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Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

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Краткое содержание романа

Несчастный случай перенес студентку колледжа Е Тин в другой мир.

Нет ничего, кроме таланта к обучению и росту.

Нет никакой системы, нет дедушки, нужно просто полагаться на

талант, чтобы встать на путь Бога Дхармы.

Используйте волю, чтобы изменить правила, используйте мудрость,

чтобы анализировать мир, и единственный человек, который

сравнивает богов с телом смертного, — это маг.

Гарри Поттер, World of Warcraft, Marvel, Синъюэ, Каталог

запрещенных магических книг… Перед ним развернулись

бесчисленные самолеты.

Тайна пальмовой магии и красота цветов.

Все началось в мире Гарри Поттера.

- Описание от



The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 26:

In fact, Ye Ting's learning progress has now reached the level of third

grade. This made the teachers feel a little ashamed—Professor Snape was

an exception—because they felt that they could not teach Ye Ting

anything, all knowledge was mastered by himself.

Since he has completely learned the first-year courses, all the homework

is a piece of cake for him.

On the evening of the assignment of homework in each class, Ye Ting

will give out the answers to the homework. These answers are often

referenced and copied by his three roommates, and then spread

throughout Hogwarts the next day.

This has led to a long period of time, Hogwarts professors will face a lot

of highly similar homework every week, the answer is completely


But this kind of happy plagiarism did not last long. After clarifying the

situation from some Slytherin who hated Ye Ting, starting with Professor

Snape, all the professors exempted Ye Ting from doing homework. This

The special treatment made the Hogwarts first-year students wailed—not

because of jealousy, but because they could no longer get such a perfect

reference answer.

Of course, Ye Ting had many stories in the past two months. In short,

before he knew it, the first holiday at Hogwarts, Halloween was


On the eve of Halloween, Ye Ting could smell it when he woke up early

in the morning, and there was a sweet and alluring smell of roasted

pumpkin in the hallway.

This morning, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor are going to take Professor

Flitwick's spell class together.

In this class, Professor Flitwick announced: He thinks they can start to

make objects fly.

In the previous class, since the students saw Professor Flitwick controlling

Neville's toads flying around in the classroom, they had been eagerly

hoping to try this magic.

Professor Flitwick divided the class into two groups to start training.

As usual, Ye Ting is self-study. The book he is currently reading is "Magic

Graphic Talisman Collection". He has not finished "Advanced Magic Text

Translation", but it is similar to "Magic Graphic Talisman Collection",

"Magic Text Dictionary", and "Magic Graphic Talisman". Basic books like

"ZiYin Table" can't trouble him at all.

As for Hermione, as another schoolmaster recognized by the teachers, she

was arranged to practice alone as usual. In fact, the teachers all know

that what she calls practicing alone is to practice with Ye Ting.

"Well, don't forget the subtle wrist movements that we have been

training!" Professor Flitwick stood on his pile of books as usual and said

sharply. "A wave and a wave, remember, a wave and a shake. It is also

very important to read the spell correctly-don't forget the wizard Barufio,

he said'f' to's' and found himself lying On the floor, there is a bison on his


The students burst into laughter, and the classroom was filled with joyful


Suddenly, just hearing the sound of "Bah!", a huge bison appeared in the

classroom out of thin air, and the little wizards were startled. Everyone

ran away, and then gathered around this big stinking guy.

Item 0042

"Oh, who did this?" Professor Flitwick asked aloud, but obviously he was

not angry.

"It's me, professor." In the crowd, Ye Ting raised his hand: "I thought it

was just a joke. Obviously, this is a genius curse, at least more

complicated than the floating curse."

He chanted a disappearance curse. The bison who was about to attack the

podium instantly disappeared in the classroom, and then he recanted a

restoration curse. The tables and chairs that were hit by the bison in a

mess instantly returned to their original shape.

"Beautiful spell." Professor Flitwick nodded to him appreciatively and

commented: "Although it sounds like a joke, the Bison spell itself is

indeed a great spell, but we won't talk about it now."

He clapped his hands and announced the start of the practice.

The scene was very chaotic at one time. Harry Potter and Seamus

Finnigan were in a group. They waved and waved and did it over and

over again, but the feathers that should have been sent up in the air were

still lying motionless on the floor.

Seamus was angry and stabbed the feather with his wand. The feather

was on fire—Harry had to put out the fire with his hat.

At the other table, Ron's luck didn't seem much better.

"Yugadim Leviosa!" he yelled, waving his long arms like a windmill.

"You are wrong," said Hermione, who was aside, unceremoniously.

Under Ye Ting's guidance, she succeeded after only two attempts. When

he saw Ron's awkward attempt on the side, she couldn't help being a


"It's Yuga-Dimlve-O-Sa, the word'plus' needs to be said long and clearly."

"Since you are so clever, you can give it a try," Ron snarled.

Hermione rolled up her sleeves, waved her magic wand, and said,

"Yugadim Leviosa!"

The feather rose from the table and hung four feet above Hermione's


However, Ron's reaction to Hermione's instructions was very strange:

"Oh, dear Miss Know-it-all, why don't you stay with your equally talented


Hermione's face went black on the spot.

After class, Ye Ting walked to the library with the book, but Hermione

did not follow.

He thought Hermione had something to leave on her own-it was not the

first time she did this-so Ye Ting did not delve into it.


On the eve of Halloween, the Hogwarts lobby was refurbished.

When Ye Ting walked into the restaurant in the evening, there were

colorful Halloween decorations in front of him.

A thousand bats flew sharply on the walls and ceiling, and another

thousand, like low clouds, hovered and danced above the dining table,

causing the candle flames in the pumpkin belly to flicker.

The delicious food suddenly appeared on the golden plate, just like at the

banquet at the beginning of school.

Ye Ting did not eagerly enjoy the food like other little wizards. He

walked around the long table and asked people if they had seen

Hermione Granger. The hungry Feiju followed him.

However, everyone said that they had not seen her. Only Ravenclaw's girl

Lisa Dupin mentioned that she had seen Hermione in the corridor at the

entrance of the toilet.

Hearing this news, Ye Ting immediately thought of the plot in the

original book-Hermione ran into a giant monster in that corridor.

Even though the current Hermione is much stronger than in the original

book under his training, she is still not the opponent of the troll-at least

with her current magic power and spell level, there is no way to resist the


Ye Ting immediately ran out of the dining room, but on the way, he

suddenly saw Professor Quirrell rushing into the dining room, his big

scarf was slanted on his head, and his face was full of horror.

Everyone stared at him, and saw him walk up to Professor Dumbledore’s

chair, leaned on the table, panted and said, "The troll—in the

underground classroom—thinks you should know."

After speaking, he fell to the floor and passed out.

There was a mess in the restaurant. Professor Dumbledore had to make a

few harsh fireworks explosions on the head of his wand before everyone

was quiet.

"Premier," he said in a low voice, "take the students from your college to

the dormitory immediately!"

On Ravenclaw’s side, Penello calmly gathered the Kitty Hawks and asked

them to line up towards the tower. Only Ye Ting left quietly, except for

Zhang Qiu and Penello himself. No one outside discovered this.

When it was possible to confirm that there was no one around, Ye Ting

took the figure-sized Oriana in his pocket and put it on the ground.

"Now take me to the public toilet on the third floor." He said anxiously to

Oriana: "The situation is urgent, hurry up, please!"

"Understood, Father." Oriana briskly chanted a spell-of course it was a

spell in Valoran's magic. It was used to "dispel" magic. Her puppet burst

into light in an instant, and a purple magic wave waved. Fired at Oriana


After being hit by the magic wave, the effect of the shrinking curse on

Oriana was immediately lifted, and she returned to her normal size.

She was holding Ye Ting, who was taller than her, in her arms, and then

moved at high speed in a suspended state.

Item 0043

Although Oriana is a doll, Ye Ting feels embarrassed to be held by such a

doll girl.

Under this awkward feeling, he twisted his body uncomfortably and

protested to Oriana, but was ignored by the doll girl-in fact, the doll girl

who was held in his pocket by his father had long thought about it. Give

it a try, she did it all on purpose.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 27:

I really don't know how the original innocent Oriana became like this.

The legendary powder cut black is like this.

After entering the third floor, Ye Ting immediately smelled a pungent

smell, which was a mixture of smelly socks and public toilets that had

never been cleaned.

Then he heard-a deep grunt and the sound of huge feet dragging on the


At the end of the passage on the left, a behemoth was moving towards


Ye Ting quickly broke free of Oriana's embrace, cast a shrinking curse on

her, and then put her back in her pocket, the girl seemed a little bit


What appeared in front of Ye Ting's eyes was a monster he had never

seen before. It was twelve feet tall, with a dull skin, gray as granite, and a

huge and stupid body like a huge pile of mud. , With a cocoa bean-like

head on top. Its short legs are as thick as a tree stump, and underneath

are flat, stubborn, large feet. The smell from it was disgusting. It was

holding a thick wooden stick in its hand, and because of its long arms,

the stick was dragging on the ground.

That is a giant monster, a magical creature with amazing strength but

very low intelligence. They have the same name as the Troll in World of

Warcraft, but they are obviously slightly different in intelligence.

The troll stopped by a door and peered inside. It wiggled its long ears,

made a decision with its small head, then lowered its head and slowly

entered the room.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ting heard a sound that almost stopped his

heart—a stern, frightening sound—from that room.

It was Hermione, she was hiding in the women's bathroom.

Ye Ting drew out his wand without hesitation and rushed over.

Hermione Granger shrank by the opposite wall, chanting the Levitation

Charm with a trembling tone. A thick book hit the troll's head, but such a

weak attack on the rough-skinned monster To no avail.

The giant monster was approaching her, walking forward slowly, and the

thick muscles smashed the porcelain sinks along the way.

"Am I going to die?" Hermione turned pale in fright when she realized

that her spell had no effect on the monster. She closed her eyes in despair

and waited for death to come.

At the moment of facing death, the first thing that appeared in her mind

was not her parents or the professors at Hogwarts, but the boy, the

handsome boy who gave up to save him when she fell from the

broomstick. .

"Help me—Ye Ting—" she yelled inwardly.

Although she didn't use the elixir, her wish was immediately realized.

"Shen Feng Wuying!" Ye Ting chanted the spell loudly, an invisible sharp

blade cut through the air, and flew silently to the monster's back, but in

an instant it caused a one-meter-long back on the monster's back. The

wound, blood splattered everywhere, and the blood gurgled out.

The momentary pain caused the monster to roar and scream.

Finally, the monster with low IQ turned around and found the culprit.

Hearing a roar, the monster ran towards Ye Ting with a stick, leaving a

blood behind.

At this time, Hermione, who was already desperate, also noticed that

things had changed. The boy's curse and the strange behavior of the troll

made her understand that someone saved her and drew the troll's

attention away.

She fixed her eyes: it was the boy she was thinking of standing at the

door of the toilet.

"Be careful!" Watching the monster walk towards Ye Ting, she yelled


After looking around, she hurriedly picked up the surrounding rubble and

threw it at the monster, trying to divert the monster's attention,

regardless of whether she could deal with the monster.

However, Ye Ting's harm to it was so great that Hermione's harassment

could not be noticed at all.

The giant monster lifted the huge wooden stick high, and then smashed it

down at Ye Ting.

However, in the face of this powerful blow, Ye Ting still didn't change his

face. He ignored the whirring wind and calmly chanted the spell.

"Armor for body protection!"

Hearing only the sound of "Boom—", the giant monster hit with all its

strength as if it hit the transparent wall.

The air shook violently twice, but the terrible wooden stick still stopped

three centimeters above Ye Ting's head, making no progress.

Indeed, due to the powerful magic resistance of giant monsters, even at

Ye Ting’s current level, his spells can’t have any effect on giant monsters.

Just like "disarming curse" and "coma spell", their effects on giant

monsters will be all There is a lot of difference, but spells that work

indirectly through physical effects such as "Blade Curse" and "Iron Armor

Curse" can still play a certain role.

Especially under the use of someone with powerful magical powers like

Ye Ting, the giant monster did suffer heavy losses.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Ting flexibly bypassed the giant

monster, came to its back, and hit the sink with an explosive spell.

In an instant, a row of wash basins was blown to pieces, the water pipes

burst open, and the jet of water poured the monsters through.

The water-covered troll struggled to turn around, wanting to retaliate

against its opponent again.

Ye Ting held his breath, concentrated his attention, and recited a "Frozen

Curse" to it with all his strength.

Since it was the spell he released with all his strength, the effect was so

great that it turned the decay into magic. The water on the giant monster

quickly turned into ice within a few seconds, and the action of the giant

monster instantly stiffened—it was frozen and could not move at all.

Item 0044

When Professor McGonagall rushed into the toilet, what was shown

before her was a funny picture—it was a huge, constantly twisting

mummy in the shape of a monster. It was tightly wrapped in layer after

layer of white linen, unable to move, and could only twist on the ground

like a bug.

Next to it, Hermione with tears in the corner of her eyes was trying to

turn toilet paper into linen with a transformation curse under Ye Ting's

guidance, and then controlled the linen with a movement curse and a

floating curse to tie the "mummy" a bow.

This scene is really weird. It is because Professor McGonagall is

knowledgeable enough, and it took a long time to see what happened

here-two little wizards actually defeated an adult monster!

Immediately afterwards, Professor Snape and Professor Quirrell also

rushed in breathlessly.

The two professors looked at the tethered monster, and they were equally

surprised and speechless.

"What the **** are you playing?" Professor McGonagall said, with cold

anger in his voice.

"You are lucky this time, and you are not killed by it. Why don't you stay

in the dormitory honestly?"

"This is exactly what I want to ask." Ye Ting asked Professor McGonagall

with the same angry tone: "Before I got here, Hermione was almost killed

by this monster. If I came a minute late, I can't believe what will happen.

Why did the college leave any monster in the corridor? Where did you

put the safety of the students?"

He didn't pretend, but was really angry. On one hand, he blamed himself.

He felt that he knew that there was this scene in the plot, but he didn't

protect Hermione properly and almost let the tragedy happen.

Due to the butterfly effect, Hermione did not have the assistance of Harry

Potter and Ron Weasley this time. If he came a step late, he would really

have to face a tragedy—a tragedy caused by the butterfly effect he

caused. .

If it was Harry or someone else who was surprised by the butterfly effect,

he would be sad for a minute at most, and then nothing else-it's

impossible for the traverser to cause the butterfly effect anyway, and he

doesn't need to be responsible for it. But it was not a stranger who had

the accident this time, it was the person he cared about—Hermione


He vowed to be careful and careful in the future, and he also decided to

train Hermione and Zhang Qiu for duels later, and Penello would also

join if necessary.

The three girls have not yet realized what kind of hard training they will


On the other hand, he was also angry at Hogwarts' negligence of defense-

the Harry Potter series spanned eight years, and every year of the eight

years there were accidents at Hogwarts.

As an audience, he found these accidents very interesting and enriched

the interest of the story. However, when he is really a student of

Hogwarts now and has someone who cares here, these endless accidents

make him feel that the future is full of crises.

He can't wait to increase his strength so that he can protect others. At the

same time, he also hopes that Hogwarts can take measures and be more

cautious-of course this is impossible.

Hearing Ye Ting's questioning, Professor McGonagall's attitude softened

unexpectedly. She apologized to Ye Ting, and then began to ask what

happened calmly.

In response to this, Ye Ting was a little angry and silent, while Hermione

described what had happened.

Then, she began to plead with Ye Ting: "Professor McGonagall, all this

happened because I came to find the troll, because I—I thought I could

deal with it alone—you know, because I read about it in the book They

know them well. If Ye Ting hadn't arrived in time, I would probably be


"Please don't be angry with him because of what he just said. Ye Ting

didn't mean to refute you. He was just worried about me and was overly

emotional. Can you forgive him?"

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 28:

"Oh-if so..." Professor McGonagall stared at them and said in a deep

voice, "Miss Granger, you silly girl, how can you think that you can deal

with a giant mountain-like monster alone? "

Hermione lowered her head. She is the least likely to violate the school

rules, and now, in order to get Ye Ting out of trouble, she actually lied

that she violated the school rules.

What a nice little girl, who is usually proud and respectful of her teacher,

she learned to lie, sophistry and intercede for the first time.

"Miss Granger, Ravenclaw will be deducted five points because of this,"

Professor McGonagall said. "I am very disappointed in you. If you are not

injured at all, you'd better return to Ravenclaw as soon as possible. Go to

Crow’s Tower. The students are all enjoying a Halloween dinner in their


Professor McGonagall turned to Ye Ting.

"Well, I still have to say that you are lucky. Few first-year students can

compete with an adult troll. You won 10 points for Ravenclaw. I will

inform Professor Dumbledore of this. of."

Ye Ting pulled Hermione out of the room and walked towards the

direction of the academy. When they passed the first corner, where the

professors could not see, Hermione suddenly jumped into Ye Ting’s arms

and hugged her tightly. He is unwilling to let go.

The fatal blow of the troll frightened her. At the scene, she hadn't noticed

it because of her emotions. Now that she had calmed down, the thrilling

scene lingered in her mind over and over again. , So that she could not

forget, so she had to find a sense of security in Ye Ting.

Ye Ting kissed her affectionately on the forehead, and then took her all

the way to the Ravenclaw lounge with a half-wrapped half-arm.

When she heard other people's footsteps and voices, Hermione finally

reacted, leaving his arms flushed and jogging back to the lounge first.

Item 0045

Early the next morning, the story of Ye Ting's single-handed defeat of the

monster was spread in Hogwarts.

Most of the little wizards praised Ye Ting's powerful mana, and some

senior wizards also said that even they can hardly do this.

However, some senior students still feel jealous that a mere monster is

not enough.

Slytherin's Draco Malfoy even called the existence of the trolls a

conspiracy of "that mudblood" in front of his two followers.

That night, he was hit with a sap—according to his own memories, he

was hit in the head by a metal ball with gears.

In addition, in this incident, Professor Quirrell also completely lost his

reputation: because he was a professor of the Dark Arts Defense class,

was actually frightened by the troll, but as a student, Ye Ting defeated

the troll.

At this time, everyone recalled Ye Ting's evaluation of Professor Quirrell.

Everyone began to admire his foresight-Professor Quirrell was indeed a

"virtual appearance" guy.

In the following days, the atmosphere at Hogwarts gradually began to

stir, because the Quidditch season was about to begin.

After entering November, the weather became very cold. The mountains

around the school were gray and covered with snow and ice, and the lake

was as cold and hard as hardened steel. Every morning, there is frost on

the ground.

Hagrid can be seen from the window upstairs, wrapped in a long

moleskin coat, rabbit fur gloves, and huge **** fur boots, defrosting

broomsticks on the Quidditch court.

Ye Ting also began to join the training of the Ravenclaw team.

Among the team's three chasers, Ye Ting is responsible for the main

attack with Superman's personal ability, while Roger and another chaser

are responsible for cooperating with him, assisting him in completing the

breakthrough, covering him and supporting him.

After Ye Tingji came to the Ravenclaw team, he not only improved the

overall level of the team with his strong personal ability, but also greatly

benefited the team in terms of tactics and strategy.

In fact, the four Hogwarts teams have their own characteristics:

Gryffindor has strong positive strength, Hufflepuffs are good at

protracted battles, Slytherin wins by physical confrontation and foul

tactics, and pull The Winclaw team is known for its varied tactics.

However, the wizarding world is too conservative and self-proclaimed,

and the logical abilities of most wizards are really worrying. In terms of

tactical research on ball sports, wizards mostly rely on feelings, and

rarely perform scientific statistics, analysis, and summaries. This has led

to their tactical level being quite backward.

As Muggle attaches importance to science and logic, the tactical research

of ball sports is more practical and thorough. Although the gap between

football and basketball and Quidditch is not the same, Muggle’s advanced

tactics can be better than Quidditch tactics. Draw on.

Ye Ting relied on his wisdom, combined with Muggle football, basketball

and air combat tactics, and designed many Quidditch attack and

defensive tactics for Ravenclaw.

The level of these tactics far exceeds those of Ravenclaw's existing

routines, even in the Quidditch World Cup, few teams can come up with

superior tactics. This made Ravenclaw’s players admire Ye Ting. They

thought that even if Ye Ting did not join the Ministry of Magic as an

Auror after graduation, or stayed at Hogwarts as a professor (they

thought it was Ye Ting’s The best way out after graduation), you can also

shine in Quidditch games and become a legendary player or coach.

Roger appointed Ye Ting on the spot as the next captain of the

Ravenclaw team.

In fact, Ye Ting is now equivalent to Ravenclaw's actual captain: he is

responsible for designing tactics, arranging training programs, and also in

charge of commanding during the game-these are all the work of the


However, Roger, who was seized in this way, was happy to see it,

because Ravenclaw hadn't won the Quidditch Cup for several years. Now

Ye Ting can lead everyone to shame, and he is of course happy to see it

as the captain.

As a result, in addition to basic practice, the Ravenclaw team took all the

time to become familiar with these new tactics. In order to make the

effect of the new tactics more obvious, they also formulated a

confidential plan. They asked the other little wizards of Ravenclaw to

patrol near the Quidditch pitch during their training, and disperse any

idlers approaching the Quidditch pitch. Prevent information leakage.

In order to give full play to their tactical advantages, Ye Ting designed a

set of gestures for them to communicate. After training, the players will

spot check each other's mastery of gestures in the Ravenclaw lounge.

In Ye Ting's plan, he was going to train Ravenclaw into a banned army-

just like the Spurs in the NBA.

Although his ultimate goal in this world is to master the rules of magic,

Quidditch is just a hobby, but even if it is a hobby, you must do your best

when you have the opportunity-this is his attitude.

Today, everyone on the Ravenclaw team is looking forward to the

upcoming Quidditch Cup, and they can't wait to shine.

Chapter 0046 Snape's Secrets And The First Quidditch Game

In fact, there was no Ravenclaw in the first Quidditch game of the

semester, but two rivals, Gryffindor and Slytherin.

On the day before the game, Harry Potter found Ye Ting and Hermione

mysteriously in the library, and he and Ron took them to a corner.

"Do you know? I just saw Snape at Filch." Harry lowered his voice and

said secretly, "He was **** and **** on his leg, and he was bitten by

something at first glance. I still have it. He overheard a sentence:'How

can you stare at three heads at the same time?'"

Hermione was confused when she heard: "What does this mean? I don't

understand, what exactly did you bring us here to—"

"He said'three heads'!" Ron emphasized a little loudly: "You know, Harry

and I were caught by Filch's Claw on a night tour. That was the day we

entered that night by Dumbledore. Professor Lido emphasized the

corridors that are forbidden to enter. Guess what we saw?"

Obviously, due to Ye Ting’s sake, Ron and Hermione did not have much

contact, so the two did not misunderstand each other as in the original

book. There was a big contradiction-except for Halloween. That spell


At that time Ron irritated Hermione fiercely, and the self-esteem little

girl was left alone in the hallway sad, and was almost killed by the troll.

Although Hermione didn't irritate others, he hadn't liked Ron since that

day, presumably the plot of the original "Flowers on Cow Dung" could

not happen again.

Of course Ron himself did not understand this.

Ron's impression of Hermione at this time was that he was a good student

who was too serious and difficult to get along with, but he didn't dislike


But now, he actually sold it out in front of Hermione, who was a little


Obviously, he still underestimated Hermione.

"Do you mean the three-headed dog? I know, there is this guy there. This

is what you call the "three heads", right?"

"What, you already knew it." Ron was a little bit disappointed when he

failed to show his knowledge in front of the girls.

"So, do you know what this means?"

Harry took the conversation and said, holding his breath.

"On Halloween, he wanted to pass by the big three-headed dog! When we

saw him, he was going there—he was looking for the thing guarded by

the big dog! I dare to use my flying broomstick Bet, he let the troll in, to

divert people's attention!"

Obviously, Ye Ting was not the only one who left the big team in the

chaos, and the savior duo took the opportunity to take an adventure.

But Hermione didn't believe this.

"No—he won't," she said, "I know he is not very good, but he will never

steal the things that Dumbledore strictly collects."

"Do you think so too?" Ron looked at Ye Ting with an expectant look.

To his disappointment, Ye Ting nodded in agreement.

"Perhaps Snape is sullen, partial, petty and doesn't wash his hair, but he

is a qualified professor. He is accomplished in potions and will never hurt

his students."

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 29:

"To be honest, you always think that all teachers are saints."

Ron said rudely, "I agree with Harry. I think Snape can do everything.

But what is he looking for? What is the big dog watching?"

The four people's exchanges were ultimately fruitless.

However, Hermione and Ye Ting thanked Harry and Ron for taking the

initiative to tell them all. The fact that Ye Ting and Hermione

encountered a giant monster on Halloween is well known in Hogwarts,

and Harry and Ron were able to take the risk to tell them. They were also

enthusiastic about the news that Snape might be the culprit.

Then Ron and Harry also invited them to watch Harry's first Quidditch


Early the next morning, Ye Ting was taken to the court by the excited

Zhang Qiu, on the grounds that he was observing his opponent to gather


Hermione also came, and she made a few small flags painted with lions

to show her support.

In fact, she didn't support Gryffindor, but due to Draco Malfoy's long-

term discrimination against Muggles and his utterly eloquent comments

about Ye Ting, Slytherin became her most annoying academy.

Ye Ting cast a magic on the small flag, and the lions on the flag moved.

They walked up and down in the flag anxiously, and made majestic roars

from time to time.

Ron and a few Gryffindors who had been to the stadium early saw such

flags and rushed forward. They spent a few Sicos to buy these flags.

"Before the next Quidditch match, we will do more to earn pocket

money." Ye Ting quietly said to Hermione, who nodded with a smile.

By eleven o'clock, it seemed that all the teachers and students of the

school had come to the stands around the Quidditch Stadium. Many

students also brought binoculars.

The seats were almost raised to mid-empty, but sometimes it was still

difficult to see the game.

Mrs. Hooch in the flight class judged Quidditch. She stood in the middle

of the court, holding her flying broomstick in her hand, waiting for the

players from both sides to arrive.

"Listen, I hope everyone will participate in the game fairly and honestly."

She said as soon as the players gathered around her. Her words seemed

to be specifically addressed to Marcus Flint, the captain of the Slywood

team and sixth grader. The Slytherin team often resorts to dirty tricks in

the game, and Flint is especially true.

Madam Hooch blew her silver whistle vigorously.

Fifteen flying broomsticks rose from the ground and rose high into the

sky. The game started.

Item 0047

"Ghost Flying Ball was immediately snatched by Gryffindor's Angelina

John-what a good chaser that girl is, and she looks very charming -"


"I'm sorry, Professor."

Lee Jordan is a friend of the Weasley twin brothers. He is under the close

supervision of Professor McGonagall as the commentator of the game.

The game was quite fierce at the beginning-of course, only in the eyes of

everyone except Ye Ting. Gryffindor scored the goal from the start, it was

Angelina John who scored, while Harry Potter was patrolling high in the

sky, looking for the Golden Snitch.

Soon he noticed that a golden light flew past Derian Pushey's left ear,

causing him to miss the ghost fly ball.

Harry was so excited that he ran after him, but soon, Slytherin's Seeker

Higgins also found the target, and the two chased side by side.

The chasers seemed to have forgotten what they should do, hovering in

the air one by one, watching.

Harry was faster than Higgins, but his opponent had other helpers—

Marcus Flint deliberately slammed into Harry. Harry's broomstick

violently deviated from the direction, but he firmly grasped it.

"Foul!" the Gryffindors shouted.

Madam Hooch angrily blamed Flint, and then ordered the Gryffindor

team to take a free kick at the goal post. But in the chaos, the Golden

Snitch disappeared from sight again.

The game started again, and Harry searched for the Golden Snitch again,

but when he dodges another swish ball that flew over his scalp, an

accident happened.

Suddenly, his broomstick shook terribly.

For a moment, he thought he was going to fall. He grasped the

broomstick tightly with both hands and clamped it tightly between his


Harry tried to turn to the goal post of the Gryffindor team. He planned to

tell Wood to suspend the game-then he found that his broomstick was

completely out of control.

He can't make it turn around, can't direct it.

Flying broomstick turned left and right and shuttled in the air, swaying

violently from time to time with "swooshing", and almost fell him from


This time it was Slytherin's turn to score, and the Slytherins cheered.

No one seemed to notice that Harry's flying broom behaved abnormally.

The broom twitched and twisted wildly all the way, slowly and higher

and higher to keep Harry away from the arena.

But soon, everyone in the stands noticed Harry upward. His broomstick

started to churn and roll, and Harry could barely support it from falling.

Suddenly, there was another crazy twist of the flying broomstick, and

Harry was thrown off by it. He now grabs the broomstick with only one

hand and hangs it in the air.

He almost fell.

"There is a problem with Harry's broom!" someone shouted.

Ron looked at the opposite stand with his binoculars, and then said to

Hagrid next to him in horror, "I knew it was Snape."

Snape stood in the middle of the stands opposite them. He fixed his eyes

on Harry, muttering silently.

"He's messing around—chanting a curse on Flying Broomstick," he cried

out, then ran in Snape's direction.

On the Ravenclaw side of the stand, Hermione also noticed something


"Ye, find a way to save him." She tugged at the corner of Ye Ting's


Ye Ting nodded and drew out his wand to point to Harry's broom. The

next moment, the light wheel 2000 no longer flew around, but it still

kept shaking, as if someone on both sides was using it to tug of war. .

And Harry was finally able to stabilize himself, and he crawled back onto

the broom with effort.

"Someone is casting a spell on the broomstick." Ye Ting said to Hermione

while trying to control the broomstick with his wand.

"I can feel that at least two people besides me are doing this. I'm sure one

of them wants to kill Harry and the other is protecting him."

"I'll find out who it is." Hermione took Zhang Qiu's binoculars and looked

back and forth at the opposite stand.

Suddenly, she let out a scream. It turned out that there was an accident

in the stands diagonally opposite. Snape, who was chanting words, was

pushed by Ron, who was suddenly rushed, and fell onto the nearby

snakes, Slytherin’s. The stands are in a mess.

As soon as Snape's spell was interrupted, the balance that Harry had

maintained on his broomstick was broken.

The broom went out of control immediately, and Harry had to watch the

broom dive him towards the ground.

"There's really no way, I have to use the last trick." Ye Ting shook his

head helplessly, but a smirking smile appeared at the corner of his


He chanted another spell, and Harry was about to be hit by a broomstick

on the ground when a blue magic hit him.

He was saved now—but not in the way he wanted.

The magic caused his body to inflate in an instant, turning it into a big

balloon. His body shape has become several times larger than before, and

his clothes and pants are stretched out at once. Although Harry, who had

turned into a balloon, hit the ground, he was only bounced and suffered

no injuries.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 30:

But after a gust of wind passed, he began to drift away, looking like he

was going to be blown away.

As for his light wheel 2000, it had already flown into the woods because

of inertia.

Item 0048

The Gryffindor players grabbed Harry, who was about to fly away, and

dragged him to the ground.

Seeing Harry who was inflated into a balloon, everyone was amused to

laugh, but because of emotions, they held back one by one.

Harry's mouth opened up to say something, but he didn't know if his

throat swelled. He couldn't make a sound, he could only exhale.

Seeing this funny scene, the team members couldn't hold back one by

one, and they all laughed out loud. The Weasley brothers laughed the

loudest, and they proclaimed that Ye Ting was a prank genius.

After a while, the laughter stopped, and Captain Wood drew out his

wand, trying to change Harry back to his original form, but no matter

what spell he used, it didn't work. When he used "Spell Stop", the

balloon-like Harry not only did not change back to the original shape, but

expanded several times. Originally, only one person could make him stop

on the ground, but now it is necessary for the Time Man to be able to

handle it. Live him.

In desperation, they had to turn to the "culprit" Ye Ting for help.

Ye Ting didn't take the action personally, but put down the Fei Ju that

was lying on his shoulder.

Feiju knowingly climbed onto Harry's body—because the balloon was so

huge that she almost fell off several times—then she stretched out her

paw hidden under the mat, gave Harry a light jab, and then fled. It

seemed to jump away.

The next moment, the place where Feiju’s claws pierced immediately

began to leak, and Harry himself was flying around like a leaky balloon

with the ejected gas—including the Weasley brothers who were holding

him, Angelina John and Alia Spinnett were both taken to the sky. The

last five of them all fell violently and the scene was in a mess.

