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Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: One Piece I Am Psychopath2Ван Пис Я Психопат

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Адреса змісту:https://www.webnovel.com/book/one-piece-i-am-


One Piece: I Am Psychopath


Anime & Comics

182 Chapters




(31 ratings)


[Mature Content Present]


The sun was setting, the only source of light would soon go past the sea


Black smoke filled the sky which mixed together with the white clouds

turning them darker in shade.

The sea of flames which burned the houses spread like wildfire not

leaving a single house standing firm.

Hundreds of pirates roared as they killed the men and old ones in the

village while capturing the women as well as looting all the goods before

the fire could completely destroy them.

The men cried, screamed and begged to be spared while the women lost

their hopes as the pirates killed all men with no mercy.

The tens of ships docked near the village, all were soon fully loaded with

goods and women.

A man about 3 meters tall, wearing a black suit stood before the ruined

village. His eyes which were glowing in multi-color scanned the area.

On his face there was not a hint of emotion, remorse wasn't even a word

for him.

"This is just the beginning, very soon the entire world will know who I

am. This village, it is the future which this world will suffer."


[Author Talk---]

This is my first fan fiction from my own imagination and I will try to

keep the characters as real as possible.

Many characters are from the anime 'One Piece' and I don't own them as

well as the world 'One Piece' itself.

Also, it's an AU (Alternate Universe) One Piece. Please expect some


The cover is from my phone. The owner is of course me... If I see

someone using this cover!! I will Report!!!!!

Please support...

If anyone wants to contact me,

Insta- @birkang_bty

I also have a discord,

Discord- https://discord.gg/CrJgswEfRa

I have more fan-fiction novels, do try them out. Who knows, you might

like one.

-The Monster: Trainer Kota [Ongoing]

-Attack On Titan: Devil's Presence [Paused]

Parental Guidance Suggested

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 31 { The

Future! }

Earth Realm___

Inside the hall of King's Castle, Maba stood in front of 16 children from

the Angel Village.

"What do you think is this whole place?, " Asked Maba pointing to a kid

with pointy hair and dark skin.

"Our… Home?, " Replied the kid scratching his head in confusion to

Maba's question.

"Very good, " Praised Maba, he then waved his hand to let the kid sit

back on the chair.

"Now, what did the elders in your village teach you about us?, " Asked

Maba, this time not asking any particular kid to answer this question.

"Our elders taught us that the people outside the village are scary, bad

and evil.

But they also said the people in all the three Realms are good to each


They only become bad if someone tries to hurt the our people!, " Said the

girl who sat next to the pointy hair boy named Spuk.

"Nice! Yes, it's true that we are even bad and evil but only to those who

try to hurt our people.

One thing I didn't tell you children was… Wait. Let me ask you

something before that.

So, tell me. Who and where is the owner of this whole place?, " Asked

Maba, he moved his gaze to every kid in anticipation as a boy raised his

hand to answer the question.

"The former village chief said that the owner of this place was captured

by the enemy for trying to hide all of us from the entire world.

They said even, they didn't see how he looks or if he is still alive, "

Answered the boy rubbing his palms and showing some nervousness.

Maba looked at him in amusement, he smiled and waved his hand

towards the boy.

"Yes, that's what happened. He was captured trying to protect us from

those people outside.

But he is still alive and is free now. The giant man you played for these

years is actually the owner!, " Said Maba as he saw the shocked faces of

the kids in a happy smile.

The children being kids obviously talked to each other sharing their own


"The giant man is the owner! Is that why he is a giant man to protect us?,

" Said Spuk with his eyes sparkling and his mouth wide open.

"But the giant man is so nice! He even plays with us! Sister Victoria is

definitely wrong saying giant man is bad, " The girl said, closing her eyes

and nodding her head.

"Okay keep quiet! Listen here!, " Interrupted Maba looking at the

talkative children.

"So what more did the elders teach you?, " Asked Maba slowly moving to

his left and bringing a projection den den mushi.

"They said there are many who loot and kill innocent people. Elders

called them pirates, they even said you are also a pirate like the owner, "

Said the smart kid of the group in a single breath not forgetting to show

his coolness.

"Yes, we are!, " Replied Maba, he saw some changes on the faces of the


Some hesitated, fearful, scared, excited, confused and many other


"We had to, because of those evil people. We became pirates to not let

pirates destroy our home and kill our people.

Or why do you think we would want to be pirates who know only to loot

and kill.

That's to protect you, but for how long can we do that? The answer is not

long. In the future, you children will have to protect us!, " Said Maba, he

saw that the chicken became quiet and listened carefully.

"See this and learn, " Turning on the projection den den mushi, on the

white paper sticked to the huge purple poneglyph.

Many clips of the war between Big Mom Pirates and Devil's Pirates


As it went on, the children looked at it with different faces and thinkings.

Maba made sure sellect only the ones he needed and not the whole.

At last on the clip, Akuma floated in the sky letting Big Mom Pirates

escape with the few alive.

"What do you see here?, " Asked Maba, the first person to stand up and

answer was the smart kid.

"Giant man let her go because he didn't want to completely kill them all.

The mother pirate was pitiful in front if giant man.

He wanted to let her know that she could change and something like

giant man has done, " Said the kid as he raised his chest in front of his


"Very good!, " Maba was a little surprised by the boy but composed


"You see, the mother pirate is stronger than me. And I am stronger than

you, " Maba closed the video clip and placed it on the side again.

"There are tens of strong man and woman outside like her and me.

So can you protect us from them with your current strength?, " Asked

Maba, the children knew that they couldn't even touch Maba.

Defeating people like the mother pirate could be counted amongst


"Not with how you are, but I can help you, " This was the part Maba had

been waiting for.

Everything from the time Akuma came back, he planned it. Together

with his master to make a new future for them.

In the hundred years, Maba learned many things. One of which was, if

you want to trick your enemy then you have to trick your friends first.

"Can we become strong like giant man?, " Asked Spuk staring at Maba

with a new kind of determination.

"Yes, if you listen to me, " Replied Maba, a smile bloomed on his face

seeing the kids excited.

'A future which master and I am betting for, ' Thought Maba, he then

taught the children some history about the Devil's Home.

"And remember kids, never trust someone from outside!, " Said Maba in a

very serious tone which the children nodded.

"I will take you see your big brother is this case, " After few hours of

teaching, Maba took the children towards the laboratory.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 32 { Leading

towards a War! }

The room was dark, the windows closed as well as the doors.

The only furniture was a table in the middle, two chairs on the opposite

sides and a light bulb on the top hanging.

On a chair, sat the pirate captain from Beasts Pirates. His head was

covered by a ragged cloth, and his body tied with rope.

The light bulb swung mid air as it was connected by a wire and the ship

they were in sailed on the sea.


The door opened, the person who entered was Joker with a small knife.

Pulling the chair, Joker sat down and faced the pirate captain.

"Here we go! Oops!, " Joker mistakenly even grabbed the hair of the

pirate together with the cloth.

Only after pulling the ragged cloth, the pirate shook his head and tried to

open his eyes.

"Aaaa!, " The pirate groaned in pain, his left eye was no more. And his

skin also burned in the explosion.

"Hey, buddy! What's going?, " Asked Joker, the light flashed on his face,

scaring the pirate.

"Please! Don't kill me! Please!, " Tears came out of his only eye, the pirate

cried in front of Joker.

"I will! I will! I mean I will let you go! Only after you tell me where is the

devil fruit you stole?, " Asked Joker as he rested his hands on the table

and smiled at the pirate.

"I don't know! Please!, " Said the pirate begging, but this made Joker grin

even more.

"Really? How about now?, " The knife which was unknown to the pirate,

was stabbed on his collar.

"Aaaa!, " The pirate screamed in pain, his body moving violently on the


"Agh ha ha! So, what did you say?, " Asked Joker, bringing his left ear

close to the pirate.

"Jake-sama has it!, " Replied the pirate, trying to not scream anymore and

answer Joker.

"Oh! Jake the Drought! The big guy from Beasts Pirates!, " Said Joker

thinking, he then looked at the pirate with regret.

"I am sorry, but I have to kill you, " Apologizing, Joker took the pirate

out of the room and came to the deck.

"Noo! Please! No!, " The pirate captain begged, yet Joker threw him off

the ship and watched the scene of a shark eating the pirate.

"Robert! Take me to Jake the Drought!, " Ordered Joker, his eyes never

left the sea surface which was painted with blood.

"Yes, Captain!, " The pirate named Robert nodded and went to the control

room for directions.

* * *


Six large ships were going towards the New World, each one was

engulfed by a bubble -like thing.

On the front ship, sat a pirate widely known in the entire Beasts Pirates.

One of the three calamities, an All-Star of the Beasts Pirates as one of

Kaido's three closest confidants, and the captain of the Mammoth.

Jake the Drought!

Jack is a giant grouper fish-man of massive stature, dwarfing his

crewmates and standing taller than even his governor-general Kaido.

Unlike the majority of fish-men, his pale skin is identical to that of a

human, making it easy to mistake him for one.

While still being immensely muscular, Jack's limbs are disproportionately

small when compared to his enormous torso.

He wears a metallic jaw mask that seemingly disappears when he

transforms into his mammoth form, and has a pair of horns on each side

of his head. His blond hair is worn in a ponytail and a pair of long braids.

He wears a light brown sleeveless feathery coat similar to Kaido with

spiked pauldrons on his shoulders, circled by a belt bearing his crew's

Jolly Roger.

He has bloodshot orange eyes and a veiny forehead. He has two piercings

in his right ear, and wears spiked pauldrons on his shoulders.

He carries a pair of tusks around his neck which are actually sheathes

containing his scythe-like blades.

His mouth contains puffed lips and pointed teeth like any fishman but

while in his mammoth form he has square teeth.

"When will we cross Fish-Man island?, " Asked Jake, his eyes looked

around the water.

"Jaka-sama! Two more days until we reach Fish-Man island!, " Reported a

pirate coming towards Jake and saluting.

"Hm, " Jake stood up and was about to head inside the ship but suddenly

he felt movement around him.

Standing straight, his face became serious. Jake held his scythes and

swung it on his left.

But the only thing that touched his schthe was empty air. Yet, Jake knew

that someone was next to him.

"Come out!, " Said Jake, the pirates on the deck were scared by the

sudden change in him.

"Worthy of being one of the three Calamities! Jake the Drought!, " A

creepy voice echoed on the deck, all the pirates in the ship held their


"Who are you! Dare to come in front of me!, " Said Jake, his observation

haki didn't help him much.

What he got using observation haki was that the person whose voice

echoed on the deck is everywhere.

Which was impossible, because if so then Jaki definitely hit him that time

with haki in his scythe.

'A devil fruit or some trick?, ' Thought Jake, then his eyes caught a fist

coming right in front of his face.

It was already late, the fist was just few millimeters away. But what he

expected didn't happen, the fist landed on him with no effect.

"A really tough body!, " The voice said, not long a person appeared on the

bow of the ship.

"You! You're the guy from Devil's Pirates!, " Said Jake, his mood not

much good. The opponent was also a pretty famous and dangerous


[Wanted Poster]

[160,000,000 million berries]

[Bloody Joker]

"What do you want?, " Asked Jake, he saw Joker thinking for some time

before answering.

"I got what I wanted. Was as just letting you see who the culprit was!, "

Replied Joker, with his signature laugh his body disappeared from the

bow of the ship.

"Jake-sama! The devil fruit we are taking for Kaido-sama is gone!, "

Shouting, a pirate rushed out of the ship and informed Jake panting.

"What!, " Exclaimed Jake, then blue veins appeared on his body. His

hands held the scythes tightly.

"Kaido will be very angry. All of this because of Devil's Pirates.

I will inform Kaido, prepare for what comes after that!, " Said Jake, he

went inside the ship and picked a den den mushi.


(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 33 { Beasts

Pirates vs Devil's Pirates }


Inside a cave, three very big men were present with many small pirates.

The biggest man sat down, crossed legged and drank sake from a bottle

in his hand.

Everytime he drank, he would let out a burst of cry and tears in front of

the others.

The man is Kaido, who cuts an imposing figure due to his extreme height

of 7.1 meters and the bulk of his muscles, making him dwarf normal


Overly top-heavy in build, he has a well-muscled torso with wide-set

shoulders, thick arms, and somewhat out-of-proportion legs; far less

heavily built than his arms yet about the same length (with his feet much

tinier than his hands).

Kaido's head, atop his bulky neck, is disproportionately small as well

(smaller than his hands) and has a massive pair of gray-white, sharp-

pointed horns coming out of its sides, curving slightly to the front, then


He has a longish face with a heavy, hairless brow ridge topping sharp,

often bloodshot eyes (parent to small, yellow irises), plus a hook nose

and a large, full-lipped mouth.

Kaido is near-always seen frowning and is moderately wrinkled:

particularly prominent being his crow's feet below his eyes, forehead

lines, and laugh lines from always sneering.

His black hair consists of an unruly, mostly swept-back mane down to his

mid-back, which forms distinctly flat, rectangular locks of which some

fall down near the front, over his ears, or just upward.

His facial hair is done in a wavy, waist-length Fu Manchu mustache that

pairs with a spiked goatee across his chin.

Right of Kaido's defined abs is his only scar: a massive, recessed X-shape

whose upper points reach to his pectoral, given to him by a Samurai.

"Worororo! What did you say!, " With tears in his eyes, Kaido drank the

sake and asked.

"Kaido-sama, Jake got a devil fruit stolen from him by Joker from Devil's

Pirates!, " Said a fat man, he wore white and black stripes clothes.

"What was Jake doing when the devil fruit was stolen!, " Asked Kaido, he

wiped his tears off and looked at the fat man with anger.

"Ah! Kaido-sama, relax!, " Said the fat man as he took a breath and

rubbed his forehead.

"Tell Jake, I am coming!, " Said Kadio, he stood up and picked a weapon

from his side.

"I am going to War!, " Said Kaido as he walked towards the entrance of

the cave with his weapon.

"Captain, you should at least wait for the army to prepare, " The man

with complete black dress and mask said as he turned to look at Kaido.

"I am alone enough!" Said Kaido to the man in black as he looked up at

the cloudy sky.

Suddenly, Kaido's body expended and slowly grew into a massive blue

wingless dragon.

"Devil's Pirates!, " Roared Kaido in his dragon form as he flew in th sky

and went past the clouds.

"By the way, King. Do you think Kaido-sama knows where to find them?,

" Asked the fat man, the man in black clothes stood there quietly for a


"No, he don't. I must bring him back!, " Replied King, he then jumped in

the air. His body also changed and took the form of an ancient bird.

"Go prepare the army!, " Said the fat man looking at the pirates around


'I am left alone, ' Thought the fat man, he lowered his head and then

walked to his assigned working place.

* * *

Devil's Home___

The storm was heavy, and in that were the ships sailing in groups.

The sea kings, made way for them to pass through the storm which was

very surprising.

In the lead, was a very big ship. About 500 meters tall with the main

mast and 900 meters long.

Akuma sat on the deck of that ship with his eyes closed but his senses


It's been a month since Joker brought the Ope Ope no Mi back to him

from the Beasts Pirates.

And the whole GrandLine has come to know that Kaido is looking for him

to fight.

Everyone is waiting, the people wants him and Kaido to kill each other.

The World Government this time prepared completely, send out multiple

warships with all the three Admirals to kill him.

Now only waiting for the war to start.

Well, it was informed by Maba to him because they have many more

agents in Marines.

Dram, the old Admiral was recently found dead in his house by the


The reason being unknown to others but not to Akuma as Maba was the

one to kill Dram.

As for why Maba killed him, Akuma was not interested in that matter.

And Morgans, the guy has been found on many sites, finding clues about

where the fight would happen.

"Father, will I get to fight?, " Asked a man standing beside Akuma with

his messy hair and happy smile.

Turning his head towards the man, Akuma through for a second before


"Kaido is mine, " Said Akuma, the man nodded his head in agreement and


The man, had woke up from his years of slumber in the laboratory. He

was also the one whom, Maba called the angel children's big brother.

Wholeheart Wick, the first son of Akuma indirectly through creation. And

the second child in the Wholeheart Family.

The creation of Hamburg with the blood of Akuma. The once young boy

seen with Maba as the Roger Pirates sailed.

"Captain! We can see Kaido!, " Irish came with the special device called

CS-M2 in her hands that help her monitor from different cameras instead

of snails.

Snails are stopped in Devil's Home, because of the cameras and other

advanced modern devices.

The said smartest and the greatest scientist, Vegapunk wasn't the only

one at that level.

"Which form?, " Asked Akuma standing up from the throne made just for

him on the deck.

"Dragon!, " Replied Irish, showing the live zoom in clip of Kaido flying on

the clouds in his Dragon form.

"I will go first!, " Said Akuma, he dashed and dived in the water very


His body size increasing in an unbelievable speed while his body looked

like a dark green serpent.

Wide gills, long fins and a muscle filled tail. Eyes dark black with razor

sharp teeth.

Akuma's first devil fruit ability, the Leviathan Form which was also fully


Making him reach the standard of a true monster even for monsters.

Fun Facts 2

Actually, Whitebeard was the one who was supposed to fight in place of

Big Mom.

Admiral Drum was supposed to be the Fleet Admiral but since Kong is

still alive he is only an Admiral.

Rocky was actually meant to be a child of Akuma but changed by me

because of some other reasons. So, I let him have a small personality like


The new eight division Captains should be the children of Akuma yet

because I was bored that also changed.

And, Akuma and Big Mom were supposed to be allies. But then a new

idea appeared in my mind which could still go according to the next


Thank You!

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 34 { Beasts

Pirates vs Devil's Pirates }

New World___

A big blue creature flew between the black clouds, seeing this could scare

many people to death.

That creature was Kaido, and below him were pirate ships in hundreds.

"Here you are!, " Said Kaido, his eyes looking in the sea far away where a

black shadow swam.

A huge dark green sea serpent was swimming underwater towards the

direction of Beasts Pirates.

Akuma raised his head from the water and looked up at Kaido with his

black eyes.

Thunder cracked between them, at the same time both of them opened

their mouths.

Akuma created a dark green energy ball while Kaido created a red fire


One from the sea and the other from sky, both shot at each other without

holding back.


The explosion was so loud that the pirates far away had to cover their

ears because of it.

Huge waves formed around the explosion and even the black clouds

above it were cleared.

"What is that creature!, " The pirates on the Beasts Pirates were confused

and shocked by the sea serpent.

"So the rumors are true, " Said King, he crossed his arms over his chest

and looked at Akuma.

"The 'Devil of the sea' can use multiple devil fruit abilities!, " Muttered

King, his eyes had turned very serious and his masked face intimidating.

"I don't want to fight that guy!, " Said the Fat man from another pirate

ship, he clenched his body and looked at Akuma.

"I have to find that Joker!, " On his ship, Jake moved his eyes off from

Akuma and looked behind the incoming enemy ships.

* * *

On the Devil's Pirates side, Rocky sat on the bow of his ship and closed

his eyes.

It was not his fight yet.

All the ships from both sides stopped on their path, between them

fighting were Akuma and Kaido.


Each explosion was creating extremely large waves which pushed the

small pirate ships back.

The weather was not so good for fighting, definitely not on the sea

without any island nearby.

The small exchange between Kaido and Akuma continued for more than

5 hours.

Until Akuma and felt his energy decrease. Seeing him stop, Kaido also

stopped attacking.

"What happened old man? Already exhausted?, " Asked Kaido, it was

already known to the world that Akuma was over a hundred years old.

All because of Morgans and his newspapers.

"That's enough to kill you!, " Said Akuma, he changed back to his human

form as he returned back to his ship.

The difference between Kaido's fire and Akuma's energy beam was the

energy itself.

Akuma is using pure energy unlike Kaido's fire breath which didn't

require much.

That is also the reason that Akuma dominated their small exchange

session for all this time.

Kaido also came back to his ship, both his and Akuma's eyes never left

each other.

"What are you waiting for!, " Shouted Kaido, with his voice all the Beasts

Pirates sailed forward.

Watching them approach, the Devil's Pirates also advanced their ships

towards the enemy.

Thousands would die, and only one side would win this war. That could

be the Devil's Pirates or Beasts Pirates.

Far away out of the reach of those fighting pirates, were 120 Navy

Warships and 200 Normal Navy ships.

And on the front Warship, three very tall men stood on the bow while

looking at the battle of Devil's Pirates and Beasts Pirates.

"I hope we can kill that man!, " Said the Admiral on the left with his slow

tone and little wrinkled face.

"I need to kill one particular person from the Devil's Pirate, " Said the

Admiral in the middle with an angry face, his fist that was clenched

glowed in red.

"Wake me up when our fight starts, " Said the last Admiral with a lazy

tone and then he stepped back and slept leaning on the railing.

* * *

On the ship, Irish already saw that the Navy ships had arrived and were

waiting for their opportunity.

"They are not even trying to hide, " Muttered Irish, she clicked on the

screen of CS-M2.

"So they expect us to face them immediately after fighting Beasts Pirates?

No, they will interfere before that, " Said Irish, she turned to look at the

battle going on.

Due to the weather and fast waves, it was hard to control the ships on the


The ships on the frontline of both sides collided and the surviving pirates

are now fighting on the shipwrecks.

"Currently the Beasts Pirates have only Kaido the General and the three

Calamities on their side.

Captain is fighting Kaido and the three calamities will be handled by the

Division Captains, " Nodding her head, Irish went inside the ship to make

a plan for the Navy Worships.

In the middle, on the ship for Akuma's. Two figures were fighting,

nothing could come in front of them in the situation.

"Is this the level of power you have, old man!, " Said Kaido as he swung

his weapon 'Hassaikai' at Akuma.

The Hassaikai hit Akuma straight on his face, pushing him two steps


"Don't mock me, Kaido!, " Said Akuma, returning the blow with his bat on

Kaido's face.

Same as Akuma, Kaido retreated back but took more steps than him.

"Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!, " Kaido swung his weapon crazily at Akuma

because his pride was hurt a bit just now.

"Haaaaaaaaa!, " Akuma also swung his bat at Kaido with everything he

got in his arms.

The hits they received were truly scary, yet the two never stop to strike.

Each hit from the two could easily smash a ship like a small cardboard

box getting hit by a truck.

The surrounding pirates hurriedly escaped from the fight of Akuma and

Kaido, afraid to get involved.

"Diee!, " Akuma dodged a blow from Kaido and swung his bat right on

Kaido's face.

As the bat made contact with Kaido's face, he was forced to crash back on

a ship meters away.

"Now tell me, Kaido! Is that the strength you have?, " Said Akuma resting

the metal bat on his shoulder and staring at the ship wrecked by Kaido's

giant body.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 35 { Beasts

Pirates vs Devil's Pirates }

"Don't get ahead of yourself, old man!, " Shouted Kaido leaping from the

wrecked ship towards Akuma.

"Then show it! Your strength!, " With a wide smile on his face Akuma

welcomed Kaido with his metal bat.

Kaido pulled his club behind and swung it at Akuma with full strength.

This time, both the weapons were coated with armament haki.


The collision was so strong that the wind alone was enough to push the

ships near by them.

"Aaaa! Help!".

Many pirates, unable to hold onto something, flew in the air like pieces

of paper.

"Captain seemed to enjoy it, " Said Rocky, looking at Akuma fighting

Kaido with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing?, " Behind Rocky who was sitting on the bow of the

ship appeared King.

One of the three calamities, an All-Stars of the Beasts Pirates and Kaidou's

right-hand man.

Born as Alber, he is a member of the nigh-extinct lunarian race from the

Red Line, noted for their ability to create fire.

King the Conflagration!

King is an imposing man at 613 cm tall, with a well-muscled, broad-

shouldered frame and long limbs.

Being a lunarian, he bears his race's telltale features: large, black-

feathered wings on his back (reaching down to knee length), a brown

complexion, and silver-white hair.

Said hair is shaved on the sides but kept long on top, where it is mostly

drawn back and bound at King's occiput before flowing down freely past

his nape; some sidelocks hang down on the right of King's face, to his

collarbone, and include a thin braid.

King's face is characterized by his narrow red eyes, prominent dark

eyebrows, a straight nose, prominent lips, and a square, stubbly chin.

Circling halfway around his left eye, on its outer side, is a dark-colored

tattoo resembling a laurel wreath or olive branch.

In addition, a plume of fire constantly rises from King's upper back, also

owing to his heritage (though it may extinguish), and when King

transforms into a pteranodon, these flames further engulf his back and

wings while his natural lunarian wings are replaced by his pterosaur


"Looks like someone is quite free, " Said Rocky, he stood up and looked at

King with a frown.

Rocky was only half the height of King, so to see King's face he had to

look up.

"Let's get started, " Said King, pulling his long sword out of the sheath

and bringing it close to Rocky's face.

"Hah!, " Looking at the tip of the sword so close to his face, Rocky let out

a mockery laugh.

"What are you waiting for then?, " Asked Rocky, slowly moving his eyes

back to King.

"Take out your weapon, " Said King, staring at Rocky without any

emotion on his face.

"Kids these days think they can beat me" Said Rocky, being older than

King, even though one couldn't see the face but the voice alone was


"Here, " Pulling the gun out, Rocky said as his eyes caught the speed


Tilting his head, Rocky dodged a very close stab by King on his face.

'Fast!, ' Thought King, Rocky moved his head in such speed that even he

was unable to see for a short second.

"You are a strong kid! But still weak!, " Said Rocky avoiding a deep cut

from King and kicking him on the side.

"Talk less!, " King dashed at Rocky and slashed with his sword. Not

forgetting to close the distance between them.

Blocking the slash with his fist in armament haki, Rocky caught King's

blade with his palm.

"Haaaa!, " With the strength of his arm, Rocky lifted the sword together

with King and threw him in the air.


Aiming the barrel on King in air, Rocky emptied the whole magazine at



Multiple explosions occurred on King, who was still mid air trying to

control his body with his wings.

The sound of the explosion was covered by the thunder and rain of the


And the ones created by Akuma and Kaido was even bigger and louder.

'Definitely not dead, ' Taking a cigar out of his pocket, Rocky lit up with

the red burning barrel of the gun.


King came out of the black smoke and landed on the deck bleeding from

many places.

Holding the sword tightly, King swung it at Rocky which was again

blocked by the feet.

"Why don't you try with your fists?, " Suggested Rocky, pushing King

behind and putting his hands inside the pocket.

"Damn it!, " Keeping the sword back in the sheath, King cracked his

knuckles before going for Rocky.

Rocky smiled at this and punched his fist at King, with the clash of the

two. The ship was almost unable to hold them.

They did attract some gazes but not the big ones like other calamities or

the division captains.

Brook and Lancelot kept Jake in their grip while Borg was almost

crushing the fat man in prisoner's dress.

The last of the three calamities, an All-Star of the Beasts Pirates as one of

Kaidou's three closest confidants like Jake.

Queen the Plague!

He is also a highly skilled scientist that was previously a member of the

research team known as MADS.

Queen is a massive, round-figured young man (evidently obese but

claiming otherwise) with light skin. At a towering 612 cm tall, he is a

mere centimeter shorter than his fellow All-Star King.

Similar to Jack, Queen is built top-heavy, with thick, tapering arms yet,

compared to his upper self, smallish legs.

His head is hunched, undistinguished from his neck due to its plumpness,

with a small face. His eyes are hidden by sunglasses with blue lenses and

gray, oval rims, which instead of having temples are strapped on by black

tapes that go around his head in such a way as to form an X both on his

forehead and occiput.

Queen has no visible eyebrows, a small hook nose, and his small mouth,

sporting navy lipstick, always smokes a big cigar.

His hair is blond: a thick, queue-like braid through eight ties, with a

stinger-shaped ending tuft, comes out the back of his head, which is

otherwise bald.

Additionally, he dons a Fu Manchu mustache whose tendrils widen as

they droop to his chest. A stitched scar runs curvilinear from his right

chest up to the shoulder.

On Queen's upper right arm is a black (dark blue in the anime) tattoo

consisting of his crew's Jolly Roger above his name in block capitals.

Queen's left arm, up to the shoulder, is cybernetic in gray and golden

color, composed of metallic rings, bolted plating, wiring, and even a

small pressure gauge, with the corresponding hand covered in an orange



Sorry, I planned to write some character's design as well because many

would like it this way. The chapter didn't have much, but doesn't mean

others will be the same. This will only happen when a new and strong

character appears.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 36 { Navy

Interferes! }

It's been a day since the war between Beasts Pirates and Devil's Pirates


The number of ships destroyed was above two hundred. Beasts Pirates

were the ones with the lower ships left.


As the cannonballs were loaded in the cannons, the pirate in charge

yelled loudly.


As the cannonballs hit the ships, most of the parts would get completely

shattered into pieces.

"Okay, your turn!, " Said the woman in white coat, looking at the injured

pirate who stepped forward.

The super hot doctor woman was one of the Division Captains of the

Devil's Pirates.

Sixth Division Captain, Beauty is also the best doctor in the whole Devil's


"And done!, " Said Beauty as she injected a serum in the pirate's body.

The injection was actually her finger that took the form.

Enjo Enjo no Mi, a paramecia devil fruit which allows the user to change

any part of the body into medical tools.

Also create various serums to boost, increase or affect the body functions.

"Come on! Don't stop!, " Said Beauty, injecting special serums in injured

pirates to increase and boost the healing.

She was the perfect candidate for Ope Ope no Mi but because she already

had a devil fruit, it was impossible.

Unless something like Daifuk of the old era came to donate his heart for


And the heart couldn't be created, only naturally will it appear but which

person and when, was the question.

* * *

Inside the command room, Irish looked at the big wide screens on the


"It's going perfectly towards our victory, but I am worried about the

Admirals, " Said Irish, turning her head and looking at the short man.

"Kikikikiki! Don't worry about them! If they come before Captain can

defeat Kaido, we retreat back home!, " Said Brick as his lips curled up

and a creepy smile.

Behind him, stood the two curvy women. Irish glanced at them before

glaring at Brick.

"Without Captain?, " Said Irish with a frown on her face as she held her

cane and turned to look at the screen.

"Don't worry about Captain, he is strong! Even Rocky couldn't kill

Captain, how do you expect the World Government to do that?, " Said

Brick, he walked forward and pressed some keys on the board.

"Let Wick handle the three Admirals and buy us time to escape. Captain

could help Wick come out of their hands, " Each time Brick spoke, Irish's

face became more and more ugly.

"I do the strategy things and you do the management matters. Let's not

exchange our jobs, " Said Irish, she then sent Brick and his women out of

the command room.

* * *


Rocky kicked King on the wrecked ship, blood dripped down his


"Ah!, " Releasing his breath, Rocky wiped the blood off from his forehead

and stared at King.

"Does your captain also want to become King of Pirates?, " Asked King,

standing up and shaking his shoulders slowly.

"Pirate King? If he wanted, he could be the first one! But no one knows

why he didn't, " Said Rocky as he shook his head sideways. He threw his

empty gun to the side and took off his trance coat.

His only hat was long gone in the small fight against King just a few

moments ago.

Folding his sleeves, Rocky sucked the last of the cigar and threw it in the



The thunder roared, King pulled his mask off showing his face to Rocky.

"Let's get it done seriously, " Said Rocky, kicking off from the deck and

punching towards King.

With his palm, King successfully blocked Rocky's punch. Giving a side

kick, King sends Rocky into the deep blue sea.

"*Cough* Damn sea water!, " Cursed Rocky coming back on the deck and

glaring at King.

Both of them charged at each other with super speed and collided with

their fists.


"Haaaaaa!, " With the current strength of the two, Rocky had the higher

stand than King.

One, two, three, King was being pushed back slowly towards the sea.

Pulling the sword on his waist, King cut on the side of Rocky


Rocky uses his left hand in armament haki to block the sword but a high

kick landed on his head.


The cracks heard on Rocky's nose, blood dripped like a leaked tap.

"You… Better run!, " Said Rocky, his voice didn't sound joking. Instead it

was full of anger and frustration.

Leaping from the deck, King turned into a pteranodon and tried to fly.

But a hand grabbed his leg, and pulled him back on the decking.

"Die!, " Holding King by his neck, Rocky punched at his face with his fist

glowing in advanced armament haki.

Just before the punch could hit King, a huge explosion happened not far

from them.

The large waves created by that explosion pushed the wrecked ship

where Rocky and King were fighting.

Losing balance, Rocky had to release King to hold onto something unlike

King who flew in the sky.

"THE NAVY HAS COME!, " Shouted the pirates from the side of the battle,

they were also the nearest to the Navy warships.

"Here they are! Just in the wrong moment!, " Grunted Rocky, standing up

on the wrecked ship and staring at the large fleet of Navy ships.

'We have to retreat!, ' King thought. He didn't care much for Kaido's

safety because of his vitality and the toughness of his skin.

What he worried about was the remaining army of Beasts Pirates, if all of

them got destroyed then it will be very hard and time consuming to

create them back.

"Retreat!, " Shouted King flying around the battle between Division

Captains and the All-Stars of the Beasts Pirates.

"Oh! Not so early!, " A yellow glowing man appeared in the sky next to

King and shot many light rays.

"Yasakani Sacred Jewel!".

King flew out of the range fast but the ones on the sea couldn't avoid it.

As the light rays touched the ships and pirates, multiple small explosions


A single light ray was enough to destroy a ship.

"Aaa! Help!, " The screams of pirates were so loud that they could still be

heard with the thunder and explosion sounds.


Many sea birds flew in the sky, some were actually robots used to click


They belonged to Morgans who controlled them from the nearest island.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 37 { Admirals

Attacked }

New World___

One side was the huge fleet of 120 Navy Warships and 200 normal Navy


With more than 300,000 soldiers aboard on those ships waiting to start

the battle.

Three Admirals, twenty-six Vice Admirals, fifty Rear Admirals, sixty

Commodore and one hundred Captains.

This line up was very extreme but to face the enemy in front of them, it

was not that big.

On the other side, two of the biggest pirates in the New World were

fighting each other.

But because of the entry of these Warships, they currently stopped their


Except two, Akuma and Kaido who were not even glancing at the new


"Ora!, " Punched Kaido right on the lower jaw of Akuma making him

bleed some blood out of his mouth.

"Aaaaaa!, " Clenching his fist tightly, Akuma punched on the stomach of


That punch was so heavy making Kaido feel his insides explode due to

the force.

"Ah!, " Both of them were gasping for breath, their bodies were perfectly

fine but not the organs inside.

Kaido threw up lots of blood, wiping his lips. He looked up to see Akuma

holding a broken tooth.

"You broke it off, " Said Akuma looking at his tooth, his eyes becoming

angry once again.

"Not just one, old man! I will break all your teeth!, " Said Kaido rushing

towards Akuma with his giant body.

"Don't speak nonsense!, " Shouted Akuma leaping towards Kaido with his

clenched fist.


But just before they could clash, a yellow ray of light ran on the wrecked

ship and blasted it off.

Both Akuma and Kaido were thrown into the sea because of the


"Kaido-sama!, " The pirates from Beasts Pirates panicked seeing Kaido fall

into the sea.

Whereas, the Devil's Pirates didn't even think for a second about Akuma.

All of them knew that Akuma was immune to sea water or sea stones, he

could freely swim in the water like a normal person.

"Here you go! Now let us clean all this pirates!, " Said the shining human

with his slow tone while resting his hands on his waist.

Admiral Borsalino, code name 'Kizaru'

Kizaru is an incredibly tall, relatively slim young man, roughly the same

size as the other two Admirals Aokiji and Akainu.

He is a young man with little wrinkles on his face, short curly black hair,

and a very thin beard. He is older than the other two admirals, a fact that

is reflected in his looks.

Kizaru's standard outfit consists of a yellow striped suit with a Marine

coat draped over his shoulders like a cape, with his arms not in its


Kizaru also wears pure white shoes, gold-amber tinted sunglasses, and a

dark green shirt with a mauve tie under his yellow suit.

There is a tiny Black Den Den Mushi on his left wrist, like a wristwatch,

underneath the sleeve of his suit. He is generally seen wearing a relaxed

grin on his face.

"Kizaru, get lost! There is no place for you here!, " Said King flying

towards Kizaru and kicking him far away.

"How scary!, " Said Kizaru, his body glowing and moving at a very fast

speed towards King.

King flew up and avoided a glowing kick from Kizaru.

"You can't run, King!, " Following King from behind, Kizaru shot a light

ray from his leg.

Turning to the side, King dodged the attack from behind and saw how it

cleared the black clouds above him.

'Troublesome devil fruit!, ' King flew further away from Kizaru trying to

go all the way from the side.

But Kizaru wouldn't leave an injured pirate who can be very dangerous in

the future like that.

His body glowed, and vanished towards King at full speed that his mind

could handle.

* * *

Navy Warship___

"Tch! What is Kizaru doing!, " Grunted Akainu, he ordered Kizaru to

destroy the pirate ships as fast as he could.

Instead, Kizaru went after King.

"Do we wait or I freeze the sea?, " From the side, Aokiji came walking. He

woke up from his sleep when the loud noises of the explosion increased.

"Do it. Then we fight until all the pirates are killed!, " Said Akainu as he

crossed his arms over his chest, his face was as always intimidating.

"Hm, " Aokiji leaped from the warships and his body started gulping in


As his body touched the sea surface, the entire sea was frozen in a huge

block of ice.

All the ships, be it Pirates or Navy, were trapped on the ice as per


Akainu's arms turned into hot magma, he raised them towards the sky

aiming at the pirates.

"Meteor Volcano!".

His arms shot up in the sky in the form of magma balls, not just once but

in hundreds.

Their plan was to trap the Pirate ships with ice and use magma to kill

pirates and destroy the ships.

Continue it two or three times until all the pirates die or left with only

few which could be handled by their soldiers.

But they didn't know that, their plan was leaked by a high ranking


An agent for Maba, and one of the Vice Admirals.

The remaining ships from Devil's Pirates immediately released some kind

of acid stored for this kind of situation.

Which helped to melt the ice within seconds, after that the pirates on the

ships pulled out a pump like machine.

That machine blew out a very thick and strong bubble from the pump,

the ships were gulped by these bubbles.

Diving in the sea, Devil's pirates successfully escaped the Admirals'


This surprised and shocked the Beasts Pirates and the Navy.

Mostly the Navy, the Admirals couldn't do anything to Devil's Pirates

once again after the Ohara incident.

Aokiji did try to freeze the sea again where the ships escaped but was


As for the Beasts Pirates, the three calamities managed to run away.

All the pirates of Beasts Pirates were killed, and Kaido was captured by

the Navy.

They had to pull him out of the deep water. And this is not the first time

Kaido was caught.

They already learned many things, like Kaido's body was so tough that it

was near impossible to hurt him.

Kaido was thrown into the sea by the Navy but it still couldn't kill him.

This time, they are expecting to kill him by throwing into a hot pool of


The war between Beasts Pirates and Devil's Pirates was over as the Navy


The news of Devil's Pirates escape was really a big blow to the World


(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 38 { Akuma's

Family }

Two months later___

Akuma held a newspaper in his hands, it was the latest news from all

around the world.

The front page said that Kaido has gotten out of the hands of Marines and

returned to his territory.

The Devil's Pirates have become the biggest force in the New World

followed by Whitebeard Pirates and Big Mom Pirates.

As the pages flipped, Akuma read that Big Mom started creating an event

on her territory.

'Tea Party' was the event's name, where Big Mom invited people that

interest her.

Many of whom are powerful figures of the underworld.

A new person emerged, 'Dracule Mihawk' who is a swordsman

challenging other strong swordsmen.

His origin is unknown to the world, but it is said that he didn't lose a

single match till date.

Which is of course not true, the matches were only the ones captured by

the World Economy News Paper.

"Not a single useful news!, " Said Akuma while throwing the newspaper

to his side.

His life was going simple, everyday was spent inside the White House.

After the children from the Angel Village were brought by Maba to Earth

Realm, he didn't visit again.

It doesn't mean he didn't change a bit, something did change in him.

Also, he learned from Hamburg that his strength was decreasing every

time he fought.

This happened because of the hundred years of imprisonment in Impel


His body went past the prime, and his body was starting to affect his own


If Akuma fights again, Hamburg said he would have to take support of

machines to maintain his current state.

That's one of the reasons Akuma was not willing to come out of White


Only when something like Big Mom Pirates or Beasts Pirates happened,

was he willing to step out.


The door of White House opened, revealing Wick and a few more figures


"You all woke up?, " Said Akuma, moving his gaze from one person to the


"Yes, father!, " Said a very tall woman behind Wick, she was as tall as

Akuma or even taller.

She wore metal clothings that covered only her breasts and crotch. Metal

boots till the knees and two big swords on her waist.

Wholeheart Bella, the second daughter of Akuma and the third child of

Wholeheart Family.

She is a creation like Wick with the blood of Akuma and the extinct race,


But instead of only a pair of black wings, she had two pairs of giant

wings lightly glowing in red.

"It's really like a dream, I slept for almost hundred years!, " Said the

woman next to Bella, she held her weapon tightly and looked around the

dark hall.

She was about 4.2 meters tall and had a full set of little gold-silver armor,

red clothes coming off on the edges of it.

Her hair was light brown in color and she had dark green eyes similar to

Bella. The weapon she held was a very long silver spear.

Wholeheart Mint, the first daughter of Akuma and also the first child of

Wholeheart Family.

She is the daughter of the Amazon Empress, and also a very strong

warrior like her mother.

Mint was frozen in a special liquid prepared to stopped a person from


The special liquid was similar to the ones Rony used for Akuma but more

dense and stronger.

"It's my first time seeing father, " Said a young boy slowly coming

forward from the back of the three.

His age was 15, height 1.6 meters like a normal boy at his age and a very

handsome face with black hair.

Wholeheart Jimmy, the second son of Akuma and the last child of

Wholeheart Family.

He is a very smart boy, and also the user of Ope Ope no Mi. His goal now

is to learn everything about a living body.

Be it human's, giant's, snake-man's, fishman's or any other race.

"Father, I heard from Hamburg that you don't want to cure your body?, "

Asked Jimmy, he thought that Akuma was not making the right decision.

"No need, everyone must die one day. Be it today or tomorrow, death will


I don't know why, but this line always comes in my mind when I think

about life.

The newborns are marked by Angels while the dying are eyed by Devils, "

Said Akuma closing his eyes and remembering the line from his blurry


"Well… I guess it's better to not insist, " Said Jimmy feeling the awkward

moment between him and his father.

After talking about some important issues, the four left the White House.

Akuma rubbed his chin, his eyes staring blankly in empty air.

"I don't feel like to sleep, " Muttered Akuma, leaning on the throne and

crossing his right leg over the other.

"But it's better this way".

* * *


On the first half of GrandLine called 'Pirate's Paradise' or simply

'Paradise', was filled with new rookie pirates.

This has become a major problem for the World Government.

Many kingdoms were looted and also got massacred by these pirates.

About this matter, many meetings took place in Red Line, Mary Geoise.

The five elders, Fleet Admiral, Admirals, and the King of different


All of them discussed and argued about these pirates. Many suggestions

were made from where only few got selected.

Out of which, one was the highest voted. This suggestion was to use knife

to cut knife.

'Seven Warlords of the Sea' or simply 'Seven Warlords'. Seven powerful

and notorious pirates would be allied to the World Government.

And they will clean this new pirates, but definitely not for free.

But not yet, this idea is still on hold because of many reasons. One was

that it could backfire, so a backup plan was needed.

Another suggestion was to make the big pirates in the New World fight


Also involving the pirates from the Paradise but what if they allied to

face of the World Government.

Not risking, this idea was also in hold if the matter really goes out of the

hands of the World Government.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 39 { Red Hair

Pirates! }

New World___

On an unnamed island, two big pirates were having a duel between them.

Two big ships were docked on the shores of the island opposite to each


"Whitebeard!, " Kaido swung his club at the man in front of him with full


His single step crushed the ground he was standing on showing his


The man that kaido called, was grinning and getting ready to show who

the superior was.

"Brat!," Whitebeard held his signature weapon, Murakumogiri, was a

naginata, and one of the 12 Supreme Grade Swords.

Both the weapons made contact, blasting off wind and dust all around

the island.

This was a duel between them on the territory of Whitebeard.

Few days ago, the Whitebeard Pirates defeated the Beasts Pirates on the

edge of their territory.

Making Kaido angry, and such is how it came to a fight here in this


"Don't get ahead of yourself, brat!, " Said Whitebeard with grin on his

face as he punched Kaido on the abdomen.

The fist, glowed in a white light. An ability of the devil fruit that

Whitebeard ate, Gura Gura no Mi.

The Gura Gura no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows the

user to create vibrations, or "quakes", making the user a Tremor Human.

This fruit is fearsomely reputed to be able to destroy the world, and is

considered to be the strongest Devil Fruit within the Paramecia class,

having powers no weaker than those of a Logia Devil Fruit.

The former user of this devil fruit was Queen Merry, and now it was

Edward Newgate 'Whitebeard'.

"Ahge!, " Kaido was pushed back because of the strength of Whitebeard

and he spouted out blood.

"Old man! You must die!, " Flared Kaido in anger as he leaped at

Whitebeard and swung his club.

"Don't joke!, " Said Whitebeard, he also swung his naginata at Kaido

without holding back.


The aftereffect of their battle completely sank the entire island and Kaido

lost because of strength difference.

Which was actually not that far, but sometimes even a little bit of extra

strength could make you win easily.

With this, Kaido lost his third duel against Whitebeard. But no body

doubted about the strength of Kaido.

The title 'Strongest Creature' was definitely of something which no one

could ignore.

Also, Whitebeard did suffer from this fight. His health was starting to

decline and he had to take medicines.

Marco, the doctor on the ship of Whitebeard was very worried about it.

The time passed away in a blink of an eye, new year came and also went


* * *

Year- 1514

Devil's Home___

A pretty big pirate ship sailed in the storm, all the sea kings looked at the

man standing on the bow.

The Jolly Roger ship has a realistic looking skull with a pair of crossed

sabres behind it. It has two red stripes with black outlines that cross

diagonally across the skull's left eye socket, representing scars that the

chief has.

The ship named, 'Red Force' belonged to a big pirate crew.

The Red Hair Pirates are an infamous and powerful pirate crew that has

been sailing in the New World not long.

Their Captain, Red-Haired" Shanks, commonly known as just "Red Hair",

is the chief of the Red Hair Pirates.

"Captain, have you been here before?, " Asked a very tall and fat man. He

was holding a half eaten chicken leg piece

Lucky Roux has a round body shape and he is always seen eating a rack

of meat. He is shown wearing goggles over his eyes at all times.

Out of the entire crew, he appears to have changed the least over the

years and shows little in the way of aging.

"Yes. When I was with Captain, " Said Shanks smiling and looking at the

large waves.

"That means you came here when you still have both of yours hands!

Hahahha!, " Suddenly, from the top of the main mast a man joked.

Immediately, the entire ship was loaded with the laughter and of the


"Hahhaha! I am even surprised how you manage to wipe your butt!, "

Said the man again while holding his stomach and rubbing his teary eyes.

Yasopp, known as "Chaser", is the sniper and an Officer of the Red Hair


"Can't you stop that! It's private matters!, " Voiced Shanks shaking his

head in disappointment to Yasopp.

"But it's definitely funny!, " Said Benn Beckman is the first mate and an

officer of the Red Hair Pirates.

Beckman is a tall man, standing at a height of 206 cm. His hair is gray,

medium-length, and slicked-back.

He also has a large, X-shaped scar on his left temple. He is never seen

without his rifle nearby or a cigarette in his mouth.

He wears a black, v-neck shirt with three quarter sleeves along with loose

pants with numerous pockets on them, tucked inside his buckled boots.

"Could you shup up, I am trying to remember my past adventures!, " Said

Shanks with a bitter smile on his face but his crew didn't even care and

laughed more.

Shanks looked at them, his lips curled up in a happy smile while turning

towards the sea again.

His left arm, was missing. It happened when the Red Hair Pirates were in

East Blue.

'They seem to recognize me, ' Thought Shanks as his gaze moved on the

sea kings inside the sea.

The sea kings made a path for the Red Hair Pirates to go through the

storm and reach Hell Realm.

Even so, Shanks knew that it wasn't easy to pass the storm because of the

heavy rain, hail, snow, thunder and wind.

"By the way Captain, why were we going there?, " Asked Beckman, he

came beside Shanks and leaned on the wooden railing of the ship.

"Last time came here, we couldn't see the Devil. This time, I want to see

him with my own eyes and maybe celebrate, " Replied Shanks massaging

his chin and thinking about the creature he saw in Hell Realm.

"And I also want to see if the Sphinx is still alive, " Muttered Shanks,

grinning and making Beckman feel weird as well as awkward.

"Okay, we better hurry then!, " Clapping his hands, Beckman escaped the

strange situation and helped to stabilize the ship.

The Red Force sailed in the storm and went on untill the site of sunlight

came in front.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 40 { Seven

Warlords of the Sea! }

Heaven Realm___

White House was as always in darkness, but today it was having visitors

from far away.

Akuma sat on his throne and looked at the man in front of him sitting on

a portable chair.

"Haha! It's really a mysterious place! The town has become even bigger

and much more advanced than the last time I came here!, " Said Shanks,

drinking his bottle of sake and laughing.

"But why are the trees here full of spikes!, " Said Beckman, sitting on a

safe spot after finding for so long.

"That's because father likes it that way, " Replied Wick as he drank his

sake and shook his head.

'It's really strong!, ' Thought Wick, he raised the sake bottle and looked at

the name of the place it was made.

"What a rare day! We finally have a returner!, " Said Maba, he sat on the

side of Akuma and sipped some sake.

"At first I thought that Sphinx became a statue when she didn't move a


Even now I can feel that she is strong as hell! I wish Yasopp was like her!,

" Said Shanks showing some regret and looking towards Yasopp in the


"Hey! She was made to be strong! And I am not a fighter, but a freaking

sniper!, " Replied Yasopp grunting but Shanks kept looking towards him.

"Hahahha!, " The Hall was filled with laughter and jokes of the Red Hair


Akuma didn't talk much but still, he came to know that Shanks was a

very lively person.

"You can take some things you like from the town, " Said Akuma, resting

himself by leaning on the throne.

He was prohibited from drinking sake or any liqueur because of his

health by Jimmy.

"Really! Then I want that thing that looks like a small cloud!, " Said

Shanks excitedly to Akuma while the other Red Hair Pirates also shared

their desires.

"I will prepare all of them, " Replied Maba standing up from the spot and

crawling out of the White House.

After a few more talks, Shanks decided that they should not stay much

longer and disturb Akuma.

"I really wanted to know, what is your goal in life?, " Asked Shanks,

standing up from the chair and staring at Akuma with curiosity.

"My goal?, " Muttered Akuma, his body almost stopped moving then and


"It's okay if you don't want to say. Ha ha ha, " Shanks smiled and was

about to step out of the door with his crew.

When the voice of Akuma sounded from behind, making them stop on

their path.

"To create a history where people learn about me and know that I am

real, " Said Akuma with his deep voice, black eyes on Shanks that looked

really scary.

"That's… a good aim in life!, " Said Shanks, nodding his head and looking

up at Akuma.

"I hope you can achieve that!, " Then, the Red Hair Pirates left the White


* * *

New World___

Not long after the Red Hair Pirates left Devil's Home, the news of this

was spread.

Making the World Government tense, leading to the once again voting of

the Seven Warlords.

And the majority voted that the Seven Warlords are needed to maintain

the balance.

But balance between whom and for what?

Morgans, in the latest news described that the New World, GrandLine,

was now taken over by Big Pirates.

The Four Emperors- Whitebeard, Big Mom, Kaido and Shanks.

And, Wholeheart Akuma, The Devil of the Sea!

These pirates took over the New World and had their own Territories and

also controlled the many small pirates.

The World Government came to the conclusion that the world really

needs balance.

Marines Headquarters, Seven Warlords, Four Emperors and the Devil.

The Four Strongest forces in the world, to maintain balance all around.

The news of the World Government finding seven strong pirates, who

would serve them came out.

Of course, coming with the profits of getting their bounties frozen and no

actions from Marine even if they did extortion.

But obviously extortion to a limit, and bounties frozen meaning that the

Marine Or Bounty Hunters won't target them.

The World Government would also not interfere with the side works of

Seven Warlords, unless it came to their nose.

* * *

Amazon Lilly___

The huge building for the Empress came to view.

"Empress! Maba has called! He wants you to take a place in the Seven

Warlords, " Said a woman running inside the room and bowing.

"Did Godfather speak?, " Asked the woman who sat on the throne, around

her was a long snake circling her.

She was none other than the little girl who once wanted to ride Sphinx.

Boa Hancock, now the Empress of Kuja Tribe also known as 'Snake

Princess', of Amazon Lily and rules over the Kuja tribe with her two

younger Gorgon sisters, Boa Sandersonia and Boa Marigold.

"Amazon Lily also needs protection, did they sent the invitation?, " Asked

Hancock, stroking the neck of the snake that had a skull over it's head.

"Yes! They sent it a few days ago!, " Said the woman as she presented her

respect like never before.

"Tell them, the Empress will accept their offer!, " Said Hancock, she

looked at the back of the leaving woman.

"I really want to see, Godfather! Now that I have become strong, "

Muttered Hancock, her eyes having the flash of memories in her mind.

* * *

Two months later, all the invitations for the seats of the Seven Warlords

were taken.

The World Government Elders called for a meeting, where they would

discuss some rules.

Then, another month went by for the time of the meeting to arrive.

Red Line, Mary Geoise___

Inside the huge hall, joined by an open balcony. Fleet Admiral Sengoku

sat in the front of seven figures.

The first, Seven Warlords of the Sea!

Dracule Mihawk, better known as Hawk Eyes, is sometimes hero or

sometimes villain. He is currently the 'Greatest Swordsman in the World'.

Crocodile ate the Suna Suna no Mi, and was able to turn his body into

sand as a result. Not only that, but he can also manipulate sand around

him to create sandstorms or fissures, as well as extract the moisture from

people and objects, turning them into sand.

Jinbe, also known as 'The Knight of the Sea', and a whale shark Fishman,

and is a master of both Fishman Karate and Fishman Jujutsu. In the past

he was a member of the Fishman Pirates, serving under Fisher Tiger

Donquixote Doflamingo, the captain of the Donquixote Pirates, the king

of Dressrosa and the most influential underworld broker.

Bartholomew Kuma, ate the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi that allows him to repel

anything with the palms of his hands. This Devil Fruit is very formidable

as it can deflect almost any attack (including sword slashes), air, and

even pain itself. He can also use this Devil Fruit power to send people

away to where he chooses.

Gekko Moriah ate a paramecia devil fruit known as Kage Kage no Mi.

Moriah holds the ability to steal shadows from people to absorb their

strength or place them in corpse to reanimate them as zombies as well as

mimicking his victim's fighting abilities

Boa Hancock, she is commonly referred to as the Pirate Empress. She

rules over the Kuja tribe with her two younger sisters, Boa Sandersonia

and Boa Marigold, and is the captain of the Kuja Pirates.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 41 { New

Territory }

Drum Kingdom___

Drum Island is an extremely snowy country, with absolutely freezing

temperatures that can be felt even from the surrounding seas.

There's a river that cuts deep into the island and where a waterfall of

snow flows into.

The ground is always covered in thick snow, making locomotion difficult

for those not adapted to it, and avalanches may be triggered by the local


The country features a series of drum shaped mountains known as the

Drum Rockies.

The Drum Castle is located at the summit of the largest of the Drum

Rockies, Drum Rock, at the very center of the island.

The Drum Ropeway functions as a way of travel between the Drum Castle

and the rest of the kingdom.

Bighorn, Cocoa Weed, Gyasta and Robelle are some of the villages found

in the island. Most fast travel between towns seems to be done through

animal-pulled sleds or steeds.

50 ships floated towards the Drum Kingdom, the one leading them was a

very big and blacked coloured ship.

Only this ship had the pirate flag, which was a human skull with two red

horns. Behind were two bones in cross and blood painted.

Inside the ship, in the command room. A short ugly man sat on the long

sofa with two tall women on his sides.

"Kikikiki, our base in Paradise!, " Said Brick, grabbing the breast of the

woman on his right.

"Why don't we go down now?, " Asked Brick looking behind the towards

the old man sitting on a single sofa.

Karen Kiro, the current user of Fuwa Fuwa no Mi and the Chief-in-

command of Air Strike in Devil's Pirates.

He was forced by the World Government to surrender.

But the Devil's Pirates came at the right moment and saved him in return

for loyalty.

They also offered to awaken his devil fruit, which he agreed to. A serum

was injected in him, helping to awaken Fuwa Fuwa no mi.

But the side effect, was the change in his appearance. He now being only

32 in age looks like a 70 years old man.

At first he was devastated by it, then he started to enjoy this looks


To be in a room filled with tens of beautiful and busty women, and

looking like an old man was a new experience to him.

The metal balls floating in air around him, were all made of sea stones

mix in it.

"Do I need to show what we can do?, " Asked Karen, standing up from the

single sofa and coming in front of the screen.

"Why not! I never got the chance to see what our Air Strike, Chief-in-

command can do!, " Said Brick in a very anticipating tone while enjoying

the warm breasts of the two women.

"I am expecting a good reaction, " Replied Karen, he eyed the village

nearest to the edge of the island.

"Meteor Strike!".


From the black clouds that snowed, many small red objects fall towards

the direction of the village.

Those objects were boulders size of three meters, and they were in about


"Hey! What are those!, " Shouted a man walking around the village, his

shout attracted a lot of attentions.

"Those?, " The people were confused at first, but then as those boulders

came more near.

They panicked, running away from the village to escape from the rain of


But they were late, the boulders landed and crashed the village killing

everyone present.

Many from the others areas of the kingdom saw those falling boulders.

And then, they saw many ships floating towards the island with their

cannon barrels locked on them.

"Pirates!, " Not long, everyone knew what these ships were here for.

Standing on the ground covered by thick snow, Brick looked at the huge

tall mountains.

"Don't kill all of them, we need many things from here and the doctors

are main!

Also, we take over the kingdom!, " Commanded Brick, slowly picking up

some snow on his palm.

"Kitta, I hope you do this properly, " Said Brick looking towards the man

with huge body on his side.

"Don't worry captain, leave it to me, " Said Kitta, the right hand man of

Brick. He worked directly under Brick and also got complete freedom.

"Hey, who wants to roam?, " Floating from behind, Karen asked glancing

a the mountains.

The two women of Brick raised their hands, Brick saw this and laughed.

"Let's go and see this place, " Karen floated together with Brick and his

women around the mountains.

At first, the soldiers from castle fought hard against the Devil's Pirates but

time brought defeat for them.

The King surrendered and, wanted to trade his and his family's lives for

the kingdom.

Which was accepted, but only the King's life was spared and his family

was captured.

Seeing his family getting captured, the King tried to argue but

accidentally killed by Brick.

Almost all the doctors of the kingdom was taken by Devil's Pirates,

leaving only a few back.

Now the Drum Kingdom was the territory of Devil's Pirates, no one could

do anything.

Even the World Government unseen it, but had the line that if it goes

more then they had to do something.

The Four Emperors, also didn't do anything about it because of many


Devil's Pirates also being the strongest force like the Marines was a fact,

which is one of the reasons.

No person wants to fight someone stronger then himself or herself, unless

crazy to get close to Death's door.

Morgans was earning alot because of the Devil's Pirates. Till now, only

one token was used by Brick.

Another news went out, some of the Seven Warlords were also secretly

working with the Emperors.

Arms, Devil Fruits, Drugs and many more were transported to each other

behind the backs.

Big Mom Pirates, were the ones mostly doing works exposed to the

world. Then comes the Beasts Pirates.

Devil's Pirates worked alone, but the news about Empress Boa Hancock

visiting the Devil's Home was spread.

Yet, no actions were taken towards Hancock.

Many questioned the World Government. The reply they got was that

Empress Boa Hancock didn't do anything to the people.

All she did was to kill the new rookie pirates and help the Marines.

The World was going in balance like everyone wanted, but not long.

As the person, who would create a new story had sailed out in the

boundless bule sea.

Wanting to be the King of Pirates...

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 42 { New

Bounties }

Hell Realm___

The underground basement of the laboratory, Maba looked at the huge

glass cylinders filled with some kind of green liquid.

There were the bodies of the Angel Children, cables connected to their

back for energy supply.

Their bodies had changed, increasing in both size and power.

"How long until it's complete?, " Asked Maba, beside him was Hamburg


"About a year, " Replied Hamburg, he picked the CS-M2 and started


"Increase the energy!, " Shouted Hamburg looking at the scientists in the

room next to the cylinders.

Maba didn't disturb their work, he headed towards the other section of


* * *


The room was lit by a single fire, two tables touching the wall and a

single chair.

"Do you think we should send our man there?, " Asked a voice which

belonged to a woman in the call.

"No, if they get caught then we won't get another chance again, " Replied

the man who held a den den mushi on his left hand while holding a

newspaper on his right.

"Then what to do about them? If the time passes more, we might get

tracked, " Said the woman with a very worried voice from the other side

of the call.

"I will make a plan but for now, just stay low, " Said the man before

ending the call and sighing.

Due to the fire being on the side of the man, only half of his face was


He had a tattoo on his left side of his face, and had a bit of stubble on his

chin. He is dressed in a long green cloak.

On the wall, five wanted posters were hung. All of them were new ones

with each having a bounty of more than a billion.

The youngest of the Four Emperors, also the Chief of the Red Hair Pirates


[Wanted Poster]

[4,048,900,000 billion berries]

[Red-Hair Shanks]

The only female member amongst the Four Emperors, also the Captain of

the Big Mom Pirates.

[Wanted Poster]

[4,388,000,000 billion berries]

[Charlotte Linlin]

Renowned as the world's 'Strongest Creature', he is the Governor-General

of the Beasts Pirates and one of the Four Emperors ruling over the New


[Wanted Poster]

[4,611,100,000 billion berries]


More commonly known as 'Whitebeard', he is the Captain of the

Whitebeard Pirates and is widely known as the 'Strongest Man in the

World' and, after Gol D. Roger's death, the "Man Closest to One Piece.

[Wanted Poster]

[5,046,000,000 billion berries]

[Edward Newgate]

There are four major forces that provide World Balance, they are the

Marines Headquarters, Seven Warlords of the Sea, Four Emperors and the


Known as the 'Devil of the Sea'. Also the Captain of the biggest pirate

force ever formed, 'Devil's Pirates' that could rival even the Marines.

[Wanted Poster]

[5,890,200,000 billion berries]

[Wholeheart Akuma]

* * *


Nowadays, a new pirate crew is getting the spotlight in Paradise.

The Spade Pirates, the total number of pirates in this crew was not more

than 20.

Portgas D. Ace is the captain of the Spade Pirates and also the user of

Mera Mera no Mi.

The Mera Mera no Mi is a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to

create, control, and transform into fire at will.

But well, for the big pirates in the New World it was an unnoticed crew.

Sabaody Archipelago___

The Spade Pirates arrived here a few days ago, wanting to coat their ship

to sail towards Fish-Man Island.


A huge fire explosion occurred near the slums, causing the flames to burn

down many houses.

"Surrender Ace! You can't escape the Marines!, " Shouted Vice Admiral

Draw, he was about a head taller than Portgas D Ace.

On his arms, he wears cylindrical attachments that hold his

flamethrowers, which when covered by his coat make his arms appear


"I will never surrender!, " Shouted Ace back at Vice Admiral Draw, his fist

burning in red flames.

Ace attacked Draw, but struggled against the Vice Admiral's Busoshoku


Draw grabbed Ace by the neck and prepared to kill him, but Ace's flames

caused Draw's fuel tank to explode, injuring both of them.

"I won't die! I have a promise to fulfill!, " Shouted Ace, his eyes glowed in

determination and his fist clenched.

Ace felt as if some kind of new energy invaded his body and headed

towards his hands.

'Armament Haki!, ' Thought Ace, because of today's incident he awakened

the Armament Haki.

Ace then started overwhelming Draw in the fight, and after a final clash

he defeated the Vice Admiral.

"Ace! What are you going to do?, " A voice sounded behind Ace, he

turned to see a female marine.

'Nailing' Isuka is a Marine Ensign that has confronted the Spade Pirates

many times.

Short vermilion hair, brown eyes, a bandaid on her left cheek and a burn

scar on the back of her hand.

She typically wears a Marine uniform with a collared, buttoned shirt, a

tie, brown gloves, shorts and heeled boots. On her shoulders she wears

the standard Marine coat with 'Justice' on the back.

She recommended Ace quit being a Pirate, as she does not see him as

evil. She even offered Ace the chance to become a Marine, but Ace did

not like the idea.

Ace gave Isuka the opportunity to go on his ship and hunt him down in

close quarters, but she refused.

Ace and Deuce, his first mate, returned to their ship as it left Sabaody,

bidding a final farewell to Isuka.

While all of these happened, a shadow bloomed around the corner and

watched them.

"Portgas D. Ace! A rookie pirate that became infamous very quickly, also

a logia devil fruit user!, " Said the shadow slowly showing his face from

the dark corner.

Red eyes, a face full of white makeup and his crazy smile. The sides of his

lips were also cut in such a way that he looked smiling even if he didn't.

"Ha Ha Hahahahaha Hahahaha!, " The man went back in the dark,

disappearing away.

He was a very popular person in Paradise, a Division Captain from Devil's


Joker, devil fruit unknown…

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 43 {

Whitebeard's Move }

The Spade Pirates then headed to Fish-Man Island, and Ace went off to a

cheap cafe.

There, he talked with Aladine about Whitebeard and Jinbe protecting the

Ryugu Kingdom from uprisings.

He then returned to his crew and ship, and Deuce revealed to him his

new bounty, which was now greatly above 100 million berries.

Ryugu Kingdom, there he saw the flag which hung high letting everyone


Whitebeard Pirates' flag, Ace burned it to declare his intention of taking

down all the Four Emperors.

He and his crew quickly left Fish-Man Island for the New World before

anyone saw what happened.

New World___

As soon as the Spade Pirates came, there was a ruckus they caused.

And it was not just a small matter that can be ignored. Ace burned five of

the Devil's Pirates ships.

Fortunately, there was not a Division Ship amongst those ships.

Yet, it couldn't be unseen. Those ships belonged to the First Division, they

were Rocky's.

Unknown to Spade Pirates, Rocky already set sail and was searching for


Ace headed towards Wano, not caring about the affairs around the sea.

As he searched the seas for Whitebeard, he plotted to take advantage of

another attack on the Emperor to strike at him while his crew was


He and his crew went to one of Whitebeard's islands which they had

heard he was heading for.

However, they were confronted by Jinbe, who had been following them


Angered at Ace burning Whitebeard's flag on Fish-Man Island, Jinbe

intended to battle him to prevent him from going after Whitebeard.

The battle lasted for five days and ended in a stalemate, with both

combatants collapsing from exhaustion.

Whitebeard, who had heard that Ace intended to take his head, arrived

with his crew and Moby Dick just after the battle between Jinbe and Ace.

Whitebeard told his crew that alone would be enough, and proceeded to

attack Ace's crew.

Still exhausted from his fierce battle with Jimbe, Ace got to his feet and

cut off Whitebeard from his crew with a wall of flames.

Though his battered crew protested, he commanded them to run while he

stalled Whitebeard.

The older pirate accused Ace of being a coward now that he was actually

face-to-face with the world's strongest, but Ace clarified that he just

didn't want his allies to get hurt in a fight that he had been seeking.

Whitebeard easily defeated the rookie. On the brink of death, Ace was

offered by Whitebeard to join his crew, becoming one of his 'sons'.

"I refuse!, " Said Ace, he grinded his teeth and tried to stand up on his

own when a very big ship docked near Moby Dick.

"What the hell is he doing here?, " The Whitebeard Pirates were surprised

and also alerted by the person who stepped in.

"Gurararara! What do you need?, " Asked Whitebeard, he already knew

that someone was approaching them.

"Portgas D. Ace! Do you know what you did a few months ago?, " Asked

Rocky, he stood in front of Ace not even glancing at Whitebeard.

"Hey! Pops asked something to you!, " From behind, Marco flew up and

shouted at Rocky.

"I will leave after I take care of some grudges, " Said Rocky, turning to

look at Whitebeard, he sucked in the cigar.

"Fuu… Do you remember the five pirate ships you destroyed when you

newly came to the New World?, " Asked Rocky, his eyes glaring at Ace

with anger. He clenched his fist and cracked the knuckles.

"Yes, I do! So what?, " Replied Ace wiping the blood off from his lower

lips and staring at Rocky.

'You should least learn some things about the big pirates here, ' Thought

Whitebeard, he held his naginata and was ready to interfere.

"So what? You will regret it!, " Said Rocky, he walked closer to Ace with

his fist in armament haki.

Rocky was preparing to beat Ace to death today when his observation

haki caught the movement behind his back.

With his left hand, Rocky blocked the attack from Whitebeard in a

perfect time.

"You are picking a fight with Devil's Pirates for this kid? I thought you

were smarter than this, Whitebeard, " Said Rocky, he looked at

Whitebeard to see him grinning.

"Because he is my son!, " Declared Whitebeard, he pulled his weapon

back and cut towards Rocky again.

"I already refuse that!, " Voice Ace staring at Whitebeard with anger

while holding his injured arm.

"Gurararara! I said you are my son, then you are my son! No more

debate!, " Said Whitebeard as he pushed Rocky backwards with his


"Y-, " Ace was knocked out by Marco before he could finish his sentence.

"You better be ready at any moment, Whitebeard! I will be the one to kill

you!, " Said Rocky, waving his hand towards his ship indicating to set


Due to him being alone, Rocky decided to leave instead of fighting a lost


"Don't come back! No one wants to see your face!, " From the sky, Marco

shouted at the leaving site of Rocky and his ship.

"Let us go as well!, " Commanded Whitebeard, soon the Moby Dick also

left the island.

The news about Rocky's retreating back from the confrontation of

Whitebeard was not published.

The second token was used by Maba, not wanting to let the world know

anything about it.

Whitebeard Pirates were amazed by the power of Devil's Pirates because

they could even block news.

Everyone knew what kind of person Morgans was, it's impossible to hide

something from him.

And it's even harder to make Morgans not publish the news about some


But one thing was that, the New World won't be silent for long.

Someone made a move on the Devil's Pirates, and they will never escape

the chase.

And Akuma himself would come, if no results were made in the given

period of time.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 44 {

Development }

"Come on!, " Shouted a man looking up and seeing a person with big

white wings lifting up a huge boulder.

"It's really heavy!, " Said the person with the wings, a rope was tied on

his waist which was connected to the boulder.

The man was Karen, he is training the Angel children who went in the

process of strengthening their body.

And the person was that smart boy named Vicky, now his height was

about 3.5 meters.

Around him were the other children. All of them were also lifting

different huge boulders.

They will be the Air Strike Officers, under Chief-in-Command Karen.

