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Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: темний принц

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Адреса змісту:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9855330/1/Dark-Prince



Гарри Поттер

Темный принц



Гарри Поттера игнорируют и бросают, потому что его брат —

«Избранный». Вместо того, чтобы предаться забвению, его спасает

никто иной, как сам Лорд Волан-де-Морт. Пару лет спустя у Темной

стороны появилось новое секретное оружие: Адриан «Гарри» Риддл,

наследник Темного Лорда. Первая часть серии «Темный принц». 1 и



Художественная литература T

– Английский – Саспенс/Фэнтези – [Гарри П., Дафна Г.] – Главы: 32

– Слов: 159 791 – Обзоров:

1 140

– Избранное: 4 631 – Подписок: 3 877 – Обновлено:

17.04.2017, 01:44:31

– Опубликовано:

18.11.2013, 02:06:17

– Статус: Завершено – id: 9855330

7. Destiny

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Riddle Manor [1989]

"Hadrian. Wake up."

Hadrian mumbled incoherently and waved his hand, trying to shoo away

the unpleasant voice.

"Hadrian." The voice was sharp, and Hadrian moaned sleepily under his


Suddenly, he could feel his arm being yanked out from under his head.

His head slammed onto the brewing table, and Hadrian growled with

irritation clearly evident on his face. He could hear childish snickers

coming from his right. Hadrian opened one eye and glared at the

platinum blond next to him.


Hadrian snapped his head around, and clenched his teeth, "What?!"

"Perhaps you should take your hand out of the potion you are brewing."

Hadrian scoffed. As if he would ever be as clumsy as to...The rest of his

thoughts trailed off as caught a glimpse of his hand halfway into the

sickly green potion that was bubbling in his cauldron. He quickly yanked

it out like it was on fire. Hadrian's face flushed with embarrassment and

he hastily wiped his hand on every possible surface he could find.

"Mr. Riddle, how many times have I told you, you must concentrate on

your potion if you wish for it to be perfect." Severus Snape spoke

smoothly, scowling down at him.

Hadrian made a face at his greasy-bat potions tutor, "It's so boring

watching it bubble."

"Draco doesn't seem to have a problem with it."

"But this is boring, and he's boring. It's like a match made in heaven."

Hadrian smiled impishly.

Draco, the boy sitting next to him, pushed Hadrian off the stool. Hadrian

fell onto the floor with a small thud, and glared at Draco who wore a

smug look on his face.

"Oy, Draco! Don't you hurt poor Hadrian." A shrill voice cut in. Hadrian

smirked triumphantly, Draco was so going to get it now. Bellatrix

Lestrange stomped into the room, holding her head high.

"Bellatrix." Snape addressed her curtly. He clearly looked annoyed at all

the disruptions in his lesson.

"Poor Hadrian?" Draco repeated, astonished.

"He incredibly important, and don't you hurt even a little hair on his

head. He doesn't deserve your bad influences. He is an angel. You

understand me? Don't touch Hadrian. Or else." Bellatrix scolded. She had

grown quite attached to the child, and after many years she was almost

considered the 'mother-figure' in Hadrian's life.

"Auntie Bella, sometimes I wonder if you love Hadrian more than you

love me. Your own flesh and blood. How could you?" Draco whined

theatrically, pretending to wipe away a tear.

"But it's true..." Hadrian grinned unabashedly. He ducked his head before

Bellatrix could whack him upside the head.

"Hush Draco. You too Hadrian." Bellatrix said, but she did not try hide

the smile threatening to creep onto her face.

"I'm assuming we are done with the lesson for today?" Bellatrix said

loudly, winking at Hadrian discreetly. Hadrian grinned, knowing she was

well-aware of the fact that the lesson was far from over.

"How can you even-What kind of- Of course not!" Snape snapped.

"So that's a yes?" Hadrian asked cautiously. Snape sputtered, but before

he could say anything Bellatrix cut him off.

"Yes, I believe so. Come Hadrian, Draco." Bellatrix ushered them off their

workbenches, and rolled her eyes as her nephew looked at his halfway

completed potion, almost longingly.

Once they had left the room, Severus Snape muttered angrily to himself.

Perhaps he had made the wrong decision in joining the Death Eaters, and

personally tutoring the Dark Lord's bratty heir. Dumbledore simply

thought he was a spy. Severus almost chuckled at the old coot's

obliviousness. It was true he had first started associating with the Dark

Side having... questionable intentions...but after seeing their rising

potential, Snape quickly switched loyalties. Had he made a mistake?

Snape growled as he cleaned the boys' messes on their brewing tables.

These supplies were extremely rare and expensive, since the Dark Lord's

heir would have no less than the best. They could not be cleaned by

magic, so instead of the boys cleaning up, Severus was slaving away.

Must they always be so rowdy and immature? There wouldn't be half as

much to clean up, if they simply stuck their faces in their books and paid

attention. Snape finished scrubbing the equipment clean, cursing many

times. He scrubbed and wiped until he could see a distorted reflection of

himself gleaming on the shiny surface.

Severus smiled, the term being very loosely applied. He wasn't sure what

to do with their surely defective potions. Nevertheless, Severus Snape

poured each potion into a separate vial and gave it a little shake, curious

to see if it would explode, or react. There was no way he would be

keeping explosive potions in his storage cabinet. He shook his head when

one of the potions stayed the same hideous green. But Severus was

surprised to see the other potion turn into a pale, almost clear green. He

raised an eyebrow at the palpable change, and picked his wand.

"Emendo" Snape spoke dryly, in his smooth voice. The grading spell he

had created in his early teaching years had been a life-safer. It had never

been wrong He drummed his fingers against the vial, waiting for the

results to appear.

The potion in the vial glowed green, before returning to its normal color.

Snape's jaw dropped in shock. How could that brat make this high level

potion so flawlessly? And the child had even fallen asleep in the middle

of it! He was absolutely flabbergasted since the potion was impeccable,

the color was correct and even the consistency was flawless. Snape stared

at the potion, nit-picking for any small mistakes. He was not going to

deny that he was disappointed because he did not find any errors.

Severus knew it was definitely Hadrian's potion, since Draco's wasn't even

close to being finished when he had checked. Both boys were skilled at

potions, but when it came down to who best, Snape reluctantly had to

admit it was clearly Hadrian.

That boy didn't even try. He fell asleep! He dropped his hand into the

potion! Severus Snape didn't know how such a small child could be so

skilled in a subject like this. Potions was his speciality, and it required

nothing less than perfection. It was the small details, such as stirring one

more time than the directions stated, or accidentally adding a small

ingredient, that could ultimately ruin the potion. Severus was drawn to

this subject, because he demanded perfection in everything he did.

Potions was no exception. But this brat, this heir of the Dark Lord; he was

a prodigy. Severus leaned back in his desk chair, shaking his head in


There was no question now. He knew there was a war coming. Even the

blubbering idiot Peter Pettigrew knew war was inevitable. The magical

world was in danger, and only a war would solve it. The Light side had

their cherished Savior, and the Dark side had Lord Voldemort and

Hadrian Draven Riddle. Severus sneered. The supposed Savior of the

Light, was a complete fool. The boy was like dirt at the bottom of his

shoe. Alexander Potter was below vermin, even below the Weaselys in his

opinion. He was completely daft, and did not even compare to Hadrian.

Severus had the unpleasant experience of meeting the Savior, and he was

not impressed. Everything that came out of his mouth was completely

moronic. The boy was too much like his father, James Potter. Always

puffing out his chest with pride in his less than desirable attributes.

Severus scowled. Yes, he had questioned his loyalty many times, but the

truth was, Severus Snape was a man of hard logic and self-perseverance.

He did not care much for morals. He did not care much for rules. He

wanted to see the world be torn apart, and then be carefully rebuilt by

skilled hands. It didn't matter who had to be destroyed in order for it to


After spending almost five years with the Dark Side, Severus had no

doubt the Light would lose. And Severus Snape hated to lose. He didn't

want to admit it, but he knew the Dark Lord's strength was wavering.

Hadrian Draven Riddle would lead this war, Severus was sure of it. There

would be no more switching sides now, he thought confidently. The Dark

would conquer, and Severus would sure as hell be there for it when it


Potter Manor

Lily Potter leaned against her bedroom door, playing with her fingers.

Her eyes were red and swollen from crying and her head felt heavy. She

rested her eyes on the wrinkle free duvet on her perfectly made bed.

Suddenly it seemed too perfect. Lily locked the door and was trembling as

she walked towards the bed. Making sure no one was looking, she leaned

down and pried open a floorboard near the foot of the bed. Her heart

swelled with sadness as she gingerly picked up a deeply cherished photo,

plated in a pure gold frame. Lily stared wistfully at the only picture of

her other son, Harry James Potter. He was smiling, but his eyes were

empty, almost haunting. Lily gently touched his face, and bit her lip with

guilt. She collapsed onto the bed, hugging the photo to her chest. Her

eyes were shut tightly, but they were threatening to overflow with tears.

What had she done?

She had sent away one of her children, for no reason at all.

But there was a reason, Alexander needed his training without any

distractions. Lily smiled at the thought of Alexander. He was her joy, he

was what made her smile. He was what reminded her that sending Harry

away was a smart decision.

"Lily, are you in there?" James' voice called from outside the door. Lily

sniffled once, and wiped away her tears. She stared at the picture once

more, before stashing the picture in its hidden place.

"Yes James. Come in."

The door unlocked, and swung open slowly. James Potter had a wide

smile on his face, but it quickly faded when he saw his wife's condition.

James closed the door quietly, and crossed the large room. Lily turned

her face away and clasped and unclasped her hands several times. James

sat down next to Lily, taking her hands in his.

"What's wrong?" He asked with concern. He nervously ran a free hand

through his messy hair. He adjusted his glasses before rubbing his thumb

on the back of Lily's hand. The gesture was intimate, and Lily finally

turned to face her husband.

"Do you think we made the wrong decision?" She blurted out.

"What do you mean?" James Potter asked, although he felt he knew what

she was speaking about. There was a sinking feeling in his stomach as she

spoke again.

"Do you think we made the wrong decision in sending Harry away?" Lily

asked quietly, twiddling her thumbs rapidly.

James glanced at his wife's tear-streaked face and sighed heavily, "Not

this again Lil'."

"He is our son, James. We can't just forget about him!" Lily cried out.

James patted her hands comfortingly. The feeling in his stomach had

intensified. Now it felt like a cold chunk of ice settling in his stomach.

"He is perfectly safe where he is." James said firmly.

"What if he isn't? What if Death Eaters come attack where he is staying?"

"They won't. There are blood wards set up around your sister's home." He

reassured her.

"But what if-what if-if-"

"Lily, he is perfectly fine."

"He hates us James! The first words he has ever said to us were 'I hate

you'. How can you not be concerned?" Lily exclaimed.

"Because Alexander deserves my full and undivided attention. He is our

only hope to end this war. The more powerful he gets, the faster we can

get Harry back. Besides Harry will be attending Hogwarts. You'll see him

then." James stated, in an authoritative tone. He wiped away Lily's tears

and hugged her close to him.

"It'll all be okay. This war will not last forever." He soothed.

Lily nodded sadly, "I know I just miss him so much."

"Alexander needs us. Come on, love." James whispered. He slowly stood

up, holding out a hand for his wife. Lily hesitated, before placing her

hand in his. He pulled up and into his arms, placing a chaste kiss on her


"We'll be fine darling."

He ushered her out the door, but Lily Potter glanced back longingly at

the secret floorboard near her bed. Her gaze travelled up to the once

crisply made bed. It was now covered with small wrinkles. Somehow,

Lily Potter liked it better this way.

They walked through the wide halls of Potter Manor, hand in hand. She

could hear the peals of childish laughter coming from the training room

before she even opened the doors. When James pushed open the doors,

Lily had to hold in her laughter. It was definitely a sight for sore eyes.

"Alexander, what are you doing?" She asked trying to conceal the mirth

in her eyes.

"Nothing mum." Alexander replied innocently.

"Alexander Evan Potter. Is there a reason you turned Mister Dumbledore


"Good one Alexander." James commented, admiring his son's handiwork.

Lily whacked James upside the head, and began to apologize profusely to

Dumbledore. The old wizard simply waved it off.

"Its fine Lily. No really, its perfectly alright. Boys will be boys." He


"It was accident. I sorry." Alexander Potter whispered. He still didn't

speak as well as some other children his age, but he was getting there.

"What were you trying to do then?" James inquired, almost disappointed

that Alexander had only done the trick on accident.

"We were working on the 'lumos' charm." Dumbledore cut in to explain.

"Still?" Lily Potter exclaimed, shocked. It had been almost six months and

they were still working on a simple charm. She quickly realized her

mistake, and covered her mouth and flushing with embarrassment.

"It's quite alright Lily. Alexander just seems to need a bit more time

mastering it. He's only nine after all." Dumbledore chuckled, although

there was an edge to his voice that made Lily feel as though everything

was not alright.

She gazed at her son with concern. Alexander Potter had grown

remarkably in the past few years. He was slightly on the chubby side,

since he was the only child of a doting mother. Alexander had a short

temper, and he always lashed out on others if he didn't get his way. Lily

suspected this was their fault as well, for he was the Savior of the Light

side. Of course the prophesied child must have everything.

One glance at James told her that he was not on the same page as her. He

was glowing with pride at his son, and Lily couldn't help but wonder if he

truly missed Harry like she did. James never bonded well with Harry,

since Harry was always quiet and never spoke. Except for those hateful

words he said on that night.

Merlin, it had been his birthday too. Lily felt sick to her stomach as she

realized she had abandoned her other child on the day of his birthday.

"Isn't it wonderful Lily? Our little boy is growing up!" James exclaimed,

disrupting Lily of her somber thoughts. Lily simply smiled weakly.

"Dumbledore, may I have a word with you?" She asked sweetly, ignoring

the curious look she got from her husband.

"Of course, my dear." Dumbledore responded. They stepped off towards a

corner of the large room, and Lily turned to face Dumbledore. His eyes

twinkled like sapphires and for once in her life, Lily Potter hated them.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" She asked bluntly, ignoring

all other formalities. Her green eyes flashed, and Dumbledore stiffened.


"Alexander." Lily gestured to him. He was being chased around playfully

by James and Lily had to smile. She turned back to Dumbledore. "He isn't

developing his magic quickly."

"Lily he is only nine. What do you expect?" Dumbledore said, as if he was

speaking to a small child.

Lily glanced around before whispering in a low voice, "I know that's what

you told me. Now tell me the truth. Why is it taking so long?"

"Are you questioning my actions?"

Lily Potter took a deep breath, and looked straight into her former

headmaster's eyes. "Yes. I am."

Dumbledore sighed heavily, and stroked his beard. "Alexander's magical

core is not as strong as I had thought. At first, I thought it was because he

was so young. But now, even after almost five years, I know the real


"What is it?" Lily prompted further.

"I-I can't tell you my dear."

"Why not!? This is my son you are speaking about. Why isn't it as strong

as before?"

"I can't tell you."

"Dumbledore you will tell me right now, or so help me god I will-"

"He is the prophesied child, but he is not miracle. His magical core will

develop as he becomes more and more experienced with magic."

Lily faltered, and she closed her mouth. "What do you mean?"

"Alexander Potter, will develop like any other wizard child. He is not

physically special. He may be destined to defeat Voldemort,"

Lily flinched.

"But he is completely normal inside. He does not have extreme power,

and will probably not have many talents." Dumbledore explained.

"So the Savior of the Wizarding World, is completely normal? That's it?

He's a normal, average boy, with a greater-than-life title?"

Dumbledore hesitated, before quickly saying "Precisely."

He did not enjoy lying to one of his favorite former students, but he knew

it was necessary. Besides, it was almost true. He knew it needed to be


"He will require some training, but he will become one of the greatest

wizards the world has yet to see!" Dumbledore said.

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure. I trust you will not share this news with anyone? Including

James." Dumbledore stated firmly.

Lily nodded, and turned to face her family. James was swinging

Alexander above his head, and she frowned.

"James. Stop it. You'll hurt him. We can't have you hurting the Savior!"

Lily called across the room. James stopped twirling his son, and looked

up sheepishly. He gently set Alexander down, and Alexander toppled

with dizziness.

"Don't worry. I'll keep your secret. As long as you keep my sons safe." Lily

Potter said, glancing back at Dumbledore. He did not miss the fact that

she said sons. Plural.

Dumbledore swallowed, before speaking solemnly, "I promise."

But it was a promise already broken.

Riddle Manor [1989]

"Hadrian, your father wishes to see you." A voice called from the

doorway. Hadrian glanced up from his parchment, smiling slightly at


"Hello Bella. Do you know why father requires my presence? I don't

remember doing anything mischievous recently."

"He didn't tell me." Bellatrix spoke slowly trying to conceal her

enthusiasm. Hadrian simply raised an eyebrow. She was practically

bursting with excitement, and she claimed not to know a thing.

"It's a surprise." She explained finally.

"I don't like surprises." Hadrian scowled, but stood up from his desk

anyways. He carefully tucked away his quill and ink and pushed in the


"Trust me," Bellatrix paused as she laid a hand on Hadrian's shoulder.

"You'll like this one."

Hadrian rolled his eyes. Bella's surprises usually were not good. He once

got turned into a rabbit because of her 'surprise'. He walked out the door,

waiting for Bellatrix to follow. When she didn't, he immediately grew


"Aren't you coming?"

"No. Your father wants to see you, alone."

Hadrian shrugged, but he suddenly felt more nervous. His father rarely

saw him alone.

"Oh and Hadrian?"


"Happy Birthday."

Hadrian grinned, but continued walking. Every year Bellatrix was the

first to wish him a happy birthday. On his birthday he was exempt from

all his lessons. He got many presents and sometimes Narcissa planned a

magnificent party in his honor.

Hadrian had finally learned to navigate himself through the large manor

and easily made his way to his father's private office. His father only

taught him one lesson, only once a week. The Unforgivable Resistance.

Hadrian felt like his father enjoyed casting unforgivable curses. His own

heir was no exception. That was one of the things Hadrian liked about his

father. His father would never treat him like rubbish, but would never

treat him as a god either. Lord Voldemort would never go easy on

Hadrian if they dueled. Hadrian couldn't wait to one day fight alongside

his father.

Hadrian paused outside the doors, raising his fist to knock. He already

made the mistake of entering without knocking once, and his bum was

sore for a week. The doors opened with a creak and Hadrian slipped


"You wished to see me father." Hadrian stated, bowing down before his


"Rise. I have called you here to gift you with a present for your birthday."

Voldemort said in a low voice.

"Where is it?" Hadrian asked eagerly, the cool and collected façade

slipping away.

"Control yourself." Voldemort snapped. Hadrian lowered his head and


"It is not something that can be wrapped. You will have to come with us

to receive it."

Hadrian's smile faded. "Where are you taking me?"

"Trust me, you'll enjoy this little surprise." Voldemort smirked, and with a

wave of his hand he transformed both his and Hadrian's clothes into ink

black robes. Hadrian felt a mask melt into his face, and he looked up at


"Why aren't you wearing a mask?"

"I don't need one. Everyone knows who I am already."

Hadrian rolled his eyes which did not go unnoticed by Lord Voledmort.

Lord Voldemort chose to ignore it, since it was the boy's birthday.

Instead, he reached out a pale, bony hand and waited for Hadrian to hold


"Are we apparating?"

"No, I just want to hold your hand. Of course we are apparating."

Voldemort spit out sarcastically.

Hadrian hesitated, before carefully placing his hand in Voldemort's. The

room swirled around him, and Hadrian could feel the familiar pressure

pushing against him from all sides. His head felt like it was going to burst

and his stomach was rolling around in his body. Then just as quick as it

started, the unpleasant sensation stopped, and Hadrian stood dizzy on his

feet. Hadrian almost felt like he was going to vomit, but he took a deep

breath and steadied himself before looking up at Voldemort.

"Where are we?" Hadrian asked curiously. He glanced around at the

simple cottage like house ahead of them. It was dark outside and it made

Hadrian wonder what exactly they were doing out here.

Hadrian could see a cloaked figure approaching in his peripheral vision

and he snapped his neck around.

"Lucius?" Hadrian whispered as he caught sight of the trademark

platinum blonde hair on the man's head.

"What is Mr. Malfoy doing here?" Hadrian asked. Voldemort ignored him

and chose to address Lucius instead.

"I trust everything is in order?" Lord Voldemort stated in a silky voice.

"O-Of course my Lord." Lucius replied, his eyes flickering to the cottage


"Will someone tell me what's going on?" Hadrian demanded, childishly

stomping his foot.

"Who has arrived already?" Voldemort questioned.

"My lord, Bellatrix and Rodolphus are here. Dolohov is present and

Crouch will be arriving shortly. "

"Good...good. Shall we begin?"

"After you, my Lord." Lucius smiled maliciously, and pulled out his wand.

"Hadrian, welcome to your first Death Eater raid. Happy Birthday."

Hadrian widened his eyes and let out a strangled gasp as Voldemort shot

powerful red sparks in the sky with a bang.

The raid had begun.

Hadrian stood frozen as he saw Lucuis charge into the cottage. Hadrian

could hear screams and the bright green light of the Killing Curse flooded

the house. A woman ran outside, holding a small girl in her arms.

Bellatrix lunged, and brandished her wand shooting out a violent burst of

light. The woman screamed as the curse hit her, and the little girl fell to

the ground. Hadrian watched in awe as Bellatrix dueled the woman. Bella

looked terrifying, with her hair whipping in the wind dangerously and

her eyes flashing.

The other Death Eaters were ransacking the house, killing anyone that

came in their way. Bellatrix fired curse after curse, cackling wickedly as

the spells shot the woman constantly. The woman was ripped apart,

literally. She was dripping with blood, and her face was losing color. She

was wheezing with pain, but she still stood over her child.

"Give me the child!" Bellatrix shrieked angrily.

"Over my dead body!"

"Well that won't take too long." Bellatrix laughed and shouted "Crucio!"

The woman screamed and shook violently with pain. Hadrian winced,

and averted his gaze.

"Why do we want that girl so badly?" Hadrian whispered to Lord


"She is a Seer, and will be of great importance to us. But her foolish

parents refuse to give her up."


"My Lord, I have brought the man as you wished." Lucius reappeared,

dragging a half alive man with him. The man almost had the same hair as

Lucius, except his was slightly darker.

"Well done Lucius. Hadrian, what shall we do with this filthy blood

traitor?" Voldemort drawled out gesturing to the ragged man thrown

onto the ground.

"I will never let you take her. She has a gift, that is only to be shared with

us. She will die before she goes with you. I'll kill her myself, but she will

not be on the Dark Side." The man rasped out, clutching his chest in pain.

"You are willing to kill your own child, just to ensure her gift will not

help the Dark Side?" Hadrian spoke in a dangerously low voice.

"What shall we do with him?" Voldemort thought out loud.

"Nothing." Hadrian said softly, looking at the man in disgust.

"What!?" Voldemort and Lucius exclaimed, glancing at Hadrian in


"We will do nothing to him. But he will watch his wife die, and then

watch his 'precious' daughter be taken away from him. He will live, but

just barely. Everything in his life will be taken away, and he will not

have anything else to live for. He will hate himself so much, he might kill

himself for us." Hadrian spoke evilly.

"I knew there was a reason I kept you around." Voldemort smirked,

before turning to the man. The man had heard the entire conversation,

and his face paled.

"You can't do this." The man protested helplessly, trying to escape.

Lucius held him in place, and Hadrian leaned down.

"Watch me." He whispered loudly and clearly.

Lucius dragged the man to where Bellatrix was dueling with the man's


"Bella. Stop playing with your prey. Finish her already." Hadrian said,

glancing at the man's horrified expression.

"As you wish, Young Lord. Avada Kedavra." She shrieked.


But it was too late. Bellatrix danced around with glee as the women fell

to the ground, her eyes unblinking. The man was close to tears, and

Hadrian growled at the pathetic mess.

"Are we finished?" Voldemort said, glancing at the man with disdain.

"Not yet." Hadrian said, walking towards the small girl cowering on the

ground. She was curled up in a ball, shaking and tears were running

down her face. Her eyes were shocking blue and filled to the brim with

secrets. She was biting her lip so hard that she drew blood.

"Do you want to come with us? Get away from these terrible people?"

Hadrian asked softly, looking into the small girl's eyes.

"My daddy doesn't want me." The girl stated. "I know who you are."

She stood on her tiptoes and whispered into his ear. "Hello, Harry Potter."

"You know who I really am?" Hadrian was surprised.

"I come with you. I help you. You be my friend?" She spoke rapidly,

ignoring Hadrian.

"You want to come with us?" He repeated, shocked that she would come

so willingly. They had just killed her mother and yet she wanted to go

with them. "Why?"

"Destiny." She said quietly, glaring at her bedraggled father. He was

staring at her, almost pleadingly. She childishly stuck out her tongue, and

turned back to Hadrian.

"What's your name?" Hadrian asked, intrigued by the little girl.

The girl took a deep breath and was quiet for a minute before a dazzling

smile broke out on her face.

"My name is Luna. Luna Lovegood. But in the future, you will call me


8. A Trip to Remember

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Riddle Manor [1991]

Riddle Manor was known for being filled with secret passages and trick

corridors. It was heavy with dark magic and strong enchantments

concealed the massive property from prying eyes. One wrong turn could

have you on the opposite side of the manor, and even one wrong step

could trigger trick stairs. Over the years, Hadrian and Destiny had

learned the small secrets to avoid these unpleasant encounters. But there

was one room in Riddle Manor that was shrouded by mystery. This room

had several enchantments, and strong magic, along with powerful blood

wards. Any intruder would be scorched to ashes within five feet into the

room. It's doors were opened only once a month for confidential Death

Eater meetings. Hadrian had tried to break into the room many times,

just to see if he could. But he could never even touch the door since it

burned his hand on contact.

So when Hadrian Draven Riddle finally received his Hogwarts Letter, he

was shocked when he unthinkingly barged into the room without any


"Father look, my Hogwarts letter came!"

"How did you get in here?"

Hadrian faltered, and glanced back at the door with utter disbelief. "I'm

not sure."

Voldemort raised an eyebrow, but decided to drop the subject, for they

were not in private. Hadrian's pale cheeks flushed with embarrassment as

he noticed his father's Death Eaters looking at him with interest.

"Oh, forgive me, I did not realize you were having a meeting today."

"Of course you didn't." Voldemort said sarcastically, turning back to face

his Death Eaters. Hadrian stood still not sure what to do.

"Well take a seat. You aren't just going to stand there are you?"

Hadrian's jaw dropped open. He had been present at many Death Eater

meetings, but his father had never allowed him to come to the top-secret

meetings that took place in this room. He had never participated in any

of the meetings, but rest assured, everyone knew of his reputation, and

what he was capable of. They had all seen him ferociously torture

unsuspecting victims and play with the emotions of the weak.

"Close your mouth and sit down. We have important things to discuss."

Hadrian promptly shut his mouth, and sat down on the rigid chair,

slipping a look of cool indifference on his face. He watched his father

speak about upcoming raids, and discuss their hatred for muggles and

muggleborns-alike. He perked up when the topic of Sirius Black came up.

"We must dispose of him, my Lord." Doholov stated with hatred dripping

from his hollow voice.

"Thank you for stating the obvious." Voldemort drawled, flashing his eyes

with annoyance. Doholov tried to look brave, but Hadrian smirked as he

could see straight through the mask of false courage. The man was almost

quivering with fear.

"Can't we just kill my dear old cousin?" Bellatrix sneered in a false sweet


"Tempting, but no. He might be useful in the future." Voldemort said.

"Perhaps we could put him in Azkaban?" Lucius suggested tentatively.

"And pray tell, how are we going to land one of the most adored wizards

of Britain, into Azkaban?"

Hadrian thought for a minute, before he spoke slowly. "Murder."

"The Dark Lord already said we can't kill him." Nott snapped.

Hadrian glared at the man with pure annoyance. " I never said murder

him, you twit."

Nott began to stand up angrily, but he was held in place.

"Mind your place Nott." Voldemort hissed. "Continue Hadrian."

"What is the worst crime a wizard can commit? Other than murder?"

Hadrian asked the room full of people.

"Being a squib." Bellatrix snickered.

"Other than that." Hadrian fought to hide a smile.

"Exposing magic?" Lucius offered.

"Exactly. Now what if we combine murder and exposing magic?"

"Get to your point Hadrian, we don't have all day." Voldemort sighed


"We murder a couple of muggles, and frame it on Sirius Black. Everyone

will think he did it, plus he exposed magic. The ministry will have to

mass-obliviate all the spectators. He'll be in Azkaban faster than you can

say Avada Kedavra." Hadrian explained.

"That just might work." Voldemort thought out loud.

"I volunteer my services!" Bellatrix shrieked before anyone could speak.

She stood up and cackled with excitement.

Hadrian grimaced. "Sorry Bella. You are too valuable for this job." He

chose his words carefully, as to not upset his surrogate mother/aunt.


"We need someone that won't be missed if something goes wrong."

Voldemort explained further, catching on to Hadrian's idea.

"And I'll miss you." Hadrian grinned cheekily. "So you won't be the person

to do this."

Bellatrix huffed, but sat back down reluctantly. Her normally insane

features were marred by the angry scowl on her face.

"Who do you have in mind, my Lord?" Severus Snape asked, raising an


"I know just the person." Hadrian smirked.

"Please, by all means, enlighten us." Snape sneered.

"He is equivalent to a rat, and quite useless. But he will get the job done."

Voldemort raised an eyebrow, "Peter Pettigrew?"

"Of course. No one will suspect him. I'm assuming that the Order still

thinks that he is friends with Potter?"

"Brilliant, Hadrian!" Bellatrix complimented.

"Yes..yes. This plan is quite suitable. Very well then. We shall proceed

with this action. Rabastan, you will supervise the rat to make sure he

fulfills the task at all costs. Understood?" Voldemort said.

Rabastan nodded quickly, silently vowing not to disappoint his master.

"Meeting dismissed."

Everyone stood up from their chairs, stretching their limbs a bit before

slowly striding out the heavy doors. Hadrian was about to get up from his

seat as well, but Voldemort stopped him. They waited till everyone was

out of the room, and Voldemort slammed the doors shut.

Hadrian gulped.

"Don't look so scared. You look like a pathetic muggle. I just wanted to

congratulate you on the Hogwarts letter."

Hadrian relaxed considerably, and raised an eyebrow. "Well then, why is

it you stopped me from leaving?"

Voldemort hesitated before asking, "Are you sure you don't want to go to

Durmstrang instead? Even that French school will be perfectly suitable."

Hadrian scowled. "You went to Hogwarts. Draco's going to Hogwarts.

Bellatrix is sending Destiny to Hogwarts. Why can't I go?"

"It was a simply a suggestion. Considering the fact that Lily Potter is the

muggle studies professor at Hogwarts..." Voldemort trailed off, scanning

Hadrian for any kind of reaction. His lip curled in satisfaction as he saw

the boy did not even flinch from the obvious anger he was feeling upon

listening to that mudblood's name.

"What of it?" Hadrian said in a haughty tone. "Honestly, what do you

think I'll do? Jump into her arms and beg to be loved again?"

Voldemort stayed silent, regarding his heir carefully.

"Merlin, you honestly think I would do that?" Hadrian scoffed with

disbelief. "I hate that woman. And as you know, I tend to hold grudges."

"Very well then. See to it that you do not make a fool out of yourself and

disgrace the Riddle family name." Voldemort said with distaste. '

"About that. Dumbledore may be a manipulative bastard, but he is not

dumb. He will know I have some connection to you. What am I to tell

him?" Hadrian asked curiously.

"Hadrian!" A soft voice scolded. "Gentlemen do not use such language!"

Hadrian and Lord Voldemort both turned to see Destiny, formerly Luna

Lovegood, walking up to them.

"Destiny? How did you get in here?" Voldemort asked.

"I opened the door." She giggled as if it was the most obvious thing in the

world. Voldemort rolled his eyes at the blatant lie and made a mental

note to recheck the restrictions.

"I assume you got your letter too?"

"Yes. But I also got one from Beauxbatons Academy in France!" Destiny


"Would you consider going to Beauxbatons?" Lord Voldemort asked.

Destiny simply scoffed delicately, and turned to Hadrian. Hadrian didn't

know how she did it, but Destiny do anything she wanted and would

never get punished. It was safe to say, he was a bit jealous of his kind of


"I bet Bella has already planned a trip to Diagon Alley and gotten you

loads of new robes." Hadrian guessed. Destiny was a bit spoiled, but she

never acted like it. She was nothing like Draco, who was spoiled rotten.

Destiny was not very fond of Draco, but they were still close friends.

"So what if mother has already planned ahead?" She argued defensively.

Over the past few years, Bellatrix Lestrange had grown attached to the

young girl, and treated her like an unofficial daughter. When Destiny had

accidentally called Bellatrix 'mother', Bella insisted that Destiny call her

that from then on. Since her own mother did not love her half as much as

Belltrix adored her, Destiny went along with it. Apparently, it was nice to

have a girl in the Death Eater family. Between Bellatrix and Narcissa,

Destiny was treated like a princess.

"Are you two done socializing?" Voldemort snapped.

The two children both turned to Lord Voldemort and bowed. "Yes, my


It only took about three seconds before they simultaneously burst into


"Quiet." Voldemort growled, and instantly they shut up.

"As I was saying," He continued, "Dumbledore will know who you are as

soon as you walk into the Great Hall. Your job is to convince him

otherwise. Hadrian, you act as if you do not know of me. You will

pretend that you are an orphan from a wizarding orphanage. Lucius has

already filed fake documents and placed fake memories of you in the

minds of the orphanage staff."

"I have to pretend to be an orphan? What if he performs a parent

revealing charm on me? Then he'll know that you are my current

guardian, and that I'm Harry Potter!" Hadrian rambled with worry.

"Do not fret. When I adopted you, it erased any record of Lilly and James

Potter. If he performs the spell, he will see that I am your current

guardian, but he will not know if I am involved in your life. The old fool

will try to conceal the fact that you have a guardian, thinking it is better

to put you in an orphanage, than under my care. Besides, the parent

revealing charm is illegal if cast without the subject's consent." Voldemort


"What about me?" Destiny asked.

"You will stay Destiny Lestrange. Although Bellatrix is a known Death


"They will think I am nothing like her because I will act like I love the

world and everything in it." Destiny finished sarcastically.

"Stop finishing my sentences. I am the Dark Lord. You-"

"Cannot use my Seer abilities on you. I know, I know." She grinned

widely, rolling her eyes.

"Destiny! Where are you?" A shrill voice called from outside the room.

"In here, mum!"

Bellatrix burst into the room, not caring that she had obviously

interrupted an important conversation.

"Oh good Hadrian, you're here too. Please excuse us, my Lord. We have

to head off to Diagon Alley soon. Oh and Destiny, I got you new robes!

They are already hanging in your closet. Get ready."

Hadrian shot Destiny an 'I told you so' look and they both raced out the


"I will be coming along as well, Bellatrix." Voldemort stated casually, as if

the Dark Lord appeared in public every day.

"Ar-Are you sure, my Lord?" Bellatrix asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course I'll be wearing a glamour, like you. But I would like to come

along as well."

"Is the Dark Lord going soft?" Bellatrix mocked in a baby voice.

Lord Voldemort flashed his eyes and glared at Bellatrix, who cowered


"Never. I just happen have some business to attend to."

Diagon Alley

"Can I have a snake?" Hadrian asked.

"No. I've told you this so many times. You will draw too much unwanted

attention to yourself."

"Just let him have a snake, my Lord." Bellatrix sighed heavily, pulling on

Destiny's hand.

"See! Bella agrees with me too! Can I take Nagini?"

"Absolutely not. You can't take my familiar. This is exactly why I

suggested to send a house elf to shop for your supplies. Only peasants

shop for supplies themselves. You brats make such outrageous demands.

The list says a toad, or owl, or cat. It doesn't say snake. Honestly can't

you understand that snake is not on here? Are you blind? "

"So can I have my own snake?" Hadrian asked completely ignoring Lord

Voldemort's small rant.

"I said no. Don't make me crucio you in front of all these people. Because

I can assure you, I will not hesitate to do so!"

"Hadrian will end up taking a snake anyways, there is no point in

arguing." Destiny stated, letting her gaze linger on a sapphire necklace in

a display case.

"You've seen it?" Voldemort asked doubtfully.

Destiny grinned, "I don't have to see it. I already know."

Bellatrix chuckled and dragged the four of them into the potions shop.

While the two children observed the strange items in the shop, the adults

bought the needed supplies.

"Two of the First Year at Hogwarts package." Bellatrix requested to the

man behind the counter. He looked tired, and utterly bored.

"The standard package or the the gold package? The standard package


"Gold package, of course." Bellatrix glared at the man, "I don't care how

much it is."

The man went into the back of the store, and Voldemort turned to


"Why did you force us to shop in person?" Voldemort asked with


"Its a milestone in their lives!" Bellatrix insisted. She grabbed the bags

from the man and shrunk them, putting them into her pocket. Then she

tossed a handful of galleons on the counter and started to walk away.

Once they were back on the streets of Diagon Alley, Bellatrix took them

to the bookstore. This pattern repeated until they had gotten most of

their school supplies.

"What's next?" Hadrian yawned with boredom, absolutely hating going


"You must get your wands." Bellatrix stated dragging Destiny forward.

"But I already have a wand." Hadrian said with confusion,

"Ah yes. About that. You will be using a new wand at Hogwarts. Using

my old wand will arouse much suspicion I wish to avoid." Voldemort

said, ignoring the sad look on Hadrian's face. "Come now. Hurry up."

Hadrian sighed, and trudged ahead into the dark, dusty shop of the wand

maker, Ollivander.

"Well hello, hello!" An old man greeted them as soon as they stepped into

the shop.

He froze as his eyes landed on Lord Voldemort. Ollivander squinted, as if

trying to see past the expertly cast glamour. "You seem familiar. Do I

know you?" The crazy man asked.

"I don't believe so. I wasn't raised in England." Voldemort lied smoothly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You just look awfully like someone I once knew..."

"What was their name, perhaps we are related?" Voldemort smirked.

"Oh it was nobody. Forgive me for troubling you. We are here for the

children's wands, yes? Alright lets see, ladies first." He said lightly,

effectively changing the subject.

"My, aren't you a pretty thing? Which is your wand arm?" He asked


"Left." She spoke distractedly, glancing at the owl hooting in the corner.

"Try this one, Dragon heartstring and willow wood. Very rigid."

Ollivander handed her a wand, and Destiny grasped it carefully.

"Go on, give it a flick."

Destiny shrugged and flicked her wrist. There was a loud bang, and the

papers on the side of the counter burst into flames. She looked shocked

and quickly handed Ollivander the wand back.

"No, you don't seem to like that one. What about this one? Unicorn hair

and cherrywood."

Luna touched the wand, and yelped loudly. "It burned me!"

Bellatrix glared at the old man. He didn't even know what he was doing,

handing young children wands which would harm them.

"Hhhm...lets try unicorn hair and ash. Slightly flexible. Unusual

combination, but lets see." He handed Destiny a wand, and she cautiously

picked it up. When she was sure it would not burn her hand, she gave it a

swish. Dark black sparks sparks out of the tip of her wand, and Destiny


"Yes, that will do nicely. Now, onto you." Ollivander stared pointedly at

Hadrian. "Which is your wand arm?"

"I'm ambidextrous."

"Oh! Wonderful! Lets see what do I have here..." The man dashed into the

back of his store mumbling the entire way.

Lord Voldemort rolled his eyes and caught Hadrian doing the same.

Ollivander came back out, holding a dusty box in his hand. He blew the

dust away, and Hadrian sneezed.

"Beech and unicorn hair. Try this one, boy."

Hadrian reluctantly swished the wand in the air and grinned as the

chandelier on the ceiling shattered. Ollivander quickly snatched the wand

away and grumbled to himself.

"Ivory and Dragon heart string."

This wand was slightly better than the last wand, since it did not cause

an explosion. Little puffs of smoke came out the tip as Hadrian swung the

wand in the air.

"Tricky customer, eh?" Ollivander commented.

"Ash and Veela hair."

"Vine wood and dragon heartstring."

"Yew and unicorn hair."

Wand after wand was tested, but to no avail. Hadrian quickly grew

irritated, and Bellatrix looked like she wanted to strangle the man.

Destiny noticed this, and to prevent a fight, she let her gaze go blank,

before smiling widely.

"Sir, what about that wand over there." She pointed to a partially hidden

box on the highest shelf. Ollivander followed her gaze, and paled


"Oh I'm afraid that wand is set aside for someone else." He explained.

Destiny grew angry since she knew why Ollivander would not even test

the wand. But she controlled her anger well, and plastered on a fake


"Just let him try it. What's the harm?" She asked sweetly. Ollivander

hesitated, but agreed. He slowly grabbed the box, and set it onto the

counter. Hadrian at once noticed the wand was similar to the one he

already had.

"Go on, pick it up. Holly and Phoenix feather. Quite supple."

Hadrian did as he was told, and he felt a warm feeling of magic flow

from his fingertips as soon as he grasped the wand. Bright silver sparks

shot out of the wand, and a sudden cool breeze filled the room. Pages of

books were flipped and Destiny's hair flowed through the wind.

Ollivander stared at the wand, then at Hadrian in awe.

"How very peculiar." He commented mysteriously.

"How so?" Voldemort asked at the same time as Bellatrix growled "Spill

it, you freak."

"The phoenix that gave a feather to this wand, also gave one other for

another wand similar to this. That is what makes those two wands

brother wands." Ollivander glanced around before whispering, "This

brother of this wand you are holding, belonged to a powerful wizard. He

did many great things, terrible, but great."

"Who was the wizard?" Hadrian asked, but he already knew.

"Why, it was none other than You-Know-Who himself." Ollivander said in

a grave tone.

"I was saving this wand for the Chosen one, it would make sense if this

was his wand, seeing as he is destined to defeat the Dark Lord."

Ollivander continued, not noticing that all four people had stiffened, "But

of course the wand chooses the wizard, and this wand chose you."

"So how much will they both be?" Bellatrix asked, changing the subject


"Oh yes. About 20 galleons for both." Ollivander said, grabbing the

money Bellatrix had already thrown onto the counter. Once they had left

the shop, Hadrian spoke.

"It makes sense, doesn't it?" He commented. Bellatrix smiled wryly.

"This is where I must depart. I have business in Knocktern Alley.

Bellatrix, take them wherever they wish. I will see you back at the

Manor. And Hadrian, do NOT come back with a snake, understand?"

Voldemort warned, threateningly.

Hadrian grinned widely, but did not respond. Voldemort apparated away

and Bellatrix turned to the two children.

"Mother, I believe our next stop is for owls." Destiny said in a smooth,

commanding voice. Bellatrix smiled widely, and Hadrian shook his head

in disbelief. Destiny could get anything she wanted by just smiling

prettily. They spent a while in the store, but Hadrian got distracted

looking at the snakes. By the time he came outside the shop, Bella and

Destiny were already waiting.

He glanced at Destiny, and noticed a snow white owl in the cage

dangling from her fingers.

"You got an owl? What did you name her?" Hadrian asked.

"It's a him, actually." Destiny corrected. "And I decided to name him


"Really?" Hadrian's eyes lit up and he was extremely flattered.

"No." She snorted delicately, "His name is Inferno."

A loud shout diverted their attention, and all three of them glanced at a

large crowd coming near them.

"Merlin! It's the Chosen one!"

"The prophesied child!"

"Alexander Potter is here! Quick, Gertrude, gimme my wig!"

"The Potters are in Diagon Alley!"

Hadrian stiffened considerably, and his cool gaze swept over the large

crowd. It parted in front of him, and he could feel his blood start to boil

as he saw the Potters. Lily Potter looked as if she hadn't aged a day, and

Hadrian knew that obviously she had taken some age-reversal potions.

He briefly glanced at James Potter and his frown deepened and he

clenched his fists. The man was strutting around like a proud peacock,

laughing and smiling. Hadrian finally turned his vicious glare on the last

Potter, Alexander. The boy was chubby, and his glasses kept falling off

his face. Hadrian wanted to laugh at the disgusting whale his brother

was, but he kept his mouth shut. Alexander Potter seemed overjoyed, and

he flashed many smiles at people, revealing his crooked teeth.

"Are you alright Hadrian?" Bellatrix asked with worry. Hadrian had gone

completely silent, and his face was blank, revealing no emotion at all.

"I'm fine." Hadrian said in an even voice, although he was gritting his

teeth. His hand twitched towards his wand, he wanted to hex the 'happy

family' to oblivion. Perhaps a couple crucios might be sufficient as well.

"Don't do something you will regret." Destiny warned, glancing at the

Potters with disdain. Personally, she thought they were too proud as well,

and they needed to be knocked down a peg. But she did not want

Hadrian to get into any trouble.

"Let him do whatever he wants. Those fools deserve it!" Bellatrix

whispered harshly.

"Trust me, I won't regret this." Hadrian assured. He concentrated on the

hate he was feeling, and thought cruelly 'Locomoter Mortis Doloris'

He concealed the sadistic grin threatening to break out onto his face as

Alexander Potter fell down, and started to scream loudly in pain. People

looked shocked, and chaos filled Diagon Alley.

"You used one of the dark curses I made up!" Bellatrix said, sounding very

touched. She smiled viciously as she saw Lily Potter screaming for help.

The spell she had made up was specifically designed to mildly injure

someone. It was a variation of the leg-locking spell, causing the person to

feel magnified pain as soon they fell onto the ground.

"I suppose they deserve it." Destiny shrugged. She did not enjoy inflicting

pain on innocent people, but she was not against torturing the people

who deserved it.

Alexander Potter was still screaming, and thrashing helplessly on the

cobblestone path. Tears were streaming down his face, and Hadrian shot

him a dirty look. The boy had absolutely no pain resistance, and it would

be easy to harm him in the future. The Potters were running around

begging for someone to help their son, and Hadrian chuckled darkly at

their stupidity. Although unfathomably dark, it just was a simple curse

that could be reversed with 'finite incantatem'.

It took sometime before a spectator figured it out, and the counter-spell

was cast.

"Whoever did this will pay greatly some day!" James Potter threatened.

Hadrian snickered and glanced at Bellatrix who had a similar look of

amusement on her face.

"Those fools better watch out. I have a feeling they have many painful

years ahead of them." Destiny said.

Bellatrix appraised the the Potters before turning to Hadrian.

"Make sure to give them hell." She hissed venomously.

9. Finally (Part I)

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

P.S: Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy the new update.

Kings Cross Station [1991]

"Do you have your trunks?"

"Yes." Both Hadrian and Destiny replied, patting their pockets. Bellatrix

had shrunken their trunks in order for there to be less of a hassle to get

onto the train.

"Do you have your money pouches?"

"Yes." They responded. They had both been given a bottomless pouch of

galleons that connected directly to the Riddle, Black, and Lestrange


"Destiny, did you send Inferno off to Hogwarts?"

"Yes, I sent Inferno off this morning." Destiny said, her voice laced with


"Good. Now don't get into too much trouble, alright? I need you both

back in one piece."

"Fine." They both chorused together.

"Oh, and what's the number one rule if you get caught doing something


"Don't get caught, first of all." Hadrian smiled. "And if you somehow do

get caught.."

"Blame someone else or lie your way out of it." Destiny finished.

Bellatrix beamed proudly. She glanced around, making sure no one was

watching, before pulling them both in for a quick hug. Hadrian rolled his

eyes, but hugged her back with less enthusiasm.

"Stop worrying, Bella. We'll be fine!" Hadrian reassured her with a small


"I'll owl you every month, mother." Destiny promised.

"Every week you mean?" Bellatrix corrected.

"Thats what I said, every month." Destiny winked, and Bellatrix chuckled.

"I'm sorry for being like this. I'll just miss you." Bellatrix confessed.

"Yes, without me, who else will you chase around with dark hexes?"

Hadrian questioned dramatically.

"And without me, who else will tell you where the best spots for muggle

hunting are?" Destiny added.

"Oh shut up. Is it a crime for me to miss you? I'm sure even the Dark Lord

will somewhat miss you whiney brats." Bellatrix scowled.

Hadrian and Destiny exchanged a glance before laughing. The Dark Lord

would miss them? That was funny.

"This is where I leave you. You know how to get to the platform, right?"

Bellatrix asked. The Dark Lord hadn't allowed her to enter the station, for

fear of the Ministry officials that were sure to be around.

"Walk straight through the barrier between platforms nine and ten. We

know." Destiny said.

Bellatrix nodded stiffly, and sniffed. "I'll see you at the end of the year.

Goodbye." She waved. Destiny and Hadrian waved back, and she

disapparated in a whirl of black smoke.

"Shall we, Miss Lestrange?" Hadrian asked formally, slipping on his

pureblood mask.

"Lead the way, Mr. Riddle." She replied, trying to stifle a laugh. Destiny

had been taught all the pureblooded traditions and proper etiquette by

Narcissa Malfoy as well. Now she could go from being a giggling eleven

year old girl, to a cold, elegant lady in less than two seconds.

They entered the station, hiding frowns at all the quirky muggles.

Hadrian's scowl deepened as he saw the large family of redheads bustling

towards the platform.

"Weaselys." Destiny whispered with disgust, following Hadrian's gaze.

Hadrian glared at the family of...well, too many to count. Those idiots

were the Lightest family after the Potters themselves. He noticed the only

girl Weasley, looking almost as annoyed as him. Hadrian smirked. A

Weasley annoyed by her family? It was unheard of.

Hadrian did not have the patience to wait as Mother Weasel checked over

all her babies. He ran into the barrier, and felt slightly dizzy before

steadying himself on his feet. Destiny came through next, almost crashing

into Hadrian. He concealed his smile at the Hogwarts Express. He had

finally made it.

Destiny spotted the Malfoys in the large crowd, and dashed off towards

them. Hadrian followed her, but at a much slower pace. Destiny gave

both Narcissa, and Lucius a hug. Lucius stiffened and glanced around

awkwardly. Hadrian wanted to laugh so bad at the surprised expression

on his face. Destiny said something to Mrs. Malfoy, and walked off to

greet someone else.

"Mrs. Malfoy." Hadrian greeted, leaning in and kissing her cheek.

"I'll be having none of that!" Narcissa chided, and pulled Hadrian into a

hug. Hadrian could feel the air being sucked out of him, and he groaned.

"Narcissa let go of him, you'll kill the boy." A deep voice spoke. Narcissa

reluctantly loosened her grip, and Hadrian took a deep breath. He had

never been more thankful to for Lucius in his entire life.

"Lucius. How are you today." Hadrian formally addressed the head of the

Malfoy family.

Lucius raised an eyebrow, "I do hope you are not planning to greet me

like you did Narcissa."

Hadrian laughed and shook his head. "Of course not Mr. Malfoy." He

replied smoothly.

"See, Draco? He's such a gentleman. Why can't you be more like

Hadrian?" Narcissa demanded, whacking Draco's head. Draco scowled

and rubbed his head, smoothing down his hair. Hadrian rolled his eyes at

the narcissistic blond.

"I presume your father has spoke to you about the latest plans." Lucius

drawled, pretending to look at the time.

"Mother-stop..Stop it! I'm fine. Would you stop that, woman!" Draco

grumbled slapping Narcissa's hands away from his wrinkle-free robes.

Lucius rolled his eyes and faced an amused looking Hadrian.

"He has. Everything is in order, yes?" Hadrian asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Lucius nodded crisply, and shook Hadrian's hand before turning away..

Hadrian smirked, Lucius Malfoy was about as affectionate as his own

father was.

"You best be boarding the train now." Lucius spoke in a silky voice. Draco

grinned, and pulled onto Hadrian's arm. Lucius frowned at his son's

obvious excitement. Hadrian was far more reserved.

"Be safe, dears." Narcissa whispered softly. Hadrian nodded, and stepped

onto the train. They walked through the halls, trying to find a suitable

compartment. Hadrian didn't see any of his friends, so they continued to

look for an open the back of the train, they saw Destiny sitting down

with her trunk already packed above.

She was lounged across a couple seats, and chatting with Daphne


"I see you're making yourself comfortable." He spoke loudly, effectively

startling Destiny. and Daphne. Destiny fell down from her seat, and

glared at Hadrian.

"Hello Daphne." Hadrian greeted, giving her a quick hug. She was a

pretty girl, and very smart. Hadrian had become acquainted with her

because of the constant balls and pureblood festivities that regularly took

place at Malfoy Manor. He slid onto a seat next to Daphne, and Draco sat

across from them.

"So, how was your summer?" Daphne asked sweetly, leaning back in her


"Boring." A voice responded. All four people turned to see Blaise Zabini

standing in their cabin. He stood tall and proud with dark hair and

crystal blue eyes. He easily placed his large wooden trunk on the rack

and brushed off his robes.

"Zabini. I didn't think you were going to make it." Hadrian addressed


"And yet, here I am." Blaise snapped. He settled onto a seat next to Draco.

"Whats got your knickers in a twist?" Draco asked.

"Mother got married again, and she wants me to meet her new idiotic

husband." Blaise huffed.

"Again?" Daphne repeated, in a disbelieving tone. Mrs. Zabini was a

beautiful lady, even at the age of 35. She had gotten married about seven

times, and mysteriously, every single one of her husbands ended up


"When do you think she'll murder him?" Draco mused out loud.

"I'd say around November?" Blaise guessed, cracking a smile. Mrs. Zabini

always married wealthy men, and although it was never confirmed,

everyone in the elite pureblood circles knew that she would later kill

them and take their money.

"December." Destiny corrected, having already seen it using her Seer

abilities. They all laughed, and Blaise was about to say something, but he

was cut off.

"The Chosen one is coming!" Someone shouted loudly. Hadrian did not

bat an eye, and instead turned to talk to Daphne.

"Excuse me. You all are in the compartment I wanted." A snotty voice

spoke, and Hadrian reluctantly turned around. He curled his lip in

distaste at the chubby Alexander Potter.

Hadrian raised an eyebrow cooly, and gestured outside the cabin. "Oh I'm

sorry. I didn't realize that you were blind and didn't notice all the other

empty compartments."

The Chosen one turned red, and spectators outside gasped. Alexander

Potter adjusted his glasses before glaring at him. "You've got some nerve,

taking the compartment I wanted."

"I guess I do."

"Haha. That was very funny." Alexander said sarcastically. "But really,

you need to move."

"And if I don't?" Hadrian challenged, standing up. Alexander backed away


"Get out of my compartment, before I hex you." Hadrian hissed, and

enjoyed the scared look on Potter's face as he scrambled out the door

muttering something that sounded awfully like "Evil Slytherins."

Draco was grinning widely, and Destiny burst out into laughter that was

almost as insane as her mother's.

"Well that was interesting." Daphne muttered, inspecting her perfectly

manicured nails.

"Who's up for a game of exploding snap?" Blaise offered, pulling out the

cards. It was an intense game, and the girls were just as competitive as

the boys. In the end, Hadrian won, although Destiny was very close.

Draco had a singed eyebrow, and was cursing under his breath. Blaise

was unable to stop laughing at him, which caused Draco to hex him.

Daphne rolled her eyes, and fixed his eyebrows with a wave of her wand.

Their chatter ceased as the door to the cabin slowly slid open, and a tall,

lanky boy was revealed. He blushed furiously.

"S-Sorry. I didn't know this cabin was filled." The boy stuttered, turning

to leave.

"Wait." Hadrian called out, causing the boy to freeze in place. "What is

your name?"

"Neville. Neville Longbottom."

"So you're a pureblood?" Draco assumed, raising an eyebrow. He had

been told of the Longbottom family, and how they were the only open

light side pureblood family.

"Y-yes. Is there something wrong?" Neville asked cautiously.

"Of course not, come sit. My name is Hadrian Riddle. This is Blaise,

Draco, Destiny, and Daphne." Hadrian spoke smoothly, and pointed to a

spot next to Blaise.

Neville looked startled at their strange kindness. Every other cabin he

had went into had snickered at him or hexed him out the door. Not

wanting to pass the opportunity up, Neville stumbled over to the seat.

"Why do you look so nervous? We won't bite. But, I make no promises

about Draco." Destiny laughed, and it sounded like tinkling wind chimes

to Neville. He slowly relaxed, but still fidgeted occasionally. Neville

fearfully glanced at the silver snake and shivered.

"I have been told I have absurdly sharp teeth," Draco admitted, "Perfect

for biting."

The entire cabin tried to muffle their snickers, including Neville. He

already liked these people and they treated him like he was one of their

best friends.

"I'm so excited to go to Hogwarts. My nana always told me I was a squib,

so when I got my Hogwarts letter it was a really big surprise! Even

though I barely have any magic, at least I'm here!" Neville exclaimed.

Draco stiffened and turned to look at Neville.

"Your grandmother thought you were a squib?"

"Yes. She doesn't like me very much." Neville explained, looking


"Well you got into Hogwarts, so you have magic inside of you." Blaise

pointed out.

Destiny was staring at Neville with a calculating look. Her big blue eyes

widened and she smiled warmly. "You actually have a lot of power, you

just haven't learned how to use it."

Neville scoffed. "I highly doubt that, since I can barely do any magic."

"One should never doubt a Seer, Longbottom." Draco said seriously.

"You're a Seer!?" Neville gasped. "Blimey, that's incredible!"

"She's right. You could be great, if you had the right influences, and

friends." Blaise hinted.

"Why are you being so nice to me? All the other kids laughed at me and

sent me away." Nevile said sadly.

"Do we need a reason? You seem like a nice kid, just a bit too jumpy and

nervous. We just need to toughen you up a bit, and they won't know

what hit them." Daphne smiled.

"I don't know...I'm not very good at anything." Neville mumbled. Hadrian

shot him a dark look.

"Stop doubting yourself. You are a great wizard, and you need to believe

that." Hadrian scolded.

It was in that moment, Neville Longbottom had an epiphany. He truly

was a strong, pureblooded wizard, and in the future he would become

even better. Hadrian Riddle and his friends had helped him realize this

within five minutes of meeting him for the first time. They had brought

him out of his quivering shell, and had treated him like one of their own.

From that moment on, Neville Longbottom knew he would be loyal to

these people no matter what. It was time to stop being the cowardly,

shaky little boy. Now it was time to start acting like the powerful wizard

we was, and show the world that he was worthy of being Hadrian

Riddle's friend.

Everyone noticed the immense change in Neville's attitude as he sat up

straighter and smoothed out his robes. His hands no longer shook, and

his eyes burned with fierce determination.

"I have a feeling we'll be great friends." Hadrian stated as he leaned back

in his seat

"You don't even need me to confirm that statement." Destiny smiled, and

Neville grinned. He didn't care that everyone on the train called these

people evil Slytherins, he didn't care that everyone was afraid of them.

They were the first people to welcome him so warmly, which was ironic

since Slytherins tended to be ice-cold. He wanted to be as smooth, and as

suave as them. Slytherins they may be, but they were his only friends.

"I don't mean to be rude, but everyone said you cursed Alexander Potter

because he was a halfblood? Is that true?" Neville asked.

Hadrian scowled. "No. I didn't do anything to him except glare at him.

The fool ran away himself. And I have nothing against halfbloods. Even

certain muggleborns are okay. I just don't like Potter and I hate muggles."

"But he's the Chosen One!" Neville exclaimed.

"Tell me Neville, why is he the Chosen one?"

"Because the prophecy say-"

"Did he do anything worth being worshipped? Have you even seen what

an idiot he is?"

"Well no, bu-"

"Exactly. Once he does something worthy, I might respect him. But until

then, he is a waste of space, and utter rubbish." Hadrian hissed angrily.

Neville stared at him with wide eyes.

"Calm down." Destiny whispered. Hadrian slowly began to relax, but he

could sill feel his blood boiling.

"No, he's right." Neville said quietly. "People who don't deserve respect,

shouldn't act as if they are entitled to it."

"Agreed." Draco and Blaise said in unison.

There was a knock on their door, and Blaise reluctantly opened the door.

"Anything from the trolly, dears?" A plump lady asked, gesturing to the

cart heavily laden with candy and junk food.

Blaise glanced back and raised an eyebrow.

"We'll take a couple of everything." Hadrian said firmly, reaching inside

his money pouch. "It's on me."

"We aren't poor Hadrian." Draco scoffed. "You don't have to buy us


Hadrian ignored him and proceeded to hand the lady some galleons. She

looked irritated at the large order, but still began to hand Hadrian the

candy. He dumped everything on the side table, and closed the door

before sitting back down.

"Just shut up and eat it." Hadrian commanded, after noticing that no one

had made a move to touch the candy. Blaise shrugged and began

chewing on a licorice wand.

"Neville, you can have some too. You're our friend now." Hadrian said.

Neville's face broke out into a wide grin, and he grabbed a chocolate


"Thanks Hadrian. And I'm really sorry about asking you about Potter."

Hadrian waved it off, and opened up a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour


He handed Draco an interesting green colored bean, while he tried an

orange-brown colored bean.

"Ick. It tastes like grass!" Draco made a face and wiped his tongue off


"Hhm. Mine was toast." Hadrian said. "Strange, but not completely bad."

Neville hesitantly tried one and luckily he got coconut. Blaise wasn't so

lucky, and ended up eating a spinach flavored one. Daphne did not want

to eat one, for fear of getting a disgusting flavored one. Instead, she and

Luna nibbled on sugar quills.

Their door slid open, and a girl slipped inside their compartment.

"Um hello?" Neville said, slightly annoyed by the girl abruptly stepping


"Oh, I'm sorry for just barging in."

"You should be." Draco grumbled. Her bright smile faltered, but she

ignored him.

"I just wanted to tell you that we very close to Hogwarts, so you might

want to change into your robes." She explained. "'But I can see you are

already changed. I'm Hermione Granger." She smiled widely.

Hadrian could see two of her front teeth were bucked-toothed. Her hair

was bushy and she had wild, untamed curls. She had wise eyes, and

Hadrian had a good feeling about this Hermione Granger.

"Pleased to meet you, Miss Granger." Hadrian spoke softly, grasping her

outstretched hand. Instead of shaking it, he brought it up to his lips and

gently placed a soft kiss on it. Hermione looked dazed for a second before

blushing deeply.

"I'm Hadrian Riddle. That lovely lady is Daphne Greengrass, and those

two are Neville Longbottom and Blaise Zabini. This is Destiny. And that

pompous blonde over there is Draco Malfoy. These are my friends."

Hadrian introduced. Daphne gave a small wave and Blaise shot her a her

a friendly wink. Neville smiled slightly, but Draco scrutinized her from

top to bottom.

"Granger. I don't believe I've heard of the Grangers." Draco thought out

loud, looking at Hermione for an explanation.

"That's because my parents are muggles. I'm muggleborn, you see."

"Charming." Draco said sarcastically, turning away.

"Ignore him, he just hates all muggles and anything to do with the

muggle world." Hadrian said sheepishly, glaring at Draco.

"What a coincidence. I hate muggles too." She said dryly.

"Really? But you grew up with them? How do you hate them?" Hadrian

asked with surprise. He wondered if Hermione had experienced

something similar to his time with the Dursleys.

"Oh thats a story for another day." Hermione whispered, almost sadly.

There was a small moment of silence before Draco spoke.

"What's this? A mudblood hating muggles?" He drawled out tauntingly. It

sounded eerily similar to Lucius's voice.

"Do you have a problem? I can understand if you're one of those sick

muggle loving fools, but I am entitled to my own opinion." Hermione said

haughtily, sticking her nose up in the air.

"How dare you! I am no muggle lover, nor a fool!" Draco hissed.

"It's like they're competing on who's more arrogant." Daphne whispered.

Hadrian stifled a laugh.

Hermione looked Draco up and down, before smirking slyly. "Could've

fooled me."

"You little-"

Hadrian covered Draco's mouth before he could say something highly

undignified. They both glared at each other and the tension was so thick

you could cut it with a knife.

"Won't you sit down, Hermione?" Hadrian asked. Draco groaned audibly

and rolled his eyes.

"I would love to." Hermione said, shooting daggers at Draco. She smiled

sweetly at Hadrian before sitting down gracefully next to him.

"So what house do you want? I myself prefer Gryffindor; the headmaster

himself was in that house. But Ravenclaw wouldn't be to bad either.

Anything but Slytherin."

Everyone in the cabin turned to look at her. Draco was seething under his

blank mask.

"What's wrong with Slytherin?" Daphne asked, narrowing her eyes.

"I read that everyone in Slytherin becomes a Dark wizard."

Draco glared at Hermione. He was starting to hate the mudblood more

and more.

"Don't believe everything you read." He growled. "I happen to know I'll

get into Slytherin. It is after all, the greatest house. They only accept the

best of the best."

Draco looked at Hermione with disdain, "Clearly, Slytherin won't be

accepting you, mudblood."

"What Draco is trying to say," Hadrian interrupted before either could

start another argument, "Is that Slytherin tends to have pureblood

students. They aren't all dark wizards, Hermione. Draco is right, you

shouldn't believe everything you hear. It is true that many of them have

become Dark wizards, but it was their choice. A wizard can become dark,

no matter what house they are in. You shouldn't go around saying such

things, otherwise people might get angry."

Hermione nodded with understanding. "I'm sorry, it's just some boy..I

think his name was Weasel? Yes, Weasel said that Slytherins were evil

too, so I thought I was right."

Blaise laughed. "She called Weasely, the Weasel! I don't care about your

blood, you are my new best friend."

Hermione smiled tightly, "I can't believe I listened to him. He looked

thicker than a troll and he even had dirt on his nose. Such filth."

"Tell me about it. This train is filled with filth." Draco smirked, and

glared at Hermione. Hadrian kicked Draco's shins, and shot him a

warning glare. Draco rolled his eyes, but reluctantly backed down.

Hadrian grinned as he saw the silhouette of the Hogwarts castle through

the window. He had finally made it to Hogwarts. After so many years of

training, Hadrian was finally going to show the world what he could do.

10. Finally (Part II)

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

There are some words copied from Harry Potter. Some ideas are also

from Pottermore to describe settings as much as possible. Once

again, I don't own Pottermore or Harry Potter.

Hogwarts [1991]

The train slowly came to a stop, and Hadrian stood up, stretching his

limbs. They were here. Finally. Hadrian, Draco, Blaise, and Neville

helped the girls with their trunks, and Hermione left to find her own


"Shall we?" Hadrian proposed. They exited the train, depositing their

trunks outside.

"Firs' years! Firs' years over hear!" A tall man was waving his hands with

a lantern as soon as they got off the train. Hadrian trudged over, and

everyone else followed him. The man was more like a giant, and had a

large, coal black beard. He spoke very roughly and directed all the 'firs'

years onto the boats.

"No more tha' four to a boat!" He hollered, stumbling around blindly.

Destiny giggled at the man, and it didn't take a genius to know what she

was thinking.

Hadrian, Destiny, Draco and Daphne all piled into one boat. Neville and

Blaise took a boat with Hermione, and Terry Boot. They rolled their eyes

as they saw a Weasley and Potter shrieking with excitement. When they

neared the castle, Hadrian did his best to not look like a gaping fish. It

was huge, and it was so mysterious and enchanting that even he was

compelled by it.

"Look Hadrian! Isn't it so exciting! The castle is beautiful!" Destiny

exclaimed, gazing up in awe.

"Its impressive." He said curtly. Daphne smiled knowingly at him, but

didn't say anything.

They reached the docks, and Hadrian helped Daphne and Destiny out the

boat. They entered the castle through large wooden double doors, and

Hadrian's eyes widened.

It was massive, almost as big as one of the ballrooms in Riddle Manor.

The staircases moved constantly, and portraits whispered amongst each

other. Hadrian's eyes fell on the all too familiar face of Lily Potter, and he

tried hard to look indifferent to her presence.

"This is the Entrance Hall. And this is Professor Lily Potter. She'll l wait

with yer for Professor McGonagall." The large oaf left abruptly, and the

green eyed lady turned to the first years.

"Hello, I am Professor Potter. I am the muggle studies teacher at

Hogwarts." She spoke softly.

Draco snickered, "Muggle studies. How useless."

Alexander Potter turned to Draco, and glared at him. "I know who you

are, Malfoy. My dad's told me about your Death Eater family."

Draco lunged, but was held back by Blaise and Neville. It may have been

true, but there was no reason to say it so degradingly.

Hadrian turned to Potter. "Don't assume things, Potter." His eyes flashed,

and Alexander Potter stepped back.

"Neville? Is that you? Why are you with them! They're evil Slytherins! All

of em'!" A redhead yelled loudly.

Neville glared coldly at him. "Don't insult my friends. Ever."

"You must be a Weasley." Blaise concluded. "Which one are you?"

"My name's Ron!" He growled angrily.

"My father told me the Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and more

children than they can afford." Draco sneered.

"Enough fighting children!" Lily Potter interrupted. She hadn't heard the

actual conversation, just the escalated voices. She gazed around the

room, and her eyes locked with Hadrian. Lily widened her eyes, and her

mouth opened slightly. Her hands began to shake and she walked closer

to Hadrian. She began to breathe frantically, and her arms shot out and

grabbed Hadrian.

"Harry? Harry is that you? You've come back! I've missed you so much!"

Lily Potter gasped, tightly hugging Hadrian as if her life depended on it.

Everyone was in shock as they saw Professor Potter latching onto the tall,

mysterious dark haired boy.

"Mummy! Let go of the evil kid!" Alexander Potter whined, pulling his

mother away. Hadrian glared coldly at her and brushed off his robes.

"I know I'm attractive, but do try to keep your mother off of me, eh

Potter?" He smirked. Alexander's scowled and pulled his mother away,

trying to calm down her hysteria.

"Harry! I'm so sorry! Come back to me! To your family! I miss you!" She

cried, trying to reach for Hadrian. Lily Potter was hyperventilating and

heaving with tears.

"Crazy woman." Neville muttered as he pulled Hadrian away from her

grasp. Hadrian smiled in thanks, but he still looked back to Lily Potter.

He didn't know how she recognized him since after the adoption

ceremony, his looks had changed. She was still sobbing, and Hadrian

hardened his eyes. Good. She should feel guilty, He thought.

"Professor Potter, control yourself! Dumbledore wishes to speak with you

in his office first thing in the morning." A sharp voice reprimanded. All

eyes turned to see a strict looking woman, with her greying hair in a tight

bun and spectacles on the bridge of her nose. She wore a pointed witch's

hat, and just her mere presence made everyone quiet. The woman sent

the crying Lily Potter away, and turned to the eager first years. She had a

strong Scottish accent when she spoke.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. I am Professor McGonagall. Now, in a few

moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates, but

before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are

Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here,

your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points.

Any rule breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the

house with the most points is awarded the house cup. You have a couple

minutes before you enter the Great Hall. I suggest you use these moments

to tidy yourselves up. The Sorting Ceremony will begin shortly."

She gave a disapproving glance to Weasley, who had dirt on his nose.

Hadrian smoothed down his already perfect hair and immaculate robes.

Draco, on the other hand, was fussing with everything, even his shoes.

"I heard that its a really hard test!" Someone whispered loudly, and Blaise

snorted in amusement.

Hermione was freaking out, whispering all the spells she already knew.

She turned to Hadrian and said. "What do you think it'll be? A couple

older students told me that we would have to fight a troll! I wonder what

spells I'll us-"

"You put on a hat, and it sorts you into your House." Hadrian cut her off.

"If they had you fight a troll, you would die in the first few seconds."

Draco mumbled. "On second thought..." He trailed off, glacing at the

translucent figures flying around.

"Ghosts!" Someone screeched, and Hadrian rolled his eyes. People

shrieked as the ghosts swooped down, and flew around the first years.

"Hope you'll be in Hufflepuff! My old house!" A fat ghost exclaimed.

Blaise snickered silently and Destiny made a gagging motion.

"Look! It's nearly headless Nick!" A student pointed to another ghost,

floating around.

"Nearly headless?" Hermione repeated in disbelief. "How can you be

nearly headless?"

The ghost grinned, and swung off his head, but not completely. Daphne

gasped, and made a face at the gruesome ghost.

"Be gone! The Sorting Ceremony is about to begin!" Professor McGonagall

said in a stern tone. She waved her hands, and the big oak doors of the

Great Hall swung open.

"Line up, single file." McGonagall said, leading the way through the Great

Hall. Everyone gasped, looking up at the large hall, with the clear, night

sky ceiling and floating candles.

"It's not real, the ceiling. It's bewitched. I read it in Hogwarts a History."

Hermione said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Hadrian didn't respond, and instead tried to keep a cool face, while

gazing around. It wasn't like anything he had seen before. Hogwarts

practically glowed with magic, and everything was fascinating.

Everyone's eyes were on the new first years and Hadrian made sure to

look poised and confident.

Hadrian noticed Dumbledore looked curiously at him, and he felt the

light probing of Legilimency in his mind. Hadrian clenched his fists, and

strengthened his Occulmency shields. He could feel Dumbledore being

snapped back, and he did not miss the wince on the old fool's face. The

first years all gathered around the front of the Great Hall, where a old,

worn out hat sat on a stool.

"Now before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few

words." Professor McGonagall announced.

Hadrian concealed his scowl as the stupid twit, Headmaster Dumbledore,

rose up from his chair in his festive red and brown robes. Daphne made a

disgusted face at the Headmaster's clothing choices and Draco did not

even try to hide the look of disdain on his face.

"I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce." Dumbledore

boomed, "The first years please note, that the Forbidden forest is strictly

forbidden to all students. Also our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to

remind you that the 3rd floor corridor on the right hand side, is out of

bounds, to everyone that does not wish to die a most painful death Thank

you." He sat back down, and all eyes turned to Professor McGonagall.

"When I call your name, you will come forth, and I shall place the sorting

hat on your head, and you shall be sorted into your houses."

The Sorting Hat opened its flap, and a rough, gruff voice came out:

Oh you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

if you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folks use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!

McGonagall cleared her throat, and announced the first name, "Abbot,


A chubby girl with blonde hair in pigtails, nervously stepped up and

carefully sat on the stool. McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat on her

head, and the girl fidgeted nervously. There was a brief moment of

silence, before the hat announced, "Hufflepuff!"

Blaise snickered under his breath, "What a disgrace."

The girl scampered off to the cheering table at the far right. Millicent

Bustrode, a slightly big girl with short straight hair, became the first


"Hermione Granger."

Hermione's eyes widened, and she muttered something quietly, taking

constant deep breaths. She almost ran up to the stool, jamming the hat

on her head.

Hermione bit her lip, and the Hat spoke to her: Hhm. Intelligent..Very

intelligent. Resourceful, yes. You're very ambitious aren't you? Slytherin might

just be the place...but no, you'd never be great in Slytherin. No, it shall be...


Hermione looked slightly disappointed that the hat hadn't placed her in

Gryffindor, but she smiled as the Ravenclaw table cheered for her.

Hadrian grinned, Hermione was perfectly suited for Ravenclaw.

"Greengrass, Daphne."

Daphne winked, and walked up to the stool. Hadrian could tell she was

nervous, but she didn't try to show it. Daphne smoothed down her hair,

and McGonagall placed the hat on her head. The hat took a couple

minutes, but declared her in "Slytherin!"

Daphne proudly sauntered to the Slytherin table. Their cheers were far

more reserved than the obnoxious cheering of the Gryffindors and


"Lestrange, Destiny?" McGonagall called, and her face paled slightly.

Hadrian could practically see the wheels turning in her head, connecting

Destiny to her mother.

McGonagall had a sour expression on her face when she placed the hat

on Destiny's head.

The hat was silent, for a brief period of time, but then it announced,


Destiny froze, and locked eyes with Hadrian. Her gaze was panicked and

she looked at her friends, almost pleadingly. Everyone was shocked, and

the Gryffindor table was for once, strangely silent. Many of the elder

years in Gryffindor had recognized her name upon hearing it, and they

wore cold glares on their faces. McGonagall snapped out of her surprise,

and hesitantly nudged Destiny towards the Gryffindor table. A slow clap

filled the room, and Hadrian saw that one of the Weasley twins had stood

up and clapped. The other twin stood up a second later, and clapped


The hall was silent, except for the cheers and claps of the two twins.

Hadrian smiled; he had never been so thankful for a Weasley in his life.

He saw Destiny sit down near the edge of the table, trying to ignore all

the harsh looks she was getting. She looked perfectly calm, although

Hadrian could tell she was breaking down inside. He gave her one last

sympathetic look, before turning back to face McGonagall.

McGonagall shook her head, as if trying to clear away her thoughts, and

called out the next name.

"Longbottom, Neville."

Neville casually walked up to the stool, and sat down. The hat looked to

be deep in thought: Interesting. Very interesting. Loyal..yes, almost to a

fault...but an unquenchable thirst to prove yourself...Very well then...

"Slytherin!" It shouted,

Neville looked startled, but hesitantly walked over to the Slytherin table.

The hall was silent once again. Some of the teachers at the High Table

gasped in surprise. The short Charms professor had even fallen off his

chair. Destiny smiled knowingly, although it was tinged with sadness and

some envy.

"Malfoy, Draco."

Hadrian clapped Draco on the back, and Draco swaggered up to the stool.

He sat down, and McGonagall reached for the hat. The hat didn't even

touch the young Malfoy's smooth blonde hair when it announced,


Draco smirked, and went to the clapping Slytherin table. Hadrian

exchanged a glance with Blaise. As if a Malfoy would belong anywhere


"Potter, Alexander."

Hadrian laughed as the chubby Chosen one ran up to the stool.

McGonagall placed the hat on his head, and it was almost dead silent.

After a few minutes, the hat frowned and shouted "Gryffindor."

The hall was filled with the loud cheers of Gryffindor. They drummed the

table with silverware, and whooped and screamed.

"We got Potter! We got the Chosen one!" The students in Gryffindor

chanted. Dumbledore smiled, and half-heartedly told everyone to settle


"R-Ri-Riddle, Hadrian." McGonagall stuttered. Her face drained of color,

and she looked frightened out of her mind. Hadrian strolled up to the

stool, and sat down. He strengthened his mental shields, and felt he could

feel the hat lower on his head.

I must praise you for your nearly indestructible Occulmency shields, but please

lower them. Everything I see, I have sworn to never repeat.

Hadrian reluctantly lowered his shields, and the Hat made a sound akin

to a gasp.

My, my Mr. Riddle. Or should I say Harry Potter? I was under the impression

you were dead.

"What fool thought I was dead? I can assure you, I am very much alive.

Now can you get along to sorting me?" Hadrian hissed in his mind.

Very well. You're very secretive aren't you? Hhm, difficult, very difficult.

Impressive mind. Plenty of courage, I see. Brave and daring too.

"If you sort me into that stupid house of ignorant fools I will stab you

with Basilisk venom and set you on fire." Hadrian warned threateningly.

"Someone's violent." The hat chuckled. "Don't worry. Gryffindor, while it

appreciates your qualities, is not the house for you. The Light Side is in for

quite a surprise, eh? We're expecting great things from you, Harry Potter. The

only house you belong in is...


Hadrian sighed with relief. He made his way to the Slytherin table, where

Draco had already saved him a seat. The Slytherins clapped modestly,

and welcomed him to their table.

"I had no doubts." Draco said, grinning widely. Hadrian smiled back, and

turned to see the Weasel get sorted into Gryffindor. Blaise was the last

person to get sorted, and he inevitably ended up in Slytherin.

McGonagall rolled the scroll back up again, and Dumbledore stood up.

"Let the feast begin!" He announced, waving his hands. Instantly, food

filled the tables. Hadrian was unimpressed since he regularly was treated

to such lavish meals at home. He scanned the Hall, and rested his eyes on

Professor Quirell. His father had placed Quirell at Hogwarts for a specific

job, but Hadrian did not know what it was. His eyes travelled to his

potions professor, Severus Snape. Snape looked almost the same, his

greasy bat-like hair falling to his shoulders. He was seated next to the

messy big drunken giant, Hagrid. Hadrian almost laughed at the crude

expression on Snape's face. The giant ate almost as disgustingly as Ronald

Weasley. Almost. Then again he couldn't blame Weasley. All the

Gryffindors ate like hideous pigs compared to Slytherin's perfect dining


All of them, except for Destiny. He cursed silently as he realized he

wouldn't be allowed to insult Gryffindors anymore. Hadrian glanced

Destiny with concern. She wasn't eating, just sadly pushing the food

around her plate. He noticed the Gryffindors were all ignoring her, and

the youngest Weasley was even laughing at her. Hadrian wanted to

strangle the Weasel till he turned blue.

Hadrian's attention hastily snapped back to his own table. He laughed

when Daphne slapped Blaise's hand away from eating another treacle

tart. She had a stern expression on her face that reminded him of

Narcissa. Hadrian was slightly surprised that Draco's two thugs, er-

blockhead 'friends', Crabbe and Goyle had been sorted into Hufflepuff.

Just the thought was hilarious.

Soon, the feast was over, and the Slytherin prefects led the way to the

Slytherin dormitories. Hadrian turned to wave goodbye to Destiny, but

she was already gone.

