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Один кусочек

Второе дыхание


Пропавший самурай

Луффи и Зоро просыпаются в двух разных частях Ист Блю, оба с

одними и теми же мыслями. Защитите экипаж. На этот раз неудач не

будет, приказ капитана. По мере того, как постепенно раскрываются

кусочки неизвестного прошлого, которое разделяют два товарища,

остальная часть команды может только предполагать. Несмотря на

всю свою абсолютную решимость, они что-то скрывают. На перерыве.


Художественная литература T

- Английский - Приключения/Юмор - Луффи, Зоро, Пираты

Соломенного - Главы: 70 - Слов: 278 212 - Обзоры :


– Избранное: 12 214 – Читает: 12 181 – Обновлено:

03.02.2023, 05:23:10

- Опубликовано:

12.02.2015, 07:45:23

- id: 11039217

23. Strawhat and Firefist

This chapter's witty disclaimer joke is brought to you by The Patient One.

Disclaimer: Shanks' hair is red, Vivi's is blue, I don't own One Piece, it's

sad but it's true.

Chapter XXIII: Strawhat and Firefist

"Alright Strawhats, gather around!" Luffy yelled as his crewmates yawned

and made their way out onto the deck. "Nami tells me we're a few hours

away from Alabasta," Luffy began. "So I'd like to know how all of you are

progressing. The haki training is going about as well as I hoped, what

with having a new learner and all." Chopper had readily begun the haki

training when he was told of it, all too eager to join the rest of the crew

in their endeavors, however unconventional they were. "But none of you

have had any real breakthroughs yet, and you won't be able to rely on

that in the upcoming fight. Luckily we accounted for this ahead of time

and we've been playing to each of your strengths as well." He turned to

Nami. "How's the weapon that you and Usopp were working on coming?"

he asked.

"It's done," she answered. "We finished it last night." Usopp nodded in


"Alright, good. Make sure you learn how to use it though. You don't want

any surprises if you end up fighting someone who's a threat." Nami

seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding. Luffy turned to

Usopp next. "And how's the expansion going?" he asked the sniper.

Usopp grinned widely. "Oh it's going!" he said proudly. "I've once again

increased the intensity and area of effect of my explosive star. I also

consulted Chopper, and he gave me a variety of poisons that I've worked

into my arsenal. They won't see it coming!" Chopper had been reluctant

to use his medical knowledge for something like that, but had agreed

when he was told it was to help save Vivi's country, on the condition that

Usopp keep a variety of antidotes as well. Luffy seemed satisfied with his

answer and addressed Sanji and Chopper next.

"And how's your training coming along?" he asked the chef. Sanji


"About as well as it can be," he said. Luffy knew Sanji hadn't trained

much during the previous timeline, with the exception of the two years

that they had been apart. He had always seemed to keep up anyway

though, despite being more laid back about it. This time, Luffy wanted to

see how strong the chef could get if he devoted more time to increasing

his strength, so he had instructed him to start joining Zoro in his

individual training on top of the haki exercises. Zoro reported that his

kicks were starting to gain more power and that he was definitely getting

faster. This had been good news to Luffy, but he'd been especially proud

when Chopper had noticed them both during their training sessions and

eagerly asked if he could join.

Even disregarding Luffy and Zoro's strength, which, with the exception of

Zoro's duel with Mihawk, hadn't been pushed to the limits since they had

arrived in the past, the crew was starting to become significantly stronger

than it had been at this time in Luffy's previous life. Luffy and Zoro had

discussed it and agreed that they would have to keep it up. They would

be ready for anything when the waves got rough.

Even Vivi had been working on refining the skills she'd been force to

acquire while infiltrating Baroque Works. Once Chopper had confirmed

that she was fully recovered, Nami had guiltily shown her the newspaper

that she had been hiding. Upon reading that thousands of royal army

soldiers had joined the efforts of the rebel army, she had been distraught.

She was increasingly nervous on the route to Alabasta, and the Strawhats

could do little to comfort her other than come up with a plan.

"Alright, then we should talk about what we're going to do when we

reach Alabasta," Zoro said. "Luffy and I have talked about it with Vivi and

we all agreed on the course of action. Our first priority is to get in

contact with the rebel army. Vivi knows their leader, and she'll be able to

convince him not to engage in the civil war once he learns who is really

behind it all. Still, we don't want to put all our hopes into that plan.

Crocodile currently has Alabasta in a vice grip, and there's a good chance

that he'd find a way to start the war regardless. If that happens, we move

onto plan B."

"Plan B?" Nami questioned. "You guys are actually coming up with

multiple plans, as if one wasn't enough of a miracle?"

"That's right witch. We need to be prepared. We're going up against a

Warlord who has a lot of influence in Alabasta. Plan B is simple. Take

down Baroque Works and subdue Crocodile so that we can stop the war

without any of their meddling." Nami, Usopp, and Chopper looked a little

nervous about plan B, but simply nodded. Zoro sighed. Truth be told, if

he and Luffy had their way, that would have been plan A. But Vivi had

insisted that they refrain from doing something that reckless until she

was able to get in contact with Kohza. She was still pretty naive in that

regard, but the real problem was that she didn't want their lives to be at

risk fighting Baroque Works. But she had at least acknowledged that

Crocodile most likely wouldn't stand by and watch them stop the war, so

she had agreed to the backup plan.

It was another three hours before the Strawhats caught their first sign of

Alabasta...in the form of a fleet of Baroque Works Billions ships.

"This will be tough," Vivi said, as a bead of sweat rolled down her face.

"These guys are different than the hired bounty hunters. With that many

ships, if they notice us…"

"They won't be a problem," Zoro said. Vivi looked at him worriedly.

"Are you sure? This isn't like what happened in Whiskey Peak. We're at

sea, and they have us surrounded."

"Vivi-chan's right," Sanji said. "I have no doubt we can beat them all

eventually, but we'll just waste time and draw attention to ourselves. For

now we should just ignore them and get to the island. We only need to

engage if they notice us."

"No, like Zoro said, they won't be a problem," Luffy spoke up. "I just put

them all into comas. They'll be out for a week." The Strawhats' reactions

to this statement varied. Nami and Vivi looked disbelieving, Usopp and

Chopper looked awed, and even Sanji looked shocked, although he kept a

moderately neutral expression. Zoro just smirked at their reactions.

Chopper was the first to speak. "You can do that Luffy!?" he shouted.

"Was it with that haki stuff you told me about?" Luffy had already

explained what Conqueror's haki was to Chopper while going over the

basics of haki again before he joined the training.

"Yep, that's it," Luffy responded.

"So cool!" Usopp and Chopper shouted simultaneously, only to be yelled

at by Nami.

"Don't believe him so easily! How could he just knock out all those people

from all the way over here!?"

"How long will you continue to underestimate our Captain? He can do a

lot more than this," Zoro commented.

"That was only about 200 people," Luffy stated. "Even if they were spread

out, that's not enough to push me to my limits." Usopp was deeply


"How many people can you knock out then!?" he gasped.

Luffy thought for a moment. "It depends. If they were all that weak, I

guess about 150,000?"

Usopp's eyes bugged out of their sockets, Chopper looked at him starry

eyed, Nami was clearly still disbelieving, and Sanji looked a bit


150,000? If that's really true, he could defeat the Alabastian royal army

singlehandedly if given enough time, Vivi thought. Could such a power really

exist? And without the aid of any devil fruit?

"That's ridiculous!" Nami said. "You could take down armies without

lifting a finger if that was true!"

"Why do you think they call it Conqueror's haki?" Zoro asked lazily.

"Disregarding the World Government and its affiliations, you'll find that

the most influential people in this world usually possess the King's Will.

That's not to say that it's an accurate measure of one's strength, but no

one can deny that the ability is what its name implies, a manifestation of

one's will to conquer. I can only think of a few exceptions...one of them

being this guy," he said as he pointed at Luffy.

"Really?" Usopp asked. "But doesn't he want to conquer the Grand Line?"

"I don't really want to conquer anything," Luffy admitted. "I don't mind

making a name for myself, but in the end that's not really my goal. I just

think that the person with the most freedom in this world is the Pirate

King. I plan on obtaining that freedom...and sharing it with anyone who

calls themselves my comrade."

Nami couldn't help but smile. She always wondered what Pirate King

meant to Luffy. There were two things she could say for sure that she

knew the value of: freedom and money. The world map that she would

one day draw wasn't just a means to both, but she'd be lying if she said

that the vastness of the open sea wasn't extremely alluring to her. She

had to admit, if she was told to choose between fame, power, and

freedom, she would always choose the last option. Now if one of the

choices was wealth on the other hand…

Usopp was actually tearing up. In a way, that was what being a brave

warrior of the sea was all about. It had never been the promise of wealth,

fame, or power that had attracted him to this life. Before he knew that

his father was on a Yonko's crew, and even now, it was always the

promise of freedom that lured him out to the sea. There was a reason

why before he became a true pirate, he could spend hours just staring out

at the infinite waters.

Sanji was thinking about All Blue. Yes, it was a chef's paradise, but now

he realized that it was more than that. Deep down, every human being

craved freedom. It was a basic human instinct. There was a reason that

he never felt completely satisfied on the Baratie, and it was the same

reason he had stayed there. Although his guilt regarding Zeff was slowly

releasing its grip on him, Sanji would never truly forget what he had

taken from the old man. But that was also the reason he had left. If Zeff's

search for freedom could even be partially fulfilled through him, Sanji

would make damn well sure that he lived free as can be.

Chopper continued to stare at Luffy in wonder. He thought back to his

days with Hiluluk and what the sakura tree really meant to him. He had

long since learned that it would take much more to fulfill his dream to

prove there was a cure to every disease, but there was a reason that the

sakura in full bloom was so appealing. He had grown up in a land of

eternal snow. As a reindeer, he was satisfied with that, but as a reindeer/

human hybrid, there was always a part of him that looked out towards

the sea in curiosity and wondered what else the world had to offer.

Hiluluk's Sakura was the first taste of the vastness of the world, and it

would always hold a place within his heart, even if it couldn't literally

cure diseases.

"Now, full speed ahead!" Luffy shouted, breaking them all out of their

thoughts. "To eat at the nearest restaurant! I mean, to save Alabasta!"

In the center of Nanohana, there was a crowd gathering around a local


"It's getting pretty noisy over there," a white haired man said as he

smoked two cigars.

"Yes, there seems to be quite the commotion," the blue haired woman

next to him replied. "Apparently a customer spontaneously died while


"Captain Smoker!" a marine yelled as he ran towards the marine captain.

"You're not going to believe who we found!"

The Strawhats had docked and were now debating what their first move

should be. Zoro suggested that they search the town for any intel on the

whereabouts of the rebel army. Vivi stated that there was no need, since

she knew their base was in Yuba, but Zoro insisted that they should try to

gather information anyway, seeing as she hadn't been back home in a

while. This led to Vivi acknowledging that her information could possibly

be out of date, and she agreed. Nami's eyes narrowed. She once again

found herself in a position where she couldn't fault his logic, but she still

couldn't shake her unfounded suspicions. Zoro usually thought things

through, but at best he was a big picture guy, not a detailed planner.

Every now and then though, he showed a surprising degree of attention

to detail that even she herself couldn't match. It was almost as if he knew

what to look out for. Was she imagining things? She turned to the rest of

the crew. None of them seemed to pay it any mind, except for Sanji, who

was staring at Zoro curiously.

Meanwhile, Luffy had been staring off into the distance, towards the

center of town, with an unreadable expression. Zoro broke him out of his


"You should go. We'll search for the rebel army and you can meet up with

us later," he said. The rest of the crew looked back and forth between

Zoro and Luffy in confusion. Luffy rubbed his head sheepishly.

"Yea, sorry. I'll be right back," he said.

"Where are you going?" Usopp asked. "Don't tell me you're just going to

the nearest restaurant to stuff your face."

"Believe me, this isn't just any restaurant!" Luffy said enthusiastically,

causing the entire crew minus Zoro and Sanji to face fault. Zoro tossed a

wave over his shoulder as Luffy took off in a high speed sprint toward the

center of town. Sanji stared after him.

When Luffy arrived at the restaurant in question, he slowed his pace to a

walk. He was close enough now that he could hear the familiar voices


"Hmm, what should I do?" one voice said.

"You could just sit there and let me arrest you," the second voice


"Rejected," the first one replied.

Luffy paused in front of the door and took a deep breath, mentally

bracing himself for the coming reunion.

"To be honest, I'm not really interested in you. I'm looking for a different

pirate," the second voice stated.

"You could just let me go," the first suggested.

"I can't do that. So long as I'm a marine, and you're a pirate."

"What a stupid reason. Chill out man."

Luffy walked in. The sound of the door opening instantly gathered the

attention of both men and their observers. The two men, who had been

seconds away from a confrontation, now stared at the newcomer with

wide eyes as he casually walked towards the counter and sat down on

nearest stool.

"Hey old man, can I get a couple rounds over here?" he asked the

bartender. He then pointed to the dumbfounded man in the seat next to

him. "This guy's drink is on me," he said. The bartender looked back and

forth between the narcoleptic and the newcomer before nodding

frantically and pouring two cups of sake.

Luffy turned to his brother in all but blood and grinned. "So, how've you

been, Ace?" he asked. The Whitebeard pirate was now staring at him with

a deadpan expression.

"You always knew how to make an entrance Luffy, but that was another

thing entirely," he said as he rubbed his temples.

"Well, what can I say? I live to surprise you," Luffy replied. The bartender

set two cups in front of them, and the two of them exchanged cups as

their observers watched, before proceeding to chug their drinks.

"Brings back memories, doesn't it?" Ace asked, reminiscing.

"Yea, but it just doesn't feel right until I snatch your food," Luffy said with

a smirk. Ace's eyes widened as he looked down at his plate, which was

now empty. He sighed in annoyance.

"As fast as always I see," he grumbled. He was about to say something

else, but they were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Stop ignoring me you dipshits!" Smoker shouted in frustration. Ace and

Luffy turned to him in acknowledgement.

'Oh yea. Forgot about him,' Ace thought.

"Jeez Smokey. If you really want a drink I'll buy you one too. Relax,"

Luffy said.

"I've been waiting for this, Strawhat," the marine captain said, completely

ignoring him. "Ever since Logue town." Smoke started to emanate from

his body as he pulled the jutte off of his back. Ace looked back and forth

between the two in amusement.

"You really want to do this? It'll end the same way it did in Logue town,"

Luffy said. "Calm down Smokey. Live life a little. Have some food and

chill out."

Luffy got his answer in the form of a pillar of smoke rushing towards

him. He and Ace both jumped out of the way, but soon found the entire

building filling up with smoke.

"Maybe we should take this outside Luffy," Ace suggested.

"Good idea. Gomu gomu no, pistol!" Smoker crossed his arms in front of

him and blocked the incoming blow, but it still pushed him back out of

the restaurant. Luffy quickly caught up to him with a quick soru while

Ace walked calmly behind them. A crowd was quickly gathering around

them, along with a squad of marine soldiers.

"Smoker-san!" Tashigi yelled as she made her way to the crowd. Her eyes

widened when she caught sight of Luffy. "Strawhat!?"

Smoker got his jutte ready again while Ace walked up next to Luffy. "I'm

surprised. You can already use haki," he commented. "I was expecting to

have to step in, but I guess you've got this."

"Yea, just sit back and relax Ace. I'll show you something interesting,"

Luffy replied.

"Well that's no fun. I was looking forward to fighting this guy, but it looks

like he's after you, which means I'm stuck with the cannon fodder," Ace

said, as he took note of the many marine soldiers loading their weapons

and taking aim at them.

Suddenly the two found themselves being riddled by bullets. Only this

didn't achieve the desired effect. The bullets passed harmlessly through

Ace's flame body and the marines ended up shooting each other. The

bullets that hit Luffy ricocheted off of him and also impacted with the

unfortunate soldiers. Now the only marines left standing were Smoker

and Tashigi. Smoker looked like he'd had just about enough.

"White Blow!" Luffy sidestepped Smoker's lunge and grabbed him.

Halting his momentum, he aimed a punch at the smoke man's torso, only

for a hole to open up in the spot where his fist occupied. The smoke

quickly closed around his arm, trapping him, and Luffy's senses reminded

him to be wary of a certain seastone jutte. He used a soru to jump back

and broke free of the smoke right before said jutte crashed down into the

pavement where he'd been standing. Smoker lunged at him again,

making multiple thrusts with the jutte, which were all dodged.

Tashigi tried to aid Smoker, but found her path being obstructed by Ace.

"Sorry, I kind of want to see how this plays out," the flame man told her.

"Would you mind not interfering?"

"You've gotten faster Smokey. And you've learned from our last

encounter," Luffy said. It was true. Smoker wasn't increasing the volume

of his body this time, choosing to rely on the speed provided by his devil

fruit to trap him. "But...it's still not enough." Luffy ducked under the next

thrust of the jutte and kicked Smoker in the face from below, sending

him high into the air. Smoker righted himself and hovered in the air

using his logia form as he turned back to his opponent. Only Luffy wasn't

on the ground anymore. There was no warning as Luffy's leg impacted

with his head from behind and he was sent careening back towards the

ground, making a small crater in the pavement. He tried to shake off the

cobwebs, realizing he probably had a concussion, but before he could

attempt to get up, Luffy's arm shot down like a rocket and imbedded

itself in his gut. Smoker coughed up a clump of blood and blacked out.

"Smoker-san!" Tashigi shouted as she tried to get passed Ace again. Ace

was quick to intercept her at every turn though, and in desperation, she

swung her sword at his neck. Ace did nothing to defend himself, and her

sword decapitated him, causing her eyes to widen. She quickly realized

that she had bigger things to worry about than her morals at the moment

though, and rushed over to where Smoker lay unconscious. He had a

concussion and a few broken ribs. She thought back to when she had

found him like this in Logue town. His injuries had been more serious

then, but to be honest, this situation was much worse. Their entire squad

was injured, and there was no way she could get them all out of here, let

alone cover their retreat.

Tashigi stiffened and turned around to see Luffy standing behind her. She

readied her sword again, her mind racing. She knew she couldn't beat

Strawhat. Captain Smoker was far stronger than her, and even he had

lost. She couldn't call for backup either. He'd just take that chance to end

the fight.

The sound of a raging fire drew her attention to the man she had just

unwilling killed, only to find him still standing. Her eyes widened in

horror as flames converged around his neck and his head reformed. He

was a logia user.

"Nice technique," Ace commented lazily. "But without haki it's useless.

And even then...you froze up when you 'killed' me. Have you ever taken a

life before?"

Tashigi gritted her teeth as she realized the situation she was in. Her

hands started to tremble from how tightly she was grasping her sword.

Luffy took note of this and raised an eyebrow.

"What, you too?" he said. "You and Smokey both need to lighten up. I'm

not going to kill you even if you hold some stupid grudge against me." He

turned and walked away, leaving Tashigi dumbfounded. "Hey Ace! Let

me introduce you to my crew. You're gonna love them!"

Ace's head perked up as he smiled widely. "Now that sounds like a plan.

They must be some fascinating folks if they decided to follow you," he


"Sure are! They're really interesting to say the least. We even have a

talking transforming reindeer," Luffy said. The two brothers continued to

chat amiably as they walked down the street, leaving an extremely

confused Tashigi, an unconscious Smoker, and a squad of injured marine

soldiers in their wake.

A/N: Horray, Ace is back! How will he react to the changes he's seeing in

Luffy? Find out next chapter.

24. Preventing Wars and

Predicting Weather

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece. I also don't own Dragonball Z

abridged. If you can figure out why I felt the need to say that by the end

of this chapter, good for you! If you can't, you need to get your ass over

to teamfourstar .com and start watching the best parody ever created.

Chapter XXIV: Preventing Wars and Predicting Weather

"Would you care to repeat that?" Nami asked with lidded eyes.

The Strawhat crew's faces currently conveyed a myriad of various

expressions which included confusion, shock, annoyance, skepticism,

excitement, awe, and just about any other emotion that you would expect

to see on their faces after their captain just said-

"This is my brother, Portgas D. Ace, who you probably know as Firefist,

Second Commander of the Whitebeard pirates," Luffy repeated for the

second time.

Silence. For a long moment, unyielding silence. Then…

"Stop doing that," Usopp said, causing Luffy to quirk an eyebrow.

"Doing wha-"

"Stop. Doing. That." Nami repeated, putting emphasis on each word. A

confused Luffy opened his mouth as if to respond, then paused in thought

for a moment.

"Ok. I'll just stop doing that then," he said, as if that would be the end of

the discussion. Nami would have none of it.

"And what are you going to stop doing?" she asked, with the tone a

mother might use to lecture a child, as Ace looked back and forth

between the two, wishing he had a snack for the show.

"How the hell should I know?" Luffy mumbled indignantly. "Why don't

you tell me? What do I have to stop doing?"

"You have to stop delivering shocking news as if you're predicting the

weather!" Nami shouted in annoyance. "Half an hour ago you told us you

could knock out hundreds of people with a single thought, and now you

casually mention that you have a brother, and that he just happens to be

Firefist Ace, a crewmate of the most powerful pirate in the world! Of all

the ridiculous things to behold, Usopp's lies are second only to your

truths, and he makes a spectacle of them...it's like you have no sense of

subtlety whatsoever!"

Nami started taking deep breaths, her rant finished. Midway through,

Ace had shot Luffy a questioning look, most likely in regards to the knock

out hundreds of people with a single thought part, but Luffy had just given

him a look that said later. Ace had just shrugged, but a ghost of a proud

smile could still be seen tugging at his lips.

"Oh come on Nami, name one other time I...actually, on second thought,

name five other times I've done this," Luffy said.

"You're just proving her point you know," Zoro commented, causing Nami

to turn in his direction and point an accusing finger at him.

"And I'll bet you knew about this, didn't you?" she asked.

"So what if I did?" he asked lazily. "You gonna charge me interest on my

debt of things I'm not obligated to tell you?" Nami was about to respond,

but was interrupted by Ace.

"Oh! So you did tell at least one of your crewmates about me," he said

jovially. "And here I thought you'd be an inconsiderate little prick and

not even mention me once. Well, once is better than nonce I guess."

"Oh come on Ace, that's not fair," Luffy whined. "I mean, does Whitebeard

know about me?"

Ace rolled his eyes. "Luffy, our entire crew knows about you. Said crew

has over a hundred times more people than yours, not including our

allies, and even the new guys learn about you within a few days of

joining. Whitebeard himself was in bed with a hangover the morning after

your bounty made the papers - congratulations by the way - in fact, the

only member of our crew who wasn't bedridden that morning was our

First Division Commander, and he has regenerative powers."

Luffy by now was rubbing the back of his head guiltily. "Ah, sorry Ace. I

guess I just like to save the news for the occasion. You have to admit, it's

pretty entertaining blowing their minds like that," he said as he motioned

toward his attentive crew.

"I knew it!" Usopp said enthusiastically. "He does do it on purpose! I'd tell

you to pay up Nami, but I know better than to take any money from you,

and I have no doubts that it would come back to bite my ass if I did."

"You're right. You'd end up paying me back 10 times over, maybe more

depending on my mood," Nami remarked absentmindedly.

"So anyway, where are the others?" Ace asked curiously. "Didn't you say

there were seven of you?"

"There are. A few of us, Vivi, Sanji, and Chopper, are out searching for

Alabasta's rebel army," Luffy replied.

Ace blinked. "I'd ask why one of your crewmates has the same name as

this country's missing princess, but I assume it has something to do with

why you're searching for the rebel army to begin with."

Luffy nodded. "We're here to stop a civil war." Ace stared at him


"It's not really like you to get caught up in things like that. What brought

this on?" he asked.

"Vivi's our comrade," Luffy responded, without missing a beat. "If she

wants to save her country, we're with her all the way." Ace grinned and

nodded in understanding.

"Well, that sounds like it could be difficult. The rebel army is pretty

determined from what I hear. I'm not sure Vivi can persuade them, even

if she still has a good standing in Alabasta," Ace said.

"Vivi knows someone on the inside," Zoro replied. "But that's not the real

problem. We'll have to take down one of the Seven Warlords if we really

want to end the war."

Ace frowned. "You mean Crocodile? What's he have to do with this?"

"He's the one instigating the civil war from the shadows," Zoro said,

causing comprehension to dawn on Ace's face.

"That explains quite a bit actually. Well then," he said, turning to Luffy.

"How are you planning to beat Crocodile? Do you think you can take him

in a straight fight?" Usopp and Nami looked at Luffy, silently asking the

same question.

"Of course I can," Luffy said, before pausing. "I'll most likely be fighting

him in the desert though, so I'll have to be careful."

"You know about his power then," Ace said, with a hint of surprise in his

voice. "You're more prepared than I thought you'd be. You've changed

quite a bit since I last saw you."

Luffy smiled morbidly. "You have no idea," he muttered, causing Ace to

frown slightly. As quick as it came, Luffy's gloomy mood disappeared,

leaving Ace to wonder if it had been there to begin with. Luffy? Gloomy?

Was he imagining things?

"I've changed in more ways than one Ace," Luffy said in a slightly smug

tone. "It wouldn't be so one sided this time if we sparred."

Ace smirked at the unspoken challenge. "Oh really? Just because your

first bounty is higher than mine was, you think you can give me a run for

my money now?"

"I think I can do a lot more than just that," Luffy replied evenly, although

the nonchalance in his tone didn't match the enthusiasm on his face. Zoro

couldn't help but mirror their grins as he watched the two brothers stare

each other down.

"Well then," Ace began, the confident smile never leaving his face, "I'll

just have to put that on the list of things we need to talk about later,

along with how you awakened all three forms of haki so early, and why

both you and him…" he said, motioning to Zoro, "...are both suppressing

your auras." He paused. "And we might as well throw in since when does

Luffy think I'm an idiot while we're at it."

Luffy, for his part, was suddenly taking great interest in the clouds

overhead, while Usopp stared in confusion, and Nami in growing

suspicion. Suddenly, Zoro scoffed. "Believe me, that's going to be an

interesting discussion."

"Very interesting," Luffy added, still staring at the sky.

"Chopper, are you sure about that?" Vivi asked in a hushed tone as they

made their way through the crowded streets of Nanohana.

"I am," Chopper replied. "It's hard to tell because of all the perfume

around, but I can still make out the scent of gunpowder. It's really


"I'm not sure what that could be other than the rebel army," Sanji

commented. "Anyway, we're lucky. We came across a lead pretty fast.

Lead the way, Chopper."

Chopper nodded, and he took off through an alleyway in walk point,

Sanji and Vivi trailing behind him. It started to dawn on Vivi what this

could mean. If it really was the rebel army, then they were just a hair's

breadth away from preventing the war.

The relatively uneventful trip back to the ship consisted of Ace

dispatching of a group of overly ambitious bounty hunters, and beyond

that, awkward silence. While Luffy, Zoro, and Ace were content to put off

the annoying conversation they all knew was coming until they got back

to the ship, and Usopp accepted the state of confusion he was in, Nami

was inclined to send frequent, conspicuous glares in the direction of Luffy

and Zoro, making it quite clear that she was not a fan of being left out of

the loop.

Nami was a suspicious person by nature. She was never given the choice

to be anything else. But even though her philosophy was to have a

healthy skepticism for, well, everything, she also knew when to have

faith in something for what it was. But for better or for worse, having

faith in people wasn't something she had made a habit of until just

recently. She had faith in facts. She had faith in her experiences. She had

faith that there was a very limited number of things she could put her

faith in.

Her crew was one of them.

But to what extent did she trust them? It was a question she hadn't really

thought about. Did she trust them to the extent that she trusted north to

always be north, south to always be south, two and two to always make

four? There were some things in life that were constant and eternal. Was

Luffy one of them? Was Zoro? Could humans really be so consistent and

solid in their ways that you could have complete faith in them to never

betray you? The more she thought back on their journey so far, from that

small detour to Shells town all the way to Alabasta, the more she wanted

to say yes. But her mind kept coming back to one inescapable fact that

continued to draw ever closer to her line of sight: Luffy and Zoro were

hiding something.

It begged the question, what didn't they want the rest of the crew to

know, and why? Whatever it was, it seemed they were willing to tell Ace.

Whatever conversation they were going to have when they arrived at the

ship, she and Usopp were apparently not going to be a part of it, which

annoyed her to no end. Was he simply on a need to know basis, whereas

the rest of them weren't? Or did Luffy not trust them as much as he

trusted his brother? Nami's eyebrows furrowed. No, that wasn't right.

Luffy's trust in her had never wavered even when her loyalty was

questionable at best. If anything, he was too trusting. Did she even have a

right to question him for not telling her some things?

Nami sighed. She was being a hypocrite, no doubt about it.

When they got back to the Going Merry, Zoro led Ace to the training

room where they could speak in private. Luffy turned to Nami and Usopp

and rubbed his head rather guiltily.

"I'm sorry about this guys," he began. "It's just, there are some things…"

he trailed off, not really knowing how to put it.

Surprisingly, Usopp flashed a smile and gave him a thumbs up. "No

worries Luffy. If this is something between you and your brother, the

great Captain Usopp will respect your privacy...along with the rest of the

crew." He nudged their navigator. "Right Nami?"

Nami crossed her arms and pouted for a split second before nodding,

which caused Luffy to smile gratefully. "Luffy...it's fine if you're not ready

to tell us everything. I know I'm not really one to talk in that regard," she

said. "But just...never feel like you can't tell us something because of how

we'll react, ok?"

Whether because Luffy was surprised at her sudden change in demeanor,

or because she was spot on, her words seemed to strike a nerve in her

captain, whose eyes widened suddenly before he averted his gaze.

"I'll...keep that in mind," he said, before jumping up to the higher floor of

the ship and following his brother and first mate inside. He found Ace

waiting patiently, twirling one of Zoro's weights in his hand.

"So where should we start?" Zoro asked in a serious tone.

"Well, you can stop trying to hide your strength for starters," Ace

suggested. "I already have an idea of how strong you are anyway…"

He ended up eating his words when Luffy and Zoro both stopped

suppressing their auras, causing his eyes to widen, and almost causing

him to drop the weight in his hand. Luckily, he caught it.

"What…? How…? Why…? I have so many questions!"

"Well, start with whichever one you want Ace," Luffy said in an amused


"What the hell is going on?"

"Well that's comprehensive," Zoro said with a snort, causing Ace to glare

at him.

"This makes no sense," Ace said, rubbing his temples. You two just

arrived in Paradise and you both feel stronger than most New World

pirate captains. Where did you even learn to use haki? There's next to no

one in East Blue who can use it, and no pirate in the first half who can

use it as well you've shown."

"Where we learned is kind of a long story," Luffy said. "But let's just say

we both had very good teachers. As to why we're so good at it...it's

because we've been to the New World."

Ace looked up at Luffy in surprise. "What? Even if you had miraculously

survived a trip like that, there's no way you could have made it without

anyone noticing. Especially Gramps! When could you have-"

"It was over two years from now," Luffy said, answering his question

before he could finish.

Ace stared at Luffy for a full 10 seconds, as if trying to figure out if he

was being played. Then…

"Oh hell no," he said, finally speaking up. "You did not just talk about a

future event like it already happened. Luffy, I know you. You suck at

lying. You have no talent for it. You can hide the truth, you can refuse to

talk, hell, you can even keep quiet as a determined psychopath punches

you in the face with spiked gauntlets, but you can't lie. Still, if you're

serious about what you're implying...that you're…"

"We're from the future," Luffy confirmed, cutting off his rant. Ace groaned

and threw his hands up in the air in exasperation.

"Oh sure, you're from the future. Yea, and I'm a park ranger." He sighed

and relented. "How did you do it? And why?" he asked finally.

Zoro was the one who answered. "As to how, let's just say we made it to

Raftel and leave it at that." Ace gave that some thought before shrugging

and nodding, and Zoro continued. "As to why...there are some things that

we want to prevent from happening."

"So in other words, you're playing God," Ace clarified.

"Call it what you want," Zoro replied. "We don't really care about the

ethics of it."

Ace turned to Luffy and raised an eyebrow, but his brother just shrugged

in agreement. "Alright Luffy, I get that we're not saints, but you're

meddling with time here. Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

Ace asked.

"At the time, I wasn't really sure at all to be honest," Luffy admitted. "I

just knew that I had nothing left to lose." That comment made Ace wince.

It wasn't something he wanted to hear.

"Was it that bad?" he asked. Zoro nodded gravely. "What...happened?"

Neither of them answered. As he looked back and forth between the two,

he took note of their behavior. They both had their fists clenched and

were looking down at the floor in...guilt? As he tried to wrap his mind

around that, he noticed something that shocked him. Luffy was

trembling. A sudden realization hit Ace.

"There's a reason why you're telling me all this." The second he said that,

Luffy looked back up at him. Only Ace was no longer looking at Luffy. He

was looking at a ghost, one whose expression rightfully haunted the

flame man to his very core. This couldn't be Luffy. He was too old, too

scarred. The happy go lucky 14 year old that Ace had left behind at

Dawn Island...this wasn't him. And yet, in a way that Ace couldn't explain

or describe, it was.

"Ace...it's been so long…" he said quietly. Ace took a few seconds to

gather his thoughts before responding.

"I died." It wasn't a question, but Zoro nodded anyway. "And you flipped

the world onto a different axis just to save me?" he asked with narrowed

eyes. This elicited a dry chuckle from Luffy.

"No Ace. That was just the beginning."

"It all started with your duel with Blackbeard," Zoro stated. Ace stilled.

"So I got done in by Teach?" he asked. Zoro thought he detected a hint of

annoyance in his voice.

"No, worse. He handed you over to the World Government," Luffy

replied, causing Ace's eyes to widen in recognition.

"If he did that…"

Zoro completed the thought for him. "Whitebeard wouldn't let them

execute you without a fight, but the World Government was determined

to do it, even if it meant…"

Ace covered his face with his hand. "War..." Luffy and Zoro gave him a

minute to collect his thoughts. He finally spoke again. "So where do we

go from here?"

"That's the part you're not going to like," Luffy said. "Whatever you do,

you can't confront Blackbeard. Not yet. In our timeline he became a huge

problem, but if we can prevent the War of the Best, he'll lose his chance

to gain the power he's looking for. You should know that he already got

the Yami Yami no mi from Thatch, and he's already someone to be

careful of."

"Yea I'll bet," Ace scoffed. "If he took me down, he's a force to be

reckoned with." He thought for a moment, then sighed. "You're right

Luffy, I don't like it. The old man warned me not to go after the bastard,

but I was determined. I still am. But if going after him is going to bring

my own crew to ruin, then I'll hold off on it...for now. At least until I'm

sure I can beat him."

Luffy's shoulders slumped in relief. The first big step had been taken to

shaping a better future. The Whitebeard War had changed a lot, and not

for the better. He would still have to pay close attention to make sure it

didn't happen though. He couldn't account for all the factors after all.

"Is there anything else you think I should know?" Ace asked.

"Well yea actually," Luffy replied. "Sabo is alive."

Ace didn't think he could ever sympathize with Nami more than he did at

that moment.

A/N: And just like that, Ace knows. Am I jumping the gun a bit? Maybe.

Whatever. Lost out.

25. Under the Undercover

Announcement: In case anyone is interested, Second Wind now has its

own TV tropes page, courtesy of my loyal fan The Patient One. Having a

TV tropes page about a story I wrote is almost as cool as saying 'my loyal

fan.' Guess I'm not quite use to either yet. Anyway, I've left a link in my


Disclaimer: If you own Heaven, you're either God, or a dude with long

earlobes and a God complex. If you own Hell, you're either the Devil, or a

large horned man who spends the majority of his waking hours on a

toilet. If you own Paradise, you're either a very happy man, or the Pirate

King, or both. If you own all three, you're either Eiichiro Oda, or the

creator of the One Piece world, or both. If you own none of the above,

then you have something in common with me, and the vast majority of

the world's population. You can make the world go round.

I don't own One Piece. Planet earth, keep on spinning.

Chapter XXV: Under the Undercover

"Guys, what the hell are we doing here?"

"I can't believe we're here right now…"

"He's going to kill us. We're so dead."

"What!? I don't wanna die!"

"Shut up you idiots!"

The two complaining voices were silenced by the third, but their defeated

expressions conveyed what they thought of the current situation perfectly


"Mr. 3," a fourth voice spoke up, "They have a point. What makes you

think the boss will spare us? Shouldn't we get far away from here?"

"You're talking a lot more now that our lives are on the line aren't you,

Miss Goldenweek? And I already told you, it doesn't matter where we go.

He'll find us. Our only choice is to ask for a second opportunity to get rid

of the Strawhats."

"Hey, isn't that jumping the gun a bit?" asked Mr. 5. "Even assuming that

he'd give us a second chance, he hasn't contacted us since he gave you

those orders! That means he probably thinks you're dead. We could

escape right now and he'd never know we survived."

"No, he'd find out," Mr. 3 said somberly. "Don't underestimate the boss'

ability to gather information. Especially when he has Miss All Sunday

working for him. He won't leave any loose ends."

"This is crazy," Miss Valentine said. "You're just going to walk up to him

and say sorry I failed the mission, let me try again? This is Mr. 0 we're

talking about!"

"I didn't ask for your opinion!" Mr. 3 hissed. "If you want to run, go

ahead. I never asked you to come with me anyway!"

Miss Valentine gulped. She knew he had a point, but she also knew their

chances of evasion, and by extension survival, were quite a bit higher

with Mr. 3 with them.

"That's what I thought. Now let's get going. The more time we spend

here, the more time we give the Strawhats to arrive in Alabasta. If they

interfere with Mr. 0's plans, we'll never escape his wrath."

On cue, the four undercover agents scurried down an alley towards the

center of Nanohana.

"Are we getting close, Chopper?" Vivi asked in mid-run.

"Yes," the human reindeer confirmed. "The scent of gunpowder is getting

stronger. I'm certain there's a high concentration of it up ahead." Vivi

nodded as she panted heavily. They had completely left Nanohana and

were now in the neighboring oasis town of Katorea, to the east. Vivi was

surprised Chopper's nose had picked up whatever scent they were


"Hey Vivi-chan, the rebel army would be trying to stay hidden right?"

Sanji asked.

"Yes, that's right."

"So they'll probably have guards on the lookout won't they?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Because I just found some of that gunpowder."

"You two! Stay right where you are!" a voice spoke up from above them.

Vivi and Chopper looked up to find a man on a nearby rooftop aiming a

rifle at them. Sanji was not-so-coincidentally standing in between the

man and Vivi, whose eyes widened in recognition.

"Kebi!?" she practically shouted. This caused the man to temporarily lose

his rigid demeanor, but he quickly composed himself.

"How do you know me? Identify yourself." Vivi removed the white hood

from her head, and this time the man's eyes widened. He immediately

lowered his weapon. "Vivi!?"

Vivi was smiling in relief. She never thought she'd run into another

member of the Suna Suna clan. Well, other than Kohza. This made things

much easier.

"Vivi, what in the world is going on? You've been missing for over two

years and now I find you sneaking around in an alleyway? What


"There's a reason I've been missing. I've been acquiring information, and

it's crucial that I give it to Kohza. He is here isn't he? Could you please

take me to him?"

Kebi considered this for a moment. Vivi was the daughter of the man

they were most likely going to war with soon. But she was also one of

them. They had long since thought her dead, but if she was alive, then he

was sure they could trust her. She had nothing to do with the origins of

the civil war to begin with. "Come with me," he said, before quickly

jumping off the roof and leading them through the streets.

They finally came to a run down building in a less crowded district of

Katorea. Kebi knocked six times on the door, and they were let in.

"Kohza-san, you're not going to believe who I stumbled across."

"Who is it?" came a voice beyond the wall, one that instantly caused Vivi

to inhale sharply. She decided to forego all formalities and ran into the

room where the voice had originated from.

Kohza sat up in the bed in shock, his eyes glued to the new arrival.


"Kohza, I know this is sudden after all this time, but you have to put an

end to this civil war! You're being manipulated. My father wasn't the one

behind the Alabasta's ruin!"

"Whoa, Vivi, slow down alright? Just start by telling me where you've

been all this time."

Vivi took a deep breath. "I've been in hiding so that I could find out who

was really responsible for the current state of affairs in this country. The

one behind this civil war, the one who really stole the rain...he's the

leader of a criminal organization that's been working in Alabasta from

the shadows. Two years ago, I infiltrated the organization to gather

information and find out who the leader was-"

"You what?" Kohza asked in shock.

"I went undercover as a member of Baroque Works so that I could find

out what their motive was from the inside," Vivi said impatiently,

wanting to get to the point.

"Vivi, how could you do something that reckless? You could have been


Vivi was taken aback by the audacity of his question. She gritted her

teeth "And you're any better? Here you are, about to lead our country into

a civil war, tear it to ruins, and play right into his hands, and you have

the gall to tell me I was being reckless?"

Kohza was pale. "What do you mean I'm playing into his hands?"

"His goal is to seize the Alabastian throne. That's why he framed my

father and planted the dance powder in his palace. His organization has

been behind everything so far, and the war will give them the perfect

opportunity to take control of the country during the chaos."

Kohza was silent for a moment. "Who is he? The leader?" he finally


Vivi sighed in relief. Now they were getting somewhere. "Crocodile of the

Seven Warlords," she replied. Kohza's eyes widened.

"This country's hero is the one leading it to ruin?"

"He's no hero," Vivi spat. "He just knows how to keep up a good public

image. He knows that not even my father will suspect him if he pretends

to have Alabasta's interests at heart."

"This is a lot to take in, Vivi," Kohza said, rubbing a hand over tired eyes.

"I know, but you have to believe me. If you don't call off the rebel army-"

"I believe you," he said quickly. "It's just that I can't tell them what you've

just told me and expect them to believe me. But we haven't made a move

yet, so there's still time. Does your father know about this?"

"No, but I can send a message to him," Vivi replied.

"Good. Tell him everything you just told me. I'll send a request to the

royal army to meet with King Cobra for negotiations. We'll make an

announcement to the public that we're signing a treaty. That should

throw a wrench in Crocodile's plans. Until then," he turned to Kebi.

"Nothing leaves this room." Kebi nodded.

Vivi let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Thank you," she


Kohza was silent again before speaking. "I'm sorry, Vivi. For everything."

Vivi leaned forward and hugged him. "It doesn't matter," she said. "All

that matters is that we can fix this and prevent the bloodshed."

"What will you be doing in the meantime?" Kohza asked.

"I'll be keeping an eye on Baroque Works. Actually, I was brought here by

the Strawhat pirates. Without them, I wouldn't have even made it this far.

But with their help, I have faith that we can put an end to Crocodile's


Kohza raised an eyebrow. "I'll take your word for it. But be careful, Vivi."

Vivi smiled. "I will." She exited the room to meet Sanji and Chopper, and

Kohza followed after them. During the entire encounter, no one looked

towards a certain dark corner of the dimly lit room.

If they had, they would have noticed a lone crystal blue eye on the wall,

watching them from the shadows before it blinked out of existence.

A/N: Bwahahahaha! What? You didn't know how much of a ninja the

owner of that eye was?

I know that this chapter's on the short side. Sorry about that. I'll try to

update again soon. Until then, Lost out.

26. Big Allies and Small Disciples

Someone asked why Zoro has a "debt" to Nami in this fic. Well, he

actually doesn't. He was being sarcastic when he said "my debt of things

I'm not obligated to tell you." The joke he's making is that Nami tried to

get him in a debt trap, which he was able to avoid, so he's basically

asking if he owes a different debt now, of things she expects him to tell

her that he doesn't really think he has to tell her. Sorry, I know that's

kind of confusing.

But this phrasing wasn't really random to begin with. If you look beneath

the literal argument they're having and think about the underlying

meaning of the exchange, the reason Nami points to Zoro as someone

who would know about Ace is because she has already recognized him as

someone that Luffy chooses to confide in about pretty much everything.

A large part of chapter 24 was pertaining to the issue that Luffy and Zoro

are hiding something, which Nami and Usopp have just started to notice.

While Luffy actually feels pretty guilty about it, Zoro doesn't mind as

much because he thinks it's for the best, so really what he's subtly

conveying to Nami when he says that is that they don't have to tell her

everything, a conclusion that Nami comes to later in the chapter. Just

thought I'd clear that up in case any of you missed it. Enjoy chapter 26!

Disclaimer: If I owned One Piece, which I don't, I would brag about it, a

lot. Of that, I have no doubt. But I still wouldn't end up saying it nearly

as much as I have to say "I don't own One Piece" at the beginning of

every chapter.

Chapter XXVI: Big Allies and Small Disciples

When Vivi, Sanji, and Chopper arrived back at the ship, they were

greeted by the sight of Ace, who was introduced to them by Luffy. While

Sanji and Vivi were shocked to find out that his brother was a

commander of the Whitebeard pirates, Chopper just stared at him in


"Is Luffy's brother really famous?" he asked Sanji.

The chef blew out some smoke. "Yea, you could say that," he responded.

"He's a living legend among pirates, a menace among marines, and an

insurmountable goal to bounty hunters. He has a bounty of 550 million."

Chopper's eyes widened. "But that's over 10 times Luffy's! Is he that much


Sanji shrugged. "Beats me. They're both monsters. All it means is that Ace

is more of a threat according to the World Government."

While he was vaguely aware of the attention he was getting, Ace was still

preoccupied by the revelation that his long lost brother was alive. As

Sanji disappeared into the kitchen, Ace contemplated the many questions

that had suddenly arisen. Luffy had told him that Sabo was with the

revolutionary army. How had he ended up there? Well, Ace was sure of

one thing. The object of his search has just changed.

"Hey, Luffy." The rubberman looked up from the food he was eating.

"Yea? What's up Ace?"

"I was going to ask you to join the Whitebeard pirates, but I'm guessing

that would be pointless."

"You guessed right," Luffy said, grinning.

"Well then, I have another proposition for you. How would you and your

crew like to form an alliance with us?"

Several of the Strawhats collectively gasped, and Luffy himself was

intrigued by the suggestion. "Will old man Whitebeard be ok with that?"

he asked.

"I'm sure he will," Ace said, not really stressing over it. "But will you be? I

know you're aiming to be Pirate King. It would be a bit of a strange

agreement, but considering the circumstances, I think it could be a good


"I agree," Luffy said. "And I'm not really worried about our goals clashing.

If Whitebeard wanted to be Pirate King, he'd most likely have found One

Piece by now. Same with Shanks."

Ace's brow furrowed. He'd never thought of it that way, but now that

Luffy mentioned it so matter of factly, that made a lot of sense...did Pops

even want to be king? Questions for later.

"Well, in that case, take this," Ace said, handing Luffy a small sheet of

paper, which he took. "It's my vivre card. If you ever need to find me, just

follow it."

Luffy noticed that there was also something written on it. A number.

"This is…?"

"The number to Pops' transponder snail. I'm going to call him later and

explain that I'm going to be looking for Sabo instead of Teach from here

on. I'll also get his approval for the alliance, and fill him in on...recent


Luffy nodded. They had agreed that Ace would tell Whitebeard about his

situation, but no one else. They could only imagine the headache it

would cause if word reached the wrong people, so for now, it was on a

need to know basis.

"Well then...until we meet again, Luffy," Ace said as he hopped off the

ship and into his devil fruit operated boat. "See you at the top."

As Ace sped off, Nami's mind finally caught up with her. "We're

allies...with the Whitebeard pirates…" she mumbled.

"Guess so," said Zoro with a smirk.

"That's insane!" exclaimed Usopp. "We must be the only allies they have

in this part of the Grand Line. Are we, like, really important now?"

"You're the crew of the future Pirate King Usopp," Luffy said confidently.

"We're already important." He turned to Vivi. "So did you guys find any

leads on the rebel army?"

Vivi gasped. After the excitement with Luffy's brother, she almost forgot

to tell them about what happened. As she explained that she had met up

with Kohza and that he would be conducting negotiations with her

father, Luffy and Zoro listened impassively. When she finished, Luffy just


"Sounds like it went smoothly then," Zoro said. "I guess our next stop is

Alubarna. We can supervise everything from there." Vivi nodded eagerly.

She could hardly believe it. They had come so far, and finally, they were

making progress. She quickly tied a note for her father to Caru and

instructed him to deliver it to him. As Caru made his way across the

desert, Sanji's voice came from inside the kitchen.

"Lunch is ready!" As the Strawhats filed into the ship, Luffy and Zoro

stayed outside. Luffy spoke up.

"It won't be this easy, will it?" he asked.

Zoro grunted. "No, it won't. Especially not while Robin's working with


Luffy pouted. "We should have just recruited her back in Sake Summit."

"Whiskey Peak. And I don't think that would have worked too well," Zoro

said, causing Luffy to pout more.

"I know. But it's really weird to have her as an enemy. Not to mention

annoying…" He thought for a moment. "What do you think Croc's next

move will be?"

"I'm not sure. But I wouldn't put anything passed him."

Luffy's thought process was suddenly interrupted by the growl of his

stomach, and the two went inside to eat with the rest of the crew. After

lunch, the Strawhats set sail to the north up the Sandora river. Their plan

was to drop anchor closer to Alubarna, as Vivi had suggested, before they

crossed the desert on foot.

In an underwater structure located in the center of Rainbase, Sir

Crocodile of the Seven Royal Warlords sat in a comfortable looking chair.

You wouldn't be able to tell, however, from the infuriated scowl on his

face as he stared at the transponder snail across from him.

"You're sure about this?" he asked in a deceptively calm voice.

"Of course. I had a hunch to begin with, but I've just confirmed it for

myself," said a melodic voice on the other end of the line.

Crocodile was silent for a moment. "Very well," he finally said. "I suppose

I'll excuse your absence from the meeting if you don't make it in time,

seeing as it would have been a minor setback had I not gotten this


"You're ever so kind, Mr. 0," the voice said. Crocodile grunted. "So then

what are you planning to do about this?"

"That's for me to know," he said in annoyance.

"But of course. I suppose it wouldn't be my place to know if it happened

to have something to do with a certain crossdresser."

"Goodbye, Miss All Sunday," Crocodile said before hanging up. He looked

at the clock. 3:00 PM. The number agents would be meeting at Spider

Cafe in a couple hours. Minus Mr. 3 of course. That coward was no doubt

on the other side of the Grand Line by now. It suddenly made sense why

he hadn't been in contact since his report. The report had been false. To

think he would fail his mission, give a false report, and then run with his

tail between his legs. Crocodile hadn't thought highly of him to begin

with, but he definitely hadn't expected this. No matter. He'd find him

once Operation Utopia was over.

5:00 PM, coast across from Alubarna

"What is this thing? A turtle? Or a seal?" Usopp asked as he stared down

at what appeared to a seal in a turtle shell.

Vivi's eyes widened. "That's a kung fu dugong!" she exclaimed.

"A kung fu do-what now?" Usopp asked as he got into what he presumed

to be a kung fu stance.

"No wait! It'll take that as a-" Vivi flinched as the dugong beat the crap

out of Usopp in three seconds flat. "Challenge…" she finished. As it stood

with its arms raised over its head in a universal sign of victory, Vivi

closed her eyes and sighed, completely missing what happened next.

"Looks like we've got a winner over here," Nami commented as Luffy

stood over the creature, posing in a manner that was very much similar

to what the small sea mammal had previously been doing.

"No, that's even worse!" Vivi objected. The kung fu dugong suddenly got

up and bowed to Luffy. "It's their custom to become the victor's


Quite abruptly, the shore became filled with a swarm of kung fu dugongs

who were all seemingly intrigued by one of their own losing a fight. One

briefly communicated with the original dugong before they all looked up

at Luffy with stars in their eyes. Luffy raised both eyebrows.

"Hmm, I think I can only take one disciple right now. Sorry."

"Who says you're taking any to begin with!?" Nami raged. The kung fu

dugongs evidently took his words as a challenge, however, and all

charged at him. In seconds, they were all defeated and bowing to Luffy


Did this happen last time? Zoro wondered. Seems familiar…

"See? That's why I said I can only take one," Luffy told them. We can't

bring all of you along." The dugongs sulked as Nami, Vivi, Usopp, and

Chopper listened in shock.

He's actually going to bring one along?

After a quick group lesson that Luffy was persuaded into, as well as a

tearful goodbye, the Strawhats set out across the desert on foot...along

with their new companion.

"So, you got a name?" Luffy asked as he walked alongside the dugong

that he had beaten first. He shook his head in a surprising display of

comprehension. "Ok then...I guess I'll call you...Seal!"

"What kind of name is that?" Nami mumbled. Seal on the other hand,

nodded enthusiastically, indicating that he was content with the name.

"Not to trample on your random and spontaneous decision making Luffy,"

Zoro began, "but can this thing even cross the desert?"

"Hmm, good question," Luffy said, before turning to Seal. "Can you?"

Seal nodding enthusiastically again, making punching motions with his

arms that seemed to say I'm tougher than you think!

"Kung fu dugongs are sea mammals, but they're also fit to survive in

desert climates due to their surroundings environment," Vivi said. "He'll

need to go back to the sea eventually, but he'll be fine for now."

Luffy, satisfied with the knowledge, proceeded to drill Seal on various

punches and blocks, as well as when to use them, as they continued their

journey to Alubarna.

A/N: It may be spontaneous and random decision making, but I honestly

couldn't resist. This is my story, and I say Seal is coming along for the

ride. So take that, common sense! I scoff at your restrictions! *Scoffs*

Lost out.

27. The Lone Agent?

How about that Doflamingo last chapter?


( x_x) ⌐■-■

So, I've gotten pretty positive reactions to having Seal go with the

Strawhats, but here's the million dollar question. Should I add Seal to the

crew permanently, as maybe a ship guard or something similar? Or

should I just have him stay with them for the duration of the Alabasta arc

and then stay with Vivi after that? Seriously, answer the question and

you get a million dollars.

Disclaimer: You won't really get a million dollars. But anyway, if I say "I

don't own One Piece" out of context, does it still count as a disclaimer?

I've always wondered that, since the days when I first started writing

these disclaimers. You know, when I had fresh ways to say "I don't own

One Piece," and witty material that wasn't going stale. I mean, it's one

thing to just say, "I don't own One Piece," but when if I say it indirectly,

am I still liable to get sued? And as a following question, when's the last

time a fanfiction writer ever got sued for not saying "I don't own One

Piece?" Yea, I can just imagine Oda's lawyers reading this fanfiction in

English, scrolling through all the chapters, and then saying, "Aha! He

didn't say 'I don't own One Piece' that time!" Nah, screw that noise man.

I'll just stick to saying "I don't own One Piece" the way I know how.

Chapter XXVII: The Lone Agent?

"Stooop joooking around!" Mr. 2 yelled as he stood up in annoyance.

"How long are they gonna make us wait!? They could at least give us

some food in the meantime! I need horderves. Horderves!"

"Mr. 2, could you please sit down and wait quietly?" Miss Doublefinger

asked in a tone of false politeness.

"No way! I'm gonna spin until they get here!"

"Quit yer yappin Two! Yer makin' my hips ache!" Miss Merry Christmas

snapped. Mr. 4 started to say something as well, but it was slow to the

point of being incoherent, so no one paid him any mind. Mr. 1 simply at

the corner of the table, ignoring them all. But as Mr. 2 kept spinning, he

grew increasingly annoyed.

"You'd best sit down before I disembowel you," he said quietly.

Mr. 2 turned toward him. "This guy again! Was that a threat!?"

"Didn't it sound like one? I thought I was pretty clear," Mr. 1 said in a

bored tone.

"I think it's pretty clear that Mr. 0 will disembowel you both if he catches

you screwing around in here," Miss Doublefinger commented.

Surprisingly, this pacified both of them, and Mr. 2 sat down with a pout.

About 10 seconds passed before…

"Stooop joooking around! Wheeere are they!?"

Mr. 1 was thinking about a more painful way to kill someone than

disembowelment when his partner in crime spoke up again.

"You know, he has a point," she said. "I wouldn't know what to expect

from Mr. 0, but Miss All Sunday is usually pretty punctual. On top of

that, the Mr. 3 and Mr. 5 pair never showed up either. I can't help but

feel that we're out of the loop."

"I'm afraid none of them will be able to make it," said a deep voice from

the end of the table.

They all turned to the chair where the voice originated from in shock,

none of them having noticed his arrival. Mr. 1's eyes narrowed. When did


"A situation arose, and Miss All Sunday went to take care of it," the voice

said. "Unfortunately, she won't make it back in time for the meeting. As

for the other four...I'd advise you not to mention their names again. But

no matter…the time is near."

He turned around in his chair, revealing his face. "For your final mission -

Operation Utopia."

The officer agents stared in shock. Mr. 2's jaw dropped. "Cro-Crocodile!?"

"Oh good, so you know me," the man said smugly.

"Of course we know you, you're one of the Seven Warlords!" Miss

Doublefinger exclaimed. "But why would you be…?"

"You're our boss?" Mr. 1 said, more in surprise than disappointment.

"So we were following the orders of a government sanctioned pirate all

along!?" Mr. 2 exclaimed.

"Any objections?" Crocodile asked menacingly, immediately silencing

them all.

"None here," Miss Doublefinger stated, sweating a bit. "I'm just confused

as to why a Royal Warlord would go out of his way to form a criminal


"What I desire isn't wealth or fame," Crocodile replied. "It's power." The

officer agents listened intently. Seeing that he had their attention,

Crocodile smirked. "Allow me to explain...the real reason behind the

formation of Baroque Works. My true objective."

A few minutes later, after they all read over their mission orders, Mr. 2's

brow furrowed. "So I have a separate mission, huh?"

"That's correct," Crocodile confirmed. "Miss All Sunday was acting as a

spy and was able to uncover that Princess Vivi and the Strawhats have

met with the leader of the rebellion. As aggravating as it is, he now

knows of our plan, which complicates matters. That's where you come in,

Mr. 2." The number agents, who were all high up enough to know about

Mr. 2's ability, all widened their eyes in comprehension. "The rest of

you," Crocodile continued, "are to come with me to Alubarna during the

start of the operation, to deal with any pestilence. Until then, Mr. 2, your

role is key."

"Alriiiight! You can count on me boss!"

"Very well then. You are to leave-" Mr. 2 was already rushing out the

back door, doing spins the whole way. "-immediately," Crocodile finished,

sweat dropping.

"It's about time," Miss Doublefinger muttered. Mr. 1 grunted in


"How unexpected. I never imagined that you of all people would be Mr.


The number agents, Crocodile included, all turned to the source of the

voice. While most of them were surprised to see Mr. 3, seeing as he

hadn't shown up at Spider's Cafe, Crocodile's eyes just narrowed in anger.

"Mr. 3. You have some nerve showing your face here." Mr. 3 said nothing

under the heat of his glare as he continued walking forward, thinking

about the events that had led him to come here alone.

5:00 PM, Spider's Cafe

"There it is. The rendezvous point," Mr. 3 said quietly as he observed who he

assumed to be Mr. 1 calmly walk towards Spider's Cafe from a distance. He

was concealed under a wax dome that was painted to be the color of a rock

by Miss Goldenweek. Mr. 2 and the Mr. 4 pair had already arrived, so the

only one missing was strangely Miss Doublefinger, who should have arrived

with Mr. 1. Not that it mattered. "Ok, the plan is simple. Once they begin their

journey to meet Mr. 0, we follow behind them discretely. With any luck, they'll

lead us right to the boss."

"This plan is doomed to fail!" Miss Valentine hissed from behind him. The

woman was in obvious distress along with Mr. 5.

"She's right!" her partner agent agreed. "There's no way we can be that stealthy

as a group of four, and even if we somehow make it to the meeting place, the

chances of Mr. 0 forgiving us are slim to none. At worst, we get killed by the

Mr. 1 pair. At best, we get killed by the boss!" Mr. 5 paused to let that

information sink in. Mr. 3 said nothing, so he continued. "Listen, it isn't too

late to turn back now. Even if he sends Mr. 1 to track us down, our chances of

survival will still be much higher than if we walk into his base of operations

and offer ourselves to him on a silver platter!"

Miss Goldenweek was silent as she listened to the exchange. To be honest, she

agreed with Mr. 5's logic. Mr. 3 was being unreasonable. Irrational, almost.

He was always the best at calculating their chances for success on a mission.

Out of all of them, he should have been the one to come to that conclusion

first. That could only mean one thing.

"Survival isn't your only goal here, is it?" She suddenly asked, breaking the

silence. Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine looked at her in confusion.

"What are you…" Mr. 5 started to ask, before his eyes widened under his

sunglasses and he turned back to Mr. 3. "Are you serious?" he asked numbly.

His superior didn't even acknowledge the question, or turn to face him for that


"You want to finish the mission," Miss Valentine whispered in horror.

"So what if I do?" Mr. 3 finally answered in an annoyed tone.

"You've got to be shitting me!" Mr. 5 almost shouted. He was having trouble

keeping his voice under control now. "We all saw how strong Strawhat was!

He wiped the floor with us all! Even if by some miracle you got your mission

clearance, there's no way you can kill that guy! You'd risk all of us dying for

the sake of your pride!? Why would you risk your life for the damn mission!?"

"It's the only thing I would risk my life for!" Mr. 3 snapped, effectively

shutting him up. He turned around and matched Mr. 5's glare. "I already told

you guys that you don't have to come! You just followed me of your own

accord. If all you're going to do is complain, then why are you still here? What

am I, your babysitter? If you want to go, then go! You'll only slow me down


Mr. 5 was silent for a moment. Then, he got up. "Let's go, Miss Valentine," he

said. His partner agent didn't hesitate for more than a second before she rose

to her feet as well. She shot Miss Goldenweek an apologetic glance. "We're

slowing you down? It's ironic that you'd say that," Mr. 5 said. "I know you're

not really that blind to the situation. The only one here in danger of being

chased across the Grand Line…" he turned back to the wax man in apathy. "Is

you, Mr. 3. Miss Valentine may be officer agents, but we're not high up enough

to be a threat to the organization if left alive. Neither is Miss Goldenweek for

that matter. Even if she's your partner, she's not privy to most of the secrets

that you've been privileged with. The three of us aren't worth the resources and

time it would take to track us down. As long as we're with you, on the other

hand…" he trailed off as Mr. 3 narrowed his eyes.

"Do you know why we came with you?" Mr. 5 asked suddenly. "It's because

Miss Goldenweek asked us to. We were simply respecting the wishes of our

fellow agent and superior. One that we actually like, I might add."

This news finally evoked a reaction from Mr. 3, whose eyes widened as he

turned to the girl in question. She averted her eyes from him, staring at the


"No matter. We're leaving while we still have the chance," Mr. 5 concluded. "I

suggest you do the same, Miss Goldenweek." With that, he and Miss Valentine

left the dome and headed back the way they had come.

Mr. 3 gritted his teeth. "Go with them," he said to his partner agent. Her eyes

widened. "He's right. You're not the one in danger," he continued. "This is my

problem. So get the hell out of here." His voice was almost bitter. Miss

Goldenweek didn't move.

"But I-"

"Treat that as an order." Her eyes glistened as she slowly got up and

reluctantly left the dome as well. She turned back toward him on her way out.

"Good luck," she mumbled, before turning away and following behind the Mr.

5 pair.

Mr. 3 was jolted out of his thoughts by the voice of Miss Doublefinger.

"How did you even find this place?" the officer agent asked. "We didn't

even know where we were being taken until we arrived."

"I was tailing you all since Spider's Cafe. I hid in the back of the carriage,"

Mr. 3 explained, snapping back to reality.

"How clever of you," Crocodile said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Now would you kindly explain why you're here and why I should refrain

from gutting you?"

"I came to request a second chance on my mission," Mr. 3 stated.

"A second chance?" Crocodile repeated. "What do you take me for? I

always assumed you were content with my zero tolerance policy for

failure. Now that you've failed a mission for the first time, you expect to

receive special treatment?"

"It isn't that," Mr. 3 said quickly. "It's just that considering the


"The circumstances aren't going to help you here," said Crocodile, his

voice raising a little. "If you were going to come here groveling for

forgiveness, then you shouldn't have given me that goddamned false

mission report! If there's one thing I hate more than a failure, it's a


Mr. 3's eyes widened in shock and confusion. "F-false mission report? I'm

afraid I don't know what you're-"

"Stop making a jackass of yourself," Crocodile spoke in a low tone,

standing up from his chair. If the growing tension wasn't enough to make

the rest of the number agents flinch, this single action was. Only Mr. 1

seemed to be keeping his cool through the encounter. "You reported that

you killed the Strawhats and Princess Vivi in Little Garden! Because you

lied to cover your own ass, the Strawhats were able to meet with the

rebel army!" He began walking toward the stuttering wax man. "Now you

have 10 seconds to enlighten me on why I should continue to humor your

little request."

"Y-you must be mistaken! I didn't even use my transponder snail once on

Little Garden! I didn't give any report!" Mr. 3 defended. Crocodile froze

mid step, his eyes narrowed. He continued to stare at Mr. 3, as if

searching his face for any sign of deception, an act that unnerved the wax

man to no end. Eventually, his scowl lightened and then disappeared,

replaced by a chilling smile.

Wait...what? Mr. 3 rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing right as

Crocodile burst into laughter.

"Clever bastard," the sandman muttered. "I'll kill you, make no mistake."

It barely registered in Mr. 3's mind that Crocodile wasn't even talking to

him anymore before he was yanked off the ground by a disembodied

hand. In any other situation, he would have had enough clarity of mind

to notice the sand trailing behind the lone appendage. As it was, he was

busy gasping for air as he was suspended by his neck.

A series of emotions flashed through Mr. 3's mind at that moment as he

began to feel his throat drying up. They ranged from panic, to despair, to

resigned acceptance, and quickly succeeded each other. But there was

something else mixed in there as well.


Not regret that he was dying. That he had expected to an extent. But his

mind kept flashing back to that conversation outside Spider's Cafe. He

had already known that his three fellow agents could have left without

him. That's why he had kept subtly telling them to stop following him.

But to find out that they all realized it as well. It meant that they hadn't

just been following him out of a need for survival.

They had been following him out of loyalty. At the very least, his own

partner had. No one had ever extended that type of courtesy to him

before. And he had spit in their faces. No matter how much he kept

denying it, that was bothering him. So it wasn't so much that his time

had come that made him feel this regret.

It was that his time had come, and he was so purely, hopelessly alone in

the world, just as he always had been.

"Shrivel up and dry," Crocodile said with a sinister grin on his face.

"Stop!" a new voice yelled. Crocodile turned his head in surprise to see

none other than Miss Goldenweek standing in the doorway. His eyes

narrowed and he quickly dispersed into sand to avoid the circle of paint

that was was splattered at his feet a split second afterwards, dropping Mr.

3 unceremoniously to the floor. His body reformed a few feet away, and

his countenance conveyed unspoken promises of murder.

It wasn't long before Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine came running into the

room. "So, you all want to join him?" Crocodile asked menacingly.

"Leave some for me, Mr. 0. I was getting bored," Mr. 1 said as he walked

towards the lower ranked agents, Miss Doublefinger following behind


Crocodile scowled. "Kill each other for all I care." He was in a fairly bad

mood right now, and his venomous tone was indiscriminate.

Mr. 1 smirked. "I myself don't feel like dying."

Mr. 3 watched the scene unfold in shock. He had never really counted on

the slim probability of receiving a second chance to kill the Strawhats. He

was fully prepared to die here. He never expected that his fellow agents

would come after him, especially after their previous fallout. So why?

Why did they come back?

He didn't have much time to think about it as Mr. 1's arm morphed into a

blade before his eyes.

Supa supa no mi! Mr. 3 immediately recognized in horror. He instinctively

formed a wall of wax in between the blademan and his partner, sparing

her the fate of being pierced between the eyes. Mr. 1 scoffed in

annoyance. He turned toward Mr. 3 but was interrupted as Mr. 5 charged

towards him. His explosive fist met Mr. 1 dead on, and the blademan was

sent hurtling back by the force of the blow. He quickly righted himself,

however. The lower officer agents were horrified to see that there wasn't

a scratch on him. He almost looked bored.

"They're lining up to die," he commented as he walked back towards

them. Miss Goldenweek started to wave her brush again but was

interrupted by Miss Doublefinger. She was caught off guard by the

woman's ability and yelled in pain as her hand was impaled by a spike

that stemmed from the higher agent's finger. She dropped her brush to

the floor.

"You have quite the troublesome ability, if I remember correctly," Miss

Doublefinger drawled as she retracted the spike. She prepared to drive

another spike through the girl's head, but was blocked by a candle wall.

Another one simultaneously sprung up in between Mr. 1 and Mr. 5, who

was also saved the fate of being impaled by the durable material. Mr. 1

grunted as his steel arms rebounded off the wax.

Miss Valentine made the next move, jumping high above Miss

Doublefinger's speed and maximizing her weight. In a surprising show of

reflexes, the spike woman leapt out of the way as her assailant came

crashing down. "Neat trick," she commented as she walked up to the

crater her adversary had made. "But it does leave you ever so vulnerable."

In a split second, Miss Valentine's abdomen was pierced through by a

spike that grew from Miss Doublefinger heel. She screamed in pain as her

blood leaked onto the floor she was brutally pinned to.

Mr. 5 lost his head and ran at Miss Doublefinger, but Mr. 1 was right

behind him. Mr. 3 was forced to divide his focus as he attempted to

separate Miss Doublefinger from Miss Valentine and shield Mr. 5 from

Mr. 1. While he succeeded in the former, Mr. 1 anticipated the latter and

slashed across Mr. 5's back regardless. The bombman groaned and fell to

the floor. After only a minute, Mr. 3 was the only one in shape to

continue fighting. As Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger turned their attention

to him, he quickly created more wax.

"Candle Lock!" The quickly hardening wad of wax was fairly easily

dodged by both agents, who both ran in to gut him. Not knowing what

else to do, Mr. 3 surrounded himself with wax. Bladed and spiked arms

met the steel like substance head on, but barely left a scratch. While Miss

Doublefinger was beyond annoyed, Mr. 1 gave wore a frightening grin.

"I think you overestimate the power of that wax of yours, Mr. 3," the

blademan said. Suddenly, Mr. 3 could hear what sounded like a buzzsaw

coming from the other side of the wall he made. Soon afterward, he felt

an incredible force collide with it, and was horrified to realize that his

wall was being shaved away. He was slowly losing ground to the

spinning blades on Mr. 1's arms.

Miss Doublefinger smiled. "Well, while you're busy with that, I suppose I

should finish off the rest of them," she said, as she walked toward the

other three defecting agents. No longer in a shape to defend themselves,

they could only watch as spikes grew out of all of her fingers.

"Wait." Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger both halted what they were doing as

they heard the voice of Crocodile. They looked back towards him, and

noted with some annoyance that Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas were

sitting back and enjoying the show. Crocodile grinned menacingly.

"I have a better idea."

A/N: Well, there you go. An entire chapter dedicated to Baroque Works.

If you like them, then this was most likely enjoyable for you. If not, sorry

about that. I'll probably have the next chapter up some time next week.

28. A Rebel Army Masquerade

In case you're wondering, Seal is indeed the same dugong that Luffy beat

first in the original timeline. Too much of a coincidence? Sorry about

that. Well no, I'm actually not. Not really.

But anyway, 15 people have left reviews stating their preference in

regards to whether Seal should be a permanent addition to the Strawhats.

So far, I have 8 votes for him staying in Alabasta with Vivi, 4 votes for

him to go with the crew, and 3 people who were undecided or offered

another idea.

With that said, I am going to wait until the Alabasta arc is over to come

to a decision, so if you're into this story and/or have a preference, don't

hesitate to give your opinion. If you're wondering why I take your

opinions into account on these things, there are a few reasons.

I am genuinely undecided.

I like feedback on my writing, and anyone who cares about my story

enough to leave a review with their opinion (in compliance to my request

I might add) deserves to have their thoughts taken into consideration.

In case you haven't noticed, I get extra reviews this way. *Coughs* But

the other two reasons are more important. No really. *Starts to sweat*

Haha, anyway, onto the chapter! STOP JUDGING ME.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece, the Strawhats, Baroque Works, or even

kung fu dugongs for that matter. I wonder if I own Seal though?

Technically he's not named in the manga, or on the wiki, and I did kind

of name him. So by name, that makes him a different character. Take

that lawyers! You just got taken to law school.

Chapter XXVIII: A Rebel Army Masquerade

Kohza frowned as he looked outside the carriage. They were on their way

to Alubarna, but they seemed to be straying off course a little. Was it just

his imagination? Deciding to ignore it for now, he pulled his head back

inside and faced Kebi.

"You're nervous," his follower commented lightly. Kohza sighed.

"How could I not be? What is he going to think of me? If Vivi is right

about his innocence...how can I face him?"

"Whether or not it's difficult, you're the leader of the rebellion," Kebi said

sensibly. "It has to be you. It would be an even greater insult if you sent

someone in your place."

"Don't you think I know that?" Kohza muttered irritably. Kebi was silent

for awhile.

"Something else is bothering you," he said.

Dammit, Kohza thought. That's what happens when you're right hand

man is also your childhood friend. Kebi read him way too easily…

"I just have a bad feeling," he admitted. "Like we should have announced

the ceasefire to the rest of the army."

"You know what would happen if we did that," Kebi argued. "They would

want an explanation, and if we released intel like that, it could reach

Crocodile. That man has already manipulated us as if we were puppets

tangled in strings. We can't risk it. We have to at least wait until after the

negotiations so the leaders of both sides can come to an understanding."

"Yea...you're right," Kohza said reluctantly. Suddenly, the carriage

stopped. Kohza and Kebi looked confused for a moment before they both

climbed out to meet the steerer, who had also gotten out.

"Hey, what are we doing here?" Kebi asked, looking around. "Why'd you

stop in the middle of the desert?"

The soldier kept a blank face. "I was ordered to," he stated. Kebi raised an

eyebrow and looked at Kohza, who had his eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"I never gave you an order like that."

The soldier smirked, causing both of the men's eyes to widen. "No, you

didn't," he said as he raised his rifle.

Kohza reacted immediately, raising his leg and kicking the gun barrel to

the side in one swift motion. The unloyal soldier looked surprised as the

shot fired off to the side. As he tried to aim the gun back towards them,

Kebi rammed into him with his shoulder, knocking him off his feet. He

proceeded to kick the gun out of his hands. The solder gritted his teeth

and tried to lift himself up, only to be roundhouse kicked across the face

by Kohza, who then kicked the gun up into the air and caught it, aiming

it directly at his assailant.

"Who are you working for?" he growled. The soldier just smirked again.

"I don't know. But he's far more intimidating than you."

"Don't screw with me!" Kohza shouted. "Who is it? Is it that damn


Surprisingly, this elicited a reaction from the man, whose brows

furrowed. "Warlord?" he asked in confusion.

"Don't try to deny it," Kebi said. "We have intel that states he's your

leader." The soldier suddenly started sweating heavily, and not from the

desert heat, as his expression morphed into one of overt fear. "And

judging from the look on your face, I'd say we're right."

"Hey, stop! You don't know what you're talking about!" the man shouted.

Kohza wondered why he was just now showing fear when he had been

unfazed with a gun pointed at him point blank.

"I think we do," Kebi said, now the one smirking. "The Royal Warlord, Sir


"Shut up!" The man suddenly tried to lunge at Kebi. Kohza grimaced, but

didn't hesitate as he shot the man directly in the head. He was dead even

before he slumped back against the sand.

Kebi rubbed his eyes. "Just what was the point of all this?" he asked as he

raised his arms and gestured to the barren desert around them. "Does he

think we're stranded? That neither of us can drive a damn carriage

through our home country?"

"Look at the tattoo on his arm," Kohza said, ignoring the rant. Kebi knelt

down and looked it over, frowning.

"What is that? The mark of their organization?" he asked.

"Perhaps. But regardless of what it is, we need to keep an eye out for it.

From now on, anyone in the rebel army who is seen with this mark is to

be brought in for questioning." Kebi nodded as they both stood up and

started towards the carriage. Kohza froze, however, as he caught sight of

something, or rather someone, out in the distance. It looked like


"I'm...ha...gonna...ha...ha...die…" Usopp said miserably, his sentence

made choppy by endless pants.

"Not before me…" Chopper replied unenergetically as Zoro pulled him

across the desert sand on a sled. The reindeer human hybrid had been

reduced to a semi conscious, sizzling ball of fur. Being better suited to

colder climates, he could barely walk in the desert heat.

"At least Chopper has an excuse," Sanji grumbled. "You're just being

melodramatic Usopp."

"Hey, I sure as hell do have an excuse!" Usopp argued. "I've suddenly

come down with 'I-can't-walk-through-the desert-anymore-or-I'll-die-itis!"

"There's no disease like that," Chopper stated matter of factly.

Sanji smirked. "You heard the doctor long-nose. Keep walking."

Usopp's jaw dropped. Chopper, you traitor! As if to make his case more

convincing, Usopp suddenly collapsed backwards onto the sand, making

unconvincing wheezing noises. "I can't...go on…" he groaned, raising his

hand toward the hazy sky.

Zoro sighed in annoyance and walked back to him. "Don't make me carry

you too. Come on, do you want to fall behind?"

"I...won't make it. Go on without me...Zoro…"

"If you say so," Zoro said with a shrug, before leaving him there in the

sand and catching up with the rest of the crew.

Usopp suddenly bolted up onto his feet and ran after them. "Hey wait!

Don't leave me! Zooroooo!"

"Will you calm down you idiot?" Nami reprimanded. "All you're doing is

wasting energy that you should be using to walk. Keep it up and you're

just going to need more water, and that's something we can't spare right


Sanji had to agree. Most of them weren't faring very well with the sun

beating down on them. Chopper was immobile, Nami refused to let him

carry her, saying he wasn't to be trusted (which was probably true, some

part of his mind supplied), Usopp was...well, he was Usopp, and he

himself was sweating heavily. Zoro was toughing it out, but Sanji could

tell even he was at least mildly uncomfortable. The only ones who

seemed to be beating the heat were Luffy, Vivi, and...well, Seal.

"You three don't seem to mind the hot climate at all," Nami commented,

voicing Sanji's thoughts as she looked at the three in question.

"Well, I was born and raised on this island," Vivi said, smiling. "You could

say I'm used to it. I'd imagine the same is true for Seal." Said dugong

nodded confidently before flashing Nami what could be interpreted as a

thumbs up...minus the thumbs.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense," Nami said before turning to Luffy. "But

what about you? There aren't many deserts in East Blue."

"Nah, my home island had really good weather," Luffy replied. "The

reason I'm fine is that I can control my body temperature." This got the

attention of the rest of the crew, especially Chopper, whose head perked

up in interest despite his severe discomfort.

"You mean you can keep your body temperature steady at will?" Nami

asked in amazement. "Is that even possible?"

"I guess so. I do it with a technique called Life Return. It lets me stay cool

in the heat or warm in the cold...among other things."

"Life Return?" Chopper repeated in wonder. "Come to think of it, you

were walking around Drum Island in nothing but a t-shirt! Were you

using the same thing back then?"

Luffy nodded. "Yep, that's right."

"But what kind of technique is that?" Chopper asked. His discomfort

seemed to be momentarily forgotten, overshadowed by his interest in the

medical phenomenon. "It almost sounds like a type of biofeedback."

"Bio feed who?" Luffy asked, his mouth suddenly watering at the thought

of being fed.

"Biofeedback," Chopper corrected. "It's an ability that a select few people

can access through meditation and mental discipline. It allows them to

achieve a higher degree of control over the body by exploiting its

biological connection to the mind, gaining a greater awareness of bodily

functions that most humans wouldn't be conscious of, and in turn being

able to regulate them."

"Hmm, hmm," Luffy said, nodding sagely. "Fascinating."

"You didn't understand a word he said, did you?" Zoro inferred.


"What's wrong with you?" Nami asked in exasperation. "He's saying that

biofeedback is the scientific explanation for the technique you use, one

which you evidently don't understand."

Luffy stared at her, the conspicuous lack of comprehension evident on his

blank face.

"Basically it's a mystery technique Luffy," Zoro added.

"Ah," Luffy said, smacking his hand with his fist. "Why didn't you just say

so?" Nami looked extremely annoyed now, whereas Chopper was in deep


"Luffy," the reindeer suddenly spoke up. "What else can you do with that


Luffy thought for a moment. "A lot of things actually. For one, I can eat

until I'm really fat and then turn all the food into pure muscle and

energy. That's really useful before a fight. In fact, if I'm injured, it'll heal

me to an extent."

Chopper looked like he was in candy land. His eyes were shining. "That's

amazing! You're manipulating the enzymes in your body in order to

convert the nutrients in the food to suit your needs! From the sound of it,

you can even speed up digestion! How did you learn to do that!?"

Luffy scratched his head. "I just sort of...did it one day," he admitted.

Come to think of it, when was the first time he did that? Was it in Impel

Down? No, maybe Shabondy? He remembered healing injuries by eating

meat since after his first fight with Crocodile, but that wasn't really an

effect of the technique. Life Return just let him do it faster.

"What else can you do?" Chopper asked eagerly.

"Well, I can increase my resistance to pain and fatigue..."

"So you can actively release adrenaline into your system?"

"Yea, let's go with that. I think I can also counteract some types of


"By forcing your immune system to create specific types of antibodies?"

"Sure, why not. Other than that, it does let me automatically activate my

gears, and it also lets me maintain them longer."

"Gears?" Sanji interrupted. "What are those?"

"They're ways that I can enhance my fighting style by taking advantage of

my rubber body. Like this." Steam suddenly started rising from his body,

which took on a red tint. Chopper's jaw dropped as he sat up.

"Luffy! You're showing signs of a dramatic increase in heart rate!" he said

in a panicked tone. Luffy just nodded as he continued smiling.

"Yep, that's Gear Second. It increases my strength and speed." The crew

looked on in amazement. The one who was most impressed by far was

Seal, who shouted a series of high pitched barks that was unintelligible to

anyone other than Chopper...and evidently, Luffy.

"No, I can't teach you that. The only reason my body can withstand it is

because I'm made of rubber." Seal looked deeply disappointed as he let

out a noise akin to a sigh.

Chopper's medical mind was going haywire. "Are you insane, Luffy!?

Even if the increased blood flow enhances your bodily performance in the

short term, the long term effects could be catastrophic! You're putting

way too much stress on your body!"

"Ah, it's fine Chopper. When I first started using it it was exhausting, but

now my body is much tougher. Plus, with Life Return I can control how

much I increase the blood flow, and choose which part of my body to

direct the blood to. Like my muscles, or even a single limb." Actually,

when he first started using it, he didn't realize that the blood was being

distributed evenly throughout his body. It was before the crew was

separated in Shabondy that Chopper had informed him that most of the

extra blood he was pumping through his body was being wasted when he


"Luffy! You're still in Gear Second as you're talking! Stop doing that!"

Chopper shouted indignantly. Luffy, realizing that he was right, quickly

deactivated the technique.

"So is there a Gear Third then?" Sanji asked curiously. Luffy grinned.

"You bet!" He raised his arm, and the limb started to expand before their

very eyes, until it was the size of a giant's. The crew, minus Zoro, looked

on in shock. Usopp stumbled back. Seal pulled a quick 180 and was in

awe again.

"What the hell!? Your arm crew!" Usopp shouted.

"Yep, because I inflated my bones. Cool huh?" The crew stared dumbly

and he laughed, shrinking his arm back down to normal size.

"So is there another one after that, or is that the limit?" Usopp asked, his

curiosity beyond piqued at this point.

Luffy might have answered him, but Vivi chose that moment to point out

a large rock formation that they could use for shade. The crew

immediately rushed over to the rock, Usopp forgetting his own question


"Man, it really is hot out here," Nami complained. "I wish we had

something to ride. Like a camel maybe."

"Not all of us would fit on a camel though," Vivi pointed out.

"You're right," Nami admitted. "A camel that only gave rides to us girls

would be nice."

Vivi's brow furrowed. "What kind of camel is that?" Nami shrugged.

"Is the plan in motion, Miss All Sunday?" Crocodile asked. His tone

contained a hint of impatience.

"It is," his partner agent replied. "Mr. 2 has reported that his infiltration

was successful."

"Good. Then our rebel friends should be arriving any minute now,"

Crocodile stated, turning around in his chair to face her. "Make sure

they're comfortable with our other guests. We're moving ahead of

schedule. Tomorrow, we move into Alubarna."

Miss All Sunday's features were carefully blank as she nodded. "Yes sir."

A/N: Looks like things are starting to heat up in Alabasta. Pun intended.

In case it was unclear, Luffy was using Life Return, a technique utilized

by CP9, since before the timeskip in this fic. I decided to use that to

explain some of his quirkier abilities as well as open up opportunities for

future techniques. Until next time. Lost out.

29. The Royals, the Rebels, and

the Ruffians

Damn, that mini flashback with Ace last chapter...did he really know?

The web site I read it on had a vague translation, so it's hard to tell. Still,

I get the feeling that this chapter just screwed me over. And the timing is

just typical.

On another note, if you haven't seen the new cover image for this story,

go ahead and check it out, because I spent half an hour getting it to fit

the size restrictions.

Disclaimer: One Piece, Two Piece, Red Piece, Blue Piece,

Black Piece, White Piece, Back Piece, Right Piece,

New Piece, Fun Piece, No Piece, None,

never own will Lost Piece One.

Chapter XXIX: The Royals, the Rebels, and the Ruffians

"It feels like it's warming up again," Nami said with a shiver as she

rubbed her hands together. Walking through the desert at night had not

been any more pleasant than doing so during the day. The atmosphere

dropped below freezing temperatures not long after sunset. Apparently,

even Vivi wasn't use to these harsh conditions, as most Alabastians knew

to avoid being outside in the desert at night. So this time, the only ones

completely unaffected were the reindeer human hybrid, the marine

mammal with a passion for martial arts, and the bio regulating rubber


The only logic in all this is that they all defy logic, Nami thought enviously

as she snuck a glance at the last of the three, who was strangely looking

around for something.

"You lose something Luffy?" she asked, trying to distract herself from her


The rubber man pouted. "I've been looking for a stick, but there are no

trees in the desert," he said sulkily.

Nami looked at him oddly. "Why do you need a stick?" Usopp on the

other hand, gave Luffy a sympathetic look and clapped him on the back

in an attempt to console him...of what, most of the crew could only

guess. Chopper and Seal looked up at the two curiously while Nami felt

her brow twitch.

"Am I missing something here?" she asked.

This time, she was on the receiving end of an odd look from Usopp. "Isn't

it obvious?" he asked, as Luffy continued sulking. Nami's answer was to

glare at him in annoyance, and he sighed.

"Luffy has been looking for a walking stick since we started our journey

to Alubarna, but as he said, there are no trees in the desert. Now we're

almost there, and he still hasn't found one, so he's going to miss his

chance to use one." As he spoke, Luffy's head sagged, and Seal let out a

low empathetic moan.

"That's great and all, but you've failed to answer the original question.

Why does he need a walking stick?" Nami asked in exasperation. Usopp

sighed again.

"Because," he said, in a tone that suggested he was explaining something

rather simple to a small child who kept asking questions, "We're walking,

and it's a man's romance to carry a walking stick while going on an

adventure, or even just a hike."

"Really!?" Chopper exclaimed, as his eyes lit up in fascination. He wasn't

the only one. Seal immediately began his own fruitless search for a stick.

Unable to hold in his mirth any longer, Zoro burst out in laughter. Vivi

also giggled, and Sanji's mouth quirked up in amusement.

"Man's romance huh?" Zoro asked thoughtfully, before unstrapping one of

his sheathed swords from his hip and using it as a makeshift walking

stick. "Then, how's this?" Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper looked at him

enviously, while Seal was still too busy with his search, too hopeful to

acknowledge the fact that there were indeed no trees around.

"Idiots…" Nami muttered.

The Strawhats were brought out of their antics when Vivi pointed at the

horizon, and they all looked ahead to see the city of Alubarna off in the

distance. "We're almost there," she whispered.

"Your majesty, I realize how severe the situation is, but what you're


"I have no choice in the matter," King Cobra said gravely, cutting Chaka

off. "If negotiations are not to occur, out only choice is to move in against

Crocodile. I will not raise arms against the people of Alabasta, however

misled they may be in their assumptions."

"With all due respect," Pell began, "If we were to attempt to apprehend

Crocodile now, we would merely be adding fuel to the fire. It is a long

distance between here and Rainbase. Crocodile would easily be able to

read our intentions, and not only would our chance of success be slim at

best, but he would be able to avoid a conflict completely if he so wished.

He also has the backing of the people, regrettably more so than your

majesty at the moment." He paused. "Right now, the rebel army's actions

are unpredictable. If we were to move our troops to Rainbase now-"

"What would happen?" the king interrupted. "Would we lose more face?

Would the people denounce us? Would the rebel army take the palace? Is

that what you're so worried about? Pell, Chaka, I've told you many times.

A country is its people. Even if the royal army were to fall, so long as

Crocodile is defeated, Alabasta will be rebuilt. But if we were to take up

arms against our own people and walk right into that madman's hands,

the only one celebrating in the end would be Baroque Works! It matters

not whether we still have the means to suppress the rebel army

afterwards. They are not the enemy. My only target is Crocodile!" He

paused for a moment. "Perhaps my rule may very well come to an end

when all this is over. If that were to happen, it would be a small price to


Chaka's eyes widened. "Your majesty…" I underestimated his resolve. What

sheer force of will.

Pell, however, did not look so convinced, which did not escape the king's


"Is there something else I should consider?" he asked suddenly. Chaka

and Pell were his most trusted advisors, and despite all his experience, he

couldn't account for everything.

"Your plan is flawless," Pell began, "So long as we can detain Crocodile."

Chaka looked toward his long time friend in curiosity, while the king's

stony features remained blank.

"Go on."

Pell looked him directly in the eye. "Our enemy is one of the Seven Royal

Warlords. We all know the kind of power such an individual possesses,

even alone. To be perfectly honest, I don't think even the entirety of our

forces could take him on."

The king contemplated this for a moment. "Do you merely mean to point

out that there is no one in our country who can oppose Crocodile? If all

you have to say is that the situation is hopeless, I don't want to hear it,"

he said with authority.

"Not at all," Pell amended quickly. "What you said may very well be true.

The may not be anyone in Alabasta who can take him on. But that does

not make the situation hopeless."

The king's eyes widened as he caught on. "The World Government…"

Pell nodded. "I think it is of the utmost necessity that we enlist their aid,"

he said.

"I don't think that would work," Chaka stated. "Against a government

sanctioned pirate? You know how extensive the privileges granted to the

Royal Warlords are. We would need sufficient proof of such an

accusation, proof which we don't have. I'm not sure they would be

willing to help us without solid evidence."

"They might," Pell said. "You know as well as I do, Chaka. Due to the

unique history of the Alabastian throne, we are not just any affiliated

nation to the World Government. Our privileges run as deep, if not

deeper, than those of the Seven Warlords...all things considered."

Realization dawned on Chaka's face, and King Cobra almost looked

annoyed. "And you suggest we use this to our advantage?" he asked.

"I don't think he have a choice. It may be our only hope," Pell said

somberly. Nearly a minute passed as the king considered the idea. To

abuse such a connection...it would leave a very bad taste in his mouth.

But if the country could be saved, the benefit would far outweigh any

personal grievances he had. He opened his mouth and was about to

announce his decision when a guard stormed into the room.

"Your majesty!" he exclaimed, nearly out of breath.

The three were visibly startled. "What is it?" Chaka asked.

"It's Vivi! She's arrived!"

Pell and Chaka straightened, and Cobra immediately headed towards the

door. "Did you show her in?" the king asked.

"Yes your majesty, but she had unexpected visitors with her-"

"Pay it no mind. I will personally greet my daughter, as well as our

guests. Pell, Chaka!"

The two royal guard commanders followed him out.

When Vivi had told him that her traveling companions were pirates, King

Cobra's uncertainty was easily outweighed by his gratefulness towards

their unknown benefactors. He had many visions of what this pirate crew

would be like. This...was not one of them. Upon entering the lobby of the

royal palace, he was greeted by the sight of a small bipedal cross between

a raccoon and a reindeer, a long nosed man who was currently telling the

creature some outrageously outlandish story, a woman with beri signs for

eyes who was currently admiring a set of historical relics as though she

might swipe them at any second, a swirly browed man in a suit and tie

who was not so subtly hitting on her and being ignored, and a man in a

straw hat who was in the middle of what looked to be a sparring session

with a kung fu dugong. The only level headed member of their group

seemed to be a man with three swords strapped to his hip, who was

leaning against the wall with a bored countenance. If not for his vibrant

and unusual hair color, one might think he was the only normal one

among them. That is, if you didn't count-

"Vivi!" the king shouted as he dashed up to his daughter whom he hadn't

seen in over two years. She wrapped his arms around him, reassuring

him that she was ok. As much as he wanted to catch up, he knew there

were more important matters to attend to, which Vivi wasted no time in


"Father, where is Kohza? Did he leave already? How did the negotiations


The room suddenly fell silent, and Vivi started to get worried. "Father…?"

"Vivi," Pell spoke up, "Kohza never came." The princess went still, as if

she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Many of the Strawhats had

the same reaction. The only ones from their group who didn't seem

surprised, Pell noted, were the man in the straw hat and the one with the

green hair.

"But...that can't…" Vivi couldn't seem to find the right words to convey

her disbelief.

"Vivi," the king began, "Yesterday, when the negotiations were supposed

to take place, Kohza and his guard never arrived at the palace. After

some time, we discreetly sent out a search party. All we found was an

abandoned carriage with no horse in the middle of the desert...on route

from Katorea."

Vivi's eyes widened, and after a few seconds, she sank to her knees.

"No…" she whispered. "Kohza…" Tears threatened to spill from her eyes

as the king, Chaka, and Pell tried to find words to comfort her. The

Strawhats all looked unusually somber. Beside them, Luffy and Zoro

shared a glance, and Luffy nodded.

"Vivi," he said gently, placing a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at

him. "Don't lose hope. We can still fix this."

"But Luffy-san," she protested weakly, "if they took Kohza…" she trailed


"Then we just need to get him back," Luffy said firmly. After a long

moment, Vivi pulled herself together and stood up.

"You're right," she said, with newfound resolve. The king and his

followers stared in awe at the scene.

Are they really pirates? Chaka couldn't help but wonder.

"It looks like you two were right," Sanji said suddenly, motioning to Luffy

and Zoro. "Crocodile won't just stop, and he won't let us do as we please.

If we want to stop this war, we have to take him down."

"We were considering that," Pell said, fully willing to share their plans

with these pirates after the scene he had just witnessed. "But we can't

understand Crocodile's motive in this. Even if the rebel army was

unaware that negotiations were supposed to take place, they aren't likely

to act without their leader. No matter how angry a viper is, it can't bite

without its head. If anything, this should stall them."

"Maybe not," Zoro said, speaking up for the first time. All eyes turned to

him. "Vivi, are there any agents in Baroque Works who specialize in


Vivi's eyes widened. "Now that you mention it, Mr. 2 is rumored to have

an ability like that, but I've never met him." Pell turned to Zoro curiously.

"You think they mean to impersonate Kohza?" he asked.

"Most likely," Zoro replied. "We have to assume that this wasn't just an

act of desperation. We'll work with the assumption that they have a plan,

and then we'll plan accordingly. That way, we'll be prepared for the

worst case scenario." Chaka and Pell both nodded in approval of the


"So what do you propose?" Chaka asked.

"In order to unmask the imposter, we need the real Kohza," Zoro said.

"That's why one of our priorities should be to liberate him from


"That won't be an easy operation," Pell commented.

"Which is why we'll be sending Zoro," Luffy spoke up. "He'll get it done,

don't worry." King Cobra, Pell, and Chaka looked uncertain, but nodded

in agreement.

"I'd like to go too," Vivi said. Zoro consented to the request. The king and

his advisors looked worried, but Vivi assured them that she would be


"I hate to bring this up," Chaka said, "But how do you know that Kohza is


"We don't," Luffy stated. Though knowing Croc, he's alive for the moment.

"That's why our other priority is to take down Baroque Works." The king's

two advisors now looked at him like he's insane, but the king merely

stared at him thoughtfully.

"Do you think you can do that?" he asked. Luffy smirked.

"I know we can," he replied. "Just leave everything to us." Chaka and Pell

still looked skeptical, but the king simply nodded.

"Then we will rely on you. Sorry for the trouble," he said respectfully.

Luffy just grinned.

"Don't worry about it."

Zoro turned to Luffy. "There is one more precaution we should take," he

said. Luffy nodded, while the others wondered what they were talking

about. "Our enemy specializes in impersonation. If we succeed in

revealing him to the rebel army, he may try to impersonate one of us

next. So we'll need a way to ensure that we can trust each other."

Vivi agreed to the plan he proposed, and after all the Strawhats were

marked with the symbol of their comradery, she headed towards

Rainbase on Carue's back, along with Zoro, who, to his slight displeasure,

rode atop the back of one of the Super Spot Billed Duck Squad. The rest

of the Strawhats agreed to wait in Alubarna, seeing as Baroque Works

would most likely arrive there along with the rebel army. Today, the

conflict would be set in motion.

In a certain bar in an active district of Alubarna, a white haired man with

a large jutte strapped to his back sat in silence along with a blue haired

woman with a sword on her hip.

"Smoker-san?" Tashigi spoke up, breaking the silence. "Why do you think

that Strawhat is in Alubarna?"

"Just a feeling," the white hunter replied, taking a swig of his drink.

Tashigi was silent for a moment before speaking again.

"Are you planning to confront him again?" she asked quietly.

"Why do you even need to ask?" Smoker said in an annoyed tone.

"Your injuries from last time just healed…"

Smoker glared at her, and she fell silent. Deciding it wasn't right to

misplace his aggression onto her, he turned away. "I have some questions

for him," was all he said, indicating that the conversation was over."

Tashigi took the hint and sipped her drink, leaving Smoker in deep


Strawhat...why am I still alive?

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this expository chapter. Next time on Second

Wind: the war is on!

30. Three Front Formation

Announcement: Currently 12 people have left reviews saying that they

want Seal to join permanently, while 13 people would rather he stay with

Vivi. I am literally keeping track on a notepad.

Disclaimer: A writer in court is quite bitter.

A lawsuit has quite a high cost.

So lest my integrity wither-

One Piece is not owned by Lost.

Chapter XXX: Three Front Formation

1 PM, outskirts of Alubarna

The sound of innumerable hooves simultaneously hitting the desert

ground could be heard as the rebel army rode towards Alubarna on

horseback, led by the man known to the rebel army as Kohza, the head of

the rebellion. The previous day, their decision to invade the capital had

practically been made for them. When Kohza had gone on a mission to

gather supplies, along with the second in command, Kebi, the rest of the

rebel army had not known what to think. After all, why would he take

the responsibility for such a task himself? He would be easily

recognizable and ultimately prone to fall into the clutches of the hostile

king. It was almost too predictable when he had disappeared that day.

The rebellion's fears had been realized.

But miraculously, Kohza returned that same night...only, without Kebi.

He was surprisingly calm when he explained that they had been

ambushed by the royal army. In a sudden act of aggression, they

assaulted both him and his second in command. According to him, he

had barely escaped with his life.

Kebi had not escaped at all.

This information had quickly galvanized the rest of the rebels, to the

point where, upon being led to a rather large vault in Nanohana which

was filled with a myriad of weapons, they didn't even think to question

it. They counted themselves lucky that Kohza's mission had at least been

successful. Now, they rode into the kingdom's capital with firm resolve.

Today, the royal army would fall, and the corrupt king would be


Or so they say.

"Kohza-san, unidentified individual, 12 o'clock!"

"Is that a royal army soldier? Why would he come alone?"

"He's not in uniform. Is he even an enemy?"

"Kohza" ignored the murmuring of the rebel soldiers and squinted at the

figure in the distance, frowning. The man looked familiar, but he couldn't

remember whether he'd really seen him before. From this distance he was

hard to make out, and it didn't help that his face was shrouded by the

straw hat atop his head.

Before he could even think about what was wrong with this image, let

alone figure it out, something strange happened. He suddenly felt his

horse veer off course. He tried to gain control over it, but it ignored his

commands as if possessed. For a split second he thought of jumping off to

avoid getting trampled, but a quick look back at the rest of the troops

revealed that they were having the exact same problem.

The sight of thousands of soldiers struggling and failing to regain their

bearings may be comical to him at any other time. Unfortunately, right

now, his mission was to lead them into Alubarna. And this complicated

things. Was was happening? The horses seemed to be dispersing,

spreading out thinly and coming to a stop. It was as if they were all

having the same exact thought. It almost looked like a planned

maneuver, however ridiculous that sounded. Of course, another

explanation was that they were possessed. In seconds, they had all come

to a stop and started looking in the same direction...towards Alubarna.

Mr. 2's eyes suddenly widened comically as he slowly turned around and

saw the same man he had seen before standing right in front of him. His

face was still obscured by that damn straw hat. Who did this guy think he

was, acting all badass while wearing a straw hat of all things? He was

acting like he just did something completely awesome, like…

Like stop an army.

Suddenly, he felt a wave of power wash over the area. That was the only

way he could describe it. It was as if the desert air had suddenly been

filled with an aura of raw strength, strength that was not to be trifled

with. He felt his hair stand on end, and was slightly horrified to note that

thousands of rebel soldiers behind him were falling off their halted

horses, completely unconscious.

He started sweating, not just from the awe inspiring sight, but also from

an unexplainable urge to get the hell away from this guy. Nevertheless,

he stood his ground.

"Hey, hey! Who the hell do you think you are, you straw hat bastard!?

Can't you see I'm trying to lead armies into civil wars here? Stop joking

around!" he yelled at the man, pointing at him in accusation and slipping

back into his normal persona. The man finally lifted his head, revealing

his eyes, and Mr. 2 felt that much more intimidated, for reasons he still

couldn't discern.

"You don't know who I am?" the man asked in a low tone, before

grinning. "What's wrong? Is Crocodile lacking intel?" Mr. 2's eyes

widened again. This guy not only knew who we was, but also who he

was working for. There was a moment of silence, then…

"Stooop joooking arooouund! Who are you!?"

"You already know who I am," the man said quietly, face expressionless.

"They call me…" he paused.

Mr. 2 leaned forward, full attention on the one who claimed to know


"...straw hat bastard," he finished.

Mr. 2 face faulted, horrified by the complete waste of buildup. He quickly

got up and growled.

"I thought I told you...to stop joking around!" he shouted as he attempted

a jump kick on the stranger, who moved his head out of the way with

practiced ease.

"But I'm not joking! Everyone calls me that! It's soooo annoying!" he

complained. Faced with the drastic change in demeanor, Mr. 2's jaw

dropped. This guy just went from intimidating, to mocking, to whiny in

less than 30 seconds.

Suddenly, Mr. 2 remembered where he'd seen the man's face before. It

was on a bounty poster, of a wanted pirate whose head was worth almost

as much as Mr. 1's. That pirate just happened to be the same guy who

had thrown a wrench into Mr. 0's plans.

"You're...Strawhat Luffy," he gasped.

Luffy cocked his head to the side. "Took you long enough," he said.

Mr. 2 got into a defensive stance. "How'd you know it was me?" he asked,

eyes narrowed.

"I know a lot of things," Luffy said, smirking.

Mr. 2 matched his smirk challengingly. "Oh? Then I guess I'll just have to

kill you."

Luffy hummed in thought. "Or you could betray Crocodile."

Mr. 2 raised an eyebrow. "And why would I do that?" he asked


"...I'll be your friend," Luffy offered.

Mr. 2 froze. So that's it? A promise of friendship extended to an enemy? He

found himself getting slightly emotional despite himself.

"Actually," Luffy continued, "I'm not really sure why you joined Baroque

Works in the first place. But hey, I guess everyone's gotta put meat on the


Rather than correcting the misspoken idiom, Mr. 2 focused on the first

part. Well, he had a point. Joining Baroque Works had been a spur of the

moment decision for him. To be honest, he only did it because he was

bored and being a secret agent sounded cool at the time.

"Interesting proposition," he said after a moment. "But I won't be swayed

by a few choice words! Once an okama has chosen his allegiance, he

won't defect so easily!"

Luffy hummed in thought. "Ok, then, how about this? We fight it out. If

you win, you can steal my identity and use it against my crew. If I win,

you have to help us fight Baroque Works. I'm going to kick Croc's ass


Mr. 2's brow furrowed. "That's a win-win the way I see it," he admitted.

"I'd sure like to kick that Mr. 1's ass. But what makes you think I'll uphold

my end of the deal?"

"Because we're friends."

Mr. 2's jaw dropped. Such trust in someone he just met. I would shame

myself as an okama if I didn't match his resolve! "Fine, Strawhat! I accept

your challenge!" he shouted as he charged at the grinning pirate.

2 PM, Rainbase

"Hey bomb guy," Kebi said, quite nonchalantly considering the situation

at hand, "Haven't you learned yet that that's useless? The noise is starting

to hurt my ears."

Mr. 5 ceased his continuous battering of the cage bars to glare at the one

questioning him.

"Would you happen to have a better idea?" Miss Valentine asked in an

annoyed tone. She was constantly keeping pressure on the wound in her

abdomen, with limited success. Luckily it wasn't fatal, but that didn't

mean she could brush it off.

"If I did, far be it from me to keep it to myself," Kebi retorted, rubbing his

mildly concussed head. That crossdresser really kicked hard.

"He's right, Mr. 5," came the voice of Miss Goldenweek. "There's a reason

why Crocodile left you and Miss Valentine without cuffs. It's because he

was confident you couldn't escape from this seastone cage. The only one

who could really get us out of here is Mr. 3. The only reason I'm cuffed

myself is because Mr. 0 probably didn't know the full range of my

abilities. Even if you were fully healed and had more room to use your

power, you wouldn't make a dent. As it stands, you're just aggravating

your own wound and risking blowing us all up.

Mr. 5 grunted. "So are we just supposed to stand here and wait for our

deaths?" he asked.

"No, but possibly making the water flow in faster isn't the solution," she


Miss Valentine gulped as she took note of the rising water level in the

room. If it kept going on like this, they would drown within minutes. She

looked toward Mr. 3. He was usually the one who calmly analyzed the

situation and came up with a plan, but he looked just as hopeless as the

rest of them, and ever more despondent. There wasn't much he could do

with those handcuffs on him. It quite simply seemed like there was no

way out of this cage. And even if they did somehow get out, the room

was crawling with Bananadiles.

"There is something we could try," Mr. 3 said suddenly, though his voice

was subdued. They all looked at him questioningly, even Kohza, who

hadn't spoken a word since regaining consciousness. Mr. 3 gestured

toward the giant crocodiles outside the cage. "Bananadiles are said to be

able to chew through iron. Maybe if we can provoke one-"

"Hey! Get over here you goddamn banana!" Mr. 5 started shouting. "Make

yourself useful, you stupid reptile growing out of a phallic shaped fruit!"

The others didn't bother to correct him, opting to watch in anticipation as

one of the bananadiles trudged forward toward the cage, glaring at Mr. 5,

opened its jaws…

And broke all its teeth trying to bite the cage. Their high hopes

plummeting, the former Baroque Works agents and rebel army leaders

slumped back in defeat.

"We're all going to die aren't we?" Miss Valentine bemoaned. As the water

continued to flow into the room, Kohza looked down and gritted his


"I've failed our country. Vivi, I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted!"

They all looked toward the source of the sound, startled. The voice had

come from outside the cage. They were shocked to see the Alabastian

heir wading through the water towards them. She wore a relieved smile.

"Kohza, Kebi, you're both ok! I'm so glad," she said.

"Vivi! How did you find us?" Kebi asked in amazement as Kohza simply

stared, as if doubting his own eyes. The agents all gaped at the sight of

their former enemy.

"Well, I had some help," she admitted, just as another figure came around

the cage and appeared next to her.

Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine stiffened. "Ro-Roronoa!?" the latter questioned,

rubbing the ghost of her scar from Whiskey Peak.

"What are you doing here?" Mr. 5 growled.

Zoro shrugged in apathy. "Saving your lives, evidently."

"You should save the smartass remarks for after you've found a way to

open the cage," Mr. 3 drawled.

Zoro responded by unstrapping one sheathed sword. "I'm not that good at

cutting seastone at this point," he admitted. "But I think I can manage.

Wax guy, I need you to come closer to the bars."

Mr. 3 blinked, but figured that he didn't have time to doubt any plan they

proposed, and stepped forward. Zoro stepped back and gripped his

sheathe as if he were about to draw the blade as Mr. 3 started to catch

on. If he was skeptical, he didn't show it. If he was worried about getting

his hands cut off, he didn't voice it. Something had changed within him

since the encounter with the higher ups of Baroque Works, something

that hadn't gone unnoticed by his partner and the 5 pair.

"Hey, are you crazy!?" Mr. 5 shouted. "What are you trying to do,

amputate him!?" Miss Valentine and Miss Goldenweek looked a bit

worried as well, but Zoro ignored them all as he committed his full focus

to his target. My technique will have to evolve. Faster, harder, sharper.

"For the lion to sharpen its fangs, it must first embrace its nature...the

reaping of the dead. It's roar is the prelude to carnage. To its prey, its

song is a chilling death chant."

Miss Valentine groaned. "What the hell is this dumbass talking abou-"

"One sword style...Lion's Elegy!" The swordsman drew his blade and

sheathed it in one fluid motion. The former agents and rebels watched in

awe as the cuffs on Mr. 3's wrists split cleanly down the middle and fell

to the floor with a clang. The wax man raised his wrists and stared at

them in shock. He hadn't felt a thing. He looked back to Zoro, who was

panting slightly.

"Make a key and open the cage," the swordsman instructed.

"R-right," Mr. 3 said dumbly, before forming a small rod with his powers

and inserting it into the cage's lock. The wax morphed to fit the

mechanism, and the lock clicked open. Zoro proceeded to open the door,

and they all filed out of the cage just as Mr. 3's strength started to be

drained once again by the rising water.

"Great, now how do we get out of here? There are four devil fruit users!"

Mr. 5 lamented as he struggled to stay above the surface.

"Three sword style...Rising Whirlwind!" The bomb man's question was

answered as they were all engulfed in a strong wind that blew the

surrounding water away. One might have assumed their plan was to clear

a path through the water, had the whirlwind not proceeded to carry them

up towards the ceiling, which was quickly cut open by the talented

swordsman. Soon, the four agents, the two rebels, and the two Strawhats

were making their way out of Rain Diners, ignoring the gobsmacked

expressions of the gamblers who had been witnesses to the event.

3 PM, outskirts of Alubarna

The Baroque Works officer agents that had not defected from the

organization felt the temperature of the desert air fall drastically as their

boss took in the scene before them. Thousands, thousands of rebel soldiers

were unconscious on the ground, as if they had all been the victims of

some type of chemical warfare. But from the looks of it, they were all

alive. It was a frightening scene to behold, but not as frightening as the

expression on Sir Crocodile's face.

"What could have done this?" Miss All Sunday wondered aloud, voicing

the thoughts of the other four agents.

"The question is not what," Crocodile said, more to himself than to

anyone else. "It's who."

Miss All Sunday's eyes widened. "You think the Strawhats…?" But

Crocodile payed her question no mind, lost in his own thoughts.

It couldn't have been Strawhat. A man worth 45 million, in this part of the

Grand Line, an awakened conqueror? Preposterous! But then who?

"This would mean that the rest of the rebel army has lost contact with the

vanguard," Miss All Sunday analyzed. "The next logical step would be to

have them send more, but Mr. 2 is nowhere to be found. Without him, a

large part of our plan is compromised."

"Thanks for the status report," Crocodile growled. "Do you think I'm


She wisely held her tongue.

"You four," he said, motioning to the 1 and 4 pairs, "Find Mr. 2 by

whatever means necessary. If you see any Strawhats along the way, I

want you to disembowel them." Mr. 1 smirked, satisfied with the choice of

words. "Miss All Sunday, you come with me. We're going to extract the

king and question him about the object of our search.

"Hey, Tashigi."

The marine swordsman looked up at the one who had addressed her in

question. "What is it, Smoker-san?" She didn't want to comment on the

fact that there had still been no sign of the Strawhats. It seemed to be

their style to cause a ruckus, so the fact that everything seemed normal

probably meant that Smoker's hunch had been incorrect.

"Do you find something weird about the state of this town?" Smoker

asked. Tashigi looked around, wondering what he meant. After a

moment, she turned back to him and shook her head. "Logically, there

should be a large concentration of royal soldiers stationed around

Alubarna," the smoke man elaborated. "Alabasta is in the midst of a civil

war, so the rebels could attack anytime. But there are no troops

anywhere. It's almost as if the king isn't expecting an attack or isn't

planning to fight back. Either assumption demands an explanation."

Tashigi nodded slowly, catching on. "So you think there is more going

on…?" she asked uncertainly.

"I think there's something that we're not seeing," Smoker confirmed. He

was silent for a moment. "I think we should take a trip to the royal

palace," he said finally.

Tashigi smiled lightly. "Is this another one of your hunches?"

Smoker just grunted.

"Two of them are coming," Luffy noted.

Nami looked worried. "Which ones?"

"The Mr. 0 pair," he said calmly, causing Usopp's eyes to widen.

"W-what!? Crocodile and Miss All Sunday are coming here? Why!?"

"He's after this country's throne. So I'd imagine they're coming for the

king," Luffy said. "It'll be bad to fight in the palace, so I'll go meet them

outside when they arrive." The others looked concerned but nodded.

"What about the other agents, Luffy?" Sanji asked.

Luffy's brow furrowed in concentration. "They've split up. They're

probably looking for you," he said, turning to Mr. 2, who had introduced

himself to the crew as Bentham.

Said okama hummed in thought, absently rubbing the rather large bump

on his head. Did he have a concussion? Karma really was a bitch. "Those

guys know they won't be able to find me if I don't want to be found,

especially since they know about my ability. That means they think I'm

still on their side, and that I've most likely been captured. If they don't

find me soon, they'll most likely come here, even if it's just to report to

Mr. 0."

"Well, we can't have that!" Luffy said jovially. "So you guys will just have

to take them on," he said, turning to the rest of the crew. "Luckily, our

new friend had all their faces memorized and was able to show us. Sanji,

bring Bentham with you and take out the blade guy."

Sanji grinned confidently. "Sure thing, Captain."

"Nami, you take out the spiky lady," Luffy continued. Nami raised an


"Tall woman, blue curly hair, walks weird," Bentham supplied. "She'll be

close to Mr. 1, so I can help you find her."

Nami nodded, albeit a little nervously, and twirled her new weapon in

her hand.

"Usopp, Chopper, Seal, you guys take out the slow guy..."

"Big blonde dude with a giant bat."

"...and the mole lady."

