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One Piece: Другой Луффи

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(16 оценок)

Краткое содержание

Когда Луффи садится на Триллер Барк и получает чит, ускоряющий

рост, ситуация для Пиратов Соломенной Шляпы начинает меняться.

В предстоящих крупных событиях Мугивары не будут такими

слабыми, как раньше. В «Триллер Барке» Луффи использует Хаки

Завоевателя, чтобы оглушить своих врагов, даже заставив врасплох

гигантского медведя выстрелом с воздуха.

После прибытия на архипелаг Сабаоди Луффи представляет свою

форму Пятого Гира, известную как Четвертый Гир: Баундмен,

объединяя ее со своей формой Ника и овладевая Хаки Завоевателя.

Обладая повышенной физической силой, он без особых усилий

побеждает Пасифиста одним ударом и одним ударом отправляет

адмирала Кидзару в полет, оставив в изумлении даже Рэйли.

Во время Войны на высшем уровне Пираты Соломенной Шляпы,

теперь усиленные, совершают грандиозное появление. Каждый

участник демонстрирует впечатляющее боевое мастерство, что

усиливает их грозное присутствие. Когда они сражаются против

Дозорных и Ситибукаев, все взгляды прикованы к Эйсу, который

стоит на платформе казни.

В момент напряжения Луффи активирует свое Хаки Завоевателя,

заглушая хаос на поле битвы шепотом: «Я здесь, чтобы положить

конец этой войне».

Я буду обновлять одну главу ежедневно!!

Название MTL — «Открыта пятая передача на земле Сабаоди»,

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55. The Strong Come On Stage,

The Battle Begins

"Attention, everyone's ready.

Sengoku yelled, clutching a Den Den Mushi, the phone bug used to

command the battlefield.

This phone is crucial; it controls the whole situation and is capable of

issuing orders anywhere on the battlefield.

Marines are defending their home turf, and they've been prepping for this

battle for too long.

Pirate ships emerge from the mist one by one, each one sending shivers

down the Marines' spines.

These are no ordinary pirates – they're all big shots from the New World.

Even Vice Admirals at headquarters tremble at the thought.

And there are dozens of these pirate ships.

This is the backdrop of the Whitebeard Pirates, hailed as the strongest

among the Four Emperors.


Ace stood on the execution platform, chained with seastone. He could

only watch silently as familiar faces appeared in the distance, filling him

with shame and guilt.


On the warships, cannons aimed at the approaching pirate ships, ready to


But Sengoku hesitated to give the order.

Because, so far, there's been no sign of Whitebeard's flagship, the Moby


And, according to intel, Gol D. Roger's old ship, the Oro Jackson, should

be with Whitebeard.

The Straw Hats aim to rescue Fire Fist Ace.

With Rayleigh, they likely joined forces with Whitebeard.

The Oro Jackson was last spotted near Fish-Man Island, heading for the

New World, linked with Whitebeard.

Sengoku's face darkens when he thinks of the Straw Hats.

The Four Emperors Whitebeard – all predictable.

Except for the Straw Hat Pirates, the wild card in this whole affair.

"I can't wait to see the clash between the Whitebeard Pirates and the


Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords, chuckles loudly from his vantage


His arms are outstretched, and he seems like a madman embracing the

chaos of the battlefield.

The Empress shoots him a disgusted look.

"Will Rayleigh join the fight too?"

Despite her indifferent attitude towards Rayleigh, Hancock knew deep

down that she owed him a great debt.

If it weren't for Rayleigh and Shakky back then, she wouldn't have been

able to return to Amazon Lily so effortlessly.

But she heard that Rayleigh helped the Straw Hat Boy join the war.

"Marine's strength is far greater than anticipated."

Gekko Moria's injuries had fully healed. He extended his thick, long neck,

surveyed the scene, and screeched, "Admiral Sengoku, the Three

Admirals, Hero Garp, Black Arm Zephyr, Tsuru, Gion, and T-Bone."

"The golden generation of Marine's older guard and the current Admirals,

along with their substitutes, are all here. Marine's power and resolve for

this war are truly astounding."


Hawkeye paid no attention to his surroundings; he was only interested in

his next opponent.

He simply wanted to gauge the distance between himself and the world's

strongest using the blade in his hand.

Onstage, Sengoku still held a Den Den Mushi, broadcasting Fire Fist Ace's

true story to the world, along with the might of the Marine and the

World Government.

After the broadcast ended, a Marine soldier approached Sengoku and

whispered a report.

"The newly appointed Shichibukai, Blackbeard Teach, commandeered a

warship and departed, and the Gates of Justice opened."

"Blackbeard, that scoundrel."

Sengoku clenched his teeth. He knew Blackbeard had motives, but he

hadn't expected them at this crucial moment. And it seemed his target

was likely Impel Down.

And it's fair to say Blackbeard chose his moment well. At this juncture,

Marines couldn't reinforce Impel Down, making its defence weakest.

"Inform Magellan, tell him to stay vigilant and release Shiryu if


Sengoku wasn't overly alarmed.

Even without Marine's support, Impel Down's defences were formidable.

They might not withstand the Four Emperors, but they could handle


The priority now was dealing with Whitebeard before them.

After all, between the execution platform, the protective wall, and the

warships, the sea lay beneath.

A colossal shadow had already emerged, stirring a sense of foreboding in

Sengoku's heart.

Beneath the waves, three pirate ships bobbed quietly.

"Are we all set?"

Heavy footsteps resounded on the deck of the Moby Dick.

Clad in a white cloak and wielding a long sword, Whitebeard emerged

from the cabin, sporting a serene smile.

With each step, the long sword's bottom tapped the deck, creating a crisp


From this distance, the glimmer of the sea was already visible.

"We've got to save Ace this time," Luffy murmured, adjusting his straw


Beside him, Zoro's face brimmed with determination. He casually

removed the turban draped over his shoulders, tying it firmly around his

head. His fingers trembled slightly, dancing along the hilt of his blade.

"Don't slow me down, Chopper," Sanji said coolly, lighting a cigarette.

"Admiral, I haven't had my fill yet. How about a round of appetizers?"

Chopper's expression hardened as he assumed his formidable human

form, fingers clutching four Rumble Balls. His fur bristled with


"This is where our fearless sea warrior, Usopp, makes his mark," Usopp

declared confidently, donning a sniper mask and wielding his trusty

slingshot with renewed vigour.

"What a lively bunch," Marco remarked, a glint of azure fire flickering in

his eyes.

"Then let the battle commence," Whitebeard exclaimed, shaking his long

sword vigorously.


Three colossal pirate ships breached the surface, resembling mighty

beasts rising from the depths.

Bang, bang, bang.

Enormous bubbles burst, punctuating the air with their explosive release.

On the pirate ship, the Moby Dick took center stage, with Whitebeard,

Luffy, and Rayleigh standing proudly at the bow.

Behind them stood the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates and the

members of the Straw Hat crew.

All eyes were fixated on Whitebeard, for he was the legendary figure

commanding their attention.

"Gurararara, quite the spectacle," Whitebeard remarked, surveying the

darkened horizon of Marines with a smile. "Are those coatings rising from

the seabed? Quite the assembly."

Sengoku, standing before the execution platform, wore a slight grimace,

but it was merely a minor setback in the grand scheme of things.

"Father!" Ace couldn't contain his emotions upon seeing Whitebeard

before him. He cried out like a sorrowful child finally reunited with his


"Ace, stay put. I'll bring you home," Whitebeard assured, extending a

comforting hand towards the execution platform.

Beside Whitebeard, Luffy couldn't contain his excitement upon spotting

Ace on the platform.

"Ace, hang on! I'm coming to rescue you!" he shouted eagerly.

"Luffy?" If Whitebeard represented a father figure to Ace, then seeing

Luffy was akin to encountering a mischievous younger brother in the

most perilous of situations. Ace's heart swelled with a mix of surprise,

warmth, and concern.

And nearby, someone's emotions churned even more intensely.

"Luffy, you rascal." Garp's impression of Luffy remained rooted in the boy

he once knew. Despite Kizaru's reports of Luffy's victories, in Garp's eyes,

he was still the impetuous youngster.

However, as Luffy stood on the battlefield before him, Garp's expression

turned grim. The conflict between familial love and duty weighed heavily

upon him.

He could only clasp his hands over his chest, bow his head, and his eyes

appeared clouded with uncertainty.

"Straw Hat Kid."

The Three Admirals occupied the highest positions.

When Whitebeard emerged, Kizaru remained composed, but upon

hearing Luffy's voice, he straightened up. A flicker of apprehension

danced in his eyes.

He wasn't afraid of Whitebeard. They had clashed before, and while the

opponent was formidable, his speed was somewhat restrained by his


But Straw Hat was different.

With his Fifth Gear, enhanced physical prowess, and mastery of combat

skills and Conqueror's Haki, he posed a genuine threat.

"What's on your mind, Kizaru?" Akainu and Aokiji exchanged puzzled

glances as they observed Kizaru's excitement.

Though they knew Kizaru had been injured in his encounter with Straw

Hat, they were unaware of the details.

"Nothing at all," Kizaru dismissed with a wave of his hand.

Meanwhile, aboard the Moby Dick,

Whitebeard stood at the bow, his gaze slanting downwards towards

Luffy. "Hey, kid, do you feel overwhelmed by the crowd ahead?"

"What do you mean? I'm going to rescue Ace," Luffy replied, glancing

urgently towards the execution platform.

"Don't worry, let's give the Marines a little surprise first. Let's make our

presence known," Whitebeard said with a grin.

"What?" Luffy looked puzzled.

Beside him, Rayleigh gently pulled Luffy back and smiled, "You'll see

soon enough. Whitebeard's power to shake the world."

"Shake the world?" Zoro and Sanji exchanged curious glances.

Despite their time with the Whitebeard Pirates, they had yet to witness

Whitebeard's full power in action. The last time he was about to unleash

it, Rayleigh had intervened.

With a smile on his face, Whitebeard drove his sword forcefully into the

deck, clenching his fists and crossing them over his chest. His arm

muscles bulged, brimming with newfound strength.

Two spherical, translucent halos formed around his fists, emitting an aura

of power.

"Kaishin," Whitebeard uttered, causing the air around him to vibrate.

In the next instant, Whitebeard thrust his fists outward...

Click, click, click.

Like a shattered mirror, the space on either side of Whitebeard

fragmented like a spider's web, accompanied by a soft crackling sound.

Cracks, illuminated with silver-white light, spread from Whitebeard's

fists, reaching up into the sky.

"Gu la la la," Whitebeard bellowed triumphantly.

Zoro, Sanji, and the others watched in awe.

"The space is being torn apart?" Zoro exclaimed, astonished.

But what amazed them even more was yet to come.

Shortly after, the entire sea began to convulse violently.

Two massive waves, towering over 100 meters high, surged past the

tallest structures of Marineford.

This was a tsunami, a colossal wave capable of engulfing the entire


"Pops ate the Gura Gura no Mi, the Quake-Quake Fruit. It lets him

generate earthquakes and tsunamis," Marco explained.

"What incredible destructive power," Zoro muttered, his shock evident.

No wonder the World Government feared Whitebeard so greatly.

His ability to unleash such devastation could easily obliterate a sizable


It was no exaggeration to say that he possessed the power to reshape the


However, since the Marines dared to confront Whitebeard, they must

possess the means to counter the tsunami.

"Then, I'll take the first step," a calm voice interrupted. Aokiji rose from

his seat leisurely, ready to act.

In an instant, a sharp edge of ice materialized on the ground, and the

figure of the pheasant vanished, reappearing in the sky above Naval


"Ice Age," Aokiji muttered, facing the onslaught of the tsunami on both


Icicles extended towards the waves, rapidly freezing them upon contact,

transforming the raging waters into solid ice.

Not only were the waves affected, but a frosty chill spread across the sea

around Marineford, freezing it before their eyes.

"Your power is quite troublesome," Aokiji remarked calmly as he

descended from the sky, his gaze fixed on Whitebeard in the distance.

"If our opponent keeps summoning tsunamis, no matter how many

Marines we have, it won't be enough," he added.

"Hmph, Ice brat," Whitebeard retorted, observing the frozen expanse in

the distance with a nonchalant air.

"It's up to you two, Straw Hat Kid, Rayleigh," Whitebeard declared. "Let's

make some adjustments to this battle."

"Exactly what I had in mind," Luffy responded, adjusting his straw hat

and clenching his fists, emitting white steam from his skin.

In the blink of an eye, he vanished from the Moby Dick.

And when he reappeared...

They found themselves beyond the protective wall, hovering above the

square in front of the execution platform. Beneath them lay tens of

thousands of elite Marine soldiers.

Directly ahead stood Marine's top-tier forces – Admirals, Vice Admirals,

and Shichibukai.

At such close proximity, Ace and Garp on the execution platform could

discern Luffy's expression.

"What...?" gasped Whitebeard, Rayleigh, and the others aboard the Moby

Dick, their mouths agape as they watched Luffy descending towards the

Marine throng below.

"What is that kid up to?"

Whitebeard looked on in astonishment.

"All he wanted was for Straw Hat to unleash his Conqueror's Haki. Why

would he charge in alone, or rather, charge straight into the heart of the

enemy's formation?" he pondered.

"That guy," Zoro sighed, shaking his head. "I should've known. With his

personality, how could he stick to the battle plan?"

With a resigned shrug, Zoro leaped off the ship without hesitation.

"This is our captain for you. You know how unpredictable he can be,"

Sanji remarked to the bewildered Whitebeard and Rayleigh.

With a swift step and a slight burst of air, Sanji vanished instantly.

Meanwhile, in the square before the execution platform...

Luffy's sudden appearance stunned the Marine higher-ups and soldiers

alike. But they were adversaries, and they quickly raised their weapons,

aiming at the descending Luffy.

"Clear the way!" Luffy's voice rang out coldly as he surveyed the sea of

Marines below.


As he touched down, an immense black-red shockwave rippled outward,

akin to a tempest unleashed in the square.

Marine soldiers closer to the epicenter were swept up like leaves in a

storm, tossed aside by the tangible force of Luffy's Conqueror's Haki.

Many Marines staggered and collapsed to the ground, their eyes rolling


This was Luffy's evolved Conqueror's Haki, now at the pinnacle of the

sea, rivaling that of even Shanks.

"Hey, is that the Straw Hat kid? His Haki is incredible. Only Vice

Admirals seem able to withstand it," Doflamingo remarked, masking his

surprise with a chuckle.

But before he could finish speaking, he witnessed Vice Admiral Tsuru,

who had been advancing towards him, kneel on one knee.

Luffy's Conqueror's Haki was far beyond his own.

Doflamingo had heard about the Straw Hat from Bellamy, but this... was


This overwhelming Conqueror's Haki was akin to that of an emperor

ruling over the world.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

56. Fighting Of Monsters

"Luffy stared at the Marine soldiers. Some rolled their eyes and fainted,

while others knelt on one knee, their veins bulging as they roared loudly.

A terrifying energy radiated from Sengoku, like a shock wave, crashing

into Luffy's Haki. Luffy's Conqueror's Haki surged, overpowering



An invisible force exploded, making Sengoku step back on the execution

platform. Ordinary soldiers couldn't see what happened, but the strong

ones witnessed it clearly.

Sengoku's Conqueror's Haki, was completely overwhelmed by Luffy's.

Even though Sengoku didn't go all out, it was still shocking.

But Sengoku's move wasn't in vain. He managed to contain Luffy's Haki,

preventing Marine casualties.

"Luffy," Garp exclaimed, seeing Luffy standing confidently on the square,

surrounded by Marines either blown away or kneeling.

Garp was astonished at Luffy's power, equal to his own. He wondered

what had caused Luffy's sudden growth.

Garp was torn between pride in Luffy's progress and the dilemma of


"Such a reckless kid," Whitebeard grumbled from the Moby Dick, though

he couldn't hide his admiration.

"Everyone, support Luffy with all your might!" Whitebeard commanded

his crew, rallying them.

On the ice behind him, New World warriors surged forward, inspired by

Luffy's bravery.

"Straw Hat Luffy. How did he become so strong?"

"Hawkeye fixed his sharp gaze on Luffy, who was now very close to


He remembered seeing this young man in a seaside restaurant not long

ago. Back then, the guy seemed weak, but Hawkeye sensed potential in

him and his crew.

But in less than a year, how had they grown so quickly?

"Is this the guy you lost an arm to, Shanks?" Hawkeye's mood shifted as

he thought of his former friend. Shanks, once the strongest in the world,

had lost an arm to a seemingly insignificant event in the East Blue.

The idea of facing the world's strongest gradually faded. Instead, a

stronger urge took over. Hawkeye wanted to test the strength of the man

Shanks had entrusted.

Den den.

Hawkeye's boots echoed on the ground, breaking the silence imposed by

Luffy's Conqueror's Haki.

Boa Hancock frowned at him while Doflamingo wore an unexpected

smile. "Quite unusual of you to take the initiative," he remarked.

Ignoring Doflamingo, Hawkeye drew his large black sword with force.

To onlookers, it seemed like an ordinary swing. But when the blade

descended, an immense green energy sliced through the ground, aiming

for Luffy.

"Hawkeye's moving?" Sengoku observed from his vantage point.

Though puzzled by Hawkeye's sudden action, Sengoku saw it as an

advantage. As one of the rarely seen independent figures among the

Warlords, Hawkeye's strength rivaled that of an Admiral.


The emerald green saber aura towered like a hill, hurtling towards Luffy

at tremendous speed.

Luffy was about to react when he stopped abruptly, wearing a broad


In the blink of an eye, a figure cloaked in green appeared before him.


The blades clashed.

A cold light flashed, then transformed into a black streak.

"One Sword Style: Sanjuroku Pound Ho"

A deep voice resonated like poetry.

On the flat ground, black sword waves clashed with emerald green ones,

creating a tempest.

The violent wind tousled Zoro and Luffy's clothes, leaving dozens of

sharp incisions on the ground.

In the distance, icebergs broke apart, their surfaces as smooth as mirrors.

"You're too impulsive, Luffy," Zoro chided, standing before him with a

flick of his black blade.

"What's there to fear? I knew you'd back me up," Luffy replied


Zoro sighed but said nothing more.

As the sword waves faded, Hawkeye looked at the man standing before

Luffy, a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Roronoa?" he muttered. The attack displayed by Zoro had the prowess of

a master swordsman. Was this the same guy he met at the seaside

restaurant? He must have grown remarkably fast.

"If you're looking to kill someone, you've got the wrong guy, Hawkeye,"

Zoro said, grinning fiercely with the word 'Wado Ichimonji' clenched

between his teeth. His eyes gleamed with a menacing intensity.

With a swift motion, Zoro unleashed his three swords, creating countless

silver lights that coalesced into a fearsome blue whirlwind.

"Three Swords Style: Three Thousand Worlds."

The whirlwind swept across the ground with even greater force than

Hawkeye's attack.

"Roronoa," Hawkeye murmured again, a rare smile gracing his lips as he

faced the onslaught of swordsmanship.

Since losing his arm, Hawkeye hadn't encountered a swordsman who

ignited his passion. But today, it felt different.

No matter how this swordsman had grown stronger, what mattered was

that he stood before Hawkeye as an equal, and that was enough.


Hawkeye advanced, his figure leaping from the high platform. Swinging

his massive black sword, Yoru exuded a heavy pressure that made space

quiver. A bright sword wave burst forth, colliding with Zoro's silver


The clash created a storm, scattering sharp sparks as the swords clashed.

Hawkeye gripped Yoru with both hands, meeting Zoro's Sandai Kitetsu in

a collision that sent tremors through the air, forcing Marine soldiers to

retreat involuntarily.

This battle between two of the world's strongest swordsmen emitted an

aura of terror, keeping onlookers at bay.

"Who's that swordsman? He's holding his own against the world's best,"

exclaimed a shocked Marine.

Hawkeye, renowned as the world's top swordsman, had clashed with

Four Emperors Shanks numerous times. If not for his lone-wolf nature, he

could have commanded a force rivalling the Emperors'.

Other Warlords paled in comparison.

Yet here he was, facing off against a relatively unknown young


"He's Roronoa Zoro, second in command of the Straw Hat Pirates, with a

bounty of 120 million Berries," a Marine familiar with bounties revealed.

But disbelief spread among the crowd. A mere rookie pirate with a 120

million Berry bounty? Surely there was a mistake. Some even argued it

should be 3 billion.

"Did you see that, Commander Smoker?" Tashigi asked, her face

reflecting her astonishment.

"Yeah, those Straw Hat boys," Smoker replied with a knowing nod.

Smoker clenched his fists tightly, his face grave as if water could drip

from it. He hadn't expected the Straw Hat Pirates to evolve so quickly,

attaining the formidable strength they displayed now.

"Facing off against the world's top swordsman without backing down,"

Tashigi mused dreamily, her eyes fixed on Zoro with a mix of admiration

and complexity.

"Straw Hat boy, how intriguing. Let's stir up some chaos," Doflamingo

chuckled, his hand extending to release invisible threads from his

fingertips. In an instant, several Marine Rear Admirals, like puppets,

drew their knives and lunged at Luffy.

Although these Rear Admirals alone posed no real threat to Luffy,

Doflamingo aimed to provoke him.

Yet, a sense of danger gripped Doflamingo. A tiny steel ball grazed his

face, erupting with explosive force. Doflamingo's expression darkened as

blood seeped from the wound.

"From that direction? Impossible!" Doflamingo exclaimed, glaring

towards the distant Moby Dick.

On the deck of the Moby Dick, Usopp, wearing a Sniper King mask, held

his giant slingshot. With keen perception and knowledge, he could

pinpoint each person's position, armed with steel balls coated in

Armament Haki.

"Don't underestimate the Straw Hat Pirates' sniper," Usopp declared


It was Usopp who had shot the steel ball that grazed Doflamingo. His aim

fell slightly short, but it was enough to rattle the Warlord.

"He still has room to grow," Usopp thought, acknowledging his need for

further improvement.

Two days ago, after Luffy sparred with Whitebeard, he gained evolution

points but hadn't reached his peak strength. Otherwise, his sneak attack

on Doflamingo would have landed solidly.

"What a sharpshooter. Where does that kid find these little monsters?"

Whitebeard remarked, casting a glance towards Usopp. Despite his

previous insignificance, Usopp's recent display demanded respect.

With such prowess, he could even captain his own ship.

While Doflamingo felt intimidated by Usopp's sniper skills, not everyone

was daunted.

In an instant, Luffy charged into the fray, his Conqueror's Haki

humiliating the Marines. Some Marine powerhouses resented his


"Grandson of Garp, your arrogance is misplaced on this battlefield," a

deep, weathered voice boomed.

A muscular old Marine wielding a massive mechanical arm struck at


"Enhanced Wrist Strength."

A figure appeared before Luffy, their palm wrapped in Armament Haki as

they clashed with the mechanical arm.

But upon contact, Chopper's expression changed as he realized it was

made of seastone.

"It's seastone," Chopper called out weakly before being overwhelmed.

"Chopper!" Luffy shouted, his determination evident as a bright light

began to emanate from him.

"You don't have time to worry about others, Straw Hat, Luffy," the voice


A lewd and frivolous voice resounded above Luffy's head as bright light

waves almost engulfed the sky.

Kizaru appeared above Luffy, hands glowing with a radiant light.

"Crush, Bunt," Zephyr laughed, extending his massive mechanical arms to

seize Luffy.

"Yasakani no Magatama," countless light waves surged towards Luffy

from behind.

"Devil's Feet" Sanji's voice echoed as he lunged towards Luffy with a

powerful kick.

"Brother Luffy, here we come! Fish-man Karate, Seven Thousand Tiles,

Right Fist," another voice joined in, one behind Luffy and the other in


In an instant, a slender but incredibly sturdy figure appeared both in

front of and behind Luffy. Their terrifying kicks clashed with the swirling

light waves, resulting in a deafening explosion.

Accompanied by Jinbei's punch, the surrounding air seemed to ripple

with invisible force as he struck the massive mechanical arm.

"This is the power of Black Arm Zephyr?" Jinbei grimaced, feeling the

weight of the blow.

"Jinbei, aiding the enemy as a Shichibukai makes you a sinner," Zephyr

sneered, exerting all his strength to overpower Jinbei.

But then, a flash of light caught Zephyr's attention.

"Shining Shock!" accompanied by a heavy impact, sent Zephyr flying, his

mechanical arm smashing through a building upon impact.

As Zephyr rose to his feet, spitting out blood and tearing his tattered

clothes, he faced off against a group protecting Luffy.

Shichibukai Jinbei, Whitebeard's Third Division Captain, Diamond Jozu,

and the gentlemanly figure behind Luffy caught Zephyr's attention.

It was this man who had effortlessly blocked Borsalino's attacks earlier,

proving he was no ordinary foe.

"If you dare attack our captain, it won't be easy, Kizaru," Sanji declared,

flames igniting under his feet like molten iron.

"Blackfoot Sanji, what a fearsome kicking style. You've grown remarkably

since Sabaody Archipelago," Kizaru remarked, fear flickering in his eyes.

Though he had briefly clashed with Sanji at Sabaody Archipelago, Sanji

now effortlessly countered his attacks, displaying incredible power and

skill. Kizaru couldn't help but acknowledge Sanji's monstrous strength

and presence.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

57. Admiral Shocked, The

Monsters Of The Straw Hats

Watching Zoro in the distance, who's like Hawkeye when he's at his


And there's Blackfoot Sanji in front of him.

Kizaru sensed that these two pirates, who were kinda weak against him

back in Sabaody Archipelago, seemed to have levelled up big time in just

four days.

Their strength, compared to the Sabaody Archipelago, has definitely gone

up a notch.

"Are they Admiral-level fighters now?"

Kizaru couldn't believe the thought that crossed his mind and

immediately brushed it off.

They couldn't be Admiral-level. In a small pirate crew, having someone at

the level of the Four Emperors, like Straw Hat Boy and a few others close

to the level of Emperor's deputies, would be too much.

If the top three were all Admiral-level, that'd be too terrifying.

As far as Kizaru remembered, only the Rocks Pirates, who once terrified

the world government and almost ruled the sea, and the old crew of Gold

D Roger, the Roger Pirates, had that kind of power.

A small pirate crew that's only been around for a year? No way.

With that in mind, Kizaru vanished in an instant, moving through the air

at incredible speed.

"Ever been kicked by light speed, Blackfoot?"

Kizaru was suddenly in front of Sanji, his legs moving so fast they left a

golden streak in the air.

But all he got in response was a puff of smoke.

There was a sound of smoke being exhaled, and then the smoke started to


Sanji's burning black-flamed shoes landed on Kizaru's light-speed kick,

but without actually touching it. Yet Kizaru felt the sensation of being

stepped on like an invisible flame.

The pain was real.

Kizaru's face turned serious as he looked at Sanji, shock in his eyes.

"You, Blackfoot, Conqueror's Entanglement?"

Invisible mid-air kick? Kizaru had fought against the Four Emperors

many times. He couldn't figure out what kind of ability this was.

"Kizaru, prepare to face your end."

Sanji's voice started calm but rose in intensity.

With a powerful kick, Sanji unleashed a torrent of black flame-like

lightning, the flames on his feet growing wilder and more distorted.

And then, Kizaru was sent flying back to the Marine camp by Sanji's kick.