But to their surprise, Harry spit out a golden snitch from his mouth—

Gryffindor won so inexplicably, they defeated Slytherin by one hundred

and seventy points to sixty points.

After the game, Hermione pulled Ye Ting and hurriedly caught up with

Ron and Harry, wanting to discuss the accident about Harry-Harry and

Ron did not participate in the celebration, but went to visit Hagrid's


In the cabin, Hagrid made a pot of strong tea for the four.

"Oh, I know you two." Hagrid looked at Ye Ting and Hermione in surprise

while pouring tea for them.

"Ravenclaw's genius duo, "Mr. Millionaire" and "Miss Know-it-all"."

"Thank you for your tea." Ye Ting nodded helplessly. He was accustomed

to this ridiculous name, but Hermione still blushed.

Hagrid brought them another pack of fudge, which was sweet and soft,

and could stick the teeth after roasting on the fire.

Soon, they talked about the accident that happened on the Quidditch


"Snape did it," Ron explained to everyone, "I saw it. He was chanting

Harry's flying broomstick, whispering in his mouth, his eyes fixed on


"I saw it too." Hermione added. "If Ron hadn't stopped Snape, Harry

might still be in the sky."

"Nonsense," Hagrid said, ignorant of what was happening next to him in

the stands.

"Why did Snape do such a thing?"

Ron and Harry looked at each other and finally decided to tell the truth.

They described what happened on Halloween and what they found

yesterday to Hagrid.

Hagrid put down the teapot heavily.

"How do you know the three-headed Lu Wei?" he asked.

"Three-headed Lu Wei?" Ron and Harry were puzzled.

"Yes-it is mine-bought from a Greek guy I met at the hotel last year-I lent

it to Dumbledore to guard -"

"What?" Harry asked eagerly.

"Okay, don't ask any more," Hagrid said roughly. "That's Secret No. 1,


"But Snape wanted to steal it."

"Nonsense," Hagrid said again, "Snape is a teacher at Hogwarts, and he

would never do anything like that."

"Then why did he want to kill Harry?" Hermione asked aloud. The

incident that happened this afternoon seemed to have greatly changed

her view of Snape.

"If I see evil spirits, I can recognize them. I've read all about them in the

book! You have to make eye contact with them. Snape's eyes didn't blink.

I saw it. !"

"I'm sorry, I think you read it wrong." Ye Ting said helplessly.

"It's time for me to use a spell to control Harry's broomstick. I clearly

discovered that there were at least two forces acting on the broomstick

before me. In other words, at least two people besides me have cast a

spell on the broomstick. curse."

"The reason Harry didn’t fall directly to death is that the two men didn’t

both want to kill him. In fact, only one of the two wanted to kill Harry,

the other kept saving him, and Snape just One of them, to be fair, you

can't judge whether he is good intentions or malicious by looking in your


Having said that, Harry also solemnly expressed his gratitude to Ye Ting-

including the last magic that made him inflate into a balloon.

"But Snape never liked Harry, why would he want to save him?"

Hermione asked back.

That's because when he was a student, Snape had a crush on Harry's

mother, and he only loved Harry's house.

As for why he hated Harry, it was because Harry's father often pranked

him and married his favorite woman.

Ye Ting wanted to explain this, but he couldn't say it.

"I want to tell you too, you are wrong!" Hagrid continued irritably, "I

don't know why Harry's flying broomstick behaved like that, but Snape

would never want to kill a student! Now, You all listen to me—you are

interfering in something that has nothing to do with you. This is very

dangerous. Forget the big dog, forget what it is watching, this is between

Professor Dumbledore and Nicol LeMay— "

"Aha!" said Harry. "That also involves a man named Nicole LeMay, right?"

Hagrid was furious, he was mad at himself, because a slight slip of the

tongue made him divulge the secret.

Item 0049

A week after Gryffindor defeated Slytherin, the second Quidditch game

also began.

As usual, in the Quidditch Cup at Hogwarts, the most-watched game is

usually Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, because the competition between these

two rival colleges is the most intense and also The most interesting.

This time, however, this convention was subverted.

This game was Ravenclaw vs. Hufflepuff, but the number of spectators far

exceeded that of the previous one. Many girls who didn’t like to watch

Quidditch games also actively participated. This group of

Yingyingyanyan The stands of the Quidditch match are much noisier than

in the past.

This is because this game is the first Quidditch game in which Ye Ting,

the recognized male **** at Hogwarts, participated.

Looking around, all the stands had almost become a blue and bronze

ocean, and the girls held up banners with Ye Ting's name written on

them. Because of Ye Ting, the Ravenclaw team has been welcomed as

never before—except for some Hufflepuff and Slytherin students, the

former supports their academy, and the latter is out of pure-blood

discrimination against Muggles.

But no matter what, Ravenclaw's players were still dazzled, and they

triumphantly followed Ye Ting into the court, waving their hands around,

greeted cheers after another.

"It makes me feel like I'm participating in the Quidditch World Cup."

Zhang Qiu muttered in Ye Ting's ear, looking a bit angrily-she probably

thought so: Ye Ting is mine alone, you coquettish **** don't shout called.

The captain of Hufflepuff is Seeker Cedric Diggory, this tall and

handsome boy also serves as the prefect of Hufflepuff Academy.

Before Ye Ting entered Hogwarts, he was one of the most popular boys in

the school, excellent in appearance, academics and sports.

Of course, in the original book, Diggory also became Zhang Qiu’s

boyfriend when Harry was in the fourth grade—coincidentally, Zhang

Qiu was now facing him, she was Ravenclaw’s seeker—but this plot It

must be impossible to happen again.

After Madam Hooch's whistle sounded, both sides lifted off at the same

time, and the game officially began.

With super fast reaction, Ye Ting grabbed the ghost flying ball thrown

high in the air in the first time, and flexibly avoided the contender.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 31:

The next moment, he was like lightning, and his speed was increased to

the limit in an instant. Before Hufflepuff's players could react, Ye Ting

rushed into the scoring area.

Only the goalkeeper subconsciously flew forward and wanted to

intercept, but it was too late.

Under the action of inertia and arm strength, the Guifei ball penetrated

into the middle goal with a swish.

Ye Ting turned around and left, leaving only the goalkeeper with a

bewildered look.

From the stands came Lee Jordan’s rhythmic commentary: "A beautiful

fast break-Ravenclaw scored-Ravenclaw’s new chaser, our heartthrob, Ye

Ting. '-His speed is unmatched-I wonder why he didn't become a seeker-

Hufflepuff's goalkeeper hasn't reacted yet-he must be thinking:'What just

happened? Am I still awake?'Oh! Even better, it was less than ten seconds

before Ravenclaw scored. This is the fastest goal I have ever scored."

The score was scored within ten seconds of the opening, and the

audience in the stands was immediately ignited. The screams and cheers

mixed with the shouts of "Ye Ting" seemed to overturn the entire


Ye Ting could see Ravenclaw in the stands, Hermione and Penello

cheering loudly, and Harry, Ron, and Hagrid in the Gryffindor

auditorium were also applauding him—since Ye Ting was in After saving

Harry in the game, the two of them had a good impression of him.

"His speed is too fast, we need someone to focus on him." Diggory's

expression was a bit ugly. Ye Ting gave them a slamming right as soon as

he came out, which caught him off guard and had to temporarily change

his tactics.

However, they soon learned that there is no such thing as a real master

just by marking them alone.

After Hufflepuff serves, the ghost fly ball is passed between the chasers.

Hufflepuff's players are ready to pass the ball to attract the opponent's

attention, thereby opening the opponent's defense.

Such passing tactics are certainly effective, but there are high

requirements for the players' tacit understanding, because such frequent

passes are prone to errors.

There was a tacit understanding between the players of Hufflepuff, but

they were not professional enough after all, and Ye Ting quickly caught

the flaw.

When one of the chasers was about to pass the Ghost Fei ball to another

player, due to a slight mistake in coordination, the distance between the

two was a little larger, which gave Ye Ting a chance to take advantage.

Jordan was still talking endlessly: "The Hufflepuffs passed the ball tacitly

to each other, looking for opportunities to attack. Oh! They threw the

roaming ball to Ravenclaw's Ye Ting-beautiful- —I just turned my head

and easily dodges the walkthrough. It’s so cool. Oh! My God, what did I

see? I was intercepted — Hufflepuff was intercepted — who did it? Ye

Ting! He steals Hufflepuff's ghost fly ball with just one acceleration. I

have never seen such a clean steal like this--"

At this time, there is no need for Lee Jordan's hoarse explanation. The

little wizards in the stands exclaimed, and everyone stared at the black

and blue lightning.

Item 0050

"He's fast and very fast! Merlin is on, I can't believe it, he just swept six

stars, even the light wheel 2000 does not have such a speed-Hufflepuff

players are chasing, in Chasing, but no one can catch him—even Diggory

chased him—Can you stop him?—Oh, he failed—Ye Ting kept going—Oh

my God, he passed by Goalkeeper-the goal! He scored! He scored again!

Oh. He is such a genius. For the first time in a Quidditch game, he scored

two goals in less than three minutes. I have never seen him. It’s crazy to

have such a talented player."

Ye Ting turned his head easily and gave the players a high-five. Several

senior teammates also touched his head. They were so happy, because Ye

Ting's actual performance in the game told them-Ravenk. The age of Lao

has arrived.

In the next game, Ye Ting showed great power. Although his broomstick

performance limited his maximum speed, he still relied on his bizarre

shifting and precise running position to steal them five times in a row

when Hufflepuff passed the ball. After each steal, it was a surprise attack.

With the ball, every steal can arouse cheers in the audience. The players

who are responsible for marking him can't keep up with his rhythm at all,

and are left behind again and again.

And Lee Jordan’s commentary is like putting the last shovel on their

grave: "The score is now 70 to zero. Hufflepuff is not an opponent at all.

They have reached a deadlock-they can’t Offensive, unable to defend,

even unable to pass the ball-in front of this Ravenclaw rookie, they can't

do anything. They are facing an extremely powerful hunter, as long as a

slight flaw is exposed, they will face a fatal blow!"

The cheers of the surrounding audience were mixed with boos, and the

goal of the boos was conceivable.

"Damn... this guy."

"Not an opponent at all..."

Several of Hufflepuff's chasers had already been exploded by Ye Ting,

their movements gradually became less powerful than before, and their

spirits became less and less concentrated - they were almost desperate.

Faced with the situation where the team was destroyed by the opponent

alone, Diggory, as the captain, had to make a difficult decision: use some

special tactics to restore the situation.

He himself and the two batsmen are responsible for keeping an eye on Ye

Ting, ready to double-team him at any time. The three chasers must be

completely exposed to the interference of the walking ball, and face the

other two chasers at the same time, through the frontal attack, to score


This extreme tactic requires the team to give up control of the walking

ball, give up looking for the golden snitch, and concentrate entirely on

offense. A little carelessness will cause serious consequences.

For example, the opponent's Seeker quickly finds the Golden Snitch

without interference, and ends the game immediately.

Or the offensive chaser was hit by a walker multiple times without

protection, causing serious consequences.

Of course, Diggory did deliberately before deciding to use this tactic. He

believes that the above two dangers can be overcome in a short time:

Ravenclaw's Seeker Zhang Qiu is still a second-year rookie. Although he

is talented, it is unlikely to find the Golden Snitch in a short time, so it is

not a threat to Hufflepuff.

And without the protection of the batsman, the chasers can also use the

"penetration" tactics to ensure that they are not injured by the wandering

ball in a short period of time-the so-called penetration tactic is to give up

their own formation and fully enter the opponent's In the formation of

the players, when the players on both sides are mixed, it is very difficult

for the batter to accurately hit the opponent without hurting himself.

So, taking advantage of the dead ball time, Diggory briefly arranged the

tactics for the players.

As soon as Hufflepuff kicked off the ball, Ye Ting discovered that one of

the opponent's seekers, two batsmen, a total of three big men staring at


He wanted to bypass them and compete with Hufflepuff's chasers for the

ghost fly ball, but instead of doing their own things, the three men

rushed to block him.

The opponent’s two batsmen also tried to double-team him from the left

and right, but he avoided it easily: he increased his speed first, and then

suddenly slowed down and stopped when he was about to be pinched.

The two Hufflepuffs The batters didn't have time to brake and bumped

into each other on the spot, almost falling off the broomstick.

After that, the Hufflepuff players no longer dared to double-team him

recklessly, but these three people still ignored their responsibilities and

entangled him endlessly, making him completely unable to participate in

the fight against Ghost Feiball. Grab it.

On the other side, Hufflepuff’s chasers rushed into Ravenclaw’s team.

They fought against Ravenclaw’s chasers in three-on-two, which allowed

them to have a complete game. The batsmen who are in control of the

ball have nowhere to start.

Soon, the Hufflepuff team broke through to the vicinity of Ravenclaw's

scoring zone.

Hufflepuff's tactics are already obvious: the batsman and the seeker stop

him, separate him from his teammates, and then the opponent's three

chasers complete the attack with a three-on-two advantage in a short

period of time.

Sure enough, the opponent still has two tricks, not the weak who can't

fight back.

Ye Ting nodded secretly, this kind of strain was not bad, but he still

couldn't trouble him.

He gestured to Ravenclaw's goalkeeper and chaser. After the three saw it,

they immediately changed their tactics and no longer focused on fighting

their opponents. Instead, he chose to entangle with them in an effort to

slow Hufflepuff’s offensive speed. .

Then, Ye Ting waved to the two Ravenclaw batters, and they nodded

intentionally. They gave up on interfering with Hufflepuff's chaser

through the walk ball, and instead drove the walk ball in the direction of

Ye Ting.

At this time, because Ye Ting was being entangled by the other's three

people, the four people were not too far apart from each other.

Seeing the flying ball, Ye Ting silently calculated the position and speed

of the ball, the opposing player, and himself, and then he saw the right

time and flew to the front of one of the Hufflepuff batters. .

The sudden position of Ye Ting shocked the batsman. He quickly turned

around before colliding with Ye Ting, but was caught off guard by the

flying ball and almost fell off the broom.

Hufflepuff immediately revealed a flaw in Ye Ting's three-person defense.

Cedric Diggory and another batsman were avoiding another walker.

Seeing this, they immediately wanted to step forward to help, but it was

too late.

At this moment, Ye Ting was like a tiger entering the gate and a dragon

entering the sea. He immediately displayed his speed advantage, ditched

them, and flew towards his own half.

At this time, Diggory discovered that, at some point, under Ye Ting's

temptation, the three of them had already moved away from the center

of the court, and the chasers' team was quite a long way away from them.

It is too late for them to go back and help.

Diggory had to sigh: Ye Ting is indeed a genius.

At that time, he figured out a way to deal with Ye Ting, thinking that he

had a good idea.

Who would have thought that he was still being played by Ye Ting

between his palms.

In this game, Hufflepuff was defeated.

Item 0051

Faced with Ye Ting's quick defense, Hufflepuff's result can be imagined.

The Hufflepuff chaser wanted to quickly break through the defense, but

did not succeed.

Facing Ye Ting, who had already attacked him at high speed, he had no

choice but to force a shot across the distance in a panic, trying to force a

score through a long shot.

But not everyone has the same long-range ability as Ye Ting.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 32:

The Hufflepuff chaser obviously lacked arm strength, and the ghost flying

ball was not fast enough, and he was easily confiscated by the goalkeeper

before he was about to enter the goal.

Seeing this, Ye Ting immediately gestured to the goalkeeper, then turned

around and flew towards Hufflepuff's goal.

The goalkeeper was signaled and tried his best to throw the ghost ball

into Hufflepuff's halftime.

As Hufflepuff's chasers were far from their own half, they had been

entangled with their opponents in front of Ravenclaw's scoring zone. As a

result, they could not return to defense in time for such a quick


And Ye Ting accurately caught the ghost flying ball on the volley, and

then flew straight towards Hufflepuff's goal, forming a single-handed


Hufflepuff's goalkeeper tried his best to defend, but because the gap with

the opponent was too big, Ye Ting easily scored another 10 points.

"Eighty to zero—" Lee Jordan shouted.

There was an uproar in the audience.

Even the three of them could not stop Ye Ting's offensive.

Who else can stop him?

After the goal, Ye Ting adjusted the team's tactics.

Although he can deal with the three-man mark, this tactic is really

disgusting to him.

As a result, in the next game, the Ravenclaw team seemed to have

changed their tactical style.

In the face of Hufflepuff's offense, Ravenclaw's chasers focused on

blocking and slowing the opponent's speed, and it was only in their own

half that they began to fight for the opponent.

In addition, while fighting, the Ravenclaw chasers always kept a chaser

behind the Hufflepuff players.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Ting did not act alone this time, hoping to

use his personal ability to find flaws in the opponent's pass and steal the

ball. Instead, he stayed with his teammates to maintain the formation

and prevent another Hufflepuff. Split bracketing.

On Hufflepuff's side, Diggory wanted to command his teammates to

surround Ye Ting several times, but each time he ended up with

interceptions from other Ravenclaw players.

Faced with such tactics, Hufflepuff's offense was completely contained,

and the players couldn't get up fast, the scene was chaotic, and the ghost

ball changed hands several times.

Finally, the Guifei ball was grabbed by Ye Ting, and he threw the Guifei

ball to Hufflepuff's halftime without even thinking about it.

At this time, Roger, who was closest to the Hufflepuff halftime, also

reacted. He turned 180 degrees according to the tactic and flew toward

Hufflepuff's goal.

Since Ye Ting had a good control over the force, the Guifei ball flew right

in front of him, and he accurately caught the ball and faced Hufflepuff's

goalkeeper single-handedly.

On the other side, Ravenclaw's batsmen were also dispatched to entangle

Hufflepuff's batsmen, so that they could not interfere with the duel

between Roger and the goalkeeper.

At this moment, Hufflepuff's chasers are frantically returning to defense,

so Roger has only one chance to attack.

Three goals, two-thirds of the probability of a goal.

Roger pitched the ball calmly.

The score is ninety to zero.

Roger successfully won the ball.

This is one of Ye Ting's tactics, defensive counterattack.

The next battle was one-sided.

Faced with Ravenclaw's counter-attack tactics, Hufflepuff appeared timid

and did not dare to attack with all his strength, so Ravenclaw formed a

three-on-two situation on the offensive end.

In this case, Ravenclaw used Quidditch's traditional tactics—eagle-head

offensive formation—three chasers formed a tight triangle formation to

attack the opponent's formation, and successfully defeated the two

Hufflepuffs. The chaser separated so that they could not pass the ball to

each other, and then surrounded the ball holders and made a smooth


Faced with Ravenclaw's endless tactics, Hufflepuff was completely


Soon, the score broke through to one hundred and seventy to zero.

In desperation, they had no choice but to use Hufflepuff's best strategy-

delaying Dafa-to delay the game until the Ravenclaw players were

exhausted, and then counterattack with physical advantage.

In the past games, they can beat Ravenclaw by this trick.

However, this was also as early as Ye Ting's expectation.

After opening a point difference of more than one hundred and fifty

points, Ravenclaw began to reduce flying and increase passing-the three

chasers continued to pass and pull each other in the midfield, but let the

Hufflepuff players Tired of running, and Ravenclaw's players succeeded

in saving energy.

In the end, even if Diggory was better and Zhang Qiu caught the Golden

Snitch one step ahead, he still couldn't save Hufflepuff's defeat.

In the end, Ravenclaw defeated Hufflepuff by a big score of 270 to 160.

This is Ravenclaw's long-lost victory, and the entire team is immersed in

a sea of ​​joy.

As the biggest hero, Ye Ting was literally carried by the players and

walked around the Quidditch stadium. You know, most of Ravenclaw’s

players are girls. Their excitement is evident when they have the physical

strength to do this kind of thing.

After this battle, the entire Hogwarts has seen Ye Ting’s strong personal

ability and tactical command ability. Gryffindor and the Slytherin team

are like enemies, and they will study how to deal with Ye Ting as the

team’s current team. The top priority.

And Ye Ting's female fans fanatically regarded him as a Quidditch

superstar, thinking that he will dominate the Quidditch World Cup in the


Item 0052

It has been more than a month since Ravenclaw defeated Hufflepuff, and

the long-awaited Christmas of the little wizards is approaching.

One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts School woke up from a dream

and found that it was covered with several feet of snow and the lake was

covered with hard ice.

The Weasley twin brothers were punished because they had enchanted a

few snowballs and made them run around after Quirrell and smashed

behind his turban.

Ye Ting knew what was wrapped in that turban—Voldemort's disgusting

ugly face.

Voldemort parasitized poor Professor Quirrell, and his face appeared on

the back of Professor Quirrell's head.

In order to cover up all of this, Professor Quirrell had to wear a weird

headscarf, and also used the smell of garlic to cover Voldemort’s rotten

smell—this smell did not hide from the sensitive Feiju. From then on,

when she saw Quirrell The professor will hide away.

A few owls flew across the snowy sky to deliver mail. After all the

hardships, they had to regain their strength under Hagrid's care before

they could continue to take off.

Everyone is eagerly looking forward to the holiday.

Although there was a blazing fire in Ravenclaw’s common room and

auditorium, the draughty corridors became bitterly cold, and the

windows of the classrooms were rattling by the freezing cold wind.

The worst thing was that Professor Snape's classes were all in the

underground classrooms, and a cloud of white mist formed in front of

them as soon as they gasped, so they had to get as close as possible to

their hot crucible.

Recently, Professor Snape was often furious in the potions class. His low

air pressure made all the little wizards' potions experiments erroneous.

"Someone stole precious materials from my storage room." During a

potions class, Snape furiously at them: "I believe the thief is among you,

if you let me know who he is. , I will definitely tie him to the beating


In this regard, many little wizards are celebrating. They think that the

person who stole Snape’s materials is a real hero, and the Gryffindor lion

cubs are especially so, which intensifies the conflict between them and

Slytherin. .

"I really feel sorry for those people," Draco Malfoy said during a potions

class. "They had to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because the family

didn't want them."

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 33:

He looked at Harry when he spoke.

Crabbe and Gore snickered. But those who really know Malfoy know that

the real irony of this statement is another person, the one who makes

Malfoy envy and jealous but beyond reach.

Ye Ting had always lived in the south in his last life, so he didn't

experience a really cold winter.

In this life, he lived in London for ten years before he had experienced a

snowy winter.

However, he did not stay at Hogwarts to spend this Christmas as Malfoy


This Christmas holiday, he plans to find a way to go to Russia—oh, at

this time, it’s still called the Soviet Union—turn around, make a fortune,

and then take a part of it to Gringotts and exchange it for Jin Jialong, so

that he has Enough money to buy experimental materials in Diagon


As for why he can make money in the Soviet Union?

The answer is simple. On December 25, 1991, a far-reaching historical

event occurred in Eastern Europe, that is, the disintegration of the Soviet

Union-pay attention to the key points, and take the exams.

The Hogwarts holiday is different from the middle school in Huaguo.

Except for the summer holiday, they have a holiday of about 20 days

before and after Christmas and Easter respectively, and the Christmas

holiday starts in mid-December.

Therefore, he has enough world to carry out a series of operations before

the collapse of the Soviet Union.

However, before the start of the holiday, Ye Ting still had to deal with a

little trouble from Hermione.

Since the last time Hagrid leaked her mouth, Hermione has been very

concerned about the name Nico Lemay. In her free time, she always

browses various history and biographical books in the library, hoping to

be able to gain something.

However, although she has browsed almost a hundred books such as "The

Great Wizard of the 20th Century", "A Directory of Famous Contemporary

Magicians", "Major Discoveries of Modern Magic", and "Research on the

Development of Modern Witchcraft", these books None of the books

mention the name Nicole Le May.

After doing enough useless work, she finally became discouraged, so she

turned to seek help from the "omnipotent" Ye Ting.

"Hey, Ye Ting, please help," she begged, "I searched almost the entire

library, but I just didn't find the name."

"Oh, it's Nico LeMay again." Ye Ting shook his head helplessly. "Have you

not given up? You spend too much time on this."

"I'm sorry." Hermione lowered her head in shame, then pulled Ye Ting's

sleeve and shook it gently: "Please, Ye Ting, help me, at least you can tell

me Nico Lemay Who is it, you must know who it is, right?"

Wow, when will Hermione become cute? This is too strange.

Is this still the stubborn and strong Hermione Granger?

Although she was crazy in her heart, but when Hermione, who was

supposed to be strong, really let go of her self-esteem and asked Ye Ting

for help, he still wavered.

Seriously, facing Little Lori's cute face, watery eyes and a pitiful

expression, who would be unmoved?

At that moment, Ye Ting shamelessly put down his morals, and gave

Hermione Cope again Nico Lemay's information and his various

achievements-originally he wanted to sell it again, and he would tell him

after the holiday was over. she.

However, his behavior was immediately rewarded.

His cheeks suddenly felt moist and soft, and the sweetness of the girl was


Ye Ting was caught off guard and was kissed by Hermione.

"Nothing else, it's a reward." After putting down these words, Hermione

wanted to escape immediately, but was easily captured by Ye Ting.

"You are so bold that you secretly kissed me." Ye Ting pretended to be

angry, trying to tease the little girl.

"Kiss... kiss and kiss, what do you want... how?" Hermione blushed, and

she lowered her head not to look at him.

The act of actively kissing Ye Ting's cheek has completely exhausted her


Ye Ting smiled triumphantly and lifted her chin with his fingers,

pretending to be dude.

"Since you dare to kiss me, you will have to pay the price, and I will kiss

me back ten times."

After speaking, he waited expectantly for Hermione's response.

Unexpectedly, Hermione unexpectedly did not resist. Instead, she

stammered: "You... you can kiss if you want."

After speaking, she closed her eyes and raised her head, looking like

death at home.

This reaction made Ye Ting wonder what to do.

It stands to reason that with Hermione’s character, being so molested by

Ye Ting would either be furious or too embarrassed to speak, but now...

Regardless, they have all come to the door, so why are they hesitating?

For a while, in the corner of this quiet library, only two people were

breathing heavily.

Item 0053

The ambiguous atmosphere lasted for a while, only then slowly subsided.

Reason controlled Ye Ting's heart.

It occurred to him that his own body is only eleven years old now, and

Hermione is also eleven years old. As a result, their two eleven-year-old

kids hid in the corner of the library to play and kiss, and they almost got


Although his age is definitely an adult in his heart, the most important

thing is that this is Hermione's first move.

Are the little girls now so precocious?

It made him start to wonder if he was Lolita.

Oh, Lolita, the light of my life, the fire of my desire. My sin, my spirit...

Stop it now, and can't think about it anymore.

If you go further down, you will become a pervert, at least you have to

wait until you are sixteen...

Ye Ting thought wildly for a while, and finally came back to his senses.

Hermione was in a state of chaos at this time. She couldn't believe that

she had said something like that and did something like that just now, so

she had to bury her head in Ye Ting's arms and pretend to be an ostrich.


Ye Ting cleared his throat and broke the silence first.

"Um, Hermione, I have something to tell you."

In his arms, Hermione nodded slightly.

Ye Ting continued: "I think since you have been investigating Nico

LeMay, on the one hand, you want to know what treasure Dumbledore

hid, and on the other hand, you still suspect that Snape wanted to

murder Harry. , Take away the treasure."

Hermione in her arms nodded again.

"Listen to me, Hermione, you can't suspect a professor based on a bad

impression." Ye Ting sighed and persuaded: "Before there is clear

evidence, making a judgment on this kind of thing is a very serious

accusation. I am not criticizing you morally, but I want to tell you that

doing so will make your investigation into a big detour, and even cause

irreparable consequences."

Hearing this, Hermione’s reaction suddenly became fierce. She left Ye

Ting’s arms, looked up at him, and retorted seriously: “But Snape did

often target Harry Potter. He was always Harry was embarrassed in the

Potions class. Among the professors, he was the most suspicious."

Sure enough, it was Hermione. When faced with a debate, he never cared

about anything ambiguous. This was the demeanor of the "Miss Know-it-


"I know this. Snape really hates Harry. He has always been a mean

person. I heard Zhang Qiu say that Snape was also named the champion

of the England mean championship." Speaking of which, even He Min

also laughed out loud.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 34:

However, Ye Ting's voice changed: "But, this proves nothing. If you

follow your logic, then whether it is smearing the hallway with mud, or

dripping Flobber caterpillar juice on Gryffindor's lunch, or Summon Filch

during the night tour of the students. Snape did all these things because

he was the most mean to the students of all the professors."

"No...no, these..." Hermione was speechless, and she didn't know how to

refute it, because this was her original logic.

"In fact, these things were done by Pippi." Ye Ting said with a smile: "But

Pippi will definitely not conspiracy to steal Professor Dumbledore's

treasure. We all know that pranks are his only hobby. "

"So," he looked straight into Hermione's eyes. "Do you still think Snape

had tricked Harry?"

"You're right." Hermione thought for a while, and finally admitted her

mistake: "I was too arbitrary."

"Yes, you are indeed too arbitrary." Ye Ting touched Hermione's cheek.

"You are Hermione Granger. You are smarter than anyone. All the little

wizards—whether pure-blood or mixed-blood—learn magic faster than

you. You always rely on logic to judge problems. How come this time

Like other people, have they started to follow their impressions and


When Ye Ting talked about this, Hermione's face turned red—because Ye

Ting knew her too well, he said everything. She was originally a more

rational person who didn’t easily doubt others—she bit her lip and

whispered. Said: "Yes, this time I am too prejudiced against Professor

Snape. I will not doubt him easily anymore."

Then she said loudly like a declaration: "But I still think Snape is a nasty


Poor old bat, the student's bad impression of him can't be changed.

Ye Ting shrugged and echoed: "I feel so too. Not only is he gloomy,

withdrawn, mean and eccentric, but he never washes his hair. Everyone

hates him."

Hermione nodded in satisfaction.

Ye Ting sighed unchecked.

The girl is really difficult to coax. It is not low to persuade her but not to

make her angry.

Fortunately, this is more reasonable Hermione.

Suddenly, Hermione looked at Ye Ting curiously again, and asked him:

"Then, the treasure that Dumbledore hid is Nico Lemay's Philosopher's

Stone, right?"

"Yes, I guess that's it." Ye Ting nodded, but did not forget to remind her:

"Don't tell Harry Potter and Ron Way about Nico Lemay and the

Philosopher's Stone. Sly, this is too dangerous. The one who can have the

guts to steal something from Dumbledore must be a powerful dark

wizard. With their weak strength, they are not suitable to participate."

In fact, it's not that it's not suitable to participate, but it's not the time

when they know all this.

Ye Ting decided to disclose the news to Harry at the end of the semester.

Only then did he fully prepare everything so that he would have the

opportunity to get the Philosopher's Stone by fishing in troubled waters.

But for the time being, there is no need to tell Hermione, who has the

most sense of justice-at least a few more semesters, until she truly

becomes "owner" before telling her.

After reaching a consensus, the two immediately went to the library


On the way back to the lounge, Hermione suddenly asked with curiosity:

"You just said that Harry and Ron are not suitable for participating, so

what about me? Can I participate in this matter?"

Not bad, this time Hermione didn't even want to worry about this

meddling, and she knew to ask him in advance.

But with Hermione's character, she would definitely be unhappy if she

didn't let her participate.

So Ye Ting raised his eyebrows and said proudly: "You are you, they are

them, although your strength is not strong—"

Having said that, he glanced at Hermione, and the girl's face was much


He continued: "But it doesn't matter, because I will protect you."

Hearing these words, Hermione, who had been underestimated, suddenly

had no complaints in her heart, even if she was judged to be lowly


She remembered the night of Halloween and her first Quidditch class.

Whenever she was in a crisis, he would stand by her side to protect her

from harm.

"He said he would protect me."

Hermione was completely moved, and she suddenly gave Ye Ting a big

hug without saying a word.

In the end, Ye Ting was at a loss.

What is this for? Why does she hug me? Did I say anything special?

No matter, so be it.

Feeling Hermione's deep closeness and dependence on him, he

backhanded her in his arms.

He left his original family and came to another world alone. Here, he saw

the legendary magic and had a great goal.

However, under all this, there is a deep loneliness.

However, now he knew that he was finally no longer alone, no longer


There are others who care about him and rely on him.

Christmas is coming.

Chapter 0054 Farewell, Traces and Wall Street

Today is the last day of staying in school, and the students returning

home will take the Hogwarts train tomorrow back to King's Cross Station

in London.