"We don't have a whole day! There is still five more exercises to be

completed!, " Shouted Karen floating from one person to the next.

Out of all, the best performing person was Spuk. He could now lift the

boulder easily and quickly.

"Spuk, if you pass the upcoming strength test. You will be the leader!, "

Said Karen while he came next to Spuk and looked at him.

"Yes, sir!, " Replied Spuk, after the process of strengthening. His mentality

has matured and his personality has also changed.

From an energetic and naughty boy, he is now a calm and collective man.

"Good! Now everyone get ready to fly around the whole island with the

boulders!, " Shouted Karen, floating up in the sky and keeping a watch on


* * *

King's Castle___

Maba came out on the balcony and saw how the future officers of Air

Strike trained.

"Now all we need is the underwater submarines to be completed. Then

we can move to phrase three, " Said Maba in a low voice, his eyes staring

at the Town of Happiness.

"Oncy the World Government is down, Master will be the one to rule!, "

Smiled Maba, his eyes glowed red while he was breathing slowly.

Turning around, Maba went inside the hall. There, many archeologists

from the town were present.

They were studying the books brought from Ohara, mostly about the

devil fruits and different languages.

"I want to know how to find those ancient weapons! If I don't get them in

three years, none of you will be alive to see the sun in fourth year".

That was what Maba said before leaving the hall, all the archeologists

had loads of sweat on their forehead.

Hell Realm___

The island has gone through a huge change, now it was not only about

volcanoes and lava rivers.

Many new kinds of trees grew, unlike the dry and black coloured ones.

These were green and full of moisture absorbed by the water on the


As for how the roots of the trees reached the shore, it was because of


The roots of these trees were spread throughout the whole island,

gripping the soil tightly.

Maba brought many creatures to adapt here, but only the strongest


Out of the surviving creatures, the experiments were also included.

Those experimented creatures were named CN-1, CN-2… and so on by

the strength they showed.

Each one roamed in the new forest in Hell Realm, they also killed all the

shelter people.

Well, it was like a blessing for the people in a certain way.

* * *

Heaven Realm___

Inside the White House, Akuma sat on his throne as his eyes looked at the

woman in front.

"Hancock, what brings you here today?, " Asked Akuma with some

confusion and curiosity in his black eyes.

"I came here to wish the Godfather to have a longer life with best health

everyday. This here is the fruit juice from Boin Archipelago, " Said

Hancock bowing towards Akuma and showing the very big bottle to him.

"Bring it here, " Said Akuma, nodding his head. It's been really a long

time since he drank fruit juice.

Hancock stood up and brought the bottle to Akuma, who took it with his

right hand.

As Akuma drank it, all of a sudden his mind was blown by the incredible

taste of the fruit juice.

He finished it within a few gulps. Handing the bottle back to Hancock; he

was satisfied and also very happy with it.

"Tell me, what do you need in exchange for this delicious fruit juice?, "

Asked Akuma, even he knew how to show good will when he liked the


"Godfather, I have only a single wish! Please make me your daughter!, "

Said Hancock with an excited tone and her eyes shining in stars.

Akuma closed his eyes and relaxed for a few moments, making Hancock's

mind stiff.

"Hancock, Wholeheart Hancock doesn't sound bad to you right?, " Asked

Akuma as he opened his eyes and stared at the shocked Hancock.

"N-No no, it sounds good!, " Said Hancock, coming back from her shock

and shaking her head.

"Hm, " Akuma nodded his head, then leaned back on the throne slowly.

"Looks like I am getting a smaller sister, " The door opened and Bella

walked in with heavy footsteps.

She looked at Hancock and then faced Akuma again. Bella walked till she

reached the back of the throne.

"It's not your bedroom, Bella, " Said Akuma, not looking behind and her.

"But I like to sleep here, " Replied Bella, she rested on the wall behind the

thorne and closed her eyes.

Her wings covering her body like a blanket and radiated heat.

From the time she woke up, Bella found the spot behind the throne as her

sleeping spot.

At first, Akuma didn't say anything but later it became frequent that he

started getting annoyed.

But as the time passed, Akuma grew used to it and also stopped

complaining a lot.

"Hancock, you should start to increase the territory of Amazon Lily as

much as you can, " Ordered Akuma becoming little serious as his eyes

looked at Hancock.

"Yes, father!, " Hancock then left the White House, not forgetting to talk

to Maba in the way to Amazon Lily.

Few months later, the New World had some fights including the Division

Captains of Devil's Pirates.

The new bounties of the Division Captains also spread with a new force

added to Devil's Pirates.

The Air Strike, Karen as the Chief-in-Command with Spuk as the leader of

the Angel Officers.

[Wanted Poster]

[1,600,500,000 billion berries]

[Chief Karen Kiro]

The World Government got the reports of how Karen was like a natural

disaster himself.

Placing so high bounty on his head was the proof of the danger that

Karen had for the world.

[Author Talk---]

Hello readers! It's the author!

That was the last chapter for Volume 2, I hope you all enjoyed so far.

Since you all have enough chapters to share your thoughts, I want you all

to leave some reviews on the novel and I mean it.

Please, also like my profile!!!!

What does the next Volume provide? More Action, Adventure, Mysteries,

Slower Pace and more chapters.

I will be going on a vacation for about two months from writing novels,

because I have exam to write in college.

And it's also the final one, if I fail I will have to stay back together with

my friends.

Bye! Thank you all for reading till here!

Notice for Volume 3:

Hey readers, I am the author.

This volume will be the main portion of the entire fan fiction novel. The

last two volumes covered the history and now is the present.

The Straw Hat Pirates are on the sail, the worst generation pirates

already on the sea.

Akuma is waiting, for the right moment to arrive. As he is the... Devil of

the Sea!

Hundreds of changes will occur in the events, many new characters, some

good, and some evil.

Ultimately stopping at Akuma, will it become a part of his life or instead,

take his life...

The story will be darker and more extreme unlike how is shows in the

anime or manga.

Please hold your seats tight, to read a brand new style of writing, a brand

new way, a brand new journey, but the same author.

Go now, continue to scroll down and read the chapters!

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 1 { Monkey D.

Luffy }

East Blue___

The weather was really pleasant, sunny with few clouds in the sky and

refreshing wind.

A wooden barrel floated on the sea, heading to wherever the waves took


Soon it came near a traveling ship, where two sailors sat on the railing.

"Look! What's that?"

The sailor with a beard pointed towards the barrel that came and struck

on the ship.

"Let's check it out."

The other one suggested, then the two lined the wooden barrel on the

ship's deck.

"It's really heavy!"

As the two sailors brought the barrel up, the bearded sailor gasped for


"How the hell do you satisfy your wife with that weak body?"

The other one mocked as he looked at the bearded sailor and sighed.

"Let me handle mine, you see yours!"

Grunted the bearded sailor, then the two took the barrel to the ship's


As the ship sailed, not far from it was a little smaller pirate ship that

followed behind.

"Hahha! Looks like we are gonna have a party!"

The pirates on the deck laughed in a mischievous way, some even licking

their blades.

"Coby! Why are you tense?"

A very tall man came walking next to a little boy, he looked intimidating

in every way.

"I-I am not! I am just very happy that we can have a party!"

The boy named Coby replied, gulping in some of his saliva and looking

up at the man's face.

His appearance was a small, timid, chubby boy with pink hair and round-

frame glasses.

"That's better! Now go clean the deck!"

The man ordered as he went back inside the ship for his personal work

while leaving the boy alone.

'I am really tired of this!'

Coby thought as he mopped the deck, he clenched his left fist and looked

towards the traveling ship.

'But only if I could escape.'

Lowering his head, Coby returned back to cleaning the deck as the tall

man ordered.

* * *

On the traveling ship, the man sitting on the top of the main mast saw

the pirate ship.

"Pirates! Pirates!"

He shouted, alarming the entire ship and the people on it. Be it the

sailors, clients, travelers, guests or the ship captain.

"Hurry! We must get away!"

The captain commanded the sailors to increase the ship's speed but the

wind was not that fast.

And, the pirate ship coming also had paddles to sail faster than any

normal ship powered by wind.

"Alvida Pirates! It's the Alvida Pirates!"

The man on the top of the main mast shouted, he was scared as he saw

the pirate flag.

Inside the traveling ship, in the hall. The people were frightened by the

word "pirate".

Except one person, and it was a "She". The slim young woman of average

height with orange hair and brown eyes. Most people consider her to be

very attractive or even beautiful.

But behind everyone's back, she was a completely different person.

"Pirates? Hehe, today's my lucky day!"

The woman hid her smiling face from other's sight, very quickly calming


Her face now replaced by a very scared and teary expression, she ran and

hugged a handsome tall man.

"Sir! I don't want to die! I am still young and pure!"

The man, stunned by the young woman's beauty, shook his head and


"Don't worry lady, I definitely won't let anyone touch you! Let those

pirates come, I will beat the shit out of them!"

The handsome man declared, he hugged back the young woman and

showed a satisfied face.


The door to the Hall was blasted off, dust and smoke came in.

"Cough! Cough! Who is it!"

The ship's captain was also present among the people in the Hall, he

shouted towards the door.

"Haha! Surrender or die!"

Soon, multiple pirates of different heights came rushing in and

surrounding the people in the hall.

"Don't kill us! We will surrender!"

The handsome man was the first person to let out the cry, he crouched

down raising his hands in the air.

The young woman seeing this, was not particularly surprised but still

showed a frown on her face.

All the people got down on their knees or butts, they lowered their heads

to not look at the pirates.

"Good! Now give us all your belongings!"

The tall pirate from before, came forward and kicked the handsome man.

* * *


Coby slowly entered inside, asking whether someone was in or not.

"Fuu, looks like no one is here."

Wiping off the sweat on his forehead, Coby walked around the kitchen

and picked up a red fruit.

"What's inside?"

Eating the fruit, Coby came next to the wooden barrels placed together

and beat them lightly with his knuckles.

"Hey, Coby! What are you doing here!"

Suddenly, from behind Coby. Two muscular men with average height

came in.

"I was just looking around!"

Coby replied, a little intimidated by the muscular men, he stepped on the

side for them to pass.

"It seems like a liqueur! Open it!"

Both of the two men grinned, they brought the barrel and were about to

open it.

"Wooo Huuu!"

The barrel was torn apart from the inside, and a young man came out

like a ghost.

His two fists caught the faces of the two men knocking them out cold on

the floor.


Coby was shocked as he fell on his butt, his face staring at the young



The young man picked up a piece of meat from the table and bit it in


"Y-You! Do you know what you did!"

Coby pointed his finger on the young man and said with his tone a little


"Coby? Are you here?"

Some voices were heard from outside the kitchen, and Coby started

sweating profusely.

"You need to run! Or they will catch you and take you to Alvida!"

Coby was panicking in front of the young man while the latter was


"In the storage room!"

Coby took the young man to the storage room and locked the room from


"Haa! You wouldn't want to see Alvida."

Coby sighed, but when he turned back what he saw was that the young

man had torn a jute sack and took out the fruits.

"Nom Nom Nom"

He ate them like he was dying from hunger, he didn't even care about the

presence of Coby.

"Well it's really bad to stay together with that fat woman. By the way, my

name is Coby. What's your name?"

Asked Coby, he glanced at the young man and saw him say things with

the fruit still in his mouth.

"First you eat the fruit in your mouth then talk!"

Coby shook his head, he was really surprised by how much the young

man could eat.

"I am Luffy! The man who will become the pirate king!"

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 2 { New

crewmate }

A month later___

Sailing in the storm, fighting against the huge waves was a small ship

that looked harmless.

The ship had a jib and a central steer rudder. The ship's armaments

consisted of four cannons, one in the bow pointing forward, one in the

stern, and two pointing to either side.

The Jolly Roger of the ship was a skull wearing a straw hat with two

bones behind that were crossed.

There were some green trees on the quarterdeck, those were orange trees.

"Nami! Do something! I don't want to die!"

A cry sounded on the deck as a young man with a long nose and curly

black hair grabbed the mast tightly.

"Shut up! What do you think I am? A God? I am trying my best!"

To his cry, the young woman named Nami flared back. She was on the

traveling ships from a month ago which was attacked by pirates.

"Be a little brave, Usopp."

On the head of the wooden sheep structure on the bow of the ship.

Luffy sat while holding his straw hat on his head, there was his usual grin

like ever.

"I can see an island!"

At the top of the main mast, a man with short green hair and three

piercings on his left ear lobule, shouted.

"Snacks are ready!"

From the ship's kitchen, a man in a gentlemen's suit with yellow hair and

curled eyebrows informed.

"Sanji! Meat!"

Luffy extended his right hand like rubber and caught the door of the


Directly pulling himself inside, soon. Usopp, Nami and the green haired

man entered behind.

"Zoro! Don't you want meat?"

Luffy saw that the green haired man named Zoro picked the sake first.

"Well, I would like to drik-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Luffy sneaked his meat on the plate

and ate it all.

"Haha! Zoro, you better not let luffy eat your share next time."

Usopp laughed at the site, but then his eyes fell on his own share of meat.

It was empty, there was not a single piece of meat on his plate which was

full a second ago.

"Luffy! That was my share!"

Catching Luffy by his neck, Usopp shook him furiously while the latter

continued to finish the meat in his mouth.

"Don't fight! Here's more!"

The yellow haired man named Sanji brought more meat to the dining


"Hai, Nami-swan!"

He held a piece of meat and placed it on the plate before Nami with his

eyes in red love shape.

"Thank you, Sanji."

Nami ate her fill and came next to a large handle in the kitchen, it was

for changing directions.


As they were sailing, the ship touched the island that Zoro had said of.

"Let's wait for the storm to go away."

Nami suggested, as she did, no one opposed her. Being the navigator, she

did hold a certain position in the crew.

* * *

Next day___

The storm had gone, the sky now sunny with few white clouds on it.

The tree leaves were covered with water drops, the ground muddy, and a

high percentage of humidity.

"Collect some fallen branches and sticks to use for fire, we can dry them

later in the sun."

Sanji said while smoking a cigarette, he looked at the three individuals.

"I will go this way!"

Shouted Luffy, he sprinted in the forest of the island leaving behind the


"Then I will go to the right."

Zoro walked on the left, behind him were the three dumbfounded


"Oi, Zoro! That's the left!"

Usopp shouted but Zoro had already gone deep and was unable to hear

the shout.

On the ship, Nami laid down for sunbathing while Sanji stared at her

from the railings.

"Sanji, help me apply sunscreen."

Nami held a bottle of lotion, waving it towards the preying Sanji.

"Woo Oo! Hai, Nami-swan!"

Dancing his way, Sanji took the sunscreen from Nami and applied it on

her back.

'Ahh, heaven!'

A red liquid flowed down from Sanji's nose as he touched the smooth

back of Nami.

As the time went on, Zoro returned back with three to four bundles of


Followed by Usopp who was surprised by the fact that Zoro actually

came back before him.

"Hey, Zoro! Look what I found!"

With dust behind, Luffy rushed towards the pirate ship like a speeding


He held something, or particularly speaking, it was a ball of fur with

some long claws.

"What the hell did you bring?"

Asked Zoro, he walked next to Luffy and examined the big animal he


"I don't know, but it's really funny! It can even talk!"

Luffy shook the animal which was almost the same size as him.

"Leave me alone!"

The animal spoke with his head out, he looked at the two pirates with


"It can really speak!"

Zoro was surprised by this, he didn't expect the animal to speak human


Due to the commotion, the other also came and looked at the furry


"What animal is it?"

Asked Nami, she looked at the long claws of the animal then his face and


"I am a human and my name is Goof! I ate the Slot Slot no Mi, I can

become a slot!"

Replied the animal, he grunted at the crowd and curled up in a fur ball

again to sleep.

"A devil fruit user like Luffy!"

Everyone was shocked, they started their journey not long and already

came across a devil fruit user.

"Hey, what were you doing in the forest?"

Asked Usopp, he came next to the furry ball and poked him with his

index finger.

"I was sleeping when this person came to my tree and brought me here!"

Goof said, he then stood up, scaring Usopp. Slowly he went next to a tree

and climbed on it.

"Haha! You are funny! Join my crew!"

Said Luffy, laughing out loud and also making the rest of the people

stunned for a second.

"Idiot! Are you gonna invite anyone you meet in the crew?"

Erupted Nami, she hit on Luffy's head with her right hand clenched in a


"I won't join! Leave me alone! I want to sleep!"

Goof didn't care about the invitation, he continued to rest on the tree


"Why not? We need some more friends to adventure and find the

legendary treasure "One Piece", so I can become the pirate king!"

Luffy requested, hearing him talk about the pirate king made Goof have

something in his mind.

"Ok, but you will have to let me sleep and I won't fight any battles."

Goof came down the tree and looked at Luffy with his lazy eyes.

"Really! Hurray! Sanji, meat!"

Luffy started celebrating while the rest of the crewmates facepalm


(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 3 { Final step?


Paradise, GrandLine___

A shocking news was spreading, it was something that nobody expected.

Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors as well as the only female member

among them.

She was conducting a wedding, the bride being her daughter and the

groom surprising everyone.

Wholeheart Wick, this name was very infamous in the New World.

He is the first son of the 'Devil of the Sea' and now he is also the groom of

the wedding.

Everyone was shocked, including Big Mom herself. Never did she expect

that the person whom she fought against would do something like this.

She then thought, and she made the decision of agreeing to the marriage


If she is getting a chance to defeat the old Whitebeard, Kaido and Shanks,

why would she lose it?

As for who will be the bride, Big Mom had Charlotte Amande do the


She was her loyal daughter, and she always obeyed each and every order.

She is the third daughter and seventh child of the Charlotte Family, the

second quadruplet sister to Mondee, Hachee, and Effilee, and a snake

neck-human hybrid.

The wedding date was fixed two months later, and many big influencers

were invited.

Mostly from the underworld. Morgans was very excited about this


Whereas, the Marines and the World Government were starting to get


Two of the biggest forces in the New World, if they join and form a


The World Government was sure that it would lead to a terrifying wave.

The wave that will swipe everything in its way.

They must do something…

* * *

Totto Land___

The atmosphere here was different from the world, it can be described as

happy and also tense.

In the middle of this territory was an extremely large island, it had

mountains of cakes.

Whole Cake Chateau is the four-layered massive castle of Big Mom,

located at the center of Whole Cake Island.

It is the largest cake building found in Sweet City. The Chateau's exterior

resembled a four layered cake, with the three top layers in different sizes,

and each layer had a different style although internally it had a total of

ten floors.

In the main hall, Big Mom sat on her chair and ate sweets on the table.

"Mama Mama! How is the decoration going?"

Asked Big Mom, as she looked down on the figure while eating her


"Mama, everything is going smoothly. Only a few more things are left to

prepare and all the invitation cards have been sent."

Holding a candy cane, Perospero reported as he licked it off with his long


"Perospero, you also have a grudge with them but you must remember.

They will become a part of our family now, and I want to improve our

relationship with them."

Looking at Perospero, Big Mom said with her tone and face serious.

"Yes, Mama! I will make sure to do as you say!"

Taking his leave, Perospero exited the hall while Big Mom enjoyed eating

her sweets and drinking tea.

The decorations for the wedding were going with full energy, it was

definitely a grand event in history.

Charlotte Linlin, mostly known as "Big Mom", one of the Four Emperors.


Wholeheart Akuma, having the title "Devil of the Sea", one of the Four

Strongest Forces in the world.

Were going to become a one big family.

* * *

Heaven Realm___

Inside the dark hall of the White House, Akuma held the latest newspaper

in his hands.

'Already out?'

It's been only two days since the proposal of marriage and the news was


"Master, I wanted to know. When will the final step start?"

Opposite to the golden throne where Akuma sat, Maba bowed and asked

with anticipation.

"Don't be impatient. The final step is not long, maybe in the next two


A small smile appeared on Akuma's face, he threw the newspaper to



The door opened, sunlight entered the dark hall and illustrated the front


A huge figure with four wings stepped in, the sound of metal touching

the floor was heard.

"Father, did you take your medicine?"

The figure who walked in was Bella, the second daughter and the third

child of the Wholeheart Family.

On her arms was a baby, it resembled Bella perfectly and even had four


"I have finished the medicine. What about my grandson, is he healthy?"

Akuma looked at the baby, he was very cute. Bella came next to him and

let him hold the baby.

"Yes, he really drinks a lot of milk"

Replied Bella as she smiled at Akuma, her eyes then turned to Maba and

she asked.

"Maba, have you prepared the ships?"

Maba nodded his head. While they talked about a few more important

things, Akuma held his grandson.

His black eyes stared at the sleeping baby, if seen by any normal person.

They would think that Akuma was about to devour the little baby in his


Suddenly, the eyes of the baby opened but instead of crying he looked

back at Akuma.

The baby's eyes were also completely black, very similar to Akuma's.

Their eyes made, and the baby giggled as he tried to hold Akuma's finger.

"Looks like Yios woke up."

The baby was named Yios, and it was given by Akuma.

"Maba, call everyone back. We have to attend my son's wedding."

* * *

Reverse Mountain, is an extremely tall mountain at one of the points

where the four Blues meet and is one of the two known entrances to the

Grand Line.

It is located in the Red Line and is the geographical antipode of Mary


The mountain has five rivers, four ascending from each of the world's

seas and one descending into the Grand Line.

A small pirate ship sailed down the mountain and came to the exit of the

Reverse Mountain.

The figurehead of the ship was a sheep's head, it was of a new pirate


"Look! We have made it in GrandLine!"

From the bow of the ship, Luffy shouted with a big grin on his face.

"We made it! We made it!"

On the deck, Usopp and Nami held their hands and jumped in a circle

celebrating for living past the deadly storm.

"The weather is not bad."

Zoro commented while jumping from the top of the main mast and

landing on the deck.

"For successfully crossing Reverse Mountain and reaching GandLine, I

made delicious cakes!"

From the kitchen, Sanji shouted, making Luffy touch his stomach which

was hungry.

"Sanji! Meat!"

As they were eating, on one of the railing. A furry animal gripped it

tightly and slept.

"GandLine! New World! Pirate King!"

In his sleep, Goof muttered.

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 4 { Dangerous

Island }

[Author Talk---]

Hey readers, this fan fiction novel is about to reach 1 Million views

which I never dream of.

So let us welcome this 1 Million views with this chapter.

As for why this chapter? Because it will be a trailer for our new and a

very important character in the Big Battle.

Thank you!!



The Straw Hat Pirates sailed for two days, the weather was really


"I thought GandLine will be scary but it has been sunny since we came


Nami held out her hand and looked at the sky. It was light blue with few

white clouds.

"Nami! I see a big island!"

From the top, Zoro shouted as his hand went over his forehead to block

the sun.

"Let me see."

Taking a binocular, Nami looked towards the direction where Zoro


"It's really a big one!"

Exclaimed Nami, this island should be even bigger than her home island.

As they docked their ship on the shore, Luffy came out with a furry bag

on his back.

"Please leave me on the ship! I want to laze!"

Voiced the furry bag Goof, his hands were used as bag stripes to hold on.

"No! We have discovered this island so we must also explore!"

Luffy blew air through his nostrils and his eyes shined with a new energy.

"All of you, be back before night!"

On the ship, Sanji sucked his cigarette while looking at two mountains.

They looked soft, smooth, round, firm and big. Shaking his head, Sanji

looked at the island.

"Usopp! Let's race!"

Excited, Luffy sprinted in the forest leaving dust behind.

"Wait! Wait for me, Luffy!"

Usopp shouted from behind as he followed Luffy's trails. Nami and Zoro,

her bodyguard, went on the right.

Since it was his turn to look after the ship, Sanji couldn't accompany


* * *


The sun set, the island came into darkness while Luffy and Goof had yet

to return to the ship.

"I will search for them."

Zoro went back into the forest to look for Luffy and Goof, but Sanji, Nami

and Usopp left something wrong.

"Why do I feel like we shouldn't have let Zoro go alone?"

Confused, Usopp asked. Nami shook her head while Sanji was making


As time passed, Nami was getting more and more tense.

Suddenly, she went out on the deck and looked up at the sky. Some black

clouds were floating towards their direction.

'It's bad! A storm is coming! And it's really big!'

Nami was alerted, she ran inside and immediately informed Sanji and

Usopp about this.

"What should we do? They still haven't returned."

Said Usopp, They sat on the dinner table to eat dinner but now the

situation was different.

"Don't worry. I can say that nothing has happened to them. We must trust

our stupid captain."

Sanji tried to calm down Usopp and Nami, while he looked out of the


His eyes caught a movement in the forest, he narrowed his eyes.

"I think they have made it back."

Nami and Usopp went next to the window and saw Luffy, Goof and Zoro


But there was something else behind them. It was big and looked

somewhat black in color.

As the moonlight fell on the huge figure when it came out in the open,

Nami and Usopp had wide open mouths.

Their eyes were almost popping out of their eye sockets due to fear and


It was a big fat wild lizard, the size was even bigger than their pirate


It had only two limbs, and a very long tail, even loger than its own body.

"Those stupids are bringing that beast towards us!"

Cursed Sanji, he kicked open the kitchen door and leaped on the ship's


"Stop it!"

Shouted Sanji, he jumped off the ship and ran towards the beast.

"It's all your fault! You shouldn't have peed on the beast's tail!"

Scolded Goof, he turned his head to look at the beast behind them.

What he saw was a huge open mouth with two sets of razor sharp teeth, a

long tongue and the throat.

Saliva dripped down those teeth making Goof get a chill down his spine.

He clenched on Luffy' back tightly not wanting to fall back and be a

snack for the savage beast.

"We must stop it for this thing will destroy the Going Merry!"

Said Zoro, he slide on the ground and stopped. Taking out his swords

from the waist, he got ready to fight.

Luffy also stopped, his eyes narrowed on the beast while Sanji made his

way here.

"I will cut its left leg!".

Zoro ran on the right and positioned his swords to slice the beast's left


"I will take care of its mouth!"

Luffy extended his hands on the upper jaw of the beast and lowered his


"Leave the other leg to me!"

Sanji rushed towards the right leg of the beast, he pulled his left leg

behind to kick.


Zoro cut the leg only to find one centimeters deep cut on the skin.

Luffy pushed the beast back with his headbutt but that was it, no other

effects were seen.

Sanji kicked very hard but could only leave a mark on the skin, instead it

was him that suffered pain.

"Damn it! It's skin is very thick!"

Cursed Zoro, he leaped back multiple steps to avoid a stomp from the


"Is this the beast found in GrandLine?"

Said Sanji, he retreated and held his left leg in pain while staring at the


"I can't knock it!"

Luffy looked serious, rain drops started coming down heavily.


The thunder sounded, it fell on one of the tree near the beast.

"How do we kill this thing?"

Asked Luffy, he looked towards Sanji to find him shaking his head.

While Zoro immediately turned to look at his right side. Behind the

woods, something definitely moved making Zoro flick.


The beast roared, the ground trembled lightly due to the beast's stomp.

"Hey, I think this guy is not alone!"

Zoro said gravely. Loking at his line of sight, Luffy and Sanji found

themselves surrounded.

Not one, but more than ten of this beasts came out of the woods.

"We are dead."

Goof looked at the site of multiple beasts, his sprite was very low.


The storm was still going, Nami was not sure about how long will it last.

Due to heavy rain, Nami and Usopp couldn't see the fight in the forest.

They were inside the ship waiting for Luffy, Zoro, Goof and Sanji to


On one of the mountains, there was a cave were a fire was visible.

"This time, who is it?"

The person inside spoke, his voice was a little weird to listen to.

It was as if a monkey tried to speak the human language.

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 5 { Mysterious

Person }

On an unknown island, the Straw Hat Pirates were facing grave danger.

The black clouds stormed around the island like it's the center while


"I want to go home!"

Goof had some tears in his eyes, he closed his eyes waiting for the huge

jaw to crush him.

Luffy clenched his fist tightly and looked at the beast without fear.

Zoro and Sanji took fighting stances, their eyes observing every detail

they could.

The biggest one amongst all the beast, was the one in front of Luffy.

Taking two steps forward it opened his mouth, planning to start with

Luffy and Goof.


An object came falling and smashed the giant beast's skull with a loud


Mud splashed around, Luffy covered his eyes with his hands to avoid it.

All the beasts on the sides stopped, their gaze fixed on the place where

the sound came from.

Zoro and Sanji also looked there, as the mud finished splashing.

The giant beast had his brains out while its skull split in multiple


Red blood dyed the ground, some blood got on Luffy and Goof.

"What is that?"

Asked Zoro, he looked at the object that was standing erect on the


"A staff?"

Sanji immediately recognized the object, it was golden and silver mixed

in color.


With a blast, the ground next to the staff was crushed making more blood

and flesh of the beast splash.

"This time it's just a few kids?"

With the thunder falling, the person that landed next to the staff was


His voice was somewhat monkey-like. But it was exactly expected with

what he looked like.

Holding the staff, the person put it on his shoulder and looked at Luffy.

He had white fur with golden armor on, and there were also white

clothes hanging.

A tail that swings around, two big canine teeth on the lower jaw and

orange eyes.

"Who are you? Do you know which island you have stepped on?"

The person slowly walked and stooped in front of Luffy, their heights

were completely apart.

Luffy was only about 1.72 meters while the other was about 4 meters in


"Who are you?"

Luffy was surprised by the sudden appearance of this person who also

saved their lives.

"Hey, brat! Are you deaf? I clearly asked you before. Who the hell are

you? Yet you ask the same question to me!"

The person held out his index finger and hit Luffy's chest multiple times.

"Who, me?"

Asked Luffy, he stared at the person's face and had many thoughts in his


"Yes, you!"

The person now hit Luffy's forehead with his index finger and said.

"I am Luffy! The man who will become the pirate king!"

Luffy raised his chest and looked at the man proudly while saying so.

"Aha haha hahaha! You! A brat! Pirate King! Hahaha!"

The person when he heard Luffy introduce himself, bursted in laughter.

"What the hell is he! A monkey or human?"

Coming behind Luffy, Zoro asked as he held his swords tightly.

He was cautious towards this person just like Sanji, who was ready to

attack at any moment.

"Haaa! You made me laugh good! It's been a long time since I heard a


The person held his stomach, some tears were visible in his orange eyes.

"I wasn't joking! I will become the pirate king!"

Luffy voiced but the man didn't believe it even in the slightest. He just

laughed it off.

"I forgot to introduce myself because of that joke! I am Blaze!"

Blaze smiled at Luffy and others, he turned his face to look at the

remaining beasts.


With that single word from the man, all those beasts that surrounded

Luffy and others ran away.

'Just with a single word!'

Goof had opened his eyes and saw the scenes uphold live.

"You all better get off this island now. If you don't want to be a meal for

these Nightcrawlers. I did my job to warn you. Now your lives depend on

what you choose."

Kicking the ground, Blaze flew in the sky blasting air apart and pushing

Luffy backwards.

"And one more thing! Brat! I don't think you can become the pirate king!"

Halfway through, Blaze looked down and shouted with his monkey-like


Luffy didn't speak back, he just stared at the flying Blaze and his eyes had

a flash of light.

"Luffy, like that guy warned! We must leave before more of these

Nightcrawlers come!"

Sanji had a worried face, Nami and Usopp were still on the boat alone.

What if a Nightcrawler attacks while they are away? It will mean only

death for those two.

"Zoro, carry Goof and go back with together Sanji!"

Luffy held Goof and handed him over to Zoro as he turned back towards

the direction where Blaze flew.

"What do you mean? Where are you planning to go!"

Zoro asked, Sanji and Goof were confused as well with Luffy's decision.

"He said I was joking when I told him that I will become the Pirate King!

I must leave a message for him to believe that it was not a joke!"

Luffy took a deep breath and sprinted towards the mountains where

Blaze headed.

"Damn it! Luffy! Come back!"

Zoro, Sanji and Goof could only watch as Luffy disappeared in the woods.

"Let's go! Nami and Usopp must be worried!"

Zoro started running as fast as he could with Goof on his back followed

closely by Sanji.

* * *

In the ship, Nami sat on the chair and held her forehead in anger.

"What's up with Luffy? That man just laughed and joked that Luffy won't

become pirate king. I also did that before, everyone did that."

Nami was stressed, she hit the dining table with her fist in anger while

Usopp tried to calm her down.

"That guy didn't just joke. He was mocking and declaring that Luffy won't

become the pirate king."

Zoro's voice came as the kitchen door opened and he walked in next to


"If it were me. I would do the same. Make the person believe that I can

become the greatest swordsman in the world."

Nami and Usopp stared at Zoro, who sat down in a very serious mood.

"Don't worry, Luffy will definitely come back. We should trust our


Sanji brought some night snacks on the table while his eyes swiped on

the window.

The rain was very heavy with loud thunder almost every minute.

The winds were very strong. If the ship was not tied to those thick trees,

it would have been blown away.

Hours later, Luffy came back on the ship with his exhausted body.

The crew spent the night in the ship that held itself on the shore tightly.

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 6 { What's the

secret of Joker? }

Next day___

The storm had passed away, making the island fall under the sunlight.

Inside the cave, Blaze opened his eyes with the slightest body movement.

But then he immediately flared in anger, he clenched his fists and


"Damn you!"

Yesterday night, he lost in a game of Rock Paper and Scizor.

The opponent was obviously Luffy, he came barging into his cave while

bringing a group Nightcrawlers.

If it weren't for Blaze, Luffy would have been eaten like a Chewing Gum.

Blaze still remembered Luffy's words that he said just before leaving the


"I defeated you! That's why I will become the pirate king! Whether you

like it or not!"

Blaze got up with his angry face, he slowly stepped out of the cave and

looked around the shores.

The pirate ship was already gone.


* * *


"Luffy, what did you do?"

Asked Usopp while sitting next to Luffy and staring at him intensely.

"I defeated him in a game of Rock Paper and Scizor! Now he believes that

I will become the pirate king!"

Luffy rubbed his nose and was proud while saying so. Usopp just stared

blankly at Luffy.

"Hey! I see a big fish!"

Suddenly, Zoro shouted from the top of the main mast of the ship.

Everyone on the ship followed Zoro' direction and a shadow swimming

towards him.


Luffy' eyes sparkled, saliva dripping down his lips while he clenched his

right fist.

"Gomu Gomu no… Pistol!"

Luffy shot his hand towards the fish and grabbed it by the fin.

"Nami, don't you think that this fish is a little big?"

Usopp turned to look at Nami, who also nodded her head while

narrowing her eyes.


Luffy pulled his hand and the fish was also coming closer at a very fast


"No! Luffy! That's not a fish!"

Suddenly, the others recognized the shadow. It was not a fish but an

extremely big shark.

It looked small because it was far away but now as it came closer, its size

many times their ship.

* * *


In an old castle, the main hall was in darkness with the cold floor.

There were two big sofas opposite to each other, a table in between that

separated them.

"Bloody Joker, what brings you here?"

On one sofa, sitting was a very huge man. Gekko Moriah, he looked at

the person in front of him.

"I have a deal, do you want to hear?"

Asked Joker while smiling towards Moriah, he tapped his fingers on the


"What deal?"

Moriah still cautious, he asked with curious tone to Joker.

"You can have this."

Joker showed Moriah a devil fruit which appeared on his hand directly.

Nobody except Maba and Akuma knows about what devil fruit user Joker


"What devil fruit is this?"

Asked Moriah while staring at devil fruit in Joker's hand. It looked like a

weird shaped pineapple.

"I heard your making a zombie army to take revenge on Kaido. This here

is a zoan devil fruit that can help you achieve the revenge without that


Joker smiled at Moriah, slowly placing the devil fruit on the table in

front of Moriah.

"Ant devi fruit, lets the user changed his form into a tiny little ant. And

here, a super miniature nuclear bomb that is enough to tear Kaido apart

from inside."

Joker placed another object on the table beside the devil fruit. A nuclear

bomb specially made for Borg to use in his bullets.

Moriah already knows, how rare it is to get these kind of normal zoan

devil fruit.

Normally, animal zoan devil fruits are the least special but when talking

about insects it changes.

And with the hint from Joker, Moriah understood the idea that they were


To kill Kaido from not outside but inside. To tear him apart with this tiny

little nuclear bomb.

The bomb can only be activated manually, which means that someone

small should stick to the bomb even inside Kaido.

It is solved by this Ant devil fruit, but the user will likely die in the


"But what do I need to do?"

Moriah took on a more serious expression while Joker had his face


"Kill them, this entire pirate crew."

Joker placed a wanted poster on the table next to the devil fruit and

nuclear bomb.

[Wanted Poster]

[30,000,000 million berries]

[Monkey D. Luffy]

Moriah picked the poster and looked at it, but he saw nothing special

about it.

"It's just a rookie pirate. Why are after him?"

Moriah asked in confusion, he couldn't think of a reason in which the

infamous Bloody Joker would want to kill a rookie pirate.

Even if he really did, he would have definitely done in himself instead of

letting Moriah do it.

"My hands was dyed in blood, I want to wash it. But I can't. And now I

feel like it's still not that much red yet I couldn't bring myself to do it. So

I am giving you the opportunity to paint yours hands in more blood."

Joker grinned while getting up from the sofa and hopping out of the

castle leaving Moriah alone.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Laughters were heard from distance, Moriah felt like as if he was being

used like a pawn.

"Bloody Joker, what's your secret?"

Muttered Moriah as he also got up and picked up the Ant devil fruit and

the miniature nuclear bomb.

"If it has come to this just to get revenge on Kaido, I can only do the


* * *

New World___

Sailing were ships in tens, and above them was a not small island that


On the island, a very big house was built that can house thousands of


At the end of the room, there was the throne made from sea stones.

Sitting on it was a huge old figure with his left leg crossed on the other


"How long until we reach?"

With the old yet still deep and intimidating voice, the figure asked as he

looked at the person bowing before him.

"Master, three more days are left!"

Maba answered while bowing. Akuma nodded his head and looked up at

the ceiling.

"What was that girl' name again?"

Asked Akuma without looking at Maba, he was thinking about the plan.

"Her name is Jewelry Bonney, master."

The hall was currently empty, only Maba and Akuma were inside.

"And the daughter of LinLin with memory manipulation?"

Akuma couldn't even remember the names, he really is coming towards

his end.

"She is Charlotte Pudding."

Replied Maba while taking out a device which rang in his waist.


Said Akuma seeing Maba getting busy. He was then left alone in the hall.

Akuma, has reached the point of age where even moving his body is like

a burden.

"I have the powers but i am unable to use them because of my age."

Akuma with his black eyes, stared blankly in the ceiling for a while.

The new of Devil's Pirates, sailing towards the Territory of Big Mom was


All the pirates in the path of Devil's Pirates made way for them to pass.

After all, no one in the New World has the strength to face off against

Devil's Pirates.

That included the Four Emperors- Big Mom, Kaido, Whitebeard and


Unknown to the world, the World Government had sent agents to the

wedding to assassinate Akuma in secret.

Will they sucessed or will they be facing the wrath of the 'Devil of the


(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 7 { Wedding

Celebration Part-1 }

Whole Cake Island___

The weather was really pleasant, everyone was waiting for the guests to


And to welcome the invited people, children of Charlotte Family stood

outside the Whole Cake Chateau.

Charlotte Perospero, together with Charlotte Katakuri were checking the


"Is everything fine?"

Asked Perospero as he saw Kataruki having some sweat on his forehead.

"If there were to be a fight. I can't guess how this place will be."

Katakuri wiped the sweat off his forehead and walked back inside the

Whole Cake Chateau.

"Joker, I will see you soon."

Perospero headed towards the dock with his candy cane. Behind him,

some biscuit soldiers followed.

When he reached the dock, Perospero saw three of his brothers already


"Have they arrived in Totto Land?"

Turning to face him, Charlotte Cracker nodded his head, he is the tenth

son and 15th child of the Charlotte Family and the oldest triplet brother

of Custard and Angel.

He is also one of the Three Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates

and serves as Totto Land's Minister of Biscuits.

"Brother Perospero, are we sure that they won't cause havoc?"

Charlotte Oven asked while showing a worried expression. He still

remembered how Rocky broke his left arm.

"We don't."

Replied Perospero seriously, he held his candy cane tightly.

"Let's not talk about it."

On the side, Charlotte Daifuku said as he clenched his right fist. He now

wore a metal mask on his face to hide it.

All of this because of Rocky. The doctors in Totto Land could have healed

his face as well but Daifuku refused.

He wanted to remember how weak he was before and how weak he is


"They came!"

Cracker pointed his finger towards the horizon of the sea opposite to the


The others followed his sight and saw a fleet of pirate ships sailing


Above it was an island about one tenth the size of Whole Cake island.

Surrounding it were very advanced warships in tens, there was also a big

building visible on it.

The very big ship leading the pirate fleet, Devil's Contract, was the same

size as their Queen Mama Chanter.

Left and right of it were the Eight Division Ships or called the Eight


Behind are the normal pirate ships around 30 in number excluding the

ones in the sky.

That's the Devil's Pirates!

"Are they here for war! Why are there so many ships?"

Cracker narrowed his eyes and looked towards Perospero, hoping he

could answer.

"It's their style I guess. Prepare for any unwanted situation!"

Perospero shouted, all the soldiers behind took on the defense line.

"Inform, Mama. Our other family has come."

One of the soldiers headed back towards Whole Cake Chateau. Cracker

created more of the Biscuit soldiers around them.

* * *

On Devil's Contract, Rocky saw the two brothers with whom he had a

fight before.

"What are they doing?"

Behind him, Lancelot asked while he stood with his arms over his chest.

"Afraid that we came for a fight. Stopped the ships!"

Maba crawled over beside Rocky and looked towards the dock where

Charlotte brothers stood.

"Only the Devil's Contract will move forward!"

Shouting, Maba crawled back inside the ship to inform them they were

about to dock.

Perospero saw that the large fleet of Devil's Pirates stopped in between.

Then, only the Devil's Contract came sailing forward towards the dock.

As it was nearing, Daifuku and Oven had their bodies stiffened by seeing

the figure on the bow of the ship.

First Division Captain, Rocky!

He looked old, yet strong. With his hair and beard in white, Rocky

smirked at them.


Both Daifuku and Oven cursed, they retreated back with Perospero and


The Devil's Contract docked, then multiple figures came down from it.

Maba, Eight Division Captains, Akuma' Children followed by many


At last, with the huge body came Akuma. He walked slowly in the front

and stood in front of Perospero.

"Mama is waiting. Let us go."

Said Perospero while leading Akuma and the group towards the wedding


"Everything is made of cakes and sweets! It's really a wonderful place!"

Irish picked up a flower which was actually an orange flavored candy.

"Yes, it took a lot of work to complete this."

Perospero nodded his head to Irish's statement. Akuma didn't care about

these things.

While they walked, the group came to the Sweet City. The people there

stood on the roadside to welcome Akuma.

Some firecrackers were used, many sparkles came falling from the


"Fuu. They prepared well."

Rocky released some smoke and stared at the people who had smiling


"But I can see some sadness in their eyes."

Commented Lancelot while turning his face and seeing the small


"Hey hey! It's party time!"

Jumping on the back of Lancelot, Joker bursted a hand firecracker which

he took from the people.

"Yohohohoho! It's a really enjoyable event!"

Brook walked while spinning his cane round and round in a circle.

"Father, where's Wick?"

Asked Mint, she was a little uncomfortable around this many people.

"Ya, where is he?"

Jimmy was also a little curious as to where his brother could be.


Maba pointed in the front towards the director of the Whole Cake


There, standing were Charlotte Linlin, also known as "Big Mom". One of

the Four Emperors.

Beside, her children together with the bride and groom of today's


"Mama Mama! You came!"

Big Mom walked forward and smiled at Akuma, while the latter was not

having much change in expression.


Wholeheart Wick the Groom and Charlotte Amande the Bride, greeted

Akuma as they bowed.

"Be happy."

Said Akuma, placed his palms on the head of Wick and Amande.

"Mama Mama!"

Big Mom and Akuma then headed to the Whole Cake Chateau top where

the wedding is planned to take place.

As they were entering, Katakuri glared at a particular Division Captain.

Borg stopped and looked back at Katakuri, he then returned to walking

with the group.

"Katakuri, remember your words."

Perospero already noticed Katakuri glaring at Borg, but it was only eye

contact so he didn't interfere.

Katakuri nodded his head and followed behind Perospero with Daifuku

and Oven.

Soon, the group came to the top of the building where some guests were

already present.

"Kikikiki! You are a fast fellow!"

Brick looked at Morgans and smiled with his ugly face. On his side were

the two women that always followed.

"Of course! I need to be fast to get the real news right?"

Morgans replied while standing up from the seat and shaking hands with


(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 8 { Wedding

Celebration Part-2 }

[Author Talk---]

Hello readers, this fan fiction novels is going to continue again and I am

very happy about it.

Some minor problem, I might not be able to upload chapters daily. But at

least three chapters are confirmed to be presented by me to you all every


If you all like to read my fan fiction novels, then do try out my original

one 'DEAD MAN'S JOURNEY'. You can also find it in Meganovel.

If you want to support me, than please read 'DEAD MAN'S JOURNEY'

there because I have a non-exclusive contract there.

Since this fan fiction novel is back, please drop some power stones to give

me more motivation!



Taking a seat beside Big Mom, Akuma stared at the front where a stage

was built.

"Akuma, we will soon become a big family. What do you think of it?"

Out of nowhere, Big Mom asked a question to Akuma.

"What do you need? Remember, I will also take what I need."

The cold voice made Big Mom flick but she didn't show much in her


"A part of your Devil's Pirates."

Big Mom answered, Akuma didn't reply but directly looked at her.

His almost dead eyes made Big Mom a little fearful. But also happy


'If I take away only a few years of your life. You might die immediately.'

Thought Big Mom secretly. Akuma was about to reply to her when

something happened.

Behind Akuma, a waiter was shot which blasted his head into pieces of

flesh mixed with blood, bone, brain and white liquid.

The air before the dead waiter started distorting and a figure came


"Oi, what are you doing?"

The deadly voice made the atmosphere around the wedding area silent.

[Target Terminated]

Without any reaction to Big Mom who has already stood up from her

seat, Borg confirmed the person dead.


Said Big Mom, then Maba stood up from the table behind together with


"Looks like there are people here in disguise who came to assassinate


Said Maba, as he crawled forward and came next to the dead body.

"See this."

Jimmy crouched down and checked the body to find a gun hidden.

"Funny. Do they think this can even out a mark on father?"

Muttered Jimmy, he threw the gun and got back to his seat with Maba.

"Children! Check the people! Don't let any unidentified person here. Find

and kill them!"

Big Mom's angry mood made her children frightened and fearful.

"Let them be."

Akuma said as he closed his eyes and then heard multiple gunshots with


Big Mom, Katakuri, Perospero, all her children and the guests saw blood

splash around the floor.

[Target Terminated]

The cold robotic voice of Borg's rang in the silence as the red glow in its

head disappeared.

"It seems all the unwanted intruders have been taken care of."

Mint was the one who broke the silence as she said with an awkward


* * *

The wedding continued as the Groom, Wick stepped on the stage.

He smiled towards the Bride, Amande, who slowly walked up to him.

"You don't marry the person you can live with—you marry the person

you can't live without."

"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with

the same person."

"I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this

world alone."

Following the priest's words, Wick and Amande repeated it.

"Do you, Wholeheart Wick, the first son of Wholeheart Akuma, accept

Charlotte Amande, the third daughter of Charlotte Linlin, as your wife?"

"I do."

Answered Wick, he was looking at Amande's eyes with love which he had


"Do you, Charlotte Amande, the third daughter of Charlotte Linlin, accept

Wholeheart Wick, the first son of Wholeheart Akuma, as your husband?"

"I do."

And so, both of them kissed.

*Clap Clap*

"Woo! Happy married life!"


The place was filled with shouts and claps of goodwill for the two.

"Big Mom. Let us discuss the matter we have been wanting for."

Akuma said, turning to look towards Big Mom with his cold stare.

"Mama Mama!"

And with that, Akuma and Big Mom headed towards the Big Mom's hall.

* * *

The hall was very spacious and wide with lots of decorations.

Everything in the room was edible. Chair, table, wall, ceiling, floor, etc.

Akuma sat opposite Big Mom, his eyes closed as if he had fallen asleep.

"Now the times are different. The Navy has those three Admirals with all

logia abilities. Whitebeard is already close to his death. If we join and

attack Kaido and Red Haired, we can easily rule the whole New World!"

Big Mom's voice contained excitement and eagerness.

With the creepy old smile, Big Mom threw some cupcakes in her mouth.

"What do you say?"

She directly asked out her question to Akuma without further wasting



Akuma opened his black eyes which didn't have any pupils.

It gave off an uncomfortable feeling to Big Mom, like she was being

stared at by a predator.

"Charlotte Pudding. That should be her name."

Akuma said. Hearing the name of one of her daughters, Big Mom was


"What about her?"

Big Mom felt uneasy, she leaned back on the chair and eyed Akuma.

If there were really a fight to happen, she had full confidence to kill him.

"Give her to me. I return, use my pirates to attack any one of the


With that, Akuma closed his eyes again and waited for the reply.

It took some time for Big Mom to respond to him.

"Mama Mama! Fine. Pudding will be given to you. So when will you lend

me the pirates?"

Big Mom maintained her position but inside, she was already feeling


'Finally! I can kill that Whitebeard!'

Because of Whitebeard, Big Mom was unable to extend her territory.

Also, some part of her restrictions were also the Whitebeard Pirates.

Many times, their parties would face off but only a few times did her

pirates manage to win the battle.

She had confirmed that if not for Whitebeard, she would have already

become the 'Pirate King'.


Akuma's voice entered her ears, making Big Mom grin even more.

"Mama Mama! Fantastic!"

Her laughter echoed in the hall, which caused the unbelievable site to


Faces formed on the walls, chairs, table, cake, pillars, etc.

They were showing their grinning expressions to Akuma.

"I have waited for long! Now Whitebeard must die!"

There was rage and pleasure in her eyes, Big Mom roared as she laughed

more loudly.

* * *

Charlotte Pudding, the 35th daughter and the 76th child of the Charlotte

Family, an officer of the Big Mom Pirates, and a hybrid between a human

and a member of the Three-Eye Tribe.

She also works as a chocolatier and the owner of cafe "Caramel" on Cacao

Island, as the candidate for the vacant position of Minister of Chocolate.

Walking up to a huge door, she looked very nervous and afraid.

Because, inside was someone big enough to make the Big Mom Pirates

back off.

The Captain of the biggest pirate force in the history of the whole world.

The existence which makes even the Four Emperor, Seven Warlords of

the Sea, and Maine Headquarters frightened.

'Devil of the Sea', as the title describes, is a real devil to everyone.

Wholeheart Akuma!

Pudding held her hands which had sweats on them. The door showed a

face which nodded at her.

"Come in, Pudding."

Big Mom called her inside. As Pudding stepped in the hall, the door

closed shut.

Her eyes wandered and stopped at the figure who sat opposite Big Mom.

His black pupiless eyes stared at her like an abyss, as if wanted to eat her


"Charlotte Pudding."

His voice came and silence entered the hall.

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 9 { Upcoming

War! }

Inside the hall___

Pudding held her breath when she heard her name being taken by



Stuttering, Pudding barely managed to give a response because of the

deadly aura from Akuma.

His eyes that were pupiless, closed. He leaned back and crossed his arms

over his chest.

"You explain."

Akuma's words were directed to Big Mom this time as he didn't want to


"Mama Mama! Pudding, from now on. You will belong to the Devil's

Pirates. You must obey Akuma's orders even if he tells you to take your

own life!"

There was no sadness or hesitation in her voice, Big Mom had already


Losing a daughter in exchange for a huge part of the pirates from the

Devil's Pirates was just too alluring.

Pudding was pale like a sheet of paper, never did she imagine something

like this to happen.

Just a second and she was sold?

Wasn't she the favorite of her mother?

So why?

What wrong did she do?

Pudding was trembling with anger and despair. She gritted her teeth

while nodding her head.

"Yes, Mama."

With her head lowered, tears ran down her cheeks. But her acting was

too good for Big Mom to notice.

But not Akuma, he was seeing everything like a show.

'There will be a problem if this girl is not fixed.'

That was what Akuma thought at the moment. He moved his upper body

and placed his hands on the table.

"Come here."

Akuma said. His eyes on Pudding, his mind full of thoughts.

With some hesitation, Pudding walked forward towards Akuma.

Her body was stiff as the person in front of her is the real Devil!

Stopping at a few meters distance from Akuma, Pudding awaited his


But that didn't come. Instead, a huge hand with some light scars moved

closer at her.

Pudding knew that this hand had enough strength to crush her alive.

The hand slowly stroked Pudding's head and moved back.

"Go find Maba. He will give you work."

Nodding her head, Pudding retreated out of the hall and headed towards

the stage.

"Akuma, why her?"

Asked Big Mom, she couldn't understand his thoughts.

Pudding wasn't strong to be a fighter, neither was she special.

'Ah! Her devil fruit!'

Then before Akuma could speak, Big Mom had already understood.

"Mama Mama! Forget that! It's the time of celebration, why are you not


Big Mom smiled and shoved the cakes towards Akuma.

The faces on the cakes showed their fear as Akuma picked one and ate it.

* * *



A huge Navy warship was blasted off by two purple laser beams.

"Ahhh! What kind of monster is that!"

"Jump off the ship!"

Most of the soldiers on the warship died with only a few escaping the

blast by jumping in the sea.


A shrill cry was heard from the source of the lasers, a huge figure with

wide open wings.


One of the three children of Maba's.

It flew in the air and rained lasers from its eyes at the many Navy


In the middle was a pirate ship with two snake figures on the side.

Kuja Pirates!

At the bow of the ship, a tall and very beautiful woman with a

voluptuous body.

Most of her skin was visible as she wasn't a weak and shy woman.

Her eyes showed confidence and her body was full of strength.

Because she is Wholeheart Hancock, the most beautiful woman in the


"Sphinx, we meet again after so many years."

Hancock raised her head and looked at the Sphinx who destroyed the

Navy alone.

Behind her were Marigold, Sandersonia, and the members of the Kuja


Unlike how they looked in the anime, the two sisters of Hancock didn't

lose in beauty.

Was it because they didn't become slaves or was it because of the skin


Nobody knows.

"She is so strong! I only heard the stories of her wiping an entire city

from an island."

Marigold held her sweaty palms and rubbed them. The members of Kuja

Pirates weren't much better.

"Let's go. We need to return to Amazon Lily and wait for Karen."

Hancock turned back and entered the ship to rest for a while until they

reached home.

Actually, they would have a hard time fighting against the seven Navy

warships without the help of Sphinx.

This attack from the Navy was arranged by the World Government.

It shows that the World Government has striped Hancock from the

position of a Warlord.

"So will you be able to resist my father after this, World Government?"

Hancock laid on the bed and had her lips curled up in a curious smile.

"How will my father beat them? Completely crush them? Massacre


It was unknown if this was her real personality, but Hancock was giving

an evil aura.

* * *


In a small house at the outskirts of the city, a figure held a glass of wine.

He moved his head with the rhythm of the music. Slowly, he tasted the

wine and laughed.

"How lovely a day isn't it?"

Asked the figure, Joker, as his eyes looked at the person on the opposite

side of the table.

It was a man in his 50s, there was a fruit knife stabbed on his chest.

The man was already dead.

"Why are you silent? Don't you like it?"

Joker showed a puzzled expression while sipping the wine.

Even after Joker talked for few more minutes, the man didn't respond as

what could a dead man do?


The door to the house was slammed and a pirate hurried in with a


"Captain! Big News!"

He was almost screaming as he rushed and came before Joker.

"What's it?"

Asked Joker, he took the newspaper from the pirate's hand and read it.

As he went on, his smile grew and the stitches on the side of his lips

dripped blood.

"Are they finally making the move? Ha Ha Ha ha!"

Joker stood up and started laughing loudly, making the pirate frightened.

Robert stopped playing the piano and got up from the chair as he

followed behind Joker.

"Captain, where to?"

Asked Robert, he looked at Joker's back and awaited his command.


Joker turned to face Robert, his face didn't have a smile anymore.

He looked very normal other than his whole body and character.


Robert nodded. Behind, the pirate followed without making any noise.

On the table, the newspaper showed the headline-

[Hancock has been striped off from the position and status of the Seven

Warlords of the Sea!]

[Is it because she is directly related to the Devil of the Sea?]

[Is the World Government going to bring a war to the Devil's Pirates?]


Give me power stones!!!!!!

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 10 { Tony

Tony Chopper! }

Stepping out of the house, Joker jogged towards the harbor.

Black smoke rose from the city as it was engulfed in the sea of flames.

The melody of screams and cries echoed as Joker started humming.

"What a nice afternoon!"

With stars in his eyes, Joker looked around the burning houses.

"Help! Save me!"

A man covered in fire crawled out of a bar with great struggle.

His clothes completely stuck to his skin like glue and his head with no


Red lines appeared on his face which were cracks as the water in him

was vaporizing.

"Not dead yet?"

Joker stopped and walked to the man. His eyes scanned the place as he

saw a broken chair.

Picking up one of the legs of the chair, Joker slammed it on the man.


Joker didn't stop until the man had a clear and wide crack on his head

which let brain matter and red blood ooze out.

"Ha! Thankfully it's over!"

Joker wiped the imaginary sweat off his forehead and continued towards

his ship.

Behind him, Robert and the pirate followed.

"Lii lilili lii lililili li!"

The music roamed throughout the dying city giving it the last look.

* * *

Drum Island___

A small pirate ship sailed towards it.

"Hey, Luffy! I see a Island!"

On the top of the main mast, Zoro with a furry coat shouted.


A young man wearing a straw hat bursted out of the kitchen room and

came to the bow.

"It's really an island covered in snow! Those mountains are weird!"

Luffy stared at the tall mountains that looked look like drums.

"It should be the Drum Island."

Smoking his cigarette, Sanji walked beside Luffy and glanced around.

"Hey, there are pirates!"

Zoro saw few large pirate like ships but with no flags sailing around the


"What do we do?"

Hearing Zoro's shout, Usopp also came out and used his scope to see far.

There were about three ships sailing together, like they were surveying

the area.

"Luffy! What do we do?"

Panic was written all over Usopp's face as he gripped the railing.

"Nami needs a doctor! We will have to go to island anyhow. Let's talk

with them, they might let us pass."

Luffy said. He held his hat and stared at the three pirate ships.

"I don't think they will let us pass."

A light flashed and a cannonball was shot towards the Going Merry.


But before it could hit the ship, a shadow flew by and cut the cannonball

in half.

"Fighting in the mysterious island has given me a new understand of


Zoro slid his sword back into the sheath and stood up on the deck.

"Hurry! We have to fight!"

Luffy put on a serious face and glared at the three pirate ships.

* * *

Drum Castle___


Sitting on the throne, a huge man drank a mouthful of rum and asked.

"They dare enter our territory without permission!"

His eyes showed rage, ruling over this kingdom had changed him in

many ways.

One was that, he had become more arrogant and prideful.

After all, he is representing the Devil's Pirates!

Kitta threw the rum glass which crashed on the wall making the woman

around frightened.

"Don't kill them! Bring them to me!"

His voice high and intimidating, causing the pirates near him to retreat



It's been long since anyone dared to venture in the territory of the Devil's


'They must be punished!'

Kitta leaned back on the throne and waved his right hand towards the


The women came over with a new glass filled with rum.

That was the life Kitta was living, he had almost everything one needed.

Money, power and fame.

So what if it's only in the Drum Kingdom.

* * *

Escaping from the remaining two pirate ships, Going Merry docked

around a corner.


Usopp's legs trembled as he collapsed on the deck with his tired body.

Even though he didn't do any physical labor, the psychology pressure was


"You guys."

Vivi walked out of the room where Nami rested, and came on the deck.


As if smelling her scent, Sanji rushed towards Vivi and offered his body

for her to walk.

All the trouble, Goof was stuck to the side railing of deck with his tight


He was too busy trying to sleep when the Straw hat Pirates were fighting

for their lives.

"Damn you! What were you doing when we were fighting those pirates!"

Usopp kicked the Goof but it was his leg that got hurt.

"Aha! Ahh!"

Holding his leg, Usopp screamed. Goof sighed and got off from the


"You might not know about them but I do. Those are the pirates of the

Devil. Now we will definitely be chased by them."

Goof sat down on the corner of the deck and explained.

Vivi being someone from the Grand Line, knew what Goof was talking


"You mean the Devil's Pirate? No way!"

Because she was a princess, most of the scary things were hid from her by

her parents.

It was also not long until she knew that there was a scary pirate group

called Devil's Pirates.

"Not been Mr. 0 will mess with the Devil's Pirates!"

Her face with black lines, Vivi almost fell to her knees with the despair.

What if they learned that she is the princess of Arabasta?

Won't they target her home?

"Don't worry! I am the one who is going to be the future Pirate King! One

day, I will have to fight against these pirates! Now, we need a doctor to

cure Nami!"

Luffy was firm, he didn't see who the enemy is. All he cares is whether

his crew was fine or not.

Vivi bit her lips, it was her who let these crew to the problem of


Now, can she even back off?

No, she can't!

"If it's going to be like this, we must hurry!"

Vivi voiced out, Luffy showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Meanwhile, Goof didn't feel good. It was as if something is needed to be


'Devil's Pirates, why do I feel so familiar with this name?'

The crew then divided, Goof, Sanji and Vivi with her pet would be

watching over the ship.

Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Nami will be heading for the doctor.

Everything is set.

But unknown to them, a shadow was watching them quietly from the


It was a small figure.

It wore a large pale red/pink fuzzy top hat with a sideways medical cross

and a maroon pair of shorts.

It also sometimes wears a blue backpack that has the same sideways

medical cross as its hat. It also has a remarkable blue nose.

It has a larger head and eyes, and a less defined muzzle.

Tony Tony Chopper!

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 11 { Old Man }

Walking on the snow which went up to their thigh level, Luffy, Zoro who

carried Nami on his back and Usopp headed forward.

"I think I saw a village in that area near the mountain."

Usopp adjusted his glasses and spoke with a voice that had uncertainty in


"Okay. Nami, don't worry. We will get you a doctor and you will be fine

again. Then you will be able to eat tasty meat!"

Luffy walked near Zoro and petted Nami's back with some


"I know."

Nami gave a bitter smile while trying to curl up on Zoro's back because of

the cold.

"Don't fall asleep! Once you do so, you will be done."

Zoro said seriously to Nami while he increased his walking pace.


Nami responded weakly. Luffy, Zoro and Usopp showed sadness seeing

Nami like that.

She usually was cheerful and would many times beat the shit out of them

for small matters.

Now, she probably couldn't even smile with her heart.

'Hang in there, Nami!'

Luffy held on to Nami's back to help Zoro walk more easily.

They kept going for a while until Usopp stopped and zoomed in his

glasses to see.

"Guys! It's a village! The one I saw from the sea that time! Hurry!"

Usopp' shout made Luffy and Zoro fasten their walking speed.

The site of the village was getting closer and closer.

Some black smoke rose from the chimneys of a few houses indicating that

there are people living in them.

But before they could enter the village, tens of pirates fully armed to

teeth came.

Their faces had grin and their hands held guns and other weapons.


Usopp stopped his steps and retreated backwards, seeing the pirates.

"Why now!"

Zoro glared at the pirates while stepping back like Usopp.

"Move! We need a doctor or my crewmate will die!"

Luffy took a step forward and said with a serious face showing no fear.


"Are you kidding with us? Why would we care about your pitiful


"Good joke! Lovely kid!"

The pirates bursted into a round of laughter as they circled around Luffy,

Zoro, Nami and Usopp.

"Is it the girl on your back who needs the doctor?"

The leader of the pirates looked at Nami on Zoro's back, and showed a

perverted look.

"Don't worry. Give her to me, I am also a very good doctor when it comes

to women. Hahhahah!"

With the leader's words, the surrounding pirates laughed again.

Since it started to get noisy, the villagers came to their windows to watch

but went back and closed the windows.

After all, it was the Devil's Pirates who were creating noises.

What could they even do about it?

Complaint? Only death will arrive.

Fight back? The first choice seems better as you will at least die without

much pain.

The reactions of the villagers didn't make any impression on Luffy and

the group.

They already knew that a pirate group must be controlling the island.

And it's definitely the Devil's Pirates.

When you are under the rule of the biggest and baddest pirate group in

the history of 'One', what can you even do?

"Usopp, cover Nami!"

Zoro let Nami come down as he was unable to fight with her on his back.

Usopp didn't say anything, he came next to Nami and held her.

"Zoro, how many?"

Asked Luffy, he shook his shoulders and bent his upper body slightly.


Answered Zoro, he took his three swords out and held them.

One in right hand, one in left hand, and the third between his teeth.

"What the hell are you two talking about?"

"Why don't you just surrender?"

The pirates were confused as they heard the conversation between Luffy

and Zoro.

"What are you all doing! Watching a show or something? Go capture

them! Captain wants to punish them himself!"

The leader of the pirates ordered as he pulled out a handgun from his



Yet, with about 28 pirates. They couldn't do anything.

Luffy threw his punches, kicks and headbutts around like a machine gone


Zoro slashed his swords like a chainsaw that had unleashed its ultimate


Broken bones, cracked skulls, sliced body parts, dead bodies and fainted


The snow area was filled with blood of the pirates, in the middle were

Luffy and Zoro.

They both showed no exhaustion and were completely unhurt.

"It took less time than I expected."

Luffy's eyes scanned the area and looked at the fallen pirates.

"I know. Was it because we trained on that island for a whole morning?

Or is it because of our encounter with that monster which caused us to

train harder?"

Zoro swung his swords, making the blood on it splash on the white snow

turning it red.

"I wonder how strong Sanji has gotten."

Luffy said while they walked over to Usopp as Zoro lifted up Nami on his


"Definitely not more than me."

Zoro replied, he showed a grunt when Sanji's name was taken.

Even he didn't know why he couldn't stand Sanji. Zoro guessed it might

be because of the way Sanji treats the woman and man.

"Let's go!"

Luffy took the lead this time. They entered the village but everybody

locked themselves in their own houses.

"Hello! We need a doctor! My crewmate has got a cold! Please! We need

a doctor!"

Usopp and Luffy shouted but no one was giving them any response.

"Are they that scared of the Devil's Pirates?"

Zoro frowned and looked around, all the doors in the village were locked.

But then one such door opened slowly and a old man with white beard

walked out.

He held a cane.

"Hurry, come in."

The old man waved his hand at Luffy and the group while he showed


Luffy and the group hurried inside the house where the old man had


"Is there any doctor in the village?"

Asked Luffy as he looked at the old man who locked the house door.

"You are looking at him."

The old man sighed and walked with his hunchback to a chair and sat


He eyed the four with some interest. Looking at Nami, the old man

walked over.

He placed his palm on Nami's forehead to check her temperature.

"Thankfully you arrived here before it was too late for her to recover."

The old man gestured to Zoro to let Nami on the long couch in the room.

"You are the doctor?"

Usopp stared at the old man with some suspicion but didn't say anything

else because Luffy already accepted it.

"Tony should return home soon. Don't worry, she will be fine by a day or

two after the treatment."

The old man brought a large box with a red capital H on it.

"Grab a seat yourself, I don't like to speak much."

The old man first made Nami drink a small cup of medicine.

Not long, a creature walked into the house.

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 12 {

Unintentional Kills }

The creature that walked in, was actually a blue-nosed reindeer.

It wore a hat on its head and carried a bag on the back which looked

quite full.

Looking at the room full of people, the reindeer became nervous but

didn't let it on his face.

"What is it? Why is it wearing a hat!"

Luffy immediately jumped near the reindeer making it startled.

"Luffy, that's a reindeer and with a blue nose."

Usopp came next to Luffy and inspected the reindeer like an exhibition


"Is it tasty?"

Suddenly, Zoro voiced out making the reindeer show some fear in its


"Well, a reindeer can obviously be eaten after all it's meat."

Usopp explained, Zoro nodded his head while Luffy started looking at the

reindeer with a star in his eyes.


Luffy had a river flowing down his wide open mouth as his eyes roamed

around the reindeer's body.

"Tony, are you back?"

From another room, an old voice belonging to the hunchbacked old man.

"Yes, doctor Kurai."

The reindeer, Tony Tony Chopper or simply Chopper answered.

"Ahh! It can speak! Just like Goof!"

Luffy stared at Chopper as he held Usopp like a pillar.

"A zoan devil fruit user!"

Usopp already learned about the different types of devil fruit in the sea.

Paramecia, which offers a vast array of strange abilities.

Logia, which grants the users the power to become and control natural

elements and.

Zoan, which allows the users to transform into animals or animal


There's also the special paramecia and a few variations of zoan devil


"Help me get her to the bedroom."

The old man, named Kurai, walked out of the bedroom and pointed at



Zoro placed his three swords on the side and carried Nami in a princess

carry to the bedroom.

All the heavy lifting work was handed to Zoro.

Closing the door to the bedroom, Chopper and Doctor Kurai first changed

Nami's clothes.

Then they washed her body with a wet towel to clear off all the sweat.

The disease that Nami caught wasn't normal. There is a reason for this

disease to be called the Five-Day Disease.

The tick with the name Kestia is responsible for the Five-Day Disease.

It inhabits tropical islands and existed in prehistoric times.

Therefore, it is a rare animal thought to be extinct that exists in Little

Garden due to the island's ancient fauna.

As the Little Garden was the place which was visited the last by the Straw

hat Pirates, Nami should have gotten the disease there.

The disease appears not to be transmissible from human to human.

Luffy, Zoro and Usopp waited patiently for the doctor and Chopper to do

their work.

After a few hours, Doctor Kurai stepped out of the bedroom with a tired


"Fuu… the treatment is done. She will need a few days to completely


He pushed Usopp away from the couch as he placed his butt there.

"Really! Thank you, old man!"

Luffy with a smile, shook Kurai's hands. Zoro also nodded his satisfaction,

only Usopp was sad that he was thrown off from his seat.

"But you all should be worried. Kitta will not let you all leave out of here


Kurai said with pure seriousness in his voice. He stared at the young man

with a straw hat.

"Don't worry old man. We will immediately escape after Nami has healed

perfectly. By the way, what can we do to repay you? Will money work?"

Asked Luffy, he pulled out a few bundles of green notes from his pocket.

Zoro also did the same but he not only had money, he even brought gold


Usopp also didn't know the exact price of the treatment as Nami's

situation was very serious.

He took out a bag from inside the bag he carried which contained lots of


The old man Kurai looked at the money and gold before him with a

stunned expression.

It was his first time in life to see this much money and gold all together.

But then he remembered something which caused him to shake his head.

"I don't need it."

Kurai replied, this time it was Luffy and the group to be surprised.

"Then what do you need, old man?"

Usopp asked. He put the bag of loot inside the big bag.

Zoro and Luffy also tilted their heads at Kurai because they didn't

understand him.

