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Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Новый профессор в Хогвартсе

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Адреса змісту:https://www.fannovels.org/novel/new-professor-at-


In the summer of 1992, news that Hogwarts was about to open a new

course and needed a new professor quickly spread throughout the

wizarding world through newspapers such as the Daily Prophet and The

Quibbler. Countless people moved and sent letters to Hogwarts.

Ciaran Frémont, as a wizard who has graduated from Hogwarts for eight

years, also wants to return to Hogwarts and hold a professorship, and he

also received a reply from Principal Dumbledore, inviting him for a few

days Later, he went to Hogwarts for an interview. While happy, Xia Ran

found that he had an urgent task. He had to submit his resignation to his

immediate boss, the Director of the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement, the largest department of the Ministry of Magic!

Chapter 33 The game is


"Please forgive me." Dumbledore said, "I have always been doubtful about

your guesses and inferences, Xia Ran."

Xia Ran was quite speechless. It turns out that Professor Dumbledore, you

never believed my "inference" - it was actually a familiarity with the plot

of the original time and space. I put it forward in a new way and used the

results to reverse the process. It was extremely difficult. , much more


Dumbledore picked up Colin Creevey, the unfortunate little wizard -

compared to an adult like Xia Ran, Dumbledore looked tall, let alone

Colin Creevey, who was only in the first grade. New student, only 11

years old.

"I will send Colin to the school hospital first and ask Madam Pomfrey to

take a look at him. Xia Ran, please go to the Quidditch pitch and protect

all students back to the castle. I believe Minerva, Severus will be happy

to help you." Dumbledore said as he picked up Colin Creevey and walked

away, which was in the direction of the school hospital.

Xia Ran left Hogwarts Castle in three steps at a time, pulled out the wand

in his robe, and soon arrived at the Quidditch pitch. Two college

Quidditch players were warming up and flying in the air. , while Ms. Huo

Qi, a first-year flight course professor, stood aside, checking the time

from time to time to see if it was time for the race to start.

Several stands were almost full of students, and there were many

professors among them, such as Professor McGonagall in Gryffindor

Square and Severus Snape in Slytherin House. They all wore The

representative color of your college.

At this moment, Harry was about to ride on his broomstick, but suddenly

he saw Professor Frémont running into the stadium, holding the

professor's own wand high in his hand, his expression even more

unusually solemn, and Harry's heart suddenly went crazy. Sunk to the


Ms. Huo Qi looked at Xia Ran and said: "Professor Frémont, you are late,

the start time is coming soon." She knew that Professor McGonagall and

Snape invited Xia Ran to the Quidditch pitch.

Xia Ran pointed at her throat with her wand and said, "The voice is

loud!" This is a spell that can amplify the wizard's voice.

"The game is cancelled!" Xia Ran said to several high platforms. The

crowd immediately emitted shouts and boos of dissatisfaction, and

several Quidditch players who had flown into the sky landed on the

ground one after another, expressions on their faces He looked

dissatisfied and shouted at Xia Ran.

"Professor, Professor Frémont, we still have a competition, the Quidditch

Cup!" This was the voice of Oliver Wood, captain of the Gryffindor

Quidditch team.

Xia Ran ignored him and continued to shout to the stands: "Students in

all colleges must return to the common rooms of their respective colleges

immediately. Going out without permission is absolutely not allowed.

The prefects of each college must do their jobs well and assume their

responsibilities." It’s the prefect’s responsibility!”

The roar of dissatisfaction in the crowd grew louder.

"What happened? Professor Frémont." Professor McGonagall asked loudly

from the stands.

Xia Ran replied: "A student was petrified, another attack! The victim was

a Gryffindor student!"

"Oh, my God!" Professor McGonagall's face turned pale instantly.

The crowd became quiet all of a sudden, almost all of them opened their

eyes wide, with fear radiating from their pupils. The victim this time

turned out to be a wizard? ! Last time it was clearly just a cat.

"Professor McGonagall, you can come with me to the campus hospital.

Professor Snape and Mrs. Hooch, please take care of the students from

each college back to their respective common rooms in the castle." Xia

Ran said.

He and Professor McGonagall entered the castle and went straight to the

school hospital.

A group of young wizards, escorted by two teachers, crowded back to the

castle. At this time, other teachers also heard Xia Ran's words, and

walked out of their offices one after another, took over the escort duties,

and sent all the students to the castle without missing a beat. In the

common room, groups of three or two wandered in the corridors to


At this time, no students are allowed to go out.

The Gryffindor lounge was particularly nervous. After all, Professor

Frémont said that the victim was a student of their Gryffindor House.

Who could it be?

Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked to a corner of the common room.

Harry lowered his voice and said, "Should I tell the information I know?"

Ron and Hermione understood what Harry meant. He had heard strange

voices coming from someone in the castle, followed by an attack. They

thought it was because Harry was a Parseltongue and could hear it. He

understands snake language, so he made this discovery.

But Ron did not recommend that Harry report it. He said: "Harry, hearing

a voice that others cannot hear in the wizarding world is a very ominous

omen in itself, not to mention that there were two attacks in succession.

We all know that you are not the heir of Slytherin, and you did not

control the basilisk to hurt anyone, but others may not think so if they

know it."

"Harry, it's useless even if you report it. You don't control the basilisk.

The heir of Slytherin is hiding somewhere. You exposed the fact that you

know Parseltongue, but it's easy to cause trouble." The heir of Slytherin

has murderous intentions, and I'm afraid you will be attacked and

petrified next time." Hermione also said.

After hearing what his two good friends said, Harry also gave up the idea

of ​​reporting that he knew Parseltongue. He didn't want to be

misunderstood by others, not to mention that he had no connection with

the Basilisk. He knew that he was completely innocent.

Ginny came to the trio at this time, her face was pale and her eyes were

full of panic.

"Ginny, relax, you are a pure-blood wizard, you will not be attacked by

the basilisk." Hermione comforted.

"By the way, Hermione, you and Harry should be more careful," Ron said.

Hermione is a Muggle wizard and Harry is a half-blood wizard. They may

both be targets of the basilisk.

Ginny's expression grew more horrified.

The trio quickly comforted Ginny.


school clinic.

Colin Creevey was lying on a hospital bed. Madam Pomfrey, the school

nurse, was carefully checking Colin's symptoms. Dumbledore was

standing beside the hospital bed, with a solemn face, looking at Colin

Creevey's condition. .

"Albus..." Professor McGonagall entered the ward and immediately saw

Colin lying motionless on the bed. She looked particularly pale and

seemed to have a feeling of suffocation.

Xia Ran followed and entered the ward.

Madam Pomfrey stood up and said: "They were petrified again. We can

only wait for the mandrake in Professor Sprout's greenhouse to mature

before we can prepare the magic potion to revive these two unfortunate

victims." ”

Dumbledore nodded but said nothing.

"Colin didn't look directly into the basilisk's pupils. It's a blessing among

misfortunes." Xia Ran said with emotion.

"Albus, is the Chamber of Secrets..." Professor McGonagall asked eagerly.

"The Chamber of Secrets has indeed been opened again!" Dumbledore

said. "I need you to explain the situation to the students in each college in

detail, so that they understand the seriousness of the matter and give up

the idea of ​​going out at night."

Professor McGonagall turned around and left in a hurry.

Make up for yesterday’s debt

Chapter 34 Encounter on the road

"By the way, Xia Ran, I need you and other professors to inspect

Hogwarts Castle." Dumbledore said, "I will join the inspection team later."

"Okay." Xia Ran nodded and left the ward.

Before he had gone far, he suddenly heard a very loud voice calling his

name: "Xia Ran, Xia Ran!"

It was Rubeus Hagrid, the current gamekeeper at Hogwarts, who would

not be taking up the post of Care of Magical Creatures professor until the

next academic year.

"Hagrid, why are you here?" Xia Ran asked, "Ah, you also went to the

Quidditch pitch to watch the game just now?" He saw Hagrid wearing

gold and red clothes. The representative color of Fendo.

Hagrid has giant blood, so he is very tall. Even a tall person like

Dumbledore looks shorter when standing in front of him, and Xia Ran is

even shorter.

He and Hagrid had known each other since they were still students at


Hagrid looked a little heavy and said, "Which student had an accident?


"Keep your voice down, Hagrid!" Madam Pomfrey poked her head out of

the school hospital and glared at Hagrid.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, Madam Pomfrey." Hagrid apologized quickly, looking a

little embarrassed again. He also knew that he had made a mistake and

shouted loudly in the school hospital.

Xia Ran said: "Let's go this way."

They turned a corner and came to a place far away from the school


"The victim was Colin Creevey, a Gryffindor student. I was about to

inform other professors about patrolling the entire castle today." Xia Ran

said as he walked.

Hagrid looked quite sad and said: "I recognize Colin. He was a very

orthodox Gryffindor. It turned out that he was the one who was killed."

He said with a firm look on his face and said: "I want to raise more

roosters. Oh, that’s what the basilisk is afraid of.”

Xia Ran said: "It is better to find a way to completely solve the basilisk.

Otherwise, if we continue like this, we will treat the symptoms but not

the root cause. As long as the basilisk exists, Hogwarts will be in danger

for one more day." But she thought in her heart that the entrance and exit

of the secret room seemed to be In Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, fifty

years ago when Voldemort was studying at Hogwarts, he discovered the

secret of the Chamber of Secrets and released a basilisk to hurt people.

Myrtle was the victim that time, and directly Being killed, not just

petrified like Colin, there is still a lot of hope for healing.

But asking him to go down alone to kill the basilisk is no different from

asking him to die.

If a person faces the basilisk, with his current level of magic power,

without the help of an outsider - a powerful wizard or a powerful magical

creature - he is really just going to die.

The reason why Harry was able to use Gryffindor's sword to kill the

Basilisk in the original space and time was mainly because Dumbledore's

Phoenix Fawkes blinded the Basilisk's eyes, leaving it without its most

powerful weapon. Only then did he help Harry achieve this typical case

of the weak defeating the strong.

After all, basilisk pupils can directly cause death!

He does not have the help of a powerful magical creature, the phoenix,

but there are many powerful wizards in Hogwarts.

"Maybe I need to think of an excuse to tell Dumbledore this information."

Xia Ran thought to himself that in order to keep his biggest secret - the

identity of the time traveler - he would have to think carefully about how

to reveal it in the future. The location of the secret room and help Ginny

clear her suspicions, provided that the fuss cannot be too big, lest the

fragment of Voldemort's soul manipulates the diary and escapes.

Riddle's diary noticed that something was not going well and probably

went into hiding. In the end, without evidence, Ginny had to bear the

blame. Even if she was lucky - because no one actually died, science Lin

Creevey and Mrs. Norris are suffering from petrification symptoms that

can be cured by potions. They will not enter Azkaban Prison, but they

will be expelled from Hogwarts like Hagrid fifty years ago, but they will

almost die. It's doomed.

And the diary was able to return to Ginny's desk after being torn into

pieces by Ginny and rushed into the sewer. Now I am afraid that the

fragments of Voldemort's soul have absorbed enough of Ginny's life force.

Ginny is the youngest daughter of the Weasley family. Xia Ran has a

good relationship with the Weasleys - he is still a professor at Hogwarts -

and of course she must ensure the safety of Ginny and expose

Voldemort's conspiracy within her own power. He knew that Ginny was

innocent. This series of events was all accomplished by Voldemort's soul

fragment manipulating Ginny's body.

As for how to open the door to the secret room and how to kill the


Harry is a Parseltongue and can open the door to the Chamber of Secrets.

If he kills the Basilisk... he will find a way if he thinks about it later. After

all, there are many powerful wizards in Hogwarts.

"Professor Fleamont, Hagrid, how is that student doing?" Suddenly I

heard a voice ask, it was Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout, Professor

Snape, Professor Lockhart and him Walking together quickly.

Xia Ran shook her head and said: "The situation is not good. Like Mrs.

Loris, she was petrified by the basilisk. Fortunately, there is a camera to

block it."

"That's really a blessing among misfortunes." Professor Sprout patted his

chest and said.

Professor Flitwick and Snape seemed to be slightly relieved.

Only Lockhart smiled brightly, showing his snow-white teeth, and said:

"Don't worry, I have always regretted not being able to compete with the

basilisk - you know, I have always been good at dealing with this kind of

thing." A dark creature, I, Gilderoy Lockhart, a recipient of the Order of

Merlin, Third Class, and a five-time winner of "Wizard Weekly"..."

He was still bragging about himself, and several professors immediately

glared at him. Lockhart smiled and had to stop the boastful words that he

had not yet had time to say.

"Dumbledore needs us to patrol Hogwarts Castle, in groups of two or

three, or in groups of three. When we encounter pipelines on the road,

we must be careful and careful. It is very likely that basilisks are

parading through the pipelines!" Xia Ran solemnly said He said, "By the

way, Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Sprout, you may

need to return to the common room of your respective colleges first. I

have warned the students about the precautions and make sure that no

student leaves. Common room.”

Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Sprout nodded

solemnly and returned to their respective colleges. They are the deans of

the three major colleges.

"Hagrid, please team up with Professor Lockhart. You must be careful. I

will go to the Gryffindor lounge." Xia Ran said, and he winked at Hagrid.

Hagrid immediately understood. In the past two months, almost all the

teachers and students in the school have become fully aware of Lockhart's

true ability. Xia Ran meant that he should pay more attention to himself.

Don't think that Lockhart is a black magician. Defense Professor, but

obviously, he is unreliable.

Lockhart said with a smile: "Professor Frémont, you can go with peace of

mind. With me, Gilderoy Lockhart, a third-class medalist in the Order of

Merlin, the basilisk will not dare to appear in front of us."

Hagrid rolled his eyes behind him.

Xia Ran was speechless and rushed towards Gryffindor Tower. When he

turned a corner, he could still hear Lockhart's chattering voice, telling

Hagrid his "glorious deeds" - in fact, they were all other things. What the

wizard experienced - didn't care whether Hagrid answered or not.

Chapter 35 Grand Inspection

Gryffindor Tower, eighth floor, in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady,

Xia Ran was about to say the password, but the portrait suddenly opened

on its own initiative, and it turned out that Professor McGonagall just

climbed out of it.

"Professor Frémont?" Professor McGonagall looked a little surprised.

Xia Ran said: "Professor McGonagall, can I go in and say a few words?"

After a pause, he continued: "You and I will work together in pairs later

to inspect the safety of the castle."

Although Professor McGonagall felt confused, she nodded and said,

"Come in." She shrank back again.

As a result, the students of Gryffindor House saw Professor McGonagall

crawling halfway in the passage, and immediately turned back and

followed Professor Frémont into the lounge.

They thought there was some bad news to be announced, and suddenly

their faces showed a bit of fear. They looked at each other nervously, and

then they all looked at Xia Ran intently.

Xia Ran came to the Gryffindor common room for the first time - he was

a Hufflepuff graduate - but he didn't have time to take a closer look.

Instead, he glanced around with electric eyes. He saw Ginny Way. Sly

had a frightened expression on her face, and she looked very nervous,

especially when Xia Ran's eyes fell on her.

Xia Ran stopped for a moment and then passed over again. He didn't

want Ginny to know that he had found Riddle's diary, which would

disturb the fragments of Voldemort's soul and lead to unpredictable

things happening, which would be detrimental to the situation.

"Professor, have you caught the murderer? Is the basilisk lying down?"

George Weasley asked loudly.

Xia Ran shook her head and said: "There are currently no clues or

discoveries about the heir of Slytherin, and the basilisk has not been

caught yet."

"We can help, Professor, we are very familiar with Hogwarts!" Fred


"It's not allowed!" Professor McGonagall suddenly became extremely

serious, looked at the Weasley twins with stern eyes, and said, "This is

not something you should worry about! Our professor will deal with the


Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other secretly. They believed

that Draco Malfoy was the heir of Slytherin, and began to make polyjuice

potion in order to infiltrate the Slytherin public. In the lounge, ask

Malfoy personally for the details of the facts.

But their efforts are obviously in vain. Draco Malfoy is not the heir of

Slytherin, but he has more conflicts with them now. However, judging

from the development of the plot later in the original time and space,

Draco Malfoy is not the heir of Slytherin. He is not a wizard who is

hostile to Muggles. He and his wife have abandoned the theories of

"Muggles are like ants" and "pure-blood supremacy" in their son's

education. Otherwise, how could Harry and Ginny's youngest son be

related to Malfoy's? An only son becomes the closest best friend?

Now it is mainly due to the greater influence of his parents and the fact

that he has not experienced various events during Voldemort's reign. His

concept has not completely changed, but Draco Malfoy is just like

Dumbledore said, he is not a cruel person. A murderer!

The three of them looked at each other and felt that there was no

evidence that Draco Malfoy was the heir of Slytherin. In order to avoid

alerting the enemy and causing Malfoy to take the initiative to destroy

the evidence, they decided to be patient and wait until they got the key

evidence. .

But they are destined to be disappointed.

"I think you should stay in the lounge. No one is allowed to go out after

sunset..." Xia Ran looked at Fred and George, as well as the trio of Harry,

Ron, and Hermione. They were very A little wizard with a Gryffindor

spirit of adventure.

The five of them avoided Xia Ran's sight in a tacit understanding, but

when they bumped into each other, they were all slightly startled.

Xia then said a few more words. He came mainly to find an excuse for his

subsequent actions.

"Okay, Professor McGonagall, let's go out."

Xia Ran turned back and left the Gryffindor common room, and Professor

McGonagall followed him out.

"We patrol Gryffindor Tower," Professor McGonagall said, pulling out her


Xia Ran also pulled out the wand in the wizard's robe. They must

thoroughly inspect Hogwarts Castle today, although this is probably

unrealistic, because even Dumbledore doesn't know how many secrets

there are in Hogwarts Castle. , which is the accumulation of countless

wizards over thousands of years.

Teachers and ghosts walked in pairs in the corridor. No one dared to be

alone. Dumbledore strictly ordered that at least two people should be


At this time, it was only early 11 o'clock in the morning. The teacher

ghosts patrolled several times but found nothing useful. So at 5 o'clock in

the afternoon, under the escort of the teachers, students from each

college went out together and went downstairs. In the auditorium, they

began to fill their already hungry stomachs. After all, they didn't have

lunch at noon, they just had breakfast.

After dinner, the teachers uniformly sent the students from each college

back to the common room. The sun was almost setting at this time, and

the teachers did not allow any student to leave the common room. In

their opinion, this was the time to The most dangerous time!

The teachers had a hasty dinner and then patrolled Hogwarts Castle

together to check if there was anything unusual.

Until the middle of the night, there was still no useful discovery, and

there was no trace of the basilisk, so the teachers returned to the office

one after another to fall asleep.

Xia Ran had been thinking about how to reveal the location of the secret

room, and he finally had an idea before falling asleep.


In the next few days, the castle was under full martial law. Students

could not move alone and had to be escorted by teachers or ghosts.

One day in the faculty lounge, Lockhart suddenly and excitedly made a

suggestion, hoping that the professors would agree.

"In order to improve the students' ability to deal with danger, I decided to

open a dueling club, led by me - Gilderoy Lockhart, recipient of the Order

of Merlin, Third Class, and five-time winner of the Wizarding Weekly

Most Charming Smile Award ——Served as the honorary president of the

club - of course, on a temporary basis - I hope you can all agree!"

Lockhart said, looking at the teachers in the lounge with excitement.

Xia Ran was overjoyed and secretly thought that this incident had finally

come to pass. If Lockhart didn't propose the formation of a dueling club,

he would do so. Harry's Parseltongue would not be exposed to the public,

and he would not be able to take the next step. .

Needless to say, Duel Club is a great opportunity!

"this is a good idea……"

Before Professor McGonagall finished speaking, he was interrupted by

Lockhart. He looked at Professor McGonagall with dazzling eyes and said,

"So, Professor McGonagall, do you agree?" He then looked at Other

professors asked: "Does everyone have any objections? I will ask

Professor Dumbledore one last time. He will definitely agree to my small


With that said, he left the staff lounge and went straight to the principal's

office on the eighth floor.

Professor McGonagall looked rather annoyed and said, "Although I will

agree, can he wait until I finish speaking?"

"He has always been like this." Snape said with a look of interest on his

gloomy face, "I want to go to this dueling club to have a look."

Chapter 36 Duel Club

"I was a dueling champion when I was young. Of course I will not miss

this opportunity to teach students." Professor Flitwick stood on his chair -

he was too short, but his magic power was very powerful - and said

loudly .

Xia Ran said: "I am a combat class professor, and I must be involved in

the dueling club." But she thought in her mind, how could Harry reveal

the fact that he was a parselmouth without being present in person?

Although Harry was exposed in the original space and time, what if there

was some unexpected change this time?

Xia Ran had to make sure nothing went wrong, but she had to wrong

Harry Potter and suffer misunderstandings for a while.

"With you three professors, we are relieved." Professor Sprout nodded.

The implication was that Professor Lockhart was not enough to reassure

people, but none of the professors jumped out to refute. Because they all

think so.

"I'm going to take a closer look at what the honorary chairman of our

dueling club - ah, he is also the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor -

has to say. How much ability and ability does he have?" Snape said with

a smile on his gloomy face.

All the professors knew that Snape had always coveted the position of

Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. He usually barely concealed

his malice when facing Lockhart, but now that he had encountered such a

good opportunity, he The professors simply couldn't imagine what they

would do.

"Severus, pay attention to the impact. After all, he is also a professor. At

this juncture, he cannot weaken the confidence of the students." Professor

McGonagall warned.

"Don't worry, Minerva, I'm measured." Under Snape's greasy hair, his eyes

seemed to sparkle with excitement.

"What's the measure?"

Lockhart came back at this time, with a smile on his face and said:

"Professor Dumbledore agreed to my request. We will hold the first duel

club event on time at eight o'clock next Friday night."

As Lockhart spoke, he spread out the parchment, dipped his quill in ink,

and began writing in a flurry of detail.