When Ye Ting came to the auditorium, Professor McGonagall and

Professor Flitwick were busy arranging Christmas decorations. He saw

Hagrid walking in with a large fir tree. The needles were touched

everywhere. Yes.

"Ah, Hagrid, the last tree was brought in too-put it in the corner over

there, okay?" Professor McGonagall said casually.

The auditorium looks beautiful and magnificent. The walls were covered

with hanging ribbons of holly and mistletoe. Twelve towering Christmas

trees were erected everywhere in the room. Some trees were hung with

small shiny icicles, and some trees were shining with hundreds of


Unfortunately, these have nothing to do with him, although he himself is

looking forward to staying in Hogwarts during the holidays, participating

in the Christmas party, and tasting the special Christmas food—to be

honest, Hogwarts’ food has always been both sumptuous and Delicious,

far beyond the unbearable local cuisine of British Muggles.

But he still has his own money-making plan.

In class days, leaving Hogwarts is a very troublesome thing, not only

after a long journey-Hogwarts can not use Apparition-but also to avoid

the castle portraits, statues, ghosts, professors and forbidden Lin Biology's

monitoring, in addition, he had to return before the next morning, which

was completely making things difficult for people.

Therefore, the Christmas holiday is his only opportunity. In the past few

years, he has missed the opportunity to short the yen in the Japan Plaza

Agreement and short the oil in the Gulf War at the beginning of the year.

Before it is too late, all major events such as the disintegration of the

Soviet Union must be seized.

Early the next morning, he boarded the Hogwarts Express and embarked

on a journey back to London.

His three female friends, Hermione Granger, Zhang Qiu, and Penello

Krivart did not stay at school during the holidays, so at Kings Cross

Station, he hugged and said goodbye to the three of them.

"Don't forget to write us back." Penello said to him reluctantly: "I know

you don't have owls, but I will write to you, and Christmas gifts."

"Of course, I remember." Ye Ting smiled and nodded, feeling a little

warm in his heart.

In the end, each of the three girls secretly gave him a kiss when no one


Ye Ting was moved and somewhat helpless about this, and there was a

little excitement and relief in his heart.

It seemed that he was destined to be a sinful man, but let him go.

After bidding farewell to the three girls, Ye Ting was about to start


For this operation, he has made enough preparations: large doses of

petrochemical potions, antidote to petrochemical potions, and a whole

cauldron of semi-finished compound decoctions—some time ago, it was

he and Oriana who sneaked into Snape’s The private storage room stole

the medicinal materials, and then manufactured these medicinal

materials in the responsive house.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 35:

Originally, the petrochemical potion was completely redundant, after all,

there was also the existence of the petrification curse.

But Ye Ting felt that his mana was not strong enough, and his mastery of

the petrified mantra was not deep enough, so the petrified mantra did not

last long enough to be petrified, so he had to use potions to replace the

effect of the spell.

All these things were cursed to shrink and were hidden in the pockets of

his cloak.

After leaving King's Cross Station, he did not immediately return to the

Wu's Orphanage, but went directly to the London Airport.

Relying on the Confusion Curse and the Illusion Curse, he got on a plane

to New York, USA.

Of course, due to the existence of the trace wire, minor wizards who use

the spell outside the school will be sensed by the Ministry of Magic, and

then the little wizard who uses the spell will receive a warning letter

from the Ministry of Magic. In serious cases, it may even cause Aurors.

Come home.

But trace silk is not without flaws.

According to Ye Ting's analysis, Zongsi couldn't sense which little wizard

used magic. Its principle was to sense the position of the little wizard

when using magic.

When the little wizard lives in a Muggle family, because the positions of

the little wizards are quite scattered, and their parents do not know how

to do magic, the Ministry of Magic can easily determine the identity of

the offender based on the home addresses of the little wizards. .

And when the little wizard who uses the spell illegally is in a wizard’s

family, it’s not so easy to judge the identity of the little wizard through

traces, but that’s okay, because the law of the wizard stipulates that they

violate the rules for minor wizards of this kind of family. The use of

magic is supervised by parents.

Ye Ting was able to come to this conclusion. The evidence comes from

the fact that Harry Potter was framed during the summer vacation in the

first semester of the original book: It was Dobby who used magic, but the

Ministry of Magic insisted that Harry used magic, and Letters of warning

were sent to him.

This proves that the Ministry of Magic can only confirm the location and

not the user.

But now, Ye Ting was also prepared.

He chose to get on a plane about to depart, so when the Aurors arrived at

the airport through Apparition, the plane had already taken off, and Ye

Ting had already left the crime scene and flew far away.

The Aurors looked around at the airport blankly, but found nothing. As a

result, the nearby Muggles were taken aback by the sudden appearance

of them—who would have thought that underage wizards would dare to

use magic in the public.

In the past incidents they dealt with, due to their location in the Muggle

world, the little wizards often secretly cast spells in secret places to

prevent them from being discovered as monsters, while the Aurors

appeared directly after the scene of the incident through Apparition. The

perpetrator can be caught on the spot.

But this time they ran into an accident.

Some Muggles thought they had a hallucination, some were frightened

and ran away, and some Muggles were excited to ask questions—if there

are smartphones in this era, pictures of Aurors and The video has long

appeared on social media and has been watched by Muggle netizens.

Next is the large-scale oblivion curse. It is estimated that the Minister of

Magic will also inform the British Prime Minister to cooperate in

controlling public opinion-after all, the place where the accident

happened is the airport waiting room, where the flow of people is too

large. There may be witnesses who have already left by plane. If the

incident is not handled properly and the incident is further fermented,

there may be one more famous unsolved mystery in the world.

As for Ye Ting, he didn't know how much trouble his chicken feathers

had caused the Ministry of Magic and the British government. At this

time, he was on his way to New York.

Now he can be regarded as a leaping fish, the sky is high and the birds

fly, because the trace can only take effect in the UK, that is to say, he can

use magic at will after he leaves the country, and the British Ministry of

Magic does not control him at all. .

As for the Ministry of Magic in other countries-at least there is no

international sharing practice for the information on Zongsi.

The flight lasted eight hours, and when the plane arrived in New York,

the sky was already dimmed. But Ye Ting did not immediately deal with

trivial matters such as finding a place to live or solving dinner-he is very

short of time now.

The feast of the disintegration of the Soviet Union is about to begin, and

most of the people have already entered. He must hurry up.

First of all, the first step is to solve the identity problem. Of course he

can't do this with his own identity, because he is too young and has no

original funds. Even with the empty glove white wolf method, there is

nowhere to start.

And his solution is to find a person with enough identity to carry out his

plan. This person must be engaged in financial work, and has sufficient

credit and property, and should be single or living alone at the moment.

This is not to say that Ye Ting wants to embezzle other people's

property... He is not that bad, he feels that the use of magic to rob

Muggles is neither technical nor in line with his identity-what is the

future of the law gods robbing mortals?

The reason why he wants to choose such a person is because he needs a

loan-making money through a loan is his best choice.

As for being single and living alone, it's even simpler: you only need to

use magic to get the target person, and put it in a family and forge their

memories at the same time. It will be a big trouble. Few things like group

hallucinations will believe it.

The best place to find such a single, credible and wealthy financial

worker is Wall Street in New York.

Chapter 0055 Charles Murphy and Compound Decoction

Wall Street is the name of a street in Manhattan, New York City. It is only

one-third of a mile long and 11 meters wide. The streets are narrow and

short, but it is known as the "financial center of the United States."

Managers of banking, insurance, shipping, and railway companies

established by the Morgan Chaebol, Rockefeller Petroleum King, and the

DuPont Consortium are concentrated here. The famous New York Stock

Exchange is also here, and it is still the headquarters of several major

exchanges: Nasdaq, American Stock Exchange, New York Futures

Exchange, etc.

There are a large number of financial practitioners here: traders, traders,

bankers, managers, etc...

Ye Ting easily found a suitable target here.

Charles Murphy, born in 1961, entered Columbia University at the age of

16, and later obtained law and business degrees from Harvard University

and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is currently working for

Morgan Stanley, as well as for the Goldman Sachs Group, The experience

of the world's largest banking services such as Deutsche Bank and Credit

Suisse Group, single, with assets of up to millions of dollars.

This was the most qualified target Ye Ting could find in a short time.

On the day Ye Ting found him, Charles just finished handing over his

work and was about to start his Christmas holiday.

There is nothing more suitable than him.

Ye Ting imposed a phantom spell on himself and followed him all the

way to his apartment—this was Charles' property near Wall Street, and

he also had a small villa on Long Island.

Ye Ting waited at the entrance of his apartment until one o'clock in the

morning. After making sure that there were no bystanders or surveillance

cameras around, he drew out his wand and pointed lightly at the door.

"Alaho Cave opens."

The door opened, and Ye Ting walked into the apartment lightly.

Although the lights were not turned on, Ye Ting was able to get a

sweeping view of this luxurious apartment through the lights outside the


Huge fish tanks, gorgeous carpets, shelves full of famous wines, and

antiques and crafts from all over the world, all show the wealth of its


Worthy of being a rich man on Wall Street.

Ye Ting smiled slightly, closed the door smoothly, and then patrolled the

apartment back and forth-for some time in the future, this place will

belong to "him" (this is just a pun).

When Ye Ting came to Charles's bedroom, the owner of the room was

still asleep, with half a glass of unfinished red wine on the head of the


However, to be on the safe side, Ye Ting still cast a coma spell on him to

prevent him from waking up from the pain, and then pulled a lot of hair

from his head.

Then, he took out his cauldron, which was filled with compound soup,

and Ye Ting put the hair of Charles that he had just obtained into it.

The decoction made a loud noise, like a pot of boiling water, and frothed

vigorously. After a second, it turned into an ugly off-white.

"Evil—the essence of Mr. Charles Murphy," Ye Ting poured himself a cup

of gray soup and looked at it in disgust: "Should I change the method?"

"Yes, my dear father, it is not an interesting choice to turn yourself into

another person. You obviously have an incomparable beauty, why should

you become a bad old man?" Oriana on the side agreed. Nodded.

In this apartment, she doesn't need to keep the size of the toy anymore,

she has returned to her original shape.

Hearing Oriana's suggestion, Ye Ting curled his lips: "Hey, he is just thirty

years old, and he is in his prime. How can he be a terrible old man. Also,

what is unparalleled beauty, although I'm very happy when you say that,


"I don't care, I don't care, this guy is a terrible old man compared to my

father." Oriana shook her head reluctantly, the mechanical style female

voice acting coquettishly with a strange cuteness.

Hearing Oriana's words, Ye Ting couldn't help but chuckle in his heart,

but pretended to be helpless: "Okay, okay, but my two lifetimes

combined seem to be older than him."

"My father will always be 18 years old~☆"

She is really a lovely daughter.

"Forget it, bear it for a while." Looking at the turbid off-white potion, Ye

Ting took a long time to summon up the courage and drank it.

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 36:

It tastes terrible and tastes like overcooked cabbage.

Immediately, Ye Ting's internal organs began to churn, as if what he had

just swallowed was a few live snakes.

Suddenly, a burning sensation quickly spread from his stomach to his

fingers and toes. Then, there was a terrible feeling of melting, as if all his

skin was bubbling like hot wax.

He watched as his hands began to enlarge, his fingers became thicker, his

nails became wider, and his knuckles bulged out like bolts. His shoulders

began to stretch, making him feel unbearable pain; the needle-like pain

on his forehead told him that the hair was spreading toward his

eyebrows; his chest was swelling, his thighs were stretching, and even his

feet were swelling. Two laps.

Fortunately, he had enough foresight to change into loose pajamas before

drinking the soup, otherwise his shirt, trousers and leather shoes would

be broken.

At his feet, Feiju was so frightened that he jumped so far, and it took a

while to react...

She walked around Ye Ting and sniffed, and finally was able to confirm

that Ye Ting was still that Ye Ting, so she threw herself into Ye Ting's

arms like an aggrieved child.

"You scared me just now, touch me quickly, or I won't forgive you-she

meant it." Oriana was dubbing Feiju's behavior with wicked fun beside

her. And she herself poked and poked Ye Ting curiously, wanting to see

how he was different from before.

"It's amazing. It's completely different. There is no trace of the original."

She admired the effect of the compound decoction: "Except for the soul,

Father Father has completely changed into another person."

Even Fei Ju nodded in agreement.

"Yes, the compound decoction is so magical." Ye Ting said, his voice was

no longer magnetic and pleasant, but became more muffled and rough,

that was Charles's voice.

"The compound decoction is probably at the genetic level, turning one

person into another. If I go for a DNA test now, the doctor will never find

the difference between me and Charles himself."

The transformation effect of the compound decoction lasts about two

hours, which means that he has to take the compound decoction every

two hours in front of outsiders in order to maintain the transformation.

But the dose of decoction he made was large enough for him to use it for

two weeks.

The next step is to get Charles's memory, so that he can accurately

imitate Charles' own words and deeds to prevent any flaws from being


Although this financial executive went to college at a young age and can

be regarded as a talent with high IQ, he is not a figure like Snape after

all. He has no knowledge of Occlumency, and Ye Ting can easily get his

attention with the idea of ​​contemplation. memory.

He spent four or five hours browsing these memories. In these memories,

he not only got a general understanding of Charles’s life and his living

habits, but also learned Charles’ knowledge of finance and his operating

techniques—although it was only a cursory browsing, but It was enough

for Ye Ting.

After all, his goal is to benefit from the disintegration of the Soviet

Union. This does not require precise judgment or subtle manipulation. It

only needs to follow the general trend and make good use of historical


Finally, he poured a large cup of special thick petrochemical potion into

poor Charles's mouth.

Charles' body immediately became stiff.

This dose can ensure that he stays in a petrified state for a long time, and

he will never be able to return to normal before taking the potion to

dissolve petrification.

The advantage of the petrified state is that the petrified person will

always remain in the same state, just like the real stone, there will be no

change until the petrification is released, and the petrified person will not

have the slightest memory during this period.

In this way, he can safely leave Charles himself in the apartment and

head to Eastern Europe by himself, without worrying about whether

Charles will starve to death or die of thirst in the two weeks.

Now Ye Ting has everything ready and can start his wealth journey at

any time.

Item 0056

This trip to Eastern Europe went well.

When Ye Ting returned to New York, Charles Murphy's home, nearly two

weeks had passed since Christmas, and his vacation was about to end.

This journey has been very rewarding for him. After witnessing the fall of

the red giant with his own eyes, he and other Western financial

institutions ate and chewed on the giant's corpse.

In fact, his operation is not complicated-in the Soviet Union, as Charles,

he used enough assets as collateral to loan a large ruble in the Soviet

bank-about 5 million rubles, and agreed to be delivered in US dollars. ,

And then repaid the account in rubles—of course, he would inevitably

use special methods such as obfuscation curses and misleading curses,

otherwise, as an individual, he would not be able to compete with those

formal financial institutions in this regard.

Then, he received about five and a half million U.S. dollars in cash.

The next step is to wait.

On December 25, 1991, Gorbachev announced his resignation as

president of the Soviet Union; on December 26, the Soviet Union

disintegrated and the Russian Federation became the sole successor to the

Soviet Union. All properties, deposits, diplomatic institutions, embassies

and consulates of the former Soviet Union overseas are taken over by


The Soviet Union disintegrated and split into 15 countries: the three

countries of East Slavia, the three countries of the Baltic Sea, the five

countries of Central Asia, the three countries of Transcaucasus, and


An era is over.

After that, the ruble plummeted four or five times in one week. That is to

say, today’s 5.5 million dollars is equivalent to more than 20 million

rubles, and he only needs to take out five million of them for repayment.

, The rest is pure profit.

This is simply robbing the bank-no, robbing the bank is not as fast as this.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia was only left with an

empty shell, and it was not without reason.

The wealth accumulated by the Soviet Union over the past few decades

has been swept away by Western bankers.

If Ye Ting has enough time, he can wait for a few more months. At that

time, Russia’s inflation rate was as high as 2000%. In other words, the US

$5.5 million would be equivalent to hundreds of millions of rubles in a

few months. , He can earn more.

Unfortunately, what he lacks today is time.

However, the twenty-fold decline has increased his harvest by up to a

quarter, which is equivalent to about one million U.S. dollars. Although

the money seems to be a lot, he has now earned more than four million

U.S. dollars. It has been enough for him to spend a while, there is no

need to spend the time and energy of learning magic for this extra


Then, he carried out a raid in the Russian store, and he returned with a

full load.

Due to the economic crisis, Russia’s luxury goods, handicrafts and other

industries are in a slump: everyone doesn’t even have money to eat,

where can they spend it?

This made Ye Ting cheaper. He bought a lot of souvenirs and souvenirs at

low prices with US dollars in his hand.

After all, in this case, the U.S. dollar is more valuable than the ruble, and

the merchant would rather lose a little bit, and also want to receive the

U.S. dollar instead of the ruble that will depreciate at any time.

Now, Ye Ting and Oriana, who had returned from the victory, cleaned up

Charles Murphy's house, made some arrangements, and then poured the

de-petrification medicine into his mouth.

Poor Charles finally recovered his pre-petrification state, but he still did

not wake up-he was hit by Ye Ting's coma curse before the petrification,

so it would take a while before he was unconscious.

Taking advantage of this gap, Ye Ting casually fabricated a little memory

of going on vacation in Eastern Europe, and stuffed it into Charles's mind.

Since these memories are based on Ye Ting’s own personal experience,

the authenticity is sufficient. Then he successively casts the Confusion

Curse, Confusion Curse, and Amnesia Curse on Charles. In this case,

Charles will be confused in his mind. Within a week, he will become

forgetful and lost, so that he will not have doubts about the fragments of


In order to increase credibility, Ye Ting also put half a bottle of vodka

and half of the burnt leaves in the living room-it is easy to get these in

the United States. He also left many Eastern European specialties for


When Charles wakes up, he will feel that his memory is chaotic. There

are only some fragments of traveling in Eastern Europe, but combined

with souvenirs, vodka and leaves on the table, he will make up his own

conclusion: he did go to Eastern Europe. I took a vacation, but after

returning to New York, my memory was confused due to alcoholism and

Fly leaf overdose, and I forgot a lot of specific details.

If he wants to check further, then his airline tickets, consumption records,

records of small exchange rubles, etc. can all prove that he has indeed

been to Eastern Europe-after all, these are Ye Ting holding his face and

using his identity. You can't fake anything you do.

As for the operation of mortgage loans and shorting the ruble, since it

was done entirely in Soviet banks, there is no record in New York.

When Ye Ting left Russia, he had already gotten the end of his hand

completely, unless Charles came to Russia himself, found the bank

accurately, and found the transaction in the bank’s records—all the

personnel involved in the transaction were subsequently arrested. He

imposed an oblivion curse, but left electronic and written records-

otherwise he would never know in his life that he "he" actually did such a

big vote in Russia.

As for whether he will be targeted by the KGB, held accountable by the

Russian government, or refused to enter the country, it is not a matter for

Ye Ting.


When Ye Ting returned to the Wu's Orphanage, it was only two days

before the end of the vacation.

After returning to the orphanage and entering a familiar room, Ye Ting

was full of emotions for a while.

Four months ago, he was an ordinary man, looking forward to becoming

a big entrepreneur, the richest man in the world.

But now, four months later, he has entered the other side of the world

and became a real wizard.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 37:

Oriana looked around in his room curiously, wanting to take a closer

look at the place where her dearest father once lived.

Fei Ju jumped on the bed excitedly—she also missed her former home a


Ye Ting found that his room was full of Christmas gifts, almost all of

them sent to him by friends he knew in Hogwarts—and of course, his

huge fan group.

Since Ye Ting spent a lot of time reading in the public library and the

library in the Ravenclaw Lounge when Ye Ting was at Hogwarts,

everyone felt that books were the best gift for Ye Ting.

He received about sixty books, and even the professors sent him some

more advanced magic books. These books are neatly stacked on the floor-

more than twenty of them are Gidro Loha Special book, it seems that this

guy still has a good way of deceiving little girls.

Most of the members of the fan club gave chocolates and gift cards.

Among them, there were almost two hundred chocolates, enough for him

to eat for a year, and there were more than one hundred gift cards.

Of course, Ye Ting would never dare to eat these chocolates easily,

because he could not decide which chocolate would be added with

ecstasy—four or five of the chocolates he received when he was injured

were added with ecstasy. Fortunately, he I didn't eat any one.

There are also other gifts. For example, Roger gave him a statue of

Alasdair Maddock-this guy is the most successful team in the league-the

ace chaser of the Montrose Magpies , Is also Roger’s most admired player;

Zhang Qiu gave him a set of Tatehill Tornado posters—she is a loyal fan

of this team; Hermione gave him a shorthand quill pen; Penello gave him

A hand-knitted scarf from him—According to the news of her roommate,

she has been preparing this scarf in secret since a month ago, but she

neither knits a scarf outside the dormitory nor let her roommate talk

about it Go out; and Dumbledore gave him a pack of disgusting

cockroach dumplings.

Seeing this unexpected pile of gifts, Ye Ting was both happy and upset.

Fortunately, this time, he made a fortune in Russia and bought enough

specialties and souvenirs before returning. It was just enough to take all

these as a gift in return.

In addition, these souvenirs can also be used as proof of his travels-he

also found several unanswered letters from Zhang Qiu, Hermione and

Penello in the gift pile, thinking of making an appointment with them

before the separation to write on the holiday Ye Ting felt a headache

when he contacted him, and hoped that these local products from Russia

could calm their dissatisfaction.

Item 0057

On the last day of the Christmas holiday, Ye Ting came to Gringotts in

Diagon Alley by himself early in the morning, and he wanted to exchange

a large sum of U.S. dollars into Jin Jialong.

In Gringotts, the exchange ratio between Jin Jialong and the British

pound is 1:5, and Ye Ting put out half a million US dollars to exchange

for Jialong, which means that he can exchange almost 80,000 Jin


Faced with such a big deal, the young fairy at the counter obviously

couldn't be the master. He hurriedly called a very old and very old fairy,

his face was wrinkled like an orange peel that had been left for a long

time, and his voice was sharp and astringent.

"Since I started working at Gringotts when I was young, I have never seen

such a big deal." Faced with a check for half a million dollars, the old

goblin burst out with vitality that was incompatible with his age, with

money in his eyes. Guangming: "Are you sure you want to replace all of

them with Jin Jialong?"

"Of course." Ye Ting handed the check impatiently.

When receiving the check, the old goblin's hand couldn't help trembling.

At that moment, he even gave birth to the idea of ​​apparating and

leaving immediately after receiving the check.

Of course, he couldn't really do this, because Ye Ting could invalidate the

check with a phone call before he could get rid of the tracking and

exchange the check.

Sometimes, Ye Ting would be surprised by the financial system of the

wizarding world.

Although half a million dollars is a lot of money in the Muggle world, it

is only a fraction of a fraction for the real rich, but for wizards, this half a

million dollars—that is, eighty thousand gold gallons is equivalent to a

lot of money. A fortune.

Harry Potter’s parents left Harry at most tens of thousands of Jin Jialong,

but this still includes the property owned by James Potter as the heir of

the pure-blooded family of wizarding circles, and the Potter’s family is in

The pure-blood family can be considered quite rich.

In other words, even the largest richest man in the wizarding world is at

the level of ordinary rich people in the Muggle world, and the population

of the wizarding world is much lower than that of the Muggle world. So

why has the wizarding world’s economy been Didn't it crash?

As long as any Muggle rich child becomes a wizard, and then spends one

or two billion pounds in exchange for Jin Jialong, and then spends all of

it, there will be severe inflation in the entire wizarding world—he even

suspects that Gringotts can’t produce it at all. Dorking Garon.

Of course, the one or two billion pounds in 1991 is much more valuable

than the one or two billion pounds two or three decades later.

However, as the productivity of Muggles continues to increase, even if

Muggle's currency has been depreciating, the wealth of Muggles is still

growing at a rate far surpassing the wizarding world.

In another ten or twenty years, the Muggle world will be able to

exchange one or two billion gold gallons at one go. There will be much

more wealthy people than it is now. At that time, the wizarding world is

more likely to have a financial crisis.

Nowadays, finance in the wizarding world is normal. The biggest reason

is concealment and closedness. This is like China, which had a relatively

closed financial system at that time. Since Chinese funds can freely enter

and exit foreign markets, foreign funds cannot enter China freely. , So the

international financial crisis has little impact on China.

After cherishing the check, the old fairy began to sell Ye Ting's Gringotts

vault: "Dear sir, you have a lot of wealth, but you can't really bring all the

80,000 Jin Jialong. Come on. I sincerely recommend the vault of

Gringotts. Gringotts can provide you with the safest and highest quality

savings service. No one but you can take out a nat from the vault, and

Our interest rate is also higher than that of Muggle banks. The cheapest

vault is only 500 gallons. If you are willing to pay 10,000 gallons, your

vault will be protected by our highest standards—including a sphinx Or

fire dragon as an anti-theft measure..."

The old fairy said a lot of words, it is hard to imagine that he was still

looking old and dying just now.

Ye Ting can't stand his continuous sales. He doubts that if he doesn't let

this guy shut up, the old man might even have financial services, fixed

fund investment, etc., plus he does have savings needs. , So he

immediately agreed to spend 10,000 gallons to buy the most expensive

vault, and his money was now lying in the deepest part of Gringotts

along with the oldest families in the wizarding world.

When leaving Gringotts, Ye Ting got a dragon skin pocket, which

contained five thousand gold gallons, a key to the vault, a personal seal,

a checkbook from Gringotts, and a badge.

Checkbooks and seals are used for large purchases, while badges are a

symbol of the status of Gringotts' valued customers.

After arriving at Diagon Alley, Ye Ting was finally able to make a large

purchase as he wished—he had been waiting for this day after purchasing

before the beginning of school—he bought a platinum and fairy

silverware (similar to the Lord of the Rings) Mithril, the material for the

Gryffindor sword) foldable and self-stirring crucible, a platinum balance

and binoculars, several sets of crystal test tubes, a set of marble wizard

chess, large quantities of various precious magic materials, and a large

amount of expensive Cat food.

Even after using the shrinking spell, his backpack was still full.

Of course, he didn't buy any more books.

As a result, Hogwarts' collection of books must be much more than that

of "Leihen Bookstore".

Secondly, Ye Ting feels that most of the books that can be bought have

the opportunity to be given to him by his fan club as a gift—as far as he

knows, his fan club has a public book list that all members of the fan club

give him All of the books will be entered into the book list to avoid

repeated gifts.

Thirdly, most of the books written by wizards are fancy and random and

lack system and logic. Ye Ting is currently doing a job in addition to

studying, and that is to systematically use the knowledge of wizards

through the thesis of Muggle academia. Summarize. The final result is

probably a great book like Oxford Encyclopedia or Magic Academic

Edition "Yongle Dadian" and "Siku Quanshu". With such books, he doesn't

need to collect so many academic books on wizards.

Finally, he went to Mrs. Morkin and ordered seven or eight sets of

costumes in the style of FGO's Chaldean uniforms, Atlas uniforms, and

polar Chaldean uniforms, which ended the purchase.

Sure enough, shopping and consumption is not the privilege of girls. In

fact, as long as they have the opportunity, boys will also enjoy this


Immediately afterwards, he rushed to King's Cross station non-stop and

embarked on the train to Hogwarts.

Of course, on the train, he had to coax the three girls who were angry

because of the missed communication. Fortunately, the "souvenirs" he

sent were more powerful—the one he gave to Hermione was an amber

necklace wrapped in a beetle. Zhang Qiu's is a pair of enamel earrings,

and the gift to Sister Penello is a gorgeous Faberge egg.

Girls are worthy of being dragons, creatures who have a natural affection

for shiny things. Such gifts easily get their favor-the three girls are from

good families, otherwise they would not dare to accept such gifts-plus

Shang Ye Ting wittyly shifted the topic to the Russian landscape and the

experience of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which successfully

aroused their interest, and that was the result.

After a pleasant train journey, they returned to Hogwarts.

Item 0058

After returning to school, Hogwarts’ first Quidditch match was

Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin. Ravenclaw’s genius and the “male god”

confronted Slytherin, who hates Muggles the most. The smell of

gunpowder in the game is terrible.

Before the game, Malford blocked Ye Ting in the hallway, with Crabbe

and Gore behind him. They were also going to watch the game and cheer

for the Slytherin team.

"Get out of the way, Ravenclaw's'little white face'," Malfoy screamed to

Ye Ting defiantly, "Or are you ready to accept insults in front of your

lover on the court? Break your leg!"

After saying this, he thought he laughed humorously, and his two

attendants also laughed exaggeratedly, as if someone was using a knife to

force them.

Ye Ting shook his head speechlessly. This kind of kid trick made him feel

very ridiculous. A dude like Malfoy could only move his lips in front of


However, although he is not angry, it is natural that someone is angry for


"You are jealous, Malfoy." Beside Ye Ting, Hermione sarcastically said,

"You neither have girls like it nor can you join the Quidditch team. You

can only say something sour."

Her words pierced Malfoy sharply, and his face became a little ugly.

"No one asked your opinion, you smelly little mudblood." He said to

Hermione fiercely, "Hurry up and get off with your concubine."

This sentence immediately caused an explosive reaction.

Zhang Qiu stared at him angrily and warned: "How dare you...shut up."

However, it was Ye Ting who responded the most. He coldly announced

to him: "You will pay for this sentence."

At that moment, his cold aura made Malfoy seem to be naked in the ice

and snow, and he couldn't help but fought a cold war.

Ye Ting pulled out his magic wand and pointed it at Malfoy. He was

immediately transformed into a white mouse and scurried on the ground

in a panic.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 38:

Crabbe and Gore yelled and rushed to Ye Ting, but he did not evade, but

pointed at them with his magic wand respectively. Malfoy's two big

followers immediately turned into rats-Carat The cloth became a big, fat

brown mouse, and Gore became a stout black mouse.

Ye Ting casually broke a dead branch and turned it into a big iron cage,

and then threw all three panicking mice into it with a floating spell, and

then hung the cage on the ceiling of the corridor, letting the three mice

go. Crawling around in the cage.

Finally, Ye Ting also ordered Feiju: "Feiju, call all your friends and let

them teach these three little rascals how to be a good student."

Hearing what he said, the little wizards nearby couldn't help but fight a

cold war.

Let Feiju's friends educate him, who is Feiju? The big sister of all the cats

in Hogwarts, what friends can she call?

Let the cat deal with the three little wizards who have become mice, this

is to scare people out of heart disease.

Ravenclaw's genius has such a terrible side, don't provoke him.

This is the opinion of the boys.

But the girls' reactions were completely different. Instead of thinking that

Ye Ting was cold and ruthless, they admired him even more.

"Ye Ting is so cool."

"What a safe man."

"Because the female partner was insulted, she fought in anger. It's so


"Why can that nerd get his favor?"

"It would be nice if the person scolded as Mudblood was me."


After leaving the trio and on the way to the game, Hermione looked at Ye

Ting curiously and asked, "Are you all right now? Why did you make

such a big fire just now?"

Before Ye Ting had spoken, Zhang Qiu interrupted sourly: "Don't you see

it yet? He was venting for you at this moment, and Malfoy insulted you."

But Hermione still couldn't understand, she seemed a little worried: "I

know Malfoy said some rude things, but there is no need to do this. It is

against school rules to use magic in the hallway, because he said I'm

muddy. ——'What is the name of that word?"

"It's Mudblood." Ye Ting took the conversation, sighed, and whispered:

"These words are very vicious, this is the most insulting thing he can

think of. Mudblood is a slanderous name for people from Muggles. He

said that and I'm fine, but he actually said to you—to a girl like this..."

"So you can't help but feel sorry for Yu Yu, right?" Zhang Qiu said

angrily, "This is the use of magic on classmates in the corridor. The goal

is still Snape's proud disciple. Do you think that eccentric old bat can

What's your reaction? He will put you in confinement for a month! He

always looks at you upset, can't you bear it? Even for yourself."

"So I have to watch him scold, or sneer at him?" Ye Ting shook his head:

"I won't spit against him. That would make me as stupid as him. The best

way to deal with this kind of person is to If you let him go, you will find

that he will become as annoying as a fly-because he can't help you, but

he will keep bothering you. Oh, I forgot, you wizards Never be bothered

by flies, then replace flies with goblins in your garden."

Finally, he added proudly: "Furthermore, Snape can't help me. If he puts

me in confinement, as long as it is less than three days, he will have to

ask me to go out. Just look forward to it."

