lunch. The

house elves' cooking skills are always very good!

Immediately, Xia Ran packed her things and prepared to leave Hogwarts.

But at this time, he received an owl letter. It was an owl he did not

recognize. After feeding the owl some food and drinking water, the owl

fluttered its wings and flew away from his office.

Edsna stayed in her birdcage and looked at the owl.

"It turns out to be a letter from Lu Ping." Xia Ran opened it and looked at

it, and immediately smiled.

Lu Ping accepted Dumbledore's invitation and agreed to become the

Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in the next school year. Because

Dumbledore mentioned that this was Xia Ran's recommendation, Lu Ping

wrote a letter to thank Xia Ran.

Xia Ran carried the suitcase in one hand and the birdcage in the other.

After leaving Hogwarts, she directly used Disapparation and returned to

Fremont Manor. She hadn't been home for almost a year, and the dust

had accumulated. Quite a bit, after he put away his suitcase and Edesna's

birdcage - Edesna flew out to hunt for food after him - it took him a long

time to finally clean up his manor, and those goblins were particularly

troublesome. .

When Xia Ran was planning to go to Gunter's old house, he actually

received an invitation from the Burrow.

Chapter 63 Gaunt’s Old House

It turns out that the Weasley family won the Daily Prophet's annual grand

prize, the Golden Galleons Award, and they were going to Egypt to spend

the summer vacation. The Weasley family's eldest son, Bill Weasley,

happened to be in ancient Egypt. Lingge serves as the curse breaker -

they invite Xia Ran to travel together.

Xia Ran helped solve the Chamber of Secrets incident and rescued Ginny.

The Weasleys were very grateful to him and had wanted to repay him for

a long time. So this time after they won the Golden Galleons, they hoped

that Xia Ran would go to Egypt with them. When traveling, there are a

lot of abnormal magic items in that place.

Xia Ran had other plans for his summer vacation, and of course it was

impossible for him to agree to the invitation from the Weasley family, so

he could only say in a rather regretful tone that he had other important

things to do and couldn't get away, and finally rejected Weasley with

regret. Invitation from Mr. and Mrs. Sly.

"This news has not yet been published in the Daily Prophet, but it should

be published in the newspaper tomorrow. By then, when Sirius sees Peter

Pettigrew's Animagus transformation, it will arouse the deepest obsession

in his heart. Escaped from Azkaban prison and started his career as a

wanted criminal."

Xia Ran was thoughtful. He knew that Sirius was innocent. He also knew

Sirius when he was a child and had a foundation of friendship.

Furthermore, Sirius was not the kind of brutal wizard who killed

wantonly - although he was indeed reckless - perhaps in many things.

Can we unite with Sirius?

For example, Kreacher, the house elf in Black's old house, Xia Ran

remembered that the elf had a Horcrux of Voldemort's - Slytherin's


He was absolutely certain that Slytherin's locket definitely contained a lot

of Force points!

When he thought about this, he thought of Sirius's younger brother,

Regulus Black.

"Regulus, the brave wizard!" Xia Ran exclaimed. According to his

understanding, perhaps Regulus Black was the first wizard in the

wizarding world to see through Voldemort's Horcrux. He betrayed

Voldemort in his heart, stole Slytherin's locket, and handed it to the

house elf Kreacher, hoping that he would destroy the Horcrux, but he

himself died when Voldemort hid the Horcrux. Inside the dark cave.

Until today, more than ten years later, no one knows the cause of

Regulus' death or the deeds he fought for with his life. They all thought

that he was just unwilling to follow Voldemort, and was eaten by

Voldemort or someone. The Dead Apostles were killed, and even

Voldemort himself did not realize that his Horcrux had been stolen by


A brave, resourceful, determined, and extremely fearless Slytherin!

"The hero's corpse sank at the bottom of the dark lake, never seeing the

light of day all year round, and the corpses of many innocent people

became Voldemort's evil weapons..."


Xia Ran sighed. Voldemort was indeed cruel in his methods. It was

absolutely correct to say that he was the Dark Lord. He killed countless

innocent people just to make a Horcrux. It was really outrageous.

However, only Voldemort and Kreacher know where Voldemort hid the

Horcrux Slytherin's Locket. Without the help of Sirius, the last male heir

of the Black family - who can force Kreacher to order - he cannot find it.


Xia Ran had forgotten the source of information that Dumbledore knew

about that place, but with Kreacher, an elf who had been there once,

there was no need to spend more time on other aspects.

Breaking Voldemort's protective spell and burying all the innocent bodies

was a trivial thing that he, an insider, could do.

But this matter is still very early. After all, Sirius has not yet successfully

escaped from prison, so all the following things are naturally out of the

question. His current goal is still to focus on Gaunt's old house.

Xia Ran wrote a reply to the Weasley family and checked the defenses at

his home. Although he left, his clothes, money and other things must still

be left at home, and he would not take Edsna with him.

The next day, Xia Ran left the village where Fremont Manor is located.

He had never been to Little Hangleton, where Gunter's old house was

located. He simply took Muggle transportation and rushed to the nearest

Little Hangleton first. city, he then took a bus to Little Hangleton.

Xia Ran got off the car outside Little Hangleton. She saw the car driving

away on the flat road. At the end of her sight was a village, located

between two steep hillsides. The church and cemetery were clearly

visible. On the hillside across the valley, there is a very grand mansion,

surrounded by large green lawns, but it now looks dilapidated for many


"Finally we're here." Xia Ran breathed out, tidied up his clothes, hid the

wand in his inner pocket, walked slowly along the downhill road, and

looked left and right along the road. Although he remembered that

Gunter's old house was located in the small Hangleton, but he didn't

know exactly where in Little Hangleton it was. In short, it couldn't be

inside the village. After all, the Gaunt family was extremely proud, how

could they allow themselves to live too close to Muggles? near?

So he paid attention to whether there were any abandoned and

dilapidated houses on both sides of the road, which might be Gunter's old


"Well, according to the temperament of the Gaunt family and the time of

its demise, the more abandoned and rugged the road, the more likely it is

that it will lead to the old Gaunt house."

Sure enough, he found a very bumpy path, and it was very narrow. The

hedges on both sides were much denser than the ones on the road just

now. This dirt road was also full of rocks, making it very inconvenient to


The dirt road went straight down, seeming to lead to the dark woods

below. Although the sky was clear and cloudless, and the weather was

extremely hot in summer, when entering the woods, Xia Ran suddenly

felt chilly, and the thick trees cast a shadow in the forest. The dark and

dense shadows, if it were a Muggle, they might not dare to come here

alone during the day, and would need to go together.

Fortunately, Xia Ran is a wizard, and his magic level is not low. He also

knows the inside story of this place. Even if some black magic creature

does appear, he believes that he can still solve it with his own magic

wand. At the worst, there will be no problem in escaping. .

After a few more seconds, he saw a house half hidden among the tangled


"The Gunter family has such a strange taste in choosing residential

addresses!" Xia Ran shook his head. He would definitely not choose to

build a house in dense woods. It would be like a haunted house,

especially late at night.

It was indeed a big house, but it had been abandoned for many years.

The walls were covered with moss, and almost all the tiles on the roof

had fallen off. Parts of the house had collapsed in every corner, but the

whole thing was still standing. The beams The crossbar should be intact.

The house was surrounded by dense nettles. The tall nettles reached up to

the windows. The windows were very small and covered with dust. The

glass was all broken, and there were a few birds flying around. , seems to

have built a nest inside the house.

When Xia Ran came closer, she found a vaguely identifiable sign on the

damaged front door of the house, a snake bone nailed to the door!

Chapter 64 Ring and Resurrection


"Gaunt's old house!" Xia Ran breathed a sigh of relief. In this small

Hangleton village, except for the Gaunt family, who would nail a snake

to the door of their house?

Only the Gaunt family, who are descendants of Slytherin and know

Parseltongue, would do this.


Suddenly, a black and green venomous snake swam out from the house,

leaving a trace on the dusty ground. The snake vomited softly, and stared

at Xia Ran closely with a pair of cold vertical pupils.

"Split into pieces!" Xia Ran took out his wand and directly used the

crushing spell to easily eliminate the poisonous snake. He was also afraid

that the poisonous snake would bite him when he was not careful.

Although he could use magic to heal himself, after all, he was very

sensitive to all kinds of poisonous snakes. Everyone has a certain level of

proficiency in magic spells, but if you are really bitten by a poisonous

snake, it is always not a happy thing.

"Open Alajo!" He nailed a snake bone to the door of the Gaunt family

with one finger of his wand. The rotten door opened in response. He

stepped forward and entered the Gaunt house.

There are three rooms in the old Gunter house. Judging from the

condition of the remains decades ago, the large room in the middle

should have served as the kitchen and living room, and there are two

doors leading to other rooms. Those may be the houses of the Gunter

family. bedroom.

Xia Ran went directly into the big room in the middle.

"Marvolo Gaunt's ring..." Xia Ran looked around and searched around.

This so-called kitchen and living room had accumulated a lot of dust. As

soon as he stepped in, the dust was flying. Xia Ran had to retreat again.

Get out and wait for the dust inside to settle again.

"This is the trouble with an old house that has been abandoned for many

years." Xia Ran whispered to himself. After he re-entered the house, he

was much more careful this time and did not stir up too much dust.

Although Marvolo Gaunt's ring was made into a Horcrux by Voldemort

and cast with many protective spells, most of which were curses, it was

actually quite easy to find it. Xia Ran found it with almost no effort. I saw

that ring, an ugly black gemstone ring, with a black stone inlaid with a

jagged crack in the middle. The crack on the stone hung down along an

almost straight trace, and there was another triangle and circle. The

shape is still clearly visible.

"Marvolo Gaunt's ring, and...the Resurrection Stone!"

Xia Ran's eyes instantly became hot. There were two magic items that

100% contained Force points. Although he had not yet touched it with

his hands, Xia Ran was sure of this. The black stone on the ring was the

Resurrection Stone, and that A vertical trace, triangle and circle represent

the Elder Wand, Invisibility Cloak and Resurrection Stone respectively,

which are the symbols of the Three Hallows of Death!

He knew that the Invisibility Cloak was in Harry's hand and the Elder

Wand was in Dumbledore's hand. He was not a wandmaker, so he

probably had no excuse to touch the Elder Wand. Although Harry had the

opportunity to touch the Invisibility Cloak, he could just find an excuse. ,

but after he absorbs the Force points, he will cause a certain degree of

damage to the original item. By then, Harry will not be able to detect the

changes in the invisibility cloak, and the suspect is undoubtedly Xia Ran

who borrowed the invisibility cloak.

Therefore, Xia Ran is now unable to touch several other magical items

that he knows contain Force points. In addition to the Elder Wand and

Invisibility Cloak, there are also the Sorting Hat and Gryffindor's Sword.

The ring and Resurrection Stone of Marvolo Gaunt in front of me are

magic items that he can temporarily absorb Force Points. I hope I have

enough Force Points and don't let me down.

As for other magic items, let's talk about it when the time comes. He can

always think of a foolproof solution. After all, he won't give up when it

comes to Force points.

Xia Ran suppressed her inner excitement and whispered: "However, this

ring contains many magic spells arranged by Voldemort, and Dumbledore

lost an arm in the original time and space. Even with Snape's help, he

still could It only has one year left to live, which is a bit different from

Riddle’s diary and Ravenclaw’s diadem.”

He didn't dare touch Marvolo Gaunt's ring easily, even if it was right in

front of him.

Even someone as powerful as Dumbledore couldn't stop him - mainly

because the resurrection stone on the ring gave Dumbledore too much

temptation - he only had level 4 (advanced) magic, how could he

withstand Voldemort's evil? Cursed?

Xia Ran decided to test it with a spell first.

"Fire is raging!" He recited a fire spell, and suddenly a bright red flame

spewed out from the tip of the wand. It was not an uncontrolled fire, but

a wisp of flame controlled by Xia Ran. It did not splash to other parts of

the wooden house. place.

The flames enveloped the ring, and all the surrounding spider webs were

burned. Xia Ran was not afraid of damaging the ring and the

Resurrection Stone. These two things themselves are very powerful magic

items, not to mention the blessing of Voldemort's curse?

Instead, he was always on guard against the rebound of black magic


Sure enough, a green light suddenly shot out from the ring. Fortunately,

Xia Ran was prepared and got out of the way in time. The wand in his

hand was still pointing at the ring, and the flames never stopped.

Traces of magic spells began to appear on the ring, many of which Xia

Ran did not recognize at all. Many of the spells relied on the ring and

began to shoot towards Xia Ran. He had to jump around to avoid it, but

the wooden house was damaged. , many holes were punched out.

As more and more evil curses came later, Xia Ran simply waved his

magic wand and set the whole wooden house on fire. He exited the house

at the same time and cast multiple layers of protective spells on himself.


Suddenly, many rays of spell light shot out, seemingly unimpeded by the

flames, aiming at Xia Ran.

"Invulnerable! Protect yourself with armor!"

Xia Ran moved to dodge while chanting the curse. Although the ring was

a Horcrux, it contained Voldemort's soul fragments. However, before

absorbing enough life force, the Horcrux could not be moved, and the

soul fragments were even more difficult to reveal.

Riddle's diary was only able to take shape after absorbing a lot of Ginny's

life force.

However, the spell attached to the ring gave Xia Ran a lot of trouble.

Firstly, he did not dare to touch the ring easily. Secondly, under the

protection of the spell, he could not easily touch the surface of the ring.

Xia Ran retreated further, and the soul fragment in the ring seemed to

realize that it could not do anything to Xia Ran. The light of many black

magic spells suddenly disappeared, and they no longer did this useless

work, as if Voldemort's soul fragment ignored it and allowed Xia Ran to

use fire. Burning, anyway, there are so many spells on the ring that even

he himself has forgotten.

"It seems that the ordinary fire spell can't help but get the ring." Xia Ran

looked at the burning house not far away and said in a deep voice, "Do

you want to use the fierce fire spell?"

The Fire Curse is indeed a black magic spell that can summon extremely

evil fire. Ravenclaw's crown in the original time and space was destroyed

by the Fire Curse, so the Fire Curse can certainly deal with Marvolo

Gaunt. of the ring.

However, Xia Ran was a little worried that the Fierce Fire Curse had

destroyed the ring, causing the force points in it to be lost, so wouldn't

his trip have been in vain?

As for the spell and usage of the Fire Curse, he knew that Xia Ran had

learned a lot of black magic.

Chapter 65 Promotion

Xia Ran thought about it and decided to give it a try with the Fire Spell.

No matter how precious the Force points are, he will definitely not risk

his own life. Even if the ring and resurrection stone are really destroyed,

he will plan for other special magic items at the worst possible time.

Magical items with far-reaching significance and great influence are very

rare in the wizarding world, but it is possible to find them. At least there

are several of them in Hogwarts.


So, he used the Fire Spell, which was a very evil black magic. The flames

summoned were also very evil. In an instant, many ferocious beasts made

of flames seemed to appear: fire dragons, salamanders, etc., surrounding

them one after another. The old Gaunt house, which was already on fire,

began to burn.

There was no smoke billowing, only pillars of fire rising into the sky. The

surrounding woods began to burn. Xia Ran did not use the Clear Water

Like a Spring Curse to extinguish the fire in the forest. The fierce fire

could not be extinguished by the Clear Water Like a Spring Curse. She

needed to use the corresponding cracking spell. He also happens to know

the breaking spell of the Li Fire Curse.

After all, he was the combat professor at Hogwarts, and it had been nine

years since he graduated from Hogwarts.

In a daze, he heard a very distant scream coming from the fierce fire. It

seemed very painful, as if he was undergoing the most horrific torture in

the world. He knew that it was the scream of the fragments of

Voldemort's soul.

"It should be almost done. If we continue, the residents of Little

Hangleton not far away will gather here, and the ring and resurrection

stone are also in danger of being completely destroyed." Xia Ran

whispered to herself, waving her wand.

The end is over!

Xia Ran used the breaking spell of the Severe Fire Curse, and saw the

rapid spread of the severe fire, the fire that seemed to come out of hell,

all extinguished in the blink of an eye, within a radius of one or two

hundred meters, It was completely reduced to a white wasteland.

"There's a fire in the woods! The ruins of the Gaunt family are on fire!"

"Quick, put out the fire!"

He heard the shouts of the villagers drifting along the wind, and thought

that he had to speed up and not leave any clues.


Xia Ran used a clear water spring spell to clean it, and a large stream of

running water emerged from the tip of the wand. The temperature on the

ruins of Gunter's old house was still very high, and he had to cool down

before he dared to go there.

"By the way, Muggle shielding spell! Confusion spell!" Xia Ran threw out

a magic light in the middle of the woods. This is a spell used to expel

Muggles. Whenever they get close to this place, they will remember that

they still have a very special problem. Urgent matters required a trip

home, which he had arranged to prevent Muggles from discovering the

scene deep in the woods.

Because the Muggles came to put out the fire, he simply used an illusion

spell to cover the area around Gaunt's old house. The Muggles would

only see a dilapidated old wooden house instead of a white ruin.

"Huh? Why is there no light?"

"Is Gunter's old house still there?!"

"Oops, I have a family emergency and I have to go back quickly!"

Immediately, he saw that the Muggles who had reached the outskirts of

the woods turned and left one after another, without thinking carefully

about the secrets involved. It was all due to the shielding spell, confusion

spell and illusion spell.

Xia Ran walked back to the ruins of Gunter's old house. The ugly black

gemstone ring seemed to have lost its luster and no longer had a

mysterious, deep and dark color.

Xia Ran's heart suddenly jumped, wouldn't the Force points be lost along

with it?

Although he was mentally prepared, he still had high hopes for the

eventuality. He rushed over immediately and picked up Marvolo Gaunt's

ring. Due to the fire destroying it, all the black magic spells on the ring

disappeared. Anyway, he has no worries about getting hurt.

[Found Marvolo Gaunt's ring, Force points: 20 points, do you want to

absorb it? 】

[The Resurrection Stone, one of the Three Holy Artifacts of Death, was

found. Force points: 50. Do you want to absorb it? 】

Xia Ran saw the two words displayed on his system panel, and he

breathed a sigh of relief. It was good that the Force points still existed.

"However, the ring only has 20 Force points, but the Resurrection Stone

has 50 Force points, which is a full 30 points difference!"

Xia Ran said thoughtfully: "The original Ravenclaw's crown also had 35

force points. Let's not talk about the resurrection stone. It seems that Li

Huo still caused some damage to the ring, not just the fragments of

Voldemort's soul. It was wiped out. If the ring and the Resurrection Stone

were not belonging to powerful wizards from ancient times, these two

things might have disappeared with them."

Xia Ran clenched the ring, which had a total of 70 force points. This was

a rich "property" that he had never owned before, and he was very

excited inside.

"Go back first."

Xia Ran meditated on his Fremont Manor. When he came here, he didn't

know the situation of Gaunt's old house, so he couldn't use Apparition.

But he was very familiar with Fremont Manor. He had used Apparition so

many times. .


He suddenly disappeared into the ruins of Gunter's old house, and then

appeared outside Fremont Manor.

Xia Ran quickly entered the manor, sat down on the sofa in the living

room, concentrated slightly, and saw the two prompt messages on the

system panel in her pupils.


Xia Ran only felt waves of cool power escaping from his body, and the

Force Points column on his system panel was growing rapidly.

0 o'clock, 10 o'clock, 20 o'clock... and finally stopped beating at 70


[Force points: 70 points. 】

"First increase the level of magic power." Xia Ran aimed at his own magic

power and raised it from level 4 (advanced) to level 5 (elementary). This

consumed him a full 50 points of force points. He originally had 70

points of force points. The number of points suddenly reached 20 points.

He could no longer continue to upgrade his magic level. Obviously, 20

Force points were not enough to upgrade his magic level from level 5

(elementary) to level 5 (intermediate). He had to turn his attention to

other knowledge. .

"Then let's raise the level of Charms."

Charms has been upgraded from level 4 (advanced) to level 5

(elementary), and there are only 6 Force points left.

"Alas, I can't continue to upgrade the transformation technique, so let's

upgrade the other knowledge to level 4." Xia Ran focused her attention

on potions and herbal medicine, and the remaining 6 force points were

just enough to These two columns have been upgraded to level 4


At this point, his force points have returned to zero again, and it has been

less than a minute since he had 70 force points.

[Name: Charan Fremont. 】

[Age: 26 years old. 】

[Magic: Level 5 (elementary). 】

[Force points: 0 points. 】

[Transformation: Level 4 (Advanced). 】

[Potion Science: Level 4 (elementary). 】

[Charms: Level 5 (elementary). 】

[Herbalism: Level 4 (elementary). 】

[Flying Technique: Level 3. 】

In addition to flying, he now has a level 4 (elementary) level in

Herbology and Potions, and a Level 5 (elementary) level in Magic and


Xia Ran's strength is now at the upper level in the magic world - even

though he has just entered the upper echelon of wizards - level 6 is the

top level. As for level 7, only the strongest wizards in the current

generation have this level of strength.

Chapter 66 Wanted Order

Xia Ran saw that her strength had improved and her Force points had

returned to zero. She relaxed completely and lay down on the sofa. She

threw the ring on the coffee table and held the Resurrection Stone high in

her left hand to observe carefully.

The Resurrection Stone, one of the Three Sacred Artifacts of Death, is

said to have the miraculous ability to summon the souls of the dead to

return. Although it is a different kind of return, after all, the souls of the

dead do not belong to this world of the living, but the efficacy of the

Resurrection Stone can still be seen from the side. Magical and powerful.

"The Resurrection Stone has 50 Force Points, Marvolo Gaunt's Ring has

20 points, and Ravenclaw's Crown has 35 points. However, the

Resurrection Stone, one of the Deathly Hallows, has the most Force

Points." Xia Ran said to herself softly. Yu said, "The Sorting Hat costs 150

points, which is more than these things. I wonder how much the Elder

Wand and the Invisibility Cloak cost?"

Xia Ran was suddenly very curious in her heart. The so-called Force

Points are an influence and significance on the magical world. After all,

the story of Harry Potter mainly takes place in the magical world. The

Sorting Hat has been used as a symbol of Hogwarts for thousands of

years. The magic items used by newly admitted young wizards in the

Sorting House must have more Force points than ordinary special magic

items. Even the relics of the Big Four of Hogwarts cannot compare to the

Sorting Hat.

The relics of the Big Four are of greater significance, but in fact they have

no far-reaching impact. Relatively speaking, the Deathly Hallows has a

greater impact and significance than the relics of the Big Four at

Hogwarts, but there is one exception. , the Elder Wand!

Xia Ran believes that the Elder Wand in the Deathly Hallows, let alone

the Resurrection Stone and the Invisibility Cloak, which are also Deathly

Hallows, probably has more Force points than the House Hat.

The Elder Wand, which only follows the winner, is extremely powerful

and can be said to be the most powerful wand in the world. The bloody

storm caused by it has entangled the history of the magical world for

thousands of years. In this case, the Force Points How could it be less?

"That's right!" Xia Ran suddenly remembered something, immediately

turned over and sat up, paced back and forth in the room, clapped her

hands, and said to herself excitedly, "Since it has an impact or

significance on the magical world, then There may be quite a few of

these in the Ministry of Magic."

"For example, legal provisions such as the Muggle Protection Act and the

International Statute of Secrecy among Wizards have a profound impact

on the wizarding world, and are even more significant!"

Xia Ran fell back on the sofa again, sighed and said: "Those are all from

the late 17th century. Whether there are originals left in the Ministry of

Magic may be a question. Where can I find them? There is no excuse to

watch. If you touch it, this kind of thing must have been well maintained,

and even the Minister of Magic can't touch it."

The International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy is a special legal provision

established by wizards from all over the world at the end of the 17th

century to distinguish the wizarding world from the Muggle world.

Xia Ran decided to find a way to get in touch with those special magic

items that 100% contained Force points at Hogwarts, such as the Sorting

Hat and Gryffindor's sword.


An owl flew in outside the window and brought him the latest issue of

the Daily Prophet.

Xia Ran recognized Sirius on the front page at a glance.

"The most vicious Death Eater has escaped from prison! Regarding

Sirius's escape from prison, what is the Ministry of Magic's response to


Xia Ran opened the newspaper. On the big photo on the first page, a man

with a haggard face and long and messy hair slowly blinked at Xia Ran.

This man was Sirius Black.

He read down the text again.

The heinous criminal Black escapes from Azkaban Prison!

The Ministry of Magic confirmed today that Sirius Black has indeed

successfully escaped from prison. He is probably the most vicious

criminal ever held in Azkaban Prison!

"We are doing everything we can to recapture Black," Minister for Magic

Cornelius Fudge said this morning. "Here, I implore the wizarding

community to remain calm and give our Aurors some time. They are the

best wizards. one!"

Some members of the International Confederation of Wizards tasked

Fudge with informing the Muggle Prime Minister of the crisis.

"To be honest, you also know that I have no choice." Fudge looked very

angry when faced with this problem. He said, "Black is a desperado.

Whether he is a magician or a Muggle, anyone who encounters him will

be in danger. , I had to ask the Muggle Prime Minister to promise that he

would never reveal Black's true identity to anyone. To be honest, even if

he revealed it, who in the Muggle world would believe it?"

The Muggles were told that Black carried a gun (a metal wand that

Muggles used to kill each other), and the wizarding world knew that

Black had killed thirteen people with a spell twelve years earlier and

feared that. The massacre will occur again (details on page 3, page 2).

"Sirius has escaped from prison, and the time for Harry to leave the

Dursleys should not be far away." Xia Ran recalled the plot in the original

time and space, "It seems that Sirius will go to London soon."

"Well, in more than a month, I will also go to London."

Xia Ran made up her mind, put the ring and resurrection stone, washed

up, and went to bed. He was tired after running around for several days.


For more than a month, Xia Ran stayed in his Fremont Manor,

familiarizing himself with the enhanced magic power, practicing some

difficult spells, strengthening his proficiency, and learning about

transfiguration. He was eager to have anima. Gus deformed.

Potions and herbalism, he didn't have any medicine garden greenhouse at

home, and he didn't have any equipment for refining potions - the things

he used to go to school in the past had long been broken - so he had to

give up, and he planned to drop by in a few days. Buy a cauldron in

Diagon Alley, buy some ingredients, and try to brew your own potion.

There are many kinds of magic potions that he is very jealous of.

In late August, Xia Ran came to the outside of Diagon Alley through

Apparition. He saw the Leaky Cauldron across the street. He appeared in

a corner of the alley, and no Muggles around him noticed him.

Xia Ran walked out briskly and directly entered the Leaky Cauldron Bar.


From a garden came the sound of a dog barking.

Xia Ran stopped. He turned around and saw a big black dog crossing the

street and disappearing around the corner.

"Sirius? Or just a dog?" Xia Ran looked at the people coming and going

outside and gave up the idea of ​​tracking the past. Instead, she sat

down at the Leaky Cauldron and said to the owner: "Tom, have a glass of

butterbeer. ."

"Here we come!" Tom, the skinny and toothless bar owner of the Leaky

Cauldron, handed him a glass of beer and said, "Professor Frémont, do

you want to take a look at Harry Potter? Yes. Ah, this child must live

with me, otherwise Sirius..."

His voice was quickly interrupted by another boy.

"Professor Frémont?!"

Chapter 67 Capturing the Big

Black Dog

The thin boy with black hair and green eyes returned to the Leaky

Cauldron from Diagon Alley with a pile of homework in his arms. It was

Harry Potter.

Tom, the bar owner, immediately shut up.

"Harry, long time no see. How are you doing now?" Xia Ran took a sip of

beer and said with a smile.

Harry sat down on the seat next to Xia Ran, put down the homework in

his arms, and said excitedly: "Professor, I'm so glad to meet you here."

"I heard that you came out of your aunt and uncle's house and did a big

thing?" Xia Ran smiled. I have to say that Harry is a Gryffindor in many

ways, brave and fearless, but also reckless. Jin, his character in the

original time and space brought him a lot of dangers.

Harry smiled sheepishly and said, "That's not my fault...it's indeed my

fault, but I have a reason..."

"Okay, I believe you." Xia Ran smiled, "The Ministry of Magic didn't come

to trouble you anyway, right?"

At this point, Harry's expression changed and he asked casually, "By the

way, Professor, do you know why the Minister of Magic came to the

Leaky Cauldron to see me in person?"

"Ahem!" Tom coughed twice at this time to remind Xia Ran not to reveal

the relationship between Sirius and Harry's parents. In the eyes of almost

all wizards, Sirius was the culprit responsible for the death of Harry's

parents. , after he successfully escapes from prison, he will also look for

Harry to take revenge - revenge for Voldemort's death because of Harry!

Although Xia Ran knows the truth, there is no need to say more about

this situation now. After all, the blame on Sirius is very difficult to clean


"You will know later, Harry, now is not the time." Xia Ran said softly.

"Okay." Harry was used to it. He asked the Minister of Magic Fudge, but

he also didn't get an answer.

"Eh, Xia Ran?" Two more people walked out from behind the Leaky

Cauldron Bar, a very old man who was a woman, and the other was a fat

boy with a round face.

Xia Ran recognized these two people. The old man was Neville's

grandmother, Augusta Longbottom, a very strong witch who raised her

grandson Neville by herself, and also had good magic power; the round-

faced boy was naturally Naville. Will Longbottom paused, his memory

was very poor, and his personal confidence was almost nonexistent,

except in herbal medicine classes.

"Charran, Neville has said a lot about you, and thank you for taking care

of him." Augusta Longbottom said.

Xia Ran waved her hand and said with a smile: "Neville has a good talent

in combat class, he deserves praise."