"As you all see, I am too old now. If money could buy more life, I would

have been an immortal."

Kurai stood up and walked to the window in the living room. Usopp

immediately took his seat back.

A small figure with a hat on his head, Chopper, hid behind the bedroom

door as he overheard their conversation.

Well, all of his body was exposed as he hid in a wrong and completely

opposite position.

"Could you take Tony away from this place? His future is bright, but

definitely not here."

Without turning back, Kurai said. Behind him, the four people were


Three were frozen because they didn't expect the doctor to make them

take away his assistant.

And one frozen because he also didn't expect that from the doctor.

"There's blood, pain, grief, unhappiness, misfortune and deaths here.

That's the only thing I can see. Tony is a first class doctor, but he can't

spread a name for him as he is in hiding. Hiding from those Devil's


Kurai turned back, he looked at Chopper who was standing beside the

door to the bedroom.

"Tony, remember her words. You must keep her alive. Let the world

know that there's a doctor who is going to cure every disease in the


"Doctor Tony Tony Chopper, the greatest doctor in the world! I would

love to read this in the news headline."

"She would have loved to."

Kurai smiled at Chopper and headed to the kitchen to eat a meal.

Luffy stared at the back of Kurai and then glanced towards Chopper.

Their crew really needed a doctor, but forcing one wasn't their style.

Chopper lowered his head, to hide the fact that he was crying.

What Kurai said was true. The last words of the two mentors he came


Dr. Kureha and Hiriluk.

Was for him to live the life he wanted. And what Chopper wants to

become is the best doctor in the world who can cure any disease.

But unfortunately, Dr. Kureha and Hiriluk will never be able to see him

be so.

Because they both died. Killed by him is what Chopper believes.

One was indirectly poisoned by him a few years ago.

The other one died to save him from the Devil's Pirates not long.

And now, he is living with the only son of Dr. Kureha, Dr. Kurai.

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 13 {

Distraction }

"Hurry! They must be here!"

"Damn those pirates!"

Noises of angry shouts and grunts could be heard from the outside.

The villagers hid inside their homes to not get caught up with them.

"Search the house of these villagers! Those pirates should be hiding

somewhere in this village!"

The pirates slammed the door of the houses and rushed in to find Luffy

and the group.

Inside the old man's house, Usopp closed the window slowly.

"What do we do? If this goes on, they will find us!"

Usopp started panicking while he hid just below the window. Chopper

was sad but he still pushed that emotion and looked towards the door.

If nothing is done, even Doctor Kurai will be mixed in all this stuff.

"I hope Vivi, Sanji, Goof and Karoo are fine."

Luffy nodded his head to Usopp and shared his worries.

Zoro sitting on the couch suddenly stood up. Luffy, Usopp and Chopper

stared at him with confusion.

"Zoro, what happened?"

Usopp asked but Zoro didn't respond, he grabbed his three swords and

turned to face the door.

"I will lead them away for as long as I can. Luffy and Usopp, protect

Nami in the meantime if any other pirates arrive."

Zoro said seriously. Usopp, stunned by Zoro's words, didn't have his

reaction right then.

"No! I will go. You stay here with Usopp."

Luffy stood up and walked towards the front door but Zoro stepped in


"Luffy, you are the captain. Let the others do things like this while you

deal with the main problem."

Zoro stared at Luffy. His eyes already explained to them that he wasn't

going to back down even if they tried.

Silence followed. Chopper looked at the two with an unknown feeling.

'To protect their friend, can they really let their life on the line?'

Chopper lowered his head.

'To protect your friend. Your family. You love ones.'

"Okay. But come back before the sun rises tomorrow."

Luffy looked at Zoro and finally agreed to his selfish request.

"Wait! I will also go."

The voice surprised Luffy, Zoro and Usopp. They didn't expect the small

hybrid reindeer to volunteer as well.

"You want to go?"

Usopp asked Chopper with uncertainty. Even Luffy and Zoro showed


"I don't care about your friend! I only want to divert the pirates from

Doctor Kurai's house!"

Chopper immediately changed his form to a proper reindeer.


Zoro didn't disagree because he had nothing to do with Chopper.

"Let's go."

With a furry coat, Zoro silently opened the front door and rushed out

with Chopper.

"You go this way, I will go that way!"

Zoro pointed towards one direction, he asked for Chopra to go that way.


Chopper nodded, just as he was about to go that way. A figure ran

towards that direction.

The figure was Zoro himself.

"But you said to go that way! Why are you going there!"

Chopper shouted but Zoro didn't hear.


Stomping his feets on the snow, Chopper went in the other direction.

They made lots of noise to attract the pirates towards them.

"Hey! Over there!"

"It's the guy with the three swords!"

The pirates trailed behind Zoro like a hurricane pushing away everything

in the path.

"It's deer!"

"Idiot! It's a reindeer! Leave that animal and concentrate on the guy with

the swords!"

The captain of the pirates yelled at the pirates as he aimed his gun at

Zoro's back.


The bullet was shot but before it could hit Zoro, the bullet was cut in


"A shot on the swordsman's back shows how inattentive he is!"

Zoro smirked and ran faster than the pirates could catch up.

Meanwhile, Chopper stopped and turned back to see no one following


All the pirates went behind Zoro and none were interested in a reindeer.


Chopper cursed and returned back to Doctor Kurai's house.

The villagers heard the commotion and knew that the pirates were gone.

"Thank god!"

"Fucking pirates! I hope they burn in hell!"

The villagers came out of their homes and floated the area.

Children and adults roamed.

"Do you think that the intruders are really in one of the houses in the


A man not so well built said. He looked around the villagers and

expressed his suspicion.

"You might not be wrong."

The villager chief, a middle aged woman answered to the man.

"What should we do?"

The villagers were concerned as the pirates may return back. And that

time, they could not only just search, but also kill some villagers.

"I think it's best if we find the intruders and let them be pirates!"

A woman holding a child in her arms said. She looked scared and

frightened by all these happenings.

"Yes, I think we should do that!"

The other villagers also agreed to her suggestions as that was the best

solution for now.

"Then let us all search for the intruders. If we get them, we hand them

over to the pirates. If there're no intruders, then so be it."

The village chief declared. The villagers immediately dispersed.

One after another the house was checked thoroughly. Not a single corner

was left unseen.

Inside Doctor Kurai's house, Luffy listened to what Chopper informed.

Usopp held his template and massaged them. The troubles just didn't


"Shit! What the hell are we supposed to do now? Fight the villagers?

Run? But Nami is in a critical time. She needs rest."

Usopp, very anxious, sat down on the single sofa and rested on his back.

"Usopp, protect Nami."

Luffy stood up and walked towards the front door while Usopp looked at

his back.

"Oi, Luffy! What are you trying to do?"

He asked as Luffy stopped and lowered his straw hat to hide his


"I will lead the villagers away. Which will make them sure that we have

left the village."

Luffy didn't listen to Usopp any longer as he opened the door.

"Wait! I will also go!"

Again, Chopper came forward to show how he cared about Doctor Kurai.

"Okay! Usopp, I trust you!"

Luffy smiled at Usopp and rushed out of the house with Chopper.

Outside, Luffy pointed to one direction and ran to the other.

"He seems smart."

Commented Chopper before he ran in the direction where Luffy had


They made another round of noise attracting the villagers.

"Hey! You! Stop!"

"It's the intruder! Catch him!"

The villagers held some ordinary weapons like a fruit knife and hammer.

They followed Luffy until they couldn't keep up with him anymore.

Chopper on the other hand, looked behind him. No one was attracted to


"Damn it! Can't a reindeer be a threat to them!"

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 14 { Devil's

Shadow Part-1 }

[Author Talk---]

Hey readers, I know many of you are disappointed because I said that

Akuma will be shown very little in this volume.

So I plan to change it! Akuma will appear more but remember that other

characters also need screen time.

And are you all ready for the soon coming surprise?


After a few minutes of running, Luffy finally reached the shore where

Going Merry was docked.


Luffy called out but no one replied back to him. With a frown, he

climbed up on the deck.

"Vivi? Goof?"

Luffy opened the kitchen door and looked inside but Sanji or anyone was

not in there.

'Something is wrong!'

Luffy ran around the whole ship but only found a small piece of paper

lying on the study table.

[Come to the castle if you want to save your crewmates.]

Gripping the paper, Luffy gritted his teeth and jumped off from the Going


"Damn it!"

It wasn't even a day and his crewmates were already captured. No, it is a

very big problem that they are captured.

'Sanji and Goof might be fine but Vivi and Karoo. I need to hurry and

find Zoro.'

Luffy reached the village and rushed towards the old man Kurai's house.

But then he saw a small humanoid reindeer sitting on the cold steps of

the house with a devastated face.

"Doctor Kurai… I-I failed to protect you…"

Chopper held his lowered head and cried in front of Dr. Kurai's house.

Just a few minutes ago, multiple pirates with a devil fruit user leading

them, came into the village.

The devil fruit user had a searching ability which she used and found out

the location of Usopp and Nami.

She ordered the pirates to capture them but Doctor Kurai stepped in their


And so, even he was taken away by the pirates. Chopper was only a few

seconds later to see how miserable Dr. Kurai was.

* * *

Suddenly, a warm hand not belonging to the cold world petted on

Chopper's shoulder.

"Don't worry. Because of us, Doctor Kuari was caught so I am the one

who is responsible for his safety."

The voice had some bitterness, sadness and confidence in it.

Chopper lifted his head and saw the young man with the straw hat.

There was a grin on his face as he looked at Chopper and gave a thumbs


Luffy entered the house and confirmed that both Usopp and Nami with

Dr. Kurai were not there.

"Which way is the castle?"

Asked Luffy, Chopper didn't seem to understand the situation much as he

pointed towards a mountain top.

"Okay! Just you wait, I will save my friends and bring Doctor Kurai safely


Luffy then ran towards the direction where Chopper had pointed.

"Hey! Wait!"

Chopper wanted to warn Luffy that the castle was the most dangerous

place in the whole island but he missed the chance.

Luffy was long gone in the white snow.

Chopper knew he was weak and unable to help Luffy save his friends and

Dr. Kurai.

He opened the door and walked inside the house with his shoulders


Chopper felt the weight on his back increase with what happened today.

"Because of me…"

He went to the bedroom and looked at the messy room which showed

how Nami had struggled with the pirates.

On the desk to the window, there were many books belonging to Doctor


One such book was his personal diary, Chopper picked it up and flipped

the pages.

Actually, Chopper was not allowed to read it but now the atmosphere of

the house was shaken.

As he flipped to the latest pages, Chopper stopped when he saw a name

he knew.

* * *

It seems Tony has become more braver and confident.

I still feel sad when I learned that I am suffering from the deadly disease

called Soul Lost.

What will I say to Tony? He will be very heartbroken so I must keep it a


My mother took care of Tony as her own child and I also made sure to

think of him as my little brother.

But what will happen when I also die and join my mother and Dr.


No, I must let Tony out of this prison and let him see the world outside.

That's the only way where he can achieve his dream of becoming the

greatest doctor.

* * *

The lines in the latest pages were such. Each word had a special meaning

for Chopper.

A drop of water fell on the dry and cold page, wetting it around the


The drop of water was the tear from Chopper's eyes as he finished


Soul Lost!

A special disease that slowly eats away a person's soul within half of his

life span.

Nobody knows where this disease came from. But it had no cure even

after more than a thousand years.

Many might never know of this disease as it was very rare to be caught

but not Chopper.

"Doctor Kurai!"

Chopper bursted into tears as he hugged the diary with his tiny hands.

Only after crying for a few minutes did he calmed down and remembered

the grinning face of Luffy.

"I must save Dr. Kurai!"

Chopper placed the diary on the table as it was before and searched for

his bag.

Inside the bag, a few small golden balls were laid.

The Rumble Ball is a special drug, developed by Tony Tony Chopper,

meant to enhance Devil Fruit abilities.

Turning into a full reindeer, Chopper dashed towards the mountain

where the castle was located.

* * *

In the throne room, Kitta sat on the huge throne and drank a glass of


In front of him, on the floor were seven members of the Straw Hat


Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Goof, Dr. Kurai , Vivi and Karoo. They were made to

kneel down.

"Straw Hat Pirates, a pirate crew from the worst generation. But why are

there two missing? Where's the Captain? And the Pirate Hunter?"

Kitta asked with anger as he glared at a woman with a curvy figure.

"Captain, Straw Hat Luffy and Pirate Hunter Zoro weren't there. They

should have led some of our pirates to distract them. I will soon find


The woman replied with a frightened face as he lowered her head in

front of Kitta.

"And Dr. Kurai. Why would you help outsiders?"

Kitta got up from the throne and walked till he reached Dr. Kurai.

"Who are you to order me? I am doing what I think is right!"

Dr. Kurai looked at Kitta with a smirk. Which obviously angered Kitta.


A kick landed on the side of Dr. Kurai, which sent him flying a few



Only Usopp and Nami knew who Dr. Kurai was but others also showed

their anger towards Kitta.

"Hey! Why beat an old man!"

Sanji said with some hint of mockery in his voice to taunt Kitta.

Kitta stared at Sanji and stepped back.

"Open his handcuff. Let me show him the power of a high captain from

the Devil's Pirates."

A pirate came and released Sanji, and the pirate immediately went back.

"If you defeat me here, not a single person on this island will chase you."

Kitta with his hands behind his back, said. Sanji raised his eyebrow and

glanced at his crewmates and the beat up doctor.

"You will regret it."

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 15 { Devil's

Shadow Part-2 }

Sanji dashed forward and swung his right leg to give a curving kick.

Kitta took a step back and easily blocked the kick with his left hand.

"Regret it? Did I hear it right?"

Kitta caught the leg and spun Sanji in the air. Sanji tried to kick with his

other leg but was thrown before that.


Hitting the wall, Sanji groaned. Veins popped on Sanji's forehead because

of anger.

"Damn it! I need more power!"

Sanji stood up and wiped his black coat. Glaring at Kitta, Sanji once

again ran forward.

"Just try!"

Kitta roared and ran towards Sanji as well. Moving sideways, Sanji

dodged a punch from Kitta.


A kick landed on Kitta's back sending him flying forward.

"Stand up! I shall beat the shit out of you slowly."

Sanji flicked his hair and shook his right leg to loosen the joints.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. I am a captain from the Devil's Pirates with

a bounty of 200 million berries!"

Kitta cracked his neck and got up. Facing Sanji, Kitta clenched his fists.

With a little burst of black, his fists seemed to turn black in color with a

special luster.

"Little pirates like you all should just be the slaves!"

Kitta almost disappeared from his spot and appeared behind Sanji.

Thankfully, Sanji never underestimated the enemy and stayed alert.

With a gap as thin as a hair, Sanji avoided the punch coated in armament



Sanji's left foot touched Kitta's stomach as he forced a kick.

Even after showing some advanced tricks, Kitta was sent back meters


The pirates surrounding the throne room were a little worried.

On the other hand, Nami, Usopp and the others together with the women

who were serving Kitta, got hope.

The women were captured from the different villages around the island

and made to serve Kitta forcefully.

If not for the lives of their families, the women would have all committed

suicide long ago.

"Sanji, you can do it!"

"Yes! Please Sanji!"

Usopp and Vivi cheered while Nami helped Doctor Kurai to sit down


"Please save us from that beast!"

"I will forever be in your debt if you save us!"

As the voices of his crewmates and the beautiful women entered Sanji's

ears, a strange energy erupted from within.

"Don't worry! Today will be the day when I will free you all!"

Without turning, Sanji said. This created a light halo around him in the

eyes of the women.

"Shut up! Fucking bitches! None of you shall live and your families will

be destroyed!"

Kitta shouted and sprinted towards Sanji while pulling out a handgun

from his back.


Seeing the gun, Sanji's confident face changed directly.

If Kitta fired, the bullet had to be stopped or women behind Sanji would

be hurted.

'If it's like this! I might as well become a hero!"

Sanji gritted his teeth and ran straight ahead towards Kitta at full speed.


The bullet was fired and it hit Sanji's lower abdomen.

Blood splashed on the cold floor, and painted the somewhat white tiles

deep red.


Sanji didn't stop and kicked Kitta right on his face as the handgun fell



Kitta learned the basic armament only, and couldn't harder other body

parts except his hands.


The sound of nose cracking was loud and clear to everyone in the room.


But Nami and all didn't care about Kitta like the pirates, in their eyes

Sanji was shot.

"Ah. I am fine. It's just a bullet."

Sanji waved his hand towards his crewmates and the captured women.

"You will not get away!"

The angry voice of Kitta's, echoed in the throne room with boiling heat.

"None of you will!"

Standing up with a bloody face, Kitta raised his right hand and grabbed

his broken nose.


Fixing it back to its place, Kitta opened the buttons of his black shirt.

His shredded upper body alone made clear that the small injury to his

nose was just an ant's bite.

Each of Kitta's muscles screamed of the horror they went through to

become like steel.

"If the Division Captain learned about this mess, I will definitely be


Throwing the shirt away, Kitta walked slowly towards Sanji in an

intimidating manner.

The aura which Kitta radiated now, was very different from before.

Before it belonged to a lion, now to a dinosaur which lived past the


'Shit! Was he hiding his strength all this time?'

Sanji subconsciously took a step back. Sweats formed on his palms.

"Oi. Need help?"

Suddenly, a voice came into the throne room. Kitta stopped and looked

towards the door.

Two young men stood side by side with each other. One had swords on

his hands, while the other wore a straw hat.

"Looks like you are having a tough time, Sanji."

Luffy smiled at Sanji and walked in the throne room with Zoro.

Behind them, the corridor was filled with sliced and completely beaten


"Straw Hat Luffy and Pirate Hunter Zoro, I have been waiting for you


Kitta looked at the pirates and signaled them to attack without any delay.

"Usopp, get everyone out!"

Zoro bit the third sword and leaped in the air while slashing the pirates.

Luffy pulled his hand and punched the pirates non stop.


Like Zoro said, Usopp led the captured women and his crewmates


But several pirates obviously came and stood like blocks in front of the


But then a huge hand came from the door and grabbed one of the pirates.

A shadow flew in the air which was that very pirate who was grabbed by

the hand.

"Doctor Kurai! I am here to save you!"

The hand belonged to Chopper. Doctor Kurai smiled weakly towards


"Who's he!"

Vivi was surprised by the huge figure of Chopper in his not so complete

human form.

"He's Chopper! A reindeer who-"

Usopp wanted to explain but the situation was definitely not right.

"Shut up and hurry!"

Nami kicked Usopp out of the door as she walked out while helping

Doctor Kurai together with Vivi.


Luffy's punch collided with Kitta's. The rubber fist was directly


"Ah! It hurts!"

Luffy screamed in pain as a teardrop appeared in the corner of his eye.

"He has some special ability which makes his fists stronger and harder!"

Sanji warned Luffy as he himself barely avoided the deadly punches.


Luffy nodded and stood at some distance from Kitta. Sanji isn't staying

idle as he fights against the pirates.

"Oi! What about that woman with the devil fruit ability?"

Sanji stood back to back with Zoro and asked.

"Her? She fell from the mountain trying to catch me."

Zoro answered honestly. He did see a woman trying to catch him but she

fell down the tall mountain.

He didn't know that the woman was a devil fruit user.

There was some regret because he couldn't save a woman even if it was

an enemy, Sanji calmed down and focused back on the battle.

Soon, no pirate was left standing. Luffy and Kitta were still fighting like


One dodged, and the other attacked. That was how the fight went on.

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 16 { Devil's

Shadow Part-3 }

Chopper held up a pirate and slammed him down the stairs.

"Hurry! I know where the medical room is!"

Chopper, acting as a guard, looked towards the group.

"Something is wrong with the doctor!"

Vivi suddenly screamed out in surprise and panic. Nami stopped and

brought one of her hands near Doctor Kurai's nose.

"He's not breathing!"

Nami exclaimed, Chopper immediately went before Doctor Kurai.

Vivi and Nami left Chopper holding Doctor Kurai while Usopp stood

guard with his tensed face.

"Doctor! Wake up! Doctor!"

Chopper shouted and tried different medications on Doctor Kurai but

everything failed.

"No! Please! Please, Doctor Kurai! You have to wake up! I don't want to

be alone!"

Tears shed down his eyes as Chopper turned back to his small and half

hybrid form.


Chopper's cries echoed in the silent hall as Nami and Vivi lowered their

heads in regret.

Usopp turned his face trying to hide the shamefully courage of his.

Karoo came beside Vivi and looked at the heart broken Chopper.

"Doctor Kurai…"

With his cries coming to an end, Chopper wiped his tears off his cheeks.

Raising his head, with the red eyes, Chopper gazed at the direction of the

Throne room.

"I will kill you!"

Pulling out four Rumble Balls from the bag he carried, Chopper bit them.


Nami screamed in horror as she retreated multiple steps away from the

transforming Chopper.


Usopp panicked as he ran and pulled the dead body of Doctor Kurai from

near Chopper.

Chopper's body expanded and reached unimaginable heights.

It has hands unique to all the others; he retains five fingers analogous to

a human's, but each digit is replaced by a thick, long, black hoof in the

shape of a finger.

His eyes were also altered in this form, becoming glowing cyan with no

visible difference between sclera, iris, and pupil.

This form is a special and a kind of accident, when Chopper consumes

more than three Rumble Balls in under six hours.

The transformation grants Chopper a tremendous boost in his physical

attributes. His body becomes incredibly dense and durable.

Tearing and breaking through the ceiling of the hall, Chopper became

more than 12 meters tall.


The loud roar from Chopper made Nami, Usoop, Vivi and Karoo cover

their ears in pain.

It was heard in the entire island. Everyone felt the deep anger in the roar

mixed with sadness.



Chopper seemed to go out of control as he charged through the ceiling

towards the throne room where Kitta was fighting luffy.

* * *

"What the hell was that!"

Zoro gulped in his saliva and looked outside the door to the throne room.

"Whatever it is, it's definitely not happy."

Sanji lit a cigarette and puffed. Glancing at Luffy, Sanji sighed and

started preparing for another battle.

"And it's coming this way. Feel the floor shaking."

Sanji pointed towards some small pieces of cement on the floor besides

the dead or fainted pirates.


The pieces shook as the sound of something coming towards the throne

room increased.

"It's fast!"

Zoro pulled his swords and eyed the door. But what he expected didn't

come from that direction.


Sanji and Zoro both shouted in union as they jumped away from the floor

near the door.


A huge head and two hands breaking through the floor, showed itself.

"Roarr! I! Will! Kill! You!"

The rough and wild voice filled the throne room with deadly aura which

caused Luffy and Kitta to temporarily stop their battle.

"What the hell is that thing!"

Kitta with wide open eyes, stared at the monster which showed up in the


But only half the monster's body was visible. Meaning, the monster was

extremely big in size.


The monster moved his right hand at Kitta to catch him. Each movement

from the monster shook the entire castle.

Zoro, Sanji and Luffy stepped away from the monster's hand which

grabbed Kitta tightly.

"Damn! Leave me!"

Kitta tried his best and used all his strength but the monster's grip was

just too strong.

And also because Kitta was in a position where he couldn't generate

enough power.

Even with haki, it was just a useless struggle in the monster's grip.

"Fuck you!"

Kitta roared at the monster but the latter swung him and threw him at a



Kitta flew like a missile through the many walls one after the other.

The monster broke his way through the floors and ceilings towards the

place where Kitta landed.

"Was that the reindeer we met?"

Asked Zoro, he looked at the hat and the two horns on the monster's


"Yes, it does feel like Chopper."

Luffy nodded at what Zoro said. Sanji was still confused and shocked by

the monster.

He also didn't meet or know Chopper so his not understanding was



Suddenly with a shout, Usopp entered the throne room with hurried


"Usopp. How's Nami, Doctor Kurai, Vivi and Karoo?"

Luffy waved his hand at Usopp and asked. Stopping before Luffy, Usopp

gasped for breath.

"Doc-Doctor Ku-Kurai couldn't m-make it!"

Panting, Usopp explained the things that happened in the hall a few

moments ago.


Luffy stared at Usopp with wide and shaking eyes. Zoro stood surprised

and too stunned.

"The Doctor who was hurt by that bastard died?"

Sanji looked at Usopp and sucked in a cold breath. The cigarette flame

went away.

"Because of us. The old man died."

Luffy was very sad. His head lowered as he clenched his fists tightly.

"He got caught up in our mess."

Zoro sighed and looked towards the direction where the monster or

Chopper went.

"We must stop Chopper!"

Then, Luffy remembered what Doctor Kurai had said to them a few hours


"Could you take Tony away from this place? His future is bright, but

definitely not here."

"There's blood, pain, grief, unhappiness, misfortune and deaths here.

That's the only thing I can see. Tony is a first class doctor, but he can't

spread a name for him as he is in hiding. Hiding from those Devil's


Doctor Kurai wanted Chopper to achieve his dream of becoming a doctor

who could cure any disease.

"Zoro, Sanji and Usopp. We need a doctor in our crew. No one knows

what we might encounter in the Grand Line."

Luffy lifted his straw hat and adjusted it back to a comforting position.

"A doctor who can cure any disease. That's the kind of doctor the future

pirate King needs!"

For the first time in many years, a light could pass through the dense

snow clouds.

The sunlight went through the collapsed parts of the castle and reached

the throne room.

The room turned bright and a little warmer from how it was before.

"Yes, let's stop our doctor from committing something which he might

regret later even more."

Sanji lit the cigarette again while walking towards the broken floor.

"A doctor is someone who saves lives, they don't take lives."

Zoro put the swords back to their sheaths as he walked on the same level

as Sanji.


Luffy stepped in the middle of Zoro and Sanji as they jumped down the

floor to the ground.

"Hey, what about me? How will I come down?"

Sorry for Usopp, he was really just a regular and normal young man

unlike those three.


[Author Talk---]

Hey guys, I just wanted to know from you all.

Do you all like the change in background of the important characters?

I wanted to make them a little different and also darker then usual.

And the surprise is coming! In next chapter or the chapter after the next!

Within those two chapters is a surprise to you all by me!

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 17 { Devil's

Shadow Part-4 }


Chopper, in his monster point, slammed his right palm on Kitta.


Kitta barely managed to hold on to his stand while blocking Chopper's


"I don't even know you!"

Kitta gritted his teeth and punched the huge palm with armament haki.


Chopper pulled his palm and joined his fists together as he brought them

down on Kitta.


The entire mountain shook and snow fell from the top to the foot of the



Kitta's painful scream rushed in the plain as one of his knees pierced

through the flesh of his leg.

Blood splashed on the white snow, dying it red in color.

"Damn it! Ah!"

Kitta's whole body was crushed on the ground as Chopper slammed on

him continuously with the fists.


In Chopper's eyes, he was doing the right thing. But he was not thinking

with the right mindset.


Luffy, Zoro and Sanji rushed over to the location in the open where

Chopper was beating Kitta.


Chopper's voice, with anger and grief, entered their ears.

"Calm down! Chopper, remember what Doctor Kurai said to you and us!"

Luffy stood in front of Chopper while Zoro and Sanji moved around the

half dead Kitta.

"He deserves this! But you shouldn't be the one who gives it to him! You

are a doctor, Chopper."

Luffy lowered his straw hat and looked at the tall Chopper in his monster


"Don't you want to be a great doctor? A doctor who can cure any disease?

Join me! No, join us! My crew! We will help you achieve your dream!

Won't Doctor Kursi want that?"

Luffy extended his right hand towards Chopper with a smile on his face.

Looking at Luffy and hearing the things he said, Chopper remembered it.

The huge body of Chopper slowly started decreasing.

The densely packed hair and large horns reduced. And the reindeer

hybrid Chopper was the one left.

"Doctor K-Kuraih, h-he!"

Chopper burst into tears as he ran to Luffy. Luffy embraced Chopper as

he consoled him.

* * *

Standing on the edge of the tall mountain where the castle was located.

Luffy took in a deep breath and opened his mouth wide to shout out


"From now on! This will be the territory of the Straw Hat Pirates!"

From behind, Zoro walked over with a huge flag of the Straw Hat Pirates.

The island was quiet as the shout went away but that wasn't long when

multiple cheers were heard.


"The Devil's Pirates are taken down!"

One could hear the villagers' voices even from the top of the mountains.

Meanwhile, the pirates of the Devil's Pirates panicked.

"Damn! Did the Captain lose to those rookies?"

"Fuck it!"

"What do we do?"

The pirates were not even ready where hundreds of villagers marched


"Kill the pirates!"

"Don't let a single one live!"

The roars of the villagers echoed like a wildfire on the island.

* * *

Burying Doctor Kurai's body besides his mother, Dr. Kureha and Hiriluk.

The atmosphere was heavy but because the Devil's Pirates were still on

the island, it wasn't much.

Luffy and the crew joined and helped the villagers to wipe the Devil's


In return, the villagers swore loyalty to the Straw Hat Pirates.

After years of torture and painful sufferings, the Drum Island was free

from the grip of the Devil's Pirates.

Sleeping on the nice and warm bed, Nami flipped the newspapers to read

the latest news.

[The biggest marriage in history, the joining of the two of the biggest

forces in the New World, Grand Line, has been concluded! The Devil's

Pirates and Big Mom Pirates! Will the world see hell?]

["Pirate Empress" Boa Hancock, the captain of the Kuja Pirates, has been

stripped of her title of the "Warlord of the Sea".]

[Due to direct and open relation with the Devil's Pirates, Boa Hancock is

suspected to be an agent of the Devil's Pirates in the Seven Warlords of

the Sea.]

[Caruka city, in one of the islands of the Massland, has been bombarded

and completely wiped off from the surface of 'One'. A new pirate group is

suspected to be the one to destroy Caruka city]

With the newspaper, few new bounty posters were stuck to the pages in


[Wanted Poster]

[350,000,000 million berries]

[Black Cat Doraemon]

A small and round looking black coloured robot cat with a huge head,

held on to a device in his hand with no fingers.

[Wanted Poster]

[120,000,000 million berries]


A handsome young man with round glasses, sat on a chair reading a

history book.

[Wanted Poster]

[150,000,000 million berries]

[Giant Ape]

A huge man, almost 4 meters in height with large body fat held on to a

big metal sword. His face was scary as a demon while in his eyes showed


Nami viewed the wanted poster with a worried expression.

"I knew the Grand Line wouldn't be so easy but this hard. We just took

down a person with a 200 million bounty and another one with an even

bigger one emerged."

Nami threw the newspaper and the three bounty posters to the side table.

Few minutes later, Chopper with a bag of medicines came into the room.

"Nami, how are you feeling?"

Chopper asked as he stepped near her bed with small legs.

"Much better because of you."

Nami raised her upper body and adjusted to a comfortable position.

"Hm. Your temperature has decreased a lot. You will be good to run the

next day!"

Chopper smiled at Nami as he applied some paste on her forehead.

"Wait for a second."

He then brews a cup of medicine for her to drink which will give her a


"Chopper, what do you think about the offer Luffy gave you? Join our


Nami stared at Chopper with some hint of anticipation in her voice.

"I am still thinking."

Replied Chopper while brewing the medicine. He looked so concentrated

that Nami didn't feel like talking further.

"But you said the same thing the day before yesterday."

Muttered Nami in her breath which was inaudible to Chopper near the


When the medicine was completed, Chopper fed it to Nami even though

the latter complained about the bitter taste.

"We will be leaving tomorrow."

Just before Chopper could walk out of the room, Nami's voice was heard.

"... Okay."

Chopper nodded and stepped out of the room. His footsteps disappeared


'I am sorry, Chopper.'

Nami stared at the closed door while secretly asking for forgiveness from


* * *

The news of the defeat of the Devil's Pirates in Drum Island spread in the


Almost making the world in an uproar. Who thought that the strongest

force in the New World, Devil's Pirates would be defeated in their own


Some started rejoicing. Some made plans for the coming future.

Some are scared of the possible outcome. Some were angry and totally


The news shared some small details of the happened in Drum Island.

[A mysterious and rookie group of pirates, The Straw Hat Pirates,

surprisingly captured one of the territories of the Devil's Pirates, The

Drum Island!]

[Who and where did they come from? And what will the "Devil of the

Sea" do about it? Whatever he does, it will definitely cause a tsunami in

the Paradise, Grand Line.]

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 18 { Prime

Akuma Part-1 }


The newspaper was thrown on the table occupied with some files and


Reclining on the chair, the man closed his eyes and rested his arms on

the armrest of the chair.

"Father, what exactly were you trying to find?"

The man opened his eyes and stared at the empty ceiling with only a

spinning fan.

"Devil, what will you do now?"

The man, with the uniform of Vice Admiral of the Navy, stood up from

the chair.

"Whatever you do. You will get what you deserve, very soon."

The man walked out of the office with heavy footsteps. On the side of the

door, there was an eye -catching yellow and black suit.

On the table, there was a photo frame with an old photo of two


One was a young boy, about 15 years old while the other one was a man

in the Admiral's uniform.

It was once very famous, known with the special code name "Eyes",

Admiral Dram!

The man who left the office, was actually the adopted son of Admiral


Vice Admiral Fenrir!

* * *

Heaven Realm___

In the White House, Akuma sat on his throne made with gold.

The thorn trees on the side all stopped growing as more than 90% of the

floor was covered in vines and roots.

"Father, it's time."

Walking inside the room, Jimmy bowed and looked at Akuma with a


"You can finally return back to your prime!"

He said with a grin while Akuma stood up from the throne with struggle.

His body was dying every second. Even breathing became hard for


As he walked past Jimmy, Akuma was greeted with the bright sky.

The sun shone on the forgotten land of the Devil's Home.

The thorn forest seemed dark but behind it was the green fields, lakes

and normal forest.

The white crystal gate, gripped with the thick vines looked unmovable.

Yet with just a push from Akuma, the whole gate ripped open.

'Looks like the world is going to become a chaotic place.'

Jimmy giggled and followed Akuma closely while eyeing him from


* * *

Hell Realm___

In the laboratory, multiple searchers and scientists rushed from one place

to another.


With the new updates, Hamburg tapped his arm and supervised.

"Heram, fill the serum."

Hamburg pointed towards the ten huge cylinders filled with green fluids.

Each one was labeled with a green leaf, the word below it said, "Life".

"Hurry! Captain will be here soon. And get those two here!"

Hamburg ran to a table and picked a microchip, and went to the machine

which they were working on.

Very similar to the one, which Akuma had used to perfect and change his


Just many times bigger and more advanced because of modern tech.

"Hamburg, is everything ready?"

An old voice, called out. It was Maba, behind him were Akuma, Jimmy,

Bella and her son, and lastly Beauty.

"Almost perfect! Heram! Clear the seat for our Captain!"

Hamburg shouted as a man in his 40s in white coat nodded and cleared

the things around the huge seat.

That seat, in the middle of the room, was specially designed for Akuma.


The weak and dying voice of Akuma's, sounded in the room as Bella

supported him.

"Get him on the seat. Where's the two subjects?"

Hamburg questioned timely as three pirates came in with two figures.

They both wore a helmet on their heads, which glowed in green light.

Some wires connected on their body which pierced deep in their flesh.

They were-

Charlotte Pudding, 35th daughter and the 76th child of the Charlotte

Family, an officer of the Big Mom Pirates, and a hybrid between a human

and a member of the Three-Eye Tribe.

Jewelry Bonney, also known as the "Big Eater", the captain of the Bonney

Pirates. She is also a devil fruit user.

Unnamed paramecia-type devil fruit that allows her to manipulate the

aging process, allowing her to freely make herself and others older or


Uncertainty, their bodies were controlled directly by Hamburg using

electronic waves.

As Hamburg was mostly a machine, he could perform many tasks which

humans couldn't unless with the help of a devil fruit.

Akuma laid down on the seat, or also almost a bed above the floor.

The lights on the ceiling, illustrated each and every detail of his body

naked body.

Weak, poor health, dying, unfortunate, wounded, unhealing, these were

the words best to describe his state.

Hamburg injected some unknown fluids in his body through the veins.

Half of the researchers and scientists who were not needed now, left the


"Let us start!"

Hamburg grinned and waved his hand towards the controlled Bonney.

Walking next to Akuma, Bonney extended her hands and touched his


On the sides, Maba, Jimmy, Bella and her son, and Beauty watched


Jimmy and Beauty were like emergency support when the situation went

in the wrong direction.

On the seat, Akuma's body started trembling and then shook violently.

Sweats dripped down from Bonney's face as she used her devil fruit

ability to change Akuma's age.

Slowly, changes occurred as Akuma's body started shrinking.

From 6 meters, his body decreased to 3 meters. All the decaying muscle

tissues in his body now showed signs of growing.

The face, full of wrinkles and falling skin, became tight and smooth.

Once about to face death Akuma, now returned back to his prime.

A prime where everyone was scared of him. And that time was, when he

was titled "Devil of the Sea".


Bonney breathing roughly fell on the cold floor as her body felt extremely


"Wonderful! Now the second part!"

Hamburg spoke, and this time, Pudding, wearing a similar helmet,

walked forward to Akuma.

Pudding touched Akuma's forehead as her devil fruit ability began.

But for some reason, Pudding shook and wanted to get away from


Hamburg could feel some part of her emotions through the electronic


Fear, terror, frightened, these were the emotions Pudding felt as soon as

she looked at Akuma's memories.

'What is she seeing?'

Hamburg pondered and was really curious. But a single glance from

Maba made him silent his thoughts for now.


Ordered Hamburg, he made sure that Pudding didn't step back from


Pudding removed all the blurry clouds of aging from the memories of


Giving Akuma the capability to remember all his past memories with


Minutes turned to hours, and finally the second part of the process of

bringing Akuma to his prime was over.

"Soon, father will rule over the World Government and this world!"

Bella stared at Akuma, her eyes filled with admiration and respect.

"Haha. Exactly!"

Jimmy also nodded and agreed to what Bella had said. The world will

definitely change.

The Devil of the Sea… is resurrecting back!

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 19 { Prime

Akuma Part-2 }

"It is time! Take him to the machine!"

Hamburg clapped his hands and looked at Jimmy with a smile.

"Very well."

Jimmy opened his right palm and a small vortex formed in the room.

Then, Akuma's body entered the cylinder filled with green fluids.

Few wires charged up on Akuma's back and connected to his spine.

"Start it! And remember, don't stop until all the energy is exhausted."

Hamburg walked next to the controls and said to the one who was

incharge of the machine.


The researcher nodded and replied to Hamburg. His focus went back to

the controls.

"How long until father wakes up?"

Bella held her son, Yios, and stared at Akuma who was inside the glass


"Maybe… thirty minutes or so."

Hamburg calculated and came with an approx answer.

"So, guys. My work is not needed anymore it seems. Can I leave? I have

to teach the children in school about medications."

Beauty raised her hand and asked with a little hesitation.

"You can."

Maba sat on the seat where Akuma had laid before, and replied to


"Okay bye!"

Immediately, Beauty walked out of the room with light footsteps.

She looked excited whenever she thought of teaching the cute children in

Earth Realm.

* * *

Earth Realm___

In the middle of the huge town, there's only one school for children to


It was very huge, almost the tallest building in the entire town.

Well maintained toilets, large playground, cafeteria, a separate

auditorium, mini hospital, etc.

It could be said the best in the entire world with every facility a school

must have.

The college was exactly opposite to the school, with very similar


In school, class 12, section B. Irish stood before the whiteboard and

looked at the students.

"So students, did you understand what I taught you today?"

Irish pushed her glasses and asked. The students all nodded and gave

their affirmatives.

"Hm. Now remember to complete your homeworks and show it to your

teacher. I will come very little this year."

Irish sorted her books and held on to her cane as she walked out of the


"Miss Irish! Wait for me!"

A man called out Irish from the next classroom. He looked not much

younger than her.

"What's it, Borry?"

Irish rolled her eyes and waited for the man named Borry to come out.

"Did you think about my proposal?"

Borry asked with a bit of redness on his cheeks, he darted his eyes off her

seductive body.

Irish stared at Borry, and then turned around to head to her office with a


"Hey! Miss Irish! Please consider it again! I will give my best to keep you


Borry was very unstable as he tried his best to make Irish accept his

proposal for marriage.

Stopping on her track, Irish closed her eyes as she thought.

"Will you be afraid of me if I tell you that I enjoy killing people?"

Irish opened her eyes and said. Borry was a little startled by her sudden


"Definitely not! Why would I be afraid of you, Miss Irish. I saw how you

love playing with children. How can such a person who is loved by those

cute children be a psycho that enjoys killing people!"

Borry didn't care about what Irish had said and walked before her.

"Please, Miss Irish. Marry me!"

Borry bent on his knee and extended his hands which held a diamond


Irish pushed his hands back and walked past him, this time she didn't

stop on her track.

'All of you are the same.'

Irish, the Eight Division Captain, also an archeologist, historian, geologist

and psychologist.

She read in Borry's eyes, which was dusted with lust and greedy for her


Sitting on the chair in her office, she removed the glove on her left hand.

"What exactly is the purpose of my life?"

Muttered Irish as she picked a pen from the table with her left hand.

Slowly, the pen corroded to extremes and vanished in the air with some

tiny particles.

* * *

Arabasta Kingdom___

Arabasta is an established kingdom with a long history. It is located on

Sandy Island; roughly half-way through the first part of the Grand Line.

Sandy Island is a Summer Island.

Alubarna, the capital city of Arabasta. Alubarna is built on a plateau near

an oasis, to the northeast of Arabasta.

It is located north of Nanohana and west of Tamarisk. Like several other

cities in Arabasta, most of Alubarna's structures follow the conventions of

Islamic architecture, such as domed buildings and towers.

Access to the city is done through five long flights of stairs located to the

west, southwest, south, southeast and east.

Inside the inn, a tanned woman sat on the bed in her reserved room.

She held a newspaper which was the latest. It was the one where the

news about the fall of Devil's Pirates in Drum Kingdom was published.

"You guys."

The woman shook her head and dropped the newspaper on the bed

beside her.

What was she upset about? Nobody knew.

"I still remember that day. Will I ever be able to forget that memory?

Eight Division Captain of the Devil's Pirates, Irish. Can I avenge my


The woman was none other than the once small girl, Nico Robin who had

seen her mother getting killed.

No, wiped out.

She grew to become a fine woman, but her life wasn't easy to describe.

She fled from one location to another, joining one gang to another, but at


She was always chased by the Navy and Marines.

Currently, Robin hid in a secret criminal organization in Arabasta called

Baroque Works.

Their objective, or the leader's, was to find and get his hands on one of

the three ancient weapons.

The ancient weapon which was the target is called Pluton, the rest of the

information was unknown.

"But I didn't expect the Straw Hats to actually defeat Kitta in his own


Robin was greatly surprised and didn't anticipate this outcome from Luffy

and the crew whom she had met once.

"Were they hiding their strength?"

Robin pulled out a wanted poster which belonged to Luffy, and


'They are coming here if I am not wrong. Princess Vivi is also with them


Robin crosses her legs and starts making different plans for the upcoming


She had an advantage against the leader of Baroque Works. That was the

advantage of knowledge.

From the very beginning, Robin didn't want the leader to get his hands

on Pluton.

That would just cause mass destruction on Arabasta and other places.

Her goal for working with the leader was only to learn more about the

history which was lost in the passing time.

And it seems, a chance was soon going to arrive here in Arabasta in the

form of Straw Hat Pirates.

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 20 { Devil's

Awake }

[System Override!]

[System Override!]

[System Shutting Down…]

Ahh, it's been so long! I can finally remember who I am and what I have


Angel, I didn't die. What about you? Are you at the same time as mine?

[System Rebooting…]

[System Online]

The silent robotic voice entered my ears as my heart filled with happy


You made a mistake, Demon Lord. You should have let the Gods and

Goddess destroy my soul forever.

Now you shall see, what a real Devil from hell is!

* * *

"Sir! The readings show that Captain is waking!"

The researcher on the controls, informed hurriedly to Hamburg.

"Stop the machine! Hahah! He's back!"

Hamburg shouted while staring at the glass cylinder filled with green


Inside, a tall and perfectly muscular man floated in the green fluid as the

wires on his back stopped supplying energy.

Cracks started forming on the glass as a heavy aura erupted from inside.


The few researchers were extremely worried as they watched the cracks

increase on the glass.

"Haha! He's back! The Devil!"

Hamburg laughed as he spread his arms to welcome back the Captain.


The glass blew up into fragments as all the green fluid inside flowed out.

The aura from the man, as soon as the glass broke, skyrocketed in the

whole Devil's Home.

Maba, Hamburg, Jimmy, Bella and Yios, were the only ones standing.

All the pirates, scientists and researchers counting Pudding and Bonney,

fainted directly.

"This Conqueror Haki! Master has really achieved his prime again!"

Maba bent down and touched his forehead on the floor, to the man in

front of him.


Jimmy and Bella bowed while the little baby, Yois, in his mother's arms

was confused.

All he felt was that his grandfather had regained his power with

something else.

Maybe a new personality?


The small glass fragments on the wet floor, cracked as the man's feet

landed on them.

The once black eyes returned back to normal but there was a light touch

of multi-color.

"I feel… Great."

The man's lips curled up in a little smile which looked somewhat evil.

"My name is Akuma, Wholeheart Akuma!".

The man, named Akuma, also known throughout the whole world as the "

Devil of the Sea", spoke.

His voice is deep like an ocean, with the mixture of cold and darkness.

"Maba. Ready the ships! I want to roam."

Akuma walked past the group who bowed to him, towards his Castle.

He had a few things still there.



Name: Wholeheart Akuma

Age: 144

Weight: 315 kg

Height: 399 cm

Race: Devil

Devil Fruit: [Horo Horo no Mi] [Gasu Gasu no Mi] [Umi-Hebi no Mi]

World: One Piece

Profession: [Devil's Pirate Captain]

Money: 277 billion berries

Ability: [Hypnosis] [See Through False] [Mirror Way] [Memory Feel]

[Soul Extract] [Fear Consumption]

[Creation Shop] : You can create your own items and Abilities using


Items: [Black Suit] [Ammu] [Pack of Cigar] [Lighter]


King's Castle___

Akuma stood before the Purple Poneglyph, his eyes observing it.

Extending his right hand, Akuma touched the Poneglyph with his warm



"Save us! Help!"

His ears caught the voices screaming for help and mercy, each one


It seems that the screams and shouts of the voices were inaudible him

and not to the people in the hall.

"Before we leave. Let us have a small party."

Removing his hand from the Poneglyph, Akuma turned to face them.

His family, crew and the dear servant Maba.

"Yes, master! I shall immediately get the chefs to prepare the meals and


Maba was just too overjoyed to see his master regain his strength.

"Tell the pirates to stop what they are doing. I want to let them enjoy

their peace for one last day."

Akuma walked down the few steps and came out to the open balcony.

The view of the almost modern town made him recall Earth. The little

life he lived as Birkangwra Basumatary.

It was good. That's all Akuma could say.

* * *

Town of Happiness___

That day, the entire town had a celebration. All different kinds of people,

Humans, Fish-Men, Giants. Merfolk, Sky Island Residents, Mink Tribe,

Longarm Tribe and Longleg Tribe.

Every single one of them enjoyed the event.

Holding a glass of wine, on the balcony of the King's Castle. Akuma in his

signature balck suit, eyed the town.

[Ability: See Through False]

The entire town went into a change as Akuma's eyes turned multi-color.

All the citizens, pirates, animals, etc, anything which is alive except for

very small insects and so on, glowed in light red.

Out of all, only Maba was still green. But that also, was slowly fading

away with time.

"Don't worry. I won't hypnotize you guys. Because you all will be no-fun

after that."

Akuma sipped the wine and crossed his legs while enjoying the night sky.

The stars sparkled and the moonlight illustrated the town with some

silver light.

"Suddenly I feel like there should have been background music to make

the scene better."

I leaned back on the chair and rested my body comfortably.

Years passed, and only now could Akuma relax for the first time.

After all, was there anybody in this world who would come and attack

Akuma, in his own territory.

If someone really does so, it would be their second biggest mistake in

their life.

The first one being born to this world while the "Devil of the Sea",

regained his prime.

* * *


Sailing was a small pirate ship in the sunny weather. It belonged to the

rookie pirates, who are very well known these days.

"Nami! I see an island!"

On the bow of the ship, a young man with a small scar under his left eye,

sat crossed legged.

He wore a straw hat, which was also the main feature of the pirate flag.

Of course he was none other than our main character of "One Piece",

Monkey D. Luffy.


Nami, who heard Luffy's shout from inside the kitchen, came out with

Vivi and Sanji.

"It's full of sand!"

On the top of the main mast, a green haired man with three swords


Roronoa Zoro, is his name.

"Let me call Chopper."

Usopp standing on the side railing, said. He then went inside the ship to

the doctor's office.

"It's really hot here!"

Nami pulled her handkerchief and wiped her sweat off her forehead

while Sanji eyed her secretly.

'Nami-sann is so sexy! Ahh!'

Sanji felt his blood boil as he marched to the kitchen to prepare ice

cream for Nami and Vivi.

"That's Arabasta! Finally, we are here!"

Vivi had some joy and happiness in her eyes as he stared at the land

filled with sand.

'Father, Arabasta will be saved!'

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 21 { Big Mom

vs Whitebeard }

New World___

There are a few small Navy bases situated in the New World, which are

responsible for some areas.

So was, Navy Base G-41

The sirens in the Navy base rang out loud alarming everyone.

"What's going on?"

"Is it enemies?"

The soldiers and some high ranking officers panicked while running


The biggest rank officer in this base was a veteran Vice Admiral named


He is one of the few giant Vice Admirals in the whole world.


Macorh looked down at the few Rear Admirals. It seems there's a pirate

fleet heading towards their direction.

"Which pirate group is it?"

Macorh asked as he looked at the direction from where the fleet of

pirates were coming.

"Sir! It's Big Mom Pirates!"

As soon as the name came, Macorh's face changed to a very ugly one.

"Call the nearby bases for reinforcement and inform the Headquarters

about it."

Macorh picked up his weapon, a spear, and walked to the edge of the


"Ready the soldiers for battle!"

His command was immediately followed as hundreds of soldiers marched


The cannons locked their barrels on the pirate fleet when it was visible.

As the pirates neared, the atmosphere in the base grew heavier.


With Macorh's shout, all the cannons rained cannonballs on the incoming

pirate fleet.

Only some cannonballs hit the target, most fell into the sea.

The pirate fleet stopped and two ships with no flags sailed forward.

Two huge cannons with wide barrels aimed at the Navy Base.

Sparks flew around the cannons as it charged up and finally shot.


Two extremely hot and bright energy balls escaped the cannon barrels

and headed for the base.

Macorh didn't even have the time to shout for the soldiers to retreat.

His eyes stared at the bright light in slow motion as it slowly engulfed the

whole base.


A loud and clear explosion occurred at Navy Base G-42, leaving nothing

except a huge crater.

Sea water filled up the crater. Pieces of wood, cement, and other

materials floating on the pool formed.

"Mama Mama! This power!"

On the biggest ship, Queen Mama Chanter, Big Mom stood on the bow

and watched everything.

"Hahah! I will become the Pirate King soon! Whitebeard, prepare for your


The laughs from Big Mom could be heard clearly. The two ships at the

front actually belong to the Devil's Pirates.

First Division Captain ship, and Seventh Division Captain ship.

Rocky and Lancelot.

Currently, the Big Mom Pirates with the two Division Captains from

Devil's Pirates are heading towards Whitebeard's territory.

* * *

Navy Headquartered___

Akainu rushed to the Fleet Admiral's office with the latest reports from

New World.

"What is it?"

Sitting on the chair for Fleet Admiral, Sengoku looked at Akainu with a


"Big Mom has made her move. She is heading towards Whitebeard's

territory. It looks like she is going to start a war with Whitebeard."

Akainu handed the report to Sengoku who read it with a grave face.

"Two Navy bases that came in the path of Big Mom Pirates were

completely wiped out. And there's also two Division Captains of the

Devil's Pirates with them?"

Sengoku massaged his forehead while placing the report on the table.

"We should take this chance to attack both Big Mom and Whitebeard. As

for the Devil's Pirates, they should have already expected us to make a


Akainu, touched his right eye, which now had been blinded as he wore a

black eye patch.

'Damn Rocky! I will kill you with my own hands!"

Akainu still remembers the fight against Rocky almost every night.

"You and Kizaru, head there as fast as you can with a fleet. Don't let Big

Mom or Whitebeard escape. This might be our only chance to kill them."

Sengoku immediately ordered. Akainu left the office with a determined

and intimidating look.

'I am coming…"

Akainu couldn't wait to fight against Rocky once again after many years.

He had trained like a monster, not a single day skip with only one eye.

He wanted to make sure that his blind right side wouldn't be a weakness.

* * *

New World___

Sitting next to Lancelot, Rocky lit the cigar on his mouth while reading

the latest information.

"So we let those two fight and only participate in smaller ones?"

Lancelot scratched his head and threw the portable smart device, called

phone, on the table.

"Captain said to not kill Whitebeard for the moment. Only target Big

Mom if we have a chance."

Rocky smoked as he explained some things to Lancelot.

"I am here to help."

Suddenly between the two Division Captains, another voice came in.

"Joker, what do you want?"

Lancelot raised his eyebrow and looked at the third person who entered

the room without knocking.

"I am very free so I thought about helping you two out? Did I do anything


Joker, took a seat opposite to the two and rested his hands on the table.

"We don't need your help."

Rocky directly opposed. Was he that weak for Joker to help him out in a


Definitely no!

Rocky is almost the same level as those Four Emperors in New World.

And he was also in his prime. If one took Whiteboard's current age and

health, Rocky could actually kill him.

That's if nobody interfered with them. And Whitebeard fought the battle

to death with Rocky.

"No no! I won't help you, Rocky! I was talking about handling the

weaklings! Like the first son of Big Mom and a few captains from

Whitebeard Pirates"

Joker obviously didn't want to get on the bad side of Rocky. As everyone

in the Devil's Pirates and Devil's Home knew that Rocky was even

stronger than Maba.

"Okay it's enough you two! Let's talk about the Navy who will show up.

Lancelot spoke to stop Rocky from getting angry. Joker leaned back on

the chair as he started thinking.

"What did the black sheep in the Navy report?"

Rocky asked. Only the Division Captains, Akuma's children, Maba and

Akuma knew of the spy they had in both the Navy and World


"The Navy is sending a fleet. That's the only thing reported for now."

Lancelot picked his phone and looked through the new messages.

"By the way, what's Brook up to? I haven't seen him in months."

Lancelot remembered the last time he saw Brook, it was when he was

given a new mission.

From then, he hadn't seen Brook till now.

"It's a secret! Don't let others know about it, okay? Brook was sent to


Joker opened his mouth and grinned as he answered Lancelot.

"Elbaf? Giant's kingdom? What's Brook's mission?"

Asked Lancelot. He was now very curious about the mission Brook was


"I don't know anymore than that. Why don't you ask the Captain


Joker smirked at Lancelot and stood up from his seat. Waving his hand,

his body seemed to glitch as he vanished in thin air.

"Be careful of Joker. He isn't someone you can trust your back with."

Rocky said as he also stood up and left the room normally through the


Lancelot sat there alone in the room with a sigh.

"So this is what Brook feels…"

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 22 { Big Mom

vs Whitebeard }

The news about Big Mom Pirates heading towards the territory of

Whitebeard was known to everybody.

So there was no way that Whitebeard wouldn't know about all that.

Moby Dick___

A tall and muscular man with a crescent-shaped mustache, sat on a large


Besides the man, there were two machines connected to him with wires.

The machine helped the man to regulate his blood flow as well as purify

it from time to time.

"That damn fat woman!"

The grunts of the pirates on the deck had nothing to hide, everyone was

clearly angry.

"Gurararara! It seems that the old Devil has tricked Linlin to wage a war

on us."

The man, Edward Newgate, also known as "Whitebeard" throughout the

whole world, said with a laugh.

"Rocky and Lancelot. Those two will be the biggest problem other than

Big Mom herself."

On the steps before Whitebeard, a man with glasses and blonde hair like

a Pineapple named Marco, spoke.

"I can handle Lancelot alone, we both are of similar strength but


Saying so, Marco went silent as he started making some precautions for

the war.

"Gurararara! Leave Linlin to me. Children, choose whoever you want to

fight. But remember to keep your family safe!"

Whitebeard looked at all the pirates on the ship as he smiled at them.

But deep down in his heart, he knew that he might not survive after the

fight with Big Mom.

No, if he thinks of it. Rocky had some grudges with him when he saved


"Okay! Everyone, prepare! The Big Mom Pirates should have entered our

territory by now!"

Marco suddenly jumped up in the air as his arms burned into blue flames.

Flying, Macro looked down on the four Moby Dicks sailing smoothly on

the sea.

Behind, tens of pirate ships followed with hundreds of pirates in them.

Each pirate was a part of the Whitebeard Pirates.

* * *

Whitebeard Territory___

The huge fleet of pirates belonging to Big Mom Pirates and Devil's

Pirates, sailed forward without any fear.

In total, they had more than five hundred thousand elite pirates.

"Mama Mama!"

Sitting on the deck, Big Mom munched down on the pastries and drank

black tea.

"Mama, I see a big enough island!"

Oven, came down from the top of the main mast and informed.

"Dock there! The old man must have already learned about our invasion

of his land. He will definitely find us."

Big Mom said with a plain face yet she somehow showed the excitement

in her voice.

"Okay, Mama!"

Her children commanded the fleet to temporarily settle down on the


It was a normal island with a forest in the middle and sand on the edges.

There wasn't any high ground here for defence.

Unlike other ships, the two Division Captain's ships docked separately.

Multiple pirates stormed through the ships with various equipment.

Perospero, Compote, Katakuri, Daifuku and Oven, came and looked at

the pirates carrying equipment.

"Is this the Plasma Cannon you talked about?"

Perospero, being the eldest of all his brothers and sisters, as well as the

main commandant, asked.

"Ya. But I don't know how it works? Hamburg made it a few years ago."

Lancelot, with his hands in his pants pockets, answered unhurriedly.

Rocky was arranging the equipment into a large cannon with many wires

connected to his ship.

Actually, the Plasma Cannon was the one on his ship. And it will soon be

the turn of the one on Lancelot's ship.

"How long does it take to charge up completely?"

Asked Compote, she inspected the cannon once before but didn't

understand much.

"Three hours. And with the energy left in our ships, it can shoot five

times again."

Lancelot gave the simple information needed. The others nodded their


If the children of Big Mom didn't have any grudges on someone, it was

Lancelot out of all the Division Captains.

Even though they did fight once, Lancelot had not killed anyone or given

serious injuries.

Also, Lancaster was well known in the New World for being a kind heart


No unreasonable kills, no excessive lootings, and he even helps the poor.

But it was sure that Lancelot was very strong. Strong enough to almost

equal Marco from Whitebeard Pirates.

"We finish the fight as soon as possible before any other party interferes."

Katakuri said with his always serious face as he turned around and

walked back to their side.

Daifuku and Oven also followed behind Katakuri while leaving

Perospero, Compote and Lancelot.

"What's wrong with that guy?"

Lancelot asked with a confused look. He understood what Katakuri meant

to say but his character was quite different.

"Let's forget about that."

Compote shook her head and started asking various questions to Lancelot

about the Plasma Cannon.

Perospero was also very attentive to hear Lancelot explain a few things

about the cannon.

But still, it wasn't near enough for Perospero and Compote to fully

understand the cannon.

In the whole fleet, except Lancelot, only Rocky knows about the Plasma


Well, Perospero and Compote did want to learn more about the Plasma

Cannon but, asking about it to Rocky…

It wasn't a good idea.

Because Rocky is known to be a brutal and indifferent Division Captain

from the Devil's Pirates.

Even other Division Captains from the Devil's Pirates don't mess with


Soon, the next day. The Whitebeard Pirates roared through the sea

towards the island.

"They are here!!"

The scouts in the front, shouted on top of their lungs to alert the rest.

Rocky holding a mic, while smoking the best company cigar, came to the

edge of the island.

With binoculars, Rocky gazed at the opponent. The number of ships and

pirates were definitely not less than there's.

"Mama Mama! What are you waiting for?"

Big Mom walked next to Rocky and looked at the pirate fleet sailing

towards them.

"The right moment."

Answered Rocky with not a hint of emotion in his tone. And so, the right

moment soon appeared.


Bringing the mic near his mouth, Rocky ordered for the Plasma Cannons

to shoot.

Two huge metal cannons raised above the trees with a stand, and aimed

their barrels on the incoming pirate ships.


The burst of plasma was very bright, and the speed of the plasma was

very fast.

One marked the main ship where Whitebeard stood, and the other

marked the ship beside it.

The first one, targeting the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, was

blocked by a flying figure in blue flames.


Unfortunately, the other plasma burst couldn't be stopped in time as it

blasted off the pirate ship into pieces.

Not a single pirate body was left after getting hit by the plasma except

some wood and metal.

The blast also caused a huge wave next to the main ship of the

Whitebeard Pirates.

Thankfully, the wave didn't destroy any other ships in the area around

the center.

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 23 { Big Mom

vs Whitebeard }

The charging time for the Plasma Cannons was 3 hours, so it couldn't be

used for now.

And, the Whitebeard Pirates were now too close in the range making the

Plasma Cannons not fit for firing.

The war between the two biggest pirate groups in the whole world, with

another one as helping hand for one side, started.

"You! You will pay for killing my brothers!"

Marco in his full Phoenix form, covered with blue flames, charged at


But his claws, which were marked to pierce Lancelot's chest, were

blocked by his sword.

"As if I'll let you do so!"

Lancelot increased his strength on his arms and legs to push Marco back.

Marco, using the same force from Lancelot, spun in the air as he brought

his right leg down on Lancelot to kick.


Lancelot barely managed to stand on his both feets while absorbing the

impact from Marco.


Lancelot slashed his sword at Marco, which the latter avoided and flew in

the sky.

The fight between Marco and Lancelot was eye-catching, but when

compared to Whitebeard and Big Mom, it was as if two kids were


"Linlin! You dared to invade my territory! Have you already been fooled

by the old Devil!"

Whitebeard swung his Naginata at Big Mom with more than half his full


The reason was because of his old age, his body also grew weaker day by


Now, if he used all his strength, his body might not be able to withstand

the power.

The case was very similar to the old Fleet Admiral Ryujin, and the past

Akuma with the old body.

Each one of them were monsters, but because of their bodies, their

strengths were limited.

"Just die quietly!"

Big Mom also swung, Napoleon at Whitebeard. Both the weapons clashed

as sparks and thunder flashed out.

The sound wave and the impact couldn't be withstand by the ground as a

huge crater formed below them.

Tens of pirates in the area of the impact were crushed into meat paste.

Obviously except Rocky and the few children of Big Mom. Their combat

abilities were many times the elite and normal pirates.

"Come fight me!"

Also known as "Diamond Jozu", the 3rd division commander of the

Whitebeard Pirates, as one of the crew's most prominent members.

He shouted while dashing forward towards Rocky who was smoking his

cigar out in the open.

"Don't regret coming alone."

Muttered Rocky as he clenched his right fist tightly, dark light burst out

as it covered his whole arm.


Rocky turned sideways and then took a big step forward to swing his fist

at Jozu.

Jozu was using his devil fruit ability which can help him turn into a

diamond human, almost making him invincible, to attack Rocky.


The fist with advanced armament haki collided with the diamond head of

Jozu, sending him straight to heaven.

Multiple cracks formed on Jozu's head, red blood splashed out on the


Rocky had his knuckles cut open, the white bones inside were visible.

The outcome was as he expected. Rocky knew that the 3rd division

commander of the Whitebeard Pirates was strong.

It looks like Rocky couldn't use his right fist temporarily in the fights.

As for Jozu, he laid on the ground completely knocked out cold.

Even his devil fruit had turned away. If medication was not provided in

time, Jozu might die from blood loss.

"Stay put."

Rocky said to Jozu as he stepped over him and headed towards the fight

between Whitebeard and Big Mom.

The plan is, finish either one of the two Emperors or both if there is a


But, Big Mom had to be killed there itself because her territory was soon

going to be taken over by the Devil's Pirates.

Karen was already waiting for the signal to launch an airstrike at Totto


"Rocky! I will not let you interrupt the old man in his fight!"

Very soon, Rocky was surrounded by multiple Whitebeard pirates.

There were also three division commanders in them. Izou, 16th division

commander; Namur, 8th division commander and Fossa, 15th division


"We will end you here, Rocky!"

Izou saw how Jozu became after attacking Rocky, but it was also his fault

to begin with.

Head on clash with one of the strongest pirates in the entire world, he got

what he deserved.

But Jozu was his brother, he obviously couldn't see him in such a state.


With Fossa's shout, all the pirates surrounding Rocky shoot their guns.

Yet, the three division commanders and all the pirates were left with


Even though they knew something like this might happen but still. Not a

single bullet could pass through the hard armament of Rocky.

"You all need bigger guns."

Rocky pulled out his revolver and shot at one of the three division

commanders while they were lost in thoughts.


The bullet pierced the flesh and ripped one of the kidneys of Namur.


The scream of pain brought them back to reality. Namur was shot and

another bullet was heading towards his head.


Izou used his sword to deflect the bullet, saving Namur from the face of



Fossa charged at Rocky and slammed his fist on his side. The punch was

blocked by Rocky's elbow.

Dodging the many daggers and swords from the pirates, Rocky came back

many meters away.

The cigar was also cut in half. Spitting it, Rocky threw his hat away and

also took off his coat.

The few white hair mixed in the black hair, showed that even Rocky

couldn't escape nature's law.

Rocky had crossed 50 years, and now he was in his late 50s. Unlike

others, his body was still well and healthy to the extreme.

His muscles are still in their prime. No, Rocky was actually at his

strongest now.

"Come on! Show me what you all can do!"

With the deadly eyes, Rocky rushed towards the group of pirates with a

revolver in his left hand.

* * *

The war between the two of the biggest Emperors did cause panic in the

nearby public.

Their fear was that the aftermath of the fight might affect them badly.

If Big Mom Pirates win the fight, their lives could be said to worsen.

They can only hope for the best, which was the news that a huge Navy

fleet was on their way to Whitebeard's territory.

Anyone can guess their motive.

If the Navy can kill at least one of the two Emperors, it will be a huge


And worth celebrating.

But if even the Navy loses, then it's better to leave the New World and

settle down somewhere else.

Also, the news of Devil's Pirates making their move was now known.

Few days ago, in the newspaper it said that one of the Territories of the

Devil's Pirates was freed by a rookie pirate group.

And the direction where the Devil's Pirates were heading was also

towards the first half of Grand Line, Paradise.

The sea now, has become too much noisy and chaotic.


Now you all can guess how big of a force the Devil's Pirates are.

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 24 { Big Mom

vs Whitebeard }

[Author Talk---]

Readers, we are soon going to cross 1.5 million views! I am very excited.

I never expected for this fac-fiction novel to earn so many views.

Also, the collections are just on the line to reach 3k. New readers, if you

like it then please do add it in your collection.

Rain the power stones!!


It's been a whole day since the fight started, but not a single one of the

pirates were ready to retreat.


The punch from Whitebeard shattered a tree to pieces as Big Mom flew

up in the air on Zeus.


Big Mom shouted as a large sun glowing bright with yellow and orange

flames came up.

"Yes Mama!"

Prometheus, the sun, opened his mouth and blew lots of hot flames at



Whitebeard punched the air on his left with his right fist as cracks

appeared like a broken mirror.


The whole island shook and the air towards the sun, Prometheus,

trembled into waves.

Wide and the sound wave, hit Prometheus and successfully injured him.


Prometheus's pain filled scream made Big Mom even angrier as she

charged at Whitebeard on top of Zeus.


Zeus, now a black cloud, shot lighting at Whitebeard in hundreds of



Whitebeard spun his Naginata in the air, blocking the lighting midway.

Well, this action seemed impossible for a normal person. But who are we

talking about?

He's the strongest man in the world! Whitebeard!


Big Mom brought down her sword, Napoleon, while Whitebeard

countered it with his Naginata.

Both the weapons collided and the ground beneath them broke open in a


Whitebeard's left foot couldn't get a hold on the ground as he started

falling to that side.

Seeing the chance, Big Mom held on to Napoleon tightly and swung it to

cut Whitebeard on his neck.

Everything happened so suddenly and quickly that Whitebeard couldn't

block Big Mom's strike.

His eyes looked at the nearing blade with lots of regret and sadness.


That was when a voice entered both Whitebeard and Big Mom's ears.

A missile head came into Whitebeard's view which hit Big Mom's face.


The explosion was very loud and clear for everything to know.

Far away, Joker put down the portable missile launcher on the ground

with a tired body.

"Damn it is heavy!"

Joker blocked the sun with his right palm and narrowed his eyes at the


The missile was a signal for the start of the plan. It was now time to

finish Big Mom.

As for Whitebeard, Joker got word from Akuma that he must be alive.


The shouts from Big Mom's children filled with anger and craze, echoed

in the island.

"We shouldn't have trusted the Devil from the beginning!"

Katakuri was unable to see the future of Big Mom, because he was busy

fighting three division commanders from Whitebeard Pirates.

"I will kill you Joker!"

Perospero had his eyes red in rage, he turned to glare at the spot where

Joker was supposed to be.

But he wasn't there!

Joker already used his devil fruit to get near Rocky and Lancelot to

inform them about the changes in plan.

"Leave Whitebeard alive. Big Mom must be finished immediately."

Joker said that in Rocky and Lancelot's ears while vanishing in the air

like a ghost.

"Playtime is over!"

Rocky smashed Izou and Fossa on the ground while killing Namur with

his revolver.

* * *

"It's not enough to kill me!"

The shrills from Big Mom's voice roamed the island. The smoke went

away revealing the unharmed Big Mom on Zeus.

"Damn you, Devil!"

Cursed Big Mom. All her concentration now was on to kill Joker and the

rest of the Devil's Pirates.

Whitebeard didn't stop Big Mom and let her do as she wanted. It would

only benefit them at last.

All the pirates from Whitebeard Pirates knew that they should step back

for a moment and let Big Mom Pirates fight against the Devil's Pirates.

"Joker! Do it!"

Lancelot shouted while looking towards the children of Big Mom who

were rage driven.

"He he he!"

Joker grinned as he watched Lancelot and Rocky get into a tight position.


Lancelot was really angry at Joker now. Was it even a time for pranks?

"Okay. Okay."

Joker standing on top of the Plasma Cannon, shook his head in


Pulling out a small device with a red button on one end or it, Joker

pressed the button.

Thousands of small sprinklers like machines came out of the soil in the

island perimeter.

The machine head spun and white smoke bursted out of the sprinklers

engulfing the whole island.

The only one with observation haki could see because of dense white


"Get out of here, children!"

Whitebeard's voice, loud, spread in the island as all the Whitebeard

Pirates escaped immediately.