Hearing him describe Malfoy as a goblin, Hermione and Zhang Qiu both

trembled with laughter. After finally stopping his laughter, Zhang Qiu

turned to Hermione and said: "Listening to what he said, I suddenly felt

quite reasonable. Some wizards, like the Malfoys, always feel that they

are superior to others because they are so-called A purebred. Actually,

the rest of us know it doesn’t matter at all. Look at Neville Longbottom—

he is a purebred, but he didn’t even place the crucible correctly.”

Ye Ting also proudly agreed: "We Hermione won't use the spell, they

haven't invented it yet!"

Hermione's face was flushed with shame.

Zhang Qiu frowned and said solemnly to Hermione: "'Mudblood' is indeed

an ugly name, which means dirty, inferior blood. But these are all crazy

talk. Now most wizards are mixed blood. If we hadn't intermarried with

Muggles, we would have been extinct."

Hearing this, Hermione's expression became gentle. She looked at Ye

Ting and said in a gentle voice that was completely different from his

own: "Thank you."

"Don't thank him," Zhang Qiu complained a little angrily. "He is making

trouble for himself. I heard that Draco Malfoy's father Lucius Malfoy is

the school manager, and he is also Once a Death Eater, if he heard that

his son was turned into a mouse and used it to tease a cat, he would

definitely come to trouble you. What should you do then?"

When she said this, she was already completely facing Ye Ting, her voice

was octave higher.

However, Ye Ting was not angry because of this. He responded calmly:

"It's okay. Lucius Malfoy can't take me anymore. At most, he proposes to

expel me at the school board, but Dumbledore Would not agree."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Qiu sighed and said helplessly: "It's good if

you know it in your heart. Anyway, it's not me who will be unlucky at

that time. Why should I worry about it? You will be treated as nosy at

that time."

"Why?" Ye Ting gently touched her soft black hair: "I know you are just

worrying about me, but boys should stand up to protect his girl at this

time, right? If you are insulted If the person were you, I would do the


——His girl?

——Your words?

Ye Ting didn't know, he casually hit the softest part of the two girls'

hearts at the same time, and the scene immediately became quiet. The

girls were moved, and they involuntarily saved one of his arms.

Although he is only a straight man, he can sometimes say some lethal


It's really gratifying.

Item 0059

In this Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin match, Ye Ting looked very hard.

In order to deal with the superb Ye Ting, Flint chose to use the tactics of

fouling and hitting people. Every Slytherin player waited for an

opportunity to knock Ye Ting off the broomstick.

But he did not show weakness at all, instead he faced the Slytherin

players again and again.

Whenever his opponent ran into him maliciously, Ye Ting would never

dodge. He didn't use his flying skills at all, as if he was venting, every

time he chose to fight his opponent physically.

Zhang Qiu in the arena and Hermione in the stands could see that Ye

Ting was deliberately retaliating. For a long time, the pure-bloods of

Slytherin have not dealt with the Muggle-born genius Ye Ting and

Hermione, such as Malfoy and others openly embarrass them.

For a long time, Ye Ting has always dealt with them with a joke, but

Malfoy's actions before the game completely ignited his dissatisfaction, so

Ye Ting let go of his hands and feet in this game, intending to give the

little snakes a chance. lesson.

Therefore, the result of each confrontation was that the Slytherin players

were first to persuade them and turned ahead to make way for Ye Ting;

or the two collided together, and Ye Ting used his strong physical fitness

and flying skills to stabilize the broomstick. His opponent was either

knocked into the air or lost control of the broomstick.

Even Flint Marcus, who is tall and thought to have the blood of giant

monsters, couldn't help him. Whenever he wanted to hit Ye Ting from the

side, Ye Ting would immediately counterattack him firmly.

Every time Flint collided with Ye Ting, Flint felt like he had hit a flying

fire dragon. When the opponent shook the opponent, he was knocked out

far away.

After trying three times in a row, he was hit and sore, and he could

barely grasp the broomstick.

In the end, the Slytherin team paid the price for their tactics-two players

were knocked off the broomstick, and the others were stunned.

Such a Slytherin was not an opponent at all against the well-coordinated

and sharp Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw scored two hundred and forty points to

zero - they didn't even get a single point.

Ravenclaw's Seeker Zhang Qiu also caught the Golden Snitch for the first

time on the court.

This is certainly because her skills have greatly improved under Ye Ting’s

training, but another reason is that Slytherin’s Seeker Higgins was hit by

Ye Ting and couldn’t hold her broomstick and could not compete with

her. Otherwise, she It will take twice as long to find the Golden Snitch.

However, the most unlucky thing is that every foul event was taken by a

member of Slytherin, and Ye Ting just passively counterattacked, so the

Slytherins were completely speechless and could only suffer from this

dumb loss-if it weren't for Huo. Mrs. Qi considered that Slytherin was the

side that suffered in the impact, so there was no extra free throw, and

Ravenclaw's scoring could add another 100 points.

After the game, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff College all


They have always hated Slytherin's unscrupulous game strategy, but they

can't help it. Now Ye Ting was able to punish them head-on, which made

him a hero in the minds of the little wizards of the three academies.

As for the little snakes in Slytherin, their reaction seemed very funny-

first, the academy became two factions. The boys sighed and cursed Ye

Ting, but the girls began to support Ye Ting-Slater The Lins have a side of

worshiping power; then, the little snakes lost a lot in the controversy

with other colleges, because they were the initiators of all the fouls, and

they were the unlucky ones, neither taking advantage or reasoning. This

It was simply losing his wife and breaking down.

Their dean, Professor Snape's face was dark and terrible. Everyone saw

that he left the audience angrily in the middle of the game.

After the game, what the little wizards most often discussed was Ye Ting's

exaggerated performance when facing Slytherin's foul tactics, knocking

all the Slytherin players to the ground.

"I can't believe that even that Flint was hit by him. At that time, I thought

it was Hagrid riding on the broomstick." On the way back from the arena

to the lounge, Ron chattered to Harry. Sigh: "That guy is two laps older

than him! How did you feel when you were hit by Flint last time?"

"Flint is indeed as strong as a troll," Harry frowned, which was indeed not

a happy memory. "I felt like a weak bunny at the time? Or a little

squirrel? Anything is fine."

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 39:

"So, how did he do it?" Ron asked curiously: "What mysterious magic was

cast on himself? Or he drank a potion made from the blood of a troll?

You know, he subdued on Halloween eve A troll, at that time he

definitely has a chance to take something from the troll."

In fact, other people also had this question about Ye Ting, but Penello

eagerly blocked him at the entrance of the Ravenclaw lounge after the

game and raised this question to him.

"100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 10 kilometers long run, just stick

to it every day." This is Ye Ting's answer.

"Aren't you kidding me?" Penello folded his arms around his chest-which

made her beautiful curves more visible-cast him a suspicious look: "Just

like this, you can become stronger than Flint? But you It seems that he

weighs less than half of him."

"In fact, Flint's weight is 170 pounds, and my current weight is 100

pounds, which is more than half of his weight." Ye Ting retorted casually,

"And being strong is not just a matter of decision. In terms of weight,

people are different from people, and muscles and muscles are also


Ye Ting's answer surprised Penello: "Wh...what? How do you know his


"Of course it was calculated. Combining his flying speed at that time, my

own flying speed, my weight and the force I felt during the impact, we

can find his weight. This is Muggle knowledge, a very simple physical

calculation. Ye Ting explained faintly, with a relaxed look.

"Of course this is Muggle knowledge. My father is a Muggle. I went to

elementary school in the Muggle world, so don't think I don't know what

physics is." Penello was furious by his natural appearance. Called: "I have

never seen a Muggle who can get the answer directly without any

measuring equipment like you."

It took a long time for her to react. She was led off the topic by the other

party, so she asked patiently: "I want to know why you can hit the 170-

pound Flint Marcus with the weight of ninety pounds? Don't use him to

prevaricate me. Flint is famously strong at Hogwarts. Almost all senior

Quidditch players have suffered from him. Only you taught him a lesson.

Everyone said that you cast mysterious spells on yourself, or drank some

strange potions."

"No, I didn't do anything." Ye Ting shook his head helplessly, and

emphasized: "I have already said that people are different, and muscles

and muscles are also different."

With that, he patted his chest.

Seeing that the other party has never revealed the real reason, Penello

was also a little angry: "Well, let me see what makes your muscles


As she said, she stretched out her hand and pinched Ye Ting's chest


It was a very special feeling, soft but very resilient, revealing vigorous

strength and vigorous vitality.

Of course, there is also a strong masculinity.

Penello was stunned on the spot, and Ye Ting was the same.

He didn't expect that the intellectual and elegant senior sister would

actually make this kind of action.

In fact, after extending her hand, Penello regretted it. She felt very self-

blame for her lack of reserve, but because of her strong curiosity towards

Ye Ting, she still finished the action.

The atmosphere immediately became strange.

In the end, it was Penello who broke the embarrassment first.

"Um...your pectoral muscles are quite strong...hehe what am I talking


Of course, the latter sentence was very quiet, and Ye Ting did not hear it.

However, Ye Ting also subconsciously replied.

"Senior sister's chest muscles are also quite developed."

The atmosphere is even more embarrassing.

Item 0060

After the match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin was over, the little

wizards were surprised to see a strange scene on their way back to the


There is a cage hanging from the ceiling in the corridor behind the castle.

The cage contains three mice. The cage is full of cats. There are more

than a dozen cats, probably all the cats of Hogwarts—even Lori. Mrs. Si is

also in it. You know, it’s not that no little wizard has ever thought of

making a good relationship with Mrs. Loris with his cat, so that Filch's

men will be merciful, but no one has ever succeeded, because Mrs. Loris

never Mix with other cats.

These cats were obviously attracted by the mice. They jumped one after

another, trying to reach the iron cage hanging from the ceiling.

Whenever the cat jumped up, the mice in the cage would be scared to

spin around.

Several times, these cats almost succeeded, but ultimately fell short.

But even so, the rat in the cage was still scared enough.

The little wizards watched this trick curiously, discussing who the

perpetrator was. It was not until an eyewitness revealed the news that the

little wizards were shocked—Ye Ting actually turned Malfoy and his

followers into mice and installed them. Funny cats play in the cage.

This was terrible, this cage immediately became a rare sight for

everyone, and the little lions of Gryffindor rushed here to watch the

tragedy of the Malfoy trio.

Harry and Ron also came here. They had always been at odds with

Malfoy. This time they could see them making a fool of themselves and

immediately gloated.

Ron's twin elder brothers George and Fred also came here. They praised

Ye Ting's tricks and expressed their intention to recruit Ye Ting to join

their joke props production team.

"He has enough knowledge and is quite good at potions and alchemy."

George commented on Ye Ting: "Now we have seen that he is creative

enough in pranks. Obviously, no one is more suitable to join. Ours."

Instead, the professors came last. Snape rudely separated the little

wizards, squeezed to the cage, waved his wand and drove away all the

cats, and then put the cage down.

Professor McGonagall has also arrived here, she is an expert in

transfiguration. She and Professor Snape solved the curse for the three of


In full view, the three mice became Malfoy, Crabbe and Gore.

The three of them crawled towards the corner in disorderly clothes,

making squeaky noises, appearing very flustered and terrified, thinking

they haven't recovered from the rat state.

Seeing the ugliness of the three of them, a roar of laughter erupted

around him. Ron laughed the loudest, but he was frustrated and Snape

seized an excuse to deduct five points from Gryffindor. Professor

McGonagall looked on his face. Very ugly.

Afterwards, the three were rushed to Mrs. Pomfrey by other Slytherins.

Lucius Malfoy's revenge came very quickly. That night, he rushed into the

principal's room and loudly asked Dumbledore to expel Ye Ting, but

Dumbledore sternly refused.

Later, he was so embarrassed that he was in the principal's room, yelling

at Ye Ting in front of Dumbledore, and he took out his wand and pointed

it to his nose. As a result, he was hit by Ye Ting's silent disarming curse,

and he was hit on the spot. Magic wand.

"How dare you...you dare to use a spell on me? Who do you think you

are?" He yelled at Ye Ting angrily, trying to use his voice to cover up his

embarrassment and embarrassment of being knocked into the air by a

first-year student.

"You should apologize to Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore said gently to Ye

Ting: "Mr. Malfoy took out his wand only because he was too excited. At

Hogwarts, you have always been safe, so you don't need to Self-defense

so fiercely."

When he said the last word, he increased his tone and winked at Ye Ting


Ye Ting blinked intentionally.

"Well, sorry, Mr. Malfoy." He turned to Lucius Malfoy and nodded

politely to him: "I'm just subconsciously'self-defense'. I don't know how

easily your wand can be...oh, Anyway, I'm sorry."

He noticed that Mr. Malfoy's pale face became paler after hearing these


"Don't let me find a chance, otherwise I will definitely send you to


Realizing that Dumbledore could not get results here, Lucius Malfoy

glared at Ye Ting, wrapped his cloak around his body, and hurriedly left.

Then Dumbledore looked at Ye Ting again.

"I know that you are a great kid, always great. You are mature, kind,

studious and willing to help others. I always think you are one of the best

students here." He said gently to Ye Ting, "I I also believe that if it weren't

for Miss Granger, you wouldn't have done this step, would you?"

"Yes," Ye Ting nodded, "I never know these children in general."

Dumbledore nodded with satisfaction: "You have always been more

mature than them, and I have always thought so. But you have to

understand that not everyone is as sensible as you, especially Malfoy."

Having said that, he paused and glanced at the door.

"You see what kind of person his father is, right? He grew up in such a

family. He is just a spoiled child who doesn't understand anything, but he

is not a bad child in essence. You have taught him enough lessons this

time, and I believe he will not be so reckless in the future, so please don't

share your knowledge with him, okay?"

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 40:

"Okay, okay, it depends on your face." Ye Ting nodded indifferently: "As

long as he doesn't mess with me anymore."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye, you can go back." Dumbledore opened the principal's

room door with a smile and sent Ye Ting out. "By the way, I really like

your Christmas gifts. No one has given me socks for a long time. They are

always not enough to wear."

"Ah, this is a special product brought back from Eastern Europe, as long

as you like it." Ye Ting waved his hand and left the principal's office.

There was a sound of stone organs moving behind.

However, the next day, Snape also retaliated against Ye Ting.

In Ravenclaw's potions class, he announced loudly that Ravenclaw would

deduct 20 points for this, and decided on the spot to put Ye Ting in the

tower for a week.

The Slytherin snakes finally got their wish. They congratulated each

other and announced that Ravenclaw's genius and male **** would pay

for what he did.

However, they were beaten in the face the next day.

At breakfast the next day, Fei Ju rushed to the lobby with a dozen cats

including Mrs. Loris, and surrounded Malfoy and his two attendants.

Malfoy, who had just finished treatment from Madam Pomfrey, saw the

group of cats, and immediately recalled the nightmare experience. They

screamed and ran away, while Feiju took her little brothers to disobey.

He chased after him without mercy.

Malfoy will never forget this day-Feiju used the entire Hogwarts Castle as

her hunting ground. For a whole day, she and her little brothers pursued

Draco Malfoy in an inhumane manner- Although there is no need to

actually do anything, Malfoy will run away as soon as he sees them—

they will pop up from any corner at any time, any place, and pounce in

front of Malfoy, scaring him to hold his head, which makes him this day.

He could do almost nothing but escape, and finally had to hide in the

lounge, shivering with quilts wrapped in himself.

Finally, before dinner time, the tower's door was opened with a "bang",

and Ye Ting followed the sound and saw Professor Snape standing at the

door with a gloomy face.

"You won." He said in a hoarse voice: "Take your cat and leave me

quickly. Don't let me see you using magic in the hallway in the future!"

That night, everyone was surprised to find that Ye Ting appeared in front

of everyone again after being confined for a day.

All the little wizards firmly believed that Ye Ting defeated Professor


Item 0061

Snape lost face on Ye Ting, and the Gryffindors gloated at it, but within a

few days they were retributed.

Because in Gryffindor's next game, against Hufflepuff, Snape will be the


Now the little Lions were dumbfounded. They doubted Snape's fairness,

but even Captain Wood had no choice but to guarantee that he would

completely abide by the rules during the game to prevent Snape from

finding fault.

But Seeker Harry Potter had other concerns. He felt that Professor Snape

had applied to be a referee in order to deliberately approach him. Ron

also held the same view and made a suggestion: "Don't participate in the

game. , It means you are sick, such as breaking your leg or something."

"I can't do this," Harry said. "There is no substitute Seeker on the team. If

I quit, the Gryffindor team will not be able to play."

Just then, Neville fell into the common room. No one can guess how he

got out of the portrait hole because his two legs are tightly glued

together. Harry and the others knew at a glance that this was a leg-

locking charm. He must have jumped all the way upstairs like a rabbit

into Gryffindor Castle.

Both of them laughed out loud, but after the laugh, there was nothing to

do with this leg-locking curse. Finally, Harry offered to go to the public

library to find Ye Ting’s help, because among the little wizards Harry

knew, he belonged to him. The magic is the most superb.

"I know where he is. Just now when I was looking for clues about Nico

Lemay in the library, he and Hermione Granger were reading together. I

really don't know why they can keep reading." Luo En reminded.

They found Ye Ting in a corner of the library. Ye Ting snapped his

fingers, and Neville's legs separated. He stood up, trembling all over.

"Oh, it's cool." Hermione looked at him enviously: "You can actually cast

spells without a wand. I heard that only powerful and skilled wizards can

do this. How did you do it?"

"It's very simple. Do you remember the magic that we used unconsciously

when we didn't get the wand?" Ye Ting explained patiently: "If you want

to cast spells without a wand, you should remember the feeling at that

time, and then try to control it with your own consciousness. It, when

you are able to consciously control this, you can start without a wand if

you want to learn it. If you want to learn it, I will teach you later."

Hermione nodded excitedly, but the three Harry Potter next to him were

confused. In the end, Neville spoke to Ye Ting, "Thank you for dispelling

this magic for me."

Ye Ting shook his head, indicating that it was nothing.

But Hermione asked curiously: "What's the matter? Who cast your leg-

locking spell on you?"

"Malfoy," Neville said with a trembling voice, "I ran into him outside the

library. He said he had been looking for someone to practice the spell."

"It's Malfoy again." Ye Ting rolled his eyes helplessly: "This guy always

wants to do something."

"You have to go to Professor McGonagall!" Hermione urged Neville, "Sue


Neville shook his head.

"I don't want to cause trouble anymore." He muttered vaguely.

"You must deal with him bravely, Neville!" Ron said, "He is always

domineering, and we have no reason to give in in front of him, so that he

can easily succeed, just like Ye Ting did last time."

"You don't need to tell me that I'm too courageous to stay in Gryffindor.

Malfoy has already said this to me." Neville said with a choked voice.

Harry reached into his robe pocket, took out a piece of chocolate, and

handed it to Neville. Neville seemed to be crying.

"You are better than twelve Malfoys," Harry said. "The Sorting Hat

selected you for Gryffindor, didn't you? Where is Malfoy? In the nasty


Neville opened the horseshoe-shaped chocolate, his lips twitched, and a

weak smile appeared.

"Thank you. Harry... I want to go to bed... Do you want the cards? You

collect the cards, don't you?"

After Neville left, Harry looked at the famous wizard card.

He gasped, staring at the back of the card, then looked up at Ron.

"I found him!" He whispered, "I found Le May! I told you where I saw this

name before. It turned out that I saw it on the train coming here—listen.

This:'Dumbledore's well-known contributions include: defeating the dark

wizard Grindelwald in 1945, discovering twelve uses of dragon blood,

and working with his partner Nico Lemay in alchemy!'"

"Nicole LeMay is good at alchemy." Ron was also very happy: "Now I can

narrow down the search."

After speaking, he looked at Hermione and Ye Ting, both of them showed

helpless expressions.

"Hey, do you remember what Hagrid said last time?" Ron reminded them

loudly, "He mentioned Nico LeMay, aren't you curious at all?"

"Of course not." Hermione looked weird, and it took a long time to

suffocate: "Actually I'm very curious, but we already know who Nicol

LeMay is."

"You already know who Nicol LeMay is?" Ron was dumbfounded, looking

shocked-they had been looking through the library for a long time and

they couldn't find a word about Nicol LeMay.

"Now that you know it," Harry looked at Hermione with a pleading

expression: "Could you tell us who exactly is Nicol LeMay? We've been

looking for it for a long time, and this is really important. "

"Can you?" Hermione looked at Ye Ting with a questioning expression.

Ye Ting sighed and nodded: "Since they already have clues, it is only a

matter of time to find Nicol LeMay's intelligence."

So Hermione cleared her throat, lowered her voice like an act, and said,

"Nicole LeMay is the only maker of the Philosopher's Stone known to


Her words did not achieve the results she expected.

"What stone?" Harry and Ron asked.

"Oh, what's going on, don't you two usually don't read books? You don't

even know the Philosopher's Stone."

She shook her head and explained: "The Sorcerer's Stone is a magical

substance with amazing functions. It can turn any metal into pure gold,

and it can also create an elixir, so that people who drink it will never die.

For centuries, There have been many reports about the Philosopher’s

Stone, but the only remaining Philosopher’s Stone belongs to the famous

alchemist and opera lover Nico Lemay. He celebrated his 665th birthday

last year and is now with his wife Pei Rainal (658 years old) lived in

Devon together in seclusion."

"Understood?" After the explanation, Hermione held up his head and

analyzed: "That big dog must be guarding Le May's Philosopher's Stone! I

dare say Le May asked Dumbledore to keep it for him, because they It's a

friend, and he knew someone was thinking about playing the

Philosopher's Stone. That's why he moved the Philosopher's Stone from


"A stone can turn into gold, and it can make you never die!" Harry said.

"No wonder Snape is also hitting his idea! Anyone would want it!"

"No wonder we can't find Le May in the "Research on the Development of

Modern Witchcraft"," Ron suddenly realized. "Since he is six hundred and

sixty-five years old, he can't be considered modern, right?"

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 41:

However, Ye Ting's cold words broke their excitement: "I have to warn

you that precious treasures like the sorcerer's stone generally involve

great danger. It is impossible for ordinary thieves to hit the sorcerer's

stone. As everyone knows, , Dumbledore is a friend of Nicol LeMay, so

the only person who still wants to take the Sorcerer’s Stone after

considering Dumbledore is probably a powerful dark wizard. The danger

here is not that you can intervene. of."

Item 0062-Quick Victory and Penello's Favor

Regarding the discussion of Nico LeMay, the four eventually broke up.

However, Ron and Harry soon found Ye Ting again, hoping that he would

be able to watch the game on the day of the game.

"Help," Ron blushed and asked, "Harry is about to participate in the

Quidditch game. This time Snape applied to be a referee. He did this on

purpose, just to kill Harry. .Only you can deal with him, you did it last


"How many times have I said that Snape can't hurt Harry." Ye Ting waved

his hand a little impatiently: "Snape has been a professor at Hogwarts for

many years, and Dumbledore will not let him A dangerous man has

carried Hogwarts for so long."

He walked away quickly, leaving Ron and Harry disappointed.

"He did it on purpose."

Suddenly, Ron said sharply: "He is afraid of you, Harry."

"He's... jealous of me."

Harry looked at Ron blankly.

"What is he afraid of me?"

"He is afraid of your Quidditch skills." Ron got more excited as he said.

"He led the Ravenclaw team to a two-game winning streak, and

Gryffindor was the only one who stopped them. You and he are both

geniuses who joined the team in the first grade. Your Quidditch skills

Gryffindor's magic weapon to win, he jealous of you."

"He... doesn't think so."

Harry looked at Ron suspiciously, but he faintly agreed, because if this

statement was true, it would prove that he was the opponent that

Ravenclaw's "Quidditch Nova" Ye Ting valued very much.

"He wants Snape to kill you in the Quidditch game, or at least make you

break your leg."

Ron yelled, "So you won't be a threat to him."

"No, I don't believe he would do this, he is a good man."

Harry shook his head, finally suppressing the alluring thought.

On the first weekend of March, Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff began.

Ye Ting didn't go to watch this game. The flying broom he bought newly

arrived, and he is now disassembling the flying broom in the room where

there is a need for research with Senior Sister Penello. Ye Ting's own

mastery of the ancient magic texts is enough for him to make his own

flying broomstick. Although Penello is not as good as him in this respect,

she is very happy to participate in this matter as Ye Ting's assistant, and

hopes to learn something from it. .

As the team's chaser, Zhang Qiu watched the game with other players,

hoping to see Gryffindor's weaknesses from it.

Dumbledore also came to watch the game, seemingly to prevent Harry

from having another accident, which made Harry relieved.

Snape had great malice towards Gryffindor and acted as a referee to

favor Hufflepuff.

An angry George Weasley hit Snape with a roaming ball, but he seized

the opportunity and awarded Hufflepuff a free throw.

However, even though Snape tried his best, he still couldn't prevent

Gryffindor from winning.

Because the game ended after only five minutes, and the players on both

sides had not yet entered the state, Harry Potter had already caught the

Golden Snitch.

The stands are boiling: this will be a new record, no one remembers in

which game the Snitch was caught so quickly.

When the Gryffindor students rushed into the arena, Harry saw Snape

land next to him, his face pale and his lips tightly pressed.

An hour later, when Harry left the locker room alone to return his

Smooth Wheel 2000 to the broom shed, he suddenly found that Snape

was sneaking into the Forbidden Forest while others were having dinner.

Curiously Harry jumped back on the flying broomstick and followed.

In the Forbidden Forest, he found that Snape was threatening Professor

Quirrell and mentioned the Philosopher's Stone and Hagrid's three-

headed dog.

Now, his doubts about Snape grew deeper.


While Harry Potter was anxiously exploring Snape's conspiracy, Ye Ting

was still studying the flying broomstick.

In the past few days, he and Penello skipped all the classes together and

stayed in the responsive room with all their hearts. Both of them are the

best students. As long as the final grades are guaranteed to be excellent,

the professors are always there. Open one eye and close one eye.

At this moment, the responsive house has been transformed into a

carpenter's workshop, with broomsticks, broken branches, tripods, and

various flying broom parts everywhere.

In order to better understand the operation mechanism and actual effects

of the various spells in the flying broomstick, Ye Ting bought all the

models of flying broomsticks available on the market in one go-including

all kinds of outdated old broomsticks.

Now he is sitting on a chair, holding a comet in his hand, and skillfully

using a magic wand to disassemble it. Next to him, Senior Sister Penello

is labeling all the removed accessories and classifying them into different

categories. Put together.

The broomsticks of various flying broomsticks are neatly placed on the

wall not far away. Other places are also various twigs, various pedals,

various broom tails, etc., and Penello carefully handles them. The display

is well organized.

"How long will this work take?"

Finally, a slightly impatient Penello broke the silence, and she tightened

her headscarf again-to prevent the sawdust from staining her hair-and

said, "I feel like we are doing this all day."

"This is the necessary preparation before research."

Ye Ting handed over another bare broomstick, and faintly replied: "I need

a large enough database as a control group, so that I can accurately judge

the impact of the curse on all aspects of the broomstick. The

disadvantage of the lack of a control group is... …"

"Alright, alright, I know."

Penello looked helplessly at Ye Ting who was giving a serious

explanation, and suddenly laughed out loud.

"What a serious guy, don't you know? When our girls complain, we don't

want you to explain, but to seek comfort from you. At this time, we just

need to say something nice and coax."


Ye Ting looked at Penello blankly.

"Then why do you have to ask questions like this? Why don't you just say


Seeing Ye Ting like this, Penello felt so angry and funny. Usually Ye Ting

looked very mature in dealing with others, even she herself would appear

childish in front of him, but when it comes to emotions, he is completely


"Girls are like this. You have to express a sentence around the corner. In

fact, you think that the other person can understand it. This kind of tacit

understanding is the romance that girls pursue."

"Is that right?"

Ye Ting nodded knowingly.

"But the senior sister is so generous and understanding, she's not such a

superficial person, right."

I just said that he is not good at emotionally.

Don’t you understand it very well.

Penello took a gentle look at busy Ye Ting, with an appreciative smile on

the corner of his mouth.

Yes, for her, ordinary sweet words are not very attractive. What

fascinates her most is the wisdom shown by Ye Ting and the sense of

responsibility that can stand up when it is critical.

Chapter 0063 Flying Broom "Sun Wheel"

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 42:

Ye Ting's efforts were not ineffective. It took him about a week to figure

out the structure of the flying broom and the effects of various spells on

the flying broom.

In fact, if he is not proficient in ancient magic texts, then he can't even

complete the step of disassembling the broomstick.

Because the manufacturing company of flying broomsticks usually

impose secret magic on the broomstick. If Ye Ting did not use the correct

technique when disassembling and cracked the secret magic, these secret

magic would completely scrap the disassembled broomstick.

This design is used to guard against others and imitate their technology

through disassembly.

And Ye Ting is like a professional hacker cracking a firewall or

jailbreaking an Apple mobile phone, perfectly cracking the various

protective measures of the broom manufacturer, leaving the secret of the

flying broom completely exposed in his eyes.

However, it is easy to crack and difficult to make.

Unlike hundreds of years ago, since the three brothers Bob, Bill and

Barnaby Ollerton founded the sweeping broom company in 1926 (the

sweeping X star broom is their product), the manufacture of flying

brooms has been separated from individual handwork. The

manufacturing model has turned into company batch manufacturing.

In this case, the manufacture of flying broomsticks has become an

assembly line, and the design and use of the broomstick itself has become

more and more complicated.

At present, the most advanced broomsticks, such as the Light Wheel 2001

and the Firebolt under design, are all completed by several or even

dozens of professional wizards, and the Firebolt is a top product.

That is, Ye Ting, a genius who not only has enough learning ability, but

also has a strong memory, can fully understand the most advanced and

complete production method of modern broomsticks with one person.

During this period, Penello gave Ye Ting a lot of help. She has been

patiently helping Ye Ting sort out broom parts, make records, and lay

hands. At the same time, she is also responsible for taking care of his diet

and daily life-Ye Ting is studying When flying the broomstick, he was too

wasteful to sleep and eat, and he didn't even go back to the rest room.

Penello had to help him bring food, clean clothes and so on every day,

even shifting the duties of his own prefect to another person.

Sometimes she would make it impossible for herself to return to the

Ravenclaw lounge, so she had to deal with Ye Ting in the responsive


Although it was a pity, Ye Ting didn't seize the opportunity to do

anything else in this state—just kidding, no one would have the mood to

do this or that in a laboratory full of sawdust parts.

But after a week of getting along, the relationship between the two really

got one step closer, becoming quite tacit and subtle.

Regarding this situation, both Hermione and Zhang Qiu were a little


In the following week, when Hermione had the opportunity, it was like

Ye Ting complaining that she was not taken in the experiment; and

Zhang Qiu played a small temper for a day, and finally Ye Ting offered to

help her upgrade the flying broomstick as compensation. This time she

was relieved. Little girl.

However, after this experiment, Ye Ting finally realized the importance

of a good experimental team, because in this week, he spent a lot of time

on some physical work or repetitive tasks, and the really important Work,

such as cracking spells and analyzing data, actually takes less time than


Therefore, he decided to select and train a research team from his

classmates during his stay at Hogwarts to help him go further on the road

of studying magic.

Of course, for the members of the research team, in addition to

intelligence, there are loyalty and appearance-the former is because the

experimental team will eventually come into contact with many of his

core secrets, including Oriana's existence, summoning and crossing, etc.;

the latter; It is his own rigid requirement as a strict control and

appearance association. After all, he is a person who gets along day and

night, and his appearance must be pleasing to the eye.

At present, the only qualified team member is Penello. Hermione and

Zhang Qiu are replacements because of insufficient magic skills.

Recalling the plot of Harry Potter, other suitable members of the group

(hou) team (gong) are Luna Lovegood, who will be enrolled next year,

and the Veeva sisters from Boothbatten that I can meet in the future are

also good. ...

Of course, this was just a temporary delusion of Ye Ting himself.

The topic returns to the flying broomstick.

After Ye Ting finished his research on flying broomsticks, he immediately

began to make his own broomsticks.

This process is entirely up to him, including material selection, design,

carpentry, polishing, polishing, casting, seal cutting, etc.

In order to make this broomstick, Ye Ting took out the best materials in

his collection-all special materials obtained in Dimensional Summoning.