A massive orange-red shockwave erupted, shaking the area.

Sanji casually floated in the air, flames on his right foot now black as


"Devil's Feet"

Sanji gazed calmly at where Kizaru had fallen. "Thinking of taking down

the king? Don't underestimate us"

"Admiral Kizaru got kicked away by Blackfoot."

"How's this possible? Are all the Straw Hat Pirates monsters?"

Marine soldiers stared in horror at Sanji hovering in mid-air.

"What a headache! They're all like monsters."

From the rubble, photons surged, coalescing into Kizaru's form, his tone

still calm.

But those who knew him sensed the seriousness of his actions.

Kizaru realized he was in trouble the moment Sanji unleashed

Conqueror's Twine.

Originally, he wanted to pick a slightly stronger opponent and navigate

through this dangerous war.

That's why he targeted Luffy early on.

Attacking now would be blocked by Whitebeard Pirates guarding Luffy,

so he aimed for Luffy's group later.

But luck wasn't on his side. No one expected so many monsters in the

Straw Hat crew.

Sanji, the third-in-command with a bounty of less than 100 million,

revealed Conqueror's Twine, a threshold of the Four Emperors, along

with formidable physical prowess and kicking skills.

Undoubtedly, another Admiral-level monster.

"A real headache and he's just third-in-command."

Kizaru shifted the foot Sanji had mentioned. The trouser leg tore,

revealing his ankle, faint traces of blood seeping.

Underestimating the enemy in his temptation earlier, he didn't see Sanji

as an equal opponent, leading to this significant loss.

However, such an injury could still be endured by an Admiral with

physical fitness comparable to that of a monster.

"Yata Mirror."

Kizaru sighed, swiftly pulling his hands back and sending a light mirror

towards Sanji, its speed almost instantaneous.

There was no slow wind-up; by the time the light reached Sanji, Kizaru

was already in front of him.

His speed seemed upgraded, reaching a higher level. This was Kizaru in a

serious state, abandoning sluggishness for a true display of strength, akin

to when he faced Luffy in fifth gear back in Sabaody.

He keenly felt the pressure from Sanji, realizing the third-in-command of

the Straw Hat Pirates wasn't an opponent to be taken lightly.

"Indeed. Whether it's the chef or the ingredients, when cooking, you must

pour your heart and soul into it."

Sanji smiled as if he were back in his familiar kitchen, wielding his

spatula and kitchen knife.

His legs became his tools, the foundation for handling ingredients.

"Devil God, Black Flame Banquet, Lamb Skewers."

Black and ominous flames engulfed Sanji's feet, distorting the air around

them. It was an abundance of Conqueror's Haki and Armament Haki,

along with the twisted, invisible flames generated by the heat of his

Demon Wind Feet.


A light-speed kick clashed with a Conqueror's kick wrapped in black

flames and armed color.

In an instant, the sky erupted like bright fireworks, black flames and

golden streaks painting a grand display.

"Heizu, were you really holding back when we fought?"

Watching the stunning clash, Foil Vista, rushing to the scene, couldn't

help but marvel.

"What a refined opponent. If he brings out this level of strength, I might

barely keep up. He's only a step below Marco, near Admiral level. Against

a true Admiral, he might just hold his ground."

"And Roronoa, the three-sword swordsman. Pushing Hawkeye to this

extent, evenly matched in Haki and swordsmanship."

"If the monsters of the Straw Hat Pirates truly go all out, the Whitebeard

Pirates will be put to shame after the test on the Moby Dick two days


"As expected of Ace's younger brother, upholding the pride of our pirate


Vista couldn't help but feel proud.

Unbeknownst to him, two days prior, both Zoro and Sanji's physical

abilities had only evolved halfway.

The significant gap in physical fitness prevented them from fully

unleashing the power of the top-tier Conqueror's Haki they had evolved.

So, two days ago, even though they held back, they still displayed their

utmost strength for sparring.

However, real qualitative change happened over these two days. They

transformed from first-class powerhouses in the sea to top-tier

powerhouses, now truly at the level of Admirals.

"What can you do? That black-footed brat."

Zephyr watched the battle between Sanji and Zoro with a smile. "I've said

it before, Borsalino relies too much on his Devil Fruit. Otherwise, facing

that brat wouldn't be so tough."

Despite his words, Zephyr's heart sank slightly. He could see Kizaru

giving his all, yet he still couldn't suppress Blackfoot Sanji. That black

foot was genuinely Admiral-level combat power.

In this war, everyone underestimated the Straw Hat Pirates, even



Zephyr bit a piece of wood-like material, pondering. But he knew his role

was to take down a few more of the Straw Hat crew.

Taking a deep breath from his asthma medicine, Zephyr shook his

massive mechanical arm, like a sleeping tiger awakening.

"Be careful, his mechanical arm is made of Seastone, highly effective

against Devil Fruit users," Jinbei warned.

Diamond Jozu looked at Zephyr seriously. "Black Arm Zephyr, a former

Marine Admiral, and Garp and Sengoku, pillars of their time. His

Seastone arm boosts his threat level against Devil Fruit users."

On the battlefield, excuses were futile. Luffy was about to speak, but

Jinbei cut him off, reminding him of the battles ahead.

"You are our Admiral. How can you stop here? Brother Ace is still waiting

for you," Jinbei urged.

Understanding, Luffy entrusted them with the task and rushed towards

the execution platform.

"Stop boasting, little devils. If you can withstand my attacks, then try,"

Zephyr taunted.


In an instant, a hemispherical crater erupted beneath Zephyr's feet, a

burst of high-speed, destructive power.

Zephyr's body darted between Jozu and Jinbei, leaving them astonished.

"How is this possible?" Jinbei turned, unable to halt Zephyr's advance.

"With such a massive weapon, how can he move so swiftly? Is this the

power of an older generation Admiral?" Jozu's eyes widened in horror.

"Brother Luffy!"

"Ace's younger brother!"

Jinbei and Jozu shouted after Luffy, but their voices struggled to catch up

with Zephyr's figure.

"Step aside, Luffy."

With a roar, a tall figure materialized behind Luffy, blocking Zephyr's


"You still want to challenge me?" Zephyr chuckled, raising his mechanical


"Crush, Rough Beat. Crush those with mere abilities to hell."

"Luffy, he's the future Pirate King, and I'm the Straw Hat Pirates' ship

doctor. I'll protect his back."

"Rumble Ball, Body Strengthening."

Chopper crushed four Rumble Balls in his mouth, empowering his body.

Instead of growing in size, his muscles expanded proportionally.

"Carved Hoof."

Chopper raised his muscular arms, fists imbued with invisible power.

"Ah ah ah!"

A beastly roar drowned out the noise. Invisible waves mixed with falling

cherry blossoms filled the air.


Chopper's attack collided with Zephyr's arm, creating a flash of lightning

and a transparent spherical wave, engulfing everything.

"Why? How can you resist my arm?" Zephyr asked, surprised.

"As long as I don't touch it, your Seastone arm is useless," Chopper


"No touch?" Zephyr realized, seeing an invisible barrier between their


Conqueror's Haki, stronger than Straw Hat's, but now Chopper wielded

Conqueror's Twine.

"How is this possible?" Zephyr's senses reeled. The Straw Hat crew's

medic controlling Conqueror's Twine?

"Step back!" Chopper roared, unleashing unimaginable strength.


Zephyr was forcefully pushed back, a violent explosion echoing in the air.

Marine soldiers watched in disbelief.

"Zephyr, the former Admiral, defeated by Tony Tony Chopper with a

bounty of fifty Baileys!"

"Can the Straw Hat Pirates' pet really defeat a former Admiral?"


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

58. Chopper's Awakening, Akainu


"I'm not a pet, but a ship's doctor!" Chopper yelled at the Marine soldiers

in the distance. The combination of "pet" and "fifty Baileys" hurt him


As the smoke cleared, Chopper's complete figure emerged. Standing over

three meters tall, his hair billowed around him, giving him an imposing

presence. Despite his size, his form was still humanoid, albeit much


His antlers curved sharply, his muscles rippling with power. This was

Chopper's special form, driven by four blue wave balls, enhancing various

aspects of his body without turning him into a monstrous form.

"I've had enough, as long as it helps Luffy," Chopper thought to himself,

eyes fixed on Zephyr rising from the smoke.

"Come on, Luffy. This time, it's our turn to stand in front," Chopper

whispered, memories of snowy days in his homeland flashing through his


"Thank you for saving us, Doctor," voices rang out around him.

"If this is your dream, then give it your all to protect him," another voice

chimed in.

"Join us, Chopper," yet another urged.

"If I can be your strength, Luffy, even if I become a real monster, I won't

hesitate," Chopper vowed.

As Luffy's footsteps faded into the distance, Chopper felt a sense of

affirmation wash over him.

Zephyr emerged from the smoke, seemingly unaffected by Chopper's

previous attack. Even in his old age, he was still a force to be reckoned


"Hey, little monster, have you made your final decision?" Zephyr taunted,

his body exuding an overwhelming aura.

"Don't try to pass me and interfere with our captain!" Chopper retorted,

his resolve strengthening amidst the chaos of battle.

"Speed Enhancement, Carved Hoof!" Chopper shouted, readying himself

for the clash.

"Good awareness, but it won't save you!" Zephyr laughed maniacally,

swinging his mechanical arm with ease.

Boom boom boom.

In an instant, the two monstrous figures collided, their clash

reverberating across the battlefield.

The sheer force and audacity shattered the air into fragments, countless

crystalline waves exploding outward like streamers.

"What kind of monsters are the Straw Hat Pirates?"

"D-Doctor Chopper." Diamond Jozu seemed taken aback, seeing Chopper

in action. Normally cute as a civet cat, now he fought with the ferocity of

a true monster, matching blows with a renowned Marine pillar.

Witnessing such a battle instilled fear in the onlookers' hearts. It wasn't

just about strength; it was the resolve, willpower, and courage displayed

in combat. Even facing Zephyr, Chopper showed no signs of faltering.

"The magic of the Straw Hat," Jozu murmured, now using Luffy's formal

nickname. He recognized Luffy as the soul of the Straw Hat Pirates, the

core around which they rallied. In times of crisis, everyone was willing to

lay down their lives for him.

It wasn't just about power; it ran deeper, akin to the reverence for their

father. Luffy, like a father figure, offered redemption to those in need.

"Jozu, follow up," Zephyr ordered, urging them to charge forward

alongside Chopper. "Understood," Jozu replied, falling into step.

"The enemy is held at bay by the Straw Hat Pirates. We can't show

weakness. We are the Whitebeard Pirates. Cover the Straw Hats and

rescue Ace," Marco declared, rallying the troops.

The Straw Hat Pirates' sudden surge caught everyone off guard. With

Luffy leading the charge, they broke through Marine lines, clearing a

path to the execution platform. The monsters of the crew stood firm

against the Marines, disrupting their formation.

Now, the battlefield was divided, with several inaccessible areas in the

square. This posed a significant challenge to the defending Marines,

facing multiple Admiral-level threats.

Seeing the opportunity, Whitebeard unleashed his captains, pushing

forward with the momentum created by the Straw Hat Pirates.

With the combined efforts of Luffy's crew and the Whitebeard Pirates,

they surged forward, determined to change the tide of battle.

"Damn it, Straw Hat Pirates," Sengoku muttered, his face grave. His

meticulously planned battlefield had been disrupted by Luffy's reckless


"Raise the protective wall immediately!" Sengoku commanded, realizing

they had to act fast to salvage the situation. Without the protective wall,

their carefully prepared defences would be useless against the

Whitebeard Pirates.

"The situation is dire. Admiral Sengoku, the control room personnel, were

taken out by Blackbeard's crew. Our reinforcements are on their way,"

came a report over the phone.

Blackbeard's interference had further complicated matters. With control

of the control room, the protective wall and the Door of Justice were now


"Blackbeard!" Sengoku cursed under his breath, his frustration evident.

"We can't open the barrier, Sengoku," Garp interjected, his expression

conflicted but resolute. He pointed out the dilemma they faced: raising

the protective wall would trap both the Whitebeard Pirates and their own

soldiers in the cramped square.

The narrow space was already crowded with tens of thousands of elite

Marine soldiers, compressed even further by the intense battles between

Admiral-level fighters and other powerful combatants.

Sengoku understood the consequences of raising the protective wall. It

would turn the square into a battlefield of hellfire, with countless

casualties among their own ranks.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Sengoku made a difficult decision.

"Don't raise the protective wall yet. Withdraw all soldiers from the square

to block the Whitebeard pirates on the ice and prevent them from


Garp expressed his disapproval, but Sengoku was firm in his resolve. He

knew they couldn't afford to lose control of the situation, even if it meant

deviating from their original plan.

"This isn't just about your grandson's recklessness," Sengoku snapped,

frustration evident in his voice. Luffy's impulsive actions had thrown

their carefully laid plans into disarray, leaving them scrambling to adapt

to the new circumstances.

With their home-field advantage lost, Sengoku and his forces had to

regroup quickly if they hoped to contain the chaos unleashed by the

Straw Hat Pirates.

Sengoku's gaze fell upon the battlefield, his expression darkening with

dismay. The intelligence reports had been grossly inaccurate,

underestimating the strength of the rookie pirates.

The Straw Hat Pirates, led by Luffy, had proven themselves to be

formidable opponents, capable of holding their own against multiple

Admiral-level fighters. The discrepancy between their perceived strength

and their actual combat prowess was staggering.

Roronoa Zoro effortlessly held his ground against a modified Shichibukai,

while Sanji and Chopper displayed powers far beyond what had been

anticipated. The Straw Hat Pirates had surpassed all expectations,

presenting a challenge that Marine forces struggled to contain.

If it hadn't been for the Straw Hat Pirates, Sengoku realized that the

Marine would have been able to deploy its full strength more effectively.

Instead, they found themselves constantly on the defensive, forced to

divert attention to the unexpected threat posed by Luffy and his crew.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Sengoku issued orders to

Sakazuki, instructing him to mobilize the strongest forces available to

apprehend Luffy. With the Straw Hat Pirates disrupting their plans, it was

imperative that they be stopped at all costs.

Akainu, seated atop the execution platform, received the command with

a steely resolve. Rising to his feet, he prepared to confront Luffy head-on,

his magma-based Devil Fruit powers ready to unleash devastation upon

the young pirate.

As Luffy charged forward, his mind raced with possibilities. With a quick

decision, he activated his Second Gear, enhancing his speed and agility to

evade Akainu's impending attack.

In a split second, Luffy vanished from sight, his movements too swift for

the naked eye to follow. Akainu's magma arm crashed down, but Luffy

had already darted out of harm's way, his determination driving him ever

closer to his ultimate goal.

As Luffy faced Akainu's advance, his resolve remained unwavering. He

knew that this battle would be unlike any other he had faced before.

Akainu's presence exuded an aura of overwhelming power and danger

unlike anything he had encountered thus far.

"Bring it on, magma man," Luffy called out defiantly, his voice steady

despite the rising tension.

Jinbei and Diamond Jozu watched anxiously from the sidelines, fully

aware of the gravity of the situation. Akainu was not to be

underestimated, and any misstep could prove fatal.

As Akainu closed in, the air crackled with intensity. Luffy braced himself,

his muscles tense and ready for action. He knew that he would need to

rely on all of his strength and cunning to overcome this formidable


With a sudden burst of speed, Akainu lunged forward, his magma-

covered fist aimed directly at Luffy. The ground shook beneath his feet as

he unleashed his devastating attack.

But Luffy was ready. With lightning-fast reflexes, he dodged to the side,

narrowly avoiding the searing heat of Akainu's magma. In one fluid

motion, he countered with a powerful punch of his own, aiming for

Akainu's exposed flank.

The two clashed with titanic force, their blows echoing across the

battlefield. Each strike was filled with determination and resolve, as both

combatants sought to gain the upper hand in this fierce battle of wills.

As the battle raged on, Luffy's determination only grew stronger. He

refused to back down in the face of adversity, drawing upon his

unwavering resolve to push forward against all odds.

With every punch and kick, he chipped away at Akainu's defences, slowly

but surely gaining ground in their intense showdown. And as the dust

settled and the smoke cleared, it became clear that this battle was far

from over.

For Luffy, the path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty. But

with his friends at his side and his dreams within reach, he knew that he

would stop at nothing to achieve victory.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

59. Akainu And Luffy's Collision,

Swapping Sides

Akainu approached Luffy.

When they were less than two meters apart, Akainu halted.

A Marine Admiral is confronting a Pirate Captain.

At that moment, they locked eyes.

Akainu, towering over Luffy, tilted his head slightly downward, gazing at

him with disdain.

Luffy, under his straw hat, met his gaze, determined and sharp.

An unseen energy enveloped them.

Akainu's side radiated dark red, like searing magma.

Luffy's side shimmered with black and red Conqueror's Haki, swirling and


They stared each other down.

Then, in an instant, Akainu's eyes glinted with determination.

His fist, clad in black gloves, rose high, spewing forth endless magma.

With a thunderous boom, the molten fist surged forward.

Luffy's foot, shod in a wooden sandal, stamped down onto the magma.

An invisible clash ensued.

For a moment, the world split into two hues.

A deep, indescribable red engulfed one side, resembling the brink of


The other side remained untouched as if repelling the scorching magma.

Heat waves rippled out, marking the aftermath of their collision.

"Run, Admiral Sakazuki is here!" cried out the nearby Marines, fleeing for

their lives.

This battlefield was no place for the weak.

Though elite soldiers from various Marine Bases stood around, they had

no say in this confrontation.

All they could do was retreat from the clash of titans.

"Straw Hat," Marco yelled, watching the clash between Luffy and Akainu.

Their Admiral couldn't be stopped here.

With another boom, a blaze engulfed Marco, cyan flames dancing around


A phoenix, its feathers alight with blue flames, emerged, soaring toward

the center of the battle.

"Two sharp spears," a languid voice drawled beside him.


The massive ice spears impaled the phoenix soaring above.

"Captain Marco!" exclaimed the Whitebeard Pirates.

But Marco wasn't gravely wounded.

Retreating from his full beast form, he reached for the two ice spears

lodged in his chest. No blood gushed forth, but the wounds smouldered

with blue flames.

Almost instantly, the flames consumed them, akin to Logia, and Marco's

chest wound vanished completely.

"Marco the Phoenix, is this the power of the Mythical Zoan Phoenix

Fruit?" remarked a tall, icy figure radiating a chilling aura.

Though Zoan fruits are typically inferior to Logia, exceptions exist. The

Mythical Zoan types rival even the strongest Logias.

Take Marco, the First Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, for

instance. His Phoenix Zoan form boasts unparalleled regenerative


With the flames of regeneration, wounds, no matter how severe, can be

swiftly healed, provided there's enough stamina.

In the hands of a formidable user, this ability surpasses even Logia

elemental transformations.

While Logia users can be affected by Armament Haki, leaving wounds

that persist, injuries inflicted by Haki can be effortlessly mended by the

regenerative blue flames of the phoenix.

"Aokiji," Marco addressed the tall, slender man before him with a

grimace, recalling his recent interference in aiding the Straw Hat Boy.

"We can't allow that kid to wreak havoc unchecked any longer. He's

caused enough chaos," Aokiji lazily scratched his head, casting a serious

glance at Luffy in the distance. "Though I'm unsure of their sudden

strength, if Mr. Sengoku is concerned, I can't remain idle."

"You Whitebeard Pirates scoundrels, stay put," barked a Marine.

"Jozu, Jinbei, Vista, escort Ace's little brother. I'll handle Aokiji," Marco

ordered, brushing off Aokiji's warning.

Ignoring Aokiji's words, Marco gestured to Jozu and the others. "I trust

you to handle it, Marco," Jozu responded quietly.

Aokiji simply watched as Vista, Jozu, and the others passed by without


"It's futile. You're unaware of the Marines' preparations for this war,"

Aokiji remarked calmly.


The air crackled as countless slashes streaked toward Jozu and his


"The Dance of Roses!" Vista gracefully swung his blade, unleashing a

flurry of petal-shaped slashes.

The seemingly delicate petals clashed violently with the razor-sharp

waves of blades, producing a resounding clash of metal.

"I've heard Admiral Gion, the Marine alternate, is a formidable

swordsman. It's rare to encounter a female swordsman of her calibre,"

Vista remarked as he landed lightly before Gion, a towering figure

wielding a renowned blade.

"Vista, the famed swordsman of the New World. I've longed for a duel

with you," Gion declared, her gentle demeanour giving way to a decisive


"Sorry, you can't aid the Straw Hat Boy. It's Mr. Sengoku's orders.

Interfere, and we'll make it hard for you," a repugnant figure emerged

from the smoke, blocking Jinbei and Jozu's path.

If Kizaru exuded a casual air, this man was the epitome of repulsiveness,

from his appearance to his words and actions.

Yet Jinbei and Jozu showed him no disdain.

T Bone, the Marine alternate, stood before them.

"The Marines have high expectations of us this time," Marco muttered,

noticing the formidable Marine forces gathering around them.

From Zephyr to the present, renowned Marine powerhouses had

converged on this battlefield, encompassing nearly the entire sea.

The Marine veterans, the new generation's Three Admirals, and their

successors—all have been mobilized for this war. It's a full-scale effort

from the Marines.

"We were once at odds, but the tables have turned," Marco remarked,

facing the formidable Marine presence surrounding him. "Didn't you

notice, Aokiji? You've inadvertently strengthened our position."

Aokiji's brow furrowed slightly as he extended his hand, fingers radiating

an icy chill, pressing toward Marco. "ICE Freezing Moment!"

A bone-chilling wave of coldness spread out like a spherical shockwave,

instantly crystallizing whatever it touched into thick ice.

"Is it a lie? When the Straw Hat Boy reveals his strength, you'll see

Aokiji," Marco retorted, blue flames engulfing his body, one eye

completely shrouded in azure fire. With wings formed from his arms, he

unleashed a torrent of blue flame feathers toward Aokiji.

"Undying Thistle!" The flames clashed with the frigid air, creating a

twirling vortex of cyan and white before vanishing into nothingness.

"Beware, those healing flames can also bring death," Marco warned with

a relaxed smile, surrounded by suspended cyan flames.

Meanwhile, Vista, Jozu, Gion, and T-Bone engaged in battle. Though not

as formidable as Marco, they were still the cream of the crop under the

Admiral's command, capable of holding their own in one-on-one combat.

As for Moria, he confronted Jinbei, wielding a pair of shadow-formed

scissors. Jinbei, adeptly avoiding the looming threat, faced Moria head-


"Give me your shadow, Jinbei. A Shichibukai's shadow is quite valuable,"

Moria urged, eyeing Jinbei greedily.

"If you can take it, then try," Jinbei responded, focusing his energy as

vapour condensed around his palm.


The earth trembled under the forceful impact, propelling Jinbei's sturdy

frame into the air.

"I'll take your shadow, Jinbie," Moria declared with a sharp grin,

commanding, "Scatter the bats!"

With a flick of his wrist, the shadows beneath his feet and his massive

scissors transformed into a swarm of black bats, hurtling toward Jinbei.

But Jinbei remained composed, his stance unwavering.

"Fish-Man Karate, Sharkskin Palm Thrust!"

Invisible ripples radiated outward, causing the airborne bats to

momentarily freeze in place.

In a flash, Jinbei leapt through the bat-filled air, closing in on Moria.



His heavy blow landed squarely on Moria's midsection, the sheer force

contorting Moria's massive form into a grotesque shape.

Coughing up blood, Moria collapsed to the ground, eyes rolling back.

"Your skills are lacking, Moria," Jinbei remarked casually before

continuing toward Luffy.

However, another thunderous boom echoed through the air.

A colossal figure, rivalling Moria's size, crashed before Jinbei, enveloping

him in shadow.

A pressure vastly different from Moria's bore down on Jinbei.

"Bartholomew Kuma," Jinbei muttered, his expression turning solemn as

he assessed his new opponent.

This adversary was leagues apart from Moria, posing a far greater


"Hey, Hancock, Doflamingo, are you two still in the game?" he called out.

Both Marines and Pirates had unleashed their ultimate strength, engaging

in relentless combat.

The elite Vice Admirals from headquarters, the remaining Whitebeard

Pirates' captains, and the formidable New World pirate captains under

Whitebeard—all were embroiled in the fray.

There's one undeniable truth: despite the overwhelming numbers of

Marine soldiers, they're losing ground in terms of mid- and high-level

combat power. The elite Vice Admirals are outnumbered by the

formidable pirate captains under Whitebeard's command, who boast

strength comparable to, if not exceeding, that of the Vice Admirals. Many

of these captains are at the Shichibukai level or close to it.

As Marine casualties continued to mount, the blame fell upon Doflamingo

and Boa Hancock. Their considerable strength could have turned the tide

of battle, yet they remained inactive.

"Are you commanding the Hancock?" one Marine Rear Admiral ventured

to ask.

Boa Hancock raised her head defiantly. "Responding to the Shichibukai's

summons doesn't mean I must obey Marine orders," she retorted.

"Difficult indeed. Since it's been brought up, I'll take action," Doflamingo

interjected, unfazed by a distant sniper attack. With hands in his pockets,

he sauntered arrogantly toward the battlefield.

"Human nature: gentle in slumber, savage in excitement, and drawn to

bloodshed. Blood and death are the true entertainments," Doflamingo

mused with a sinister grin as he traversed the battlefield.

Suddenly, a pirate lunged at him with a knife, only to freeze in place,

along with nearby Marines and pirates. They became mere puppets,

manipulated by Doflamingo's unseen power.

"Whose side are you on, Doflamingo?" cried out a Marine amidst the


Doflamingo chuckled. "Justice," he declared. "But can you truly represent

justice, Marine?"

"Pirates evil, Marines righteous? Such concepts have been rewritten

countless times," Doflamingo continued, his tone dripping with disdain.

He swiftly dispatched a Marine soldier with a stomp.

"Is this place righteous or evil now?" he pondered, his arms outstretched

to encompass the blood-soaked battlefield. "Neither. Justice prevails only

for the victor."

As Doflamingo revelled in chaos, a steel ball whizzed past, leaving a fresh

bloodstain on his face. On the distant Moby Dick, Usopp wielded a

massive slingshot, another bullet imbued with Armament Haki.

"Of all the carnage, he still disgusts me the most," Usopp remarked from

afar, his keen senses surveying the entire battlefield.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

60. Eternal Hell, Gear Five Shift

As the battle raged on at Naval Headquarters, another intense conflict

was unfolding at Impel Down prison.

Blackbeard, utilizing the powers of the Dark-Dark Fruit, convinced the

prison warden, Shiryu of the Rain, to join forces with him. Together, they

acquired the antidote for Magellan's deadly poison.

Chaos erupted within Impel Down as Blackbeard unleashed a horde of

criminals by opening all the prison cells to distract Magellan.

On the sixth floor, known as Eternal Hell, the atmosphere was tense.

Blackbeard, with a sinister laugh, faced off against released inmates,

offering them a chance to fight for their freedom.

Meanwhile, Crocodile, a former Warlord, freed himself from his seastone

restraints and exchanged words with Blackbeard, expressing his

disinterest in their confrontation.

Ignoring Crocodile's disdain, Blackbeard prepared to clash with him,

accompanied by Shiryu. But before the fight could escalate, a towering

figure emerged beside Blackbeard, towering over the scene.