"I will post the notice as soon as possible. The students must be eager to

join the dueling club." Lockhart said happily while writing.

Xia Ranxin said that students look forward to the Duel Club, but they

don't necessarily look forward to you - no, they definitely don't look

forward to you teaching them!

Regarding this, Xia Ran can almost guarantee it with her life.

As expected, the news of the Duel Club spread throughout Hogwarts very

quickly, and many students were very excited about it. They learned so

many useful skills and emergency measures in the combat class - Defense

Against the Dark Arts class everyone I no longer have any hope - I just

want to show off my skills in public. This is obviously a very good


In this news, a small chaos that occurred in the Potions class is simply

not worth mentioning. Only Snape, the Potions professor, kept saying

that he believed that the student who disrupted the class was Harry

Potter - fact That was indeed the case - it was a pity that he didn't have

any evidence that Harry had done this, and he couldn't catch Harry on

the spot.

Snape's gloomy expression lasted for almost a week, and it was not until

eight o'clock on Friday night that he softened a bit, because he was about

to face off against the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Gilderoy


On Friday night, professors escorted a group of students who were

willing to join the Duel Club to the Hogwarts Great Hall. Several long

dining tables had been cleared away, and the hall was empty. A gilded

table appeared along one wall. The stage is illuminated by hundreds of

candles floating in the sky.

Almost all the students in the school were here, from the freshmen who

had just entered the school to the seventh grade students who were about

to graduate. The auditorium seemed a little crowded. Everyone took out

their own wands and their faces were full of excitement.

Naturally, the trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione also came, and they

squeezed into the chattering crowd. Hermione had to raise her voice and

said: "I wonder which professor will come to teach us? I heard Professor

Flitwick was the champion of dueling competitions when he was young,

or Professor Flitwick, who was our combat class professor, and then

became the instructor of the dueling club..."

Before she could finish her words, she heard Harry and Ron groan

reluctantly, and she immediately understood who the instructor was.

Gilderoy Lockhart strode onto the stage. He was dazzling in a purple

robe, and three professors followed him on the stage.

"Look, Professor Flitwick and Professor Fleamont are indeed among the

instructors." Hermione said, pointing to the teachers on the stage.

"Why is Snape here too?" Ron frowned and said.

Harry guessed: "Didn't Snape always want to teach Defense Against the

Dark Arts? He might think this is an opportunity."

"But compared to Lockhart, Snape at least has real qualities." Ron said in

a low voice.

Hermione glared at Ron - she was a fan of Lockhart - and said, "Professor

Lockhart is also a very powerful wizard, but he may not be good at


Ron snorted.

"Quiet, quiet!" Lockhart shouted. "You can all hear me, can't you? Great!"

Xia Ran couldn't help but chuckle to herself. Could it be that Lockhart

didn't even know how to amplify the spell - the spell was "loud voice"?

After all, he is also a wizard who has graduated from Hogwarts.

"Because of the basilisk, I specifically made a request to Professor

Dumbledore, hoping that he would allow me to open a dueling club to

train you in your abilities in the face of danger. Of course, Professor

Dumbledore finally agreed to this. Xiaodi makes a humble request - I

have encountered this situation countless times, for details, please refer

to several of my published works!"

Lockhart grinned widely, pointed at Snape and said, "First of all, please

allow me to introduce my assistant - Professor Snape! Professor Flitwick

and Professor Fleamont are a team."

Many non-Slytherin students couldn't help but swallow their saliva. With

Snape's face - gloomy but excited in his eyes - was Lockhart really not


"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, please step back. Your Potions Professor

and I are about to start a duel. Please relax. This is just a demonstration. I

will give you a good one afterwards." Potions Master without damage."

Lockhart said, turning around and standing face to face with Snape.

Ciaran and Professor Flitwick retreated a bit to make room for the two

who were about to duel.

The students gathered around the stage and looked at Lockhart and

Snape with excitement. They had never seen a duel between professors.

Chapter 37 The real wizard


"Professor Flitwick, how many moves do you think Lockhart can block

Snape?" Xia Ran asked in a low voice, but you couldn't tell what he was

talking about.

Professor Flitwick waved his wand and said: "If he can block Snape's

move, I will look down on him!"

Xia Ran suddenly smiled.

"Charran, don't laugh." Professor Flitwick puffed his beard and said with

a glare, "I don't even know how Dumbledore recruited Lockhart into

Hogwarts. His knowledge is completely unqualified for a professor.


"Defense Against the Dark Arts class...Professor Flitwick, you also know."

Xia Ran said, decades ago, Voldemort returned to Hogwarts after

graduating from Hogwarts and traveling for many years, hoping to get

The position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts - which also

contained his Horcrux Ravenclaw Diadem - Dumbledore, the then

Headmaster of Hogwarts, saw through Voldemort's conspiracy at a glance

and flatly refused!

So Voldemort became angry and placed a curse on the position of

Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. No Defense Against the Dark

Arts professor could teach for more than one year!

Decades have passed, and almost everyone in the wizarding world knows

about this curse, but no wizard can lift the curse laid by Voldemort - not

even Dumbledore - so I am willing to work in this position - Defense

Against the Dark Arts Professor of Magic - fewer and fewer wizards are

applying for the job.

"But Lockhart..." Professor Flitwick muttered a few words, his voice was

so low that Ciaran didn't hear it clearly, and Lockhart was also speaking


"As you can see, we hold our wands in a normal dueling position."

Lockhart and Snape stood facing each other and bowed. At least Lockhart

did bow and did many tricks with his hands, but Snape just shook his

head impatiently, and then they raised their wands in front of their chests

like swords.

Looking at the quiet and excited crowd, Lockhart said: "On the count of

three, Professor Snape, we will begin to cast the first spell. Of course,

none of us will take the other's life."

"Okay, listen to my countdown!"


The two men raised their wands over their shoulders almost

simultaneously. Before Lockhart could utter the incantation, Snape

shouted: "Expelliarmus!"

call out!

A dazzling red light suddenly flashed over the stage. Lockhart was

knocked unsteady by Snape's disarming spell. He flew backwards, flew

out of the stage, and hit a wall, as if It slid down like a piece of soft paper

and curled up on the floor.

"Well done, Professor Snape!"

"Dean, that's great!"

Draco Malfoy and a group of other Slytherin students clapped and

cheered loudly.

Many little witches in the crowd couldn't help but cover their mouths

with their fingers, their eyes widened, and they asked in horror: "Are you

okay? Is Professor Lockhart okay?"

"It's best if you have something to do!" Many young wizards in the crowd


Xia Ran shook her head and sighed: "It's really unwise for Lockhart to

choose Snape as his opponent."

Among the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the principal,

Albus Dumbledore, is undoubtedly the most powerful, and he is also the

number one wizard in the wizarding world today - Voldemort has not

returned from resurrection at this time - Hogwarts The candidates for the

second wizard include Professor McGonagall, Snape, Professor Flitwick,

and Professor Sprout, the deans of the four major colleges, but Snape

should be the most powerful among them!

Lockhart lay down on the ground, relaxed for a moment, and stood up

staggeringly. His wizard hat had fallen off, and his wavy hair stood on

end, as if he had been struck by lightning.

He was a little tilted from side to side and looked slightly dazed, but

Snape controlled his strength and nothing would happen. After all,

Lockhart was still his colleague.

A little witch gave him Lockhart's wand, which had been knocked away.

"Ah, thank you, Miss Brown!" Lockhart seemed to have come to his senses

and said to the group of young wizards as if nothing was wrong, "Okay,

everyone should have seen it, right?"

"Yes, that's right. I made a serious mistake. I accidentally fell into

Professor Snape's disarming spell and lost my wand. However, Professor

Snape's intention was very obvious, but I didn't want to stop him.

Because I need you to see the power of the disarming spell and increase

your knowledge by the way."

Lockhart started boasting again.

Xia Ran saw the cold murderous look on Snape's face. He coughed

slightly, interrupted Lockhart's bragging, and said: "Okay, Professor

Lockhart, Professor Snape, you guys Let’s take a rest first, it’s my turn

and Professor Flitwick’s turn next.”

Lockhart pretended to be calm and retreated to the corner of the stage.

Snape sneered and also walked to the corner.

Xia Ran walked to the center of the stage, and Professor Flitwick stood

opposite him. The two bowed to each other to show friendly discussion.

"Professor Flitwick, please stop." Xia Ran said.

Professor Flitwick nodded.

Xia Ran felt a little excited in her heart. This was the first time he had a

real duel with a powerful wizard after absorbing the Force points from

Ravenclaw's crown and increasing his magic level!

A group of young wizards were even more excited. They all knew that

Professor Fleamont from the combat class and Professor Flitwick from the

spell class had real materials. The showdown between the two of them

would definitely be exciting enough and would not be as one-sided as


Even some teachers and professors outside the auditorium paid close

attention, wanting to see the level of Professor Flitwick. Professor

Flitwick and the others knew better. After all, they had been colleagues

with Professor Flitwick for many years.


Xia Ran counted down three numbers. After all, it was a friendly

discussion, not a life-and-death hostility. There was no need to be so


"Expelliarmus!" Professor Flitwick shouted, and a bright red light shot out

from the tip of his wand.

"Armor protection!"

Xia Ran used an iron armor spell to block Professor Flitwick's disarming

spell, and then used a barrier spell to stop Professor Flitwick from

moving and dodging.

Professor Flitwick was short in stature, had high magic power, and

moved very fast. He aimed at Xia Ran and used a fire spell. The flames

burned brightly, and the little wizards around him suddenly screamed in

horror and stepped back. fall back.

Xia Ran turned around, as light as a feather, and instantly dodged the

attack of the fire spell. He used an "upside down golden bell" in his

backhand, but was blocked by Professor Flitwick's iron armor spell.


Professor Flitwick waved his wand gently, and the power of the spell was

so powerful that even though they were dozens of meters apart, a group

of young wizards still felt pain in their cheeks, as if they had been blown

by a strong wind.


Xia Ran pointed her wand at the stone statue beside the auditorium. The

statue suddenly came to life and ran wildly on the floor, blocking Xia

Ran's front. The stone chest shattered with a loud bang.

The two of them went back and forth, firing various spells. From time to

time, various lights lit up above the stage, and dull sounds were heard

from time to time. The little wizards retreated and retreated until they

were against the wall and could no longer retreat. Although they all

knew that the two professors had acted in a measured manner, and there

were professors watching and standing ready, so they would not have

any problems, they could not help but feel the emotion of shock and

horror rising deep in their hearts!

Chapter 38 Duel in the Duel Club

"It's amazing!" Ron's mouth widened in silence. He looked at Ciaran and

Professor Flitwick on the stage. Various spells were at his fingertips. He

waved his wand and another powerful spell flew out.

His eyes were full of longing, as if he saw himself shining brightly in

front of many wizards and receiving cheers from many wizards, so Ron

actually laughed stupidly.

Harry and Hermione were also shocked. This was the first time they had

witnessed a duel between adult wizards. Although they faced Professor

Quirrell in the first grade, they had the help of various external factors.

They think this is the battle between wizards in their dreams!

In addition to the three of them, Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan,

Dean Thomas, and senior students like Percy all looked at the fight on

the stage with shocked expressions.

Snape and other professors watched with interest.

"A salvo of ten thousand bullets!"

Xia Ran threw out an attack spell, and many small objects shot out wildly

and hit Professor Flitwick head and face.

"Flying sand and flying rocks!" Professor Flitwick responded with attack

and also used an attack spell. A burst of blue fire flashed, and many small

objects were immediately destroyed.

"Okay, Xia Ran, let's stop here!" Professor Flitwick said, taking a few steps

back to avoid a few tiny objects that fell.

Xia Ran withdrew the extended wand, swallowed the spell that had

rushed to her throat, put the wand back into her pocket, and said with a

smile, "That's it." She faced a group of young wizards and said, "This is

the end of the demonstration. !You work in pairs and start practicing

casually, just like in class."

In this duel, it seemed that he and Professor Flitwick were tied, but Xia

Ran knew in his heart that Professor Flitwick must not have used all his

strength, but he had almost given all his strength. Even so, He still didn't

get any advantage.

Professor Flitwick is 100% at the level of a sixth-level magic wizard!

Xia Ran was completely sure of this, but she didn't know who was

stronger or weaker between Professor Flitwick and Snape.

The little wizards looked at Xia Ran and Professor Flitwick with

admiration and admiration. Such a battle is what people yearn for!

At this time, four adult wizards—Charran, Professor Flitwick, Snape, and

Lockhart—were shuttled among the crowd, matching up the students.

Lockhart originally wanted Neville Longbottom and Justin Finch-

Fletchley to form a team, but Snape disagreed and walked up to Harry

and Ron.

"I think the dream team should be broken up." Snape said with a smile on

his face, "Weasley, you can form a team with Finnigan. As for Potter-"

Harry's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously moved closer to


"I don't think this is a good pairing plan." Snape said coldly, "Malfoy,

come here and let us see what the result will be between you and the

famous savior Mr. Potter. As for You, Miss Granger, and Miss Burst will

be willing to be paired with you."

Draco Malfoy suddenly walked over arrogantly, with a proud smile on his

face. Behind him was a Slytherin girl whose appearance reminded Harry

of a painting he had seen in Lockhart's book "Holiday with a Dominatrix".

Miss Burstead was tall, strong and stocky, almost like a Dursley - Harry's

very plump cousin - with her thick, multi-layered chin extending

menacingly forward.

Hermione forced a smile, but Bosdle ignored her.

Xia Ran turned his head and looked at the duel between Harry and

Malfoy. He remembered that it was during the battle with Malfoy in the

original time and space that Harry exposed the fact that he was a

parselmouth. Xia Ran hoped that this time with the original time and

space, things would happen Toward unity.

"Okay, face your partner!" Lockhart returned to the same state as when

nothing happened. He turned back to the stage and shouted, "First, face

your partner and bow!"

Harry and Malfoy didn't even nod. They both stared at each other,

gripping their wands.

"Raise your wand and get ready!"

Lockhart said loudly: "When I count down to three, I will cast magic to

disarm the opponent. Your Charms and Combat professors should have

taught you this spell. Please note, it is just to disarm. We don’t want any

accidents to happen!”


As soon as the words fell——

Harry immediately raised his wand, but the problem was that Malfoy did

it when Lockhart could only count to "two" - yes, this was an act of

cheating, but as the nearest teacher next to the two of them, Malfoy did

it. Nap, however, was indifferent - Malfoy's curse hit Harry hard on the

head. Fortunately, the two were only in their second year and their magic

level was very low. Even if it hit other people directly, as long as it was

not a vicious spell or eyes Such fragile parts generally do not cause any

obvious harm.

However, Harry still felt as if someone had hit his head hard with a bat.

He was a little dizzy and couldn't see specific things clearly. It seemed

that everything and people were spinning rapidly, and he himself was

spinning rapidly. With.

He understood that this was not a good fighting state, and recalled what

Professor Frémont had mentioned in combat class. When you are in a bad

state and the enemy is at its peak, it is best to use attack spells to attack

the opponent. Attack, so that the enemy cannot safely launch the next

attack on you, but you can take the opportunity to adjust your state.

"Grin and hula!"

He pointed his wand at Malfoy, who was smiling triumphantly,

completely unaware that Harry would be able to fight back at this


A ray of silver light suddenly hit Malfoy's stomach. He bent over and


"I said, just disarm!" Lockhart yelled in horror from the stage.

Xia Ran glanced around and felt that nothing really serious had emerged,

so she left it to a group of young wizards to fight on their own. It seemed

that Snape and Professor Flitwick had the same idea.

In other words, almost no one paid attention to Lockhart.

Some professors outside the auditorium frowned - such as Professor

McGonagall and Professor Sprout - but they were not the instructors of

the Duel Club, so they simply let Xia Ran and the other four professors

take charge, not to mention that the situation was still under control.

within the range.

Malfoy gasped for breath and shouted with a laugh: "Oolong!"

The tip of his wand exploded, and Harry watched in horror as a long

black snake suddenly jumped out of it. With a bang, it landed heavily on

the floor between the two of them, with the upper half of its body lifted

up. , raised the snake's head and made an offensive gesture.

The crowd immediately screamed, not caring about the duel, and quickly

backed away, leaving a large open space for Harry and Malfoy. They

were not willing to get close to the path conjured by Malfoy. blacksnake.

Xia Ran's eyes lit up.

Chapter 39 Parseltongue Exposed

"That snake can't be taken away by others." Xia Ran secretly thought. The

little wizards in the area he was responsible for were all frightened by the

appearance of the black snake. They retreated to the edge one by one,

not daring to come forward. Naturally, the duel stopped.

He took this opportunity to walk next to Harry and Malfoy, not far from


"Don't move, Potter, don't move." Snape said lazily. Obviously, he saw

Harry standing there motionless, staring at the black snake that seemed

to be angry. I feel very useful.

Snape said slowly: "I'll get it away..."

Xia Ran thought about how this would work, and was about to say that

he was here to get rid of the black snake, but she heard Lockhart shout

loudly: "Let me do it!"

Lockhart immediately raised his wand and waved it at the black snake

threateningly, but it had the opposite effect.


The black snake seemed to be affected by an invisible force. It rose up to

a height of three to four meters, and then slammed back to the floor. The

black snake seemed to be in pain and looked furious. It hissed out the

snake letter and moved towards it. Justin Finch-Fletchley, the most

recent Hufflepuff student, swam away.

The black snake raised its head, exposed its fangs, and assumed an

offensive posture.

Xia Ran was immediately overjoyed. Lockhart's move had helped him a

lot. He didn't need to take action personally, and there was no doubt


It's normal for Lockhart to do such a thing. Everyone knows what

Lockhart's true abilities are, but for him to do it is completely outrageous.

Professor Frémont is a serious person in the eyes of all teachers and

students. Teachers have real talents and practical knowledge.

Harry was stunned. He didn't seem to understand what he was doing. His

legs moved forward subconsciously, getting closer to the black snake.

Then, he actually rushed towards the black snake as if he was stupid.

Shouting: "Stop, let him go! Leave!"

At this time, a miracle happened. The black snake suddenly collapsed on

the floor, as soft as a pile of thick and black watering hoses, and more

obedient than his servant.

The snake's vertical pupils were still staring at Harry.

Harry thought this was incredible, and he could feel the fear in his body

disappearing little by little. He knew clearly that this snake would not

attack anyone again, but he couldn't figure out how he knew it. This is

true, and why is it so certain?

He looked up at Justin Finch-Fletchley and grinned.

He originally thought he would see an expression of relaxation,

confusion, or gratitude on Justin's face. In short, it couldn't be anger or


"What game do you think you are playing?" Justin yelled with a tone that

could not hide his fear, trying to hide behind other students. Leaving the

auditorium needs to be done uniformly and escorted by teachers and

professors, otherwise he might Already ran out of the auditorium.

Xia Ran seized this opportunity and waved the magic wand. With a

sound of waves, the black snake disappeared without a trace.

He deliberately looked at Harry with a strange look. He knew that Harry

was a Parseltongue, but he had to act like he knew it for the first time.

Harry saw the looks of the teachers and classmates around him. They all

looked at him with fearful and ominous looks. Harry didn't like it very

much and felt very uncomfortable in his heart. At the same time, he

understood what he had just done.

Parseltongue! The fact that he could understand snake language was

exposed. He originally wanted to hide it all the time, in order to prevent

others from mistakenly thinking that he was the heir of Slytherin!

But looking at the situation now, this misunderstanding and

misunderstanding are inevitable.

Harry felt his heart suddenly sink to the bottom. How could he explain to

others the fact that he knew Parseltongue? Will they believe that they are

not the heir of Slytherin?

"Do you know Parseltongue? Harry." Professor Flitwick looked very

surprised. Parseltongue is often a symbol of Slytherin and its descendants

in the British wizarding world. Could it be that Harry Potter is Slater? A

descendant of Lin? Which Slytherin heir?

"No, Professor!" Harry explained quickly, "I mean I can speak

Parseltongue, but I have nothing to do with Slytherin. I am a pure


After hearing what he said, the expressions of many Gryffindor students

changed slightly, but students from Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff

still peeked at Harry with strange eyes.

It was a group of professors, all looking at each other with various

strange looks.

Xia Ran waved his magic wand and the stage disappeared instantly. He

said: "Okay, that's it for today's Duel Club. We will make another

announcement when the next Duel Club will be held. Everyone, go to

bed. It's already time. late."

So, in this weird and dull atmosphere, the professors escorted the

students from each school back to the common room, and then the

teachers inspected Hogwarts Castle in pairs. It was not until midnight

that they stopped their inspections one after another and returned to the

office. , not so peacefully sleeping.

Harry was lying on his bed. The bed that he usually found very warm and

comfortable could not give him a warm feeling for the first time today.

Even though the temperature under the quilt was still relatively high due

to his own body temperature.

"Do the professors and classmates really think that I am the heir of

Slytherin?" Harry couldn't help thinking about this question in his mind,

and he couldn't sleep. He didn't know when he finally fell asleep.

Anyway, he didn't feel like he was sleeping. How much time had passed

before I woke up to the noise of my roommates again.

"Harry, don't think so much." Neville saw Harry's disappointed expression

and couldn't help but comfort him and said, "We all believe that you will

not be the heir of Slytherin."

"Relax, brother." Seamus Finnigan said, "Salazar Slytherin was a figure

more than a thousand years ago. Who knows how many descendants he

has? Slytherin is flowing in your body. The blood doesn’t mean anything

at all.”

Ron and Dean also expressed relief to Harry.

Seeing his four roommates, Harry immediately felt much better. Even

though many others misunderstood him, there were still some friends

who always believed in him.

that's enough!

Harry secretly said in his heart that he did not want to gain the trust of

Slytherin students such as Draco Malfoy.

"I am a Gryffindor after all!"