The tail and twigs of the broom are made from the branches of the sacred

tree hibiscus, because the tail and twigs are the power source of the

broom, and the hibiscus is the wood that the sun rises, which corresponds

to the power.

The broomstick is made from the thick branches of the sacred tree

Ruomu. The broomstick is responsible for force, direction control and

structural maintenance. Ruomu is the wood where the sun sets,

corresponding to the direction of the sun.

The fixed ring, pedals, and other metal structures of the broom are all

made of fine gold from the sun. This is a mythical metal that appears in

every world where the sun gods exist. The legendary Apollo sun car and

pull The materials for the sun boats and so on are all solar gold spirits—

of course, they have different names in different civilizations—even the

Yata Mirror of Amaterasu also uses this material.

These materials, plus Ye Ting himself summed up the spells obtained by

the technology of the major flying broom companies, together constitute

a nearly perfect broomstick.

Ye Ting named him "Sun Wheel".

The sun wheel has a beautiful streamlined curve, with golden seals on it,

which symbolizes the pattern of the sun, the tail branches are repaired

neatly and smoothly, and the golden pedals seem to be shiny-the whole

broom is all up and down. Beauty.

From a distance, the sun wheel is indeed as dazzling as its name.

Of course, using so many precious materials, the broom made also has

super properties.

In terms of speed, due to the interception of the concept of the sun, the

theoretical maximum speed of the broom reaches 1,120 miles per hour,

which is about 1,800 kilometers per hour, or 500 meters per second—this

is equivalent. The speed at which the sun patrols the sky.

(The specific calculation is that the circumference of the earth, including

the atmosphere, is used as the distance for the sun to patrol for a whole

day, and then divided by the time of twenty-four hours)

Of course, this is only a theoretical speed, which can only be achieved

without considering the driver.

But even so, the speed of the sun wheel is already fast enough, as long as

the driver can bear it, it can even exceed the speed of sound.

In terms of braking and steering, the performance of the sun wheel is not

as amazing as the speed, but it can still greatly exceed all the broomsticks

on the market today.

In terms of stability, the sun wheel can be unique-the mass of the sun is

two times ten to the thirtieth kilogram. It has not changed drastically

since ancient times. The sun wheel also has the same characteristics. It

does not move regardless of wind or rain. , If there are no accidents, the

life span is at least five billion years.

As a broom with the concept of the sun, the sun wheel has three other


The first is self-discipline. Just as the sun rises steadily from the east to

the west, the sun wheel is quite advanced in its self-discipline system.

The wheels can be driven automatically. Although you can't make any

complicated flight maneuvers during autopilot, this is already a huge


Ye Ting also decided that when the future technology is reached, he will

add real intelligence to the sun wheel: for example, instrumentalism.

The second feature is that it performs better in daylight, or wherever

there is sun.

The third feature is the power of the sun of the sun wheel. Due to the

materials and runes, the sun wheel contains a huge magical power of the

sun. Using these powers of the sun, the sun wheel can emit high

temperature, strong light and even fusion nuclear reactions at any time-

this is Ye Ting's concept of the sun in magic combined with modern

science The upgrades made can even get a first-class Merlin Medal if they

are announced-of course, if those old-fashioned people can figure out

what nuclear fusion is.

With the Sun Wheel, Ye Ting can be considered as having no

disadvantages whether it is Quidditch competition or daily travel.

Chapter 0064 "The Weaver" and Norbert

The Sunwheel caused a huge sensation in Ravenclaw's Quidditch training.

Ye Ting, riding a sun wheel, seemed to have transformed into a golden

light, flashing through the air.

The performance of the sun wheel is very good, and Ye Ting will turn it

accurately with just a light touch, as if to obey his thoughts rather than

his operations.

Its speed was so fast that everything around it was a vague shadow-which

made Ye Ting decide to start training his dynamic vision.

It also performed very well in terms of turning. Every time Ye Ting rode

the sun wheel made unimaginable sharp turns, it would cause Zhang Qiu

to scream, but every time the sun wheel made it steadily.

"I dare you to say that this is better than any flying broomstick on the

market." Roger praised the sun wheel: "I feel that with it, you can even

beat Gryffindor by yourself."

Although Harry Potter's performance in the last game made the players

feel more pressured, the appearance of the day round made them fully

encouraged. They felt that Ravenclaw had a solid victory in this

Quidditch Cup.

After finishing the training, Zhang Qiu nervously reminded Ye Ting:

"When you go back, remember to hide your'sun wheel'. If I were the

captain of Gryffindor, I would try to steal it before the game. Your

broomstick, or ruin it."

"Then they can give it a try." Ye Ting smiled indifferently: "If they don't

want to be burnt to ashes or flash blind."

After making the flying broomstick, Ye Ting used his special material to

make a magic wand for himself.

Of course, since the wand pays more attention to materials, dimensions,

and matching with the owner, rather than production skills, he didn't

spend much time this time.

The wood of the wand is the mother tree of the three world trees of

Azeroth, the branch of Garnier, and it is the favorite one of the demigod


The material of the core is Astaire, the master of arcane, knowledge,

mystery and mystery, the beard of "Dream Weaver" Norgannon.

Norgannon also comes from the plane of World of Warcraft, and is one of

the creation titans of the Pantheon. It is he who gave Malygos the

"Weaver" the power to control magic.

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 43:

The combination of the two materials produces an unprecedentedly

powerful wand, even the legendary old wand does not have such power.

This wand is twelve inches in length, tough and flexible. Ye Ting named

it "The Weaver", just like Malygos' nickname.

Anyway, this dragon is both a dead wife and crazy, and in the end he

couldn't die well. Such a good name would be wasted if he didn't use it.

No one knows that the most powerful wand in Harry Potter's world was

born in the room of responsiveness.

Because of Ye Ting's powerful control, no one found that his magic was

much stronger than before.

In mid-March, it seemed that fate did not want Hogwarts to have a

peaceful life. This time, there was an accident at the hunting ground

guard Hagrid.

He actually raised a dragon.

No one knows how he got a dragon egg, but he actually hid the dragon

egg in his cabin and hatched it with the fire.

This is a rare Norwegian Ridgeback, with a thin, jet-black body, spiny

wings, and a long big nose. The nostrils are white, the head has horn

bumps, and the orange-red eyes protrude outward.

Hagrid named it Noble.

However, in the wizarding world, private dragon-raising is illegal. At the

wizarding conference in 1709, a bill prohibiting dragon-raising was

officially passed.

Hagrid tried hard to conceal all this, but he was discovered.

First of all, he was found by Harry and Ron to borrow books about

raising dragons in the library and brought the books to the cabin.

Then, his behavior of hatching "dragon eggs" in the fire was discovered

by Feiju who came to molested Yaya. Feiju is not an ordinary cat, but a

cat demon with human wisdom. All this told Ye Ting, so Hermione,

Zhang Qiu and Penello also knew all this.

Ye Ting has a special curiosity about the fire dragon, because in his

previous life, the fire dragon is a very famous fantasy creature, and can

even be called the pronoun of Western fantasy together with magic.

So he enthusiastically proposed to Hagrid to conduct a series of live

observations of Noble, and at the price, Ye Ting would provide Hagrid

with magical services during the period of raising the dragon, including

making potions for the fire dragon to prevent diseases. Perform a flame

bath on the fire dragon-to replace magma-and cast a fire and water curse

on Hagrid's cabin once every three days.

Since Ye Ting promised that he would only take a little blood and collect

some of the cuticle that Nober had fallen off, and would not harm it. For

Nober's growth, Hagrid agreed to Ye Ting's condition.

However, the most unlucky thing is that out of curiosity, Harry Potter

and Ye Ting came to visit Xiaolong’s birth on the day of Norbert’s

incubation skipping classes. As a result, Harry was followed by Malfoy, so

Malfoy knew it too. The existence of the dragon.

But Malfoy is different from others, he has always been ill-intentioned.

Hagrid would be expelled if this matter was revealed.

In fact, for the next week, the malicious smile on Malfoy's face made

Harry and Ron very uneasy.

They had to spend most of their spare time in Hagrid's dim hut and

reasoned with him.

"Just let it go," Harry persuaded.

"Let it go."

"I can't," Hagrid said.

"It's too small and will die."

In just one week, its length has tripled. Clouds of smoke came out of its

nostrils. Hagrid put aside the job of guarding the hunting ground,

because the dragon made him messy. The ground was filled with empty

brandy bottles and chicken feathers.

Hagrid looked at the dragon with teary eyes and said, "He really knows

me now, look at me. Noble! Noble! Where is mother?"

Harry raised his voice. "In two weeks, Norbert will be as long as your

house. Malfoy may go to Dumbledore at any time."

Hagrid bit his lip.

"I—I know I can’t keep it forever, but I can’t just throw it away, no.”

Finally, Harry had an idea. He thought of Ron's brother, Charlie Weasley.

Charlie studied fire dragons in Romania, and he was the best person

Harry knew to take over Norbert.

So Ron sent a letter to Charlie.

In this regard, Ye Ting has a different view.

"In fact, even if Dumbledore knew about Norbert's existence, he didn't

belong. All he would do is to send Norbert away." During a routine

observation of the fire dragon, Ye Ting suggested: "Although Dumbledore

Lido is always planning something mysteriously, but he is a good guy

overall, I don’t understand why you Gryffindor always don’t want to

believe him? Good for Snape, this time the fire dragon Okay, you always

want to hide from him, I don't understand how this is good for you."

Harry and Ron were speechless about what he said, but they still insisted

on their opinions.

However, something worse happened when Charlie's reply to Ron was

caught in a borrowed book, and the book was borrowed by Malfoy.

In other words, Malfoy knew that Norbert was going to be sent away on

Saturday night.

According to the plot of the original book, Malfoy did not stop Norber

from being sent away by Harry in the end.

However, perhaps because of Ye Ting's existence, Malfoy didn't dare to

stop all of this in the castle, but he wanted to see Harry's luck, and

wanted to deal with Harry's friends.

So he made another decision.

An accident, just like that happened.

Item 0065

At the Friday dinner, Harry Potter noticed that at the Slytherin table,

Malfoy had sneaked out of the lobby with a steak.

He felt a little strange, so he also found an excuse to leave the table and


However, in the corridor, he lost his trace of Malfoy.

"No! Malfoy must have gone to Hagrid."

At this time Hagrid was eating in the lobby. Hagrid's cabin was

absolutely unattended. If Malfoy wanted to do something before Norber

was sent away, this was the best time.

Harry quickly called Ron and hurried to Hagrid's cabin.

When they arrived, they were shocked by the scene before them.

The door of the cabin was wide open.

Malfoy was running towards the Forbidden Forest with the steak, while

Norbert was flying and jumping and following him clumsily. He had

walked a long way, leaving them a mess.

"Hurry up and catch them." Ron said loudly, "We want to stop Malfoy."

The two drew their wands and chased after Malfoy, which quickly

attracted his attention.

"Why are you here, Scarhead?"

Malfoy looked a little flustered when he was discovered by his opponent,

and immediately quickened his pace.

"Quickly stop, Malfoy," Harry yelled at him.

"Otherwise I will be rude to you."

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 44:

"Don't even think about it! I will let the professors take a good look at the

big secrets you hide."

Malfoy ran faster.

Harry gritted his teeth, and suddenly, he remembered what happened to

Neville a few weeks ago.

He raised his wand and pointed it at Malfoy.

"Stick legs and stop dead!"

The next moment, Malfoy's legs seemed to be tied together, unable to


While he was running, he fell down immediately, and rolled on the

ground a few times in embarrassment. The cloak was full of mud.

However, he still held the steak tightly in his hand.

This time was good. Norbert, who had been greedy for steak for a long

time, immediately caught the opportunity, and the monster about the

size of Malfoy immediately rushed over.

Seeing the ugly lizard and its sharp teeth getting closer to him, Malfoy

immediately panicked. He screamed and waved his wand vigorously.

A red light hit Norbert's big nose, but it just knocked it over and

somersaulted it, and didn't hurt it.

In fact, even if it is a young dragon, the scales on its body are enough to

resist most magic, and Malfoy's magic level cannot make magic work on


However, although this blow did not harm the young dragon, it deeply

angered it.

Norbert struggled to get up, took a deep breath at Malfoy, and expelled a


Since it was still a young dragon, the flame was not too big, but it was

enough to seriously hurt Malfoy.

When Malfoy saw Norber breathe in, he had already discovered

something wrong, so he ignored his image of a pure-blood wizard that he

had maintained all the time, and rolled on the spot, which was worthy of

avoiding Norber’s breath of dragon. .

The flame was spit out where Malfoy had just been, scorching the


Malfoy was also unlucky, a spark happened to jump on his cloak, but no

one found it.

The young dragon missed a hit, but because it was not big enough, it

couldn't breathe a second breath in a short time, so it flapped its wings

and flew towards Malfoy.

Malfoy tried to get up in a panic, but fell to the ground again because of

the leg-locking curse, and Norbert threw him straight.

Looking at the blood basin the size of his own head was in front of him,

Malfoy grabbed it with both hands and just grabbed Norbert's chin and

nose, so he tried hard to push Norbert away.

The two were in a stalemate together, one wanted to bite down, and the

other wanted to push each other away.

"Help me!" Malfoy screamed as if he had grabbed a straw when he saw

Harry and Potter coming in from a distance.

"Help me get rid of it, it wants to kill me."

Finally, Harry and Ron caught up, and then they saw the scene before


"Oh, Malfoy finally got retribution."

Ron glanced at him in disgust, a little gloating: "Finally, there is

something that can teach him a lesson."

However, Harry disagreed with him.

"We have to stop Norbert, Ron." He said nervously. "If Malfoy is injured

or dies here, Hagrid will be out of luck."

"You're right." Ron bit his lip and looked a little unwilling: "If there is

something wrong with Malfoy, Hagrid will be sent to Azkaban."

So the two of them grabbed one of the young dragon's wings and worked

hard together, trying to pull Norbert off Malfoy.

Norbert was just a young dragon, whose strength was obviously not the

opponent of the three men, and was quickly dragged off Malfoy.

Malfoy was very embarrassed at this time, his body was wrinkled all

over, and blood was leaking from his shoulders-it was the damage caused

by Norbert's claws.

He staggered to get up, only to fail again and again.

Suddenly, he felt a hot ass. It turned out that Norbert's sparks finally lit

his cloak, and smoke was already rising from his ass.

"Damn it, help me, Potter! Help me put out the fire!"

Harry and Ron were trying to subdue Norbert. The young dragon was

already fierce and struggling frantically. Its sharp claws almost scratched

them several times. The spells of Harry and Ron were of no use to it, on

the contrary. Make it even more furious.

Suddenly, madly Norbert broke free from Harry and Ron's hands, and

instead attacked them. Harry, who had been prepared for it, immediately

countered it with his magic wand. Although it had no effect, he repelled

it. .

Finally, the pain awakened Norbert from the madness. It gave them a

fierce look, and then stumbled towards the forbidden forest.

The exhausted Ron and Harry had no energy to chase it. They turned to

help Malfoy put out the fire, slapped him where the fire started with their

robes, and finally put out the fire.

However, the fire of fire dragons is not a normal flame. Their flames are

still poisonous. If there is no effective detoxification measures, the burned

area will always suffer severe pain.

So, under Malfoy's constant wailing, Harry and Ron helped him to Mrs.

Pomfrey's school infirmary, which burned a bit deep, and he had to live

here with his **** pouting for a week.

After understanding the cause of Malfoy's injury, Madam Pomfrey was

furious, accused them of being too bold, and asked Harry and Ron to stay

in the school infirmary for an examination to prevent poisoning.

Before they left, Malfoy, who was lying on the hospital bed, gave Harry a

complicated look and angrily said: "This time, because you saved me, I

won't talk about it, but next time I will make you look good."

Item 0066

However, even so, there is still a problem that remains unresolved-what

should Norbert, who fled into the forbidden forest, do?

The next day, in Hagrid's hut.

"Noble, my poor little boy, how could you just leave me like this?"

The tall Hagrid was shrinking into a ball at this time, crying like a child.

But no one paid any attention to him, Harry and Ron invited Ye Ting,

because he was stronger than them, and they hoped that he would help

them to find Norbert in the Forbidden Forest.

"So, did you just let it run into the Forbidden Forest?" After listening to

their statements, Ye Ting couldn't help feeling a big head.

"In the magical world, fire dragons are one of the most powerful

creatures, and they are also the top hunters. They have no natural

enemies. Even young dragons are almost invincible in the forbidden

forest." Ye Ting explained to them a little angrily: "Nuobo has passed its

weakest period. It has a certain predation ability, especially here-the

Forbidden Forest."

"There are no too powerful predators in the ecosystem of the forbidden

forest. Night skies and unicorns are gentle herbivores. The most powerful

carnivores are wolves and octopus spiders, but none of them are The

opponents of young dragons—especially eight-clawed spiders. The breath

of the dragon can burn up their nests."

"Here, no creature can suppress it, and there is even no competition with

it. If you give it another mate, this is a typical species invasion. In this

case, what do you guess Norbert will do? Will hunt and eat wantonly,

grow at an unimaginable speed, and soon become even the horse tribe

can’t help him. At that time, what we have to face is a real top magical

creature. If you are a little careless, let He broke into Hogwarts, and what

he brought might be a massacre."

Ye Ting's analysis frightened them. Ron tried to open his mouth to deny

all this a few times, but he had to say that Ye Ting's analysis was

completely justified, and he could not find any reason to question.

"Then... what shall we do?" Harry finally asked in a hoarse voice after a

moment of silence.

"Contact Dumbledore quickly and mobilize the professors to find Norbert

together." Ye Ting said with a serious expression.

"No, I can't tell Professor Dumbledore."

Finally, Ron mustered the courage and said loudly, "If the professor

learns about this, he will definitely expel Hagrid."

Hearing this, Ye Ting frowned: "I said, Dumbledore would not do this."

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 45:

However, Harry and Ron didn't believe this at all, and still begged.

Ye Ting pondered for a moment, and finally let go, and promised: "Well, I

don't need to tell Dumbledore and help find the fire dragon, but you have

to agree to two requirements."

When Harry and Ron heard the words, they immediately became happy,

and nodded hurriedly.

So Ye Ting continued: "First, you two are not allowed to participate. You

are too weak to even cause damage to it. Second, the fire dragon is too

dangerous for me to stop, so I don’t guarantee it. If you can catch it, you

may kill it."

Harry and Ron were a little unwilling to hear the first request, but they

still reluctantly agreed, but after hearing the second request, their

reaction immediately became fierce.

"No, you can't kill Norbert." Ron yelled. "Hagrid will be sad."

"Of course I know he will be sad," Ye Ting said, his voice cold and

merciless: "But I have to be responsible for the other little wizards at

Hogwarts. I can't let this dragon stay in the forbidden forest for too long."

This is right and right, and it is totally inconsistent with his character.

Then, he changed his words: "But I promise, as long as I have a chance to

catch Norbert alive, I won't kill him."

Ron and Harry could only grudgingly accept this answer, so they looked

at the weeping Hagrid.

"Go! Go! Whatever you do, I can't control it." Hagrid weeped, as if he had

foreseen Norbert's fate.

"Woo, my Norbert, my poor little baby."

The three left the wooden house one after another, leaving only Hagrid

crying loudly in the house.

After watching Harry and Ron walk away, Ye Ting happily waved his fist.

Whatever contacted Dumbledore, what was for the safety of the little

wizard, in fact all frightened them.

The intelligence of the fire dragons in the Harry Potter world is actually

not high. Their wings do not grow alone, but instead of forelimbs like

pterodactyls, so they are closer to Wyvern rather than Dragon. In other

words, Norbert's hatred for them will not last long. After entering the

Forbidden Forest, the probable Norbert will stay in the depths of the

Forbidden Forest instead of coming to Hogwarts to ask for trouble.

Ye Ting said that, nothing more than trying to persuade the three of them

to allow him to hunt and kill Norbert.

Of course, Ye Ting didn't lie, but didn't tell them the specific probability.

After convincing the three of them, no one would stop Ye Ting from

hunting and digging out this fire dragon.

This is a dragon, a real, living dragon, not the kind of totem that only

appears in literary works.

Moreover, apart from research, the sound of the fire dragon is a treasure.

Dragon blood, dragon claws, dragon dung, dragon nerves, dragon horns,

dragon skin, dragon liver, and dragon meat are all precious magical


Now it's all his.

Ye Ting snapped his fingers and shouted, "Here is the sun."

Soon, his flying broomstick came to him. Ye Ting mounted the flying

broomstick and flew over the Forbidden Forest to start a search.


For a week, Ye Ting spent several hours idling on the Forbidden Forest

every day, but he did not find Norbert.

The only advantage is that he has effectively narrowed his search range,

and he is expected to find the trace of the young dragon in two or three


That night, Ye Ting set off again. He was going to search for a deeper

place, but he found a whole flame before he flew far.

This made his eyes shine, maybe it was Norbert's dragon's breath that had

lit something.

So he clamped his legs and speeded up the flight.

The sun wheel traversed a golden trajectory in the air, and soon brought

Ye Ting to the front of the fire.

There is a mess here, weeds and bushes are burning with raging flames,

and the corpses of two horsemen lie on the ground.

Ye Ting jumped off the broom and walked forward cautiously.

I saw that most of the corpse had been burned to coke, and the other

sentence was slightly burnt, but the neck was **** and bloody, and the

head was tilted unnaturally. It was obvious that something had broken

the neck.

Obviously, Norbert clashed with the horse tribe while hunting, but the

horses obviously underestimated the young dragon and suffered a great


According to the situation on the scene, the battle did not last long, and

the two sides of the battle should not have gone far.

Ye Ting drew out his wand and first cast a phantom spell on himself.

Although this was of little use to creatures with sensitive smell or

hearing, it was better than nothing.

Then he pointed to the front again.

"The trail appears."

In his sight, there were clearly dense horseshoe prints and several dragon

claw prints on the ground. These marks were glowing with blue light and

extended all the way to the distance.

So he searched for the trail, followed up with a light pace.

Item 0067

Ye Ting didn't go far after following the trail, when he heard the roar of

dragons and the sound of horseshoes, in addition to the sound of some

strange language.

It seems that this is the new battlefield between the horseman and the

young dragon.

So he quickened his pace, and soon, the real battlefield appeared before

his eyes.

This is a clearing in the forest-no, it was not originally a clearing, but the

fierce fighting and the hot dragon's breath destroyed the trees here, and

this cleared out a battlefield.

At the center of the battlefield is a half-large fire dragon. It is four or five

meters long, and it is covered with dark and solid scales. The sharp

spines on its back have also been formed. The long wings flap gently and

it is a gust of wind. .

It is Noble, but now it is several times larger than it was a week ago, and

it is no longer the deformed look of a young dragon.

Around it is a group of strange creatures, there are about ten or so. Above

their waists are people with red hair and beards, but below their waists

are shiny brown-red horses with a long red tail behind them.

They were naked, wearing only some woven ornaments, with spears or

bows and arrows in their hands, and they were constantly attacking the

fire dragon. They seemed to be dominant, but their attacks could not

penetrate the sturdy scales of the fire dragon.

But Norbert did not. Although it was surrounded by Tuan Tuan, it did not

suffer any injuries. On the contrary, it caused certain casualties to the


With the advantage of being able to fly, it constantly takes off and then

dives down. Each dive poses a huge threat to the horsemen. Neither its

dragon's breath nor its fangs can resist it.

And its constantly flapping wings effectively affected the horsemen's

bows and arrows, making them unable to cause damage to the relatively

fragile wing membrane, plus its scales-the horsemen actually had no way

of using him.

Ye Ting noticed that among the horsemen, there was the tallest and

strongest horseman, holding a short bow, and constantly giving orders-he

was probably the patriarch of the horsemen.

Regarding this point, the fire dragon can also understand that it has slyly

launched several attacks on the patriarch, but he has avoided it flexibly.

Unfortunately, in the dodge just now, the patriarch accidentally stumbled

and fell to the ground.

The horseman is like a horse. Once it falls down, it will be unable to get

up for a while, but the fire dragon is seizing this opportunity and

launching another attack on him.

The horses around were in a hurry and shot arrows, but they were all

blocked firmly by the dragon scales.

Seeing tragedy is about to happen.

At this time, Ye Ting made a decisive move.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 46:

He lifted the phantom curse, pointed his wand at the fire dragon, and

pronounced an eye sickness curse.

Although dragon scales have strong magic resistance, the eyes are its

weakness, and the eye disease curse is the most effective curse against


I saw a white light shoot out from the tip of the "Weaver" and instantly

hit the fire dragon's eyes.

The diving fire dragon let out a stern roar, and its flight trajectory

became crooked-it lost its eyesight and couldn't find its direction at all-

and finally crashed into a tree not far from the horseman leader,

shattering branches and even Hit him.

All the horsemen were stunned by this accident, and they immediately

spotted Ye Ting who was showing his figure.

A horseman rushed to the leader's side and helped him up. The horseman

leader looked at Ye Ting and nodded friendly to him.

"Thank you for your help, Little Pony."

Ye Ting also greeted the horseman leader, and then turned to the

direction of the fire dragon.

I saw that Norbert finally struggled to get up, but by looking at its

twisted posture, I knew that it hit hard just now.

At this time, Ye Ting's eye disease curse still hadn't expired, and the fire

dragon lost his sight, so he stayed motionless, using his sense of smell to

track the opponent's direction, and then sprayed a dragon's breath at


"Hurry up!"

The horse leader yelled and jumped away quickly. This time he spoke

English instead of the horseman's language, as if to remind Ye Ting.

But Ye Ting stood calmly on the spot and pointed the "Weaver" in the

direction of the flame.

"Clear water is like a spring."

He read the water-making curse aloud, but this time he used his full

strength, and the tip of the wand was no longer gurgling water, but a

huge torrent, which sprayed at the dragon's breath, both Bumped into

each other.

As soon as the dragon's breath touched the water, it made a "chicking"

sound, and the white high-temperature water vapor instantly enveloped

the battlefield, separating the fire dragon from his opponent.

"You are a powerful wizard, little pony." The horseman leader appeared

beside Ye Ting, looked at him with a complicated expression, and praised


"Thank you, but leave the words of praise until the end of the battle." Ye

Ting responded faintly, and then lightly tapped his wand.

"The whirlwind sweeps fast."

Immediately, a gust of wind blew in his direction, and the white water

vapor was quickly blown out, and the battlefield became clear again.

I saw that the fire dragon in front of me was already trying to flap its

wings, and it seemed that his eyes had returned to normal.

The magic resistance of dragons is really uniquely powerful.

Ye Ting secretly envied him, but he was not slow to cast spells in his

hands. Instead of casting spells on the dragon, he aimed the target at the

bush next to the dragon...

The branches of the bushes immediately turned into iron chains, which

firmly entangled the dragon that was about to take off.

The fire dragon struggled and hurriedly deformed into an iron chain

almost unable to hold it, and cracks appeared on the surface.

"It's now, attack its wings!" Ye Ting said loudly to the horseman leader.

The horse leader is indeed an experienced tribal leader, and he

immediately reacted. He said a few words loudly in the horse language,

and the horses immediately shot bows and arrows at the wings of the fire


Most of the bows and arrows did not penetrate the wing membrane of the

fire dragon, but there were still a few powerful arrows that successfully

passed through and got stuck on the wing membrane, including the

arrows shot by the horse leader.

However, before the horses could start the next round of volleys, Norbert

managed to break free of all the chains, and then immediately flapped his

wings vigorously and flew into the air.

"What to do? It's about to take off again." The horse leader glanced at Ye

Ting worriedly, looking a little guilty: "Our bow and arrow are too weak

to help."

"No, you helped a lot." Ye Ting shook his head, showing a sly smile.

He accurately used the transformation technique on the arrows inserted

on the wing membrane. Several arrows turned into heavy hammers.

When flying in the air, Noble lost his balance in an instant, and fell to the

ground fiercely, arousing dust.

"Oh, I fell really hard." Ye Ting raised his eyebrows, waved his magic

wand to disperse the dust, and then stepped forward.

This time the fire dragon couldn't get up at all, and probably broke its leg

this time.

It lifted its head vigorously, trying to bite Ye Ting, but saw a white light

flashing from Ye Ting's side and hit the fire dragon's head. Its head was

hit by a heavy hammer, and it fell to the ground heavily.

The horsemen looked intently and saw a white cat sitting on the head of

the dragon, licking its paw gracefully.

"Chief, I feel a powerful magical power. This is a magical creature. It

should come from the East." A young horseman with platinum hair and

blue eyes leaned forward and said to the horseman leader.

The horse leader nodded, his opinion of Ye Ting was a little higher.

"Thank you, Feiju." Ye Ting smiled at the white cat, then picked up a

branch on the ground and pointed at the "weaver", the branch

immediately turned into a sharp sword.

He held the sword over his head in both hands, then aimed at the fire

dragon's neck and waved it vigorously.

The dragon's blood was splattered, and the dragon neck was chopped into

two pieces.

The fire dragon trembles horribly before it is completely dead.

The achievement of Ye Ting's "Dragon Slayer" was thus achieved.

Item 0068

After the battle, Ye Ting and the horsemen did not speak, they cleaned

the battlefield silently.

Ye Ting used the temporarily deformed sword to understand the fire

dragon. He was distracted and used it for two purposes. While collecting

various materials on the fire dragon's corpse, he used an automatic quill

to record the fire dragon's planing drawing in his notebook.

The horsemen are bandaging the wounded, collecting the arrows shot,

and restraining the dead bodies of the victims.

Ye Ting simply came in time, so apart from the two corpses at the

beginning, the horse tribe didn't have more sacrifices.

Soon both sides finished their work.

The horse leader brought his people to Ye Ting.

"Hello, Little Maju." He greeted Ye Ting in a gentle manner, "I am the

leader of the Forest-Forbidden Horse Tribe, Margaret, and I thank you for

your help on behalf of the Horse Tribe."

Ye Ting also introduced himself: "My name is Ye Ting, a first-year student

at Hogwarts."

Hearing this, the horsemen showed a look of surprise on their faces-they

have been neighbors with Hogwarts for so many years, they still know

what is going on in the first grade, but Ye Ting's performance has

surpassed that of most adults just now. The wizards, this makes them


"You are a powerful little pony," Margaret looked at him seriously, and

said slowly: "You not only possess powerful magic power, but also a kind

heart. I want to thank you for saving us from the evil dragon. Wizards

who can stand up in times of crisis deserve our respect."

After speaking, he solemnly bowed to Ye Ting, and all the horsemen

behind him followed suit.

This is unbelievable. It was obviously that their wizard put the fire

dragon in the forbidden forest, but the horseman actually wanted to

thank him for his help.

Ye Ting smiled bitterly, explained the origin of the fire dragon to the

horses, and offered to apologize to them on behalf of Hagrid.

There was a sad expression on Margaret's face, but he shook his head and

said to Ye Ting: "You are an honest little pony, but you don't have to

apologize to us, because you are not the one who brought the sin and

death, Hagrid. You made a mistake, and the descendant of the Death

Eater is the source of the evil. We will hold the culprit accountable. But

we thank you for coming forward. From now on, you have won the

friendship of the horse tribe, and the forest is forbidden at any time. You

are welcome."

Ye Ting sighed, and secretly sighed that Malfoy had bad luck. He had lost

the pot. Who made his father once a notorious Death Eater? When he

said his name, even the horses knew the last name "Malfoy".

Then, he took out a few bottles of potions to treat burns and promote

wound healing from his dragon skin pocket and handed them to

Margaret, and explained to him how to use them.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 47:

Margaret didn't doubt anything, and distributed the medicine directly to

the wounded without temptation. From this point of view, they were

indeed a noble and proud race.

Next, Margaret invited Ye Ting to attend their celebration banquet, but

Ye Ting tactfully refused. Before leaving, he said that if the raw materials

collected from the young dragon were made into potions, he would

remember to give the horseman a share.

The two parties said goodbye, Ye Ting hurried back to Hogwarts in the

night, but he found out that the horseman with blond hair and blue eyes

had been escorting him to the edge of the forbidden forest.

This journey of slaying the dragon was really rewarding. Not only did he

further research the dragon, he harvested many precious magic materials,

but also gained the friendship of the horse tribe, which means that he can

find all kinds of things in the forbidden forest. Precious magical

materials-without the help of horsemen like earth-headed snakes, just

finding the location of medicinal materials is a difficult problem.