Neville's face turned red involuntarily.

"Harry Potter, Neville said you were his good friend. I'm so glad you are

willing to be friends with him." Mrs. Augusta looked at Harry again and


Harry said, "Well, Neville is a good friend."

"Neville, say goodbye to your teachers and classmates, it's time for us to

leave." Mrs. Augusta said seriously.

"Professor Frémont, Harry, goodbye." Neville followed his grandmother

out of the Leaky Cauldron, and disappeared with a bang outside the door.

Neville's grandmother used the Apparition spell.

"Oh!" Harry couldn't help but exclaimed.

Xia Ran explained: "That is Apparition, and there is also the matching

Apparition. Harry, after you reach the age of seventeen, you can learn

under the guidance of teachers from the Ministry of Magic. Of course,

you have to learn this yourself wish, because Apparition is an elective


"I'm really looking forward to it!" Harry said wistfully.

Xia Ran entered Diagon Alley, which can be said to be the most

prosperous place in the magical world. People were coming and going on

the street, and wizards of all kinds were walking among them, wearing

wizard hats or Muggle hats, because It's almost time to start school, and

wizards and Muggles appear here at the same time.

Xia Ran has been to Diagon Alley many times, but she doesn't have much

energy to wander around. She bought some materials at the drugstore

and a crucible. After thinking about it, she also bought some books to

read and pass the time in her free time. .

He filled the cauldron with materials and a few books, and left Diagon

Alley through the Leaky Cauldron. Harry was not there, so he might have

gone back to his room.

"That big black dog!" Xia Ran just walked out of the Leaky Cauldron Bar

and looked around casually. Sure enough, she saw a big black dog lying

in the flowers opposite the Leaky Cauldron Bar, staring at the Leaky

Cauldron Bar with a pair of big eyes. .

Xia Ran was almost certain that this big black dog was Sirius' Animagus


He pondered for a moment, then walked across the street with the

crucible, not far from the big black dog. The big black dog instantly

became alert, got up, turned around and ran to the uninhabited alleyway.

"The alertness is quite high!" Xia Ran took out the magic wand from the

inner pocket of her clothes, carried the crucible and entered the

uninhabited alley. There were not many pedestrians in this place. At this

time, the sun was setting in the west, and most people were walking

around. In a hurry, not to mention there were some things piled in the

alleyway, blocking the view.

Xia Ran walked deep into the alleyway, where several large boxes almost

blocked the view of the street outside.

A black shadow suddenly rushed over, silently, without any cry or noise.

Unfortunately, Xia Ran was already prepared and cast an iron armor spell

on herself. The black shadow fell to the ground with a bang, shaking his

head and feeling a little painful.

Now Xia Ran was completely sure that the big black dog was Sirius.

The big black dog bared its teeth and made an offensive gesture.

"Collapse!" Xia Ran waved her wand and used the stun spell, intending to

stun Sirius. It was not realistic to talk to Sirius in this form.

The big black dog was very agile. It immediately avoided Xia Ran's spell,

swayed left and right, opened its big mouth, and rushed towards Xia Ran.

But Xia Ran had a magic wand and was not afraid of the big black dog at

all. In order to prevent the big black dog from dodging again, he used a

silent spell this time.

"The Upside Down Golden Bell!"

Without noticing, the big black dog was immediately hung upside down,

with his head down and his feet up, hanging in mid-air.

"Okay, this is not the place to talk. Let's get you out of here first. Fall

unconscious!" Xia Ran knocked out the big black dog, and then silently

recited "The golden bell fell to the ground". This is the counter-spell of

the upside-down golden bell, which can be lifted. Spell.


The big black dog fell to the ground.

Xia Ran grabbed one of the front paws of the big black dog and

meditated on Fremont Manor. With a snap, he apparated outside his own


In order to stop the big black dog from attacking her regardless, Xia Ran

waved her wand and conjured up several thick ropes. The ropes seemed

to have their own ideas, tightly trapping the big black dog.

Then he pointed his magic wand at the big black dog, releasing him from

his drowsy state.

"Woof!" the big black dog grinned and growled.

"Okay, Sirius, why don't you cancel the transformation?" Xia Ran said


The big black dog barked for a while. Even though the expression on the

dog's face was not easy to see clearly, Xia Ran still noticed the fear of the

big black dog. Obviously, Sirius was afraid that Xia Ran would hand him

over to the Ministry of Magic, which would eventually lead to the soul-

stirring A strange kiss that would destroy his soul and be eaten by


Chapter 68 Taking a day off

I have something to do tonight, so I’m taking a day off. There’s no update

today. I’m very sorry. I’ll make up for the missed updates tomorrow and

the day after.

Chapter 69 Deliberate


The rope was deforming. Xia Ran relaxed the rope appropriately and no

longer tied it so tightly. After all, the space required to tie an adult and a

dog must be different.

The big black dog shook his head at this time, turning into a man with

pale skin and messy hair. The dirty hair hung down to his elbows. If it

weren't for the bright eyes in the deep-set eye sockets, he would have

looked like a corpse. dead body.

The waxy white skin stretched tightly on his cheekbones, like a skeleton.

He grinned in pain, revealing a pair of yellow teeth. He was Sirius Black,

the most vicious criminal mentioned in the Daily Prophet!

"Sirius, long time no see." Xia Ran said hello with a smile. When he was

still studying at Hogwarts, Voldemort had not yet collapsed - Professor

Trelawney had not yet made the decision that changed the structure of

the wizarding world. Major prophecy - He has met Sirius a few times, and

he can be considered acquainted with him.

"How did you find out?" Sirius asked in a hoarse voice. He didn't know in

Azkaban that Xia Ran was the combat professor at Hogwarts. However,

he escaped from prison for more than a month and had no idea about the

wizarding world. I have a little understanding of the situation.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "How did you escape from Azkaban? I think if

you were really alone, you would definitely not be able to avoid the gaze

of those dementors - well, the gaze - so isn't the final conclusion obvious?

After ruling out all the impossibilities, Animagus is the greatest


"You are as brave as your father, and as full of wisdom as your mother."

Sirius said hoarsely. He recognized Xia Ran's parents. They were both

members of the Order of the Phoenix, and they had a good relationship.

"Thank you, thank you." Xia Ran said with a smile. He was familiar with

the plot. Of course he knew about Sirius's escape from prison. He also

knew that his Animagus was a big black dog. If he couldn't catch Sirius

under such circumstances, Sirius, it would be too embarrassing to be the

combat professor at Hogwarts.

"Are you going to kill me? Or inform the Ministry of Magic?" Sirius said

softly, "But I hope you will hear me out."

Xia Ran had almost guessed Sirius's next words, but he still made a

gesture to say please.

"Thank you." Sirius was originally a very irritable and impulsive person,

but now he was tied up with a rope by Xia Ran. He was likely to be sent

to the Ministry of Magic, where he would be kissed by a dementor and

immediately lose his soul and become dead. He had to restrain his inner

impulse, hoping to tell Xia Ran the truth, especially the news that Peter

Pettigrew was still alive. He had to let others know before he died.

Xia Ran is indeed a good choice as a professor at Hogwarts.

"Thank you for listening to me and not killing me immediately."

Sirius thanked him again. After all, he was a wanted criminal by the

Ministry of Magic. Even if Xia Ran directly shot him with the Avada

Kedavra, it was just self-defense. Not only would he not be held

accountable by the Ministry of Magic, but there was also a high chance

that he would be punished. Will receive an award from the Ministry of


After all, the Ministry of Magic had allowed him to escape for so many

days, and he was under great pressure from all parties. At this time, it

was natural to hope that the wizard could capture and kill him.

"Tell me, what do you have to say? You tipped off Voldemort and were

willing to be an undercover Death Eater!" Xia Ran said this deliberately,

wanting to see Sirius's reaction. Although he knew the inside story

behind it, no one else I think Sirius, in order to avoid loopholes and

arouse suspicion, it is better to ask this question now.

Even if he and Sirius were the only ones present, Sirius might mention

the current matter to others in the future - of course he would not really

kill Sirius, or notify the Ministry of Magic to bring a dementor to kiss

Sirius - so He thought it would be better to pay more attention.

"Me, a Death Eater?" Sirius' eyes suddenly widened and he said angrily,

"How could I be a Death Eater? Even if I die, I will never surrender to


"Uh-huh." Xia Ran snorted.

"That rat in the Weasley family is the Death Eater, the undercover agent

who tipped off Voldemort!" Sirius said hoarsely.

"Oh, who is he?"

"Peter, Peter Pettigrew, you know him, Xia Ran, you have met him."

Sirius said, "We have been wrong all along. Little Peter was the

undercover. He killed James and Lily. He betrayed It's us, not me. Xia

Ran, you believe me, even if I die, I will never surrender to Voldemort,

and I will never betray James! Don't you know the relationship between

me and James? "

"Oh, Peter is dead, in your hands, isn't he? Sirius, and there are still

twelve Muggle lives left."

"I told you it wasn't me!" Sirius said irritably, "We were all deceived by

Peter. I didn't kill those twelve Muggles. They were all killed by Peter. He

did it before me."

"But you are Harry's parents' secret keeper." Xia Ran said, in order not to

arouse other people's suspicion in the future, of course he had to ask

more questions at this time, and only after asking clearly could he

express his trust in Sirius.

"James and Lily's secret keeper is not me, it's Peter! I didn't know that

Peter was Voldemort's man at the time. I thought he was from our side. I

was targeted and killed by many Death Eaters. I didn't think I should be

the secret keeper. It was safe, so I recommended Peter. In order to attract

the attention of the Death Eaters, I deliberately pretended that I was the

secret keeper so that I could protect Peter, but I..."

Sirius showed a look of anger and hatred on his face, and said: "Peter

betrayed James. This was my mistake. So when I heard the news twelve

years ago, I immediately knew that Peter had turned to Voldemort. I I

want to avenge James and Lily. But when I found Peter, he took action

before me, ha..."

He suddenly laughed sarcastically and said: "Little Peter may have

already thought of countermeasures and didn't give me time to speak - I

want to ask him why he betrayed James, we are such good friends - he

took care of himself." I said a few words, misled the surrounding

Muggles, and took action immediately. I thought he was dead, so when

the Auror of the Ministry of Magic arrived, I did not defend or resist. I

felt that I should enter Azka Ban, to punish me for the mistakes I


"But, I saw that newspaper." Sirius' face was almost distorted with anger

as he said, "I recognize him. Even if Peter turns into dust, I will recognize

him. He is hiding in the Weasley house, with the name of a mouse. It

looks like he is also an Animagus, and very few people know this."

Xia Ran pretended to be thoughtful and said, "You mean, Ron's rat is

Peter, and he betrayed us more than ten years ago and defected to


"Yes, Xia Ran, do it. I just hope you remember that Peter is still alive. He

is Voldemort's Death Eater. You'd better inform Dumbledore of this."

Sirius struggled to sit on the ground. Kill them at the first sign of attack,

without making any unnecessary resistance.

Chapter 70 Chat

Xia Ran pretended to be embarrassed, as if she believed Sirius' words and

was reluctant to take action, but she was a little worried, afraid that

Sirius would lie and deceive.

"Aren't you going to take action?" Sirius asked, "You can continue to trap

me. When you find out the truth, you will naturally let me go."

If one could avoid death, of course it would be better not to die,

especially since Sirius wanted to avenge Harry's parents and kill Peter

Pettigrew. Xia Ran knew that Sirius was not the kind of person who was

afraid of death.

"Come in." Xia Ran waved her wand, the door opened, and the rope

trapping Sirius floated automatically, taking Sirius into the Fremont

Manor and landing in a corner.

From his point of view, it is impossible for Sirius and his family to

completely believe him just because of their words. Therefore, even if he

understands the inside story behind the scenes, he still will not let Sirius

go directly in a short time. This requires a transition stage.

"Is there anything to eat?" Sirius asked, "I dare not change my human

form these days. I am not living a human life. I am either picking things

up in the trash or eating rats and bugs, but I am starving. "

Xia Ran suddenly laughed and said: "You have always been in the form of

the big black dog of Animagus. Of course you are not living a human life

anymore. Just wait."

He entered the house and happened to be hungry himself.

"Xia Ran, your craftsmanship is pretty good." Sirius had his hands free,

and without caring about hygiene, he grabbed the steak and ate it. He

was really hungry.

Xia Ran untied the ropes on his hands, but his lower body was still tied

up, with a slightly believing but full of concerns attitude.

Of course Sirius doesn't mind this, as long as Xia Ran can initially trust

him, it's best to give him more food, he is really hungry.

"By the way, Sirius, do you have any impression of your brother

Regulus?" Xia Ran asked in a casual tone while eating.

"Regulus?" Sirius was slightly startled, then smiled bitterly and said, "Why

are you asking Regulus?"

"I found something related to him." Xia Ran temporarily concealed the

matter about the Horcrux.

"Then you are asking the right person, Xia Ran, after all, I am his

brother." Sirius paused for a moment and said with a wry smile, "But I'm

not sure if he regards me as his brother, after all... you know Yes, Regulus

became a Death Eater."

Xia Ran didn't say anything about Regulus stepping back from the brink

and stealing Voldemort's Horcrux. It was not the time yet.

"Regulus, like everyone else in my family, upholds the honor of pure

blood and is proud of being a pure blood!" Sirius said, "I'm not surprised

that he joined the Death Eaters. He didn't. I was surprised, but later

Voldemort's face was completely exposed. He collected all kinds of dark

creatures and established the Death Eater organization purely for his own

selfish desires, not for the glory of pure blood - or, he thought this It’s

just a very trivial point - after he gains power - especially if he can kill

Dumbledore - the concept of pure-blood supremacy will definitely be

promoted to the entire magical world!"

"He is scared. Regulus is scared. He doesn't want to stay in the Death

Eater organization and wants to leave and break away from Voldemort."

Sirius smiled bitterly and opened his palms, throwing away the bones in

his hands, and said: "Voldemort is not a good leader. Even if he is strong

enough, Regulus cannot hand him a resignation report and be done with

it. Either he will work for the rest of his life or else Death in the hands of

Voldemort, or in the hands of any other Death Eater, I doubt that Regulus

is of such importance that Voldemort needs to do it himself."

"As far as I know, he didn't die in the hands of any Death Eater, nor was

he killed by Voldemort himself. He did something very important, but..."

Xia Ran said and looked at the little boy. Sirius shook his head again and

said, "You don't need to know this for the time being."

He was just trying to whet Sirius' appetite.

"An important thing?" Sirius showed a confused and surprised look as

expected, "What is it? How did he die? Xia Ran, please tell me."

"Let's talk about it after your suspicion is completely cleared." Xia Ran

waved her hand and tapped the wand, and several plates automatically

flew into the sink and began to clean them on their own initiative.


Many days later passed, and it was getting closer and closer to the start

of school at Hogwarts. Xia Ran and Sirius also chatted many times, and

their attitudes changed - although they were always disguised.

"Xia Ran, are you going to Diagon Alley?" Sirius asked suddenly. He saw

Xia Ran packing her clothes and getting ready to go out. "Please take care

of Harry. As Harry's godfather, I have not done my best. any


Xia Ran nodded, and after leaving Fremont Manor, he used apparation

and disappeared.

He received a letter from Mr. Weasley, inviting him to meet at the Leaky

Cauldron in Diagon Alley.

"Xiaran, are you here? Come here quickly!" Mr. Weasley waved while

sitting in the Leaky Cauldron. He could just see the situation on the street


There were many people in the bar. In addition to Mr. Weasley, there

were also Mrs. Weasley, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Harry, and

Hermione. They gathered around a three-sided table. The tables were

pushed together and the bar owner Tom was serving food.

"Professor." Several young wizards shouted.

Xia Ran smiled and nodded, sat down in the empty seat next to Mr.

Weasley, and said, "How was it? How was the trip to Egypt?"

"Awesome, Professor Frémont." Percy said first, "I think the pyramids in

Egypt definitely contain very mysterious magical knowledge."

"We all know this, Percy," said George.

"Xia Ran, it's a pity that you couldn't go. Egypt is indeed a great place."

Mrs. Weasley smiled and poured a glass of beer for Xia Ran.

"Thank you." Xia Ran took the beer and took a sip, looked at Hermione

and asked, "When did Hermione arrive?"

"I also arrived today, Professor." Hermione and Ginny sat together and

replied with a smile, "I set off from home a day early and will go to the

station with Mrs. Weasley and the others tomorrow. I have told my

parents Clear."

"How did you finish your homework?" Xia Ran said and immediately

smiled. The most annoying thing for students during summer vacation is


"Oh, Professor, don't mention the homework now, okay? Otherwise I will

easily lose my appetite." Fred said exaggeratedly.

Ginny couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, Fred, set a good example for your sister." Mrs. Weasley glared at


While they were talking, the dishes were served, and a group of people

were talking to each other. Harry, Ron, and Ginny were listening to Fred

and George's jokes and were very amused; Percy and Hermione were

talking about their studies. matter.

Xia Ran chatted quietly with the Weasleys.

"They haven't caught him yet, Sirius Black, so we're going to come to the

Leaky Cauldron, keep an eye on Harry, and escort him to the station

tomorrow," Mr. Weasley whispered.

Xia Ran suppressed her smile. After all, Sirius was in Fremont Manor and

was caught by him a few days ago, but no one knew about it.

I'm two chapters behind. I probably won't be able to write it today. I'll

make it up tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. It's also the weekend.

Chapter 71 Debate

"Sirius...Oh, I really didn't expect that." Mrs. Weasley sighed.

She lamented that Sirius was actually Voldemort's undercover agent,

betrayed the Order of the Phoenix, betrayed James and Lily, and led to

the death of Harry's parents.

Xia Ran said softly: "Did you tell Harry?"

Mrs. Weasley shook her head and said, "It's best to keep this matter a

secret from him, otherwise there might be some trouble."

"But I think it's better to tell him. This matter can't be kept secret forever.

I told Fudge, but he refused." Mr. Weasley had a different opinion.

Xia Ran nodded slightly.

"Xiaran, do you also think that Harry should be told?" Mrs. Weasley said


"It's wrong not to tell him." Mr. Weasley was a little more intense, but his

voice was still very low so that only the three of them could hear it.

"Harry has the right to know this - his parents are How did he die - Harry

is already thirteen years old and in third grade. We can no longer treat

him as a child..."

"He is just a kid, Arthur." Mrs. Weasley glared at her husband and said, "I

think Fudge is right. Not telling Harry is the right thing to do. The truth

will scare him."

"This should not be the case." Xia Ran interjected, "Mrs. Weasley, Harry is

a Gryffindor and is not that fragile. A piece of news cannot defeat him."

"But Sirius is still on the run. If he knew the truth, Harry would be in

trouble! For God's sake, he would be happier if he was kept in the dark."

Mrs. Weasley said, "Catch him Catching Sirius is a matter for the Aurors

and their mission, there is no need to involve underage children, even if

there is a very deep connection between them."

She saw Mr. Weasley open his mouth to refute, and then added a few

final words.

Xia Ran smiled. Sirius was still in Fremont Manor. He couldn't be said to

be "escaping outside", and he couldn't go there without his permission.

"I don't want him to have a shadow in his heart and not be able to spend

this school year happily, I just want him to be more vigilant." Mr.

Weasley retorted, "You have to know what kind of characters Harry and

Ron are - yourself Don’t you know clearly about my son? - Look at what

they do in the first and second years. They run around everywhere. Sirius

will definitely go to Hogwarts. If he is caught, the consequences will be


"Also that night, Harry escaped from his aunt and uncle's house. If the

Knight Bus hadn't picked him up in time, I really can't imagine what the

end result would have been. He probably wouldn't wait for the Ministry

to find him. He’s already dead!”

"But Harry is fine now and there is nothing wrong with him," Mrs.

Weasley retorted.

"Molly, we can't have such a lucky mentality." Mr. Weasley said tiredly,

"Sirius can escape from Azkaban Prison, which already explains a lot.

There has never been a prison break. The scariest prison! My legs felt

weak when I came back after I went there, and Sirius has been there for

more than ten years, but he still has the ability to escape. Molly, we can't

underestimate Sirius."

He repeatedly warned Mrs. Weasley, but Mrs. Weasley just refused to tell

Harry the "truth" about the death of Harry's parents.

"Arthur, Harry is absolutely safe when he stays at Hogwarts. I can

guarantee this." Xia Ran interjected. In fact, it was because he knew

Sirius and knew that Sirius would not hurt Harry, so It doesn’t matter

how you say it.

"I know, Xia Ran, but there are always exceptions to everything." Mr.

Weasley said, "Sirius can escape from Azkaban Prison, so it will not be

that difficult for him to sneak into Hogwarts. "

Xia Ran said: "It's not impossible to tell Harry..."

Mr. Weasley suddenly perked up, but Mrs. Weasley frowned, looking very


"Rather than letting Harry learn some confusing news from other people

and disrupting Harry's thoughts after hearsay, it would be better to tell

him the so-called 'truth' directly." Xia Ran said.

"No!" said Mrs. Weasley.

"Okay!" Mr. Weasley said happily.

"You, Arthur..." Mrs. Weasley was angry and glared at Mr. Weasley.

Mr. Weasley pretended not to notice and deliberately looked away.

Xia Ran lowered her head and ate a few mouthfuls of cake, avoiding Mrs.

Weasley's gaze.

At this moment, Ron suddenly looked at Mr. Weasley and asked: "By the

way, Dad, there are so many of us, how are we going to get to the station


"The Ministry will send us two cars," Mr. Weasley replied.

Everyone immediately raised their heads and looked at him.

"Why?" Percy asked curiously.

"It's because of you, Percy." George said nonsensically, "There is a small

flag on the hood that says HB——"

"——A huge head." Fred added.

Except for Sharon, Percy and Mrs. Weasley, everyone at the table laughed

out loud at the cake.

"Dad, why did the ministry send us a car?" Percy decided to ignore the

others and asked again in an airy manner.

"Oh, because we don't have a car of our own." When Mr. Weasley said

this, Ron and Harry lowered their heads in shame, "And since I work in

the Ministry, they made it a convenience for me... …”

He tried to sound nonchalant, but Harry couldn't help but notice that Mr.

Weasley's ears turned red, just like Ron did when he was feeling stressed.

"That's great!" Mrs. Weasley said happily, "Do you know how much

luggage you have brought together? It will definitely cause a huge

sensation in the Muggle subway. By the way, you have packed your

things. ?"

"Ron hasn't put all his new purchases in the box yet," Percy said in a long-

suffering tone. "He threw them all on my bed."

"You'd better pack up quickly after dinner, Ron, otherwise we may have

to leave you and go to the station tomorrow morning. We won't have

much time." Mrs. Weasley shouted to the other end of the table. shouted.

Ron suddenly glared at Percy with dissatisfaction.

Mr. Weasley knocked on the table, cleared his throat, and said, "Okay,

kids, I..."

When he saw Mrs. Weasley's unusually dissatisfied look, he immediately

coughed heartily and continued, "Your Professor Frémont has something

to say to Harry."

He smiled apologetically at Xia Ran.

"Professor, what?" Harry asked curiously.

Xia Ran deliberately did not look at Mrs. Weasley, coughed lightly and

said, "There is something about your parents."

Harry was startled, then immediately became excited.

Sorry, the two chapters I owe can only be made up tomorrow. I will

make them up.

Chapter 72 Notification

Mrs. Weasley interjected: "I think it's better not to say anything." She

looked at Harry kindly and said, "Harry, you are still young. You should

not know these things until you become an adult in a few years."

"It was too late by then, Molly," said Mr. Weasley.

The couple once again had differences of opinion.

The Weasley children, as well as Hermione and Harry, all stared blankly

at the Weasleys until Xia Ran coughed and woke up as if from a dream.

Yes, can't we just listen to Professor Frémont?

"Professor, what are you talking about about my parents? Could it be..."

Harry said and had some guesses in his mind.

"James and Lily, your parents, we all know that they died in the hands of

a mysterious man in order to save you." Xia Ran said, he mentioned the

mysterious man and did not say the word Voldemort. Otherwise, there

was another shiver, "But your family has been cast a loyalty curse..."

"The Fidelity Charm?" Harry wondered. He had never heard of this spell.


Hermione raised her hand.

"Miss Granger." Xia Ran felt like she was in class.

"The Red Loyalty Curse is a very complex spell that uses magic to hide

one person's secret in the soul of another living person forever. The secret

is hidden in the heart of the chosen person, that is, the secret keeper, so

it will never be revealed. It might be discovered unless the Keeper leaks

the secret," Hermione said rapidly.

Xia Ran clapped her hands gently and said with a smile: "If this was

Hogwarts, I would definitely give Gryffindor 10 points."

Hermione smiled sweetly.

"So, Professor, you said that the Loyalty Charm is in my parents' house?"

Harry asked.

"Yes, Harry, the address of your parents' house has been cast under the

Fidelity Charm. Only one person knows the address, and that is the

Secret Keeper. As long as the Secret Keeper does not reveal the secret,

even if the mysterious person puts his nose against the glass of your

house I can't see any movement inside, and I can't find the house." Xia

Ran said.

"Sirius!" George said.

"He was the secret keeper of Harry's house and he leaked the address to

the mysterious person," Fred said.

"Yes, Harry." Mr. Weasley said bitterly, "Sirius turns out to be one of us.

He is a good friend of your father, so he is the secret keeper, and none of

us have any objections. only……"

"We have all been deceived, Harry, we have all been deceived by Sirius,

including Dumbledore." Mrs. Weasley cried.

Xia Ran did not stand up rashly to defend Sirius at this time. In the face

of this so-called "fact" that has been settled for more than ten years,

without evidence, all overturned cases are delusions.

"So, it was Sirius, that vicious wanted criminal, who killed my parents?"

Harry suppressed his anger.

"Yes, Harry, you have to be careful. You must be careful in the new

school year. Sirius is also a Hogwarts graduate. He knows the rules of

Hogwarts. He is likely to enter Hogwarts." Wei Mrs. Sly said worriedly.

Ginny said: "Mom, relax, there is Dumbledore in Hogwarts. You-Know-

Who is afraid of Dumbledore. As a loyal subordinate of You-Know-Who,

Sirius will naturally be afraid of Dumbledore."

"Yes, Mom, as long as Dumbledore is at Hogwarts, it is the safest place in

the world. Harry will be fine," Ron also said.

Mrs. Weasley gave her three youngest sons a serious look and said, "You

are not allowed to run around, especially you, Fred and George!"

"We know, Mum." Fred and George replied jokingly. Under Mrs.

Weasley's extremely stern gaze, they had to suppress their smiles and

lower their heads to eat.

Mr. Weasley warned: "Harry, you must not capture Sirius without

authorization. You will not be his opponent. The Aurors of the Ministry

of Magic are searching for Sirius day and night. They are Professionals

are the best wizards, they will definitely be able to deal with Sirius,

Harry, you just need to wait patiently, and you will hear the news of

Sirius' arrest."

Hermione and Ron looked at Harry worriedly.

Harry knew that this was other people's concern for him. He also

understood that he was only in the third grade, and Sirius had already

graduated from Hogwarts and had an unprecedented escape from

Azkaban Prison. Sirius It was indeed not something he could deal with,

but he was always unwilling to do so.

The murderer who indirectly killed his parents was at large, but he

couldn't do anything and had to accept the protection of others. This

really made Harry feel angry.

"It's all my fault!" Harry thought through gritted teeth, determined to

study hard this year and be like Hermione.

Xia Ran didn't give any instructions, so how could Sirius attack Harry?

Living with Harry was what he longed for, to make up for his mistakes

and fulfill his responsibilities as a godfather.

After dinner, Harry went to bed drowsily. He seemed to dream of his

parents, and also dreamed of a pair of bright eyes as big as car lights,

which he saw after escaping from his uncle and aunt's house. An

"unknown" one arrived.

That night, Harry didn't sleep well.

Xia Ran returned to Fremont Manor through apparation. Sirius stayed in

a small wooden shed with a clean and tidy bed. He took the "Daily

Prophet" and read it.

After so many days, Sirius's treatment was gradually getting better, and

Xia Ran pretended to slowly trust Sirius.

"Xia Ran, you are back. How is Harry? Is he okay now?" Sirius asked

Harry how he was doing as soon as he saw Xia Ran.

"He is with the Weasley family and his classmates." Xia Ran answered.

"Arthur, Molly." Sirius retracted his head and continued to read the

newspaper under the light. He knew the Weasley family very well and

Harry got along with them. Sirius expressed his relief.

Xia Ran pretended to hesitate and said, "Sirius, what do you think of

Ron's mouse?"

Sirius instantly held the newspaper tightly and said with hatred: "I will

kill him!"

"You are so irritable, then we have to discuss your matter in the long

term. You don't want to be caught by the Aurors as soon as you show up,

and you are sent to Azkaban to be kissed by the dementors, right?" Xia

Ran spread her hands and said, " Or are you willing to hide for the rest of

your life? You are Harry's godfather. James and Lily are dead. Apart from

Harry's aunt and uncle, you are his closest relative."

He deliberately used provocation to make Sirius suppress his violent


"Thank you for your trust, Xia Ran." Sirius thanked him first, then shook

his head and said, "But I have been convicted, how can I reverse the


"There is always a way." Xia Ran smiled.

Chapter 73 Return to School

"If you don't have a wand, just stay in the manor. If anything happens,

you can contact me through Floo. The fireplace in my office is already

connected to the fireplace at home." Xia Ran said and warned again, "But

Sirius, you must remember that you are still a wanted criminal by the

Ministry of Magic and the Muggle world. Do not go out without

authorization. It is easy for others to see through your disguise. If the

Auror catches you, you will be It’s all bad.”