"Alright, try to keep up. Quickly now." The Slytherin Fifth year Prefect,

Lucian Boyle spoke roughly. He and the female prefect, Gemma Farley,

led the first years down several flights of stairs, to the Slytherin common


"Right here, behind the wall, is the entrance to the Slytherin common

room. The password is 'Serpent'. It changes every two weeks, so be sure

to check the notice boards for the new password. Don't forget the

password and don't tell anyone outside of Slytherin the password. Do not

bring anyone else inside out common room. No outsider has ever entered

our common room, and we intend to keep that record." Lucian said. He

whispered the password, and the large stone wall slid open.

They all walked inside the common room, gazing with interest at the

elegant surroundings. The room was long, and rectangular with a low

ceiling. It had a greenish glow to it, and all the furniture was expensive

and ancient looking. Hadrian identified one of the statues to be worth

around 1000 galleons. The floor was stone, and the air in the room was

chilly. Daphne rubbed her arms, and stared at the strange green fire in

the fireplace.

"Our common room is under the Black Lake. It gives our common room a

kind of mysterious, 'shipwrecked' look. Don't be scared if you see the

Giant Squid swooshing by through the windows. Also, it gets quite cold

in the winter, so I suggest you learn a body-warmth spell." Gemma


"These are the 6th year Prefects, Ophelia Ashworth, and Marcus Flint."

Lucian gestured to the two students sitting on the expensive upholstered

armchairs. Ophelia Ashworth stood up, and greeted the first years with a

warm smile. She was beautiful, with raven colored long hair, and

piercing blue eyes.

"Welcome to Slytherin. You are all standing here, because the Sorting Hat

saw the cunning, ambition, and resourcefulness that Salzaar Slytherin

himself desired to see in his students."

"You may have heard rumors about our house. How everyone in

Slytherin is evil, a dark wizard, or my personal favorite, a Death Eater in

training." Marcus Flint chuckled, revealing severely crooked teeth.

"Some of those things may be true. Most of you are pureblood, and some

of you come from openly declared Dark families. But know that you

weren't sorted into Slytherin because of your family, or its legacy. You

were sorted into Slytherin because you deserved the best. You all have

the potential to be great inside of you. Everyone in Slytherin is here for a

reason. Even if you think otherwise, keep it to yourself. " Lucian said.

"One of the greatest wizards of all time, Merlin himself, was in Slytherin!

Now would you rather be following in the footsteps of Merlin, or some

idiotic Gryffindor?" Gemma asked, although it was a rhetorical question.

"Slytherins stick together. We are usually the most respected, and the

most feared students. Take advantage of it. We have a reputation that we

will uphold no matter what, understand?" Ophelia stared pointedly at the

first years.

"Hufflepuffs aren't the only ones who value loyalty. Slytherins are always

loyal to each other. All petty arguments and disputes never leave the

common room. We are a united front. It doesn't matter if you absolutely

loathe one of your fellow Slytherins. Outside the common room, you will

act as if you are the best of friends." Flint stated firmly.

"Slytherins look after their own. We aren't like Ravenclaws, who step

over each other to get the best marks. We are brothers, sisters, a big

happy family." Gemma joked.

"Once you've become a Slytherin, you are automatically elite. Being in

Slytherin has its perks. Our house ghost, the Bloody Baron, may seem

terrifying, but he is the only one that can control Peeves the poltergeist.

This is why Peeves never bothers Slytherins. Just don't ask the Baron how

or why he has so much blood on his clothes, he hates it." Lucian


"Our dormitories are by far the best of all the houses. All the other houses

have shared rooms, but in Slytherin, everyone is entitled to their own

room. The boys first year rooms are all connected to each other. Same

with the girls. Slytherin is also the only House in which the girls and boys

dorms are not separate. We trust you to respect others privacy, and be

mature. Do not abuse this privilege otherwise it will be taken away."

Ophelia frowned.

"Our Head of House is professor Severus Snape. He teaches potions, and

expects perfection in everything. So word of advice? Pick up a book

before you enter his class and be sure to study hard. Potions is very

difficult." Flint said.

"Quite right, Flint." A silky voice spoke up, and every turned around.

Severus Snape stood straight in a rigid posture, and stared hard at the

first years.

"Every morning, you will report to the Great Hall for breakfast by 8 am. I

am well aware that class starts at 9 am, but we wish to avoid all the

chaos. Weekends are no exception." Severus scowled. Someone's raised

hand lowered, and Snape spoke again.

"You will always be early to classes. Socializing with friends can wait for

the evenings. Speaking of classes, you must always have above average

marks. If you are falling behind, ask one of your peers or the older

students. They will be happy to help, correct?" He glared at the prefects

and they nodded vigorously.

"I do not want to hear Minerva or Flitwick complaining about you during

staff meetings. Act mature, and do not make foolish, rash, Gryffindor

decisions. Think before you act. In case you haven't noticed, our table is

the most sophisticated of all others."

"Nighttime curfew is at 9pm for students below fourth year. This means

you should be in the Slytherin quarters. I do not care if you go to sleep,

or stay up all night. Just make sure you look presentable in the morning.

Appearances play a key part in Slytherin. Always look your best, no

matter if you are attending class or if you are eating supper.


Everyone nodded, and Snape turned to leave. "I know you are tired, so I

will let the prefects wrap up. Good Night."

The prefects turned to the first years, "Once again, welcome to Slytherin.

You are destined for greatness. Play your cards right, and one day you

will be admired, feared, and highly respected." They said in unison.

All the first years clapped, and the prefects led them to their rooms. Each

room had a large black door, with a silver plate with a student's name on

it. Hadrian found his room, and noticed it was between Draco and

Daphne's rooms. He slipped inside and smiled at the magnificent room. It

was fairly large for a dorm room. There was an ancient looking four

poster bed, with green silk hangings. The bedspread was pure black silk,

and embroidered with silver. It reminded Hadrian of his bed back home.

There were various tapestries hanging on the walls, and silver floating

lanterns that lit up the room. The room also contained a gleaming silver

fireplace, with the Slytherin green flames. Hadrian carefully rested his

wand on the table, and unpacked his trunk. He did a spell to hang up all

his clothes in the expertly carved black wardrobe.

He turned to the doorway, and decided his room needed some extra

protection. Hadrian mumbled some ancient runes that Nott Sr. had

taught him. Ancient Runes was practically the only thing that dimwit was

skilled in. He grinned with triumph as he saw the pale green ward shine

in his doorway.

Hadrian whispered a couple spells in parsletongue, and frowned when he

saw nothing happened.

I must be missing something, He thought to himself.

Hadrian sighed, how could he have forgotten the main source of magic

needed? Hadrian grabbed his wand, and configured up a knife. He

marveled at the perfect silver blade, and slashed open his palm.

He whispered in parsletongue, taking short breaths in between the fast

chanting. He could feel the pain slowly fading, and the red blood ward

getting stronger. Once all the pain had subsided, and the cut had healed

itself, Hadrian collapsed with exhaustion on his bed. It wasn't as

comfortable as his bed back home, but it would do. He closed his eyes,

relishing the darkness.

Hadrian fell soon fell asleep listening to serenity of the waves lapping

against his windows and the soothing sounds of the fire crackling in his


11. Time to Shine

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Slytherin Dormitory [September 2]

There was a loud pounding on his door, and Hadrian groaned sleepily.

"Wake up Hadrian! We have class!" Draco yelled. There was a slight

rattling of the doorknob, and Hadrian shot up. He pushed away the silk

sheets and yawned, rubbing his eyes .

"Don't come in, unless you want to die." He warned. Draco mumbled

something, and threw open the door. He was already dressed, complete

with the hair slicked back with gel. His robes donned the Slytherin crest,

and his tie was done perfectly.

"Quit being dramatic and get dressed."

"I'm serious. Here, throw that plant into my room." Hadrian said,

gesturing to the plant outside his door. Draco rolled his eyes, but tossed

the leafy plant into the room. His eyes widened as the plant burst into

flames, and crumbled to ash in a matter of seconds.

"It destroys any living thing that comes into my room without

permission." Hadrian explained, "It's a parslemagic blood ward."

Draco shook his head in disbelief, "Only you would set up a destructive

blood ward in your room. I don't even think the seventh years have this

kind of protection in their rooms."

"It's just a precaution!" Hadrian protested.

"Whatever. Get dressed! We have to report to breakfast in half an hour."

Hadrian sighed and rolled out of bed. His feet touched the stone cold

floor and he winced. He trudged into his own bathroom and went over to

the marble sink. The bathroom was large, but nowhere near as large as

his own bathroom at home. He splashed cold water on his face and

brushed his teeth. He smiled at himself in the mirror. He wasn't nearly as

vain as Draco, but even Hadrian knew he was good looking. Looks didn't

matter much to him, but he appreciated his own.

Hadrian took a quick shower, and did a spell to dry his hair. He combed

it neatly and then ruffled it up a bit. He grinned at his new robes with the

Slytherin crest. He put on the classic white button up shirt, the required

grey jumper vest, and grey trousers. Hadrian lastly slipped on the robes,

and did a charm so it would feel less itchy on his skin. He stepped into

his expensive black shoes, and quickly tied the laces. The traditional

silver and green tie laid on his bed, and Hadrian grabbed it and put it

around his neck. He wrapped a strand around the other, and tried to

twist it into a knot. He was confused when it looked like a large rumpled

blob. Hadrian felt a twinge of sadness, usually Narcissa or Destiny would

do his tie, but sadly neither were here.

He swallowed painfully as he thought of Destiny. He wondered how she

was coping with in Gryffindor. They probably were acting as if she didn't

exist. He didn't have a good feeling about her being in Gryffindor, but at

least it wasn't Hufflepuff. Hadrian shook off his thoughts, thinking he

would talk to her later today.

He didn't know what classes he had in the morning, since he hadn't

received his schedule yet. Hadrian grabbed his wand and scanned the

room to see if he was forgetting anything.

Can I come? Mercury hissed.

Hadrian debated for a second in his head, and shrugged. 'What could go


He nodded stiffly, and allowed Mercury to slither up his arm. His robes

covered up the snake, and you could only see a small outline of a snake,

if you looked very closely.

He opened the door and walked out, locking it with his wand. He walked

casually to the common room, and noticed that all his friends were

waiting for him.

"We've been waiting here forever!" Blaise complained upon seeing

Hadrian enter. Hadrian rolled his eyes and sat down on the soft green


"Hadrian!" A soft voice yelled. Hadrian glanced up and met Daphne's

disapproving glare.

"What?" He snapped irritably. It was safe to say, Hadrian was not a

morning person. Like most Slytherins, he was a fan of the night, when

darkness took over.

"Your tie!" She replied in an acidic tone, yanking him up from his

comfortable spot on the couch. She mumbled something incoherently and

redid his sad excuse for a tie. After looking satisfied, she scrutinized

Hadrian from top to bottom.

"Your shoe is also untied." Daphne said, pointing to his shoes. "Surely you

at least know how to tie your shoes."

Hadrian made a face, but leaned down and retied his shoes. Draco was

smirking at him, while Neville looked uncomfortable.

"Lets go before Snape yells at us." Neville said quickly. Hadrian and

Draco exchanged a look and laughed.

"Don't worry Severus won't get angry."

"How do you know?"

"Well, for starters, he is my godfather." Draco explained.

"And he wouldn't want to make my father angry." Hadrian added.

"Didn't Draco say you were an orphan?" Neville asked, raising an

eyebrow. Hadrian stumbled slightly, a mistake that would go unnoticed

by anyone...except a Slytherin. Neville definitely noticed, and his

suspicions heightened.

"Did I say father again? Sometimes I refer to Draco's father as my own.

I've known the Malfoys since forever." Hadrian lied smoothly. But it did

not convince Neville, for he still looked skeptical.

"I'll tell you the truth when the time is right. We aren't in private, and I

would like you to keep this conversation to yourself." Hadrian hissed, so

low that only Neville could hear. Neville looked at the curious faces in

the Slytherin common room, and nodded crisply.

The group walked out of the room, and navigated through the halls of

Hogwarts. Hadrian noted that not many people were around the castle

this early. It was serene, and quite peaceful without the bustle of students

rushing around. Hadrian pushed open the large wooden doors of the

Great Hall and strolled in with the rest of his friends in tow. Hadrian

locked his gaze with his Head of House, Severus Snape. Snape nodded

stiffly, acknowledging their presence. Hadrian discovered that the entire

Gryffindor table was empty, save for one Destiny Lestrange. She sat

alone, sadly nibbling her toast. The goblet of pumpkin juice next to her

laid untouched.

Hadrian immediately changed his direction, and strolled over to the

Gryffindor table. Destiny almost choked when she saw Hadrian slide

himself next to her, and she dabbed her mouth daintily with a napkin.

"Yes?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

"Good morning. How was your night in Gryffindor?"

"Why are you still talking to me? You hate Gryffindors." Destiny stated,

turning her head away. Hadrian laughed and tugged on one of her curls


"Did you really think I was going to ignore you because you got sorted

into Gryffindor?"


"Too bad. You can't get rid of me that fast." He grinned widely. "Destiny,

you're my sister. I'm not going to hate you if you're a Gryffindor. Besides,

you're only a Gryffindor in Hogwarts. When we leave, you're back to

being Bella's perfect daughter." Hadrian pointed out.

"Mum." Destiny repeated, her face paling. Her face flooded with shame

and she dropped her head into her hands. "She's going to hate me."

"Calm down." He said in a soothing tone, patting her back. "Bella loves

you no matter what. Remember? You're her little dark angel." He

snickered at the nickname Bellatrix often called Destiny.

"She's still going to be angry. I've seen it." Destiny mumbled sadly.

"Speaking of you seeing things, why couldn't you see the hat would put

you in Gryffindor? Didn't you try to change it?" Hadrian asked, trying to

change the subject.

"Your father asked me to be sorted into Gryffindor." Destiny replied

looking at the mahogany table.

"My father? Why?"

"He said I would attract less attention if I was in Gryffindor. Also I could

keep an eye on Potter and the rest of the Order members." She whispered

softly, after checking no one was within hearing distance.

"So you're a spy?"

Destiny nodded stiffly and took a sip of her juice. "How's Slytherin?"

"The best." Hadrian responded cheekily. He glanced around before his

tone turned serious, "How are those Gryffindorks treating you?"

Destiny's hand stabbed her fork into her breakfast viciously. Her knuckles

were white from gripping the fork so hard.

"They called me a Death Eater, and insulted Bella so many times. One of

the girls even put a live rat under my pillow." Destiny said in a shaky

voice, but her face was void of any emotion.

"Those bastards." Hadrian growled, and stood up abruptly. They didn't

even know her, and yet they were acting as if she was the worst person to

exist. It didn't matter that she probably would become one of his father's

death eaters. She was still a human being. And no one deserved to be

treated that way based on silly prejudice. And a rat? She was in their

own house for Merlin's sake! Why would they ever do that?

Destiny yanked his hand and pulled him back down roughly, "Stop it.

You're making a scene. Besides they aren't all that bad."

He gave her a disbelieving look.

"I'm serious. The two older Weasels, Fred and George. They aren't bad.

They promised to help me get those awful girls back. And they have

pretty hilarious pranks." Destiny insisted.

"You're on first name basis with Weasleys?!" Hadrian looked horrified.

"Stop it! I told you they are perfectly fine. If it makes you feel better, I

think they're Slytherins in a lion's disguise."

"No Slytherin would ever wear a lion's disguise." Hadrian muttered.

Destiny whacked his arm, "You know what I'm trying to say. Besides,

they seem much darker than any other Weasel."

Hadrian cocked an eyebrow. "Are you telling me that two of the

Weasley's seem slightly dark to you?" He had an amused look on his face

at the mere idea of a dark Weasley.

"No," Destiny said, her eyes locking on the group of Gryffindor's entering

the Great Hall, "I'm saying they're different from the other Weasels. Their

minds are definitely more mischievous than the rest."

Headmaster's Office [September 2]

Dumbledore leaned back in his desk chair and took a deep breath. His

hands were clasped and his usually twinkling eyes were dull. He locked

his gaze with the petite redheaded professor across from him.

"You wished to see me headmaster?"

Dumbledore nodded slowly, but was otherwise silent. Lily opened her

mouth, but her voice was cut short as the bright green flames lit up the

fireplace and her husband stepped out. James Potter dusted off his robes

and flicked away the small amount of soot lodged in his dark, untamed

hair. Both Potters looked surprised to see each other. James embraced his

wife, ducking down to press a kiss on her cheek before sitting down lazily

a chair.

"Lemon drop?" Dumbledore offered, sliding a dish of pale yellow candies

towards the couple. James eagerly grabbed a handful, but Lily politely


"Why am I here? And why is James here?" Lily asked bluntly.

"This is about your breakdown last night upon seeing one Hadrian

Riddle." Dumbledore explained.

Lily stood up abruptly and slammed her hands onto the mahogany desk.

"That was Harry. My Harry. Harry Potter."

James stiffened, "Harry's back?" He was fidgeting uncontrollably and

shifting nervously.

"No. He isn't back."

"Yes he is! I saw him with my own eyes!" Lily argued.

James placed a comforting hand on her arm, "Honey, Albus must be

right. You may have seen a boy that looked like Harry, but I don't think it

was Harry."

Lily shook his hand off, ignoring the hurt look on James's face. "He's

back! I know it!"

"Lily, Harry Potter has not come to Hogwarts. He never will!"

Dumbledore insisted firmly.

"What do you mean 'he never will'?"

Dumbledore froze and involuntarily his gaze landed on the concealed

book on the high shelf.

"Are you trying to say he went to a different magical school?" James

prompted further.

Lily narrowed her eyes, scanning the Headmaster's face. "Albus, where is

my other son?"

Dumbledore paled. This was the very moment he had been dreading for

so long. He had hoped that he never would have to reveal the truth, but

it was wishful thinking.

"Harry Potter will never attend Hogwarts, or any other magical school."

"Are you saying he's a squib?" James interjected with a confused

expression on his face.

"Let him finish, James!" Lily scolded, looking expectantly at the


Dumbledore cleared his throat uncomfortably, "Harry James Potter is


Silence engulfed the room touching every available surface. Lily seemed

to stop breathing, and even the chirping Phoenix halted its cheerful song.

"What do you mean, dead?" Lily asked in a cold voice. James winced at

the harsh tone, and shrunk back in his chair.

"He is no longer alive. He's gone."

"How could you let this happen?!" Lily exploded, causing the nearby

plant to burst into flames.

"How long have you known?" James asked cautiously.

Dumbledore seemed to squirm and sink deeper into his chair, "Almost

eight years."

"And you never told us? Why the hell did you keep this from us?! You

never thought we would like to know?" Lily shrieked angrily.

"Eight years..." James sucked in a sharp breath, "that was the around the

time when we left him with Lily's sister."

"I knew it was a bad idea. Petunia never appreciated any form of magic.

Why did I trust that horrid cow to take care of my Harry?!" Lily

whispered, unable to fight back tears.

"Why didn't you tell us?" James asked. But he knew the answer as soon as

the question rolled of his tongue.

"Because our only hope of deaf eating the dark lord is Alexander. And he


"Our full attention." James finished. He understood why the Headmaster

was keeping this secret from them, and frankly, James appreciated it. He

knew everything would've gone even more slowly if Lily kept grieving

and mourning Harry's death during training.

"It doesn't matter! You should've told us! We deserved to know!" Lily


"Lily, calm do-" James started.

"Don't tell me to calm down! You bring him back Albus!" Lily hiccuped

stabbing a finger towards the guilty Headmaster. "Bring him back!"

She crumbled down in her chair, and her small frame shook with sobs.

James hesitantly rubbed her back trying to comfort her, but it was to no


"How did he die? Do you even know where he's buried?" Lily choked out

through her heavy tears.

Dumbledore looked somber as he shook his head.

"Maybe he's still alive?" James suggested wistfully.

"He's dead, James! He's dead! My baby's gone! All because of me!"

James nervously adjusted his collar. "I think we should be going now,

Albus. Is it alright if Lily takes a short break from teaching?"

"Of course, James. Take all the time you need."

Transfiguration Classroom [September 2]

"Stupid Dumbledore and stupid house unity." Blaise mumbled as his quill

scratched across the paper. Hadrian stifled a laugh but tried to contain

his mirth when the grey cat turned its eyes on him. They had all groaned

at breakfast when their timetables were handed to them. Today they had

transfiguration with the Gryffindors, and double potions with the

Ravenclaws and Gryffindors.

In Transfiguration, they were currently copying down notes for

transfiguring a matchstick into a needle. McGonagall suggested that if

they finished the notes, they could try to perform the spell themselves.

Hadrian rolled his eyes at the simple task; he could do it in his sleep. But

sadly his father had forbidden him from showing off, so he had to at least

look like he was trying.

Suddenly the doors burst open and Potter and the Weasel ran through.

They were panting and heaving by the time they settled into two open

seats in the back.

"Thank Merlin McGonagall's not here! Could you imagine the look on her

face if she saw us come in late?" The Weasel sighed in relief. Hadrian

almost snorted in amusement. The grey cat's whiskers twitched and it

leaped off the desk. Within seconds, Professor McGonagall stood in place

of the cat. Hadrian couldn't contain his chuckle as the Weasel's face

turned white as a sheet. McGonagall even threatened to turn them into a

pocket watch and a map if they were ever late again. 'Note to self,'

Hadrian thought 'Don't be late to class.'

He finished with his notes and neatly packed up his quill and ink. He

flipped through the transfiguration textbook, and memorized some spells

that would be useful later. Hadrian was deeply absorbed in the text,

which was why he did not notice McGonagall till she slammed his book


"What are you doing?" She asked sharply. "Why aren't you taking notes or

practicing the transfiguration?"

"I finished the notes." Hadrian replied. He shot Potter a glare when the

brat had the audacity to laugh.

"Then attempt the transfiguration!" McGonagall said, her voice laced with


"I already know how to do it." Hadrian explained impatiently, trying to

reach for his book.

"Well then, you won't mind showing the entire class, will you?"

McGonagall raised an eyebrow. "Class, watch Mr. Riddle attempt to

transfigure the matchstick."

All eyes were on him as Hadrian smoothly stood up and walked to the

front of the class. He held himself with a certain air of confidence that

everyone admired. He shot a wink at Destiny and pulled out his wand.

Screw his father's orders. Hadrian would show her exactly how powerful

he was.

He muttered the incantation clearly and swished his wand. There were

several intakes of gasps as the matchstick turned into a perfect silver

pointy needle. Hadrian smugly returned to his seat, grabbing his textbook

out of McGonagall's hands. The Slytherins clapped loudly and Potter and

Weasley scowled.

Minerva McGonagall pursed her lips, and grudgingly felt her respect

grow for the dark haired boy with startling green eyes. "Ten points to

Slytherin." She mumbled almost inaudibly.

Potions Dungeon [September 2]

After lunch, the Slytherins had potions with the Gryffindors and

Ravenclaws. Draco was itching with anticipation since it was well known

that Professor Snape despised Gryffindors. The dungeons were cold, and

dreary looking. Hadrian chose to sit next to Hermione and they were

currently setting up his cauldron.

The door slammed open with a loud bang, and Professor Snape strode

briskly into the room. All eyes were on him and his majestically

billowing robes. Hadrian wondered if it was a spell. The Potion Master's

eyes were as dark as ever, and they narrowed into slits upon surveying

the room.

"There will be no foolish wand waving here." He muttered in a smooth

voice that sent chills up everyone's spines.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion making,"

he began slowly. He spoke in a low voice, and everyone had to lean

forward to catch his every word.

"I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly

simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of

liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring

the senses." He paused.

"I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death - if

you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."

"Potter!" Snape said suddenly. "What would I get if I added powdered

root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood." Hermione's hand shot up

into the air, but Snape ignored her.

Potter flushed with embarrassment, "I don't know."

Snape's lips curled into a sneer. "Clearly, fame isn't everything." He


"Let's try again. What is a bezoar?" Hermione's hand was waving in the

air and she was stretching it as high as it would go.

"I don't know, sir." Potter mumbled.

Snape shot her a cold glare. "Sit down." He snapped.

"Thought you wouldn't open a book before coming, eh, Potter."

Alexander Potter stared at his desk, trying not to look the greasy potions

master in the eye. He was almost quivering with fear.

"What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane."

"I said I don't know, okay!" Alexander huffed. "Why don't you ask

Granger. She seems to know the answer." This statement caused some

people to laugh, and Hermione shrunk down in her seat.

Snape was not pleased, at all. "Ten points from Gryffindor for not making

the effort to study beforehand." He paused before smirking maliciously.

"And another ten points for your cheek, Mr. Potter."

"Hadrian, would you tell Potter what you would get if you added

powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Hadrian smiled, "Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so

powerful that it is known as the Draught of Living Death."

"Draco, what is a bezoar?"

"A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you

from most poisons." Draco recited perfectly.

"Mister Longbottom, what is the difference between monkshood and


Neville gulped, and racked his mind for the answer. He had taken Flint's

advice and studied some of his potions textbook last night before bed.

"Excuse me, sir. But aren't monkshood and wolfsbane the same plant? It

can also be called Aconite." Neville said cautiously. Snape nodded and

Neville sighed in relief.

Severus Snape whipped his head around to face the rest of the class.

"Well. Why aren't you all copying that down." He barked. Everyone

instantly seemed to snap out of their frozen states of fear as they

rummaged around for quills and parchment.

"Thirty points to Slytherin for actually being prepared." Snape added over

the noise.

The rest of the potions lesson was spent in copying down the notes for

the potion of the day: Cure for Boils. When Hadrian finished copying

down the directions, he turned to Hermione.

"Look, I know you're a Ravenclaw and intelligence and brains are things

you value. But word of advice? Don't be such a know-it-all." Hadrian said

bluntly. He studied his perfect nails as Hermione sputtered.

"Excuse me?" Hermione spoke in a shrill voice.

"Ssh. Speak in a whisper unless you want to get caught by Snape."

Hadrian whispered as he crushed the snake fangs. "Hermione I know

you're very smart. You know you're very smart. Even the teachers already

know you're very smart. You don't have to keep proving it. Save it for

later, when it counts."

Hermione bit her lip thoughtfully, "What exactly do you mean?" She held

her breath as Snape passed by their brewing table. He glanced briefly at

their potion, and there was a hint of a smile. Hermione wasn't sure if she

was hallucinating from the fumes in the room, or not.

Snape walked around, criticizing everyone's potions, except for certain

Slytherins. There was a loud hissing noise and they both turned to look at

a Gryffindor that had caused his cauldron to explode. Snape frowned at

the twisted blob of a cauldron and the bright green potion seeping across

the dungeon floor. He angrily muttered a spell and the potion vanished.

But the boy brewing the potion was now covered in angry red boils, and

Snape ordered a random Ravenclaw to take him to the hospital wing. His

hooded gaze turned to Weasley who was laughing, and Snape snarled.

"Thought you would be funny, Weasley? Thinking it would make you

look good if your housemate's cauldron exploded in his face? Another ten

points from Gryffindor!"

Weasley turned red, and he started to stutter in protest. Snape simply

raised an eyebrow, "Shall I make it twenty points?" Weasley shook his

head and reluctantly backed down, choosing to sulk in his seat.

Hadrian laughed quietly, and added the horned slugs. "No one likes a

know it all. Even if you know the answer, don't be so zealous about it. Let

others have a chance, since you already know the correct answer. You'll

earn much more respect if you are silently clever."

Her eyes lit up, "Respect? People will respect me""

Hadrian nodded, "The true intelligent people don't need to remind people

how smart they are. Everyone should already know."

"You're right!" Hermione grinned as she stirred the potion clockwise,

making sure to count to five. She paused as the potion simmered. "Can I

tell you a secret?"

Hadrian nodded, urging her to continue.

"I just want to prove myself. I know that a lot of people think I don't

belong here, and I want to prove them wrong. Just because I'm a

muggleborn doesn't mean I can't do the same things as a pureblooded

wizard. I mean, aren't we all equal in some way? We all have magic.."

She said in a hushed tone.

"No offense, but certain muggleborns are completely thickheaded. They

barely have more magic than squibs and muggles." Hadrian pointed out.

"Yes, I know. They don't deserve to have magic if they don't work on it.

The wizarding race will start to diminish if we have muggleborns who

refuse to strengthen their magic." Hermione muttered. Her eyes widened

and her hands flew up to her mouth. "I didn't mean that!" She gasped.

Hadrian shot her a sly smile, "But it's true."

12. Gryffindor Instincts

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Flying Class [October 30]

Piercing green eyes locked with chocolate brown ones. The green eyes

hardened, and seemed to stress a message. A simple, but deadly "Beware".

Unfortunately, the brown eyed one did not understand, and instead

stared back with the same amount of animosity.

The shrill noise of a whistle caused the boy with the brown eyes to break

his focus and blink. His nervous gaze shot back to the green eyed boy

across from him, and he shuddered involuntarily.

Unknown to the brown eyed boy, the regal looking boy across from him,

the one he was looking at with such hostility, was his own brother. They

shared the same blood, the same mother, even part of the same flesh.

Yet, sadly, both wished for the other to die a horrible death.

It had only been a month, but the two boys had become enemies. Their

rivalry went beyond the typical Slytherin vs. Gryffindor rivalry. Hadrian

Riddle vs. Alexander Potter. One of the boys knew little about why this

rivalry was filled with such hatred. The other knew too much.

Every little task was a competition. Every single win and loss was

significant. Flying lessons provided a key opportunity for another small

competition, and neither would give up the chance.

"Now stand to the right of your broom, hold your hand over it, and say

'Up'. The broom should shoot up into your hands. Keep trying until you

have it." Madame Hooch, the instructor, called out. Neither boy listened

to her directions because they had been riding brooms since forever.

Instead they glared at each other with resentment and a silent, mutual

understanding passed through them. This was another contest.

Each held a hand above their broom, and commanded, "Up."

The broom shot up into the hand of the green eyed boy. He assessed it

with a calculating gaze. It was an old broom, and it probably wouldn't go

as fast as the broom he had at home. The twigs were brittle, and the

handle had a fair share of splinters. Obviously, it hadn't been well cared

for. He glanced to his right and saw that his best friend, Draco Malfoy,

was also looking at his broom skeptically.

To his left, Blaise Zabini already had the broom in his hands, but his

attention was directed elsewhere. Blaise Zabini was looking at Ron

Weasley, Potter's sidekick, with a mischievous grin. With an inaudible

whisper and a flick of his wand, Blaise Zabini smacked the handle of

Weasley's broom onto his nose. The redhead howled in pain and clutched

his nose, the broom long forgotten. Blaise laughed loudly, but quickly

stashed his wand back into his robes.

Hadrian turned back to Potter and saw that he also had his broom at the


"Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. Grip

it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle,

I want each of you to kick up off the ground, hard. Keep your broom

steady, hover for a moment, and lean forward slightly, and then touch

back down. 3...2..."- Madame Hooch began to say,

She stopped abruptly as she saw a certain blonde haired girl rise off the

ground, slowly, then faster and faster. "Miss Lestrange! Get down here

this instant!"

Destiny Lestrange whimpered and shut her eyes tightly. She hated

heights with a passion. Her hands clenched around her broom as she

willed it to stop,, but to no avail. Hadrian had taught her a couple things

about riding a broom, but her mind was blank. All she could think about

was the amount of space between her and the ground. One small twitch

would have her falling to her death.

Meanwhile, while everyone was looking up, Hadrian scanned the crowd

for the real culprit. Brooms didn't just jet off like that. His accusing gaze

landed on an unknown Gryffindor with brown hair. Hadrian hissed under

his breath and shot a silent stinging hex at the boy. He took immense

pleasure in seeing the boy drop his wand in a mixture of pain and shock.

He noticed Destiny trying to look into the future, to see all the possible

outcomes of her current predicament. But before he even had time to pull

his wand out to help her in case she fell, Destiny was swerved off her

broom, and fell into a heap on the soft grass. Everyone winced as they

heard the resounding crack of a bone. Hadrian pushed his way to the

front of the kids surrounding Destiny, and helped Madame Hooch lift

Destiny up.

"Alright, I'm taking her to the hospital wing. If anyone even thinks about

flying without my presence, you'll be out of Hogwarts quicker than you

can say quidditch. Understand?" She didn't even wait for a reply as she

levitated Destiny.

When she was no longer visible, Hadrian noticed Potter pick something

off the ground. His eyes narrowed when he saw the glass remembrall that

Narcissa had sent Destiny that morning. Potter seemed to realize exactly

what is was and he tossed it around casually.

"Give it here, Potter. It isn't yours." Hadrian warned.

"And what are you going to do about it?" Potter taunted, his brown eyes

glinting. He rose up on his broom, ignoring the gasps.

"Don't make me fight you for it."

"You want it so bad, hm?" Potter pretended to think for a moment.

"Alright then, catch!" He shouted as he threw the small glass globe across

the air.

Hadrian could see it falling quickly, and against his better judgement, he

climbed onto his own broom. He leaned forwards, and the broom

lurched. He was going so fast that he almost snapped off Potter's hand.

His sharp eyes saw the ball was about to crash onto a window, and he

tilted forward on his broom even further. He felt himself flip over, and

Hadrian reached out his arm, grabbing the small glass globe in the

process. He made his broom stop about an inch short of the window. One

more inch and he would have smashed right through the window.

Hadrian winked at Snape's startled face in the glass. He turned back

around, and made his way to the cheering crowd of kids waiting for him.

Surprisingly, even some of the Gryffindors were cheering for him.

Hadrian flashed a smile, and carefully pocketed the small round globe.

His grin was bigger than Potter's scowl. Draco clapped him on the back

and Blaise started up a chant for him.

"What do you think you're doing?"

The loud cheers faded away, and the students faced an enraged Madame

Hooch. Hadrian knew Potter was smiling smugly, even without turning

around. How badly he wanted to wipe it away. And possibly, somehow,

cause extreme pain to Potter in the process. Just maybe.

"Well you see-" Hadrian began

Madame Hooch held up a hand, stopping Hadrian effectively. "I have

heard enough."


"How long have you been flying?"

Hadrian almost bit his tongue off in surprise, but he stammered, "Since

before I can even remember."

Madame Hooch seemed to accept that answer. Her brows were furrowed

with concentration. When the bell rang, Madame Hooch finally spoke. "I

will write you a pass for your House quidditch tryouts. You better be


Hadrian smirked internally, "It would be my honor."

He turned around as was pleased to see that the smug look on Potter's

face had completely vanished.

Charms Classroom [October 31]

"Class, settle down!" The short charms professor spoke loudly. His

cheerful voice echoed throughout the large, open room. It took a couple

moments, but eventually everyone ceased their whispers and giggles,

turning their full attention to the Professor.

"Today, we will be working on the levitation charm. Does anyone know

the name of this charm?" Professor Flitwick asked.

Hesitantly, Destiny Lestrange raised her hand. Flitwick nodded warmly at


"The levitation charm is called, Wingardium Leviosa." She stated clearly.

"Very good, Destiny. Ten points to Gryffindor."

Destiny smiled and resumed doodling on her notes. The slightly chubby

redhead seated next to her rolled his eyes and shot an annoyed look at

his best friend across the room. Destiny did not seem to notice, but

Hadrian Riddle sure did. His bright green eyes flashed and his anger

bubbled underneath the cool mask he wore. Enough was enough. Weren't

Gryffindors supposed to stick together and be loyal and all that other

rubbish? His dear sister had come running to him almost everyday in

tears because of a stunt one of her fellow Gryffindors had pulled.

Hadrian sneered. Gryffindor loyalty. What complete and utter rubbish. He

supposed he could do something about it, make them pay for their

heinous wrongdoings, But alas, he would attract too much attention to

himself, and that would cause his father to be very angry.

Thankfully, he knew that the Weasley twins were looking out for her. At

least not all Gryffindors were so prejudiced and vengeful. He had to

admit, the twins weren't so bad. Their pranks were almost Slytherin like,

and something keen to cunning gleamed in their eyes. Not to mention,

they stopped at least half the pranks her housemates were itching to do.

Perhaps Destiny had been right about them. Maybe not all Gryffindors

were awful.

"Stop waving your wand around like that. You'll poke someone's eye out!"

Hadrian slightly turned his head to see Destiny scolding the Weasel. He

concealed a smirk and turned to assist Neville, like he had grown

accustomed to doing in the past few weeks. To his surprise, Neville had

already mastered the spell and was lazily floating his feather around the

classroom. Hadrian grinned with pride. Countless hours of studying and

practicing magic had made Slytherin in first place for the running of the

house cup. After all, his own inner circle had to be strong in order to gain

more followers.

He effortlessly glided his own feather through the air and chuckled when

he saw Ronald Weasely having trouble with his feather. Another

Gryffindor accidentally caused his feather to burst into flames. Hadrian

was pleasantly surprised to notice that although Alexander Potter could

cast the spell, he seemed to be concentrating furiously to keep the feather

in the air.

"Stop it! Stop it! You're doing it all wrong! Its Wingaridum Leviosa- not

Wingaridum levios-aah!" Destiny berated harshly. She demonstrated the

wand movement to Weasley, and shook her head once more when he got

it wrong.

"Well if you're so smart, then why don't you do it!?" Weasel snapped, his

face turning an angry shade of red.

"Fine." She huffed, and whipped out her wand. Destiny pointed her wand

at the pure white feather and said, "Wingardium Leviosa."

The feather instantly rose, shooting up to the dome ceiling of the room.

Destiny flicked her wrist and the feather twirled in mid-air. She enjoyed

the feeling of power running through her veins upon having control of

the feather. She let it float for a minute before moving her wand quickly,

and causing the feather to twist tightly around itself till it plummeted

down to the ground.

"Very good! Take another ten points for Gryffindor!" Flitwick praised.

Destiny grinned smugly and stuck her tongue out at the Weasel

childishly. He was seething in his seat wanting to strangle her.

The bell rang and everyone packed up their things, pushing each other

over to get out of the classroom. According to Blaise, this was the last

class of the day because of the Halloween feast taking place that evening.

Hadrian looked for Destiny, and narrowed his eyes as he saw Potter and

his cronies approaching her. They seemed to be saying something vicious

to her, judging by their crude mocking and jeering. He angrily strode

over to them, faintly aware of Draco and Neville following him.

"Is there a problem here?" Hadrian said in a falsely pleasant tone. The

Gryffindor boys looked startled, but it quickly changed to looks of


"Go away, Riddle. This is Gryffindor business." Potter barked, turning

back to Destiny. He seized her arm roughly and drew his wand, pointing

it at her face. Destiny whimpered, and tried to squirm out of his grip.

"Let. Go. Of. Her." Hadrian hissed each word clearly. He forcefully

removed Potter's hand and slapped the wand out of his grasp. It cluttered

onto the floor with a loud clanking noise, and rolled into the crowd of


Alexander Potter glared at Hadrian and grabbed the wand of Ronald

Weasley. He shoved it towards Hadrian, expecting him to back away.

When he didn't, Potter quickly switched his aim to Destiny and growled,


Almost instantly, she rose up in the air hung by her ankles. She kicked

and screamed in the air and tried not to burst into tears. Destiny hated

their laughter, and she hated their cruel taunts. She felt utterly

humiliated and she knew she could not fight back.

Hadrian muttered the counter spell, and gently levitated Destiny to her

feet. She had an unaffected look on her face, but he knew she would

burst into tears at any minute. He would make them pay someday, every

single one of them. But he wasn't stupid enough to curse them here, in

front of everyone.

"I challenge you to a duel tonight, after the Halloween feast." Hadrian

said through clenched teeth. Destiny leaned against him, and shot

Alexander Potter the deadliest look she could muster.

Potter swallowed loudly, but he stared back at Hadrian with steely

resolve. "Fine, I accept. Ron will be my second."

"Draco will back me up. See you at midnight near the trophy room."

"Midnight, isn't that a bit late?" Ron pointed out, his face pale.

"Is that a bit past your bedtime, Weasel?" Draco sneered.

"No, it's jus-"

"What is going on here?" A sharp voice interrupted. Hadrian turned to

look at his Head of House, and gritted his teeth.

"Why don't you ask Potter? He's the one who cast the Levicorpus jinx on


Snape scowled and turned his cold glare onto the idiotic first year

Gryffindor. "The Levicorpus jinx, hhm? Of course, your father would

know all about that wouldn't he, Potter?

Alexander turned red, "What are you trying to say?" He snarled.

"I don't like your tone." Snape smirked, "Ten points from Gryffindor."

"Hey that's not fa-"

"And another ten points will be taken away for harming a fellow student."

He sneered. He turned around abruptly, and cast his death glare on the

increasing crowd. "Don't you all have something to do?!"

The crowd immediately scattered, and whispers spread like fire.

Everyone was talking about the confrontation that had occurred in the

courtyard. Hadrian could feel the angry vein in his head pulsing as he

dragged Destiny away. He was well aware of everyone's eyes on them,

but he paid no heed to the questioning eyes till he got to where Blaise

and Daphne were sitting near the lake. Hadrian was slightly surprised to

see Hermione sitting there as well, but he chose not to comment.

"What happened?" Daphne asked in a grim voice, clearing a space for

Destiny to sit. She looked between Destiny's tearful eyes and the

murderous expression on Hadrian's face.

"Stupid bloody Gryffindors." Neville answered for them, knowing Hadrian

would probably explode if he opened his mouth.

Blaise shook his head sadly, "Destiny, you have to tell McGonagall about


"What do you think she'll do, Blaise? You seem so smart, but let me tell

you what will happen," Destiny said in an icy tone, "She'll tell the

headmaster. And you know what the Great Albus Dumbledore will do? N-

O-T-H-I-N-G! He'll wave it away like some stupid complaint about paint

peeling off the walls. I mean who will people believe? Me, the daughter

of a well known Death Eater? Or the Savior of the Wizarding world?!

Dumbledore will do anything to protect his precious Potter."

Blaise winced at her bitter rant and he ran a hand through his hair

nervously. "Surely, we can do something."

"Like what? Hex them till they go insane?" Neville said sarcastically,

yanking out a tuft of grass. He let it slip out of his fingertips and drift

away in the strong breeze. "Besides, they'll know it was us."

"Exactly. Which is why I challenged them to a duel." Hadrian said,

looking over the lake.

"You what?!"

"I challenged them to a duel tonight at midnight so we can kick their

sorry arses."

"Hadrian, you aren't even allowed to use your wand in between classes.

Do you honestly think dueling with another student, after curfew will be

perfectly fine?" Hermione asked rhetorically.

"Which is why we won't get caught." He insisted.

She shook her head and collected the scattered books laying around.

"Whatever. I'm going to go to the library before you can come up with

another plan to get killed. Or even worse, expelled!" Hermione huffed.

"She really needs to get her priorities straight." Blaise muttered, which

earned him a punch from Hermione. He winced and made a big show of

rubbing his shoulder while groaning in pain.

"Hold on, I'm coming with you." Destiny said, getting up as well. She

dusted off her pants, thankful that she hadn't worn a skirt today. Hadrian

started to get up as well, but Daphne laid a hand on his arm. He raised an

eyebrow, and she gave him a look.

Hadrian watched Destiny go, but he knew something felt wrong. She

didn't have the same skip in her step, and her bag hung limply at her


"Hadrian, give her some space and time to cool down." Daphne

explained, as soon as Destiny was out of earshot.

"To hell with that. She needs us!" Hadrian muttered angrily. He kicked

away a nearby rock and held his breath as it nearly hit Neville in the

head. He shot Neville an apologetic look.

"Clearly, you need to calm down as well. You are a pureblood, act like

one. What happened to your pureblood mask? Your emotions are written

all over your face. Remember what Mrs. Malfoy always tells us?"

"Never ask a woman her age?" Draco suggested.

"No, you dimwit!" Daphne snapped, rubbing her temples. She sighed

heavily before staring straight into Hadrian's eyes, "Exposed emotions

will destine you to fail."

Hadrian stilled, and the only thing he could think of was how Daphne

sounded exactly like Narcissa at that moment. With her blonde hair only

a shade darker than Mrs. Malfoy's, and her perfected ice glare, Daphne

could be the next pureblood ice queen.

"Are you even paying attention?"

"No." Hadrian answered automatically. He took a deep breath and pushed

his dark hair out of his eyes. "I'll see you all at the feast. I have some

studying to do."

Halloween Feast [October 31]

"You know, just because it's All Hallow's Eve, doesn't mean you have to

look like death." Hadrian snickered, looking at Blaise's disheveled

appearance. Blaise scowled and plopped himself down at the table rather

clumsily. He groaned loudly and dropped his head in his hands.

"You know, that insult would have actually been quite hurtful. But

thankfully you ruined the effect by saying 'All Hallows' Eve'." Blaise spat,

grabbing a goblet of pumpkin juice. Neville shook his head passively, "It's

Halloween, mate. No one says 'All Hallows' Eve' anymore. Just deal with


Hadrian shook his head vehemently, refusing to go along with it.

Halloween sounded so...muggle.

"What happened to you?" Draco asked Blaise, raising an eyebrow


"That's the thing! I don't know what happened!" Blaise mumbled


"What do you mean? What was the last thing you remember?" Neville


"I was walking in the dungeons to go to the Slytherin common room."

"That's it?"

"I just wanted to grab a book, when I felt this pain in my head, and then I

blacked out." Blaise tried to explain, although he was doing quite a

terrible job at it.

"And now I have a terrible headache, and I feel like rubbish." He added as

an afterthought.

"Strange." Hadrian commented, taking a bite of his food. He chewed

thoughtfully and leaned back in his seat. The Great Hall ceiling was

decorated with floating jack-o-lanterns and the sky was a stormy gray

with lighting, and thunder every few seconds. Torches blazed around the

room and an eery music was playing in the background.

"Well, I hope you feel better Blaise." Daphne said sincerely. She was

daintily cutting into her food, when her gaze snapped up abruptly.

"Where's Destiny?" She asked after wiping her mouth with a satin napkin.

Her eyes scanned the Gryffindor table, but Destiny was not there.

"Hermione told me she's been in the first floor girls' toilets all day. She

just went down to check on Destiny before the feast started." Neville said,

looking concerned.

Suddenly, the doors of the Great Hall burst open. Professor Quirell came

running in, his eyes panicked. He blinked profusely, before stuttering, "T-

t-t-t-troll in the dungeons!"

And then he promptly fainted to the ground.

The hall was completely silent for a second, before it erupted into chaos.

Students were stumbling everywhere, desperate to get out. There was

much screaming, and some of the students (Hufflepuffs) were even


"Prefects please lead your houses to your common rooms!" Dumbledore

shouted over the noise. There was a mad scramble to leave the Great Hall

and the prefects tried their best to not get trampled.

"But the Slytherin dormitories are in the dungeon!" A voice called out

angrily. Presumably a Slytherin. Immediately, the Slytherin table was

filled with protests.

Dumbledore frowned, "Well then, Slytherins please proceed to the


Hadrian had this nagging thought at the back of his head. "Blaise

approximately when did you 'black out'?"

"About an hour ago?" Blaise speculated, "Why?"

Draco's eyes widened and he looked back at Quirrell accusingly. "Did you

see Quirrell there?"

"If I don't remember what I did, how am I supposed to remember where

the bloody hell Quirrell was?" Blaise snapped.

"Because I think Quirrell let the troll in." Daphne said, catching on to the


"Quirrell? Didn't you just see him faint like a rag doll?" Blaise scoffed.

"How can he coax a troll into the castle if he pisses himself when he sees

one roaming the halls?"

"An hour would've given him enough time to let a troll into Hogwarts. I

bet you got stunned or something, because Quirrell saw you in the

dungeons. You were the only witness." Hadrian stated.

"But he just fainted!"

"Yes...Or he's a pretty good actor." Neville pointed out, following Hadrian

out the Great Hall. All of a sudden, Hadrian stopped abruptly. This

caused Neville, and Draco to crash into him and the three of them went

tumbling down.

"Keep up first years! There's a troll on the loose!" Ophelia yelled, leading

them to the library.

Draco groaned and stood up, dusting off his robes and smoothing down

his hair. "What was that!"

"Destiny. Troll. She doesn't know. Hermione. We have to find them!"

Hadrian exclaimed as he turned around, and dashed off towards the first

floor girl's restroom.

Blaise and Neville exchanged a glance. They all seemed to be thinking

one thing. Stupid gryffindor instincts.

A/N: Okay, I don't do many of these because frankly, I hate them.

Anyways, in case you are wondering why most of this chapter has to

do with Destiny getting bullied, its because this will play a part in

the story. Also since its technically October in the story...and

October is National anti-bullying month. So yeah. I hope you

enjoyed this chapter. If you didn't, sorry about that. This isn't my

greatest chapter since I have some stuff going on. But I hope you'll

like my next chapter! Already started writing it! Oh, and sorry for

the cliffhanger (what a strange word).



(Yeah...I'm not so good at A/N's)

13. No Remorse, No Regret

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

First Floor Girls' Toilets [October 31]

"I'm coming with you." Daphne insisted, running alongside Hadrian.

Hadrian ignored her and flung open the massive wooden door to the

bathroom. He abruptly stopped in his tracks and his back became rigidly


"Listen to me, Daphne. Go back near the library. Wait for us there." He

whispered through the corner of his mouth.

"But I wan-" She began to protest, but her protests ceased as soon as she

caught a glimpse of a massive, muddy green hand.

"Daphne, go. Now." Hadrian said through clenched teeth. Daphne

swallowed loudly, and nodded. She shot him a fleeting glance before

turning around and dashing off in the other direction.

As she passed by Draco, she whispered urgently, "Don't do anything


Draco rolled his eyes. Too late for that. They were risking their lives to

save Destiny and a filthy mudblood. How much more stupid could they


The group of boys entered the darkly lit bathroom cautiously. The

torches that lit up the bathroom were flickering dangerously and the

ground shook with each small movement of the troll. The walls and

floors were hard stone, and as cold as ice. The stained glass window had

shattered and the rain was blowing into the restroom.

Blaise swallowed nervously and adjusted his collar. His gaze slowly

travelled up the feet, to the large ugly troll's head. He let out a small

whimper. Neville's jaw dropped open in shock, and he stood there like a

gaping fish.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? We could just get the professors." Blaise

suggested, his voice a couple octaves higher than usual.

"Shut up." Hadrian hissed. "Hermione! Destiny?" He called out softly.

"A little help here?" Hermione's voice snapped from the back of the room.

Hadrian craned his neck so he could see beyond the troll. Hermione was

standing in front of the troll, with her wand already out. He quickly

fumbled through his robes for his own wand, whipping it out.

"Where's Destiny?"

Hermione wordlessly pointed to the sinks. Hadrian followed the direction

and saw Destiny scrunched underneath the sinks. Her eyes were red and

tear stains were clearly visible on her cheeks.

"This was such a stupid idea!" Draco groaned loudly. "We could've just

called the professors, but no. Now we're stuck here fighting this big lug."

The troll flinched at his voice and turned its large, thick head around. It's

eyes locked on the boys, and it let out a loud, unattractive moan.

Suddenly, it swung the giant club in its hand, above its head.

"You stupid idio- RUN!" Hadrian shouted as he dived away. Just as the

club came crashing down through all the green stalls. In one swing, they

were all knocked down to a pile of rubble and wooden splinters.

Hermione let out an ear splitting shriek, and the troll jerked around to

face her. She widened her eyes and stumbled back with her hands,

sucking in a sharp breath when the cold stone wall hit her back. Her eyes

were shut tightly as the troll raised his club once more. Hermione's lips

were moving in a frantic motion, almost as if she was saying a silent


"Acerbus Scindo " Neville shouted, whipping his wand out. A jet black

light shot out of his wand towards the troll. The troll froze in place, and

its club dropped to its side with a loud thud.

The darkness seemed to twist around the troll, wrapping around its entire

body. It coiled around in spirals and weaved through itself. The black

obsidian light seemed to solidify and dig into the troll's wart covered


The troll let out a terrifying, strangled scream when the black light began

to sink into its skin. It shook with pain as the black completely vanished,

and vicious red burn marks became visible in place of the black. The troll

twitched violently, but was paralyzed in place for the moment.

Hadrian whipped his head back, and looked at Neville in shock. He

frowned at him with suspicion, "Where did you learn that spell?"

Neville pocketed his wand carefully while trying to avoid Hadrian's gaze,

"You er, left a book in the common room. I opened it and saw this spell."

"So you just decided to practice it?" Hadrian asked incredulously.

Neville face was hard as he spoke, "I wanted to see what it would do."

"What if it didn't go the way you wanted? What if you made the troll

bigger or something?"

"But I didn't. It's only a troll, why does it even matter. Besides it was

going to kill us. I did what I had to do." Neville said, glaring at the troll.

Hadrian briefly glanced at Neville, and he could see the slightly maniacal

gleam in his eyes. They were bright with magic, and radiated pure

power. The way Neville was wearing a smirk made Hadrian realize that

the boy felt no remorse, nor any guilt.

Neville (unknowingly) had his first taste of dark magic, and from the

looks of it, dark magic seemed to completely suit him. The way he stood,

the way he talked, indicated that Neville actually liked the power.

Hadrian knew that feeling. He knew that feeling a little too well.

Neville raised his eyebrow expertly, in a way that was almost identical to

Hadrian. "The real question is, why do you even have such a book filled

with painful curses? Hm?" he paused, "It sounds a bit like dark magic to

me. Don't you think?"

Hadrian narrowed his eyes. The boy certainly knew more than he let on.

But he chose to ignore it, for now. At least until there wasn't a troll a few

feet away from them.

""Yes, whatever. Neville did something bad, but he had to do it. And are

we just ignoring the fact that the stupid lump is still here?" Hermione cut

in frantically after she had helped Destiny from underneath the sinks. Her

hair was frizzier than ever. The more nervous and anxious she got made

her hair bushier. Hadrian found this quite amusing, and his lips quirked

up into a secret smile.

"Fine. We'll take care of this thing." He said firmly, spinning his wand

with his fingers.

"We will?" Blaise paused, and forced a cheerful look on his face, "I mean,

of course we will!"

Hadrian turned his attention back to the troll, which was beginning to

stir. Hadrian closed his eyes and thought, "Corpora Liquidium"

The troll trembled with pain, and let out a loud groan. The walls shook

and the floor cracked when the massive troll fell onto the floor. It was

being tortured and it writhed in agony on the stone ground. The troll

clawed at itself, trying to get the torment to stop. But it wouldn't.

"What are you doing to it?" Draco asked in an uncaring tone.

Hadrian didn't respond for a minute, concentrating on keeping the curse

intact. "It's a body organ liquifying curse." He stated, avoiding the

shocked looks he was getting.

"That can't be legal." Hermione muttered to herself.

"Okay, well I think that's enough." Blaise said, exhaling deeply.

But Hadrian didn't listen. His focus was solely on the troll, and the curse.

His brows were furrowed, and his heart was pounding in his chest. All he

could think about was the control he had over the troll. It was almost

twenty times bigger than him, yet he had brought it down on its knees.

He had made it cry out, and he had made it explode to pieces inside. He

was controlling it, he was the one creating the pain. He was no longer the

scared little child that endured suffering, no, he was the one inflicting it.

And it made him feel exhilarated. He more powerful than ever.

"Hadrian. Stop it! You're going to kill it." Hermione warned.

He did not hear her. He didn't hear anything except for the troll's misery.

"Hadrian! Stop!" Someone else shouted.

He could create such anguish with a flick of his hand. He could do

anything. He could kill it if he wanted to. He would see the muddy eyes

become glassy and lifeless and the body be crippled like a rag doll.

"Hadrian, don't do it!"

"Stop it, Hadrian!"

He was squeezing the life out of it, and watching it die a slow, painful

death. The thrashing and its wails were drowned out by an unknown

feeling pulsing in his head. Its screams of torture were in a twisted way, a

comforting reassurance. Hadrian knew what he was capable of, and he

would make damn sure this troll knew it too.

"Hadrian, please stop."

And by some miracle, the screams did stop. The troll no longer twitched

and thrashed. The restroom was dead silent, except for the ominous drip,

drip of the water from the faucet.

The troll was dead.

Blaise hesitantly poked the troll with the tip of his wand. It's hand fell

down lifelessly.

Blaise jumped back in shock, screaming "Reducto!" His wand was pointed

at a random direction, and he gulped as he saw it heading towards


"Protego!" Draco shouted, before anyone could react. His shield settled in

front of Hermione before he blue beam could reach her. As soon as it

touched the powerfully cast shield, the blue spell dissolved.

Blaise sheepishly ran a hand through his hair, "Sorry about that

Hermione. Guess my aim was off."

"Your aim was off?" Hermione seethed, "You could've killed me!"

"But I didn't!"

"That's not the point you git!" She snapped. Then she turned to Draco.

"Thank you. And that was a really well cast shield charm. How did you

learn it? It's a 5th year charm!" Hermione rambled.

"Shut up mudblood. If it weren't for my quick instincts I wouldn't have

saved you. I learned at a young age not to trust Blaise with a wand. It

was just a force of habit. I much rather prefer a dead mudblood over an

alive one. You just got lucky this time," Draco muttered.

"Hey!" Blaise protested, "I only knocked you into a statue of armor once!

Once! And that's all I've been hearing for the past four years!"

"I can't believe this!" Hermione huffed in disbelief, completely ignoring


"Save the melodramatics for later, bushy haired mudblood."

"So let me get this straight," Hermione continued, "You saved me from

getting hurt, just to insult me nonstop later?"

"Yes." Draco responded in a snobbish tone.

"All of you shut up." Neville said loudly, "We have a bigger problem. How

are we supposed to explain this?"

"Yes, that is what we all would like to know Mr. Longbottom."

Neville's adams apple bobbed, and his eyes widened. "Professor Snape!"

He exclaimed. Snape walked into the lavatory, along with the Professor

McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout.

"Mr. Longbottom, would you please care to explain why there is troll

laying in the middle of the girls' lavatory?" McGonagall asked, raising an

eyebrow. Her expression was haughty, and she peered down

disapprovingly at the first years.

"Well, you see- I actually- We-um" Neville stuttered, his mouth working

faster than his mind. A soft hand touched his arm, and Neville glanced

up. Destiny gave him a reassuring smile, and turned to face the


"I can explain, Professor McGonagall." She said loudly.

"Miss Lestrange!" McGonagall gasped, looking shocked at her appearance.

"What are you doing here?"

"This was all my fault. You see, a couple of my housemates ridiculed me

and I fled to here in order to be alone. But then the troll came in, and I

didn't know what to do. Hadrian and the Slytherins saved me."

McGonagall closed her eyes and nodded, accepting her explanation. She

felt ashamed at how her Gryffs had treated Miss Lestrange, when she had

done nothing wrong. "Very well then, Miss Lestrange."

Hermione quickly cut in, "It's also my fault professor Flitwick."

"Hermione, dear? What do you mean?" The Head of Ravenclaw asked,

She took a deep breath, and began to spew out some lie. "I came here to

fight the troll. Since I had never seen one, I wanted to see what it was

like. If they hadn't found me, I would be dead by now."

Her words sounded so sincere, and they were very convincing. The lie

rolled off her tongue so smoothly, even Hadrian felt like she was telling

the truth.

"Miss Granger! I am absolutely appalled! That was an extremely foolish

thing to do! I will not be as forgiving as Professor McGonagall: twenty

points from Ravenclaw!" Flitwick chastised.

Hermione nodded solemnly, looking crestfallen. Hadrian felt guilty that

she had to lose points since she was the one who had helped Destiny.

"Minerva!" Professor Sprout cried, examining the troll closely. "The troll

is dead!"

"What!" McGonagall's voice was filled with disbelief, and she glanced at

the troll again. "It can't be. How did a couple of first years kill a troll?"

Hadrian broke into a panic underneath his blank expression. Although

the curses they had used were completely legal, they were still very dark.

His father would probably murder him if McGonagall found out what

curses they were using!

Hadrian shot a panicked look at Professor Snape, and thankfully he

seemed to get the message.

"Which one of you did it?" McGonagall snapped, her voice dripping with

distrust. No one spoke, nor did anyone step forward.

Professor Snape raised his wand and uttered a spell, and almost instantly,

the tip of Blaise's wand glowed bright blue, and Draco's wand glowed


"It seems that Protego charm was cast by Mr. Malfoy, and the Reductor

spell was cast by Mr. Zabini."

"You two! Explain yourselves!" McGonagall demanded.

Blaise cleared his throat, "I -er, I shot the spell at the troll, and the spell

hit the troll in the head or something. After that it kinda fell to the floor.

I don't exactly know what happened."

McGonagall seemed skeptical at his answer, but she nodded crisply and

turned to Draco. "And you, Mr. Malfoy."

"As soon as Blaise said 'Reducto' I cast the protego charm on everyone so

they we would not be injured. Just in case." Draco explained.

"Good thinking, Draco. Twenty points to Slytherin." Snape awarded.

"Absolutely not! They just killed a troll, Severus! Killed! Thirty points

from Slytherin!" McGonagall huffed angrily.

"Yes, but may I remind you, they also saved one of your Gryffindors and

a Ravenclaw from dying, Minerva." Snape mocked, "And I value a

student's life more than a troll's. Twenty points to Slytherin...each."

"I suggest we all depart now. It's been a long night, for all of us." Flitwick

said quietly, trying to ease the tension in the air.

"Of course." Snape replied, gesturing to the group of first years. "Come

along, we have to collect the rest of the Slytherins from the library."

"Professor, may I go along with them? I have to return a book. It will

only take a minute." Hermione asked. It didn't take much to persuade her

Head of House, and he nodded reluctantly.

"I also need to go with them since I left my bag in the library." Destiny


"Fine. But you must be in bed by an hour, understand?" McGonagall

sighed, and pursed her lips into a thin line.

"Yes, professor."

"Shall we go?" Snape drawled. He was impatient when it came to

everything, except potions. The first years all piled out of the now

wrecked girls bathroom, and followed Professor Snape through the halls.

No one dared to speak, for fear of pissing the bat-like potions professor


When they reached the library, they all saw Daphne waiting outside

nervously. As soon as she caught sight of the group, she ran towards

them. After scanning them from head to toe for any injuries, she pulled

Hadrian and Destiny into a air-sucking hug.

"I thought you were going to die!" She choked out, burying her head in

the crook of Hadrian's neck.

"Gee, thanks." Hadrian muttered sarcastically.

"Control yourself, Miss Greengrass." Snape barked, pulling her away from

the two.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I've been worried sick." She smiled a watery


"We're fine, Daphne." Destiny reassured her. "Let's go inside, shall we?"

"Mr. Riddle, wait here for a moment." Snape said, before Hadrian could

follow Neville into the library. Hadrian nodded, and waited till everyone

left, before turning to face his head of house.

"Care to explain what happened?" He snapped after casting a silencio

charm around them.

"You heard what happened."

"I suppose I could just look through your mind, but I'd rather you tell me

what actually happened." Snape thought out loud.

"You couldn't even if you tried." Hadrian said under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, Severus." Hadrian replied cheekily.

"Listen, Riddle. I may respect your father, but you have done nothing yet

to deserve my respect. Don't expect me to be your servant." Snape hissed.

"I killed a troll, doesn't that deserve some respect?"

"So it was you."

Hadrian blanched and mentally slapped his forehead. He had fallen right

into the greasy professor's trap.

"I'm no dark lord, but I'm not a fool either. Did you really expect me to

believe Mr. Zabini killed a troll with the Reductor spell?"

"Well no." Hadrian admitted.

"Then why are you stalling, and attempting to lie to me."

Hadrian sucked in a sharp breath, and blinked. "You're going to tell my


Of course, this was why the boy was acting so secretive. It was like a

typical first year begging him not to send an owl to his parents. Except

this was the dark lord. And the boy was Hadrian Draven Riddle. Severus

sighed, and shook his head. "I will not tell your father."

Hadrian narrowed his eyes, as if he was trying to figure out if Snape's

promise was legitimate. Finally after a couple minutes, Hadrian spoke. "I

didn't make the first move. It was actually Neville."

Not many things could surprise Severus Snape. But the fact that the

lumbering, former dunderhead pansy of the Slytherin first years had

made the first move, was definitely on his list. Perhaps the boy truly did

belong in Slytherin. "What?"

"He cast 'Aceribus Scindo'. It knocked the troll out."

"Acerib- What? How did he even learn that?"

"I left one of my books in the common room and he opened it." Hadrian

explained quickly.

"How many times have I told you not to leave your dark magic rituals

and parslemagic books in the common room? Just because Slytherin is

more lenient with dark magic than other houses, doesn't mean we aren't

curious!" Snape scolded, rubbing his temples.

"I didn't think he would touch it! Let alone cast it! I invented the spell

myself, I didn't even think he was capable of casting it!" Hadrian


"He actually cast it." Snape repeated, his tone dripping with disbelief.


"Think about it, boy. A leather bound, ancient looking journal left in the


common room. Obviously Mr. Longbottom knew it would be a curse, or


painful. And yet he cast it."

Snape rolled his eyes upon seeing Hadrian's blank look. "Dear Merlin, and

you want to be the next dark lord? Let me help you get this through your

thick skull! Mr. Longbottom was aiming for blood when he cast this

curse." Snape elaborated impatiently.

"We've got to keep a closer eye on him." Hadrian concluded.

"Yes, yes. He cast Acceribus Scindo which obviously would not have been

picked up by the very basic spell tracker I cast. Now continue."

"Then I cast a wordless and wandless body organ liquifying curse until

the troll dropped dead."

"Which is why the spell tracker didn't catch your spell either."


Snape hesitated before finally asking, "How do you feel now?"

"What are you, my bloody therapist?"

Snape scowled, "Don't be irritating, Riddle."

"Fine. I feel perfectly fine." Hadrian sighed.

"Don't you feel guilty for taking another living thing's life?" Snape pried.


"Not even a little remorse?"

"It deserved to die. And I gave it what it deserved. Is that all?" Hadrian

said in a pleasant tone, as if discussing the weather.

Snape swallowed the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat, "Yes."

"I do have one question for you." Hadrian suddenly said, looking Snape

right in the eye.


"What is my father planning? He only told me vague details, and I want

to know what is going on." He demanded.

Snape face remained blank as he spoke in a neutral tone, "Mr. Riddle if

your father has not told you any plans, then he has done so with good


"All he told me was something was being hidden in the school, and that

Professor Quirrell is here to find said item. What is it that my father so

desperately needs?"

"It is not my place to tell you." Snape barked.

Hadrian paused to think for a moment, "It has to do with the third floor

corridor, doesn't it? That's why Dumbledore isn't letting anyone go in


"Be quiet, boy. Don't stick your head in business that has nothing to do

with you." Snape scolded harshly.

"I'll find out." Hadrian spoke firmly, the determination glowing in his

eyes. "You know I will."

Snape did not respond, although deep down he had a feeling the boy was

telling the truth. There was a long moment of silence, before Hadrian

switched topics.

"Oh and before I forget, I just happened to hear that Potter and Weasel

were going to meet someone for a duel tonight at midnight in the trophy

room." Hadrian cracked a smile.

"I'll make sure to tell Filch." Snape smirked at the true Slytherin in front

of him. They entered the library together and Hadrian at once darted off

to find his friends. After Snape sent the rest of the Slytherins to their

dormitory, Hadrian slid onto the chair beside Hermione.

Snape glanced at their group said, "Mr. Longbottom, I would like to

applaud you on the adequate execution of the Acceribus Scindo curse.

Until now, only the creator of this spell could cast it perfectly." Snape

uttered silkily. Adequate was probably the most praise Snape had ever

given to a student. Neville blushed, and acknowledged the compliment

with a crisp nod. Not many things frightened the boy now, but his Head

of House sure did.

Snape narrowed his eyes and called out, "Stay as long as you want, but

don't get caught. I will not be getting you out of detention again.


Hermione was the only one who responded with a shaky, "Goodnight,

Professor Snape."

Snape scowled at her, and with a swish of his cloak left the library.

Hermione turned back to the group with a frustrated expression.

"Why doesn't he like me!" She groaned, slamming her head onto the


Blaise rubbed her back sympathetically, "It's okay Hermione, it took

Snape about seven years to get used to me."

Hermione's face paled, "Seven years?" She repeated. "I'll be out of

Hogwarts by then!"

"Teacher's pet." Draco coughed, oh so discreetly.

Hermione glared at him and stuck out her tongue.

"Oh how mature." Draco said sarcastically. "Then again you are muggle..."

"Draco, please. She just helped save my life." Destiny pleaded, already

getting annoyed at their childish antics.

Draco sighed heavily, muttering something incoherent under his breath.

"Destiny, how are you doing?" Hadrian asked her.

She smiled a radiant smile. I'm fine now. Hermione really helped me."

"Did she now?" Hadrian raised an eyebrow, turning to look at Hermione.

She blushed under his gaze, "It was nothing."

Destiny gasped, "You talked to me for hours and even stole some food

from the kitchen for me, just so I wouldn't have to face the other

Gryffindors. I would hardly call that nothing."

"Destiny, I really felt like it was my job as a friend to help you, so you

don't need to thank me. I've been through it before, and I know how it

feels." Hermione said softly, glancing down at the floor.

Daphne studied Hermione for a minute. "What do you mean?"

She sighed heavily, and began to fiddle with her fingers. "I suppose I

should tell you about my not so fun life now."

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Hadrian reassured her.

"No, I want to. I would feel better if my friends knew." Hermione stated

firmly. They all stared at her with rapt attention, waiting for her to

continue. Everyone except for Draco, who was 'reading' a book.

"When I was younger, I was bullied a lot. I wasn't as smart as others, I

wasn't as pretty as others, I was just average. I had no friends because

everyone avoided me like the plague. I was teased, mocked, laughed at

constantly. Then one day during school, I snapped. I don't know how I

did it, but one minute I was wishing for Jason Dempsey to suffer, and

suddenly he was. His parents complained to the school, and I was

expelled the very next day." She paused and took a shaky breath, "This

happened at almost every school I attended. I was bullied, then I got

angry, and something bad happened. Soon, my mum decided to just

teach me herself at home."

"Okay, so your accidental magic got out of hand, then what happened?"

Neville prompted.

"Neville! Stop rushing her!" Destiny scolded. She faced Hermione, "Sorry,

please continue telling them."

"My father had to work late nights since my mother spent a lot of her

time teaching me. He came back drunk, at an odd our of the night,

sometimes he didn't even come home. My mum and him argued so much,

all the time and almost everywhere. He told me everyday I was a

mistake, and this was all my fault."

"That's terrible!" Daphne gasped.

Hermione smiled wryly, "It's not even the worst part. He started to hit

me, beat me and sometimes even my mother. She always put up with

him, and never left him. I still don't know why. He hated both of us, he

blamed us for everything. When I got my Hogwarts letter, he was

overjoyed. Not because I got accepted, but because he was able to get rid

of me."

"How did you even manage to hide something that big?" Neville asked.

"I'm a very good liar." Hermione smirked, "Besides no one ever came

close enough to me to notice anything wrong."

Hadrian inhaled sharply. Hermione's father sounded a lot like one Vernon

Dursely. Her father abused her and treated her worse than one would

treat a house elf. "This is why you hate muggles so much." He guessed.

"Exactly. Every muggle I've met is selfish, pig-headed, or a monster. Even

my own father. My mother is the only exception, and she's the only one I

have." Hermione said sadly.

"But you're not alone now." Blaise blurted out.

"Yeah, now you have us." Destiny added.

"But I'm a-"

"Mudblood, stupid know-it-all, bookworm?" Draco offered snidely.

She scowled at him, "I'm a muggleborn."

"You have talent. You have extremely strong magic. You aren't a prissy

brat. And that's all I care about." Daphne said.

Hadrian was silent. Hermione's background was similar to his own. He

was lucky enough to have his father adopt him, but she was all alone. He

didn't care if she was muggleborn. His father would probably avada

kedavra him on the spot if he heard that his son was making friends with

a mudblood. But Hadrian didn't mind. Hermione was special, and he

would prove it to his father. His father wanted to purify the entire

wizarding world, and so did Hadrian.

But in Hadrian's plan, everyone who deserved to be there would be

standing in the end. The unworthy would fall and turn to ashes.

Hermione deserved to be here, and he didn't care if anyone said


"Welcome to the family." Hadrian joked.

"You can't be serious." Draco complained, "She's a mudblood."

"Muggleborn or not, Draco. She is still one of the strongest witches of our

year." Neville said gravely.

"Get over it, mate. If Hadrian did, then so can you." Blaise mumbled


"Shut up, all of you. Can you even hear yourselves right now? Fawning

all over such filth. We are purebloods, way above mud scum! And you

Hadrian! Are you insane?" Draco exclaimed.

"Draco. Enough." Hadrian hissed in a cold voice. "Know your place."

Shivers ran down everyone's spines at the icy tone and the chilling words.

Draco gulped inaudibly and nodded. He had forgotten who his best friend

really was after spending so many years treating him like a brother. He

wasn't some ordinary boy. Hadrian was the freakin' dark heir, son of Lord


"Let's head to bed, alright?" Daphne suggested, looking at the clock.

Everyone nodded in agreement and the Slytherins said goodbye to

Destiny and Hermione.

As they were entering their respective bedrooms back in the Slytherin

dungeons, Hadrian stopped Draco from entering his room.

"I would like to apologize." Hadrian said, leaning against Draco's door.

"You have nothing to apologize for, what I said was out of line." Draco

admitted quietly.

"No, I shouldn't have used my title to force you to back down. It wasn't


"Don't be sorry. I would've done the same thing if I was in your place."

"Can you at least try to be pleasant if Hermione is a part of our group?"

Hadrian asked hesitantly.

Draco sighed, "I can't do that Hadrian. I just can't. I hope you


"I do. But can you just go with it?"

"I have to get used to it. But maybe in a couple years I'll be indifferent to

her." Draco grinned.

"A couple years, or Snape years?" Hadrian laughed. Draco shrugged, with

a smirk plastered on his face.



"No matter what title I might have, no matter what throne I will inherit

someday, no matter who's heir I am; I want you to always remember

something. Before all of those things, I always be one thing: your best


A/N: 5,000 words exact! (Not counting the author's note) It's my

longest chapter and I feel like it kinda makes up for not updating

last week. Im sorry! But I had the flu and when I wasn't puking my

guts out, I was writing! So I'm better now...hence the update! I hope

you like it. And if you didn't...well then I hope you'll like the next


A/N2: 200th review can pm me one detail/question about anything

in the story/future part of story and I will answer truthfully (if I

know the answer as of that moment). Pairings, future events, who

kills who, blah blah, all fair game.


OTHERWISE I CAN'T PM YOU. " Guest" Won't work.

14. Situations

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Hushed whispers and somber moans haunted the room. The scuffling of feet

nearby could be heard, but no one could be seen in the dimly lit chamber.

Destiny rubbed her eyes as she tried to adjust her eyes to the light faster.

Blurry dark spots danced across her vision. She strained to hear the fast paced

chanting and the soft voices in the air. Where was she?

Orange-yellow torches gave the room a soft glow. A cool wind brushed her

cheeks and she shivered, rubbing her arms up and down her shoulders.

Goosebumps ran up and down her arms although she attempted to stay warm.

The stone floor felt like jagged glass against her bare feet. Destiny blindly felt

around for her wand, but she found none. All of a sudden, her fears magnified


Her eyes grew wide and panicked, despite her effort to calm herself. She was

sensitive to the slightest of sounds. Destiny felt something on her leg and let out

a strangled shriek, shaking her leg insanely. Her hand flew up to her mouth as

she realized it was simply a small black spider. Her chest heaved and without

a second thought, she crushed the spider into a unnoticeable splatter.

Glaring down disgustedly at her now filthy hand, Destiny reluctantly wiped off

the spider residue on her sleeve. Incoherent mumbles filled the room, and

Destiny looked up wildly, once again, she saw no one. Her thoughts were

puzzled as she ran a hand through her knotted hair. Why was she even here?

Was this is a dream? She didn't remember leaving the dormitory.

A terrifying hiss filled the room, and her heart almost stopped in shock. It grew

louder, and louder until she had to cover her ears so she would not hear the

awful sound. The bracelet on her wrist began to sway vigorously, although

there was no breeze in the room. The glass charms clinked against each other

violently, each noise sounding like clashing rocks. Before she could make any

move to save it, the glass star charm she had acquired shattered into a

thousand pieces.

Her breath caught in her throat and her hands trembled frantically. Her voice

quaked as she whispered, "Lumos."

Her hand glowed faintly for a second, and a small ball of light sprung from it.

The bright sphere of light hovered over her hand like a candle. She thrust out

her hand, searching for anybody that could be there. Destiny heard an eerie

rasping voice that grew louder with each breath she took. She heard no

footsteps, but she could hear the whispers getting closer and closer.

She whipped head around, her blonde locks slapping her in the face has she

tried to look for the owner of the terrible voice. The ball of light she held

disappeared. Her blood was pounding in her head and her heart was beating

out of her chest. Destiny licked her lips, trying to get rid of the unusual

dryness. Her gaze darted around and she jumped at the slightest sound. Was

she just imagining things?

"Give it to me."

Destiny bit down on her tongue, hard, to prevent the startled scream from

escaping her mouth. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth, and she

swallowed painfully. She definitely wasn't imagining it. The voice was like

nails against a chalkboard.

"Tell me where it is."

The voice was deadly, and the most awful thing she had heard. Her blood

turned to ice and the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. What did it

want? She certainly didn't have it.

Destiny whimpered softly, "Please, let me go."

"Give me what's rightfully mine and I may consider it."

She held in a frustrated groan, "I don't even know what you want." Destiny

paused, before her eyes grew determined. "Besides, this is a dream. You cannot

order me around in my own dream."

The voice let out a dangerous laugh that succeeded in sending shivers

throughout her body.

"Foolish girl." The voice hissed, dripping with malice, "A Seer you may be, but

intelligent? I think not."

Destiny frowned. She was neither foolish nor unintelligent. She didn't know

whom she was speaking with, or what it wanted with her.

"This may be your dream, but I control it."

She yelped as a circle of flames erupted from the cold stone floor. She stepped

back instantly, but not quick enough. Her hands were singed and burnt from

the blazing flames.

"So you see? I hope this proves how strong my control cannot leave even if you

wanted to." The voice spoke almost gleefully.

"I could keep you in this nightmare forever, and let others think you have

slipped into some incurable sleep." It taunted wickedly.

"You will obey my commands, otherwise you shall relieve horrid deaths over

and over again, for all eternity. Understand?"

The chilling words frightened Destiny, and she nodded numbly, although she

did not know if the voice could see her. Why did it want her to do this? She

didn't know what she was doing, or what would happen. Everything was

changing and the future was a blur. Clearly there was no escape.

"You will retrieve something I desperately need, and bring it to me. Flamel has

kept it from me and I want it back."

"I don't know what it is!" Destiny cried out. The flames rose up brighter and

the room seemed to get hotter. They cackled and sparked, and she instinctively

took another step back from the searing hot fire.

"So this is how you wish to play this game? Very well then. Your silence has

bought you time, but not my patience."

"What do you want?" She whispered in a broken voice. She crouched down

into a ball, trying unsuccessfully to block the voice out of her head. It invaded

her mind, and all she could hear were the horrifying whispers.

"I request something small, but valuable. It will grant me unlimited power. It

will give me a new life."

"I may see the future, but I don't make miracles happen. I cannot grant you a

new life." Destiny muttered.

"I am not asking for you to give me a new life. I simply wish for you to retrieve

an item that will help me become all powerful. It shouldn't be difficult since it's

hidden inside this castle." The voice spat impatiently.

"You still haven't told me what it is." She pointed out.

"I do not need to. You will figure out in due time."

"I can't go searching an entire castle for something if I don't even know what

I'm looking for." Destiny protested.

Suddenly, it was silent. Too silent. The whispers stopped abruptly, and even

her own breathing ceased. She felt as if there was a chunk of ice settled in the

very bottom of her stomach. It sucked out all the warmth from her body. She

was scared of what was to come.

"Let me give you an incentive to help spark your enthusiasm." The voice

paused, "I will give you five months time to find me what I need, and deliver it

to me. But beware; at each month's passing, I shall destroy something dear to

you, unless you bring me what I require."

Destiny froze, and the true extent of what could occur heightened her fears.

She had too much to lose. "You can't do this!" She screamed. "I won't do this!"

The flames in the room flickered, and then vanished into a wisp of black

smoke. Destiny jumped in fright as she was plunged into darkness. She couldn't

see anything, and she could only feel the burning pain in her hands.

An ice-cold breath tickled her ear and the insidious voice chuckled darkly.

"How amusing…" It drawled, "You act as if you even have a choice."

Gryffindor Girls' Dormitory [December 1; 7 a.m]

Destiny woke up with a start, her body glued to the sheets with a thin

layer of sweat. She inhaled deeply as if this was her first breath of fresh

air. Her eyes closed, and she tried to forget the nightmare she just had. It

was to no avail. The memory was etched into her mind.

It's okay. She told herself. It was just a dream. It isn't real. No one can hurt

you here. Well, except for those wretched people you call dorm mates.

She raised her head to see if any of her dorm mates were awake.

Thankfully, they were sound

asleep. She scoffed in her head; as if any Gryffindor would be up this

early on a Saturday. Destiny curled her lip into a disgusted sneer at the

loud snores and drooling of a sleeping Lavender Brown.