Buggy, another infamous pirate, attempted to intervene but was swiftly

silenced by the newcomer's overwhelming power, causing a tremor that

reverberated through the prison.

Identified as Bullet, a formidable adversary from the past, he engaged in

a tense exchange with Blackbeard, expressing his desire to settle their

differences once and for all.

Tensions rose as Bullet exuded a palpable aura, leaving Blackbeard and

Shiryu on edge, realizing the gravity of the situation.

Every inch of this man seemed to emanate a menacing aura.

"If you're up for it, let's see what you've got, thief, hahaha," Blackbeard

taunted confidently.

Despite the tense standoff, Bullet hesitated to make a move and

eventually backed down, acknowledging Blackbeard's formidable


Aware that his priority was escaping the prison, Blackbeard urged

Crocodile to join them, prompting the former Warlord to reluctantly


Confusion brewed among Blackbeard's crew as Doc Q questioned their

captain's decision to let Crocodile go without a fight. Blackbeard,

however, recognized Bullet's overwhelming power and deemed it unwise

to provoke him.

Douglas Bullet, a true monster in every sense, posed a threat beyond their

current capabilities. Blackbeard understood that engaging with him could

lead to dire consequences.

In a surprising turn of events, Byrnndi World, also known as the World

Destroyer, swiftly evaded Blackbeard's notice and disappeared just as

quickly as he had appeared.

Blackbeard realized the perilous nature of recruiting allies from the sixth

floor of Eternal Hell, where formidable monsters lurked at every turn.

Shiryu of the Rain informed Blackbeard about Byrnndi World's survival,

noting his enduring resilience and monstrous vitality.

Recognizing Byrnndi World's reputation as a legendary figure preceding

even Whitebeard's era, Blackbeard understood the gravity of the


With Byrnndi World and Bullet in the mix, Blackbeard acknowledged the

limited number of powerhouses he could control on the sixth floor.

With determination, Blackbeard declared the start of the battle, igniting a

fierce clash that reverberated with explosive force, forcing bystanders to

retreat in fear.

The ground resembled a sea of molten lava, with streams of it flowing

and cooling everywhere.

A fierce gust of air pushed the two combatants apart.

Akainu's face was partially obscured by magma, showing no signs of

injury except for his tattered clothes from his transformation.

On the other side, Luffy remained composed, his fists bearing slight burn


Akainu posed a greater threat than Kizaru due to the destructive nature

of his Devil Fruit ability. Unlike Kizaru, whose speed could be countered

with Observation Haki, Akainu's magma attacks were relentless and


Engaging Akainu meant facing a relentless onslaught of magma,

requiring powerful attacks to overpower him.

Akainu, adept at psychological warfare, taunted Luffy, attempting to

provoke him emotionally. He knew that even a momentary distraction

could result in severe damage.

Luffy's gaze drifted to the execution platform, where Ace awaited his fate.

Despite Akainu's words, Luffy remained focused.

Sensing Luffy's resolve, Akainu grew uneasy, realizing he might have

underestimated his opponent.

Luffy's demeanour shifted as he acknowledged the urgency of the

situation. He was determined to defeat Akainu swiftly.

With a declaration to switch to his fifth gear, Luffy's body underwent a

transformation. His massive form began to shrink and emit a soft white

light, enveloping him in ribbons of steam.

The battlefield reverberated with the pounding of passionate drums, their

rhythm cutting through the chaos of combat.

Amidst the clash of weapons, a joyous laughter echoed, spreading a sense

of jubilation that seemed to cleanse the blood-soaked ground.

Kizaru, observing from afar, recognized the familiar white light

emanating from Luffy's transformation. It reminded him of a powerful

gesture he had witnessed before.

Sanji, recalling a similar display of strength in the Moby Dick, sensed

Luffy's determination to unleash his full power.

On the execution platform, Sengoku and Garp watched in awe as Luffy's

aura intensified, puzzled by the sudden surge in his grandson's strength.

Garp, torn between familiarity and confusion, struggled to comprehend

Luffy's newfound power.

Meanwhile, Sengoku's frustration grew as he realized the extent to which

the Straw Hat Pirates had disrupted their plans.

Yet, they remained immobilized, aware of the formidable figures

observing the battle from afar—Whitebeard and Rayleigh.

Whitebeard, intrigued by Luffy's transformation, recognized the potential

within him to change the world.

Rayleigh, convinced of Luffy's destiny, understood that he possessed the

power to fulfil Roger's legacy.

As the battlefield unfolded, it became evident that Luffy's emergence as a

true force to be reckoned with signalled a shift in the balance of power—

one that would shape the course of history.

Rayleigh chuckled in response to Whitebeard's question. "Who do you

think will emerge victorious, that youngster or Akainu?"

Whitebeard held a deep admiration for Akainu's unwavering resolve,

particularly compared to the other Admirals. Despite their strength,

Aokiji and Kizaru lacked Akainu's fierce determination.

"Without a doubt, Luffy," Rayleigh replied confidently, his belief


"But are you certain? Akainu is no pushover," Whitebeard remarked,

acknowledging the Admiral's formidable strength.

"You'll see soon enough. Luffy's true strength will shine through,"

Rayleigh assured, reminiscing about Luffy's remarkable progress since

their encounter at Sabaody Archipelago.

As the conversation shifted, Whitebeard anticipated their imminent

involvement in the escalating war.

"The climax of the battle draws near," Whitebeard observed, recognizing

the pivotal role Luffy would play in determining its outcome.

Meanwhile, Rayleigh reflected on past encounters, expressing a longing

for the thrill of battle, particularly against Garp.

On the battlefield, Luffy's transformation unfolded rapidly, though it

seemed prolonged to onlookers. Akainu, recognizing the futility of

intervening, prepared to face Luffy head-on.

Sengoku observed with seriousness as Luffy's appearance shifted

completely, reminiscent of the form that had defeated Admiral Kizaru.

As tension mounted and anticipation grew, the fate of Ace hung in the

balance, awaiting the pivotal moment that would decide the course of the


Radiating a gentle white light, Luffy's transformed form resembled that of

a legendary deity, captivating all who beheld it with its awe-inspiring


However, Akainu, ever defiant, challenged Luffy's new form with disdain,

claiming it lacked the same impact as before.

Before he could finish speaking, Luffy disappeared from view, his

movements too swift for Akainu to track.

With a thunderous impact, Luffy's fist connected squarely with Akainu's

face, sending the Admiral hurtling through walls like a cannonball.

Unfazed by the attack, Luffy declared his intent to engage Akainu in a

true battle, his laughter echoing through the chamber.

As Akainu struggled to his feet, blood staining his mouth from the blow,

he realized the severity of Luffy's power. It was the most significant

injury the Straw Hat had inflicted on him thus far.

But despite the pain, Akainu recognized the unprecedented level of

strength displayed by Luffy's fifth gear. It surpassed his expectations in

every aspect—speed, power, and Haki mastery.

At that moment, Akainu understood the true nature of the Straw Hat—a

formidable monster capable of surpassing all expectations. Luffy's fifth

gear stood as a testament to his unrivalled prowess—a monster among



You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

61. Luffy On Gear 5, Whitebeard

Joins The Fight


The smiling kid with the straw hat, even in this sad fight, stayed upbeat

and cheerful.

And that cheerfulness seemed to rub off on everyone around, making

them smile too.

But it didn't affect Akainu, his opponent. Instead, it made him colder


Seeing the boy in the straw hat, like a mythical god, made Akainu's

already cold face even uglier.

He felt rage boiling inside.

"Straw hat boy, you, a pirate with evil blood, deserve to be wiped out,"

Akainu yelled.

Dark red magma spewed from his body.

"Lava, volcano."

It was as strong as a volcanic eruption.

Akainu's lower body turned into dark red magma, propelling him toward


His fist grew, covered in layers of endless magma, forming a huge fist

aimed at Luffy.

With intense heat, it came crashing down.

"It's a scary attack. Admiral is terrifying."

Luffy watched the massive fist with exaggerated fear, feeling the intense

heat even from the ground.

But despite his words, Luffy watched calmly as if it were nothing.

Just as the fist was about to hit, Luffy acted like he had just noticed,

quickly plunging his hand into the ground and pulling up.

"Gommu Gommu no, bounce."

The name seemed random, and his expression wasn't serious.

But it was effective.

The ground in front of Luffy bounced like rubber, forming a shield.


The magma fist hit the ground head-on.

But instead of melting or breaking, the ground just dented and then

bounced back with incredible elasticity.

The magma was sent flying back towards Akainu.


The impact knocked Akainu to the ground, turning it into a magma floor-

like crater.

"The Straw Hat Kid."

From the dark red magma emerged a figure—it was Akainu.

He didn't take any damage since there was no Armament Haki on the

bounced-back magma. Being made of magma himself, he couldn't be hurt

by it.

But the humiliation stung.

His own attack had been turned against him.

Yet, even as anger simmered within him, Akainu calmly analyzed the

abilities of the Straw Hat Boy.

"The transformation is different from his previous fourth gear. It's not like

a Paramecia's ability but more akin to a Zoan's transformation. There's a

fundamental change."

Recalling Luffy's transformation, Akainu could easily see the difference.

Before, it was clear why Luffy could stretch and combine with Armament

Haki—that was the essence of the Rubber Fruit.

But now, it seemed like his original form, with strange wrist strength and

speed, that didn't fit the Paramecia category at all.

The fourth gear should have been the limit of the Rubber Fruit's power.

"However, turning the ground into rubber just now must be the

awakening of his Devil Fruit, aligning with the Paramecia fruit's

assimilation ability."

He always felt something was off.

"Why don't you keep attacking? It's boring, Akainu."

Luffy danced happily, seeming devoid of any negative emotions, only joy.

Even in battle, even with Ace nearby, he remained cheerful and relished

the fight.

"Since you're not making a move, then I'll go ahead, hahaha."

With that, Luffy vanished, reappearing above Akainu in an instant.

His legs arced high and extended.

"Gommu Gommu no Axe."

"So fast."

Even though Akainu was ready for Luffy's speed, it still caught him off


But thankfully, with preparations and knowledge, I can still catch it.

"Great Eruption."

A massive column of magma fire erupted from Akainu's body.

However, the straw hat boy's leg kept growing, seeming to enlarge as he


A colossal shadow instantly engulfed Akainu below.


The feet, even larger than giants', stomped down, crushing the magma

pillar directly.

It was like stepping into a puddle.

Countless viscous magma splattered out like water droplets.

"Run! The fight between Straw Hat and Sakazuki Admiral has escalated."

Some Marines fled for their lives, as did pirates.

Not everyone had mastered Armament Haki.

Not everyone can defend themselves against magma using it.

Around Luffy and Akainu's battle, it seemed like a rain of magma was


No one dared to approach.

Even Jinbei, Vista, and the others who were previously watching couldn't

help but retreat.

They were mortal bodies and didn't want to touch the falling magma.

"It's hot."

Luffy's feet shrank instantly, and he screamed as he hugged them in the


His slippers had fallen off long ago, and now his bare feet were on the

magma, turning red.

But compared to Luffy's screams, people were surprised when they saw


"Cough, cough."

Akainu knelt on the magma, coughing lightly, dark red magma mixed

with blood dripping from his face.

He felt like he'd been stepped on by countless giants.

That kick just now had Armament Color and Conqueror's Haki attached.

"What was that?"

Akainu couldn't comprehend Luffy's attack.

Wasn't Straw Hat's move supposed to involve blowing air to enhance

strength and reach?

But that didn't happen. It seemed like, with just a thought, Luffy's body

had expanded.

"Damn it, Akainu."

Akainu, looking more miserable, hadn't spoken yet, while Luffy was like

an angered child.

An unmistakable expression of anger crossed Luffy's face, exaggerated

even more by his features.

"I'm gonna take you down, Akainu!" Luffy shouted furiously.

Suddenly, his leg muscles expanded like balloons.

A huge crater appeared where he stood, cracks spreading outwards, and

dust billowed like a massive ring.

Bang, bang, bang.

Countless white clouds formed sonic booms in a circular pattern,

exploding in the sky.

Luffy's speed was so swift that even Observation Haki struggled to keep


Akainu didn't have time to react.

A terrifying pressure loomed behind him.

He didn't need to turn around to sense the Straw Hat Boy's raised fist of



Invisible Conqueror's Haki entangled Akainu's head, crushing it instantly.

The power sent shockwaves through the air like columns.

Akainu's head hit the ground in an instant, blood spraying.

"Gommu Gommu no gattling!"

Luffy roared as his fists rained down like a storm, their speed almost

imperceptible, only the movement of his shoulders visible as he became a


It was as if invisible strikes were pounding the ground.

The earth shook, massive cracks forming.


Amidst Luffy's barrage, Akainu gritted his teeth, transforming into a dark

red hunting dog—slender and lightning-fast—aiming for Luffy's face.

"I've seen right through you."

In Luffy's eyes, a white light flashed, his head snapping sideways as the

white streak in his pupils sliced through the air.

The dark red magma hound grazed Luffy's face, the intense heat

reddening his cheeks slightly.

Just as the hound passed through Luffy and began to revert to its normal

form, a white-lighted hand forcefully grabbed it and pulled back hard.

The high temperature and Armament Haki of the magma instantly caused

violent friction.

At such close range, the Armament Haki only held for a moment before

breaking, turning Luffy's palm black. Yet, he pulled back as if unfazed.

"Gommu Gommu no, King Kong Gun."

Luffy's left hand pulled back Akainu, now formed of magma, while his

right fist swelled, solidifying with Armament Haki, and retracted deeply

into his wrist.

There was a piercing sound of pressure.

As Akainu returned, he collided with Luffy's fist.


The one-punch Ape King struck at close range.

In this fifth gear state, the fourth gear was reinforced with elasticity to

increase force.


Countless sonic booms exploded radially, creating a storm on the ground.

Ahead of Luffy's fist, a horizontal tornado of white smoke and dust


Akainu smashed into the thick protective wall, creating huge cracks.

Luffy breathed heavily.

In this fifth-gear state, his physical strength drained rapidly despite being

able to sustain fourth gear for long periods.

Though only minutes had passed, he felt as though he'd fought fiercely.

But the power of the fifth gear was undeniable.

Against Akainu in fourth gear, whether in Snake Man or Elastic Man

form, Luffy was slightly disadvantaged. But in this fifth-gear state, he

easily dominated Akainu in strength and speed.

"Sakazuki Admiral was defeated?"

"Did that Straw Hat kid really take down an Admiral so quickly?"

"Is Sakazuki already beaten?"

Even Kizaru, in the distance, heard the Marine soldiers' collapsing shouts.

Though his heart sank, he didn't doubt the news.

Because no one understood the Straw Hat Kid's strength better than him.

In this state, Luffy surpassed anyone at sea.

Even Sakazuki couldn't match him.


Sengoku, on the execution platform, gazed at the Straw Hat boy below, a

faint golden light reflecting on his face.

He couldn't help but feel the urge to act. The Straw Hat Boy's newfound

strength surpassed everyone's expectations. Even Sengoku, who had

heard Kizaru's account, was deeply shocked.

"To be honest, Sengoku, don't worry," Garp said, looking toward where

Akainu had fallen, the smoke swirling around. "Sakazuki isn't someone to


Before Garp could finish, boom! Countless magma poured out from the

protective wall, brightening the battlefield under the dark clouds.

Akainu leaned against the wall, slowly standing up. The hole he'd

smashed seemed to have turned into a crater. Magma gathered under his

feet, turning the ground into a river of fire.

"Straw Hat boy, you little bastard, that really hurt," Akainu panted, blood

staining his face.

"Admirals are tough," Luffy muttered. "No matter how hard you hit them,

they just keep coming."

"However many times it takes, I'll keep beating you until I win," Luffy

declared, his face full of determination.

"Let me show you how the top Logia powerhouse fights," Akainu

whispered, magma spewing around him, transforming the battlefield.

"This is our final battle," Luffy said, undeterred by the spreading magma.

On the Moby Dick, Whitebeard's expression changed. "It's time for us old

guys to step in, Rayleigh."

Boom! Whitebeard leapt off the bow, causing the ice to crack beneath


"Have you felt the shift in the battlefield?" Rayleigh followed suit,

jumping off lightly.

"Dad's at war," Whitebeard's presence inspired the pirates on the ice.

Though Luffy displayed terrifying strength, his reputation still paled in

comparison to Whitebeard's legendary status.

"Kingdew, make way!" Whitebeard commanded.

"Dad?" Kingdew quickly complied, stepping aside as if avoiding a



You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

62. Marine's Heroes, Monsters Of

Old Times

The Whitebeard Pirates rushed away quickly while the Marines stood

frozen, puzzled.

"Scram, Marine brats, gooooooooooooo!" Whitebeard laughed loudly.

With his long sword in one hand, Whitebeard leapt high, muscles bulging

as he punched the air in front of him.

The air seemed solid as crystal before Whitebeard, then shattered like

glass, creating cracks across the sky.

Boom! A shockwave spread rapidly, sweeping away figures like fallen

leaves, destroying everything in its path.

In an instant, a wide pathway was cleared on the crowded ice battlefield.

Rayleigh, standing beside Whitebeard, couldn't help but admire his

immense destructive power.

Sengoku's face turned ugly as he watched Whitebeard join the battle from

afar, his eyes filled with fear. He knew firsthand Whitebeard's power

from their past battles.

Though Whitebeard's ambition might not match others', his destructive

abilities were unmatched, capable of instantly crushing soldiers' morale.

Sengoku had called upon the Shichibukai and three Admirals, even

recalling Tsuru and Garp, to deal with Whitebeard.

Despite the Straw Hat Pirates' terrifying power, Sengoku realized most of

their forces were reserved for countering Whitebeard alone.

Now that Whitebeard was in the fray, Sengoku found himself lacking the

power to stop him.

Admiral-level combatants are evenly matched, with no clear winner


Only Garp and Tsuru remain, but Tsuru's strength pales in comparison to

Whitebeard and Rayleigh.

Garp, torn between duty and family, hesitates to act, knowing he's the

last defence for Fire Fist Ace.

Helplessly, Sengoku watches as Whitebeard effortlessly clears a path to

the execution square, Marine soldiers scattering like leaves in the wind.

Despite being on Marine turf, Whitebeard now holds the advantage, with

two legendary fighters unbound by restrictions, threatening to tip the

delicate balance of power.

As Whitebeard and Pluton Rayleigh step onto the square, Marine forces

falter momentarily, their flawless facade cracking under the pressure.

In war, there's no room for one-on-one combat. Marines could easily

overwhelm them with combined attacks.

"Garp, snap out of it!" Sengoku's voice breaks through.

Ace gazes at Garp, his heart heavy with unspoken words. He knows

Garp's emotional nature and even a simple plea could sway him,

disrupting the fragile balance further.

The turmoil within one of the strongest Marines could shift the tide of


In the end, Ace refrains from saying anything to unsettle Garp,

understanding his inner conflict and pain. From the depths of the sea

prison to the execution platform, Ace has purposely avoided engaging

with Garp.

He knows his chosen path as a pirate may clash with Garp's, and he's

prepared for the consequences. Though he may regret his decision in the

end, he refuses to burden others, especially his family, with his own fate.

This is his pride.

Ace respects Garp's choices and won't interfere. Despite Sengoku's call,

Garp has already made his decision.

With a burst of speed, Garp vanishes from the platform, reappearing in

the distant battlefield. A massive cloud of smoke rises, and the ground

cracks beneath him.

"If you dare trample on justice, you'll have to go through me!" Garp's

voice booms across the battlefield, rallying Marine morale.

Though not in a leadership position, Garp's reputation among lower-

ranked Marines is unmatched. His roar inspires others to follow his lead.

In terms of rank, Garp may not be comparable to Sengoku, but his

influence among the middle and lower ranks of the Marines is


Garp's legendary life, his bold character, and his respected demeanour

among Marines have earned him high status among Marine soldiers. In

their hearts, he's more than just a leader like Sengoku; he's an idol and a

symbol of justice.

Truth be told, Garp is even more popular among top combatants. Aokiji

admires him greatly, and the alternate Admirals have a close bond with


"Looking good as always, Mr. Garp," Aokiji remarks upon hearing Garp's

roar. His demeanour shifts, shedding his usual laziness for a more serious

tone. Sensing this change, Marco recognizes Aokiji's newfound resolve.

Behind Aokiji, Tsuru, another Vice Admiral, steps forward. She, Garp,

and Sengoku are strong figures from the same era. Though not as

powerful as Garp, Tsuru commands respect and has made significant


"I'm too old for this. I need you to handle those two monsters," Tsuru tells

Aokiji calmly, acknowledging her limitations.

Aokiji nods, his confusion momentarily lifted by Garp's words. He focuses

on the task at hand, drawing on the passion of his youth.

Marco tries to intercept Aokiji, but Tsuru intervenes with a dangerous

touch that sends a clear warning. She challenges Marco to avert chaos on

the battlefield and uphold Marine superiority.

In the chaos of battle, Marine power reigns supreme.

The interference of the Straw Hat boy threw things off balance, making it

seem like Marine forces were at a disadvantage. However, it was just a

minor adjustment between Tsuru and Aokiji.

The battlefield, which teetered due to Whitebeard and Rayleigh's

involvement, quickly regained its equilibrium.

"Long time no see, Garp," Whitebeard greeted, his eyes serious yet

carrying a hint of a smile.

"You were a worthy opponent back in the day," Garp replied, tension

evident in his clenched fists. He's angry, seeking a battle to distract

himself from the pain of choosing between justice and family.

With a stomp, Garp launches into action, using Moonwalk to swiftly close

the distance between him and Whitebeard. Their fists collide with a force

that seems to freeze the air.

As their fists clash, the world seems to hold its breath. Then, a violent

explosion of light erupts from their positions, cracking the ground and

turning it into ash.

The shockwave ripples outwards, disintegrating everything in its path as

Whitebeard and Garp are engulfed by the blinding light.

Marineford trembles as the island quakes beneath the force of the battle.

Naval Headquarters begins to crack, with fissures large enough to

swallow a man forming across the island.

"Watch out for the ground cracks!" a seasoned member of the Whitebeard

Pirates warns loudly.

Marine soldiers gaze in shock as the sky above Marineford, shrouded in

thick black clouds from the intense battle, splits apart, revealing a

massive crack. It's a terrifying sight, unprecedented in any battle before.

"The Strongest among pirates and the Strongest Among Marines,"

someone whispers, acknowledging the power behind the ominous


Rayleigh can't help but marvel at Garp's formidable strength despite his

age. Comparing himself to Garp, Rayleigh notices Garp's body is

remarkably well-maintained, almost unchanged from twenty years ago.

However, Whitebeard's condition is dire. Long-term battles have taken

their toll, exacerbated by his heart condition. Using Conqueror's Haki is a

significant burden, yet he faces Garp without faltering.

As the light waves dissipate, Garp and Whitebeard appear unfazed by

their earth-shattering clash, their demeanour unchanged.

But Whitebeard's words strike Garp's nerves, reminding him of the

complicated relationship with the legendary pirate, Gold D Roger. Garp's

already sombre mood darkens further with Whitebeard's mention of

Roger's terminal illness and eventual surrender.

The revelation adds fuel to Garp's already turbulent emotions, stirring

regret and sorrow within him.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

63. Go To The Bottom Of The Sea

For Me, Akainu

Boom boom boom. A massive shockwave erupted over Marineford,

tearing through the sky with terrifying force. The battle between

Whitebeard and Garp commanded everyone's attention on the battlefield.

Their clash is not about speed but sheer brute strength. Whitebeard, the

man with unrivalled destructive power, faces off against Garp, who has

mastered armed Conqueror's Haki to its pinnacle. Each confrontation is a

display of raw violence, shaking the ground and sending shockwaves

rippling through the air.

"Are those two old men really in their seventies or eighties?" Some

observers marvel at the ferocity of their battle, a testament to the

strength of the bygone era they hail from.

Meanwhile, Shusui and Sandai Kitetsu hold off Yoru as Hawkeye and

Zoro close in. Their duel is less about life and death and more about the

exchange of swordsmanship between two skilled practitioners.

Zoro and Hawkeye's fight is relaxed compared to the intensity of other

battles. Both fighters respect each other's skills and understand the

significance of their duel in holding back a Grand Line powerhouse.

As they exchange blows, Zoro reflects on the courage and passion

displayed by Whitebeard and Garp, despite their advanced age. Their

resilience and bravery put the younger generation to shame.

Hawkeye explains to Zoro that, in their prime, Garp and Whitebeard

stood alongside Gol D. Roger, the King of the Pirates. Their current

display of courage is not surprising, considering their legendary status.

Hawkeye recalls Gol D. Roger's execution twenty years ago, where the

pirate king's courage left a lasting impression on him and everyone


Amidst the chaos, the clash of their blades echoes through the battlefield,

a testament to the strength and determination of two legendary figures.


The clash between Garp's fist and Whitebeard's long sword reverberates

across Marineford.

"Is that all you've got, Garp? Are your fists that weak?" Whitebeard

taunts, gripping his naginata tightly with both hands. The blade emits a

white halo, a combination of Sword Wave, Haki, and the power of the

Shock Fruit.

Boom! Whitebeard unleashes a relentless barrage of strikes, each blow

creating countless atmospheric cracks that spread like spider webs across

Marineford. The ground quakes, the sea churns, and the sky splits open

as if the world is coming to an end.

This is the strength of the world's strongest man, Whitebeard. Despite

Garp's formidable abilities, he's unable to overpower Whitebeard in his

current state. Yet, Whitebeard's laughter belies the pain he feels, his body

on the brink of collapse.

But he pushes through, driven by his willpower and pride. "Wait for me,

Ace," he vows, his gaze unwavering. With his Haki-infused eyes, he locks

onto his target, exuding a terrifying aura.

"I am Whitebeard!" he roars, his long sword unleashing devastation upon

devastation. The air shatters before him, cracks spreading like a fractured

mirror across the battlefield. Marineford trembles violently as if it's being

dismantled piece by piece.

The distant sea level looms ominously, threatening to engulf Marineford

if not for Aokiji's intervention. His massive ice barrier prevents a tsunami

from inundating the island, but the towering waves still inspire fear in all

who behold them.

The symbol of Marine justice, Naval Headquarters, is in danger of being

swallowed by the rising sea. The ground cracks widen into chasms,

revealing the water below.

In this moment, Whitebeard's will surpasses his frail body, unleashing a

strength reminiscent of his prime. Desperate cries fill the air as the

battlefield trembles under the force of his onslaught.

Garp, too, is battered by Whitebeard's relentless assault, blood staining

his figure as he struggles to rise from the rubble. He's astonished by the

power Whitebeard wields, far beyond what his current condition should


It's clear that Whitebeard is fighting with everything he has, his last burst

of vitality fueling his ferocious attacks. This battle isn't about victory or

defeat—it's about leaving a mark on history, even if it costs him his life.

For Whitebeard, this battlefield is his final resting place. He's accepted his

fate, embracing his role as a relic of the old era in the face of the new

generation represented by the Straw Hat crew.

With a defiant roar, Whitebeard proclaims the dawn of a new era, urging

Garp to open his eyes to the changing tide. His words carry the weight of

history, inspiring both pirates and Marines alike.

As his voice echoes across the battlefield, it leaves an indelible mark on

the hearts of all who hear it. Whitebeard's legacy, heavy with the history

of the old era, propels the ship of the new era forward, even as his own

journey nears its end.