"I understand." Sirius nodded and said. He knew the priorities and was

not a brainless idiot.

Even though he was often in a more impulsive and reckless state, after

Xia Ran's persuasion, he restrained the boiling murderous intention in his

heart and targeted Peter Pettigrew.

"Your wand..." Xia Ran suddenly frowned again.

Sirius spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "When I was arrested

more than ten years ago, my wand was destroyed by the Ministry of

Magic. No prisoner needs to use a wand. Otherwise, where would I end

up after escaping from prison?" To such a situation?"

"We are wizards after all. Without a wand, we have tied our hands and

feet. Even if you face a young wizard who has not graduated yet, Sirius,

you are in great danger." Xia Ran frowned and said, "I'm behind you. I'll

think of another way and get you an old wand."

He thought of the Room of Requirement in Hogwarts. Perhaps there

should be some old wands there. Even if they were very awkward to use,

in this situation, it would be a blessing for Sirius to have a wand to use.

Where else could he use it? Want more?

"Okay, please, Xia Ran." Sirius said.

Now in the entire magical world, Xia Ran is the only one who believes in

him, and Sirius is extremely grateful. Otherwise, he might have been

kissed by a dementor and his soul was sucked away by the dementor,

which would be completely the same as a dead person. .

In the past, his comrades-in-arms, including Dumbledore, Moody, Auror

Kingsley, and the Weasleys, all believed that he was a despicable villain

who betrayed the Order of the Phoenix, killed Harry's parents, and was

willing to work as an undercover agent for Voldemort. If he appeared in

front of them openly, there would be a high probability that he would be

killed directly.

Even if he wasn't killed, the Dementors would definitely give him a kiss

during his subsequent detention by the Ministry of Magic.

Sirius is not a person who is afraid of death. Although it cannot be said

that he is completely unafraid of death, he is not the kind of person who

is greedy for life and afraid of death. It is just that Peter Pettigrew has

not paid the price he should have paid for his betrayal and betrayal of

Harry's parents. Pettigrew Peter's true identity has not yet been revealed,

and Sirius is unwilling to die. He feels that he must kill Peter Pettigrew

alive to avenge the Potters.

He believed that this was a major mistake he had made, otherwise the

Potters would not have died.

Xia Ran gave Sirius a key to the manor, and immediately they both went

to bed. Early the next morning, Xia Ran got up and packed her clothes,

books and other items. Edsna's bird cage was cleaned, and he poured

There was no rush to set off, he could just go directly to Hogwarts via the

Floo Network. This time he didn't have to take the Hogwarts Express.

He remembered that Lupine would ride the Hogwarts Express and use the

Patronus Charm for the first time in front of Harry and others.

But it wasn't a big deal, and Xia Ran wasn't interested in experiencing it

again or witnessing it live.

It wasn't until the afternoon that Xia Ran was ready to return to



He twisted up a little floo powder and sprinkled it into the burning

fireplace. With a pop, the red flames turned into green fireworks.

"Sirius, let's go first. Let me know if you have anything." Xia Ran said,

picking up the suitcase and the owl, stepping into the green flames,

shouting "Hogwarts", and a huge suction force instantly swallowed him

up. When he could see things clearly again, he was back in his office at


"Edsna, go." Xia Ran opened the owl cage, Edsna flew to the Owlhouse in

Hogwarts, and he waved his wand and placed the suitcase.

Xia Ran took out a few large books. He borrowed them from Dumbledore

when he left school. He had read them all during the long summer

vacation. He just returned them to Dumbledore and borrowed a few more

magic books. books.

He went up to the principal's office on the eighth floor and suddenly

remembered that he had no password. He hugged a few large books and

sighed, preparing to talk tomorrow.

The stone monster suddenly jumped aside, and an angry Professor

McGonagall walked out quickly. She was also startled when she saw Xia


"Professor McGonagall, what are you doing?" Xia Ran asked in surprise. It

was rare to see Professor McGonagall looking so angry.

"Dementors!" Professor McGonagall said in a disgusted tone, "The

dementors are stationed outside Hogwarts, and they are also conducting

so-called inspections on the express train. If they cause mental damage to

the students, I will I really want to know how the Ministry of Magic will

resolve this matter in the end?" Then he said sternly: "How can the

Ministry of Magic allow dark creatures like dementors to come to


"Because of Sirius?" Xia Ran remembered that Dementors were also

stationed at Hogwarts in the original time and space. The reason given by

the Ministry of Magic was to protect the young wizards at Hogwarts from

Sirius. In fact, more students were harmed by dementors, but fortunately

there were no casualties.

The current Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, is really a mediocre

leader, but he also has extremely strong self-confidence.

Xia Ran felt that ministers like Fudge should have resigned long ago.

"We have so many professors and teachers, are we still afraid of one

Sirius? I'm going to talk to Poppy (Mrs. Pomfrey's name)." Professor

McGonagall said and walked away angrily.

Xia Ran entered Dumbledore's office.

"Ah, Xia Ran, you are here. Have you returned the book?" Dumbledore

was writing something with a quill pen and said, "Put it on the table first.

Do you want to borrow a book? Go in and choose it yourself. I I have to

finish this letter.”


Dumbledore pulled out his wand and clicked it, and a wall immediately

moved to both sides. Inside were several large bookshelves filled with all

kinds of magic books.

Xia Ran chose a few more books unceremoniously, and before leaving, he

hesitated and said, "Dumbledore, what do you think about Sirius?"

"Sirius?" Dumbledore put down his quill and began to fold the letter,

sighing, "I thought he was a very good wizard - of course, he is indeed

good enough - but I didn't expect that, alas. !”

He sealed the letter, handed it to Phoenix Fawkes, and said, "Cornelly

Fudge, Minister of Magic."


The phoenix cried softly, grabbed the envelope, turned into a flame and

disappeared without a trace.

"Okay, see you at the opening ceremony." Xia Ran said and returned to

his office on the fourth floor. It's not yet time for the opening ceremony.

The Hogwarts Express has not arrived at the station yet, and it will

probably take another hour or two. time.

Chapter 74 Two New Professors

When Xia Ran came down to the auditorium, it was already late. He saw

the first-year students gathered in a group outside the auditorium. Hagrid

was handing over to a little wizard with white hair. This time it was not

McGonagall. The professor had sorted out the new students, and she had

just taken Harry and Hermione to her office.

"Hey, Xia Ran." Hagrid greeted Xia Ran cheerfully.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Hagrid, I heard that you are the new Professor

of Care of Magical Creatures?"

When Harry was in third grade in the original time and space, Professor

Kettleburn, the previous Care of Magical Creatures teacher, retired due to

old age, and the current gamekeeper, Rubeus Hagrid, took over the post

of Professor of Care of Magical Creatures and became his A dream

Hogwarts teacher.

"Have you heard?" Hagrid looked a little surprised, and then smiled

happily, "I didn't expect that I would succeed in the end. You know, after

all, I..." lowered his voice and whispered: "...go to school I was expelled

from Hogwarts when I was young, so when I heard that Professor

Kettleburn was resigning, I just submitted my resignation application to

Professor Dumbledore with the attitude of giving it a try, but I didn’t


"Professor Dumbledore is such a good man!" Hagrid sobbed, his eyes red.

He was framed by Tom Riddle and became the "murderer" when the

Chamber of Secrets was opened for the first time, leading to his expulsion

from Hogwarts. It was Dumbledore who defied all opinions and asked

Armand, who was the principal of Hogwarts at the time, to Dippet, left

him at Hogwarts to assist the gamekeeper at the time.

Dumbledore really took good care of Hagrid. After all, Hagrid was

probably a little better than Lupin when he was a child, and the hybrid

giant was no better treated than the werewolf.

"Congratulations, Hagrid." Xia Ran smiled.

Hagrid suddenly felt worried and said: "After all, I - you know, I haven't

received complete and systematic teaching - I'm afraid that the children

will not be able to accept my teaching, and my knowledge may not be


"Come on, Hagrid, you have this ability." Xia Ran said, "Not to mention

other things, when it comes to magical creatures alone, you are indeed

worthy of authority."

He didn't tell lies or deliberately comfort Hagrid. In terms of his

understanding of magical creatures, Hagrid is a complete expert. He is a

professor of Care of Magical Creatures. It cannot be said that Dumbledore

can be accommodating, because Hagrid is indeed Have this ability.

The two of them sat down in their respective seats in the auditorium.

Hagrid was always on the fringe because of his size.

Last year, Lockhart's seat was taken by a sickly-looking wizard. His

wizard robe was in tatters and had many patches. Although he still

looked young, his light brown hair had already Starting to turn gray.

This person is naturally Remus Lupin, the new Defense Against the Dark

Arts professor.

The divination professor on the other side, Professor Sybill Trelawney,

was dressed in a very exaggerated outfit, with several strings of beads on

her wrists and neck. She seemed unwilling to get too close to Lupine.

When Xia Ran arrived, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xia Ran, long time no see." Lu Ping stood up, shook hands with Xia Ran,

and said, "Thank you for your recommendation, you helped me a lot."

He had just been fired from his previous company and was not sure

where his next job would be when he received a letter from Dumbledore,

inviting him to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, even

though he had heard many rumors about the Defense Against the Dark

Arts professor. Despite the rumors about the position, he readily agreed

to take up the post with almost no time for hesitation.

As a werewolf, it's not easy to find a job.

Therefore, he was extremely grateful to Xia Ran who recommended him.

Although he was the final candidate for the Defense Against the Dark

Arts professor position in the original time and space, Lu Ping himself did

not know it.

"Long time no see." Xia Ran chuckled, "Professor Snape is a potion


Lupine suddenly smiled. He had also been worried about turning into a

werewolf when he was full moon. Dumbledore replied that Professor

Snape could help him prepare Wolfsbane potion, which is a famous

potion in the wizarding world. Master, Severus Snape's name is still very


Snape, who was at the other end of the faculty table, seemed to have

heard Xia Ran mention his name, and looked at Lupine with eyes full of

hatred, his expression gloomy and twisted.

"Ahem..." Professor Trelawney coughed twice deliberately.

"Good evening, Professor Trelawney." Xia Ran greeted.

Professor Trelawney glanced at Lupine and said, "My third eye saw the

shadow on you, Xia Ran."

"I will pay attention. Thank you for your reminder, Professor Trelawney."

Xia Ran said. During the summer vacation, he had dealt with Voldemort's

Horcrux Marvolo Gaunt's ring, and also came into contact with one of the

Three Hallows of Death. One's Resurrection Stone, and later came into

contact with Sirius, who was a wanted criminal. The so-called shadow

appearance was completely normal and not surprising.

"Okay, as long as you have an idea." Professor Trelawney looked away,

and Lupine was nodding and smiling at her.

Lupine's smile was a little bitter, but as a werewolf, he was used to

people's attitudes.

During the chat time, the sorting ceremony has almost been completed,

and some freshmen from the four colleges have been admitted.

Professor McGonagall, Harry, and Hermione returned to the auditorium,

and the little wizard with white hair walked out of the auditorium with

an antique hat and a three-legged stool.

"Harry Potter, he fainted on the train?" Professor Trelawney whispered,

staring at Harry with a pair of big eyes behind her glasses. She still didn't

know that what she had done more than ten years ago That prophecy,

one of them is Harry Potter.

However, the famous savior, Harry Potter, is really a very interesting

existence for a wizard like her who is deeply involved in divination.

Lupine thought she was caring about Harry, and explained: "I happened

to be in the car at the time and gave him chocolate. I think it's okay."

"Really?" Professor Trelawney's words contained a tone of regret, as if

Harry was intact without any damage, which was a very regrettable


Lupine was confused. Isn't she a professor at Hogwarts?

Xia Ran smiled and asked: "Sibyl, what did you see in Harry?"

"Hmph!" Professor Trelawney snorted and said, "My third eye won't be

opened often. It would cause too much burden on me. When that child

comes to my class, I will take a good look at him. future destiny."

Lupine looked at Xia Ran blankly, seeming to ask if this was the

Divination professor at Hogwarts?

When Professor Trelawney entered Hogwarts to teach, Lupine had

already graduated. Before that, the two sides had no interaction.

Xia Ran blinked.

Lupine suddenly stopped laughing, shook his head, and looked at Harry,

who was James and Lily's son. It was the first time today that he saw

what he looked like when he grew up.

Chapter 75 Appointment Notice

"Welcome, oh, welcome old students and new students."

Dumbledore stood up. Although he was old, he always gave people a

sense of energy. His silver-white hair and beard were several feet long,

and he wore half-moon glasses. One of them was particularly crooked.


Xia Ran knew that Aberforth punched him at Ariana Dumbledore's


The headmaster of Hogwarts faced all the students with a very kind and

kind smile.

Harry felt truly calm for the first time since the dementors entered the

train compartment and caused him to pass out.

"Welcome the old students back to Hogwarts, and welcome the new

students to Hogwarts for the first time!" Dumbledore said, the candlelight

shining on his beard, "Before dining, I'd better make this clear before

your brains get confused while you enjoy your delicious meal."

The little wizards laughed softly.

Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued: "Our school currently

welcomes several dementors from Azkaban. They are sent by the Ministry

of Magic to perform official duties. You must already know this, because

they are in The Hogwarts Express was searched earlier."

He paused briefly. It was obvious that he was not happy about the

Ministry of Magic sending dementors to guard the school. When Xia Ran

went to the principal's office, he was writing a letter to Fudge.

Xia Ran believed that this was not the first time Dumbledore had written

to Minister of Magic Fudge about the Dementors this summer.

"They are stationed at every entrance to the school." Dumbledore

continued, "I must make it clear that when they are there, no one is

allowed to leave the school without permission. No tricks, tricks or

disguises can deceive the dementors. — even an invisibility cloak!”

He added quietly at the end, and Harry, Hermione, and Ron at the

Gryffindor table looked at each other.

"It is not in the nature of Dementors to understand excuses and begging

for mercy, so I remind everyone here not to give them a reason to harm

you. I hope that the prefects and our newly elected Head Boy and Girl

will ensure that no student comes into contact with a Dementor. There

was a conflict.”

As the new Head Boy, Percy Weasley puffed out his chest with dignity.

Dumbledore looked around the Great Hall with a serious expression. No

one moved or made a sound.

"Okay, the unpleasant things are over, let's change to a more pleasant

topic." Dumbledore continued, "I am very happy that we have welcomed

two new teachers."

"First, there was Professor Lupin, who readily agreed to fill the Defense

Against the Dark Arts vacancy."

There were only a few cold and sparse applause in the auditorium. The

students seemed to have no hope for the Defense Against the Dark Arts

professor, especially when other teachers wore their best robes to attend

the opening ceremony. Lupin Wearing a tattered wizard's robe, he looked

even more ragged, which did not easily inspire confidence.

Snape stared at Lupine with a mixture of anger and hatred, an expression

that made him want to eat Lupine alive.

"As for our second new teacher, he is an acquaintance of everyone."

Dumbledore waited for the sparse applause to welcome Professor Lupin

to calm down before continuing, "I have to tell you with great regret that

our Professor Kettleburn, Care of Magical Creatures, has decided to retire

due to his advanced age, in order to have more time to enjoy his happy

life in old age. However, I am also pleased to announce that the person

who will soon fill his vacancy is not It was none other than Rubeus

Hagrid, who agreed to accept this teaching position in addition to his

duties as gamekeeper."

Xia Ran and Lupine clapped. Some professors were applauding, such as

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, while some professors were

indifferent, such as Professor Snape and Professor Trelawney.

At the student table, the Gryffindor applause was particularly

enthusiastic. Hagrid's big face turned red, and his joyful smile was hidden

behind his shaggy and tangled black beard.

The applause at the Hufflepuff table was relatively normal, neither warm

nor cold, but the applause at the Ravenclaw and Slytherin tables was

almost non-existent.

"Okay, there are so many important things, let's have a banquet!"

Dumbledore said at the end.

On several long dining tables, gold plates full of delicious food suddenly

appeared, and fragrant drinks or wine appeared in tall wine glasses.

"It's the taste in my memory. The food at Hogwarts is still as delicious as

ever." Professor Lupine sighed, taking a few portions of food and eating it

slowly. He used to save money on meals when he could, so where can he

be like this? Eat and drink like this?

"Cheers!" Xia Ran took a sip of red wine and said, "Remus, you will have

good days ahead."

"Haha, yes." Professor Luping laughed.

Professor Trelawney asked in a low voice: "Xia Ran, do you know


"Relatively familiar." Xia Ran replied.

It was truly a delicious feast. The auditorium echoed with laughter and

laughter. The panic and fear caused by the dementors on the train had all


Finally, after the last few pieces of pumpkin pie disappeared on the

golden platter, Dumbledore announced that everyone could go to bed.

Sharon said goodbye to Professor Trelawney and left the great hall with

Professor Lupin. Before walking out of the auditorium, they saw Harry,

Ron, and Hermione congratulating Hagrid.

Problems arose in Hagrid's first class in the original time and space.

Although Draco Malfoy had a lot of problems, there was no need for

Hagrid to use a more dangerous animal to teach in his first class.

"Perhaps I should take the time to remind Hagrid." Xia Ran thought to

himself, separated from Professor Luping, their offices were not on the

same floor, and he went straight back to his office.


That night, before Xia Ran went to bed, Sirius' head flashed in the fire of

the fireplace, as if he was dazzled.

Xia Ran used Floo powder to contact Fremont Manor. This time, his head

appeared in the fireplace of Fremont Manor.

"What's wrong, Sirius?"

Sirius stood in front of the fireplace and said, "The newspaper said that

dementors are stationed at Hogwarts. Is Harry okay?"

"Well, it depends on what you say." Xia Ran smiled, "Harry did faint

because of the dementors on the train."

"Damn Fudge!" Sirius became angry and said, "Is Hogwarts a place where

dementors should be? He is the Minister of Magic, but why is he acting

like a brainless idiot!"

"Don't worry, Dumbledore is at Hogwarts, and there are so many

professors and teachers there, so there won't be any problems." Xia Ran

said, "No more chatting, I'm going to bed first, there are still classes


"OK, good night."

Xia Ran raised her head from the green flames of the office fireplace,

washed herself, and then went to bed.

I owe a total of 2 chapters. I made up 1 chapter today. I still owe 1

chapter and will make up tomorrow.

Chapter 76 Magic Wand

The next day, Xia Ran came to the auditorium for dinner, and happened

to meet Hagrid holding a dead polecat in his hand and striding towards

the staff table, with a smile on his face all the time.

"Hi, Hagrid, good morning." Harry, Ron, and Hermione greeted him at

the Gryffindor table.

"How about you, too." Hagrid stopped walking to the staff table and said

enthusiastically, "You guys are here to take my first class, and you'll start

right after lunch! I got up at five o'clock in the morning. I have prepared

everything... Ah, I really hope that the first class goes well, it will be very

interesting... I finally became a teacher... It's really... My dad knows You

will definitely be very happy!”

Hagrid was a little incoherent at the end, but he was still smiling happily.

Xia Ran saw that the expressions of Harry, Ron, and Hermione turned

into worry. Hagrid was often different from ordinary people in his

perception of what was interesting.

Xia Ran decided to remind Hagrid and stopped him.

"What's wrong? Xia Ran." Hagrid was confused, holding the dead polecat

in one hand.

Xia Ran asked in a low voice: "Hagrid, you didn't prepare any dangerous

creatures for the first class, right?"

"Oh, no, of course not, Xia Ran, that is a very interesting guy, not

dangerous at all." Hagrid said immediately.

Well, when Hagrid said this, Xia Ran felt that the hippogriff in the

original space and time might still be the content of his first lesson.

It's not that the Hippogriff is dangerous - it does seem to be not easy to

get close to - but the first lesson should be more conservative, especially

for students like Hagrid who are easy to be fooled by Slytherin House.

Targeted teachers.

"I don't know much about Care of Magical Creatures, but I am also a

teacher. I think as your first class, you should be more conservative. A

good-looking magical creature with no attack power may be a relatively

better one. Choose." Xia Ran reminded.

Hagrid patted Xia Ran on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't

worry, Xia Ran, I'm ready. There will definitely be no problem."

He said as he grabbed a few pieces of pumpkin pie and left the

auditorium carrying the dead polecat.

Xia Ran felt that Hagrid didn't listen at all, but he couldn't control that

much. Anyway, with Dumbledore here, even if there was a problem, he

could almost solve it.

Xia Ran's first class this semester is to teach fifth-grade students. Because

she is facing the pressure of the O.W.Ls exam, not only the students have

a heavy academic workload, but the teachers also have to put more effort

into it.

O.W.Ls is the Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination, an exam that fifth-

year students must take at the end of the semester. This is related to their

choice of courses in sixth and seventh grade, and will further affect their

future jobs.

After all, many jobs require qualification certificates. In the past, Xia Ran

was unable to become an Auror because she lacked relevant qualification

certificates, so she wanted to become a professor at Hogwarts.

As for various more advanced spells and countermeasures, Xia Ran began

to teach the young wizards.

The students immediately complained, especially Fred and George the

loudest: "Professor, do you need to be so strict? Just pass."

This class happened to be held by fifth-year students from Gryffindor and


Xia Ran glanced at the classroom and saw that most people had this

mentality. She immediately darkened her face and said seriously: "If you

want to pass the O.W.Ls exam next June, you must get the best results in

daily classes. At least good grades, otherwise I will regretfully reject your

application in sixth grade."

The little wizards had no choice but to endure and practice obstacle

spells and armor spells. Xia Ran taught spells that were more focused on

defense, restraint, and obstruction. Offensive spells were for the next


And how to deal with these spells, what are the undoing and counter-

spells, he has to leave it to the young wizards, and let them use them in

actual combat. In just two semesters, to be honest, the teaching tasks are

indeed heavy.

Harry and other third-year students will come to combat class tomorrow.

Xia Ran was also thinking about how to obtain several special magic

items containing Force points in the school, but she had no clue yet.

He also almost forgot to get Sirius an old wand.

So after class, Xia Ran went directly to the eighth floor and walked back

and forth three times outside the Room of Requirement, meditating that I

need a place with a magic wand. After he opened the door and entered,

he saw a man with various skills. Although most of the wand-like rooms

are old and unusable, a few are still barely usable.

He chose a wand that looked relatively intact, hid it in his pocket, and

left the Room of Requirement.

"Xia Ran, what's wrong?" Sirius was wandering around the kitchen. He

was hungry at noon.

Xia Ran threw the old wand on the floor of the living room of Fremont

Manor and said, "No, an old wand may not be suitable for you, but make

do with it."

Sirius came over, picked up the wand, and waved it casually. A few

sparks came out from the tip of the wand. He smiled happily: "Thank

you, Xia Ran. I haven't touched the wand in more than ten years. It's

been a long time." Feel."

He looked very excited.

The two chatted for a few more words, mainly about how to target Peter

Pettigrew. Xia Ran raised her head from the fireplace again, returned to

her desk and sat down, enjoying the delicious food cooked by the house


He had just seen that Sirius's cooking skills were really not very good,

and it smelled like burnt food.


When Xia Ran was in class in the afternoon, she heard the students in the

classroom mention what happened in the Care of Magical Creatures class.

It seemed that a student from Slytherin College was injured, which led to

their disapproval of Hagrid as the teacher of the Care of Magical

Creatures class. Questions and concerns.

"Do you think Hagrid has violent tendencies? Otherwise, why would a

student be injured in the first class?"

"Perhaps he wants to give the students a blow?"

The little wizards were talking a lot before Xia Ran arrived, and all kinds

of weird speculations came out.

"Ahem..." After Xia Ran walked into the classroom, she coughed twice,

and the little wizards immediately shut their mouths.

Xia Ran said softly: "Hagrid has no violent tendencies. As for showing off

his power? A teacher would not do such a thing. Well, instead of

discussing how other teachers teach, why not let me see how you

practiced during the summer vacation? How is your mastery of spells?"

"Digory, is there any other student who is willing to volunteer to

cooperate with Mr. Diggory's demonstration?"

Xia Ran looked at the whole class, and almost all the girls raised their


Cedric Diggory has always been a very popular little wizard among the

girls in the school. He is handsome, has a good temper, and his academic

performance is not bad.

In the Goblet of Fire next year in the original time and space, Cedric

Diggory was the real warrior of Hogwarts, and Harry was deliberately

thrown into it by Barty Crouch Jr., a Death Eater disguised as Moody. .

Chapter 77 Advice

Bang bang!

Xia Ran walked through the wet grass and came to the door of Hagrid's

hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. She reached out and knocked on

the door.

"Who?" Hagrid shouted in a slightly panicked voice.

Xia Ran heard low voices coming from the room. Hagrid was not the only

one, but he probably guessed who the other people in the room were.

"Me, Xia Ran."

The people in the room seemed relieved and opened the door. Ron's face

turned a little red and he stammered: "Um, Professor Frémont, let's take a

look at Hagrid."

Harry and Hermione were also in the room. Hagrid wiped his tears with

a rag-like "handkerchief". There was a wine glass as big as a bucket in

front of him. It looked like he had drunk a lot of wine.

"Xiaran, welcome, thank you for coming to see me, thank you." Hagrid

said inarticulately.

"Hagrid, don't worry, Barcobeak and you will be fine?" Hermione said


"Bakobik?" Xia Ran looked confused.

Harry answered: "That's the name of the Hippogriff."

"I'm really terrible." Hagrid burped and said, "On the first day of class, I

was going to be expelled from Hogwarts. Ha, it really set a record. It has

never happened before..."

The more he talked, the sadder he became.

"You won't be expelled, Hagrid," Hermione reassured him.

"Not yet." Hagrid said pitifully, and took another sip of the contents of

the large wine glass, which seemed to be his home-brewed wine. "But it's

just a matter of time, isn't it? Injured in the first class A student, Malfoy...


,"Xia Ran asked: "How is he? Is he not seriously injured?"

He and Ron found a random place to sit down in the house.

"Ms. Pomfrey tried her best to treat him." Hagrid muttered, "But he said

he was still in terrible pain and had to be wrapped in a bandage. He

groaned and looked like..."

"He must be faking it! One hundred percent!" Harry said immediately,

"Ms. Pomfrey can cure any injury. She is a very good doctor. Malfoy must

be trying to make a big fuss out of this matter."

"Needless to say, all the school directors must have known that Lucius is

one of the school directors." Hagrid looked extremely sad and said, "They

will definitely think that I put on too much of a show at the beginning. I

should leave the hippogriff for later - Xia Ran, you are right, I should

follow your advice, but I just want to make the first class more

interesting - alas, this is all my fault , I can’t blame anyone else for being


"Malfoy deserves it all, Hagrid. You are not at fault. There is no need to

blame yourself." Hermione said sincerely.

"Yes, Hagrid, that boy Malfoy brought it upon himself." Ron said.

"We will all be witnesses, me, Hermione, Ron, and all Gryffindor

classmates." Harry cheered Hagrid and said, "You said that if you offend

the Hippogriff, it will Knowing how to attack, who told Malfoy not to

listen carefully to the class? This is his problem. The students did not pay

attention to the class and made mistakes in the end. The teacher cannot

be blamed! We have to tell Dumbledore everything about the situation at

that time, and he will help……"

"Oh, goodbye." Hagrid said, "Dumbledore is already busy enough because

of the Dementors and Sirius. I can't cause him any more trouble.

Originally, he asked me to be the Professor of Care of Magical Creatures.

Some parents of students are dissatisfied, and now that something like

this happens again, they are determined to be very disappointed with


"Don't worry, Hagrid, Dumbledore wouldn't think so." Xia Ran said,

"Although the Malfoy family is powerful, they can't dominate the magical

world with one hand."

"Yes, Hagrid, we will all support you." Ron also said.

Tears flowed from the crow's feet of Hagrid's small black eyes. He

grabbed Harry and Ron and hugged them so tightly that they almost

broke their bones.

"Thank you, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Xia Ran, thank you, thank you

for coming to see me."

"Hagrid, I think you've had too much to drink. You can't drink any more."

Hermione said seriously. She picked up the large wine glass from the

table, took it outside and poured it all away.

"Ah, maybe she's right," Hagrid said, letting go of Harry and Ron, who

stumbled back while rubbing their ribs.

As a hybrid giant, Hagrid is quite powerful.

"Hagrid, you know so much about magical creatures. There may not be

many people in the magic world who know more about magical creatures

than you." Xia Ran said.

Hagrid smiled sheepishly.

"I think you should teach some magical creatures that are more beautiful,

or in line with... well, the public's aesthetics - I know you think all

magical creatures are interesting, but obviously, most students have not

yet reached your level - such as Unicorns, or sniffers, are very interesting

—don’t you think they are boring?—and are magical creatures that will

definitely be liked by little wizards." Xia Ran said softly.

"Unicorn?" Hermione came in with an empty wine glass, her eyes lit up

and she said, "I heard that unicorns are very beautiful. I have always

wanted to see a unicorn with my own eyes."

"What is a sniff?" Harry and Ron asked in confusion.

"That's a very interesting little animal, but when it's time for you to give a

detailed introduction, Hagrid will tell you that I teach combat classes,

and I don't know as much about magical creatures as Hagrid does." Xia

Ran smiled.

It seemed that Hermione's performance had shaken Hagrid's attitude. He

shook his head and said, "Okay, unicorns and sniffers, yes, those are very

interesting creatures. I believe the students will like them. Will you like


He finally asked hesitantly.

"Of course!" Hermione, Ron, and Harry hurriedly replied. Although Xiu

Xiu didn't know what magical creature it was, they always knew

something about unicorns. They had heard many legends, and they were

indeed very curious. .