When Xia Ran got up, there were thick snowflakes floating outside. The

snow started falling at midnight yesterday and had been falling for at

least several hours. Today also happened to be the weekend, so there

were no classes, and outside of meal time, he also There is no need to

assume the responsibility of escorting students by yourself.

He has a relatively comfortable and leisurely free time, which he has

never had in many days in recent days.

Yesterday, he was on duty until very late. There was no need for him to

escort the students to the auditorium for breakfast this morning. The

professors certainly couldn't work around the clock and there was always

a shift system.


At this moment, a sharp scream spread throughout Hogwarts Castle!

Chapter 40 Accident

"Ah!!!" An extremely shrill scream broke the early morning silence of

Hogwarts. Xia Ran suddenly woke up completely. He then heard many

rapid footsteps coming from the corridor, as well as students. A murmur

of suppressed fear.

"There was another attack? Why so fast?"

His heart skipped a beat, and he quickly got up. He quickly got dressed,

washed his face casually, and ran out of the office with his wand.

The fourth floor he was on was also crowded with students, but the

location of the attack was probably on the third floor, so he had to

squeeze through the students. Fortunately, he was a professor, and the

students tried their best to give him a path that could only allow one

person to pass. the way.

Finally, he came to the third floor and saw a ghost floating stiffly in the

air. There were three students lying down under him, who were also

extremely stiff, staring straight into the void in front of them.

Xia Ran was surprised. Why did four victims appear this time? ?

"The ghosts of Gryffindor, Nearly Headless Nick and Hermione Granger,

the students of Hufflepuff, Justin Finch-Fletchley, and the prefect of

Ravenclaw, Penelope Crevat, these are There were four victims at once?!”

"Is the heir of Slytherin so arrogant?"

"It's Harry Potter, he's the first discoverer! He's the perpetrator!"

The little wizards couldn't help but talk about it. Professor McGonagall

also came to the attack site and shouted: "Get out of the way, get out of

the way! Don't block the way to the school hospital!"


The little wizards immediately made way for them, and several professors

carried Hermione, Penelope, and Justin to the campus hospital. They

were helpless about the ghost of Nick, who was almost headless in the


Professor McGonagall used her wand to conjure a large fan, and asked a

student to fan Nick, who was almost headless. He went to the school

hospital with the previous professors and asked Madam Pomfrey to take

care of these unfortunate victims.

Finally, Professor McGonagall focused her attention on Harry Potter.

"Potter, are you the first discoverer? I need you to tell us everything you

know." Professor McGonagall said seriously.

Harry looked very nervous and said: "Professor, I swear I didn't... I don't

know who did it... No, I know it was done by the basilisk, but I don't

know who was behind it, that basilisk." Who is Lytlin’s heir?”

"Harry, why did you come here? Did you see anything when you came?"

Xia Ran asked directly, saying that the situation now is quite different

from the original time and space. Originally, the third basilisk attack was

not going to happen. It should have come so early, and there shouldn't be

four victims, but the situation is here, and there is no way to fake it. It is

very likely that because of the revelation of the basilisk, Riddle's diary

became more vicious.

He felt that he could not delay any longer and must report to

Dumbledore immediately, go into the secret room to kill the basilisk,

seize Riddle's diary, and destroy it together!

But the questions that need to be asked now still need to be asked, in

order to understand how the situation has changed.

Harry hurriedly said: "Professor, I just heard a voice - you know I am a

Parselmouth - and I wanted to come over to see what was going on. As a

result, I met Hermione and the others, but they stopped before I arrived.

He has been killed, I swear - I will never hurt Hermione again, right?"

He hurriedly explained himself.

"Ha, what a clever way to petrify our Miss Granger, so naturally we won't

think you are the murderer." Snape stared at Harry with his eyes fixed on


Harry immediately glared at Snape.

Snape and Harry looked at each other for a moment, and he looked away

at those green eyes first.

"It seems that it is no longer safe for ghosts to escort students, and neither

are ghosts." Professor Sprout said. The almost headless Nick was

petrified, which really shocked all the teachers and students. Even the

ghost who had died once could not Resist the basilisk's gaze? ?

People's eyes were full of horror.

Yes, how could a ghost be petrified? How could the basilisk do this? They

simply couldn't imagine that if they were unfortunate enough to

encounter a basilisk, they would be as lucky as these wizards. By some

chance, there would always be water damage, cameras, and ghosts to

stop the disaster for them, and they could survive for the time being.

——There is always hope for a cure for petrification, but if you look

directly into the basilisk's pupils, you will die on the spot, with no chance

of cure!

"Professor, I really didn't..." Harry couldn't help but defend himself.

"Okay, Harry, I believe you." Xia Ran nodded and said. Harry was

immediately pleasantly surprised, and most of the panic in his heart

dissipated, but finally a teacher believed in him.

Snape seemed to scoff.

Xia Ran said: "Professors, I think it would be better to send the students

to the common room first, and then we will take Harry to see the

principal." After a brief pause, he continued: "If the basilisk comes back,

It would be too dangerous for students to stay here."

Several professors agreed to Xia Ran's suggestion and each brought a

college student back to the common room. Harry stayed there with Xia

Ran, looking quite uneasy.

Xia Ran didn't pay much attention. He looked at the Gryffindor student

team and saw several red-haired heads, but the smallest girl's head was

missing. He felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Harry, have you seen Ginny?" Charlotte asked.

Harry, who had been in panic all the time, was stunned when he

suddenly heard Professor Frémont asking him this. Although he didn't

understand what Professor Frémont was asking Ginny for, he still replied:

"I just saw him in the lounge. Ginny is here, I haven't seen her in a


"Gone??" Xia Ran's expression changed and she said, "Quick, follow me to

the principal's office!"

Harry saw that Professor Frémont's expression suddenly became

extremely solemn. Even when he saw Hermione and the four victims, he

was not so solemn before. Could something have happened to Ginny?

Thinking of this, Harry couldn't help but ask: "Professor Frémont, could it

be that Ginny..."

"Wait until we get to Dumbledore's office." Xia Ran interrupted Harry. He

thought that the fragment of Voldemort's soul might have sensed

something was wrong, and manipulated Ginny to open the secret room

this morning, releasing the basilisk, causing Hermione to , Penelope,

Justin and the almost headless Nick were petrified, Ginny may be in


Xia Ran said in her heart that she must inform Dumbledore immediately

and bring his phoenix - Xia Ran had no confidence in defeating the

basilisk, especially when facing the basilisk, she had to close her eyes

tightly and could only rely on hearing and hearing. It felt like I had tied

my hands to fight the basilisk - rushing to the secret room, I should still

have time to rescue Ginny. Riddle's diary didn't pay much attention to

Ginny. The person he paid attention to was Harry Potter. , and Hogwarts

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore.

"I hope it's not too late!"

Chapter 41 Heir

Just as Xia Ran took Harry to Dumbledore's office on the eighth floor,

Professor McGonagall escorted a group of Gryffindor wizards back to the

Gryffindor common room, which is located in the Gryffindor Tower. On

the eighth floor, outside the passage is a portrait of the Fat Lady.

Professor McGonagall walked at the back, holding her wand tightly in

one hand and looking very serious.


The wizards walking at the front suddenly heard screams, their voices

full of fear.

"What's wrong?" Professor McGonagall asked hurriedly, pushing through

a group of young wizards and moving to the front. What caught her eye

was a wall with blood-red writing on it, and it looked like it was still

dripping with blood.

"Ginny Weasley, her bones will remain in the Chamber of Secrets


Percy, who had squeezed through the crowd and reached the front,

turned pale all of a sudden. He almost collapsed to the ground.

Fortunately, Professor McGonagall gave him a hand.

"Oh my God!"

"Ginny, how is that possible? She is a pureblood!"

The little wizards in front couldn't help but make comments. This sound

spread to the back of the crowd. Neville clearly saw Ron, Fred and

George trembling, and their faces suddenly turned extremely pale. The

students around them were all stunned. Look at them with sympathy.

Ginny Weasley, the youngest child of the Weasley family, as a pure-

blood, was actually kidnapped into the Chamber of Secrets by the heir of

Slytherin at the command of a basilisk. She was also the first to disappear

after being attacked by a basilisk. s student.

Although other people, cats or ghosts, were petrified, there was always

hope of recovery - after all, under the careful care of Professor Sprout,

the mandrake grew gratifyingly - but Ginny was taken directly into the

secret room, The little wizards never imagined the possibility that Ginny

could survive.

The Gryffindors all felt sorry for the Weasley brothers.

Professor McGonagall looked as if she was suffocating. She trembled her

lips and said, "Don't delay here any longer. You must return to the

common room as soon as possible. I don't think you can leave the

common room until the matter cannot be resolved." , Hogwarts...

Hogwarts may not be able to continue operating!"

She urged a group of young wizards to move around the Gryffindor

common room, and told the prefects to take good care of the inside of the

room and not let any student slip out of the room.

Percy, Fred, George, and Ron wanted to search Hogwarts Castle with

Professor McGonagall, hoping to find the secret room and rescue Ginny,

even though this hope seemed extremely slim at this time.

Professor McGonagall said in a voice that seemed to be suffocated: "Well,

if you...come with me!"

They turned and crawled out of the Gryffindor common room, the Fat

Lady's portrait spinning shut.

"Let's go to the principal's office first. Albus must know about this."

Professor McGonagall said, hurriedly walking to the eighth floor of

Hogwarts Castle. The Weasley brothers followed Professor McGonagall in

silence. They said no Say a word.

At this time, Xia Ran and Harry had already entered the principal's office

and began to explain the situation to Dumbledore.

"...Miss Granger, Miss Crevat, Gryffindor's ghost Nick, and Mr. Finch-

Fletchley, they were all petrified by the basilisk." Xia Ran said.

Harry nervously added: "They had been attacked by a basilisk when I

arrived. I didn't see the heir of Slytherin. Sir, I don't know who he is. I

don't know who ordered the basilisk to do this." thing."

"Okay, Harry, calm down," Dumbledore said. "I believe Madam Pomfrey

can take good care of them. I will go to the school hospital to see them


Harry finally felt relieved, but then Hermione's petrified appearance

appeared in front of his eyes, and he could hardly control the sadness in

his heart.

He stared at Xia Ran with his blue eyes and said, "Xia Ran, you seem to

have something to say to me."

Xia Ran nodded. This was the reason why he brought Harry to the

principal's office. He needed to explain the information he knew to

Dumbledore. He just changed his face and found a reason or excuse. After

all, he was a time traveler. It can never be leaked.

"Yes, sir, I almost know who the heir of Slytherin is."

Harry looked up at Professor Frémont and said to himself that Professor

Frémont had indeed noticed something was wrong with Malfoy. He was

definitely the heir of Slytherin!

Xia Ran's words came to her throat. Just as she was about to speak, she

suddenly heard footsteps coming from the passage. Professor McGonagall

and the Weasley brothers rushed into the principal's office one after

another. They all looked extremely heavy.

Xia Ran felt that her suspicion had been confirmed, and Riddle's diary

indeed manipulated Ginny into entering the secret room in advance.

Harry suddenly felt an extremely ominous premonition.

"Albus, the Chamber of Secrets has been opened and a student was

killed." Professor McGonagall suppressed the tremor in her voice.

Dumbledore said: "I know, Xia Ran told me, Miss Granger, Miss Crevat..."

"No, it's not them!" Professor McGonagall said as if she was suffocating,

"It's Ginny Weasley! She was taken directly into the Chamber of Secrets."

Dumbledore's expression seemed to change all of a sudden. Being

petrified and being taken into the secret room are two completely

different concepts.

Harry also felt that his heart sank to the bottom. No wonder Ron and the

others were so silent. He remembered the situation at the Burrow during

the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were very kind to him.

Ginny would break something every time she saw him. Thing, blushing

with embarrassment, he couldn't imagine what it was like at the Burrow

after Ginny's tragic death.

"Sir, Malfoy!" Harry shouted, "Draco Malfoy, he is the heir of Slytherin.

He definitely ordered the basilisk to capture Ginny. When Wes was in

Diagon Alley in the summer, Mr. Leigh also had a fight with Malfoy's

father and he's always holding a grudge, absolutely!"

"Yes!" Ron said immediately, "Malfoy, that's him, he's the one who

captured Ginny!"

Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Percy, Fred and George all looked at

the two of them with surprised eyes. How could they be sure that Malfoy

was the heir of Slytherin?

Only Xia Ran secretly shook his head. He knew that Malfoy was innocent.

At least he didn't do anything bad in the secret room incident.

"Do you have any evidence?" Dumbledore said.

"Evidence?" Harry shouted angrily, "It's Malfoy! Ginny's life and death are

at stake now, what more evidence do you need? Ginny will be dead if it's

a little later! We must catch Malfoy immediately and order him to open

the Chamber of Secrets. Then rescue Ginny!"

"Professor, go save Ginny, I beg you!" Ron looked at the three professors

in the office with a sad expression.

Percy, Fred, and George also hoped that the three professors would catch

Malfoy first. What if Harry and Ron were right? Ginny's life was at stake,

so they felt they could risk ignoring the rules and not collecting evidence

for the time being.

Dumbledore looked at Xia Ran and asked: "Xia Ran, you said you found

the heir of Slytherin. Is that person Draco?"

Facing the gazes of several people - especially Harry and Ron, they

thought that Professor Frémont had also discovered Malfoy's abnormality

- but Xia Ran shook her head, and even opened her mouth and spit out

something that made their bodies tremble. ——Mainly the names of

Professor McGonagall and the four Weasley brothers.


Chapter 42 Myrtle’s Bathroom

"Voldemort!" Xia Ran said word by word.

The air in the office seemed to have become colder in an instant, even

colder than the ice and snow outside. Professor McGonagall and the four

Weasley brothers suddenly trembled when they heard the word

"Voldemort", and their faces became even more expressionless. Very


Voldemort is the dark cloud that hangs over the magical world, with

almost no light visible, and most wizards tremble when they hear his


Even Dumbledore and Harry Potter, who were indifferent to these three

words, were immediately startled.

However, the two of them were mainly surprised that Xia Ran said the

name "Voldemort" at this time. When they were talking about the heir of

Slytherin, why did they suddenly jump to the second generation Dark

Lord Voldemort?

From Draco Malfoy in the mouths of Harry and Ron, to Voldemort in one

fell swoop, anyone would be stunned by this transition.

Dumbledore asked in a deep voice: "Are you sure? Xia Ran."

Xia Ran nodded, then shook his head, confusing the other people. He said

directly: "It is indeed Voldemort..." The expressions of Professor

McGonagall and the Weasley brothers became unhappy again. So natural.

Xia Ran ignored them and said: "...but this is no longer the most

important thing now. Ginny was caught in the secret room. The first

thing is to rescue Ginny. As for Voldemort, we will talk about it later. "

"Yes!" Dumbledore said, "How to rescue Ginny is the top priority, but

where is the secret room?" He looked at Xia Ran and said, "I think Xia

Ran, you have already made a guess about the location of the secret


The eyes of Professor McGonagall, Harry, and the Weasley brothers

immediately turned to focus on Xia Ran. When Ginny was in danger, how

to save Ginny was the most important thing they needed to think about.

Any explanations or questions were put behind them. Say it again.

"Myrtle's bathroom!"

Xia Ran replied in a deep voice: "Myrtle is the victim of the last basilisk

injury incident. There should be a passage to the secret room in the




"What does she have to do with this?"

Harry, Ron, Percy, Fred, and George were all surprised. Harry couldn't

help but ask: "How could Myrtle be related to the basilisk?"

Myrtle is obviously just a ghost in the bathroom, staying in Hogwarts

Castle for decades... Wait, this is not the first time that the Chamber of

Secrets has been opened? !

The five people looked at each other, as if they had thought of


"Fifty years ago, the Chamber of Secrets was opened once. At that time,

Myrtle was the only victim, and unfortunately she was killed directly by

the Basilisk. It was not just petrified like they are now, but there is still

hope of cure." Dumble Lido said, "Yes, Xia Ran! You reminded me, I have

never noticed this - a mistake that old people often make, forgetfulness! -

Myrtle's bathroom is indeed very likely to be the entrance to the secret

room. Got it!"

"But Albus, there is no passage in the bathroom. How could it lead to the

secret room left by Slytherin?" Professor McGonagall couldn't help but


Xia Ran said: "Professor McGonagall, you have forgotten one thing. There

is a basilisk stored in Slytherin's secret room, and the basilisk can only

communicate and give commands through Parseltongue. Perhaps only

Parseltongue can truly open it." Secret room!”

"So, we have to ask Harry to go to the secret room together, otherwise we

can't open the secret room."

At this point, Xia Ran paused and said, "Except Harry, no one among us

knows Parseltongue."

"Okay, without further ado, let's set off now! Sharon, Harry, and me,

Minerva, please inform Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and take care of these

children." Dumbledore said , grabbed the wand on the table, looked at

the phoenix perched on the shelf nearby, and said, "Fox."

A big crimson bird screamed softly. It had a shining golden tail, as long

and beautiful as a peacock's tail. It also had a pair of shining golden

claws. The phoenix grabbed the tattered crown. The Sorting Hat, as its

body ignited with flames, the phoenix and the Sorting Hat disappeared.

"Okay, we have to speed up." Dumbledore said as he walked around the

desk and walked into the spiral passage. Xia Ran and Harry followed the

more than 100-year-old headmaster, while Professor McGonagall and The

four Weasley brothers remained in the Headmaster's office and connected

to the Burrow using the Floo network to inform the Weasleys of the

unfortunate news.


Xia Ran, Dumbledore, and Harry went straight to Myrtle's bathroom on

the second floor of Hogwarts Castle. It was still very early, and Myrtle

didn't know where she was now, and the bathroom was even empty. No


"Although there are some disadvantages - this is the girls' bathroom after

all - but human life is at stake, and we can't care so much now."

Dumbledore said, taking the lead in entering the bathroom.

Harry was very familiar with this bathroom because he, Ron and

Hermione had been working on the Polyjuice Potion in the bathroom a

few days ago - a potion that can perfectly transform, but it has a time

limit. - They were even caught by Percy once on the way - he walked into

the bathroom with the same familiarity.

Xia Ran felt a little awkward. After all, it was a girls' bathroom. When he

saw Dumbledore and Harry entering without changing their expressions,

he secretly felt ashamed and followed a few big steps into it.


A short and fat ghost suddenly burst out of a toilet. Harry saw that her

originally gloomy and deep face was now unusually excited and excited,

and he immediately had a bad feeling.

"Aha, I caught you. The principal and professors of Hogwarts, and this

boy with glasses, Harry Potter, actually came to the girls' bathroom?

Where are your two companions?" Myrtle said with a smile, He finally

looked at Harry and asked.

Harry felt that his face should turn red. If the Headmaster and Professor

Frémont thought that I was someone who frequented the girls'


Dumbledore said calmly: "Hello, Myrtle, can I ask you a question?"

Xia Ran nodded to Myrtle.

Myrtle laughed happily - she seemed to have never been so excited - and

said: "Ask, Principal Dumbledore."

Xia Ran glanced at the bathroom - he would no longer feel uncomfortable

or awkward after he had already entered - Harry was a little nervous,

would Professor Frémont find anything?

Charlie secretly smiled. He knew exactly what Harry, Ron, and Hermione

did in Myrtle's bathroom. It was useless for Harry to be nervous.

"I'm sorry." Dumbledore said apologetically, "I wanted to ask how you


Contrary to Dumbledore's expectations, Myrtle's expression suddenly

changed. It seemed that no one had asked her such a question in decades,

which made her feel very honored!

Xia Ran shook her head secretly, ghosts are indeed different from the


Chapter 43 The entrance to the

secret room

"Ah, ah, let me tell you, that's really scary!" Myrtle said in an exaggerated

tone. Although it was scary, Xia Ran actually enjoyed watching her.

"It happened here, and I died in this bathroom. I still remember it very


Myrtle said: "At that time, Olive Humbey laughed at me for wearing

glasses like a four-eyed dog. I was very sad and hid here. I locked the

door and cried alone inside. Suddenly I heard someone coming in. , what

they said was funny..."


Xia Ran and Dumbledore looked at each other and thought of the words

Myrtle heard at that time.

Myrtle ignored the two of them and said with relish: "But what annoys

me the most is that I also heard a boy's voice. This is the women's

bathroom, gentlemen!"

Myrtle raised her voice, but seeing the indifferent expressions of

Dumbledore and Xia Ran - only Harry looked slightly uneasy - she

continued what she had just said: "So I opened the door and prepared to

ruthlessly I scolded the man harshly, told him to go away and go to his

boys' restroom, which is the girls' restroom, and then..."

Myrtle puffed out her chest, thinking she was very impressive, and her

face was radiant.

"...I'll die!"

Dumbledore immediately asked: "How did you die?"

"I don't know." Myrtle said in a mysterious tone, "I just remember that I

last saw a pair of big and scary yellow eyes, and my whole body was

immediately grabbed, and then I floated away. ”

She looked dazed as she spoke, and continued: "Then I came back to

Hogwarts somehow. Principal, you know, I wanted to settle the score

with Olive Humbey."

She laughed again and said, "Oh, she regretted it very much and said

bitterly that she should never have laughed at me for wearing glasses."

Xia Ran asked: "Where did you see those yellow eyes?"

"It's almost there," Myrtle said, frowning slightly and pointing uncertainly

to the pool in front of her.

Dumbledore and Sharon hurried over, and Harry followed.

The pool looked ordinary, no different from any other pool. The three of

them checked the pool inside and out, up and down, and then

Dumbledore let out a soft cry.

Xia Ran and Harry hurriedly went over to take a look. On the side of a

copper faucet, a small snake was carved.

Myrtle floated behind them, and when she saw Dumbledore trying to

turn on the faucet, she immediately added happily: "This faucet never

comes out!"

"Harry, I think I need you to say a few words now." Xia Ran said, "Speak

in Parseltongue."