A glint appeared in the corner of Rayleigh's eye as if he could see their

glorious past in Whitebeard's resolute voice.

"Dad," Ace sobbed uncontrollably on the execution platform, his head

bowed in despair. Sengoku, beside him, clenched his teeth in frustration.

Garp's entry into the battle, coupled with Whitebeard's rallying cry,

instantly turned the tide of the entire battlefield. Sengoku felt a heavy

realization settle in his heart, darkening his gaze.

Rayleigh, drawing his long knife, pointed it squarely at Aokiji, exuding

an aura of determination and strength that was impossible to ignore. His

voice, heavy with the weight of an era, echoed loudly.

Aokiji, taken aback by Rayleigh's sudden assertiveness, felt a surge of

confusion. He couldn't match Rayleigh's sharpness or Whitebeard's heroic

resolve. Garp's earlier intervention had stirred doubts in Aokiji's mind,

not just about justice but about the very nature of pirates and their


Meanwhile, Whitebeard, ever perceptive, knew the true turning point of

the battle. It wasn't with them, nor with Roronoa or Blackfoot Sanji. The

real catalyst was none other than the Straw Hat kid, brimming with

boundless potential.

"Come on, Straw Hat," Whitebeard called out despite coughing up blood

and feeling the strain on his heart. His laughter rang out defiantly, a

testament to his unwavering spirit.

"Save Ace!" Luffy's cry echoed across the battlefield.

"Got it, Whitebeard," Luffy responded, his voice resonating with


"Gommu Gommu no, Giant!" With a tremendous roar, Luffy transformed

into a colossal figure, towering over the entire battlefield.

"Lie down, Akainu!" Luffy's voice thundered as he unleashed his attack,

"Gomu Gomu no Giant Gatling!"

His fist enveloped in flames and imbued with Haki, descended upon

Akainu with overwhelming force.

"Straw Hat Kid!" Akainu's voice boomed, surrounded by swirling magma.

With a mighty roar, their clash erupted, shattering the sky and sending

shockwaves rippling across the battlefield.

As the two clashed with unparalleled ferocity, Luffy pushed himself to his

limits, blood pumping from his body. But he pressed on, his

determination unyielding as he continued to unleash his barrage of


The ground trembled beneath their feet as the impact reverberated across

Marineford. The sheer force of Luffy's attack had pierced through the

island, creating a massive crater that revealed the sea below.

Hawkeye, witnessing the spectacle, couldn't help but feel a sense of

understanding towards his friend's choice. Shanks had entrusted Luffy

with something profound, and now it was clear why.

Kizaru, descending from the sky, acknowledged the terrifying power of

the Straw Hat Boy. He had seen firsthand the potential Luffy possessed,

especially when utilizing his Gear Fifth ability. Sakazuki's defeat at

Luffy's hands only confirmed Kizaru's suspicions about the young pirate's


The battlefield had shifted, the balance disrupted by Luffy's

overwhelming power. As the dust settled and the echoes of the clash

faded, Marineford stood witness to the aftermath of the Straw Hat Kid's

devastating blow.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

64. Ace Is Rescued, Crazy Both


Kizaru let out a sigh of relief as he pondered the situation. If he hadn't

acted swiftly and chosen his opponent wisely, he might have found

himself facing the infamous straw hat-wearing boy.

While Black Leg Sanji posed a formidable challenge, he paled in

comparison to the Straw Hat's formidable abilities, especially his elusive

fifth gear. One could handle the present, while the other could knock you

out cold no matter how hard you tried.

All eyes on the battlefield were fixed on the falling figure of the straw hat

boy. In him, they saw the embodiment of the future, an unstoppable

force ushering in a new era. From this moment on, his name would echo

across the seas and reach the pinnacle of notoriety.

"Did you witness that, Garp? The scales of victory have tipped," chuckled

Whitebeard, his laughter ringing out.

He knew the Straw Hat wouldn't let him down; his resilience was nothing

short of miraculous.

"Go on, Straw Hat kid," Whitebeard urged, gracefully wielding his long

sword, driving Garp back, and shouting to Luffy, "Save Ace."

Echoes of encouragement reverberated across the battlefield, lifting the

spirits of the pirates and casting a shadow over the Marines' morale.

"Come on, Straw Hat!" cheered the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Come on, Luffy!" Zoro's deep voice resonated amidst the clash of swords.

"Come on, Luffy, you've endured enough," Chopper bellowed, sounding

almost beast-like.

"You have to rescue your big brother, Luffy!" cried one of the Straw Hats'

allies on the Moby Dick, brandishing a marked arm.

"Come on, Ace's little bro, save him!" Marco urged wings outstretched as

cyan flames rained down.

Each voice was like a pair of wings propelling Luffy forward. Despite his

depleted strength from using fifth gear excessively, his resolve remained

unyielding. His heartbeat thundered like a drum, signalling another bout

of battle.

And just like that, his shrivelled form filled out once more, bathed in

white light as he effortlessly activated fifth gear once again, his

determination unwavering.

"Out of my way!" he roared.

The Marines, caught off guard by the sudden charge, stood stunned as

Luffy soared above them, landing on the iron execution platform in a few

swift bounds.

"Luffy!" Ace exclaimed, tears of joy welling up in his eyes. His younger

brother had gone to extraordinary lengths to rescue him.

"Luffy, the Straw Hat."

As soon as Luffy set foot on the execution platform, a brilliant golden

light erupted from Sengoku's form, accompanied by a deep, imposing

roar. Thump, thump, thump, thump—iron screws were expelled from the

platform like bullets, causing it to groan and tremble under the strain.

With a solemn expression, Luffy shielded Ace from the impending


Before them stood a colossal golden Buddha statue, unmistakably admiral

Sengoku. However, he now emanated a terrifying aura, completely

transformed into a golden deity.

"Sinner of the world, Straw Hat boy, do you comprehend the gravity of

your actions?" Sengoku's voice boomed as he raised his palm, gathering a

formidable shockwave.

"Impact Wave! Face judgment, Straw Hat!" he declared.

In response, Luffy inflated his body into a giant balloon, enveloping it in

Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki, bracing for impact against

Sengoku's onslaught.

Boom! A tremendous shockwave erupted, causing the execution platform

to crumble under the immense pressure, sending debris flying.

Amidst the chaos, Luffy, surrounded by white steam, breathed heavily as

he swiftly retreated from the platform, leaving the spectators in awe.

Meanwhile, across the globe, people watched in disbelief as the boy

named Luffy, with Marine's full force against him, successfully rescued

Fire Fist Ace.

With Ace safe, Whitebeard commanded his crew to prepare for retreat,

his laughter echoing heroically. With a powerful swing, he repelled the

dazed Garp, then unleashed a devastating attack that shook the world.

As Whitebeard's mighty gesture rent the earth asunder, the Naval

Headquarters crumbled, and chaos ensued. Pirates scrambled for safety

as the sea itself rebelled against the upheaval.

Amidst the turmoil, a call rang out to Luffy, urging him to bring Ace to


On the grand ship beside the Moby Dick, several logistics crew of the

Whitebeard Pirates shouted skyward. The crew had already prepared for

the seastone handcuffs, knowing they posed a challenge to break directly.

Despite being top-notch, these Naval Headquarters handcuffs were still

just locks. With the sheer number of Whitebeard Pirates present, opening

a cuff without a key took mere seconds. Once the cuffs were off, Ace's

survival was almost guaranteed, given his formidable strength close to

that of an Admiral.

"I'm on it!" Luffy declared, bounding through the air with his exaggerated

fifth gear ability, defying all rules.

However, his progress was halted by an impalpable barrier. A sense of

dread washed over him as his body rapidly deteriorated, a consequence

of pushing beyond his limits. Despite his incredible feats, his physical

endurance couldn't match up to an Admiral's, relying heavily on his Devil

Fruit powers to amplify his strength.

In his exhausted state, Luffy's descent was met with worried cries from

those watching. Meanwhile, the Marines saw an opportunity to seize Ace.

"Attack Luffy, seize Ace!" Sengoku's command echoed across the

battlefield as the colossal golden Buddha rushed towards the fallen Straw

Hat Boy.

The broadcast of this intense battle reached viewers worldwide,

capturing the attention of countless spectators.

The live broadcast of the war was visible to large islands and countries,

witnessing the rescue of Fire Fist Ace, a severe blow to the Marine and

the World Government's reputation. If the Whitebeard Pirates managed to

escape with Ace, the battle would lose all significance, and the Marines

would be left with their honour in tatters.

Sengoku faced a dilemma: either stop Ace and abandon the idea of

punishment, resorting to lethal force, or risk the complete annihilation of

the Straw Hat and Whitebeard Pirates. The latter option seemed

impossible, leaving only the former.

"Marines, do you want to be branded as the shame of the world? Justice

is behind us," Sengoku declared sternly, aware that they had reached a

point of no return.

His plea rallied the Marines, positioning them on the precipice of

redemption or downfall. They had no choice but to press forward and

capture Fire Fist Ace, their last hope for redemption.

Meanwhile, Kizaru, despite his reluctance, acknowledged the importance

of upholding justice. Despite the weight of their supposed justice, Sanji

reminded him of the dreams and comrades they fought for, fueling their


Sanji's body ignited with flames as he prepared to face Kizaru head-on,

his determination unyielding in the face of adversity.

The high-temperature flames, entwined with Conqueror's and Armament

Haki, blazed fiercely, casting a dark and ominous hue like the fires of hell

upon the world's stage.

Thump, thump, thump—the air resonated with the explosive sound of

each footfall, leaving black-flamed footprints imprinted in the sky.

Suddenly, a burst of intense light and dark flames engulfed the sunlight,

leaving behind only pure fire and golden waves.

"Luffy!" Zoro's voice rang out as he watched Luffy plummet from the sky.

In an instant, he vanished before Hawkeye's eyes, leaving the swordsman

to silently observe.

Hawkeye made no attempt to intervene, knowing his strength was more

than enough to prevent Zoro from rescuing Luffy. Despite his former

Marine-hunting exploits and his current status as a Shichibukai, Hawkeye

didn't take his position seriously. His involvement in the war was largely

due to Whitebeard's participation and his recognition of both Luffy and


"You've chosen a new path as a swordsman," Hawkeye remarked,

acknowledging Zoro's growth and the emergence of his Asura spirit.

Zoro's resolve solidified, his path as a swordsman clearer than ever,

fueled by the will of those before him.

"Hm, the Way of Asura? Intriguing. Until we meet again, it'll be a true

swordsman's duel," Hawkeye declared, sheathing his sword.

Witnessing Zoro's development as a swordsman was beneficial for

Hawkeye, offering insight into a potential rival.

"Marine's brat, if you lack the will, step aside and leave this battlefield to

me," Rayleigh's voice boomed a rare display of intensity after twenty


Since Roger's death, Rayleigh hadn't truly unleashed his full strength in

ages. While his physical decline wasn't significant, his mental decline was

undeniable. Without this war and his encounter with Luffy, his

determination to remain strong would have waned.

"Move aside!" Rayleigh's form vanished in an instant, leaving behind a

massive hemispherical crater where he had stood. Surrounded by

countless sword-like auras, he propelled himself towards Aokiji like a

sharp blade, slicing through the ground with each step.

"ICE TIME!" Aokiji's right hand swung fiercely, unleashing an

overwhelming wave of cold that froze everything in its path.

As the chaos unfolded and Fire Fist Ace was snatched from the scaffold,

both Marines and pirates alike descended into madness.

In Rayleigh's eyes, a crimson light gleamed, reminiscent of a scarlet

comet streaking through the sky.

"God Evades!" he bellowed, channelling not only his own power but also

the will and techniques of his late comrade, Roger.

In an instant, everything seemed distorted around Rayleigh. The cold

shockwave appeared to sink directly into the ground as he reappeared

behind Aokiji, his body encased in frost. Nearby, Marines knelt, blood

staining the icy surface beneath him.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

65. Summit War, The Winner Is

Already Decided

Aokiji found himself kneeling on the ground, clutching his side as he

coughed violently, blood staining his lips. Despite dodging Rayleigh's

slash, he still suffered an injury, the red mark on his waist steadily


"Invisible Slash," Aokiji murmured, acknowledging the unseen attack that

had wounded him.

Rayleigh remained silent, his form fading into an afterimage and

disappearing in an instant.

As Aokiji rose to his feet, the injury slowed his movements, a critical

moment that tipped the scales of battle.

Meanwhile, Garp's attention wavered as he watched Ace and Luffy, torn

between family and duty. The conflict within him reflected in his sharp

eyes, a rare display of confusion.

Whitebeard seized the opportunity, striking Garp back before striding

towards Luffy.

"Leave it to me, Straw Hat boy!" Sengoku's thunderous voice boomed as

he descended from the sky, crushing the ground beneath him. The

Whitebeard Pirates, bloodied but resolute, cowered in fear at the sight of

the formidable Marine commander.

Facing Sengoku's overwhelming presence, even the bravest among them

trembled, their will to fight extinguished.

Sengoku wasted no time, unleashing a powerful shockwave with his

golden palm aimed directly at Luffy.

But before the attack could connect, a defiant voice rang out.

"Stand down, my body. Protect me!"

Luffy, weakened and desperate, gazed at the blinding golden light above

him, roaring in frustration. His exhausted body refused to obey even the

simplest commands, rendered as immobile as a statue.

In his moment of despair, a gentle voice pierced through the chaos,

offering solace. A powerful figure descended, shielding Luffy from harm.

"Ace!" Luffy cried out in anguish, fearing that his efforts had been in vain.

Whitebeard, witnessing the scene unfold, felt a surge of determination,

his eyes shimmering with intensity. Despite his proximity, he was

powerless to intervene, a small oversight threatening to derail their plans.

But in a split second, salvation arrived from an unexpected source. An

explosion rocked the battlefield as a powerful attack, akin to that of a

Shichibukai, struck Sengoku's golden Buddha form, causing him to falter.

Amidst the chaos, Sengoku unleashed a devastating shockwave, wreaking

havoc upon the surroundings. Luffy and Ace, both weakened and bound,

were left defenceless against the onslaught, the flying debris piercing

their bodies like bullets.

Yet, despite their vulnerability, this was still the best outcome they could

hope for.

The impact was imminent, a collision that could have spelt the end for

both Whitebeard and Luffy. Yet, they remained alive, swept into the air

by the force of the aftermath, their robust physical resilience allowing

them to endure.

"Ace!" Luffy's voice rang out, even as he soared through the air.

"I'm here," Ace responded; their survival was the only silver lining amidst

the chaos.

On the Moby Dick, Usopp grinned proudly, reminding everyone of his

prowess as the sniper of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Meanwhile, Sengoku seethed with fury, realizing his opportunity had

been squandered. With a twist of his body, he aimed his golden palm at

Ace and Luffy, intent on finishing them off.

But before he could strike, three overwhelming forces surged behind him,

suffocating him with their murderous intent. Sengoku felt like he was

being watched by the spirits of hell, the shadows behind him emanating a

sinister aura.

"Sengoku," three voices thundered, demanding Ace and Luffy's safety.

Reluctantly, Sengoku turned to face Whitebeard, whose eyes gleamed

with determination. Alongside him stood an apparition resembling the

legendary conqueror of the Grand Line.

In a flurry of motion, three distinct attacks struck Sengoku, sending

shockwaves rippling through the air. The colossal force launched

Sengoku thousands of meters away, his fate unknown.

Witnessing the spectacle, onlookers marvelled at the clash between old

legends and new heroes, with Luffy at the centre.

"Dad is incredible," exclaimed one.

"So cool, Zoro!" cheered another.

"Hurry, ship doctor, release Ace from his chains!" urged a member of the

Whitebeard Pirates.

Amidst the jubilant cheers, the pirates rushed to free Luffy and Ace, the

heavy chains falling to the ground with a satisfying click.

With the expertise of the Whitebeard Pirates' unlocking specialists, the

seastone handcuffs were swiftly removed, freeing Ace from their

constraints. As the flames of his Logia ability ignited around him, Ace

extended a hand to Luffy, his smile warm and brotherly.

"Luffy, you silly fool," Ace chuckled, his flames harmless to his friend.

Amidst Whitebeard's command to evacuate, Ace expressed his gratitude

and affection for the fatherly figure he looked up to. Whitebeard's simple

yet heartfelt words moved Ace to tears, a testament to the bond they


As the Whitebeard Pirates hurried back to their ship, Garp observed the

chaos with conflicted emotions. Though aware of the need to act against

the pirates, he found himself unable to oppose Ace's rescue. The thought

of betraying the son he had raised was too much to bear.

Despite the temporary relief of Ace's rescue, the danger was far from

over. The first half of the Grand Line remained a treacherous territory,

with the constant threat of World Government and Marine intervention.

Only in the safety of the New World could they truly find sanctuary.

Meanwhile, Sengoku's fate remained uncertain, and his clash with

Whitebeard left him incapacitated and vulnerable. Garp's inner turmoil

mirrored the uncertainty of the situation, torn between his duty as a

Marine and his love for his family.

Caught in a daze, Garp struggled to find his footing amidst the chaos.

Eventually, he resorted to his fists, knocking out a few pirates around

him in a futile attempt to regain control.

Ace's escape sent shockwaves through the Marine ranks, causing morale

to plummet. Even Kizaru, renowned for his nonchalant demeanour,

couldn't hide his frustration. His once pristine attire was now torn and

bloodied, a testament to the fierce battle he had endured.

Sanji, equally worse for wear, panted heavily as he hovered in the air.

Despite their formidable strength, the Straw Hat Pirates' Three Powers

were not immune to fatigue. Their physical limits, though enhanced, still

fell short of the veteran Admirals they faced.

However, it was their unwavering will and evolved fighting skills that set

them apart. Zoro's mastery of the sword and Sanji's powerful kicks

surpassed even the Admirals' techniques. This combination of skill and

determination made them formidable opponents.

As Sanji locked eyes with Kizaru, a sense of determination emanated

from his gaze. It was a reminder to Kizaru of the youthful vigour that

drove the Straw Hat Pirates forward.

In that moment, Kizaru couldn't help but reflect on Whitebeard's words.

The passing of time was inevitable, and perhaps their era had come to an

end. As the young Straw Hat Pirates continued to defy expectations,

Kizaru couldn't help but wonder if their time had truly passed.

As the chaos of battle subsided, Tsuru couldn't help but sigh at the

miscalculations that led to their defeat. Despite their meticulous planning

and overwhelming power, they had underestimated the Straw Hat


Surrounded by allies and legends of old, the straw hat boy stood as a

symbol of the new era, his strength surpassing all expectations. Tsuru

recognized that their downfall came from overlooking this crucial fact.

In the midst of Marine's despair, a soldier's desperate cry for a doctor

echoed through the battlefield. The defeat of Zephyr, a former Admiral,

at the hands of a mere pet with a 50 Baileys bounty seemed absurd and


Zephyr's own discomfort was exacerbated by the incredulous voices

around him. He struggled with an asthma attack, bewildered by the

notion that he had been defeated by such a seemingly insignificant


The Marine's confusion only deepened as they faced adversaries with

abilities rivalling those of monsters. These were no mere pirates with

modest bounties but formidable opponents capable of challenging even

an Admiral.

In the face of such unexpected strength, Crane and her allies could only

reflect on their miscalculations and regroup for the challenges that lay

ahead. The new era had arrived, and they would need to adapt to survive

in this ever-changing world.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

66. Kong, Blackbeard, And The

Intensified War

Zephyr felt deeply embarrassed.

He was certain of one thing, no matter the circumstances.

Unfortunately, after today's events, he's now with the Marines.

He was the former Admiral defeated by the Fifty Bailey Pirates.

"I've got to increase Tony Tony Chopper's bounty when I get back. The

higher, the better," Zephyr thought to himself, taking a sharp breath.

Chopper observed the former Admiral, now kneeling weakly before him,

struggling to catch his breath.

The signs of illness were evident in his opponent.

But it was a condition that couldn't be cured, only managed.

It was hard to believe.

The seasoned Marine who had just moments ago stood toe-to-toe with

him now struggled with asthma.

Despite his age and ailment, he still wielded formidable strength.

Zephyr was indeed a formidable opponent, akin to a monster.

Little did Chopper know, he was seen as a monster in Zephyr's eyes as


Chopper faced the ailing Zephyr but refrained from attacking.

As a doctor, it went against his principles to harm a patient in distress.

Yet, he had no means to treat him either.

With no medication at hand for asthma, Chopper could only hope for the

Marine doctors to provide aid.

"Back to the New World, everyone," Whitebeard commanded.

Under the leadership of their Captain and Vice Captain, the Whitebeard

Pirates commenced an orderly evacuation.

The weaker members boarded the ships first, while the stronger captains

remained behind.

Thanks to Luffy's earlier intervention, a large portion of the Marine

soldiers on the protective wall were incapacitated by Conqueror's Haki.

As a result, the coastal artillery remained inactive, allowing the pirate

ships to approach unhindered.

"Fire Punch!" Ace leapt into the air and unleashed a blazing punch.

A massive flame tornado engulfed the sea, vaporizing the ice remnants

left by Whitebeard's tsunami and clearing the way for the pirate


The Whitebeard Pirates swiftly retreated, encountering feeble resistance

from the Marines.

The sudden influx of Admiral-level adversaries caught everyone off


With so many powerful opponents, the elite Marine soldiers, numbering

only 26, found themselves largely ineffective.

Recruited from Marine Bases worldwide, they played a minimal role in

the conflict.

Engaging in direct combat was out of the question, given the

overwhelming presence of Admiral-level adversaries.

Even the mid-level Marine fighters struggled to make an impact, finding

themselves at a significant disadvantage.

The elite Vice Admirals stationed at headquarters battled fiercely against

the captains of Whitebeard's pirate crew, struggling even more against

the stronger ones.

The top-tier fighters of the Marines were tied down, unable to provide

support to their comrades.

The middle ranks of the Marines found themselves overwhelmed by the

seasoned cadre of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And now, with Sengoku being attacked by three assailants

simultaneously, his fate unknown, the Marines' top fighters were at a


The chances of turning the tide were slim.

"Let them retreat," Tsuru said calmly. "Continuing this battle will only

lead to more losses. We must accept defeat if it comes to that."

Vice Admiral Kizaru's expression shifted, but he remained silent in

response to Tsuru's command.

"This is my decision, and I'll take full responsibility," Tsuru declared with

unwavering determination.

With no outside intervention, the current state of the Marines made it

difficult to fend off Whitebeard and his crew, let alone other threats.

Despite Whitebeard's apprehension towards Mariejois' support and the

Marines' concerns about the Red Hair Pirates, the power of the World

Government struggled to match the revolutionary army and the

formidable Red Hair Pirates.

Tsuru's words left the other Marines with nothing to rebut.

While Tsuru's rank was only Vice Admiral, akin to Garp, he was a

respected figure within the older generation of the Marines, holding sway

even over the current Admirals.

With Garp inactive and Sengoku's fate uncertain, Tsuru wielded

significant authority.

"It seems this war has come to an end," Marco sighed in relief as the cyan

flame wings in his hands dissipated, his arms returning to normal.

Both sides felt the tension ease, hoping for a safe evacuation, particularly

for Ace.

However, the wounded pirates could only be salvaged to the best of their


"Is it finally over?" Nami asked aboard the Moby Dick, breathing a sigh of


This level of warfare was beyond the capacity of small-time pirates like


To be blunt, Nami's abilities were insufficient to take on the multitude of

soldiers and pirates on the battlefield, so she remained aboard the Moby


With Usopp on guard, she felt assured that nothing would go wrong.

However, her peace was short-lived.


An explosion rocked the area around the Moby Dick.

"What? What's happening now?" Nami exclaimed, panic evident in her


Usopp's attention quickly shifted towards the distant sea behind them.

In the distance, emerging from the fog, were three imposing warships.

Standing proudly at the helm of the central warship was a majestic,

towering old man.

Though older in appearance than Rayleigh, his muscular physique defied

his age.

Beside him stood a tall figure who was shrouded in a massive white cloak

and wearing a mask.

"It's that troublemaker again, Sengoku, Garp, Tsuru," the old man's

laughter echoed from the approaching warship, reaching the ears of those

at Marineford.

"Here comes trouble," Whitebeard muttered, unleashing a shockwave that

forced a group of Marines to retreat. His expression grew solemn as he

observed the approaching warship.

"This voice... could it be?" Rayleigh's demeanour shifted slightly, hinting

at a realization of who was approaching.

"Brother Kong!" Garp exclaimed sharply, recognizing the familiar voice.

Kong, the former Marine Fleet Admiral, is now the Commander-in-Chief

of the World Government.

It seemed that Mariejois, the seat of the World Government, had received

word from Marineford.

After all, this was a war being broadcast worldwide, and Mariejois and its

Western Army were at a disadvantage.

The arrival of Kong brought cheers from the Marines at Marineford, even

eliciting a sigh of relief from Tsuru.

She could see that the figure standing beside Kong was likely a high-

ranking member of the Cipher Pol Organization, sent to support

Marineford. The probability of them being an Admiral-level powerhouse

was high.

With Kong and this unknown figure joining forces, there was a real

chance they could halt the Whitebeard Pirates' retreat.

It was evident that, at this moment, the Marines' top fighters were only

slightly inferior to those of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Pirates, have you underestimated us?"

Kong's laughter echoed as his body vanished from the warship.

In the blink of an eye, several white sonic booms appeared in the sky,

heralding Kong's instantaneous appearance before Whitebeard.

His muscular frame filled the air, invisible Haki enveloping his fists as he

delivered a powerful punch straight to Whitebeard's face.


The clash between Kong's fist and Whitebeard's vibrating blade sent

shockwaves rippling across the port.

Fortunately, Whitebeard had positioned himself at the forefront of the

evacuation route, minimizing the risk of collateral damage to his own


However, Whitebeard staggered slightly from the impact, while Kong

remained steadfast as a rainbow.

Kong's strength wasn't necessarily greater than Garp's despite his

advanced age and declining abilities.

Yet, Whitebeard's current condition was dire.

Since stepping onto the battlefield, he had been pushing his broken and

ailing body to its limits.

His fight had taken its toll, leaving him weakened and struggling to keep


Marco, intimately familiar with Whitebeard's condition, felt a surge of

anxiety, knowing his captain was nearing his limits.

Regrettably, Marco couldn't intervene at that moment.

Meanwhile, Zoro, his body surging with turbulent ghostly energy,

unleashed his Nine Sword Style technique, aiming nine slashes at Luffy in

an instant.

But in an empty spot, a figure clad in a white cloak and mask suddenly


With a swift stab, Zoro's attack tore through the cloak, clanging against

the man's armoured body.

Despite the forceful strike, the thick Armament Haki and resilient armour

absorbed most of the impact, preventing immediate injury.

"Marines? Since when did they resort to such underhanded tactics?" Zoro

questioned calmly, his grip tightening on his renowned blade.

"Attempting to ambush our captain?"

"It's a member of the Cipher Pol Organization," he added, recognizing the

opponent's affiliation.

Rayleigh, with his extensive experience dealing with the World

Government, immediately recognized the man's identity.

However, he found it puzzling.

Under normal circumstances, members of the Cipher Pol Organization

were rarely dispatched, as they served as a crucial force in safeguarding


Moreover, the man before him appeared to be of Admiral-level strength,

indicating he was among the top operatives of the CPO.