She glared at the red and gold comforter she was engulfed in, wishing it

to turn green and silver. Sighing dramatically, she pushed off the

offending sheets and stretched in her bed. The cool air of the morning

was welcoming and caused her to smile. A small sliver of sunlight shone

threw the thick red velvet curtains, and Destiny reached as far she could

without moving from her bed, to push them aside.

She froze suddenly, and in turn, fell down from her bed due to the

unbalanced weight. She groaned as her elbow slammed onto the wooden

floor. The charms on her bracelet clinked, but with one charm less. One

missing star charm.

Her eyes widened in horror as her gaze travelled up her wrist to her

hands. She bit her tongue to keep from screaming. Vicious angry burns

covered her hands along with red and white blisters. Destiny could feel

herself hyperventilating and she willed herself to take deep, calming


How did it get there? She already knew the answer to that. Destiny shook

her head vigorously, praying over and over that it wouldn't be true. The

air licked at the open blisters, and Destiny winced.

This was real. Someone was hunting her down. Her body turned frozen as

the realization came crashing down on her. If the dream was real…then

so was the threat that came along with it. There were many things dear

to her, and she couldn't risk losing any of them. What if she lost Hadrian?

What if she lost her mother? Destiny didn't know what she would do

without them. Neglecting the threat was not an option.

If someone was controlling her dreams like this, then they could do it

again. They were not only controlling her dreams, but also her life. She

gripped her arm tightly. Soon the voice might be able to control her own

head. It would be like an unbreakable imperious curse. Destiny

shuddered at the thought.

She stared at the burns on her hands. If someone noticed them, they

would become suspicious. Destiny looked around for her wand, and

thankfully she saw it on her bedside table. She grabbed it and tried to

cast a simple healing spell to heal the raw skin. Narcissa had personally

taught it to her. But her thoughts turned panicked as nothing happened.

Not even a spark or a glow formed.

Destiny whispered, "Accio robes." The periwinkle casual robes flew into

her hands, and left Destiny utterly confused. Her wand worked just fine,

so why wasn't the spell working? She tried the spell again with much

more urgency. Once again, nothing happened. The burns couldn't be

healed with magic, Destiny concluded. The room suddenly grew much


There was no way she could go to the hospital wing, Madame Pomfrey

would ask too many questions. She had to tell someone though. Then it

clicked, 'Hadrian'! Of course he would know what to do. Destiny quickly

jumped up from her bed, clutching the robes to her chest. If anyone knew

what to do, it would be Hadrian. She glanced down at her red hands one

last time, and settled for casting a simple glamour charm over them. The

pain was still very much there, but at least it would be concealed from

curious eyes.

Hogwarts Library [8 a.m]

"Hello everyone."

Hadrian looked up from his dark arts lesson that Bella had sent him. He

was met with the startling blue eyes of Destiny and he smiled. But it

quickly turned into a frown as he looked closer at her face. Something

was wrong.

There were various responses and mumbled greetings through the thick

haze of sleep. Neville sneezed from the dust of the books surrounding

them. They were in an almost forgotten part of the library, where no one

ever went. Hermione sure hadn't forgotten about this part of the library,

and in fact suggested that they meet here in the mornings before


"Hadrian, I need to talk to you." Destiny spoke, almost frantically.

Hadrian stood up automatically, and grabbed her hand to lead them

somewhere else. Destiny let out a piercing cry of pain. It was so sharp

that even the small table of studious Ravenclaws that was sitting nearby

could hear it. Thankfully, they were the only other group present in the

library at this time.

Hadrian instantly dropped her hand, as if it pained him. He whirled

around and looked her in the eye. "What's wrong."

Destiny sighed and looked around for wandering eyes, before thrusting

her hands in front of Hadrian's face, "Look at my hands!"

Hadrian's precise gaze swept over every inch of her hands. "I don't see

anything." He concluded.

Destiny rolled her eyes, and silently removed the glamour spell. "Now do

you see?"

Hadrian cocked his head to the side, and glanced at her hands once more

with a bored eye. He looked up, concerned. "Destiny, are you alright?"

"Finally! I thought you were going blind, it took you so long to see the


"There's nothing there." Hadrian cut her off.


"There's nothi-"

"I know what you said, I'm not deaf." Destiny muttered, staring at her

hands with fearful eyes.

"Are you sure you're alright? You seem a bit shaken up." Hadrian


Destiny bit her lip, and glanced at her burnt hands with confusion. They

obviously felt painful, and to her they looked red and covered with

blisters. But Hadrian couldn't see it.

"There's something wrong. Something is going on." Destiny mumbled to

herself. She had to find whatever the voice wanted. No one could help

her if they didn't even know what was happening. Hadrian couldn't even

help her.

"What was that?" Hadrian asked.

Her head snapped up and met his worried gaze. Destiny cleared her

throat, "We need to find something."

Ignoring Hadrian's confused face, she continued. "I had a dream last night

and we need to find something that has been hidden in this castle."

He studied her with steely eyes, "What aren't you telling me?"

Destiny inwardly sighed and fiddled with her hands. "Let's just say we

have to find it, and find it quick."

Technically it wasn't lying. Just an omission of the truth. What he didn't

know wouldn't hurt him. Hadrian would most likely try to kill the voice,

instead of looking for whatever it was. She could not tell him why she

needed it.

"Fine." Hadrian pursed his lips, "If that's how it's going to be then I'll play

along. What do we have to find?"

Destiny huffed, "I don't know."

Hadrian raised an eyebrow. "So you want me to go looking for

something, and you don't even know what it is?"

"Look, I'm sure I'll figure it out. All I know is it grants new life and


He stilled suddenly. "Perhaps this is what my father is looking for as well.

But why do you need it?"

Destiny coughed discreetly. "I don't need it." She paused, "I think the

dream had to do with your father. He needs to find something, and his

time is running out." She lied smoothly.

Hadrian looked skeptical to accept her reasonings, but he knew he

couldn't wave them off either. "What if my father doesn't need our help?

I'd rather not be tortured in the dungeons on Christmas day."

"We have to find it, Hadrian. We just have to. Please just listen to me."

Destiny pleaded.

"Fine. But are you sure you're alright, Destiny?" Hadrian asked after a

moment of silent thinking.

"Just fine." Destiny said, her voice cracking. Something flickered in

Hadrian's emerald eyes. He knew she was lying. But just as quick as the

shadow covered his eyes, it disappeared without a trace, leaving Destiny

to wonder if it was ever there in the first place.

They walked back to the secluded part of the library, and were met with

suspicious eyes. Hadrian slid into his spot at the head of the table, and

Destiny squeezed in between Daphne and Draco.

"What happened?" Blaise asked, barely glancing up from his charms


Hadrian cleared his throat, "Something priceless is being hidden in the

castle, and we need to find it."

Hermione scoffed, "Then what? We just steal it?"

All eyes turned to her, and Hermione swallowed uncomfortably. "What?"

She asked nervously, "We aren't really going to steal it, are we?"

"Why else would we be looking for it, mudblood. Stupid twit." Draco

muttered, barely concealing his quickly growing anger.

"Malfoy, are you still bitter about how I came in second?" Hermione

taunted. Hadrian shook his head, knowing a fight was coming. Ever since

the class rankings were posted, Hermione and Draco were at each other's

throats. The competition between them was fierce, although Draco tried

hard not to let it break his cool facade. Hadrian saw straight through it,

and he used every opportunity he could to tease Draco about it.

"Look here bookworm, Malfoys always are number one. I will not lose to

anyone," Draco paused, glancing at Hadrian's haughty smirk, "Except for

maybe Hadrian." He added reluctantly.

"And I will definitely not lose to some know-it-all filth."

Hermione scowled, "We'll see when the exams come up. When I get a

higher ranking than you, you can use one of my spare O's to dry your


"Shut up. Both of you." Daphne snapped. "This sounds serious, and you

sound like immature children."

"Thank you, Daphne." Destiny grinned."I was just about to say that."

"Back to what we were discussing," Hadrian began. "There is something

in Hogwarts that grants some a new life, and great power. We are going

to find it."

"And why should we help you with it?" Neville raised an eyebrow,

"What's in it for us?"

Hadrian grinned, "Spoken like a true Slytherin, eh Longbottom?"

Neville smirked, "Of course."

"What is it that we're looking for?" Hermione piped up, leaning back

dangerously against her chair.

"That's the thing-"

"We don't know." Destiny explained, cutting Hadrian off. "But I do know

it has something to do with Flamel."

"Is that some kind of food?" Neville mumbled.

"No you git! I think it's a person." Destiny replied.

"Flamel…Flamel..I've heard that name before!" Hermione exclaimed. She

frowned, "I just can't remember where."

"That helps a lot." Draco scoffed.

"So you want us to go gallivanting around the castle looking for

something, when you don't even know what we're looking for?" Blaise

rolled his eyes, skeptically.


"You can't be serious." Neville groaned, looking up from his potions

textbook. "I am not about to die, just so you can get some shiny toy."

"Don't be so dramatic Neville!" Destiny snapped.

"I bet it's hidden in the third floor corridor!" Hermione exclaimed. "I

mean Dumbledore told us not to go there, so where else could it be?"

"That would be a good place to start." Daphne agreed.

"Why do you even want said thing so desperately?" Draco questioned.

Hadrian shot him his I-am-on-a-mission look. Understanding shone on

Draco's face and he nodded stiffly.

"I don't get it. If it's something of such 'great value', why would

Dumbledore put it in a castle full of children?" Neville pointed out.

"He's a bastard who is willing to risk the lives of hundreds of children?"

Blaise suggested.

Hermione looked affronted at the colorful language, "He is our

Headmaster, how can you say such things?" She gasped.

"But becoming Headmaster does not make someone a Saint." Destiny

reminded her.

"Hermione." Hadrian said turning to face her. His shocking green eyes

bore into her dark brown ones, and Hermione found herself admiring the

gaze that radiated power.

"You must remember that outward appearances are everything in this

world. People will go through great lengths to insure that their true inner

self does not shine through their perfectly crafted image. The most

admirable people have the darkest secrets."

Hermione blinked, snapping her out of the trance she was in. She

swallowed nervously, and nodded. Hadrian was right. He was always


"Hermione, Draco do you think you could look through some books for

any mention of Flamel?" Destiny asked.

"I have to work with the, mudblood?" Draco groaned.

"No way!" Hermione protested at the same time. She glared at Draco, "We

hate each other."

"Get over it already. If anyone can speed through ancient texts, it's you."

Blaise huffed.

"I'll get over it when he does." Hermione retorted.

"Well thats not going to happen. So I guess we're stuck this way." Draco


"You both are so stubborn!" Destiny growled, "I don't care about your

extreme hatred. You will work together."

They tried to protest, but were silenced by one deathly look from

Hadrian. He surveyed the group for any other objections before opening

his mouth to speak.

"Time is a privilege that can be easily taken away. We must work fast if

we wish to succeed."

Hogwarts Library [December 18]

"Move your bushy hair!"

"Ow, ow! Quit pulling on it!"

"I'm not pulling! Its stuck around my Slytherin pin- yuck, mudblood


"Afraid of cooties now Malfoy? Stop moving!"

"I don't want your mudblood filth touching me!"

"How sweet." Hermione mumbled sarcastically, "Hold still!"

There was a small moment of silence, but then, "Ouch! What did you do

that for!"

"Don't touch me with your muddy hands!"

"Shut up. Unless you want to stay like this forever, stop pushing me

away. I'm just trying to get my hair out of your stupid pin."

"Or I could just cut it off!"

"Don't you dare!" With one forceful tug, Hermione freed her hair from the

silver and green Slytherin snake pin.

Her skin was flushed with a mixture of both anger and then, ever so

calmly, she grabbed a hair elastic out of her bag and slowly tied her hair

up into a neat bun.

Draco watched her with annoyance, "Why couldn't you have tied that

nest up before we started? Why couldn't you have brought your own

book so we wouldn't have to share!"

"I'm sorry, I don't have a copy of Rare Artifacts of the 12th Century: Volume

6." Hermione muttered. "Where did you even get this book?"

"The restricted section."

"I'm going to guess you snuck in there and just nicked it off the shelves."

"First thing you've gotten right all day." Draco smirked.

"You are insufferable." Hermione hissed, and turned back to skim the

book for any sight of Flamel.

After much convincing, the two had agreed to work together, but no one

said it had to be a pleasant experience. For the past few weeks, they had

checked books upon books, read scrolls upon scrolls. They went through

potions, animals, even books about people, but there was no mention of

anyone named Flamel.

Draco flipped the page, knowing full well that Hermione was still reading

it. He waited for her to explode and flip out. He waited for almost ten

seconds, but no reaction. Out of pure curiosity, he turned to face her.

Hermione's face was pale, and she was staring at a small portion of text

on the right page. Her fingers shook when she ran it along the page as

she was reading.

"I found it." She gasped, pointing to the small picture. "Flamel! Nicholas


Draco rolled his eyes and scanned the paragraph. His eyes grew wider

and wider until, "What do you mean you found it? I flipped to the page!"

"So? I actually read it first, therefore I found it."

The two continued to bicker viciously, completely unaware of the current

event occurring just across the castle.

Hogwarts's Third Floor Corridor [Same Time]

Neville was panting as he pushed open the heavy wooden door, and

quickly shut it as soon as Blaise ran in. They both collapsed against the

door gulping the air down their lungs.

"When I graduate, I'm going to murder that cat." Neville groaned,

clutching his chest.

"Why wait?" Blaise mumbled as he dropped his head against his knees.

"Bloody Filch's cat."

"I need some water." Neville rasped out. "Who knew running around half

the castle would be such a pain?"

"I chose this option so there would be less of a hassle." Blaise admitted,

"But right now, hanging out with Hermione and Draco seems better than


"Er-Blaise, what's that noise?"

"I didn't want to watch Hermione and Draco kill each other, and I didn't

want to go exploring with Hadrian and Destiny. I swear, wherever he

goes, there's always danger. So naturally, I went with searching this area.

It sounded the most safe, but right now I swear I-"

"Yeah…I definitely do not think this was the safest option." Neville

whispered, cutting Blaise off mid-rant. "Look." He pointed forward.

Blaise reluctantly stopped talking and squinted into the dark room. "I

don't see any- Oh." He gulped audibly. "Is that..Dear Merlin, why do I

always get stuck in these kinds of situations!"

Neville's eyes travelled up the large paw, and he almost jumped back in

shock. "Blaise, pinch me if I'm wrong….but does that giant dog have two


Neville winced when he felt a sharp pinch on his arm. But he was so

happy that he was wrong, he didn't even care about the small pain.

"Not two heads…" Blaise paused and his face paled, "Three….It's a three

headed dog in Hogwarts! Is the Headmaster insane!" Blaise yelled.

"Blaise ssh, you'll wake it up!" Neville warned. "It wouldn't be here if

there wasn't a reason."

He crept closer to the dog, very carefully. Blaise shook his head and

tiptoed closer too.

"This is a very bad idea." Blaise hissed. Neville ignored him, and walked

around the three headed dog. He stopped abruptly and stared at

something on the floor.

"Help me move his paw, I think I found something." Neville whispered,

"No! Are you a complete nutter?" Blaise scowled. The snores of the dog

were irritating him to no end.

"Blaise!" Neville snapped, already slowly pushing the large black paw.

Blaise huffed, but began to help Neville anyways. "Just for the record, I

think you completely mental."

Together the two of them managed to shove off the massive paw with a

series of grunts and groans. They stared wide eyed at what they just


"Blimey, it's a trap door!" Neville gasped. "Should we open it?"

Blaise shot him a dirty look, "We didn't just toy with a bloody three

headed dog to stare at a door. Open it already."

Neville gripped the ring and pulled the door high enough so they could

peer inside. "It's a tunnel." He noted with much less enthusiasm.

"Maybe we should go down there?" Suggested Blaise halfheartedly.

Suddenly the room grew quiet, too quiet. Neville and Blaise looked at

each other with alarm. The loud snoring had stopped.

Blaise flinched as something cold and slimy dripped onto his shoulder.

Neville glanced up and his face turned an odd shade of red. "B-b-blaise…"

He stuttered.

They stared into the cold, black, unforgiving eyes of the three headed dog

with panic all over their faces. "RUN!" Blaise yelled. The two quickly

slammed down the trap door, and scrambled away from the dog baring

its sharp canines. They dog pounced, and Blaise and Neville ran as fast as

they could out the door.

They pushed on the door, trying to close it in front of the dog's snapping

jaws. After some pushing, they finally got it to close. Neville looked like

he was going to throw up. Blaise didn't look so good either. He was

staring at the milky white slime that coated his shoulder, "I'm drenched

with three headed dog slobber!" Blaise moaned with disgust.

"Do you know what we just found?" Neville managed to gasp out. "We

have to tell Hadrian! Come on!"

Blaise wearily eyed Neville's retreating form, and he ran to catch up. "The

things we do for him." He shook his head with a smile.

Unused Classroom 4th floor [Same Time]

Hadrian, Daphne, and Destiny quietly slipped into the door and into what

looked to be, a deserted classroom. Originally they had been on the third

floor, but Destiny insisted that they come up here.

Hadrian cautiously pulled out his wand, just in case there was danger

lurking nearby. There were several old, dusty desks pushed to the side

along with a lone wastebasket. His eyes fell on a large mirror in front of

them, and he walked over to investigate. He carefully scanned each

surface of the mirror, until he saw a strange inscription at the top.

"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi" Hadrian read aloud. He

furrowed his brows at the puzzling message. Ignoring it for the moment,

he stood in front of the mirror.

Instead of seeing his face like he was expecting, he saw and older version

of himself standing in front of Riddle Manor. He looked different and

everything about him seemed to glow with power. His mirror reflection

turned to him and smirked.

He had a familiar looking wand in one hand, and a red rock in the other.

Hadrian squinted. A rock? Then the image shifted and he saw himself,

Lord Voldemort, Bellatrix, and Destiny sitting by the fire, and opening

what looked to be Christmas presents. Hadrian rubbed his eyes..Was his

father laughing?

Hadrian leaned forward, until his fingers touched the cold, smooth glass.

It snapped him out of his strange trance. "Do you think this mirror shows

the future?"

Daphne walked over to him, and touched his shoulder. She looked into

the glass, and her eyes widened. Daphne turned to Hadrian and shook

her head.

"I show not your face, but your heart's desire." She said. She shrugged at

their questing looks. "That's what the message says. It's a mirror that

shows your deepest desire."

"What do you see?" Destiny asked.

"I see an older, more powerful version of myself standing in front of

Riddle Manor. I think I rule the entire Wizarding World. But then the

image changed to you, me, Bella, and my father opening Christmas

presents like some happy family." Hadrian said.

"I saw a different version of the wizarding world. I don't know how to

explain it, but it looked so real and so much better." Destiny whispered in


They both turned to Daphne expectantly. She noticed their gazes, and

blushed a dark shade of pink. "I see myself as Head Girl, holding the

house cup." She stuttered.

Destiny looked at her with a knowing smile, and Daphne ducked her

head down. Hadrian looked at Destiny, and then at Daphne. He shrugged,

'Girls are always so strange' he thought.

They stared into the mirror once more, but Destiny ordered them to stop

otherwise they might drive themselves insane. Together they exited the

classroom, and Hadrian took one last look at the mirror that showed his

deepest desire. He couldn't decide which one he wanted more.

They walked back down to the third floor in silence. They were all

thinking of their deepest desires. And also because they did not want to

attract the attention of Peeves, or Mrs. Norris.

The trio turned the corner, not seeing the running pair coming towards

them. They crashed into each other, and everyone groaned.

"Blaise? Neville? What are you doing?" Destiny groaned from underneath

Blaise. "Get off of me!"

Blaise quickly stood up, and offered his hand to Destiny. She scowled at

him and pulled herself up, dusting off her robes. Blaise cleared his throat,

"You will never guess what we found."

"Why are you wet?" Daphne asked curiously, staring at his drenched


Neville snickered, "The dog slobbered on him."

Blaise shot Neville a scathing glare, "Shut up."

"I'm sorry, dog? What dog?"

"The three headed one in the restricted third floor corridor!" Both Neville

and Blaise exclaimed.

"Keep your voices down, idiots!" Draco called out, walking towards the

group with Hermione not far behind. She was, as usual carrying a book.

But this one seemed to be a lot larger than any other volume.

"Sorry." Neville at least had the decency to look sheepish. "But you will

not believe it. There was a three headed dog insid-"

"Yeah, we get it. I think half the castle heard it. There was a cerberus in

the third floor corridor." Hermione cut in impatiently.

Neville huffed, "It wasn't the dog. It was what the dog was guarding."

"A trap door! We looked down it and it was some kind of tunnel. I bet

whatever we're looking for is down there." Blaise finished for him.

"Speaking of which, I think we have to find a rock or something. Because

we found this mirror that showed our deepest desires, and I was holding

this red rock in one of my hands." Hadrian said.

Hermione's eyes widened. She opened up her book and quickly started to

flip through the heavy pages. "Did it look like this?" She asked, shoving

the book in Hadrian's face.

Hadrian looked at the picture she was pointing to and nodded. "Exactly

like that."

Hermione cleared her throat, and started to read. "The Sorcerer's Stone,

created by Nicholas Flamel in the early 1300's, can be used to create the Elixir

of Life. The Elixir of Life does not make a person immortal, but can give

someone an indefinitely extended life. The Sorcerer's Stone also grants the user

the power to turn any metal into pure gold."

Draco grinned, "We found it mate."

Hadrian shook his head, "Now we actually have to obtain it."

15. Home

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Snape's Office [December 20]

Hadrian pushed the dark hair out of his face and narrowed his eyes into

slits. His hard emerald green eyes flashed, and he held back a smirk as he

saw his Head of House flinch slightly.

"What do you mean I have to stay in this castle during the holidays?"

Hadrian repeated calmly, although there was a dangerous edge to his


Snape sighed heavily, "Hadri-"

"It's young lord to you." Hadrian interjected rudely.

Severus Snape gritted his teeth, his patience fading by the second. "Young

lord" He ground out reluctantly, "The headmaster is getting suspicious.

Perhaps if you had followed your father's orders and not killed a troll, or

strutted around the castle like you owned it with your little gang then

you could've been preparing to board that train right now."

Hadrian slammed his palms onto the desk and glared at the potions

master. "You cannot tell me what to do. I only take orders from my


Snape shot him the nastiest look he could muster. "Right now, I am in

charge. And I said you must stay. If you go now, Dumbledore may have

you followed. What will happen when he sees you walk straight into the

arms of a known murderer and not to mention, the Dark Lord!"

"I'll be careful!" Hadrian insisted.

"Do I look like I care in the slightest? I said no." Snape declared firmly,

leaning back in his chair.

"I have to speak to my father" Hadrian said. He paused, "And if Destiny is

going, why can't I go?"

"That's different! She's Bellatrix's daughter!"

"And who am I?" Hadrian asked roughly, scowling at his professor. "Don't

you know who I am?"

Snape shot him a malicious glare that would have most sixth years piss

their pants. But it didn't seem to have any effect on Hadrian. "I am very

well aware who you are," he hissed. "Which is exactly why you can't go."

"You cannot stop me from leaving, Severus." Hadrian mocked.

"It's professor Snape, brat. Didn't your parents teach you any manners."

He snapped. He awaited a cheeky retort, but instead was greeted with

chilling silence. It was then that Severus Snape released his mistake, and

he his usually pale face turned paler.

"I didn't have real parents." Hadrian spat, his voice like shards of ice. "All

I have is Bellatrix and Voldemort."

Snape flinched.

"And you want to keep me from the only family I have." Hadrian tsked.

"How cruel can you be?"

"A guilt trip isn't going to work on me." Snape muttered.

Hadrian raised an eyebrow, "Oh?" His lips twisted into a wicked grin,

"Then perhaps this will."

He silently cast a spell, and twisted his hand around. Severus Snape

gasped, and immediately his hands went to his throat. He choked, trying

to breathe, but it was to no avail. It was as if an invisible hand was

strangling the air out of him.

"I learned this handy trick a couple days ago and wanted to test it out. It's

working quite well, don't you think?" Hadrian grinned, and ignored his

professor's incredulous look. The cheeky boy even had the gall to await

an answer..…while he was strangling him.

Hadrian squeezed his fingers into a fist, and Snape's eyes almost popped

out of his head. His fingers uncurled at a painfully slow rate. Then the

brat had the nerve to laugh at the disheveled professor that had fallen

onto the floor.

Snape tried to reverse the spell, but he didn't even know what spell was

used. He deducted it was a spell written before even the Dark lord was

born. Snape managed to glare daggers into Hadrian's head, but the boy

took no notice. Instead he returned to clenching his hands into a fist once


Snape clawed helplessly at his neck, even though he knew it was no use.

The boy wouldn't kill him….would he? Black spots danced across his

vision and his chest tightened painfully. His vision became blurred and

his head became heavy. The color faded away and he was plunged into


Thankfully, he didn't die. When he woke up, it was dark outside and he

wondered how long he had been "dead". He was alone, but he was

relieved to discover he could breathe normally. He was furious the boy

tried to kill him, and he forced himself off the floor to go hunt him down.

When he got his hands on the boy, he would wring his neck.

As he was walking towards the door, his eyes fell onto a small slip of

parchment on his desk. His curiosity got the best of him, and he picked

up the parchment. His hooded black gaze scanned every inch of the

parchment, and his anger grew more and more as he read each word. The

note was short, and written in black with elegant script.

I will see you after the holidays.

Happy Christmas.

It wasn't even signed, but Snape knew bloody well who it was from. He

crumpled the fancy parchment into a ball with annoyance, tossing it into

the nearest wastebasket. His sharp eyes landed on a shiny bottle filled

with fire whiskey, and Snape hastened to pour himself a drink. The

amber liquid burned in his throat, and he relished the feeling. He had put

up with so many things in his life. First his father's violent tendencies, the

Dark Lord, the fool of a headmaster, the moronic father-son Potter duo,

the idiotic Gryffindors, and now he could add Hadrian Draven Riddle to

the list. Snape rubbed his temples. He deserved this drink. If anything, he

needed ten


Hogwarts Express [6 pm]

They were almost there, and Hadrian was almost itching with

anticipation. He had missed everyone. Yes, everyone including his slightly

insane father. Hadrian stretched comfortably in his seat. His hand

accidentally whacked Destiny's head, and he shot her an apologetic smile.

She huffed and turned to speak with Neville who was sitting across from

her. Hadrian rolled his eyes and stared at the ceiling above.

"Honestly, can't you spend ten minutes without looking at yourself?"

"Don't you dare tell me what to do filthy mudblood!"

Hermione yawned, "That's getting old. If you're going to insult me, at

least make it a good one."

Blaise grinned and gave her a high five. Ever since Hermione had

introduced him to the concept, he had been requesting 'high fives' almost

every day. When Draco turned his icy glare on him, Blaise simply


"What can I say? She's my feisty cespuglio capelli!" Blaise exclaimed

dramatically, swinging an arm around her shoulders. Hermione giggled

at his antics and leaned against his arm.

Hadrian raised an eyebrow cooly, trying to stifle his laugh. "You do

realize that means 'feisty bush hair' in Italian, right?"

Hermione made an offended face, and swatted away Blaise's arm, "You've

been calling me that for the past month!"

Blaise shot her a sheepish grin and pouted, "Aw come on Mia Carina! I

was just kidding! I happen to love that bush you call hair!"

Hermione fumed silently in her seat, although every time Blaise poked

her ribs she forced herself to push down a smile. Draco sneered at them

and resumed to fixing his hair in the window's reflection.

Daphne cleared her throat, "So what's the plan for retrieving the" she

paused and lowered her voice to a whisper, "Sorcerer's Stone?"

Hadrian stiffened and glanced out the window. When he turned his gaze

back to the compartment, he noticed all pairs of eyes were on him. He

sighed, "I suppose I'll have to look around for any additional information

before we proceed."

Blaise nodded crisply, and for once his face was serious. The final say

closed any room for further discussions, and it was clear they would put

aside this topic. At least until the end of the holidays. They all knew how

much Hadrian enjoyed the holidays.

"So, Hadrian where are you going for the holidays?" Neville asked.

"Surely you won't be going back to that orphanage."

Hadrian briefly glanced at Neville, and something told him that the boy

already knew that there would be no orphanage for him during the

holidays. Neville may not have been a Seer, but he somehow saw straight

through all the lies and carefully placed layers of a person.

"I'll be spending the holidays at Malfoy Manor, of course. Just as I have

been doing for the past eight years." Hadrian lied confidently. He felt

relieved when he saw the shimmer of suspicion in Neville's eyes fade.

"You're welcome to join us for a couple days. Blaise will be coming too."

Draco added. The underlying scathing tone in his voice made it clear that

the same offer did not apply to Hermione.

"I'd have to ask my Gran. But probably yes." Neville sneered, "Merlin, that

woman doesn't even know where her own dentures are. I doubt she

would notice if her grandson suddenly went missing."

Blaise clapped him on the back, "That's the spirit!"

Daphne leaned her head against the window and her sharp eyes

narrowed on the train station in the distance. She sat up excitedly, "Hey,


"We're almost there!" She and Destiny exclaimed in unison. They looked

at each other and started to giggle. "Two minutes." Destiny said in a

matter-of-fact tone.

"Here's a galleon, Mudblood." Draco smirked, tossing the shiny gold into

her lap. "Get that bush fixed during the holidays, it's so hideous it's

hurting my eyes." He paused and leaned in closer toward her, "And listen,

if you have extra, go ahead and keep it. It's enough to buy your entire


Daphne was about to scold Draco on his derogatory remarks, but

Hermione beat her to it. She glared at Draco for a split second, before

whipping out her wand. It was aimed at Draco's head, and before anyone

could even register what was happening, a bright jet of pink light shot

out from her wand.

Draco's eyes widened and he was engulfed in a cloud of pink. He coughed

as the pink cleared away, and he stared at the people in the

compartment. He could feel the train slowly rolling to a stop, and he

heard the hustle and bustle of the rush to get off the train.

"What?" He asked, looking at their shocked faces.

The compartment burst into laughter and everyone pointed at Draco's

now very pink hair. Blaise patted Hermione on the back , congratulating

her on her handy spell work. Draco's face quickly turned almost as pink

as his hair, and he tried frantically to hide his bright pink hair.

"My perfect hair!" He mumbled sadly, desperately clutching his once

platinum locks.

Hermione got up from her comfortable spot and grabbed her trunk with

ease. She waved a short goodbye to the compartment and slid open the

compartment door, still laughing. But before she left, she turned around

and tossed the gold galleon at Draco's face. Unfortunately, he caught it

just in time.

Hermione gave Draco a sickly sweet smile, "Here's a galleon, prat. Get

that awfully pink hair

fixed during the holidays. It's so bright that it's hurting my eyes. And

listen, if you have extra, be sure to keep it. I heard a new personality

costs an arm and a leg."

And with that she promptly exited the compartment. Hadrian smirked at

her dramatic exit, and almost chuckled at the mixture of rage and

disbelief on Draco's face. Blaise shook his head in astonishment. He

whistled softly, "She sure put you in your place."

"Shut up." Draco grumbled, grabbing his trunk. He reluctantly pulled the

hood of his cloak up, wincing as it messed up his carefully styled hair.

"What person would want to give up body parts for something? No

matter how valuable it is."

"I'm pretty sure that's another muggle expression, mate." Neville grinned.

"I hate muggles. The whole lot of them. Bloody useless I tell you!" Draco

huffed as he exited the compartment. Hadrian followed behind him

closely. They stepped off the train together and looked around for the

Malfoys in the crowd. In the end they decided to follow blindly behind

Destiny, since she always knew everything.

Hadrian waved goodbye to Blaise and Neville and kissed Daphne's cheek.

He would see them in about three days for the Malfoy annual Christmas

Ball anyways. He also caught the sight of unmistakable bushy brown hair

and he smiled inwardly. Hadrian waved another goodbye to Hermione

across the station, although he wasn't sure if she had seen him. His eyes

fell on the tall woman behind Hermione and he concluded her to be

Hermione's mother. His brows furrowed.

"Hadrian hurry up! I want to thank Narcissa for my new robes." Destiny

called out, dragging Hadrian's arm.

He wordlessly followed Destiny to where the pair of regal looking

Malfoys clothing was articulate as usual, and not a hair was out of place.

"Lucius." Hadrian greeted him with a nod. He could have sworn there was

the slightest twitch of a smile in the cold as stone facade.

"Hadrian, Oh how we've missed you!" Narcissa said in a soft voice, barely

concealing her enthusiasm. She pulled Hadrian into a bone crushing hug,

and Hadrian winced.

"Dear, people are staring." Lucius muttered.

"Hush Lucius. It's been far too long." Narcissa mumbled. But she

reluctantly let go of Hadrian.

Her dark eyes turned weary as she laid her eyes on her son who had

finally appeared. She narrowed her eyes at the hood covering his head,

and reached out a dainty hand to pull it

down. She was shocked when his equally pale hand slapped hers away.

Narcissa looked affronted at his behavior and shot him a look that would

have the house-elves running for the hills. "Draco, what's gotten into you.

Take off that hood, we're in public!"

Hadrian coughed discreetly into his hand, trying to hide his chuckle.

Destiny grinned knowingly, and she made no move to hide her growing

amusement. Draco mumbled something under his breath, and Narcissa


"Speak up. You know I hate mumbling."

"I said I can't." He hissed through his clenched teeth.

"Why not?" Lucius asked curiously.

"No!" Draco spat as his mother reached for his hood again.

"Don't speak to your mother that way!" The senior Malfoy reprimanded


"You want me to take off my hood?" Draco grunted, "Fine."

Narcissa's jaw dropped open as she stared wide eyed at his very bright

pink hair. Lucius was shocked as well, but he quickly concealed his

surprise. Hadrian and Destiny both snickered loudly. Lucius glanced at

the awful color once more, before snapping out of it and nudging

Narcissa. She shook her head and did her best to compose herself.

"Put that hood back on boy." Lucius barked. Draco huffed and did exactly

that, shooting dirty looks to anyone that dared to even smile.

"I told you." He said, folding his arms stubbornly.

Narcissa let out a short laugh. "Let's just go home. Come Destiny. Lucius

take Hadrian and Draco."

"I bid you Adieu!" Destiny laughed, and waved her fingers. She took

Narcissa's hand and the two disappeared in a matter of seconds.

"Unless you boys plan on walking to the Manor, hurry up or I'll apparate

without you." Lucius threatened cooly. The two boys exchanged a glance

and knew it was no bluff. He had left without them before, and it had

been a full hour before he was sent back rather reluctantly by Narcissa to

collect them. Neither of them fancied staying around muggles any longer,

and so they hurried to carefully grab onto each of Lucius's arms.

Hadrian felt the familiar tug in his stomach from side along apparition

and his head spun. Once he felt solid ground, he planted his feet firmly so

he would not be thrown down. Draco unfortunately did not get that

lucky, and he fell onto his stomach, hard. Hadrian burst out laughing.

"Oof." Draco groaned dramatically, clutching the priceless persian rug he

had landed on. "It hurts."

Lucius rolled his eyes and delicately stepped over his ridiculous, pink

haired son as if he wasn't even there. He turned to the pair before he

exited the room, "Do clean up. Oh and Hadrian your father wishes to see


Hadrian's laughter abruptly stopped and he stiffened considerably. Draco

also sat up straight, his "pain" long forgotten. It was just then they

noticed that rather than Malfoy Manor, they were at Riddle Manor.

"What do you think he wants?" Draco asked breaking the silence that had

taken over them.

"Maybe he missed me." Hadrian muttered sarcastically.

"It could be about the troll. Or your classes. Or the mudblood." Draco


"Keep your voice down." Hadrian hissed, "I don't think anyone has told

him about Granger yet."

"He's bound to find out." Draco pointed out, but he lowered his voice

anyways. "He's the Dark Lord!"

"Shut up!"

He took a deep breath before exiting the sitting room and wandering

through the ever-changing halls of Riddle Manor. It was pretty much the

same, nothing had changed. Hadrian nodded formally to the portraits

and they smiled wryly at him.


Hadrian winced, he knew that voice. It sounded eerily similar to

Bellatrix, but this was ten times worse. He reluctantly trudged forward

towards the voice, and faced the portrait of the ecstatic looking blonde


"Great-Great-Great Aunt Gaunt." He greeted politely, cursing internally, "I

see your portrait has been moved."

The woman smiled warmly in her seat, "I knew you were coming home

today, so I insisted to be moved where you could see me. And how many

times have I told you to call me Anna? I already feel decades old, and I

don't need to be reminded exactly how old every time another "great" is

tacked on."

"Yes Gre-Anna."

"Now look at you. Grown into quite a handsome young fellow haven't

you? Look at those breathtaking eyes and cute nose. I just want to eat

you up!"

Hadrian blushed slightly. The other portraits had often told him that

Anna had always been a flirt when she was young. It looked like that

hadn't changed in the time he was at school. He was used to her advances

and harassing comments. But it was still strange since she was a portrait.

"You know, if you ever need to practice flirting with the ladies, I'm

always available. Although I doubt you'll need much practice. Look at

that physique! When you grow into it, you'll be absolutely delectable! I

once met a fellow with your same strong build. Not too muscular, not too

lanky. We spent a quiet night together," She paused and giggled, "No, it

wasn't that quiet. We were actually quite loud. You see we really spent

most of the night making lo-"

"Okay!" Hadrian almost yelled, his face quickly turning Weasley red.

There were certain things he did not need to know, and one of them

happened to be what his Great-Great-Great Aunt Gaunt once did in her

spare time.

"All right I'll stop there." She tittered, "When you meet your love, do

come visit me, yes? I'd like to meet the girl who captured little Hadrian's


Hadrian quickly agreed to satisfy her. "Of course. But now please excuse

me, I have to meet my father in his office."

"Come visit later dear!" She called as he almost ran away from her.

Hadrian turned to corner, and he sighed heavily as he caught sight of the

dark double doors of his father's office. He would rather go and talk to

Anne about her younger days than speak to his father right now.

He braved up and knocked on the door, awkwardly lowering his hands as

the doors opened slowly. He prepared to bow in front of his father, but

he wasn't present behind the desk. Curiously, Hadrian looked around the

room for his father, once again seeing no one. He had an inkling of

suspicion that his father was here, because the doors would never open

without him.


Hadrian silently cast a shield charm and smiled inwardly as the unknown

spell bounced off the white protective shield. The bright yellow colored

light dissolved and Hadrian made his face blank as he saw his father

reveal himself.

"You wished to see me father." Hadrian stated, bowing down before his

father. He waited for his father to tell him to rise but the command never

came. Curiously, Hadrian straightened up anyways, realizing it was a

mistake too late.

He was slammed into the wall rather painfully and the rough stone

pierced his back. He groaned loudly and rubbed his shoulder. "What was

that for?"

His father shot him a distasteful look, "I see you have forgotten already?

Never turn your back on the enemy. Now rise. I'm pleased to find you

haven't been skiving off your training completely."

"I would never." Hadrian smirked.

His father raised an eyebrow, "Oh really? Then do explain why you feel it

is perfectly alright to disobey any other orders you've been given."

Hadrian kept his cool mask in place, and he didn't react to his father's

blunt statement. He slid into one of the cold leather chairs. Lord

Voldemort glared at Hadrian. "Speak up. Why did you show off so much

in classes?"

"I was provoked. McGonagall wanted to punish me unfairly. I finished

with the lesson." Hadrian listed several reasons why he couldn't conceal

his abilities during class.

"Fair enough." Voldemort thought out loud, "The troll?"

Hadrian looked his father straight in his ruby eyes and said, "I would

rather disobey orders than let my sister die."

Hearing this Voldemort glared, "I've told you, love only makes you weak."

"That may be, but whatever I did benefits you as well. How would you

react if I told you your prized Seer was killed because of a lowly Death


Lord Voldemort contemplated this in his head for a few seconds before

nodding reluctantly. "Did you have to kill it, brat? Do you realize how

suspicious it seems?"

"Severus took care of the aftermath. And you're lucky I didn't go after

Quirrell after I killed the troll. What was that man thinking, letting a troll

into a school?"

"You sound like you care about the school."

"He let the troll into the dungeons." Hadrian stressed the word dungeons.

"You know what is in the dungeons? The Slytherin Dormitories. I don't

give a sickle about anyone else, but we need the Slytherins in the future."

The two stared each other down, neither saying a word waiting for the

other to speak. Finally Voldemort sighed, "If it happens again, be

prepared to suffer severe consequences."

"Is that all?" Hadrian asked, praying he wouldn't mention Hermione. Just

because she was a muggleborn didn't mean she was absolutely loathsome.

His father's face hardened. "No. Crucio."

Hadrian bit down on his tongue so hard he felt it would fall off. He didn't

scream, he didn't whimper at all. The pain was there, still very much

there, but he tried to conceal it. After what seemed like an eternity, he let

out a small hiss of pain. But that was all it took for Voldemort to make

the spell even more painful.

Voldemort studied his son from across the desk. The boy didn't even

flinch nor show any signs of pain. The corner of his mouth started to rise

up into an amused smirk, but he quickly pushed it down when he

remembered why he was torturing the boy in the first place. Soon he

grew bored of the brat's lack of reaction, and he lowered his wand.

"Are you done? As much as I enjoyed this little, 'father son chat', I want

to play a game." Hadrian announced as he tried to fight back the agony

he was still feeling inside. He leaned back in the large chair digging his

nails into the arm.

"I don't have time for silly games, brat." Voldemort snapped.

"Humor me." Hadrian said dryly, propping his feet up onto his father's


Voldemort narrowed his eyes, and with a flick of his hands, Hadrian's

feet were forcefully, and very painfully, kicked off the desk.

"If I indulge you in your stupid request, what will I get in return?"

Hadrian scoffed, "What would you want from me that you don't already


"Fine. What is it?" His father asked gruffly.

"I'll ask you three questions, and you'll answer them truthfully. If I can

surprise you, I win."

"I will not do anything you say. You don't command me." Voldemort

sneered. "Besides I see no point in this game considering I do not gain

anything, nor do I receive anything for agreeing to participate."

"You agreed to play. Besides they're harmless questions, unless you have

something to hide." Hadrian reminded him.

"Get on with it."

"What's your favorite Hogwarts house?" Hadrian grinned.

"Slytherin." Voldemort answered with a roll of his eyes. "These are idiotic


"What's your patronus?"

Lord Voldemort stiffened and scowled at Hadrian. "I don't have one."

"Why not?"

"Is that your third and final question?" Voldemort smirked, knowing full

well it wasn't. Hadrian cursed himself internally. He shouldn't have

wasted the first question on something so stupid.

"Why do you want the Sorcerer's Stone that has been hidden in


There. Right there. Hadrian saw it, right through the layer of indifference

and cruelty, he had seen it. The flicker of surprise in his father's blood

red eyes. It was the mixture of disbelief, shock and uncertainty that made

Hadrian almost jump up with glee. He had never seen his father surprised

by anything, even when Destiny had once given him a hug. Lord

Voldemort had told her to let go of him before he crucioed her to death,

and she had stepped away frightened to tears. He was angry, yes. But had

he looked surprised? No. It just made this glorious moment all the more


Hadrian broke the brief moment of absolute silence with a triumphant

smile, "I win."

"What do you know about the Sorcerer's Stone?" Voldemort demanded

immediately, his face void of all emotion.

"Does it matter? I want to know why you want it." Hadrian refused to

back down, his eyes steely.

"Why I want it is none of your concern." Lord Voldemort said coldly.

"Such a shame. Now I'll have to get it myself." Hadrian shrugged,

examining his nails with disinterest, "And keep it."

His father's eyes narrowed, "You will not dare to ruin my plans."

Hadrian ran his hands alongside the engraved edge of the desk, "Are you

willing to take the chance?" his eyes snapped up to glare at his father.

"I'm inside the school. I can retrieve it faster. And I will."

Lord Voldemort did not seem to take the threat seriously, for he sounded

amused as he said, "Will you now? Then by all means proceed."

Hadrian huffed, "I will. And when I find it, you aren't going to lay a

finger on it."

Suddenly the doors slammed open and Hadrian nearly jumped. His father

did not even flinch. They opened to reveal the tall form of Bellatrix

Lestrange. She had a murderous expression on her face. Which was usual,

but this time it seemed more angry. Her robes swished viciously under

her feet as she dragged a protesting Destiny along with her.

She pointed to the chair next to Hadrian, "Sit."

Destiny made a face, but she reluctantly obeyed. She shot Hadrian a

worried look before blanking out and trying to look forward into the

future. Her brows furrowed and she sighed a minute later. Hadrian shot

her a questioning look, but she shook her head.

Bellatrix paced around the desk, but making sure to carefully avoid the

Dark Lord. Her hands were clenched into fists and her wand hung

dangerously from her fingertips. Every few seconds she would push the

dark curly hair out of her eyes.

"Bella, what a pleasant surprise." Lord Voldemort drawled, his tone

indicating it was anything but. He seemed annoyed at the interruption,

yet Bellatrix paid no attention.

"How could this happen? First Rabastan and now my poor Destiny!" She

muttered loudly, "We've been cursed!"

"Can someone tell me what is going on?" Hadrian snapped.

Bellatrix turned around abruptly with a slightly insane gleam in her eyes.

"Destiny seems to have gotten herself into g-g-gryffindor. Of all places!

Even Hufflepuff would be better!"

"Yes, and what of it?" Hadrian asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't think you understand dear Hadrian. Gryffindor! How could this


"Bellatrix." Voldemort hissed. "Control yourself."

At his harsh tone, Bellatrix seemed to calm down, but her shoulders still

shook and her hair crackled with anger. "It is none of your business, but

if it soothes your worries, I'll have you know that I requested Destiny to

place herself into Gryffindor." Voldemort continued

"Imagine my surprise when I unpack her trunk and find a Gryffindor scarf

and uniform. And also some mudblood's books!" She exclaimed,

completely ignoring him.

"A mudblood?" Lord Voldemort repeated.

Hadrian shrunk into his chair, trying to make himself as unnoticeable as

possible. He tried to put up his Occulmency shields, but the damage was

already done. He sighed internally as he felt his barriers crashing down

as soon as his father's presence probed his mind.

"Is there something you want to tell me regarding a certain mudblood by

the name of Hermione Granger." Voldemort asked in a stone smooth


Destiny and Hadrian exchanged a glance.

"She'll be useful!" Hadrian argued feebly.

"She saved me!" Destiny defended her friend, at the same time.

Bellatrix glared at the two. "Honestly, you two were raised well. Yet you

associate with the common filth as if you were a part of the light side!

Mudbloods! Might as well play with the muggles then, eh?"

"She's different!" Hadrian protested. "She's a Ravenclaw, second only to

me. She even beat Draco. And she believes muggleborns should be

trained well, or eliminated!"

His father gave him a doubtful look. "Mudbloods will never agree to

eliminate their own kind."

"Hermione is special! And she is fascinated by Ancient Runes. Not to

mention, when she was younger, she performed accidental dark magic."

Destiny added.

"Oh by the name of Slytherin!" Bellatrix gasped, "They're defending a

mudblood! Her filthy blood has poisoned their minds!"

"Ancient Runes and Dark Magic you say?" Voldemort commented, titling

his head slightly. "An unusual combination of interests."

Hadrian nodded eagerly, "There's something about her, I just know she'll

be a valuable asset to us in the future."

"What makes you so sure she won't turn her back on you the minute you

tell her who you really are?" Voldemort questioned. "Muggles tend to be

on the side which doesn't wish to destroy them."

"She won't." Destiny insisted, "I've seen it. The same way I know Fred and

George Weasley will also join our cause in the future."

Bellatrix turned as white as a sheet, and she almost fainted on the spot.

"My daughter is on first name basis with…Weasleys?!"

16. Christmas Surprises

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Riddle Manor [Christmas Day]

The bright, dazzling light of the morning sun managed to shine through

the heavy, black curtains that covered the massive floor to ceiling

windows. A small beam of sunlight danced across Hadrian's face, and he

yawned in his half-slumber. After a few minutes, he groggily cracked an

eye open and stirred in his tangled up sheets. He ultimately decided that

trying to fall back asleep would be completely useless, not to mention

close to impossible. His head rolled to the side and Hadrian winced, for

his head felt as heavy as lead. Using one hand he rubbed his eyes,

vigorously trying to clear his blurry vision. He halfheartedly looked out

the window and caught a glimpse of the sparkling layer of white that

covered the grounds. Almost instantaneously, his befuddled, sleepy haze

cleared and he was more alert than ever. His eyes widened comically as

he raised his hand to wandlessly push the curtains aside. The magic came

naturally to him, and now the amazing feat was as familiar to him as

manually pushing aside the curtains. But no matter how skilled he was at

wandless magic, it was safe to say that Hadrian was not prepared for the

gleaming sunlight that assaulted his eyes the minute he moved the

curtains to the side. He hastily shut his eyes, trying to ignore his small

moment of complete idiocy.

A couple seconds later Hadrian cautiously opened his eyes again, this

time more prepared to face the painfully brilliant light that was day.

Once his eyes had adjusted to the light, Hadrian stared out the windows

and a small smile began to form on his face. The once crisply manicured

lawns of Riddle Manor were powdered with glistening white snow. The

light white fluff left no surface untouched. Even the tall forest evergreens

were covered with the thick snow. The entire land was touched by the

cold breath of a winter's day. Hadrian's grin widened and he sat up

straight in his soft, plushy bed when he realized, "It's Christmas!"

Suddenly, he froze in shock as an icy cold sensation splashed onto his

face and pathetically dripped through his hair. Hadrian sat still in his bed

as the extremely cold liquid seeped slowly into his pajamas. His hair was

sopping wet, and each deep breath he took caused another drop to plop

onto his face. He ran a shaky hand through his drenched hair, shuddering

involuntarily as a drop of the liquid dripped slowly down his spine.

Hadrian gritted his teeth and clenched the silky black sheets in his fists.

At this point he was about to Crucio someone's head off. He opened his

mouth to speak, but a velvety voice interrupted him from launching into

his extremely long tirade.

"Oh good, you're finally up."

He knew that voice. He knew that voice a little too well. Hadrian seethed

quietly in his frozen position, and whipped his head around to scowl at

one Narcissa Malfoy. She was dressed in simple, but classic lavender day

robes. Simple they may be, but Hadrian knew better than to think the

cost was simple as well. Judging from the small and neat embroidery

work, Hadrian knew these robes had cost at least a small fortune.

Narcissa's smooth, platinum blonde hair was twisted up at the nape of

her neck and fastened in place with a fancy looking silver clip. Her eyes

were dark and lined expertly with black. She had an innocent expression

on her otherwise cold face, but the delicate empty crystal glass in her

dainty hands told a different story.

Hadrian sighed tiredly, falling back onto his bed with a soft thud. He

threw an arm over his face to block out the excess light and grumbled

loudly, "Was that absolutely necessary?"

He glanced up just in time to see Narcissa shrug nonchalantly, her face

void of any emotion, "I have no idea what you are talking about."

Hadrian rolled his eyes, knowing full well that he would not be receiving

any sympathy, nor apology from the frosty blonde woman. He then

raised an eyebrow curiously, "Pardon me if I sound incredibly rude, but

what exactly are you doing here?"

Narcissa sniffed haughtily and raised her chin up in the air, "Yes, that did

sound quite rude."

He ignored her snide remark and gave her a pointed look, waiting for her

to continue. When she made no further move to explain her presence,

Hadrian prompted her further. "Narcissa…"

She tsked disapprovingly and shook her head in disappointment. She

carefully sat herself down on the bed, smoothing out any wrinkles that

had formed on her dress. She placed the crystal glass on the bed beside

her. Her posture was perfect, her back rigidly straight. Narcissa tucked

back a wisp of blonde hair that had escaped from her styled twist before

turning her attention back to Hadrian. "Today is Christmas."

Hadrian rolled his eyes, "Yes…..and?"

Narcissa huffed, "The Christmas Ball is today?"

His eyes widened and he groaned audibly, " I completely forgot about


Narcissa assessed his mused hair and overall disheveled appearance with

a critical eye. "Clearly." She commented wryly, studying her freshly

manicured nails. "I have just come to remind you of your duties today."

Hadrian raised an eyebrow, "Duties? What duties?"

She smiled widely, showing off her shiny white teeth. "As you know in

the past, you, Draco, and Destiny have spent about an hour in the

ballroom before departing for your rooms." She paused and her eyes

gleamed as if she was enjoying this. "But that is about to change since

now all three of you are grown up."

"I'm a first year at Hogwarts, that's hardly grown up." Hadrian pointed


"Tonight you and Draco will be playing hosts. After you eat breakfast, be

on time for etiquette class and Lucius tell you more details about that."

She continued, completely ignoring Hadrian's weak attempt of protest.

"Why doesn't Destiny have to come to etiquette class?" Hadrian

complained childishly.

Narcissa pursed her dark ruby lips "Destiny will be spending the day with

me and Bella to get ready for the ball. And I can assure you, your day

will be much more enjoyable than hers."

Immediately, Hadrian clamped his jaw shut and swallowed down the

jumble of complaints he was about to spew out. Merlin knows what

Narcissa had planned for Destiny. In that moment he felt truly sorry for

his blonde haired sister.

Narcissa gestured towards his en suite bathroom, "I've already laid your

day robes out on the counter. Eat your breakfast and go to your lesson.

Lucius will be filling in for me today." Her lips twitched into a small

smile as she saw the look of horror on his face. "I'm off to wake Destiny,

that is if Bella hasn't done so yet."

She rose off the bed and smoothed her dress down carefully. Narcissa

patted down her hair and gave Hadrian a dangerous look, "If you aren't

up on time I will hex you into next week." And with that being said, she

sashayed away, the lavender gown swaying behind her.

Hadrian waited till she left the room before yawning and falling back

down onto his bed. He tugged his covers up to his neck and looked

wistfully at the glistening white peaks of snow outside. They were just

calling his name, pleading him to come and enjoy the snow. He shook his

head, as if trying to clear away the thoughts. But he still bit his lip,

actually contemplating the idea when he looked back at his en-suite

doors. Maybe if he was very quiet he could sneak away. He closed his

eyes for a brief second and was just about to drift back into his slumber

when a loud scream startled him.

Hadrian stiffened immediately and his eyes snapped over to his door. He

urgently peeled off the silk black sheets and rose from his comfortable

position. He swung his feet off the bed and hastily grabbed his wand.

Hadrian pushed the dark hair out of his eyes and ran barefooted across

the room, throwing open his heavy, polished mahogany bedroom doors.

The screaming continued and Hadrian blindly ran forward, following the

sound of the wails. He ran down the cold marble steps and the ear

piercing screams got louder and louder. The blood in his head started to

pound and the color drained from his face when he came face to face

with an all too familiar door.

Without thinking, he roughly shoved open the door and his eyes widened

dramatically. His heart plummeted as he took in the terrifying sight.

Bellatrix knelt near the large bed, panicking and screaming with

distraught. Narcissa was also present, but she was hovering over the

slumped body in the bed. She was much calmer than her sister. Her

brows crinkled with concern as she waved her wand over the unmoving

shape nestled under the sheets.

Hadrian stood frozen in the doorway, and let out a strangled gasp. His

wand fell limply from his side and dropped onto the floor with a thud,

rolling across the floor. If the two women noticed his presence, they did

not acknowledge it. He moved forward as if he was possessed, slowly

shuffling inch by inch. He pried his way past Bellatrix and stared at the

blank expression on the motionless face.

"What's wrong with Destiny?" He managed to choke out, unknowingly

putting an end to Bellatrix's bawls. Destiny's face was a pale white, and

wisps of her blonde hair stuck to her face with a sheer layer of sweat. Her

knuckles were white from clutching the sheets and not even a slight

twitch was seen.

"Yes, Cissa what's wrong with her!?" Bellatrix demanded, "Why isn't she

waking up?!"

"I don't know! That's what I'm trying to figure out!" Narcissa snapped. She

turned back to Destiny's still form, and waved her wand. A soft golden

light enveloped her, but faded just as quickly. Bellatrix glared at her

sister and angrily wiped away a stray tear.

"She's not moving!" Bellatrix gripped Destiny's shoulder, shaking her

hysterically. "Is she breathing? Please wake up my Dark angel. I'm sorry.

Just please, open your eyes!" She pleaded desperately. Her voice cracked

as she continued along with her hopeless pleas, "I promise to never yell at

you again, just wake up. Wake up right now!" Her crazy dark locks were

flying around her face, and her frenzied movements caused the nearby

vase on the bedside table to shatter. "I can't lose you too." She whispered.

Hadrian squeezed her shoulder comfortingly, all the while trying to keep

himself calm. Since Bellatrix was acting so unlike herself, it was his job to

make sure at least he was calm and collected. He had never seen her like

this. She was so hysterical and desperate, he wondered if she had

witnessed something like this before. He had known since forever, and he

knew she hated crying. He knew she hated weakness. She was just like

his father in more ways than one. During the entire time he had known

her, he had never seen her shed a single tear. He'd never seen her so

weak, so helpless. Hadrian took a deep breath, and tried to look

anywhere other than his frozen sister's face.

"Why isn't she waking? Why aren't you fixing her? Is she dead?"

"Bella, calm down. I can't fix her unless I know what has happened. She's

not dead though." Narcissa reassured her. There was a long pause and she

fidgeted uncomfortably, "I think."

Hadrian turned his eyes away from Bellatrix, who was sure to explode

any second now. His gaze landed on the shards of the broken vase, and

he narrowed his eyes. In the puddle of water and a single Iris flower, he

saw a very out of place looking dark red vial. Discreetly stepping away

from Bellatrix, Hadrian cautiously picked up the vial and examined it. It

had no label, nor any form of identification. The seal around it was

clearly broken and Hadrian carefully shook the small vial with his

fingers. He could hear no swishing sound of liquid, so he hesitantly

turned it over his hand. To his surprise, not even a single drop fell out.

Hadrian slowly raised it up to his face and sniffed the vial. There was a

very familiar scent that lingered behind and Hadrian furrowed his brows.

Where had he smelled it before?

"Hadrian, what's that?"

His head snapped up, and he was met with the dark eyes of Narcissa. Her

eyes were trained on the vial currently in his hands, and she rubbed her

temples, "Give it here."

Wordlessly, he handed over the vial. Narcissa looked at it suspiciously

before sniffing it just as Hadrian had done a second ago. Her face lit up in

recognition, but quickly turned ashen as she turned the bottle over and

nothing came out.

"What is it! What is it!" Bellatrix shrieked, staring at the vial in Narcissa's

hands. She reached out to snatch it away, but Narcissa yanked it back.

Ignoring the deadly look she was getting from her sister, Narcissa tapped

her wand on the top of the vial, muttering something under her breath.

The vial seemed to glow, and Narcissa quickly placed it onto the table

with shaky hands.

"What do we do? Do we call a Healer?!" Bellatrix asked frantically,

clutching Destiny's hand.

"We can't call a Healer! She's at Riddle Manor, not to mention,

surrounded by highly suspected Death Eaters!" Hadrian pointed out.

"We don't need a Healer." Narcissa agreed. "I can fix her, if you both let

me concentrate." She held up the vial between her fingers. "It looks as if

Destiny has had an overdose of the dreamless sleep potion. It's actually

common around this age since they don't know how much to take. But it

seems she's had more than three times the recommended dosage."

"I don't want a damn lesson about children, Cissy!" Bellatrix barked, "Fix

her! Fix her now!"

"Why would she take so much of it though?" Hadrian wondered out loud.

"Or was she poisoned?"

"I don't care why!" Bellatrix snapped. "I just want her to wake up!"

"All of you just be quiet!" Narcissa hissed. "I'm going to the potions lab to

see if Severus has any of the antidote left."

As she quickly hurried out of the room, Hadrian turned to Bellatrix.

"She'll be okay, Bella. Calm down. I know you're worried sick right now,

but panicking will only make it worse."

Bellatrix whipped around to face him, her eyes crackling with anger.

Hadrian subconsciously took a step back. "You don't know what it feels

like." She growled. "You just don't understand. I've been given a second

chance, and look what I've done with it!"

"It's not your fault!" Hadrian protested, trying to convince his insane

mother. "Destiny will be alright, you'll see. She'll come to the ball and

have fun with me, Draco, Daphne, Blaise and even Neville!"

"Who's this Neville?"

"Neville? Neville Longbottom? I'd assume Destiny told you about him.

Anyways she will be perfectly fine. She'll even be fussy when you present

her with hundreds of dresses to try on and she'll throw a tantrum when

she has to make her hair all styled." Hadrian continued, oblivious to

Bellatrix's sudden change in attitude.

"Hadrian." She said in an even voice. He raised his head to look her in the

eyes. "Whatever you do, stay away from the Longbottom boy. And make

sure Destiny definitely stays away from him."

"What? Why?" Hadrian asked, surprised, "He is a pureblood."

Bellatrix scowled, "I'd rather Destiny be best friends with the mudblood

than associate with that boy."

"Why do you hate him so much? Granted, he is a suspicious character,

but nothing I can't handle."

"Listen to me, the Longbottoms are one of the lightest pureblood families

in our world. Second to only the Potters. Stay away from him."

Hadrian narrowed his eyes, "You're lying. You know I can always tell

when you lie. Tell me the real reason why you want us to stay away. He's

done absolutely nothing to you!"

Her shoulders shook and before he knew it, Bellatrix whipped out her

wand. She pointed it directly between his shoulders and hissed, "Never

say that again. The Longbottoms have done plenty harm to us."

"Bellatrix! That's enough!"

Hadrian sighed gratefully at the interruption and Bellatrix reluctantly

lowered her wand. Narcissa shot a deadly look in Bellatrix's direction as

she re-entered the room with another small vial in her hands. She briskly

strode over to Bellatrix and whispered something to her. Bellatrix

growled and was about to turn her wand on her sister, but then Narcissa

whispered something harshly into her ear. Bellatrix took a calming

breath and nodded, dropping her wand against her side.

Narcissa looked as if she was about to say something to Hadrian as well,

but she shook her head and trudged toward Destiny instead. Hadrian

hung back, but he could hear Narcissa reciting a small prayer before

tilting the vial into Destiny's mouth.

A couple minutes passed in complete and utter silence. Bellatrix stared

anxiously at Destiny, barely blinking. "Cissa, why isn't she getting up?

She's still not moving. What is wron-"

"Merlin Bella, have some patience! You know potions effects take longer

to show than counter-spells!" Narcissa reprimanded. She turned to see

Hadrian inching closer to Destiny. "What are you still doing here?" She


Hadrian shot her an incredulous look, "I'm here to see Destiny wake?"

She shook her head, "No, no! Everything is not going according to plan!"

She paused and sighed heavily, "Skip the breakfast and floo straight to

my manor. Lucius will explain what is required of you tonight."


"No arguments, please Hadrian. Not now. You can see Destiny later at the

ball. Now go! And don't you dare touch any of the presents."

He grumbled a bit and glared at the women in the room before angrily

storming out. Hadrian made sure to slam the door, extra, extra hard.

Malfoy Manor: Formal Ballroom [Christmas Day]

"Listen here boys. Cissa asked me to babysit you and put some manners

into the space between your ears." Lucius started, his facial expression

cold and aloof. "The guests will be arriving any minute now. If word gets

out to Narcissa that I let you roam around the grounds creating mischief

instead of attending your lesson, then she'll have my head. Understand?"

"Father you didn't even tell us what we're supposed to do." Draco pointed

out, impatiently tapping his foot against the hard marble floor. "You told

us to get dressed about twenty minutes ago. Do you honestly think

Mother will not find out about this?"

"She won't find out if you don't tell her." The Malfoy patriarch retorted,

narrowing his eyes. "Which you won't. Besides, its rather simple. As hosts

you are required to personally greet each guest and lead the opening


"We have to dance!?" Draco exclaimed in shock, poking Hadrian in the

ribs. "Can you believe this?" He huffed. "I don't even remember the


"Figure it out." Lucius waved his hand dismissively. "After the opening

dance, you must walk around and make sure everyone is having a

pleasant evening- Yes son, that includes talking to the Parkinsons and

their daughter. Please try to indulge her requests, Draco. Finally, as the

night draws to a close, you will personally wish each guest a good night-"

"And then we can open the presents?" Hadrian interrupted.

Lucius sighed, "Yes, then you can open the presents Hadrian."

Draco folded his arms stubbornly, "I don't understand why you couldn't

have just taught us our lesson. Just before the ball starts you tell us we

have to get ready in about ten minutes, then tell us we need to pretend to

be pleasant all evening, personally make sure everyone is having a lovely

evening, not to mention, lead a dance!"

"Your point being?" His father snapped. "I don't have time for you

petulant complaints. I didn't see you complaining when you spent the day

bothering Pettigrew and hexing lowly death eaters. You will do as you

have been asked. And I swear if Narcissa finds out, there will be no

quidditch for a week!" He paused and glared at Hadrian. "Yes, that

punishment applies to you too Hadrian."

"But why do we have to get punished?" Hadrian complained. "Its not even

our faults!"

Lucius shot him an angry look, and Hadrian backed down. He didn't want

to infuriate the cold hearted Slytherin any further. Instead he held back

his objections and complaints, choosing to let the blond seethe quietly.

"Go! The guests are coming!"

Draco grumbled something incoherently and trudged over to the large

massive doors of the ballroom. Hadrian followed soon after, rather

reluctantly. Draco smoothed down his hair one last time and carefully

tucked back one traitorous piece of hair that kept falling over his eyes.

Hadrian adjusted his expensive black dress robes and re-tied his polished

black shoes. They both looked up and shot each other exasperated looks

before pulling open the intricately carved black doors.

"Drakie!" A high pitched voice squealed enthusiastically.

Draco groaned inaudibly but plastered a clear fake smile on his face. He

stumbled back slightly as Pansy Parkinson enveloped him in a big hug.

Hadrian hid his chuckle behind his hand and turned to greet her parents.

"Lord Parkinson. Lady Parkinson. It is wonderful that you have graced us

with your presence for yet another year." Hadrian addressed them

formally. He looked Lord Parkinson in the eye as he shook his hand. Lady

Parkinson offered a simple small smile.

Lord Parkinson cleared his throat, "Who could ever refuse an invitation to

the biggest social event of the year?"

Hadrian smiled good-naturedly, and gestured his hands toward the

deserted ballroom. "You're actually early, but please make yourselves


Lady Parkinson nodded softly and turned to tap her daughter on the

shoulder. "Pansy dear, come. You can speak with Draco later." She spoke,

gently prying Pansy from the clearly unamused blond.

Draco flashed Lady Parkinson a grateful look and discreetly rubbed his

arms where Pansy's nails had dug into. He glared at Hadrian when he

had the nerve to laugh. "It's not funny!" Draco hissed, "I feel violated!"

Hadrian bit down his tongue to keep from bursting out into fits of

laughter, "Draco, she hugged you."

"It wasn't a hug!" Draco protested vehemently, "Hugs are supposed to be

nice. I felt like I was going to die!"

"Quit being so overdramatic!" A familiar voice called out from the

doorway. Hadrian shook his head at the arrival of the dark haired italian.

His mother was ushering him forward, and she smiled at the boys.

"Hello, Mrs. Zabini." Hadrian nodded.

"Hey, what about me?!" Blaise whined. His mother swung her jeweled

clutch at his head, but Blaise skillfully ducked down just in time.

"Manners, Blaise." She said sweetly, flouncing past the boys. "Hello Draco,

Hadrian. Have fun tonight. I'm off to find some bubbly."

"I missed you all so much." Blaise announced, slapping Draco's back.

Draco scowled, "We saw you yesterday."

"Ah, but my slimy albino friend, yesterday is a very long time. Especially

when every passing moment after out meeting was spent honoring my


"Where is the latest stepfather, Blaise?" Hadrian grinned knowingly.

Blaise's lips curled up into a sly smile, "He suffered a truly tragic


Draco sighed, and snapped his fingers in mock disappointment, "Such a


"Move out of the way, Zabini. You're blocking the door!"

"Longbottom, I see you made it." Hadrian nodded cooly to the tall boy

that just appeared. Neville smirked slightly as a greeting and eased his

way past the doorway, pushing Blaise along with him.

"I thought your grandmother wouldn't let you come?" Draco accused


Neville snorted, "Are you kidding? All I had to do was slip her a small

drop of a special potion and she was out cold for the whole day."

"Sounds very Slytherin of you, Neville." Blaise commented, "But that

certain potion sounds quite harmful, don't you think?"

"You would know, Zabini. Your mother recommended it to me." Neville

retorted. Blaise laughed, and dragged him off towards the main ballroom,

"Come on, let's leave these two to their job."

Draco scowled at their retreating backs and kicked the marbled floor.

"This is so unfair."

"Get used to it." Hadrian shrugged, "I guarantee you'll have to face more

balls like this in the future."

As more and more guests arrived, and the ballroom grew more crowded,

Hadrian's patience started to dwindle. He and Draco had greeted, shook

hands with, and pretended to adore people they didn't even know all

evening. When the Greengrasses had finally arrived, Lucius saw it fit to

officially start the ball.

Hadrian smiled widely at Daphne as she entered the ballroom. She

dressed in robes of blue, that shimmered with each step she took. Her

gown flowed like water and she sashayed across the floors gracefully. Her

hair was styled down in loose waves and her lips were painted a light

pink. Her blue eyes sparkled as she took in Hadrian's formal attire.

Her lips quirked into a delicate smile, "My, my, someone's looking quite

debonair this evening."

Hadrian smirked, "What can I say? I do try sometimes."

Draco snapped his fingers, "What am I? An invisibility cloak?"

Daphne shook her head, and rolled her eyes. "You look quite dashing too,


He puffed out his chest in pride, "Why thank you Miss Greengrass."

Lord and Lady Greengrass watched the exchange with amusement clearly

evident in their eyes. "Good Evening, Hadrian, Draco. We apologize for

our late arrival, for our youngest took ages to prepare for her first ever

Malfoy Ball." Lord Greengrass chuckled.

"Do not fret, Lord Greengrass. The ball has not yet started. Speaking of

which, Daphne, would you care to accompany me for the first dance?"

Hadrian asked suavely, holding out one hand.

Daphne nodded eagerly and placed her smooth hand in his. Hadrian

bowed to her family, and waved to Daphne's younger sister, Astoria,

before whisking her onto the dance floor. Out of the corner of his eye, he

saw Pansy advancing towards Draco, and he suppressed the snicker that

was threatening to escape from his mouth.

When the music started, he focused his full attention on Daphne. He

gently pulled her closer with one hand on her back and she raised her

hand to rest on his shoulder. They moved together so fluently, it was

almost as if they both predicted the other's moves. With each breath he

took in, he could smell her soft scent of roses. They twirled, they swayed,

and waltzed to the elegant music of the orchestra in the background. No

words were said between them, but the twinkle in her deep blue eyes

said it all.

As the dance ended, Daphne beamed at him and pulled him towards her

reserved table. Hadrian pulled out her chair for her, and she sat herself

down onto the plush white chair.

"That was quite impressive."

They both turned their heads to see Destiny leaning against the table,

twirling a strand of her hair. She was wearing a black dress that clung to

her as she moved. Her hair was styled up, probably by Narcissa, and an

unnoticeable layer of makeup coated her face.

"Thank god you're alive!" Hadrian exclaimed, running a hand through his

hair. Daphne looked alarmed.

"Alive? What did I miss?"

Destiny shrugged, "Nothing really. Hadrian's just being dramatic."

"I am not! She almost died this morning. What were you thinking?"

Hadrian shook his head angrily, "Why did you take so much of that


When she didn't respond, he narrowed his eyes, "Someone didn't force it

down your throat, did they?"

"Well no, bu-"

"Then why?" Hadrian stressed, rubbing his temples. "Why did you scare

all of us like that. We were worried to death!"

Destiny looked guilty and she looked away, "Well you see…I…Well, I

kind of-I can't."

"What do you mean, you can't?!" Hadrian hissed, "Tell me what is going

on, right now."

"I don't have to tell you everything!" She huffed.

"I have a right to know! I'm your brother!" Hadrian argued back.

"You have no right! You're not even my real brother!" Destiny snapped.

Her eyes widened and she instantly covered her mouth, but the damage

was done. Hadrian's face was blank and impassive as he calmly stood up

from his chair.

He nodded crisply and his icy eyes flashed, "Very well then. Excuse me

for a minute Miss Lestrange, Daphne." Hadrian turned around, and

walked around the dancing couples and out of sight. Destiny sighed sadly

and ran her hands up and down the side of her glass. She could feel

Daphne's eyes on her, and she whipped around to face her.

"What!" She demanded brusquely, grabbing a knife and viciously tearing

apart the chicken entrée that had magically appeared on her plate.

Daphne assessed her with a calculating gaze, "You are hiding something."

She stated, "Clearly it is necessary to hide it from Hadrian." She paused

and tapped her chin thoughtfully, "But why?"

Destiny raised an eyebrow, "How did you know?"

Daphne smirked, "I didn't, but you just confirmed it. So tell me, what is

so bad that you can't even tell Hadrian? Obviously you didn't mean what

you said."

Destiny dropped her fork with a loud clink. "Maybe I did mean every

word I said."

Daphne scoffed, "No you didn't. Even if you don't know that, I do. You

don't want to hurt Hadrian." Suddenly her eyes lit up and she snapped

her fingers, "That's it! You don't want to hurt Hadrian!"

Destiny grumbled, "I don't see how you're doing this. I thought I was the

Seer here."

"I'm going to take that as a yes. So, are you going to tell me what is going

on?" Daphne questioned, taking a sip of her drink.

"I'm just having a problem that I hope I can fix without anyone's help or

concern." Destiny muttered as she drummed her fingers on the table.

Meanwhile, Hadrian wandered through the back halls of Malfoy Manor.

He had long left the party was was walking clumsily through the dark

halls and corridors. He could hear the whispers of the curious portraits,

but he paid them no heed.

"Not her brother. I have no right. She's gone completely mental, I say."

Hadrian murmured to himself.

The small sound of footsteps could be heard behind him, and Hadrian

sighed loudly. "I don't want to hear it Destiny."

A rough hand grabbed his arm, and Hadrian looked up with alarm at the

face covered with a black mask, "Guess again, kid."

A/N: I might be adding to this chapter later. But if I don't add to this

chapter, then I'll probably make a separate mini chapter later. Stay


17. Friends Close, Enemies Closer

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Undisclosed Location [Christmas Day]

Hadrian whipped out his wand, but before he could do anything, he felt

the tug of apparition against above his navel. The room spun below his

feet and soon his surroundings were replaced by ominous looking forests.

As soon as his feet touched solid ground, Hadrian stabbed his wand in

the direction of his kidnapper.

"Who are you?" Hadrian hissed. He was gripping his wand so hard that

his knuckles turned white. "I swear I'll attack if you don't tell me."

The man let out a rough sound akin to a chuckle, and Hadrian shrugged,

Have it your way.

The incantation was ready to roll off his tongue when the man held up

his hands in a mock surrender. Hesitantly, Hadrian closed his mouth, but

didn't lower his wand.

The man pulled off his mask, and Hadrian seethed inside. His expression

went from threatening to angry in a split second. "Barty?" He spit out

incredulously, "Barty Crouch?"

The man broke out into a smile, seemingly pleased. "And here I thought

you had forgotten me."

Hadrian clenched his teeth together and rubbed his temples trying to get

rid of the angry throbbing vein in his forehead. "Are you completely

mental? What are you doing here?" He narrowed his eyes accusingly,

"Aren't you supposed to be in Azkaban?"

Barty grinned, the moonlight bouncing off his sharp teeth. "Is that how

you greet an old friend?"

Hadrian rolled his eyes, "Forgive me." He paused and smiled a sweet little

false smile. "Hello Barty, how are you this fine evening?"

"Was that so hard? And to answer your question, I'm doing just fine."

"Barty what am I doing here?" Hadrian snapped, tapping his foot

impatiently, "I have a Christmas Ball to get back to."

Barty smirked, "Oh yes, the famous Malfoy Christmas Ball. But I predict

the ball isn't the only thing you want to get back to. Say, that was a

mighty fine girl you had hanging off your arm a while ago."

Hadrian flushed slightly and dug his foot into the ground, "Barty!" He

huffed with exasperation, "Get to the point!"

"Sorry, Sorry." He apologized, although his amusement-filled eyes made it

clear he felt no remorse. He cleared his throat, "I came and plucked you

away from the crowd on behalf of your father."

"Why like that?"

Barty scoffed, "Well obviously the Dark Lord cannot just stroll into a

packed Ballroom and say he requires the presence of his hei-"

"Not that Barty!" Hadrian groaned, "I meant why did you have to literally

kidnap me?"

"Oh that." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "You know I have a

flair for the dramatics."

"A warning next time would be better, don't you think? I thought it was

some Order member!"

The young death eater laughter wickedly, "Come on kid, the element of

surprise is number one attack strategy. Besides, it's your father's orders."

"Why are we here?"

"Too many questions. Just follow me." Barty smirked, "Don't you trust


"Not at all." Hadrian replied, his green eyes almost glowing in the night.

Barty shrugged, "Fair enough. But your father will get angry if you keep

him waiting." He paused, "And I know you don't want that." Barty

grinned at the way Hadrian flinched dramatically.

Hadrian squared his shoulders and rolled his eyes, "Lead the way."

Barty grinned and they trudged through the trees in silence. Their

footsteps crunched through the thick layer of snow as they marched on.

The cold air was biting his cheeks and Hadrian could feel the wetness of

the snow seeping into his dragon-hide boots. He tugged his cloak tighter

to his body and whispered the word to activate the warming spell. He

was grateful for the silence since it gave him a clear head to think.

It didn't last long.

"Want to guess what I've been up to?"

Hadrian groaned loudly. "No." He huffed, shoving his hands into his


Barty, seemingly unaffected by his lack of enthusiasm, grinned widely.

"I've been developing some ways to break out of Azkaban. I got caught

snooping on the land once, but I laid my charm on them and was set


"I doubt you charmed the dementors. And I also doubt they just let you

prance out of there like a proud peacock."

"Well of course there were certain disputes that occurred. It seemed to

make both of our fathers unhappy." Barty waved his hand carelessly. But

Hadrian could see the hard glint in Barty's eyes when he mentioned his

own father, Bartemius Crouch Sr.

Deciding not to egg him on further, Hadrian stayed quiet. He heard Barty

stop next to him, but Hadrian ignored this and carried on.

Suddenly, he felt as if he was walking straight into a brick wall and a

millisecond later, he was felt a shock of electricity running up his arms.

The force was so strong he was thrown back onto the cold ground

underneath him. He groaned and rubbed his head, wincing as he realized

it would leave a mark.

Barty chuckled as he strolled toward Hadrian's crumpled frame at a

leisurely place. He held out a hand and Hadrian reluctantly grabbed it,

pulling himself up. He wiped off the dirt on his cloak and glared at Barty.

"A little warning would've been nice, Bartemius." Hadrian hissed in a

snotty tone.

"And miss out on that hilarious spectacle?" Barty laughed, "No way."

Hadrian mumbled something incoherent under his breath. "Why is there

such a powerful concealment charm in the middle of the forest?"

Barty's mouth twitched into an amused smile, "Oh little Hadrian, this is

no forest." He put his arm around Hadrian's rigid shoulders and squeezed

tightly. After whispering the counter-spell, Hadrian's jaw dropped in awe.

Barty opened his arms wide and gestured to the large, jet black, iron-clad

structure behind him. "This is a fortress."

The massive fortress was made completely out of metal and the gates

were heavy iron gates. Hadrian looked up and all around the monstrosity

as Barty led him through the doors. It looked to be deserted, but Hadrian

caught sight of a floating black figure a few stories above them.

Barty followed his gaze and smiled, "Dementors. They'll suck the soul

straight out of you. Then again, if you're locked up in here, I doubt

there'll be much of a soul left to suck."

He seemed to enjoy the look of fear on Hadrian's face.

"You mean there are people in there? Like prisoners?" Hadrian blurted


Barty looked at him incredulously, "Did you really think I brought you

here to admire the scenery?"

Hadrian didn't respond, but he glared at the back of Barty's head. Barty

waved his wand in front of the doors and they swung open automatically

sensing his magical signature. The inside of the fort was dark and empty

looking, like the outside. There were torches glowing with green fire, but

they provided a very dim light in the huge hall.

Their footsteps echoed eerily through the corridors and their shadows

flickered on the walls. Hadrian shuddered at the foreboding air around

him. He could practically smell the dark magic that lingered throughout

the passages.


He jumped at the sound of Barty calling his name. He saw Barty standing

next to a heavy metal cell door and ran to catch up with him. Barty

pushed open the door, and gestured for Hadrian to enter. His lips were

pressed into a thin line, and his eyebrows were furrowed as if he was

concentrating deeply on something.

Hadrian hesitated before stepping through the door. He turned around

abruptly, "Aren't you coming?"

Barty shook his head, and a dark look came into his eyes. "No."

That was it. He offered no further explanation and Hadrian reluctantly

nodded in acceptance of his crisp response. Hadrian tiptoed past the

dimly lit cell, as if one small sound would kill him. The door slammed

shut and Hadrian flinched at the sound. Yet he continued on until he

came to a smaller cell door, in which he could see his father towering

over another huddled figure in the room.