"But I can't say it!" Harry desperately tried to make himself speak

Parseltongue. In the previous two times, he always spoke Parseltongue

when he faced a real snake. The snake appeared in front of him, and he

couldn't feel anything anymore.

Harry stared at the small carved snake, trying hard to imagine it as a real


"Open it," Harry said.

The copper faucet showed no response, and Harry looked up at

Dumbledore and Sharon helplessly.

"I don't think so, Harry, you are still speaking human language, not snake

language." Xia Ran shook her head and said.

"But I..." Harry was anxious, but he just couldn't find the feeling he had

when facing a real snake.

Dumbledore waved his wand and said, "I think you need a little help,



A green snake suddenly appeared out of thin air, coiled up on the

bathroom floor, raised its head, and stared at Harry with its cold eyes.

Harry paused for breath, feeling a little panicked in his heart. He couldn't

help but open his mouth and said, "Open!"

This time, what came out of Harry's mouth was no longer a human voice,

but a very strange hissing sound. Immediately, the copper faucet emitted

a dazzling white light and began to rotate rapidly.


The pool began to stir, and several people watched as the pool slowly

disappeared from sight. Where the pool disappeared, a very thick water

pipe was exposed, which could allow a human to pass through.

"Okay, the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets has been found."

Dumbledore waved his wand again, and the green snake disappeared

with a bang. "I'll go down first, Xia Ran, you are behind me, and as for


"Professor, I want to go down too. What if I still need Parseltongue?"

Harry said hurriedly. He didn't want to stay up there and wait for the

results. Now that they had found the entrance to the secret room, and

since there was still a very small,... There was a very small and slim hope

- Ginny might still be alive and well in the secret room, in any case, at

least not dead - he felt that he had to go down and take a look, try his

best, and could do nothing, just wait for the news. Awful!

Dumbledore gave Harry a deep look, and Harry showed his

determination to Dumbledore without blinking.

"Okay, if you insist on going down." Dumbledore said, "You will be the

last one to go down. If anything goes wrong, immediately find a corner

and close your eyes to hide. Xia Ran and I will deal with the basilisk. ”

Harry nodded repeatedly. He understood that his strength was low and

he didn't know many spells. Two professors were standing in front of him

- especially Professor Dumbledore, who is known as the strongest white

wizard in the world!

"Xiaran, be careful, I might encounter a basilisk as soon as I go in."

Dumbledore warned, approaching the entrance of the cave.

Xia Ran nodded. In front of Dumbledore, he was no longer a powerful

wizard. Is there any wizard more powerful than Dumbledore in the magic

world today? Voldemort was at best on a par with Dumbledore.

Dumbledore stepped into the mouth of the pipe with his legs. He relaxed

his body and immediately slid down the pipe without any point of

strength. Xia Ran got into the pipe and slid down.

At this moment, he felt like he was trapped on a playground slide, but

the length was much longer than that of the playground, maybe a few

hundred meters? He held the wand tightly in his right hand, and could

see that many pipes appeared on both sides of the pipe from time to time,

connected to this pipe, and extending in all directions, but none of those

pipes were as thick as this pipe. After all, this was a pipe that could

accommodate adults. pipeline!

Xia Ran guessed that half a minute had passed before he slid to the end.

He immediately began to adjust his body condition and stood up from

the horizontal pipe mouth. Before he fell to the wet ground, Harry made

a bang behind him. Fell to the ground.

Not far away, Dumbledore raised his wand, and the top of the wand

emitted a glimmering light. Xia Ran also raised his wand, and the glow

illuminated the surrounding area.

This is a very wide stone tunnel, big enough for two or three people to

stand in it. There is a lot of silt accumulated at the bottom, and the

surrounding walls are also sticky.

"Xia Ran, come here and take a look!" Suddenly Dumbledore said.

Chapter 44 Finally Entering the

Secret Room

Xia Ran's heart moved. What did Dumbledore discover?

"Harry, follow me." Xia Ran said. He raised his wand high and walked

past with the light emitted by the wand - the light of Dumbledore's wand

was also a coordinate and a guide.

Harry whispered "luminescent light" - he was no better than Sharon and

Dumbledore, he could cast spells silently, even if it was just a very basic

magic spell - and the wand immediately glowed.

Da da da……

The two people's feet made a loud sound as they walked on the wet


Although the tunnel was very dark and there was no light at all, it was

still possible to see things with the light of the three wands, especially

Xia Ran and Dumbledore. Compared to Harry's, the light of the wands

was just a few hundred degrees from a light bulb or a small one. The

difference between candles.

"By the way, Harry, remember." Xia Ran suddenly remembered

something and said, "As soon as there is any movement, no matter what

the situation is, first close your eyes tightly. No matter what sound you

hear, don't open it. Come on, you know?"

Harry felt a little nervous. He nodded, and then remembered that

Professor Frémont was walking in front and couldn't see his movements.

He immediately said again: "I understand, Professor."

"Very good." Xia Ran nodded.


There was a sudden sound of bones breaking under Harry's feet. The two

of them took a closer look and found out that Harry had stepped on the

skull of a mouse. There were bones of small animals everywhere on the

ground. Harry could hardly control himself. Imagine what Ginny would

be like when they found her?

Harry felt his body go cold, and he felt a little dazed walking in the


"Be careful." Xia Ran walked up to Dumbledore, her breathing stagnated

slightly, but her pupils suddenly tightened. She almost recited a magic

spell in her mouth, and attacked forward with the wand. Fortunately, he

reacted in time.

"This is..." Harry was even more stunned, and his voice seemed a little

hoarse. He stared blankly at the huge creature in front of him, then

remembered Professor Frémont's warning, and immediately closed his

eyes tightly, Don't dare to open a crack.

On the other side of the tunnel, the outline of a huge thing was circling,

motionless at this time, still in that place.

"Professor, is it a basilisk?" Harry asked cautiously, his heart beating

rapidly, and he even felt a dull pain in his chest.

"No." Xia Ran shook her head and said, "It should be the skin of the


Looking at the huge monster, Xia Ran couldn't help but exclaimed: "What

a big basilisk!"

Although he remembered that there was indeed a basilisk in the entrance

passage of the secret room, but he didn't know the exact size. Now that

he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn't help but be shocked. After all,

this snake shed was too huge.

He walked forward again to see more clearly. The light shone on a huge

snake skin. It was green and very bright. At first glance, it looked like the

skin of a venomous snake, lying coiled on the ground of the tunnel. ,

which is hollow inside.

Obviously, the basilisk that shed this layer of skin was at least twenty feet


"Obviously," Dumbledore said, "There is indeed a basilisk hidden in the

Chamber of Secrets, and it often parades in Hogwarts Castle." His tone

was more solemn. Fortunately, not many teachers and students were

attacked by the basilisk. Otherwise, if there are too many attacks, there

will always be very unlucky students who will die directly under the gaze

of the basilisk just like Myrtle did fifty years ago!

I don’t know what’s going on with Ginny Weasley now. Is she still alive?

Dumbledore felt his heart heavy.

"Let's go, this is just a snake slough, the real danger is still in the real

secret room!" Dumbledore said solemnly, "This is just the road leading to

the secret room!"

Xia Ran followed Dumbledore - Harry was at the back - and walked past

the huge snake skin. The three of them turned another corner, and then

another corner.

"We should have arrived several miles deep under the castle." Xia Ran


"Maybe... we are under the lake." Dumbledore said. He took the lead and

walked at the forefront. After all, he is the one with the most profound

magic power among the three. He is the strongest white wizard in the

contemporary era and has continuously fought against the Dark Lord

Glinde. Voldemort, the second-generation Dark Lord, is by no means in


Harry nervously tightened his grip on his wand.

Dumbledore seemed to be aware of Harry's nervousness and comforted

him softly: "Relax, Harry, I ask myself - please forgive me for being

immodest - the level of magic and magic skills are top-notch, no matter

how dangerous it is. The situation should also create an opportunity for

you to escape."

When he said this, Harry became even more nervous.

"Harry, don't worry. Principal Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard in

the wizarding world. If there are things he can't solve, then it's useless for

us to worry. Just try to think of your last words and epitaph." Ran Ye said


"Haha." Dumbledore chuckled twice and said, "Xia Ran, I am very

grateful to you for trusting me so much."

"If I were as powerful as Dumbledore, it wouldn't matter whether others

believed in me or not. Anyway, I just believe in myself." Xia Ran replied

casually while looking at the walls on both sides.

With the conversation between Xia Ran and Dumbledore, Harry felt that

his nervousness was relieved a lot. Yes, Professor Dumbledore and

Professor Frémont are both here. What do I have to worry about?

Besides, with my sophomore level—and I haven’t graduated yet, and

haven’t even finished the first semester of my sophomore year—it’s

useless to worry about it.

Maybe a few minutes passed, maybe it was longer. The three of them

carefully turned a corner and finally found that there was no road ahead,

but an extremely thick wall with two inscriptions carved on it. The

snakes are intertwined with each other, and their eyes are set with large,

shining emeralds, which makes the two snakes seem alive.

"Slytherin's masterpiece." Dumbledore said, raised his wand, turned to

look at Harry, and said, "Harry, I need your help again."

"It is obligatory."

Harry knew what he should do. He passed by Xia Ran and Dumbledore

and walked to the front. Xia Ran and Dumbledore concentrated on the

stone wall to prevent the basilisk from suddenly appearing. Facing the

two snakes on the wall, he cleared his throat and hissed: "Open!"

The two snakes separated in response. The stone wall cracked in the

middle and slowly slid to both sides and disappeared. Harry shuddered

and was about to step in. Dumbledore suddenly reached out and grabbed

his shoulders and said: " I'll go in first, Harry."

"Harry, you go in last."

Xia Ran followed Dumbledore's steps and got into the gap in the stone

wall. Harry was at the back and arranged the entry order according to

the strength level of the three people.

Chapter 45 Riddle

This was a dimly lit room with an astonishing length. The place they

entered was at the corner on one side of the room, and many stone pillars

carved with coiled and entangled snakes stood tall, supporting the ceiling

that was melted into the darkness above, giving The whole room was

filled with a mysterious green light, casting long and strange black


Harry couldn't help but get some goosebumps, but when he saw that the

two professors in front of him were indifferent and only carefully

checked the surrounding situation and movements, he suppressed many

complicated thoughts and did not want to give the two professors too

much time. Cause trouble.

He secretly warned himself in his heart that he must not hold back!

"Harry, follow us closely and be careful." Xia Ran said. The three of them

moved slowly between the stone pillars where the giant snakes were

coiled. Although they stepped carefully, they were still in this ghostly

room. A hollow and extremely loud echo was produced.

The three of them all had their eyes half-closed, and would immediately

close their eyes tightly if there was any sign of trouble.

Suddenly, the three of them paused slightly and stopped somewhere.

"Professor, this is..." Harry asked in surprise.

Xia Ran squinted his eyes, and he heard a sound of very beautiful music.

It was ethereal, ethereal and mysterious, but it made people excited.

Dumbledore's Phoenix?

"Fawkes is here, our help is here." Dumbledore said with a smile.


On the stone pillar closest to the three of them, a raging flame suddenly

spurted out, reaching a height of two or three meters. Then a big crimson

bird descended from the sky and grabbed a tattered wizard hat. It was

exactly Fox, the phoenix, turned into flames and disappeared from the

principal's office.

The phoenix stopped singing. It circled and danced in a circle, and then

cried softly next to a stone pillar at the end.

"I think Fox must have discovered something. Come on, let's go over and

take a look." Dumbledore said, walking over quickly. When the three of

them walked parallel to the last stone pillar, a building and a room

suddenly appeared in front of them. A giant statue as tall as itself clung

to the dark wall behind.

The three of them had to raise their necks high to see the huge face

above. It was an old, monkey-like face with a sparse long beard that

almost reached the wizard carved from stone. On the hem of the robe,

the two big gray stone feet stood on the smooth floor of the room.

And between the two big feet, lying face down was a small figure in

black robes. Under the light of the wand, you could see the red hair like


It was Ginny Weasley who was caught in the Chamber of Secrets.

"Ginny!" Harry called anxiously. The three of them walked quickly to

Ginny, leaned down, and turned Ginny over. Her originally clear,

beautiful, and rosy cheeks were like marble, coldly, There was no blood,

and her eyes were tightly closed. She was not petrified, but why was she

sleeping here and unable to wake up?

Harry looked at the two professors for help.

Xia Ran stretched out her hand to explore, her face suddenly showed a

bit of joy, and said: "There is still life, not dead."

Both Dumbledore and Harry were visibly relieved.

"Huh?" Dumbledore suddenly raised his head and looked at the top of the

nearest stone pillar. There was a tall boy with black hair standing on top

of it, tilting his head and looking at the four people below, especially

Dumbledore. Bullido's and Harry's eyes each had two different looks.

"Tom, we finally meet again." Dumbledore said briskly.

Xia Ran looked over and saw the tall boy with black hair. The outline of

the boy's face was blurred, which made people feel very strange, as if Xia

Ran was looking at the boy through a thick screen window.

Tom Riddle, the fragment of Voldemort's soul when he was a student, the

incomplete soul in the Horcrux Riddle's diary!

Xia Ran almost didn't need to think before she recognized who this tall

boy with black hair was.

"Huh." Tom Riddle snorted, ignoring Dumbledore, but looked at Ginny

and said, "She can't wake up, Ginny Weasley."

"No! Ginny will definitely wake up." Harry retorted immediately.

Tom Riddle looked at Harry with an almost greedy expression, as if he

only had Harry Potter in his sight.

"I dare say this must be your handiwork, Tom," said Dumbledore.

"You guessed it right, Dumbledore, but there is no reward." Riddle smiled

cruelly and said, "Ah, little Ginny, what a simple little girl. Such a simple

girl, her soul..."

“So delicious!”

Riddle took a nostalgic breath.

"Tom, don't say or do such things in front of me." Dumbledore said

seriously, staring at Tom Riddle with his blue eyes.

"Oh, not in front of you?" Riddle smiled, laughing loudly, as if he had

never laughed in many years. At this moment, he wanted to make up for

all the smiles he had had in many years.

"Yes, not in front of me," said Dumbledore.

"Who are you talking to, Dumbledore?" Riddle said, "I, Lord Voldemort,

the greatest wizard who ever lived!"

"Voldemort? Are you Voldemort??" Harry was shocked when he heard

this. He had never obtained Riddle's diary, and he did not know that Tom

Riddle was the famous--infamous--Dark Lord Voldemort. !

"Yes, Voldemort, the greatest wizard!" Riddle nodded and said.

Hearing Tom Riddle publicly declare that he was the greatest wizard in

history in front of Dumbledore, Xia Ran suddenly felt a little funny. Even

Dumbledore and the four founders of Hogwarts could not hold the title of

the greatest wizard. , How can Voldemort dare to claim to be the greatest


Although he is super powerful, he is not great at all.

Riddle noticed the smile on Xia Ran's face at a glance, and knew that it

was a mockery of his declaration. He couldn't help but feel angry in his

heart and said: "Xia Ran Frémont? You have ruined a big thing for me."

"Really?" Xia Ran raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "That's my

honor, actually ruining Voldemort's plan."

The cold murderous intent in Riddle's eyes flashed away, but he was just

a fragmented soul. Although he had absorbed many of Ginny's souls, he

was able to initially break away from the carrier diary and come to the

outside world to reveal himself. However, he did not have a wand. It

doesn't matter to Harry Potter, but Sharon Frémont is the combat

professor at Hogwarts and has great strength, but he can't go head-to-

head with him.

After all, it was just a soul fragment, not the complete Voldemort.

Otherwise, ten more Xia Ran would not be enough for Voldemort to kill.

Riddle said eloquently: "Charran Fremont, as the most powerful wizard in

history, I have gone further than anyone else on the road to immortality.

I fully deserve the title of 'The Greatest Wizard'!"

Xia Ran's own strength is acceptable, and she has seen through the

secrets of the basilisk. In Riddle's view, Xia Ran Frémont is also a

troublesome wizard. A wizard who knows more knowledge will always

be difficult to deal with.

Riddle believed that he was the leader among them, Dumbledore could

barely keep up with him, and although Xia Ran caught his eye, he was

still a little behind.

Chapter 46 Dialogue

"Tom Riddle, even if you get your kind of immortality, what's the use of

it? You are neither human nor ghost, even worse than the humblest

wandering ghost." Xia Ran shook his head, he knew that Tom ·Why did

Riddle say such words: He has gone further on the road to immortality

than anyone else in the world!

It’s nothing more than a Horcrux!

But the immortality obtained by relying on Horcruxes is a very

incomplete immortality, especially when the soul is split when making

Horcruxes. Not only does it have to cause great evil, but it also has to

endure extreme pain. The pain of soul splitting is far worse than anything

in the world. pain!

What's more, how can one's soul, one of the roots of a person's existence,

be divided wantonly?

No matter where Xia Ran goes, she is determined not to follow

Voldemort's old path: splitting souls and making Horcruxes!

However, despite paying a huge price, Horcruxes do have a very huge

immortality effect. As long as the soul fragments in any Horcrux are not

destroyed, then the wizard is immortal!

More than ten years ago, after Voldemort killed Harry's parents, a special

spell cast by Harry's mother Lily Evans caused Voldemort's Avada

Kedavra to rebound on Harry, directly destroying Voldemort. His body, if

it weren't for the fact that several Horcruxes he made still exist in the

world, Voldemort would have died on the spot, and it is absolutely

impossible for a soul to leave Godric's Hollow and go to the Albanian

forest to survive, hiding from the Order of the Phoenix and the Pride. Luo

and other wizards pursued him relentlessly.

"You know?" Riddle was surprised. He thought that Xiaran Fremont didn't

know the secret of Horcrux.

Xia Ran suddenly smiled and said: "Horcrux, when I saw your

appearance, I completely understood it. I simply read a lot of books."

What he was talking about was the original Harry Potter novel that he

had read in his previous life, so he understood the concept of Horcruxes

and knew many related secrets. However, the two wizards present -

Harry still looked confused. It seems that he doesn't know about

Horcruxes yet - but people mistakenly think that he just learned about

Horcruxes by reading through ancient and time-honored books, just like

the young Tom Riddle did.

A look of surprise flashed across Dumbledore's face. He knew about

Horcruxes, but he didn't know that Voldemort also possessed Horcruxes.

"Ha, Xia Ran, you don't understand!" Riddle smiled disdainfully and said,

"Horcruxes are the most powerful method of immortality in the world.

There is no need to rely too much on external objects, like Nick Flamel.

Living forever with the magic stone has too many disadvantages!"

"It's up to you." Xia Ran said nonchalantly, not wanting to convince the

young Voldemort - Tom Riddle.

A flash of murderous intent suddenly flashed across Riddle's face, but this

time it was aimed at Xia Ran.

Harry was holding Ginny Weasley in his arms at a loss. Before he could

figure out how the tall black-haired boy in front of him was the Dark

Lord Voldemort, Professor Frémont said something about "Soul" right

after him. "User", what is that?

"Horcruxes are the most evil form of magic. Harry, you are still young

and have not yet learned about it." Dumbledore said, "As for


"That's my past, present and future!" Riddle said softly.

Dumbledore did not refute the fact that it was indeed what Riddle said.

He waved his wand and wrote three shining names in the air: "Tom

Marvolo Riddle."

"Harry, this is Voldemort's name. Take another look." Dumbledore said,

waving his wand again, and the words that formed the three names

rotated and jumped, and finally turned into a name that Harry was very

familiar with.


"This is the name Tom later gave himself." Dumbledore said.

Riddle smiled, and Xia Ran could clearly sense the sarcasm on his blurry


"Tom, do you have anything to add?" said Dumbledore.

"Later? No, no, sir." Riddle said sarcastically, "This name was used by me

when I was studying at Hogwarts. Of course, I only mentioned it to my

closest friends."

"Dumbledore, do you think I have to bear the name of my filthy Muggle

father for the rest of my life?"

Riddle's eyes flashed with a strange red light, which made him look very


"Dumbledore, don't you know?"

"I, Voldemort, have the blood of the great Salazar Slytherin flowing in my

body, which was passed down to me through his descendants' daughters.

Will I still keep that disgusting ordinary Muggle name? He Abandoned

me before I was born simply because he found out his wife was a witch."

"No! Dumbledore, I have to think of a new name for myself, because I

know that one day, I will become the greatest magician in the world. At

that time, wizards around the world will never dare to say my name

easily. name!"

"Finally I did it, no one dared to call me by my name!" Riddle said loudly

and arrogantly.

Xia Ran knew the inside story. Voldemort's mother was a witch and came

from the Gaunt family, which was the last known descendant of

Slytherin. In other words, Voldemort's biological mother passed on to

Voldemort Salazar Slater. Lin's blood, and Voldemort's father was just an

ordinary Muggle. He also abandoned Voldemort's mother when she was

still pregnant, causing his mother to die immediately after giving birth to


Voldemort grew up in a Muggle orphanage in London.

For a man who pursues immortality and longs to become the greatest

wizard in history, having a Muggle father is a very despised thing.

Therefore, Voldemort killed his father's family, perhaps to some extent to

himself and himself. Elements of mother's revenge.

All in all, when Voldemort was young - while still studying at Hogwarts -

he made up his mind to abandon the name Tom Marvolo Riddle, which

disgusted him.

"It's not completely successful, Tom." Dumbledore said calmly, "At least

the three people present..." He pointed to himself, Harry and Xia Ran,

and continued: "We will call you by your first name. Whether your

mother named you Tom Riddle or you named yourself Lord Voldemort."

Riddle's proud expression suddenly froze.

"I can only say that your mother was a poor person. No matter whether

she was alive or dead, your mother would not want you to become such a

dark devil." Xia Ran said, her words full of sighs.

He did feel that Voldemort's mother was a pitiful person, and he did not

think that his mother would want her son to become such a murderous

Dark Lord.

Riddle's expression was completely distorted and he shouted: "Shut up!"