Marco in his Sphinx form, flew in the air as he looked down on the


The smoke was very weird, it didn't mix in the air and move but stayed

surrounding the island like a globe.

"Mama! Careful!"

Suddenly, Katakuri's voice was heard in the dense smoke. Big Mom knew

what Katakuri was capable of so she didn't take his advice lightly.

But unfortunately, she didn't expect the enemy to be so fast and


Even with her observation haki, Big Mom was slammed with a very hard

object on the back of her head.


Big Mom screamed in pain, it was truly a despair for the Big Mom Pirates

and her children to hear that she was screaming.

That's also in pain.

Big Mom fell on the ground from the top of Zeus. The three, Zeus,

Prometheus and Napoleon were worried.

Whitebeard Pirates escaped from the island to the sea as they watched

the white smoke.

"Was that Big Mom's scream?"

Marco, coming down on the main ship, stood next to Whitebeard and


"It is. To make her scream in pain. What weapon are the Devil's Pirates


Whitebeard wondered with a curious face. He was grateful that the war

wasn't going to happen again.

The clear reason was that the Devil's Pirates were attacking the Big Mom


And it's already like a fact, that once the Devil's Pirates target someone or

something, they will definitely capture or destroy them.

"Old man, should we go?"

Asked Marco, he raised his head and looked at Whitebeard.

"No, it's better to watch. If the Devil's Pirates wanted to attack us, it's no

use trying to run or hide."

Whitebeard turned around and went to his seat to get some rest for now.

Marco stared at Whitebeard's back then looked at the island covered with

dense and white smoke.

Whatever was happening inside, was definitely a nightmare for Big Mom.

Her screams and shouts were very loud, it only increased instead of


The Big Mom Pirates were slowly getting annihilated there by the Devil's


If the Big Mom pirates wanted to escape they could only swim in the sea

or use their ships.

But the ships were destroyed and they didn't know whether the Devil's

Pirates had placed traps in the sea as well.

This time, the Big Mom Pirates faced despair from the core of their heart.

Not A Chapter- Just Author

Sharing his happenings.

Hey guys, I just wanted to share this one episode of mine.

A few days ago, I was watching Instagram reels and saw this one where a

certain country (not gonna say the name) burned millions of worth in

USD of elephant and rhino teeth and horns.

I went to the comment sections and read the comments, many were

sharing their opinions and thoughts.

One such comment was, "Why waste those all which could be actually

used for some development and helping the poor."

The person obviously just shared his thought and didn't mean to promote

hunting of animals. Still a few idiot people started cursing and saying

him various things.

I felt bad and replied, "Use your brain. Instead of wasting them, you can

made some useful things like handles or something. The elephants have

been already killed, and it won't matter even if it's teeth are burst or

used. What matters is the future, the killing of elephants and other

animals must be stops but also don't mean that human can't kill the ones

that are needed for our survival."

That was the exact thing I said. I also didn't mean that hunting was good

or anything. And I just shared my thoughts.

Yet, Many replied to me with curses and different kinds of bad sayings,

"Thank god your mother died while giving birth to you. It must have

been painful."

I felt bad. I think I did use the wrong way to express my thoughts but

some people. And I apologized about it latter on, on next comment.

They just cross their line. Most of the time it will be those fake animal

lovers. And I am right.

That guy should be grateful that my comment was removed by Instagram

because of some guidelines like harassment and bullying.

Or I would have made him cry forever.

What I wanted to show by writing this was that. People aren't same,

everyone's thinking and minds are different.

Don't think that a person opposite to you can think exactly like you.

You all can check the paragraph comment here, I uploaded the notice

from Instagram about my comment removal.

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 25 { Akuma's

Appearance }

[Author Talk---]

Like I said, this chapter came in about 12 hours. I mentioned it in a

comment in the last chapter which was not really a chapter.

Readers, don't forget to share your thoughts and help me correct some



The dense white gas made Big Mom unable to pinpoint the exact location

of the enemy.

And obviously the enemy was staying still but unlike others, this

particular enemy wasn't running or using his legs to move.

It's like he or she was directly disappearing and appearing at different


'Just what kind of devil fruit is this!'

Big Mom gritted her teeth and held on to Napoleon tightly. Many cuts

and a few deep wounds were already delivered to her.

Even with her super defense, she was injured. Which also means that the

chance of the enemy being someone she knew was very high.

Who could injure her?

Only a handful of people. She can count them in one hand.

Someone from the Devil's Pirates. It was either Rocky, who was almost as

strong as her but he should be busy fighting her children, or…


The loud shout filled with anger and deep hatred together with her

conqueror haki, knocked out most of the pirates on the island.

"Oh! You finally recognized me."

The voice which she expected was different, it now wasn't weak and old

instead appeared domineering and full of life.

The surrounding, white gas slowly started moving away from Big Mom.

Some part of the white gas, mixed together as a young looking man

smaller than her materialized.

He wore a black suit possibly his signature wear and his hair tied in a

short ponytail,

He held a metal bat in his right hand and a dagger in his left hand which

dripped red blood belonging to Big Mom.

"Bastard! When did you come here?"

Big Mom glared at the man who was none other than the main villain in

many stories, Akuma.

"Ask this question to the Demon Lord in hell!"

Akuma seemed to disappear from the spot in a blink of an eye as he came

behind Big Mom.

The metal bat swung at her from behind while Big Mom gritted her teeth

and blocked the blow.

"I was really a fool to have believed in a devil! I should have killed you

when I had the chance!"

Big Mom shouted on top of her lungs as she slashed at Akuma with


"Zeus! Prometheus!"

The thunder cloud and the burning sun grew bigger as they unleashed

their full power.


A blue bolt of lighting charged at Akuma while red flames formed a ring

around him.

Everything, with time, slowed down. Akuma stared at the lighting which

looked like a dragon storming at him.

"Big Mom, you are strong. It's just… not more than me."

With no emotion on his face, Akuma welcomed the attacks with no



The explosion was very loud, a huge amount of white gas blew away by

the wind pressure.

Black smoke raised and also went away in the sky as Big Mom looked at

Akuma with wide eyes.

"The rage in you, let you make a mistake. How could you forget that I am

also a devil fruit user? Not just one, but three."

Completely uninjured, Akuma's body, which looked somewhat

transparent, returned back to normal.

"Bye bye, Big Mom."

In millions, mixed in the white gas on the island, tiny little ghosts entered

Big Mom's heart from the back.

"Your mind was clouded by hatred making you unable to identify where

the danger was."

Akuma turned around as a huge explosion from within Big Mom's heart


The last word from Big Mom before the death, "AKUMA!"

This time, all the white gas covering the whole island was blown away.

The ground cracked open, the trees up-rooted or completely burned.

Almost 95% of pirates on the island were caught up in the explosion,

including Akuma himself.

But of course, it didn't hurt him at all. No, there was no way he could be

injured with just that.

Unfortunately no one from the Devil's Pirates, except Rocky and Lancelot


Most of Big Mom's children died together with the rest leaving only a few

like Katakuri, Perospero, etc, the ones who were really strong.

As for Joker, he was already gone when Akuma came to the island.

For how Akuma arrived here when he was far away near the Red Line, it

was also a doing of Joker.

Or should we say, Joker's devil fruit ability.

"Ah! It's already the second time my clothes have burned while fighting

Big Mom."

Akuma looked at his once perfectly clean and shining suit, now it was

messed up.

Most parts were burned and stuck to his skin while some remained safe.

'I should have coated myself in haki before the blast.'

Akuma shook his head and glanced at the destroyed island.

Sea water sipped out of the deeper craters which formed holes on the


The island was also separated into many parts because of the bigger


Akuma's eyes gazed at the few remaining pirates from the Big Mom

Pirates, Big Mom's children.

"Shall I finish them?"

Akuma pondered but a different voice in him seemed to oppose the


"Don't! It will be fun to watch them struggle to survive!"

Akuma conflicted within himself with the voice. One was the real devil,

while the other was the body.

"Damn it!"

Akuma decided to go with the voice. He then turned to glare at the sea

not far away.

Tens of ships were waiting, they were the Whitebeard Pirates.

"You all are still here?"

Akuma tilted his head and stared at the main ship where a tall man with

a Naginata in his right hand stood.

Their eyes met, but both didn't look away. In their eyes, fear was fearing

to be forgotten by them.

"I will watch you. Don't worry."

Akuma moved his lips and silently spoke to the far away Whitebeard

with a light smile.

"Let's go!"

Akuma moved his body and jumper in the sea as his body expanded very


He turned to a frightening looking sea monster which was only heard in

stories in real life, Leviathan.

Deep green color, the thoroughly covered body with thick scales and a

fully loaded mouth with razor sharp teeth.

The black eyes gave a last look to Big Mom's children as Rocky and

Lancelot jumped on his head.

"It's over."

Lancelot sighed. He was very tired and almost exhausted to the core.

"It looks so."

Well, Rocky wasn't. He was still energetic even after fighting for hours

without any rest.

Smoking his beloved cigar, Rocky stared at the blue sky with clouds.

Akuma had his head up on the surface because Rocky and Lancelot were

riding on him.

His speed was also reduced to some degree but it didn't affect his plan by


The plan will have to wait for a day at most.

Meanwhile the Navy fleet was really unknown to what had already


They were still on their way to the war between Big Mom Pirates and

Whitebeard Pirates to get some fruit.

What will their reaction be after they learn that the war is already over

and Big Mom was killed by a younger Akuma?

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 26 { Luffy vs

Crocodile }


The news of Big Mom's death was still not spread around here.

After all, not even the Navy fleet had learned about it because they still

haven't reached the war zone.

But that doesn't mean that there weren't any big events happening.

The defeat of more than seven Warships of the Navy, who were trying to

capture Hancock was published not long.

And the image of the legendary creature, 'Sphinx' caused quite a


The size, power, and flight ability alone has gained it the title of the "Sky

Supreme", by the people.

That was not all, another event was soon coming to an end in one

location in Paradise, Grand Line.

* * *


In the capital city, Alubarna, a big fight was breaking out. Multiple

houses, shops, bars, vehicles, etc; were destroyed.


Luffy, with his hat behind, glared at the very tall man in front.

Everything happening now, the man was responsible.

"Straw Hat…"

Crocodile, a tall man with a wide chest, broad shoulders, muscular arms

and legs, and a thick neck.

He has pale skin and nape-length black hair which is kept neatly slicked

back, though strands tend to fall in front of his face during battles.

Crocodile has various battle wounds, most notably a long stitched scar at

the bridge of his nose that stretches across his face and a large hook

made from a tough gold alloy in place of his left hand.

His eyes are deep-set and heavy-lidded, and his thin eyebrows are

characteristically drawn upward in the middle.

He had many knows about him, one is that he is one of the Seven

Warlords of the Sea.

Another, which was hidden a few moments ago, is that he is the main

leader behind the criminal organization, Baroque Works.

The white smoke blew up in the air, Crocodile stared at Luffy and then

dashed forward.

"You will die here!"

His left hand, which is the golden hook, cut the air as it went through the

side of Luffy leaving a small cut.


Luffy managed to dodge the deadly attack but not enough to completely

avoid it.


Clenching his left fist, Luffy punches Crocodile on his face extremely fast.

Yet, no effect was visible. And Luffy knew exactly why. It was because of

Crocodile's devil fruit.

The Suna Suna no Mi is a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to

create, control, and transform into sand at will, turning the user into a

Sand Human.

"Ground Death!"

Crocodile placed his right palm on the ground as it cracked open into

multiple segments.

Sand sipped out and flew round him, the place around 10 meter radius

became a sandstorm.

Everything was getting destroyed like hollow pieces with no weight and


"Damn it! Crocodile!"

Luffy ran away immediately from the sandstorm as he looked around for


'Water! Water! Where can I get lots of water!"

Luffy was panicking while Crocodile was almost destroying the whole

area and making it into a desert.

It was already the second time Luffy had fought against Crocodile but

both ended with his defeat.

Not long, Luffy found a water tank in one of the restaurants in the city.

People were running away from the sandstorm, fear, horror and despair

clearly seen in their eyes.


Luffy drank the entire water tank, his stomach expanded as it contained

tons of water.


Shouting, Luffy walked in front of the sandstorm while calling Crocodile


"Kuhahaha! Straw Hat, how does it look? My rule?"

In the middle above the ground, half of Crocodile's body materialized

from sand.

"You will pay for what you did! To Vivi! To Arabasta!"

Luffy extended his arms and legs as the water in his stomach divided into

various parts.

Each water portion went to different body parts to keep them hydrated

from the blazing sun and the sandstorm.

And also from Crocodile.

"Why should a king pay!"

Crocodile roared as his body mixed in the sand and charged towards


Each sand particle could absorb water. If Luffy was directly hit, he would

have at most a few seconds until he was sucked dry by the sand.

"No way you're the king! You're just a reptile!"

But that's what Luffy wanted. He didn't run away from the sand but

instead stood still.

"Courting death!"

Crocodile, with his upper body solid, punched his right hand fist at Luffy.


Luffy spit out some water at the incoming Crocodile as he clenched his

right hand into a fist and punched.


Unlike before, because of the water, Crocodile was hit and pushed back

in pain.

"I will suck you dry!"

Crocodile enraged, bursted into sand and circled around Luffy like a


'One hit! Just one hit!'

Luffy gritted his teeth and let the water flow back to his stomach. The

sand stuck to his hands and legs like leeches.

His body looked very dry and crispy, but definitely not in a delicious or

wonderful way.

Bones were now seen from Luffy's arms and legs. But the time was still

not right for attacking.

He had to wait for that moment when everything could be turned upside


"How does it feel, dying? Is it fun? Straw Hat Luffy."

Crocodile's head came before Luffy's as he smiled wickedly while some

blood was visible on his lips.


Luffy spit some of the last remaining water in his stomach at Crocodile's

head causing the latter to be startled.

"Why you! How much water do you have!"

Unable to turn to sand, Crocodile cursed. That was enough of a moment

for Luffy.

All the water in Luffy's body shifted into various important parts.

Some in legs, some in a few muscles, and most in his right hand.


Hearing the shout, Crocodile tried to retreat but was a second late as a

punch packed with all of Luffy's strength landed on his nose.


The nose broke, the cracking sound was very loud and clear to Luffy's



Crocodile's eyes went white as he fainted directly from the last punch

from Luffy.

All the sand flying around immediately stopped and fell on the ground.

The fight was over. Luffy was the clear winner but he was left with an

almost dying body.

"Ha… ha… ha…"

Luffy gasped for breath heavily as his dried body laid on the sand filled


Not far from him, Crocodile's body returned back to normal. He had yet

to regain his consciousness.


A cry was heard, a young woman with long wavy light blue hair ran to

him with tears in her eyes.


Vivi fell to her knees and hugged Luffy tightly as he burst into an even

louder cry.

"I-I am fine. What about you?"

With a weak smile, Luffy asked. Vivi couldn't help but give a bitter smile.

"Never better!"

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 27 { Dream

Dead Pirates }

Food Land___

A very known island located in Paradise, Grand Line. It is famous for its

variety and special foods from small fruit to large cakes.

It is also one of the very few islands where pirates can roam around

freely without any fear of the Navy.

But obviously, there are rules and regulations here which they have to


As for why the pirates listen, it is because of the main chief in the island

who is known to be as strong as a Warlord.

But recently, it had changed after a sudden visit from an infamous rookie

pirate group.

* * *

[Breaking News! The war between the Big Mom Pirates and Whitebeard

Pirates ended with the death of Big Mom!]

[The aftermath of the war resulted in the destruction of the island in New

World, Grand Line!]

[The death of Big Mom is a very big surprise to all the pirates and

soldiers. But her body seemed to be missing.]

[Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, has been stripped off

his title because of his defeat against the infamous Straw Hat Pirates.]

[It is also said that Crocodile was trying to secretly find the whereabouts

of one of the three ancient weapons in Arabasta.]

[Dream Dead Pirates has taken over the Food Land in Paradise, Grand

Line not long ago.]

[The changes in the world have become very constant making everyone

tense. What will happen again in future?]

Each page of the newspaper had tens of different news from all over the


Two hands folded the newspaper and slowly placed it on the table with a

soft drink already present.

"Who would have expected for Big Mom to die. One thing is sure. Big

Mom wasn't killed by Whitebeard."

The voice was mature and filled with experience as it also sounded quite


Sitting quietly in the library alone, was a man in a dark yellow shirt and

brown pants.

He wore round glasses, which helped him to adjust his eyesight.

He is none other than the Vice Captain of the Dream Dead Pirates,


"Kaido seems busy. Shanks wouldn't interfere. So, the only one left is…

the Devil."

Nobita picked the soft drink and drank the last of it in a noble manner.

Finishing it, Nabita stood up and walked out of the library while carrying

the glass.

* * *


The streets and roads were filled with the locals and pirates of various


On top of the biggest building, which was the center kitchen hall, a pirate

flag moved with the wind.

It had a black bell, printed on the completely white background.

As soon as Nobita stepped out of the library, tens of pirates awaited


"Vice Captain!"

They all said in union and bowed. Nobita glanced at them but replied

with just a nod.

Their heights were apart, Nobita stood at about 2.75 meters while the

pirates were only 1.8 meters.

The food stalls and restaurants were full of customers. Each one is excited

to try out different varieties of food.

But one such restaurant was looking deserted with a few people passing


Nobita headed inside that restaurant and saw some pirates scattered

around the tables.

In the center was a huge table covered with various dishes, sitting behind

that table was a huge man about 4 meters tall.

He looked like a giant with an extremely fat and heavy body. Almost like

a great ape.

"Gian, how much will you eat?"

Nobita stared at the man and shook his head with a little disappointment

and worries.

"It's my wish!"

The man, Gean, also known as Giant Ape, shouted with food in his


"Don't disturb me! Get out, Nobita!"

Gian slammed the large leg piece in his hand on the table, shaking it


The pirates and the kitchen staff were terrified by the outburst from Gian.

But not Nobita. He gazed straight at Gian's eyes then turned around and

left him alone.

"I can only look for Shizuka."

Nobita muttered, he searched for the one place which was the favorite of


Hot Spring.

Few minutes later, Nobita came in front of a wide building which was the

best hot spring in the Food Land.

Walking inside, Nobita was greeted by some people coming out of the

bath and the owner.

"Sir! Welcome!"

The owner bowed his head and gave a smile to Nobita trying to impress

him with his hospitality.

Many women came besides the owner to get a chance to serve Nobita.

But Nobita didn't care, he looked at the women's bath and entered

without any delay.

The women inside who were washing and cleaning their body saw a man

enter and were about to scream but his face stopped them.

Instead, their character seemed to change. They tried their best to show

their curves and private areas to him.

Well, Nobita still gave no response to them and came to the last pool in

the wide open space.

Sitting comfortable in the hot spring with white gas sipping out like

smoke, the woman looked at Nobita.

"You're making me shy, Nobita."

The voice was very seductive and sexy for anyone to know who it

belonged to.

If someone could rival Hancock, it would definitely be her.

"Shizuka, I have a mission for you."

Shizuoka smiled at Nobita while standing up and showing all her front

body to him clearly.

Fair skin, shoulder length hair and voluptuous figure with a very tall

height at 2.5 meters.

Her breasts were of similar size to Hancock, very firm and tight but also

soft and sweet like cotton candy.

Her pink erect nipples, waiting for Nobita to bite and suck on them like a

little but hungry baby.

Her lower region shaved clean giving Nobita a view of her tight pussy


"But I want the payment in advance. Also, money won't work this time."

Shizuka walked extremely close to Nobita as her fingers slid through his


"Stop it. Your mission is to get in touch with the Devil's Pirates. Take

some gadgets with you as presents for Akuma. We need to get a high

position in the New World before the others do."

Nobita pushed Shizuka's hand off and left the bath house without any

expression on his face.

He knew that if he wanted, he could have taken Shizuka in bed with her

showing no resistance.

Her virginity could be his, which is saved by Shizuka just for Nobita for

more than 20 years.

But Nobita, he already had a goal in his life which needed him to be fully

focused and not get distracted by unwanted obstacles.

Shizuka stared at Nobita's back, her hand which was pushed by him

slowly headed to her vagina.

"Think about me also."

Shizuka pouted but then sighed and started masturbating with Nobita in

her mind as the knight with a golden rod.


[Author Talk---]

Readers, if you all want to know the age of Doraemon characters, then

read on-

They all are between 20-25, except Doraemon himself at about 15 or so


Do you all think that I should write a separate and short side story of

how Doraemon and his friends came to the One Piece world?

Well, that might or mightn't happen depending on the comments and


(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 28 { Successful

Attempts }

Hell Realm___

In the laboratory, two huge chambers were built in with metal and sea


Inside those two champers, two individuals were captured.

The two chambers were like cells, but with glass walls strong enough to

even block Akuma from coming out for a while.

"When do we start?"

A tall and slim woman with light brown skin, long red hair, dark green

eyes, a nose similar to Robin's, and a red tattoo on her lower left hip of a

spiral snake with a star in the middle, said.

She wears a black backless dress with a white stripe on the left, black

gloves, large crescent-shaped earrings, purple-tinted sunglasses, black

stiletto heels, and a belt with a star-shaped buckle.

"Are you ready?"

Asked Hamburg with a questioning look as what they were going to do

will be a one time event for years.

"I am loaded with luck."

The woman, Baccarat, gave a smile to Hamburg and walked to one of the

chambers as her hips shook.

Hamburg looked towards the controls and nodded his head to the


The researcher then pulled down one of the two levers which connected

to the chamber.


Charlotte Oven, who was chained inside the chamber, suddenly screamed

in pain.

Purple gas was released inside the chamber which was made by the most

deadliest poison in the world.

Just a second as Oven inhaled the gas, his breathing stopped as he lost

his life.

Baccarat looked at the numerous small fruit trees with tens of fruits in


"Which one shall I pick?"

She pondered but soon came to a conclusion as Hamburg urged her.

Just as the fruit joined to the tree was about to snap, its color, shape and

looks changed.

"It still feels like a dream…"

Baccarat muttered as she examined the devil fruit which was once

Charlotte Oven's.


Hamburg snatched the devil fruit from Baccarat and searched it on the

devil fruit book.

Matching the patterns and some special features of the devil fruit in the

book, Hamburg laughed even louder.

"It really is the Netsu Netsu no Mi! Hahah! This really works!"

It was not their first time doing this, they had already managed to get the

Soru Soru no Mi from Big Mom after her death.

Joker brought the dead body of Big Mom as soon as her chest was burst

open by Akuma.

Even before Big Mom, Joker brought the fainted Oven here together with

one of his sisters.

Charlotte Smoothie.

Inside the other chamber, Smoothie watched what had happened with

her big brother Oven.

Her eyes didn't show fear or anything, instead, she was somewhat

anticipating her death.

"Any last words, beautiful lady?"

Baccarat put one of her fingers on the glass wall of the chamber where

Smoothie was and asked with a smile.

"I hope all of you rot in hell."

With that said, Smoothie fell silent as she stared at Baccarat without

moving her gaze.

"Finish her."

Hamburg ordered as the researcher pulled the other lever down which

caused the release of purple gas in the other chamber.


Soon, Smoothie also followed her brother's fate as she fell dead on the


Baccarat looked at the dead body Smoothie with mockery as she picked

another fruit from the trees.

This one, also changed and as Hamburg searched and compared it to the

one in the book, he grinned again.

Shibo Shibo no Mi.

This devil fruit was also now in the hands of the Devil's Pirates.

If one counted, Devil's Pirates now had the highest number of devil fruit

users amongst the pirates in the New World, Grand Line.

* * *

Totto Land___

Above the Whole Cake Island, another island floated as multiple pirate

ships came down.


The Sweet City was half destroyed by the bombs from the Devil's Pirates.

Hundreds of people living there have already been exterminated like


The rest have given up and kneeled to the Devil's Pirates as they took

over the territory.

Not just the Whole Cake Island, other locations like the 100% Island,

Biscuits Island, Jelly Island, Liqueur Island, etc, all have been conquered

by the Devil's Pirates in days.

Inside the Whole Cake Chateau in one of the bedrooms with a wide

balcony, two figures were present.

Wick, sat on the edge of the bed with a disappointed face while looking


"Why don't you just accept it. I will talk with my father. You are my wife

after all."

Wick said with a sad voice. He turned his head and looked at the other

figure tied to the bed.

The figure was none other than Wick's wife, Charlotte Amande. Her legs

and arms were tied tightly to the bed supports.

"Just kill me."

Amande said with a grunt as she closed her eyes and tried to cool her


Wick sighed and stood up from the bed. He walked to the table and lifted

the plate with meat and curry.

"Then have the food at least."

Wick brought the plate near Amande and said with a little worry.

But Amande didn't reply, the silence in the room was very heavy. Wick

placed the plate beside her and opened the metal locks.

"It will be no use as you won't be able to escape."

Wick then turned around and left the room leaving Amande alone on the


* * *

"I can't believe that you have fallen in love. And for real."

Joker leaned on the wall as he looked at Wick who walked out of his


"Shut up. I am in no mood to joke."

Wick was looking very serious and a little angry as he saw Joker with a

grin on his face.

"You know. We can just brainwash her and she will forget that she

belonged to the Big Mom Pirates. No, you can even give her new

artificial memories."

Joker suggested as he stepped near Wick and followed behind him with

soft footsteps.

"Have you loved someone before?"

Suddenly, Wick stopped and asked a question to Joker in a

straightforward way.

Joker stood quiet and stared at Wick, this time, he had no grin on his


"See. You won't understand my feelings. Better be quiet or I will stitch

your entire mouth."

Wick continued walking. Joker still stood in the same place without

following Wick.

"Love you say…"

Turning around, Joker started hopping while his face regained that

creepy smile.

"Love you say… Ha Ha Ha Ha!"

Tears of blood flowed down his eyes, but not one was there to witness

that site.

"Hah ha ha ha hahha!"

The laughter echoed in the whole building, each soul trembled in certain

uneasiness because of it.

Joker's figure slowly mixed with the dark corridor as he vanished in the


"No one knows love better than me…"

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 29 { Joker's

Past Part-1 }

What is love?

I asked myself many times and the answer would still be the same.

A kind of feeling which grows in me as I stay together with my family

happily and peacefully.

It was wonderful: the days were bright, nights filled with sparkling stars

and moon.

A caring father who wouldn't let me do a single hard work as he smiled

widely watching me play outside.

A loving mother who wouldn't let me stay empty stomach and always

shares her day's experience.

A little sister, five years smaller than me. I played with her half the day

as it would always bring me happiness.

This is love.


The Navy in our town changed. New officers were signed here who were

very corrupt.

The taxes increased.

The Navy Lieutenant Commander, who roamed the town with an

arrogant look, seemed to like my mother.

I saw my mother leaving late at night, and coming back early in the


I talked with my father about it to only get a scolding as his personality

also started changing.

My father became a thug for the Navy, he would extort money from the


One day, while my father was away with my little sister. My mother

came in with that Lieutenant Commander.

I saw everything, how that Lieutenant Commander was fucking my


When I was discovered, the Lieutenant Commander beat me almost to


Only after my mother begged, did he leave me alive. But what was the

use? I was locked in my room for days and nights.

* * *

"You! Fucking Bitch! How dare you have sex in my own house with

another man!"

Father's shout was loud enough for me to hear from my room. Then

mother shouted back and the two seemed to get into a fight.

"Stop! Please!"

The cries of my little sister came as I heard loud noises of kicking and


I managed to get the lock broken by a chair in my bedroom as I dashed

down the stairs.

The fight between my parents took my little sister as well. Her elbow was

bleeding as she tried her best to stop the two from fighting.

"Hey! Stop it!"

Just like her, I got between them and did my best only to be kicked by


I had to do something.

"Beat me as you want! But please stop!"

I meant it. Not for me, nor for my mother or father but my little sister

who was crying.

My words worked. Their eyes focused on me while they thought of what I


I regret saying that…

* * *

In the basement, my hands and legs were tied up with metal chains.

Every day, either father or mother would come down to release their

anger in me.

I was kicked.



It was painful. I hate it.

Love is but a word I now learned. It is a very dangerous thing to come


Love grows in you as it eats you up from the inside slowly but steadily.

Love might be temporary, but the time it grows in you, it will completely

empty you from the inside.

When the ones who you love, leaves you, the love you have in you also


Then what?

You will be nothing but just a shell.

A shell that can at most be a disguise and nothing else.

All those memories I had, a picture of my happy family, ripped apart.

A slut mother.

A dangerous father.

Thankfully I still had my sister. That's what I thought until that


* * *

"Damn it! Bastard didn't even give me enough money!"

The angry voice of my mother, entered my ears as I looked up to the

stairs leading to the basement.

Followed by a little girl about five years old. I was in a very weak state.

Food was given to me in a few days. Most of the time was spent tied to

the wall in the basement.


The kick landed on my face. It hurt. But I couldn't do anything, not even

my mouth would move to speak.


I got beat for many minutes until my mother got exhausted. She sat on a

table near the stairs.

"Who is this thing? Why are you beating it?"

I was surprised, not just me but my mother as well as we heard the light

girl speak up.

Barely able to open my eyes, I looked up at my sister's face to see her


"This ugly thing! How dare you look at me!"

She was angry, but my mother's laughter came immediately.

"That ugly ass is your big brother, lily. Don't you remember him?"

Mother asked while crossing her arms over her sagging chest.

"This thing is my brother! No! I don't!"

I was heartbroken. The light girl walked over me as she frowned even by

my site.


It was shocking. To have a person change to such an extent. What was

the god doing up there?

"Ha ha Ha ha!"

The laughter from my mother rang in the basement. The light girl spit on

me again and went up the stairs not wanting to waste her time.

For the entire year, I endured this torture for her sake only to end up as

the unwanted one.

* * *

Life was definitely hard…

"I am so happy today!"

My father walked down the stairs while carrying a plate of meat and

boiled vegetables

He stepped near me and looked down on my face to only raise his


"Why aren't you smiling? Today is a good day. I got a hundred thousand

bellies! Why aren't you happy!"

He threw the plate on my face as his shout made me want to rip my ears


He moved his gaze around the basement and locked on a knife on the

table near the stairs.

"I will make you smile forever! I will make sure that you won't be able to

forget to laugh!"

He grabbed it and hurried towards me. His eyes looked scary with red





He held my face, my mouth gripped tightly as he ran the knife from my

left lips corner into an arc.

Blood flowed out of the cut as the knife cut through the flesh and also

ripped some of it.


It hurts!

He then cut the other side exactly the same way as he did on my left side.

My lacrimal glands were dried as not a single drop of tear came out.

Instead, what came out was something warm and red from my eyes.

"Now it's better!"

The monster in front of me nodded with satisfaction as he turned around

and left the basement.

In the dark and cold basement, filled with tables, metals and other

equipment, a lonely figure was tied to the wall with chains.

Thin, almost all his bones visible through the dry skin. Blood vessels

popping out while continuing to pump the blood.


A short and very low sound came from the figure, his head lowered

making one unable to see his face.


The low sound was increasing as the figure, a boy about 10 or so years

old, was moving his head.


A red liquid dripped on the cold floor echoing in the silent basement.

"Hehe… he…"

The boy raised his head, showing his face which was flowing with blood.

His lips, not a smile yet, looked like one because of the cut from before.

His eyes tearing down red blood like rain.

"Hehe… hehehe…"

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 30 { Joker's

Past Part-2 }


The kick was very heavy, I vomited almost everything I had for today.

"Why are you smiling! WHY ARE YOU SMILING!"

The monster in front of me, grabbed my hair and slammed my head on

the wall.

Blood came out as my forehead skin was torn open and the flesh inside

was visible.

"Is it funny huh!"

The monster frowned and grunted as he walked out of the basement

leaving me alone.

Yes, it was funny.

Very funny.

"Hehe… hehe…"

Whenever I laugh, I feel better. The pain and injuries I got would always

decrease with my smile.

"It's enjoyable to beat me, isn't it?"

I asked the one entity who was together with me from the very



Unfortunately, darkness couldn't reply to me. After all, it had no physical


I stared blankly, my eyes were regaining the little bit of light it had.

What more could go wrong now?

A meteor falling from the sky?

A volcanic eruption?



* * *


I felt my body flying in the air while my eyes gazed at the scene of a

huge cannonball.

The wall I was tied to broke apart into pieces and the chains were freed.


My body fell on the solid basement floor, the ceiling and walls around me

also broke and collapsed.


One pillar came right above me and stopped just a few centimeters from

me as it was blocked by other large wall pieces.


"Ahhhh! Pirates!"

"Help! Save me!"

The screams of the people in the town were echoing far to the end of the



It seemed that the cannonball belonged to the invading pirates.

I tried to get up but the chains tied to my right leg got stuck between the

pillar and the large piece of wall.


I wasn't feeling scared or fearful of the situation but was a little excited.

I might be able to escape.


Another explosion occurred right beside my house as all the cement and

woods flew around.

Smoke raised and dust covered the town while the pirates started their

indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people.

Also not forgetting to loot the houses.


Something fell near me, I looked at the fruit which had a very weird

design and shape.

My stomach let out a growl as soon as my eyes caught the sight of this

fruit near me.

I gulped my saliva and reached out my hand to grab the fruit before me.

It was big and heavy. No, I was weak and not very strong in condition.

"Is it edible?"

I thought but my stomach started to hurt even more as I shook my head

and took a bite of the weird fruit.

Was it because I was dehydrated and my tongue had been affected, that

the fruit tasted like mud.

But I swallowed it and ate the last of the fruit without wasting a second


My stomach started heating up to quite the extremes as I clenched my



My head was spinning, I looked at my hands which were going through a

process of shifting.

Yes, my hands were becoming invisible and visible as it shifted from one

side to the other.

Like a ghost but also very different.


The chains tied to my wrists fell on the floor, making me very surprised.

"What the hell?"

I was stunned and unable to speak further as my body completely shifted

from below the pillar to the stairs.

"Ha… Ha… Ha…"

Panting, I had to use the side wall of the stairs as support to walk up.

It hurts!

Each step made my legs want to rip open. My body after so long period

of torture was barely able to stick together.

Gritting my teeth, I crawled up the stairs and saw that the roof was no

more and the sky could be seen through.

Bedrooms and bathroom were on the first floor but now, they all came to

the ground.


A weak and fragile voice came from behind a wall in the living room

near the house entrance.

I had a very difficult time crossing over the collapsed walls and ceilings.


Finally reaching the living room after a few minutes, I saw who the voice

belonged to.

"Oh my dear little sister Lily! What have you become!"

I looked at the little girl trapped in a large piece of cement and metal


Her right hand was crushed into mincemeat by the heavy cement while a

few metal rods entered her delicate body.


Lily moved her head, eyes filled with tears and horror, stared at the

person who came near her.

"B-Brother! H-Help me! I don't want to die!"

Lily's voice was shaking with fear of death and with time, she was losing

lots of her blood.

"Does it hurt?"

I asked. I can say, I was grinning as I looked at my cute little sister's


"Yes! It h-hurts! A lot! Help me, brother!"

Lily looked very miserable. If nothing is done, there's no chance for her


I turned my gaze ro looked at the table which was actually blocking the

largest piece of cement from crushing Lily entirely.

Then my right hand unknowingly moved and touched my face which was

once spit by her.

"Hehe… Hahahaha!"

Bursting into laughter, I gripped my face tightly as my smile grew bigger

and creepier.

Blood dripped down my chin as the cut sides of my lips which were

closed opened up again.

"Haha! Hahah!"

Lily stared at her crazy brother who was laughing uncontrollably as he

was in a facepalm.


Called out Lily in fright as she saw him grab the only table which was

keeping her alive.

"No! Don't do that!"

I grinned even more as I pulled one of the table legs which looked the

easiest to break.

"Damn you! Shit like you must have died!"

Suddenly, Lily seemed to become another person as she cursed loudly.

I knew it from the very beginning. And I didn't want to help her.

I was just thinking what could I do with this weak body to kill her.


But the fucking table leg was still very tough. And with the weight of the

cement it had become even harder.

"Little more!"

I used all my strength to pull the table leg while cute Lily was in horror

and cursing me.

"Please! I beg you! B-Brother, I will do anything you say please don't kill


Seeing me not stop, Lily changed her tone and personality as if it was a



A sticky liquid landed on Lily's face, which she touched and her eyes


"Bye bye! You brother will always love and remember you, my cute little



The table leg broke as the table couldn't hold on the cement weight any



The huge piece of cement fell down as the ground shook, I fell on my but

gasping for breath.

Blood slashed around on me and the surrounding floor.

"How lovely a day, isn't it?"

I smiled as I looked up at the sky filled with black smoke and dust clouds.


(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 31 { Akuma's

Dominance Part-1 }


The large fleet of pirates, about 60 underwater pirate ships, 5 Division

Captain Ships and the Devil's Contract.

They sailed in the water through the currents like hot knife cutting


On the deck of the Devil's Contract, Akuma in his signature black suit sat

on the spare throne.

A small cage laid on the right armrest of the throne as Akuma watched

the little figure inside it.

The small figure about 10 centimeters tall, with four butterfly wings on

the back, and a green dress, was one of the last fairies.

"Why did you bring me?"

The female fairy glared at Akuma while she sat crossed legged in the


"I thought you were bored. So I brought you out of the Earth Realm."

Akuma leaned back on the throne and answered the fairy's question.

He turned to see the deep blue sea water which contains billions of


"The real reason."

But the fairy knew that there had to be a better reason for Akuma to

bring her here.

The fairy, Dance, is the only queen of the entire fairy race in the whole


And with a rough conclusion, the population of all the fairies didn't cross

one thousand.

Each fairy was worth more than a billion because of their special and

natural ability.

They can see and also help to awaken a target's inner ability. Be it

regeneration, strength, agility, intelligence or even luck.

Also, fairies can be a huge support in fights because of their power to

heal others.

And as the queen of fairies, Dance is the strongest of all the fairies

meaning her abilities are also more powerful.

"You will know that in future."

Answered Akuma. He grabbed the cage and threw it to one of the pirates

on the side.

"Lock the cage inside the safe."

Ordered Akuma. The pirate bowed and left with the vomiting Dance

inside the ship.

"How long until we reach Fish-Man Island?"

Akuma looked at Irish who stood at the bow of the ship with a special

device like a Log pose.

"Two hours, captain."

Irish replied without turning back, she was busy trying to calculate the

energy required for invading Fish-Man Island.

"It's been so long since I fought."

Akuma muttered to himself. It was not a false statement as the fight

against the already tired Big Mom didn't count.

Akuma had regained his strength not long ago, so he needed to practice

for a while.

"Tell everybody to not attack. Just surround the island from one side."

Akuma said, rubbing his chin as a wonderful thought came into his mind.

Irish turned around and looked at Akuma with confusion visible in her


"I just remembered some past things. I will be the one to attack, no one

steps on the island until I say so."

Akuma stared directly at Irish, making her retreat her gaze from him to

the device in her hands.

"Yes, captain!"

Irish nodded and immediately communicated with the other Division


As the pirate fleet was diving further deep in the sea, many different

creatures came into their sight.

"It's a sea king!"

The pirates looked at the huge lion head sea king with a fish body.

The size of this sea king alone was enough to eat at least 10 ships from

the fleet.


The lion headed sea king let out a warning growl to the incoming pirate


But it seems that there was no effect as the ships were still coming

towards it.

Or the sea king was in the way.

The lion headed sea king got angry and neared the biggest ship in the

front to attack it.

"I dare you to…"

A voice entered the lion headed sea king's ears, it was cold and full of

intimidating aura.

There was also the taste of death in the voice.

This made the lion headed sea king in having second thoughts whether to

attack or not.

But since it was underwater, the lion headed sea king had lots of

advantages over the pirate fleet.


It roared and charged at the Devil's Contract with a huge water current

following behind closely.


A sigh can be heard on the deck of the Devil's Contract.

Adjusting his right arm, Akuma placed the knuckles on his chin as his

eyes shone with a black light.


A silent aura erupted from within Akuma which marked the lion headed

sea king.


Unlike before, the lion headed sea king didn't growl but let out a low

painful scream.

Its eyes turned white as its body stopped moving and it slowly started

sinking down the bottom.

Irish gulped her saliva at the site. Even though Akuma didn't target her or

the other pirates with his conqueror haki, they clearly felt it.

'I would have also been knocked out if I were that sea king.'

Irish silently thought as she glanced at Akuma with the corner of her eye.

He was sitting on the throne with his right hand knuckles on his chin.

'He looks bored.'

Irish didn't try to spy on Akuma any more as she guided the fleet to the

Fish-Man Island.

* * *

Soon, the fleet of Devil's Pirates saw the Fish-Man Island in front of them.

The island was inside a bubble. It looked very dangerous as anybody

might think that the bubble would pop anytime.

"Surround the island from the front side!"

Rocky's voice sounded in all the pirate ships through the socially

designed radio for huge pressure.

It wasn't only the Devil's Pirates who saw the other side, the soldiers of

the Fish-Man Island also saw the pirate fleet.

Immediately forming a line of defense, the soldiers marched into rows of


"It's pirates!"

"Pirates attack!"

"Defend until the elite unit comes!"

All the soldiers stood ready as the Devil's Pirates entered the bubble.

But to the surprise of the soldiers, the Devil's Pirates didn't attack.

Instead, only a single person came down the front and biggest ship.

He stepped on the water and started walking towards them.

Holding a black metal bat, in black suit with a cigar in his mouth, Akuma

gazed at the soldiers.

'Only these?'

There were not many soldiers here yet as the Devil's Pirates had come too


The other soldiers were all spread so it would take time for them to hurry


About 200 soldiers are here currently. Akuma gripped the metal bat

tightly and stepped on the land.

"Are you all waiting for me to come there and kill you?"

Akuma said with a slightly disappointed voice. He then sprinted straight

to the defense line.

The Fish-men soldiers all stormed at Akuma. The once on the front all got

slammed by the metal bat.


Each hit from the metal bat, swung by Akuma, was like an explosion to

the soldiers.

Sometimes a leg, a hand or a head would fly in the air with the extreme

strong hits.

"Attack! Don't fear!"

The senior soldier shouted and charged with a spear in his hands.


Using the soldiers as shield, the senior Fish-men soldier landed a stab on

Akuma's chest.


The senior soldier rejoiced but his face changed as he saw the tip of the

spear break as soon as it hit Akuma's chest.

"I didn't even use haki."


Akuma's eyes looked down on the senior soldier. He then swung his

metal bat so fast, sending the senior soldier tens of meters away.

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 32 { Akuma's

Dominance Part-2 }

[Author Talk---]

Hello readers! My exams are over and I am totally free for a few months!

Also, it's only a year left for me to graduate from high school!

From tomorrow, daily chapters! And, I might not just publish one but

multiple chapters if I am totally bored playing games.

Depends on what you wish from me. Do comment about the number of

chapters you want to read daily.

Today I am resting so no chapters for almost 15 hours or so, after all I

went through three exams in a single day! can you believe it! Three

exams, each one three hours long! Morning, afternoon and evening! I was

going crazy, that was why I couldn't publish chapters for a few days.

Enjoy the chapter!


Coral Hill___

It is a port town on Fish-Man Island. The Fish-men and Merfolk, they

were completely clueless about the Devil's Pirates invasion.

But will it stay so?

Mermaid Cafe, a restaurant owned by Madam Shyarly in Coral

Hill.Several other mermaids work here.

The cafe's employees all live in the same dormitory in Mermaid Cove and

are young attractive girls who bring men to the establishment for their

charm and beauty like a hostess club.

"Bring me some tea."

Madam Shyarly is a large mermaid with purple nail polish, red lipstick,

and blue eyes with slanted pupils that resemble shark eyes.

She has short black hair that covers over the right side of her face.

Her tail is dark blue with a dorsal fin on her lower back where her

human and fish halves meet, a white patch below the dorsal fin, smaller

fins on the lower front and back, and a lunate caudal fin.


Replied a mermaid as she left the back room where Shyarly sat on the

huge couch.


Suddenly, an intense pain entered her head making Shyarly almost


"This! Something big is going to happen!"

Shyarly immediately looked at the crystal ball on the table before her.

'What is it?"

With sweats on her forehead, Shyarly held the crystal ball and closed her


The crystal ball then slowly glowed in a blue light as multiple shadows

appeared inside.

But it was only Shyarly, who could actually understand those things.

She saw the half destroyed port town, Coral Hill, swallowed in the sea of

flames and smoke.

Tens of citizens of Coral Hill, lying on the collapsed houses, roads,

streets, etc, with a blood pool.

Some begged for mercy, some cried in despair, some angry at the

outcome, some stunned by the progress.

There stood a tall man, half his clothes burned in flames as he looked

down upon the town.


Shyarly woke up as she vomited blood out. Blood vessels popped on her

foreheads covered with sweat.

"No! It's the destruction of Fish-Man island!"

Shyarly wiped the stains of blood off her mouth as she stood up and

headed out of the back room.

The restaurant was half full with people and the employees were busy


"Via, call King Neptune!"

Shyarly ordered the mermaid behind the counter. The mermaid named

Via nodded and called.

Holding the den mushi, Shyarly working behind the eating area and

waited patiently for the call to connect.


The other side sounded a bit younger to be King Neptune, and Shyarly

knew who it was.

"Prince Fukaboshi! I have a very important thing to say about the future

of Fish-Man island!"

Fukaboshi, a shark merman and the eldest son of the royal Neptune

Family on Fish-Man Island.

"What! Okay."

Prince Fukaboshi on the other side was surprised but he then composed

himself back.

"I saw the future whe-"

Before Shyarly could finish her sentence, loud noises were heard from the

other side.

"What! I will be there immediately! Shyarly, I will have to leave for now.

It's an emergency!"

The call was cut then and there. Shyarly stood motionless as her face had

black lines.

"Is he already here?"

At the back, Shyarly's back was facing the wall while her face didn't look


* * *

"Is that all?"

Akuma stepped on the senior soldier's chest and eyed him.

"Y-you will d-die! D-Devil!"

The senior soldier glared up at Akuma's face with his bloodshot eyes.

Blood flowed out of his mouth as he found it hard to breathe because of

Akuma's foot on his chest.

"The person who can kill me hasn't been born yet."

Akuma increased the force and crushed the senior soldier's front rib



The senior soldier let out a shout which consumed all his strength as his

lungs were squeezed flat.

His heart was completely stepped on by Akuma as white bones pierced

out of his flesh with blood.


The last soldier who was alive, saw how the senior had been crushed

alive by Akuma.

He gritted his teeth and stood up.

"I will kill you!"

Shouting, the soldier ran up to Akuma with his half broken spear.


Akuma exhaled some air and took a big step forward towards the soldier.


Clenching his right hand into a tight fist, Akuma punched the soldier on

the face.

The spear tip hit Akuma's chest but couldn't even leave a scratch on the

black suit.


The fist landed on the soldier's face as his whole body went towards the

ground at a very fast speed.

Akuma's right arm was stretched hard as he slammed the soldier's head

on the ground with his fist.

The ground shook with the impact, a deep crater was formed with the

sides cracking up wide.

The soldier's head bursted into fragments, blood, flesh, bones, brain

matter and other fluids flew up.

Some of which covered Akuma's half body in red blood paint, very fresh.

Raising his hand, Akuma wiped it clean with a handkerchief in his


His eyes showed almost no emotions and his face was completely


'It feels nice to have my strength back.'

Akuma thought.

It was at that moment-


The explosion was so loud that it could be heard til the far end of the

other side of the island.

The sound wave and wind produced pushed the water on the shores with

huge waves.

Then tens of ships of the Devil's Pirates were forced meters back due to

the waves.

In the cloud of smoke, Akuma's figure slowly became visible as the black

smoke flew by.

His upper clothes from the belly were all burned up into black ash.

"I missed you out."

Akuma said in a deep voice while turning to face towards the opposite of

the shore.

About 50 meters away, hiding behind a coral reef was a figure in red


Many times taller than normal Fish-Man, he stood at nearly 5 meters in


A bull shark Fish-Man in red skin with extremely frightening facial


Raws of teeth grew out of the mouth, giving him another point in deadly

looking creatures.

"I thought you would be older."

The Fish-Man walked over from hiding behind the coral reef and came in

front of Akuma.

"Who are you? I don't think I remember you in this story."

Akuma tilted his head and looked at the Fish-Man in front of him with a

confused and curious face.

As his memories goes, there wasn't any similar looking character in One

Piece like this guy in the Fish-Man island arc.

"Are you high? You're bullshitting right now."

The Fish-Man charged at Akuma in full force while his mouth opened to

show the razor teeth.

"You will regret it."

Akuma didn't move, instead he waited for the moment the Fish-Man bites


Akuma would love to flex his toughness.

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 33 { Akuma's

Dominance Part-3 }

But the raws of wild razor teeth didn't bite Akuma, instead it stopped at a

meter distance from him.

Akuma saw a red ball of energy form in front of the open mouth which

aimed at him.


The red energy ball with the loud shout, beamed at Akuma. As it hit him,

Akuma was blown back in a huge arc.


Hitting on the hard coral reefs and breaking them into smaller pieces,

Akuma's body laid on a crater.

"What devil fruit ability was that?"

Akuma slowly got up and gazed at the tall Fish-Man who stood straight

with a frown.

"Whatever it is, it's very useful. I need to get my hands on it."

Akuma cracked his neck and walked forward towards the Fish-Man.


The Fish-Man clicked his tongue. Leaning forward, he opened his mouth

again to fire another shot.

"Not again."

This time, Akuma vanished in the air. The Fish-Man moved his eyes

around but was unable to see Akuma.

On top of that, the Fish-Man had not learned any kind of haki yet.


A hand grabbed the Fish-Man's neck and lifted him up a few centimeters

above the ground.

"No haki and dared to fight off against me? Are you an idiot?"

Akuma looked at the struggling Fish-Man and asked with a bit of


Was he a joke?


As Akuma increased his strength on his hand, the Fish-Man had his face

turned purple.

But movements were caught by Akuma's observation haki.

"Your devil fruit will be mine to us."

Akuma threw the Fish-Man to the water and pointed at him with his

index finger.

On the Devil's Contract, Irish nodded her head and understood what

Akuma tried to signal.

Pirates were sent by Irish to get the Fish-Man on board.


A loud roar was heard from a few hundred meters away. A small army of

Fish-Men soldiers marched with weapons.

A huge black whale shark was floating in the air with a large man on the


The king of the Ryugu Kingdom on Fish-Man Island, King Neptune, a

coelacanth merman.

Beside him were his three sons, Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi and Manboshi.

'Where's Jinbe? Is he already in prison?'

Akuma stared at the army with some tiny little questions.

"Did you come here to invade because Whitebeard was fighting a war

with the Big Mom Pirates? Do you think I will let you do so!"

King Neptune looked furious and completely in rage, but his eyes saw the

defeated Fish-Man from before.

"No! Fuss!"

The three sons of King Neptune were shocked because they knew how

strong the Fish-Man, named Fuss, was.

"Attack! Don't let him leave the Fish-Man island!"

King Neptune commanded as all the soldiers stormed through the coral

reef to attack Akuma.


The soldiers threw spears at Akuma but not a single one pierced his skin.


The rest slashed at Akuma while using various Fish-Man techniques.

Swords, spears, fists and kicks rained at Akuma only to push him back.

"None of you are strong enough!"

With just a swing of his hand, tens of soldiers flew in the air.

Each punch from Akuma, crushed bones while also ripping some flesh



Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi and Manboshi together with King Neptune,


Yet… the results were not in their favor. Akuma wiped the ground clean

with only his raw strength.

His impenetrable body was like a wall which couldn't be climbed.

"Come on!"

Akuma leaped in the air and brought his fist down on King Neptune's



King Neptune was grounded, his upper body went in the cracks of the



Fukaboshi spun his spear and launched at Akuma at a terrifying speed.


Akuma clenched his left hand into a tight fists and punched at the spear.

The sea stone spear hit, cracked and burst into pieces together with the

wooden handle.

Akuma's fist then made contact with Fukaboshi' head which curved in

with impact.


Ryuboshi and Manboshi watched as Fukaboshi was killed by Akuma's



They both charged madly at Akuma, only to get kicked and slammed.

Ryuboshi was shot on the left coral reefs while Manboshi was on the


Akuma took a deep breath and joined his hands into a bigger ball of fists.

The ball of fists came down on Manboshi's chest which was immediately


His eyes popped out of the sockets because of too much pressure in the


Manboshi's condition was worse than the senior soldier who fought

Akuma before.

"N-No! Ahh! Brother!"

Ryuboshi could only cry for his brother, his left hand was already broken

from the bones.

Even getting up had now become so difficult for him.

Akuma walked over to Ryuboshi and stared down at him, who laid

between the cracked corals.

He raised his left hand in the air towards the side of the ships.


Something was shot from a cannon, from the Devil's Contract.


The thing was caught by Akuma, it was none other than his favorite

metal bat.

"You will rot in hell!"

Ryuboshi said with full anger in his voice. Next was a big metal bat

hitting his skull.

Cracking his skull in fragments of bones, red blood flowed out like a river

with various fluids.

"Captain! What next?"

Coming to the land, Irish asked. She was still holding the device in her


"Send Rocky to the Fish-Man District. Gather all the criminals. Others

follow me."

Akuma started walking as behind him followed Irish, Lancelot, Beauty,

and more than half of the pirates.

Their current destination was the nearest port town, Coral Hill.

* * *

Ryugu Palace___

It is the royal palace of Ryugu Kingdom on Fish-Man Island. King

Neptune, Princes Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi, Manboshi, and Princess

Shirahoshi live here.

It is apparently located in the smaller bubble that sits on top of the main

bubble surrounding the island.

"La la la la! Where's everyone? Hello!"

Walking with a special oxygen supplier on his mouth, Joker hummed his


He checked the throne room and the front yard but not a single person

was there.

"What's that!"

Joker stared at the huge tower on the northeast side of the palace, the

Hard-Shell Tower.


Joker looked around the corridors but didn't find anybody until he

reached the Hard-Shell Tower.

It was very huge, yes for Joker that was.

"Ohh there's someone here!"

Joker hid behind the wall and watched as three soldiers stood guard

before a gigantic door.

"What can be in there? Treasure? Weapons?"

Joker turned back, his face revealed a grin. Suddenly, his body vanished

from the spot.


The fighting noise was heard, and soon only Joker was left standing with

a tired body.

The soldiers had multiple cut and stab wounds, a dagger was in Joker's

right hand.

"Fuu! I am exhausted!"

Joker said with a weak face but definitely showing a smile with some

blood flowing out of his cut lip corners.

"I am very curious!"

Joker stood in front of the gigantic door as he rubbed his palms together

in anticipation.

"What's behind this door!"

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 34 { Akuma's

Dominance Part-4 }

The gigantic door didn't even budge after Joker used all his strength to

push it.

"Ha! Damn it! Fucking hard!"

Joker wiped off the sweat from his forehead and took a break.

"I had enough!"

Joker stood between the door and touched it with both of his palms.

"Fuck you!"

The gigantic door, directly shifted off from the wall to behind Joker in

the air.


When the door fell on the floor, a loud sound thundered in the quiet



Joker stared at two pairs of large eyes, which were also staring at him in

fear and a bit of curiosity.

One pair belonged to a huge black shark with a white underbelly. It was

wearing a shirt from the Criminal fashion line.

The other pair belonged to a giant-sized mermaid. She has very long,

flowing pink hair with a taiyaki-shaped hair grip.

Her breasts are large, even relative to her giant-like size, and much of her

upper body is exposed. Her broadly striped tail ends in a ruffle around

her waist.

"What hell are you watching?"

Joker asked with a confused look, making the two creatures on the bed

shrink in fear.

"W-Who are you?"

The huge mermaid asked while her voice was shaking as she tried her


Joker raised his eyebrow. Where was all the treasure and weapons?

Only this huge mermaid and that large shark.

Joker jumped in the air, and his body vanished in an instant as it

appeared on the bed next to the two creatures.

"Didn't your parents teach you manners? First you have to introduce


Joker crossed his arms over his chest and stared at the huge mermaid.

"I-I am Shirahoshi. And this here is Megalo."

The mermaid, Shirahoshi, replied back to Joker while she tried to

distance herself from his tiny figure.

"Don't be scared. My name is Flier. But you can call me tonight."

Giving a cheeky grin which only caused Shirahoshi and Megalo to be

more frightened, Joker introduced himself.


Shirahoshi said. Joker shook his head and didn't try to correct her


"You must be the mermaid princess right?"

Asked Joker as he sat down on the soft bed while giving the surrounding

a look.

"Yes, I think."

Shirahoshi was still trying to figure out what was happening.

Someone just blasted out her room door and came in with a creepy and

dark aura.

He was very tiny but gave a dangerous pressure which made Megalo

extremely scared.

Shirahoshi tried to calm herself as she glanced at the opened door, or the

place where the closed doors were once.

"How did you get in?"

Asked Shirahoshi with a puzzled look, there must have been some guards


"Forget about that. Tell me where the treasures are, hurry!"

Joker was very excited as he thought of fulfilling one of his dreams since


To swim in the pool of treasures, mainly gold coins but silver would also

be fine.

In the Devil's Home, Joker didn't get to go inside the treasury because of

EX-3 which stood guard.

EX, successful experiments which are then numbered as, 1, 2, 3, and so

on by Hamburg.

"I don't know."

Answered Shirahoshi, she rarely got the chance to go out of her room

because of a case.

She might have been to the treasury before at a small age, but now she

has forgotten those memories.

Or, the treasury might have been changed by her father, King Neptune in

the past.


Muttered Joker in a low voice only enough for Shirahoshi to hear.

Tears started forming in her eyes, Shirahoshi tried to hold them back but

just couldn't.


Joker frowned. He didn't expect the huge mermaid princess to be so soft

and naive.

Also a crybaby.

"Don't cry. It's not your fault."

Joker tried his best to smile after taking off his oxygen device from his



Shirahoshi wiped her tears and looked at Joker with a sad face.

'What the fuck am I even doing?'

Joker hit himself and sighed. What was his mission for today?

'No mission. I guess I can play for a while.'

Joker looked at Shirahoshi and thought with a thinking expression on his


"Let's play rock, paper and scissors!"

Suggested Joker as he took on a more comfortable position on the large

football field size bed.

"Okay. But what is rock, paper and scissors?"

Shirahoshi agreed immediately but she didn't know the game as one no

other than Megalo was with her to play around in the room.

If only her mother was alive, she would always play with her various


"What the fuck have you been doing?"

Joker was very surprised at how knowledgeable Shirahoshi was.

"Fine. So listen, it's played like this-"

* * *

Fish-Man District___


A Fish-Man screamed in pain as his head was crushed between the

ground and a boot.

"Where's the boss of this place?"

Asked Rocky as he smoked his cigar while his eyes roamed around the


Tens of Fish-Men were around, each one carrying a weapon and on


"You dare come here! Are you so dumb?"

A Fish-Man didn't seem to understand the situation and he also didn't

recognize Rocky.

Rocky's eyes moved on the Fish-Man and saw him charged forward with

a sword.


Rocky pulled out his revolver and shot a bullet straight through the Fish-

Man's head.

The Fish-Man fell on the ground without any movement as his life left his


"I will ask it again."

Rocky crushed the Fish-Man below with his boot and cracked his skull.

"Where. Is. The. Boss?"

Each word was cold and full of arrogance, but obviously worthy for that

with Rocky's strength.


Who shouted that, nobody knew. But it caused an unnecessary fight

between the Fish-Men and Rocky.

Bullets shot at him, Rocky blocked them all with his forearm covered in

advanced armament haki.

The ones in close range were all either punched or kicked meters away,

some to their death.

The front area of the Fish-Man District was now full of fainted and dead


Some had their bones pierced out for their skin, some had their body


Not one, out of 300 Fish-Men who attacked Rocky, were able to stand on

their feets.

"If it were two years ago, these guys would all have been dead with a

single hit. I guess I am also getting old like Whitebeard."

Rocky shook his shoulders and then lit another cigar to smoke.

Lowering his black hat, he stepped further inside the Fish-Man District.

The dark environment matched perfectly with Rocky's personality.

Not long, Rocky reached the middle area of the Fish-Man District where

thousands of Fish-Men were gathered.

"It's going to be a bit troublesome. I should have brought some extra


Rocky pulled out his revolver and checked the number of bullets loaded.

1 in the revolver and 22 in his pocket, definitely not enough for those

numerous Fish-Men army.

"I will have to do it in the old fashioned way."

Fun Facts 3

I am here again with some fun facts about this story!

Did you notice that 'One Piece: I am Psychopath' is not limited to only

one anime.

There's Doraemon, and soon more will join!

Big Mom was not supposed to die, and I had planned for Akuma and Big

Mom to have a child but then because of some minor change in the story

I dropped that thought.

Whitebeard was meant to be killed by Rocky in the war between

Whitebeard Pirates and Big Mom Pirates.

I wanted to create a situation for the Marines to go on a fight in the New

World but now I guess I will be postponing that.

The One Piece characters are slightly different as you all have already

read, mainly because I made the storyline darker.

Before the difficulty of 'One Piece' world was at S-rate, but now it has

increased to SS-rate because of the existence of Akuma.

I will be giving the Straw Hat Pirates and many more characters power


By the way, what do you think of a special movie after the end of this


If you all agree, that movie which will definitely not be more than 20

chapters, be super good. I mean it, that will depend on if we can cross

one hundred power stones in the next week or any week before the end.

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 35 { Akuma's

Dominance Part-5)

Coral Hill___

The port town was not so quiet, hundreds of Fish-Men and Merfolk were


"Hurry! Leave the town before the Devil arrives!"

All the Fish-Men and Merfolk were packing their luggages and leaving

the town.

The news of Devil's Pirates invading Fish-Man island was known to


In the Mermaid Cafe, Shyarly sat on her couch while looking at the

crystal ball.

"It's already late. No one can save the town now."

Shyarly leaned back and closed her eyes. Her mind was clear as she

braced for the future.


A missile came straight and blasted off the entire Mermaid Cafe.

It collapsed on the ground with Shyarly getting buried alive.


"Run! Run for your lives!"

The town people, as soon as they heard the explosion, started rushing out

of the town.


Multiple missiles came flying in the town and blasted off different


* * *

Few hundred meters away, on top of a large coral reef, Akuma stood

looking down on the town.

"More! Destroy the town, and don't let anyone escape!"

Akuma pointed towards the group of town people running away from the


"Yes, captain!"

More than half of the pirates hurried towards the town people with guns

and swords.


The rest continued to missiled at the town for quite a long time until they

were out of missiles.

Akuma leaped from the top of the coral reef, his body broke into gas mid


Slowly flying towards the town, Akuma observed the destruction caused.

Behind Lancelot, Beauty and Irish followed with the pirates.

"I see many alive."

Akuma muttered when he reached the main road in the town.

Tens of dead bodies of Fish-Men and Merfolk lied at different parts on the

roads, collapsed buildings, etc.

But few were still alive and struggling to escape the town with their

remaining strength.


One such Fish-Man was trying to get up on his feet when a foot stomped

on his back.

"Why are you not dead?"

Asked Akuma while lowering himself and looking right in the Fish-Man's


"P-Please! Don't kill me!"

The Fish-Man cried in fear and pain, only to get stomped again by


Eyes showing no sympathy or pity, a face that revealed no emotion.

Akuma raised his head and looked around. Fire engulfed half the town

with most of the leftover people dying.


This time, Akuma used full strength to stomp the Fish-Man to death.

The three Division Captains and the pirates were already used to this site.

'Devil of the Sea, a title best suited for him.'

This was the thought none can refute. Akuma was worthy from every

angle to be the Devil.


A small girl's cry sounded from not far behind a crumble stall.

Lancelot immediately rushed and searched for the girl who was crying.

A small mermaid, about 6 years old, sat on the ground before her mother

who was crushed alive by the stall.


The little girl had her life ruined as her only family, her mother was no

longer alive.

"Come here. Don't cry. Don't cry."

Lancelot picked the little mermaid up and hugged her while trying to

make her quiet.

What if their captain was annoyed and killed this little mermaid? She still

had a long life to live.


The mermaid struggled and wanted to go to her mother but Lancelot took

her away for some time.

The least he wanted was for this little mermaid to die an unnecessary


"I will be back!"

Beauty also headed towards the direction where Lancelot went.

"These guys."

Irish had a frown as she watched Beauty's figure move behind the wall of


"Leave them. I want you to gather all the living people in the town. All

outside in one spot."

Akuma's voice made Irish startled but she immediately nodded and went

to work.

"You! Stop!"

Akuma looked at a pirate and said. It was one of the female pirates in the


She was about 1.6 meters tall with a slim, curvaceous, and pronounced

hourglass figure.

Short and orange colored hair, beautiful face with the pirate theme wear.

"What's your name?"

Asked Akuma staring at the nervous pirate woman who was left alone

with him.

"My name is Victoria, captain!"

The woman replied as she saluted in a straight body posture.

"Victoria, is it? Follow me for now."

Akuma then turned around and walked towards the other end of the


The pirate woman followed Akuma closely while trying not to appear


'You think you can fool me? Revolutionary.'

Akuma's face was completely indifferent, but he was very excited at the


The pirate woman behind him, her name was not Victoria instead it was


A former slave who was set free by Fisher Tiger's rampage on Mary


She was also a revolutionary working together with Sabo and Hack for

quite a while.

"I see potential in you. My eyes don't lie."

Suddenly Akuma stopped walking and faced Koala. He looked very



Koala seemed very confused and hesitated as the situation now was very


She never expected to be chosen out by Akuma, the 'Devil of the Sea'

himself as someone who had potential.

"Yes. But you will need lots of training before your real talent shines."

Akuma closed his eyes and said with a deep voice. Koala swallowed her

saliva at what Akuma said.

"I am talented?"

Koala was confused, she didn't fully understand what talent Akuma was

talking about.

'What is he thinking?'

She looked up at Akuma who was still standing quietly with his eyes


Her eyes stared at his face when Akuma's eyes opened all of a sudden.

His irises were multi-colored like a rainbow.

[Ability: Hypnosis]

Koala started to feel her energy lose from her body and a loading bar

appeared above her head.

Her body, which was in red color before, soon turned into green in

Akuma's eyes.

[10%]... [50%]... [100%]

[Completely Hypnotized]

Her eyes turned white but then they returned back to normal in a few


"Now. I will ask again. What's your name?"

Said Akuma as he looked at Koala with an emotionless face.

"My name is Koala. I work for the revolutionaries. They are the ones who

sent me to mix up with the Devil's Pirates to gain more secret


Replied Koala with a bright smile on her face as he looked at Akuma.

"Still the same effect."

Akuma was a little disappointed by the side effects of hypnotizing


The day he arrived in the 'One Piece' world, he paid attention to this


Unlike how mind control works, where one can fully control the targeted

person into doing anything.

Hypnotizing was different, it couldn't stop the targeted person from

having his own thoughts.

Also, Akuma could never be in full control of the hypnotized person.

That is the main reason he didn't hypnotize all the people he came


This ability was very mind blowing but also comes with some


(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 36 { Akuma's

Dominance Part-6 }

"How does it feel?"

Asked Akuma, as he eyed the crowd of people from the town.

The people, Fish-Men and Merfolk, kneeled down and all looked


Their face showed terror and despair, some of them already gave up on

their lives.

The number of town citizens here was almost 15 thousand but not one

fought back.

Even if the number of pirates were only in a few thousands and not half


Because there was the Devil, watching them from the throne on top of a

coral reef.

"I asked you, how do you feel?"

Repeated Akuma, yet not a single person replied to him.

But instead of getting angry, Akuma showed a smile rare to his face.

As soon as the pirates and Division Captains saw Akuma get up from the

throne and walk to the crowd of people, they knew.

They knew that Akuma was gonna do something which is considered fun

to him.

"Bring him here."

Akuma pointed towards a merman in the crowd, which caused some

panic between them.

"No! Leave me!"

"Please! Not him! Please leave my husband!"

The merman was pulled by three pirates as he struggled. His wife also

tried to protect her husband only to be smacked down.


The merman was made to kneel before Akuma with his forehead

touching the ground.

"Say it. How do you feel?"

Akuma squatted down and stared at the merman with his eyes wide


The merman could only close his eyes as he felt that staring back would

be his end.

"Say it!"

Akuma grabbed the merman by his hair and shook him as if the merman

had no bones.


The merman gritted his teeth and slowly opened his eyes and looked at


"You will have the worst death!"

His words silenced the entire area, the pirates felt their backs get cold.

Irish sighed and continued her work on the device in her hands.

Beauty bit her lips and closed her eyes. Lancelot shook his head, soon he

heard the cracking sound.

"No! Ahh!"

The wife of the merman screamed as he rushed out of the crowd and

came next to the dead body of the merman.

Akuma had crushed the merman's head with his hand using raw muscle


Still with a smile on his lips, Akuma pointed the gun in his hand which

he took out of the system at the wife of the merman.

"Don't forget to tell them that I was the one who killed you two. They

might reduce the torture."


As the trigger was pulled, a bullet burst out of the gun and pierced

through the merman's wife's head.

Her body fell on top of her husband's body, both of their bodies soon

turning cold.

"Make sure you remember who I am. Whenever you talk about me, I will

be watching you."

Turning around, Akuma headed towards the center of the Fish-Man


The three Division Captains followed behind while most of the pirates

spread in the area.

* * *

Hard-Shell Tower___

"Okay. I am with her. Yes. Fine."

Joker ended the call and looked at Shirahoshi with a bitter face.

"I am sorry. But you are under arrest."

Joker grabbed the handcuffs from his waist and showed it to Shirahoshi.


Shirahoshi was very confused as he stared at Joker and then the

extremely small handcuffs.

"I am from the Devil's Pirates. We have captured your father and

brothers. If you don't do as I say, we will kill them."

Joker seemed dead from his expression, he had faced such situations

many times.

But it was a fact that Shirahoshi was very sweet and lovely. It was getting

harder to control his emotions as he was growing old.

Joker took a deep breath and pulled out a handgun and waved at her.

"Follow me. Do as I say and nothing will happen to your father and


Joker came down the bed and walked out of the room. Shirahoshi with

her pet Megalo followed behind silently.

She started having tears in her eyes as he hugged Megalo while trying to

be as quiet as she could.

Everything was going so fast that she couldn't understand the situation


Only now after she came out of her room did she see the three dead

bodies of the guards in the corridor.

Her face paled out in fear, but she still followed Joker.

* * *

Fish-Man District___

"Ha… Ha…"

Hody Jones, a great white shark fish-man, the captain of the New Fish-

Man Pirates and a former soldier of the Neptune Army.

Covered in blood, he looked at the person in front of him with fear

visible in his eyes.


He said with a stutter, he was clearly exhausted and unable to fight any


Even after injecting all the Energy Steroids he had, he still couldn't match

this person's strength.

No, it was not only about him. There were more than 50 thousand Fish-

Man pirates here.

But now, none were left standing or with the ability to fight with him.

"Come. What are you waiting for?"