The cell door swung open and he heard, "Ah, welcome Hadrian. So nice

of you to join us."

Hadrian shivered at the coldness in his father's voice, but plastered a

hard look on his face. "Good evening, Father." He replied briskly.

"You must be curious as to why I brought you here." Lord Voldemort

spoke. His lips twisted into a smirk when Hadrian didn't respond. "I'd like

to introduce you to one of my old friends."

Hadrian almost laughed. "Old friends" his arse. His father was quite the


"This." Voldemort spat at the crouched man in the corner, "Is Gellert."

Hadrian raised an eyebrow curiously at the strange man.

"Gellert Grindelwald."

Then it all clicked into face. Unable to conceal his surprise, Hadrian

gasped, "He's still alive?"

Voldemort turned his condescending glare back onto Hadrian. "Clearly.

Although for how long he'll stay alive, I do not know." He smiled cruelly,

"It depends on how cooperative he is."

"What do you want?" The voice rasped out.

Hadrian turned back to the old man laying on the ground. He used to be

the darkest wizard of all time, second to only his father. Age had not

done him well, and his face was creased with wrinkles and his eyes were

dulled. The pitiful sight created an unknown feeling in his stomach.

What had happened to him in only a matter of years? He was once

undefeatable and superior to all. Yet today he laid cowering on the floor

like a terrified rat. Grindelwald was weak. He was pathetic.

Hadrian could feel the bitter taste in his mouth when he thought of the

man's name.

"Tell me where it is."

"Do not go down this path, Tom. I'm warning you."

Hadrian saw the small flinch in his father at the mention of his his real

name. He bit his lip anxiously. No one dared to use his father's forbidden


"Did I ask for a warning?" Voldemort hissed angrily. He waved his hand

and the torch hanging on the right side of the cramped cell exploded in a

small bang. "I want you to tell me where it is located."

"Do not be a fool. See what it has done to me."

Voldemort waved his hands, "Yes I see exactly what you are. A pathetic

old man living out his last days in a fortress he built for his own

prisoners." Voldemort sneered, "Tell me, how does it feel to be a prisoner

of the past?"

"Who is the boy?" Grindelwald asked, completely ignoring Lord


Hadrian stepped out from the shadows and cringed when he saw

Grindelwald's gaze assess his face.

"It does not matter who he is." Voldemort insisted.

"He looks so much like you, Tom. If I didn't know for a fact that you were

a heartless bastard, I'd say he was your son." Grindelwald spat.

Hadrian had his wand aimed at Grindelwald's throat before Voldemort

had uttered another word.

"Trained him well, haven't you Tom?" He rasped against the wand

pressing into his throat. "I didn't realize you were dooming their souls at

such a young age now."

Hadrian gritted his teeth together, "Shut up, old man."

"Where is the last Hallow, Grindelwald." Voldemort asked again,

narrowing his eyes. "I already have two in my possession. Where are the


"Even if you find all of them, they will not help you."

"Answer the question!" Voldemort thundered angrily. "Crucio."

Hadrian glared at Grindelwald who was shaking silently with pain, but

no sounds came out of his clamped together lips. His father held the spell

for another thirty seconds before lowering his wand. "I do hope you'll

agree to be more cooperative now." Voldemort hissed.

"Don't you think if I knew, I would've told you by now?" Grindelwald said

through clenched teeth. "I don't know where the last one is is."

Voldemort's ruby eyes flashed brilliantly in the dark room. "Very well

then. You are no use to me anymore. Hadrian?"

Hadrian blinked, looking up to glance at his father. He nodded in silent

understanding and lifted up his wand.

"Stop." His father raised a hand, and pointed to Hadrian's wand. "Not that


Hadrian swallowed and pulled out his original wand, given to him by

Voldemort himself. He kept it with him at all times, just in case. The

bone handle was almost foreign to him now, but he still felt that fitting

feeling when his hand clasped around the bone. It worked just as well as

his new one did, perhaps because they were brother wands.

"Merry Christmas, Hadrian. As one of my gifts to you, I give you

permission to attempt to cast the Cruciatus on this pitiful man."

Hadrian's arm twitched against his side and he nodded numbly. His hand

shook as he raised it up and aimed it at the once Darkest Wizard of all

time. He could see the pleading look in the man's eyes. It sickened him.

He closed his eyes, "Crucio."

He felt a tinge of magic coursing through his veins and he carefully

opened one eye. Nothing. He glanced up at his father with cheeks flushed

with embarrassment.

"The Cruciatus curse is an emotion based spell, just like the Patronus

charm. But when you cast the Cruciatus, it has to spring from hatred." His

father explained slowly.

Hadrian bit his lip and raised his wand again, this time it never wavered.

His eyes hardened to ice, and his entire body stiffened. This man was

standing in the way of Lord Voldemort. The Greatest Dark Lord the world

had ever seen. Grindelwald was a forlorn old man who couldn't carry out

one task.


He heard the screams. He saw the expression of pain etched onto his face.

He twitched and shook with silent sobs and Hadrian glared harder. Every

suffering moan empowered Hadrian. He had control over this man. He

could do anything. They had no room for the weak on the dark side. How

dare this mess in front of him even consider himself as a dark lord. It

disgusted him.

"Enough, Hadrian."

And just like that it was over. The thrill he had felt, the adrenaline that

had run through his veins vanished into thin air. Suddenly he was

snapped back to reality. He wanted to do it again. And again and again.

He knew how terrible it was to be on the receiving end of the curse, but

the other side was absolutely brilliant.

His father looked immensely pleased. "You didn't even say the words. A

silent Cruciatus? That is quite..impressive."

Hadrian grinned. That was the biggest compliment he had ever gotten

from his father. He cleared his throat, "What are you going to do to him?"

Voldemort sneered, "I think I'll finish him. But you need go back to the

ball." He continued on, cutting off the protests from Hadrian," It's so no

one will get suspicious. Now go, Barty is waiting outside."

Hadrian was slightly disappointed he didn't get to stay, but he nodded

and shot Grindelwald one last look of contempt before moving to exit the


"Hadrian, do you know what today's lesson was?" Voldemort didn't wait

for Hadrian to answer as he continued, "Keep your friends close, and your

enemies closer."

Potter Manor [Christmas Day]

Christmas at Potter Manor was always a joyful, merry event. The

Weasleys, Longbottoms, several Aurors, the remaining Mauraders, and

several others gathered at the expansive property for a day of

celebration. People laughed, danced, talked, cheered. Everyone was

happy and cheerful. Except for this year.

The gaudy christmas tree was strung with gold tinsel and decorated with

several ornaments as usual. It towered above everyone in the Main hall.

The brightly decorated presents lay opened underneath the tree and the

guests enjoyed a nice meal in the formal dining room. It wasn't all that

different. But yet it was.

For this year, Christmas at Potter Manor was a quiet affair, quite unlike

the previous years, where it had been loud and filled with rambunctious


Only five five of the Weasley's were present, and as a result the noisy

chaos was cut in more than one half. The eldest Weasley's had not been

available at the time, to the disappointment of their parents. The

youngest, Ginerva Weasley, had claimed a stomach-ache and stayed

home with her brother, Percy.

The Longbottoms were not present as well, although no one knew the

reason why Augusta and her grandson were absent. Alexander claimed

that Neville had murdered Augusta, which stirred up a round of laughter.

Sirius Black was absent from the gathering as well, but no one dwelled

too much on his absence. Molly Weasley said rather blunty, "I hope the

bastard is rotting away in that dingy Azkaban cell."

In fact, the only people oblivious to the tense, and changed atmosphere

were James and Alexander Potter. Even Lily Potter was more subdued

than usual, the light in her bright green eyes had dulled.

She had excused herself halfway through the dinner, throwing down her

fork and knife in a hurried fashion as she dashed up into her bedroom.

She locked the door and also cast a more complicated locking spell. Her

eyes swept across the room, and she leaned against the door for support,

eventually her small body shaking with silent sobs as she slid down the


Lily ran a hand through her red hair and wondered what had gone so

wrong. She had found out her son had died a whole eight years ago, just

a couple months ago. Her former headmaster had hid the death of her

baby from her. For eight years. She felt a white-hot rage pulse through

her at the thought. As she thought of young Harry, her mind wandered to

the promise the Headmaster had made her years ago.

"Don't worry. I'll keep your secret. As long as you keep my sons safe." Lily

Potter said, glancing back at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore swallowed, before speaking solemnly, "I promise."

She bit her lip hard. Did he make that promise, already knowing it was

broken? Did he promise her something he knew he couldn't keep? As

much as Lily refused to think so, a small part of her mind kept pestering

her. Maybe he isn't the man you thought he was.

Lily hated how her world was torn apart, and she was the only one who

thought so. No one else understood how her life was crumbling down.

She had lost a son, and she couldn't even grieve.

To others, he was a faint blurry face in the back of their minds. They

didn't even know who he was. But to her….his face, the heartbreaking

expression on his face when she had last seen him, it was burnt into her

memory with a hot-iron.

She had thought James would understand. James would help her get past

his death. James would look for his body. James would look for the cause

of his death. James would help her find some closure.

But he didn't. He merely told her to try to forget, since it was in the past

and she could do nothing about it. He told her to keep Alexander in

mind, keep him happy at all times. Lily was appalled at his attitude,

although she did not say a word. It was as if he didn't care. He acted as if

it was a stranger's death. He acted as if Harry was never his son.

She knew there was some truth to that. James had always been childish,

and when it came to picking favorites, Alexander had always been his.

Alexander was an exact replica of James, only with reddish-brown hair

instead of messy black. It was only natural he would be closer to

Alexander. But when he completely ignored the death of their first child,

Lily knew he had changed. Or rather he hadn't changed. He was still the

immature teenager from Hogwarts.

She had seen the carelessness and ignorance once again when Sirius was

taken to Azkaban. Lily had cried for their fellow friend. She truly

believed he had nothing to do with the attack on muggles. She knew

Sirius. He wasn't cruel.

But clearly, no one else saw past the headlines and gossip. Even James

had turned against his friend since age eleven, based on a stupid article

that was slapped onto the front page of the Prophet. He had thrown away

all those years of friendship, without any explanations or reasoning.

James believed everything he heard from Headmaster Dumbledore.

Everyone in the Order did.

But it was that certain fact that made Lily distrust the Headmaster even

more. It was that blind faith that made her question: 'What were they

really fighting for?' and 'Was it even worth it anymore?'

In a time of war, many question their values. What do they believe in?

Who do they trust? Can they trust anyone? What are they fighting for? Is

it worth hundreds of deaths? Is victory even worth it anymore?

Lily asked herself all of those questions on that cold christmas night. And

to her shock, she realized she didn't know how to answer a single one.

Malfoy Manor: Formal Ballroom [Christmas Night]

"Where have you been all night?" Narcissa demanded, as soon as Hadrian

re-entered the now deserted ballroom.

He frowned and ran a hand through his dark hair nervously, "I-I-"

Narcissa shook her head, cutting him off. "Nevermind that. Come on,

Bellatrix has been worried sick. You can tell her why you missed most of

the ball."

Hadrian grumbled under his breath, but let Narcissa drag him to the

sitting room. He saw several house elves busy cleaning any spilt drinks

and packing up all the decorations. He felt slightly guilty that he had left

Daphne alone for the entire night. He had also left Draco to follow

through with his "host" duties by himself. Almost instinctively, he

wrapped a hand around his wand. Just in case.

Hadrian pulled open the door for Narcissa to walk through, and she

stopped to give him a skeptical look. "Don't think that acting like a

gentleman now will get you out of trouble."

Hadrian smirked, "Will it help though?"

Narcissa pursed her lips and replied curtly, "Possibly."

Hadrian entered the room after her and noticed everyone was there. Save

for his father. Every year, Lord Voldemort made an excuse, or found

somewhere "more important" to be during the day. His father detested

the holiday, and Hadrian had an inkling of suspicion as to why. But

everyone else was present. Even Bellatrix.

She had tamed her wild hair for the night, and it hung stick straight

down her back. Her skin-tight dress looked like liquid obsidian and silver,

matching her dark eyes. Narcissa stood out in her dark blue dress, but

Hadrian thought she looked very nice as well.

"You lovely ladies look so beautiful this fine even-"

"Save it." Narcissa snapped, settling herself down between Bellatrix and

Destiny. "I know what you did."

Hadrian panicked for a minute, but made sure to look unaffected. He

raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"

Narcissa nodded and turned her icy glare onto Lucius. "How could you."

Lucius did a very nice job of acting surprised. "Me?"

Narcissa narrowed her eyes, "Yes you. All of you, Hadrian, and Draco."

Draco bit his lip, "I didn't do it!" He protested before Narcissa could


"What didn't they do?" Destiny piped up, sitting up straight in her seat.

"These boys did not go to their etiquette lesson this morning." Narcissa

stated as a matter-of-factly.

"Lies!" Draco shouted.

"What are you talking about?" Lucius asked at the same time, feigning

innocence. Hadrian rolled his eyes. The mischievous spark in Lucius' eyes

gave him away.

Narcissa saw it too. "Thats it!" She declared loudly, "I'm giving each of

you a different punishment. Draco: No quidditch for two weeks."

Her death glare silenced Draco's feeble protests.

"Hadrian: No hexing death eaters, and no going muggle hunting with

Bella. For two weeks"

This time there were two protests. One from Hadrian and Bellatrix.

"You can punish him, but why punish both of us? You can't take him

away from our muggle hunts Cissy! We just found a great spot a little bit

west of London!" Bellatrix objected.

The ice queen would not be budged, "And you, Lucius. You will become

great acquaintances with that couch outside our bedroom. It shouldn't be

hard, you'll have all week."

"That's not fair!" Lucius complained, very uncharacteristically. Draco

nodded in agreement.

"Why do Hadrian and I have two weeks of punishment, where father only

has one? And we all know you will cave and cut father's 'punishment' as

soon as you start missing him." He pointed out smartly.

Narcissa shrugged daintily. "Fine. Lucius, your punishment is two weeks

as well."

Lucius slapped Draco upside the head. "Now look what you've done!"

"Can we open presents?" Destiny called out, wanting to avoid a fight

breaking out between Lucius and Draco.

Narcissa beamed, "I think that is a wonderful idea, dear. Accio, Destiny's


A couple wrapped presents flew to her side and Destiny picked up the

box wrapped in green with black ribbons. "Thanks." She turned over the

box and read aloud, "This one is from…." Her voice turned hard,


Hadrian bristled at her cold tone, but bit his tongue and said nothing. She

delicately pulled at each black ribbon and yanked off the wrapping paper

so slowly, he wanted to just rip it off for her.

Unknowingly, she held her breath and opened the box. Her eyes fell with

disappointment, and Hadrian saw a flicker of exasperation flash across

her face.

"Well, what is it?" Bellatrix pried.

"It's a crystal ball. Funny." Destiny said flatly, unimpressed. "Thank you so

much." She hissed sarcastically at Hadrian.

He gave her a taunting smile in return.

Lucius noticed the obvious tension in the room, and so he began to

distribute the rest of the gifts. Hadrian thanked him for the distraction. In

a matter of minutes the floor was littered with wrappers and various

ribbons. He counted exactly ten presents.

Narcissa and Lucius had given him a new cloak with matching expensive

leather gloves. Narcissa explained they had several heating charms, dirt-

proof charms, and also growing charms so he would never grow out of

them. From Draco he had gotten a whole new broom care set. Destiny

had given him two rare, ancient looking books about the dark arts, along

with a whole bag of candy from Honeydukes. Bellatrix had given him a

whole new set of daggers, with shining blades and engraved onyx hilts.

Daphne had gotten him a book on dark hexes and two brand new quills.

One was a eagle feather quill, and the other was a mysterious looking

sleek, black quill with a sharp point. His lips quirked up into a smile. He

knew exactly what it was. How she had gotten it was another story.

Blaise sent him an entire quidditch balls set which had the quaffle,

bludgers, and the shiny snitch. Hermione had sent him a sleek, expensive

looking black and silver watch and also a black leather wand holster.

Neville had sent him a box of candy and a new silver cauldron. Even

Snape had sent him a vial of felix felicis along with a detention slip.

Which Hadrian promptly lit on fire.

By the time he had opened all his presents, everyone else had finished.

Draco was eagerly tossing around the pocket snitch he had gotten from

Neville. Destiny was munching on one of the chocolate frogs she had

gotten from Hermione. There was soft music in the air and the room

itself was alit with a cozy glow. Everyone was smiling and laughing.

Suddenly his eyes landed on another long box underneath the pile of

wrappers, addressed to him. Curiously, he ripped open the emerald green

packaging and pulled off the top of the box. His eyes widened as he saw

the sleek black and silver broom that rested inside. He eagerly pulled it

out and ran his hand over the handle. Nimbus 2001.

Hadrian's jaw dropped open. Nimbus 2001? They weren't even released

yet! If he didn't know who it was from before, he definitely did when he

noticed the small note at the very bottom of the box. He furrowed his

brows and picked up the note. There in familiar and elegant handwriting

was a simple, 'Merry Christmas'

His father had gotten him the latest broom stick model, even though it

wasn't in stores yet. He didn't know how Lord Voldemort had pulled that

off, but he wasn't complaining. He was slightly suspicious. This was the

first major gift he had been given from his Father, if you didn't count the

wand he received when he was around three.

He grinned and swept his eyes across the room. Lucius and Narcissa were

dancing slowly to the music, and Hadrian was sure he heard Lucius

whining. He shook his head unbelievingly. It wasn't everyday you saw

the powerful head of a pureblood family whine at his wife.

Bellatrix was staring out the window with a faraway expression and a

soft smile on her face. Hadrian concluded she was either missing

Rodolphus….or thinking about hunting muggles.

Even Draco and Destiny were getting along without fighting every

minute. They were sitting on the couch, playing a game of wizarding

chess. Scratch that. Hadrian thought as he saw Destiny angrily whip out

her wand and hex Draco.

His smile grew as he finally realized he wasn't alone. He finally had a

family. They weren't related by blood, but nothing could keep them apart

from each other. He had a father, however terrifying and cruel he may

be. He had Bellatrix as his mother figure, and even though she was half

insane, he still loved her. He had Destiny as a sister. No matter how

much they hated each other right now, he would still do anything for her

in a heartbeat. He even had Narcissa and Lucius as Aunts and Uncles.

Bloody hell, Great-Great-Great Aunt Gaunt could even be considered a

grandmother. He had a full family and the best friends. What more could

he ever ask for?

18. Mission Impossible (Part I)

He never understood the severity of the situation. Everything was always a

game to him. It never really occurred to him, that he could lose his life. He

could bloody die. And yet…He didn't seem to care. He had never been afraid

of death. It was pure logic, honestly. Why be afraid of something you know

nothing about?

3 hours earlier…..

Slytherin Dormitory [March 31: 8pm]

The Slytherin Dormitory was as freezing as always. Although on this

particular evening, the chilly atmosphere could be due to the thick

tension that filled the dungeons. In the den of snakes, it was not

uncommon to see several hateful glares and frosty tendencies. But this

evening it was different, rather unusual.

Usually the source of this icy ambiance would be impossible to find, for it

was caused by several volatile personalities crashing and colliding with

each other ferociously. But tonight was an interesting night. For tonight

the origin of the silent hostility in the daunting chamber could be traced

to one solitary party, Hadrian Riddle.

And yet, despite all the hushed whispers and irate glares, Hadrian Riddle

seemed completely unaware of the palpable stiffness and strictness

between the students. He sat calmly on the tall backed, dark throne chair

in the Common Room. It could be considered as a piece of art to admire

with its sophisticated silvery carvings and luxurious plush. But physically

sitting on it was a different story. Most students avoided this particular

seat, sometimes because the chair itself looked to have an uncomfortable

rigidity. In reality, the seat was forbidden, mainly because of the

individual that frequently sat there.

Hadrian steadily flipped through the thick volume resting on his lap, only

glancing up to smile when a pretty blonde girl perched herself on the arm

of his chair. They exchanged a few words (which the rest of the common

room strained to hear) before Hadrian returned to reading his book, and

the girl settled back and began to read the Daily Prophet.

In fact, the two boys playing a game of Wizarding chess on the opposite

couch also looked to be quite oblivious of the coldness. The four were in

their own little world, laughing and murmuring with each other quietly.

Neville Longbottom grinned as his queen destroyed Draco Malfoy's


"Check." He chuckled, "Again."

Draco groaned, and it was heard throughout the large mute dungeon. "I

give up," He peered down at the board, "Besides, I think that's


Daphne Greengrass peeked up from her magazine and shot the pair a wry

glance. Her eyes traveled down to Hadrian's book before looking up to

survey the rest of the oddly quiet room.

This appeared to snap the spectating Slytherins out of their scandalized

reverie. A tall, stocky looking sixth year shook his head and marched

forward, his expression intent on telling-off the first years. It may or may

not involve some hexes.

Daphne's eyes narrowed as she took in his nearing approach. He stood in

front of Hadrian, impatiently tapping his foot. Hadrian showed no signs

of acknowledging his demanding presence. Instead, Daphne coolly raised

an eyebrow, waiting for him to speak.

The elder student looked affronted at her uncaring mannerisms, causing

his face to turn almost the infamous shade of Weasley red. He jerkily

tugged at his green and silver tie, prior to clearing his throat at a

distastefully loud volume. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing

came out. Daphne stifled a snicker.

Without even glancing up from his heavy book, Hadrian spoke evenly, "Is

something the matter, Benjamin?"

The sixth year spluttered helplessly and shot Hadrian a vicious death

glare. His face clearly conveyed he had much more to say, but alas he

couldn't speak. With a hasty flick of his wand, the silencing spell

dropped, and the sixth year turned to glower at Hadrian. He shoved his

wand in his pocket and huffed angrily.

"That's Evan's chair." He stated clearly. His eyebrows and his shoulders

rose to accentuate his point. "Evan Dadelier! Head Boy?"

Hadrian didn't respond, simply flipping his page in an uninterested


"You can't sit here!" The sixth year stressed, and looked towards Hadrian

expectantly. Hadrian rolled his eyes.

"You speak as if you're expecting me to actually move." Hadrian

murmured, although it was heard clearly by everyone in the silent room.

Several eyes popped at the shocking attitude the first year was showing.

Usually the first years whimpered and stayed out of everyone else's way

in the Common Room.

The sixth year, Benjamin, frowned and discreetly reached for the wand

hidden in his robe pocket. He plastered a false expression of appeasement

on his face. "Of course, Hadrian. You're right." He added, slowly grasping

the smooth wood.

And before he had even uttered a spell, the boy's wand was carried away,

flicking into the open hand of one Hadrian Riddle. Hadrian sneered at the

boy's troubled features. "Did you really think it would be that easy?"

He carefully set down his book with a soft thud. Everyone flinched

noticeably at the small sound. Hadrian straightened up in the hard chair

and shot the sixth year a taunting look.

"Well?" He questioned, the corner of his lips twisting up into a snarl,

"Anything else to say?"

"Give me back my wand!" The sixth year commanded angrily. "I'll-"

"You'll what?" Hadrian interrupted, "You'll tell Snape? Because we all

know whose side he'd take."

"I said, give it back!" Benjamin demanded, violently waving his hands


Hadrian shrugged nonchalantly, "Fine." And with a flick of his hand, the

sixth year and his wand were thrown back with immense force. A loud

thud was heard as they slammed into the hard wall of stone.

"I suggest you give up your pointless pursuit of embarrassing the first

years, now." Hadrian said calmly, his voice almost echoing off the walls.

The elder year gritted his teeth and stood up from his crumpled position.

"Fine. But if Dadlier sees you in his seat, don't come running to me."

Draco scoffed from his spot on the couch. "As if. Evan respects Hadrian

more than he respects you."

Benjamin glared at Draco, "What's that supposed to mean?" His

expression turned almost gleeful as he caught sight of someone

approaching them. "Dadlier!"

"Morrison. What is it you want now?" The current Head Boy asked,

staring down at the sniveling sixth year with aversion.

"This firstie is sitting in your seat, Dadlier." Benjamin revealed proudly.

He gave the first years an "I told you so" look.

The head boy cocked his head to the side, "I can see. And?"

"Well, they're in your seat. Remember, you don't let anyone else sit in it?"

He pressed.

"Morrisson, handle your own affairs. Leave the discipline up to me. If Mr.

Riddle wants to sit in my chair, I'll allow it." He drawled, flicking his

hand in a dismissive manner. He ignored the stunned looks of the

spectators and scowled, "All of you go to your rooms. Now."

After hearing the dark threatening tone, the rest of the occupants

scattered with a trail of hushed whispers. Leaving the four first years

sitting alone in the common room. Hadrian smirked.

Dadlier grinned, stretching the scar that ran from his upper cheek to his

hard jaw-line, "That went better than I thought."

Hadrian nodded in agreement, but offered no further acknowledgement

to his statement.

"So?" Dadlier asked, raising an eyebrow, "Now that I've met your

conditions, when are you going to hold up your end of the deal?"

Hadrian squared his shoulders and stood up from his spot on the chair.

Hurriedly, the others followed his example and stood up as well. Hadrian

took his time smoothing down his robes and hair, all the while being

fully aware of Dadlier's anxiety.

Finally, he turned back to the expectant Head Boy. "Not so fast." He

continued, ignoring the impatient look on the Head Boy's face, "If you

can keep our curious housemates in their dorms till sunrise, then you'll

have an invite to the initiation at the Manor over the summer." He listed

his terms with an air of superiority.

"Done." Dadlier agreed without hesitation, "No one will bother you. I'll

make sure of it."

Hadrian passed by the tall Head Boy with an air of superiority. He

reached the exit to the common room and stopped abruptly, turning

around to narrow his eyes at Dadlier. "If anything does not go according

to plan, it'll be your head. Understand?"

Evan Dadlier nodded numbly, for he was too nervous to speak. Suddenly,

there was a resounding pounding noise on the Slytherin Dormitory

entrance. The head boy looked towards the wall apprehensively.

"Are you expecting anyone?" He asked uneasily.

Hadrian shook his head slowly, "No. It isn't a Slytherin. A Slytherin would

know the password." He paused for a second, "Open it."

Dadlier looked hesitant, but shook his head and walked towards the wall

that hid the entrance. He whispered the password under his breath,


The stone wall slid aside smoothly, and revealed none other than Destiny


"Who are you?" The Head Boy demanded, sneering down at her

Gryffindor robes. "Get out of here, Gryff. 50 points from Gryffindor for

being out after curfew." He tapped his chin while he pretending to be

deep in thought, "Oh, and another 50 points off for daring to come to our


"Let her in, Dadlier. She's with us." Draco called out casually, leaning

against the mahogany table.

Destiny gracefully waltzed past him, ignoring his surprised sputtering. He

glanced up and frowned, "No other house has even stepped a foot in our

dungeons for the past fifty years!"

"Well then, we'll keep this a secret, won't we?" Hadrian coolly replied,

giving the Head Boy a threatening look.

The Head Boy paled and looked down at Destiny. "Sorry. I'll add the

points back."

Destiny held up a hand and gave him a polite smile. "It's fine. I'd like to

give those hateful roommates of mine a nice surprise tomorrow morning."

But her smile faded as soon as she caught sight of Hadrian's exasperated


"Destiny, this isn't part of the plan." He pointed out the obvious.

"Excuse me, but what exactly is the plan?" Dadlier spoke up, glancing at

the group of first years.

"Stay out of it. Now leave, we have business to attend to." Hadrian


The grumbling seventh year slowly retreated to the passage that led to

the rooms. They waited till the scuffling of his feet was inaudible and

then all eyes turned to Destiny. Her impassive façade dropped and was

replaced with an expression of distress.

"So?" Hadrian provoked, folding his arms rigidly. "What made you finally

grace us with your oh-so-wonderful presence?"

Destiny bit her lip hard and fidgeted uncomfortably. Usually she would

retort with something sarcastic and borderline discourteous, but she

simply stood there playing with her fingers nervously. Something was


"What's going on?" Daphne asked cautiously. Her sharp blue eyes noticed

Destiny's softly shaking shoulders, and she left Hadrian's side to drape an

arm around Destiny soothingly.

"How could this happen!" She blurted, running her hands through her

hair. She violently pushed away Daphne's arm. "Everything is my fault!"

Hadrian tensed immeasurably. Ever since their fight over the Christmas

holidays, things had been frosty between the two siblings. He got the

feeling that something extremely bad was about to happen. "Destiny,

calm down and sit. Tell us what happened." He mollified. "Is everything


Draco tugged at his collar, "Er, can you make this fast, because we were

about to go on an adventure!" He grinned widely.

Daphne glared at his tactlessness. "Shut up."

"We have a problem." Destiny finally whispered. They all stared at her,

waiting for her to continue. "Blaise is in the hospital wing."

Daphne gasped, "Why? What happened? He was fine just a couple hours


Destiny's eyes darted around the empty, formidable common room. Her

fingers twitched with spasms and her overall appearance was slightly


Her next words seemed to fill up the entire silence in the room. "He's in a

magically induced coma. They don't know when, or even if, he'll wake


Hadrian gripped his wand tightly and concealed his bewilderment,

"When did this happen?"

"We were coming back from the library and he just kind of collapsed."

Destiny explained slowly as she dug her foot into the ground.

Hadrian studied her for a minute. He raised an eyebrow with intrigue.

"You're hiding something." He looked at Destiny suspiciously, "The

question is, what is it?"

Destiny paled and limply sat herself down on the sofa next to Neville. He

was quietly observing the situation, and had yet to say a single word.

She muttered something incoherent under her breath.

"What was that?" Daphne asked curiously, glancing back and forth

between her and Hadrian.

"I said that I originally came to tell you the truth. And I'll go through

with it." She said louder, more determined.

Hadrian sat back on his armchair and leaned back unconcernedly, "Well

then. Let's hear it."

"It all started around November. I started to ge-"

"Wait a minute," Hadrian cut her off, "You mean to tell me you've kept

some dark secret from me since November?"

"Yes. Now hush!" Destiny snapped. "As I was saying, I got this dream

where I was alone in this empty chamber. It was dark and very

frightening. Then I heard a voice, which startled me to death. The voice

demanded I find an item that grants great power and wisdom and bring

it. The voice basically blackmailed me into doing it."

"When you say 'blackmail', what exactly do you mean?" Draco asked


"The voice said 'I will give you five months time to find what I need, and

deliver it to me. But beware; at each month's passing, I shall destroy

something dear to you, unless you bring me what I require." Destiny

recited, her face growing more worrisome by the second.

"But dreams can't actually affect the real world." Neville finally voiced his

thoughts. He noticed everyone else's stoic expressions. "Can they?" He

asked fearfully.

"I broke my star charm in the dream. When I woke up, there was no star

charm on my bracelet. My hands also might have gotten burnt during the

dream because I woke up with vicious burns all over my hands." Destiny

insisted. Her voice lowered, "But I was the only one that could see them."

Hadrian nodded thoughtfully, "Is that why you showed me your hands in

the library and screamed when I touched them?"

She nodded and cleared her throat before continuing. "That was the first

month. I think it was a warning to prove how the voice can truly affect

me. The second month, I tried to block the dreams."

"Which is why you took too much of the dreamless sleep potion." Hadrian

interrupted. "Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you!"

She smiled sadly, "How could you have helped me? You couldn't even see

what it was doing to me."

"What was the second thing?" Draco questioned.

Destiny shuddered, "Since I tried to block the dreams, the next thing he

took away was all the good dreams I had and left me with nightmares."

Her voice cracked, "Every night."

"Destiny, you should've told us. We could've at least tried to help you in

some way." Neville sighed sympathetically. Hadrian nodded in


She shook her head. "The third thing he took away was my wand."

Daphne shook her head slowly. "That doesn't make sense. You said your

wand snapped while you were digging through your trunk." Suddenly, it

dawned on her. "You mean he caused that too?"

"So now you're extremely panicked, scared, and not to mention

powerless. How much worse could this get?" Draco muttered.

"It gets worse." Destiny assured him grimly. "This is month four. I'm sure

that it was he that put Blaise in the hospital wing."

"But how does that even work? How can he control Blaise too?" Neville

wondered out loud.

"I'm not sure. I know it's dark magic though." Destiny murmured.

"It's definitely the dark arts." Hadrian concluded assuredly.

Neville raised an eyebrow suspiciously, "How do you know?"

"There is no light magic that is this malicious." Hadrian pointed out.

Neville seemed to accept his explanation, but there was still some doubt

in his eyes.

"December, January, February, March- isn't tomorrow the fifth month?"

Daphne asked, a feeling of trepidation coming over her. "What's the fifth

thing he'll take away?" She asked dreadfully.

"I don't know but let's just say we need to find the Sorcerer's Stone. I'm

sure that's the item he is looking for." Destiny said firmly.

"Is that why you wanted us to look for it?" Draco asked. She nodded


Hadrian looked up from the floor abruptly. He stood up quickly and

turned to look at Destiny. "Then we need to leave. Now. We're already


After a sluggish moment, they all hastened to stand up and follow

Hadrian towards the door. He double-checked to make sure everyone had

his or her wands. Once he was sure, he turned back to the entrance. He

whispered the password and waited for the wall to open, but nothing

happened. Frowning, he whispered it once more. It didn't move in the


"What's going on?" Draco mumbled. "Is it blocked from the other side or


"Maybe it's a different password." Daphne suggested.

"It can't be, the Head Boy just let me in!" Destiny argued.

"Wrong and wrong. It's actually sealed shut." Neville spoke offhandedly,

leaning against the wall.

"How do you know?" Destiny asked.

Neville smirked. "Because I'm the one who did it."

"Bloody hell Neville. Not now! We're kind of on an adventure!" Draco


Neville ignored him and preceded to twirl his wand in his hand, "You

know, I actually thought you were decently nice people." He paused, and

his features turned dark, "That is, until I figured out that you all were

Junior Death Eaters."

Draco paled. "What are you talking about?" He asked, in an unnaturally

high-pitched voice.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find out?" Neville hissed, pushing his

wand into Draco's chest. "Did you really think I was that naïve?"

He paused and looked to be deep in thought, "Though I suppose without

your influence I probably would be a naïve, nervous, lumbering boy in

Hufflepuf right now. So for that, I guess I'd have to thank you."

Hadrian sighed and glanced at the wall distractedly. He rubbed his

temples, "Don't tempt me, Neville."

"You even invited me to Malfoy Manor. After snooping through a couple

places here and there, I had a good amount of evidence. Of course, I

already had suspicions. But they were only confirmed after I saw a figure

grab you from the ball and apparate away." Neville continued on, "I

waited till you came back. And guess who accompanied you? None other

than Bartemius Crouch. Alleged Death Eater, Azkaban's most charming


Hadrian scoffed, "I'll tell him you said that. He'll be greatly pleased."

Neville pointed his finger accusingly, "See! You aren't even denying it!"

Hadrian shrugged. "Why bother? You should know."

"I-What?" Neville faltered. "You were going to tell me?"

"Eventually, yes. None of us really wanted for you to find out this way."

Hadrian explained disinterestedly.

"No." Neville mumbled, "No, you're lying to me again! Stop it! I had to

figure this secret out by myself and I'm sick of being kept in the dark!"

"We aren't lying, Neville." Daphne reassured him. "But certain things we

had to keep from you till you were ready to find out. We were afraid you

would've reacted… " She paused and fidgeted, "…well, like this."

"When were you planning to tell me? When I'm standing on the side of

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named as he takes over the world?" Neville glared

at the others angrily. "Ten years later, were you going to tell me I've been

fighting for the dark side all along?"

"It's rather touching that you envision yourself fighting alongside us in

ten years, but we're on a tight schedule." Hadrian commented

indifferently. "We aren't going to force you into anything. But we've made

our choices and we stand by them. What else have we got to hide?"

Neville tapped his foot on the stone floor. "Fine." He said brusquely, "Who

is your father? To everyone else's knowledge you're an orphan. But I

know you're hiding something. Who is it?"

Hadrian hesitated. If he told Neville, his father would probably murder

him. And then his father would find a way to resurrect him, but only to

Avada him again, this time for stealing the stone without his consent. In

one split second his mind was made up.

"You know, if you're so smart then you probably should've guessed my

parentage by now." Hadrian smirked.

Neville jeered, "Oh, because you've been so obvious about it. It took me

an entire year to piece together one small secret. "Who is it? You-Know-

Who himself?" Neville asked sarcastically.

Suddenly, the common room was deathly silent once again. The only

sound came from the flickering green fire and the distant sounds of the

Black Lake's waters lapping against the castle walls.

Neville stared at Hadrian, dumfounded. His mouth dropped open. "You're


His voice wavered, "No way in hell."

"Not only have I been on the Dark Side this entire time, but I've been

friends with the Dark Lord's son!" He cried horrifically. "I can't believe

this! What would my parents say?"

Hadrian finally snapped. "That's it. I've had enough of your dramatics."

He marched over to Neville and wandlessly put him in a full body bind.

Hadrian grabbed his wand and like a brick, Neville crashed to the

ground. "There, now shut up and let me speak. You will lay there and

listen to me very carefully because I will say this once, and once only,


Daphne poked Hadrian's arm. He grinned sheepishly, "Sorry. Blink once

for yes."

Neville kept his eyes wide open, and stared at the ceiling unwaveringly.

"I can easily make this painful, so I suggest you cooperate."

Reluctantly, Neville blinked once.

"I may be Voldemort's heir. I will become the next Dark Lord. And I will

do anything to make sure my dreams become a reality. But the person

you were friends with this entire year, he was real. That was who I was,

who I am, down to the very core. Nothing about it was fabricated. I

considered you a real friend, no matter what side you're on. Do you know

how much I was punished for becoming friends with a Longbottom? You

are the lightest family after the Potters, and the Weasleys." Hadrian spat.

"But Light or Dark, it didn't matter to me because you were someone I

truly wanted to be acquainted with. I guess you can't do the same. I

understand that there's a clear line dictating who you can, and can't be

friends with." Hadrian spoke in a harsh whisper, "What a shame. I

expected more out of you."

"Now we are going to leave to save Destiny and Blaise's life. If you have

any objections, please voice them now." Hadrian instructed. His lips

quirked up at Neville's silent figure. "Alright, no objections. Let's go."

Hadrian tore down the sealing spell easily, and stepped through the door.

Draco and Daphne followed, but Hadrian stopped Destiny. She looked up

at him confusedly.

"No. You don't have a wand, and you are really vulnerable right now.

Stay here and guard Neville." Hadrian commanded.

"B-But I want to come too!" Destiny complained childishly.

"Destiny, watch over him. We have to go." Hadrian said sternly as he

handed her Neville's wand. She sighed and nodded with a frown. As the

wall slid shut, Destiny turned back to Neville.

"I'm going to let you go, okay? But if I do you have to promise not to

run." She warned. Neville rolled his eyes but blinked once. Cautiously,

Destiny lowered the spell and watched wearily as Neville stretched his


He stared at Destiny. "You know, I always thought you would tell me. But

after a couple months I realized you had no intention of doing so. That's

why I went looking for answers myself."

Destiny hummed distantly. "You know, snooping is very bad." She said


Neville chuckled wryly. "I hate secrets. Absolutely detest them. My nana

never tells me anything, actually no one really tells me anything. When I

met you guys, you were so open and so carefree. I didn't know you had

your own secrets till later."

"Everyone has secrets, Neville." Destiny smiled, "At least you're pretty

good at finding them out."

"You don't seem like a death eater." Neville commented randomly. "If I

didn't know your name, I never would've guessed Bellatrix Lestrange was

your mother."

Destiny stilled, "She's not my mother by blood, but I love her all the


"But how can you love her, knowing what she did, and still does?" Neville


"Love has a funny way of working. The other person's flaws are

nonexistent in your eyes." Destiny shot Neville a shy smile. Her shoulders

slumped as she added, "Its true she did some terrible things, but they

were actually justified."

Neville looked back at her challengingly. "Oh really? Name one thing

Bellatrix has done that was 'justified'".

Destiny beamed and mirrored his competitiveness, "Gladly. There once

was a woman my mother tortured and eventually killed-"

"Destiny, I'm not sure this is helping your argument." Neville smirked.

"Ssh, let me talk." Destiny chastised as she plopped onto the couch.

Neville followed her lead and faced her.

"So as I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted." Destiny glared at

Neville, "My mother once tortured and killed this woman. She took her

from her home and ripped her apart till her blood mixed in with the mud

on the ground. My mother knew that this woman often hurt her own

daughter. She knew the woman mistreated her, ridiculed her everyday."

A hard look came into her eyes and she swallowed loudly. "Even the girl's

father hated the little girl. She didn't even do anything wrong." Destiny's

voice cracked at the very end. She looked up at the elegant ceiling and

continued, "You see, said girl had a gift. Sometimes it would lead to good

things, and sometimes to bad. But her parents only punished her for the

bad, and never appreciated the good. When Bellatrix came to their home,

the father wanted to kill his own girl, instead of the Dark Side gaining

the advantage of her gift."

"That's terrible." Neville commented.

"When Bellatrix got rid of the girl's parents, she took the little girl with

her. Believe it or not, the little girl's parents were avid members of the

light side. " Destiny said.

"Where is the girl now? Is she still alive?" Neville asked.

Destiny grinned, "She's sitting right next to you."

"You? Bellatrix Lestrange saved you?" Neville exclaimed. "I didn't know

she was capable of that."

"Watch it, that's my mother you're talking about!" Destiny cautioned.

"Sorry. It's just hard to believe the same person who tortured my parents

is capable of doing something as selfless as that." Neville confessed.

"It's clear you recognized my name before, why didn't you hate me like

everyone else in Gryffindor? I think you were the only one with actual

cause to hate me." Destiny questioned.

"I took one look at you and convinced myself you were some different

Lestrange. You don't look anything alike, and you were far too kind.

When I finally accepted that you were actually her daughter, I didn't care

because you were nothing like her." Neville explained.

"We didn't want you to go mental when we told you. That's the only

reason why. " She blurted out. "Plus, Hadrian took a big risk telling you

right now. His father isn't exactly forgiving." She shuddered.

"You mean he isn't your father too? But I always thought him and

Bellatrix-because you kno-"

"That's disgusting Neville. They're like siblings. Gross." Destiny wrinkled

her nose.

"But you and Hadrian-"

"Wrong again. Siblings." Destiny chimed in. She made a gaging motion.

"Stop making me vomit."

He held up his hands in surrender and laughed, "Okay, I'll stop with the

assumptions." His tone suddenly grew serious. "I can't believe I'm here."


"In the Slytherin Dungeons. I always assumed if I went to Hogwarts that

I'd end up in Gryffindor, like my parents." Neville clarified, upon seeing

Destiny's confused expression. "I can't believe I let myself be sorted in

here because I wanted to follow my friends of one hour. I don't even fit in


Destiny raised an eyebrow, "Want to switch? My 'Welcome to Gryffindor'

present was a rat on my pillow. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not

exactly poster Gryffindor material."

Neville grinned, "Okay, you definitely have it worse."

"You may not realize it, but you actually do belong here." She hurried

forward, seeing him stiffen. "Let me explain, okay? The sorting hat

doesn't put you in a house unless you really belong there. It does consider

your wishes, but mostly your qualities."

"I'm not a dark wizard." Neville pointed out

"Not all Slytherins are dark wizards and not all dark wizards are

Slytherins." Destiny stated smoothly. "Don't you get it Neville?"

He stared at her blankly.

"There is no 'Light' or 'Dark'. We are in the middle of a war. Both sides

have done plenty of damage to the other. There's only power in this

world, and both sides are competing for it. Someday or another you have

to ask yourself; which side am I on? You are defined by your choices.

Choose wisely."

"But the Dark Side uses dark magic and-"

"Both sides have done their fair share of dark magic." Destiny cut in. "But

you only hear about the dark side in the Daily Prophet. "

"I've used dark magic before haven't I?" Neville asked, although it was

more of a statement.

"Yes," Destiny gave him a dry laugh. "I'm not sure if it will make you feel

better, but at least you cast it well. Dark magic suits you."

"No!" Neville spat, "Don't say that!"

"Dark Magic is basically immense amounts of power. If you can handle

dark magic, it means you can handle power. That is always a good

quality." Destiny described. "It isn't as bad as it sounds."

Neville dug his nails into the arm of the couch. "I need some time,

Destiny. I don't know what to think."

She grinned, "I'm not asking you to choose right now. Just remember to

choose well when you do pick a side."

They sat in silence for a while, simply watching the fire in the fireplace.

It flashed green and gave off a comforting amount of heat. Neville played

with his green and silver tie. He looked down at his Slytherin robes, then

back to the portrait of Salzaar Slytherin hanging above the fireplace.

"Destiny? Do you think Blaise will be okay?"

She didn't respond, so Neville turned to face her. He smiled when he

noticed she had fallen asleep on the couch. Just as he was about to turn

back around, he noticed her hands twitch and curl up into fists.

He poked her shoulder and she flinched, but didn't open her eyes.

"Destiny?" He called out again.

He put his hand on her forehead and yanked it back. She was burning up.

But she was fine a minute ago. What was going on? His panic turned to

fear when she began to shake, her entire body rocking with spasms. He

grabbed her shoulders, shaking them violently. It took him a second to

figure out what was going on."

"Destiny wake up! Get up! It's just a dream. He can't hurt you!" He

shouted. He grabbed his wand from her hands and cried, "Augmenti!"

A spurt of water splashed onto her face, and Destiny jumped awake in

shock. Her face assessed Neville's critically, "Are you okay?" She asked


"Am I okay?" Neville repeated incredulously. "Are you okay? You were

the one who was having a seizure!"

Destiny paled and her fingers tugged at her sleeves. "I just found out

what the fifth price is."

"But it's not April yet," Neville cast a quick tempus. "It's only 10pm on

March 31"

"The voice said it was some final warning." Destiny spoke frenziedly.

"Well, what was it? What is the final price?" Neville queried further.

"It's either my Seer abilities. Or Hadrian's life."

A/N: I made a Dark Prince Fashion page thing (includes style and

the Malfoy Christmas Ball) if anyone wants to check it out, the link

is on my bio and I'll also post it here. dark_prince_fashion/


19. Mission Impossible (Part II)

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Hogwarts: Third Corridor [March 31- 10:00pm]

It didn't take long for the three Slytherins to find Hermione Granger as

she was sneaking out of the library. Although she technically refused to be

a part of this "robbery", the temptation of adventure was irresistible. One

hasty whispered explanation had her clever mind already formulating a

plan and her bushy locks began to crackle with excitement.

"I think we shou-"

"Sssh." Daphne hushed her by making a silencing motion. "Do you hear


"Er. No?"

"Listen." She simply responded. The group craned their necks to hear the

soft sound coming from inside the room.

"It sounds like music." Draco frowned. His face turned ashen as he

quickly realized, "Someone's already here."

"Do we go inside?" Hermione asked, biting her lip nervously.

He scoffed, "Well, we didn't come here for nothing."

Hermione was about to retort, but Hadrian held up a hand warningly.

Instead, she settled for childishly sticking her tongue out. Draco rolled his

eyes at her immature antics.

Hadrian cautiously pushed open the door and stiffened as it made a loud

creaking noise. He tentatively stepped inside the darkened room, Daphne

following close behind.

Draco sneered at Hermione and held the door open, "Chickens first."

She shot him a sickeningly sweet smile, "Then by all means, go ahead."

He glared at her syrupy tone and mumbled something incoherently

before proceeding ahead. He hard tried to ignore her snickers.

Suddenly, the door slammed shut behind them, and Hermione jumped.

Daphne instinctively found Hadrian's hand in the dark and curled her

fingers around his. Hadrian squeezed her hand reassuringly and gently

pulled her along.

"It's a harp." Hermione stated the obvious, looking at the golden

instrument that seemed to shine in the corner. It appeared to be

enchanted because the chords were plucking themselves in a harmonic


"I told you!" Draco declared triumphantly, "Some has been here."

"Unless you two wish to awaken the Cerberus, I suggest you kindly keep

it quiet and be discreet." Hadrian drawled in a cold voice, eerily similar

to his father's.

"Now, Blaise said the trapdoor was under the paws…So that's right

about…Here." Hadrian muttered to himself. He and Draco carefully

pushed aside the giant paw covering the trapdoor. He pulled open the

door and was met with a dark pit.

"What now?" Daphne asked, glancing down at the hole with distrust.

Hadrian grinned and swung an arm around her shoulders.

"Now my dear, we jump." Hadrian said simply, grinning in the darkness.

"But we don't even know what's down there." Hermione pointed out

logically. "We could be jumping down into a valley of sharp rocks for all

we know."

Daphne nodded in agreement. "We can't just jump without knowing

what's down there."

Hadrian nodded and thought for a brief moment. "Daphne, give me one

of your earrings, please."

She raised an eyebrow dubiously, "Why?"

"We're going to see how far down the drop is, and what's at the bottom."

Hadrian explained patiently. Daphne shrugged, but took out one of her

dangly emerald earrings and handed it to him.

Hadrian cleared his throat and whispered a spell causing the earring to

glow brightly in the dark. As he tossed it down, he could see the clear

contrast of the earring against the black plants surrounding it.

He relaxed considerably, "They're just plants at the bottom. So we'll have

a soft landing."

Just as he was about to jump, Daphne grasped his arm. "Hadrian, are you

sure about this? There's no going back now."

He nodded and held out his hand, "Want to jump together?"

Daphne nodded quickly and accepted his hand. They stepped off the

stone floor and down into the blackness. They felt weightless for a

fleeting moment before tumbling onto a squishy ground. The plants were

slimy and Hadrian thought he felt one vine wrap slowly around his wrist.

He hurriedly raised himself into a sitting position and looked over at


"Are you okay?" He asked anxiously.

Daphne shook her head and let out a small laugh. "Are you kidding me?

That was the most exhilarating feeling I've ever experienced."

His lips quirked into a wry smile and he glanced up to the curious faces

of Draco and Hermione. "It's safe to jump." He announced.

Hermione looked down skeptically. Her face turned pale as she assessed

the small drop. She turned back to Draco. "I don't like heights. What if I

have panic attack?" Her face paled with uncertainty. "What if those black

vines don't cushion my landing? What if I die? Wait…Black vines?

Darkness? Merlin, no that's Devils-"

Her words were cut off as Draco promptly pushed her into the trap door.

Her panicked screams of fright soon followed all the way down. He rolled

his eyes at her dramatics and then laughed at her terror. Draco waited for

a couple minutes before jumping down himself. He happened to love

heights. His body fell deep into the plants and he turned his neck to find

his friends.

"Hello? Mates?" Draco called out. His fists clenched around the black

vines. To his utter surprise, he felt the black vines clench back around his

wrist, and alarms went off in his mind. The black vines twisted around

his entire body within a number of seconds. It was almost impossible to

move; yet Draco squirmed in his uneasy position.

"Stop moving, Draco." Hadrian called out from somewhere.

Draco struggled to respond because the vines at wrapped themselves

around his face. His screams became muffled, and the vines coiled

around his neck, squeezing and choking him.

"The more you struggle, the more they'll try to kill you." He heard

Hermione's bossy know-it-all voice call out. Draco sighed and willed

himself to stop moving, although it was very difficult to fight against his

instincts of self-preservation. The vines curled around him and he held

his breath as he became enveloped in the thick plant. He slid through the

plant effortlessly and landed on solid ground.

Draco gasped for fresh air and clawed at the imaginary plant around his

body. "What the bloody hell was that?" He asked desperately.

"That was Devil's Snare. You see, you would've known about it, if you

bothered to read our herbology textbook once in a while." Hermione said

in a matter-of-fact tone. "In fact, you should probably know the ways to

get out of Devil's Snare and how light effects it. It will help you on the

Herbology exam." She continued.

"Why didn't any of you cast a lighting spell?" Draco demanded, "I felt like

I was going to die! I'm claustrophobic!"

"No, you aren't." Hadrian said, looking amused. "Besides it was much

more entertaining to see you struggle."

"Bloody sadists. The lot of you! Even the mudblood." Draco grumbled

under his breath as he trudged forward.

Hermione bristled at the offending name, but her thoughts were focused

on something else. "Who would hide a Cerberus is a castle full of kids.

And as long as we're talking about it, why is there a patch of Devil's

Snare growing in here? Is the Headmaster insane?" Hermione ranted,

wringing her hands together.

"It's a series of traps to make sure no one makes it to the end, alive."

Daphne explained.

"So, sort of like an obstacle course of death?" Hermione asked.

"A what?"

Three pairs of eyes looked at her curiously. She shook her head in

resignation, "Never mind, it's a muggle thing."

"Just because we let you come along, doesn't mean you can corrupt us

with stupid Muggle ideas." Draco spat, irritation clearly written over his


"Can you keep it quiet for one minute?" Daphne hissed, "Look up there."

The bickering pair glanced up and was met with awe. Thousands of tiny

keys flitted through the air, flapping around with minuscule wings. They

were several colors and not a single key was identical to another.

Hadrian glanced at the huge door in the corner of the room. He tried to

push it open and even magic it to swing open, but he was unsurprised

when the door stayed shut. It must've been charmed beforehand. As he

expected, there was a small keyhole on the side of the door.

"Hadrian, look there are brooms for us." Draco proclaimed excitedly,

handing him a broom. "I think we have to catch the right key."

"How are we even going to find which key works, we can't try all of

them." Daphne pointed out.

"We don't have time for that." Hadrian muttered as he cast a quick

tempus. 10:23

They were running out of time. "Let's just blast it down."

Hadrian whispered a curse, one of the darkest he knew, and watched as

the bright red light danced across the room towards the door. It drenched

the door in the red light, and within a second, the door crumbled to ash.

"Whoa." Draco's eyes widened. "I haven't seen that one before."

Hermione narrowed her eyes, "That was the Perditius curse."

Hadrian shrugged nonchalantly, trying to appear unaffected by her

accusation. Beneath his mask of indifference, he was shocked the bushy

haired muggleborn knew such dark curses. His suspicions intensified as

he wondered how she had learned of this particular curse.

He stepped through the cinders in the doorway and continued on,

ignoring Hermione's curious expression. Perhaps the girl had been

snooping around in the restricted section right underneath the eyes of her

beloved Madame Pince. It made sense since no one would suspect a

muggleborn girl to be familiar with the dark arts, let alone scour through

books upon books about them. He was fascinated with her strange

adoration for learning anything, and everything. Even if 'everything'

included the dark arts.

"I swear the charmed keys looked like something Flitwick would do."

Daphne said loudly, glancing back at the room filled with keys.

"That's it!" Hermione exclaimed, her chocolate brown eyes lighting up

excitedly. "It's the teacher's ideas!"

Daphne nodded in understanding, "I think you're right. It would explain

all the strange traps."

Draco looked between the two girls with an expression of bewilderment.

"Will someone please explain to me what the bloody hell you're talking

about? I don't speak 'girl'"

Hadrian rolled his eyes, "You don't have to be a girl to understand. You

just have to be clever."

Hermione cast him a simpering smile., "Let me explain this to you

slowly," She began, her voice taking up a sugary sweet tone as if she was

speaking to a two year old, "The teachers have set these traps. I think

that each teacher has set up their own obstacle."

Hadrian tapped his chin thoughtfully, "The three headed mutt was clearly

the overgrown half-breed's idea. Merlin knows why he was even

considered to contribute to this little operation."

"Hadrian, be nice. Hagrid is very kind to people." Hermione scolded,

ignoring the sour look on his face.

"I'm guessing the Devil's Snare was Professor Sprout's idea. And the

charmed keys were Flitwick's. " Daphne continued, completely

disregarding the little spat.

"Which means we've still got Severus, Quirrell, McGonagall, and our dear

old Headmaster to deal with." Draco cut in quickly, proving that he too

could be just as clever as the rest.

Hermione abruptly stopped walking. She cleared her throat and gestured

around the darkly lit chamber they had entered. "I believe this is the next

little complication. I suppose this was McGonagall's work."

Eyes widened and jaws dropped at the sight of the enormous chess set

that covered the entire floor of the room. It was pure black and white

marble, elegantly crafted. There was a certain daunting feeling in the

room and the torches flickered weakly on the walls. Life-size chess

figurines were already set up on both sides, save for a couple vacant


"Little complication?" Daphne repeated in disbelief.

Draco glanced at the opposing chess pieces and took a step towards the

door at the back of the room. Instantly, the pawns at the front

interlocked their swords, and Draco was forced to step back. He gulped,

"I think we have to play our way across."

Hermione wrinkled her nose, "I'm not that good at chess."

Draco turned to Hadrian, "You're good at chess. Why don't you play?"

Hadrian stiffened as he swept his eyes across the board. "This isn't just

any game of chess. This is wizard chess." He paused, and waited as it

sunk in. "There are three blank spaces: One bishop, one rook, and one

knight. That means one of us has to sit out, while the rest of us play."

"We could blast it down then, like we did with the door." Draco


Hadrian shook his head and his gaze turned steely, "That was the first

thing I thought of. But we can't."

Hermione raised an eyebrow, "Why not?"

"There are several tracking charms heavily laid upon this room, the

board, and the pieces. The moment someone interferes magically, it will

trigger defensive spells and notify someone that there is an intruder."

Hadrian explained.

"So we have to play no matter what." Draco mumbled. He sighed heavily

and clapped Hadrian on the back, "Let's get this over with then. Come


Hadrian paused, "Actually, contrary to popular belief, I'm not the best at


"What?" Draco was flabbergasted, and his eyes enlarged comically.

"You're not?"

Hadrian turned his eyes towards Daphne, and his gaze softened. "But

Daphne is. She's the only person that has ever beat me."

Daphne pointed to herself skeptically, "Me? I've only played you a

handful of times, and you always go easy on me."

"No, I don't!" Hadrian insisted, "Every time I tell you that you won faire

and square, you never believe me."

Daphne looked at Hadrian wearily, "So all those times I played you, you

weren't intentionally letting me win?"

He nodded.

Daphne smirked, "In that case, you are absolutely dreadful at chess." She

turned to Draco and pointed to the empty rook spot. "Go."

Draco stood his ground and glared at her, "I don't respond to being

commanded around like some mutt."

Daphne shrugged, "Fine. Please go."

Draco was about to retort, but one threatening look from Hadrian had

him reluctantly trudging onto the board. Hadrian wordlessly followed

him, but instead went to go stand in the bishop spot. Daphne wondered

how he knew exactly where to go, even without any instructions from

her. She herself stepped onto the knight space and climbed atop the


"Be careful!" Hermione called out from the side.

Daphne surveyed the board, "White moves first." As the words left her

mouth, the white pawn moved up two spaces.

"Hey Daphne, you know what you're doing right?" Draco asked timidly,

loosing his collar nervously.

Daphne scowled, "Of course I do." She pointed to one of the black pawns,

"Move to D5."

And suddenly the game was on. The trio discovered very quickly that this

game was not something they could afford to lose. As each piece crashed

and crumbled to dust, the stakes got higher and higher. Under Daphne's

expert guidance, they invaded the enemy's lines quickly and efficiently.

Hadrian saw Daphne in a brand new domain. She was no longer the little

blonde girl that used to cry when he poked her ribs. She was calm, and

collected, even in the face of danger. He noticed the way her attacks

were devious and skillfully executed. The way her brows crinkled when

she was focusing hard on something particular. Her eyes lit up every time

she saw each opposing piece be crushed to bits. The way she manipulated

the pieces to move across the board, it was both graceful and cunning.

She handled everything flawlessly.

Finally it came down to only a couple pieces remaining on the board.

Daphne studied the Queen with a calculating gaze. She turned to

Hadrian, "She's targeting me." Her ice blue eyes analyzed the next

possible moves of the remaining figures and she gasped. "Hadrian, if I

sacrifice myself, you'll be free to checkmate the king."

Hadrian shook his head, "No." He stated firmly. "You are not going to

sacrifice yourself."

Daphne looked at him sadly, "It's the only way we'll win."

"Hadrian, she has to. We can't get to the stone if we lose." Draco tried to

convince Hadrian from the far corner of the board.

"I said, No." Hadrian hissed in a deadly tone. "No one is going to sacrifice

themselves for a stupid board game."

"Hadrian, we have to save Destiny. You're the only one who can do that.

You're Hadrian Riddle!" Daphne pleaded.

"And you're Daphne Greengrass." Hadrian countered. "It doesn't matter

who I am. I am not letting you sacrifice yourself for me. We are doing this

together." He glanced at Draco and Daphne. "Don't you get it? I can't go

on without you."

The room was filled with a heavy silence and Hadrian glanced at his feet

awkwardly. It was all true. He couldn't forward if he knew that Daphne

could possibly be injured, or even dead. He wouldn't leave his friends

alone to die. Sacrifice one, and then win the prize? It just wasn't his style.

Evidently, it wasn't Hermione's either.

There was a loud crashing noise, and for a fleeting second, Hadrian felt

as if Daphne had gone through with the plan anyways. His head snapped

up and noted with relief that Daphne was still atop her black steed. Draco

was still positioned by the corner of the board. Which meant…

Hadrian turned around so quickly that his neck almost snapped. There

stood Hermione, with an expression of shock plastered over her face. She

held something in her hands, and only when Hadrian glanced at her feet

did he understand what had happened.

The large stone spear was dangling dangerously from Hermione's grasp as

she faced the spot where the white King once stood. The chunks of white

marble lay around her and bits and pieces of the dust had blown into her


Hermione stood there, hands shaking miserably and her knees wobbling.

But her voice was hard when she spoke, "Apparently, McGonagall didn't

factor in the use of good ol' old fashioned muggle violence." She let out a

sarcastic little chuckle and dropped the stone spear she appeared to have

swiped from one of the fallen characters.

Daphne was the first to break out of her shock. She hesitantly climbed off

the horse and debated whether or not to step out of her box.

"The game is over." Hermione said, "The king has fallen."

Daphne nodded, but stepped out cautiously. She looked around the

board, waiting for a piece to move. When none stirred, Daphne let out a

relieved breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. She made her way

towards Hermione and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Thank

you." She whispered. "I was going to sacrifice myself and you found a

different, albeit a bit more violent, but better way."

Hermione smiled weakly, "There's always another way."

Hadrian and Draco slowly made their way across the board and joined

the two girls. No one said anything as they sluggishly trudged forward,

flinching at the smallest of sounds.

Eventually Draco spoke up, "You didn't have to do that."

Hermione smiled, although it didn't quite reach her eyes. "When I

realized a couple minutes ago why you were looking for the stone, I

decided I would help you out. Destiny's my friend too." She stopped

Hadrian as he opened his mouth. "I know she's not okay, and whatever

you are doing is to make sure she gets better. I don't want to know what

has happened, because I have a feeling you wouldn't tell me anyways. I

just want to make sure she's alright."

Hadrian patted her back, "She'll be fine." He cast a tempus. 11:31. "If we

get there in time."

The group quickly slinked through the shadows and made their way

through the large wooden double doors. Instantly, the smell of rotting

flesh filled their nostrils and Daphne flinched against Hadrian.

"Did somebody die here?" Hermione whispered, her eyes watering at the


"Not someone." Draco responded shakily. He pointed to a large mass

slumped over the ground. "Something."

Hadrian squinted in the darkness and he could barely make out the shape

of a troll on the stone floor. He cleared his throat, "Someone's already

killed it. We aren't alone."

Draco laughed uneasily to ease the tension, "Thank Merlin, now we don't

have to kill another one of these monsters."

"Come on," Daphne finally spoke, tugging on Hadrian's arm. "There's no

use wasting time dwelling over such trifle matters."

Hadrian allowed himself to be pulled by Daphne, and together they

stepped around the dead troll and his sticky, runny blood. Hermione

looked slightly green, but she didn't say a single word.

They passed through the next set of doors, and Hadrian immediately

inhaled the fresh, but slightly stuffy air. His keen emerald eyes adjusted

to the dark room lit up by flickering torches. It was almost unbearably

hot and his eyes widened when he discovered why. The entire back of

the room was covered with strange black flames, and it was almost

impossible to make out what lay beyond. He examined the room for any

other exits, but found none. Purple flames obscured the entrance from

which they had come. They were trapped.

"Is this some dead end?" Daphne wondered out loud, voicing Hadrian's

thoughts. She started to walk towards the black fire, but Hadrian

automatically grabbed her wrist.

"You don't want to touch that." Hadrian warned. "Those are Nox flames.

Once you touch them, no amount of medicine will stop the unbearable

pain you'll feel for almost two days."

Hermione looked frightened, but she pointed to the table in the middle of

the room. There lay seven different bottles of potions, along with one

small piece of parchment. Hadrian had barely registered the presence of

the table during his observation of the room.

Draco picked up the parchment and skimmed it briefly, "It's a riddle." He


Hermione rolled her eyes, "Well aren't you a genius?" She snatched the

parchment from his hands. "This is obviously Snape's trap. Which would

make the troll Quirell's obstacle."

Daphne leaned over Hermione's shoulder to read the parchment.

"Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind,

Two of us will help you, whichever you would find,

One among us seven will let you move ahead,

Another will transport the drinker back instead,

Two among our number hold only nettle wine,

Three of us are killers, waiting hidden in line.

Choose, unless you wish to stay here for evermore,

To help you in your choice, we give you these clues four:

First, however slyly the poison tries to hide

You will always find some on nettle wine's left side;

Second, different are those who stand at either end,

But if you would move onwards neither is your friend;

Third, as you see clearly, all are different size,

Neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides;

Fourth, the second left and the second on the right

Are twins once you taste them, though different at first sight." She read

out loud.

"We have to pick the one that will let us move forward. If we chose

wrong, either we die from the poison, simply ingest some wine, or we are

transported back." Hadrian summarized.

Hermione studied the line of seven potions. Her eyebrows furrowed in

deep concentration and she bit her lip. She mentally classified each

potion, making sure not to leave any piece of information from the riddle

behind. After a few minutes, her face lit up, and she proudly held up a

small blue bottle. "It's this one."

Hadrian nodded and pointed to the smaller purple vial on the right edge.

"Which makes this one the potion that will take us back."

Draco grabbed the bottle from Hermione and shook it. He swirled the

contents inside. Then his expression fell. "There's not enough for all of


Daphne considered the circumstances and spoke quietly, "I'll stay behind

with Hermione. Hadrian and Draco can split the potion."

She left no room for argument, and everyone nodded reluctantly. Hadrian

suddenly stilled and glanced towards the black flames.

"I don't know who is out there, and it might get rather nasty." He began.

He pulled out a quill from his pocket and placed it on the table. "This is a

portkey I swiped from the Manor. The activation word is home. As soon

as we drink the blue potion, I want both of you to leave using this."

Daphne began to protest, but Draco cut her off. "We can take care of

ourselves, don't worry. Hadrian just wants to make sure you are safe in

case the plan goes awry."

"Wait." Hadrian said, looking at the bottles that were lined up. "Switch

the order of the potions."

"Why?" Draco asked.

Hadrian replaced the wine with the small vial of poison. "Just in case."

He replied stiffly. "Draco and I will take the purple vial with us so we can

get back safely."

"We'll see you soon. It's now or never." Hermione said quietly.

Hadrian smoothly took the blue potion bottle and drank half of its

contents before quickly passing it to Draco. Draco took a quick swig as

well and grabbed the purple potion.

The last thing Hadrian heard was Daphne's worried, "Be safe."

His vision blurred and Hadrian felt himself pass through the black flames

and he stood unsteadily on the stone floor. He felt Draco materialize next

to him.

The room where they stood was a brightly lit chamber, with flaming

torches hanging on the walls. There were a small number of stone steps

that led to the center of the room. In the center stood a large, magnificent

mirror that was eerily familiar. In front of the mirror stood an average

sized figure clothed in black robes. Hadrian's eyes narrowed when he

recognized the man's reflection in the mirror.

"Quirell." Hadrian hissed in disgust. Simply speaking the name left a

bitter taste in his mouth. "It was you."

The figure turned around and smirked wickedly. "Yes, it was I. Although I

reckon you realized this far before this moment."

Hadrian folded his arms, "Yes, I figured it was you long before. After all,

no one would suspect poor, s-s-s-stuttering Quirell." He mocked. Hadrian

took a step closer to Quirell, grasping his wand behind his back. "What I

wish to know is why? Why did you torture Destiny? Why are you

deliberately going against my father's orders? Why?"

Quirell turned back towards the mirror, "I need the stone. This mirror

seems to be the Headmaster's final trick, but I can't seem to find a way

around it. I see myself using the stone, but that image clearly won't help

me find it."

Hadrian locked eyes with Draco and a silent understanding passed

through them. Hadrian stepped closer to the mirror and saw himself in

the reflection. His reflection smirked at him and conjured up the ruby red

stone. The reflection put a finger to his lips in a gesture of secrecy and

dropped the stone into his pocket.

Hadrian maintained an apathetic façade, whilst he inconspicuously felt

the pocket of his robes. To his pleasant surprise, he could feel the outline

of the smooth Sorcerer's stone in his pocket.

Quirell turned his fixated stare onto Hadrian. He gestured to the mirror.

"Well, what do you see?"

Hadrian detected the small movement behind Quirell's back. He was sure

the professor was holding his wand at the ready. He couldn't have the

professor pull out his wand until Draco was ready. One subtle glance

towards the blonde showed he was clearly unprepared. Hadrian cleared

his throat, "I see myself winning the House Cup for Slytherin."

He could see Quirell tightening the hold on his wand. Hadrian hurriedly

spoke, "I'll make you a deal."

The grip on Quirell's wand loosened and he looked at him curiously.

"What kind of deal?"

"You answer some of my questions, and I'll help you find it." Hadrian said


"How do I know you won't steal it once its found?"

"I have more riches than I could ever spend. I don't need the Elixir of Life

because I still have my entire life ahead of me. All I need to do is find the

stone and stop Destiny's torture."

Quirell pursed his lips. "Fine. If you must know, I want the stone for my

own selfish purposes. I was going to use your sister to get it for me, but

she doesn't seem capable of anything without you. So I had to try harder

and use several Dark Magic spells to ensure that you would be forced to

help her."

"Is there a reason why my father asked for you to fetch the stone?" He

asked the one question that was intriguing him this entire year.

"I was the only Death Eater no one would suspect in this school. As to

why your father needs it, he gave me no information."

Hadrian nodded, deeming the information acceptable. He pulled out the

stone from his pocket, enjoying the way Quirell's jaw went slack. "Is this

what you're looking for?"

"Why you little- You've had it all along!" Quirell growled, lunging for the


Hadrian jumped back and shook his head, plastering a taunting smile

onto his face. "No, Quirell." He chastised, "You aren't going to get this

until you've answered all my questions."

"What is it, brat?" Quirell spat, his tainted by anger face turning more

and more red by the second.

"You had to realize my father would kill you when he found out you were

stealing the stone for your own selfish reasons. But yet, you still double-

crossed him. Why?"

"Don't you understand? Your father would've killed me, regardless of

whether or not I returned with the stone. But if I escaped with the stone,

I could at least hide myself somewhere where he would never find me."

Quirell revealed.

"Just like a little coward." Hadrian sneered. His expression turned

thoughtful. "But why are you telling me all of this. I'm clearly going to

tell my father you have the stone."

Quirell shrugged indifferently, "I know. But you have to be alive in order

to go inform your father." He whipped out his wand, and pointed it at

Hadrian. "Now, give me the stone, devil's spawn."

Hadrian raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "No."

"You're forcing me t-"

"Crucio." Hadrian snarled, pointing his own wand at the traitor Professor.

He held the spell and hissed through his teeth, "Now you listen to me.

Using an innocent 11-year-old girl to do your bidding is extremely

pathetic. No wonder father was going to kill you, you deserve it."

Quirell was twitching on the ground violently and shaking terribly.

Hadrian kicked the man in disgust and stopped the spell. Quirell

whimpered on the ground inaudibly. He feebly raised his wand, but

Hadrian simply plucked it from his hands.

"Draco, come along. We're going to leave this bastard to rot in here."

Hadrian said loudly, the fate of Quirell echoing in the chamber. He could

hear Quirell's moans of pain and he smiled wickedly.

He knew Quirell was coming after them as soon as they reached the top

of the steps. Hadrian made a big show of waving goodbye to Quirell

before approaching the wall of black flames. He gestured for Draco to

take the potion and made sure Quirell couldn't see them.

Quirell was reaching for Hadrian, and so he quickly took the potion and

stepped closer to the flames. As he disappeared, Quirell did exactly what

he had expected.

The rogue professor assumed the boys had disappeared through the fire,

so he followed. Instantly, he felt the burning agony of the black flames

once they touched his skin. He attempted to ignore the pain as he

stumbled towards the table, which held the potions. Through his pain, he

didn't notice there were only five bottles of potions on the table. He

plucked the potion on the far right; the one he believed would take him


Unfortunately, as soon as his lips touched a drop of the fiery liquid, he

realized he'd been tricked. The poison forced itself down his throat, and

Quirell was paralyzed by the excruciating anguish from the combination

of the flames and the poison.

Little did he know the next few breaths would be his last.

Hogwarts Library [June 14]

Hadrian lounged comfortably with Daphne on the traditional black chaise

he had transfigured. She leaned her head against his shoulder as they

shared a copy of the Daily Prophet. Hadrian's lips twisted into a sardonic

smile as he saw the headline Body of Missing Hogwarts Professor Found.

Two months ago, the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was reported as missing. Aurors

investigated, but Professor Quirinus Quirell was nowhere to be found. The staff

and students conveyed no reports of strange activity in the castle. But as of

late last night, it has been revealed that the dead body of the Professor has

been found. The Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, divulged no information as

to where the body was found, or what the cause of death was. Sources say

that the body was-

The sound of a throat clearing distracted him from the article, but he

didn't bother glancing up. Daphne nudged his side and gestured to the

person in front of him. Finally, Hadrian shut the paper and looked up.

Neville Longbottom stood tall and proud, although Hadrian's sharp eyes

detected an underlying uneasiness in his behavior.

He raised an eyebrow in question, refusing to express any

acknowledgement till Neville spoke. Neville opened his mouth to say

something, but closed it and plopped himself down carefully in the chair

next to the wordlessly cast a silencing spell.

His hand twitched and he exhaled deeply, "Almost three months ago, you

told me if you didn't care if I was light or dark, because you just wanted

to be my friend."

Hadrian stiffened, but didn't respond. Daphne touched his hand in a

calming manner and he relaxed somewhat.

"You said there was a clear line dictating who I could, and couldn't be

friends with." Neville paused and an unknown expression shadowed his

face, "You were right. There is a line."

Hadrian sighed heavily, "Don't waste my time, Neville." He started to

reopen the newspaper, but Neville stopped him. Hadrian narrowed his


"What I waned to say was, there is a line. But I crossed it when I sat with

you on the train that very first afternoon. I crossed it when I turned a

blind eye toward all your suspicious mannerisms. I crossed it when I

helped discover the location of the stone." Neville said quietly, crossing

and uncrossing his long legs nervously.

"What are you trying to say?" Hadrian asked. He felt a small burst of hope

flare in his chest, but he refused to show any outward signs of


"I guess what I'm trying to say is I've crossed that line. There's no going

back now. I had already made my decision, even though I didn't realize

it. " Neville rambled on.

"Neville just spit it out." Hadrian demanded.

"I'm on your side now. I don't care what side it is actually, as long as all

of you lot are in it." Neville declared.

Hadrian studied Neville. "You don't care who I am? You don't care about

the things I've done, and even the terrible things I'll probably do in the

future?" He asked doubtfully.

"No." Neville said evenly.

"You don't care if we're all going to turn out as death eaters?"

"I'd probably join with you." Neville admitted.

"Why? You wouldn't want to betray your family." Hadrian pressed.

Neville chuckled darkly, "What family? I have none. My own

grandmother doesn't even want me." He glanced around before saying

softly, "Don't you understand? You all are the only people I have. And I

would be a fool to give that up."

Daphne smiled at Neville comfortingly, "Neville, you don't have to join

the Dark Side in order to be friends with us. We only want you to join if

you want to."

Neville simply looked at her with sad eyes. "I'm going to have to take a

side when I'm older. The Order probably would use my family's legacy to

make me join them." He paused, "But I'm not my family. I want to join

your side because the Dark Side lets me be happy, however strange that


"It doesn't sound strange, I know what you mean." Daphne assured him.

Hadrian was silent during their small exchange, thinking deeply about

something. He looked up abruptly, "Do you even believe in what the Dark

Side wants to achieve?"

Neville thought out loud, "I believe in certain parts of it. Do you believe

in everything they want to achieve?"

It was a rhetorical question. He had Hadrian there. Although Hadrian

strongly fought for the Dark Side, he knew certain aspects of the

philosophy were ludicrous.

"Point taken." Hadrian nodded thoughtfully. "Well Neville, there's only

one thing I can say now. Welcome back."

Neville grinned widely, "I know I don't deserve it after everything I said,

but thank you. "

"I actually wanted to give you something, to show my appreciation for

you putting aside our differences in order to continue our friendship."

Hadrian commented. He reached into the pocket of his robes and pulled

out the small item. "Here."

Neville stared at the ruby red stone in his hand. "You're giving the

stone…to me?"

Hadrian shrugged casually, "For safe keeping. No one will suspect you are

in possession of it. Besides, this way you can set up your own Gringotts

account, and your own things. It'll help you break away from your family


Hadrian took down the silencing spell and watched Neville. Neville had

an awed look on his face as he ran his fingers over the stone. He

pocketed it and turned back to Hadrian. "Thank you Hadrian. For

everything. I don't know what I'd to without you all."

"You've got that right." Destiny beamed. She peeled herself away from

behind the bookshelf that hid the entrance to their secret space in the

library. Draco, Hermione, and Blaise soon followed after her. "Did you

have to spoil our fun of eavesdropping?" She pouted.

"You took so long, I was worried you would never forgive him." Blaise

said to Hadrian. He was well recovered and healthy since his trip to the

hospital wing. As soon as Quirell had perished, he had magically woken

up, to the utter shock of Madame Pomfrey.

Destiny slid wrapped her arms around Neville's shoulders and squeezed

him into a hug. "See? I told you if you just explained and apologized, he

would accept you again." She said smugly.

"Okay, okay you were right." Neville agreed, boosting her satisfaction.

"Don't boost her ego." Draco warned. He moved out of the way just as

Destiny chucked a large tome at his head. "Love you too, Destiny." He


"Enough with the sentimental crap." Blaise said, "I want to hear about this

adventure that everyone has been tightlipped about. And what's this

about Hadrian being dreadful at chess?"

Hadrian flushed a slight shade of pink. Daphne's eyes lit up and she

grinned as she launched into the story, much to Hadrian's chagrin.

Later that evening….

Dumbledore stood in his majestic throne like chair and clinked his glass

for attention. The sound echoed through the large hall, and students

slowly turned their attention to the headmaster.

"Another year gone!" Dumbledore began, "And what a year it has been!

Hopefully you all have learned endless amounts of knowledge from your

time here. For those of you returning, we hope you will enjoy the next

year as much as this one! And our seventh years, we wish you luck in

your future endeavors. " He hesitated and his voice took on a somber

tone. "As you all know, our Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Quirell has met a mysterious death. But in these times of mourning, it is

important to have hope. Professor Quirell was a good man, and an even

better teacher. We will all miss him next year, but he is in a better place

now. May he rest in peace." Dumbledore paused.

Whispers broke out and Dumbledore tapped his glass once again for

silence. His voice turned cheerful once again. "Now, I believe the House

Cup needs awarding, and the points stand thus: In fourth place,

Gryffindor, with three hundred and twelve points; in third, Hufflepuff,

with three hundred and fifty-two; Ravenclaw has four hundred and

twenty-six" He paused, his merriment dying down a bit, " and Slytherin,

four hundred and seventy-two." The twinkle in his blue eyes was gone.

The Slytherins clapped enthusiastically, but refrained from cheering out

loud like a couple of wild animals. The banners were decorated with the

green and silver snake emblem of Slytherin, and it produced a sense of

pride in Hadrian's chest. He couldn't believe the year was over so fast; he

wasn't ready to go home just yet. But he missed his family back at Riddle

Manor, and he was looking forward to the summer. Plus, there were

several things he needed to discuss with his father.

Snape was busy observing his new House Cup as Dumbledore cleared

away the dessert dishes. He called out instructions for the departure for

tomorrow, but not many were paying attention. As Hadrian made his

way back to Slytherin Dungeons, he barely registered anything anyone

said. He was distracted in his own world. He said goodnight to each of

his friends and walked into his room. With a wave of his hand he packed

his trunk and locked it. Hadrian threw himself onto the soft bed and

pulled the covers up to his chin, too tired to get out of his school robes.

This had been a good year, despite any hitches and obstacles they had

faced. He only hoped next year would be better.

Kings Cross Station [June 15]

Hadrian waved goodbye to all his friends, with promises to owl, visit,

and meet with every one of them. He greeted the Malfoys warmly and

just barely escaped one of Narcissa's strangling hugs. Lucius informed

him that Bellatrix was waiting outside and he smiled gratefully.

Hadrian exited the station, with Destiny in tow. They spotted the

disguised Bellatrix eying some passing muggles with distaste and quickly

ran up to her. Bellatrix gushed rather uncharacteristically about how she

missed them so much, although they reminded her she had seen them

only a couple months ago. She shushed them and they apparated back to

Riddle Manor.