"Short old woman, red hair, talks weird."

Seal let out a squeal of excitement. Usopp and Chopper were not so

confident. Chopper was nervous about his first real fight as a member of

the Strawhats, while Usopp legs were shaking, but he nevertheless tried

to hide his conspicuous fear.

"Just leave it to the great Captain Usopp!"

Maybe I can just take the mole lady.

"Alright men! Move out!" Luffy shouted.


As the 4 pair continued their fruitless search for Mr. 2, Miss Merry

Christmas grew increasingly annoyed. "This's ridiculous! How har' canit

be to fin' a man dress' as a ballerina!?"

"Heeeeeee coooouuuuld beeeeeeee diiiiiiiis-"

"What in tarnation ar' ya tryin'a say 4? Spit i' out already, ya idiot!"

"-diiiiiiisguuiiiiised," Mr. 4 finished. Miss Merry Christmas thought for a


"Disguised? Ya think he's hidin' from us?" she asked. Mr. 4 shrugged,

which took a total of 5 seconds. "Stop bein' so slow at everythin' idiot!"

"Certain death! Paralysis star!"

Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas both felt a stinging sensation in their

backs, and reflexively yanked out the objects that had penetrated their

skin from behind, although Mr. 4 took noticeably longer to do so.

"What the hell? Needles?"

"Paralytic agents," Chopper supplied. "Those needles are coated in a drug

that will weaken your muscles temporarily."

"Why the hell is this reindeer talkin' t' us?" Despite her disbelief, she

could already start to feel the effects on her body, and had to morph into

her hybrid zoan form to help stave them off. She noted that Mr. 4 was

still able to move due to his sheer muscle mass.

"Give up now!" Usopp shouted in what he hoped was an intimidating

tone of voice, despite his still shaking legs. "Or else my 8 million

followers will come and kick your asses!"

"This isn't getting us anywhere Mr. 1. If he wanted to be found, we'd have

found him by now," Miss Doublefinger reasoned as they walked down a

deserted road.

"It's as I thought," Mr. 1 said. His partner looked at him questioningly.

"He hasn't been captured. He's defected. As much as I hate to admit it,

he's not pathetic enough to be captured by the enemy while in disguise.

To begin with, there's no one that knows about his power other than us.

We have to assume that this was his plan."

"But why would he desert the organization? What's his motive?" Miss

Doublefinger asked.

"Hell if I know."

"Hey, you two!" a voice shouted from behind them. They were instantly

on guard, but relaxed when they saw the man in a royal army uniform.

"It's dangerous here! There are rumors that the rebel army is going to

invade! You should get back to your homes," the man continued as he

walked up to them." Miss Doublefinger couldn't' help but raise an amused


"Don't worry about us," Mr. 1 said emotionlessly. "We're not civilians."

"Oh?" the soldier asked, his mouth contorting into a familiar looking grin

that instantly put Mr. 1 on guard. "Well that works out perfectly. Because

neither am I!" Mr. 1 had just enough time to turn his body into steel as

the "soldier's" leg impacted with the side of his face. He was sent crashing

into the side of a nearby building. Miss Doublefinger jumped back in

shock, but her face morphed into a scowl as she saw a familiar face

covered in makeup.

"Got ya!" Bentham exclaimed as he lowered his hand from his face.

Behind him, a blond haired man in a suit and tie walked out of an

alleyway wordlessly.

"Mr. 2. So you did betray us," Miss Doublefinger said, eyes narrowed.

"The name's Bentham now, honey. Feel free to wear it out." Miss

Doublefinger wasted no time and charged at the shapeshifter, spiked

fingers ready to impale, but she was suddenly sent rocketing back by

what felt like an incredibly strong wind.

"Air Pressure Tempo!" Miss Doublefinger looked around, searching for

the source of the disembodied voice, to no avail. What was going on?

From the broken wall of the nearby building, Mr. 1 climbed out of the

wreckage, exuding a frigid rage.

"I've been waiting for this, you scum. Now, what's your favorite internal


"That would be your heart, shithead," Bentham said mockingly.

Mr. 1 let out an enraged roar and charged at him.

"I've been waiting for you, Croc."

Crocodile narrowed his eyes. "You're...Strawhat Luffy."

"Oh, so you know me. That makes things easier. Why don't we skip the

formalities and get right to the part where I kick your ass around the


Crocodile let out a low growl as Miss All Sunday giggled beside him.

"You're in over your head Strawhat. I've buried hundreds of rookies like

you. You're about to learn how out of your depth you are."

"Nice speech," Luffy drawled. "Is that what Whitebeard told you?"

Crocodiles vein was clearly visible over his forehead as he sent a large

wave of sand in Luffy's direction. The rubber man jumped over it and

landed smoothly.

"I'm going to enjoy impaling you, fool."

"Are you sure I'm the fool here?" Luffy asked with a grin, before slipping

into his Sanji persona. "Hello, you've reached the shitty restaurant. What

would you like to order?"

Crocodile's eyes narrowed in further outrage. Miss All Sunday, who had

been present during the conversation, couldn't contain her mirth any

longer and burst into a fit of laughter.

"Is something funny?" Crocodile seethed. "Perhaps I should kill you too,

Nico Robin. Don't test the limits of my rationality. Right now, I'm fucking


"Do as you wish," Robin replied. "But whatever happened to your promise

not to call me by that name?"

"It's really too bad. Your real name sounds a lot better than that

codename you go by," Luffy commented, to her slight surprise. Crocodile

was much too livid to care at the moment.

"And you," Luffy continued, turning to the warlord. "You can say that I'm

a fool, that I'm a rookie with no idea what I'm getting into, that I'm in

over my head. But that changes nothing," He cracked his knuckles, and

his expression turned menacing before their very eyes. "You think you're

pissed? You don't know what pissed is." Crocodile watched in shock as

the rookie's fist darkened to obsidian.

Armaments haki?

"You make my crewmate cry, you threaten her country with war, you

plan to steal a force you can't hope to control, and you kill because it's

fun. You have made me very pissed. And you're gonna regret it." As

quickly as it changed, his fist went back to normal.

"She's so weak, but she tries her best to save everyone. She can't bear the

thought of loss, so she's always in pain. She wants this civil war to end

without anyone dying."

It took Crocodile a moment to realize that he was talking about Princess

Vivi. "There are many sentimental fools like that," he responded. "People

like her don't know death. They don't know the truth of battle. You're a

pirate, aren't you? You should agree with me, at the very least."

"Yea, I do," Luffy replied. "But…" His eyes hardened. "I'll let her keep her

naivety a little longer. I'll make her desire real. I'm going to save this

country, and I'm not going to let anyone get in my way."

Crocodile snarled.

"Whether it's you, the marines, or even death itself."

"Strawhat!" a voice shouted. Crocodile and Robin both looked up to see

Smoker, the White Hunter, standing on a nearby rooftop, along with a

blue haired woman with a sword strapped to her hip.

Crocodile's surprise grew. He knew they were coming. Observation haki too?

Then...could he have been the one who…?

His train of thought was interrupted as Smoker leapt down from the roof.

"So you were here, Strawhat. I had a feeling."

Luffy sighed. "You and your feelings Smokey. How are your injuries


Smoker scoffed. "Fine, thanks for asking. Now I have some questions for


"Can it wait 10 minutes? I'm kind of in the middle of something."

"Right, that's my first question. What the hell is Crocodile doing here in


Crocodile, meanwhile, was seething again. 10 minutes? Who does this

damn brat think he is!?

His anger seeking an outlet, Crocodile dispersed into sand and flew at

Luffy, who parried the swipe of the golden hook with his hand. It wasn't

long before Smoker and Tashigi joined the fray, while Robin stood back

passively and watched the battle ensue.

A/N: I was going to publish this chapter last night, but I spontaneously

decided to make it 2000 words longer. So whether you love me or hate

me for that decision, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Lost out.

31. Things Heat Up

Kudos to WolftheForsaken for being the first reviewer to point out that I

took a line from The Avengers. Though I'm guessing the vast majority of

you noticed. I just couldn't help myself. It fit so well!

Some of you were wondering why I'm calling Mr. 2 Bentham. Well...it's

because that's his name! Don't believe me? Look it up on the wiki. Bon

Kurei was an alias. Anyway, onto the chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece. But can at least own the rights to

funny disclaimers? No? Huh? What do you mean I'm not important

enough? What do you mean I'm out of material anyway!? Oh...yea.


Chapter XXXI: Things Heat Up

"Leave me alone, Smokey!" Luffy shouted as he dodged yet another jab

from the logia user's jutte. He was immediately forced to keep moving as

Crocodile's hand reached out to grab him. Well this is annoying. If either of

these guys land a hit, I'm crippled. He was broken out of his thoughts as

Tashigi jumped over his other two opponents and swiped at him with her

sword. He quickly caught her sword with his bare hand, a simple haki

coating ensuring that he didn't get cut, and pulled, using the weapon to

block Smoker's jutte. He then kicked Smoker out of the way, sending him

flying across the sand. Seeing Crocodile homing in again, he then

deliberately pushed Tashigi toward the sand man. She yelped in surprise

as her sword blackened in her hands, and Crocodile's eyes widened as he

swayed back to avoid the armaments hardened blade.

Meanwhile, Robin was watching the fight play out curiously. She could

tell that the Strawhat captain was playing with them, which surprised

her. She never thought she'd see the day when she saw a rookie pirate

treat a fight with a royal warlord like a joke. But that wasn't bothering

her as much as what he had said earlier. You plan to steal a force you can't

hope to control.

He was talking about Pluton.

But how? How could he possibly know that the weapon was hidden in

this country, let alone that Crocodile was searching for it? The warlord

himself was too angry at the moment to stop and think about the

implications of what he had heard. But if there was one thing Robin was

good at, it was keeping a clear head. She thought back to her first

encounter with Monkey D. Luffy, back in Whiskey Peak. He had known

who she was right off the bat, but what he said back then hadn't been a

threat so much as a warning. A warning not to underestimate him. It

wasn't even hostility, really. It was only natural given how she had been

antagonizing his new crewmate.

Yes, she had been playing games with the princess, allowing her to

discover Mr. 0's identity only to inform him later on. She had taken the

warning for what it meant: if she was going to play games, she would

lose. If she hadn't thought much of it at first, seeing him taking on

Crocodile and the White Hunter at the same time, along with the

revelation that he knew about Pluton, may have changed her perspective

a bit.

"What's wrong, Robin? Not going to join in?" came the man's voice. Robin

just stared at him. He wasn't mocking her, so much as...joking around.

Why was he acting this way around his enemy? She supposed he might

just not view her as a threat, but his tone was almost playful, as if it was

completely natural for him to act friendly towards her, of all the

ridiculous things in the world.

She suddenly wanted to test something out. Her curiosity getting the

better of her, she threw caution to the wind and crossed her arms, copies

of which suddenly sprouted all over the Strawhat captain's body. Smoker

and Tashigi suddenly stopped attacking. Smoker looked over to her, as if

considering her presence for the first time. Crocodile also stopped, and

shot an annoyed glare at her.

"Insufferable woman! He's mine to kill!" the sand man shouted. But Robin

made no other move against the pirate, who simply stood there,

seemingly trapped in her grip.

And then he smiled at her. "Well? Are you going to do it or not?" he

asked. "To be honest, I'd prefer if you didn't." Robin's eyes widened.

What is he playing at? There's no way I really have him beat. Why doesn't he


Suddenly, Crocodile lost his patience and lunged at Luffy. While the two

marines didn't want to attack him while he was seemingly immobilized,

the warlord was less hesitant as his arm morphed into a crescent of sand.

Later Robin would tell herself that the reason she let go was simply

because she was startled. But she had never been too good at fooling

herself. The hands dematerialized and Luffy jumped out of the way of the

attack that could have sucked every drop of water from his body.

Crocodile suddenly started laughing. "If you think you can save this

country by dodging all day, by all means try," he said. Smoker looked

over at Crocodile, curiosity piqued.

"Save this country? What are you talking about, pirate?" Crocodile shot

him an annoyed glare.

"Stay out of it, marine scum." Smoker's eyes narrowed.

"He was planning to overthrow this country during the chaos of the

rebellion," Luffy stated. "He's the leader of an underground organization

called Baroque Works. He goes by the name Mr. 0."

Smoker's eyes widened in realization at the sound of the code name. It

took him a moment to think things through. "So that's what's going on

here," he said quietly.

Crocodile growled in agitation. Suddenly, he removed the golden casing

on his hooked hand and revealed the poisoned metal underneath. "You

escort the princess here. You take down my agents time and again. You

take out the rebel army, foiling my plans one after another, and now

you've gotten the marines involved. It's time I treat you like the nuisance

you really are, Strawhat Luffy." A crazed grin manifested on the man's

face. "But for all of your efforts, you will not succeed. This country will

not be saved! And do you know why?"

"Is it because you hid a bomb in the clock tower?" Luffy asked.

Robin watched as for the first time since she had met him, Sir Crocodile's

eyes widened in shock.

"What…? When…? How…?"

"Your agent told me," Luffy said, grinning.

Crocodile stared dumbly before he realized what Luffy was implying, and

his face morphed into a menacing scowl. He stood there for a moment,

shaking with rage, as he tried to regain his composure. Meanwhile,

Smoker turned back to Luffy.

"What bomb? What are you talking about, Strawhat?"

"There's a bomb set to go off at 4 pm in the clock tower. If we don't stop

it, Alubarna will be engulfed in a blast big enough to level the city."

Smoker's eyes widened slightly, while Tashigi gasped. Luffy thought for a

moment. "Actually, this is perfect. Would you guys mind stopping the

bombing while I beat this guy up?" he asked pointing at the warlord.

Tashigi looked at Smoker uncertainly. Strictly speaking, protocol

demanded that they stay out of the affairs of the warlords unless ordered

otherwise. But if they waited for proof in this situation, there was no

telling what could happen. If Strawhat was telling the truth, a lot of

people would pay the price for their negligence.

"We're leaving Tashigi," Smoker said, seemingly coming to the same

conclusion. Tashigi nodded quickly and followed the marine captain, but

they were quickly cut off by Crocodile in his logia form.

"Did you think I'd just let you go?" he asked in a low tone as he aimed his

poisonous hook at Tashigi. Knowing that Smoker would be intangible, he

was hoping this would throw the smoke man off. His plan was foiled,

however, when Smoker blocked the hook with his seastone jutte.

Crocodile responded by grabbing the jutte by its shaft, which was made

of normal stone. The weapon suddenly dissolved into sand, causing

Smoker to grunt in shock. Crocodile swiped at him this time, but he

dissolved into smoke. As Crocodile raised his hook again, the smoke

homed in on him, but he too fell back into his logia form. Tashigi had her

sword up at the ready to block the hook, but she was unable to anticipate

the path of the disembodied arm.

"Gomu gomu no...Desert Eagle!" Luffy's blackened hand impacted with

Crocodile's face, sending him skidding across the ground until he finally

righted himself, looking disheveled and livid but no worse for the wear.

"Your opponent is me!" Luffy shouted as he appeared right in front of the

sand man again. His fist, which was pointed at his opponent, was still

blackened, but now they could see it had a red tinge to it, and it

appeared to be...steaming?

Crocodile raised a hand to the ugly red bruise on his face. When he

brought it down and saw the blood, his face darkened. "I've had enough,"

he said quietly, as all the sand in the area started to rise and swirl. Luffy

turned to Smoker and Tashigi and nodded at them. Smoker stared at him

for a few seconds before returning the nod. He signalled to Tashigi, and

they both left the scene.

"Are you sure?" Luffy asked, addressing the warlord. "Because I'm just

getting started."

"Why are these guys so weird!?" Usopp complained as he pushed himself

off the ground, attempting to recover from the near miss of the last

explosion. "They talk weird, they fight weird, and their cannon is a

frickin' dog! They're weirder than you are Chopper!"

"Take that back you asshole!" Chopper yelled indignantly.

"Why are you getting offended!? Fine, you're weirder! Are you happy!?"


Seal let out a low whine, telling them to stop arguing.

"Seal's right. We have to focus on beating these guys. Usopp, give us some


"Ok. The poison should at least slow them down enough for our plan to

work." To be honest, every fiber of his being was telling him to run away

from this forsaken fight. But he knew he could never look Vivi or any of

his other crewmates in the eye if he did that. He was a Strawhat too, and

he needed pull his weight. Soon after they had arrived, the Mr. 4 pair

had altered the field to their advantage, and now there were mole holes

all over the battlefield. The mole lady was digging around in them, which

was part of their plan.

When the dog shot another explosive ball at them, Usopp matched it with

an explosive star, causing it to explode before it reached them. Next he

pulled out a wide scale smoke bomb.

"Certain death! Smoke star!" he yelled as he shot it at the dog. The area

became shrouded in a thick veil, and the dog looked around on

confusion, not knowing where to aim as Chopper, Usopp, and Seal ran

around under their cover.

Their plan was impeded, however, as Miss Merry Christmas grabbed

Usopp's foot from below. "That won' work on me, bastard! I can smell

ya!" Usopp gasped as the mole woman pulled him towards a brick

building. He gritted his teeth, preparing for impact, and coughed up

blood as he impacted face first into the brick wall. He fell over

backwards, but Chopper quickly caught him in walk point.

"Are you ok Usopp!?" he shouted in concern.

Usopp wheezed. "I'm...fine…" he insisted. "Stick to the plan!"

"Right!" Usopp handed the human reindeer a tabasco star, and Chopper

used his nose to track down the dog. Miss Merry Christmas continued to

pester him as he ran, but seeing as he could smell her too, he was able to

avoid her in walk point. He quickly shoved the tabasco star into the dog's

mouth. The canine gun hybrid's eyes started to water, and right as he was

about to sneeze, Chopper went into heavy point and shoved his face

down into one of the holes.

A series of explosions could be heard beneath the ground, along with the

comparatively faint screams of a certain mole woman. When she climbed

out of the hole, smoking and burnt, but still conscious, Seal leapt at her

and punched her across the face, letting out what was probably his

equivalent of a battle cry. Miss Merry Christmas swiped at him with her

claws, but the damage from the explosions and the effects of the drug

were stacking up and taking a major toll on her, and Seal easily dodged.

He then launched into a furious combo that completely betrayed his

appearance. He ended with an uppercut that finally rendered the mole

woman unconscious.

"Way to go Seal!" Usopp shouted, regaining his bearings. Finally, the

smoke started to clear, and Mr. 4 was shocked to see his partner


"Rumble!" Chopper ate a rumble ball, determined not to let up. The dog,

now over its fit of sneezing, shot another ball at the reindeer, who went

into jump point and leapt over it. As he switched in between jump point

and walk point, homing in on Mr. 4 all the while, the dog continually

missed him. Finally, the dog waited and took aim while he was in the air.

"Certain death! Explosive star!" The explosive projectile was shot directly

into the dog's mouth, courtesy of Usopp, and its eyes widened as both

bombs went off in its jaw. It didn't get up after that. Mr. 4 was still

processing the fact that he was alone now when he was hit across the

face by Seal. He recoiled, but brushed off the hit, and swung his bat,

which narrowly missed the kung fu dugong. He was then hit in the head

by another explosive star, leaving an opening for Chopper.

"Kokutei, Roseo!" Chopper implanted his hoof into the same spot, causing

Mr. 4 to groan in pain. Nevertheless, he swung his bat in one last act of

defiance. As he was in the air, Chopper had no choice but to use guard


The hit was still devastating. If the monster of a man hadn't been

disoriented and weakened, Chopper was convinced he wouldn't be

getting up for a long time. Mr. 4 recovered momentarily and raised his

bat again, but his hand was hit with yet another explosive star, and he

dropped the bat. Seal took the chance to land another hit on his head,

and the force of the blow was finally enough to cause him to reel back.

He caught himself on his back foot, but couldn't recover in time to defend

against Chopper, who had recovered himself.

"Kokutei, Cross!" The finishing blow impacted with Mr. 4's skull, and the

man's eyes finally rolled back into his head as he toppled over onto the

sand with a loud thud, leaving the strawhat trio to collapse and pant in


Sanji leapt to the side to avoid another swipe of Mr. 1's bladed arms and

quickly swept his legs out from under him. Ignoring the pain of his legs

impacting with the steel, he took the opportunity to slam his heel against

the man's skull before leaping back. He took a few seconds to catch his

breath as Bentham swapped in and aimed a drop kick down on Mr. 1's

torso, but the only slightly disoriented man rolled out of the way and

crossed his arms as he got up before attempting to slash across the

okama's chest. Bentham ducked under the man's bladed arms and landed

an uppercut to his chin, sending him reeling back, but Mr. 1 righted

himself and headbutted him, which had a much greater effect given his

steel body and larger mass.

As Bentham was sent careening backwards, Sanji ran in and sidestepped

a bladed kick from before launching into a flurry of kicks aimed at any

body part other than the blade man's arms and legs. He finished with a

mutton shot, kicking his opponent through a house onto the other side of

the block.

"I hope you don't think that'll be enough to keep him down," came the

voice of Miss Doublefinger. The woman looked positively annoyed. Her

hair was standing up on end, as if she had received some sort of electric

shock, but Sanji wasn't sure how that could have happened.

So this is Nami-san's new fighting style. I think I'm falling in love all over

again. I'm not sure how, but it looks like she can turn invisible, so I don't have

to worry about her for the time being. I better focus on the steel guy for now. I

can't kick that spikey woman anyway.

Thus, Sanji was forced to dodge numerous attempts to maim him through

the use of the woman's bodily spikes. Bentham evidently realized he

wasn't attacking.

"Hey, what are playing at spiral cook? She just left a few openings for

you, in case you didn't notice!"

"Shut it you shitty ballerina! I won't kick a woman! I'd rather die!" he

shouted in response as he continued dodging. Miss Doublefinger raised

an amused eyebrow at his bold statement.

"Then you shall!" she claimed as she turned both her hands as well as her

head into spiked balls. She started swinging at him rapidly, throwing in

kicks of her own with her spiked heels, but Sanji simply kept dodging

her, playing a purely evasive game. She was started to grow annoyed as

it became more and more apparent that she couldn't land a hit.

It was then that she felt a sense of deja vu as the air around her grew

warmer, and then colder moments afterwards. She looked up and noticed

a cloud, much like the one that had shocked her earlier. She gritted her

teeth as she looked around for her assailant again, with limited success.

She did however, find where the source of the atmospheric disturbances

were coming from, seeing as they were visible and quite conspicuous.

Seeing this, she ran towards the location where the red and blue orbs

were originating from. "You won't fool me so easily a second time!" she

shouted in contempt.

"Nami-san!" Sanji shouted in worry, but soon found himself preoccupied

as Mr. 1 joined the fray again. Miss Doublefinger froze mid stride,

however, as Nami suddenly materialized off to the side, smirking.

What? She's over there? So it was a diversion? She immediately altered her

course off to the side just as Nami brought her staff up. Blue lightning

sparked in the cloud overhead, ready to strike. Sanji and Bentham

watched in horror as Miss Doublefinger's spiked fist impaled Nami's skull.

Only for her skull to fade into a haze around the limb. "What!?" Miss

Doublefinger exclaimed as she turned back to the spot she had previously

been running to.

"Fooled you," Nami said, sticking her tongue out, as the lightning struck

her opponent, who screamed in pain. She struggled to keep herself

upright after being struck by lightning for the second time that day. But

Nami wasn't done yet. "Beware of twisters!" she shouted as she ran

towards her opponent, staff at the ready. "Tornado tempo!"

Miss Doublefinger watched wearily as fake birds popped out of the staff,

which didn't seem to shake Nami's confidence in the slightest. "Is that

it!?" Miss Doublefinger yelled, getting ready to spear her through. But she

was unable to move her arms as the wired birds wrapped around her

arms and legs. The end section of the staffs started spinning, lifted her off

of her feet. She lost all orientation as she spun faster and faster, until

suddenly she was launched through a building and came out the other

side, much the same way Mr. 1 had been sent hurtling earlier. Only she

lacked the defense that came with his devil fruit and was already on her

last ropes. Landed on the other side of the partly demolished house, she

didn't rise again.

Mr. 1 watched in anger as his partner was defeated. "You bitch," he

hissed as he broke away from Sanji, who was panting from his constant

hit and run tactics with the blade man. Nami's eyes widened as Mr. 1 ran

towards him.

Not good. My time limit for mirage tempo is up, thunderbolt tempo needs time

to charge, and tornado tempo is a one time deal! She could do nothing but

raise her clima tact in a poor attempt to ward off his bladed limbs as

Sanji struggled to get there in time. She suddenly felt herself being

pushed out of the way, however, and she landed roughly on the ground.

She looked up to the horrifying sight of Bentham bleeding heavily,

having been impaled by Mr. 1's arm. She covered her mouth in shock.

"I told you didn't I?" Mr. 1 said in a low tone. "This was bound to happen,

one way or another, Mr. 2." He tossed Mr. 2 off of his arm like a rag doll,

and the okama landed in a heap on the side of the road. "Or whatever

you call yourself now." He moved in to land the finishing blow, but his

arm was stopped abruptly before it could meet its target.

Sanji's leg, raised in a block, bled profusely as he held Mr.1 at bay. The

officer agent gritted his teeth as he attempted to force Sanji out of the

way, but despite the pain he must have been in, Sanji wouldn't budge. He

simply glared at his opponent before redirecting his blow to the side and

roundhouse kicking him across the street. Nami took the time to look

over Bentham. He had managed to avoid a fatal injury, but he was still

bleeding heavily. They needed to get him help, and fast.

Sanji quickly jumped into the air above Mr. 1 as the man fell, ignoring

the blood seeping from his leg with every movement, and spun in a

vertical circle before finally bringing his good heel crashing down on the

agent's face. "Concasse."

He leapt back again as Mr. 1 got up, slightly unsteadily. The blade man

raised one hand to the bridge of his nose and brought it down. Blood.

Realizing his nose was broken, he did what no one would expect. He

grinned at Sanji.

"It's been awhile since an enemy has drawn blood from me. I suppose I

should thank you for the thrill of a decent fight," he said. Sanji said

nothing in response.

I have to finish this. The okama needs medical treatment, and this guy is

insanely strong. I wouldn't have even made it this far if not the training I've

been putting myself through. He braced himself as his opponent's arms

morphed into what looked like buzzsaws. He really didn't want to get hit

by those.

The two charged at each other, and Sanji leapt over him, kicking his head

towards the pavement. He landed behind him, and kicked him in the side

before he could get up, sending him hurtling down the street before he

righted himself, grunting. Sanji followed up, delivering a hail of kicks to

the agent's head, neck, and torso. Anywhere that he wouldn't injure

himself by kicking once his opponent turned into a blade. He had noticed

early on in the fight that his entire body couldn't turn into a blade edge.

Blades had two edges and two blunt sides, after all.

"Mutton shot!" he shouted as he thrust his leg forward. Mr. 1 was prepared

and took the hit, groaning as he slid back on his feet. Suddenly, they

heard another crackle of thunder overhead, causing them both to look

up. Another cloud had formed above Mr. 1's head, causing Sanji's eyes to


"Nami-san, don't!" he shouted. It was too late though.

"Thunderbolt tempo!" The lightning came crashing down on Mr. 1 as Sanji

shielded his eyes. When it cleared, Mr. 1 was still standing. Sparks of

electricity emanated from his body. He looked downright pissed, but

otherwise unaffected. Nami's eyes widened in realization. He's a


Mr. 1 launched himself towards Nami. Sanji tried to follow after him, but

his leg chose that moment to fail him, and he dropped to one knee. Shit!

Not now! he thought frantically.

Nami's staff was knocked out of her hand a bladed arm. She ducked to

avoid another jab, but fell over onto the ground in the process. She

barely had time to move her head to avoid the next attack, but her

shoulder was pierced instead, pinning her to the ground and eliciting a

high pitched scream.

"This is what happens when you play with toys on the battlefield," Mr. 1

said emotionlessly. He was about to pierce her skull when he was sent

crashing into a house for what felt like the tenth time that day. Only each

time it was gradually getting more painful. As he picked himself up out

of the rubble, he could see why. The blond haired man had seemed to

gain an extra surge of adrenaline, and was now walking on towards him

effortlessly despite the injury to his leg. The glare Mr. 1 was faced with

threatened to burn a hole through him.

"You have spirit, I'll give you that," Mr. 1 said. "But your kicks aren't

enough to stop me. Anyone can see that you're wearing down." Sanji's

stopped in front of him before responding.

"You're right. I haven't been good enough. But…" he bit his cigarette in

half. "I'm a bit heated up now."

To Mr. 1's bewilderment, he started rapidly spinning in a circle with his

leg raised, fast enough that he was a complete blur. When he stopped, his

previously black leg was glowing orange, as if it had just been dipped

into a furnace, except the leg itself didn't seem to be burning.

"Cooking is a gift from the gods. Spices are a gift from the devil." He

lunged towards Mr. 1. "Have a taste."

The officer agent tried to block the blow by crossing his arms, but Sanji

anticipated the move, and his foot connected with his stomach anyway,

the pressure from the kick driving a searing heat throughout his

conductive body. He moaned in pain and stumbled backwards, clutching

his abdomen, which gave Sanji an opening to land another kick across his

face. He felt like his skull was aflame.

Sanji thought back to his conversation with Zoro prior to their arrival in

Alabasta. This technique will help you penetrate some of the toughest

defenses, but it will also damage your body greatly until you master it. Try not

to use it too much until you toughen up some more. The stress on your legs

could cost you the fight if you don't end it quickly.

Wasting no time, Sanji ducked under Mr. 1's defense and got ready to

finish it.

"Flamber: Anti Manner Kick Course!" Mr. 1 was launched up into the air by

Sanji's leg and howled in pain, but Sanji wasn't done yet. He jumped up

into the air above Mr. 1. Working passed the pain, the blade man took

the chance to launch one last counterattack.

"Atomic Dicer!" Two large gashes appeared across Sanji's chest as he

raised his leg, but he roared with determination and brought it down.

"Flamber: Reception!" His leg jutted straight down into Mr 1's already

damaged torso, and the blade man's defense shattered along with his ribs

as he was sent crashing back down to the pavement below.

Sanji landed in front of him, panting heavily. His leg shifted back to its

normal shade of black as he lit another cigarette. "Guess it was a little too

spicy for you," he muttered, before promptly collapsing onto the ground.

"Sanji-kun!" came Nami's worried voice as she ran towards him.

"Nami-saaaan," Sanji crowed weakly. "Did you fall in love with me even


Nami sighed. "Sure, why not. Good job out there." She helped him to his

feet, which instantly caused his eyes to be replaced by hearts. "But we

have to get Bentham out of here, and I'm not sure if I can carry you

both," she said. "Do you think you can walk?"

Sanji's face was slightly downcast as he trudged over to the okama.

"Right...I'll carry him," he said, causing Nami to look after him worriedly.

"Are you sure? You're injuries are worse than mine…" But this only

caused Sanji to go off on a hopeless rant about how he could never stand

by and watch a lady do the heavy lifting as he hoisted Bentham onto his

shoulder, careful not to aggravate the wound further. Eventually Nami

just sighed and relented, following beside him.

A/N: Get it? Heating up?


Yea! It's a pun! Ahahahahaha!

...No? Fine, whatever. *Throws hands up in the air* Lost out.

32. The Winning Side

Ok ok! The heating up pun is overused. I get it.

On another note, chapter 30 broke my personal record for number of

reviews, and it only took about a week. I was pleasantly surprised.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter XXXII: The Winning Side

3:55 pm, Alubarna

Tashigi rushed to keep up with Captain Smoker as he glided across

rooftops using his devil fruit. They only had 5 minutes before the bomb

was fired. They had to get to the clock tower quickly. As the building

came within sight, Tashigi noted that it would take time for her to

actually get to the top, but Smoker could simply glide all the way up.

"Tashigi!" the smoke man yelled. "I'm going to give you a boost!"

"Right!" she consented, before grabbing hold of her superior's hand.

Smoker wasted no time and took them both straight to the top just as the

clock, which turned out to be a door, opened to reveal two eccentrically

dressed agents carrying pistols and laughing. Behind them, Tashigi could

see the cannon that they were going to use to fire the bomb. They

stopped laughing when they caught sight of the two marines flying

towards them, and started shooting, Smoker evaded the shots, but as they

drew closer, Tashigi took note of the match in one of the agents' hands.

Smoker saw the same thing and threw Tashigi into the clock tower just

the fuse was lit. Tashigi quickly drew her sword and incapacitated the

two agents before turning to the fuse and severing it. She let out a breath

she didn't know she'd been holding, but it caught in her throat as she

heard the ticking coming from the bomb. Realizing what was happening

immediately, Tashigi turned to Smoker, who had just landed beside her.

"Smoker-san, the bomb is timed!" she yelled frantically. Smoker froze as

he came to the same conclusion. He seemed to think for a moment before

he walked toward the opening of the cannon.

"Only one thing to do then," he muttered. In an impressive show of

strength, he pulled the bomb out of the muzzle and hoisted it over his

shoulder. Tashigi's eyes widened.

"Smoker-san, what are you-" But Smoker had already jumped out of the

tower and was rising into the air, carrying the bomb with him. It was

with horror that Tashigi realized what he was going to do. She screamed

after him as he flew higher and higher, the bomb ticking away all the

while. It was only when Smoker was far too high to hear her desperate

shouts any longer that the bomb detonated, and she had to cover her

eyes to shield them from the blinding light of the explosion that seemed

to block out the sky. When the sky cleared, Tashigi just stared up at it

numbly, not believing what had just happened. When it finally sank in,

she dropped to her knees, tears flowing down he cheeks. Sobs racked her

body as she wondered how he could just leave like that, without so much

as a farewell...no, how could he leave her at all? What was he thinking?


"What are you crying about?" a voice asked from behind her. "You call

yourself a marine, you over emotional clutz of a girl?" Tashigi froze,

hardly able to believe what she was hearing. She slowly turned around,

towards the source of the all too familiar voice, to face Captain Smoker,

standing there without a scratch on him.

"Captain..." she said numbly.

"What?" Smoker asked in annoyance. "You do know I'm a logia right?

What the hell did you expect to happen?"

But Tashigi just tackled him in a hug, ignoring his indignant protests and

half hearted threats.

"Desert Sword!" Crocodile shouted as a long fissure appeared in the sand

below Luffy's feet, prompting him to jump over it to avoid being speared

and falling in. He quickly readied his own assault as his blackened fist

twisted behind him.

"Gomu gomu no...Ape Rifle!" The blow was dodged by the sandman, who

dispersed into sand a fraction of a second before it connected. Crocodile

reformed in front of Luffy and tried to gut him with his poison hook, but

Luffy deflected it with his haki imbued hand. He grabbed the warlord by

the arm and swung him over his shoulder into the air. Crocodile barely

had enough time to right himself before Luffy was in front of him again,

his arms reared back, ready to strike. "Gomu gomu no...Pan Bazooka!"

His attack hit dead on this time, sending Crocodile through the air like a

rag doll before he rolled to a stop on the sand below. He quickly

recovered and stood up.

Luffy knew that fighting Crocodile in the desert would be no walk in the

park. His victory last time had been due to a combination of luck and

overconfidence on the logia's part. Through sheer circumstance, he had

discovered Crocodile's weakness and had been able to exploit it. But it

wasn't until he had seen the former warlord in action during the War of

the Best that he had realized just how effective that weakness had been.

Coming into contact with water didn't just prevent Crocodile from

turning into sand; it weakened his body significantly. If it hadn't been for

that factor, Luffy knew that for all he had gone through in Alabasta, he

never would have kept the New World veteran down for long. But every

time Luffy had utilized water in his assaults, he had chipped away at

Crocodile's endurance and stamina until their encounter in the royal

tomb, where the warlord had been fighting at a small fraction of his

usual ability. Even so, he had lost twice before pulling off a victory.

Sometimes, looking back, he wondered if luck was actually a matter of

innate talent rather than probability. Was he just good at being lucky?

Even now he knew he had to be careful. His resistance to poison had not

reverted back to his younger body as far as he knew, and he wasn't

willing to find out the hard way. And then there was that whole 'dry you

up with a single touch' thing. Croc's fruit is stupid, he decided.

He was broken out of his musings as the sand beneath his feet gave away.

"Desert Sunflower!" Crocodile growled as Luffy jumped into the air and

used geppou to escape the range of the sinkhole.

Not just haki, but rokushiki too? Who is this rookie? His body dissolved into

sand again as he attempted to intercept the rubber man in midair. "Desert

Crescent!" Luffy ducked under the crescent shaped blade of sand and

aimed a kick at Crocodile. The sandman grunted as he blocked with his

forearm before dematerializing and reforming behind Luffy.

"Sables," he said as he caught the rookie in a miniature sandstorm. Luffy

was blown back into the sinkhole that Crocodile had made and landed in,

but as the warlord tried to bury him, Luffy escaped with his air walking

technique again. Crocodile grimaced, realizing that his home field

advantage was neutralized by the rubber man's mobility. He appeared

behind him again and tried to impale him through the back, but Luffy

twisted around the moment he materialized and redirected the jab.

"Gomu gomu no…" Crocodile's eyes widened as Luffy's body started to

steam again and his obsidian black arms took on a familiar red tinge.

"Eagle Bazooka!" The sandman was launched back through the air and

skidded along the desert sand, unable to right himself this time. He

finally rolled to a stop and groaned as he picked himself up. He suddenly

hunched over and coughed up a wad of blood. Before he could even

recover, his opponent was in front of him again. "Hawk Rifle!" The punch

impacted with his face and he was sent hurtling across the sand again. He

struggled to get up, and for a split second, the world around him turned

hazy before his vision cleared.

"No," he growled. "Unacceptable! I will not be defeated, especially not by

some run of the mill rookie pirate!" Luffy smirked at the statement and

spread his arms out in open invitation. Crocodile almost charged again,

but controlled himself. Instead, he channeled his focus into the

environment, into the surrounding desert. The sand around them began

to stir, and Luffy's eyes widened imperceptibly.

Suddenly, the desert seemed to rise, as if awoken from its slumber. Waves

of sand rose to incredible heights as the ground itself surrounded the two

pirates before it came crashing down on them.

"Desert Tsunami!" Crocodile shouted with a dangerous grin on his face.

Luffy did the one thing that would make sense in the situation, which

was to use geppou to ascend straight upwards, avoiding the tidal waves

of sand. But Crocodile flew into the air after him, and the colossal waves

followed behind as they took the fight to the sky.

He never used this last time, Luffy thought. Then again, they had only

fought in the desert once, and during that time Crocodile had controlled

the fight with ease, to the point where he probably had no need to.

Suddenly, Luffy paled, having realized that he'd forgotten about Robin. In

his haste to end the fight, Crocodile had done the same. Luffy quickly

locked onto her with his observation haki. He sighed in relief as he noted

that she had managed to take refuge on top of one of the buildings, but

the sand was still rising, and would reach her soon. In fact, if this kept

up, the civilians in Alubarna could be in danger as well. He had to end

this quickly.

As Crocodile ascended towards him, Luffy used geppou to speed up his

own descent. His haki imbued arms stretched out behind him, taking on

red tinge and then erupting into flame. "Gomu gomu no…" Crocodile

ignored this new development as he readied his own assault. The

widespread waves of sand surrounding him took on the shape of giant

blades as they were launched up at Luffy.

"Desert Rapier!" Crocodile shouted just as Luffy brought his arms down.

"Red Hawk Cannon!" His armaments and flame enhanced arms pierced

through the sand like a hot knife through butter. His fists made contact

with Crocodile's abdomen, resulting in a massive explosion that sent the

warlord hurtling down towards the ground. The impact caused

widespread destruction across the city block, and a couple of buildings

collapsed even as the previously rising waves of sand started to recede.

Luffy landed smoothly in front of the bloody, burnt, and unconscious

heap that was Sir Crocodile of the Seven Warlords. He reached for the

hat that was now dangling around his neck and placed it back on his

head. Off to the side, he heard Robin jump down from the building she

had taken refuge on and land with a soft thud. She stared at Crocodile in

shock. Which was understandable. It wasn't every day a rookie from East

Blue took out a royal warlord without so much as a scratch to show for it.

Luffy then turned towards Robin, who stiffened. He took a few steps

toward her, but stopped when she took a step back and crossed her arms.

He raised his arms in a placating manner. "Relax. I'm not going to attack

you." Clearly she didn't believe him. Luffy winced as fear rolled off of her

in waves. She was good at hiding it. Outwardly, she actually looked calm,

save for her rigid posture, but Luffy's observation haki didn't lie.

Suddenly, Robin let out a breath before slowly lowering her arms to her

sides. Her eyes lowered along with them, refusing to meet Luffy's. Her

posture was defeated, and her smile bitter.

"I'm on the losing side of this game," she recited. "So it would appear."

There was an abundance of things that Luffy wanted to do at that

moment. This was Robin. Crewmate, comrade, friend. Family. He wanted

to comfort her and tell her to hang in there. He wanted to run up to her,

grab her by the shoulders, and scream at her, telling her she wasn't alone.

In the end, he settled for the next best thing.

"That depends which side you're playing on. You haven't lost just yet."

Robin looked up and met his eyes, and was confused by what she saw in

them. It wasn't hate, or scorn, or even disappointment. She could pick up

on such emotions with a single glance. But this was different. The look in

his eyes was familiar, but it was something she hadn't seen in so long that

she almost forgot what it looked like. She almost found herself wishing

he would glare at her like everyone else. That way she'd be in familiar

territory. But a small voice in her mind, a part that had long been

silenced, suddenly spoke up for the first time in years, telling her that

this was better.

She suddenly laughed, dryly, humorlessly, and yet somehow still

melodically, as she considered his words. "I don't think there's a winning

side for me, Monkey D. Luffy."

"Well then," Luffy said, before a grin stretched across his face. "I'll just

have to prove you wrong."

Robin stared at him in open curiosity. "Not many have accomplished such

a feat."

Luffy's grin turned amused as he wordlessly pointed toward Crocodile's

fallen, defeated form. "And I'm guessing that's a first too."

Robin blinked, and a small, amused chuckle escaped her lips despite her

efforts to contain it, which caused Luffy's grin to widen.

"See? That's much better," he said cryptically. Robin stiffened, having

caught herself, and her mask fell back in place. Luffy pouted internally.

"What's better?" Robin asked in slight confusion.

"Your real laugh. I like it. It's much better than that fake smile you put


Robin was silent for a moment. "Someone once told me that a fake laugh

is better than no laugh at all," she finally said.

Well crap, Luffy thought. Robin had told him the story of Jaguar D. Saul

once. He had listened very intently to every detail, and this was

paraphrasing at its finest.

"Then I'll just have to make you laugh for real from now on," he replied.

"Don't worry, I'll be able to tell the difference."

Robin's eyes widened, but then narrowed. "What are you planning,

Monkey D. Luffy?" she asked in suspicion.

At that moment, it was all Luffy could do to keep the hurt from entering

his features. He quickly recovered.

"Hmm, that's a tough question," he answered. "I'm not really a planner,

you see. But to give you the quick rundown, I'm planning to hand Croc

over to Smokey and meet up with the rest of the crew. Then you'll

become our crewmate, and we'll escape from the Marines, go on lots of

adventures, piss off the World Government a bit, make it through the

Grand Line, and find One Piece. I'll leave the details to you since you

seem good at that."

Robin was well and surely dumbfounded. She had received many

invitations to various organizations in the past, but never in such a

manner. She didn't know whether to laugh or run. The man whose

comrade she had wronged on so many levels was offering him a position

in his crew, and he seemed sincere. Almost like he had no ulterior motive.

She felt like there was danger, but she couldn't see it. His posture was

relaxed, even friendly, as she stared at her, waiting for her to respond. It

was as if…

As if he was indeed speaking to someone he considered a friend. There

was no pity in his eyes. He wasn't acting like he expected her to flee,

even if her experiences told her she should. Hell, he wasn't even

expecting her to decline. He just kept looking at her with that childish

(and yet somehow charismatic, her mind duly noted) smile of his, like

she was already one of his crewmates, and he was having a casual

conversation with a friend. Her mind screamed at her to rethink that, but

that was exactly what it seemed like.

This man...he had no hostile intentions whatsoever.

All these thoughts passed in the span of 5 seconds, and Luffy waited

patiently as she took another 5 to consider his offer. Robin's life was a

cycle of betrayals, each of which led her to the next betrayer. Such a life

was tiring, but that life had taken her far, and had ultimately led her

here, to Crocodile, who would have been next in line. Would have

been… if not for this strange pirate who claimed he could break the

cycle. But if her experiences were right, and they always were, then he

would be a part of it, no matter what his intentions were right now. So

why was she so tempted to accept?

"I'll...have to think about this plan of yours," she whispered finally, taking

a chance.

Luffy shrugged. "Suit yourself. Take all the time you need."

It was ridiculous. It would never work. Eventually the darkness of her

existence would come to shadow him and his little crew, and she would

have to either betray him or be betrayed. But would that be so bad? Even

Alabasta's poneglyph was a hopeless dream now. Her life...it no longer

had any purpose. She had seen with her own eyes the carefree nature of

the Strawhat pirates. Maybe she could pretend she could live that life,

just for a little while. Until things went downhill. Then...would she

finally accept her fate? Only time would tell.

"Well, for now," Luffy said, catching her attention. "Let's go find your


Robin's eyes widened. "So you did know?"

Luffy smiled. "I know a lot of things."

Of course. He knew who I was ever since Whiskey Peak, and he knows about

Pluton as well. That means he knows what I'm looking for.

"You don't seem like someone who would be interested in the

poneglyphs," she said carefully.

"Your interests are mine," he said simply. Seeing her puzzled look, he

elaborated. "Now that I've invited you to the crew, I can't just disregard

your goals, can I?"

It wasn't quite that she couldn't figure him out. It was just that she could

barely believe he was real.

"You know what I'm after and you're willing to help me?" she asked


"Well, I'm not exactly doing this for a history lesson...although it would

be cool to know what happened."

Robin felt a bead of sweat roll down her forehead as she let his words

sink in. Could this really be happening? Could she still have a chance?

Luffy's face suddenly turned solemn. "But don't put all your hopes into

this. You might not find what you're looking for." The words stung like

ice in Robin's veins. He was right after all. Even if they could find it, she

wasn't even sure that this was the Rio Poneglyph. In fact, if she were to

take an unbiased guess, she would say that it wasn't. But she was far from

rational right now. This was her last lead, and if she didn't find what she

was looking for…

Luffy hid his guilt, knowing what the outcome of this would be, as he

hoisted Crocodile over one shoulder. He walked up to Robin and tossed

her over the other, ignoring her gasp of protest, before taking off in the

direction of the royal palace using sky walk.

A/N: See ya later, shitty gator. - Mr. Prince

Tell me what you thought of Luffy's fight with Crocodile. I tried to make

it interesting despite the inevitably huge gap in strength between the

two. I feel like if I make it too difficult for Luffy it will just betray the

canon portrayal of his skill level, so I kept him at the level I felt he was at

in Marineford.

33. Hope in Disguise

Announcement: I thought I should mention that this is the last chapter to

vote for whether Seal stays in the crew or not. Currently the polls are 19

votes for him to stay with the crew and 21 votes otherwise. If you care

either way and haven't done so already, be sure to leave a review with

your preference.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter XXXIII: Hope in Disguise

When Luffy arrived back at the royal palace carrying an unconscious

Crocodile and a resigned Robin over his shoulders, the Strawhats that

had gathered there already, namely Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, and

Seal, all had varying reactions.

Once Luffy landed, Usopp immediately started cheering. "Alright! You

beat him Luffy! I never doubted you for a second!"

Chopper chose to stare at Luffy in awe. "Luffy's so strong…" he said

quietly. Seal was especially enthusiastic, waving his arms in the air and

somehow jumping up and down despite lack of the necessary appendages

with which to do so. Although he didn't really know who Crocodile was,

he'd been able to piece together that he was the leader of the ones who

the crew was at conflict with, and therefore recognized this as a victory.

Nami, on the other hand, decided to focus on the fact that the one she

knew as Miss All Sunday was still conscious, and was now moving of her

own free will. "Luffy!" she yelled in panic. "What is Miss All Sunday doing

here!?" Meanwhile, Sanji was staring at Robin with glazed over eyes as if


Luffy scratched his head. "Huh? What do you mean? She's here because

she wants to be."

"That's not what I meant!" Nami yelled, waving her fist. "I meant why did

you bring her here unrestrained!"

Luffy's face lit up in comprehension. "Oooohh ok, I get it." He then turned

to King Cobra, who, having caught on to who she was, was watching

Robin nervously, along with Pell and Chaka. "So anyway, king ossan, can


"Don't ignore my question!" Nami shouted indignantly. If she hadn't been

terrified of the warlord at his feet, she probably would have gone to bonk

him over the head by now. As it was, she was hiding behind Sanji while


"If I may interrupt," Robin began, "I've already surrendered to your

captain, and even if I wanted to, it's not likely that I could do much of

anything with him here. So you really have nothing to fear from me," she

pointed out. Nami was still staring at her suspiciously though.

"Don't worry about it Nami," Luffy said dismissively. "I trust her. She

won't try anything."

"Monkey-san," Robin spoke up, addressing Luffy. All eyes turned to her,

and she closed her eyes. What she was about to tell them could change

everything. "Since you're helping me, I thought you should know...the

princess' friends from the rebel army were being held in Rainbase." She

looked down at the ground. "Though to be honest...I don't think they're


"Taken care of," Luffy said. Robin looked surprised, and Luffy grinned. "I

sent Zoro to help Vivi retrieve them. They'll be back soon."

Robin looked at him somewhat guiltily. "I'm not certain they'll be able to

help…" she stated.

"I am," Luffy said with a tone of finality. His sheer confidence surprised

her, but she supposed she shouldn't be shocked. He had been this way

from the beginning.

"Luffy," Nami began uncertainly, "What does she mean when she says

you're helping her?"

"Right, I was getting to that. But you guys kept interrupting me," Luffy

said with a pout. He turned back to the king. "Hey king ossan, can you let

Robin see the poneglyph you guys are protecting?" As soon of the words

left his mouth, Cobra's eyes widened considerably, while Pell and Chaka

looked at him in confusion. When the king got passed his shock, a bead

of sweat rolled down his brow.

"Not to come off as rude, but how do you know about that exactly?" he

asked carefully. Luffy sighed melodramatically.

"Why does everyone keep asking that?" he said, looking around at

everyone present. "For the last time, I know a lot of things. So? Can we

see it?"

Cobra looked uncertain as he snuck a glance at Robin, which neither she

nor Luffy missed. "I cannot express how grateful I am that you've saved

this country, but I'm not sure that would be a good idea. That stone is

kept secret for a reason. It is guarded by the Alabastian royal family so as

not to fall into the wrong hands." As he spoke, Robin tensed up.

Luffy hummed in thought. Then he did something no one expected. He

took his hat off and placed it over his heart while still facing the king.

"King Cobra, I swear on this hat as well as my life that neither I nor Nico

Robin will do anything to risk the safety of your country or the world

using anything we find under your guidance." He bowed his head. "I ask

you, not as the savior of this country, but as the captain of the Strawhat

pirates and Vivi's comrade, to grant our request." Everyone present now

stared at him with wide eyes, but none were as shocked as Robin.

The king's eyes had widened imperceptibly at the name 'Nico Robin,' but

now he simply stared at Luffy with an unreadable expression as Robin

waited with bated breath. After a few moments, it was his turn to

surprise everyone. He bowed low to the ground, much to the slight

exasperation of Pell and Chaka, and spoke.

"I acknowledge your good will, young one, and I will grant your request,"

he said, causing Luffy to grin widely. Meanwhile, Usopp turned to Nami.

"Do you have any idea what's going on here?" he asked quietly. Nami,

being just as lost as he was, shrugged. Sanji watched the exchange with

open interest. His gaze was now on Robin again, but there was no trace

of lust in his eyes now. He looked as if he was trying to piece together a

puzzle. Eventually, he just shrugged, figuring it was none of his business


As Cobra led them to the underground tomb, Robin turned to Luffy.

"Thank you," she whispered. Luffy just grinned again and flashed her a

thumbs up.

As they were about to leave, however, they were interrupted by the

arrival of Smoker and Tashigi. While the latter was rather shocked once

she laid eyes on Crocodile's fallen form, the former just glanced at him

disinterestedly before turning back to Luffy.

"So you really did beat Crocodile," he commented.

Luffy nodded. "And you guys stopped the bomb," he acknowledged. "Do

you have any seastone handcuffs by any chance?

Smoker motioned to Tashigi, who had a pair ready. As she walked

towards the fallen warlord, Smoker turned back to Luffy. "I still have

some questions for you, Strawhat."

Luffy shrugged. "Fine with me," he said, before turning to Robin. "Give

me a minute?" She nodded in consent, and Luffy walked off, following

behind Smoker. As they left, the king turned towards her.

"Your name was Nico Robin wasn't it?" he asked. Without facing him,

Robin closed her eyes and nodded. The king was silent for a moment.

"And am I correct in assuming that you can read the ancient language of

the poneglyphs?" Robin sighed tiredly and nodded again.

"Then what I am about to do will not only disgrace the efforts of my

predecessors, but put the very balance of our world at great risk. Still, I

owe that man a great debt, not just as the king of the country he brought

salvation to, but also as the father of the girl he aided. So seeing as I trust

his judgement, I will fulfill my promise."

Robin said nothing in response.

"So? What did you want to ask me?" Luffy asked casually once the two

were alone.

"Don't pretend you don't know," Smoker said impatiently.

"Why not? It's more fun for me that way," Luffy said with a straight face.

This caused Smoker to growl, and Luffy smiled widely. "Lighten up,


"First of all, how long are you going to keep calling me that?" the smoke

man asked in annoyance.

"Until I'm dead," Luffy replied. "Ok, next question."

Controlling his temper, Smoker sighed and looked Luffy dead in the eye.

"Why didn't you kill me, Strawhat?"

"What do you mean by that?" Luffy asked.

"Don't play dumb with me. Not once, but twice, you defeated me, and

both times you let me live. I want to know why."

Luffy didn't answer for a moment as he stared at Smoker with an

unreadable expression. Finally, he spoke. "How many people have you

killed, Smokey?"

Smoker's eyes narrowed. "What does that have to do with it?" he asked.

"Humor me."

Smoker hesitated for a moment. "Twenty one," he answered finally.

"Sometimes they had hostages and had to be dealt with quickly. Other

times I had orders to kill. The rest…" he trailed off. "The rest did things

that I couldn't find it in myself to forgive. They don't always sit there and

wait to be arrested, Strawhat. But you should know that."

"But you haven't lost count," Luffy pointed out. "You haven't forgotten

about them...even the ones that you thought deserved it."

"No, and I'll cut my stomach open the day I do," Smoker growled

impatiently. "Now what's the point of this?"

"The point is that you need a legitimate reason to kill someone," Luffy

said. "So what makes you think I'm any different?" There was an

underlying tone of anger in his voice now. "What have I ever done that

makes you think I need a reason to not kill someone?"

Smoker found he had no answer to that, and Luffy continued.

"You ask me why I let you live. My question is, why do you need my

permission to live? A life isn't something I have rights to unless it's my

own, and it's not something I'll take away just for the hell of it."

There was a long pause. "That's all well and good," Smoker said, his voice

slightly more subdued now. "But I hope you know that the rest of the

world doesn't share your sentiments. With a bounty like yours, if I had

captured you before, you'd be dead by now, or worse."

Luffy shrugged. "That's your choice," he said as if it was inconsequential.

"And I know what the world is like. Believe me, I know."

Robin tried to stifle her anxiety as Luffy and Smoker made their way

back. It wasn't in her nature to be impatient, but this was a rare moment

when she couldn't help it. Her twenty years of searching had come down

to this. But despite how she felt, she knew she had no right to rush her

strange benefactor. Even disregarding the fact that she was in no position

to do so…

"Ready, Robin?" said man asked with a grin as he walked up to her. She

suppressed her initial reaction upon once again being addressed by her

first name as she nodded. She was slowly getting used to it, due to

Strawhat Luffy's general aura of ambiguity, if nothing else, but it still

surprised her enough that she had to keep herself from showing it.

Once Cobra led them to the courtyard, Robin wasn't surprised to see him

activate an underground stairwell that no doubt led to what she was

seeking. She had suspected that it would be near the palace. Anyone

could find it if it was inside the building itself, so that was out. That left

underground. As they descended the steps, Robin felt her heart beat

faster and faster. She was finding it more difficult to steel her emotions

by the second as her mantra of hope repeated itself within her head over

and over. This could be it. This could be it. This could be it.

When she caught sight of the stone and her mind started processing the

inscriptions, the first thing she felt was denial. It made sense for the

poneglyph to at least mention the ancient weapon. She had long

concluded that it was a topic relevant to the void century. But as she kept

reading, her denial, short-lived as it was also not in her nature, melted

and gave way to nervousness, then desperation, and as she read the last

words, grief.

It revealed the location of the ancient weapon, Pluton. Nothing else was

inscribed. She had failed. She had failed Professor Clover, and her

mother, and all of Ohara. She was a disgrace the name of The Last

Oharan. Tears flowed down her cheeks as her long lived shell of

protective indifference came crashing down. She payed no heed to the

bewilderment on King Cobra's face as he watched her shameful display. It

didn't matter anymore.

She suddenly felt a hand grasp her shoulder, and she turned to face the

sad eyes of Monkey D. Luffy.

"Why are you crying, Robin?" he asked gently.

It was strange, she reflected. A barrier twenty years in development, and

it been shattered so easily. For so long she had hidden her anger,

frustration, grief, and every other genuine emotion she felt, in order to

survive. Now, here she was, crying in defeat in front of the embodiment

of her unreachable dream, as her former enemy attempted to console her.

Whatever other twists life had to throw at her, she didn't want to see

them. She was tired. She was so sick and tired of it all. Enough. No more.

This was the end of the line.

"Robin," Luffy said, a little more forcefully. She looked back at him.

"I don't think you understand. This was my last lead. I have nothing else

to keep me going." She was silent for a moment. "Twenty years," she

reflected bitterly. "I lied. I killed. I betrayed. And for what? A beacon of

false hope."

"Is that what you think it is?" Luffy asked. "What you're seeing as false

hope, you should really be seeing as hope in disguise. You let doubt sway

you, convincing yourself that this was your last chance, when you really

should be asking yourself where you need to go from here. Tell yourself

that you have to work harder than you ever have before, but don't ever

tell yourself that it's over. Accept that it's not going to be easy, but don't

ever give up. If you keep going like that, one day, you'll find what you're

seeking. That, and more than you could ever hope for."

Robin covered her eyes with her hand. "You don't get it. I can't keep

going like this."

"Maybe not," Luffy agreed. "Not alone."

Robin looked up at him, and was once again taken aback by the endless

conviction in his eyes. Why was he so committed to her cause?

"Excuse me," Cobra interrupted. "But is this not what you were looking

for?" he asked.

"No," Luffy answered. "This one tells the location of an ancient weapon."

Cobra nodded. "That knowledge has been passed down through the

Alabastian royal family, but even we don't know the location. No one in

the world did, until now."

Luffy didn't really see the point in correcting him, so he said nothing.

"But then, what is she searching for?" Cobra asked, motioning to Robin.

"The Rio Poneglyph," she answered. "The one that tells the True History

of the Void Century 800 years ago."

Cobra's eyes widened. "Are you saying that the threads of that ancient

history can be woven together? But then…a bounty of 79 million...why

was such a large price placed on your head? It was my understanding

that you intended to reawaken those weapons, yet your goal is the

pursuit of knowledge?"

"The World Government doesn't care what her intentions are," Luffy

responded. "As long as she can read the ancient language, they view her

as a threat. In fact, I'd appreciate it if you kept this meeting a secret. It

would be bad if they found out she knows the location of Pluton." Cobra

nodded without hesitation as he looked at Robin in a new light. Said

woman was still staring at Luffy. She seemed like she was struggling to

come to a decision about something. She opened her mouth momentarily,

and then closed it.

"It still stands," he said knowingly. "My offer for you to join us."

She was silent for a long while. "I don't have anywhere else to go," she

finally admitted. "I have no home."

He stared at her intently. "Let's change that."

The rebel army had been pacified. Upon waking up, they had all assumed

that they had fallen under attack and resumed the invasion of Alubarna.

But before they had arrived at the palace, they had been confronted by

Kohza, who had briefly gone missing again. But that wasn't the surprising

part. He was being accompanied by three people. One was a mysterious

stranger with green hair and three swords. One was Princess Vivi, who

had been missing for two years. The last one was Kebi, who Kohza

previously claimed he had seen die. This had demanded an explanation.

And did they ever get one. Kohza and Vivi had explained everything right

then and there. From what had really happened with the dance powder

two years ago, to how Kohza had been impersonated by a devil fruit user,

and finally who was behind it all. After that, Kohza had personally

ordered them to drop their weapons and surrender to the royal army.

While the vast majority had done exactly that, a select few within the

crowd had drawn their guns and fired at Kohza, much to the shock of

everyone there. But even more shocking was the unknown swordsman

that had intercepted the gunfire and incapacitated the shooters within

seconds. Upon further inspection they were all seen to be adorning the

same mark, which Kohza and Kebi testified was the mark of the

underground criminal organization run by Crocodile. The unconscious

perpetrators had been apprehended on the spot.

Now, the rebel and royal soldiers alike stared in wonder as Kohza bowed

low in front of the king as a sign of renewed loyalty. What happened next

came as a shock to everyone. King Cobra didn't even hesitate before

offering him a place in his personal guard, claiming that it was a chance

for him to redeem himself. But most saw it for what it was, a gesture of

forgiveness and even trust.

But the really shocking part came next. Cobra had announced that the

group that had taken down Crocodile and the rest of Baroque Works, in

other words, Alabasta saviors, was a group of pirates led by Strawhat

Luffy. Upon becoming the center of attention, said pirate had looked

slightly uncomfortable and very annoyed, and eventually the king and

princess had ushered their crew into the palace. But not before the press

got wind of the situation and obtained a story that would make the

headlines of Alabasta's newspaper. Needless to say, Alubarna was in a

state of chaos.

And that was before the rain started falling.

A/N: Well, Alabasta is wrapping up nicely. What do you guys think of

Robin's character portrayal so far? She's on of my favorite characters, so I

like to think I did a good job conveying her motivations and the inner

workings of her mind. She's a complex character for sure, but that's what

makes in interesting.

34. The Road to Infamy

Announcement: The final poll is 27 votes for Seal to join and 30 for him

to stay with Vivi. And so, Seal will not be joining the crew, but will

remain an honorary Strawhat. Sorry to all of you who wanted him to

join. Your vote was appreciated nonetheless. It's good to know that

people are invested enough in this story that they give suggestions. So as

always, thank you everyone who reviewed!

Now, enjoy the last chapter of the Alabasta arc.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter XXXIV: The Road to Infamy

The silence in the room was suffocating. Although it was quite cramped

in the infirmary of the royal palace, one could be claustrophobic and not

even give it a second thought, as whatever discomfort the lack of space

induced was dwarfed by the scene in front of them. The doctors were

visibly distracted from the work they were supposed to be doing as they

observed the conspicuous evidence of bad blood in the palace.

Vivi didn't glare often. She was much too reserved and polite...most of

the time. But there was no mistaking the scowl on her face as she refused

to pull her distrustful eyes away from Robin, who had been ignoring the

hostility since Vivi had first seen her in the palace.

Luffy wasn't really sure what to do in this situation. He sighed, and then

he turned towards Zoro and gave him a meaningful look. It was one that

Zoro had seen before, one that always meant one thing.

Zoro, cut it, was his captain's order. But he wasn't exactly sure what to do

with the command right now. He looked at Luffy quizzically.

Cut what?

Luffy motioned to Vivi and Robin in response. The tension.

Zoro rolled his eyes. You're an idiot, he conveyed back. Luffy pouted


Finally, Robin sighed and turned towards Vivi, looking into her eyes


"If you think glaring will allow you to rid yourself of my existence,

believe me, you're not the first, and you won't be the last." Vivi didn't

respond, and although the room remained silent, Luffy winced upon

hearing the words, and Zoro stiffened as well. Finally, Vivi spoke, albeit


"Where's Igaram?" she asked quietly.

Robin looked like she just wanted the day to be over, but she answered

the question. "I set up the bombs so that the explosions wouldn't reach

him," she explained. "I left him a Log Pose, so he should make it back

soon. But I can only guess when."

Vivi's eyes were narrowed, but she turned away from Robin to face Luffy.

"Luffy-san, why is she still here?" she asked simply.

Many people put in the same position would have hesitated to answer.

But Luffy was not one of them. "She's going to join our crew," he replied.

The crew's reactions varied. Although Seal seemed indifferent, Usopp and

Chopper fell over in shock, Nami looked like she wanted to protest, Sanji

looked like he wanted to celebrate, but suppressed the urge for the sake

of sensitivity, and Zoro just kept a blank face through it all. Robin, who

was subtly observing them all, was slightly taken aback at seeing the lack

of surprise on the swordsman's face.

But the most profound reaction was Vivi's. Her eyes had widened, and

her mouth was agape as she looked back and forth between Luffy and

Robin, wondering if she had heard right. Finally, her objection came.

"Luffy-san, you can't be serious! How can you trust her so easily!?" she

came close to shouting.

"Because she's already proven herself," he said simply. "With her power,

she could have helped Crocodile kill me, but she didn't."

Robin stared at him curiously. "You really couldn't have gotten out of

that hold?" she asked skeptically.

"I could have," Luffy admitted. "But I wanted to see what you'd do." Robin

nodded in understanding.

"That doesn't excuse what she's done," Vivi said. "She worked for

Crocodile and helped bring Alabasta to ruin! Am I just supposed to

forgive and forget!?"

"You worked for Crocodile too," Luffy reminded her. "And you tried to

kill us." Vivi flinched upon hearing that, and Luffy continued. "She had

her reasons just like you. I wont ask you to forget. Not ever. But I will ask

you to try and forgive." Vivi looked conflicted.

"Princess," Robin interrupted. "I won't try to make excuses for what I did.

I knew what the results of my actions would be, and yet I threw my

morality to the wind. I hardened my heart for the sake of my own

ambitions and condemned the world I thought had rejected me, and in

the process, I almost destroyed millions of lives, including yours. I won't

ask for your forgiveness. But all I want now is a chance to start over." She

paused. "I know I have no right celebrating with you. If you so wish, I

will leave your home. But unless I'm kicked out, I do plan on joining the

Strawhat pirates."

Vivi was silent for a long time, but finally she let out a breath. "You can

stay," she said quietly, before turning to Luffy. "And I'll try to forgive. For

your sake." With that said, she walked out of the room. Robin watched

her go with saddened eyes. Any protests that the rest of the crew had

died down as well. They figured that if Vivi could accept Luffy's decision,

then they had no right to go against it.

"So...how's Bentham doing?" Usopp asked in a subdued voice. The crew

welcomed the change of subject.

"He's still recuperating," Chopper replied. "He lost a lot of blood, so he

could still be out of it for a while, but he'll be ok."

"Well that's good to hear," Sanji said. "Give him my thanks when he

wakes up. We owe him one." Nami nodded in agreement with the

statement. "So, how long do you think we have before the marines come

after us? We'll be safe here in the palace so long as no one tells them

anything, but once we set out to sea, they'll be ready for us. We caused

quite the commotion."

"It will take some time for news of what occurred to get out," Robin

commented. "But we shouldn't wait too long. The marine captain who

patrols these seas is called Black Cage Hina. She's famous for her

organized assault formations. It would be best for someone to secure the

ship you came with. Otherwise, I give it until tomorrow before its taken."

"That's assuming they'll be leaving this to their local enforcement," Zoro

pointed out. "Unless I'm giving them too much credit, by now they'll

already know that we're not in the same league as the marines they have

stationed in this part of the Grand Line." He was careful not to use the

term "Paradise," since that was a word used by those who had seen what

the New World was like. Even so, Robin still looked at him curiously.

"You speak almost as though you've been through the Grand Line before,"

she said. Zoro thought back on his phrasing and inwardly sighed. She

was right. He did make it sound that way.

"No, but I know that the marines probably won't take us lightly after

this," he amended. "Crocodile was a lot stronger than any force they have

stationed near Alabasta, and given our recent win streak, I wouldn't be

surprised if Marine Headquarters decided to take this into their own


Robin silently contemplated this for a moment. It wasn't that she didn't

agree with his assessment. She did, fully. What she was wondering was

how he arrived at that conclusion. How would he know the level of

competency that the marines in this area had if he had just arrived here a

few days ago? She herself had been in this area for a while and knew that

he was right. No marines in these seas would be able to take on their

Captain from what she'd seen, and she had her suspicions about the First

Mate's prowess as well. In fact, even their chef would be more than a

match for Captain Hina, if his victory over Mr. 1 was any indication, but

the reports had said that he didn't attack women…

No, it wasn't his conclusion that she was curious about. It was the fact

that he was so confident in it, despite his apparent lack of experience in

the Grand Line. She suddenly felt an urge to question him about it, but

circumstances led her to hold her tongue. Perhaps another time. She had

questions for her new Captain too, after all.

"So then you think they'll most likely send a greater force to apprehend

us," she said. She almost missed the nigh invisible relaxing of his posture

once her short silence ended. Almost.

"Yea. I can't be sure, but we should be prepared for anything," he

answered. She nodded.

"Well, we can worry about that later," Luffy said. "For now…" Robin

looked at him in question, and he grinned widely. "Let's get this party


After Bentham finally woke up, the celebrations began. The royal feast

went as expected. At least from the perspective of the Strawhats. The

king and royal guards, however, were quite taken aback by their manner

of consumption. While the king, to his credit, kept calm through it all,

the royal guards had a hard time hiding their disgust. But as the feast

continued, with the Strawhat captain stealing food off of every single

plate (including those of the king and princess, they noted), they couldn't

help but become amused by the show, and they inevitably started

laughing uncontrollably at the sight of the man who had defeated Sir

Crocodile and saved the entire nation acting so down to earth. He

certainly wasn't one for formalities, even in a palace of all places.

While Nami, Usopp, and Sanji were raging at Luffy, Chopper was

marveling at how fast the food disappeared upon being set onto the table,

Bentham and Seal (who Luffy had insisted they set a plate for) were

cheering Luffy on, and Vivi was putting up with it with a resigned smile,

only two people were currently guarding their food semi successfully.

Zoro, being one of them, didn't seem to care that much, although he'd

occasionally jab Luffy's outstretched hand with his fork. Robin, being the

other, thanks in part to her powers, could only watch in fascination. They

were all so carefree. They knew full well what was coming once they left

the palace, and yet their greatest concern at the moment was keeping

their food out of their captain's reach.

Perhaps there was some credit due to them for living in the moment.

Robin had never given much thought to the lifestyle, always looking

ahead, thinking ahead, plotting ahead. She supposed she should be put off

by their complete lack of forethought, but strangely, she wasn't. In fact,

she almost found it endearing. As nonsensical as it was, she actually felt a

light smile forming on her face as she watched their antics, even as she

sprouted hands around her plate to keep the rubber man from snatching

her food. She knew their type. They were reckless, impulsive, and prone

to self destructive actions that were made solely based on their emotions.

She was quite the opposite. Maybe there really was some merit to the

notion that opposites attract? She couldn't deny that their outlook on life

had its appeal, after all. As she watched them, she could practically feel

all the tension in her life start to subside.

Ironically, that was what worried her the most.

After the feast ended, the royal guards were in for another surprise. True

to Robin's word, Igaram had arrived at the palace. When he asked for the

status report in regard to Baroque Works, assuming that Vivi would have

at least passed on the message to the king, he was shocked to hear that

Crocodile had been defeated by the Strawhats. He did not hesitate to

express his gratefulness, even if he was rather put off by the presence of

Miss All Sunday, or rather, Nico Robin, as he was informed. After his

arrival, the Strawhats were invited to the royal bathhouse.

As the king had somewhat come to expect, even bathing was made into a

party by the mysterious little crew. Luffy and Usopp had raced toward

the water and jumped right in, and were currently splashing each other

relentlessly, Luffy being unaffected due to the water being shallow. Their

shouts of certain death, splash star and gomu gomu no splash gatling could

he heard throughout the palace.

As Zoro washed Chopper's back, Sanji walked over to Igaram with a

devious look on his face. "So," he began casually, "where's the women's'


"As if I would tell you, you damn lecher!" he shouted. "Princess Vivi is in


That was when King Cobra got up and made a show of pointing to its

location. "It's right over that wall!" he yelled.

"Your majesty, you bastard!" Igaram raged.

"Oh, I like your style old man!" Usopp commented as he almost everyone

else strolled towards the wall.

On the other side, Nami, Vivi, and Robin, who Nami and even Vivi were

slowly warming up to, were discussing their adventures through the

Grand Line so far.

"I still can't believe we got to see dinosaurs and giants in one day," Vivi

said in a nostalgic tone.

"Yea, that was pretty crazy," Nami commented. "I didn't think we were

going to make it off of that island alive, to be honest."

"Come to think of it, how did you all make it through Little Garden?"

Robin asked. "As I recall, it takes a year for the log to set there."

Nami smiled deviously. "Oh, I bet you'd like to know, wouldn't you, Miss

you won't make it to Alabasta?" she said in a teasing tone.

Robin smiled lightly and nodded. "I would," she admitted.

As Nami reminded her of the stunt Sanji had pulled, Robin couldn't help

but feel impressed. They had played Crocodile for a fool, and even she

hadn't realized it. She couldn't help but feel amused by the fact that they

themselves had provided the Strawhats with the means to make it here.

"We'll have to thank Sanji-kun for that one again later," Nami said with a

triumphant smile. Vivi nodded her agreement.

"Well, why don't you tell him now? He's right over there, after all," Robin

said in an amused tone. Nami and Vivi followed where she was pointing

and stared in shock at the sight of every man except Zoro and Bentham

peeping on them. Vivi was horrified, but Nami just sighed.

"You idiots," Nami muttered. "Alright, it'll be 10,000 beri each!" she

shouted, before pulling off her robe, much to Vivi's continued horror and

Robin's continued amusement. The reaction was instantaneous; they all

fell off the wall that they had scaled in a mixture of shock and

contentment. The only ones who didn't fall off were Chopper and Seal,

who had went along with what everyone else was doing and now looked

on in confusion, and Luffy, who burst out laughing.

"Just put it on my tab, Nami!" the pirate captain shouted before jumping

down, being followed shortly by Chopper and Seal.

"Idiots," Zoro grumbled, before turning to Bentham. "Well, at least you

held yourself back," he complimented. Bentham quirked an eyebrow.

"Oh, didn't you know? I'm gay. I'm fine right where I am! Ahahaha!" Zoro

started scooting away from him as he continued laughing.

Igaram cleared his throat as he wiped away his nosebleed. "How

unsightly," he admonished.

"Wow," Luffy said. "Our Sanji may be a pervert, but at least he's not in the

closet about it."

"Hypocrisy at its finest," Usopp agreed.

"Shut up you damn brats! I only went to stop you all!" Igaram yelled


"And a liar too," Sanji added. "At least Usopp is kind of good at it when

he wants to be."

"Thank you," King Cobra said, as blood dripped from his nose as well.

"Dirty old man", the Strawhats all said in unison.

"Not for that!" he yelled, before lowering his head to the ground. "Thank

you for saving the country I love," he said.

Zoro grinned. "Is it ok for a king to be doing that?" he asked, although

unlike Igaram, who voiced the same concern, he had no problem with it.

"Rank and status is worn on one's clothing," the king recited. "There is no

such thing as a naked king. So as a father, and a citizen of this country, I

would like to express my gratitude. Thank you, from the bottom of my


Luffy grinned widely. "Anytime!"

Smoker sighed tiredly as Tashigi walked towards him with the

transponder snail. He really didn't feel like having this conversation.

"Smoker-san, it's Captain Hina," the Sergeant Major reported dutifully.

Smoker nodded in acknowledgement and took the transponder snail.

"It's been a long time, Hina. To what do I owe the displeasure?"

"You're as charming as ever, Smoker. That is to say, not at all. How I

sympathize with Tashigi's troubles. Hina sympathizes."

"Did you call to make small talk?" Smoker asked lazily. "Hurry up and get

to the point before our call gets intercepted by pirates." Hina was silent

on the other line. They both knew that pirates intercepting marine calls

was exceedingly rare, as not many had the knowledge and resources to

successfully attempt it. Smoker was either paranoid or had an annoying

sense of humor. Hina knew very well that both statements were true.

"Fine. I thought I should tell you that your report on the events that occurred

in Alabasta wasn't exactly received well by HQ. Let me mention that Strawhat

Luffy was being considered for the position of Royal Warlord to replace


Smoker grunted. That made sense. If they couldn't cover up the events,

one way to save face was to make an ally out of the one who had toppled

one of the Seven Warlords. Not that he thought Strawhat would have

ever accepted. "Was?" he asked. "Does that mean they decided against it?

If so, they'll be short one warlord."

"They didn't have much of a choice," Hina said. "The decision had practically

been made to offer him the position at first, until the most recent outrage


"Most recent outrage? What are you talking about?" Smoker asked,

feeling out of the loop.

"Oh, you haven't heard? You might want to pick up a global newspaper when

you get the chance. I'd hate to spoil the surprise, after all." Smoker sighed.

"Fine. Anything else I should know?"

"Actually, yes. I've been given some shocking orders."

"You mean you're going after the Strawhats? Godspeed," Smoker


"As much as I'm flattered by your lack of faith in me, that isn't the case. I was

fully ready to go after them, but it seems my authority in this area has been

overridden. As you can imagine, I'm rather disappointed. Hina disappointed."

Smoker's brow furrowed. "They're sending someone from HQ? I've seen

you fight before, and you're stronger than most rear admirals. The only

reason you're still a captain is because of your supposed lack of

experience. Who would they send that can do the job better?"

Hina blushed slightly. Smoker really could be charming...when he wasn't

trying to be. "Well, that's the thing. They're sending the Trio of Disciples."

Smoker's eyes widened slightly. "You mean they're coming to this part of

the Grand Line? But that's-"

"A huge waste of resources?" Hina interrupted. "Hina was surprised too. But

it seems the higher ups are convinced that we have to end this now, and so

they've committed an excessive force to take them down. My orders are to

back them up using my Black Cage Formation, but not to get in their way. In

short, Hina has been sidelined."

Smoker thought for a moment as he let smoke from his cigar fill his

lungs. Such an excessive display of force was unprecedented to go after a

rookie in the first half of the Grand Line. But that's not what he was

contemplating. The irony of the situation was not lost on him. Despite all

his experience suggesting that there was no way Strawhat was getting out

of this alive, something in his very bones was telling him that his

experience was wrong this time. Perhaps it was the lingering ache in


"Smoker? Are you still there? I had a feeling that you wouldn't be alright with

this, but there's nothing you can do."

"Alright with what?" Smoker asked.

"Well, with Strawhat getting captured. I know you were dead set on being the

one to bring them in. I figured you'd be miffed that you lost your chance."

Smoker was silent for a moment as he blew out a puff of smoke. "That's if

he gets captured," he finally pointed out. He could hear a slight intake of

breath on the other line.

"You're kidding. Against the students of the admirals? I know you've dealt with

them before and know firsthand how strong they are, but are you seriously

saying that three vice admirals isn't enough to-"

"Like I said. Godspeed, Hina," Smoker interrupted, before hanging up. He

sighed. Whether or not they realized it, the Strawhats were walking down

the road to infamy. And there were only a select few places where that

road could lead.

The morning after their celebrations, the Strawhats were abruptly ripped

from their slumber by Igaram, who burst into the room shouting for them

to wake up. Most of them groaned.

"What is it, curly old man?" Luffy asked as he rubbed his eyes and

yawned. He noticed the newspaper in the man's hand and had a pretty

good guess what his was about, but at the moment, he really just wanted

to keep sleeping. They had walked all night through the desert without

resting, after all.

"What the hell did you all do?" Igaram asked as he panted.

"You mean the defeating a Royal Warlord part, or publicly humiliating

the World Government, or both?" Luffy asked sleepily. Robin chuckled at

his attitude.

"No, not that! I'm talking about...oh, just look for yourself!" he yelled as

he threw the newspaper onto the ground. They all looked in curiosity as

Nami quite forcefully woke up Zoro, the only one still asleep. Many of

them gasped as they looked at the front page. Contrary to what they

thought, Crocodile's defeat and the conspiracy in Alabasta had not made

the headlines, although they could see that it was on the second page.

"What did you do indeed," Robin said, visibly shocked. Nami groaned.

"How could we have forgotten about that?" she asked as she slapped her


The headline, in big bold letters, read: Whitebeard declares Strawhat

pirates his allies.

A/N: Yea, I know you have questions. Ask away. Just don't expect to get

an answer yet. Haha! Until next time, Lost out.

35. Trouble in Paradise

Many of you had confusions about certain events from last chapter.

Hopefully this one will clear them up.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter XXXV: Trouble in Paradise

"Seriously, how the hell did we forget about that?" Nami asked again as

the room erupted into a mix of joy and panic. "It's pretty damn important

now that you mention it!"

"Could someone please explain how this happened?" Robin asked. "It

would seem I missed something, having only now joined."

"Luffy's brother is Fire Fist Ace of the Whitebeard Pirates," Sanji

explained, causing her eyes to widen. "He asked Luffy if we wanted to be

their allies. Luffy agreed, and now...I guess Whitebeard must have agreed

to it as well."

Robin turned to Luffy. "Is that true? Portgas D. Ace is your brother?" she

asked. He nodded in response.

"Hey guys? Not to ruin the moment, but won't this make it harder for us

to leave?" Usopp pointed out. A few of them stopped to consider the

possibility. Being allies with one of the Yonko could make it much more

difficult for them to move around.

"That depends," Zoro answered. "The thing about the Yonko is that

they're powerful enough that even the World Government would rather

avoid conflict with them. In theory, this could cause the marines to back

off, but if they're determined enough to capture us that they'll risk

challenging Whitebeard, it means they'll be that much more willing to

commit their resources to taking us down. It's hard to predict which." The

room was silent again as the rest of them soaked that in.

"No," Robin said suddenly. "They'll be coming for us, without a doubt."

The rest of the crew looked at her in question. Luffy and Zoro seemed

visibly intrigued by her input. "Haven't you noticed something strange?"

she continued. "Not only has this crew toppled one of the Seven

Warlords, but now it's allied with arguably the most powerful pirate fleet

in the world. Normally after such an uproar, those involved would gain a

large increase in bounty." Luffy and Zoro's eyes widened in

comprehension as she gestured to the newspapers. "And yet none of you


Suddenly, Luffy and Zoro both smirked, which confused most of the

crew. "Interesting," Luffy said. "Who do you think they'll send?"

"I don't know, but if they're that confident, they better not waste our

time," Zoro replied. Nami groaned.

"What are you all talking about? Why didn't your bounties increase?

What does this mean?" she asked impatiently.

"It means the World Government doesn't think it matters whether their

bounties increase or not," Robin answered in a worried tone. "It means

whoever they're sending after us, they're sure we won't be able to


"I guess that means we better get going then!" Luffy concluded, a little

too jovially. "We wouldn't want to prove them right, would we?"

Usopp looked at him oddly. "You seem unusually happy. I would have

thought you two would be bummed about not getting new bounties."

"Not really," Zoro replied. "All it means is that we'll get bigger ones after


Vivi listened in trepidation as she recalled their conversation from the

previous night.

If you asked me, I'd say you should come with us. But something like that isn't

my decision. It's ultimately up to you. So we'll give you until noon tomorrow to

make your choice. If you decide to come, we'll celebrate, like pirates. If not,

just know that we will always think of you as a Strawhat.

She bit her lip. It was a tough decision. She loved being the princess of

Alabasta, but she loved being a Strawhat pirate too. Nevertheless, she

knew where she needed to be.

Luffy noticed her uneasiness. "Don't be nervous, Vivi. Just go where you

feel you belong. Like I said, we won't think any less of you either way.

You'll always be our comrade."

She smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Luffy-san. I'd love to come with you

and have more adventures. I really would. But I can't...because I love my


Luffy smiled in melancholy. He didn't really expect it to be any different

this time, but it was still sad to let her go. "I understand," he said. "Then

all the best of luck, Vivi."

Vivi smiled back, but there were tears in her eyes. They all understood.

She was torn between two lives that she loved equally. But in the end,

her country simply had a more crucial need for her than the Strawhat

Pirates did. Seal stared blanky at her as she wiped her tears away. After a

moment, he looked up at Luffy.

"Kuoo!" he squealed, catching the Strawhat captain's attention.

"Oh, so you want to stay with her?" he asked. The kung fu dugong

nodded. Vivi seemed shocked. "I see. Ok then," Luffy said, though he

seemed even sadder now. "Make sure you two take care of each other,


"Kuoo!" Seal punched the air repeatedly in a manner that suggested that

anyone who tried to hurt Vivi was in for some pain. Vivi smiled and bent

down to face him.

"So I guess we're both honorary Strawhats then?" she said. He nodded

again in agreement, and then did something that surprised everyone. He

held up the arm that still had the mark of the crew's comradery on it. He

triggered an instant reaction; the rest of the crew immediately did the

same. Vivi smiled widely as she held out her own arm, and Carue

mimicked her.

Off to the side, Robin and Bentham, neither of which had the mark, were

content to just watch. Bentham was near tears. "That...was beautiful.

Such bonds of friendship are rare to see!" he yelled.

"So what about you?" Luffy asked. "Did you want to join the crew?"

Bentham's jaw dropped in shock.

"So quick to offer me a place in your family! Strawhat, I'm touched! But

I'm afraid I must decline; you see, I have my own crew, and I cannot

simply abandon them!"

Luffy pouted. "Oh. Well there's nothing that can be done then. Oh well."

Robin, who hadn't spoken for a while, still seemed disconcerted about

something, until Vivi walked up to her. "Robin, I guess you had your

reasons for what you did. And I don't want things between us to end on a

bad note. We're both Strawhats after all. So...can we call it water under

the bridge?"

Robin seemed surprised, but she smiled. "I'd like that," she said. The two

shook hands, and Robin looked like a load had been lifted off of her

shoulders after that.

Zoro raised an eyebrow as he turned to Bentham. "Hey, if you have a

crew, shouldn't you be getting in contact with them?" he asked. "The

marines will be after you too since you were a member of Baroque

Works. You can't stay here for long."

Bentham's eyes widened. "Crap, you're right! Stop joking aroouuund!

Where's the transponder snail!?"

Hina leaned back in her chair as she gazed upon the ship of the Strawhat

pirates, which was docked at the bay and now swarming with marines

under her command. The ship was anchored, and was flanked by marine

vessels on all sides. The Disciple Trio were due to arrive soon, and when

they did, the pirates' chances of escaping would be negligible at best. In

addition, she had her Black Cage Formation on standby, so even if they

somehow got passed the blockade at the shore, they would have to face

another one at sea. Everything was going smoothly. So then why did

Smoker's warning keep repeating itself in her mind?

"Captain Hina!" the soldier on watch yelled. "Were we expecting Sir

Dracule Mihawk too?"

Hina turned toward the subordinate in question with a puzzled

expression. "Of course not! We haven't been able to recruit his help in

ages. He just does what he feels like!"

"Then what the hell is that!?" Hina turned to where he was pointing, and

her eyes immediately widened. For a brief fraction of a second, she

actually found herself wondering if Hawkeye Mihawk was here as she

watched a colossal blade of wind, easily towering over their marine

ships, head towards the blockade they had formed on the shore. Even

from this distance it looked intimidating.

Marine soldiers scrambled to jump out of the way as the attack tore

through two ships as if they were wet tissue paper. The marine vessels

stood no chance, and the marines began jumping overboard as they sank.

Hina looked on in shock. It was clear that they were under attack, but

who could have produced a slash of that magnitude?

The transponder snail suddenly started ringing, and Hina immediately

answered it. "Sergeant, report!"

"Captain, Demon Wind Zoro is attacking us!" came the panicked voice

from the other line.

It took Hina a moment to process that statement. Roronoa Zoro? Filing

away the unlikelihood of a rookie swordsman being able to do something

like that for now, she gave her order.

"Sergeant, open fire on the Strawhats' ship!" But there was no answer

from her underling other than a scream before the line went dead. She

watched as another marine vessel was cleaved in two and sank into the

water. She squinted as she looked towards the shore again. She grabbed a

pair of binoculars and was able to make out a man with a straw hat,

surrounded by several other individuals who were boarding the goat-like

pirate ship in the chaos.

The Strawhat Pirates had arrived.

Usopp cringed as he heard the screams of pain and fear from the nearby

ships. "Wow, he's not holding back is he?"

"Oh, he is," Luffy said. "Just not as much as usual. I think it's because he

hasn't seen as much action lately. He's been getting restless."

"Raise anchor and unfurl the sails!" Nami ordered. "We have to bypass the

next blockade!" But as the Going Merry pulled away from the bay, the

marine ships were already firing on them. Curiously, they weren't firing

cannonballs, but large black spears, which meant that Sanji would have

trouble kicking them away.

They needn't have worried, however. Zoro jumped back onto the ship

and started deflecting the spears with blasts of wind from his swords.

Between that and Luffy punching and kicking them away, none of them

were reaching the Going Merry.

Mounting their defense grew more difficult, however, as the eight marine

ships began surrounding them. Zoro was soon producing whirlwinds to

blow multiple spears off course while Luffy used gatlings to knock them

away. Meanwhile, Usopp readied the cannon, and was able to open a

hole in the marine's formation by hitting one of the ships dead center,

causing it to crash into the other ship subsequently cause them both to


"Alright Usopp!" Luffy yelled as the shooter stared in shock at his results.

"That's why you're our sniper!"

Usopp quickly recovered and puffed out his chest proudly. "Of course!

This was nothing. That's what happens when you mess with the great


"Set a course for the opening you idiots!" Nami interrupted. The marines

were scrambling to account for the change in their formation when the

sound of more cannonfire was heard in the distance. Zoro acted fast and

cut the cannonball from a distance as it flew towards the Going Merry.

There was a large explosion from above the ship, which was rocked back

and forth by the shockwave.

Usopp started panicking. "Bad news guys, they brought a warship too! It's

coming in fast!" The rest of the Strawhats saw that he was right. The

marine ships that were keeping them on their toes before were now

making way for another, which easily dwarfed them all in size.

Zoro's eyes narrowed. "It looks like their backup has arrived."

He shared a quick glance with Luffy, who was no doubt sensing the same

thing he was, and they both nodded. Luffy turned towards the rest of the

crew. "Guys, don't try to fight them. You're not strong enough yet. That

means you too, Sanji."

"Who are they?" the chef asked in bewilderment.

"Vice admirals," Robin answered as she uncrossed her arms and opened

her eyes. "Three of them," she added. "Doberman, Momonga, and

Onigumo. They're said to be the disciples of the three marine admirals

themselves." She was visibly worried.

Usopp started freaking out. "Are you kidding me!? What are they doing

here then!? Don't they have bigger fish to fry!?"

Nami was distressed as well. "Luffy! We can't fght those guys! We should

just focus on getting away," she reasoned.

"They wouldn't just let us do that," Zoro said. "Take a look." The

Strawhats looked and saw that the three marines in question were

actually approaching them through the air.

"They're flying!" Chopper exclaimed. "Just like Luffy! They can do that


Robin looked at Luffy curiously. "Captain-san, where exactly did you

learn that technique?" she asked.

"Uh, I learned by watching someone do it," Luffy said. Robin looked like

she wanted to ask something else, but she simply nodded. Luffy, for his

part, had conveniently neglected to mention that the person he'd learned

from watching was standing right next to them.

When the three vice admirals arrived within the vicinity of the Going

Merry, they immediately began raining long ranged sword slashes and

rankyaku blades down on the ship. Zoro immediately drew his three

swords and began deflecting them, while Luffy launched off of the deck

and went on the offensive.

The other Strawhats could do nothing but watch, and even that was

difficult given that their movements were a blur. They could make out

that Luffy's arms and legs had blackened as he dished out numerous

assaults on the three high ranking marines. From the deck, Zoro

supported him with a hail of fast and deadly long ranged slashes.

Although the two were outnumbered, it seemed as though they actually

had the advantage.

But with the two of them preoccupied with the three vice admirals,

Captain Hina was now free to continue her assault, and one of the black

spears finally got passed Sanji, embedding itself into the Going Merry's

hull. Luffy took notice.

"Zoro, can you hold them off?" he yelled.

"Of course I can, go!" he swordsman shouted back. Luffy landed back on

deck, noting that Sanji was still tied up deflecting the spears.

"Nami, try to navigate us out of their formation. Usopp, keep firing on

those ships, that should make it easier for her. Chopper, get below deck

and patch that hole. Robin, you get the cage lady. Break!" He then

jumped off the ship again, heading towards the marine blockade.

"You won't get away, Strawhat!" Momonga shouted, following after the

pirate captain. Zoro let him go, knowing that one of them wouldn't be a

problem for Luffy. Once the Strawhat captain got in range, he let loose a

blast of Conqueror's haki, targeting the ships that were blockading them,

and immediately felt hundreds of weaker auras lose consciousness. Before

he could concentrate enough to make it stronger, however, his

observation haki alerted him to an attack. He quickly spun around and

used armaments hardening on his arm, blocking a sword slash from

Momonga. "So it's true," the vice admiral said. "You can use all three

forms of haki. And here I thought those were just rumors. This is utterly


Luffy grinned. "Did you come here thinking this would be easy?" he


As the two fought their midair battle, the rest of the Strawhats were

carrying out their orders. Chopper was successfully attending to the

damage below deck, which wasn't particularly strenuous considering

there was only one hole, and the unconscious marines had stopped firing

on them. Above deck, Usopp had sunk two more marine ships now that

he had time to focus, which left a notable opening in their formation for

Nami to work with.

One of the marine ships were now pulling up beside the Going Merry.

The Strawhats could make out Captain Hina and two others that were

slightly familiar. Hina immediately jumped across to the Going Merry,

startling them, and was engaged by Robin. Hands sprouted all over her

body in an attempt to subdue her. They were immobilized by her caging

ability only to disappear, before more sprouted and attempted to clutch

the marine captain. Hina attempted to get close, but Robin kept her at

bay using more hands that sprouted from the ground.

"Demon Spawn, Nico Robin," Hina acknowledged with widened eyes.

"You've joined the Strawhat pirates?"

"It would appear so," Robin replied with a genuine smile.

"I've been waiting for this, you damn cook!" Fullbody shouted as he

jumped over to the Going Merry as well. "Now I'll take my revenge! I've

gotten stronger since last time."

"Really? So you've been promoted?" Usopp asked with his head tilted to

the side. Fullbody's face darkened, indicating that the sniper had hit a

sore spot, and he lunged at Usopp, who shrieked and readied his

slingshot. Before either of them could act, however, Sanji casually kicked

Fullbody in the face, sending him flying back over to the marine ship,

where he landed in a bloody, unconscious heap...again.

"Who was that guy?" the chef asked in annoyance. "He was acting like he

knew me…"

"You bastards! How dare you do that to my partner!" Jango shouted as he

pulled out his hypnotic ring. "Take this! When I say 1, 2, Jango, you will

all fall asleep! 1…"

"Certain death, explosive star!" Usopp's projectile hit him dead on and

sent him overboard. He landed in the ocean with a loud splash. "That was

from Kaya, dickhead!"

Meanwhile, Hina was having trouble keeping up with her opponent. The

arms that were caught by her cage ability immediately disappeared only

for new ones to appear. Robin watched her every move with a well

trained, scrutinizing eye. Hina was under even more pressure as she had

to avoid the limbs that grew out of the ship's deck as well. She was a

close quarters combatant that simply couldn't get close. If anything, she

was being pushed back.

Finally, she slipped up. In her haste to avoid the many hands in front of

her, she didn't notice the ones that had sprouted up behind her, and leapt

backwards into them. Hands wrapped around her legs and were quickly

caged, but didn't disappear this time. More hands grabbed her arms and

shoulders, pulling her backwards towards the wall. She caged the hands

that were touching her, but could do nothing to stop the ones that piled

on top of those, and she was pinned to the wall by a myriad of

disembodied limbs. Once she was immobilized, two of the hands went for

her neck and started choking her. She struggled in vain to escape from

the numerous arms holding her arms and legs in place as she was

deprived of oxygen. She sent a glare of defiance towards the heavily

wanted woman before her. "Hina...has failed…" she groaned before her

vision grew blurry and she blacked out.

"That was...scary…" Usopp commented, as Robin released the marine

captain and carried her back to her own ship. Nami nodded in

agreement. They both made mental notes not to get on their new

crewmate's bad side.

"3 sword style...1080 Pound Cannon!" They turned to see Zoro still facing

off against Doberman and Onigumo, who both dodged the flying slash in

midair. Onigumo landed in front of him, wielding eight swords at once

through the use of a zoan devil fruit. Doberman landed behind him.

"So you're a haki user as well, Roronoa," Onigumo said.

"What a troublesome crew," Doberman commented. "We will end you all

right here, in the name of Absolute Justice!" They both sent rankyaku

attacks at him, which he deflected with two swords. They then used soru

to get close and attempt to cut him in half, but he blocked their swords as

well and pushed them both back with whirlwind.

"As much as I've enjoyed this, I have to end it quickly," Zoro said. "Sorry,

but I won't hold back anymore."

"Don't get cocky, pirate!" Doberman shouted as he sent off another flying

slash in Zoro's direction. Zoro barely payed it any mind as he deflected it

to the side.

Suddenly, Zoro's arms, legs, and head multiplied. The rest of the crew

watched in confusion, but Sanji's eyes widened as he recognized the

move from when the swordsman had fought Mihawk. Zoro leapt toward

Onigumo, whose eight swords blackened as he met the attack halfway.

"8 sword style, Spider Demon Blade!"

"9 sword style, Asura!" The two swordsman passed each other by, and the

crew watched with bated breath. "One Mist Silver!" Zoro whispered,

before the extra limbs around him vanished. A large wound opened

across Onigumo's side, spraying blood all over the ship's deck. The vice

admiral collapsed. Doberman stared in shock at the scene before Zoro

turned to him, three obsidian swords still drawn.

"3 sword style, secret technique," he said as he leapt towards Doberman

next. The vice admiral's sword blackened along with his entire body in an

attempt to ward off the attack.

The vice admiral's sword was cut into four separate pieces as they

clashed. His eyes widened in shock, but he used a tekkai as a last

measure of defense.

"Three Thousand Worlds!" Zoro shouted, as three long gashes appeared

along the marine's abdomen. Doberman coughed up a wad of blood.

"Defeated...by mere...rookies…Akainu-senpai...I'm sorry…" was the last

thing he said before he collapsed.

Once he was sure they were both down, Zoro looked back to Luffy, and

sighed upon seeing that his captain was taking his time. Momonga was

barraging him with sword slashes, numerous rankyaku, and even a

shigan here and there, but Luffy was comfortably dodging it all, even in

midair. "Giving up yet?" the rubber man asked. "You won't beat us."

"It isn't over yet, Strawhat," the swordsman growled.

"Actually, it is," Luffy said, pointing down below. Momonga looked back

to the Going Merry, and his eyes widened upon seeing that his two

comrades had been defeated. Preoccupied by his own fight, he hadn't

noticed their auras dim. He gritted his teeth. He didn't like those two, but

they were still fellow marines, and they had still fought and bled

together. This battle really was over.

He flew back to the ship, Luffy following behind him, and landed in

between Zoro and the two other marines. He quickly picked up his two

associates and flung them over his shoulders before leaping off of the

deck again, back in the direction of the warship. Luffy watched him in

interest as he left.

"Well, at least that one knows when to retreat," he commented. Zoro


"Whatever, let's get out of here."

The Going Merry finally made its way down the Sandora river

unopposed, sailing out to its next adventure.

A day later, in Foosha village of the Goa Kingdom

The village was in an uproar. The entire town was in celebration of a

certain pirate's rise to fame, much to the annoyance of Major Whoop

Slap, who admonished them for their support of a criminal. Said mayor

plopped himself down on a stool in Makino's bar in frustration. "Those

idiots," he muttered.

"They're just excited for Luffy," Makino replied.

"What's so great about a pirate originating from our town?" Whoop Slap

asked. "That Luffy's gone and made a criminal out of himself."

"But that's his dream," Makino pointed out with a gentle smile.

Whoop Slap sighed as he stared at the wanted poster on the wall. "His

dream, or his fate?"

In a certain dojo in East Blue

A tall sword master with dark hair and glasses rubbed his head in

exasperation as his students crowded around him.

"Hey Koshiro-sensei! Is it really true that Roronoa Zoro trained in this

dojo?" one asked.

"Yes, he did," Koshiro replied. I forbid you to look up to him though."

"Huh!? Why!?"

Koshiro looked towards Kuina's grave in melancholy. It looks like you're

still chasing that dream of yours, Zoro. I may question your methods, but so

long as you always treasure your kendo, I will fully support you.

In Shells town

In a certain bar not far from Marine Branch 153, little girl stared up at

two bounty posters in excitement. "Mom, it's really them! Can you believe


"Yes, it seems they've become quite famous," Ririka replied with an

exasperated smile. As much as she was conflicted about her daughter's

admiration of wanted pirates, that swordsman had really helped them,

and they would always owe him for that.

"But Mom," Rika continued as she stared at a third flyer curiously.

"Whose this other guy that was in the newspaper with them?"

In Syrup village on the Gecko Islands

The village's local trio of infamous liars rushed toward a mansion on top

of a hill. "Kaya!" they shouted in unison as they ran up to the door. The

blond haired girl, used to their daily visits by now, opened the door


"Hello you three. How are you doing today?"

"Kaya! Look at this!" they shouted, each thrusting a wanted poster in her


"Oh, I see. So those two have gained new bounties. And...who is this


In the sea restaurant, Baratie

"Those fools are giving me a headache," Owner Zeff complained. "What

are they so excited about anyway?"

"Oh, you mean you haven't seen yet?" Patty asked in disbelief. Come with

me. You're going to love this!"

In Cocoyashi village

"Gen-san!" Nojiko shouted as she ran up to the village leader. "Have you

heard the news yet?"

"Yea, I have. That kid has really done it this time. All I can say is, he

better keep his promise."

"I'm sure he will," Nojiko said, grinning. "It's not his style to go back on

his word. I could tell!"

In a castle atop the Drum Rockies

"Those brats are really in for it now," Dr. Kureha commented as she

looked down at the newspaper.

"What could they have even done to earn bounties that high?" Dalton

asked in wonder.

"They must have rattled the government's cage quite a bit," Kureha

replied. She was silent for a moment. "Hey Dalton, have you ever heard

of the Will of D?" she asked.

The village chief's brow furrowed. "Will of D? I'm not familiar with the

term," he admitted.

"It was something said to have been possessed by Gol D. Roger himself."

"Gol D? You mean Gold Roger?"

"Is that what they're calling him now?" Kureha cackled before taking a

swig of her sake. "Well, mark my words. That kid will become a legend.

There's something about him that I just couldn't ignore when he made a

ruckus here. Still, if he doesn't keep his promise, I'm going to hunt him

down and gut him!"

In the holy land, Mariejois

"Gaaaarp! Get in here!" Sengoku shouted in fury. It wasn't long before the

legendary vice admiral came crashing through the door, not bothering

himself to open it.

"What is it Sengoku? Are you hungry? I brought rice crackers!"

"Garp, that blasted grandson of yours is the bane of my existence!"

Sengoku shouted.

"Ah, you too? I know the feeling! Still, he's pretty badass isn't he? I guess

it should be expected. I raised him after all! Hahaha!"

"Stop it! Stop being proud this instant!" Sengoku yelled. "That brat's a

menace! Not only did he defeat one of our warlords, which by the way,

we've failed to cover up, thanks to Alabasta's damn press getting wind of

it before us...no, that wasn't enough for him, he had go and ally himself

with the God fucking Whitebeard pirates! Now we can't even pursue him

without risking war with a Yonko!"

"Ahahahaha! What did I say? Badass!" Garp said, still laughing.

"Dammit Garp! Take this seriously!" Sengoku shouted. "As if all that

wasn't enough, he even defeated the Disciple Trio. Three vice admirals!

What rookie pirate in the first half of the Grand Line can defeat vice

admirals!? They've even reported that he was using all haki and rokushiki

fluidly! I'm beginning to think you had a hand in this, Garp!"

"Who me? I barely trained him at all! You kept stationing me in the New

World, so I didn't have time," Garp defended with a huff.

"Well, someone had to have taught him! Rookie pirates don't just master

all three forms of haki before they even arrive in the Grand Line! It defies

all logic!"

"Ahahaha! That's my grandson!"

"Shut up Garp!" But Garp just kept laughing merrily while chewing on his

rice crackers.

"Gimme those!" Sengoku shouted, before snatching the rice crackers


"Hey, you can't hog them all!" Garp protested. Sengoku turned away and

started chugging the whole bag, much to Garp's horror. As they fought

over the bag, they knocked the wanted posters on Sengoku's desk to the


On a raft in the middle of the most dangerous sea in the world, a bearded

man with piercing eyes stared down at three wanted posters with a

chilling smirk. They read:

Black Leg Sanji - 55 million berry

Demon Wind Zoro - 95 million berry

Strawhat Luffy - 175 million berry

A/N: So yea! The Disciple Trio are canon characters. I just decide to give

them a group epithet that they didn't have in canon, as well as a

relationship to the admirals that was never mentioned but that I think fits

quite well. In case you were wondering, for the sake of this story,

Momonga was mentored by Aokiji, Onigumo was mentored by Kizaru,

and Doberman was mentored by Akainu.

And if you're wondering why Whitebeard would declare the Strawhats

his allies to the world and make them bigger targets, then I suggest you

go back and read chapter 26 very carefully. Until next time.

36. The Mind's Eye and the

World's Voice

Now that the Baroque Works saga is over, I have to say that I'm

pleasantly surprised at the increase in attention this story has been

getting. I've actually been keeping track to an extent and I'm pretty sure

my view count has doubled in the past couple months. For anyone that

cares to know, I've had over 180,000 views now. Taking into account

that I started doing this in February, that's quite the growth curve. My

reviews are increasing exponentially as well. Just to give you an idea, of

the 35 chapters I've published before this one, the last 3 make up over

20% of my review count so far.

As much as I enjoy gloating, my primary purpose in saying this is to

express my gratitude. Just like all stories, this fanfiction began as a spur

of the moment piece of inspiration that had little recognition but

boundless potential. A story may not exist without the writer, but

without the reader it has far less purpose. You all have brought this work

of mine up to the top 20 most followed One Piece fics on this site. And to

me that's a big fucking deal.

So thank you and enjoy the beginning of yet another saga of Second


Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter XXXVI: The Mind's Eye and the World's Voice

The Going Merry sailed smoothly through the Grand Line in a rare

moment of serenity. It had been over a day since the Strawhats had

escaped the marine blockade, and they were still adapting to the

relatively relaxing endeavor of sailing without incident. Looking back,

their time since coming to the Grand Line had been wrought with danger,

and while their adventure happy Captain and adrenaline junky First Mate

had no problems with it, the rest of them were enjoying the sudden lack

of tension.

"Hey Usopp!" Luffy shouted excitedly. The sniper turned from where he

was working on his weapon designs to face said captain, and saw with

much mirth that he had hands growing out of his head, which closely

resembled horns. "Look, I'm a tanuki!"

Chopper, who was watching the scene, immediately took offense. "You

mean a reindeer! Tanuki don't have antlers!" Luffy and Usopp fell over

laughing at Chopper's expense, which only made the doctor angrier.

Luffy controlled his laughter and addressed Chopper's objection. "Of

course they do Chopper. I mean, why else would you have antlers?" he


Chopper easily rose to the bait. "Because I'm a reindeer!" he shouted

indignantly. This time, Luffy looked at him like he was in idiot.

"Are you stupid Chopper? Reindeers don't walk on two legs," Luffy

replied. Chopper's jaw dropped upon hearing the logical fallacy.

"NEITHER DO TANUKI!" he shouted, too gullible to realize that Luffy was

doing this intentionally. Usopp, who had just gotten up, fell over

laughing again, while Robin let out a laugh of her own as she watched in


Luffy paused to consider Chopper's argument. "Hmm, you're right," he

acknowledged. "I guess you must be half human half tanuki then."

"I'M HALF REINDEER!" Chopper yelled, waving his arms up and down as

if he was throwing a tantrum.

Luffy's eyes lit up in comprehension. "Oooohh! So you're half reindeer

half tanuki half hu-" Luffy was cut off from his calculated taunting as a

hand bloomed out of his shoulder and covered his mouth. Luffy turned to

Robin and pouted. She smiled innocently.

"Sorry Captain-san. But Longnose-kun is going to pass out from lack of

oxygen soon," she said as the hand disappeared.

Luffy turned to Usopp, who was gasping for air, and smiled sheepishly. It

was then that Sanji announced that he had snacks ready. Usopp rushed

toward the kitchen, Chopper following behind him. Luffy, surprisingly,

didn't go. He stared toward the kitchen longingly but instead turned to

Robin, who looked back at him curiously.

"There's something you've wanted to ask me since we left Alabasta," he

said, not beating around the bush. Robin blinked, surprised by both his

directness and his observational skills. She liked to think she was good at

concealing things like that from the attention of others. It was one of the

skills she had developed over the years. And yet in the brief encounters

she had had with her new captain so far, he had always managed to read

her somehow. If any of her previous superiors had ever shown that

capability, it would have been a cause for concern. Crocodile had been

good, but not this good. She would have been dead long ago if the

warlord could tell what she was thinking this easily. And yet, for some

reason it didn't really bother her that Luffy could see more than what she

generally allowed people to see.

The scary part was that she knew it should.

"There is," she responded. "A few things, actually."

Luffy smiled good-naturedly. "Well, you can ask whenever you feel like it.

We don't care that much about formalities on this ship."

Robin nodded slowly. She had expected as much, but old habits died

hard. "Captain-san, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I was

wondering why you invited me to your crew," she said carefully.

"Are you happy here?" was Luffy's immediate response. Robin didn't even

hesitate before nodding.

"I haven't been with you all long, but yes. Happier than I've been in a

long time," she answered.

"Well that's why," Luffy said simply. As much as Robin's heart wanted to

accept the answer, her brain urged her to probe for more information.

"But why would you go to such a length for me?" she asked insistently.

Luffy smiled at her again.

"Robin, you're always trying to see passed the outer layer of everything.

I'll admit that's an important thing to do, but in this case you're looking

for hidden meaning that isn't there. I know that you're a good person who

was dealt a bad hand, and that it drove you to do things you regret. I

wanted to make you happy for a change. That's really all there is to it."

Robin stared at him wide-eyed. As far as she could tell, he wasn't

deceiving her. He meant every word. The idea of someone striving to

make her happy without any ulterior motive was so utterly foreign to her

that she wasn't sure what to do with it.

"Thank you, Luffy," she said quietly. She had broken out of her formal

habits and addressed him by his first name, immediately causing his grin

to widen.

"So you said you wanted to ask something else right?"

Robin nodded, quickly gathering her wits. "I noticed that you seemed to

know beforehand what the poneglyph in Alubarna would reveal. Is there

a reason for that?"

Luffy paused for a moment, thinking about how to something like that to

Robin. He wasn't going to lie, but he wasn't going to tell her the full truth

either. Not yet.

"Captain-san?" she asked after he was silent for a long moment. He

rubbed his head sheepishly.

"Sorry, it's just that that's a bit complicated, and I'm not that good at

explaining things," he said. "So I'll just give you an explanation that

someone once gave me. The first thing you should know is that

everything in the world gives off a certain evidence of its presence, one

that transcends the perception of the 5 senses we humans use to interact

with our surroundings." At this point Robin could tell that he was indeed

repeating this explanation from another source, seeing as he didn't

normally speak like this. Nevertheless, she eagerly listened, despite

wondering where this was going.

"Some people refer to this as a voice. Others call it a feeling. In reality it's

neither of those, but people have their own way of interpreting what they

perceive." Robin nodded in agreement, and Luffy continued. "For our

purposes, let's just say that every object in the world gives off an aura. In

living beings, this aura is far more noticeable than in inanimate objects.

In living beings that can think and feel, the aura becomes that much

stronger. Beyond that, the aura gets even stronger depending on the

strength of one's mind. In humans and other animals, the aura is strong

enough that people can develop the ability to pick up on it by unlocking

a sort of sixth sense. Most people call that sixth sense observation haki."

"Observation haki?" Robin repeated. She was visibly intrigued by this

explanation, and decided to forget about her original question until they

got to it.

Luffy nodded. "Observation haki is an ability that any sentient being can

learn. It may be worth mentioning that Zoro and I can both use this

ability. The best observation haki users can sense the presence of any

living being if they focus hard enough. But sensing the presence of an

inanimate object is an ability that's unreachable to most. Still, there are a

select few who are born with an advanced perception and can do it.

There's a special name for that ability."

"And that is?" Robin asked.

"The power to hear the voice of all things."

Robin went through the explanation again in her head. It all seemed a bit

farfetched. She wasn't one to think she had seen everything the world

had to offer, however, and she saw no reason for the captain to lie about

such a thing. "Do you know anyone who has that ability?" she asked


Luffy grinned. "Well, for starters, me," he replied. Robin simply stared at

him, and Luffy finally addressed her question.

"Poneglyphs, for some reason, have a really strong presence among

inanimate objects. But it's more than that. To me, it almost feels like a

human's aura was somehow ingrained in that stone, but it's diminished to

the point where normal observation haki users can't sense it. To a certain

extent, I was able to pick up on what it was conveying before I even

entered the tomb."

Robin's eyes widened when she heard this. If what he was saying was in

any way accurate, the implications were awe inspiring. Could the ones

who left the messages of the poneglyphs have left more than one form of

link to the Void Century, one that was untraceable to the vast majority of

the world? She would have to think more about this.

"Well, if that's all, I'm going to go eat some of those snacks!" Luffy said

excitedly as he raced towards the kitchen, leaving Robin to her thoughts.

After the Strawhats ate lunch, Luffy announced that it was time to get

back to their haki training, a statement that was met with resigned

acceptance to all but Zoro and Robin, the latter of whom raised an

eyebrow. "Haki training?" she asked.

"Oh right, new crew member," Luffy acknowledged, before turning to

Zoro. "Alright, who has to explain this time?" he asked. Zoro responded

by holding out his hand in a fist. Luffy looked amused. "Really?" he

asked. Zoro just looked at him expectantly, and Luffy shrugged. The two

played rocks paper scissors. Zoro chose rock and Luffy chose paper. Zoro

looked down at his hand, wondering what he'd done wrong this time,

before shrugging and turning to Robin. Nami's eye twitched.