"Thank you, Xia Ran." Hagrid shook Xia Ran's hand hard, then looked at

Hermione and the other two and said, "You care about me like this, I


He suddenly froze and looked at Harry blankly, as if he had just realized

that he was standing here.

"What are you doing?" Hagrid yelled suddenly, startling all three of them,

"You can't run around after dark, Harry, especially you! And you two,

you didn't stop me. Holding him?!"

Hagrid strode up to Harry, grabbed his arm, pulled him to the door, and

said loudly: "Xia Ran and I will send you to the castle now, and don't let

me see you in the dark again." Then run around everywhere, otherwise...

I'm not worthy of you doing this!"

"Haha, Hagrid, you are a professor now, you can deduct points from

them." Xia Ran blinked and said.

Hagrid shook his head and said, "Let's forget it this time. Next time, and

the next time, I will definitely deduct points from Gryffindor. Believe me,

I will do what I say!"

Chapter 78 Worry

Xia Ran's advice seemed to work on Monday night. In the Care of Magical

Creatures classes of other grades later, Hagrid indeed introduced

unicorns, sniffers, and an interesting guy called an invisible beast. If you

feel it, If there is a threat, it will automatically become invisible, which is

an eye-opener for the students.

Almost all magical creatures like invisible beasts are found in the Far

East, and Hagrid had to go through a lot of trouble to get one.

This also led to the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh grade students to have

a relatively good evaluation of Hagrid, the new Care of Magical Creatures

professor. It’s not really good, but at least it’s not bad. .

Only the third grade students still have some concerns and worries.

Students in first and second years do not need to take care of magical


Because the students' evaluation was acceptable, Hagrid went to Xia Ran

to express his gratitude, saying that Xia Ran's advice had been of great

help to him, and gave Xia Ran a bag of biscuits.

Xia Ran tried it and it could be used as a hammer.

However, Xia Ran heard from Harry, Ron, and Hermione that Malfoy

would not give up and would definitely let his father, Lucius Malfoy, use

his influence to make Hagrid lose his position as teacher.

"You're thinking too much." Xia Ran put away her lesson plans. get out of

class was over at this time, and Harry and the other three stayed behind

on purpose.

"Professor, do you think Malfoy is good?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Of course Lucius is not that good. Draco is only in the third grade like

you. What can he do?" Xia Ran said, "Besides, Hagrid is a professor and

has not made any big mistakes. Everyone knew that Malfoy's injury was

not serious. In this case, how could Hagrid be expelled from the teaching

staff of Hogwarts? But Baccobeak said it was not certain, after all, it did

attack Malfoy. ."

"But Malfoy brought it on himself," Ron said.

"Yes, he asked for it, but he is a student, a wizard studying at Hogwarts,

isn't he?" Xia Ran said, "Bakobik is just a magical creature after all."

"Okay, you should go to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. If you

are late for Professor Lupine's first class, I believe you will regret it in the

end. Your Defense Against the Dark Arts class today will definitely be

very interesting. Xia Ran said.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione had no choice but to leave the combat

classroom with their schoolbags on their backs, and rushed to the

Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with curiosity.

"Professor Frémont said it was very interesting? He knows what today's

Defense Against the Dark Arts class is about?" Ron said doubtfully and


"Maybe. He and Professor Luping seem to have a pretty good

relationship, don't they? Maybe Professor Luping has asked for his

opinion? After all, this is Professor Luping's first time in class and he

must have no experience. Please ask Professor Frémont. It's also a very

normal thing." Hermione guessed.

"We'll find out later," Harry said.

During the evening meal, most of the students were in high spirits.

"Did you see that Boggart?" Ron said ostentatiously, "I defeated it!"

"What a pity!" Hermione sighed and said with regret, "I also want to deal

with the Boggart."

They did have a lively and interesting Defense Against the Dark Arts class

today. Professor Lupine taught them how to deal with strange dark

creatures like Boggarts. Boggarts often become the most feared image in

wizards' hearts, but as long as By concentrating your thoughts and

chanting the "funny" spell, you can make the Boggart do very funny

actions or decorations, and you can easily defeat the Boggart.

"What will it become in front of you, Hermione?" Ron said maliciously,

"An assignment that didn't get full marks, but only got nine points?"

"Humph." Hermione glared at Ron fiercely.

Harry seemed a little uncomfortable and asked in a low voice: "Why

didn't he let me deal with the Boggart? He happened to be in my


Not every student had to deal with the Boggart once, after all, time was

limited, but when it was Harry's turn, Professor Lupine stopped.

"You have to ask Professor Lupin." Ron shrugged, grabbed a piece of

steak and ate it.

Harry was a little depressed, and he remained so until he returned to the

Gryffindor common room. He was thinking that I fainted because of the

dementors on the train, and I was the only student who fainted. Could it

be that Professor Lupine was afraid of the Borg? I turned into a

dementor, and then I fainted again and was laughed at by Malfoy and


Thinking about how he would have been laughed at by Malfoy if he had

actually fainted in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom because

of a dementor that kept changing into a Boggart.

He suddenly felt a little lucky, because he didn't know if he would be

able to withstand it if he faced the Dementors again. What if he really


"Oh." Harry sighed softly, lay down on the bed, and covered his head

with the quilt. He didn't want his roommate to see his expression.


The first weekend came quickly. Xia Ran was looking through an ancient

magic book, "Poisonous Magic". This is a collection in Principal

Dumbledore's library and will not be placed in the Hogwarts library at

all. Go, so as not to mislead some curious students.

Although Xia Ran relies on the Force points to improve the level of

magic, as well as spells, transformations, etc., this method is quick to

achieve results and does not require you to work too hard. You only need

to find special magic points that contain Force points. Magic items are

enough, but Xia Ran often reads various books to enrich himself. After

all, he can improve his strength without using Force points.

He feels that his level of Charms has been improved again. The original

level 5 (elementary) level of Charms is already considered to be at the

upper reaches of the magic world. If it improves further, his strength will

definitely be further enhanced. Perhaps You can start to hope for the

level of the four major deans.

"I can improve magic, transformation, potions, herbalism, etc. through

my own efforts, but the magic level..."

Xia Ran frowned immediately. His magic level increased very slowly,

especially after reaching level 5 (elementary level), and there was no

progress at all for several months. Maybe the upper limit of his body is

level 5. (Elementary) level, there is no other way to increase the magic

level except relying on Force points.

Xia Ran decided to absorb the Force points contained in special magic

items such as Gryffindor's sword. As for the doubts, she could no longer

care about it. Anyway, after absorbing the Force points, it only had a

slight impact on the magic items. That's all, it's not completely destroyed.

He put down "Poisonous Magic" and went directly to the outside of the

principal's office on the eighth floor. He said the password. The stone

monster jumped aside and he went straight into the principal's office.

The outstanding chapters have been completed, please vote

Chapter 79 Absorption

"Xia Ran, what's wrong? Do you want to borrow a book?" Dumbledore

was looking through a large book and said without looking up.

Xia Ran didn't come here to borrow books. He came here to ask for

Gryffindor's sword, which was hung on a wall in the principal's office.

"I want to take a look at Gryffindor's sword, this rare treasure left by

Godric Gryffindor." Xia Ran said.

"The Sword of Gryffindor?" Dumbledore raised his head at this time,

staring at Xia Ran with his blue eyes, and said, "What do you want the

Sword of Gryffindor?"

"Take a look. After all, it is a special magical item from ancient times, a

relic of Gryffindor. I am indeed curious about the sword." Xia Ran said

half-truthfully, as a relic of one of the four giants of Hogwarts , of course

he was curious, but mainly because of the Force points it probably


Dumbledore did not refuse, went around and took off the sword, and said

with a smile: "Just take it and ponder it, just don't break it - although the

sword is a tough and sharp weapon made by goblins, there is almost no

such thing in the magic world that can be broken. There are things that

damage the sword - but it is Gryffindor's sword after all, and it must be

taken good care of."

Xia Ran took the sword, and a line of writing suddenly appeared on the

system panel that his pupils could see.

"I found Gryffindor's sword. Force points: 40. Do you want to absorb it?"

Xia Ran suppressed the joy in his heart. He didn't expect to borrow the

Gryffindor sword so easily. He also suppressed the urge to absorb the

force points at this moment and said with a smile: "Thank you,


He turned and returned to his office. The reason why Dumbledore did not

refuse his request to borrow Gryffindor's sword was actually very simple.

After all, although the sword was precious, the weapon used by wizards

was a wand, and the sword was more of a symbol. The meaning - after

all, it is the legacy of Godric Gryffindor - Dumbledore himself has no way

to destroy the sword, and he also does not think that Xia Ran borrowed

the sword to destroy it.

Supported by this kind of thinking, it is completely normal to agree to

lend the sword.


Xia Ran closed the door of the office to prevent any teacher or student

from coming in to find him.

"Absorb it?"


He felt a cool breath filling his body, as if he had eaten a large bowl of

sweet rice after two days of hunger.

"Well, 40 Force points cannot promote the improvement of magic level. It

feels like a waste to use them in Charms, Transfiguration, Potions or

Herbalism. It is better to keep them for other sources in the future. The

income from the Force Points will further increase the level of magic

power." Xia Ran thought to himself.

The last time he upgraded his magic power from level 4 (advanced) to

the current level 5 (elementary), he spent a full 50 force points. And from

level 5 (elementary) to level 5 (medium), naturally Need more force


Only then did he have the intention to look at the Sword of Gryffindor.

Whether it was his illusion or some other lighting reason, he always felt

that the luster on the sword was a little dim.

"In this case, it's better to wait ten days and a half before returning it."

Xia Ran whispered. If you return it now, Dumbledore will find something

wrong at a glance. But if it takes ten or twenty days, about It was an

artifact, so it would be difficult for Dumbledore to detect anything


Xia Ran touched her chin again and said to herself, "I wonder if the

sharpness has been damaged?"

He waved his magic wand to create a thick piece of tree, and slashed it

lightly with his sword. As expected, it was as powerful as breaking

bamboo, and he cut through it easily.

"It seems there is no obvious impact." Xia Ran nodded with satisfaction,

waved his wand again, and the two-part tree disappeared. He sheathed

the sword and placed it on the corner of the table.

He became more interested in several other special magical items now

known in Hogwarts, including the Invisibility Cloak in Harry's hand, the

Sorting Hat in Dumbledore's office, and Dumbledore's Elder Wand.

Especially the Elder Wand and the Sorting Hat, both must have more

than 100 Force points. If they could absorb them all...

"Alas!" Xia Ran sighed softly.


This school year at Hogwarts, except for the presence of dementors -

which are actually still wandering around the outside of the school, and

Dumbledore will never allow them to enter the school without

permission - has somewhat affected people's mood, everything else is

great. of.

As for Sirius, people thought he had fled to some remote corner, or

perhaps fled the country.

"I think he escaped from the country. I have taught him that although he

is impulsive - indeed he can be called brave - Sirius is not stupid. There

are so many Aurors chasing him. It is impossible for him to stay in the

country. That's too dangerous." Professor Flitwick, who was in charge of

the Charms class, said during a meal one day in late October.

Xia Ran smiled, Sirius was now in Fremont Manor, neither a remote

corner nor somewhere abroad.

"You still don't know him well enough, Filius." Professor McGonagall

said, "Sirius has taken refuge with the mysterious man. He will never give

up when he sees Harry at Hogwarts."

"That despicable, dirty traitor!" Hagrid said through gritted teeth. His

voice was louder, attracting the attention of the students dining in the


"Shh!" Professor McGonagall reminded Hagrid.

"I met him, and I comforted him. It's such a shame to think about it!"

Hagrid hammered the dining table and said, "After James and Lily died, I

was the first to rush to the scene and rescued Xiao Hagrid. Lee, poor little

thing, has a scar on his forehead, and his parents are dead.

"Sirius showed up at this time, riding his old flying motorcycle. I had no

idea where he was or what he was doing. I didn't know he was Lily and

James' secret keeper at the time, and I thought he was too. I just heard

the news of the mysterious man's attack, so I came to rescue him. The

boy was pale and trembling all over, but do you know what I did? I

actually comforted the despicable traitor who killed people!" Hagrid

shook his hand heavily! Clenching his fists, he was still extremely angry

when he mentioned what happened more than ten years ago.

"Hagrid, please!" Professor McGonagall whispered, "lower your voice. The

students shouldn't know this."

Xia Ran found that Snape's face was particularly gloomy. He guessed that

Snape might have leaked the prophecy to him, causing Voldemort to

target the Harry family and regret it. He also felt very sad about the news

that Sirius betrayed the Harry family. Angry, after all, Harry's mother

also died in Voldemort's attack.

"Thank you for the reminder, Professor McGonagall." Hagrid continued,

"How could that boy be sad for James and Lily? He was sad because his

master fell! He also wanted me to hand Harry over to He, because of

Dumbledore's order - he must take Harry to his aunt and uncle's house -

so I refused him. If I really gave Harry to him, what would he do? He

would definitely ride When that motorcycle flies over some strait or

river, throw away Harry, and we won't even be able to find his body."

"Okay, Hagrid, stop talking," Professor McGonagall said.

Just then, Lupine entered the auditorium.

Snape suddenly made a mocking sound.

Chapter 80 Harry’s Request

Lupine sat down in his seat and said with a smile: "What's wrong? What

are you talking about?"

"Aha, our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is here, Sirius's good

partner and close friend." Snape said sarcastically.

"Sirius?" Lupine's expression darkened. This topic was indeed very painful

to him.

"Okay, no more." Professor McGonagall stopped talking.

Snape was unwilling to let Lupine go, and sneered: "How does it feel to

be betrayed by a friend, Lupin?"

Several other professors frowned slightly. They all knew that Lupine,

Sirius, James Potter, and Peter Pettigrew were once close friends. In the

end, Sirius betrayed, the Potters died, and Peter Pettigrew was also killed

by Sirius. Death, and Sirius unexpectedly escaped after being imprisoned

in Azkaban for more than ten years.

Snape's words were clearly adding salt to Lupine's wounds.

Although Snape once had deep conflicts with Lupin and James, time has

changed. After so many years, and they are all fellow professors at

Hogwarts, why should we cling to this matter?

Xia Ran knew why Snape hated Lupine so much, because when he was

studying, a trick from Sirius caused Snape to almost die at the hands of

Lupine, who turned into a wolf, so he had almost no less feelings for

Lupine. The disgust and hatred of James and Sirius.

"It's a terrible feeling, Severus. I don't think you want to know it." Lupine

said softly.

Snape's expression became increasingly gloomy, and he stood up and left

the auditorium.

Xia Ran secretly smiled. Wasn't Snape angry because he didn't have such

a close friend?

Several professors stood up one after another, and Xia Ran saw Lupine's

sad expression. Although he knew the secret behind it and Sirius was still

at Fremont Manor, it was a pity that Peter Pettigrew's true face was not

exposed at this time and he could return Sirius's favor. The perfect time

to come clean.

He walked out of the great hall and suddenly met Harry, Ron, and

Hermione. Ron and Hermione were looking at Harry to cheer him up.

"What's the matter, Harry?" Xia Ran asked.

Harry took a deep breath.

"Professor, my aunt and uncle, um, they forgot to sign my form - the

Hogsmeade permission form." Harry said slowly.

"So?" Xia Ran raised his eyebrows, he guessed Harry's intention.

"Professor, could you - I mean, if you think you can - could you sign my

Hogsmeade permission form? That way Professor McGonagall will give

me permission to go to Hogsmeade on the weekends. "Yeah." Harry said


Because he inflated Aunt Marge during the summer vacation, he ran

away from home and was eventually sent to the Leaky Cauldron by the

Knight Bus. Naturally, no one signed the Hogsmeade permission form for


Hogsmeade is the only wizarding village in England. The entire town is

full of wizards. There are many very interesting shops in it, and many

young wizards are interested here.

Students in the third year of Hogwarts and above are sometimes allowed

to visit Hogsmeade Village on weekends to buy some of their favorite

things or food. Harry has been looking forward to this for a long time,

but because of his guardian uncle Vernon De Si Li did not sign, so he was

not allowed to leave the school and could only listen helplessly to the

heated discussions among other students.

"I'm not your guardian, Harry."

"But, Professor, my aunt and uncle, they are all Muggles, and they don't

understand things like Hogwarts forms." Harry said, while Ron nodded

and cheered him up. "If you are willing to sign..."

"Professor McGonagall is mainly responsible for this matter. You should

go to Professor McGonagall, Harry." Xia Ran said. He remembered that

this happened in the original time and space, but Harry was looking for

Professor McGonagall. In the end, he didn't. was agreed to.

Harry said awkwardly: "I've asked Professor McGonagall, and she said

that there must be a signature on the permission form before you are

allowed to go out."

"That's right, Harry, this is the rule." Xia Ran smiled slightly, "Professor

McGonagall is responsible for this matter. Since she said so, I can't sign it

for you, and I'm not your guardian. ."

"I'm sorry, Harry, but there is actually nothing interesting in Hogsmeade.

It doesn't matter whether you go or not."

Xia Ran said and went up the stairs.

"It doesn't matter whether we go or not? He said it lightly." Ron sneered

and said, "He has been there so many times, of course he finds it boring."

Harry was equally annoyed. He had never been to Hogsmeade Village

once, so how could he say it didn't matter whether he went or not?

"I think Professor McGonagall and Professor Frémont are right, Harry."

Hermione said, "Sirius is in exile, and it is the best choice for you not to

go out."

The "It's all for your own good" look on Hermione's face made Ron even

angrier and said many unpleasant things, which also made Hermione

very angry. The two of them argued in the classroom before temporarily

stopping because Everyone in the classroom was happily talking loudly

about what to do first, what to buy, and where to go when we arrive in

Hogsmeade Village in a few days.

Harry could only listen to this.

"Don't be discouraged, Harry, isn't there a Halloween party?" Ron tried to

cheer Harry up and comforted him, "You know, that night is the

Halloween party."

The day the school arranged for the students to go to Hogwarts happened

to be the first day of Halloween. That night was naturally a grand and

enthusiastic Halloween party.

"Yeah, it's really great." Harry cheered up a little, but he still felt gloomy,

and he didn't say the second half of the sentence.

"It would be even better if I could go to Hogsmeade Village and attend

the Halloween party!"

This bad mood will stay with Harry until the Halloween party, which he

hopes will make up for his regret of not being able to go to Hogsmeade.

"I really want to sign Harry's Hogsmeade permission form. I am his

godfather and I am also his guardian. I am qualified to sign." Sirius's

disheveled head appeared in the green fireplace , he heard Xia Ran talk

about Harry's request during the day.

"You'd better not sign." Xia Ran said, "If a wanted criminal openly signs

the permission form, this matter will become a big deal."

"I know." Sirius nodded. He also understood his current situation. Only

Xia Ran believed in him. Everyone else thought that he was the leaker

who betrayed the Potters. He must not appear in In front of the public.

"I want to see Harry on Halloween, Xia Ran, what do you think?" Sirius

suddenly asked, looking eager to give it a try.

Xia Ran rolled her eyes and said, "Forget it, your photos are everywhere.

Now that Harry sees you, he will definitely pull out his wand and

challenge you for a duel."

"Most of the students and teachers happened to have left Hogwarts that

day. I am also very familiar with Hogwarts. If there is no problem, I will

take a look at Harry from a distance and not appear directly in front of

him." Sirius argued.

Xia Ran naturally disagreed.

Chapter 81 Doubt

Sirius still strives for Xia Ran's consent, after all, Xia Ran is the only one

who believes in him - Xia Ran is familiar with the plot, has a God's

perspective, and naturally knows that Sirius is innocent - he attaches

great importance to Xia Ran's opinions and attitude.

But it was his wish to go and see Harry. After all, Harry was his godson.

However, because Sirius had been in Azkaban Prison for more than ten

years and failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a godfather, he I feel

guilty, regretful, and feel sorry for the Potters.

At this stage, it was the only thing he could do to see how Harry was


"It's too dangerous. What if we are discovered? The first and second grade

students are still in the school." Xia Ran frowned and said.

Sirius smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I just avoid them. Now I have a

wand and can use magic spells - of course, I will not recite spells to those

innocent children - and I am very familiar with Hogwarts. , probably

even more familiar with it than Dumbledore, and I know almost all the

secret passages! As I mentioned when I was chatting with you earlier, I

am also one of the producers of the Marauder's Map."

Xia Ran believed that the Marauder's Map was jointly produced by Sirius,

Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and James Potter.

Xia Ran finally agreed reluctantly and warned: "Be careful, the

Marauder's Map is in the hands of the Weasley brothers. They should

leave Hogwarts and go to Hogsmeade Village, but when will they come

back? When we use the Marauder's Map, we don't know it clearly."

"Don't worry." Sirius nodded repeatedly, and his head with a happy face

disappeared into the green fire.

Xia Ran shook her head, sighed softly, picked up the "Poisonous Magic"

again, and read through it carefully.

A few days later, it happened to be the day before Halloween, and

Hogwarts was on holiday. Students in third grade and above—especially

those who had just met the conditions for going out—all cheered and

chatted enthusiastically when they arrived at Hogsmeade. After the

village, they asked which store they were going to, what snacks to eat,

and what to buy.

Harry tried not to show envy, but others knew what he was thinking.

"To be honest, Harry, there is nothing interesting in Hogsmeade." Harry

felt that Percy's words of comfort were the most useless. "Yes, the candy

shop is indeed good, with many delicious snacks, but Zuko The Joke

Shop is too dangerous. Oh, and the Screaming Shack is worth a visit, by

the way, but other than that, you're not missing out on much, Harry."

"We'll bring you lots of sweets from Honeydukes," said Hermione, who

seemed to feel sorry for Harry too.

"Yes, bring a lot back." Ron added. When facing Harry's disappointment,

he and Hermione finally forgot about the quarrel about Crookshanks.

Crookshanks is a cat that Hermione bought in Diagon Alley. He is very

spiritual. He discovered the abnormality of Ron Mouse Scabbers at the

first sight, even though this time he did not recognize the big black dog

that Sirius had changed. Crookshanks Still focused on Banban.

Of course, cats catching mice is a natural law and a matter of course,

even though Scabbers is a mouse transformed from Peter Pettigrew.

"Don't worry about me." Harry said in a nonchalant tone. He didn't want

to affect his good friend's mood. "See you at the banquet. You guys have


Harry accompanied them to the entrance hall and watched them leave

Hogwarts under the inspection of Hogwarts Administrator Filch.

Filch held a long list in his hand and looked at any student with

vigilance, determined not to let any student who shouldn't go out.

"Staying here, Potter?" Malfoy shouted from the crowd. He was lining up

with two followers, Goyle and Crabbe. "Afraid of passing those


Harry ignored him, pretending he didn't hear, and walked straight up the


"Professor Frémont, are you going to Hogsmeade too?" Harry happened

to meet Xia Ran coming down the stairs.

"No, I just came to the auditorium to have something to eat." Xia Ran

shook her head and said. In fact, she also meant to check Harry's

movements. After all, Sirius couldn't really be running around in

Hogwarts. He had a purpose. Knowing where Harry is, it is easiest to

avoid being discovered by others.

"What about you, Harry?"

"Um, I'm going back to the lounge," Harry replied.

Xia Ran frowned slightly, said nothing more, and entered the auditorium

to eat something to fill her stomach. When she came out, she met Harry

again, who had just come out of Lupin's office.

Lu Ping said hello to Xia Ran.

"See you at the banquet tonight, Xia Ran, Harry."

Harry waited for Professor Lupine to close the door to his office, and then

whispered mysteriously: "Professor, Snape gave Professor Lupine a

mysterious thing in a goblet, and he actually ate it. What do you think?"

What could that be? I don't think it's a good thing, Snape has always

hated Professor Lupin."

It turned out that after he and Xia Ran separated, they returned to the

common room. Because the second-year student immediately left the

common room, Professor Lupine called him to his office. On the way,

Snape brought a tall wine glass. Lupine drank the mysterious liquid, and

Harry was very worried that Snape had deliberately framed Lupine.

"Professor Snape, Harry, you have to call me Professor." Xia Ran smiled.

Of course he knew what was in the wine glass. It was nothing more than

wolfsbane potion. After all, Lupine was a werewolf, and he often Snape

was needed to prepare a wolfsbane potion for him to suppress his violent

and bloodthirsty wolf nature.

In this way, he can also remain quiet when he transforms into a wolf.

Although it is not peaceful, at least he will not make any noise.

Nine out of ten professors at Hogwarts knew about this.

"Okay, Professor Snape."

"To be honest, Harry, you don't have to worry about the contents of the

wine glass. It's not just me. Almost all the professors at Hogwarts know

what's in it." Xia Ran explained with a smile, but Wolfsbane Potion But

there is no need to say it.

Whether Lupine's true identity - that of a werewolf - should be revealed

depends mainly on Lupine himself and Principal Dumbledore. He, an

ordinary professor, should not get involved.


Harry's eyes suddenly widened. He thought Snape wanted to poison

Lupin. So the professors knew about it? !

"There is nothing wrong with Snape, and Harry and Dumbledore don't

think there is anything wrong with him either." Xia Ran said, wondering

what Snape's expression would look like if he knew you doubted him. Xia

Ran suddenly felt that she still had a little expectation.

Harry muttered something.

Xia Ran returned to the office, and Sirius had arrived at Hogwarts

through the Floo network.

"How's it going, Xia Ran? There aren't many people, are there?" Sirius

asked quickly when he saw Xia Ran coming back. He couldn't wait to see


Chapter 82 The spiritual cat

"There aren't many people. Anyway, you should pay attention to


Xia Ran asked: "Did you change your Animagus form, or did you use an

invisibility spell, such as the Disguise Charm?"

Sirius' Animagus form is a big black dog. No one in the wizarding world

knows this except Xia Ran, Lupine and Peter Pettigrew.

"Lupine is also at Hogwarts. It's better to use the Disillusionment Curse to

be safer." Xia Ran said.

"I would like to use Animagus form to see Harry with my own eyes, so

that he can see me." Sirius turned his head and said, "I also want to play

with him for a while."

Xia Ran shook his head and said: "It's too unsafe. What if Lupine sees it?

But Scabbers, the mouse that Peter Pettigrew transformed into, has been

staying in the Gryffindor common room and is unlikely to be seen. you."

"Okay." Sirius had no choice but to agree to use the Disillusionment

Charm, took out the old wand from Xia Ran's Room of Requirement from

his pocket, and pointed it at himself.

The Disillusionment Curse is not a pure invisibility spell. The principle of

this spell is somewhat similar to that of a chameleon, which allows the

cursed wizard to be close to the surrounding environment so that others

cannot detect it.

Xia Ran glanced over and couldn't find Sirius, because he had become

exactly the same color and texture as in the office. She could only hear a

voice coming from there: "Xia Ran, I'm going out first."

"Be careful." Xia Ran finally warned.

Sirius seemed to wave his hand, opened the door and walked out.

Fortunately, there was no one in the corridor outside at this time,

otherwise he would have screamed in surprise when he saw the door

open automatically.

Xia Ran was not too worried. After all, Sirius was an excellent wizard

with a level 5 magic power. Compared with Xia Ran at this time, he was

not weaker at all. He had also experienced the first wizard war. He is

brave and fearless, and believes that nothing will go wrong, as long as he

is careful and cautious.

"It's better to read a book for comfort." Xia Ran changed the book this

time, no longer reading "Poisonous Magic", but "Advanced Black Magic

Revealed". This book tells a lot of black magic, the most evil black magic.

One of the Horcruxes, there is also a related description in the book

"Advanced Black Magic Revealed".

If Xia Ran remembers correctly, Voldemort discovered the dark magic of

Horcrux from the book "Advanced Dark Magic Revealed", so Dumbledore

later took away the book and no longer placed it openly in Hogwarts.

library, so as not to mislead or seduce subsequent little wizards.

Not long after, Xia Ran's office door closed with a bang.

Xia Ran instantly touched her wand and pointed forward.

"It's me, Xia Ran." Sirius touched his own phantom spell, wiped the sweat

from his forehead, and panted, "Unlucky, so unlucky."

Xia Ran changed her color and said, "Have you been discovered?"

"No." Sirius shook his head and said with a wry smile, "It wasn't

discovered by someone, but by a cat."

The words just fell——

Meow! Meow!

There was a meow outside the door.

Xia Ran was stunned.

Sirius spread his hands and said with a helpless smile: "As you heard."


He opened the door, and a big ginger cat slipped in. The cat's ginger fur

was fluffy and soft, but its feet were obviously a bit boxy, and the

expression on its face seemed to be a little enthusiastic. Although this cat

Cats tend to have gloomy expressions.

"Crookshanks?" Xia Ran was slightly surprised.

The big ginger cat circled around Sirius, and when he heard someone

calling his name, he turned to look at Xia Ran.

"Is it called Crookshanks?" Sirius closed the door and teased Crookshanks.

"It's Hermione's cat. It's more...well, more supernatural." Xia Ran said.

Crookshanks easily discovered the anomalies of the mouse Scabbers and

the big black dog in the original time and space, and also noticed the big

changes in Sirius. The black dog became a good friend, helped him do

many things, and even targeted the mouse Spot.

Unexpectedly, Crookshanks still bumped into Sirius this time.

"You're right, Xia Ran, this cat is indeed very spiritual." Sirius stroked

Crookshanks, and the big ginger cat closed its eyes with satisfaction, "I

cast a disillusionment spell on myself. It was discovered by Crookshanks,

and it must have smelled it. It meowed around me, and I had no choice

but to go back to your office first, but it also ran over."

"Perhaps, we can use the power of Crookshanks..."

Sirius mused.

"You mean to ask Crookshanks to help catch Spot the mouse?" Xia Ran

asked with a frown.