Typically, if they were to intervene, it would likely be to apprehend Fire

Fist Ace, not target Luffy specifically.

This focused attention on Luffy and raised questions for Rayleigh.

"Why exactly? Is there something about Luffy that concerns the Five

Elders?" he pondered.

Rayleigh suspected it might be due to the Straw Hat Pirates' formidable

strength, which instilled deep fear in the Five Elders, prompting them to

target Luffy.

However, Rayleigh's keen intuition suggested there might be more to it.


Zoro swung his sword fiercely, prompting Rayleigh to rush forward,

blade drawn.

Seeing the failed assassination attempt, the masked CPO operative wisely

retreated, disappearing before Zoro's eyes and reappearing by Kong's side

like a shadow.

Meanwhile, as Whitebeard faced off against the Marines led by Sora, the

attention of everyone present was drawn towards the rear of the Naval


"What's that?" exclaimed some of the Marine soldiers.

A colossal shadow loomed over the entirety of the Naval Headquarters—

an unimaginable giant.

Even Luffy couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size of the figure,

dwarfing even the towering structures of the headquarters.

Compared to the Oars they encountered at Thriller Bark, this giant,

named Sanjuan Wolf, was on a whole other scale.

Standing at a staggering 150 meters tall, he made even the largest

members of the Whitebeard Pirates seem minuscule in comparison.

"It's Sanjuan Wolf," a Marine Vice Admiral recognized the colossal figure.

Once notorious pirates, these individuals had committed crimes so

heinous that they were consigned to Eternal Hell, the sixth floor of the

Impel Down prison, destined to be erased from history by the World


"And there's Catarina Devon, Vasco Shot, and Avaro Pizarro," Kong

remarked grimly. Each of them was a notorious pirate imprisoned for life

in Impel Down.

Their sudden appearance raised eyebrows.

"Why are criminals from the sixth level of Impel Down here?" Kong's

expression soured at the sight of these escapees, some of whom he had

personally apprehended.

But the appearance of these criminals wasn't the most concerning aspect.

Their presence signalled the breach of Impel Down's supposedly

impenetrable defences.

How many Level 6 prisoners had escaped?

Notably absent were the most formidable of the Level 6 pirates, those on

par with the Four Emperors Admirals.

"It's Blackbeard," a familiar voice reverberated among the Marines.

Sengoku, battered and bloody, approached, his expression grim.

Upon his arrival at Marineford, he had received reports of Blackbeard's

audacious assault on a warship and his subsequent march towards Impel


The initial belief had been that Impel Down, with Magellan and Shiryu

guarding it, was impregnable to Blackbeard's onslaught.

Now, it was evident that the situation was dire.

"As expected of The Resourceful General Sengoku, I really can't hide

anything from you, old thief, hahaha," Blackbeard's booming laughter

echoed from atop the colossal San Juan Wolf battleship.

With an entourage in tow, Blackbeard descended from the ship's head.

"Teach," Whitebeard muttered, a silver-white glint flickering in his eyes.

His grip tightened around his long sword, his aura transcending its limits,

causing Kong to tremble nearby.

"Teach," Ace growled, eyeing Blackbeard with determination yet

refraining from rash action.

His time in prison had tempered his impulsiveness, and he understood

the gravity of the situation.

"Let's deal with Whitebeard together, Admiral Sengoku, old thief,

hahaha," Blackbeard proclaimed, locking eyes with Sengoku.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

67. I Come To End This War


Sengoku glanced behind Blackbeard, spotting the towering figure

clutching a renowned sword.

In that instant, it dawned on him why Blackbeard, with his might, could

navigate the treacherous depths of the sea prison guarded by Magellan.

If Shiryu, who possessed immense power, was in cahoots with them from

the inside, along with the antidote brewed within Imper Prison, it could

indeed breach Magellan's defences.

But what puzzled Sengoku was why Shiryu had sided with Blackbeard.

After all, as the warden of Imper Prison, Shiryu had minimal interaction

with the outside world, practically living within its confines permanently.

What had Blackbeard promised him to forsake everything and join his


"Hey, Admiral Sengoku, your gaze could pierce through steel."

Shiryu drawled, puffing on a cigar, regarding Sengoku with a nonchalant


"Hey, Sengoku, don't shoot us those looks, aren't we comrades?"

Blackbeard chuckled.


The Marine couldn't help but laugh incredulously. They had stormed

Imper Prison, freed its inmates, and now Blackbeard had the audacity to

call them allies?

A golden aura began emanating from Sengoku's body.

Kong and Garp clenched their fists, their presence crackling like a

brewing storm.

If it had not been for Whitebeard and his crew's presence, they might

have attacked Blackbeard right then and there.

"Hey, hey, I'm a Shichibukai, Sengoku."

Seeing the menacing glares from both sides, Blackbeard panicked

momentarily, hastily waving his hands to explain.

"Furthermore, your current task is to deal with Whitebeard and his crew,

isn't it? If you don't execute Ace or let him escape, you'll have a lot of

explaining to do to the whole world."

"My aim is also Whitebeard. Isn't it more urgent to handle him than to

deal with me? Haha, priorities, my friends."

Truth be told, Blackbeard was feeling the pressure, too.

Under normal circumstances, his plan had factored in the strength of

both sides.

He should have emerged now to seize the opportunity and clean up the


But reality proved different from his expectations.

The Whitebeard Pirates had unexpectedly prevailed.

Not only had they rescued Ace, but their combat prowess remained


Whitebeard, Rayleigh, these seasoned warriors posed formidable


Meanwhile, the Marines were in disarray without Akainu, and even

Kizaru and Aokiji seemed uneasy.

This unforeseen turn had thrown Blackbeard off guard.

Nevertheless, as a cunning opportunist, he managed to spin his words


In just a few sentences, he had Sengoku contemplating.

Because, begrudgingly, what he said held truth.

Sengoku was all too aware of Blackbeard's current transgressions.

Yet, the breach of Impel Prison had already occurred, and there was no

turning back.

Moreover, the impending public execution of Fire Fist Ace loomed large.

Though the live broadcast had been cut off, if Ace were to escape, it

would be a severe blow to the Marines' reputation.

So, as Blackbeard had pointed out, dealing with Whitebeard took


Considering Blackbeard's formidable force, cooperation seemed


The tension hung thick in the air on the battlefield, and many things

remained unresolved for the Marines, especially for Garp, who couldn't

quite accept the situation. Truth be told, Sengoku wasn't thrilled about

cooperating with Blackbeard either.

At this critical juncture, the atmosphere seemed to stagnate.

There were numerous factors Sengoku had to weigh, and mere

cooperation didn't seem to cut it.

Suddenly, a formidable CP0 agent held a phone bug, speaking in hushed

tones. Minutes later, he leaned in to convey something to Sora.

"I understand. Your name is Blackbeard, correct?" Sora stepped forward,

his imposing figure commanding attention. "This isn't cooperation,

Blackbeard. As a Shichibukai, you're obligated to heed the compulsory

call and join the battle against the Whitebeard Pirates."

Sora's declaration furrowed the brows of Sengoku, Garp, and Tsuru, but

they refrained from comment. They knew this was an order from higher-

ups, one they couldn't dispute.

"It's just empty rhetoric, typical of those corrupt superiors," Doflamingo

sneered. "My part in this is done." With that, Hawkeye turned away from

the fray, his interest waning.

"This is what I've been waiting for, Teach," Whitebeard's voice rang out,

icy and resolute. His gaze, sharp as ever, pierced through the chaos, and

his aura surged to its zenith, reminiscent of his prime.

"Dad's truly riled up," Jozu murmured, awed by Whitebeard's

overwhelming presence.

The intense aura emanating from Whitebeard's body was akin to steam, a

manifestation of his power pushed to its limits—a sight even Kizaru

found daunting.

"It's almost time, Pineapple Head," Luffy said, mustering his strength.

With a deep breath, he stood tall once more, his companions rallying

around him.

As Luffy joined Whitebeard on the frontlines, Usopp appeared, his resolve

unwavering. "Kid, get Ace out of here. You've done enough," Whitebeard

urged Luffy, concern etched in his voice.

"You got it. Your pain is written all over your face. Let's step back," Luffy

replied calmly, pressing his straw hat with a reassuring smile.

"Hmph, you're a stubborn brat. This little injury won't stop me. You've

got a lot to learn," Whitebeard chuckled, undeterred.

The tension on the battlefield reached a palpable peak, and neither side

was willing to make the first move. They all knew that once the fighting

resumed, there would be no turning back—a desperate clash awaited

them all.

As tension reached its peak between the two opposing sides, uncertainty

hung heavy in the air.

Just as everyone's nerves were stretched taut, a warship surged forward,

breaking through the standoff between the Whitebeard Pirates' ships and

the Marine vessels.

With a deafening crash, the ship careened uncontrollably, slamming into

the protective wall and engulfing the area in a cloud of dust and debris.

"Hey, Buggy, can't you steer this thing properly? What's with the reckless

driving?" A commanding voice cut through the chaos.

"Don't blame me for this! The old man hit the throttle too hard. How am I

supposed to control this beast at full speed? Just getting us to the island

in one piece is a miracle!" Buggy's panicked voice echoed amidst the


"Do you want to get us all killed, you red-nosed brat?" Another voice,

seasoned and grizzled, snapped.

The familiar tone caught the attention of those who had lived through

the bygone era—this voice was unmistakable.

"Where are we headed, Mr. 1?" Another voice, dripping with malice,


Zoro and Sanji exchanged knowing glances. They recognized the voice—

it belonged to the Crocodile of Alabasta.

With a powerful gesture, Crocodile dispersed the smoke and dust,

revealing the figure on the warship that had caused the disturbance.

"Are you Bullet?" Rayleigh's surprise was evident as he beheld the

towering figure before him.

"It's been a while, Vice Captain Rayleigh," Bullet replied, a fierce grin

spreading across his face. He had spent years honing his skills in the

Great Prison and now sought a worthy opponent in Rayleigh.

"Whitebeard," Crocodile's gaze lingered on the legendary pirate, a mix of

emotions swirling in his eyes.

"Rayleigh, it's been too long," Crocodile chimed in, his tone tinged with


Amongst the powerful figures, a trembling Buggy spotted Rayleigh and

rushed over, seeking solace in the presence of his former crewmate.

"Long time no see, Buggy," Luffy greeted with a laugh.

"It's you, Straw Hat!" Buggy exclaimed, grabbing Luffy by the collar, a

mix of anger and relief evident in his expression.

"All because of that rubber bastard! If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have

ended up in that hellhole of Impel Down!" Buggy seethed, his eyes

locking onto Zoro and Sanji with disdain.

Zoro and Sanji merely sneered in response, their disgust evident.

"Surprisingly, fate has brought us together again. One day, I'll wipe those

smug looks off your faces," Buggy spat venomously.

"You too. I thought you were long gone," Whitebeard remarked with

disdain, addressing the old man before him. "Byrnndi World."

Byrnndi World, the infamous World Destroyer who had garnered fear

from the World Government, was presumed dead after a joint effort

between Marines and pirates. His sudden appearance now hinted at a

different fate—a silent imprisonment within Impel Down.

"Demon Heir, Douglas Bullet."

"Former Shichibukai, Crocodile."

Marine's elite Vice Admirals recoiled in shock at the revelation of these

legendary figures joining the fray.

The situation seemed increasingly dire. Among them, Crocodile was the

least of their worries—these two were true legends.

Byrnndi World, a formidable pirate who had rivalled the likes of

Whitebeard and Rayleigh, and Douglas Bullet, hailed as the successor to

the legendary pirate Gol D Roger, were forces to be reckoned with.

These were not the lackeys Blackbeard had previously enlisted; they were

on a completely different level, capable of easily dispatching Blackbeard's

sixth-floor lackeys.

"Looks like you've lucked out, facing a big showdown right after your

prison break," Byrnndi World jeered, his toothy grin unsettling.

"As annoying as you are, Whitebeard, you're a sight for sore eyes

compared to the lapdogs of the World Government," Byrnndi World

continued, his laughter echoing.

"Shut your trap, Byrnndi World. One more word, and I'll toss you into the

sea," Whitebeard growled, his disgust evident.

"I'm more interested in taking down the Marines than exchanging banter

with Vice Captain Rayleigh," Bullet chimed in, his grin widening.

Rayleigh couldn't help but be taken aback by Bullet's immense aura. The

once-genius boy had transformed into a force to be reckoned with,

surpassing even Rayleigh himself.

"Sengoku, you scoundrel," Sengoku seethed with rage, itching to tear

Blackbeard apart.

Opening the gates of Impel Down had unleashed not just a few lackeys

but true monsters like Douglas Bullet and Byrnndi World, causing a

headache for everyone involved.

Blackbeard chuckled softly, but deep down, he knew things had spiralled

out of control.

The unexpected rescue of Ace by the Whitebeard Pirates and the arrival

of Bullet further complicated matters.

Marines found themselves at a significant disadvantage, even with

Blackbeard's crew and their blessings.

As a red ship raced towards Marineford, bearing the emblem of two

crossed knives on a skull with three scars over its left eye—the insignia of

the Red-Haired Shanks pirate crew—Sengoku knew the battle was lost.

The Red Force, though smaller than the ships of the Whitebeard Pirates,

commanded immense respect and power.

Sengoku closed his eyes, resigned to the inevitable defeat of the Marine.

Moments later, the ship docked, and a one-armed man with fiery red hair

stepped onto the shores of Marineford.

"I've come to put an end to this war," Shanks declared solemnly.


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68. Blackbeard, The End


The immense Conqueror's Haki swept across Marineford like a tempest,

its terrifying force capable of altering the very fabric of reality. This was

the Haki of the Red-Haired Shanks, a man who could command the seas

even with a disabled body.

"Shanks?" Bullet's expression shifted, surprise flickering across his face

before he settled into a ferocious grin. "Decades have passed, and that

little brat has grown into quite the figure," he remarked, his excitement


Though imprisoned in Impel Down's sixth level for so long, Bullet had no

doubt heard of the Four Emperors. Shanks's courage alone was proof

enough of his status as a formidable force in the seas.

"End the war? Don't make me laugh, red-haired brat," Sora scoffed, his

thick arms crossed defiantly. "Where do you get off undermining the

Marines and the World Government?"

"Your authority means nothing to me," Shanks retorted sharply, his gaze

piercing. Having recently faced off against Kaido, another Emperor, and

emerged victorious, Shanks's resolve was as fierce as ever.

Even Kong, the commander-in-chief, couldn't help but be taken aback by

Shanks's boldness.

"The war must cease," Shanks declared solemnly, his gaze sweeping over

the battlefield strewn with casualties. "Continuing will only lead to

further tragedy for both sides. Look around you—comrades and partners

lie dying. Is this the outcome you seek?"

"Cease the fighting. The Whitebeard Pirates will tend to their wounded

and return to the New World. Marine, take this opportunity to save those

soldiers who still draw breath."

Shanks's words hung heavy in the air, silencing both sides. Even

Whitebeard, known for his stubbornness, couldn't refute the logic in

Shanks's plea.

His fondness for Ace, his son and potential successor, had driven him to

bring the Whitebeard Pirates to Marineford, but he refused to sacrifice

his crew needlessly.

Similarly, Sengoku, though not known for his hawkishness, recognized

the futility of continuing the battle. Marine's defeat was all but assured in

the face of such monstrous adversaries.

The Straw Hat Pirates alone had proven formidable enough to challenge

the Admirals, and now they stood alongside Whitebeard, Rayleigh,

Bullet, and World—the most terrifying beings to ever set foot upon the


And now, the Red-Haired Pirates step onto the stage.

Despite Shanks's seemingly neutral stance, it's crucial to remember his

ties to Fire Fist Ace, the son of his benefactor, Gol D. Roger. If it came to

it, the Red-Haired Pirates would undoubtedly align with Whitebeard.

With two Four Emperors crews, a formidable new-era pirate group, and

legendary escapees from Impel Down, the odds were overwhelmingly

against Marine. Sengoku felt a sense of desperation, knowing that even

with Marine's full strength, they couldn't compete against such

formidable opponents.

"I promise, Shanks," Sengoku declared loudly, accepting the inevitable


His words stunned the other Marines. They understood that by

conceding, Sengoku was essentially bowing to the pirates, a move that

wouldn't sit well with the World Government.

"I'll take full responsibility for this defeat," Sengoku added firmly,

silencing any dissent.

Whitebeard concurred, acknowledging that their objectives had been met

and further bloodshed was unnecessary.

Shanks breathed a sigh of relief, relieved that Whitebeard was willing to

stand down. He had feared the stubbornness of the old pirate might

prolong the conflict unnecessarily.

However, Whitebeard had one condition.

Sengoku tensed, fearing Whitebeard's next words might reignite the

conflict. But Whitebeard's demand was clear—he wanted to confront

Blackbeard himself.

Whitebeard's gaze bore into Blackbeard with a chilling intensity, his

anger palpable.

As Blackbeard attempted to assert his alliance with the World

Government, Whitebeard's wrath remained unabated.

Blackbeard stepped back as Sengoku delivered the news—he was stripped

of his Shichibukai status and all associated privileges. Marine's decision

was clear, especially after Blackbeard's blatant disregard for authority

and his release of dangerous criminals.

Sengoku, feeling the weight of his actions, was ready to accept the

consequences. He had nothing to lose, knowing he would soon retire

from his position as Marine Fleet Admiral.

Meanwhile, Whitebeard confronted Blackbeard, his fury palpable. He

reminded Blackbeard of the unforgivable sin of killing comrades.

Blackbeard, facing Whitebeard's wrath, tried to appeal to their familial

bond. But Whitebeard's anger was uncontainable.

As Whitebeard launched an attack, Blackbeard revealed his Dark Fruit

ability, nullifying Whitebeard's powers and striking back with his own


Witnessing Blackbeard's defiance, the onlookers were stunned. Even

Whitebeard's closest allies couldn't believe what they were seeing.

But Luffy, ever observant, remained calm, recognizing the true extent of

Whitebeard's strength.

As the battle unfolded, it became clear that Whitebeard was not to be

underestimated, despite Blackbeard's attempts to subdue him.

In the end, Luffy acknowledged Whitebeard's prowess, recognizing him as

a true monster of strength.

As the Blackbeard Pirates rushed to aid their captain, Marco and Ace

swiftly intervened, forming a formidable barrier of flames that repelled

their attacks. With their cyan and buff flames burning brightly, they

stood defiantly in front of Whitebeard, ready to protect him at all costs.

Meanwhile, Shiryu of the Rain attempted to draw his sword, only to be

confronted by Vista, whose blades radiated with an intimidating aura.

Behind Vista stood a group of Marine elites, their presence casting a

shadow over the Blackbeard Pirates.

The Blackbeard Pirates suddenly realized their precarious situation.

Without their status as Marine allies, they were nothing more than

escaped criminals, trespassing in the heart of Marine territory with its full

might ready to strike.

Caught between the wrath of Whitebeard and the overwhelming force of

Marine, the Blackbeard Pirates found themselves in a dire predicament.

Their attempts to aid their captain had only exacerbated their perilous

situation, as they now faced the combined might of two formidable

adversaries: the enraged Whitebeard and the relentless Marines.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

69. The Battle On The Top Is

Completely Over

"Why should I believe Blackbeard's nonsense?" Shiryu thought as he

glanced at the top fighters from the Naval Headquarters, who seemed

clueless about surrounding them. Sengoku, Garp, Tsuru, Sora, Kizaru,

Aokiji, Gion—when this bunch gathered, any pirate or criminal would

feel a deep, deep despair. That's exactly how Shiryu feels right now.

He wished he could turn back time, go back to a few hours ago when he

was still in the prison of Impel and shut Blackbeard up with a knife

before things got this bad. Then, he wouldn't be in this mess.

"Shiryu, do you know the power of the Dark Fruit? It can change the

world, take us to the top," Blackbeard said confidently. "I can extract

Devil Fruit abilities from capable individuals. Imagine the possibilities.

We can create an unstoppable army. Even the World Government

wouldn't stand a chance against us."

"What? You don't believe me? Look outside. Once we take down

Whitebeard, I'll take his strongest Shock Fruit ability from his corpse,"

Blackbeard continued, trying to persuade Shiryu to join him.

"Join us, Shiryu. We'll rule the seas," Blackbeard laughed.

Shiryu still heard Blackbeard's ambitious words echoing in his ears, but

the harsh reality hit him. In just a few hours, he had gone from being the

deputy warden of Impel's prison to a regular criminal in the sixth level of

the prison, Eternal Hell. All his privileges and recognition were gone—all

because of a decision he made a few hours ago.

"Damn you, Blackbeard," Shiryu shouted, but before he could do

anything, the Marines struck. Kizaru, Aokiji, and others appeared, ready

to subdue them. They were in Marineford, surrounded by the highest-

ranking Marine forces.

As Shiryu lay on the ground, barely conscious, he wondered, "How did

Whitebeard manage to win with this kind of power?"

Sengoku ordered the Marines to tie them up and take them back to

Impel's prison. It was a stroke of luck that Blackbeard had brought them

here. Despite being legendary pirates and Shichibukai, the group

Blackbeard brought were some of the most ruthless criminals from the

sixth level of the prison.

Soon, Marines approached with seastone handcuffs and chains to restrain

them, ensuring they wouldn't escape again. Gion and Momonga were

tasked with guarding the prisoners.

"Dealing with these criminals is a breeze compared to the monsters we're

facing," Gion remarked, relieved to have them under control.

Kizaru couldn't help but twist his mouth into a concealed, wretched

smile. Lately, he had been feeling a bit defeated. First, at Sabaody, he

was bested by the Straw Hat Boy. Now, he found himself struggling

against Blackfoot Sanji, whose bounty was less than 100 million. It made

him wonder if he was getting old and losing his strength, unable to keep

up with the younger generation.

But after effortlessly dealing with Blackbeard's crew, he felt a glimmer of

confidence return. It wasn't that he was weak; it was just that the Straw

Hat Pirates were exceptionally strong.

As the top fighters of the Marines finished off Blackbeard's crew, Sengoku

glanced at Fire Fist Ace and Phoenix Marco, who were standing nearby.

They had just teamed up to take on Blackbeard's men. Although they

were within striking distance, Sengoku refrained from making another


Ace had managed to break free from the seastone handcuffs, and his

strength rivalled that of an Admiral. Killing him wouldn't be easy. Plus,

the formidable strength of the pirates made Sengoku hesitate.

"Do you want to fight, Sengoku?" Bullet, who had recently escaped from

Impel, taunted Sengoku with a crazed smile.

Sengoku frowned at Bullet. The Demon heir was arrested because of

Buster Call's actions and his own, and after years in Impel Prison, he

seemed even stronger and more menacing. Standing alongside Rayleigh

and Byrnndi World, Bullet's strength surpassed even these legendary


Despite Bullet's madness and dangerous aura, Sengoku couldn't make a

move, not with Rayleigh and Shanks by his side.

"Hey, Shanks, Vice Captain Rayleigh, want to team up?" Bullet proposed,

but both Shanks and Rayleigh declined. Bullet's transformation into a

more dangerous figure than before troubled them.

"I've grown stronger, and I'll keep getting stronger until I'm the best,"

Bullet declared loudly, his eyes fixed on the Marines as if he might attack

at any moment.

However, despite his thirst for power, Bullet wasn't foolish. Just released

from Eternal Hell, he hadn't reached his peak yet, and attacking the

Marines now would be suicide.

"It's all over," Whitebeard's voice cut through the tension as he

approached. With a firm grip, he held Blackbeard's unconscious body, his

face bloodied and battered from the fight.

"That's one resilient body. After enduring Dad's grip so many times, he's

still breathing," Marco remarked, following Whitebeard's lead as they

approached Blackbeard's swaying form.

Marco was well aware of Whitebeard's devastating strength. Despite

being grabbed by the weakest part of his neck and receiving three

powerful shocks, Blackbeard was somehow still alive. It was a testament

to the incredible durability of his body.

The first time, Blackbeard had only one breath left and felt like he was on

the brink of death. After two more attacks, he lost consciousness


"Time to go home, youngsters," Whitebeard declared, hoisting

Blackbeard's body with one hand and his long sword high into the air.

The Whitebeard Pirates raised their weapons in celebration, cheers of

victory filling the air. Despite the losses suffered in the war, they stood

strong, united in their resolve.

As Whitebeard carried Blackbeard back to the Moby Dick, passing by

Luffy and the others, Chopper whispered to Luffy, "Whitebeard is dying."

Each member of the crew had their own unique perception abilities.

Luffy had an enhanced emotional perception, Usopp had a heightened

distance perception, and Chopper, being a doctor, had a keen sense of


Chopper could sense that Whitebeard's vitality was fading fast. Under

normal circumstances, someone with such low vitality would be on the

verge of death. Yet, Whitebeard not only survived but also managed to

hold his own against Admiral-level opponents and defeat monsters like


Luffy, too, sensed Whitebeard's pain and resilience. Despite the immense

suffering he endured, Whitebeard remained steadfast and resolute. His

willpower was awe-inspiring, transcending even the limits of his own


Though Luffy couldn't fully grasp the depth of Whitebeard's emotions, he

recognized a familiar tenderness akin to what Garp showed him at times.

It was a bond that went beyond mere partnership, a willpower that

defied death itself.

"Just give him a hand, Ace," Luffy said, looking at the smiling Ace with a

mixture of emotions.

In this moment of reunion and homecoming joy, Luffy couldn't find the

right words to express himself. He knew Ace shared a special bond with

Whitebeard, and he wondered how Ace would cope with the grief of

Whitebeard's passing.

As the Whitebeard Pirates took care of the battlefield and tended to the

wounded, there was a strange understanding between the pirates and the


"Then we'll be on our way," Shanks said, pressing his hand on the hilt of

his sword and addressing Sengoku.

Sengoku didn't object. This group of pirates had dealt a significant blow

to the Marines and the World Government. If the Marines couldn't

recover and strengthen their position, their control over the world would

diminish in the coming years. But Sengoku felt somewhat relieved after

the battle, knowing that the trial of the Five Elders would determine the

next steps.

"Before we go, I'll give Marine's Buster Call a second look," Bullet


"I'll make them pay for every scar they've left on me," Bullet declared, his

eyes cold and determined, clutching gravel in his hands like a vengeful


Crocodile observed the two men beside him, their madness apparent.

Sengoku watched them board Whitebeard's ship, his expression ugly with


"These two troublemakers," Crocodile muttered.

"These two lunatics," Sengoku added, his gaze fixed on Bullet and

Byrnndi World as they departed.

These two guys are a real handful. If it weren't for the Whitebeard

Pirates, Red Hair Pirates, and Straw Hat Pirates backing them up,

Sengoku would have had to personally deal with those arrogant lunatics.

But now, all he could do was watch as they fought their way out and left


"The war is over. Let's focus on treating the wounded," Sengoku ordered

the surrounding Marine soldiers as he watched the Whitebeard Pirates'

ships depart.

Seeing the devastation around him—the wounded, the damaged Naval

Headquarters, the distant residential area of Marineford—Sengoku felt

weary. The war, which had taken so much effort to prepare for, was a

complete failure because of the Straw Hat Pirates. He had lost comrades

and suffered significant damage to his forces. And this was just the

immediate aftermath. The real repercussions were yet to come. In a few

days, the World Government officials, the leaders of the alliance

countries, and the media would all condemn their failure.