Said Rocky with a grunt, he was obviously wounded and injured but not

that it can stop him from beating up Hody.

"As if I will fight you!"

Hody immediately ran to the other side away from Rocky to escape.

He would be crazy to fight Rocky even after all he saw how Rocky beat

those 50 thousand pirates.

'I must run! Run for my life!'

Hody didn't care where he was heading, all he wanted was for him to get

away from here.

Far away from Rocky.

"Like I will let you."

Hody stopped on his path, he raised his head and looked at the pair of

cold eyes.


A punch landed on his face, breaking his nose and sending him flying



Coughing out blood, Hody barely maintained his consciousness before


"I seem to have broken my knuckle."

Rocky checked his right hand knuckle and said with an unaffected voice.

"I-I have lots of money! Yes! Money! I will give you all but let me leave


Hody tried to talk with Rocky but the latter just pulled out his revolver.

"I still have a bullet left. Also, why do you think I will need money?"

Rocky questioned Hody as he aimed the revolver at his head.

"Wait! N-No! I have lots of slaves! Human slaves! Most of them are

women! They can be yours!"

Hody said with a loud voice trying his best ro make Rocky change his

thoughts about killing him.

While he was talking, his hand was also moving behind his waist to grab

a gun.

If he took Rocky by surprise, even if he would die from a bullet in the


But for Hody, Rocky already used his advanced observation haki to see a

few seconds in the future.


A gunshot rang in the silent town, blood flowed out of Hody's forehead


"Useless negotiation."

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 37 { The Key

to? }

Before Akuma, there was a huge giant mermaid with a height of more

than 10 meters.

"Bring her here."

Akuma ordered Irish, who nodded and then left the area with Beauty.

"Captain, what now?"

Joker stood beside Shirahoshi and asked with a face full of smiles.

Meanwhile Shirahoshi was extremely scared and in fear of Akuma who

gave an even more evil aura than Joker.

"Em, where are my father and brothers?"

Asked Shirahoshi as she tried to look at Akuma but got a terrifying look

from him.

"As long as you listen to me. They will be fine."

Replied Akuma with a plain voice while his eyes checked her.

"C-Can I see them?"

Shirahoshi asked with her voice shaking as she appeared frightened by all

the pirates around.

Joker glanced at her and sighed. He definitely told her to not ask

questions to the captain yet here they are.

"You can't."

Said Akuma. He wasn't angry with her questions, instead he was busy


'Incarnation of the Ancient Weapon Poseidon, the mermaid princess.'

Behind the empty look of Akuma, was the evil face of a devil cooking up

mischievous plans.

"Captain, here she is."

Soon, Irish and Beauty came back with the cage where the fairy queen

was locked.

"Bastard! What is it?"

Dance looked very angry after all she was locked in a cage and still got

locked inside a dark safe.

"Release her."

Akuma said to Irish. Opening the lock on the cage, Irish pulled the door

as Dace flew out.

"Ahh! It's so nice to fly again!"

Dance flew around the area, each of her wing flaps left some sparkles in

the air.

She then came before Akuma, flying at half a meter distance from his


"Tell me. What do I have to do?"

Asked Dance, she crossed her arms over her large chest and glared at


"She will be in your care. Make sure that she can use her powers as soon

as possible."

Akuma pointed in one direction and said. Following his finger, Dance

saw the gigantic mermaid.

Her eyes scanned Shirahoshi. Dance felt an ancient aura emitting from


"What is she?"

Confused and curious, Dance flew and came next to Shirahoshi.

Shirahoshi was having a difficult time seeing the tiny fairy queen with

her bare eyes.

She then felt a light touch on her left cheek, it was Dance who touched


"No! It can't be! How did you find it?"

Dance was shocked and unable to believe what she showed in her vision.

'It's definitely one of the three ancient weapons! If the Devil gets his

hands on her power then it's the end of the world!'

Dance with wide eyes, continued to stare at Shirahoshi with unknown


"I can't help her. It's out of my abilities!"

Dance straight refused to train Shirahoshi. She would be stupid to grant

Akuma one of the ancient weapons.

"Shirahoshi, remember what I said. Your family's lives are in my hands."

Akuma's voice caused panic in Shirahoshi's mind and heart.

"Please! I will do as you but don't hurt my family!"

Shirahoshi burst into tears as she lowered her head and cried out.

"And you, what about your daughter? Do you not want her to live her

life? She is only five years old."

Akuma threatened Dance with her only family, her daughter who didn't

even see the outside world.


Gritting her teeth, Dance had to agree to his orders. If it's about her

daughter's life, she will even help Akuma to destroy the world.

"Good. Much better."

A smile bloomed on Akuma's face. He rubbed his chin and sighed.

"Take them to the ship."

Waving his hand, Akuma gave his words to Irish. Now only a few more

important things were left.

"Captain! Captain!"

A pirate came running in a rush. Coming before Akuma, he started

gasping for breath.


"Captain! Someone wants to meet you! She is from the new pirate group

in Paradise, Dream Dead Pirates!"

The pirate explained, Akuma stared at the horizon where he could

already see the guest.

Fair skin, shoulder length hair and voluptuous figure with a very tall

height at 2.5 meter.

She wore a red split slip dress which showed her left leg. A necklace,

bracelet on her right wrist and red heels.

'If I didn't know who she was, it would have been impossible to identify

her as a cartoon character.'

The woman was none other than Shizuka Minamoto, from Doraemon.

'She has grown to be a fine woman I see.'

Akuma observed her as she soon came near him with a handbag on her

left hand.

"I greet the 'Devil of the Sea'! Nice to meet you. My name is Shizuka


Giving an elegant bow, Shizuka smiled at Akuma. Currently Lancelot,

Joker and only a few pirates were there with Akuma.

Raising his eyebrow, Joker stared at the guest. He seems to be slightly

interested in her.

Lancelot on the other hand was mesmerised by Shizuka's appearance.

"I heard you want to meet me?"

Asked Akuma. He leaned back on the throne which was the portable


"Yes. I came on behalf of the Dream Dead Pirates, presenting some small

gifts for getting a tiny favor."

She opened her handbag and pulled out three things, or gadgets.

One was a watch, then a pen, and the last was a bracelet similar to the

one she wore.


Lancelot, Joker and the pirates were confused at the gifts brought by


Was she out of her mind? Aren't these normal things one can buy in any


But not Akuma, he knew what those might or are. Watching Doraemon

was definitely a good choice in childhood.

"Good. I will listen to what you have to say."

* * *


Somewhere in the calm belt, a small group of islands were located here.

But if one looked at it from the above, they would know that those small

islands were actually one.

There seems to be a cause for the island to be destroyed and split into

multiple small islands.

On one such island, there was a tiny wooden house. Most of the walls

and insides were rotten.

Sitting by the door of the house was Fenrir. He held a small key in his


"Why can't I find it? I searched the entire island but still can't find the last

piece left by my father."

Fenrir held his forehead and massaged it. Years went by, but he was still

lacking in information about the Devil.

"What could it be?"

He stood up and looked at the sun which was slowly coming down.

It won't be long until night arrives.

"Try to remember! Father's words! Remember his last words!"

Fenrir scratched his head while walking down the high ground and

coming to the edge of the island.

"What was it! Ah!"

Fenrir was very frustrated by himself and his memories.

His eyes watched as the sun soon came to almost hide behind the island

with a single mountain a few hundred meters away.

Suddenly, goosebumps ran through his skin as he remembered it.

"His last words: The key is to where the sun sets. There is the lock. Below

is what I found."

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 38 { The Secret

of Devil's Mind }


Jumping in the sea from the edge of the island, Fenrir swam towards the


In the calm belt, there were thousands of Sea Kings. Each one larger than

the biggest warship that the Navy had.

Yet, Not a single one dared to attack Fenrir in his path to the mountain.

After all, Fenrir was trained to hunt these Sea Kings at a small age by


As he came ashore, Fenrir stared at the single mountain in front of him

which blocked the last sunlight.

"It should be here somewhere."

He started climbing up the mountain, not forgetting to search for the lock

in the way.

The sun was about to set when Fenrir reached the top of the mountain.

There was a sole tree separate from others in the middle or center of the


His eyes looked at the tree trunk, then moved to the key in his hand.

"It's exactly the same!"

Fenrir got near the tree and raised his hand where the key was to the tree


A similar symbol to the key was engraved on the tree trunk which could

perfectly fit the key.

"Finally! Father, I finally found your life's secret!"

Pressing the key into the symbol, Fenrir took a step back and observed.

Nothing happened unlike his imagination.

"Was I wrong? But it should be here?"

Fenrir frowned and inspected the tree, it was extremely ordinary with no

special features.

Then did he remember that the tree is the lock and what he needed to do


"It's below the lock! Means underground!"

He looked at the spot where the tree's roots and the ground were.


Grabbing the tree, Fenrir used his strength to pull it off from the ground


His fingers dug in the tree trunks, the ground below broke up as the tree

was pulled out.


The entire tree with some soil still tightly gripped on the tree roots was

lifted up by Fenrir.

On that soil, was a box like a treasure chest inserted in.


Placing the tree on the ground, Fenrir pulls the box out of the soil

between the tree roots.

It wasn't that big. The sun had gone past the sea horizon and night came.

The stars in the sky twinkled and the moon showed half his face.

* * *

In the old and broken house, Fenrir lit a fire and sat down near it.

"What could be inside it?"

He looked at the normal looking box with a lock. Using the key he had,

Fenrir opened it.

Inside the box were some documents, a notebook, a device which Fenrir

couldn't identify and an Eternal Pose.

The Eternal Pose is an hourglass-like device with only one orb in the

middle of the device, and a needle hanging from a wire inside of the orb.

Unlike a Log Pose, which resets its recordings on new islands, an Eternal

Pose always points to the same island, no matter how long it stays



Fenrir picked the Eternal Pose and looked at the words inscribed on the


"Devil's Home."

His eyes twitched as he read it. Fenrir had heard this name before in

some meeting with the Fleet Admiral.

"Everyone wants to know where the Devil lives. This here, does it really

take to 'that' place?"

Fenrir eyed the Eternal Pose for a while before sighing and keeping it on

the floor.

Next were the documents and notebook.

The first document was about Dram, Fenrir read it with his eyes wide


"H-He was a secret agent working for the Devil! Impossible! How?"

His hands were shaking while he continued to read further through the


Each one explained and described the plans of Akuma and Dram.

The Ohara incident where the Devil's Pirates took advantage and left

with most of the important people and books.

There were also the very old ones, before Akuma was captured by the


It also contained information about what the Devil's Pirates did in those

one hundred years while Akuma was in prison.

"Everything was planned from the very beginning! It's as if the Devil

already knew what was going to happen today!"

Fenrir turned to look at the device, which had a few buttons on the top of


"Is it a kind of recorder?"

Seeing the buttons of play, pause, fast forward, etc, Fenrir had a guess.


"Hello? Is it Fenrir? If it's you then I am very glad. But I guess since you

found it then I must have already died."

The voice was very familiar to Fenrir, how could he not recognize his

own father's voice.

"But if it's not Fenrir and someone else, it still doesn't matter. I just hope

that you will give all the things found with the recorder to the Fleet

Admiral or World Government."

"The Devil is planning something big. Something extremely scary to even


The voice turned serious and slightly filled with worry on the top.

"See the notebook. There is some of the very little information I could

collect about him and his plans. Remember, those might not be totally


Fenrir picked the notebook and opened it. The first thing he saw was a


A photo of a secret file clicked from a very hidden angle. But not much

could be seen as the photo was very blurry.

The pages following showed that in the Devil's Home, there is a way to

brainwash people.

And Maba, the servant of the Devil, gives the first touch to the child

before the brainwashing.

There's also many artificial creatures created by a scientist called Eisece


Fenrir knew who Hamburg was. He learned it from Dram himself when

he was still training to be in the Navy to fight pirates.

"The first part of his plan: Raid the Tree of Knowledge and collect all the

maps and important locations."

"Second part: Gather as many pirates as possible after raiding the Tree of


"Third part: Find out the location of the three ancient weapons from the

Void century."

"Fourth part: Using them, join all the four seas and the Grand Line into

one single ocean."

"Yes, it sounds crazy! But that's what he plans. The Devil wants to destroy

any block in his path to joining all the seas!"

"If we think that it's true. Then he ultimately wants to destroy the Red


Fenrir was shocked, his entire body trembling as he listened to what his

late father said in the recorder.

"I don't know much about how and when he plans to do that but when he

does, it will definitely not be a small wave. I hope you understand what

kind of danger the Devil is."

"Also just to let you know. It won't be wonderful when the Devil's plan is


"Sea Kings, the pirates, terrorist and many others dangerous things will

roam the world without any barrier. And the climatic changes which

occur daily in the Grand Line, might spread throughout the world."

"That kind of world, it could be called Hell! The real home for the Devil!"

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 39 { Fight to

Death Part-1 }

"I was suspected by Maba at one point of time when I tried to sneak this

recorder but thankfully he didn't do a body search."

"Make sure that the Devil doesn't know about these things or else

everything will be in vain."

"Fenrir, if you are hearing me. I want to say this my entire life. I never

wanted to go hard on you. I trained you for today, when I am not with

you and you can protect yourself."

"Your dad is a little ashamed for actually being an agent from the Devil's

Home but what can I do about it?"

"I was born there. The people over there are completely unaware of what

the outside world looks like."

"The Devil has made all of them believe that he is protecting them from

the malice of the people outside."

"If you get a chance, please save them. That place might look like a

utopia from our view as almost all the different kinds of people live


"Be is mermaid, fish-men, giants, long-armed tribe, angels from the sky

island, etc. All of them are trapped. They aren't aware that the world

outside is so big."

"The name of the only town there is called the Town of Happiness. A

town where happiness is forced."

"I don't know who will kill me. But one thing for sure, I will make sure

the Devil pays for what he and his pirates did over those many years."

"These all are what I have gathered for my entire life. The world is in

danger, do what's needed to protect it."

"In the documents there are a few people if united, we might have a

chance to fight the Devil and all his pirates."

"Find them. We will definitely need their help."

"Lastly. Fenrir, I love you my son."

The recorder then turned silent, leaving behind Fenrir with sadness and


"You did what you could. Now leave the rest to me."

Placing the recorder back to the box, Fenrir found the individuals in the


[Name- Blaze. Devil Fruit- Saru Saru no Mi. Model- Monkey King.

Strength- S…]

[Name- Kiya. Devil Fruit- Ryu Ryu no Mi. Model- Winged Dragon.

Strength- A+...]

[Name- Issho. Devil Fruit- Zushi Zushi no Mi. Power- Gravity. Strength- A


[Name- Seli. Devil Fruit- Tori Tori no Mi. Model: Peacock. Strength- A


Each one had a photo attached to their details. Fenrir went through and

was very surprised.

All of them were stronger than him, if the details in the documents were


"Just how can the Marine miss these people?"

Fenrir sighed and put all the documents and notebook inside the box.

Now his first priority should be to get out of her as soon as possible.

From the moment he arrived here, he was feeling like a pair of eyes were

watching his every movement.

"I hope it's just my mind playing games."

Grabbing the box, Fenrir headed towards his boat docked at the other

end of the island.

The night was still in its prime, the few clouds floated alongside the


His eyes adjusted to the darkness very quickly. Fenrir soon reached the

other side of the island.

But he then stopped.

"I should have brought my suit with me."

Fenrir cursed in his breath. Just before the boat, a huge figure stood.

Red hot lava flowed out of the cracks of that figures' body as if it was a

living volcano.

"What are you doing here, Devil's Servant Maba?"

The figure was actually Maba, his red and orange flaming eyes staring at


"I didn't expect you to finally find what your father had left. And it's a

wonderful coincidence that I thought of doing a last search of this place

before blasting it into pieces."

Maba said with an old voice. The ground he stood at was now already a

pool of lava.

"Give it to me. And I might give you a chance to live."

Maba extended his right hand towards Fenrir and asked with a plain


"Or what?"

Fenrir sneered at Maba. He turned back and wanted to escape without

any fight as the box might be damaged in the process.

But alas. That couldn't happen.


A red laser beam shot straight in front of Fenrir stopping from in his run.

"It's unfortunate that I am all alone and can't guarantee capturing you


Maba's body which was already in his awakened form slowly expanded


The once 12 meters Maba now grew up to almost 20 meters in height.

"Damn! I guess a fight is unavoidable!"

Holding the box, Fenrir retreated as much as he could and hid the box

behind an unlevel ground.

"All these years of fighting Sea Kings and going through that hardcore

training will finally be used against a real monster."

Fenrir's eyes scanned the entire area and found that most of the ground

was plain.

There weren't many hiding places. And the island wasn't that big either

to hide for more than a few minutes.

"This is the same place where I killed your father! And this will be the

same place I will kill you!"

Maba roared and crawled towards Fenrir with his large and lava filled


The grasses were burned to black matters and the ground sank in by his

weight and all the lava filled in.

"Volcanic Eruption!"

The lava turned into waves and headed towards Fenrir burning anything

in the path.


Fenrir with his armament haki, punched in the air as a blast of wind

formed which stopped the waves of lava.

Around Fenrir, all the lava splashed and swallowed everything.

'It was dangerous. I must get my suit if I want to survive.'

Fenrir eyed the boat behind the huge figure of Maba's. The distance was

about 30 meters.

If Fenrir dashed, he could get there within two seconds. But the problem

was Maba, who blocked the path.

'Is escaping by the sea my only solution?'

Fenrie heard it from Maba just now, that he was the one who killed Dram

in this location.

How could he run away after hearing that? But the box was also

important and it can't get in Maba's hands.

And he will most likely be killed at the end if he can't escape or defeat


Suddenly, Maba crawled back towards the edge where the boat was.

Fenrir thought that he was going to destroy the boat but to his surprise,

Maba lifted the boat and threw it near him.

"Fight me. Today it shall be you or me."

At that moment, Maba's eyes flashed a light in white and returned back

to normal.

Unlike how it was a few moments ago, Maba wasn't empty anymore.

His eyes now showed anger, regret and somewhat mixed feelings.

The change wasn't unnoticed by Fenrir but he chose to not think about it


Grabbing his yellow and black suit from the collapsed boat on the

ground, he wore it.

"Is this what the Devil wants?"

Fenrir asked, standing in front of Maba, completely ready to fight for


"No. This time it's me."

Answered Maba. Then the fight between Fenrir and Mabs started.

(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 40 { Fight to

Death Part-2 }


The ground was blasted off with a laser beam. Fenrir barely managed to

avoid the beam with his pure instincts.

'Damn! This old fellow is still so strong!'

Cursing under his breath, Fenrir ran up to Maba and tried to give a

serious punch.

For now, Fenrir's main objective was to completely measure Maba's


Maba had the sixth highest bounty in the entire world.

Actually even Fenrir was hiding his real strength in the Marines


Dram had taught him that one must always have a trump card in his


Maba swung his left hand as his serpent fingers extended and charged at


The five opened mouths with red light glowing on the teeth alone made

Fenrir cautious.

Kicking the air, Fenrir changed his direction dodging all the serpents.

Geppo, one of the six techniques of Rokushiki where one can push

themselves off the air itself with superhumanly strong kicks, allowing

them to travel through, and remain in, midair for extended periods in

what effectively resembles flight.

"How long do you plan to avoid me!"

Maba roared with some anger as the flames in his eyes grew bigger and


The boiling lava below the ground instantly spiked up at Fenrir.

Doing a somersault midair, Fenrir's feets kicked the air just above the

spiking lava to push them back.

Flying up in the air with the force of his own kick, Fenrir coated his full

body with armament haki.

Multiple balls of lava formed around Maba which then were shot at



Concentrating on his arms, Fenrir coated them with another layer of

haki. But this time, it was the advanced version.


As the fist in advanced armament haki made a hit on the first ball of lava,

it splashed around in the air.

Thankfully coated with full haki, Fenrir's safety was somewhat

guaranteed in front of the lava.


Bursting all the lava balls in the air, Fenrir's figure started falling down

towards Maba with a slight increase in the momentum.

Maba raised his hands as hundreds of layers of wind shield one over

another formed between him and Fenrir.


The falling Fenrir pulled his right hand and then thrusted it through the

wind shields.


Even after all his strength and the impact he carried while falling down

the sky was unable to fully penetrate all windshields.


Jumping off from near Maba, Fenrir's chest moved up and down with his

rapid breathing.

"What happened? Is this all you got? Dram's son!"

Slamming his hands on the pool of lava below on the ground, Maba

created two huge lava dragons.

Pulling out the weapon behind his back, Fenrir spun it in the air.


The handle was tightly gripped by Fenrir. The weapon was a thick baton

made of sea stone.

It was about a meter long with a 15 centimeter handle. This was the

weapon which Fenrir used the most in his life.


The two lava dragons connected to the pool of lava moved forward

towards Fenrir.

Fenrir took a posture and dashed forward while ripping off the ground

below his feets.

The baton in his right hand shined with a black glow as the haki was

absorbed in.

Of course Fenrir wasn't stupid enough to fight off against Maba who was

as strong as one of the Four Emperors.

He had plans. The baton in his hand was no ordinary one to begin with.

This baton is a weapon which was fed the Esa-Esa no Mi by Vegapunk.

A paramecia devil fruit which grants the user to absorb any kind of

energy and use it again.

But the form of energy which could be used again wasn't limited to what

was absorbed. If heat was absorbed, he could use electricity but the

amount was fixed.

"Come on!"

Fenrir stopped and stepped on the ground and swung the baton at the

two incoming lava dragon heads.

The two lava dragons seemed to join together and form an even bigger

dragon as it opened its mouth to engulf Fenrir.

But before that, the baton hit the air just in front of the lava dragon as an

explosion sounded.

The lava dragon was blasted off, splashing around the ground.

Right now, the island is in a very bad shape. Most of the land was pooled

up by hot red lava.

There was a limited space for Fenrir to stand. And the box was also in a

dangerous position now.

"I don't have much choice."

Fenrir leaped in the air and flew up towards Maba with his baton pulled



Maba seemed to be a little bit out of his mind as his eyes only released


Rationality was becoming less on Maba's side while Fenrir was fully

focused on surviving.

The wings behind Maba's back expended up and the temperature on the

island changed immediately.

'Awakened devil fruit power!'

Fenrir's plan was to make use of the heat energy absorbed from the lava

dragon and strike at Maba.

Yet, he didn't expect the other to suddenly use awakened power.

Because using awakened power requires lots of energy. Guess Maba

didn't care about the future anymore.

And if the island was destroyed, there wasn't a chance that Maba would

not fall in the sea.

Unfortunately for Maba, his luck and fate wasn't with him today.

Maba was facing the worst enemy he could in the entire world.

The baton in Fenrir's hand glowed as the heat energy in the atmosphere

was getting absorbed at a fast rate.

Only thing Fenrir needed to do was keep a safe distance for now and his

baton would soon be charged enough to one shot Maba.

"Die! Die!"

Maba shot ten red laser beams from his serpent fingers at Fenrir in the


"It's useless!"

Shouted Fenrir. He stayed up by kicking the air. Bringing his baton front,

Fenrir absorbed most of the beams.

As for why Fenrir didn't use the baton from the very beginning? It is

because he was trying to measure Maba's strength as said before.

Maba opened his mouth wide as a red energy ball filled with some

amount of lava formed.


His mouth was like a flame thrower but with lava. Each burst of lava

with the hit from Fenrir's baton landed on the ground.

Very soon, the land was left with little ground to stand. And at that place

was the box hidden by Fenrir.

'Any longer and everything will be for nothing!'

Fenrir made his final decision and kicked the air to rush at Maba.

His baton also had absorbed enough energy by now to wipe Maba off



Maba was like a wild beast in a craze, he roared and swung his hands

towards Fenrir.

His serpent fingers moved in agile to bite Fenrir and kill him with their


Fenrir couldn't care less about those serpent fingers as he also swung the

baton at Maba.

All the energy absorbed in it was already concentrated to charge in

Maba's body in contact.

But at that moment, something happened. Maba's chest showed a glow of

green light.


The sound was like a warning before the detonation of a bomb.

And as expected, the explosion in that very instant followed after the end

of the beeping sound.


(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 41 { Soon will

start a new era! }

Half an hour earlier___

Deep in the sea, somewhere in the middle of the Fish-Man Island.

There was an area full of tents and pirates. In the center, a huge tent was

set specially for the main captain.

The tent was almost 5 meters high and covered a wide space.

The front opening of the tent was slid off to let one view the outside.

The pirates, however, could only see darkness and a pair of cold and

sharp in the tent from the outside.

It was as if an evil and powerful entity, eager to destroy any soul on

sight, resided there.

Not far from that tent, another large one was set. This particular tent was

for the use of communicating.

Inside, Irish had a headphone like device on her head which was also for

similar use but with a poor design.

"What!? Are you telling me that he was hiding it from us for years?

Impossible!... Okay, I will let him know."

As the call was cut, Irish placed the headphone down on the table with a

heavy sigh.

"He won't be happy."

Irish massaged her forehead and gritted her teeth.

"Get the things ready, now!"

Ordering her crewmates from her main ship, Irish started thinking of

what she was going to explain.

"What happened? Is something wrong?"

Lancelot stepped inside the tent and saw the stressed out Irish.

"There's a problem. It's about Maba."

And so, Irish shared the news which she got from Hamburg to Lancelot.

"So he was… from the very beginning."

Lancelot shook his head and petted Irish on the shoulder. He could only

show pity to Irish as her job was one hell of an adventure.

"I hope he doesn't burst out in anger. If that happens, you might not be


Leaving his words, Lancelot left the tent to share the news with other

Division Captains.

"Captain, we got the files. And it's ready!"

The vice captain of Irish's main ship, informed while pulling out the CS-


On the screen of CS-M2, it showed images of a huge chest in Maba's

house with many items.

Scrolling down, Irish checked each and every document in the list.

As she read, her face showed some anger and a bit of sorrow.

"It really wasn't just a myth that the captain could hypnotise anyone."

The information was very crucial and surprising as well to Irish. Years

were gone, and only now did she learn about some things.

"Maba… his son and wife died because of the captain. Millions lost their

lives in the captain's hands. As expected from the Devil."

Irish took a deep breath and calmed her mind. Taking the CS-M2, she

headed towards that very tent which emitted danger.

* * *

As Irish entered the tent, darkness swallowed her completely.

"What is it?"

The voice, with a hint of confusion and curiosity, asked. Irish extended

her hands holding the CS-M2.

"We have a traitor, captain."

Irish lowered her head and replied to the person before her with some



A hand came and took the device from Irish's hands. The screen showed

all the images and documents which the Irish read earlier.

As the time moved, the atmosphere inside the tent turned heavy.

Irish was struggling to breath. The hand which held the CS-M2, crushed

it into pieces.

"So he remembered everything! He was scamming behind my back!"

The person roared with anger and slammed his hand on the armrest.

An aura erupted from within the person which soon engulfed the entire

Fish-Man island and further.

The weak ones fainted instantly with the pressure while the slightly

stronger ones struggled to stand.

Few were aware that a certain entity was enraged by the news from



The tent was blasted off with an explosion, a metal bat had hit the

ground with a huge impact.

The cracks spread around like a spiderweb, taking half the area in.


Under the light of the underwater plants and creatures, Akuma, who was

the person all along, released his breath.

As his mind relaxed back. His grip on the handle of the metal bat lossen.

On the side, Irish was in a lowered position trying to save herself from

any danger.

The nearby conscious pirates screamed in fear and terror, they tried to

get as far as they could from Akuma.

As he sat down on his throne, Akuma leaned back and closed his eyes.

"I told him to stay. I was going to hypnotise him again but he just

couldn't… Haa…"

Akuma muttered very slowly, he then sighed and opened his eyes to look

at Irish.

"Tell Hamburg. Give the current location of Maba, and ya… kill him."

Said Akuma. Irish was a little shocked but also slightly expecting this.

"Yes, captain!"

Nodding her head, Irish was about to leave but Akuma called her.

"And, release EX-7. It's time for her to take Maba's place and maintain the


Akuma was still thinking whether this was the right or wrong choice.

But he had to make one decision. It definitely won't be long when he

could see the world become his real home.

A home which he couldn't forget.

* * *

Hell Realm___

In the laboratory, Hamburg listened to Irish and laughed.

"I knew it."

He said with a grin on his face. Pushing the person before the controls to

the side, Hamburg cracked his knuckles.

"Bye Bye, Maba. Have a sweet dream!"

Hamburg pressed some buttons and then on the monitor, Maba's status



As the last button, which was in a red color, was pressed, a red light

flashed on Maba's status.

[Detonating core number 1]

"And now is your turn to serve the Devil!"

Then, Hamburg started pressing different buttons as a clicking sound

came from somewhere.

"Bring the devil fruit!"

Hamburg shouted and ran to the place where the sound had come from.

Inside a huge cylinder filled with green fluid, was an extremely beautiful

woman with a dark purple dress.

EX-7, also called Erika. She was supposed to be a helper for Maba but

due to the change in situation, she will be taking his place.

The green fluid was sucked out by a machine then oxygen was gassed in.

Erika's eyes opened suddenly, but she had no panic visible in them.

Instead, she was anticipating such things in her long dream.

"Here's the devil fruit!"

A researcher ran up to Hamburg and handed him a black colored devil

fruit with snake-like patterns.

As the devil fruit came into her sight, Erika gave a smile. Her mouth

opened and then her words followed.

"I waited long enough."

* * *


Just a second before the explosion, Maba's eyes which were caught in

flames and rage changed.

Concentrating all his energy, Maba created a wind barrier around Fenrir.

It was very thick and dense. Everything happened so fast that Fenrir was

unable to understand Maba's move.

His baton could fully absorb the explosion, but he won't survive till then

as time was needed.

Fenrir's eyes met Maba's, he saw him speak out a sentence which caused

Fenrir's eyes to widen.

"The Devil must die."


The explosion was so huge that the area with a radius of 4 kilometres

was destroyed.

Everything within, islands, fishes, Sea Kings, and other matters all


The sea boiled to extremes with the head generated by the explosion.

Large waves rippled faraway crossing the calm belt.

The quiet calm belt was no longer quiet. Strong winds pushed trees and

plants of islands safe from the explosion.

As the silence came back after a few seconds, nothing was left in the area

of the explosion except water.

Suddenly, two shadows appeared out of thin air in the sky above that


As soon as his job was done, Joker quickly vanished back.

Akuma was falling down, but stopped as his lower half turned to gas and

spread around.

His eyes stared down on the spot where the sea was still boiling a little.

But he said nothing.

It was the worst, silence from Akuma meant that he was thinking


And it won't be so good for sure. With that incident, the year finally came

to an end.

Soon, a new year will welcome everyone. Will there be peace, definitely


But of course, peace has to come one day. And when will that 'one day'


Nobody knows…

[Author Talk---]

Hello readers!

With that, the third volume has come to an end. Yes I know what I just


I was also expecting to finish the novel with this third volume but found

that it will be a little too long with how I write.

So now, I will create another volume. Fourth volume, which should be

enough for the novel to come into an end.

We came a long way. Many time I felt like I wanted to drop the novel but

I continued. I continued because you all like it and shared your thoughts.

There were moments when I knew that it wasn't so interesting, but you

all still read my fan fiction.

Thank you.

If you all came till here, then don't forget to give this a review to let the

other readers know that such a fan fiction novel does exist in web novel.

The fourth volume will have many more characters coming so be


There's Doraemon and his crew! And the ones who will fight against


See you all in the next volume!

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 1 { Brook's

Mission }

Far, far away, was an island bigger than any other with beauty of



The orange flames rose up to the skies as the explosion occurred was very


"Get it! Attack from behind!"

The orders from the man with armor and a broadsword, echoed in the



His grip on the handle tightened as a grin bloomed on his dirt covered


There were a total of seven men with the armor and various weapons

surrounding their next meal.

A fire breathing lizard, in simple words a dragon with no wings, eyed the

seven men in front of it.

"Robert, over there!"

One of the men pointed towards the back which could be an escape route

for the dragon.


Robert rushed behind and blocked the last route of escape while holding

his shield.

"Very good!"

The leader of the hunting group, Richard, said with a grin. He then

stormed towards the dragon with his broadsword.


With his shout, all the six men attacked the dragon from diferent sides.

The dragon roared in rage while breathing flames on the men and also

trying to claw his way out.

"Today we are having Lizarard's meat!"

Richard with a grin thrusted his sword in the dragon's chest while others

chose different body parts.


The dragon died not long after. The surrounding trees and bushes were


Many trees were still on flames while the leaves left only black matter



The seven men cried in joy and danced in a circling motion. The forest

was silent for a while but soon regained its spirit.

"Yo-hohohoho! Wonderful kill!"

On the top of the dragon's carcass, a very small person stood with a

classic cane.

"Bone-man, how was it? Aren't we strong! Haha!"

Richard burst in laughter as he talked to the tiny person. The others also

nodded their heads in union and laughed.

"My name is Brook, not Bone-man."

The person with only his skeleton as body in a gentlemen suit, Brook said

while shaking his head.

"Let us take this back! Then we can have a party!"

Richard pulled out the broadsword stuck in the dragon's chest and put it

back in its sheath.

They made sure to extinguish the flames or it might be a huge forest fire

later on.

The dragon carcass was lifted up by four men while Richard took the lead

followed closely by the rest.

Brook sat on Robert's shoulder and looked at the gigantic forest with his

empty eye sockets.

𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘵… This was his only thought right now. Never

could he see these outside the island.

Yes, this place here is called Elbaf. kingdom inhabited by giants, and is

considered to be the strongest country in the world due to its army famed

for its strength.

Everything was very big. Brook is only bigger than an ant on this island.

The seven giant men were more than 20 meters and all very muscular.

As the hunting group reached the end of the forest area, Brook saw a

super big tree in the middle of the mountain range.

It was so big that Brook, even after looking at an angle of ninety degrees,

couldn't see the tree's top.

On the way to the city situated somewhere near the gigantic tree, the

hunting group sang songs.

"Robert-san, when is the king coming back?"

Brook asked Robert while looking at the outline of the city on top of a


"The king? He should be back in a week's time. He only went to attend

the peacock queen's birthday."

Robert replied directly, wasting no time as he knew the reports shared to

him by Richard a few days ago.

"Peacock queen… maybe I can get a chance to see her panties?"

Brook pondered but Robert was unable to answer to him for asking such

a stupid question.

"Haha… who knows?"

Robert forced a smile.

* * *

The giant kingdom had a total of three cities, six villages and a castle

below the gigantic tree.

"It's Richard! They are back!"

The guards standing before the entrance of the city exclaimed as they

saw the site of Richard and his group carrying the huge dragon carcass.


Richard greeted the guards with a smirk on his face as he signed towards

the dragon carcass.

"Damn bastard! Showing off!"

The guards gritted their teeth and cursed at Richard. Then all of a

sudden, all the guards burst to laughter.

"Hahaha! I need a party! You are very lucky to have encountered a


The dragon named Lizarard, was a somewhat rare creature to meet in the


It mostly stayed at the edge of the island on the rocky mountain sides.

It is not very difficult to kill but very troublesome to find and the price of

its meat was very high.


Richard said with a grin. The money that can be earned from this

Lizarard will be more than enough for the seven men.

"Hurry! I need some women and a bar!"

Richard marched in the city with a proud look on his face as he led the

hunting group to the meat shop.

𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳… Brook sighed secretly. He

was on a mission and this wish of his could only remain a wish.

As the group sold most of the carcass, they headed back to their homes

for the moment.

The party which Richard will be hosting, was in the night when the city

was at its best.

Robert and Brook went to the resident's area where Robert's house was.

Brook was temporarily living at his house until his mission was complete.

Along the way, Brook left as if he had returned back to his childhood

except everything was many times bigger.

"Bone-man, how is the world outside? Is it very small like you?"

Robert asked with a curious face. He was one of the many giants who

had never taken a step outside Elbaf.

"Well, it is. But there are also many places which are big enough for you."

Brook replied honestly as he massaged his chin and finally stood up on

Robert's shoulder.

"Do you want to see it? The world outside?"

Brook looked at Robert's eyes and asked. Robert moved his head and

stared back at Brook.

"I would love to."

Robert answered with a smile. Brook gave his signature laugh and

jumped down.

They already reached Robert's house which was very normal and simple



The door opened and Robert with Brook entered as the house was no

longer lifeless.

Placing the meat on the table, Robert went to take a bath in the


Brook leaped on the table and plucked out a grape from the fruit basket.

The green grape was juicy and very delicious. It took Brook only three

grapes to fill his stomach.

Brook's mission in Elbaf was one of the most important in Akuma's plan.

In the past, Akuma already visited the Elbaf ones and talked with the late


Akuma needed at least 50 giants from the kingdom for physical labor.

In return, Akuma promised to kill Big Mom and help them expand their


Big Mom is dead now, so one of the two promises is completed. It was

the king's turn to give 50 giants to Devil's Pirates.

Brook was the one who will lead the giants back to Devil's Home from


But since the giant king was away to attend the birthday of the peacock

queen of Greenland, Brook could only temporarily stay with Robert.


[Author Talk---]

I am changing the style in which I write the thoughts. I am still trying to

find the perfect way to write for myself.

Thank you all for waiting. The fourth volume has come and new chapters

are being written.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 2 { Peacock

Queen }

Few hundreds of miles away from the Giant Island, was another island

but a little smaller.

One of the very few kingdoms, who rejected the World Government, is

the Kingdom of Color.

A very special land, where there is a festival celebrated called Holi.

"Haha! Woo!"

"Take this!"


The air was filled with the colors of life, thousands and thousands of

people outside in the open.

They each were covered with various colors like red, blue, green, etc.

With smiles on their faces, they rejoiced without any worry.

The sun at its highest point, shone on the Island with a few white clouds

floating around the sky.

𝘚𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘰𝘤𝘬

𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘦𝘯'𝘴 𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺… In the shadows of the buildings, a man walked

with light footsteps.

His face was hidden by the metal face mask and his body completely

covered with the black cloak.

The two eyes visible from the gap of the metal face mask, flashed with a

yellow light in the darkness.

"I must meet the queen. There is not much time left for me here."

The man soon vanished in the shadows while none was aware that

someone was present in that alley.

* * *

Rainbow Palace, this is the palace situated at the center of the Island

where the queen lives.

Outside in the yard, huge figures were seated around a table in the

middle which was tiny for them.

Those huge figures were the giants, one of them was the king of giants,


"Eat more! It's my day today!"

A voice packed with melody and sweetness sounded in the yard.

With a smile on her beautiful face, the peacock queen in her favorite

green dress said to the guests.

There were not only the giants who were invited for Sali's birthday party.

Some from the underworld and some from the nearby kingdoms were

also present there.

"Yes yes! Eat more!"

The giant king, Loki, cheered and took a large bite of the meat in his

hand. The surrounding giants also feasted more.

"Queen Seli, you are beautiful as always! It's like you never grow old!"

The other guest tried to impress Seli with their buttering words only to

make Seli sighed.

"You all. I already know I am beautiful! Haha!"

Her laughter was like a song in itself causing the people around her to

feel more delighted.

"Queen Seli, will you do the peacock dance today like every year?"

One of the guests, a middle aged man holding a glass of wine, asked with

a curious face.

"What do you think?"

Resting her left cheek on her palm, Seli replied to the man with a


Her light green eyes stared at the man only for a second yet the man was

stunned to even blink.

"Elon. You already know the answer right? Of course Queen Seli will do

the Holi festival's most important dance!"

Loki's voice brought the middle aged man named Elon back to reality.

"Haha! Yes! It is so true!"

Elon, embarrassed, laughed awkwardly while trying to hide his burning

face from the rest of the people.

"I will. You all should definitely see my dance. I am sure that you will

love it."

Seli leaned back on the chair and said with a smile. The feast went on

until it was evening time.

* * *

All the people of the kingdom headed towards the largest waterfall in the


They held torches made of not fire and wood but a kind of creature like a


When the moon started to rise higher, the people were all already

gathered around the waterfall.

The moonlight shone on the water pool below the waterfall reflecting the


Giant King Loki sat next to a huge boulder while the rest of the giants

surrounded him.

"It's my first time watching the peacock dance performed by the peacock


Loki said with an excited voice. The giants around him all had already

seen the dance at least once with the late king.

"King, you might not know this but Queen Seli is a devil fruit user."

The main guardian giant, Fuka, said. Loki was not so surprised as his

interest in Queen Seli increased.

Unfortunately for him, Queen Seli was doomed to be single forever as it's

a kind tradition passed on from the ancient times in the Kingdom of


"What devil fruit?"

Asked Loki as he turned to look at Fuka. In his mind, he waited for

Queen Seli to show up faster.

"Zoan devil fruit, Tori Tori no Mi. A peacock model. This is a special

devil fruit which never once left this kingdom."

Explained Fuka with a deep voice. The other giants nodded their heads in


"A devil fruit that never leaves this island. How mysterious…"

Muttered Loki. His eyes stared at the silver moon with the black shadows.

* * *

Few hundred meters away from the people gathered, the escort army of

the Queen's were coming.

In the middle was a huge palanquin with all the colors painted in various

flower designs.

Inside, Seli sat on one side while the other was occupied with the very

same man who wore the metal face mask.

"I knew someone was spying on me for a few days but I didn't expect it to

be you."

Seli smiled at the man while her mind played some old memories.

"Your father came a few years ago with the same request. My answer is

the same as that time."

As she said, her eyes started getting a bit moist but she wiped it away


"Take me away from here."

As the words left her lips, Seli lowered her face making it hard for the

masked man to see her expression.

"Why do you wish for this?"

Asked the masked man with a sigh. Seli's body trembled slightly before

tears dropped down her eyes.

"I-I want to… be free!"

When Seli raised her head, the masked man saw the eyes filled with

sorrow and pain.

𝘐𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘮𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴

𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴. 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦

𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘦𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥… The

masked man closed his eyes and leaned back.

These were the reasons for the queens of this kingdom to die faster.

"Why is it that I am the queen and not my younger sister? Why must I

carry the weight of this kingdom while my sister enjoys her life with her

very own family? I also want to have a family! A husband! A child!"

Sobbing quietly, Seli clenched her hands and looked at the masked man

with some hope.

"Fine. After the dance, I will come and find you."

The masked man said with some frustration while Seli widened her eyes

full of tears.

The masked man then held the metal face mask and pulled it off.

A face, half burned with small cracks was revealed to the stunned and

shocked Seli.

He was Fenrir, who somehow survived the blast that perished the

existence of Maba.

It could be said that he was actually a reborn as his heart had stopped for

a while after the explosion making it impossible for Akuma to sense a

living human in the sea.

He drifted to an island somewhere in the calm belt where he was saved

by an old tribe expert in biology.

"I hope you don't regret it…"

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 3 { Weapon

Testing: Sharks }

[Author Talk---]

Guess what?

Look I am back! From now on, I will try to write at least one chapter a

day or two.


The moon smiled at the landscape with that silverlight gifted by the

marvelous sun.

The escort army of the Queen's, reached at the near edge of the pool

below the waterfall.

The soldiers slowly put the huge palanquin on the ground as the curtains

were then slid to show an extremely beautiful woman.

All the guests, citizens of the kingdom and the Queen's family watched in

astonishment even if they knew it all along.

Peacock Queen Seli, stepped out of the palanquin with a calm face.

𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦… Looking at the crowd of

thousands, Seli grew a little sad in her heart.

𝘕𝘰, 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴! 𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦!

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦! 𝘐 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘪𝘵!... With a deep exhale, Seli

moved her feets towards the pool of water.

The sound of the waterfall was loud as it covered all her footsteps and

the talks of the crowd.

"It's starting!"

Fuka said in a low voice not to disturb others. Giant King Loki grinned

from ear to ear as he stared at Seli with his eyes glued.

Under the eyes of thousands, Seli stepped on the pool of water but her

feets didn't sink in.


Loki, as it is his first time, with his eyes widened even more, was truly

shocked and stunned.

Each of her steps on the water surface made a ripple in a round circle

spreading all over the surface.

Coming at the center of the pool of water, Seli turned to face the crowd.

Her eyes closed, her head lowered and her arms hugged herself like to

show that she was yet to be born.

Suddenly in the silence which was weird as even the loud noise of the

waterfall seemed gone, Seli raised her arms as she took on a T pose.

From the point of contact between her feets and the water surface,

various colors started flowing out.

The whole pool of water became a mixture of colors as Seli in the center

to all.

A green feathered tail grew out from behind Seli's back which was

exactly a peacock's tail.

The tail with tens of eyes like patterns widened to gaze at the crowd like

a burning fire.

Seli's body also showed slight changes as her arms grew bird feathers and

her face became more distinct from before.

And so, the official performance started with the movement of her tails

with her hips.

Like a bird wanting to fly, she moved her arms but her feets stayed over

the water surface.

Each time she moved, colors would burst out from corners mixing with

the air. Soon the night passed and morning welcomed.

Kingdom of Color, received terrible news of the most beautiful peacock

Queen ever in their history, Seli, going missing from her palace.

Even after searching the whole island multiple times, they couldn't find


This news went to various other countries and kingdoms.

Unfortunately, none could find her as the missing person herself was

busy selecting new dresses in a clothing store.

* * *

A few days later, a big event happened. The Whitebeard Pirates and the

Devil's Pirates had a conflict.

It was about Fish-Man island. Before it belonged to the Whitebeard

Pirates but the Devil's Pirates invaded there and captured it.

And so now, the New World was completely messed up by these two

pirate groups.

As for the Beasts Pirates, there wasn't any news of them involving in the

conflict of the two.

Devil's Pirates also declared Totto Land to be their territory from the day

after Big Mom died.

The first half of GrandLine was no good either, with the emergence of the

Supernovas the Navy and Marines were having a hard time.

That is the reason for the Marine Headquarters to declare the position of

the fourth Admiral.

Yes, from now on. There will not be three but four Marine Admirals.

It was so sudden that it caused the pirates to cry in despair. Well, the

public were happy though.

Who the fourth Admiral was, it was still a mystery even in the Marine


The selection was done so privately that only a handful of people know

about it.

* * *

Devil's Home___

Three underwater submarines, almost 50 meters in length, moved at a

slow pace.

After reaching a particular destination, two of the submarines stop letting

the third move ahead.

Few hundred meters away from the submarines was a high ground in the

water with many corals on the rocks.

Inside the submarine at the front. In the control room, tens of people

were busily working.

In the middle of the control room, sitting with his eyes closed and resting

his chin on his right hand knuckles was Akuma.

"Sir, Sharks are ready to be launched!"

One of the people before the monitors replied while turning back to see


Newly designed underwater missiles, named Sharks. Today was its



Hamburg grinned as he clapped his hands and eyed the monitor.

He walked to the controls and waited for Akuma to order. His hands

were itching as Hamburg looked at the red button.

"Do it."

Akuma opened his eyes and said with an indifferent voice. His eyes

shined in multiple colors.


Four gaps opened at the submarine's head from where four Sharks drilled


The speed was quite fast as it covered the distance of a few hundred

meters in five seconds.


The explosion engulfed the whole corals and the surrounding areas.

Fishes caught in the explosion died within any chance to escape.

A huge water current was formed as waves formed at the water surface


The submarines shook violently yet nothing happened to them.

"Wonderful! Ahhaha! Excellent!"

Hamburg stared at the end result of the two Sharks explosions. A crater

was visible on the monitor in the control room.

The Sharks were very powerful, the submarines being extremely tough to

have survived the waves.

"What's its range?"

Akuma asked with a curious expression as he observed the video of the


"It would be 500 meters with complete accuracy and 800 meters barely."

Hamburg held the statistics of the Sharks as he read the information

through it.

"Good. Try to increase the range. It doesn't matter if the aim is a little off

as long as it can destroy everything."

Akuma said as he leaned back on the seat. It was about time for the use

of these newly created underwater missiles.

"By the way. How long until Brook returns with the giants?"

Asked Akuma as he looked at Hamburg. It's been almost a year since

Brook went to the Giant's kingdom.

"He should be back in a few days, captain."

Hamburg bowed and answered Akuma. He could already understand that

Akuma was preparing to wipe the Whitebeard pirates.

"Let's return! Today's test is a success and the Sharks can be mass


Akuma ordered immediately. And so, the three submarines started

moving back towards their home.

On the way, they encountered a huge sea king but just a single Shark was

enough to blow half of its body into pieces.

The sea water was dyed in red blood. Hundreds of fishes gathered to

devour the leftovers of the sea king.

Currently the Whitebeard pirates are attacking the small pirate groups of

the Devil's Pirates as Akuma didn't take any actions.

But of course it wouldn't remain like that as almost all the necessary

weapons and army were ready to be dispatched.

The Devil's Pirates have been silent for a long. Now the time has come,

Akuma will personally fight.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 4 { Devil's Out!


Town of Happiness___

When this name was said, one can easily think of the reason behind the


Happiness, as it is in the name itself so the town would obviously be

filled with the atmosphere of joy.

Right now, the town was having a celebration due to the return of Brook

with 50 warrior giants.

First time seeing such a place, the giants were stunned and fully shocked.

This town had almost every race in the world. From small to big, fat to

thin or smart to stupid.

* * *

King's Castle___

The night sky was filled with stars, the moon illustrated the buildings and


Akuma held a cup of black tea in his left hand as he gazed at the town

from the balcony.

His eyes scanned the whole town within a short time until he finally was


Step Step.

The sound of heels hitting on the cold marble floor echoed in the throne


A slender hand slid from behind on Akuma's shoulder to his chest.

The person behind him rested her head on his back while she moved her

other hand on his waist.

Akuma turned his head slightly to see a pair of deep green staring at him

with affection.

"What is it?"

Akuma asked nonchalantly as he looked back at the town.

"I am feeling lonely."

The person was none other than Erika. Her voice was soft and filled with

some sadness.

She released her grip on Akuma and stood beside him. Erika took the cup

from his hands and drank it in one go.


The cup fragments scattered on the floor while on the balcony Erika

hugged Akuma.

Her eyes seemed to be possessed by an illusion of extremes as Erika only

saw Akuma clearly.

The rest of the world was gone in her eyes. Every little second going was

a lifetime for her.

Two lips touched, one rough and the other soft. Erika moved her hands

behind Akuma's neck while he held on to her thin waist.

"Father, it's time."

A voice interrupted the two. Erika moved her head and looked at the


"You could have come a few hours later."

Erika's tone wasn't sharp or she sounded angry, it was just a slight


Bella looked at Erika with annoyance but didn't let it appear on her face


Erika, after all, is now the person in charge when Akuma wasn't present


Akuma freed himself from Erika's hug as he walked past her and reached

beside Bella.

Looking up at Bella, Akuma's eyes shone with a green light which caused

Bella to feel uncomfortable.

"Make sure that every one of you gets an energy core in your body."

Saying so, Akuma headed out of the throne room leaving behind Erika

and Bella.

𝘏𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘥. 𝘕𝘰, 𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴

𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘯… Bella still had her eyes on the half open


"Cold, right?"

Erika said with a smile on her face. Her eyes burning with an even bigger


"Perfect for me…"

* * *

"Hey! Hurry! Load all the missiles!"

Rocky smoked his cigar and shouted towards the group of pirates moving

several big missiles towards the ships.

At the edge of the Earth Realm, tens of ships were docked on the land as

pirates moved on and out of them.

Amongst those ships, eight were bigger as they belonged to the Division


And the one at the center, the biggest of all, Devil's Contract. Unlike

before, these ships were covered with new armors.

Metal covered, heavy artillery and advanced navigation. They were like

destroyers soon to be on their mission.

Rocky stopped and turned his face, his eyes narrowed towards the forest.

A figure slowly walked out of the shadows with a grinning face covered

in makeup.

"Joker. You are late."

Said Rocky. Joker laughed and shook his head while he eyed the ships.

"Which one is mine? Can I take it for a ride?"

Joker hopped towards one of the Division Captain's ships. His hands

touched the cold metal trying to feel something.

"This one is mine. Yours is over there."

But a voice came from the ship's deck. Joker raised his head and saw

Lancelot with a bottle of wine in his hand.

"But I like this! Let's trade!"

Joker tried to act cute before Lancelot but due to his makeup and creepy

voice all he got was a frown from Lancelot.

"Hehe! Fine! I hate you, Lancelot! Don't ever ask for my help!"

Pouting, Joker stomped his feet and walked to the ship that Lancelot

pointed before.

But unfortunately for him, Irish was already commanding her pirates on

the deck of that ship.

* * *


Karen floated in the air while he bowed before Akuma at the town exit.

"Get the ships."

Ordered Akuma. Karen nodded and flew up, his hands waving in the air

as multiple ships soon came floating towards him from the other side of

the island.

Behind Akuma, his children and Erika were standing. But only Mint will

be participating in the war between Devil's Pirates and Whitebeard


"Father, where's your weapon?"

Mint walked next to Akuma and asked with a curious face as she held her

own spear.

"I don't need one."

Akuma replied with a plain voice. His eyes kept on staring at the falling

water hundreds of meters away from the land.


Mint nodded and didn't ask more useless questions. All she knew was that

her father had returned back to his prime.

The prime when the whole world feared him for being ruthless and


"Father! About big brother Wick… What will you do?"

Jimmy showed a bitter face as he stared at Akuma's back.

"Let him be for now. In time he will understand what is more important.

Love or power."

Akuma finally turned back to face them but his face was not showing a

least bit of emotion.

He was completely unaffected by others but if someone is to get in his

way, only death will be a safe escape for them.

𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘭𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬. 𝘐𝘵

𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘣𝘢𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦

𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱𝘴 𝘐 𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘌𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩… Akuma's eyes changed

colors one after another as he stared at his children and Erika.

𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘔𝘢𝘣𝘢 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘢 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘥𝘶𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦, 𝘪𝘧 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺

𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘺𝘱𝘯𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘳. 𝘕𝘰𝘸 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘢

𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘥𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭 𝘧𝘳𝘶𝘪𝘵 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘳… Turning back towards the water,

Akuma thought with a calm mind.

To create a devil fruit, Akuma needed money. And he had billions of

money to create tens of devil fruits.

But there were strong restrictions in this world, one of which only

allowed Akuma to create two devil fruits.

When Maba died, his devil fruit was destroyed too in exchange for a

brand new devil fruit meant for Erika.

If there were no such restrictions, Akuma wouldn't have wasted so many

years to become what he is now.

The Devil's Contract came next to the edge of the island, waiting for

Akuma and Mint to get on.

"Devil's Pirates!"

Akuma's voice, extremely loud and clear to all the pirates on the ships

floating in the air.

"We will show the world. What our real strength is! I have waited long

enough! From now on! We will give no mercy to anyone! It's either kill,

or be killed!"

Shouting, Akuma stepped on the deck of the Devil's Contract followed

closely by Mint.

"Yes!!! Kill!"

"Kill! Kill!"

"Fear us!"

All the pirates roared together as the whole sky was filled with their


The people of the Town of Happiness were silently watching the ships


Were they glad?

Or sad?

Nobody could answer unless they personally ask these people.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 5 { A story by

The Devil }

In a room with no windows except a single door which was the entrance

as well as exit.

There sat two figures, both of almost similar heights, one male and the

other female.

"Father, why do you wish to conquer the world?"

Mint, sitting opposite of Akuma, asked with a curious expression as her

eyes stared at him.

"As you have guessed, there's always a reason for every action. Mine is

the same, I also have a reason."

Answered Akuma with a slightly thoughtful look. The light in his eyes

slowly decreased.

"What is it? Revenge?"

Mint obviously wanted to know what could have made Akuma be who he

is right now.

"Do you want to listen to a story?"

Said Akuma while leaning back on the chair. Closing his eyes, he left a

heavy feeling in his heart.


Mint nodded immediately.

"It all started in that empty space. One soul was created but soon split

into two.

One was dark and evil, the other kind and pure. Both were supposed to

be equal yet completely different.

One day, the pure and kind soul was taken by the heavens while the dark

and evil soul was left all alone.

It fell down till it reached the depth of hell, slowly, it rose to power as an

infamous devil. Unknown to this devil, the other half was already an


Favored by the heavens, the angel was sent to a particular place called


Her mission was to save a billion people, she could spend as much time

as she wanted there until her mission was completed.

The problem was, that billion people, were humans. An organism feared

even by the heavens and hell.

Humans could become anything, as long as it full filled their inner


After spending a thousand years, the angel was unable to help more than

a thousand people.

The reason? Humans don't understand what's good for them. No matter

what she did, the angel couldn't help them.

What was she supposed to do? Well, that question was solved by the

appearance of the devil.

As soon as the devil came, the world turned chaotic and the angel

became a hope for humans to defeat the devil.

How laughable! The devil was only killing and eating the human souls to

keep himself alive as he was afraid to die unlike the immortal angel.

They fought, the devil and the angel, like what the humans wanted and

the devil lost.

Just before the devil died, he took the angel together with him causing

their fate to be entangled forever.

They reborn, meet, fight and die. This repeated numerous times, the devil

had lost his mind because of this.

He was turning even more crazy, as for the angel, she was still the same

kind and pure.

But it all came to an end when the two were reborn again, at the same


That life, the two were completely unaware of their long past as they

shared many deep secrets among themselves.

Once, the angel wanted to find out what the devil really wanted. They

headed to a forest far from their home to settle for a few days.

Unfortunately, there came an incident which took the angel away from

the devil as she sacrificed herself for the devil.

That moment, the inner devil opened his eyes. He conquered the whole

world and at last, killed himself for he had nothing left to do.

But it obviously can't end at that, the devil was saved by the new Demon

Lord who didn't know what danger the devil was.

He sent the devil to another world, where he was to conquer it and later

go back to hell and serve the Demon Lord.

To know, the devil still didn't remember his past with the angel.

Later, the devil was defeated by the forces of that world and he was

captured. Years went by, the devil was all alone inside that cold and dark


He was left to die from hunger, but he survived even that and escaped

after a hundred years of captivity.

He planned and took advantage of the special powers of that world and

regained his prime and memories.

Yes, he now remembered everything. The thousands of years on Earth

and his life with the angel.

The devil, he wanted not to be a pawn in the hands of the player called

the 'fate'.

Mint, you were wrong about one thing. I never wanted to actually

conquer the world."

As he finished the story, Akuma said to Mint with a smile on his face.

"I just want to let the world know what it feels to suffer."

Akuma's smile vanished and he replied with a dark expression. His eyes

glowed with a red light making Mint get a shiver.


Mint swallowed her saliva as she avoided matching her eyes with


"You can leave."

Hearing the command, Mint immediately stood up, bowed and left the

room in a hurry.

Within the darkness of the room, two red eyes shined as a grin appeared


* * *


It is the birthplace of Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors, yet today

this place was seeing its doomsday.

Black smoke rose in the sky while the surrounding forests were lit on the

sea of flames.

"Ahh! Save me!"

"Help! Help!"

"Damn pirates!"

The citizens of the old town hidden in the valleys were attacked by the

Devil's Pirates.


Bullets flew around, blood splashed everywhere as multiple dead bodies

dropped down.

"Don't let a single one escape! Everyone must be killed! Show no mercy!

Show no sympathy!"

The captains of the pirates shouted out loudly for their crewmates to hear

them clearly.

"What have we done to you!"

The town chief was held down by a huge muscular pirate, no matter if he

begged, the pirates didn't stop killing.

"Ask that to Whitebeard after our Captain, The Devil, kills him in his own


Saying so, the huge muscular pirate crushed the town chief's head with

his feet.


"Kill! Kill! Not one shall be alive!"

The pirates laughed and shot the citizens with their modern arms

provided by Rocky.

"Captain! These women and girls are very useful! They are very beautiful.

Why not keep some alive to play with later on?"

Few pirates dragged some young women and teenage girls to the main

captain in charge.


The main captain in charge fired his gun at one of the pirates that

dragged the women and teenage girls.

The pirate's head burst open with his brain matter and blood splashing on

the other pirates, women and teenage girls.

The pirates stopped their feets while the women and teenage girls were

horrified by the cruelty of the main captain in charge.

"Not a single one must be kept alive. That's the order from Captain! If you

want to die, so be it!"

As his words came out, the surrounding pirates raised their guns at those

few pirates, women and teenage girls.

Bang! Bang!

The gunshots covered the entire island, not long after, silence followed.

All the people of the old town were killed without anyone escaping.

Sphinx wasn't the only location which had gone through the


From every side, the Whitebeard's territories were attacked.

Even so, Whitebeard Pirates couldn't do anything as they themselves had

to prepare for the war against the Devil's Pirates's main force.

In the center of Whitebeard's territory, the huge pirate fleet was ready.

150 pirate ships, more than four hundred thousand pirates and

Whitebeard himself.

And the enemy they will be facing, the Devil's Pirates which was a pirate

group active for more than hundred years.

A total of 450 pirate ships, more than a million pirates, three submarines,

the Air Strike commanded by Karen and the "Devil of the Sea" himself.

They were only half a day's distance away from each other.

It was already night time long ago, and the war will be beginning when

the first light ray from the sun reaches them.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 6 { Blood Bath

Part-1 }

New World___

The night was soon going to pass away as the first ray of sunlight reached

the water surface which reflected back to show the sky.

Whitebeard stood at the front of the ship's bow, he raised his right hand

in the air as white light started radiating.

"There are too many of them! With this, it should come down to a more

possible number!"

Pulling back his right hand, Whitebeard took on a half squatting position

while holding his naginata with his left hand.

* * *

On the opposite side, Irish narrowed her eyes as she saw Whitebeard take

the lead to launch an attack.

"All pirates! Prepare!"

Shouting on the communication device, Irish pressed a button on the


Not just her, all the Division Captains present did the same.

This particular button activated the newly designed mechanism which

turned the ship into a half ship-half submarine.

"Hold on to something!"

"Damn you, Whitebeard!"

All the pirates cursed as they prepared to be hit by the attack from


Inside Devil's Contract, Akuma watched the monitor displaying the live

footage with an indifferent face.

"You want to reduce our number? Fine."

Said Akuma, for this once, he won't be blocking Whitebeard's direct


From the start, he didn't see the Whitebeard Pirates winning against


As for Whitebeard, he was already a dying man with one step to his


Letting him live just a few more minutes was like a gift presented by

Akuma to show his kindness.


The sound of explosion was heard as large quantities of water splashed


The shock waves traveled through air and water, all of which seemed to

bend with the flow.

The wind pushed the water to produce huge waves which headed

towards Devil's Pirates.

"Brace for impact!"


"Fuck you!"

The smaller pirate ships couldn't hold on the waves as they were all

destroyed in the process.

Within a minute, tens of ships were destroyed with their parts floating on

the sea surface moving with the water waves.


Irish looked at the number of casualties, they were in thousands. Half the

number of ships were already ripped apart due to the huge waves and

strong winds.

"But, Whitebeard is old and this attack must have already been a huge

burden on his body. You seem desperate, Whitebeard."

Instead of frowning and showing an angry expression, Irish smiled


"All pirates! The war has begun!"

Immediately, most of the surviving ships sailed forward while

continuously shooting cannonballs.



"Today is the day I bring fear in your hearts!"


The pirates from Devil's Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates started clashing.

It wasn't even an hour yet the sea was already changing color from sea

blue to light red.

* * *

"Father, you have to rest! The Devil still hasn't shown himself!"

Marco came next to Whitebeard with a worried face. Irish's prediction

was on the spot, Whitebeard suffered from his own attack.

"Gurararara! Don't worry! I am Whitebeard! The strongest man in the


Whitebeard laughed and looked at the pirate's fighting. His eyes scanned

the ships of Devil's Pirates but didn't see any noticeable figure.

"Marco, it seems they are planning to make us tired before they show

their real strength."

Whitebeard said with a low voice, there was worry and some frustration

mixed in.

"Yes, father. What I am more worried about is the Division Captains, The

Devil and that!"

Saying so, Marco looked up at the sky on the opposite side where a huge

ship was floating.

One could easily identify the weapons all over that ship. It was fully

armed, and was like an army in itself.

"That must be the famous Air Strike of the Devil's Pirates commanded by


Whitebeard had to admit it no matter what. The Devil's Pirates created by

Akuma, was unimaginably powerful.

His former captain, Rocks D. Xebec, would also agree to his words.

It was definitely the biggest pirate group ever created in history.

"Marco, if by any chance we are at the edge. Take everyone and escape."

Suddenly, Whitebeard said in a soft tone unlike his proud and courageous


"No way! That's not gonna happen! We will win and also laugh at those

losers! Father, you shouldn't be saying such things!"

Marco immediately refused to Whitebeard as he stood next to him with

his arms over his chest.

"No matter what, we are not leaving you behind!"

Marco said with a determined face. Whitebeard looked at him and then

laughed out loud.

"Gurararara! You are right, Marco! We are a family!"

* * *

It's been a few hours now, both sides have started to slow down a little


The rate of dying had also decreased as the pirates showed careful


"This isn't what Captain wants!"

Irish swiped through the live footage and then racked her brain. A sigh

escaped her mouth.

"Brook, Lancelot and Joker. You guys are up."

Her voice, not so loud but enough for the other ends of the

communications lines to hear.

Not far from Irish's ship, on another Division Captain's ship, a figure

walked out of the control room.

On two more Division Captain's ships, two individuals came out similarly.

"Yohohohoho! Finally!"

Holding on a long and elegant cane, Brook walked till he reached the

bow of the ship.

"Lance-san! Shall we go?"

Brook asked while glancing towards his right side where not far from him

was Lancelot on his ship.


Lancelot nodded his head and ordered his ship to sail forward. Brook also

did the same as the two Division Captain's ships went past the back up


"Hehe! How beautiful!"

Joker climbed on the main mast of his ship and used binoculars to zoom

in at the fights of multiple pirates.

"It's still early but I guess I have no other way but to engage."

Joker checked his watch and saw that it was still only a little past 9:30.

His figure disappeared in a flash from the top of the main mast leaving

behind the binoculars which broke due to the sudden fall.

Below, Robert shook his head and commanded the ship to start sailing

forward behind Brook and Lancelot's.

* * *

"Fossa, Vista and Rakuyo. The enemy is the Division Captains from

Devil's Pirates, be careful."

Marco stood in front of the three Division Commanders as he explained

with a sad face.

"Don't worry Marco. Victory will be ours to claim!"

Vista petted Marco on his shoulder and smiled with no sadness or grief. If

today is the day he dies, so be it.

At the least he fought with everything.

"Yes. Don't worry about us but worry about how you will treat us later! I

won't stay quiet until I get to drink a whole barrel of rum!"

Fossa grinned and looked at Marco as he gave a thumbs up to show his


"Okay! Let's hurry or more brothers will suffer."

Rakuyo clapped his hands to get the attention of the three.

"I will handle the skeleton, Vista should definitely be interested in

fighting Lancelot and Fossa, the third one can be given to you."

Rakuyo suggested, the others didn't object and then they split up to take

on their opponents.

Marco stared at their backs with a heavy feeling but he couldn't help it.

He must also be on standby as he will mark Rocky. Times have changed,

he also has grown stronger.

Before he wasn't Rocky's opponent but now it is completely different.

𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘪𝘳 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘮 𝘪𝘧 𝘯𝘰𝘵

𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘰𝘰𝘮… Marco looked up to see that the ship

floating in the air was not engaging yet.

The Devil's Pirates had the upper hand in the war as they had the number


But numbers alone can't bring them victory. The Whitebeard Pirates were

elites and stronger than normal pirates in the New World.

The news of this war quickly spread throughout the whole world and

Marines won't be staying quiet.

Many forces have secretly started acting in the shadows while all the

attention was on the Devil's Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 7 { Blood Bath

Part-2 }


The cannonball blasted a huge portion of the ship's deck as multiple

pirates were directly killed.

"Ahge! Save m-!"

A sword pierced through the pirate's throat cutting the flesh and breaking

the spine bone.

Lancelot pulled his sword back as blood splashed on the wood below.

The dead pirate's body fell to the sea from the edge of the deck.

"Seventh Division Captain, Lancelot. I shall be your opponent!"

Vista stood on top of the ship's roof as he looked down on Lancelot from


"Fifth Division Commander, Vista."

Looking up at Vista from the broken deck, Lancelot held his sword



Two lights burst out as the three swords made contact with each other.

"You're not bad. But I am better!"

Vista grinned and pulled his swords as he then swung it to the sides.


Lancelot blocked the slash and backed. Their eyes didn't lose focus even

for a second.


"Thrust Turmoil!"

Lancelot leaped from the deck towards Vista as he thrusted his sword like

a drill. Multiple after images formed.


With observation haki, Vista was able to perfectly distinguish the present

position of the sword.

Vista held his swords in a cross to block the direct thrust from Lancelot.

In terms of strength, Vista wasn't at Lancelot's level but his

swordsmanship was far better.


Veins popped on Vista's arms as he barely managed to push Lancelot to

the edge of the roof.

"Not strong enough!"

Lancelot shouted and increased more strength as he pushed Vista while

the latter was gritting his teeth.

"Strength alone can't decide your victory!"

Retreating, Vista created some distance between him and Lancelot to

prepare his attack.

"I must go all out from the very beginning!"

He held his swords and closed his eyes as his mind concentrated to his


"Rose Rondo!"

Opening his eyes, Vista swung his swords towards Lancelot as hundreds

of rose petals were launched.

The red glow from the rose petals caused Lancelot to have goosebumps.

"Hundred Slash!"

With his left hand behind his back, Lancelot stood erect while swinging

his sword a hundred times.

Ting Ting.

The slashes deflected the rose petals, and very soon all the rose petals

were cut through.

Lancelot and Vista exchanged glances then immediately launched

towards each other with their swords.

* * *

"Hai! Yaa!"

A sidekick came and was blocked immediately by Rakuyo using his


"Haha! You think you can beat me with this?"

Rakuyo laughed as he stared at the man who had makeup. The sides of

his lips were cut to form an unnatural smile.

"Tch. Not fun!"

Joker pondered while looking at Rakuyo with a serious expression.

𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘦𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴… Joker held his chin as he

continued to stare back at Rakuyo.

"Come on! Is this what a Division Captain from Devil's Pirates supposed

to be? Pitiful!"

Rakuyo said with disappointment. He then shook his head and jumped

towards Joker.

"Let's just finish you quick so I can help my other brothers!"

Saying so, Rakuyo swung the chains in his hands towards Joker. The

chains were shining with a black luster due to being coated with

armament haki.

"Damn it!"

Joker dodged the chains with difficulty making Rakuyo not believe his


𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘢 𝘋𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘊𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴?

𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦… Rakuyo sighed and didn't care any further about

what Joker's origin was.

Weak will ultimately be defeated by the Strong.


Because Joker landed not in position, Rakuyo managed to reach him

quickly and deliver a kick.


Blood flowed out of Joker's mouth, his eyes bloodshot and his face

showing fear.

Rakuyo swung his chain again and caught Joker with them. Tied up,

Joker struggled to escape the chains.

"Just die quietly."

Rakuyo pulled out a dagger and walked towards Joker to stab him to his

death when suddenly his all senses screamed in danger.