"Yes, since Crookshanks is Hermione's cat, Crookshanks must stay in the

Gryffindor common room most of the time, just in time to catch little

Peter." Sirius became more and more excited as he talked. , "Little Peter

turned into a mouse. He can't stop Crookshanks. If the Animagus

deformation is removed, little Peter will be in trouble."

Xia Ranxin said that you used this strategy in the original time and space,

with the help of Crookshanks' power.

"It's not impossible to give it a try." Xia Ran pondered, "Mouse Scabbers

always stays in the Gryffindor lounge. As a teacher and not the dean of

Gryffindor, I have almost no chance to enter the Gryffindor lounge. He

went into the Lanffindor lounge. If he had given instructions to the young

wizard, it would have been very easy to leak the secret and arouse the

suspicion of others, including the vigilance of Peter Pettigrew."

"Mouse Scabbers is such a small mouse. If he runs into the sewer, he

really won't be able to find Peter Pettigrew." Xia Ran said with a slightly

worried look.

It was because of this concern that he never caught Mouse Scabbers, and

had no better chance to make Mouse Scabbers' true identity public, to

clear away the grievances on Sirius, and to get rid of the big blame on his


"I know that little Peter escaped from the sewer more than ten years ago,

but cats and mice are natural, right? No one will doubt this, and little

Peter himself will not doubt Crookshanks. Who is called He is a mouse,

and Crookshanks is a cat." Sirius was still very interested.

"Okay, you can give it a try, but it mainly relies on Crookshanks' power

to catch the mouse Scabbers. Sirius, you must not be exposed." Xia Ran


Sirius was teasing Crookshanks. At this time, he was in human form. His

body shook twice, and suddenly a big living person turned into a big

black dog.

When Crookshanks saw this scene, not only was he not afraid of his fur,

but he barked at the big black dog curiously and swung his tail back and


"Woof woof woof!"

"Meow meow!"

Xia Ran held her forehead and saw a big ginger cat and a big black dog

communicating in her office. Why did this scene look so weird?

Chapter 83 Accident

Xia Ran suddenly heard voices coming from outside the castle. He

opened the window and let the cold wind blow in. He looked around and

saw many students returning from Hogsmeade Village and returning to


"Sirius, don't go out for the time being. The students are coming back one

after another." Xia Ran muttered, "During the dinner, Crookshanks will

help, and more people will gather in the auditorium. Then you can try

Let’s see if we can catch the mouse Banban.”

"Remember, you can't expose yourself in advance, otherwise if the mouse

Banban is not caught, he will definitely run away immediately, and we

will never find him again in the future." Xia Ran gave the final

instructions, fearing that When Sirius saw Scabbers the mouse, he

became so angry that he couldn't control himself.

The big black dog barked "woof" to show that he understood the pros and


"By the way, let Crookshanks go back later, otherwise we won't be able to

open the portrait of the Fat Lady at the entrance to the Gryffindor

lounge." Xia Ran added, characteristic of the wizarding world, the

wizard's portrait has wisdom, although There is a big gap between him

and his original body, but he can already communicate normally. As the

guard at the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, the portrait of the

Fat Lady will definitely not let Sirius in without a password.

Crookshanks was Hermione's cat. It was normal for him to come and go

in the Gryffindor common room, and no one would suspect it.

The big black dog communicated with the big ginger cat Crookshanks

again. Dogs and cats barked one after another. What about animals?

call out!

He put a soundproofing spell on the door.

About another hour or two passed, during which the owl delivered a

copy of the Daily Prophet. There was no meaningful news in it, it was all

gossip or insignificant news, such as the time when a respected wizard

was young. A senior official of the Ministry of Magic - said to be a leader

of the Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation -

took a sick leave.

It was getting dark outside, the wind and snow were getting heavier, and

the temperature was getting lower, but it was still hot inside the castle.

"Meow." Crookshanks called, slipped out of Xia Ran's office, and returned

to the Gryffindor lounge with his tail wagging.

"Ah, Crookshanks, you are finally back. I thought you wouldn't come

back for another night." Hermione hugged Crookshanks and said happily.

She and Ron had just returned from Hogsmeade. Came back and brought

Harry a lot of food.

Ron glanced at the sleeping mouse Scabbers lying on his lap and snorted


Because the mouse Scabbers is Peter Dwarf Animagus, when Crookshanks

first saw Scabbers, he discovered the strange secret hidden behind

Scabbers, and it is natural for cats to catch mice, so Crookshanks He

wanted to catch Scabbers, but was stopped by others countless times, but

this had aroused Ron's resentment, and he disliked Hermione, the big cat

named Crookshanks.

This also led to a relatively tense relationship between Ron and

Hermione. As a good friend of the two, Harry felt extremely troubled

when he was caught in the middle.

"Okay, the dinner is about to start, let's go down." Harry said, and

everyone else in the lounge began to leave for the great hall one after


"I need to put Scabbers away." Ron said, holding the mouse Scabbers in

his hands, and returned to his boys' dormitory.

Harry noticed that Crookshanks' eyes flickered and stared at Scabbers.

Harry suddenly had a headache and said, "Hermione, please put

Crookshanks back."

He knew that if Crookshanks really caught Scabbers and ate him, Ron

would definitely break up with Hermione, but he felt that it would be too

difficult for a cat not to catch mice.

"Okay," Hermione said.

After a while, Harry, Ron, and Hermione left the lounge talking and

laughing, and a big ginger cat came to the lounge lightly and sat cross-

legged in a corner. There are still a small number of students who have

not left.


On the other side, Xia Ran went to the auditorium, while Sirius ate some

pastries in the office and waited for the Halloween dinner time to

officially arrive. The best time for him to act was when the teachers and

students of the school gathered in the auditorium.

When Xia Ran arrived at the auditorium, it was almost full of people.

Thousands of pumpkins with candles decorated the auditorium, a large

group of live bats flying around, and many orange banners with burning

flames. Like a colorful water snake, it floats lazily on the ceiling where

the storm is brewing.

The food at the Halloween banquet was so delicious that Xia Ran couldn't

help but take a portion of each and stuffed her mouth full of it.

Beside him, Lupine and Professor Flitwick were chatting animatedly,

mostly about some strange things in the wizarding world.

On the other side, Professor Trelawney ate aloofly and slowly, as if

deliberately distinguishing herself from Xia Ran and not wanting others

to misunderstand that she was as rude as Xia Ran.

Xia Ran was thinking in her mind, wondering if Sirius had entered the

Gryffindor lounge and caught the mouse Scabbers?

"Xia Ran, what are you thinking about? You look a little distracted." Lu

Ping took a sip of wine and asked softly.

Xia Ran smiled and said, "It's nothing, I'm just stumped by a few spells."

"Haha, Xia Ran, it's banquet time, let's put the curse aside for now."

Professor Flitwick, who was further away, laughed.

The banquet ended with a performance by the Hogwarts ghosts, who

jumped out of the walls and tables and formed various formations to

perform gliding performances.

Gryffindor's ghost, the nearly headless Nick, reenacted his beheading

experience with great success.

At this moment, several senior students who had left the auditorium early

suddenly pushed open the door of the auditorium, looking extremely


"Sirius, the wanted criminal Sirius, has appeared!"

The auditorium fell silent for an instant, and you could hear a pin drop.

Dumbledore suddenly stood up and asked, "Where did you meet him?"

"Gryffindor...outside the Gryffindor lounge!" the students said with

lingering fear.

"A few teachers will follow me to the Gryffindor lounge. The other

teachers will keep order, take good care of the students, and don't let

them leave the auditorium." Dumbledore said immediately, and walked

out of the auditorium resolutely.

Xia Ran immediately followed Dumbledore. He frowned. What did Sirius

do? Did something go wrong at that point? Why was he caught by others

and his identity revealed?

Lupine, Snape, Professor Flitwick, and Professor McGonagall, the head of

Gryffindor House, walked out of the great hall together with Xia Ran.

The little wizards looked at each other with confused and frightened

expressions on their faces. There were so many dementors standing guard

outside Hogwarts, how did Sirius sneak in?

The portrait of the Fat Lady at the entrance to the Gryffindor lounge was

not damaged, but the Fat Lady looked dazed, as if she had been under a


The portrait rotated and opened, revealing the passage inside, in which

bits of various books and pieces of clothing were scattered. The entrance

to the passage was full of pits, as if a wizard had just had a duel here.

When Xia Ran saw it, her brows suddenly furrowed even more tightly.

Chapter 84 Doubts

"What's going on?" Professor McGonagall looked at the potholes in


Dumbledore's expression was unusually solemn and he said, "I'm afraid

there is a battle taking place here."

"Fight?" Professor McGonagall was quite surprised. This was Hogwarts,

and it was just outside the Gryffindor lounge. Who would start a fight


Xia Ran took out the wand and patted the dust on the edge of the hole on

the wall. To be able to make such a hole in the stone wall, the wizard

who cast the spell must have used a powerful magic spell.

I wonder how Sirius is doing now. Who did he fight here just now? Peter



Dumbledore waved his wand at the Fat Lady, who suddenly woke up

from her trance and looked blankly at the wizards outside the painting.

"What's the matter, Dumbledore?" the Fat Lady asked confused.

Lupine asked: "Fat Madam, don't you remember what happened just


"What happened?" The fat lady became more and more confused.

"It seems that the Fat Lady was cursed at the first opportunity."

Dumbledore's eyes were solemn.

Snape said gloomily: "It must be Sirius Black."

"What a fierce battle!" A bad laugh suddenly came from above.

It was Peeves, the prankster among the ghosts of Hogwarts. He was

jumping up and down on the heads of several people. Seeing this scene

after the battle, he was even more happy than usual.

"What did you say, Peeves?" Dumbledore asked calmly. The smile on

Peeves' face softened a little, and he was no longer so presumptuous. He

did not dare to laugh at Dumbledore, and changed to a flattering tone. ,

but it doesn’t sound much better than the ridicule just now.

"Sirius Black, and a red-haired wizard. Aha, both of them wanted to enter

the Gryffindor lounge, and they got into a fight. It was the red-haired

wizard who made the first move. It was really fierce. , each move is fatal,

both sides want the other's life!" Peeves still said happily.

"Fat Madam..."

"She was cursed by the red-haired wizard from the very beginning. She

couldn't see anything. She's so pitiful." Peeves said hypocritically.

Xia Ran frowned and asked: "We can understand Sirius breaking into the

Gryffindor lounge, but the red-haired wizard? Who is he? Why did he

also take the opportunity to break into the Gryffindor lounge?"

He felt that the change in the plan was the red-haired wizard. Who was

he? There was no such wizard in the original time and space.

"That is really a cruel wizard. The moment he saw Sirius, he cast it

without saying a word..." Peeves paused deliberately and said, "Avada


"Do you recognize the red-haired wizard? Peeves." Xia Ran asked again.

"I don't know!" Peeves smiled and said, "But I happened to pass by and

saw it. Sirius was at a disadvantage and seemed to have been hit by a few

spells. The red-haired wizard is really strong. The notorious Sirius, isn't

it? His opponent! If some students had not come forward, Sirius might

have died in the hands of the red-haired wizard, but he also escaped

before Sirius."

"I will not pursue such a vicious villain." Peeves added at the end.

Xia Ran's face was solemn. How many spells had Sirius been hit by? Since

he was able to escape in front of several students in the end, it was

probably not a fatal spell, such as Avada Kedavra, or a dark magic spell

such as the Cruciatus Curse. He was experienced and should have

temporarily suppressed his injuries. .

However, Xia Ran was still a little worried, but it was not the time to

leave now, so she had to hold back her temper and listen to Dumbledore's


Who is that powerful and vicious red-haired wizard?

Several people entered the Gryffindor lounge and took a look, but found

nothing, so they turned back and the Fat Lady's portrait closed

automatically. After hearing Peeves' story, the Fat Lady's face was full of


Dumbledore comforted him a few words and took several teachers back

to the auditorium.

"The teachers and I need to conduct a comprehensive search of the

castle." Dumbledore told everyone, as Professor McGonagall and

Professor Flitwick closed several doors in the auditorium. "For your own

safety, I'm afraid you can only live in We’re spending the night here, and

I hope the prefects will guard the entrance to the auditorium. I’ve

entrusted the president of the Boys’ and Girls’ Student Union to take

charge of the management. If anything unusual happens, report it to me


After that, he said to Percy who was very proud and serious: "Send a

ghost to deliver the message."

"Okay, Professor." Percy puffed out his chest proudly.

Dumbledore stopped talking and was about to leave the auditorium, but

suddenly said: "Oh, by the way, you need..."

He waved his wand lightly, and long tables flew to the edge of the

auditorium, automatically standing against the wall. With another wave

of his wand, hundreds of soft purple sleeping bags appeared on the


"Sleep well." Dumbledore said, then walked out and closed the door.

The auditorium immediately erupted in chatter, and the senior students

told everyone what they had just seen.

"Everyone get into your sleeping bags, hurry up!" Percy shouted, "No

more talking, lights out in ten minutes!"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione grabbed three sleeping bags and dragged them

to a corner.

"Do you think Black is still in the castle?" Hermione asked worriedly.

They didn't know about the red-haired wizard.

"I wish he stayed in the castle." Ron said, "That way the professors can

catch him directly. With so many teachers and professors, how can Sirius

escape? If he still stays in the castle."

"Fortunately, he chose tonight. We are not in the tower, but attending the

banquet in the auditorium." Hermione said happily.

"I think he is on the run and has no sense of time." Ron guessed.

Harry said nothing. He didn't know what he was feeling. Angry? Happy?

Maybe a bit of both.

Around them, other students were asking the same question: "How did

Sirius get into Hogwarts?"

"Maybe he will apparate and appear out of thin air all of a sudden!"

"Or he disguised himself and deceived the dementors."

"Maybe he flew in on a broomstick!"

There were all kinds of speculations, but Hermione seemed a little

annoyed and whispered: "Please, haven't they seen "Hogwarts: A School


"What does this have to do with anything?" Ron asked in surprise.

"Because the castle is not only protected by walls, but also has various

magic spells, and Apparition is prohibited in Hogwarts," Hermione


"Okay, time's up, stop talking, turn off the lights now and go to sleep!"

Percy said loudly, the lights went out in response, and the surrounding

area suddenly became quiet, except for the buzzing sound from time to

time, obviously from the little wizard who was close to him. They spoke

quietly, but after a while they lost their voice.

Silver ghosts were floating around, and from time to time the prefects

were talking seriously about something.

Harry didn't know what he was thinking at the moment. The murderer

who killed his parents was at large. He even broke in tonight and

planned to kill him. However, he could only sleep here, unable to do

anything. At strange times, he will faint directly.

He turned over and buried his head under the pillow, secretly telling

himself that he must kill Sirius with his own hands to avenge his parents?

But at the same time, he had another question in his heart, if I really

caught Sirius, could I really kill him?

Chapter 85 Guess

Xia Ran searched the Hogwarts Castle with Lupine and Snape. They

worked in groups of three to prevent one person from getting into trouble

or being in danger if they encountered an intruder. The three of them

watched and helped each other, but they no longer had this worry. .

Xia Ran's face was solemn. He had been thinking about the origin of the

red-haired wizard, but no matter how hard he thought about it, he

couldn't remember that such a character appeared in the original time

and space. Could it be a change in the plot?

And why did that person break into the Gryffindor common room during

the Halloween dinner? Why did he do this? What's the purpose behind it?

"Sirius, hehe." Snape suddenly sneered and said, "It seems that the more

than ten years of prison life have not taught him enough lessons, and he

dared to break into Hogwarts. He was attracted by the red The hair

wizard hit a few spells, isn't he already dead? That would be a great help

to the Ministry of Magic."

Lupine looked particularly complicated. Sirius was once one of his best

friends, but ended up defecting to Voldemort, leading to the death of the

Potters and the death of Peter Pettigrew himself.

At this time, Lu Ping still didn't know the truth. He was still sad and

angry, mixed with emotions.

Xia Ran was not prepared to tell him the truth at this time. Sirius had

already been convicted, but by telling him something without evidence,

he exposed the connection between himself and Sirius, arousing the

hatred and anger of others. In the end, Sirius The grievances on my body

were not washed away, but I was involved in it.

"Who is the red-haired wizard? He broke into Hogwarts like Sirius and

went straight to the Gryffindor common room. What was his purpose?"

Xia Ran was confused.

Lupine shook his head and said, "Is he also here for Harry?"

In the eyes of everyone except Xia Ran, Sirius broke into the Gryffindor

common room because of Harry and wanted to kill Harry Potter.

"The red-haired wizard?" Snape said coldly, "Isn't he a relative of the

Weasley family?"

"How is it possible?" Lupine was the first to not believe it, and said, "The

Weasley family has a very good relationship with Harry, how could they

be murderous towards Harry? Besides, the Weasley family all have red

hair, so that doesn't mean The ones with red hair are the Weasleys."

The three of them searched Hogwarts Castle but found no clues or

findings. After informing Dumbledore, they asked about Sirius and the

red-haired wizard. Dumbledore also couldn't figure out the identity of the

red-haired wizard. .

Because it was too late, the teachers and professors were exhausted and

went back to the office to sleep.

The moment Xia Ran opened the door, she heard the meowing of a cat in

the office. She immediately closed the door and lit the candle with a

wave of her wand.

Crookshanks was seen squatting in front of a fainted figure, which turned

out to be Sirius. Crookshanks licked Sirius's face with his tongue, making

it slightly distorted.

"Sirius?" Xia Ran quickly walked over, checked for breath, and

immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he still had breath.

"Meow?" Crookshanks looked at Xia Ran.

Xia Ran rubbed Crookshanks' big ginger head and said, "He's not dead.

Don't worry. Thank you for your hard work, Crookshanks."

Crookshanks barked twice.

Sirius didn't seem to have any injuries on his body. With his distorted

face, he might have been hit by a few Cruciatus Curses.

"Recover quickly!" Xia Ran pointed the wand at Sirius and chanted the


Sirius stirred and then woke up, but his face was still as pale as paper,

looking very tired and haggard.

Xia Ran recited another healing spell.


Sirius suddenly felt a surge of energy coming out of his body, he was no

longer so weak, and the pain in his body was also much weaker.

"Thank you, Xia Ran." Sirius stood up.

"Sit down first, Sirius." Xia Ran conjured a chair and sat down behind the


Sirius sat on the chair and exhaled slowly. Crookshanks jumped on his

lap. He put his fingers on the ginger cat's neck. Crookshanks narrowed his

eyes in comfort.

"Today is really unexpected." Sirius said with a wry smile.

Xia Ran asked: "What's going on?"

"It's a long story." Sirius said with a wry smile, "When I checked the time,

I happened to meet a red-haired wizard chanting a spell for the Fat Lady.

He also saw me and seemed a little surprised. But he immediately

attacked me, and he shot the Avada Kedavra, so cruel! I'm sure that the

red-haired wizard is 100% a Death Eater who escaped justice!"

"Death Eaters? Do you know them? Do you have any impressions?"

"No." Sirius shook his head and continued, "I have never seen the red-

haired wizard, but he is very powerful and has a very high degree of

control over magic. Yes, I was caught off guard and didn't fight. You can

beat him, but there will be a next time..."

Sirius's eyes radiated a ray of excitement, as if full of fighting spirit, and

said: "I will definitely give him a surprise!"

Xia Ran's mind raced, and she remembered a magic potion, and asked:

"Do you think the red-haired wizard drank the polyjuice potion and

changed into someone else's appearance to sneak into Hogwarts?"

This is what he just thought of. Polyjuice potion, as a relatively difficult

magic potion to brew, has the effect of helping wizards change into other

people. Just add a little hair of the person you want to change into the


"It's possible!" Sirius nodded and said, "A wizard as powerful as him will

never be unknown in the magical world. He must have changed his

appearance through the polyjuice potion to avoid being accidentally seen

by others and exposing himself. identity."

"Who do you think he will be? Which famous wizard in the magic world?

Or an ordinary wizard who hides himself?" Xia Ran touched his chin.

Even though Sirius had been in prison for more than ten years, he

suffered from the dementors. Suppressed, but he still has level 5 magic

power and can suppress Sirius. The red-haired wizard may have reached

level 6 magic power.

There are only a few such level 6 wizards in the entire magic world.

In Hogwarts, there are only the deans of the four major colleges:

Professor McGonagall, Snape, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Sprout. Of

course, Dumbledore must be much stronger than Level 6. .

As the oldest magic school in the wizarding world, Hogwarts has always

been strong. In terms of high-end combat power, it even surpasses the

official Ministry of Magic.

Sometimes the current Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge's concerns and

fears about Dumbledore are not without reason.

"Let me think about it, there are indeed some powerful dark wizards

among the Death Eaters, but there are not many who are that powerful."

Sirius said, "Antonin Dolohov, and my Marrying Lestrange's cousin... No,

she is not that strong, and Lestrange is not that powerful, so who else?

But Antonin Dolohov and others have been caught In Azkaban Prison,

apart from me, the Daily Prophet did not say that there was a second

prison breakout. This kind of thing must not be concealed."


Xia Ran had a flash of inspiration, clapped her hands suddenly and said,

"I know!"

Chapter 86 The identity of the

mysterious red-haired wizard

"Do you know who it is, Xia Ran?" Sirius' eyes suddenly lit up and he

asked hurriedly.

"Yes, it's probably him. He is indeed very powerful, not weak at all!" Xia

Ran clapped her hands, stood up quickly, and looked for something on

the table.


"What?" Sirius was confused by his series of actions.

Xia Ran opened yesterday afternoon's "Daily Prophet", pointed to a piece

of news and said, "Sirius, look at this piece of news."

"A senior official of the Ministry of Magic - said to be a leader of the

Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation - took a

sick leave..." Sirius frowned and said, "What does this have to do with it?

Do you think he took a sick leave just to Sneaking into Hogwarts in

disguise? Xia Ran, this is too... far-fetched?!"

"Who is the director of the International Magic Exchange and

Cooperation Department?" Xia Ran asked.

"Let me think about it." Sirius thought for a while and said uncertainly:

"It should be Barty Crouch. I have been in prison for more than ten years.

I have only been released for a few months, and I don't know much about

these things. I’m concerned about it, so I don’t know very well.”

"Then who is Barty Crouch's son?" Xia Ran asked again.

Sirius rolled his eyes and said, "Barty Crouch Jr., who else could it be?"

He was suddenly startled and looked at Xia Ran suspiciously. Seeing the

determined look on his face, he couldn't help but shake his head and said

with a smile: "Xia Ran, do you think the red-haired wizard is Barty

Crouch Jr. in disguise?"

"That's right, it's him!" Xia Ran insisted, and then she calmed down and

said, "Of course, I'm not 100% sure, but I'm still 70% sure."

"Xiaran, you guessed it wrong." Sirius smiled, "I recognize Barty Crouch

Jr., he is indeed a Death Eater - yes, even his father Barty Crouch is

especially He hated dark wizards and risked his life for it. Although he

did not die in the end and survived - but not long after Barty Crouch Jr.

was captured and sent to Azkaban Prison, he died due to being unable to

resist the spirit of the spirit. He died due to his daily breathing. I saw

with my own eyes that they took away his body, there is no way it is


Sirius swore steadfastly, but when he mentioned the Dementors, his

expression seemed a little unnatural.

Xia Ran smiled, Sirius would not know that the person who died in

Azkaban Prison was not Barty Crouch Jr., but his mother, who died in

place of her son.

This matter is also because Xia Ran has read the entire series of Harry

Potter books, otherwise he would not know the truth behind it.

Barty Crouch, the current director of the Department of International

Magical Exchange and Cooperation, has focused his life on combating

black magic, yearning for power and high status, and neglecting to teach

his son, which led Barty Crouch Jr. to embark on an evil path and

become He became a Death Eater and was extremely loyal to Voldemort.

When Voldemort was completely destroyed by Lily Evans' ancient magic -

relying on several of his Horcruxes to survive - Barty Crouch Jr., Sirius's

cousin Bellatrix , and Bellatrix's husband Lestrange, they jointly captured

Neville's parents and continuously applied the Cruciatus Curse to torture

Voldemort's whereabouts. The Longbottoms went crazy because of this.

Later, the three of them were tried and imprisoned respectively. The fact

that Barty Crouch Jr. became a Death Eater gave Barty Crouch a very big

blow, not as a psychological blow to his father, but as a magician. A

high-ranking official in the ministry has always been on the front line

against black magic, but his son turned out to be a dark wizard?

People began to question whether Barty Crouch had fulfilled his

responsibilities as a father, and the answer was of course no.

In the end, Barty Crouch, the former Director of the Department of

Magical Law Enforcement, who had great hopes of becoming the Minister

of Magic, was eliminated and was transferred to the Department of

International Magical Exchange and Cooperation as Director, but the

Department of Magical Law Enforcement is the third department in the

Ministry of Magic. For a large part, this is actually a relegation.

Cornelius Fudge, the former Director of the Department of Magical

Accidents and Disasters, took over as Minister of Magic.

Barty Crouch Jr. was imprisoned in Azkaban. His mother was very sad

and sad, and she didn't have much time left and was about to go to the

grave. She asked her husband, who was the director of the Department of

International Magical Exchange and Cooperation, to use A chance visit to

prison made him switch with his son in prison.

Although Barty Crouch only had power in his eyes and did not like his

son, he did love his wife deeply, and he finally agreed to his wife's plan.

This plan is feasible because dementors are blind, they can't see people

and can only smell a healthy person and a dying person entering the

Azkaban prison, and a healthy person and a dying person Left prison


Barty Crouch Jr.'s mother took the form of her son through Polyjuice

Potion and remained in prison until her death. She did not forget to drink

the Polyjuice Potion until her death to prevent the plan from being

exposed. In the end, his mother died and was buried outside Azkaban


After Barty Crouch Jr. was brought home, he lived under an invisibility

cloak and was controlled by his father, Barty Crouch, with the Imperius

Curse. He was not allowed to go out to avoid being seen and leaked by

outsiders. The sound of wind.

However, as Barty Crouch Jr.'s health gradually recovered, and as time

passed, he gradually began to gain the strength to resist the Imperius

Curse, and finally escaped as he wished. However, in the original time

and space, this was the beginning of Harry's fourth grade. What

happened during the previous summer vacation was clearly in the first

semester of Harry's third year. Normally, he would not be able to break

free from the control of the Imperius Curse.

However, with Xia Ran's intervention, what happened in Harry's second

grade has changed, and one more of Voldemort's Horcruxes, namely

Marvolo Gaunt's ring, was destroyed. This may have led to the

subsequent The reason for the change in the plot is that Barty Crouch Jr.

escaped early, and perhaps he went to Albania to retrieve Voldemort -

this time Peter Pettigrew was not needed - the plot has begun to go on a


Thinking of this, Xia Ran's head suddenly felt big, so his advantage in

predicting the plot could not be reflected.

Of course, Xia Ran might have guessed wrong. After all, there were many

Death Eaters who escaped the law.

But there were only a few such powerful wizards in the wizarding world.

Every one of them was a carrot and a trap. He knew that the only one

who was suspected was Barty Crouch Jr.

This man is indeed very powerful. In the original time and space, he only

combined with Peter Pettigrew to subdue Alastor Moody. He was a

powerful wizard at least level 6, and the second most powerful person in

the Order of the Phoenix after Dumbledore. , Professor McGonagall,

Snape and others are no match for Moody in terms of strength alone.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Barty Crouch Jr. can defeat Sirius.

"Because I once visited the old home of the Crouch family and discovered

a secret about Barty Crouch. It was his wife who died in Azkaban, dying

in place of his son, and his son was controlled in Azkaban. At home." Xia

Ran told a lie, and the unlucky Bertha Jorkins in the original time and

space - an employee of the Ministry of Magic, a witch who died after

being tortured by Voldemort to find out all the secrets in the Albanian

forest - was discovered in this way. Barty Crouch's Secret.

"Really?" Sirius was still doubtful.

Xia Ran brushed off the matter and said: "We will discuss this matter

later. The most important thing now is to inform Dumbledore, and I have

also thought of a way to clean up your grievances."

"Really?!" Sirius' eyes suddenly lit up.

Chapter 87 Looking for someone

in the auditorium

"Did you forget the Marauder's Map?"

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Although I thought of the Marauder's Map at

first, I didn't completely notice this item. Sirius, you said, if the name of

Peter Pettigrew is displayed on the Marauder's Map, wouldn't that prove

it? Are you innocent?"

Xia Ran was a little annoyed. Lupine believed in Sirius in the original

time and space, but when he questioned Peter Pettigrew, he forgot about

this. It was really inappropriate.

"Yes!" Sirius clapped his hands suddenly and said happily, "I am one of

the makers of the Marauder's Map, and Remus is also a maker. If

Dumbledore sees the Marauder's Map, he is determined to make it as

soon as possible. You can see through the truth and know whether it is

true or false.”

"It's sooner rather than later. After I collect the Marauder's Map, I'll rush

back to meet you and go to Dumbledore's principal's office together." Xia

Ran said rapidly.

Sirius quickly reminded Xia Ran and said: "When I was in school, Filch

took away the Marauder's Map, and..."

"Now it's in the hands of Brother Weasley. I met him once last school

year." Xia Ran waved her hand and walked out of the office door. She

quickly walked to the Hogwarts Great Hall, but the door was opened. A

small gap for one person to pass through.

Xia Ran heard the lowered voices coming from the auditorium.

"Have you ever wondered how he got in, Professor?" Snape's voice asked.

"There are many ideas, Severus, but they are all equally untenable,"

Dumbledore replied to Snape.

Xia Ran thought to herself that it was great that Dumbledore and Snape

were still awake at this time.