Sengoku himself was exhausted. The wound he received from

Whitebeard, Roronoa Zoro, and Dark King Rayleigh continued to bleed,

causing him intense pain. If not for his formidable defence in his Buddha

form, he might have been killed outright. Even so, he had lain in the

ruins for a long time before regaining his ability to move.

As he tried to clear his mind, a Marine soldier approached with a phone

bug. It wasn't the Five Elders calling for accountability but a message

from Impel Prison. Sengoku took a deep breath before answering the call.

"I'm Sengoku," he said.

"Sorry, Admiral Sengoku, but Impel Prison has been breached. Shiryu has

defected and joined Blackbeard," Magellan's voice came through the

phone bug, filled with guilt.

Sengoku assured Magellan that he knew about the situation and would

send someone to assess the damage at Impel.

He understood that berating Magellan now would serve no purpose. The

breach at Impel was a result of Naval Headquarters spreading their forces

too thin and Blackbeard exploiting the situation.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

70. The Five Elders, Luffy's Status

After some time passed,

Sengoku finished the call from Impel Down, feeling a bit relieved.

The situation at Impel Down wasn't as dire as he feared.

Blackbeard was after only the most notorious criminals on the sixth floor

to recruit them.

Not many pirates from the first five floors had been set free.

Plus, those pirates from the lower floors couldn't muster the strength to

steal a warship from the Marine garrison at Impel Down.

Most of those who escaped were Blackbeard's crew. Four of them were

from the sixth floor, and they've all been captured now.

Except for some difficulty in transporting the massive battleships, the

others can be detained with a bit of seastone.

Another concern is Byrnndi World and Douglas Bullet.

Honestly, the combined threat of these two isn't as severe as the four

already caught.

Thinking of this, Sengoku still felt troubled.

"Report this to the higher-ups," Sengoku ordered a Marine sergeant after

getting a grasp of Impel Down's situation.

Although he knew that the powerful Cipher Pol probably already briefed

the Five Elders in detail.

Yet, the Marine's stance needed to be clear.


Garp sat next to Sengoku, feeling somewhat guilty, on a pile of rubble.

If Ace hadn't been rescued, Garp's heart would've been filled with rage.

But now that Ace was saved and Luffy escaped unharmed, his sense of

familial relief was mixed with guilt for justice.

He hadn't performed exceptionally well in this war, to be honest.

His fighting spirit was dampened by Whitebeard's overwhelming


"No need to say anything, Garp. I understand, and you've done all you

could in this battle. The outcome isn't on you," Sengoku reassured his old


It wasn't just words of comfort.

Despite Garp's struggles in the first half, his decisive action in stopping

Whitebeard when things were dire saved the battle from collapsing


The failure of this war couldn't be pinned on Garp, no matter how you

sliced it.

Underestimating the enemy's experience, underestimating the Straw Hat

Pirates' significance, and Blackbeard's assault on Impel Down were the

real reasons for the failure.

And then there was the timely arrival of Shanks.

"It would've been great if my attack had landed directly," Sengoku

pondered, staring at his palm.

In a regular battle, the last chance would've been when Luffy was unable

to move and Ace was restrained by seastone handcuffs.

If only his full-strength attack could've connected with Fire Fist Ace


There was a significant chance he could've been killed right then.

If Fire Fist Ace had died here, Marine wouldn't have suffered such a

heavy defeat.

No, it's not all despair. It's about winning in the long run.

Because their actions now are like those of the whole world, witnessing

Marine publicly executing the evil legacy of the Pirate King, Gol D.


"But if you really think about it, it still wouldn't work," Sengoku carefully


Words that could have led to Fire Fist Ace's demise.

Considering the fighting power displayed by the Straw Hat Pirates and

the Whitebeard Pirates, plus those two old lunatics Blackbeard set free

from prison at the end, this battle could truly turn into a life-and-death


Marines had a high chance of not emerging victorious, and the top

fighters among the Pirates might triumph overwhelmingly.

In the end, the outcome would be even more dreadful than if Marine had

executed Fire Fist Ace.

Marines would be in shambles, let alone venturing into the New World.

Its control over the first half of the Grand Line and the world would

diminish significantly.

The balance would be completely shattered.

Truly, it would mark the dawn of the era of the great pirates.

"Ultimately, we're still too feeble," Zephyr mumbled, taking a puff of his

asthma medicine.

"The powerful figures on the Pirate side emerged too swiftly, and our

Marine is already struggling. It's a crucial issue.

As a Marine recruit instructor, Zephyr was keenly aware of Marine's


The elite Vice Admirals in their department were mostly in their 40s or


Kizaru was fifty-six, Akainu was fifty-two, and Aokiji was forty-nine.

These were the ages of the current Marine Admirals. To put it mildly,

they were middle-aged, if not on the brink of old age.

Not to mention the Marine pillars of their generation. Garp was in his

80s, and the rest were over 70.

Further down the ranks, Gion wasn't much younger than Aokiji.

Looking ahead, Marine had few promising prospects left.

When Zephyr was a recruit instructor, Kizaru, Akainu, and Aokiji were

barely in their twenties, already hailed as prodigies.

Genuine geniuses.

And now?

As far as Marine was concerned, there was barely one, Smoker, who

could be considered a promising recruit.

There was simply no comparison between Smoker and the three


And what about comparing with Pirates?

Red-Haired Shanks was only in his thirties, already one of the Four


Fire Fist Ace was in his twenties, nearing a legend.

Not to mention the crew of monsters known as the Straw Hat Pirates,

who were remarkably young.

Among them, the Straw Hat Boy had a record of facing Admirals head-


Moreover, Sabaody had over ten supernovas this year alone, which spoke

volumes about the situation.

If no changes were made, it was estimated that in the next ten years,

when the older generation of Marines retired, Marines would be

completely overshadowed by pirates.

"This is a major issue. I've reported it to the Five Elders," Sengoku

muttered, troubled by Zephyr's words.

These matters weren't significant when the Marine believed itself to be

the strongest. However, facing a direct hit, they realized the gravity of

this problem.

"Hey, Zephyr, I heard you got beaten by the pet on Luffy's ship, and its

bounty is only fifty Baileys?" Garp teased, pinching his nostrils.

"That pet definitely isn't worth just fifty Baileys. When have you ever

seen a fifty-Bailey pirate able to go head-to-head with an Admiral?"

Zephyr retorted, looking annoyed.

"You used to be an Admiral, and yet you got taken down by a fifty-Bailey

pet instead of facing it head-on," Garp needled, rubbing salt in Zephyr's


"Damn you, I'll get you for this!" Zephyr yelled in frustration.

"Do these guys have no shame? Honestly," Tsuru sighed, watching Zephyr

and Garp squabble not far away.

But truth be told, compared to the Marine soldiers who had lost their

way, these older Vice Admirals, though frustrated, were handling it

relatively well.

They hailed from the legendary era of pirates, where there were more

and stronger legends than today—Peak Whitebeard, Rocks, Gol D. Roger,

Golden Lion Shiki, and more.

Yet, the Marine back then was weaker than it is now. They faced failure

repeatedly, witnessing pirates dominating the seas time and again.

But through countless setbacks, they endured.

The Rocks Pirates, nearly able to conquer the world, had vanished. The

Golden Lion Shiki was captured at Impel Down and disappeared after

breaking out, crippled. Byrnndi World had narrowly escaped trouble and

might pass away in Impel Down in a few years. Gol D. Roger was


Amidst these failures, they buried that legendary old era.

"Rise up! Failure doesn't mean losing everything, and setbacks are part of

the journey. Justice—what kind of justice? Think carefully about what

burdens we carry," Tsuru rallied the distraught Marine soldiers around


Her words sparked a glimmer of hope in the eyes of some nearby


Of course, Tsuru knew well. Soldiers with righteous hearts were easy to

motivate. The real challenge lay with the higher-ups.

Meanwhile, as Marines diligently went about their post-war tasks,

Akainu lay unconscious on a piece of rubble, forgotten as the currents

carried him away.

In the Holy Land of Mariejois,

the Five Elders looked grim. They were already aware of all the details of

the war.

"Marine is a bunch of fools!" the blond Elder roared in frustration.

It was the second time the Elders had lost their composure—the first

being when Ohara was obliterated twenty years ago, prompting them to

urgently eliminate all the scholars.

And this wasn't the first time.

Despite their usual disdain for Marines,

even publicly humiliating Marine Admiral Sengoku multiple times,

when Marines faced failure, it was the Five Elders who panicked the


Marine was the strongest militant organization under the World

Government, the foremost force in upholding the Government's rule.

While the Cipher Pol had formidable players at the Admiral level, they

couldn't match Marine. After all, the CP was primarily a spy organization,

while Marine was a true military force.

This time, when Marines suffered a defeat despite having all their combat

power intact, it rattled the Five Elders seated at the pinnacle of world


Even the blond Elder, usually so composed, could only express their

anger and humiliation towards Marine, hiding a hint of fear that hadn't

surfaced in years.

"The crux of this war lies with the Straw Hat Boy," analyzed a long-

bearded Elder with a grim expression. "If the Straw Hat Pirates hadn't

blocked the four Admiral-level fighters, Marine wouldn't have suffered

such a heavy defeat."

Shortly after the defeat, the CP organization delivered all the war's

information to the Five Elders.

They were fully aware of the war's details and its implications.

The issue of Impel Down's breach and the Red Hair Pirates' intervention

weren't the primary concerns.

It was the Straw Hat Pirates who held the key.

If not for them suddenly appearing with four fighters strong enough to

rival Admirals, if not for their ability to hold off Akainu long enough to

save Fire Fist Ace, the Whitebeard Pirates wouldn't have lasted against

the Imper Prison monsters, nor would they have waited for Red-Haired

Shanks' support.

The catalyst for all this was the Straw Hat Boy.

"Is that fruit truly so powerful?" the Elder holding the demon sword


"Don't forget, it's a fruit named after a god, a genuine miracle fruit,"

added the bald-moustached Elder.

"Hito Hito no Mi: Nika—it's not to be underestimated. The Straw Hat Boy

has fully matured, and dealing with him is as challenging as facing one of

the Four Emperors," sighed the Elder in the black cap. "What I fear most

now is that the straw hat kid is that man."

"Joy Boy."

At the mention of this name, a taboo seemed to be invoked, and the

breathing of all Five Elders present grew heavy instantly, veins bulging

on their foreheads and arms.

Their emotions were complex—a mix of fear and anger.

It was astonishing that in this world, something existed that could utterly

unnerve the Five Elders, who held the highest power.

"Should we report this to Lord Imu?" suggested one of the Elders.

"No, we now have a grasp of the Straw Hat Pirates' full combat power,

equivalent to that of a Four Emperors-level pirate group. There's no rush

to report to Lord Imu. Let's keep it within our control for now," retorted

another Elder.

Even when discussing this matter, their faces showed reverence and, of

course, even more fear toward Lord Imu.

They were hesitant to disturb Lord Imu, even with such significant news.

"But if necessary, we mustn't hesitate to ask Lord Imu to eradicate the

Straw Hat Crew."

The Five Elders in black caps weighed the matter carefully.

"Since we don't want to trouble Lord Imu, then we must consider the next

issue of maintaining sea balance," the blond Elder said gravely.

Their previous objective was to publicly execute the Fire Fist, the

bloodline of Gol D. Roger, and swiftly defeat Whitebeard, one of the Four

Emperors, at Marineford.

This plan aimed to significantly deter pirate strength and allow Marine to

take proactive measures in clearing out pirates in the following


However, the plan had utterly failed.

In this global broadcast, Marines and the World Government had become

laughingstocks, and their prestige diminished.

It could be foreseen that their control over the seas would decline for

some time.

Due to the Marine's humiliation, many might be inclined to take to the

seas and join the ranks of pirates.

Moreover, this battle revealed that Marines were not as formidable as

believed. Its current power was insufficient.

"Whether facing the surge of new pirates or the formidable Straw Hat

Crew, we must bolster our forces," the bald-headed Elder stated calmly.

"Do any of you have suggestions?" asked the Elder in the black cap.

"Request military funding from each allied country for Marine expansion

and conduct widespread conscription, prioritizing strength," one


"With many vacancies among the Warlords, it's time to appoint new

ones," suggested another.

"Allocate more resources to Vegapunk to expedite Seraphim research and

development. We don't have time to waste," added a third.

Suggestions were offered one after another, each deemed feasible, with

some already in motion.

This was the essence of the World Government—they controlled most of

the world's resources, talents, technology, and funds. Once they

committed to a task, results followed swiftly.

"Also, we must address the issue of the Straw Hat Boys' bounties and

classify the Straw Hat Pirates' danger level," the blond Elder interjected.

To be honest, discussing a pirate's bounty on the Five Elders' table was a

significant honour for pirates.

"Do they have a bounty? Kaido's is the highest besides Whitebeard's. Set

the Straw Hat's bounty slightly higher than Kaido's to stir up the New

World," proposed the long-bearded Elder.

"As for their status, pirates enjoy their infamous titles, don't they? Let

Morgans spread the word and sow chaos in the New World because of

the Straw Hat Boy," he continued grimly.

Originally meant to attract bounty hunters, high bounties had limited

effectiveness against pirates whose bounties exceeded one billion.

Thus, the bounties offered for the Four Emperors had become tools for

the World Government, often easy to wield.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

71. Whitebeard's Death, Farewell

Sabaody Archipelago.

This place is off-limits for Marines right now.

Most of the Whitebeard Pirates' ships are currently parked around the

Sabaody Archipelago.

They can't sail to the New World via the Red Line.

To get back to the New World, they have to coat their ship and then pass

through Fish-Man Island.

The Red Hair Pirates are also here.

Half a day has passed since the end of the Marineford war.

Coating ships is quick. With many coaters among the Whitebeard Pirates,

progress is fast.

Though the Whitebeard Pirates, Red Hair Pirates, and Straw Hat Pirates

are all here, they're formidable.

But it's best to return to the New World ASAP.

After all, the Marines and the World Government won't go easy. If things

get dire, both sides will suffer.

However, despite being together, the Whitebeard Pirates don't show any

signs of victory. Instead, they're filled with sadness.

On the Moby Dick, in Whitebeard's room.

Whitebeard lies in bed, hooked up to an IV.

Chopper examines Whitebeard with a stethoscope while Marco applies

healing flames.

"No, his body's failing," Chopper says, removing his medical gear, looking


"Heart disease, numerous hidden injuries, and old age have pushed him

to his limit," Chopper adds, shocked by his findings.

Only now, after examining Whitebeard thoroughly, does Chopper realize

how dire his condition is.

It's not just from recent battles; his body was already struggling before.

It's like a leaky barrel filled with holes, barely holding together.

Yet, even with such a fragile body, he astounded everyone with his


"If there hadn't been this war, maybe he'd have lasted another year and a

half," Chopper sighs.

But now, his body's past recovery.

"We have to save him," Marco insists, knowing full well the severity of

Whitebeard's condition.

Before the war, he knew this might be Whitebeard's final battle.

But facing it now, Marco can't accept it.

He was the first one Whitebeard invited, practically raised by him.

"Dad," Diamond Jozu and Flower Sword Vista turn away, tears streaming

down their faces.

"Sorry, Dad," they whisper.

Ace was already kneeling in front of the bed, banging his head on the

floor hard.

"What? Why are you crying? You silly boys," Whitebeard sat on the bed,

his voice still strong, and he chuckled.

After laughing, his eyes softened as if they held the whole sea, and he

spoke slowly, reminiscing, "From the start of my pirate journey, I was

different. I didn't want treasures, women, or food. I wanted a family."

"The captain of my first crew once asked me, 'Hey, Newgate, what do you


"My answer was simple: family."

"I craved a family that I could protect and be protected by, one that

warmed each other's hearts."

"So, Marco, Jozu, Vista... and Ace, before I knew it, I had a big family, a

lot of family."

With a sigh, Whitebeard looked at his crew leaders and the surrounding

members with gentle, fatherly eyes.

"I'll ask you one last thing. As a father, am I still worthy?"

Whitebeard asked softly.

At that moment, tears welled up in the eyes of all the Whitebeard Pirates.

Their voices, filled with emotion, echoed through the air.

"Of course," they replied.

"Dad," Ace's voice boomed, resonating even with Luffy, who felt the sea

of emotions surrounding them, especially the fatherly love for

Whitebeard lying in the hospital bed.

"Why do you call him Dad?" someone asked.

"Because he sees us as his sons," another replied.

Memories flooded their hearts, igniting a suffocating sadness.

But Whitebeard, lying there, smiled contentedly as if receiving the

greatest validation in life.

"Chin up, Ace," Whitebeard said reassuringly. "I know my condition, and

it's not your fault."

"Life has many beginnings but only one end. Everyone who sets foot on

the sea faces this reality. There's no need for blame," he continued.

"After I'm gone, Marco will take over as captain of the Whitebeard


He didn't pass the captaincy directly to Ace, despite him being the chosen

successor, understanding that Ace's current strength and the lives of his

comrades weighed heavy.

"Father, what are you saying?" Ace protested.

"You'll never die, Father," someone else insisted.

"Marco, as the ship's doctor, do something!" voices pleaded.

But Marco, fists clenched, head bowed, remained silent.

"Forgive us, foolish sons," Whitebeard said, closing his eyes, his voice

heavy with satisfaction and age.

"I've gained everything from you. It's time to rest. It's been a long


In Whitebeard's ears, the shouts of his crew faded. He saw the figures of

his sons boarding the ship, felt the Moby Dick under the sun, and heard

the gentle waves.

"What a beautiful sail. Farewell, my sons," a faint voice whispered.

In the cabin, a sob broke out. Even the toughest of pirates couldn't hold

back tears.

And thus, the legend of Whitebeard came to an end.

Today, I lost my father.

Emperor Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors, has passed away.

He died surrounded by his family, which was his lifelong pursuit.

Luffy's bond with Whitebeard isn't very strong yet, so he can't bring

himself to cry.

Instead, he silently watches Whitebeard's peaceful passing, feeling a

strange and profound shock.

As a man of the sea, Whitebeard lived and died at sea.

Seeing the lifeless body of this legendary pirate, Luffy couldn't shake off a

sense of heaviness and confusion.

Pushing away the grieving members of the Whitebeard Pirates, Luffy

walks to the edge of the Moby Dick's deck, leans against the railing, and

gazes blankly at the sky.

"What's troubling you, Luffy?" Rayleigh's voice breaks through Luffy's


Rayleigh, with his gentle smile and wise eyes, understands Luffy's


Despite still possessing strength equal to an Admiral, Rayleigh, at

seventy-six, keenly feels the passing of old friends, evoking a bittersweet


"There's something bothering me about Whitebeard's death," Luffy

confesses, his gaze fixed on the sky.

Rayleigh nods knowingly, acknowledging Whitebeard's unique departure.

"Newgate passed away with a smile," Rayleigh says, a hint of sadness in

his eyes. "He was a pirate unlike any other, driven by the pursuit of


Reflecting on Whitebeard's life, Rayleigh finds beauty in its simplicity – a

journey marked by family, beginning and ending amidst loved ones.

Luffy, however, finds Whitebeard's peaceful demise too ordinary for such

a legendary figure.

"Bland?" Rayleigh counters gently. "What drives you to the sea, Luffy?"

"For One Piece, for my dream of becoming the Pirate King," Luffy replies,

clutching his straw hat with determination.

"One Piece? A dream of freedom and adventure," Rayleigh muses. "But

Newgate's dream was family."

Rayleigh contrasts the pursuit of dreams between Whitebeard and Luffy,

questioning if peaceful endings truly reflect legendary lives.

As Rayleigh's words sink in, Luffy realizes the depth of their connection.

Though their journeys and endings differ, they share a common spirit – a

quest for freedom and fulfilment.

Despite his initial distaste for Whitebeard's peaceful passing, Luffy begins

to understand the essence of their shared pursuit.

Their bond transcends mere friendship; it's a kinship forged by the sea

and the pursuit of dreams.

And as Luffy's voyage continues, he knows he'll encounter similar trials

and revelations, shaping him into a legend in his own right.

"Really, when is the time to be truly free?" Rayleigh's smile lingered as he

patted Luffy's shoulder, then left, holding his jug, a hint of loneliness

trailing behind.

Luffy pondered Rayleigh's words as he gazed at his straw hat. After a

moment, a big grin spread across his face as he placed the hat firmly on

his head.

"Well, as long as I can sail freely, everything will be fine," Luffy declared,

embodying his carefree nature.

He didn't dwell on the complexities of freedom or the essence of dreams.

For him, sailing happily was the answer, and he believed that one day,

everything he sought would naturally come to him.

"It's better to have a joyful celebration than to overthink these things,"

Luffy thought, though now was not the time for festivities.

"Goodbye, Whitebeard," Luffy murmured, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Though he didn't shed tears, he felt the loss of his heroic uncle deeply.

During their time together, Luffy had come to see Whitebeard as a friend

despite his gruff exterior.

This wasn't the first time Luffy experienced the pain of losing a friend,

though it wasn't as searing as the loss of Sabo.

"Ace must be hurting," Luffy thought, his heart heavy with concern.

A day later, at the Port of Sabaody Archipelago, the Whitebeard Pirates'

ships were being urgently coated for their return to the New World.

With sadness in his eyes, Ace bid farewell to Luffy, promising to bury

their father's body in his hometown and bring Teach to justice.

"If you ever need help, just ask," Ace assured Luffy, acknowledging his

growth and expressing his determination to carry on Whitebeard's legacy.

Luffy looked at Ace with concern, but Ace reassured him of his strength

and resolve.

"Farewell, Ace's little brother," Marco called out, inviting the Straw Hat

Pirates to visit them in the New World.

Luffy responded with equal fervour, his words echoing across the waters.

As the Whitebeard Pirates' fleet disappeared beneath the waves, Zoro

expressed regret at not being able to spar with Vista while Sanji lit a

cigarette, empathizing with their comrades' grief.

Nami and Robin reflected on the bonds forged through personal

experience, acknowledging the depth of the Whitebeard Pirates'


Before departing, Shanks' voice rang out, surprising Luffy and reminding

him of the connections that spanned the seas.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

72. The Promise, Shanks And


Since the Marineford War, Luffy has remained aboard the Moby Dick,

partly due to Whitebeard's passing and partly because he's unsure how to

face Shanks.

Their agreement was to meet again in the New World, on the pirate

route, not here in the first half of the Grand Line because of Ace.

But as they part ways, Shanks approaches.

"Luffy," Shanks' voice breaks through the tension, and Luffy's body

trembles slightly as he turns around, tears welling in his eyes.

Shanks chuckles at Luffy's tears, remarking on how he still cries like a


"I'm not a crybaby," Luffy protests, wiping his tears away.

"Do you remember our promise?" Shanks asks, his smile calm.

"Of course, I'll never forget it," Luffy replies with determination. "I'll

protect this straw hat with all my heart, just waiting to return it to you."

Luffy takes off the straw hat, looking at it with nostalgia. It's no longer

just a hat; it's a symbol of his journey and his bond with Shanks.

As Luffy hands the hat to Shanks, the Red Hair Pirates behind him feel a

wave of emotion.

"It's been years since that promise between the boy and the pirate,"

Yasopp sighs, memories flooding back to that small village port.

Shanks examines the worn hat, reflecting on the passage of time and the

weight of their shared will.

"Do you think you're a great pirate now?" Shanks asks in a low voice.

"I don't know about being a great pirate, but I'm determined to be the

Pirate King," Luffy declares with a wide grin.

"And have you found companions who won't lose to me?" Shanks


"Absolutely," Luffy replies without hesitation, glancing at his crew behind

him. "Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook – the best

crewmate in the world."

Zoro and Chopper react with amusement while Shanks smiles at the

camaraderie among them.

As they exchange farewells, Luffy's resolve is stronger than ever, knowing

that his journey is just beginning, and he's surrounded by the best

crewmates anyone could ask for.

Robin chuckled softly, her face turning red with embarrassment as she

playfully teased Luffy and the crew. Brook joined in with his own strange

smile, while Sanji, Nami, and Franky couldn't help but smile at the

lighthearted moment.

"You've really matured, Luffy," Shanks remarked, laughing at the sight of

Luffy and his crewmates.

As Shanks prepared to leave, he tossed Luffy's straw hat to him, declaring

that Luffy was better suited to wear it on his journey to find One Piece.

"It's yours, Luffy. Let's have a banquet together when you become the

Pirate King," Shanks proposed with a hearty laugh.

Luffy, overwhelmed by the gesture, accepted the hat and placed it firmly

on his head. "I will," he vowed quietly.

As Red Force prepared to sail away, a steel ball struck Yasopp on the

ship. Usopp, wearing his Sniper King mask, stepped forward and revealed

his true face.

"This shot is for my mother. I'll surpass you and become the greatest

sniper in the world," Usopp declared, his resolve shining through.

Yasopp, stunned by his son's determination, whispered his

acknowledgement and promised to wait for Usopp in the New World.

As Red Force disappeared into the sea, Yasopp grappled with his

emotions, reflecting on his past and his relationship with his family.

Meanwhile, the Red Hair Pirates onboard tried to console Yasopp,

acknowledging the complexity of his situation.

Shanks, sitting beside Yasopp, offered some words of understanding,

recognizing Usopp's admiration for his father despite their complicated


As emotions ran high, a quiet sob escaped Yasopp's lips, expressing his

pride and longing for his son.

Meanwhile, on the Sabaody Archipelago, life continued with its own

twists and turns.

The Red Force had vanished beneath the waves, leaving Usopp standing

on the shore, his fists clenched tight.

"I'll become the greatest sniper in the world, Luffy," Usopp vowed quietly.

"Of course, I never doubted it," Luffy replied with a laugh. Just as he had

always believed Zoro would become the world's greatest swordsman, he

had faith in Usopp's abilities.

Nami didn't press Usopp about his encounter with Yasopp and the Red

Hair Pirates.

Meanwhile, Douglas Bullet and Byrnndi World watched the departure of

the Red Hair Pirates with disdain.

"Buggy, have you made your decision?" Rayleigh asked Buggy, who

appeared fearful but ultimately chose to leave with Bullet and Byrnndi


"Since it's your decision," Rayleigh acknowledged, confident in Buggy's

peculiar luck.

Bullet taunted Luffy, suggesting they join forces against the Marines and

the World Government. However, Luffy declined, preferring to sail with

his crew.

Bullet warned that they would meet again as enemies, intrigued by

Luffy's strength.

As Bullet departed, Byrnndi World called out to Crocodile, signalling

their own departure.

Luffy faced Crocodile with a mix of disgust and seriousness, remembering

their past encounters.

Luffy couldn't shake the feeling that Crocodile had changed somehow,

sensing a dangerous aura emanating from him despite his increased

strength. However, his attention was mostly focused on Bullet.

"Rayleigh, what's up with Bullet?" Luffy inquired, puzzled by Bullet's

behaviour. "He used to be on the same crew as Roger, but now he's just


Rayleigh explained Bullet's tragic transformation from a talented youth to

a lost and power-hungry individual. Despite his current state, Rayleigh

believes there is still some good in Bullet and asks Luffy not to kill him

but to defeat him and give him a chance to find himself again.