But it was too late. He let his guard down just for a second and it was

already over for him.

Life is such a bitch.

A deep red glowing katana burning in hot flames went through his back

and came out of his stomach.

The katana slowly raised up towards his heart as Rakuyo tried to see who

the sword belonged to.

"Hehe! Ha Ha Ha!"

Joker's laughter was heard by Rakuyo as he saw nothing behind him. But

he knew there was someone in camouflage.

[Target Terminated]

A robotic voice sounded, which was the last thing Rakuyo heard before

his body fell on the wooden floor.

Blood flowed out of the stomach and chest area where the burning

katana had sliced.

"What did you say before? Ah! Just die quietly! Hahahaha!"

Joker crawled with a struggle and came next to the dead body of Rakuyo

with a never fading grin on his face.

The burning katana cut the chains and freed Joker. After the work was

complete, the katana shrunk and disappeared.

Leaving Joker on the destroyed ship where few pirates of Devil's Pirates

were rushing.

* * *

The battle ground, or more accurately the sea battle has already started

to become more intense after the quick rest in between.

Tens of ships were destroyed and their parts floated on the sea surface

together with the dead bodies of the pirates from both sides.

The sea water also changed into blood color because of the blood from

these bodies.

Carnivore fishes all came here to eat up these bodies. Once even a small

sized sea king appeared but was killed by Lancelot and Vista due to it

interrupting them.

Time was passing as half a day was already gone since the war between

the Devil's Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates started.

Whitebeard was very worried about all the pirates from his side. A few

from the main crew were also found dead in the fight.

"Father! Look!"

Marco flew towards Whitebeard from the sky in his phoenix form and

landed next to him.

Whitebeard gaze at the direction where Marco was pointing to. There, a

huge ship in black and some red was sailing.

"Devil's Contract! The Devil is moving!"

The crew on the main ship all exclaimed and started showing different


"It's moving towards that island. No other ship is following it. What do

we do, father?"

Asked Marco, he looked up to see a knowing look on Whitebeard's face.

"Let's go to that island! It seems the old devil wants to fight there."

Whitebeard gave his order as the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates,

Moby Dick sailed towards the island where the Devil's Contract was also


"We have to be careful! It might be a trap."

Marco stood in front of the whole crew and said with a grave expression.

"If they try to do something, let's kill them all! Right, father!"

The pirates all agreed but Whitebeard was a little different. He knew how

difficult it was for a pirate group to be sailing at the sea.

The Devil's Pirates survived for more than a hundred years at the sea, it

would be a mistake to think one can easily deal with them.

𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵. 𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨?... Whitebeard looked towards

the sky in the direction of the battle to see the huge ship for the Air

Strike force.

Not just him, almost all of the Whitebeard Pirates were thinking of the

same thing.

Karen had yet to make his appearance in the battle as he and his ship

alone could change the world battle.

Because of this, there was always a thought popping up in Whitebeard's


'Will we lose?'

But his determined self would always throw this particular thought away.

The sun was starting to come down and it was already afternoon time.

Many lives were lost and many more will.

But one outcome was fixed from the very beginning, one side will be a


(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 8 { Blood Bath

Part-3 }


A white flash flew by and behind stood three dead pirates without their

head intact.


The three bodies fell on the wooden board which was soon going to sink

in the blood red sea.


Releasing his breath, Brook stared at the dead bodies of multiple pirates

all around him with a heavy feeling in his heart.

𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘮 𝘐 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘥𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨… 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦

𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘢 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘯𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯. 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐

𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥. 𝘠𝘦𝘵, 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘵 𝘪𝘵… Brook sighed and held his

sword tightly.

"Skeleton! Come fight me!"

Suddenly, a loud voice roared from not far away from Brook. It was filled

with pure rage and determination.


Brook was pushed meters away and he almost fell into the sea if not for a

small piece of wood floating on the sea surface.


Staring at Fossa, Brook was unable to utter a word in frustration.

"Very well! Let us exchange some moves!"

Brook said while jumping from the piece of wood and slashing towards



Two slashes, one red and one blue cut each other as both then scattered

into particles.

"You with only bones! No way can you beat me!"

Fossa held his katana with both hands as the blade started glowing in

deep red. Flames generated from it.

"How dare you call me that! No manners!"

Standing opposite to Fossa, Brook swung his sword as the temperature

started decreasing around him.


Both of them launched at each other. The two swords made contact

producing a small blast.

The ship they were on shook violently, unable to fully withstand the



"The ship is going to get destroyed!"

The pirates on the ship were screaming in fear and soon they jumped into

the sea to not get between Brook and Fossa.


Brook gave his all. Fossa also did the same or the situation would become

dire for him.

* * *

On the island___

The Devil's Contract and Moby Dick docked on the opposite sides of the


This sole island wasn't large or small, just perfect enough for Akuma and

Whitebeard to fight without holding back.

"Father! It's the Devil!"

Marco pointed towards the other half of the island where two figures

slowly walked.

"And that bastard!"

From behind Marco, Jozu glared at the other person beside Akuma. On

his head, there were deep scars of cracks viable from the last fight against

Big Mom Pirates.

That person was Rocky.


Whitebeard walked up to the bow and gazed at Akuma with a serious


"Yes, father."

Leaping up in the air, Marco transformed into a Phoenix burning in blue

flames which could help in healing.

"All of you, stay here."

Giving an order, Whitebeard jumped from the ship to the island following


The crew stared at the two. Their eyes filled with various emotions.

"Captain. When do we kill all of them?"

Asked Rocky standing beside Akuma as they waited for Whitebeard and

Marco to reach the center of the island.

"After I kill Whitebeard. Keep your eyes on the Phoenix."

Replied Akuma with a plain voice. His eyes scanned the entire island.

No trees, no high ground, this island was like a leveled field.

One could see the other side of the island without the need of any


Step Step.

The loud and heavy footsteps neared and stopped not far from Akuma

and Rocky.

"Akuma. I still can't believe you regained your youth."

Whitebeard commented as he stared at Akuma with a straight face.

Marco landed beside Whitebeard and glared at Rocky.

"This will be the final. Let us decide who the " Strongest Man in the world

" is. Once and for all."

Akuma's words didn't appear nice to Whitebeard, it instead gave him a

bad feeling.

If it was some other person, he would have immediately agreed to battle.

But fighting Akuma and losing means his and his family's death for sure.

"Fine! If I win, your pirates must never make trouble for my pirates!"

Declared Whitebeard. Marco gritted his teeth, even though he wanted to

stop Whitebeard from fighting, he couldn't.

The situation was not something Marco could handle.

"Yes, we shall do that."

Akuma smiled brightly at Whitebeard then turned his head towards


"Go back."

Rocky could see himself in Akuma's eyes. It was a weird sight as if he was

trapped inside them.

Nodding, Rocky turned and walked back towards the Devil's Contract.

But his complete senses were on Marco to see his actions.

"You too."

Whitebeard said to Marco. Marco lowered his head and flew back

towards Moby Dick.

Now alone, Akuma and Whitebeard stared at each other as two auras

burst out in open.


The collision of two Supreme Haki, the atmosphere became tense as the

darker aura soon engulfed the lighter one.

"It's a dying battle for you. How about just admit defeat and I will make

your death quick."

Akuma's face had darkened and his eyes shone with deep red flashes

before Whitebeard.

"I never backed from my words!"

Lifting up his naginata, Whitebeard slashed at Akuma with his devil fruit


The shock waves with the slash traveled in a line hitting Akuma on his


Unlike how it normally would have been, there weren't any cut marks on

Akuma's chest but the damage was on the inside.

"Cough. Cough."

Red blood came out as he coughed. Akuma looked at his blood and

wiped it with a handkerchief.

"That's all?"

Tilting his head, Akuma asked slightly, feeling disappointed and also


𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘐 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦… inside, Akuma was

grinning. He really wasn't weak anymore.

"Come. Bring more!"

Roared Akuma, his eyes stared at Whitebeard with excitement as he

dashed forward extremely fast.


Spinning the naginata, Whitebeard turned and slashed at Akuma again

but with even more power.


Dust blew up from the ground covering the two from the sights of the

Devil's Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates.

As it got cleared, the main crew of Whitebeard Pirates stared with their

eyes wide open.


"No! I can't believe it!"

"F-Father, his attack was…"

Marco and the rest clenched their fists as they looked towards the center

of the island.

There, Whitebeard stood frozen in his position staring at Akuma with


The naginata was swung with his full strength, yet Whitebeard couldn't

cut through Akuma's left forearm.

The blade could only cut about a few centimeters deep and then stopped

by the tight muscles.

"I told you. Just admit defeat. You can't win."

Now, Akuma wasn't smiling. His face was serious and his eyes



Shouted Whitebeard, he clenched his left fist that formed a halo around it

and punched straight on Akuma's ribs.


The sound of a punch reached the ears of the two sides. It was definitely

a killer punch enough to shatter a mountain.

"Ouch. You broke one of my ribs."

Akuma wasn't feeling any pain but he could make out that one of the

main ribs was broken into two.


Raising his right leg, Akuma kicked Whitebeard on his chest and sent him

six meters away.

Looking at his left forearm which was already half healed with only a

little blood flowing out, Akuma nodded with satisfaction.

"Edward Newgate. You will die here."

Akuma's voice was filled with killing intent but Whitebeard didn't feel

any fear.


Hitting the naginata on the ground and cracking it up into fragments

because of how dry it was, Whitebeard raised his chest.

"I won't be holding back."

Said Whitebeard. Marco and the rest understood his goal.

It was to either beat Akuma or take him to hsi death with him.


They all shouted, but Whitebeard smiled and then swung the naginata in

the air again.

This time, Akuma could feel the huge power behind Whitebeard's move.

A black metal bat appeared in Akuma's right hand which he gripped


"This will be tough."

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 9 { Blood Bath

Part-4 }


The ground below Akuma and Whitebeard started cracking up and sparks

of white and black were bursting in the air around them.


Whitebeard held his naginata with both hands as he forced it on Akuma's



The power was too great for Akuma to hold back so he had to use every

single muscle in his body to generate more strength.

The two weapons, a naginata and a metal bat were barely inches away

from each other as if there was a force between them.


The roars of thunder were heard all around the sea battle. Black clouds

formed above the island where two individuals were fighting.


Both Akuma and Whitebeard backed away from each other while

maintaining enough distance.

"Fuu. This is what you should call power."

Said Akuma with a slight nod. He looked at his palms and then at


"Ha… Ha… Ha…"

Whitebeard gasped for breath as he held his naginata with right hand.

Sweats rolled down his forehead. Him using his full strength was a huge

burden on his old body.

"Damn it!"

Cursed Whitebeard. Wiping the sweat, he shook his head and then

grinned at Akuma.

𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵… Thought Whitebeard. He lifted

his naginata and spun it in the air while charging towards Akuma.

Seeing Whitebeard rush at him, Akuma pulled the metal bat and then

dash forward like swinging it at Whitebeard.


Another explosion sounded from the island. Marco and the rest were

watching the battle between Whitebeard and Akuma with grave faces.


Marco gritted his teeth while his eyes were completely red. A teardrop

flowed down his eyes.

"Don't you dare lose, old man!"

Marco shouted loudly from the bow of Moby Dick. His voice was clear to

both Akuma and Whitebeard.

"Do you think I would ever lose! In your dream!"

Like a crazy beast, Whitebeard started increasing his strength and pushed

Akuma back.

Akuma narrowed his eyes at such a display of power but ultimately, it

was just a losing battle for Whitebeard.

No, more like a dying one.

A last struggle which was futile from the very beginning.

"As if this was all I got!"

Akuma's body immediately became translucent and some parts of his

body mixed in the air.

"Heha Heha Heha Heha!"

The low and tiny voices rang throughout the whole island causing

Whitebeard to stop his movements.

"What is it?"

A small white figure flew around Whitebeard. It was a ghost with a round

head and two arms.

A devilish smile on its face while its eyes stared at Whitebeard with


"Heha Heha!"


Whitebeard sensed the sudden danger from this tiny ghost. Swinging his

naginata, Whitebeard created a strong wind to push it away.

Unfortunately, there was not just one tiny ghost.

"Ha ha ha… Let me show you why I am more than a monster."

White smoke covered the island slowly as Akuma's upper body appeared

before Whitebeard.

"Heha Heha Heha!"

Around him, there were hundreds of such tiny ghosts which all laughed


Alerted by the site, Whitebeard clenched his left fist and punched the

space before him.


The punch seems to crack the space like an open mirror. Very soon, the

ground started shaking.


The ground cracked open with the earthquake due to Whitebeard's devil

fruit ability.

Strong wind pushed all the smoke around the island away from him.

But yet again, Whitebeard's fate wasn't with him.

A kick landed on his back throwing Whitebeard on the ground.

Behind, the lower half of Akuma stood like a broken statue.

The other half materialized from the white smoke and turned into a

whole Akuma.

The hundreds of ghosts flew towards Whitebeard seeing the chance but

another strong wind pushed them away.

Even from the ground, Whitebeard had punched with his right hand to

create another shock wave.


Standing up again, Whitebeard hit his naginata on the ground as a

smaller shock rippled.

A trace of blood was visible on Whitebeard's lips. His body was showing

the effects of using his full strength.

"I admire your courage, Whitebeard. Even though death is just next to

you, how come your 'will' never die? You truly are a legend."

Akuma walked with small steps around Whitebeard maintaining a six

meters distance.

"But I couldn't have survived a hundred year in imprisonment like you."

Whitebeard didn't keep his eyes away from Akuma while his other senses

also looked out for any possible danger around him.

"Well said. It was really difficult to live in that cell alone for a hundred

year without any food and water. I felt like dying any second."

Akuma remembered the memories of his past inside the cell.

Cold. Lonely.

There was also hunger and pain.

Never did he face such a condition after successfully becoming a real


But that was also the reason he adapted to loneliness.

Akuma grew older and older inside that cell. His mind also changed to a

certain degree.

When he thought of the twenty years after his escape from Impel Down,

he would always be surprised.

The once evil, careful and strong. He became soft, careless and weak.

𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯

𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦… Akuma's eyes stared at Whitebeard.

"You are a variable I must kill if I want to bring my home here."

His deep voice sent chills in Whitebeard's body. Akuma leaped in the air

and dropped down at Whitebeard.


Roared Akuma. His red eyes glowed brightly as he didn't hold back his

killing intent.


Whitebeard stomped and swung his naginata up to block Akuma's

incoming attack.


The clash with two Supreme Haki spread out of the island knocking out

the weak willed pirates.

Even the ones fighting on the sea were affected, whether it was their own

side or not.

The sun was now half below the sea horizon, the sky was black but light

still kept coming.

It will soon be night.

Both sides have suffered huge losses. Pirates who died were in tens of


If counted more accurately, more than half the pirates would be found



The two individuals fighting on the island didn't show any sign of


"Ha… Ha…"

But one can make out that Whitebeard was already at his limits.

His body hurt a lot. His arms felt like they would fall down any moment.

His legs almost stop moving many times. Even his eyes were feeling

heavy to open.

Yet, Whitebeard fought back against Akuma on equal strength.

Akuma was greatly shocked. He expected Whitebeard to be strong but

this was out of his expectations.

𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘵! 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵

𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘵?... Inside Devil's

Contract, Rocky watched Whitebeard fight with wide open eyes.

"This man should not be allowed to live!"

Smoking his cigar, Rocky said in a serious tone. The workers around the

controls gulped their own saliva.

Akuma and Whitebeard, their fight to death was on a completely

different level.

"But Whitebeard, you can't win no matter what. The longer you fight, the

more you are near your death."

In Rocky's eyes, Whitebeard was welcoming his death with open arms.

It was then when a shout gathered all the pirates' attention.


A figure riding a small boat powered by flames came sailing towards the

sea battle at a fast speed.


A tattoo on his back of the Whitebeard symbol—purple bones formed in

a cross behind a purple skull with a white mustache.

There was another tattoo on his upper left bicep that spelled "ASCE"


Yes, it was none other than the elder brother of Luffy. The second

commander of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And the biological son of the "Pirate King", Gol D. Roger.

Portgas D. Ace!

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 10 { Blood

Bath Part-5 }

The appearance of Ace caused the morale of the Whitebeard Pirates to

rise again.

"It's the second commander!"

"We can win! Hang on a little more!"

The pirates roared and started giving their best to kill more of the enemy


"Flame shots!"

Multiple balls of flames were shot by Ace with the help of his devil fruit,

Mera Mera no Mi.

"Ahh! Fire!"

"It's burning! I am on fire!"

The pirates from Devil's Pirates panicked and some were severely injured

because of Ace.

There were a few who instantly died to his flames.

* * *

In the control room of the Devil's Contract, Rocky bit off the cigar in his

mouth with anger.

"This guy again. Last time he survived because of Whitebeard but now I

have a chance to kill him."

Turning around, Rocky left the room with a killing aura all over him

which scared the workers inside the room.

Stepping out in the open, Rocky jumped in the air and headed towards

Ace as he used a better version of Geppo.

But half way through, a blue figure sped up and kicked him backwards.

"Don't you dare do something on my watch!"

Marco in his hybrid form glared at Rocky. His two wings on his back

continued to flap slowly.

"It's irritating."

Grunted Rocky. He pulled out his revolver and shot two bullets aimed at


These bullets were made of special sea stones which had high effects on

devil fruit users.


Dodging the bullets as he flew up, Marco then launched himself towards


His hands like claws in blue color. It glowed more when Marco thought

of only harming someone.

"I always wished to kill you!"

Marco increased his speed. Rocky couldn't run away so he also charged

forward for a head on clash.


Rocky managed to grab both of Marco's hands as they entangled together

in the sky.

* * *


Muttered Whitebeard, his eyes glanced at the red and orange flames on

the sea.

Then he immediately turned back to face Akuma who had already started

sprinting towards him.


Whitebeard swung his naginata and blocked Akuma's metal bat.

This time, only Akuma was using armament haki while Whitebeard didn't

because of weakening body.

But his naginata wasn't any normal weapon, it is one of the 12 Supreme

Grade Swords.

Its durability was without a doubt top quality in the entire whole.

Meanwhile Akuma's metal bat wasn't any unique other than it being

made of a special metal.


The burst of flashes continued as Akuma and Whitebeard exchanged


By now, Akuma noticed that Whitebeard was trying to buy time for his

children to win the battle on the sea.

𝘒𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘰𝘯. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴

𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘞𝘩𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘰𝘤𝘤𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘳 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭

𝘩𝘪𝘮… Akuma backed away and looked at Whitebeard with an

expressionless face.

"Ha… Ha…"

On the other side, Whitebeard was breathing heavily while holding his

naginata as support.


The black clouds in the night sky blocked all the moonlight and stars

from view.

"It's about time I get serious…"

Said Akuma in a low voice only audible to him and not Whitebeard. He

took in a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Whitebeard, who stood at some distance from Akuma sensed the change


𝘐𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦?... Thought Whitebeard. He gripped the long

handle of his naginata tightly and stared at Akuma.

His eyes blinked only once yet, Akuma vanished from his spot alerting


Even with advanced observation haki at the cost of more pain,

Whitebeard was unable to find Akuma.

"What the hell? Where is he?"

Turning left and right, there was no trace of Akuma on the island. He was

all alone standing there.

Still, he had a feeling that Akuma was somewhere here waiting for a

moment where his guard would be down.

"Ahh! Help!"

"Damn it!"

The shouts and screams of pirates were heard clearly as Whitebeard

stood silently.

Sweat dripped down his cheek to chin and then fell on the ground.

A sudden sensation of horror entered Whitebeard's heart. He swung his

naginata and a loud explosion sounded.

His naginata made contact with Akuma's metal bat. It happened in a

second and then Akuma was gone again in invisibility.

"Come out! Only a coward would use such tactics to become invisible and

attack the enemy behind his back!"

Said Whitebeard. He looked around but didn't sense anything other than

the cold wind.

"Guess your right. This seems useless to you."

Akuma's voice echoed on the island. His figure slowly showed itself

before Whitebeard.


Akuma dropped the metal bat and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Say, Whitebeard. Let us use no weapon. You will only become weaker by

time and all the fun would go away by each passing second."

Akuma suggested. His face had a smile facing the mighty Whitebeard.

𝘕𝘰 𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘱𝘰𝘯𝘴. 𝘐𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘪

𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘥𝘰 𝘢𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥 𝘢𝘪𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨… Whitebeard pondered,

his eyes then had a flash of light.


Whitebeard pinned his naginata in the ground and walked forward

towards Akuma as he cracked his knuckles.

"Hehe hehe! Good! Very good!"

With deep red eyes, Akuma grinned and he also started walking towards

Whitebeard slowly.

Both of them then ran up against each other.


Their hands interlocked. Akuma's eyes and Whitebeard's eyes stared at

each other.


Whitebeard roared and pushed Akuma with his muscle strength while

Akuma struggled a little.


In his turn, Akuma gathered all his strength and matched Whitebeard's

power on equal level or even more.


Akuma forced his hands and tightened the grip on Whitebeard's hands.


Whitebeard gritted his teeth and endured the pain coming from his

hands. He raised his right knee and struck Akuma's abdomen.

Akuma could feel the hit and the power behind the knee from


He swung his hands and tried to disbalance Whitebeard but failed to do

so. Instead, he just got more hits on his abdomen.

𝘐𝘧 𝘴𝘰!... Akuma pulled his head back and bashed his forehead on

Whitebeard's face.


Blood flowed out of Whitebeard's nose. His head spun but his body wasn't

showing any change.


This time it was Whitebeard who bashed his forehead at Akuma's face.

But Akuma didn't have any blood flowing out of his nose.


Taking a right step, Akuma kicked Whitebeard on his left calf then on his


Whitebeard tried to escape Akuma's grip but couldn't so he went berserk.

Pulling Akuma near, Whitebeard headbutt on his chest and threw him on

the ground.

"I won't lose! Not to you!"

Shouted Whitebeard, he sat on top of Akuma and clenched his fists


Bam Bam!

Punch after punch landed on Akuma's upper body, his head, shoulder,

hands, chest, stomach, neck, etc.

"You will!"

Barely managing to push Whitebeard, Akuma grabbed his metal bat near

them on the ground.

Whitebeard narrowed his eyes at Akuma. His naginata was quite a

distance from him.


Akuma leaped at Whitebeard as he swung his metal bat coated in

advance armament haki.



Whitebeard had raised his hands to block the metal bat. The bone

cracking sound came out with Whitebeard's groan.

Gritting his teeth, Whitebeard held on to the bat and pulled it from



The white halo on his fist was so dense almost making his hand unable to

be seen.


The fist hit on Akuma's face as the shock waves travelled throughout his

entire body.


Akuma was sent tens of meters away. His nose and some portion of the

skull bones cracked and even broke.



Whitebeard half collapsed on the ground. As he coughed, a huge amount

of blood splashed around.

His right hand couldn't be used anymore, white bones pierced out

through the muscle and ligaments.

His hand was completely broken and blood flowed out of the cracks and



The pain had become unbearable for him. His legs now didn't move and

his hands made weird sounds.

It definitely wasn't good. His condition now was as good as dead but

surprisingly he isn't.

"It's not over yet!"

The cold and deep voice of Akuma's brought Whitebeard immense fear

and fright.

His eyes wide open as he stared Akuma slowly raise his upper body.


Whitebeard could guarantee that the punch he hit Akuma with could

have killed anyone in the world.

Be it the "Pirate King" Roger or the "Strongest Creature" Kaido, a direct

hit such was enough to end their story.

Even so, Akuma was still alive.


Akuma stood up with great difficulty, his blood vessels popped out

visible to naked eyes.

His whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

"That was… painful."


This chapter was little longer than usual but it's fine. Some chapters

the meant to be longer than the rest.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 11 { Blood

Bath Part-6 }

[Author Talk---]

Hey readers, sorry for the delay in publishing new chapters. It's because

of the upcoming teacher's day celebration in my college.

I am performing a dance with my homies so I am getting tired and don't

have much time to write new chapters.

Until the teacher's day is gone, new chapters will not be published daily.


Even after he had already hypnotized himself making him unable to feel

pain, he did from that punch.

Thick amount of blood flowed out of his broken nose and shattered jaw.

His eyes were red with lots of blood vessels visible. His head spinning

round and round.

Akuma forced himself to stand up and crack his neck bone. His eyes then

met with Whitebeard's.

"Get up."

Hearing him speak, Whitebeard gritted his teeth and tried to stand up but

his legs wouldn't move.

"Damn it! I am Whitebeard!"

Shouting, Whitebeard pushed past his limits and made himself stand up.

"Let me return the punch to you."

Lowering himself, Akuma then sprinted forward towards Whitebeard.

His leg muscles bursted to produce an unimaginable power giving Akuma

an incredible speed.


Whitebeard used his arms to block the punch because he couldn't move

or attack back.

Akuma's punch not coated with haki crashed onto Whitebeard's arms.


The two arms almost split apart, the bones shattered into pieces, the flesh

blew up and blood splashed all over Whitebeard and Akuma's body.


A scream of pain escaped from Whitebeard's mouth. Both his arms were

no more from the elbows.


A hand grabbed on his head. Whitebeard with half open eyes stared at

the figure before him.

"Whitebeard. This will be your last."

Clenching his right hand tightly, Akuma positioned himself to punch

Whitebeard with full strength.

His hands flared up in the dark color of the advanced armament and

some amount of conqueror haki as well.

"Hehe Hehe Hehe!"

Extremely tiny white ghosts stuck themselves to Akuma's fist. The air

around the fist was also distorting.


The shouts of Marco and Ace as well as other pirates of the Whitebeard

Pirates resonated.

𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺… Whitebeard closed his eyes and grinned bitterly at his

pitiful death.


The entire island exploded as the land cracked open and the sea water

flooded in from the cracks.



Marco and Ace were too stunned and shocked to their core at the sight of

Whitebeard's death.

His whole body starting from his head burst. Blood and flesh splashed on

the already red painted Akuma.

There was a short silence in the battle after which followed the cries and


"We are done for!"

"I should have not sided with Whitebeard!"

"I don't want to die!"

The pirates not part of the real Whitebeard Pirates who had come to take

part in the war all despaired.

As for the real Whitebeard Pirates, they had lost their minds. Most of

them immediately charged towards Akuma like wild beasts.

"Kill the bastard!"

"Avenge father!"

"Die for father, Devil!"

These pirates didn't even notice the change on the huge ship floating up

in the sky.

All the cannons were aimed down on these pirates, ready anytime to

shoot at orders.

* * *

"Chief, all weapons ready!"

The main officer sitting in front of a huge monitor informed the person

on the top.

"What are you waiting for then? Shoot!"

The old man with white hairs, Karen said with a slightly unhappy

expression on his face.

"Yes, Chief!"

The main officer waved his hand and two other officers nodded and

pressed two buttons at a similar time.


The explosive cannonballs shot out of the barrels and headed straight

towards the charging pirates.


The explosion was huge, really huge as more then 50 cannonballs

exploded together.


Ace shouted distress, he looked up at the floating ship and launched


"I will destroy you!"

His eyes glared at the ship. He clenched his fists and punched flames.

The whole ship of the Air Strike force was engulfed in orange flames as

Ace continued to release them.

"Ace! Behind you!"

Ace heard Marco's voice from far away. He turned his head and saw a

bullet coming in his direction.

Kicking the air, Ace changed his position and avoided getting caught in a

deadly explosion.

Down, Borg held the long sniper rifle glowing blue at some parts which

were locked at Ace.

"Fuck! Don't get in my way!"

Ace used his fire to accelerate himself from the sky to the sea at a very

fast speed.

"I will kill all of you!"

His mind was occupied with only this thought as he with his bloodshot

eyes glared at Borg.

* * *

The few escaping pirate ships were destroyed by the help of Sharks

launched by the three submarines underwater.

"Save me!"

"I really don't want to die!"

They begged for mercy, cried in fear and some fainted to shock, but none

was to be left alive.

"It shouldn't have happened! I must take Ace and escape!"

Marco kicked Rocky away from him and flew towards Ace who was

trying to kill Borg.

"I won't let you!"

Rocky raised the revolver and shot a bullet through Marco's left wing

which caused him to disbalance.

Yet, Macro didn't fall. He grab Ace who struggled and flew to escape the

battle site.


A deep and threatening voice echoed causing Rocky to stop from chasing

after Marco and Ace.

Turning his head, Rocky looked towards Akuma who stood alone on a

piece of land.

"Take you time to hunt them. Now it's for you all to clean those."

Akuma pointed towards the leftovers of the real Whitebeard Pirates.

Rocky didn't reply but still did as told. He came down and personally

eliminated the remaining pirates together with Lancelot, Joker, Brook

and Borg.

* * *


Inside the Sixth Division Captain's ship, Lancelot laid down on the bed

with a pained face.

There was a very deep cut on his chest and on his left shoulder. The

shoulder bone was also cut into two by Vista in their fight.

Lancelot won that fight with Vista getting his head chopped at last after

many tries.

"Be quiet!"

Beauty held on Lancaster as her hands changed into liquid like form and

reached out for the cut wounds.

"Easy for you to say! Ahhge!"

The cut wounds were healing at a visible pace with Beauty's devil fruit


"My turn! When is my turn?"

On the bed beside Lancelot's, Joker held his cheek where only a very

little cut was present.

Beauty had a frown on her face seeing Joker asking for medical help for

just that.

"Just apply some balm!"

Said Beauty with her frown still there on her beautiful and hot face.


Replied Joker straightforwardly, making Beauty hit her forehead on the

side of the bed.

It's been hours since the death of Whitebeard, the news had yet to be


Marco and Ace were the only ones who were able to escape from this


All the pirates from Whitebeard Pirates have been killed. The people

living in Whitebeard's territories were also killed without any mercy.

With these, the Devil's Pirates have occupied two of the Four Emperor's


Kaido and Red-hair, these two are the last of the Four Emperors. For

now, the Devil's Pirates won't do anything to them.

But the future is unknown.

The sun slowly rose up from the sea horizon, the sunlight fell on the

blood red sea and smoke filled sky.

There on the lands once which was a small island, a figure about 4.1

meters tall stood alone facing the sun.

Akuma changed his torn suit and got a new one. His face had a little

happiness because of his victory after a long time.

"It's been long and now I have become what I expected to be from back a

hundred years ago. A villian."

Said Akuma. He smiled and stared at the rising sun like it was his first


But then soon enough, his face turned back to the same emotionless one.

"So what if I have become a villain. My dream shall come true even if it

takes the lives of billions!"

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 12 { Gami Kiya


Wano Country___

A special country which is completely isolated from the entire world.

Hundreds of years ago, Wano was known as the Country of Gold, once

located at sea level.

Onigashima, a region of Wano Country. Originally a summit of Mt. Fuji,

it became regarded as an island following the flooding of the country.

It served as the official base of operations for the Beasts Pirates, including

Emperor Kaido, the All-Stars, and the Numbers.

The island was given its name upon being settled by the Beasts Pirates

over 23 years ago.

Step Step.

Inside a huge house, loud footsteps were heard from the corridor.

Jack, one of the three calamities, walked towards a door and then


Pulling the door, he saw two more figures inside who were having a

serious conversation.

"What are you two doing?"

Jack stepped in the room and looked at King and Queen, the other two


King pushed a newspaper placed on the table towards Jack with a serious



Jack picked the newspaper and read through the news with a grave


[Breaking News! After the death of Big Mom, Akuma the "Devil of the

Sea" has personally killed Whitebeard!]

[Two of the Four Emperors have died within a single year. Is the end of

the Four Emperors coming?]

[How did the Devil regain his youth? Now in his prime, will the Devil

once again try to conquer the world? Will the World Government stay

silent till the end?]

[Devil's Pirates have now occupied Big Mom and Whitebeard's territories.

Also, it is confirmed that all the people in Whitebeard's territory have

been killed!]

It has been three days since the war between Whitebeard Pirates and

Devil's Pirates ended.

The news caused the pirates and the normal people to panic in the New


The display of power was extremely great for anyone to not be shocked

and surprised.

And it was also found that there was an Emperor level creature on the

Devil's Pirates' side.

The Sphinx who now was resting in the first part of GrandLine at Amazon


"Those bastards! Are they challenging us for a fight!"

Jack slammed the newspaper on the table and then looked at the King

and Queen.

"We have already made a decision."

Said King, on the other couch Queen also nodded his head while smoking

the cigar in his mouth.

"What is it?"

Asked Jack curiously but King stood up and left the room silently.

"That's a secret for now."

Queen also followed behind King leaving Jack enraged for a while.

* * *

Unknown Island___

It was night time and the sky was filled with sparkling stars and the silver


"Hey! How long do we have to walk? It's tiring!"

Grumbled Seli. She pressed her hand on her chest as she stopped to take

a quick breather.

"You're slow. Aren't you supposed to be the Peacock Queen?"

Before Seli stood Fenrir with his metal mask on his face to hide the burns

and cracks.

"What has that to do with my situation? And I am not the Peacock Queen


Seli, a bit angry, said in a loud tone. She looked around her to find only

trees and rocks.

"Why the hell did we even come here?"

It's been hours and they still haven't found a single living creature on the


"Just follow me quietly. It's night and the time for them to come out for


Fenrir stared at the top of the mountain a few hundred meters away from



The howls of wolves echoed in the forest alerting both Seli and Fenrir.


Muttered Seli as her eyes caught movements in the woods. Fenrir pulled

out his bow and one arrow.

"Don't attack. Just let them lead us."

Seli confused, glanced at Fenrir then observed the running shadows

behind the trees.

"Lead us? Who are they exactly?"

Even after Seli asked, Fenrir didn't reply but the answer soon revealed


Tens of shadows rushed out of the bushes and showed Seli and Fenrir

who they were.

Black tattoos on their body, large size, muscular body and dense beard,

they were the oldest tribe in the world, Gami Tribe.

It is said that the Gami Tribe has been for more than 1500 years.

"Wawa! Wawa!"

They started slamming their fists on their chest as the strongest looking

one walked forward with a grin.

"Outsiders! Why come?"

He spoke with a broken sentence enough for Seli and Fenrir to

understand him.

"We came for Kiya."

Fenrir replied making all the Gami tribes warriors present silent.


A loud and ear-bursting dragon roar sounded throughout the entire


"He heard it!"

The warriors looked at each other then stared at both Seli and Fenrir.

"Take them to him. He is now already aware of these two so no use


The leader ordered the warriors to tie Seli and Fenrir with ropes and take

them towards the mountain which Fenrir had stared before.

* * *

The warriors pushed Seli and Fenrir in a huge cave situated at the top of

the mountain and left without wasting any second.

At first Seli didn't want to enter as her senses stopped her but Fenrir


Inside the cave it was completely dark, not a single light came in. Cold

and spooky were the best words to describe the feelings.

"Who are you two?"

The dragon's voice caused both Fenrir and Seli to be startled as they

didn't know someone was observing them.

Two silver lights flicked in the darkness scaring Seli while Fenrir

narrowed his eyes.

As their eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, they started seeing the

outline of a huge silver winged dragon resting on the ground.

"We came to ask for help!"

Fenrir said loudly. The dragon stared at Fenrir then at Seli for a while

before closing its eyes.

"Go! Go away."

The dragon went back to sleeping but Fenrir didn't want to quit. Seli was

really uncomfortable with the atmosphere.

"I heard it! The stories that a silver dragon has been finding the strongest

creature to fight! It once fought against Kaido in his dragon form and also


Fenrir's eyes were on the silver dragon even though he seemed like an


"Come to the point!"

Said the dragon still with its eyes closed not wanting to see the two.

"Have you ever heard of the "Devil of the Sea?"

As soon as the title came out of Fenrir's mouth, the dragon opened its

eyes and glared at him with killing intent.

"Roar! Where is he! Tell me now!"

The wind pushed Fenrir and Seli back as the silver dragon rose up from

his resting position.

"He is out there! He regained his prime! I know how you can find him!"

Fenrir spread his arms and said with a bit of excitement in his voice.

Meanwhile Seli frowned hard at the sight.

"You have been in isolation for more than twenty years so it's obvious

you don't know about the going on outside."

The dragon lowered its head and looked at the man with a metal mask on

his face.

The huge silver dragon shook as its size started shrinking and turning

into a human.

Standing at a height of 7.5 meters, long black hairs and beard, Gami


Fenrir and Seli had to raise their heads to look up at Kiya's face.

"Take me to him! The Devil! Let me see if the stories I have heard from

all the travellers are real or not!"

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 13 { Finding a

Legend }

Sabaody Archipelago___

Inside a large bar, many pirates were enjoying the alcohol and talking

about different pirate matters.

At one such table near the window, five pirates were drinking rum and

conversing loudly.

"Hey, you heard of the 'Devil' right?"

The pirate with a black eye patch on his left eye, with thick black beard,

held on his rum bottle and asked.

"The Devil? Of course I have heard of him! Who hasn't!"

Opposite to the eye patched pirate, a blond hair pirate said with a smirk

on his face.

"Is it true that the Devil is immortal?"

Beside the blonde pirate, a female pirate wearing seductive clothes,


Seeing her ask, the eye patched pirate grinned and leaned forward

towards her.

"It's true. Don't tell anyone but I have this information from my friend

who is part of the Devil's Pirates. He said that the Devil is truly


He leaned even further towards the female pirate while showing as if he

was only giving an answer instead of trying to take advantage.


"Whatever! If he has courage! Come fight me! Lubin Bahu! I shall beat

the shit out of that Devil or Demon!"

The one opposite to the female pirate, a pink haired pirate who was small

in size declared while hitting the rum bottle on the table.

"Haha! Exactly! Let him come here get a beating from me as well!"

The last one, a young pirate with a very handsome face who was getting

glances from the female pirate spoke.

"Idiot! What if someone heard us? If the Devil's Pirates knew what you

said, they would kill your entire family or even bloodline!"

The eye patched pirate was pale as he looked around the bar to see if

anyone had heard the two from their group.

"It's not like the Devil is here!"

The blonde said with a smile and tried to console the eye patched pirate.

Not far from them, a tall man about 4 meters in height sat all alone next

to the window.

Because there were many tall and big pirates present in the bar, this

particular man didn't stand out.

"I heard it…"

Muttered the man with a tiny smile on his face as he lifted the wine glass

and looked towards the five pirates who talked about him just now.

His eyes shone in a multi-color light. Each color represents a certain


𝘐𝘮𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺? 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘐, 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦. 𝘕𝘰, 𝘯𝘰 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯

𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦. 𝘐𝘧 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘯, 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘪𝘦. 𝘐𝘧 𝘰𝘯𝘦

𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥, 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘥…

Akuma took a sip and placed the wine glass on the table again. The bar

was quite rowdy because of all the pirates.

"It's about time for me to meet a legend from the past, "Right Hand of the

Pirate King"."

As he stood up, few other individuals amongst the people together with

the pirates also stood up.

The bar turned quiet as Akuma walked with slow steps to the front door

and then stopped.

Following him were Joker with a mask to cover his face from being


Beauty and Lancelot, who stood on the side to give Akuma the way as

they were nearest to the door.

Not one of the people in the bar expected these individuals to be

personally present here and now.

"The wine is good. A little quiet atmosphere would have been perfect."

Saying so, Akuma turned and exited the bar with Joker, Beauty and


* * *


The pirates and waiters, they all stared at the front door with horror in

their eyes.

"W-was he t-the De-"

The blonde had his eyes wide open, his legs shaking like leaves in a


"G-Guys, do you think h-he heard me say t-that?"

The young pirate who not long ago was showing off his courage and

pride, asked while he held his chest in terror.

He felt as if his heart was going to jump out of his chest when Akuma's

eyes met his.

"Hey! Hey! Lubin has fainted!"

The pink haired pirate who was declaring to fight against Akuma was

now cold on the floor.

"Wasn't he the Devil!"

"That was Joker and Lancelot!"

"Who was she with the Devil? I haven't seen her before?"

The bar immediately turned into an uproar as all the people inside

expressed themselves.

Some were scared, some were excited, some were worried and some were

in despair.

But one thing was sure, that the news of the appearance of the Devil was

going to spread like wildfire.

* * *

Akuma looked up at the top of the high ground where there was a bar

with a round roof.

Shakky's Rip-off Bar, It is infamous for its high prices. It is run by

Shakuyaku, most commonly known by her nickname Shakky.

"I can feel two people inside."

Akuma stared at the bar from below the stairs, his eyes scanned


With the help of his logia devil fruit, he could feel the presence of

anything in the air around him or till a certain distance from him.

"One is a female, it should be Shakky but the other? This one is different

from what I am expecting."

Akuma pulled out a cigar from the system and lit it. White smoke rose as

he exhaled.

"Captain, how do we enter?"

Joker walked next to Akuma and rubbed his palms together showing his


"Do we need a way to enter? Go go straight from the front door."

Akuma stepped on the stairs as Joker, Lancelot and Beauty immediately



The front door opened as Akuma lowered his body to enter inside the


As he had felt, there were two figures inside the bar. One was Shakky and

the other was a familiar one.

A relatively slim and tall woman with short black hair, with two tufts

pointing upwards and is always seen smoking a cigarette. Shakky looks

very young despite her old age.

Behind the counter, Shakky gulped as she stared at the people who

entered her bar.

Not just her, the other one was also thinking about the current situation

with a grave expression.

"What do they call you? Ah! Wasn't it, "Magician"."

Akuma looked at the man, called Basil Hawkins. an infamous pirate from

North Blue and the captain of the Hawkins Pirates.

He is one of pirates who are referred to as the "Worst Generation", with a

bounty of 249 million berries.

"How lucky you are to have come here today at this time."

Akuma pulled a chair closer and sat on it in the middle of the bar while

glancing around.

"What has attracted such a big person to this extremely small bar in

Sabaody Archipelago?"

Shakky sat straight and asked with a worried expression. It definitely

wasn't good news for the Devil to visit their home.

All that could come might be just destruction.

"Right Hand of the Pirate King, where is he?"

Akuma stared at Shakky as he smoked his cigar, the atmosphere in the

bar had turned silent.

Joker found a seat beside the window, Lancelot stood next to the front

door guarding it.

Beauty observed the two, Shakky and Hawkins with great interest.

𝘙𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨?... Hawkins glanced towards

Shakky with some surprise not expecting this small bar to have such a


"How can I know that?"

Shakky tried to give a bitter smile but Akuma's indifferent face made her

fear the possibilities of what he might do if she didn't tell him the truth.

"You must know me, Akuma. That's my name. I am not someone who can

be lied to so easily.

I will ask again, this time more specific. Where's the "Dark King", Silvers


Akuma stood up and walked towards the counter, his shadow covered

Shakky entirely.

"I-I, I really don't know! He hasn't been back in almost a year!"

Shakky answered with a terrified face, her hands shaking as she backed

away from Akuma.

"Really? If so, you are unlucky."

Akuma said in an emotionless tone. Joker, who was sitting beside a

window, vanished suddenly and appeared behind Shakky.

"No! Please no! N-No!"

A solid metal chain tied around her neck, Shakky with her eyes wide

open tried to free herself but Joker didn't let her to.

"Hahaha! Feel it! The Death! Welcome it! Welcome with open arms!"

Joker pulled the ends of the chains with more strength as Shakky's

struggle slowly started decreasing.

"P-Please! Save m-me! N-No!"

With her last effort of kicking on the floor, Shakky's life left her body as it

fell without any resistance.

The bar was quiet once again. Hawkins was sweating as he watched the

entire process of Shakky's death and her struggle.

His eyes moved towards Akuma to see that he was looking at him with a

plain look.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 14 { Death

Comes Part-1 }

Akuma stared at Hawkins, his eyes glowed in many different colors as

then it stopped in green.

"Let's go…"

Turning around, Akuma said. Joker released the chains and put his hands

inside his pockets as he followed behind Akuma.

Lancelot glanced at Hawkins but didn't do anything. Beauty also stayed

quiet the entire time.

"Can I join the Devil's Pirates?!"

Just before Akuma stepped on the front entrance, Hawkins asked


It was his chance and Hawkins didn't want to let it go as Akuma was

definitely not just anyone.

A force almost equal to the Marines, that is the Devil's Pirates, what more

was to be added other than this fact.

After Whitebeard's death, the title of "Strongest Man in the World"

undeniably belonged to Akuma.

No, it more or less belonged to him from the very beginning.

"Of course."

Hearing Akuma's words, Hawkins showed a smile on his face. Working

under the Devil himself, it was like a dream.

Akuma resumed walking, this time together with Lancelot, Beauty and

Joker, Hawkins also was present.

* * *

Marine Headquarters___

Inside the Fleet Admiral office, Sengoku was adjusting the files in order

when with a loud noise the door opened.

"You! Knock before you enter or I will punish you personally!"

Sengoku shouted with anger filled in his voice but seeing the condition

the officer was in, he stopped.

"Fleet Admiral! It's the Devil! He has come to Sabaody! The marine base

near Sabaody has requested an Admiral for help!"

The officers gasped for breath while he held his chest tightly, his entire

face was red like tomato.


"Damn Devil! Why the hell is he in the first half of GrandLine? Bastard!"

Sengoku roared furiously, he immediately picked the den den mushi on

the table to make a call.

"Hello, Kizaru! Immediately rush to Sabaody! Take Kuzan with you as

well! It's the Devil! Hurry!"

In his voice was desperation. Sengoku ended the call with a heavy face.

He slammed the table once again.

"It hasn't been long since the meeting with the five elders about the Devil

but he has already moved. You, inform Sakazuki to be on standby."

Sengoku pointed towards the officers as he ordered. The officer gave a

salute and rushed out of the office.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭, 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬?

𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥? 𝘐𝘴 𝘪𝘵

𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘳… Sengoku sat

down on his seat and pondered.

"And about that person, she still hasn't shown the reaction we are

expecting. Vegapunk should hurry and come with a solution as soon as


* * *


Akuma looked at the people around the streets, many food and dress

stalls were temporarily fixed on the sides.

"Hot and delicious pancakes!"

"A beautiful dress for a princess like you! Madam!"

"Buy once! Come back again! Fried Octopus!"

Sometimes Akuma felt really good seeing no one recognize him in the


Lancelot, Beauty, Joker and Hawkins were at some distance with their

faces hidden from the people.

"Uncle! Please help me! My father is sick and needs medicines! Please

spare me some money!"

A little girl around 6 years came stumbling to Akuma's feet and grabbed

his legs.

"Little girl, I don't have money on me but this should be enough to save

your father."

Akuma crouched down and pulled out a small pack from his pocket. The

contents were unknown but the little girl held it dear to her chest.

"Thank you! Thank you so much, uncle!"

In the little girl's eyes, Akuma came like a stranger and turned into an

actual angel.

Even though his eyes were red in color, the little girl didn't appear

frightened by it.

"Go, feed it to your father and he will stand up to play with you again."

Akuma placed his hand on the little girl's head and petted it. His hand

palm was enough to cover her entire head.

"Thank you! Bye, good uncle!"

The little girl with trances of tears in her eyes waved her tiny hand and

rushed towards her home.

Standing up straight, Akuma gazed at the tiny figure of the little girl with

his fiery red eyes.

A smile creeped out on his face but he immediately wiped it off to hide

from the people around him.

"Captain, that is the restaurant. Capone Bege, Eustass Kid, X Drake,

Scratchmen Apoo and Killer. They all should be inside if the information

I got is right."

From behind, Hawkins whispered to Akuma quietly so no other person

could hear it.


Moving his eyes from the street, Akuma looked towards the restaurant

surrounded by tens of pirates.

"You all stay outside. I will finish it quickly."

Saying so, Akuma walked towards the restaurant with heavy footsteps.

Hawkins saw the pirates outside try to stop Akuma from entering but

suddenly all of them were knocked out.

𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘳 𝘏𝘢𝘬𝘪… Hawkins already knew the fact that Akuma was

one of the strongest haki users in the entire world.

Hawkins pulled out a deck of cards from his pocket which was deep blue

in color having weird designs on one side.

His eyes turned purple as the deck of cards floated in the air around him


Lancelot and Beauty approached Hawkins from the side with curious


"What are you doing?"

Asked Beauty, she tried to touched one card with her finger but distanced

itself from her.

"Finding the possibilities of those pirates inside the restaurant defeating


Said Hawkins. Lancelot scratched his chin and looked at Hawkins with an

understanding look.

"So, how much is it?"

Asked Beauty with a smile. Of course she knew the answer from the very


Hawkins stopped as he finally found the percent of possibilities of the

fight breaking out inside the restaurant.

Or more specifically, slaughter.

"... 2%, which would be if captain wanted to lose."

Hawkins had never in his entire life seen such a small percentage in a

fight. It's like a newborn baby was trying to fight a grown bear.

Outcome, the bear would rip apart the baby and eat it within a few


"One can't conquer the world without having such powers like our

captain. Accept it."

Beauty smiled at Hawkins, she didn't have to hide her face as she didn't

have a bounty on her head yet.

Most probably because she doesn't leave the ship. Her only job is to treat

the injured and wounded.


A loud explosion erupted from inside the restaurant. Half the roof was

blasted off as a figure landed on the ground heavily from there.

"Cough! Ahge!"

He vomited a lot of blood. His veins visible through his skin, his eyes

completely red due to the pain.

"Fuck! Ahge!"

It was Eustass Kid, a notorious pirate from South Blue and the captain of

the Kid Pirates.

Both his hands were broken into an angle which scared the people in the



Another explosion came as the entrance of the restaurant together with

the thick wall was cracked open.

A headless body rolled on the ground as blood continued to flow out

from the neck.

This dead body or corpse, belonged to the captain of the Drake Pirates, X



A metallic sound rang inside the restaurant, it was extremely loud and

clear. A figure with long arms rushed out of the destroyed wall.

Blood was flowing out of his mouth. This person is Scratchmen Apoo, the

captain of the On Air Pirates.

"Damn it! I will kill you, fucking Devil!"

Apoo held his chest and ran for his life but a shadow made him stop.

In front of him stood the tall figure of Akuma with an indifferent look on

his face, his eyes carried almost no emotions.

Sweats mixed with blood dropped down from his forehead to his cheeks

as his eyes stared at Akuma.

"I-I surren-!"

But before Apoo could finish his sentence, Akuma grabbed his neck and

lifted him up in the air single handed.


Applying a terrifying amount of strength on the grip, Akuma killed Apoo

without any second wasting.

"Bastard! Motherfucker! I will kill you! Kill you for what you did to


Kid glared at Akuma and shouted loudly. He wanted to tear Akuma into

pieces because of what had happened.

Before, the first person to die in Akuma's hands inside the restaurant was

his crew's vice captain, Killer.


Akuma stepped right next to Kid and stood. He lowered his head and

looked down at Kid with no sympathy.

Raising his foot, Akuma positioned it over Kid's head to crush his skull.

"Any last words?"

Asked Akuma. Kid roared angrily as tens of metal objects from all around

were attracted towards him at crazy speed.

But unfortunately, Kid was weak.


The huge foot stomped down and crushed the skull. Brain matters with

different fluids splashed.

It didn't even take an hour for 5 of the worst generation pirates to get

killed by Akuma.

This was a display of power worthy for a force strong enough to make

the World Government fear.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 15 { Death

Comes Part-2 }

In the slums, inside a very small house just barely enough for three

people to live in.

The house had a kitchen and bedroom, that was it. The bedroom was also

used as a dining room, living room, etc.


The door to the house opened, a small figure holding a pack entered the


"Father! I brought medicine! Now you will be fine!"

It was the very same little girl who had encountered Akuma on the


Lying on a mattress, the father who now appeared like a living skeleton

moved his lips but was unable to speak.

Because of being extremely poor, the father and light girl sometimes

couldn't eat a single meal in a day.

The father was not getting enough energy, starting losing all his fats and

muscles which replaced the needed energy to keep him alive.

"Just wait for a few minutes! I will prepare the medicine and feed you,

after that you will totally be fine. The uncle said that you will even play

with me again."

The light girl had teary eyes, she held the pack of medicine dearly as she

headed to the kitchen.

Taking out a glass, she filled it with drinkable water from the tape near

the house where most of the people of slums come to get water.

Then she tore the pack and poured all the medicine which was in powder

state in the glass of water.

Mixing it up properly, she came next to her father and sat down.

"Here, please drink this."

She raised her father's head and pushed the glass to his mouth as her

father slowly started drinking it.


The glass was emptied. The light girl placed the glass on the side and

caressed her father's forehead.

𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘎𝘰𝘥, 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘺! 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘵𝘰

𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦!... Warm tears dropped down

the little girl's eyes.

Putting her father's head on the mattress again, she stood up with the

glass and was about to enter the kitchen when a sound came in.


The light girl turned and her eyes became wide open in shock and


Her father, who was just lying on the mattress, had raised his upper

body. He had woken up.

"Father! Yes!"

The little girl was unable to control her happiness as she dashed to him

and hugged.

But unfortunately, there seems to be something weird about the father.

His eyes were dead, yet he was alive.


A huge pain assaulted the little girl on her neck, she looked at her father

who bit her.


No, the man had turned to a living dead. He tore open the little girl's

flesh on her neck.

The ligaments and blood vessels all ripped apart by the teeth as the neck

was broken in half.

The little girl couldn't even scream before her eyes also lost the light of

life turning dead like her father's.

Red warm blood splashed on the cold floor. The sound of bone breaking

came in from the small house in the slums.

Unknown to the people, a very dangerous entity has been born from the

various experiments of Hamburg.

A zombie should be the best word to describe this living dead in a single


* * *

Auction House___

This particular auction house was famous in the entire world as it

attracted even the Celestial Dragons.

This auction house, which was very huge, auctioned almost every race

and extremely valuable artifacts.

"And this here is item number 34, it is devil fruit with unknown powers.

If you are daring enough, why not try to eat it and find out? The starting

bid is 50 million berries!"

The auctioneer, a beautiful and seductive female, spoke fast but also slow

enough for the bidders to understand.

"50 million!"

"52 million!"

"60 million!"

The bidders sitting on the respective seats all bid one after the other.

Very soon the bids started reaching the final price which was 110 million


"200 million berries!"

Suddenly, a voice spoke up from the very front seat of the auction house

reserved for only VVIPs.

"Respected Celestial Dragon has bid for 200 million berries! Anyone else

to make his bid?"

The auctioneer said loudly but not a single person responded, it was to be


After all, the person who bid was a Celestial Dragon. Someone who sits at

the top of the world in these people's perspective.

"Hurry up! Don't waste time bitch!"

The Celestial Dragon who made the bid spoke with an annoyed

expression. He was a middle aged man with few white hairs.

On both sides sat his new wives. They were snatched away from their

families and forced to marry him.

But of course they couldn't resist him, only the stupids would do so if

they wanted to die.

"Ah! We are extremely sorry! 200 million ones! 200 million twice! 200


But before the auctioneer who was slightly scared because of the Celestial

Dragon's aggression could finish, someone interrupted.

"I will bid 2 berries, and this devil fruit shall be mine."

Everyone, including the Celestial Dragon and his wives, turned to look at

the source of the voice.

Far at the end of the seats up at the top, was a small group of unknown


In the middle sat a man smoking a cigarette which was already half. He

wore black suit which made him look neat and very handsome.

Around him, three men and a female stood with nonchalantly faces

except one.

"Y-You! You dare bid after me! You will be punished! I will make you my

slave and torture you everyday!"

The Celestial Dragon was enraged as he shouted while pointing his finger

at the group.

"This devil fruit doesn't seem to be worth much compared to a Celestial

Dragon right?"

The man as he smoked his cigar, asked one of the three men around him

with strange marks on his face.

"Yes. A Celestial Dragon should amount to at least a few devil fruits."

The man with strange marks replied in a low voice but because of the

silence in the auction house, he was heard clearly.


"Did you hear that!"

"Who the hell are these guys?"

The people in the auction house were dazed for a while before bursting

into conversations.

"Guards! Capture them! I want them alive!"

The Celestial Dragon had his eyes turned red due to intense rage.

Multiple guards ran up to the unknown group of people.

"Surrender or you will be forced!"

The head of the guards declared loudly as he pulled out his sword and

held it tightly.


But then as soon as the head guard finished his sentence, he fell on the

stairs. His body rolled down the stairs.

His eyes were white, the head guard was completely knocked out in just

a millisecond.

"Lancelot, just leave the Celestial Dragon alive. I don't want the rest."

Akuma threw the cigar and said with no emotion. He didn't care about

the lives of the rest except the Celestial Dragon in the auction house.


Lancelot almost vanished from his spot and reappeared behind the group

of guards.


All the guards were cut and killed directly and the cut wound was just

too deep.

Nobody in the auction house reacted as everything happened too quickly

for them to comprehend the situation.

And so, Lancelot didn't spare anyone in the auction house. One after

another body fell on the floor with a deep cut wound either on their

chest or neck.

It took Lancelot only a few minutes to wipe the entire auction house

leaving only the Celestial Dragon and his wives alive.

He was so scared that he even pushed his wives to make distance from

him and Lancelot.

"You dare threaten a Celestial Dragon! Kneel before me now and I might

not kill you when I torture you."

The Celestial Dragon spoke with fear visible on his face. Beauty frowned

at the ugly sight of this Celestial Dragon.

"Hehe! A Celestial Dragon! It's my first time to see one from so close!"

Joker had appeared next to the Celestial Dragon giving him a fright.

"Joker, take this guy to the ship. Our work here is done, let's return


Akuma stood up and headed to the exit. He was closely followed by

Lancelot, Beauty and Hawkins.

Joker already vanished together with the Celestial Dragon. As for the two

wives, they were killed.

The world famous auction house, now was completely silent with not a

single sound.

The floors and walls were dyed with red blood and many dead bodies

laid all round.

It was truly gore and unsightly for any average person.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 16 { Death

Comes Part-3 }

On the edge of Sabaody Archipelago, bright light shone suddenly and

soon materialized into a human figure.

The man was very tall crossing the 3 meters mark in height, he wore a

yellow uniform.

On the cape, there was the name of the rank that the man is currently.

"Admiral", as it is written. The man was none other than one of the four

Marine Admirals, Kizaru.

"It seems I am the first. Kuzan should be on his way."

The speed at which Kizaru spoke could make anyone frustrated as it was

very slow.

* * *

On the sea not far from Sabaody Archipelago, a man paddled his bicycle

at medium speed.

It was truly a sight to behold as the man was cycling on the sea surface

without sinking.

It was due to the man's devil fruit ability to create, control and turn into

ice at his will.

The man was not much smaller than Kizaru, he wore a blue uniform with

the very same white cape.

Similarly to Kizaru's, on the back of this cape as well, the word "Admiral"

was written.

This man is Kuzan, he appeared somewhat lazy in normal times but now

he was quite serious.

𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘱 𝘪𝘯 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘦, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘢

𝘩𝘶𝘨𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯. 𝘒𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘳𝘶 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘥

𝘚𝘢𝘣𝘢𝘰𝘥𝘺… Kuzan held on his bicycle handle tightly as he pondered the

matter of the Devil.

"The sea near Sabaody is quiet, is it because of the Devil? I should have

encountered a few sea kings by now."

Kuzan moved his eyes around the sea but failed to find any creature

being active.

He, or almost everyone, didn't know that Akuma had developed his

ability to converse with sea kings to great extent.

Now Akuma could even make those normal sea kings terrified with his


As for the normal creatures other than the strong sea kings, they didn't

dare approach the sea near Sabaody.

* * *

Bursting into light fragments, Kizaru moved from this spot towards where

Akuma is suspected to be present.

His speed was deemed to be the fastest in the entire world. As his ability

was to create, control and be light itself.

But of course it depended on the user as well. Like if Kizaru was unable

to react fast, he would be unable to control his body in light form.

He might move past the needed distance or not even reach at that point

due to him being unable to react.

"Where is he?"

Kizaru had already covered half of Sabaody but didn't find Akuma or the

pirates of Devil's Pirates.

Actually Akuma and the rest had left Sabaody not long ago with the help

of Joker.

Kizaru was just wasting his energy and time to find Akuma who wasn't

even present.


Kizaru stopped and turned his gaze to look towards the slums. There

seems to be quite a big commotion going on.

He fastened his speed and stood up above the slums, his eyes stared

down with shock and surprise.

"What the hell!? What's going on?"

Below, hundreds of people from the slums were fighting between each


It wasn't that which made Kizaru stunned, but the fact that most of these

people appeared in extreme conditions.

Few had their skins turned purple and blue, some had their body parts

missing or some even had half their body gone.

Blood flowed down the drains, dying the place red. Screams and shouts

echoed throughout the entire slum.

"Ahhh! Save me!"

"Fuck! What the fuck are you doing!"

"Don't eat me! Stop!"

"Mommy! I am scared!"

Everyone was chasing or escaping. Two zombies held down a grown man

and started eating him while the man was alive.

"Ahh! No! It hurts!"

The man tried but the two zombies' strength combined was enough to pin

the man down.

His ear on the left was ripped off by one zombie while the other clawed

at the man' stomach.

Large and small intestines, stomach, pancreas, etc, flowed out of the

stomach which the zombie had ripped with his hands.


The man stared towards the sky with his wide open eyes as he endured

the pain of being torn open alive.

His organs all came out as multiple zombies were attracted by the sight.

The man's half dead body was getting devoured like a main course meal.

Kizaru up in the air had a frown on his face. He turned his head and saw

that this wasn't the only place having such a situation.

A few zombies successfully reached the main towns and now were

spreading the virus in their bodies.

𝘐 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘱 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘧

𝘚𝘢𝘣𝘢𝘰𝘥𝘺… Kizaru spread his arms and closed his eyes to concentrate.

He was going to wipe the entire slums with his newly created move.

"Wild Light!"

Immediately, he burst into millions and millions of light fragments and

rained down on the slums.


Everything that touched the light fragments exploded into bits.


The explosions lasted for a few seconds until the silence followed.

All the light fragments remaining flew up in the air and joined to

materialize back.

Kizaru looked at the ruins and nodded with satisfaction as no one was

alive down in the slums.

The houses and shops which were barely standing burned with orange

flames which were soon going to destroy them.

The burned smell entered Kizaru's nose causing him to cover his nose

with a handkerchief.

While he tried to stop the zombies from spreading, Kuzan had arrived

ashore with his bicycle.

"Why do I feel like it will be a mess here?"

Kuzan parked his bicycle and walked in further. He used observation haki

to see in more distance.

Not long after, he saw a sight which confused him as well as shocked.

A woman was walking strangely, she stepped like her body was out of

her own control.

Her skin was a little ashen. She looked injured as blood dripped down her

left arms.

A man saw the woman and hurried to her. Kuzan with his observation

haki watched the woman hug the man tightly.

But the thing was, she bit on the man's neck and didn't release her grip

no matter how hard the man struggled.


Kuzan tilted his head, he couldn't understand what had just happened.

He sprinted towards the woman and man only to find the woman eating

the man.

She bit a large piece of flesh from the man's chest and started chewing it

in a rash manner.

"You! Stop!"

Kuzan walked to her side and pulled her away from the dead man but the

woman suddenly swung her hands at him.

Avoiding it, Kuzan now looked at the woman with more focus.

His eyes widened in shock to find that the woman was already dead. A

bullet had been shot in her skull through the side.

Because it was covered by her hair and she was half bathed in blood,

Kuzan thought that she was injured and wounded pretty badly.

But to be dead yet still walking and even killing a man in daylight. It was

beyond Kuzan's understanding.


The loud explosion was clear. Shouts and screams filled the entire city

where Kuzan was.

"Kizaru? What are you doing!"

Kuzan backed away from the dead woman and shouted towards the sky

where light had formed.

"Oh, Kuzan! Finally! There is a huge problem here."

Kizaru came next to Kuzan in seconds. Kuzan was very confused with the


"This is happening everywhere. I tried but these things won't stop


Kizaru pointed at the woman who was still eating the dead man's body.

A light beam bursted from his finger and pierced the woman's head

which then exploded. Blood splashed on the ground together with brain


"We must immediately report this to the Headquarters and call for


Kuzan pulled his den den mushi out of his pocket. Kizaru nodded and

flew back in the sky to continue attacking.

"But before that."


Kuzan raised his feet and stomped hard on the ground, with a burst of

cold aura, came out ice.

Almost the entire city was covered in a coat of ice, the temperature

dropped to minus.

Many of the zombies were hit and turned into ice sculptures. Kizaru

stopped his attack on the city.

He then headed towards a different area to handle the situation.

By handling it meant to kill and destroy the zombies. A few sacrifices

were inevitable for the best outcome.

Kuzan wanted to stop Kizaru but he couldn't, there were many reasons.

He learned that this is like a spreading virus, if not wiped out completely,

it will only continue to cause more trouble.

And so, Sabaody Archipelago, the final island in Paradise, close to the

Red Line.

The most visited places in Paradise because it is the only location for

pirates to coat their ships if they wanted to head to the New World.

It had turned into a red zone, and a few days later was sealed by the


This news caused a very big uproar in the world.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 17 { Trap }

Devil's Home___

Inside the White House, the temperature was slightly low.

One could not even see clearly the environment which had formed inside

the huge hall.

The multiple thone trees on the sides with the same distance from each

other, all spread their roots and thorny vines around the floor.

At the end of the huge hall, there situated a huge throne made of high

density gold almost reaching equal to pure gold.

Sitting on the throne, the man covered with a layer of shadows and fogs,

stretched out his right hand.

Then, suddenly with a burst of bright light formed a small crystal above

his open palm.

The light illustrated the entire room as the man was now visible even if it

wasn't completely.

"Finally! Now I have got the Trump card to victory!"

Akuma's mighty voice mixed with darkness roamed through the entire

hall causing it to shake slightly.

[Item Created]

Solid Crystal: Dimensional Space

Description: One time use. Can permanently seal someone to another

dimensional space together with the user. The target has to either kill or

make the user break the dimensional space for being free again.

Akuma looked at the description on the system screen with a little

complex feeling.

This particular item was actually supposed to be long created by Akuma

in his early years but because of his imprisonment he couldn't.

Also, the price for this item exceeded Akuma's expectations by far.

A total of one million souls, this was the price to create this item. Even

Akuma was having a tough time.

It was not because he couldn't even kill a million people, it was because

he had to be present there to gather all those souls.

At last, Akuma could breath in for some relief. Still, many more problems

needed to be solved.

The Straw Hat Pirates were one of the main problems, they were the

protagonists of this world.

Of course Akuma had to wipe their existence from this world otherwise

he can't really relax.

"Tch. Straw Hat Pirates didn't come to Sabaody Archipelago, and I

couldn't find him as well."

Akuma stored the item inside the system and leaned back on the throne.

The "him" here is the "Dark King", or also known as the "Right Hand of

the Pirate King".

Silvers Rayleigh!

A legend from the past. This man was the one who trained Luffy in the

two years time skip in the anime.

Akuma closed his eyes, the hall had returned to silence with darkness.

Only Akuma's breath from time to time was heard.

* * *

Hell Realm___

In the underground experimenting space below the gigantic laboratory.

Hamburg took the lift and reached the lowest floor in this underground

experimenting space.

Once the lift opened, the sight of tens of giants inside same number of

glass test cylinders welcomed Hamburg.

"Haha! Grow! Grow stronger! With the gene of the ancient giant race in

my hands, you all will regain your forgotten might!"

Hamburg burst into laughter as he walked around these huge cylinders

containing the giants.

But something was different about these giants, they appeared even

bigger than before.

They looked more fierce and wild. Some had a huge task growing while

others had horns on their forehead.

"Hamburg, it's time we release all the experimented creatures in the


From the controls, Jimmy walked and came next to Hamburg. In his

hand was a book about the ancient giant race.

"Release them? Even though they might attack each other, it's better than

just keeping them in the cells."

Hamburg nodded and agreed with Jimmy about releasing all the

successful experimented creatures.

"After these giants are ready, it will be time for all of us to start the final

step in dominating the entire world."

Jimmy smiled silently while Hamburg appeared extremely excited just by

the thought.

"But that also will be the time to stay the most cautious. Many will come

to destroy our plans."

Jimmy spoke with a plain tone. His eyes showed some unknown


* * *

New World___

There were an uncountable number of islands in the New World that

have yet to be visited.

It wasn't surprising if one took the note that most of such islands were

extremely small.

That was a different matter as Fenrir and Seli were sitting inside a


This special restaurant also had gambling tables set around the corners

for customers to play.

As for why it was special, because there was someone playing here in one

of the gambling tables.

This person was a blind man with his eyes closed, he has an X-shaped

scar centered on the left side of his forehead that stretches over both

eyes, which was actually self-inflicted due to his decision to blind


He was tall, above the average. If nothing unexpected happened, this

man was going to become an Admiral of the Marines in future.


But Fenrir and Seli couldn't approach him yet because more than ten

pirates from the Devil's Pirates were around.

"It seems we are not the only ones after Issho."

Seli whispered in Fenrir's ear as she eyed the pirates who sat near Issho.

One can easily guess their motives seeing their hands on the guns and


Akuma already found Issho but didn't have time before to deal with him.

Now the job was given to Bella.

Where was she? It was unknown.

"What do we do? The Devil's Pirates won't just sit and let us take Issho

away with us right?"

Seli asked nervously to Fenrir. She wasn't afraid to fight against these

weak pirates, what she truly was worried about was the reinforcement.

Also, won't they get under the radar of Akuma after they openly showed


"Don't worry. Issho's real strength and abilities surpass even you."

Fenrir knew the details from all the documents he got after finding his

father's secrets.

As for the last, Blaze, Fenrir was a little frustrated. They would have to

travel back to Paradise to find him.

"Okay. All of you. No need to hide anymore."

Suddenly, Issho stood up and smiled bitterly. Fenrir and Seli were

stunned to know that they were discovered.

𝘏𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘬𝘪… Fenrir sighed

and was about to speak when something even more unexpected


All the people inside the restaurant, excluding Fenrir and Seli, showed

their true appearance.

"No way!"

The shocked Fenrir and Seli were unable to stand that all of these people

were actually from the Devil's Pirates.

No, this entire restaurant was set up to capture Issho from the very first.

"You two, it seems you were caught in this. I am truly sorry for that."

Issho apologized to the dazed Fenrir and Seli. He walked to the center

and stood.

"But I can see that you two have enough strength to withstand it so I will

apologize once again beforehand."

After he finished speaking, Issho used his devil fruit ability to create a

huge gravitational force in the restaurant.

All the pirates as well as Fenrir and Seli felt their legs so numb. Almost

all of these pirates couldn't stand and collapsed on the floor.

The furniture and other things also faced the same force as cracking

sounds were heard.


"Damn it!"


No matter how much these pirates cursed, very soon most of them

fainted due to the gravitational force.

"Hah! Hah!"

Fenrir half kneeled on the floor while Seli sat down due to some


They were off guard against this move from Issho so they suffered some

amount of injury but it was very minor.

"Very sorry."

Issho walked to them and extended his hand to help. He was showing

that he had to do it otherwise the pirates were really troublesome.

"It's fine!"