"Okay, Tom, let's calm down. I still have some questions to ask you."

Dumbledore said calmly.

Riddle sneered and said, "Hey, Dumbledore, do you still think that I am

the student who was in awe of you before?"

"Ha, to feel intimidated by the burning of a wardrobe!"

Riddle glared hard at Dumbledore.

Chapter 47 Resentment and

hatred towards Dumbledore

"I hope... Tom... I hope so much..." A look of regret and sentimentality

flashed across Dumbledore's old face.

Harry felt that this was the Dumbledore he had never seen before, so he

glared at Riddle a second later.

"Stop acting like a hypocrite," Riddle said disgustedly.

"Okay, Tom," Dumbledore said, "I want to know how you manipulated

Ginny Weasley to help you open the Chamber of Secrets, release the

basilisk, and come to this secret chamber that may be under the lake? "

Xia Ran almost knew this, but he would not speak without authorization

because he could not explain the source of his knowledge of these things

and related information. The Horcrux could also claim that he had seen

some relevant records in an ancient book, so he was not interested in it.

This is somewhat understood, after all, this is how Voldemort learned

about Horcruxes when he was young.

"Oh, this is really an interesting topic," Riddle said happily. "It's a long

story, but my opinion is...The reason why little Ginny became what she is

now is mainly because she believed in a man who watched I opened my

heart to this friend whom I had lost, and talked about any of my troubles

and problems.”

"Yes, I will always be such a considerate and good friend. Otherwise, how

could I have so many friends following me?" Riddle looked at

Dumbledore and said, "You think so? Dumbledore. "

Harry still looked confused, but Xia Ran and Dumbledore understood

each other 100%.

"Tom, I'm so glad you call the Death Eaters your friends and not your

servants!" said Dumbledore.

"Servant?" Riddle smiled sarcastically and did not continue the topic. He

turned to Ginny and said, "For several months, little Ginny has been

writing her inner thoughts in my diary and telling me. Her heart-

wrenching troubles, troubles and sorrows."

"How she was teased by her brothers, and how she had to wear a shabby

robe and a bag of second-hand books to go to Hogwarts. This was the

Hogwarts she dreamed of, but she ended up in this state. Came here.”


Looking at Harry, Riddle's eyes flashed with a cunning light, and said:

"She thinks that the famous, kind, and great--oh, and the Dark Lord's old

enemy--Harry Potter, will never be the same." I won’t fall in love with a

little girl like her!”

Although no one except Riddle - Xia Ran and Dumbledore's eyes were

mainly focused on Riddle - were paying attention to Harry, Harry felt

that he could not help but blush.

When Riddle spoke, his eyes never left Harry's face. There was an almost

greedy look hidden deep in his eyes, which made Harry feel very


Dumbledore also showed a sense of disgust.

Xia Ran understood why Voldemort showed such emotion. In his opinion,

the famous and powerful Voldemort killed countless once powerful

wizards, including Harry's parents, why did he end up in a place where

he could not walk freely? The baby—the baby Harry Potter—had a

stumble? He desperately wanted to find the final answer and secret.

"To be honest, it's too boring, listening to an eleven-year-old girl talk

about her childish worries." Riddle ignored the expressions of the three

people and continued, "But I am kind and considerate - Finally, I got a

wizard to write in the diary. I really couldn't wait, and this was just an

eleven-year-old little witch. I patiently wrote a lot of words to comfort

little Ginny. In the end, little Ginny simply couldn't wait. Almost falling

in love with me, ahhh, like with Harry Potter.”

He always "cared" about Harry.

"Oh, Tom, no one has ever understood me like you do, never! I'm so glad

I got you - and, to be honest, I'm glad too - to tell you all my troubles..."

"There are many more. To be honest, I have always been a person who

can be recognized and trusted by others." Riddle said with pride.

Dumbledore stared at Riddle and said, "Just like the professors loved you

when you were studying at Hogwarts."

Xia Ran knew that Dumbledore was talking about when Voldemort was

studying at Hogwarts. Professors from all subjects, including the

principal, were extremely fond of this little wizard who came from a

Muggle orphanage but was studious, inquisitive, handsome and polite.

It has to be said that if Voldemort wanted to, he could disguise himself

very well and deceive the trust of most people in the world.

It's a pity that he later abandoned this point. Perhaps Voldemort believed

that his magic power was unfathomable. No one in the world was worthy

of his attention except Dumbledore, and Dumbledore never believed it.

That person of his, so he was too lazy to hide himself anymore.

If Voldemort had still disguised himself, could the White Wizards have

lasted that long in the First Wizarding War? This may indeed be a

problem. Maybe they can't wait until Professor Sybill Trelawney makes

the famous prediction. The White Wizards will be completely defeated,

even if they have Dumbledore, they will be outnumbered!

It can only be said that Voldemort's pride led to his final failure, even

after he was resurrected in the original time and space. Otherwise, Harry

Potter should be dealt with as quickly as possible - he can just don't do it

himself, since his subordinates eat death anyway. If there are enough

disciples and they are strong enough - when Dumbledore dies of old age,

there is no need for a head-on confrontation, he just needs to wait

patiently for a period of time, and the entire magical world will be in his

hands, and the remaining resistance will be almost insignificant.

Xia Ranxin said that Voldemort made Horcruxes and turned his soul into

a ball of paste. He sometimes lost his mind. Countless opportunities to

win were placed in front of him, but he used his excellent body skills to

dodge them one by one. When I opened it, I was really speechless.

Of course, this kind of fighting against fate can only happen to Harry

Potter. Others - except Dumbledore - can never hope to stop Voldemort.

"Except you, Dumbledore!"

Riddle looked at Dumbledore with wide eyes, resentment and murderous

intent flashed, and he said coldly: "Since the orphanage, you have never

believed in me! Not even once!"

"Yes, I should have tried to believe you." Dumbledore said extremely

calmly, "But Tom, have you ever thought about whether you have done

anything worthy of my trust?"


Riddle laughed sarcastically and said, "I was the best student at Hogwarts

at that time, prefect, and president of the student union. I was number

one in every subject, and I was excellent in everything. Am I not worthy

of your trust?"

"Ah, yes, Dumbledore, hypocritical Dumbledore! Later I saw through you,

and you felt that I threatened your status. If I continue to grow like this,

maybe your title as the most powerful wizard of our time will be lost. I

gave it up to someone else, so I understand you, because no wizard is

willing to let go of such a powerful title!"

Chapter 48 Angry Riddle

"If you really think so, Tom, I don't blame you." Dumbledore said calmly,

"But if you want to say that after you single-handedly led the Chamber of

Secrets incident and led to the death of an innocent female student -

although I I just have doubts about you, and there is no definite evidence

or certainty - I can still trust you without any doubts, but I'm sorry, I

really can't do that."

Riddle had a sneer on his face.

Xia Ran chuckled lightly and said: "Voldemort, you are wrong about this

matter. I don't think Dumbledore is the kind of person you said. He will

not be obsessed with a name and suppress young wizards." .”

"Thank you, Sharon." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"What do you think? Ha, Sharon Frémont, do you think you really

understand Dumbledore?" Riddle sneered loudly, "The secret behind

Dumbledore is definitely beyond your imagination. You may have never I

never thought Dumbledore was that kind of person!"

"I'm sure I should know Dumbledore and Voldemort better than you, so I

naturally believe in him." Xia Ran said lightly.

What Voldemort said, and Xia Ran knew better than him, was that

Dumbledore made friends with Grindelwald when he was young and

proposed "fighting for greater interests", but that was Dumbledore's

wrong move when he was young. , he never shied away from this later

on, but because there were so many sad things hidden behind his back,

Dumbledore would never mention them easily unless necessary.

Dumbledore's sister, Ariana Dumbledore, was seen by Muggle boys

because of magic riots. The little boys were frightened and tortured

Ariana, causing Ariana to go crazy and never be able to fully control the

magic in her body. , let alone enter Hogwarts after the age of eleven.

Dumbledore's father, Percival, was imprisoned for taking revenge on

several Muggle boys and eventually died in Azkaban Prison. The family

then moved to Godric's Hollow.

It has to be said that Dumbledore must have complained about his family

when he was still studying at Hogwarts, so in the original time and space,

Aberforth - Dumbledore's younger brother - once said that Dumbledore

During the summer vacation, Lido often locked himself in his room and

corresponded with famous wizards in the wizarding world, while

neglecting to get along with his family - this is something that

Dumbledore now regrets very much.

In the end, during a riot caused by Ariana's magic, Kandra - Dumbledore's

mother - was caught off guard and died tragically. Dumbledore had to

suspend his plan to travel around the world with his classmates, and

returned to Godric's Hollow to take on the responsibility of his family.

The eldest son's responsibility came and he began to take care of his

sister Ariana on behalf of his deceased mother, while his younger brother

Aberforth continued to go to Hogwarts.

Dumbledore may indeed have been filled with sadness and dissatisfaction

in his psychology at that time, but at that time he met the wizard Gellert

Grindelwald from Germany - the Dark Lord of the generation - the two

met each other late in life and became close friends. It was also at that

time that Dumbledore proposed letting wizards rule Muggles "for the

greater good"!

Because during the exchange with Grindelwald, he neglected to take care

of his sister Ariana, which caused Aberforth to be very dissatisfied when

he returned home for the holidays, and started a dispute with

Dumbledore and Grindelwald. The three of them fought. In the end, I

don't know which one shot the magic spell, accidentally killing Ariana.

The two Dumbledore brothers were heartbroken, and Grindelwald took

the opportunity to leave Britain and return to Germany to start his grand

project, although Dumbledore stopped him in the end.

Because of the death of his sister Ariana, Dumbledore was heartbroken,

deeply regretful, and changed his past. The so-called "greater interests"

were also thrown aside by him, and he began to fight for peace and

equality in the magical world!

This is how Dumbledore is now, highly respected by people and walking

unswervingly on the road of peace.

Xia Ran undoubtedly believed in Dumbledore.

Riddle's sarcastic expression suddenly froze. He hated seeing such a look

of unwarranted trust on the faces of the wizards next to Dumbledore.

"Thank you so much, Xia Ran." Dumbledore wiped the corners of his eyes

and said. He would not ask whether Xia Ran really knew the story of her

past. Those things are there. If someone is willing to pursue them, they

can always be found. Discover something.

What he was grateful for was that Xia Ran was still willing to have great

trust in him even though she knew many things that he regretted.

Harry became more and more confused. I could understand every word

of the conversation between the Professor and Riddle, but why didn’t I

understand the meaning when they were connected?

"Tom, let's go back to the topic just now." Dumbledore said, "For

example, how did you open the Chamber of Secrets and lead to those


Riddle let out a shrill, high-pitched laugh that was unlike anything a

teenage boy could make, and Harry felt the hairs on the back of his neck

stand on end.

"As I said before, little Ginny fully believed in me. Her whole soul was

opened to me, and her soul was exactly what I needed. I devoured her

most secret fears and became stronger and stronger. My appetite grew,

and I decided to reveal a little secret about myself to Miss Weasley."

Riddle smiled coldly and said: "So I controlled Ginny Weasley, opened

the secret room, scrawled those scary words on the wall, and released the

Slytherin basilisk to attack the squib-thin cat. , ah, yes, and those


"Don't say that word in front of me, Tom." Dumbledore looked extremely


Riddle ignored Dumbledore and continued: "But our Miss Weasley didn't

know what this was going on at first. This is very interesting. I really

want to read out what she wrote in the diary. Here you go.”

"That's impossible!" Harry couldn't help but murmured.

"Nothing is impossible!" Riddle laughed. "In front of the great Lord

Voldemort, it is her highest honor that Miss Weasley can be directly

controlled by me. How many people can only dream of it but cannot get

my favor."

"Your Death Eaters?" Xia Ran smiled and said, "I'm afraid not many

people are willing to get this so-called honor. Otherwise, after you lose

power, why don't you have any loyal Death Eaters to look for you?"

"Shut up, Xia Ran!"

Riddle said angrily. He looked at Xia Ran with murderous intent in his

eyes. This person really disgusted him.

"Oh, Tom, I think Xia Ran just told the truth. Your friends - let's call them

friends - seem to have forgotten you and can't wait to end the

relationship with you." Denbu Lido said calmly.

Harry could clearly see that Riddle's expression was getting colder and

angrier, and he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, he heard Riddle speak, not in human words, but in a

strange hissing sound.

"Speak to me, Slytherin - the greatest of the Hogwarts Four!"

Chapter 49 Basilisk

Riddle looked up at the face of the Slytherin stone statue hidden high in

the darkness, opened his mouth, and made a sound that only Harry could

understand - Parseltongue!

"Speak to me, Slytherin - the greatest of the Hogwarts Four!"

Suddenly, Slytherin's huge stone face began to move, growing bigger and

bigger, and finally formed a huge black hole.

There seemed to be something moving in the mouth of the statue, and

some strange creature was sliding upwards from the depths of the statue.

"Close your eyes, Harry, and carry Miss Weasley to a farther place!"

Dumbledore said immediately. He applied several magic spells to Ginny's

body, mostly protective spells.

Harry stepped back quickly, hugging Ginny with both hands. He closed

his eyes tightly and ran back along the route in his memory. He felt the

fluctuation of magic behind him and the cry of the phoenix.

"Xia Ran, be careful!" Dumbledore also told Xia Ran.

Xia Ran nodded. Facing a terrifying dark creature like the basilisk, it

would be a lie to say he wasn't nervous. However, Dumbledore, the most

powerful white wizard of the contemporary era, was beside him, and

there was also the magical creature Phoenix Fox. He was confident. Also


At the same time, he closed his eyes more tightly.


A huge object suddenly fell to the stone ground, and the secret room was

shaken for a moment. Xia Ran knew what was going on. Slytherin's

basilisk finally appeared.

He heard a hissing sound coming from Riddle's mouth. Although he

didn't know the specific meaning, he could roughly understand what

Riddle would say at this time.

"Kill them!" Harry understood Riddle's voice.

"Fox, blind the basilisk's eyes first." Dumbledore also said loudly at the

same time.

It is unrealistic to expect the phoenix to kill the basilisk, but as long as

the phoenix pecks out the basilisk's eyes that can cause death, with

Dumbledore's strength and Xia Ran's assistance, the basilisk can indeed

be eliminated. It is something that can be done.

Xia Ran recited a lot of spells in a low voice. He stacked several layers of

the Iron Armor spell and retreated to the side, waiting for the time when

the basilisk's eyes would be blinded by the phoenix.

The basilisk's heavy body slid slowly across the dusty ground. Xia Ran

felt that the basilisk did not come close to her, but seemed to go in the

opposite direction, where Dumbledore retreated.

It seems that Riddle's priority is Dumbledore. It goes without saying that

Dumbledore is powerful.

Harry was retreating with Ginny in his arms, when suddenly there was

something in his arms. He could feel what it was, the tattered Sorting Hat

of Hogwarts!

Harry didn't understand why Fox gave him the Sorting Hat. He ran

towards the secret room with all his heart, but because his eyes were

tightly closed, his speed was not very fast. From time to time, he had to

lean against the wall to judge the direction.

The basilisk suddenly hissed angrily, and Harry also heard Riddle's roar:

"Ignore that stupid phoenix, ignore that bird! The old man is on your left,

go and kill him!"

The phoenix chirped loudly, and the basilisk groaned in pain. Then there

was a splashing sound like a basin of water falling on the ground,

echoing in the secret room. It was obvious that the basilisk was pecked

blind by the phoenix.

"Okay, Xia Ran, it's our turn!" Xia Ran heard Dumbledore say briskly.

Xia Ran opened her eyes immediately. Not far away in front of her eyes

was a huge basilisk. It was green and glowed with the bright light unique

to poisonous snakes. Its body was as thick as an oak tree trunk. It

stretched its upper body high into the air. , the big flat head bumped

randomly between the stone pillars, as if drunk.

And a big crimson bird was circling and flying around the basilisk's head.

A large stream of black blood spurted out from the basilisk's pupils and

splashed on the ground. The basilisk groaned in pain and revealed its

mouth like a saber. The fangs, thin and long, rushed towards the Phoenix


"Very well, Fawkes, go take care of Harry." Dumbledore said, waving his

wand, and suddenly the stone pillar closest to him seemed to come alive,

and he swung at the basilisk with great speed.

"Split into pieces! Flames are blazing!"

Xia Ran used a series of attack spells. Although his attainments in

transfiguration had improved, he was definitely far behind Dumbledore,

the former professor of transfiguration. He felt that he could not To

command the surrounding stone pillars to attack, he simply used various

offensive spells.

Unfortunately, the basilisk has rough skin and thick flesh. Even without

its eyes, a deadly offensive weapon, its strength cannot be

underestimated. Ordinary spells hitting the basilisk are directly blocked

by the tough scales. It's just that the basilisk felt more pain and became

mad and angry.

Xia Ran felt a little depressed. There was no way he couldn't break

through the basilisk's defense, right?

The divine edge is invisible! Falling apart!

Xia Ran decided to focus on attacking the basilisk's flat head, especially

the pair of blinded eye sockets, which were relatively weak points in the

basilisk's defense.

The phoenix flapped its wings, escaped from the attack range of the

basilisk, and landed on Harry's shoulder. Harry stopped running and

carefully placed Ginny on the ground. He held the wand in his hand

tightly and looked at the Sorting House. The hat was a little at a loss and

didn't understand why Phoenix gave him a tattered wizard hat, even if it

was the Sorting Hat of Hogwarts. But at this critical moment, what role

does the sorting hat play?

All he heard was Riddle giving directions to the basilisk.

"No! Left, left, the old man is on the left!"

Harry suddenly thought that he could also speak Parseltongue and

control a snake - the black snake conjured by Malfoy in the Duel Club -

could he try to command this basilisk?

This idea took root in his mind as soon as it came up. Harry could hardly

control himself and opened his mouth and hissed: "Fall down!"

Unfortunately, it was of no use. This Slytherin basilisk didn't seem to

obey Harry's Parseltongue control.

The basilisk was blind and lost its strongest attack weapon. Although

Riddle was commanding and telling the direction, Xia Ran was not weak

when facing Dumbledore, the strongest white wizard in the world. Even

though the monster has a nearly indestructible scale defense, it is still

difficult to defeat the two wizards joining forces - Dumbledore is

undoubtedly the main offensive force!

However, the basilisk has a strong vitality. Although it is being beaten, it

can still withstand it.

Dumbledore casually directed five or six stone pillars to hit the basilisk

crazily, while Xia Ran saw the opportunity and fired a spell at the

vulnerable parts of the basilisk.

Although the basilisk was painful, it seemed that the two of them could

not kill it in a short period of time. It would take time to wear away the

basilisk's defensive scales.

Harry thought on the other side, I wish I could help in this battle!

He suddenly felt a cold touch in his hands. When he looked down, he

pulled out a shining silver sword from the Sorting Hat with his own

hands. The hilt was inlaid with a bright ruby ​​the size of an egg. Eye-


Chapter 50 Solution

"This is..." Harry stared at the silver sword in his hand, confused.

While Harry was surprised, he heard Dumbledore's voice saying: "Harry,

can you give me Gryffindor's sword?"

Gryffindor's sword? A magical item left behind by Gryffindor, one of the

legendary Big Four at Hogwarts?

Harry was even more surprised, and at the same time he was filled with

doubts. Why could Gryffindor's sword be pulled out of the Sorting Hat?

"Of course, Professor! But...how do I get Gryffindor's sword into your

hands?" Harry was in trouble.

Xia Ran heard the conversation between the two, and immediately took

the time to turn her head and glance at the object in Harry's hand. The

shining silver sword looked even more beautiful and dazzling in the dark

environment, making it almost impossible to look away. Especially that

silver sword has another very powerful value in Xia Ran's eyes.

Another special magic item filled with Force Points!

It was very difficult for Xia Ran to retract his sight and focus on the

Basilisk. So far, he had absorbed all the Force points from Ravenclaw's

crown, a special magic item. Although the Sorting Hat's Force points

There are many, but they have a certain intelligence, and absorbing Force

points will cause a certain degree of damage to magic items, so Xia Ran

did not dare to stretch out her hands to absorb Force points towards the

Sorting Hat.

Gryffindor's sword has no intelligence. It may not be used at other times

except for the current situation. Even if he secretly absorbed the force

points in Gryffindor's sword, Deng Even after thinking about it, Breedo

couldn't find anything.

However, the timing was not good now, so Xia Ran restrained her urge to

use the summoning spell, although there was a high probability that the

summoning spell would be ineffective against special magic items like

Gryffindor's sword.

"Fox will help." Dumbledore's voice was brisk and cheerful.

Phoenix Fawkes snatched the silver sword from Harry's hand, fluttered its

beautiful wings, and delivered Gryffindor's sword to Dumbledore's hand.

Immediately, the phoenix circled and disappeared into the darkness.

Dumbledore held Gryffindor's sword tightly and waved his wand with his

right hand. Seven or eight thick stone pillars trapped the basilisk and

knocked it dizzy. Xia Ran took the opportunity to shoot a coma spell at

the basilisk.

"Get out of the way! Crush those stone pillars and use your strong body!"

Harry heard Riddle's anxious Parseltongue.


No matter how resistant the basilisk was, it was still greatly affected by

Xia Ran's more than ten stupefying spells, making him dizzy, like a drunk


"Well done, Xia Ran." Dumbledore cast a spell silently, casting a lightness

spell on himself. He jumped over the stone pillars lightly and deftly, and

aimed at the basilisk's flat head and slashed it with his sword.


A piece of the basilisk's head was cut off by Dumbledore with Gryffindor's

sword, and the black blood sprayed freely. Dumbledore recited a

protective spell for himself to prevent the black blood from

contaminating him and preventing the snake from getting into it. The

monster's last fangs pierced his body.

Boom! ! !

The basilisk finally fell down weakly, its tail twisting and twisting a few

times, but in the end it became dead. It died in the hands of Dumbledore

and the sword of Gryffindor!