"Bullet isn't inherently bad," Rayleigh concluded, prompting a sceptical

response from Nami.

Luffy agreed to Rayleigh's request, expressing his reluctance to kill

anyone and his willingness to help Bullet find his way back.

Rayleigh then offered to have the Whitebeard Pirates' shipwrights coat

their ship, giving them the option to visit Fish-Man Island or spend two

days on Sabaody. Luffy chose the latter, remembering Camie's dream of

an amusement park.

Excited by the prospect, the crew agreed to spend two days on Sabaody,

knowing they could escape easily if the Marines intervened.

Meanwhile, at the Marine port on Sabaody, Bullet and World effortlessly

defeated the garrison soldiers. Despite their prowess, Byrnndi World

hesitated to part ways with Bullet and Crocodile, recognizing their

formidable strength and potential as allies in their quest for revenge

against the World Government.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

73. Pirate King's Crew? Zoro's


Byrnndi World doesn't trust anyone anymore.

Decades ago, he was betrayed by those he trusted most. Since then, he's

lost faith in friendship.

The betrayal he experienced was as crushing as Bullet in his youth.

That betrayal shattered his trust in almost everything in life.

Escaping Impel Prison, his sole focus is revenge. Revenge is all that stirs

him now.

Without the drive for revenge, at his age, he wouldn't have such a fierce

fighting spirit.

A man consumed by vengeful flames is terrifying.

"Cooperate?" Bullet eyed Byrnndi World closely.

The eyes of this ancient monster mirrored his own madness and deep

distrust of the world.

They share similar experiences but trust only in their strength, not in


But there's a difference.

Byrnndi World, being older, no longer seeks power or status, only


Dreams and pursuits vanished with age and betrayal.

"Sure, we can cooperate," Bullet laughed crazily. "But if you're useless, I

won't hesitate to ditch you, old-timer."

After Roger's death, Bullet has abandoned the idea of partners, believing

they only hold one back.

Partners breed hesitation, weaken resolve, and slow down punches.

He trusts only in his own strength, aiming for the top spot in the world.

Revenge against the Marines and Byrnndi World Government is just a

means to strengthen himself.

But Bullet knows he can't do it alone. He needs help against their

combined might.

However, these helpers are not equals; they are merely tools.

Just like his days as a soldier, disposable pawns.

Of course, Bullet won't resort to deceit. He's made that clear.

"Me too, kid,"Byrnndi World's eyes glinted coldly. "Don't expect me to

save you out of friendship."

"That's fine by me," Bullet remained unfazed.

"Count me in," Crocodile interjected, puffing on his cigar.

He sat nonchalantly on a pile of unconscious Marines, eyeing Bullet and


"BOSS," MR1's face twitched, but he remained silent.

Crocodile knows the risks of teaming up with such dangerous individuals.

But he's determined, and MR1 has no choice but to follow.

"You're not bad yourself, Crocodile," World acknowledged. "I heard you're

a Shichibukai. Fine, you're in, brat."

"Awake at last, Crocodile," Bullet smirked.

Crocodile, once a formidable pirate, may have rivalled Bullet in his

youth. But time changes everything.

Not only did his strength fail to grow, but it also weakened.

His resolve waned, that unsettling, dark spirit.

But now, his courage underwent a transformation.

"It's been too long. Pursuing the wrong path is truly a dreadful thing,"

Crocodile remarked casually.

Once, he vied for power in the New World, but after clashing with

Whitebeard, his will crumbled.

Faced with the might of the world's strongest man, he abandoned self-

improvement for the elusive Ancient Weapon Pluton.

"For so many years, it's been like a bad dream," Crocodile sighed, a flicker

of lost light in his eyes.

This collaboration presents an opportunity despite the dangers posed by

Bullet and Byrnndi World.

But their strength is undeniable.

And if he lacks the capacity to stand alongside these lunatics, it only

proves his own limitations.

Crocodile contemplated much during his time in Eternal Hell on the sixth

floor, reflecting on his defeat by Luffy.

He pondered his failures, realizing he'd grown complacent in the comfort

of being a Shichibukai, like a blade left to rust.

Now, he must push himself relentlessly to reclaim his former peak or

surpass it.

"The long-absent sense of urgency is rather addictive," Crocodile observed

sharply, eyeing Bullet and Byrnndi World.

Madmen, they may be, but who isn't a bit mad?

"It's only fitting," Bullet smirked arrogantly.

"Hey, Buggy, care to join us?" Bullet called out to Buggy nearby.

The bullet didn't hold much regard for the weak fellow, but neither did

he harbour disdain for someone who once shared the same boat.

"Of course, count me in," Buggy fluttered in the air, wearing a

sycophantic smile.

As Bullet turned away, Buggy's grin twisted sinisterly, shadows obscuring

his face.

"After this war, chaos will reign. Even returning to East Blue won't

guarantee comfort without manpower. Better to align with these fools of

history," Buggy reasoned.

"The most perilous place is also the safest. That's the wisdom of Buggy,"

he declared proudly, tapping his chin.

He foresaw the shifting world order.

News of Whitebeard's demise won't stay hidden for long. With the

Marines and World Government defeated, pirates from all corners will


Alone, he'd be vulnerable to newcomers or increased Marine scrutiny.

Joining Bullet's crew offered security. Despite their insanity, their power

was undeniable. Together, they rivalled even the Four Emperors. And

maybe, just maybe, he could profit from their ventures.

Planning to start his own pirate enterprise, he needed capital desperately.

"Hey, loudmouth, keep it down," World's voice cut through Buggy's

thoughts, sending shivers down his spine.

But World paid him no mind.

All he cared about was revenge, regardless of Buggy's thoughts, as long as

he survived the next move.

"What's next?" Buggy rubbed his hands eagerly, eager to please.

"We'll wreak havoc, provoke the Marines to summon Buster Call. I've

been itching for a taste of it," Bullet declared.

Bullet pressed his hand against the gruesome wound on his chest, a

crazed look in his eyes.

"Why don't you find a shipbuilder? I need the biggest cannon. With my

Moa Moa No Mi fruit, I could blast Mariejois into the sky with one shot,"

he exclaimed madly.

Byrnndi World is crazier than Bullet.

Buggy watched them both, wondering if it was too late to return to

Captain Rayleigh.

They're both too insane for him to handle.

"Since we're fighting the World Government, I have a suggestion,"

Crocodile interjected, cigar in hand.

"Sabaody Archipelago. Mangrove No. 42, Sabaody Playground," he


Suddenly, a flock of newspaper birds flew overhead, scattering

newspapers like snowflakes.

Another free newspaper rain.

Such events only occurred when a major event shook the world,

spreading the news far and wide.

"Is it news from the last war?" Nami pondered, catching a falling

newspaper as she sat on a merry-go-round.

This paper was thicker than usual and packed with more content.

She opened it to a headline that caught her eye.

"The rise of the worst pirate crew, surpassing even the Four Emperors.

Twenty years after the death of Gol D Roger, another crew of kings

emerges," she read aloud.

"Exaggerated much?" she chuckled, continuing to read.

"Marine and the World Government's failed execution of Ace sparked the

largest war in history, known as the Summit War."

"And now, analysis on why Marine lost," she continued, eyebrows raised.

"Because of the Straw Hat Pirates, the worst crew surpassing even the

Four Emperors, carrying on Whitebeard's will."

"What? Us? The worst pirates? The kings? What's going on?" Nami

exclaimed in disbelief.

At Shakky's Ripped Off Bar,

Rayleigh burst into laughter, holding the newspaper as if it were the

funniest thing he'd ever seen.

"What's this? Marine and government reporters are too much. Are the

Straw Hats surpassing the Four Emperors? Inheriting Whitebeard's

legacy?" he chuckled.

"If that's the case, Monkey and his crew will be targeted by every pirate

in the New World. Those big shots are obsessed with such things," Shakky

remarked, exhaling smoke.

The Four Emperors are a bunch of lunatics, especially Kaido and Big

Mom, she noted, looking down on newcomers with cruelty.

This report will surely grab their attention.

Besides those two lunatics among the Four Emperors, there are plenty of

other big-name pirates in the New World eager for fame.

Luffy and his crew are now in the crosshairs of the World Government.

"It doesn't matter," Rayleigh reassured, his eyes sparkling with interest.

"Luffy and his crew are formidable. These petty tricks won't stop them. If

anything, it only adds to their legend."

"And those guys in the New World should've made a move by now.

What's the use of stagnant waters? Let Luffy stir things up," he added


"Are you that confident, Rayleigh? Facing those monsters of the New

World," Shakky asked a hint of surprise in her tone.

"Old era monsters or new era monsters, which is stronger? I'd bet on the

latter," Rayleigh replied calmly and confidently.

At Shimotsuki Village, Isshin Dojo,

"Master Koshiro, look! Brother Zoro was locked in a fierce battle against

the world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye, in the Summit War," a group

of young apprentices burst into the dojo, excitement written all over their


Shimotsuki Koshiro, a gentle-looking middle-aged man in priestly robes,

listened attentively. Since Zoro joined the Straw Hat Pirates, their dojo

gained more apprentices, pirates or not.

In the East Blue, where islands are governed nominally by kingdoms with

weak control, strength matters more than allegiance to kingdoms.

Zoro's high bounty attracted teenagers eager to grow stronger.

The apprentices handed Koshiro the newspaper, showing Zoro facing off

against Hawkeye.

Although the picture depicted Zoro seemingly overpowering Hawkeye,

Koshiro knew it was just a spar, not a real battle.

Still, it showed Zoro's remarkable progress, nearing Hawkeye's level.

"Is that Brother Zoro from our dojo?" the apprentices asked eagerly.

"Yes, it's Zoro," Koshiro confirmed with a smile.

After the apprentices left, Koshiro gently touched Zoro's photo,


"You're getting closer to your goal, Zoro. You must've faced many

challenges," he murmured, genuinely proud.

He then entered another room in the dojo, where a photo of a smiling

girl holding a simple white sword rested on a table.

"You'd be proud to see this, Kuina. Zoro carries your dream on his

shoulders and rises as a top swordsman," Koshiro whispered, wiping a

tear from his eye.

The newspaper printed a picture of Zoro falling from the sky, his blade

slashing at Hawkeye, and it was placed in front of Kuina's photo.

In the most prominent section, Zoro's latest bounty was displayed.

In the image, Zoro's head was wrapped in a turban, his eyes glowed red,

and his shirt was torn, revealing his muscular physique. He gripped a

knife with a white handle between his teeth, known as the Wado

Ichimonji while holding the Third Generation Onigiri and the Black

Sword Shusui in his hands. Behind him, a terrifying aura formed into the

shape of Ashura, hinting at his overwhelming power.

Beneath the image, the caption read:

<em>Straw Hat Pirates, Vice Captain.</em>

<em>Roronoa Zoro.</em>

<em>Dead or Alive.</em>

<em>Bounty: 2 billion Berries.</em>


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

74. Fleet Admiral Marine And The

World Conscription

At the Sea Restaurant Baratie...

Zeff sat reading a newspaper, his wooden right leg keeping him steady. A

smile broke through his usually stern expression.

"This kid, he's really come a long way."

Nearby, a group of chefs whispered to each other while cooking.

"What's gotten into the old man today? Is he actually smiling?"

"I think it's because of that newspaper."

As they whispered, a chef burst in, holding the newspaper high.

"Sanji, Sanji, he's become famous!"

"Where? Sanji, that brat?"

Soon, everyone gathered around the newspaper, shocked.

In the paper, a man with black flames under his feet faced off against

Admiral Kizaru, holding his own.

"Hey, boss, how strong is an Admiral?"

The chefs, many of whom had never been to the Grand Line, scratched

their heads, turning to Zeff for answers.

"Admirals? They're top dogs in the sea, the toughest fighters in the

Marines, real monsters."

Zeff explained, a rare smile on his face.

"But if you don't get it, just look at Sanji's bounty."

Zeff said proudly, showing off like a parent.

"So many zeros! 1.9 billion Berries?"

The chefs were stunned. Sanji's bounty was over a hundred times higher

than the leader of the biggest pirate group in East Blue.

"Wait, is something burning?"

Zeff's joy turned to annoyance as he noticed the burnt food.

"You lot! How dare you waste food! Keep cooking and eat these burnt


The chefs scurried off, chastised by Zeff's chef hat.

Later, Zeff stepped onto the deck, gazing at the sea.

"You've exceeded my expectations, Sanji. Chase your dreams, find the

legendary ocean."

In Syrup Village...

"Miss, look at Usopp's news!"

Merry rushed into the mansion, holding the latest newspaper.

In the sunlight, Kaya closed her medical book and took the paper from


On it, a photo of Usopp on the Moby Dick, wearing his Sniper King mask

and holding his giant slingshot, looked impressive.

Kaya was momentarily stunned by the mask but recognized Usopp


There wasn't much written, just a photo and a brief mention of Usopp.

But below was a bounty for him.

"Straw Hat Pirates sniper, Usopp."

"Dead or alive."

"Bounty: 500 million Berries."

The high reward surpassed most pirates in the sea.

"He's become a brave warrior of the sea, just like he said he would."

Kaya hugged the newspaper, looking out at the tree outside.

Usopp used to sit on the tree trunk, sharing stories with Kaya getting her

through tough times.

"I want to learn medicine too. When Usopp comes back, I'll heal his


Kaya cheered herself on, fist clenched.

"Miss Kaya!"

A child's voice interrupted her.

Peering out the window, Kaya saw a ten-year-old kid, a member of Usopp

Pirates from Syrup Village. After Usopp left, they renamed themselves

Usopp Self-Defense Group, with names like Ninjin, Tamanegi, and

Piiman. They idolized Usopp.

"Have you seen Captain Usopp's newspaper?"

Tamanegi waved the paper.

"Yeah, Usopp, big brother made it!"

Kaya smiled, holding her own newspaper.

"Just like I said, Usopp can turn lies into reality."

Ninjin cheered. Kaya smiled softly, feeling happier than ever.

Merry stood beside her, smiling too, remembering when the pirates first


In Drum Kingdom...

Dr. Kureha held a wine bottle, looking at the paper with a fond smile.

"Look at him now, like a monster."

The paper showed Chopper's muscles bulging, eyes fierce.

"<em>Straw Hat Pirates' Doctor, Tony Tony Chopper."</em>

<em>"Dead or alive."</em>

<em>"Bounty: 1.4 billion Berries."</em>

"See that, Hiriluk? Your apprentice has grown."

Kureha placed the paper on a cross, pouring wine over it.

In Goa Kingdom, Windmill Village...

"Makino, more wine!"

Dadan yelled, holding a newspaper.

"Dadan, you've had enough."

Makino worried.

"Just one more for the boss. We'll carry her back."

Dadan's brothers insisted, excited about Ace's rescue.

"Who cares about Ace? And Luffy's risking his life at Marine


Dadan cursed, drunk.

"Why didn't Garp save Ace? If Ace dies, I'll..."

Her brothers watched, used to her drunken rants about Garp.

Even drunk, Dadan wouldn't stop talking about Garp's failures.

"But Luffy and Ace are okay. That's what matters."

Makino glanced at the newspaper, not caring about bounties, just

relieved that Ace and Luffy were safe.

In the first half of the Grand Line, Paradise...

On the Isle of White Clay, Baltigo...

The headquarters of the Revolutionary Army was hidden here.

"What's got you so happy, Mr. Dragon?"

Revolutionary Army General Staff Sabo approached Dragon.

"Oh, this? It's news about my son."

Dragon smiled, showing the patterns on his face.

"The Straw Hat kid? The one who caused chaos at Marine Headquarters

is your son?"

Sabo took the paper, surprised. But seeing Ace and Luffy, he felt a


"Forget about that, Sabo."

Dragon didn't notice Sabo's distress.

"Try to contact Ivankov. The world's about to change. We need to


The dragon was excited, waiting for a chance to overthrow the World

Government. The Revolutionary Army was weaker, waiting for the right

moment to strike.

Now was the time. The failed plans of the Marines weakened the World

Government's control.


Dragon turned to Sabo, who was clutching his head, staring at the paper.

At Marineford...

The island was still being rebuilt after the war.

Marineford was a target for lunatics, like the Golden Lion Shiki, who

attacked twenty years ago.

Garp laughed as he read the paper.

"This is too much."

"The Pirate King's descendants? Inheriting the power of the Gol D. Roger

Pirates? Can power really be inherited? Do these newspaper writers have

any sense?"

Garp picked up his tea, taking a sip. But he couldn't help but spit it out

when he saw the headlines, causing more tic-tac-toe marks on Sengoku's


"Ha, the 'Fifth Emperor' surpassing the 'Four Emperors'? Ridiculous."

After a chuckle, Sengoku punched Garp.

"Sorry," Garp apologized, wearing his bag hat.

But as he looked at the paper again, he burst into laughter, tears

streaming down his face.

Can't really blame Garp. The report was outrageously exaggerated,

flattering the Straw Hat Pirates beyond belief.

Luffy defeating Admiral Akainu easily? True, he won, but it wasn't easy.

After defeating Akainu, Luffy was drained. His real strength matched the

Four Emperors', maybe a bit better. It depended on willpower and


Luffy's Fifth Gear was powerful but drained energy fast. Against Kaido

and Big Mom, even Fifth Gear might not be enough.

But here, Luffy's danger was exaggerated. And saying Zoro firmly

surpassed Hawkeye? Exaggeration. Hawkeye was on par with the Red-

Haired Shanks.

In short, the World Economic News exaggerated the Straw Hat Pirates'

achievements. Garp knew the truth but found it amusing.

"Okay, Garp, orders from above are in."

Sengoku's gaze was stern as he addressed the room full of top Marines.

"Due to the failure at the Summit War, I'm stepping down as Marine Fleet

Admiral. We need to choose a new one."

Though they knew this was coming, it was still a surprise to many. Aokiji

spoke up, acknowledging the defeat wasn't Sengoku's fault.

"It's done. I'm tired. The new pirates have risen."

Sengoku waved it off. "Our Marine can't rely on us old folks anymore. If

anyone wants to be the new Fleet Admiral, let me know."

"The position of Marine Fleet Admiral?"

Aokiji's eyes hardened with determination. As an Admiral, he saw the

darkness within the organization but felt powerless to change it.

Becoming Fleet Admiral could be his chance to enact real reforms, to

make Marines truly stand for justice instead of being a tool of oppression.

Akainu also clenched his fists, determined to vie for the position. He saw

the weakness of the current Marine as a threat, fueling the rise of pirates.

As Marshal, he could enforce absolute justice.

Kizaru glanced at Aokiji and Akainu, scratching his head. He had no

interest in the position; he just wanted to do his job and go home on


"We'll discuss it after the selection meeting. Next, we need to prepare for

expanding the army," Sengoku announced. "Strength will be the only

criteria for promotions, regardless of seniority or past achievements. We'll

conduct widespread conscription worldwide, promoting to the rank of

Admiral based solely on strength."


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

75. Luffy's Reward, All Members



"Just about strength?"

"Admiral title?"

Sengoku's words really shook things up.

The Marines, as a military force, have been around for ages with their

own system of promotions.

Unlike pirates who can climb to the top with sheer strength, Marines

can't just muscle their way into high positions. Even if they're strong,

they need the right qualifications and contributions.

Take Admiral Kizaru, for example. He was a powerhouse before he even

joined the Marines at 26. Now, as a Marine, he's practically unstoppable.

But even with his strength, he had to start as a recruit.

It took him nearly a decade to climb to the rank of Admiral. A pirate with

Kizaru's strength could've reached such heights much quicker.

That's just how the Marines work. Justice is all about order and structure.

But now, it seems like they're shaking things up, challenging the very

system they've built.

Strength over qualifications? It's like they don't care about character


Sure, the current Marines aren't all saints. Some Vice Admirals play dirty,

and higher-ups turn a blind eye.

But promoting someone straight to Admiral just because they're strong?

That's not fair to all the hardworking Marines who've earned their stripes,

like Vice Admirals Gion and Chaton.

When Sengoku was questioned about it, Tsuru, a top Marine officer,

voiced her concerns. She knows this could boost their strength in the

short term, but it could mess up the whole system.

Garp stayed silent, sipping his tea. He trusts Sengoku and Tsuru to weigh

all the options.

Zephyr, lost in thought, hadn't considered these matters in a long time.

He used to be in the loop, but after losing his arm and seeking revenge,

he distanced himself from high-level affairs.

Aokiji, always considerate, opposed the idea. He worried it would

overshadow the hard work of lower-ranked Marines who've been fighting

tooth and nail.

He knows firsthand how much they've sacrificed, and promoting

outsiders could erase their efforts.

But Akainu, fiery as ever, saw it differently. He believed the failed war

revealed the Marine's weakness. To combat pirates, they need more

power, plain and simple.

His fists clenched, his passion burning. He couldn't forget the humiliation

of being defeated by a mere boy with a straw hat.

Pirates can't keep running wild. It's time for Marine to step up.

"What do you think, Kizaru?"

Sengoku turned to Kizaru, who was gazing upwards, his mouth twisted in

a smirk.


Kizaru was taken aback by the question, then quickly put on a sheepish

expression. "I think they both have valid points," he replied. "Aokiji's

concerns about the lower-ranked Marines' interests and Sakazuki's idea of

expanding our power both hold weight."

"It's a tough call."

Upon hearing Kizaru's response, Sengoku couldn't help but rub the space

between his brows, feeling a headache coming on.

This guy always plays both sides.

Kizaru was originally brought in by Sengoku himself. Zephyr acted as his

mentor, guiding him much like Garp did with Aokiji.

So Sengoku knew Kizaru well.

He had no issues with intelligence or strength. It was his personality that

was the problem—vague, aloof, and detached.

Despite being a Marine Admiral, those who knew him well saw him as

more of a mercenary within the ranks.

While others worked, he'd go fishing. While others fought, he'd watch

movies. Punch in, punch out.

Aside from Garp, Kizaru was the most lackadaisical guy in the Marines.

"Forget it. I'll report your stance on this matter," Sengoku sighed. "But it

seems likely that the World Government will push for a mass promotion.

We suffered a heavy loss in the recent war."

"Anything else? If not, I'll be setting sail."

Zephyr calmly opened his eyes.

He still had pirates to hunt, and the Summit War had kept him grounded

for days.

Sengoku waved his hand in resignation.

"Oh, one more thing, Kizaru. Get prepared to head to Egghead."

Sengoku suddenly remembered something and addressed Kizaru.

"Did the old man unearth something dangerous again?" Kizaru asked.

But it was no secret. He was originally tasked with guarding Vegapunk

but got reassigned due to the recent conflict.

In truth, he rather liked the job of Vegapunk's bodyguard.

Vegapunk wasn't like those snobbish Celestial Dragons, and Egghead had

its comforts.

Plus, the fishing was top-notch.

Vegapunk was usually busy with research, and Egghead's defences were

solid. Kizaru hardly had to lift a finger.

"Almost. The government plans to transfer a load of resources to Egghead

for Vegapunk's experiments, and you're in charge of escorting them."

"Got it. I'll get ready right away."

Kizaru rose slowly, swaying as he made his way out, a spring in his step.

"After the escort mission, I'll stick around Egghead, Chief Sengoku."

"No, you're heading straight to the New World. You're on standby for

actions against the Four Emperors," came Sengoku's voice from behind.

Kizaru visibly tensed, then let out a soft sigh and departed.

Sabaody Archipelago, playground.

The Straw Hat Pirates gathered around a newspaper, cheering.

"Luffy, you're famous!"

Nami pointed to a photo of Luffy in the paper.

As the hero of the war, Luffy was front and centre.

"The captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy, the boy who

faced an Admiral head-on. Behind him stood several giants."

"According to our sources, the straw hat Luffy wears once belonged to

Pirate King Gol D. Roger, then it passed to Shanks, and now it's on Luffy's


"Given the achievements of these three, it's safe to say this hat holds

immense power. Anyone who wears it sees a huge boost in strength."

"Also, Luffy, the Straw Hat Kid, has blood as prestigious as Fire Fist Ace.

His father is none other than the infamous leader of the Revolutionary

Army, Dragon, making him heir to the most notorious lineage."

"With such a background, the Straw Hat Boy managed to rise to the top

of the sea and take down Admiral Sakazuki before he even hit twenty."

"Sounds a bit over the top," Zoro chuckled.

The World Economic News Office had dug up quite a bit of dirt. They

even uncovered Gol D. Roger, the original owner of the Straw Hat, and

Dragon, Luffy's father, painting a vivid picture of Luffy's heritage.

In essence, the World Economic News report aimed to highlight two key

points: First, Luffy had inherited the power and legacy of many

formidable figures, explaining his strength. Second, it attributed Marine's

recent failure to Luffy's power and the emergence of two Emperors.

It was an attempt to shift blame from the Marine's shortcomings to the

Straw Hat Pirates' strength, aiming to instil fear in the public and

mitigate the fallout from the Summit War.

"Luffy's bounty..."

"5.1 Billion Berries?"

"Is that for real?"

Nami squinted at the newspaper, rubbing her eyes to make sure she read

it correctly. It was indeed 5.1 billion Berries—a staggering amount.

To Nami, it was like seeing a mountain of gold. They had scored big on

Sky Island, selling only 300 million Berries' worth of gold. Now, Luffy's

bounty alone was seventeen times that.

"There's more," Usopp pointed to a paragraph below Luffy's bounty and

read aloud. "The Five Elders, the world's most powerful figures, set Luffy's

bounty. Interestingly, it surpasses even Whitebeard's, second only to Gol

D. Roger's. This solidifies Straw Hat's position above the Emperors."

"Wow, Whitebeard's bounty is crazy high," Usopp remarked.

"5.1 billion Berries... It's grown quite a bit," Luffy chuckled, adjusting his

straw hat.

For pirates, bounties were like badges of honour, and seeing his own

climb so high was both thrilling and humbling.

"Yeah, it's quite the bounty."

Nami stared at Luffy with wide eyes as if she were looking at a walking

treasure trove.

"Hey, Nami, your gaze is kinda intense," Usopp teased. "You're not

thinking of selling Luffy, are you?"

"What are you talking about, Usopp? You crack me up," Nami chuckled,

giving Usopp's shoulder a playful pat.

But then her expression turned serious as she grabbed Luffy's shoulders

firmly. "Why are you worth so much money, Luffy?"

"Hey now, don't go saying stuff like that," Usopp sighed, shaking his

head. "Our captain's got a heart of gold."

"Look, our bounties," Zoro and Sanji grabbed the newspaper and scanned


"What? Mine's way lower than Luffy's," Zoro grumbled, though a grin

tugged at his lips. Two billion Berries was nothing to scoff at.

Sanji, on the other hand, was over the moon. "Yes! Finally, a bounty that

does justice to my looks!" he exclaimed, dropping to his knees in


"Hey, Sanji, there's another bounty list here, and you're on it twice,"

Usopp pointed out, flipping through the paper.

Sanji's previous abstract portrait-style bounty was on one side, while his

latest, showcasing his true handsome self, adorned the other.

"NO!" Sanji groaned, holding his head. "Just give me the old amount."

"You wish, stinky cook. Your pretty face ain't worth half as much as the

second one," Zoro taunted.

"You wanna fight, you shitty swordsman?" Sanji retorted, stomping on

Zoro's blade. "If it weren't for you guys, I'd have a bounty of two billion!"