Suddenly he felt a headache. If Snape was present when he was talking to

Dumbledore to prove Sirius' innocence, he would definitely want to kill

Sirius directly.

Of course, Sirius probably had the same attitude.

"Do you remember that conversation we had, Headmaster, just...well, just

before school started?" Snape lowered his voice and tried to cover it up,

as if he didn't want others to hear him. .

Percy Weasley happened to be standing next to the two of them. It could

be seen that Percy knew that Snape did not want him to listen to this

conversation, but he was obviously very interested in his heart, so he

shamelessly responded to Snape's conversation. The gloomy face

pretended not to be seen, standing on the spot like a log.

The sleeping bags of Harry, Ron, and Hermione happened to be nearby.

Presumably, the three of them woke up and listened quietly to the

conversation between the principal and the Potions professor.

"Remember, Severus," Dumbledore said, with a hint of warning in his


"Blake broke into the school without relying on internal support. This

seems...impossible! We all know how good Hogwarts's defense is. I have

expressed my concerns. When you specify..." Snape lowered his voice.

vocal channel.

"I don't believe there is anyone in this castle who can help Black break

in." Dumbledore said flatly, his tone clearly indicating that the topic was

over, and Snape said no more.

Dumbledore continued: "I have to go down to find those dementors. I told

them that we will notify them when we are done searching."

Xia Ran was secretly embarrassed. Dumbledore believed all teachers and

students, but he did help Sirius enter Hogwarts Castle. However, he knew

that Sirius was innocent, and he did not deliberately put the personal

safety of teachers and students at risk. Except for Sirius who would attack

Peter Pettigrew, he was unwilling to attack anyone else, and he was not a

dark wizard.

Well, perhaps the exception is our Potions Professor Severus Snape.

"Aren't they here to help, Professor?" Percy asked doubtfully.

"Oh, yes, but as long as I am the Headmaster of Hogwarts, I am afraid

that no dementor can cross the threshold of this castle." Dumbledore said


Percy suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Xia Ran entered the auditorium.

"Xia Ran, have you found any clues?" Dumbledore looked at Xia Ran and

asked. He originally just asked as usual, just like he asked Snape just

now, without expecting any definite response. As a result, But beyond his

expectation, Xia Ran nodded? !

"Do you have a clue, Professor Frémont?" Percy couldn't help but ask.

Snape looked at Xia Ran with a strange look, as if expecting him to say a

familiar name.

Xia Ran nodded again and said: "I have made some discoveries, but I still

need something, a gadget."

"What do you need, Sharon?" Dumbledore asked.

"Professor, you will know later." Xia Ran did not answer Dumbledore's

question directly, but asked Percy, "Percy, where are Fred and George


"Fred? George?" Percy was startled. He thought something was wrong

with his two brothers. He was stunned and speechless.

Xia Ran chuckled lightly and said: "Don't worry, it has nothing to do with

them, I just need a gadget in their hands."

"Okay, Professor, come here." Percy muttered, leading Xia Ran to Fred

and George's sleeping bags, reaching out and patting them gently, and

whispered, "Fred, George, Professor What's wrong with you?"

"What's the matter?" Fred immediately stuck his head out. It was obvious

that he had been awake just now and might have been eavesdropping on

the conversation between Dumbledore and Snape.

"Professor?" George also got his head out.

Xia Ran said straight to the point: "You still have the Marauder's Map,

right? I need to borrow it for use."

"The Marauder's Map?" Fred and George looked at each other. George

turned around and rummaged for a while, then came out with a roll of

parchment and said, "Professor, the Marauder's Map."

"Professor, why do you need the Marauder's Map?" Fred couldn't help but


Xia Ran chuckled and said: "You will know later, Professor Dumbledore,

let's go out first and don't disturb the students' rest." After a slight

hesitation, he continued: "Maybe we should call Harry too, right? Yes,

and Hermione and Ron."

"Harry? Hermione? Ron?" The three brothers Percy, Fred, and George

looked at each other.

"Okay." Dumbledore didn't ask why, but nodded directly, so the few

people went back and woke up Harry, Ron and Hermione - in fact, they

were not sleeping at all - when the three of them looked confused With a

confused expression, he walked out of the auditorium.

Percy's last concerned look was hidden behind the door.

"Professor Frémont, you came to us..." Hermione couldn't help but ask in

a low voice.

Xia Ran comforted the three of them and said, "Relax, I'm not causing

trouble for you."

But looking at their faces, the trio were still nervous and worried.

"Professor Snape, I hope you can listen to all the words before pulling out

the wand." Xia Ran suddenly said this.

This time, not to mention Harry, Ron, and Hermione, even Dumbledore

and Snape looked confused.

Chapter 88 The Marauder's


Soon several people were standing in front of the door of Xia Ran's office.

Xia Ran held the door handle, turned around and looked at the crowd

and said, "No matter what you see later, be calmer. The truth is definitely

not what you imagined."

Dumbledore gave Xia Ran a meaningful look. He seemed to have guessed

something on the way over.

Snape still had a dull expression, while Harry, Ron, and Hermione were

nervous and confused.

Xia Ran smiled and opened the door. A person's soliloquy suddenly came

from the room. No, he had a cat talking to him.

"Why hasn't Xia Ran come back yet?"


A man with messy black hair held a large ginger cat in his arms. He

suddenly heard the sound of opening the door and looked over. Both

parties were stunned for the first time.


Among the people, Harry and Snape reacted the most violently. They

immediately pulled out their wands and pointed them at Sirius instantly.

"Expelliarmus! Expelliarmus!" Xia Ran was already on guard and

immediately fired the disarming spell at Harry and Snape. When they

were not on guard against her, she disarmed their wands and held them

in the palm of her left hand. inside.

"Professor??" Harry and Ron looked at Xia Ran in surprise.

Snape's expression became even more gloomy.

"I told you, don't pull out the wand yet. It won't be too late to start the

duel after I finish speaking." Xia Ran said with a headache.

"Ah, Crookshanks, come back!" screamed Hermione, recognizing her cat.

Dumbledore clapped his hands, attracted everyone's attention, and said

softly: "Harry, Snape, don't be impulsive yet, and let Xia Ran explain

what he found."

Harry and Snape were extremely angry and the other was extremely cold.

They both remained silent. After all, Xia Ran had taken the opportunity

to disarm them.

Sirius let go of his hand, and Crookshanks jumped to the ground, then

trotted all the way to Hermione's feet and was held in her arms.

Harry and Snape gave Crookshanks a disgusted look.

"Dumbledore, long time no see." Sirius said, turning to Harry with a

complicated expression, "Harry, I'm so happy to see you. To be honest,

you look a lot like your dad, but your eyes and your Just like my mother,

they both have the same green eyes.”

Harry snorted angrily, indicating that he did not want to talk to him, the

indirect murderer who betrayed his parents.

Snape's face looked a little unnatural. Fortunately, everyone was paying

attention to Sirius and did not see this scene.

Xia Ran interrupted Sirius and said: "Okay, let's not talk about old times

now, business is more important." Then she said to Snape: "Professor

Snape, could you please call Professor Lupine?"

Snape stared at Xia Ran with a cold expression, motionless.

"Okay, Severus, please, please go to Remus' office." Dumbledore said.

Snape stood for a while, staring at the back of the principal, and then at

Sirius, with deep resentment on his face, and fnally he reluctantly

walked out of Xia Ran's office.

The atmosphere in the office was not much better. Sirius seemed to have

something to say, but was afraid of getting into trouble. Harry glared at

Sirius angrily, and occasionally glanced at Xia Ran resentfully, obviously

complaining that Xia Ran colluded with the traitor who betrayed his


Hermione hugged Crookshanks tightly, and she and Ron looked around

nervously, as if they were afraid that they would fight directly.

Dumbledore showed his all ears.

"Dumbledore, please sit down first. Sirius, sit down too." Xia Ran waved

her wand to conjure several chairs, walked around and said, "Where

should I start?"

"Ah, by the way, this Marauder's Map."

Xia Ran touched the parchment with her wand and said softly: "I

solemnly swear that I will not do bad things!"

In an instant, thin ink lines spread like a spider web from the place where

the tip of Xia Ran's wand touched, connecting with each other, criss-

crossing, and extending to every corner of the parchment. Immediately,

words appeared on the top, which were green. The large cursive


Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs—

Gentlemen who are here to help the makers of magical mischief——


The Marauder's Map!

This map shows all the details of Hogwarts Castle and grounds, but the

most unusual thing is that it has many small black dots clustered

together, each with a name in very small fonts. In addition, there are

some remote and secret passages on the map, many of which seem to

lead to Hogsmeade.

"Ah, what a creative magic item!" Dumbledore praised.

Even Harry, Ron, and Hermione temporarily forgot about the tense

atmosphere and looked at the Marauder's Map with interest.

Almost all the black spots were concentrated in the auditorium, where

the students slept after all.

Sirius twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Thank you for the

compliment, Dumbledore."

"Are you one of the makers, Sirius?"

"Yes." Sirius nodded.

"Let me think about it, Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, Moony I

think I already know who it is, so are you the one of the remaining

three? Padfoot?" Dumbledore speculated.

"Yes, I am Padfoot up there, Moony is Remus, Wormtail is Little Peter,

and Prongs is..." Sirius said, looking at Harry, and said, "He is your father.

, Harry, James we sometimes call him Prongs."

"You betrayed him!" Harry shouted, "You traitor!"

Sirius's face turned extremely pale in an instant, and he said: "I did not

betray James, and Harry, even if I were killed, I would not betray the

Potters." After a pause, he said with difficulty: "But I don't deny that

Potter The death of Mr. and Mrs. Te is related to me."

Just then, Snape called Lupine over.

Sirius forced a smile at Lupine.

Lupine pursed his lips tightly and pressed the wand with one hand, as if

he wanted to draw it out to attack Sirius, but he also wanted to hear

Sirius's defense. What would Xia Ran say?

"Okay, everyone, sit down. It's still a long time. We have plenty of time to

tell the story slowly." Xia Ran changed two more chairs for the two

professors, and his office suddenly became crowded.

Snape and Lupine sat down next to Dumbledore.

"Before tonight, before this moment, you all know that Sirius is

Voldemort's lackey and loyal dog. He betrayed Harry's parents, causing

them to be killed by Voldemort. Although Voldemort was also killed by

Lily Evans In the end, the ancient magic he cast at the risk of his life

damaged and destroyed his soul, and he didn't die completely because of

the Horcrux."

Xia Ran said, ignoring the confused expressions of Harry, Ron, and

Hermione, and continued: "But in fact, the traitor is not Sirius, but

someone else."

"Impossible! It was Sirius who betrayed my parents that made Voldemort

come to our door!" Harry yelled angrily.

"Calm down, Harry, calm down."

Xia Ran waved her hand and said: "Yelling and making noise will not

solve any problem. Just listen to me."

He unfolded the Marauder's Map, pointed to a certain place on the map,

and said, "Look who this is?"

Chapter 89 Mouse Banban

Except for Sirius, who had already expected it, everyone else looked

around and saw that in the Gryffindor lounge, which was supposed to be

empty and deserted, it seemed that the location of the boys' dormitory

revealed something that made everyone... A very familiar name.

Peter Pettigrew!

"What? This is impossible?" Lupine was the first to exclaim, "Peter is

obviously dead. He died in the hands of Sirius on that Muggle street

twelve years ago."

The corner of Sirius' mouth suddenly twitched twice, and he said in a

muffled voice: "I wanted to kill him, but I failed, and he escaped."

"I think this parchment is just a despicable prank." Snape said


For the first time in his life, Harry felt that Snape's words made sense.

Xia Ran shook her head and said: "There are no errors in this Marauder's

Map. Peter Pettigrew is indeed still alive. He was the one who betrayed

the Potters and tipped off Voldemort twelve years ago."

Dumbledore frowned slightly, seeming to be thinking about something.

"But, Professor." Hermione raised her hand and wondered, "If Peter

Pettigrew is still alive, why would he hide instead of standing up directly

to receive everyone's applause and tribute?"

"Ha." Sirius immediately sneered, "He doesn't dare! If he admits that he is

alive, I will definitely not plead guilty, and he will immediately change

from a hero to a rat that everyone calls for beating. Ha, he is originally a

A filthy rat."

"You weren't the one who tipped off the mysterious person. Why did you

plead guilty? Twelve years ago, you could have defended yourself." Ron


Sirius' expression darkened, and he said with obvious difficulty: "I think I

deserved it. Yes, I did not betray the Potters, but the reason why Peter

became their secret keeper was because of my strong recommendation.

Although Voldemort was the one who did it and Little Peter was the

undercover person, my fault was not small, so when I believed that Little

Peter was dead at that time, I was willing to enter Azkaban Prison

without making any excuses. Atonement for my sins!”

This is what Sirius has always blamed himself for. If he did not

recommend Peter Pettigrew and became the secret keeper, would the

Potters still die?

Ron was speechless, feeling that what Sirius said did make sense. So,

could it be that Sirius was really the innocent person who was wronged,

and Peter Pettigrew was the real shameful betrayer?

Ron was not sure, so he simply stopped talking and looked at Harry.

After all, this matter was closely related to Harry.

Harry's expression was particularly complicated, and he looked a little

dazed. He seemed to have not recovered yet and didn't know who to


"How did Peter escape from the battle on the Muggle street? Sirius, I

don't think Peter will be your opponent." Lupine continued to ask.

"Little Peter is very smart. He had already guessed that I would go find

him, so before I could speak, he spoke loudly so that all the Muggles

around him heard. Then he used the wand hidden behind him to A

powerful spell blew up a street, and he turned into a mouse and sneaked

into the sewer. Because he cut off a piece of his finger in advance,

everyone including me thought he was dead. I didn't expect him to turn

into a mouse and live in a wizard family." Sirius said solemnly.

A mouse? A wizarding family?

In an instant, everyone looked at Ron.

Ron stammered: "What do you think I'm doing? Ha, don't be ridiculous,

Scabbers is just a mouse, he can't be that Peter Pettigrew."

"No, Ron, Scabbers is Peter." Xia Ran said, "Why does Crookshanks care

so much about that mouse?"

Crookshanks meowed in Hermione's arms.

"There's no cat in the world that doesn't catch mice, right, Harry?

Hermione, that's what you said at the beginning, right?" Ron looked at

his two friends as if asking for help.

"Ron, don't underestimate this cat. It is very smart and spiritual." Xia Ran

said with a smile, "When it saw Scabbers for the first time, it knew

something was wrong with the mouse. Scabbers the mouse is Peter

Pettigrew's. Animagus."

"You're crazy too, Professor!" Ron said, shaking his head repeatedly.

Lupine said bitterly: "Ron, I have to tell you something."

"What?" Ron felt an ominous feeling in his heart.

"Peter is indeed an Animagus, and his Animagus form happens to be a

mouse." Lupine pointed at the Marauder's Map and said, "Wormtail was

his nickname when he was young. "

Ron was stunned for a moment.

"Well, Scabbers probably doesn't know that we all know his true identity.

As for whether what Sirius and I said is true or false? Let's go to

Gryffindor's dormitory in person and take a look. Then won't the truth

come out?" Charlotte said, throwing the wands to Harry and Snape


Snape tightened his grip on his wand, as if he wanted to hex Sirius

openly, but in the end he reluctantly suppressed the deepest impulse in

his heart.

"What Xia Ran said makes sense, let's go take a look first." Dumbledore

said softly.

A group of people left Xia Ran's office and went straight to the Gryffindor

Tower. At the entrance to the common room, the portrait of the Fat Lady

was still there, but the Fat Lady in the painting was gone.

"She went to the fifth floor and didn't want to come back to this painting

at this time. She said it was too dangerous." Seeing the confused faces of

a group of people, Dumbledore explained.

Several people climbed through the passage one after another and

reached the Gryffindor lounge. Xia Ran asked: "Harry and Ron, we are

going to your dormitory, so please lead the way."

Both of them were in very complicated moods. They kept silent and led a

group of people directly into the dormitory. They saw an old and weak-

looking mouse lying on Ron's bed, sleeping soundly.

Sirius's eyes almost radiated with substantial murderous intent, which

seemed to wake up a mouse. He opened his eyes in a daze, and

immediately saw a large group of people surrounding the bed, with more

than a dozen eyes staring at him, especially among them. The black-

haired man full of cold murderous intent.

The mouse trembled and tried to get under the bed.

"I'm coming, Sirius, I'm afraid you'll kill him directly." Xia Ran said, and

the wand was instantly aimed at the mouse.

"Come on Banban!"

The mouse flew uncontrollably into Xia Ran's palm. No matter how much

he screamed or twisted, he could not resist Xia Ran's spell.

"You're right, Xia Ran, I can't help but kill him." Sirius held the old wand

tightly. Judging from his appearance, even if he directly shot the Avada

Kedavra to the mouse Scabbers, no one would be able to do it. I feel


"Professor..." Ron started hesitantly, "What will you do to him? I mean


"He is not Scabbers, he is Peter, Ron." Xia Ran said, holding up the mouse

Scabbers and said, "Look, he is missing a front paw. This is the one that

was picked up by the Ministry of Magic more than ten years ago. fingers."

"Squeak!" The mouse was still screaming, looking extremely frightened.

Chapter 90 Innocence

Xia Ran grabbed the mouse tightly, pointed her wand at the mouse, and

said: "Peter appears!"

call out!

The tip of his wand suddenly emitted a ray of blue light, which hit the

mouse twisting in his palm. For a moment, the mouse stopped in mid-air,

but its gray little body was still twisting wildly, but it didn't help.

After a dazzling flash, like a fast-forwarding shot of a tree growing, a

head came out, and limbs and limbs also came out. In a moment, an

adult man stood where Banban had just hovered. He shrank, Wringing

his hands, he didn't dare to look at anyone.

He was a very short man, not much taller than Harry and Hermione, who

were still underage. His thin, lusterless hair was messy, and he had a

large bald patch on top. He looked wrinkled, like a fat man who had lost

a lot of flesh in a short period of time. His skin was dirty, almost like

spotted fur, and his pointed nose and watery mung bean eyes still had the

characteristics of a mouse.

This person is surprisingly the rumored dead Peter Pettigrew!

Crookshanks roared in Hermione's arms, the hair on his back standing on


Hermione was too surprised to comfort Crookshanks.

"Long time no see, Peter," Lupine said briskly, as if a mouse often

transformed into a human being in front of him.

"Little...Sirius, Remus." Peter Pettigrew's voice was high and thin, and his

green eyes couldn't help but glance towards the door, "My friends, my old


Bang bang!

Dumbledore clapped his hands at this time and said with a smile: "An

Animagus, Peter, is really an admirable talent."

"Well...well done, Dumbledore." Peter Pettigrew's eyes were moving

around, as if he was looking for a way to escape.

"Hmph." Sirius snorted angrily, "Peter, could you have your own

Animagus transformation without the help of me and James? We trust

you so much that we let you become the Potters' secret keeper. But you

betrayed us!"

"Dumbledore, Remus, you won't believe Sirius's one-sided words, will

you?" Peter Pettigrew said hastily, sweat breaking out on his pale face,

"He is a traitor who betrayed James and Lily. , he still wants to kill me,

you won’t believe him, right?”

"Up to now, you are still quibbling!" Sirius' face was full of anger and

murderous intent.

The expressions of Dumbledore, Lupin, Harry, and Hermione also turned

completely cold. The irrefutable evidence was that the deceased who had

been dead for a long time had now reappeared. In fact, everyone already

knew the truth.

Snape was as gloomy as ever, but if you look closely, you will find that

his eyes also flashed with murderous intent. After all, Lily Evans also died

due to Peter Pettigrew's betrayal.

"Master, my dear master, you will believe me, right?" Peter Pettigrew

looked at Ron expectantly.

Ron suddenly felt sick to his stomach, and he felt extremely disgusted

when he thought about how he had kept such a traitor as a pet for so

many years, and how he had had many quarrels with Hermione because

of it.

"If you are innocent, Peter, I can't think of any innocent hero who is

willing to be a dirty mouse and pretend to be a dirty mouse for twelve

years." Xia Ran said slowly and leisurely, "If we hadn't exposed it, you

might still be there. He will continue to disguise himself as a mouse."

"I will not betray James and Lily." Peter Pettigrew was sweating

profusely. He wiped his face with his sleeve and said tremblingly, "I'm

scared, Xia Ran. If Sirius knows that I'm still alive, he will definitely

come. Whoever killed me must have followed the mysterious man’s


"Me, following the orders of the mysterious man?" Sirius glared at Peter

and shouted, "Voldemort can kill me, but he can never order me to do


"You are not hiding to avoid Sirius, Peter." Xia Ran said softly, "You

provided Voldemort with the address of Mr. and Mrs. Potter, which

ultimately led to Voldemort's downfall. I think those Death Eaters are

probably interested in you." Not a good impression, right? Especially

some of the Death Eaters, for various reasons, have escaped the sanction

of the French Open, and they probably won’t let you go, the traitor who

provided wrong information.”

"Peter, why did you do that in the first place? Now you are no longer

tolerated by the white wizard and the black wizard. If you don't

transform into a mouse, there will be no place for you in the magic


Peter Pettigrew had no words to retort, and everyone only heard words

like "ridiculous" and "crazy" from his babbling mouth.

"When I was in Azkaban Prison, all those Death Eaters hated you. Peter,

you have attracted the hatred of so many Death Eaters, you are not

useless after all." Sirius said sarcastically. .

Dumbledore waved his wand, and several thick and strong ropes

suddenly appeared out of thin air, tightly binding Peter Pettigrew.

"Dumbledore..." Peter Pettigrew screamed.

"Shut up." Snape waved his wand fiercely. Peter Pettigrew's mouth kept

opening and closing, but he couldn't make any sound. He was also afraid

that if he continued to listen, he would be unable to bear it, so he slapped

him directly. Avada Kedavra killed Peter Pettigrew neatly.

"We should notify the Ministry of Magic now and clear Sirius's suspicion

of wrongdoing. As for Peter." Dumbledore looked at Harry with deep eyes

and said, "Harry, if you want to beat him up, you'd better hurry up. Time,

we will hand him over to the Ministry of Magic early tomorrow


Harry's eyes were full of hatred and anger, but he gradually controlled

himself and said: "I believe Azkaban will be the best destination for him,

and I don't want to hit him to avoid dirtying my hands."

"If it were James and Lily, they would do the same thing." Sirius forced a


Peter Pettigrew was completely desperate and collapsed to the ground,

barely having the strength to stand up.

Lupine gave Sirius a tight hug.

Snape looked away in disgust.

"Ron, I made you lose a pet. I will buy you another pet. What kind of

animal do you like?" Sirius asked.

Ron said blankly: "Owl, I've never had my own owl postman."

Harry didn't know what expression and mood to use when facing Sirius.

He originally hated Sirius deeply an hour ago, but now his attitude

changed drastically. He felt that it might be difficult for him to change

his mentality in a short period of time.

Sirius smiled and didn't force him for the time being. Anyway, his

grievances had been cleared, and he would have plenty of time to get

along with Harry slowly, fulfill his responsibility as a godfather, and train

Harry into a brave and fearless wizard. Then Perhaps this is what James

and Lily would like to see.

"By the way, Dumbledore." Xia Ran suddenly remembered something and

said, "I have a guess about the red-haired wizard who fought with Sirius."

"The red-haired wizard?" Harry, Ron, and Hermione blinked blankly.

"Do you have a clue, Xia Ran?" Dumbledore's eyes lit up.

Xia Ran nodded heavily and said: "If I guessed correctly, the red-haired

wizard may be a powerful Death Eater, and Voldemort... may have left

Albania and returned to the British magical world! "

Chapter 91 Open and Honest

"Mystery man?"

"What does this have to do with him?"

Lupine and Snape were confused. Seeing the confusion of Harry, Ron,

and Hermione, Dumbledore specially explained: "The person who just

broke into the Gryffindor common room was... There was a red-haired

wizard and he wounded Sirius."

The three Harrys quickly looked at Sirius.

"I'm fine." Sirius waved his hand and said.

Xia Ran waved his magic wand, and a newspaper suddenly appeared in

his hand. He spread out the newspaper and motioned for everyone to

take a look at the content.

"Um, Xia Ran, you still like to read this kind of gossip." Lu Ping said with

a strange expression.

Dumbledore chuckled and said: "I happen to know the wizard here.

Thinking about the ridiculous things he did when he was young, the

Daily Prophet did not lie. It was at most exaggerated."

Xia Ran didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "What are you

looking at?" He pointed at the news about a senior official of the Ministry

of Magic asking for leave with his wand, and continued: "Look here, a

senior official of the Department of International Magical Exchange and

Cooperation of the Ministry of Magic has asked for leave. It is said that

this is the first time in a row that he has asked for leave. It’s day three of

leave. I think this guy is Barty Crouch.”

"Barty Crouch?" Harry and Hermione looked confused.

Ron whispered from the side: "He is the director of the Department of

International Magical Exchange and Cooperation, one of the real senior

officials of the Ministry of Magic."

"That red-haired wizard is Barty Crouch, that's impossible, right?" Lupine

said with a frown.

Xia Ran said: "Of course I didn't say that the red-haired wizard is Barty

Crouch. The red-haired wizard is most likely a Death Eater. When Barty

Crouch faced black magic, he was still able to Stick to the bottom line

and not fall." After a slight pause, he continued: "I am talking about his

son, Barty Crouch Jr., who is an extremely loyal Death Eater. This

incident was very troublesome at the time. Big, very sensational, you

probably haven’t forgotten it, right?”

"I will never forget it," Lupine said softly. "Barty Crouch was a member of

the most determined camp to resist black magic, but his own son turned

out to be one of the most loyal Death Eaters to the mysterious man. , it’s

really shocking. At that time, many people were criticizing Barty Crouch,

saying that he was too neglectful of family ties and focused on seeking

power. In the end, this also caused him to lose the position of Minister of

Magic that was easily available to him. Fudge is the new Minister for


"Ha." Snape suddenly sneered and said, "Xia Ran, I think you may have

forgotten that Barty Crouch Jr. died shortly after entering Azkaban Prison

because he could not resist the temptation. He died in prison because of

his addiction to happiness."

"That's false." Xia Ran said, "The deceased Barty Crouch Jr. was his

mother. Shortly after being imprisoned, Mrs. Crouch entrusted her to

serve as a senior official of the Ministry of Magic because of her love for

her son. Her husband, Barty Crouch, replaced her son in prison with

herself. Polyjuice Potion, Professor Snape, you must know the effects of

Polyjuice Potion."

Snape nodded. As a master of potions, he had brewed countless polyjuice


Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other guiltily. Last school year,

they prepared to brew Polyjuice Potion, pretended to enter the Slytherin

lounge, and learned from Draco Malfoy. Find information about the

secret room.

But in the end, this plan failed to come to fruition, and the secret room

incident was successfully resolved.

"Think about it, did Mrs. Crouch and the so-called Barty Crouch Jr. in

prison die both front and back?" Xia Ran smiled, "I once went to the

Crouch family manor once for business. Some secrets were discovered.

Barty Crouch Jr. should be controlled by Barty Crouch, perhaps using the

Imperius Curse, and he is mainly taken care of by the house elf of the

Crouch family, Winky."

Snape still had a questioning look on his face.

"We will not discuss whether it is true or false for now. Assuming that

what you said, Xia Ran, is true, but Barty Crouch, after getting rid of his

father's control, what did he come to Hogwarts for?" Lupin Confused.

When Dumbledore heard this, he seemed to have thought of something,

and said softly: "He may have rescued Voldemort from the Albanian

forest. This time he took the opportunity to sneak into Hogwarts, and he

also followed Voldemort's orders."

Lupine, Snape, and Ron's expressions all twisted and twitched strangely.

"Professor, are you saying that he wants to capture Harry?" Hermione


"But I attended the Halloween party. He shouldn't have appeared at that

time. Maybe it would have been better earlier." Harry said.

"Have you forgotten this man?" Xia Ran pointed to Peter Pettigrew who

was tied up and lying on the ground, and said, "Peter Pettigrew's

Animagus deformation should have been recognized by Voldemort, so he

sent the minibus Ty Crouch took the opportunity to sneak into Hogwarts

and contact Peter Pettigrew in order to capture Harry at a critical

moment when he needed it."

Xia Ran still had something to say in her heart. If the red-haired wizard

was really a Death Eater who obeyed Voldemort's orders, their plot

against Harry should be the same as in the original time and space, in

order to use Harry's blood to help Voldemort carry out a conspiracy. The

perfect resurrection.

Although the actual effect is not perfect.

"Professor, isn't Voldemort dead? Is he resurrected?" Harry asked.

Xia Ran smiled and said, "I think the reason why he tried every possible

means to catch you is to resurrect you."

"Catch me and resurrect me?" Harry said, confused, "I don't know the

resurrection magic, why is he catching me?"

Lu Ping also frowned and said: "If he wants to be resurrected, he should

look for the resurrection stone in the Deathly Hallows, right? If the

legendary Deathly Hallows really exists."

"The Resurrection Stone cannot truly resurrect the dead. Voldemort's

weird and strange state, I think the Resurrection Stone can't do anything

about it." Xia Ran chuckled.

Snape said slowly: "Xia Ran, it seems that you are very familiar with the

Resurrection Stone?"

Xia Ran decided not to hide anything. After all, if Kreacher, the house elf

in Black's old house, would get the locket from him later, he would need

Sirius's help. Then he would definitely disclose everything to him frankly,

so even if he wanted to hide it, , it is only for a short period of a few

months at most, it has no effect, but it can easily lead to a rift in the

relationship between the two parties.

Furthermore, this is not something shameful, so why can’t it be told to


"What a coincidence, the Resurrection Stone is in my hand." Xia Ran


"What? The Resurrection Stone is in your hand? The Deathly Hallows

really exist?!"