Bellatrix dragged Destiny along with her for some unknown reason,

leaving Hadrian to make his way to his father's study alone. Hadrian

waved hello to Anne and quickly dashed away before she could begin her

rant about his true love.

He knocked on the doors to his father's office and they opened

automatically. His father was leaning back in the chair behind his desk

and reading a small slip of parchment. Hadrian slid himself into the seat

across from his father.

"Ah, Hadrian. Welcome home. How was your school year?" His father

asked distractedly, barely glancing up from his papers.

Hadrian tensed, knowing there was an ulterior motive behind his father's

civility towards him. Outwardly, Hadrian simply smiled and replied

smoothly, "It went well. I think I got all O's on my exams."

"Good, good." His father responded. Suddenly he looked up. "Is there

something else you want to tell me? Something to do with a Quirinus


Hadrian schooled his features into an expression of innocence, "Oh yes.

Professor Quirell met a tragic death."

"I heard." His father muttered, pointing to a copy of the Daily Prophet

that lay on his desk. "What I meant was, do you know how he died?"

Hadrian shrugged, "I thought you had something to do with it. But why

would you kill Quirell, father? Didn't you want the Sorcerer's Stone?"

Lord Voldemort studied his adopted son carefully. The boy showed no

signs of hiding the truth, but he didn't seem completely innocent. With

this in mind, he pressed on further. "I was led to believe you are in

possession of the Stone. May I see it?"

Hadrian plastered an appearance of confusion on his face. "I'd give it to

you if I had it. But I don't. Didn't Quirell get it for you, before he died?"

Technically it wasn't a complete lie. He truly didn't have the stone in his


Lord Voldemort furrowed his brows and stared his son down. He had no

way of knowing whether the boy was telling the truth or not. The young

boy across from him reminded him of himself in more ways than one.

They were both cunning, talented, and skilled liars. They were both

perfect Slytherins.

Hadrian stood up from the chair. "Well father, if that is all I have to go

unpack my trunk. And before I forget, I believe you need to reexamine

every single one of your death eaters. Although they may seem loyal, I

happen to know not all of them are."

He exited his father's office, leaving behind a stunned Lord Voldemort.

Have I just been dismissed? And that too, by my own son? Voldemort

thought in disbelief. He shook his head; he ought to crucio the brat. What

if the boy had been lying? What if he had the stone in his back pocket

this entire time?

Suddenly, the idea of upsetting his son seemed a whole lot like poking an

angry hippogriff. He needed to tame the beast, or get rid of him. And for

some reason, the second option was extremely unappealing to him.

A/N: First year done! I want to thank everyone that reviewed, it

means a lot to me! Even if it was criticizing, I still appreciated it and

I tried to fix any errors that were pointed out. 87,000 words! That's

almost a novel! This is probably the most I've ever written for a

story so this is actually pretty big for me. I'm so excited to write

Year 2 , although I'm not exactly sure when I'll post that since I have

my finals coming up. Once again, I would like to thank every

follower, reviewer, favorite, viewer, etc. I really value everything

and every review made me extremely ecstatic!

Thanks for reading so far,


20. Patience

A/N: I apologize for the long wait, but if you have not heard it yet, I

was currently in the middle of travelling, and it was difficult to find

a stable Internet connection, which is why I didn't update in the

past two months. I can reassure you that I will be continuing the

Dark Prince, so do not fret! I hope you enjoy this chapter, although I

have to warn you; I haven't written anything since May, so I might

be a bit rusty. Once again, enjoy and if you have any questions or

opinions/criticisms don't be afraid to PM me or write a review. I'm

open to everything!

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

"Mo-Mother…." A small girl spoke slowly, testing out the new name before

continuing, "I have a question."

"Yes?" The dark haired woman smiled at her daughter fondly, an action that

was quickly becoming more and more normal after each passing day.

"Why can't I be a grown up, like you?" She asked curiously, fidgeting with the

hem of her pale pink dress.

The woman let out a rough sound, akin to a laugh, the corners of her eyes

crinkling. "Now why would you want to be a grown up just yet?"

The girl pouted, "Because you can do anything you want. You can even make

that tree go boom with just your hands!" She proceeded to further express her

point by using her hands to gesticulate an explosion, whilst yelling, "BOOM!"

in a high-pitched voice.

The mother smirked, "You mean like this?" She hid her wand behind her back

as she silently cast a 'Reducto' spell towards a tree in the distance. In less than

a second, the entire tree was blown to pieces and the remaining fragments

started to burn down to ashes.

The little girl clapped her hands animatedly, "I want to do that too!" Her

eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she moved her hands, waiting for the

tree to explode just as it had a moment earlier. Her shoulders drooped as she

realized she wasn't successful.

She scowled and crossed her arms, looking chagrined, "See? It doesn't work

when I do it!"

The girl's mother, if possible, only smiled wider. "Patience is key, my dear."

She said, absentmindedly ruffling the girl's blonde hair. "If you keep trying

with all your heart, you'll certainly get it someday."

"You mean I have to try every single day?" The girl asked, wrinkling her nose

as if the mere thought seemed tiresome to her, "Wouldn't that take a lot of


The woman chuckled, "You're still young, my dark angel. You have all the

time you need, and then some."

"But Mr. Waldemart-"


"Yes, yes. Mr. Voldemort always says not to waste time." The girl said in a

matter-of-fact toning, "He says time is preci-prece-preces." She made a face as

she struggled to pronounce the word correctly.

"Precious." The mother corrected, trying to stifle a laugh. "In some ways he is

correct. But sometimes the dark lo-" She paused and corrected herself upon

seeing the perplexed look on her daughter's face, "Mr Voldemort, forgets that

you aren't a grown up. You exactly can't blame him because look what a big

girl you've become!"

The little girl puffed out her chest in pride, "I'm a big girl now." She repeated,

her sky blue eyes twinkling.

"Adults can't waste time because they have so many other things to do. But

you still have your entire life ahead of you. Just be patient and you'll see how

much fun it will be."

"Someday will I ever be as wonderful at magic as you are?"

The mother kissed the top of her daughter's head affectionately, "Someday my

dear, you will become twice the witch I am today."

Flourish and Blots [August 17]

"Patience is key. Patience is key. Patience is key. Patien-"

"Destiny?" A voice ahead of her drawled out coldly, "Can you shut up,


She grinned sheepishly, "Sorry Drake-"

"Stop calling me that! It sounds so distasteful!"

A mischievous twinkle came into her eyes as she shrugged and

apologized halfheartedly, "My apologies…. Drake."

"How many times have I told you that I hate that name?!" Draco Malfoy

growled under his breath.

"Oops. It was an honest mistake Draaaa-" She paused seeing the

murderous look on his face, "-co." She finished lamely. He shot her an

angry look before turning back around in the long line.

No matter how many times she tried to tell herself to be patient, it never

seemed to work. It was impossible. Some things just weren't meant to

happen. Like snow wasn't supposed to fall in summer, Destiny Lestrange

was not meant to be a patient creature.

Who could blame her after all? Since she was blessed (or cursed?) with

the gift of Prophecy, everything she did was a result of waiting and

watching the future for the possible effects. It really wore a girl out!

But she knew better than to mess with the future simply because she was

bored. It really was the only reason she tolerating waiting. With such an

important gift came early maturity (although she was willing to admit

that she too could be childish at times) and a great responsibility. With

that being said, Destiny Lestrange was seriously reconsidering the

consequences of tampering with the future…if it meant she could just get

out of this long line to get a couple books signed by the Witch Weekly's

"Bachelor of the Year", Gilderoy Lockhart himself.

She didn't even want to get her books signed by that…that fraud! She

stood up on her tiptoes and managed to catch a glimpse of his shiny

golden locks—which were still a long way away from her. Destiny

glanced around the dust-coated room in disgust. The very long, and very

slow line consisted of mostly middle-aged women and lonely cat ladies

dying to get their books signed. Since Destiny was neither a middle aged

woman, nor a lonely cat lady, she had no interest whatsoever in taking a

photo with the handsome man or gushing about his courageous

adventures. She snorted soundlessly as she read one of the many

ridiculous titles on her list: Magical Me. If he wasn't so famous for

absolutely nothing, she might've mistaken him for a squib.

Destiny sighed loudly. If she had her wand, maybe she could've pulled a

prank or two while waiting. But none of the wands in the local

Ollivander's seemed suitable for her, thus forcing her to return empty

handed. It looked like she was stuck using wandless magic for now,

which greatly disappointed her. Since her gift used up most of her mental

concentration, she was never as good at wandless magic. In the end she

might end up creating more damage than she had in mind. She'd already

seen it. If she tried to simply send a small electric shock to the plump

woman a couple feet in front of her, the woman's pretty black mane

would catch on fire. It was a situation she dearly wished to avoid.

Hadrian and Draco provided no entertainment either. Draco merely stood

examining his nails with an unnaturally passionate interest and Hadrian

was impassively staring ahead, with a couple books he had purchased

elsewhere already in his hands. Unlike her, they both looked oddly calm

in the crowded, bustling store. But Destiny knew they were just as

annoyed as she was. After a careful observation, she noticed Draco rolled

his eyes every few minutes and impatiently began to tap his foot.

Hadrian was a bit harder to decipher because he stood frozen like a

statue, only blinking occasionally and plastering an apathetic expression

on his face. She hid a smirk. He could put up this unaffected facade, but

she could see right through it. Judging by the way the corner of his

mouth dipped down into the slightest frown every time someone said the

blond phony's name, Destiny knew he was very close to snapping and

Avada-ing the next person who gushed about Mr. Lockhart.

The bell at the front of the door chimed, letting her know that yet another

customer had entered the bookstore. Destiny glowered; she was already

sharing her oxygen with at least fifty different people. As she caught sight

of the three heads of bright red hair, her spirits worsened. Make that

fifty- three people who were stealing her oxygen.

"Patience is key." Destiny whispered desperately. Maybe repeating it over

and over again would make it come true.

"Destiny?" A familiar voice called out. She looked up and glanced around

to see the same redheads pushing their way through the crowd to get to

her. Her eyes widened in recognition.

"Fred! George! You came!" She exclaimed in a cheerful tone, although it

did not match her pained expression.

"Pardon me Destiny, but you sound…" Fred began,

"Extremely frustrated?" George finished, looking slightly unsure.

Destiny's gaze darted around uneasily and she licked her lips since they

suddenly felt too dry. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the

permanent scowl on Draco's face deepen.

"Look who's here. I can't believe you asked them to come." He murmured

under his breath. It must not have been quiet enough, because the twins

shot him a roguish smile.

"Hello to you too Junior Malfoy." They responded together. Draco nodded

politely (after Hadrian nudged his ribs, hard) although his eyes clearly

revealed the unsaid message: "I hate you and I want to throw you off a


"It was actually Hadrian's idea. He thought it would be nice." Destiny

explained, smiling at her brother.

Hadrian smiled back tightly and attempted to make a civil conversation

with the twins, which to his surprise, was easier than he had thought.

Just as he was about to inform the twins that Puddlemere United would

most certainly beat the Hollyhead Harpies, a new voice cut in.

"Obviously the Harpies will win, is that even a question?"

Hadrian raised an eyebrow and turned around, along with the rest of his

friends. In front of him stood a skinny girl with straight, flaming red hair

and an array of freckles scattered across her nose.

"How can you be so sure? The Harpies actually have to have actual

talent, which they clearly lack, to play against the experienced players on

Puddlemere United."

The girl's bright brown eyes flashed angrily as she seethed, "How dare


"Er- Ginny you probably don't want to-" Fred started to say, a slight look

of trepidation across his face.

"Shut up, George!" She hissed, ignoring the muffled "Hey, I'm Fred!"

"This is Hadrian Riddle-" George managed to blurt out, before he was

silenced by another blood chilling glare from his younger spitfire sister.

"I don't care if he's the bloody Minister of Magic!" She scowled.

Hadrian stared at her, slightly intrigued. "Who are you?" He asked.

She looked at him suspiciously before sniffing haughtily, "I don't think

you are worthy of knowing who I am, if you think that Puddlemere

United will beat the greatest team in the history of quidditch."

Hadrian was silent for a moment, his jaw tightening and his expression

turning cold.

"You done did it now." Fred whispered dramatically.

Draco glared at the redhead, "Do you know who we are, little girl?"

"No, but if you tell me where your mother is, maybe I can find her and

she can help remind you who you are." She retorted sarcastically.

Destiny attempted to hide her giggles at Draco's insulted sputtering, but

everyone noticed it anyways. The feisty girl turned her attention to

Destiny and glanced at her interestedly. "Are those your brothers?" She


Destiny nodded, "Well he is," She said, pointing to Hadrian. "The blonde

ponce just tags along on our adventures."

Draco looked offended and he opened his mouth to protest but the

strange girl shot him a vicious look and he huffed but looked in a

different direction mumbling something that sounded suspiciously like "I

wonder if werewolves will eat people if I bribe them."

"I don't know how you can stand to hang around them." The girl shook

her head, "I have six other brothers but none of them are as annoying

combined as Blondie over there."

Destiny shrugged, "Eh he's alright. At sometimes he can be a downright

prat, but you learn to live with it."

The girl nodded understandingly. She gestured her head towards

Hadrian. "What about him, is he always so moody and strange?"

Hadrian's head snapped up and he glared at the girl frostily. "What did

you just say?"

"I said" She began in a louder tone, "IS HE ALWAYS SO MOODY AND


Suddenly the crowded room seemed to go completely silent, and all

heads turned to look at the bickering children in the middle of the room.

A sales clerk made his way over to them and gave them a disapproving


"Excuse me children, but where are your parents?"

The strange girl folded her arms in a defiant posture and looked at the

clerk indifferently, "Where are yours?"

The sales clerk, deciding to humor the girl responded, "I'm not sure, but I

could owl them if you'd like." This got a couple chuckles from the crowd.

She eyed her nails uninterestedly, before looking at him once again.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" She shrugged her shoulders before

continuing, "Take your time."

"Little girl, I am not going to stand here and listen to such disrespect from

you." The clerk hissed through his fake smile.

"Okay. You can stand over there and listen if you'd like." She replied


"Well I never!"

"Never what? Never moved out of your parents' house? No need to tell

me, Sir. I can see that."

"Get out. GET OUT!" The man seethed. "You come into my shop, disrupt

my customers, and have the nerve to insult me?"

"Yes, yes, and yes. Can we move on now?" She smirked.

Ten minutes later, the three Weasleys, a Lestrange, Malfoy, and a Riddle

stood outside the bookstore, unbelievingly going over the events that had

just occurred.

Hadrian was the first one to snap. "Never in my entire life have I been

thrown out of a public place." He said in a shocked voice.

The girl patted his arm, "Don't worry, you have your entire life left ahead

of you. And since you're friends with me, I can guarantee it will happen

in the future."

Hadrian looked at her incredulously, "We are not friends."

She shrugged nonchalantly, "Sure we are."

Destiny stared through the shop window in shock. "Are you telling me…"

She started out slowly, her voice just barely above a whisper. "Are you

telling me that we waited half the day for nothing!?" She screeched, her

voice getting louder and louder with each word and attracting the

attention of several passerby on the cobblestone street.

"Don't worry, it wasn't for nothing." The girl reassured them.

"I have no books, I have a headache, I hate lines, and I hate waiting."

Destiny rubbed her temples, "I need to sit down."

Draco glared at the redhead. "You just wasted our entire morning!" He

accused furiously.

She snorted, "Believe me, that line wasn't going anywhere."

Fred and George tugged at their little sister's arms urgently. "Ginny, we

should go. You've already caused too much trouble."

She dug her heels into the ground and looked up at them. "Not until I get

my books."

"Gin, we just got kicked out of the place. They aren't going to let us back


She looked at the two as if they were insane, "I never said I was going in."

"Then how do you plan on getting your books?" Destiny asked curiously,

momentarily forgetting her frustration.

"That would be my job."

The small group turned around to witness another newcomer, holding a

stack of books so high; it almost covered up their entire head. But

Hadrian could make out a long mane of dark brown hair, and petite

hands with perfectly manicured nails. As she stumbled toward them with

her books, Hadrian caught a glimpse of the pretty blue-green eyes that he

only knew one other person to have.

"Astoria?" He asked suspiciously, "Is that you?"

At the sound of his voice, the girl gasped in shock, which caused her to

drop all of her books onto the ground. She blushed a bright shade of pink

and smoothed down her hair. "Hadrian!" She spoke anxiously, "What are

you doing here?"

He raised an eyebrow, mildly amused. "I'm getting books." He said


Astoria nodded, and then slapped her forehead. "Of course, I'm so silly. I

forgot you're here…in front of a bookstore…to buy books. Ha ha." She

laughed nervously as she bent down to pick up the books.

Hadrian leaned down to help her and then offered to carry most of the

books, since her tiny frame obviously couldn't support the number of

volumes she was carrying.

"So…." Destiny drawled, "What exactly is going on here?"

A look of recognition seemed to pass through Fred and George's eyes,

because they groaned simultaneously. "Ginny. Why?" Fred asked, shaking

his head.

"And now you've roped in this poor girl as well!" George added.

"Will someone tell me what is going on?" Draco asked, irritated by both

the scene they were causing and the number of Weasleys he was around.

"We are really sorry, she has this bad habit. And we thought she'd

stopped but clearly she hasn't and its-" Fred began to explain, but the

female redhead cut him off.

"Its not a big deal. I just like seeing how many people I can fool at a

time." She shrugged.

Suddenly it dawned on Hadrian as he looked down at the books in his

hands. He shot her an accusing look, "That was all an act."

She smirked, but said nothing. Hadrian continued to talk as he replayed

the events in his mind. "The arguments, the drama, the books. It was just

a distraction! You two!" He gestured to Astoria and the other girl, "You

two planned this so you could steal those books!" He concluded quietly,

as to not attract anyone else's attention.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Ginny said casually.

Hadrian stared at the two before he laughed. He laughed at the insanity

of the situation so much till his stomach hurt. "That was very Slytherin of

you." He announced when he finally caught his breath.

The girl stiffened. "I still don't know what you are talking about, but we

should be going. Right guys?" She glared at Fred and George. They

nodded slowly.

"Astoria, darling. My books?" She requested in a mock-posh accent.

Astoria Greengrass nudged Hadrian to give her the set of books that were

in his hands. Once Hadrian gave them to the girl, she turned away and

started to walk down the street.

"Wait." Destiny called out. "Who are you exactly?"

She turned around and gave them a two-finger salute, "The name's Ginny,

short for Ginerva, Weasley. I'll see you at Hogwarts." And with that, she

disappeared into the crowd of frantic shoppers. Fred and George soon

followed after, muttering both apologies and goodbyes.

As they lost sight of the Weasleys, Hadrian turned his attention to Astoria

and gave her a disapproving look. "Astoria, you know stealing is

dishonorable, not to mention that it is not appropriate for a proper lady

of your stature. Ginerva may do it because she's not familiar with such

wealth, but it's still wrong. You have everything you already need. Why

do you do this?"

Astoria laughed, "Ginny doesn't do this because she's poor. She does it

because she gets a kick out of it. Its like an adrenaline rush."

"What if you get caught, what would Daphne say? Does she know?"

Hadrian asked.

"Well, we haven't gotten caught in the 23 times we've pulled this off. And

no, Daph does not know because we both know what she would say. And

I would like to avoid listening to that lecture." Astoria said. She paused

and looked at Hadrian uncertainly, "You aren't going to tell her are you?

Because then she'll keep worrying about me and hovering. Please don't

tell her." She pleaded.

Hadrian sighed and looked toward his friends for support. Draco

purposely avoided his gaze while Destiny was looking thoughtful. "Fine. I

won't tell her. But you need to stop this." Hadrian threatened, "We're just

looking out for you."

Astoria nodded brightly. "Thanks. I don't know what Daph would've


"Where is Daphne?" Hadrian asked casually. "I haven't seen her for the

past few weeks."

Astoria grinned, "She's at my grandmother's estate drinking tea and

attending book club parties." Her voice lowered to a whisper, "She says

she doesn't mind, but I'm sure she's bored to death."

"Maybe we should go and kidnap her." Destiny joked.

Astoria's eyes lit up. "Can I help? Maybe we can bring Ginny too-"

"NO!" Both Hadrian and Draco protested at the same time.

Astoria looked offended, "She isn't like this all the time. She just had to

put on a show so that I could sneak around the back and grab the huge

stacks of books."

"Of course she can come." Destiny reassured her, smiling at the smaller


Hadrian raised an eyebrow, "Hold on a second. You know we aren't

actually kidnapping her, right?"

Astoria shrugged, "Why not? She's miserable there."

"I think Ginerva has been a bad influence on you." Draco commented


"She's not this bad!" Astoria insisted, crossing her arms defensively. "It

was her idea to get the extra books to give to anyone else that got kicked

out along with her." She pointed to the stack that she had set down

earlier. "See? Those are all yours."

Draco glanced at the stack wearily, "I don't need stolen books. I have

billions of galleons sitting in my own Gringotts account." He sneered as

he glanced at his expensive watch, "We should go since we're already two

hours late."

Astoria smirked, "Okay, but good luck getting into that store, let alone

waiting in the line again."

Draco cursed under his breath as she realized she was right. His parents

would be less than impressed if he came back empty handed and late.

Destiny smiled as she began to pick up some of the books they needed, "I

think Ginny actually did us a favor. Who knows how much longer we

would've waited in that line. Oh, and thanks for the books."

"No problem. Owl me when you want to go kidnap Daph." Astoria waved

as they started to walk away. Draco and Hadrian exchanged looks before

pulling Destiny along with them towards the Leaky Cauldron. Once they

were inside, they all entered a fireplace, throwing the floo powder and

shouting "Malfoy Manor."

Hadrian stepped out of the fireplace carefully and dusted off the small

about of soot that had gathered on his shoulders. Before he could follow

Destiny and Draco into the drawing room, the demanding presence of

Lucius Malfoy halted him in his steps.

"Hadrian." He addressed him coolly, examining his appearance with

indifference, "Your father is here."

Hadrian nodded understandingly, "Is he in your study?"

Lucius looked away, and for a fleeting second, Hadrian thought he saw a

flicker of pity in his eyes. But when he turned around again, his features

were steely and his voice was stony. "No. He's waiting in the dungeons."

Hadrian gulped and tugged at his collar. He didn't interact with his oh-so-

loving father very often, but he knew that when his father called for him,

it usually came with unfathomable amounts of stress and anxiety. He

could handle meeting his father in his study, because it usually meant

they would be having a civilized conversation. But meeting his father in

the dungeons? Hadrian shuddered involuntarily as he mentally prepared

himself for the pain he would have to endure, or if he were lucky, the

pain he would have to inflict.

As he trudged down the dismal stone steps to the dungeon, Hadrian felt a

chill run up his spine. Something wasn't right here. He cautiously pulled

out his first wand, gripping it so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

The dungeons of Malfoy Manor were a truly terrifying place. It was a

place that never saw the light, but was submerged by only the dead of

the night. An unnaturally cold wind accompanies what sounds like

thousands of silent screams. The screams of people not yet dead, but by

no means, alive.

Hadrian cast a silent lumos, lighting up the dark chamber so he could see

a few feet ahead of him. His eyes came to rest on a rusty chair that was

in front of him and he furrowed his brows. The small light coming out of

his wand dissolved into the blackness.

"Sit down." A familiar voice commanded, and Hadrian did just that. The

voice caused him to obey without a second thought, like an imperious

curse had been cast. He couldn't think straight or even hear his own

thoughts. He just knew he must obey to the command. It was a voice he

had come to fear. A voice that haunted even his nightmares.

"Did you succeed without arousing any suspicion?"

Hadrian nodded, then cursed his stupidity for not realizing it probably

could not be seen in the shadowy chamber, "Yes, I believe I did."

"You believe you did?" The voice of the Dark Lord repeated in a mocking

manner. "Now tell me boy, how am I to put my confidence into someone

who is unsure themselves?"

"I did." Hadrian corrected quickly. "Sorry, father."

"Do not apologize. Riddle men apologize to no one. Do you understand?"

"Yes father."

A pair of glowing ruby red eyes came into view, and Hadrian relaxed

slightly. It was extremely uncomfortable to talk to someone who he could

not see with his own eyes.

"Tell me, Hadrian. Do you consider yourself fearless?"

Hadrian flinched, and it did not go unnoticed by the Dark Lord. He

stayed silent for a moment, uncertain how to answer the question. Finally

he sighed, "No."

"What is it that you fear?" Voldemort asked slowly. Hadrian shifted his

eyes at the strange way his father sounded almost concerned.

"I- I'm not sure." Hadrian admitted, glancing down at his hands wearily.

"Is there anything you are certain of?"

Hadrian was quiet, unable to come up with a truthful, and suitable


"Come along boy, I'd like to show you something." Voldemort began to

walk in the opposite direction, clearly expecting Hadrian to follow.

Hadrian scrambled up from his chair and began to walk behind his

father, his mind filled with apprehensive thoughts.

The Dark Lord stood in front of a massive cupboard with a crooked door

barely hanging onto its now rusty hinges. It had been pushed

haphazardly into a corner of one of the dusty cells. It was covered with

strange carvings, and scratches along the side. Hadrian could tell it had

once been beautiful, but the age and negligence towards it had caused it

to become simply another broken down cupboard.

Voldemort waved his wand over the handle, and opened the still

functioning door just a crack. Hadrian held his breath for fear of what

was to come. Only when his father carefully pulled out a small vial

several seconds later, did he let it out.

His father uncorked the opaque vial and handed it to Hadrian. "Drink

up." He smirked. Hadrian glanced at the vial doubtfully, but accepted it

anyways. He lifted the vial to his face, and discreetly smelled the liquid.

It was odorless. Hadrian laughed at himself mentally. As if he actually

had a choice. It could very well be poison and he would still have to

drink it. The sad part was, he would drink it willingly.

He emptied the contents of the vial into his mouth, and was surprised to

discover the vial only contained a sip of the liquid. Curiously, he folded

his arms as he awaited the effects of the potion.

It took a whole ten minutes before Hadrian felt a strange stinging feeling

in his head. Suddenly it grew bigger, until all Hadrian could think about

was the pain he was currently feeling. He could no longer feel anything,

his entire body turned numb. Hadrian began to panic, but the feeling of

consciousness leaving his body drowned his fear out.

He wasn't sure when he woke up, but he was just surprised he could

actually open his eyes again. His body was stiff and rigid, yet he

managed to pull his back off the stone floor and sit up.

"You're awake." Voldemort stated, sounding slightly surprised himself.

Hadrian turned his head to see him kick away from the wall he was

leaning on and hover over him.

"Guess it didn't work." He murmured under his breath. "Now I'm going to

have to get rid of you myself."

Hadrian's eyes widened and he struggled to push himself into a standing

position in front of Voldemort. He wagged a finger at him accusingly,

"You're trying to kill me?"

"Very good." His father said patronizingly. "You're catching on."

In that moment, with his father smiling at him in a purely homicidal way,

Hadrian was more frightened than he ever was in his entire life. "B-But,

father you spent so many years trying to make me into a perfect heir,

why are you throwing all your hard work away?" He pleaded.

Voldemort twirled his wand in his hand, his mind intent on ignoring

Hadrian's pleas. "Avad-"

"Hadrian? Hadrian where are you?"

Hadrian sighed in relief as he heard the voice of Draco. "Down here. The

dungeons! Quick!" He yelled loudly, whilst scanning the floor for his

wand. Unsurprisingly, it was nowhere to be found. He heard the footsteps

of his friend racing down the stairs and Hadrian stared frightfully at


If anything, the Dark Lord seemed bored. "Ah yes, where were we? That's

right, Avada Ked-"

The door to the cell slid open, once again stopping his father from

continuing on. Hadrian finally began to breathe normally as he saw his

best friend standing there, panting and ready to rescue him. He forced

himself to remain calm as he saw Draco pick up his wand, which had

rolled outside the cell.

"Thank the gods you're here. Help me. My father is trying to kill me."

Hadrian relayed quickly, waiting for them to call for help or help him

themselves. He craned his neck to see them still standing in the doorway

of the cell.

"What are you waiting for? Help me fight him!" Hadrian hissed


Draco looked stricken as he looked at Hadrian frenziedly gesturing to the

Dark Lord. He sighed loudly, "I'm sorry Hadrian."

The blond stepped back out of the cell and slid the door closed once

more, this time using his wand to lock it in place. Hadrian only stared at

him with an expression of utmost betrayal plastered onto his face. Draco

glanced at Hadrian's wand in his hand and without a second thought; he

brought it down over his knee. It broke into splinters with a sickening


Voldemort chuckled at his son, "I told you to trust no one. Not me, not

your friends. No one. What am I to do if you simply cannot follow my

advice?" He shot the boy a sympathetic look, "You need to learn that

people in this world will always deceive you, Hadrian. But now it's too


But Hadrian Riddle was NOT done fighting just yet. And now he was

angry. He simply shrugged off the betrayal of his best friend and

mentally hissed, Crucio.

To his shock nothing happened. Voldemort smirked. "Its no use, boy. This

is far out of your hands." He paused before shouting, "Avada Kedavra!"

The jet of bright green light shot towards him, and Hadrian gasped in

shock as it flew right through his chest. His eyelids grew heavy, and

without another sound, Hadrian Draven Riddle fell lifelessly to the


21. What Doesn't Kill You Makes

You Stronger

A/N: Sorry for the wait, I know I'm very inconsistent with these

updates, but I'm just having a tough time right now, and the only

reason I'm writing at all is because it kind of distracts me from my

life. I'm sorry I left you hanging, but I hope you enjoy the new


Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Greengrass Estates [August 19: Midnight]

Astoria Greengrass never imagined the day where she would be crouched

behind a skillfully clipped hedge (which was oddly in the shape of an

elephant), and preparing a foolproof plan to break into her own home.

She also never thought she'd become friends with a Weasley. Of course,

she had nothing against them, other than the fact that they were rather

temperamental and loud. Very loud. But yet, here she was.

And here was a very uncomfortable place. She wasn't as prim and proper

as her sister, but that didn't mean she appreciated soiling her new robes

from the dirt on the ground. Also, she was extremely aware of the fact

that Ginny was unintentionally elbowing her stomach and that Destiny

was accidentally pushing her down every time she turned to look through

the large floor to ceiling windows.

"Do you see her?" Ginny asked eagerly, moving her head to see higher.

There was a flash of movement from the side of the windows, and Ginny

hurriedly ducked down. Astoria moaned as Ginny's elbow dug deeper

into her stomach.

"Shut up!" Destiny hissed, "They'll hear us!"

"Nonsense." Ginny snorted. "We're more than a hundred feet away!"

Astoria simply glowered, attempting to squirm around to situate herself

better in the confined space.

"Stop pulling my hair!" Ginny growled, turning her head away abruptly.

Astoria sighed, finally breathing in freely as Ginny's elbow moved away.

She opened her mouth to speak, but Destiny shushed her.

"Shh, I think someone's coming."

"Astoria is tugging my hair!"

"No, I'm not!" She finally spoke up, her irritated glare concealed by the

darkness. She was tired, she was hungry, and she couldn't feel her legs.

She just wanted to go home!

"I'm serious, be silent otherwise we'll get caught!" Destiny chided, looking

through her omnioculars once again.

"But my ha-"

"Ginny, that's a random twig sticking out of the hedge." Destiny waved

her hand dismissively, "Stop moving!"

Ginny quieted down, but her consistent struggling had Astoria rubbing

her temples in frustration.

"We could just cut it off." Astoria finally commented nastily. Ginny

scowled and flicked Astoria's head, ignoring the sharp exclamation of


"Why don't we just cut it off?" She mimicked sarcastically. Astoria rolled

her eyes and gently tugged Ginny's hair from the loose twig in one


"There. Now stop moving! You're cutting off my oxygen supply!" Astoria


"Oh I am?" Ginny asked sweetly, "Good."

Astoria was about to retort, but Destiny nudged her ribs, hard. She

pointed towards the direction of the windows. Immediately, the two

remaining heads popped up from above the hedge and peered across the


"I think its Daphne! Let's move!" Destiny announced. Quite sneakily (at

least, according to her standards), Astoria and the two girls crept around

the hedges and began to run inconspicuously across the lawn.

As they were almost halfway across the stretch of green, a spurt of water

shot out of the ground, spraying the girls one by one before they had any

time to react. Destiny froze and sputtered unintelligibly. Another jet of

water drenched them from another side, and by the time they made it to

the window, they were completely soaked.

Ginny was livid as she squeezed the water out of her hair. "What was

that!?" She demanded angrily.

Astoria shrugged, but then it dawned on her. "Oh! I forgot to mention

that Grandmother bought a new, enchanted lawn-care system! I didn't

realize she already had it installed. Isn't it cool?" Her voice lowered to a

whisper, "Apparently, it was based on muggle technology."

The sopping wet Ginny Weasley and Destiny Lestrange stared back at her

disbelievingly. They exchanged looks before tackling her to the ground

and restraining her hands.

"You. Idiot!" Ginny screeched, "Not only are we filthy, now we are also

drenched because of you!"

"Get off of me! How is this my fault?" Astoria shrieked, failing to struggle

out of their tight grasp.

Destiny growled under her breath. "It just is! We need to hurry up and

grab Daphne! We're wasting time!"

They were about to stand up from the ground, but the sound of a throat

clearing froze them in their current position. Simultaneously, the three

girls turned their heads to see a tall silvery-haired woman towering over

them, with her hands on her hips. Although her face was stern, her

ancient eyes were full of amusement.

"Now would anyone like to tell me what is going on here?" She

demanded, eying their disheveled appearances with distaste. The girls

were silent and wore identical sheepish expressions as they tried to

escape her curious gaze.

"No one? Hmm. I guess I'll just have to inform the Auror-" Suddenly the

woman's eyes narrowed and she paused abruptly. Her bemused smile

twisted into a frown. "Astoria dear, is that you?"

"Hello, Grandmother." She smiled weakly, flushing with embarrassment

at being caught. "How are you these days?" She attempted to make small

talk, but it was proving rather difficult when her two friends were

holding her down. They seemed to realize her discomfort, because they

reluctantly stepped away from her.

"Why don't we talk inside, when you all are dry and warm? Hmm?" Her

grandmother smiled warmly, and insisted them to follow her. "Come


Astoria sighed and strolled forward, dragging her two protesting friends

along with her. Their complaints stopped as soon as they walked inside

the warm, brightly lit sitting room. The matriarch of the Greengrass

family sat down on a worn black armchair, gesturing for them to sit

down as well. They grudgingly crammed themselves onto a loveseat

across from Astoria's grandmother, although there were several other

seats available.

Astoria opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by her

Grandmother asking, "Tea anyone? Help yourselves. I'll have Misty get

some biscuits too. Did you all have a nice dinner?" She wagged her finger

at the girls accusingly, "I know all these young witches have been trying

to skip their meals for a better figure, but let me tell you girls, when I

was your age, I ate anything I wanted, whenever I wanted. The chocolate

puddings at Hogwarts used to be my favorite." She smiled wistfully, but it

immediately turned into a concerned look. "Should I tell Misty to bring

along some soup? Perhaps some chicken, yes?"

"No, no Grandmother, its fine, we've already eaten." Astoria quickly

reassured her, blushing at her molly coddling.

Her Grandmother narrowed her eyes and looked between her, and her

friends. A small, almost unnoticed smile came onto her face, as she

understood her granddaughter's discomfort.

"So, what brings you here, Astoria? I was quite surprised when I saw you,

for your mother informed me that you would not be visiting me this

summer." Her Grandmother changed the subject.

"Will you believe that I changed my mind?"

Her grandmother smiled, "You know I will not, however I will go along

with it… for now."

Astoria sighed in relief and noticed her Grandmother's curious looks

towards her friends. "Oh, yes. Grandmother, this is Ginerva and Destiny."

Her grandmother nodded thoughtfully as she briefly assessed them. She

beamed, "Welcome, Ginerva and Destiny. I hope this one didn't put you

through so much trouble."

"Of course not, Mrs. Greengrass." Destiny spoke politely.

"Yes," Ginny muttered under her breath, "Absolutely no trouble at all."

"Call me Grandmother. I keep telling that daughter of mine I want more

grandchildren, but that girl never listens." She tutted, "So I have to take

any chance I can get to spoil my grandchildren. And any friends of theirs,

I consider my own."

Astoria plastered a look of mock-hurt onto her face, "Aren't Daphne and I


"The more the merrier!" Her Grandmother insisted.

"Speaking of which, where's Daphne?" Astoria asked, glancing at Destiny


"I reckon she's sleeping in her room. Why?" Suddenly a knowing smile

came onto her face and Astoria feared their mission had become

discovered. "Are you missing your sister already?"

Astoria looked relieved at the question, but she quickly morphed her

expression into one of disdain. "Of course not!" She sniffed at the


Her grandmother smirked and turned to look at Ginny, more carefully.

Her eyes crinkled with recognition. "Are you part of the Weasley clan,

dear?" She asked.

Ginny nodded, although she stiffened considerably. Her grandmother did

not seem to notice, as she tapped her chin. "Weasley. I once knew a

Weasley. Septimus Weasley." She sighed, "Ah, he was such a nice boy.

How is he these days, Ginerva?" Ginny's eyes darted around

uncomfortably, "Grandpa Sept?" Ginny squeaked. Grandmother nodded

encouragingly. Ginny's licked her lips absentmindedly and fiddled with

her fingers. "Er-uh- He's dead." She explained quickly.

"Oh, dear. I'm so sorry. Were you two close?" She inquired. Ginny shook

her head, "I was around five when he passed; he was closer to my older

brother, Bill."

"Alas, I'm sorry to hear that. You would have liked him; he was quite the

prankster during our Hogwarts days." Grandmother said solemnly.

"I'm not surprised to hear that." She laughed uneasily. A long moment of

silence befell. Ginny fidgeted anxiously and tugged at a loose thread on

her robes. "I have to use the loo!" She blurted out loudly, dying to escape

the awkwardness of it all.

Astoria jumped at the chance, "I'll show you where it is! Come on Ginny."

The two girls exited, and Astoria glanced at Destiny apologetically before

pulling Ginny along.

As she smiled her fake smile, Destiny vowed to hex Astoria the next

chance she got for leaving her in this situation. Turning back to face

Grandmother, Destiny flinched underneath her intense stare.

"Destiny, is it?" Grandmother asked, hesitatingly. Destiny nodded. "By

any chance, are you a Seer?"

Her eyes widened and she was too shocked to respond. Grandmother

laughed at her expression. "You need not answer, your expression tells

me everything. You must be wondering how I know?" She didn't wait for

a response as she continued talking, "My own mother was a Seer. I spent

much of my life around her, so I know the aura that surrounded her by

heart. The same aura that surrounds you, my dear."

"I wasn't aware there was any aura surrounding me." Destiny stated.

"You have yet to see it for yourself, I presume?" The older witch raised an

eyebrow, "Wait here child, I have something to show you."

Grandmother rose up from her chair and grabbed the chair for balance as

she steadily walked out the room. Destiny let out a huge breath. She

could finally relax now. She craned her neck to see if Astoria and Ginny

were back yet. They weren't. She leaned back on the cushioned seat and

closed her eyes. When she opened them again, a while later,

Grandmother was sitting in the same position she was before, only this

time she held a long white box in her hands. Destiny was startled to see

the older witch, but she quickly composed her features.

"Go on, open it." Grandmother encouraged, holding the box out. Destiny

tentatively pulled the box into her hands and slid the white cover off.

Inside laid a long shiny wand, resting on a blood red satin cushion.

"This is a wand." Destiny stated lamely.

"Yes dear, I am aware that this is a wand." Grandmother chuckled,

"Although this isn't just any wand. Have you ever heard of a silver lime


Destiny shook her head slowly.

"Of course you haven't, it was in fashion before you were even born. They

stopped making them somewhere around when Daphne's mother was

twenty. This is a silver lime wand, with a unicorn hair core. These are

very rare wands to come across in our world."

"Why are you showing this to me?" Destiny asked curiously.

"I thought it would be obvious! I want you to have it, of course!"

Destiny simply stared at the old woman, whom she was now convinced

was completely insane. "You want to give me a wand? But why?"

"It was my mother's. Take it, assume it's a gift." Grandmother explained.

"I'm sorry, but I can't accept this. It's too much and you barely know who

I am and-"

"Nonsense!" She waved her hand, "It shouldn't make a difference. You

should know, this wand only seems to work best, or even work, for Seers

only. Since I am no Seer, this wand is of no use to me. I'd rather it be in

good hands and put it to use, than to simply sit on my shelf collecting


Destiny gaped at the wand. It truly was beautiful, with its white-brown

wood and the small carvings on the bottom. It fit perfectly in her hands

when she picked it up, and a warm feeling spread through her entire


"What if one of your great-grandchildren is a Seer? Wouldn't you wish to

give it to them instead?"

"Take it. It's yours." The woman smiled. "I can hardly sit around waiting

for great-grandchildren when my own daughter can't even provide me

with enough grandchildren." She huffed.

There was a small tap on the window and Destiny whipped around just in

time to see Astoria's long brown hair whip against the glass. She looked

back towards Grandmother, "I should be going, since it's getting quite

late. Thank you for having us over, even if we were uninvited." Destiny

grinned. She stared at the wand on the table before turning to leave.

"Wait!" Grandmother called out, standing up once again. She pushed the

long white box into Destiny's hands before pulling her into a hug. "Take

it. And also, please tell Astoria that the next time she misses her sister,

instead of abducting her, perhaps a simple floo call would work?"

Grandmother's eyes twinkled as she pulled away.

Destiny smiled widely and waved, before letting herself outside into the

cool air. She tucked the wand inside her robes. Her eyes swept over

Ginny and Astoria who were restraining a third figure, who was clearly

struggling to break free. They looked at Destiny sheepishly, "She wouldn't

move until we had to tie her up." Ginny explained.

"Untie her." Destiny sighed, waiting for the shrill outburst to come out.

But nothing.

"Can someone please explain to me, why I am being kidnapped in the

middle of the night by my best friend and sister?" Daphne said in an

eerily calm voice. She stood rigidly still in her satin pajamas, glaring at

them. When no one answered her, her eyes zeroed in on each of the girls

until she landed on Astoria. Suddenly, her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Astoria…Are those my new shoes?" Daphne asked impassively, raising an


Destiny and Ginny glanced down at their friend's feet, and sure enough,

she wore a pair of clearly new (although not anymore), shiny black, four-

inch heels. They hadn't noticed it before, but it was clear she had worn

them during their entire stakeout, if the stains of mud were of any


"You were heels to a kidnapping mission?" Ginny stared at her

incredulously. "Bloody hell, are you mad woman?"

"Not just any heels, my new heels that I just bought a couple weeks ago!"

The blonde cut in angrily. "Why are you even wearing them anyway?"

"Because I didn't have any other black heels!"

"Then don't wear them?" Ginny said dryly. "Wear other shoes? Maybe

ones that are not bloody stiletto heels?"

Astoria looked offended by the mere suggestion, "I wear at least four

inches or nothing at all."

Destiny pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes at the sheer

ridiculousness of the entire situation. She could already feel a headache

coming on. So before any of them could utter a single word, Destiny

grabbed their hands and activated the portkey charm on her bracelet by

whispering "Muggle" almost inaudibly.

She felt the familiar tug and churn as the portkey transported them to

their next destination. The portkey deposited them onto the ground,

where they landed ungracefully, with the exception of one Daphne

Greengrass, who managed to land on her feet. Her eyes were alight with

fury and her mouth opened to scream, but Destiny beat her to it. She

roughly plastered a hand over Daphne's mouth, effectively muffling the


"Shut up! Do you want to attract everyone's attention?" She hissed,

gesturing to their surroundings. Daphne calmed down considerably,

glancing around as she took in the row of identical houses close to one

another and the lush green lawns in front of them.

"Where are we?" She hissed back, moving Destiny's hand and brushing

herself off. She gestured a thumb to the two girls still laying on the

ground, "And what happened to them?"

"First time travelling by portkey, perhaps." Destiny shrugged

nonchalantly. "As for where we are…." She trailed off uncertainly, "I'm

not exactly sure."

Daphne frowned, "What do you mean 'I'm not exactly sure'?"

"What I mean is, I think this is Hermione's house, although I'm not sure."

She hurried to explain, seeing the angry look quickly returning on

Daphne's face.

There was a loud groan as Astoria rolled over in the grass, accidentally

kicking Ginny with her heels. Her eyes instantly flashed open and she

howled in pain, clutching her arm where the heels had pierced her.

"I think I've got internal bleeding!" She gasped, pushing herself into a

sitting position and cradling her arm.

Destiny rolled her eyes, "Don't be so melodramatic, Ginerva. Its simply a

bruise that will disappear in five and a half days."

Ginny glanced at her inquisitively, "What? How do you know?"

"She's a Seer." Astoria cut in before anyone could stop her. She gasped

and covered her mouth as she realized what she had just blurted out.

Destiny slapped her forehead and glared at the younger girl, "You're not

supposed to tell people this!"

Astoria shot Destiny and apologetic look, which was promptly

disregarded. Ginny's eyes widened, "A Seer?" She repeated breathlessly,


Destiny huffed, "Glad you think so." She glared at the other girls with her

hands on her hips, "Well? Shall we proceed?"

Astoria and Ginny nodded silently, but Daphne raised her hand. "Just for

the record, I am very against kidnapping people."

Astoria snorted, "Tell that to the Aurors later, sister dear."

Daphne put her foot down, and pushed back a piece of her hair that had

escaped from her side braid. "Okay, if we are doing this, we are not

getting caught. Understand?" She sighed. "So what's the plan?"

The girls exchanged glances. "Plan?" They repeated in unison.

Daphne's mouth dropped open and her cheeks tinged with red. "Are you

telling me," She seethed, "that you were just planning to kidnap a person

without a plan? To just barge in there like a bunch of hippogriff raised


"I take offense to that." Destiny declared.

"Yeah, me too." Ginny added.

Daphne rolled her eyes, "Destiny, you don't even like Gryffindor," she

turned to Ginny, "And Ginny dear, there is little to no chance you'll be

sorted in Gryffindor. "

The cool tone she used left the younger redhead sputtering in disbelief.

"How do you know? Are there two Seers around here?" She challenged.

Daphne simply smiled mysteriously, "I just do." She trudged across the

yard, making her way to the front porch.

Destiny shrugged silently and followed Daphne, muttering something that

sounded suspiciously like, "Bloody hell, she's right."

Astoria patted friend's shoulder comfortingly as she pulled Ginny along,

"They're just kidding." She assured her, after seeing the worried

expression on her face.

"Astoria, if I don't get into Gryffindor, my entire family will disown me."

Ginny mumbled.

"Well, it's a good thing you're so independent then, yeah?" Astoria

grinned, jogging forward —which was quite a feat in her heels—to avoid

the punch that was coming her way.

Ginny trudged forward to join the others, who were currently standing

uncertainly at Hermione's doorstep. "Well," she grumbled, "What are we

waiting for? Christmas?"

Astoria scowled, "Gin, we have to find a way to get inside the house first."

Daphne's sparkling blue eyes light up, and she bent down to the level of

the lock, pulling a kirby grip out of her hair. She fiddled with it for a

couple seconds, twisting it in several ways till she heard the lock click


She turned around to face the girls with an apathetic expression on her

face, completely ignoring their shocked looks, "Come inside, but don't ask


They all filed inside behind the tall blonde, trying hard to conceal their

expressions of astonishment. Ginny was replaying the neat trick in her

mind over and over again, mentally raving about how often it would

come in handy! She could pull so many pranks, without even getting

caught by her own magic!

She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she walked straight into the

side table that supported a tall vase. To her horror, the vase toppled side

to side before it crashed onto the hardwood floor below.

"Ginny!" Daphne hissed. "We are not destroying the house!"

"Sorry." She apologized, "But there's nothing we can do about it now."

Daphne sighed heavily and put a finger to her lips as she noticed a large

figure sleeping on the couch facing them. She glanced at the man with a

sneer on her face, assuming it must have been Hermione' father. He was

nothing like Hermione, which pleased her greatly. The only physical

feature she seemed to have inherited from him was his chocolate brown

hair. Daphne was tempted to hurt the man, or even cause some minor

brain damage, but Destiny grabbed her arm and shook her head slowly.

"We aren't here for that."

Daphne nodded and cleared up the stony expression on her face. She

tiptoed up the stairs, where she assumed Hermione's room would've been.

Upstairs, there were only a couple doors to choose from. She pushed

open the closest door, which happened to be a loo.

Destiny pushed open the door adjacent to the loo, and it turned out to be

correct. As the girls quietly entered the room, Daphne let her eyes

wander around her surroundings. It didn't seem like a room at all. Of

course it had walls, a roof, and a bed. But it didn't seem as if anyone

lived in there. There was nothing personal to Hermione in the room,

except for her Hogwarts trunk, which was pushed against the foot of her

bed. Her walls were plain white, and the entire room was eerily neat. Not

a speck of dust anywhere or a single piece of clothing on the floor. As

they made their way closer to the bed, Daphne finally noticed Hermione

sleeping on her side, hugging a pillow close to her chest.

Daphne gestured to Destiny to have the portkey ready as she and Astoria

hauled Hermione out of bed. It took a minute for the curly-haired

Ravenclaw to open her eyes, but when she did they were wide with

panic. It was too late, as Destiny activated the portkey, and they were all

spiraling up towards their destination.

They all managed to land on their feet this time, with the exception of

Hermione who was still half asleep. Once she fell onto the carpet covered

stone floor though, she sobered up.

Once she came to her senses, her reaction was quite comical as she

maniacally waved her wand around, her eyes filled with paranoia. As

soon as she realized who had abducted her, she relaxed slightly, only to

become twice as angry.

"What the hell was that?" She demanded, tucking her wand away into the

hem of her cotton shorts.

Destiny shrugged, "None of us have all summer, and you won't respond to

any of our owls. So we thought we'd come to see you instead."

Hermione pursed her lips; "That's strange. I haven't gotten a single owl

from you two. I've been sending letters to Hadrian, and he's the only one

that has responded."

Daphne flinched unnoticeably, "'Hadrian has been sending you owls?"

There was something in her tone that made Hermione uncomfortable so

she merely nodded in response.

There was an awkward silence and Astoria turned to Hermione. "Well,

you probably don't know me, so I'll introduce myself. I'm-"

"Astoria Greengrass. I know, I can see the resemblance," Hermione noted,

looking between Daphne and her sister. "Hadrian told me about the little

stunt you pulled in Diagon Alley."

Daphne looked suspiciously at her sister. "What stunt?"

"This is Ginerva-sorry, Ginny Weasley." Astoria hurried to introduce

Ginny, effectively turning the conversation away from her.

"Ginny Weasley. Sister of Ronald Weasley?" Hermione assumed, raising

an eyebrow.

The younger girl nodded, suddenly feeling as if a professor was

scrutinizing her. "I'm nothing like him, don't worry." She assured her,

noticing the disdain when Hermione said her brother's name.

"Very well then." Hermione said curtly. She folded her arms and turned

to face the rest of the girls. "First of all where are we? Second of all, how

long am I expected to stay here, since as you can see, I had no time to

bring anything with me." She commented wryly. "And why aren't you

hugging me by now? I haven't seen you all summer."

Destiny and Daphne laughed, and pulled their friend into a hug.

Hermione gestured for Astoria and Ginny to join in, and they smiled. As

they were all squealing with excitement (with the exception of Daphne,

who does not squeal), none of them noticed the lanky figure that stepped

inside the room to see what the noise was about.

"Destiny, what are you doing here? And who are they?"

Destiny froze and cursed herself for her stupidity. She gestured for her

friends to stay quiet as she turned around and faced Rodolphus

Lestrange. "Rodolphus!" She greeted warmly, "I wasn't aware you'd be

here tonight."

The man smiled, revealing a row of sharp, perfect teeth. "Destiny, I live

here. Remember?"

She blushed, "Oh right."

He folded his arms and glanced at their group suspiciously, "I wasn't

aware you were having friends over. Actually, your mother didn't

mention you would be staying here at all. Especially at this odd hour of

the night."

Destiny stumbled for a quick excuse, "Yes, about that. I was feeling a bit

homesick, and so I decided to stay here till school resumes. And I haven't

seen my friends since school ended, so I had the idea of us all staying

here till the holidays end." She hurried to continue seeing the protesting

look on his face, "Don't worry, we'll only use my room and we'll be sure

not to disturb you and Mother."

He closed his mouth and debated it for a minute. "Alright, I don't believe

your story," He paused, "But I will let your friends stay over till the

holidays ends. As long as you don't interrupt any important meetings I

have in the study. Deal?"

Destiny grinned, "Deal."

"So are you going to introduce me to your friends so I can embarrass you

by sharing some humiliating stories about your childhood?" He asked


Destiny groaned, but pointed to each of her friends, "This is Daphne,

Astoria, Ginny and-" She paused looking at Hermione strangely, "and


Hermione made a face, but wisely chose not to say anything.

"Pansy, as in Pansy Parkinson? I haven't seen you since you were a little

girl!" Rodolphus exclaimed. His eyebrows furrowed, "Didn't you have

black hair?"

Hermione gave the man, who she assumed was Destiny's father, a bright

smile. "I had it dyed this summer, Sir. I was beginning to get a little tired

of seeing those black tresses every morning."

He seemed convinced and he turned his gaze to Ginny. He narrowed his

suspicion-filled eyes, "Are you a Weasley?" He asked, wagging his finger

at her.


"You are!" Rodolphus accused, glancing back at Destiny. "The nerve of

you to bring a Weasley into this house. Wait till your mother hears about

this. First you get yourself sorted into Gryffindor, then you befriend a

muggle, I can't believe-"

"Rodolphus!" Destiny hissed, "She's different. Just let it go."

"Destiny, I will not stand for this kind of behavior, I don't know how your

mother hasn't fed your soul to the Dementors yet but-"

"We will be in my room." She paused as she ushered the girls up her

spiral steps. "Just don't tell mother yet. Don't worry I promise to tell her


She ran up the stairs, ignoring the shouts of protest that she left behind

her. Destiny led her friends to her room, and gestured for them to make

themselves comfortable.

"So, is that your father?" Ginny asked carefully, averting her eyes from

Destiny to look anywhere else.

"Yeah." Destiny said curtly. "Sorry about him, he's still very prejudicial

about muggleborns and…others."

"I can't believe you told him I was that horrible Parkinson cow."

Hermione mumbled, sitting on the edge of Destiny's four-poster bed. She

glanced around the room, grimacing as she took in the horrid colour

scheme. Most of her life took place at Riddle Manor, so Destiny was

rarely in this room. It was an old room that Bellatrix had decorated years

ago, when she was seven. Of course, back then Bella went crazy with

decorating for her only daughter, and the result was a very big, very frilly,

very pink room. It's walls were a light pink shade, trimmed with hot pink

and white accents. The carpet was charmed pink, the bedspread was pale

pink, and even her bathroom sink was pink. All in all, there was a reason

why Destiny never spent much time here. This was it.

"Would you rather I tell him you were a muggleborn and have him kill

you, along with me? Look how he reacted when he discovered Ginny was

a Weasley. And she's a pureblood!"

Hermione sighed, "I'm sorry. I should've realized why you did it. You

probably just saved my life." She winked.

Destiny smiled uneasily. Oh, she had no idea.

Daphne looked tense as caught Destiny's eye. "I need to talk to you." She

announced, pulling her into the bathroom. Once they were inside,

Daphne locked the door and turned to Destiny.

"What were you thinking bringing Ginny and Hermione here?" She

hissed, slapping the side of Destiny's head. "Are you insane. What if

Bellatrix shows up, excited for muggle hunting? Hadrian's entire plan

could be ruined!"

"Its touching you care so much about my brother's plans for world

domination, but I thought it would be the best place to keep them."

Destiny drawled, "Your home is unsafe since your parents expect you to

be at your Grandmother's house. Ginny's place is out of the question. I am

not staying in muggle London. And unless you'd like to bring her to

Riddle Manor, where the Dark Lord tortures people just a floor below,

this is our only option."

Daphne huffed and fluffed her hair, turning to walk out. Her hand was on

the doorknob when she turned to look at Destiny. "Are you sure Bella

won't walk in?"

Destiny nodded, "She's supposed to be in Hungary for the next week."

Daphne sighed and walked outside, plastering a bright smile on her face.

"So? Who fancies staying up and attempting to tame Hermione's hair?"

Hermione scowled as Astoria and Ginny shot up from their positions on

the couch, giggling. "We're in!" They laughed simultaneously.

Riddle Manor [August 20, 4:00 am]

The only thing he could register was his head hurt. A lot. He could hear

someone breathing quietly next to him, and he tried to open his eyes to

see who it was. But it felt as someone had glued his eyelids shut, because

he couldn't open them. As he tried not to panic, because panicking was as

impractical as it could get, he relied on his other senses to figure out

where he was.

The only thing he could see were the random blue-white blurs one saw

when the eyes were closed. He could feel himself breathing, which

reassured him that at least he was alive. Why couldn't he open his eyes?

What had happened to him? His body wasn't responding to his

commands. What was wrong with him?

And he was so tired. Why was he even struggling to regain any control

over his body? He felt fine just like this. Eventually Hadrian gave into the

temptation and gave up fighting against himself. He figured he would be

fine when his body felt strong enough to get up.

Riddle Manor [August 20, 8:00 pm]

This time he found he could open his eyes at least. They opened with

ease, quite unlike the struggle he went through last time. He tired

moving his head, but it wouldn't budge. He sighed internally and went

back to staring at what looked like to be an ancient stone ceiling. How

fascinating. Hadrian thought. Before he knew it, he closed his eyes once

more and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Riddle Manor [August 23, 12:43 am]

When Hadrian opened his eyes, he found the same stone ceiling he was

staring at before he fell asleep. He turned his head to the side and saw a

body leaning against the wall. Suddenly, Hadrian sat straight up. That

turned out to be a very bad idea, because he got a terrible head rush.

When his vision cleared slightly, Hadrian glanced around the room until

his eyes locked with a pair of ruby red eyes.

"You're awake." Voldemort stated, sounding slightly surprised himself.

Hadrian saw him kick away from the wall he was leaning on and hover

over him.

And then it all came crashing down on him.

He remembered it all, the betrayal, the pain, the feeling of being

powerless, the- the death. It was all vivid and clear in his mind, a memory

burned into his head. He gasped in shock and backed away quickly until

he was leaning against the cell doors. He spotted his wand near the

corner and he grabbed it, swiftly turning it against his father. It disgusted

him to even say the word.

If he didn't know better, the Dark Lord seemed concerned. He stepped

closer to Hadrian, and he cringed, waving his wand threateningly. "Don't

come closer." He warned.

"What is the matter now, brat? You've never been this terrified of my

presence since I first brought you here." Voldemort commented


"Don't take another step until you tell me what that potion was trying to

do." Hadrian hissed.

"You mean it worked? You were out for so many days, I thought you'd

died somewhere in the process." Voldemort mused.

"Tell me what it does. NOW!" Hadrian snapped. The Dark Lord turned his

cold gaze onto the boy cowering in the cell. He leaned down till he was

almost at eye level with the little brat.

"Watch your tone Hadrian. You seem to have forgotten who you're

talking to, and what I can do." The snake-like man sneered, stepping back

after a second.

"Does it show the future?" Hadrian asked, crossing his fingers and hoping

it wasn't true.

"It can. But in most cases, no it does not. Why? Are you afraid of what

you saw?" Voldemort smirked.

Hadrian tensed, feeling his father knew more than he was letting on. He

looked the Dark Lord in the eye, "What is it that I saw?"

Voldemort sighed, "It's a new potion I've been working on. The potion is

supposed to show you your greatest fears. Clearly, " He paused and

glanced at Hadrian, "it worked.

"But why? Why put me through so much mental torture just to be a test

subject for your sordid ideas? Why couldn't you have used a worthless

muggle?" Hadrian spat.

"It wasn't to torture you, ignorant fool. I did this for two reasons. The first

reason was to make you stronger. You'll never reach your full potential

until you conquer all your fears. This potion was to show you exactly

what you are afraid of." Voldemort explained. "You've already succeeded

in enduring physical pain by becoming almost immune to the Cruciatus.

Now it's time to test your mental endurance as well."

"That is the most sadistic thing I've ever heard." Hadrian muttered,

pulling himself up so he was in a standing position.

"Funny, that's nearly the same thing you said at age seven when we

started your Cruciatus lessons."

"Hardy har har." Hadrian faked a laugh. "As much as I'd like sit down

together and reminiscence about my twisted childhood, I have better

things to do." He turned to exit the cell, but Voldemort slammed the

doors shut.

"Now where was I? Oh yes, I was just telling you how you don't have a

choice in the matter." His father stated impassively. "Your lessons begin

during the Christmas holidays."

"What if I stay in the castle then?" Hadrian challenged, his green eyes


"That would not be the wisest decision." Voldemort murmured. "I also

have another proposition for you."

"Whatever it is, no." Hadrian snorted.

"Trust me-"

"Not likely."

"This will be quite an intriguing experience." Voldemort continued on, as

if Hadrian had never spoken, "I have a new task for you, in addition to

your current mission for this year."

Hadrian stayed silent for a few minutes, but eventually his curiosity gave

out. He sighed, "Alright, what is it?"

"I want you to tutor the Mudblood you are so keen on in the dark aspects

of Ancient Runes and Potions. This potion that you took was simply a

test. By the end of this year, I want a better, more efficient way to create

this simulation." The Dark Lord commanded.

"I'm not going to trick her into learning something she doesn't want to go

near!" Hadrian protested, "She is my friend."

"She could be your wife and it still wouldn't change my mind." Voldemort

retorted. "By the end of your second year, I expect your current mission

to run smoothly, along with a little mudblood skilled in dark ancient

runes and potions, and a new, better simulation. Understand?"

"If I don't?" Hadrian dared to ask.

Voldemort smiled cruelly, "Dearest Hadrian, I brutally murdered my own

father. I've already spared your life once, boy. But that doesn't mean I'm

incapable of turning my wand against you when the time calls for it."

22. A New Year

A/N: Sorry for the very late updates, but hey at least its not two

months! (Laughs nervously). Anyways, I'm really sorry if some of

you guys think that Hermione is not Hermione and that Harry

would never act this way and how Draco/Hermione would never

work. But this is fan-fiction. I'm a fan, and this is fiction. I will write

this story however I want to write it. Of course, I would love to hear

your suggestions and consider your brilliant ideas (you guys are

awesome, by the way), but you have to remember that I am the

author, and if you don't like my writing style, or the way I have

written certain characters, or the plot, then I'm sorry to say this but

it's going to stay this way. That's all I have to say for now, but I hope

you enjoy the latest chapter! I'd love to hear your criticisms/

support/confession of complete adoration! Be sure to review or pm

me if you're confused/have any questions. Thanks guys, keep


Disclaimer: I do not own HP. J.K Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Lestrange Manor [August 30]

The large cast iron gates of Lestrange Manor opened slowly, dragging

themselves against the stone pathway, creating an ominous screeching

sound that sent shivers up her back. The dark haired woman stepped

through the gates delicately. The hair on the right side of her head was

singed badly, and only a couple sections remained untouched by the

burning heat. It hung long and loosely down her back, twisted into tight

little ringlets. She brushed a loose curl away from her face, tucking it

behind her ear. Tired, bloodshot eyes stared soullessly at the cracked

window panel hanging crookedly off the haunted looking manor.

Blackish, bluish, purple shadows hung under her eyes, making her pale

gaunt face appear more ghostlike than usual. A deep cut slashed across

her cheek, staining her otherwise flawless skin with ribbons of dark,

runny blood. Her burgundy colored lips were cracked from dehydration

and trembling from the bitterly frigid air. The premises of Lestrange

Manor were always freezing cold, all year long.

She trudged onward, hissing as the cold morning dew seeped in through

the holes in her knee high dragon-hide boots. The frayed edges of her

cloak swayed limply in the breeze, occasionally licking the perfectly

manicured lawn gracefully. Her skin broke out in goosebumps as the

freezing air ghosted across her shoulders. Her body was covered in what

seemed to be a mixture of sweat, mud, and sticky remnants of blood. She

licked her chapped lips, wincing as the slightest amount of moisture

burned her mouth. Her hands hung loosely at her sides, and it was only

when Bellatrix Lestrange reached to push open the massive doors, did she

notice the murky blood that stained them. She glanced down

apathetically, simply picking away at the dried flecks carelessly. Her

wickedly sharp, black-chipped nails scratched and dragged across her

milky skin, clawing and rubbing until a sudden tinge of pain caused her

to stop and look down. A small, almost invisible drop of blood had

trickled out, sullying her hand with a small amount of crimson, once


As she stepped across the marbled threshold, Bellatrix ran her hands

through her rough curls, flattening it and smoothing out wisps of hair

that framed her face. Her dark empty eyes darted around emotionlessly

as she realized it was of no use. She looked like death, and she felt like

death. Hastily, Bellatrix pulled off her ripped boots and tossed them aside

indifferently. Her cloak was next to go, discarded messily on the cold

floor. The thought of her warm, comfortable bed and her bubble and

foam filled bathtub compelled her feet forward, until she was almost

running up the twisted stone steps two at a time. Her hair was flying

around her face like a madwoman, whilst her hand danced

absentmindedly over the ancient banister. She numbly turned around the

first of many corridors with her mechanical feet. Her ears shut out the

curious and cynical comments of her ancestors in the portraits hanging

above the hall. As she dashed across the darkened passages, her keen

black eyes caught sight of something peculiar. She froze and walked

backwards slowly until she came to face a large black wooden door, with

a perfectly polished silver handle. It was pushed open slightly, causing

her suspicions to arise. The door was always shut, unless….

Suddenly Bellatrix found herself smiling, for the first time in many days,

as she pushed open the door. Her daughter was finally home. Perhaps

coming home early had been a wise decision if it meant she got to meet

her daughter before she headed off to school once again. Immediately her

eyes brightened when she saw the blonde hair splayed out on the pale

pink eiderdown pillow. Her daughter lay curled up in a small ball,

tugging the pink duvet up to her chin. Bellatrix stepped inside quietly as

to not wake her, and tiptoed over to the bed. She crouched down and

gently pushed back her daughter's soft hair, placing a soft kiss on her

forehead and instantly forgetting about all the torture she had to endure

on this particular mission.

Bellatrix rose back up, straightening her posture and her eyes wandered

across the rest of the room. Her eyebrows crinkled in confusion as she

caught sight of the other occupants in the room. She identified the two

girls sleeping on a makeshift bed pushed against the window as the

Greengrass sisters. The third girl was snoring lightly and sprawled across

the couch in a strange position, with half her body tangled with the

sheets that were tossed onto the floor. After a second of scrutiny,

Bellatrix shrugged the third girl off, choosing instead to walk back into

the hall and continue up to her own room. She would speak to her

daughter in the morning.

She delicately pulled the door closed and turned back towards the second

set of magnificent black stone steps that led up to her floor. Her foot was

on the first step when she heard it. It was faint, but her abnormally

enhanced hearing caught the sound of a loud scrape of metal against

another surface. She paused and the silence trickled in, but then she

heard something again. It sounded like a small thud, followed by the

scuffling of something else. Bellatrix tensed. She turned around abruptly,

holding her breath so not even her breathing could deter the clear sound

of something coming from downstairs.

Bellatrix Lestrange slowly crept back towards the main stairs, her fears

all piling up inside her head. What if it was the Aurors? Bellatrix quickly

dismissed the thought with a quiet, unladylike snort. No team of those

do-good flashy Aurors would break into her home without their tasteless

theatrics and "in the name of the Ministry" bullshit. No. She concluded. It

was someone else entirely. Perhaps it was simply Rodolphus wandering

about, like he often did when he couldn't sleep at night. She tiptoed

down the stairs, and was curious to hear the sound coming from the

massive double doors that led to her dining hall. Bellatrix frowned. Most

thieves would've gone for the emerald encrusted sculptures and pure

silver wall décor, not her dining table.

She reached the front of the doors and hesitated before slamming them

open, fully expecting to see either her husband, or even a suicidal

burglar. When she saw neither, she was very perplexed. At the very end

of the long dining table that sat twenty, sat a small, petite redheaded girl,

with a light dusting of freckles scattering her nose. Her bright blue eyes

looked just as shocked to see her, which made Bellatrix frown in

confusion. She looked down at her own attire and it dawned on her. She

still looked like an escaped prisoner of Azkaban. Poor girl, she mused. She

must be terrified by now.

Bellatrix suddenly snapped, realizing with whom she was sympathizing.

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously and she examined the young girl from

head to toe. She was in the process of eating something, and held the

spoon halfway to her mouth as she stared at Bellatrix. Shaking off her

surprise, Bellatrix pulled her wand out, whispering "Imperio". Her eyes

never left those of the young girl.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in my house!" Bellatrix

demanded, remembering to keep her voice low as not to attract the

attention of the entire household. She cast a silencing charm, to ensure

they could not be heard.

The girl blanched, and her eyes turned dull. She opened her mouth and

rattled off the answers monotonously, "I am Ginerva Weasley. Destiny has

invited me to spend the few days leading up to the first day of Hogwarts

in this Manor."

Bellatrix's jaw dropped open slightly in utter surprise. She simply stared

at the young girl for a couple seconds with her thoughts too busy

jumbling in her head to form a coherent sentence. Remembering where

she was, Bellatrix closed her mouth, pursing her lips angrily. Her eyes

narrowed to slits and she walked over to where the young girl was


Bellatrix leaned down and touched the girl's hair, running her fingers

through the soft, straight russet strands. "Ever since this Manor was built,

no one has dared to come near it. Even my own sister hasn't seen the

property, let alone come inside of it." Bellatrix yanked the girl's hair back

with such force, nearly snapping her neck. "So tell me now, Ginevera,

what makes you so special? Not only are you in my home, but also you're

sitting at my table, using one of my personally designed silver spoons.

Just one- even a half of those spoons could buy me your entire family

and their shamefully miniscule property." Bellatrix spat.

She propped herself onto the table, crossing her long legs and glancing

down at the Weasley girl. Ginerva was staring straight at something in

the distance with a cloudy look in her eyes and barely breaking her focus

to blink. Bellatrix smiled.

"As much as I'd like you to be in a right state of mind during this to hear

your screams of protest, it will cause many problems. I'm not willing to

take that risk. I'll just have to make do with what I have." She sighed,

twirling her ash black wand expertly with her thin fingers.

"What shall I start with?" Bella tapped her chin with her wand in a

calculating manner. Her eyes lit up in mock enlightenment. "Of course!

My favorite curse of all time. Crucio!"

On her face was a gleeful smile, as if she was almost delighted at the

prospect of having someone new to torture. Which she was. For a minute

the girl didn't even let out a small squeak of pain. She simply sat there,

hands folded in her lap, staring off at that same spot in the distance.

And then the screams of torture began. She arched her back, feeling the

spasms of pain shoot up through her entire body. Dark spots blurred her

vision, causing her to gasp and clutch her stomach. Her blood felt as if it

was boiling inside of her. Every inch of her skin seemed to be on fire,

burning everywhere. Each breath she took pained her greatly to the point

that she stopped breathing, just to limit the pain. A flicker of pain seemed

to flash in her otherwise unemotional eyes. It went unnoticed by


And Bellatrix Lestrange watched on in a kind of sadistic fascination as

she saw the young girl thrashing wildly and jerking around in a very

ungraceful fashion. She sighed, examining her nails in boredom,

eventually tuning out the pitiful wailing.

Finally Bellatrix huffed and stopped the spell, glaring at the young girl.

"Stand up, Ginerva Weasley."

The crying slowed to a gradual stop and Ginerva Weasley stood up, not

even bothering to wipe the tears that had escaped from her big baby blue

eyes. The blank look in her eyes was back.

"What fun is this if you aren't begging for mercy? I daresay, simply

watching you being tortured is a bit tiresome. I've always wanted to try

something, and I believe you are the perfect victim. " Bellatrix mused, her

amused gaze dancing over the table. "Pick up that knife."

Gingerly, Ginerva picked it up.

"Now hold it over your wrist-yes, perfect- and slash."

The girl did so, without even blinking. Her unresponsive face simply

stared at the same spot once again. Bellatrix grinned widely. "Do it again.

And again till I say stop."

And the girl did. Over and over again, until there was no more skin to

cut, and no more blood to bleed. Ginny Weasley simply stood cutting and

cutting and cutting, ignoring the sharp bouts of pain that came with each

slash. The air stung her open skin, and the drops of blood trickled down

slowly, then faster and faster. Once again, Bellatrix did not seem to

notice the sharp flinch of agony expressed in her eyes. Just as quickly as

it appeared, it was gone again.

Her weak arm hung limply to her side, and Bellatrix tsked. "Such a

shame." She rolled her eyes when she caught a glimpse of the dark, fluid

blood that coated the ground. "Why'd you have to make such a big mess,

girl? Clean it up."

Her amusement only seemed to rise when the Weasley knelt down and

dapped her satin napkin delicately to the bloody floor. Bellatrix cocked

her head to the side, "I suppose if I don't fix you, you'll die soon?" A smile

graced her face at the thought. "Alas, I cannot. But I have to warn you,

putting the blood back in will probably hurt you more. "

Bellatrix muttered a spell, watching the blood stream back into the body.

The girl's face scrunched up, and she bit her lip in absolute anguish. The

blood filtered back inside of her, although true to her word, the pain was

much worse. Finally, the cuts on her arm sealed, and glowed white for a

second before returning to their normal color. The skin puckered to a

thin white line that barely stood out on her already pale skin.

Bellatrix smirked, "Now do the other wrist."

Hogwarts Express [September 1]

Hadrian Riddle lounged comfortably against the plushy red seat in the

now full compartment. He was thinking deeply about the multiple tasks

his father had oh-so-kindly graced upon him this year. A frown settled

onto his face as he began to plan intently. How was he ever going to

balance his schoolwork, his friends, his father's conniving schemes, and

his sanity this year? It seemed impossible.

A smooth hand above his own startled him from his musings, and he

glanced up into the soft blue eyes of Daphne. She was staring at his with

a worried expression on her face and he smiled half-heartedly to reassure


"I'm fine, Daphne." He said quietly, already knowing what she was going

to ask. She seemed skeptical, but nodded anyways and rested her head on

his shoulder, staring out the window like he had been doing before. She

spoke in a hushed whisper so quiet, his ears strained to hear it. "I have a

bad feeling about this year." She confessed without even looking up at

him. "Something seems wrong."

Hadrian put an arm around her petite frame, pulling her closer to him.

She smelled like vanilla. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Destiny

would've warned us if something were truly going to happen." He

insisted. His lips curved up into a small smirk. "For instance, according to

Destiny, Potter and Weasley will crash into the Whomping Willow with a

flying car during the Welcome Back Feast."

Daphne laughed, "Even Potter and Weasley wouldn't be daft enough to do

such an idiotic thing. I'm starting to worry for your sister's ability,


Hadrian grinned, "Well, she has been a bit dazed this entire summer." He

gently rubbed soft circles on Daphne's bare shoulder with the pad of his

thumb. "Don't worry, Daphne. Everything will be fine." He repeated, this

time with a steely look in his eyes. It was almost as if he was trying to

convince himself.

Daphne's small hand touched his face, and his gaze softened as he looked

down at her. "Hadrian...please don't forget about us this year." She began.

She pushed a finger against his lips, effectively stopping his protests, as

she continued on, "What I mean is, don't forget we're here for you. I know

sometimes you can get too caught up in doing the things that your father

asks of you. Just remember that we are here to help you in any condition.

Don't be to proud to ask."

Hadrian nodded crisply, swallowing the emotion that had suddenly

sprung up at her words. He focused thoughts instead on Destiny, who had

just risen from her spot near the door.

"Where are you going, Destiny? We'll be at the school in less than ten

minutes now." Hadrian called out. Destiny turned to her brother and

raised an eyebrow curiously at the blonde girl resting against him.

Hadrian flushed slightly, but didn't drop his arm from her Daphne's


"I'm going to go find Neville. He's been gone for quite a while now."

Destiny muttered, quickly ducking out of the compartment. He watched

her go and shook his head. She had been getting more and more secretive

as each day passed.

Hermione looked up from the book she was reading. She crinkled her

eyebrows, "Did Destiny leave again?"

"What do you mean, again?"

"Meaning, she's been disappearing several times this past week, and

showing up again an hour or two later. Has she gone off again? This is

the second time she's left during the entire ride here." Hermione stated.

Her face twisted into an annoyed expression as Blaise tugged at her hair

once more. "Ouch! Blaise, would you just quit it already?" She snapped,

gathering up her giant hair from Blaise's grip. He had been trying, very

unsuccessfully to braid Hermione's hair.

"Come on, mia carina, just one more try!" He pleaded.

"Absolutely not! And my name is, Hermione, thank you very much!" She

hissed, tossing her hair over her shoulder defiantly.

"He's trying to prove to Hermione that he can get her hair to look more

stylish than she can." Daphne whispered as an explanation to their

strange behavior.

Draco scoffed, "As if anything can make that thing, look stylish."

Hermione glared at him, her chocolate brown eyes flashing with anger.

"For your information, my hair can be tamed, I just choose not to."

Draco sneered, "I wasn't talking about your bushy hair, mudblood. I was

talking about you."

"Listen up you blonde, albino idiot. Three words: Hot. Pink. Hair."

Hermione threatened menacingly, "I did it once, I can do it again."

Hadrian could've laughed out loud at the horrified expression on Draco's

face. He bit his tongue to stop himself from doing just that and looked

out the window instead. He was surprised to see the silhouette of the

castle in the near distance.

"I should go find Destiny, we're about to get off the train soon." He

announced, starting to get up. Daphne shook her head and gestured to

herself and Hermione.

"No, stay here. Hermione and I have to change into our robes anyways,

so we'll go find her. You all can change here."

Hadrian shrugged and removed his arm from her shoulders so she could

stand up. She bent down to pick up the heeled shoes she had kicked off

before and fastened them onto her feet. Ignoring Hermione's protests of

being separated from her book, Daphne dragged her outside the


The two girls headed in the direction of the washroom, keeping an eye

out for Destiny. Daphne looked around curiously. "Where is she?"

Hermione shrugged. As they walked to the back of the train, the only

people she saw were a few sixth years lounging around, a shadowed

couple sharing an adorably romantic moment, and a small first year

crying to go home.

After dealing with the first year and convincing her that she did not have

to fight a werewolf in order to be sorted into a house, they continued on

their way. There was a small line to the washroom, but it moved fairly


Immediately when they entered, Hermione twisted her hair into a bun,

and let a few soft wisps of hair frame her face. She looked at Daphne for

approval, and the girl nodded. Daphne brushed out her hair and splashed

some cold water on her face, attempting to get rid of the fatigued look

that she had been sporting all morning. As soon as they were done

changing into their robes, they came back outside and noticed the train

had stopped.

Excitedly, the two girls ran to the nearest exit, determined to meet up

with their friends. The elder prefects quickly insisted they seat

themselves in a carriage as they ushered the first years towards the

direction of the boats. Daphne scanned the crowd of children for the

boys, but when she couldn't find any of them, she allowed herself to be

dragged by Hermione into a carriage.

They sat down quietly, ignoring the two third or fourth years that stared

at them curiously. The carriage was silent as they travelled up to

Hogwarts, and Hermione's foot bounced up and down at the


Finally, after what seemed like an endless amount of time, the carriage

slowed to a stop. Hermione nearly threw herself out of the carriage,

while Daphne chose to step down elegantly. They glanced at the front of

the carriage as it rolled forward.

"What pulls the carriages?" Daphne asked no one in particular, staring in


"I'm not sure." Hermione murmured, staring interestedly at the retreating


"Wow, the great Hermione Granger doesn't know the answer to a

question? Shocking!" Daphne said sarcastically. She giggled and quickly

ran forward to escape Hermione's affronted (violent) reaction.

They arrived near the Main Entrance, and swiftly turned into the Great

Hall. The feast was already set up, and most of the students were already

seated in their designated spots. Daphne waved goodbye to Hermione,

who was already making her way towards her friends at the Ravenclaw


Daphne shook her head as the studious Ravenclaws immediately pulled

out books and bent their heads together to start a heated discussion

about the valuable information one found in Theories of Transubstantial


She sauntered over to the group of boys seated at the Slytherin table, and

wordlessly slid in between Hadrian and Blaise. She glanced at the empty

spot next to Draco. "Where's Neville?"

Hadrian shrugged, "I'm not sure, but I sure hope he knows where Destiny

is. She still isn't here." Suddenly he gripped his silver goblet

apprehensively, "You reckon she's alright, yeah?"

"She's fine, Hadrian." Blaise laughed. He pointed to something behind

them. "See? She's right there. And look, Neville's there too."

True to his word, Destiny and Neville were coming through the doors of

the Great Hall. Their faces were flushed and they were laughing at

something so hard, they were blissfully unaware of the shocked looks

they were getting. Neville waved to Destiny and walked over to the

Slytherin table, where he was met with several curious looks.

"What?" He asked defensively, picking up his glass and filling it with icy

water in one smooth motion. "Do I have something on my face?"

"Yeah, that stupid smile." Draco retorted. "What's so funny anyways?"