"All right. There are three types of haki. Conqueror's, armaments, and

observation," Zoro began.

"I've already explained observation to her," Luffy chimed in. Zoro


"Alright then, one thing to know is that not many people can use

Conqueror's haki. In fact, only about 1 in a million can. It allows you to

overpower the wills of weaker individuals, bending them to your will or

even knocking them out. Someone with mastery of this technique can

crush armies without lifting a finger.

Robin's eyes widened in comprehension. "The rebel army in Alubarna,"

she breathed.

Zoro nodded. "Luffy has mastered Conqueror's haki," he said. Robin was

dumbstruck. The captain possessed two rare abilities of that nature?

What star was he born under?

"But you guys can't use that from what we can tell," Zoro continued, "So

the last one to explain is armaments haki, which is basically a

weaponized manifestation of your willpower. It's allows you to coat

yourself or an object in an invisible suit of armor that strengthens both

attack and defense. It also lets you bypass some devil fruit defenses," he

recited from memory.

"Devil fruit defenses?" Robin asked. Zoro decided to elaborate.

"Crocodile was a logia. His devil fruit let him turn into sand. If you were

able to use armaments haki, you would be able to bypass his intangibility

and attack him anyway," Zoro explained.

"So that's how you were able to hit him," Robin said to Luffy. "I always

wondered if there was a way to counteract those abilities. I guess this

would be it."

"That's not all it can do," Luffy said. "Robin, try using your power on

Zoro." Robin looked stunned by the suggestion, but Luffy just grinned.

"Go ahead, don't hold back. Pretend you're trying to put him out of

commission." Robin looked hesitant but complied. She crossed her arms

and hands grew out of Zoro's body in an attempt to clutch him.

Immediately the sprouted hands were blackened to obsidian, and much

to Robin's shock, she couldn't move them. Upon further inspection she

realized that her real arms were also blackened and completely


"What is this?" she asked.

"That's armaments hardening," Zoro said. "It's an advanced form of

armaments haki that can be applied to solid objects. When your arms

came in contact with me I used it on them. Since my armaments haki is a

physical manifestation of my will, it overrode your control of your limbs,"

he explained. "Against someone who doesn't know any armaments haki,

doing that is fairly simple. If you could use it to an extent, it would be

harder, and if your armaments haki was equal to or stronger than mine, I

wouldn't be able to do it at all."

"This seems like an extremely useful ability," Robin commented.

"All three types are," Zoro replied. "But most people have a natural

disposition towards one of the types. Luffy's is Conqueror's, and mine is

armaments. If I had to guess, I'd say yours is observation."

"How would you know that?" Robin asked.

"Your aura, your personality, and your fighting style are all big

indicators," Zoro responded. Robin nodded in acceptance. After that, Zoro

explained the many uses of observation haki. When he mentioned that

sensing emotions was one of them, Robin's eyes widened slightly.

Outwardly she showed no other signs of it, but inwardly she just realized

why Luffy could read her so easily.

The rest of the day was spent training in armaments and observation

haki. Robin was able to pick up on the fact that they had been doing this

for a while but were having little to no progress. Despite this, Robin

found that she wanted to participate. It wasn't so much that she thought

she could learn the techniques or even had a deep desire to. It had more

to do with her desire to take part in the endeavors of the Strawhat crew.

It was starting to get dark, and most of the Strawhats were calling it a

day. Sanji, on the other hand, had wanted to keep going, determined to

make at least some headway. The chef was currently blindfolded and was

working on awakening his observation haki. This essentially involved

Zoro standing behind him and hitting him over the head with a stick.

Robin could tell that he was getting more frustrated after every hit that

he failed to dodge. He had been at this for long enough that he had

actually figured out a pattern in Zoro's consecutive swings and had

started dodging based on that, but the swordsman had quickly caught on

to what he was doing and switched up his pattern.

A loud thwack signified that Sanji had yet again failed to predict one of

Zoro's random swings. Luffy was trying hard not to laugh as Sanji rubbed

his head in barely withheld frustration.

"Hey cook. You need to dodge or else you'll get hit by the stick," Zoro

said unnecessarily. Despite not being able to see him, Sanji turned to him

in outrage.

"No shit, dick with a stick!" he shouted, causing Luffy to burst out

laughing and Zoro to hit him again for good measure. Sanji was

grumbling something about shitty swordsmen and their sticks when Zoro

swung again.

Only this time Sanji moved his head out of the way. Luffy stopped

laughing and looked at Sanji with widened eyes while Robin looked on

curiously. He was still blindfolded, and Zoro's attack had not followed

any particular pattern. It really had seemed like some form of


Zoro smirked. "Hey cook, why'd you dodge?" he asked.

The question seemed to infuriate Sanji, who spun around again. "Because

I didn't want to get hit you shitty moss head!"

Luffy started laughing again, and Zoro seemed annoyed at the return of

the nickname he hadn't heard since his previous life. He stifled his

annoyance though.

"What I meant was, how did you know you were going to get hit?" Zoro


"Because you were-!" Sanji stopped mid sentence and thought about what

he was about to say. Because you were thinking about swinging. Although

he was blindfolded, none of his observers missed the comprehension that

dawned on his features, followed shortly by the look of triumph.

Sanji had awakened observation haki.

A/N: A lot of things on at once, even though this is pretty much an

exposition chapter. As usual, tell me what you thought.

37. Monkeys vs Monsters

I missed a review earlier in regards to the beginning of chapter 31, asking

if Tashigi awakened armaments haki. To put it simply, no. I admit the

way I wrote that was a bit vague, but what actually happened was that

Luffy grabbed her sword and used armaments hardening on it before

pushing her towards Crocodile so that the latter would have to dodge.

To those wondering about whether the power to hear the voice of all

things as introduced in this story is canon, yes and no. The existence and

concept of the ability are both canon, while the specific explanation as

told by Luffy is my own theory. While I'm aware that it may be

completely disproven later on, that's one of the drawbacks of having a

fanfiction character know a lot more than the canon character does.

Since I'm on the topic, I might as well address the issue. Eventually this

fanfiction will contradict the canon story to the point where, if held to

the standards of said canon story, will have even more plot holes than

One Piece itself. So taking into account the rates of progression of both

One Piece and One Piece: Second Wind, there will come a time when I'll

have to treat this as as an AU not just in regard to the time travel, but

also in regard to various canon facts that I'll be forced to ignore. Just

thought I'd tell you ahead of time so that when I get the anticipated,

"Lost, Kaido/Big Mom/Dragon doesn't have that devil fruit! You did it

wrong," I can say, "Talk to the phone bitch, cuz I called it." So now that

I've wasted your time with over 200 words of commentary, enjoy the

next chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter XXXVII: Monkeys vs. Monsters

The next morning, the Strawhats awoke to the revelation that Sanji had

awakened his haki. Usopp got excited and immediately suggested that

they help him refine it by having him dodge some attacks. Nami pointed

out that he was still new at it and asked if he should take it slow, but

Sanji politely assured her that he'd be fine. Luffy, Zoro, and Robin knew

that Sanji was even more excited than Usopp even if he didn't show it. He

had stayed up all night after his first breakthrough, content in simply

getting a feel for all of the Strawhats' auras. He found that suddenly

having a way to reassure himself of their presence was gratifying. He

was, after all, one of the stronger members of the crew, and took it upon

himself to protect the others, even if he didn't admit it when it came to

the male members. So being able to reach out with his senses and find

them, something which he was able to do more and more successfully as

the night had progressed, was something he appreciated. Luffy and Zoro

had understood perfectly and had left him so he could practice.

Now Usopp suggested that he try to dodge some of Chopper's punches

with his eyes closed. Sanji consented. At first he was having trouble

dodging multiple blows, and a few punches would connect every now

and then, much to Chopper's concern, but Sanji insisted they continue,

neglecting to mention that the reindeer hybrid's punches didn't hurt

much anyway. A few minutes passed, and gradually less blows began

getting through as Sanji's dodges became smoother and more purposeful.

He was starting to know what to look for in Chopper's aura in order to

anticipate his movements. From the intent that drove his body to move,

to the rise of his arm, to the area that he was targeting with his punch,

Sanji knew what Chopper was going to do a split second after he decided

to do it. While he was a novice in training to the eyes of Luffy and Zoro,

the rest of the crew watched with fascination and awe as Sanji danced

around all of Chopper's blows without ever opening his eyes. Once Sanji

lasted a solid minute without taking any hits, they stopped.

"That was awesome Sanji!" Usopp yelled. "What should we try next?"

"Why don't you try hitting him with your slingshot?" Luffy suggested.

"Just use normal pellets." Usopp nodded and put some distance between

himself and the chef before pulling out his slingshot. Sanji closed his eyes

again and focused, but as Usopp got ready to shoot, Sanji's brow

furrowed. The chef moved prematurely to dodge, but the sniper adjusted

his aim in a flash, and the pellet hit Sanji in the forehead dead center.

Luckily it wasn't any special type of ammo, and only resulted in a small

twinge of pain. Sanji hummed in thought.

"I get it," he mumbled. Luffy grinned.

"Learn anything?" the captain asked. Sanji opened his eyes.

"Dodging projectiles is different than dodging punches or kicks," the chef

said. "With Chopper I was able to follow the path of his arm as he swung

at me, but I can't sense Usopp's pellets, so I have to predict where he's

going to aim and dodge before he shoots. Usopp is too good of a sniper

though, so he was able to adjust his aim."

"So how can you get around that?" Zoro asked, although he knew the

answer already.

"The easy way is to open my eyes, but that would defeat the purpose,"

Sanji said. "Sometimes I'll have shooters in my blindspot and that would

put me in the same situation. Another way is to simply move faster so he

can't keep up, but if I ever fought someone with my speed and reactions

who was wielding a gun, I would face the same problem." He thought for

a moment. "Let me try something," he finally said.

Usopp readied his slingshot again, and this time, Sanji moved at the exact

moment that Usopp fired, successfully dodging the pellet. He told the

sniper to keep going, and like before, it took a while before he got used

to it, with a few pellets hitting him every now and then. Soon he again

reached the point where none of Usopp's pellets were hitting him. It

wasn't that he lacked the speed to dodge the various attacks; he had

simply needed to get a feel for his new ability before he could utilize it

effectively. When it was clear that none of his attacks would connect,

Usopp stopped shooting.

"Damn Sanji. You're really getting the hang of this quickly. Are you a

genius or something?"

"He seems to have a strong affinity for observation haki," Zoro

commented. "That's why he learned it so early and quickly. Most likely

when he learns armaments he'll have a harder time. That's how I was,

only in reverse. I got the hang of armaments really quickly but struggled

with observation for a while."

Robin turned to him. "I was curious about that actually. When did you

two learn these haki forms?" she asked.

Zoro thought for a moment. "We started learning over two years ago," he

said. Robin absently noted that he had said 'we,' which meant that he had

known Luffy back then.

"So you both learned while in East Blue?" she inquired.

Zoro inwardly sighed as he nodded. Unlike Luffy, he could lie just fine,

but he still didn't like deceiving his crewmates. He'd have to have a talk

with Luffy later about when they could come clean about all this.

Although he had a pretty good idea of what the captain had in mind, and

if he was right, then they'd have to put up with this for a while longer.

"You said it was over two years ago," Nami said. "That was after you two

met, wasn't it? Does that mean you learned it together?"

Luffy raised an eyebrow. "How'd you know when we met?" he asked.

"Zoro told me. I was curious and asked, and he said you met over two

and a half years ago," she answered.

Luffy tried his best to suppress his laughter at the irony, something which

didn't escape the crew's attention. "Oh, he told you that?" he asked, with

a hint of mirth. "Well, we didn't train together or anything, but we

learned it at the same time, and I knew he was going to be learning it. I

assume it was the same for him."

Zoro nodded in confirmation. "Actually, he's the one who told me to learn

it," the swordsman said, providing extra information so as not to seem

like he was being withdrawn with it.

Luffy scratched his head. "Yea, in a sense." The crew seemed to accept

this easily enough.

"So guys, guess what?" Luffy asked excitedly, changing the subject. "I was

going to make an important call, and I wanted you all to listen." As he

spoke, he picked up a transponder snail from the deck. Zoro smirked.

"An important call?" Usopp repeated. "To who?"

"Whitebeard," Luffy answered, grinning. The crew went silent for a

moment before all hell broke loose.

"You've got to be kidding! Why now!?" Nami yelled.

"Are you crazy Luffy!?" Usopp asked frantically.

"The strongest man in the world huh? Wonder what he's like," Sanji said.

"Is he scary?" Chopper asked fearfully. As they all quarrelled, Robin

cleared her throat, and they turned to her.

"I can understand why you'd be nervous. In fact, I'm a little disconcerted

myself. But it does make sense, doesn't it? We're their allies now. It's good

to communicate every now and then, and we still haven't gotten in touch

with them after his declaration a few days ago." she reasoned. Nami and

Usopp still didn't look convinced. Zoro scoffed.

"If you guys are that afraid of hearing his voice, you don't have to listen,"

he said.

"A-afraid? Whose afraid? I-I'm not afraid, y-you idiot." Usopp stuttered.

"If you're going to lie, lie better," Sanji said. Nami sighed in defeat.

"Fine, but don't make a bad first impression, you hear?" she said as she

pointed accusingly at Luffy, who laughed lightheartedly.

"Ok, sure!" he said. With that, he pulled out Ace's vivre card from his hat

and dialed the number written on it. The crew waited with bated breath

as it rang. On the fourth ring, someone picked up. The crew heard a

rather deep voice speak up at the end of the line, but it was partially

drowned out by background noise. The crew was able to recognize the

distinct sound of loud music and yelling.

"You've reached the ship of the Whitebeard pirates." Nami, Usopp, and

Chopper gasped at the confirmation. "Sorry about the racket, we're in the

middle of a party, and everyone's drunk." the voice said.

"Drunk?" Sanji asked. "Isn't it a bit early?"

"Early?" the voice asked. "Where are you calling from?"

"First half of the Grand Line," Luffy answered. Sanji's eyes lit up in


"Oh, well that's rare. We don't get calls from Paradise often," the voice

said. "What can I help you with?"

"Hey, I wanted to have a chat with old man Whitebeard!" Luffy shouted.

"Who is this, by the way?" Some of the Strawhats thought he was being

way too casual, but didn't voice it, not wanting to interrupt the


"This is 5th Division Commander Vista," the voice said. "If you want to

talk to our captain, we're gonna need to know who you are at least."

"Oh yea," Luffy said. "This is Monkey D. Luffy." The other end was silent

for a moment before the division commander started laughing.

"Ah, our new rookie brother! Sorry about that. Give me one sec." Most of

the Strawhats let out breaths they didn't know they'd been holding. "Hey

Pops!" they heard Vista shout. "It's the Strawhats!" It wasn't long before

the crew heard an ever deeper voice start to speak.

"So, you finally contacted us. I was surprised when Ace called and

requested that I ally your crew." Before the Strawhats could fully adjust

to the fact that they were speaking with Whitebeard, Luffy answered.

"Yea, I'm guessing you don't have many allies that you haven't met face to

face," he said. "We'll try to get over there as quickly as possible."

"I'm not surprised," Whitebeard replied. "Your crew has risen to fame

even faster than that Red-Haired brat's back in the day. We had a good

laugh after reading the newspaper a few days ago. We were expecting the

headline, but the second page silenced any and all complaints amongst

the crew about 'snot-nosed rookie brats' being allied with us."

"Why do those sound like your words?" Luffy asked in a deadpan voice.

"Because they were," Whitebeard replied, before erupting into a fit of of

deep, throaty laughter. The crew's eyes bulged out of their sockets. "So

anyway, have you seen your new bounties?" he asked.

"Ah, no we haven't," Luffy replied. "Don't tell us yet. I like the surprise."

"Gurarara! Fine. So was there something else you wanted to talk about?"

"Actually, yea there was." Luffy said. "What should we do if we run into


The other line was silent for a moment. "Hmm, Ace has given up his

search for the time being. You're all my children now, so no one would

hold it against you if you took him down, however, I'd prefer if you

didn't. Ace feels largely responsible for Thatch's death, despite what

we've told him, and I think he needs the closure. But if that conniving

little brat attacks you, then by all means, give him hell."

"Ok, got it," Luffy said. "In that case, I'll let you get back to being drunk."

Whitebeard scoffed. "I don't get drunk, brat!"

"Shishishi! You're just like Zoro," Luffy replied. "Oh, by the way, I'm

gonna become the Pirate King. That ok with you?"

"Well, I don't want the title," Whitebeard responded. "I was planning on

giving it to Ace, but he recently told me that he isn't interested either. So

I guess it's all yours. Good luck on your journey brat." He hung up.

Luffy got up. "Well, that's that then." He turned to the his crew, and was

confused as to why they were all gawking at him. "What?" he asked.

"'What' my ass!" they shouted.

The rest of the morning was smooth sailing for the Going Merry. That

lasted until the afternoon, when it spontaneously started raining galleons.

When that passed, the Strawhats realized that the Log Pose was pointing

up at the sky. Nami started panicking, thinking that it was broken.

"I wouldn't say that," Robin interjected. "It's locked onto another magnetic

field. It must be a sky island."

"Sky island?" Nami asked, clearly not believing it. "Come on Robin.

There's no way something like that could exist, even on the Grand Line."

"That's where your way of thought falls short, Navigator-san. Common

logic can't be applied to this sea. The only thing you can trust is the way

the needle points. If it's pointing at the sky, then there's an island up

there. Although, to be accurate, what's floating up there is a sea of

clouds, not just an island."

Nami sighed. "Ok, but that still doesn't help us. The fact remains that we

have no way to navigate to the next island while the log is pointing at the


"Alright, here's what we do!" Luffy interrupted. "I'm the captain, and I say

we're setting our course for Sky Island!" Nami's eye twitched.

"This isn't the time for your weird whims Luffy! We don't even know how

to get there!" she reasoned.

"What's the big deal?" Luffy asked. "Just point the rudder upwards. Jeez,

you're stupid Nami."

He was promptly sent crashing head first into the deck by Nami's fist. He

quickly rebounded and jumped to his feet. "Alright! To Sky Island we go!"

Usopp and Chopper cheered in agreement. Nami huffed in annoyance

before turning to Robin.

"See what I have to put up with?" The archaeologist smiled good


"He does have a point though," Robin said. "Our next course of action

should be figuring out how to get to the sky. Perhaps we can ask for

information somewhere. The only problem is that we can't get to the

nearest island while the log is already set."

Nami nodded. They were in a difficult position. As she was deep in

thought, Luffy snuck up behind her.

"NAMI!" he shouted, causing her to jump.

"What!?" she shouted in annoyance. "Don't make me hit you again!"

"But I have an idea!" he said.

"Oh joy. What is it this time?"

"Well, that galleon fell from Sky Island right? We should salvage

whatever was on the ship to see if there are any clues about how to get

up there."

Nami blinked. "That's...a good idea?"

Robin nodded. "It's the best we have to work with for now," she agreed.

"Alright! Onward to Skypeia!" Luffy yelled. Nami and Robin looked at

him curiously.

"Skypeia?" they asked in unison. Luffy nodded.

"That's what the island is called," he said, pulling out a piece of paper.

See?" The two looked at it in shock. It was a very old map of an island in

the sky called Skypeia.

"Luffy, where did you get this?" Nami asked, bewildered.

"It was in the wreckage," Luffy said, pointing at the galleon, which was

now mostly sunken.

"So there really is a sky island!?" Chopper asked in excitement. Nami


"Maybe," she admitted, causing Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper to cheer.

"Wow, there's so much air down here now," Luffy commented. He was

currently underwater along with Zoro and Sanji. Nami had sent them

diving down to the ocean floor to find whatever they could from the

wreckage. So far they had found a lot, but nothing that would help them

get to Skypeia. Luckily, Luffy and Zoro now had a plan for that. The aura

they had both locked onto came bursting through the wall.

"Who the hell are you guys!? What are you doing in my territory!?" the

man shouted.

"Oh look, it's a monkey," Luffy said.

The monkey like man immediately blushed. "Do I really look like a

monkey?" he asked.

"You are a monkey," Luffy replied.

"Aw, you're just saying that!"

Zoro peered at him closely. "I don't think he's really a monkey," the

swordsman said. "He just looks like one."

The monkey like man's demeanor immediately changed. "You bastard!

Why don't you try saying that again!?" he shouted. Sanji stared in apathy.

"Hey monkey guy, who are you?" Luffy asked. His expression became

friendly again.

"Oh, me? I'm the salvage king, Masira! There's no ship my crew can't

salvage!" Suddenly, he took note of the many items that Luffy, Zoro, and

Sanji had collected. "Hey, what are you guys doing with those?" he asked


"Oh, we were looking for clues on how to get to Sky Island," Luffy said.

This caught Masira's attention.

"Hmm? Sky Island you say?"

"Yea, we wanna go there!" Luffy said enthusiastically.

"Well, you're in luck. I happen to know someone who can get you there,"

Masira said. "I can take you to him, but I demand those artifacts you've

collected in exchange," he said.

"You've got a deal, monkey guy!" Luffy yelled, causing Masira puff out his

chest. "Oh, can I keep the armor though? I don't think it will fit you."

"Armor?" Masira asked, before catching sight of what he was talking

about. "Hmm, I see. You're a real man. But you'll have to fight me for it."

Luffy grinned. "Ok!"

"Um, guys? Am I imagining things, or is there something in the water?"

Nami asked nervously. Usopp took a look for himself and started

sweating bullets at the sight of the underwater silhouette, which dwarfed

the Going Merry in size a hundred times over.

"I think it's safe to say you're imagining things," he said, still sweating.

"Are you sure?" Nami asked. "Because that looks exactly like-"

"Yep, definitely just your imagination! There are absolutely no monsters

under the surface other than our very own monster trio-"

"It seems to be the silhouette of a colossal sea creature," Robin said

calmly. Her comment seemed to shatter Usopp's barrier of denial, and he

immediately began freaking out.

"Aaaaaauuuuuggghhh! We're gonna diiiieeee! Get out of there Luffy!" he

screamed frantically.

Masira rubbed his sore head, attempting to shake off the cobwebs. "Man,

that was one hell of a punch, I tell ya! You know, you're alright! You can

keep that armor."

"Shishishi, thanks! But man, you really look like a monkey!"

"Nah, you're just saying that!"

What's with this conversation? Sanji thought. Zoro sweatdropped.

"So, how about we raise this ship up to the surface?" Luffy suggested.

Masira rubbed his head in embarrassment. "Oh, well you see I was going

to do that, but then I came down here to investigate."

Luffy just grinned. "Don't worry about it. I have a better idea."

Nami, Usopp, and Chopper shivered in fright as massive waves rocked

the Going Merry, displaced by gargantuan creature that was currently

rising to the surface. As it emerged from the Grand Line waters, they saw

that it appeared to be a...turtle. A really big turtle.

That surprised them almost as much as the sight of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and

Masira riding on top of it...along with the sunken galleon.

"Heeeeyy! Guuuuys!" Luffy yelled happily. "Look what we found!" Their

jaws collectively dropped as the smiling monster swam up to the Going

Merry. Luffy grabbed Zoro, Sanji, and Masira and jumped down onto the

ship, slowing his descent with geppou before landing.

"How…" was all Usopp said. Luffy grinned ecstatically.

"I tamed him!" he said in enthusiasm. They were silent. Even Robin

looked dumbfounded.

"Again, how?" she asked.

"Conqueror's haki," Zoro said simply. Nami facepalmed.

"How about a warning next time?" she said.

"You sent us to the sea floor of the Grand Line," Zoro retorted. "What did

you think would happen?"

"Damn, that was badass bro!" Masira practically shouted. "I thought we

were in deep when I saw that thing! Then you just hold your hand out

and it's practically at your beck and call!"

Nami looked at him in annoyance. "And you're still here...why?" Masira

looked terribly offended by the question and huffed.

"He's gonna show us how to get to Sky Island...apparently," Sanji said.

"Really? You'll help us?" Usopp asked in excitement.

"You bet! I'll be taking you all to the manliest of men, the dreamer

amongst dreamers himself: Montblanc Cricket! He lives on an island

called Jaya, and he can get you there for sure!"

Sanji's eyebrow furrowed. "Montblanc? Where have I heard that name

before…?" He was broken out of his thoughts as the sky turned dark. The

Strawhats and Masira blinked in confusion. It was nowhere near

nighttime yet. Was this another spontaneous Grand Line occurrence?

Luffy and Zoro shared a glance. Something about this seemed...familiar.

Suddenly, both of their eyes widened. Slowly, they turned their heads

toward the fog in the distance, and soon everyone else followed suit.

Their blood ran cold.

Submerged in the fog were the silhouettes of...well, monsters. There was

no other way to phrase it. They were shaped like humans, but they were

kilometers tall, easily dwarfing Luffy's newest "pet" in size. The silence

lasted all of five seconds before all hell broke loose.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Luffy yelled as chaos ensued on the Going Merry.

Most of the crew were scrambling to get the hell out of there.

"Stop standing around and help us get the ship to safety you idiots!" Nami

shouted at Luffy and Zoro, who were standing still.

"If you would just wait one second..." Zoro began before getting cut off by

Nami's shouting.

"Why the hell should we wait!? We're gonna die if we stay here!"

"I...don't think so?" Luffy said uncertainly. "Everyone calm down.

Captain's orders." The Strawhats grudgingly stopped scrambling around,

wondering what Luffy could possibly be thinking, ordering them to stay

here of all places. Luffy turned to his first mate. "Zoro, do you notice

something weird about those things?" he asked. The monsters were

currently standing still, towering above the clouds, but immobile. Zoro


"They don't have auras," he replied. The Strawhats stared at the two in


"What do you mean?" Usopp asked.

"He means they're not real," Robin breathed in realization. Luffy nodded

slowly, as if he had just now come to the same conclusion. True to

Robin's words, the silhouettes in the fog soon dissipated as if they had

never been there to begin with. Luffy erupted into laughter as everyone

collapsed onto the deck in relief. Zoro scoffed.

"Did you really think something that huge could sneak up on us?" the

swordsman asked. Nami sighed.

"I guess not," she admitted.

"That...was terrifying," Chopper said.

"I-it w-wasn't that s-scary," Usopp stuttered from his seated position.

Chopper looked at him in admiration. The crew soon recovered from

their fright and remembered their destination.

"Hey monkey dude! Before we see this grasshopper guy, can we stop at

the nearest town for supplies?" Luffy asked. Masira nodded in consent

and said they could stop at Mock town. Nami's eyes widened.

"S-since when do you think about supplies?" she asked. Luffy looked at he


"What do you mean? I'm the captain," he said. She looked at him wearily,

but Luffy ignored her. "Next stop, Jaya!" The two ships started following

Masira's Eternal Pose towards the island as the giant turtle followed


In a bar in Mock town, a man in a black hooded cloak ignored the

skirmishes of the numerous pirates around him as he took a sip of his

wine. To an observer, it would seem as if he was waiting for someone. It

wasn't long before a similarly dressed individual entered the bar and

walked up to him. "Sir, they should be arriving soon according to our


The man nodded in acknowledgement. "I've got eyes on them right now,"

he said. He took another sip of his wine and grinned. "Let's see what you

have in store for us...Monkey D. Luffy."

A/N: Who are these mysterious individuals awaiting the Strawhats? Find

out next time, on Second Wind! (It's not a Tv show, but to hell with it.)

38. Linked Through Legend

Stop crashing damn server! I want to upload this chapter already!

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter XXXVIII: Linked Through Legend

Somewhere on the Grand Line

The Big Top, flagship of the Buggy pirates, sailed aimlessly, the crew

having no destination in mind. On deck, said crew were giving the

captain a wide berth, lest they risk being blown away flashily. Buggy the

Clown was persistent; he had followed Strawhat Luffy into the Grand

Line, seemingly having no fear of the legendary sea, and even going as

far as to speak of it with an air of nostalgia. And yet, it seemed that for

all his seemingly endless flamboyance, even Buggy the Clown had limits;

limits that most would refer to as a sense of reason.

When the Buggy pirates had first read the newspaper article describing

the alliance between Whitebeards and Strawhats, they weren't sure how

their captain would react. But his reaction was certainly not what they

had expected. They were expecting a fit of flashy rage, and based on his

prior exploits, maybe even heightened determination. What they didn't

expect was him to fall into a state of depression. For the next couple

days, he had done little other than eat, sleep, and sulk. When an

underling had finally summoned the courage to ask why they weren't

going after the Strawhats, he had almost been killed by a Muggy Ball.

Buggy had then started going on a rant about how one never assaults a

Whitebeard pirate or even one of their allies unless they were looking for

a swift death. The crew had been baffled; after all, Captain Buggy had

never been intimidated by a daunting or even impossible task before, so

why now? But Buggy had seen things that they hadn't, images that were

still fresh in his mind to this day.

For all their loyalty, his crew was naive. They didn't know what an

enraged Edward Newgate was like. No, even Buggy the Clown could be

rational at times, and that was his greatest shame.

"He needs to get over it," Alvida said as she leaned back in her chair.

"Either risk defying Whitebeard or pick a new target. I don't care which.

Anything's better than sitting around doing nothing."

Cabaji said nothing. Although he agreed with her, he had to sympathize

with his captain's predicament. He had had his sights dead set on

Strawhat Luffy and Roronoa Zoro, and now he was being forced to give it

up. Perhaps the rest of the crew was optimistic, but Cabaji had no

delusions of invoking Whitebeard's wrath and surviving. He sighed.

"We'll just have to wait for him to pull himself together. If I know him,

he'll find some treasure to preoccupy himself with, and then he'll bounce

right back. As much as I hate to admit it, going after Strawhat is suicide."

Alvida looked up at the sky. "Too bad. I was pretty interested in him too.

I wonder if we'll ever see that annoying brat again." She smiled. "He

packs one hell of a punch."

"He really does doesn't he?" came an unfamiliar voice. "But you should

have seen him when he was a kid. He could barely move his fist in a

straight line."

Alvida, Cabaji, and Mohji turned around in shock to find a complete

stranger sitting on deck and eating their food. Alvida reacted with

hostility. "Who the hell are you, bastard!? What are you doing on our


"Ah, forgive me. I should have introduced myself earlier. My name is

Portgas D. Ace. I was investigating a lead when I was lured here by the

wonderful smell of your feast. Nice to meet you," he said with a formal


Alvida was taken aback by his politeness. "Uh...pleasure's all mine...I


Cabaji on the other hand, was turning pale. "Portgas...D...Ace?" he

repeated slowly. "Whitebeard's second division commander…?" Alvida's

eyes widened.

Ace grinned widely. "Oh, so you know me? I'm flattered."

That was when the surrounding Buggy pirates started screaming in fear

and generally creating chaos on board the ship. Ace looked at them with

a raised eyebrow. "What's with them? You'd think the circus was in

town." He looked back at Cabaji. "Then again, maybe it is. So? Where's

the clown?"

Cabaji gulped. "Um...h-he's…unavailable...at the moment."

"Ah, really?" Ace asked. "Too bad. Marco once told me something

interesting about the captain of the Buggy pirates, and I wanted to ask if

it was true."

Before Cabaji could inquire what he meant, the door to the cabin burst

open. "What's with all the commotion, you flashy bastards!? Can't I sulk

in peace!?" Upon catching sight of Ace, more specifically, the mark of the

Whitebeard pirates on his back, Buggy's expression went from outrage, to

shock, and then back to outrage as he came to the wrong conclusion. "Oh

you've gotta be kidding me!" he yelled as he lunged at Ace. "I haven't

even touched that Strawhat bastard!" He put his full weight into the

swing and punched Ace in the back of the head. The commander's head

only budged an inch.

Mohji and Cabaji's jaws dropped as the rest of the crew went deathly

silent and Alvida looked on with interest. Ace's face was expressionless,

his eyes shadowed over. Before anyone could so much as let out a breath,

the crew heard snoring, and were shocked to see that the Whitebeard

pirate had fallen asleep.

What the hell?

In a bar in Mock town

"Looks like you've got nothing left," Roshio commented with a smug grin

as he reached out his hand to grab the remaining pile of beli on the table.

"So unless you want to bet your ass now, this game is over."

Before he could take the money however, the man sitting across from

him grabbed his arm firmly. He looked at the man in contempt. "Hey,

give it up. It was a fair game. You lost, get over it." But the man just kept

staring down at the cards with a sickening smirk on his face. Roshio

started to feel unnerved. He just happened to be playing with the one guy

in town with a bounty higher than his own of 42 million. He'd rather not

pick a fight with Bellamy the Hyena.

"I think you cheated, friend," Bellamy said quietly. Roshio's eyes


"Don't try to cause trouble. When did I do something like that?"

"You definitely did," Bellamy insisted. "Am I right, Sarkies?"

The one he was addressing turned around in his chair. "Huh?" he asked in

confusion, before he saw the cards on the table. "Oh, yea. That guy

cheated for sure," he said nonchalantly. Upon hearing this, Roshio stood

up in indignation, not ready to let something like this go. Bellamy also

rose to his feet, and everyone in the bar could feel the tension in the air.

Just then, someone ran into the bar in a panicked frenzy. "Captain

Bellamy! We've got trouble!" he shouted. Bellamy looked at him in


"What is it, fool? I'm in the middle of something."

"There's a giant turtle at the coast!" the man shouted. Bellamy was not



As his underling fumbled over an explanation, Bellamy noticed that

Roshio was taking the chance to reach for his gun. He'd soon learn what

a mistake that was.

"Sorry, Shelly! It looks like you can't follow us any further," Luffy said as

the Going Merry dropped anchor. The town sized turtle stared down at

him sadly and let out a roar of farewell that shook the entire island and

had the Strawhats covering their ears. "Shelly" then turned around,

creating waves the height of large buildings in the process, and started

swimming away from the island, back into deeper waters. Usopp turned

towards Luffy.

"Luffy, you know Shelly is a girl's name right?" he asked. Luffy looked at

him blankly.

"Well, yea? Shelly is a girl after all," he said. Usopp sweatdropped, having

had no way to determine the gender of that thing.

"Right. I'll take your word for it," was all he said.

"Um, Luffy?" Nami spoke up. "I think we just drew some attention to

ourselves." Luffy turned towards the town and saw that she was right.

People were flocking out of the bars and casinos in droves to see what

the commotion was. Some were still able to catch sight of the colossal

creature before it disappeared into the sea. Many were now pointing and

whispering in awe at the pirates who had just waved the monster off.

Needless to say, rumors were already circulating. It probably wouldn't be

long before they were identified.

"Ah, so we have," Luffy said, not seeming to care as he kept staring out

towards the center of town.

"So what else is new?" Zoro asked with a yawn. "Isn't this how things

usually go?" As he walked towards the deck though, Luffy nudged him

with his shoulder, and the two locked eyes. Zoro's expression soon

became focused, and he closed his eyes. Robin was the only one who

noticed this exchange, and as she debated whether or not to ask about it,

Luffy addressed the crew. He told Chopper to guard the ship while Nami,

Usopp, and Sanji went out for supplies. The doctor consented and began

making a list of medical supplies they needed to restock on. Sanji could

handle the cooking ingredients himself, while Usopp could find materials

for some ship repairs and Nami could handle the expenses. After that,

Luffy turned back to Zoro, who shook his head. The captain sighed.

So he's not here. And to make things more complicated, those guys have

shown up again.

"Hey Robin, could you come with us?" he asked the archaeologist. Robin

blinked and then nodded before following the captain and first mate off

of the ship. As they walked, Luffy spoke up.

"Do you think you could search for information on a man named

Blackbeard? We need to know if he's been through here," he said. Robin

was baffled but nodded.

"It shouldn't be too difficult," she replied. "May I inquire why you're

looking for this man? I don't believe I've heard of him before."

"He used to be a Whitebeard pirate," Luffy said. "But he betrayed them

and killed a crewmate."

His voice was calm, but Robin could see the underlying anger in his eyes.

Her eyes lit up in understanding. "So he's the one you were talking about

on the transponder snail," she clarified. Luffy nodded.

"My brother Ace was looking for him, but something came up and he had

to abandon his search. Since Blackbeard was spotted in Drum, and Ace

was looking in Alabasta, I thought maybe he would come here next."

Robin nodded slowly. Assuming that their log hadn't spontaneously

locked onto Skypeia as well, this would be their destination.

"Are you planning on going after him?" Robin asked, remembering what

Whitebeard had said about the matter. Luffy thought about it.

"Maybe. I haven't decided yet," he said.

"Very well then. What should I do if I happen to find him?"

"I don't think you will, but if that happens, don't go near him," Luffy said.

"Just go back to the ship and we'll meet you there."

"Roger, Captain-san," she said with a smile. "By the way, you're being

followed," she informed them as she gestured towards the rooftops.

"Yea, I know," Luffy said. "Don't worry about it." Robin raised an amused

eyebrow but ignored her curiosity as she walked off towards the center of

town. Once she was gone, Luffy turned toward the source of the poorly

concealed auras and addressed them.

"That was my archaeologist. And in case you were wondering, she can't

use observation haki. Now why don't you guys stop embarrassing


Several figures in black cloaks descended from the rooftops and began

walking towards them. "I'd say that's not exactly your standard measuring

stick," the one in front commented. "Especially considering that we've

been searching for that woman unsuccessfully for 20 years." As he

removed his hood, they got a good look at his face. He had shoulder

length black hair and green eyes. Red markings originated from beneath

his eyes and ran down his cheekbones.

Zoro smirked. "And you still thought we wouldn't notice you?" he asked.

The man, who they assumed was the leader of the group, smiled good

naturedly. "More like I wanted to see if you would. My name is Mavric,

chief of the Revolutionary Army's Cipher Division."

"Let's skip the small talk," Luffy said. "You've been tailing us ever since

Alabasta. Why?"

The man's eyes widened, but the amused smile didn't slip from his face.

"You knew? No, don't answer that. Of course you knew. You know a lot

of things, isn't that right, Monkey-san?"

Luffy's eyes narrowed.

"But to answer your question, I think you nevertheless underestimate

your own ability to draw the attention of an organization like ours. He

especially has taken an interest in you."

Luffy looked annoyed. "So in other words, he sent you after me. His

curiosity must have gotten the better of him back then."

"If you're referring to your meeting in Logue town, I'd say it's more than

that," Mavric said, before pausing. "You know, not many of us know his

full name, but for those who do, it's difficult not to draw


"Point taken," Luffy said in a bored tone. "So? How much do you know?"

"Well, not much, if you consider how much we still don't know. But we

have picked up on a few things. Such as the fact that you've mastered all

three forms of haki, you knew far more about Crocodile's plans in

Alabasta than we did, and you know about the poneglyphs, as well as

Nico Robin's ability to read them." He paused. "This next one is a stretch,

and more my personal hunch than anything, but I'm also inclined to

believe that you're most likely aware of one of the ancient weapons'

location, something that we ourselves are in the dark about."

Luffy stared at him with a slightly bored expression, before unleashing a

focused blast of Conqueror's haki on him. The man collapsed to one knee,

and then to all fours, as his followers stiffened around him. None of them

could feel the mental assault, which meant the full brunt of it was

focused on their leader.

"Man you guys are annoying," Luffy said. "Why don't you mind your own


Despite his current predicament, Mavric was still smiling, even if it was a

frightened smile. "You...asked…!" he managed to gasp out from his

position on the ground. The pressure on his psyche seized, and he rose

shakily to his feet.

"Fine, I asked," Luffy said. "So then, what do you want? I'm not telling

you where Pluton is. Do you have any idea how much crap Robin went

through to make sure that thing didn't wind up in anyone's hands?"

"It's nothing like that," Mavric assured him. "We, too, desire to keep the

ancient weapons hidden. Contrary to popular belief, we don't enjoy war."

"Is that why you were looking for Robin?" Zoro asked suspiciously.

"There were a couple reasons for that," the revolutionary acknowledged.

"But we never planned on using her like that. We wanted to keep her out

of the World Government's hands, and perhaps give her a place to belong

again. After Ohara rebelled against the World Government, the boss

thought that she could relate to our cause, and that in turn we could help

her achieve her ambitions." He rubbed his head sheepishly. "But she

turned out to be quite elusive, and we could never actually find her.

Some of us thought we should commit more resources for it, but the boss

didn't want to send the wrong message."

Luffy took that in for a moment. "So why are you still following us then?"

"Well, we were hoping to learn more about you, as was our mission, but

something tells me that won't work out from now on-"

"If I see you again I'll kick your ass," Luffy interrupted.

"Right," Mavric said. "For now, just consider us allies. We learned about

the coup in Alubarna while we were tailing you, and we were prepared

to prevent it ourselves, but evidently you didn't require assistance. You

kept Alabasta out of Crocodile's hands, and for that we're grateful." He

handed Luffy a piece of paper with a number written on it. "We won't be

able to commit a force to aid you, but something tells me you wouldn't

want us to anyway. Still, if you ever need anything, just call."

Luffy thought for a moment. "Actually, I do have a question. Has my

brother found you guys yet?"

Mavric raised an eyebrow. "Brother? I wasn't aware-"

"Not by blood. You know Portgas D. Ace right?"

"Firefist? I don't know him, but I know of him. Indeed, he was turning

over stones trying to find us. The boss wanted to know what a

Whitebeard commander wanted with us, so he's having our second in

command meet with him."

Luffy's eyes widened. "Second in command? So he's meeting with-" He

stopped suddenly, realizing what he'd just implied. To his right, Zoro

palmed his face in frustration, while Mavric just stared at him wide-eyed

before breaking out into a triumphant grin.

"And then there's the fact that you know who our second in command is!

On one hand, that's a massive blow to our pride. On the other


Luffy glared at him, and he fell to his knees again.

In a local restaurant

Most of the customers in the establishment were losing their appetites as

they watched a girl with pink hair and purple eyes stuff her face,

emptying out the restaurant's stock of food in the process. Next to her lay

the bodies of multiple unconscious men.

"Damn, is she still eating?" one of the waiters asked quietly as he watched

the scene in front of him.

"Yea, and that's the third bounty head she's knocked out," another

whispered. "Just don't piss her off, whatever you do. Rumor has it that

girl has a bounty of 70 million."

"Hey, are you serious? That's even higher than Bellamy's! Who is she


"They call her the Glutton…" he began, before getting hit in the head by

a thrown plate.

"Hey, stop whispering about me over there! Go get me some more pizza

before I eat you instead, you useless dipshits!" The waiters scrambled to

do as they were told so as to not incur the wanted pirate's wrath.

"Captain!" a man shouted as he ran into the bar, panting. "It's the guy

you've been looking for, he's here in town! Their ship is docked at the


"Dammit! I haven't finished my meal yet!" the girl shouted. "But

whatever. I found you, Strawhat Luffy!"

A/N: A few of you guessed correctly that the guy from last chapter was a

revolutionary. Care to guess who this person is? (If you can't, you're

either thinking too hard or not thinking at all.)

39. Small Ripples, Big Waves

A notice to all: Now that I'm back in school, my updates will most likely

be less frequent than have been recently. Even this chapter's upload was

affected by the move-in to my dorm. Just wanted to give you guys a

heads up.

People who are asking how Luffy was in the sea in chapter 37 need to go

back and read/watch the manga/anime. Usopp made them diving suits!

Out of barrels!

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter XXXIX: Small Ripples, Big Waves

Zoro took a long swig of his sake and motioned for the bartender to pour

him some more. Luffy sat beside him, his drink untouched. One thing

Zoro had noticed about Luffy was that he never drank alcohol unless he

was happy or wanted to celebrate something. He didn't drink for the sake

of forgetting his problems, or even getting drunk (which, with his body's

metabolism and general disregard for realistic human biology, he could

barely do anyway). In this way he was the polar opposite of the average

binge drinker. To Luffy, alcohol was in equal parts a symbol of the pirate

life, a medium for his friendly rivalry with his first mate, and a fun way

to let go during a party. But never was it an escape from his troubles.

So when Luffy left his drink untouched, it was hard for Zoro not to miss

that he wasn't in the best of moods. The unsettled feelings rolling off him

in waves, which were not missed by the swordsman's passive observation,

also made it abundantly clear. He sighed before turning to his captain.

"There's no point dwelling on it you know. Until we meet up with Robin,

we won't even know if he's been here, much less where he's going." Luffy

nodded, but he was still disheartened.

"I'm just worried. I know things won't turn out like last time - we won't

let them - but the fact that the bastard is still out there doesn't help


Zoro stared at him curiously. "What would you have done if he was here?

Provoked him?"

Luffy shrugged. "There would be no need. You know what position he's

after. If we were both on the island, he would have aimed for me the first

opportunity he got." He clenched his fist. "But there goes that plan."

Zoro thought for a moment. "Still, there aren't that many bounty heads

which would guarantee him that position in these seas, and unless Ace

confronts him, which he told us he wouldn't yet, I doubt he'll be able to

make his move at this point. I don't know why he's not here, but most

likely, you're still his prime target."

Luffy thought about the logic for a moment. He agreed with it, but he

still couldn't shake the unfounded apprehension in his gut. He sighed and

resolved to stop worrying so much. It wasn't really his style.

"But even if it doesn't go as planned," Zoro continued, "We'll prevent the

worst of it. If it somehow escalates to that point, we'll follow him to

Marineford if we have to." He looked at Luffy meaningfully. "All of us."

Luffy couldn't help but smile. He picked up his glass. "In the meantime,

let's make sure it doesn't," he said before chugging. He was admittedly in

a much better mood after that reassurance. Even if the scars on his body

had disappeared once he had come to the past, the scars on his mind

would always linger to an extent. He didn't want to storm Marineford

again, and he didn't think he would have to, but if it absolutely came

down to it, he would, and the thought that he wouldn't be alone was


Luffy and Zoro heard the sound of the bar doors opening behind them,

accompanied by the feeling of a stronger than average aura walking in.

That alone usually wouldn't make them bat an eye. It was the fact that

they instantly recognized the presence that caught them off guard. They

shared a glance, both asking each other the same question. Was she here

last time?

Luffy fought the urge to turn around in his seat and instead waited as she

walked up to the counter and sat down on the stool next to him.

"Bartender! I'll have a glass of wine over here," the familiar voice spoke.

Luffy snuck a glance at her, and was assaulted by memories that almost

made him recoil in guilt as he met her inquisitive eyes.

Luffy sat in front of Ace's grave for the first time. He had never gotten a

chance to pay him a proper visit, and the fact that he was finally getting that

chance when the encounter with his late brother's betrayer was likely days

away was fitting in the most twisted of ways.

It was the calm before the storm.

Beside him, Jewelry Bonney sat in silence as she payed her own respects. She

hadn't known Ace for that long, but Luffy could still feel the overwhelming

grief radiating from her. After what seemed like hours, Luffy stood up, and

Bonney slowly did the same as she wiped a few stray tears from her eyes.

"We have to go," Luffy said somberly. She simply nodded.

"Give that bastard hell, Strawhat," she said with conviction.

Luffy looked at her carefully. "I'm sorry," he said. "I know you wanted to go

after him too."

Bonney shrugged nonchalantly, although Luffy could see the disappointment in

her eyes. "Can't be helped. Trafalgar's taking heavy heat. One of us has to

back him up, and I have no delusions of my crew taking on Blackbeard alone."

Her voice was bitter as she said that. She had learned her lesson the last time,

and the Yonko crew had gotten far too powerful since then. Still, if Luffy

didn't have just as much business with Blackbeard, if not more, than she did,

she'd probably be throwing a fit about these arrangements. "Still, I didn't think

the remnants of two defeated Yonko crews would band together just to take

you down. Big Mom's remaining followers seem relentless."

"That's only natural after I killed their Captain," Luffy said quietly.

Bonney looked at him in slight annoyance. "Will you stop acting guilty? That

bitch killed Jinbe. Did you forget?"

"No," Luffy whispered. Jinbe's death was still fresh in his mind, as was their

most recent loss. "Ace, Jinbe, and now Marco. I wasn't supposed to let this


"You can't be everywhere at once," Bonney argued. "If you guys hadn't helped

us with Big Mom, I'd have bitten the dust. Count your blessings, not your

failures." That made Luffy smile. The third member of their alliance had just

unwittingly paraphrased the words Jinbe had spoken to him at his darkest

hour. "If it enrages you so much, channel that fury and unleash it onto your

enemies. I've seen you do it before," she continued.

"And I'll do it again," Luffy said.

Bonney looked at him worriedly. Her eyes were uncharacteristically soft. "But

keep an eye out, Strawhat. I have a bad feeling about this one," she said.

"I'd be surprised if you didn't. It's Blackbeard." Luffy replied. Bonney could

only nod.

"The balance of power in the world is shifting rapidly. There's no telling what

could happen. Just...be careful, alright?" she requested.

Luffy looked at her and smiled. "I'll be coming back, Bonney. You just make

sure Trafalguy does the same."

So many broken promises.

Luffy was broken out of his memories as Bonney spoke. "So you're

Strawhat," she mused. "You know, for some reason I thought you'd be

taller. You sure don't look like someone who could beat Crocodile," she


Luffy recovered quickly and smiled in good nature. "Looks can be

deceiving. Croc learned that the hard way." Around them, murmurings of

disbelief were breaking out in the bar. Whispers of "THE Strawhat," and

"outrageous rookie" were abundant.

Bonney hummed. "If you say so. I still say it was a fluke."

Luffy simply smiled wider in response to the obvious taunt. "It's hard to

fluke your way to victory over a New World veteran, though I'd be the

first to admit that it's not impossible. Anyway, you're free to believe

whatever you want."

Bonney huffed. "Not gonna rise to the bait? I wanted to see if you really

earned that huge bounty of yours."

Luffy scratched his head. "Huge bounty huh? I still haven't gotten a

chance to see the posters, so don't tell me."

Bonney raised an eyebrow before pulling out three posters and handing

them to Luffy, who took them and looked in interest along with Zoro.

Sanji had gotten a bounty early this time, Zoro's was higher than last

time, and his own most likely put the other future supernova's to shame.

Still, from the numbers he could surmise that the defeat of the three vice

admirals had been covered up.

"Looks about right," Zoro said with a grin. Luffy on the other hand, raised

an eyebrow.

"Have you been searching for us by any chance?"

Bonney shrugged. "Maybe a little," she admitted. Luffy inwardly laughed.

Yea, only so much that you altered your course.

"So then what can I do for you?" he asked.

Bonney grinned. "Fight me," she said. Luffy stared at her quizzically.


"You heard me. To be honest, I don't really care that much that you beat

Crocodile. But that didn't even make the headline. Somehow, you got

Whitebeard himself to acknowledge you. I want to know what that old

man was thinking."

"Ah, so that's it," Luffy said. Bonney had always looked up to the

Whitebeard pirates. He wasn't that surprised that her curiosity had gotten

the better of her. "Ok then. I guess I'll fight you."

"Not in here you won't," the bartender said. "Take it outside, will you?"

As the two made their way out of the bar, Zoro following lazily behind,

Luffy noticed another aura outside. Oh great, another one.

"Hope you're ready," Bonney said once they got outside. "I won't take it

easy on you."

"I'd be insulted if you did," Luffy replied with his hands in his pockets.

Before they could begin, however, the presence that Luffy had noticed

earlier shot towards him from within the crowd. Luffy moved his body

out of the way as Bellamy passed by him, his momentum enhanced by his

devil fruit. The pirate landed on the other side of him and turned to face

him again. Bonney looked annoyed that they'd been interrupted.

"Who the hell are you, asshole!?" she shouted. "We were in the middle of

something!" Bellamy looked at her in disinterest.

"Shut it, bitch. I have no interest in you," he said. Bonney's eye twitched,

and she glared at him darkly. Luffy got the distinct feeling that Bellamy

would be crippled for life if he didn't intervene in...whatever this was.

"Since you attacked me, I assume I'm the one you're after," Luffy said.

"Can we just hurry this up? I have places to be. Like Sky Island, for

instance." His words silenced the crowd. He heard the sound of poorly

suppressed giggles from some of those watching, but payed in no mind.

Bellamy was staring at him like he'd just told the funniest joke known to

man. Even Bonney looked slightly amused, although she didn't laugh at


"Oh, that's rich! You really believe in that children's tale? I was curious to

know what you were actually like, but this is just too much!" Bellamy

said, laughing.

Luffy looked at him in confusion. "Why are you acting like you know

me?" he asked. Bellamy grinned.

"It's hard to not hear any of the rumors circulating about Strawhat Luffy.

I wanted to know if they were true or not. But now that I've heard you

say that, I can tell it was all a load of bullshit. You're just another

hopeless dreamer! I'll enjoy crushing you. You see, I have a win streak

here, and it's not good for my reputation for some overly hyped rookie

punk like you to just come waltzing right in! For whatever reason, your

bounty is higher than mine, and I won't settle for second best!"

Bonney was now looking at Bellamy like he was some sort of annoying

insect that she was debating whether or not to squash, while Luffy stared

at him blankly. "Good thing you aren't second best then," he said. At the

look of confusion on Bellamy's face, Luffy elaborated. "Even if you don't

count my crew members, she's stronger than you," he said, pointing at


Bonney blinked, wondering how he could know that when they hadn't

fought yet. Bellamy on the other hand, grinned in amusement.

"I'm starting to think you got that bounty for pissing people off with your

bad jokes, kid." That was the last straw for Bonney, who promptly sent

him skidding across the pavement with a kick to the face.

Bellamy picked himself up and touched the side of his face, which was

covered in blood. His shock was quickly replaced by rage. "You'll pay for

that one, bitch!" he shouted, turning his legs into springs. "Spring Snipe!"

Bonney rolled out of the way as he launched by her. This seemed to

infuriate him more as he skidded to a stop, before launching himself

towards the nearest building, pushing off, and then bounding off the

ground again. He was soon bouncing off the walls and ground at every

turn, gaining momentum quickly. Realizing what he was about to do,

Bonney just smirked and raised her fist in the air. "Spring Hopper!" he

yelled as he rocketed towards her.

Faster than either of them could see, Luffy jumped in between the two,

catching Bonney off guard, and planted his fist into Bellamy's face as he

came. The spring man's body was imbedded into the pavement below,

and he had a fist shaped imprint on the side of his face that hadn't

already been damaged.

"Come back and try again when your ambition is stronger," Luffy said. He

hadn't used any haki and had held back immensely so as to not cause any

permanent damage, but it was still enough to send Bellamy into

unconsciousness after he heard the words.

Bonney stared at him incredulously, surprised by not only his speed but

his audacity. "What the hell, moron!? I wanted to do that!" she screamed.

"You took too long," Luffy replied. "Now where were we?"

"I was about to kick your ass," Bonney growled.

"Oh that's right. You were about to try," Luffy responded. "Whenever

you're ready."

Bonney didn't hesitate and aimed a roundhouse kick at Luffy's face,

which he didn't bother dodging. She looked slightly dumbfounded as he

didn't even budge.

As expected, she hit much harder in the future, Luffy thought as he

remembered their first encounter in the New World. Bonney soon

recovered from the no sell and aimed a jab at his face, which he casually

leaned his head out of the way to avoid. That led her to launch into a

furious combo of punches and kicks, the speed and power of which could

have rivaled Sanji. Nevertheless, his body seemed to flow around the

attacks like water. Luffy caught her fist in his hand on the last strike, but

soon let go and jumped back upon feeling a familiar sensation stemming

from her arm, as well as the intent of what she was about to do. She

stared at him in speculation.

"You knew exactly what I was about to do," she stated in an accusing


"That's not true," Luffy defended. "Whether you were trying to increase

my age or lower it, I can only guess." This caused a tick to develop over

her eye.

"You knew about me beforehand," she grumbled, as if it was breaking

some sort of rule. Luffy couldn't stifle a laugh at the irony. If only she


Zoro was grinning in amusement as well as he watched the skirmish, and

this only left Bonney more indignant, causing her to charge recklessly at

Luffy. In a flash, he was behind her. She let out a startled gasp as her arm

was pulled behind her back and she was pinned to the ground.

"Give up yet?" Luffy asked while she attempted to wriggle free with

limited success.

"You wish!" she yelled, before beginning to shrink before his eyes. In the

form of a child she had more room to maneuver herself into a position

where she could squirm free. Luffy jumped back again to avoid the next

barrage of kicks, but Bonney soon followed, reaching out to use her devil

fruit power again. Luffy avoided her hand and touched two fingers to her

forehead. Her eyes widened as she struggled to move but couldn't.

"What...the hell?" she said out loud.

"You have strong will, but you haven't learned to make use of it yet,"

Luffy said, before pushing her backwards. "You lost this time."

Bonney looked like she might try again as she regained control of herself,

but instead took a deep breath. "Ok, so maybe it wasn't a complete fluke,"

she grumbled. "I guess Whitebeard would know what he was doing."

"Well thanks," Luffy replied. "But it was Ace who recommended me."

Bonney looked surprised. "You know Ace?" she asked curiously.

"He's my older brother," Luffy affirmed. It took a while for her to process

that before her eyes widened.

"You're Ace's brother!?"

So she already knows him. He nodded in confirmation. When her shock

subsided, she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Funny. He didn't mention you," she said.

"When did you meet him?" Luffy asked in interest. He thought he saw the

faintest tinge of red on her cheeks.

"Just a few days ago," she responded with a slightly sheepish tone.

"Well that makes sense," Luffy said. "I met up with him in Alabasta, but

he didn't mention you either. I guess you two met after that." He smiled.

"And he was probably getting back at me for not mentioning him to my

crew." He heard Zoro stifle a laugh.

Bonney paused for a moment. "Just out of curiosity, do you know if

he's…" she trailed off.

Luffy stared at her in confusion. "If he's what?" he asked dumbly. The red

on her face seemed to intensify.

"Um...it's not important. Never mind." She paused awkwardly. "So...what

did you mean when you said you were going to Sky Island?" she asked,

trying to change the subject. "Isn't that place a myth?"

"No way!" Luffy said assertively. "It has to be real because I say it is!"

"That makes no sense."

"No really! I know this guy who's been there once!"

"Right. And I'm the Pirate Empress."

"I know her too!"

"Of course you do."

Luffy glared at her childishly. He had yet to tell a single lie. With a pout,

he turned and walked away. She glared after him.

"Where are you going?" she asked as Zoro followed him.

"To the sky!" he yelled determinedly. As he walked along with his first

mate, Zoro sighed.

"Well she's exactly the same," he commented.

"Yea. Just as hotheaded as ever," Luffy replied.

"That wasn't quite what I meant. She feels the same way towards Ace. I

guess some things don't change."

Luffy stared at him quizzically. "What are you talking about?" he asked.

Zoro sighed again.

"You can't be serious," the swordsman deadpanned.

Luffy stared at him. "Bonney and...and Ace?"

"I'll tell you when you're older," was all he said. Luffy grew annoyed.

"You're not that much older than me!" he objected. "And you don't know

anything about relationships either!"

Zoro scoffed. "There's a difference between ignoring something because

it's distracting and being completely oblivious to it."

Luffy smirked. "You're right. I ignored Hancock's marriage proposals for

two years because they were distracting, while you have a fetish for long

and pointy things."

A crowd gathered around as the two started brawling in the middle of the


When Luffy and Zoro got back to the ship, everyone was already there.

They were surprised to see them both covered in dirt and light bruises.

"What the hell happened to you two?" Nami asked. They pointed at each


"He was being an idiot," they said simultaneously. Nami shook her head.

"Whatever. We're all good for supplies, so we can leave at any time," she

said. Hearing this, Luffy turned to Robin, who already knew what he was

going to ask.

"Sorry, Captain-san. There was no information on a man named

Blackbeard. It seems he hasn't been through here." Luffy nodded. He'd

expected as much.

"Alright," he said, turning to Masira. "Let's go meet this Cricket guy then."

As the Strawhats rose anchor, Luffy thought about what Teach's absence

could mean. Although he'd expected it from the beginning, it was quickly

becoming apparent that the changes made to this timeline would not all

be according to his own intentions. He didn't really mind that to be

honest. Some things would just be too boring if he knew exactly what

was going to happen. Still, he couldn't help but wonder what had

changed in this case. Meeting Bonney early had made him realize that

any small ripple could become a big wave and throw off the course.

There could be a multitude of reasons why Blackbeard would change his

course from Mock town. Like the log picking up on another magnetic

field. Like another bounty head catching his interest, or inversely…

Like losing interest in the bounty head that led him to Jaya in the first

place, for fear of pissing off a certain Yonko even more if he took it.

The alliance.

A/N: Ah, the butterfly of doom. It had to rear it's head eventually. Tell

me what you thought, as usual. Lost out.

40. Knocking on Heaven's Gates

Hey, I'm back! Despite the fact that I can't hear it across the internet, I

will nevertheless take immense pride in the chorus of applause that is no

doubt taking place around the globe as a result of my glorious return.

Hey...hey does anyone have an ice pack? My entire head is swelling for

some reason.

Delusions of grandeur aside, I do hope you enjoy the 40th chapter of

Second Wind. Now that I've gotten this far, I've been brainstorming

something special I could do for chapter 50. After much thought, I

decided on an omake, which depicts an alternate version of events during

the Baroque Works saga, and how it would have played out had they

followed canon more closely. After much more thought, I decided to

forgo the formalities and simply post it this chapter, partially because I'm

not good at waiting. Like, at all.

But you guys probably won't judge me for that, since you get 150,000

words of content in 7 months as a result. Now without further ado, I

present to you, my wonderful world of Peggy Sue.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Alabasta Omake: Mr Prince

Luffy twitched in agitation in the face of the situation he was currently

in. He was trapped in a cell surrounded by seastone at all sides. He had

considered using geppou to get out, but the ceiling was seastone was

well. How troublesome. On the other side of the bars stood none other

than Crocodile, and on the inside sat Smoker, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and

himself. The fact that they were all in this cage again was extremely

frustrating. From Zoro's annoyed expression, he could tell that they were

both thinking the same thing. How the fuck are we here right now? It was

ridiculous. The chances of them ending up in this situation again were

lower than the chances of either one of them losing to Croc in a fight.

Usopp hummed thoughtfully. "A most cunning plan indeed," he said with

his arms crossed.

"My ass," Luffy mumbled.

"I think you're hardly one to refute that claim Strawhat, seeing as you fell

for it," Smoker pointed out. Luffy turned to him with an outraged


"Like I give a shit what you think! You're the reason we're in this stupid

situation, Smokey!"

"Stop calling me that!" Smoker shouted.

"No!" Luffy yelled stubbornly. "Go get high on your smoke somewhere

else, you stupid cloud! Why do you even smoke two cigars!? It makes no

sense! If you weren't a smoke logia your lungs would be tumors by now!"

he ranted. "Fucking White Blunder!" He stopped and caught his breath.

"You done?" Smoker asked emotionlessly.

"Yea…" Luffy said, taking a deep breath and exhaling. "Yea, I'm done."

"Let's not fight amongst ourselves," came the smug voice of Crocodile. "As

prisoners doomed to the same fate, you should make peace with each

other. Hell, you could even-"

"And you!" Luffy shouted, pointing an accusing finger at Crocodile. "Stop

being such a Croc! Always walking around with your I'm such a Croc

attitude! It's annoying!" Crocodile looked extremely amused by the fact

that his prisoner was shouting at him.

It was then that Robin walked in with a captive Vivi and set her down on

the chair in the middle of the room. Crocodile welcomed her and finally

explained his plan to her, smirking all the while, just to upset her. It was

working. "Wipe that shit eating grin off your face, Sandman," Luffy said.

"This was a complete and utter fluke! The chances of this plan of yours

actually working were less than the chances of you actually getting a hit

in on Whitebeard!" Crocodile was seething at this comment, but Robin

spoke up before he could retaliate.

"Doesn't that just make you look even more foolish, Monkey-san?" she


"And you," he said, pointing at her with a pout. "Stop being mean, Robin."

She sighed. "Will you stop calling me that?"

"No!" he yelled stubbornly.

"You know, I find it amusing how you go along with your antics as if the

threat of death doesn't even concern you," she said. "Perhaps you're a

little oblivious to the situation you're in? One could even say you're on

the losing side of this game," she said with a smile. Luffy developed a tic

over his eye at this comment, but then took a deep breath and sat down.

"Fifteen minutes," he said simply. They both looked at him in confusion.

"I give you fifteen minutes at most, and then we're out of here." Zoro

smirked at his wellfound confidence.

"What kind of nonsense are you spewing?" Crocodile asked with an

annoyed expression. Evidently he was still irked about the Whitebeard

comment. Luffy just looked at Robin.

"Fifteen minutes," he repeated. "Set your watch." Robin raised an eyebrow

and checked the exact time just to humor him, smiling all the while.

Crocodile seemed even more annoyed by this act, but then he just smiled

as well.

"If you plan on getting out of here, I suppose you'll need this, now won't

you," he said, holding up a gold key. Luffy looked at it indifferently, and

Crocodile threw it into the water through a trap door. Vivi looked on in

horror as a Bananadile swallowed it. She frantically relayed this news to

the rest of them, and Crocodile laughed again. "I guess you'll have to

choose, Princess. Your country, or these pirates." He pressed a switch,

and water started flooding out from a larger trap door into the room,

reminding them that they were underwater.

Soon, a Bananadile crawled out of the tank, baring it's fangs at Vivi. Vivi

seemed to be getting ready to defend herself as it made her way towards

it, but then it stopped. Vivi looked confused as the beast turned towards

the cage with wide eyes, as if there was something there that had caught

its attention. Crocodile and Robin of course noticed, and the former

frowned at the lack of human consumption. But then he shrugged and

started walking away, and Robin followed. Before they could leave

however, the ringing of a transponder snail made itself known. Crocodile

frowned again, not expecting a report, as Robin answered it.

"Hello?" she greeted.

"Hello? Hello," a voice which the Strawhats all recognized came. "Is this

thing on? I've never used one of these mini ones before..."

"Yes, I can hear you just fine," Robin said. "Are you one of the Millions or


"Yea, sure, let's go with that," the voice said, not indicating which one.

Crocodile grew impatient.

"Do you have a report to make? Spit it out already," he said.

"Ah, now this voice I recognize," the voice said. "Hello, you've reached

the shitty restaurant."

Crocodile immediately understood who he was talking too, and his

expression darkened. "Who the hell are you," he growled.

"Oh, me? Well, I don't feel inclined to tell you my real name," the voice

said. "But all things considered, I think I'll go with...Mr. Prince."

"Fine then, Mr. Prince, where are you right now?" Crocodile asked in a

harsh tone.

"I don't feel inclined to tell you that either, now that you mention it."

"Yo Prince!" Luffy shouted. "We're in a bit of a bind! Mind getting your

ass over here?"

"Hmm, that voice sounds familiar too. Alright Sir Crocodile, tell him I'll

be there in a-"

Suddenly something that sounded like a gunshot came from the other

end of the line. Everyone stiffened as the silence became oppressive.

Then, another voice came over the transponder snail. "Hello, is this Mr.

0? Billions agent reporting in. I've just apprehended our attacker in front

of Rain Dinner's. He was a tough bastard, but I finally got him."

Usopp and Nami went into full on panic mode at those words, but Luffy

and Zoro just wore satisfied grins, leaving Smoker to look at them in

suspicion. He kept silent though.

Crocodile strode out of the room followed by Robin, determined to satisfy

his vindictive urge to impale something. Luffy watched until they were

gone, then turned to Vivi. "Vivi, follow after them but stay in the casino.

Sanji isn't the type to lose to cannon fodder." Vivi's eyes widened,

realizing what he was implying. She glanced nervously at the

Bananadiles that were accumulating in the room, but none of them made

a move against her. They were all just staring at the cage hesitantly. She

ran up the stairs and out of the room.

Crocodile and Robin looked at the scene before them, one in fury, and

the other in wonder. Crocodile turned to one of the few Millions who was

still awake. "Who the hell did this?" he asked quietly. "M-Mr-P-Prince…"

he managed before passing out. Crocodile's expression turned murderous

as he saw a tall, well built man watching them from afar. The man

dashed away, and Crocodile glided after him in rage. Robin stared after

them. Something about this just didn't feel right to her.

Back in the flooding room, Nami and Usopp were still panicking. They

rounded on Luffy and Zoro. "Why the hell are you two so calm!?" Usopp


"In case you haven't noticed, we're all about to drown!" Nami added.

Luffy ignored them, seemingly lost in his own world.

"First, I'll shove that cigar down his throat," he said to himself. "Then I'll

rip that hook off his arm and hit him with it repeatedly. And then I'll…"

He was interrupted by Smoker, who spoke up for the first time in a while.

"Strawhat. How much do you know about Crocodile's plan?" he asked


Luffy stared at him. "Enough," he said simply.

"That woman who was with him has been on the run from the

government for 20 years," Smoker continued. "She has a bounty of 70

million, if I remember correctly."

"79 million," Luffy corrected. Nami and Usopp looked shocked at this.

"From the moment those two joined forces, this became something much

bigger than a plot to overthrow a nation. If left alone, this situation could

develop into a global catastrophe. That woman is dangerous," Smoker


Luffy stared at him for a long while before turning away. "Do you believe

everything that stupid government of yours tells you?" he asked.

Smoker's eyes narrowed. "What does that mean?" he asked.

"I just meant that you seemed smarter than that," Luffy said. "Rather than

just believing everything you're told, why don't you actually think for


Smoker seemed to actually contemplate this before they heard a voice

call out.

"Sorry guys. Did I keep you waiting?" Sanji asked as he stood in front of

the cage and blew out a puff of smoke. Vivi strolled behind him, panting

for breath.

"No, you're just in time," Zoro said with a satisfied smirk. Nami and

Usopp looked like they were about to cry at the very sight of him.

"Sanji," Luffy said. "I need you to make that Banana throw up," he said as

he pointed to the Bananadile on the far side of the room. Smoker turned

to him.

"Is something wrong with your ears, Strawhat? That one's growl is

wrong." Luffy shook his head.

"I doubt that was the real key Croc threw. He doesn't take any chances."

Smoker nodded at the logic, but was unconvinced.

"So then how will going after a different one help?"

"Anti Manner Kick Course." The Bananadile on the far side of the room

retched as it was thrown up into the air, and when it fell back down, it

vomited a large white ball. The ball cracked before it opened up like an

egg, and Mr. 3 hatched from it, breathing deeply.

"Finally!" he gasped. "I thought I was really gonna die!" He took long

gulps from the water until he was refreshed, and finally turned towards

the cage. His eyes widened. "Aaaaahhh! Strawhat!" he shouted.

"Yo! What's up 3? I need you to make a key to this lock so we can

escape." Mr. 3 slowly took in the situation they were in before smiling

deviously. "Oh? And why should I do such a thing?" he asked in a low


After Sanji explained to him through non-verbal means exactly why he

should do such a thing, leaving out the boring parts, Mr. 3 relented and

picked the lock using his powers. The cage door opened. "Oh, nice job

wax guy," Sanji complimented. Mr. 3 rubbed his head sheepishly before

he was knocked out by another one of Sanji's kicks.

"Thank you Sanji-kun! You're the best!" Nami shouted in relief. Sanji

grinned widely.

"I'll bet you're falling in love with me all over again, huh?" he said.

"Sure, whatever."

Crocodile made his way back into the room with Robin in stride. "So all

that was to lead me away from the room and buy them some time? As if

it matters," he said in an annoyed tone. "Even if they managed to get that

key, I have the real one with me."

"Oh, quite cunning," Robin commented. When they arrived back at the

room, Crocodile was greeted with the most infuriating sight his eyes had

ever been forced to perceive. The room was flooded, but the door to the

seastone cage was wide open. Mr. 3 was floating unconscious in the

middle of the room. Attached to his shirt was a piece of paper that read,

See ya later, shitty gater. -Mr. Prince...p.s. What's our time? Robin looked

down at her watch.

"14 minutes, 32 seconds," she said in a slightly awed tone. "And that's

including the time interval between their departure and our arrival," she

added analytically. Crocodile was barely listening though. The veins

bulged in his forehead and the key in his hand dropped to the floor.

Chapter XL: Knocking on Heaven's Gates

On the way to find Cricket, the Strawhats and their guide had run into

another monkey like man named Shoujou, who was introduced as

Masira's brother. For obvious reasons, the Strawhats were not surprised

by this, but a couple of them, namely Nami and Usopp, were wondering

if they were just supposed to accept the existence of monkey human

hybrids and move on. Not so surprisingly, that's what ended up


When Masira and Shoujou led them to their destination, most of the

Strawhats were taken aback by Cricket's house. That is, until they

realized that it was a cardboard cutout of a mansion, at which point, they

were even more baffled. The house seemed to be quite literally cut in

half, with the other half being nowhere in sight. When asked why the

house was like that, the Saruyama brothers replied that they honestly

didn't know; it had been like that since they had arrived and they had

never asked Cricket about it. At this point, Sanji was getting slightly

frustrated. He could have sworn he'd heard the name Montblanc before,

but he couldn't remember where. When he asked if this Cricket guy was

famous, Masira and Shoujou's eyes lit up in recognition.

"You must be talking about Cricket's ancestor, Montblanc Norland! He

was known by the world as a famous liar!" Hearing the description

jogged Sanji's memory, and he recalled the tale of the man he had heard

growing up in North Blue. The crew was surprised by this, seeing as

they'd assumed he was born in East Blue. Sanji was not the suspicious

type, but he couldn't help but sneak a subtle glance at Luffy and Zoro,

and wasn't that surprised to see that neither of them had reacted to the

revelation of his origins. Curious. Unknown to him, Robin, who was very

much the suspicious type, had done much the same thing. The two didn't

seem to notice, and the moment passed when attention shifted back to

the Saruyama brothers, who explained the story of Montblanc Norland,

and how he had died maintaining that the City of Gold must have sunken

into the sea as a result of a severe earthquake.

"But I'm telling you, Norland wasn't a liar!" Masira shouted with passion

once they finished recounting the tale. Shoujou quickly agreed with him,

telling the Strawhats about everything that Cricket had found diving to

the ocean floor. The two were very enthusiastic about proving the

existence of the City of Gold.

"So is that why Cricket dives every day?" Usopp asked. "To prove his

ancestor's innocence?"

"Actually, Cricket doesn't believe one way or another," Shoujou

responded. "He says he does it because he wants to come to terms with

his lineage. He says that whether or not Norland lied, he just wants to be

sure one way or another."

"And we'll support him to the end no matter what happens!" Masira

added. "I know it exists though! I can feel it in my bones!"

It was then that a figure emerged from the sea and climbed onto the

island. Upon catching sight of the Strawhats, the man tensed up, but once

he saw Masira and Shoujou, he visibly relaxed.

"What? You two brought guests? Who are these people?" the man who

was presumably Cricket asked indifferently.

"Boss!" Masira shouted. "These guys are trying to get to Sky Island! Since

they're good people, I thought we should help them!" This caused Cricket

to raise an eyebrow as a ghost of a smile crossed his lips.

"Sky Island huh? What a bunch of fools...then again, I'm not really one to


"So can you get us there?" Usopp asked hopefully. "We need to get there

before our log adapts to this island."

"Well, I myself am not sure if it exists," Cricket replied. "But if it does, I

know a way you can potentially get there." Cricket explained the natural

disaster that was the knock-up stream, from its mechanics, to its

frequency, to its tendency to occur in different parts of the ocean. "If you

want to get to the sky, that's the way to do it. But if Sky Island really is

just a legend, you will fall back to the sea and die," he said. "The key to

this is timing. Above these seas there is a cloud called Millennium

Cumulonimbus. It is, for all intents and purposes, a liquid cloud. The

chemistry behind its formation is unknown since no one has been able to

sample it, but what we do know is that it's a form of water less dense

than air that retains the ability to support buoyant solids. This is the

theory that accounts for the possibility of an island in the sky."

Luffy hummed. "So in other words, it's a-"

"Do not say mystery cloud," Nami interrupted.

"...I'm still gonna think it," Luffy said defiantly, before turning to Cricket.

"Hey, Diamond-head-ossan, did you say this knock up stream happens in

different parts of the sea?" Cricket nodded in confirmation, and Luffy

leaned back against the ground, getting comfortable. "And how powerful

is it?"

"Like I said, it's a natural disaster," Cricket said. "But it's more powerful

than almost any earthquake. You'd be knocking on the door to the

heavens if you actually plan on riding it."

Luffy smirked. "So let's say, one day, the knock up stream happened to

occur underneath the island of Jaya…like, I don't know, maybe 400 years


Cricket's cigarette dropped from his mouth as he heard those words. His

eyes were wide, and his entire body was tensed up. Around him, the

entire room was silent as the rest of its occupants absorbed the implied

meaning behind the words. Cricket himself was speechless. "Holy…" he

trailed off, and raised a hand to his head. "That's...quite the theory kid."

He paused for a moment. "For so long, I've been searching the ocean

floor. All this time, I never even thought…and it explains so much. Why I

never even found a trace of the other half of the island. Why the sky

completely darkens under the Millennium Cumulonimbus. Even why this

damn house that I found was cut in half!"

The Strawhats were looking at their captain in surprise. There it was,

another of his amazing insights coming out of left field. Could what he

was implying really be true?

"Wait a minute!" Nami yelled suddenly. "If Luffy's theory is true, that

means there's a city full of gold where we're going!"

Luffy sweatdropped. "Well, yea…"

Nami's eyes morphed into beli symbols as the other Stawhats watched in


"Why did Nami's eyes change?" Chopper asked innocently.

"Because the eyes reflect the soul, and Nami is really greedy," Usopp

replied, only to get kicked by Sanji. Robin giggled in amusement as the

two started bickering.

"Well this works out perfectly," Luffy said suddenly. "Diamond-head-

ossan, if you show us the way to Sky Island, we'll find a way to signal you

if we find the City of Gold."

Cricket's face now morphed into a wide grin. "Well aren't you the

thoughtful one? Even after I already agreed to get you there. Fine, you've

got a deal kid. Wait here." He walked into the house, and after a short

while, came back out with a small gold ornament in his hand. It looked

just like a bell made of pure gold. "This is one of the many pieces of

evidence I found on my trips to the ocean floor. In Norland's log, he

mentioned a giant golden bell, the ringing of which would echo

throughout the seas. If you find the city of gold, ring that bell, and we

should be able to hear it even from down here. That'll be all the proof I


"A golden bell huh?" Luffy said, reminiscing. "Sounds interesting. I'll be

sure to ring it!" The two shook hands, and the agreement was set.

After that Cricket went through the details of the plan to get them to

their destination. The knockup stream would connect the sea to the sky

at noon the next day. Until then, they Saruyama brothers would work on

remodeling their ship so it could reach the sky, and then at morning

they'd set sail and position their ship above he knockup stream, directly

south of Jaya. At that point, Zoro spoke up.

"How are we going to get there though?" he asked. "The log can't take us

to a destination without a magnetic field." Cricket perked up in

realization upon hearing this, and told them to wait while he ran into the

house again. Meanwhile, the other Strawhats excluding Luffy and Robin

were giving Zoro a wide berth. Zoro looked puzzled by their behavior.

"What?" he asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

"You...you're thinking ahead when it comes to navigation now?" Nami

asked incredulously.

"I wouldn't have guessed that you knew how a regular compass works,

much less a log pose," Usopp mused.

"What have you done with that shitty swordsman?" Sanji mumbled.

"Give Zoro back you asshole!" Chopper shouted.

Zoro began sputtering indignantly. "Of course I...I'm not...I mean I am...!"

Sanji peered at Zoro closely. "His aura feels like the shitty marimo. Then

again, I'm still pretty new at this…"

"I'm not the shitty marimo!" Zoro shouted, annoyed that his nickname

from his previous life seemed to be catching on again somehow.

Usopp pointed at Zoro in accusation. "Aha! A confession! So you really

aren't Zoro!"

Zoro turned to Usopp menacingly, causing him to gulp in fear. "Usopp,"

he said in a low tone. "One more word, and I'm going to cut off your

defining appendage." The other male Strawhats paled upon hearing this,

but none more than the sniper himself, who fell back onto the grass and

covered his face with his hands.

"No! Not the nose! Anything but that!" Now the crew looked at Usopp in

equal parts bewilderment and amusement.

"Usopp," Sanji said carefully, his lips quirking into a barely restrained

smile. "I don't think that's what he-"

"Zoro!" Chopper shouted in interruption. "How could you threaten to cut

off Usopp's nose! Are you really an imposter!?"

Zoro groaned, while Nami and Robin failed to suppress their laughter,

and Luffy didn't even try.

Cricket, who had already gotten back, cleared his throat. "If you're

done…" The laughter slowly died down and Luffy nodded at Cricket.

"Alright then. This is what's called a southbird," the man said, holding up

a golden model of a rather odd bird. "They have the ingrained instinctual

habit of always pointing their heads to the south. You need to capture

one of these so it can guide you to the knock up stream. They can be

found in the forests of Jaya."

With a plan finally in mind, the Strawhats made their way into the forest

to find a southbird while Masira and Shoujou got to work on the Going

Merry. This time tomorrow, they'd be knocking on heaven's gates one

way or another.

Ace twitched in agitation as another haki imbued sword slash assaulted

him, only to phase through his body again as the injured vice admiral's

armaments was cancelled out by his own. "Like I said..." he muttered in

annoyance in between swipes. "I'm not here..." he charged up a fire first

in less than a second, and unleashed it onto the outmatched marine. "To

pick a fight!" His actions seemed to contradict his words in that moment

as the charred form of Vice Admiral Comil crashed through the walls of

the marine branch that Ace had infiltrated. He didn't get up this time.

"What an annoying bastard," Ace muttered. "Then again, I'm not much

better. Go to the G2 branch I said. They could have intel on the

revolutionaries I said. They might not even recognize me I said. Seriously,

when did I start acting like Luffy?"

He sat down on the floor to think for a minute, wondering how he was

going to find who he was looking for, and what he was going to do when

he did. He thought back to what Luffy had told him in Alabasta. He won't

remember you right away. You'll have to jog his memories. Well, how was he

supposed to do that? He doubted it would be as simple as saying, 'Hey,

it's me Ace, your long lost brother. Hurry up and remember!' He sighed.

This was all becoming very troublesome. At least Luffy's journey was

going well, highest bounty among the rookies of his generation and all...

Suddenly, Ace's head perked up as he felt a powerful aura approaching. It

was much stronger than the vice admiral's. In fact...it rivaled his own.

Who did the marines send? He could have sworn he cut off their

communications once they caught wind of his infiltration. He slowly got

up and made his way out of the ruined building, ignoring the

unconscious marines everywhere, and prepared himself for a fight. When

he got outside, what he saw surprised him. There was a lone man in a

hooded black cloak walking towards him, but his intentions didn't seem

to be hostile. In fact, he seemed...curious? Relaxing his guard slightly,

Ace met him halfway. "If you're here to harass the marines, I'm afraid I

may have beaten you to it, revolutionary."

The man under the hood chuckled in good nature. "No...that's not why

I'm here. I just heard you were looking for us, and my curiosity got the

better of me."

Ace raised an eyebrow. "You're well informed. I actually have a

connection to someone in your ranks, and I was hoping to find them."

"Usually we'd know if one of our members was acquainted with a

Whitebeard commander, but I suppose I'll give you the benefit of the

doubt," the revolutionary said.

Ace grinned sheepishly. "So you know who I am. At least introduce

yourself then. Or should I just call you Hood-and-cloak guy?"

"Ah, my apologies." He removed his hood, and Ace's eyes widened to epic

proportions. "I am Sabo, the Revolutionary Army's Chief of Staff."

Ace's mind went blank for a moment, then...

What the actual fuck?

A/N: Yep, just gonna leave you hangin' off that cliff for now. Have fun

and don't fall! Lost out.

41. None Shall Pass

Welcome back everyone! I finally hit a thousand reviews, which is an

honorable landmark for any writer on this site. So thanks again for your

continued interests. Enjoy the next chapter of the Skypeia saga.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter XLI: None Shall Pass

Sabo sat across from Firefist - no, Ace, he reminded himself - in silent

contemplation. He had a lot to take in. From being told stories of his past

that he he himself didn't remember, to finding out he had two

brothers...not by blood, but what did that matter when none of his

greater connections in life were not blood related to begin with? Just the

fact that he had family, whether by blood or otherwise, was more than he

could have claimed waking up in the morning. At first he was hard

pressed to believe everything he was being told, but it soon became

evident that Ace knew too much about the circumstances of his incident.

He knew he had lost his memories off the coast of Dawn Island. He knew

he'd been shipwrecked by the Celestial Dragons, information which only

the boss and some higher ups of the Revolutionary Army knew. But

above all, Sabo knew that the look of shock, nostalgia, and happiness that

finally settled onto Ace's face upon seeing his own had not been faked.

Not a day normally went by when Sabo didn't think about his life before

that incident. Now, he had some idea of what it had been like. He had

been conceived by nobles - oh, the irony - but had grown to despise the

suffocating lifestyle. He had met Ace in the Grey Terminal, and they had

dreamed of becoming pirates together. Later on they had met a boy

named Luffy, and eventually the three of them would become brothers

through spilling blood sweat and tears together. They had even

exchanged cups of sake. Even though he couldn't remember it, these

thoughts brought a warm feeling to his stomach that he couldn't quite

explain. It was as if his unconscious mind remembered...which, come to

think of it, it probably did. He was no expert on amnesia though.

Ace was giving him space, which he was grateful for, but he could tell

that the only thing the guy wanted to do at this moment was envelop him

in a bone crushing hug. From what he'd been told, he couldn't really

blame him. If he had lived for 10 years thinking his brother was dead

only to later find out that he was alive, he would be feeling sentimental

too. But for the life of him, he just couldn't remember. No matter how

much his thoughts would attempt to penetrate though the sea of

blackness that haunted his dreams, he could not recall anything prior to

the suffocating murky depths.

He was starting to think that an inability to breath, whether literal or

metaphorical, had been a defining trait of his previous life.

"Ace?" he spoke up. The flameman's head perked up at the sound of his

voice breaking the silence. "I'm glad I met you," Sabo said. "But I need

time to adjust. And I don't think I can be a pirate...not now."

Ace flashed him a grin. "Whatever you decide is fine with me, Sabo. I'm

just glad to have you back, even if you can't remember it all. Take all the

time you need."

Sabo grinned back. "Actually, there is one thing I'd like to ask."

"Anything," Ace replied.

"Do you think I could meet Luffy?"

"What the hell is wrong with this bird?" Nami screeched in frustration as

she ran from the forest's abnormal wildlife. The hunt for the southbird

was going smoothly…at least that's what Luffy would say. Said rubber

man was currently using his haki to tame any animal that he found

interesting while he left the rest of the crew to their own devices. If Nami

wasn't so busy running away from giant centipedes, she'd be giving him a

piece of her mind right about now. What was so funny anyway? Wasn't it

enough that she had a goddamn bird laughing at her? Why did Luffy

have to join in?

Robin was faring better, watching in amusement as everything unfolded

from atop a high branch of a tree she had cleverly scaled with her

powers. Of course, if it looked like anyone was going to get hurt, she was

ready to intervene, but somehow, she didn't feel the need at the moment.

It was just so funny.

The southbird had ambushed them. There was no other way to explain

their current predicament. She was mildly curious to know how smart

such birds would have to be to have known they were coming and

prepared for them. She giggled as Usopp scrambled up a tree himself in a

panic as he was chased by a man sized praying mantis. He may not have

her devil fruit ability, but no one could tell him he wasn't a good climber.

Sanji seemed to be the only one actually fighting right now, content in

protecting Nami from the animals that were assaulting her. Robin noted

with interest that he visibly cringed every time he kicked a giant insect.

Was he afraid of bugs? If he was, it seemed he was too devoted to his

chivalrous ways to care at the moment.

Chopper was the only one the various animals weren't trying to attack.

Robin guessed that they probably viewed humans as hostile but didn't

consider a talking bipedal reindeer a threat. The reindeer was attempting

to convince them not to harm the crew, but his pleas were being for the

most part ignored.

Every once in awhile one of them would sneak up behind Zoro, who was

leaning against a tree with his eyes closed. But then he would shoot them

a glare and they would scurry away to find a less intimidating target.

"Cho!" came the familiar yet strange call of the southbird, which Robin

instinctively knew was mocking them all. She looked out at the sun

through the trees and noted that it was setting. Seeing as they had a

deadline, it was probably intervention time. She closed her eyes and

focused on the area that the bird call had originated from, and sprouted

two eyes on a nearby tree. Seeing the bird, she sprouted two arms around

its body and gripped it before pushing it out of the tree. It fell onto the

ground below with a thud, struggling and cursing loudly in bird language

all the while.

Robin jumped down from the tree and calmly walked over to the bird

before picking it up. It glared at her, and she smiled apologetically back

at it. "Captain-san!" she called out. Luffy looked up from the mantis that

was being compelled to shake his hand. "The sun is getting low. We

might want to report back to Cricket-san soon."

Luffy pouted, but nonetheless nodded his head before releasing his haki.

Immediately all of the animals that he hadn't tamed dropped like rocks

into unconsciousness. Zoro yawned and got up, stretching his limbs. "So

quiet," he commented. "Is it time to go?"

"Yeah, they've had their fun. But we came here for a reason," Luffy said

with an infuriating smile. Nami walked up to him and predictably

bonked him over the head before grabbing him by the collar and shaking

him angrily.

"Why didn't you do that earlier, stupid captain!?"

"Because Nami! It's training! Survival trai-" he was cut off as her fist made

contact with his head again and he plummeted to the ground.

When the Strawhats arrived back at Cricket's home, they were in equal

parts impressed and puzzled by the new appearance of the Going Merry?

"Is it supposed to be a chicken?" Chopper asked in confusion.

"Who knows?" Usopp replied. "But Merry is still Merry. If she can fly now,

I'm not complaining."

As it turned out, they still had a few hours to kill before they had to set

sail for the knockup stream, so they ended up spending the morning

partying. When Luffy noticed that the southbird was pouting inside its

cage, he walked up to it and said he'd let it out if it promised not to fly

away. Much to everyone's surprise, it agreed, and much to their chagrin,

Luffy, the ever trusting buffoon, let him out. Robin was resignedly

prepared to catch it again, but was surprised when it stayed put. Chopper

asked why it was so cooperative now, to which the bird vaguely

responded that it had been listening to their plans and had its own

reasons for wanting to find Sky Island. Whatever that meant.

As noon approached, the Strawhats got ready for their departure. Once

they packed everything onto the Going Merry, they raised anchor.

"Hey kid!" Cricket shouted from ground level. "Don't go falling out of the

sky now!" Luffy grinned and flashed him a thumbs up in


"Why is this whirlpool so big!?" Nami and Usopp shouted fearfully. The

false night had already fallen, and they were currently getting sucked

into the biggest whirlpool that could be found in the first half of the

Grand Line. The only ones who seemed unperturbed by this were the

monster trio and Robin. While Luffy and Zoro knew what was going to

happen, Sanji was simply too busy comforting Nami (who wasn't paying

attention to him) and Robin (who didn't need comforting) to care. And

Robin...well, she was Robin.

Soon the whirlpool disappeared completely, leaving most of the

Strawhats dumbfounded. After about 30 seconds, they were wondering

whether they were in the wrong place. After another 10 seconds, they

were retracting that doubt as they were violently blasted off of the

surface of the ocean by the monstrous current.

It was quite the experience, even for those who had lived through it

before. But soon, the ship started to slip from the vertical current, which

was pointed out by a slightly distressed Sanji. Nami soon proved herself

as their navigator, however, telling them to unfurl the sails so they could

catch the rising wind and ride it up the stream the rest of the way. It

wasn't long before they finally ascended through the surface of the


Most of the Strawhats were sprawled out across the deck. Luffy was the

only devil fruit user who had managed to keep his footing despite having

been momentarily sapped of his strength. Zoro and Sanji had also kept

upright, so the three of them walked around and helped the rest of the

crew regain their bearings. After everyone had recovered, they took a

look around, and were shocked beyond belief.

"It's...amazing!" Usopp exclaimed.

"Beautiful," Robin agreed.

"We really are floating on the clouds," Sanji commented. "How is that


Luffy glanced at him quizzically. "Of course we can float on them...they're

just clouds," he reasoned. Nami shot him a mild glare.

"I think you need to get your facts straight," she mumbled, to which Luffy

smiled innocently.

"Do I really though? Take a look around you," he said in a smug tone that

didn't match his expression, causing Nami's eye to twitch in the way it

often did.

"So then," she said in annoyance. "That makes this the sea of the sky.

Cricket-san said that it was less dense than air, like a cloud, but could

support buoyant objects, like the sea. That explains how our ship is

floating on it. My question is, how could it support an island?"

Robin hummed in thought. "One with a magnetic field no less. It does

seem bizarre. Perhaps there is another natural formation holding the

other half of Jaya up?"

"Another formation?" Nami questioned. "What do you mean?"

"I'd imagine it's like a ship and its cargo," Robin reasoned. "Be it

passengers or supplies, ships are designed to carry things that wouldn't

normally float over the water safely." Although it seemed she was stating

the obvious, the rest of the Strawhats soon caught on to her analogy.

"So then the island is the cargo," Nami stated. "And the ship is something

solid enough to support an island like Jaya, and either light or buoyant

enough to float on the sea of the sky."

"That would be my guess," Robin confirmed.

"Nami-san and Robin-chan are so incredibly smart!" Sanji swooned.

"So...it's a mystery ship!" Luffy concluded happily.

"Navigator-san, perhaps you should check the log pose," Robin suggested.

"We still don't know which direction we're headed from here."

Nami looked down at the log and was shocked. "It's still pointing up!" she

exclaimed. "Does that mean we need to go higher?"

"That would mean there is another layer of Millennium Cumulonimbus

cloud above this one," the archaeologist stated calmly. "The only question

is, how do we get higher?"

"You guys need to lighten up!" Usopp shouted. "Enjoy the adventure and

we'll figure it out as we go! I for one, am looking forward to going for a

swim in the sea of the sky!"

Luffy instantly grew serious hearing that. "Usopp, don't do that," he said

in a surprisingly stern voice.

"He's probably right," Sanji stated. "We still don't know much about this

sea. It's best not to fool around."

"Oh come on! A sea is a sea!" the sniper insisted, leaning over the railing

to get a better look. Before he could go any farther, however, Luffy

pulled him back. "Hey! What's your problem, Luffy?" he whined.

"Usopp," Zoro spoke up, "How far are you planning to swim?"

"How far?" Usopp shrugged. "I just wanted to see if I could touch the

bottom. I can hold my breath really well, so it shouldn't be a…"

"Bottom?" Zoro repeated.

There was silence for a moment as the Strawhats' caught on and their

eyes widened. Usopp gradually grew pale and started sweating, and

Chopper screamed in panic. "Usopp, don't swim! Please don't swim!" he


Nami smacked Usopp upside the head. "You idiot! You could have fallen

right out of the sky! This is why we need to gather information first!" she


Usopp went into a corner to brood. "Sky Island is scary…" he muttered


Suddenly a loud splash of water was heard, and the Strawhats turned to

see a large, purple, eel like creature advancing toward the ship.

"Sky Island is scary!" Usopp repeated loudly.

After Sanji knocked out the sea monster, or rather the sky monster, it

coughed up a small, oddly shaped fish. Robin walked over and picked it

up. "So then this is a skyfish? It seems that since there is no seafloor here

and the sea cloud is much less dense than water, they must have

undergone various adaptations to survive." As she was speaking, Luffy

came over and grabbed the fish out of her hands. Robin, assuming he

wanted to observe it, said nothing. Moments later, he was eating it out of

a plate happily.

"I sauteed it," Sanji stated absently.

"We weren't done looking at it yet!" Nami shouted in aggravation,

although Robin didn't seem to mind much.

Meanwhile, Chopper was staring out at the expanse of cloud through

binoculars. "It's so white…" he said dreamily, catching Luffy's attention.

"See anything Chopper?" Luffy asked with a grin.

"Yea! There's another ship!" Chopper reported eagerly. "And...a person?"

Luffy watched as Chopper gradually paled, then started panicking.

"Aaaauuughh! He blew up the ship!" he shouted, dropping the binoculars

and running around the deck frantically.

"Chopper, what's wrong?" Usopp asked, having broken out of his

depressed stupor.

"There's someone coming! He's gonna sink our ship!" the reindeer said in

distress. The Strawhats looked out over the sea cloud and saw that there

was indeed someone riding towards them on what looked like...skates?

Luffy thought back. That's...the bazooka guy. Wiper I think.

As the Shandian landed on the deck of the Going Merry, Luffy let loose a

liberal blast of haki. He could see Wiper's eyes narrow under his mask,

indicating that he had noticed the mental assault, but he seemed unfazed

by the unidentified attack.

"Your mind games have no effect, Blue Sea dweller! I shall reject you!" He

swung his bazooka at Luffy, who leapt to the side to avoid it, and then

made a beeline for Sanji, who blocked his kick with his leg. The chef was

pushed back though, and had to catch himself by doing a backflip to

regain his balance. Seeing him gasp for breath, Luffy and Zoro

remembered that it was everyone's first time in the thin air. Sanji would

normally be up to the task, but he was struggling to keep up. They were

getting ready to intervene when they heard a shout from the distance.

"That's quite enough!" the weird knight that Luffy identified as Gan Fall

shouted, aiming his spear at the Shandian. The spear was blocked by his

shield, but Wiper, realizing he was outnumbered, took his leave and

disappeared over the clouds again.

"Who the hell was that?" Nami asked, before turning to Sanji. "And what's

with you?"

"Sorry Nami-san," Sanji said, recovering his breath. "My body feels weak

for some reason."

"It must be because of the low air pressure up here," Robin surmised.

"Ah, you must be residents of the Blue Sea then," Gan Fall stated.

"Blue Sea? Who are you old man?" Usopp asked.

"Ah, forgive me. I am Gan Fall, the Knight of the Sky, and this is my

partner, Pierre. Those who are born below the clouds are called Blue Sea


"That would apply to us then," Zoro confirmed.

"It can't be helped then. This is the White Sea, 7000 meters above the

Blue Sea. Above us still is the White White Sea, 3000 meters higher. It

will take a while for your bodies to adjust to the atmosphere.

Sanji got up from his seated position. "No problem. I think I'm getting

used to it now," he stated, throwing a few experimental kicks at the air.

"No, no, I'm afraid that's not possible," Gan Fall said. "It takes more time

than that to grow accustomed…"

"Ah, don't worry about it old guy!" Luffy assured. "If we can handle the

knock-up stream, we can handle some thin air!"

Gan Fall's eyes widened comically. "The - the knock-up stream!? You

mean to tell me you actually arrived here on that monstrous current!? To

think there would still be some brave enough to make that venture…"

Nami was growing more teary eyed with every word. "I knew that

couldn't be the normal route! Luffy! If we had just gathered more

information, we could have gone the safe way! I blame you!"

Luffy scratched his head. "Does it matter? We're here anyway, right?"

"Have you lost any of your crew?" Gan Fall asked.

Luffy's body went completely rigid hearing that question. "No." he said in

a neutral voice, a little quieter than usual. But the only ones who noticed

his behavior were Zoro, who closed his eyes, and Robin, who's eyes

widened slightly.

"I see," Gan Fall said. "The other routes would not have been so forgiving.

The knock-up stream is a life or death gamble. Either everyone lives, or

everyone dies. Many do not have the heart to make that gamble these

days. Those who do, I view as the most courageous of sailors." He sighed

in resignation. "Be that as it may, I fear you all have come at a bad time.

You will most likely not be welcome here with open arms."

"We're kind of used to that," Luffy said. "We're pirates."

"Pirates?" Gan Fall asked. "How nostalgic. Nevertheless, I fear for your

safety. This land has not taken well to visitors recently, ever since…" he

trailed off. Luffy's brow furrowed. That was...different. Ever since what?

But Gan Fall didn't elaborate, choosing instead to drop a whistle onto the

deck. "This is a service. Blow the whistle once, and I will come to your

aid. After that, each blow will cost you 50 million extol. I have to make a

living, you know."

"Extol, what is that?" Nami asked.

"Extol are the currency of the sky islands. You Blue Sea dwellers use

Berry, correct? I believe 1 Berry is worth 10,000 extol. If that is all, I will

take my leave. Best of luck to you all."

After the revelation that his bird was a devil fruit user and could turn

into a bird/horse hybrid that looked a lot like a pink pegasus, the

Strawhats were left in the middle of the White Sea. They soon decided to

head towards a waterfall that they saw in the distance. They sailed under

a sign labeled Heaven's Gate, and were soon surrounded by large bundles

of cloud on all sides. Luffy stretched his arm out and commented that

they were solid, which led to him, Usopp, and Chopper taking a detour to

bounce around excitedly on the dream-like substance.

They sailed under a waterfall and were met by a short old woman with

what appeared to be a camera. "Hello there, may I ask where you are

from and what your business in Skypeia is?" she asked.

"We're from the Blue Sea," Usopp said. "And...I guess you could say we're


"Oh, I see. In that case, none of you are permitted to enter," she stated

with a neutral expression.

There was silence for a moment, before her statement registered.

The fuck?

A/N: Sorry about the relatively long wait. I've been pretty busy keeping

up with schoolwork this semester, and as a result I haven't had as much

time to spare. It didn't help that this chapter was kind of hard to write.

Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed it. See you next time!

42. Divine Logic

Last time on Second Wind!

Amazon: None shall pass.

Strawhats: What!

Amazon: None shall pass!

Sanji: I have no quarrel with you Madam, but we must cross this cloud!

Amazon: Then you shall die.

Luffy: I command you, as captain of the Strawhats, to stand aside!

Amazon: I move...for no man.

Zoro: So be it! (Draws sword)

Ok, that didn't really happen, but I'll bet you wish it did, if only for the

nostalgic feels. Onto the next chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece

Chapter XLII: Divine Logic

"What do you mean we can't enter? We came all this way!" Usopp

reasoned. "We can't just turn back now!"

"Be that at it may, the Almighty God Enel has decreed that Blue Sea

dwellers are no longer permitted to enter White White Sea. His word is


"God Enel?" Nami repeated. "Who's he? The ruler of Skypiea?"

"He is as He sounds," the old lady replied, still showing no trace of

emotion. "God."

Most of the Strawhats blinked. God, as in the God?

"You mean God lives here!?" Chopper asked in shock.

"I guess that would kind of make sense, since this is Heaven, right?"

Usopp mused.

"No, that makes no sense at all," Sanji grunted.

"Whether or not it makes sense, the fact remains that we're not allowed

to enter. Seems problematic doesn't it?" Robin commented.

"Does it matter?" Luffy asked lazily. "We're pirates, so why should we

obey the law?"

Nami slapped her forehead. "It's not that simple Luffy! We don't even

know how to get there without help, so how can we-"

"No, he is correct," the old lady stated, causing the Strawhats to look at

her in confusion. "While the word of God is law, I am neither a Priest nor

an Enforcer. Therefore if you insist on entering, I will not stop you."

Usopp still looked confused, but slightly hopeful. "So...you'll show us the

way then?" he asked.

"That is correct," she replied.

Luffy smiled as if it should have been obvious. "See? Simple."

Nami looked dismayed. Inwardly, she ranted. I should have known not to

argue logic with a guy that defies logic in a place that defies logic!

Robin giggled. "Don't be too easily fooled. All this means is that we can

enter, but we'll be labeled criminals and hunted down by whatever law

enforcement is active here," she surmised.

"Correct," the old lady said once again, showing emotion for the first

time. She almost looked impressed. "You may either turn back, or I can

take you to Angel Beach and you will be treated as a criminal from then

on. The choice is yours."

"Easy choice," Luffy said. "Take us there, granny!" The indignant protests

from some of the other Strawhats were cut off by Zoro.

"What are you all complaining about? We need to get to Skypiea for the

log to set, so it's not like we can just turn back now. It's like Luffy said,

we're pirates. We're used to being criminals anyway."

Nami sighed. "Still, it would have been nice to avoid that just this once,"

she bemoaned.

"So then...how do we get up?" Sanji asked curiously. Suddenly, the Going

Merry rocked as if hit by a large wave. The Strawhats looked overboard

and saw what appeared to be a giant shrimp holding onto the ship. They

barely had time to question this before the ship was propelled forcefully

up the windy path of sea cloud.

Amazon smirked. "To the Almighty God Enel, and the Priests who serve

Him, seven illegal entrants have trespassed into the White White Sea.

They now await Heaven's Judgement."

Now then, the stage has been set. Enel's grip has weakened, and it will only

take one more push for the sky to slip through his fingers. Will these Blue Sea

dwellers bring his reign of tyranny to an end, or will they too fall victim to the

Ordeals of Heaven?

When the Strawhats reached the light at the end of the clouded tunnel,

they gasped in awe at the scenery. They had wondered what Sky Island

would look like, but this put their imaginations to shame.

"Amazing! It's like a tropical paradise!" Nami shouted in glee.

This caused Robin to frown. "Tropical?" she thought aloud.

"Something wrong, Robin-chan?" Sanji asked.

"I just thought of it now, but how can it be so warm up here?" Robin

asked. "We are, after all, 10,000 meters above sea level. This place should

by all rights be colder than the peaks of the highest mountains, and yet it

is not only able to support entire civilizations of life, but actually has a

tropical climate. How is that possible?"

"The same way the knock up stream forms underneath an island," Luffy

said sagely. Robin turned to him curiously.

"I was wondering about that as well," she admitted. "It's not as if islands

float on the sea after all."

Luffy desperately wanted to exclaim that it was a mystery island, but

knew that while he was content in just enjoying the ride, Robin actually

showed genuine interest in knowing and understanding these types of

things. He rubbed his head sheepishly.

"Sorry Robin. I don't actually know. I was just saying that neither of them

really make sense."

Robin blinked and smiled lightly. "Oh, I suppose I should have gathered

that. I guess I'm just too curious."

Nami was giving serious thought to the question, but was broken out of

her theorizing when Luffy shouted. "We've reached land!"

"It's...an angel!" Sanji shouted. Normally Nami would facepalm upon

hearing this, but she had to admit that the exclamation had merit. The

girl had wings, much like the old woman who had allowed them to enter.

The fact that they were currently on a sky island made the concept of an

angel almost credible.

Said girl turned to them in surprise, but soon smiled. "Heso!" she greeted,

confusing the Strawhats with the unfamiliar speech.

As it turned out, the girl, who introduced herself as Conis, and her father,

who arrived shortly afterwards, were both inhabitants of Angel Island,

which was the part of Skypeia they were currently in. Looking closely,

they could see that the entire island was made of the same solid cloudy

material that they had come across in the White Sea below, which Robin

claimed must have been how Jaya would be able to float on it. It was

supported by what Conis confirmed was called island cloud, while the

island cloud floated on the White White Sea.

"I'm sorry," Conis' father, who had introduced himself as Pagaya

interrupted, "But where is Jaya? I've never heard of such a place."

"Oh, sorry!" Nami said, realizing they were excluding Conis and her

father from the conversation. Jaya is an island on the Blue Sea, where we

came from."

Suddenly Conis turned pale and fell backwards onto the beach, causing

many of the Strawhats to frown. Pagaya had a grave expression on his


"Conis-chan," Sanji said worriedly, "Are you alright?"

"You all," she gasped, "You're from the Blue Sea…?"

"That's right," Luffy said blankly, but inwardly he was wondering what

was wrong. Conis hadn't reacted this way last time. Was it because


Zoro turned toward Luffy. "The old lady did say we would be criminals

from the get go," he reminded everyone. "Maybe we shouldn't be staying

here. We might get Conis involved."

"You...entered illegally?" Pagaya asked. "But how...the milky road can't be

traversed without the-"

"That old lady let us in," Usopp interrupted. "She said we could come, but

we'd be treated as criminals. Maybe this was a bad idea in retrospect…"

Conis started panicking. "You have to leave here immediately! You're all

in terrible danger!"

"Why? You guys haven't had visitors from the Blue Sea before?" Zoro

asked calmly, despite knowing that wasn't the case.

"That is precisely the problem," Pagaya said. "Just recently a band of Blue

Sea dwellers caused a lot of trouble here, causing God Enel to decree that

none from the Blue Sea would be granted entrance to Skypiea any


"What happened here? Who got him so mad?" Luffy asked, curious as to

who could have rattled Enel's cage to the point where the usually

uncaring Skypiean would become this opposed to having company.

"I'm sorry. It is forbidden to discuss that incident," Pagaya said. "You all

must leave here before He takes notice of your presence. Otherwise, I fear

for your safety."

"It's a bit late for that," Luffy said. "He's already noticed us."

Chopper turned to him in shock. "What? But how? We just arrived here!"

"Observation haki," Luffy said.

Sanji's eyes widened in shock. "How far away is this guy?" His own senses

were getting stronger every day, but they barely stretched out passed the

Going Merry unless he focused them.

"God Enel sees all," Conis said in a subdued voice. "If he already knows

you're here, then there's no escape." She was visibly dismayed.

"But how?" Chopper asked fearfully. "What can he do if he's not even-"

He was interrupted by a sudden flash of lightning above their heads,

which was accompanied by a loud clap of thunder. The lightning struck a

nearby formation of island cloud, utterly destroying the less than durable

substance and leaving Chopper gaping.

"Chopper," Usopp said in a false tone of serenity that somehow didn't

belie his inner feelings. "Please shut up." Chopper nodded dumbly.

"A devil fruit and observation haki?" Sanji concluded. "Sounds like a

troublesome bastard."

"He sucks at hiding his aura though," Luffy stated. "Even worse than me."

On God's Shrine, at the top of Giant Jack in Upper Yard, a certain

lightning logia was deeply amused.

"Ahahahaha! What an impudent little mortal. But still, it's rare to see a

Mantra user from the Blue Sea. I wonder, what it this aura he speaks of?

Is it the same as what we call a voice? Well, no matter." He turned to his

nearest servant. "Alert Captain McKinley and gather the remaining priests

below. I want these sinners dealt with."

"Yes, Enel-sama."

Back on Angel Island, the Strawhats had decided that their vacation time

was over. They asked Conis and Pagaya about Jaya, and they nervously

responded that the only island that fit the description was Upper Yard,

the island made entirely of vearth, which had arrived in the sky 400

years ago. Apparently it was God's land and they were forbidden to set

foot there. When Nami stated that the island was their destination, they

looked resigned, but didn't protest, which caused Robin to narrow her

eyes. She was debating whether to voice her suspicions when what

seemed to be the local law enforcement arrived...crawling on the ground

quite conspicuously.

"You there!" called a voice from afar. The Strawhats turned to see a group

of men in white berets. "You are the seven illegal entrants from the Blue

Sea, correct?"

"Yep, that's us," Luffy said, causing Nami to yell at him in reproach.

"By word of the almighty God Enel, we, the White Berets, are here to cast

Heaven's Judgement upon you! For the class 5 crime of illegal entry, you

are to be stripped of all your money and belongings, and sentenced to

cloud drifting!"

The Strawhats could feel the temperature in the immediate vicinity drop

10 degrees, and turned to wearily face Nami, whose face had darkened.

The more observant of them noted that there was a cloud slowly forming

over the heads of the White Berets.

"Could you repeat that?" Nami asked quietly.

Captain McKinley raised an eyebrow. "We are here to cast Heaven's

Judgement upon you-"

"No, the part after that," Nami clarified.

"Ah, the penalty, of course. You are to be stripped of all your valuables

and sentenced to-"

"I'm going to stop you right there," the navigator said, smiling sweetly.

"Thunderbolt Tempo!"

A bolt of lightning struck down from the cloud that had already formed,

eliciting screams from that White Berets, who had been bunched up

together, as the electricity coursed through their bodies. They finally

collapsed in an unconscious heap. Sanji had hearts in his eyes, and Luffy

started laughing hysterically.

"Hahahaha! Nice one Nami!" the captain praised.

"Oh dear…" Pagaya said.

"You guys...what have you done?" Conis asked, pale as ice.

"What? They were going to take our money! It was self defense!" Nami

proclaimed, causing her crewmates to snicker at the logic.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid the consequences for this transgression will not

be as forgiving," Pagaya said gravely. "Incapacitating the White Berets is

a class 2 crime."

"You fools!" McKinley shouted, having regained consciousness. "Are you

trying to invoke the wrath of God Enel!? The White Berets are the most

forgiving of God's enforcers! The rest will not hesitate to make you repent

for your sins!"

Luffy scratched his head. "Ok then. What's the penalty for a class 2


McKinley looked surprised that he was asking. "Well...you're to be taken

to Upper Yard to face the Ordeals of the Priests…"

"Ok, take us there," Luffy said with a shrug. "We were going to go there


McKinley gaped at him.

"Holy, sit," a bald man with sunglasses said. The giant dog immediately

stopped pounding the dead man who had fallen victim to the ordeals. "It

seems we have news." Another tall man with a strange hairstyle and a

permanent angry glare on his face walked up to him and started

speaking. Ohm couldn't understand a word he was saying, however. "You

poor soul," Ohm said. "Having to constantly be reminded to open your

mouth when you speak. Were you not a Priest, I would personally act as

your salvation and end your miserable existence."

Gedatsu's jaw dropped in shock. "How careless!" he exclaimed. "As I was

saying, we have orders from God's Shrine. There were seven illegal

entrants who have committed a class 2 crime. We are to deal with them

once they arrive."

Ohm hummed. "More wretched souls that need saving. Very well. Let's

go, Holy. We shall prepare the Ordeal of Iron." The dog obediently

followed him into the underbrush on its hind legs.

"Luffy, are you sure this is a good idea?" Usopp asked nervously as he

watched the giant lobster grab hold of the ship again.

"Nope, but it should be fun! Now let's go!"

"So let me get this straight. God wants to kill us, and we're just going to

march right into his home so he'll have an easier time?" Nami asked.

"City of gold," was all Luffy said in response.

Nami's eyes turned to Belly signs as she pumped her fist into the air.

"Onward to Jaya!" she shouted as the ship started moving towards Upper


A/N: Short chapter, I know. I originally planned on stopping here the last

time, but I had more work to do so I decided to split it up. I'll try to have

the next chapter up soon.

43. Ordeals, War Meetings, and


Welcome back everyone, and enjoy chapter 43.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter XLIII: Ordeals, War Meetings, and Bonfires

When the Strawhats arrived at Upper Yard, they were taken aback by the

size of the wildlife. It seemed that plants and animals alike on the

displaced half of Jaya had evolved drastically in the past 400 years.

They didn't have much time to ponder that, though, as their ship was

soon deposited on what appeared to be some sort of altar.

"If Heaven's Judgment is just to leave us here with no way to get to land,

I'm not impressed," Sanji commented, standing at the edge of the steps

and staring out at the sea cloud. "I can already think of five ways to get

out of here." Suddenly, an oddly shaped shark surfaced from the depths

and lunged at him, forcing him to jump backwards onto higher ground.