"I think it's time for this matter to come to an end." Dumbledore held the

wand in one hand and the sword of Gryffindor in the other, facing the

blurry figure of Riddle and said solemnly.

"Do you think I am the real life? Dumbledore." Riddle said sarcastically,

"The carrier of my soul..."

Before he could finish his sentence, his expression suddenly froze and his

pupils dilated instantly.


Phoenix Fawkes grabbed a diary and threw it at Dumbledore's feet.

Riddle's eyes kept moving along with the diary.

Xia Ran knew that it was the carrier of Voldemort's soul fragment, which

was manifested in the outside world due to absorbing too much of

Ginny's life force.

"Goodbye, Tom." Dumbledore raised his silver sword high and plunged it

straight into the ground.


A terrible, long-lasting, piercing scream suddenly sounded in the secret

room, and streams of ink spurted out from the diary, as if it were a spring

connected to the underground sewer, but not a single drop of ink was

left. Contaminated by Dumbledore, all were blocked in mid-air by the

protective spell, and immediately fell to the ground again.

Riddle's blurry figure was instantly distorted. He couldn't help but

struggle, his arms waving like a drowning man, and a sharp howl pierced

his eardrums came out of his mouth. Harry couldn't help but tighten his


Xia Ran casually cast an earplug listening spell on himself, and the

buzzing sound replaced the howling sound that penetrated his brain.

A few seconds later, Riddle disappeared. Everything in the secret room

fell silent. Only the sound of ink dripping from the diary could be heard.

Gryffindor's sword pierced the diary and destroyed it. This is a Horcrux

made by Voldemort when he was a student.

"Okay, everything is done. No one died. The students in the hospital and

Mrs. Lorris can all recover after Professor Sprout's mandrake matures."

Dumble Lido said happily, pulled out Gryffindor's sword, put the wand

back into his robe, picked up the diary in his right hand, and looked

through it carefully.

Xia Ran glanced at Dumbledore's wand without revealing any trace. He

knew that it was the Elder Wand, one of the Three Hallows of Death. It

had caused countless conflicts in the magical world's thousands of years

of history. The Elder Wand was also what Xia Ran believed was the death

of the wand. The Three Sacred Artifacts contain the items with the most

Force Points.

But it was impossible for him to snatch the Elder Wand from


"Professor, Ginny...Ginny..." Harry held Ginny in his arms. The little

witch still closed her eyes tightly and looked unconscious. Harry was

frightened by this.

Xia Ran comforted Harry and said, "Don't worry, Riddle's diary has been

destroyed, and Ginny will wake up after a while."

He remembered that after Riddle's diary was destroyed in the original

time and space, it didn't take long for Ginny to wake up.

Sure enough, a soft moan came from Harry's arms, Ginny began to move,

and Harry suddenly showed a look of joy.

Ginny sat up from Harry's arms in confusion. She suddenly noticed

something and her face turned red. She immediately stood up from

Harry's arms and bumped Harry's chin. Harry felt that his eyes were filled

with tears. Tears came out, it hurt so much!

"Sorry, Harry, sorry." Ginny apologized quickly. Her eyes immediately fell

on Sharon and Dumbledore, and then she saw the huge corpse of the

basilisk and the one flying in the secret room. The big crimson bird -

Phoenix Fox.

Her pupils suddenly tightened, her body shivered involuntarily, and tears

immediately flowed down, wetting her clothes.

"Oh, Professor Dumbledore, Professor Frémont, Harry, I... I originally

wanted to muster up the courage to say it to the professor... But in front

of so many students in the common room, I... I I can't say it, I'm too

cowardly, I'm afraid of being expelled from Hogwarts!"

Chapter 51 Leaving the Secret


Ginny cried and said: "Professor - oh, Professor Dumbledore - these

things... these things were all done by me, but I swear, I didn't mean to. It

was Riddle - Tom Riddle - he He forced me to do it, he controlled me, I...I

couldn't resist...By the way, where is the diary? The diary is..."

"Miss Weasley, don't worry, Riddle's diary has been destroyed. We all

know that you are innocent." Xia Ran pointed to the diary in

Dumbledore's hand and comforted Ginny.

Dumbledore put the diary away and said: "You will not be expelled, Miss

Weasley." After a pause, he winked at Ginny kindly and smiled: "What a

pity. This is not the village of Hogsmeade, but the secret room that is

unknown many miles beneath Hogwarts, otherwise I can buy you a piece

of chocolate to replenish energy."

Ginny's nervousness finally seemed to ease.

"Okay, let's talk about something outside. I think Mr. and Mrs. Weasley

may have arrived at Hogwarts by now, and others may be very worried

about our safety," Dumbledore said.

Ginny was shocked again and stammered: "What? Father and mother...

they... how could they..."

"Professor McGonagall informed them. I think it would be better if your

parents stayed with you." Dumbledore said, looking at Phoenix and

saying, "Fox, please."

Harry and Ginny were confused.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "We are going to take the Fox Phoenix train."

"Haha, yes, Phoenix train." Dumbledore laughed, "Charran, you catch me,

Harry and Ginny will catch Charran, and Fox will take us out of the

secret room."

Fawkes flew to Dumbledore's side in a whoosh, with a pair of beautiful

wings fanning, his bright eyes looking particularly beautiful in the dark,

and the long golden feathers behind his tail swaying.

Dumbledore stuck the sword in his waist, and Charlotte grabbed the back

of Dumbledore's wizard robe. Then Harry and Ginny grabbed Charlotte

again. Finally, Dumbledore reached out and grabbed the phoenix Fawkes,

whose tail was surprisingly hot. feathers.

call out!

Xia Ran first felt a strange sense of relief quickly pass through his body,

and with a strange sound, all of them flew upwards along the water pipe.

Harry couldn't help but cry out. Even though Ginny kept crying, he

couldn't help but feel a long-lost relaxation at this time.

Xia Ran thoroughly enjoyed the joy of flying. The cold air blew past the

sides of his face. After a while, the journey was over. The four of them

landed on the damp floor of Weeping Myrtle's bathroom. Xia Ran was

steady. When he steadied himself, the pool covering the water pipe

automatically slid back to its original place, and the entrance to the

secret room was hidden again.

Myrtle floated in mid-air, staring at them with wide eyes.

"So you are all still alive." She said very disappointedly.

"I'm sorry." Xia Ran smiled and said.

"Oh, if you die... I have been thinking about which one of you should

agree to share this toilet with me." Myrtle said, she was so shy that her

cheeks turned silver-she is a ghost after all, and non-human.

"Thank you for your kindness, Myrtle, but we must leave at this time."

Dumbledore said politely, and the four of them left the bathroom and

walked towards the empty corridor outside.

The students stayed in the common room while the professors hung out

in groups outside the common room to protect the students from any


So under the leadership of Dumbledore and Phoenix Fox, several people

walked all the way to the outside of the principal's office on the eighth

floor without meeting any teachers or students of Hogwarts.

The stone monster jumped aside automatically when it saw Dumbledore,

and they vaguely heard crying coming from behind the spiral passage.

"Arthur and Molly have arrived." Dumbledore said, and the four of them

entered the principal's office.

There were several people in the office. Mrs. Weasley was crying against

her husband. The four Weasley brothers currently studying at Hogwarts:

Percy, Fred, George, and Ron all looked sad. Professor McGonagall also

had a serious look on her face.

Until Dumbledore and Phoenix entered the office first, startling a few

people and turning around to look. Dumbledore moved to sit behind his

desk, while Xia Ran also moved aside wisely, leaving Mrs. Weasley to

rush towards. Her daughter moved out of the way.

"Oh, Ginny!" Mrs. Weasley screamed, rushing over and hugging Ginny

tightly, followed closely by Mr. Weasley, and the couple reached out and

hugged their little girl.

Percy, Fred, George, and Ron were visibly relieved.

Professor McGonagall grabbed her chest with her hands and gasped for


At this time, Harry was also held in Mrs. Weasley's arms.

"You saved her, Harry, you saved her too!"

"No, I don't..." Harry said blushing with embarrassment. He actually did

not play any role in the battle in the Chamber of Secrets.

Xia Ran interrupted Harry and said, "No, Harry, your Parseltongue is

already the greatest help to us!"

This is true. If Harry hadn't provided the Parseltongue to open the

Chamber of Secrets, they might not even have been able to enter the

Chamber of Secrets until now.

"Xia Ran, thank you." Mr. Weasley shook hands with Xia Ran.

"Really, Dumbledore is the main force." Xia Ran said.

Mr. Weasley thanked Dumbledore again.

"By the way, Albus, what exactly did you experience in the Chamber of

Secrets?" Professor McGonagall asked a little weakly. She conjured a soft-

backed chair and sat down.

Xia Ran made a chair for himself to sit on. Although he couldn't deform

the too thick stone pillars in the secret room, his current level of

deformation was level 4 (medium), so he could easily use a chair. of.

Dumbledore had already put down Gryffindor's sword, smiled at

everyone and said, "Oh, it's a long story..."

He told how several people opened the Chamber of Secrets, how Harry

provided Parseltongue to open the Chamber of Secrets, how he

discovered Ginny, how he started a conversation with Riddle, and finally

relied on the sword that Harry pulled out to kill the Basilisk. Xia Ran and

Harry would add a few words from time to time.

"Riddle, Albus, you mean Riddle?" Professor McGonagall asked in


"Yes, Tom Riddle, the young Voldemort, and the attacks on Hogwarts in

the past few months were all caused by Tom manipulating Ginny."

Dumbledore said.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were suddenly startled and said: "Wha...what?


Even Professor McGonagall and the four Weasley brothers were shocked.

"Diary!" Dumbledore pointed to the diary with a hole on the table and

said, "This is a dark magic item made by Voldemort when he was young.

Tom kept it specially when he was still studying at Hogwarts. Leave the

diary down to lure the little wizard who comes later to open the secret


"But, Ginny... this is just a diary. How could Ginny be controlled by a

diary?" Mrs. Weasley asked in shock and confusion.

Chapter 52 Self-blame

"This is not an ordinary diary." Dumbledore said softly, "Voldemort, his

real name is Tom Riddle, studied at Hogwarts when he was young, and I

was his Transfiguration professor at the time. "

"You can almost say that Tom is, or one of, the most outstanding students

that Hogwarts has ever had."

Dumbledore raised his head as he spoke, moved his eyes away from

Riddle's diary, and faced the group of wizards in the office. The Weasleys

all looked very confused, while Professor McGonagall, Harry and Sharon

looked a little confused. a little better.

Xia Ran actually knew these deeds of Voldemort when he was young, but

he couldn't explain well how he discovered these things that not many

people knew about - after all, fifty years had passed - and few insiders

were willing to mention them - The wizard involved is, after all, the Dark

Lord Voldemort, and ninety-nine percent of the people in the wizarding

world are afraid of him.

The wizards related to Voldemort when he was young, let alone the dark

wizards, the white wizards always kept secret about it. Even if

Dumbledore personally intervened, it was often difficult to come up with

anything - Harry's sixth grade in the original time and space Professor

Slughorn in Potions class is one of the typical examples!

So Xia Ran pretended to be interested.

"Since Voldemort started the war, few people know that he was once

called Tom Riddle, and that he studied and graduated from Hogwarts and

served as a prefect and president of the Boys' Student Union. Yes,

Voldemort has always been so outstanding. "

Dumbledore said: "He disappeared not long after he left school. He

traveled around the world and traveled to all corners of the world. He

also got deeper and deeper into the quagmire of dark magic. He mixed

with the most evil wizards in the wizarding world and passed through

many times. An extremely dangerous magical transformation, and when

he finally reappeared as Voldemort, it was difficult for people to

recognize him."

"Almost no one connects Voldemort with the smart, handsome and

studious prefect and student body president who attended Hogwarts."

"But... Ginny..." Mrs. Weasley asked, "What is the relationship between

our Ginny and... Tang... You-Know-Who?"

"The diary, his diary!" Ginny sobbed. "I've been writing in it for months

and he always gets back to me."


Mr. Weasley was stunned and said, "Didn't I teach you that? What have I

told you all along? Never, ever trust anything that can think for itself

unless you see its head clearly. Hidden somewhere.”

"Why didn't you show your mother and me the diary? Such a suspicious

thing is obviously full of black magic!"

"I don't know!" Ginny cried sadly, "I found the diary in a book my mother

gave me. I thought someone had put it in the book and forgotten..."

"It doesn't matter." Xia Ran interjected, "I don't know how many adult

wizards have been resourceful and powerful in the past few decades, but

they were still deceived by Voldemort. Ginny finally figured out what she

was doing and took control of Voldemort. To resist, this is something that

many adult wizards cannot do. If the timing hadn't allowed, I would have

given Ginny extra points."

He comforted Ginny and the Weasleys.

Mr. Weasley still frowned, looking a little unacceptable.

"What Xia Ran said makes sense." Dumbledore nodded and said,

"Although Miss Weasley gave Voldemort an opportunity due to her

negligence, she still stubbornly resisted and resisted under Voldemort's

control. This is worthy of our applause, because there are very few adult

wizards who can do this. And it is also a painful ordeal for her, and the

school will not punish her."

Mrs. Weasley said with tears: "Thank you, Dumbledore." She looked at

Xia Ran again and continued: "Thank you too, Xia Ran."

"I am a professor at Hogwarts. It is my responsibility to protect the

students. Mrs. Weasley, there is no need for you to thank me." Xia Ran

said with a smile.


Percy Weasley suddenly slapped himself and blamed himself: "It's all my


Fred, George, Ron, and Harry all looked at Percy with shocked eyes.

Would he still blame himself? ?

Percy said, "I am Ginny's brother and a prefect of Gryffindor. I should

have discovered Ginny's abnormality long ago and reported it to the

professors, but in the end I never cared..."

"Oh, Percy!" Mrs. Weasley hugged Percy and burst into tears.

"It's not your fault, Percy," said George. "We were just tinkering with our

own gadgets and never really cared about Ginny."

"Percy, you have changed." Fred said sadly, then laughed and said, "But

you are better after you change!"

Ron said: "We were originally looking for the heir of Slytherin and kept

our eyes on Malfoy, but we neglected my sister who has changed

significantly from usual..."

"Ron, my responsibility is that I set my sights on Malfoy, otherwise we

would definitely have discovered Ginny's abnormality - well, Hermione,

she also has a very good relationship with Ginny - but I let Hermione was

distracted," Harry said.

"Children, there is no need to blame yourself." Mr. Weasley patted his

third son, Percy, on the shoulder, and Mrs. Weasley hugged each other

and cried. Although Harry is not a child of the Weasley family, Mrs.

Weasley is very fond of him. He is like a biological son.

Xia Ran, Dumbledore, and Professor McGonagall did not make a sound to

disturb the Weasley family and Harry. Xia Ran and Professor McGonagall

were smiling, and Dumbledore's eyes were slightly moist. He may have

thought of his youth. Family, at that time he was too young and energetic

and neglected his family.

After a while, Dumbledore coughed lightly, attracted everyone's attention

and asked: "Xia Ran, I'm very interested. How did you discover Miss

Weasley's anomaly? And Voldemort's Horcrux, Until I saw Riddle's diary

with my own eyes, even I couldn't imagine that Voldemort actually made

a Horcrux."

"Horcruxes?" Professor McGonagall exclaimed, "Albus, did Voldemort

really make Horcruxes?"

Looking at the diary on the table, Professor McGonagall said in an angry

tone: "Is this the Horcrux of Voldemort that Xia Ran mentioned before?"

It seems that Professor McGonagall has a certain understanding of

Horcruxes, but the Weasley family and Harry have little understanding,

and they all look very confused.

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded and said, "Riddle's diary is Voldemort's


"I think..." Xia Ran added, "It should be one of the Horcruxes!"

"One?! Oh my God!"

Professor McGonagall clutched her chest and gasped for air. Her face

looked both angry and filled with hatred!

Chapter 53 Horcrux

"What's wrong? Minerva." Mrs. Weasley asked in confusion. She didn't

understand why Professor McGonagall reacted so violently at this time.

Which Horcrux, what on earth is it?

Xia Ran answered on behalf of Professor McGonagall: "Horcruxes, one of

the most evil magics in history!"

In addition to understanding the concepts related to Horcruxes in his

previous life, after awakening his memory in this life, he read countless

books in order to prepare for the battle class and preach knowledge.

Among them, there were a few ancient book manuscripts that mentioned

the soul weapon. Coupled with his existing understanding of the Horcrux,

it can be said that almost no one in the wizarding world of Harry Potter

knows it better than him.

"A Horcrux is a very evil thing." Xia Ran said, "A Horcrux refers to an

object that contains part of a person's soul."

While he was speaking, the portraits of the old male and female

principals of Hogwarts hanging on the wall were all awake, listening

intently to Xia Ran's story. One of them, a fat wizard with a red nose,

even took out a hearing aid.

"An object that contains part of a soul?" Mr. Weasley said in confusion.

"A person's soul is complete when he is born, as long as it can be called a

life." Xia Ran said, "But if you split part of your soul through some special

method, and then hide it in your body, In an object outside, in this way,

even if your body is attacked or destroyed, you will not die because there

is still a part of your soul that remains undamaged in the world."

"Of course, existing in this form is very, very humble! Worse than a

ghost, worse than the humblest wandering soul!"

"What object? What does the Horcrux need as a carrier?" Fred suddenly


The Weasleys seemed to have just discovered that their children were

also in the office. They quickly interrupted Xia Ran and said: "You—

Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny—leave the principal immediately.

Office, take Ginny to the school hospital, your father and I will rush to

the school hospital afterwards."

"Oh no!" cried Fred.

"Mom, we want to hear the professor talk about Horcruxes," George said.

"No!" Mrs. Weasley said seriously, "You also heard that Xia Ran said that

this is the most evil black magic, so this is not something wizards of your

age should understand."

"Dad..." The Weasley children looked at Arthur Weasley, hoping that their

father would agree to them staying in the office to listen to Xia Ran's


Ginny stopped crying at this time, and most of her attention was

attracted by Xia Ran's story. She urgently wanted to know what had been

confusing and controlling her in the past six months.

What are Horcruxes and how should they be dealt with?

"Arthur, no." Mrs. Weasley shook her head seriously at Arthur.

"Professor Frémont..." They began to turn their pleas to Xia Ran.

Xia Ran was in a dilemma. Although he felt that knowing about the

Horcrux was nothing, judging from the original time and space

trajectories, these people present were not the kind of wizards who could

not withstand the temptation due to the powerful power and terrifying

effects of black magic. , but their parents are present, so there is no need

for Xia Ran to play this educational role.

Ron suddenly looked at Harry expectantly and said, "By the way, Harry,

you will definitely tell me, right?"

"I don't think Harry is old enough to understand Horcruxes," Professor

McGonagall interjected. Apparently she thought Harry should leave the

office and go to the school hospital with the Weasley children.

Ron shut his mouth immediately. It seemed that he had also implicated


Dumbledore thought carefully for a while and said: "You are indeed too

young. It will not be too late to know this knowledge after you graduate."

His words were the final word.

Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Harry could only leave the principal's

office with Ginny dejectedly and rushed to the school hospital.

"Miss Weasley can rest in bed, and maybe drink a glass of steaming

chocolate milk." Dumbledore said kindly.

When he heard the sound of the stone monster jumping away and then

returning to its original position, Dumbledore smiled again and said: "Xia

Ran, keep going."

"The most critical step in making a Horcrux is to split the soul!" Xia Ran

said slowly, "It is the law of nature to keep the soul intact, and to violate

this law, you must go through very evil behavior."

"What evil deed?"

"Kill! Killing will split the soul, and if you want to make a Horcrux, you

must take advantage of this destruction to seal the split soul!"

Xia Ran paused for a moment and continued: "There is a spell, but I didn't

find any relevant records in the book. Maybe Voldemort knew this spell

from somewhere."

"I think he should have known that spell when he was studying at

Hogwarts." Dumbledore said, "For example, this diary is the container, or

carrier, that Voldemort used to seal his soul fragments when he was

young. Knowing the spell, he cannot make this diary as a Horcrux."

"It would be best if that spell was lost," Professor McGonagall said.

"That's natural, Professor McGonagall." Mr. Weasley nodded.

Dumbledore asked: "Why do you think Voldemort has more than one

Horcrux? Xia Ran."

Xia Ran immediately smiled and replied: "Voldemort is a person who is

afraid of death - almost all of us are afraid of death, there is nothing to

say - but if he really only has one Horcrux, I don't think he will If your

Horcrux diary is thrown around randomly, it will definitely be protected

with the strictest and most powerful magic. Not to mention Ginny, a little

witch who has just entered school, even us adult wizards cannot break

the protection attached to it. As for the sex curse, perhaps only

Dumbledore can powerfully break the outer protection curse."

"So, Voldemort definitely has more than one Horcrux. As for the specific

number of Horcruxes he made, this is unknown."

Xia Ran knew that Voldemort had made seven Horcruxes, but there was

no need to say this. It could be inferred that Voldemort owned multiple

Horcruxes, but the specific number of Horcruxes that Voldemort owned

could not be determined by speculation alone. It was better to wait for

Deng Bledo goes to find Professor Slughorn to confirm.

The portraits of the old principals on the wall made sounds of shock and

indignation. As the past principals of Hogwarts, they knew how to make

Horcruxes, and they knew even more how much killing would be

required to produce multiple Horcruxes.

Dumbledore was thoughtful, while Professor McGonagall suddenly said:

"No wonder Voldemort, who was supposed to be wiped out after he

attacked Lily and James more than ten years ago, is still alive today."

She had heard Dumbledore mention that Voldemort was wandering

around in the Albanian forests, where he was more alive than dead.

"Who invented the extremely evil black magic of Horcruxes?" Mrs.

Weasley said in disgust.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Who knows? There are definitely many wizards

like Voldemort in the history of the magical world for thousands of years,

but they may not be as powerful as Voldemort."