"Never mind that. Where were you?" Hadrian asked discreetly, as to

avoid the already curious looks thrown their way.

"Me? Er- I was somewhere." He waved his hand dismissively, "Does it


"Yes. Did you see Destiny perhaps? Lord knows where that girl wanders

off to..." Hadrian trailed off, unaware of the odd look that came into

Neville's eyes. "Always disappearing."

Neville cleared his throat, "Yeah we rode in the same carriage together.

And when we got off, you will not believe what we saw."

"What was it?" Blaise asked.

"Potter and Weasley got themselves into trouble…with Snape!" Neville

sounded almost gleeful as he retold the tale of seeing the flying car crash

into the Whomping Willow in the distance.

"You should've seen their faces, mate. I swear Weasel was about to piss

himself!" Neville chuckled.

Daphne giggled behind her hand, "I wonder how many points they'll lose.

And classes haven't even started yet!"

As if on cue, black rubies filled the Gryffindor hourglass, signaling the

significant loss of at least a hundred points. Neville's grin only got wider.

"I must say, this year is off to a brilliant start." He commented, the smile

never leaving his face even for a second.

The Hall soon grew quiet as the doors opened once again and the little

first years came shuffling inside, some looking panicked, and some

looking absolutely at ease. Astoria Greengrass caught sight of her sister,

and she waved enthusiastically which caused Daphne to blush in

embarrassment. But she still waved back.

The sorting went by pretty quickly and Hadrian only paid attention when

Astoria Greengrass was being sorted. He could see Daphne crossing her

fingers underneath the table, and he hid a smile. She had nothing to

worry about.

True to his prediction, Astoria Greengrass soon pranced over to the

Slytherin table, a bright grin on her face. She went to sit next to her

sister, but Daphne shook her head and subtly pointed to the end of the

table, where the rest of the newly sorted Slytherin first years were sitting.

Astoria scowled, but seemed to accept it as she strolled over to the end of

the table. The skip in her step had vanished.

Hadrian knew it pained Daphne to casually dismiss her sister, but that

was the way things worked in Slytherin. You had to work your way up to

the top. A first year sitting at the middle of the table was unacceptable.

The last sorting of the evening was with one Ginerva Weasley. Hadrian

still wasn't sure how to feel about her. She seemed cunning enough, but

her bloody emotions were what made her intolerable. As he caught sight

of the young redhead, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

She seemed completely withdrawn, and her face was emotionless. Her

eyes had dark circles underneath them and she kept fidgeting with the

sleeves of her robes. She barely looked up to see where she was going

and almost tripped over the three stone steps that led up to the sorting


It took some time, but the hat eventually called out, "Slytherin!"

Ginny Weasley began to walk forward, her feet completely mechanical

and her eyes lifeless. She either was in shock, or didn't seem to even care.

Ignoring everyone's eyes on her, she sat down beside Astoria, and began

to fill up her water goblet as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

The entire hall was silent, and everyone was in shock. No Weasley had

ever gone into Slytherin. Out of everyone in the entire hall, the only

person truly happy about the hat's decision was Astoria Greengrass. She

looked torn between cheering and clapping, or simply keeping her head

down. Hadrian thought he would make it easier for her.

He stood up and clapped. It was a slow, steady, loud clap that echoed

throughout the hall. He shot a look to his still stunned friends and they

hesitantly stood up and began to clap. Their actions inspired all the other

Slytherins to clap halfheartedly. They wore scowls on their face and no

one seemed happy about it.

Chatter eventually broke out in the hall after that, and people began to

gossip and laugh at the Weasley's misfortune. She would be eaten alive in

a den of snakes.

Dumbledore shook his head at the terrible event that had occurred, and

made a mental note to write to Molly Weasley he, and also to talk to his

Sorting Hat. In the meantime, he waved it off and gave the "Welcome

Back" Speech as per usual and instructed everyone of the new changes

that would be taking place this year.

He introduced the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Gilderoy

Lockhart and sighed as he saw nearly every student snickering. The

blonde man wasn't making a very good impression with the students as

he took several bows and began telling them a story about his encounter

with a troll.

When the doors opened again and Weasel and Potter came inside,

everyone held their breath (completely ignoring Professor Lockhart, who

was still speaking) and seemed to swallow their laughter.

Ronald Weasley and Alexander Potter slid themselves into the remaining

seats at Gryffindor table, and reluctantly explained why they were late.

Almost immediately, every single Gryffindor's eyes turned to the

hourglasses holding the house points for the year, and they groaned


Seeing the two dunderheads loose so many points for Gryffindor, even

before term had started must've caused someone to snap because

suddenly Ronald Weasley's eyes widened and he cast a glance at the

Slytherin table to see if it was true.

When he saw his sister casually sitting there, cutting her steak into small

bite-size pieces, his face turned an unnatural shade of white, then red,

then purple. "GINNY WEASLEY!" He shouted, spittle flying everywhere.

Several Gryffindors around him scowled in disgust, pushing their plates

away from them.

The Weasley twins looked absolutely humiliated to even be sitting at the

same table as their rabid dog of a brother. His expression looked like one

of a angry Rottweiler, snapping and growling. He was about to march

over to the table but the twins held him in his spot. They seemed to be

hissing something very angrily in his ear and it worked because he

settled down, although he constantly glared over his shoulder at his


Blaise laughed at the big scene the Gryffindors were making over such a

trifle matter. He honestly thought it wasn't a big deal. When Destiny had

gone into Gryffindor, Hadrian hadn't thrown a fit. He had been

completely calm about it, albeit a bit confused, but he took it in stride.

Draco raised an eyebrow and lowered his voice to a whisper, "Did we

have to clap for that blood traitor though? Now everyone will think we're

muggle lovers."

Hadrian nodded curtly, "Yes."

Draco almost whined, "But why?"

Hadrian stabbed his fork at a cherry tomato, not meeting anyone's eyes.

"Because, Draco, when my sister went through the same thing last year,

the Weasley twins accepted her. Now I'm accepting their sister." He said

simply, putting the tomato in his mouth and chewing slowly.

Daphne smiled, although she didn't say anything. Instead she turned and

shot her sister an apologetic smile, but her sister simply sniffed and

turned away. Daphne turned her gaze to Ginny, who had cleared her

plate and now was staring at the doors of the great hall with mild


Daphne raised an eyebrow at the girl's strange behavior. Despite what

Hadrian had said that evening, she was sure something wasn't right. She

still had a terrible nagging feeling that this year would definitely not be

good at all.

23. A Series of Lies

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. J.K Rowling owns Harry Potter.

A/N: I literally just sat down and wrote this entire chapter over the

course of two hours instead of doing my work, so I have to say, I'm

quite proud. I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter! (And for those

of you that think Ginny's under imperious…Nice guess, but she's

not) I'll leave you to ponder that, but in the meantime, don't forget

to ask any questions/criticize since I would love to clarify/get

better! I hope you like it!

Slytherin Dormitory [September 2]

Daphne Greengrass slipped a rhinestone headband on her head, and

pushed her hair out of her face. She smiled prettily at her reflection and

smoothed down her skirt. Classes would start in about two hours, but

Slytherins were always early.

She sauntered out of her room, making sure to cast a complicated locking

spell on her trunk. Better safe than sorry. She walked carefully down the

marble steps to the first floor. She hid a smile at the few first years

already up, scurrying around frantically and triple checking their ties and

smoothing out any wrinkles on their uniforms.

She tapped a first year boy on his shoulder and asked him a question. He

stared at her and blushed, stuttering and pointing down the hall. Daphne

smiled at him and the boy flushed bright red. She walked towards the

direction he had pointed to and knocked on the only closed door. When

she heard no response, Daphne pushed it open.

Slightly disappointed at her sister for not putting up any kind of

protection spell, Daphne poked her head around the door. The room was

dark, and Daphne could barely make out a lumped body on the sheets.

She rolled her eyes and cast lumos, brightening the entire room. She

walked closer to the bed and yanked the covers off her sister, letting the

naturally cold air in the dungeons wake her up.

After a minute, her sister stirred and reached for the silver-green sheets,

but she found none. She opened an eye and groaned, seeing her sister

standing impatiently at the side of her bed.

"Astoria!" Daphne exclaimed, "Why aren't you up yet? We have to be in

the Great Hall in an hour! Were you not paying attention to Snape's

speech last night?"

"Daph, just let me sleep for five more minutes." She begged, burying her

head in her pillow.

"She's not getting up, is she?" A voice called out from behind the sisters.

Daphne turned around and was met with the sight of Ginerva Weasley

leaning against the doorframe. She quickly noticed that unlike her own

sister, Ginny was fully dressed. Her tie was perfect and her uniform was

crisp. Not a hair out of place.

Daphne smiled. "Hello Ginerva. You look quite nice today. Are you

excited for your classes?"

Ginny gave her a look that showed exactly how ecstatic she was. She

strolled over to stand next to Daphne and glanced down at her best


"See, Astoria? Ginerva's ready." Daphne chastised, glancing

disapprovingly at her own sister. Astoria muttered something

unintelligible and turned away from them.

"Don't make me hex you." Daphne warned. "Because I will."

Astoria groaned and reluctantly sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyes.

"Have I told you how much I hate you?" She glared, "Both of you." She

added, seeing Ginny standing beside her sister. Ginny just smirked and

wordlessly pointed Astoria towards the direction of the loo.

She growled and clumsily grabbed her uniform before trudging into the

loo to get ready. Ginny threw herself onto an armchair in the room, and

Daphne leaned against the bedpost of Astoria's unmade bed.

Daphne assessed Ginny calculatingly. The girl seemed all right, but there

was an empty look in her eyes that worried her. This wasn't the Ginny

she had come to know. She didn't even protest when she called her


Perhaps she was just sad at being sorted into Slytherin. She knew how

Destiny had felt the previous year when she was sorted into Gryffindor.

Her best friend had put on a brave face, but Daphne knew everything.

She knew the bullying her friend had to endure for months, all the

teasing and taunts. Daphne vowed not to let Ginny resort to the same

fate. Making up her mind, she turned to Ginny who was looking intently

at her feet.

"Look up."

Ginny's head snapped up, and she glanced questionably at Daphne.

"Slytherins never look down at their feet. Always keep your head up high

because confidence is key. This is a house full of competition. Everyone is

striving to be the best. You'll never last a day in Slytherin if you don't

prove yourself. You are going to The Princess. Make sure everyone else

knows it."

"What's The Princess?" Ginny asked curiously.

"The Princess is a title given to the leader of the Slytherin girls in every

year. Completely unofficial, just a sense of pride comes with the title. I

don't think the boys even know about this. Anyways there are a total of

six princesses in Slytherin. One for each year." Daphne explained.

"Shouldn't there be seven? Since there are seven years?" Ginny pointed


"Usually, the seventh year Princess is referred to as The Queen. She

basically rules all Slytherin. Sometimes if a Slytherin is Head Girl, she

automatically gets crowned Queen. But none of these rules are official. A

fifth year could be The Slytherin Queen. But it rarely ever happens."

Daphne paused and glanced at Ginny, "You are going to be The Princess

of your year."

"But I don't even belong h-"

Daphne held up a hand, stopping her. "Don't even say it. The hat put you

here for a reason and now whether you like it or not, you're one of us."

"No one will ever accept me here." Ginny stated sadly, covering her face

with her hands.

"Give them no choice." Daphne said fiercely. "Show them exactly who's in


"How am I supposed to do that?"

"Easy. Make yourself the best. Excel in your classes, your magic, your

attitude, your looks, etc. Excellence is what makes a Slytherin."

"Why aren't you telling your sister this?" Ginny asked curiously.

Daphne glanced towards the door of the washroom and lowered her

voice, "My sister already knows this, but she'll never listen to me. She's

not a true Slytherin, that girl. She's much too nice for her own good. But

you, Ginerva. There's hope for you yet."

Ginny sighed and ran a hand through her hair, pulling nervously on a

long lock of hair. "What do I have to do?"

"Which one of the Slytherin girls has already tried to gain power, Ginny?"

"Well, I honestly don't kn-"

"Yes, you do. You're a Slytherin. You've probably already noticed it."

"Rosier. Evanna Rosier. She claimed she was the future heiress to the

entire House of Black." Ginny snorted. "As if."

"Short, brown hair, and a terrible penchant for saying whatever comes to


"That's her."

Daphne nodded slowly, "I think you can take her."

"She can take who?" Astoria Greengrass asked, emerging from the

restroom, a haze of steam following her. She frowned and glanced

between the two.

"Evanna Rosier." Ginny responded, with a roll of her eyes.

Astoria grinned widely. "Of course! Ginny will win over that prissy show

pony any day."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Ginny said dryly. "So what do I have

to do?"

"Take that bint down in front of everyone!" Astoria cheered as she ran a

brush through her silky hair.

"Ignore my sister, she's an idiot." Daphne said breezily, waving her hand.

"In Slytherin, overthrowing anyone with power, however little, has to be


"So I have to slowly gain power." Ginny stated.

Daphne nodded. "First, discredit the silly girl. Covertly bring up all her

secrets, all the lies she's told and reveal them one bye one. But don't get

carried away. Only reveal the things that will help you at that moment.

Save everything else you learn for possible blackmail later."

"Then, once you've got people doubting her, give them something new to

talk about. You. Everyone should know your name; everyone should

know what you're doing, what you like and such. Understand?"

Ginny nodded vigorously.

"Once you've got everyone talking about you, start building your image.

The perfect Slytherin girl has to be cold, cunning, ruthless, manipulative

when time calls for it, and intelligent. You don't need to be perfect, per

se. Just good enough that everyone believes you are."

"I don't know if I'll be able to do that." Ginny muttered.

"You can and you will." Daphne insisted. "As soon as you've got the

perfect image, select a few suitable people who you can be seen with.

That way, everyone will want to be in that group, just to be near you.

Astoria will be able to help you with that, she's always been a great judge

of character."

Astoria beamed at the compliment.

"The hardest part of this plan is maintaining the power. Even after you've

succeeded becoming Princess in your year, it's not a secure position. Any

day, any minute actually you could lose your title. Power is the hardest

thing to gain, and the easiest thing to lose. So always be alert."

"I don't know, Daphne. I'm a Weasley, I barely have anything! No money,

no stunning looks, no extreme intelligence!"

"You don't need any of that for power. Of course, it would help, but it's

not necessary. And besides, you do have everything. Money will not be

an issue as long as you have power. If you ever need anything, we'll take

care of it, don't worry."

"I can't ask that of you!" Ginny protested, quickly feeling embarrassed.

"You're not. I'm telling you. And don't worry Ginerva, dear. There's more

than we can even spend." Daphne said forcefully. Suddenly a dark

shadow came over her face. "I almost forgot one thing. Trust no one. You

haven't known anyone for long enough to trust them with any secrets of

yours. If you truly wish, you can confide with Astoria if it's something

serious. But mostly keep it to yourself. Always be wary of anything you

say to others. "

"Okay. I think I may be able to do this?" She said, but it sounded like

more of a question.

"You can, and you will. I won't stand another fake little girl wanting to be

The Princess. I already had to deal with Parkinson last year." Daphne


Astoria started to giggle. "I remember that. You used to write to me all

year about what a cow, pug faced little wench she is!"

Daphne shrugged, "Well she is. She honestly thought she could challenge


Ginny raised an eyebrow, "I'm assuming you were The Princess of your

first year? And I bet you're Princess of second year now."

Daphne smirked.

"I can do this." Ginny said, more confidently. She turned to Astoria and

the wide grin on her face faltered. "Are you sure you don't mind?"

Astoria shrugged, "I don't even want to be Princess. It's all yours."

"Alright then, now that that's settled, I must be going. Remember, be

present at the Slytherin table at-"

"Eight A.M." The girls chorused, "We know."

Daphne gave them a hard look before turning and heading out the door.

Most of the first years had already left for the common room, or headed

towards the Great Hall. Daphne skipped towards the Common Room, and

immediately noticed her friends casually chatting on the couches.

"Look who's up on time." She mocked, leaning against the infamous

armchair Hadrian was sitting on. Now that the Head Boy had graduated,

the chair was free once again. But no one dared to even come near it

because it was clear that Hadrian Riddle had already claimed it.

Hadrian smiled up at her, and Daphne blushed. She was about to look

away, when she noticed something peculiar.

"Hadrian! Your tie!" She admonished, pointing accusingly at the

offending item haphazardly thrown around his neck. She muttered

something about boys before yanking him up from his sitting position.

Hadrian stared at her as she expertly did his tie, her smooth skin casually

brushing his neck as she adjusted the material. She was about to tell him

something when she glanced up and her eyes locked with his. There was

a small second of silence as Daphne's lips parted and she stared at his

emerald green eyes.

She quickly shook her head and muttered, "I swear I did this almost every

day last year. How have you not learned how to tie a tie yet?"

Hadrian sighed, feeling an odd feeling of disappointment and ran a hand

through his hair, "I guess I never paid attention."

She huffed and turned to the rest of the boys who were watching them

curiously. Only Neville seemed to have a big, knowing smile on his face.

Daphne raised an eyebrow. "What are we waiting for? Potter to get a

brain? We'll be waiting forever then. " She snapped.

Draco frowned, "Well, we were going to go, but Hadrian insisted we

should wait for you. Where were you anyways?"

"Never mind that." Blaise cut in, "Can we go now? Daphne's here and I'm


Daphne shrugged and they stood up, heading towards the entrance of

their common room. "I was on the First Year floor, making sure my sister

and Ginny got up."

"Why do you insist on being nice to the Weasley girl anyways?" Blaise


"I don't want her to suffer like Destiny did." Daphne explained.

"Obviously the hat put her in Slytherin for a reason. She obviously didn't

ask for it, did she now?"

"She's strange." Was Neville's only comment.

"Hush, Neville. Oh look, there's Destiny. I'll go say hello." Daphne said,

darting through the Great Hall doors towards the blonde haired girl

sitting at the Gryffindor table.

"Destiny!" Daphne greeted, briefly pulling in her best friend for a hug.

"No one has been bothering you this year, have they?" Daphne murmured

in her friend's ear before they broke apart.

Destiny shook her head, "You have no idea how thankful I am. No one

has even tried anything at all, I think Fred and George have something to

do with it."

"Fred and George, huh?" Daphne teased, "Looks like they're paying extra

close attention to you this year."

Destiny sputtered indignantly. "They're just concerned!"

Daphne laughed as she walked away towards the Slytherin table. "Sure,


"What's so funny?" Draco asked, delicately spreading some jam onto his


"Destiny's got herself some admirers." Daphne smirked.

"What!" Hadrian exclaimed at the same time Neville started to choke on

his drink.

Daphne glanced at him worriedly, but he shook his head and grabbed a

glass of water. "I'm fine. Someone just decided to switch my pumpkin

juice with something that my taste buds found quite horrid." He looked

accusingly at Blaise.

Blaise grinned mischievously and held up his hands in surrender. "Guilty

as charged."

"What's this about Destiny-"

"Relax Hadrian," Daphne laughed, squeezing his hand. "I'm kidding."

"She can't have a boyfriend, she's too young." Hadrian protested anyways.

Neville shrugged, "Well, if you have a girlfriend, I don't see why she can't

date as well."

Daphne turned to look at Hadrian accusingly, "You didn't tell me you

have a girlfriend."

"I have a girlfriend?" Hadrian blinked. "Since when?"

Neville grinned, "Oh that's right. You don't have one yet."

"Yet? I'm confused."

He shrugged, "Destiny was looking into the future and she told me."

Hadrian nodded, silent for a minute. "Well who is it then?"

Neville tsked. "I'm not going to tell you! That would ruin the surprise!"

"But it's my girlfriend." He protested.

"Future girlfriend." Blaise corrected. Hadrian shot him an irritated look.

"Fine, if you must know…" Neville sighed dramatically, "It's Millicent


"Tell me you're kidding." Hadrian paled. He stared Neville down for a

couple of seconds before Neville burst into laughter.

"Alright, I'm just joking. But you should've seen the look on your face."

"That wasn't funny." Daphne said seriously, "It was hilarious." She grinned

widely although it seemed rater forced to Neville.

Blaise lowered his voice and glanced around not so subtly. "So…what's

the plan for this year? Any more three headed dogs we have to fight?"

Hadrian shot him a look, so Blaise quickly added, "I mean, not that I'd be

against it. If I had to fight a three-headed dog…I would. Just, I'd rather

not?" He trailed off when he saw Draco shaking his head.

Hadrian drank a long sip of his pumpkin juice and wordlessly stood up.

"We have classes." He reminded them. They all nodded, and reluctantly

got up as well.

Headmaster's Office [September 2: 7 P.M]

Dumbledore sighed as he gazed tiredly at the red-haired witch across

from his desk. She was no longer the carefree, vivacious woman she had

been years ago. There seemed to be permanent dark circles under her

eyes, and her cheeks had sunken into her skin.

"Lily, you know I can't do this."

"Try it Albus. Please. You know how important it is to me. I know you

think he's dead. But he isn't! I can feel it!" Lily insisted.

"Lily, you can't possibly be doubting the magic of Hogwarts. You've

witnessed firsthand how strong it is. I'm sorry to say this dear but you

must accept it. Harry has passed away. He isn't coming back."

Dumbledore said soothingly, patting her hand.

"He's alive! Call it a mother's intuition. I just know it!" She hissed.

"Perhaps it's simply a memory, Lily. You may feel it because you miss

him, not because you think he's alive." He said.

Mistake number one. Never doubt a mother's intuition. Especially Lily


Her face quickly turned a shade of red, "Albus Dumbledore! I know

where he is and I know he is alive! So hand him over! I need to see him!"

Dumbledore was never a very religious man. But in this moment, he

prayed to god to get this woman out of his office. They had been going

back and forth for the past fifteen minutes, and although he had tried to

pacify her, it was to no avail.

"Be realistic, he would be at Hogwarts if he was alive, no?" He spoke in a

helpful manner.

Lily scowled. "Don't patronize me, Albus. He is at this school, I've seen


"Oh you have?"

"Yes. Dark, almost black hair. Stunning green eyes? I believe he's in the

same year as Alexander." Lily described.

Dumbledore paled and looked at the witch in front of him. He had to call

for James Potter immediately to inform him that his wife had gone

insane. Albus cleared his throat, "Mrs. Potter, I don't think that's your

Harry. The boy you are describing goes by the name Hadrian Riddle." He

frowned at the hopeful look on her face. "He's in Slytherin." Albus added,

as if that would convince her that Hadrian Riddle was most certainly, not

her son.

"I want to see him." Lily demanded. "We can perform the parent revealing

charm on him."

"The boy is an orphan. I'm almost a hundred percent sure he's the spawn

of that Riddle. Voldemort, Lily. The boy is the heir of Voldemort. I'm

surprised that Tom actually was human enough to reproduce."

Dumbledore spat.

"Of course he's not Lord Voldemort son!" Lily said, sounding scandalized.

"He's my son."

"At the moment, I don't think the boy knows who his father is. He doesn't

seem dangerous according to any of my professors, and I'd like to keep it

that way till I figure out how to deal with him. I doubt he's even seen his

father. We don't need him asking questions, or worse, finding answers.

The boy is too powerful, Lily. He's too smart. He'll want to know who his

father is. Once he finds out, he'll turn to the dark arts. I know it. We can't

afford having such power on the dark side."

"I don't care. The boy is my son, so it doesn't matter. Call him up." Lily


"Fine." Dumbledore conceded. "But first, I need the permission of James.

And if the boy discovers his father and turns to the dark arts, I'll hold this

over you forever." He smiled to let her know he was kidding.

"Done. And if he's truly my son Albus, I will make sure that wretched

twinkle in your eyes vanishes forever." She said coldly causing Albus to


Dumbledore was about to get up to floo call James Potter, but the man

himself stumbled out of the fireplace. He clumsily made his way towards

the desk and pointed an accusing finger at Lily.

"You crazy woman!" He cried, "I can't believe you did this!"

Lily Potter seemed completely unaffected by her husband's outburst and

she simply sniffed and pointed to the chair next to hers. "Sit down,

James. You're making a fool out of yourself." She said haughtily, flipping

her hair behind her shoulder.

The messy haired man grumbled something, but staggered over to the

chair and nearly threw himself onto it. "You are crazy." He slurred,

repeating his words from before.

Albus eyed his former student from across the desk. He frowned. "James,

are you drunk?"

"No!" He protested.

"Yes, he is." Lily grimaced, leaning away from him.

"Okay, maybe a little." He grinned roguishly. "But I blame her!"

Lily rolled her eyes, "I don't see what I have to do with you getting piss


"Yes, you do!" He nearly yelled. Then he winced and covered his ears.

"The mental witch stunned me! And then she left me alone!"

The Headmaster's eyes widened and he looked between the couple. He

had suspected there were some problems in their marriage a while ago,

but he thought they had gotten over it. He cleared his throat, "Lily, why

did you stun him?"

Lily shrugged nonchalantly. "He wouldn't let me come to Hogwarts to ask

you about Harry. So I stunned him."

"That's not a valid reason." Albus scolded. He looked over at James.

"James, why are you drunk?"

"Slightly drunk." James corrected. "After my lovely wife stunned me, I

must've hit my head on something because I woke up with a pounding

headache. A bit of fire whiskey would fix that right up, but then I got a

little carried away."

"By 'carried away' he means borderline alcoholic." Lily snorted.

James was about to protest, but Albus cut in. "Never mind that. James,

Lily here seems to have got it into her head that your son is alive."

"Of course Alexander is alive!" James rolled his eyes.

"Not Alexander, James. Your other son."


"Harry Potter." Lily sneered. "Forgotten your own son now?"

"Oh, Harry. Yes, he's dead." James went on, completely ignoring his wife.

"Yes, well Lily thinks he's at this school under the name of Hadrian

Riddle." Albus explained.

"Riddle? As in Tom Riddle? Like the Lord Voldemort, Riddle?" James

sputtered, suddenly feeling a lot more sober.


"Dumbledore, I think my wife is insane." James concluded.

"Just let Dumbledore try the parent revealing charm on him, James. I'm

positive the boy is our son. But if he isn't, then there's no harm done."

Lily pleaded.

James Potter scratched the back of his neck in thought. Then he

shrugged. "Why not? If it'll stop Lily's incessant whining and crying once

and for all, then go ahead. "

"Because the spell is illegal without the boy's consent." Dumbledore


"Well, if he truly is an orphan, wouldn't he want to know who his parents

are?" James pointed out.

"I suppose. I'll tell Severus to bring the boy up." Dumbledore finally


A while later, the doors to the Headmaster's office opened, and in strode

in a confident Hadrian Riddle. The boy had an unreadable expression on

his face, although he did glance distrustfully at the two Potters. Severus

Snape accompanied the boy, and he leaned against the wall crossing his

arms as he peered uninterestedly at the scene before him.

"Hello Severus. You look well." Lily beamed at the man.

"Mrs. Potter." He addressed her curtly, barely even looking at her.

The smile on her face faltered.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Riddle." Dumbledore smiled at the boy. Hadrian

simply raised an eyebrow and nodded, hardly acknowledging him. "You

must be curious as to why you were called here."

"Clearly, you're going to tell me." Hadrian drawled, folding his arms.

Dumbledore frowned, but it was nearly unnoticeable. Of course, Hadrian

noticed and his lips twitched upwards.

"Yes, well, have you ever wondered about your parents, ma 'boy?" He

asked kindly.

Hadrian shrugged, letting Dumbledore interpret it in any way.

Apparently, the old wizard took it as a sign to continue.

"What if I told you, there's a way to find out who your parents are?" He

said cautiously.

"Then I'd ask what took you so long to inform me of this." Hadrian

responded, his eyes turning cold.

Snape kept his face neutral, but inside he was marveling at the little

brat's ability to act. Forget becoming a dark lord, the boy should become

an actor! Even he found himself believing the white lies that came out of

the boy's mouth.

"It wasn't the right time, Hadrian." Dumbledore defended lamely.

Hadrian bristled at the use of his first name, but it went unnoticed by

Dumbledore. He had a pretty good idea of where this conversation was

going. If he didn't allow Dumbledore to perform the charm on him, they

would become greatly suspicious. If he did allow them to, he wondered

what would happen when they found out who his legal guardian was.

Would Dumbledore lie to his face?

Instead he gestured to the two Potters. "Why are they here?"

Lily Potter suddenly decided this was the perfect time to have a mental

breakdown. "Oh my. Harry you've grown up so much! I'm so sorry for

leaving you with Petunia and Dursley. I should've never let that happen!

I'm a terrible mother, and you have no idea how much I've hated myself

for leaving you!" She burst into tears, clutching Hadrian's arm in a vice


Hadrian swallowed uncomfortably. He wasn't sure how true her

confession was, but he tried to not let it affect him. The woman may be

feeling sorry now, but it was her fault for leaving him in the first place.

He could never forgive her.

He yanked his arm out of her grip and pretended to look at her curiously.

"You! I know you!"

"You remember me?" Her voice broke, and she wiped away a stray tear.

"Of course! You're that insane lady that attacked me before the sorting

last year!" He exclaimed, making a big show of stepping away from her.

James looked at her in disbelief. "You attacked a small child?"

"Of course not! I thought he was Harry." She defended weakly.

"I'll be performing a parent revealing charm on you, alright Hadrian?"

Dumbledore quickly cut in, before things could get any worse.

"Okay." He finally agreed.

Dumbledore whispered the incantation and after a minute a series of

golden markings appeared above his head. Dumbledore's face turned

ashen as he quickly read the markings that spelled Tom Marvolo Riddle

and vanished them away with a flick of his wand.

"What does it say, Sir?" Hadrian asked with faux eagerness. The markings

were ancient runes, which he could read of course. He was very well

aware what they said, but he waited for Dumbledore's response.

"I'm sorry, dear Hadrian. But you have no living guardians." Dumbledore

lied easily. Just as Hadrian had predicted him to do.

"Who were my parents, Sir?" He asked quietly, looking down at his

hands. He was curious to see what the old man would come up with.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Riddle, I cannot say. The spaces with your parents'

names were blank. This means that either they were muggle, or they

have passed away with no other heirs." He said sadly.

Hadrian nodded painfully, trying very hard to keep his sarcastic laugh

inside. He wanted to jump onto the desk and shout any name that came

to mind at the "Almighty Dumbledore". But he refrained from doing so

and even managed to make his voice sound thick with tears.

"Can I please leave Headmaster?" He requested, letting a fake tear escape.

The old fool nodded pitifully and Hadrian slowly dragged himself out of

the door. No one except for Severus Snape saw the sardonic grin that had

appeared on his face.

Lily Potter was oddly silent. The Headmaster had confirmed her doubts,

and she hung her head down in sadness. "He's really gone isn't he?"

James Potter, for once was serious and soothingly rubbed circles on his

wife's back. She sighed and shook out her hair. "He's always been dead. I

just never accepted it."

Suddenly, a strange look came into her eyes. She looked at her husband.

"Can we adopt Hadrian?"

Albus Dumbledore panicked. While he was lying through his teeth at the

young boy, he found a way to manipulate the young broken boy to his

advantage. Clearly the boy was powerful. So powerful. He was reluctant

to admit, but the boy was more powerful than the chosen one. He would

be a valuable asset in the future. If he remained sad, and brokenhearted

over his "dead" parents, then he could be easily influenced to join the

Light Side.

And so, Albus Dumbledore gave the woman across from him a sad smile

and said, "I don't think that is a good idea, Lily."

James Potter nodded in agreement. "That boy gives me the creeps. And

not to mention he's the Son of Voldemort, correct?" He looked to

Dumbledore for confirmation. The old man hesitated, but then nodded.

James continued, "I don't want any brat of that snake living in my home."

"But James, he looks so sad. He needs a home, a family." Lily pleaded.

"No means no Lily darling." He said firmly. Then he turned to

Dumbledore. "Is it alright if Lily teaches again in a few years? I feel like

it'll help her cope with things and distract her better."

"The job is always yours." Dumbledore nodded.

Lily paused. If she took the job she might become closer to the young,

spiritless boy. "Okay. I'll have my old job back."

"Splendid!" Dumbledore exclaimed, "I'll fill out some old paperwork, and

in the meantime you can either go home to relax for some time, or

wander about the castle."

James shrugged casually, "I'm sure we can find some way to entertain

ourselves." He winked suggestively at his wife.

Lily Potter looked at him disbelievingly. "Not going to happen."

Dumbledore grimaced, "Please don't sully my classrooms. And scar my

students. I don't want any angry letters from parents, I've already had


"Angry letters? But why?" James enquired.

"Somehow, Lucius Malfoy heard of the Cerberus that we had kept inside

the castle to guard the Sorcerer's Stone. He must've told several parents

because this year they were threatening to withdraw their kids if they

even heard a rumor that something bad was occurring inside of

Hogwarts." Dumbledore explained bitterly.

"I've never liked that man." James Potter scowled, standing up. He

offered a hand to his wife, but she stood up as well.

"Severus?" Dumbledore called to the man that was about to sneak out of

the room. The sneering man turned around and looked extremely


"What." He snapped.

"Are you sure the Dark Lord is unaware of this boy's existence?"

Dumbledore questioned. "If he ever heard, it would not be helpful to our


Snape nearly scoffed. It was a bit too late for that, he thought gleefully.

Instead, he simply shook his head. "To my knowledge, the dark lord is

too caught up in his own matters. I highly doubt he is aware of the

existence of his heir."

If Dumbledore could lie, so could he. That's what their entire lives were

anyways. A series of lies and secrets that eventually would be revealed

over time.

Mysterious Tidbit of Information: For those of you that think "The

Princess" part is completely useless and superficial, I completely

agree with you. If only you understood that it actually has nothing

to do with becoming the It Girl of Slytherin.

24. The Shocking Truth

Authors Note: Hey, would you look at that? The update is actually

on time! YES! I'd just like to make a brief comment based on your

reviews and the PM's I've received concerning Ginny Weasley. Yes,

she will be staying (at least for now). But do not fret, my Ginny-

haters! You'll soon see that this Ginny is nothing like the annoying

harpy from the books. She's more refined, less "ugh", and much

colder. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy! (Don't be afraid to

criticize, after all, it'll only help me get better)

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter

Black Lake [October 3rd]

Times were changing, Ginerva Weasley mused as crossed her arms and

leaned against a tree overlooking the Black Lake. She twirled her quill in

her fingers, her thoughts elsewhere. A soft breeze blew towards her,

causing the jet-black ends of her fiery red hair to dance around. She

admired her hair fondly, a small smile gracing her pretty features. Astoria

had given her the idea a week ago, and Ginerva had thought Why not?

Although she did have some reservations about it at first, it was a certain

someone that convinced her the change could possibly be for the better.

In a way it represented who she was now. And how different she was!

People spoke about her in the corridors, they whispered her name during

classes, and pointed at her when the thought she wasn't looking. Words

such as "Slytherin Scum" and "Traitor" were commonly exchanged.

Ginerva had simply shrugged it off. After all, people would always gossip.

Most of the taunting was accredited to a Mr. Alexander Potter and his

trusty sidekick Ronald Weasley. Her own brother. She sneered. Her family

had all but disowned her after they had heard the news of her sorting.

They were livid, with faces brighter than their hair.

Serves them right, Ginerva thought with a scowl. They had been so sure

that she would get into Gryffindor. The morning after her sorting, they

had sent a package with a long letter about Weasley tradition and a

lumpy sweater (hand knit, of course) in obnoxious red and gold. Oh,

what pleasure she took from lighting the offending item on fire without

even batting an eye. Her radical action had stunned the peers in her

vicinity, and unknowingly silenced further qualms of where her loyalties

lied. She supposed she could've simply changed the colors of the

offending item, or even sent it back to her mother with an apologetic

note to inform them of the news.

But why? Why should she apologize for her sorting? It was where she

belonged. Her family's embarrassing "self-assurance" just showed how

little her they actually knew her. Had they paid the slightest attention to

her before, her sorting wouldn't have come as much of a shock.

She supposed she couldn't fully blame them for their reactions, however

unjustified and irrational they were. She'd nearly had a nervous

breakdown herself during her first night in the Slytherin dorms. That

night she had barely slept at all. Questions and fears plagued her

thoughts, preventing her from even shutting her eyes. What would her

family think? Why was she even here? Would she ever belong?

As she lay shivering in her bed, Ginerva came to one conclusion. She

didn't give a damn anymore. It was time she stopped hiding from

everyone. She had spent so long suppressing whom she truly was, in

order to conform to her parent's outrageous standards. She almost forgot

who she truly was in the process. But now it was time. It was time to

show everyone, tell the world about the real Ginerva. It was time to

embrace her darker side, so to speak.

To her, the truth was a simple thing. And the truth was, Ginerva was

simply ashamed. She would never admit it to anyone, but it was her

darkest secret yet.

She was ashamed of her family, specifically their extreme prejudice for

anything Slytherin (really, they were almost as bad as You-Know-Who!)

and her family's money, or lack thereof. Everything was second hand or

homemade. Just once she wanted to buy a pretty little dress, without

even looking at price. She wanted something she could call her own. Not

a dusty, out of date article of clothing that her cousin Ingrid had once

wore. Everywhere she went she felt shame. There was no escape.

She was nine years old when she went to Hogsmeade for the first time. Often

times it was too crowded, and her mother was too tired to look after all of her

children at once. But that one day, her mother agreed to take her along. In her

excitement, Ginny quickly put on the new dress she had gotten earlier that

week. It was a vibrant colour of red that matched her hair with small white

curlicue patterns along the hem. It was easily her best, and favorite dress.

Especially since her mother told her it was brand new. Although it had started

out as the best day of her innocent nine-year life, it quickly turned out to be

the worst.

Her mother had gone off somewhere to chase after her older brothers, Fred

and George. They liked to sneak off in the stores and play tricks on the other


Ginny stood alone amongst the racks of clothing, admiring the poufy skirts

made of taffeta and the shimmering evening dresses in every color imaginable.

She already knew she would never be able to afford a single one, but she felt

strangely indulged simply by staring in awe at the variety of dresses.

An elegant looking woman, dragging what she assumed to be her daughter

behind her, interrupted her staring. The little girl looked to be the same age as

her, and she eyed Ginerva with a curious look. Suddenly her eyes lit up and

she pointed to Ginny.

"Mummy look! It's my dress I gave away to the poor two weeks ago!" She

squealed. Suddenly a frown came over her innocent face. "Why is that girl

wearing it? I've changed my mind, give it back." She demanded, stepping closer

to Ginny and pulling on the sleeves.

Her face had flushed to match her dress and she was absolutely mortified. The

little girl's mother simply gave Ginny a look of disdain and dragged her

daughter away, but the damage was already done. Ginny felt so worthless, so

bitter. She was angry at her mother, angry at herself, angry at everything.

But yet she did not say a single word to anyone. She kept it inside of her, all

the embarrassment and the humiliation she had suffered. She knew she

shouldn't be bitter about it, but she was. As soon as she had gotten home, she

had cried. She had wanted to rip the dress to shreds and burn it all in the

fireplace. But she didn't. She wanted to keep her mother happy. So she kept

the dress. It was still in the back of her drawers at home, a hideous reminder

of the past.

Yes, Ginerva was ashamed of her family and their lack of money, but

most of all she was ashamed of herself. Her parents had given up so

much, and she knew all her brothers would always protect her (except

for Ronald and that git Percy). And yet, Ginerva knew that deep in her

heart, she would sacrifice all of that if it meant she would finally get

what she wanted. She would readily betray her family if it meant she

would gain some power. Any power.

It was tiring keeping up the charade. She would smile sweetly at her

brothers, politely greet her parents and plaster a smile on her face when

her father described another useless muggle contraption. It was all an act,

and she was so tired of it.

Now she was free. Free from all the expectations, free from the silly girl

named Ginny Weasley. She went by Ginerva, completely dropping her last

name. If her family decided to distance them selves from a slimy

Slytherin like her, then so be it. It didn't matter to her anyways.

She had taken Daphne's advice to heart, and let it completely mold her

into the perfect Slytherin. It wasn't hard really, since she was already

halfway there. During her first weeks as a Slytherin, Ginerva realized


Every Slytherin was drawn to power. They flocked around it, like moths

to a ball of light. Money, blood, ancestry, beauty, none of it meant

anything in Slytherin if there was no power.

And so, Ginerva plotted and schemed day and night to become who she

was now. She was superior to all. For the first time in her entire life, she

was put on a pedestal for people to admire from afar.

The first part of her master plan had gone effortlessly.

"Discredit the silly girl. Covertly bring up all her secrets, all the lies she's told

and reveal them one bye one. But don't get carried away. Only reveal the

things that will help you at that moment. Save everything else you learn for

possible blackmail later."

Oh she had discredited the Evanna Rosier all right. Humiliated, shamed,

disgraced her until she barely showed her face anymore. Poor girl. But

that's what she deserved for lying. Ginerva hated liars.

It wasn't hard to catch on to the poorly told story. The girl flaunted and

boasted about her connections to the ancient House of Black so many

times that it left Ginerva with many suspicions. With a little help from

the younger Greengrass and many hours of scouring the family trees, she

had come to a shocking conclusion.

Evanna Rosier wasn't related to the House of Black at all. In fact, the

little girl was barely even considered a part of the Rosier family. Both of

her parents were squibs, descended from other squibs that were disowned

from their families for several generations. Although they had racked up

quite a fortune in the muggle world, they would never be accepted in the

wizarding society.

All it took was one staged conversation in front of the biggest gossip in

her year, and the word was spread all over the school in less than four

hours. It satisfied her to see the embarrassed brunette hurriedly exited

the hall, eyes full of tears. The group of girls that had followed her

around like the ever-faithful lapdogs had shunned her completely,

wrinkling their noses in disgust. Ginerva smirked.

"Then, once you've got people doubting her, give them something new to talk

about. You. Everyone should know your name; everyone should know what

you're doing, what you like and such. Understand?"

With all the gossip going around about her, this was quite easy to

achieve. People knew who she was; they watched her day and night, just

waiting for her to snap from all the pressure. But since she never looked

anything short of perfect in public, people went from wishing her a

horrid death, to knowing everything about her.

"Once you've got everyone talking about you, start building your image. The

perfect Slytherin girl has to be cold, cunning, ruthless, manipulative when time

calls for it, and intelligent. You don't need to be perfect, per se. Just good

enough that everyone believes you are."

This was by far the easiest part of her master plan. She'd always had a

domineering personality, it was just time to turn it up a notch. When she

walked into a room, she commanded attention, and everyone felt their

eyes involuntarily drawn to her. Everyone knew she had top marks in

their year, and she never seemed to have a hair out of place. The fact that

she rarely spoke to anyone made people admire her more. They couldn't

help but be drawn to her mysterious aura.

"As soon as you've got the perfect image, select a few suitable people who you

can be seen with. That way, everyone will want to be in that group, just to be

near you. Astoria will be able to help you with that, she's always been a great

judge of character."

The day people saw Ginerva Weasley greet Hadrian Riddle like they were

old friends, was the day she was hounded by first years from all houses,

trampling over each other in a haste to speak to her. It was well known

that the tall, dark haired boy was one of the most charming boys in all of

Hogwarts. Everyone knew of his élite group of friends, and how he had

limitless connections. Even the older students admired him, although he

never seemed to notice (or care for) their attentions.

Ginerva could've easily adopted all Evanna's traitorous lackeys, but then

where would be the exclusivity? A princess couldn't be considered royalty

unless she had peasants to rule over!

After much consideration, Ginny created a group of three girls (including

Astoria and herself) along with three boys. She chose them based on their

connections, their money, and their legacies. It was simply a matter of

politics. Her decision only made others vie to be part of her little group

even more.

"The hardest part of this plan is maintaining the power. Even after you've

succeeded becoming Princess in your year, it's not a secure position. Any day,

any minute actually you could lose your title. Power is the hardest thing to

gain, and the easiest thing to lose. So always be alert."

Just as Daphne had said, this was proving to be the hardest part of her

plan indeed. Not everyone had liked the idea of a Weasley ruling over

Slytherin and she had already put down several attempts of rebellion

amongst the first years. She had worked effortlessly to get where she was

now, on the top. Nothing would stop Ginerva now.

Except for her.

Ginerva's bright brown eyes were trained on a single person across the

stretch of green grass. She stretched languidly, but made no move to get

up from her relaxed position. Her figure was partly concealed by the

shadows of the tree branches, and it was a wonder the other girl even

saw her. Sighing in acceptance, Ginerva straightened her posture and

waited for the girl to approach her.

"Ginny." The girl addressed her curtly, folding her arms to match the

redhead's stance.

"It's Ginerva." She corrected.

The girl rolled her eyes. "Sorry." She apologized, sounding anything but.

"Ginerva." She tried again.


"Don't you think it's getting a little out of hand?" She asked bluntly.

"No, Astoria. I don't." Ginerva replied, her features hardening. This had

been a topic of discussion for a few days, and frankly, she was getting

tired of it.

If Astoria noticed her best friend's reluctance, she ignored it. "I just think

we're being a bit too…what's the word? Cruel. " Astoria pressed, gauging

her friend's face for a reaction.

Ginerva's face revealed no emotions, and she shrugged nonchalantly.


Silence. Astoria wringed her hands together, waiting for her friend to say

more. She didn't. Her blue-green eyes flashed indignantly, "Ginerva, you

will talk to me right now. You've shamed the Rosier girl once already; no

one wants to even speak to her anymore! Don't you think that's enough?"

"No." Her response was brisk, and she didn't offer anything else.

"Please, Ginny. Can't you just be happy? You're ruling over Slytherin like

you wanted. Just leave the girl alone!" Astoria pleaded.

"I said no, Astoria."

"But why?" Astoria cried.

"She's trying to convince the other first years to go against me. Somehow,

she thinks I'm the reason that she's been scorned by all of Slytherin."

"But you are the reason why she's being scorned by all of Slytherin."

Astoria pointed out crossly.

"Minor details." She waved her hand lazily. "Besides, all is fair in love and


"What does that even mean? Never mind, just stop humiliating her, Gin.

She has the room next to mine, and I can hear her horrible wails at night

when I'm trying to sleep. She cries every night, poor girl."

"She does?" Ginerva cocked an eyebrow, "Good. As for your little

predicament, just cast a silencing charm."

"What is wrong with you?" Astoria barked, putting her hands on her hips.

"You wanted to be Princess of Slytherin and I agreed to help you with

that." She hissed, "What I did not agree to, was allowing you treat

everyone else like filth. You're being a bully, Ginny. You're torturing the

girl's spirits every single day. This isn't like you."

"People change, Astoria." The taller girl reminded her, gracefully stepping

around her friend. She started to walk away, but Astoria grabbed her

arm, painfully digging her manicured nails into her arm.

"This isn't my best friend Ginny. I want the happy, carefree, funny girl

back. Not this blasphemous rendition of her." Astoria said sadly, looking

at Ginerva.

"She's gone." Were the girl's only parting words as she jerked her arm out

from Astoria's grasp and inconspicuously slipped a black leather bound

book inside of her one shouldered bag.

Hogwarts Library [October 31; 8:30 pm]

Hadrian Riddle wordlessly slid into the seat across from the curly haired

brunette witch, watching amusedly as she didn't even look up from the

large book she was reading.

"Hey Granger." He greeted her, enjoying the startled look on her face. He

winced when there was a loud sound as her knee banged against the

table in surprise. She groaned and rubbed her knee, glaring at Hadrian.

"Hadrian. What a pleasant surprise." She responded sarcastically, shaking

her hair out of her face. Hadrian gave her a roguish smile and slowly

leaned across the table, tucking a loose curl behind her ear.

Hermione blushed an alluring shade of pink. She cleared her throat, "Can

I help you?"

He smirked. "As a matter of fact, I have something that may interest you."

He did not miss the blush on her cheeks turning into a deeper red.

"Well, come out with it then." She retorted, folding her arms on the table.

Hadrian's eyes gleamed as he pulled out the book from his bag. Carefully,

he set it onto the table and watched as her eyes widened.

"It's a book." She stated in awe, staring at the dusty cover and the golden

letters along the spine.

"Yes, I'm aware of that." He smiled, revealing his perfectly white teeth.

She moved her hand forward to touch it, but then glanced up at Hadrian

for permission. He chuckled and nodded. She let out a small sound of

excitement and ran her finger down the spine, opening the book with her

other hand. She stared at the aged yellow pages with deep interest.

"How old is this book?" She asked, admiringly flipping though it with

extreme care.

Hadrian shrugged, "Five thousand years."

She froze. Her hands began to shake, "Five thousand?" She gasped.

"Give or take a few centuries."

Suddenly, he felt a pair of arms wrapping around him. Her body was

warm, and although her hair was nearly suffocating him, he managed to

smile. Hadrian awkwardly hugged her back. She broke away a couple

seconds later, but shot him a dazzling smile and kissed his cheek. "Thank


"For what?"

"For sharing this with me." She gestured to the book. "How did you



"How did you know that I've always loved old books?" Hermione


"Lucky guess." Hadrian smirked. "If you're so excited now, I wonder how

you'll react when I let you keep it."

"Oh, Hadrian. You don't have to do that." She said softly. "This must've

cost a fortune!"

Hadrian shrugged again. "I've already read it several times. I thought you

might find the subject matter interesting as well."

Hermione smiled and resumed flipping through the pages. Suddenly she

looked up. "This is a book on ancient runes." She said, "By Marcus

Rousseau." She looked at Hadrian pointedly. Her eyes narrowed. "That's a

well known dark arts author."

Hadrian refused to be deterred, and raised an eyebrow instead. "Oh


"Don't be coy with me, Hadrian Riddle." She snapped, shutting the book

with a loud slam. "Is there a reason you are giving me a book on dark


"I thought you would enjoy it. It has such valuable information one

cannot get from any book in this modern time." He replied.

"It's dark magic." Hermione said determinedly, folding her arms.

"Hermione, when will you understand?" He sighed heavily, "All magic is

magic. It cannot be classified as Light or Dark."

"Yes it can, and this is dark." She insisted.

"Well then dearest Hermione, please tell me how this book is dark?


She opened her mouth to respond, but then paused. She closed it for a

second and looked to be deep in thought. "It most likely has dark spells

inside of it and is filled with ways to torture people." She announced


"Did you read the book?" He asked.

"No but-"

"Don't judge a book by its cover, Hermione." He said darkly, turning his

head to look elsewhere but her piercing gaze.

"That's a muggle phrase." She sounded shocked.

"Daphne taught it to me." He explained. "You can't just declare it dark

magic without even looking inside."

"I'm not going to look inside. I know it has dark magic inside of it and I

don't want to be involved in that." She declared.

"Fine. But I knew you were interested in taking Ancient Runes next year,

and this book definitely would've given you a head start. You could've

caught up with the knowledge all these purebloods already have, even

surpassed them, but I guess you are content starting unprepared next


He pushed back his chair and stood up to leave. He knew he had hit a

nerve by comparing her lack of knowledge in this particular subject to

those with superior blood than hers. She had never directly told him so,

but Hadrian knew exactly why she strived to earn top marks, and made

such an effort to get every question right. She wanted to prove to

everyone that although she was a mudblood, she was worthy of magic.

She was better.

Hadrian reached for the ancient book and out it into his bag dreadfully

slow. He saw something unidentifiable flicker across her face, but he

slung the bag over his shoulder anyways. He took a step away from the

table and then another.

Three...Two…One…A half...A quarter… An eighth…Dammit, why wasn't she

running after him?

He continued to walk towards the doors of the library and paused in

front of them. He cast a discreet glance over his shoulder. No witch with

coffee colored curls was running after him. He slipped through the

library doors and sighed in disappointment. He had blown it. Now he had

to find out a different way to get her to learn the dark arts, otherwise

deal with the wrath of his father. And in typical Slytherin fashion, he'd

rather sacrifice another's soul than be Crucioed to death.

He was about to turn the corridor, when he felt a soft hand grab his arm.

Hadrian smiled and turned around, only to be met with icy blue eyes

instead of chocolate brown ones. His smile fell. "Daphne."

She frowned, "Nice to see you too."

He ran a hand through his hair, "Sorry Daphne. I was just expecting

someone els-"

"Hadrian? Oh thank goodness, there you are." Hermione called out,

running over to catch up with him. Hadrian tried to hide the bright smile

that appeared on his face, but it was proving to be very difficult. She had

clearly run all the way over here.

Hermione was panting and her face was flushed red. She bent down and

held out a hand for him to wait while she caught her breath. Hadrian

stifled a laugh.

"A little out of shape, aren't you dear?" He mocked.

Hermione scowled, "Are you calling me fat? We can't all be solid

quidditch players like you." She grinned to let him know she was joking.

Suddenly she pointed to his bag, "I think you have something of mine."

Daphne cleared her throat, and looked between the two. Hermione's eyes

widened. "Oh Daphne! I didn't see you there! How are you?" She


"Just peachy." She responded, crossing her arms. "So what's going on? I'm


Hadrian gestured to the book in his bag, "Are you referring to this book,

perhaps Miss. Granger? I was under the impression that you wanted

nothing to do with it."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Cut the act, Riddle. You know I can see

straight through your poorly veiled manipulations."

Hadrian faked a gasp and placed a hand on his chest, "Oh, how you

wound me with such accusations, Granger."

"Well, if you're unwilling to give me what I want, I suppose I'll just have

to live without it, Mr. Riddle." Her eyes had a wicked gleam and she

turned on her heel, only to be stopped by Hadrian grabbing her hand.

He tugged at her arm with a small amount of force, and the brunette

witch came crashing into his chest.

He leaned down to whisper in her ear, "You can't use my own

manipulations against me, Hermione."

She rolled her eyes but smiled anyways. Her arms went around his waist,

pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. She looked up at him, "Thank you

for the book Hadrian. No one's ever done something like this for me.

Whatever the motivation may be."

Hadrian smiled and released her. "I didn't even give it to you yet."

Her eyes lit up and she held up the book in her hands, smiling slyly. "I

nicked it from you when you manhandled me." She explained upon

seeing his confused look.

He shook his head and laughed, "You are one crazy witch."

She grinned and started to walk back, blowing him a kiss. "Yes, but you

love me anyways."

"I put up with you anyways." He corrected. She simply smirked and

continued to walk along.

"So, what was that?" Daphne asked curiously, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh hello Daphne! I almost forgot you were there!"

"Hadrian, I've been here. The entire time."

"Oh yes."

"Are you going to answer my question?"

"Right. Well, my father gave me a new task this year, and it involves

teaching Hermione the dark arts." Hadrian explained, offering his arm to

Daphne like the gentleman he was.

Daphne linked her arm with his and they began to walk down to the

Great Hall for dinner. "Hadrian…" She trailed off, "You can't force her to

learn the dark arts."

"I'm not forcing her, love. Simply guiding her to her destined path."

Hadrian said cheekily. "Now come on, we're going to be late. I think

they're serving pie tonight for dessert. Special All-Hallows Eve feast and


"Hadrian, just say it. Haa-lo-ween." She said slowly.

He shook his head in defiance. "Never."

Daphne sighed in defeat. At least she tried. Together, they walked

through the large doors, and seated themselves at the Slytherin table.

Hadrian gave a curt nod to Ginerva and Daphne's sister, Astoria. Then he

sat himself down at the table after Daphne. He greeted his friends but his

eyes lingered curiously on the empty place where Neville often sat.

"Where's Longbottom?" He asked curiously, taking a sip of his iced water.

He allowed his gaze to travel to the Ravenclaw table, and he sent a wink

to Hermione who blushed.

"He said he felt sick, so he's trying to sleep it off in the common room."

Blaise explained.

Draco shook his head in disappointment "I told him to go sleep in his

own room, but the oaf refused to move. Obviously, he hasn't learned his

lesson from the time he fell asleep in the common room and Millicent

Bustrode tried to molest him." Draco snickered. "He's just lucky I caught

her before she did anything more than kiss his face."

Blaise shook his head, "What she see's in him, I'm not sure. I'm much

better looking."

"Please. I have all the sixth years fawning over me." Draco scoffed.

"Daphne's a girl, lets ask Daphne." Blaise said, "Daphne, which one of us

is more attractive?"

But the girl's attention was elsewhere. Hadrian followed her gaze to the

end of the table, where Astoria Greengrass was sitting. He was about to

ask Daphne what was wrong, when he noticed something. The redhead

he had slowly grown accustomed to was sitting nearly at the middle of

the Slytherin table, whilst her best friend was all the way at the end.

Hadrian frowned.

"Looks like Ginerva's settling well." He commented neutrally. Daphne tore

her gaze away from her sister and nodded. "Why is Astoria sitting there


"I'm not sure." Daphne muttered. She was about to pierce her fork into a

piece of lettuce, but then she suddenly dropped her fork with a clang

onto her plate. "I told her not to do this."

"Do what?" Blaise questioned, helping himself to a treacle tart.

"Get herself sorted into Slytherin." Daphne whispered, as to not catch any

undesirable attention. "I told her to get sorted into a house the hat

deemed perfect for her."

"I don't understand…you aren't happy that Astoria's in Slytherin?" Draco

asked, confused.

"I am happy." Daphne insisted, "But I'm disappointed in Astoria. She's

taken my family's history of being a Slytherin to heart. I don't think the

hat put her in Slytherin, I think she insisted she be put here."

"Why would she do that?" Hadrian asked curiously.

"She's a scared first year, Hadrian. She was scared of being sorted into,

say Gryffindor, because of what Destiny had to go through. She was

afraid of what people would say, so she demanded she be put in

Slytherin." Daphne explained.

"What house do you think she should've gone into?" Draco enquired.

Daphne's response was mumbled under her breath, and no one caught it.


"I said, 'Hufflepuff'." She confessed, quickly ducking her head down to

avoid the incredulous looks.

"Wow Daphne, I didn't realize you hated Astoria that much." Blaise joked.

"But…she's a Slytherin!" Draco exclaimed. "She's too sly to go into


"Just because she's mischievous doesn't make her a Slytherin." Hadrian

reminded him. "Now that you mention it, I do remember her being the

one that hated it when Draco used to order Dobby the house elf around."

Daphne nodded, "Exactly. She's too nice for Slytherin."

"Well, there's nothing you can do about it now." Blaise said.

"I just feel bad for her since Ginerva's clearly the Princess of her year, at

least for now, and I don't think Astoria is used to the classic Slytherin


"Wait, She-Weasel is Princess already?" Blaise exclaimed, letting his gaze

dart back to the pretty redhead.

"You know what the Princesses are?" Daphne asked, surprise evident on

her face.

"Yeah, apparently my Mum was Queen during her glory days and she told

Destiny all about it. Then Destiny told us."

"Where is Destiny anyways?" Hadrian commented, glancing around the

Great Hall.

"Girl's Restroom." Daphne said, "I was supposed to meet her there in five

minutes, but I'll bet she's already on her way back here by now."

"How do you know? You and Hadrian entered the hall, and then sat here.

When did you speak to Destiny?" Draco looked at her suspiciously.

Daphne laughed, "It's secret girl language. Even if I tell you, you'll never

understand it."

Hadrian smirked, "As long as we don't have to fight a troll again, I'm


Blaise nodded in agreement, "I feel you, mate. That reducto spell I cast to

kill that troll really saved us all!"

Hadrian scoffed, "You defeated the troll? Neville and I defeated it, bloody

wanker! You just screamed like the little girl you truly are!"

"Now Hadrian, according to McGonagall, Blaise's reducto was the cause

of death." Draco chided, a smile on his face.

"I can't believe she bought that." Blaise shook his head. "Even a first year

Slytherin wouldn't believe that I killed a troll with Reduco."

"I don't think she believed us, but she couldn't go around accusing us

without any proof." Daphne reasoned. "After all, you'd have to be dumber

than that troll to believe Blaise took down a troll by himself."


Hogwarts Corridor [October 31; 9:30 pm]

Destiny Lestrange walked alone in the empty corridors, slinking around

the dungeons to return to the Great Hall. Since the nearest loo was on the

first floor, and that particular restroom held terrible memories for her,

she'd been forced to use the one in the dungeons. It was proving to be a

terrible idea, though. The dungeons felt like a bloody arctic tundra and it

was only October! She was about to perform a body warming charm on

herself, but suddenly someone grabbed her arm from behind and dragged

her into a darkened alcove.

Destiny whirled around and immediately pointed her wand between the

person's eyes. The faint glow of a distant torch outlined the person's face,

and Destiny sighed in relief. Then she frowned.

"What the bloody hell was that? Are you trying to kill me?" She

demanded, hands on her hips.

Her attacker smiled charmingly, but Destiny held her stance. "No way.

You do not corner me in a darkened hallway, and expect me to do

anything but kill you!"

"Come on, Destiny. It was supposed to surprise you, you know, catch you

off guard?"

"Think again, genius! I'm a damn Seer! I don't get surprised!"

He scratched the back of his neck. "Well, it was worth a shot. You said

girls liked to be surprised."

She smiled and playfully slapped his head. "You oaf. I didn't mean an

actual, nearly kidnapping surprise. I meant like flowers or chocolate or


"But you hate chocolate." He pointed out.

"My favorite flowers are daisies." She grinned, shyly holding his hand in


"I'll keep that in mind." He smiled. "So, how did you manage to get out of

the hall, without being interrogated by brother dearest?"

Destiny elbowed his stomach. "Hey, be nice."

"I just don't like the fact that we have to sneak around all the time,

Destiny." He admitted, snaking his arm around her shoulders.

"Neville, you know we have to. It's not really safe for anyone to find out.

Besides it's only for another six months or so." Destiny convinced him


"I know." Neville said quietly.

"Quit frowning, you'll get wrinkles." Destiny smirked.

"You sound like my Nana."

"I'm just saying…maybe I don't like wrinkly boys." She grinned.

"Maybe I don't like omniscient girls." He countered.

Destiny pursed her lips, "Touché."

"Come on, they'll be wondering why you've been gone so long." Neville

grinned. "Race you back?"

Destiny stood up on her tiptoes and brushed her lips against his ear. "May

the best one win." She whispered. And then with a quick peck on his

cheek, she broke out into a full sprint.

Neville stood still for a second before running after her, yelling "Hey, that

wasn't fair!"

All he got in response was a tinkling laugh.

Since he was almost a foot taller than her, he quickly caught up to her

and blew a taunting kiss as he passed by her. As they both turned a

corner Neville decided to take pity on his girlfriend and slowed down,

now running backwards.

She huffed angrily and opened her mouth to yell insults at him, no doubt.

But then she stopped abruptly and Neville frowned at the alarmed look

on her face. He paused as well and waited till she walked up to him.

"What's the matter?" He asked worriedly. In response, she pointed to

something behind him. His blood ran cold at the gruesome sight.

His shoes were wet, probably from the thin layer of water that had

flooded the entire floor. Something was hanging off the torch bracket,

and Destiny gasped.

"Is that?" She jumped back, realizing exactly what it was. Neville was

horrified at the sight of Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat hanging from its tail. The

cat looked dead, for she wasn't moving or even blinking.

Something glinting off the wall caught Neville's eyes, and he looked up

slightly. He inhaled sharply and stepped back. The chilling words were

painted in red, was that blood?

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware."

He read aloud in a strangled voice. "Destiny, let's get out of here." He


But it was too late. A gaggle of students entered the corridor, probably

coming from the Feast in the Great Hall. They were conversing with each

other and letting out occasional squeals and chuckles. Suddenly, girl let

out an ear-piercing shriek and Destiny whipped her head around. Then

there were several screams, and one first year even fainted.

Before she could say anything, McGonagall and Dumbledore arrived.

Dumbledore's expression was ashen, and McGonagall's was frozen in fear.

She shook her finger at Destiny and Neville accusingly. "Y-You! What

have you done! How di-What happened?"

Neither Destiny nor Neville answered, they simply stared at the horrible

scene in fear.

A group of five students came lazily around the corner, laughing with

each other and smiling. They were too caught up in their own little world

to notice anything going on, but then the platinum blond haired boy

glanced around and he froze in his spot.

He pointed a shaking finger at the scene before him, causing his friends

to stop as well. Cue gasps of shock.

The tactless, black haired Italian boy turned to his friends and muttered

something that sounded suspiciously like, "At least it's not a troll."

25. Lessons Learned

A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't been able to update in a while! In my

defense, I came across a magical unicorn in the woods and it gave

me a life-or-death quest that would determine the future of all

humanity. Now that I've succeeded and come back home, I can

update! - That excuse sounds much more interesting that " I had

surgery" and "I had writers block". So I'm going to stick with that,

but you guys can think what you want. XD. I hope you enjoy this

chapter, and remember to ask or tell me if you have any questions

or criticisms!

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

"What do we do now?" She whimpered, fearfully glancing over her shoulder.

"We go save her!" He barked, "What choice do we have?"

She put her hands on her hips, "I know that! I meant, what's the plan?"

"We go in there and I'll grab her. Then I'll kill you and tell everyone else that

you tragically died fighting for your best friend. You'll die a hero. Good plan?"

He smirked. He could hear her sputter indignantly and he broke out into a

wide grin, although she couldn't see it.

"That's not funny." She snapped.

"I thought it was." He muttered to himself.

She let out a frustrated groan as she slipped on something slimy and came

crashing down. She took in a deep breath and allowed herself to count to ten

so she wouldn't break into a string of aggravated curses. She stood back up

and dusted the grime off her robes, scowling at the back of his head.

"Why are you acting like this is all my fault?" She huffed, folding her arms.

"Because it is all your fault!" He spat, glaring around at his surroundings as

stumbled through the darkness. There was a disgusting smell in the air, like

rotten flesh. He cursed loudly as his foot collided with a large stone boulder.

"My fault? I'm in this mess because of you!" She defended, angrily pushing her

long hair away from her face as she cautiously walked around the big rocks.

"Well, if you had died just like I had planned, this wouldn't be happening!"

"I'm sorry?" She said, although it came out sounding as more of a question. "I

should've just died like a good little girl." She said sarcastically. "Darn." She

snapped her fingers in mock disappointment.

"This is not the time for your…humor. Is that what you call it?" He sneered.

"Some people find it endearing."

"Well, I do not." He announced. There was a small thump followed by a loud,


"Serves you right." She said haughtily, using her hands to feel her way around.

Her hands ran over something cool like metal. Suddenly she paused and

gasped sharply. "I think we found it."

Hogwarts: Gryffindor Dormitory [November 16th]

Destiny Lestrange groaned audibly as she collapsed back onto her bed,

her face coated in a thin layer of sweat. It had been almost six hours, and

she was still getting nowhere. She had been looking into the future every

five minutes, but every single time, the image faded to black at that

moment. Almost as if the future completely disappeared after that.

Waiting for the future to occur was an awful feeling that required much

patience. Patience that Destiny didn't have. Sighing heavily, she pushed

aside the curtains around her bed and was met with the unpleasant sight

of Lavender Brown gossiping with Parvati Patil. She wrinkled her nose in

distaste. Patil was all right, but Lavender Brown was possibly the most

horrid, vile, little girl she had ever met in her life. Even Parkinson was

better than that cow.

"And then I said to her, 'Go snog a Hufflepuff!'" Lavender laughed

obnoxiously, as if it was the funniest thing in the world. Parvati giggled

also, while Destiny just rolled her eyes.

"Oh, Lav. You are so bad." Parvati grinned, slapping her friend's shoulder


"So bad." Lavender agreed, pulling out a hand mirror and admiring her

less than-appealing (At least Destiny thought so) reflection. She puckered

her lips and applied a sticky coat of bright pink lip-gloss, smacking her

lips together when she was finished. It was then that the Brown bint

looked up from her mirror and saw Destiny.

"Oi, Lestrange. How long have you been spying on us? You can look

honey, but you'll never be one of us." Brown sniffed haughtily.

Like I'd want to be. Destiny plastered a sickly sweet smile on her face, "Oh

Brown, I'd rather kiss Snape than kiss 'that'" She gestured to Lavender's

heavily made up face.

Destiny giggled softly at the outraged expression on Lavender's face. She

floated over to the door and threw it open. "I'd be careful walking outside

tonight, Lavender. It's raining and we wouldn't want your face to melt

off, now would we?" She called from behind her shoulder.

Smiling to herself, Destiny slammed the door shut and sauntered towards

the steps leading down to the horrid common room. It was moderately

large, yes. But the entire room was in shades of red and murky gold,

which Destiny found physically revolting. She was about to descend

down the steps when she heard the hushed voices coming from the large

sofa in front of the fireplace.

"Polyjuice? What's that?"

"Apparently, it can turn you into another person. That's what Percy told


"But how will that help us?"

Destiny gasped quietly and instantly covered her mouth with her hands.

Her eyes widened and she cautiously looked over the railing to see the

Gryffindor trio of boys lounging on the couch. They were playing what

looked to be a game of Wizard Chess, and were barely paying any

attention to their surroundings. It isn't eavesdropping if they speak too loud

Destiny chanted in her head.

"Because then we can find out who the Heir of Slytherin really is!" A

voice argued.

"I don't get it."

"We'll just take some polyjuice and go down to the Slytherin Dungeons

and try to trick Riddle into confessing."

"Alexander, no one will believe us over Riddle."

"Sure they will, I'm the chosen one." He exclaimed pompously, "Besides

he's the heir of Slytherin."

"But we don't even have polyjuice." Dean Thomas reasoned. He rolled his

eyes at the two boys across from him. "And Riddle will see through us in

a minute. He's too smart."

Destiny smirked. At least one of those three wasn't a complete idiot.

"Fine, don't come. But me and Ron are going, yeah?" He looked towards

the ginger currently shoveling a chocolate frog into his mouth. Alexander

Potter grimaced, but waited until Ronald Weasley had finished chewing.

"Yeah. Alexander's dad already sent us some in a flask. Technically,

you're not supposed to- but I think they can make an exception for us."

Ron agreed. He paused, and let out a loud belch. "This will work.

Someone needs to knock Riddle down a peg."

"We should take him down." Alexander Potter decided after a minute had

past in silence. "He's gaining more and more influence by the second. Just

look at the Hufflepuffs. Riddle doesn't even look twice at Hufflepuffs, and

yet they're always staring at him with wide lovey-dovey eyes." He

commented bitterly.

"We should go tonight." Ron announced excitedly. "In fact, let's go right


"Not now." Alexander murmured. "We need to have a plan. We need to

think like the Slytherins do."

"But we're Gryffindors, not Slytherins."

"Obviously. But first we need to create a distraction so we can get the

hairs off of Malfoy and Zabini." Potter plotted, rubbing his hands together

in anticipation.

"I saw Greengrass walking to the library." Ron offered, a malicious smile

appearing on his boyish features.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Alexander asked as an evil gleam

settled into his eyes.

"If you're thinking about what's for breakfast tomorrow, then yes."

"No, you idiot. I was thinking we target Greengrass first. She's asking for

a good hexing."

Dean's eyes widened as he glanced between his two friends. His left eye

twitched. "Are you bigots interested in suicide? You can go after Riddle

and his lackeys, but not his girlfriend. He will kill you!" He whispered

harshly, panicking more by the second.

"Don't be ridiculous, Greengrass isn't his girlfriend." Ron scoffed. "Besides

she needs to be punished."

"What, did she hex you once?" Dean snorted.

There was a moment of awkward silence and Dean groaned. "You can't

go after Greengrass just because she hexed you once."

"She didn't just hex me." Alexander defended.

Ron nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah mate, she turned him pink for a

whole two days! And she also set his charms homework on fire!"

"But you never actually did your charms homework?" Dean pointed out.

"So why does it matter? You can't curse a girl!"

"Relax Thomas. We aren't cursing her." Alexander paused as a steely look

came into his brown eyes, "We're simply teaching her a lesson."

"I still think this is a bad idea." Dean Thomas muttered, watching Potter

get up from his spot on the sofa.

Destiny smirked from her hidden position above. It was a very bad idea


Hogwarts Library [November 16th]

Daphne Greengrass crossed and uncrossed her long legs underneath the

rich-grained mahogany table. She twirled her quill around in her fingers,

ignoring the ticklish feeling she got from the feather. Her back ached

from uncomfortably hunching over the stack of books and parchment

lying neatly in front of her.

The curly haired witch in front of her was in a position mirroring hers,

but unlike Daphne, she seemed to enjoy the numbing feeling one got

from hours of writing essays. Daphne glared openly at the girl across

from her. They had been at it for hours, yet the Ravenclaw showed no

signs of stopping. Daphne only got a break when it was time for dinner

and when she came back to drag Hermione away, the opposite had

happened. Hermione ended up forcing Daphne to sit back down and

finish her essay. No, Daphne thought, something had to be done about this.

As if she had heard her thoughts, Hermione glanced up from her work

and gave Daphne a disapproving look. She cleared her throat and spoke

in her bossiest voice, "No. This essay is due next week and we need to get


"Started?" Daphne repeated incredulously, "We've nearly finished! We've

been working on this all day!"

"Nearly doesn't mean complete." Hermione tsked.

"But why?" Daphne asked, although it came out sounding more like a

desperate whine.

"Because schoolwork comes first." Hermione announced with finality,

turning her attention back to the neglected parchment.

Daphne sighed and looked sadly out the window. The weather outside

seemed to reflect her depressed mood quite well. It was dark outside, and

the slight pitter-patter of raindrops could be heard against the glass.

They had been in this bloody library all day! In the afternoon, the boys

had left for quidditch tryouts. Neville had gone off to work on an extra-

credit potions project. Even Destiny was busy looking forward into the

future for any imminent threats.

With her options of company quickly dwindling, Daphne had reluctantly

tagged along with Hermione for the day; A decision that was proving to

be quite unwise. Daphne had suggested they spend their free afternoon at

their secluded spot in the library, catching up. But she had overlooked

the fact that the library held several enchanting books. And anytime

there were books involved, it compelled the bright witch in front of her

to start on schoolwork.

Many times Daphne had tried to steer the conversation away from the

latest potions assignment, but it was to no avail. The girl had a one-track

mind! Daphne was about to attempt to change the subject once more, but

the sound of Hermione getting up from her chair caused her to look up.

"I'm going to find another book." She announced. Suddenly her eyes

narrowed and she looked at Daphne distrustfully. "Don't even think of

moving until you finish your part of the essay. I want an O on this paper.

And then we can get out of here before curfew. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am." Daphne muttered sarcastically. She waited until Hermione

was out of sight before happily pushing away her chair and standing up.

She paused another two seconds, just in case Hermione came barreling

back to scold her, but when she didn't, Daphne smiled and happily

skipped out the doors of the library.

She was already grinning widely, relishing her newfound freedom. She

quickened her pace, wanting to get back to her friends in the common


"Well, well, well. Look who it is."

Daphne froze in her tracks, her hands quickly reaching inside her robes

for her wand. She knew that voice. She plastered a clearly fake sugar-

sweet smile on her face and turned around, her eyes flashing


"Potter. How unfortunate that I run into you." She spoke in a cool voice,

intimidatingly staring the chubby boy down. Alexander's nefarious grin

faltered as he looked disbelievingly at Daphne, a trickle of doubt

clouding his mind.

He shook his head and stepped closer to Daphne. "Yes. How unfortunate

for you."

She instinctively took another step back and glanced casually around her

surroundings, cursing the fact that the corridors were nearly deserted due

to the nearing curfew time.

He seemed to notice her discomfort and he took out his wand looking

highly pleased. "Oh no one's coming to save you, Greengrass. And even if

someone stumbles upon this, no one will dare to interrupt the Savior

simply teaching a lesson."

Daphne stared at the self-righteousness and egotism that was Alexander

Potter and burst out laughing. His expression quickly turned red with

embarrassment and anger.

"Stop laughing at me, I'm trying to hex you!" He shouted, trying to block

out her condescending snickers.

This only made Daphne laugh harder. She pushed her golden hair out of

her eyes and gave him a bemused look. "Are you trying to curse me or

make me laugh?" She taunted, clutching her wand tightly behind her


He scowled and whipped out his wand, dangerously pointing it at her.

"I'd shut up if I were you." He warned, his hand shaking.

"Or what?" She sneered, putting a hand on her hip. "You'll kill me with a

tickling hex?" She raised an eyebrow challengingly.

"That's it, you slimy Slytherin bint!" Alexander Potter exclaimed. He

shouted a spell and Daphne waved her wand, deflecting the hex easily.

She smirked, "Try harder."

He growled under his breath, "Flipendo!"

A small, invisible force pushed Daphne down onto the stone cold floor

and her back hit the ground with a loud thump. She grumbled but stood

back up, glaring at the lump of stupid in front of her. "You've been

practicing, Potter." She said loudly, fighting back the wicked grin that

threatened to break out on her face.

"Anything to destroy you and your little posse." He barked.

"What's going on?" A weak voice called out. Both Daphne and Alexander

turned to see a meekly crowd of first years gathered around them. They

were watching the two with wide eyes and Daphne turned her icy gaze to

them. They cowered and looked down, causing Daphne's eyes to soften.

"Have any of you seen a duel?" She asked, her pink lips twisting into a

thin smile. She didn't wait for an answer as she turned back to Alexander.

"Well, do your worst, Potter." She goaded.

"Incarcerous!" He shouted, his eyes ablaze with grim determination.

Daphne snickered as a measly shoelace-like rope twisted around her

body. There were a couple laughs from the horde of people now

watching. Daphne made a big show of stepping out of the ropes and

moving her hands in a "taa-dah!" motion.

Alexander Potter snarled, "Locomotor Wibbly!"

A jet of purplish light shot towards Daphne, who casually stepped aside.

Alexander cast the spell again, and this time it hit Daphne's knees. Her

legs wobbled for a second before she collapsed onto the floor. She looked

up and shot Alexander a venomous glare. "A jelly-legs hex, Potter? That's


"I knew you'd be on your knees, begging me for forgiveness someday. I

just didn't realize it would be so soon." He spat, looking down at her.

Meanwhile in the quickly growing crowd, Hadrian leaned coolly against

the wall, watching the duel with an indifferent gaze. Draco Malfoy

frantically tapped his shoulder, and Hadrian raised an eyebrow in

question at the blond next to him.

"Hadrian, don't you think we should do something?" Draco hissed under

his breath, pointing to the duel.

Hadrian shrugged noncommittally and resumed watching the duel. Draco

glanced worriedly at one of his best friends constantly getting hit by a

stinging hex.

Even Blaise looked concerned. "Yeah, mate. Maybe we should help." He


Draco didn't wait for an answer; instead he dragged Hadrian towards the

front of the spectators, despite Hadrian's firm stance. Hadrian sighed

heavily and folded his arms, looking on with disinterest.

"Aberrabis." Alexander Potter shouted, and with a wave of palpable force,

Daphne was slammed into the wall behind her. She groaned loudly and

slumped down, looking extremely worn out as she stood back up.

Draco winced and glanced at Hadrian. Hadrian barely registered the

offensive attack, but Draco was sure he saw him flinch and a flicker of

concern in his otherwise apathetic green eyes.

"If you aren't stopping this, then I will!" Draco muttered, stepping

towards Daphne. Suddenly Hadrian grabbed his arm and pushed him

back. He gave Draco a warning look. "No." He said evenly, and a chill

went up Draco's spine. Draco reluctantly stopped in his tracks and

glanced worriedly at Daphne.

Daphne stood up, and stared hatefully at the triumphant expression on

Alexander's face. She felt someone's burning gaze on her, and she turned

to meet Hadrian's eyes. She wasn't exactly sure when he got here, but she

gave him a discreet reassuring look. To anyone else, nothing in Hadrian's

demeanor would've changed. But Daphne saw the nearly unnoticeable

nod he gave her.

She smiled widely and turned to Alexander. "Potter, I've been dealing

with your idiocy for almost thirty minutes now." She stepped closer to

him, wordlessly casting a sticking spell. Daphne waved her wand and a

strong set of ropes wrapped around his form.

She circled around him at a dreadfully slow pace, enjoying the way his

eyes widened with panic. "Now what did I tell you would happen if you

tried anything?"

"I-I can't seem to recall anything." He muttered, attempting to squirm out

of the ropes. Daphne's eyes narrowed and in a split second she pressed

her wand against his throat in a threatening manner.

"You said you'd make sure I'd never be able to curse you again." He

mumbled, trying to step away, but then paling once he realized he was

frozen in his spot.

"Exactly." She murmured, pushing her wand deeper into his throat. He

must've looked absolutely terrified, because Daphne tossed her head back

and laughed.

"Relax, you stupid Gryffindor. I'm not going to kill you." She smirked. "I'm

just going to give you a constant reminder to never mess with me again."

"Furnunculus!" She shouted, waving her wand in a complicated manner.

Instantly, Alexander began to sprout several painful looking, bulging red

boils all over his body. He gasped at the sudden pain and Daphne stepped


"This one's just for fun. Slugulus Eructo!" She grinned, pointing her wand

at Potter.

A bright jet of green light it him, and the halls were silent. Suddenly, a

rumbling sound came from Alexander Potter and he groaned as a

disgusting slimly slug spewed out of his mouth.

"What is going on here? Miss. Greengrass? Mr. Potter?" Snape drawled,

stepping through the throng of students. He quickly muttered a silent

"Finite Incitatum."

"Greengrass and Potter were dueling, Sir." A Ravenclaw shouted.

"Were they now? And after curfew as well?" Snape sneered. "Five points

from every house present." He surveyed the barely scratched Daphne and

then the pimpled, vomiting Potter boy. His expression turned distasteful.