Except for Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who knew nothing about the

Deathly Hallows, Snape, Lupine, and Sirius all looked super surprised.

Even Dumbledore was surprised.

The wand in his hand was the Elder Wand, one of the Deathly Hallows,

so he was not surprised at all that the Deathly Hallows really existed -

Dumbledore also knew that the Invisibility Cloak passed down from

Harry's family was one of the Deathly Hallows. One - it's just that Xia Ran

owns the last Deathly Hallows, which still surprises him.

He had searched for the Deathly Hallows, but he had never had any clues

about the Resurrection Stone.

How did Xia Ran obtain the Resurrection Stone?

Chapter 92 Crouch Manor

"Xia Ran, you actually own the Resurrection Stone?" Sirius was

particularly shocked. He had been living in Fremont Manor for several

months without knowing anything about it.

"Does the Deathly Hallows really exist?" A strange light flashed in Snape's


Xia Ran nodded and said: "The Deathly Hallows is a story in a fairy tale

book in the magical world, but it does exist."

Then he waved his hand again and continued: "Okay, let's not talk about

the Deathly Hallows. Let's talk about Voldemort and Harry."

Harry looked confused when he heard this.

"Ah, yes, I remember that there is an ancient mysterious magic that can

help wizards resurrect." Dumbledore said, "The blood of enemies, the

flesh of servants, and the bones of father. I think there are no enemies for

Voldemort. ——Including me, none of them are as significant as Harry.

After all, his first downfall was due to using the Avada Kedavra on Harry.

As a result, he himself died and only gave Harry It left that scar.”

Voldemort used this magic to resurrect himself in the original time and


"Is he really back, Dumbledore?" Lupine asked with difficulty,

remembering the fierce and tragic situation during the First Wizarding


Dumbledore shook his head and said: "Probably not yet, after all, he has

not obtained Harry's blood yet, but Voldemort must have escaped from

the Albanian forest, and powerful Death Eaters have reunited under his

command. Obviously, the Second Wizarding War is coming!"

No matter Lupine, Sirius, Xia Ran, or Snape, their expressions were

extremely solemn. The Wizarding War was by no means a child's play, it

was a battle that cost the lives of countless wizards. Muggles Their lives

are even more fragile. During the First Wizarding War, the number of

Muggles who died at the hands of Death Eaters was definitely tens of

thousands, or even more!

Because in the eyes of many Death Eaters, Muggles are not human beings

at all. They take pleasure in killing Muggles, and even want to push for

laws to legalize the killing of Muggles.

No one can predict what such crazy people will do in a moment of fever!

Harry and Hermione were born in the Muggle world and didn't know

much about it. Although Ron had lived in the magical world since he was

a child, he was not yet born during the First Wizarding War. When it was

about to end, he When he came to this world, he had no memory before

he was three years old. Like Harry and Hermione, he had almost no in-

depth understanding.

"Let's go to Crouch Manor first to check out the situation. Snape, Xia Ran,

Lupine, and Sirius, you can come with me and get ready for battle."

Dumbledore said and looked at Harry III. The man said, "Go and inform

Professor McGonagall and tell Minerva everything that happened tonight.

By the way, keep a good watch on Peter. It's up to you whether Sirius can

truly clear his name."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione nodded immediately, feeling that they had

received a lot of trust and took on the task of fighting Voldemort.

"We will leave Hogwarts immediately, and then use Apparition to rush to

Crouch Manor." Dumbledore quickly walked out of Gryffindor Tower,

although he knew that going to Crouch Manor at this time was probably

over. Nothing can be done.

If all Xia Ran's inferences were true, then Voldemort and Barty Crouch Jr.

must have left Crouch Manor early at this moment, and would not expose

their whereabouts without thorough preparation.

But there must be some clues at Crouch Manor, and they may be able to

get a glimpse of Voldemort's current situation.

Several people arrived outside the protective range of Hogwarts.

Dementors were wandering around. Dumbledore looked at the dementors

with disgust and said: "Grab my hand. By the way, Xia Ran, you have

been there too." Once at Crouch Hall, right?”

"I can just use Apparition myself." Xia Ran said.

Snape put his hand on one of Dumbledore's arms, Lupine put his hand on

Dumbledore's other arm, and Sirius put his hand on Xia Ran's left hand.

Snapped! Snapped!

Two consecutive explosions attracted the attention of the Dementors.

When they floated over, nothing existed. The place was empty, and the

Dementors floated elsewhere.

Outside a dark and quiet village, an ancient manor occupies a large area.

The interior is dark, as if the owner has gone to bed long ago.

Xia Ran and Dumbledore suddenly appeared outside the manor.

"Barty Crouch! Mr. Crouch!" Dumbledore shouted, but there was no

response from the manor.

Sirius said eagerly: "I think we should sneak in quietly, what if we

encounter the Death Eaters ambushing here?"

"You mean You-Know-Who still stayed here after he knew he was

exposed?" Snape said sarcastically, "I think you damaged your brain in

Azkaban Prison."

Sirius immediately glared at Snape and roared angrily: "Snotlout, do you

want to die?"

"Oh, really?" Snape smiled coldly and said, "Continue to rely on your

friends? Sirius, things are different now. It seems that you have really lost

your mind in Azkaban."

"You..." Sirius' wand was instantly aimed at Snape, and he fired the spell

almost uncontrollably.

Snape also raised his wand, but did not take the lead in reciting the


"Okay, be quiet." Dumbledore said with a hint of impatience in his voice,

"Sirius, don't point your wand at your own people."

Snape and Sirius slowly lowered their wands pointed at each other, still

looking at each other fiercely, as if they both wished the other side bad


"I just broke in through the door, Dumbledore. I hope the Ministry of

Magic won't come to trouble me later." Xia Ran said and recited the spell

again, "Open the Alajo hole!"

The door to Crouch Manor opened at the sound, revealing the path

leading directly to the living room.

"I'll go in first." Dumbledore stretched out his hand to stop Xia Ran and

said, "As an old man, I have rich experience, so it's better for me to go in


Xia Ran did not refuse Dumbledore's kindness. Dumbledore's strength and

experience were indeed much better than his.

Dumbledore was the first to enter Crouch Manor, Snape entered side by

side with Xia Ran, Lupine was third, and Sirius was last. He looked

around warily, turning back to look at the way he came from from time

to time.

But except for the five people, there was no other movement in the

manor. Even if the incandescent light in the living room was turned on, it

was still like this, as if the owner of the manor was no longer there.

"Hey, what is this?" Lu Ping suddenly whispered and found the cotton

cloth in a recliner, which had an unpleasant smell remaining on it.

Dumbledore pulled it with his wand, his face suddenly became solemn,

and he said in a deep voice: "Voldemort once appeared here."

"Voldemort is not resurrected now and does not have a complete body.

He may be lying on this chair." Xia Ran said thoughtfully.

The five people searched every room, but apart from the recliner, they

found nothing else. Neither Barty Crouch nor his house elves seemed to

exist anymore.

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, Peter Pettigrew was still staying

at Hogwarts, waiting for follow-up processing. Someone from the

Ministry of Magic should be arriving soon, so they had to exit Crouch

Manor and go back to Hogwarts again.

Chapter 93 The Ministry of Magic


When they returned to Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall, Harry, Ron, and

Hermione were guarding the Gryffindor common room. Originally,

Professor McGonagall asked the three Harrys to go back to the Great Hall

to sleep. But all three of them wanted to know what the final result

would be, and asked Professor McGonagall to let them stay. Professor

McGonagall thought about it again and again, and reluctantly agreed.

Peter Pettigrew was lying in a corner, tied tightly by a thick rope, with a

look of despair on his face.

Seeing that the sky outside was getting brighter and the glow of the

morning sun had begun to appear in the sky, Professor McGonagall

frowned tightly, looking a little worried. After all, Dumbledore, Snape,

Xia Ran and other five people had been away for so long. , but has not

come back yet, and the target is the terrifying mysterious man and his

followers, the Death Eaters. If she is not careful, she will lose her life. It is

difficult for her to maintain a calm attitude.

"Albus is too reckless. Since he has to deal with the mysterious man, he

should have called me or Professor Flitwick." Professor McGonagall

couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

"Minerva, I will definitely call you to join me in the next operation." A

gentle voice suddenly came from outside the lounge, and five people

entered the lounge one after another. It was Dumbledore, Snape, Lupin,

Sirius, Xia Ran and the others.

Professor McGonagall stood up immediately and asked: "Albus, how is

the situation?"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione also pricked up their ears and listened.

"When we went there, Crouch Manor was already empty. Mr. Crouch,

Barty Crouch Jr., and their house elves were all missing." Dumbledore

said softly, " But we found a chaise longue in the living room of Crouch

Manor that retained a cold, dark aura."

"That is……"

"Voldemort!" Xia Ran interjected, "Those are the traces left by Voldemort.

We are almost 100% sure that Voldemort was indeed able to leave the

Albanian forest with the help of his loyal Death Eaters. Now, He is

plotting his resurrection."

"Hiss!" Professor McGonagall suddenly couldn't help but gasped.

"Professor, if Voldemort wants to be resurrected, wouldn't it be..."

Hermione pursed her lips and said, "He will definitely come to intercept

Harry! I remember you just mentioned the requirements of the ritual, the

blood of the enemy, the blood of the servant Flesh, father’s bones.”

"Yes, Miss Granger." Dumbledore said gently, "But Harry is obviously not

the only enemy of Voldemort, but Harry is the only one who survived his

Avada Kedavra - to be precise. Speaking of all the people who survived

Avada's Kedavra - Harry may have a special meaning to Voldemort, after

all, he has failed on Harry twice in a row - the first time was twelve years

ago The first time, it led to the complete downfall of Voldemort, and the

second time was when Harry was in first grade, when you together

defeated Voldemort's conspiracy to seek the Sorcerer's Stone - he may

have temporarily identified Harry."

"You mean..." Lupine frowned and said, "The mysterious person may

choose other people for the ritual needs of resurrection?"

"I think it is possible, if he really has no way to catch Harry." Dumbledore

nodded, "But before that, he will definitely make many plans and efforts,

and will only change the target unless it is absolutely impossible." ."

Ron and Hermione looked at Harry worriedly, as if he was going to die


Harry immediately waved his fist and said firmly: "I will not be afraid of

Voldemort. He killed my parents and so many innocent people. There is

no way I will surrender to him!"

"Well done, Harry." Sirius smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Although Dumbledore looked very gentle and said nothing at the

moment, Xia Ran secretly guessed that maybe Dumbledore was expecting

Voldemort to use Harry's blood to resurrect him, which would deepen the

connection between the two to some extent. Generally speaking, the

deeper the connection, the easier it is for Voldemort to be killed by

Harry, but it happens that he cannot kill Harry easily.

Just like in the original time and space, Voldemort made several attacks,

but even though he had an absolute advantage in terms of strength, he

was not able to kill Harry even once.

"Albus, I informed the Ministry of Magic. They will come at eight o'clock

in the morning, and Fudge will come in person." Professor McGonagall


Dumbledore said happily: "We'd better do this under the witness of

everyone." Then he looked at Snape and said: "Severus, please get a bottle

of the most effective Veritaserum, I think that’s the kind of situation that

would allow the minister to admit the truth.”

Snape left gloomily.

"Okay, let's all go outside the auditorium first and wait for the Minister to

arrive at Hogwarts." Dumbledore said happily. With a wave of his wand,

Peter Pettigrew floated up and walked along the Gryffindor Common.

The entrance and exit passage of the lounge floats down to the tower.

Several people followed Dumbledore's footsteps.

Xia Ran fell at the end. He was thinking, will Fudge admit the news of

Voldemort's return this time? In the original time and space, Fudge

refused to acknowledge Voldemort's resurrection and return, which led to

his break with Dumbledore and his subsequent downfall when the news

could no longer be hidden.

Sometimes many of Fudge's actions seem difficult to understand and full

of confusion. For example, he always thought that Dumbledore coveted

the position of Minister of Magic.

This is a very unreasonable suspicion. After all, with Dumbledore's

reputation and strength, he has had many opportunities to ascend to the

throne of Minister of Magic, and no one in the magical world will think

this is inappropriate behavior, but he They all refused.

Now that Dumbledore is more than 110 years old, and almost half of his

body is buried, how can he still covet the position of Minister of Magic?

Fudge has been blinded by the minister's power. He is obsessed with

pursuing power and cannot see the outside world clearly.

In Xia Ran's view, leaders like Fudge command the wizarding world,

which is really in line with Voldemort's wishes. After all, there are not so

many people who are simply holding back the achievements and failure.

In fact, there are not that many people who are just helpless. It's just a

contribution, not a hindrance.

This time the evidence is complete, let’s see what Fudge’s attitude is?

Xia Ran followed everyone outside the auditorium with great interest.

The professor who came to patrol the Great Hall at the moment was

Professor Flitwick. Sirius and Peter Pettigrew appeared in his sight. When

he saw them, he was startled and quickly pulled out his wand.

"Filius, calm down." Dumbledore said continuously, "I will explain this

matter when the minister and others arrive later."

"Okay, okay." Professor Flitwick reluctantly withdrew his wand.

Not long after, Fudge came in from outside the school with a few Aurors,

a big, dark-skinned man, and several serious-looking men.

Xia Ran said hello to the dark-skinned burly man. His name was Kingsley

Shacklebolt. He was now a leader of the Auror Office. Xia Ran had a

good relationship with him when she worked at the Ministry of Magic. ,

there is a certain friendship.

Fudge would not know that Kingsley was also a member of the Order of

the Phoenix and recognized Dumbledore more than others. However,

Fudge was present. In order to avoid arousing Fudge's suspicion,

everyone else had a normal attitude, unlike Xia Ran. Said hello.

Everyone present knew Xia Ran's past work, so no one paid much

attention to it.

Chapter 94 Crack

"Dumbledore, Minerva said you caught Sirius?" Fudge came over and

asked in a face-to-face manner.

"Minister, Sirius, Sirius Black, he's right here!" Another Auror shouted

loudly. He saw Sirius standing at the back and immediately took out his

wand from his pocket and wanted to fire the magic wand. curse.

"What? Ah, yes, Sirius!" Fudge was also surprised and took out his wand.

"Minister, I think you should give me a chance to speak." Dumbledore

said politely.

Fudge ignored Dumbledore's words and instead yelled: "Quickly, catch

Sirius! Dumbledore, you actually protected such a vicious murderer?"

"Minister!" Dumbledore's voice suddenly became louder. With lightning

speed, he pulled out the Elder Wand, removed the weapons of several

Aurors, including Fudge and Kingsley, and then grabbed them in his


Fudge's hands were empty. He looked at Dumbledore blankly, as if he

was meeting Dumbledore for the first time today. His eyes showed an

extremely angry look, and he said: "Dumbledore, I have always...trusted

you so much." ...You have finally been exposed. You must have been

peeping at the position of Minister of Magic for a long time, and you

finally took action today, right? You finally couldn't help it,


The expressions of Professor McGonagall, Snape, Professor Flitwick, and

Lupine all changed. They were both surprised and disgusted. They froze

at Cornelius Fudge, as if they could see him clearly for the first time.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were too young to understand the specific

situation and the political struggle, so they looked confused and confused

at the moment.

Xia Ran was watching idly. What kind of person was Fudge? He was

familiar with the plot of the original time and space, and he understood it

very clearly. He was a relatively capable wizard with a strong desire for


But it was obvious that his reputation and ability were far inferior to

Dumbledore, which gave him an extremely uneasy feeling. His

ministerial throne seemed to be in danger of being usurped by

Dumbledore at any time, at least in Fudge's view. Is such that.

"I have never had this idea, Cornelius." Dumbledore looked at Fudge with

sharp eyes and said, "But here we have an innocent man who has suffered

for many years in prison for no reason, and there is also a real murderer.

I think you should calm down and listen to what I have to say. As for this

spell? It’s the only way to calm you down at the moment.”

"Okay, okay! I want to see what you will say, Dumbledore?" Fudge said


"I will be happy to help the Minister." Dumbledore said politely, "As you

can see now, Sirius, the wanted criminal of the Ministry of Magic; Peter

Pettigrew, a former so-called hero, was awarded the Order of Merlin,

First Class. The dead warriors are now in front of you."

Fudge seemed to have just seen Peter Pettigrew, his eyes widened, staring

straight at Peter Pettigrew lying on the ground.

"He, Peter Pettigrew...isn't he dead?"

"Obviously, Cornelius, he is still alive." Dumbledore said, "This is what I

want to say, about who betrayed the Potters twelve years ago and led to

the death of the Potters."

With that said, Dumbledore looked at Snape again and said, "Severus,

have you brought the Veritaserum?"

Snape nodded slightly.

"Trouble," said Dumbledore.

Snape took out a small bottle from his arms, which contained a clear

liquid. He opened the cap and carefully dropped a few drops into Peter

Pettigrew's mouth. His desperate eyes suddenly became dull and his

cheeks relaxed. Go down.

Veritaserum is a special magic potion. The words spoken by a person

who takes the potion are 100% true, without a single lie. It is perfect for

interrogating messages.

"Can you hear me?" Dumbledore asked.

Peter Pettigrew trembled, but replied in a flat tone without emotion: "You

can hear it."

Fudge's face seemed to twitch strangely.

At this time, the students in the auditorium woke up one after another

because the previous quarrel was too loud, and heard voices outside the

door. One of them was the principal Dumbledore, and the other seemed

to be the Minister of Magic, Cornell. Leigh Fudge? !

Many bold students crept out of their sleeping bags, ran to the door, and

eavesdropped on the conversations of several people outside.


The door was suddenly opened at this time.

The little wizards were stunned for a moment.

But it was Xia Ran who pushed open the door of the auditorium, looked

at the group of stunned little wizards behind the door, smiled, and said:

"You also have the right to know about this matter, there is no need to

eavesdrop, just watch in an open and honest manner. Yes, but you have

to be quiet and don’t talk."

Looking at Xia Ran, Dumbledore and Fudge ignored his actions. Indeed,

this matter could no longer be hidden, and Dumbledore had never

thought of hiding it from others.

The little wizards immediately swarmed over and looked at Sirius with

surprise and fear, but they still followed Professor Frémont's advice. Even

though their hearts were scratching their heads and they were extremely

curious, they remained silent.

"I hope you will tell us." Dumbledore said calmly, "Who was the person

who surrendered to Voldemort and betrayed the Potters?"

People held their breath.

Peter Pettigrew trembled twice again, and still said in a calm tone: "It's

me! I'm an undercover agent of the Dark Lord. He caught me and he

wanted to kill me. I had no choice but to take refuge under him and work

for him. Doing business and delivering various intelligence messages. I

am also the Potters’ confidential keeper. I informed the Dark Lord of the

news and told them the Potters’ specific address. The Dark Lord was very



The crowd was instantly in an uproar, and heated discussions started one

after another.

"Sirius is innocent? Who is this person?"

"Peter Pettigrew! I recognize him. He is the wizard who died at the hands

of Sirius. He has been dead for a long time. Why is he still alive?"

The crowd murmured.

Fudge's face couldn't help but twitch.

Then Dumbledore asked Peter Pettigrew several more questions. Under

the influence of Veritaserum, Peter Pettigrew answered them all in detail,

and the crowd gradually changed their attitude. In the end, everyone felt

disgusted and disgusted. Looking at Peter Pettigrew in the distance.

Many people looked very disgusted after witnessing Peter Pettigrew.

The truth of what happened twelve years ago has been revealed to the

world today.

"Cornelly, this is the truth, you know the effect of Veritaserum."

Dumbledore said happily.

"Yeah, I know." Fudge said with a tight face, "Kingsley, Delis, take Peter

Pettigrew away. He will spend the rest of his life in Azkaban Prison, and I

will also be there. A meeting was held later to strip Peter Pettigrew of all

titles and restore Sirius' reputation, proving his innocence."

After he finished speaking, he immediately turned around and left.

"Cornelly, please wait a moment," Dumbledore called.

"What's the matter?" Fudge turned around impatiently.

Dumbledore said politely: "There is another very important thing that I

must tell you and make it public. Everyone has the right to know."

"What?" Fudge had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Xia Ran shook her head secretly. Judging from Fudge's performance just

now, after Dumbledore really told the important news - the return of the

Dark Lord Voldemort - the split between him and Dumbledore was


Chapter 95 Disagreement

The fact is as Xia Ran expected.

"Voldemort has returned!" Dumbledore said word by word. He also did

not shy away from the students in the auditorium, because this was

important information that everyone in the wizarding world needed to


When the large group of young wizards heard this, they looked around

blankly, thinking that they had heard wrongly, or that this was a joke

made by the principal. The principal always liked to tell jokes, and would

usually get hit hard by Professor McGonagall. interrupted by a cough, but

this time they only saw the same stern face of Professor McGonagall.

Everyone's hearts pounded, as if they were tied to a big boulder and were

falling to the bottom of the valley at an accelerating rate.

"Listen to me, Dumbledore." Fudge actually had a smile on his face at this

moment and said, "Mysterious Man, that terrible Dark Lord, is back?

Dumbledore, you really know how to joke... Mysterious Man He is clearly

dead. The hero who killed the mysterious man is still standing in front of

us now. You see, Harry Potter, our famous savior... How could the

mysterious man come back? Dumbledore, are you sure? It was a


Dumbledore said softly: "Mr. Barty Crouch, the director of the

Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation, is

probably dead. He may be the first victim after Voldemort's comeback,

because his son Barty Crouch Jr. Rauch…”

"Stop joking!" Fudge yelled, pacing back and forth, saying, "Barty Crouch

Jr., huh? Dumbledore, he died in Azkaban Prison a long time ago. You

are really talking nonsense. , extremely ridiculous!”

No one spoke, and countless pairs of eyes stared blankly at Dumbledore

and Cornelius Fudge. The two men were still looking at each other, as if

they wanted to convince each other to accept their opinions.

It could be seen that Fudge wanted to look away, but an inexplicable

courage supported him. He felt that at this critical moment, he could not

lose to Dumbledore, at least not in terms of momentum.

Xia Ran shook her head secretly. Sure enough, Fudge's reaction was still

the same. Just like the development in the original time and space, he

was asked to admit that Voldemort had returned and the magical world

that had been peaceful and stable for more than ten years would once

again fall into war. Fudge did not have this courage.

Perhaps Dumbledore should have supported a Ministry official who

favored him as Minister of Magic rather than Cornelius Fudge.

But this is also impossible to say, after all, power can always corrupt

people's hearts.

When Fudge first became Minister of Magic, he wrote letters every day

asking for Dumbledore's opinions and collecting suggestions from all

parties. However, more than ten years later, Fudge seems to believe that

he does have the ability to command the entire magical world. Even

Dumbledore They all have to step aside.

"I will explain it to you in detail, Cornelius." Dumbledore said firmly, "But

the news of Voldemort's return must be announced to the entire

wizarding world, so that people will be highly vigilant about it."

"Do you really want to do this? Dumbledore, the mysterious man cannot

be resurrected. He is dead. He died twelve years ago!" Fudge's voice

seemed to contain a hint of pleading, as if he was trying to persuade

Dumbledore. Lido, stop promoting the theory of Voldemort's return!

After a moment of silence, Dumbledore broke the silence and said: "But I

know several resurrection magics, and Voldemort has always been better

at this than me."

Fudge closed his mouth tightly, as if his words were burning. He stared at

Dumbledore, and after a long while he said with difficulty: "Okay, okay!

Dumbledore, if you really insist... I will order "The Prophet" The news

will be published in the Daily News, and tonight, the entire wizarding

world will know it. As you wish, Dumbledore..."

"I'm very grateful and very happy. As far as I know, Voldemort's current

situation shouldn't be particularly good." Dumbledore said politely.

Fudge ignored Dumbledore, but looked at Sirius and Peter Pettigrew, and

said: "The truth about what happened twelve years ago will also be

revealed. Well, goodbye!"

After Fudge finished speaking, he strode outside the school.

"Cornelly, when you leave, don't forget to take the Dementors with you.

Hogwarts no longer needs them." Dumbledore reminded loudly at the


"I know." Fudge said angrily, his voice seemed extremely annoyed.

Kingsley and Delis set up Peter Pettigrew, and together with several other

Aurors, followed the footsteps of Minister Fudge.

Dumbledore turned to face all the students in the auditorium, as well as

some professors who had rushed over after hearing the news. The

expressions on their faces were strange and contradictory. It seemed that

they wanted to believe Dumbledore, but they were unwilling to believe

him. .

"You should have heard the conversation I had with the minister just

now, so I won't repeat it again, but you must remember one thing, or

understand one thing, why do you exist? Why do you fight? It doesn't

matter if you don't know for the time being. , but I hope you can think

more about this in private and understand this." Dumbledore said loudly,

"Okay, now you go back to your respective dormitories to wash up, then

come down for breakfast. I believe you are going through After a not-so-

restful night’s sleep, you’ll be craving for a hot and delicious breakfast.”

No matter how confused and shocked people were, they still left one after

another, and the low voices could not help but resound, echoing in every

corner of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Dumbledore finally said softly: "Minerva, Severus, Sharon, Remus,

Rubeus, and Sirius, I hope you can all come to my office. Ah, of course, it

is in use After breakfast."

A few people nodded slightly, and Xia Ran said to the Weasley brothers:

"I have confiscated this Marauder's Map."

Professor McGonagall nodded with satisfaction.

The Weasley brothers smiled happily and said, "Professor, I gave it to


In fact, they have already memorized all the secret passages, and it

doesn't matter whether they have the Marauder's Map or not.

"Um, Professor McGonagall." Harry said tentatively, encouraged by Ron

and Hermione, "There is no guardian's signature on my Hogsmeade

permission form, but except for my aunt and uncle, the little Sirius is my

godfather, so it shouldn't be a problem for him to sign, right? Sirius, will

you sign it for me?"

Finally he asked unconfidently.

"Of course." Sirius smiled.

Professor McGonagall nodded slowly and said: "Yes, Potter, I think there

is no problem. The godfather can indeed be your guardian."

"Thank you, Professor." Harry quickly disappeared up the stairs,

apparently looking for his permission form.

By this time, the auditorium had returned to its original state, with

hundreds of sleeping bags disappearing and several long dining tables

once again appearing in the auditorium.

After Xia Ran had breakfast, she arrived at Dumbledore's principal's office

with Professor McGonagall and Snape. Lupine, Sirius, and Hagrid had

already arrived before them.

Dumbledore seemed to be conversing with a portrait hanging on the wall.

Chapter 96 The Order of the

Phoenix Restarts

When Xia Ran walked in, she heard Dumbledore say: "Phineas, please."

The wizard in a portrait on the wall said lazily: "It's time to go to bed

early now, Dumbledore, I have to catch up on some sleep. To be honest,

my sleep quality has been very poor these days. At noon, I’ll go back and

take a look at it.”

As soon as Phineas's voice fell, the surrounding portraits burst into fierce


"Disobedience, sir, disobedience!" A fat wizard with a red nose waved his

arms and shouted, "Disobedience!"

"We have an obligation to serve the current Headmaster of Hogwarts!"

shouted an old wizard who looked weak. Xia Ran recognized it as

Dumbledore's predecessor, Armando Dippet. "Don't be ashamed. ,


"Do you want me to convince him, Dumbledore? I will be happy to help

you convince Phineas." A shrewd-eyed witch raised a very thick wand,

like a birch branch.

"Oh, okay." Phineas looked a little scared, glanced at the wand, and said,

"Although there is no one in the family now, the only descendant is still

staying in Azkaban. He just came from Escape from prison.”

"Sirius is now innocent," Dumbledore said.

Sirius faced the others with a wry smile and spread his hands.

This wizard happened to be his ancestor, a member of the Black family.

The portrait of Phineas has wandered out of the frame, probably to the

place where his portrait hangs elsewhere.

"Dumbledore, what is this?" Professor McGonagall asked doubtfully.

Dumbledore replied: "I think it's time for the Order to reconvene."

"Awesome!" Sirius was the first to cheer.

Lupine and Hagrid also smiled. They had been members of the Order of

the Phoenix before.

Snape still had a gloomy expression, seemingly unmoved.

"Yes, Order of the Phoenix. Now that Voldemort has returned, it's time to

restart the Order of the Phoenix." Professor McGonagall sighed.

"Minerva, believe me, I also hope that the Order of the Phoenix will

never be summoned. This means that the wizarding world will always be

safe." Dumbledore said softly.

Lu Ping thought that Xia Ran didn't know about the Order of the

Phoenix, so he explained specifically: "Xia Ran, the Order of the Phoenix

was formed under Dumbledore's call to fight against mysterious people

and Death Eaters. We have never openly appeared in the sight of the

wizarding world. .By the way, your parents were also members of the

Order of the Phoenix more than ten years ago."

Xia Ran nodded. In fact, he knew the inside story of the Order of the

Phoenix. Dumbledore was undoubtedly the leader of the Order, Professor

McGonagall was a general, and Sirius, Lupin, and Hagrid were important


Snape and Xia Ran are new members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Although this organization existed to deal with Voldemort and was

specially formed, since the fall of Voldemort twelve years ago, the Order

of the Phoenix has naturally disbanded. However, Fudge didn't know it.

He was deeply afraid of Dumbledore and the rumored Dumbledore's

underground organization. .

"I think Fudge is not happy to see this scene." Xia Ran joked.

Dumbledore sighed: "If the Ministry of Magic can win this war, I will be

happy that I only need to be a good teacher. But you have all seen

Fudge's attitude. Even if he agreed to return Voldemort, The news has

been made public, but what precautions will his Ministry of Magic take

against this? We cannot have too much hope and expectation."