After learning about the ending of Norbert, Hagrid was decadent for

several days, but his troubles had not been completely resolved, because

he had to find a way to apologize to the horse tribe and repair the

relationship between the two sides.

Harry and Ron were surprised when they heard about the battle between

the horseman and Norbert, and they realized the real danger of the fire


Of course, the current Harry and Ron did not have the opportunity to

care about Norbert and Hagrid, because they had to face a unfortunate

thing-they were asked to be locked up for night tours and fights. They

were thought to be on Friday. In the evening, I had a fight with Malfoy

and burned Malfoy's ass. The dragon's affairs were concealed.

It was Malfoy who was confined with them. Malfoy's **** was about to

heal, so the confinement was delayed for several days.

Finally, the day of confinement arrived, and it was Filch who arranged

their confinement content. This old man was very unwelcome to the little

wizards, and he himself would seize every opportunity to punish the little

wizards who violated the rules.

Facing Filch's ugly smile, all three of them shuddered. They believed that

the punishment would be terrible, because Filch smiled very happily.

However, what happened afterwards made Harry almost laugh, because

Filch had brought them to Hagrid.

If they were to work with Hagrid, it wouldn't be too bad. Harry thought

so, but only heard Filch say: "You probably thought you would have a

good time with that idiot? Think about it again, kid—you are going to

the Forbidden Forest! If you can get out safely , Even if I’m wrong."

After hearing this, Ron couldn't help groaning, and Malfoy stopped


"Forbidden forest?" He followed, his voice far from being as calm as

usual, "We can't go in in the middle of the night-there are everything in

there-I heard that there are werewolves."

"You can only blame yourself, isn't it?" Filch said in a happy voice, "You

should think of these werewolves before you get into trouble, right?"

Filch threatened them a lot, and then he was happy to go back.

Hagrid told them about their mission tonight.

"Look over there," Hagrid said. "Do you see that shiny thing on the

ground? Silver? That's unicorn blood. A unicorn in the forbidden forest

was hurt by something, hurt It’s very heavy. This is the second time in a

week. I found one dead last Wednesday. We have to fight to find that

poor unicorn and get it out of pain."

"What if the thing that hurt the unicorn finds us first?" Malfoy asked, his

voice with uncontrollable fear.

"As long as you are with me or Yaya, no creature in the Forbidden Forest

will hurt you." Hagrid said.

"Don't leave the path. Okay, now we have to divide the soldiers and look

for the bloodstains separately. There are bloodstains everywhere.

Obviously, it has been stumbling and bumping around since at least last


"I want Fang," Malfoy said hurriedly, looking at Fang's long teeth.

"Okay, but I remind you, it's a coward," Hagrid said.

"So, Harry and I will go one way, and Malfoy, Ron, and Ya Ya will go

another way. If anyone finds a unicorn, shoot a green spark, understand?

Take out your wands and practice-yes Now-if anyone is in trouble, just

fire a red spark and we will all come to you-all right, everyone be careful-

let's go."

Item 0069

At this moment, Ye Ting, who was collecting magical materials in the

Forbidden Forest, also received help from the horsemen.

"I'm sorry, powerful little pony." A horseman with red hair and a beard

said to Ye Ting in a melancholy and slow tone: "My name is Ronan. We

never involve troubles with the foal, but this time we have to ask you for

help rashly."

"It's an honor to serve you."

Ye Ting nodded to him politely. During this period of time, he would go

to the Forbidden Forest every day to find magic materials, and the horse

tribe would always send a member as his guide, so the friendship

between the two sides was maintained well. Asked for help, he was

happy to help.

"What trouble are you having."

"Mars is bright tonight, but Jupiter is dim." Ronan sighed, "Innocent

people are always the first to suffer. This has been the case for hundreds

of years, and it is still the case."

These horsemen are always mysterious, and they can't get a

straightforward answer from them. They always look up at the stars and

don't pay attention to other things.

However, Ye Ting still knows a little about horse people's astrology, and

he quickly came to the conclusion:

Mars represents conflict and war. It is a evil star. He rules the

unfortunate sixth house, so it also brings evil omens. Therefore, the

brightness of Mars probably means that the Forbidden Forest is invaded

by some troublesome guy, usually black wizards or dark creatures.

Jupiter here refers to something threatened. If it is placed in the

forbidden forest, it is either an animal or a precious plant. Jupiter

corresponds to many plants and animals. When combined with Mars, it


"Could it be that the unicorn was attacked by something?"

Hearing this question, Ronan glanced at Ye Ting in surprise.

Among the wizards he knew, except for Dumbledore, most people

complained that they were mysterious and difficult to speak, but even

Dumbledore would not speak his words like the child in front of him.

Real information.

"Yes," Ronan nodded and sighed sadly. "One unicorn has been

accidentally hit, and now there is another wounded. The murderer is not

only strong but also very cautious. We need your help."

"If it is to save the unicorn," Ye Ting's expression became serious: "I have

no shirk."

It can be known from the original work that it was Voldemort who

hunted unicorns in the Forbidden Forest in order to continue his life.

So Ye Ting bid farewell to Ronan and searched alone in the forbidden


By the side of a stream, he saw a silvery blood stain, which was the blood

of a unicorn, but when he used the tracking spell, there was no response.

"Voldemort is really cautious. Even in the forbidden forest, he considered

the wizard's tracking method." Ye Ting sighed: "Unicorns are worthy of

nature's darling, and the tracking curse has no effect on them. Sure

enough, they can only rely on external plug-ins. ."

So he whispered "Feiju".

The little white cat immediately understood, stepped forward to sniff the

blood, and then chose a direction to gracefully lead the way.

Feiju turned around among the bushes, and soon brought Ye Ting to a


The bright silver moon hung in the black sky, shining the moonlight on

the black lake, and on the quiet lakeside, a beautiful silver-white creature

bathed in the moon, forming a beautiful picture.

However, there was another long wound on that beautiful creature’s leg

at this time, and silver blood flowed from the wound to the grass,

shimmering like white pearls, and the whole picture changed from that.

It's poignant.

"It's cruel." Seeing this injured unicorn, even if Ye Ting is so cruel and

sometimes ruthless, the researcher also feels compassion, sympathy, and

anger towards the attacker, he lightly stepped forward. , For fear of

disturbing this beautiful creature.

This is only a half-large unicorn. It has a silvery white body and a soft

silver mane on its back. The spiral-shaped horns on its forehead have not

faded from the golden yellow of its youth.

It is slender, not as strong as a horse, nor as short as a donkey. It is very

fit and agile.

At this moment, facing Ye Ting's approach, the unicorn just raised his

head, glanced at him with that melancholy and pure eyes, and then

continued to lick his wound.

! !

how come?

Shouldn't unicorns be only interested in pure girls?

Is it that I'm so handsome that I can't recognize a unicorn without a

woman's dress?

Ye Ting was really taken aback by its reaction, but immediately

remembered another saying about unicorns.

Unicorns do not really only like pure girls. In fact, only male unicorns

have such characteristics, while female unicorns are more willing to

contact young men.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 48:

Of course, unicorns have very high requirements for humans. The first

point is appearance, and of course there are various other requirements.

Those who meet the requirements have the opportunity to touch and

even ride the unicorn.

Of course, with the spirituality of unicorns, they and the rider are not an

ordinary master-slave relationship, but friends, partners, and even...

Stop it, that's it.

But from this point of view, this unicorn is a girl. Did she fall in love with


So Ye Ting went a step further and walked slowly to the unicorn,

tentatively stretched out his hand and stroked her fur.

But the unicorn did not respond.

No, it's not that there is no response, but obviously like this kind of


The unicorn's fur was a bit cold, but it was very delicate and soft, which

made Ye Ting think of a girl's skin—yes, he felt that way when he

pinched Hermione's face.

Really, petting a unicorn is like petting a cute animal and a pure and

beautiful girl at the same time.

Well, it's really a depraved touch.

Fei Ju yelled a few times in dissatisfaction.

It seemed that he was jealous, so Ye Ting had to touch her head to show

his fairness.

However, after confirming that the unicorn completely accepted herself,

Ye Ting handled her wound expertly, then took out the healing potion

and applied it to the wound, and then wrapped it up with a bandage.

The process was a little painful, the unicorn looked at Ye Ting

aggrievedly, his eyes even filled with tears.

But in the end she endured it and celebrated.

"Really a strong child." Ye Ting patted her head with satisfaction, just

about to say something.

Suddenly, Fei Ju stood up alertly and stared at a bush not far away.

Ye Ting followed her gaze, but there was nothing but pitch black.

Then, the unicorn also looked in that direction, and seemed to have

discovered something, and seemed to want to stand up.

Considering her wound, Ye Ting pressed her to the ground, but when she

touched her skin, Ye Ting found that the unicorn was trembling.

It must be the chief culprit who caused her injury, which scared her.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you." Ye Ting comforted her ears, which

made the unicorn less nervous.

So he stood up, took out his wand, pointed it in that direction, ready to


Item 0070

Suddenly, the bushes in front of me heard a "rustle" sound.

Ye Ting's nerves tightened immediately.

You know, what he is going to face is Voldemort, who is called "the most

powerful dark wizard ever."

Although the current Voldemort can only be parasitic on the back of

Professor Quirrell's head, no one knows what powerful methods he has.

Soon, the bush shuddered... Then, from the shadows, a hooded figure

flashed out. It was rickety and staggered, as if it was about to fall.

"Mr. Ye," the Hooded man said, his voice was rather deep and hoarse, but

he could still hear Professor Quirrell's voice.

"Ting Ye, why did you appear in the Forbidden Forest at this time?"

Professor Quirrell asked Ye Ting in a cold tone that he had never had

before, speaking and approaching him.

"Stand still, Professor Quirrell," Ye Ting pointed at him with his magic

wand and shouted loudly, "Or I will use magic to make you stand in


Upon hearing this, Professor Quirrell stopped.

"You actually pointed your magic wand at a professor," he sneered and

threatened Ye Ting: "You appeared in the forbidden forest in the middle

of the night and pointed your magic wand at the professor. If you don't

repent, Ravenclaw will You have been deducted points, and you have to

be detained."

Seeing Voldemort in front of him pretending to be Professor Quirrell to

trick him, Ye Ting felt that his IQ had been insulted.

"Are you kidding me?" He sneered indifferently: "Or, the dignified Dark

Lord has fallen to the point that he has to rely on liars to continue his


When Professor Quirrell heard this, he was obviously shocked, and then

he shuddered with anger.

"Do you recognize me?" His voice suddenly became sharp, as if it was not

a human voice: "Ravenclaw's genius, dirty mudblood, how did you

recognize me?"

"I have noticed that Professor Quirrell is wrong for a long time," Ye Ting

explained in an indifferent voice: "The smell of garlic covered in garlic is

obviously to cover up your smell, and the trick of the giant monster on

Halloween eve can't be fooled. I, in the Quidditch arena, you still want to

kill Harry, coupled with the desire for the Philosopher’s Stone, and the

desire for the blood of the unicorn, no one can meet the above conditions

except you, the half-dead Dark Lord, right? ."

Of course, this is all made up by him, in order to bluff Voldemort and

delay time for the unicorn. The healing potion does not take effect so

quickly, and if a wounded unicorn is present, he There is no way to let


"Huh, is it?" After listening to Ye Ting's analysis, Voldemort snorted

coldly, but he was secretly frightened and sighed at the wisdom of the

first-grade wizard in front of him, so he threatened: "It really is

Ravenclaw. A genius, it’s a pity that you shouldn’t be here, it will cost

you your life.”

"Throw your life?" Ye Ting asked back: "I think it's you who is going to

lose your life. You actually killed the unicorn in the forbidden forest! Are

you not afraid of cursing? No, of course you are not afraid, because you

will Dead, you have to rely on the curse in the blood of the unicorn to

stay alive, right."

"Now that you know it," he whispered: "Then get out of the way. My goal

is only the unicorn behind you. If you leave now, I can spare your life,

and I can even After returning, I specifically allow you, a lowly Muggle,

to be my subordinate, and I can see that you have much more power than

your peers..."

Hearing what he said, Ye Ting laughed loudly, as if he had heard some

ridiculous joke.

"Leave here? Join your hand? It's up to you? Your half-dead bereavement

dog can't even protect itself, and has the face to threaten me here? Don't

you also have half the descent of a lowly Muggle?"

Facing Ye Ting's irony, Voldemort could no longer bear it. He waved his

wand, and a green light flew towards Ye Ting.

Originally, Ye Ting only needed to hide gently, and this green light could

not hit him, but in order to protect the unicorn behind him, Ye Ting had

to accept this magic.

He used the "Weaver" to cast a transformation technique on the dead

wood beside him, and the dead wood immediately rose from the ground

and turned into a thick concrete wall.

The green light hit the concrete wall, blasting a big hole in it, but it was

still blocked.

"It's too weak," Ye Ting sighed, and sighed in an aria-like tone: "The

dignified Dark Lord, now is so weak that even a first-year little wizard

can't handle it."

Voldemort was almost mad at what he said, and he began to bombard Ye

Ting wildly regardless of his magical powers.

Ye Ting responded calmly, blocking Voldemort's attacks one by one with

Transfiguration or Counter-Curse.

Finally, Voldemort stopped his frenzied attacks-his own state was not

very good, and his magic power was almost exhausted after this waste.

Ye Ting immediately seized the opportunity and shot a smashing curse on


The spell hit Voldemort, but he was not blown to pieces. There was

probably some way to stop the blow, but the spell did not completely fail,

and he lay on the ground in pain.

"You cunning Mudblood..." Voldemort gritted his teeth and cursed, then

his whole body turned into black smoke, avoiding Ye Ting's second

crushing curse.

The ground was immediately blown into a big hole.

However, the black smoke sank into the dark jungle, and Ye Ting lost

Voldemort's position.

He had to concentrate on guard, but fortunately there were two magical

creatures around him as radar.

Suddenly, the unicorn screamed towards the jungle on the left, and Ye

Ting turned to look, only to see the black smoke condensed into


A tragic green magic shot at Ye Ting, with the breath of death in the


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 49:

It's Avadaso's life!

There was almost no way to resist this spell with ordinary spells, but Ye

Ting still did not move. He calmly caught a fish in the lake with the spell,

and the fish flew in the sky, blocking the attack of Death Curse.

But Voldemort seized the first opportunity and kept on offensive.

Next, two more death curses flew towards him.

Ye Ting grabbed another fish and a rabbit, blocking two attacks


However, he can no longer block the fourth death curse attack-a small

animal with insufficient size is not enough to resist the death curse, but

Ye Ting can't find a fourth one that can be used in a short time. Small


His right hand was already in his pocket, and he was about to summon

Oriana almost immediately.

At this moment, the unicorn behind him pulled his cloak with his mouth.

Ye Ting looked back, and saw that the unicorn had stood up smoothly,

her injury was already healed.

The fourth death curse flew, and before Ye Ting could react, the unicorn

bravely greeted him, blocking the death curse.

The death curse hit her horn, and then weirdly lost its effect.

This shocked Ye Ting, he didn't know that the horns of unicorns actually

had this effect.

But when I think of the powerful magic resistance of the unicorn's fur, it

seems reasonable.

Of course, at this time, the unicorn's horns are also scorched, and it seems

that this will not be possible in a short time.

The unicorn glanced at Ye Ting, his eyes full of pride, of course, there

was also the expectation of praise.

Ye Ting was a little bit dumbfounded. It wasn't like a little girl, but he

still stroked her smooth mane rewardingly.

Then, the unicorn walked in front of Ye Ting, slightly shorted, and

motioned for him to ride on.

For a unicorn, allowing a ride is more related than stroking. It seems that

his behavior has made the relationship between the unicorn and him go


Ye Ting just froze for a moment, then he turned over and got up quickly,

and then looked at Voldemort who was recovering his magic power in

the distance.

It's time to turn the offensive.

Item 0071

The next battle was almost flat.

Riding a unicorn, Ye Ting had the upper hand in speed and attack in the

face of Voldemort who had insufficient magic power.

As a result, Voldemort had to turn into black smoke and was driven

around by him.

Suddenly, there was the sound of footsteps and horse hooves in the


It was a wizard and horseman who heard the sound of fighting and

rushed to hear the news.

Seeing that there was no chance to hit the unicorn's attention, Voldemort

immediately stopped dealing with Ye Ting, turned into black smoke

again, and disappeared into the jungle.

Ye Ting watched him leave without launching a chase. This was not a

good opportunity to kill him.

Just need to wait a few days-

Ye Ting rode the unicorn back to the lake, where he met someone he


"Ting Ye!" Hagrid said loudly, "Why are you here? Oh, my God, what are

you riding? A unicorn! How did you do it."

Beside him, Harry was also surprised. He couldn't believe that he could

actually meet Ye Ting here, and he was riding a legendary creature, a

beautiful unicorn.

Behind him, two centaurs greeted Ye Ting one after another, with a very

pleasant tone.

"Hello, powerful little pony, you can always do things that surprise us.

Since you are riding this unicorn, it means that the crisis has been

resolved, right?"

"Hello, Baine, and Ronan." Ye Ting nodded at them lightly: "You are

right. A half-dead black wizard broke into the forbidden forest and

wanted to drink unicorns. The blood continues to live, I have drove him

away, and it is estimated that he will not dare to come back again."

He did not say Voldemort's name.

"Thanks to you this time." Ronan sighed and complimented: "You helped

us again and also helped the Forbidden Forest. We really don't know how

to thank you. I can only say that the horse tribe will always Will be your


"Do you still use it?" Bain patted Ye Ting on the shoulder-Ye Ting who

was riding on the unicorn was only a little shorter than him-said: "This

little pony has already gotten the unicorn. Acknowledge that this is

something that has never happened in the past five hundred years. Based

on this alone, the Forbidden Forest will always welcome him."

"Well, is your relationship good?" Seeing their close chat, Hagrid was a

little confused.

"Of course," Bain replied happily, then glared at Hagrid: "This little pony

has helped us twice, the last time it was to solve the trouble you caused."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Hagrid apologized in a low voice, and then became sad

at the thought of Norbert's death, and Harry had to comfort him in a low


Five people and a unicorn just walked to the edge of the forbidden forest.

Here, Ye Ting turned over and got off the unicorn. He was going back to

Hogwarts Castle.

The unicorn entangled him, rubbing his head against his chest and

licking his face with his tongue, obviously reluctant to leave him.

"I must go now."

Ye Ting sighed and said warmly: "Before leaving, I will give you a name."

The unicorn cast an expectant look at him.

"La Rui." Ye Ting said: "I will call you La Rui, this name will serve as my

expectation of you."

La Rui screamed happily, obviously liking the name.

Of course she would like it, this name is the name of the unicorn goddess

in the world of the forgotten kingdom of DND.

Then Ye Ting drew another symbol on Lu Rui's forehead.

There was a feeling of soul connection between him and La Rui.

This is a contract, which Ye Ting learned from the contract between Feiju

and Oriana after summoning Feiju and Oriana.

As the relationship between him and La Rui deepens, this contract will

continue to strengthen, and one day it will develop into the same

contract as Feiju and the others.

Finally, he looked at Bain and Ronan again.

"Please, do me a favor." He begged, "La Rui's injury is not completely

healed, please help me take care of her."

"It's on us." Bain nodded boldly.

"It is an honor for us to be able to help the holy unicorn." Ronan also


So, Ye Ting was so cruel that Lu Rui immediately went to Hogwarts

Castle. Behind him, Lu Rui looked at her reluctantly, her pure eyes filled

with tears.


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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 50:

After returning to Hogwarts, Ye Ting soon had to face the interrogation

of the girls—he had not returned to the Ravenclaw lounge until late at

night for several days.

Although others have not discovered all this, how can the girls who

follow him do not know?

In desperation, Ye Ting had to selectively tell them some of his


When they heard that Ye Ting and the horses had made friends, they

were just curious and envious, but when they heard about unicorns,

whether it was the school sister who was always calm and calm or Zhang

Qiu who was afraid of the forbidden forest, They all became excited

immediately, and the girls were all Yankong as expected.

The three of them kept asking questions about unicorns. Hermione even

questioned Ye Ting because of the common sense that "unicorns are only

close to pure girls", but in the end, they all asked to see La with their own

eyes. Rui.

However, this is impossible, because Hogwarts' final exam is about to

begin, and Ye Ting only seemed to promise that they would take them to

meet Lu Rui after the exam.

Of course, there is still a problem, that is, Professor Quirrell has

disappeared since that night.

He probably thought that Ye Ting might tell Dumbledore the truth, so he

hid first.

On the day of the exam, the weather was very sultry, and it was even

more uncomfortable in the big classroom where they answered the

questions. The new quill pens that the teacher sent them specifically for

exams were all chanted anti-cheating spells.

But for Ye Ting, these questions were too simple. He completed all the

written tests within half an hour and then left the classroom, which put a

lot of pressure on the other little wizards.

There are also practical exams.

Professor Flitwick asked them to walk into the classroom one by one to

see if they could tap a pineapple across a desk.

Ye Ting waved his magic wand at the pineapples. A row of pineapples

lined up on the desk. Following Ye Ting’s command, they tapped and

danced until they walked around the table for a week. Everyone was

stunned. Professor Liwei immediately gave him a perfect score.

Professor McGonagall watched them turn a mouse into a snuff box-the

more beautiful the box, the higher the score; if the mouse's whiskers are

still on the box, points will be deducted.

Ye Ting turned the mouse into a gorgeous enamel snuff box—he had seen

such a handicraft with his own eyes when he was in Russia—so he got

another full mark.

When taking potions, their goal is to make a potion of oblivion. Snape

stood behind and watched closely. Everyone could feel his breathing

behind their necks. This made them very nervous, but Ye Ting never

cared about it. He was the first to complete the potion, and Professor

Snape couldn't fault it at all, so he pinched his nose and gave him a full


The last exam is the history of magic. Although Ye Ting didn't study

much, he used the same method he used to study history when he was

studying science in high school-temporary assault back to the test center.

Actually also got a full mark.

In other words, all his grades are full marks, and the professors are very

satisfied with him.

Of course, the real results have not yet come out, they still have a week

to spend leisurely at Hogwarts.

Chapter 0072 Harry's Judgment and Harp

After the exam, Harry and Ron followed the crowd to the sunny field

outside to bask in the sun. They walked down the **** slowly, came to

the lake, and sat under the tree with a plop. Over there, a big squid is

lying in the warm shallow water basking in the sun, and the Weasley

twin brothers and Lee Jordan are flicking with its tentacles.

Since the exam was over, Harry has been unhappy, his scars have been


Ron suggested that he visit Madam Pomfrey, but Harry thought it was an

omen, a warning, that danger was imminent.

He couldn't get rid of a faint feeling, as if he had forgotten to do one

thing, a very important thing.

He recalled Hagrid, recalled what he said about the secret of the trapdoor

at the end of the corridor, recalled the role of Nicol Lemay and the

Philosopher’s Stone, recalled that in the Forbidden Forest that day, Ye

Ting mentioned to him The role of the blood of the unicorn, and the

black wizard who attacked the unicorn in his mouth.

"It's Voldemort who wants the Sorcerer's Stone." He suddenly said loudly,

startling Ron.

"Can you stop saying that name!" Ron said in a low voice.

"Voldemort is still alive, but he is about to die," Harry continued with

extreme excitement. "He wanted the Sorcerer's Stone to extend his life,

and he went to the Forbidden Forest to kill unicorns before that. "

"What—the mysterious man is alive?" Ron couldn't believe this.

Suddenly, Harry jumped up.

"Where are you going?" Ron asked in confusion.

"I suddenly remembered something." Harry said. His face turned pale.

"We must go to Hagrid immediately."

"Don't you think it's a little weird?" Harry said as he hurried down the

grass. "What Hagrid hopes most is a dragon, and a stranger happens to

have a dragon egg in his pocket? How many people are there? Walking

around with the dragon egg all day? You know it's against the wizarding

law! Don't you think they were too lucky to find Hagrid? Why didn't I

think of this before?"

After arriving at Hagrid's cabin, they learned from him that Hagrid had

indeed told the stranger who gave him the dragon egg how to deal with

the three-headed dog.

Then Hagrid showed a frightened expression.

"I shouldn't have told you this!" he blurted out, "forget what I said! Hey-

where are you going?"

Ron and Harry ran towards the hall and ran into Ye Ting, Hermione and

Zhang Qiu halfway through. They had just gone to the Forbidden Forest

to see La Rui, and now the two girls were excitedly discussing the pure

and beautiful unicorns.

Sister Penello didn't make it. Ron's brother Percy Weasley asked her out

and said that there was something important.

"What are you doing running so fast?" Hermione asked curiously.

Seeing the three people in front of him, Harry's eyes lit up, and he

hurriedly explained his entire conjecture to them.

"My point of view is the same as yours as a whole." On the way back to

the castle, Ye Ting said to them: "I think Voldemort is indeed conspiring

to resurrect, but in terms of who is behind the scenes, I still insist on my

own point of view— Snape is innocent here. The dark wizard I drove

away is definitely not Snape."

"You said that name." Hermione screamed.

"That's too dangerous."

"I'm not afraid of Voldemort." Ye Ting snorted and said proudly: "Now he

is just a bereaved dog. If we are afraid of a name, how can we fight him?"

Of course he is not afraid. He cleaned up Voldemort in the Forbidden

Forest the other day.

"You're right," Harry cast an approving look at Ye Ting, because he was

the second person besides Harry himself who dared to say that name.

"We must keep courage."

However, when Ye Ting took them to the office of the principal's office

and opened the office, only then did he discover that Dumbledore was

not there.

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind them:

"What are you five doing in the principal's office?"

It was Professor McGonagall with a large stack of books in his arms.

However, from Professor McGonagall, they knew that Dumbledore had

been called to London by an urgent letter from the Ministry of Magic.

Harry told Professor McGonagall about his speculation about the

Sorcerer's Stone, but Professor McGonagall didn't believe it, and they had

to leave angrily.

On the way back, they also ran into Professor Snape, who was obviously

in a good mood with a weird smile.

So Harry decided to get the Sorcerer's Stone in advance.

Ron, Hermione, and Zhang Qiu all thought this was a crazy idea, and

they would be fired if discovered.

But on this point, Ye Ting offered an agreeable opinion.

"Although I don't think Snape will be the real murderer, I think there is

such a person who wants to get the Sorcerer's Stone to resurrect

Voldemort. If they really succeed, then what should we do? Huo Gwarz

doesn't necessarily exist anymore, are you still worried about expelling?"

These words were righteous (hou) and Zheng (yan) and words (wu) and

remarks (chi) were ashamed of the other three people, and they all

expressed their intention to join this task.

They made an appointment to do it at night, but another accident

happened at Gryffindor.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 51:

Neville Longbottom discovered their plan and wanted to stop them, but

Harry fell to the ground. Ron tied him up awkwardly with a curtain,

which wasted a lot of time.

When they arrived at the door of that room, Ye Ting had been waiting

with Hermione and Zhang Qiu for a long time.

They opened the door of the room, and a low bark immediately sounded

in their ears. Although the big dog couldn't see them, all of its three noses

twitched and sniffed frantically toward them.

"What is it at its feet?" Hermione asked in a low voice.

"It looks like a harp," Ron said. "Snape must have stayed. Any of you can

play the harp."

Everyone looked at each other, who would play this?

In the end, Ye Ting had to step forward, and there was an old harp in the

Wu's orphanage. When he was still in the orphanage, he taught himself


He hugged the harp in his arms and strummed it gracefully. The sound of

the harp was pleasant and the aftertaste was long. Everyone showed an

expression of enjoyment. Hermione and Zhang Qiu's eyes even lit up

when they looked at him.

After the flowing music ended, Ye Ting put down his harp and owed


"Girl with flax hair, thank you everyone."

The four clapped involuntarily.

However, for Lu Wei, this beautiful music is another matter.

When Ye Ting had just played the first note, Big Dog's eyes began to

droop down.

With the end of the song, the barking of the big dog stopped-it swayed a

few times, knelt down with a soft knee, and then fell to the floor and fell


So they bypassed the big dog one after another and came to the trapdoor.

Item 0073

Open the trap door, there is a dark area underneath, there is no ladder to

go down.

Ye Ting was the first one, he jumped flexibly and landed on a soft object.

"No problem!" he shouted at the entrance of the cave, which now looked

like a spot the size of a postage stamp. "It's a soft landing, you can jump!

I will follow you."

That said, but when Harry and Ron jumped down, Ye Ting just helped

them, and when Hermione and Zhang Qiu jumped down, he basically

caught them in a princess hug. It made them blush.

And Ron and Harry had to secretly slander Ye Ting over friends.

"What kind of game is this?" Ron asked, feeling the strange wetness and

softness of the ground.

"I don't know, it seems to be a kind of plant. It is probably laid here to

reduce the collision when falling." Zhang Qiu curiously touched the

ground and replied.

"To be honest, it's fortunate that these plants are spread here." Ron said.

"Fortunately what!" Hermione screamed. "Look at you guys!"

She jumped up violently, struggling to move towards a damp wall.

The reason she struggled like this was because the plants on the ground

moved and tangled her legs.

The most unlucky thing was Ron. The thing stretched out snake-like

tendrils, wrapped around his ankles, and hung him upside down.

Others were also unconsciously entangled in their legs by the long vines.

"This is Devil Net!" Hermione screamed and struggled. "Devil Net, Devil

Net... what did Professor Sprout say? Said it likes dark and damp—"

Before she remembered what Moguiwang was afraid of, Ye Ting took


"Flaming flames!"

A huge fire wave sprayed out from the tip of the "Weaver". All the places

swept by the fire wave, the devil's vines were burned out, and those

entangled in the little wizards were also caused by the nearby high

temperature and The light is bright and automatically retreats.

"Seriously, Hermione." Ye Ting stopped the flame curse, turned his head

and said to her: "Your knowledge is actually profound enough, but you

are still too nervous in the face of emergencies, so you think about

everything. If you don’t get up, I suggest you practice a magic duel."

"Well, I will..." Hermione lowered her head in shame. This time she

obviously could think of a solution, but she got stuck in her panic.

As a result, they continued to walk forward, and there seemed to be soft

rustling and clanging sounds in front of them.

At the end of the corridor, there is a brightly lit room with a high vaulted

ceiling. Countless little birds that are as dazzling as gems, flap their

wings and fly around the room.

There is a heavy wooden door opposite the room.

Ron was worried that these "little birds" would attack them as they

passed through this room, but when he mustered up the courage and

rushed to the other side of the room quickly, it turned out to be fine.

He came to the door unscathed and pulled the handle, the door was


"These birds...they can't be just for decoration." Hermione said. "They are

the keys! The keys with wings-take a closer look. Obviously this means..."

They saw a few flying broomsticks in the corner of the room.

Among them, the best at flying broomsticks are Ye Ting, Harry and

Zhang Qiu. They all rode on a flying broomstick and searched among the


But there are too many keys, and finding the one that can open the door

from so many keys is simply a big problem.

"No!" Zhang Qiu was the first to give up searching. "This is not right. We

can't find the right one from so many keys. Dumbledore can't design a

level that can't be completed at all. Otherwise, they won't be able to get

in. There must be other ideas."

His words reminded Ye Ting, so he also returned to the ground and drew

out his wand.

"The key is flying!"

Sure enough, among the flying keys, a silver-white, antique key flew out

and was caught by Ye Ting.

It still thought about struggling, but Ye Ting's power made it immobile.

He stuffed it into the keyhole and twisted it hard—yes, it was it.

With a click, the key flew away as soon as the door lock was opened.

It was caught too hard and looked haggard.

It was pitch black in the second room, and there was nothing to see. But

as soon as they stepped in, the room was suddenly brightly lit,

illuminating a shocking scene.

They were standing on the edge of a huge chess board with black chess

pieces in front of them. Those chess pieces were taller than them, and

they seemed to be carved from black stones. At the other end of the

room, facing them were some white chess pieces.

"What should I do now?" Harry whispered.

"It's not obvious yet?" Ron said, he is best at playing wizard chess, and

coming here is like coming to the home court.

"We have to play chess to get to the end of the room."

They saw a door behind the white chess piece.

"How to do it?" Hermione asked nervously.

"In my opinion," Ron said, "we must act as pawns."

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 52:

He walked to a black knight and reached out to touch the knight's horse.

Immediately, the stone came alive, and the horse digs the dirt on the

ground with its hoofs, and the knight turned his helmet-worn head and

looked at Ron.