"Make that four," he corrected.

"The easiest way is probably to use those," Zoro said, pointing to the

vines hanging from the trees above the altar.

Nami hummed in thought. "I have a better idea. Luffy, tame those sky

sharks with your Haki and have them give us a ride across!" she shouted


"Nami-san's a genius!" Sanji declared.

"You can do that if you want," Luffy said nonchalantly. "I'm gonna swing

from the vines."

Nami looked at him quizzically. "Why? You're a Devil Fruit user. I'm not

going to help you if you fall in!"

"If I fall I can just use Geppo. Not that I will. And besides, swinging from a

vine is also part of a man's romance."

Nami palmed her forehead in frustration as Zoro and Usopp nodded

sagely. Not this shit again!

Luffy grabbed onto the vine and cleared his throat, before swinging

across and letting out a yell. "Ahhhh - ahhhhhh - ahhhhhh!"

"What was that supposed to be? A call of the wild?" Nami muttered,

before walking up to the vine. She stopped in her tracks when she saw

how high it was, and how many sky sharks there were below. While she

was debating whether or not to make the swing, Zoro spoke up.

"We should probably split up. The ship will be in danger if we leave it

unattended. Usopp and the Cook, you guys can stay here in case one of

those priests we heard about shows up. The rest of us will go looking for

the City of Gold. Usopp, try to repair the Merry as much as you can. She's

probably taken some damage on the way here," he said. Usopp saluted,

before rushing below deck to get some supplies. Zoro turned to Sanji.

"And Cook—"

"Yeah, yeah, kick the crap out of whoever comes. I got it," Sanji said.

"You do that." Finally, he turned to Robin, Nami, and Chopper. "You two

should probably come with us. We have enough members here."

"All right! Let's find some gold!" Nami agreed easily.

"That works for me. I'd very much like to see what sort of history this

island harbors," Robin said thoughtfully. With that, the three of them

swung across the vine one by one, Zoro echoing Luffy's call of the wild in

the process.

In God's Shrine, atop Giant Jack, three men were gathered together, in

the middle of a heated argument.

"You poor delusional souls. Actually believing that your petty trials can

compare to my Ordeal of Iron," Ohm said condescendingly.

"You're the one who's delusional!" Satori exclaimed. "The only reason

your ordeal has a higher mortality rate is because it bores your victims to


Gedatsu attempted to provide his own input in the conversation, but no

one could understand him because he once again had his mouth closed.

"Open your mouth when you talk, you dimwit!" Satori yelled.

"How careless!" Gedatsu said in shock.

"It's not carelessness! It's stupidity, plain and simple!"

"Enough of this nonsense! Do not forget that this is the place where God

resides!" Chief Enforcer Yama scolded. "Stop making fools of yourselves!"

"Where God resides?" Ohm repeated. "So then, where is God exactly?"

"Everywhere," came a voice out of nowhere, startling the priests. They

were suddenly shocked by a mild electric current that ran through the

air, stopping when it reached the nearby throne and materializing in the

form of a man. That man was easily recognizable as God Enel.

"Ahahaha! Your mantras still need work! Unless you can keep them

active even in the middle of your petty squabbles, you won't be able to

sense my approach."

"Did you call us here just to tell us that?" Ohm asked lazily.

"Actually, the main reason is that I was bored. But there is something I

wanted to discuss with you. Are you aware that seven Blue Sea dwellers

are on Upper Yard as we speak?"

"Yama told us about it," Ohm answered. "So, I assume you called us here

to take care of them?"

"Partially. As of now, they've split up. Their ship is still at the sacrificial

altar, so I'm sending one of you to bestow Heaven's Judgment upon the

two of them. The remaining five can be dealt with during the survival

game I'm planning."

"Survival game?" Satori asked curiously.

"That's right. A survival game. Between my forces, the Shandians, and the

Blue Sea dwellers. I myself will be participating. The reason for this is, of

course, because the Maxim is almost completed. So, starting tomorrow,

your boundaries in Upper Yard are to be abolished. You are free to do as

you wish. After that, we'll depart. To the dream world."

"So then, which of us will go to the altar?" Gedatsu asked.

"Decide amongst yourselves," Enel answered. "Play rock-paper-scissors if

you have to." The priests looked at each other and shrugged before

holding their fists out. "Oh, and one more thing. Be careful not to die

while fighting the Blue Sea dwellers. There's something about them that I

can't quite place. Two of them have slightly similar voices to one of the

other Blue Sea intruders who faced Shura's Ordeal of String not too long

ago. Of course, they're no threat to God, but do be careful, won't you?"

He took a bite out of his apple.

"After all, it would be most troublesome if we lost another priest."

In a certain village hidden amongst a vast array of island cloud, a little

girl scurried through, attempting not to be sighted. It was the hideout of

the remaining Shandians, the tribe of people who had been living on

Jaya when it was blasted into the sky. The little Shandian girl looked

down at the bag in her hands and smiled in satisfaction before starting to

run again.

"Where have you been?" a voice spoke out, startling her enough that she

tripped and fell over.


"You went to Upper Yard to get vearth again, didn't you, Aisa? You're

going to wind up dead at this rate."

"So are you!" the girl named Aisa yelled, sticking her tongue out

childishly. "Everyone knows you can't beat Enel!"

Kamakiri narrowed his eyes at her, causing her to yelp and run away.

"Little punk…" he muttered.

Aisa arrived at the center of the clearing, where there was a war meeting

being led by the Shandian chief and the most influential of their warriors.

It was the latter of those two that had a tendency to terrify her. The War

Demon, Wiper. She focused intently on what they were saying inside.

"As the Knight of the Sky, Gan Fall has never lifted a hand against us," a

voice that sounded distinctly like Laki stated. "In fact, as of now, he has

been the only one of the Skypieans opposing Enel head-on. You said

yourself that he was aiding Blue Sea dwellers, didn't you?"

"Great. If we're lucky, he and the priests will kill each other," Wiper said

in disinterest.

"That's not the point! I'm saying that we share a common enemy in this

war!" Laki tried to reason.

"So what? Are you saying the enemy of our enemy is our friend? Grow

up! The second Enel falls from power, he'll attempt to take back Upper

Yard for the Skypieans! Whether it's Gan Fall, Enel's enforcers, or the

Blue Sea dwellers, we'll take them all down!"

Aisa gulped when she heard the anger in his voice. He was always angry.

Why was he always so angry?


Aisa tripped and fell over herself again, before turning and glaring at

Braham. "Why do you guys always do that!?" she yelled.

"I wouldn't eavesdrop right now," the Shandian gunman advised. "Wiper's

in a bad mood."

"Isn't he always?" Aisa muttered.

Braham smiled. "Point taken. But he's especially high-strung about the

Blue Sea dwellers that have just arrived."

"Is it that big a deal?" Aisa asked. "They're just Blue Sea dwellers."

Braham raised an eyebrow. "And are you forgetting what happened the

last time Blue Sea dwellers set foot on Upper Yard?" he asked


Aisa visibly shivered. "No…" she admitted. She could never forget. It was

hard to forget the most terrifying voice she had ever heard.

It was hard to forget a voice more terrifying than God's.

"Hey, Nami!" Luffy called from one of the lower branches of a tree. "Look

what I found! It's old man Cricket's house!"

Nami's eyes widened. "What?" With Robin's help, she was able to make it

to the same branch Luffy was on to get a better vantage point. She

gasped. "You're right! That's the other half of the house we saw. Well,

there's our irrefutable proof of your theory. But how did you even know?

It doesn't seem like you to think of something like that."

"Maybe I'm just smarter than I let on," Luffy replied.

"Or maybe you're just too lazy to think most of the time," Nami suggested

as she surveyed their surroundings from atop the branch.

"Hey, thinking is hard!"

"Case in point," she said, finishing the rough outline of the map she was

drawing. "All right guys, take a look." Luffy, Zoro, and Robin looked over

her shoulder. They had decided early on that if they wanted to find the

City of Gold, they would have to orient themselves. "This is where the

Going Merry is," she said, pointing to the altar. "And this is where we are

right now. In his logbook, Noland said that he found the City of Gold 'in

the skull's right eye. That's here," she said, putting the individual maps of

Jaya and Skypiea together to form a skull. "That means that we need to

go directly South of here. First, though, let's get back to the Merry. It's

getting dark out, so we should wait until tomorrow to make the trip."

"Sounds like a plan," Luffy said. "And if God tries to stop us, we'll just

kick his ass along the way!"

"I am Satori! I am here to judge you, oh despicable sinners!"

Sanji stared at the round man in disinterest. "No," he said blandly.

Satori looked taken aback. "No?" he repeated, never having gotten a

response like that before. "What do you mean—?"

But Sanji had already turned around and started walking away. "Hey,

where do you think you're going?" Satori asked, jumping off the orb of

cloud he was sitting on and landing in front of the chef, who grunted in


"Listen, I'm gonna be honest with you. I may not look it, but I am

rightfully pissed right now. After being separated from Nami-san and

Robin-chan, I am by no means in the mood for this shit today. So, why

don't you just do everyone, including yourself, a favor, and get off our


Satori stared at him open mouthed. "Why the hell would I do that!?" he

exclaimed. "It is my divine duty as a Priest to bestow judgment upon


Sanji raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you're one of those priest guys?"

"Hoho! That is correct, Blue Sea trash!"

Sanji sighed. "I guess there's no avoiding it then." Before the priest could

ask what he meant, Usopp came out onto the deck of the Going Merry.

"Hey Sanji, what's the commotion? Who's this guy?" Usopp asked.

"It's one of those shitty priests," Sanji said.

"What? Him?" Usopp asked, having pictured a priest to look differently.

"Who are you calling a shitty priest!?" Satori raged, charging at Sanji with

an open palm thrust. Sanji ducked out of the way and narrowed his eyes.

He could tell there was something weird about this guy's attacks. Usopp

readied his slingshot, but Sanji waved him off.

"Stay out of it. I can take this guy no problem." Usopp shrugged and

lowered the weapon.

Sanji leapt at Satori with a kick at the ready, but the priest just smiled. "A

kick with your right leg," he said, before dodging out of the way. Sanji

grunted again.

"So, that's your game," he said.

Satori came forward with another palm thrust, and Sanji smirked. "A

shock wave…from the device on your hand." Satori was completely

caught off guard by this, and Sanji weaved out of the way of his attack,

aiming another kick at him. Satori predicted his movements with mantra

and dodged accordingly again, but was surprised when the move ended

up being a feint, and was unable to dodge the next kick aimed at his face.

He was sent careening off of the ship, only to be caught by his orb of


"What…it can't be. A mantra user!?" Satori asked in bewilderment,

clutching at his bloodied face.

"Mantra…that's what Conis' father said too. Is that what it's called here?"

Sanji wondered aloud, before charging forward with another kick at the

ready. Satori was able to dodge this one by jumping back onto the ship,

and when Sanji turned to face him, he wore a sinister grin. He pulled on

a thread, and the orb he'd been sitting on came rushing toward Sanji. The

chef, deeming it little thread, kicked it into the air, which turned out to

be a mistake when he was caught in the resulting explosion. Caught off

guard, he was unable to regain his bearings before Satori rushed him


"Impact!" he shouted, as the dial connected with the chef's torso. Sanji

coughed a wad of blood and fell back onto the deck.

"Sanji!" Usopp shouted in worry, as Satori laughed victoriously.

"Hoho! That's what you get when you underestimate the Ordeal of Balls!"

he said with glee, but was promptly silenced when Sanji got up again,

looking thoroughly pissed. "You're still conscious!?"

Sanji ignored his shock as he glared at him. "Time to fry the dough," he


When Luffy and company arrived back at the Going Merry, they were

only slightly surprised to see the bloody beaten form of what they

assumed to be an enemy lying on the deck of the ship.

"Who's this guy?" Chopper asked him.

"One of the priests. He was annoying to deal with," Sanji answered.

Indeed, he was covered in bruises, which only became more obvious once

he removed his shirt as Chopper instructed. As the doctor tended to his

wounds, Zoro yawned before leaning against the wall.

"So, how was the fight cook?" he asked lazily. The chef understood what

he was being asked though.

"He could use Observation Haki. That was really the only thing he had

going for him. He was better at using it than I was at first, but once I got

a couple kicks in he freaked out and lost control of it. It ended quickly

after that. Still, what an annoying bastard."

"You're telling me!" Usopp shouted. "That guy had no regard for ship

maintenance! What was he thinking, lighting an explosion above the

deck of the Merry! How am I supposed to repair this!?"

"No use worrying about it," Sanji replied. "At least he's quiet now."

"The question is, what do we do with him?" Nami said. "We can hardly

just leave him on the ship."

Luffy walked up to the priest and hoisted him up. The crew watched

blankly as he threw him off the ship, past the altar, and into the forest.

"That takes care of that," Luffy said. "So, guess what we found out!"

After Luffy explained their findings on the City of Gold, the Strawhats

were surprised by the sight of Gan Fall flying toward their ship. When

asked what he was doing on Upper Yard, where he apparently hadn't set

foot in years, he explained that he heard from an Angel Island citizen

that they had come to God's land, and wanted to make sure they came

out of it all right.

"That must have been Conis," Nami reasoned. "To be honest, I'm a bit

worried about her. Couldn't her regard for our wellbeing mark her as an

accomplice?" she asked anxiously.

"Not to worry," Gan Fall replied. "I've moved her to a safe location, where

even Enel's mantra does not reach. Still, I was surprised to hear that you

all came to Upper Yard willingly. Are you sure you know what you're


"Don't worry about us, weird knight. We've been in worse situations than

this," Luffy replied. "Thanks for everything you've done, though. Wanna

join us for the night? We were going to set up camp."

"I'm afraid I cannot. There is a matter that has come to my attention, and

while I appreciate the offer, I must attend to it."

Luffy shrugged. "Suit yourself. Good luck, then." As he flew off, Nami

turned to him.

"Are you sure we should set up camp? We're in enemy territory; it might

be better just to stay on the Merry."

Luffy stared at her as if she had said something absurd. "Huh? That's

stupid, Nami. How can we light a bonfire on the Merry? Are you trying to

burn down our ship?"

It took a moment for Nami's mind to register that. "Wait, we're gonna do


Robin couldn't help but feel a little disconcerted at the moment. While it

was practical to light a fire to cook their food, one this big was

completely unnecessary, and it was even less prudent to keep it going

through the night. But apparently, that was their plan, if it could be

called such a thing. To throw a party around a bonfire in the middle of

enemy territory. Strategically, there was no advantage to such an

endeavor at all, but she had already learned that her little crew didn't

always think rationally. Even Nami had ultimately just let out a resigned

sigh and smiled tiredly before joining in on the fun, while Robin was

content to sit back and watch.

Would she too settle into this carefree mindset one day? It was a

daunting thought, yet an appealing one. Being able to let down her

guard, relax and enjoy life…she didn't think about it often, but that was

something she had desired for 20 years now. And now that she finally got

the chance, she still couldn't help but feel paranoid. Supposedly some

habits were too deeply ingrained.

So, here she was, sitting on the sidelines as her crew danced with wolves

(were those wolves? Yes, those were wolves) around a bonfire. She

couldn't help but smile fondly.

Absently, she became aware of Luffy walking toward her. She watched

him as he sat down on the log next to her and sighed contently, patting

his stomach.

"So," he began, "Not much of a dancer?"

Robin leaned back and closed her eyes, feeling the nightly breeze blow

against her. "I guess not," she replied. "I never really learned."

"Neither did I, to be honest. But hey, what's to learn? Just keep moving."

Robin raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Are you asking me to dance,


Luffy pouted. "I'm asking you to have fun. What are you doing here by

yourself, anyway?"

"Someone has to keep watch," she defended.

"Keep watch for what?" Luffy asked, grinning. "Wolves? Good job."

Robin giggled. "Enforcers. Priests. Self-proclaimed deities, perhaps?"

"Robin, you know I'm like, really strong, right?"

Yes, she knew that. In fact, she couldn't stop thinking about the fact ever

since he took down Crocodile with barely a scratch to show for it. She

hummed in response, silently asking what his point was.

"And you know I can sense any enemies coming with Observation Haki,


Yes, she knew that as well. She closed her eyes again and smiled,

suddenly feeling slightly ridiculous. "I guess old habits die hard," she

admitted, voicing her thoughts from earlier.

Luffy grinned again. "Well, come on then! If you don't want to dance,

Zoro could use a drinking buddy."

Robin allowed herself to be led closer to the campsite, where she was

greeted warmly, and for the first time, partied the night away as a

Strawhat pirate.

A/N: Well, soon is a relative term anyway. Nevertheless, I hope you

enjoyed the chapter.

44. A Strained Voice Manifests

Happy new year everyone. I'm in a pretty good mood today since, not

only has New Game Plus been updated, but DuncanIdaho2014 gave me a

shoutout! It brightened up my day so much that I was able to publish this

chapter a full HOUR early. Well, more or less. Give or take a couple

hours. Anyway, on to the chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece

Chapter XLIV: A Strained Voice Manifests

A thick fog encompassed the forest clearing, making it difficult to see

much of anything in the dreary dark. To those who relied heavily on

their sight to survey their surroundings, such as snipers for instance,

these conditions turned even a quick trip to pee into a perilous journey

fraught with danger.

At least, that's what said sniper argued when he went to wake his


"You're saying I should come with you so you don't get blindsided?" Luffy

clarified, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"That's right," Usopp confirmed.

"Oh, so you're scared of the dark. Ok then," Luffy deadpanned as he got

up from the ground.

"Don't say it like that!" Usopp complained. "It's a precaution! Who knows

what kind of scary creatures lurk in the dead of night?"

"You mean like the wolves that we shared our booze with?"

Usopp opened his mouth to argue further, but decided to quit while he

was ahead and simply follow after Luffy, who had started walking passed

the trees already.

"You know, it's not the animals I'd be worried about," Luffy said suddenly

as they faced opposite directions and started emptying their bladders.

"What do you mean?" Usopp asked. "What else would attack us? Man

eating plants?"

"Or maybe something a little less natural?" Luffy suggested with a grin.

"Or as they say...supernatural."

Usopp paled. "Y-you mean like g-ghosts?"

"Or zombies."


"Or talking skeletons."

"Don't even joke about that!" Usopp whispered loudly, looking around

frantically. "I'm perfectly fine with not encountering anything of an

undead nature, thank you very much!"

"Don't get your hopes up. By the way, do you hear that?"

"Hear wha-" Usopp became silent as he heard what Luffy was talking

about. It was coming from the direction of the Merry, and it almost

sounded like the banging of a...hammer?

Luffy's brow furrowed as he reached out with his observation haki.

Immediately his eyes widened. "That can't be right…" he muttered in


"What is it? You sense something?" Usopp asked fearfully.

"It feels like...you?"

"What? But I'm right here. Are you sure that's right?"

"Not really. Because it also feels like me. Also Zoro, Nami, and Sanji. I

even feel traces of Chopper and Robin."

Usopp was growing more confused by the second. "So whatever this thing

is, it can mimic our auras?" Luffy was silent for a moment before


"I think we should go see what it is," he said. Usopp nodded hesitantly. If

this thing was on the Merry, then they probably shouldn't just leave it be.

As they drew closer to the ship, they were able to make out a figure

through the fog. Usopp was growing more pale by the second, while

Luffy was simply in awe. He thought he knew who this was, but he was

growing more sure by the second.

"Captain," came a juvenile voice from the ship which seemed to resonate

through the fog.

"G-G-Gh-Gho-" Usopp stuttered, unable to form the word.

"Merry," Luffy breathed, causing Usopp to nearly forget his fear and turn

to Luffy in concern.

"Merry? What about Merr-"

Usopp was interrupted as Luffy grabbed hold of his arm and jumped

across the ocean cloud and onto the deck of the ship. Usopp, on full alert

now, turned warily towards the mysterious figure, mallet in hand, that

was now facing them, while Luffy just continued to stare in reverence.

The figure's face suddenly spread into a wide smile. It seemed to be as

delighted to see them as a ghostlike figure could possibly be. "Captain

Luffy! Usopp!" It's childlike voice shouted in glee.

"Who are you? How do you know our names?" Usopp asked, voice laced

with a curiosity that overpowered his usual apprehension.

The small figure's face lit up with a mischievous countenance. "Guess!"

the child challenged.

Only then did Usopp start to take in the child's appearance. It was that of

a young girl, one with white shoulder length hair. Her face shone with a

childlike innocence, but one that belied the infinite wisdom that was

reflected in her deep brown eyes, hidden beneath the surface. It was as if

she had felt all the pain the world had to offer but still had the heart to

keep going.

"Merry..." Usopp whispered, his voice caught in his throat. It defied all

reason. There was no explanation as to how this girl could be their ship,

and yet...he just knew.

Luffy swallowed thickly. His observation haki was being barraged by the

very essence of his crew. He could sense a myriad of qualities in Merry's

aura which he could easily identify the sources of. From his own

unyielding determination, to Zoro's undying loyalty, Nami's playful

mischievousness, Usopp's natural curiosity, Sanji's fierce protectiveness,

Chopper's optimistic enthusiasm, and Robin's sharp intelligence. They all

blended together so naturally it was almost beautiful, and he could feel

tears coming to his eyes. He had never had the chance of observe Merry's

aura before. In fact, he wasn't even completely sure a ship would have

one. But now that he could sense it for himself, he knew that it was

something he would never forget. It was surreal.

Merry laughed. "You guessed right! It's me," she said.

"Wait, so you're a girl?" Usopp asked randomly, causing Luffy to break

out of his daze and snicker at the timing of the question.

Merry scratched her head. "Well...yea? You guys always refer to me as

'she,' so I'm a girl!" she declared as if it was a simple concept.

"Makes sense to me," Luffy agreed.

"Well...ok then," Usopp said, not quite understanding how that worked

but readily accepting. "So basically you appeared to repair yourself? Do

you do this often?" he asked. There was a hint of guilt in his voice, and

Luffy suddenly paled.

Merry laughed uneasily. "No, this is the first time," she admitted.

"Merry," Luffy spoke up. "Are you going to be ok?" Usopp looked at him

in confusion.

Merry looked down at her feet, reluctant to answer. Finally, she spoke.

"I'm just a caravel. The knockup stream was too much," she said quietly.

Luffy gritted his teeth in grief upon hearing the answer as Usopp looked

back and forth between the two in worry.

"Hey, what do you mean it's too much?" he asked. "No, I understand.

We've been pushing you too hard, right? Are you saying the repairs won't

hold? Because if so, tell us! I promise we'll get you to a professional

shipwright as soon as we can!"

Merry met Usopp's eyes and shook her head sadly. Usopp's widened. "You


Luffy closed his eyes. How had it come to this again? He had tried to be

careful. He had done his absolute best to stop their ship from being

damaged, and up until the knockup stream, he would have sworn blind

that he had succeeded. Were there some obstacles that Merry simply

couldn't overcome? And in the previous timeline, had she powered

through all of those injuries despite the fact that the knockup stream

alone had been too strenuous for her?

"I'm sorry, Merry," he whispered. "I tried…" he trailed off. Merry shook

her head.

"Don't blame yourself, Captain," she said. "You did your best, even from

the very beginning."

Usopp looked toward his captain, thinking back to all the times Luffy had

defended their ship with an uncharacteristic perfectionism that bordered

on obsession. "Luffy, did you...know?" he asked.

"Deep down, I did," Luffy said truthfully. "Merry was built in the East

Blue. She wasn't designed to endure the Grand Line."

"But just look at us!" Usopp said defensively. "Almost all of us are from

East Blue, and we made it just fine!" he protested.

"But as much as she's our comrade, Merry isn't human," Luffy reminded

him. "Our injuries will heal, but hers will just pile up." Merry nodded

soberly. There was an oppressive silence for a while before she spoke up


"You're going to need to find a new ship eventually," she said. Usopp's

eyes widened again.

"What? No! We can't just abandon you, Merry! There had to be another

way! We can-"

"No, Usopp," Merry said, her voice uncharacteristically stern. "You have

to promise me you'll move on. I want to go on more adventures with you

all, but I know my limits, and my time is running out. You have to let me

go. I…" she paused, and her voice grew quiet again. "I don't want you all

to sink with me."

Usopp looked at her in defeat. "Promise me," she repeated.

"Ok," he said reluctantly. "I promise."

With that, Merry gave them one last heartfelt smile, and then

disappeared before their eyes.

When the Strawhats awoke the next morning, Luffy gathered everyone's

attention, saying there was something he needed to tell them all.

"Does this have something to do with your trip to the altar last night?"

Robin asked knowingly.

"Oh, you were awake?" Luffy asked.

"I'm a light sleeper," she answered.

"Yeah, it does," Luffy confirmed, before taking a deep breath. "It's about

the Going Merry." Nami, Sanji, Chopper, and Robin listened curiously,

while Usopp stared at the ground, and Zoro closed his eyes, already

knowing what this was about. Luffy went on to explain the situation and

what had happened during the night. Any skepticism that they had seen

the spirit of their ship was forgotten in light of the revelation that Merry

was dying. Even Nami knew they wouldn't joke about something like


"So, there's nothing else we can do?" Nami asked in a subdued voice.

Luffy shook his head. "I don't think so. Let's not worry about this right

now. There's nothing we can do until we get back to the Blue Sea. We'll

figure something out then."

Nami gave a subdued nod.

About an hour later, the Strawhats were ready to start their journey. This

was initiated by an argument between Luffy and Zoro in regards to which

way would go.

"What are you doing Luffy?" Zoro asked, annoyance evident in his tone.

The City of Gold is in the skull's right eye. That means we have to go to

the right, which is this way," he said, holding out his right arm.

Luffy stared at him incredulously. "What kind of idiot are you!? Left and

right is different depending on which way you're facing! You've always

sucked at navigation, so just leave this to me. We have to go south, which

is the direction that feels the warmest! That's this way," Luffy said,

unwittingly pointing to the rising sun.

"Excuse me, if I may interject," Robin interrupted, as Nami was busy

banging her head against a tree. "Captain-san is correct in stating that left

and right is relative to where one stands, but orienting yourself based on

which way feels warmest is not an accurate method of navigation. The

east only feels warmer because the sun is rising. So south would be that

way," she said, pointing to Luffy's right hand side.

"Hmm, I don't really get it, but ok! Let's go!" As he was walking, he

picked up a small branch from the underbrush and started using it as a

walking stick. Chopper looked on in interest.

"Luffy, that's a nice stick!"

"Hmm? Oh yeah. I couldn't find one in Alabasta, but this place is full of

them. Try finding one."

As Chopper set out to do just that, Luffy chuckled. "That reminds me, I

wonder how Vivi and Seal are doing."


"Vivi-sama…?" Igaram's slightly confused voice shook the Alabastian

princess out of her thoughts. "Would you happen to know why Seal has

taken to carrying a stick around with him in the palace?"

At Vivi's surprised expression, Igaram grew more confused. "Is something


"He...actually found one?" Vivi mumbled. "The vegetation here has been

steadily increasing again…"

At Igaram's questioning look, she shook her head in fond exasperation.

"You're better off not knowing."

"My name is Kotori!"

"My name is Hotori!"

"We are God's elite enforcers-"

"-here to pass judgement upon you-"

"-as well as gain vengeance-"

"for our fallen brother!"

"Prepare yourselves!" the two priest lookalikes shouted at once.

The Strawhats stared in silence at the duo who were so out of their depth

that even Chopper was looking at them as if they were idiots.

"Well then!" Luffy's mock authoritative voice spoke up. "Since this isn't

even remotely fair, I guess we're going with Battle Formation SH2!"

Nami groaned as she realized that Luffy was probably going to make

some kind of training exercise out of this. As the crew huddled together,

Kotori and Hotori looked on in incredulity.

They were playing rocks paper scissors.

"Wait, how is this a battle formation!?" Kotori asked.

"You're just playing a children's game!" Hotori shouted.

"Hey you!" Luffy shouted, already out of the game. "Don't underestimate

Battle Formation SH2!"

"No, feel free to underestimate it," Nami scoffed. "He only calls it that so

people will think we have multiple battle formations. When it reality,

we're just deciding who's going to fight."

Luffy gave her a hurt look. "Don't say that Nami!" he whined. "Our battle

formations will fall into place once we get one or two more crew


Nami rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

Meanwhile, Hotori and Kotori were astonished at the insolent Blue Sea

dwellers who were treating them like a mere nuisance. Before they could

collect themselves though, the Strawhats finished their game, Nami and

Usopp being the winners.

"You know, I can't help but think this was rigged somehow!" Usopp

pointed out.

"He's right. What are the chances that the two weakest crew members

would have to deal with those idiots?" Nami asked, jerking her thumb at

the sputtering duo of enforcers.

"Oh come on! How could I rig rocks paper scissors anyway?" Luffy asked.

"If you want to blame someone, blame the lost samurai."

Nami and Usopp simultaneously turned towards Zoro, who grimaced in

annoyance. "Not me!" he sputtered.

"Oh dear, that wall just came crashing down," Robin commented.

Chopper looked up at her in question, not following the present

conversation at all.

"What wall?" he asked innocently.

"The fourth one," Sanji muttered.

I still don't get it, Chopper thought.

Hotori and Kotori, having had enough and enraged by the earlier insult,

lunged at Nami, who yelped and dove out of the way. Sanji took a step

forward, seething, but was held back by Zoro.

"Don't Cook, they need the experience. Even our training won't be enough

if they don't fight any real battles."

"Battle my ass! They tried to gang up on her!" Sanji shouted. "If Nami-san

gets hurt, I'll blame you, shitty swordsman!"

"If either of them get hurt, blame me," Luffy interrupted. "But they won't."

Meanwhile, Nami was having trouble forming a lightning cloud while

trying to fend off her assailant's attacks. Usopp had been quick to take

one of them after their initial assault, and was now using hit and run

tactics against a disorganized Hotori (or Kotori, really, who knew?). But

strangely, though almost all of his attacks were hitting dead on, some of

them were being harmlessly stopped by the enforcer's hand as if their

kinetic energy had suddenly vanished. At the same time, Nami was

fending off attacks with her staff, and although she parried with a grace

that belied her lack of confidence and constant shrieks, each block she

was forced to make interrupted her efforts to form a cloud overhead.

The entire crew had been warned about the strange devices that the

priest had worn on his hands by Sanji. Robin had speculated that it was a

prevalent form of combat in Skypiea, so both Nami and Usopp were wary

of getting too close.

"You can't dodge forever!" Kotori taunted as he lunged for Nami again.

Nami was forced to block his blow with her clima tact, but to her

surprise, it wasn't a normal blow. When the enforcer's open palm met her

staff, a metallic clang was heard, and a sharp pain travelled up her arm

from the force that would have resulted in a grievous wound had it

landed. Kotori's eyes widened as the recoil left him off balance. The axe

dial couldn't cut it? What's that thing made of!?

Nami, wincing in pain but not to be deterred, quickly capitalized on the

opportunity, twirling her staff and swinging it directly at his head. Upon

impact, the staff released a force far greater than the blow itself would

bestow, and Kotori was blown off his feet by the gust of wind, only to be

stopped by a tree. He rose to his feet in a daze, and when he touched his

head, he felt a warm red liquid. Angered, he prepared to use his flame

dial to roast Nami from a distance, but could only stare in shock as she

disappeared from before his eyes with another twirl of her staff. Looking

around frantically, he could find no trace of her. Unnoticed by the duo,

the cloud overhead now began rapidly increasing in size.

"Stand still you little coward!" Hotori's high pitched and frustrated voice

rang out. Once he realized he couldn't get clear shot to his torso or head,

Usopp had started aiming for his legs. As a result, Hotori was now

limping heavily due to his knees having taken damage. As it was, he

could barely position himself well enough to block with the impact dial,

much less land a hit with it on the constantly retreating sniper, who by

the way, was much faster than he looked. An opportunity prevented itself

when Usopp backed into a tree. Kotori, not one to waste it, lunged at

Usopp, although noticeably slower now, with impact dial at the ready.

Usopp, thinking fast, aimed another shot at his head, forcing Hotori to

abort his assault in favor of blocking once again with the dial, and

thereby missing Usopp, who ducked out of the way and rolled before

gaining more distance. The sniper's eyes bulged as he surveyed the

damage done to the tree he had backed into by the dial. The trunk had

been blown apart, causing the tree to topple over. He had been right to

be cautious and not get hit by that.

Hotori, realizing he had to switch tactics, used his other dial, the breath

dial. A hissing sound was heard, and Usopp's eyes widened as he realized

that some form of gas was being released into the area. Although it was

clear, his keen sense of smell was able to pick up on it. But this guy's

dials were the shock wave one and the breath one. Could he use flames

as well? He had to assume at least one of them could, otherwise the gas

would be pointless.

It was then that he noticed Hotori's eyes drifting to the side to meet

Kotori's, and inwardly cursed. The other enforcer, forgetting about his

fruitless search for Nami at the moment, instead aimed his open palm at

Usopp, who realized he had to get out of the gas now. Knowing they

wouldn't set themselves on fire, he ran towards the two enforcers.

He wasn't quite fast enough.

As it happened, Nami was.

Usopp only had time to register the strong gust that blew passed him, not

strong enough to lift him off his feet, but enough for its purposes. He let

out a relieved breath as the subtle smell of gas faded, and rolled out of

the way of the oncoming flame, making a mental note to thank Nami for

the save once this was over. Ignoring the explosion of flame that, while

close, didn't reach him, he let an uncharacteristic smirk manifest on his

face. This fight was almost over. Casting a subtle glance upwards, he

noted that the lightning cloud overhead still wasn't ready due to the

constant interruptions. He also made a note to find a way for Nami to

multitask with the clima tact.

"What was that? Your aim is terrible," he said to the shocked duo. "Stop

trying to hit me and hit me! I'll send it back to you twice as strong!"

"Funny how you're talking trash when you're about to die!" Kotori

shouted. In their anger, the two enforcers foolishly obliged Usopp's

request, readying another combination attack. Usopp silently prayed to

whatever god was listening other than Enel that Nami had gotten the

message he'd been trying to convey. His trust was rewarded when, after

the gas was released, he felt another strong breeze, this time blowing in

the opposite direction, back towards Hotori and Kotori. The two must

have noticed, because their eyes widened comically as they realized what

was happening.

"The cloud overhead was formed by the humidity in the area," Usopp said

with a smirk. "As a result, the air is much dryer. They say those who play

with fire get burned," he said, aiming his slingshot at the enforcers and

letting his exploding star fly. It detonated inside the small area of gas,

resulting in an explosion twice as big as the previous one, which

swallowed the two enforcers whole. "Luckily for me, I'm not playing."

As he turned around and walked away, he felt something that felt a lot

like Nami's staff impact lightly with his head. As he rubbed the aching

bump, Nami materialized in front of him.

"You sure seemed confident that the explosion wouldn't hit me, especially

for someone who didn't know where I was!" Nami yelled, glaring


"Well, I trusted that you would get out of the way in time since you were

the one directing the gas!" Usopp defended.

"Whatever," Nami said, though Usopp thought he saw a ghost of a smile

on her face. "Just remember you owe me one," Nami huffed.

Usopp sighed. "Yea, ok…" Suddenly, his head perked up and his eyes

widened. Nami only had time to wonder why he had grown pale before

he raised his slingshot and fired a pellet over her shoulder. Nami turned

around in time to see Kotori (or Hotori, really, who knew?) clutching his

face in pain as he fell over just short of reaching her. They both leapt

back instinctively, noting that the enforcer, while covered in third degree

burns, hadn't taken nearly as much damage as he should have.

Nami, getting over the fact that she probably would have died had Usopp

been any slower, raised her staff to the sky.

"Looks like I'll get to use this after all. Thunderbolt tempo!"

The massive bolt of lightning reached the ground where their opponent

was struggling to get up faster than one could say "overkill."

Needless to say, he didn't get up again after that.

"Damn, that was close," Usopp said. "He must have used that weapon he

had to absorb the force of the explosion and most of the flames."

Nami nodded, a little shakily, then smiled lightly. "Thanks, Usopp."

Suddenly they heard clapping, and turned to see Luffy and the rest of the

crew making their way towards them.

"See? Not a scratch," Luffy said, a little too smugly, only to be kicked in

the face by Sanji.

"That was too many close calls. What would you have done if they

weren't fast enough?" the chef grumbled.

"I would have intervened, obviously. But I didn't need to," Luffy argued,

before turning to Usopp. "Hey, let's go loot them. Those weapons they

were using looked useful." Getting an enthusiastic nod from Usopp, the

group took the dials from the two unconscious enforcers.

"Hotori and Kotori have been defeated," Enel said in a bored tone, much

to the surprise of his servants.

"First one of the priests and now this?" one spoke up. "Will you intervene,


"Now why would I do that? The survival game has already begun. If my

forces can't even handle a group of Blue Sea dwellers, they don't deserve

to come with me to the dream land." He smirked. "Of course, that's not to

say I'll stand idly by. I am a player in this game as well." And with that,

Enel disappeared in a bright flash.

A/N: Sorry for not updating for a month and all. For some reason this

chapter was hard to write, and I needed to wait for inspiration to strike.

Tell me what you thought, as usual. Lost out.

45. Clash of Heaven and Earth

Look! Up in the sky!

It's a bird! It's a plane! IT'S A SECOND WIND UPDATE. We're saved!

On a less conceited note, my beta reader, The Patient One, is writing a

One Piece story called Changing the Future (redone). It's a time travel fic,

but not quite like this one; the premise is Luffy and company jumping

around in time rather than going back once. Everyone go read it, and

then start your review with the heading "LOST BROUGHT ME HERE."

I said less conceited, not completely lacking conceit. Anyway, chapter


Disclaimer: It's been a year since I started this story and I still don't own

One Piece? Like, wtf?

Chapter XLV: Clash of Heaven and Earth

As the Strawhats made their way through the thick undergrowth of

Upper Yard, Luffy couldn't help but feel amused. They were in the middle

of a philosophical debate, something that didn't happen often. It had

started when Chopper asked an innocent question: 'Is this place the real

Heaven?' And from there, it had escalated quite satisfactorily.

"Like I said, there's no this place is actually Heaven!" Nami argued. "I

could just as easily put a sign up over Cocoyasi Village that says the same

thing, but that wouldn't make it true."

"I agree with Nami-san!" Sanji announced with ease of practice.

"To be fair, Navigator-san, your home island isn't floating on clouds

10,000 meters above the sea," Robin said with a smile.

Nami glared at Robin, knowing full well that she didn't think this place

was the Heaven either.

"I agree with Robin-chan!" came Sanji's predictable response.

"Hey, you can't agree with both of them!" Usopp sputtered. "Not when

they have differing opinions! And really, we shouldn't be talking about

this! Enel could rain lightning down on us at any time!"

It was a valid point. The only reason they were willing to have this

discussion was that they had Luffy and Zoro on lightning patrol. Once

they had been assured that Enel wasn't even bothering at this point, the

debate had dragged on for the next 5 minutes, in which Usopp would

argue that Skypiea was Heaven, most likely so he could brag about

having gone there later, and Nami, ever the voice of reason, would argue

the opposite, while Robin would play devil's advocate in order to keep

the debate going, most likely because she found it funny, and Sanji would

agree with whatever Nami and Robin said.

"Look, all I'm saying is that we already know we're not the first Blue Sea

dwellers to visit Skypiea," Usopp stated. "Who's to say that the name

'Heaven' didn't come from here originally? For all we know, this could

have been the inspiration for it. That would mean that for all intents and

purposes, this place is Heaven."

Chopper listened on curiously. What did I start?

"I guess it's possible," Nami conceded grudgingly. "But it still seems


"Luffy, Zoro, what do you guys think?" Usopp asked. The two hadn't said

a word yet.

"Don't care," they replied in unison.

"Really?" Usopp asked. "You guys aren't curious at all?"

"I don't believe in God, so I couldn't care less," Zoro stated.

The rumble of thunder overhead either went unnoticed or was ignored.

"What about you, Luffy? You always seemed like the type to believe

things for no reason," Nami said with a smirk.

Luffy grinned. "I don't pretend to know either way," he replied. "If he

exists, that's fine with me, but if he doesn't, I won't lose sleep over it. I'll

just do my own thing like always."

"That's an interesting viewpoint, Captain-san," Robin said. "So you're an


"A what-now?"

"Are you guys so captivated by your meaningless conversation that you

wouldn't notice a giant snake sneaking up on you?" Zoro drawled.

The Strawhats stilled. Luffy's grin only widened as the others looked

around cautiously. Sanji reached out with his Observation Haki, and the

cigarette fell from his mouth. "Son of a..."

"Oh, dear," Robin commented as one of the oversized vines nearby started

slithering. Soon, a colossal python was looming over them, jaw wide


"Scatter!" Luffy shouted, before grabbing Nami and leaping out of the

way. Usopp was unceremoniously kicked out of the way by Zoro, while

Sanji and Robin leapt aside and Chopper scurried away in Walk Point.

The crew looked back and shivered. The snake's fangs had left a huge

indent in the tree behind them, which continued to erode from its venom.

"That could be a problem," Robin stated. "I hope none of us get eaten...or

skewered...or liquified."

"Stop it!" Usopp shouted. "Come on, we need to retreat!"

Luffy had other ideas as he walked straight up to the python and looked

it in the eye.

"Hey, snake!"

The snake's eyes narrowed as it hissed at Luffy.

"Isn't he going to use Conqueror's Haki?" Usopp whispered. "That thing

could really eat him alive!"

But Luffy's next words stopped the snake short. "We're looking for a

golden bell! Have you seen it?"

Before the Strawhats could fully comprehend the idiocy of the question,

they were taken aback by the snake's reaction. It was still staring at Luffy,

but its eyes were wide. It seemed to have a faraway look in its eyes.

Luffy smirked. "You're looking for it too, right? If you want to find it, go

wait for us under the giant beanstalk. I assume you can find your way


The snake evidently understood what Luffy was talking about better than

the Strawhats did. It looked at Luffy suspiciously for a little while longer

before raising its head to the sky and letting out an unusual hissing noise.

"Ssuuuulaalaalaalaaaa!" it hissed loudly, almost as if it was trying to say

something, or perhaps imitate something that had been said. Immediately

afterwards, it turned around and started slithering rather quickly towards

the Strawhats' destination.

"What was that all about?" Nami asked.

"Tell you later," Luffy replied, still grinning.

Robin's suspicion that the captain knew something about this place that

the rest of them didn't was now solidified, but she let it go for the


As they made their way deeper into the forest, the crew began to hear the

unmistakable sounds of conflict faroff in the distance.

"It sounds like there's a battle going on here," Sanji commented.

"But how? This is Upper Yard. Aren't we supposed to be the only

intruders?" Usopp asked nervously.

Zoro closed his eyes for a moment. "The status quo has changed. There

are around 80 people on the island at the moment. They're all fighting.

Some of them are already down for the count." He opened his eyes. "It's


"War?" Robin repeated. "So it's a rebellion against Enel's reign?"

"It's unlikely that all of Skypiea would accept his rule," Zoro replied.

"You're right. Most likely, the conflict was already in the making. It could

be that our presence here has galvanized the resistance," Robin


"I don't think it was just us," Luffy spoke up, drawing the crew's attention.

His brow furrowed. "Do you guys remember what that weird knight guy

said? There was another group of Blue Sea dwellers that caused trouble

here recently. And now, we come along and take down a priest. It kind of

mucks up Enel's image, don't you think?"

Sanji nodded. "It makes him look vulnerable. That's why they're acting

now. Whoever showed up before us must have been a Grand Line pirate.

Our own success aside, they were no pushovers if they did so much


Luffy's frown deepened. And whoever it was, they weren't here last time. I

have a bad feeling. I hope I'm wrong. It couldn't be…

He looked at Zoro, who met his eyes for a brief second. His countenance

was nearly as grim. This did not bode well.

"Hey, we've got incoming," Sanji said.

Luffy snapped back to attention. There was another aura approaching

them. Relatively weak, but stronger than the last two. He smirked.

"So, who gets this one?"

Chopper stood frozen in shock. Oh, no. Did he just win? That's not fair! I

have hooves! I can only choose scissors! How did I win!?

"Looks like it's all you, Chopper," Luffy said, grinning. "Give him hell!"

Chopper nervously turned toward the priest Gedatsu, who had been

watching them in bemusement.

"What is this? You're choosing a tanuki to fight me? Why do I feel that

you're not taking me seriously?"

"Shows what you know! He's not a tanuki!" Luffy retorted. "He's half-

reindeer half-tanuki half-human!"

"Shut up, Luffy!" Chopper cried hysterically.

"Well, not that it matters. If you so wish, I will take you all down one at a


"Don't hold back, Chopper! You can do this," Luffy encouraged. "Just use

the Rumble Ball and do what you usually do. You'll be fine."

Chopper gulped and nodded. He held up a pill, and with barely a

moment's hesitation, popped it into his mouth. "Rumble."

"What's this? Eating during a fight? How careless," Gedatsu admonished.

Chopper didn't bother to respond, knowing his time limit had already

started. He quickly approached the priest in Walk Point. Gedatsu's eyes

widened at the unexpected burst of speed but managed to dodge thanks

to his Mantra, floating above the ground using the Dials on his feet.

Chopper went into Jumping Point and pursued him, but the priest

managed to propel himself out of the way again. His increased mobility

in tandem with his mantra was proving a problem, so Chopper landed on

the ground and went into Brain Point as his opponent was retreating.

Scanning Gedatsu for weaknesses, he quickly came up with a plan before

the priest capitalized on the opportunity.

Gedatsu's hands started leaking a milky white substance which formed a

cloud. He hurled it at Chopper, who went back into Jumping Point and

leapt out of the way. Although it was just cloud, he didn't know what it

was supposed to do, and decided to play it safe. Before he could get close

though, Gedatsu followed up using the jet dial on his elbow.

"Jet Punch!"

Chopper was barely able to dodge, even in Jumping Point, and looked on

in worry as the attack blew a hole into a nearby boulder. Gauging the

strength of the attack, he decided to take his chances. As the priest

turned around and used another Jet Punch, Chopper launched himself

forward in Jumping Point before quickly switching to Arm Point and

meeting the blow head on.

"Kokutei, Roseo!"

The clash resulted in both combatants being blown off their feet. Chopper

went into Guard Point to cushion the impact, but Gedatsu took the full

brunt of it as he collided with a tree. Chopper wasted no time and went

back into Walk Point. Hoisting himself back onto his feet, Gedatsu tried

to propel himself back into the air, but Chopper jumped after him,

switching into Heavy Point and grabbing him by the feet. He pulled the

Dials off of his shoes, effectively grounding him, and they both

plummeted to earth.

As Chopper rolled away, Gedatsu slowly got back to his feet. He used

another Jet Punch, but Chopper went into Horn Point and caught the

blow in his antlers. Digging his hooves into the ground and gritting his

teeth through the pain, Chopper slowed to a stop and bucked, sending

Gedatsu flying through the air to collide painfully with the ground.

Before he could get up again, Chopper capitalized on the opportunity and

ended the fight with another Kokutei, Roseo. Confident the priest

wouldn't get up again, Chopper let out a heavy breath and turned back

towards his comrades, who all congratulated him.

Luffy smiled to himself. Everyone's training was really paying off. They

would have to keep this up.

Ohm scowled. Gedatsu's voice had just fallen silent. The idiot had

personally volunteered to subdue the seven Blue Sea dwellers whose

voices now continued to approach Giant Jack, and now he had been

taken down, easily in fact, if the lack of any other voices falling quiet was

any indication. It was one thing to be the only competent priest left, but to

be the only priest left period? At times he actually missed Shura, if only

for his success rate, and that was just worrying. He'd always hated that

string bastard, but at least he got the job done a good 97% of the time. It

wasn't quite up to par with his own 100%, but it was a level of reliability

he didn't make a habit of expecting from the other two. Well, no matter.

He was the only one left, which meant none of their enemies would be

escaping from this point on.

Enel may have been omnipotent, but he was far too lax at times in Ohm's

opinion. He didn't really care for avenging his fellow priest. The

miserable being was better off dead than continuing his wretched

existence, as were all human mortals. But letting that crew of insolent

misfits escape just because their foolhardy leader had survived a couple

dozen half-assed El Thors? The stubborn ones who clung to life were the

ones that needed to be freed from their misery the most. If he didn't

know any better, he would say that God Enel had been afraid.

Good thing he knew better than to think that, much less say it.

Oh, well. It was not as if he could go after the Blue Sea dwellers...yet.

They were most likely coming to him anyway, so there was no reason to

abandon his post. He extended his mantra and noted that the Shandians

were making their way to God's Shrine as well. Soon it would be time to

save some wretched souls.

Enel looked up from the scorching form of the Shandian warrior,

Kamakiri. Absentmindedly noting that his attack had unwittingly hit

several others traveling on the milky road, both foes and allies, he

extended his mantra towards Giant Jack. Ohm was still there, but

Gedatsu was gone...oh wait, there he was. Unconscious, on the path to

the altar. He must have run into the Blue Sea dwellers who were now

nearing the ancient ruins. That was another priest down. That left

himself, Ohm, Holy, Yama, Skypiea's former God, the Master of the Sky,

the seven Blue Sea dwellers, the War Demon Wiper, and a handful of

Shandian warriors and his own enforcers. Not to mention the Shandian

child who had been born with mantra who was sneaking about. 24

participants in total. This game was getting interesting.

"Luffy?" Nami's deceptively sweet voice addressed the Strawhat captain,

causing him to sweat a bit.

"Um...yeah, Nami?"

"Cities of gold...they usually have gold, don't they?" she questioned

rhetorically, in that same dangerously mellow tone.

"Not in my experience," Luffy replied, boldly evading the question. The

thing about Nami was that when she asked you a rhetorical question, she

expected you to answer it, and answer it right. As it happened, his

answer, while truthful (he had only ever seen one city of gold in his life,

and being the exact same one, it had no gold either), was not the right


This was what he liked to think of as the calm before the storm. And the

retort had barely left his mouth before he realized that he was essentially

poking the storm with a stick.

The thought alone made him drop the stick he was still carrying.

As Nami's eyes darkened, Luffy hastily pointed in the direction of the

nearest aura.

"Hey, look, there's a guy over there! We should go beat him up! He can

probably tell you where the gold is, unlike me."

Nami's eyes narrowed. The distraction was weak at best.

"Navigator-san," Robin cut in, struggling not to erupt into a fit of giggles.

"It's been 400 years since the City of Gold was last accounted for. It

makes sense that the gold would have been moved. But seeing as Skypiea

is relatively small and this land is a restricted area, there are only so

many places it could be. I suggest we take Captain-san's crudely phrased

advice and question one of Enel's underlings as to its whereabouts.

Nami hummed. "So, in other words, Enel probably took the gold. And to

get it back, we'll most likely have to kick his ass."

"Did I mention you'll need me in one piece for that?" Luffy saw fit to ask.

"Not really," Zoro disagreed emotionlessly. "I could beat him nearly as

easily as—"

"Zoro, the next time you start wandering off in a random direction, I'm

letting you get lost."

Zoro scoffed. "As if I'd get lost with this huge ass beanstalk as a


"You would get lost even if you had a walking compass following you

around and trying to get your attention."

As the two bickered, Robin observed the ruins closely. They weren't

nearly as large as she'd imagined. Was this really everything? As she

surveyed her surroundings, inspiration struck her. They were still

standing on cloud, and this was Upper Yard. That meant they weren't at

ground level. There was more underneath. She was about to pass on this

information to her crewmates when they heard a loud crash. She turned

and noted with dread that a Shandian warrior had just crashed into one

of the nearby ruins. That was ancient history lost to mankind. She might

have attacked the man if not for the knowledge that it had been someone

else to send him crashing into the artifact...and the fact that he was now

unconscious, his cannon lying useless on the ground next to him.

She turned with a cold glare towards the heavyweight man who was

approaching them.

Luffy saw the look on her face and winced.

"You know, Robin, I think we can just skip the rock-paper-scissors this


Only a nearly imperceptible nod of agreement indicated that the

archaeologist had heard him.

"So, you are the seven illegal entrants who have caused so much havoc

on Upper Yard. The priests must have been slacking. What a disgrace.

Even Satori was defeated," he snarled. "As God Enel's Chief Enforcer, I,

Yama, will end this little nuisance now!"

Yama charged recklessly at the Strawhats, but Robin used her Devil Fruit

powers to grab his legs and trip him. He fell face first, but quickly

bounced back onto his feet and turned towards Robin with a furious


"You first, then? Very well."

"Show some respect. These ruins are priceless, and you're stumbling

around destroying them like a neanderthal," Robin said coolly.

Yama snorted. "The ruins? You think I care about the past? Here's what I

think of your damn ruins!"

He made to kick at a nearby slab of rock, but a couple dozen hands

sprouted out of the ground and held him in a choke hold. Grunting in

pain, he tried to break out of the hold. Robin, who was exerting herself

keeping hold of the giant brute of a man, realized that his size made a

simple clutch impossible as she couldn't get a good enough hold on him.

Seeing as she had no qualms about the method used to incapacitate a

hostile, several more arms sprouted out of Yama's back and continued

choking him.

Yama, gasping for air, did the only thing he could do and fell backwards.

His dead weight was too much for Robin to support, and most of the

arms dissipated, lest they be crushed beneath him as he fell. She

concluded that this was a wise decision as the ground split apart beneath

him. Noting that he had axe dials on his back and abdomen, she

summoned more hands to hold him down.

This time, however, Yama caught one of her sprouted limbs and

attempted to crush it. The flash of pain disrupted her focus and the rest

of the limbs disappeared along with it. Now free, Yama rose to his feet

and looked at Robin cautiously.

Luffy grimaced. Robin wasn't fighting as she usually would. She was

trying to protect the ruins from being damaged any further.

"Robin! Don't worry about the ruins. I've got it covered. Just focus on

kicking this guy's ass!"

Robin turned to Luffy in surprise, but then nodded to convey that she

trusted him. She quickly scurried away from Yama, leading him towards

a rock formation without any markings on it. Yama chased after her, but

as she suspected, the brute had a one track mind. Once he realized she

was determined to protect the ruins, he was persistent in his attempts to

exploit the disadvantage.

Which is why he veered off to the right and flew headlong into a ruin.

Robin's eyes widened. She tried to use her Devil Fruit powers, but was

too late as he collided with the stone structure…

And was repelled violently. He fell back onto the ground, cursing in pain

and clutching the newly formed bruise on his head from the collision

with the stone, which, upon closer inspection, was now blackened like

volcanic rock. Robin followed the trail of black across the ground and

met Luffy's eyes curiously. He had one obsidian hand on the ground,

which acted as a medium for the physical manifestation of his will.

He grinned at her. "Continue."

Robin turned back to Yama, and several arms appeared on the ground

next to his arm. A couple seconds later, the arm was broken at the elbow,

eliciting a new round of curses from the heavyweight, who charged at

Robin in a blind rage, all thoughts of the ruins forgotten.

"Axe Mountain!" the brute shouted as he attempted to bodyslam the


Robin activated her power while dodging out of the way so that the only

thing in Yama's path was the large boulder she had chosen. Yama seemed

unconcerned with the impending collision, but this was proven to be a

rather poor decision as blood spurted from his stomach where the axe

dials had been turned around to face the wrong way. Yama coughed up

blood as he lay in the pile of rubble. A dozen arms now sprouted around

the defenseless man, who was unable to resist the hold this time.

"Clutch," Robin's emotionless voice broke the silence, followed by the

cracking of bones. Satisfied that the man was not getting up under his

own strength any time soon, Robin walked calmly back toward her


After thoroughly exploring the ruins, Robin was able to decipher some of

the writing, and the Strawhats were led below the veil of clouds to the

city of Shandia underneath. They couldn't find the golden bell, which

meant that either it didn't make it to the sky, it was lost during the

ascension of Jaya, or Enel had it. Luffy was still determined to ring it,

and Nami was still determined to find the gold, but neither had objected

to Robin teaching Yama a painful lesson before they could question him,


As it turned out, this wasn't much of a problem, since another of Enel's

minions met them at the base of the beanstalk, along with a giant dog.

"Welcome, Blue Sea dwellers. I am Ohm, the last of God's priests. The

Ordeal of Iron has begun. You will not leave here alive."

"The last 5 guys all had the same idea," Sanji said. "Can we just get on

with this?"

Ohm adjusted his glasses. "As you wish."

Several things happened in the next minute. A bearded man who the

Strawhats recognized as Gan Fall flew in on his winged horse. The

Shandian warrior who had assaulted them when they first arrived in the

White Sea also made an appearance, along with a couple other Shandian


Most shockingly to those who weren't the Strawhat pirates, a giant snake

slithered around the base of Giant Jack, attracted by all the commotion.

The snake looked at Luffy expectantly, and the Strawhat captain gestured

towards the other arrivals, who were staring each other down. The

tension was palpable as Ohm readied his sword, Wiper his bazooka,

Braham his flash guns, Gan Fall his lance, and the snake her fangs.

Strangely, the snake, whom the Skypieans knew as the Master of the Sky,

was hovering over the Blue Sea dwellers almost protectively.

"So, you're all alright," Gan Fall stated, greeting the Strawhats. "That's

good to know. I was beginning to fear the worst."

"I'm surrounded by people I'd love to kill," Wiper growled. "But first

things first." He turned to Ohm. "Where is Enel? I'm here for his head."

"Foolish mortals. You will all be freed from the illusion of life's grandeur

soon enough," was all Ohm said.

"Suuulaalaalaalaaaa!" the Master of the Sky hissed her input.

"So, then," Luffy's spoke up. "I guess it's a battle royale."

"How exciting," a new voice, accompanied by a crackle of lightning,

drawled. "I do hope I'm invited."

Everyone turned to face none other than God Enel, who was smirking at

them all. "Of the original 80 participants, 16 fighters remain. How

frustrating. Let's trim that number down, shall we?"

A/N: Ugh. I wanted to post this chapter on Tuesday, but work caught up

with me. I feel as though it was a bit rushed to be honest. What did you

guys think of the pacing? Or do you just want shit to happen already?

46. To Reject God

Hello again everyone! Since the Skypiea arc is coming to a close soon, I

thought I'd address an issue I've been pondering. Multiple people have

expressed a desire to see the Water 7/Ennies Lobby arcs sooner rather

than later. While this is certainly understandable, considering that the

latter is commonly considered to be one of the best arcs in the series, I

cannot, in good conscience, speed through an arc like this one. I feel that

if I did that people would be inclined to do the same while reading it,

and I don't want any major arc to be uninteresting to the readers.

I knew when I began this story that some arcs inevitably be less eventful

than others. Skypiea in particular is vulnerable to this trend because it

takes place in a setting isolated from the rest of the One Piece world.

Even in canon, one of its only redeeming factors for a lot of people is an

overpowered villain, and in a story like this one that point is moot. This

foresight was one of the reasons why Second Wind has been partially a

humor story from the beginning, as I feel that comedy can go a long way

to make a chapter more interesting.

I was also planning to spend a chapter or two on G8, since it was my

favorite filler arc. Let me know whether you'd like to see that or not. If

there's an overwhelming response to the negative, I'll reconsider it.

With that said, enjoy the climax of the Skypiea arc.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece

Chapter XLVI: To Reject God

There was a moment of calm under Giant Jack as the 16 participants

stared each other down, waiting for someone to make the first move.

Between the Shandians, the Priest, the Knight of the Sky, the Master of

the Sky, and the God of the Sky, tensions were high.

The Blue Sea dwellers, on the other hand, had varied reactions to the

new development. Zoro looked utterly bored, Sanji was needlessly

assuring Nami and Robin that he'd protect them, Nami was rolling her

eyes at Sanji, Usopp was holding his slingshot above his head in a sign of

false bravado that belied the trembling of his legs, Chopper was asking

Luffy what a battle royale was, Robin was looking utterly bored, and

Luffy was explaining to Chopper what a battle royale was in a rather

grandiose manner, utilizing the term "man's romance" multiple times.

"As amusing as this little byplay is," Enel continued, raising an eyebrow

in amusement, "You all really should focus on the matter at hand. You

see, only 5 of you can come with me to the Holy Land. The rest of you

will be returned to the Blue Sea along with the rest of Skypiea. You may

either decide amongst yourselves, or battle for the right. It is your


The Shandians and Gan Fall were silent as they took in what Enel had

just implied. Gan Fall had already had a sneaking suspicion, but this

confirmed it.

"You demon," the knight growled. "You plan to destroy Skypiea, along

with all of its inhabitants!?"

"That is the natural order of things, is it not?" Enel replied, sounding

almost bored. "God is a destroyer. His job is to restore order. For mortals

to live above the clouds, to thrive in the sky like gods...it's heresy, don't

you think? It is only right that I return them to their natural


Most of the Strawhats stared incredulously at the declaration. He spoke

so casually about what could practically be considered genocide. Even

Ohm looked surprised at this news, having heard nothing of it


"Now," Enel continued, "which of you will come with me to Fairy Vearth,

and which of you will return to the Blue Sea?" The tension skyrocketed as

all parties involved gripped their weapons.

"I'll return to the Blue Sea," a voice spoke up, and everyone turned to

stare at Luffy, who was cracking his knuckles. "After I kick your ass from

here to Fairy Vearth, of course."

Enel looked amused. "How insolent."

"But before that, I have a question for you," Luffy continued. "Who was

the other Blue Sea dweller that came here before us?"

Enel raised an eyebrow. "Why does that matter? Do you presume to know

him? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. You both have a tendency to

provoke powers far beyond your understanding."

"You can tell me, or I can beat it out of you," Luffy said nonchalantly.

Enel stated laughing. "Oh, I'll definitely enjoy beating that out of you,

mortal," he exclaimed. "But if you really must know, I am not aware of

his true name. Only that, if I remember correctly, he went by the moniker

of Blackbeard."

Robin's eyes widened, while Zoro's narrowed.

"So, it's true then," Luffy muttered. "But that doesn't make sense." He

looked at Enel as if trying to solve some sort of puzzle. "How are you

even alive right now?"

Enel looked annoyed for the first time hearing that question. "Are you

implying that he was a match for me? That fool never even made it to

Giant Jack. Once he took down Shura, I found that my patience was

beginning to wane, and decided to intervene. I'll admit, it was impressive

that he survived my El Thor that many times, but in the end, he and his

pathetic crew retreated back to the Blue Sea like so many others." Enel

cracked a smile. "I never had to leave God's Shrine!"

Surprisingly, this caused Luffy to start laughing. Enel grew confused at

this reaction, but soon his annoyance returned.

"You'd be wise not to laugh at omnipotence, foolish monkey," he growled.

Luffy calmed down and looked at Enel again.

"That explains it," he said. "Haki was never his strong suit. The idiot

never even found you. I wonder if he even knew someone was attacking

him, or if he just thought it was raining lightning over his head." Enel

only scowled in response.

After that, the tension broke. Wiper made the first move, aiming his

bazooka at Enel, but Ohm was quick to intercept the cannonball that he

shot, which exploded against a large wall of iron that protruded out from

his sword handle.

"God does not need to be bothered with you mortals. I'll be enough to

finish this."

Wiper growled as he switched his bazooka to its 'burn' setting. Before he

had a chance to fire it off, however, Ohm's iron cloud sword was chasing

him, and he was forced to dodge out of the way. As the two got ready to

clash again, they heard a loud hiss, and turned their heads upwards to

the sight of the Master of the Sky glaring down at them. Wiper aimed his

bazooka at her and fired, but the barrage of flames barely left a mark on

the snake's scales as she swept her tail towards the two at an astounding

speed. Wiper used his waver skates to maneuver out of the way, but Ohm

wasn't as fast, and resorted to blocking with his iron cloud.

It didn't work.

The weapon shattered, barely cushioning the blow enough for Ohm to

remain unharmed after being thrown off his feet. His mantra screamed at

him, but he wasn't fast enough to prevent the fangs of the giant python

from sinking into him.

Enel was, however.

Nola hissed in agony as she was hit by a lightning bolt and every muscle

in her body started to spasm.

"It would seem that this is a little above your pay grade, Ohm," Enel

mocked as he appeared next to the slightly shaken priest.

"You don't pay me," he retorted. The self proclaimed god laughed.

"Fair point," he conceded as he charged up another lightning blast, aimed

at the still twitching python. There was a loud clap of thunder as he

released it, and it shot towards the Master of the Sky in the span of a


Enel's brow furrowed as he observed the result of his divine intervention.

His lightning had stopped short of her. It had simply dispersed. But how?

His eyes widened as the dust cleared, and two figures stood almost

protectively in front of the snake. They each held an arm out, as if

commanding the lightning to stop would achieve the desired results.

The crazy part was that it seemed to have worked.

Of the seven Blue Sea intruders, these were the only two that had yet to

lift a finger since coming to Skypiea. Now they had, and Enel didn't like

what he was seeing. To think they could stop one of his lightning attacks.

They would have to be dealt with. He started charging up another, much

more powerful lightning bolt, before unleashing it onto the two insolent



Zoro immediately drew Yubashiri from its sheathe and cleaved the

lightning bolt down the middle, causing it to disperse again, but Enel was

already following up by teleporting right next to the swordsman using his


"Max 200 Million Volt Discharge!"

As the electricity surrounded him, Zoro waved his sword in a downward


"Fujin's Barrier." A dense whirlwind howled to life around him, once

again repelling the massive amounts of electricity closing in on him.

Enel teleported away, and stood facing the smirking swordsman with a

gobsmacked expression.

As all the observers watched on in amazement, Nami was particularly

interested in the encounter.

He condensed a large amount of air into a whirlwind so that it would insulate

the electricity. Air is one of the worst conductors. Add his armaments haki to

the equation, and I'm not that surprised that Enel's attack was negated.

"Guys!" Luffy shouted, getting the attention of the Strawhats. "You all got

to fight already, so just leave this to Zoro and me!"

Zoro raised an eyebrow. "You mean we're going to team up? Isn't that


"Hmm, you may be right," Luffy conceded. "So, how do we decide who

gets him?"

In response, Zoro held out his fist. Luffy sweatdropped.

"Uh...you sure?" Zoro nodded.

The rubberman shrugged. "Ok then." Everyone but the Strawhats watched

in incredulity as the two played rocks paper scissors. But even the

Strawhats were in for a shock as they witnessed something they'd never

seen before: Luffy's jaw dropping. "Wha–you–but–" he stuttered as Zoro

grinned in satisfaction. "You always pick rock!" Luffy objected.

"Hmm? Oh, that," Zoro acknowledged. "Well, scissors is pretty good too.

It cuts things, after all. So I thought I'd use a different strategy this time."

It was Luffy's turn to stare in incredulity. The worst part is that I know he's


"There's no strategy in rocks paper scissors! It's supposed to be a chance


"Hmph. The loser is talking shit to the winner as if he knows the game

better," was the swordsman's reply.

Luffy's expression fell deceptively blank. "Right. I'm kicking your ass

later," he said before walking away and standing next to the other

Strawhats, some of whom were laughing.

Enel felt his patience wearing thin. "Such complacency! Don't think just

because you stopped a few of my attacks that you can afford to take my

lightly! I am God!"

"I'm not taking you lightly," Zoro replied as he drew a second sword. "It's

just that you don't exist, and I don't lose to people who don't exist," he


"This defiance has gone on long enough," the logia user seethed. "Prepare

yourself, Blue Sea swordsman."

"Don't even think about it! Enel's head is mine!" Wiper roared as he too

grew tired of their antics and charged at Enel. Unlike Gan Fall, who had

stood aside in respect for the Strawhats, who he considered allies, Wiper

had no qualms about interrupting a fight. However, he was intercepted

by Ohm, who had drawn a smaller iron cloud sword, one that wasn't


Wiper blocked the sword with his bazooka and reached over the sword

with his arm, pointing his palm at Ohm. The priest, assuming it was in

Impact Dial, used mantra to dodge, leaping backwards, but Wiper was

quick to fire another barrage of flames at him. He gritted his teeth as the

heat from the attack he wasn't in a position to dodge reached him.

Having lost his primary weapon was limiting him. He needn't have

worried, however, as Enel once again intervened, teleporting in front of

Ohm and casually repelling the flames by superheating the surrounding

air, resulting in a clap of thunder.

"Your assistance is unneeded, Ohm. Stay back and observe," the ruler of

Skypiea ordered. The priest obliged, backing away to a safe distance.

Wiper wasted no time and ran at Enel again. Enel, assuming he could

phase through the attack, stood still and readied another electrical

discharge. His attack was halted, however, when Wiper jumped on him,

using his legs to constrict his the lightning man's arms. Enel's eyes

widened as his body was forcefully solidified. Seastone!?

"It's over," Wiper growled as he brought his palm to Enel's heart. "Reject!"

Enel's heart ceased to beat.

"What happened?" Usopp asked from the sidelines. "I thought Enel was a


"It would seem that Shandian came prepared," Robin said. "His skates are

lined with seastone."

Luffy raised an eyebrow. Is it over already? He turned to Zoro. Meeting his

captain's eyes, the swordsman shook his head. Luffy turned back and

continued to watch.

Wiper had once again wasted no time. Ignoring the immense damage to

his arm, he aimed his bazooka at Ohm, who was shocked into indecision,

and fired. The priest's cry of agony was drowned out by the roar of the

flames that consumed him. As the flames died down, Ohm's charred and

unconscious form was revealed. He looked to be barely alive.

Thinking the battle over, Wiper slumped to the ground in exhaustion,

holding his shattered arm. He soon looked up, however, to the horrifying

sight of Enel rising, small arcs of electricity circling around his chest.

"What a shame. Had you kept the seastone in contact until I lost

consciousness, I actually would have perished," the logia stated. He

gritted his teeth. "How unbefitting. Learn your place, mortal." He raised

his arm into the air. "El Thor!"

The bolt of lightning rained down on the injured war demon, who was

lost to a bright flash of light and a clap of thunder. When the attack

subsided, the observers were shocked to Wiper rising to his feet through

sheer force of will.

"Why do you stand, War Demon Wiper?" Enel mocked.

Breathing heavily, the Shandian answered, "For my ancestors." The other

Shandians grew emotional hearing this, and attempted to run to Wiper's

aid, but they were too slow, and were forced to watch in horror as Enel

charged up another lightning blast.


A large wolf shaped bolt of lightning shot towards Wiper, but was cut in

half and dispersed.

Enel narrowed his eyes. "You again."

Zoro stood in front of Wiper, swords raised, as he glanced back at the

heavily scorched warrior with a hint of respect. A few more of those

attacks would have killed him for sure. Still, it's impressive that he survived

that. The dial he used before had some serious recoil.

"Take a breather," he told the Shandian. "I'll take over from here."

Wiper, despite the intense pain he was in, gritted his teeth in annoyance.

Chopper came rushing over to him, Robin knowingly following behind

just in case the warrior lashed out. When Chopper arrived with healing

supplies, Wiper narrowed his eyes.

"I don't need your help, whatever you are," he growled. Chopper faltered.

"But...you're injured…" he protested.

"Shut up!" Wiper shouted. "Why do you care!? What does any of this have

to do with you people anyway!?"

"If you must know, we're keeping a promise to a friend," Luffy replied.

"A friend?" Wiper asked. "What kind of promise would bring a Blue Sea

dweller to the sky?"

Robin spoke up at that point. "400 years ago, there was a sailor from the

Blue Sea, who was lured to the island of Jaya in the middle of a storm by

the ringing of a rather loud bell." Wiper's eyes widened as he heard this,

and Robin continued. "There, the sailor became good friends with one of

the inhabitants of the island, although his name was never mentioned.

They shared a promise that the sailor would one day return. Years later,

he did, but the civilization had vanished completely. I'm sure you know

what happened to that island."

Wiper swallowed thickly.

"Mere days ago, our crew made a promise with one of that sailor's

descendents. We promised to ring the bell mentioned in that sailor's

logbook to prove his authenticity."

"That descendent," Wiper spoke up. "What was his name?"

"Montblanc Cricket," Robin replied.

Hearing this, Wiper let out a heavy sigh. "Calgara," he said. Robin gave

him a questioning look. "The great Shandian warrior, Calgara. That was

the name of the man Noland befriended."

Robin smiled genuinely. "I see." They both turned back to the fight

between Zoro and Enel, only to see that the swordsman was controlling

the fight, but without actually attacking.

"You'll have to do more than defend if you want to defeat me!" Enel

shouted as he let loose a Thunder Bird and Thunder Beast in quick

succession. Zoro blocked them both with his two sword style.

"If you insist," he said, before swinging one sword at Enel and firing off a

miniscule flying slash. The wind blade left a gash across Enel's cheek,

shocking him to the core.

"H-how?" he stuttered.

"Complacent logias have short life spans, immortal or otherwise," Zoro

stated, paraphrasing a common idiom from the New World.

Recovering from his shock, Enel raised the stakes. "Julungul!" He roared,

sending a huge dragon shaped lightning blast at Zoro.

"Two Sword Style, 720 Caliber Phoenix!" The wind overpowered the

lightning once again, barreling through Enel's attack and hitting the logia

dead on.

Enel gasped in pain as blood flowed from the open wound on his torso.

"It...can't be…" rasped. As Zoro raised his sword again, Enel felt

something he hadn't felt since long before the destruction of Birka: fear.

His human survival instincts kicked in as Zoro ran towards him.

"One Sword Style, Great Dragon Shock." He tapped into reflexes he had

long forgotten he had, vanishing from the swordsman's path in a crackle

of electricity just before Yubashiri was swung through the space he had

previously occupied.

Zoro looked out at the horizon, tracking Enel with his observation haki

even as the lightning man retreated farther and farther away using his

devil fruit powers. He raised his sword overhead using both arms, closing

his eyes as he did so, and finally sensed Enel come to a stop.

"You're still within range," the swordsman mumbled, knowing Enel would

hear him. Immediately, an El Thor began forming high over his head.

"Zoro watch out!" Usopp shouted, though it wasn't necessary. There were

no fancy techniques this time; Zoro barely payed the oncoming assault

any attention, he simply leapt out of the way of the lightning bolt before

it came down. Standing off to the side in the same stance, Zoro swept his

sword in a wide arc. "One Sword Style, Predator Missile!" The flying

slash was launched over the horizon, cutting down any obstacles in its

path, crossing the White White Sea, and finally arriving at the Angel

Island shore, where it cleaved through Enel's abdomen effortlessly. The

self proclaimed god sank to the ground, and the sand was dyed red by his

very much human blood as he blacked out.

A/N: Done! I personally like this chapter better than the last one. I hope

you all feel the same, and that it wasn't too anticlimactic. Until next time,

Lost out.

47. Bells of Gold and Tales of Old

Holy shit, last chapter got over 100 reviews. That makes chapter 46 the

first chapter to officially hit the three digit mark. To celebrate, I'm

making this chapter significantly longer than the usual.

...Along with pretty much every chapter to come since a lot of people

have been asking for longer chapters.

Some people have also been asking whether Enel is dead or not. I'm not

going to answer directly, but this chapter should give you all some

insight into that. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter XLVII: Bells of Gold and Tales of Old

"Hey, what's he doing?" Braham asked. "Is he really going to wake that

thing up?"

"Beats me," Wiper said. "But he says he can help us find the golden bell,

so let him be for now. I may not like them myself, but they've done a lot

for Noland's descendent, so we'll treat them as allies." Braham nodded in

agreement, and Laki, who had shown up a few minutes ago, supporting a

severely injured Kamakiri, smiled in relief.

"What's this, Wiper? You're acting rather docile all of a sudden," she

commented. Wiper shot her a look, but rather than flinch, she continued

smiling, causing him to scoff.

"Even the best of warriors can recognize a ceasefire. I'm satisfied for now,

but if the Skypieans think they can take our land again, I won't show any

mercy," he said.

A loud mix between a hiss and a growl alerted them to the fact that Luffy

had roused the Master of the Sky. The Shandians tensed as if preparing

for an attack, but the giant reptile merely observed her surroundings

before her eyes rested on Luffy expectantly. The rubber man grinned up

at her.

"We kicked God's ass. Now we're gonna ring the bell, so be sure to listen!"

"Strawhat," Wiper called. "It's my goal to ring the bell as well, but first

things come first. Are we sure Enel is really defeated?"

"He is," came a voice from behind him. The Shandians turned to see one

of their own coming out of hiding. "I can hear his voice from here, but

just barely. It's strange. Enel's voice has never been this quiet."

Wiper narrowed his eyes. "And what exactly are you doing here, Aisa?"

The girl gulped in fear. "I was–I mean–I heard everyone's voices gathered

in one place, and I wanted to know what was going on…"

"Well, you're lucky you arrived after the battle ended," Kamakiri stated.

"You could have been hurt otherwise."

"I don't need to be told that by you, Kamacrispy!" The girl exclaimed,

sticking her tongue out.

The warrior unexpectedly smiled. "Cheeky little brat," he said, with a hint

of fondness.

"So, back to the matter at hand…" Wiper said. "How do we know that he

won't regain consciousness?" Wiper asked.

"If he does, we'll know," Luffy said. "But I don't think he will. If anything,

Zoro went overboard a bit." He turned to the swordsman. "Are you sure

he won't bleed out?"

Zoro nodded, and Luffy accepted the assurance. Out of the two of them,

Zoro actually had the greater amount of discipline when it came to

holding back. Although Luffy was slightly stronger, it was much easier to

mistakenly kill someone with a sword than with bare fists. As a result,

after years of honing his swordsmanship, Zoro had an abundance of


Even if he didn't always use it.

"Hey, Robin!" Luffy shouted. "Do you think you can figure out where the

bell is?" Although he rang it in the previous timeline, he honestly didn't

remember exactly where it was.

Robin thought for a moment. "When Jaya ascended passed the clouds, it

most likely gained some altitude over the White-White Sea before falling

back down. So unless it never made it to the sky, in which case Cricket-

san probably would have found it, it would most likely be at an altitude

far above the ruins." She turned to the Skypieans. "Have you checked the

top of Giant Jack?" she asked.

"We never got a chance. Following the island's ascension, our ancestors

were weakened from the change in altitude, and were quickly driven off

of our land," Wiper said, somewhat bitterly. "But God's Shrine was built

up there afterwards, so if it was up there, that old man would already

have found it," he said, pointing to Gan Fall, who confirmed it wasn't up


"Are there any cloud formations above the White-White Sea?" Robin

asked next.

Gan Fall rubbed his chin in thought. "There are a few rather small ones,

but nothing nearly as large as the one we reside on."

"We should check those as well then," Robin suggested.

"There's only one problem," Laki said. "How do we get up there?"

"I can check," Luffy offered, before jumping up into the air and with

Geppo and ascending passed the top of Giant Jack while searching for the

cloud formation that he now remembered from the previous timeline.

It wasn't long before those gathered at the bottom heard a distant shout

of "Gomu Gomu no…"

Nami's eyes widened. "Wait, is he going to–"


A resonating melody echoed through Upper Yard, throughout Skypiea,

passed the clouds, and beyond them. Some who heard it cheered; others

cried with relief. A certain snake actually started dancing, much to the

bemusement of those who were just now starting to grow accustomed to

her presence. After 400 years of war and division, the Song of the Island

had been heard once again.

At that moment, the sun was almost directly over Giant Jack, and a

straw-hatted silhouette could be seen from Upper Yard below. Seeing

this, Robin smiled, remembering her conversation with her captain from

earlier today.

"Hey Robin, I have a question for you," Luffy said. It was the morning after

their bonfire party, and the Strawhats were now getting ready to set out to find

the City of Gold.

"Yes, Captain-san?" Robin responded.

"Remember those gigantic shadows we saw near Jaya, when we first found out

about Sky Island? The ones we nearly flipped our shit over?" he asked.

"I remember."

"Well, I have a theory about those."

As Robin listened to his explanation, a smile gradually formed on her face.

"That's quite the impressive theory Captain-san. But I'd say there's only one to

test it out."

10,000 meters below the White-White Sea, on the island of Jaya, the last

descendent of Montblanc Noland stared up at the sky wistfully.

"Message received, brat."

Towering over the island was a kilometer high silhouette in the fog,

wearing a straw hat, back turned, arm raised, and flashing a thumbs up

over his head.

"He really rang it…" Braham said. "To think the one who would signal the

end of the war would be neither Shandian nor Skypiean."

"Such trivial things should matter not, at this point," Gan Fall reasoned.

"Shandians and Skypieans alike owe their lives to those pirates."

"I just hope he heard it…" Wiper whispered, causing Laki to smile again

behind him.

"Hey, it looks like he's coming down," Kamakiri noted.

When Luffy landed, he had a satisfied grin on his face. "How was that?"

he asked.

"Thanks, Strawhat," Wiper said, uncharacteristically showing gratitude.

"You helped light the fire of Shandora. We owe you one."

"No problem!" Luffy said. "But we have a small problem."

Braham looked back up at the cloud that Luffy had descended from. "You

mean we can't get it down," he inferred.

"Right," Luffy confirmed. "I could probably get it down if I tried, but most

likely not without breaking it. But I think I may have a solution. I saw

something at the top of the beanstalk that might help us."

The group made its way up to the top of Giant Jack, and saw what Luffy

was referring to. Enel had built a ship of some sort using the gold from

the ancient city of Shandora. After a few moments of deliberation, Usopp

guessed that it was powered by lightning, at which point the Strawhats

all turned to Nami. Although her Clima-Tact couldn't conjure nearly

enough electricity to bring the ship to full power, it was enough to be

able to slowly bring it up to the bell, load it on, and lower it to the

ground. It was a tedious process with Nami constantly having to recharge

it, but they got it done nonetheless.

When they were done, Luffy looked up at the ship in thought. "So this is

what Enel did with all the gold," he speculated. He then turned to Zoro.

"Hey, do you think you can cut it up into pieces?" he asked. The question

caught Nami's interest, and she turned to the swordsman as well.

"It won't be too hard," Zoro replied, causing Nami to shout in glee. "But

will we be able to fit it all on the ship?"

This brought Nami back down to earth. "Not all of it. But still, it'll be a

lot. I estimate the amount we'll be able to take will be worth around...1.2

billion belly!" Her eyes turned to belly symbols as Usopp sweatdropped.

"How do you know that?" he asked. "Just by looking?"

"Usopp, are you doubting my money sense?"

"You have a money sense?" The sniper asked in response.

"It's a gift. I was born with it."

"Wow, I wonder if it's a type of haki," Luffy said, causing Zoro to laugh.

The swordsman then turned to Wiper.

"Hey, do you mind if we take some of this?" he asked. "It's worth a lot

where we come from."

"The gold means nothing in that form," Wiper said, shrugging

indifferently. "You can take as much as you want, as long as it's not from

the bell."

"We are so sailing in style from now on!" Nami exclaimed.

Usopp looked down at his feet. "I just wish we could use it to repair the

Merry, but…"

The reminder of their dilemma brought Nami out of her reverie, and she

too looked disconcerted at the thought of having to buy a new ship. After

a moment of silence, Luffy spoke up.

"Um...guys? I think we have another problem," he said, staring off at the

horizon. Catching onto this, Sanji's eyes narrowed.

"Does it have to do with Enel?" he asked.

Luffy nodded. "I can't sense his aura anymore." Zoro's eyes widened,

before he focused his senses in the same direction. After a moment, he

started to look slightly uncomfortable. "I know I said I went overboard,

but not that much."

"I don't think it was you," said Luffy, frowning.

Wiper looked at them strangely, before turning to Aisa, who looked


"They're right...his voice disappeared," she confirmed quietly.

Gan Fall's eyes widened as well. "So Enel is…" he trailed off.

"I'm going to go see what happened," Luffy decided, before shooting off

into the atmosphere and heading in the direction of Angel Island.

When he arrived at the shore, he began looking around, trying to locate

Enel. In retrospect, they should have known better than to just leave him

here, surrounded by the people he'd oppressed all these years. But the

false deity was still a logia. He didn't think he'd have anything to worry

about. Finally, he spotted a figure lying sideways on the island cloud.

Making a quick dash up to it, he grimaced. The injury from Zoro's attack

was still there, but it wasn't bleeding, and it wasn't the problem.

The problem was the knife wound to the heart.

Sighing, Luffy walked up to Enel's body. He had to be sure.

There was no pulse. The corpse was cold to the touch.

Closing his eyes, he straightened up. For a short moment, the only sound

to be heard was the howling of the wind through the sky high tropical

paradise. Finally, Luffy spoke.

"Did you do this?" he asked without turning around.

"Yes," a voice from behind him replied. It was a voice he recognized.

Turning around, he laid eyes upon a short elderly woman who met his

gaze dead on. In her hand was a seastone knife, covered in dried blood.

It was Amazon, the gatekeeper to Skypiea. And to have known so quickly

that Enel was vulnerable, and to have been able to locate him…

"You're a mantra user?" he asked, despite already knowing the answer.

The woman nodded. Luffy was silent for a moment. "Why?" he asked

finally. He didn't care for Enel. He wasn't about to preach to anyone

about how every life was sacred. He wasn't that pure. He was simply


"Until six years ago, there was a sky island nearby this one. It was a land

called Birka. Birka was home to some of the most accomplished mantra

users in the sky. Among them were Enel and a group of four that would

one day become his priests. Six years ago, Enel laid waste to that land

using the Goro Goro no Mi. It was complete annihilation, and to this day,

there are no survivors." She had an intent gleam in her eye. "At least, no

more than one. A simple old woman who survived the genocide. One

who had had a home, and a family. A daughter, a son-in-law, and two


Amazon turned around, dropping the knife in the process, and began to

walk away. Luffy turned around, hoisted Enel's body over his shoulder,

and waded through the White-White sea until he was knee-deep in the

milky sea cloud, before laying Enel's body down in the water to be swept

away. Returning to shore, he picked up the knife, staring at it for a

moment before taking off into the air again.

Luffy arrived back at Upper Yard to face the questioning looks of

everyone gathered there. When asked what the verdict was, he simply

presented the blood-covered sea stone knife in explanation. No one

questioned him further.

A couple hours after the events that would come to be known as the

liberation of Skypiea, the Shandians and Skypieans alike were

celebrating. Grateful for the end of the war, the Shandian chief allowed

them to spend the night there, and even come and go as they pleased,

provided that they did not attempt to take the land for themselves again.

Gan Fall, who was soon appointed the title of God again, readily agreed

to these terms.

The Strawhats also joined in on the celebrations, needless to say. It wasn't

long before they got another bonfire going.

"Staring into the face of the enemy, I knew I would have to end it

quickly!" Usopp recounted to the crowd of Skypieans that had gathered

around for the tale of Captain Usopp's victory over God Enel. "Repelling a

barrage of lightning bolts with my slingshot, that's when I said: 'Listen

up, God Enel! Complacent Logias have short lifespans!'"

"Hey, hey," a certain swordsman protested from where he was having a

drinking contest with the Shandian warrior, Braham.

"You just...don't go down...do you?" the gunman asked sluggishly.

"Well, that's my First Mate for you," Luffy boasted proudly. "The only one

who can drink him under the table is me, after all." Said First Mate


"Dream on, rubber brain, dream on."

It wasn't hard to guess who the next drinking contest would be between.

"Hey, can I get in on this?" another Shandian warrior asked.

"Wiper," Braham greeted. "Have your injuries healed?"

"I'll be fine for now," Wiper replied. He was covered in bandages, and his

arm was in a sling. "That little raccoon guy can be pretty strict. Wouldn't

let me rip these off even when I said I was fine." Zoro silently

sympathized with the man's troubles.

"Oh hey, Strawhat, I meant to give you something," Wiper said, causing

Luffy to look at him curiously. Wiper threw him a dial, which he caught.

"This is…"

"My reject dial," Wiper said. "Your friend with the long nose was trading

for some dials. They don't have them on the Blue Sea, right? I won't need

it anymore, so consider it a gift."

Luffy grinned. "Ok, sure! Thanks."

Early the following morning, Robin was making her way towards Giant

Jack. There was something she needed to confirm, and the golden bell

just may be the key. When she arrived at the base of the beanstalk, she

caught sight of the Shandians cleaning off the bell as the Chief observed,

staring at an inscription in the side. Gan Fall was there as well.

"What do you think it says, Chief?" one of the Shandians asked.

"I cannot decipher it," he answered. "But it is not part of our duty to


"Keep thy motives in heart, with closed mouth. We are those who will

weave history with the ringing of the great belfry."

The chief turned to her in shock. "How do you know those words?" he


"They were written on the ancient ruins of Shandora," she answered as

she walked up to the bell.

"You...can decipher that ancient language?" the chief asked in


"I'm the only one left who can," she replied absently. I was right. There's a

poneglyph embedded in the side.

"Then, do you know what that says?" Another Shandian asked, pointing

to the inscription.

"It reveals the location of the ancient weapon, Poseidon," came a voice

from behind them.

Robin turned around in surprise. "Luffy!"

"He can read it too?" the chief asked incredulously.

"No, I can't. I can hear it," Luffy corrected, before turning to his


"Don't lose hope just yet, Robin. Check the other inscription." Eyes

widening, Robin turned back to the bell and caught sight of the writing

on the bottom.

"I have come here and will lead this passage to the farthest ends of the world.

– Gol D. Roger."

"So Roger came here too, huh?" Luffy concluded out loud.

"Roger," Gan Fall spoke up. "Do you know him?"

"He was quite famous among pirates in the Blue Sea," Robin answered.

"Was?" Gan Fall asked.

"He was executed 22 years ago," Luffy supplied.

"I see. What a shame. He was a good man. I still remember when he came

to visit, just over 24 years ago. He had quite the lively crew as well," Gan

Fall reminisced.

"So that means the Pirate King found this poneglyph 24 years ago," Robin

said. Her brow furrowed. "Will lead this passage to the farthest ends of the

world…" Her eyes widened. "Is it possible? The Rio Poneglyph…"

"On Raftel," Luffy concluded with a smirk. "Works out pretty well, doesn't


"Luffy..." Robin wasn't sure what to say, so instead she turned towards the

Shandian chief.

"Chief, this poneglyph has already achieved its purpose," she stated,

causing his eyes to widen. "There are many poneglyphs scattered

throughout the world. It seems one must link them all together in order

to reveal the True History, something which only the Pirate King

succeeded in doing."

"So then...we no longer have to fight?" the chief asked with tears in his

eyes. "The will of our ancestors has been fulfilled?"

Robin smiled. "That is correct." As the chief regained his composure,

Robin turned back to Luffy. "Captain-san...who are you, really?" she

asked. Luffy stared ahead, not meeting her eyes.

"What a silly question. You know who I am," he said.

Robin let out a sigh. "And you know a lot of things that you shouldn't–

couldn't–know," she replied. "You knew about Crocodile's plans before you

even arrived at Whiskey Peak…" At Luffy's raised eyebrow, she added a

little guiltily, "I was listening in once you came in contact with Princess

Vivi. Not only that, but you were able to anticipate Crocodile's moves and

outwit him on multiple occasions, as if you were familiar with how he

thought, or you had inside information from the beginning. But I would

have known if you had managed to infiltrate Baroque Works. You are

also impossibly strong for a rookie, and now it seems you already knew

about the Rio Poneglyph. Then...there's the fact that you made contact

with the Revolutionary Army on Jaya."

Luffy couldn't help but smile in amusement. "You think I'm a


"I've considered the possibility, even if you don't really seem like the

type," Robin said.

He let out a dry laugh. "You know, all things considered, it's not a bad

guess. But if I wanted to hand you over to them, don't you think I would

have done it back then?"

Robin looked down. "I didn't mean to imply anything like that...I just

can't help but be curious. There's so much about you that's a mystery,

even to the other crew members. The only one who seems to know is


"Well, I might as well tell you that I'm not with Dragon. I'm my own

man," Luffy said, before sighing. "You're right. We've been hiding things,

Zoro and I. Nami and Sanji have begun to suspect it too, no doubt. It

pertains to the entire crew, which is why I really wish we could just tell

you. But we can't...not yet." He looked at her. "But still...I don't want you

to feel as if you can't ask. You can come to us about anything. That

applies to everyone in the crew."

Robin smiled. "I know."

"Jeez, what's taking Luffy and Robin so long?" Zoro asked. He had

already cut up all the gold and loaded it onto the ship with Sanji's help.

"Alright, set sail. We're leaving without them," he announced, only to

have to dodge a kick from the chef.

"As if, you shitty swordsman! We're not leaving without Robin-chan!"

"Or Luffy," Usopp added.


"You wanna fight, you stupid cook?" Zoro asked. "You tried to kick me, so

I assume you wanna fight."

"Bring it on, shitty moss-head!" Sanji shouted, not backing down.

"Yeah, bring it on, shitty moss-head!" Chopper echoed happily. Zoro

glared at the reindeer, causing him to hide behind Sanji...the wrong way.

"Hey look, there they are!" Nami shouted. The crew turned to see Luffy

and Robin making their way to the ship.

"Hey guys! Are we ready to set sail?" The captain asked.

"Yes, the log is set." Nami replied.

"Alright then. In that case…" He turned to the crowd of Skypieans that

was seeing them off. "See you later, everyone!"

"Bye, Luffy-aniki!" Aisa shouted. "Don't fall to your deaths!"

"We won't!" Luffy assured her. The others, minus Zoro, were wondering

what they were talking about. The rest of the Skypieans cheered for them

as they raised anchor. They were about to set the tail, but Gan Fall told

them to keep it furled.

Suddenly, the South Bird that they had released when they arrived flew

back onto the ship. After a brief conversation with Chopper, the reindeer

relayed that the bird had wanted to meet the gigantic members of its own

kind that resided in the sky. Apparently, its business was done now.

"Everyone hang on tight," Zoro said as the ship approached Cloud's End.

"Oh," Nami said as grabbed hold of the mast. "You mean it's going to be

another milky cloud ride?"

Luffy smirked. "Something like that."

The Going Merry fell off of Sky Island.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Nami screamed as the rest of the crew started to

panic, and Luffy started laughing. Suddenly, the ship's descent was

slowed as it was seized by a giant octopus which took the shape of a

balloon, essentially functioning as a parachute.

"I thought we were gonna die," Usopp wheezed from his prone position

on the deck of the ship.

"Why didn't you warn us if you knew!?" Nami shouted indignantly.

"That wouldn't have been as fun!" Luffy answered, before proceeding to

dodge his navigator's punches and run around the deck as she chased


"Well, that got the adrenaline pumping," Sanji said as he lit a cigarette.

Suddenly, the crew quieted.

"Hey, do you guys hear that?" Chopper asked. Listening to the sound from

above, they soon realized it was the sound of the golden bell being rung.

The message was clear.

Come back any time.

It had been about an hour of floating downwards, and the Strawhats

were getting ready to have lunch. It was then that the crew noticed Luffy

staring out the window, brow furrowed.

"Hey Luffy, what's up?" Zoro asked. Luffy turned to him.

"Zoro, do you sense another presence on this ship?" he asked, much to the

bewilderment of the crew. Zoro closed his eyes and focused, before

opening them again.

"Nope. It's just us, as far as I can tell," he replied.

Luffy hummed in thought before making his way outside. The rest of the

crew followed behind out of curiosity. Luffy walked over to Nami's

tangerine grove and reached his hand toward the vines.

"Hey, Luffy! You better not take one without asking!" The navigator


But when Luffy pulled his hand back, the fruit he was holding wasn't a


"Is that…?" Robin asked, eyes wide.

"It's definitely a devil fruit," Luffy confirmed. "I can feel the ominous aura

radiating from it."

"You can sense devil fruits too?" Sanji asked. "But why couldn't Zoro?"

"It's something unique to him," the swordsman replied.

"And a few others," Luffy said. "But anyway, that means this is…" he

trailed off.

"The Goro Goro no Mi," Robin finished. "It must have reincarnated when

Enel died. To think we'd get our hands on one of the most powerful

Logias in existence."

"Yeah...but does anyone here want to eat it?" Usopp asked. There were no

volunteers. Of the seven of them, three were devil fruit users already, and

the rest had their own fighting styles they wanted to improve, as well as

wanting to be able to swim.

"So, what can we do with it?" Chopper asked.

Suddenly, Nami's eyes glowed. "Wait! Don't those sell for 100 million

belli?" She asked excitedly.

"Only if they're unidentified," Robin answered. "But this one is fairly well-

known, and we'd know what we'd be selling. A Logia this powerful could

sell for 2 billion, most likely more." Nami actually started drooling.

"Ok, before we get any ideas, who would we even sell it to that would be

able to pay that much?" Zoro asked skeptically.

"The only people that come to mind are the Marines," Sanji said.

"I'd say that's out of the question," Robin said. "Even if they didn't try to

just arrest us and confiscate it…"

"We'd be promoting one of their vice admirals, which isn't really

something we need to deal with," Luffy said, completing the thought.

"So what does that leave?" Nami asked.

"The black market," Sanji replied. "But even then, we don't know what

kind of sketchy character we'd be helping out."

"So we can't sell it," she concluded, a raincloud forming over her head

that did not originate from her Clima-Tact.

"For now, we'll just hold onto it," Luffy decided. "Don't mention it to

anyone until we can figure out what to do with it."

It was another few minutes before the Going Merry finally met the waters

of the Blue Sea once again.

"You know, now that we're back down here…" Usopp began.

"It almost feels like a dream," Robin agreed.

"Guys, I think we have a problem," Luffy said.

"What is it?" Nami asked. Suddenly, multiple spotlights focused in on

their ship, and the Strawhats looked up to see that they were shining

from the surrounding rock formations, which upon second glance, they

seemed to be stranded by.

"That," Luffy said.

They had landed in the middle of a Marine base.

A/N: And we're done! I hope you enjoyed the conclusion to the Sky

Island arc. Until next time.

48. Operation Strawhat Outbreak

Before we get started, I thought I'd make one thing clear: In Luffy and

Zoro's previous timeline, the Strawhats never wound up in G8 after

Skypiea. So while the previous timeline followed the canon, with the

Going Merry landing next to Long Ring Long Land, this timeline will

include some filler. As a result, Luffy and Zoro don't know about the G8

base beforehand.


Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter XLVIII: Operation Strawhat Outbreak

Halfway through the sea known to some as Paradise, there stood a

Marine base on the island of Navarone. Said island was actually more of

a city-sized rock formation in the middle of the ocean. In its center was a

mountain, which had been modified to accommodate the marines'

everyday activities, surrounded on all sides by seawater, but the body of

water was isolated from the rest of the ocean by a circular wall of rock.

Thanks in part to its unconventional structure, G8 was was known for

being the most high security Marine facility in the entire first half of the

Grand Line, if you didn't count Marineford, of course. As a stronghold, it

was impregnable, and as a prison, it was inescapable.

Or so they say.

It was around midday, and a few lower-ranked officers were making their

regular patrols around the base, while singing their customary song to

show their pride as G8 Marines.

"I don't know, but I've been told!" one chanted.

"I don't know, but I've been told!" two others chorused.

"G8's one hell of a stronghold!"

"G8's one hell of a stronghold!"

"Pirates can attack until the sun goes down!"

"Pirates can attack until the sun goes down!"

"Navarone's pride will turn them right back 'round!"

"Navarone's pride will turn them right back 'round!"

"Sound off!"


"Sound off!"


"Sound off–"

"Geez mate," the last soldier grumbled tiredly. "Will you give it a rest

already? That's not even a real soundoff. Stop making the newbies do

ridiculous things."

"Oh, not again, man!" protested the soldier that was leading the chorus,

who for sake of convenience will be called Optimistic Marine A. "You're

always ruining my soundoffs! And you're giving the new guys the wrong

idea! There's nothing wrong with flaunting our proud G8 pride!"

"Who are you flaunting for anyway?" asked the other, who will be

referred to as Skeptical Marine B. "There's no one here but G8 Marines."

Proud G8 pride? How did I get stuck on watch duty with this guy again?

"It's not that! The song is crucial for maintaining morale!" Optimistic

Marine A argued.

"Morale for what? Face it, we haven't had a pirate attack in years. What

pirate wants to stop in the middle of the Grand Line just to attack a

Marine base that takes in injured soldiers and repairs Marine ships? I'm

not saying our role isn't important, but the chances of a pirate attack are

slim to none," Skeptical Marine B reasoned.

"What kind of attitude is that? You always have to be ready regardless!

You never know when pirates might drop in out of the sky!" Optimistic

Marine A claimed.

Skeptical Marine B sighed. "If that ever happens, let me know and I'll sing

that little sound off while I charge headlong into battle."

"Hey, uh, guys?" one of the two newer Marines spoke up, getting their

attention. "What's that in the sky?" The other three Marines followed his

finger towards a large object that seemed to be floating down into the

middle of the stronghold.

Skeptical Marine B started to sweat. "...That could be anything."

"It looks like a ship to me," the other new guy observed.

"...It could be anyone."

"Isn't that a pirate's Jolly Roger?" the first newbie asked.


"Alright guys, don't panic," Usopp said. "For all they know, it could be


"Remember that time you drew our Jolly Roger on the sails?" Nami asked

rhetorically. "It hasn't gone anywhere."


Vice Admiral Jonathan of Marine Headquarters, the commanding officer

of the G8 Marine base, was enjoying a midday fishing trip when he

sighted a small pirate ship floating leisurely down into Navarone's

waters, being suspended by a giant balloon octopus. Said ship had now

been sighted by the entire Marine base, but wasn't making any aggressive

or even evasive moves. It simply floated in the water idly, waiting for the

full force of G8 to come down on it.

"...Well shit."

"Sighted at 4 o'clock!" a Marine Warrant Officer shouted from atop the

center rock formation.

As another Marine, a Chief Petty Officer, zoomed in on the ship, he

dropped his binoculars. "That pirate flag...the skull is wearing a straw


Soon, there was an announcement heard throughout the base.

"Attention all personnel! Man your stations and prepare for battle! Navarone

has been infiltrated by the Strawhat Pirates!"

Dozens of Marine soldiers lined the rocks, taking aim at the small vessel

that was floating harmlessly in the water.

"Do not attempt to resist!" shouted the voice of a Lieutenant from a

megaphone. "Your are completely surrounded! Surrender peacefully!"

There was no answer. Not even a stirring.

Vice Admiral Jonathan walked calmly towards his office, where he could

sense Lieutenant Commander Drake already waiting for him.

"It seems there's quite the commotion out there," he said absently as he

walked in.

"Vice Admiral! Where have you been?"

"I was fishing," he replied lazily.

"At a time like this?" Drake asked.

"Well, it's not like I knew we'd be invaded. Don't worry about it. My

fishing trips are never wasted."

A Marine barged into his office and gave a quick salute. "Sir, I've finished

conducting debriefings of the soldiers and dock mechanics who witnessed

the invasion," he said.

"Oh? That was quick," Jonathan commented. "So what's the verdict?"

The Marine sweatdropped. "Well...according to them…"

Drake grew impatient. "What is it? Get on with the report!"

"Yes sir. Well…they say they saw a ghost," the Marine stammered,

thinking back to the chaotic debriefing.

"Like I said! It floated down from the sky!"

"There was this furry monster. It jumped off the ship, and then it was gone."

"Hands! Hands just sprouted all over me, and then everything went black!"

"There was this weird wind surrounding the ship, we couldn't get close!"

"The soldiers that went to investigate suddenly fell unconscious, but there was

no one else there!"

"There was this really creepy call!"


"Preposterous!" Drake shouted. "That is without a doubt the sailing vessel

of the Strawhat Pirates! There's no way it's a ghost ship! And you expect

me to believe it just floated down from the sky?"

"Actually, that's the one thing we know for sure," Jonathan stated.

"Great. We're so screwed," Nami bemoaned. "Not only were we forced to

leave all the gold on the ship, but the devil fruit too! Even if we get out

of here, how are we going to get those back!"

"I wouldn't worry about it," Zoro dismissed. "I doubt there's anyone in this

whole base that can stand up to us anyway."

"Still, it wouldn't be prudent to go fighting our way through Navarone,"

Robin said. "It would pay to be more discreet. For now, they won't do

anything with the gold, other than keep it hidden from us, or perhaps use

it to lure us out. I'm a little disconcerted about the Goro Goro no Mi,

however. There's no telling what they'll do with that."

"Don't worry about the devil fruit," Luffy said with a smirk. "I took care of

it. For now, we just need to get the gold back, and also figure out a way

out of here." He stood up from where they were crouched in the forest

area near the water. "To be honest, it would be boring if we just brute

forced our way out. It's what we do every time," he said. "What do guys

say we try to exercise our sense of strategic planning this time around?"

"We have a sense of strategic planning?" Chopper asked excitedly.

Robin giggled. "Let's find out. So, what's the plan, Captain-san?"

Luffy thought for a moment. "Alright. Operation Strawhat Outbreak will

consist of three phases." He turned and faced his crewmates. "Phase 1:

Blend in. This place should have an infirmary for sick or injured soldiers.

Chopper and Nami, disguise yourselves as a doctor and nurse. Chopper

will actually know what he's doing when it comes to treating wounds.

Nami, you're good at infiltration, so make sure Chopper doesn't blow his

cover. Occupy yourselves with that until we're ready to leave. You'll

know when that is, since there will be a signal."

The two nodded, and Luffy turned to Sanji. "You and I will pretend to be

chefs. It'll be easy for you since you're a damned good one. As for me…"

"You want to eat the food," Sanji guessed. Luffy nodded, and the chef

sighed. "...Got it."

Luffy turned to Usopp next. "I need you to keep an eye on the ship.

According to Robin, this place repairs damaged Marine ships, so disguise

yourself as a dock mechanic. Zoro will be in the area, but he won't join

you since he'll stand out too much with those three swords of his." Usopp

saluted. Finally, Luffy turned to Robin. "You're probably the best at this

stuff, so I need you to pretend to be someone of high standing. If you

succeed, vouch for the others if you have to."

"Roger, Captain," Robin said with a smile.

"Phase 2: Gather intel. Blending in will just be stalling if we don't figure

out a way out of here. So once you guys are in position, ask around and

see if there's a way to sail out of the base," He got nods all around.

"Phase 3: Outbreak. That should speak for itself. Any questions?" There

were none. "Now then...the signal for Outbreak will be..."

Vice Admiral Jonathan walked down a hallway with Lieutenant

Commander Drake and a couple other officers at his side. "It seems the

ship has been to the island of Jaya recently," Jonathan revealed. "The call

we heard was that of a South Bird. It was the one we saw flying away

from the ship upon our arrival. Those birds are native to the dense forests

of Jaya. Now listen to this. On that island there's a legend about an

ancient city of gold. Sound familiar?"

One of the officers listened with wide eyes. "All that gold we found on

board...I knew it had to come from somewhere. But what are the


"I would normally say slim, but the facts speak for themselves. Needless

to say, that's no ghost ship. The Strawhat pirates passed by Jaya on their

way here."

"Sir, I have a recommendation," said Drake. "We should organize a search

team to track down their crew at once. Please assign my team to the


"Well, let's not be hasty," Jonathan replied. "For now, we need to

strengthen our defenses so they can't slip in or out. You," he said, turning

to an Ensign. "Fortify our defenses around the bay and sea gate."

"Yes sir," the Marine said before walking away.

"You fortify the penitentiary and the central corridor," he said to a

Lieutenant. "You'll also be in charge of assigning personnel." The officer

saluted before taking his leave.

"Lieutenant Commander, wait an hour and then thoroughly search any

areas where large groups of people gather," he instructed.

"Large groups of people?" Drake questioned.

"That's right. To hide a tree, use a forest. If the Strawhat Pirates were to

disguise themselves as Marines..."

Drake gasped in realization.

"I'm not saying I don't trust your men's abilities, but there's a strong

possibility that the pirates will conceal themselves with stolen uniforms,"

Jonathan finished. "Start with the mess halls. Pirates are usually a

ravenous bunch."

"Yes sir," Drake replied before leaving in haste. Jonathan turned toward

the window, from which he had a view of the Strawhats' ship, deep in


The South Bird was carrying something.

In a quiet, isolated hallway, a lone Marine made his patrol around the

base, rifle in hand. As he walked through the secluded corridor, he

couldn't help but get the sneaking suspicion that he was being followed.

He stopped walking and listened, but there wasn't a noise to be heard.

Shrugging it off, he continued walking, only to hear a second set of

footsteps coming from behind him.

Ok, that wasn't his imagination.

He swiftly turned around, but there was nothing there. He swallowed and

turned around to continue walking, only to hear the footsteps again. He

stopped in his tracks, and this time, the footsteps continued after he

stopped walking. Eyes widening, he turned around again, rifle loaded.

Again, there was nothing.

"I'm going batshit insane out here…" he muttered before turning back


He came face to face with a smiling Monkey D. Luffy.

He didn't even have time to utter a sound before he blacked out.

Zoro watched from afar as Usopp walked over to a group of ship

mechanics who were loading in the Going Merry, claiming to be new. It

had been easy enough for them to secure a Marine uniform. The sniper

probably could have done it himself. His presence was just overkill. Still,

even if Usopp could lie with the best of them, he had a terrible poker face

once he aroused any suspicion. So he was basically here to shadow the

undercover mechanic while he gained access to their ship. Easy enough.

He kept a firm lock on Usopp's aura as the sniper climbed onto the Going

Merry and out of sight.

Nami inwardly sighed as she got ready to tend to another patient. Upon

arriving at the infirmary, they had realized that there was only one

doctor, and the nurses were frantically trying to gain control over the

situation since there were Marines that had come in wounded from a

naval battle. The problem was that the only doctor was a woman who got

completely queasy at the thought of blood. It had taken an inspirational

speech from Chopper just to get her to cope, and now the saintly little

reindeer seemed more preoccupied with treating the marines than

anything. Which meant that the task of gathering information fell to her.

"Kobato-sensei?" she spoke up, gaining the attention of the now focused

woman who had finished operating. "I was wondering. These injured

marines came in from sea right? How is it that they let people in and out

of Navarone? Isn't the lake isolated from the ocean?"

"Oh, you didn't know?" Kobato asked, causing Nami to sweat. She had to

assume that anyone stationed at G8 would know that already. "It's not a

lake. The waters of Navarone are connected to the sea through a small

channel that runs through the island on the southwest side. They use the

gates in that channel to let people in and out."

Nami breathed a sigh of relief as the next patient came in. Thank God.

This woman is completely oblivious.

"So, you two are the Marley brothers," said a stern-looking woman who

Sanji guessed was the head chef.

Marley brothers? Were those the two poor excuses for chefs that we knocked

out and stuffed in the closet before stealing their uniforms? Sanji thought.

"Yep, that's us," the chef answered, while Luffy, being a terrible liar,

opted to remain silent.

"That food looks really good. Can I eat some?" he asked instead, causing

Sanji to inwardly groan. Chefs weren't supposed to eat the food they

prepared. It seemed his captain simply couldn't help himself sometimes.

"As if. That food is being prepared for the marines of G8," Jessica, the

head chef answered. "And if you're going to be stationed here, know that

you'll have to prove yourselves to me first. I won't let you call yourself a

chef of Navarone if you lack the heart and soul."

Sanji hummed. "So, in other words, you want to show us a thing or two

about cooking," he inferred.

"Nothing so discourteous," she replied. "I simply want to know how deep

your pride runs. I'll give anyone a chance to prove themselves, even stuck

up chefs from Mariejois. But if you don't have the skills we expect, you'll

be nothing but a nuisance to the other chefs."

"Sounds interesting, Mademoiselle," Sanji said, before smirking. "I accept

your challenge."

Robin hid stealthily behind a wall as she watched the new arrival, who

had just disembarked from the ship that had docked, argue with a young

marine soldier.

"As I said, I have no obligation to tell you my rank and attachment," the

man said with an air of importance. "Bring me to the commanding officer

of this base at once."

"I'm sorry, but Vice Admiral Jonathan is currently eating lunch, and it is

against G8's policy to interrupt a Marine's meal except in case of extreme


"So in other words, you're saying that a man's lunch is more important

than the matters I have to address?" the other man asked threateningly.

"Yes, that is correct sir," the Marine answered.

Robin couldn't help herself as a small smile graced her lips. I have to give

props to that Marine.

The new arrival wasn't amused however. "Fine, I'll get in contact with

command center myself. By the way, you may want to consider which

backwater post you'd like to be transferred to," he said as he walked

away, causing the young Marine to grimace a bit.

Robin followed after the man silently. Luffy did say to impersonate

someone of high standing. Hopefully this man isn't just full of hot air. As it

happens, I may just be aiding that young upstart's career in the process.

Sanji sighed. It was still early in the afternoon, but he had yet to actually

gather any information. He had gotten so caught up in cooking and

wooing Jessica that he'd forgotten about the intel part. Still...Luffy didn't

seem to care. In fact, he was in heaven.

"New boy! Touch that plate and I'll have your head! You got that?"

"Yes ma'am!" Luffy saluted, despite the fact that he was still drooling over

the plate of meatballs that Sanji had just prepared.

Sanji chuckled. "Well, at least she's not turning a blind eye to it

anymore," Sanji commented. "I know she's taken a liking to him for his

appetite, but there are limits."

"Oh, that's not why," one chef remarked slyly. "It's just that plate is for

her husband."

"Her husband?" Sanji asked. "Damn. So, who's this luckiest bastard in

Navarone then?"

"It's the commanding officer, Vice Admiral Jonathan," the chef replied.

Sanji's eyes widened.

Just our shitty luck.

Luffy stood across from a laidback looking man who was staring down at

the meatballs in interest.

"Enjoy your meal!" he said with a grin.

"Of course, thank you," the man replied before eating the first bite. Luffy

turned to walk away. He really wanted to eat what was on that plate, and

would have, if not for the fact that the man in front of him radiated

power. To be more precise, around the level of power of an experienced

vice admiral.

So, he's the commanding officer here. Man, those meatballs looked so good.

Oh well, too bad. I guess I'll keep my cover for now.

"You know, Strawhat Luffy…"

Or not.

"Now that I see you in person, you really don't seem like the type to

break into marine bases. Would you mind telling me what your objective

here is?"

He really should have suppressed his aura. Hindsight was such a bitch.

"Well, since you know who I am…" Luffy began as he turned back

around. "There's no longer any reason for me not to eat those meatballs!"

Jonathan raised an eyebrow. "Oh, these? Here, you can have the rest," he

offered, pushing his plate forward.

"Hey, thanks! You're a pretty nice guy," Luffy exclaimed, before digging


"One could almost say the same about you," Jonathan commented.

"Freeing an island from Arlong's rule, saving the desert kingdom of

Alabasta from Crocodile's clutches. You have yet to actually do anything

notorious other than evade capture. The World Government wants your

head simply because it's their unspoken policy to capture anyone with

strength such as yours who isn't affiliated with them. Anyone with your

level of power is either a marine, a government agent, or a threat."

"They do tend to think that way," Luffy agreed with a mouth full of food.