Seli took his hand and stood up. Her legs still shook slightly. Fenrir

wasn't much better than her, his legs also shook as he stood up.

The restaurant was a mess. Tables and chairs were all broken to pieces

while the floor was half destroyed.

Most of the pirates were already deep in the floor cracks. A few could

barely stay conscious.

"It's not over yet. The reinforcements from Devil's Pirates have arrived."

Issho looked towards the entrance of the restaurant with a heavy heart.

His expression wasn't good either.

Soon a huge shadow came in from the entrance, it was a female about

6.5 meters tall. She had two pairs of black wings that glowed in red.

Wholeheart Bella!

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 18 { Dream

Dead Pirates Vs Straw Hat Pirates


Bella lowered her gaze to look at the three individuals standing in front

of her.

Out of the three, she felt that only one was an extreme danger to her.


This person, Bella, invested most of her time to find and trap him but

some unwanted people caught up as well.

"Who are you two?"

Asked Bella. Her eyes scanned the entire restaurant and found it in a

miserable state.

"Issho, be careful. She is a strong one. She is also the Devil's daughter."

Fenrir whispered to Issho. Seli stepped back and held on a table that

barely stood.

"I said. Who are you?"

Bella was not irritated, she once again asked but this time a little louder.

"I hope you can forgive this old man. I am just trying to live quietly."

Saying so, Issho launched towards Bella. Fenrir and Seli also joined to

finish the fight quickly.

* * *

Devil's Home___

Up in Heaven Realm, inside the White House, Akuma leaned back on the


In his arms was a little baby, about one and half years old. The little baby

boy, Yios, stared at Akuma with his round eyes.

"Ga ga!"

Akuma rubbed Yios's little toes as he let out giggles.

"Yios, your mother has completed her task."

Akuma said to Yios slowly. Before him was a portable giant monitor.

On the monitor, the fight between Bella and Issho with Fenrir and Seli

was going on.

The secret of Fenrir was long known to Akuma but he didn't do anything

about it till now.

It was also for this moment.

Akuma's eyes flashed a red glow, they showed the firmness of the

decision he took.

"But it's still a waste. I didn't want to do this, if only Bella was stronger.

No, if only I was more human."

Muttered Akuma with a smile on his face. He continued to make Yios


"Grandson, I am very sorry. But this is something I need to do for greater


Akuma lifted his left hand, which had a remote with several buttons.

With his right hand, Akuma closed the little baby boy, Yios's eyes to

block his view.


* * *

One month later___

A pirate ship sailed on the sea, it wasn't very big nor was it small

compared to other pirate ships.

A dragon head on the front, with some scales on the frame, the flag of

this pirate ship had a skull wearing a straw hat with two bones behind

that were crossed.

"Luffy, it's them."

On the bow, sat a young man with a straw hat behind his neck.

Beside him, another man stood. He had short green hair and three

katanas hanging on his left side of the waist.

"I know."

The young man with the straw hat, Luffy, stood up and turned around to

face the deck.

"Everyone, it's time to see what the harsh training we went through has

done to our strength. Get ready, the enemy is at the front."

As he spoke, he saw yet another young man walk out of the kitchen with

two beautiful women.

The man, Sanji, and the two women were Robin and Nami. They looked

at Luffy and nodded.

"I really want to test my new gun."

From the top of the man mast, a darker skined youth with a long nose

jumped down on the deck.

He held a long sniper gun specially designed and created by him. The

man was Usopp.

"Where's the enemy?"

From behind the deck, a huge man walked. He was nearly 2.5 meters tall.

On the huge man's shoulder, sat a small figure covered in fur. He wore a

hat with a white cross in the front.

Franky and Chopper.

Also, there was another member lying at one corner of the deck. It was

the most laziest of them, Goof.

Seeing them, Luffy showed a slight smile but it disappeared immediately.

"They are likely to fight us here."

The young green haired man beside Luffy, Zoro, held on his katana

handle and focused ahead.

A few hundred meters away from their ship, in futuristic camouflage, was

another pirate ship.

But it was much larger than their, almost double the size. As the

camouflage was disabled, the Straw Hat Pirates saw their enemy.

Dream Dead Pirates!

The biggest pirate group in the first half of GrandLine, Paradise.

Inside the control room of the ship, was a man sitting at the center

controlling everything. He wore round glasses, which helped him to

adjust his eyesight.

He is none other than the Vice Captain of the Dream Dead Pirates,


"The Devil wants you all dead. And he is very determined. If we help him

to achieve it, I wonder what he can give us?"

Muttered Nobita as he swiped the floating screen in front of him. Next it

showed the current data measurements.

Seeing this, a flash of confusion and shock appeared in Nobita's face.

"Impossible! How can they already have so much strength? Even after so

many developments we could only be half of theirs!"

Nobita was angry but suppressed his emotions, not letting them affect his


"We must go all out from the very start."

The best course of action Nobita could see for defeating the Straw Hat

Pirates was direct brute force.

Not physical but mechanical.

"Doraemon, use Big Light on Gian. And let him use the Fighter Suit."

Nobita spoke on the mic in the system. Which then was transmitted to

the appointed person.

* * *

As Luffy was about to rush together with Zoro to the enemy ship,

suddenly a huge wave forced them to stop.

In a matter of seconds, a huge robot appeared before them. It was so

huge that the entire ship and surrounding sea area was robbed of


The robot floated above the sea surface with jets on its legs. Its body was

fully armed and looked impenetrable.


From the robot, a loud voice was heard as it moved its body and charged

towards their ship.

"Let me."

Zoro pulled out two katanas and walked in front of Luffy. Taking a deep

breath, he leaped from the bow towards the incoming robot.

"Two Sword Style!"

As he stopped going further up in the sky, Zoro looked towards the giant


"Nigiri: Tower Climb…"

Sending two slashes, Zoro spun in the air while generating a huge

amount of arms strength for the last slash.


The two slashes already were inflicted on the robots chest as Zoro swung

his both swords together this time.


The last slash almost split the entire sky together with the giant robot. A

large amount of blood and flesh came out from inside it.

The giant robot shrunk back to its original size which was about 7 meters

in height.


The robot sank inside the sea. Many bubbles popped on the sea surface.


Zoro landed on their ship. Slowly he inserted his swords back in their


Inside the control room of the Dream Dead Pirate ship, Nobita was

unable to believe what happened.

Not just him, the entire ship turned silent.

"No. No! No! How did it happen! Gian, he…"

Nobita turned silent again. But the crew roared in anger as they all glared

at the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Nobita, Gian isn't dead. Let's finish it quickly."

A man's voice was heard in the speaker, Nobita listened to him and


"You are right, Suneo. All the pirates, no use wasting time. Directly attack

their ship and destroy it."

Nobita commanded. Even though he was the Vice Captain, Doraemon

actually didn't order anyone.

In reality, Nobita was the captain while Doraemon had to be on the

surface to deceive the world.

The pirate ship of the Dream Dead Pirate, sailed very fast towards Luffy's


But of course the other wouldn't let them do so. This time, Luffy was the

one who leaped in the sky.

"My turn."


[Author Talk---]

Doraemon is very much restricted to use most of his powerful gadgets in

this world.

Or else how can even Akuma challenge him. Everyone knows what those

gadgets can do if used for personal gains.

Also, I can find the gadgets I want to use from searching online. I mean I

can but it would take so much time and effort which I need to use for

other purposes.

Still, most of the ones I am going to use should be enough for all of the

readers to enjoy.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 19 { Dream

Dead Pirates Vs Straw Hat Pirates


"Mode: Full Body Armament!"

In the air, Luffy took in a deep breath as his body expanded to double his

original size.

Black marks bloomed around his body as if tree branches that glowed in

deep red.

"Haki Body!"

Half of Luffy's body was covered by the black marks as he glared at the

incoming pirate ship.

With the elasticity and as well as hardness due to armament haki, Luffy

launched from the air towards the Dream Dead Pirates.


As he kicked the air, he seemed to go in supersonic speed forming a small

cloud of air behind him.


Clenching his fist, Luffy punched it forward. On the ship's deck, a black

colored round cat robot stood patiently.


The robot, Doraemon, pulled out a red colored cloth from within the

pocket on its belly.

"Reverse Cloak!"

Shouting out loudly, Doraemon jumped high in the air with the help of

special boots towards Luffy.


Luffy felt a strong reverse impact as his fist collided with the red cloth in

Doraemon's hands.

He was instantly pushed back tens of meters away from Doraemon in the


"What the hell?"

Luffy scratched his head, looking at the red cloth he felt some danger as

well as not.


Suddenly, two gunshots sounded exactly at the same time causing one to

feel as if only one was shot.

Two bullets crashed at each other in the air before Luffy.

"Not so fast."

On the deck of Straw Hat Pirate's ship, Night Dragon, near the railing sat

Usopp with a long sniper rifle.

The barrel was letting out a thin line of smoke indicating that a bullet

had been shot.

"Tch. I didn't expect him to be at this level."

A young man walked out of the ship of Dream Dead Pirates, he had a

pompadour like hairstyle but the front part was in three spikes.

On his hand was a modern pistol with a slightly longer handle. With a

bitter smile, Suneo shook his head and stared at Usopp.

"Suneo, take out their sniper. I will send Shizuka on their ship with the


Suneo listened to the voice and glanced at his back.


A bullet passed away from his right cheek giving him a trace of blood.

Usopp had stood up and held his sniper rifle, he looked in the scope with

his right eye.


* * *

While Usopp and Suneo matched their shooting skills, the two pirate

ships crashed into each other.

"Will you be so unfair to gang up on me?"

Shizuka placed her hands on her hips, her eyes looking at the three

individuals in front of her.

'So sexxxxyyy!'

Sanji looked completely indifferent on the outside while his heart beat

increased over the roof seeing Shizuka.

"I will interfere in the fight of ladies…"

Saying so, Sanji stepped back from them and kicked a few pirates in the


"Hm. Then we can do two on one now."

Muttered Shizuka with an innocent smile on her face which gave Robin

and Nami chills down their spines.


Shizuka almost disappeared from her spot and came between Nami and


A fist headed towards Robin's stomach while a kick striked at Nami's



Robin and Nami had to retreat back to avoid the sudden attack from


"Nami, she is strong."

Robin spoke seriously. Her hands crossed on her chest as she formed a

hand sign.

"I know. I did some studying after all."

Replied Nami. She moved her hands and revealed two metal handles on

her white thighs.

The handles when swung stretch out to become longer and used in close


"I also have weapons…"

On her waist, a long katana hung. Shizuka held it and the katana started

glowing in bright light.


Shizuka dashed forward towards Nami while Robin created multiple

hands on the floor to catch Shizuka.

But Shizuka had already jumped in the air and reached Nami, her

glowing katana and Nami's close combat sticks clashed.

In term of strength, both Nami and Robin couldn't match Shizuka


Immediately, Nami was pushed back. Robin created a hand on the floor

again and this time she successfully caught Shizuka.

"Tch. Fucking devil fruits!"

Shizuka touched the hands with her glowing katana as an electrical

energy burst out of it.


Robin suffered the shock while withdrawing her hands. Nami came to her

side and glared at Shizuka

"I really have to use it after all…"

Shizuka sighed and threw the katana on the floor. Nami and Robin stood


"Invisible Cape!"

Shizuka said in a low voice while covering her figure with a huge white


Instantly, she vanished. All the hairs in their body stood up in panic as

both Nami and Robin looked around the ship.

"Where's she?"

"Don't know. But be alert!"

Nami and Robin leaned on each other while making sure to cover their



A thin line of red ran on Nami's face, going from her left cheek to her

forehead crossing the nose.

Nami touched her face and found blood flowing from the long cut.


Another sharp feeling came in, Nami gritted her teeth and looked at her

left arm.


Thick blood dripped down her arm, the cut was deep enough for her to

see a part of the white bone.

"Nami, are you fine?"

Robin asked with concern while observing the surroundings. Nami didn't

say anything but Robin could feel that Nami should hold on for more.

"Robin, I will create a chance. You have to finish it."

Nami whispered in Robin's ear extremely slowly. Robin tightened her

brows but nodded.


As time went on, more and more cuts appeared on both Nami and Robin's


Their clothes were also not in good condition as most parts were ripped.

Nami's entire chest was exposed as a deep cut went through her breasts.


The entire floor below them was dyed in red blood, Nami's breathing was

rough as her eyes barely opened.

"Nami, you're losing too much blood."

Robin gritted her teeth and said with a grave face. Nami lowered her

head while her legs shook.

Suddenly, Nami moved and extended her hands in front of her quickly.

"What! Impossible!"

A voice came from near Nami, Robin immediately understood what


"Robin, now!"

Nami shouted, her hands were holding an invisible object in the air

which were Shizuka's hands.

"How did you!"

Shizuka cursed, then her eyes fell on the blood flowing from these two

women's bodies.

'She found my position seeing my footprints on the blood!'

Shizuka had neglected it since she was completely invisible but the blood

seemed to be her doom.

Her face became ugly as she raised a dagger and stabbed it deep in

Nami's chest.


Robin called out her name as she created multiple hands and caught


"Kill her! K-Kill her!"

With red eyes, Nami stared at Robin for one last time as she fell in the

pool of blood.


Robin cried, tears dropped down her eyes as her whole body trembled in

grief and anger.

"Ahh! Ahhh!"

Shizuka's arm points were twisted on the other angles as the breaking

sound of bones came out.


Kneeling on the floor, Shizuka raised her head as she gritted her teeth to

endure the intense pain.

Robin walked and came before Shizuka, her eyes stared down with

killing intent.

"You will die… And with my own hands…"

Said Robin, she grabbed Shizuka's neck and increased her strength.

"I-If you c-can… R-Release m-me then f-fight!"

Shizuka, as a human, of course didn't want to die, seeing that Robin was

about to choke her to death she ran her mouth.

But Robin didn't say anything. Shizuka's vision slowly turned black as her

body rolled on the floor.

Her heartbeat had stopped, Shizuka died.


Finally, Robin fell to her knees next to Nami's dead body. Her hands were

covered with blood when she touched the cold hands belonging to Nami.

"I-I, I am sorry! If only I was stronger!"

Now all she could do was cry, as Nami had passed away with no chance

to return to life.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 20 { Dream

Dead Pirates Vs Straw Hat Pirates



The pirate screamed loudly as his leg was crushed by Sanji

Staring down at the pirate, Sanji showed no emotions as if they had died.

After hearing about the death of Nami, Sanji was stunned and unable to

believe it until he saw for himself.

"All of you… Will die here."

Raising his feet, Sanji stomped the pirate's head causing red blood, brain

matter and various fluids to splash on the deck.

"Ha… Ha… Ha…"

Goof, he gasped for breath while clawing a pirate. The sharp nails cut

through flesh killing the pirate slowly.

"Damn it! I only wanted to sleep but now. I really don't have a chance


Goof took in a deep breath and closed his eyes, his sloth body started


Or should it be said that he was returning to his human form.

While he in his sloth form was only 1.7 meters in height, he now in

human form came to 2.5 meters.

Long black hairs, a slim and lean body with less muscles for agility, sharp

eyes and a complete change in personality.

His aura had turned upside down, if he was like a bedridden old man

before now he was like a man in his early twenties full of energy.


The pirates around him could only see a shadow moving incredibly fast.


Every single pirate got their head twisted in the opposite direction which

killed them instantly.

The bodies could only stumble back and fall on the deck. Even Sanji,

Franky and Chopper, who were fighting the pirates on the deck, were


It was the first time they ever saw Goof in his human form.

After Goof joined in, the extermination of all the pirates from Dream

Dead Pirates were a piece of cake.

* * *


Luffy once again, was pushed back in the air while Doraemon held on the

red cloth.

"I can't go on like this. I need to hurry!"

There was some desperation forming in Luffy's eyes. He didn't know that

one of his crew members, his comrade, the navigator, Nami had died


"Mode: Observation Body!"

Shouting, Luffy's body released a thick amount of gas out of his skin as

the body started shrinking.

The black marks like tree branches all over his body gradually reduced

but some portion still remained.

"Agility Shot!"

Luffy's body was thin, little muscles were left on him which covered his

bones and blood vessels.

But seeing this, Doraemon wasn't happy in the slightest. Instead, he felt


Suddenly, Luffy's body disappeared from his spot. Doraemon still wasn't

able to react as a fist punched him on the back.


Doraemon was blasted, his body had a huge dent on the back where the

fist had landed.

Doraemon gritted his teeth and turned around to face Luffy but he had

already disappeared.

"Not ag-!"


This time, a hard kick slammed on Doraemon's hands. Due to it,

Doraemon's grip on the red cloth loosened and Luffy snatched it from


"What is this exactly?"

From just the view, this red cloth was nothing different from normal


Luffy shook his head and put it inside his pocket, his eyes then focused

back on Doraemon.

"Energy Gun!"

Doraemon pulled out two weapons out of his pocket on the belly. These

were modified versions of the Air Gun.

The design more flashy and better looking with a longer and thiner barrel

which had green glowing lines in a spiral pattern.


Luffy saw a glimpse in the future, that when the energy shot hit him on

the shoulder, it immediately melted down.

Be it the flesh, bones or blood vessels, nothing could withstand the

energy shot.

Cold sweat ran down Luffy's spine as he shifted his position and avoided

being melted down by the energy shots.

"Don't think you can escape!"

Doraemon took out another item form his pocket, it was thick glasses

with no temples.

Putting it on his eyes, many numbers and words appeared on the glasses.

The glasses then locked on an empty spot in the air where Doraemon

quickly fired the energy shots.


The energy shots pierced through the air, Luffy who had come to that

empty spot sensed the danger.


Bending his body, only one of the energy shots could barely touch him.

But even so, Luffy's belly side was wounded as the skin turned black

charcoal while the end portion glowed in red fire.

The blood which flowed out immediately boiled and stuck to his skin

causing intense pain.

If the energy shots had successful hit him, Luffy for sure knew he would


Even his devil fruit is useless again this. Doraemon then continued to rain

energy shots on Luffy.

The latter could only dodge these energy shots while adding distance to

him and Doraemon.

* * *


Down on the ships, Usoop fire a bullet which hit a pirate who had

stepped in with mistake.

The bullet went through the pirate's left eye bursting it and coming out

from behind the skull.

"How long do you think you can last?"

Behind the secondary mast, Suneo held his pistols as he finished

reloading them.

He took in deep breath and calm himself. He tried to taunt Usopp into

making mistakes but wasn't able to.

"I won't fall for these stupid words. Why don't you face me head on?"

Usopp's voice sounded right behind Suneo, or on the opposite side of the

secondary mast.

"How about it? A death match between you and me. We both walk ten

steps then who can shot first obviously win?"

Suggested Usopp, Suneo pondered for a while before agreeing as he also

wanted to check his own skills.

Both of them walked away form the mast and faced each other. Usopp

had a grin on his while Suneo showed complications expression.

Then they walked forward and face away from each other. There back

touched and they prepared to walk.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5… 10!"

The first person react was Suneo, he turned around while doing a dive on

the floor.

In his vision, he saw that Usopp had yet to turn around. This was a great

chance for him.

'Hehe! Idiot."

Suneo shot two bullets out of the pistols which spun in the air heading

towards Usopp's head.

"I won! Haha!"

Suneo laughed as he landed on the floor. But all the act came to a stop as

a gunshot rang.

A bullet ripped inside Suneo's forehead tearing his brain and all the nerve


Suneo stared with wide eyes as Usopp just tilted his head and dodged the

two bullets easily.

He didn't even turn and face towards Suneo to make a shot.

A pool of blood formed around Suneo's head, Usopp walked and looked

down at the corpse.

"17 wins, 0 loss."

Muttered Usopp. He then walked on the Dream Dead Pirate's ship while

killing piartes.

* * *

"So you are the one in control…"

Zoro held his blades, his eyes which flashed in red light stared at Nobita.

"Roronoa Zoro. Aims for the position of the World's Strongest


Nobita adjusted his glasses and looked at Zoro with indifferent face.

The ring on his right hand finger shined as Nobita raised his right hand in

the air and pulled out a long katana from the empty space.

This ring that he wore had a special ability to create potable dimensional

space anywhere.

"A katana? So you are a swordsman as well?"

Zoro narrowed his eyes at Nobita. Nobita was indeed a swordsman, but

rarely used swords to fight.


Nobita swung the katana. A line formed and cut towards Zoro with

incredible speed.

Zoro brought both his swords in front and blocked the cut but the room


Zoro glanced and saw that there was a line of the walls and machines in

the room where the cut had hit.

'So thin cut! Only a person who had completely become one with the

sword can do it!'

The cut was so thin that Zoro had to use observation haki to careful

inspect the walls.

"A strong foe! If I can beat you, I will be a step closer to my goal like you


Zoro grinned and increased his strength on the legs to dash forward at


Three katanas clashed, Zoro and Nobita stared at each other's eyes.

Nobita's katana was really long, the length was even longer Zoro's height.


Zoro gripped the floor and then started pushing Nobita towards the wall.

"I won't lose!"

Nobita erupted with power and quickly hold on to Zoro's strength.

They came to a stalemate.

If it was pure swordsmanship, Nobita knew he didn't stand a chance

against Zoro.

But in a real fight, many factors came. Due to it, Nobita saw hope in

beating Zoro in sword fighting.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 21 { Dream

Dead Pirates Vs Straw Hat Pirates



The control room was engulfed in an explosion, two shadows moved in

the space between the fire.


A thin line of cut flew straight towards Zoro, who lowered his upper body

and dodged it easily.

The upper part of the ship behind Zoro due to the cut was separated from

the lower.

"Dragon Claw!"

Zoro gritted his teeth, while still biting on the third sword handle, and

swung all three blades at Nobita.

The three slashes which came out joined together and manifested into a

huge blue dragon claw.

"Dry Light!"

Seeing the claw coming at him, Nobita didn't panic but shouted as he

opened his palm.

A small piece of stone which shined extremely bright formed on his palm.

It fused with his left hand as all the blood vessels there seemed to power

up and surface on the skin.


Clenching his left hand into a tight fist, Nobita punched at the blue

dragon claw.


A loud explosion erupted once again in the already destroyed control

room, now even the wooden ceiling was blasted off as the sky came into


Zoro came back and stared at the person before him who was half hidden

behind a wall of flame.

In his eyes, there was a red flash of light. An excited smile emerged on

his face.

"You're strong, there's no denying it."

Zoro said honestly without showing any envy towards Nobita.

"Really? Did you only learn it now?"

Nobita scoffed. He held the long katana with his left hand as the main


Bright light covered the katana, a new energy ran through the blades

giving Zoro a nervous feeling.

"Enough talking!"

Zoro launched himself and slashed at Nobita. The other also didn't hold


Nobita spun his upper body also swinging the katana to clash with Zoro.


The wall of flame was pushed back by the gust of wind created due to

their collision.

"You believe I can be defeated? Empty Dreams!"

Nobita spoke while increasing his strength on his legs and pushing Zoro


But the arrogant talk from Nobita to let Zoro make mistakes thinking he

was just a bark instead of a bite, didn't really work.

Because Zoro continued to stare at Nobita's eyes, like he was looking in

his soul.

"A Hundred Thousand Man Power…"

Nobita suddenly felt that the figure before him, Zoro, was a huge

unmoving mountain.

'How? How did he bring this power from?'

Nobita clenched his jaws and gritted his teeth, but no matter how much

strength he used, he couldn't overpower Zoro.

"Equals Me Alone!"

Zoro burst out with a loud shout as he directly sent Nobita flying through

the walls one after another.


Nobita grabbed onto the broken walls and stood up with great struggle.

Multiple cuts and wounds, fractures and broken bones, all were sustained

in him.


Blood flowed down his mouth, the pain assaulted his mind numbing it.

"Hey, this will be my final move. Try to survive."

Zoro's voice rang in Nobita's ears repeatedly. When he looked towards

him, Nobita saw a blue light engulf him.

Nobita's eyes widened as Zoro's aura reached a terrifying level.

"Demon Aura Nine-Sword Style!"

Behind Zoro, two more bodies formed identical to him. They also held

the three swords exactly like him.

One on each hand and the third between his teeth.

"Asura! Blades Drawn!"

The walls, floors and remaining ceiling shook violently as they started


"Nine-Sword Style! One Cut…"


Zoro stomped on the floor completely destroying it, his body dashed at

Nobita in an unimaginative speed.

Nobita's body couldn't move, even if he tried it wouldn't. Only his eyes

watched and his brain thought.

'I disappointed you all…"

Regret surged out from his heart, Nobita then experienced the power

behind the slash from Zoro.


Zoro stopped behind Nobita, the two extra bodies disappeared slowly.

His chest moved up and down as Zoro took in his quick breaths.

A deep and thick line of blood appeared on Nobita's body. From the top

of the left shoulder crossing down till his right hip.

The upper half of Nobita's body from the cut, started sliding down and

fell on the floor.

The organs such as lungs, stomach, heart, and few more flowed out of the



The lower half, the legs fell to the knees and slammed on the floor just

below the upper half.

A pool of blood formed with the severed body and those organs.

* * *

In the sky, Doraemon stopped attacking Luffy. There was a certain and

particular feeling that pinched his core.

On the sea, the ship of Dream Dead Pirates was sliced into many parts

already due to Nobita and Zoro's fight.

Doraemon could see multiple dead bodies of the pirates and there was

also Suneo's.

Shizuka's death was long known to Doraemon but what could he even do

in this situation.

'Nobita, please don't die!'

"Hey! Don't get distracted!"

Luffy appeared behind Doraemon and broke one of his robotic arms.


Doraemon fired energy shots at Luffy but the latter was too fast and


Sparks flew round Doraemon's broken arm as the wires and mechanism

produced a weird sound.

It was then that large bubbles burst on the sea surface near the two pirate


From the sky, Doraemon and Luffy could see a huge shadow coming up.


A huge hand held on the Night Dragon, and using it as support the rest of

the body surfaced up.


Doraemon became excited as he saw Gian while Luffy had a frown on his


Gian swung his fist on the main mast of the Night Dragon but Sanji made

it in time and blocked it.

"You don't!"

Sanji stood on the deck, around him were only dead bodies of the pirates

from Dream Dead Pirates.

His eyes were dim, he sucked in the burning cigarette and released white



Gian didn't care and slammed his huge fist on Sanji. Yet, compared to the

size of the fist and strength, Sanji blocked it with his single leg.

The deck trembled but the ship being made from the strongest wood in

the entire world, could hold on.


Sanji spun and kicked Gian's fist away. He leaped from the deck and ran

towards Gian in the air.

Sky Walk!

"Blazing Heart Kick!"

Sanji's right leg glowed in red and orange light as flames erupted out.


A kick, carrying monstrous power in it, landed on Gian's head sending

him crashing on the Dream Dead Pirate's ship.


Half the ship sank while the other half got destroyed, Gian's body floated

on the surface.

His eyes barely opened. His body also started shrinking back to its

original size.

"Ahge! Ha… Ha…"

Gian somehow managed to grab on a part of the ship and climb up.

His eyes moved without any focus at first but then the sight of a severed

body made him stop his movement.

"N-Nobita? Nobita!"

Gian gritted his teeth and crawled towards the severed body. His eyes

teared up as he held on the upper half of the severed body and raised it.


Tears flowed down, Gian held on to Nobita. Gian stopped, he placed

Nobita on the floor again with care.

Standing up, veins popped on his forehead. Gian pulled out a tiny torch

like device from his pocket.

Pointing it at himself, Gian switched it on. The light shone on him as his

body started to get bigger and bigger.


The furious Gian dived his body at the Night Dragon where Sanji was

having a troubled face.

"Stay down!"

Sanji roared as he kicked the air and flew in the sky quickly. Both his legs

glowed in deep red light with flames.


Sanji joined his legs together and kicked at Gian's chest area where the

heart was situated.


The impact pushed Gian's body back in the sky while Sanji kicked even



Gian's back on the opposite side of the chest burst open, red blood rained

down on the sea and the ships.


The huge body hit the sea surface, creating huge and violent waves.

Gian's eyes had the life in them vanished, the lifeless body started sinking

in the deep sea which was dyed red due to the blood.

"Gian, Suneo, Shizuka a-and… Nobita."

Said Doraemon with a low and painful voice, he had managed to get a

glimpse of Nobita's severed body.

"Don't worry, I will soon come to you all! But I won't be alone!"

Doraemon was now determined, his red eyes glared at Luffy with hatred

and rage.

Throwing the Energy Gun away, Doraemon pulled out a huge black

object from his pocket.

"Bomb of Mass Destruction!"

The most powerful and dangerous nuclear weapon that he had, which

was also once used to completely wipe out an entire island from the face

of One. (One, here is the name of the One Piece world similar to Earth.)

But that was just a portion of what this bomb could do as Doraemon had

modified it last time.

This bomb here wasn't modified, it is the first and original version clearly

having the power to destroy a part of One.

And this part alone was enough for every single being in the entire world

to bow down before him in fear.

Be it even the World Government!

"Sorry, But I will be taking this!"

Unfortunately, something unexpected happened. A figure with face

makeup appeared near Doraemon.

He snatched the Bomb of Mass Destruction, and the special pocket from


Before anyone could react, the figure vanished in thin air leaving not a

trace behind.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 22 { Phantom

Leviathan }

The dimensional pocket, named 4D Pocket, was held by Akuma inside

the silent hall.

His eyes then moved and stopped on Joker, who half kneeled on the floor

covered by vines of thorn.

"Is this all?"

Asked Akuma with his cold and emotionless voice. Joker nodded his head

in silence.

"Then leave, you did your work."

Akuma waved his hand as Joker immediately vanished from the spot.

Below, near his left leg. A huge black object, the shape of a bomb, was


Bomb of Mass Destruction!

Akuma put his hand inside the 4D Pocket and pulled out more gadgets

one after another.

Clothes, gloves, boots, guns, capes, and many more varieties of gadgets

were in front of Akuma now.


All these gadgets were either modified, or damaged to a certain extent

making them almost useless.

Only a few gadgets were in perfect condition and could be used directly.

Even so, their effects were greatly reduced.

"It's because these gadgets don't belong in this world just like me and the

many weapons I created."

Muttered Akuma, he sighed with slight regret. If only he had a way to be

able to neglect the natural force acting on them.

"Still, these gadgets could be researched and used as prototypes for other


Many ideas flashed in his mind rapidly as Akuma continued to take out

more gadgets until something came out that made him unimaginably


A big enough phone booth with red color paint on the sides, white on the

top and the inside yellow.

There was a green colored wired phone inside the phone booth, from a

normal view, it was just a normal phone booth.

But Akuma knew what this phone booth was capable of.

What-If Phone Booth!

This gadget had the ability to take the user to that alternative reality,

which the user had asked for in the phone.

What if ___, the user when he tells the world with that certain factor

present after the what if, can be taken there.

Like if Akuma asked for, what if the world had no devil fruit.

In this case, Akuma would arrive in a world that had no devil fruit be it

in memories or factual, devil fruit had never been present there.

Unfortunately, the What-If Phone Booth was in the worst condition of all

the gadgets.

The huge dents, broken frame, scrapped interior and malfunctioned

phone made it impossible for the What-If Phone Booth to be used.

But if given enough time, Akuma was sure to fix this gadget even if he

had to expand all his wealth and power.

And it would be worth it!

Yet, Akuma could only shake his head for now and lean back on the



Suddenly, a loud dragon roar exploded outside. The ground trembled

slightly as Akuma narrowed his eyes.

The enemy was able to come in deep without Akuma able to feel his or

her presence.

* * *


A beam of silver light ran from the left side and destroyed a small portion

of the Town of Happiness.

"Ahh! Help!"

"Evil Dragon! Go away!"

"Save me!"

The civilians were in panic and uproar, many had already faced death

while most escaped with a thin gap.

"Face me! Devil!"

The creature flew in the sky above the Earth Realm, it was bathed with

silver light from its scales.

This Dragon, in silver, was none other than Gami Kiya who had survived

the deadly self-detonation of Bella.

Or more accurately, Akuma's sacrifice of his beloved daughter Bella.

It was all because Kiya was far away from the center of the explosion

giving him just a second of time to prepare and brace for impact.

"Roar! Come out!"

A silver ball of energy condensed between the Silver Dragon's open



As the beam of silver shot out, the air around it boiled up. The beam shot

down and exploded at the eastwest side of the town.

Hundreds of civilians were forced to vaporize and cease to exist.

Bang! Bang!

The defence mechanisms activated and launched, tons of missiles were

shot at the Silver Dragon.

But these missiles barely hit, much less injure Kiya who was in his dragon


The city walls, opened up as an orange layer started covering the whole

town quickly.


The beam rained down on the layer and exploded. It was very strong and

withstood the powerful energy beam easily.

Kiya continued to fire beams at the defense of the town, as time went the

defense layer started showing signs of breaking.


A huge crack like spider web formed on the orange layer above the Town

of Happiness.

The people inside, cried out in fear, terror and despair seeing the huge


King's Castle___

Over at the balcony, Erika held Yios in her arms while stroking his tiny


Her eyes scanned the situation with a smile on her face. She seemed to

believe that the defense of the town was unbreakable.

No, her trust was not on the town's defense but something else.


A dark green energy beam almost half the size of Kiya in his dragon

form, shot at him.

It happened too quickly that Kiya wasn't able to avoid or dodge the

energy beam.

As such, he could only grit his teeth and endure the explosion with his



Looking up, Kiya saw the creature responsible.

With an extremely long body, that was many times more flexible than the

Silver Dragon.

Somewhat translucent with deep green skin, as if phantom. Its gigantic

body swam in the sky like it could in the water.

Wherever it moved, it left a trail of white gas behind with a little green.

The wide gills made it possible to identify this creature as not a sky

dragon but a sea serpent.


Akuma had successfully joined all his devil fruit abilities to create a new


Phantom Sea Serpent, that could control the air around it to swim or


It took years for Akuma to understand and make it possible for him to

combine the three devil fruits.

It could also be said that Akuma, years ago, had already made the

necessary arrangements.

The three devil fruits were of the three types: Paramecia, which offers a

vast array of strange abilities; Zoan, which allows users to transform into

animals or animal hybrids; and Logia, which grants users the power to

become and control natural elements.

Two Paramecia couldn't be combined, same with the other two types.

So the only possibility was using the three together types. Akuma always

wanted to get three devil fruits, but due to him being normal he couldn't.

But he knew that in future, there was Blackbeard who could consume

more than one devil fruit and still be alive.

So he planned to wait, by finding a way to live long enough till the real

story starts.

The appearance of Daifuk changed his plans. So Akuma was able to

achieve his secondary goal of having three devil fruit powers earlier.


The densely packed silver energy beam shot towards Akuma.

Akuma stared at the energy beam without any fear as it came and went

through his phantom body.


Kiya watched with wide open eyes, it was really unbelievable. Akuma

looked at Kita with a mocking look on his face.

Akuma fired a deep green energy beam which tore through the air

heading at Kiya in the sky.

Kiya flapped his giant wings and dodge the beam but a loud explosion

engulfed him from behind.

Looking behind, Kiya was even more confused and disbelieving. Another

Akuma in his Phantom Sea Serpent was floating in the sky.

"Two Devils!"

Kiya was not sure whether it was true or false. But Akuma seems to have

a way to split himself into two.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 23 { East

Revolutionary Army }

"Where's your arrogance now huh?"

Akuma's voice was loud, which rang throughout the whole sky.

The dark green energy ball compressed and condensed between his jaws.

As if jade, the condensed energy ball shone creating a dangerous but

beautiful aura.

The energy ball started spinning round and round as the wind around it

was sucked in.

"Survive this!"

Akuma roared as the energy ball blasted and beamed towards Kiya.

The speed of the beam itself was incredible and hard to follow, on top of

which was the pressure of thoughts flashing in Kiya's mind.

'Will I be able to dodge it? I won't die, right?'

Various thoughts emerged, but Kiya's instincts kicked in. His wings

flapped pushing his body down.


The energy beam passed above his head. Even the heat produced by it

made Kiya have beads of sweat.


As the energy beam headed and hit the sea surface, an explosion

occurred with sea water bursting and splashing.

Huge waves and ripples were created due to the explosion. The sea

surface was completely disturbed.

Kiya didn't have much time, he turned his head and saw that the other

clone, or the real Akuma, condensed the very same energy ball.


The energy beam pierced the air and seemed to have marked Kiya's body.


Kiya opened his mouth and shot a beam of silver towards the dark green

energy beam.


Both the beams collided as the sound was ear deafening. The light

produced made the civilians close their eyes in pain.

The beam pushed each other, slowly, the dark green energy beam gained

upper hand.

Kiya narrowed his eyes, he saw that he was being pushed back by Akuma

through the beam's battle.

'I can't go on like this!'

The other Akuma had already finished creating another ball of dark

green energy.

'I need to decrease the distance with one.'

Flapping his wings, Kiya avoided being roasted alive by the energy beam

and flew towards that very same Akuma.

But Akuma didn't appear hesitant, he just grunted and swam forward

towards Kiya.

Both the parties neared, Kiya glanced at the other Akuma to see that he

was still compressing the energy ball.

'Is he going to do it? But I am near his other body, if he fires then he will

only injure himself.'

In Kiya's mind, Akuma wasn't stupid. If he was, there wouldn't be any

way for him to stand at the top of the sea.

'Or, he isn't affected by the beams?'

This particular thought came up but Kiya didn't want to believe it. He

roared and clawed at Akuma's face.

The size, when compared, Akuma's in his sea serpent form was bigger

than Kiya's in his dragon form.


The sharp claws reached Akuma's face, but as it touched him, the claws

went through.

Kiya's eyes widened, only regret appeared in his mind as a dark green

light shone on his body.


Akuma had shot the beam, and successfully hit Kiya's Silver Dragon body

with it.

A cloud of dense black smoke formed in the sky where the beam and

Kiya had met.

From below, Kiya's dragon body started descending from the black


The beam hit on his left hip area, a huge wound with the charcoaled

flesh with boiled blood oozing out was visible.

Even the hip bone seems to have melted due to the energy beam.


Suddenly, Kiya opened his eyes and gave out a dragon roar while he

spread his wings.

Stabilizing himself in the air, Kiya gasped for breath and looked up in the


The two Akumas stared down at him with an indifferent gaze. Their eyes

were without any emotions.

It looked as if Akuma had expected the situation to have reached this


Kiya clenched his dragon fists while gritting teeth in anger and


"If it were before, I might have not been able to be unscathed. But

unfortunately for you, now it's different."

Akuma's voice just made Kiya enraged even further, thin black smoke

escaped from the gaps of the dragon's teeth.

"Let me test it, how strong this form is…"

A cold red light flashed in the two Akuma's eyes. They swam towards

Kiya at full speed in the air.

* * *

Revolutionary Army, a tightly hidden organization created to resist the

World Government.

Everyone knows it, but don't know where it is.

Somewhere in an island covered by dense forest, a huge golden temple

was located in the center.

A group of seven individuals, three male and four females walked up on

the gold stairs.

"Koala, I am glad that you're safe."

With a smile, the yellow haired man looked at Koala beside him. In his

eyes, there was relief and happiness.

This man, named Sabo, was the second in-command of the Revolutionary


"Yes, so how was it? In the Devil's Pirates?"

From behind Koala, a tall woman with her breasts half exposed wearing

only a red coat and a red skirt short on the front and long on the back,

asked as she smoked a long cigarette.

Belo Betty, the commander of the East Army in the Revolutionary Army.

This island was her territory so her presence was normal.

The other members behind were also of significance but not enough to

rank similar to Betty.

"Please don't remind me of that! Everywhere they go, only traces of blood

remain. They kill, and just kill."

Koala lowered her head and spoke with a disheartened voice. Sabo

placed his hand on her shoulder while consoling her.

"It's just how pirates are. Damn them!"

Betty spat the cigarette and said angrily. Soon the group came to the top

of the temple.

In the middle of the deserted hall of the temple, was an underground

path leading to the base of the East Revolutionary Army.

"Let's go."

Betty signaled the group to head in. When it was her turn, she scanned

the surroundings then closed the path tightly.

The group walked for another minute and reached the base. It was a

huge cave inside with tens of camps built.

"You guys get some rest."

Betty took the group to the corner where a huge tent was stationed. It

was almost 8 meters high and 13 meters wide.

There were multiple sections inside with temporary cloth walls. This tent

was used by females only.

Betty let Koala and the women rest here while taking Sabo and the men

to another place.

Inside, Koala sat down on the small bed. Her eyes moved left and right as

she observed the tent.

"Koala, wanna take a bath?"

One of the two women with Koala, asked her while picking up a towel.

Koala nodded and got up from the bed.

* * *


The drop of water hit the floor and splashed. Inside the bathroom made

of wood, many women took baths.

Koala scrubbed her fair skin with the scrubber. There was a slight pain in

her crotch when she tried to clean it.

"Did they grow again? Ah, I am so jealous!"

One of the women commented while getting behind another woman and

gripping her breasts which were even bigger compared to Koala's.

"Come on! Stop it! Don't be so kid!"

The woman who was getting her breasts groped said while her cheeks

turned scarlet red.

"Haha! Go for it!"

"Do it! Punish those two big monsters!"

The other women were cheering or laughing, the bathroom was in quite

a harmony.

Koala watched them with a smile. After the bath, she came back to her

temporary bed and slept.

The next day, Koala, Betty, Sabo and a few more senior officers had a


The topic was Devil's Pirates. Sabo and Betty made a plan to ambush and

capture some of the captains from the Devil's Pirates secretly.

Koala showed her eagerness to work hard and fulfill her role in this plan.

The meeting continued for a while before ending.

The plan would start after another day, so the group containing Koala

and Sabo got one more day to rest.

Koala went to the toilet, and closed the door tightly. She checked if

someone was listening or peeping.


A sigh came out. Koala pulled down her pants and panties as she sat on

the toilet seat.


Her fingers entered her vagina, soon the warm and hard metal object was


With difficulties, Koala pulled out a hidden device from her vagina which

had only a single work.

The small red button on the device, when Koala turned the device on,

glowed in faint light.


After pressing the small red button, the faint light first glowed brighter

than dimmed completely.

Koala breathed as her chest rose up then fell down. She threw the device

in the toilet and flushed.

Her eyes glowed with a red light. The smile on her face seems to

continue to grow bigger and bigger.

"Revolutionary Army… hehe."

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 24 {

Annihilation }

"We shall part from here."

Sabo hugged the officers from the East Revolutionary Army including


He and three more departed from the island, later Koala also set off.

Betty gazed at the sea horizon, in her mind were multiple thoughts.

"Commander, let's return."

Betty nodded and turned back towards the old temple. Beside her were

seven senior officers.

As the group had almost reached the temple stairs, a huge shadow casted

on them.


Betty showed confusion, her eyes automatically looked upwards at the

sky to see.

Immediately, her eyes widened in disbelief. Not just her, the other seven

officers were also shocked beyond words.

Up in the sky, a huge creature with a long body covered in dark green

scales floated.

Its mouth opened as a dark green energy ball condensed between the



The burst of energy pushed the air back, the energy beam drilled through

and headed towards Betty's group.



Betty didn't even get a chance to speak a sentence as the energy beam

blasted their body into shreds which directly vaporized into nothing.


The entire island shook violently, all the members of the East

Revolutionary Army inside the island were perplexed.

But it didn't last long as another energy beam melted through the ground

and exploded on the East Revolutionary Army's camps.


This continued for a while until the island was split into many parts and

the land was filled with craters.

The creature, Akuma in his Leviathan form, stared down at the land with

an annoyed and irritated look.

It's been a long time since he made a move. This time, he had to get rid

of the Revolutionary Army.

If he wanted to Dominate the entire world, wiping out the World

Government was necessary.

But the Revolutionary Army was also an organization that needed to be

taken care of.

Because the Revolutionary Army might later on become a huge problem.

Black smoke came out of his teeth gaps, Akuma swam up in the sky

vanishing in the white thick clouds.

* * *


The wind pushed a wave of water at the ship's hull. Sabo stood on the

bow with a worried face.

"I am getting a grave feeling in my heart about the loud explosions near

the East Army base."

Sabo crossed his arms over his chest while the ship was caught in the

waves trying to sail forward.

As the ship slowly got closer to the island, Sabo's face turned grim.

"No way!"

Sabo looked at the island which was split into different parts. The sea

water filling in the craters were all colored in red.

It was blood!


The ship hit the land, Sabo jumped on the land and ran forward as fast as

he could.

"Betty! Carl! Jack!"

Sabo called out, but there wasn't any response. He stopped in front of the

hundreds of dead bodies.

Burned, that was how almost all of them died. Sabo fell to his knees,

tears ran down his cheeks and dripped from the chin.


He clenched his fist and slammed on the ground, gritting his teeth as he

looked up in the sky.


* * *

The sky was clouded, a huge black shadow moved in between the clouds.

"Next, was it Kaido? It should be."

Akuma moved his long body and swam in the sky. The few body parts

where the sunlight managed to reach, the scales on those parts shined


He lowered his head and saw a few pirate ships in the sea that got circled

by the Navy ships.

Akuma dived and swam towards the ships. His gigantic body soon floated

above the pirate and Navy ships.

On the Navy ships, the soldiers were terrified. Seeing Akuma's figure

above their ships, their whole bodies trembled.



"Fuck! Why did the Devil come!"

Fear was easily visible in their eyes. One of the Navy ship captains looked


On the other hand, the pirates rejoiced with Akuma's entry.

It seems that the pirates thought Akuma had approached to help them

out from this disadvantageous situation.

"Navy, you dare sail in the New World's sea! Have you not already seen

how violent the pirates were?"

Akuma spoke as the voice that came out was slightly old but filled with

might and a hint of sinister.

Hearing him, the soldiers on the Navy ships paled. They felt as if

someone had poured cold water on their warm body.

"Devil! Don't interfere. We didn't come to find trouble with you or your

pirates. These ones don't have anything to do with you!"

A captain walked out of the front most Navy ship just before the pirate


He had lots of scars on his face, showing that he was definitely a veteran

in his job.

"Oh. A brave Navy soldier. Is it a captain?"

Akuma was surprised indeed that there was a soldier to speak back to

him among these tiny ships.

He lowered his head and brought it down to the Navy ship's level. His

right eye narrowed at the captain's figure on the deck.

His single eye alone was bigger than the captain. The soldier behind the

captain stumbled back in terror.

"Do you have what it takes to back your words?"

Akuma asked, his eye focused on the captain's face to see sweat on his


"D-Do you know that we have the Marines, and there is still the World

Government! We don't want trouble, please leave."

The captain spoke as his voice shook slightly. Akuma blinked and then

raised his head again.

"G-Good. Leavy, Devil!"

Seeing Akuma move back, the captain thought that his words were able

to make Akuma hesitate.

But unfortunately, it wasn't that. Akuma in the sky, opened his mouth

wide as dark green light compressed and condensed into an energy ball.


The captain's expression turned ugly immediately, but he couldn't do

anything as the energy beam exploded on their ship.


The dark green energy beam moved left and right destroying all the Navy

ships surrounding the pirate ship.

"Hail the Devil!"

"Hail the Devil!"

The pirates on the pirate ship, all roared loudly. Akuma stopped the

energy beam and exhaled black smoke.

"Weak! Disgrace!"

With a glare, Akuma looked down at the pirates. He then fired another

energy beam which blasted the pirate ship into pieces.

All the pirates were killed.

Akuma headed back towards the direction of Kaido's territory.

* * *

"Ahhhh! Release me! RELEASE ME!"

The loud shouts roamed through the whole laboratory. Hamburg sighed

and shook his head.

This voice belonged to Kiya, who was imprisoned with tight chains and

locks made of pure sea stones.


The walls of the laboratory shook. Kiya slammed his head on the floor

cracking it.

"I will kill you Akuma! I will rip you apart! Come here!"

Hamburg showed an irritated look. He signalled his assistant.

"Give him another dose of drugs. Increase the quantity, it seems this

fellow is quite a beast."

Hamburg instructed his assistant, then he concentrated back on his

current project.

On the huge table, tons of materials were placed. In the middle was a

huge black object.

Bomb of Mass Destruction!

Akuma ordered Hamburg to mass produce this so that they could

annihilate the entire World Government in a single attack.

As for the Marines, Akuma decided to put them aside for now.

Before that, he had to deal with the Beast Pirates and Red Haired Pirates.

After which the Devil's Pirates would completely occupy the New World

as its territory.

"Sir, it's rather complex. We would need a few days to just understand the

timer here."

One of the explosive specialist, said with a frown on his face as he looked

at the huge bomb.

This bomb was already deactivated by Akuma so there's wasn't any

danger of it suddenly exploding in the study.

"It is. But we have to hurry. Captain said that we don't have enough time.

Something big will occur soon."

Hamburg placed his hands on the table and smiled at the people around


'What could it be?'

Even Hamburg was curious. Akuma was being hasty for the first time in

front of him.

Meanwhile, the main Revolutionary Army was shocked and furious about

the news of the East Army's tragedy.

A meeting was going to be held once Sabo returned to the main

headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

Interesting fact was that Sabo met with Koala once again and asked her

to be present for the meeting as well.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 25 { Towards

World Domination }


The loud thunder reverted in the rocky mountains, inside a small cave

extending not too deep, two figures sat around the fire keeping them

warm and also providing light to see.

"Damn it. If only I had come earlier!"

Ace punched the hard ground with his bare fist, his face was livid. Marco

on the other side of the fire held his injured belly.

"Not your fault. They were just too strong. Why wouldn't they be, after

all, they have been on the sea for more than a hundred years."

But instead of showing anger or frustration, Marco had already accepted

their miserable defeat.

He was deeply affected by this event, his mind collapsed in the weight of

numerous thoughts.

Ace clenched his jaws and gritted his teeth. He took in deep breaths to

calm himself.

"Marco, what do we do now?"

He asked. Marco raised his head and looked at Ace for a second before

returning to stare at the red flame.

"I don't know. I, I can't think of anything…"

Marco's voice shook slightly, a line tear flowed down his cheeks and

dripped on his lap.

The atmosphere in the cave was silent and filled with sorrow. Ace and

Marco didn't even get to retrieve Whitebeard's dead body.

"So this is where you both have been hiding."

An old but aggressive voice entered the cave. A shadow appeared

towards the deeper end of the cave where Ace and Marco were seated.


Ace roared in rage while Marco showed a grim expression on his face.

At the mouth of the cave, Rocky stood with his black hat on and a

burning cigar between his teeth.

"Fuu… I searched you two for quite a while, you know. Now finally, I can

finish my mission."

Rocky threw the cigar away and took off his hat. His deadly eyes glanced

around the cave to see for any traps.

"This cave, it will be the grave of you two."

"No! It will be yours!"

Ace brought his hands forward and burst of flames came out his open

palms heading towards Rocky.


Rocky clenched his left hand fist tightly and punched the air before him.

The flames were blocked by the wind and sound waves produced.


Ace dashed forward, his body let out orange flames while Marco

narrowed his eyes at Rocky.

"Ace, stop!"

Noticing that Rocky didn't show any change in his experience, Marco

thought of something.

And his guess was correct as Rocky pulled out his revolver and shot three

consecutive bullets at Ace.


Ace kneeled on the ground, his eyes wide open in shock as they stared at

his chest which had three bullet holes from where red blood squirted out.

"S-Sea stone b-bullets?"

Ace said with struggle, his body then fell on the ground as he fainted.

Marco rushed and tried to heal him but the sea stone bullets were a big


"Y-You! You took everything from me! What have we even done to you!"

Marco shouted at Rocky. His hands were clenched tightly, tears welled in

his eyes, Marco lost in despair.

"What did you do wrong? Nothing."

Replied Rocky, he stepped in the cave while putting his revolver back

and wearing the black hat. His huge body seemed to cast a shadow on

Marco and Ace.

The fire in the cave had long extinguished due to Ace's sudden charge at


"But it's just that you were too weak."

Hearing it, Marco couldn't control himself as he stood up and punched

Rocky. Unfortunately, his injuries weren't healed yet.

Rocky caught the fist, his face still maintained the indifferent look as he

twisted Marco's wrist and broke it.

"Ahge! I-I will kill you!"

Marco endured the pain from his right wrist, and he slashed at Rocky's

face with his left hand.


Yet again, Rocky caught his left hand easily and broke it from the elbow.


Marco's screams resonated in the cave. Rocky stared down at Marco, and

decided to end it.

Releasing his hands, Rocky grabbed Marco by his neck and lifted his

whole body up in the air.

Marco resisted and tried to break free from the dire situation but he


"L-Leave him!"

Rocky, confused, looked down to see Ace grabbing his leg and glaring at

him with hatred.

"I have to say, both of you are exceptions."


Blood dyed the ground red, brain matter flew and spread in the ground

below Rocky.

He killed Ace with a single stomp of his foot. Marco was unable to

process anything.

"A-Ace? Ace!"

Marco shouted, his face was already purple due to the blood

accumulating in his head.

"It's over for the Whitebeard Pirates."

It was the last words Marco heard before his vision blanked out. Darkness

enveloped as he died unknowingly.


Rocky released his grip on the neck as Marco's dead body fell on the hard

ground with a pool of red blood.

In the dark cave, Rocky stood alone. Two corpses lay before him, the

only thing left was silence.

"What am I even doing? This isn't what I wanted. I thought once I had

strength, I would not need to follow anyone but…"

Those words were like a bolt of lightning in Rocky's head as he came to


Back when Rocky wasn't a pirate, he was a dedicated marine soldier.

He obeyed everything the higher ranks ordered him to do but never did

he get rewarded.

Years went by, nothing changed but he did. Rocky understood what the

true world was.

"As long as you have power, who can stop you? The World Government,

people listen and follow their rules because they are not justice or the

righteous side. It's because they had the strength to back them while the

people didn't."

Finally Rocky got a chance to turn his life around. The base he was in

was attacked by a mysterious pirate group.

There he fought and fought until he killed all the pirates, but nothing was

left. His fellow soldiers, all killed in the invasion.

It was then, where he met with a huge creature. Maba, and the pirate

group was none other than the Devil's Pirates.

Maba presented an offer, seeing the thirst of power in Rocky's eyes,

which couldn't be refused.

The offer, it was a secret serum to turn Rocky into a super soldier in

return that Rocky worked for them.

At that time, Rocky was truly blinded and couldn't see the truth hidden.

Ultimately, nothing had changed.

"I truly lost… And lived a wasted life."

Rocky sighed, he turned back and left the cave. He looked up at the dark

clouds in the sky.

One mission was completed, but another came. It was to overtake the

Beasts Pirates.

Rocky walked down the valley and soon met up with his crew. Currently,

they were in Wano.

Also the main base of the Beasts Pirates.

* * *

In the sky, a huge creature swam forward. No birds came near it in fear

and horror.

Akuma was not far from Wano, where the Devil's Pirates would clash

with the Beasts Pirates.

Last time, due to the interference of Marines. The war between them had

to be dropped in the middle.

This time, Akuma was going to end it for good. If Marines came again, he

would like to see could fight him.

"I was not in my prime before, now I dare anyone to step in front of me

and fight me to death."

Akuma lowered his body and observed the sea, not long after, he saw the

huge pirate fleet of the Devil's Pirates.

It was led by Mint.


As her eyes looked up in the sky, she called out with a smile on her

bright face.

Akuma swam down and came next to the Devil's Contract (the main


"Is everything ready?"

Mint nodded her head. Akuma's body shook as he turned back to his

human form and landed next to Mint.

"Inform Irish to load the missiles. Destroy as much land as you can and

leave only a few people alive. But not a single samurai."

Akuma said in a plain voice. Mint bowed and headed inside the ship's

control room where Irish was.

The sea waves started to get more intense as their ships got nearer to


The weather was also turning bad. Dark clouds were gathered and strong

winds blew.

Akuma stood on the bow with his hands crossed over his hands.

His black hair moved with the air current, his eyes glowing in multi-color

continued to look forward.

His body was unmoving like a mountain. His dreadful presence was

enough for gigantic sea creatures to stay far from him.

"I will wait for you… I hope you come, Angel."

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 26 { Might

Unleashed }

Rocky stood on the edge of the island, around him were hundreds of

pirates from his Division.

"They are here."

Said Rocky. All the pirates straightened their bodies, their eyes fully

focused in the front.

Soon, multiple black shadows became visible in the sea horizon.

As the black shadows came closer, they revealed themselves to be the

huge pirate fleet from the Devil's Pirates.

More than a thousand warships, and almost a million pirates boarded on

them. Among the ships, five belonged to Division Captain's.

At the very front, leading the fleet was a huge ship that carried a similar

huge weapon. A multi-cannon with three barrels.

And on the bow of that ship, Devil's Contract, stood a man with long

black hair, multi-color eyes, and a tall and muscular body.

Around him was the air of evil and death. It would seem as if the man

was in a pool of dark blood overseeing the world.


Rocky greeted with a slight bow. Akuma stepped down from the Devil's

Contract and nodded.

Behind him, Mint and Irish followed.

"Split up."

As Akuma ordered, four of the five Division Captain's ships sailed in

different directions.

The four Division Captains, Lancelot, Brook, Rocky and Beauty, took a

hundred pirate warships together with a hundred thousand pirates each.

The rest of the pirates including Irish and Mint followed Akuma towards

the Beast Pirates main headquarters directly, Onigashima.

* * *

In the sea before Onigashima, Akuma stopped all the ships from sailing


"Load the missiles."

Under his command, about six hundred pirate warships loaded the

missiles in the launchers.

"Get the Blaster ready."

Akuma gestured to the Irish behind him on the right. Irish immediately

switched on the weapons on the Devil's Contract.

The multi-cannon started charging up as blue and green lights glowed

inside the barrels.

"Also, inform the two in there."

Irish bowed and headed inside the ship to the control room. She soon

connected to a device located in Onigashima.


"It's me, King. Are you all here already?"

The voice from the transmission was slightly rough due to the connection


"Yes. We are about to open fire. Prepare."

"Very well."

The transmission ended as the line beeped in the control room's speakers.

* * *



King broke the device, he stood up from his seat and went towards the

underground lab where Queen was researching a brand new virus.

His footsteps rang in the corridors, his figure moved quickly and went in

the underground path.

When he reached the lab, Queen was testing the prototype version of the


"Ahhh! Ahhhh! Help! Queen-sama save me!"

The test subject inside the huge glass cube, slammed the glass and

shouted for help.

But none were moved. Queen crossed his arms over his fat chest and

shook his head in disappointment.

The test subject's voice lowered as he fell to the floor with blood flowing

out of his eyes, nose, ears and mouths.

"Tch. Another failure."

Queen turned around to find King standing near the underground path

with a solemn expression.

'Is it time?'

Thought Queen. Suddenly, a loud explosion sounded throughout


Red light turned on everywhere, Queen and King seemed to see the

location where the explosion happened with observation haki.

"Let's go."

King stepped on the stairs and walked up the path. Queen went to a table

and picked up a huge backpack.

"Ah, you guys. Stay here."

Queen tossed a small green colored grenade in the lab while closing the

exits and the path.

"Queen-sama? What are you doing!"


The pirates and researchers were perplexed at Queen's actions.


The grenade exploded as green smoke filled the entire lab. All the blood

vessels in the researchers and pirates bodies popped out to visibility.

"Ahhh! Burning!"

"It hurts!"

The screams, shouts and cries echoed from the enclosed lab.


A huge part of the roof of Onigashima fell down and crushed tens of

pirates to their deaths.

"Who is it! Dare to invade my territory!"

From the biggest building inside Onigashima, a huge figure leaped and

went out from the gap in the roof.

Kaido, the governor-general of the Beast Pirates. One of the last two

Emperors in the New World.

He stood at the roof of a huge skull, of a creature from an unknown time

in the past, and watched as hundreds of missiles hit and exploded on


The damage received within a minute, was truly unimaginable to Kaido,

who tooks years to build this headquarters.

"De-vil! Come out here!"

Kaido roared furiously and jumped in the sky, his body started expanding

and grew a huge blue wingless dragon.

On the Devil's Contract, Akuma smiled and leaped from the deck. His

body also grew in size as he turned into a huge dark green sea serpent.

In terms of size, the Eastern Dragon couldn't be compared to the

fantastical Leviathan.

The huge Leviathan's body went into a phantom state, white gas

surrounded its body from various sides helping it to swim high in the sky.

"Roar! Die!"

Kaido opened his mouth, a dark yellow ball of energy condensed and

beamed towards Akuma.


The air current around the dark yellow energy ball created disorder in

the atmosphere.

Akuma didn't try to avoid or dodge the energy beam, instead let it go

through his body and pierce the sky.


Kaido showed a surprised look before his face turned dark and grim.

It was Akuma's turn as the dark green energy beam didn't miss and hit

Kaido's body.

"Face me!"

Kaido charged towards Akuma, his claws wide open as the sharp nails

tried to wound him.

Unfortunately, Kaido didn't feel the touch he wanted. His huge body

went through Akuma's.

"How! Bastard!"

Akuma twisted and ran his long body around Kaido's to bind him. From

almost transparent to slightly opaque, Akuma's body successfully started

strangling Kaido.


Kaido shot multiple energy beams at Akuma's head which was above his,

but all went through.

Kaido resisted the strangle, and wanted to shoot the energy beams at

Akuma's body as he just couldn't move his neck.

"Kaido, this will be your end."

Akuma stared into Kaido's eyes and said with a creepy voice. Black

smoke started coming out of his closed mouth.

When he opened his mouth, the smoke escaped and a dark green light

glowed to blind Kaido.

Multiple phantom dragon hands formed and grabbed Kaido's head. They

gripped and opened his mouth.


But Kaido struggled and broke free from the hands, yet, more formed

until he ran out of strength.

The suffocation due to getting strangled, showed the effects. Akuma

extended his neck and brought his head before Kaido's.

The dark green energy ball, much bigger than the ones Akuma had used,

glowed intensely.

On the side of the Devil's Pirates, Mint stood at the deck while Irish in the

control room. Their eyes were only focused on Akuma and Kaido.

At Onigashima as well, the pirates and citizens stopped whatever they

were doing and all stared up in the sky.

The battle between Devil's Pirates and Beast Pirates came to halt.

The dark clouds clashed, sparks of lightning appeared with some falling

down which was then followed by the loud thunders.

Up in the sky right below the dark clouds, Akuma's eyes flashed in a deep

red light.


The dark green energy ball blasted and beamed down through Kaido's


It burned, melted and boiled the insides. The beam went through the

mouth and finally came out from the end of the tail.

Almost all the surroundings were lit up in green light due to Akuma's



Akuma closed his mouth, the black smoke escaped from the gaps of the

razor sharp teeth.

The huge Eastern Dragon started shrinking until Akuma's grip loosened

on it.

As the body shrank and turned into a huge dead human, it descended

down and hit the sea surface.


A huge ripple formed, waves moved on the sea surface as Kaido's dead

body sank in the depth.

Silence took over the atmosphere. Even the loud thunders and sharp

lightning were unheard and seen.

Akuma glanced at the sea then turned his head towards the huge skull

which was already damaged to a great extent.

"You all! Die!"

His voice brought everyone back to reality. On the Devil's Pirates side,

the faces revealed joy, confidence, pride and arrogance.

While on the Beast Pirates side, the faces showed fear, terror, shock,

despair and helplessness.

And so, the halted battle resumed. But this time, the Devil's Pirates

totally dominated from the start to end.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 27 { Changing

World }


The piece of rock fell on the hard ground, as it shattered into multiple

small fragments.

"Ahge… Damn it!"

A super tall youthful woman, almost crossing a height of 8.2 meters. The

low-cut, black kimono and a turquoise obi around her waist, both with

blue and yellow floral patterns, these would added a shine on her but-

Due to being caught up in continuous explosions, they were covered in

dust and tears. Her face was pale, showing a disheartened look.

"What the hell is going on!"

Black Maria, one of the Tobiroppo, the strongest six Shinuchi of the Beast

Pirates. She owned her own brothel in Onigashima near Kaidou's castle.

Maria was very confused and surprised at the first round of explosions.

She wanted to know what the actual situation was but one of the missiles

made it through a gap in the roof and hit the building she was in.

The explosion happened almost right above her, which then caused the

building to collapse on her.

At the end, she fainted. Only now, after a few hours did her

consciousness return.

"One of them is still alive?"

A voice came from some distance, Maria looked towards the source to

find a woman in silver and gold armor standing with a similar silver


"Who are you?"

Maria asked with a serious expression. Mint raised her eyebrow then

spun the spear before holding it in her right hand.

Seeing her response of trying to attack, Maria lowered her upper body

and dashed forward.

Six more hands grew behind her back, each one was identical to the


"Then die!"

She said as her hands created white webs which were shot at Mint. These

webs were extremely sticky and wouldn't get off.


The loud sound erupted and an object flashed in the air between Mint

and Maria.

Maria's head lowered in a struggle, her eyes widened in shock seeing the

spear in Mint's hand had already pierced halfway through her chest.

Over at that side, Mint easily dodged the sticky webs with small steps.

"Father said that no one was allowed to live."

Mint spoke with her mature voice, Maria's body leaned forward then fell

on the floor as a pool of red blood formed around her.

Mint walked over and pulled the spear off Maria's dead body.

It was not only here, the other sites in Onigashima were also going

through similar situations.

All the pirates and citizens belonging to the Beast Pirates were getting


* * *

Flower Capital, a region of Wano Country that's under the rule of the

current shogun Kurozumi Orochi.

It is also the most prosperous location in the entire Wano with

Onigashima behind next.

The huge gate stretched wide for thousands and thousands to walk in and


The districts and streets were once full of people, talking, laughing, etc.

But now, almost no one was outside of their houses.

Hundreds of pirates surrounded the areas, they were fully armed with the

most modern and advanced weapons.

On the back of their black clothes, the Jolly Roger of their pirate group

was printed.

A white human skull with two red horns on it. The two cross bones

behind the skull had blood on them.

This was the Jolly Roger of the Devil's Pirates.

In the sky above the Orochi Castle, where the shogun resided. The dark

clouds were slowly floating away.


A huge and long creature swam in the clouds, the dark green scales could

be seen when the body appeared below the clouds.

Akuma looked down and saw the huge castle, he descended and came

before the castle entrance.

His body returned back from the gigantic sea serpent to a human form.

He had worn his favorite black suit. Pulling out a cigar from the system

inventory, he lit it as smoke rose.

In front of the castle's entrance, few individuals were waiting for him.

Irish, Rocky and the shogun Kurozumi Orochi.


Rocky and Irish welcomed him with slight bows while Orochi rubbed his

hands in excitement.

"Hehe. Please, please. Come in."

He walked forward and came beside Akuma. Orochi was very welcoming

and eager to show him around the castle.

The only reason that Orochi wasn't killed yet was because Akuma needed

him to maintain Wano temporarily.

The Devil's Pirates were currently working their asses off to take over the

entire world so Akuma or the Division Captains didn't have enough time

to look after Wano.

Actually, Wano Country wasn't any big resource point in Akuma's eyes

except that Wano had the best place to take out the natural and pure sea


In Devil's Home's also the sea stones could be taken from the seabed but

compared to Wano it was very little.

In a world with devil fruit users walking freely, sea stones were a must

when it came to taking over the entire world.


Akuma grabbed Orochi by his neck and lifted him up. His multi-colored

eyes scanned Orochi from head to toe.

"Don't show me your ugly face. And, get lost."

Akuma threw Orochi away and headed into the castle followed by Irish

while Rocky stayed behind to guard.

They didn't enter any rooms, instead went directly to the basement for a

particular item.

"It really is here. A poneglyph!"

This one was of the many Historical Poneglyphs, which Irish was

interested in. She wanted to really learn about ancient history.

"Take it home."

Akuma ordered Irish. He then went to the top floor of the castle and

observed the entire capital.

The other Division Captains were in various regions in Wano, killing the

pirates from Beast Pirates.

King and Queen joined the Devil's Pirates successfully. In fact, King was

already in contact with the Devil's Pirates from many years ago.

Akuma's grandson, Yios, was actually King's biological son. And, Bella

was his secret lover which only King, Bella and Akuma knew about.

Unfortunately Bella had passed away, sacrificing her life to kill some

hidden threats to Akuma. King was filled with a mix of sorrow and pain.

But because there was still the small baby Yios, he had to come with a

serious life changing decision.

About Queen, he was never on anyone's side to begin with. As long as he

was allowed to research weapons, he would go anywhere.

"Everything is joining together…"

Akuma held on to the railing, his eyes glowed even more intensely.

[Ability: See Through False]

All the citizens, pirates, animals, etc, anything which is alive except for

very small insects and so on, glowed in light red.

"Nothing suspicious…"

Muttered Akuma. He then moved his gaze as a floating system screen

appeared before his eyes.



Name: Wholeheart Akuma

Age: 145

Weight: 340 kg

Height: 408 cm

Race: Devil

Devil Fruit: [Horo Horo no Mi] [Gasu Gasu no Mi] [Umi-Hebi no Mi]

World: One Piece

Profession: [Devil's Pirate Captain]

Money: 10 billion berries

Ability: [Hypnosis] [See Through False] [Mirror Way] [Memory Feel]

[Soul Extract] [Fear Consumption]

[Creation Shop] : You can create your own items and Abilities using

money. (Restricted by the world's natural law so only limited things from

outside world can be created)

Items: [Pack of Cigar] [Lighter] [Solid Crystal]


Nothing much was different. He grew a year older, a little taller and

heavier. He also used up most of his money saved in the system.

Akuma closed the system screen and stared at the capital once again.

This might be his last time visiting Wano. Because the following events

going to unfold could be his end as well.

"I fear not death but the everlasting life."

* * *

Marine Headquarters___

In the Fleet Admiral's office. Seven figures were seated opposite each

other in a circle.

"We got orders from the Elders. It seems the Devil has started making his


Fleet Admiral Sengoku said with a solemn expression on his face. A

heavy sigh escaped from Vice Admiral Tsuru.

"We should have killed him already. What was the use of wasting all

these years?"

Admiral Akainu grunted unhappily. On his side, Admiral Kizaru nodded

in affirmation. Even Admiral Aokiji agreed for once with Akainu.

"You are not wrong, Akainu."

Vice Admiral Grap said, his arms were crossed over his chest and he

leaned back on the chair to get in a more comfortable position.

"But could you have killed him?"

The mocking voice attracted everyone's attention, the voice belonged to

the fourth Admiral.

Seated on the right side of Sengoku, he was very tall and looked quite

intimidating just from the appearance alone.

White short fur, a monkey-like body, golden armor and white cloth.

Behind him, a huge silver heavy looking staff rested.

"Admiral Saru, do you mean that Marines can't hunt the Devil down?"

Akainu had a frown on his face. Admiral Saru, or with his real name,

Blaze, stared back at Akainu.

"It's not that the Marines can't hunt the Devil. But it's just that I don't

trust that the Devil will be hunted so easily."

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 28 { Factor

Elimination Part-1 }

Inside the Fleet Admiral's office, Akainu and Blaze glared at each other.