At this moment, Phineas came back and said: "I informed Kreacher - the

house elf of the Black family, who is very loyal and capable - he will tidy

up the old Black house."

"Thank you, Phineas," Dumbledore said.

"No thanks, now the control of Black's old house has been completely

handed over to Sirius. Since he has agreed to serve as the headquarters of

the Order of the Phoenix, what can I say?" Phineas leaned on his frame

again. , pretending to doze off.

"The Old Black House can play such an important role and make the best

use of its resources." Sirius said.

Phineas snorted.

Dumbledore said: "The Order of the Phoenix has reconvened, so the old

home of the Black family will be the latest headquarters of the Order of

the Phoenix. Sirius, I will trouble you to go home from now on. We may

have to go to Black from time to time." There will be a meeting in the old

house to discuss the next step and how to prevent Voldemort from

causing greater killings."

Sirius waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter to me..." Even though

his face was a little dull when he said this, "Staying in Fremont Manor all

the time is too troublesome for Xia Ran. It's normal to go home."

Although I don’t think they will recognize me as one of them.”

"You are the owner of the Black Mansion, and you are a member of the

Black family." Dumbledore said.

"Maybe." Sirius said noncommittally.

"Sirius, I need you to leave now. You need to inform a few old friends,

Alastor Moody, Mundungus Fletcher, Arabella Figg, the Weasley family,

and others. I will also notify people through other channels. You will go

back to the Black Mansion first. Without your guidance, we will not be

able to find the Black Mansion, even if we are standing outside the gate."

Dumbledore began to arrange the task and distribution.

Sirius nodded, stood up and left.

"Snape, I hope you will always pay attention...you must be prepared, be

careful, be careful, be careful again!" Dumbledore continued, with a

slight worry on his face.

Snape's face seemed to pale a lot, and he nodded silently.

Although Professor McGonagall, Lupin, and Hagrid were confused, they

did not ask any questions. There were some things that Dumbledore did

not say, and he must have considered them.

Xia Ran knew what Dumbledore meant. Snape was a double agent and

needed to lurk next to Voldemort, making him mistakenly believe that

Snape was a member of the Death Eaters and accept his order to

undercover the Order of the Phoenix.

This kind of undercover work is the most dangerous, so Dumbledore will

not tell the third person about Snape's identity and specific work. This is

a secret that only the two of them know.

Xia Ran was unexpected by Dumbledore. After all, he was a traveler from

another world. Dumbledore must have been unexpected.

Of course, he would not publicize Snape's identity in a big way, as this

would only kill Snape.

However, Voldemort has not yet been completely resurrected, so it

should be impossible to summon his Death Eaters. After all, Voldemort's

more than ten years in the Albanian forest were not in vain.

At least now Snape doesn't need to worry about Voldemort discovering

his identity and killing him.

"Remus, Rubeus, I may sometimes need you to run some places on the

weekends, you know." Dumbledore continued.

Lupine's face looked slightly pale. He knew what Dumbledore meant,

asking him to contact the werewolf and sneak into the dark world.

Although he hates it, this is his mission and only he can complete it.

After all, no one else has his werewolf identity.

Following Hagrid, Lupine also nodded lightly.

"Xia Ran, after teaching, you may have to travel to some places

frequently." Dumbledore said.

Xia Ran replied: "Okay, no problem." But he was thinking in his heart,

should he tell Dumbledore now about Voldemort's other Horcruxes?

Chapter 97 Stigma

Xia Ran thought for a while, but still didn't choose to speak out at this

time. He decided that in a few days, when the Order of the Phoenix held

its first meeting at Black's old house, it might be a better time.

After all, Dumbledore always had to explain the current intelligence

information and everyone's subsequent mission arrangements at the

meeting. Many people may have been confused when they first received

the news.

After roughly explaining the mission arrangements of Xia Ran and the

others, Dumbledore looked at Xia Ran again and said slowly: "Xia Ran,

you have the Resurrection Stone in your hand, right? I wonder if I can

borrow it? "

Hearing this, Professor McGonagall, Snape, and Lupine also looked at Xia

Ran curiously. Does the Resurrection Stone, one of the Three Sacred

Artifacts of Death, really exist in the world?

Hagrid was the only one who didn't know the secret of the Resurrection

Stone, but he looked confused at this moment.

"The Resurrection Stone is, after all, an illusory dream. The dead will not

truly return to the world of the living, except for the ghosts who fear the

world of the dead and stay in the world of the living." Xia Ran sighed. He

may know that Dumbledore asked for resurrection. Stone, what exactly is

it for?

After all, Dumbledore longed for his family.

Dumbledore smiled bitterly and said, "I know, but I always want to try


So in the original time and space, you lost your life because of this? Xia

Ran kept this slander in her heart but didn't say it out loud.

Marvolo Gaunt's ring and the Resurrection Stone embedded in it were

found by Dumbledore in the original time and space. However, due to

the temptation of the Resurrection Stone, he chose to wear the ring

directly on his hand. As a result, he suffered the death of Voldemort. The

black magic spell left behind specifically to protect his Horcrux - Marvolo

Gaunt's ring, is one of Voldemort's Horcruxes. It contains a fragment of

Voldemort's soul, which has been cursed by Xia Ran with a powerful fire

spell. Destroyed - In the end, he only had one year left to live. If Snape

hadn't been so skilled in potion preparation, Dumbledore might not even

have one year left.

"Okay, I'll go home when I have time." Xia Ran said.

In the evening, the latest issue of the "Daily Prophet" accompanied by the

owl postman flew into every household in the magical world, and the

headline on the front page was nothing but an outrageous piece of news.

"Dumbledore, the power-hungry villain?"

"According to internal information from the Ministry of Magic, they

received a letter from Hogwarts early this morning, saying that they had

captured Sirius Black, the heinous murderer. Of course, now the

murderer is not Sirius, but Sirius. Peter Dwarf—yes, you read that right,

the Peter Dwarf who has been dead for twelve years!"

"Sirius has overturned the verdict. What happened twelve years ago, the

deaths of the Potters and the downfall of the mysterious man, were all

caused by the betrayal of a wizard. We all know that it was Sirius, but

now based on the facts, the traitor is actually It's Peter Pettigrew! For

details, please go to page two. 'Sirius, the murderer? The brain-dead man

who was fooled? Peter Pettigrew, the hero or the traitor?'"

"But none of this is important. Let's go back to today's headlines. Is

Dumbledore a wizard who is greedy for power? According to the

information we got from Fudge, the Minister of Magic, Dumbledore

wanted to enhance his power. In order to gain my own prestige, I openly

announced to him the news of the mysterious man’s return, in order to

gain respect and recognition from the magical world again, even

surpassing the Ministry of Magic as an official organization!”

"So, is it really what Fudge says?"

"Many Dumbledore supporters may not be able to accept this, but judging

from the information we have obtained now, the facts are indeed as the

Minister of Magic Fudge said. Dumbledore seems to really desire greater

fame. More power, more admiration from people.”

"For this reason, Dumbledore did not hesitate to announce the return of

the mysterious man, regardless of whether it would cause turmoil and

unrest in the magical world. He had never considered this, or in other

words, he had considered it, but he had a perverted psychology about

power and fame. Let Dumbledore have no time to care about other

things, as long as he can regain control of the wizarding world."

"The former hero has become old and confused. In the last stage of his

life, the most powerful white wizard of our time, Dumbledore, finally fell

and became obsessed with power, honor and reputation. He is no longer

the man worthy of all of us. Dear, the most powerful white wizard, the

current headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is

just an old man whose brain has been filled with power!"

"Absurd, really ridiculous!" During the meal, Xia Ran heard Lu Ping

shaking his head while flipping through the Daily Prophet.

Hagrid shouted angrily: "That despicable guy Fudge, he dared to order

the newspaper to edit Professor Dumbledore like this. He clearly knew

what the facts were, but he still printed such a newspaper! How


This time Professor McGonagall did not ask Hagrid to keep his voice

down, because she also frowned, flipped through the Daily Prophet, and

then directly threw it aside without giving it a second glance.

The news about the mysterious man's return was labeled by Fudge as

Dumbledore's lies. Dumbledore himself was ordered by the newspaper to

do everything possible to arrange the story. As long as it could discredit

Dumbledore, Fudge seemed to be willing to do whatever it took.

Perhaps in his opinion, when Dumbledore announced the return of the

mysterious man, he was truly declaring war on him in order to seize the

position of Minister of Magic!

"Fudge's first step in attacking his perceived competitors is to stigmatize

Dumbledore, but he ignores the real hidden dangers in the wizarding

world. To be honest, he is not qualified to be the Minister of Magic." Xia

Ran shook his head and sighed, this Pig teammates, no wonder

Dumbledore pinned his hopes on Harry in the original time and space.

Pig teammates like Fudge are unreliable.

It seems that Dumbledore still had the foresight to form the Order of the

Phoenix early. Instead of expecting the Ministry of Magic to be unable to

support the wall, it is better to leave it alone and work alone, which

actually has the hope of victory.

However, Fudge's plan to stigmatize Dumbledore did have a certain

effect. At least many students in the auditorium were whispering about it.

Maybe parents' protest letters would be sent to Hogwarts tomorrow.

"You think Dumbledore is really old and confused?"

"We have all seen the scene in the morning. It seems that what

Dumbledore said is true."

The young wizards whispered, and Harry couldn't help but said: "How

can they believe such outrageous words in the Daily Prophet? We were

all present when Dumbledore spoke in the morning."

"Who knows?" Ron said while eating pig's trotters. "Anyway, we are right

to believe in Dumbledore."

"Ron, how can you say that?" Hermione hummed, "Since the mysterious

man has made a comeback, we must unite all the forces that can be

united. The internal fighting and division in the magical world is exactly

what the mysterious man wants. He Absolutely happy to see that.”

"Then what can you do?" Ron rolled his eyes and said, "The Daily Prophet

obeys the orders of the Ministry of Magic. It does not listen to us or the

principal of Hogwarts, and the Ministry of Magic The leader is that idiot



Percy heard Ron's words from the side and immediately glared at him,

warning him not to cause trouble to his father. After all, Arthur Weasley

still worked at the Ministry of Magic, and Fudge was his boss's boss.

Ron muttered a few words, but did not continue to insult Fudge.

Chapter 98 Painful Scars

"Percy, relax, you won't get dad into trouble if you curse Fudge at

Hogwarts." George Weasley smiled.

"Yeah, Percy, come on, say it after me, Fudge is a big idiot!" Fred said

with a smile.

"Oh, don't do this," Ginny pleaded.

That's what George and Fred said, and they also knew that too much

words would lead to mistakes. In public, they still couldn't make too

serious arrangements with Fudge, which would easily affect their father

who worked in the Ministry of Magic.

Fred said as if he was suffocating: "That's why we don't want to work in

the Ministry of Magic. Meeting such a boss would cost me my life!"

"The Ministry of Magic is not that easy to get into." Percy said with a

snort. His dream was to work in the Ministry of Magic, climb to a senior

leadership position, become a high official, and have a better future than

Mr. Weasley.

After all, although Mr. Weasley serves as the director of the Office for the

Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Items, he actually has only one

person under his command, and he only has two, so he cannot be called a

leading official of the Ministry of Magic at all.

George said funny: "Yes, my dear Chairman Percy... Oh, no, Minister


"Haha!" Others couldn't help laughing.

Percy's face turned red and he just left the auditorium with a piece of


At this moment, a taller wizard came over and said: "Okay, guys, don't

laugh. Tomorrow happens to be a break, and we have to seize the

opportunity to discuss the tactics used in the game. Slytherin's strength

cannot be underestimated." It was Oliver Wood, captain of the Gryffindor

Quidditch team.

"Here?" Harry was obviously surprised.

"Of course not here." Wood said, "There are too many people in the

auditorium, and it is easy to leak our tactical secrets, so you finish your

food quickly, and we will go back to the common room to discuss. Boys

and girls are already prepared Okay." He pointed to Angelina, Alya, and

Katie who were waiting on one side, the Chasers of the Gryffindor

Quidditch team.

Harry was the seeker, Fred and George were the batters, and Wood

himself was the keeper.

"Okay, that'll be it in a minute, Oliver," said Fred.

"That thing about Buckbeak..." Harry looked at Ron and Hermione.

Ron said confidently: "Don't worry, Harry, just go ahead. Hermione and I

will go to the library and we will definitely find something to help

Buckbeak win the lawsuit. Besides, I can't, Hermione is here." "

Because in the first class of school, the hippogriff Buckbeak injured Draco

Malfoy, causing Buckbeak to be sanctioned by the Ministry of Magic.

Under the arguments of Dumbledore and Hagrid, After hard work, the

idea of ​​filing a lawsuit came up.

Hagrid's testimony in defense of Buckbeak was definitely hopeless. Ron

and Harry actually had little hope either, and they mainly relied on


Hermione smiled shyly and speechlessly.

"Ah!" Harry suddenly cried out in pain and covered his forehead tightly.

He suddenly felt the burning pain from the lightning scar on his

forehead, which made him cry out involuntarily.

"What's wrong, Harry?" Others looked at him with concern.

Harry didn't want others to worry about him, and he didn't think it was a

big deal. He smiled and said, "I had a headache just now, but it's much

better now. It's not a big deal."

"You should tell Dumbledore about this, Harry." Suddenly someone in the

corridor patted Harry on the shoulder and said.

A group of people suddenly turned their heads in astonishment.

"Professor Frémont? It's no need, it's just a headache." Harry didn't want

to trouble Dumbledore, and he also felt that it would be embarrassing to

approach Dumbledore for such a trivial matter, and it would not save his


Xia Ran looked solemn and said, "Harry, the pain in your scar has a much

deeper meaning than you imagine."

When he was about to leave the Great Hall, he suddenly heard Harry

groaning in pain and covering his forehead. He suddenly knew that it

was Voldemort's emotional fluctuations.

Harry's lightning scar is almost a channel connecting Harry and

Voldemort, except that Voldemort takes the dominant position. Of

course, because of Harry's mother's magical protection, Voldemort would

feel a burning pain when he touched Harry's soul, and he would never

take the initiative to touch Harry's soul.

In order to lure Harry to snatch the prophecy ball, the original time and

space deliberately set up a virtual illusion to mislead Harry, leading to a

battle in the Department of Mysteries, and Sirius' death.

That's because Harry was hot-headed and too impulsive.

"Xia Ran, are you sure it's this serious?" Lu Ping asked in shock.

"It's more serious than you think." Xia Ran nodded and said, "Let's go and

see Dumbledore."

Harry had no choice but to get up and follow Xia Ran and Lupine to the

principal's office on the eighth floor.

The others still had blank expressions on their faces, except Oliver Wood,

who sighed regretfully that his Seeker could no longer attend the team



This is a large house that has been dilapidated for a long time. It is

located on a hillside. From here, you can see the entire village below. If

Xia Ran is here, you may be surprised. That village is somewhat familiar.

He has just been here during the summer vacation. One trip, this is Little


Several windows in the house were sealed, the tiles on the roof were

incomplete, and ivy crawled all over the house.

"Master, are you feeling better? If you are still hungry, drink some more."

A man's voice said.

"Wait a moment, I just experienced a long journey, and I don't have a

good appetite now." A cold voice said slowly, which was colder and

biting than the cold wind blowing at night.

And a big snake was wandering around in the old house. It was at least

twelve feet long. The snake spat lightly and kept making hissing sounds

from its mouth.

"Little Barty, did you see it? This is my father's house." The cold voice

spoke again, "Riddle House was once the most spacious and magnificent

building in this town. But, now you are here Look, it has become damp,

desolate, and uninhabited all year round, except for this old lame Muggle

who has nowhere to go and has to continue to live here."

"Mortal life and things are too fragile to last forever!" The cold voice

sounded mocking.

The man's voice at the beginning spoke: "Master, you are the wizard who

has traveled the farthest on the road to immortality in the world!"

"Yes, you are right, little Barty, I have always believed in this." The cold

voice said.

"Bah! What eternity, what immortality, two fools talking in their sleep!"

At this time, a third voice sounded in the room, which sounded like an

older man.

"Haha, how can Muggles understand the mysteries of wizards?"

The cold voice said slowly: "Little Barty, put down your wand first and

don't do anything. We always have to show some respect to such a

courageous person, even if he is just a dirty Muggle."

Chapter 99 Voldemort and His


"Yes, Master." The man's voice replied.

The cold voice laughed and said: "Since our Muggle gentleman has

doubts about this, let me, the noble Lord Voldemort, clear his doubts."

"Master is so kind."

"Hey hey hey."

This is the second floor of the house. The door is slightly open, the

fireplace is lit, and the temperature inside the house has risen. It is no

longer as cold as outside.

And on one of the chairs, wrapped in swaddling clothes, was a slimy,

eyeless, ugly thing. It looked like a curled-up baby, but nothing in the

world had ever looked less like a baby.

It has no hair, and its body seems to have scales. Its skin is dark and red,

like injured tender meat. Its arms and legs are thin and soft. Its face -

there is no one alive or dead. The child has such a face - a flat snake face

with a pair of sparkling red eyes.

If Xia Ran saw this ugly thing, she would definitely blurt out

immediately: "Voldemort!"

Yes, the strange creature in the infancy is Voldemort. Now he has not

been truly resurrected. The form of existence is so ugly and terrifying.

Not to mention compared with the living, even the wandering ghosts are


A man with pale skin, slight freckles, and light yellow messy hair was

naturally Barty Crouch Jr. He served Voldemort wholeheartedly and was

a very satisfied servant of Voldemort.

He thought that if he was resurrected, he would give little Barty a

generous reward, which was a gift from Lord Voldemort.

There was a lame old man lying on the ground. It seemed that he was a

little afraid of the infant Voldemort. After all, this form of creature was

too weird, but he forced himself to show a fearless attitude.

There was also a house elf lying in a corner of the room, unconscious.

Judging from the slight rise and fall of his chest, he was probably still

alive and not dead.

"Weird monster!" the lame old man snorted. He had lived in this house

for decades. After all, he had served the Riddle family. Later, the Riddle

family died for no reason. He was also suspected by the villagers and the

police. However, In the end, there was no evidence linking him to the

deaths of the Riddle family - which was committed by the young

Voldemort Tom Riddle fifty years ago - so he was acquitted.

He was a veteran, and because he had nowhere to go, he simply stayed at

Riddle Mansion. Others were afraid of spending the night here because

someone died in Riddle Mansion. As a former soldier, he would not feel

guilty. There is nothing to be afraid of. We have seen too many dead

people on the battlefield.

After hearing what the lame old man said, Voldemort smiled softly and

said, "Muggle, you do have courage, but you will never know what it

feels like to live forever."

"I don't know either, but that's exclusive to the owner." Barty Crouch Jr.

flattered him.

"Hey, hehe." Voldemort smiled and said, "Riddle House is such a long-lost

place... My stupid, poor father and grandparents lived here decades ago.

At that time, it was so lively and gorgeous. , as if it were right in front of


"Lying liar!" the lame old man sneered. "The Riddle family has never had

descendants. The heinous murder fifty years ago has cut off the Riddle

family's bloodline."

"Ah, Muggle, old Muggle, don't you understand?" Voldemort said softly,

"I, the most powerful wizard in the magical world - well, maybe plus one,

Dumbledore, I have to admit, Even though he is far from me on the road

to immortality, he is still super powerful - although I have always hated

the Riddle family, it is true that the blood of the Riddle family flows in

my body, so I killed them all with my own hands. "

"Are you the murderer of the Riddle Mansion murder??" The lame old

man was shocked.

How many members of the Riddle family died because of this monster

who was neither human nor ghost?

"Of course, that's the truth, can I say no?" Voldemort said slightly

happily, "Tom Riddle - yes, I was also called this name - he is my father,

humble, stupid, pathetic, A cowardly father, but he abandoned me and

my mother, so it is unforgivable. When I found this place, the Riddle

family was destined to be extinct."

"You are a despicable murderer, a vicious criminal, and a heartless

lunatic!" the lame old man yelled angrily.

"The wail of the weak!" Voldemort was tired of it, and he raised a stick,

which was his wand.

The lame old man suddenly felt suffocated, and his pupils instantly


"Avada Kedavra!"

A ray of green light hit the lame old man's chest. He suddenly became

motionless, his eyes still widened. He died under Avada's Kedavra.

"Nagini." Voldemort hissed.

Barty Crouch Jr. looked at Voldemort in awe and enthusiasm. He knew

what it was, Parseltongue, one of the rumored symbols of Slytherin!

His master is the last descendant of Slytherin, destined to unify the entire

magical world!

A big snake swam in through the open door.

"Nagini, your dinner." Voldemort put down his wand, looking a little

tired. His current state was still too weak, but he just couldn't die.

"Master, would you like something to drink?" Barty Crouch Jr. asked in a

timely manner.

Voldemort replied: "Okay, come on, I'm really hungry."

Barty Crouch Jr. took a bottle of milk and served Voldemort to drink it.

"Little Barty, I'm so lucky that you can break away from your father's

control and come to me in the great forest of Albania." Voldemort said


"No, that is my honor, Master." Barty Crouch Jr. said with admiration, "It

is my greatest honor to be able to help Master resurrect!"

Ever since he was replaced from Azkaban by his mother, Mrs. Crouch, he

has been controlled by Barty Crouch using the Imperius Curse, but in

recent years, he has slowly begun to have the ability to break free from

his father's control. Time, especially in the past year or so, has made him

so blessed that he has been able to stay awake for a long time.

However, he was guarded by the house elf Shiny, and he did not have a

wand in his hand. He had to be patient and wait for the opportunity. He

knew that he only had one chance, and his father would never give him a

second chance to break free from control!

Fortunately, Winky sympathized with him, which gave him a good

opportunity. Finally, one night he grabbed the wand of his father Barty

Crouch and killed him directly, gaining the long-lost freedom. Soon he

took control of it again. Twinkle, he didn't have any murderous intention

towards Twinkle.

But in order to avoid being exposed, he pretended to be his father for a

while. After finding out the location of his master, he excused himself to

take sick leave and made Barty Crouch disappear.

In this way, he found Voldemort, brought him back to England, and

began planning for his resurrection.

"Peter Pettigrew has been captured. Master, how should we catch that

boy?" Little Barty asked.

Through the photos in the Daily Prophet, Voldemort recognized the

identity of Peter Pettigrew, planned to contact Peter Pettigrew, and

worked together to capture Harry Potter and take him away to meet his

needs for the resurrection ceremony.

It's a pity that little Barty drank the polyjuice potion and disguised

himself when entering Hogwarts. He happened to bump into Sirius.

Although he defeated Sirius, he had no time to contact Peter Pettigrew.

Now that Peter Pettigrew has been arrested, this plan is ruined.

Chapter 100 Order of the Phoenix


"Hide yourself for a while, there will always be a chance." Voldemort said


As he spoke, he glanced at the house elf lying unconscious on the ground

and smiled: "Isn't there a better choice here?"

"Master, what do you mean?" Little Barty seemed to suddenly understand.

"House elves, this kind of magical creature, have always been servants of

wizards. I have been negligent and made a mistake. I ignored these house

elves who are not low in strength." Voldemort said with a chuckle, " Now

we have to change our strategy."

"I obey your orders, Master."


"Harry, is your scar starting to hurt?" Dumbledore stared at Harry. He felt

that his face was turning red. It was just a normal headache, but he made

such a big noise and was directly pulled by two professors. Come to the

principal's office.

He wondered how Malfoy would laugh at him if he knew he was being

noticed by the Headmaster because of his headache, especially since he

was already deeply troubled by the dementors.

Thank goodness the Dementors were taken away by Fudge!

Harry quickly defended: "It's just a little painful. It must be because I

didn't sleep well. It doesn't matter."

"Harry, you can't take it lightly." Xia Ran said slowly, "You yourself know

that this scar of yours has a big background. I think that it has abnormal

conditions, which may explain a lot of problems."

Lupine and Harry both thought of Voldemort, and the lightning scar on

Harry's forehead existed because of Voldemort.

Dumbledore had expected this, but he still praised Xia Ran's sensitivity.

"Xia Ran is right, Harry, I think you should start learning Occlumency."

Dumbledore said. He wanted Harry to shut down his brain freely and

connect with Voldemort selectively, instead of everything being

controlled by Voldemort came to take the initiative.

Occlumency is a kind of magic that controls one's own brain, which can

prevent others from peeking into the thoughts in one's mind, especially

when facing a Legilimency master.

"Occlumency?" Harry was confused.

Lupine frowned and said: "Dumbledore, is it too early for Harry to learn

Occlumency? He is only in the third grade, and these are often senior

students in the sixth or seventh grade, who find it very profound and

difficult to understand. Magic spells. To tell you the truth, my

Occlumency is also very average."

Xia Ran's Occlumency skills are pretty good. She had already started in

the past. In the past year or so, as her knowledge of spells and magic

power have increased, her Occlumency skills have also increased. She

cannot be called a master level, but It's definitely not bad either.

But he knew that there was a real master of Occlumency in Hogwarts,

and Dumbledore must have known that, that was Severus Snape, the

Potions Professor. They are all among the top ranks!

It was Snape who taught Harry Occlumency in the original time and

space, but the results were not satisfactory.

Dumbledore rubbed his forehead, and felt that he might have acted too

hastily. After all, Harry was only in the third grade, so he was still a little

young. When he was in the fifth grade and almost an adult, it might be

the time to learn such advanced magic.

"Okay, Harry, let's put the Occlumency thing aside for now."

Harry immediately breathed a sigh of relief. From Professor Lupin's tone,

he knew what kind of difficult magic Occlumency was. He was not

Hermione, who was such a genius, who loved learning so much, and who

loved Quidditch.

Thinking about the upcoming first Quidditch match, Harry felt a lot more

excited. He must help Gryffindor win the Quidditch championship this

school year!

Several people left Dumbledore's office. Harry went straight back to the

lounge, Lupine also went back to his office, and Charlotte went back to

the office to get Gryffindor's sword, then brought it up again and handed

it back to Dumbledore.

He had absorbed the Force points contained in the sword, and several

days had passed. It was time to return the sword to Dumbledore.

"The property returns to its original owner." Xia Ran smiled, "After all, I

graduated from Hufflepuff, and holding Gryffindor's sword always feels

very inconsistent."

Dumbledore hung up his sword and said with a smile, "Isn't it enough

that we are all members of Hogwarts?"

Xia Ran smiled brightly, it was just good that Dumbledore didn't notice

the small damage to Gryffindor's sword.

He absorbed the Force points. Although it would not cause obvious

damage to the original magic items, the impact did exist, but it was just

weak. It was difficult to detect without careful observation.

Not to mention Fudge's dirty talk about Dumbledore, there were various

voices in the wizarding world talking about it. Some people expressed

their belief in Dumbledore, while others were more willing to believe in

the Ministry of Magic. After all, it was an official organization.

Dumbledore said that he received a lot of letters of protest every day,

from many wizards in the wizarding world, either firmly supporting him,

or admonishing Dumbledore not to tarnish his reputation when he gets

old. This is obviously a sign of trust. The person who got the Ministry of

Magic's words.

"How can they believe the slander in the Daily Prophet? That's complete

nonsense!" Mrs. Weasley said angrily. She selectively forgot that she used

to read the Daily Prophet every day and regarded it as home. The

behavior of a close and good partner.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "The Daily Prophet, the boss of the Ministry of

Magic gave the order, what can they do? Besides, arranging Dumbledore

may be something they feel very happy and excited about!"

They were in Black's old house, preparing for the first meeting since the

Order of the Phoenix was restarted. Many members of the Order had

already arrived.

Remus Lupine, Rubeus Hagrid, Minerva McGonagall, the four of them

came here together, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Mundungus

Fletcher, Mrs. Figg, Arras Thomas Moody, as well as the two Aurors

Kingsley and Tonks.

Of course, as the owner of the old Black house, Sirius must be present. He

was busy with Mrs. Weasley and brought several meals out of the


"Mrs. Weasley's craftsmanship is still as good as ever!" Xia Ran praised

after eating a pastry.

"Hmph!" Moody snorted coldly. He had long gray hair, and every inch of

skin on his face seemed to have been injured. The place where his nose

should be raised was gone, and his eyes made people feel chilly.

One of Moody's eyes is small, black, shiny, and full of divine light; the

other eye is large, round like a coin, and it is a bright blue. This blue eye

The eye moved continuously without blinking, turning up and down, left

and right, completely unrelated to the normal eye.

When he sat on the chair, he clutched the crutch in his hand tightly and

refused to relax for a moment.

"Relax, Alastor. Enjoy a hearty meal in advance to fill your stomach. I

think it will promote the meeting." Lupine took a sip of butterbeer and

said softly.

"Yeah, otherwise I'd be hungry in the middle of the meeting..." Tonks said

happily, and suddenly saw Moody's artificial eye turned around, she

immediately smiled and ate silently.

On the other hand, Mr. Weasley was talking to Xia Ran and Kingsley:

"Bill and Charlie originally wanted to attend this meeting. Last time they

were too young to join the Order of the Phoenix. It's just that Bill was in

Ancient Egypt. He is working in a bank, and Charlie is also raising

dragons abroad. He will definitely not be able to come back in the short

term, and Dumbledore believes that they will be of great help to the

Order of the Phoenix by keeping an eye on news from all sides abroad."

Bill is the eldest son of the Weasley family, and Charlie is the second son.

"That's true, there are many dark creatures and dark wizards running

around the world." Xia Ran said with a smile, "If Charlie can tame a giant

dragon and let us ride the dragon to fight the Death Eaters, then it will be

awesome It couldn’t be more majestic!”

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