"So then, is there any particular reason why you decided to invade our

humble base? I must say, your method of transportation was quite


"Oh, that," Luffy acknowledged. "To be honest, it was an accident. We

were coming back down from Sky Island and our octopus balloon just

happened to land us in the middle of your humble base."

"Well, that's quite the eccentric tale," Jonathan said in amusement. "So, in

other words, you weren't infiltrating at all. Nevertheless, since you're

wanted pirates, it is sadly our duty to capture you here."

"Yeah, that sucks," Luffy agreed again as he finished the food on the


"You don't seem to be very worried. Is that arrogance or confidence?"

Jonathan couldn't help but ask.

Luffy shrugged. "You found me, but the rest of my crew is still hidden.

You might have a plan to find them, but if you do, I'll know. For now I'd

like to see how things play out, but if worst comes to worst, I'll just

destroy the island."

"I see," Jonathan said with a hint of amusement. "And if I capture you


"Then Zoro will destroy the island," Luffy said as he set the plate down.

"But…" he smirked. "That's assuming you can capture me."

"Hey, you," Lieutenant Commander Drake called out, causing Usopp to

freeze in his tracks. "Are you new here? What's your rank?"

"Uh, Seaman First Class?" Usopp said, not knowing that many Marine


"Is that a question? The backbone on these new recruits is awe inspiring,"

Drake drawled. "Fine, what's your attachment?"

"U-Unit 18," Usopp said randomly.

"Unit 18 is the Sniper Corps, I believe. Don't you know this dock is off

limits except to the mechanics?"

"Oh, that's right! I'm in the Sniper Corps, so what am I doing here?"

Usopp exclaimed. "Sorry, you know us new recruits. Well, I'll just be on

my way then," he said, as a certain swordsman in the shadows palmed his

face in irritation.

"No need. Men, arrest him," Drake said. Usopp shrieked as he was

surrounded by Marines pointing rifles at him. "Just so you know, Unit 18

is the Supply Division," the veteran officer mocked as he turned and

began to walk away.

As the marines began leading Usopp away, a figure leapt out from behind

the Going Merry. In a fraction of a second, Drake's men were left staring

at their bisected guns in shock.

"Sorry to cut n' run," Zoro said with a smirk, before he pulled Usopp

away, and swung his sword in a downward arc. A fierce wind roared to

life around the two, causing the Marines to shield their faces, and when it

settled down, they were gone.

A vein visibly bulged in Drake's forehead. To his left, another Marine

officer snickered. "Cut n' run, I get it," he said, chuckling. Drake glared at

the Master Chief Petty Officer, who simply turned his head away and

started whistling.

Vice Admiral Jonathan stared out the window that Strawhat Luffy and

his chef friend, who had turned out to be Black Leg Sanji, had escaped

through. The pirate captain was much faster than he would have guessed.

What's more, he was seemingly able to use Rokushiki, or at least two of

its forms. It was mid-afternoon now, and it would be troubling if he the

pirate captain found what he was looking for before nightfall. This would

require further meditation.

"Vice Admiral, an officer has arrived from Marine Headquarters and

requests to speak with you. She declined to reveal her rank and

attachment," reported an officer at the door.

"Very well, send her in," Jonathan said.

"Hello, Vice Admiral," greeted the woman, whose face Jonathan easily

recognized. "My name is Inspector Shephard. I am here to conduct a full

inspection of your facility on behalf of Marine Headquarters."

"Ah, come in, Inspector. I was told you'd be coming. Is there anything

you'll be needing to aide in your inspection?" Jonathan asked.

Robin inwardly groaned at the tone of his voice. He knows who I am. It's

times like these when I wish I wasn't so recognizable.

"I'll be requiring use of your library for records of your structural and

design mechanics," Robin said, keeping up the act.

"Of course. Ensign, lead her to the library, if you please."

As she was lead away, Robin's eyes narrowed. He knows who I am, and

yet, rather than arresting me, he's handing me the information on a silver

platter? Is he that confident?

Jonathan was deep in thought as Nico Robin left the room. So, you'll

know if I arrest your crewmates, Strawhat? In that case, let's hold off on that

for now. Now, we have Nico Robin in the library, Strawhat Luffy and Black

Leg Sanji running around the island somewhere, and from Lieutenant

Commander Drake's latest report, Roronoa Zoro is loose in the base as well,

along with one other.

"Lieutenant, increase security around the dock where the Strawhats' ship

is being held," he ordered, earning a salute from the officer. That leaves

two more. Perhaps Drake's latest search will bear fruit.

For the next couple hours, all was relatively quiet. Despite his efforts,

Jonathan only had tabs on three of the pirates. One was impersonating a

master inspector, and two were masquerading as a surgeon and nurse of

G8, although to be fair, the latter two imposters were at the very least

taking the job seriously from what he'd seen. Still, when he had taken a

visit to the infirmary, their auras had revealed their true affiliations

easily enough.

Nightfall was approaching, and Jonathan knew for certain that something

big would happen soon. He just didn't know what.

It was then that Jonathan heard a familiarly strange call echoing from

atop the mountain. It was an extremely loud call; he wouldn't be

surprised if the entire base heard it.

"Choh! Choooooooh! Chooooh!"

Jonathan frowned. That's the call of the South Bird that we heard when they

first arrived. What is it still doing here?

Throughout Navarone, 7 pirates were all thinking the same thing.

That's the signal.

All at once, chaos erupted all over G8. Roronoa Zoro had appeared on the

bridge and started causing destruction left and right, causing a large

concentration of Marines to be dispatched there to apprehend him.

Meanwhile, the new doctor who had been treating injured Marines

suddenly abandoned his station, although the nurses noted that he had

miraculously finished treating all of the Marines before doing so. One of

the nurses had left to follow him. On the other side of the base, Strawhat

Luffy himself had appeared and was causing a racket, along with Black

Leg Sanji and an unidentified sniper. To make things worse, Inspector

Shepherd from Marine Headquarters had abandoned her inspection and

joined them, despite the efforts of the Marines sent to observe her,

revealing that she probably wasn't a real inspector in retrospect.

Chopper and Nami had made it to the bridge and met up with Zoro, who

was mowing through unfortunate Marine soldiers left and right.

"Didn't we say we weren't going to brute force our way out?" Nami

protested loudly over the shouting of Marines.

"Believe me, if we really wanted to brute force our way out, there

wouldn't be much left of this rock by now," Zoro retorted.

"Are we meeting up with Luffy and the others?" Chopper asked.

"Not yet. We have to get the Merry into open waters while Luffy gets the

gold back. Then we can regroup and get out of here," the swordsman

said. As countless Marines obstructed their path off the bridge, Zoro

raised a single sword. "1 Sword Style, 360 Caliber Phoenix!" he shouted

as close to a hundred Marines were thrown off the bridge by the blast of

wind. "Let's go."

As the Marines desperately tried to get the situation under control, one

scrambled to report to Vice Admiral Jonathan.

"Sir, Black Leg Sanji is heading to the vault where the confiscated gold is

being held, along with two others! One of them is the imposter


Jonathan sighed. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to just let her get that

information. But still, I didn't think they'd be this organized. Not only were

they waiting for a signal, but they were able to group together in the blink of

an eye. I should assume that Monkey D. Luffy at the very least can use

Observation Haki. Not that it matters. They won't find what they're looking


"You said two others?" Jonathan clarified "Is Strawhat Luffy among


"No sir. We've lost track of the captain, but are currently conducting a

search for him," the marine answered.

"I'd say there's no need for that," Jonathan said. "Wouldn't you agree,

Monkey D. Luffy?"

The Marine who was making the report turned around in shock to be

greeted by the subject of their discussion standing in the doorway. He

was about to draw his sword, but a look from Jonathan as well as a shake

of the head dissuaded him.

"Your crewmates sure are making quite the ruckus at the moment,"

Jonathan commented. "Is there a reason you came here?"

"I wanted to ask you something," Luffy said.

"Well, you did allow me a round of questions, so that only seems fair,"

Jonathan agreed.

"Why aren't you fighting?" Luffy asked, causing him to raise an eyebrow.

Deciding to elaborate, he continued, "You're a vice admiral. You have

years of experience in battles that you hide behind that tranquil mask of

yours. You can use both Armaments and Observation Haki. And yet,

you're sitting on the sidelines giving out orders. I just can't help but

wonder why."

"I suppose I may come off as a bit lazy in your eyes," Jonathan said. "But I

suppose my reason is the same as the one you provided for not simply

'destroying the island.' There's no need."

Luffy looked amused. "No need? Your base has been infiltrated by pirates

wanted dead or alive. Your naval defenses are halfway between

formalities and decorations. Every marine in this base is cannon fodder,

save for you. What super secret trump card do you have yet to unveil?"

"I think you overestimate me," Jonathan drawled. "There is no super

secret trump card, as you so quaintly put it. Although it may have been

covered up, I am high up enough in the ranks to have knowledge of the

events following Crocodile's defeat in Alabasta. And while I may be

confident in my skills, I am not so delusional as to believe that I alone

will succeed where the combined might of three men of my own rank

have failed. In addition, the location of our naval base is far too remote

for us to call for sufficient reinforcements from Marineford."

Luffy looked disappointed. "So, what...you're just giving up?" he asked,

pouting a bit.

"Not quite. You see, I tend to look at the big picture of things. There is

the tree, and there is the forest. There is a single island, and then there is

an ocean of them. There is the battle, and then there is the war.

Sometimes, to win the war, you need to look at more than just a single


Luffy suddenly looked annoyed. "You've been gathering intel," he stated.

"Something like that. You will escape from us today. I have no doubt

about that. But I can't help but feel as though the report I give to Admiral

Akainu afterwards could cause quite the headache for you all, depending

on my own discretion, of course."

Luffy stared at him blandly. "And if I kill you now so you can never give

him that report?"

"Then he will take note of my cause of death regardless, and that would

become an even bigger headache for you. But, that's assuming you do kill

me. Once again, it really does not seem like your style, Monkey D. Luffy."

The Strawhat captain rolled his eyes before turning around before

turning toward the gargantuan sack of gold in the corner of the room and

throwing it over his shoulder. "I'll be taking this if you don't mind."

"Sure. I'd ask you not to injure too many of my men on your way out,"

Jonathan called.

"Tell them to stand down, and they'll have no problems from us," was

Luffy's reply.

Soon after the Strawhat Pirates met up at the Going Merry, Vice Admiral

Jonathan called for an armistice, which the captain of the Strawhat

Pirates agreed to. While Lieutenant Commander Drake protested loudly

against it, a quick summary of their losses, including damages to the

facility, and a recount of Marine casualties since the pirates arrived was

enough to change his mind.

After that, the pirates sailed out unimpeded, unless one counted the lone

Marine who jumped onto their ship and attacked with a cry of "I don't

know, but I've been told!"

The attack was unsuccessful.

Rather than using the small channel that the Marines left open for them,

however, the Strawhat Pirates opted to fly out through use of a giant

balloon octopus, which was inflated using Usopp's Breath Dials and

propelled using Luffy's Reject Dial. All in all, it was a rather anticlimactic

ending to a one-sided slaughter that nevertheless inspired the soldiers of

G8 to be ever more vigilant against flying pirates.

"Hey, wait, wait, WAIT!" Nami shouted. "What's with the fucking

resolution!? This shit isn't over!" She pointed at Luffy accusingly. "What

the hell happened to the Goro Goro no Mi!? You said you took care of it!

You do realize that if we left that behind–"

"Chooooh!" came the familiar call of the South Bird. The now tame bird

flew through the Going Merry and dropped the devil fruit in question

into Luffy's outstretched hand, before taking off into the sunset.

"Ok, now we're done," Luffy said with a grin.

A/N: Cue end credits music.

49. The Calm Before the Storm

Alright people! It's almost that time! And no, I don't mean Davy Back

Fights. Actually, I don't mean Water 7 either, although it is most certainly

that time as well. The time has come, as I said it would, for the Butterfly

of Doom to give its wings some exercise. To translate that into simpler

terms, shit's going down the next few arcs, and this time, it's shit of a

different variety, so get hyped!

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter XLIX: The Calm Before the Storm

On the island of Jaya, a crowd had gathered around a certain bar in

Mock Town to witness what was rumored to be a fight to the death

between comrades.

"Please, make them stop!" one of the crew members of the two

combatants shouted. Her pleas were answered by a sinister chuckle

which by no means conveyed an intent to comply.

"Enough already! Why are you doing this!?" Sarkies, one of the

combatants tried to reason. The taunting laughter only intensified.

"Why, you ask? What other reason could there be? Sarkies, Bellamy...you

two have tarnished my flag that you so proudly flaunt around as if it

were your own. Sky Island, the City of Gold...I don't care whether they

exist or not. As long as you were undefeated, I would allow you to spread

whatever petty ideals you deemed fit."

"It's hopeless," one of the observers whispered. "There's no way they can

win. That's Donquixote Doflamingo!"

"Are you kidding? One of the Seven Warlords?" another asked quietly.

"He used to have a bounty of over 300 million. What's he doing here?"

"But now that you've been put in your place by a bunch of 'hopeless

dreamers' as you put it, there's really no room for you as my underlings,

is there?" Doflamingo continued.

As Sarkies' blade rose against his will, he cursed. "Dammit! Don't make

me do this!" His pleas once again went unanswered as his arm was forced

to swing the blade towards an immobile Bellamy unmercifully.

"Please…" Bellamy rasped from his position on the ground. "Give me one

more chance. Even if it takes years...I'll get to where you stand one


Doflamingo laughed in amusement. "Do you really think a peon like you

has what it takes to survive the New World? Very well, do as you wish.

The New Era I've envisioned is approaching. However…" He turned his

back and started walking away. "I have no place for you in my ranks," he

stated matter-of-factly.

"Doflamingo!" Bellamy shouted in desperation as Sarkies' knife came down


"What's wrong? You're slowing down," Luffy noted as he smiled with his

eyes closed and his hands in his pockets. Across from him stood Sanji,

panting heavily but still focused. Nearby, Zoro was continuing the rest of

the crew's training to awaken their haki, while Luffy was training Sanji

personally at the chef's request.

Sanji dashed forward again, but his opening kick was dodged easily as

Luffy simply leaned back to avoid it. The next hail of kicks were just as

casually avoided as the Strawhat captain swayed back and forth in

between the blows. Focusing on predicting his movements, Sanji went in

for a feint, which seemed to achieve the desired effect, and the actual

kick was blocked by Luffy's forearm. Before he could react, Sanji had

been grabbed by the leg and thrown back to his starting position.

"Too slow," Luffy commented, earning an annoyed grunt from the chef.

"I noticed, you rubber bastard. Why don't you open your damn eyes


Luffy only smirked. "Why don't you make me?"

Sanji complied, or at least attempted to, as he spun rapidly in a circle

before going on the offensive again, leg ablaze this time. Every kick he

threw was once again dodged effortlessly. He could try to predict Luffy's

movements, but the rubber man could do the same with his counters to

said movements, and it was easier to see whose observation haki was

superior. Not only that, but he was suppressing his aura, so Sanji was

having trouble getting a read on it to begin with. After a couple minutes,

Sanji winced and the inferno around his leg ceased as his current limit for

Diable Jambe was reached.

"What brought this on?" Luffy couldn't help but ask. "You seemed content

with your progress just recently. Now you're working twice as hard as

before. Not that I don't encourage it, but is there any reason?"

"It's not that I'm not satisfied already…" Sanji muttered. "I don't have big,

grandiose dreams like you or Zoro. My goal is just to find All Blue and be

the best chef I can be," he admitted. "But I've started to realize

recently...if we're going to keep running into guys like Crocodile and

Enel, I'm only going to be in the way." He grunted again as he got to his

feet. "You two are way ahead of the rest of us...and for a while, I was

content with that. But like you said when we started doing this, there's

going to come a time when you two have your hands full, and when that

day comes, I won't be a liability."

"I couldn't have said it better myself," Luffy said. "So, what will you do?"

"First, I'm going to wipe that smug grin off your face!" the chef shouted

before charging in again, only for Luffy to disappear from his sight.

"You'll have to catch me first!" the rubber man taunted from behind him.

He spun around and aimed a kick at the location of his aura, but he only

disappeared again.

Sanji's eyes roamed around the deck of the Going Merry as his captain

constantly blurred in and out of sight. Something was different than

usual. If he was really just taunting him, he wouldn't be able to see Luffy

at all. Which meant he was going slow intentionally. Sanji narrowed his

eyes and focused his observation haki on his captain's movements,

following his blurred form as it drew closer and closer to him. His legs

were in constant motion, slowing down only for an instant as his form

became more defined, and then speeding up again as he disappeared

from sight.

So that's how it is.

As each jump brought the rubber man closer and closer, Sanji got into a

ready stance. As he sensed Luffy closing in, he kicked the floor ten times

in an instant, resulting in a leap backwards that was much faster than

what he could usually accomplish, just as Luffy leg swept through the

area he was previously occupying.


He leapt forward again and feinted a kick at Luffy's head. When he

predictably, or perhaps indulgently, vanished from sight in response,

Sanji went through the same series of movements again, and tracking

him with his haki, aimed another kick at his sternum. As the two

appeared back into sight, Luffy was holding Sanji's leg, preventing it from

reaching him.

"You learned Soru. I'm impressed," Luffy said with a grin.

"Yeah…" Sanji said, before collapsing back into a sitting position. "But it

puts a lot of strain on my legs. I can see why you waited until now to

teach me."

"You'll get used to it soon," Luffy said. "When I first started using it, I

didn't really notice the strain. Rubber man and all. But I did notice that it

got easier to use pretty quickly."

"Sanji learned something again?" Usopp asked. "Why do I feel like he's

always the only one?"

"It helps that he has more physical conditioning than the rest of you,"

Zoro said. "Or, maybe you're just not trying hard enough, Usopp."

"Hey, that's not fair! I think I'm starting to get the hang of this haki stuff!"

Zoro raised an eyebrow, and Usopp faltered a bit. "Sort of...maybe...a


"Well, I'm still not having any progress, so I think I'll just stick to my

Clima-Tact for now. How are those upgrades coming along by the way?"

Usopp lit up at the reminder. "Oh, they're coming along! Those dials are

worth more than their weight in gold! You'll be lighting up enemies

before they even know what lit them up!"

Nami smiled. "Thanks! Just tell me when they're ready so I can test them

out for myself," she requested.

"Of course! It might interest you to know that my own arsenal has been

improved as well…" he trailed off as Nami was already walking away,

not having heard him. "Hey!"

A couple of hours passed uneventfully, unless you counted the octopus

balloon's heartfelt farewell, the giant sea monkeys which Luffy tamed, or

the seemingly depressed pirate crew they passed on the way, which

strangely enough had no flag or sails. After lunch, everyone continued

haki training, but once again, there were no breakthroughs to speak of.

Despite that sad fact, many of the crew members couldn't help but notice

that the training nevertheless helped their physical conditioning, which

was pretty essential in any fight.

Afterwards, Luffy and Zoro instructed them to start sparring in order to

evaluate each other's strengths and weaknesses. At this point, Usopp took

initiative and loudly suggested a tournament bracket. This normally

would have been ignored, if not for the fact that Luffy announced his

strong support for the idea just as loudly.

Which led to the Strawhat pirates now competing in a tournament.

The fights would consist of hand to hand combat only, which meant no

weapons and no devil fruit powers. In Chopper's case, this meant he

could only use one form. He wisely picked Heavy Point. For the benefit

of the devil fruit users, Luffy declared that you were out of the fight if

you fell off the Merry, whether you could swim or not. You were also out

if you gave up or were held down for 10 seconds.

"Hey, wait," Chopper said suddenly. "Sanji only specializes in physical

combat. How is he not going to win this?"

"A better question is, how is he going to win at all if he can't even attack

half of his opponents?" the chef asked in retort as he walked over to the

sidelines to stand next to Luffy and Zoro. "Have fun, everyone." This

caused Robin to giggle and Usopp to pout.

"You're no fun, Sanji!"

"This was your idea to begin with," Sanji argued. "Next time, think it

through, shithead. This is terribly uneven."

Although Usopp protested loudly at this, the chef was soon proven right.

The first fight was between Usopp and Chopper. Although Usopp was by

no means incapable of throwing a good punch, he simply wasn't in the

same league as Chopper's heavyweight form. The first minute of the fight

consisted of Usopp throwing punches while Chopper blocked them, too

timid to do anything else against a crewmate. He soon got over it when

the sniper declared that there were no holds barred even in a fight

between comrades, but nevertheless assured him that he would be fine.

Emboldened by this assurance, Chopper proceeded to subject Usopp to a

wrestling hold that kept him down for 10 seconds, ending the fight.

"I have no regrets!" Usopp claimed as he went to stand next to the

monster trio, making a show of standing by his idea, even though Luffy

could tell he was disappointed at having lost first. "Alright, the next fight

is between Nami and Robin!"

As the two women of the crew stood across from each other, Nami

cringed. "Aren't you an assassin?" she asked nervously.

"I was," Robin answered with a calm smile. "Aren't you a thief?"

"...That's not very assuring."

"And, start!" Usopp shouted, ignoring the navigator's reservations. At

first, neither one of them moved. After a few moments of waiting each

other out, Robin took a step forward, causing Nami to take a step back.

Robin laughed lightly.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Navigator-san, so don't worry so much," she


Nami seemed to calm down after that, and as it was soon revealed, she

did know some basic self defense even without the Clima-Tact. She would

have to in order to survive stealing from pirates for 8 years, even East

Blue pirates. And the conditioning she'd received from the haki training

seemed to help.

Unfortunately for Nami, her experience seemed to pale in comparison to

Robin's, and it didn't take long for the archaeologist to sweep a leg out

from under her before pinning her to the ground with one arm pulled

behind her back.

"The winner is Robin!" Usopp shouted after 10 seconds of struggling on

Nami's part.

"You sure seem to be enjoying this…" Nami grumbled as she walked over

to stand with the observers.

"Of course! Tournament matches are also part of a Man's Romance!" the

sniper exclaimed, causing Nami to look at him quizzically.

"Walking sticks, swinging from vines, and now this? Where do you get

this crap from?"

Usopp elected to ignore her, instead announcing the next spar. "Now for

the finals! It's the heavyweight Tony Tony Chopper vs. the quick and

nimble Nico Robin!"

Chopper looked nervous again, but Robin merely smiled and said, "Let's

have a good match, Doctor-san." The reindeer nodded.

This spar lasted noticeably longer. Chopper was too strongly built for

Robin to get him into a submission hold, but Robin was too agile and

light on her feet for Chopper to get a hit in or pin her down. Of the two

of them, Chopper was more versed in hand to hand combat, but Robin

was more analytical and moved with a calculated grace that the reindeer

couldn't quite match as she dodged or redirected his blows. She was

careful not to get hit and careful not to give him any openings to subdue

her, but she also couldn't really hope to overpower him. Eventually, she

was seemingly cornered at the edge of the Merry. Her back was to the

water as Chopper came in for a blow.

"Robin-chan, watch out!" Sanji shouted in worry as it seemed she was

about to back into open air. Instead, she stood her ground until Chopper

got close, before moving aside, grabbing him by the arm, and using his

forwards momentum to actually flip him off the deck of the ship and into

the water.

Zoro sighed. "I'll get him," the swordsman volunteered, before jumping

overboard and retrieving the soaked reindeer, who coughed up some

water before changing back into his hybrid form.

"I lost…" he pouted, causing Robin to actually feel slightly guilty.

"Well, you're all improving," Zoro commented, still in instructor mode.

"Nami, you can defend yourself if it comes to it, but you're too tense.

Even if you know how to counter your opponent, it won't matter if you're

too stiff to do anything about it. But once you gain more experience,

you'll be more relaxed in a fight." He turned to Usopp. "You have the

same problem. I know for a fact that you can take a hit with the best of

them, but that won't hold you over for long if you freeze up." They both

nodded, and Zoro turned to Chopper.

"Chopper, your main issue in Heavy Point is your speed, but that won't be

as much of a problem when you can use your devil fruit freely. Honestly,

the best thing for you right now is just to keep training your speed and

strength. The more you do that, the stronger your transformations will

be. I also think you could benefit in training your devil fruit some more,

but we'll leave that for later." Chopper looked excited at the thought of

enhancing his devil fruit powers.

Next, Zoro turned towards Robin. "You had the least problems as far as I

saw. You may not have as much muscle as Chopper, but your devil fruit

powers make up for that. Other than Luffy, me, and the cook, you have

the best reflexes in the crew. The only thing I'd suggest is getting your

speed up so that you can make the best use of them. Even if you can see

an attack coming, you can't always stop it unless you can move in time."

Robin nodded thoughtfully.

Finally, Zoro turned toward Sanji. "Cook…" he trailed off. "You suck," he

finished. Sanji's eye twitched.

"Alright! Good job, everyone!" Luffy shouted. "Nami, how's our course?"

he asked.

"It's right on target," the navigator replied. "We should be arriving soon."

"Great! Hey Robin, can you look out for an island?" Luffy asked.

"Roger," she said, making her way up to the crow's nest.

"Hey, Luffy," Zoro said, subtly getting the captain's attention. Luffy

looked at him to see that he had a serious expression on his face.

It's almost that time, the swordsman conveyed.

Luffy nodded as he remembered which island they were about to arrive

at. They had been blown a little off course compared to last time, so they

took more time to actually get here, but they had also spent less time in

Skypiea, and there was no telling how long the adversary they were both

thinking of would wait for them.

A laidback, lethargic, and very dangerous adversary.

Keep your senses sharp when we get to the island, he conveyed back. Their

short staring contest ended, no one having noticed it as Luffy continued

walking and Zoro leaned back against the mast, seemingly asleep.

"Maaaan, I'm booored," Luffy mumbled an hour later. "Hey Robin! Have

you caught any glimpse of that island yet?"

"Yes, a while ago actually," she responded from the crow's nest. Usopp

looked scandalized.

"What do you mean, a while ago! When you see an island you're

supposed to shout 'Land Ho!'" the sniper claimed.

"That sounds like too strange of a reaction for my tastes," Robin replied.

"But I'll let you know next time."

As soon as they reached the island, which was a wide empty plain filled

with really tall trees, Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp all took off, eager for

some sightseeing.

As the rest of the crew got ready to depart, Zoro simply stared out at the

island with narrowed eyes.

"Is something wrong, Swordsman-san?" Robin asked, coming up next to

him. This seemed snap him out of whatever trance he was in.

"No, it's nothing," Zoro answered, piquing Robin's curiosity. He then

looked back at the fog over the ocean. "It looks like we're about to have

some company though."

Luffy looked in every direction in an attempt to find what he was looking

for. But no matter how many times he extended his senses outwards, he

couldn't feel anything. Either his target was hiding his aura really well, or

he wasn't there. He hadn't considered the latter option up until now.

"Wow, there's really nothing in sight. It's empty," Usopp commented.

"Yeah...completely empty…" Luffy muttered quietly, brow furrowed.

"Luffy? You ok?" Chopper asked, snapping him out of his daze.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Hey, is that a house over there?" he asked, pointing out

into the distance.

"You're right! Let's go check it out," Usopp said.

On the way there, the trio encountered a large variety of strange animals,

which consisted of elongated bears, elongated dogs, elongated deer, and

even elongated birds.

Come to think of it, they were all elongated.

When they arrived at the house, they found a particularly friendly white

giraffe, which was in reality an elongated horse. Chopper conveyed that

her name was Shelly. Apparently she was alone here on the island, which

Chopper found to be strange.

"Hey, is this elongated bamboo?" Usopp asked, looking upwards. There

were two sticks of bamboo that were abnormally tall, to the point where

they couldn't see the top. This seemed kind of familiar to Luffy, but he

couldn't place where he'd seen it before.

Suddenly, the bamboo moved, shocking Usopp and hitting him in the


"Aaaah! The elongated bamboo attacked Usopp!" Chopper panicked.

"Bamboo bastard! I won't lose that easily!" the sniper shouted, pulling out

his slingshot and letting a lead star fly, breaking through the bamboo.

"Hah! Take that bamboo!" Usopp shouted, throwing his fist in the air.

"That was amazing Usopp!" Chopper shouted happily.

"Was it really?" Luffy asked skeptically. The two were broken out of their

celebrations when they heard a panicked yell coming from above them.

Luffy looked up to see an old man falling towards him.

Oh, I remember now…

"Who are these guys?" Nami asked. The Going Merry was currently

surrounded by two anchors, each of which had attached themselves to

the island, and were connected to a rather large enemy ship.

"Doesn't matter who they are," Zoro said. "They cornered our ship, so

they're clearly hostile."

"Doesn't matter who we are?" shouted a voice from atop the ship that had

cornered them. "Watch your tongue, Roronoa Zoro! We are the Foxy

Pirates, and we have claimed your ship as property of me, Foxy the Silver


"Whatever," Zoro said in a bored tone as he unsheathed a sword before

swinging it downwards. The enemy ship, which easily towered over the

Going Merry, was cut down the middle from bow to stern. As all hell

broke loose on the ship of the now panicking Foxy Pirates, Zoro casually

cut the chains that were rendering the Going Merry immobile from afar.

"Well, that was a waste of time. Nami, how's the log?" Zoro asked.

"Actually, it's ready. It seems the time it takes for the log to set is really

short on this island."

"Well, that simplifies things. Now we just have to wait for Luffy to get


The old man who had landed on top of Luffy looked horrified. "Oh dear!"

he exclaimed. "I seem to have landed on someone! Are you ok, lad?"

"I'm fine," Luffy replied, getting up and dusting himself off. "Because I'm

rubber. But anyway, you...you're that guy, aren't you?"

"'That guy?'" the old man asked curiously.

"Yeah, that Jack guy," Luffy said.

"My name is Tonjit."

"No way! I'm sure you're that Jack guy who climbed the giant bamboo

stalk to find the goose that lays the golden eggs so that you could have

supper. But you're an old man now. Did it take you that long to climb it?"

Luffy rambled.

"Beanstalk, Luffy! That was a beanstalk!" Usopp corrected. "There's no

way this guy is him!"

"Ah, really? So it wasn't him after all."

"I'm afraid not. You see, I am one of the nomads who travels from one

portion of his island to the next. This island is actually a ring of wide

open plains, which are all connected and have the same magnetic field.

But I've been separated from the rest of the nomads, you see. 10 years

ago, I made really tall stilts out of bamboo so I could see the view from

the top. But then I got too scared to come back down, and got stuck up

there. I've had to survive by eating the fruits off of the tallest trees ever


"You're really stupid, old man," Luffy commented bluntly.

"Perhaps, but worry not, youngster! For now that you've forced me back

to ground level, I can go and catch up with the rest of the group!"

"I wasn't worried…" Luffy said, before turning to Usopp. "Hey, we should

probably get back to the ship. I can sense some unfamiliar auras at the


"Unfamiliar auras? Are they hostile?" Chopper asked.

"Hard to tell. I think they are, but they feel more incompetent than

anything," Luffy replied.

When they arrived back at the ship, they were greeted by the sight of a

giant pirate ship that was cut in half down the middle, lying in a heap in

the shallow water near the coast. When Usopp asked what happened,

Zoro simply replied, "It was in the way, so I cut it." The simple

explanation was accepted easily enough and the Strawhats got ready to

set sail, but before they could, the sound of a gunshot interrupted them.

"Strawhat Luffy!" came the voice of Foxy the Silver Fox, soaking wet and

panting heavily. Beside him was a large fishman who had seemingly

saved him from the water, along with a blue haired woman and an ape

like man. "You dare sink my ship!? You'll pay for this, you lowlife!"

"I didn't do anything," Luffy said in annoyance. "Go away."

"Don't try to deny it! Your crewmate Roronoa cut our ship in half!" Foxy


"And you still didn't get the message?" Luffy couldn't help but ask.

"Anyway, I'm not him, so leave me alone."

"Absolutely not! There's no way I'm letting you go after what you've done

to us! I hereby challenge you to a Davy Back Fight!"

"Ok," Luffy agreed easily, before unleashing a blast of Conqueror's Haki

on the unsuspecting Foxy Pirates, all of whom keeled over and lost

consciousness. "We win," the Strawhat captain declared, before turning

back towards his crew and ordering them to set sail.

As the Strawhats rose anchor, Luffy was in deep thought. Aokiji didn't

show up this time. Last time he said he originally came to confirm that Robin

was in the crew, but if I remember right, that cage lady already saw her setting

sail with us in Alabasta. Is that why he's not here?

While he wouldn't rule out the possibility, something about that didn't

feel right. He looked to his right and locked eyes with Zoro. The

swordsman nodded. It seemed they were in agreement.

There was a storm coming.

A/N: Sorry for the exposition chapter. There's a lot of crap in between

Skypiea and Water 7 in the anime, but most of it bored me, so I decided

to stick with a single interlude chapter before we got to the good stuff.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter, even if it was mostly setup.

50. A Prelude to War, Again

Why does 49 in Roman numerals = XLIX? If putting one letter before

another signifies subtraction of the former from the latter, shouldn't it

just simplify to IL? Oh well, you can write your story in your own

language, but I guess you can't write your own language in your story.

...I'm going to stop rambling since I'm starting to make less sense as I go


Finally, chapter 50! To think it's been 14 months now. To anyone who

cares, that's an average of about 3.57 chapters per month. But enough

math, let's get on to the nonsensical series of incoherent and disjointed

logic, shall we?

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter L: A Prelude to War...Again

Fire. There was fire everywhere. It was all burning. The heat seemed to seep

through her pores, under her skin, into her very being. She stared, wide eyed

and trembling, at the omnipresent flames as they consumed everything and

everyone in sight.

As they consumed Ohara.

The sights and sounds drove her to the brink of insanity. The blasting of

cannons, the whistling of deadly artillery, the agonized screams, the raging of

the insatiable inferno, the rising of the suffocating smoke...for what seemed

like hours, it was all Robin knew.

"Run, Robin!"

The familiar voice broke her out of her horrified trance even as she felt a bone

numbing chill spread throughout her body, overpowering even the heat of the

all encompassing fire. She tried to move as the gigantic form of Jaguar D. Saul

struggled to his feet. Perhaps to do as she was told. Perhaps not to. It didn't

matter; she just needed to move.

But she couldn't. Try as she might, she couldn't even budge an inch. What was

wrong with her? Had her legs been frozen along with Saul's? She closed her

eyes and gritted her teeth as she willed her body to do as it was told. Move!

"Run, Robin!" the voice came again. But it was different this time. She opened

her eyes in shock. Saul was gone. In his place stood the ever determined

Monkey D. Luffy, frozen from the waist down. His fists tightened as Marine

Admiral Aokiji walked leisurely toward him. His arm blackened to obsidian as

he threw his fist forward, faster than her eyes could keep track of, but

evidently not fast enough for his adversary, who caught his fist in an icy grip.

Luffy grunted in pain as the rest of his body began to freeze over. He turned

towards her as the ice began to cover his face, the cold seeping into every last

vein. "You have...to run…"

She stared in pure, unadulterated terror as the ice enclosed around the

remainder of his face, which was still turned towards her. Unmercifully, Aokiji

raised a fist, ready to strike.


The fist collided with the frozen statue, and the brittle structure broke apart on

contact. Whatever force had been keeping her from moving seemed to shatter

along with that which had kept her going all this time. The spell broken, she

sank to her knees in despair.


The Marine Admiral turned toward her, his face impassive as he began

walking in her direction. She didn't run like he told her. She couldn't, not

anymore. There was nothing to run to.

"Three weeks," the man spoke emotionlessly. "You're not breaking any personal

records, Nico Robin," he said as he reached toward her.


Robin woke up screaming.

"Robin!" There was a voice shouting her name. Hands on her shoulders,

shaking her. "Robin!" the voice came again. It definitely sounded familiar.

She reached up to the hand on her shoulder. The contact seemed to

anchor her back to reality, and her eyes focused before meeting the

concerned face of her bunkmate.

"Nami…?" she asked. The navigator sighed in relief.

"Holy shit, don't scare me like that," she said. "Robin, are you ok?" Robin

managed to give a weak nod, but taking into account how shaky it was,

she guessed that it wasn't very reassuring. She could hear the loud

beating of footsteps from outside the room just before the door was

roughly opened, and the crew's chef, sniper, and doctor fell over each

other in a rushed attempt to get inside the room.

"Robin!" Chopper shouted in worry.

"What happened?" Sanji asked desperately, searching the room for

anything out of the ordinary, but finding nothing.

"Are you guys alright!?" Usopp asked.

Nami sighed. "We're fine now," she said, resisting the slightly irrational

urge to scold them for not knocking. Once they untangled themselves

from the floor, Luffy and Zoro walked in after them, less frantic but with

unmistakable expressions of worry etched on their countenance.

Luffy walked up to Robin, having recognized the scream as hers. "Robin?"

he asked gently, not bothering to vocalize the obvious question. Robin


"It's nothing. I'm sorry for waking you all," she said. She watched as

Luffy's expression softened from confusion to acceptance.

"I'm guessing it would be pointless for you to try and go back to sleep?"

he asked with an understanding smile. Robin could only nod again.

"Well, it's a pretty nice night out," the captain said. "Anyone up for some


Robin began to protest. "It's alright, you don't have to–"

"To be honest, Robin," Luffy interrupted, "I don't think any of us are going

back to sleep either. Maybe some coffee will do you some good. Sanji?"

The chef didn't miss a beat. "Coming right up! Coffee under the starlight.

Seems kind of romantic. I'll even throw in some early morning breakfast!"

"Sounds great! I was dreaming about food anyway!" Usopp claimed. It

always became hard to distinguish whether he was lying or not during

times when it actually mattered.

"I'm not sleepy at all!" Chopper boasted.

Robin couldn't help but smile a little as the memory of the nightmare

moved to the back of her mind, not forgotten, but dulled. "Thank you,

everyone. That sounds nice."

As the male crew members filed out of the room, Nami hesitated before

pulling Robin into a hug. "Remember you can talk to me about anything,

ok?" she whispered.

Robin returned the hug and hummed in confirmation, and Nami let go.

As it turned out, star gazing wasn't too bad of an idea, as there was a

meteor shower that morning. As the crew sat and ate under the shooting

stars, Usopp instructed everyone to make a wish, before explaining the

premise behind the custom to a curious Chopper.

Robin was silent as she gazed up at the sky, feeling as though the wish

she wanted to make might just be unrealistic.

The rest of the morning passed uneventfully. That is, until the crew

spotted a giant frog doing the front crawl, and opted to follow it out of

sheer fascination. Said frog then proceeded to jump in front of a moving

train that was seemingly running on the ocean. Needless to say, that

didn't work out very well for the frog, who was sent flying despite taking

a ready stance in an effort to oppose the train's momentum.

"That's one gutsy frog," Sanji commented.

"That's Yokozuna," said a young girl from what looked to be, strangely

enough, a train station on the ocean. "He does that all the time. Hey, are

you guys pirates?"

"Yes we are. I'm Luffy. I'm going to be the Pirate King," Luffy said,

providing his signature introduction.

"Really?" the girl asked in childlike innocence.

"Yep!" Luffy answered.

"Cool. Hey Grandma! Pirates are here!" she yelled.

"Really?" came a voice from inside the building. "Hang on, I'll get the

Transponder Snail!" A few of the Strawhats tensed as an old woman came

out and started dialing a number. "Hello?" the woman greeted. "Who is

calling? Huh? What do you mean 'what's my emergency?' Sorry, I think

you have the wrong number." She then proceeded to hang up.

Said crew members now felt ridiculous. What the hell was that?

"So, you guys are pirates, huh?" the woman asked, attention now focused

on the Strawhats. "Nice to meet you. I'm Kokoro. This is my

grandaughter, Chimney."

"And that's Gonbe, our cat!" Chimney added, pointing down at a small

animal that was quite clearly and unmistakably a rabbit.


Make that a confused rabbit.

Nami proceeded to ask about the train they had seen, and Chimney

explained that there were actually tracks in the water, which were built

to carry the sea train, called the Puffing Tom, from island to island. She

then revealed that the frog they encountered, Yokozuna, was always

challenging the sea train to contests of strength, which he always lost.

"Kokoro-san?" Nami asked. "We actually came here following a Log Pose.

It's pointing west. Do you know what island we're headed to, by any


"If it's pointing west, that would be Water 7," Kokoro answered. "The city

of water is home to the best ship mechanics in the world. Even the World

Government relies on their shipmaking."

"That sounds like a good place to spend the money we've earned," Nami

stated. Immediately the mood shifted as the crew once again remembered

that they would have to let the Going Merry go soon.

"Alright, it's decided," Luffy said. "At Water 7, we'll find a shipwright to

join our crew."

"A shipwright?" Nami asked, eliciting a nod from Luffy.

"We have to make sure this doesn't happen again. So in addition to a new

ship, we'll also get a crewmate that can repair it."

"In that case, take this," Kokoro said, holding out a piece of paper, which

Nami took. "It's a map of the island, and a letter of recommendation. Give

it to a man named Iceberg, and he'll get you what you need."

As they got ready to set sail again, Kokoro shouted after them. "One last

thing! It takes a week for the log to set in Water 7! That will give you

plenty of time to get your business done! We'll be returning to the city

soon, so I hope to see you there!"

As they all waved their goodbyes, the Going Merry set out towards Water


"Man, I'm bored again," Luffy sighed. They had been sailing for several

hours now to get to Water 7, and most of the crew was now attending to

their own business.

"When are you ever not bored?" Nami asked rhetorically.

"When I'm kicking ass and taking food?" Luffy answered anyway.

"You mean taking names," Usopp corrected. Luffy looked at him


"Why would I want names? I'd rather have food."

"Well, that's beside the point. The expression is 'kicking ass and taking

names,'" Usopp insisted.

"I prefer kicking ass and taking dames, myself," Sanji interjected as he

walked by.

"Not you too, Sanji!"

Nami sighed as she checked their course again. They would be arriving

soon, and then she could find a place to exchange all of the gold they

had. They had a lot of errands to run in Water 7, but at least they weren't

broke anymore.

"Hey Nami, I'm still bored," Luffy said.

"Well, find a way to entertain yourself then."

"Are you sure? The only thing I can think of is watching Zoro train you

guys again," he said.

Nami had to suppress a shiver. The latest training session had been

brutal, to the point of utter exhaustion. She and Usopp had nearly

fainted, and Chopper had been pushed to the limits of his Zoan-enhanced

stamina. Sanji and Robin were the only ones who didn't seem to mind,

but even Sanji had been breathing heavily afterwards, and Robin had

seemed to lose the subtle grace with which she always moved for a while

until she had recovered from the strenuous activity. And all the while,

Zoro had been laughing at them. The infuriating part was, when she had

sarcastically invited him to join them, he had actually accepted the

invitation and put them all to shame while continuing to laugh, as if the

training was old news to him. She never knew the normally lethargic

swordsmen could be so...sadistic. When she had mustered up the energy

to yell at him about it afterward, he had actually had the nerve to say it

was Captain's orders. Which it was...but still.

It seemed that Luffy was really determined to make use of their time at

sea. Of course, this had been the case since they'd entered the Grand

Line, but he had never pushed them this far before, which caused Nami

to wonder what had changed overnight.

Searching for a way out, she quickly redirected his interest, "Hey,

speaking of training, isn't Zoro lifting weights? Why don't you join him?"

"I don't lift...but maybe he wants to spar," Luffy speculated, before

jumping off of the railing and going to seek out the swordsmen.

An hour later, the crew spotted Water 7 in the distance. Upon arriving,

they were immediately enraptured by the scenery. It seemed that their

journey wasn't going to get any duller after Sky Island. The island took

water metropolis to a new extreme.

"Whoever said Atlantis sank into the sea was clearly lying," Sanji

commented, a hint of awe in his voice.

"That's a huge fountain!" Chopper exclaimed in wonder.

"Blue Station?" Nami read off of a sign as they drew closer. "I wonder

where we should dock."

"Hey, you!" a man in a small fishing boat called. "Pirates can't come in

through the front! Go dock in the back!" The Strawhats stared blankly for

a moment.

"Ok!" Luffy shouted jovially. "Thanks Mister!" The crew continued to take

in the scenery as they brought the ship around.

"That's so cool," Chopper marvelled. "The city is floating on the water!"

"I don't think that's the case. The island has simply sunk into the sea. The

city seems to be built on top of the previous buildings," Robin observed.

"Hey, you pirates! You can't dock here!" a random citizen shouted. "What

are you here for? Plundering?"

"No, we just need supplies!" Luffy shouted back, not missing a beat.

"In that case, head down that way until you see a peninsula!" the man

shouted, pointing. "You can drop anchor there!"

"Got it, thanks!" Luffy shouted again. Most of the crew was slightly

bemused as they continued.

"You know, as far as people who know we're criminals go, I think this is

the best welcome we've gotten since Whiskey Peak," Usopp pointed out,

eliciting laughs from the others.

"Where was that?" Chopper asked curiously.

"It was our first stop in the Grand Line," Nami answered.

"Whiskey...Peak?" Luffy asked, his face turning red as he thought back.

Zoro sighed.

"Sake Summit," he compromised.

"Oh, yeah! That place was fun!" the captain said gleefully.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Robin said in amusement. "Most of the other

pirates didn't."

"Still, it does seem strange that they're so casual around us," Nami

pointed out as they docked near the peninsula. "It suggests that they're

used to pirates showing up. They don't seem to be afraid either."

"It's most likely because pirates come here often for repairs," Robin

speculated. "As for the lack of fear, it makes me think that they have

strong local law enforcement."

As they dropped anchor, they started to divide up the tasks while they

were here. Zoro offered to guard the ship, before leaning against the

railing of the Merry and promptly falling asleep.

"Lazy ass…" Nami muttered. "Ok, Luffy and Usopp, the three of us can

form a group to inquire about the ship. We also need to find a place to

exchange our gold. Sanji-kun and Chopper, can you two stock up on


"Of course, Nami-san!" Sanji saluted, before jumping off the ship and onto

land, Chopper following behind him.

"Hey Robin, can you come with us?" Luffy asked. "I wanted to talk to you

about something."

"Certainly. I was eager to explore the city anyway," she replied.

"Wait, how are we going to carry around this much gold without drawing

too much attention?" Usopp asked suddenly.

Nami hummed. "Luffy could lift it, but you're right. It would be better to

leave it here for now. Maybe we could get someone to come directly here

and make an estimate. With Zoro guarding, we don't have to worry about

anything being stolen."

Their course of action decided, the group of four entered town. After

renting two Yagura Bulls to make their way around, they were able to

find the bank fairly quickly, seeing as the horse-like sea creatures knew

their way around quite well. Luckily, the bank was able to fulfill their

somewhat strange request, and sent an accountant to take a look at what

they had so that they could give an estimate.

Deciding not to waste time, they agreed that Nami would stay at the

bank and handle the transaction while the rest of them went to the


Meanwhile, with Zoro…

The Franky Family were quiet as night as they snuck up on an

unsuspecting Zoro. Walking across the deck of the Merry silently, they

gripped their swords.

"Don't even think about it, unless you want to get cut up," the swordsman

said, eyes still closed and leaning against the rail. The Franky Family

stiffened, getting ready for a fight, until Zoro let out a snore. "Stupid love

cook...call me Mosshead one more time, I dare you…"

Zanbai smirked. His bounty may be high, but he wasn't too bright. He

raised his sword and brought it down, only for it to be blocked.

"Alright, you asked for it...Great Whirlwind!"

The Franky Family let out a collective scream of pain as they were

launched off of the ship by a whirlwind of blades. Zoro sheathed his

swords and collapsed back onto the deck of the ship, still asleep.

"That'll teach you...Dartboard Brow…"

"So Captain-san, what did you want to talk to me about?" Robin asked.

"Well, do you remember the Revolutionaries that we ran into on Jaya?"

Luffy asked. Robin nodded. "Well, they're on the island."

"Really? Do you know what they want?" Robin asked.

"Most likely nothing from you. They seem to have taken an interest in me

after Alabasta," Luffy replied. "I just thought you should know." That and I

wanted to keep an eye on you...

"I see. Thanks for telling me," Robin said.

"This place sure is lively," Usopp commented as they made their way

towards Dock 1, deciding that the current conversation wasn't really for


"It's not surprising, since the shipwrights here are legendary," Robin

answered. "I wonder if we have to make an appointment?"

"Helloooo! Anyone there!" Luffy shouted from behind the railing.

His shouts attracted the attention of one of the dock workers, who Luffy

quickly recognized. His features were quite unique, so it was hard not to

remember his face.

Especially since he was a CP9 agent.

"Hey, are you square Usopp?" he asked.

"Who's that?" the man asked quizzically. "Well, whatever. What do you


"We have a recommendation letter from Kokoro at the Shift Station,"

Robin replied, pulling out the letter that Nami had given her. "Would it

be possible for us to meet with a man named Iceburg?"

Luffy observed the interaction carefully. To Squarenose' credit, his eyes

didn't even linger on Robin before he looked down at the letter. Seeing as

Robin hadn't reacted in the slightest, it was safe to say that she didn't

know who he was. That worked out just as well. As much as he wanted

to just go ahead and kick CP9's collective asses right here and now, he

wouldn't be able to explain that away. He had no proof of their affiliation

with the World Government, and they wouldn't be able to get a new ship

if he did that. So he would have to bear with the fact that they were here

for now.

"Well, Iceburg is a busy man, but he also has a tendency to spontaneously

cancel all his appointments," the undercover agent said. "It depends on

his mood, to be honest."

"Is he that busy?" Usopp asked. "Who is this Iceburg guy anyway?"

"Oh, you didn't know? Iceburg is the Mayor of Water 7, as well as the

president of Galley-La Company, and the manager of the sea-train," the

man replied. "My name is Kaku by the way. I'm one of the shipwrights of

Galley-La Company's Dock 1."

"Damn, he's a really important guy then," Usopp said, amazed.

"Definitely. He's known to everyone in Water 7. Why did you need to

meet with him? If you just need your ship repaired, I can handle it for


"Actually, we need a new ship," Luffy said, his voice dropping as a hint of

shame spread across his face. "Our old one is damaged beyond repair."

"Oh, that's too bad. Is the keel damaged?" Kaku asked.

"The keel?" Usopp repeated. He too, was rather subdued.

"It's the piece of wood that holds the ship together. If you don't know

what that is, how do you know it's damaged beyond repair?"

Usopp sweatdropped. "It...kind of told us."

Kaku stared blankly. "...It told you?" he repeated dumbly.

"It appeared to us in the form of a small child and told us it wouldn't

make it much farther," Luffy said bluntly, although with a hint of

depression still in his voice.

"Well then…" Kaku said. "I've heard of legends like that, but I've never

actually met anyone who claimed it happened to them. Nevertheless, I

should probably check for myself, unless you're set on a new ship."

"No, it's fine. You can check," Luffy replied, causing Usopp to feel an

irrational hope despite already having been resigned to the fact that the

Going Merry couldn't sail anymore. Kaku then proceeded to jump off of

the shipyard building, surprising Usopp and Robin. When Usopp

questioned his well being, a voice from behind them spoke up.

"He'll be fine. He does that frequently." The three of them turned to see a

blue-haired man with a small white mouse in his shirt pocket. As the man

approached them, his gaze lingered on Robin, and his eyes narrowed.

This put the raven haired woman on guard instantly, but he averted his

gaze and continued speaking. "People call him the Mountain Wind.

Everyone around here has their talents. He's the chief mechanic of Dock

1, so I guess it's not surprising that he would stand out quite a bit. Even if

I'm not sure how he does what he does." He turned to a woman following

behind him. "Kalifa?"

"Strawhat Luffy, Demon Wind Zoro, Nico Robin, and Black Leg Sanji," she

stated, causing the man to narrow his eyes again and Usopp to sweat at

the fact that they'd been identified that easily. "A combined bounty of

404 million Belly."

"Well, that's quite the sum," the man drawled. "Oh, I seem to have

forgotten to introduce myself. I am Iceburg, the Mayor of Water 7."

Meanwhile, with Zoro…

Kaku hopped onto the Going Merry and took a look around. It was a nice

ship, but it wasn't likely to make it much farther through the Grand Line

even if they could repair it. It simply wasn't sturdy enough.

Suddenly, Kaku was forced to duck as the man who had been sleeping on

deck reacted to his presence with hostility. Shoot first, ask questions later,

huh? he mused as he hastily dodged another sword slash. Upon observing

his assailant more closely, however, his eyes widened.

"Out of my way, you giraffe bastard…"

This guy...he's still asleep!

"Hey, wake up!" he shouted, launching a kick at the swordsmen, which

was effortlessly blocked. Kaku managed to avoid injury using Tekkai.

Luckily no one was around but the two of them, so no one had witnessed

it...and the blow seemed to have woken his opponent up.

Zoro rubbed his eyes and yawned before taking a look at the who he had

been attacking. "Oh, damn. I reacted on instinct. Sorry about that," he

said, even though he really wasn't.

"No problem, I guess…" Kaku said with a shrug.

After a short conversation in which Iceberg introduced his personal

assistant, Kalifa, and cancelled all of his appointments in the process,

Robin handed him the letter from Kokoro, which he took a look at and

then immediately ripped up.

"Hey, wait! What's the problem!?" Usopp panicked. "One of your workers

went to check out our ship, but if it turns out it really can't be repaired,

we're going to need a new one to set sail!"

"Ok," Iceberg responded easily. "If it can be repaired, we'll repair it. If

not, we'll sell you a new one."

"...Why'd you rip up the letter then?"

"The lipstick stain disgusted me. Kokoro and I are old drinking buddies.

Anyway, since I'm bored, I'll give you guys a tour of the shipyard." Just

then, the three Strawhats heard Nami calling out to them.

"Luffy!" she shouted, running up to the group. "We have a problem!"

"What is it?" the captain asked. "Your estimate was wrong?" he guessed.

"No! Granted, they didn't tell me its real value at first, but I managed to

weasel it out of them…but they can't pay us that much! They don't have

enough to trade for all of it!"

Iceberg, who'd been listening in, raised an eyebrow. "How much are we

talking here, Miss?"

"1,200,000,000 Belly," Nami answered, causing the man's eyes to widen


"Wow, you were that accurate?" Usopp said in amazement.

"Well, now that's quite the sum," Iceberg stated. "No wonder our banks

couldn't pay it. Still, Galley-La Company itself should be able to handle

the transaction if it's really that much."

"Really!?" Nami asked, practically glowing. "But the gold is on our ship.

Do you need to send someone for another estimate?"

"No need. Once we verify its value with the bank you went to, we can…"

he trailed off as a familiar sounding argument reached his ears. "Is that

Lucci and Paulie?" he asked.

"Yes, it seems that Lucci had to help Paulie escape from his debt

collectors again," Kalifa confirmed, causing Iceburg to sigh.

"I'm not even sure why he bothers at this point."

"This Paulie guy sounds like he wouldn't want to meet Nami," Usopp


Meanwhile...with Zoro…

"300% interest...my ass…" the swordsmen mumbled before letting out a


The crew turned towards the two bickering workers who were making

their way over in curiosity. The second Robin's eyes landed on the one

called Lucci, her eyes widened, and she paled considerably. Her

breathing became heavier, and her pulse quickened. When the two met

eyes, Lucci's widened as well, before narrowing. Before Robin could say a

thing, he gave her a small, subtle shake of the head, and any thoughts

she had about confronting him instantly vanished from her mind.

She never knew a simple shake of the head could be so threatening. Her

eyes instinctively wandered to both Nami and Usopp, who were both

completely oblivious to the peril of the situation, along with all of Dock

1, apparently. She swallowed thickly before she felt a reassuring hand on

her shoulder. She turned and locked eyes with Luffy. His eyes were

significantly softer than Lucci's as he gave her the same gesture that the

assassin had.

The trained CP9 assassin. And he knew. Luffy knew exactly who this man

was, she had no doubt.

Things had just gotten rather complicated.

A/N: Take that canon! You just got diverted, big time. Tell me what you

thought of the chapter, as usual. Lost out.

51. Demon Spawn

I was surprised by the number of reviewers who were clearly more well

versed in Roman numerology than I am, and actually took the time to

explain the rules. But it's good to know that you guys take me seriously

even when I'm rambling about random shit. Thanks fans!

Anyway, in response to a couple reviews I got, I'd just like to point out

that the order of events around the time of the Davy Back Fight is

different in the anime than it is in the manga. In the anime, they met

Aokiji on the island they reached after the Davy Back Fight. That island

did not exist in the manga, and in canon they met Aokiji near Tonjit's

house. Just thought I'd clear that up for you anime only watchers.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter LI: Demon Spawn

While Iceburg made a call to the Water 7 bank to confirm the agreed

value of the gold on the Going Merry, Lucci and Paulie left to get to back

to work, the latter arguing with the former's pigeon all the while. Robin

watched them go, an extremely perturbed expression on her face, before

turning to face Luffy, her question clearly written on her face for once.

"We'll talk later, Robin," Luffy whispered. Robin didn't look assured, but

accepted the promise and dropped the issue for the moment. But even as

she did so, a seed of ever-present doubt in her mind took root for the first

time in a month as her recent nightmare returned to the forefront of her


"Well, it looks like your story checks out," Iceburg's voice came as he

walked back towards Nami, carrying 6 large briefcases with the aid of

Kalifa and another assistant. "I took the liberty of accessing Galley-La

Company's vault. I'll hand these over to you now, and when Kaku returns,

I'll have him organize a team to fetch the gold on your ship. Does that

sound acceptable?"

"Of course!" Nami exclaimed gleefully as she eyed the huge sum of

money. "Thank you for your help, Iceburg-san!"

Iceburg sweatdropped as he watched Nami eye the briefcases greedily.

"Well, sure…anytime," he said.

The 6 briefcases were distributed amongst the 4 pirates. At that point,

Kaku arrived back at Dock 1 and confirmed that their ship was

irreparable, much to Usopp's dismay. The sniper then proceeded to ask

about what kinds of ships they had for sale, and Kalifa handed him a

brochure with all the latest models, while Iceburg explained each one in

detail. Through it all, Nami and Usopp listened eagerly, Luffy pretended

to listen but didn't really bother, and Robin was immersed in her own


As they were speaking, two figures watched from the shadows, eyeing

the briefcase in Usopp's hand with a predatory gaze. As they inched

closer, Robin caught sight of them, and her eyes widened. Before she

could take action though, Luffy's voice spoke up.

"Don't even try," the captain said authoritatively, without even turning

around. His voice froze them in their tracks. Although he didn't look very

intimidating, the Franky Family couldn't help but remember that this was

the captain of the man who had kicked their collective asses that they

were dealing with. As such, they started to sweat heavily.

Usopp did the same as he turned around and noticed their close

proximity. Damn, I shouldn't have zoned out there...I'm carrying a fortune on


"Um...hi?" Zambai greeted nervously, seeing the hardened expression on

Luffy's face. "We're just your everyday thugs trying to make a living. No

need to get all—"

"Fuck off," Luffy interrupted, layering the command with a bit of

Conqueror's Haki.

The Franky Family's next actions were wisely to do just that. As they ran,

Iceburg sighed. "The Franky Family again. Well, sorry about that. They're

attracted to valuables like moths to a lantern."

"Can we be glad they didn't get their hands on the money and consider

the matter settled?" Kalifa asked.

"Yeah, it's fine," Luffy said with a shrug.

"Who are they anyway?" Nami asked. "They don't seem like pirates."

"No, they're not. Officially, they're ship dismantlers, but they just do

whatever they can to make a profit. Bounty hunting, thievery, black

marketing, the whole deal. But since they only target pirates who are

passing through, the Marines leave them to their own devices. Franky

himself is no pushover, so we tend to do the same unless they target our


"This Franky guy. Where can I find him?" Luffy asked suddenly.

Iceburg raised an eyebrow. "If you're planning to pick a fight with him,

we'll be taking some of that money back for property damages, just so

you know."

"If I wanted to pick a fight, I would have just beaten them up before they

left," Luffy reasoned.

Iceburg hummed. "Fair point. Well, their base of operations is the Franky

House. It's located on a peninsula on the east side of the island." He gave

Luffy and odd look. "You shouldn't underestimate Franky, though. I don't

suppose you're just stopping in to say hello?"

"Something like that," Luffy said with a grin.

"Well, it's your choice. Don't say I didn't warn you," Iceburg said,


By the time they left Dock 1 to head back to the ship, Luffy could sense

the distress coming off of Robin in waves. He winced in sympathy. He

didn't want to prolong her worrying, but they couldn't exactly discuss

what was going on in front of Galley-La. He'd been wondering how to

address the issue of CP9 with Robin, but seeing her reaction to Rob

Lucci's presence now, he wondered if the fact that she somehow already

knew him was a blessing or a curse.

"Nami, Usopp, you guys go on back to the ship. We'll catch up with you,"

Luffy said, causing them to look at him curiously.

"Are you going to go talk to that Franky person?" Usopp asked.

"If you're going to go do something stupid, don't pull Robin into it," Nami


"We just need to talk about something real quick," he assured. Usopp

shrugged and kept walking. Although Nami looked like she wanted to

question him further, she reluctantly turned away and followed behind


Robin, who had been hiding her distress up until that point, took a deep

breath. "I don't even know where to begin," she said tiredly.

"How do you know Lucci?" Luffy asked gently, providing a start to the


"8 years ago, I was working with an underground criminal organization

in West Blue. They weren't much compared to Baroque Works, but they

were capable enough for me to stay hidden. At least, until Rob Lucci was

given a mission by the World Government to eradicate everyone

involved. I was the only member to escape alive, and I fled to the Grand

Line. It seems so long ago, but I'll never forget that face." She shuddered.

"That man isn't human…Luffy, how do you know him? What is he doing


"I think I can answer that," came a voice from nearby. Robin's eyes

widened as she turned toward a nearby rooftop, where a man in a black

cloak with red marks running down his face was listening in on their

conversation. She instantly recognized him.

"You're with the Revolutionaries," she said. It wasn't a question. I was so

tense that I didn't notice we were being followed? Or is he just that good?

"I am. Pleased to meet you, Nico Robin. The name is Mavric."

"What is it with you and jumping down from rooftops?" Luffy asked with

a hint of amusement.

"Well, you'd be surprised how many people don't bother to look up even

when they think they're being watched," Mavric replied.

"And why were you watching us?" Robin asked cautiously.

"Force of habit. I eavesdrop so much on the job that I tend to lose track of

who I can be upfront with. Sorry about that. But enough about me. To

answer your question, CP9 is after the Ancient Weapons."

Robin looked pale. "They knew I was coming," she inferred.

"Well, yes," Mavric replied. "But they're not just after you. In fact, you're

not the primary reason they're here. You see, they've been working as

undercover shipwrights for the past 5 years or so."

"How did you learn all of this?" Luffy asked curiously. "I thought you

were just tailing me."

Mavric shrugged. "That was my assignment, but even if I can predict

what course you'll take based on the log sequence, it's impossible to know

when you'll arrive. So I had some time to kill."

"Didn't I say something along the lines of, 'If i see you again, I'll kick your

ass?'" Luffy reminded him.

"Oh, is that what you said?" Mavric asked, sweating a bit. "Well, I would

prefer for my ass to remain unkicked. What if I gave you some valuable

information? Would you reconsider then?"

Luffy rolled his eyes. "What else do you know?"

"CP9 infiltrated Galley-La because the president, Iceburg, knows the

whereabouts of the blueprints of one of the Ancient Weapons, Pluton." He

grimaced. "We weren't able to find out where those blueprints were,

though. If we did, we would have destroyed them already."

"And now that they know we're here?" Robin asked worriedly.

"From what I can tell, their plans for Iceburg haven't changed. They

intend to steal the blueprints and assassinate him."

"How many of them are there?" Robin asked.

"From what we know, four. Lucci is their leader. Then there's Kaku from

Dock 1, Blueno, the barkeeper, and Kalifa, Iceburg's personal assistant.

We think that's all of them. They're planning something else, though.

They've been getting new orders from the World Government, but it's all

in code, and we haven't been able to interpret them."

Robin looked even more disconcerted upon hearing this.

"But now that you've arrived, they'll no doubt make a move against the

Strawhat Pirates as well. If they get their hands on either of you, I see

little hope for the world." He turned to Luffy. "Monkey-san, I don't know

how you knew Rob Lucci, but not much about you makes sense to begin

with. On Jaya, I told you to think of us as allies. Now, I'm here to offer

my services. We'll continue to observe them, and let you know what else

we learn. If the need arises, you'll have our full support."

Luffy could tell he was sincere, so he smiled. "Thanks. You may be a

sneaky bastard, but you're not so bad."

"Be careful," Robin said. "If CP9 finds out that you're tailing them…"

"He'll be fine," Luffy said. "He's not as weak as he would have people


Mavric smiled mischievously. "Now what would make you come to a

conclusion like that, Monkey-san?"

Luffy rolled his eyes again. "In Jaya, you pretended to be floored by my

haki, but I could tell you weren't really affected by it. Any reason for


If the Revolutionary was surprised, he didn't show it. Instead, he just

smirked, and Robin was suddenly and unexplainably relieved that this

man was seemingly on their side.

"You keep your secrets, Strawhat, and I'll keep mine," he replied, before

jumping backwards onto the rooftops and disappearing from sight.

Robin turned back to Luffy and took another breath. The conversation

evidently hadn't calmed her nerves at all. "Luffy, I can't do this."

Luffy blinked. "Do what?" he asked.

"This," she repeated, motioning to Luffy and then back to herself. "This

isn't my life. It's not going to work, and we both know it."

Luffy's eyes narrowed. "Don't even think about it," he whispered.

"I've already thought about it. I've been thinking about it since you sent

me an invitation to join you, and it's not simply going to go away. I can

try to forget it, I can push it to the back of my mind, but it will always

come back to haunt me, and I won't be able to run from it much longer,"

she said.

"Run from what? CP9? Rob Lucci? I could kick their collective asses any

day of the week, and today is no exception. You have nothing to worry

about," Luffy said.

"It's not about CP9!" Robin exclaimed. She was beginning to lose her

composure, which was a rare sight to see, but she didn't care. She needed

Luffy to understand. "You get that this won't end, don't you? It won't end

with Rob Lucci! Next it will be something worse. It'll keep getting worse

until you can't win anymore! The World Government will hunt me down

to the ends of the earth, and I can't let you all get caught up in that!"

"Robin, I don't know if you've noticed, but we've long since made it onto

the World Government's shit list ourselves."

"Luffy, you took down a pirate. A Warlord, yes, but a corrupt one. Your

worst crime to date was making them look bad. It's not the same with

me. They don't just want to capture me to prove a point. I have

knowledge that can end all life as we know it.

"Could you remind me again what your crime was?" Luffy asked


Robin sighed. "That's not the point and you know it. They may act like

my very existence is a sin. But to them, capturing me means ending the

Great Pirate Era. They'll stop at nothing! If because of my presence on

your ship, one of you were to…" she trailed off, and hung her head. "I

could never forgive myself," she whispered.

Luffy didn't know whether to be sympathetic or annoyed. "And you think

I don't feel that way every single day, Robin? They know the risks, and so

do I! Stop speaking as if you're a burden! We're family!"

Robin closed her eyes, and when she opened them, they were moist.

Hearing him say that meant more to her than he would ever know, but it

was a bittersweet moment at best. She knew she was fighting a losing

battle either way. No matter how much she tried to pretend she was one

of them, her cursed fate would pull her away; no matter how much she

tried to distance herself from them, her eternal longing for that which

had always eluded her, that which she didn't deserve, would reel her back


"I'm not like you, Luffy," she said finally. "I can never truly be one of you,

no matter how much you all pretend that I already am."

Luffy clenched his fists. "Do you really believe that?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter whether I do or don't. Because however much I try to

convince myself that it's not true, the bane of my existence will continue

to prove otherwise." She looked down sadly. "Do you remember that

night that I woke up screaming? I never did tell you what I was dreaming

about, did I? That's because I could barely convince myself that I'd been

dreaming at all. At first I thought it really was just a nightmare. I woke

up and fooled myself into thinking it was over. But I should have known

better. It was my fault. I forgot who I was. Life has a cruel way of making

you remember. It's ironic, really. I can see it now, as clearly as the border

of light and darkness that separates us." She slowly raised a hand to his

chest, placing it over his heart. "This is the dream that I've been living.

When I rose out of bed screaming that night, it was simply a grim

reminder of the reality that I'd closed my eyes to. Even now, I still cling

to that dream like a lifeline." She lowered her hand. "But I have to wake

up eventually."

"Yeah, you do," Luffy said. "You're deluding yourself. You think you're the

only one that the world is after? We're all on this ship because we each

made a choice to paint targets on our backs and then trust each other to

guard them. The only difference between you and the rest of us is that

you think there's something separating us. If what you say is true, then

I've been living a dream too. For a fleeting moment, I dreamt that you

trusted me."

Robin paled. "Luffy, I do trust you...it's just—"

"You don't. Not completely. You're still afraid. And not of the

government; you've been dealing with them since you were 8. You're

afraid of us, because we were the first ones to break your expectations,

the first ones that made you feel something. For so long, you locked away

your emotions because they would only get you killed. And now that

we've broken through that barrier you put up around yourself, you feel

vulnerable. That's it, isn't it?"

Robin swallowed thickly. He had hit the nail on the head. How could he

read her so easily?

"Robin," he continued. "We're not going to change just because the waves

get rough. We're not going to leave you behind, and we'll never betray

you. You can run from us all you want. We'll follow you to Impel Down

and back if we have to. Why can't you just accept that you belong with


She bit her lip. "Because everywhere I go, disaster follows. Everyone I've

ever associated myself with has fallen to ruin because of me. There was a

time where I wouldn't care, but…" She took a deep breath. "But I can't let

that happen this time. If my fate is going to bare its fangs at the ones I've

finally come to see as family, I'd rather face my destiny here and now."

She smiled bitterly. "The Last Oharan. Why do you think they call me

Demon Spawn? It's not a title I chose for myself, or even an epithet I can

be proud of. It's something I can never rid myself of. It's my legacy, the

curse of my existence. Because no matter where I run, or how much I

struggle, I can never escape the blood in my veins!"

Luffy was silent. "Neither can I," he said after a moment, causing her to

look up at him in question before he continued. "I was born in a small

village on Dawn Island, in East Blue." She stared at him curiously,

wondering where he was going with this. "Before the start of the Great

Pirate Era, there was another born on that same island, under the initial


Robin's eyes widened. The Will of D? She found herself eagerly listening.

She knew one person who almost fit that description, but Gol D. Roger

was born in Loguetown, not the Goa Kingdom.

"That man once came to the same conclusion you have. That his fate was

cursed, and that his existence was a sin. But rather than despairing, he

embraced it. He decided that if he was already damned, he'd raise Hell to

the Heavens."

Robin took a deep breath as she let her curiosity get the better of her.

"And what was that man's name?" she asked carefully.

Luffy looked her dead in the eye as he answered. "Monkey D. Dragon."

Robin gasped in shock. "The leader of the revolution...that's his full

name…?" As Luffy nodded, she felt her body go numb. "Then you're…"

Luffy smiled empathetically. "You still think you're the only demon

spawn in the crew?"

"Zoro," Nami called. There was no response. "Hey, Zoro!" she said louder.

The swordsmen kept sleeping. She hit him over the head. "Wake up,


Zoro rubbed his head before opening his eyes groggily. "What happened?"

he asked, yawning. "Is it raining witches?"

"Which direction are Luffy and Robin in?" Nami asked, ignoring the

barely coherent jab.

Zoro blinked before focusing for a moment and pointing in a seemingly

random direction.

"That's the east side of the island," Nami said. "So he really went to see

that Franky guy."

"Franky?" Zoro asked.

"He's a ship dismantler, among other things. Luffy said he wanted to talk

to him for some reason."

Zoro hummed and stood up. "Guess nap time is over." He looked around

to see Usopp, Sanji, and Chopper on deck. "How did the ship shopping


"Well, that's the thing," Nami said. "We traded all the gold for money, but

Luffy decided to come back before we started negotiating for a ship. He

seemed really eager to go see this Franky figure. It was weird."

"I'm sure it's just another one of his whims. Just leave him to it," Zoro

said, despite knowing roughly what Luffy was planning at this point.

"I just hope he knows what he's doing."

It was an average day at Franky house. They made some money, they lost

some money, they tried to make some money, they failed to make some

money. That's how it worked for the most part. You took what you could

get, and then spent 90% of it on a party, only to try again tomorrow.

Today though, they had missed out on quite the sum, so the boss was

throwing an especially lively party to cheer them up. While they were

aware that most criminal bosses would punish them for missing out on

200 million Belly when it was in plain sight, they were also aware that

Franky was not normal by any means.

"All right, you super bastards! I'm feeling pretty super this week, so drink

to your heart's content!" Franky shouted, while striking a pose. The

Franky Family roared in approval, but before they could continue their

binging, the door to Franky House was blown open. They all turned to

the door in equal parts amusement and shock. Who was stupid enough to

attack Franky Family at their base of operations?

Standing outside the door was Strawhat Luffy, his leg outstretched, and a

jovial grin on his face.

Oh. Right.

"Who the hell are you, fool?" Franky asked in annoyance. "Do you know

how long it's gonna take to fix that door?"

"Somewhere between 2 and 3 seconds?" the intruder asked, the grin

never leaving his face.

Franky faltered. "Well...yeah, actually. But that's beside the point!"

"So you're Franky, I assume?" the man asked.

"Who wants to know?" Franky asked in response.

"Boss, that's the guy!" Zambai shouted. "He's was the one walking around

with over a billion Belly on him!"

"Oh?" Franky asked, interest piqued. "Pirates with style, huh? You've got

some nerve coming here of all places. Now, is there any reason why I

shouldn't kick your ass and rob you blind?"

Luffy looked amused. "Oh, is this really happening? Because I really hope

it is."

"You tell me, bastard! You came here!" Franky challenged. "So either start

explaining why, or get ready for an ass whooping!"

"Fine. I came to make a deal," Luffy revealed, as we walked in, Robin

following closely behind him. Franky raised an eyebrow as she caught

sight of the woman that Iceburg's hair had been greying over all these

years. She didn't look very dangerous. In fact, she was staring at the

ground, not meeting anyone's eyes. Although...she didn't look

intimidated. Just...preoccupied.

It was then that the Franky Family noticed that they were carrying three

briefcases, which Zambai recognized immediately.

"No way! You brought it? Does the mean…?"

"That's right. I'm offering it, in exchange for your services," the Strawhat

captain replied, still looking at Franky.

"My services? What would a bunch of pirates want with me?" Franky

asked curiously.

"I want you to build us a ship," Luffy revealed, causing murmurs to break

out among the other occupants of the building.

"Build you a ship? Bro, you know we're dismantlers right?" Franky asked

in amusement.

"Yeah. I also know you're one of the best shipwrights in the world," Luffy


Franky's eyes narrowed. "And you know that, how?" he asked, not

bothering to deny it.

"I have my ways," Luffy said with a smirk. "But that's a story for another

time. I'm willing to provide you with 600 million Belly to make us a ship

out of Adam Wood.

Franky's eyes widened. That was an absurd amount, even for a ship

created from the Treasure Tree. "You're willing to pay that much? How

do you even know I'll use all of it? I'm not exactly an established vendor.

I could just rip you off."

"Probably," Luffy admitted. "But I don't think you will. After all, how

many people can say that they built a ship that made it to the end of the

Grand Line?"

Franky actually smirked. "Only one person in history has made that

claim, and it was someone I respected deeply. Who are you again, kid?"

"Monkey D. Luffy, future Pirate King."

"Strawhat Luffy, huh? I should have guessed. You're the outrageous

rookie that so many people have been talking about lately." He thought

for a moment. It was true that he could rip them off, but it wasn't really

his style. He had sworn to never build a ship again, and he wasn't going

to break that promise just to make a profit. It all came down to whether

this kid had what it took or not. If he did, he'd be following in his

mentor's footsteps. If not...well, he had more to gain than to lose anyway.

The kid was offering him the money on a silver platter, after all.

It wasn't that assurance that had his mind set, however. It was the pure,

endless conviction in the man's eyes that did it.

"Strawhat, you've got yourself a deal," he said.

As Luffy and Robin exited the Franky House, having left the 600 million

Belly behind, Robin spoke up. "You handled that rather well," she

commented. "But is there a reason why you want this man in particular

to build our new ship?"

Luffy smiled inwardly at her use of the word 'our.' Robin had been very

quiet after their discussion, but he could tell he had gotten through to

her. She was still slightly unsure, but it was nevertheless a great step

toward her realizing that she was and would always be one of them.

"He's good at what he does," Luffy said. "Just as good as Iceburg, if I had

to guess. But Iceburg is too busy to build us a ship personally, so he's the

best choice."

"I hope Navigator-san feels the same way," Robin pointed out, and Luffy


"She'll come around," he said. It was then that he sensed someone

approaching them. It was a familiar aura, but at the same time, he had

never felt it radiate so much...panic. He held a hand out to Robin, who

stopped alongside him.

Mavric approached them through the air using Geppou, at an impressive

speed. When he touched down in front of them, Luffy's demeanor

changed immediately. The man was pale, and his face was covered in

sweat. Whatever was going on, if it had him this shaken…

"What is it?" Luffy asked. "What did you find?"

"Strawhat, you need to get that First Mate of yours over here right now.

We're in deep shit!" Mavric said urgently.

"Calm down. What happened?" Luffy asked. "I assume it's more than CP9

making a move if you're losing your cool like this."

"CP9 is the least of our troubles," Mavric said. "Signal Roronoa. Now."

Luffy wasted no more time and flared his aura as high as he could, and

soon felt the familiar aura on the Going Merry flicker in response.

"Alright, he's coming. Now will you tell me what the hell is going on?"

"That's a question I've been wanting to ask you for some time now,

Strawhat Luffy."

Luffy froze. His fists clenched, and without even thinking, he positioned

himself in front of Robin, who had gasped at the sound of the voice.

Finally noticing the perfectly suppressed aura in close proximity, he

slowly turned around to meet the narrowed eyes of Marine Admiral


A/N: What? You didn't see that coming?

52. The Law and the Lawless

Over 2000 reviews now thanks to the 150 from last chapter. And 3000

follows as well. Should I push you guys off of cliffs more often? Not that I

haven't been doing it a fair amount recently.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter LII: The Law and the Lawless

Paulie of Dock 1 coughed up a wad of blood and collapsed to the floor.

He swore under his breath. Whoever this guy was, he wasn't even serious

enough about this fight to aim at his vitals. Despite that fact, Paulie could

barely move with the numerous stab wounds to his arms and legs.

It had all happened so fast. Iceburg had retreated back to his office when

there was an attack on the building. Windows had shattered, and the

entire structure had seemingly been cut in half. The stairway leading to

the bottom floor had collapsed, and the rest of the building looked like it

was soon to follow. There was no other way in or out, save for his ropes.

But for that he'd have to get past the intruders, and the chances of that

were looking slimmer by the second.

"Damn it all," Paulie rasped. "Who...the hell are you people!?"

"Paulie, enough!" Iceburg shouted. "Tilestone and Lulu were beaten

effortlessly! You can't win!"

"The hell I can't," he replied, struggling to his feet. "Like hell I'm going to

let you get killed! If I can hold them until Lucci and Kaku get here, we'll

stand a much better chance."

One of their adversaries began chuckling lowly at this. "I wonder if that

will work out for you, Paulie," he spoke for the first time. It was a voice

he didn't recognize. He brought his hands up to his head and removed

the headpiece he was wearing, revealing the ever impassive face of Rob


Iceburg and Paulie were numb with shock. "Lucci…?" Iceburg asked in


"You bastard," Paulie seethed. "You could speak all along!?"

"As much as I'd like to answer all of your questions, I'm in a bit of a rush

at the moment," Lucci said emotionlessly "Kaku, if you would?"

The figure next to him also revealed himself, showing that it was indeed

Kaku. A moment later, Kalifa and Blueno also unmasked themselves.

Paulie gritted his teeth. "Damn it...why…of all people…" Tears leaked

from his eyes. "Why did it have to be you!? Despite everything, I've

always thought of you as comrades!"

Although the other three were silent at this, Lucci answered easily. "You

were the only one," he said coldly, before disappearing from sight and

knocking out Paulie with a simple kick to the head.

Meanwhile, Kaku had grabbed Iceburg by the wrist. The man tried to

break his grip, to no avail.

"Relax. I simply want you to confirm a theory of mine," Lucci said with a

chilling smile.

Luffy inwardly cursed as he sensed what was happening in the city. There

was nothing he could do to help Iceburg now without leaving Robin open

to attack at the hands of a Marine Admiral. Even if he tried to take her

with him, Aokiji would intercept him.

He knew that Maveric wasn't strong enough to hold off an admiral. Quite

frankly, neither was he at the moment. So he stayed put. Luckily, Zoro

was almost here. He just had to stall a bit.

"Monkey D. Luffy," Aokiji spoke up. "I'm sure you've already concluded

that you can't help Iceburg. I wouldn't worry about it. I'm technically not

supposed to meddle in the affairs of the Cipher Pols, but I've made it

clear that I'd be...displeased if they did any lasting damage to Iceburg or

his workers. Despite the fact that CP9 answers directly the the higher-

ups, they know that I could still make their lives very difficult if they

didn't comply."

"So, you're saying we should focus on you, then?" Mavric asked with a

smirk that belied his apprehension.

"Well, let's hold off on that. You wouldn't stand much of a chance until

his First Mate arrives anyway, as I'm sure you both know," Aokiji


Luffy was silent.

"What I want to know," Aokiji continued, "Is how you've already pushed

us this far. To be forced to dispatch a Marine Admiral after a rookie

pirate crew is, to put it bluntly, unprecedented. There have been

instances where a Marine of such a rank may have acted of their own

accord, but that would always be by choice. Your little stunt in the

Alabastian waters has made it very clear what scale of force would be

required to capture you all. So," he paused as a violent wind started to

blow, and Zoro materialized next to his captain, "Monkey D. Luffy,

Roronoa Zoro, how is it that two teenage rookies from East Blue are each

stronger than some of our best Vice Admirals?"

Zoro scoffed. "I do a lot of pushups and situps."

Luffy smirked. "I drink plenty of juice."

Aokiji smiled wryly. "I suppose you're not going to tell me that easily," he

said as Luffy raised his fists and Zoro unsheathed his swords. "Well,

whatever it is, it doesn't change the fact that your crew scares the crap

out of me. You won't be leaving here of your own accord. The same goes

for you, Nico Robin."

Robin, who had been silent through it all, glared at the admiral in

defiance. "Why did you even let me go all those years ago? Am I just

some mistake on your track record that you're trying to cover up?"

Aokiji narrowed his eyes. "I could explain it to you, but it wouldn't

change anything. I came here to end this once and for—"

He was interrupted by a Haki-imbued flying slash, courtesy of Zoro,

which he was forced to dodge. It whizzed by the space where his throat

had previously occupied, causing Aokiji to narrow his eyes.

"Let's skip the rest of your speech and get on with this," Luffy said as he,

Zoro, and Mavric all got into ready positions.

"Ararara. So impatient. There was only one word left in my so-called

speech," Aokiji said. "But very well."

"Robin!" Luffy shouted as ice began to coat the admiral's figure. "Sanji

and the others are on their way! Find them and lay low until help

comes!" Robin bit her lip, knowing full well the significance of what he

was asking her to do, even if he didn't. And realizing she wouldn't be

much help here, she turned and ran. Aokiji made no move to follow her.

As she looked back, the last thing she saw was Luffy and Zoro both

charging the Admiral.

Iceburg grunted in pain as he continued to haul Paulie's dead weight to

the window. He was aggravating his wounds, but he didn't care. He had

been unable to rouse Paulie, as well as Lulu and Tilestone, which meant

that he had to somehow get the three unconscious men out of the

building before it collapsed. The chances of that weren't looking too

good, seeing as he could barely carry one of them with his injuries.

Alternatively, he could make the jump out the window himself, and leave

the three men behind. There was a chance he'd survive the three story

fall if he landed on his legs. The other option was the building collapsing

in on itself with all four of them still in it.

Well, there are worse ways to die, Iceburg thought sardonically as he sat

down next to his three loyal workers. I just hope Franky and Nico Robin

can avoid capture.

Suddenly, two cloaked figures jumped in through the window, seemingly

using the same techniques that Lucci, Kaku, and Kalifa had. Iceburg

sighed. Oh, what now? We're already dead as dirt.

It was to his surprise when the one figure grabbed both Lulu and

Tilestone and hauled the two over his shoulders, and the other did the

same with him and Paulie.

"What are you—"

"Relax," one of the figures said. "We're not with CP9. We're here to get

you all to safety."

Having nothing to lose, Iceburg stayed silent as they each jumped out of

the window. Iceburg braced for impact against the ground, only for their

descent to be slowed before they reached it. Their two unknown saviors

landed with grace.

"Iceburg-san!" a man shouted, getting the attention of the surrounding


Soon, a crowd gathered around them, asking what had happened, and

how the building had been destroyed.

"Who are these guys?" one man asked, referring to the two cloaked


"It's ok, they saved our lives," Iceburg vouched, as his three workers were

hauled onto a stretcher. They tried to do the same with him, but he

refused. "Do you know what's happening with CP9? Is Franky OK?"

"The four CP9 agents are on their way to confront the Strawhat Pirates,"

the one that had spoken before answered. "They have yet to assault

Franky. It is my understanding that their orders are to apprehend Nico

Robin first." The other figure turned to the first, speaking for the first


"What should we do? We don't stand a chance against CP9 without

Mavric," he said.

"The best we can do is make sure Franky knows the situation," the first

answered. He turned to Iceburg. "If we take you there, can you explain

what's happening to him?" he asked.

Iceburg nodded his consent, and for the sake of punctuality, he was

thrown over the agent's shoulder again, much to his chagrin.

Sanji, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper were all making their way over to the

east side of the island. Zoro had gone ahead of them, so they were now

relying on Sanji to help them find the other crew members. Said chef was

itching to speed up and see what was going on, but was reluctant to leave

his other crew members behind. His brow furrowed as he tried to

decipher the chaos that his senses were picking up on.

"What is it, Sanji-kun?" Nami asked urgently.

"They've split up," the chef stated. "Luffy and Zoro are fighting


"Do you recognize them?" Usopp asked.

"No, but whoever he is, he's monstrously strong. Normally I can't even

sense people from this far away. But then this guy's aura appears out of

nowhere, and I can feel it from halfway across the island."

"Will Luffy and Zoro be OK?" Chopper asked worriedly.

"I'm not worried about those two...they've never needed help before. But

Robin-chan's gone off alone. She's headed towards us, but..." His brow

furrowed as he focused his Observation Haki more. His eyes widened.

"Shit. Guys, keep heading east until you find us. I'm going to need to pick

up the pace."

And with that, he sped up to maximum speed, leaving the other three in

his wake.

Robin was running as fast as her legs could carry her. Disparaging

thoughts raced traitorously through her frantic mind. She hadn't felt this

low in a long time. She had just left behind her crew members to face off

against a Marine Admiral. And not just any Marine Admiral, but the one

whose face made a recurring appearance in her nightmares. In the end,

she was running. She was always running. The difference was that this

time she had been ordered to, but was that really an excuse?

Run, Robin!

The voice from her most recent nightmare echoed through her mind

again, and she grit her teeth. Logically, she still knew that running was

the better option. Had she stayed, she would have been a liability for

Luffy and Zoro, who were now in for the fight of their lives. But that

wouldn't stop the treacherous whispers from the darker depths of her


It's always this way, isn't it? You're still the same. They may not abandon you

when the waves get rough, but can you say the same for yourself?

Her breathing grew heavier than it normally would under such a

mundane task as running.

Murderer. Betrayer. Demonspawn.

She was broken out of her thoughts as a swift wind came rushing towards

her. She stopped in her tracks just in time, and the wind blade passed in

front of her face. She turned and came face to face with Rob Lucci, along

with three others, two of which she recognized from Galley-La company.

"Don't move. That was a warning shot," Kalifa said.

Robin crossed her arms to use her Devil Fruit, and immediately Iceburg's

former secretary shot another Rankyaku at her, which she leapt to the

side to dodge. As she did so, arms sprouted over her assailant. As she

attempted a Clutch, however, Kalifa's muscles tensed, and Robin had to

struggle to retain her grip as the woman attempted to break out of her

hold. Numerous more arms sprouted around her, and slowly Robin was

making leeway.

Or she would have been, if there weren't three others.

She realized she had to move, but still she was too slow to dodge the next

Rankyaku had Kaku casually sent her way completely. It nicked her

shoulder even as she leapt to the side. They were playing with her.

"Looks like you may have earned that bounty of 79 million after all,"

Kaku commented. He sounded genuinely impressed, but it was hard to

tell. "Still, you shouldn't test us. You really don't stand much of a chance,

to be honest."

Robin crossed her arms again in defiance, getting ready to clutch Kalifa

before the woman could regain her bearings.

That was when Blueno blurred towards her.

Although she was taken aback by his speed, she was still able to switch

targets in time to stop him in his tracks.

Or she would have been, if he hadn't literally disappeared into thin air.

"Air Door," said a voice from behind her. Immediately she spun around,

but he was too close. He leapt out of the atmospheric dimensional pocket

and aimed a kick at her head to incapacitate.

"Mutton Shot!"

Sanji materialized right in front of her, and his foot connected with

Blueno's face. The heavy weight man was sent crashing into a building

before plummeting into the water below.

Kalifa sighed. "I'll go get him," she volunteered, before using a quick Soru

to go after the Devil Fruit user and jumping into the water.

"I wish I could say that was one down," Sanji said. "Are you alright,


"I'm fine," she replied, taking a moment to catch her breath. "Thank you,


"That was a Soru," Lucci said, speaking for the first time since the four

had arrived. "You," he said, addressing Sanji, "Where did pirate scum like

yourself learn Rokushiki?"

"What the hell's that, you bastard?" Sanji asked mockingly. "I moved

really fast. You about to tell me I broke the law?" He smirked. "It's like

you said, I'm a pirate. So forgive me if I don't give a shit."

Lucci's eyes narrowed, and then he disappeared from Robin's sight. A

shockwave spread out from the point of their clash. Sanji gritted his teeth

in pain as he blocked Lucci's kick, but he quickly ducked under the follow

up and thrust his foot upwards, kicking the agent in the chin. Lucci did a

backflip and recovered, and Sanji was surprised to note that there wasn't

a scratch on him.

Kalifa and Blueno now appeared next to Kaku, who was standing back

and watching indulgently. Blueno, who had a large bruise on his face,

was glaring at Sanji with an uncharacteristic intensity.

"Back off," Lucci said emotionlessly, causing Blueno to rethink his next

action. "He's mine."

"Gomu Gomu no…" Luffy's fists blackened and ignited as he entered Gear

Second again. "Red Hawk Storm!"

Aokiji shot forward in the form of a blizzard, weaving through the assault

with all the evasiveness of an arctic wind. Luffy leapt backwards as the

blizzard approached him, but Aokiji's hand materialized behind him,

forcing him to jump above it and escape using Geppo. The blizzard

followed him, and he quickly sent a jet gatling into it, only for Aokiji's

Haki to overpower his own, rendering the attack fruitless. The blizzard

surrounded him, and he felt the cold begin to seep into his body once


"Three Sword Style, Great Dragon Twister!" Zoro came back covered in

minor frost burns and dispersed the blizzard with a large whirlwind of

blades. Mavric took his chance and appeared behind him, aiming a

shigan to the back of his head, but Aokiji dodged it and repelled him

with a blast of frigid air.

He reformed on the ground as the three landed. Out of all of them,

Mavric was looking the worst off, being covered in frost burns, but was

still managing.

"Gomu Gomu no, Eagle Storm!" Aokiji dispersed again, gliding over the

assault, only to realize it was just a feint as Luffy jumped up to meet him.

"Red Hawk!" The attack hit head-on, and this time, solidified him. His

Haki still protected him from the worst of it, and he grabbed Luffy by the

throat, ignoring the minor burns. Ice began to coat Luffy's body, but

before Luffy himself was frozen, Zoro intervened again, with three

swords blackened and ablaze.

"Fire Dragon Dive!" As he descended upon Aokiji, his swords easily

seared through him, only for the Logia to reform several meters away. A

small gash could be seen on his shoulder. Mavric followed up with a

Rankyaku, buying the other two more time, but his Haki wasn't strong

enough to solidify the Admiral. Aokiji waved one arm and blew the

Revolutionary away once again.

Luffy quickly broke off the ice that was covering him, using Life Return

to warm up his body. As long as he wasn't completely frozen alive, he'd

be fine. If he was completely frozen alive...well, he'd worry about that


As the three got ready again, Aokiji raised his arms, and a wave of ice

shot outwards. Luffy and Zoro separated, both punching and slashing

their way through ice as the blizzard intensified, and Mavric took flight

above them. The entire area froze around them, but Luffy could tell

Aokiji was being careful not to endanger the residents of Water 7. He

allowed himself to be thankful for the small blessing that he was dealing

with Aokiji and not Akainu. If he wanted, the admiral could freeze the

entire island.

By now, all three combatants were slowly getting frostbite from the

blizzard, which continued to pick up, but they pressed on, punching and

cutting through ice projectiles and narrowly avoiding getting turned into

ice sculptures. Despite his determination not to underestimate the two

Strawhats like so many other Marines had, Aokiji had still been surprised

by their prowess.

We need to get rid of this blizzard, Luffy thought. "Zoro!"


"Gomu Gomu no…"

"Three Sword Style…"

"3000 Caliber Phoenix Magnum!" The collaboration strike lit up the city

block in shockwave of pressure and heat, causing a large amount of

property damage and melting most the ice in the vicinity.

In the middle of the inferno, Aokiji's aura vanished, but the two stayed

alert. "There's no way that was enough," Zoro muttered.

He was soon proven right as Aokiji materialized once again behind Luffy,

looking disheveled but not deterred, and another wave of ice shot

towards the rubberman. Zoro dashed towards them and brandished his

swords at the Admiral, but was too late; the ice wave hit Luffy and froze

him from head to toe.

"Three Thousand Worlds!" Aokiji simply phased through his attack like a

specter. Zoro cursed as he gazed upon Luffy's frozen form. Even if he

entered Asura now, there was no guarantee he could win. They had

wanted to weaken Aokiji more before bringing out the big guns, but that

plan had seemingly backfired.

Aokiji sent wave after wave of ice at Zoro, who did his best to parry them

all, swords still ablaze. But soon he began to be pushed back, and the

cold started seeping further and further under his skin. He sent numerous

flying slashes in return, but Aokiji either phased through them or avoided

them altogether. He was losing ground. Mavric descended upon Aokiji

once more, attempting a point blank Rankyaku, but Aokiji caught his leg

and froze it instantly, causing him to grunt in pain. He was seized by the

throat, much the same way Luffy had been, and his blood quite literally

ran cold. Zoro was suddenly there, cutting off Aokiji's arm and causing

Mavric to be dropped to the ground, where he fell to one knee. Aokiji's

arm reformed, revealing a small cut, but nothing more.

"Roronoa...I'm sorry in advance for this," Mavric panted as his entire body

went numb. "But I think I'm at my...limit…" His eyes became unfocused

and he collapsed into the ground, out cold.

Suddenly, an ungodly roar ripped through the air, and both remaining

combatants looked to see the ice being blasted off of Luffy's body as a

wave of pure willpower spread out from him.

Aokiji's eyes widened. "Conqueror's Haki…"

Luffy was breathing heavily as he tried to get his body temperature back

to a manageable level. "You won't...get rid of me...that easily…"

Sanji was panting as he tried to ward off Lucci's assaults. He was giving

as many hits as he got, but this guy had some technique that let him

strengthen his body to the point where it was harder than steel. If he had

been fighting that blade guy from Alabasta, he was confident his

opponent would have been out cold by now.

Lucci grunted in annoyance as the pirate he was fighting avoided another

hail of Rankyaku and, using Soru, landed another kick to his sternum.

Black Leg wasn't as fast as him, but he was avoiding his attacks with

surprising efficiency. It was as if he could predict his movements. He

knew some Vice Admirals who could do the same thing, but a rookie

pirate? He wasn't even one of the two that CP9 had been warned about.

"Sanji, Robin, hang on!" came Usopp's panicked voice as he, Nami, and

Chopper realized what was going on. Before Sanji could warn him

otherwise, he pulled out his modified slingshot and took aim at Lucci.

"Firebird Star!"

Lucci didn't even flinch as the flame bullet hit him in the side of the

head, erupting into a large bird shaped inferno. When it cleared, he was

standing calmly in the middle of the scorched ground, eyes still trained

on Sanji.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding," Usopp bemoaned. "At least notice me!"

Lucci's eyes now moved toward the sniper, who swallowed thickly. "Or

don't. Whichever."

"I wouldn't interrupt him," Kaku said from beside Blueno and Khalifa.

"Once he gets like this, he has a one-track mind," he explained.

"Still...part of our mission is to capture Nico Robin." He turned to the

other two next to him. "Hey, let's leave Lucci to his little game and carry

out our orders, shall we?"

Lucci growled at the wording. Kaku was the only one who got away with

this shit around him, and for good reason. If nothing else, he respected

strength. But really? Little game?

"Just get on with it," he said, causing the Strawhats to tense, as he

engaged Sanji again.

"We won't let you take Robin!" Chopper shouted. He didn't know who

these guys were, but he wasn't going to stand back and let them abduct

one of their crewmates. Nami and Usopp were on the same page as they

readied their weapons.

Blueno suddenly used a Soru to appear right in front of them. "Stay out of

the way," he said calmly. "You're no match for us. To go against CP9 is to

go against the World Government."

"You don't really get the whole 'pirate' concept, do you?" Usopp asked as

he took aim at the agent.

"Kalifa, assist Blueno," Kaku ordered. "Nico Robin could give you some

trouble, and we're on a tight schedule." The woman nodded and turned

towards Nami, Usopp, and Chopper, only for arms to come out of the

ground and grab her again. Robin, knowing the three Strawhats couldn't

hold their own against two CP9 agents at once. Before she could do

anything else, Kaku had appeared in front of her and kicked her, hard.

The arms around Kalifa disappeared, and she gasped as she was sent

careening into the air. She used her powers to form a net to catch herself,

but grunted in pain when she hit it. That kick had bruised her ribs, and

possibly fractured one. She had barely even seen it coming.

She heard a roar of fury that sounded distinctly like Sanji, and looked up

to see the chef now pressing Kaku, completely ignoring Lucci. The

difference between the two agents was clear; even winded, Sanji was

putting a lot of pressure on him. Kaku gritted his teeth in pain as his

Tekkai barely held up against a kick to his side.

It wasn't to last, however, as Lucci intervened again, landing a punch to

Sanji's head that knocked him away. Blood dripped down his face, but he

ignored it, and began spinning rapidly in a circle until his leg caught fire.

"Diable Jambe!" he shouted, before aiming a flaming kick at Kaku, which

was intercepted by Lucci. The agent grunted as the heat bypassed his

Tekkai, but he spun around and kicked Sanji away before giving chase

using Soru.

Meanwhile, Chopper and Usopp were being overwhelmed by Blueno and

Kalifa. Chopper quickly took a Rumble Ball before switching to Arm

Point and charging at Blueno.

"Get out of my way!" Chopper growled, having seen Robin get hurt.

"Are you trying to intimidate me?" the heavyweight agent asked

mockingly. "Your punches are weak," he said as he used Tekkai.

"Kokutei, Cross!" Chopper's hooves left an imprint in Blueno's torso,

causing him to grunt in pain as he slid back a few feet. He looked up and

glared at Chopper, before using Soru and aiming a kick at the Zoan user.

Chopper had just enough time to go into Guard Point, but it didn't do

much good. The Rankyaku still pierced his arm and he was blown flying

backwards. Usopp aimed another Firebird Star atBlueno, but it was

dodged, and he received a heavy punch to the stomach. He gasped,

coughing up blood, and sank to the ground. Blueno raised his leg for an

axe kick that would crush Usopp's skull, but thinking quickly, Usopp

absorbed the blow with an Impact Dial. Blueno's confusion cost him a

precious second, which Usopp used to bring the dial up to Bluno's chest

and press down. The assassin was immediately launched backwards, but

did a roll on the ground to recover.

As he tried to puzzle out what had just happened, Chopper approached

him in Walk Point. Blueno aimed a Rankyaku at the reindeer, but he

switched to Jumping Point and leapt into the air. Blueno quickly

followed using Geppo and punched him away again. As Chopper landed,

he descended upon him and aimed a Shigan at his throat, but Usopp hit

him with another Firebird Star, which threw off his aim enough for

Chopper to jump back and recover.

Nami was being overwhelmed by Khalifa. She couldn't get enough of a

reprieve from the woman's attacks to use Mirage Tempo, let alone hit her

with any lightning, which took some time to charge. She was managing

to fend off the attacks which her staff, but it wouldn't be long before she

was hit, and she doubted she could withstand many of these attacks.

Parrying a Shigan with her Clima-Tact, she coated the staff in electricity

and swung it at the CP9 agent, but the attack was dodged effortlessly.

Before she could react, a swift kick was aimed at the back of her head,

knocking her unconscious.

Chopper panted heavily as he was now forced to face Blueno alone.

Usopp had gotten in one more hit with the Impact Dial, but he had been

knocked out shortly after. He gasped as he realized that his time limit for

the Rumble Ball had just run out. Feeling he had no choice, he got ready

to take the second one, but while he was focused on Blueno, Kalifa came

up from behind him and aimed Rankyaku at his back. He groaned and

fell forward. Blueno wasted no time and rendered him unconscious with

a punch to the head as he fell.

Robin watched in horror as her crewmates were taken out one by one.

Sanji had gotten a couple more hits in on Lucci with Diable Jambe, but

Lucci had endured them, and now he was at his limit with the technique.

To make things worse, Kaku still wasn't letting her join the fight.

"Stop!" she shouted suddenly, realizing that the other three could be

killed now if this continued. "Enough. I'll go with you. Just leave them

alive," she said desperately.

Kaku raised an eyebrow at the request, before turning to Lucci. "You

know, we are running low on time. I didn't expect this much resistance

from them. Besides, Admiral Aokiji made it clear that our only targets

were Nico Robin and whoever had the blueprints."

Lucci sighed. "That man is much too soft. Fine." He turned to Sanji, who

was down on one knee and trying to catch his breath. "Seeing as you've

been beaten, I have no more business with you. Remember this defeat,

and don't challenge us again." He turned his back on the chef, who

struggled to his feet.

"Where do you think you're going, you government dog? I'm not done

yet!" he insisted.

Lucci narrowed his eyes, before transforming into his Zoan hybrid form

and disappearing using Soru. He kneed Sanji in the stomach, causing the

chef to double over.

"That was in poor taste," the leopard man said quietly. "I'm not a dog,


He proceeded to backhand Sanji in the head, who finally blacked out as

he hit a building.

The assassin group took out a pair of handcuffs and arrested the now

docile Robin. None of them asked Lucci whether his conspicuous injuries

needed attention. They knew better. As she was led away, Robin took one

look back at the unconscious Strawhat Pirates.

Forgive me, everyone...

A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long. It was pretty hard to write, and it

didn't help that I'm in the middle of recovering from getting my wisdom

teeth removed. Hopefully I'll make a quick recovery and get the next

chapter to you sooner. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Lost out.

53. Heart of Ice

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter LIII: Heart of Ice

"Hey, Zambai," Franky spoke up as he picked up a card from the deck

they were playing with.

"Yeah, Aniki?" Zambai replied, eyes not leaving his hand.

"You ever feel like you're missing something that you should really be a

part of?"

"Sure. It usually happens when I'm missing out on a big score."

"Yeah, me too, but it's not money this time. I feel like I'm missing some


"Not to be rude Aniki, but you get more of that than the rest of us

combined, and I don't need to know what you mean by "action," to be

sure of that, because it works both ways."

Franky sighed. "Never mind," he said as he pushed all his chips toward

the center of the table. "All in."



"What!? Are we playing poker here or doing origami?" Franky demanded.

"Learn a little from Zambai, at least he's still—"


"Cowards, the lot of ya."

The Franky Family was interrupted from their dead end game when the

door to the Franky House got blown down for the second time that day.

"Are you kidding me!? I just fixed that!" Franky shouted. "That was two

and a half seconds of my life! You better have a good explanation for

this, Idiotburg!" Upon looking more closely at his old friend, he added in

a slightly concerned voice, "And how did you get those injuries? Who are

these guys?"

"Franky! You have to run! Take the blueprints and get out of here! CP9 is

on its way!" Iceburg yelled urgently.

Franky's demeanor immediately grew serious. So…this day has finally


"CP9 did this to you then? I'm surprised they got passed Galley-La,"

Franky commented.

Iceburg gritted his teeth. "I was betrayed. They had agents in Dock 1.

Lucci and Kaku. Kalifa and Blueno are with them too."

Franky's eyes widened. That was a serious breach. They had all been

living in this city for years. To think they'd been the enemy all along…

"Never mind that now, Franky," Iceburg said. "You have to go into hiding.

If they get their hands on the blueprints—"

"Screw that," Franky said instantly. "I told you the day you gave them to

me that I wouldn't just leave Water 7, and I'm not about to leave now

when the shit hits the fan."

"Dammit, Franky! Can you swallow your pride for once? The world is

more important than this!"

"You're quite right," came a voice from behind them, causing them both

to freeze. "That's why, for the sake of the world, you'll hand over those

blueprints, Franky," Lucci said as he walked into the building. "Or should

I say, Cutty Flam?"

Marine Admiral Aokiji was starting to get annoyed. Just a few minutes

ago, it seemed as if his battle with the two notorious East Blue rookies

had begun to draw to a close. Now, it seemed as if they had gained a

second wind. They were fighting even harder than before, and although

he was far from fatigued, Aokiji was actually beginning to feel the effects

of their long fight. It wouldn't be so frustrating, perhaps, if he was

dealing with two of the higher ups of a Yonko crew, but Paradise

rookies? This was ridiculous.

He knew he would have to go all out if he wanted to defeat these two.

But he couldn't do that in the middle of the city. He was a Marine, not a

mass murderer of the innocent. So with that in mind, he leapt backwards,

forming a pair of wings out of ice, and took to the air.

"Pheasant Flight," he muttered, before taking off in the direction of the

sea. Luffy and Zoro, who had been preparing another collaboration

strike, stared after him in bemusement. They shared a quick look at each

other before taking off themselves. In the opposite direction. The

direction of CP9 and Nico Robin's auras.

Aokiji inwardly groaned. I suppose I should have given them more credit

than that. He quickly switched directions and prepared to intercept them


Franky coughed up blood and fell backwards onto the floor again as he

tried to remember if Kaku had been anywhere near this strong the last

time they fought. He was leaning heavily towards no.

Things weren't looking good. Zambai, Mozu, and Kiwi had already been

defeated along with the rest of the Franky Family, and the strangers that

had arrived with Iceburg were faring about as well as he was. Although

he had initially had the upper hand against Blueno, it had all gone

downhill once Lucci and Kaku stepped in. He struggled to his feet and

prepared to continue the hopeless fight.

Kaku sighed. "You know, we really don't have time for this, so…" he

blurred forward, delivering a barrage of kicks to Franky's stomach before

the cyborg could react. "Could you please stay down?"

Franky couldn't seem to muster of the strength to stand up again. He was

lifted off the ground, and felt a whip wrapping around him, the thorns

digging into his steel body. Although they wouldn't draw blood, they still

hurt, and achieved their role of immobilizing him.

Blueno finished searching the place and turned back towards Lucci.

"There's no sign of the blueprints," he reported.

"In that case, it seems we're taking Franky as well," Lucci said, as if it

didn't really matter to him either way. "We're going. Leave Iceburg alive,

as per Admiral Aokiji's orders." He seemed a bit annoyed as he said that.

The plan to make Iceburg's death in the collapsing building look like an

accident to the Admiral hadn't gone over well, after all.

"What about the Revolutionaries?" Kalifa asked.

"Kill them," he said simply.

The heavily injured Revolutionary Army members looked on with hard,

fearless expressions as Kaku and Blueno drew closer.

Usopp's eyes cracked open, sunlight filtering through his eyelids, and he

groaned. Slowly, he forced his eyes open, and sat up. What was he doing

lying in the middle of the street at sunset again?

At once, the memories came rushing back to him. "Robin!" he shouted,

looking around frantically. Both she and her abductors were gone. Panic

started to take hold. He hastily ran toward Sanji and shook him by the

shoulders. "Sanji! Wake up! They took Robin!"

Slowly, Sanji's eyes began to crack open as well, before he shot up into a

seated position, headbutting Usopp in the process. As the sniper rubbed

his head, Sanji began to observe their surroundings. Catching sight of

Nami and Chopper's prone forms, the bitter sting of defeat welled up

inside him once more. He had failed. He would not fail again.

Reaching out with his Observation Haki, he found Robin's aura, along

with those of CP9, and one other, at the edge of the island. He growled as

he inferred that they were about to leave, and jumped to his feet. He

quickly leapt over to Nami's side, gently shaking her awake, as Usopp

went and roused Chopper. They had to move quickly.

Aokiji's brow furrowed in confusion. He was currently giving chase to the

two leading members of the Strawhat crew, who had switched up their

strategy and were now using hit and run tactics as they attempted to

move the fight in the direction of the seatrain. But that was just it. While

it may have been there goal to save Nico Robin, shouldn't they know

better than to take the fight to the sea? Devil fruit user or not, the sea

was his territory. They were already hard pressed to win this fight, and

they were planning on giving an ice-man a practically endless supply of

water? Granted, they were causing quite a lot of property damage,

something which he should have prevented, but to his shame, he hadn't

foreseen the difficulties he'd be facing against these two. Still, they were

pirates. Shouldn't they be letting him worry about that?

It didn't add up.

Soon the coast came into sight as the two of them made their way full

speed towards the water, Aokiji following behind. For the love of all

things sane, what were they playing at? The minute they reached the sea,

he'd be free to use Ice Age, continuously.

And freeze the seatrain's only route to Enies Lobby in the process.

Aokiji cursed aloud as he caught on to their plan. It was annoyingly

brilliant. Rather than giving him free reign to use his ice powers to their

fullest extent, they were forcing him to use them more carefully. Such

was the status quo until the seatrain departed. They were counting on the

fact that they could take down CP9, or better yet, disable the seatrain,

before that.

As the two both aimed ranged attacks at the seatrain, Aokiji quickly cryo

phased in front of them before flash freezing the surrounding air, causing

a large ice wall to materialize from the moisture in the atmosphere, and

blocking their attacks. He wasn't surprised when the wall came crumbling

down moments later, but it but him enough time to form a far larger one

behind him, one which grew into a dome that quickly encased the three

combatants. The water froze over beneath them, just enough for them to

stand, but the rest of the ocean remained untouched.

Once again coordinating without a word, the two aimed another

collaboration strike against the top of the dome, hoping it would come

crashing down. To their dismay, the dome held, and started to repair


"I wouldn't bother with that," Aokiji drawled. "That ice is far too dense

for you to go smashing it so easily. Like it or not, you'll have to get

passed me first." He narrowed his eyes. "Did you really think I'd let you

reach the seatrain that easily?"

Luffy smirked. "Did you really think I'd need to reach it?"

Aokiji inwardly cursed again at his lack of forethought as a wake of haki

spread out from the Straw Hat Captain, passing by the ice wall and

reaching the sea train undeterred. He attempted in vain to fight off a

migraine as he felt the auras of all of the government officials and

seatrain operators in the vicinity dim. The only ones left conscious were

the CP9 agents approaching the seatrain along with Nico Robin, but this

would still delay their departure, which meant he had to continue this

tedious game for that much longer.

"You're resourceful, Straw Hat Luffy. I'll give you that much. But you

seem to be relying on my desire to preserve the seatrain a bit too much.

Even if you destroy it, there are other ways of getting Nico Robin to Enies


"Maybe, but you'll have to wait until after the Aqua Laguna," Luffy said

determinedly. "We'll just have to defeat you before then."

Aokiji blinked. There was silence for a few moments before he spoke. "I

don't know where you're getting your information Straw Hat, but the

Aqua Laguna isn't until next week."

Luffy's expression didn't change, save for the buckets of sweat that started

dripping down his face. Frickin time travel.

"You also seem to be awfully confident that you can beat me," Aokiji said

emotionlessly, as ice crept over his body. "Perhaps a bit too much…"

"Get ready," Zoro grunted, as Luffy cracked his knuckles. "The real fight

begins now."

"Ice Age."

Sanji, Chopper, Nami, and Usopp were making their way towards the sea

train when they all felt a chill run through them. It was as if the air had

dropped 10 degrees in temperature. They were shocked to find that all of

the waterways in the city had frozen over completely.

"What could do this?" Nami asked fearfully, from atop Chopper's back.

"It's him," Sanji said, sweat dripping down his face despite the cold. "The

one Luffy and Zoro are fighting. This guy is seriously bad news. I just

hope they have an ace or two up their sleeves."

"We'll worry about them later!" Usopp shouted, also riding atop Chopper's

reindeer form. "Robin's completely defenseless right now!"

"I know that, you idiot!" Sanji yelled in frustration. "Chopper, pick up the


"Gear Fourth: Boundman!"

"Nine Sword Style: Asura!"

Aokiji watched in shock as the Straw Hat captain's entire body blew up

like a balloon, and all of his first mate's limbs multiplied. This sight

would almost be comical if it didn't mean they were holding back the

entire time.

The admiral acted quickly, flash freezing the colossal wind cannon that

came his way, but Luffy was on him in an instant, moving far faster than

he had before. He effortlessly barrelled through the ice wall had created

while his arm grew to the length of a giant's behind him.

"Gomu gomu no…King Kong Gun!"

The blow was too fast for him to phase through it, so he attempted to

take it head on in his ice form. If it had been a simple punch as he'd been

expecting, he may have succeeded, but as the giant, armaments hardened

limb rushed towards him, he realized it was wound into itself like a


The spring unwound as it made contact, cracking a few of his ribs even

before he was blown straight through the wall of the ice dome behind

him. The entire structure came crashing down as Luffy flew after him, his

speed and agility in the air having increased drastically.

Aokiji quickly reformed his wings and took flight again. It was then that

he realized that Zoro had disappeared while he'd been focused on Luffy…

Instinctively ducking under a sword slash, the wind blade continuing on

for over a mile across the ocean, Aokiji was forced to weave and phase

through 9 swords, quickly realizing that they were all quite real and

dangerous, somehow.

"Pheasant Peck!"

"One Mist Silver!"

The two attacks collided, and even as Zoro cut through the ice, he felt his

swords slowly starting to freeze even though they were coated with haki.