"Hai, enough you two. Sengoku, what's the plan?"

Vice Admiral Tsuru stopped the two as she asked Sengoku. Kizaru and

Aokiji leaned forward and paid more attention to the upcoming plan.

Sengoku exhaled a breath and took on a solemn expression.

"We will go after the Devil. The five elders have already sent the troops,

we need to prepare immediately to head to New World."

As Sengoku finished, everyone in the room went silent until Grap

slammed his fist on his palm and grinned.

"Then what's there to discuss? I will ready the ships!"

Grap stood up and left the room, soon the others also felt, Sengoku was

alone in the office at last.


He sighed and rested on the chair. Sengoku has grown old, and it won't

be long before the position of the Fleet Admiral is changed.

He still remembered the first time he heard about the Devil, Akuma, it

was in a poem.

It goes:

Far Far away,

In the land of darkness.

There resided a tiny, Insane red creature,

Awaiting until the Sanity returns.

Time went in years,

It grew to feed on liars.

Not long ago when the Devil escaped,

In the land of darkness, desolation came.

Green forest, brown trees,

Wooden houses, children's freed.

Desperate Devil was in hungry,

But stopped as Sanity arrived.

Blunder their fates,

Stupid their mistakes.

Separate ways they went,

Even though two paths meet.

Sanity and Insanity, one on side,

Devil be or Angel, death alike.

Even until now Sengoku could only understand half of the poem. It was

very famous in his younger days.

Sometimes he would wonder, was the Devil real or was everything

created to scare little children.

But now, in his elderly years, Sengoku personally witnessed the Devil's


"What exactly will the end be?"

* * *

In the Marine Headquarters, numerous Navy warships were ready to set

sail any moment.

Each of the Admirals led more than 300 warships, hundreds of thousands

of soldiers.

Even so, their movements weren't caught by any of the pirates in


The Marines did it quickly, and gathered all the ships and soldiers for


Within two days, a fleet of more than 1.5 million soldiers, all the four

Admirals, tens of Vice Admirals and thousands of ships sailed.

If it was a few years ago, none of the Four Emperors would like to fight

this fleet.

But now, Marines could only exert control over the two seas and the first

half of GrandLine, Paradise.

Yes, North Blue and South Blue were already under the Devil a few

months ago when the Marines found it out.

Only the Fleet Admiral Sengoku remained in the Marine Headquarters, as

it was his job to maintain it.

On the bow of the leading warship, Akainu crossed his arms over his

chest and gazed at the blue sea horizon.

The Navy warships had traveled and reached near Sabaody Archipelago.

Soon enough, the huge trees appeared in Akainu's vision. On the land,

tens of people gathered in crowds.

Surprisingly, these people didn't look to be in proper conditions. Some

were injured, wounded, not one looked good. Their skin purple and

black, bloodshot eyes, ragged clothes and beastly expressions.

"So this is Undead."

Akinu was seeing it for the first time unlike Kizaru and Aokiji. The virus

which Akuma had spread in Sabaody Archipelago was very terrifying.


A beam of light shot at the people, which blasted them off. Red blood,

pieces of flesh and bones scattered on the land.

The one who shot that beam of light was Kizaru with his unconcerned


"We detour."

Akainu gave his orders, as he was assigned the one to lead the fleet on

behalf of Sengoku.

The huge fleet of Navy warships detoured around Sabaody and went

slightly further.

"Coat the ships!"

The soldiers responsible for coating the ships in airtight bubbles

dispersed and started their work.

The device they would be using to coat the warships was created not long

ago and was very useful. It could help to coat a ship within half a day.

"Do you think it's safe to go underwater? Fish-Man island is already one

of the Devil's territories."

Blaze came next to Aokiji and asked with worry in his voice. Blaze

became a Marine Admiral not long ago so he wasn't really aware of their

full strength.

"It's do or die. If there's a trap, we will die. If there's no trap, the Devil

will likely die."

Aokiji responded with a serious but also uninterested expression.

"We can only hope for the best."

Aokiji completed his words then headed inside the warship to rest

temporarily. Blaze stood there on the deck with empty eyes.

"I have a really bad feeling…"

Muttered Blaze, he turned and leaped from the deck of one warship to


The reason for the Marines to go through underwater, was because they

didn't have any choice.

It was an emergency, and the other routes were either blocked or

destroyed by the Devil's Pirates.

And going over the Red Line was impossible, as they needed to transport

the warships as well.

So, the only option left was underwater near the Fish-Man island, which

was Akuma's territory.

After a day, all the Navy warships were finally coated with airtight


"All dive!"

With Akainu's order, all the warships dived in the water and sank down

to the bottom.

* * *

Fish-Man island___

Akuma stood at the edge of the island, his hands were in his pockets.

Behind him were many people. Among which, one was just too big to be


"Sob. Sob. I am scared!"

Shirahoshi cried as tears rolled down her cheeks, which were then wiped

by Joker using a very small handkerchief.

"Don't cry, Don't cry. See this. Peekaboo!"

Joker, who was on her shoulder, let out his tongue and grinned at

Shirahoshi with his white makeup on.

Shirahoshi bit her lower lips, she really wanted to say that Joker wasn't

being funny in the slightest.

"Child, you must compose yourself. We trained for this moment, right?"

With her tiny wings, Dance flew in the air and came before Shirahoshi.

Pain, pity and grief were hidden in her eyes.

'I caused this child to be a toy in the Devil's hands…'

Dance turned gloomy as she thought about all those months she and

Shirahoshi spent together.

Shirahoshi might not know, but Dance did. Shirahoshi's family were all

killed by Akuma back when Fish-Man island was invaded by the Devil's


All this time, Shirahoshi thought that her family was captured and

trapped by Akuma. As long as she worked hard, she could see or even

free her family.

"Shirahoshi, you will have only one chance. If you fail, you with all your

race will face extermination."

Akuma said with an indifferent face. His words, however, were terrifying

in Shirahoshi's ears.


Shirahoshi turned pale in fright. She quickly nodded her head and stayed

silent without crying anymore.

Joker glanced at her, and sighed. Dance on a rock and sat down to relax

her wing muscles.

Few hours passed, Akuma's eyes caught some small shadows in the water

further away from the Fish-Man island.

With his strong observation haki, Akuma saw a huge fleet of Navy


A strange feeling came in his heart, Akuma pulled out his hands from his

pockets and clenched them tightly.

"Marines, this will be your grave."

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 29 { Factor

Elimination Part-2 }

[POV: Akuma]

When I opened my eyes, I could see the wooden ceiling painted in cheap

dark black paint.

No luster, no shine, only ordinary wood. I swallowed my saliva in a habit

to keep my throat fully moist.

I pondered if someday I closed my eyes to either rest or go to sleep, will I

be able to open them again?

Why would that thought come to my mind? It was very simple. Very easy

to reason.

I had too many enemies who would kill me at any cost. They lingered

behind the front line waiting for the most appropriate time to attack me.

A chance, they needed a single chance to kill me.

"Of course I would be scared. If one isn't scared to die, they aren't living."

My mouth opened as the words flowed out with no disturbance of any

other person's voice.

In the cold and dark room, I sat on the chair while my eyes shifted from

one object to another with no motive.

"I… I, I have to do it after all. I planned to spread my name all around

the world but is it that simple? No, it's definitely not."

The realization struck me as I shook my head left to right slowly as if

music had entered my ears and I was enjoying it.

"The World Government would never, ever want a Devil to live in their

bloody house. So, I have to take the house from them…"

The world wasn't that simple as one single move might be the cause of

something equal to a disaster.

"I have the ability, and I know what will happen after a hundred years in

the future."

I muttered in a low voice as I had stopped shaking my head and then

opened my eyes to look in front.

"The three ancient weapons… Pluton, Poseidon, and Uranus. Out of the

three, Uranus could be counted out as I don't know much about it."

I rested my elbows on my thighs and held my cheeks. The warm heat

from my cheeks made me remember, I was alive and living.

I was no longer just a soul… I left that past long ago.

"I won't let my life end with no achievement."

I coughed to clear my throat, standing up from the chair I walked

towards the window and stood next to it.

"Pluton, its whereabouts are unknown and it's an uncertain weapon I can

rely on. But Poseidon, I can make use of it."

The window was not so big and the glass was slightly dirty so the view

outside was a little unclear to me.

All I could see was a town, covered in a thin layer of fog under the

cloudy sky. The temperature was low but not to the point of bringing


"Red Line, to cross it and come to New World, one must go underwater

through the path of the Fish-Man island."

"As long as I have Fish-Man island, I can set a trap for the World

Government, Marines and any others from Paradise."

My breathing resonated in the room, the coldness in the room only

increased with each of my breaths instead of heating up.

"All I need to do is, create a situation in the future where my enemy has

to go through the Fish-Man island which should be under my control to

deal with me. And, it should also be an emergency for the enemy or with

enough time they might choose other options to eliminate me."

I ran my brain as multiple possibilities surfaced up above all the

information I currently had.

Not a single one was safe, each had too much danger to it. In the worst

possibility, I might be sent to hell again.

Even in the best, the Fish-Man island would be completely destroyed and

everything would become history.

"A situation for, to make them so disparate that even a second is like

eternity to them. And I was the danger to them… Ooh, it's very


I turned around and walked on the floor of wood towards the door to

head outside.

Tak Tak.

The hard soles of my shoes hit the floor. I left the room and went to start

organizing my new plans.

In the dark room, on a table beside a wall, there was a notebook with old

pages of a slight yellow color.

On the front most page, there was a word and some numbers written in

to indicate the date at the top right corner.


* * *


At the edge of the Fish-Man island, Akuma opened his eyes and a smile

bloomed on his indifferent face.

"It was a long setup, now it's finally time. Shirahoshi, do it. Kill them…"

Akuka turned around, and walked away while the others followed

quickly, except the silent Joker.

"I, I have to do it!"

Shirahoshi encouraged herself, slapped her cheeks till they turned scarlet

red. Joker watched it all with a face holding back tons of emotions.

He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth in anger and frustration. He

wondered if he really could go against Akuma and take Shirahoshi away

somewhere safe.

But the conclusion in his mind, it showed that there was nowhere safe on

'One' until the Devil lived.

Joker crouched down and looked at the water below, that reflected his

face pounded with makeup.


He cleaned his face, white makeup mixed in with the water and dripped

down his face.

Shirahoshi, who looked down and stared at Joker in puzzlement, didn't

know what happened.

Then, she saw Joker stand up and lift his head towards her. His face,

which once was in white makeup, was almost completely cleaned up.

Pale skin, red eyes, elegant nose, red rosy lips and a sharp facial

structure, all these joined up to give Joker a face beyond beautiful and


Even though the corners of his lips were stitched to hold on the splits of

his flesh, he was magnificent.

"Don't worry, I will be with you…"

Yes, Joker had decided what he truly washed for.

* * *

On the other side of the island, thousands of pirates carried various

materials and objects.

Akuma personally overlooked everything. It won't be long before all the

highly worth items would be carried away by the Devil's Pirates.

"How's the transfer of the citizens of Fish-Man island?"

He asked without looking back. Irish behind him, looked at the report

and explained.

Akuma nodded in satisfaction.

"Captain, what do we do about Joker? If I am not wrong, he is of no use


Irish asked with hesitation, she believed that Akuma already prepared the

necessary steps needed to be taken.

"He has one last job to do for us. After that, he can have his freedom…"

Irish couldn't see Akuma's expression from behind, but with how he said

it, she felt a shiver run down her spine.

'Then, what about me? What after my job is done?'

Irish thought with a grim look on her face, she then shook off those

negative thoughts and concentrated back on her work.

"Get ready to leave! Time's up!"

Suddenly, Akuma ordered. It seemed he didn't want to waste anymore

time here on Fish-Man island.

And so, hundreds of ships set sail out of the bubble entrapping the Fish-

Man island deep underwater.

* * *


The drop of red blood, dripped down from Shirahoshi lips leaving behind

a red trail.

Her eyes were bloodshot as she used all her ability to call the gigantic

deep sea kings lurking near the Fish-Man island.

"Please, help!"

Shirahoshi joined her hands with struggle, and begged to all the voices

she could hear in her ears.

Joker stood next to her with a solemn expression. It was only a few times

in his entire life, where he didn't smile.

Even when he killed his own blood related sister, he still had his twisted

and wicked smile.


The water on the Fish-Man island waved from out to in, Joker narrowed

his eyes and focused on the new shadows coming from behind the huge

Marine Fleet.

"They are here!"

Shirahoshi stopped and said with a pained face, her forehead was

covered in lots of sweat.

"But I have to call for more."

Shirahoshi corrected her posture and joined her hands again. This time,

blood flowed down not just from her mouth but her nose as well.

"Stop it! It's enough! You will die if you continue any further!"

Joker shouted out in deep frustration and grief, the sorrow of seeing

Shirahoshi suffer just to get to see her family made his broken heart crack

even more.

But after all she is doing, will she ever get to see her family again? They

were dead!

Akuma killed them long ago!

"I h-have to! They must be missing me."

Shirahoshi's weak smile, Joker couldn't watch anymore. He turned his

face and closed his eyes.

'Devil! You will be responsible for this!'

Hatred manifested deep in his heart, Joker clenched his fists and

controlled himself and his anger.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 30 { Factor

Elimination Part-3 }

Deep underwater, it was quite dark and various organisms lurked in the

cold water hiding away from the light.

'Someone is calling!'

'I can hear her, she needs help!'

'So long! I can finally feel the presence of the holder!'

The voices, of different wavelengths, spread throughout the whole sea.

In the darkness, numerous pairs of light glowed with the longing of years

and years of expectations.

The sea water rippled violently, huge waves formed and slammed on the


The weather seemed to turn rainy and stormy, soon the flashes of

lightning and the roars of thunder reverberated.

On the deck of the main warship, Akainu stood with a grim expression.

He became vigilant, his eyes shifted from one angle to another in the


Suddenly, the warships of the Marine Fleet seemed to be pushed back

with some force as they weren't able to advance further.

"What's going on?"

Akainu asked the soldier who was supposed to be in charge of the steer.

But unfortunately, the soldier didn't know anything similar to him.

On another warship, belonging to one of the Marine Admirals, Blaze took

in a deep breath and calmed himself.

He gazed in the water, and his observation haki which was many times

more powerful than other Admirals, locked on a strange creature.

It looked like a crayfish, with red lines in its blue skin but at a gigantic

size. Almost ten times bigger than the warship itself.

"Sea King!"

Blaze might not have identified what kind it was, but he knew that this

creature was definitely a sea king.

"Everyone! We are getting targeted by a sea king!"

Blaze's loud shout, made all the soldiers on the warship alarmed. When

the information went to other warships, it was total chaos.

Normally, the soldiers wouldn't care about a sea king if they were on the

surface with four Marine Admirals on their side.

But here, deep underwater, the case was very different. Even the

Admirals will be vulnerable.

"My devil fruit power is useless here. I can only rely on the other


Blaze shook his head in disappointment. He knew from the start that

once they entered the sea, he would be useless until they reached the


He admitted himself, on land he might give even the Devil a strong face

off but underwater, he is just a wet cat, or a wet monkey.

A figure inside a huge airtight bubble jumped from one of the warships

and headed towards the sea king.

Aokiji clenched his fists and glared at the sea king, he then opened his

palms and pierced the bubble, which didn't burst unlike what was


As his hands touched the cold water, bright blue light shined and the

temperature dropped further.

Ice spread in the water and froze everything in the path including the

huge sea king.

The iceberg formed, entrapping the sea king, it floated upwards towards

the surface.

Aokiji sighed in relief after seeing that he was successful in getting rid of

a disaster.

"Hopefully it's the only one…"

Aokiji was about to return back to his warship when he suddenly sensed

multiple eyes on him from the dark water.

A cold shiver ran down his spine. Aokiji turned his head with great

struggle and gazed at the eyes which glowed in deep red.


Aokiji couldn't retreat as a mouth bigger than the sea king from before

opened up and gulped him in.


Blaze watched with wide eyes as tens of sea kings appeared right after

Aokiji had dealt with one.

But this time, the size of these sea kings couldn't be compared. They were

just too big for Blaze to see the limit of their bodies.

* * *

On the edge of the Fish-Man island, Joker bitterly smiled at Shirahoshi

who was on her side lying weakly.

Lots of blood was coughed by her in the process of calling the sea kings

for help.

"You will be fine, I will take you to a doctor."

Joker stroked on her cheek and said with care. For the first time in his

life, he saw someone who could be considered a sister to him.

No doubt that Shirahoshi was kind of stupid and dump, but her heart was

crystal clear.

She had no ill intention, all she wanted was for her and her family to be


'She is almost like me, when I was still a kid and enjoying the warmth of

my family.'

Joker lowered his head and remembered all the memories of his past that

didn't have deaths and bloods.

"I, can I call you big brother for once?"

With little hesitation, Shirahoshi asked. Joker felt that his heart would

bleed more if this continued.

But he, he really wanted it…

"Of course, you can call me big brother."

Joker smiled at her, his lips trembled slightly and blood flowed out of the


"Big brother. Brother…"

Her eyes closed slowly, her lips were curved in a smile showing that she

was deeply satisfied and happy.

"Hey, why did you go silent?"

Joker shook his head and touched her cheek. He called again but

Shirahoshi didn't reply.

"Shirahoshi, Shirahoshi! Hey wake up! Shirahoshi!"

Joker shook her head but Shirahoshi showed no movement to him. Her

breathing had stopped and he felt her body turning colder.

"N-No! Please, please don't! I, I already lost everything! Just this once,

please let me have a family! Please, Shirahoshi. Listen to me. Listen to

your big brother."

Joker fell to his knees, his shoulders lowered in powerlessness. Tears

rolled down his eyes, he was crying after a long time.


The bright lights exploded in the water not far from the Fish-Man island.

It belonged to Kizaru who was getting circled by three sea kings.

It was already a huge feat to have lasted this long against multiple sea

kings underwater.

No matter what, even Akuma would have to retreat if he was weak when

exposed to the sea water. But he was not, that made it possible for

Akuma to deal with the sea kings.

Whereas these Admirals, they were weak when they got in the sea water.

So their defeat against the sea kings underwater was a possibility already


"Ahhhhh! If so! I will destroy the Fish-Man island with me!"

Akainu's roar created waves in the water as his body changed into that of


He blasted off from the warship and launched at the Fish-Man island

ahead. A Devil fruit user is only weak when in sea water so Akainu didn't

immediately lose his powers.

The sea water and the magma reacted together as black matter formed on

Akainu's body. But Akainu didn't care and reached the Fish-Man island.

His body crashed on the land and a deep crater was visible with a dust

cloud over it.

The huge Marine Fleet was already destroyed, only Kizaru and Akainu

were still alive. Kizaru tried to hold his breath and head to the surface

but the sea kings hindered him.

His end was also not far. In the crater, Akainu punched his magma fist in

the ground and red magma entered through the cracks.

Akainu was so angry and committed that he believed he wouldn't survive

but would definitely destroy the island.

Consider him as a maniac but Akainu couldn't be stopped now. Even

Akuma wouldn't fight against Akainu in his current state.

The magma spread throughout the entire Fish-Man island slowly, the

cracks deepened and went further to almost shatter the whole island.

"Ha ha ha… hehehe!"

At the edge of the island, Joker's laughter echoed. It was much creepier

than his normal.

The last time was when he got his corner of the lips cut by his father.

Then it was when he killed his own sister.

Red blood dripped down his red eyes as Joker widened his eyes and

opened his mouth until his stitches stretched to the limits.

His entire face was covered in red blood from his eyes and lips, but Joker

showed no pain and just laughed.

"Akuma! Akuma! Akuma!"

"Ha ha hahahha! Hahhah!"

Joker's body shook in an unimaginable excitement. His body seemed to

twist and turn in weirdly.

"Ahhhh! Die!"

On the other side, Akainu shouted as his body burst out into fragments of

magma and rained down on the Fish-Man island.

The cracks on the land finally reached the point where the island shook

and started breaking.

"Devil, here I come!"

The surrounding was like a dark abyss and Joker as the monster. His eyes

glowed in the darkness and his grin extended almost to his ears.

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 31 { Joker's

Play }

Devil's Home___

Akuma raised his eyebrow as he scanned the reports in his hand with a

surprised but also expecting face.

"Where is he?"

His voice was cold and indifferent as always, it looked as if Akuma didn't

want to change himself from what he was now.

"His tracker is pointing out that he is still deep underwater but I believe

that's not the case. Joker might have already got rid of the tracker."

Erika informed the ongoing details next to Akuma without leaving any

secrets. She, unlike Maba, was made to serve Akuma.

Her sole purpose in life was to be a tool for the Devil.

Akuma passed the reports back to Erika with a slightly tired expression.

Days had gone since he last slept peacefully.

"I need to sleep. And I mean, I really need to sleep. I won't be up for an

hour I guess. Everything's yours to handle, Erika."

Akuma gestured to Erika to leave the dark and silent hall as he leaned

back on his huge throne.

His eyelids were heavy due to fatigue. He closed his eyes, his thoughts

stopped processing any further information.

After a very long time, the Devil has finally fallen into a truly deep


His body, it seems to merge in with the atmosphere turning in gaseous

state. The moment Akuma's body went into a translucent form, the

surrounding air became highly pressured.

The dark gas escaped through the doors of the hall and surrounded the

White Crystal House, the thorn forest and the single mountain.

* * *

On the sea, a pirate ship sailed with the wind. The dragon head on the

front, with some scales on the frame, the flag of this pirate ship had a

skull wearing a straw hat with two bones behind that were crossed.

Night Dragon!

The pirates on the Night Dragon, they were the notorious Straw Hat

Pirates infamous throughout the GrandLine.

On the deck of the ship, Zoro was working out with his heavy weights

when the sudden movement behind him caused his instincts to roar.


Within a split of a second, Zoro pulled out one of his katanas and swung

it but all he felt was empty air.

Not just him but Luffy and Samji were also alarmed due to the sudden

presence of an unknown individual on the ship.

"Who are you!"

Zoro glared to his right where a man taller than him stood, he had a

grinning face with trails of dried blood all over his face.

"It's him!"

Sanji was the first to identify the invading individual near Zoro. Then

Luffy and Zoro widened their eyes.

"It's you! That bastard!"

Luffy gritted his teeth when he remembered what had happened a few

days ago.

The battle between Straw Hat Pirates and Dream Dead Pirates.

"Hi! I am Joker!"

With a not so friendly grin on his face, Joker looked at the three pirates

in front of him.

"Sanii, Zoro, Luffy, what happened?"

From the other rooms, Robin, Goof, Usopp, Chopper and Franky came

out hurriedly.

As soon as they saw Joker, they got into guards. Their senses went to

high alerts. Joker could shift himself anywhere he wanted as long as

there was enough space for his body.

This ability came from a devil fruit of unknown name, first time ever to

be correct.

"Hey everyone! Name's Joker!"

Joker waved his hands and smiled at them. Zoro retreated backwards

from Joker.

"Why are you on our ship! Explain, now!"

Luffy said with a serious expression. His eyes showed that any extra joke

would be the cause of a big commotion to Joker.

"Well, I am here to tell you all about why you, you all, are going through

these tough situations."

"What if there's someone wanting you all dead?"

"I can tell many things about who that person is and why the situation of

GrandLine is so intense now."

Joker slowly walked and rested on the side railing of the ship. He crossed

his arms over his chest and waited for their response.

While Joker patiently waited, the Straw Hat Pirates went on a serious

and disturbing discussion.

"Someone wants us dead! Fuck!"

Usopp shrank in distress, his body trembling in anger as well as fear.

"If what that guy said is true, doesn't that mean that all what happened

on our way, the many near death difficulties were actually planned."

"Yes. If so, we are in a tight and very dangerous rope which might get

ripped any moment."

Luffy looked at his crewmates with a sigh. Never did he expect that all

the adventures in their path were preplanned.

Robin, she was silent the entire time. Because she had already guessed

the identity of the person wanting them dead.

'Why him! Why always him! What have we done now! Is it because of the

Drum Kingdom that we conquered?'

Many thoughts appeared in Robin's mind but she couldn't really narrow

those thoughts done to a particular matter.

"Guys! Listen…"

Luffy's voice made the others turn quiet. Taking in a deep breath, Luffy

stared at each of his crewmates one after another.

"This is something we need to vote about. Fight, or flee?"

As he asked, all the crewmates took on faces of contemplating.

"I will go first, Fight."

Being the captain of the ship and the pirate crew, Luffy voted first.








Out of seven, two choose to flee. They were Robin and Usopp.

Usopp, he didn't surprise anyone but Robin's vote, it did cause the others

to have second thoughts.

Why would she want to flee?

It's likely because the enemy was too strong and Robin had some

information about him, her, or them.

"It seems you all came into an agreement."

Joker heard their conversations come to a stop so he walked towards

them with a calm mind.

"His identity, like some of you have already guessed."

Saying so, Joker shifted his eyes on Robin as he smiled at her. He still

remembered what happened a few years ago in Ohara.

"You must have heard of him, the 'Devil of the Sea'."

When they heard who was behind their necks, the Straw Hat Pirates went

into panic.

Devil, Unkillable Monster, Currently The Strongest Creature on 'One',

these all were the names people, pirates and the Marines call him.

"Why would the Devil personally want to kill us!"

Usopp asked with his hands clenched into tight fists. Sanji nodded and

looked at Joker for further information.

"Well, that's something nobody except the Devil himself knows. But it's

sure that if there's someone who can kill or stop the Devil, that's you all!"

Joker stood there with a straight face, his eyes scanned the looks on their


"Why should we trust your words? Give me a good reason to not kick

your ass!"

Luffy narrowed his eyes at Joker and said with a threatening voice.

"Hahaha! Yes yes! How can you trust the words of a Joker!"

Laughing as he realized a fact, Joker wiped the tears of his moist eyes

and stared back at Luffy.

"Because you don't have an option but to trust me."

Hearing him, Luffy grunted and walked forward with heavy steps

showing his dominance. Strong aura with killing intent burst out from


"Hehe! Just this?"

Joker shook his head, then his body vanished from the spot where he

stood in a blink of an eye.

"None of you can catch me. So forget about kicking my ass, kids…"

His voice echoed on the ship but his figure was nowhere to be found.

"I can sense him. It's like he is teleporting continuously!"

Luffy noticed and quickly shared this with his crew. Zoro prepared to cut

down Joker the moment he was visible.


Suddenly, the loud noise attracted the attention of the crew. Their eyes

widened as they saw Usoop lying down on the floor with his hands on his



Chopper made haste and came beside Usopp. Joker's laughter still rang

all around the ship.

"Damn it! Come out and face me like a man!"

Luffy roared in anger but Joker being an experienced pirate, why would

he show himself.


The three swords cut through the air, each sword had enough power to

cut the entire ship in half.


A trail of red blood dripped down from the one of the three swords

wielded by Zoro.

"Ah, you barely got me! You are quite a bloodthirsty beast, Roronoa


Zoro frowned, he did leave a cut on Joker's body the moment Joker

shifted on the deck near him.

But it wasn't deep enough to give Joker a setback or something.

The Straw Hat Pirates faced Joker at his prime, will they be able to beat

him or will Luffy have to drop his aim to become the Pirate King?

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 32 { Devil

Killing Longsword }

"Ha Ha Ha Ha! Wahhahah!"

The laughter continued, spreading all around the ship. Luffy clenched his

fists, his face was filled with anger and frustration.

"Luffy, it's impossible to catch him. No one can, be it the Devil himself."

Robin said with a solemn expression, she was one of the people who first-

hand experienced the disaster named the Devil.

And this Joker was someone directly under that Devil. So she knew that

their pirate crew had no chance against Joker.

"So what do we do?"

Luffy asked with expectations but unfortunately, Robin only shook her


"You don't have any options, newbies! Hahaha! Follow me and I will help

you in getting rid of the Devil!"

* * *

Devil's Home___

In Hell Realm, Erika crossed her arms over her chest and watched the

huge monitor display the current progression of EX-7.

EX-7, the seventh strongest experimental subject to have successfully

survived and was almost ready to launch.

The first seven subjects, or the Seven Deadly Sins, were specially asked to

be prepared by Akuma.

EX-1, Deadly Sin of Lust.

EX-2, Deadly Sin of Gluttony.

EX-3, Deadly Sin of Greed.

EX-4, Deadly Sin of Sloth.

EX-5, Deadly Sin of Wrath.

EX-6, Deadly Sin of Envy.

EX-7, Deadly Sin of Pride.

Each of them were a bonus in the defense of the Devil's Home, not they

came with shortcomings.

They were extremely hard to control, and many times had to be


"How long will it take to activate this creature?"

Asked Erika with an unhurried voice, Hamburg pondered then

immediately answered with a smile.

"Few more minutes."

Nodding her head, Erika stayed silent. While the situation wasn't dire,

they still wanted to complete everything quickly.

It was because Akuma was deep asleep and if an enemy attacks, there

might be losses.

'There's also the important matter of Red Hair Pirates. I hope they bring

back victory.'

Thought Erika. Few hours ago, more than half of the pirates were

gathered and made to sail out to start a war against the Red Hair Pirates.

They consisted of Devil's Pirates main force: Sphinx, Rocky, Lancelot,

Beauty, Brick, Mint and Jimmy.

Devil's Pirates second force, Air Strike: Karen, Chief-in-command; Angel

Warriors and the huge floating warship, Motherboard.

Devil's Pirates allies: Hancock and her tribe, King and Queen.

With all of them, it should be only a matter of time before the Red Hair

Pirates are wiped out.

'But I am feeling uneasy, why?'

Erika checked all the reports from the beginning and found that nothing

was truly wrong.

It was then that a pirate came running in the laboratory and whispered

something in Hamburg's ears.

"Oh, so he has come to get vengeance."

Hamburg muttered with a smile and changed the monitor screen with the

cameras in the treasury.

The treasury was located in the basement of the King's Castle in the Earth

Realm. It was guarded by EX-3.

"This, is that Joker?"

Erika questioned as she watched a figure walk in the hollow and dark

passage in the underground basement of the King's Castle.

* * *

The walls were made of hard stones, covered with a thin layer of soil and


The passage was dark and very silent. Joker could hear his footsteps echo

and sound as if there was another presence other than him.

"I know you can see me! Come out! Here I am, come to me!"

Joker said with an eager tone, his eyes glowed in red light in the dark.

His anticipation wasn't wasted as something moved quickly around him.

It was too fast for him to catch on with his bare eyes.

"J-Joker, w-why h-here?"

The words were stuttering but it wasn't because the individual was scared

of Joker, it was actually because it was unable to speak fluently.

"I came to see you man! Here, I brought you some gifts!"

Joker pulled out a bag full of gold coins and threw it before his feets. As

fast as it landed on the ground, the bag full of gold coins was hastily

picked up.

Clink Clink!

The gold coins struck on each other due to the quick movement and

produced metallic noise.


The voice said with confusion, it didn't expect for Joker to suddenly show

his face here in the basement and bring it gifts.

What could be the reason?

"W-What d-do y-you n-need?"

It asked with a hesitant tone. Joker grinned and shifted his eyes from one

angle to another.

He still couldn't see anything because there was almost no light in the


"I am in need of that weapon which can kill the Devil!"

* * *

"What! That bastard!"

Erika gritted her teeth in anger, her eyes were bloodshot. Hamburg

distanced himself from her.

"Get this thing started! I want all the Seven Deadly Sins on Joker, now!"

Erika shouted angrily, her dreadful aura burst out of her and spread

around the laboratory.

All the researchers, scientists, pirates and captives felt their body go


"Okay everyone, activate the Seven Sins Program! Let's see what they can


Hamburg exclaimed with a shine in his eyes. His mind played multiple

situations in a flash.

[Activating Seven Sins Program!]

The monitor went blank, then a line appeared on it indicating the start of

the Seven Sins Program.

EX-7, which was lying on the metal bed, suddenly jolted and its eyes



It roared with its red eyes, its huge body stood up from the metal bed and

looked towards the battle axe which was glowing in red magma.

It lifted the axe and dashed out of the laboratory smashing everything in

the path. Even Erika was impressed by its power.

The monitor now displayed seven split screens, each playing from the

eyes of the Seven Deadly Sins.

One of which was, EX-3, it was looking at Joker from behind the wall

pillars of the passage.

Due to the program activation, it felt something overwriting its entire

nervous system.

The feathers on its arms extended and also were sharpened. It took on a

posture then launched itself towards Joker from the back.


It hit on the hard walls, and the entire King's Castle shook violently.

"A-Ah! J-Joker! Die Joker!"

It was beyond itself that its stuttering also stopped and the words were

clear now.

"Hehe! I obviously expected something like this to happen but to get the

Seven Sins Program activated, I am truly honored."

Joker's voice resonated in the passage but his figure wasn't present. EX-3

widened its own eyes and glared around the passage.

Then it suddenly sprinted and clawed behind the space of a pillar.


Warm blood dyed on the walls, EX-3 brought its claw near its mouth and

licked it.

"You are injured, Joker."

EX-3 could identify the blood easily. Joker hid behind the pillars, shifting

his body continuously.

'Damn it! EX-3, if only you had no special eyes!'

Cursed Joker, he held his left shoulder which had three long and deep cut

wounds from EX-4's claws.

Every EX was strong, each one had a special trait about itself. EX-4 had

special eyes, which could see any movement.

Even if it's invisible. It could also see the future, and much longer than

anyone in the entire world.

'I don't have much time, the other Deadly Sins should be on their way to

me. Quick, rookies!'

While Joker distracted all the attention towards himself, the Straw Hat

Pirates were also tasked to do various things.

Particularly Luffy, Zoro and Sanji. They were tasked to steal the weapon

that could kill Akuma.

The weapon, it was a longsword found by a pirate years ago in the depth

of the sea treach.

After finding the sword, it was taken and brought to Akuma for


While Akuma checked the sword's sharpness, he was surprised to find it

dangerous. Yes, Akuma was threatened by the longsword.

It could cut him as if he was a thin piece of paper.

Maba, before he got out of the hypnosis, wanted to destroy it but Akuma

ordered for the sword to be locked in the treasury.

Only the important people knew about this. Joker had never entered the

treasury so he couldn't use his devil fruit ability.

But if he gets his hands on the longsword, he could easily kill Akuma

with just a simple swing of his hand.


A portion of the King's Castle was blown away, Joker leaped on a piece of

rock in the air and narrowed his eyes.

He saw a shadow flash towards him. Joker shifted himself with a pebble

on the ground not far from the King's Castle.


EX-3, landed on the ground before Joker. Its weird, humanoid body with

feathers on the body showed itself under the bright sun.


Then, Joker heard and felt multiple sounds around him. Six more

creatures came and surrounded him together with EX-3.

Seven Deadly Sins!

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 33 { Irish's

Secret, Joker's Struggle }

"Joker, we meet again."

Ex-4, the Deadly Sin of Sloth said with a straight expression on its

wooden face. The green moss covered almost all of its skin.

"Peter, what's up!"

Joker waved his hands at EX-4, a smile replaced the tensed look on his

face. His eyes scanned his surroundings to find an opening.

If Joker wanted to escape, it wasn't impossible even though EX-3 was

present who had somewhat of an ability to stop him from shifting



EX-7 roared and stomped its foot on the ground leaving a huge footprint.

As it inhaled and exhaled, one could see the air current through the nose.

"Ahh, it's going to be tough to not get hurt."

Joker shook his head dejectedly but then stretched his arms and legs.

"Come on! Who comes first?"

Joker got in a fighting stance, his eyes moved quickly from one to the

next while calculating any extra possibilities of traps lying around.

EX-1, Deadly Sin of Lust, raised her palms and shot webs towards Joker.

These were no ordinary webs but a mixture of poison and seduction.

The ground cracked open and multiple tree roots grabbed hold of Joker's

legs. Joker with no other choice, shifted and vanished from his position.

The purple and yellow colored webs entrapped the tree roots, and then

caused instant decaying.

"Hehee! Try something else, guys!"

EX-7, Deadly Sin of Pride, got enraged and smoke started coming out his

head. The huge magma war axe glowed in even more bright red.

With Joker's voice alone, it guessed his position and dashed inside the

forest behind the King's Castle.

"Wait! Idiot!"

EX-1 warned EX-7 but the furious Minotaur didn't listen and followed its

own instincts.

Since they were at it, they might as well go in together and capture Joker

while EX-7 kept him busy.

"I will make sure he remains here."

EX-3, Deadly Sin of Greed, said with a harsh voice. It flew in the sky and

headed in the forest separately.

The others rushed behind.

* * *

Town of Happiness___

Inside the library, Robin sat down on a table next to a wide glass

window. She held a book, but she wasn't focused on it.

Instead, her concentration was on the next part of her plan. It was quite a

hard task given by Joker, but she had to do it.

Not because she had no other option, it was because she herself was

willing to do it. After all, this task was related to the Ohara incident years



The sound of the hanging door bell was heard. A tall white woman

walked in with a long wooden cane.

Irish looked around the library and found Robin sitting alone, with a

smile, she walked and sat opposite to her.

"Nico Robin, I still remember that day when you ran and survived our

invasion. You have grown to be a fine woman like your mother."

Irish had to accept, she became old. Now looking at Robin, the past

memories resurfaced up in her mind.

"How did you know I was here?"

Asked Robin, the hands under the table were clenched into tight fists. She

truly was holding back from punching Irish on her face.

"Kid, what age are you living in? Obviously I found you because of the

cameras we have installed everywhere."

Irish smiled at Robin, the sides of her eyes started to develop wrinkles.

Immortality was really just a human fantasy.

"I want to ask you. Why didn't you find and kill me? It must be pretty

easy for the big Devil's Pirates to find a single child in the world right?"

"Yes it is, but I didn't have a reason to. Neither did our captain so I just

moved on."

Irish responded with a soft voice, her eyes observed Robin and found

some frustration and anger hidden in her eyes.

"Why? Did you want us to find and kill you too? Was it that hard to live


Asked Irish, Robin didn't answer her but the change in her expression

didn't escape Irish's eyes.

Robin took in a deep breath, then exhaled it slowly. She placed her hands

on the table and stared back at Irish with a more determined look.

"Why are you with the Devil? I studied you, you were the brightest

woman in the world at some point in time. So why did you go to the

Devil? What could he have offered you to make you willing to die for


Robin asked with a sorrowful voice. Even Irish was surprised by the

question and the change in Robin.

"What has he offered me? Hm, that's a good question."

Irish smiled, closing her eyes she tried to remember the time of her first

meeting with the Devil.

"Life, the Devil offered me a life to live."

Irish replied, her tone wasn't fast and it was also kind of soft. Robin could

feel that Irish wasn't lying to her.


Confused, Robin asked again.

"Yes, life. I was actually never meant to live to this day. I should have

died long ago but managed to live because of my captain. Life was

addicting. I faced death, and life became even more addicting."

Irish pondered whether what she did back then was right. And she was

amazed to find that no matter what, she would have made the same

choice every time.

"It was good talking to you, Nico Robin. Unfortunately for you, today is

the day you die!"

Irish swung her hands and tried to catch Robin's neck but the latter was

already prepared and aware of her situation.

Moving back, Robin kicked the table and made it fall on Irish. She then

immediately sprinted out of the library.

"Ahge, my wrist!"

Irish got up and tightened her left hand. The slight pain caused her to

shake her head in disappointment.

"I have not just got old, but also weak."

When she walked out of the library, it was impossible to find Robin when

the people were in hundreds just on the road.

"Where could she have gone? Borg, go get her. And, I want her alive."

As she said, two red glowing eyes appeared next to her.

[Target Locked]


The robotic sentence sounded once more than with it, the two eyes also


* * *


The ground was smashed hard, lots of soil scattered around with the

impact brought by the huge magma war axe.


EX-7 roared and slammed his axe once again on the ground where Joker

stood. But Joker just shifted himself to another place and avoided the



EX-7 grew more angry, it held the war axe with both hands and struck

anything in the path between it and Joker.

As seconds passed, Joker could visibly see EX-3 become larger in size and

also the high increase in its power.

From 5 meters to 6 meters, in just seconds was terrifying and beyond

logic. Joker agreed that if the axe hit him, he would be meat paste.


EX-7 struck down a tree into two halves, it then lifted one with a single

hand and threw it towards Joker.

"Damn man! This bull is strong!"

Joker lowered himself and dodged the heavy tree truck. EX-7 stomped its

foot on the ground and launched itself towards Joker.


The wind force alone was enough to make Joker fall, the war axe split

the ground into two.

By now, Joker was slightly panting. He distanced himself from EX-7 and

observed the surroundings.

His observation haki was first amongst all the eight Division Captains. He

caught multiple movements past the trees.

'How much longer should I buy them time?'

Joker thought quickly, as he jumped in the air and shifted once again to

avoid EX-7.


EX-7 struck a boulder that scattered in contact with the magma war axe.

"Kiiiit kiiit!"

An insect noise entered EX-7's ears. It wasn't in human language, it was

the language for savage beasts and monsters.


EX-7 roared in rage, but it seemed to understand and find, through the

insect noise, that it was just wasting time against Joker.

The ugly tiny creature on EX-7's shoulder was EX-6, Deadly Sin of Envy.

It could change its size and also shapeshift if needed.

The speciality of EX-6 was that it had the ability to make any living being

except few, be mentally controlled by its talks.

It could almost hypnotize like Akuma. It could also speak almost every

known language present in the world.

While it was scheming, it was physically weak. Almost equivalent to any

tiny ant.

Every Deadly Sin had a weakness, EX-7's was that it becomes irrational

after getting angry. EX-7 might even attack its own allies in a battle.

EX-6 turned his head and its eyes focused on Joker, far on the top of a


"I envy your freedom, Joker. I must take it from you no matter what.

Even if it might result in the death of a few Deadly Sins."

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 34 { Fake Hope


Sanji, Franky and Chopper walked inside a huge restaurant in the Town

of Happiness.

The interior was very stylish and expensive just from the appearance


But there was an ominous present in the atmosphere in the corridor that

they were walking.

"Duck Down!"

Shouted Sanji, Franky dived on the floor while Chopper covered his head.


A huge red object blasted through the wall and slammed just before

them. The walls were cracked, the cement and paints fell off.

"What the hell!"

Sanji stared at the object with wide open eyes in surprise and shock.


Chopper named it, yes, it was a huge apple almost bigger than Franky


"More coming!"

Shouted Sanji again, the group rushed forward through the corridor

while multiple objects broke through the walls.

Each object was a fruit or vegetable, and all were of huge sizes. It was

really unexpected and wild.

"Who are you! Come out and fight!"

Sanji roared as he jumped and kicked one of the flying fruits back to

where it came from.

The fruit seemed to hit on a soft surface as almost no sound was created

on the collision.




The heavy and loud footsteps erupted from within the room where the

large fruits and vegetables were thrown from.

A huge hand grabbed the edges of the cracked wall, then the hand pulled

the body.

Sanji raised his head to the highest to look up at the face of the person

before him. The presence alone of the person was a weight on Sanji's


With a white chief's hat, a thick beard, a giant three tips hook on the left

hand and a deadly cleaver, the man gazed down at Sanji with dominance.

"I will first skin you alive then dip you in a bowl of sauce before deep

frying you!"

Saying so, the man extended his left hand to grab Sanji. Franky and

Chopper were slightly hesitant whether Sanji needed help.

"Go, I will handle him!"

Sanji jumped on the man's hand and then launched himself while

twisting in the air. Then with his strong right leg, Sanji landed a kick on

the man's face.


The kick carried a huge force behind it but Sanji was stunned to see that

the fat man was unmoving.


Sanji exclaimed, as he landed on the floor. The huge fat man slammed his

tightened fist on Sanji.


The floor shattered when the fist hit in it while Sanji leaped and avoided

the punch.

"Don't run!"

The fat man said as he quickly grabbed Sanji's right leg while still in



Cursed Sanji, his entire body was pulled down and slammed on the

already shattered floor.


* * *

Behind the restaurant building, Franky and Chopper stopped on their


Their eyes were focused on the strange figure in front of them, who stood

with a gentleman's suit and long silver cane.

Lowering his hat, Brook bowed at Franky and Chopper with some


"I greet you two, as well as warn. You two, this is the end."

Said Brook. He threw his hat swiftly at Franky who extended his hand to

grab the hat with bare hands.


Franky looked at his right hand in disbelief. The hat, which looked

ordinary, had edges as sharp as blades.

From the upper area of the thumb, to the end of his wrist, the hat cut off

his hand.


Chopper shouted in worry, then he glared towards Brook with anger

visible in his eyes.

"Yohohoho! As I said, it's the end for you two."

* * *

Somewhere in the deep alleys, Robin held her bleeding left arm and ran

with all her might.

"Haa! Haa! Just a bit more!"

Robin could see the end of the alleys from where light entered, the crowd

there was unaware of anything.

'I can make it! I am sorry, Luffy. I already knew it was a dead end when

we came here with Joker. Fighting against the Devil, it's just a dream.

And winning, a thought.'

Robin panted heavily as she ran, she could feel that due to the blood loss,

her body was going colder.


Suddenly, Robin seems to hit an invisible wall. Her body was knocked


[Target Locked]

The space before Robin distorted and the screen of invisible washed away

with Borg's body in display.

The newly updated body frame and more advanced weapons fully loaded

ready, gave Robin a sense of discouragement.

"I won't surrender!"

Robin kicked herself back and stood up from the ground, standing before

Borg, she took in deep breaths.

On Borg's metal flat face, two red lights glowed intensely. Borg moved its

hand and pulled out a long sword handle from the tight.


As Borg swung the handle, the long blade extended from the top of the

handle in a saber form.

Then, the blade started heating up until it turned deep red and flames

erupted out of it.

'I am in trouble! The Second Division Captain Borg, also the top assassin

in the world currently.'

Robin slowly stepped backwards, her eyes moved quickly and scanned

the alleys.

'I don't have any choice. I must fight.'

Robin made up her mind and decided that fighting Borg was the only

option as it was nearly impossible to escape from it.

She crossed her arms over her chest, then concentrated her thoughts.

"Bloom Flower! Hundred Arms Grip!"

With flowers bursting on Borg's body, tens of hands grew up on the metal


Unfortunately, Robin didn't know any important information about Borg.


Robin cried out in dismay, almost all of her strength was weakened and

she fell to her knees.

Borg's body frame was made from the combination of pure sea stones and

the hardest as well as most flexible metal.

All the hands that bloomed on Borg's body, burst and disappeared.

Robin raised her head with struggle, she looked up to see Borg already

standing right in front of her and looking down on her.

[Target Captured]

* * *

Heaven Realm___

At the edge of the floating island, Luffy and Zoro stopped to catch a quick


"Will this really work? Can this sword kill that guy?"

Questioned Luffy with a hesitating look on his face, even Zoro believed

that this sword alone was not enough.

The longsword was 1.5 meters in length and the sharpness was almost

out of the world.

Zoro tried and could easily cut buildings into half similar to Nobita. It's

just that handling the longsword was very difficult.

"Let's go, I can see the mountain and the thorn forest is huge!"

Luffy gazed at the far mountain that stood alone in the whole island, it

was covered in thorn forest.

"Ya, will see what happens afterwards."

Zoro agreed, then the two started making their rush towards the White


As they ran, they didn't realize that the air in the atmosphere had

dropped to a terrifying level.

Very soon, their steps became heavy and they gasped for breath. Luffy

and Zoro could feel their lungs trying hard to take in whatever air it


"D-Damn it! W-What's going on?"

Luffy stopped on his path, his body was on the verge of collapsing. Zoro

on the other hand was slightly better in condition.

"Get up! We need to hurry."

Zoro lifted up Luffy on his shoulder while Luffy held the longsword with


But after some distance, even Zoro couldn't continue. His eyes went dark

as his body fell on the soft grass.

Inside the White Crystal House, on the huge throne, Akuma opened his


"Monkey D. Luffy and Roronoa Zoro, you did good by bringing the

longsword that could kill me. Even though it's just a fake to begin with."

Akuma smiled in pity at Luffy and Zoro, the longsword that could cut

him was all a lie.

He wanted to see who would be the first to betray him and use the

longsword on him. Yet, all those years, none did.

"Haha, it was fun. But the time to end the long battle between us has

arrived, isn't it?"

His gaze pierced through everything, reaching a far corner of the world

where he could feel a strong awakening life force.

"O my dear angel, we shall meet again in a few moments."

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 35 { We Are

One! Part-1 }

[Author Talk---]

I guess many of you all can already predict, the fan fiction novel is really

coming to an end. Only a few chapters are left.

I am very grateful for all the trust, support and persistence you all

showed to me.

Please continue, and read this to the very end. I will now release all the

remaining chapters together, in a few days.

Thank you.



Far away, somewhere on a large winter island. There was a super

gigantic underground laboratory for research and experiments.

In one of the rooms, there were huge monitors, various devices and big


On one corner of the room, a huge piece of solid clear crystal was

entrapped and fixed with many metal cables.

The cables connected to the clear crystal were joined on a machine which

directly showed the statistics on one of the monitors.

Before that monitor stood a tall and old looking man with white coat and

his long tongue falling outside.

"What's going on? This isn't what I expected? How can she already start

awaking? Impossible!"

The man was shocked as he stared at the numbers and words displayed

on the monitors. All the readings were top and surpassing the limits.


The man turned his head and saw small cracks appear on the clear

crystal. Actually, in the crystal trapped was a beautiful woman.

She was tall, and very mesmerizing to one's eyes. The man gulped in, his

eyes watched as the cracks spread further and deepened.


Pieces of crystals fell down, the entire laboratory started shaking as if an

additional force was acting together with the gravity.


The huge piece of crystal burst apart and the fragments of the crystal

scattered all around.

Most of the equipment in the room was damaged and the monitors were

showing danger alerts.


The man cursed and retreated back from the corner and made distance.

As the smoke dispersed, the figure of the woman standing revealed itself.


There was no response from the woman. But as he was about to near her,

he felt a heavy aura erupt from her.

The woman's eyes opened abruptly, with golden luster and the presence

of unimaginable power, her eyes scanned the room.

"I feel you."

She stopped her head in one direction, then jumped blasting through the

ceilings and roofs.


The explosions echoed in the island, the man raised his head and looked

at the hole from the room leading to the sky.

"It's gonna take time to fix this…"

* * *

Heaven Realm, Akuma waited patiently in the silent and cold hall. His

eyes stared blankly at the entrance door.

Step Step.

The footsteps sounded. Then followed by the sound of the door opening,

the sunlight entered together with the man.

"I remember, you really did your job until it was perfect. Even I almost

forgot about you."

Akuma praised the man before him with a smile on his face. The person

standing before Akuma was Goof.

In his hands was the longsword.

"At your service."

Kneeling before the huge throne, Goof held the sword on his palms

presenting it to Akuma while his head lowered down in respect.

"Good, you are worthy. You can finally get your freedom from me."

Akuma looked at Goof. His eyes glowed in multi-color, it spun and

focused on Goof.

[Ability: See Through False]

Goof's body then turned light green from deep red unlike the

environment around them.

'It's still working, just weak.'

Akuma stood up from the throne and walked forward before Goof.

"As I said before, you earned it. Freedom."

Hearing Akuma's words, there was some happiness in Goof's heart as well

as sorrow.

It seems that Akuma's hypnosis has deeply affected his mind. As the

weight of the longsword lessened, Goof's happiness also increased.

'I can finally be free! I am sorry Luffy, Zoro… you all were just someone

that the Devil had targeted from the beginning. I am just a pawn, I can

do nothing but obey him.'

Goof really wanted to apologize to the Straw Hat Pirates but

unfortunately, it was too late now.

Goof shook his head and wanted to stand up but then a sharp object

pierced his body.


With widened eyes, Goof struggled and raised his head to see Akuma

looking down on him with an indifferent expression.

"The only freedom from me, is death!"

Goof could feel the longsword cut his organs and the pain made him

unable to move his body.


He fell to his side, his pale face stared up at Akuma. Goof really was

blind to have trusted a devil.


It was then that a huge explosion sounded in the hall, a golden female

human not much smaller than Akuka in size flew in.

She threw a punch at the surprised Akuma and successfully sent him

crashing on the back wall.

In his last moment, Goof for the first time admitted that he had seen the

appearance of an angel that came to put an end to the devil.

Goof regretted everything he did, but he couldn't change anything. His

body turned cold and his eyes lost life in them.

* * *

"Ow! That hurt!"

Akuma landed on the floor heavily from the cracked wall. He held his

jaw and gritted to check if it was a serious injury.

Thankfully it wasn't.

He raised his eyes and stared at the woman before him with a smile.

"Finally, my better half."

Akuma spread his arms and welcomed the woman with a warm heart but

what he got in return was a kick on his chest.


His body broke through the White House and flew outside the mountain

ultimately slamming down on the ground.


The woman, with golden hair and fair skin, her body covered by the

golden dress, leaped in the sky and landed before Akuma.

"You can't be saved any longer. The only solution left for me is to kill you

with my own hands."

The woman said with a depressed look on her face, she clenched her

right hand into a tight fist and punched at Akuma.

But the fist was caught by Akuma easily, he tilted his head and looked at

her eyes.

"Angel, please listen. I can change!"

In Akuma's voice was desperation, the woman, Mia Tatsuri, or the real

identity of the Angel, Rose Kalós, hesitated.

That hesitation was enough for Akuma to grin and kick her on her chest

with all his might.


Rose flew and her body destroyed the thorn forest in her line of path.

Small red trails of blood flowed down from the cuts on her body.

Of which, most healed in a blink of an eye while the rest disappeared in a


"What more can I expect from you."

Rose sighed and stood from the ground. From her back, two large white

wings burst out.

Her entire body shined with even more glow, a white halo formed above

her head.

"Full power from the start? Wise choice, Angel!"

Akuma grinned wickedly at Rose. His face distorted and his skin started


His entire body turned red, a long thin tail stretched out of his back with

two huge bat wings.

"Hehel haha! This time, it will be the end!"

Akuma stomped his foot on the ground and flew in the sky with his


Using Devil Fruit? It was useless against Rose. Haki? Also useless.

The only way to fight against the Angel was for the Devil to use his true

form and strength.


The two collided in the sky, gusts of wind spread from their clash. Their

presence alone was like a sword on the people.

Many fainted directly. Even many of the strong members of the Devil's

Pirates passed out.

In the forest, in Earth Realm, a gigantic snake raised its head in the sky

and watched the fight between Akuma and Rose with horror.

It was Failed 13!

On its head, Joker was seated. His body had suffered too many serious

wounds and injuries.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! I was trying to kill that thing! Hahaha!"

Seeing Akuma's true form, even Joker was unable to control his mind. His

eyes bleed, his mouth wide open to laugh.

He clawed his own face in terror, the aura coming from Akuma and

Rose's fight was just to must for them to handle.

In a few moments, Joker rolled down from Failed 13 and fell on the

ground dead. Even at his death, Joker's face was laughing.

Not just him, those who didn't faint, either died or turned into madmen.


Akuma was struck by a hard punch from Rose, his body flew back

hundreds of meters away in the sky.

"Akuma, why? Why is it always you? For once, I felt an attachment with

you but what have you become!"

Tears flowed down from Rose's eyes. In her latest memories, she

remembered her time with Akuma.

Their identities were Birkang and Janvi! It was true, in their past lives,

they did fall in love with each other.

Akuma didn't deny it, but also didn't agree.

"That's because we are different! We are one! We are I!"

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 36 { We Are

One! Part-2 }

"No use talking about it anymore!"

Rose flapped her wings and flew towards Akuma, her hands let out bright

white light.

Akuma also launched himself towards her, his hands also let out bright

light but his was black mist.


They clenched each other's hands, the white and black lights twisted and

spun around them like huge long snakes.


Rose forced Akuma backwards, then applying all her strength, she threw

him on the floating island.


Heaven Realm shook violently with Akuma crashing on it, a deep crater

was formed and the cracks spread throughout the entire island.


Rose stomped on Akuma with an impact that caused the island to start

breaking down into multiple parts.

On one side of the island, the village where the angel people lived, the

land cracked into several parts.

And because of Akuma and Rose's auras, those angel people were

unconscious so if no one saves them now, it was their end.

Unfortunately, it was their end indeed. Rose didn't know of their

existence and Akuma just didn't care.


Akuma leaped from the falling ground and clawed at Rose with his sharp


Rose moved her head in time and barely dodged the nails. Four lines of

blood trailed down her left cheek.

Gritting her teeth, she caught Akuma's hands and dived down from the

sky towards Earth Realm.

Together with the thousands of large pieces of land, they continued

descending and then crashed on the hard ground. The Upper Yard was

also caught up in the action.


The Earth Realm, having a population of more than 2 million citizens and

1 million pirates right now, tens of mountains, animals and plants, all felt

the terrors.

The ground split up into millions of fragments, Akuma and Rose were

still entangled until they reached the Hell Realm.


Rose slammed Akuma on the ground and leaped away from him, making

some distance.

"Did you grow stronger?"

Asked Akuma as he spit some blood out of his mouth on the ground. His

body was still in perfect condition.

Rose, with similar strength to Akuma, was also uninjured.


The winds blew, the collapsed Realms began destroying the last land

below the sea level.

The sea water also rushed in and would soon consume the Hell Realm.

"I guess it's time."

Akuma extended his arm then pulled out a small crystal from system


"You! How are you able to do it! When did you absorb the true powers of

a Demon Lord!"

Rose glared at Akuma but her mind was in alarm, she inwardly tried to

calm herself.

The only way Akuma could perform these was with the help of the

powers of the true Gods or Demon Lord.

"Don't be surprised yet, I have many more gifts for you."

Akuma smiled wickedly, he then crushed the crystal in his hands into


Akuma and Rose's bodies glowed in dark light then, they both

disappeared from their spots after the dark light went out.

The sea water engulfed the Hell Realm destroying the laboratory and

wildlife there.

The pieces of lands from Heaven Realm, Earth Realm and Upper Yard fell

in the sea and sank down to the bottom.

With that, Devil's Home ceased to exist. It became a history in the world's

history chapters.

* * *

Somewhere in the universe, a small void opened up and an open space


It had hard ground stretching out to such an extent that was

unimaginable and couldn't be reached.

Two figures appeared there with a hundred meter distance from one


"You used a heavenly jewel! What did you pay for it! TELL ME!"

Shouted Rose, heavenly jewels were extremely powerful and hard to get.

Unless lucky, one had to create it themselves.

Creating heavenly jewels required lots of energy, any form of energy was

useful. But heavenly jewels with particular powers needed a particular

form of energy.

Yet, there was one special form of energy that could be used to make

these heavenly jewels with any particular power.

"Yes, I used souls."

Even though she expected the answer, Rose couldn't help getting


"Was that bad?"

Asked Akuma with an innocent look on his face. Rose kicked the ground

and used her wings to boost herself towards Akuma.


She punched with her right hand growing in white halo, and it also

successfully hit Akuma's face.

Akuma felt his head pull his body backwards due to the huge impact. His

body rolled on the ground and stopped only after going a hundred



Akuma cursed, the corner of his eyes caught Rose's movement and his

body shifted sideways.

Avoiding the super kick, Akuma caught Rose from her back and lifted her

up from the ground.

Slamming her on the ground with the famous suplex move in wrestling,

Akuma dug her deep in.

Retreating backwards, Akuma pulled out another object from his system


It was a small syringe with purple fluid inside. Akuma pierced the syringe

needle in his arm then inserted all the purple fluid in.


Akuma clenched his jaws in pain, all his blood vessels popped out and his

eyes turned eyed.


In the meantime, Rose was able to get her body up then fly towards

Akuma. This time, she formed a long sword and held it tightly.

The sword was majestic and very dangerous for Akuma because it was an

Evil Slayer Sword.

The sword was just a few inches away from Akuma's chest when Rose felt

the sudden burst of evil energy from him.


Dark mist erupted out from Akuma, his body spasming and his eyes

letting out red glow.


Akuma roared and flew at Rose with his deadly claws. Rose slashed her

sword and dealt some wounds on his body but was not able to stop him.


Akuma's left hand fingers ripped some flesh from her lower abdomen.

The dark mist slowly entered through the wounds and the flesh started


Rose kicked Akuma away from her then sliced the wounded area of her

body with her sword.

The bright white light glowed and pushed away all the dark mist from

her wounds.

'I needed to be careful.'

Rose tried her best and avoided Akuma's savage attacks and in her

counter, gave him multiple cuts.

Her body soon was dyed in deep red blood, it was all Akuma's blood. She

wiped her face and slashed her sword, cutting off Akuma's left arm.


Akuma roared in agony, he stepped back and stabilized himself. His

thoughts returned back and he regained his control over his body.

"Damn, it really is painful."

Akuma covered his severed left arm with his right hand and looked at


He saw her entire body covered with his blood, even her face was. A

smile bloomed on his face that Rose was unable to understand.

"Tell me, why would you go to such lengths to achieve more power?"

Asked Rose, she was breathing with a slow tempo to let her body cool

down a bit.

"Why you ask? Because of you!"

Akuma's expression turned dreadful, his eyes glared towards Rose with


"Everyone was special, except me! You, who should have been like me

with no specialty, was chosen by heaven and I was left in that hell!

You reached the highest level with the help of those angels and gods

while me? I was all alone!

I had to work, I had to kill, and I had to grow! You enjoyed peaceful life

but I was pushed by the chaos everyday!

I gained power slowly and wanted to be free from hell, but it was heaven

who trapped me there!

Why was it? Because of YOU! You were there in heaven so I was needed

in hell!

What have I done to heaven to get this treatment? Was I born evil? No!

Yes, I finally learned it after many years!

You and me, we were equal! I and you were not born evil or good! It was

them! They made us what we are now.

I walked the path they chose! Not the path I wanted to walk! There was

no other choice…

But why? Why was it me who suffered? Why not you? I asked myself this

question many times but couldn't come to any conclusion.

So, there was only one way to see if I could really gain freedom from the

shackles of heaven and hell."

Akuma shut his mouth and stared at Rose. His eyes spun and the red

glow in them disappeared.

"I will have to trap you for eternity. But before that, I will have some

quality time with you."

(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 37 {

Ouroboros! }


Akuma let out a cry as he held Rose by her wings and threw towards the



Rose flew up in the sky, her body was like a missile launched from the



Her body seems to hit on a hard surface, blocking the environment from

getting sucked by the open space outside.


She spit out blood, her body then started falling down towards the

ground. Akuma grabbed his metal bat and jumped towards her.

He twisted his body and was preparing to swing the metal bat at Rose

when she spread her wings and flew away.

"Don't run!"

Akuma flapped his bat wings and flew behind Rose. His speed was not

much slower than her.

Mid air, Rose stopped and slashed her sword. Akuma was prepared, he

swung his bat and blocked her attack.

Both of them continued to race while attacking each other in the sky.

* * *

Six months later.


Akuma flew from the sky to the ground, his body was severely injured.


In the center of the huge crater, Akuma coughed out blood. His right

hand was broken, the bones inside were shattered by Rose.

Both his wings were cut off. From the sky, Rose descended. She was also

in a bad shape, her right hand was broken, her ribs cracked, and one of

her eyes was dug out.

She landed before Akuma, her legs almost giving up on her a few times


Rose held the golden sword, which was broken from the middle, and

stepped towards Akuma.

But she couldn't feel her legs, so she fell to her knees just before Akuma.

"Y-You, you shouldn't have… done this. You leave me with no choice but

to kill you."

Rose breathed heavily, she was barely able to keep her eyes open and

moved her mouth.

"Hah… Hah… I, I don't regret what I did…"

Akuma's weak voice entered Rose's ears. His dead eyes stared at her with


Why would he look at her like that?

Before Rose could make a guess, she widened her eyes in disbelief. Her

legs, from her toes to her knees, turned into crystal.

"What! What's happening!"

Even her exhaustion paused, she tried to move her legs but couldn't. It

was as if she had no legs.

Akuma's blood that had got on her body was the cause of this

crystallization. It was due to Akuma injecting the purple fluid before.

"The moment we fought, everything was within my expectations. I knew I

couldn't win against you in a fair fight."

Akuma gritted his teeth and stood up with great difficulty, his entire

body let out weird sounds.

"As long as I seal you, my life is in my hands! You will not die, and will

also not live!"

Panting, Akuma stepped in front of Rose, who was kneeling on the

ground with no strength to get up.

She raised her head and her eyes stared straight into Akuma's eyes.

There, she saw something, which made her realize.

Was she really the one at fault?

Thinking about it, it was always her who searched for Akuma and fought

against him. It was always her, she stood on the bright side while Akuma

was pushed into darkness.

What if it was Akuma who was chosen to be an angel and not her? What

would have she done in that situation?

Tears formed and flowed down her eyes, Rose wiped them but the tears

seemed to be endless.

Akuma was surprised, he watched as Rose lowered her head and cried.

"Hey, what are you doing? I won't fall for these cheap tricks."

Said Akuma. Rose finally stopped crying, the crystallization had reached

till her chest and rising.

She raised her hands and offered the broken sword to Akuma, her face

revealing a bitter smile.

"I am sorry but we-…"

With these as her last words, her entire body turned into a crystal

sculpture. She looked beautiful, no one could deny it.

Minutes passed, but Akuma didn't move from his spot. He looked at the

crystal sculpture with empty eyes.

It was over, he got what he wanted.

But for some reason, her last words made Akuma hesitate to continue.

Taking in a deep breath, he calmed his mind.

The dimensional space, starting cracking and shattered into void once


Akuma touched the crystal sculpture and vanished from the space.

* * *

Twenty years later.

The sky was dyed red, the clouds were completely black and emitting

dreadful auras.

The sea was violent and huge waves would flow from time to time.

Thousands of pirate ships sailed on these seas.

All of these pirate ships had the very same flags, the very same Jolly


On the black flag, there was a human skull with two red horns giving off

the vibes of a devil.

Behind, two crossed bones that had red blood splashed on them were

present. This was the Jolly Roger of the ultimate ruler of the sea and

land, Devil's Pirates!

Humans were now savage, like wild beasts. They cared only about


There was only one law in this world, the Devil is to be listened to and


If one doesn't, they can only expect a quick death or painful one.

The Devil was the overlord, no one could challenge him in a fight. If

someone did, they would only see torture forever and death at last.

On one island, which was very well hidden from the outside world, there

was a small village.

The people there were living peacefully until this day when a pirate ship

from the Devil's Pirates found them.


A cannonball blasted one of the villagers' hut, killing the family that were


"Ahh! Run!"

"Pirates! Pirates!"

"Mommy! Daddy!"

The village was in total mess, the pirates rushed in and killed some of the

villagers as soon as they came.

"That one is my!"

"No mine!"

A very beautiful girl, about 15 years old, was captured alive. The pirates

fought against each other to find who the girl would belong to.

"Idiots! Just share that thing! We can buy more of such when we return!"

From behind, the ship's captain shouted. Hearing him, the girl paled even

more in fright.

She saw that the pirates fighting over her changed their expressions, they

all agreed to share her.

"No! No! Please! Let me go! Nooo!"

No matter how she screamed and begged for mercy, the pirates were


They ripped her clothes and took turns to use her body. The pirates

stayed in the village for three more days before getting ready to depart.

The girl, from before, laid under a tree. Her body was unmoving and her

eyes dead. Her body had purple marks and fractures caused due to rough


"Hell… Hell… Hell…"

The girl muttered, her lips opened and she continued to repeat the same

word again and again.

The world really had turned into Hell.

* * *

Inside a huge room, there was a beautiful crystal sculpture in the center.

It was of a woman, kneeling before someone, and offering a golden

broken sword.

Tak! Tak!

The sound of shoe soles hitting on the hard marble floor resonated.


The double door opened and a tall man entered the huge room. He was

very handsome, with black hair and multi-color eyes.

He wore black long pants and white shirt with the top two buttons

opened to show his collar bone.

He walked and stood in front of the crystal sculpture, his face lacked


"I lost…"

Muttered the man, he clenched his fists and then loosened them.

"I feel empty."

The man moved his hand and held the golden sword placed on the

crystal sculpture's palms.

'I achieved everything… But I am missing one particular thing.'

Thought the man as he inspected the golden sword with a pained face as

the golden was very dangerous for him.

Just touching it made his hands bleed. Black smoke rose from his palms.

"I don't have a life to live."

Said the man, he kneeled down on the floor. His chest touched the crystal

sculpture's chest.

The man then positioned the golden sword in his hands and pointed it

towards him and the crystal sculpture's back.

If the sword pierces, then it will go through the crystal sculpture's back

and come out of the man's back.

The sword, even though broken, was long enough to accomplish it.

"I now know what you wanted to say…"

The man said in a weak voice, he hugged the crystal sculpture tightly and

felt the coldness.

"I am sorry but we, we can do nothing…"

The golden sword pierced through the crystal sculpture as it was butter.

Then it continued to go further and cut through the wall of flesh.

Tearing the skin, muscles, blood vessels, organs and bones, it tore open

and came out through the back.

On the cold marble floor, a drop of blood fell and hit, it splashed then

more followed.

Very soon, there formed a pool of blood.

—---The End.

Author Talk---

Hello readers. We have ultimately come to the end of this fan fiction

novel, 'One Piece: I Am Psychopath'.

I know many of you are very disappointed by the ending but I would

have to share this with you all that the ending was already decided even

before I started writing this.

I hinted the ending in chapter 2 of the very first volume, where Akuma

(Birkang) achieved everything and was then tired of living.

Everything was planned from the beginning, except the few changes

because of the comments and your suggestion.

When I first wrote this, it was more than a year ago. At that time, I was

not experienced and this was my very first novel.

But after I continued to write, and also joined in with more fan fiction

novels, I gained experience and became better.

Before it was terrible, now you all could at least understand what I wrote

in the chapters.

In between, many times I wanted to give up and just read novels but

there was something that made me force myself to finish it. It wasn't all

that bad after all.

I am grateful to myself for not giving up and finally completing this fan

fiction novel. It's not at the top, but should be readable and could be used

to pass time.

Anyways, readers, please share your thoughts and write reviews about

this fan fiction novel if you could. I really request.

If any of you want, you can also upload this fan fiction novel to any other

platform without the need of my permission. Just give the credit to me,


Next, I will focus on my studies because I need to ensure that my future

stays on the bright side. I need to get married, right? I would obviously

need money for that, and to earn money, I need to work.

Readers wondering if I will continue to write and publish chapters for my

other fan fiction novels, you are damn right! I will!

Also, I have already planned that I will write my own web novel. It will

be my greatest work because I have dreamed about it since I was 10

years old.

All the adventures and legends will be fascinating, but will definitely take


'Don of the Sea', that is my original novel. Currently, I am rewriting and

editing the chapters. Once I finish those, new chapters will then be


About 'Contorted', it's also my original novel but I don't really know if I

will be able to complete it. I hope I can, that will depend on the

circumstances in the future.

I talk too much, so at last, thank you for supporting me.

See you all at my other fan fiction novels, or my own works.

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