"Ten points from Gryffindor for improper conduct in the corridors."

"But sir, it's not his fault he's throwing up!"

"I don't permit bodily fluids sullying my corridors." He pointed to Ronald

Weasley, who was fearfully watching his best friend from the sidelines.

"Take him to the Hospital Wing before he cries. And when he comes

back, tell him he has detention for the next week with me."

The redhead nodded and quickly scurried past Hadrian and his friends.

Draco and Blaise winced as something tugged on their hair, but they

ignored it and turned their attention back to the scene before them.

"Miss. Greengrass, are you alright?" Snape muttered, scanning her for any


"I'm fine, Professor."

"Good, then you can join Mr. Potter in detention for tomorrow. And

please refrain from dueling in the corridors next time." Under his breath,

he muttered, "Or at least don't get caught."

She nodded reluctantly, and glanced at her friends. "Can I go now


"I suppose."

She beamed brightly and sauntered over to her friends. Draco looked

very concerned as she stood in front of them. "Are you crazy? Dueling in

the halls? What's gotten into you?" He whispered harshly.

Blaise shrugged, "I thought he deserved it."

"Thank you, Blaise." She smiled. "Besides, Potter started it. He started

spewing some crap about how I will pay someday and how he's going to

teach me a lesson. He actually had the nerve to say that one day I would

be on my knees begging for his forgiveness!" Daphne hissed.

Hadrian raised an eyebrow. "He actually said that?"

Daphne nodded. Hadrian didn't say anything else as he stood there.

"Shall we go?" Daphne suggested.

"Blaise and I are going to go find Longbottom before Filch does. Lord

knows where he went." Draco explained. "Don't get into any more duels."

He warned.

Hadrian offered her a hand and she smiled. They silently walked together

back to the Slytherin dorms. Hadrian muttered the password and the wall

slid open. When they stepped inside, they discovered the common room

was empty.

Daphne yawned and leaned her head against Hadrian's shoulder. "What

time is it?"

"I'd say around ten." Hadrian murmured, pulling Daphne towards the


"I wonder why no one is up here?" She wondered out loud. It was very

uncommon for any Slytherin to go to sleep before eleven. And yet, not a

single soul was awake.

"I suppose it is strange." Hadrian agreed. "Are you okay?" He asked, when

they were seated on the plushy cushions.

"I'm fine, Hadrian."

"Why did you let yourself be pushed around for so long?" He questioned.

"I couldn't reveal all my secrets at the beginning, could I?" Daphne said


"Were you trying to be underestimated?"

"Of course." She grinned. "Being underestimated is one of the biggest

advantages you can have in a duel."

There was a hint of a smile on his lips as he shook his head. "How very

Slytherin of you."

"I know." She laughed, playing with a silky lock of her hair. She paused

and looked up at Hadrian's face. "How long do you think it'll take for

Potter to get the message that we are not to be messed with?"

"I don't think he'll ever understand. He's too thick." Hadrian smirked. He

saw Daphne yawn again, and turned to get up. "Daphne, you're tired. You

should get some sleep. Come on, I'll walk you down."

She was too tired to argue, and so she took Hadrian's hand without

protest. He helped her down the steps, ignoring her insistence that she

was perfectly capable of walking. They stopped by Daphne's door, and

Daphne softly pushed open the door, making sure she didn't accidentally

wake anyone up.

She turned back to Hadrian and smiled. "Thanks for walking me down,


He smiled as well, and there was a moment of silence. They stared at

each other for what seemed like a very long time, before Hadrian cleared

his throat. "Er- I should probably check whether those three made it back


"Hadrian, wait."

He turned around and Daphne stepped closer to him. She stood up on her

tiptoes, and leaned closer, until she was hesitantly pressing her soft lips

to his.

Hadrian's eyes widened and he before he could even register anything

she quickly stepped away. Her face was flushed with embarrassment and

she was looking down at her feet. "Uh. I'm sorry, Hadrian!" She mumbled,

backing into her room. "I-I should go. Bye!"

She hurriedly shut the door, and Hadrian stared dumbly at the black

wooden door. He wasn't sure what had just happened…but he wanted

her to do it again. He touched his lips and a smile spread across his face.

His mood had just improved significantly.

He contemplated knocking on her door again, but then decided to give

her some time think. Maybe it was a spur of the moment thing? He began

walking back up the steps, and a knot settled in his stomach. What if she

didn't want to be more than friends?

He shook his head at his thoughts and turned his attention back to the

common room doors. He would speak to Daphne tomorrow. Right now,

he needed to focus on other pressing matters.

Almost as if on cue, the door to the common room slid open, and Draco

and Blaise stepped inside. Hadrian raised an eyebrow, "Where's


"Neville?" Blaise asked, looking slightly nervous. "Er-"

"Weren't you supposed to fetch him?" Hadrian rolled his eyes. He

gestured to the seats in front of him. "Well, sit down."

They hastily walked over to the couch and threw themselves onto it.

They both stared expectantly at Hadrian. "Well, what did you find?"

"Find?" Blaise asked, looking at Hadrian curiously.

"You were supposed to catch the Heir in action!" Hadrian hissed angrily,

pressing a hand to his temples.

"You mean you aren't the Heir?" Draco asked dumbly.

"Obviously not! I already told you this!" Hadrian groaned. "You two are


"Why are we finding the Heir again?" Draco asked.

"You idiots. I need to tell the Heir to go after Potter or Weasley next."

Hadrian smirked.

"Are you serious?" Blaise asked anxiously, shooting Draco a worried


"No, you twit." Hadrian snapped. "What I want to do with the Heir once

we find him is my business. Your job is to find him."

"Sorry. We'll look tomorrow." Draco quickly said.

"You'd better." Hadrian hissed. "Blaise, go find Longbottom. I need to talk

to Draco, alone."

"Alone?" Repeated Blaise. Hadrian just shot him an expectant look and

Blaise hesitantly stood up from his spot.

"Go!" Hadrian scowled, pointing towards the door. Blaise slowly trudged

over to the door, and with one last panicked look, he left the room.

"So, what did you need to talk to me about Rid-Hadrian?" Draco

questioned, nervously pulling at his tie.

Hadrian shrugged and picked up his wand, noticing Draco flinch

significantly. Hadrian muttered a silencing charm and smiled at the

panicked look on Draco's face.

"What are you doing?" He asked, inching towards the edge of the sofa.

"Casting a silencing charm."


"I have a question for you first." Hadrian said, sitting down in the sofa

across from Draco. "Do tell me Potter, how did it feel throwing up slugs

for over ten minutes?"

Draco sputtered, and he ran a hand through his platinum blond hair.

"Wh-Er-Why are you calling me Potter?" He laughed nervously. "I'm


"No. You're not. Now I could just sit and wait till your polyjuice potion

wears off, or you could accept that you're Potter and we can get on to the

next topic on our agenda." Hadrian smirked.

Potter didn't respond, and Hadrian took it as acceptance. "Alright Potter.

We both know why you came down here. You wanted to prove that I was

the culprit behind this Chamber of Secrets debacle, eh?" He paused and

watched, as Alexander's eyes grew more and more frightened by the


"Relax, I don't care about that. But Potter, you've wronged me today. And

because of that you will suffer."

"But I haven't done anything to you!" He squeaked, eyes darting towards

the exit.

"Don't bother, you won't be able to leave till I'm done with you. And I've

also cast silencing charms. No one will be able to hear your screams."

Hadrian waved his hand indifferently.

Hadrian tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Now what was it you said to

Daphne?" He paused and his features hardened. "Oh right. You said 'She

will pay someday and you're going to teach her a lesson.' And I almost

forgot! Didn't you also say that 'She'd be on her knees, begging you for

forgiveness someday'?"

Potter shook his head desperately, "I didn't! I didn't mean to say those


Hadrian scoffed. "Don't lie, Potter. It doesn't suit you." He paused.

"Besides, I didn't keep you here to just talk to you. I'm going to make sure

you never go near her again. Never."

"I promise! I promise I won't even look at her!" Potter whimpered

pathetically. Hadrian smiled as the platinum blonde hair started to turn

back into brown and the robes began to tighten over Potter's surplus

flesh. In a couple seconds, Alexander Potter was sitting in front of him.

"Not good enough, Potter." Hadrian muttered. "And now that you've

turned back into your filthy self, I can proceed to make sure you learn

your lesson." He silently cast a bit of dark magic and pushed it towards


Alexander looked fearfully at the black haze coming towards him, and

tried to get up, but he discovered he was frozen in place. "What's that?"

He asked.

"You'll see."

It took about a minute, but the haze came into contact with Alexander's

skin and he screamed. He clawed at his skin, anywhere to get the

horrible pain away from him. The haze wrapped itself around Alexander,

and he gasped, an immeasurable amount of agony shooting up through

his veins.

"Make it stop. Make it stop." He pleaded.

"No. Praecisus!" Hadrian muttered. He had heard his father once cast it,

but he'd never discovered what the spell actually did. A bright yellow jet

of light made its way toward Alexander Potter and he let out a

bloodcurdling scream.

It sounded like a girl. Hadrian snickered. He watched curiously as

Alexander began to twitch violently and a trickle of blackish blood began

to drip out of his nose.

Sighing, Hadrian quickly stopped the spell and watched Alexander begin

to calm down, and the blood from his nose stopped. He opened his eyes

and glared at Hadrian, panting furiously. "Who are you? The Dark Lord?"

Hadrian sneered. "No, I'm worse." And before Alexander could react, he

slammed his fist into the boy's face with a sickening crunch. Alexander

cursed aloud as he grasped his nose in pain, ignoring the now steady flow

of blood that began to flow from his nose.

Hadrian towered over the crouching boy and looked at him murderously.

"Don't touch her. Don't go near her. Don't look at her. Don't even think

about her. Understand, you worthless piece of shit?" He hissed.

Alexander Potter nodded, looking anywhere but the soulless cracked

emerald eyes of Hadrian Riddle. He whimpered in excruciating,

paralyzing pain.


Alexander didn't need to be told twice, and he attempted to get up but

found he was unable to. He reached to pull himself up onto his knees and

looked up at Hadrian pleadingly.

Hadrian seemed to realize the boy's dilemma and smirked. "Beg."

His eyes widened and he shook his head, wincing as the action caused

him an immense amount of torture. "No. I won't beg." He rasped. "I'll tell

everyone what you did. You can't lie your way out of this, Riddle. People

will wonder why their Savior is in this condition, and I'll point my finger

to you. You'll be expelled, killed maybe."

Hadrian shrugged and kicked Alexander's stomach, causing him to clutch

his stomach and howl. "You'll only get to tell the world if you get out of

here, Potter."

Alexander scowled hatefully and finally realized he had no choice.

"Please." He gritted out. "Please help me get up. I beg you."

Hadrian smiled. "That wasn't so hard, was it? As for your request, I'll

have to deny it."

"But, I begged!" Alexander protested weakly.

"And I don't care. Find your own way out of here, or sit here and rot. I.

Don't. Care." Hadrian stressed each word.

Alexander Potter hissed under his breath and began to crawl pathetically

towards the exit to the common room.

"Get up, Potter. You're dribbling blood all over the fine marble." Hadrian

called out cruelly.

Alexander was about to reply with a hateful comment, but then he

paused and tried to pull himself up. With an immense amount of effort,

he found himself on his feet. He took a cautious step forward, and after

making sure he wouldn't fall, he turned back to Hadrian.

"You will regret this, I'll tell everyone!" Alexander Potter called out as he

leaned against the Slytherin's door.

"What will you tell them, Potter? How you snuck into the Slytherin

dorms after curfew? How you said such cruel things to an innocent,

wonderful girl? How you polyjuiced yourself into one of my best friends?

In case you don't know, polyjuice is illegal, unless any of the Aurors use it

for investigation purposes. Not only will you get yourself into trouble,

you'll also get that pathetic father of yours into trouble. Will you also tell

them how you attempted to trick me into confessing I was the Heir of

Slytherin?" Hadrian smirked. "What will you tell them, Potter?" He


Alexander's face whitened as he realized the disastrous situation he was

in. If he told anyone about Riddle, then he himself would be ruined as


"Glad you finally realized the consequences of the terrible plan you've

created." Hadrian grinned. "Now scurry off, so I can get some sleep


Alexander Potter pointed an accusing finger at Hadrian. "You're a

monster." He turned around and quietly slipped through the doors,

carefully protecting his nose from further harm.

Hadrian smiled, very pleased with himself. He pointed to the blood on

the floor and muttered a quick scourgify. Hadrian started to walk down

towards the black marbled steps, but paused as he heard the sound of

someone clapping.

He whipped his neck around to see a figure coming out from the side of

the bookshelf. His eyes narrowed at her long red hair and her sparkling

brown eyes.

"Ginerva. " He addressed icily. "How much did you see?" He asked


"Enough." She answered flippantly, settling herself onto a couch and

tossing the book she was carrying onto the coffee table. She patted the

spot next to her and smiled. "Come sit."

He ignored her and stared at her expectantly. She grinned and tossed her

hair back. "That was quite an impressive show, Hadrian."

"And?" He raised an eyebrow. "Now tell me, what is it you want in order

to keep your mouth shut?"

"How do you know I won't tell?" She asked challengingly. "That was a

dangerous bit of dark magic."

"You won't." He said confidently, folding his arms.

Ginerva shrugged. "You're right. I won't. But, I want something in return."

"As I suspected."

"You tell no one that you saw me here. Understand? If anyone asks, I've

been in my room all night."


"Agreeing so quickly? How very un-Slytherin of you."

"I can easily back out. Would you like me to sit and think about it?" He

asked sarcastically.

She grinned and shook her head, prancing over to the staircase. He shook

his head and followed after her shortly.

"Oh, Ginerva?" He called out, tapping her shoulder. She turned around.

"You left this." He murmured, pressing the black leather book into her


She paled and glanced up at Hadrian distrustfully. "Not. A. Word." She


He smiled and pressed a finger to his lips.

26. Accidents

A/N: I am so excited. It has been EXACTLY A YEAR since I posted

this story and couldn't be happier! Everyone is so supportive and I

love reading your reviews and using some of your suggestions. You

guys are great! I cannot believe how much this story has grown and

also how much I have changed as a writer. It may seem subtle, but I

can tell that writing this story has definitely made me a better

writer! I'd like to thank every reader and I love you all and I feel

like I'm giving an Oscar speech even though I'm not so this is

awkward. Well anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll keep

updating as long as I get new ideas! Have fun reading!

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Hogwarts' Grounds [December 6th]

Hadrian leaned against the stone pillar, narrowing his eyes as he saw the

blonde girl dance around Destiny, smiling and playfully throwing a

snowball at his sister. Daphne's long hair cascaded down her back in

perfectly shaped golden ringlets that bounced as she laughed. She

couldn't see him, which was probably the reason she hadn't bolted yet.

He wasn't sure why, but Daphne was avoiding him. And doing quite an

impressive job at that. They had the same schedule, they had the same

friends, and they even lived right next to each other for Merlin's sake! But

somehow, the girl had managed to avoid any contact with him for the

past two weeks. He just didn't understand.

He wasn't sure what he did wrong to drive her away. They always used to

partner together in Transfiguration, but now she would go off and

happily partner with Pansy Parkinson. Parkinson. Hadrian grimaced.

Daphne hated Parkinson. And yet she chose her over him? Something

definitely was wrong.

He supposed it had something to do with their kiss. He had tried to talk

to her about it, but she would just change the topic (rather desperately)

or simply leave the room. He wasn't quite sure where to go from there, so

he decided to seek answers elsewhere:

"Astoria, do you know why Daphne is avoiding me?" He asked casually,

standing outside her door. She glanced at him curiously and shook her head,

rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"Why would I know?" She managed to mutter, not bothering to close the door

as she flung herself back into her sheets.

Astoria had proven to be completely useless, so he had tried asking


"Blaise, do you know why Daphne's avoiding us?" He questioned, looking

around the people in the common room.

"Avoiding us? She's not avoiding me. Sorry mate, I think it's just you." Blaise

replied. "Can we go to breakfast now? I'm hungry."

After asking Blaise, Hadrian tried asking his sister. He groaned for not

thinking of it in the first place. She was a damn Seer!

"Destiny, where's Daphne?" He asked, trying to distract his sister from the

herbology essay she was frantically trying to finish before her first class.

"I'm not sure. I think she's in Moaning Myrtle's restroom." She shrugged

noncommittally, turning back to her paper.

In his defense, he only asked Myrtle because he was desperate.

"Myrtle, have you seen Daphne?" He asked, shielding his eyes and cautiously

stepping inside the deserted loo. There was a muffled scream as a first year

scurried outside of the bathroom, glaring at Hadrian angrily.

Myrtle floated towards him and tilted her translucent head back in thought.

She tapped her chin. "Is she tall?"

He nodded.

"Does she have long, golden coloured hair?"

He nodded once again.

"Is she really pretty?"

He smiled and nodded.

Myrtle cackled and flew back into the last stall, "Haven't seen her." She called


He decided he did not like that ghost. He didn't like her one bit. He was

about to give up when one day he went to potions class, and an idea

came to mind. At the time it seemed like a foolproof plan, but looking

back at it now, he realized he was being quite ridiculous.

"Professor Snape, why is Daphne avoiding me?" He asked after the class was


The hook nosed professor stared at him with a blank look on his face before

the expression turned to one of contempt. "And why, Mr. Riddle, would I

lower myself to care about your petty problems? Do I look like a bloody


"But Severus-" He began.

"It's Professor Snape. How many times do I have to tell you this, Riddle."

"Ahem." He cleared his throat.

Snape's eyes darted around and he gritted his teeth before hissing, "My

sincerest apologies. Young Lord."

"That's better. Now tell me what you know."

Snape rolled his eyes as he organized the stack of papers on his desk. "It seems

to me that she's avoiding you because you've done something to upset her." He

drawled, shutting a drawer.

"But I haven't done anything!"

"Mr. Riddle, if I understood women, then I wouldn't be working as a potions

professor, now would I? I'd probably be making billions of galleons sitting at

home and dealing with dunderheads like you." He put his hands on his desk

and glared at Hadrian. "Alas I do not, and I cannot seem to muster up the

concern to care in the slightest. I suggest you simply wait. Now kindly get out

of my office and come back when you have a real problem."

"What am I supposed to do in the meantime?" He wondered aloud.

"Read a book, assuming you know how to read. Throw around a quaffle. Go

torture Potter. It doesn't matter." Snape shrugged dispassionately, marking

another T on a fifth year essay with his brand new quill.

"I already did torture Potter!" Hadrian huffed, throwing open the door to


Snape dropped the quill in his hands in shock. "Excuse me? You already did?

Riddle come back here for a moment. Your father will have a fit if you get

caught using dark arts on the Potter brat. Don't dismiss me, boy. Get back

here! Don't you dare silencio me-"

In hindsight, asking Snape probably hadn't been the best idea. As Hadrian

stood watching one of his best friends (in a completely un-stalkerish way

of course) he realized that Daphne not speaking to him affected him more

than it should.

He tried to ignore the thought and turned to go inside and walk towards

the Slytherin Dormitory to collect his Quidditch gear for the match that

would be starting soon. The dungeons were nearly empty, since many

Slytherins had already started studying for exams. There was no sight of

his friends anywhere and Hadrian assumed they must've already left for

the quidditch pitch.

Hadrian was about to enter the common room, when he felt a small hand

grab his arm and turn him around. Hadrian raised an eyebrow as he

stared curiously at the curly haired Ravenclaw in front of him. "To what

do I owe this pleasure, Granger?" He drawled, studying his nails


Hermione put a finger to her lips and motioned for him to follow as she

stepped into a darkened alcove. Hadrian shrugged and decided to humor

her and her strange behavior.

"So? What is it?" He asked. "What was so secret that you couldn't tell me

in an already deserted dungeon?"

"I don't appreciate your tone, Hadrian." Granger wrinkled her nose as if

she had caught a whiff of something unpleasant. "But I'll let it go for


"I feel so lucky." He smirked. She glared at him and Hadrian smiled.

"What?" He asked, plastering an innocent look onto his face.

"What?" She mimicked in a ridiculously low voice that sounded nothing

like him. She turned and pulled out the book he had given her a while

ago and thrust it into his arms. "Why did you give it to me?"

"Well I thought you would like it, considering it would help you with

Runes next ye-"

"No. I want the real reason and don't try lying to me again. This book is

dark magic, and I know it because…." She trailed off and her dark eyes

darted around nervously. She licked her chapped lips and whispered, "I

can feel it."

"It's just a book, Hermione." He waved his hand carelessly, "Calm down."

"You don't understand! I finished the book a couple days ago and I tried

to practice one of the easier runes and I-"

"Hermione, you can't practice this kind of magic unsupervised! Its not

safe!" He scolded.

"I know!" She wailed melodramatically. "But even knowing that I cast a

spell and it worked perfectly. So then I was naturally curious-"

"Naturally." Hadrian cut in, rolling his eyes.

"Yes. So then I tried to learn more from another book, but none of my

spells worked! They only work when I follow the directions from the

book you gave me!" She rambled.

"Er- Congratulations?"

"There's something else too. Every time I'm around that book, I literally

feel compelled to read it."

"You say that about all books, Hermione." Hadrian pointed out. But of

course she felt compelled to read it. He had put the spell on it himself.

She sucked in a deep breath and looked at Hadrian so intensely that he

took a hesitant step back. "I need you to tell me, why. Why is that one

the only book that works? Is it dark magic? Am I using dark magic? Don't

lie to me."

Hadrian managed to keep his neutral look as he smiled and shook his

head. "It's written by a well known Dark-Arts author, but it isn't dark

magic." He lied.

Hermione studied him for a minute before pointing a finger at him

accusingly. "You. Are. Lying."

"Hermione, love. Relax. Listen to me. This book is not dark magic." He

tried to reassure her.

"Hadrian I swear to Meriln, you better tell me the truth right now or I


"The content of the book doesn't make it dark magic." He blurted out,

cutting off what was sure to have been a long tirade. He took a deep

breath and sighed, looking at her tiredly. "You really don't understand the

difference between light and dark magic, do you?"

She opened her mouth to protest, but Hadrian shook his head. "No. You

don't. There's only one difference between light and dark magic and that

is intention." He looked at the confused look on her face and gave her a

half smile.

"Look at it this way," He shot a spell at the decorative mirror that was

hanging above their heads and watched as it shattered into pieces. He

looked at her expectantly. "Now help me put it back together."

She rolled her eyes but summoned the pieces towards her and she waved

her wand over them, creating a smooth sheet of reflective glass. Hadrian

nodded in approval. "That's good enough." He tapped his wand onto the

mirror and caused it to fall back apart.

Before Hermione could even blink, he muttered the same summoning

charm and pushed the shards of glass towards Hermione. She let out a

small scream and raised her arm to block her face, but the piercing

feeling never came. She hesitantly lowered her arms and was shocked to

see the shards of glass circling around her, but never touching her. With

a wave of Hadrian's hand, they fell into a circle at her feet.

"Do you see? It was a simple Accio spell, but look how easily it turned

dangerous when my intent changed?" He explained, watching her for any

sign of a reaction.

Hermione tilted her head and hesitantly nodded, an unreadable look

coming into her chocolaty eyes. Suddenly her face turned into a bright

shade of red and her eyes widened in alarm.

"Hadrian!" She slapped the side of his head. "I can't believe you were

aiming glass at my face! How dare you!"

He shrugged, unconcerned. "It was the only way for you to understand."

"If sure there were plenty of other ways that you could've convinced me."

She pointed out.

"Sure there were. But this one was rather enjoyable." He grinned


Hermione shook her head in disbelief. "I still don't wholeheartedly

approve of this…"

"But…" Hadrian interjected looking at her expectantly.

"But…I think I can live with it. Now do tell me, Mr. Riddle. Do you have

any other exciting works of literature for me to read?" She grinned,

putting air quotes around the word 'literature'.

Hadrian stared at her. "No. Don't do that."


"Quit putting quotes around 'Literature'" He said, folding his arms. "It's

just a book."

"Yes, but it's a forbidden book so…'literature'" She did it again.

"It's just a book."

"Fine. You're no fun. Now do you have anything or not?"

"As a matter in fact, I do have something, but it isn't a book."

"What is it then?" She asked, looking deflated.

"Trust me, you'll like this." He said as he pulled out the opaque vial out of

his bag. Hermione reached for it, but Hadrian yanked it away from her

grasp. "Do you know what this is?"

"No. But I want to. Give it to me."

"Calm down, darling. I have to warn you though, you might not like it."

"Then quit dancing around and tell me Hadrian." She snapped, her eyes

still on the vial.

"You are aware what a boggart does, correct?" He waited for her to nod

before continuing. "This is a potion that does the exact same thing.

Except it causes you face your greatest fears one by one, and I can assure

you, that can be quite terrifying."

"Did yo-Did you take it?" Hermione asked curiously. He nodded and her

face turned to one of confusion. "I don't understand. Why would you ever

take something like this?"

"It forces you to learn and face your fears and makes you stronger." He

lowered his voice, "You have to understand Hermione, although you may

be oblivious, there is a war going on. You may think you're safe in

Hogwarts, but no. I assume you've heard of all the petrification of

students, correct? First it was Filch's cat, and then that Gryffindor first

year. Everyone should be prepared and this will help you protect


"What happens if I take it?" She wondered aloud.

He shrugged. "It depends, but it probably won't be pleasant. Although I

must advise you, if you do drink it, make sure you do it when you're

alone and no one will be expecting you for several days. The Christmas

holidays, perhaps?"

She reached out to take the vial, but suddenly paused and her eyes

narrowed. "What will this cost me?" She asked haughtily, staring Hadrian

right in the eyes.

He smirked, "Why do you think that it-"

"Riddle, I may have willingly fallen for your past manipulations, but not

this time. You're a Slytherin. And everything comes with a price." She


Hadrian pushed the vial into her hands and closed her fingers around it.

"There's only one thing I want in return. This potion is safe to take, but

not up to it's full potential. After you take it, come fine me and we can

work to make it stronger. I have to warn you; it's going to be a


He purposely brushed her shoulder on his way out and whispered, "And

we both know how much Hermione Granger loves a challenge."

Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch [December 1st]

"Hadrian, you're late." Draco commented as he polished the handle of his

broom in front of the Quidditch locker rooms. "Flint is going to murder

you." He added nonchalantly. "You know how he hates it when anyone is


Blaise grinned, "Flint wouldn't touch a hair on that perfect head of

Hadrian's. He wouldn't want to make the star chaser angry." He mocked.

A snowflake landed on his nose and he sneezed loudly.

Draco shook his head and muttered; "I don't understand why you would

give up your seeker position for me. I don't need a pity position."

"I didn't give it up for you." Hadrian shrugged. "I just wanted to try being

a chaser this year, and since since Ophelia is too busy with Head Girl

duties, I saw an opening and I took it. It wasn't for you." He repeated


Draco folded his arms, "And luckily, you managed to secure a spot on the

team. Without any prior experience." He pointed out.

Hadrian narrowed his eyes, "What are you trying to say Draco. Just say


"Oi, enough chit-chat. This isn't a tea party!" Marcus Flint hollered as he

burst through the door of the Slytherin locker room and eyed the second

years with distaste. "Riddle, you're late." He grunted, looking down at


Hadrian turned his glare away from Draco and shrugged. "I was handling

an otherwise troubling affair, but don't worry Flint, it won't happen


Flint nodded and clapped a hand on Hadrian's shoulder. "Good. Make

sure it doesn't. Now Boyle says you have a new play that'll knock those

knuckle headed Gryffindors off their brooms. Do tell me about it." He

said gruffly, leading Hadrian towards the pitch.

Draco and Blaise exchanged glances. "This is so not fair." Draco fumed as

he grabbed at his broom, and followed after the two. "When I was two

minutes late, Flint made me do laps around the entire pitch! And all he

gets is a 'Don't do it again?'" He exclaimed.

Blaise silently agreed and ran to catch up with Draco. "Well, its not as if

Hadrian wants the special treatment. We both know Flint is only being

nice because he wants an invitation to the initiation at Riddle Manor this

summer." Blaise rationalized.

"Bloody Hadrian always gets everything." Draco grumbled as he walked

with Blaise.

"Hey, don't compare yourself to Hadrian." Blaise said, "He's different from

us, and we just have to accept that. We're each special our own way."

Draco stared at Blaise for a minute. "You sound like a pansy. Shut up."

"Quit whining and I will." Blaise retorted. He waved to the cheering

Slytherin fans as he mounted his broom and shot up to his starting

position. "Stop worrying about it so much. It's going to ruin your game."

He yelled.

Draco glowered at the raven-haired boy who was chatting with the sixth

year chaser for minute before sighing and rising up to his position. He

barely heard the shrill sound of the whistle blowing as the match began.

It was almost unbearably cold this afternoon, and the snowflakes were

nearly blurring Draco's vision. The air was freezing and biting Draco's

already pink cheek and in his childish fit about his best friend, he had

forgotten to put on his gloves.

The only solace he got was the fact that Potter was as blind as a bat, so

there was no way he would catch the snitch before him.

He barely paid attention to the game, instead trying to focus on a tiny

shimmer of gold through the blinding flurry of snow. "Where the hell is

it?" He cursed. He tried to go up higher into the air, and the storm just

seemed to be getting worse and worse.

"And Riddle scores…again. Come on, Gryffindors; beat those slimy sons

of-" Lee Jordan's commentary was cut off as McGonagall reprimanded

him for his choice of words.

Draco rolled his eyes as he heard his friend score again. Stupid Hadrian,

He cursed, scanning the ground for the snitch. The Seeker always won

the game for the team, not the chaser.

A few minutes later, he thought he saw a flicker of gold, and so he dived

down past the haze of snowflakes. They felt wet against his cheek, and

terribly shocking against his skin. Draco reached his hand out to close his

hands around the shimmering golden object, but suddenly someone

slammed into him, nearly knocking him off his broom.

"What the hell are you doing?" Draco growled. He wiped the wetness

from his face and glared at one Hadrian Riddle. "Hadrian, we're on the

same team! I was about to catch the snitch. Are you purposely trying to

sabotage me?" He accused.

Hadrian's eyes flashed a cold shade of green, and the flurry of snowflakes

suddenly became thicker. "That wasn't the snitch you bigot. That was the

back of the Gryffindor chaser's broom. They're tipped with fake gold,

remember? I was trying to help you." He hissed in a tone that seemed

frostier than the weather.

Draco gripped the handle of his broom harder, until his fingers went

numb. He didn't need Hadrian's help. He could manage to catch the

snitch by himself. Potter seemed to be having the same problem as he

was since he kept flying in aimless circles around the center of the pitch.

Marcus Flint flew past him a while later and yelled, "Catch the damn

snitch Malfoy, so we can all go inside!"

He was sandwiched between two of the Gryffindor players, and they kept

trying to knock him off the broom. Marcus grinned slyly and in a blur of

green and silver he sent one of the players smashing into the Gryffindor

section, and falling down roughly to the ground.

Draco winced. Flint scored.

It was only when the score turned 545-460 with Slytherin in the lead, did

Draco notice the Snitch. For real this time. It was hovering near the

middle of the pitch, right about where Potter was circling around.

Draco didn't hesitate as he shot towards the center of the pitch, going

right through the entangled ring of chasers from both teams. He vaguely

heard someone yell, but Draco ignored it. Out of the corner of his eye, he

noticed Potter coming towards him, wiping his glasses furiously with one

hand as he reached out with the other.

Draco's eyes narrowed as he reached his pale hand out further, grunting

and nearly falling off his broom in the process. There was another yell

and Draco identified it as Hadrian's. He furrowed his eyebrows and yelled

back, "Not now Hadrian!"

"Watch out!" Someone shouted, and Draco nearly hesitated, but decided

against it and reached his hand out more. He could almost feel the snitch;

it was so close.

He closed his eyes as he felt the freezing golden snitch in his hand and he

let out a yell of triumph. Finally. He finally did it. He won the game for

Slytherin! He opened his eyes a second later and was about to hold the

snitch up for all to see when he saw it.

There was a huge buldger flying straight towards him, and Draco froze in

place. His nails dug into the broom and he closed his eyes in anticipation

of the impact.

It never came. There was a sickly crunching noise and hesitantly, Draco

opened his eyes. A loud gasp was heard throughout the entire stadium,

and Draco could only watch in horror as the Slytherin quidditch player

tumbled down to the ground. The buldger seemed to have splintered the

broom, and it was spiraling out of control as the player lifelessly clung to

the handle. Every player was frozen in shock as they heard the

resounding thump on the snow-covered ground.

As soon he hit the ground, everyone broke out from their reverie and

spun into action. Draco and Flint were the first to make it down to the

ground, and they crowded around the injured player. Draco jumped off

his broom and tossed it to the side, pushing past McGonagall and

Madame Hooch. He tentatively looked over the player's limp body and

fell down on the ground next to him.

"Hadrian." He whispered. He reached out to touch his best friend's still

form, but drew his hand back. Hadrian's chest was falling up and down

and his labored breaths were visible because of the cold air. His fingers

twitched and Draco sighed in relief.

"Move, Malfoy! We need to get him to the hospital wing!" Flint shouted,

as he barreled past the crowd of students and teachers alike.

Hadrian groaned softly and Draco's eyes widened. "He's conscious!" He

grimaced as Hadrian's breathing grew slower and slower, "Is he going to

be okay?" He whispered in a panicked tone.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Riddle has fallen from an incredible height, after having

been hit by a buldger. We can't tell what his condition is at this moment.

We're lucky there was a thick layer of snow on the ground, otherwise—

Miss. Greengrass don't move him!" McGonagall shouted.

Draco wasn't exactly sure when Daphne got there, but there she was,

wrapping her cloak around Hadrian's twisted form and holding his head

in her lap. She was slowly pushing back his hair and murmuring

something inaudibly.

"We need to move him slowly, otherwise it could do more harm then

good." Daphne looked up, finally tearing her gaze away from Hadrian's.

She was fighting back tears and glaring at anyone that came too near.

"Get up. Don't just stand there, do something!" She hissed angrily, her

long blonde hair whipping her face in the wind.

McGonagall finally came to her senses and moved everyone away, except

for Daphne who insisted to be next to Hadrian at all times. She carefully

levitated Hadrian off the pitch, and was about to enter the castle when

Gilderoy Lockhart ran in front of her path.

"Minerva! What are you doing to that poor boy! Set him down, I can fix

him up right here." He commanded, already pulling out his wand.

In the blink of an eye, Daphne pushed the professor out of the way and

gestured for McGonagall to come through. "I hope you don't mind

Professor," She said sweetly, "But this is an emergency. I reckon Madame

Pomfrey would be best suited for this kind of task, don't you agree?"

She didn't wait for an answer as she quickly caught up with McGonagall

and walked with them to the hospital wing.

"What happened to Riddle?" Snape muttered as he fell into step with

Draco. Draco stammered, unable to respond and simply followed behind

McGonagall, wringing his hands constantly.

Madame Pomfrey already had a bed made for Hadrian, and as soon as he

was laid onto the bed, she shoved a vile looking substance down his

throat. "It's for the pain." She explained. "He's going to scream, so Severus

please hold him down." She finally noticed the crowd of people gathered

around his bed and she nearly had a coronary.

"What are you all doing in here? Get out!" She screeched. Draco refused

to budge and neither did Daphne. Madame Pomfrey seemed too focused

on assessing Hadrian's injuries.

"Ready Severus?"

Snape let out a rough sound akin to a grunt, and Pomfrey pushed a

potion down Hadrian's throat. She took one of Hadrian's limp arms and

forcefully pressed down onto it, a sweat forming on her eyebrow as she

waited for the bone to break. There was a whimper and Hadrian flinched

as Pomfrey finally broke the bone with a gruesome snap.

"One down. About sixteen more to go." Pomfrey announced in a grim

tone. She frowned. "That's strange. He should've screamed or violently

jerked his body."

Almost an hour and two bottles of skele-gro later, Hadrian lay sleeping

peacefully in his bed, and Pomfrey wiped her forehead in relief. "I swear,

this school should just ban quidditch. Its such a dangerous game, I don't

understand why the headmaster lets the children continue to play!

They're just children!" She muttered as she walked towards her office.

"No one touch him. He needs to rest." She called out.

McGonagall stared at Hadrian's pale face. "I knew I should've cancelled

the game when the storm got too bad." She turned to Draco, "You're very

lucky Mr. Riddle was there, otherwise it would've been you lying here."

She murmured before leaving the room. "I'm off to have a word with my

lions." She announced.

"So." Snape drawled, staring at Hadrian with a flicker of concern in his

eyes, "Will someone tell me what happened?"

"There was a buldger coming towards me, I bet it was Potter's fault, and

Hadrian told me to watch out, but I didn't and so Hadrian flew in front of

me and it crashed into him instead and then…" Draco's voice broke as he

looked down at his best friend.

Daphne whipped her head up from the side of the bed, her eyes turning

into blue ice. "You mean to tell me…this is your fault? This all could've

been prevented if you just let go of your damn Malfoy pride and listened

to someone for once in your life?" She hissed in a low voice.

Draco didn't respond, and Daphne lunged for him, but Snape came

between them just in time and Daphne's fist hit the Professor instead.

"Miss. Greengrass, please calm yourself." He muttered uncomfortably. "I'm

sure Mr. Riddle will be fine."

"But you don't know that, do you? What if he doesn't? What if he-What if

he die-" She choked on her voice and a small tear rolled down her cheek

as she hurriedly turned away from the two. "If anything happens to him,

Draco Malfoy, I will kill you."

Suddenly the doors slammed open, and Destiny came running inside,

Neville and Blaise trailing after her. Her hair coming out of her braid,

and her face was flushed from running there. "Did it happen yet?" She


"Happen…Destiny, did you see this happening?" Daphne asked in a low

voice, her gaze quickly turning deadly.

Destiny froze, and began to backtrack. "Well, you see. You have to

understand, this had to happen in order for-" She paused at the

murderous look on Daphne's face.

"I can't believe you. You risked your brother's life to make sure your little

plan stayed on track? How dare you even call yourself his sister?" Daphne


"I did the thing that would benefit us all in the long run!" She defended

herself. Her eyes narrowed. "I don't see why you're over-reacting so

much. You're the one that's been avoiding him for almost two weeks now.

How dare you call yourself his friend? Huh?" She snapped.

"That's different! If I knew this was going to happen, I would've done

anything in my power to stop it. You on the other hand, knew this would

happen and did nothing!"

"I wouldn't have done it if I didn't know he was going to be fine!" Destiny


"The future is literally the most uncertain thing in our universe. How can

you be so sure? What if he moves in his sleep, and all of a sudden that

ruins his entire future?" Daphne asked. "What would you say to him then,

Destiny? That is, assuming he does wake up?"

"This was clearly a mistake. Find me when you're actually using your

brain. Come on, Neville." Destiny said, pulling Neville back through the

doors. Neville shot Daphne an apologetic look, but she just waved him

away and focused her attention back on Hadrian. Blaise came up and

stood behind her.

"Is he okay?"

His question hung in the air, as no one knew the answer for sure.

"I don't know why I avoided him." She finally whispered, resting her

elbows on the side of his bed. "I knew he was trying to talk to me. I kind

of just panicked."

"I don't get it. What exactly happened between you guys?" Blaise asked,

settling himself on the chair next to his bed.

"It must've been something big because the brat came to me about it."

Snape muttered under his breath.

"He came to you?' She repeated, looking up at her professor in disbelief.

"Yes. If I am correct, I believe he asked nearly everyone why you were

avoiding him." Snape revealed. "Not that I would know." He added. "I will

take my leave now. Curfew is at nine. Follow it or don't, I do not care in

the slightest. Just don't get caught."

And with that, Snape exited the hospital wing, his clock billowing behind

him and hitting the back of his dragon hide boots.

"He's kind of sweet." Daphne commented, letting a sad smile come onto

her face. "But now he looks so broken." She whispered, staring at him


"Stop that."

"Stop what?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Stop being all sad and mopey." Blaise snapped. "It doesn't suit you."

"You wouldn't get it Blaise. I like Hadrian." She mumbled.

"Of course I know you like him. We all do!" He shrugged. She rolled her

eyes and an expectant look settled on her face. Blaise looked at her

curiously before it finally dawned on him. "Oh. Ew. No. I don't even want

to think-Ew."

Daphne finally cracked a small smile at Blaise's discomfort. "Its not as if

you don't have a thing for Hermione."

Draco's head snapped up. "You like the mudblood?" He glared accusingly.

"I can't believe this."

"No!" Blaise defended, a small tinge of pink coming onto his face. "I mean

she's great and all, and really smart and she's so bossy its hilarious."

"Sounds to me like you like her." She grinned.

"Not in the way you're thinking." He replied with a small smile.

"What are we going to do? Do you think he'll be okay?" Daphne repeated,

for what seemed like the umpteenth time.

"We can only hope." Draco mumbled, trying not to throw up as a dark pit

of guilt twisted in his stomach.

Hogwarts Hospital Wing [December 13th: 11pm]

Hadrian groaned silently and cracked open an eye and stared into the

darkened room. His ears perked at the sound of a murmured

conversation, and he slightly tilted his head to discreetly look at the

group of people huddled by a bed next to his.

"Albus, if these attacks keep happening, they'll close the school."

McGonagall warned, leaning over the bedrail. "Look at poor Justin Finch-

Fletchley, he's just an innocent first year. Petrified! This cannot go on


"Minerva, we must've give up hope just yet. I'm sure Alexander will find a

way to stop these attacks."

"The Potter boy? He's the reason Hadrian Riddle is nearly dead in the

next bed. You have to be aware that it was his planning that caused all of

this. Albus, the boy almost killed Hadrian!" Snape barked.

Almost if on cue, the figures turned to look at Hadrian, who quickly

turned limp once again in his bed, pretending to sleep peacefully.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, "Well that is simply unfortunate. But we

must have faith in Alexander. He is our Chosen One after all."

"Chosen One or not, he is a twelve year old boy." Professor Sprout

argued. "We can't put our faith in a small child."

"Especially not one like Potter." Snape added under his breath.

"So then what do you propose?" Albus sighed, realizing it was already a

lost argument.

"I'm not saying we shut down the school. What if declare the holidays at

an earlier time? It will give the students a break from this constant terror,

and also an opportunity for us to put a stop to this 'Chamber of Secrets'

situation." Snape suggested.

Flitwick nodded. "That sounds like a bright idea. I agree."

There were several murmurs of approval and Dumbledore pursed his lips.

"I suppose we can declare an early holiday. Minerva, tell the students

tomorrow morning to have their trunks packed by the end of the week. It

seems to be the only option we agree on." He declared as he exited the

room, stroking his long beard in thought.

One by one, all the teachers left the room until only Severus Snape

remained. His black, hooded eyes darted around cautiously and he

walked past Hadrian's bed and muttered, "You're welcome."

Hadrian smiled. Everything was going according to plan.

27. Revelations

A/N: Sorry for not updating, I had my midterms. This chapter isn't

as long as the other ones, and quite possibly not as well written as

the other ones either. But I just need to get back into that routine,

and I suppose I'll have it by the next chapter I post by Christmas.

(*hint* hint* wink* wink*)

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Hogwarts Hospital Wing [December 17th]

As the sunlight streamed in through the beautiful stained glass windows,

a flicker of light danced across Hadrian Riddle's face. He frowned,

causing a small crease to form between his eyebrows. He languidly tossed

an arm across his face, in an attempt to block out the irritating streak of

light, but it was to no avail. With a deep groan, he pushed aside the

simple white hospital sheets that had twisted around his form.

He was in the process of rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out of them,

when he heard someone say, "Oh good, you're up!"

To say he was surprised was an understatement. He flinched and shot up

straight in his bed, banging his arm against the bedside rails in the

process. Hadrian winced and cradled his still sore arm, sinking deep into

the several pillows that had been tucked around him. He narrowed his

eyes at the girl who was leaning against his bedside.

"What are you doing here?" He muttered, his voice laced with blatant

disdain for the pretty redheaded witch standing in front of him. Ginevra

Weasley ignored his less than inviting attitude, and sat down on the side

of his bed, tossing her long straight hair behind her shoulder.

She scrutinized his face for a minute before saying, "I need your help."

Her eyes darted around the room in a paranoid manner and settled

distrustfully on the still boy lying in the hospital bed beside Hadrian's.

Hadrian followed her gaze and waved his hand carelessly, "He's petrified.

He can't hear a single word you say."

The guarded expression on her face relaxed considerably, although she

maintained the strictness in her posture. "I need your help." She repeated

stiffly. She gritted her teeth together and forced out a reluctant, "Please."

Hadrian raised an eyebrow coyly and pointed to himself. "You need my

help? Hmm, consider me intrigued." He said in a bemused tone.

She folded her arms against her chest and shot him a cold glare. "Don't

make this any harder than it already is, Riddle." She snapped. "I don't

need your help specifically. You just happen to be the only one that can

possibly pull this off."

"I don't understand."

Ginerva clasped her hands together and turned her whole body so she

was facing him. She leaned closer to him and said in a low, precarious

voice, "I need your help to get rid of someone."

She turned back to face the hospital doors abruptly as if waiting for

someone to barge in immediately. Pleased that no one else had

overheard, Ginevra switched her stare back to Hadrian, her calculating

brown eyes assessing his perfect poker face for any reaction.

"Gone." Hadrian finally repeated in disbelief. He locked eyes with

Ginerva. "Are you saying–"

"Yes." She cut him off hurriedly, "I need her gone and you are going to

help me."

"And why would I ever help you, love?" He sneered, folding his arms to

accentuate his point.

She smirked and leaned in closer until her lips brushed against his ear

and whispered, "Potter."

"Wrong. We made a deal about Potter." Hadrian hissed. "You would

forget it ever happened, if I pretended I never saw you in the common

room at the hour."

She shrugged indifferently, "I lied." She paused and allowed an innocent

smile to grace her sharp features, "And since you have so much more to

lose than I do, I suggest you kindly get over this and concentrate on

what's important. The plan."

"Why can't you ask Astoria? Or even one of your little lackeys?" He asked.

"I hear they follow you around like obedient dogs these days. And in case

you haven't noticed, we are not friends of any sort."

"Well of course not." She snorted in a very unladylike way. "I don't have

friends. I simply have powerful acquaintances. You happen to be one of


"You know I am very skilled with memory charms. I can probably

perform one wandless if I tried." Hadrian informed her.

"Don't even try it." She warned, glaring coldly at him. "I have everything

already taken care of. I just need your help for one teeny, tiny part of the


He sighed, "This better be good. I don't have the time to get expelled over

such a trivial matter."

She bit her lip and ducked her head down to stare at her hands. "Okay, I

lied about that too. I don't actually have a plan." She admitted

He rolled his eyes, unsurprised. "Typical Weasley behavior. You know,

you really have to stop all this lying. If you keep it up, one day no one

will trust you."

"I'm a Slytherin now. You should know better than to trust me. In fact,

you wouldn't be in this problem in the first place, if you hadn't trusted

me in the common room." She retorted.

"Keep reminding me of my slight lapse in judgment, and I might decide

that I don't want to help you anymore."

"So does this mean you'll help?" She asked, her condescending smile

turning triumphant.

He ignored her question and said, "Are we ever going to get to the part

where you tell me what exactly you want me to do?"

She patted his cheeks patronizingly, despite the fact that she was almost

a year younger than him. "You just have to use your pretty face as a

distraction. Leave the rest to me." She explained as she stood up to leave.

"I'll owl you the details."

"That does not sound very comforting. I don't particularly fancy being

dragged down with you if this plan of yours fails." He called after her.

Ginerva paused at the doors and turned around, causing her dark red hair

to fan around her. "Then you better damn hope this plan works." She said

as her cherry coloured lips twisted into a smirk.

She threw open the mahogany paneled doors of the hospital wing and

moved to leave, but ended up colliding into another busybody. Ginerva's

face clouded over for a split second, but then cleared as she shook her

hair out of her face and plastered a smile on her face. "Zabini." She said

tightly, looking up at his towering form. "Fancy seeing you here."

"I could say the same, Red." The Italian smirked. "Hadrian happens to be

my friend. What's your excuse?"

"Move, Zabini." Draco grunted, pushing past the boy on his way into the

hospital wing.

"Don't just stand in the middle of doorway, Blaise. People have to get in."

Daphne scolded, maneuvering herself around him. Everyone else

followed Daphne's lead, but Blaise just shrugged and turned back to the

younger girl who was steadily inching away.

Ginerva scowled at him and moved to leave, but his hand grasped her

wrist. "Word of advice for the future, Ginevra." He murmured, "Don't get

involved in things you can't handle." His grip tightened as she squirmed

to get free. "Hadrian Riddle has a much darker side. It's best to stay away

so you won't ever see it."

With a small grunt, she wriggled out of his vice-like grip and glared at

him frostily. "I know exactly what I'm doing, thank you very much." She

huffed, flipping her hair back and strutting away from him without so

much as a glance back.

Blaise sighed loudly and made is way to where his friends were crowding

around Hadrian's bed. He was sure Ginevra would pay no heed to his

warning, but at least he tried.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked, fixing one of the pillows behind

Hadrian's head. "Destiny told us you'd be fine, but we were still worried."

"I'm feeling perfectly fine, just a bit sore." Hadrian admitted. He looked

up at his friends, "Don't you all have class?"

"We've been given an early holiday by Dumbledore, and the train leaves

this afternoon, so we have the day to pack our trunks." Neville explained,

resting his hands on the footboard.

Hadrian wasn't listening; instead he had focused his attention on Daphne,

who seemed oddly silent. After a couple seconds, she looked up and

noticed his stare, and she blushed. "I have your wand." She said softly,

"Madame Pomfrey gave it to me." She handed him the wand and Hadrian


"Thanks." He said sincerely, enjoying the way her cheeks seemed to turn

even pinker. "So what did I miss? Any more duels with Potter?" He


"Actually, no. Every time I see him now, he just scowls and turns the

other way. Strange." Daphne commented.

"Maybe's he's scared of you?" Blaise suggested, the mere thought of it

bringing a smile to his face.

"Maybe." Hadrian smirked.

"You had me worried sick." Daphne revealed. "I was- I mean we were all

so scared."

"I'm sorry." Draco blurted out. "I was being an arse, and you had to break

eleven bones to pay for my mistake."

"Seventeen." Daphne corrected.

"It wasn't your fault." Hadrian insisted. "Don't worry about it. Besides, I

got to miss class. So I guess you did me a favor." He grinned.

Hermione glared at him. "You don't joke about this kind of stuff, Hadrian.

You never joke about missing class. It's not funny!"

"Ignore her. She's just mad that you got to miss the potions assignment

that caused everyone's grade to drop." Blaise grinned.

"Am not!"

"Don't lie Hermione, dear. It doesn't suit you."

Hadrian grinned at their bickering. "I missed you all."

Destiny shrugged. "I knew you would be okay. No one believed me." She

shot a glare towards Daphne.

"Sorry." Daphne apologized. "I was just really worried."

"Sorry to break up this happy reunion guys, but we have to start packing.

We can chat on the train." Neville reminded everyone.

"Neville! This is not the time!" Daphne scolded.

Hadrian shook his head. "No, he's right. And I need to get out of here as

well. Can someone get Madame Pomfrey?"

There was a couple mutterings and finally it was decided that Draco

would find Madame Pomfrey, and everyone else would go back to their

various rooms to go pack. As everyone started to leave, Hadrian slowly

wrapped his hand around Daphne's wrist. She froze and turned around,

shooting Hadrian a curious look.

"I-I just missed you these past two weeks." He explained.

Daphne smiled and hugged one of his pillows to her chest, "I missed you


He looked up at the pretty blonde. "Why did you avoid me, Daphne?"

Daphne bit her lip and sighed, sitting down on the side of his bed. "I just

didn't want to risk our friendship for something that could only be one


"But what if its not?" Hadrian asked.

"Are you just saying that to make me feel better?" She slowly. "Because

you don't have to. I will completely understand if you don't want to–"

She stopped abruptly and her eye twitched, and suddenly Hadrian felt a

fluffy pillow assaulting his body. "You. Stupid. Idiot. Don't. Ever. Do.

That. Again!" She growled as she angrily slammed the pillow against his

shoulder with each word.

"Daphne, that hurts. Ouch." He muttered.

She let out a small gasp, and she dropped the pillow, her hands flying up

to her mouth in shock. "I'm so sorry. I completely forgot you're crippled.

And I-"

"Hey, I'm not crippled!" He interjected.

"And I just assaulted you. Oh god. I am such a terrible person." She

exclaimed, burying her face in her hands.

He shrugged. "Hey, if it helps, I'm probably a much more awful person

than you are."

She cracked a half smile, but shook her head. "That doesn't help me at

all." She sighed and looked at Hadrian. "I'm just really happy you're okay.

I thought for sure that you were dead when I saw you fall and I couldn't

even think what would happen if you…"

Hadrian stopped listening to her ramblings and simply stared at her. She

looked pretty; despite the tired look she was sporting on her face. Before

he could stop himself he blurted, "Would you like to accompany me to

the Malfoy Christmas Ball this year?"

She stared at him in disbelief. "I was just telling you how ecstatic I was

that you were alive and you weren't even listening?"

"Er..Well I–" He stuttered.

"Yes." She smiled. "I suppose I will go with you." She paused and smirked.

"It's not as if I have any better offers."

"Hey, I am the best offer." He said, pretending to sound offended.

"Suuuuure." Daphne taunted.

"Take it back." Hadrian warned, "I may be bed-ridden but I can still make

you pay." He joked.


"You asked for it." Hadrian growled, lunging towards her.

Daphne giggled as he tickled her mercilessly, and she gasped in between

her laughs. "Fine. You win. Hadrian Riddle is the best." She grinned.

"Why thank you."

There was a low snicker from behind them, and they both turned to see

Draco standing with a disturbed expression on his face. "Well as sickening

as that display was, here are your clothes." Draco drawled, tossing the

clothes onto Hadrian's bed.

Draco looked at Daphne. "Are you going to leave now? Or do you want to

stay for this part as well?"

"Draco." Hadrian rolled his eyes as Daphne blushed and mumbled an

embarrassed goodbye.

"Madame Pomfrey says you can go." Draco said to Hadrian. "Although she

seemed rather huffy that no one wanted to enjoy their stay at the hospital

wing." He scowled. "As if. Look at these sheets. They aren't even silk.

How plebian. "

"Alright Draco. This is not the time for your daily disapproval." Hadrian

said, picking up his clothes from the bed. He turned to Draco and

grinned. "Are you going to leave now? Or do you want to stay for this

part as well?" He parroted, earning him a scowl and a pillow in the face.

Hogwarts Express [December 10th 4:00 pm]

"Do you think Snape ever washes his hair?" Blaise wondered, looking up

from the book he was reading. "It never looks…what's the word I'm

looking for?"

"Clean?" Neville suggested, barely looking up from the game of chess he

was playing with Daphne.

Destiny glanced down at their game and smirked, "Give it up, Neville.

You're going to lose."

"Not yet." He said stubbornly, pursing his lips into a grim line of


"Of course he washes it." Draco rolled his eyes. "Who doesn't?"

"Well, have you ever seen him wash it?" Blaise challenged.

Draco made a face. "No. That's disgusting."

"Ha! So you don't know!"

"Oh come on Blaise." Hermione huffed. "Of course Professor Snape washes

his hair. That's like asking if he showers or not."

Blaise was silent for a minute before asking, "Are we sure he showers?"

Hermione stared at Blaise incredulously. "Don't be ridiculous. Everyone


"Well, have you ever seen him show-"

"Blaise. Shut up." Hadrian drawled, trying his best not to look disgusted.

"I should send him some shampoo for Christmas." Blaise thought out


"Shut up, Blaise." Everyone (with the exception of Daphne and Neville)


Draco looked up with a sly grin on his face, "I almost forgot to tell you

about what I heard on the way to the train. Dumbledore seems to think

Potter can save us all from this Chamber of Secrets debacle."

There was a small second of silence before everyone burst into laughter.

Hermione shook her head, causing her chaotic brown curls to fly

everywhere. She snorted in disbelief, "I highly doubt that buffoon will be

able to do anything other than get himself petrified."

"Or killed." Blaise added.

"I do wonder who is doing this, though." Hermione contemplated. "I

suppose it must be a student, although you never know, with Quirell last


"I think we're almost there." Destiny commented, ignoring Hermione's

train of thought. "Almost five minutes."

"Dammit!" Neville cursed, as Daphne triumphantly knocked over his King

with a smirk on her face. "This isn't fair. I have tried all semester to beat

you, but how can a single person be so good at something? This isn't


"There, there baby." Destiny patted his back. "It'll be okay. Do you want

some ice cream? Who wants some ice cream?" She sang in a baby voice.

"Stop treating me like a child." Neville muttered, folding his arms.

"Then stop acting like one." Destiny retorted. "Besides, I already told you

that you were going to lose."

"Don't be upset, Neville." Daphne said with a toss of her long golden hair.

"We can't all be prodigies."

"Quit egging him on." Destiny rolled her eyes.

"One day, Greengrass." Neville said darkly, pointing his finger at her.

"One day I will beat you at your own game."

"Clearly it's not today." Draco snickered.

"Will you all shut up? I'm trying to concentrate." Hermione groaned,

pulling her nose away from the huge volume in her lap long enough to

scowl at everyone.

"You might want to start getting ready." Destiny said, gesturing to the

crowded station through the window as the train pulled up.

Hermione's face paled as she caught sight of the train station, and the

expression of pure, unadulterated fear did not go missed by Daphne. As

everyone started to leave the compartment, Daphne dragged Hermione to

the side.

"Are you okay?" Daphne asked the petite witch. Hermione looked

uncertainly out the window, and she nodded a bit too hurriedly for

Daphne's liking. Daphne frowned. "What's wrong?"

Hermione sighed and lowered her voice to a whisper, "My father is

picking me up,"

Daphne's eyes narrowed and her expression turned cold. "You mean–But


"My mother is on a business trip, she won't be back till after Christmas."

Hermione explained, her panic rising by the second. "Since she's gone, he

can basically do anything."

"Do you want to come with Astoria and I? You can just stay at my home

for the holidays." Daphne suggested.

"I can't." Hermione mumbled, blinking rapidly to hold back an

overwhelming urge to burst into tears. "If I don't go with him, he might

call my mom." Her voice lowered till it was almost inaudible. "She doesn't

know, Daphne."

Daphne's eyes widened. "She doesn't know about him hitting you?" She

repeated. "But how does she not notice?"

"She isn't around much because she has to work a lot. And I can't tell her.

It'll crush her. She still loves him Daphne." Hermione mumbled sadly. "I

can't ruin the only good memory she has."

"Daphne, hurry up, I already got your trunk for you." Hadrian called from

outside the compartment.

"Coming." She called back absentmindedly. She turned her attention back

to Hermione. "How about this: I'll send an owl to you as soon as I get

home, and if anything happens, you send me a letter and I'll come get

you. Okay?" She asked.

"Don't worry, Daphne. I'll be fine." Hermione said as she started to pull

her trunk out of the door. Daphne quickly followed behind her.

"I hope you'll be fine." Daphne corrected. "But this is just a precaution.

Just in case."

Hermione smiled, although it looked miserable and quite forced. "I'll be

fine." She insisted. "And I appreciate this." She gave Daphne a quick hug

before walking in the direction of a tall man who looked less than excited

to see her.

Daphne sighed and made her way over to Hadrian and Destiny, who

were patiently waiting by the side. Destiny looked at her curiously, "What

was that about?"

Daphne shook her head and instead said, "I just need you to do me a

favor. Constantly check Hermione's future during the next few days,

okay? I just want to make sure she's okay. "

Hadrian frowned, "Is she okay?"

Daphne tried looking for the brunette witch, but she was

indistinguishable in the crowd. "I sure hope so." She muttered. Daphne

spotted her own parents near one of the brick pillars and she waved to


"Thanks for taking my trunk." She smiled, "I'll see you at the Christmas

ball, Destiny." She turned to Hadrian and pulled him into a hug. "By the

way…" She trailed off as she kissed his cheek. "My dress is green."

Destiny stared after the tall witch and turned back to Hadrian with a

knowing smirk on her face. "What was that about?" She asked as they

made their way towards where the Malfoys were waiting patiently.

"I have no idea." He lied, looking away.

"Liar." Destiny accused.

Narcissa Malfoy raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow at the pair. "Who's


A wicked smile graced Daphne's features. "Hadrian has a date." She

announced. "Daphne Greengrass."

"The elder Greengrass sister?" Narcissa questioned. "She's quite lovely,

isn't she?"

Destiny grinned, "Yes. Quite."

Narcissa turned to her own son and scowled. "Why can't you escort a

beautiful lady to the ball? I'm getting older every year, Draco. I don't

have time to organize an entire ball and my son's companion for the


"I don't need a date." Draco announced. "I'm a lone wolf."

Beside him, Lucius Malfoy snorted in amusement. "That's what they all

say, son. That is, until they meet the woman that turns the wolf into an

obedient puppy."

"Are you a wolf or a puppy, Lucius?" Narcissa asked, with a hint of a

smile on her face.

"Puppy, dear." He replied hurriedly.

She grinned. "That's what I thought. Men." She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

Destiny giggled. "Well come along, we don't have all day now. Bellatrix is


Destiny grasped Narcissa's arm and Hadrian and Draco took the elder

Malfoy's. In a swirl of Apparition, they ended up in the Malfoy sitting


Once Destiny had steadied herself she asked, "Are we staying here?"

Narcissa and Lucius exchanged glances, and then turned back to the three

children standing in front of them. Lucius cleared his throat and said in

his most business voice, "Destiny, you may stay. However, I am to escort

Hadrian to Riddle Manor. Your father wishes to speak to you."

"Just speak?" Hadrian raised an eyebrow.

"Among other things." Lucius Malfoy divulged, offering Hadrian his arm

once more. Hadrian sighed and took his arm, waving goodbye to his

friends sadly.

As he arrived at Riddle Manor, he sent his trunk to his room and said

goodbye to Lucius Malfoy. His father was most likely in his study, so

Hadrian decided he would head there.

He quickly ducked around the corridors, trying his best to avoid certain

portraits. He felt oddly excited, which was completely opposite of what

he usually felt during the scheduled father-son-attempted murder talks.

He didn't bother knocking, and instead through open the door. He

shrugged. His father would punish him for something anyways.

Surprisingly, his father was actually sitting at his desk sipping a crystal

glass of firewhiskey instead of concealing himself and trying to kill his

only son. Hadrian snickered silently at the thought and settled himself

onto one of the chairs across from his father's impressively large desk.

"How is the plan proceeding?" His father asked, completely skipping over

all formalities.

"I'm doing very well, thank you for asking father." Hadrian responded in

a mocking tone.

"Hadrian, there's a reason I didn't ask how you were. I don't care." His

father sneered, folding his hands on the desk. "Now answer the question."

Hadrian rolled his eyes. "It's going well, I suppose."

"And the Mudblood? Has she accepted your challenge to better the


"Hermione," Hadrian corrected, although he knew it would be useless,

"has agreed to help me, and I gave her a sample of the potion to try for


"And if she says no? Then?"

"Well…then you will probably avada me right there…" He glanced

toward Lord Voldemort for confirmation. His father nodded.

"But she already agreed to help me. She's drawn to challenges, so I doubt

she'll back out now." Hadrian explained.

His father seemed to be deep in thought about something, and finally he

looked at Hadrian curiously. "May I ask who you entrusted the diary to?

It has been bothering me ever since I gave it to you, after all, what sane

person gives such an artifact to a mere child?" His father mused.

"Clearly not you." Hadrian muttered under his breath. "I slipped it into

the hands of Ginerva Weasley."

His father nodded mutely and took a sip of his glass. Suddenly his ruby

coloured eyes flashed and he threw the glass across the room where it

crashed into pieces against the large doors.

Hadrian winced.

"You mean to tell me," Lord Voldemort spoke in a dangerously low voice,

"that you put my diary in the hands of a filthy muggle-loving Weasley?"


"You fool. You had one job, brat. I said give it to someone who would use

it effectively. A Weasley does not fit that very specific description!" He


"She is using it! I think…" Hadrian trailed off, sinking deeper into his


"The only thing I'm hearing is petrification occurring at Hogwarts. That

can be reversed. The plan was to use the Chamber to push Dumbledore

out of power." Voldemort hissed. "Is he out of power yet?"

"No," Hadrian paused. "But, the Weasley girl will reopen the chamber

soon. I think."

"Are you sure of anything, boy?" His father questioned.

"Well…no. I'm not a Seer." He winced, waiting for a crucio, or at least a

stinging hex from his father for the cheeky comment. When nothing

happened he stared distrustfully at his father.

"I've been in your study for almost an entire ten minutes now." Hadrian

commented, narrowing his eyes. "Why haven't you crucioed me, or at

least sent a simple hex my way yet?"

"It doesn't affect you anymore, so why bother?" His father replied

indifferently. "Besides, your mental endurance lessons will start soon."

Something akin to an anticipatory smile came across Lord Voldemort's

face, and it was quite possibly the most terrifying thing Hadrian had seen

in his entire life. "That will be enough punishment itself."

A/N: If you are confused as to when Hadrian gave the diary to

Ginny, try re-reading Chapter 20.

28. Merry Christmas?

A/N: Merry Christmas? Hey, it's still Christmas…. Even if the update

is almost at midnight. I'm not sure if any of you realize I actually

replaced the author's note with an actual chapter. But I did so…

Chapter 27 is now an official chapter! So go back and read that

(although I'm not sure if its any good, I'm slightly rusty) And I hope

you enjoy this chapter too!

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukah! Happy Kwanza? Happy Holidays

from LoveMyRomance!

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Riddle Manor [December 21st]

This particular morning, the sky outside Riddle Manor was painted a

deep shade of charcoal with streaks of soft orange light shining through

as the sun threatened to peek through the thick haze of clouds. However,

Hadrian Riddle did little to enjoy, or even acknowledge the magnificent


For this particular morning, Hadrian Riddle was dreadfully late. The

thought itself caused him to scowl as he ran, quite ungracefully, through

the halls of Riddle Manor. He was never late. Never.

And what terrible luck he had! Of all days to be late, he simply had to be

late on the day he had a lesson with his father. Hadrian desperately raced

past the disapproving portraits, ignoring their complaints of such

undignified ruckus so early in the morning.

He was sure his father would already be in a foul mood. He seldom was

ever in a good mood. As Hadrian ran, his head filled with thoughts of

how his father would punish him, with each punishment being more

horrifying than the previous one.

When he approached the massive black wooden doors, he paused and

stood there panting and attempting to catch his breath. There was an

ominous feeling surrounding the room that trickled around Hadrian and

threatened to compel him to run the other direction. He took a deep

breath, steeling his nerves and straightening his back in the process.

Then, he pushed open the doors.

"You're late."

He cringed internally and all hope inside him shriveled to nothing.

Hadrian cleared his throat, "My sincerest apologies, Father. I was–"

Lord Voldemort's eyes flashed, but he waved his hand indifferently. "No

matter, you are here now and we shall not waste any more time."

Hadrian tried very hard to conceal the shock that came over him. He

really did. But still, his jaw dropped open and his eyes widened as he

stood there regarding the Dark Lord. He forced himself not to speak, for

fear of unintelligent mumbles coming out.

"Are you prepared?"

Hadrian looked up abruptly and it took him a second to realize that the

Dark Lord was not addressing him, but instead the cloaked figure beside

him that seemed to have materialized out of thin air.

"Snape?" He blurted out in disbelief. "What are you doing here?"

The potions professor raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "The Dark Lord

requested my presence for today's lesson." He revealed in a flat tone.

"Yes. Severus happens to be the best practitioner of Occlumency and

Legilimency in the entire Wizarding World. After myself, of course." Lord

Voldemort added. "If you are to assist in defeating Dumbledore someday,

your mental strength should be just as–if not stronger–than mine. Do you


Hadrian didn't trust himself to speak, so he nodded mutely.

His father twisted his thin lips into something akin to a smile. "Shall we


Hadrian raised his hand tentatively, "Is 'No' an option?" He mumbled


"I'm sure you know the answer to that." Lord Voldemort sneered, turning

to Snape with a whip of his cloak. "I suppose we should start with the

most advanced techniques, since he has been learning the basics for a

while now."

"Of course, my lord." Snape nodded. His onyx black eyes locked with

Hadrian's emerald green ones and the professor smirked coldly. "Prepare


"Prepare myself? For wh–"

Suddenly he saw everything. All his memories popped up one by one

feeling incredibly real as if he were reliving them. He could hear

Daphne's laugh; he could feel the immense pain of falling down from his

broomstick at the astonishing height and crashing into the wet ground

below. He remembered the sadistic satisfaction from torturing Alexander

Potter and how cruelly he brought the boy down to his knees and

begging for forgiveness.

Only when his memories approached the previous summer did Hadrian

realize he was not the only one reliving the memories. He let out a

strangled gasp as he forced Snape away, pushing him out of his mind

frantically. He could feel the memories of Quirell and the Stone starting

to appear, and with a loud grunt, his mental shield snapped Snape away.

Hadrian panted, glaring hatefully at the greasy haired professor who

looked completely unaffected. Lord Voldemort conjured up a chair and

forced Hadrian into sitting down. He sneered at Hadrian's questioning

look. "You'll need it."

"That was absolutely terrible." Snape muttered sharply. "Your thoughts

are all scattered, emotions all over the place. This isn't a game, boy."

"I wasn't ready." Hadrian muttered under his breath. It was clearly the

wrong thing to say, because his father's eyes flashed angrily.

"Do you think Dumbledore, or any of the order members will wait for you

to warm up first?" His father hissed. "Of course not. This is a war, brat.

No one is safe. If your mind is in control and your shields are strong, then

you may last longer than the rest."

"The whole idea is to allow your mind to become so invincible, that your

Occlumency will go undetected. The person invading your mind will only

see the things that you choose to show." Snape explained. "Do not shut

down everything. Do not wipe everything to a blank space. Categorize

what you want people to see, and lock away what you would rather die

than let anyone catch a glimpse of. Understand?"

"I suppose." Hadrian answered stiffly.

"Then do it!" Snape barked.

"Fine!" He snapped defensively. He waited until he could feel the

trademark piercing pain of someone invading his private thoughts, and

then he set to work. For hours and hours, they went back and forth.

Snape would invade his mind, and he would fight back.

Hadrian carefully locked away his most private memories, layering them

with several mental blocks. He allowed Snape to gaze past his most

recent thoughts, before pushing him out forcefully in the end as he got

closer to his locked away memories.

He stared up at the ceiling, ignoring the pounding headache that

threatened to burst open his skull. His face and neck were coated in a

sheer layer of sweat and his fingers hurt from anxiously gripping the


"That was slightly less dreadful." Snape finally concluded after almost five

hours. "I stopped before I attacked your more protected thoughts so I

could correct some flaws. As you pull away memories, there are blank

spaces in between. Try to merge them together, to cover up the holes.

Blank spaces are a sure sign of Occlumency. Fix it."

Hadrian sighed heavily and waited for Snape to attack his mind again. He

tiredly blocked his private memories and focused his attention on his

current memories. Hadrian was concentrating on his memories of a

boring day in potions class and he allowed a sly smile to come onto his

face as he pictured Potter's head falling into his cauldron.

Abruptly, Snape withdrew his presence from his mind. Hadrian was so

fixated on trying to make his headache disappear, that he missed the

meaningful look between his father and Snape.

"How did you do it?" Snape looked doubtfully at him. His lip curled into

a sneer as he saw Hadrian tiredly lift his head. "How did you do that?" He

questioned more urgently now. Snape said something inaudibly to Lord

Voldemort, who raised an eyebrow in bemusement.

"What?" Hadrian asked, distrustfully looking between the two. "What are

you doing?" He mumbled fearfully, as Voldemort stepped forward.

"I have to see this for myself." His father muttered. Hadrian barely had

any time to prepare himself, before he felt a stabbing pain in his mind.

Compared to his father, Snape had forced himself inside his mind rather

gently. His father roughly tore apart his shields like they were made of

putty, and Hadrian frantically tried to patch them back up. The Cruciatus

was a mild stinging compared to this.

He could practically picture his father murdering him when he found out

about Quirell and the Stone. Hadrian just imagined the way his father's

hand would unwaveringly point his wand at him. He winced and forced

Voldemort's invading presence as far away as he could muster. Hadrian

could feel his head nearly splitting apart as Lord Voldemort mercilessly

pushed into his mind and he tried to push his father back in vain.

Just when he thought he couldn't hold Voldemort off any longer, his

father pulled back. Hadrian let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Do you see what I mean?" Snape stressed, pointing to Hadrian.

Lord Voldemort scrutinized Hadrian before saying, "It's not all that

surprising, Severus."

Hadrian glanced between the two. "Will someone tell me what is going


"He inherited my ability to speak parseltongue, I am not shocked he is

able to do this successfully." Voldemort spoke, completely ignoring him.

"But at such a young age?" Snape looked to Hadrian with a scowl on his

face. "Is it even possible?"

"Can someone please tell me?" Hadrian exclaimed, frustration taking him

over as he slumped into his chair.

They both turned and looked at him, as if they had forgotten he was even

there. His father cleared his throat and finally said, "Severus seems to

think it is unusual for you to be exhibiting certain signs of Occlumency."


"You are creating memories to replace the blank spaces." Snape explained

crisply. "Instead of simply merging your thoughts together, you are

creating new memories. Things that never happened."

Hadrian frowned, "You can do that?"

Lord Voldemort huffed exasperatedly. "What a foolish question. Well,

obviously it's possible since you happen to be doing it!"

"For example," Snape hurriedly cut in, before his lord began to rant about

the stupidity of his heir, "When I was looking at your memory of a

potions class, I saw Potter's head lazily falling into cauldron in front of

him. That never happened. I remember, because I was there. But it

seemed like a real memory."

"I wasn't trying to create a new memory." Hadrian said slowly, "I was just

imagining unfortunate things happening to Potter." He grinned roguishly.

"Whatever you were doing, it resulted in a fake memory that seemed real.

Only the most skilled at Occlumency have been known to do that. Not

even Dumbledore can do this, yet." Lord Voldemort added.

"And yet you, you happen to stumble upon this skill accidentally? It took

me years to master this!" Snape seethed.

"Calm down, Severus." His father studied his nails uninterestedly, "It's a

gift he has inherited from myself. Just like the ability to speak

parseltongue." Suddenly he glanced up and stared at Hadrian with an icy

look on his face. "What I am more interested in is the secret he's hiding."

His father murmured.

Hadrian certainly was not prepared for the staggering force at which

Lord Voldemort attacked his mind. He snarled loudly as he could almost

see his father tear down each layer of his shields, one by one. Hadrian

forced himself to look into Lord Voldemort's bloodred eyes, and with an

overwhelming show of strength, he pushed back the mental probing and

whispered, "Legilimens."

For a brief second, Hadrian discovered the memories he was seeing were

not his own. He barely caught a glance of a shadowed figure before he

was pushed away. The battle in his own mind restarted, and that was

when realized that keeping a secret from his father was a horrible idea.

But he would be damned if he let his father find out about it.

He couldn't feel any part of his body and the thought was truly terrifying,

but he focused on strengthening his metal shields to keep his father out.

It was completely useless because as he put up every new layer, his father

would easily tear through it. As a last ditch effort, Hadrian decided to try

a fake memory. Snape said his fake memories looked real, right? As he

created a more solid shield, Hadrian stitched together a fake memory of

missing his true parents, and added the emotions of true sadness and


After a couple seconds more of struggle, he pushed the memory in front

of his last shield, hoping is father would finally stop after seeing it. He

made sure to fight back until the last second, and inevitably his final

shield snapped.

The pain subsided and ever so slowly, Hadrian felt his father's presence

edging out of his mind. He fought hard to keep in the sigh of relief that

almost escaped from his lips.

"That's what you were hiding?" Lord Voldemort looked to his heir angrily.

"Precious memories of your parents? How pathetic." He scoffed. "They left

you. Deserted. Abandoned. They don't deserve your longing and sadness.

After all these years, you still care? Snap out of it. There is no such thing

as love. Love is for the weak. You don't need a family. Family does

nothing but destroy you." Voldemort spat.

"Parents?" Snape looked to Voldemort with a pale face. "You mean you

aren't his–"

"Obliviate." His father muttered carelessly and waved his wand, turning

his eyes back onto Hadrian.

Snape blinked for a minute and looked back at the Dark Lord. "So what

was the secret?"

"What do you have to say for yourself? These kinds of thoughts will only

limit your success." Voldemort said roughly, ignoring the professor.

Hadrian opened his mouth to respond, but suddenly his stomach lurched

and his head bowed to the side as he threw up a mixture of blood and


Lord Voldemort had a disgusted scowl on his face as he unconcernedly

watched his heir throw up blood. Snape simply shrugged, "Well, you did

forcefully tear apart his mind for almost ten seconds. This much is


Hadrian finally stopped vomiting and choked up as he glanced at his

father. His eyes began to water and he cleared his throat, scowling at

Lord Voldemort. "Are you trying, to kill me?" He rasped, angrily wiping

his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Of course not. I'm simply trying to make you a better person." His father


"By trying to kill me?" He nearly shouted.

"No. You became ten times stronger when you realized you had

something to lose." Voldemort explained.

"I think that's enough for today." Snape cut in, glancing curiously

between the two.

Lord Voldemort moved towards the doors to the room silently, his cloak

billowing behind him impressively. As he opened the doors, he turned

back and shot Hadrian a cunning smirk. "Nice try, but it's going to take a

lot more than a fake memory to fool me."

Hadrian looked up from his chair with a gaping look of shock on his face.

"B-But how did you–"

"Did you honestly think you could outsmart me after a couple hours of

training? Of course not, brat. I am the Dark Lord. And I will find out

what you are truly hiding soon." He called back, slamming the doors shut

behind him.

Snape stared at Hadrian with a distasteful look on his face. He gestured

to the mess around the chair. "I'm not cleaning that up. Next lesson is in

five days." He muttered before apparating away.

Hadrian growled and kicked the chair in his frustration. He still had a

long way to go if he wanted to be as formidable as, if not more

formidable than Lord Voldemort.

Malfoy Manor [Christmas Day]

"No, Tilly!" Narcissa Malfoy nearly shouted. "What do you think you are

doing?" She asked sharply, her eyes narrowing to dangerous slits.

"Tilly is placing the centerpieces on the tables, Miss." The quivering house

elf stuttered, cowering under her Mistress's unforgiving gaze.

"These flowers are cornflower blue. I specifically requested powder blue!

Get this fixed, immediately." Narcissa hissed in a cold voice, pinching her

nose in anger. Her icy blue eyes scoured the massive ballroom and

reached for the nearest serving tray. She grabbed a glass of firewhiskey

and downed it in one big gulp.

"Slow down, Cissy." Lucius Malfoy grinned, leaning against one of the

many marble pillars. "I understand that planning a Christmas Ball is

stressful, but it shouldn't drive you to drink!"

She smiled an unnervingly sweet smile at her husband, who took a step

back hesitantly. "Lucius, dear you know I absolutely adore you." Her

teeth clenched together as her expression morphed into one of absolute

rage. "But if you open your mouth for anything, other than to

compliment the ballroom, I will have your head." She paused and

allowed for the sugary smile to return, "Understand, love?"

He smiled and said, albeit a bit more cautiously, "I do love the crystal

chandeliers, my darling. Are they imported?"

Narcissa beamed and smoothed down the magically enhanced silvery

tablecloth as she responded, "From Italy. I just got them in last night. And

look dear, the tablecloths were imported from a dear friend of mine in


"They are quite lovely." He agreed.

"Draco, get your arse back here! You stupid, mangy little ferret! Give it

back!" A voice shouted.

The two adults turned their heads just in time to see two tall children

racing into the ballroom, swerving around tables and servers alike.

Destiny was clad in a satin pink robe over her pajamas and was barefoot,

running around the ballroom chasing after none other than Draco Malfoy

himself. She watched Draco across one of the tables as he moved right,

and she lunged for him, knocking down two chairs in the process.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, Destiny! I just want to see who it's

from!" He hollered back, running around another table. Draco tripped

over the end of the tablecloth, causing him to fall down and take the

entire table setting with him with a loud crash. The box in his hands flew

into the air and landed atop another table.

Destiny grinned and let out a small, "Aha!" She ran over to where he had

fallen down and purposely stepped over him in her pursuit to get to the

expertly wrapped box that had landed on the table.

Destiny was about to grab the box, when she felt a hand wrap around her

ankle and she tumbled down onto the marble floor. Thankfully, her

hands prevented her from falling face first onto the ground.

Unfortunately, in her haste to pick up the present, she caused a server to

trip over her and he fell onto another table. The place settings and

centerpiece on the table teetered off the side, and shattered to pieces

onto the marble floor.

Narcissa Malfoy gasped as she saw the middle of the ballroom in a

shamble. Her dainty hands shook as she raised them to cover her mouth

in shock. She let out a shrill shriek that caused her husband to wince and

look over at the two children in immense disapproval.