The battlefield was Aokiji's now, and it was showing. The cold crept into

every pore in their bodies. If they dragged out this fight too much, they'd

be in serious trouble.

"9 Sword Style Secret Technique…"

Aokiji seemed intent on freezing him alive before he could use what he

considered the deadliest move in his arsenal. Spreading his arms out

wide, he used another Ice Age right as Luffy and Zoro both charged.

Every droplet of water in the atmosphere froze solid as they pressed on

through the ocean sized blizzard.

"Gomu Gomu no...Phoenix Carbine!"

And then, all at once, the blizzard cleared a path for the firestorm that

erupted from within it. Aokiji's eyes widened as it approached, and he

hastily maneuvered out of the way. The attack still grazed his arm, but

what alarmed him was that the attack continued on towards the sea


In his momentary distraction, he was slow to dodge as Zoro completed

his technique.

"9000 Realms!"

Pain dominated his senses as 9 wounds opened across his torso.

Lucci was getting extremely impatient. He was quite convinced now that

these government personnel were completely useless. They were all

unconscious from the wave of power that had spread over the area

previously. He'd never heard of something like this. Even Kalifa and

Blueno were affected, though they stayed on their feet without too much


But since they couldn't be roused, this meant CP9 had to operate the

seatrain themselves. Kaku, Blueno, and Kalifa were inside the sea train,

trying to do just that, while Lucci guarded Nico Robin outside. After the

previous complications they'd had, he didn't exactly trust anyone else to

guard their mission objective.

His ears soon caught the sound of running, and turned with a sigh

towards the newly recovered Straw Hat Pirates. Didn't these people every

stay down? Could anyone honestly blame him if he killed them at this


The pirates stopped in front of him and got ready to fight as he stepped

in front of Nico Robin, who was seemingly close to having an emotional

breakdown at the sight of all the ice. Did this woman have post-traumatic

stress? The shit he had to put up with…

Well, it could be worse. Spandam could be here.

He was broken out of his musings as his senses screamed danger, and he

turned toward the seatrain just in time to see it erupt in an enormous

explosion, getting blown off the track in the process. As the ground shook

from the impact, and he remembered that Kaku, Blueno, and Kalifa had

been in the seatrain, only one thought seemed to cross his mind.

He would still take this over Spandam.

Aokiji gritted his teeth as he felt the auras of three CP9 agents dim. The

only one left conscious was Lucci. Come to think of it, he wasn't doing

too well himself…

"You're making a mistake here, Monkey D. Luffy," he said. "Even if you

escape here, that woman will bring your crew to ruin. There will come a

day when the weight of the world becomes too much for your little ship

to carry, and on that day, she'll be the first to betray you."

Luffy gritted his teeth in anger. "You don't know what you're talking

about," he said, keeping an eye on Zoro, who was catching his breath

after using his ultimate technique.

"Don't I?" the admiral asked. "You may not know it, but it was I who let

that woman go all those years ago. At the time, I was hoping she would

be able to live a normal life. But I was wrong. Her fate was sealed the

minute she learned that ancient language. I should have known there was

only one road for her."

"You're so full of shit!" Luffy snarled. "Do you really believe that? Do you

honestly think she had any choice after what you all did to her!?"

"At the time, I did," Aokiji admitted. "That was my mistake, and one I

intend to rectify now."

"My ass you will! Robin isn't some mistake you can fix!" Luffy shouted,

before activating Gears Second and Third along with Fourth and getting

ready to use his own strongest move. "Gomu gomu no…"

Aokiji spread his arms out, condensing all of the water in the area into a

wave of subzero ice.

"Primeval Chill," he whispered as the ice blasted out towards Luffy. The

ocean froze beneath it, the ice stretching out for miles from being in mere


"Millenium Dragon Firestorm!"

The onslaught raged against Aokiji's already injured body as Luffy's arms

were nearly frozen solid. As they began to fail him, he was repelled by

another wave of ice as the admiral regained his bearings. Not enough yet!

Aokiji emerged from the inferno, fury etched across his face as more ice

lashed out against the rubber man. "What would you know about my

mistakes!?" he shouted, losing his cool for the first time since the fight

began. "I let that little girl go so she could be happy one day, not so she

could suffer a fate worse than death! Not so she could live a cursed

existence where she has to betray everyone around her, not even to live,

but just to survive! What would you know about it to begin with!?"

Luffy, who had been momentarily forced out of Gear Fourth, exhaled

slowly as Zoro came back in and repelled the waves of ice that were

assaulting him. "I know enough. That's why I invited her into the crew,"

he said quietly, and watched as Aokiji's' expression morphed from fury

into one of complete shock.

"Zoro, let's end this!" he shouted.

"Right!" the swordsmen said, activating Asura again as Luffy did the same

with Gear Fourth.

"Gomu gomu no…"

"9 Sword Style…"

"9000 Caliber Phoenix Warhead!"

Water 7 shook.

As the smoke and flames cleared, Aokiji could be seen kneeling on a

patch of ice, breathing heavily, covered in severe burns from head to toe.

He slowly stood up onto two feet, slowly limping across what was left of

the ice.

Luffy was also kneeling, covered in ice and frost burns, Gear Fourth

having run its course. That's it...my haki's shot for at least half an hour…

Zoro wasn't faring much better, but he was still standing readily enough

that it was obvious which side would be victorious if the fight continued.

"Can you really do it?" Aokiji asked. "Are you confident that you can melt

the ice around that woman's heart? Can you really give her what no one

else could?" he asked, his ragged voice laced with desperation. Luffy

looked into his eyes unflinchingly.

"I can."

Whatever was left of Aokiji's resistance seemed to melt at those two

words. He stood noticeably straighter as he turned around and started

limping away, out onto the open sea.

A/N: Hey all. Don't worry, I'm not dead. I'm sorry that this chapter took

so long to write, but I had to take an extended break from fanfiction, first

of all because I'm taking summer courses, and second because I'm

beginning to write my own work of original fiction. But don't worry, this

story will continue. I still have a lot planned out. I hope the chapter was

worth the wait. Remember to review, as always.

54. Wounds Healed and Truths


A general announcement: The Patient One, who some of you know as my

beta reader, has agreed to become a co-author to this story. What this

means is that he'll be helping me write some chapters when I don't have

time to write out all the scenes myself. From now on, I'll credit any

chapters that he helps me with in an author's note at the end. Enjoy

chapter 54!

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece

Chapter LIV: Wounds Healed and Truths Revealed

Lucci growled in aggravation as he dodged another lightning strike and

series of explosive projectiles, only for Black Leg Sanji to assault him with

that annoying technique. Although he normally wouldn't have any

trouble with these fighters in his godforsaken Zoan form, he had to

grudgingly admit that their coordination was phenomenal. The only one

that was attacking him straight out was Black Leg Sanji. The reindeer was

attacking only when an opportunity presented itself, and Franky, who

had been freed, had grudgingly adopted the same tactic after nearly

being defeated by a single hit while he'd still been focused on the chef.

The other two were both shrouded from his view by what he had

deduced was one of the orange-haired thief's techniques. Had he had any

breathing room, he'd have been able to pin them down with his other

senses without too much trouble.

Suffice to say, he had no such breathing room at the moment. He was

being triple-teamed up close and liberally assaulted from afar by two

opponents he couldn't find. Using Life Return would be

counterproductive. His speed form sacrificed both strength and

endurance, and their attacks were too unpredictable and could, in some

cases, bypass his Tekkai. To make matters worse, the reindeer had taken

advantage of his underestimation of the pirates' abilities in order to

recover Nico Robin, who he was currently guarding protectively.

That wasn't even taking into account that his fellow assassins were

currently drowning, and he was a Devil Fruit user.

His only option seemed to be to outlast the chef and then take him out of

the fight. Without their superior combatant keeping him occupied, the

rest would soon follow. A plan quickly formed in his mind, and he

quickly aimed a Shigan to the chef's throat as to gain some time. As

expected, the chef leapt away. Before he could re-engage, Lucci aimed a

deadly Rankyaku at the reindeer, who couldn't dodge since he was

covering Nico Robin. Predictably, the chef intercepted the attack, as he

had been doing for the past minute.

Before he was even finished deflecting it, Lucci was upon him, arms

extending outward to unleash his most devastating attack.

"Six King Gun!"

That, unexpectedly, was when the fight fell out of his favor. He was

shocked as all the force behind his strike seemingly vanished, along with

the shockwaves that it unleashed. He felt, rather than saw, a large crack

form through the small circular object that he had unknowingly run into.

As his momentum carried him forward, he also felt said object being

pressed to his torso, and heard a foreboding whisper of "Impact."

His entire body tremored as his own move was turned against him, his

Tekkai barely holding it together as blood erupted from his mouth and he

was forced backwards, feet grinding against the ground in an attempt to

keep their traction.

"Kokutei, Roseo Metel!"

"Strong Hammer!"

Before he could regain his bearings, the reindeer unleashed a barrage of

strikes upon his already battered body, while Franky landed one powerful

blow to the back of his head. Ignoring the pain, he lashed out with a kick

to the reindeer-human hybrid, before turning around and backhanding

the cyborg away. But he was injured, and the strikes were weak in

comparison to what he would normally inflict. Chopper used his Guard

Point instantly, and although the attack was staggering, he wasn't

rendered unconscious. Franky, meanwhile, was durable enough to

withstand the hasty strike, even though he was sent skidding across the


Lucci was then forced to once again parry a barrage of kicks from the

chef, who had now regained his bearings. Out of the corner of his eye, he

noticed another projectile hurtling towards him.

It was a water balloon.

While he would have normally dodged it just to be sure, he wasn't in a

rational mindset at the moment, and so he instead ignored the apparently

harmless projectile as it collided with him, soaking him from head to toe.

That was a mistake. The next attack hit him like a spear of lightning

piercing through him, because that was exactly what it was. The

Lightning Lance Tempo, augmented by the water covering him, easily

bypassed his Tekkai. As he convulsed, the chef took the opportunity to

land a Flambage Shot to his cranium, and he was sent hurtling

backwards over the ocean. He righted himself in time to use Geppo, only

to see that the chef had jumped above him, in perfect position to kick

him into the water.

Sanji was forced to abandon that pursuit, however, as his Observation

Haki alerted him to an incoming attack. He hastily twisted himself to the

right in order to dodge a Shigan from the charred form of the now

conscious Kaku. His momentum diverted, he fell and landed in the ocean

himself, buying the two agents some time to converse.

"Lucci, time for a tactical retreat," Kaku reasoned.

"Fuck off," Lucci growled.

"Not to question your judgment, boss, but we can't win this fight while

I'm carrying around dead weight," Kaku said, referring to the two

unconscious agents he was carrying with one arm.

"I wasn't disagreeing with you," Lucci replied.

"Then that was some thank you," Kaku replied with an impudent smirk.

Ignoring the belligerent but somewhat justified comment, Lucci roughly

grabbed Blueno from his second in command, and the two agents

retreated from the island through the sky.

"…We lost today. But I swear, one day we will bring that infernal crew to

ruin," Lucci snarled.

"No complaints here," Kaku agreed. No more words were said as the two

departed to give their first report of failure in years to their chief in Enies


Sanji took his time emerging from the water, sensing that Lucci and Kaku

had retreated. Making his way back onto land, he grunted in pain. As the

adrenaline slowly left him, the extent of his injuries became all too

obvious. He may have given more hits than he'd taken thanks to his

Observation Haki, but Lucci had sure as hell made the hits he'd landed


Quickly surveying the area, he saw that Nami and Usopp were now

visible, meaning that Mirage Tempo had expired. He let out a heavy sigh

and collapsed onto the ground, the rest of the crew soon following suit

along with Franky.

"Those agents couldn't have picked a better time to retreat," Franky

commented. "Physical attacks weren't very effective against that guy, and

if you guys were forced to fight head-on, we wouldn't be as lucky," he

said, gesturing to Nami and Usopp.

Sanji simply nodded. Although he technically hadn't even met the cyborg

yet, he hadn't been picky about allies while fighting CP9, and Franky's

help had been appreciated. He was confident that the assassins couldn't

have won, but that didn't mean they couldn't have taken down the

weaker members of the crew before being taken out themselves.

"Somehow, we made it through this shitfest relatively unscathed," Sanji

said finally. "That's what matters."

"CP9 retreated? That's…that's good," Luffy's voice came from nearby. The

rest of the crew turned, and recoiled at the sight of their Captain's


Luffy and Zoro were walking side-by-side, arms locked at their shoulders,

literally holding each other up as they trudged towards them. It was

glaringly obvious that they were even more exhausted than the rest of

the crew, and would have barely had enough energy to help in in the

fight against Lucci and Kaku had they not retreated.

"What the hell happened to you two?!" Usopp and Chopper demanded in

unison, the latter charging forward and opening his medical bag.

"You…You won?" Robin breathed in awe, drawing everyone else's


"Won? Won against who?" Nami asked. They never had found out for sure

who the two were fighting.

"Admiral Aokiji," Luffy and Zoro said in unison. All but Chopper stiffened

at that, and Luffy raised his head to look at Robin.

"And we didn't finish the battle. He surrendered and left after I clarified a

few things about why he was here."

"But if we had to, we would have won," Zoro affirmed, then straightened

as Robin's handcuffs caught his eye. "Ah, damn it. They took the key with

them, didn't they?"

Robin's thoughts turned from the impossible sight before her as she

realized what he was saying, and sighed. "Yes, but I'm sure we'll figure

something out. Perhaps with time, we can forge a key."

"Nah, don't worry about it. I can cut them off," Zoro said, drawing his

white sword. "Just turn around and hold still."

"…Are you certain? It's as hard as diamond," Robin asked uncertainly.

"So were the ones in Rain Dinners," Zoro replied dryly.

Robin's eyes widened at that, and she slowly complied with his request.

"The rest of you keep quiet; I need to focus, and I don't think I have

enough energy left to do this more than once," Zoro grunted, kneeling

and taking a two-handed grip on Wado Ichimonji, one on the hilt and one

on the sheath. His eyes sharpened as he tightened his focus:

"One sword style… Lion's Elegy!"

With a single and immediate motion, the swordsman unsheathed and re-

sheathed his blade. The moment that it clicked into its hilt, both he and

the handcuffs, cut clean through the middle, fell to the ground.

Robin felt as her power returned to her, and brought her hands to her

face in shock; despite the confidence, it still surprised her that Zoro had

managed that. Though, as she turned around, it soon became apparent

that he was completely correct about how much—or rather, how little

energy he had left, as he collapsed onto the ground, sprawled on his back

and grumbling incoherently about needing some sake.

That, of course, brought the fact that they had fought Aokiji and won

back to the forefront of her mind.

"But…But why did you go so far?" she asked incredulously. "You could

have died against—"

"No, we couldn't have," Luffy cut her off firmly. "Aokiji was strong, sure.

But the only reason that fight went on as long as it did was that we were

luring him out of Water 7, and that took up most of our energy. If we had

gone all-out from the start—"

"You were holding back against him until you got to the coast?!" Sanji

demanded incredulously. "Seriously, what the hell kind of monsters are


"The kind whose crew you don't fuck with," Zoro replied firmly, forcing

himself into a sitting position to lock eyes with Robin. "And I hope that

this is the last time we have to prove it."

Robin processed that statement and all that it implied. He knew that she

had surrendered, the handcuffs had likely given that away. And there

was a high chance that he knew about Luffy's talk with her earlier as

well. They had done that much for her…and she had doubted them.

And looking back, she saw the rest of the crew, weary but hardly the

worse for wear, even Franky, who was standing awkwardly to the side

and attempting not to cry at the display.

Slowly, she bowed her head in equal parts shame and gratitude. "…

Thank you," she whispered. "Thank you, all of you, for fighting for me."

It wasn't long before Iceburg arrived at the coast, his injuries having been

hastily treated. He was followed by the remainder of the Dock 1 workers:

Paulie, Lulu, and Tilestone. He soon came to the correct conclusion that

they had been victorious. He only had one question.

"Franky, the blueprints?" he asked. The cyborg nodded. "Yeah, I've still

got 'em. They never even found them. Still…I honestly don't think we

need them anymore."

Iceburg snuck a glance at the Straw Hat pirates. "I'm inclined to agree

with you," he admitted, before his gaze swept over to the downed sea

train. "Well, you guys sure did a number on our city though," he said


Luffy looked at the ruined sea train as if seeing it for the first time. His

eyes widened. "Hey! You guys destroyed the sea train!" he scolded,

turning back to the rest of the crew. "Be more careful next time, will


"IT WAS YOU!" the crew including Zoro shouted indignantly, Franky

joining in.

Luffy jaw dropped. "HUH!? You mean it's my fault!?" He suddenly turned

toward Franky and Iceburg with a determined look on his face, before

bowing low. "Sorry!"

The two looked amused. "Well, don't worry about it," Iceburg said. "You

helped protect the blueprints, so we'll say it balances out." He then

looked back at the wrecked vehicle. "Besides, Tom-san always wanted us

to surpass his prowess." He exchanged a look with Franky, and the

cyborg smirked. "We'll build a new one," Iceburg decided. "One that

surpasses even the Puffing Tom."

Two days passed, in which Franky and Iceburg modified a second

seatrain, the Rocketman, to be able to operate on the tracks without

constantly moving. After that, it was used as a temporary seatrain so that

Blue Station could open again.

It also wasn't long before Franky informed the Straw Hats that their ship

materials had arrived. With 600 million Belly, Luffy guessed that their

ship would be at least twice as big as before, with the rest of the money

going towards various upgrades. That was usually how Franky did things.

In short, the Thousand Sunny was shaping up to be even more badass

than before.

But the arrival of the materials meant one thing that they were dreading:

it was time to let go of the Going Merry. The crew agreed that they

shouldn't delay the inevitable any longer, but they weren't sure how to go

about it. Finally, Franky made a suggestion. While the keel was

irreversibly damaged, most of the rest of the ship was still intact. He

asked their permission to use some of the wood from the Going Merry to

build a smaller version that could fit on their dream ship. The Straw Hats

liked the idea, especially Usopp, and the Franky Family went about

dismantling the Merry with an unusually sensitive and somber care. As

the Straw Hats said their goodbyes, they could have sworn they heard the

voice of a young girl answer them.

Another day went by before Paulie reported that there was a Marine ship

heading towards the coast of Water 7. Although Iceburg seemed

disconcerted upon hearing this, Luffy told him not to worry about it

before leading the rest of the crew towards the coast to meet them.

When Vice Admiral Garp stepped off of the ship, everyone tensed. Even

Zoro's hand was itching to reach for his sword as they were faced with

the legendary Marine. Luffy smirked.

"It's been a while, Gramps," he said, shocking the entire crew, save Zoro

and Robin, the latter of whom had put two and two together after their

discussion about Luffy's parentage.

"Luffy?" Nami asked sweetly. "Remember that talk we had in Alabasta,

when we met Ace?"

Luffy thought back, before his eyes lit up in remembrance. "Oh, yeah!

The one about how blowing your minds is so much fun and how I do it

on purpose! And then she went back on her bet with Usopp. True story."

Nami's eye twitched.

"STOP IGNORING ME, LUFFY!" Garp shouted in false rage as he lunged

forward and threw a punch at his grandson in greeting. Half-recovered

from his fight with Aokiji, he dodged the half-assed punch easily enough.

That only made Garp grin, as if he'd been expecting it.

"That was slow, Gramps. Maybe you're getting old. You should have

taken that admiral position while you still had the chance," Luffy said

with an impudent smirk.

Garp, rather than rising to the bait, burst out laughing. "That's my

grandson! Doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut! Always I'm gonna

be a pirate, or Shanks is cooler than you, or You're getting old, Gramps!" He

rubbed his beard in thought. "Though admittedly, that last one is quite

new. Which leads me to the reason I came here." His grin widened. "So…

what are you hiding, Luffy?"

Luffy barely flinched, though the entire crew noticed it. Garp, for his

part, kept grinning as he looked Luffy in the eyes.

"I may have acted like it in front of Sengoku, Luffy, but I'm no idiot," he

said. "All three forms of Haki. Half of the Six Powers. And enough

mastery of your Devil Fruit that you're capable of beating an Admiral. I'd

bet that you could even give me a run for my money. And the only person

who could have taught you all of that while you were still in the East

Blue is me, and I know that I didn't. So, tell me how you did it."

Pure silence fell for the next minute, during which Luffy considered the

consequences. Telling his grandfather the truth could be dangerous; how

would he react, and would he keep it to himself? On the other hand, if he

reacted the way Luffy was hoping he would, telling him could be a major


There was also the fact that he'd likely be at the receiving end a few city

leveling punches if he didn't answer, and he was still fucking tired. He

shared a brief glance with Zoro, one that he was fully aware no one

missed this time, in which the frowning wordsman simply shrugged.

With a sigh, Luffy turned around. "Not here, Gramps." Saying no more

than that, he began walking off, far away from any potential


Garp's eyebrows rose. "Not even willing to say it in front of your crew?"

he muttered as he followed after him. He was vaguely aware of the fact

that the rest of the crew was talking to the first mate as he walked off.

When Luffy and Garp got back, the latter's grin was completely gone. It

its place was a tired and subdued look that didn't seem to fit his face. The

crew's curiosity spiked even higher upon seeing this. "I'm going to sleep,"

Garp promptly told the Marines guarding the ship, who stuttered out a

confused "Yes, sir."

As he made his way back to his quarters, his hands clenched into fists at

his sides.

Ace died.

The words repeated themselves in his head, ricocheting back and forth

through his mindscape, like a phantom venom.

I stood and watched as Ace died.

His fingers drew blood from his palms, which dripped onto the floor as

he walked. He was angry, and he was confused. But most of all, he was

disgusted by his own indecisiveness. He made a silent vow. He'd never

repeat what he'd heard here. He'd take the information to his grave.

He'd protect his family.

Luffy knew he wasn't getting off without answering any questions this

time. The crew was staring him down determinedly, having gotten

nothing from Zoro while he'd been gone. The swordsman merely

shrugged at him apologetically, recognizing that they couldn't continue

to keep brushing off their concerns. Luffy inhaled and braced himself for

what had been building for a while now.

"Luffy, Zoro, you've been hiding something from us since the day I joined

you," Nami began without preamble. "I know I'm not one to talk, but…at

this point, I don't know how comfortable I am with you keeping it from


"Nor am I," Robin added, drawing everyone's attention. "I won't say that I

don't have faith in you anymore, I can't say that now. But from the

moment we met in Whiskey Peak, you've both been puzzles that I can't

figure out. How long do you intend to wait to tell us?"

Luffy and Zoro exchanged glances, and messages flitted between them.

Should we? Luffy conveyed.

Zoro closed his eyes. Franky's already on good terms with us, and Robin and

the rest of them trust us. You wanted to wait until everyone felt secure with

their place in the crew, right?

Yeah, Luffy thought with frown.

There shouldn't be any problem now, Zoro conveyed firmly. Franky isn't the

type to care about something like that, and Brook…well, he's Brook. There's

no reason to keep it from them anymore.

Luffy waited for a moment before sighing, and turning back towards his


"We were planning to tell you after we left the next island that we land

on. But you're right that we've been hiding something from you, and you

have a right to know. So, if you want us to tell you everything now, we

will," Luffy said.

The rest of the crew shared a speculative glance, before unanimously

turning back towards Luffy and Zoro and nodding expectantly. Franky,

who had been silent up until now, looked back and forth between

everyone before speaking up. "Uh, should I give you guys some privacy?"

he asked finally.

"No, Franky. This concerns you too," Zoro said solemnly. The cyborg

blinked upon hearing that, but shrugged and decided to hear them out.

"Alright. Where to begin?" Luffy said. "The first thing I'll say, which the

rest of you may have guessed, is that Zoro and I aren't really rookies."

"I told you before that I had known Luffy for about two and a half years,"

Zoro continued. "When we first met, he saved me from being executed at

the hands of some corrupt Marines, and I became his first mate from then

on. We sailed through the East Blue, and then the Grand Line, building

our crew and gathering more allies all the way through."

Although some of the Straw Hats looked completely lost, Sanji and

Robin's minds were working in overdrive, and Nami was completely pale,

having recognized the beginning of the story.

"We made it further into the New World than anyone had since Roger

himself," Zoro continued. "But when we reached the last island before


The end of the sentence hung in the air, but the sheer despondency on

their faces said it all. Robin was the first to identify it.

"You lost your crew," she stated.

"…One after the other, right in front of our eyes. There wasn't anything

we could do," Luffy whispered, his fingers digging into his palms.

"In the end, they managed to buy us enough time to get away. We didn't

want to…but the last one still alive said that it would be pointless if all of

us died there. So, with nothing left but shattered dreams, we made it to

Raftel Island. And what we found there was nothing short of a miracle."

Luffy looked up at all of them. "Gol D. Roger's ghost was there. Zoro

couldn't see him or hear him, but he talked to me, saying that I was the

successor he had been waiting for. But he saw that we had lost too much.

Becoming the Pirate King…it wasn't what I wanted anymore. It was

worthless next to the lives of my friends. And because of that…Roger

gave us the chance to get them back. He sent both of us back to the


"In short," Zoro finished quietly, "The Straw Hat crew was reborn."

"That's why you know so much," Robin said in an awed whisper. "You've

lived all of this before, sailed with all of us before."

Luffy and Zoro could only nod.

The rest of the crew's reactions were varied. Chopper, for once, fully

comprehended the situation, and all he could do was with wide eyes.

Usopp was getting emotional at the revelation that the two had come

back for them. Sanji was gritting his teeth, knowing that the one who'd

sent them on to Raftel…was most likely him.

Nami's reaction was arguably the most worrying. Tears streamed down

her face unchecked as she kept her eyes locked on the two time travelers.

"Why?" she whispered, so quiet that they almost didn't hear her.

Luffy's heart clenched. "Why what?" he asked, despite knowing the


"You know damn well what! Why didn't you tell us earlier!?" Nami

shouted. "Why did you carry this burden alone for so long! You said we're

a family, right? That means we're supposed to support each other! All

this time, the very sight of us has been causing you both nightmares!

Don't deny it, I've noticed you two sneaking out in the middle of the

night! Why couldn't you at least share that burden with us? Why is it

always you protecting us!?" She took several heavy breaths as her outburst

ended, her sobs sending tremors through her.

"What would have happened if we'd told you?" Zoro asked. "How do you

think you would have reacted if we'd told you when we first met?"

Nami visibly recoiled, her mind instantly coming to an answer.

"It took time to gain everyone's trust," Luffy said quietly. "We didn't want

to complicate things. What would you have had us do? Tell you that

you'd joined once already? Would that have convinced you, or would you

have felt like you were being forced into something? Something that

would ultimately have been a life altering decision? We wanted you all to

make that choice yourself."

"You could have told us after we'd joined," Nami refuted, but the

argument was weak, and she knew it.

"And then what?" Zoro asked. "What about when we ran into more crew

members? The two of us alone weren't able to cover this up completely.

Would you have been able to act as if nothing was out of the ordinary,

knowing what was to come?" He turned to Robin next. "If you joined the

crew, and were just starting to trust us, how would you react if you

realized that every single one of us was hiding something from you, and

not just the two of us?"

Robin closed her eyes. Rather than answering, she just shook her head

slowly, telling them all they needed to know.

Luffy sighed. "We didn't want to hide anything from you," he said tiredly.

"It hurt, every day, doing that. But that world…what we'd experienced…

that was our burden to carry. We're the ones who failed, and we won't let

that happen a second time."

The rest of the crew was silent, both stunned and subdued at having

finally heard their explanation. The next to speak was Franky.

"I was one of your crew members," he said. It wasn't a question, more of

an observation. "That's the only reason you'd be telling me this."

"You were our shipwright," Luffy confirmed with a smile. "Like I said, I

don't want you to feel forced into it just because you were one of us in

our time. But it wouldn't be fair to you we told everyone else and left you


Franky considered this for a moment. "Why did I join you the first time?"

he asked.

"We stole your pants and shot you out of a cannon," Luffy answered.

"…Come again?" Franky deadpanned.

Zoro gave Luffy an annoyed look, and Luffy shrugged. "Also, we may

have made an impression on you when we stormed Enies Lobby to take

Robin back from CP9," he said nonchalantly.

"...I won't act as if I'm surprised at this point," was all Robin could say to


"Your dream is to build a ship that can reach the end of the Grand Line,

and sail on that ship all the way through. The fact of the matter is, we're

the crew that can help you fulfill that dream. Since you had a bounty on

your head then, and you probably will again now, flipping off the World

Government was a bonus. Besides, you loved us when it was all over."

"You're exaggerating," Franky said with narrowed eyes.

"Nope," Luffy smirked. "You said, and I quote, I love you guys. You were

even crying."

"And denying it, of course," Zoro added with a smirk of his own.

Franky opened his mouth to deny it, only to shut it swiftly. Finally, he

turned away. "Eh. I'll think about it," he said, though he was grinning


"I'm still upset," Nami said, wiping a few tears away, "But I understand

why you handled it the way you did."

Luffy sighed in relief. He hadn't realized how heavily their secret had

been weighing down on his shoulders. He could tell that Zoro felt the

same way.

It was good to truly be back.

A/N: Many thanks to The Patient One for helping me upload this chapter!

Hope you enjoyed it.

55. Escalation

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter LV: Escalation

It was a few hours after the Straw Hats came to grips with their captain

and first mate's secret that another visitation of the Marine variety came

to their temporary lodgings.

Two young men stood at the door when Luffy answered it. One wore a

standard Marine uniform from the neck down, but the absence of a hat

along with his pink hair, yellow bandana worn as a headband, and the

blue-framed glasses on top of the headband instantly made it clear that

he wasn't an ordinary grunt. Alongside him was another man with long

blonde hair, a black visor, a green vest over a white Marine shirt, and

purple pants.

Most of the crew looked at them quizzically, but Luffy smiled. "It's been a

long time, Coby."

The pink-haired Marine started. "You recognize me, Luffy-san?" he asked

in surprise.

"Well, how many other pink-haired Marines are there?" Luffy grinned.

Coby chuckled. "Fair point."

"Coby… wait, the kid who was traveling with you when you beat the

Alvida Pirates?" Nami asked incredulously. "I remember he wanted to be

a Marine, but what's he doing here?"

The other man let out a sigh. "I suppose it's true we've changed quite a

bit," he said with a helpless shrug. Don't let my new look fool you,

Roronoa. I'm still the same even if I've gotten a lot stronger—"

"Who are you again?" Zoro interrupted.

"Hey! That's cold, Roronoa," the man said, pushing up his visor with a

smirk. "Helmeppo. Morgan's son. I was the one who condemned you to

death row, and then you broke free and beat me within an inch of my


"Oh right, you're that idiot," Zoro grimaced.

"B-But things have changed since then!" Coby spoke up hastily.

"Indeed," Helmeppo said smugly. "I've made quite the turnaround, if I do

say so myself."

Zoro hummed. "Well, I guess you're really not as stupid as you look," he

commented, causing Helmeppo to beam with pride even as Luffy burst

out laughing for some unknown reason.

"At first, I was upset being press-ganged into the Marines as a chore boy,

but when Garp showed up to take Daddy away for court-martialing, and

he used me as a hostage to get away, suffice to say that I had things put

in perspective for me. Especially since Coby risked his life to try saving

me. To make a long story short, Garp was impressed and took the two of

us on as apprentices."

Luffy winced. "Sorry about that."

The crew sans Zoro was incredulous, but both of the Marines chuckled


"Yeah, I've got a good idea about just how you became such a monster

now, Luffy," Coby said, rubbing the back of his head. "But still, I've

already become a Master Chief Petty Officer. I'm just one promotion

away from becoming a Marine officer! And Helmeppo's only one rank

below me."

"He's just that much more enthusiastic despite everything Vice Admiral

Garp throws at us. Even if he's throwing cannonballs," Helmeppo


Luffy grinned. "Sounds like you've been training hard then."

Coby nodded. "While we're on the subject, I wanted to ask you a favor,


Luffy hummed. "Let me guess. You want to spar?"

Smiling, Coby nodded again. "If it's not too much trouble."

The Straw Hat captain smirked. "Alright. Let's see how far you've come."

As the crew gathered outside along with the two Marines, Luffy and Coby

stood across from one another. Coby wasted no time and approached

with a Soru, which Luffy easily sidestepped before he grabbed Coby by

the arm and threw him. Coby planted his feet into the ground and

skidded through the dirt before vanishing in another Soru. This time, his

punch was blocked by Luffy's forearm. He swiftly twisted around and

attempted to elbow the rubber man, but Luffy ducked under his arm and

delivered a swift jab to his stomach that left him reeling.

Luffy then grabbed his by the collar and pushed him roughly to the

ground, one fist cocked back and ready to deliver a finishing blow.

Coby was panting heavily. "Not…even close," he acknowledged with a

sad smile as he stared up from his position on the ground. Luffy

straightened and offered him a hand up, which he took gratefully.

"I may have lost this time," Coby said, dusting himself off before looking

back up at Luffy. "But I won't let this stop me. I'll keep training under

Vice Admiral Garp…and one day…" he trailed off, trying to find the

courage to state his dream. "One day…I'll…I'LL BECOME A MARINE

ADMIRAL!" Coby declared.

Luffy's expression turned serious as he searched Coby's expression with

scrutiny, and though the Marine flinched somewhat at the rubber man's

gaze, he stood strong. Finally, Luffy nodded.

"You've learned to be firm with what you say. Is that your dream, then?"

Coby nodded without hesitation. "I'm going to become the best Marine I


Luffy smiled. "You really have come a long way from that timid cabin

boy I met on that cruise ship," Luffy said. He stared for a moment longer,

and turned away. "Wait here. I'll give you something that will help."

Luffy vanished in a perfect Soru, to Coby's bemusement. "Well, at least I

can say there's one thing Luffy can do that I can too," he muttered.

"Which only leaves a few dozen more to go," Helmeppo joked.

Luffy reappeared before the Chief Petty Officer could say another word,

and held out his hand. All who were watching gasped as they saw what it

held: a white tangerine, imbued with countless swirl patterns and an

otherworldly sheen.

"L-Luffy-san…is that…a Devil Fruit?" Coby whispered with wide eyes.

"Not just any Devil Fruit, Coby," Luffy replied solemnly. "This is the Goro

Goro no Mi, the lightning Logia. It's one of the most powerful Devil Fruits

in existence. Nobody else on my crew wants it, and I couldn't think of

anyone else who I could trust this kind of power to, so I wasn't sure what

I'd do with it…until now." He held out the fruit for Coby to take. "I know

that I can trust you with it."

Coby stared in awe for only a moment. Then, without a second of

hesitation, he took the fruit and took a bite of it. He stood strong for

three seconds…and then the rest of the fruit fell from his hand, and he

began gagging. "Damn it, Luffy, that tasted RANCID!" he choked.

"Heh. Sorry, I should have warned you about that," Luffy said sheepishly.

Then his expression turned serious. "But don't just rely on that. The Goro

Goro no Mi will make reaching your goal easier, but ask any of the

admirals, and they'll tell you that any Logia who relies too much on

invulnerability is setting themselves up for failure." He grinned. "And

besides, it won't do you any good against me since I'm made of rubber…

that is, until you learn some more tricks."

Coby blinked in comprehension, and for a second looked almost

betrayed. Then his eyes hardened as he understood; it was just that much

more motivation to train himself on all fronts, not only his new powers.

He smiled, and nodded. "We'll meet again in the New World, Luffy-san.

And it won't be so easy next time."

Luffy grinned widely.

"Uh, Coby? I think we should start heading back now. Vice Admiral Garp

won't be happy if we keep him waiting, he's already grumpy for some


Luffy winced, as did the rest of the crew, but a smile came onto the

rubber man's face a moment later, and he swung an arm around Coby's

shoulders. "How about I head back with you? I can tell you some stuff

about how I saw your powers used."

Coby smiled back. From there, Luffy began walking towards the shore,

telling Coby what he could remember of Enel's abilities and Nami adding

a few suggestions of her own on what he could do with electricity.

Helmeppo took notes as they went, while everyone else simply enjoyed

seeing Luffy mix his story about how Zoro beat Eneru in with the advice.

Coby took careful note of the fact that high level swordsmen would also

have an effective protection against his powers.

But Luffy was no sooner finished than they arrived at the docks. Luffy

and Coby reaffirmed their promise to meet and fight again beneath

Garp's watchful eye, and Helmeppo made a somewhat similar vow to


"I may not have any illusions about beating you…but with any luck, the

next time we meet, I should be able to make enough of an impression

that you won't forget me again," he said, fingering his kukri knives.

"Hmph, we'll see what happens," Zoro shrugged…though he was smiling.

With that, the two lower-ranked Marines boarded the battleship. As the

vessel moved away from the shore, the Vice Admiral grandfather and the

Pirate King grandson exchanged looks for several seconds. The crew

realized that they were having a silent conversation just as they both

nodded in perfect understanding. Then the 'Hero' of the Marines turned

around and headed back into the ship as it sailed away from Water 7.

On their way back to their hotel room, Luffy's stomach started growling.

"Man, I'm hungry. Is there any more food?"

"You ate most of our provisions after your fight with Aokiji," Sanji

informed him. "We'll have to restock. Luckily, we're not broke for once."

On the way back, however, a large crowd led by the three remaining

Galley-La Foremen greeted them.

"There they are! It's the saviors!" a man shouted, as the crowed gathered

around the Straw Hats and started cheering.

"...Yeah! Whoohoo! Go us…!" Usopp shouted, pumping his fist. "...Wait,

what'd we do again?"

"You were the ones who saved Iceburg from the assassins, weren't you?" a

woman shouted with tears in her eyes. "We heard it all from Dock 1!"

Luffy turned to the three Galley-La workers with a raised eyebrow. Lulu

and Tilestone just shrugged, while Paulie walked up to Luffy and started

whispering in his ear. "We covered up what happened with Lucci and the

others. It would just get complicated if the public knew everything that

happened. Mind just playing along, Straw Hat?"

Understanding dawned on Luffy's face. It would get messy if the public

knew about the ancient weapons and the government's motivations. He

nodded silently at Paulie, who turned back to the crowd. "Well then,

another round of applause for our heroes!" he shouted, causing the crowd

to cheer even louder.

"NO!" the shout was actually loud enough to drown out crowd's cheering,

and they looked at Luffy and Zoro, who had both raised their voices, in

confusion. The two both pointed accusingly at Paulie.

"Hey, don't go calling us heroes!" Zoro huffed.

"We're anything but!" Luffy agreed. "Heroes have to share their meat!"

"And their sake!"

"We want it all for ourselves!"

"So enough with the hero bullshit!"

Paulie scratched his head as the crowd started laughing hysterically.

"Man, you guys are strange. Fine then. Everyone, let's get these idiots

some food and booze!" He was rewarded by a collective shout of


Luffy smirked. "Now that's more like it! Let's get this party started!"

It was late in the evening, and the party celebrating the heroics of the

Straw Hat Pirates and Mayor Iceburg's good health raged on. The party

was funded by Galley-La in a not so rare display of carelessness on

Iceburg's part. No one was complaining.

In a scene that was becoming rather familiar to some, Usopp stood atop a

large stack of tables, shouting out of a megaphone about how he single-

handedly defeated the assassins after Iceburg's life. Although the Water 7

citizens seemed to eat it up, Zoro, feeling an annoying sense of déjà vu,

promptly kicked the stack of tables, causing the sniper to

unceremoniously tumble to the ground. This only made the drunken

crowd cheer louder.

Luffy, who had locked onto a specific aura among the hundreds that

littered the streets, made his way through the crowd. He finally found

Robin smiling wistfully the crew's enthusiasm as she sipped her drink.

"Party too long for ya?" he asked.

She shrugged, the smile never leaving her face. "Or perhaps I'm just not

drunk enough."

Luffy's eyes widened. "You get drunk?" he asked in disbelief, causing her

to chuckle.

"I don't think I can thank you enough, Luffy," she said suddenly, causing

the captain to smile sadly.

"You don't have to thank me at all, Robin."

"But I do," she said softly. "I was so afraid. I truly believed that I couldn't

escape my past. Now, hearing that I was wrong, even knowing what you

all went through for me in another time, that you carried me with you to

the end...I'm...I'm sorry I doubted you."

Wordlessly, Luffy set his drink down, turned towards her, and wrapped

his arms around her shoulders. She returned the gesture, which conveyed

so much, and felt an incredible lightness of being as they pulled apart.

"Are you going to be alright, Robin?" Luffy asked in concern. This week

had been really rough on her.

Robin smiled in reassurance. "I'll survive," she informed him.

Luffy grinned widely before responding, "Don't survive. Live."

As he walked away, Robin watched him go with a contemplative smile.

To live.

How intensely that desire had burned within her. It was all she had ever

wanted, really. Not to die. Not even to survive, but to live.

To see Zoro nod his head in silent praise of her improvement.

To hear Nami wonder aloud how she ever survived in this crew without


To see Usopp stand protectively in front of her with slingshot raised

despite the unsteady tremor in his knees.

To see Sanji smile at her as if she was an angel fallen from heaven rather

than a demon spawned from hell.

To hear Chopper marvel at how smart she supposedly was and ask about

books that she'd read.

To hear Luffy say that he'd follow her to hell and back if he had to and to

see the utmost conviction in his eyes.

No one had ever presented that to her as an option, must less demanded

it of her. No one had allowed her that. It was forbidden. And yet, here

they stood, not even giving her a choice. Why?

The sea is vast, Robin. One day, surely, your comrades will appear. There is

no such thing as being born into this world alone.

At that moment, Robin realized that there wasn't a single thing she

wanted more in this world than to board the ship of the Straw Hat pirates

and continue with them on their journey, on her journey. To struggle

with them. To laugh with them. To support them, and to be supported in

turn, every step of the way. To live.


The relatively quiet morning after the party took a turn for the more

interesting as all attention snapped to the doorway, where a man with

black hair sticking up, shamrock tattoos on his shoulders, and the Franky

Family's typical outfit had barged in, looking out of breath and panicked.

"You're Franky's second-in-command, right? Banzai?" Luffy frowned.

"It's Zambai, but that's not important right now!" the man declared,

slapping down a newspaper for them to read. "LOOK!"

They looked. And then their jaws dropped as they took in the front page.

The current Straw Hat Pirates felt a unanimous sense of déjà vu.

Marineford in Chaos! Fire Fist Ace storms HQ!

It appeared to be a typical day in Marineford, one of the World Government's

three sacred bases. But disaster struck when the Second Division Commander

of the Whitebeard Pirates, Portgas D. 'Fire Fist' Ace entered the base alone,

riding a simple raft powered by his Flame-Flame Fruit. He proceeded to use

those powers to storm the city, setting all ablaze and powering through every

Marine who attempted to slow him down. Fire Fist abandoned his assault and

fled when Fleet Admiral Sengoku himself emerged to fight, but the damage was

long since done, leaving several months' worth of repair work to the city itself,

a dozen battleships destroyed, and thousands of Marines—ranked anywhere

from Petty Officer to Vice Admiral—left in need of medical treatment.

This unprecedented attack is believed to be a retaliation for the recent assault

on Whitebeard's newest allies, the up-and-comers known as the Straw Hat

Pirates. According to sources on Water 7, home to the world-renowned

shipbuilders of the Galley-La Company, Admiral Aokiji was sent to apprehend

the Straw Hats. The subsequent fight caused a significant amount of damage

to the city, including the destruction of their cherished Sea Train the Puffing

Tom, and in the end, Aokiji was unable to overcome captain Straw Hat Luffy

and his first mate, Demon Wind Zoro.

Rumor has it that the main target of his assault was the Straw Hats' newest

member, 'Devil Child' Nico Robin. The finer details remain under wraps, but

one thing is clear: regardless of the fact that the Straw Hats can clearly take

care of themselves, Whitebeard still guards any who bear his name.


The room jumped as Luffy slammed his fist on the table, cracking it. And

his expression was downright ferocious, ghosts of his previous life

flickering in and out of his mind's eye.

"That idiot! Since when did Ace start acting like me!? Why would he take

such a freaking huge risk as charging Marineford!? And how the hell did

they even find out about our fight here so fast?!"

"I'm afraid that that may be my fault, Straw Hat."

All attention turned to a different doorway, and most of the room

stiffened as the green-eyed cloaked man walked in. "I passed the

information on to our Chief of Staff, and given recent revelations, he most

likely passed the information on to Fire Fist," Mavric said.

"…Yeah, that explains it," Luffy muttered, then looked up at him. "What

are you still doing here, anyway?"

"Recovering from CP9," he replied dryly. "They nearly killed all of my

men, and recovery has been slow going. But I'm on my way out now, I

just wanted to stop by before I left."

"Luffy, who is this?" Sanji asked tightly.

"Ah, my apologies, I haven't met most of you," the man smiled. "Mavric,

Chief of the Revolutionary Army's Cipher Division. I'd like to think I'm an

ally of your captain."

"And how, pray tell, do you have allies in the Revolutionary Army,

Luffy?" Nami asked with a growl.

Luffy shrugged nonchalantly, causing Robin and Zoro to hide smirks.

"Sabo, their Chief of Staff, is my other brother. When we were kids, a

Celestial Dragon blew up his ship, and Ace and I thought he was dead.

The Revolutionaries rescued him, but he got amnesia out of it, so he

didn't remember us. He still doesn't, as far as I know; Ace met Sabo

because I told him in Alabasta that he was still alive, but I only knew that

because of the you-know-what."

Robin, having not expected that, looked at Luffy in surprise, and the rest

of the uninformed crew lost much of their irritation upon hearing that.

How could they not, given those circumstances?

"Oh, and Dragon is my dad."

That, on the other hand, was another matter entirely.

Edward Newgate, Captain of the Whitebeard Pirate fleet, one of the

Yonko, current Strongest Man in the World, and former rival of the Pirate

King himself…was having a really long day.

Although it would surprise many to know that the great Whitebeard was

in fact human and got tired every once in awhile, even disregarding the

fact that he was over 70 years old now, even titans had their off days. He

had woke up to a small coughing fit, much to the concern of his crew's

medical unit. It was one of increasingly many in the past year. That

hadn't been too bad. People got old, you know? He was over it…despite

the constant chiding from his nurses, who were convinced that he drank

too much sake, as if there was such a thing.

Later in the day, he had gotten a call from Ace, his Second Division

Commander. Ace had admittedly had a rough couple months. Thatch's

murder had weighed heavily on them all, but Ace had taken it especially

hard, even blaming himself for the incident. After chasing Teach all the

way to first half of the Grand Line, he'd had a rather eye-opening

encounter with that brother of his.

That was where shit got interesting. After he'd suspended his disbelief in

regards to time travel, it hadn't taken much persuasion for him to agree

to ally their crew. After all, the brother of your son is your son, right?

Yes, any family of Ace's was welcome amongst his own. Admittedly, the

knowledge that said brother had partially come back to prevent the

deaths of his children and the utter annihilation of his crew was also a

point in the brat's favor. Sending Vista to the Marines' G-5 branch to

deliver the message, and subsequently hearing their reactions (to both

being greeted at their doorstep by a Yonko Commander and having to

update the list of the Whitebeard Pirates' allies to accommodate a

Paradise rookie) was also a bonus.

Still, Ace had been reluctant in putting his search for Teach on hold. He

insisted that once he was strong enough to fight him, he would continue

his hunt. Nevertheless, knowing that Ace was honing his Haki in

preparation was a slight ease to the worries he'd been having. Ace had a

lot of potential, so sharpening his skills would be a good idea before the

inevitable confrontation.

But that did nothing to ease the tension in Whitebeard's shoulders after

the events of the past couple of days. He'd been apprehensive as to what

the future would hold after Alabasta. He knew his new allies could take

care of themselves, but the fact remained that until they got to the New

World, the Straw Hat Pirates were vulnerable. Vulnerable and rapidly

climbing higher on the list of people that the World Government wanted

dead. He'd had a feeling that something similar to the Water 7 incident

would occur, and he'd been right. After receiving word of the near

disaster from Ace (who now had a contact high up in the Revolutionary

Army, and wasn't that useful?), Whitebeard had been quick to run some

damage control. Although it hadn't been the most conservative move, one

didn't manage a Yonko crew by being indecisive. It had been a rather

large gamble, but it had paid off.

And so, with the Transponder Snail ringing impatiently beside him, and

his Third and Fifth Division Commanders looking on expectantly,

Whitebeard held back a sigh and prepared to explain the reasoning

behind his actions to the snot-nosed brat who, in reality, he knew wasn't

that snot-nosed.

The Straw Hats waited nervously as Luffy held the receiver of the

Transponder Snail rather tightly. There were probably a number of things

to be said when their captain was about to essentially chew out a Yonko,

but at the moment, nothing came to mind. Though the fact that they had

recently learned that their captain was, for all intents and purposes, the

Pirate King himself may have had something to do with that. And so,

they merely focused their full attention onto the conversation that was

about to take place as the call was answered.

"Hello, brat," came a familiar deep voice from the other line. "Although

it's nice to hear from you again, I can only assume this isn't a social call."

Luffy took a deep breath. "Would you mind explaining?" The question

was short, to the point, and very uncharacteristic of the Luffy they all


A heavy sigh came from the other line. "It was the only choice of action

available, my son," Whitebeard explained. "With the defeat of one of the

World Government's strongest military assets, the Marines are now fully

aware of the true threat that you now pose. They would have done

anything to ensure that you never entered the New World. Two fighters

of your caliber joining forces with us is not an outcome they would be

willing to accept."

"Haven't we already demonstrated that we can handle ourselves?" Luffy

asked, a bit tiredly. "There are going to be consequences for this, old


"I am aware of that. But although you are all fully competent, you are not

infallible. With our crew actively demonstrating that we won't stand for

any attacks against our own, they are much more likely to give you some

breathing room."

Luffy sighed. "That was a dangerous play though. Ace was stupidly lucky

that none of the Admirals besides Old Man Seagull were at Marineford."

"It wasn't luck," Whitebeard answered calmly.

Luffy blinked. "What do you mean by that?"

"A few hours prior to the assault on Marineford, there was a similar

attack on the Holy Land, Mariejois. With the World Nobles under threat,

Admiral Kizaru was dispatched to handle the issue. He was too late,

however. The assailant was…difficult to pin down."

"…Marco," Luffy realized with a frown. "And I'm guessing Aokiji was still

recovering?" he inferred, before pausing for a moment. "What about…

Akainu?" he asked carefully.

There was a moment of silence at the other end of the line, before

Whitebeard finally answered. "En route to Water 7," came the quiet reply.

The tension in the room promptly tripled. Not in the least because of the

fact that another admiral had been heading towards them, but because of

the fact that, for the first time since they'd met him, Luffy's expression

had become a mask of hatred and murderous rage. Zoro's expression was

the same, and when Luffy spoke again, his voice made the rest of their

hair stand on end. "Where is he?"

"He was forced to turn around when news of Ace's assault reached him.

By the time he got back onto the Tarai current, Ace was long gone,"

Whitebeard assured.

A few seconds of stillness, and then Luffy turned a somewhat calmer but

still furious expression onto the snail. "Old Man, I want to make this

clear. The amount of pain Akainu has caused for me is more than I can

put into words. He's the one man in the world that I could kill and never

regret it, and I would have done it if he had showed up here."

"I'll remember that," Whitebeard answered. "But the fact remains that he

didn't. We've gotten out of this unscathed. Consider it a blessing."

The tension slowly bled out of Luffy's posture, much to the crew's relief.

"I do. But that doesn't change the fact that this will escalate tensions

between the Whitebeard Pirates and the World Government."

"I'm aware of that as well. It hardly matters. You are all my children now,

and I will stand up for you just as I would any of my own."

Luffy was silent for a moment, before conceding with a single reply.

"Thank you…Pops" he said quietly. Whitebeard laughed heartily from the

other line before answering.

"Anytime, brat," he said before hanging up.

Luffy sighed wearily, and for what may have been the first time, the crew

saw him for how old he really was. Not just two and a half years older

than he should have been, but the unholy amount of suffering that he felt

when he saw them all die…at Akainu's hands, had aged him even further.

Wordlessly, they moved toward the center of the room, all five of them

placing their hands out so that they met in the middle. Zoro soon

followed suit, placing his hand above theirs, before looking at Luffy

expectantly. At the sight, Luffy visibly relaxed, the last of his tension

easing, and he reciprocated the gesture.

Meanwhile, Zambai fidgeted in the corner of the room, not having

followed half of what was going on, but still strangely moved by it all


"Um…I don't want to interrupt," he said nervously. "But I still have

something to show you."

Luffy looked at him with a smirk, all traces of anger gone. "Is it our new

bounties?" he asked.

Zambai blinked. "Well…yeah, actually. How did you…?"

"It's pretty routine by now," Luffy answered. "Alright, let's see 'em."

Zambai obligingly placed the new bounty posters on the floor, spreading

them out. The sight of them drew a few whistles and awe filled stares

from the crew.

Demonspawn Nico Robin – 80 million Belly

Black Leg Sanji – 155 million Belly

Demon Wind Zoro – 360 million Belly

Straw Hat Luffy – 525 million Belly

"Damn," Usopp whispered. "You both broke the 300 million mark."

"Damn is right," Zoro said just as softly, a maniacal grin splitting his face.

"Last time, our bounties weren't this big until we started attacking the


"They did come kind of close after Doflamingo though," Luffy replied

with a grin.

"I heard they don't increase as easily once they hit 300 million," Sanji

said. "You guys really made an impression." He smirked. "Of course, 155

million isn't too bad either."

"Well, I'm just glad I didn't get one," Nami claimed, as Robin eyes the

superficial increase with raised brows, and Usopp and Chopper sulked, as

they too had not received bounties.

"There's one more thing," Zambai said suddenly, before laying one more

bounty poster down. It read:

Cyborg Franky – 90 million Belly

"Aniki had been given a bounty as well. I haven't brought this up with

him, because I'd just get my ass kicked, but…I worry for his safety."

Luffy and Zoro both frowned. Franky's bounty hadn't been nearly that

high last time. It wasn't long before they realized why. Last time, Franky

had burned the blueprints to Pluton right in front of CP9's eyes. Although

he would likely do the same this time if he hadn't already, for all the

World Government knew, he still had them. That made him as great, if

not a greater threat than Robin, especially due to the fact that he could

probably build it, given time.

"I'm asking you, as his brother in all but blood," Zambai said. "Please,

take him with you! I don't know how long it will be until the higher ups

of the Marines come after him, but once your crew leaves, they'll be

nothing stopping them."

The Straw Hats shared a collective glance, and Luffy smirked again.

"Guess we'll have to convince him to join," he said.

"You might as well give up now, Franky," Sanji said with a nostalgic

smile. "You don't stand a chance."

That afternoon, Franky and Iceburg informed the Straw Hats that their

ship was finished. The crew was naturally excited, even Luffy and Zoro,

who had a general idea of what they'd be seeing. The unveiling of the

ship became an occasion in and of itself for the citizens of Water 7,

seeing as Franky and Iceburg himself had actually teamed up to build it.

Luffy was happy to note that Franky was actually there for the unveiling

this time. Last time they'd had to drag him there.

"I hope your ready for this super sight Straw Hat. Don't think that just

because you've technically seen it once before, that you don't need to

brace yourself! I'm not responsible for what'll happen if you gaze upon

this amazing creation half-assedly!"

Luffy smirked. "Challenge accepted. This ship is going to go around the

world one day, so I won't let anyone treat it lightly, even if it's me."

"Ha! Well said. Well then, Straw Hat, if you're going to be the Pirate

King, then you need to catch a ride on the King of Beasts!" With that, he

pulled the cover off of the ship, which was at least twice as big as it had

been in the previous timeline. And what a sight it was. In addition to its

increased size, the ship looked even sleeker than it had in the previous

timeline. The second he gazed upon it, Usopp came close to crying.

When he was done admiring the view, Luffy turned back towards Franky

with a confident grin. "So Franky, have you thought about our offer?" he


Franky laughed. "Oh, I've thought about it alright. But let me ask you

this, Straw Hat. Do you really think it will be that easy to get me on

board your ship?"

Luffy smirked again. "Another challenge? What's it gonna be then?"

Franky crossed his arms. "Alright, listen up, Straw Hat! Here's the deal!

We're going to settle the score between us! If you can best me in a contest

of strength, only then will I join your crew! I won't follow a captain

whose weaker than me!"

The Straw Hats all stared at the cyborg blankly, including Luffy.

"...That's it?" the rubber man asked, annoying Franky greatly.

"What do you mean that's it, dumbass!? I'm giving you a chance to recruit

me since I like you guys, but don't start crying if you underestimate me

and end up losing!"

"Oh, ok! That'll be easy then!" Luffy said in a happy go lucky tone.

A tic mark formed over Franky's brow. "As if, bastard! Fine, here I come!

Strong Right!"

Luffy casually weaved around the blow and raised one arm, before

planting it firmly into Franky's reinforced steel cranium, which hit the

ground with enough force to make a crater beneath the two of them.

"You know, you should thank me," Luffy commented. "This was a

cakewalk compared to what you went through in the other timeline."

As the rubber man reminisced, Franky slowly got up. "That...that was a

nice shot," he admitted. "Fine! I guess there's no choice then! I, Franky,

will join the Straw Hats as the crew's shipwright!" he shouted, as Chopper

and Usopp erupted in cheers.

Nami palmed her face in amazement. "What the hell was that? Did he

really think he could win?" she asked.

Robin giggled. "No, I wouldn't say that," she said, causing the navigator

to raise an eyebrow.

Zoro scoffed. "Stubborn bastard. He knew exactly how that would end.

Straw Hats! Set sail!"

"Hang on," Franky said, as he climbed aboard the ship along with Luffy. If

we're doing this, we gotta give the ship a name first! And I've got some

pretty good ideas."

"We were thinking Thousand Sunny," Luffy said.

Franky nodded. "Of course, that's a good name too. A ship that can cross

a thousand seas. But listen to this! I spent hours thinking of this name, on

the off chance that you'd manage to beat me!"

"Thousand Sunny? I love that name!" Nami said with obvious enthusiasm.

"New Battle Franky Lion Gang Champion!"

"Thousand Sunny sounds awesome!" Chopper shouted.

"New Battle Franky Lion Gang Champion!"

"Thousand Sunny is quite a nice name," Robin agreed.

"Yeah, I don't think we can beat that, to be honest," Usopp said. "So it's


"New Battle Franky…! You know what? Forget it," Franky said. As their

new shipwright sulked in the corner of the deck, the crew finalized the


"So are we ready to set sail?" Usopp asked.

"Hell yeah! And in style, bro! Brace yourselves!" Franky shouted as he

disappeared into the engine room.

The citizens of Water 7 watched in amazement as the Thousand Sunny

was propelled into the sky, flying off into the atmosphere.

A/N: Whew, that chapter was hard to write. But we're finally done with

the Water 7 arc. Tell me what you guys thought, and thanks again to The

Patient One. Lost out.

56. Cheating the System

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter LVI: Cheating the System

On Zenku, an Island in the Grand Line, on Route to Sabaody

Jewelry Bonney hummed in thought as she stared down at the newspaper

in front of her. The Straw Hat Pirates had made the headlines again.

Although they had previously distinguished themselves apart from, and

perhaps ahead of, this generation's rookies previously, their most recent

endeavors were nothing short of outrageous. Her own recently

heightened bounty of ฿140 million didn't even compare. None of the

other rookies did, either. Really, she should have realized this would

happen when their captain had defeated her while barely lifting a finger,

using powers that she was only just beginning to tap the surface of even

now. But this? This was some next level shit.

The rumors circulating around Paradise had started out as just that—

rumors. Despite Water 7's position among Marines and pirates alike,

despite Iceburg's ultimate credibility, the World Government had been

quick to dispel any of the wild rumors originating from the Water


Or at least, they had been quick to try.

Because no one, not even the Five Elder Stars, could convince the world

that the sea freezing over from Water 7 all the way to Pucci and San

Faldo was a rumor. Especially not with the sea train out of commission

for an estimated two weeks.

As Bonney shouted for more food, she couldn't help but grin. There was

no way around it. The Straw Hat Pirates had clashed with a Marine

Admiral and lived to tell the tale. Or more accurately, for everyone else to

tell the tale. The higher-ups of the World Government were probably

shitting themselves and eating it right about now.

She continued to grin at the imagery. Straw Hat is an annoying brat…but I

can't help but admire him. He's got some serious guts. Of course, the fact that

he was Ace's brother didn't help put him out of her inquisitive mind.

Speaking of Ace, she wondered how his search was going…

"Hey, bartender! Give me 50 of your best apple pies!"

Bonney ignored the obnoxiously loud pirates that had just trudged into

the bar in favor of contemplating what changes this would bring to the

Great Pirate Era.

"Hey, Captain," came a calm, contemplative voice. "It looks like you were

right to avoid those pirates that caught your attention earlier."

"Huh? What are you talking about, Auger?" the first voice asked. In

response, the sniper handed him a newspaper. As the pirate captain

began to read, his face gradually started to pale, before he suddenly

started laughing. "Zehahahaha! That damn brat! To think he was that

strong! We're lucky we backed off from his trail."

"Luck had nothing to do with it," Van Auger replied. "Fate simply had

other plans for us."

"Yeah, you're right about that. I can't say the adventure we had instead

wasn't damn amazing, even if some freak lightning storm kind of ruined

it in the end."

Bonney was now listening attentively. Had these guys been after the

Straw Hats? They didn't look anything like bounty hunters. Perhaps they

were just looking to take down a rival crew.

"Still, this ruins our plans, Captain," Jesus Burgess pointed out. "Who are

we going to turn in instead?"

"Who knows. I'm sure an opportunity will present itself. I briefly

considered turning in Ace, but he seems to have stopped following me…"

The glass Bonney was holding shattered in her grip.

"Oh, well. Like I said, we'll think of something. A toast to the glory of the

Blackbeard Pirates! Zehahahahaha!"

Wood creaked against wood as Bonney slowly backed her chair away

from the table. She rose to her feet and walked over to the newcomer,

catching the crew's attention.

"You…" she whispered, bangs covering her eyes as she shook with poorly

suppressed rage. "So, you're Blackbeard?"

"Gomu Gomu no…Keep Away!"

"Hey Luffy, no fair!" Usopp shouted in protest, trying in vain to reach the

dish that was suspended out of his reach by Luffy's rubber arms. "Let me

try it too!"

"No way! I caught this one, so it's mine!" Luffy insisted.

"Hey, you two! Don't wreck the aquarium!" Franky chastised. "If you're

gonna fight over fish, do it on deck!"

"OK!" Luffy agreed easily, running up the stairs as Usopp followed

behind, still shouting complaints.

Meanwhile, on deck, Nami and Robin were both lying back in lawn

chairs next to the garden. "This is the life!" Nami sighed in content. "Not

only is the bigger deck great for sunbathing, but there's so much more

room for my tangerine groves!"

"Indeed. I quite enjoyed the bigger library as well," Robin replied, before

giggling. "And I can't help but feel as if Chopper agrees with me."

Chopper, for his part, didn't even respond at first, as he was buried, fur

and all, in a large collection of medical texts.

"Huh?" he said. "Oh, sorry, Robin! You're right! And the shelves were

already stocked with books! I haven't even heard of this one before…"

"Well, while you all enjoy your books and crap, I'm going to try out the

training room. Cook, you wanna come?"

"In a little bit," Sanji replied. "I have to finish serving snacks to the ladies


Zoro snorted. "Suit yourself, Love Cook." He made his way up to the

training room. Truthfully, this was his first time using it since they'd set

sail. Chopper had insisted under threat of painful dissection that he had

to let his injuries heal.

That dissection bit may have been his own perspective on the matter, but

damn if that scalpel didn't gleam menacingly in the light.

He was eager to begin training again. The fight with Aokiji had revealed

that he still had a long way to go before he gained his old strength back.

"Still, the bigger training room is really a nice touch," he said aloud to the

seemingly empty room.

"Yeah, Franky really outdid himself. He even threw in seastone weights!"

said a voice from behind him.

Zoro turned around with a smirk. "You're right. I'm sure Luffy's resistance

could benefit from those…uh…"

He stood looking down on a little girl that he'd never seen before. She

was grinning up at him innocently, but Zoro was pretty sure he wasn't

imagining the hint of mischief in her eyes.

"…Who are you again?" he asked, rubbing his head in confusion. The girl

just snickered in response. Frowning, he did what he was used to doing

by now when he didn't recognize someone with their appearance, and

reached out with his Observation Haki. Upon sensing her aura, his

features went blank.

"Everyone! Get up here now!"

The Straw Hat crew stood in a circle around a young girl with crimson

red hair and brown eyes, who was looking back and forth between them

all with cheerful wonder.

Luffy was staring at her with wide eyes.

"So, who is this?" Nami asked curiously. "A stowaway? She's so young…"

"She's not a stowaway," Zoro sighed. "We would have sensed her earlier if

she was."

Nami raised an eyebrow. "So you're saying she just teleported on board?

Some kind of Devil Fruit maybe?"

"Why don't we ask her?" Robin said, kneeling down to the girl's level.

"Hello, there. How exactly did you get on our ship, Miss?"

The girl smiled widely. "Hi, Robin! I just woke up, realized I was back,

and then manifested myself like before. It was easy!"

That threw the crew for a loop. Suddenly, Usopp gasped.

"Merry," he breathed, causing everyone to turn to him in surprise.

"You're…Merry, aren't you?"

The girl snickered again. "Nope! Take another guess!"

"This makes no sense," Zoro grumbled. "Her aura feels like a combination

of all of ours. I've never sensed anything like it."

"Sunny." The voice came from Luffy, who until now, had yet to speak. His

face was pale.

The girl pointed at Luffy triumphantly. "He got it! Captain got it!"

"What!?" Franky shouted. "You're…You're the Sunny's Klabautermann?"

There was panic in his voice. "But that's impossible. She's in perfect

shape!" The Straw Hats collectively stiffened upon hearing this,

remembering the incident in Skypiea vividly.

"No, no, don't worry!" Sunny smiled reassuringly. "I'm fine!"

Franky faltered. "But…the legends say…"

"That a ship's spirit manifests once it's damaged beyond repair. That was

true, in my case. But now I'm fine, see?"

Nami gave a strained smile. "Um, sorry, but you're not making that much

sense, Sunny." God, it was kind of weird talking to their ship. But she'd

done stranger things before.

The girl huffed in response, before Luffy suddenly shouted in realization.

"The parts we used!" he shouted, a smile stretching wide across his face.

Nami frowned. "What?"

Slowly, realization dawned. First with Franky, followed by Usopp and


"I suppose that could explain it," the archaeologist said in awe. The

shipwright and sniper both had tears in their eyes.

"We used parts from the Merry to build this ship!" Luffy said gleefully.

"That means you're…!"

"Yep! I'm Merry's reincarnation! I knew you'd get it!"

Nami's jaw dropped.

Sanji's cigarette fell from his mouth.

Chopper dropped the book he was carrying.

Zoro just stared.

Franky started crying outright now. "That's so beautiful! The spirit of

their little ship lives on through my creation! That's so damn poetic!"

"OK, we get it, you can stop crying now," Sanji muttered, though no one

could deny that every single person in the room was moved by the


"Idiot! I'm not crying, idiot! Don't look at me, idiot! DON'T LOOK AT


"That's so cool!" Luffy shouted. "So, does this mean you can manifest

whenever now, Sunny?"

The girl nodded. "Mhm! Once a ship spirit manifests once, the ship is

sentient. It's just that none have ever had the strength to do it

continuously after coming so close to death." She smirked. "But now that

I'm back to full strength, I can appear whenever. We cheated the system!

And it's all because you guys cared for me so much!"

Franky's sobs intensified.

"Well, that's pretty insane…" Zoro mumbled. "But I'm not complaining."

"Excuse me, Sunny," Robin interjected. "But does this mean that anyone

can see you?"

Sunny shook her head. "Only people with a deep emotional connection to

the ship can see me, or sense me with Observation Haki for that matter.

Oh, I should also mention that I can't leave the ship, though. My spirit is

tied to it, after all."

"That's amazing," Nami said. "This is like a miracle. What are the odds

that it would happen to us of all people?" The rest of the crew stared at

her blankly, and she blinked. "Right. Never mind…"

"Straw Hats! We're having a party!" Luffy commanded. "To celebrate our

new crewmate, Sunny! Sanji, food!"

The chef smiled wistfully. "You got it, Captain."

The Straw Hats partied well into the night, eating, drinking, and

generally causing havoc on the ship. The next morning, several of them

woke up with hangovers. This wouldn't be so bad normally, if not for the

fact that Luffy woke them up early in the morning. For haki training.

This would not go well.

"Luffy, do we really have to do this at six in the morning? My head is still

aching!" Usopp complained.

"It's not our fault you're a first time drinker," Zoro said with a shrug. "You

gotta keep up, Usopp."

Said sniper grumbled in discontent before accepting his fate. "Fine. But I

have a question for you two before we start. It's about my Haki."

This drew the rest of the crew's attention.

"What? You think you're close to unlocking it?" Luffy asked.

Usopp frowned. "Maybe? I'm not sure, to be honest. Sanji, do you

remember our fight with Rob Lucci?"

Sanji nodded, scowling. "Troublesome bastard," he muttered.

"Well, that's the thing. He was fast. Like, really fast. I couldn't even hit

him unless he in a deadlock with you and standing still. At first anyway.

But towards the end of the fight, I was able to see his movements a lot

more clearly. I actually intercepted him with the Impact Dial at one


Sanji frowned. "I remember that. Even though you were under Nami-san's

mirage at the time, it was still really impressive. To be honest, I didn't

think you'd be able to track him that well."

"That's what I'm saying. I think I may have used Observation Haki back

then. Maybe…hopefully…" he rubbed his head in embarrassment. "I

mean, the Impact Dial broke in the process, but I was still able to see

better than I have before. Do you think it's possible, Luffy?"

Luffy was lost in thought. "Yeah, it's possible. I've never heard of

Observation Haki affecting eyesight like that, but I know it can take a lot

of different forms. Since you're a sniper, I guess your battle instincts are

so geared towards sight that you can see people's auras instead of feeling

them." He paused. "Do you think you can do it again?"

Surprisingly, Usopp nodded. "I think so. I remember what it feels like."

"Alright, try to snipe me. I'll move slow enough that you should be able

to do it, but only if you can tap into your Haki again."

Usopp nodded and fetched his Dial enhanced slingshot, before taking

aim. Luffy launched into a series of relatively slow Soru around the deck

as the sniper focused. Much to the surprise of Nami and Chopper, who

could barely see him at all, Usopp's eyes were following him around with

frightening perceptiveness. He raised his weapon, took a deep breath,

and aimed. His pellet collided with a barely perceptible blur, which soon

materialized into clear sight as Luffy stopped moving. His hand was in

front of his face, holding the very same pellet.

"Nice, Usopp. That was the real thing," he praised.

This elicited a round of applause from the crew, and in Chopper's case,


"Now, this time, close your eyes," Luffy suggested.

Usopp frowned. "But won't that—"

"Just try it. I want to test something," Luffy interrupted.

Usopp closed his eyes and gasped. "No way…I can still see you! That's

just weird."

"That's because what you're using isn't actually your sight," Zoro

interjected. "It's like Luffy said, you're just so geared towards visual

sensory that you perceive what you're sensing as part of your vision."

"That's so cool! I can snipe people with my eyes closed now! Imagine how

awesome I'll look!" Usopp exclaimed.

Nami huffed. "That's the first thing you think of?"

"Well, I think you might get your chance soon," Sunny said suddenly.

"Marine blockade, off the port bow!"

"WHAT?!" demanded most of the crew.

Indeed, looking in the indicated direction, the Straw Hats could see a

score of Marine ships ready to fire. Soon, the whistling of cannons was

easily discernable, and the crew sprung to action. Sanji began deflecting

the cannonballs while Usopp shot them in midair. Luffy was surprised to

see Sanji hovering by kicking the air a few times.

"Sanji! You learned how to use Geppo?" he asked.

"Yeah, I paid pretty close attention when those assassins were doing it,"

the chef replied. "This is the first time I've had the chance to test it out


"Attention, Straw Hat Pirates! This is Rear Admiral Aubranuffs! Surrender

immediately, as your course has been blocked off!"

"Picking a fight with us at sea, now of all times?" Nami asked with a

smirk. "I hope they're ready!" She summoned up a dense mist around the

ship, making it impossible to aim at them accurately.

"A Rear Admiral and twenty ships," Robin observed dryly. "You all forced

Aokiji and CP9 to retreat, and they send a Rear Admiral and twenty

ships. Either the Marines are delusional, or this Rear Admiral isn't acting

on orders."

"Which makes him either very brave or very stupid. My money's on the

second one," Sunny said.

"Usopp, would you like to test out your newfound skills?" Nami asked


Usopp started snickering in glee as he made his way towards the Sunny's

side cannons. Franky caught him by the arm, however, and led him

towards the front of the ship with a confident smirk.

"Where they going?" Chopper asked. "The cannons are the other way."

Sunny suddenly began laughing maniacally, which was actually quite the

intimidating sound coming from her normally light-hearted voice. "I am

Sunny, hear me roar. I am Sunny, hear me roar…"

Luffy and Zoro both grinned as well, the former in glowing eagerness and

the latter in sadistic anticipation.

"Um…guys?" Nami asked nervously. "What going to happ—"

"Gaon Cannon!" Sunny suddenly shouted at the top of her lungs, as the

mist around the ship parted from the sheer amount of force erupting

from within it.

A blast of pressurized air hit the Marine blockade dead center, and the

force from the resulting explosion ripped apart the enemy ships in


Usopp emerged from the Sunny's crown with an unreadable expression.

"Don't worry," he whispered ominously. "I used the blunt side."

Zoro sweatdropped.

'What fucking blunt side…?' the crew thought as one.

"I am Sunny, hear me roar…"

The crew continued their Haki training well into the afternoon. No one

had any breakthroughs after that, though Usopp managed to refine his

"aura sight" a bit more. For the first time he could remember, the rest of

the crew was giving him a wide berth.

He didn't know whether to be flattered or offended.

Some time after they finished, Usopp spotted a barrel floating off the

ship's starboard. They quickly reeled it in, wondering if it was booze.

Robin speculated that it could be a trap, but Luffy insisted they open it. A

flare went up into the air the moment it did, and Nami was sure that

Robin was right a that point, but Luffy dismissed her concerns, assuring

them it would be fine. Some time later, they encountered a rather violent

storm, but it was nothing Nami hadn't dealt with before, and they

navigated safely through it, only to be met with a dense fog with no end

in sight.

Usopp and Chopper were a bit creeped out by it, but it was Luffy and

Zoro's reactions that were surprising.

"What's up with you two?" Nami asked, seeing the expressions on their

faces. "You're not really telling me that you're scared of this fog, too, are

you? I mean, you've been through it before."

"We're not scared," Zoro said quietly. "We're bracing ourselves for who

we're about to run into."

Nami blinked in incomprehension, but Sanji looked up. "'After the next

island we land on.' You were planning to tell us everything after whatever

island we're going to end up on next. And you were waiting for that


"Our last crewmate is here," Luffy confirmed, looking ahead.

Franky smirked. "I guess I shouldn't expect anything less from you. To

find a crewmate in a place like this."

"A place like this?" Nami repeated. "What do you mean?"

Franky continued to smirk as he looked out at the fog. "In the Florian


Robin smiled. "Oh, dear. What have we gotten ourselves into this time?"

she asked, though it was clear she wasn't exactly dreading it.

"In these waters, over a hundred ships mysteriously vanish every year.

This sea is said to be cursed," Franky explained ominously.

"C-C-Cursed!?" Usopp parroted. "Cursed how?"

"Ah, but that would be spoiling it, Usopp," Luffy teased.

Nami sighed. "So basically, only the two of you know what's coming, and

you won't tell us," she bemoaned.

"That's not true!" Sunny said excitedly as she manifested in between Nami

and Usopp, scaring the wits out of them both. "I know, too!"

"Oh, really? How?" Nami asked, as her heart rate went back to normal.

That's gonna take some getting used to…"

Sunny pointed to Luffy and Zoro happily. "They know, so I know too!"

she clarified, causing Zoro to blink and Luffy to raise an amused


"Wait, so you know everything we know?" Robin asked in obvious


"Yep! Your favorite types of food, your deepest fears, your favorite colors,

and your cup size! Everything!"

"…That last one seemed kind of thrown in there for the hell of it," Franky


"Yeah," Zoro smirked. "I wonder where she gets that from." As one, the

crew turned toward Sanji. Nami glared at him murderously.

"Sanji-kun, I think we need to have a talk about corrupting children," she

whispered dangerously.

"With all due respect, Nami-san? I didn't do shit this time," Sanji replied.

"OK, we need to test this out!" Luffy declared. "Hey, Sunny, how is Seal

doing?" he asked.

Sunny blinked. "Seal? He's fine. He started a stick collection. Why?"

They all stared. "What. The. Hell," Nami said in astonishment. "That's…

holy shit!"

"What about Vivi-chan herself? How is she doing?" Sanji asked.

Sunny smiled a bit sadly. "She really misses you guys. And she's worried

after reading the newspaper this morning. But she's happy. Really happy."

"Vivi? Isn't she the Alabastan Princess?" Franky asked.

"Yeah," Nami said wistfully. "We helped her out a while back. She's an

honorary Straw Hat if there ever was one. But this is great! Sunny will

know if anything ever happens in Alabasta!"

"Along with all of our deepest, darkest secrets," Luffy said with a smirk.

"Come to think of it, I wonder who has the most to hide…?" He turned to

his crewmates, who all shivered at the devious look in his eyes.

Sunny's cheeks puffed out in indignation. "I can't disclose that

information, Captain, short of you ordering it. And that would be really


Luffy sighed. "I guess you're right. I won't ask then."

"And besides, Captain, the one with the most to hide is technically you,"

she said with a mischievous gleam in her eye.

Luffy opened his mouth to respond, before clicking it shut and turning

away. "Hey, look, a ghost ship. We should probably check that out and

continue this conversation never."

Surprisingly, the distraction actually worked, as the crew was haunted by

an eerie, ethereal voice echoing through the fog.


The Straw Hat Pirates turned around ever so slowly, not wanting to greet

the sight that awaited them once eyes caught up with what they were



Six out of nine of the crew members present on board paled in fear as a

rundown ship, over twice the size of the Thousand Sunny, slipped out of

the fog and approached their vessel. Sunny giggled in delight, while Luffy

and Zoro both wore mad grins on their faces.

"Gather up, no time to lose…"

"G-G-G-Gho—" Usopp's stuttering reached an all time high as the ship

approached them.

"Time to round up Binks' Booze…"

"Ghost ship!" the Straw Hats shouted as one, even Luffy and Sunny joining



A/N: Hey all! Sorry it's been so long since my last update. I hope this

awesome chapter makes up for it? And please don't kill me? Anyway,

hope you enjoyed it. Lost out.

57. Duality

So…I hit the 3000 review mark…and the 4500 follow mark…and the 1.5

million view mark…

This was a good few weeks for me.

A reviewer kindly reminded that battleships aren't run of the mill marine

ships…for some reason I thought the battleships were the small ones and

the larger ones used in Buster Calls were called warships, likely the result

of some mistranslation I once read that left a lasting impression for

whatever reason. Needless to say, the ships from last chapter were just

the run of the mill marine ships you'd see in East Blue and early parts of

the Grand Line, hence Robin's utter lack of concern and the ease with

which the newly improved Gaon Cannon decimated the blockade. I've

made the necessary edits to clear up that confusion.

Another reviewer quite neutrally pointed out that the way I dealt with

Sunny's manifestation is similar to the manner in which the Cross-Brain

dealt with Merry's. After now having read past that point in the chapter,

I'm somewhat inclined to agree…even if there were key differences.

Despite that, The Patient One himself can vouch that I hadn't even read

that scene yet when we sat down and collaboratively wrote chapter 56,

seeing as I was Private Messaging him my reactions to having read that

masterpiece after we wrote chapter 56. And he can also vouch that Sunny

reincarnating was not his idea.

So to that reviewer: It's unfortunate that you didn't enjoy the chapter, but

no, the idea was not in any way influenced by This Bites!.

But while I'm on the subject…everyone go and read that story if you

haven't already, because it's basically the narrative equivalent of a roller

coaster making escape velocity…of a black hole.

Do black holes have escape velocities you ask? Well no, they don't. That's

just how logic fuckingly good that story is. Oh, and start your review

with "Lost sent me!" since I'm egotistical.

With that said, onto the next chapter of Thriller Bark!

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter LVII: Duality

During the Straw Hat crew's journey thus far, they had ridden a

monstrous current up a mountain, fought off a criminal organization led

by one Warlord of a mafia boss, rode an even more monstrous current

into the heavens, toppled a self-proclaimed deity, and defeated one of the

strongest members of a military agency that essentially ruled the world.

So, it stood to reason that a ghost ship, of all things, would not have a

very profound effect on such an unshakable group of individuals.

"Oh, hell, no! Turn us around 180 degrees! I'm not dealing with ghosts


It stood to reason…

"Scary! The Florian Triangle is scary! Get us out of here!"

It stood to reason…

"Don't listen to its song! It's a tribute to the damned! You'll be cursed!"

Reason did not stand with the Straw Hat crew.

"Guys…there's someone there," Sanji pointed out, a bead of sweat

dripping down his face. This, ironically, halted their panicking long

enough for them to get a look at their visitor.

Peering over the hull of the ghost ship, shrouded in mist, was a skeleton

with a black suit, an afro, and a top hat…

"Gather up, no time to lose…"

Casually sipping from a cup of tea.

"Time to round up Binks' Booze…"

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go say hi!" Luffy said jovially.


No, reason did not stand.

"Yohohohoho! How do you do? I am Dead Bones Brook! So nice to meet

you! Pardon my earlier behavior! It's simply been so long since I've run

into living people! All you see here is ghost ship after ghost ship. It's so


"Scary like a walking talking afro skeleton?" Franky asked uncertainly,

not quite sure what to think of the situation.

"Please, do come in!" said afro skeleton said, either not hearing the

question or completely ignoring it. "As a gentleman, I always welcome

guests, though I never have any. Yohohoho!"

"Um, that's very nice of you," Nami said with a nervous laugh. "But we

really should get going soon."

"Oh, my! What a lovely young woman!"

Nami completely froze up, sweating bullets. "Uh, no! That's…!"

"Perhaps you'd be so kind as to show me your panties?"

"LIKE HELL!" she shouted, quickly moving past her fear as she

roundhouse kicked Brook in the skull.

"Yohohoho! Harsh!"

"Luffy, Zoro!" she shouted, rounding on the Captain and First Mate. "You

two better have a good explanation for this! You've been through this

before, right? So, explain why there's a walking, talking afro skeleton

who wants my panties, and why the hell we're still here, or else!"

"Jeez, we were getting to that," Zoro said, sounding almost bored. "Calm

your panties, witch."

Before Nami could follow up on her threat, Luffy fearlessly walked up to

the skeleton. "Hey, you! I'm Luffy, the man who's going to be the Pirate

King! Join my crew!"

"Very well."


Robin giggled. "Now, we should have seen that coming."

"You've got to be kidding me!" Usopp shouted. "The walking talking afro

skeleton did not just join our crew! I've got to be dreaming! This is a


"Really!? Thank God!" Chopper said, relieved, before falling backwards

into a resting position and closing his eyes.

"Hello? Good morning. Please wake up now." Chopper opened his eyes to

see Brook's face hovering directly over him, and promptly screamed

himself hoarse.

Having thoroughly scarred Chopper, Brook now held his arms out and

addressed the full crew. "Well, not that this isn't fun, but it's getting quite

cold out here. What do you say we take this conversation to your ship

and have dinner!"

"That is not your decision," Nami mumbled helplessly, struggling to retain

some semblance of control over the situation.

"You're right. It's mine!" Luffy said with a grin, causing her to deflate


"Hey, Luffy! Did it work? Did you get him to join?" Sunny asked as they

settled into the dining room.

"You bet!" Luffy grinned. "It's about time, too."

"Ah, excuse me. But who are you talking to?" Brook asked.

"Oh, that's our ship spirit, Sunny!" he answered. "I guess you can't quite

see her yet."

"Hmm, I see. Yohoho! What a strange bunch!"

"Look who's talking," Sanji muttered.

After a ruckus of a meal and an explanation of Brook's past and Devil

Fruit, the skeleton adopted a solemn expression. "It's been so long since

I've been adrift on this sea…50 years now…it's been so lonely. After all

this isolation, to meet a crew as lively and kind as yours…I could have

wished for nothing more."

The Straw Hats sobered at his words, suddenly taking into consideration

what kind of hell it must have been to be alone in these waters for that


"Luffy-san. Earlier, you asked me to join your crew. Back then I was so

thrilled that I couldn't help but accept. But truthfully, I must decline. You

see, there's a reason why I cannot leave the Florian Triangle as of now."

"Oh, that," Luffy said nonchalantly. "Don't worry about it. We'll kick

Moria's ass for you and get your shadow back!"

Brook's eye sockets widened in surprise. "Yohohoho! Now that's a shock! I

didn't expect anyone who was just passing through to know what's been

going on in these waters."

"What do you mean? What exactly is happening here?" Robin asked. "I

assume it's related to why you can't leave?"

"Yes, that's right," Brook confirmed. "You see, quite some time ago, my

shadow was stolen by a user of the Kage Kage no Mi. Without it, I am

shunned by the sunlight. As of now, I am protected by this dense fog, but

if I were to venture beyond it, I would surely perish."

"Whoa, he's right!" Usopp said. "If you look closely, he doesn't have a


"But that name…Moria. Luffy, did you mean Gecko Moria? One of the

Seven Warlords?"

"Yep, that's him," the captain answered. "We're gonna kick his ass!"

Brook was silent for a moment. "I didn't expect that. That…means a lot.

But you shouldn't be so eager, Luffy-san. I don't want you to die for me.

You can leave this fog whenever you desire. I don't want you to end up in

the same predicament as myself, or worse. Therefore I'd strongly

discourage you from challenging Gecko Moria."

Luffy smirked. "Thanks for the tip. But we never leave a crewmate

behind. And even if you're not gonna join the crew yet, that just means

you have no say in who we're gunning for. So until you're ready to

become a Straw Hat, we'll be right here. We're annoying like that."

As Brook froze, every member of the Straw Hats adopted proud smiles.

Despite some of their initial reservations about Brook joining, their

Captain's words resonated with every single one of them.

"I see," Brook said, features blank. He looked as if he was about to speak

again, but suddenly, he tensed up, and his eyes shrank in terror.

"G-G-Ghost!" he shrieked suddenly, and the crew followed his gaze to see

a white smiling specter phasing through the wood of their ship.

The ghost started giggling madly at their reactions, before Luffy spoke

up. "Hey, you," he said.

The ghost froze and looked at the rubberman. "Beat it," he finished,

layering the command with the King's Will.

The ghost quickly did just that, but Brook followed it out, looking off into

the fog to where it was headed. Sure enough, the colossal form of Thriller

Bark could be seen drawing closer.

"It seems I've finally found what I've been searching for," Brook mumbled.

After a brief farewell to the crew, he jumped off the ship and started

running across the water towards Thriller Bark. What he didn't see was

Luffy jumping into the air to follow through the fog behind him.

"Where in fucktopia is he going?" Franky asked.

"I'm sure he has something in mind," Zoro said with a shrug. "Let's just

decide what we're going to do ourselves for now. Sunny, can you bring us

closer to that place and drop anchor?"

"Sure thing!" the ship spirit chirped, as the sails unfurled, seeming of

their own volition.

"What is this island anyway?" Nami asked. "It's not showing up on the

Log. How did it get here?"

"It's not an island. It's a giant ship, and Moria's home field. He'll have the

advantage here, so everyone watch your backs."

It didn't take long for the crew to realize that the island essentially had

them trapped within its gate. In the end, it was decided that Zoro, Nami,

Usopp, and Chopper would go ahead on the Mini Merry, while the rest of

the crew stayed with the ship. Originally only three were going to go,

until Nami pointed out that having the three weakest crew members go

alone was just asking for trouble.

Not long after those four left, Sunny tensed. Suddenly, the ship's anchor

threw itself onto the ship's deck, the chain wrapping around itself.

It was then that Sunny materialized again. "There's someone else aboard,"

she said seriously.

"What where?" Franky asked. They suddenly heard a pained grunt

coming from the chain, which, as it was now apparent, was tensed

around an invisible figure.

"He's invisible," the ship spirit stated. "But I could feel his footsteps." She

smirked. "No one comes aboard this ship without me knowing."

The invisible figure suddenly let out a loud roar and renewed its

struggling. The steel chain began to rattle, and Sunny grabbed her arm in

a mix of pain and shock.

"Sunny, let him go," Sanji bit out.

She looked uncertain. "But—"

"You know everything we know, right?" he interrupted, eyes focused on

the figure still wrapped within the chain. "Then you should know how

this ends."

Sunny nodded slowly, before the chain unwrapped itself and dropped

onto the deck. Another roar was heard as their unseen adversary rushed

forward, but Sanji met him halfway.

Sanji landed a powerful knee to the assailant's gut, and their enemy was

finally forced to materialize, coughing in pain.

"Get off our ship," Sanji whispered, before turning 360 degrees and

kicking him in the face. He was sent flying off the ship and back in the

direction of Thriller Bark.

"Who was that, do you think?" Robin asked.

"I don't know," Sanji replied. "But if that was what I think it was, he and I

are going to have a problem."

"Can't you just use your Haki to track down where he is?" Chopper asked

curiously. Claiming that Luffy was probably tailing Brook for a reason,

Zoro had set quickly his sights on the big boss of the island, Moria


"Already did," Zoro answered. "Problem is this ship is so big. It'll take

awhile to get there unless I go alone." He smirked. "So, unless you guys

will be fine on your own…"

Chopper faltered. "We'll take the long way…" he stated, and was met by

agreement from Nami and Usopp.

"Right," the swordsman said. "We'll definitely be met with resistance on

the way there, but that shouldn't be much of a problem. You guys can

handle the small fry, and I'll take out Moria."

"You're right! Maybe we'll be done in record time," Usopp said cheerfully.

"The less time we spend on this island the better!"

"Usopp," Nami seethed. "You realize that if there was any chance of that

before, it's gone now, right?" she asked, causing Usopp to think back on

his words and pale.


"What are you idiots talking about?" Zoro scoffed, before a menacing grin

appeared on his face. "After all, what could possibly go wrong?"

His three companions were white as the ghosts they were trying to avoid.

Bastard! He's enjoying this!

It was then that a fierce growl could be heard from the path ahead, right

on schedule. No no no no no!

"Zoro! Usopp! You guys totally jinxed us!" Chopper shouted in dismay, as

a giant three headed dog regarded them threateningly.

Zoro sighed. "Get a grip you idiots. If Ol' Murphy is going to manifest as

anything, it's definitely not going to be some stupid three headed fox."

Evidently, his words only serve to enrage the already growling cerberus,

whose fur stood up on end as he leaned forward, foaming at the mouth.

"Oh? You got a problem, Foxface?" Zoro asked with a challenging grin,

one hand on his sword.

It was at that moment when Chopper, Nami, and Usopp turned around

and fled the scene in fright. Zoro, focused on his soon-to-be prey, didn't

take notice.

The cerberus charged forward, only to be cut down in an instant by

Zoro's blade, which was soon sheathed again.

"You know, Luffy will either want to tame you or eat you," Zoro said

matter of factly. "While the former won't be good for your pride, the

latter won't be good for your everything."

He turned around, ready to tell the others to get a move on, when he

noticed that they were conspicuously absent.

"Oh, fuck you, Murphy."

"Usopp," Nami said through gritted teeth, once their current situation

caught up with them.

"I know."

"We're alone."

"I know, Nami."

"In a graveyard, on a giant ghost ship."

"I know, Nami."

"And it's your fault."

"Do I need to keep repeating myself!?"

"And there are dead guys crawling out of the ground," Chopper chirped,

not wanting to be left out.

"I know, Chopp—! Wait, whaaa…?"

They stood in silence as a horde of zombies rose from their graves once

after another, moaning, groaning, and stalking forward ever so slowly.

"Usopp," Nami and Chopper chorused.

"I know, dammit!"

"Alright, what the hell?" Zoro groaned as he cut down another army of

the walking dead. "I could have sworn their auras were that way! This

island is messed up! And what's with those three, getting lost all of a

sudden?" He stopped rambling as this time, a horde of larger, more

powerful zombies appeared, all advancing on his position.

"They just can't wait for death's second embrace…" he muttered, getting

his swords ready. "Eh, whatever. I could use a warm-up before that

washed-up Warlord."



"Less hindsight, more getting the hell out of here!" Usopp shouted, before

turning around briefly. "Take this! Certain Death, Firebird Star!" The

fiery projectile exploded at the center of the zombie hoard, eliciting some

surprisingly humanlike reactions from the dead men. Screams of pain

were prevalent. Could zombies actually feel pain?

"I knew it! A zombie's weakness is always fire!" Usopp shouted

triumphantly as the three gained some distance from the reincarnated


"What now? They're just going to keep coming unless we find somewhere

to lay low!" Nami pointed out.

"I know! Look, there's a house up ahead!" he pointed to a downright

creepy mansion that looked like it could single handedly bring the real

estate prices of an entire neighborhood to an all time low.

"So we escape the graveyard to get away from the zombies, and your

solution to lay low is a HAUNTED MANSION!?"

"Do you have any better ideas!?" the sniper snapped.

"Could you possibly have any worse ones!?" the navigator replied.

"Maybe we could just stay here until Zoro finds us?" Chopper suggested.

Not having much of a choice, the three resigned themselves to the spooky

ass mansion.

As they reached the entrance, they were surprised to find a corridor

where they expected the front door to be, with a courtyard on the other

end of it. The only thing noteworthy in the tunnel was an old well…

which was immediately made more noteworthy by a spotlight…and even

more so by the blonde-haired, blue-skinned woman who rose out of it,

holding a stack of plates in her hands.


As Brook cut down and purified another horde of zombies before they

could react, he turned back toward his recently gained shadow. Of

course, being one of Moria's victims, he had no shadow, but that was

beside the point.

"Excuse me, Luffy-san. Might I enquire as to why you are still following

me?" he asked.

"I told you, didn't I?" the rubber man replied as he knocked out another

horde with a Gatling. "I'm here to help you get your shadow back, then

we'll go kick Moria's ass!"

"While I truly appreciate that, won't your own crew require your

assistance at the moment?"

"Those guys'll be fine. They've got Zoro and Sanji with them."

"I see. Nevertheless, I would prefer to at least attempt to gain my shadow

back on my own. If I am unable, I will come to you afterwards, seeing as

they cannot kill me for fear of losing their most powerful zombie. Is that

an acceptable arrangement?"

Luffy hummed. "I guess so. In that case, I'll just point you in the direction

of your shadow and go find Moria."

"Ah. But how would you know where my shadow is?"

"I can sense it. Its aura is the same as yours, after all." He quickly relayed

the direction to Brook, who tipped his hat in thanks, before leaving to

find a certain Warlord.

"Remind me again why we're guarding Nami while she showers?" Usopp

complained. "It's not like there's anyone in this mansion to peek on her.

Well, other than us, anyway."

"Other than you," Chopper corrected. "I'm not interested in human

females, naked or otherwise."

"Well, I'm not that shameless to begin with. Who do you think I am,


"If you were Sanji, I wouldn't be trusting you to guard the door to begin

with," Nami spoke up from inside the shower. "And relax, I'm almost

done. But I can't believe you guys don't feel dirty after being attacked by

zombies. Regardless, we need to get out of this place quickly and track

down Luffy and Zoro. Those two have no good excuse this time for not

warning us that this place was infested with the living dead."

"Uh…isn't it sort of our fault for running away from Zoro?" Chopper


"They still should have warned us!" Usopp interjected hastily.

"We'll get back at them later," Nami continued. "For now, let's focus on

getting out of this giant haunted house. I'm getting bad vibes from this

place, and it's not just the creepy atmosphere."

"Do you think it's the piss poor lighting?" Usopp joked, drawing a curious

look from Chopper.

"Are you afraid of the dark, Usopp?" he asked obliviously.

"The great Captain Usopp is afraid of nothing!" the sniper refuted. "But, if

I had a perfectly rational fear at the moment, it probably wouldn't be the

darkness, but the fact that the darkness makes it much easier for zombies

to sneak up on you. Hypothetically speaking, of course."

"Do you think there are really zombies in the castle?" Chopper asked

nervously, causing Usopp to shiver.

"I hope not. But Nami seems to think so. Hey, Nami, do you think that

Hogback is hiding something?"

There was no answer.

"...Nami?" Chopper asked. Still no answer.

Usopp suddenly let out a horrified gasp. "Oh, hell, no! This is the part

where we start disappearing one by one! Well it's not happening!"

Without a moment's thought, he charged into the bathroom…

…Only to be met by Nami's completely naked form leaning against the

wall, with no one else in sight. Usopp faltered.

This was a mistake, huh?

He quickly averted his gaze. "Sorry about that Nami…I sort of panicked


"Usopp!" Chopper shouted urgently. "There's someone else in here! I can

smell them, but I can't see them!"

Upon hearing the warning, and finally noticing Nami's panicked eyes,

Usopp briefly pushed all other thoughts aside and pulled out his

slingshot. With use of his newly acquired Observation Haki, he was able

to clearly see the outline of the figure pinning Nami to the wall.

"What a hideous aura…take this! Paint Star!" A paint-filled projectile hit

their invisible adversary in the back, rendering him visible. Seeing this,

Chopper ran forward and shifted into Heavy Point, nailing the figure over

the head. To his dismay, the blow barely staggered him, but it was

enough to free Nami's legs, an act which was rewarded by a moan of pain

when she kneed the offender where about half the world's population

never want to be kneed.

As its body slackened in pain, Chopper landed another blow to the head,

this one knocking it back toward the window, away from Nami. There

was no respite as it was soon hit dead center by a Firebird Star, courtesy

of Usopp. The figure's entire body erupted into flames, eliciting a loud

roar from the creature, who soon decided to retreat and leapt out the


"Bastard…who was that?" Usopp snarled.

"I don't know, but he got away," Chopper said, reverting back to his

hybrid form.

"It sounded like some sort of beast…though it's urges were certainly

human," Nami grumbled with obvious distress, having quickly covered

herself with a towel. "Thanks for the save, Usopp…if you hadn't rushed in

here…well, I don't really want to think about it."

Usopp flushed. "Uh…it was nothing really. In the horror stories, when

someone in the group falls silent, it's never a good thing, and, well, you


"You still have to pay me for what you saw, though."

"…That seems a tad unreasonable."

It wasn't hard to reach the chamber where Gekko Moriah waited; the

stairs on one side of the island were a clear marker. It wasn't hard for a

master of Haki to avoid the zombies along the way, or to purify them

before they were any wiser.

And above all else, it wasn't hard to detect the enmity as the former

Pirate King and the former pirate stared at each other, despite their

apparently casual expressions.

"Moriah," Luffy said coldly.

"Straw Hat Luffy," the Warlord returned, giving him his full attention. He

opened his mouth to speak more, but paused, curiosity creeping into his

expression. "What's this? How is it that you possess two shadows?"

Luffy tilted his head to one side. "What are you talking about?"

"You don't even know about it?" Moriah asked incredulously. "I can see

two shadows tied to your body, as though two souls are coexisting

perfectly. The strangest thing in my eyes is that the extra shadow belongs

to you as well, but at the same time, it doesn't. I've never seen anything

like this, not even in the New World."

A thin sheen of sweat came onto Luffy's brow; it was easy for him to

realize where that second shadow came from.

"So, you do know?" Moriah asked, his expression eager.

"Yeah… but I'm not telling you," the rubber man growled. "I didn't come

here to talk. I came here to kick your ass for stealing my new musician's


"Oh, your musician, you say? I don't recall ever preying on one of the

Straw Hat Pirates. I think I'd remember a potentially suicidal move such

as that one!" Moria exclaimed. "And indeed, I'm not so foolish as to

believe I could win against the scourge of Paradise in an even fight. On

the other hand, now that I meet you in person, this does present quite an


He was interrupted by a swift kick to the face, which sent him crashing

into the wall behind him.

"If you're going to start monologuing, you should at least be on guard,"

Luffy said, crossing his arms after the casual display of force.

Moria got up, his face covered in blood, and scowled in frustration. "I

could say the same to you. Not that being on guard would help you in

this situation." Before Luffy could attack again, Moria held his arm out,

palm facing towards Luffy, who felt an inexplicable pull on his very


A familiar one.

He grunted in shock as his shadow, for the second time in his life, was

forcefully separated from his body and flew towards Moria's waiting


"Fool! You must have had a death wish to challenge me in that state! As a

user of the Kage Kage no Mi, I have dominion over shadows! The only

instance in which that dominion is under restriction is when a shadow is

tied to a living body! Only one shadow can fulfill this condition. Even if

the second one is somehow yours, it will not be tied to your body as

strongly as the first!"

"I thought I told you…" Luffy panted as he slowly recovered from the

sudden and painful abuse of his life force, "To stop your damn


Moria scowled again. "Very well, then. I'll skip right to the finale."

With that said, he shoved Luffy's struggling shadow into his own body.

The effect was instantaneous; Moria's overweight form didn't change at

all, but with a wide grin on his face, he moved in a stance that mirrored

Luffy's typical pose before battle. The real Luffy's Observation Haki told

him that this could be problematic.

"Have you ever had to fight against yourself, Straw Hat?" the Warlord


"Who knows?" Luffy replied. "I've been through a lot of crazy shit, so

something tells me it would be hard to remember even if I did. Maybe I

have, maybe I haven't. But I know how your ability works; you know

how I fight, but you don't have my powers."

"Kishishishishi! You're only half right about that Straw Hat!" Moriah

cackled, proving his point by clenching his fists. At first, Luffy was

confused; he couldn't stretch, so what was he—

He barely dodged the fist as it rushed towards him with impressive

speed. It didn't take long to realize that the blow was Haki enhanced.

"I may not be able to duplicate your Devil Fruit, but I can duplicate your

Haki!" Moria gloated. "And as long as I can manipulate my own shadow

as I please, replicating the effects of the Gomu Gomu no Mi is child's


"Only on the outside," Luffy said. With no more warning than that, he

activated Gear Second, and rushed forward as Moria did the same.

"Gomu Gomu no…!"

A/N: Be honest. How many of you saw that coming?

58. Another Storm

Hey all! Sorry for the wait for this chapter. I had finals and graduation to

worry about for the past couple months, and had to focus on those. But

I'm back!

Just to clear up a point of confusion: While shadows in One Piece do

contain their owner's power and abilities, losing them does not handicap

the owner's strength in any way, unless you count not being able to go

into the sunlight. I tend to think of shadows in this series as a reflection

of the soul, but not the soul itself, which is why ripping it away can be

debilitating, but does not weaken the owner of the shadow. So Luffy still

has all his strength and skill. In fact, since he has one shadow left, he can

still go into the sun as well.

Moria now has the skill and partial power of Pirate King Luffy, being one

of the few Devil Fruit users in the series who can exploit Luffy's unique

circumstances. Sounds like a tricky situation, right?

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter LVIII: Another Storm

On the Outskirts of Zenku

Jewelry Bonney lay exhausted and defeated. Her arms were chained

behind her to prevent the use of her Devil Fruit. She was breathing

heavily from both lack of breath and her injuries.

It was infuriating. This man—this monster—who had hurt Ace so badly,

who had committed the greatest sin imaginable on a pirate ship, on

Whitebeard's ship no less, only to run away with his tail between his


Had crushed her. Like a bug. Swatted her away, like a fly. Did she

mention it was infuriating?

And now she was chained to a tree. Her crew lay bloody, bruised, and

unconscious beside her, all because she was too weak. Blackbeard and his

crew were living it up as if their short confrontation hadn't even

happened, but who knew what would happen to her crew now that

they'd been captured, and holy shit how could she have been so stupid?

This man had murdered a Whitebeard Commander in cold blood, and

she'd charged at him in a fit of rage, letting her emotions rule her. Of

course her crew was going to back her up, and of course they were going

to pay the consequences for her actions. Stupid!

"Don't look so down, Jewelry Bonney! You weren't even close to being

ready for this stage yet, but I'll admit you've got spunk!" Blackbeard

mocked, getting too close to her face for comfort. "Hey, why don't you

join us, instead of going to Impel Down? You're too weak to be a part of

my crew, but you could still my woman if you want!"

Bonney saw red.

"Fuck you!" she shouted, wanting nothing more than to wipe that

disgusting leer off of his face. Too bad she couldn't move. "As if I'd ever

be some concubine to a piece of shit like you! I'll never forgive you for

what you did!"

Although Blackbeard feigned disappointment in her refusal, he quickly

recovered and looked at her curiously. "What I did? Come to think of it,

you were yelling about that earlier. Thing is, I don't think we've ever met

before." He grinned maliciously. "Though granted, I've left quite the

destructive path in my wake. Could it be that you know someone from

Drum? Or Banaro? Or even the New World, perhaps?"

Jewelry gritted her teeth and kept her silence, knowing better than to

answer that question.

"Well, not that it matters. Soon you and your crew will never see the light

of day again, assuming you insist on turning down my offer." He grabbed

her by the forehead and forced her eyes to meet his. "Of course, I don't

really care about them, you know. I could just let them go…"

The ultimatum chilled her to the bone. Before she could even consider

the gruesome choice laid out before her, a voice spoke out into the night,

low and dangerous.

"Get your filthy hands off her, Teach."

As one, Blackbeard and his crew turned towards the figure standing

behind them. Bonney couldn't see him from her position, but she

recognized his voice. Her breath caught in her throat.

Portgas D. Ace stood with a menacing scowl in his face, a small,

simmering Vivre Card clutched between his fingers.

"This isn't possible…" Chopper said with wide eyes, in denying the

evidence the three of them were faced with in fear of what they implied.

"That girl...she was alive!" Nami exclaimed, beseechingly.

They were staring down at an unassuming newspaper article. One about

a young actress who had died in a stage accident ten years ago.

The same girl who had just played host to them in a haunted

mansion...where they had just been chased around by zombies.

"But...was she?" Usopp asked, voicing the question that was on the tips of

all their tongues.

His only answer was an eerily familiar chant that echoed off the walls of

the empty mansion.


"Hey...is that…?" Nami's question went unfinished as the ethereal song

echoed again, seemingly coming from every direction.


Usopp's eyes widened fearfully. "It's—it's getting closer!"


Chopper sucked in a sharp breath. "You guys...that voice…"

"Yohohoho..." As the sound echoed one more time, Chopper shifted into

Heavy Point. "There's two of them!"

Without any further warning, a clash of steel sounded behind the three,

who all turned in shock to find Brook standing behind them, holding

back the blade of an as of yet unidentified zombie from reaching them.

"Brook!" Nami shouted.

"Straw Hat Pirates, please flee this place. This is the zombie who

currently possesses my shadow," Brook stated seriously. "I would settle

my affairs with him."

Not needing to be told twice, the trio turned and fled the mansion,

leaving the two undead to continue their dance of blades.

"Yohoho...interfering again, Hummer Brook?" Ryuuma asked mid parry.

"You should know how this will end."

On the other side of the island, a different horde of zombies had been

deployed to deal with the intruders. These zombies were faster, stronger,

and nastier in general. They were the General Zombies of Thriller Bark.

And they were having some major trouble.

"Keep it coming, you shitty corpses! I'll burn you all to the ground!"

"This week's me is feeling SUPER! All this exorcising is good exercise!"

"Franky. Please refrain from using that pun ever again."

The moment Sanji, Franky, and Robin had set foot on the island, they

had quickly been accosted by armies of the living dead. Naturally, their

immediate reaction was to start beating them down mercilessly. Ghost

ships may have been scary, but once the ghosts were attacking you, they

were just enemies whose asses needed some kicking, right?

Well, at any rate, it turned out that beings which had survived death

didn't go down easily. Go figure. As many times as they were beaten

down, they got right back up. It had gotten very tiresome.

At least, until Sanji had kicked one of the General Zombies into the

ocean, and Robin had caught sight of its shadow flying out of the water.

Remembering what Brook had told them about his shadow being stolen,

she had quickly put two and two together.

Which led to Operation Exorcise the Zombie Hordes Via Widespread

Drowning coming into effect.

"Sanji, how is Sunny doing?" Robin took the time to ask.

The chef briefly closed his eyes, before opening them again. "She's giving

them the slip for the moment. Luckily, everyone's primary focus is us

right now." Suddenly, he froze as his haki warned him of danger.

He quickly leapt behind Robin and Franky, and a barrage of kicks later, a

horde of creepy looking spider-rats were lying on the ground motionless.

"The hell? What are those things?" Franky asked as he knocked another

zombie into ocean with a Strong Right.

"They almost got the drop on us," Robin noted. "Perhaps they were

planning on murdering us and animating our lifeless bodies using stolen


"Robin, that was overly morbid!" Franky protested. "Get your mind out of

the grave!"

"How unusual," came a voice from beyond the fog. "You were able to see

my Spider Mice coming. That shouldn't be possible."

Slowly, a giant cross between a monkey and a spider came crawling out

from the fog. "But this is as far as you'll go, I'm afraid. Thriller Bark's

Three Enigma's are starting to make their move."

"Look alive, guys. We've got some pretty strong auras incoming," Sanji

warned, although he didn't seem that worried. Suddenly though, his face

darkened. "Though one of them seems familiar."

Two more figures came out of the fog, one floating in the air, surrounded

by ghosts, and dressed in pink from head to toe, and the other taking

heavy steps on the ground, looking quite familiar.

Sanji stared at the second figure with murderous intent.

"Oh dear. It's our friend from the Sunny," Robin noted mildly.

"Yeah...he's mine," Sanji replied.

Robin caught sight of the look on his face and raised an eyebrow. "Have

you met that lion-man before, Sanji?" she asked, finding it highly


"I haven't. But still, he has some things to answer for."

Robin looked amused as well as curious, but didn't pry. "I see. Have fun


"Don't act so nonchalant, Straw Hat pirates," the floating girl spoke. "You

may have fared well against Absalom's useless soldiers, but you won't

have such a fun time against me."

Suddenly, the ghosts surrounding her all charged. Not knowing what they

were, they were slightly caught off guard, but Sanji and Robin were still

able to dodge. Franky, on the other hand, opted to try shooting them,

which didn't go well for him. The floated harmlessly through the

projectiles, and then through his body, which immediately sank to the


"Hey, Franky! You alright?" Sanji shouted. "Get up! You're not even


But Franky remained in his fetal position on the ground. "I'm so un-super

this week," he said quietly. "My life has no meaning. I'm so useless. I wish

I could just be reborn as a flea."

Sanji looked on, baffled at the sight. "What the shit!?"

Robin looked equally unnerved, though without the outburst.

"You idiots!" Perona laughed. "You can't fight my Negative Hollows!

You'll just be left questioning the values of your pathetic lives!" The

ghosts charged forth once more, and Sanji kept dodging, aware of the

danger now.

Robin, though, was not as fast, and eventually got hit.

"Dammit! Robin-chan!" Sanji shouted in worry. But Robin simply stood

there, her face blank and unresponsive. Perona blinked at the sight,

wondering why she wasn't sinking to her knees. Sanji just stared,

wondering what would happen to Robin at this rate.

Finally, the archaeologist spoke. "So, your power is to make people doubt

themselves? How useless. Your use of the Horo Horo no Mi is quite

lacking, isn't it? Perhaps you should die and let the fruit pass on to

someone who could actually use it."

Silence. Complete and utter silence. The Straw Hats, General Zombies,

and Enigmas alike all stared at Robin like she was something from

another world. A stifled sob finally broke the quiet of the night.

Perona was kneeling on the ground, tears trailing down her face, as her

ghosts mimicked the motion. "That...that was so mean...and unnecessary!

Just why!? Dammit, I just wanna die!"

Franky was the first to speak, having recovered from his fit of negativity.

"What...was that?"

"Robin-chan…" Sanji spoke in awe. "Did you just project the negativity

back to her?"

Robin blinked as if waking up from a trance. She looked slightly puzzled

herself. "Well...I'm already quite negative. Perhaps my negativity won out

over the Hollows?"

"That's fucking ridiculous!" Perona shouted, having recovered herself.

"There's no way a human being could be more negative than my Hollows!

No one could live their lives with that much emotional load! You'd be

dead by now!"

Robin tilted her head to the side. "The only thing ridiculous here...is your

fashion sense. What are you, five?"

This put Perona right back in her fetal position, and Absalom growled.

"Pull yourself together, Perona! This is pathetic!"

Sanji looked at Robin worriedly. "Robin, are you…?"

"There seem to have been some lingering effects. I'm sure it will pass."

"Anyway...we should split up," Franky said, still looking unsettled by

what they have just seen. "We won't be able to fight properly if we have

to keep dodging those ghosts."

"You're right," Sanji agreed. "I'll take the shitty lion. Robin-chan, you

should probably handle the ghost girl."

"Great, that leaves me with Spider-monkey," Franky said, looking

disappointed. "Oh well."

The three nodded at each other, and Robin ran after Perona, who

screamed and started flying away. Sanji went straight for Absalom,

landing a kick to his face that sent him hurtling back into the fog. Franky

smirked at Tararan and gestured for him to bring it on. The spider-

monkey growled and charged.

Back at the mansion, Hogback was fretting over recent events.

"Oh Cindry, what are we to do? Moria-sama will not be happy that I let

those three get away."

"...Plates should disappear from this world."

"That has nothing at all to do with what I said."

"Hogback-sama!" The two turned to see a lower ranked Soldier Zombie

scrambling into the mansion. "Hogback-sama, I have a report to make!"

"Well, don't just stand there. Get on with it."

The zombie gulped. Yes, sir. The bulk of the island's Soldier and General

Zombies have been either defeated or purified."

It took a moment for that to sink in. When it did, Hogback's eyes


"You've got to be kidding me! Those zombies together number at two

hundred strong, and the General Zombies are the toughest ones we have!

Who could have defeated all of them?"

"Many were defeated on the outskirts of Thriller Bark, by three of the

Straw Hat pirates."

"I heard, but Perona and Absalom were sent to intercept. There's no way

they could have—"

"But the bulk of them," the Soldier Zombie continued, shivering, were

defeated by one man!"

Hogback froze, not even caring that he had been interrupted. "...What?


The zombie shivered again. "Roronoa Zoro. I was the only survivor."

Zoro stood over the countless corpses of the General and Soldier Zombies

alike. Not a single one had been purified using sea water, or even salt.

Rather, every single one had faced death by the swordsman's blades,

forcefully expelling the shadows within.