"Are we—huh—must be with you to get there?" The black knight nodded.

"In other words, we have to replace five of the pawns." Hermione

analyzed: "We must win, and none of these five pawns can be captured

during the battle."

"What happens if you are eaten?" Zhang Qiu asked in a daze.

"Probably it will be...cracked." Ye Ting made a scratching gesture to her.

"This is a test of skill." Zhang Qiu shrank his neck in a little fear, "I can't

do this."

"Ron, how about you?" Harry looked at his best friend. "I remember you

are very good at this."

"I..." Ron was a little eager to try, but after thinking about it, he was a

little scared: "If there are only three, I will be more sure."

Suddenly, Ye Ting asked, "How does the wizard chess play?"

He had already planned to learn to play wizard chess, but he was busy

making brooms and staffs, and dealing with fire dragons and saving

unicorns. He completely forgot about it.

"It's exactly the same as ordinary chess, except that all the chess pieces

are alive. When playing chess, it is like commanding an army, and the

chess pieces will provide advice. Therefore, the temper of the chess

pieces must be clearly understood. In any trouble." Hermione replied,

"You haven't been here, have you?"

"So what? Isn't it very simple." Ye Ting's eyes lit up. Isn't this a turn-based

game that has become a real-time strategy game? If it is better than this,

who is afraid of whom.

"Let me come." He said loudly, "It's just protecting five pawns, it's not a


However, other people heard that it was the first time that he played the

wizard chess, and they all said they didn't dare to go up.

Chapter 0074 Real-Time Strategy Game and Elementary School Level

"Then I'll play for you." Ye Ting shrugged, he walked forward, and the

Black King obeyed his orders and walked out of the court.

"The first thing is to figure out the temper of the chess pieces," Ye Ting

said to himself: "Then, let me see what tempers you have?"

He drew out the "Law Weaver" and burst out the magic power of his

whole body.

Immediately, a huge torrent of magic power swept the black chessboard,

and all the black knights were overwhelmed by the terrifying magic.

It took a while before Ye Ting condensed his magic power. He was a little

out of breath, but on the surface he remained calm and calm. He had just

borrowed the powerful magic power of the "Weaver", but he couldn't

completely control it.

"Now, who has the final say on this chessboard." He used a "sound loud"

to himself, and then asked loudly.

The chess pieces could not speak, but they bowed their heads respectfully

at him to express their surrender, even the black "king" outside the field

was no exception.

The four people in the audience were stunned by this scene. They had

never seen such a scene, but they were not on the chessboard and could

not feel the terrifying aura.

But they still cast admiring glances at Ye Ting-this man can always do

something incredible.

Seeing all the chess pieces showed obedience, Ye Ting nodded with

satisfaction and continued to announce loudly: "I know you have your

own opinions on how to play chess and how to attack, and your

experience is more abundant than mine, but Nowadays, I am a

commander and I have only one request, and that is-to obey! No other

opinions! No action! Only obedience! After all the chess pieces hear my

command, you must not hesitate! implement!"

Such a vain view of the chess piece and the crude and direct command

shocked the four little wizards. They had never heard of such a

straightforward command, especially the commander who gave this

command was a newcomer, not an experienced veteran chess player. .

Just when they thought the chess pieces were about to rebel, reality hit

them in the face again.

All the chess pieces neatly bowed their heads to Ye Ting to show their


"This... how could this be?" Ron muttered to himself in disbelief: "Is this

the real way of wizard chess?"

He has never seen such a hearty pre-match command. You must know

that all wizard chess players must draw up all the chess pieces before the

game, otherwise there will be chess pieces that keep ordering during the

battle, which is bad luck. Woolen cloth.

Only experienced chess players or wizard chess masters can gain the trust

of chess pieces from the beginning.

Ye Ting completely subverted their common sense in this way.

However, the next scene shown in front of them made them completely


After the duel began, I saw Ye Ting continuously issuing orders, his

speech speed was very fast, and he couldn't wait to say more than a

dozen words in a second-this completely exceeded the world record.

This reflects the fast calculation speed of Ye Ting's brain. He almost has

to issue four or five commands per second, which is eight or nine times

faster than the opponent, which means that he can simultaneously

control more than eight or nine times the opponent's chess pieces to

move. And every step has a clear idea-although the speed of each step of

the chess piece is limited, in the hands of Ye Ting, who can control

multiple chess pieces at the same time, that is, on average, each chess

piece takes eight or nine times more steps.

This is where he is playing Wizard Chess, he simply regards this as

StarCraft-of course, no one knows what StarCraft is in this age.

The little wizards below were all dumbfounded. Ron dared to use all his

chocolate frog pictures to swear that if Ye Ting's speech speed could be

accelerated a little bit, he would definitely be able to manipulate more

chess pieces at the same time.

Within a few minutes, White's pawns were divided and surrounded,

broken one by one, and were eaten completely, while Black only lost one

**** at the beginning.

When Ye Ting triumphed and left the chessboard, they still thought they

were dreaming.

Especially Ron, he was easily defeated by Ye Ting in his best place, and

he kept muttering to himself: "How can I play like this? How can I play

like this?".

However, they still had to admit that a genius is a genius, and Ye Ting

was only able to win this game with such a means just after learning the


Now no one would dare to believe that Ye Ting could lead them all

through the level.

So they stepped onto the chessboard and acted as chess pieces for Ye

Ting, and Ye Ting let the two knights and two wizards leave the


When passing by Ye Ting, Ron said to him unwillingly: "Your level... and

you can participate in the international wizard chess competition. I don't

think anyone is your opponent."

In this game, Ye Ting won even more simply. He did not touch the

knights and wizards replaced by the little wizards at all. Instead, he used

the castle to open the way. Can be promoted to a castle, knight, wizard,

queen), and defeated White in one fell swoop.

By the end of the game, the five of them were still standing on the

bottom line of Black, motionless.

"Is this a win?"

When they reached the last room, Zhang Qiu was still immersed in the

game that had just been crushed.

Only by personal experience can I know how much pressure it is to face

an opponent who is ten times faster than you in a real-time strategy


After entering the next room, a disgusting stench puffed their noses, and

they had to lift their clothes to block their noses, and their eyes were

smoked with tears.

This time Hermione thought of what to do in time. She waved her wand

and gave everyone a head-foaming curse, and everyone was relieved.

Through the transparent membrane, they saw a troll lying motionless on

the floor in front of him, unconscious, with a large **** lump on his


"Oh! This disgusting guy again." Hermione frowned, her eyes flashed with

fear, apparently thinking of what happened on Halloween.

Ye Ting noticed this and touched her head comfortingly.

Harry opened the next door, and for a while, they could hardly see what

was waiting for them—but there was nothing terrible here, there was

only a table with seven bottles of various shapes on it.

As soon as they crossed the threshold, a flame rose up behind them,

sealing the doorway. This flame is unusual: it is purple. At the same time,

a black flame burst from the door leading to the front. They are trapped

in the middle.

"This is Li Huo." Ye Ting explained to them, "Li Huo is also called Devil

Flame. It is a very powerful black magic. It cannot be extinguished by

normal means. Only the corresponding cracking spell can deal with it."

"Then what should we do?" Ron immediately panicked: "We will never be

trapped in it."

"Look!" Hermione grabbed a roll of parchment next to the bottle and


The danger is here, and the safety is behind. Two of us can help you.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 53:

Drink them down, one will lead you forward, and the other will send you

back to where you were.

The two are filled with nettle wine. Three are killers, waiting in line.

Choose, unless you want to delay here forever.

We also provide four clues to help you choose:

First, no matter how cunning the poison is, they are in fact standing on

the left side of the nettle wine;

Second, the contents of the bottles on the left and right are different. If

you want to move forward, none of them will be useful to you;

Third, you will find that the sizes of the bottles are not equal, and there is

no death hidden in the giants and gnomes;

Fourth, the second on the left and the second on the right, although they

look different, they taste the same.

Haha, isn't this a logic problem at the elementary school level?

Item 0075

"This...what is this?" Ron and Harry were completely silly, they didn't

understand what the note meant.

"This is a logical reasoning question," Zhang Qiu interrupted behind

them: "This is something that Muggles can learn."

"Muggles learn this?" Ron was a little unacceptable. "It's too difficult,


When these words were spoken, Ye Ting and Hermione immediately met

with contempt.

"It's not difficult at all." Ye Ting said, "This is only a question at the

elementary school level."

"I didn't learn this in elementary school!" Harry complained—he went to

community elementary school when he was adopted by the Dursleys—

Zhang Qiu and Hermione also nodded in favor.

"I mean Huaxia's elementary school." Ye Ting said lightly, thinking of his

past again.

"Huaxia's elementary school actually learns this?"

"It's horrible!"

Suddenly, the four little wizards' impression of Hua Xia immediately

became strange.

However, the problem still needs to be solved.

"Let me come!" Hermione volunteered to stand up, looking a little


She read the paper several times, and then walked back and forth in front

of the row of bottles, talking to herself while pointing at this or that


Finally, she clapped her hands happily.

"Got it," she said, "this smallest bottle can help us through the black

flame-get the Philosopher's Stone."

That is an inconspicuous little bottle.

"There is only enough for one person to drink," said Harry, "not even a


They looked at each other with a feeling of being pitted.

Ye Ting sighed and stepped forward: "So these levels are really

unreliable, why are there so many loopholes? Let me try brute force."

He drew out his wand, aimed at the black Lihuo in front of him, and read

a counter-lihuo curse.

As a result, the black flame not only did not disappear, but burned more

vigorously. The terrifying heat wave scared the little wizards back and


"Um, sorry, different fiery curses require different anti-curses, I will try


The second anti-curse still didn't make Li Huo disappear, but this time the

flame was much smaller.

Ye Ting had already figured out the trick, and after chanting the third

spell, the black flame in front of him immediately disappeared


"Professor Snape's special fire." Ye Ting shook his head disdainfully:

"That's it."

Then, they finally came to the last room.

There was already a man in there—not Snape, not even Voldemort.

It was beyond Harry's expectation, but it was within Ye Ting's


It's Quirrell.

"You!" Harry and Ron were out of breath in astonishment.

Qi Luo was also very surprised. He scanned the five little wizards in front

of him—the number was a little bit beyond his expectation—and then

focused on Ye Ting.

"It's you little Mudblood again!" He looked quite surprised: "Why are you


"Why can't I be here?" Ye Ting sneered and pointed at Qui Luo with his

magic wand.

"Catch it with your hands, Professor Quirrell, you have the right to

remain silent but what you say will become evidence in court."

"Puff." After hearing Ye Ting's words, Zhang Qiu and Hermione laughed

behind him—they had also watched Muggle movies and TV and knew

what was going on.

However, Quirrell, Harry, and Ron had no idea what he was talking

about and looked at Ye Ting strangely.

"Are you kidding me?" Quirrell was a little bit irritated, but someone was

even more angry than him.

"Why?" Harry asked him aloud, "Why are you? I thought Snape—"

"Snape?" Quirrell was amused by him, and the laughter was not his usual

sharp tremor, but a chilling sneer.

"Yeah, Snape really doesn't look like a good person, does he? He's flying

around like a giant bat, which is very helpful to us. With him there, who

would doubt that-- But-poor, knot-knot-stuttering Chiloism-professor?"

Quirrell satirized Harry triumphantly, which gave him a sense of


Harry couldn't believe it. Snape, whom he had always suspected, had

been protecting him, and in his opinion, Professor Quirrell, who had been

persecuted by Snape, was behind the scenes.

Professor Qi Luo's appearance made Ye Ting feel very funny. As a villain,

his pattern was too small.

"So, does it make you proud to deceive a child?" Ye Ting cast a caring

glance at him, and said sarcastically, "What if you deceive everyone?

Without the Philosopher's Stone, don't you want to Obediently wait for


"Enough!" Qi Luo, who pretended to be interrupted, was trembling with

anger. He roared to Ye Ting: "You are too nosy! Can't let you live in this

world! You will regret standing in front of me again. !"

"It's you who should regret it! Your subordinate defeated." Ye Ting didn't

let the wind fall, he turned his head and said to the others: "I'll stop him,

you quickly find the Philosopher's Stone and leave here."

Ron was already frightened, and he nodded hurriedly, pulling Harry


Hermione wanted to help too, but Zhang Qiu pulled her away, she felt

that they would only be a disservice to Ye Ting.

With a wave of Ye Ting's wand, a wall immediately rose up around him,

separating the two of them from the little wizards.

"Now there are only two of us left," Ye Ting smiled unkindly at the

opponent in front of him, and that smile made Qi Luo fight a cold war.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 54:

"Let's start the last unfinished duel, here you have nowhere to run."

"It will be you who die here!" The latter replied, but his face was

obviously not very good-looking.

The space here is too narrow, the two sides can only fight hard, there is

no room for maneuver.

In this case, his weak magic power is at a great disadvantage.

However, he had to bite the bullet.

Regardless of the magic showdown on this side, on the other side, the

little wizards searched the entire room, but found nothing.

"There are no Sorcerer's Stone everywhere." Ron grumbled, "Did you say

he made a mistake? Will the Sorcerer's Stone be on Professor Quirrell?"

"Never possible!" Hermione categorically denied: "When we came in,

Professor Quirrell was obviously looking for the Sorcerer's Stone,

otherwise he should have found the opportunity to leave."

"You sound pretty good, but where is the Philosopher's Stone?" Ron

retorted tit-for-tatly.

Although they didn't become friends, or even were assigned to an

academy, Hermione and Ron still quarreled so easily. The disagreement

was natural, and the ghost knew how they became a couple in the

original book.

But at this moment, Harry didn't have the energy to listen to their

quarrel, his attention was focused on the mirror in front of him.

It was the Mirror of Eris. He had seen it in the restricted area of ​​the

library, during the Christmas holidays.

He still remembers that the magic mirror can show the greatest desire in

people's hearts. At that time, he also saw the dead parents and relatives

through the magic mirror.

Harry looked at the magic mirror.

Harry in the mirror reached into his pocket, took out a bright red stone,

then blinked, and put the stone in his pocket again.

At this moment, Harry felt that something heavy had really fallen into his


It was incredible—he actually got the Sorcerer's Stone in this way.

Item 0076

After Harry got the Philosopher's Stone, he immediately greeted the little

wizards to leave the room.

They could see the constant shaking of the stone wall in front of them, as

well as the various explosions from that side, all of which told them how

fierce the battle between Ye Ting and Professor Qiluo was.

Harry hopes to leave here soon, he is not sure whether Ye Ting can defeat

Professor Quirrell.

In their opinion, although Ye Ting is very strong, he is just a little wizard,

and will not be Professor Quill's opponent-although Ye Ting has a record

of defeating the fire dragon and saving the unicorn.

They felt that if they could leave here quickly and call the professors,

they might be able to help Ye Ting.

However, when they ran to the door, the wall created by Ye Ting's

transformation technique burst into cracks.

The violent explosion shook them to the ground.

As the smoke and dust continued to dissipate, the two confronting figures

gradually became clearly visible. Although the clothes of the shorter one

were a bit messy, it was still a calm posture on the whole. This was their

friend, Ye Ting.

And his opponent, Professor Quirrell, was much more embarrassed.

His clothes were torn and torn, there were several spots of scorching

black all over his body, and his left hand was twisted unnaturally, and it

should have been broken.

Although it was quite miserable, he still clenched his teeth and cast a

sulking look at Ye Ting.

At this moment, he saw the Philosopher's Stone in Harry's hand.

"Give it to me!" He screamed sternly: "Give me what is in your hand!"

Harry was very nervous when he was watched by Professor Quirrell.

"I don't know what you are talking about." He put his hands behind his

back and denied it.

At this time, a sharp voice spoke, and the voice was completely different

from Professor Quirrell himself.

"Let me talk to him... face to face..."

"Master, your physical strength has not recovered yet!" Professor Quirrell

said nervously.

"This little strength...I still have..."

This weird scene stunned the little wizards, they watched Quirrell lift up

his hand to remove the scarf on his head.

How is this going?

The big scarf fell down, and Quirrell's bare head looked strangely small.

Then, he slowly turned around on the spot.

Harry wanted to scream, but couldn't make a sound.

There was a face that was supposed to be the back of Quirrell's head, and

Harry had never seen such a hideous and terrifying face. The color of the

face was as dead white as chalk, the red eyes glowed, and underneath

were two slender nostrils like snakes.

"Harry Potter..." he whispered.

Harry wanted to step back, but his legs didn't listen.

Suddenly, a hand firmly supported him.

Ye Ting walked from behind him and explained, "This is Voldemort now.

Since he was killed by you, he has been in this half-dead state. He must

be parasitic on someone else's body. It's disgusting, right? Of course.

There are even more disgusting. Sometimes, because he can't find a

suitable parasite, he has to parasitize the animal."

This made Harry a cold war.

That face spoke to Harry: "Look at what I have become! Only shadow and

steam are left... I can only have a body when I share a body with others...

But there are always people willing to let me Enter their hearts and

minds... Once I get the elixir, I will be able to recreate my own body...

well... why don't you give me the magic stone in your hand?"

As he spoke, he moved in Harry's direction, and in the end he basically

swooped out.

"Run, Harry, run to the door." Ye Ting pushed Harry away and cast an

obstacle curse on Voldemort, but the opponent suddenly turned into

black smoke and rose into the air, bypassing the obstacle.

Immediately afterwards, he sprayed a black violent fire on Ye Ting and

forced Ye Ting back.

Taking advantage of this time, the little wizards ran away scattered

around, and Ye Ting waved his magic wand and shot several red lights in

succession to cover them.

But he missed Harry Potter intentionally or unintentionally.

Voldemort saw the flaw, so he turned into thick black smoke again and

came to Harry's side.

"I caught you!" He pointed his wand at Harry and laughed wildly: "Now

you are in my hands!"

Pointed at by Voldemort's wand, Harry felt as if he was entangled in a

devil's net, unable to move at all.

At this moment, even Ye Ting was throwing a rat-in-the-mouse, and he

could only threatenly point at Voldemort with his wand.

The scene suddenly froze.

"Give me the Philosopher's Stone!" Voldemort said fiercely, "I have always

admired courage...Yes, my child, your parents were very brave back

then... I will kill your father first. He would rather die than surrender and

follow me bravely. I wrestle...your mother actually doesn't have to

die...she is desperately trying to protect you...well, give me the

Philosopher's Stone, and don't let your mother die for you."

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 55:

"No! Don't think about it!" Harry firmly refused.

On the other hand, Ye Ting sneered at Voldemort: "You ugly, parasite on

animals makes your brain stupid? How can you be sure that the

Philosopher’s Stone is on Harry’s body?"

"What are you talking about?" Voldemort looked back abruptly—I don’t

know if the position of his face counts as turning back—and said in

amazement: "Where is the Sorcerer's Stone?"

"Of course it was on the safest person," Ye Ting sneered, and took out the

bright red stone from his pocket, which was the Philosopher's Stone.

Are everyone else staring at me?

When was the Philosopher's Stone transferred to Ye Ting?

Suddenly, Voldemort remembered the moment he exploded the wall. It

was at that time that Ye Ting had a brief contact with Harry.

But how can this stump the Dark Lord?

He pointed his wand at Harry again, showing a cruel smile.

"Okay! The farce should be over!" He looked at Ye Ting like a poisonous

snake: "I admit that you are better...but what about it? Now...give me the

Philosopher's Stone! Otherwise, this kid will If you die here because of

you, then... you will be called... a murderer, and you will feel uneasy

about it for the rest of your life."

"Don't care about me!" Harry shook his head nervously at Ye Ting: "Don't

give him the Philosopher's Stone!"

"Shut up, Harry Potter!" Voldemort waved his hand, and a dirty cloth was

inserted into Harry's mouth.

Then he turned to Ye Ting: "Then, make your choice, Mudblood!"

Ye Ting pretended to be struggling, then gritted his teeth and said: "You

have won! The Dark Lord."

He picked up the Philosopher's Stone and pretended to throw it at

Voldemort, but instead threw it in the other direction-the direction of the

Mirror of Eris.

"Go and find this **** stone in the magic mirror yourself!"

"Do not!"

That's his hope to reshape his body!

Voldemort screamed and flew at the Philosopher's Stone.

But he was still a step late.

He could only watch the Philosopher's Stone meet the Eris Mirror, and



Then he bounced off and fell to the ground.

Ye Ting simply didn't have the ability to return the Philosopher's Stone to

the Mirror of Eris, he was lying.

At that moment, the anger of being fooled and the surprise of the loss of

the Philosopher's Stone made Voldemort tremble.

Excitedly, he stretched his hand to the Philosopher's Stone.

However, in the next second, he was swallowed by a black flame.

He didn't even say his last words, and screamed that he was burned to

death by the flames.

At the moment when the Philosopher’s Stone was thrown out, Ye Ting

thought about everything. In order to kill him in one breath, he even

sacrificed the Philosopher’s Stone. The fierce fireman Qiluo who burned

everything out, together with the Philosopher’s Stone and the Mirror of

Eris, They were all swallowed completely.

Item 0077

With the black fierce fire devouring the Sorcerer's Stone, Quirrell and his

conspiracy, the incident concerning the Sorcerer's Stone was thus over.

In the flames, the little wizards seemed to see Voldemort's broken soul.

He screamed and escaped from the fierce fire, but the terrible flame

obviously hurt him a lot.

At this time, Dumbledore finally arrived here, he just caught up with this

scene, watching Voldemort's broken soul leave.

This made him frowned deeply.

The eventful season is coming.

Then he turned to his five students.

At this moment, he had to face this fact in front of him.

It was these students in front of him who broke into the level where the

Philosopher’s Stone was stored, and confronted Professor Quirrell and

Voldemort who possessed him. In the course of the battle, in order to

save his companions and destroy Voldemort, one of the students had to

fire Quirrell. Destroyed together with the Philosopher's Stone.

Li Huo has the characteristic of burning magic power, so a pure magical

creation like the Sorcerer's Stone, once it encounters Li Huo, the end will

be burned to the point that there is no **** left.

After getting this fact from all the population, Dumbledore had to believe

that he had lost the Philosopher's Stone forever.

But he didn't blame Ye Ting, because he really had to do it, after all,

Harry was still in Voldemort's hands at the time.

In order to prevent Voldemort from resurrecting again, killing Quirrell,

who was possessed by Voldemort, together with the Philosopher's Stone

was the best choice Ye Ting could make at that time.

Now, Voldemort had to hibernate again, lingering and planning the next

conspiracy, and as the greatest contemporary white warrior of the time,

he must seize the time to make an advance response to the resurrection

of the Dark Lord.


After leaving the principal's office, all the little wizards who participated

in this line were extremely tired.

In order to quickly get the Philosopher’s Stone, they set off in the early

morning and stayed up all night, and in the process of passing through

various levels and finally confronting Professor Quirrell and Voldemort,

both their physical strength and energy were exhausted. So they fell

asleep immediately after returning to the dormitory.

Before going to bed, Ye Ting didn't forget to hide the magic stone in his

pocket in a box locked with magic.

That's right, in the previous battle, the Philosopher's Stone was not really


In fact, Ye Ting wanted to get the Philosopher’s Stone a long time ago,

but like Quirrell, he couldn’t take the Philosopher’s Stone out of the

Mirror of Eris, and he didn’t want to be deprived of it for taking the

Philosopher’s Stone. Blido stared at him—he hadn't finished reading the

Hogwarts collection.

Therefore, he designed this plan at the beginning of school.

At that time, Hermione asked him to explore the room where the three-

headed dog was located, but he temporarily delayed it. He made up his

mind to start this plan at the end of the semester-because only then

would Harry fight for it. Voldemort took the Philosopher's Stone out of

the Mirror of Eris.

Only then will he have a chance.

For this plan, he also deliberately prepared a fake magic stone in


After consulting the information, Ye Ting knew that the Sorcerer's Stone

was a degraded version of the Sage's Stone, which was entirely composed

of magical power.

This means that the fierce fire can burn it completely without leaving any


Therefore, he chose to turn a diamond into a fake Philosopher's Stone.

As we all know, diamonds are made entirely of carbon, and they are

quite pure and free of impurities. When the diamond is ignited, it will

completely burn into carbon dioxide. This means that after the fake

philosopher’s stone is burned with fierce fire, it will be burnt like the real

philosopher’s stone with nothing left.

Then, he learned the Lihuo Mantra and the relative curse curse in the

forbidden book zone.

After the final exam, he was ready: he planned to monitor Harry Potter,

figure out the day when he went to get the Philosopher’s Stone, and then

pretended that he happened to meet a friend on the same day to explore

the corridor on the fourth floor. And trapdoors.

At that time, he will either follow Harry or pretend to meet them by

chance, in any case he will find a way to enter the last room with Harry

Potter and face Professor Quirrell.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 56:

As a result, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Ye Ting took

Hermione and Zhang Qiu to the Forbidden Forest to visit La Rui, and

happened to meet Harry and Ron on the way back.

When Harry invited him to participate in the action, his heart was

actually quite pleasant, because no one expected the plan to go so

smoothly-in this way, he was less likely to be suspected by Dumbledore

in the end.

Everything was proceeding according to his plan. As Quirrell was injured

in the first battle in the Forbidden Forest, his combat effectiveness had

declined. Therefore, when Ye Ting faced Quirrell in the last room, he

completely mastered the rhythm of the battle. The situation unknowingly

developed in the direction he wanted.

When Harry found the Sorcerer's Stone, he deliberately revealed the flaw,

letting Professor Quirrell break the wall and found it all.

Because of Professor Quirrell's threat, when he asked Harry to give him

the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry readily agreed.

In the next battle, he deliberately revealed a flaw and asked Professor

Quirrell to catch Harry-because of his special feelings for Harry,

Voldemort would not kill Harry in the first place-he even suspected that

Voldemort did not kill Harry. Harry's ability...

However, since the Philosopher's Stone has been transferred to Ye Ting's

body, with Voldemort's character, he would definitely obtain the

Philosopher's Stone by threatening Harry's life.

This created a situation where the Philosopher’s Stone had to be

sacrificed, otherwise it would not be possible to defeat Voldemort and

save Harry Potter at the same time.

In this case, he has reason to destroy the fake Philosopher's Stone with

fierce fire in front of everyone, thus embezzling the real Philosopher's


Fortunately, the entire plan was executed perfectly according to his ideas.

He successfully got the Sorcerer's Stone, and Dumbledore did not doubt



Soon, their feat spread throughout Hogwarts.

Everyone looked at them with admiration, and many people gathered

around them asking questions and answers, wanting to understand what

happened at that time.

And Senior Sister Penello also quickly found Ye Ting, of course, the

reason she came to Ye Ting was not just to satisfy curiosity.

"I have heard all this." In the corner of the common room, Penello

lowered his head and said quietly to Ye Ting: "It's a pity that I was not by

your side at the time, otherwise I could be with you. Fight side by side."

"The situation was very dangerous..." Ye Ting reminded, but Penello

interrupted him immediately.

"I know!" She looked at Ye Ting with a complicated expression: "Of

course I know that the situation is dangerous. You must face a professor

alone. He has a mysterious person in him. How can the situation not be


As he said, Penello began to get a little excited, obviously falling into his

own emotions: "I can believe that picture, a first-year little wizard with

four companions, you must face such a powerful opponent. , But your

companions are not very reliable. Two of the boys are Gryffindor's brats.

The two girls, Hermione and Zhang Qiu, can't actually help you. You

have to stand up on your own. Come out, protect your companion..."

Having said that, her eye circles were already red, as if she was moved by

the imaginary Ye Ting.

Seeing her like this, Ye Ting himself blushed a little, he was just for the

Philosopher's Stone, but in the eyes of the girl in front of him, he was so


He sighed in his heart and decided to himself that he should be more

careful in doing things in the future, and don't destroy his glorious image

in the hearts of others.

After a while, Penello got out of her emotions. She solemnly demanded to

Ye Ting, "Be sure to take me with you next time you have something."

Ye Ting had to nod his head again and again.

Chapter 0078 Penello, Championship and End of Semester

The two chatted chatteringly again. Penello seemed a little absent-

minded. Suddenly she pretended to inadvertently ask, "Do you know why

Percy Weasley asked me to go?"

It is precisely because of this that Penello missed visiting the unicorn La

Rui and thus missed the whole thing.

Ye Ting shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

Penello glanced at him complicatedly, and said: "He confessed to me and

hopes that I will be his girlfriend."

"Oh." Ye Ting nodded. This matter also exists in the original work.

Penello agreed to it at the time, but this time it should be rejected.

Seeing that Ye Ting had no reaction, Penello frowned and asked, "Guess

how I answered it?"

Ye Ting shook his head again.

"I refused."

After speaking, Penello looked at Ye Ting expectantly.


Still this answer.

These, even the gentle senior sister was angry, she asked Ye Ting loudly,

"That's how you reacted?"

Ye Ting glanced at her, and he hesitated in his heart. Although he is good

enough in this life, he is a beloved male god, but he has never been in a

relationship with him before, and it’s okay to molest little Lolita. Really.

When faced with such emotional problems, I still seem a little timid.

No way, he had to cheer for himself in his heart: Who am I? I am a

traverser, the chosen person, the future **** of law, and the man who

was born to open the harem. How could I be persuaded by a little

emotional problem?

Finally, he buckled his heart, stepped forward, and slammed Penello

against the corner of the wall.

Senpai was taken aback by this action, but she still looked expectantly at


Ye Ting met her eyes, kissed her lips suddenly, and said, "This is for you!"

Then he hurried away.

Looking at Ye Ting's back, Penello's mouth showed a gentle smile.

After that, the final game of the Quidditch Cup began, with the

Gryffindor team facing Ravenclaw.

Since Harry was not injured in the fight against Quirrell as in the original

book, he successfully participated in the game and stood on the opposite

side of his friend who had fought side by side a few days ago.

In previous games, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw both won two games in a

row, but the Quidditch Cup champion was not the team with the most

wins, but the one with the highest cumulative score.

In this regard, Ravenclaw has a big advantage. They have scored a total

of 510 points in the previous two games, while Gryffindor's total score is

much lower, and their point difference is far more than 100 points. fifty


This also means that in addition to catching the Golden Snitch first, the

Gryffindor team must first pass the ghost fly to score points, and get a

certain point difference from the opponent.

However, Ravenclaw, who was standing across from them, had a talented

player, Ye Ting, and Ye Ting also had a secret weapon—the flying broom

and the sun wheel.

In the game, the first appearance of the Sun Wheel made everyone feel

amazed and terrified. Riding on this flying broom that surpassed the

times, Ye Ting almost defeated Gryffindor with his own power.

Unlucky Gryffindor, even if Harry Potter participated in the game this

time, he could not avoid the biggest failure in history.

When the year-end banquet at Hogwarts began, the auditorium was

decorated with Ravenclaw’s blue and bronze to celebrate their victory in

the Academy Cup-they ended Slytherin’s six consecutive years. The

winning streak, perhaps this is also the beginning of their record. On the

wall behind the main guest seat, a huge banner painted with Ravenclaw's

eagle hung.

Dumbledore finally arrived at the scene, after which the noise in the

auditorium gradually subsided.

"Another year has passed!" Dumbledore said cheerfully. "Before you can

enjoy these delicious dishes, I must trouble you all to listen to the clichés

of an old man. What a wonderful year! Your little heads are sure. It’s a

bit richer than before... The entire summer vacation is waiting for you

before, so that you can digest those things well before the beginning of

the next semester, and free your mind..."

"Now, as far as I know, we must first carry out the Academy Cup award

ceremony. The specific scores of each academy are as follows: fourth

place, Gryffindor, 312 points; third place, Hufflepuff, Three hundred

fifty-two points; Slytherin three hundred and seventy-two points,

Slytherin five hundred and eighty-six points."

A thunderous cheering and stomping erupted from Ravenclaw's dining


"Yes, yes, good performance," Dumbledore said. "However, several recent

events must also be counted."

The auditorium became very quiet, and the smiles of the Ravenclaws

became a little less.

And Ye Ting cast a mocking look at Dumbledore-in the original work,

Gryffindor's score is so low, but Dumbledore added a total of the savior

trio and Neville due to the Philosopher’s Stone incident. One hundred

and seventy points, this surpassed Slytherin who won the Academy Cup

at the time.

No wonder some people say that although Dumbledore is a good

principal, he is quite partial-he is too partial to the Gryffindor College

where he was born.