Chapter 54 Reminder

"Okay, that's enough about the Horcruxes for the time being."

Dumbledore said, "Minerva, you know, I think these things are worthy of

a banquet to celebrate. Can I ask you to inform the kitchen? Woolen


"Okay." Professor McGonagall stood up and left the principal's office

neatly. The house-elf kitchen is located on the basement floor of


"It's time for us to go, Dumbledore." Mr. and Mrs. Weasley said, also

starting to walk towards the door.

Dumbledore said: "Arthur, Molly, if you are willing, I hope you will also

attend this banquet."

"Okay, thank you then, Dumbledore, we will definitely stay and

participate, just in time to see Ginny and Hermione again."

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley rushed to the school hospital to check on Ginny

and see how Hermione was doing, although she was still in a petrified


In the end, only Charan and Dumbledore were left in the office.

"Xia Ran, I am so lucky to have a combat class this year, and you have

become the professor of the combat class." Dumbledore looked at Xia Ran

and said with a smile.

Xia Ran said politely: "It's also my honor, Dumbledore."

"Let's go together and notify the four colleges that the alarm has been

lifted. Today is a day worthy of celebration." Dumbledore said happily,

got up and walked around his desk, walking along the passage to the

door first.

Xia Ran reluctantly glanced at the Gryffindor sword hanging on the wall,

sighed softly, and followed Dumbledore's footsteps.

"Horcrux, that is a very evil thing." Dumbledore suddenly said while

walking, "Xia Ran, you just said that Horcrux is one of the most evil black

magic in history! It's hard to say Voldemort finally reached this point, is

there any negative impact of Horcruxes?"

He declared the evil of Horcruxes in a casual tone, seeming to remind Xia


"I think there are many more beautiful things in the world than

immortality, Xia Ran, such as love, friendship, and family affection."

Dumbledore said softly.

Xia Ran knew the deep meaning of Dumbledore's words, because he

knew too much about Horcruxes, and Dumbledore was worried that he

would embark on the evil path of making Horcruxes, just like Tom Riddle

once did.

Making a Horcrux itself requires killing. Unprovoked killing will

completely change a person's mind, causing him to continue to tilt and

slide in the dark abyss, until he reaches the darkest place where no

sunlight can be seen.

Dumbledore didn't want another student of his - Voldemort was once

Dumbledore's student, and when Xia Ran was studying at Hogwarts,

Dumbledore had already served as the principal, but Xia Ran was still

Dumbledore's student - — embarked on this evil and dark path.

"Don't worry, Dumbledore." Xia Ran smiled and said, "Horcruxes are not

what I hope for. Splitting the soul has never been my choice. I personally

think it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the soul."

Horcruxes need to be made by splitting the soul, and hiding part of the

soul fragments in a certain object or container. As Xia Ran himself said,

what he admires is the integrity of the soul. He traveled to Harry Potter's

The reason why he can successfully travel to this world is because he has

a complete soul. Not to mention other factors, if his soul is incomplete,

can the time travel be successful?

Xia Ran believes that the answer must be no, so even if he desires

immortality to a certain extent, he will never achieve it through


"I was worried too much, Xia Ran. Please forgive an old man for being

too talkative." Dumbledore said apologetically. Regarding the Horcrux,

he knew Xia Ran's views and attitude. His previous worries were just

unfounded worries. .

"Nothing." Xia Ran smiled softly and replied.

"Professor Dumbledore, Professor Frémont!" Hagrid's rough voice

suddenly rang out, and two wizards walked hand in hand at the corner.

One of them was tall and tall, and he was the gamekeeper Rubeus

Hagrid; the other was Looking extremely small, he is Professor Flitwick of

Hogwarts' Charms class.

Working in pairs, they patrol Hogwarts Castle and protect the students in

each house.

Professor Flitwick saw Ciaran chatting and laughing with Dumbledore,

without any nervousness or solemn expression at all, and immediately

asked excitedly: "Dumbledore, has the basilisk been solved?"

Dumbledore nodded happily and smiled: "Filius, you are still as sharp as

ever. Yes, the Chamber of Secrets has been solved, the Basilisk has been

killed, and Miss Weasley has also been rescued. We only need to wait a

few more months. After Professor Sprout's mandrake matures, those

students who are unfortunately petrified and living in the campus

hospital can return to their dormitories."

"Great!" Professor Flitwick jumped up suddenly, showing his extremely

excited mood.

"Hagrid, your grievances have also been cleared. I will write to the

Ministry of Magic later to explain this Chamber of Secrets incident and

clarify that when the Chamber of Secrets was first opened fifty years ago,

the identity of your so-called murderer was innocent. Yes." Dumbledore

looked at Hagrid again and said with a smile.

Fifty years ago, when Voldemort was a student at Hogwarts, he opened

the Chamber of Secrets and caused Myrtle's death. At that time, Riddle

slandered Hagrid as the culprit for opening the Chamber of Secrets.

Although Dumbledore protected him, Hagrid was Still expelled from

Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic destroyed Hagrid's wand and prohibited

Hagrid from using it again.

Now the blame for all this can be removed. Hagrid no longer has to use a

big umbrella to hide his wand and use magic secretly. He can learn and

use magic openly.

"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore, thank you, Professor Frémont."

Hagrid cried with joy and sobbed loudly.

Professor Flitwick patted Hagrid's thigh - he was too short compared to

Hagrid and could only pat Hagrid's thigh - as a sign of comfort.

"Today we are going to hold a grand banquet to celebrate the solution of

the Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk. Filius, please inform the

Ravenclaw students; Hagrid, please inform Gryffindor. student; Xia Ran, I

will leave Hufflepuff to you. I will go to Slytherin House. I hope Professor

Snape will not blame me for going to his house without permission."

Dumbledore blinked and smiled. road.

Several people went to their respective directions at the next staircase.

Xia Ran was very familiar with the location of the Hufflepuff common

room. After all, he graduated from Hufflepuff and was next to the

Hufflepuff common room. It was the house elf kitchen, and he happened

to meet Professor McGonagall coming out of the kitchen.

"Has Hagrid gone to inform Gryffindor?"

Professor McGonagall then followed Xia Ran into the Hufflepuff common

room, and announced to the confused Hufflepuff students the biggest

good news today - and even the time limit can be relaxed to this year -

the Chamber of Secrets and Snakes The monsters have been solved,

Ginny Weasley has been rescued, and the petrified students can also

recover in a few months!

The Hufflepuff students suddenly cheered loudly, and their book hats

were flying in the sky. Even Professor McGonagall, who was always

serious, did not stop her at this time, because she also had the urge to

take off her hat and cheer.

Chapter 55 Banquet

Not long after, students from the four colleges and the entire school staff

gathered in the auditorium. Hundreds of students gathered together. Just

like the Halloween banquet more than a month ago, people were full of

joy and excitement. , noisy, talking loudly to each other, as if they had

never been so happy.

The professors will no longer pay attention to discipline today. They are

also talking happily, loudly praising Dumbledore's strength, Xia Ran's

bravery, and Harry's bravery!

Yes, people all know that the reason why the Chamber of Secrets incident

was solved mainly lies with Dumbledore, Xia Ran and Harry.

"Professor Frémont, I really belong to you!" The other professors gave Xia

Ran a thumbs up, then raised their wine glasses high, shouted and drank

them all in one gulp.

"For Hogwarts!"

Xia Ran sat relaxedly on the chair. The Chamber of Secrets incident was

over and she could rest in peace for more than a year. When Harry was

in third grade, Sirius Black was only known to a very small number of

wizards who were innocent, and among them was the White Wizard. On

one side - at least Xia Ran definitely doesn't agree with the dark wizard's

theory - there is only Xia Ran.

So during the Prisoner of Azkaban escape in the next school year, Sirius

wandered around Hogwarts, knowing that it would not cause any harm

to anyone else. Sirius' target was Peter Pettigrew, who is now Ron's

Mouse spotted.

As for getting rid of Peter Pettigrew, he has no such idea for the time

being. If he wants to clear Sirius's blame, Peter Pettigrew must be alive.

He doesn't want to alert the snake yet.

Peter Pettigrew led to Voldemort's rebirth, which is just a historical

process. Unless the Horcrux is destroyed, Voldemort is immortal. From a

certain point of view, his return is inevitable and will not be shaken by

anything external. But it's just a matter of time, that's all.

Because Harry is also Voldemort's Horcrux, unless Voldemort himself

removes the soul fragments from Harry's body, he cannot be completely

killed, which means that Voldemort will always be resurrected.

"Can Sirius still escape from prison successfully this time?" Xia Ran

thought to herself as she took a sip of wine.

In the original time and space, because the Weasley family won the

lottery and were published in the "Daily Prophet", they happened to be

seen by Sirius in Azkaban Prison. He immediately recognized Peter

Pettigrew because of his unforgettable hatred. Only then did he wake up

from his trance, and was able to transform into an Animagus, avoid the

dementors' search in the form of a big black dog, and finally successfully

escape from prison!

But we have to wait for another semester, because now is the end of the

first semester of Harry's second year, and the next semester has not yet


Harry and the Weasley family all left the school hospital and came to the

Great Hall. Only Ginny was hospitalized at the request of Madam


"I bet Ginny will be okay," said George.

"She could have attended this grand party." Fred said in a tone that felt

sorry for Ginny.

Mrs. Weasley said: "No, Ginny must obey Madam Pomfrey's order and

continue to stay in the hospital. You two..." She glared at Fred and

George and continued: "Don't even think about taking it secretly. Ginny

leaves the hospital!"

Fred and George looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and

concentrated on the rich food on the table.

"It's been a long time since we had a banquet in the Great Hall." Mr.

Weasley said with emotion. "Since I graduated, I have never been back to

Hogwarts. I have not experienced this kind of banquet with hundreds of

people in many years." That’s it.”

At this time Dumbledore stood up, and the teachers and students slowly

stopped talking loudly, and all looked at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore coughed lightly, tapped his throat, and recited the spell

"with a loud voice".

"Today is a day worth celebrating! The Chamber of Secrets and the

Basilisk have all been solved, and Miss Weasley is also safe and sound.

Those students who were unfortunately petrified will be the same in a

few months when the mandrake matures. It will be restored to its

original state and return to you again.”

The crowd suddenly cheered loudly and thunderously.

Dumbledore was smiling. He waited for the crowd's cheers to stop before

continuing: "Here, I have a few more words to say."

"First of all, because of Mr. Harry Potter's bravery and fearlessness, and

his crucial role in the Chamber of Secrets - his Parseltongue - I decided to

give Gryffindor two hundred points!"

Deafening cheers suddenly erupted from the long Gryffindor table, and

everyone was delighted that the house's score had suddenly increased


Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, who are also Gryffindor graduates, also clapped

their hands.

Many students rushed to shake Harry's hand, and Harry felt that his

hands were almost numb.

Xia Ran secretly laughed in his heart. Dumbledore always spared no

effort in cultivating Harry because he believed that Harry was the key to

solving Voldemort - this perception was correct - but Harry deserved this

kind of reward and cheers. , because of his Parseltongue, he really helped

a lot in the secret room incident.

"I have also made great efforts. Maybe it's time to ask Dumbledore for a

monetary reward." Xia Ran secretly thought, what points can he add as a

professor? It was he who gave extra points to the students of the four


However, he has little need for money. The inheritance left by his

parents, his savings from working at the Ministry of Magic, and his

current salary as a teacher at Hogwarts are all enough for him to last a

lifetime. He actually doesn't care about financial rewards. .

"Books about magic..." Xia Ran quickly determined his choice. He decided

to find a time to talk to Dumbledore, believing that Dumbledore would

not refuse his request.

Hogwarts has thousands of years of history, and the collection of various

magical books is absolutely beyond imagination. The library is only a

part of it. After all, we cannot leave too advanced and dark magical

knowledge in the library. Most of those books are by The contemporary

principal keeps it in person.

"The canceled Quidditch competition will resume in the next semester.

The Quidditch teams of each college must seize the time to start training.

Our Ms. Hooch will serve as the referee as always." Dumbledore

announced again thing.

Mrs. Huo Qi at the staff table nodded slightly. She was also a flying class

professor, but flying classes were only offered to first-year students.

There were noisy discussions at the same time on the square table.

Quidditch is a sport that countless people in the wizarding world love

passionately. For example, Professor McGonagall is a loyal fan of

Quidditch, but Xia Ran has relatively little interest in it. .

"We will also continue to carry out teaching tasks. We hope that everyone

will achieve satisfactory results after the end of the school year. The few

students who were unfortunately petrified will not need to take the

exams at the end of the school year." Dumbledore continued to announce.

This time, the entire auditorium was wailing.

Chapter 56 Dobby

After the celebration banquet, Hogwarts resumed normal classes. From

Monday to Friday, classes started according to the original schedule to

teach students relevant subject knowledge. Because it was Christmas and

New Year soon, Ms. Huo Qi did not No Quidditch match was scheduled.

The Weasleys returned to the Burrow through the Floo Network on the

night of the banquet. Ginny was fine. She just needed to stay in bed for a

while and adjust her mental state. The Weasleys also gave a few

instructions before leaving. Boys have to take good care of their youngest


The Christmas stay-at-school list is almost full, and almost all students

want to stay at school to celebrate, rather than going home for Christmas

at this time.

"Oh, that's it. Originally we were planning to go home, but this kind of

banquet... isn't it? It's very pleasant, and Ginny is still in the school

hospital," Ron said.

Harry felt that this was the best Christmas he had ever spent. The only

drawback was that Hermione and the others were still in their petrified

state, but when the mandrakes matured and the end-of-school-year

banquet was held, Hermione and the others would definitely become

petrified. Has recovered.

Professor Sprout is fully responsible for the cultivation of mandrake. He

is afraid that the little wizards may accidentally cause problems with the


The Great Hall of Hogwarts was decorated with lights and colors.

Professors Hagrid and Flitwick were responsible for the decoration of the

entire Great Hall. All kinds of beautiful things decorated the Great Hall.

Xia Ran felt that the two of them were very enthusiastic and creative in

this regard, and gave them a thumbs up during the meal to express their


After the lively banquet in the Great Hall, Harry, Ron, and Neville

returned to the Gryffindor common room. It was already late, and they

were very full, so they returned to their dormitories to prepare for bed.

Harry lay down on his bed. The warm quilt gave him a completely

different feeling from the previous period. Harry buried his head under

the quilt and smiled lowly.


Suddenly there was a violent explosion in the dormitory, and Harry

heard the movement of Ron, Neville, Seamus, and Dean turning over on

their beds. As a result, another familiar voice whispered: "Fainted!

Fainted! Fainted!"

Immediately, all four roommates fell onto the bed unconsciously.

"Dobby!" Harry recognized the house elf's voice and immediately stood

up and said loudly, "What are you doing here? What did you do to


The house elf stared at Harry with two big tennis-ball eyes and looked at

Harry in the dark. He hurriedly explained: "Harry Potter, sir, I just cast a

coma spell on your friends. They will be gone tomorrow morning."

Everyone will wake up safely without any side effects."

"Why did you come directly to my dormitory?" Harry asked again.

Fortunately, he was not Hermione, otherwise he would have asked why

the house elves could apparate and apparate in Hogwarts. Hogwarts It is

full of various protective spells, the anti-Apparition spell and the anti-

Apparition spell are obviously one of them.

However, the magic of house elves is different from that of wizards, so

this situation is not surprising.

"I have come to apologize to Harry Potter," Dobby the house elf said


"Apologise? Are you talking about what happened during the summer

vacation?" Harry got angry when he mentioned what happened during

the summer vacation.

When he was still staying at the Dursley's during the summer vacation,

Dobby visited him. Because Dobby used magic at the Dursley's and there

were no registered wizards around, the Ministry of Magic recorded that

spell in Harry's memory. On his head, he mistakenly thought that he was

using magic without authorization, violating the "Restraint of Minor

Wizards Act", and received a warning letter from the Department of

Magical Law Enforcement.

Even though several months had passed since this incident, Harry was

still filled with anger when he thought about it.

"Don't think I will forgive you!" Harry said coldly.

"I know, Harry Potter." said the house elf, "Sir, I cannot ask for your

forgiveness, but I hope to express my apology to Harry Potter myself."

Harry snorted from his nose.

Dobby whispered: "Sir, I tried my best to prevent you from coming to

Hogwarts, but you didn't catch the train..."

"Wait! How do you know I didn't catch the train?" Harry said, looking at

the house elf suspiciously.

Dobby's lips trembled, which seemed to confirm Harry's suspicion.

"You did it! Damn it, was that wall your work?"

"Yes, sir." Dobby nodded desperately and flapped his big ears. "Dobby hid

nearby, waiting for Harry Potter to pass by, and then sealed the passage.

Dobby had to use an iron to burn himself afterwards. hand, but Dobby

doesn't care, Dobby just wants Harry Potter to be safe."

"Safe?" Harry sneered, "You almost got me and Ron expelled from


"Dobby was really shocked when he heard his master say that Harry

Potter had come to Hogwarts. Dobby burned his master's dinner and was

whipped! That was something Dobby had never experienced before." The

big ugly head kept swinging.

Harry leaned against the wall and stared at the house elf in the room. He

knew that he would not be a match for this house elf.

"If I were of Professor Frémont's level, I would definitely give you a

severe lesson and beat you to pieces!"

Dobby immediately smiled faintly and said: "Dobby is used to death

threats. Sir, Dobby must hear threats like yours at least five times a day!"

His calm smile, coupled with the dirty pillowcase he was wearing, and

the words he spoke, made him look pitiful yet extremely strong. Harry

didn't know why, but the anger in his heart disappeared in an instant.

Anyway, the final outcome It's all good, isn't it?

"Why are you wearing that thing?" Harry pointed to the dirty pillowcase

on Dobby's body, which seemed to be Dobby's clothes.

Harry felt that Dobby's experience at the Malfoy's was worse than what

he had experienced at the Dursley's, and he was suddenly filled with

sympathy for Dobby.

"Is this, sir?" Dobby said, pulling on the pillowcase and saying, "This

symbolizes the slave status of the house elf. Sir, Dobby can only be free

when his master gives him clothes to wear! So! The people at home are

careful not to give Dobby even a pair of socks, sir, because then Dobby

would be free and leave their house forever."

"Dobby made a lot of preparations. He even enchanted the Bludger before

that Quidditch match, but it still happened. Fortunately, Harry Potter was

fine. It was a blessing among misfortunes."

"That thing?" Harry ignored what Dobby said about the Bludger curse in

the Quidditch match. After all, he had never really started that Quidditch

match and had little experience, but what Dobby said was thing...

"Dobby told you, sir, during the summer vacation." Dobby widened his

eyes and said, "That person who must not even be named will create fear

again in Hogwarts, and terrible things will happen one after another.

Happened! But Harry Potter is worthy of being You-Know-Who’s nemesis,

and once again foiled You-Know-Who’s conspiracy!”

Chapter 57 The mastermind

behind the scenes

"Mysterious man... do you know Voldemort? Do you also know the

Chamber of Secrets?" Harry asked curiously, because it was still summer

vacation when Dobby reminded him, and the first basilisk attack had not

happened yet.

When Harry said the words "Voldemort", Dobby shuddered, with a look

of fear on his face.

"Are your house elves also afraid of Voldemort?" Harry became

increasingly curious.

Dobby trembled: "Mysterious Man... Dobby must never forget the

situation when the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was at his most

powerful! Sir, you don't know what the Mysterious Man did to us

humble, enslaved people. What does it mean to be little people, people

treat us house elves like vermin!”

"Of course, they still treat Dobby that way, sir." Dobby admitted. House

elves are an ancient and noble status symbol for many ancient pure-blood

wizarding families, but They often ignore house elves and even beat and

scold them arbitrarily. House elves are not even as good as the humblest


"The Malfoys are indeed dark wizards!" Harry said with disgust.

Dobby seemed to want to agree, but he immediately knelt heavily on the

ground and banged the ground with his big ugly head.

Harry was startled and shouted quickly: "Stop! Dobby, stop, you will

wake up the others!"

Dobby lay on the ground, gasping for air. He said: "Dobby wants to speak

ill of his master. This is not allowed. Sir, Dobby must punish himself. This

is the rule of the house elf."

"You shouldn't punish yourself like this, Dobby, the Malfoys are evil

wizards to begin with," Harry said.

Dobby sobbed hard again, making Harry confused. The elf said: "Harry

Potter is always as kind as ever, and greater than Dobby ever knew!"

Harry smiled sheepishly.

"Dobby did not tell lies, sir, everything Dobby said is true." Dobby said

with wide eyes, "Sir, since you defeated the mysterious man, the situation

of the house elves has changed greatly. Improvement - although Dobby

still wasn't better off - but life for the rest of us had improved for the

most part. Harry Potter survived, the Dark Lord's reign was ended, and

this was a new For those of us who thought the dark days would never

end, Harry Potter was a beacon of hope, like the sun shining through the

darkness, sir."

Although Harry knew that he was famous in the wizarding world, he

never thought that even the house elves would admire him. Especially

when Dobby said these words in front of him, he felt very embarrassed.

"By the way, Dobby, how did you know about the Chamber of Secrets?"

Harry asked.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened before, sir, and you should

know that by now," said Dobby.

Harry was a little embarrassed, he had indeed forgotten this matter, but

he immediately remembered that Dobby reminded him that it was far

back during the summer vacation.

"How did you know there was going to be an attack on Hogwarts this


"That diary... sir, the diary... is... the master... ah, bad Dobby, very bad,

very bad Dobby!" Dobby said a few words intermittently with difficulty,

and then started again. Punishing himself, Harry had to speak to stop

Dobby's self-punishing behavior.

"You mean, Dobby, the diary belongs to Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy?" Harry

still heard who the instigator was from Dobby's words.

Dobby yelled, about to punish himself again.

"Stop! Dobby, stop!" Harry hurriedly stopped Dobby and stopped asking

Dobby about the diary, because he had already guessed the truth.