Zoro walked past the last of the downed undead, and smirked at the sight

of the mansion he had just stumbled upon.

"Finally, we're getting somewhere," he said quietly. "I can sense Brook's

aura in there. As well as another one of note." His eyes narrowed,

realizing that the two were already fighting. And Brook was losing.

Wordessly, he lifted one sword and brought it down.

The mansion split in two.

Hogback and Cindry fell over onto the ground as the room split apart

around them. Hogback screamed in fright, while Cindry simply looked

on, emotionless.

"It's...it's him!" the Soldier Zombie trembled.

Zoro walked calmly passed the fallen doors of the mansion, and towards

the three spectators.

"Y-You! What are you waiting for! Get him!" Hogback shouted at the last

Soldier Zombie. Althoug he was scared stiff, he was compelled to obey a

member of the Three Enigmas, per Moria's orders. With a shout, the

zombie charged forward.

And was casually cut down. His body fell to the ground, and his head

rolled away, causing Hogback to let out a shrill scream as the shadow

within was ejected.

But Zoro simply walked passed the terrified Enigma, not paying the

slightest bit of attention to his presence.

"I know that caught your attention," he said, speaking to an unseen


Ryuuma walked out from behind the rubble, carrying Brook's defeated

form over his shoulder. Zoro's face darkened at the sight of the fallen

skeleton. As Ryuuma through him onto the ground unceremoniously, his

hands tightened around his swords.

"You're going to regret that," Zoro stated ominously.

"Roronoa Zoro, is it?" Ryuuma said. "You're right, I was about to finish off

this fool, but that feat of swordsmanship caught my interest for the time

being. I assume you're looking for a duel then, since you came here."

"Zoro-san…" Brook mumbled from the floor. The only reason he was still

conscious was because he technically couldn't lose blood, having none to

begin with. But he had still taken considerable damage during the fight.

"I was," Zoro replied, answering Ryuuma's question. "But now...I'm must

plain pissed off. Prepare yourself."

A few seconds passed by as the two measured each other up, and then, by

an unspoken agreement, the First Mate and swordsman of the Straw Hat

pirates and the last and strongest General Zombie of Thriller Bark dashed

toward each other, as Brook watched on in amazement.

Limbs were in flight as rubber and shadow collided in an ungodly

exchange of fistly barrages. Both combatants refused to give ground as

their attacks met in the middle, born from mastery of their respective

abilities, and incited in a clash of ideals.

"Gomu Gomu no...Elephant Gun!"

Moria mirrored Luffy's attack perfectly, just like those before it, as his fist

expanded similarly to the rubber man's.

"What an interesting moveset," Moria cackled. "You've taken your Devil

Fruit powers far for such a low tier Paramecia. But I suppose it should be

expected from this generation's Dark Horse."

"As much as you mock me for it, I can tell it infuriates you," Luffy said

dodging and parrying another mass of limbs as he spoke. "Just the

thought of us rookies chasing our dreams with our whole lives ahead of

us…it makes you sick, doesn't it?"

Moria's face darkened. "Quite perceptive, aren't you? Yes, you hit the nail

on the head. Seeing all you clueless ingrates flocking to the New World,

completely ignorant of why we call this current sea Paradise! It almost

makes me want to let you go so just so you can witness the horrors for

yourself!" A sinister grin formed on his face. "Almost. As much as I would

like to read about your gruesome deaths in the newspaper, I have a much

better use for your skills."

"I'm glad to know you care," Luffy scoffed. "But you shouldn't worry

about us rookies. Especially not my generation."

"Oh? Having delusions of grandeur are you? Do you really think this

current generation of pirates is any better than the rest?"

"It's the opposite, actually," Luffy said with a smirk. "You could say we're

the Worst."

Moria's smile vanished. "You seem to be speaking in riddles. Is that

supposed to mean something to me?"

"Not yet. But it will. One day, you're going to fear the rookies that you so

casually dismissed. But as for me…" His face darkened, and Moria felt an

inexplicable chill run down his spine.

"You shouldn't think of me as a rookie at all. I didn't get that shadow for


"You…" Moria trailed off as he felt his grip on his newfound power slip

just the tiniest bit. "Who are you?"

"I am he whose will shall bring forth another storm," Luffy recited. "And

this peace you enjoy, Warlord?"

He looked up, and Moria's eyes widened in fear.

"It's just the calm before it."

Well, that's a wrap for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I'll try to

get back to you much sooner next time. Lost out.

59. Echoes of the Past

I'd like to briefly point out that Second Wind has reached 5000 favs,

making it the first One Piece fanfiction to do so. Thank you all for

making that possible, and enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter LIX: Echoes of the Past

"It's been a long time, Commander! Good to see you again," Blackbeard

spoke with false joy as he stood across from Ace. His former Division

Commander didn't answer him though, opting to simply walk past the

object of his hatred, much to Blackbeard's confusion.

The rest of the Blackbeard Pirates tensed as he neared, expecting an

attack, but Ace ignored them as well as he walked up to Bonney. Van

Auger locked eyes with his captain with a questioning gaze, but

Blackbeard simply shrugged with an uncaring, malevolent grin.

Ace easily melted the chains around Bonney's wrists and legs, and she

immediately stood up, glaring heatedly at surrounding pirates who were

now giving them a wide berth.

"Bonney, gather your crew and get off this island," Ace commanded.

Bonney's eyes narrowed. "You're going to fight him alone?"

"That's the best option right now. Your crewmates aren't in condition to


Bonney looked like she was having an inner battle, but eventually she

nodded, her worry over her crew's wellbeing making the decision for her.

She kept a wary gaze on the Blackbeard Pirates as she roused her

crewmates, but Blackbeard didn't seem to care one way or the other.

While this made her seethe with rage, she held herself back this time. As

her crew began to leave, Ace spoke up.

"Bonney, I need you to let my brother know that this happened. He's—"

"I know him," Bonney interrupted, shooting a meaningful sideways glance

at the Blackbeard pirates, who were still listening curiously. "And I'll find


Ace nodded, getting the message. "Go."

Bonney stared at him, gaze filled with regret. "Be careful."

As her crew left, Blackbeard stared at Ace in amusement. "So, you two

know each other. That explains a few things. I guess I should apologize

then. I didn't realize she was a friend of yours."

Ace's eyes narrowed. "What are you playing at, Teach? You were going to

turn her into the government, but now you're just going to let her go?

What's your goal?"

"My goal? Well, I suppose I can tell you. But only if you're willing to join

my crew. What do you say, Ace? It'll be just like old times!"

"I'll have to decline," Ace drawled, though inwardly he was relieved. If

Blackbeard wanted to him as a crewmate, then he most likely let Bonney

go to convince him to join. That meant he wouldn't have to cover her


"Oh? Are you sure? I may not be much of a big name now, but I have

quite the plan in mind. If you help me bring it to fruition, it won't be long

until we're the next big name in the New World! And after that, the next

stop is Pirate King!"

"I'm already part of a Yonko crew, Teach. The same one you betrayed, as

it happens. Now, you should know what happens next."

Blackbeard's face fell. If nothing else, he was a good actor. "Oh, well, so

much for that. But if you're not going to join me…then I have a pretty

good alternative in mind. You see, after that stunt you pulled in

Marineford, you being here could accelerate my plan quite nice—"

He didn't have time to finish his sentence, as Ace, feeling Bonney's aura

leave the island, quickly bolted forward, propelling himself with a burst

of flame.

Blackbeard screamed in pain as two spears of flame impaled him through

the torso. His crew immediately leapt to their captain's defense, but their

gunfire simply went through Ace's Logia body harmlessly.

"Stay back!" Blackbeard shouted through the pain. "You guys aren't ready

for this kind of fight!"

"Fire Fist!" A barrage of flame engulfed the Blackbeard pirates, who were

all blown backward, cursing as they received severe burns. Ace's

onslaught didn't stop there as he immediately fired off his signature move

a second time.

"Shit…he's not playing around!" Blackbeard exclaimed as he absorbed the

blast of fire using the power of the Yami Yami no Mi. He took a moment

to regain his bearings, not having expected Ace to be so unrelenting right

off the bat. His Black Hole would have been unexpected, which meant he

should have gained a moment of respite—

"Flash Fire!"

—Or not.

The Blackbeard pirates could do nothing to stop the Logia as a rapid

pulse of fire spread out in all directions, hitting every one of them. A few

of the quicker ones defended with what Haki they could use, but it did

little to stop the extreme temperatures.

He's different, Blackbeard realized. He wasn't nearly this strong before.

"Did you think I've been doing nothing during my search, Teach?" Ace

asked. "I've been training for this moment for a while now."

That left Blackbeard confused. Ace couldn't have known that he'd

obtained the most powerful Logia in existence before this encounter. Why

would he have felt the need to train when he could have already defeated

him during their time on Whitebeard's ship?

That brief moment of contemplation cost him as Ace shot into the air,

descending upon him with a pillar of fire, burning him to the bone.

"Dammit!" he shouted in agony. "Fine, you asked for this, Ace!" He raised

his arm and activated his ability, drawing Ace towards him, where he

was ready to deliver a punishing blow. Astoundingly, Ace behaved as if

he'd expected to be yanked out of the air, and readied another fire spear,

aiming it straight for his heart.

Blackbeard's eyes widened. No matter how much vitality he had, being

speared through the heart was not something he wanted to experience

any time soon. He lunged out of the way, readying a blow as Ace landed

in close proximity, but Ace didn't even hesitate before unleashing another

Fire Fist at point blank range. The blast sent him hurtling away.

When he landed, he sucked the next barrage of fire into his Black Hole

again, before trying something different. He brought his hands up and

formed a larger singularity which devastated the landscape, sucking

everything towards him, including the ground. He was hoping for Ace to

lose his footing, but the Flame Man leapt into the air and propelled

himself away.

In response, Blackbeard drew him in again while he was in the air. Not

able to aim properly from his position this time, Ace readied his flame

spears but missed his opponent's vital spots. Blackbeard coughed up

blood as he was pierced again, but grinned victoriously as he grabbed

onto Ace.

If Ace was surprised that he was no longer able to use his powers, he

didn't show it. He gritted his teeth as Blackbeard's hand collided with his


Blackbeard, on the other hand, watched with wide eyes as Ace's body

darkened to obsidian, and felt the pain in his hand from having just

karate chopped his armaments hardened skin. He's been training his Haki

too? The shock caused him to let go of Ace's shoulder. Realizing his

mistake, he made a lunge for him again, but Ace retreated, gaining his

distance again.

It was then that Blackbeard realized that this fight wouldn't be as simple

as he initially thought.

Finally stopping to catch their breath after fleeing Hogback's mansion,

Nami, Chopper, and Usopp stood debating what to do next. It wasn't long

before Usopp's eyes widened as he locked onto several approaching



The other two's heads snapped towards the approaching crowd. Assuming

that they were more zombies, Nami whipped out her Clima Tact.

"Wait! I assure you, we are not your enemies!" said an old man with a

huge wound who could have easily passed for a zombie.

"Who are you then?" Nami asked warily, still clutching her Clima Tact.

Call her paranoid, but she'd had a long day!

"We call ourselves the Thriller Bark Victim's Association," a pink haired

woman explained. "My name is Lola. We were all victims of Gecko

Moria's ability. I have to ask...are you three part of the Straw Hat


"You bet!" Usopp declared. "So did you guys all have your shadows stolen


"So you already know what's been happening," one of their visitors spoke


"That makes thing easier," another said.

"Let us introduced ourselves. We are the Risky Brothers, members of the


As the Risky Brothers explained what was really happening on Thriller

Bark, Nami and Usopp listened with wide eyes, while Chopper seethed in


"You mean he's using people's shadows to animate and enslave people's

corpses!?" The reindeer human hybrid shouted.

"Well, essentially," one of the Risky Brothers confirmed.

"So that explains the whole zombie phenomenon. But still, why bring this

to us?"

"Hey, you!" Lola said suddenly, looking straight at Usopp. "Marry me!"

Usopp, taken aback, slowly pointed at himself in question.

"Yeah, she means you," one of the Risky Brothers assured.

"Oh," Usopp said, blinking. "Well, sorry Miss, but no can do! I'm a pirate

through and through, and my heart belongs to the sea!"

As the Risky Brothers declared how many rejections that made, far too

loudly in Nami's opinion, Lola looked confused.

"I happen to be a pirate as well. Is there a rule that states that they can't

get married?" she asked, not accusingly, but seemingly out of pure


Usopp suddenly lost the air of boastfulness about him, as his face took on

a more wistful and melancholic expression.

"Well, they can. There's no rule against it," he replied. "But it can cause

problems later on."

Lola's brow furrowed. "I see," she responded, deep in thought, as Nami

shot Usopp a sympathetic look.

The Risky Brothers, sensing the somber atmosphere, decided to move the

conversation along. "Well anyway," one spoke up. "We actually came to

request something of you all. You see, just hours ago, in what could only

be described as divine intervention, we of the Thriller Bark Victim's

Association miraculously began getting our shadows back. As of this

moment, almost all of us have gotten ours back. All but one, in fact. Lola,

one of our chief members, is the only one yet to regain hers!"

"How did that happen?" Chopper asked in amazement. Nami and Usopp,

on the other hand, looked at each other blandly.

"Zoro," they chorused.

Chopper's eyes lit up. "Really!? He's so cool!"

"Aren't you forgetting that he left us alone on an island infested with

vicious zombies?" Nami asked haughtily.

"Technically we left him," Usopp reminded her, causing her to deflate a


"Wait, Demon Wind Zoro? Are you telling me one of your crew is

responsible for this?" the other Risky Brother asked.

"Most likely," Nami replied.

"That just solidifies our faith in you!" he proclaimed. "Please, would you

heed our request and get Lola's shadow back? She can't leave Thriller

Bark without it, and we refuse to leave one of our own behind!"

The three glanced at each other. "I think we should help," Chopper gave

his input.

"It couldn't hurt. Most of the zombies have been purified, right? It

shouldn't be too hard to fight one zombie," Usopp added.

Nami hummed and muttered something about needing to meet up with

the others anyway, before turning back to Lola. "It seems we're in

agreement. We'll get your shadow back for you."

The woman had tears in her eyes as she thanked them.

"Guys, I hate to ask, but can I leave this to you?" Chopper asked, catching

their attention once they were out of earshot. "I have...business with Dr.


Usopp shrugged. "Sure, go for it. Just be careful."

"We'll have Sanji-kun track you down afterward if we run into him, ok?"

Nami suggested.

Chopper nodded and shifted into Walk Point, running off into the fog as

he followed his sense of smell.

Tararan screeched in frustration as Franky once again pummeled him

with the makeshift nunchucks he had fashioned out of a nearby pillar.

How was this possible? In terms of physical strength, he was the

strongest active zombie in Thriller Bark. How was he being overpowered

by a mere human? He threw another punch at his tormenter, only for his

hand to meet a solid wall of steel, the pain being his only reward for the


"You! What the hell are you?" Tararan demanded, cradling yet another of

his eight abused limbs.

"Me? I'm just your friendly neighborhood cyborg. You won't get

anywhere by pounding away, whatever you are."

Tararan suddenly grinned maliciously. "Oh? Thanks for the advice."

Franky soon found himself ensnared in a giant webbing, which routed

him to the ground. Tararan laughed mockingly.

"Do you make a habit of telling your opponent what will and won't work

on you? You should have just kept your mouth shut, you idiot!"

"...Well, you should have been able to figure out that punching me wasn't

working anyway," Franky said as he struggled to free himself, to no avail.

"So who's the idiot, idiot?"

Tararan glared. "Sorry, did you say something? I have poor hearing."

"My ass you do. Now let me out of this stupid web."

"Not gonna happen! I may not be able to hurt you, but that makes no

difference if you can't go anywhere!"

"That's your big plan? To just leave me here?" Franky asked. "As far as

evil plots go, I've seen better."

"Still can't hear you. And it's not as if you can do anything while you're in

that web."

"Well...technically my head is still free…" Franky speculated. "Fresh

Fire!" He exhaled a stream of fire at the webbing, instantly setting it

ablaze. Within seconds, the web burned away, leaving Franky to run

around aimlessly.

"Ow ow ow! Hot! That's SUPER hot!" he shouted, before turning his

attention back to the shocked Tararan.

"Now! Time to end this! Weapons Left!" Tararan screamed in pain as the

projectiles collided with his face, but was granted no reprieve. "Strong

Right!" He was then sent hurtling away into the trees, which ceased his

momentum painfully. Franky wasn't finished. "And...Coup de Vent!" The

air cannon hit him hard enough to send him through the trees, off

Thriller Bark, and into the ocean, where he was purified like his

followers, leaving Franky to strike a victory pose.

"Man, that fight was way too easy. Now, to find the others."

Robin leapt out of the way as another ghost flew at her, but was still

singed by the resulting explosion. She collided with the ground painfully,

but quickly righted herself. She had learned the hard way that these

specters could do a lot more than just spread negativity, nearly getting

blown apart in the process. She was covered in bruises from head to toe

as a result of the prolonged fight.

Although Perona's attacks were nothing to scoff at, Robin's main issue

with this ability was that it seemingly granted its user intangibility,

rendering her attacks completely ineffective. It wasn't even the same type

of "invincibility" as the logias—she could bloom body parts on most logia

users, even if it wasn't exactly the wisest idea. But she couldn't even

establish a base on Perona. It was like trying to bloom body parts out of

an empty void, like the girl wasn't even there. At the rate things were

going, pieces of her body were going to end up all over the place, with no

help needed from the Hana Hana no Mi.

Not the time, Robin. Calm down...assess the situation.

She quickly went over what else she knew. Perona was a user of the Horo

Horo no Mi. She'd ascertained as much rather soon going into this fight.

That fruit was a Paramecia, so it shouldn't provide any level of

intangibility, much less this degree of it. So despite the spectral nature of

the Devil Fruit, its class ruled out intangibility by default.

What did that leave? Dimensional manipulation? That had little to do

with ghosts, so...no. Wait…

Ghosts. What was a ghost? The spirit of a deceased entity. But Perona

wasn't dead, as far as she knew. Unless her power operated similarly to

Brook's and stayed with the user after death, which was exceedingly


Then the spirit would have to be separate from the body.

Astral projection. The real Perona was never here.

...Hopefully? Oh well, it was worth a shot.

"Are you done running yet, bipolar bitch?" Perona taunted, confident in

her victory.

Bipolar…? That's a new one. Not to mention off the mark. Then again,

Demonspawn was never that accurate either.

"You would run too...if you were being chased around by a face that

ugly," Robin replied neutrally.

As Perona sat sobbing with her knees against her chest, Robin blinked


I honestly didn't think that would work again.

Making full use of the reprieve, she closed her eyes. "Mil Fleur...Ojo

Millenio!" Thousands of eyes sprouted all over Thriller Bark, in every

room, behind every wall, around every corner. One such eye soon found

what it was looking for: a sleeping Perona on a bed in a room that looked

like it belonged to a five year old.

It feels good to be right.

Quickly sprouting six arms from afar around the girl's unmoving form,

Robin performed a fast and efficient clutch, putting the girl out of

commission. The projection in front of her froze, before its eyes glazed

over and it went slack. It soon dissipated completely.

"Well, that could have gone worse. I wonder how the others are faring?"

"SHITTY-FACED PIECE OF $)!(^ !&$% &!)*!&)*%^#&!)RQ#)^&!" Sanji

roared, accentuating every swear that came out from his sailor's mouth

with at least 10 kicks. At the receiving end of his heel was a bloody and

beaten Absalom, his wrist bazookas crushed and discarded on the ground

next to him. For all his physical fortitude, the best-man could barely

stand. He'd spent the last 10 minutes fruitlessly attempting to ward off

Black Leg Sanji's onslaught as the chef swore bloody murder at him.

Absalom was no stranger to hostility. In many circumstances, he'd come

to expect it. He was the subordinate of a Warlord, after all. But this...this

was something else, something beyond what one would show to even an


This was a personal vendetta.

Gritting his teeth through the pain, he turned invisible and attempted to

flee for what had to be the fifth time, only for the chef to effortlessly

follow, as if he could see him perfectly.

Every time he attempted this, he would be kicked even harder.

Have to...get out of here...this guy's insane!

After a particularly brutal axe kick imbedded his skull into the ground,

he stood up and roared angrily, despite the blood flowing from his face.

"You! What the hell is your problem!? Even I can tell you could have

ended this fight already, and yet you're just causing as much pain as

possible! What kind of monster are you!? What do you have against me


"Shut up, you piece of shit! I have nothing against you—women's bath!

Petty grudges are beneath me—women's bath! I'm doing this for the sake

of my crew—women's bath!" Sanji shouted, the bloodthirsty look on his

face offering little credibility to his disjointed claim.

Absalom's jaw was unhinged. That made no sense at all! This guy...he really

is insane! I'm fighting a mentally unstable person! And losing!

Just as Sanji was about to finish the fight, a large figure leapt out of the

trees and swung at Sanji, who effortlessly dodged.

"Lola!?" Absalom shouted. Great, just what I needed...another crazy person!"

"You bastard!" The warthog zombie screamed. "How dare you do this to

Absalom-sama! What did he ever do to you!?"

Sanji seemed to calm down as he was faced with a member of the

opposite sex. Regardless of trivial classifications such as alive or dead,

this thing before him was a woman, and it would be bad form to show

the depths of his rage in front of her.

"He didn't to anything," Sanji replied calmly. "Like I said, it's nothing

personal...women's bath."

Lola was even further incensed by the nonsensical explanation, and

charged at Sanji with a vengeance. The chef continued to dodge with

little difficulty, but didn't retaliate as Absalom took the chance to vanish

and sneak away.

In the rubble of what was once recognizable as Hogback's mansion, two

swordsmen continued their duel.

Zoro had yet to receive a single scratch. That was more than could be

said for Ryuma, who was covered in blade wounds all over. If he was still

alive, he would have no doubt bled out by now.

"Roronoa Zoro...your actions confuse me," the zombie stated. "You are

clearly the far superior swordsmen, and yet you have yet to finish this

duel. Did you not wish to to take revenge for your fallen comrade, my

shadows previous owner? Why do you delay the end result?"

"I wouldn't be satisfied fighting you at this level," Zoro retorted, causing

Ryuma's eyes to narrow. "If I'm going to slay you, I want to face you at

your best first."

"Your words are empty, designed to insult my integrity and nothing else,"

Ryuma sneered. "I have been going all out since our duel started."

"I disagree," Zoro said dully. "I can sense it...the breath of the warrior that

has long been silenced, only to pulse once more beneath the suffocating

presence of foreign sovereignty. Just as swords embody the will of their

wielders, so too does the body carry the will of its original bearer. That

medium that you occupy, without the slightest regard for the legend that

once embodied it, the weight of the name that you now go by...it still

carries an echo of the man it once belonged to."

Zoro dashed forward again, and as their swords clashed once more,

Ryuma let the words wash over him. He was swayed by stirrings deep

within, beyond his own comprehension.

What is this? Why do I feel this way? It is not my place to contemplate the life

that these hands once built, the ground that these legs once walked. I am

simply Moria-sama's soldier, destined to carry out his will. So then why…?

As the steel of Zoro's swords gleamed in the light, Ryuma's eyes widened.

Why do the words of this man move me so?

Compelled by forces he could not fathom, Ryuma centered himself and

attempted to remember his previous life as the Dragon Slayer.

He couldn't. It was as if a barrier existed to prevent his consciousness

from crossing the divide to his past life. Of course. Although he had never

tried this before, he knew instinctively that Moria-sama's will would

deter him from such independent endeavors. It was the very nature of his


So why was he so disappointed?

"No luck, huh?" Zoro spoke up, breaking Ryuma out of his thoughts. "I

guess it won't be that easy. I figured as much. In order to feel that echo,

you'll have to walk the border between life and death that your entire

state of being is dependent upon." His face broke out into a feral grin. "I

hope for your sake that I'm right…"

Zoro raised one blade into the air, and if Ryuma had a heartbeat, he

would have sworn it was pulsing in his ears.

He was just a mass of reanimated organic matter with no independent

will of its own. So why, when faced with the end of his being at the end

of this man's blade, did he suddenly feel so alive?

For this artificial consciousness to leave him without ever discovering the

echo that this man had preached of, that felt so close, and for the first

time, so attainable...at the moment, he couldn't think of a more

dissatisfying end.

As Roronoa Zoro's blade drew closer to his neck, time slowed down for

Ryuma. When it was just inches away, something in his makeshift mind


He felt like a puppet with its strings cut, who had just discovered it could

move on its own all along.

Zoro's blade was caught on Shusui, the killing strike stopped dead in its

tracks. Amidst the silence that followed, the Straw Hat swordsman's face

was unreadable, until finally, a mad grin manifested on his visage.

Ryuma's aura spiked. Shusui's steel blackened to obsidian.

"I have much to thank you for, Roronoa Zoro," he spoke with a far more

dignified air. "As reward, I promise a duel to be remembered for the rest

of your days...assuming you survive."

The two separated, jumping back to survey each other.

"Forgive me...I never did introduced myself, did I?" Ryuma chuckled. "I

fully blame Moria for that lack of conduct. You may refer to me as

Dragon Slayer Ryuma...Samurai of Wano."

AN: Sorry again for the long wait. I know my updates are taking longer

now, but I've had a lot going on this past year. Still, I hope the chapter

was to your liking.

Just so you know, the move Robin used, Ojo Millenio, means Millenium

Eye in Spanish. Yugioh references aside, I thought it fit her role as an

archaeologist. Remember to review, as always.

60. Arrival of Dawn

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece. I do, however, own the version of the

lyrics to Binks' Sake used in this chapter, seeing as I wrote them.

Chapter LX: Arrival of Dawn

Nightfall, on the island of Zenku

Countless pillars of deadly flames assaulted Blackbeard. He absorbed

what he could with his Devil Fruit, but as soon as he did so, another

barrage of fire would replace the last. As a particularly searing fireball

vanished into his singularity, a spray of faster flame bullets shot towards

him and riddled his body with burn holes. Screaming in pain, he was

unprepared for the next Fire Fist, which hit him dead on, blackening his

already burned skin and blasting him backwards. He sucked in a ragged

breath, trying to get his breathing back under control as he staggered to

his feet.

Suddenly, Ace shot out of the surrounding walls of fire, propelling

himself forward as he brandished a blade of flame that Blackbeard had

already learned the hard way was Haki imbued.

He cursed as the blade headed straight for his unprotected neck, aiming

to decapitate him. Ace had been aiming for vital spots every chance he

got in this fight, as if he knew beforehand about the incredible vitality

that Blackbeard had done his best to hide while on Whitebeard's ship.

Blackbeard managed to duck under the first swing, and took the chance

to reach out and grab his former commander, darkness emanating from

his palm. Ace was prepared for that though, and swung the blade back

around swiftly.

Blackbeard roared in agony as the blade nearly burned through his limb,

bone and all. If not for the special properties of his body, that strike

would have taken his hand off. The sight of victory burned in Ace's eyes

as he got ready to take another swing at the traitor's neck, when suddenly

his Haki screamed at him and he leaned backwards to dodge Van Auger's

Haki imbued gunfire.

The brief respite was all Blackbeard needed to gain some distance as

more bullets shot towards Ace. Hatred fueled the Whitebeard commander

as the ground practically exploded beneath his feet, propelling him

through the wall of flames to where he could sense the sniper's location.

More bullets shot toward him in a desperate attempt to ward him off, but

Ace glided through them, his Haki strengthening his logia defense.

When he burst through the flames, Jesus Burgess was there, having

noticed his crewmate's predicament, ready to punch his lights out. Or at

least try. Ace shot through his guard like a missile, toppling him over as

he formed a fire dagger, his gaze locked on the wide eyed sniper who had

robbed him of his vengeance.

The makeshift blade burned through Auger's heart, and as his life faded,

the Blackbeard pirate heard one last scathing remark from the logia's


"I'll make sure your precious scum of a captain follows."

His body hit the ground with a thud.

Burgess watched the callous murder of his crew member in shock, which

then turned to rage as Ace started forming a ball of fire in his hand.

Before he could attack the logia however, Ace got yanked off his feet by

an unseen force. Gritting his teeth, he continued charging his next attack

as he was pulled toward the other logia on the battlefield.

"Great Flame Commandment...Entei!" The plunged the gargantuan ball

of fire towards the ground, and it exploded with a deafening roar. The

explosion was large enough to engulf most of the island, the greatest

damage being dealt near the epicenter. The screams of the Blackbeard

Pirates were drowned out by the sheer volume of the blast as they were


When the blast ended, everything in sight was on fire. Standing in the

center of the flames was Blackbeard, who had absorbed most of the fire

heading in his direction, but still had fourth degree burns covering his

body. Despite his injuries, his eyes burned with triumph.

In his grasp was Ace, who was trapped in the traitor's chokehold. He

gasped for air, but Blackbeard was unrelenting, slamming him against the

ground so that his head cratered the earth and vision became spotted.

"You bastard…" Blackbeard seethed, all false pretenses thrown out the

window. "Look what you've done."

Ace smiled darkly. "How does it feel, Teach? To lose your crewmates? I

know you never really gave a damn about Thatch, but maybe you'll know

firsthand now," he rasped.

Blackbeard growled. "This is a major setback, I'll give you that," he said

as he continued to choke the life out of the powerless logia. "But it won't

stop me. After I kill you here, I'll find more crew members. One day, I'll

bring the Whitebeard Pirates to ruin, and take that sentimental old fool's

place on the throne. This is my era, Ace."

Ace spat in his face, causing him to tighten his hold. He wrapped one of

his hands around Blackbeard's wrist, coating his hands with Haki and

trying to loosen his grip as he subtly reached his other hand toward his

hip. Blackbeard grunted in pain as his burns were aggravated by Ace's

hold, but his grip didn't loosen in the slightest.

"I hope that doesn't hurt, Teach," Ace wheezed. "Because where you're

going, those burns will be nothing in comparison."

Blackbeard's Observation Haki suddenly screamed at him to move, but

before he could so much as loosen his hold around the flame man's neck,

a small, steel dagger, easily concealable, plunged into his chest.

Blackbeard stumbled back in shock, allowing Ace to take in mouthfuls of

air in relief. With shaking hands, he grabbed the hilt of the weapon and

pulled it out from between his ribs, knowing that it had nicked his heart.

Ace massaged his neck tenderly. His throat was covered in a hand shaped

mark that would surely bruise soon. He turned back toward he heaving

traitor in front of him and readied one final attack with his now

recovered logia powers.

Blackbeard looked at him with unmasked fear, but was still able to

gather his strength for one last clash.

"I...won't die here! I will...become the next Pirate King! It's my fate!" he

rambled as he struggled to move.

"Your fate is the same as your crew's," Ace whispered, as a searing white

flame appeared in his palm. "Great Flame Commandment…"

Blackbeard desperately brought his hands up in defense. "Darkness


Ace charged forward. "Genesis Edict!"

Blackbeard met him halfway. "Primordial Void!"

If one was to cast their gaze, at that moment, towards the island of Zenku

from any neighboring islands of the Grand Line, they would have

witnessed the sky light up as the sea was engulfed in fire for miles. The

light shined like a colossal beacon, as if signalling to the heavens its

triumph over the darkness of the night.

Gecko Moria knew he had ambition, no matter what any uninformed

pirates may say about the matter. Although he had once fled the New

World following the loss of his crew, that hadn't kept him down for long.

Granted, he had no aspirations for ruling the seas anymore, but the

darkest corner of it was still a fitting kingdom.

Yes, he had ambition. But at the same time, he also that the best way to

achieve them was to adhere to his strengths, and rule from the shadows.

To do that, he needed to be able to effortlessly command said shadows.

Seeing as he was the user of the Kage Kage no Mi, that wasn't exactly a


So why couldn't he command this one!?

Twisting his body to unnatural forms using his shadow manipulation,

Moria dodged another round of blows from his opponent, but as he

readied his own mimicry of an attack, it happened again.

The shadow that he had recently stolen resisted him, causing his punch

to its Haki imbued luster. Straw Hat Luffy charged through the weakened

attack like it wasn't even there, once again nailing Moria in the face with

his own strike.

Moria roared in pain and rage as he was sent hurtling back towards the

wreckage of the already collapsed wall. Landing on the floor painfully, he

pushed himself back to his feet.

"Starting to slip huh?" Straw Hat's infuriating voice assaulted him,

causing him to glare at the unfazed pirate captain. "Let me ask you...of all

the shadows you've enslaved, have any of their owners awakened

Conqueror's Haki?"

Moria's eyes widened, but he didn't answer.

"I guess that's a no," Luffy said with a smirk. "Well, you're about to learn

why it won't work."

Luffy quickly activated Gears Second and Third simultaneously, and

began his next onslaught as Moria's, forcing Moria to fall back on the

power of the shadow that was slipping from his grasp.

Desperate, Moria held one hand out and used his trump card.

"Shadows Asgard!" he shouted, summoning all the subjugated shadows

on Thriller Bark to his aid. Much to his shock, he could only feel one

hundred of them gather.

"If you'd been using my Haki correctly, you would have realized that

most of the zombies have already been purified," Luffy stated, causing

Moria to curse.

The Straw Hat captain went on the offensive again, imbuing his fist with

both Armaments Hardening and his Conqueror's Haki, causing the limb

to darken, and black sparks to trail down his arm.

"Gomu Gomu no…"

As the only shadow that could help him here continued to resist him,

Moria braced himself for the pain.

"Night Hawk!"

"Stay still so I can hit you!" Lola shouted as Sanji continued to evade her.

Sanji, his anger having cooled after Absalom's departure, had resorted to

trying to placate the warthog zombie woman attempting to bisect him. So

far, he was having no luck. If only he had a crewmate nearby to distract

her...but then they'd most likely be attacking her, which he'd object to

anyway, unless of course the person attacking her was Nami-san or

Robin-chan, but then they'd be in danger.

Ah, the trials of being a chivalrous knight.

Wait...I can fly. Why am I not using Sky Walk to get away?

"Thunderbolt Tempo!" came a disembodied voice, followed by a bolt of

lightning, which descended upon Lola.

Nami-san, Sanji thought as he pinpointed her aura, as well as that of

Usopp, who had taken up a sniping position.

"Sanji-kun, get going! I'll handle her!" the voice shouted.

"Who's there!?" Lola shouted.

Sanji opened his mouth to protest, but then closed it. Ah, screw it.

Knowing the navigator could take care of herself, he leapt into the air,

using Sky Walk to bring him towards Absalom's aura signature.

"I won't let you get away!" Lola looked like she was about to try to jump

after him, but she was suddenly hit by a Firebird Star, courtesy of Usopp,

before Nami came out of Mirage Tempo right next to her, striking her

with a Thunder Lance Tempo, and finally following up with a Cyclone

Tempo, which hurled the warthog zombie over the gates of Thriller Bark

and into the sea, purifying her.

Nami blinked. "Well, that was easy. You can come down now, Usopp!"

Absalom stumbled invisibly over some rubble, still panting in exertion,

and covered in blood and bruises. That fight had been a disaster, but at

least he'd gotten away…

"Where do you think you're going, you shitty lion?"

"Seriously!? Just why man!? What vendetta could you possibly have

against me that you'd chase me this far!? And don't say women's bath!

Actually explain you son of a bitch!"

Sanji was silent for a moment before speaking.

"I suppose I owe you an explanation. There's a Devil Fruit that I've always

wanted for myself since I was a child. The ability to turn invisible…I'd be

able to achieve so much with it. But now that I know that Devil Fruit has

been eaten, my dreams have been shattered." Tears started flowing from

his eyes. "I'll never know what it's like...to be able to peep in the women's

bath without anyone knowing…"

"...Are you fucking serious?" Absalom deadpanned. "No, you know what?

Don't answer that. You are, aren't you? I can already tell you're

completely insane. You did all that because I ate the Devil Fruit you

wanted. I may technically be a pirate, but even I have to admit that's low.

You could have at least come up with a better excuse for why you broke

half the bones in my body! A valid reason, something I did so I'd know I

at least deserved this bullshit! Hell, just earlier today I sexually assaulted

your navigator! That would have been plenty of motivation to do what

you did!"

His rant over, Absalom took a fortifying breath.

"You done?" Sanji asked calmly.

"Yeah...yeah I'm done."

"Good. Now could you repeat that last part?"

Absalom's brow furrowed. "That would have been plenty of motivation—"

"No, sorry, before that."

"A valid reason, something I did so I—"

"After that, you shitty elephant."

"Hell, just earlier today I sexually assaulted your…" he trailed off as Sanji

stared at him silently. "...You didn't know did you?"

Sanji continued to stare.

From all across Thriller Bark, Absalom's screams could be heard for what

felt like hours until they finally fell into silence.

Hogback ran as far as his legs could take him, Cindry following behind

him. Everything had gone wrong. These crazy pirates had either killed or

purified most of their zombies before they even got the chance to take

their shadows, and now Roronoa was destroying his mansion! He had to

make it to Moria-sama to report this. Without any powerful shadows, the

plan to animate Oars would never be fulfilled.


The terrified doctor nearly tripped before he turned around and caught

sight of Chopper running towards him in Walk Point.

"You again? What is it, Doctor Chopper? I'm busy."

"Why have you done all this, Hogback!? When you told me you were

resurrecting the dead, I thought it was a miracle! But all you're doing is

enslaving them!"

Hogback scoffed. "It's impossible to resurrect the dead without a few

sacrifices. They can move, speak, and fight as if they were alive. As it

stands, I'm the only doctor in the world that has come this far. Cindry,

remove this naive fool from my presence!"

The enhanced zombie ran towards Chopper and made to attack, but

Chopper easily swerved around her and rammed into Hogback, eliciting a

yelp from him. Chopper then shifted into Heavy Point and pinned the

doctor to the ground.

"I've lost all respect for you as a doctor! You disgust me!" Chopper


"Cindry! Get this barbarian off of me!" Hogback panicked. Hearing the

rapid footsteps behind him, Chopper lifted Hogback and threw him into

Cindry's path, causing the plate she'd been aiming at the reindeer to

shatter over Hogback's head instead.

Hogback cursed as Cindry's eyes widened. "You stupid girl! Can't you aim

right!?" Hogback shouted, before backhanding Cindry. The undead girl

barely felt the hit, but fell obediently to the ground as Hogback started

kicking her in retaliation for her botched aiming attempt. Unable to even

feel the pain, Cindry merely lay on the ground, submissively taking each

assault on her person.

"STOP THAT!" Chopper shouted in rage, before punching Hogback across

the face hard enough to knock a tooth loose. Neither noticed the hint of

surprise that barely registered on the zombie woman's face. Even if they'd

been looking, it would have been difficult the place the strange emotion

that manifested directly afterward, barely even present. "Who do you

think you are!?" Chopper continued to scream. "Playing with their lives

like this! They can't even feel anything anymore! It's not living, it's just

being a slave inside your own body! Look at this poor girl! You've taken

her very humanity away!"

"What foolish dribble!" Hogback spat, blood dripping down his chin.

"What part of her humanity has been stipped from her! Her body and

soul are both human!"

"HUMANS HAVE FREE WILL!" Chopper shouted with such passion that it

cut deep through Cindry's being, deeper than even the force that

reanimated her.

"Enough of this nonsense! Cindry, stop sitting there and eliminate this

filth! CINDRY!"

"I...I can't." Cindry replied.

"What!?" Hogback screeched. Even Chopper turned to her in surprise.

"I...can't move. My body won't move," she clarified. Unbidden, tears

started to trail down her cheeks. Tears? Why? She wasn't sad, so why was

she crying? It was as if body was doing things on its own.

"Cindry! Are you listening to me!? I'm ordering you to take out this—"

Hogback was silenced as Chopper's fist implanted itself into his skull

again, knocking him unconscious as he fell to the ground. But the doctor

was still staring at Cindry in wonder. Slowly, he walked up to Cindry and

scooped her up in his arms.

"I can't move…" she murmured again. "I can't…"

"Don't worry, it'll be alright," Chopper whispered. "You'll be


But she just kept repeating the same words, even as Chopper made the

long trek to the edge of Thriller Bark, placed her into the ocean water,

and watched as she was purified.

As he gently set Cindry's once again dead body down on the ground, he

looked up at the fog surrounding the area.

"I wonder...could she really feel something after all?" he murmured

solemnly to himself. "Can these zombies, shells of their former selves,

really carry the will of their past spirits?"

Sparks ignited the air with every cross of their swords. Demon Wind Zoro

of the Straw Hat Pirates and Dragon Slayer Ryuma of Wano matched

each other blow for blow, neither letting up. Both were covered in

wounds, but none were lethal.

"It seems we're quite even," Ryuma stated. "And yet, I can sense that

you're still holding back."

"Sorry about that," Zoro grunted. "I was just getting used to this new

pace. Now then…Nine Sword Style...Asura!"

"Ho? Quite the technique you've got there," Ryuma said, as Zoro's

appearance and aura were altered. "If my heart was still beating, it would

be pulsing with excitement. Let's see what you can do!"

"Demon Nine Flash!" Although Ryuma was shocked at the power behind

the attack, he met it head on, attempting to counter the slash. His eye

sockets widened in amazement.

Too much…!

The wall behind him shattered from the force of the blades, along with

the entire structure of the building. Still, Ryuma finally managed to

deflect the nine swords away, though the attack had still cut him

through, leaving him with a large hole through his side to show for his

efforts. If he was still alive, that attack would have ended this fight.

It seems he is still the superior swordsmen, Ryuma marvelled. Still, while he

outclasses me in skill...I outclass him in experience.

Zoro immediately spun around, Asura still active, and made to attack


"One Mist Silver!" This time, as Zoro charged, Ryuma approached at a

different angle, attempting to mitigate the damage now that he knew he

couldn't overcome the technique.

That won't work, Zoro thought. Even that way, he can only avoid a three of

them. Still, something was off. There was something strange about the

way he was gripping Shusui. It's as if he wasn't even trying to cut him…

Zoro's eyes widened, but it was too late. Ryuma's one sword collided with

six of Zoro's as he avoided the other three. Another wound opened on

Ryuma's shoulder.

As they passed each other, Zoro growled. Bastard…

Yubashiri shattered, and Asura faded.

Brook watched in amazement from his spot on the broken floor. He used

a sword breaking technique at the cost of another injury.

"You know, despite being pissed, I have to admit I'm impressed," Zoro

said. "That gamble would have payed off had I not noticed what you

were doing at the last second."

Ryuma rose from his crouched position on the floor. "It seems...that this

fight has ended," he whispered.

"Yeah...I doubt you can win like that," Zoro agreed.

Lying on the floor next to Ryuma...was the Dragon Slayer's severed arm.

"Then let's finish this," Ryuma said, before holding his arms out at this

sides as Zoro stared at him in surprise. "Wounds on the back…" Ryuma


"...Are a swordsman's shame," Zoro finished, before dashing forward one

more time.

"Lion's Elegy!" The green haired swordsman bisected Ryuma from

shoulder to waist, and Ryuma's form began to tip over.

"I thank you, Roronoa, for this one final duel. You may take Shusui...as

compensation...for your lost...blade…"

As he finished speaking, Brook's shadow fled from Ryuma's body,

returning to its original owner. As the corpse fell to the floor, Zoro caught

Shusui in one hand.

Moria was forced back against the wall, attempting in vain to defend

against Luffy's onslaught as his control over the shadows slipped away

from him.

"Gomu Gomu no…!"

No! I won't be stopped here by some damn rookie! I am the master of


Drawing his fist back again, he coated his fist in Haki one last time in an

attempt to turn the fight around.

That was when he felt it. A foreign presence in the back of his mind,

issuing out a single command.


Moria's body obeyed, freezing up, as his rage gave way to shock.

"Elephant Gun!" The punch hit him dead center, finally forcing him to

relinquish his hold on the shadow that had been fighting to escape, the

same one that had just fought him for control of his own body and

triumphed. Left with only the weaker shadows of the common zombies

around Thriller Bark, Moria's eyes widened in fear.

As Luffy's shadow returned to him, he smirked. "I guess that's it then."

One final Jet Pistol sent Moria through the wall, knocking him out cold.

"Moria has been defeated," Bartholomew Kuma said, standing atop

Thriller Bark's mast.

There was silence at the other end of the Transponder Snail. "You're sure

of this?" Sengoku's voice finally came.

"I am. Would you like me to strike now?"

Sengoku sighed. "No. Against both of those monsters, you're not going to

win. We still have to find a replacement for Crocodile, and if we can't

cover this up, Moria as well. We can't have you be defeated as well."


"Do they know you're there?"

"Most likely...yes, I'd assume so."

"Then get the hell out of there." With that, the line went silent.

Kuma turned his cybernetic gaze back towards the Straw Hat Captain,

who he could almost swear was now staring right at him through the

foggy sky.

"Monkey D. Luffy...quite the interesting crew you have there," he said,

before vanishing without a trace.

And just like that, the long standing nightmare of Thriller Bark came to

an end.

The Straw Hat Pirates and Thriller Bark Victims Association met up at the

Thousand Sunny following Moria's defeat. Upon boarding the ship, the

Straw Hats were met by the sight of their ship's spirit sitting cross legged

on the deck of the ship.

"Did you enjoy your trip?" the girl asked, visibly pouting at not being

able to go with them.

"You bet!" Luffy exclaimed. "We made new friends and saw all sorts of

cool stuff!"

Sunny crossed her arms and looked away as Nami smacked Luffy upside

the head.

Robin giggled. "Don't worry, Sunny. We'll tell you all about it during the

inevitable celebration."

The girl visibly brightened. "Really!?"

Usopp grinned. "Of course. The post-victory celebrations are 110%


"You mean that shit you pulled back on Water 7 was a regular thing?"

Franky asked. "Heh, guess I could get used to this. Let's break out the


Sanji sighed. "Women's bath…" he bemoaned.

"Oh will you shut up about that?" Nami scolded. "Don't just go saying

"women's bath" at random intervals! It's embarrassing!"

Luffy gave him a thumbs up. "It's ok Sanji! You don't need that Devil

Fruit! If you can't peak in on the women's bath using invisibility, then

you'll just have to peak in on the women's bath without it!"

"Captain…" Sanji whispered, inspired by Luffy's words, as tears trailed

down his face.

Nami had a contrasting reaction, and was now chasing Luffy around the

deck, trying to hit him. "I can't believe you! Why are you encouraging

him!? Aren't you supposed to be the Captain!? Then act like it!"

"But I am!" Luffy protested. "It's a Captain's job to make sure the crew

follows their dreams!"

"God you guys are noisy," Zoro complained. "I'm gonna go sleep." Before

he got the chance however, Chopper latched himself onto Zoro's face.

"Zoro! Don't leave us like that! I was so scared!"

"You're the one who left! Now get off of me!"

"Hey, Nami!" Lola called, causing the navigator to stop chasing Luffy. "I'm

so grateful that you got my shadow back! Even though your captain

knocked Moria out anyway, you still went out of your way for me. As

thanks, I'd like to give you something."

Curious, Nami voiced her consent, and Lola held out a blank white paper.

"A vivre card?" Nami asked.

"It belongs to my mother. She's a powerful pirate in the New World, so

who knows, this might be very useful to you and your crew."

"Wow, thanks!"

As the Straw Hats and their guests began their obligatory celebration,

Brook took in a deep breath. It wouldn't be long now before he'd be able

to see the sun again, and it was all thanks to this crew, and their Captain

who had so suddenly declared him a comrade. He truly owed them

everything. Perhaps, if he went with this crew, then one day…

"Thinking about Laboon?" Luffy's voice came from behind him.

"Yes. I was just thinking that if I were to set sail again, I'd want to...see

him...again…" A few moments passed before Brook turned to Luffy in

shock. "What!? Luffy-san, how did you know about that!?"

Luffy grinned. "We met Laboon on our way into the Grand Line. He's

been waiting all this time for his crew to come back. I promised him that

I'd come back too, so that he'd hang on a bit longer."

Brook was speechless. "But...you...how did you know one of those

crewmate was me?"

Luffy's smile turned solemn. "That...I'll tell you about later. For now, what

do you say we just enjoy the party?"

Calming down, Brook nodded. "Yes, it's been quite a long time since I've

had so many reasons to celebrate. If you don't mind, could I sing a song

for you and your crew? It's one of my favorites."

"Sure thing! Hey, guys! Gather around! Brook's gonna sing for us!"

Curious, the Straw Hats and former victims of Thriller Bark gathered

around Brook as he pulled out his violin and began to play.

Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho.

Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho.

Gather up, no time to lose, time to round up Binks' booze.

Sea breeze blowing, where're we going? Let the waves decide!

Far across the ocean blue, the sun is shining wide and true.

Birds they sing, drawing rings, throughout the endless sky!

Say so long to solid land, bid farewell to shores of sand.

Sing out loud, and sing it proud, our song of setting sail!

Through the gold and silver flow, a salty spray from sea below,

Day and night, from play to plight, the waves will tell our tale!

Gather up, no time to lose, time to round up Binks' booze.

Pirates we, to sail the sea, that is our destiny!

The sea provides a place to rest, the waves, our branch, the ship, our nest.

Fly our flag and proudly brag that we are sailing free!

Somewhere in the boundless blue, stormy gales begin to brew.

Ocean's dance, a man's romance, the rhythm of the drums!

Never give in to your fright, lest you walk towards the light.

Just hold on, it won't be long, the morning sun will come!

Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho.

Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho.

Gather up, no time to lose, time to round up Binks' booze.

Today onward, to tomorrow, dreaming through the night!

Our days are like the passing wind, eternal we have never been.

Wave goodbye, but don't you cry, let twilight be your guide.

Gather up, no time to lose, time to round up Binks' booze.

Play our song, and sing along for all the sea to hear!

Live this once and don't bemoan, for one day you'll be nought but bones.

Set the sail and spread your tale, our next adventure nears!

Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho.

Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho.

The party began to gain momentum following Brook's performance, and

Brook exhaled slowly. "It's been a long time since I was able to sing that

song without feeling the full weight of the tragedy that befell me." Seeing

he had everyone's attention, he turned to Luffy. "Luffy-san...may I join

your crew?"

Luffy grinned. "Duh! You're already part of it, remember?"

At that, Brook let the tears that were 50 years in the making flow. It

never felt so good to be alive.

The party continued well into the night. Right before dawn, when

everyone else was going to sleep, Luffy pulled Brook out on deck and

explained how they knew about his connection to Laboon.

"I see. So this is not the first time you've met me. And you said Zoro-san

was in the same situation?" As Luffy nodded, Brook hummed. "That

would explain the strength he displayed. And here I was wondering how

much stronger Grand Line rookies could have gotten in the past half a


"So you believe me? Just like that?" Luffy asked.

Brook chuckled. "Considering that I've come back from the dead, far be it

from me to not believe in something like time travel."

Luffy smirked. "That makes sense, I guess." Suddenly, a light caught his

eye, and he smiled.

"Hey, Brook," he said, getting the skeleton's attention, as he pointed out

at the horizon. Brook followed his finger, and his eye sockets widened as

he took in a sight he hadn't witnessed in 50 years.

The rising sun.

AN: That chapter took a long time for me to get going on. Sorry about

that. Next stop, Sabaody! For now, Lost out.

61. Stormy Gales Begin to Brew

To those who are messaging and reviewing about Observation Haki being

able to predict the future now, have no fear! I'm already finding ways to

incorporate it into the story. Some of which are pretty outlandish, but

you should be used to that by now when it comes to me. Now, without

further delay…

Sabaody! Finally! Let's get on with it!

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter LXI: Stormy Gales Begin to Brew

Roronoa Zoro awakened abruptly to the darkness of twilight and the

calm rocking of the Thousand Sunny over nightly waves. Frowning, he

cast his eyes out in the direction of Sunny's deck.

Intruders? No, Sunny would have noticed first and warned them herself.

It didn't take long for him to realize why his Observation Haki had

awoken him so suddenly.

Luffy was wide awake...and not for a midnight snack.

Silent as a shadow, he slipped out of the cabin door and made his way up

towards the deck. His movements were swift but not urgent; whatever

had Luffy's aura pulsing, it evidently wasn't enough to send his captain

into a panic, merely send his mind abuzz with distressing thoughts.

As he reached the deck, he felt Luffy's aura calm the slightest bit,

probably in reaction to his arrival. It was just like Luffy to be

broadcasting his emotions enough to wake his First Mate up and not even

realize it.

He walked up behind the Straw Hat captain, who hopped down from the

Sunny's head. Zoro sent him a questioning look. In response, Luffy held

out a white, sizzling sheet of paper.

Ace's Vivre Card.

Gaze sharpening, Zoro examined it with narrowed eyes. It was about

three fourths of its normal size, a far more comforting sight than the

meager slip of paper it had been reduced to in the previous timeline. Ace

had evidently been in a difficult situation, but not a life threatening one.

But that was assuming it hadn't gotten smaller than this previously. They

hadn't expected Luffy's brother to fight Blackbeard this time, what with

their rather direct warning, and to their knowledge he was still in

Paradise. This meant either that Ace had been fighting a different

opponent that posed a similar danger in the first half of the Grand Line,

or, more likely…

"Could he have won?" Zoro asked hopefully.

Luffy frowned, but there was the same underlying sense of hope

emanating from him. "We told him about Blackbeard's Devil Fruit, his

vitality, his crew, everything. Do you remember what he said? He

promised he wouldn't take on Blackbeard unless he was sure he could


"But we're talking about Blackbeard."

"We're also talking about Ace," Luffy replied. "His rate of growth rivals

ours. Do you think we could have taken Aokiji back in Alabasta, even


Zoro gave that some thought, though the answer was obvious. Upon

arriving in the past, they'd been about as strong as they'd become after

training for two years. Certainly not enough for the likes of the Marine

Admirals, even with their superior teamwork. If Ace had been spending

this time improving his Haki and Devil Fruit mastery instead of chasing

leads on Blackbeard, what Luffy was suggesting was quite possible.

Zoro's gaze returned to the sizzling Vivri Card, and finally noticed

something that made his eyes widen.

"Luffy...which way is it moving?"

Luffy blinked and held the card up in his palm. It inched itself towards

the figurehead. Directly towards the figurehead.

"The Log is on course to Fishman Island," Zoro said. "But there's no way

he's there."

Luffy's eyes widened as he caught on. There was only one Paradise island

remaining that followed the same path as Fishman Island.

Sabaody Archipelago.

Light slowly filtered through his eyelids as he groaned and tried to sit up.

The result of the endeavor was soreness and a splitting headache, and he

quickly collapsed back onto the bed he was lying on. Wait, bed? That

wasn't quite right. Last thing he remembered was…


As his vision began to clear, he took a few deep, labored breaths, before

attempting to sit up once more, slower this time. He placed one arm

under him for support and managed to force himself into a sitting


Surveying the room around him, he caught sight of a glass of water on a

bedside table next to him, and only then did he realize how thirsty he

was. He experienced a brief bout of paranoia, but shoved it aside. If

whoever brought him here wanted to poison him (which wasn't that

improbable; it was one of the only ways to harm a Logia user with

Observation Haki, even when they were unconscious), they simply would

have forced the liquid down his throat while he was asleep.

Besides, this room was a bit too nice to be a makeshift prison. Just a bit.

After he was done chugging the water, he decided to gain some sense of

his surroundings. Pushing his legs out from under the covers so that they

hung off the bed, he reached out with his senses and was a bit surprised

to note how populated this island was...wherever it was. But pushing that

to the back of his mind, he quickly narrowed his field to the building

they were in and was rewarded with a familiar presence.

Tension easing from his shoulders, he called out. "Hey, Bonney!"

He waited a few moments before he heard footsteps thudding down the

hall outside his door, which soon swung open.

"Ace, you're awake!" she exclaimed. Marching up to the bed, she placed

her hands on her hips. "You scared me, you idiot! Don't do that again!"

Ace let out a sheepish laugh. "Sorry about that. But to be fair, I'm not the

one who picked a fight with a New World veteran when I still barely

knew what Haki was."

Bonney scowled, but soon conceded the point with a sigh. "I'm sorry," she


"Don't worry about it," Ace said. "At least we're both alive. But I have to

ask…" His face darkened. "What about Teach?"

"Blackbeard?" Bonney asked. "I wouldn't be worried. He was barely alive

when I got back there. The scary part though, is that his body was still

intact. I have no idea how durable he would have to be to not be

incinerated after that...but I suppose it doesn't matter now. The Marines

showed up afterwards."

Ace scowled. So Teach had survived. Just barely though, from how it

sounded, and now he was no doubt in Marine custody, most likely

headed straight for Impel Down. Hearing that, Ace felt conflicted. Having

learned the truth of Luffy's past had only deepened his personal vendetta

against the bastard, and he'd wanted the vindication of killing him with

his own two hands.

Though he was unlikely to survive long in that state where he was going,

Ace still couldn't help but feel worried. If that asshole could survive Ace's

strongest attack, what else could he survive?

Well, not that it mattered. Impel Down was practically inescapable.

Overall, he supposed he should be satisfied with the outcome.

Bonney practically read his mind, and her fist abruptly shot through his

head, causing small flames to dance across the room. "Don't look so

pleased, idiot! You weren't in that great a shape either! I had to treat

your injuries and haul your ass out of there! Did you think the Marines

wouldn't take note of an island sized explosion?"

Hearing that, Ace immediately sobered. He knew what the consequences

would be if he was captured. Luffy had told him firsthand, and yet he

had still acted recklessly. Still, he didn't regret it.

"I'd do it again, if it meant not leaving you in the hands of that scum," he

said unapologetically.

Her eyes softened. For someone who was mostly oblivious to her feelings,

Ace could act pretty tender when the time called for it.

"Well, it's passed. Let's not dwell on it. I almost forgot, but there's

someone here who wanted to see you."

Ace raised an eyebrow. "That reminds me. Where is here exactly?"

She smirked. "Come see for yourself."

Having shaken off any lingering weakness, Ace got dressed and followed

Bonney out the door. When he arrived outside, he was struck by a strong

sense of nostalgia and the sight of giant trees and soap bubbles.

As the rest of the Straw Hats woke up, they sent Luffy and Zoro some

concerned looks due to having woken up so early again. They didn't have

much time to worry about it though, as they were soon assaulted by a

typical Grand Line storm—which became not so typical once it started

raining candy. They paused briefly to marvel at a sea racoon and a

circular rainbow before the onslaught finally concluded with a set of

serpentine currents rising out of the sea, which Luffy insisted on riding

out rather than escaping with a Coup de Burst, much to Nami's


Afterward, the Captain and First Mate began explaining the situation

with Ace, and how he was most likely at their next destination, over

breakfast. Hearing that, the crewmates who had met him in Alabasta

were especially eager to meet him again. Brook, being the only member

of the crew to not know who Ace was, listened intently as Luffy spoke of

his past.

"We're not blood related," Luffy explained. "But to us, that just makes our

bond all the more real. Along with Sabo, we forged our brotherhood

through the fires of blood, sweat, and sake! Those were good times!"

Robin giggled at the sight of Luffy's enthusiasm. "Well, I've love to meet

him. It was quite amusing hearing Crocodile throw a fit when he first

heard of Whitebeard's Second Division Commander dropping by

Nanohana. He seemed to think his plans were in jeopardy. Imagine that."

Luffy sniggered. "I would have loved to see that."

"So we're going to meet up with Ace-san on Sabaody Archipelago,

correct?" Brook asked.

"That's right, but there's another reason we need to go there," Zoro

chimed in. "It's an essential stop if we want to get to Fishman Island."

"I was wondering about that," Nami said. "I guess I should have expected

it, but right now, the Log Pose is angled down. Is there really a way to

get to the bottom of the ocean using the Sunny?"

Franky tensed up, now considering the possibility that they wouldn't be

able to take his creation to the New World, but relaxed when he heard

Zoro's next words.

"It'll be fine. We just need to get a coating for the ship on Sabaody," the

swordsman answered.

"Coating?" Nami asked.

"You bet! We get someone to put up a giant bubble around the ship, and

then it can sail underwater, no problem!" Luffy said, pumping his fist into

the air in excitement. Along with Skypiea, Fishman Island had been one

of his favorite locations in Paradise.

The crew stared at him skeptically, hearing of that seemingly impossible

method, and turned to Zoro.

"Nope, that's basically it," the First Mate confirmed with a smirk.

"Well, far be it from us to doubt that future knowledge of yours," Sanji

said with a shrug. "More importantly…" He suddenly started jumping

around the room in an uncharacteristic show of excitement. "Mermaids! I

can't wait to see them! Oh, the beautiful living gems of the sea! I can't

wait to meet one!"

"Huh? But you already met one," Luffy said.

That stopped Sanji in his tracks. "Huh…?"

Zoro suddenly choked on his sake, drawing the attention of the crew. The

swordsman was trying hard to hold in his laughter and failing.

"What's wrong with Zoro?" Chopper asked.

"Never mind that! What do you mean I've met one before, Luffy?" Sanji

asked eagerly.

"Oh, that's right, you guys never found out this time!" Luffy realized.

"Found out what, Luffy?" Robin asked.

"Well, let's put it this way," Zoro said, having regained his composure.

"Someone we've met in our travels was a mermaid, but hid it well."

Luffy smirked, catching on to the game. "Think you can guess who it


That caught their interest, and everyone's minds were now hard at work

for some hint of who it could have been. But no one was thinking harder

than Sanji, whose mind was in overdrive.

"I got it!" the chef finally shouted. "It was Vivi-chan!"

The crew stared at him quizzically. "What? She's certainly beautiful

enough!" he defended.

"Next guess," Zoro said, rolling his eyes.


Nami gave him a blank stare. "I think I'd know if my sister was a

mermaid, thank you very much!"

"Really? But Conis-chan was an angel, and other than present company, I

can't think of anyone who was more beautiful than those three…"

Suddenly a bomb went off in his mind as the realization settled in. "I've

got it," the chef said seriously, before pointing to both Nami and Robin.

"It has to be either Nami-san or Robin-chan!"

"It's Granny Kokoro."

After about ten seconds of letting that sink in, Luffy and Zoro both

erupted into laughter at the looks on everyone's faces. Sanji, realizing

they were serious, began sulking in the corner of the room. "It's not fair,"

he began mumbling over and over.

"Wait, how is that even possible?" Usopp asked, face slightly green. "We

saw her walking on two legs!"

"Yeah...there was an explanation for that…" Luffy recalled. "Something

about monster cats and turning 30…"

"You're making zero sense," Nami muttered.

"If you guys are done…" Zoro said, shaking off a few more bouts of

laughter, "This would be a good time to enjoy the sights."

It didn't take them long to figure out what he meant. Far off in the

distance, the gargantuan wall of land that was the Red Line could be seen

towering into the heavens. It was a sight they had all seen at least once

before, but it was as breathtaking as ever.

"Halfway there…" Nami mumbled in awe.

"I feel like crying. So much has happened!" Usopp exclaimed.

"I have to say, it's not exactly dull, even the fifth time," Zoro reminisced


"Fifth?" Robin asked curiously, being one of the only ones to have heard

him. "Shouldn't it be the fourth?"

"No, Zoro's right," Luffy said, a faraway look in his eyes. "It's the fifth.

Back then, we should have felt thrilled...it was a sight almost no one else

had ever witnessed…" he trailed off sadly.

Zoro's grip on his swords tightened. "But try as we might, we couldn't

bring ourselves to feel a damn thing."

Robin was slightly pale, having now realized what they meant. Many had

seen the Red Line before entering the Grand Line or the New World, but

there was one location from which only a select few had borne witness to

its glory.

Just then, another giant wave rocked the ship, and the Straw Hats went

out on deck to see what the commotion was.

"Oh, it's just a Sea King," Nami said. Having been broken out of this

thoughts, Luffy promptly punched it in the gut, and it fell back,

motionless, into the sea, but not before coughing up a humanoid figure,

who was now falling toward the ship.

As the figure drew closer, yelling in panic all the while, Sanji's eyes

gradually widened. As he traced her falling form to the moment she was

right above him, a single thought echoed through his mind.

There's a God in this world, and it's not that lightning bastard.

After the Straw Hats were acquainted with the excitable mermaid Camie,

or in Luffy and Zoro's case, reacquainted, Luffy pulled Nami aside, much

to the navigator's curiosity.

"Nami, there's something you should know. It's about a friend of Camie's

that we're probably going to run into soon."

Nami blinked. "Do I know this friend of hers?"

Luffy debated briefly about how to best break this to her, but decided the

best thing to do was be blunt.

"It's Hachi."

Nami stiffened and took in a sharp breath. Luffy already felt bad as he

could quite literally feel the memories haunting her. While Hachi had

never tormented Nami directly, he still helped cause the horrifying

nightmare that had plagued her for so long.

"In the future...in our timeline, you forgave him, and he became a friend

of ours," Luffy continued, watching as she drew further into herself. He

reached out and placed a supportive hand on her shoulder. "I just want

you to know...this is ultimately your choice. If you decide to forgive him,

the rest of us will too. If not, then we'll just go our separate ways, and

that'll be that."

Nami let out a breath and relaxed. She had thought, for a brief, irrational

moment, that maybe Luffy would try to emulate what had happened in

his own timeline. Upon hearing that she wasn't to be held to a decision

she hadn't made yet, most of the tension eased out of her. She knew Luffy

better than that, but some scars ran deep.

After a moment of thought, she made up her mind. "I'll give him a

chance, but I can't promise anything."

When the two rejoined the other Straw Hats, Camie declared that she had

to thank them for freeing her somehow, and sure enough, she soon

promised them free takoyaki. As she dialed "Hachin's" number on the

Transponder Snail, Luffy's mouth watered in spite of himself.

The last few months had been rather eventful for Hachi. After being

defeated by the Straw Hat Pirates along with his crew, he'd thought it

was all over for him. Lucky, he managed to escape from the Marine Ship

that was taking him to Impel Down before it got there. Being a fishman,

it was easy for him to make a getaway after that.

He'd decided to make a clean living from then on. Terrorizing humans

had always left a bad taste in his mouth, but he had never questioned it

out of respect for Arlong. Still, since there wasn't much he could do to get

them out of Impel Down, short of a futile prison break attempt, it had

been a good a time as any to make a fresh start. He had met a young

mermaid named Camie along the way, and although he hadn't made the

best first impression, they had stuck together like glue after some time,

even opening up their own mobile takoyaki stand in the Grand Line.

Unfortunately, Camie had a bad habit of getting either eaten or captured

every so often. Either one, really. It varied from week to week. Recently

she had been eaten by a rabbit-like sea king, one of which Hachi had lost

track of after being attacked by some old rival fishmen who didn't know

when to give up. They'd been after Camie, so perhaps it was best that she

hadn't been there. Luckily, she had been coughed up onto the ship of

some Grand Line pirates.

After she had given him a call, he'd instructed her to send a number of

fish to find him and then lead him to her. Which led to his current

journey, which happened to be leading him in the direction of Sabaody

Archipelago. Hachi was reluctant to go anywhere near that place, but the

fact that Camie was already in its vicinity, in the care of unidentified

human pirates no less, was enough to spur him into action.

The school of fish dispersed as they reached the ship in question. Hachi

noted that the figurehead was in the form of a rather happy looking

lion...sunflower...thing. He'd never seen or heard of this ship before, so it

probably belonged to some no name pirates. So hasty was he to ensure

Camie was alright that he didn't bother to look at the ship's flag.

He leapt out of the water to land on the deck, only to be met with some

very familiar faces.

Contrary to some human misconceptions, fishmen were, in fact, warm

blooded. As Hachi's blood ran cold, however, he felt anything but.

The Straw Hats had mixed reactions to seeing Hachi. Luffy and Zoro both

felt conflicted, though the latter hid it well. While they had long since

made amends with the Hachi of their timeline, this Hachi was not the

same one who had apologised profusely to Nami and made multiple

attempts to make it up to her even after being forgiven.

Usopp and Sanji's thoughts were much simpler. They, along with the rest

of the crew, had been filled in on the situation by Zoro, while Luffy

distracted their mermaid guest with questions about the takoyaki stand.

They had decided to keep their thoughts to themselves, grudgingly in

Sanji's case, once Nami made her intentions to give Hachi a chance


Chopper, Robin, Franky, and Brook all understood what was going on for

the most part, but didn't harbor any of the feelings the rest of the crew

had for this new arrival. For now, they were withholding judgement.

Nami's reaction was the most telling. From the moment Hachi had landed

on the deck of their ship, her eyes had narrowed. She gave no other

reaction even as the fishman's was rendered utterly speechless by the

sight of them. After several long moments passed with Nami and Hachi

staring at each other and no one saying anything, the fishman finally

averted his eyes and looked down in shame.

Nami sighed. The anger she wanted to feel towards Hachi simply wasn't

coming. Seeing him now, far from the imposing figure he had been

during her childhood, made most, if not all lingering resentment fade

away. As much as she wanted to condemn him for everything, she knew

that it wouldn't change anything.

Nami had been a slave to her past for 10 long years. Now that she had

escaped that prison, she didn't think shackling herself to it again would

be a good idea. She was happy now. She was free.

Hachi wouldn't—couldn't—take that from her.

"You know, I didn't think I'd see you here," Ace said to the man sitting

beside him, as a wary bartender served him some sake. "Can you afford

to spend this much time in the first half?"

"I could ask you the same," Sabo replied. "I know you were staying here

to find me, but you accomplished that a while ago. Is there any reason

you haven't returned?"

"I was actually getting ready to...but I had a bit of a situation on my


"So I've heard," the Revolutionary sighed. "That was reckless by the way.

Marshall D. Teach was still an unknown factor, even to us."

Ace smiled sheepishly. "I made it out alright. What about you? You

haven't said why you're still here."

"Don't tell me you've forgotten our last talk already," Sabo said dryly.

It clicked in Ace's brain. "Ah. So you're ready to meet Luffy then?" He

received a nod in response. "And your memory? I know it hasn't been

that long…"

"I'm getting some brief flashes every now and then, but nothing major.

Still, I think maybe meeting my other brother would go a long way."

"Worth a shot," Ace agreed.

"There is another reason we're here though," Sabo said. "He seems to

think that there's a storm brewing."

Ace's hummed. "We talking a Paradise or New World storm?"

"A New World storm in Paradise."

Ace's eyes narrowed. That sounded too familiar for comfort.

"Do you have any idea what they're talking about?" Bonney asked the

other Revolutionary, who was sitting off to the side with her.

Koala shrugged. "Couldn't tell you even if I did. Hell, our Chief of Staff is

stretching it by saying as much as he is, even if Fire Fist seems to be

trustworthy." She frowned. Still, I can't deny that there's strategic value to

giving the Whitebeard Pirates a warning.

Just then, another figure walked in. "Yo, Boss! They're approaching the

island as we speak. Just thought I'd let you know."

Sabo sighed. "Will you stop calling me Boss already? I'm the Second in


Mavric smirked. "Which makes you the boss when he's not around."

Ace raised an eyebrow. "Luffy's coming? I can't sense him."

"They're probably not that close yet. Mavric ate the Hani Hani no Mi and

became a scope man," Sabo explained. "He can see even farther than the

range of most Observation users."

"Sounds about right for a spy," Ace mused. "Hey, Bonney. How would you

like to meet your competition again?"

The recently dubbed Supernova smirked. "Sounds great. I still owe him


The Straw Hats arrived at Grove 41 of Sabaody Archipelago in high

spirits. Once Nami had agreed to give Hachi a chance, the octopus

fishman had been so grateful that he'd insisted on helping them find

someone to coat their ship in addition to showering them with free

takoyaki. He knew he hadn't been forgiven yet, but seemed eager to

make amends as much as he could.

After Sunny nearly gave Brook a heart attack (he couldn't actually get one

since he had no heart, as he was soon to joyfully proclaim) by

manifesting in front of him for the first time to see them off (Hachi and

Camie had exchanged confused glances as the entire crew said their

temporary farewells to seemingly no one), the group had made their way

to the lawless zone of the archipelago, casually warding off attacks from

ambitious bounty hunters and other pirates every now and then.

Luffy and Zoro were currently leading the way, having told Hachi that

they had someone to meet with before they got their ship coated. It was

on the way there that Luffy noticed something he hadn't before.

"Hey, Zoro. Do you sense that? There are some familiar auras where Ace


Zoro focused for a moment, then blinked. "Huh. You're right. The

Revolutionaries are here too. And they're not exactly hiding."

When the group arrived at their destination, they were greeted by the

sight of grudge match between pirates taking place in plain sight.

The term grudge match was used loosely here, since it seemed to be at

least a couple dozen pirates all ganging up on one person.

"Is that all you shitheads got?" Bonney shouted as she continued to weave

through the horde of assailants. You seemed so confident earlier! At least

make me work for this!"

Ace, Sabo, Koala, and Mavric stood off to the side, watching. "Aren't you

gonna help?" Koala asked the Whitebeard Commander.

"Nah. This is her journey," Ace replied. "Let her have her fun. Besides,

they're all small fry anyway."

"Ace! Sabo!" Luffy shouted excitedly. The two groups converged as

Bonney finished off the last of the cannon fodder.

"So, we finally meet," Sabo said with a grin. "I've heard a lot about you,


In a bar that was rather well known for ripping off pirates, a black haired

woman was cleaning up the mess her last band of difficult customers had

made before she'd extorted them for all they were worth.

"No more business today, huh?" she mused, before the door to her cavern

opened with a creak.

She turned around, ready to welcome the newcomer, whoever they were,

and was momentarily taken aback.

"Oh? I didn't expect you back for a while now, Ray-san."

The silver haired man took a long drink from his flask before answering.

"Long time no see, Shakky. I actually wasn't planning on coming back for

a while, but something caught my attention. I feel like trouble's just

around the corner, so I came to warn you."

Shakky hummed. If whatever was coming was enough to alert the Dark

King's Observation, then a major upset was about to happen. "Well, there

are rumors of Revolutionaries on the archipelago. Is that related in any


"Could be," Rayleigh admitted. "But there's something else I've noticed."

His face suddenly turned serious. "Have you noticed a distinct lack of

Marine presence around lately?"

In the heart of the lawless zone of the archipelago, the Supernova named

Basil Hawkins sat studying the cards laid out on the table in front of him


"The sign of adversity," he muttered, before flipping over another card.

His eyes immediately narrowed. "A major conflict is about to take place

here. And at the heart of it…"

He lifted his head, gaze drawn to some unseen threat in the distance.

"Straw Hat...even you'll be hard pressed to make it out of this one."

A few hours earlier

Many miles away, one of the most famous Mythical Zoans in existence

fumed at what he was listening to on the Transponder Snail before him.

"Let it be known that I'm completely against this. Do you know what

you're asking of me?"

"We are very much aware. The Straw Hats have done too much and gone

too far in too little time. We should have allowed Akainu to continue on

his way to Water 7 and destroy them all. Now that they've come to the

end of Paradise, we have no choice left in the matter. We must and we

will mobilize whatever forces the Marines can muster to ensure that

Dragon's son and his followers do not enter the New World."

"You complete maniacs," the Zoan said quietly. "You know that the

Marines stand no chance against Whitebeard unless it's on our terms, and

doing something like this won't do anyone any favors. If the Straw Hats

lose, one of the Four Emperors is going to muster all of his forces to

avenge them. And if they win—which is not out of the question—their

reputation will go through the roof and the old man will still strike back.

And both ways, mustering our top brass for something like this is going

to leave us low on manpower and high on casualties. There is no good

ending for this!"

"The ending in which Dragon's son joins with Whitebeard is worse," the

elder voice said firmly. "Aokiji's report stated that Straw Hat and his first

mate alone kept pace with him perfectly throughout the city, and then

proceeded to stop holding back their strength at the same time that he

did. If the rest of the Straw Hats aren't to that level yet, then they will be

soon if they're heading for the New World. We cannot afford to add a

crew capable of defeating our strongest authorities to the likes of Edward

Newgate, especially when they have ties to Dragon. We have worked

hard for this balance, and if we have no choice but to allow it to alter,

then we must cut our losses."

The gaze on the other end of the snail sharpened. "You have your orders,

Fleet Admiral Sengoku. This is not up for discussion. Gather whatever

forces you can spare. As of now, we move against the Straw Hat Pirates;

do everything in your power to ensure that they never reach the New


And with that, the line disconnected.

AN: There. A relatively long chapter for you guys, and I even shaved a

month off of my recent update time! My thanks to The Patient One for

co-authoring this chapter. Hope you enjoyed!

62. Not a Chapter

Guys, I really hate to have to do this so late in the game, but...

April Fools! Of course it's a chapter! Now that that's out of the way...

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter LXII: Aiming High

Sabo wasn't sure what to make of Luffy. On one hand, he was about what

he'd expected to find from someone who had led his crew to victory over

a Marine Admiral and caught the attention of both Dragon and


On the other hand, there was another part of him, some obscure aspect of

his psyche that he couldn't quite identify, that was clearly expecting

something different. Luffy had greeted him enthusiastically—the giant

bear hug he'd received had ironically been the only part of their meeting

that hadn't surprised him, despite how out of place it seemed for a

notorious pirate that had the World Government running around like

wingless seagulls.

But then he had proceeded to bonk Ace for the head with a Haki coated

fist, shouting at the flame man for being so reckless twice in a row...and

everything he unconsciously seemed to know about his younger brother

promptly fell apart before his eyes.

Luffy was scolding someone for being reckless. He didn't know why that

image was so bizarre, but it was.

Something about his straw hatted brother's demeanor—warm, yet wary,

outgoing, yet hardened—seemed to make his unconscious mind scream

that there was something wrong here. He simply couldn't shake the

nagging feeling that Luffy shouldn't be like this.

Deciding that trying to compare this Luffy to the one he didn't remember

was an exercise in futility, Sabo let it go...for now. He would be sure to

grill Ace about it later.

As Luffy and his crew prepared to leave to find a coater for their ship,

Sabo pushed his thoughts aside and gave his brother one last warning.

"Keep your guard up, Luffy," he advised. "We don't know what it is, but

there have been signs that the Marines are planning something big."

"Yeah, I'll be careful!" Luffy promised, still on a high from seeing both his

brothers, even as he ignored Ace muttering something about the Fist of

Love being hereditary under his breath. "It was good to see you guys


As the Straw Hat captain left with his crew, Koala caught the

contemplative look on her superior's face.

"What's wrong, Sabo?" she asked curiously.

"I might have just remembered something," he replied uncertainly.

"Something about Luffy."

As Sabaody Archipelago was the crossroad at which the various routes of

the first half of the Grand Line converged, it was only natural that the

most infamous of criminals from each generation of pirates would also

cross paths there. In recent months, there had been a rather high number

of notorious pirates to reach the archipelago, each wanted for a number

of nefarious crimes in the eyes of the World Government. This elite group

of Paradise veterans was unaffectionately referred to as the 12

Supernovas, two of which were currently facing off in the depths of the

lawless zone. One was a towering brute of a man with an ever-present

grin on his face who effortlessly wielded a large pillar as a makeshift

mace. He was known as Mad Monk Urouge, Supernova Captain of the

Fallen Monk Pirates, with a bounty of 108 million.

His opponent was a shorter man with a wild mane of blonde hair and a

mask that covered his entire face, who was wielding a pair of spinning

scythe blades, one on each arm. He was another Supernova, the First

Mate of the Kid Pirates, with a bounty of 162 million.

As the two clashed again and again, a crowd warily gathered around to

watch, at least until the fight was broken up by yet another member of

the Supernovas.

Red Flag X Drake, a former Marine Rear Admiral turned pirate captain

with a bounty of 222 million, fearlessly jumped in between the two with

a weapon in each hand to block their strikes.

"There will be plenty of time to wreak havoc later," Drake intoned. "Leave

the hostilities for the New World."

The two wordlessly agreed to a ceasefire, seeing as their disagreement

has been trivial to begin with. As X Drake walked away, one of the

bystanders addressed him from the barrel he was sitting on.

"Damn, and it was just getting good," the onlooker commented. It didn't

take Drake long to identify him as the Surgeon of Death Trafalgar Law,

Supernova captain of the Heart Pirates with a bounty of 200 million. "If

your intent was to end the hostilities, you might have some work ahead

of you, Red Flagger," Law said with a calm smirk. He gestured for Drake

to look over his shoulder, and the former Marine officer obliged. His eyes

narrowed as he caught sight of Eustass Kid walking towards them.

Knowing Captain Kid's penchant for conflict, he and Urouge both readied

themselves for a confrontation with both Captain and First Mate.

Surprisingly though, Kid ignored them both.

"Killer, gather the rest of the crew, vacation's over. We have bigger fish to

fry," Kid said with a grin stretched across his face that wasn't entirely


Although Drake was slightly annoyed by that comment, he allowed Kid

to collect his crewmate and leave without protest.

"To think Captain Kid would pass up the opportunity to scope out his

competition," Urouge remarked. "I wonder who this bigger fish could be."

"You mean you haven't heard?" Law asked as Drake sheathed both his

weapons. A certain gleam had entered the Surgeon of Death's eyes, one

which was hard to interpret. "It seems the 500 Million Man himself has

graced us with his presence."

As Drake walked away, a bead of sweat rolled down Urouge's face,

despite the wide grin that never left it.

"So he's here, is he?" Urouge asked no one in particular as he watched

Kid's back fade into the distance. "Eustass...do you have a death wish?"

As the Straw Hat Pirates were on their way to meet their ship coater,

being led by Hachi, Luffy and Zoro were communicating via Observation


Zoro, it feels like Rayleigh is already there, Luffy conveyed to his First Mate.

Well, that's different. Are we going to tell him about the time travel?

I think so...he can be trusted. Also, he might know more about it, come to

think of it.

The two were soon broken out of their thoughts by Usopp's voice.

"Have you guys noticed that everyone is giving us a wide berth?" the

sniper asked, referring to the fact that everyone seemed to be clearing a

path for them.

"It's probably because of Luffy and Zoro. Even for the end of the first half,

their bounties are extremely high."

Chopper looked amazed. "Are they really that scared of them?"

"It's only natural," Robin commented. "They defeated a Marine Admiral


While the rest of the crew silently conceded the point, Brook's jaw visibly

unhinged. "A Marine Admiral? Luffy-san and Zoro-san did? When was


"Oh, that's right. This would be the first you've heard of it, huh?" Franky

realized. "It was after they arrived on Water 7, before they recruited me


"I—I see," Brook stuttered.

"Why else did you think they had such high bounties at this stage?" Sanji

asked the skeleton.

Brook coughed in embarrassment. "Well, it's been 50 years since I've

sailed the seas. I might have assumed it was due to inflation."

The rest of the crew laughed at this, and Brook's face actually reddened

despite his utter lack of flesh.

"Nyu...I'm a bit worried that we're attracting too much attention,

actually," Hachi commented. "But at least we're in the lawless zone."

"Don't worry so much, Hachin!" Camie said with a beaming smile. Luffy-

chin and everyone are really strong! Besides, we're here anyway."

Pappug, Camie's starfish friend, stared at the up at the sign in disbelief.

"Shakky's ripoff bar? Where in the eight seas are you taking us, Hachi!?"

"Nyu, we're not here for drinks," the octopus fishman pointed out. "We

just need to find Ray-san. He'll coat their ship for them."

From the moment the door opened, a pairs of brown eyes fell upon their

group, belonging to a seemingly young woman with short black hair.

The woman's eyes soon settled on Hachi. "Hachi! It's been a long time,

hasn't it? It's good to see you again," she greeted. "And it seems you've

brought along some interesting friends."

The woman waved happily at the Straw Hats. "You can call me Shakky.

I'm an old friend of Hachi's."

As the crew grew acquainted with the friendly woman, Chopper stared at

her in apprehension.

"She seems so nice! Is she not going to rip us off after all?" he asked


Shakky's eyes landed on him, causing him to jump, realizing he'd spoken

out loud.

"Well, aren't you adorable?" she said with a smile. "Don't worry, I won't

scam any of Hachi's friends. Besides, I'm actually a big fan of your crew."

Chopper's eyes widened. "Really?"

"Of course! Cheering on rookies one of my favorite pastimes. Your

Captain and First Mate have the highest bounties of all the 12

Supernovas, and they achieved them without killing civilians like the Kid

Pirates. The Straw Hats are also the only crew to have three Supernova


"12 Supernovas?" Nami asked curiously. "What are those?"

Shakky lit a cigarette as she explained. "They're well known throughout

the entire First Half of the Grand Line, and their infamy even reaches

some parts of the New World. The 12 Supernovas are the only rookie

pirates of the current generation to reach Sabaody Archipelago with

bounties of over 100 million."

"There are actually only nine crews total, but as I said, some have more

than one of these members in their ranks. There's Mad Monk Urouge,

with a bounty of 108 million, Capone Gang Bege, with a bounty of 138

million, the Glutton Jewelry Bonney, with a bounty of 140 million, Black

Leg Sanji, with a bounty of 155 million, Massacre Soldier Killer, with a

bounty of 160 million, Roaring Sea Scratchman Apoo, with a bounty of

198 million, Surgeon of Death Trafalgar Law, with a bounty of 200

million, Red Flag X Drake, with a bounty of 222 million, the Magician

Basil Hawkins, with a bounty of 249 million, Eustass Captain Kid, with a

bounty of 315 million…"

Her speculative eyes shot to Luffy and Zoro. "...And then there's Demon

Wind Zoro, 360 million, and Straw Hat Luffy, 525 million."

Nami sighed in a mix of exasperation and fondness. "Well, that really

puts things into perspective."

"It does, doesn't it?" Shakky mused. "The world we live in is one of

precedents, and those precedents act as limits. So when those limits are

broken, it's unprecedented, and that leaves people like the World

Government, who rely on those limits, scrambling for order." She

grinned. "But as for me, I'm just here to enjoy the show. Which is why I'll

be rooting for you guys!"

Zoro smirked. "We'll try not to disappoint you."

While they'd been talking, Hachi's eyes had settled on a seemingly

unremarkable old man taking shots at the counter.

"Nyu, Ray-san! I didn't think you'd actually be here already," the fishman

admitted, sounding amazed.

This brought the rest of the crew's attention towards the old man, who

turned around in his bar stool to face them. "So, this is the crew I've been

hearing so much about lately. Your auras are certainly more impressive

than I'd expected." His eyes landed on Luffy and Zoro. "Especially you

two. I've been waiting to meet you, Monkey D. Luffy."

"Uh, so who's the old man?" Usopp asked. "I'm getting a "badass legend"

vibe from him."

Sanji, on the other hand, was sweating, having realized from his aura

that this wasn't just some old man.

"You're surprisingly observant," Shakky commented. "Ray-san was an

infamous pirate back in the day."

"That's a bit of an understatement, isn't it?" Luffy asked with a grin.

"Right Hand of the Pirate King?"

Upon hearing that, most of the crew were shocked into silence, with the

exceptions of Zoro, who already knew, Robin, who accepted the

information calmly, and Nami, who started yelling.

"Come on! Not again!" the navigator complained. "Tell us these things

sooner, Idiot Captain!"

Rayleigh smirked. "You're well informed. But I'm retired now. I prefer to

go by Ray-san the ship coater. Still, Shanks once told me about his bet on

the New Era, and you seem more than capable. Why do you aspire to rule

the sea, Monkey D. Luffy?"

Luffy's grin widened. "I don't want to rule anything. I just want to enjoy

my freedom." His smile turned solemn. "I'd give up ruling the sea in a

heartbeat if it meant being able to keep sailing the seas with my crew.

After all...I already did once."

Rayleigh's eyes widened.

In the silence that followed, the Straw Hats looked back and forth

between the two in apprehension, while Shakky watched with a raised

eyebrow, and Hachi, Camie, and Pappug just looked confused.

"This was...unexpected," Rayleigh admitted after a while of staring Luffy

down. "I might actually be able to enjoy my retirement after all." He

pushed the thought aside. "Alright then. Since you're so determined, let

me tell you all a story," he said, addressing the rest of the crew moreso

than Luffy and Zoro. "Of my Captain and friend, the Pirate King Gol D.


About an hour later, Luffy and company exited the bar, most of them

reeling at the information they had just been made privy to.

"To think the reality of what happened was so different than what history

recorded," Robin mused. The situation had hit entirely too close to home

for her.

"It's super surprising," Franky agreed, starting to understand Tom's

unwavering respect for the Pirate King.

"But why didn't you tell us any of that, Luffy?" Usopp asked, still excited

about the retelling of Roger's ascension and subsequent fall.

"It wasn't my story to tell," Luffy said quietly.

The group's path was suddenly obstructed as another pirate crew stopped

in front of them. At their head was Eustass Kid, who was staring at Luffy

with a maniacal gleam in his eyes.

"So you finally show your face, Straw Hat Luffy. I was starting to think

you'd never show up."

Luffy stared at him blankly, having recognized the rival Supernova from

his dealings with him in the previous timeline. "What do you want?" he

asked bluntly.

Kid chuckled lowly. "Well, since you asked, Straw Hat...what I want is to

rule the seas...to become the Pirate King, and until the day I achieve my

goal, I won't be outdone by anyone." His body tensed, preparing for a

fight. "Even someone who was acknowledged by Whitebeard!"

Zoro smirked. "So in other words, you're just throwing a fit because your

bounty is lower," he inferred.

Immediately following Zoro's bold statement, the swordsman was

attacked by Killer, but effortlessly blocked his spinning scythes with a

single katana.

"Hasty, aren't you?" Zoro asked, despite the challenge that was clear in

his tone.

"If you're going to insult Kid, I don't care how high your bounty is!" Killer

declared, before engaging Zoro in a close range sword fight.

Soon, a brawl had ensued between the Straw Hat and Kid Pirates, with

Zoro facing Killer, Sanji intercepting a man with the likeness of a

scarecrow who had tried to assist his First Mate, Franky attacking a tall

man with a red trident who had tried to stop Sanji, and Luffy facing off

with Captain Kid himself.

"Oh dear. That escalated quickly," Robin commented, clutching a duo of

lower level grunts who had tried to run her through.

"Yohohoho! My nonexistent heart is about to beat out of my empty eye

sockets! Yohoho! Double Skull Joke!" Brook exclaimed as he disappeared

behind another pair of foes who didn't realize they'd been cut until they

turned around.

The man with the trident was dodging Franky's swipes with little

difficulty, but once he went in for the kill, he was shocked to see that his

weapon of choice rebounded off of Franky harmlessly. "That won't work

on my super body, dumbass!" Franky shouted, before aiming a Coup de

Vent right at his face. The man clearly wasn't expecting such a manner of

attack, and was soon launched through a building by the air cannon.

"Wire!" one of the lower grunts shouted in concern.

Sanji was casually weaving in between the scarecrow lookalike's swords,

occasionally sending out a kick that was blocked by a cross guard. He

was slightly surprised when the man, having made no progress in hitting

him, suddenly spewed fire from his mouth in an attempt to roast Sanji


He was surprised when instead of being burned, the chef started rapidly

spinning, the fire rendered virtually ineffective as it dispersed around

him before he erupted in a shroud of his own flames.

"Did you think a chef would fear an open flame?" Sanji asked with a

smirk, before using Soru to charge forward faster than his opponent

could react.

The flame enhanced kick smashed into the Kid pirate's skull, instantly

rendering him unconscious.

Meanwhile, Zoro grew bored of the low level sword fight he was

partaking in, and decided to end it. "You have some skill," he admitted.

"But you'll never measure up to me as a swordsman!" He accentuated the

declaration by effortlessly cleaving through Killer's spinning blades,

delivering two slashes across his torso.

"Are you ok with this?" Luffy asked curiously as he dodged a barrage of

metal projectiles, courtesy of Kid's magnetism. "Your crewmates are

falling one by one."

"That just means they'll have to learn from this defeat!" Kid shouted,

undaunted, as he formed a colossal arm out of all the metal in the


Luffy smirked. "You'll have to take your own advice soon," he stated.

A force of the magnetic repulsion was enough to launch the makeshift

arm at supersonic speeds, but Luffy simply imbued his arm with Haki and

and blocked its trajectory, causing it to explode into a shower of metal.

Taking advantage of Kid's shock at seeing one of his strongest attacks

thwarted so easily, he charged forward and drilled his opponent with a

Haki enforced punch, causing him to cough up blood and sink to ground

in pain.

Luffy walked passed him, but stopped once he realized Kid was getting

back up. The rival captain glared at him with blood dripping from his


"Bastard…is that the best you've got?" he asked, struggling to his feet.

Luffy hummed as he turned to face him. "Well, what do you think?"

Kid gritted his teeth as he mentally gauged the level of the adversary

before him. As much as he didn't want to admit it to himself, that

probably wasn't anywhere near Straw Hat's true strength. That punch had

been casual.

"Just the tip of the iceberg, huh?" Kid muttered. From his prone position

on the ground, Killer struggled to raise his head in order to watch the


"Captain…" the First Mate rasped as he fought against his blackening


"Will there be more opponents like you once we enter the New World?"

Kid asked, staring Luffy straight in the eyes.

Luffy grinned as he gave the question some thought. "How should I

know?" he asked. A misleading answer, but not a lie.

Kid was sweating. Perhaps it had been his semi-consciousness speaking,

but for a moment, he'd completely forgotten that he'd been speaking to a

fellow rookie.

"Well damn…" he muttered, before forming a coat of metal around his

arm and charging at Luffy. Even in his barely lucid state, he knew he was

hopelessly, hilariously outmatched.

And he didn't give a single flying fuck.

Luffy dodged the punch and responded with a ruthless uppercut to the

face that lifted Kid off the ground before he once again landed with a dull

thud. As Kid's consciousness began to fade, he could just make out the

next words that came out of Luffy's mouth.

"The level of strength I just showed you...you'll be lucky if it's all you

have to deal with in the New World." With those words lighting a flame

of determination in his soul, Kid drifted blissfully into unconsciousness.

Looking around and seeing that the rest of his crew had dealt with their

attackers without too much trouble, Luffy called everyone together, and

they proceeded to leave, heedless of the crowd that had gathered to

watch the one sided grudge match in awe.

Seeing as the Straw Hats had successfully attained a ship coater, they

were basically free to enjoy their remaining time on the archipelago,

something which Franky soon pointed out.

"So, Straw Hat, any plans for the next three days, or are we just going to

be sightseeing here?" the cyborg asked curiously.

"Weeeell, I wanna stop by the Sabaody Park, it was fun the first time,"

Luffy grinned. "But first, I'm planning on making a pirate alliance."

"Ah, that sounds goo—WAIT, WHAT?!"

"Why are you even surprised?" Zoro asked…everyone. It was a little

exasperating that even Robin looked surprised.

"Why are we—how were we supposed to know—?" Franky sputtered.

"Zoro, go find Trafalguy," Luffy interrupted casually. "And Sanji, go find

Bonney. We'll meet back at the Sunny."

Zoro nodded, focused for a minute with his eyes closed, and then began

heading in a specific direction.

"Kind of funny that he can only see where he's going when his eyes are

closed," Luffy said under his breath. The rest of the crew laughed, and

Zoro shot Luffy a glare that promised pain later before continuing on his


"Luffy?" Sanji asked once he got his laughter under control. "I didn't know

Bonney in a past life like you did, and there are too many strong auras on

these islands for me to count on Haki alone. Where should I look for


"Ehh, she's always hungry," Luffy said nonchalantly. "Just follow the

complaints about someone eating more than they should be able to."

"And double-check that it's not you first, got it," Sanji added with a smirk.

"Hey, I resemble that!" Luffy protested.

Trafalgar Law was enjoying a meal with this crew, having wandered

through much of the lawless zone already. After his most recent

encounter, he could safely say that he had thoroughly scoped out much

of his competition. That's not to say he'd been searching for weaknesses

or anything to gain an advantage over them. That endeavor could be

saved for the New World. He simply liked to judge for himself what he

was up against. Thus, he had taken to some sightseeing...with purpose.

In fact, only one Supernova crew had been excluded from his diligent

observations by now. The Straw Hat crew was one that he hadn't felt the

need to scrutinize. It may have seemed counterintuitive to his crew to

leave the biggest fish in Paradise Pond out of his calculations, but the

reason why was actually fairly simple.

You don't need a magnifying glass to examine a mountain. You just need

one look to know it towers over you.

Straw Hat Luffy was an enigma. He didn't think anyone could deny that

at this point. But he was an enigma in plain view. He had no doubt that

he'd unravel the mystery that was his fellow rookie eventually, but he

was in no rush.

It was only a matter of time.

As the tavern door suddenly creaked open though, Law didn't need to

turn his head to know that his day had just gotten better. The immediate

silence in the establishment was enough of a sign. Turning to the green

haired swordsman that had just entered the bar, Law inwardly smirked. It

seemed fate was telling him to get a move on.

"Yo, Trafalgar. My captain sent me to find you," Roronoa Zoro said lazily.

"Will you meet with him?"

Law hummed. "I don't see why not," he replied, before letting the smirk

appear across his face. "But only if you can prove it's not a waste of my


If he'd been trying to get a rise out of the other swordsman, Law would

have been disappointed. If anything, there seemed to be a satisfied gleam

in his eyes.

"That," Zoro replied, radiating bloodlust, "is something you're welcome to

find out for yourself."

As the patrons at the bar started sweating, and the bartender tried and

failed to gather his wits enough to tell them to take it outside, Law

obliged the challenge and shot out of his seat without a single indicator

that he was about to move. Before anyone could so much as blink, the

entire tavern was contained inside a blue, transparent bubble, and Law's

nodachi was reared towards Zoro's neck.

Zoro effortlessly drew Shisui and blocked the sword strike in one smooth


That slash was imbued with the powers of the Ope Ope no Mi, but he blocked

it all the same.

"I had figured that you were an accomplished Haki user, Demon Wind,"

Law stated, though his expression didn't quite match the nonchalance of

his tone.

"I'm not the only one in my crew," Zoro said, confirming Law's suspicions.

"So? Will you meet with him?"

Law sheathed his long sword. "I think I'd be a fool not to."

Sanji grudgingly admitted to himself that Luffy's suggested method of

finding their potential alliance member was surprisingly effective. He

didn't even had to stop to ask anyone where she was; since she was quite

famous, Jewelry Bonney's insane appetite was apparently a hot topic of

conversation, and he just had to follow the gossip.

He soon arrived at a local restaurant with high penchant for noise. As

soon as he walked in, several eyes fell on him, causing murmurings to

break out, but he ignored them. His eyes soon settled on the pink haired

woman in the middle of the establishment, piling plates on top of each

other with every passing second.

That's quite the appreciation for food. A woman after my heart. But haven't I

seen her before?

He soon recognized her. She'd been with Ace when they'd met up with

him upon arriving on Sabaody, but had merely offered Luffy a searching

look and a nod before slipping away into the crowd.

"Hey, you!" Bonney shouted with her mouth full, snapping Sanji out of

his thoughts. "Are you just gonna stare forever, bastard? You're a member

of the Straw Hats, aren't you? The hell do you want?"

Sanji bowed. "Greetings, Mademoiselle. My name is Sanji. Pleased to

make your acquaintance. I've come with an offer to sate your appetite."

As her crewmates started snickering, Bonney scowled, unamused.

"Flirting with a rival Supernova? Seriously? I know that's not why you

came, so skip the innuendos and get on with it, asshole."

Sanji sighed wistfully. "Ah, but I had to try. Very well then, down to

business. My captain wants to meet with you."

"Hell no," Bonney said bluntly. "I've seen enough of Straw Hat's ugly mug

for one day. Besides, I haven't finished my meal."

Sanji sympathized with her plight. "Of course. I'll give you a moment to

finish. Food shouldn't be wasted, after all. But when you're done, can I at

least invite you to dine with my crew? I'm quite the accomplished chef,

you know. I'd be more than willing to prepare a full course meal for you

should you accompany us."

That caught Bonney's interest. While pizza was pizza, and therefore good

by default, most of the chefs in the lawless zone were admittedly quite

mediocre. Sanji inwardly smirked at her visible interest, knowing he had

her attention.

Bonney sighed as if she knew she was being manipulated, but couldn't

quite bring herself to care.

"Fine! I'll meet with him. But the food better be the best I've ever had!"

"But of course."

The Straw Hat, Heart, and Bonney Pirates all converged at the Thousand

Sunny. Although there was a certain degree of tension in the air that was

expected of a meeting between rival crews, Luffy was all smiles.

"Hey guys!" he shouted, addressing not just Zoro and Sanji, but also Law

and Bonney with a surprising amount of familiarity.

"Straw Hatter," Law said, ignoring the informality. "I heard you made

quick work of Kid and his lot. Making waves already?"

Bonney raised an eyebrow, having not heard that bit of news yet, while

Luffy pouted. "That wasn't my fault," Luffy protested. "He just attacked

me." He soon recovered though, and invited everyone into the dining

room. "Sanji! Food!"

"I'm already on it, Shithead."

The entire meal was ready in less than ten minutes, much to the shock of

the Heart and Bonney Pirates. No one commented on the otherworldly

culinary feat, though. The Bonney pirates looked ecstatic.

As the three crews dug into the food in a manner only befitting pirates,

Law spoke up. "Not that I'm gonna turn down free dinner, Straw Hatter,

but exactly why did you call us here?"

"I'm glad you asked, Trafalguy!"


"You're all here because I want to form an alliance."

That threw them for a loop. A pirate alliance, already? They hadn't even

entered the New World yet.

"I have a plan…" Luffy continued. "To take down Kaido and Big Mom."

Shocked silence met his proclamation. Almost every set of eyes in the

room widened, many of which were those of his own crew members.

After a while, the silence was broken. "You're aiming high," Law said with

a smirk, "Gunning for the Yonko before you even enter the New World."

Bonney also seemed interested by the proposal, if skeptical. "Is there a

reason why you chose those two in particular?" she asked.

"Well, I happen to be on friendly terms with the other two."

They both looked stunned at that. "Your connection with Whitebeard is

common knowledge," Law allowed. "But Red-haired Shanks too?"

"My childhood hero," Luffy said with a shrug. "But there's another reason

why I chose those two, actually. Do you two know about the Road


Both of them shook their heads.

Luffy turned to his archaeologist. "Mind explaining, Robin?"

Though she was still caught off guard, Robin recovered quickly. "There

are four total. Each has a location inscribed, and where the four locations

intersect, the hidden island of Raftel can be found."

As Law and Bonney gave their undivided attention, Zoro smirked. Luffy

had them, hook, line, and sinker.

"Would I be right in guessing that Kaido and Big Mom both hold

possession of one of these Road Poneglyphs?" Law asked.

"Spot on. So here's my offer. When we take down Kaido and Big Mom, I'll

let you guys know where Raftel is. And from there on...it'll be a race."

Bonney smirked at his challenging tone. "A race, huh? And now that

you've kindly given us this information, why can't we just go ahead and

use it for ourselves?" Of course, she already had no intention of doing

that. She wasn't that ungrateful, and she knew someone like Straw Hat

would be a huge help in taking those two Yonko down. But she still

wanted to hear his answer.

Surprisingly though, it was Law who spoke up. "Because the poneglyphs

are written in the ancient language of the Void Century," he reminded

her with a narrow eyed smile. "And that makes Nico Robin here the only

person in the world who can read them."

The silence descended once more as both rival crews stared at Robin in a

mix of shock and awe. Robin hummed in thought, before she gave Law a

smug smile and nodded.

"Yes, I'd say that's accurate."

"So," Luffy said. "You guys interested yet?"

"Bastard...you know full well we can't say no after that," Bonney said with

grudging respect. "Fine. I'm in."

"As am I," Law stated. "I happen to have my sights set on Kaido anyway.

But I have to ask...why did you choose us?"

"Because of all the other crews aiming for the top, I trust you guys the

most not to betray me," Luffy answered.

"That's a lot of faith you have in someone you just met," Law pointed out

with a menacing smile.

Luffy just smirked. "Call it a hunch."

Law leaned back in his seat and gave him an accepting nod.

"It's settled then," Luffy said. "One of the captains in this room will

become the Pirate King."

It was amazing how in sync everyone in the room was at that moment, as

they all raised their glasses and gave their approval as the meal


"Hey, Trafalguy!" Bonney shouted. "You've got to try these sandwiches.

They're amazing!"

Law briefly considered showing his fellow Supernova why it wasn't a

good idea to indulge Straw Hat's whimsical nickname. But he decided

that it was bad form to attack a member of their alliance just moments

after said alliance had been formed.

"No thanks. I don't like bread."

On route from Marine Headquarters to Sabaody Archipelago were ten

battleships, sailing in tight formation. Aboard the lead one, a tall, lazy

eyed man with yellow clothing and red tinted sunglasses stared down at

the Baby Transponder Snail on his wrist. The man was Marine Admiral

Kizaru, and behind him stood the Royal Warlords Boa Hancock and

Bartholomew Kuma.

"Admiral, we'll reach Sabaody in a few minutes," came the voice of Vice

Admiral Onigumo from the Transponder Snail.

"Hmm, thanks Vice Admiral. I have to say, the Elder Stars have put us in

a tough position. But I suppose we'll have no choice...but to wipe out the

Straw Hats."

Mavric sat atop a building on Sabaody Archipelago, staring out in the

direction of the ocean. As he squinted his eyes, a nervous grin appeared

on his face.

"Again, huh? Well damn…"

AN: I really liked writing this chapter. Hope you liked reading it! Lost


63. The Siege of Sabaody

Last chapter set a record-breaking 200 reviews. I consider that very good

for a chapter with minimal action scenes. So thanks for that.

Also, I have exciting news. In June I began attending graduate school at

an MFA program. For those of you who don't know, what this means is

that from this point forward, I'll be continuing education beyond college

for the sake of one day soon getting a novel published. This takes me one

step closer to being a published author of my own original work. I just

thought I'd share that with you, since all of your feedback throughout the

last few years has gone a long way towards helping me improve my

writing. So once again, thanks everyone!

And now, in celebration and also to make up for the long ass wait, I

present to you the longest chapter in the history of Second Wind. Yes,


Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter LXIII: The Siege of Sabaody

"Yo, Law! Try this pizza! It's the best I've ever had, I'm serious!"

"Woman, how many times must I repeat myself? I don't like bread."

"Who the hell doesn't like bread?" Bonney asked, staring at the Heart

Captain dubiously.

"Maybe he likes it...Glutton-free?" Usopp chimed in.

The room was rendered silent as every face paused to stare at the sniper.

To Usopp's credit, he looked entirely unrepentant.

"Usopp…that…was terrible," Nami said. "Never do it again."

He crossed his arms defiantly and huffed. "You can't handle my puns!"

"Yohoho! It was no Skull Joke, but I liked it!"

Meanwhile, Luffy had paused in his own ravenous rampage, and was

staring out the window, expression pensive.

"Yo, Luffy! What's wrong?" Sanji asked. "It's not like you to stop before

your 50th plate."

Luffy's brow furrowed. "Mavric is flaring his aura…" he said. "It almost

feels like he's sending us a signal, but I can't sense anything out of the

ordinary on the Archipelago."

Zoro hummed. "Now that you mention it, I feel it too. Didn't Mavric have

a Devil Fruit that lets him see really far away? Maybe the threat isn't on

Sabaody to begin with."

Luffy closed his eyes, focusing his Observation Haki out to the sea. By

now he had drawn the attention of everyone in the room, and all three

crews listened curiously.

Suddenly, Luffy's eyes snapped open, and he began to sweat.

"…Oh, shit," the rubber-man mumbled.

"All right, anything that has Luffy sweating is Emperor-grade levels of

danger," Sanji said, getting to his feet. "What are your orders, Captain?"

"Sunny," Luffy called.

The girl appeared in the room immediately, leaving the two outsider

captains utterly confused as the other nine stared at thin air, the skeleton

straining his eye sockets.

"We're going ashore. As soon as we're offboard, go around to the other


Sunny looked like she wanted to argue.

"We'll call you if we need you, but the longer our enemies don't know that

our ship can fight on her own, the better," Zoro said.

Sunny sighed. "Aye-aye," she conceded.

"…What," Law and Bonney said together.

"Explanations later, evacuations now," Usopp said, already on his way


As they exited the ship, Bonney demanded an explanation. As expected,

Luffy was blunt.

"An elite army from Marineford is heading our way. Admirals, Vice

Admirals, Warlords, you name it…" he said nervously.

"This is a hell of a way to kick off our alliance, Straw Hatter," Law


"You think I plan for these things? On second thought, I probably


The three pirate crews were uncharacterisically silent as they fell back to

the lawless zone.

As Ace and Sabo met up with the alliance, Mavric having alerted them

both, Sabo asked the obvious question.

"Luffy, do you have a plan? This isn't going to be like the time with

Aokiji; it's going to take more than just you and your First Mate."

"I know, and I have a feeling it's going to be touch-and-go for a while,"

Luffy replied. "For now, just fall back and suppress your auras."

Ace gave him a skeptical look, and Luffy was quick to reassure him.

"It's our best bet. The Marines don't even know you two are here, so we

should keep the element of surprise. I actually do have a plan this time,

and the two of you will know when to intervene. Besides…backup will be

on its way soon."

Luffy then turned to Law. "Law, I need you to teleport everyone else to a

safe distance. Wait for an opportunity to step in."

Law nodded in compliance, making a mental note for later to ask how

Straw Hat knew about his Devil Fruit, before holding up one hand. A

blue bubble appeared around the group, and soon the Heart Pirates,

Bonney Pirates, and every member of the Straw Hat Pirates other than

Luffy and Zoro were teleported away.

Ace and Sabo soon followed suit, suppressing their auras and making

their way deep into the lawless zone.

Luffy and Zoro didn't have to wait long before they felt the Marine

Admiral's aura coming in fast. Too fast.

Zoro quickly reacted to the threat, leaping into the air and using two

swords to deflect the oncoming beam into the sky. The resulting

explosion was visible from the entire archipelago, lighting up Sabaody

with all the intensity of a second sun.

As Zoro landed, Admiral Kizaru materialized in front of the two


"Ooh. It seems that I'm facing quite the adept swordsman here," he

droned mockingly. "You've gathered some useful allies, Monkey D. Luffy.

Though not all of them are as forthcoming as your First Mate." He

smirked. "Did you really think you could hide a Yonko Commander and

Revolutionary from me?"

He took aim at Ace and Sabo, despite both of them being out of sight.

"My Observation Haki isn't exactly subpar."

Luffy quickly appeared in front of him before he could fire, aiming a Red

Hawk at his face and forcing him to block.

"Neither is mine," Luffy growled.

Kizaru merely pointing a finger at Luffy, preparing to blast him at point

blank range, but was forced to dodge a Lion's Elegy from Zoro.

Kizaru proceeded to barrage them with lasers, prompting Zoro to start

deflecting and Luffy to start dodging.

Luffy appeared in front of Kizaru again, aiming an Elephant Gun at him,

but Kizaru effortlessly warped behind him, aiming a laser at his head.

According to Kuzan's intel, with that strength technique of his activated, he

should be slower to dodge.

He was proven wrong when he realized the Elephant Gun was just a

feint, and that Luffy had already begun dodging before Kizaru could take


As Luffy appeared to his right with a Hawk Gatling at the ready, Kizaru's

brow furrowed in confusion.

I'm moving faster than him, I'm not broadcasting my intentions, and yet…

As the Straw Hat Captain once again dodged his lasers without even

looking, he realized what was happening.

That's Future Sight Observation. Rookies these days sure are scary…

Opting to try a different approach, Kizaru decided to use an attack that

would be harder to dodge. He appeared in the sky above Sabaody,

readying another area of effect blast.

In his haste, he was blindsided by Zoro, and forced to abandon that

maneuver when he was hit dead on by a 1080 Caliber Phoenix and torn to


"Aren't you forgetting someone?" the swordsman asked.

Kizaru once again reformed on the ground without a scratch on him,

aiming a lightspeed kick at Zoro, which the latter attempted to block

with all three obsidian swords.

The kick connected, only to be stopped when Luffy helped block it, his

arms also clad in Armament Hardening. Black lightning danced around

the pirate captain's frame, and Kizaru's eyes widened.

Luffy spread his arms out wide, his Conqueror's Haki working in

conjunction with Zoro's Armament to send Kizaru hurtling away.

Kizaru gritted his teeth as he was sent hurtling away. Zoro quickly

pressed the advantage, calling upon a fraction of Asura's power and

aiming a flying slash at the admiral.

"3000 Caliber Nightwing Gale!" The wind blade had a dark purple tinge.

Kizaru once again warped away to avoid the worst of it, but as he

reformed, this time a small pool of blood could be seen dripping down

his leg.

"First blood," Zoro grunted, panting heavily along with Luffy.

"Oh, dear, this doesn't look good for me," Kizaru said. "You know, if you

two step up your game, you might actually be able to take me out before

my backup arrives."

Luffy and Zoro exchanged a brief look, before nodding at each other and

turning back to their opponent.

"Make us!" they shouted as one.

Kizaru inwardly sighed. He'd been hoping to bait them into going all out

and exhausting themselves, but it seemed they weren't that stupid.

Luffy and Zoro both charged forward, ready to push their advantage, but

were intercepted when a large, bearlike figure appeared in front of their


Bartholomew Kuma stared them down, Ursus Shock ready in his palms.

They both fell back to dodge the explosion, giving Kizaru a small


"Nice of you to come, Bartholomew Kuma." Kizaru's sarcasm wasn't at all

subtle, but then again, it never was.

"It's your own fault for warping in ahead of us, Admiral," the cyborg


"Hmm, but you could have done the same thing, you know?" Kizaru


Kuma ignored him.

"Fine, whatever. I just need you to separate Roronoa from his captain,

anyway. Can you can do that?"

Kuma once again didn't answer, but wordlessly engaged.

As Luffy and Zoro charged in again, Kuma tried to catch Zoro with his

Paw-Paw Fruit and remove him from the battlefield, but Zoro effortlessly

dodged his every swipe.

As Kuma continued his assault, however, the swordsman noticed he was

being directed away from Luffy and Kizaru. Before he could spare his

captain a glance, he received a mental nod of reassurance from him, and

thus allowed himself to be led away.

Kizaru lazily turned his gazed between the Warlord-engaged swordsman

and his opponent, his carefree expression not wavering in the slightest.

"Well, I guess it's just the two of us now."

Luffy, for his part, pursed his lips and let out a long-winded hum. "Ohh,

my, it seems like I've fallen right into your trap. How scary," he drawled


For a long moment, the admiral didn't react.

"…Is that really what I sound like?" he asked beseechingly.

Further into the lawless zone, Sanji and Usopp were watching the fight

from afar using Observation Haki, narrating its events to the rest of the


"They've been separated!" Usopp exclaimed. "Isn't that really bad?"

"They don't feel very nervous about it from their auras," Sanji replied. "Do

you think it could be part of their plan?"

"Either way, are we really just supposed to sit here and find an opening?"

Franky asked, frustrated.