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 57:

But this time, Ravenclaw has Ye Ting and Hermione, leading them to win

the Academy Cup and have a bigger gap with Gryffindor.

Moreover, in this Philosopher’s Stone incident, Ravenclaw surpassed

Gryffindor in terms of the number of participants and contributions, so

even if it was an extra point, Ravenclaw might not lose.

This time, he wanted to see how this eccentric old man would help


As he expected, Dumbledore did not add points based on contribution as

in the original book. Instead, he added 50 points to everyone involved in

the event based on the number of heads, and then added 10 points to

Neville Longbottom.

This is really partial.

The Gryffindors were very happy now. They surpassed their rival

Slytherin. When Snape looked at Professor McGonagall, his expression

was quite embarrassed, while Professor Flitwick hummed a little song

happily—his The college leads the second place by 314 points.

The next day, the final exam results were also announced. Ye Ting and

Hermione both tied for first place with full marks. Of course, everyone

knew that the reason why Hermione was tied with Ye Ting was because

the total score of the exam was only that high.

After that, the semester finally ended, and the little wizards took the train

to the nine and three-quarters platform. Ye Ting waved goodbye to the

three girls on the platform.

"This holiday I will find a new address." He said to them: "When the time

comes, I will write to you and tell you the new address, and then we can

exchange letters. Of course, you can also come and play with me. ."

Item 0079

After returning to the Wu's Orphanage from Hogwarts, Ye Ting obviously

felt a little uncomfortable.

Of course, at Hogwarts, he can hide in the responsive room and do

whatever research he wants to do as he pleases. When he is bored, he can

fly freely in the air on the "sun wheel". Circle, enjoy the wind-like feeling.

Since he helped the horse tribe, he has also had one more pastime, which

is visiting the Forbidden Forest.

With horsemen as guides, the Forbidden Forest is like his back garden,

allowing him to wander and gather at will.

But now, he has to stay in a small room. His daily pastime is only reading

books, not even magic. Although he played the Aurors well at the airport

last time, it was only a special situation, and now he doesn’t If you dare

to use magic in the Wu's Orphanage, you may be dropped out of school.

After all, his current strength is not enough to fight the entire Ministry of


But then again, if he is strong enough to ignore the rules of the Ministry

of Magic, then why should he care about being dropped out?

In short, Ye Ting, who felt aggrieved, finally couldn't help it. He found

Mrs. Gary and got permission to live alone from her. Of course, it was

inevitable to use some magical means such as spiritual hints, but because

he didn't use a magic wand, So Zongsi cannot detect this.

Then, he could finally act alone.

However, his top priority is not to find a new residence, but also to seek


The most famous incident in the financial market in 1992 was the pound

crisis. In this incident, financial speculators headed by Soros seized the

opportunity of the incoordination of exchange rates between European

countries and shorted the pound. Make a fortune.

This happened in September 1992, but Soros has already begun to make

arrangements, so after Ye Ting left the Wu’s Orphanage, he immediately

flew to the United States and invested all of his wealth in Soros’ hedge

fund. -It is inevitable to use magical means. Otherwise, how can the

hundreds of millions of hedge funds allow an account with only a few

million dollars to join?

After that, Ye Ting began to prepare his new home. He planned to build

the new home in places where wizards live. In these places, because there

are many wizards living in them, and they are relatively concentrated, it

is impossible to use traces to detect whether the little wizards have used

them. Magic, this gave Ye Ting the opportunity to bypass the Ministry of

Magic's regulations and use magic outside the school.

Now he has two preferred places. The first is Hogsmeade, Scotland,

which is a bustling wizarding town and close to Hogwarts; the other is

Otley, Devon, England. · St. Catchpole Village is just a small village, not

prosperous, but there are many Ye Ting’s acquaintances, such as the

Weasleys, Lovegoods, and Diggory’s.

Both locations are very good, which made Ye Ting tangled for a long

time-the former is prosperous, convenient for shopping, and he can go

back at any time when he is in Hogwarts, just like a school district room;

the latter is relatively close to acquaintances, boring He could still stop

by at the time, George and Fred from the Weasleys, Diggory from the

Godricks, and Luna from the Lovegoods were all very interested.

For this, he struggled for a day. Suddenly, he recalled what happened to

Harry during this summer vacation: The Weasley twins and Ron were

riding in a flying car from Dursley’s. Harry Potter picked it up.


Ye Ting had inspiration immediately.

Why not buy an RV as your own home?

The wizard will use a non-marking stretching spell, which can expand a

limited space without visible change from the outside.

The wizards used this spell extensively in their storage supplies and


And Ye Ting is quite good at this spell, he himself has a very strong

spatial talent, and has always been handy in learning spatial magic.

Although the larger the space, the more difficult it is to use the

Unmarked Stretching Curse, but with his level, the space of an RV can be

expanded into a luxurious villa.

In this way, he can choose his place of residence at will. During the

holidays, he will live in the village of Otter Catchpole and move to

Hogsmeade after school starts. He can even drive this car wherever he

wants to travel in the future. vehicle.

He can even go a step further and buy a bus himself, and then convert it

into a motorhome-anyway, one of the three basic types of motorhomes is

a bus motorhome.

By the way, the other two are truck-type RVs and trailer-type RVs.

If he said nothing, he immediately tried to disguise his identity and

bought a double-decker bus.

This is a VolvoOlympian double-decker bus from Volvo, Sweden. It is the

latest double-decker bus produced by Volvo's Scottish factory in 1992. As

a result, it was cut off by Ye Ting as soon as it left the factory.

This car is 12 meters long, 2.5 meters wide, and 4.4 meters high. The

engine is... the engine is not important, it can be modified by magic


Next, he had to find a place to modify the bus. Because of the use of

magic, he had to find a wizard colony to modify it to avoid being

discovered by the Ministry of Magic.

In Ye Ting's view, the best place is the village of St. Catchpole, because

there are not only many wizard families inhabited there, but also a

ready-made helper.

That was the twins and Ron's father, Arthur Weasley.

Arthur Weasley works in the Muggle Prohibition Office of the Ministry of

Magic, but he likes anything related to Muggles and even wrote the

Muggle Protection Act. And he is also very interested in Muggle

technology. He would buy Muggle items, disassemble and study them in

a small shed, trying to figure out their principles, and he would also cast

magic on them. The twins and Ron drove to pick up Harry's Ford is his


Interested in Muggle items, and have experience in modifying Muggle

vehicles, friendly and easy-going, and can be regarded as an

acquaintance, is there a more perfect helper than him?

Thinking of this, he immediately wrote a letter to the twins, asking them

to pass their request to Mr. Arthur Weasley—Compared to Ron, Ye Ting

has a better relationship with the twins. At Hogwarts, the two of them

often reported to Mr. Arthur Weasley. Ye Ting asked about alchemy, and

Ye Ting also gave a lot of suggestions on their homemade prank props.

Soon, Ye Ting received a reply. It was not the twins who wrote the reply,

but Mr. Weasley.

This letter was quite enthusiastic. In the letter, Mr. Weasley stated that he

had long admired Ye Ting’s name, and praised Ye Ting’s behavior at

Hogwarts. Faced with Ye Ting’s proposal to convert the bus into a house.

Imagine that Mr. Weasley expressed great interest and actively asked to

join the renovation work.

At the end of the letter, he warmly invited Ye Ting to visit the Burrow—

this is the name of the Weasley’s house—and also included the address of

the village of San Catchpole.

Item 0080

After arriving in St. Catchpole Village, Ye Ting was warmly welcomed by

the Weasley family.

The twins embraced him enthusiastically, and then looked at his double-

decker bus: "It's cool! You actually want to build your home in a car. How

did you come up with this idea?"

They also handed him a piece of toffee, but Ye Ting refused their


"In this candy, the smell of hiccup potion is about to float out," Ye Ting

glanced at it disgustedly: "Whose bad idea is this?"

"George's idea!"

"It was Fred's idea!"

The twins immediately shifted the blame to each other.

Ron just shook hands with him, appearing more cautious. His

relationship with Ye Ting was average, but after experiencing the

Philosopher's Stone incident, he began to respect Ye Ting.

Mr. Weasley was a thin man, a little flattered, but his remaining hair was

as red as his children's. He was wearing a green robe and looked a little

bit dusty. He came back from the Ministry of Magic to meet Ye Ting.

Mrs. Weasley was a chubby, kind-looking woman. She was wearing a

printed apron with a magic wand in her pocket.

When the twins brought Ye Ting to them, the Weasleys greeted them

with enthusiasm and gave Ye Ting a welcoming hug.

"Hello, Mr. Ye." Mr. Weasley shook hands with him: "I have heard of your

deeds. You were able to confront the mysterious man in the first grade.

You are such a genius-I heard about you. I used to live in a Muggle

orphanage—oh, I shouldn’t mention this—but you must know the Muggle

world well, right..."

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 58:

"Okay, Arthur, don't just ask about this as soon as you meet!" Mrs.

Weasley interrupted him loudly, then turned to Ye Ting, and looked at

him up and down with a loving look.

Although this look didn't mean anything malicious, Ye Ting was still

uncomfortable looking at him-could it be because of the older Obasan?

"Oh, you are, Mr. Ting Ye, are you? Really a handsome boy." Mrs.

Weasley nodded in satisfaction: "I heard Ron say a lot about you, and

George and Fred often Speaking of you, I have to thank you for

protecting Ron when you were in school. I am very happy that they can

make friends like you at school. I heard that you have been... well, living

in an orphanage..."

As she said, she wiped the corners of her eyes with her hands: "What a

good boy..."

With their warm invitation, Ye Ting visited the Weasley's burrow.

It used to be a big pigsty with a stone barrier. Later, some rooms were

built here and there, and they were as high as a few stories, crooked, and

at first glance they were built by magic.

There are four or five chimneys on the roof of the red house, and a sign is

inserted diagonally in front of the house, which says "Burrow". There

were some high-top leather boots and a rusty crucible beside the gate. A

few fat brown chickens pecked in the yard.

The Weasley’s garden is very large, overgrown with weeds, the roots of

the wall are surrounded by many intertwined trees, all kinds of plants

grow out of each flowerbed, and there is a large green pond with many

frogs in it.

This is a simple yet warm home.

Entering the burrow, in the living room, Ye Ting also saw the other two

members of the family.

One of them was slightly taller, neatly dressed, and had a prefect's badge

on a knit short vest. It was their elder brother, Percy Weasley.

Ye Ting found that Percy looked at him with complicated eyes, jealous

and unwilling.

"Percy is jealous of you." One of the twins whispered in Ye Ting's ear:

"Since I got home, I found that he had been secretly writing letters to a

person, but he never replied."

"Yes!" the other of the twins interrupted. "We intercepted Errol-that is the

name of our owl-and found out that he was writing to Penello Crevat,

Lavin Crow's beautiful senior sister. Oh, that's a passionate love letter. I'm

going to get goose bumps, but Senior Sister Penello never returns. He's

just unrequited love. We all know--"

Having said this, he raised an eyebrow at Ye Ting.

But before he could speak, the other twin rushed to say: "We all know

that Penello is often with you. I dare to bet all of George’s Sico, she likes

you, and Percy has no chance at all. !"

"You took my word! George!" the former twin said angrily.

"I'm George."

"I'm the!"

With that, the twins quarreled with each other again.

In response, Ye Ting could only helplessly shook his head.

What's all this? Percy hasn't given up even after being rejected by her

senior sister.


He snorted.

This guy has no chance at all.

He glanced at Percy.

The appearance is not as good as me, the ability is not as good as me, and

the family is not as rich as I am. Will Penello look after him?

Another member of the Weasley family is a little red-haired girl, Ginny

Weasley, who will be enrolling in Hogwarts this year. When she saw Ye

Ting, she just nodded shyly.

In addition, they actually have two elder brothers, but neither of them is

at home.

The eldest son, Bill, worked as a curse solver at Gringotts Bank, and his

second son, Charlie, studied fire dragons in Romania.

After eating lunch at Weasley's house, the twins took Ye Ting to their

room and asked him how to perfectly remove the smell of hiccup potions

in the candy.

Ye Ting stayed at Weasley's house all day, even one night, and

experienced the daily activities of many wizard families, such as clearing

goblins in the garden. He also saw the ghoul in the attic of the Weasley

house, in short, it was indeed a novel and interesting experience.

But early the next morning, Ye Ting was about to start work.

The first step is to remove the interior of the double-decker bus. Ye Ting

and Arthur spent the morning running up and down in the bus, and

George and Fred also came to help them.

To be honest, compared to manual demolition, magic is too convenient.

Control spells, floating spells, moving spells, flying spells, transformation

spells, etc., are all very practical spells.

Mr. Weasley was very interested in the luxurious seats in the bus and

moved a few to his home.

The next step is to perform the non-mark stretching spell.

At this time, the entire carriage became a stage where Ye Ting performed


The carriage, which was only tens of square meters in size, was literally

expanded to hundreds of square meters by Ye Ting.

The carport, which was less than two meters high, was expanded to four

or five meters high by Ye Ting.

In addition, he opened an opening on the top of the bus, and then built a

shed on the roof of the car, surrounded by glass, and used it as a garden.

His non-marking stretch curse made the Weasleys all stare at it. They had

never seen such a powerful non-marking stretch curse.

Other wizards use non-marking stretching spells to expand the pocket-

sized space by several tens of times, or the car or house-sized space

several times.

But who can expand the space of a bus a hundred times?

Even Dumbledore can't do this.

However, in front of them, Ye Ting stubbornly expanded a double-decker

bus into a villa of thousands of square meters.

At this time, the Weasleys finally understood what the genius of

Hogwarts was.

Item 0081

The next content is decoration and visiting furniture. For this, Ye Ting

has to go to Diagon Alley every day for several days.

The way he went to Diagon Alley this time was to use the Weasley’s

fireplace and enter Diagon Alley by Floo Fan.

To be honest, for wizards who are not used to or not good at Apparition,

Floo Fan is indeed a very convenient means of transportation. It is more

comfortable and safer than Apparition, and has a fixed Floo network, so

just say You can reach it when you leave the site, regardless of whether

the user has been there or not. It is not necessary to fully understand the

target location like the Apparition.

Ye Ting decided that after his home was renovated, he would also

connect the fireplace to the Floo network.

During the decoration process, Ye Ting spent a lot of money and went to

several furniture stores—Muggles and wizards. Only then did he buy

satisfactory furniture—if he was dissatisfied, he used Transfiguration. To


Among these pieces of furniture, there is no shortage of typical wizard

furniture-such as mirrors that criticize dress code, teapots that

automatically pour tea, and so on.

He also bought an antenna and a high-power generator, and made some

magical modifications.

After the transformation, the antenna can be connected to Muggle TV and

telephone systems regardless of distance. In the future, it can also be

connected to Muggle networks, and the generator can be driven by

magic, so that he can use Muggle appliances at home. NS.

Arthur Weasley was very interested in Ye Ting’s skills. He strongly urged

Ye Ting to install such a set of gadgets in his home, but he regretted it

after hearing about the prices of these Muggle appliances. .

Finally, after spending a week, Ye Ting's new home has finally been

renovated, but he still has new work to do-refitting the bus itself.

In fact, Ye Ting is very envious of the Weasley’s Ford that can fly and

become invisible. After all, although traveling on a flying broom is

convenient and fast, how can it be so easy and comfortable to drive?

With the help of Mr. Weasley, Ye Ting successfully installed the stealth

system, braking system, shock absorption and balance system, additional

power system and flight system on the Olympia bus. He also modified the

engine to be driven by magic. Then he can comfortably drive his own

house and travel around the world.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 59:

The last step is to connect the fireplace at home to the Floo network of

the Ministry of Magic. However, at this point, Ye Ting is in trouble—

because he is a minor wizard, but has his own house, if he asks the

Ministry of Magic If an application is issued, the staff who installed the

Floo Network will soon discover this, and then he may be expelled from

Hogwarts for illegally altering Muggle objects or using magic by

underage wizards outside the school.

Fortunately, Ye Ting is not unrelated to the Ministry of Magic. In fact,

among the people he knows, the one who can help him most in this

matter is his principal, Dumbledore.

When Dumbledore arrived, he was immediately stunned by Ye Ting's

genius creativity and transformation results.

When visiting this bus—or this house, the old man was as curious as a

child studying the magic items that Ye Ting personally transformed,

including radios that can be connected to Muggle and Wizard Radio at

the same time; not only can it act as a surveillance camera, See the

outside scene of the bus, and can also connect to the full-length mirror of

Muggle TV show; Muggle washing machine with water-making curse and

drying curse, etc...

He studied very carefully, and he never got tired of it.

Finally, he reluctantly looked away and admired Ye Ting: "Your alchemy

creation really opened my eyes. Professor Babling will definitely welcome

you to his class. Now a wizard who understands this. There are too few."

He happily agreed to Ye Ting to help him in the Ministry of Magic to help

him connect to the Floo network.

"The Ministry of Magic has no such precedent for connecting such a

mobile fireplace to the Floo network. Doing so may cause unknown

accidents. Are you sure you want to do this?" Dumbledore warned

worriedly before installing the Floo network. Ye Ting.

But Ye Ting proved with actions that his worries were purely redundant.

This is just a matter of spatial coordinates.

In just one day, Ye Ting remodeled the fireplace and reprocessed the Floo

powder, so that the fireplace can be connected to the Floo network no

matter how it moves, and is no longer disturbed by the movement of


For this technology, Dumbledore commented:

"This is a cross-age invention of magical transportation. I dare say that as

long as you publish this research, you will definitely get a Merlin Medal."

"Of course, I'm happy to do this." Ye Ting agreed happily.

So, he wrote the space magic theory of the moving fireplace overnight in

the form of a paper, and Professor Dumbledore would help him publish

this paper and win the honor he deserves.

Soon, Ye Ting got the news that his paper was published in the academic

journal "The Curse Innovation". Everyone admired his theory. The only

drawback is that the writing of this paper is too boring. , It is simply a

straightforward running account-of course, in Ye Ting's view, academic

papers should be written like this. If they are written like other wizards,

what is the difference between them and literary works?

Moreover, according to internal information Dumbledore received, with

this invention, he was able to get a Merlin Class III Medal.

At the same time, Feilubang Company also found Ye Ting.

This company is the only company in the UK that produces Floo powder.

After negotiation, Ye Ting decided to separate the mobile fireplace

technology and let part of the function of this technology be realized by

Floo fans, while he simplified the ancient magic text involved in the

other part of the technology into a spell.

In this way, all wizards can learn this moving fireplace curse. They can

transform it into a movable Floo net entrance by using the moving

fireplace curse on their own fireplace, and then use a special Floo powder

to rely on one The fireplace is connected to the Floo network anytime

and anywhere.

Ye Ting announced the spell free of charge, and authorized the formula

of the special Floo powder to Floobang Company. In this case, Floobang

Company became the only company in the world that could produce this

kind of special made for mobile fireplaces. The company of Floo fans.

The mission of Floobang company is to promote the mobile fireplace

curse, and then sell special Floo powder to users of mobile fireplaces.

With the continuous popularity of mobile fireplaces, Floobang company

can monopolize the Floo powder market in the world.

Ye Ting designed this plan for the Floating Company, and it is also

beneficial to himself. According to the agreement between him and the

Floating Company, 30% of the profits of all special Floating powder

belong to Ye Ting, although the price of each spoonful of Floating

powder is only two. Xi Ke, but with small profits but quick turnover, he

will soon be able to make a large sum of money with this Jin Jialong.

Just as Ye Ting was struggling with his money-making plan, Dumbledore

brought him a new message.

He actually helped Ye Ting without permission to register in the

International Wizard Chess Competition!

Item 0082

"Witcher chess game? Why do you want me to participate?" Facing

Dumbledore with a smile in front of him, Ye Ting thought for the first

time to hit someone.

Why did this old guy arrange such an inexplicable task for him?

He is very busy now, he still has a lot of things to do, and the timetable is

full: the house that has just been renovated needs to be tidyed up, and

various plants need to be prepared for the new garden. He didn't start

studying, and he still wanted to learn Agmanis during the summer


"I've heard of your record." Dumbledore explained with a smile: "You

played well when facing the wizard chess level. I have never seen such a

combat strategy-by controlling more at the same time. To crush your

opponent. I heard that it was the first time you played Wizard Chess,


"Oh, your information is very well-informed." Ye Ting rolled his eyes

perfunctorily: "But I am very busy now, I still have a lot of books to read,

and there are still many studies that have not been completed. I don't

have time to participate in that international wizard. Chess game."

"You are the most gifted student I have ever met," Dumbledore sighed

and complimented: "I have seen many talented young people, but none of

them works as hard as you. They spend a lot of energy on fun,

comparison, love, and other trivial things. Sometimes, I even feel that

you are not mature like a young man. However, I think you are pushing

yourself too hard, why not be with the same age As a child, find a chance

to relax?"

"Do you treat the international wizard chess game as relaxation?"

"Yes, I think it's just relaxation for you," Dumbledore looked at Ye Ting

with a smile. "To be honest, Hogwarts hasn't done anything in this game

for many years. I still remember, whether it was in my time or Professor

McGonagall’s time, Hogwarts always won a good place in the

international wizard chess competition, but now, Hogwarts has not been

for several years. People have participated in this competition, but in the

magic schools in Europe, it is the students of Busbarton who show up in

this competition."

"Okay, I'll consider it carefully." Ye Ting was a little annoyed at hearing,

so he had to perfunctorily.

"It won't take you much time, only two or three days at most."

Dumbledore saw his attitude and continued to persuade him: "I heard

that you are decorating your garden recently? If you are willing to

participate in this competition, no matter what. I will call the shots in

any ranking, let Professor Sprout, give you a copy of all the precious

herbal seeds in the Hogwarts greenhouse, how about?"

"Are you serious?" Ye Ting was a little tempted. Collecting so many kinds

of herbs is a very troublesome thing. If you can get all of this directly

from Hogwarts, it would be much easier.

"Of course, I am the principal of Hogwarts, and I still have some power in

my hand." Dumbledore winked at him jokingly.

"No matter what rank?"

"Regardless of the ranking. But I believe you will not perfuse me as an

old man in this respect, will you?"

At this time, Ye Ting felt that this old man was still quite annoying,

because he really knew Ye Ting very well. Ye Ting always did things like

this: either don't do it, or do his best.

"Well, you won." He sighed: "As you wish, I will go to this competition

with you. I'll take the championship."


This international wizard chess tournament was held on a small island in

the Mediterranean. The island was cast with an anti-ghosting spell, and

the way to get here was through the door key.

After passing the door key, Ye Ting and Dumbledore appeared in a large

square. There were many wizards coming and going around, and the

scene of the game was in the old castle in the middle of the square.

Obviously, the status of the international wizard chess game among

wizards is very high.

Most of them come from different countries, but they are mostly from

Europe and the United States-of course, there are also many players and

spectators from Central Asia, and the yellow race from Asia is the least.

However, compared with the past, the number of Asian players has made

a zero breakthrough. For a long time, Asian wizards prefer to play a

game of playing black and white chess pieces on an empty board. Wizard

chess is still close. It only became popular there for a hundred years, but

the wizards never recognized the importance of the changes in Muggle


Ye Ting found that Dumbledore was indeed very famous internationally.

They had just arrived here for a while, and no less than ten wizards came

to greet him. These wizards looked very old, but their magical powers

were not weak. Just look at it, it's not a simple character.

Of course, these old people are not here to compete. They are either

wizard chess enthusiasts who bought expensive tickets and came to

watch the game; or as guardians, they brought their juniors to participate

in the game.

These old men enthusiastically introduced their descendants to

Dumbledore-listen to the names, most of these young people are their

grandchildren or granddaughters, so it seems that these people are from a

big family in the wizarding world.

However, Ye Ting didn't like these people, so he just barely managed to

greet them.

Despite this, Dumbledore always introduced Ye Ting to them. When he

heard that Ye Ting was the magical world, the inventor of the hottest

mobile fireplace recently, each of them was surprised and admired at Ye

Ting. To look at.

"Are all young people coming here to compete?" After bidding farewell to

an old wizard from Denmark, Ye Ting asked Dumbledore softly.

"Oh, yes, although there are some elderly people who will participate,

most of the contestants are young people." Dumbledore nodded slightly:

"You know, playing wizard chess is a very energy-consuming thing, I am

young. I was able to spend three days and three nights with others in a

row, but now..."

He laughed self-deprecatingly: "Although we old men have some

advantages in magic and experience, you see, as long as the next one or

two games, we will lose energy."

Next, Dumbledore took Ye Ting to meet several other acquaintances.

According to Dumbledore, they are all the most highly academic wizards

in the wizarding world today. A frequent visitor to academic journals

such as "Practical Potions".

After learning about Ye Ting's identity, these old people warmly

welcomed the young man who was academically accomplished at a

young age.

This time, Ye Ting finally didn’t look the same as just now. He just said

hello. He chatted happily with these old people, and exchanged a lot of

academic opinions on spells, metamorphosis, and so on. Exchanged

mailing addresses with many of them and agreed to write letters to each


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 60:

"Oh, it's rare to see you chatting so happily with other people." After

leaving them, Dumbledore looked at Ye Ting with some novelty: "Ms.

Sprengel also said to introduce her granddaughter to you, I dare Said she

had never admired a young man so much."

"They are all great old people." Ye Ting said happily, with a smile on the

corner of his mouth: "Their knowledge is very profound, and I have

benefited a lot from communicating with them."

Chapter 0083 Fleur Delacour and two consecutive rounds

At the game site, Ye Ting and Dumbledore met an unexpected


That was a big woman, she was so big that Ye Ting had never seen her in

his life. Among the people he knew, only Hagrid could compare with her.

She has a very handsome olive face, black and big watery eyes, and a

very pointed nose. Her hair was combed behind her head and twisted

into a shiny bun at the base of her neck. She was wrapped in a black

forged dress from head to toe, and there were many luxurious opals

shining on her neck and thick fingers.

When she saw Dumbledore, she smiled gracefully, stretched out a

gleaming hand, and walked towards Dumbledore. Although Dumbledore

was also tall, he barely bent over when kissing this hand.

"Hello, dear Mrs. Maxim," he said, "Long time no see."

"Hello, Dumbledore," Mrs. Maxim said in a low voice, "It's been a long

time...I mean, in this arena, it's been a long time since no one of you

Hogwarts has come to the game."

"Yes, I am really ashamed." Dumbledore smiled indifferently, pushed Ye

Ting, and introduced: "This is the student I brought to participate in the

competition, Ting Ye. Although he is young, he is in the wizard In terms

of chess technology, even old guys like us have to bow down."

Then, he said to Ye Ting: "This is Mrs. Olim Maxim. She is the principal

of Boothbaton School of Magic in France. In addition, the witches of

Boothbaton are outstanding. They are beautiful and outstanding. ."

After that, he raised an eyebrow at Ye Ting?

It's an old man.

After listening to Dumbledore’s introduction, Mrs. Maxim looked at Ye

Ting up and down: "This is your proud protégé? I have heard his name in

France. I have to say, Dumbledore, you guys. There is always such a

genius at Hogwarts."

After speaking, she pulled out another girl from behind herself—she was

so tall that the girl was completely blocked by her, and Ye Ting didn't

even notice her.

"Florence Delacour, a fourth-grade student at Busbarton, the best girl in

our college." She proudly introduced them: "In the wizarding game, she is

even better than Ms. Delraduch four years ago. , I believe she will

definitely get better results."

In fact, Furong Delacour is the most beautiful girl Ye Ting has ever seen.

She is tall, with big azure blue eyes, neat white teeth, and long, waterfall-

like silver hair. It hung down to her waist.

However, in addition to her appearance, this girl also has a different kind

of attraction. This strange attraction made Ye Ting a little unable to

control himself. He found that he could not help but want to do some

weird things to attract The girl's attention in front of her.

But immediately, he used his own will to get rid of this feeling of being

attracted, and everything became normal.

He had to sigh that Fleur's ability to fascinate others is really hard to

guard against. She deserves to be a girl of Veeva descent. In the original

book, she was also selected by the Goblet of Fire to represent

Boothbarton in the Triwizard Tournament.

You must know that although Ye Ting can easily get rid of this charm, it

is due to his infinite progress and the powerful willpower shaped by him.

Ordinary people can’t compare with him, so if they face the girl in front

of them, their hearts will be completely out of control. Ye Ting can

imagine what happens if Furong uses this ability in the Muggle world. —

It is definitely a disaster.

Ye Ting stared at the girl in front of him indifferently and reminded: "Ms.

Delacour, don't you think it is impolite to use Veeva's ability to others?"

The boy in front of her was completely unaffected by her ability, which

surprised Furong, because even her peers, no one could resist her charm.

Even Mrs. Maxim looked at Ye Ting high.

"I'm sorry," Furong curtseyed gracefully to Ye Ting. Her voice was quite

pleasant: "I didn't mean to do this on purpose. I was just curious about

you. In the past two days, Mrs. Maxim always You can forgive me for

mentioning you to me, right?"

"Well, I forgive you, girls always have some privileges." Ye Ting smiled

and said to her: "But, I want a piece of your hair, can I?"

"My hair?" The girl was a little surprised when she heard this request. No

one made such a request as soon as they met.

"Of course you can, but you have to tell me what you are doing?"

"For research," Ye Ting replied solemnly, "I have never seen Veeva. I am

very curious about the charm of this creature. I want to know the source

of this ability."

This answer made Furong a big hit, and she felt a little bit affectionate.

So she glared at Ye Ting, and said fiercely: "Well, you research mad."

Soon, the organizer sent a staff member, and he asked the players to

enter the corresponding game room immediately, so Ye Ting waved

goodbye to her.

The rule of the game is a knockout system. There are 64 players

participating in the competition. Each player is a player recommended by

various famous magic schools or the most famous wizard chess club.

There will be a total of five rounds in the competition, and the last two

players will stand out to determine the champion and runner-up.

The first two rounds of the game are determined to win in one battle, the

last three rounds are two wins in three sets, and the final is a five-game

three-win system.

In the first game, Ye Ting's opponent was a middle-aged man in his

thirties. His clothes were gorgeous and his demeanor was elegant.

When he discovered that his opponent was just a twelve-year-old kid, the

player immediately relaxed a little, and his eyes looked at Ye Ting with


But soon, Ye Ting gave him a good fight on the chessboard.

This time, instead of using extreme multi-line manipulation, he played

chess at a speed similar to that of his opponent.

However, Ye Ting's brain calculation speed is much faster than his


With his intelligence level, if he participates in a chess game, he can

easily win the world championship, and only a supercomputer can defeat


However, as long as he can devote enough time to study, as he continues

to improve, I believe that even a supercomputer will not be his opponent.

And in the face of such an enemy, how could this middle-aged man have

the power to fight back? In just ten minutes, he was slain.

The second round of competition started in the afternoon.

In this round, Ye Ting's opponent was a dry old man. His chess speed was

not fast, but his methods were very sophisticated and he was good at


In the last game, the trap he set completely confuses his opponent. As a

result, his opponent and his own chess pieces have a disagreement. They

quarreled on the spot and eventually lost the game.

In this game, he repeated his old tricks. The opponent in front of him was

younger than the one in the previous game. He felt that his strategy

would be more effective this time.

But this time, he found that this trick was completely useless.

Although his opponent is young, he is very talented in dominating chess

pieces. No matter how he sets traps and places bait, the opponent chess

player will not be moved, and the opponent's chess pieces have

completely obeyed the chess player's orders. , Not just because the

players are young.

Facing such an opponent, he was helpless. After several decoy tactics

failed, it was his own **** that was the first to rebel, and his opponent

immediately seized the flaw and took him away in a wave.

Item 0084

At nine o'clock the next morning, the third round of the game officially


In this round, there were only 16 players left to participate in the

competition, and the game became a best-of-three system.

This time, Ye Ting's opponent is a rare wizard from India, his name is

Viswanathan Babu.

He has a dark complexion, wears glasses, and a confident look. According

to his self-introduction, he was also the champion of the last international

wizard chess competition, known as the "Madras Tiger".

When he discovered that his opponent was a child, he immediately

assumed the posture of a senior master and started a conversation with

Ye Ting.

"Oh boy, is it your first time to participate in an international wizard

chess game?"

"You must be very happy to see me as the last champion here."

"Don't worry, I will be merciful. I hope you can learn something by

playing against me."

"Do you want my autograph? Don't be shy, just say it boldly if you want


Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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