"Enough with the bickering, you two," Usopp interrupted. But his

laughter turned to shock as he reached his own bounty.

"Why's mine only 1.5 billion Berries?" Usopp exclaimed, his face draining

of colour. "I'm gonna get hunted down by bounty hunters!"

And why was his bounty so high anyway? While Sanji and Zoro were

negotiating with Admirals during the Summit War, he was just taking

potshots at the Moby Dick. Yet his bounty was almost on par with theirs.

What Usopp didn't realize was that his pivotal sniper shot, deflecting

Sengoku's attack at a crucial moment, etched him firmly in Sengoku's


It's safe to say that if Usopp and Fire Fist Ace hadn't fallen, Marine's

defeat at the Summit War wouldn't have been as pronounced.

With that in mind, Sengoku decided to boost Usopp's bounty higher than

the defeated Chopper's.

Soon enough, Nami joined Usopp, her head in her hands, looking as grey

as ever. Though her bounty wasn't as high as Usopp's, it had still

skyrocketed to 500 million.

That hefty sum left her feeling a bit uneasy.

"Heh, quite the jump," Robin remarked, glancing at her own bounty. Hers

had shot up to 800 million Berries simply for being a Straw Hat Pirate

and a surviving scholar of Ohara.

"No more fifty Berrys," Chopper muttered, almost on the verge of tears as

he looked at his new bounty.

Back in Enies Lobby, he'd held his own pretty well. But he ended up with

a mere fifty Baileys, labelled as a pet.

This time around, however, the Summit War had washed away that

humiliation. Finally, he was recognized for more than just a cute face.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

76. Setting Sail For The New

World, Rayleigh Sees Him Off

After clipping all the reward notices from the newspaper, the latest

bounties for the Straw Hat Pirates have been revealed.

Captain Monkey D. Luffy's bounty is a whopping 5.1 billion Berries.

Vice-Captain Roronoa Zoro is valued at 2 billion Berries.

Our chef, Sanji, has a bounty of 1.9 billion Berries.

Usopp, our sharpshooter, stands at 500 million Berries.

Dr. Tony Tony Chopper is at 1.4 billion Berries.

Nico Robin, known as the Devil's child, has an 800 million Berry price on

her head.

Franky, also known as Iron Man, is rated at 650 million Berries.

Brook, the singer with a nose, carries a 550 million Berry bounty.

Nami, the cat burglar, is worth 500 million Berries.

This sums up the current bounties for all the members of the Straw Hat

Pirates, amounting to nearly 15 billion Berries in total.

Although this sum might not rival those of the Four Emperors' crews, it's

worth noting that the Straw Hat Pirates are significantly smaller in

number. Yet, their combined bounty showcases their formidable strength.

However, there are some discrepancies in these bounties. For instance,

Luffy's bounty seems inflated, given his fame and achievements, though

it's unlikely to surpass that of Whitebeard, who ruled the seas for years.

Usopp's bounty, especially, seems exaggerated, considering his

performance during the Summit War. The same could be said for Nami,

Brook, Robin, and Franky.

Under normal circumstances, Zoro and Sanji, with their strength

approaching Admiral level, should have bounties exceeding 3 billion

Berries. However, due to their positions as second and third in command

and the low previous bounties, their rewards hover around 2 billion.

It's anticipated that once the Straw Hat Pirates make their mark in the

New World, their bounties, except for Luffy's, will skyrocket.

However, entering the New World also means facing numerous pirates

and powerful figures eager to challenge and defeat them. Despite their

high bounties and the World Economic News' hype, many in the New

World view them as easy targets compared to seasoned veterans like the

Four Emperors.

Luffy and the crew weren't bothered by their bounties; they were too

busy enjoying their time with Camie on Sabaody for two days.

Despite the lingering gloom from the Summit War, Sabaody proved to be

a bustling and prosperous island, unlike any they'd encountered before.

Even amidst the sombre atmosphere, there were plenty of intriguing

places to explore. And despite Camie revealing her mermaid identity, no

one harboured any ill intentions towards her or Pappag.

The Straw Hat Pirates' reputation wielded immense power in the first half

of the Grand Line, especially among the nobles. Their brazen attack on

the Celestial Dragons had made waves, and now, even with the Naval

Headquarters nearby, there were no troops sent to confront them. It was

a clear message: for now, even the Navy couldn't afford to provoke them.

Two days later, at Shakky's place, Camie expressed her gratitude to Luffy

and the crew. She knew she could enjoy her time on Sabaody only

because of their protection. For a mermaid like her, being able to freely

roam Sabaody was like a dream come true, considering the

discrimination faced by her kind.

Luffy, being his usual self, brushed off the thanks, emphasizing their

partnership. To him, friendship meant they were all in this together,

regardless of formalities. His sentiment echoed the bond they once shared

with Vivi.

Touched by Luffy's kindness, Camie hugged him tightly while Pappagu

expressed his admiration for the Straw Hat captain.

Sanji, unable to resist the opportunity, wiggled his way into the affection,

earning himself a cascade of hugs from Luffy. Camie's carefree and

adorable personality made her endearing to the crew.

Sanji, overwhelmed by the mermaid's embrace, jokingly declared he

could die happily at that moment, basking in the joy of the "mermaid's


With a clang, Zoro's sword slipped from his grasp, grazing Sanji's cheek

as it fell.

"Hey, green-haired seaweed head, aiming to off me?" Sanji quipped.

"Just lending a hand for your 'happy' demise. No need for thanks," Zoro


"Dying by your hand? Far from happy," Sanji shot back.

Their usual banter filled the air as Miss Shakky watched with amusement.

Rayleigh's arrival interrupted their squabble. "Luffy, time to hit the seas,"

he announced.

"Garp's leading a Marine warship here from headquarters."

"Garp's here?" Luffy's surprise was evident.

"Likely to give you a heads-up, little Monkey," Shakky interjected. "You've

lingered too long in Sabaody, drawing too much attention. Each day here

is a dent in the Naval Headquarters' pride."

"Marine doesn't want a showdown, so they send Garp to nudge you,"

Usopp chimed in. "Smart move."

"Indeed, you're now the infamous King of Pirates. Even Marine treads

lightly," Shakky chuckled. "They're stretched thin post-Summit War. It's

time for you to move on."

Rayleigh added, "The first half of the Grand Line might feel dull now.

New World's where the real action is."

"Is it really that thrilling?" Luffy's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"Absolutely," Rayleigh affirmed. "Unpredictable weather, bizarre

spectacles, diverse races, constant battles, and formidable foes. It's an

adventure like no other."

Luffy's excitement was palpable, Zoro's hand twitching on his sword's hilt

in anticipation.

"I can't wait to taste New World cuisine," Sanji mused, lighting a


Chopper's eyes gleamed with anticipation.

Nami and Usopp, however, exchanged nervous glances.

"The Grand Line's a paradise compared to that?" Nami wondered aloud,

her voice trembling.

"Just how dangerous is the New World?" Usopp added, his teeth


"Alright, everyone, prepare to set sail," Luffy declared, brimming with


Rayleigh's words ignited Luffy's excitement, prompting him to leap off

the bar with a triumphant shout. Chopper and the others echoed his

enthusiasm, though Nami and Usopp's apprehension was palpable.

Navigating through the intricate waterways of Sabaody, they reached the

Sunny, now fully coated and gleaming in the sunlight. Luffy and Chopper

wasted no time in indulging in some playful antics on the deck.

Rayleigh cautioned them about the submerged mangrove roots, advising

them to sail beyond Sabaody's perimeter before diving.

Concerned for Rayleigh's safety, Luffy inquired if he was fleeing, too.

Rayleigh reassured him, opting to lay low in the Calm Belt after bidding

them farewell. He reminded Luffy of the storm awaiting him in the New


With a heartfelt goodbye, Luffy set sail, leaving Rayleigh with bittersweet

memories of their encounter.

Meanwhile, Shakky offered Rayleigh a glass of reminiscence wine,

prompting a nostalgic reflection on youth.

As the Sunny ventured into the open sea, they encountered Garp aboard

a warship. Despite Garp's stern demeanour, Luffy confidently bantered

with him, showcasing his growth since their last encounter in Water 7.

Garp reminded Luffy of his new role as a Marine Vice Admiral, but

Luffy's carefree attitude remained unchanged. Their familial ties mattered

little in the face of their opposing roles.

With a hearty laugh, Garp vanished from the bow in a blink. He traversed

the air effortlessly, closing the distance between him and the Sunny in a


"Maybe it's time you retired from the Marines, old man," Luffy teased, his

body enveloped in a radiant white light.

In response, Luffy propelled himself into the air, leaving behind a trail of

white steam. "Gommu Gommu no, pistol!" he shouted, his arm raised

high as he launched himself towards Garp with blinding speed.

Garp, grinning with anticipation, met Luffy's charge head-on, his fist like

a massive sandbag.

The collision unleashed an invisible shockwave, distorting the sea below

and creating a swirling vortex of power. Black lightning crackled, and the

air rippled with intensity.

Between their fists, clouds of white sonic booms erupted, a testament to

the immense power of their clash.

With a resounding boom, the clash of Haki erupted, sending Luffy

recoiling back onto Sunny while Garp landed firmly on his warship.

"Until next time, Grandpa!" Luffy called out, waving as soap bubbles

enveloped the Sunny, concealing their escape beneath the waves right

under Garp's nose.

"You've grown, Luffy," Garp remarked, examining his fist with newfound

respect. The encounter gave him a deeper understanding of Luffy's

strength, a realization that had eluded him during the Summit War.

Beside him, his sunglasses-clad adjutant could only shake his head in

disbelief. Seeing Garp, a Vice Admiral, being pushed back with a single

punch was certainly unexpected.

"There's no shame in admitting defeat, old man," Garp chuckled

innocently, holding his nostrils playfully. His companions, Kobi and

Helmeppo, exchanged knowing glances, having witnessed Garp's antics

countless times before.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

77. Four Emperors? So What

"Right now, Mr. Luffy is really strong. He took Mr. Garp's attack without


Coby, standing beside Garp, looked up to him with admiration.

He's Luffy's biggest fan. Seeing how powerful Luffy is makes me really

happy for him.

"Considering he's one of the Five Emperors with a bounty of 5.1 billion

berries now, even Sakazuki Admiral couldn't beat him," Helmeppo said


As the son of Axe-Hand Morgan, he once thought of challenging the

Straw Hat Crew when he got stronger. But after the Battle of the Top, he

changed his mind. When Luffy punched a hole into Marineford, he knew

he'd follow Luffy forever.

"If anyone can do it, it's Coby," Helmeppo said, looking at Coby beside

him. They've trained together for so long, and he knows Coby's talent

surpasses his.

"Instead of thinking so much, let's focus on training. When will you two

little devils grow up?" Garp said, ready to head back to the cabin, but

then his gaze froze.

On the trunk of a massive Yarukiman mangrove tree at the Sabaody port

sat a man with silver hair and a silver jug— Rayleigh.

Seeing Rayleigh, Coby and Helmeppo tensed up.

"That's Dark King Silver's Rayleigh," Coby exclaimed, going on high alert.

"Why are you nervous? He won't attack us," Garp said dismissively,

waving his hand.

"Don't worry about him. We're done here. Tell headquarters the Straw

Hat Crew has escaped. Let's go," Garp said, turning to leave.

"Mr. Garp, aren't we going to arrest Rayleigh?" Helmeppo asked


Garp sighed. "Trying to catch a retired old guy like him is a waste of

time. Besides, he's a legendary pirate. Let's not make it seem like catching

a mouse. Back then, even Sengoku and I didn't team up to catch him.

One-on-one, he'd just run away. Let's go."

Deep in the sea aboard the Sunny, they arrived at Fish-Man Island for the

second time.

As they docked, a group of people welcomed them. "Lord Luffy, the king

invites you to the The Ryugu<em>Palace</em> for a banquet," a

mermaid with blue hair said respectfully, holding a golden trident.

"What's going on?" Luffy asked curiously.

"This is Prince Fukaboshi, eldest prince of the Ryugu Palace Kingdom,"

Hatchan explained. "He's inviting you. His Majesty Neptune wants to

discuss something with you."

"The king?" Chopper exclaimed in surprise.

"Don't worry, everyone. His Majesty Neptune is a good person and a

friend of Whitebeard," Hatchan reassured them.

Hachan, once a member of the Sun Pirates, explained that the Ryugu

Palace Kingdom and the Sun Pirates had a good relationship, working

together to maintain peace on Fish-Man Island.

"Old man Whitebeard?" Luffy muttered, remembering Whitebeard's face


"Since Hatchan says so, let's head to the banquet," Luffy chuckled.

"A friend of a friend is a friend too," Luffy always thought that way.

The grand welcoming party led them to the Ryugu Palace.

Pirates at the port couldn't help but stare in surprise.

"Who's that big shot? Invited by the Dragon Palace folks as a pirate?" one

asked, recalling similar treatment for the Whitebeard and Red Hair

Pirates a few days prior.

"Don't you know?" another quickly explained. "That's the Straw Hat

Pirates, now known as the Kings of Pirates, even above the Four


"The guy in the straw hat is the captain, Straw Hat Luffy. He took on

Marine Admiral Akainu in the battle up top, caused chaos at the Navy

HQ, and saved Ace the Fire Fist."

"Wow, that's the pirate with a bounty of 5.1 billion!" a pirate exclaimed,

sweating nervously, and edged away from the discussion.

"This feels weird, like a monkey surrounded by people," Zoro muttered,

eyeing the surrounding pirates.

"Yeah, isn't it awesome? Zoro, just ignore them," Luffy said, striding


"Oh, by the way, hatchan, where's Jinbei?" Luffy suddenly asked,


Jinbei stayed back on Sabaody for a day before hurrying to Fish-Man

Island. Luffy and the crew had a good impression of the chivalrous


"I'm not sure, but Boss Jinbei seems busy lately," Hatchan replied. He

hadn't kept in touch with the Sun Pirates since joining Arlong.

Since Arlong's defeat, Hachan had left piracy for a takoyaki business,

losing touch with Jinbei's activities.

"Okay," Luffy said, scanning the scenery of Fish-Man Island.

Soon, Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp split from the group to explore and grab

some island snacks.

"Is this Fish-Man Island? These bubble gadgets remind me of Sabaody,"

Zoro remarked, intrigued by the surroundings.

Meanwhile, Sanji had already wandered off, charming a beautiful


"These guys are hopeless," Nami sighed, watching their antics, relieved

they didn't stray too far from the group.

Led by Prince Fukaboshi, Luffy and the crew arrived at a magnificent


"What a stunning sight," Nami and Robin remarked in awe.

"Is this the Ryugu King's Palace? It's quite extravagant," Zoro observed,

looking at the grand structure ahead.

"Incredible place," Luffy laughed, marvelling at the sight.

TheRyugu Palace City stood atop Fish-Man Island, bathed in sunlight

from the sun tree Eve, giving it a radiant appearance.

Built from large corals, shells, and other materials, the city resembled a

massive, intricate artwork.

"Brother Luffy!" Jinbei called out as they entered the city.

"Jinbei!" Luffy greeted warmly.

"Let's go, the banquet hosted by His Majesty Neptune is about to start,"

Jinbei said, leading them inside.

King Neptune sat on his throne and offered Luffy a seat beside him,

reserved for esteemed guests like Whitebeard and Red Hair.

Luffy waved it off. "That seat's too fancy for me. I'll sit here."

"Very much your style, Brother Luffy," Jinbei chuckled.

The banquet began, offering a variety of meats, fine wines, and beautiful

mermaids, delighting Luffy and the crew.

After indulging in food and drink, Neptune approached them.

"Straw Hat, I have a favour to ask," Neptune said quietly.

"My lord, father," Fukaboshi and the other ministers looked concerned,

finding Neptune's request unorthodox for a king.

But Neptune waved them off. "Why so serious?"

Luffy grinned. "You're friends with Whitebeard and Jinbei, so you're our

friend, too. If you need help, just ask."

Neptune was taken aback by Luffy's sincerity.

"You're truly remarkable, Straw Hat Boy."

Neptune had encountered many formidable pirates and notable figures

on Fish-Man Island. But Luffy stood out from them all. Unlike

Whitebeard's commanding presence or Shanks' effortless charisma, the

straw hat-wearing boy exuded a sincerity and innocence that was almost

childlike. His mere presence had a comforting effect on those around


"I'll get straight to the point," Neptune said solemnly. "I want to ask for

your help in using your flag to safeguard Fish-Man Island."

Neptune's earnest words reverberated through Ryugu Palace City, causing

discomfort among the ministers and Fukaboshi, who gripped his golden

trident tightly.

It wasn't that they doubted Luffy; rather, they felt uneasy about relying

on outsiders for protection. However, circumstances dictated otherwise,

much like when the Whitebeard Pirates left their flag behind as a symbol

of protection.

The atmosphere grew tense, with Neptune lowering his head and Jinbei

watching Luffy intently. Zoro and Sanji, sensing the gravity of the

situation, awaited their captain's response.

Luffy scratched his chin, adopting a serious expression as if pondering the

request deeply. Then, his head tilted slightly, confusion growing on his


"What do you mean by 'borrowing the flag' to protect the island?" he

asked, puzzling everyone present.

The reaction was instantaneous. Nami couldn't believe Luffy's apparent

cluelessness and delivered a swift punch to his head.

Jinbei rose to clarify, explaining that planting their pirate flag on the

island's most prominent spot would signify to all pirates that Fish-Man

Island belonged to the Straw Hat Pirates. Any troublemakers would be

considered enemies of the crew. This practice was common in the New

World, where territory held significant value.

Understanding dawned on Luffy as Jinbei spoke, and he nodded in


"You see that flag?" Jinbei pointed to the imposing pirate flag flying

above Fish-Man Island—a skull with a beard resembling a crescent moon.

"That's old man Whitebeard's flag," Luffy remarked, recalling his time

aboard the Moby Dick.

"That's right. But since Whitebeard's flag already flies here, why ask for

yours?" Sanji inquired, seeking clarification.

Despite the widespread coverage in newspapers, they were nowhere near

Whitebeard in terms of fame. Whitebeard's name has been revered from

the time of Roger to the present.

"You know about my late wife," Jinbei said quietly. "News spreads fast,

especially in the New World."

"After Pop's passing, word got out that Kaido had begun attacking his

territory while Ace and the others fought back," Jinbei continued. "Fish-

Man Island is far from Dad's turf, but with his name to shield it, no one

dared cause trouble. Now that he's gone, this place is a target."

"Who's giving you trouble, Jinbei?" Zoro inquired, acknowledging Jinbei's

strength, though not on par with theirs.

"Big Mom," Jinbei replied, his fists clenched. "She's a Yonko; her power

rivals that of the Four Emperors. None of us can match them."

The reason Big Mom targeted Fish-Man Island was simple: the island's

delectable snacks.

"Four Emperors," Nami said solemnly. "They're the pinnacle of piracy."

"So they're already making a move? How intriguing," Zoro grinned, his

eyes gleaming with determination.

"I know this request might seem abrupt," Neptune whispered. "Choosing

to shelter you means facing Big Mom head-on. It's no joke."

"But aren't you friends with old man Whitebeard?" Luffy asked, confused.

"And Jinbei's from here. Of course, we'll help."

"And you treated us to such a feast," Luffy added, grinning.

"Do you understand what it means to protect Fish-Man Island?" Neptune

asked incredulously. "It means you'll be enemies of Big Mom."

"So?" Luffy tilted his head, puzzled.

"That's the Four Emperors," Neptune sighed wearily.

"I know, but so what?" Luffy replied, his smile unwavering. "We came to

the New World to take on the Four Emperors."


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

78. Amazing Beauty, Mermaid


Luffy's calm demeanour caught Neptune off guard. Despite his carefree

nature, there was a confidence and Haki about him that rivalled

Whitebeard and Shanks. The aura of a sea emperor emanated from him,

stronger even than that of the king of the merfolk.

It was evident that Luffy's Haki, though sporadically displayed, was

concealed beneath his carefree facade. It wasn't a matter of how deep

Luffy's character was but rather his innate lack of hierarchical

consciousness. He treated everyone equally, a trait that earned him praise

from those who met him.

"You'll always be a friend to the Ryugu Palace Kingdom, Straw Hat Boy,"

Neptune declared solemnly.

"Of course!" Luffy grinned broadly.

"You're welcome to stay on Fish-Man Island for as long as you like,

including Ryugu Palace City," Neptune chuckled. "There's much to

explore and enjoy here."

"Thank you, Uncle Mermaid. You're a good guy," Luffy remarked, sensing

Neptune's warmth.

In Luffy's eyes, kings like Cobra and the Mermaid King were all kind-

hearted uncles.

"I wonder how Vivi's doing now," Luffy mused, his thoughts drifting. "I'll

visit her after travelling around the world for a bit."

"Nami asked Jinbei, "Won't you join us?"

"No, not this time. I have some matters to attend to," Jinbei declined with

a hearty laugh.

Sanji and Robin exchanged puzzled glances. They couldn't shake the

feeling that Jinbei had distanced himself from them since arriving on

Fish-Man Island. However, they sensed no ill intent, so they brushed it


As Luffy vanished into the distance, Sanji couldn't help but groan in

frustration. "That idiot, always disappearing like that."

"Don't worry, we'll find him soon with our resources. Enjoy your time on

Fish-Man Island," Neptune assured them, suggesting they visit attractions

like the Mermaid Bar and Fisherman Bay.

"Mermaid Bar?" Sanji's eyes sparkled with excitement, envisioning a

sunny beach and beautiful mermaids waving at him. Without a second

thought, he declared, "I'm going to Mermaid Bay!"

Nami sighed in resignation, deciding to go shopping with Robin instead.

"Let's head to Mermaid Shopping Street for some clothes."

As the Straw Hat Pirates departed, Neptune cast a sideways glance at

Jinbei. "Hey, Jinbei, what's on your mind?"

"Joining the Straw Hats, unlike Fire Fist Ace, I believe Straw Hat Luffy

has the potential to become a king and change the world," Neptune

murmured softly. Having ruled the Fishman kingdom for many years,

Neptune had encountered countless exceptional individuals on Fishman

Island, including Whitebeard, Roger, and Shanks. His keen eye could

discern something special about Luffy beyond his carefree demeanour.

With his monstrous strength, Luffy had the capacity to alter the course of


"Brother Luffy possesses qualities that surpass Brother Ace's. After

spending time with those rowdy fellows, even an old man like me feels

compelled to join," Jinbei remarked, his gaze unwavering. However, he

acknowledged his duty to the Sun Pirates, who were entrusted to him by

Fisher Tiger. He was committed to continuing their journey.

"I urge you to consider carefully, Jinbei. Whether it's for your ideals or to

honour Tiger's legacy," Neptune urged solemnly. "With your strength

alone, you'll struggle to fulfil Tiger's will. Luffy embodies tolerance and

equality, qualities that align with your own principles."

Neptune reminded Jinbei of the regret he might face for missing out on

another opportunity, emphasizing that he was no longer a Warlord.

Jinbei pondered in silence, torn between his loyalty to the Sun Pirates

and his admiration for the Straw Hat crew. Neptune's words struck a

chord, highlighting the importance of his decision.

"Don't be too self-important, Jinbei," Neptune advised firmly before

leaving him alone with his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Luffy found himself exploring Ryugu Palace City's vast

corridors, marvelling at its grandeur. Utilizing his Gommu Goomu no mi

Fruit powers, he ascended to a high vantage point to get his bearings.

"I found it!" Luffy exclaimed with a grin, spotting a prominent tower-like

structure in the distance. As he approached, he noticed its formidable

construction and prison-like appearance, complete with heavy chains

adorning the doors.

"Could this be a wrong turn? But I smell food inside. Maybe it's the

Ryugu Palace Kingdom's food storage," Luffy pondered, intrigued by the


Luffy's eyes sparkled with excitement as he contemplated the delicious

food awaiting him within Ryugu Palace City.

"Uncle Mermaid can go anywhere, so that means this place can also be

explored," Luffy chuckled. With a twist of Armament Haki, he effortlessly

snapped the heavy iron chain securing the door.

"Anyone there?" Luffy called out as he pushed open the massive door and

ventured inside.

The interior of the tower was dark and devoid of windows, with seawater

covering the ground ankle-deep. Luffy's curiosity piqued, especially upon

sensing two emotions of fear nearby.

"Prisoners? But it doesn't feel like it," Luffy mused, following the

perceived emotions.

Suddenly, he stumbled upon a large, soft surface. Its elasticity resembled

a trampoline, prompting Luffy to bounce and play on it joyfully.

"This is fun!" Luffy exclaimed, relishing the comfort of the soft surface.

But just as he was about to settle in for a nap, the bed began to rise and

tremble violently.

"What's happening? An earthquake?" Luffy wondered, his senses tingling

with fear.

In a flash of light, a massive figure lunged at him, teeth bared. With

quick reflexes, Luffy blocked the attack with his Armament Haki-covered


As his eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, Luffy beheld a colossal

mermaid and her shark companion. The mermaid, Shirahoshi, exuded

beauty and vulnerability, her tear-filled eyes captivating Luffy's attention.

Before Luffy could react, a red light flashed, and he vanished from sight.

In the next instant, a giant axe hurtled toward Shirahoshi.

Reacting swiftly, Luffy intercepted the axe with his Armament Haki-

infused fist, sending it crashing to the ground.

Puzzled by the unexpected turn of events, Luffy eyed the axe warily.

Despite lacking hostility, its powerful strike raised questions in his mind.

As Luffy sat comfortably, enjoying his meal, Shirahoshi watched him

with a curious smile. Her presence loomed large beside him, her gentle

voice filling the air.

"You are Neptune's daughter? Shirahoshi, right?" Luffy inquired between

bites, his tone casual yet inquisitive. "You're as big as your dad, but you

seem pretty timid, so I'll call you Coward."

Upon learning of Luffy's association with her father, Shirahoshi expressed

relief, admitting she had mistaken him for a villain and nearly lost him.

"Is Lord Luffy a pirate?" Shirahoshi asked, her tone tinged with curiosity.

"Did you come to Fish-Man Island from far away?"

"Yep, I'm a pirate," Luffy affirmed cheerfully between mouthfuls of food.

"I've seen lots of things outside, like the sun and flowers. It's different

from Fish-Man Island. If you're curious, why not go out and see for


"Because if I go out, I'll die," Shirahoshi replied with a mix of awe and

longing, her gaze fixed on the tower's gate.

Moved by her sadness, Luffy's eating slowed, and he listened attentively

as Shirahoshi shared her sorrowful past.

"It's so bitter," Luffy remarked, his tongue protruding in distaste. But the

bitterness he tasted was nothing compared to the sorrow in Shirahoshi's


"Alright, alright, don't cry, Coward," Luffy reassured her, swallowing the

bitter food in a few swift gulps. "If you're so eager to see the outside

world, I'll take you out. After all, nothing beats seeing it with your own


But Shirahoshi hesitated, her fear evident. Luffy, however, remained

undeterred, promising to protect her from any danger they might


"Nothing to worry about! I'm super strong. I'll keep you safe. And if any

weird attacks come our way, I'll knock 'em out!" Luffy declared with

confidence, grabbing Shirahoshi's shell corset and hoisting her onto his


"Let's go!" Luffy exclaimed, ready to set out.


You can read advanced chapters here: patreon.com/GregariousLion

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