Riddle's diary must be Lu Xiu's. Malfoy's masterpiece!

"Ah, yes!"

Then Harry remembered again. Ginny said that she found the diary

among the pages of a book, and when they were buying books at Flourish

and Blotts Bookstore in Diagon Alley before the start of school, Mr.

Weasley and Lucius... Malfoy had a fight, and it was definitely at that

time that Lucius Malfoy took advantage of the chaos and stuffed the diary

into Ginny's old book.

He felt that he had everything figured out. From a certain perspective,

they did not suspect any mistakes. Draco Malfoy's father, Lucius Malfoy,

was also one of the culprits of the basilisk attack in the Chamber of

Secrets. one!

"Dobby, thank you!" Harry said to Dobby sincerely. In any case, Dobby's

starting point was good, but the method he used was too radical and he

did not discuss it with him, but he still felt that Dobby should ask Dobby

for help. Than thank you.

Dobby's big eyes suddenly widened, his two big ears fanned out, and his

ugly face seemed to blush with joy. No wizard or anyone had ever

thanked him in his life!

"It would be an honor for Dobby to serve Harry Potter, sir," Dobby

whispered happily.

Harry rummaged around on the bed and found only one uneaten milk-

flavored candy. He said with some embarrassment, "Dobby, this is the

only candy left. I have eaten all the other candies."

He hurriedly wrapped the candy in a nice paper towel and said: "This is

my Christmas gift. I hope you like it." After a slight pause, he continued:

"I will give you a big gift next Christmas. The humble gifts that make up

for this year.”

Dobby took the candy with trembling hands, and said with tears in his

eyes: "Dobby has never had a Christmas present, sir, never, and no one

has ever said thank you to Dobby. Sir, you are the greatest wizard in the

wizarding world." , far greater than Dobi imagined!”

He carefully placed the candy in the small pocket of his pillowcase and

collected it carefully.

Harry felt that he had heard Dobby's praise so much that he was almost

immune and no longer felt embarrassed.

"Dobby should go, sir, Dobby will prepare a Christmas present for Harry

Potter." Dobby said, snapping his fingers, and with a snap, the house elf

disappeared from Harry's dormitory.

Harry had to swallow the "No thanks" before he could say it.

When Harry lay down on the bed again, he felt that he had to talk to the

headmaster after Christmas. Regarding Dobby and the Malfoy family,

Riddle's diary must be related to Lucius Malfoy. relationship.

Harry had a good dream that night.


"Well, in the past few days, I went to borrow some ancient magic books

from Dumbledore. I have read all of them, and some of them have been

read many times." Xia Ran closed a book. Although it was late at night,

But he was still reading and had not yet fallen asleep.

He turned to look out the window. Heavy snow was falling, and as soon

as the chill drifted in, it was driven away by the flames in the fireplace.

Xia Ran feels that in addition to relying on Force points to improve her

strength, her daily unremitting study is also crucial, especially in related

knowledge such as spells and transformation. The level of magic power is

limited by this physical talent. , but it is extremely difficult to make

progress, and you must rely more on Force points.

As for Gryffindor's sword and the Sorting Hat, he didn't have the chance

to draw Force points. What is known now is Slytherin's ring in Gaunt's

old house, and the Three Hallows of Death inlaid on the ring. One of the

resurrection stones.

But that was something he had scheduled for the summer vacation. Going

to Gunter's old house would take him a lot of time. A short vacation was

obviously not enough time, and a long summer vacation was the stage

where he had enough time.

Chapter 58 Argument

Christmas and New Year are a short holiday at Hogwarts. Due to the

resolution of the Chamber of Secrets incident, most of the teachers and

students stayed in school. In the dead of winter, heavy snow fell, and the

snow on the ground was almost several feet deep. It may have reached

directly to the knees, but this did not affect the students' enthusiasm for

playing in the snow. During the day, countless students were having

snowball fights and having fun on the playground.

They used wands, and compared to the snowball fights in the Muggle

world, they were a bit more ferocious. The Weasley twins, in particular,

came up with many prank gadgets, which caused people to be carried to

the school hospital from time to time. Mrs. Frey was furious about this

and scolded the Weasley brothers severely, but she still treated the sick

students well.

Most of the teachers in the school love their work, and their attitude

towards students may be strict or kind, but they all just like the students.

Xia Ran had breakfast in her office and sat for a while. There was no

need to visit Dumbledore too early to borrow books.

"Dumbledore shouldn't refuse my small request!" Xia Ran thought with


He rested for a while, then closed the door and went straight to the

eighth floor. Along the way, he met many playful students. After the

Weasley brothers left the school hospital, they caused mischief in the

corridor again, causing Filch was furious.

"It's those two brats again! Where did they get these little things?" Filch,

the administrator of Hogwarts, said to himself inexplicably while wiping

the black spots on the ground with a mop and broom.

The Weasley brothers were snickering in the corridor nearby. When they

saw Xia Ran walking up, they immediately raised their index fingers to

their lips and made a gesture of request, hoping that Xia Ran would not

tell them where they were hiding.

When Xia Ran passed by the two brothers, she said, "Be careful and don't

go too far."

As the administrator of Hogwarts, Filch has a very bad personality and is

annoying. Although he is very annoying to the students, even the

professors don't like this colleague very much - he can barely be regarded

as a colleague - but he got it after all. People recognized by Dumbledore

have also worked at Hogwarts for many years. Filch was the

administrator of Hogwarts when Xia Ran was studying. The Weasley

brothers still have to pay attention to some influences and not be too


The two brothers nodded repeatedly, indicating that they knew what was

going on.

Xia Ran went up to the sixth floor. Suddenly, a man came down from the

stairs in front of him. He was dressed in a gorgeous wizard robe and

looked very handsome. He was Lockhart, the professor of Defense Against

the Dark Arts.

I don't know what happened to him, but his face, which was always filled

with a bright smile, looked a little gloomy at the moment.

Although Xia Ran was a little curious, seeing Lockhart's gloomy face, he

didn't bother to blame him.

The two passed each other.

"Professor Frémont, wait a minute!" Lockhart's voice suddenly came from

the corridor.

Xia Ran turned around and looked doubtfully.

"Are you going to see Dumbledore?" Lockhart asked.

Xia Ran nodded, thinking to herself, is it because you suffered a loss from

Dumbledore that you look so gloomy?

"Ha, I advise you not to go there at this time." Lockhart said, pretending

not to care, "Mr. Potter went to the principal's office, and Lucius Malfoy

also went there later, and I was kicked out. , but who cares?”

Lockhart raised his blond head arrogantly, started talking, and said in

one breath: "We are professors at Hogwarts, not Dumbledore's

subordinates, right? He has no right to order us!"

"It's just that he is an old man over a hundred years old, and I don't want

to meet him in the same way!"

Lockhart said, waving his arms vigorously as if Dumbledore were

standing before him.

It turns out that Lockhart really was rejected by Dumbledore!

Xia Ran secretly smiled, but immediately became confused. There could

be many explanations for Harry going to the principal's office, but why

did Lucius Malfoy come to Hogwarts?

Now that the development of things is different from the original time

and space, will there still be a scene where Lucius Malfoy confronts

Dumbledore and intends to expel him from school?

The Chamber of Secrets incident was quickly resolved, and there was no

real death. Where did Lucius Malfoy get the confidence to expel


Xia Ran was confused.

"Professor Frémont, do you think Dumbledore is too overbearing? As a

recipient of the third-level Order of Merlin, I personally went to find him,

but he just drove me away?" Lockhart snorted. Said, "I, Gilderoy


He began to brag about himself again, and pestered Xia Ran, insisting

that he tell him his past glorious deeds, so that Xia Ran must understand

that Lockhart is not an ordinary wizard, but a very powerful wizard. Just

a little bit behind Dumbledore.

Lockhart marked a very small distance with his index finger and thumb.

Xia Ran was dumbfounded. He knew the truth about the so-called

adventures in Lockhart's books. They were all the experiences of other

powerful wizards and had nothing to do with Lockhart. He didn't want to

hear it, but Lockhart seemed to be unable to see him. The hints were the

same, but in the end he ignored all his explicit instructions, leaving Xia

Ran quite speechless.

As a Hogwarts professor, even if Lockhart is a big liar, he can't use the

wand directly. If he is outside the school, he might secretly cast a spell on

Lockhart, such as a coma spell, but the school Forget it internally.

While Xia Ran was trying her best to get rid of Lockhart, there was also a

loud argument in the principal's office on the eighth floor.

"Diary? You said this diary belongs to me? Dumbledore, do you listen to

this kid's nonsense?" A arrogant voice said sarcastically.

Dumbledore sat behind his desk, staring at Lucius Malfoy through the

lenses with his blue eyes, and said softly: "I believe Harry, Lucius, I

believe him."

"That's him, Professor!" Harry pointed at Lucius Malfoy angrily and said,

"Riddle's diary belongs to Lucius!"

"Ha, what a joke, we don't even bother to use this kind of diary." Lucius

Malfoy stared at Harry with cold eyes. He was still a little guilty and

timid when facing Dumbledore's gaze. Harry could see this. Come at one


Dobby, the house elf, hunched over and stood cautiously in a corner next

to Lucius Malfoy, with a look of despair and helplessness on his face.

After seeing it, Harry became more and more determined to defeat Lucius

Malfoy, also to save Dobby from the fire.

It turns out that Harry learned the origin of the diary from Dobby.

Although the Chamber of Secrets incident was led by Tom Riddle, Lucius

Malfoy, who maliciously gave Ginny the diary, was also to blame. He

needed to take some responsibility for this vicious secret room incident,

so after he informed Dumbledore of the relevant information, this debate

only took place today.

I went to the hospital. I don’t know if there is a second chapter. If not, I

will make up for the third chapter tomorrow.

Chapter 59 Lucius Malfoy (make

up for the chapter owed


That diary was indeed stuffed into Ginny's old books when Lucius Malfoy

was in Diagon Alley during the summer. Firstly, it was to frame the

Weasley family, and secondly, if it could further attack Deng Bullido,

that's the best.

When he heard about the attack by the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets

at Malfoy Manor, Ben Lei was very happy - their family was pure blood

anyway, and the basilisk would not attack Draco Malfoy - but he never

thought it was Christmas yet. , the secret room and the basilisk were all

solved, which really made him feel angry.

Of course, when receiving Dumbledore's phoenix summons this morning,

Lucius Malfoy had to admit that he did feel guilty at the time. His family

knew about his family affairs, and Harry Potter's words were really not

true. To throw dirty water, he himself is indeed not clean and cannot

withstand a thorough investigation.

But thinking about this matter, Dumbledore and Harry Potter didn't have

any evidence at all. He simply made up his mind to fight it to the end,

biting it to death. The diary had nothing to do with him. As staunch

white wizards, they would never do it. He used magic to torture himself,

such as the Cruciatus Curse. At this point, Lucius Malfoy felt that he still

understood Dumbledore.

So after thinking about it, he finally came to Hogwarts and brought his

house elf Dobby with him.

Really upset, Dobby is still a powerful helper - the magic level of house

elves is often not low, even better than many wizards, but house elves

cannot violate the rules of the contract and must be completely loyal to

their master - Lu Xiu Malfoy always felt a little unsure.

The Malfoy family, as one of the pure-blood families in the wizarding

world, has very rich wealth and great influence. He himself is one of the

trustees of Hogwarts. Ordinary accusations will have no effect on him,

even if The person who said this is the famous savior - Harry Potter!

After all, Harry had no definite evidence, and the worst he could do was

to lose money and avoid disaster. Anyway, the Malfoy family didn't have

much else, and it would definitely be a lot of Galleons.

"I am happy that the Chamber of Secrets and the basilisk have been

solved." Lucius Malfoy's face, which was paler than usual, forced an ugly

smile and said, "I am the Headmaster of Hogwarts—— Dong, I would

love to see no harm done to Hogwarts!"

He deliberately emphasized the word "school director", obviously

reminding Dumbledore.

I am the school director, you need to show me some respect, don't go too


Harry was so angry that he wanted to pull out his wand and cast a curse

on Mr. Malfoy. He finally controlled his impulse.

"I know this, Lucius, I've always known it." Dumbledore said, pointing to

the diary on the table. "This diary belongs to Ginny Weasley, but we later

proved that she was... Control, a man named Tom Riddle controls, I think

Lucius you know who Tom is, right?”

Mr. Malfoy said nothing, his face was like the snow falling outside, and

his whole body was filled with a chill. Harry even noticed that Mr.

Malfoy's feet seemed to be trembling slightly.

As a former Death Eater, how could Mr. Malfoy not know who Tom was?

In particular, his wife Narcissa is a sister to Bellatrix Lestrange, one of

Voldemort's most loyal Death Eaters.

"If we had not solved the Chamber of Secrets in time and without

Professor Frémont's insight, what would have happened in the end?"

Dumbledore said softly, "Think about it, Lucius, the youngest child of the

Weasley family , turned out to be the heir of Slytherin, and single-

handedly led the Chamber of Secrets and Basilisk attacks, but Arthur has

spent his whole life fighting for the harmonious coexistence of wizards

and Muggles, and he also worked hard to create the "Muggle Protection

Act" , this news spreads, how will people think of Arthur?"

Mr. Malfoy pursed his lips tightly, with a very ugly look on his face, and

said in a pretended rejoicing tone: "What a blessing. Arthur is very


"Yeah, you're lucky." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Harry glared at Lucius Malfoy, knowing clearly that he was the culprit. In

the end, he almost made the Weasley family take the blame, and even

affected the lives of Ginny and Mr. Weasley. Harry felt that he was

against Malfoy. The hatred between the family is stronger and deeper

than that of the Dursleys.

After all, he just doesn't like the Dursleys, and he doesn't really have any


"Oh, if there's nothing wrong, Dumbledore, I have to go home. Narcissa

hopes I go home as soon as possible." Mr. Malfoy said slowly.

"Yes, the diary has been destroyed, and the fragments of Riddle's soul

have also been destroyed. We don't have any evidence anymore... Yes,

Lucius, it's really troublesome for you to come to Hogwarts so early in the

morning." Dumbledore said that he did not expect to send Lucius Malfoy

to Azkaban Prison. Even if there was evidence, Malfoy might use money

to open a way out, let alone that they had no evidence at the moment. .

Mr. Malfoy turned around, and Harry clearly saw him giving him a cold

glance, his eyes full of coldness. Then Mr. Malfoy kicked the house elf

Dobby hard, and Dobby couldn't help but let out a cry of pain. moans.

"Come on, you stupid ugly house elf!"

Hareton felt angry in his chest. Although he thought Dobby was annoying

sometimes, such as the trouble he caused him during the summer

vacation and the beginning of school, which almost got him expelled

from Hogwarts, Lucius Malfoy How could you do this to your own house


Beat and scold wantonly!

Harry turned to look at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore shook his head silently and sighed: "Harry, Dobby is an elf of

the Malfoy family. Because of the contract and rules, Dobby must and

will only obey the orders of the Malfoy family. We have no choice."

"Ha, Professor Frémont, I'm so lucky to meet you." Suddenly, the voice of

Lucius Malfoy's gritted teeth was heard from outside the door.

"Professor Frémont?" Harry immediately followed.

"Mr. Malfoy, it's been a long time." Xia Ran smiled softly. He finally got

rid of Lockhart just now and saw Dobby and Lucius Malfoy when he

came up.

Looking at Dobby, huddled pitifully in a corner, Mr. Malfoy noticed Xia

Ran's gaze, snorted from his nose, and said sarcastically in a haughty

tone: "House elf, pure-blood noble A symbol of love, Xia Ran, you must

have dreamed of owning one, right?"

"Are you going to give me the escape? Then I really want to thank you,

Lucius." Xia Ran beat the snake and followed it with the stick.

Mr. Malfoy's face suddenly darkened, and he said coldly: "You should just

dream, Xia Ran."

Make up for yesterday’s arrears

Chapter 60 Dobby the Free House


Lucius Malfoy looked at Xia Ran coldly, as if he wanted to freeze him

here with his eyes. He remembered that Dumbledore said that Xia Ran

had played a big role in the Chamber of Secrets incident, which made

him deeply angry and disgusted.

"Let's go, Dobby," he said to his house elf.

Lucius walked past Xia Ran, and the house elf Dobby followed Lucius

with his back bent and a very humble posture.

"Professor Frémont, good morning." Harry greeted.

After looking at Dobby and thinking about the plot in the original time

and space, Xia Ran had an idea in his mind. He immediately took out his

wand and said to Harry: "Harry, reach out your hand."


"Hurry up, it's up to you whether you can rescue Dobby." Xia Ran waved

her wand over Harry's hand and recited a spell in a low voice, and

immediately two things appeared in Harry's palm.

An old diary with a hole in the middle, just like Riddle's diary, with

almost the same appearance and shape; the other was a pair of smelly

socks, which happened to be sandwiched inside the diary.

Harry held these two things in his hands and looked at Xia Ran blankly,

wondering what Professor Frémont was doing. Is this some new prank?

"The house elves can be freed after receiving the clothes thrown by their

master. This is a good opportunity. Harry, it's up to you whether Dobby

can escape from the sea of ​​misery." Xia Ran reminded Harry.

Harry looked at the pair of stinky socks and suddenly woke up as if from

a dream. He suddenly realized what he was doing and ran towards the

stairwell with a sharp nod.

The diary and the smelly socks were both transformed by Xia Ran using

transfiguration. They were not the real Riddle's diary. However, Harry

was the most suitable person to do this to design Lucius Malfoy. Because

as a professor, Lucius must be very defensive. Harry is just a twelve-year-

old wizard after all. Lucius is not very defensive. This is an opportunity.

"Mr. Malfoy, I have something to give you!"

Harry caught up with Lucius Malfoy and thrust the diary and the smelly

socks into Lucius's hands without any explanation.

"Your things are returned to you!" Harry said breathlessly, and at the

same time he winked at Dobby.

"What is this? Boy, don't think I dare not take action against you!"

Lucius held the diary and suddenly smelled a strong stench. He felt

nauseated and threw the diary and the smelly socks out angrily.

"Harry Potter, the famous savior, one day, you will end up with the same

fate as your two stupid parents!" Lucius said softly, sarcastically.

Harry heard these words and immediately laughed.

Lucius frowned in confusion. Why did he react like this? Suddenly, he

had an ominous premonition in his heart, and he shouted: "There are too

many, let's go, follow quickly!"

But the house elf didn't move, let alone answer Lucius.

"Dobby, you want to be beaten again?" Lucius said angrily.

Dobby still didn't answer.

"Dobby, I think you are going to get a severe beating today!" Lucius

turned his head and looked over, and was stunned.

Dobby was seen holding up the pair of smelly socks, and the diary was

also held in the palm of his hand, but his eyes were focused on the socks

with excitement, as if they were a priceless treasure!

But it was indeed a priceless treasure to a house elf.

"Socks! The master gave Dobby a pair of socks!" Dobby said in a tone of

surprise and disbelief. "The master gave Dobby the socks, and Dobby is


Lucius Malfoy stood there blankly, staring straight at the house elf with

his eyes. He was speechless for a long time, his face was very expressive,

and it turned red and blue.

He lunged sharply at Harry.

"You made me lose my servant, boy, I want..."


With a loud bang, Lucius Malfoy flew out instantly, hit a wall in the

stairwell, and slid to the ground along the wall. He took a few deep

breaths, then stood up with a livid face, and pulled out magic wand.

However, Dobby was guarding Harry, and he had just hit Lucius Malfoy

away with one move at the critical moment.

"Dobby is now free and can take action against his original master!"

Dobby raised a slender finger and said in a very threatening voice,

"Dobby will not allow you to harm Harry Potter, never! you can go now!"

Lucius' expression was extremely gloomy, and the anger in his eyes

seemed to burn Harry to death, but in the face of Dobby's unyielding

attitude, he knew that there was nothing more he could do.

In a real fight, he might not be Dobby's opponent, not to mention that

this was Hogwarts.

At this time, Xia Ran also came over and stood at the top of the stairs

overlooking Lucius. He pretended to touch his robe unintentionally,

revealing half of the tip of his wand. Lucius knew that it was a threat to


He had no choice but to give Harry and Dobby one last angry look, wrap

his cloak around his body, and disappear into the corridor in a hurry.

"Dobby, you are finally free." Harry was happy for Dobby.

"Harry Potter liberated Dobby! He is indeed the greatest wizard!" Dobby

said sharply, his big eyes filled with tears, "Dobby has longed for freedom

for so many years, Harry... Potter helped Dobby gain freedom. Harry

Potter is greater than Dobby could have ever imagined. He is the greatest

wizard of all time!"

"I didn't do anything, Dobby. This was also Professor Frémont's idea."

Harry blushed. If Professor Frémont hadn't been there, he might have felt

happy and a little carried away while blushing. .

However, in front of Professor Frémont, Dobby said that he was the

greatest wizard, and Harry felt very embarrassed.

"Thank you, Professor Frémont, you are a great wizard." Dobby also

thanked Xia Ran.

Xia Ran thought of Dobby's struggle and pursuit and ending in the

original time and space, and couldn't help but smile and said: "Dobby,

you are a free elf and should be free!"

"Thank you, sir, thank you very much."

Dobby stretched out his hands and hugged Harry Potter tightly, with a

bright smile on his ugly face.

"Farewell, Harry Potter, farewell, Professor Frémont."

There was an unusually loud choked sound in Dobby's throat, and with a

snap, he disappeared.

"Professor Frémont, it's time for me to leave. Goodbye." Harry waved and

left the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle along the stairs.

Xia Ran walked into Dumbledore's office through the stone monster that

kept spinning away.

"Oh, Xia Ran, what's the matter?" Dumbledore put down Riddle's diary

and said with a smile, "Is the situation okay, Dobby?"

He seemed to be aware of what was happening in the corridor outside

while staying in the office.

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