"It's Captain's orders, so it can't be helped!" Sanji said with a scowl.

Clearly, he had a problem with this too.

Suddenly, the chef let out a loud string of curses.

"Sanji-kun? What's going on?" Nami asked worriedly.

Beads of sweat dripped down Sanji's face as he uttered a single word.


At the coast of Sabaody Archipelago, several figures had just arrived

ahead of their respective battleships, leaping through the air without a


"Lucci-san," Vice Admiral Onigumo spoke up. "Can you and your fellow

agents help me deal with the weaker Straw Hat members? Admiral

Kizaru won't need any help against Straw Hat Luffy." Despite technically

being his superior, the high ranking Marine had a good amount of respect

for Rob Lucci's Dark Justice.

Lucci wordlessly signalled to the rest of CP9, and Kaku, Jabra, Blueno,

Kumadori, Fukurou, and Kalifa all followed behind the two to engage the

Straw Hats.

Meanwhile, Ace and Sabo both had their eyes closed, keeping tabs on all

of their allies from afar.

"This is it," Ace said. "We'll need to get involved now that there's a Vice

Admiral here."

"You're right," Sabo admitted. "Other than Luffy, Zoro, and maybe

Mavric, we're the only ones here who can deal with him."

Suddenly, numerous explosions could be heard throughout Sabaody.

"Shit. They're attacking the lawless zone," Ace realized. "It's a focused

Buster Call." He turned towards Sabo. "I need to take care of the

battleships before Sabaody goes up in ashes. You need to go help Luffy's


Sabo nodded, and the two split up without another word.

Onigumo was nearing the location of the Straw Hat crew, and judging

from their panicked auras, they knew who was coming. So they have

someone else who can use Haki. Interesting…

He was interrupted from his musing when another, more powerful aura

roared to life behind him. He had no time to react before an Armament-

hardened staff caught the side of his face, sending him crashing headfirst

into one of the mangroves.

"I hope I'm not interrupting something," Sabo said innocently as he

touched down next to the downed Marine.

"Revolutionary!" the Vice Admiral spat in disgust, and the fight was on.

Sentomaru eyed the archipelago under siege with a critical eye. Their

battleships had finally arrived, and it felt like a long time coming what

with Uncle Kizaru getting impatient earlier. But now they'd be free to test

out Vegapunk's prototypes at last.

That plan was soon thwarted when their battleships began going up in

flames one by one. A quick scan with his Observation Haki alerted him to

the threat.

"Fire Fist!" he shouted in fury. He quickly leapt off of his battleship, axe

reared to cleave the hovering Logia user in two. Ace ceased his assault on

the battleships to throw his trademark move at Sentomaru, who was

forced to abort his attack and disperse the flames with his Haki-imbued


The two landed on the coast of Sabaody, Sentomaru seething all the

while. The damage had been done. Five of their battleships had been

destroyed, and with them, half of their human weapons.

He quickly engaged Fire Fist, swinging his battleaxe in a wide arc. Ace,

for his part, just stood there, allowing himself to be bisected by the blade.

His Haki easily nullified Sentomaru's, and he was able to reform without

much trouble.

As Ace clad his arm in Armament Hardening and reared it back, the limb

encasing itself in a searing flame as he aimed his fist straight at his

opponent's heart, Sentomaru had never been so certain of an enemy's

capability to kill him.

He was saved from that fate as Vice Admirals Bastille, Strawberry,

Stainless, and Dalmatian swiftly surrounded Fire Fist, all with haki

imbued steel at the ready.

Ace pulled his fist back and thrust both arms out, surrounding himself in

an explosion of flame that forced all of them back. Sentomaru leapt

backward, sweating heavily.

"Go ahead of us!" Bastille shouted, as the four Marines got into formation

around Ace. "There should still be some human weapons that can fight!

Take them and eliminate the Straw Hats!"

Ace's eyes narrowed dangerously. As he exploded into a bombardment of

fireworks, Sentomaru shouted an order to the remaining Pacifistas. The

five remaining cyborgs answered his call, following him onto Sabaody

while Ace was preoccupied.

No one noticed a certain Pirate Empress also sneaking into the lawless


Sanji was once again facing the familiar sensation of having to push his

body to the limit of its physical capability. The fact that he'd been facing

the exact same foe the last time this had happened did not escape his

notice, but he didn't have the luxury of entertaining that line of thought

right now.

Lucci was already in his Zoan form. The agent clearly held a grudge after

having been forced to retreat the last time. As Sanji blocked a

particularly brutal kick with his fire-encased leg, he heard several shouts

of distress from the rest of the crew, who were all occupied with the rest

of the government assassins. He gritted his teeth and willed himself not

to lose focus.

As he clashed with the Rokushiki user again, Bonney tried to get behind

the leopard man and use her powers on him, but Lucci easily saw her

coming and swatted her away, causing Sanji's blood to boil. Every time

the other Supernova would try to pin him down long enough to use her

Devil Fruit, she would be thwarted. This bastard was just too fast. Even

with his Observation Haki, he had trouble keeping up, just like last time.

"Room," Law muttered as his translucent blue sphere formed around him

again. He was facing off against both Kaku and Jabra, and had quite a

few bruises to show for it. He had managed to avoid any lethal blows by

using Shambles on himself, but against two opponents who were faster

than he was, he couldn't create an opening to cut either of them up and

put them out of the fight.

That wasn't to say he hadn't landed any hits himself, but his normal

sword slashes weren't enough to pierce their defense, and they were

cautious enough not to charge at him recklessly when he had his Room


To top it off, they both had Zoan Devil Fruits, which augmented their

physical abilities greatly.

"Great," he muttered. "I knew Sabaody had a theme park, but not a


"Tell me about it!" one of his opponents, the wolfman, agreed. "I thought

Lucci was the only copy cat around here, but now fucking Kaku gets a

Zoan-type Devil Fruit too!? And a giraffe, of all ridiculous things! What

was the Chief thinking, after they failed in Water 7!?"

"Will you focus?" Kaku asked calmly. "We have a job to do. And for the

record, giraffes are a lot cooler than wolves."

"My ass, you bastard! Your long neck has nothing on my long—"

"Does it look like I give a shit about either of your idiotic powers?" Law

drawled. "It's not like either can compare to mine."

"What!? Now this fool too!?" Jabra shouted. "Your stupid bubbles can't

even compare to fucking giraffes, much less wolves!" The agent charged

forward, forgoing caution in his enraged state.

"Rankyaku!" the wolfman shouted.

Law smirked. "Shambles."

He quickly switched places with Kaku, causing the giraffe man's eyes to

widen as he was hit dead on by Jabra's attack.

"Gah!" The wind blade had pierced his hastily executed Tekkai, and blood

now seeped from the resulting wound across his torso. His usual patience

now being tested, he glared at Jabra.

"Will you watch it? You charge in without thinking, and this is what


"What!? Don't blame me! It's your fault for getting in the way!"

As the two argued, Law saw his chance. He didn't know why these two

fought so horribly as a pair, but he wasn't complaining. Creating another

Room, he swung his sword at Jabra, effortlessly bisecting him from

shoulder to waist. The wound didn't bleed, or even hurt, but it would

help immobilize him, and from his alarmed shout, he knew it too.

Before Law could cut him down to smaller chunks, Kaku charged in with

a Soru, and Law was forced to block the Rankyaku with his longsword,

deflecting it to the side with great effort. He teleported out of the way

again before the next kick could cut him in half.

"One down, one to go," he muttered.

"Strong Right!" Franky's punch connected with Blueno's face, causing him

to groan. The latter nevertheless delivered a blow to Franky's skull,

causing the cyborg to groan in turn. The two had been fighting evenly for

a while now. Blueno's Shigan and Rankyaku had proved largely

ineffective against Franky's steel body, and the two had resorted a contest

of strength in which neither had the edge.

Blueno finally decided to use his Devil Fruit, opening an Air Door and

appearing behind Franky. To his surprise, the cyborg spun around and

delivered a haymaker to his face without hesitation, breaking his nose in

the process.

What? He couldn't have known where I would appear! Was it his immediate

instinct to guard his blind spot?

Before he could ponder this more, Franky exploited the opening and

aimed his strongest move at the assassin. "Max Cola Power! Coup de


The air cannon blasted against the front of his body, sending him

careening backwards, bouncing off of the ground several times before he

was imbedded in one of the mangrove trees.

Franky's hair sagged a bit. "That's just super. I'm almost out of fuel." As

Blueno forcefully pulled himself out of the tree, gasping for breath, the

cyborg grimaced. "And that bastard's still kicking, to top it off."

"Kokutei: Cross!" Chopper shouted in Arm Point as his hooves impacted

with Kumadori's chest. The eccentric agent gasped in pain, but brushed it

aside and readied his staff to punch a hole in the Zoan user.

"Treinta Fleur!" Thirty hands gripped his arms, legs, neck, and torso,

stopping him in his tracks.

"Yoyoi! This won't hold me!" With some effort, he managed to break out

of the hold, the shock jarring Robin, who winced, but it allowed Chopper

time to shift forms and jump out of range.

"Arrow Notch Strike!" Brook appeared behind Fukurou, drawing blood, but

the wound wasn't very deep. Although he was faster than his opponent,

his attacks couldn't seem to penetrate very far into his defense. At least

not enough to deal more than trivial wounds. He was a speed type

swordsman, after all.

"Yohoho! Any ideas, Usopp-san? I must admit I'm not making much


"I do have one!" Usopp shouted, as he barraged the round faced agent

with Firebird Stars, which he either dodged or brushed off. "But I really

hope I won't have to use it!"

Meanwhile, Nami was once again facing off against Kalifa. Although she

was faring better this time, she knew she wouldn't be able to gain the

edge in this fight unless she was able to slip into Mirage Tempo.

Suddenly, she heard a desperate shout. "Everyone, Get out of here! This

place is about to become a warzone!" It was Sanji, and he shouted even

more distressed than before, if that was possible.

It was soon revealed why, as more enemies charged onto the battlefield.

Sentomaru and his small legion of Pacifistas arrived to top the scales,

with the human weapons all taking aim at the Straw Hats. Sanji gave a

cry of warning before he was battered by a devastating kick from Lucci

for losing his focus.

Salvation appeared in the form of Mavric, who used a combination of

Soru and Geppou to appear in between the Pacifistas.

"Rebel Storm!" He placed one arm on the ground and spun, sweeping his

legs out in a widespread Rankyaku that instantly cleaved through three

of the cyborgs. Sparks flew off of them as they all split in half, fell to the

ground, and shut down.

With no intention of allowing the final two to meet the same fate,

Sentomaru attacked. Mavric dodging the battleaxe as it impacted harshly

with the ground, spinning around and aimed another Rankyaku at his

opponent's face, but Sentomaru brought his axe back up and cut through

it with a grunt.

The two remaining human weapons resumed their assault, forcing Robin

and Brook to break away from their respective fights to try to ward them

off. They had little success, as the durable cyborgs brushed off their

techniques and swatted them both aside, slamming both Straw Hats into

the ground. Then they began charging up beams in both their mouths

and hands, ready to unleash them on the preoccupied Straw Hat Pirates.

Law slipped away from his fight and hastily teleported the Straw Hats out

of the way of the blasts, but almost got his head taken off by Kaku in the

process, and was forced to refocus on his fight even as the two cyborgs

took aim again.

"Shit! No!" Sanji shouted.

At that moment, an unfamiliar voice sounded out across the battlefield,

causing the human weapons to cut off their attacks in order to scan for

the new threat.

"Come on let's go everybody, oh we share the music! Come on let's go

baby, baby oh we share the one dream!"

Sanji's eyes widened as he felt the new auras approaching.

"Come on let's go everybody, oh we share the good times!"

"Who is that!?" Nami shouted, desperately hoping it was an ally this time.

"Come on let's go baby, baby, oh we share the one world! Scratch!"

Both Pacifistas suddenly went up in flames, and stumbled backwards.

Though the move didn't seem to do that much damage, it had been

effective to an extent. Both of their ears were now bleeding, and they had

burn marks all over their cybernetic bodies from the strange attack.

Scratchmen Apoo walked leisurely onto the battlefield, followed closely

by X Drake and Eustass Kid.

"Hey, Black Leg!" Kid shouted. "Don't think this changes anything! I'm

still gunning for your captain when the time comes! But this is a matter

of principle!"

"I might just have to agree," X Drake said. "The entitlement of the World

Government is still as baffling as ever."

"Yo yo yo! Do these government dogs seriously think they can just walk

into our turf and interrupt our celebrations right when we're gearing up

to enter the second half!?" Apoo asked. "Just this once, we'll show them

why we're called Supernovas! After that, don't expect any help from us in

the New World!"

X Drake was the first to charge in, swinging his axe and sword at once of

the Pacifistas and sending it flying. Apoo followed suit, sending a barrage

of sound waves at the same target, damaging it further.

Eustass Kid merely stuck a hand out, and the other one was stopped in its

tracks. "You shitstains are made of metal, aren't you?" he asked with a

savage grin. "This isn't going to be fun for you."

Law was panting heavily. Jabra had managed to put himself back

together while he'd been occupied with Kaku, and he was back to square

one. Seeing an opportunity, he called out to Drake.

"Red Flagger! Switch with me! My powers are better suited to fight that

hunk of metal!"

Drake, seeing that his physical attacks weren't doing much damage to

Vegapunk's creation, complied easily enough.

"As if we'd let you!" Jabra shouted, aiming a Shigan at Law's throat. But it

was too late; the surgeon teleported again, and in his place stood Drake,

who blocked the strike with his sword.

Leaving Law, Kid, and Apoo to deal with the Pacifistas.

Luffy was covered in bruises and burns from head to toe. Although none

of them were serious, he hadn't landed a single hit since Zoro had left,

and he knew he wouldn't last too much longer like this. Kizaru was far

too strong to be fighting on his own, much less holding back.

Just as he was preparing to enter Gear Fourth, he sensed a familiar aura

approaching. Kizaru must have sensed it too, because his eyes snapped to

the approaching figure in surprise.

"This is quite the situation you've gotten yourself into, young one. I don't

suppose you'd have any complaints if I decided to lend a hand?"

Luffy exhaled deeply as Rayleigh drew his sword. "Nope. Be my guest," he

said, visibly sagging in relief.

Kizaru drew his light sword and tried to finish off Luffy before the Dark

King could interfere, but the Right Hand of the Pirate King easily foresaw

the move with his own Future Sight and intercepted Kizaru, swiping his

sword at the admiral's neck. The Logia user moved just in time, and the

blade nicked his cheek instead.

The admiral sighed in annoyance as blood dripped down his cheek,

resignedly shifting his full focus to the dangerous adversary before him.

Luffy, having caught his breath, wanted to help his old mentor against

Kizaru, but knew he'd have to wait when he felt another familiar presence


He turned around and came face-to-face with Boa Hancock.

Sabo was finally making some significant progress against Onigumo.

After his first surprise attack, it had been tough to get around the Vice

Admiral's eight arms, but once he had, the wound he'd inflicted with a

well placed Shigan was enough to slow him down significantly.

The fight ended quickly as Sabo surpassed his opponent's guard and

managed to grab Onigumo's skull, then crushed it like an egg in his

talons. The Marine groaned in pain and stumbled backward; he tried to

get one last shot in with his eight blades, but Sabo leapt over the attack

and bashed his staff against the Vice Admiral's already battered skull one

more time. He went out like a light.

Panting slightly, Sabo took stock of his injuries, which weren't too

serious, before reaching out with his Haki to find where he was needed

most. His first instinct was to go aid the Straw Hats against CP9, but as

he locked onto two other auras in the distance, he hesitated, and then

made a different decision.

Sanji, Bonney, and Lucci were all tiring. Lucci from constantly warding

off both his opponents, and Sanji and Bonney from taking so many of his

attacks. Bonney wasn't as durable as Sanji, but at least she had taken less

hits. Sanji, on the other hand, was covered in wounds and bruises, and

visibly struggling to stay upright.

"Bonney-chan," he said suddenly. "Could you go help with my crew? I've

got this covered."

Bonney looked rightfully skeptical in the face of the bold-faced lie.

"You're fucking crazy." Still, seeing that some of the weaker members of

the alliance were struggling, she huffed and relented. "Try not to die," she

said, before rushing off to aid the others.

"What a fool you are," Lucci scoffed. "You know full well that you can't

win this fight by yourself."

Sanji, having already exhausted himself using Diable Jambe, inwardly


But that's exactly why I need to do this alone.

Lucci used Soru to charge forward and Sanji did the same. They clashed

in a barrage of kicks, Sanji's leg screaming more at the abuse each time.

Finally, when they collided again, his leg received a hairline fracture,

causing him to grit his teeth through the pain. Stunned, he was

completely open to Lucci's next kick, which impacted with his face and

sent him hurtling across the ground. The Zoan user then jumped into the

air and descended down on the chef once again. Sanji rolled out of the

way, and Lucci's kick cratered the ground where he'd just been lying.

He couldn't dodge the next punch in time, and it hit him square in the

gut, knocking all the wind out of him. He tried to leap back to gain some

distance, but Lucci's tail wrapped around his waist, holding him in place.

"It's over," Lucci growled, bringing both fists to Sanji's torso. Sanji's eyes

widened as his Observation Haki screamed at him. He knew with

absolute certainty that this attack would destroy him, but there was

nothing he could do about it while he was trapped like this. He just had

to withstand it somehow. He braced himself for the pain he knew was


"Rokuougan!" The ultimate Rokushiki technique tore through Sanji's body,

jarring his insides and causing him to bleed internally. Blood spewed

from his mouth, and he fell limp.

Lucci's tail uncoiled from his waist, and he dropped the chef carelessly.

"Now, for the rest of your crew," the agent said, spitting a wad of blood

onto the ground next to him.

He stopped in his tracks as he heard the unmistakable sound of

movement. He turned back towards the chef with wide eyes.

He was standing.

That shockwave should have shredded his insides! He shouldn't even be alive,

much less able to stand!

The leopard man was soon proven wrong as Sanji dashed forward again

usings Soru. Lucci grit his teeth and swatted him aside, causing him to

roll across the ground, but he was up again in an instant.

I'm at the end of my rope here, the chef thought. My vision's starting to

darken. I'm at the brink of death. So why do I feel…

He let out a roar and jumped into the air, Sky Walking towards Lucci,

and readied another kick, which the Zoan user raised an arm to carelessly


Why do I feel like I just can't lose?

Lucci was shocked to his core when the kick broke through both his

guard and his tekkai, sending him crashing into a nearby building. He

pulled himself out with widened eyes.

Impossible! He's nearly dead, and yet his kicks feel stronger than before? Did

he learn Tekkai?

As Sanji shot forward again, Lucci dismissed the thought. No! He wouldn't

be able to move while using it if it was newly learned!

He raised both arms in a cross block, activating Tekkai, but was still

knocked off his feet again by Sanji's Concasse.

This is Armament Haki!

"Come on, you bastard. Round Three," the chef whispered.

For the hundredth time, Kuma's paw pads deflected Zoro's air slash and

lunged toward him, forcing him to dodge to avoid being sent flying from

the battlefield. It was like a never-ending cycle. Kuma would either

deflect his attacks or warp out of the way of them, and he would have to

keep dodging his paws with Observation Haki. Zoro sighed in annoyance.

If he really wanted to, he could win this fight, but not without a lot of

effort on his part, effort that would be wasted on someone who had been

an ally in all but name the last time he'd seen him.

He didn't want to kill Kuma. He owed him far too much.

"Why are you hesitating, Roronoa Zoro?" Kuma asked, even as Zoro kept

dodging. "You're going through the motions, but your attacks possess no

intent to kill. Why is that?"

Zoro shrugs. "This fight will be over soon anyway."

"Oh? How do you plan to end it if you don't go for a killing strike?"

"I'm going to recruit you."

Kuma froze for a fraction of a second, and Zoro thought he could detect a

hint of confusion on the cyborg's impassive face.


The voice caused the Warlord's eyes to widen slightly, and he

immediately stopped engaging. He looked at Sabo with a blank look.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Helping the Straw Hat Pirates. It's in the Revolutionary Army's best

interests to aid them at the moment."

Kuma paused. "Is it because Straw Hat is Dragon's son?"

"It's more than just that. You've been doing a good job as our double

agent, but this order takes priority. Act as if you were defeated by

Roronoa Zoro and forced to retreat."

Kuma gave him a dry stare. "How am I to make that look realistic?"

Sabo simply grinned. "I have faith in you," the Chief of Staff answered.

Kuma sighed and warped away from Sabaody.

Lucci roared in pain as Sanji's Haki-imbued kicks assaulted every corner

of his body. Although he was still faster than the chef, Black Leg was still

able to predict his moves with Observation Haki, and whereas Lucci had

had the edge in strength and durability before, now that the chef was

using Armament too, he was outclassed in both.

Never had a single opponent turned a fight against him so quickly. He

had tried to land another Rokuougan, but the chef wasn't falling for that

again, even being extra wary of his tail. His Shigan and Rankyaku were

all being dodged as he began to slow down, and his punches and kicks

weren't even hurting his opponent anymore in his weakened state.

In a final, desperate gambit to turn the fight back in his favor, he shifted

into his speed form using Life Return and attempted to end the fight with

one more Rokuougan. This proved to be a mistake, as the chef avoided

the finishing move by a hair despite Lucci's increased speed, and the

strain of using the move a second time in the state he was in left the

assassin open.

"Diable Jambe!"

Lucci staggered back away from the heat, unaware that his opponent still

had the strength to use that move.

"Mutton Shot!"

The flaming, Haki-enhanced kick drilled into his chest, breaking several

ribs and setting his insides aflame. He was shot backwards, a yellow

torpedo, crashing through several buildings, which soon collapsed

afterward. The extent of his injuries finally caught up with him, and he

slipped back into his human form as he lost consciousness.

Sanji's arms shook as he lit a cigarette. "Come back again and I'll make a

feline stew out of you, shitty government catdog."

Omake: Kuma's Vacation

Kuma arrived at his destination: Kuraigana Island. He walked past the

bewildered baboons, who knew by now not to attack him, and proceeded

towards the castle. It wasn't long before he was greeted at the door.

"Bartholomew Kuma," Mihawk drawled. "Just because I allow you to keep

one of your paw prints here, doesn't mean you can come and go as you


"Dracule Mihawk," Kuma greeted. "As a fellow Warlord, I request that

you inflict a non-lethal sword wound on me."

Mihawk stared. "What should I consider non-lethal?"

"Not enough to kill me, but enough to make it seem as though I almost

perished," Kuma replied.

"…Should I even ask?"

"It would be preferable that you didn't."

Mihawk sighed, and then casually swung Yoru, cutting halfway through

Kuma's cyborg body. Kuma staggered but didn't fall.

Mihawk sheathed his sword. "You may leave now," he stated.

"Very well. But shouldn't you be at Marineford at the moment?" Kuma


Mihawk hummed and relented. "Might as well. Would you like to do the


Kuma placed one large hand on Mihawk's shoulder and teleported them

both to their destination.

AN: Whoo! That took a really long time to write. Sorry for the delay, but

I hope this makes up for it. See you guys next time!

64. The Third

Hey everyone! I'm sorry this update took so long. I know over four

months is a long time to wait for a chapter. I'm been pretty busy with

both school work and my social life, so I haven't had much time to write

this fic. Still, I'm back another chapter, and as you can see from the title

of said chapter, I'm done with the red herrings after today. You've all

been waiting for the answer to a mystery I introduced all the way back in

chapter 22, and here it is! I sincerely hope you all enjoy this, because it's

been a long time coming.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter LXIV: The Third

Luffy allowed himself a moment's breath as he focused his Observation

Haki on the rest of the crew.

"Whoa," he said, amazed at the fact that Lucci's aura had dimmed. He had

taken note of CP9's presence during his fight with Kizaru and had

planned on intervening as soon as he got some room to breathe, but it

seemed Sanji had actually managed to beat their strongest member.

Adding to that, some of the Supernovas that weren't in the alliance

actually seemed to be helping his crewmates. With that front more or less

covered, he focused his attention on the adversary before him.

Luffy stared at the woman who fell in love with him in a previous life.

Even now, her unparalleled beauty failed to register any sort of arousal in

the rubber man. That wasn't to say he felt nothing, however; Hancock

had been a friend of his, after all, and even if she hadn't ended up dead in

the last timeline, he wasn't meeting her under the best of circumstances.

That is to say, she was still a misandrist to anyone but Rayleigh, hence

the cold stare she was giving him, and he didn't remotely have the

opportunity to change that. Still, he'd have to try; he really didn't want to

fight her because emotions aside, she was as dangerous as Doflamingo

when she went all-out.

"Boa Hancock. Could you let me by?" Luffy asked innocently.

"I don't think so," she responded coolly. "I have orders to subdue you."

"Orders? You don't seem like the type who cares what the World

Government tells you to do."

"My reasons are none of your business," Hancock snapped.

Luffy stared at her for a minute and then shrugged. "OK. I'll just leave

you alone, then."

Observation Haki was a very useful tool, and Hancock was quite

proficient in its usage. But unfortunately, it was rather useless against

someone who wasn't attacking her. As such, she was caught off-guard

when the skin of the pirate before her suddenly took on the appearance

of a steamed lobster, following which he vanished from before her.

Her surprise lasted long enough for her to blink in bemusement. Then she

turned in the direction he'd fled and rushed after him, aiming a flying

kick at his head.

Luffy ducked, and the impact struck one of the mangroves, turning a

large section to stone and shattering it.

"No man can resist my charm," Hancock said with a slight smirk, tossing

her hair. "I'll make it so that you can't run away any more."

Luffy didn't answer; he merely stood and gave her a look that screamed,

"Come at me, then." The Warlord was only too happy to oblige, spinning

up on one leg and lashing out a barrage of side kicks. Luffy swayed

around most; the remainder, he caught on arms black with Armament,

each blow harmlessly skittering off.

Frowning, Hancock switched tactics. She planted her kicking leg, and

snapped her other leg up in a mighty sweep kick that Luffy caught on his

arms like all the others. Unlike all the others, this one was made for force

over speed and sent him clean off his feet.

"Gomu Gomu no Jet Gatling!" Luffy barked, arms blurring from sight.

But not from Hancock's Observation, and not beyond her reflexes. The

Warlord ducked, weaved, and hopped like a champion boxer, twisting

between the rain of punches, a counter already prepared: a knife-hand

strike, for a kick required windup space she did not presently have. She

just needed to wait for the rain of blows to end…

The last punch roared in, and Hancock took her attention off of it to find

Luffy. In the event, she found him right in front of her, one hand pulled


Gasping, Hancock pumped Armament into her body, but the blow that

came lacked a name. In fact, it was just a simple palm strike that had

about the same effect as her earlier kick had: it just shoved her back and

off her feet.

Catching her feet, Hancock eyed the pirate in front of her, finally taking

in just how loose his entire demeanor was. One could barely even call it


"You're holding back your strength. You're not making any attempt to

win against me. Why?"

"Because I really don't want to fight you," Luffy responded seriously. His

eyes narrowed. "But I will if I have to."

Hancock sniffed. "You don't honestly think that you can end this any

other way, do you? If you don't fight me, your crew will fall to ruin."

"I won't let that happen."

The words were spoken so simply, but with resolution firmer than

anything Hancock had ever experienced…except perhaps her and her

sisters' that they would never again be slaves.

Wordlessly, the two combatants charged at each other, one Armament-

blackened leg slamming against another… and one Conqueror's Will

wrestling against another. The air itself came close to shattering, cracks

visibly spider webbing out from the clash of the two monsters; if anyone

else had been in the area, they'd have been left unconscious for a week.

Finally, they split apart, leaping back from each other. Hancock came

away only marginally worse off than Luffy, in that his willpower had left

her shaken slightly while he stood unperturbed.

"I underestimated your resolve…" she admitted. Thoughts of stopping the

man before her were now far from her mind. "Can you really accomplish

what you set out to do?"

Luffy tilted his head curiously. "What do you mean?"

"I could feel your intent, Straw Hat Luffy. Do you truly have what it takes

to bring down the World Government?"

Luffy's confusion evaporated and he folded his arms. "My goal is keeping

my friends safe and helping them reach their dreams. And if I have to

tear down the World Government to make that happen, then that's what

I'll do."

Hancock stared intently at Luffy, searching for any hint of deceit. But she

didn't get far before her Observation veritably screamed at her to move,

backing up the scream with a mental flash of light. She didn't question it;

she hurled herself forward in what an uncharitable observer might have

dubbed a sprawl. Out the corner of her eye, she could see Luffy flailing

out of the way, too.

And that brief moment of observation was all it took. Hancock was just a

little too slow in dodging, and the beam of light, split in two by Rayleigh,

grazed the back of her top instead of missing her entirely.

The fabric crumbled away into ash, and the mark on her flesh that

embodied every ounce of her fear, distrustfulness, and misandry was

exposed to the world. She moved immediately, darting to the nearest

mangrove and pressing her back against it. For the briefest of moments,

she allowed herself to relax. Then Luffy reappeared a short distance

before her, and closed the distance between them with three long strides.

"STAY BACK!" Hancock shrieked, terror at the thought that she could be

exposed—worse, that she could be exposed to someone that she couldn't

silence, nearly sending her into a panic attack. Then her fear slowly gave

way to confusion as the man removed his cardigan and held it out to her.

"Use this to cover yourself up."

Her heart still thundered, dreadful half-formed possibilities flitting in and

out of her mind's eye. Seemingly seeing this, Luffy shook his head


"I've seen that mark before. The only ones who should be ashamed of it

are the ones who gave it to you," he said darkly.

As his words slowly penetrated her panic, her trauma gave way to

reasoning. Once again, Boa Hancock searched Luffy's face for any hint of

deceit. She found none, instead seeing the same will that she felt earlier

reflected in his eyes.

Almost unwillingly, she allowed herself to relax; for the first time in

thirteen years and the second time in her life, a man had earned her

trust. She accepted the fabric and wrapped it around herself before

locking eyes with Luffy.

"I will return to Amazon Lily. Should the Marines ask, I will tell them that

you defeated me."

Luffy nodded. "Thanks, Hancock. I hope we can meet again under better

conditions someday."

And with that, the two parted ways.

"Am I late?"

In spite of the ongoing fights, the combatants glanced at the newcomer…

and then double-took. For the pirates, it was because Sanji was obviously

—and perhaps literally—running on fumes based on his appearance. For

the assassins, meanwhile, it was because they knew that his presence and

his current state only meant one thing.

"It can't be… Lucci lost?" Kalifa gasped.

"What does it matter?" Jabra snapped. "Even if he did lose, he got one of

their main fighters into this sorry state first, so he's no threat to us while

we take out the rest of them!"

"Shitty wolf," Sanji snarled. "Just for that, I'm gonna—urrrgh…"

Unfortunately for the Straw Hats, Jabra was proven absolutely correct;

the last of Sanji's adrenaline faded as he confirmed that everyone else

was still safe, and he lost his slackened grip on consciousness.

…But unfortunately for CP9, certain Straw Hats seized on the distraction

that Sanji's appearance presented for them. Nami vanished behind a

mirage, Usopp sprinted to a safer distance, Chopper took a Rumble Ball,

and Franky and Brook both took swigs of drinks that they had stashed…

somewhere, restoring their stamina.

Needless to say, that was the end of any hope the assassins had of

winning their rematch against the Straw Hats.

"I thought I told you to butt out, you long-arm bastard!" Kid shouted as

he used his magnetic powers to thrash his cybernetic opponent. Apoo

ignored him entirely, sending another destructive soundwave at the

Pacifista in his grasp, causing it to spark dangerously from the damage

both had inflicted upon it.

Against two Supernovas, one of which was its perfect counter, the human

weapon wasn't fairing well. It looked like it was about to fall apart as Kid

continued to ruthlessly lift it up and smash it against the ground.

Nevertheless, it had refused to stay down, and they were essentially

competing to see who could destroy it first at this point.

Kalifa stood ready to evade her opponent at any moment, realizing how

quickly the fight had fallen out of her favor.

Her keen eyes focused on the grass, on the air, trying to seek out

distortions that she could use to pinpoint the pirate's location.

Unfortunately, that process was hampered by the fact that any distortion

was an unreliable sign of her presence and, of course, the fact that she

wasn't quite fast enough to dodge every sneak attack shock.

She suddenly caught sight of her opponent appearing out of thin air, with

a clear expression of dismay on her face.

"GAH! My time's up already? I should have had at least a few more—"

"Minutes, seconds, whatever it is doesn't matter," Kalifa said coolly as she

fired a Rankyaku straight towards Nami. The latter was left with no time

to dodge, and the attack split her in half… only for said halves to fade


Kalifa had all of one second to realize that she had just made a fatal

mistake before a bolt of lightning shot straight through her torso. She

was out cold long before her body fell to the earth.

The real Nami appeared and stuck her tongue out. "Gotchya."

"Thunderbird Star!" Usopp shot a bird-shaped lightning projectile at

Fukurou, only for him to weave around it with Kami-e.

"Arrow Notch Strike!" Brook blitzed behind the CP9 agent, having just

taken a slash at him, but the CP9 agent withstood the strike with Tekkai.

"Usopp-san, I don't suppose you'd be willing to let me in on that plan of

yours now?" the skeleton asked as they both dodged a Rankyaku from the

Rokushiki practitioner.

"Ugh, fine!" Usopp relented. "This is gonna hurt like a bitch, dammit!

Brook, use me as a sword, quick!"

Brook's jawbone unhinged itself. That was the plan? "Usopp-san, with all

due respect, that is the most idiotic plan I've ever heard! I pray for the

wellbeing of anyone who would come up with something like that!"

Zoro suddenly sneezed as he was making his way back towards old man

Rayleigh's aura.

"Am I getting sick?" the swordsman wondered. "That's just embarrassing.

I need more training after all…"

"Just do it anyway!" Usopp insisted. Reluctantly, Brook sheathed his own

sword and grabbed Usopp by the legs, before rushing at Fukurou again.

Thanks to Usopp's visual Observation Haki, he was able to see everything

with relative clarity despite the impressive speed they were traveling at.

As he caught sight of Fukurou's smug expression, he smirked. He was

clearly secure in his belief that they couldn't harm him. He'd have to

change that.

"Reject!" At the moment of impact, Usopp pressed his most powerful Dial

against Fukurou, and as the two Straw Hats passed him by, Fukurou felt

his insides turn to shreds.

The CP9 agent let out a silent scream of agony before falling flat on his

face, unmoving.

"So that was the plan!" Brook said. "Brilliant maneuver, Usopp—"

"SON OF A BITCH, OOOOOOWWWWW!" the sniper cried out, cradling

his now broken arm.

"Ah, that must hurt."

Chopper was on his second Rumble Ball already. He had been landing

decent hits against an opponent that used biofeedback to move his hair

around freely, but his attacks didn't seem to be effecting him that much

even in Arm Point. Robin had already prevented him from getting

skewered, restraining their foe with her powers, but his body hardening

technique protected her from doing much else against him, and his

strength was such that he would soon break free of her grip.

Chopper locked eyes with Robin and she nodded, agreeing to try their

tactic again. Chopper shifted into Arm Point...or at least he tried to. He

ended up in Brain Point instead, thanks to the side effect of taking the

Rumble Ball twice in short succession. This left him vulnerable, which

Kumadori capitalized on. But even as he prepared to punch a hole

through Chopper with his staff, Robin was already sprouting dozens of

arms to hold him down.

This is my chance! In the brief moment that he was restrained, Chopper

used Brain Point to scan Kumadori for weaknesses. The answer soon

came to him.

Just in time as well, as at that moment, Kumadori ruthlessly broke

Robin's hold, causing her to gasp in pain as the shock was transferred

back to her arms. Seeing that her arms were bleeding and that Kumadori

was aiming for her now, Chopper tried shifting into Walk Point. He

ended up in Jumping Point instead, but that worked just as well, and he

leapt towards Robin, pulling her out of the way as Kumadori's staff

impacted the ground where she'd been standing.

"Thank you, Chopper," Robin said, wincing.

"Robin, clutch him when I tell you to," Chopper whispered. Robin merely

nodded, trusting that he had a plan.

Chopper leapt towards Kumadori in Jumping Point, avoiding the tendrils

of hair that reached out to grab him, and shifted one more time. This

time, Arm Point came as intended, and he launched his most powerful

attack at Kumadori.

"Roseo: Sakura Blizzard!"

The series of blows broke through the CP9 agent's Tekkai, staggering him

and causing him to stumble as blood dripped down his chin. Chopper

knew it wouldn't be enough to finish him, but it was enough to make him

drop his Tekkai for just a moment…

"Ochenta Fleur!" Robin didn't even need to be told, easily recognizing the

opening. Eighty arms sprouted around Kumadori and wrapped around his

arms, legs, shoulders, and neck. "Clutch!"

A sickening crack rang out into the air, and as the arms dissipated,

Kumadori let out a weak moan, before falling to the ground, unmoving.

Having refueled on cola, Franky began to overpower Blueno, who was

still injured from his earlier Coup de Burst. Landing a Strong Right to the

agent's face, he watched in satisfaction as his opponent crashed into the

ground with a grunt of pain.

"You're getting slow, Blueno. Maybe you should go back to serving


To his credit, Blueno didn't rise to the taunt, instead hanging back to

catch his breath. Franky didn't let him though, charging forward with

another haymaker at the ready.

Blueno suddenly opened up a door into the air and disappeared into it,

causing Franky to skid to a halt in surprise. He quickly spun around and

threw another Strong Right into Blueno's face as he reappeared.

'Impossible, how could he have known?' Blueno wondered in alarm. Calm

reasserted itself on his mind as his reasoning arrived at the answer: 'He

didn't know; he knows that his back is his weak spot, so he defends it


Blueno jumped through his Air Door again, and Franky once again spun

around to protect his back, only for Blueno to jump out from the same

spot he'd been in. He appeared behind Franky's back and landed multiple

shigan and a Rankyaku before the cyborg could react.

Franky let out a cry of pain as he was sent on a collision course with the

ground. He struggled to get up, his human side having been hit. Blueno

tried to capitalize, using the Doa Doa no Mi to get behind him again, but

received a nasty surprise for his efforts.

"Max Cola Power: Coup de Boo!"

Blueno didn't even want to think about what happened to him at that

moment. When he made his report to the World Government later, he

would tell them he was defeated in hand to hand combat against the

cyborg. Anything was better than letting his superiors know he lost

because he got farted on.

His body finally came to a stop when it impacted with one of the many

mangroves around the archipelago, and he welcomed unconsciousness as

a sweet relief. Not from the pain, but from the sheer humiliation...and the


Drake blocked a strike from Kaku and Jabra simultaneously, holding

them each back with one weapon. He then twisted around and shoved

them both backwards, much to their amazement.

"This guy's physical strength is insane," Jabra commented. "Fine! I'll just

have to overwhelm him with speed!"

Kaku came to the same conclusion, and the two both vanished using

Soru. To their shock, he dodged using the same technique, and their

blows impacted the ground.

"Surprised? As a former Rear Admiral, the simpler Rokushiki techniques

are well within my grasp. Though since you've both transformed already,

I suppose it's time to even the playing field."

Drake shifted into his hybrid zoan form, his body changing size and

shape to emulate a cross between a t-rex and a human.

"An ancient zoan…" Kaku muttered. This fight was getting more and

more interesting.

Drake used Soru to rush at Kabra, who blocked his kick using Tekkai

Kenpo. He was still pushed back by the force, but Kaku attacked Drake

before he could follow up.

"Going for the weaker opponent first? Smart move!" Kaku complimented,

using his neck as a flail to try to him his opponent. Drake was surprised

by the unorthodox move, being put momentarily on the defensive.

That was until Jabra sent a Rankyaku at Kaku, interrupting his attack.

"Hey, who are you calling the weaker opponent, you bastard!?" the

wolfman shouted.

It looked like the two were about to get into an argument, but Drake left

them no time to do so. He approached with a quick Soru and swung both

his weapons at the distracted Kaku's neck. Kaku was able to move in time

to avoid a fatal hit, but Drake still cut through his Tekkai and drew


Running thin on patience and livid at both his opponent and supposed

ally, Kaku dropped to the ground and began rotating.

"You've both gotten me angry. I don't care who I hit with this now!"

Recognizing that the motions he was going through weren't for show,

Drake and Jabra both took evasive maneuvers.

"Rankyaku: Sky Slicer!" A circular blade of wind shot out from Kaku, far

more powerful than the standard Rankyaku. But although it was fast and

deadly, it's charge time made it predictable and it therefore became easy

to dodge.

Or at least, it would have been.

At the last second, Drake grabbed Jabra and threw him into the move's

path. Jabra was hit dead on by the attack, which instantly cut through

his Tekkai and put him out of commission.

"Damn, I let my anger rule me," Kaku whispered. Though he was still

seething, there was a hint of regret in his voice. "I should have pulled

back the technique in time."

There was no time to think about that now, though. Drake and Kaku used

Soru to charge at each other once more, and although Kaku's physical

prowess and versatility allowed him to keep up for a while, he was soon

overwhelmed by Drake's greater strength and superior Devil Fruit.

Eventually Drake was able to sink his sword into Kaku's foot, punning

him to the ground and rendering him immobile. Gritting his teeth

through the pain, Kaku tried to send a Shigan at Drake, but the

Supernova used Soru again to appear behind him and swung his axe at

the back of his skull full force.

Kaku, dropped to the ground, unconscious and bleeding from his head.

Kid kicked the fallen Pacifista in the head to make sure it was down for

good. The impact with the metal produced a dull clang, but the human

weapon didn't move. It was covered in dents and scrapes all over. Blood

soaked the ground where it lay, the part of its body that was still human

not having been up to the abuse the two Supernovas had delivered to it.

"Tch, stubborn fucker finally kicked the bucket," Kid grumbled, still not

happy about Apoo having assisted him. "Hey, Trafalgar, don't tell me you

need help over there!"

"Does it look like I do?" the Surgeon of Death deadpanned. His own

cyborg opponent was cut into a dozen pieces. Even then it futilely tried

to make its way towards Law to either apprehend or kill the pirate.

"You're not looking too good," Pacifista-san," Law said with a chilling

smile. "Don't worry, this'll end soon. I'm against unnecessary suffering."

The Pacifista tried to aim a laser from his severed hand at Law in

response, but Law switched its hand with around its leg, causing it to aim

at its own head, which went up in flames from the explosion.

"You could have fooled me, bastard," Kid drawled. "Just finish it already."

"Don't tell me what to do, Eustass." Law quickly shambled over to the

Pacifista's head and rammed his sword through its now exposed brain.

The flickering light in its eyes instantly died out.

"That pretty much finishes up all the government dogs here, as far as I

can tell," Apoo said, arms crossed casually behind his head.

"It still leaves the damn Admiral," Kid said. Both of them had been

briefed on the situation by Law. "You think Straw Hat and Demon Wind

can take him?"

"They did it once before, didn't they?" Law reminded him. "I doubt they'll

lose. I've met both of those two, and they had this look in their eyes that

had me convinced they wouldn't go down very easily."

"Didn't have you pegged for the sentimental type, Trafalgar."

"Shut up or I'll kill you."

Marine Admiral Kizaru and Dark King Rayleigh blitzed across Sabaody

Archipelago, exchanging a rapid flurry of swordplay. The residents and

passerby of the lawless zone had long evacuated the battlefield due to the

massive amounts of collateral damage that would assault their

surroundings with every clash of light and steel.

Neither combatant had landed more than a glancing hit on the other yet.

Although they seemed to be evenly matched, anyone with a trained eye

could tell that the Dark King was worse off. His breaths came in heavy

gasps as he tried to regulate his breathing.

"Starting to slow down, are you?" Kizaru mocked. "Even if you were the

Right Hand of the Pirate King decades ago, retirement still hasn't done

you any favors. When was the last time you picked up a sword, I


"I still have some fight left in these old bones, Admiral. Underestimating

the Old Generation will be your downfall!"

Kizaru was about to respond, but just then, his senses flared, and he was

forced to disengage to dodge a deadly wind blade from Zoro. This created

an opening for Rayleigh to send his own flying slash at him, but that too,

was dodged.

As light particles reformed his body a distance away, Luffy appeared in

his path, fist blackened with obsidian lightning running down the length

of his arm from the effects of his Conqueror's Haki.

"Gomu Gomu no Night Hawk!"

The blow landed cleanly on Kizaru's face, the impact causing a massive

shockwave as he was blown backwards. He finally righted himself, and

though he was hardly fazed by the large bruise forming on his face, his

scowl showed that he was slightly nervous about fighting these particular

three pirates all at once.

Luffy and Zoro wasted no time.

"Gear Fourth: Snakeman!"

"Nine Sword Style: Asura!"

If the previous confrontation between two of these fighters was enough to

clear the area, the four of them clashing was enough to make all of

Sabaody give serious consideration to evacuating. The backlash from

their battle was felt all over the archipelago.

It wasn't long before Kizaru began to feel the strain. Although neither of

the Straw Hats were strong enough to push him to his limits on their

own, together they were a dangerous and deadly challenge. Add in

Rayleigh, who was practically on par with him save for stamina issues,

and this opposition was overwhelming. It was only liberal use of his

lightspeed that kept him from taking debilitating hits, but Straw Hat and

Dark King could both use Future Sight Observation to track him, and

Roronoa's own well honed instincts were nothing to scoff at.

Finally, his evasiveness failed him, and he took three hits in short


"Jet Culverin!" Luffy's fist snaked its way towards him before delivering a

punishing blow to the back of his skull, dazing him and eliciting a pained


"Nine Demon Flash!" Zoro's nine Armaments Hardened blades cut

through his torso, blood seeping from the wounds.

"Umbra Ray!" Black lightning surrounded Rayleigh's sword as he

unleashed a pitch black flying slash at Kizaru. The Admiral barely had

time to use Haki to defend himself as he was envoloped by the darkened

wind blade.

When the dust settled, Kizaru could be seen standing in a slouch, covered

in blood from head to toe. His eyes were narrowed as Luffy and Zoro

rushed forth once more, readying another assault.

"No! Draw back!" Rayleigh shouted suddenly, but the warning came too


A concussive force of unknown origins hit the two, blowing them both

backwards. Although Luffy was barely able to right himself with Gear

Fourth, Zoro was less lucky, and the blast carried him into another

mangrove entirely.

Startled, Luffy looked up towards the source of the attack, ready to take

out the offender…

Only to see Admiral Fujitora—no, Vice Admiral Issho—hovering in the air

above Sabaody.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," Luffy said, sweating dripping down his


Issho lowered himself down in front of an injured Kizaru.

"You look like you've seen better days, Borsalino san," the levelheaded

Marine stated.

"How embarrassing," Kizaru drawled. "I would have wrapped this up by

now if I knew one of my subordinates would be seeing me like this. But I

wasn't expecting you, you see."

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku sent me as backup," the blind man explained. "He

seemed to be under the impression that we'd need a failsafe. Seeing the

situation here, I'm inclined to believe him."

"It seems this battle has just fallen out of our favor, young one," Rayleigh

said. Luffy didn't reply. He just got ready for another round.

Just then, Kizaru warped away at lightspeed. Luffy swore.

"Rayleigh, will you be fine!?"

"Of course!" the elder pirate assured, despite his fatigue showing. "Go

after him!"

Luffy shot off after Kizaru, hoping he wasn't too late.

The Straw Hat crew were heading towards the Sunny in a battered state,

Law and Bonney walking alongside them. The other Supernovas had

already departed, emphasizing the fact that it was the last time they'd be

giving out free help.

"We sure laid a SUPER beating down on their asses!" Franky shouted,

carrying an unconscious Sanji over his shoulder.

"It was a close thing, though," Nami said wearily.

"We were lucky. Very much so," Robin agreed. "But I can't help but worry

about Luffy and Zoro—"

"Get down!"

An injured Zoro leapt in front of the crew, none of them having even

spotted him. A beam of light came their way, but Zoro deflected it with

Shusui, causing it to explode off in the distance.

Kizaru appeared in front of the group, causing everyone sans Zoro to


"You lot sure are making my life difficult," Kizaru grumbled.

"Gomu Gomu no Black Mamba!" Luffy shot down from above, still in

Gear Fourth, aiming his enhanced gatling at Kizaru. The Admiral weaved

through the blows rather effortlessly, only for them to bounce off the air

and follow him, forcing him to deflect Luffy's arms with two lightspeed


Luffy and Zoro began to tag team Kizaru again, but just when it looked

like they were gaining ground, Kizaru aimed several lasers at the crew,

forcing them both to abort their attacks and deflect them.

This left them both vulnerable, and Kizaru continued to rain down lasers

on the two, who tried their best to block but received several burns for

their efforts.

Then Kizaru landed a lightspeed kick to Luffy's gut, and things took a

turn for the worse as he lost his grip on Gear Fourth, the technique

having already run its course.

The difference after that was substantial, and the two immediately began

to lose ground against a now fully serious Kizaru. The logia finally

warped in between them and caught them both with a lightspeed kick,

sending them flying away in opposite directions.

Kizaru then turned his attention to the crew, and they watched in terror

as he raised a glowing finger towards them.

Sanji's flitted in and out of consciousness, wondering what the hell he

was seeing. He was dreaming of terrible memories, memories that

weren't his, and yet somehow were, memories that made him want to

vomit. It was confusing and disorienting. He didn't know whether he was

on Sabaody Archipelago, or somewhere deep in the ocean, shackled head

to toe inside of a seastone cage with no hope of escape.

That wasn't all he remembered. It all came back to that shitty naval

battle, the one he remembered but didn't. He was getting flashes of a

great battle at sea against opponents he didn't recognize.

They lost. They lost the battle, and everything important to them. He

knew...he knew it deep in his bones, down to every last bone that

screamed out in protest against the idea, because it hadn't happened, these

weren't his memories, this was a lie.

Why was he seeing this?

He remembered being subdued after it all and brought to Level 6 of

Impel Down in chains. He was tortured for days there, or what he

assumed was days. It was hard to keep track of time in that shitty


He had just been laughing at the guards, taunting them, daring them to

keep trying their best to finally break him, because they never would,

when it happened.

The words echoed through his mind like an ethereal metronome, the

disembodied voice rattling through his head, jarring him.

Your journey back won't go as smoothly, given your condition. Good luck,


He didn't know whose words they'd been, but he didn't care, because it

was then that he'd been struck by a sudden sense of weightlessness, and it

had occurred to him that he wouldn't be spending much longer in Impel

Down. Higher and higher he rose, until he found himself lying flat on his

back, unchained, with a splitting headache, two sets of memories, and

the distinct feel of soap bubbles against his skin.

His eyes opened.

The Straw Hats all aimed attacks at Kizaru, but they were completely

ineffective against his logia form. Even Law and Bonney's powers had no


"Such heart you pirates have," Kizaru mocked. "Sorry about this. But my

mission is to wipe out the Straw Hats, not just their strongest fighters."

The laser that was aimed at Nami would have surely killed here.

Except Sanji was suddenly in front of her, deflecting the laser with a kick.

It hit shot through a nearby mangrove before exploding.

The entire group stared at Sanji, shocked out of their wits, as Kizaru

stared at Sanji intently.

"There's something vastly different about you," the Admiral commented.

Had their intel been wrong? They hadn't accounted for another one of

these freakish prodigies.

It was then that Luffy and Zoro arrived again, clearly panicking at the

thought that they'd left the crew unattended, only to look confused when

they realized that no one had been harmed. It wasn't long before their

awakened crewmate's pulsating aura caught their attention.

"Sanji?" Luffy asked with awe.

Sanji smirked. "Yo, shitty Captain and Mosshead. This is a lot to take in,

you know. I feel like my head's about to explode. All I can say is, I hope

you bastards have room for one more in your shitty club."

Whoo, that's a wrap! Special thanks to both The Patient One and

CV12Hornet for co-authoring this chapter. Thank you all you kind

reviewers for your faith and support, and I'll see you next time! Lost out.

65. Third Wind

Second Wind has reached another landmark of 5,000 reviews. Thank you

all for your continued support!

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter LXV: Third Wind

Breathing in sharply, Ace cast a dome of flames around himself, forcing

his opponents to distance themselves somewhat. He had managed to take

out the remaining battleships, but had taken more damage than we

would have liked in the process. Worse yet, all four of his opponents

were still in the fight. The four Vice Admirals wouldn't be much of a

threat individually, but they worked fluidly as a team, and coupled with

his injuries that still hadn't healed from his fight with Blackbeard, that

was making things difficult for him.

That wasn't to say he hadn't dealt any damage of his own, but he just

couldn't seem to pin them down long enough to land a good enough hit.

He'd been using area of effect attacks, but he couldn't use moves like

Entei without killing innocent civilians on Sabaody in the process.

He quickly spread his arms out, causing the dome of fire surrounding him

to spread out in all directions. His four opponents got caught in the blast,

but their Haki defended them from the worst of it.

As the four readied their next assault, a human bullet blurred through the

sky towards them. An iron grip founds its way around Bastille's skull, and

he plummeted downward, until the newcomer crushed his head against

the ground. A crater formed at the point of impact.

The other three were so caught off guard that they fell back to reassess

the new threat.

"You're late," Ace said. "Let's finish this quickly so we can go help Luffy."

When the dust cleared, Bastille was prone on the ground, out cold.

"So dramatic," Mavric sighed, catching up. "You just had to make an

entrance didn't you, Chief of Staff?"

"I don't need to hear that from you, rooftop stalker," Sabo replied, and

Mavric shrugged in surrender. "Sit this one out. You're injured from your

fight with Sentomaru."

"What? Sentomaru's been defeated as well!?" Dalmatian shouted.

"Don't lose conviction!" Stainless said. "The Revolutionary got the drop on

us, but we still outnumber them!"

Ace smirked. "Let's see how long that lasts."

Hachi, Pappug, and a disguided Camie were all on their way back to

Shakky's bar. It was the only safe place they could be during all this

madness. Both Hachi and Pappag were worried about their new friends,

while Camie showed a confidence in them that befitted her innocence.

"Nyu, do you think they'll be ok?" Hachi asked, as they made their way

through the crowds fleeing from the direction of the fight.

"Don't worry!" Camie said. "It's Luffy-chin and his crew! I'm sure they'll

pull through!"

"If you say so," Pappug said. "The World Government seems to really

want them out of the picture, though."

None of them noticed a large, curly haired man eying Camie's disguise

with narrowed eyes as they walked by.

Luffy and Zoro had many questions right now.

Still, Luffy had never been one to look a gift horse in the mouth, and

while Zoro was at times, he knew there were moments when it simply

wasn't wise to do so. So it wasn't that surprising that they both decided to

address Sanji's situation after the fight. Thus, the three now stood against

an increasingly curious Kizaru.

The three were faring somewhat better against the Admiral now, but

their injuries were taking their toll on their strength and stamina, and

Sanji had it the worst of them. Kizaru had realized this and focused on

attacking the chef relentlessly, trying to put him out of the fight; only his

Observation Haki coupled with Luffy's was keeping him from taking a

debilitating hit. And on the offensive side of things, Kizaru continued to

demonstrate that he did not hold his position for nothing.

He dodged Zoro's Sanzen Sekai and struck him with a lightspeed kick; he

repelled Sanji's Hell Memories with superior Haki, blowing him away;

and he weaved in-between the assault of Luffy's Red Hawk Storm, and

then forced him back with a light sword that nearly decapitated the

rubber man.

"We aren't making any headway!" Sanji shouted.

"We just...need to buy time...until we can use Gear Fourth and Asura

again!" Luffy said, panting heavily.

"That's time we don't have," Zoro said grimly, as Kizaru charged up a ball

of light.

"Fire Fist!" A familiar and very welcome voice rang through their ears.

Kizaru cancelled his own attack and warped into the air, out of the way

of the massive fire blast.

Only for Sabo to blindside him with a follow-up attack; he reacted

quickly enough to block the revolutionary's kick with his forearm, but it

sent him flying back towards the ground.

Kizaru's face remained impassive, but inwardly he cursed. If they're here,

it means the Vice Admirals and Sentomaru have been defeated. Which means

I'm on my own unless Issho manages to defeat Dark King.

Suddenly he wasn't liking his chances as much as before.

As he landed, Zoro and Sanji lashed out respectively with a 1080 Caliber

Phoenix and Hell Memories. He warped away again, only to appear in

the path of an Elephant Gun. Straw Hat had predicted his movements


He was hit dead-on and crashed head-first into a nearby mangrove.

The pain coursing through his normally invulnerable body was

frustrating, and Kizaru showed as much as he made his next move. He

warped into the sky above Sabaody and began to charge up a massive

beam of light, keeping each of his five opponents in sight. This was more

power than he had had to expend in years, but there would be no way to

dodge this blow. They'd have to take it head-on.

"He's trying to blow up the entire lawless zone!" Zoro shouted.

"Ace!" Luffy called.

"I'm on it," his brother grunted, already forming a mass of fire to match

Kizaru's attack.

Kizaru saw the growing flames but continued undeterred, confident that

his technique would win out. But with all of his concentration focused on

his foes, the Haki-imbued kick that struck his head from behind caught

him by surprise. And while it didn't hurt him, it did faze him and make

him look briefly away from his targets.

For a single second, he saw Mavric's exhausted but triumphantly smug

face. Then Ace's shout drew his attention back.

"Genesis Edict!"

The Haki-imbued miniature sun that had allowed the Fire-Man to

overcome Blackbeard's darkness was upon Kizaru before he could

respond and, left with no other defense, he transformed into light. But

the blast radius was so wide that it lit up the sky, and with no room to

dodge or warp away, all he could do was coat his intangible body with

Armament Haki and attempt to wait it out.

He vaguely noticed an impossibly long black arm seizing the screaming

Revolutionary nearby and dragging him out of the flames to safety.

All of Sabaody looked towards the sky, shielding their eyes from the

light, and as they felt the scorching heat from the distance, each and

every one of them shared a sentiment that they would never utter aloud:

the Celestial Dragons may call themselves gods, but never could they

breathe a flame so godly themselves.

Inside the city-wide raging inferno, Kizaru's defenses began to slip. Soon

his Haki would give out, and he'd be forcefully solidified. Taking a

chance, he focused every bit of his concentration to warp out of the blast

while maintaining his intangibility. To his relief, it worked.

As his body reformed from light into flesh a distance away from the fire,

Kizaru allowed himself a moment to relax.

Until he saw Sabo hovering in front of him using Geppo. Kizaru barely

had time to feel panic before a Haki-imbued punch sent him flying back

into the fire, and this time, he was in his human form as it consumed


It took all of his willpower not to scream.

By the time the technique faded out, he was panting heavily and covered

in severe burns.

As soon as he could bring himself to concentrate again, he comprehended

the sight before him: Monkey D. Luffy, tattooed with Armament Haki

once more, bouncing in front of him.

"…darn it," the Admiral sighed. "You're going to kill me, aren't you?"

"I might," Luffy snarled. "And if I don't, I will if you ever come after my

crew again. King Kong Gun!"

The coup de grâce struck Borsalino head-on; the Admiral didn't have the

energy to block the attack. He barely managed to stay awake as Luffy's

attack sent him flying off of the Archipelago, and finally he lost his grasp

as he struck the ocean. The last sensation he remembered was the water's

cool embrace as it mercilessly dragged him down into its murky depths.

"I fear we will have to put this fight on hold, Dark King," Issho said. The

gravity in the vicinity suddenly reverted back to its usual intensity as the

abnormally strong Vice Admiral sheathed his sword. Rayleigh, panting

slightly, followed suit.

"The lives of your comrades over the mission, huh? If only more Marines

thought like you do." Rayleigh said.

"I won't deny the validity of your claim," Issho said. "Though to begin

with, my mission was to act as backup for Borsalino-san, and letting him

drown doesn't achieve much to that end."

"Fair enough. I suppose I'll trust you not to go after those young ones

then," Rayleigh replied, before turning away.

Issho rose into the air, and with merely a thought, flew off of Sabaody

and over the waters of the Grand Line. With his Observation Haki, he

could sense Kizaru's form resting against the ocean floor. Reaching out

one arm, he increased the pull of gravity on his comrade's form with

himself as the epicenter, and after several long seconds, the unconscious

Admiral rose out from the surface and into his waiting hand. Locating

Sentomaru and the five Vice Admirals that had participated in the Siege,

he quickly repeated the action, and soon, all six figures hovered around

him like satellites.

Finally, he turned his attention toward the cluster of destroyed

battleships and scowled. He couldn't sense a single survivor amongst the

fleet. Fire Fist had chosen between the lives of the Marines bombarding

the island and the lives of his comrades and countless innocents on the

Archipelago. The choice must have been obvious.

And yet, despite Issho's grief, he knew it was supposed to be their job to

protect the masses. It was the duty of the Marines to defend those who

couldn't defend themselves, and hear they were, willing to sacrifice all

but the Celestial Dragons in order to wipe out a single pirate crew.

And one of the most wanted criminals in the world had done their job for

them. At the cost of men who'd been following orders.

Sometimes, he couldn't help but think that this world was beyond saving.

Such a tragic waste of life, and it's all on us. I'm glad you sent me here, Fleet

Admiral. But if you yourself knew how poorly this was going to end…

He clenched his fist and flew, letting the wind carry away his doubts as

his fellow Marines floated behind him.

The remaining six members of the Straw Hat crew were shaking with

adrenaline. It was already disheartening that they were unable to even

touch Kizaru despite their best efforts, but when the sky had been

consumed with a giant fiery representation of how outclassed they were,

it only drove home their powerlessness. They could hardly believe that

they'd won.

At the moment, though, they were all more concerned with Sanji's

circumstances. Since the moment the chef had woken up and blocked

Kizaru's attack, he had been like a completely different person. Usopp

had been shocked the most, having seen his aura pulse and expand before

his eyes.

"Black Leg...what happened to him?" Bonney asked. "He wasn't nearly

that strong before, but suddenly he can tangle with a Marine Admiral?"

Law's eyes were narrowed. "Straw Hat and Demon Wind seem to know

something about it," he replied, as they listened to the three speaking.

"How did you come back, Sanji? We thought you were dead!" Luffy said,

not caring who heard at the moment.

"No idea," the chef answered. "One moment I was in Impel Down, the

next I heard a voice I didn't recognize and I was here."

"Roger must have sent him back too," Zoro speculated.

"Roger? He's the one who sent you guys back?" Sabo asked, as Ace's eyes


"Yeah. Well, his ghost anyway. I guess he couldn't send the chef back as

far, though. Wonder why."

"It could have been the distance, or maybe the condition he was in," Sabo


Luffy's eyes widened. "So that's what he meant. He said the third one

would be difficult."

Zoro, annoyed, shot him a look. "You didn't think to mention that when

we first came back? Kind of important."

"It's best not to question it," Ace said. "We're just lucky that it happened

when it did."

"What the hell are you lot on about?" Bonney asked, walking up to them.

"It sounds like you just said the Pirate King sent you back in time or some


The Straw Hats all exchanged uneasy looks, while Law looked on in

interest. Sanji, seeing what was coming, scanned the area with

Observation Haki to make sure no one was eavesdropping. Luckily,

everyone had evacuated the area awhile ago.

"He did," Luffy said, breaking the silence. "Zoro and I, and now Sanji,

were sent back to this time from over two years into the future. That's

why we're so strong."

"Damn...Roger could actually do something like that? When he's dead, no

less?" Bonney asked.

"He actually said it was because he was dead," Luffy remembered.

"Some kind of Devil Fruit? There are a select few that stay with the user

after death," Law informed.

"We didn't ask," Zoro admitted. "At the time, we didn't exactly believe it


Ace hummed. "Pops knew the bastard pretty well. Maybe I can ask him.

Bonney's brow furrowed. Did Ace have something against the Pirate

King? He'd never mentioned it.

"So you three are basically New World level pirates in the bodies of your

younger selves," Law concluded. "Thanks to the late Pirate King who you

somehow met, and who for some reason decided to do you a favor."

Luffy deflated. "Don't make it sound like a fluke, Trafalguy!"

"Stop calling me that…"

"We're not just New World level pirates!" he continued, ignoring the

command entirely. "We were easily as strong as the Yonko before we

came back! But these weaker bodies take a lot getting used to. And I'll

have you know he didn't send us back on a whim. He did it because we

made it to Raftel!"

Law's eyes widened, along with Bonney's.

"Made it to…" Bonney trailed off, dumbfounded.

Law sighed. "So you're…"

"The Pirate King, yeah," Luffy said. "That's only in the other timeline

though, so you've got nothing to worry about. The race is still on."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"With that said," Zoro said, fixing them both with a dry look. "I shouldn't

have to tell you that this stays between us."

Bonney scoffed. "Like we'd go and broadcast intel like that."

"If anything, I'm looking forward to seeing you tear through the World

Government some more," Law agreed.

"About that," Sabo spoke up. "Don't you guys find this strange? The

Marines have gotten aggressive lately, to the point of recklessness. They

normally wouldn't try to risk so much on a gamble like this."

"You're right," Ace mused. "Pops isn't just going to let this go when he

hears about it. They're down one Admiral right now, they have a Yonko's

retribution to worry about, and they didn't really accomplish anything.

They should have known this would be a possible outcome."

"I believe they did," came a new voice. They all turned to see Rayleigh

walking towards them. "Or at least, Fleet Admiral Sengoku did. It seems

he sent a high ranking Marine with extraction in mind."

Luffy nodded, remembering how the Admiral—or Vice Admiral at this

point in time—had shown up to the fight.

"So it sounds like Sengoku didn't exactly approve of this mission," Sabo

said. "Did the order come from the Five Elder Stars, then? What could

they be thinking?"

"I think it came from even higher than that," Luffy muttered.

Sabo's gaze immediately snapped to him. "You mean you guys know

about that? No, don't answer that. Of course you do."

"OK, you lost me again," Bonney said. "Aren't the Five Elder Stars as high

up as it gets?"

"Don't worry about it for now," Sabo said. "We have bigger problems at

the moment." He turned to Ace. "I'm going to get in touch with Dragon. I

suggest you and Luffy get in touch with Whitebeard as soon as possible."

"Straw Hat!" The group's attention was brought to another newcomer.

Hachi ran up to Luffy and then collapsed to his knees. There was blood

running down most of his arms. "I know you have your own battles to

fight, but please, we need your help! Camie's been kidnapped by slave


A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, even if it was a good bit

shorter than previous ones. The Sabaody Archipelago arc is about to

come to a close. Thanks for reading, and many thanks to The Patient One

for helping with this chapter.

66. Revolution

Hey guys. Sorry this chapter took so long. I'd really like to update more

often, but with school taking up so much time and everything else in life,

I've had little time to write for this site. I do have some good news


I have recently published the first chapters of some original fiction stories

on FanFiction's sister site, FictionPress. The first story is called Etherborn,

and the second is called Eversoul. They are available to read on

FictionPress under the name Quintessential Fiction. If you're interested in

original fiction, please give them a look!

Also, I now have a Patre-on page for both my original fiction and fan

fiction. If you enjoy either, or both, and want to support my livelihood,

feel free to drop a donation. You can find me on Patre-on by searching

"Quintessential Fiction" on the site's search option. Doing so is not

required and I will never demand money from you guys in order to keep

updating, but for a student writer like me, it would be much appreciated

nevertheless. And now, on with the chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter LXVI: Revolution

Disco, proud owner and manager of the Grove 1 Human Auctioning

House, was currently cowering before the fury of a Celestial Dragon. That

was not a good situation to be in for anyone, much less someone in his

line of business, but he couldn't just hold his tongue right now. His

business would be ruined at this rate!

"Coward!" Saint Shalria spat at the man groveling before her. "How could

you even consider calling off the auction!?"

"Please, Saint Shalria!" Disco tried to reason. "With all the chaos

happening on the island right now, don't you think it would be too

dangerous to host the auction?"

"No, I don't," Shalria said with a snort. "You just have weak constitution.

The pirates are none of your concern. The Marine will handle it! Now,

this auction will continue. My family and I have been looking forward to

it, and I won't see it cancelled because you decided to cave at the

slightest pressure from some pirates who are as good as dead!"

"Y–yes, of course! My apologies!" Disco said. He still thought this was a

terrible idea, but he knew better than to disagree with a World Noble


I just have to hope that my business doesn't fall apart because of this woman's


Donquixote Doflamingo himself could not have fathomed a more cruel

and unusual death to that hope than what happened next. As Shalria

turned away in a huff, a crash was heard from behind the Celestial

Dragons and slave traders. They all turned to see that the doors to the

Auction House had been smashed open.

In the doorway stood Straw Hat Luffy. Behind him stood his crew, as well

as Fire Fist Ace, the Heart Pirates, the Bonney Pirates, and the


Disco paled.

Shalria snarled. "Who do you think you are!?" she shouted, as Luffy

descended the stairs to the Auction House.

Luffy ignored her, walking up to Disco, who stumbled back at the

dangerous gleam in the pirate captain's eye.

"Where's Camie?" he asked, voice deathly quiet.

Incensed, Shalria pulled out a flintlock and pointed it straight at Luffy's

head. "You dare ignore me!? Do you know who I am!?"

"Nope. Don't know you," Luffy replied.

Enraged, Shalria pulled the trigger, firing three times.

Not many people watching understood what happened next. The loud

crack of the gun firing was drowned out by an even louder crack that

split the air around them. The bullets that had exited the barrel of the

gun stopped halfway to Luffy, before falling to the ground.

Shalria followed suit, foaming at the mouth.

After a few tense moments of shocked silence, her guards scrambled to

call Marine HQ, but they too fell to the ground, unconscious.

Zoro walked up to the still cowering Disco and unsheathed one sword.

"The mermaid. Now."

Disco hurried to obey, leading them to where the slaves were being kept.

Camie was being kept inside a giantbowl, filled with water but with no

openings in the glass.

"There! Sh-She's all yours, so p-p-please don't kill me!" Disco begged.

"Oh, we won't," Sanji said menacingly. "But I can't promise the same

mercy from your boss."

It was hard to tell if Disco fainted before or after Sanji kicked him in the

face and sent him flying into the wall.

Zoro walked up to the bowl and made three cuts in the blink of an eye.

The glass slid apart seamlessly, water spilling out, and Luffy caught

Camie before she could fall to the floor.

"Luffy-chin…Everyone…You came!" she said through a cascade of tears.

Luffy gave her a smile. "Sorry we weren't there. We were a little busy. But

thanks for hanging tough until we arrived."

Camie just nodded her head and hiccupped.

Law walked up to the cells, where the rest of the slaves were being held.

They stared at him warily.

"Room," he whispered, and a blue bubble enveloped the auction house.

Emotionless, he unsheathed his sword, causing some of them to stiffen.

But when he began swinging it through the air, none of them were

injured. Instead, the locks to the doors came undone, and their chains

and collars were cut open, freeing them all.

The collars began ticking, but with a mutter of, "Shambles," they all

disappeared, replaced by an assortment of random objects. Several

explosions could be heard in the area, and the former slaves watched,


Law nodded to the door, and wasting no time, they all rushed out,

including the giant that had been shackled to the wall.

Next, the surgeon walked up to a slave that Shalria had brought with her.

He had been silent throughout the whole ordeal.

"I'm gonna get you out of here," Law said. "Care to join my crew, pirate

captain Jean Bart?"

"I always repay my debts," was all the pirate said.

Law swung his sword again, and Jean Bart was freed.

Sabo turned to Luffy. "I assume you know what we're going to do next,"

the revolutionary said.

Luffy nodded. "It'll just save us the trouble."

On that day, the Revolutionary Army struck Sabaody. With Marine HQ in

disarray, they took their chance, storming across the archipelago. They

raided every Auction House, freed every slave, and killed every slave

trader on the island. In the aftermath of the incident that would rock the

Grand Line, their message was all too clear.

As Koala and Mavric tore apart the last auction house, Sabo pulled out a

Transponder Snail.

Dragon will want to know about this.

The Straw Hats, Heart Pirates, and Bonney Pirates gathered around in

intrigue as Ace dialed Whitebeard's number in the Transponder Snail.

It wasn't long before they heard a click.

"Didn't expect to get another call from you so soon, Ace,"Edward

Newgate's voice intoned without preamble.

Luffy blinked in confusion. "You called him earlier?"

"As soon as I woke up from my fight with Teach," Ace confirmed.

"Straw Hat, is that you?" Almost as soon as the question left the snail's

mouth, its expression turned sterner. "Has something happened?"

"We just finished beating Kizaru, who may or may not still be alive

depending on how fast they fished him out of the ocean," Luffy responded

with his characteristic bluntness.

A silence that was downright tumultuous greeted that revelation, and

Luffy sighed. "That's not enough, is it?"

"You already know the answer to that question, brat. You know full well

what's going to happen now."

"Of course I do. That doesn't mean I like it; you shouldn't have to go to

war for me or my crew."

"My promise to anyone who allies with me is nothing less for anyone who

hurts them, Monkey D. Luffy. What makes you think you're any


A tense silence fell again, and it may have been a full minute before Luffy

brought himself to reply, his face splitting into a dangerous crescent-

shaped grin.

"In that case, we'll join the rest of your allies for the attack."

The old man snorted. "Gurarara…heh. Telling you to hold off would end

the same way as you telling me…fine. But at least take the rest of the day

to relax. Mustering all my forces to charge Marineford will take a while


Luffy winced, noting his crew's state out of the corner of his eye. "Yeah…

we'll do that. Thanks. See you on the other side, Pops."

"Don't be late, brat," the old man chuckled.

With that, the call ended, and what was arguably the Navy's worst

nightmare was set in motion.

There were blatant advantages to having an alliance with someone

empowered by a Devil Fruit specifically designed to preserve life in or

after situations that would otherwise be impossible to survive. The

blatant one here was that while the aftermath of such a grueling battle

would normally have the Straw Hat Pirates helpless and recovering for at

least a couple of days, the help Law granted Chopper meant that the

worst of the damage was already undone by the time morning arrived.

As the pirate alliance occupied themselves with nursing the last of their

injuries, Bonney barged in with a newspaper. Mouth full of pizza despite

the fact that it was breakfast time, she threw the article into the middle

of the room, with the headline on full display.

Carnage on Sabaody Archipelago and Whitebeard on a Warpath!

Marines Prepare for Battle!

The Straw Hat Pirates, who previously shocked the world by overpowering

Admiral Aokiji, have exceeded all expectations. The exact details of the battle

that they waged on Sabaody Archipelago yesterday are jumbled, but this much

is certain: the Navy mobilized an unprecedented force against the Straw Hat

Pirates including two of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, six Vice Admirals, ten

battleships, and Admiral Kizaru. The Navy's defeat in this battle is due to the

unexpected intervention of the other Supernovas present on the island as well

as two unexpected powerhouses: 'Fire Fist' Ace, Second Division Commander

of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Revolutionary Army's Chief of Staff, Sabo.

From the few reports we have gathered, we can confirm that 'Straw Hat' Luffy

defeated 'Pirate Empress' Boa Hancock, and 'Demon Wind' Zoro defeated 'The

Tyrant' Bartholomew Kuma; most of the remaining forces met their demise at

the hands of the aforementioned reinforcements, and it took the full effort of

the Straw Hats' three strongest fighters along with Fire Fist and Sabo to defeat

Kizaru. In the aftermath, the Supernovas confirmed that their alliance was a

one-time occurrence, but while Ace's connection to the Straw Hats is obvious

through their alliance with Whitebeard, Sabo's remains unknown.

On the subject of Whitebeard, news of the Navy's attempted slaughter of the

Straw Hat Pirates has clearly reached his ears already. Since last night, news

has surfaced of various ships flying the Whitebeard Pirates' flag attacking and

subsequently devastating Marine bases across the New World. But the

destruction is far from random; every base destroyed follows a linear path

through the ocean… straight to the Red Line.

If it wasn't clear before that Whitebeard does not tolerate attacks on his allies,

it is now. The World's Strongest Man is on his way to Marine Headquarters,

and he's not in a merciful mood.

"We need to leave soon if we're going to make it there on time," Zoro

grunted, draining the last of a sizable sake jug.

"About that. I'm going to have to catch up to you guys," Ace said.

Luffy was bewildered. "Why?"

Ace showed them an article on the next page of the newspaper. It read:

Royal Warlord Arrested! Knight of the Sea Jinbe Sent to Impel


"Seems like he spoke out against the World Government's actions," Law

said. "That would do it. They hate losing face."

The dark frown that Luffy donned as he read the page was all the three

crews needed to know their next move.

"Change of plans, guys. We need to call Pops again."

In the middle of the New World, two pirate fleets faced off against each

other in neutral waters.

Red-Haired Shanks stared up at Kaido's towering form as they stood face

to face across the water.

"Kaido...what is your motive in pursuing Whitebeard? Why get involved

in a war that doesn't concern you?"

"That doesn't concern me!?" Kaido shouted in outrage. "I've been fighting

that bastard Whitebeard since you were in diapers, red-haired brat! I

have an old score to settle, now move your fleet before I crush it!"

Shanks smiled benignly. "I won't move," he said. "But you're welcome to

try and crush me."

Kaido leapt from his ship, brandishing his club, and Shanks met him

halfway, saber in hand.

The heavens split as the two clashed.

I'll buy you some time, old man, but I sure hope you know what you're doing.

And Luffy...you really have grown. Perhaps too much to be natural. Maybe

one day soon we can share a cup of sake and speak as equals.

Marine Headquarters had most of its forces gathered for the upcoming

war against the Whitebeard Pirates. Among those present were Fleet

Admiral Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp, Admiral Akainu, Admiral Aokiji,

Vice Admiral Issho, Dracule Mihawk, Donquixote Doflamingo, Gecko

Moria, a platoon of Pacifistas, and an army of Marines over 10,000


Sengoku's blood pressure was rising steadily but surely. As he received

report after report of bad news, he grinded his teeth harder and harder.

"Fleet Admiral! Boa Hancock has stated that she can't make it back to

Marineford! She claims to have been injured by Straw Hat Luffy!"

"Sir! Bartholmew Kuma is in no condition to join the battle! He says he

was nearly killed by Roronoa Zoro, and we confirmed as much when he

dropped off Dracule Mihawk!"

"With Jinbe and Crocodile in Impel Down, the Warlords present number

at a mere three!"

"Enough!" Sengoku roared. "Is Admiral Kizaru healed yet!?"

"Sir! Kizaru-san is still in a coma due to his injuries! We don't believe he'll

recover in time to participate!"

Sengoku was getting ready to explode when Commodore Brannew

entered the room, looking nervous.

"Fleet Admiral…" he began. "...We're receiving reports that Whitebeard is

getting ready to submerge beneath the Red Line."

As Sengoku gathered his wits, Garp looked at him with an

uncharacteristic grimness.

"Sengoku...I don't think we're going to get out of this unscathed."

AN: So...I'm sorry again that it's been so long, and that this chapter is so

short. I'll try to update sooner and give you longer chapters, but life has

been getting really busy lately.

Thanks again to the Patient One. Lost out.

67. Back to the Gaol

Hey guys! So now that my Patre-on page is all set up, I'd like to explain a

bit more about these donations. I've set up a reward system for people

who decide to donate. Let me clarify that these rewards are not meant to

pressure you into donating if you don't want to. They are simply meant to

be thank you gifts, and should be thought of as such.

With that said, the rewards are as follows:

If you pledge $1 or more, I will send you a private thank you message.

If you pledge $5 or more, I will send you a thank you message and give

you a shout-out in the next chapter update should you desire one.

If you pledge $10 or more, I will send you a thank you message, give you

a shout-out, and write a 1000 word one shot on a topic of your choosing.

If you pledge $20 or more, I will send you a thank you message, give you

a shout-out, and write a 3000 word one shot on a topic of your choosing.

To elaborate on the one shots: I will meet the described lengths at a

minimum, and perhaps go a bit over if it's necessary. You will have to

send me a PM, either on Patre-on or on this site, telling me what topic

you want the one shot to be about. It can be about anything, with a few


First: No lemons or smut. I don't write it. That's not a matter of morals,

but one of personal disinclination. I don't enjoy writing it, nor am I good

at doing so, and so the quality suffers if I try.

Second: No harems, for pretty much the reason I just described above.

Third: No character bashing. This basically means that if you want me to

write a certain character in a poor light and they're not written that way

in the series canon, I generally won't do it unless it's a very minor


I am willing to write romance if a patron requests it, but I am going to

have to limit that to Male/Female pairings, simply because those are the

only types of relationships I have any familiarity with, and therefore the

only ones I can write with any semblance of quality. I don't want to

misrepresent the dynamics of sexuality that I don't understand well, since

that could potentially upset people and subsequently make me feel like

crap about it.

I will also write something violent if it's requested, but I will have to

adjust the rating accordingly.

I will write in any fandom that I am familiar with. This includes the




Dragon Ball (including Super)

One Piece

My Hero Academia

One Punch Man

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Danny Phantom

Legend of Zelda (Breath of the Wild, Ocarina of Time, and Twilight


Avengers (MCU)

Once I am done with a request, I will upload it to this site with the words

"Patron Request" in the summary.

So, there you go. A huge thanks to everyone who has donated so far. And

with that said, on with the chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter LXVII: Back to the Gaol

The Thousand Sunny soared through the air above the Tarai Current,

keeping itself airborne through consecutive Coup de Bursts. Franky had

been prepared to keep the ship in the air manually any time it got too

low, but Sunny had informed him that she could do it herself at will,

which had allowed the cyborg to focus on refueling with his many barrels

of cola. One of the perks of having a ship with its own will, Luffy


On board the ship with the Straw Hats were Ace, Sabo, Law, and Bonney,

and while his two brothers seemed right at home, their new alliance

members still seemed to feel out of place. They each sat in separate

corners of the ship, contemplative.

It was a stark contrast to what Luffy was used to from those who boarded

the Sunny. Even the more stoic of their alliance in the previous timeline

had learned to say fuck it and got caught up in the chaos of the Straw Hat

crew soon enough, but he supposed they were still settling in. He could

tell with his Observation Haki that they were both unsure of their places

within the alliance, which was strange, because that was never the case


But then, the crew hadn't been nearly this strong before. Did they feel

like they didn't have as much to contribute?

Frowning, Luffy made his way over and stood in between them, seeing

both their gazes follow him.

"Hey guys!" he shouted. "Sorry you had to leave your crews at Sabaody!"

Law just shrugged, while Bonney rolled her eyes. "Not everyone can have

a flying ship," she said. "We wouldn't want to leave ours unattended, so

it's fine."

"You sound like you're sulking," Law pointed out, one eye open.

Bonney shot him an annoyed look, which he was unfazed by. She sighed.

"I guess I'm just feeling pretty useless. We're going up against the World

Government. Straw Hat over here is a powerhouse, along with Ace and

the Revolutionary, and even you have a role as a medic. Meanwhile, I'd

be a distraction at best against a Marine Admiral."

Luffy's frown deepened, and he was about to retort when Law spoke up.

"Is that all you're worried about? You shouldn't worry about it. You're

crucial to my plan, after all."

Luffy grinned, seizing the chance to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, listen to Trafalguy, Bonney!" Luffy said. "You're crucial to

the...wait, plan? What plan? You have a plan?" he asked Law.

"For the record, Strawhatter, you may be a good leader, but your

strategic planning skills need a lot of work. But to answer your question,

yes, I have a plan. And Gluttoner's participation is imperative."

Law began describing his plan in detail, and as he went on, Luffy's grin

gradually widened, until it was splitting his face.

"Law, you're the best!" he shouted.

"You thought of a plan like that in such a short time?" Bonney asked.

"It's been a few hours since I was clued into this crazy ass plan to assault

Marineford," Law said. "That's plenty of time to think things through. I'm

not some scrub who runs in guns blazing without any ounce of strategy

in mind."

Luffy pouted. "That's mean."

"Anyway, you'll have to tell Whitebeard when you call him. He could be

crossing the Red Line as we speak."

"Luffy!" Franky shouted from his position at the front of the ship. "We're

approaching the Gates of Justice!"

Everyone on board the Sunny soon congregated at the front of the ship,

staring up at the massive gates that barred their entrance to the undersea

gaol. As they drew closer, Sunny materialized.

"As loathe as I am to admit it, my roar can't destroy something like that,"

she said. "You guys will have to handle it."

Luffy didn't answer, walking towards the figurehead of the ship. Without

any prompting, Zoro, Sanji, Ace, and Sabo followed suit.

"Don't tell me...they're gonna bring down the gates, just like that?"

Chopper asked.

"Hey Sabo, what's your bounty?" Luffy asked as they all took their


"480 million."

"Great. That brings us up to a good number."

The rest of the crew looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

Nami asked. "What's his bounty have to do with it?"

The Sunny continued to fly closer to the gargantuan gates, making some

members of the crew nervous.

"Guys? If you're going to do something, do it soon!" Usopp said.

The crew braced themselves, grabbing hold of the Sunny's railing.

The gates were upon them.

At the moment before impact, Luffy's fists enlarged, Zoro's swords

blackened, Sanji's leg caught fire, Ace's fist did the same, and Sabo fired

off a Rankyaku.

"Grizzly Magnum!"

"1080 Caliber Phoenix!"

"Hell Memories!"

"Fire Fist!"

"Reign of Insurgence!"

"2 Billion Belly Jackpot!" they shouted as one.

Their combined attacks blew a hole through the Gates of Justice, causing

a shockwave to nearly blow the Sunny off course. But with one last Coup

De Burst…

The Sunny passed through.

Luffy smirked. "Ace, call the old man. Tell him we're at Impel Down, and

that he should hold off on his attack." He shot a glance at Law. "And that

my allies have one hell of a plan for him."

Sengoku grit his teeth. "Commodore, how are our forces looking?"

"Sir...we have around 40,000 troops," Brannew replied. "More of our

bases are responding to our call now, but it was short notice. Even with

ships coming in from every direction, I believe we'll have at best 50,000

Marines by the time he gets here."

"That won't be enough…" Sengoku said. "Our higher ranked officers will

have to carry us through the battle."

"You and I will need to get involved," Garp informed him. "With

Sakazuki, Kuzan, Issho, and the rest of the Vice Admirals backing us up,

this may not be a complete disaster."

Sengoku let out a sigh, trying to calm himself. "It will still be the closest

we've come to ruin since the beginning of the Great Pirate Era. The

world's faith in us will surely take a hit."

"Their faith can be gained back. What's important is that we're still there

to gain it back," Garp said.

After Ace called Whitebeard and relayed their new plan, they arrived at

Impel Down. The moment the Thousand Sunny landed in the waters next

to the undersea prison, it was swarmed by sea kings. Luckily, the ship

had two Conquerors on board, and two widespread waves of Haki

simultaneously subdued them.

"One of us will have to stay here," Ace told Luffy. "Otherwise there will

be no one to keep the sea kings in check."

"In that case, I'll go," Luffy decided. "I have an old score to settle with the

warden anyway."

"I'll come with you," Zoro said. "If we can't get the keys to Jinbe's

handcuffs, I can cut him loose."

Luffy nodded, before turning to Sabo. "By the way, Iva's here. He's

waiting for the Revolutionary Army to make a move on the world before

he escapes, so if there's ever a time to tell him his wait is over, it's now."

Sabo looked bewildered. "Ivankov is here? He told us he would join us

again once we needed him, but has he seriously been in prison all this

time? I could never understand that guy…" He sighed. "Fine. I'll free


Luffy and Sabo both launched themselves off the ship and towards the

prison. Zoro jumped after them, swinging his swords in a downward arc.

The wind pressure from his swings propelled him through the air.

"Guess that leaves us on guard duty," Sanji said.

Another hoard of sea kings surfaced from beneath the water, and Ace

chased them off with another wave of Conqueror's Haki.

"...And sea king duty."

When Luffy and Zoro arrived at the prison, the guards were on high alert.

Their entrance hadn't been subtle, and no doubt the entire prison knew

they were here by now.

They bludgeoned their way through the prison, ignoring the guards

trying to stop them. Wasting no time, Luffy punched through the floor

with Gear Third, and he and Zoro fell two floors down to Level Two.

Unbeknownst to them, Sabo used the distraction to sneak by unnoticed,

heading towards the lift and straight down to Level Five.

Zoro, I'm going to cause some chaos as a distraction! Luffy conveyed.

Do we even need one? Zoro replied back.

Couldn't hurt. It might keep Magellan busy for a while.

As Zoro took down guard after guard, manticore after manticore, and

even a giant chicken snake hybrid that Luffy had completely forgotten

about, the rubber man easily swiped a ring of keys from one of the


He stretched his arm out and unlocked a nearby cell, before throwing the

key at the prisoners.

From within the cell, Buggy the Clown stared back, dumbfounded.

"Straw hat!?" he shouted in disbelief.

"Can't talk now, Big Nose! Gotta go!"



After unlocking his seastone cuffs, Buggy chased after the two Straw Hats

in outrage.

"This is one of the worst incidents we've ever had!" Magellan shouted.

"Who's attacking the prison, anyway?"

"Sir! I've confirmed that it's Straw Hat Luffy and Demon Wind Zoro!"

Hannyabal reported. "Also, you'll surely get demoted for this, and then I'll

take your spot!" he added, not realizing he was speaking out loud.

Magellan ignored him. Straw Hat and Demon Wind? As much as it pains me

to admit it, there's no way I can defeat a force like that on my own.

"Hannyabal. Send orders to the guards in Level Six. They are to release

Shiryu immediately."

After punching another hole in the floor, Luffy and Zoro proceeded down

to Level Three.

"They're going deeper!?" Buggy shouted from his place above the hole

they'd just made. "Are those flashy bastards even trying to escape? To hell

with this, I'm getting out of this hellhole!"

Meanwhile, Luffy did a quick scan with his Observation Haki.

Bentham's not here, he told Zoro.

He must have avoided getting captured this time, the swordsman conveyed

back. One less thing to worry about.

Luffy opened another cell, hoping that Magellan would follow the chaos

up here so they could free Jinbe before having to deal with him. Neither

of them noticed another familiar face inside the cell. Zala, formerly Miss

Doublefinger, blinked in surprise as she caught the keys.

Was that Straw Hat? she thought. After freeing herself from the cuffs, she

followed after them, curious to know where they were going.

When they proceeded down to Level Four, their Haki protecting them

from the heat, Luffy and Zoro were confronted by four large, bipedal


Awakened Zoans? Zoro asked.

Yeah. They were a pain to deal with. Luffy replied. They all follow one of the

guards here. I think her name was Maso-chan or something.

An orange haired woman soon blocked their path, brandishing a whip as

she stood behind the four Awakened Zoans.

"You two have some nerve, invading Impel Down. I'll be sure to enjoy the

delightful sounds of your—!"

"That's nice, Maso-chan," Zoro said, cutting her off. "But we're in a hurry,

so stand aside or get cut."


"Do I look like I care which fetish you're named after?" Zoro asked,

unimpressed. "You have half a second to move."

Outraged, Sadi raised her whip, but Zoro struck first.

"Hawk Wave," he said, delivering a non lethal air slash that slammed her

against a wall and knocked her out.

The four mindless Zoan users immediately reacted to the attack on their

leader, charging at Luffy and Zoro with reckless abandon.

"Jet Gatling!"

"Great Dragon Whirlwind!"

And were taken out immediately by their area of effect moves.

You struggled with those guys before? Zoro asked in disbelief as they all fell

to the ground.

So? You struggled with baboons on Hawky's island, didn't you? Luffy replied.

...No comment.

As they got further into Level Four, they stopped, both sensing a stronger

aura approaching.

"I won't let you proceed any further!" Magellan roared, poison coating his

body. A snake-like construct made of poison came rushing towards them,

and they both dodged out of the way.

Zoro, go ahead. I'll handle him!

The swordsman rushed passed Magellan, startling Hannyabal who was

right behind him. The warden tried to stop him from advancing, but

Luffy punched him through a wall, his Haki protecting him from the

poison. Hannyabal tried to attack Zoro, but got cut down in an instant.

Magellan rose from the rubble of the wall he crashed into, glaring at

Luffy venomously.

"Unforgivable!" he shouted, sending another Hydra Luffy's way. Luffy

overpowered it with an Elephant Gun, which splattered the poison

everywhere and made contact with Magellan, driving him through

another wall and onto the other side of Level Four.

Seething, Magellan's body started secreting a different type of poison, this

one being blood red in color.

"This poison is called Kinjite. Not even your Haki will be enough to shield

you from it, Straw Hat. Prepare yourself. Venom Demon!"

As the giant poison construct formed, Luffy took a breath and centered

himself, knowing that Magellan's boast was far from empty.

Zala snuck through Level Four with ease of practice. Nico Robin hadn't

been the only member of Baroque Works who was trained in stealth.

Incapacitating one of the guards, she stole his keys and began searching

for a certain prisoner.

It didn't take long to locate him. She just had to follow the screams. Soon,

she found him in a fight with three other prisoners, if the slaughter could

even be called that. Even with the seastone cuffs on, his strength was

nothing to scoff at. She waited until he tossed his last bloodied opponent

into the boiling water. The prison was clearly in chaos if the guards

weren't stopping something like this.

Then again, maybe they didn't care.

"Heads up, Daz." she said, throwing the key his way. He caught it on

reflex, before observing her curiously.

"How did you get free?" he asked.

"The Straw Hats are rampaging through the prison."

"I should have guessed it was them. I guess we owe them one since we

have a chance to escape now. I'm going to go free the boss. You coming?"

"With you all the way."

Having taken Impel Down's lift down to Level Five, Sabo was now

looking for his wayward comrade. Shivering from the cold, he hastened

his search.

"Iva should be on this floor, knowing his level of infamy," he said to

himself. Reaching out with his Observation Haki, he was surprised to

realize that the aura he was searching for was still below him.

"Is he in Level Six?" Sabo wondered aloud. "Oh well. One way to find


Taking a leaf out of Luffy's book, he smashed a hole through the floor,

falling down deeper into the undersea gaol.

And right on top of Ivankov.

"Something fell on me!" Iva shouted. "My back! My baaack! Ooohh, the


"Iva! Are you okay!?" the other members of the Kamabakka Kingdom


"I'm fiiiiiiine!"

"So you're not hurt then!? You fooled us!"

Inazuma sighed. "Iva...focus please."

"It's good to see prison life hasn't dampened your spirit, Iva," Sabo said.


In Level Six of Impel Down, two guards hovered nervously over one of

their most infamous prisoners.

"Shiryu-san, we have orders to free you," one said. "Your orders are to

help apprehend the Straw Hat Pirates."

They unlocked his cuffs and led him out of the cell, handing him his

sword. The moment it entered his hand, he smirked and unsheathed it.

"Apologies," he said, before severing them both in half with a single

swing. "I'll be exercising my authorization to cut you down."

As the two guards fell to the ground, dead, Shiryu turned to the other

prisoners, who were cheering at the bloodshed.

"Attention, prisoners of Level Six. I will free you all on the condition that

you follow my lead. What say you?"

The prisoners all howled their agreement, save for two who sat in their

cells and ignored the commotion. One had a hook for a hand and a scar

across his face, and the other was a blue-skinned fishman.

Among the freed prisoners was a rugged black haired man with a missing

arm, burn scars from head to toe, and a savage grin across his face.

An: Wow...just wow. I think this is the first time in years that I've

updated after a week. Some free time and inspiration can accomplish

wonders. I hope you enjoyed this update, and don't stress too much over

the cliff-hanger.

68. New Friends and Old Enemies

Huge shout-out to Airwatcher for the donation. Thank you so much for

your pledge!

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter LXVIII: New Friends and Old Enemies

Zoro spun around, swords in hand, unleashing a whirlwind of blades that

tore through the floor and carried him downward.

Straight to Level Six.

Landing easily on the concrete floor of the dark, eerie prison level, Zoro

noted it was nearly empty. Jinbe and Crocodile sat in their cells alone,

watching Zoro's arrival with curiosity.

"Where are the rest of the prisoners?" he asked.

"They were freed by Shiryu of the Rain and left with him," Jinbe


Zoro's eyes narrowed, the name bringing back memories that pissed him

off. He ignored it for now.

"Whatever. Jinbe, I'm here to free you."

Jinbe tilted his head to the side. "Why?"

"Captain's Orders." He could see that Jinbe was confused by the answer,

and added, "My Captain is Ace's brother."

That seemed to wipe away the fishman's doubts. Zoro drew Wado and

focused, before lunging forward. In seconds, the bars of the cage were

sliced open, along with Jinbe's cuffs.

Crocodile raised an eyebrow as he witnessed the feat. Everything the

swordsmen had just cut was made of seastone. He smirked.

"I heard you're planning to invade Marineford," the sandman spoke up,

causing Zoro to turn toward him with a disinterested stare.

"Free me too, and I'll help you out. I'm always willing to kill some


Zoro smirked. "You know, somehow, I don't think we'll need your help."

Crocodile's eye twitched, and Zoro continued on. "But I guess I could help

you out. Of course, you probably know we're allied with the Whitebeard

Pirates now, and that they'll be at Marineford with us. He wouldn't

happen to be your goal, would it?"

Crocodile's eyes narrowed, and Zoro's smirk widened.

"I'll let you go if you promise to only fight the World Government, and

not go after the old man."

The former Warlord scoffed. "I refuse," he said, not even pretending to


Zoro shrugged. "Suit yourself. Have fun down here."

He could practically feel Crocodile's irritation as he and Jinbe turned to

leave. That wasn't the only thing he could feel though. Directly above

them were two auras he hadn't sensed since Alabasta.

Looks like you'll get your wish after all, sand bastard.

Zoro leapt upward through the hole he had made, landing on the floor of

Level Five. Jinbe landed next to him a moment later.

Zoro's eyes rested on the two former Baroque Work agents that were now

staring at him in shock.

"Hey, long time no see," he said. Daz Bones and Zala got into battle ready

stances, both activating their Devil Fruits.

Zoro chuckled. "See ya," he said, before walking away, leaving the two

stunned. Jinbe followed behind him.

Having taken the lift, Shiryu arrived at the top floor of the prison, the

freed prisoners in tow. The mob of dangerous criminals celebrated their

freedom, making their glee known by shouting into the open sky they

hadn't seen in years.

Notable among the crowd were Avalo Pizarro, Catarina Devon, Vasco

Shot, and the giant Sanjuan Wolf, who had shrunk down to the size of a

normal human in order to escape.

"Zehahahahaha! It's good to feel the outside air again!"

And then there was that guy. Not only had Shiryu never seen him or

heard of him before, but he was covered head to toe in what should have

been lethal injuries. One had to wonder how he had survived being

incarcerated in such a state, and what he had done to get into Level Six

despite having no former infamy.

"Hey," the man said, turning to Shiryu. "My name is Marshall D. Teach,

but you can call me Blackbeard. What would you say to joining my crew?

The rest of this bunch can come too!" he said with a wide, unsettling


Shiryu raised an eyebrow. While it was interesting that the man was a D,

his offer was hardly compelling under the circumstances.

"I'm the one who freed you, and you're asking me to join you?" he asked.

He gestured to the man's missing arm, and numerous fourth degree

burns. "Why would I join a cripple who looks like he'll never be able to

fight again?"

Blackbeard laughed again. "I may not be in good shape now, but I have a

plan to regain what I've lost. I just need a shot at the Whitebeard Pirates!

With a little time, I'll be able to sway the winds of change in my favor!"

Shiryu was still skeptical, but he considered the man's—Blackbeard's—

words. Before he could come to a decision though, his Observation Haki

flared at him in warning.

He turned, gripping his sword, but was too slow.

The entire group of prisoners was scorched by a monumental pillar of

flame. Agonized screams filled the air as most of the former inmates were

incinerated on the spot.

Along with Shiryu, five of the other prisoners had survived the initial

assault. One was Blackbeard, who was on the ground clutching his

injuries, but had still clung to life somehow.

Shiryu drew his sword as their assailant landed in front of the prison. The

other survivors followed suit, drawing weapons as Sanjuan Wolf grew to

his original size.

Ace ignored them all though.

"TEACH!" he roared as he shot straight for his old crewmate who just

wouldn't die.

Still recovering, Blackbeard tried to stop the attack with his one

remaining arm, but in his injured and pain state, he was far too slow.

Ace's flaming fist pierced his heart, coming out his back.

As the other prisoners watched, he pulled his fist out, and Blackbeard

fell, dead before he hit the ground.

Breaking free from their stunned stuper, the rest of the prisoners

converged on Ace and attacked.

"You can't dodge forever, Straw Hat!" Magellan shouted as Luffy

continued to evade his Venom Demon. By now his Kinjite poison was

everywhere, and the pirate captain was having to watch where he


Luffy took a deep breath and prepared himself, but before another

barrage of poison could make its way towards him, the floor burst open.

Zoro emerged from the level below, landing in front of the hole he'd

made with Jinbe right behind him. Magellan, seeing that one of his

prisoners escaped, aimed his Venom Demon at the fishman.

Jinbe formed a stance, preparing to defend himself, but Luffy appeared in

front of him and held one hand out.

Jinbe could feel the intensity of Luffy's Haki concentrating around his

hand, before it burst from his palm in a wave of concussive force. The

advanced application of Armament Haki easily repelled the Venom

Demon, splashing the deadly poison in a wide radius around Magellan,

whose eyes had widened in shock.

Luffy looked down at his fist and smirked. "It's coming back to me."

Without further hesitation, the pirate captain blitzed towards Magellan

faster than the Warden's eyes could follow, unfearing of the Kinjite

poison that covered his entire body. Steam enveloped his arm as he

reared it back to strike. His fist shot forward, only to stop just short of his


Magellan felt the impact anyway though. Another wave of Haki came

forth from his fist, more powerful this time, and a loud crack filled the


All of the poison in the immediate vicinity was blown away from the

force, and Magellan himself was sent crashing through the far wall. This

time, he didn't reemerge.

Luffy turned back towards a stunned Jinbe and a smirking Zoro, grabbed

them both in one arm, and shot upwards towards Level Three using


When Sabo arrived at the top floor along with Ivankov and the rest of the

Okamas, he saw Ace struggling to fend off several escaped prisoners. He

immediately joined the fight, with Ivankov following his lead.

As the two went to alleviate the pressure from Ace, Inazuma's hands

morphed into giant scissors, and he cut a long strip of stone out from the

ground to form a pathway towards the Sunny. Trusting his superiors to

hold their own, he began to cross, boarding the Sunny with the rest of

the Kamabakka Kingdom.

Crocodile sat along in Level Six, bored out of his mind.

It sure is quiet in here now, he thought. He didn't regret turning down

Roronoa's deal, not one bit. He had a score to settle with Whitebeard, and

no crewmate of Straw Hat was going to order him around.

That didn't mean he was satisfied with the current turn of events. At least

having other prisoners around had made for some mild entertainment.

Now it was just him in a cell, with no one in sight, and nothing but his

thoughts to keep him company.

Ah, the trials of being stubborn and not having Straw Hat's dumbass luck

to fall back on.

At that moment, two figures fell from a hole in the ceiling, one carrying

the other, and impacted with the ground, forming a small crater.

Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger.

Crocodile felt a savage grin stretch across his face. Perhaps some of that

dumbass luck rubbed off on me after all.

Using a key they had pilfered from the guards above, they unlocked his

cell along with his cuffs. Sand swirled around his form as he relished in

his newfound freedom.

"Good to have you back, boss," Zala said.

Crocodile's unfettered laughter filled the empty prison floor.

"You two are getting a raise," he said. "Operation Utopia never did pan

out, did it? I may have lost interest in Alabasta, but I'm sure there are

plenty of other pay days to be had. What do you say we take the world

by storm again?"

Their eyes gleamed in interest, and Crocodile remembered exactly why

the 1 pair had been his favorite.

With all the answer he needed, a sandstorm sprung to life, enveloped the

two, and shot upwards towards the hole in the ceiling. Moments later,

Level Six of Impel Down was well and truly empty.

Luffy, Zoro, and Jinbe arrived at the entrance to see another battle taking

place. Upon seeing Shiryu clashing with Sabo, Zoro's eyes narrowed, and

he unsheathed his swords.

He shot forward towards the former inmate, but Shiryu saw him coming

and intercepted the strike. This, however, gave Sabo and opening to land

a heavy kick to Shiryu's head, staggering him. Zoro took the chance, and

Shusui gleamed menacingly before it severed his body in two.

As the two halves of the treacherous warden's body hit the ground, Sabo

blinked, surprised by the brutality.

"Did you know that guy?" he asked.

"You could say that," Zoro replied.

With Luffy and Zoro joining the fray, and the strongest fighter amongst

the inmates down, the remaining four were soon defeated as well.

Luffy, Zoro, Ace, Sabo, and Jinbe then crossed the pathway Inazuma had


As the five boarded the Sunny, Ace began taking stock of everyone's

locations. "Is everyone alright?" he asked. "Are we missing anyone?"

Luffy's brow furrowed as his eyes scanned the deck. Nami, Usopp,

Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, Law, and Bonney were all accounted for,


"Where's Sanji?"

There was a splash as said chef jumped out of the ocean and landed on

deck. He was followed by a swarm of Sea Kings, which emerged from the

water and surrounded the Sunny.

Luffy and Ace wasted no time and subdued them all with the twin blasts

of Conqueror's Haki. Frazzled, they dove back into the water.

"Took you long enough to get back," Sanji growled, glaring at Ace. "I had

to dive into the sea to stop those shitty Sea Kings from eating the ship."

Ace bowed. "My apologies."

"Quite the daring escape," Iva commented, staring back at the prison.

"The World Government will never live this down."

Sanji glowered. "Oh great, it's you."

Iva looked puzzled. "Hmm? Do we know each other?"

Before the chef could answer, Usopp spoke up. "Guys? We've got

incoming!" he said, pointing toward the prison.

The others turned and saw what he meant. A sandstorm was floating over

the ocean, heading towards the ship.

Luffy made a fist. "Is he serious right now? He knows I'll kick his ass,


"Kick whose ass?" Franky asked. "Who is that?"

"Someone I wished to never see again," Robin replied.

Nami was pale. "Don't tell me…"

The sandstorm reached the Sunny and dispersed to show Crocodile and

his two subordinates standing on their ship as if he had every right to be


"You!" Nami, Usopp, and Chopper all shouted at once, clinging to each

other in fear. Franky and Brook, seeing their reactions, tensed and

prepared for a fight.

"Straw Hat," Crocodile greeted. "Hope you don't mind, but I'm hitching a

ride with you."

"Hell no you're not!" Luffy shouted. "Get off my ship you damn Croc!"

"As much as I may agree with your sentiments, Luffy-san, we may not

have time to argue," Jinbe said. He pointed back to the prison, where a

newly a newly awakened Magellan was forming another Venom Demon.

The warden's poison engulfed the panicking inmates who were left

behind. Those aboard the Sunny cringed at their screams of agony.

Ace sighed. "He's right. We need to leave quickly."

"If you even try going after Pops, I'll kill you myself."

Crocodile didn't respond, merely returning a level stare. His point made,

Ace turned away.

As Franky went to prepare Sunny's escape, Crocodile's eyes roamed the

Straw Hat crew until his eyes met Robin's.

"Been a while, Crocodile," the archaeologist said.

"Nico Robin," he said with distaste. "How's life with these fools treating


Robin smiled. "Better than prison life, I'd imagine."

Crocodile looked like he was about to burst a vein. Before he could

respond, Luffy's voice stopped him.


The former Warlord turned around and pretended not to be unsettled by

the look in his old enemy's eyes.

"I will leave you here to drown, and I won't lose sleep over it," Luffy said

calmly. "Don't push your luck."

Crocodile wisely kept his silence, and Zala dragged both him and Mr. 1

away from the Straw Hats. It wasn't long before a Coup de Burst

propelled them high into the air, and through the Gates of Justice.

"That was...interesting," Law said.

"You sure about him, Straw Hat?" Bonney asked. "Hardly seems like the

cooperative type."

"He hates the World Government," Luffy said. "Which might be useful.

And if Law's plan works out, we probably won't have to worry about any

attempt he might make on Whitebeard's life."

"Bonney nodded. "Point taken."

Fifty thousand Marines were gathered at Marineford when Whitebeard

resurfaced in front of the Red Line and launched his first assault. Before

he was even within sight, a tsunami already towered over the island,

bearing down on the Marines with the threat of a watery grave.

"Aokiji!" Sengoku shouted. The Admiral had acted before the order,

leaping into the sky.

"Ice Age."

And freezing the tsunami whole.

Next came an earthquake that shook the island and shattered the massive

ice sculpture that Aokiji had just created.

As colossal chunks of ice fell towards the island, threatening to destroy

the city and kill everyone in it, Akainu lifted both arms.

"Great Eruption!"

The giant shards of ice evaporated on contact with the barrage of


For a few minutes this continued. The Marines fended off a sequence of

earthquakes and tsunamis using the power of the Admirals, with even

Issho joining in to defend Marine Headquarters. But it soon grew

apparent that Whitebeard wasn't showing up in person.

"Something's wrong," Garp said, expression grim. "He's not coming…"

"It can't be…" Sengoku said, face pale. "He means to sink us all!"

At that moment, the island of Marineford began to tilt.

69. Second Wind is Now on


Hey everyone. I'm going to be straight with you all. There's a reason I

haven't updated in eight months, and it's not one any of you are going to

want to hear. In the past few years my life has steadily been getting

busier, whether it be from school or the process of writing original

fiction. Now though, I've actually started working full time, and that

unfortunately means that I have far less time to write than I did even


This is especially draining when combined with the fact that Second

Wind is a project that takes a lot of dedication and inspiration to keep up

with. It's not the type of story where I can just sit down and start writing,

mainly because there is a lot of planning that needs to go into it, on the

level of each chapter and arc, as well as the story as a whole. I have had

a lot planned out from the beginning, but I've been starting to realize for

a while now that putting it all into story form at this stage of my life has

become an unrealistic endeavor. This is not a new realization, as I have

gone several months without updating before and not said anything

because I didn't want to worry my readers.

As you can tell from the chapter title, Second Wind is now on hiatus until

further notice. This decision weighs heavily on me because this story has

been a major undertaking of mine for over six years now, and especially

now that I've reached 10,000 favorites and follows, a major landmark for

any writer on this site, it feels that much harder. But with the better part

of a year and barely anything to show, the lack of results speaks for itself.

Keeping your hopes up for a chapter that isn't coming while making

myself worry about it when I don't have the time isn't fair to me or you.

I have included what I had written of chapter 69 below, which isn't

much. If there ever comes a time when I can continue writing this story, I

will. But if there ever comes a time when I realize that day isn't coming,

I'll post a timeline of future events in the story and perhaps place it up for


Chapter LXIX: A Sad Reminiscence

The Straw Hat alliance and their guests stood on the deck of the Sunny.

Sanji was inside the kitchen, cooking everyone meals to keep their

strength up before the battle. Law and Bonney were seated by the rail,

looking bored, and Crocodile and his group were sitting to the side,

waiting for their arrival. Everyone else was discussing the upcoming

battle when their chef walked outside, the food noticeably absent.

"Luffy? You're going to want to see this," he said.

Luffy turned Sanji, and blinked at the sight of the fruit in the chef's hand.

"I found this in the pantry," Sanji said.

Ace's eyes widened, and he looked momentarily pained. "That's…"

Thousands of Marines prayed for their lives as the island of Marineford

tilted on its axis. The ground caved in as the tectonic plates beneath the

land shook and trembled along to Whitebeard's will. Fissures in the earth

swallowed entire battalions of soldiers whole, and massive ocean waves

filled them. Screams filled the air as the tremors continued, and the

island began to crumble, piece by piece, like a puzzle that was always

meant to be broken.

Sengoku thought fast. "Issho!" he shouted, and the Vice Admiral seemed

to understand what was expected of him. His sightless eyes narrowed in

concentration as he reached out with his gravity powers, attempting to

keep Marineford from collapsing in on itself.

To a degree, it worked. The island's descent into the ocean slowed

dramatically as the forces of gravity began holding the island in place.

But anyone could tell it was a temporary solution at best. Although Issho

had taken to his Devil Fruit quickly, he was still fairly new with it, and

keeping an island from crumbling as a more experienced Devil Fruit user

continued to send tremor after tremor through the earth was no simple

test of his powers. Sweat dripped down his face as he did everything he

could to save the Marines under him.

Sengoku was already thinking about the next steps of his hastily revised

battle plan. "Whitebeard won't stop. If we stay here he'll drown us all. We

have to take the fight to him."

He turned toward Garp, who nodded. "Garp! Akainu! Aokiji! You're with

me! Issho will hold the fort while we're gone!"

The four used Soru to descend to the plaza below, where the Warlords

were gathered. "There's been a change of plans. Follow us." He pretended

not to notice the amusement in the pirates' eyes as they voiced their


Aokiji led the way, freezing the ocean so they could make their way over

by foot. Sengoku, Garp, Akainu, and Aokiji all used Soru to traverse the

frozen sea, while Mihawk kept pace behind them and Doflamingo flew

using his strings. Sengoku sighed in frustration as Moria fell behind,

unable to keep up with their pace. Why do we even keep him around?

Author's Note: I may get a lot of hate for this, but I honestly can't keep

this up. Above all, I need to prioritize my life right now. Thank you to

The Patient One for beta reading and co-authoring this story with me.

Thank you to all my readers, reviewers, and followers who have made

writing this story such a memorable experience. You have all been my

muse, and that's one of the highest compliments a writer can give.

So for the last time in the foreseeable future…

Lost out.

70. Discontinued (Thank you to

all readers!)

Hey everyone. Lost here. I know it's probably a surprise to hear from me

again after over 2 years of radio silence. Sadly, this is not a chapter, nor

do I plan on posting any more. I sincerely apologize if I got your hopes

up with this alert only for them to come crashing down once you realized

it was just an AN—I've been there, I know, it sucks—but I figured I

should at least give you guys a confirmation that this story will no longer

be updated since I said it would be a hiatus back in 2020.

When I first used that term, I thought that maybe I'd return to post more

chapters someday. But it's been quite a while and I can no longer see

myself doing that. I have a full time job that's paying the bills, and

whatever time I can put towards writing these days is put towards

writing original stories. It is with melancholy that I now formally

announce this work, and any others I've written, to be discontinued.

While I now view this story as a chapter in my life that has passed, I still

look back at it with fondness and nostalgia. This story was my first

venture into the world of writing fiction. In many ways, it taught me how

to be a better writer, and I won't ever forget that. Nor will I forget the

amazing community of readers who reviewed, favorited, and followed

this story, offering encouragement, enthusiasm, and feedback on how to

improve. It meant a great deal to me, and still does.

I hope you all live wonderful lives and keep stumbling upon stories that

stimulate your imaginations, immerse you into worlds that you never

want to leave, and make you giddy with anticipation every time you get

that alert heralding an update. My thanks to all of you for being


Farewell, and for one final time, Lost out!

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