"My-My beautiful hall." She whimpered as she held her heart shaped face

in her hands, horrifically glancing at the disaster. Her son and Destiny

stood up from their collapsed positions and glared at each other, before

turning to face Narcissa.

"What is the meaning of this?" Lucius commanded in an intimidating tone

of voice, although he tried hard to fight a smile at the children's antics.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Destiny slip the present inside her


Instantly, both of them pointed to the other and declared, "It's their


"Do explain why you have destroyed your mother's hard work?" Lucius

drawled, staring them down firmly.

"Destiny got a present. I wanted to see what is was, but she wouldn't let

me. Then I asked her whom it was from, but she wouldn't tell me. So I–"

"So he grabbed the present and ran! Like an uncivilized hippogriff!"

Destiny cut in, folding her arms and huffing.

Narcissa stared at the pair before grabbing another drink and throwing it

back. She set the glass carefully on the nearest table before turning back

to the duo. She glanced at Lucius and spoke in a clear, calm voice, "The

ball starts at eight. You and Draco have exactly nine hours to get

everything ready and picture perfect. Otherwise..." She let her voice trail

off dangerously.

"Yes, dear." Lucius mumbled.

Draco glanced at his mother disbelievingly. "Why doesn't Destiny have to

help? She played a part in this too!" He complained.

"Because Destiny was right, and you were wrong. Now come along,

Destiny. We need to get you ready and then we need to go over the entire

schedule." His mother said.

Destiny smiled and stuck her tongue out at Draco before stepping over

the broken china so she could follow Narcissa Malfoy out the hall. Once

they were out of earshot, Narcissa turned to Destiny and smirked.

"I see you got my present."

"How did you know this plan would work?" Destiny asked, looking up at

the matriarch of the Malfoy family in awe. She set the empty present on a

decorative table outside the ballroom.

"Once a Slytherin, always a Slytherin. I told you I needed a break and this

would be the perfect way to ensure the ballroom is perfect, as well as

give me an extra stress free hour or two." Narcissa beamed, throwing an

arm around her niece.

"You are quite devious Aunt Narcissa." Destiny grinned.

"I know." She laughed.

Unknown Location: Muggle England [Christmas Day : 12 pm]

Hermione Granger sat quietly at her dining room table as far away from

her father as she could possibly be without seeming too obvious. She

quietly pushed around the soup in her bowl, keeping her head down as to

not attract any unwanted attention.

Honestly, this was not how she expected to spend her Christmas

afternoon. Usually, her mother would cook a casual breakfast in the

morning and then prepare superfluous amounts of food for Christmas

dinner. They had a tradition of opening presents after dinner because her

mother felt the long wait would allow her to appreciate her presents even


But this year, her mother was absent from the yearly festivities and

Hermione was stuck with…the Grinch, so to speak. While her mother was

here, her father pretended to play along with the happy holiday cheer

and he seemed slightly bearable.

Since her mother was away, he was free to do whatever he liked.

Hermione wrinkled her nose in distaste as she watched him empty his

seventh bottle of beer since the day had begun. She glared at the side of

his head before forcing herself to look back down. How he hadn't died

from alcohol poisoning was a mystery to her.

Hermione stood up abruptly, nearly knocking the chair over in her haste

to get out of the room. Thankfully, her father did not seem to notice, nor

care. She picked up her uneaten bowl of soup and deposited it in the sink

with a loud clatter. She winced as her father turned around and shot her

a hateful look, although he didn't comment further.

She walked casually through the dining room until she was out of sight,

and then nearly sprinted up the steps to her bedroom. She made sure not

to slam the doors or make any loud noise as tiptoed into her bedroom,

her sock-clad feet nearly slipping on the hardwood floors. Hermione

swept her eyes across her bare room and launched herself onto the small

twin bed pushed up against the corner of her room.

She wistfully looked out the one small window in her room and wished

for her mother to come home sooner. She only felt safe in her own home

whenever her mother was here. This was the first Christmas she had

spent without her mother, and although Hermione prided herself on

being an independent girl, she missed her mother more than she would

care to admit to anyone.

Hermione sighed and got up from her comfortable position on the bed,

walking towards her Hogwarts trunk, which was pushed against the end

of her bed. It had taken almost half an hour for her to pull the trunk up,

since her father had

oh-so-kindly neglected to even offer his help.

She unlocked the trunk and popped it open; her hands immediately

reaching for one of the leather bound textbooks. Hermione was about to

open up a copy Hogwarts: A History, when her eyes landed on the cloth

pouch sitting next to her wand. Her eyes brightened with curiosity as she

grabbed her wand, opened the pouch and let the opaque vial fall lightly

onto her open palm.

Hermione shrugged and opened the seal, sniffing the contents slightly.

She was about to toss the contents down her throat when she paused and

stood up abruptly. Instead of downing the whole thing in one go, she

walked into her bathroom and picked up an eyedropper. She decided she

would dilute the substance, just to be safe since Hadrian hadn't specified

the correct dosage.

She placed a generous amount of drops in her mouth and quickly corked

the liquid, pushing it back into the cloth pouch. Hermione walked back

into her room and cautiously locked the door. She placed the pouch back

into her trunk and shut the top, securing it once again. Then, she walked

back to her bed and lay down, setting her wand on her bedside table. She

rolled onto her back and stared at the spider-web like patterns on her

white ceiling and closed her eyes for a second, reveling in the moment of

absolute stillness.

The peace did not last long.

The door to her room burst open, and Hermione's eyes snapped open. Her

father stood drunkenly swaggering through the door and Hermione

quickly sat up, panicking. She could've sworn she had locked her door.

Nevertheless, he was still here. Her father stumbled around her room

until he saw her cowering against her wall. He smirked maliciously.

Hermione sat up straight in her bed, and grabbed her wand from the

bedside table. "Don't come any closer." She said bravely, "I can do magic

now, and I'll sure as hell use it if you even lay a hand on me."

He snickered and walked over to her, ripping the wand away from her

grasp. Before she could even register what was happening, he snapped

the wand effortlessly over his knee. The snap caused her to flinch and she

stiffened incredibly.

"You can't do anything. Mother will be back in a couple days. And bruises

don't heal in a couple days, Father." She spat his title sarcastically, as if

the very word burned her mouth.

"She isn't here now, is she? Your mother is gone. So right now," He smiled

unkindly, "I can do anything I want." He grabbed her arm and dragged

her out of the bed, slamming her onto the ground.

He pulled out a belt, and Hermione's face paled. "No, you can't. She'll


The sharp pain of the belt cut off her pleas, and she let out a loud scream

that shattered the quiet of the neighborhood.

"Shut up." He barked, whipping her back with the belt, smiling at the

loud crack. Hermione whimpered, but held in her tears. He whipped her

again, and again until she could see her skin turning raw and red.

"Please." She pleaded, "Stop it. Please."

"Stupid children don't deserve happiness, Hermione. Stupid children

deserve to be beaten." Her father said, ignoring her tears. He kicked her

stomach one time for good measure and hauled her upright, staring his

cold blue eyes into her glazed brown eyes.

"Did you hear me?" He asked, slapping her face so hard, her head

snapped to the side. She was sure he had left a painful red imprint on her


As she gazed at his aged face through a thick veil of tears, she saw no

resemblance to the father he once was. All she could see when she looked

at him was a monster. A monster that didn't even have a single flicker of

humanity left inside of him.

He slammed her head against the wall, and Hermione felt herself quickly

losing consciousness. Her pain began to fade away, and the last thing she

felt was the hotness of her father's breath whispering, "Always remember,

sweetie: Stupid children don't deserve happiness. Stupid children deserve

to be beaten."

Unknown Location: Muggle England [Christmas Day: 6 pm]

Hermione opened her eyes suddenly as the door to her room burst open.

Her room was dark and Hermione concluded she must've been sleeping

since the world outside her window was darkened as well, which was a

stark contrast from the glittering snow of the afternoon.

Her father stood drunkenly swaggering through the door and Hermione

quickly sat up, panicking. She could've sworn she had locked her door.

Her eyes went to the lock and saw it had been forcefully blown off off the


There was something in the way his movements seemed familiar and it

caused Hermione's breathing to rapidly increase.

Nevertheless, he was still here. Her father stumbled around her room

until he saw her cowering against her wall. He smirked maliciously.

And suddenly it all came back to her.

She could remember it all. Every single whip, every single slap and

forceful kick to her body. Hermione flinched suddenly as he came closer,

and made a move to grab her arm. Hermione jumped out of her bed, and

ran toward the door, picking up her wand in the process.

"Y–You stay away." She whimpered. Hermione was sure it was the potion

that caused her to hallucinate, but this–this was definitely real. She

turned her wand to point at him, and angrily glared at his lumbering

form. "Don't come any closer."

He ignored her warning and grabbed her by the shoulders, slamming her

roughly onto the ground. Fear flashed in Hermione's eyes as she saw the

unmistakable leather belt already in her Father's hands.

Her wand was safely tucked away into her pocket, but she doubted it

would survive this. She heard the whoosh of the air as the belt slapped

her side, and Hermione screamed. She felt the tears at the corner of her

eyes and she bit her lip hard to keep the sobs inside. Stupefy. She

frenziedly chanted in her mind. Stupefy. Stupefy. Stupefy!.

To her immense surprise, a bright jet of light shot out from her hands and

slammed right into her father's stomach. He glanced at it confusedly

before he fell down lifelessly against the hardwood floo.

Hermione stared at his limp body and pushed her feet to move her body

away from the sight. She didn't trust her feet to be stable if she stood, so

she settled for hugging her knees closer to her chest. She didn't know she

could perform wandless magic. Perhaps it had only occurred because she

was so desperate. Hadrian didn't warn her of this. He didn't tell her she

would be scarred, in more ways than one, for her entire life. Her eyes

narrowed in anger as she took in the unmoving form of her father.

There was a loud tapping noise on her window, and Hermione flinched

noticeably. She looked up and saw a snow-white owl pecking at the glass.

Cautiously, Hermione stood up and stumbled over to the window and

carefully snapped it open, still shaking with fear. The owl dropped a

letter in her lap and Hermione quickly unfurled the letter, glancing over

her shoulder in trepidation. A small bracelet fell out, and Hermione read

the letter with a confused look.

Dear Hermione,

I'm not sure if this has happened yet, but you need to get out of there. Your

father is going to come for you, and I don't think it will end well. Please take

the bracelet portkey I have included. Just turn the center charm once. I'll see

you soon.



Hermione glanced over at her father and quickly made up her mind. She

was getting the hell out of this place. She walked over to her trunk and

held onto it, clutching the bracelet and letter in the other hand. She

turned the middle charm with her finger and waited for the tugging of

the portkey to take her to her destination.

Greengrass Estates [Christmas Day: 6:30 pm]

"Hermione, what are you doing here?" Daphne exclaimed as the shaking

witch dropped down into the middle of her bedroom, trunk in hand.

She took in Hermione's shuddering body and the terrified look in her

eyes, and Daphne gasped, dropping the diamond earring she was about

to fasten onto her ear. She raced to the brunette girl's side and pushed

back her hair, holding her hand tightly. "Hermione, talk to me. Are you

okay? Hermione?"

Her crystal blue eyes turned to steel as quickly realized what could've

happened. "Hermione, love, relax. You're safe now, okay?" She looked up

from her friend and called for her sister, "Astoria! Get in here! And bring

some water!"

A few seconds later, her sister flew in through her adjoining room and

took in the sight with a shocked look on her face. The crystal glass of

water in her hands dropped onto the marble floor and shattered to

millions of pieces. "Is that Hermione?" She asked, quickly turning to the

pitcher of water on Daphne's bedside table. She poured a glass and

quickly stepped over the pile of shards to Daphne's side. "Here." She


Daphne nodded and hastily handed the glass to Hermione, who downed

it in one big gulp. Hermione's shaking gradually slowed, but the sad look

in her eyes never vanished.

"Are you alright?" Daphne asked, for what seemed like the millionth time.

"Do you need anything–"

"My father's a monster." Hermione muttered clearly, looking up at the

dusted gold ceiling of Daphne's room. She turned to look back at the

Greengrass sisters. "He's not my dad anymore."

"If he purposely hurts you, I don't think he was ever your father." Daphne

hissed, wrapping a blanket around Hermione's shoulders.

"No, he was. He was my daddy once." Hermione smiled nostalgically. "He

would tie my shoes for me and buy me ice-cream when my mother would

say no. He would try his best to tie my hair into pigtails when my mother

was busy." Her smile turned wistful. "He was my dad once. But that was a

very long time ago."

She pushed the blanket off her shoulders and wrapped her Christmas

sweater clad arms around herself. "He isn't my father anymore. I don't

think he's even human."

"I don't understand why he's even a part of your family." Daphne said


"My mother still loves him. She doesn't want to believe that he's changed.

Even when he hits her, she still believes it's the same man she fell in love

with. But she's wrong." Hermione sighed.

"Daphne, Astoria are you ready yet–" The woman's voice stopped short as

she caught sight of the three girls in the room. She cleared her throat

elegantly and tried to mask her shock. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Girls, you didn't

tell me you would be having company."

"Er–She's going to the ball with us. She doesn't know her date all that

well, but Daphne does, so she's coming with us." Astoria explained


Their mother looked towards Daphne for confirmation, and Daphne

hurriedly smiled. "Yes, mother. Blaise Zabini has asked to escort her to

the ball, and since he's one of my good friends, I suggested that she come

with us."

Her mother shrugged her delicate shoulders. "Well, then I suppose it's

alright with me. But you girls better hurry, we're leaving in an hour."

They waited for her to leave, before Daphne turned to Astoria accusingly.

"Going to the ball! She's a muggleborn! Do you think she'll even be

allowed at Malfoy Manor?"

"They don't have to know! And I'm sure Hadrian will prevent Draco from

throwing a hissy fit. Better yet, lets give her a complete makeover so

Draco can't even recognize her!" Astoria exclaimed with glee.

"She isn't in an acceptable mental, or physical state to go to a ball!"

Daphne hissed. "You know what, I'll just stay home and keep her

company." She suggested.

"No, don't do that." Hermione cut in. "You already got ready and all

pretty." She smiled. "I don't know, I think I'll just go back home. Maybe


"No!" Both Astoria and Daphne shouted. Hermione looked taken aback at

their extreme disapproval.

"You are coming with us." Daphne finally concluded. "We can convince

Blaise to play along. You can be some girl from France his mother set

him up with."

"But I don't speak French." Hermione pointed out the obvious.

"Minor details." Daphne shrugged. "Come on now, we don't have any time

to sit around. Let's get you ready for the ball."

29. Hatred

A/N: Er, sorry for the late update. Just so you know, I don't have the

story already written, so it takes a while to actually write the

chapter (all fifteen pages, 5,000 words of it). I hope you enjoy the

latest chapter. As always, if you have any questions/criticisms, feel

free to PM me or leave a review.

Also, the French line in this chapter ( tu as l'air trés eleganté ce soir)

means "You look very elegant this evening".

If you want to see the outfits for the Christmas Ball, i have the link

posted on my bio, but her it is again: dark_prince_fashion/collection?



Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Malfoy Manor [Christmas Day 8pm]

Hermione Granger nervously adjusted her shimmering floor length gown

and ungracefully bunched the silky scarlet fabric in her small hands as

she climbed the luxurious marble steps of Malfoy Manor. Thousands of

brilliant lights illuminated the usually darkened manor and a ostentatious

fountain danced in front of the massive main doors. She tilted her head

upwards as she tried to take in the lavishness of it all, but ended up

almost tripping over the long dress.

"Her-Marie, do hurry, the ball has already begun! We wouldn't want to

miss out on the festivities, now would we?" Astoria called out as she and

her family waited at the top of the steps.

Hermione blushed, her cheeks turning almost as red as her dress. She

raced up the rest of the steps, wincing as her heels clicked forcefully

against the white marble.

Daphne discreetly leaned into her and whispered, "Remember, you are

Marie Brodeur, visiting our family from your school in France." She

paused and added, "Please try to act the part. Pureblood ladies simply

smile and nod, so no sarcasm tonight, understand?"

Daphne waited for her to respond, but Hermione was still staring at her

surroundings in awe. Daphne snapped her fingers in Hermione's face and

the girl jumped. "Oh, sorry." She apologized sheepishly.

Daphne smiled tightly and turned back around to face the doors. "This

will definitely go well." She muttered under her breath, although she

didn't sound very sure. She smoothed down her own dress as her father

knocked on the elegantly carved black doors.

Hermione blinked several times to get used to the bright flood of light

that assaulted her eyes as soon as the doors magically opened. Her eyes

swept across the beautifully decorated room with its opulent chandeliers

and expensive silver drapery. It was something she'd only seen in films

and shows. She simply wasn't used to the extravagance of it all.

"Lord Greengrass, Lady Greengrass. We are pleased at your attendance of

this year's Christmas Ball." A rich voice drawled from the side.

Hermione snapped out of her discreet (or so she thought) ogling, and

wrinkled her nose delicately at the sound of the voice. Her eyes landed

on the impeccably dressed platinum blond standing beside the door with

a courteous smile upon his features. They locked eyes briefly and

Hermione quickly turned away. Although Daphne had made up her face

and tamed her hair, Hermione feared the younger Malfoy would discover

her true identity if she looked at him for too long.

"Good Evening, Draco." Daphne greeted. She turned to Hadrian, who was

leaning coolly against the door. "Hadrian." She smiled.

"Good Evening, Miss Greengrass." Hadrian said as he kissed her hand

smoothly. His gaze fell upon Hermione, and he raised an eyebrow. "I was

not aware you were brining a guest."

"Blaise is escorting her. Her mother set them up, you see." Astoria cut in,

smiling innocently at Draco.

Lord Greengrass took his wife's hand and led her towards the people

scattered throughout the ballroom. "Well, have fun, children. We're off to

speak to the Minister and his wife." He called out as they strolled away.

"Miss Greengrass, would you care to dance?" Hadrian asked, a smirk

playing at his lips. He took her smile as acceptance and he offered her his

hand. Daphne's sapphire eyes sparkled as she placed her dainty hand in

his, and they walked together to the dance floor.

As the classical music began, Hadrian slid a hand around her waist,

gently bringing her closer. She raised her hand to rest on his shoulder

and raised her chin to smile shyly up at his face. They moved gracefully

together, letting the traditional music dictate their steps.

"You know, you do look very beautiful tonight." Hadrian murmured softly

as he twirled Daphne around.

Her pink lips twitched upwards and she said, "Thank you. And I suppose

you look handsome."

"You suppose?" He smiled mischievously. Without warning, he dropped

her into a dip and raised an eyebrow, "Now what was that?"

Daphne huffed as he raised her back upright. "Fine. You look magnificent

and every bit the charming gentleman."

"That's better." He grinned as they swayed around the ballroom, barely

noticing as other couples began to join them onto the dance floor.

Meanwhile, all the way across the enormous ballroom, Hermione Granger

cursed internally as she stepped in time to the music. She wasn't sure

what type of creature had possessed her to agree with this horrid plan,

but she was terribly regretting agreeing to it now.

"Not that I'm complaining about your presence, but honestly Hermione,

what idiot came up with this brilliant plan?" Blaise whispered as he

guided Hermione through the dance steps.

"This was Astoria's idea. Long story short, as horrible as it sounds, I

would rather be here than go home." Hermione finally admitted,

concentrating on the complicated footwork.

"No, you have to step right first." He corrected, showing her the correct

step. She sighed heavily and Blaise laughed. "Don't worry. The only

reason I know this is because of several years of dance lessons."

"Dancing is for girls, Blaise." Hermione teased.

"Tell that to my mother." Blaise shrugged. He spun her around and

Hermione nearly twisted her ankle. She glared accusingly at Blaise and

he shot her an apologetic look.

"But seriously, tu as l'air trés eleganté ce soir." Blaise said suavely, smiling

down at her petite form.

Hermione looked confused for a split second, but she nodded and said,

"It's nice to see you too, Blaise."

He snickered, "Yes, lying and saying you were from France was an

excellent idea."

She scowled, but before she could respond, someone tapped Blaise's

shoulder and he turned around sharply. Hermione glanced over to see

Draco Malfoy smirking at them.

"May I cut in?" He asked, smiling pleasantly.

Blaise turned to look at Hermione's frantic look and her vehement

gestures of disapproval. He grinned and said, "Of course. She's all yours,


As Blaise walked away, Hermione was very tempted to throw the sparkly

golden deathtrap–er, shoe–at his head, just to see if it made a dent. But

for now, all she could do was smile congenially and accept Draco's hand.

"I'm very sorry, but we dance differently in France. I'm not aware of this

type of dance." Hermione lied. "So, I apologize in advance if I step on

your feet." She blushed.

"Don't worry. It's all in the leading. I wouldn't let you fall, now would I?"

Hermione wanted so badly to believe him. But once he figured out who

she was, he'd probably push her to the ground first. She concealed her

inner worries with a smile. "Right."

"Now, what did you say your name was again?"

"Marie. Marie Brodeur." She replied, her forced smile intact.

"Yes well, Marie, I just wanted to let you know you have the most

beautiful muddy brown eyes in this room." He murmured as they swayed

in the back of the ballroom.

"Er–thank you? I guess?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "That wasn't a compliment." He squeezed her hand

tighter and pulled her closer. "Mudblood." He hissed venomously, his lips

brushing softly against her ear.

Hermione gasped inaudibly, her eyes wide with shock. She tried to step

out of his hold, but he just held her tighter, almost painfully. "You know,

you almost fooled me." He said suddenly, looking at anywhere but her.

"You look virtually unrecognizable when you play dress up."

"What is your point, Malfoy?" Hermione growled under her breath, trying

to move away from him. "Let me go!" She snapped.

Her small cry of desperation attracted the attention of the other people

around them, and they shot the pair several odd looks. Draco's eyes

hardened and he whispered in a harsh tone, "You are making a scene.

These people will gossip about almost anything, so I suggest you simply

smile prettily, unless you want to be discovered by the rest of our

pureblooded guests."

She smiled sarcastically and discreetly stepped on his foot with her

pointy heel. To her dismay, he barely flinched.

"You can tame your hair, and you can cover your face with makeup. You

can put on a pretty dress." His hand dropped to touch the diamond drop

earrings in her ear. "You can even wear earrings that cost more than your

house." His expression turned so cold that it caused Hermione to shiver at

the sight. "But you will never be able to fit in with royalty like us. Because

nothing will ever cover up the stench of Mudblood coming from you."

The effect of his words was astounding. Hermione instantly stiffened and

despite her best efforts, her eyes glazed over with a film of tears. "Let.

Me. Go." She whispered, her voice cracking pathetically at the end. She

would not cry in front of him.

"Oh, you want to leave now?" He chuckled darkly. "Well, I regret to

inform you of this, but it is considered rude to leave the dance floor in

the middle of a song. Pureblood tradition and all." He glanced

offhandedly at the twelve-piece orchestra in the corner of the room. "And

lucky for us, this song just started."

"Well, I'm not a pureblood, so–" Hermione was cut off as Draco tightened

his grip on her waist.

"You should've remembered that little fact before you decided to waltz

into an exclusive Pureblood Ball, don't you think?" He snarled.

Hermione bit her tongue hard enough to draw blood. She could taste the

metallic substance in her mouth, and she pursed her lips into a thin,

white line. She refused to respond to him and his cruel words. Instead,

she glanced beyond his shoulder and tried to distract herself with her

beautiful surroundings. The couples dancing around them seemed so

elegant and refined. There was not a hair out of place and not a wrinkle

in sight. There were several flawless ice sculptures decorating the room

and even a tower of champagne in the corner.

They twirled gracefully around the room, and that's when Hermione

realized the sickening truth. Malfoy was right. Amongst the luxury and

the beauty in the room, she stuck out like a sore thumb. She might've

looked the part of a stunning lady, but inside she certainly didn't feel like

one. She was still plain old Hermione. Mudblood Hermione. She didn't

belong here. She didn't even belong in the muggle world with the horrid

muggles. She was trapped between two worlds and she didn't feel

welcome in either of them.

As the talented orchestra played the last note of the soft, lovely song, a

small tear rolled down Hermione's cheek. She hastily wiped it away as

Draco silently led her off the dance floor. He had said what he needed to

say, and Hermione refused to listen to any more.

Across the ballroom, Hadrian Riddle also escorted his companion for the

evening off the dance floor. Of course, this pair appeared to be happier

than the last, since they were smiling shyly at each other and he had yet

to drop her hand, even though they were already at their designated


Daphne Greengrass swept her eyes across the ballroom. "I don't see

Hermione." She murmured. Suddenly her eyes widened at her slip-up and

she stared at Hadrian.

He laughed, "Don't worry, I knew it was her as soon as she stepped

through the door."

"Of course you would." She huffed, sitting down on the chair Hadrian had

pulled out for her. There was no one else at their table, although they

could see Draco approaching them from the side.

"You two look like you're having more fun than I am." He muttered as he

plopped himself down onto an empty chair beside his best friend.

"What's the matter, Draco? Can't find a pretty girl to dance with you?"

Hadrian smirked. "Why don't you ask Pansy? I'm sure she would love to

molest–I mean dance with you."

Daphne coughed to stifle her laughter. Draco glared at her and she raised

an eyebrow innocently as she took a sip of water. "Have you seen Marie

anywhere?" She questioned.

"You mean Granger?" Draco scowled. He waved his hand unconcernedly

at the mixture of surprise and worry on Daphne's face. "Yeah I danced

with her."

Hadrian nearly choked on air and Daphne dropped her pure whit silk

napkin in shock. Hadrian stared at his friend in disbelief. "You danced

with Hermione?" He repeated.

Draco scoffed. "Don't be so surprised. I called her a Mudblood several

times in the middle of it and she practically ran away in tears after I led

her off the dance floor. And she stepped on my foot! Can you believe it?

She might've ruined my new shoes!"

Daphne stilled and concentrated on tracing the drops of condensation on

her crystal glass with her finger. "What exactly did you say to her,


"Eh the usual 'Purebloods are better than Mudblood scum" speech. I

cannot comprehend why she hasn't understood this fact yet. Purebloods

are superior." He shrugged.

Daphne exchanged a glance with Hadrian, who seemed to mirror the

worry on her face. "Where did she go?" Hadrian asked urgently, helping

Daphne up from her chair.

Draco grimaced, "How am I supposed to know? You can't honestly be

concerned about the little Mudblood?"

"Well we are concerned because she's one of our best friends. So I would

appreciate if you didn't make her feel like she's dirt on the bottom of your

shoe." Daphne snapped.

Draco looked at Hadrian and frowned. "Are you seriously taking her side

over mine?"

Hadrian sighed, "Look Draco, I know she's not your friend, but she is

mine. She has done nothing to deserve your hatred and what's worse is

you keep doing it! Without any remorse."

"She's a Mudblood!" Draco hissed. "She doesn't deserve our pity let alone

our friendship!" He lowered his voice to a icy whisper, "You are the son of

the Dark Lord. The Dark Heir does not go chasing after sniveling


"Hermione Granger is no ordinary muggleborn. Blood doesn't dictate who

is unworthy of magic, Draco. People's actions do." Daphne explained.

"Hermione Granger has proven time and time again that she is worthy of

her magic. Her blood has nothing to do with it."

"Hadrian doesn't believe that bullshit. Do you?" Draco sneered darkly.

Hadrian pursed his lips. "We need to find Hermione." He said simply.

Daphne nodded, "You go in that direction and I'll go this way. She has to

be inside the ballroom. I'm sure we would've noticed if the doors opened

and closed."

"Not necessarily," Hadrian pointed out as they began to walk. "There are

many exits to this ballroom if you look hard enough. She could be

outside, in the gardens, or she could've even wandered into the main part

of the Manor for all we know."

"She wouldn't go into the Manor." Daphne insisted. "But you're right, she

may be outside. I'll find Destiny. She'll probably know where Hermione

is. In the meantime, you can look around the ballroom."

Hadrian nodded and quickly turned the opposite direction, nearly

running into a tall figure dressed in al black. "My deepest apologies, Sir."

He bowed, hoping to avoid another conversation.

"If only you were this polite in class." The voice drawled.

Hadrian instantly straightened his posture, sneering up at the man in

front of him. "Severus." He greeted, blatant contempt dripping from his

voice. "I see you've crawled out of your dark hole to celebrate tonight's


Snipe sniffed. "And there's the insufferable brat. Forgive me; I thought

you had actually become a gentleman overnight. But alas…" He turned

his nose up in disdain, "I see that is impossible."

"Yes, well, if you'll excuse me." Hadrian muttered, clenching his fists and

attempting to step around the professor. Unfortunately, his efforts were

to no avail because Snape stepped to stop him in his spot.

"I need to have a conversation with you." Snape muttered under his

breath. He glanced at the people around him and added sharply, "In


"I really don't think that's necessary–" Hadrian began, but Snape paid no

heed to his protests and merely dragged him off to the side. When they

were away from prying eyes and curious ears, Hadrian folded his arms

impatiently. "Well spit it out. What was so important that you had to drag

me away?"

Snape simply looked at him with an indistinguishable look in his eyes.

Hadrian had never seen it on Snape's face. It almost looked like…pity?

Snape opened his mouth to say something but instead, he clapped a hand

on Hadrian's shoulder and set his drink on a nearby table.

Hadrian stared pointedly at the offending body part on his shoulder, but

before he could say anything, the scene around him blurred and Hadrian

could feel the trademark whirling of apparition.

As soon as Hadrian Riddle felt the fresh, freezing layer of snow under his

feet, he whipped his wand out of his pocket and pointed it at Snape. "Is

this some kind of sick Christmas tradition?" He growled, jabbing his

wand in Snape's direction. "Kidnapping me?"

"I'm simply following orders." Snape revealed monotonously, rolling his

eyes at the boy in front of him.

"I have to get back!" He muttered, running a hand through his hair. "Take

me back!" He demanded, pressing his wand against Snape's throat.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Snape said in a nonchalant tone. "As I said

before, I'm simply following orders."

"Are they my father's orders? Tell me!" He hissed.

"I'm simply–"

"Yes, I know!" Hadrian exclaimed. "You're simply 'following orders'. Now

give me one good reason why I shouldn't curse you till your ears bleed!"

"Well, you see…" Snape trailed off, swallowing anxiously. Before he could

finish, he waved his wand and apparated away with a swirl of his black


"Snape?" Hadrian blinked, waving his hand in the spot where Snape had

stood not a second before. "Snape, you bastard! Get back here!" He yelled

into the empty winter air.

Sighing loudly, Hadrian trudged out of the cover of trees that Snape had

apparated them into. He frowned at the strangely familiar street on

which he had emerged. He tiredly made his way over to the bench that

was on the sidewalk. Hadrian softly brushed away the snow and sat

down, wincing at the cold trail of water left by the snow. He swept his

eyes across the street, noticing that all the houses seemed to look the

same and streetlights would flicker ever so often. Hadrian stiffened. This

was a muggle neighborhood. What was Snape thinking, bringing him


He huffed angrily and leaned down, holding his head in his hands. How

was he supposed to get out of here? He couldn't apparate yet, nor could

he use any magic in front of these muggles.

He heard a small whoosh of wind beside him, and Hadrian looked up and

sprung back in surprise at the figure that had suddenly appeared beside

him. The figure looked at him in amusement and said, "Don't be so

surprised. You may not be able to apparate, but I can."

"Who are you?" Hadrian blurted out, staring at the man's dark brown,

almost black coloured hair and sharp, chiseled features. The man's eyes

were as shockingly green as his own.

"After so many years, you'd think that your own son would recognize his

father." The man said, folding his arms and leaning against the bench.

Hadrian stiffened. "I don't have a father."

The man smirked slyly, and with a wave of his hand, the image of the

familiar stranger flickered to one of Lord Voldemort. Hadrian jumped

back in shock, but as soon as he blinked the image returned to the one of

the stranger.

"Oh." Hadrian breathed in confusion. "That father."

"Yes. I casted a glamour to resemble myself when I was younger." He


"Reliving your glory days?" Hadrian smirked.

"No." Lord Voldemort snapped. "It's an extra precaution for tonight's raid."

"Why did it have to be tonight?" Hadrian complained.

"I'm sorry, were you too busy tonight? I knew I should've checked with

your personal assistant before springing this on you." His father rolled his


"Fine. But can this be quick? I have a ball I need to get back to." Hadrian


"Trust me." His father said as he rose from the bench. "You will want to

draw this out as long as possible."


"You'll see." His father said mysteriously. "Now come along. We have

someone we need to–ahem–" Lord Voldemort cleared his throat. "… speak


And for some absurd reason, Hadrian predicted that conversation was the

last thing on his father's mind.

Hadrian nearly ran to keep up with his father's long strides as the walked

across the street. They strolled up the pathway of a house, and stopped at

its doorstep. Lord Voldemort turned to Hadrian. "Unlock it." He


Hadrian shrugged and whispered, "Alohamora." The lock clicked and

Hadrian pushed open the door.

"Now, stay quiet and follow my instructions. Although this is quite

undignified, Dumbledore must not get a word of this, understand?"

Hadrian nodded mutely and followed his father into the still, dark house.

It seemed familiar, but only when his eyes landed on the outline of a

cupboard under the creaky stairs did his eyes widen in recognition. "This

is the Dursley residence!" Hadrian hissed under his breath.

"Yes Hadrian. I'm aware of that." His father responded dryly as they

silently walked up the steps. Hadrian glanced around nervously, a

carefully buried hatred slowly floating back up to rest on the surface.

They passed a couple doors in the narrow hallway, before finally

stopping at a door embellished with posters of trucks and cars.

Voldemort's pale white hand shot out to slowly turn the doorknob and

quietly push open the door. "Cast a silencing spell." He instructed.

Hadrian complied, just as his father moved over to the bed, which held a

large body under the lumpy covers. "Aren't you going to stun him first?"

Hadrian asked. "He'll be less of a hassle."

His father turned and a purely maniacal look came into his eyes. "Oh,

Hadrian. You should never underestimate the power of fear. It's often

more terrifying than the actual torture, you see."

Hadrian leaned himself against the door and raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure

you speak from experience."

Lord Voldemort smirked, the moonlight glinting off his sharp white teeth

dangerously. "Of course."

He turned his attention back to the young boy sleeping under the covers.

With a flick of his wrists, Voldemort aggressively pulled the covers away

from the youngest Dursley.

The boy stirred in his sleep, and sleepily cracked open an eye. "I'm tired

Mummy. Go away."

Lord Voldemort leaned down, and his eyes flashed red, causing the boy

to yelp and scramble up in his bed. "Hello Dursley." Voldemort sneered.

"Now, be a good filthy muggle and don't scream, otherwise I'll make this

so much harder than it should be. Understand?"

The boy nodded fearfully and Voldemort smiled. "Good, now Hadrian,

please take hold of my arm and we shall escort our guest to our


Hadrian smiled and stepped forward, closing his eyes as Voldemort

apparated them. When they landed, Hadrian frowned as he noticed a

small muggle children's park. "Why are we here? Where are the

dungeons? Where are the chains?" Hadrian exclaimed. "I thought we

were torturing this piece of lard!"

"T-T-Torture?" Dudley gulped.

"Shut up, muggle." Voldemort spat. "Don't worry. This will be interesting."

Hadrian sighed as he dragged his cousin along to follow his father. The

snow crunched under their feet and they came to a slow stop at the

frozen pond. Lord Voldemort paused and said, "I think that it's time to

test your training."

Hadrian looked taken aback. "What? Like right now? Now now?"

Instead of responding, his father turned his gaze to the pond. "Give me

your wand."

Hadrian was ready to protest, but his father shot him a warning look and

Hadrian reluctantly pulled his wand from the pocket in his robes and

handed it to his father.

"Your other one too." Lord Voldemort added, looking bored. Hadrian

sighed and picked up the wand hidden in his boot. As soon as Voldemort

held both wands in his hand, he cast a sticking spell on Dudley so he

couldn't move his feet. Then he pointed the wand at Hadrian and said,


"What are you–hey!" He protested, as his father levitated him over the

frozen pond. "What are you doing!" Hadrian yelled.

"Alright brat, lets play a game." His father clasped his hands together and

sat onto the park bench. "For every time you successfully block my efforts

to get into your mind, I cast a cruciatus curse onto your dear cousin."

Hadrian shrugged as best he could, given the situation. "Sounds easy


His father held up a hand and a dark look came into his eyes. "I'm not

finished yet. For every failed attempt at blocking your mind, " He paused

and smiled a positively feral smile. "This happens." He flicked his wrist

and Hadrian yelped as suddenly he was dropped down, past the layer of

hard ice and into the freezing cold water of the pond. He shivered as he

was raised out of the water, and hung in the middle of the air once more.

"You can't do that!" Hadrian sputtered, folding his arms against himself

for some kind of warmth as the cold air bit his cheeks.

"I can do anything I want. Now are you ready?" His father didn't wait for

an answer as he launched himself into his mind. Hadrian gasped and

tried his best to push his father out, but he simply wasn't prepared. He

groaned as his father tore down his shields.

"That was pathetic." His father barked, wasting no time in dunking him

into the freezing cold lake. "Try again."

This time, Hadrian barely let his father inside his mind, before he pushed

him out with such great force. Lord Voldemort smirked and turned his

wand on the other boy. "Crucio." He hissed.

Hadrian smiled in triumph as his father crucioed his cousin. He sure did

cherish these father-son moments.

After about twenty seconds, Lord Voldemort turned back to his own son.

Hadrian already put up his shields as he felt Lord Voldemort attack and

tear at them. As his father was snapped back again, Hadrian grinned. He

was getting used to this.


Dudley's screams echoed through the night, and Hadrian wondered how

no one had heard them yet. But he certainly wasn't complaining.

The next time his father attacked his mind, Hadrian groaned as his

shields crumpled down with barely a slight probing. "I just got tired that

time." Hadrian pleaded.

Lord Voldemort paused. "Oh. I suppose that's alright then. Why don't we

take a small break?"

Hadrian could've sworn his father submerged him in the water for longer

than needed.

As soon as he was pulled up for air, his father's eyes flashed in anger. "Do

you think Dumbledore or the rest of the Order will wait for you to take a

break? Do you think they will care if you get tired? No!" He snapped.

The next time, Hadrian made sure his barriers were twice as strong. He

refused to back down, even when his father pressed against his mind at

an unbearable force.

As this continued for almost an hour, Hadrian's shields, blocks, and fake

memories grew stronger and stronger. He became more concentrated on

organizing his mind and only showing what he wanted others to see. The

hazy wisps of fake memories became clear, and it was impossible to tell

them apart from the real memories. Eventually, even Lord Voldemort

could not detect a trace of Occulemency in his Heir's mind. Not that he'd

tell him that.

"Crucio," Lord Voldemort whispered for the seventh time in a row. He

frowned at the Dursley boy who was borderline unconscious at this point.

He would moan slightly and only show signs of life when he was being

tortured. It wasn't as entertaining if the victim didn't beg and plead for

him to stop.

"Careful father, if I keep winning, then he might die right there." Hadrian

beamed, the cold long forgotten. Or perhaps he was just too numb to

care. It was probably the later.

"Don't be arrogant, Hadrian." His father called out. "Arrogance is only

acceptable when you are the best."

That was when Lord Voldemort saw a new spark in his son's dark green

eyes. He hadn't seen that spark ever since the small, sniffling Harry Potter

decided to become the Dark Lord's prodigy. It was the look of an

accepted challenge.

Lord Voldemort filled with a strange warm feeling of pride. His son had

accepted the challenge to become the best, not unlike the way he himself

had vowed to become the best wizard at the mere age of sixteen. He was

confident his son would win this challenge as well. After all, success ran

in the family.

Instead of feeling threatened, like he might've felt several years ago, Lord

Voldemort felt only anticipation towards his heir's new goal. Hadrian

Riddle would do it. He would become the most feared, respected, perfect

man in the entire wizarding world. If there were anyone Lord Voldemort

could pick to leave behind a legacy for, it would be Hadrian Riddle.

It seemed as if a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders. Suddenly, he

didn't fear the future as much. Of course, Lord Voldemort would still kill

his own mother for immortality, but he knew that if he somehow

vanished in the midst of his long, bloody fight, at least he was leaving his

dreams in good hands. Not that he would ever admit it to anyone.

"Are we done now?"

Lord Voldemort broke out of his thoughts and glanced wearily at his heir.

"I suppose." He levitated his heir to the safe, blanketed with snow ground

and handed him both of his wands.

Hadrian gratefully grabbed them out of his father's hand. He cast a

drying spell on himself, and then decided to cast a warming spell as well.

He stuck the wand back into his robe pocket and tucked the other wand

into his boot. "Shall we go?"

"Not just yet." His father said. "Hadrian, do you know why I'm making

you strengthen your mind with this torture?"

"Because you hate me and want to see me die?"

"That too. But I'm forcing you to learn this because you need to learn

how to use your mind to control your magic. Magic lies in the mind,

Hadrian. If you control your mind, you have full control of your magic.

First you need to learn how to protect it, otherwise anyone could try to

use you as a weapon against yourself." His father gave him a serious look

and continued. "There's also a second part to controlling your mind.

Controlling your own mine will allow you to eventually control others.

You can cast a spell and make them do things that they would rather die

than do."

"Like the Imperious Curse?" Hadrian breathed, his breath coming out in

little puffs of air.

"Yes. Since you already know how the mind works, you now can cast the

Imperious Curse. And it will be ten times stronger than someone who

simply casts it without training of the mind." Voldemort paused and

added, hesitantly, "Would you like to try, on your dear cousin? I know

you've always held a deep hatred for all the


"Yes!" Hadrian cut in quickly. "How do I do it? Do I just say Imperio?"

Lord Voldemort pursed his lips and shook his head. "You have to use

what you've learned. What is the easiest thing to block?"

"Memories." Hadrian answered in a heartbeat.

"And the hardest?"

"The senses." Hadrian answered. His eyes widened. "So I have to block

everything, so that he can only listen and do what I tell him to?"


Hadrian nodded and raised his wand to his cousin, "Imperio." He hissed.

The boy instantly stilled, and Hadrian smiled. "Walk in a circle."

Dudley go up on his feet, and began to walk in a nearly perfect circle,

stumbling over his own dead feet as he moved.

"Slap yourself." Hadrian grinned. He waited, but nothing happened.

"Telling someone to hurt themselves goes against their very human

nature. People, whether they are a muggle or a wizard, are naturally

selfish. They will try their hardest to protect themselves and do the thing

that provides them with the most gain. If you want to see someone in

pain, you really have to allow yourself to feel the hatred for him or her.

You have to project that feeling into their minds. You need to make them

hate themselves." His father explained.

Hadrian nodded, and tried again. "Slap yourself." He stressed, with much

more of his true emotion than before. He laughed as Dudley began to

slap himself silly. "It worked!" He exclaimed. Suddenly, his eyes darkened

and he glared at the boy. "Walk to the pond. Go for a swim."

The boy did as commanded and walked to the pond, almost as if he was

in a trance. As soon as he stepped onto the frozen slate of ice, it shattered

under his weight and pressure. He fell through the ice into the icy water

of the pond.

"Hhm." Hadrian smirked. "Hold your breath underwater for an entire


By the time the minute was up, Dudley Dursley was half dead. Hadrian

Riddle was pleased that he had caused this feeling of lifelessness and he

felt thoroughly vindicated.

He turned to Lord Voldemort, who raised an eyebrow at him. "Well?

Aren't you going to finish him off?" His father questioned.

"As in kill him?" Hadrian snorted. "Of course not. He's a terrible excuse

for even filth like muggles, but I can't kill him."

His father nodded and was silent for a second before asking, "Well, why


Hadrian stuttered. "Well, I …"

And that was when Lord Voldemort felt a small trickle of doubt cloud his

mind. If there was anything he hated more than death, and fear, it was

doubt. His eyes flashed a bloodred and he glared at his son.

"Kill him." Voldemort hissed, pointing to the boy.

"I can't! I don't know how!" Hadrian whispered.

"Don't lie or make up excuses, Hadrian." Lord Voldemort snarled. "You

won't kill him because you don't want to kill him."

"Why do we have to kill him? Why can't we just torture him and drop

him at his house?"

"Drop him off at his house?" Voldemort repeated in disbelief. "You want

to just crucio, torture, drown a boy, and then drop him off at his house?"


"Shut up." His father barked. "We can't leave him like this. He has traces

of magic all over him. And if you won't get rid of him, I will."

"No, I can do it." Hadrian insisted. "Imperio." He paused and said softly,

"Go kill yourself."

Predictably, nothing happened. Lord Voldemort rolled his eyes and

whipped out his own wand. "You can't kill him because you don't want to.

I suppose it's understandable. I only became a killer in my sixth year." He

let out a deep breath. "I will let you off the hook this time, brat. Perhaps

you haven't felt enough true pain and hatred to take a life. But watch and

see how to properly dispose of someone you despise."

And he did. Hadrian watched in horrid fascination, the way some cannot

turn away from a tragic accident. His father cast the Imperious Curse

onto the large Dudley Dursley.

"Go to the pond."

"Step into the water."


Three simple commands that caused Hadrian to peer into the darkness

and discover that he was no longer able to make out the form of Dudley

Dursley. His father cast a spell that covered the pond with a sheet of

thick ice once more. All trace of the youngest Dursley had disappeared.

As they apparated back to Riddle Manor, Hadrian asked his father one

simple question. "How do you do it?"

His father knew exactly what his son was speaking about because he shot

Hadrian a sincere smile, although there was a strange look in his eyes.

"There are just some people that simply do not deserve to be saved."

30. Deadly Mistakes

A/N: Sorry for this late update, but in case you haven't noticed this

yet, unfortunately I am a busy person with way too many problems

in my life (mostly health related). So just know I will probably have

some sketchy update times in the future, but I'm trying my best!

Don't worry, I am not abandoning this story. Thank you for

tolerating my incompetence.


Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Slytherin Dormitory [March 5th]

Ginerva watched in utter fascination as she dipped the brush in the dark

burgundy liquid, being careful not to spill a single drop onto the antique

black vanity. She furrowed her brows in absolute concentration, biting

her lip as she streaked the paint across her nail. The chemical scent was

overwhelming, but the activity of painting her nails was almost

therapeutic to the young witch so she had learned to ignore it. She had

been doing it for as long as she could remember, and now her nose only

wrinkled slightly at the scent.

Her concentration was shattered, however, when the massive black door

to her room was blasted open. Ginerva cursed under her breath as the

brush jolted to the side, dribbling a trail of the blood coloured paint

down the side of her finger. She quickly wiped it away, frowning as the

smudge of red refused to fade away. Ginerva was mildly surprised that

someone had managed to take down all the wards she had placed on her

door. It was simply a precaution to keep out unwanted visitors.

And the girl who entered the room definitely was an unwanted visitor.

Ginerva calmly placed the brush back into its glass bottle, and turned her

head to face her company.

"Can I help you?" She raised an eyebrow coldly, staring down the girl that

dared to enter her chambers without permission. Instead of cowering

away like most would, the girl stared back, with just as much – if not

more– venom.

"We need to talk." Astoria Greengrass spoke quietly, the icy tone

sounding foreign on her petite, wafer-like frame. She gently closed the

door behind her with a soft thud. The sound was enough to snap Ginerva

out of her indifferent posture, and she tilted her chin up defiantly.

"I don't remember inviting you to my room." Ginerva said haughtily,

narrowing her eyes slightly when Astoria began to walk slowly across her

room. She paused near the desk, and her eyes landed on a small, leather

bound book wedged between the stacks of textbooks. Ginerva stiffened

imperceptibly as Astoria flipped open the cover.

"Who is Tom Riddle?" Astoria questioned, looking over at her friend

suspiciously. Ginerva plastered an uninterested expression on her face,

and casually tucked a piece of flaming hair behind her ear.

"A friend."

Astoria nodded complacently, seeming to accept the vague answer. She

turned her attention away from the diary and sauntered over to the

quilted black armchair opposite the window.

Completely ignoring the threatening look on the redhead's face, she sat

herself down on the chair, throwing her legs over one of the arms. She

tilted her head back until it rested on the other arm of the chair. In one

fluid motion, she flipped her straight,, honey coloured hair out of her

eyes. As a result of the blue-green water outside her window, the light

cast a marbled pattern across her pale skin,

Ginerva sighed internally when she understood that Astoria would not be

leaving soon. She turned away, refusing to even acknowledge her

presence. Instead, she switched her attention back to her nails, although

the hard expression that had settled on her face expressed her discontent

far better than anything she could've said at the moment.

They sat in silence for several painful minutes, neither one willing to

speak first. Astoria tried to catch her friend's eyes, but Ginerva refused to

lift her gaze from painting her nails. Eventually, she sighed and realized

her friend was too stubborn to even look her direction.

She wrung her hands together and cleared her throat, "Look, I don't want

to fight, Ginny."

Her friend bristled slightly at the sound of her voice, but she showed no

other signs of responding.

Astoria felt her mouth go dry, and she immediately began to feel her

previous confidence quickly starting to fade away. "I just–"

"Why are you here?" Ginerva asked, finally turning her full attention to

her friend. Her eyes were hard and uncaring, like cracked pools of amber.

The sight itself caused Astoria to flinch involuntarily.

"I just want to talk to you." She mumbled, swinging her legs back down

to the floor. She ducked her head down and tapped her feet nervously.

"This person who you've become…" Astoria paused, searching for her

words carefully. "I know this isn't who you truly are."

Ginerva crossed her arms, glancing at Astoria with a slight smirk on her

pink lips, "Oh really? And what makes you such an expert?"

"I'm your best friend." Astoria raised her head with sudden determination,

looking her in the eye. "I know you."

She laughed, a low and dangerous chuckle. "No, you were best friends

with Ginny Weasley. You were friends with the raggedy, little blood


"But I don't understand." Astoria said confusedly, her big bluish green

eyes widening. "You are Ginny Weasley."

"I was Ginny Weasley. We don't all come from luxurious childhoods with

so many connections to the powerful." Ginerva paused to throw a

meaningful sneer in Astoria's direction. "Some of us have to start our

journey to greatness in less than humble conditions, in less than humble

lives. That, my dear, is Ginny Weasley. The small, doe-eyed child who

grew up innocent, and unaware of the injustice around her."

Astoria rubbed her temples, "Injustice?" She repeated incredulously. "You

grew up in such a loving home. You had parents who actually cared for

you, despite having six other siblings. You know, they could've favored

just their eldest child, but your parents loved all of you equally." She

stopped abruptly and muttered, "You have no idea how lucky you are."

Ginerva sighed, "You wouldn't understand, sweetheart. I don't need love.

Love means nothing to me when there are other much more valuable

things in life. I need power, success, fame even."

"Ginny, please." Astoria pleaded, "I know you're still there. Please, just

listen to me–"

"My name is Ginerva." She snapped, a sudden fire returning to blaze in

her usually icy eyes.

"No, it is not!" Astoria exclaimed, leaping up from her chair and pointing

an accusing finger at her. "You are not Ginerva. You are Ginny Weasley.

You have six brothers and parents who love you very much. You love

chocolate frogs. You worship the Hollyhead Harpies and you have at

least ten posters of them in your room. Your favourite hobby is playing

quidditch and playing pranks on innocent bystanders. Your want to meet

Viktor Krum someday…A–and–and you hate socks!" She panted angrily,

trying to catch her breath after her furious outburst.

Ginerva regarded her friend with an apathetic expression, sitting up

straight in her chair. She cocked a brow disinterestedly, "Are you done?"

"No." Astoria dragged out her breath, "Why are you acting like some

stone cold Slytherin girl. This isn't who you are! As your best friend, I

deserve some answers."

"Listen here, Astoria. I owe you nothing." She hissed, flashing her eyes in a

menacing manner. "If you want answers, be a good little Slytherin and

find them yourself." Ginerva paused and a wicked smile graced her

features. "Oh wait, I forgot. Hanna Abbott from Hufflepuff is more

Slytherin than you are."

"Don't go there–"

Ignoring Astoria completely, Ginerva tapped her chin as she pretended to

think. "Now, the question is: Why would someone as… exuberant as you

want to place yourself in Slytherin?"

"The hat sorted–"

Ginerva rolled her eyes. "We both know that isn't exactly true, now is it?"

She continued on, barely batting an eye at Astoria's objections. "You

never told me, you know. Why did you deliberately place yourself here,

even though you knew you didn't belong?"

"Why would I tell you?" Astoria challenged, her upper lip jutting out

defiantly. "You aren't exactly the most dependable person."

Ginerva pursed her lips, "Touché." She stood up from her black velvet

vanity chair and tied her dressing robe tighter across her slender figure.

Her porcelain hands picked up an emerald green brush and held it

delicately. She leaned back against the vanity and her lips curved into a

saccharine smile. "Perhaps it's because you are afraid."

"Don't talk nonsense, Gin–Ginerva." Astoria mumbled, her voice wavering


"That's it, isn't it?" Ginerva continued, her eyes glittering as she

discovered the untold secret. "You're afraid of ruining your family's

Slytherin legacy. You're afraid of being separated from your sister." She

tilted her head to the side and regarded her with a cunning sneer,

latching on to her solid theory. "You've lived in the shadow of your

"Perfect Sister" for so long, you're actually terrified that distancing

yourself from her would make you even more invisible in the eyes of

your parents. You're afraid of being invisible."

"Take that back!" Astoria hissed, her shoulders straightening to a rigid

posture. Her arm twitched against her side, and she was itching to rip out

her friend's perfect little red hair. She took a threatening step forward.

"Oh, dear. I seem to have upset you. I'm so sorry." Ginerva apologized,

although her insincerity was clear. "Do tell me, Astoria. How can you

preach about being true and honest, when you, yourself are terrified of

embracing who you truly are?"

Astoria lowered her voice to almost a whisper. "I told you about my

parents in strict confidence. This isn't something you can use against me.

And if you even try, remember that I know some of your secrets too."

Ginerva hummed distractedly as she slowly ran the brush through her

hair, watching the silky russet strands fall one by one. Without turning

her attention away from her hair, she spoke in a soft drawl. "Yes, and

how many of those secrets do you think are actually true?"

Astoria stumbled over her words, jerking her head to look at Ginerva. "T–

They're all true." She said assuredly, but the uncertainty in her eyes

betrayed the sudden seed of doubt that had been planted.

Her friend shrugged nonchalantly and stepped away from the vanity,

tossing her fiery hair over her shoulder. She crossed her room in a series

of long, quick strides, her carefully shined black shoes clicking against

the marble floor. She stopped in front of Astoria and grinned.

Her sharp eyes scanned Astoria's face for a split second, before travelling

down to glance at the shiny trinket around her neck. She raised an

eyebrow, as if saying May I? Instead of waiting for a response, Ginerva

let her hands trail down the silver chain and clasp the slightly heavy

locket. "New locket, huh? It suits you." She paused and yanked on the

long chain, causing Astoria to jerk forward forcefully and she glared up

at the taller girl's menacing expression. "Now, by the time I come back, I

want you out of this room. Do not even dare to stand outside my door

without my permission, do you understand?" She hissed in a harsh tone.

Astoria winced, and all she could do was nod reluctantly.

"Good girl." Ginerva smiled an unnerving smile and slowly released the

chain. She patted Astoria on the head in a patronizing way and continued

toward her washroom door.

Astoria stiffened. "I know what you're planning." She called out. Ginerva

froze, but didn't turn around. So she pressed further. "I know you're

trying to get rid of Evanna Rosier…for good. I don't know how per say,

but I don't need to know anything to report my suspicions."

When she did not show any signs of reacting, Astoria narrowed her eyes.

"I swear to Merlin, Ginny. If you walk away from me right now, consider

our friendship done."

Ginerva glanced back at her and scrutinized her face. Astoria thought

that she had seen a flicker of the old Ginny back in her face, and her

stomach warmed at the thought. But then Ginerva smirked and it

confirmed her fate. She flipped her hair dismissively over her shoulder

and walked into the washroom, without a second glance.

Only when Ginerva was gone, did Astoria rub her neck where the chain

had left violent red marks on her pale skin. She couldn't even wrap her

mind around what had just happened. With a sinking feeling, Astoria

realized she was alone. Ginny was one of the only people she trusted as a

friend, and now she was gone too.

Maybe Ginerva was right. She didn't deserve to be in Slytherin. Astoria

suddenly wished she had accepted the Hat's initial decision to send her

into Hufflepuff. Her family would have been disappointed, but at least

she wouldn't have to deal with …this.

Every fiber in her body was screaming at her to hate the girl, but she just

couldn't do it. Sighing heavily, Astoria sank down to the cold floor,

cradling her knees against her chest. When had her life gotten so

complicated? Despite every nasty comment she had ever received from

Ginerva, Astoria still believed there was some compassion, some

resemblance of the old Ginny still left inside her. Yes, although this plan

was almost destined to fail miserably, she knew she had to save Ginerva.

It was crazy, and utterly hopeless to even try, but Astoria was willing.

She blamed it on her loyal Hufflepuff nature.

Hogwart's Library [April 23rd]

Draco Malfoy ran a long, thin finger down the spine of one of the many

ancient volumes that were threatening to overflow out of the richly

coloured mahogany doors of the Hogwart's Library. His expression

morphed into one of disdain as he caught sight of the thin layer of dust

now covering his finger. Mumbling incoherently under his breath, Draco

vowed to speak to his father about such filthy conditions in one of the

most prestigious libraries in all of England.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a sudden movement. Draco groaned

inwardly at getting distracted so easily. What kind of a sleuth was he? He

cautiously crept behind the ceiling high bookcases, trying his best to stay

inconspicuous. Making sure to keep a distance of a minimum of three

shelves between them, he followed behind the curly haired witch.

A dark scowl came over his features as she disappeared further into the

shelves that housed the much thicker, and much more challenging books

on complex magic. With a sigh, he realized he would have to put more

effort into his studies if he wished to compete with the know-it-all. Or

else he would have to suffer the wrath of his father. Just the thought of

his father berating him for falling behind a mudblood was so unpleasant,

that it caused Draco to shiver. Shaking his head to clear it of horrid

thoughts, he followed her into the dimly lit part of the library where few

entered. He doubted that students under fifth year even knew this part of

the library existed.

Draco witnessed her stop and rifle through a couple pages in the book

she was carrying, and so he was forced to duck behind a bookshelf in

order to avoid being caught. He winced at the image of Granger and her

shrill little voice screaming at him like some kind of deranged banshee,

simply for breathing in her presence. He'd like to keep his ears in tact,


The bookshelf he was leaning against had a book that was haphazardly

shoved into its space, and it was stabbing his back. He reached an arm

behind and pulled out the book, turning it over in his hands to read the

cover: The Study of the Origins of Rare Magical Creatures. Draco rolled his

eyes, how droll. He craned his neck around the shelf, and noticed that

Granger had moved up a couple shelves. Quickly tucking the book under

his arm, he continued in his pursuit of the bushy haired mudblood.

His keen silver eyes noticed her freeze suddenly, and she pulled a small

object out of her robes. Draco quickly opened the book in front of his

face, pretending to be intensely focused reading the less than interesting

text. When he was sure she had moved on, he lowered the book down

and let out the breath he wasn't aware he had been holding. But to his

surprise, she seemed to have completely vanished into thin air.

Unable to contain his curiosity, he softly walked through the aisles,

because Malfoys simply did not tiptoe through libraries like disgraceful

buffoons. He moved so carefully, intent on finding any signs of her

voluminous hair. It was very hard to miss. In fact, he was so focused that

he missed the shiny black shoe sticking out from the next aisle.

Draco Malfoy tripped over the shoe, as expected. Instantly, he heard a

voice mumble a spell and he felt ropes tie his hands and feet together,

and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He moved his head to the

side to catch a sign of his attacker, although it was quite problematic to

maneuver himself into such a position without his face grazing the floor.

He growled under his breath when he caught sight of the unmistakable

fiery brown eyes and afro-like mass of hair.

"You know, when most people read, they tend to hold the book in their

hands with the correct orientation. It's quite hard to read upside down,

you see." She muttered sarcastically, pacing around his tied up form.

"Ha ha, Granger." Draco laughed humorlessly. "Now untie me." He


"No!" She snapped, crossing her arms across her chest. "What is your

purpose for following me around like some barbarian? " She asked

sharply, narrowing her eyes dangerously.

He plastered a faux expression of hurt onto his sharp features. "Why?

Aren't you glad to see me?"

"I would be glad to see Hadrian, Blaise, or Daphne." She huffed, "You?

Not so much."

He scoffed, "You should be lucky it's me you happened to tie up on the

floor, not Blaise. By this time he would've made some crude comment

about seeing up your skirt from this angle."

Hermione gasped and flushed a bright shade of pink before realizing that

she was wearing pants. She gritted her teeth together and stalked away

from the chuckling boy on the floor, which caused him to protest.

"Aren't you going to untie me?"

"No." She muttered from a couple feet away. She reached for one of the

books on a high shelf, and jumped up slightly to reach it. Her eyebrows

wrinkled in frustration as she jumped up several times, but failed to grab

the book.

Draco let out snicker from watching her continued struggles. She barely

cast him a glance and spoke with irritation dripping from her words,

"Well don't just sit there. Help me get the book like a proper gentleman."

The library was silent as Hermione mulled over her words and burst out

laughing. She pushed back her monstrous hair and shot Draco a smug

look. "Oh wait, I forgot! You can't move!" She laughed loudly, completely

ignoring the deadly looks she was receiving.

"You're a witch, aren't you?" Draco raised an eyebrow mockingly,

choosing to disregard her girlish giggles at his expense.

Hermione huffed and stopped laughing immediately. She shook her head

and levitated the book down, a wide grin still plastered on her face. She

flipped through the pages quickly, her eyes darting across the pages at an

almost inhuman rate. There was a small creaking noise behind them, and

Hermione dropped the book in her shock. She reached into her bag, and

pulled out a small mirror.

"What are you doing? I think you have more pressing matters to attend

to, rather than checking your reflection. I can give you one. How about

untying me?" Draco sneered, his frown deepening as he stared down at

the floor with an immense amount of frustration.

"Shut up, Malfoy." Hermione groaned, rubbing her temples in annoyance.

"You're giving me a headache."

"Well if you would just untie me–"

"You're a wizard, aren't you?" Hermione parroted his earlier words, and

she even managed to capture the dry, mocking tone that he had used.

"Do I look like I can reach my wand?" Draco hissed rhetorically.

"Where did you stash it?"

He smirked.

Hermione made a disgusted face and turned away muttering something

about dunderheads and repulsive imbeciles.

Draco sighed, "I'm kidding. It's in the inside pocket of my robes, but I

obviously can't move my hands."

Hermione shrugged indifferently, "Well, that's just too bad then." She

continued on before he started his protests again. "You never told me

why you are stalking me. Don't you hate people like me?"

Draco let out a loud, defeated sigh. In the process of getting tied up like

some prisoner and arguing with the mudblood, he had completely

forgotten why he had sought her out in the first place.

"Yes…the reason I came…" He trailed off, the tips of his ears quickly

turning a strange shade of pink and his face visibly scrunching up, as

though he was in pain. "I needed to speak to you."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "That much is obvious."

Draco mumbled something softly under his breath and Hermione turned

to look at him oddly. He mumbled again, this time louder, but twice as

fast. She shook her head and put her hands on her hips, plastering a stern

expression on her face. "What are you even saying? Don't they teach you

how to speak down in the dungeons?"

"I said, I'm sorry." Draco muttered, just loud enough for her to hear.

Hermione stumbled, dropping the mirror in her hands. She quickly

moved her hair to cover the side of her face, covering her shocked

expression while she knelt down to pick it up. Her mind was whirling,

and all her coherent thoughts flew out the window. It was rather sad to

see how much two simple words could befuddle her clever mind. Her

voice was rather throaty when she forced out, "Sorry–what for?"

"I am sorry for my cruel words at my family's pureblood only ball. It was

wrong of me to be rude to you…. even though you crashed the ball, so

technically it was justified." He said the last part almost inaudibly,

although Hermione seemed to have heard it judging by the small frown

that appeared on her face. Before she could respond, he pressed on

speaking almost as if he was reading off a script. "I'm sorry for treating

you like dirt, and I should not have treated you that way. I am a terrible

person, and I'm very sorry I made you cry. You looked nice at the ball

and I'm awfully sorry for insulting your appearance." He gritted his teeth

together and forced out a final sentence. "Please… forgive me."

"Alright." Hermione said contentedly, rising up from her crouched

position on the floor. She raised an eyebrow knowingly, and the corner of

her lip twisted up slightly. She looked almost amused. "So who forced

you to apologize? Hadrian or Daphne?"

Draco shrugged, the best he could under the circumstances. "Both.

Hadrian threatened me and Daphne wrote the apology on a piece of

parchment for me to memorize." He said monotonously.

"Did Hadrian threaten to take away your broom?"

"Sabotage my transfiguration essays for rest of the year."

Hermione nodded understandingly, "Ah, I see. McGonagall's wrath is far

worse than missing a broom." She sighed in relief. "Now that makes a lot

more sense. I thought I was going insane and hearing things!"

"Just to clarify, I still hate you and will probably hex all that bushy hair

off when you eventually untie me." Draco quickly said. "This changes

nothing, so don't let it get to your head."

Hermione made a face, "Well, then I guess I just won't untie you. What a

shame, after your apology, I was actually thinking about it."

"You can't leave me here forever."

"You'd be surprised what I can do."

"You know I don't like you." Draco murmured, staring at the ground.

"And you know I don't care." Hermione replied, scanning the shelves once

more. She reached in front of her to grab a book. From behind her,

Hermione heard a loud sound of something wet slapping against the

ground. She gasped and turned quickly to the boy on the floor, clutching

the mirror tightly in her hand. "Malfoy, whatever you do, do not look up.

Don't move." She said seriously.

There was a slight choking noise that came from the girl, and Draco

scoffed at her dramatics. He was studying a speck of dirt on the

floorboard, when suddenly a loud thud startled him. He fumed silently. If

the mudblood had tripped over her stupid feet, he refused to show any

signs of concern. After all, she had tied him up.

After a couple seconds of not hearing any angry words from the

despicable girl, Draco grew curious. What had made her finally shut up?

A strange sound of something sloshing around, and he was about to turn

his head when he remembered Granger's warning. Don't look up. Don't


He was still for a moment, contemplating his next move. Stupid

Mudblood, making him think twice about moving. He listened to no

one…except maybe his father… and from time to time, Hadrian.

Eventually the sounds began to fade away, and Draco growled under his

breath. "Quit playing tricks and release me, mudblood."

When there was no response, he kept his head down and hesitantly called

out, "Hermione?" The name sounded strange on his tongue, and he

cringed. He sucked in a deep breath and closed his eyes, turning to the

side. Cautiously, he opened one eye. After seeing no imminent threat, he

opened the other.

Hermione Granger lay still as a statue with mouth wide open, the

warning still frozen on her lips. Draco's eyes widened and he struggled

against his holds desperately. For the first time in his life, Draco Malfoy

was concerned for the well being of one Hermione Granger.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. And this time, he truly meant it.

Slytherin Dormitory [April 24th]

"All students are to return to their house dormitories at once. Teachers, please

report to the second floor corridor." McGonagall's voice boomed, reaching all

corners of the castle.

Hadrian Riddle glanced up from his food, catching the frightened looks

plastered on nearly every student. The next few minutes were absolute

chaos. Frantically, everyone rushed toward the exit and gathered there,

anxious to get out of the suddenly gloomy hall. Everyone ran through the

doors at an astonishingly fast pace, hurrying to the safety of their

respective common rooms. The entire hall was cleared in just a couple


Hadrian and his friends took their time, carefully packing up their books

and possessions before leaving the hall behind the others. As they were

exiting the hall, he caught sight of a flash of red hair and he stopped


"I'll be back." He spoke in a low voice, nudging his head in a vague

direction. Draco nodded and offered to accompany him, but Hadrian

refused. He insisted that this would be done alone. After exchanging

goodbyes with his friends, Hadrian stalked off in the other direction.

He walked directly behind the redhead, ducking behind suits of armor

and tapestries as she walked towards the steps. She looked to be

engrossed in a deep conversation with another girl. Hadrian rolled his

eyes and walked forward, boldly grabbing her wrist and forcing her to

come to a stop.

"Hey, what the–" She faltered when she caught sight of his face, and her

eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Hello, Hadrian."

Her friend was staring at Hadrian with an expression of awe and

adoration, and she wasted no time in introducing herself. "Hello, my

name is Stacy. I'm in Ravenclaw and it's a pleasure to meet you."

Hadrian nodded in acknowledgment and allowed a small smile to grace

his features. "I hope you don't mind, but I need to borrow Ginerva for a


Before she had any time to protest, Hadrian dragged her away, forcing

her to walk with him through the darkened corridors. They didn't speak

for some time, but Ginerva didn't dare to walk away from him.

Hadrian had forgone the school issued robes that evening, instead opting

to wear an expensive shiny black cloak over his immaculate clothing. His

dark hair was slicked back and although his face was void of expression,

his eyes were alight with green fury.

Soon the halls became deserted and the torches cast flickering shadows

on the walls.

"Ginerva." He spoke in a chilling tone, and it contained not a drop of

emotion. "Explain yourself."

She refused to look at him, and instead she created a curtain of red hair

to block his stony expression from her eyes. She shivered involuntarily,

and looked down at her feet. "I don't know what you mean."

"Ignorance does not suit you Ginerva." He drawled coldly, "You know

exactly what I mean."

"I have my suspicions, but feel free to enlighten me."

Hadrian bristled, but answered her anyways. "At exactly three forty-five

yesterday afternoon, a girl by the name Hermione Granger was petrified.

I'm sure you've heard of her."

Ginerva waved her hand dismissively, "Yes, we met briefly."

"Surely you must be aware of the friendship I shared with her."

She rolled her eyes. "Of course."

"Then you understand why I need a suitable answer as to why I should

not punish you for her absence. " Hadrian said crisply, walking though

the halls in a series of long strides.

That was when Ginerva Weasley did the unthinkable. A ghost of a smile

appeared on her face. "If this is what it takes for you to respond to my

many messages, then so be it."

Hadrian shook his head in disbelief. "Are you saying you did this, just to

get my attention? How pathetic." He spat.

Ginerva looked appalled at the mere suggestion, "Of course not. This may

come as a surprise to you, but I had nothing to do with the petrification

of Hermione Granger."

"Do you honestly expect me to believe you of all people?" Hadrian


She folded her arms defiantly. "If you had just read one of the owls I sent

you, you would've known that this situation was out of my control as of a

month ago." Her voice lowered to a whisper. "Hadrian, I lost the Diary. I

don't have access to the chamber anymore. Someone else did this."

Hadrian stiffened, and before Ginerva could say anything more, he

grabbed her arm and slammed her back against the wall. She was about

to voice her complaints with a loud scream, but Hadrian covered her

mouth. He was slightly taller than her, and he leaned down to whisper in

her ear. "Stay quiet, I hear voices."

True to his word, the sound of voices grew stronger as footsteps

approached the corridor where the halls intersected. Hadrian's eyes

widened as he identified McGonagall's voice speaking fearfully. "As you

can see, a student has been taken by the monster into the chamber itself."

She paused and her voice sounded pained. "This has become too

dangerous. I'm afraid this is the end for Hogwarts."

When he heard Gilderoy Lockhart butt into the conversation, Hadrian

turned back to glare down at Ginerva. "Answer me Ginerva, how did you

lose the Diary?"

"I didn't lose it! It was stolen out of my room!" She sneered.

"This is important. Who took the Diary?" He murmured, crushing her arm

painfully against the stone wall.

She gasped in pain and forcefully shook her head, struggling to get the

proper words out. "I–I don't know. It had to be someone that knew of its

existence, though."

"Think, Ginerva. Who has the Diary?" Hadrian growled under his breath.

"Who is it that the monster has taken, Minerva?" Another voice questioned

from the hall.

"Ginerva…" Hadrian warned, narrowing his eyes dangerously. "Think. Try

to remember anyone that could've stolen it."

"There's only one other person that has even seen it." Ginerva licked her

lips in panic and her eyes darted around the corridor uneasily. "So the

only other person that could've taken the diary is–"

McGonagall let out a shaky breath and spoke in a hushed tone, "Astoria


**Remember: The Diary possesses has a greater effect on weaker, more

vulnerable people. Astoria currently feels alone, and her control is much

weaker than Ginny's. She is very easy to manipulate at this moment.

Hence, a stronger effect.

31. Year 2 Finale

A/N: I know, I know, I haven't updated in months. I'm sorry, but this is

my hardest year, and I just have 0 freetime. I can't even remember the

last time I turned on the T.V, its that bad XD. Anyways, here is the long

awaited Chamber of Secrets Chapter! I still plan on rewriting, but it'll

just be the earlier chapters, like pre-Hogwarts. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

"Astoria?" Daphne called out, her voice hoarse from yelling for her younger

sibling. She darted through the crowd that was gathered in the common room.

"Has anyone seen my sister?"

Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom [April 24th]

Ginevra Weasley stared at her reflection in the dust-covered mirror. She

bit her lip, fluffing her hair and smoothing down her skirt. She pulled out

a hairbrush from the folds of her robes, and started to brush her fiery


"Which one is it?" Hadrian Riddle muttered over and over again,

straightening himself up from his bent position underneath the sink. He

glared at the girl. "Your best friend is probably dead by now, and you're

fixing your hair?"

"What does my hair have to do with Astoria?" She retorted. Nevertheless,

she put the brush back into her robes and pointed to a sink near the

middle. "That's the one you're looking for."

Hadrian looked at her skeptically. He scanned the sink slowly, from top

to bottom. When his eyes caught sight of the small snake carved into the

side of the rusted faucet, he frowned.

"You knew which one it was this entire time and you didn't tell me?" He

seethed quietly.

Ginevra shrugged unconcernedly. "Did you ask?" She countered. "It

doesn't matter anyways. I can't open the chamber without the diary. And

unless you speak Parseltongue-"

Hadrian grinned wickedly and hissed, Open.

Her jaw slackened as there was a low rumble, and the sinks began to

separate. "You–You speak Parseltongue?"

He rolled his eyes. "Honestly, Ginevra. Tom Riddle." He pointed to

himself, "Hadrian Riddle."

She folded her arms defensively. "How was I supposed to know it was

genetic?" Suddenly a thought occurred to her and she looked suspiciously

at him. "Tom Riddle went to Hogwarts in the 1940s. It's 1993. You're his

son. But you're an orphan–" She paused, and her eyes glinted with an

undeniable sense of hope, "Unless–Is he still alive?"

Hadrian smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He stared curiously as the

final sink lowered to reveal a dark hole in the middle of the bathroom

floor. With a mocking bow, he gestured to the chute. "Ladies first."

Ginevra scowled. Refusing to respond, she instead turned to place a

cushioning charm, but Hadrian grabbed her wrist.

Slowly, he shook his head. "Unless you want your magic to be traced

back to you, no magic until we enter the chamber itself."

She paled at the notion of being caught, and tucked her wand back into

her robes. Taking a deep breath, she lowered herself into the Chamber.

Hadrian waited the customary amount of time, before he jumped down

the opening after her. With a breathless 'oof', he tumbled down the chute

into a heap on the floor. His head narrowly missed the rocks scattered

throughout the cave. There was a thud behind him, probably due to the

rocks falling frequently around them. By the time he had righted himself

into a standing position, the sink that had given them access to the

chamber concealed the entrance once more.

It was completely dark.

"What do we do now?" Ginevra whimpered, fearfully glancing over her


"We go save her!" He barked, "What choice do we have?"

She put her hands on her hips, "I know that! I meant, what's the plan?"

"We go in there and I'll grab her. Then I'll kill you and tell everyone else

that you tragically died fighting for your best friend. You'll die a hero.

Good plan?" He smirked. He could hear her sputter indignantly and he

broke out into a wide grin, although she couldn't see it.

"That's not funny." She snapped.

"I thought it was." He muttered to himself.

She let out a frustrated groan as she slipped on something slimy and

came crashing down. She took in a deep breath and allowed herself to

count to ten so she wouldn't break into a string of aggravated curses. She

stood back up and dusted the dirt off her robes, scowling at the back of

his head.

"Why are you acting like this is all my fault?" She huffed, folding her


"Because it is all your fault!" He spat, glaring around at his surroundings

as stumbled through the darkness. There was a disgusting smell in the

air, like rotten flesh. He cursed loudly as his foot collided with a large

stone boulder.

"My fault? I'm in this mess because of you!" She defended, angrily

pushing her long hair away from her face as she cautiously walked

around the big rocks.

"Well, if you had died just like I had planned, this wouldn't be


"I'm sorry?" She said, although it came out sounding as more of a

question. "I should've just died like a good little girl." She said

sarcastically. "Darn." She snapped her fingers in mock disappointment.

"This is not the time for your…humor. Is that what you call it?" He


"Some people find it endearing."

"Well, I do not." He announced. There was a small thump followed by a

loud, "Ouch!"

"Serves you right." She said haughtily, using her hands to feel her way

around. Her hands ran over something cool like metal. Suddenly she

paused and gasped sharply. "I think we found it."

Hadrian was at her side in a split second. His hands felt the metal door,

covered with filth and grime. Disgustedly, he swiped at his cloak.

Ginevra tapped her foot impatiently, "Well?" She questioned. "Open it. Do

your hissy snake thing."

He scowled. "It's called Parseltongue, the ancient and esteemed language

of snakes."

"I'm going to call it bullshit until it opens this door." She muttered under

her breath.

Ignoring the clearly aggravated redhead at his side, Hadrian hissed, Open.

A tense minute of silence passed between them. Hadrian's fingers tapped

impatiently at his side as he finally began to hear some clanking noises

coming from the door. There was a scratching sound of metal against

metal, and he could only wait until the door ahead of him swung open

and revealed the true Chamber of Secrets.

Hadrian stepped cautiously into the damp elongated room, pausing to

offer a hand to Ginevra and assist her into entering the chamber. He

raised an eyebrow haughtily and quickly surveyed his surroundings. In

all honesty, he had expected Slytherin's chamber to have a bit more

grandeur. While the enormous statue at the far end of the dimly lit,

greenish chamber was the epitome of narcissism at its finest, the rest of

the chamber was relatively bare, save for the finely carved snakes that

entwined the stone pillars lining the long hall.

The ceiling of the Chamber was so unfathomably high, he felt as though

he was staring up at an endless abyss. When his eyes finally focused in

the strange light, Hadrian was able to identify the small figure of a young

girl sprawled across the damp stone floor.

Hadrian quickened his pace, and distinctly heard the sounds of Ginerva's

footsteps hastening to follow behind him. She was muttering something

incoherently under her breath, though Hadrian was far more focused on

the scene ahead.

As soon as Hadrian approached the young girl, he cursed under his

breath and immediately dropped to his knees. His fingers reached out to

her wrist, and he nearly sighed in relief as he felt a weak, but still

present, pulse. He slowly pushed her messy honey colored locks off her

face, and winced internally as he felt the coldness of her skin. She may

have appeared to be utterly lifeless, but this was definitely Astoria

Greengrass. Her eyes were closed and her skin was deathly pale, but

Hadrian could see her chest was rising and falling with faint breaths.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Ginevra crouch down beside him.

"She's alive." She stated simply, though there was a touch of disbelief to

her tone. Her pale hand hesitantly reached out to touch her friend. She

stilled for a fraction of a second when she felt the iciness of Astoria's skin.

Ginevra shivered and delicately cradled her friend's hands in her own.

"Oh, Astoria." She whispered, "What have I done?"

Hadrian finally flinched. His eyes flashed, and he turned to Ginevra with

an expression of unadulterated anger, "What have you done? You nearly

killed your best friend, that's all!" He forced Ginevra's arms away from

Astoria, his fingers pressing hard into her skin. "She could've died. And

that's all you have to say?"

"Hadrian, you're hurting me." Ginevra winced at the way Hadrian was

nearly crushing her arm. She cowered visibly at the sight of true anger on

his features.

Hadrian glared at her, and slowly dropped her arm. "Be aware that I'm

not killing you simply because that would be wasting more time. But if

you ever do anything to anger me again, I will destroy you."

"Are you threatening me?" Ginevra gasped out, softly touching at the sure

bruises that would appear tomorrow.

Hadrian shot her a cruel smile. "Oh, Ginevra. You know I am."

There was a low clapping noise from off to the side, and Hadrian

immediately jerked his head up towards the direction of the sound. His

entire body stiffened, and his hands reached for his wand.

From the shadows behind a pillar, a tall figure stepped into the main part

of the chamber. He wore a friendly expression on his chiseled features,

but something about the way the stranger's green eyes glinted coldly

evoked a spark of familiarity in Hadrian's mind.

Hadrian's eyes narrowed as the man came closer to them, and his fingers

tightened around his wand. "Who is that?" He hissed. The stranger was

quite familiar, but Hadrian couldn't quite place him.

Ginevra paled at the sight. Her eyes softened slightly, but she frowned,

seeming to be fighting some internal battle. When the stranger was in

front of them, she sighed heavily and muttered, "This is–"

"Tom Riddle." The young man introduced himself regally. His lips curved

into something akin to a triumphant smile when he noticed the look of

astonishment on Hadrian's face. "So you've heard of me then?"

He turned his attention to Ginevra, who was staring very intently down

at the floor "Hello Ginevra. I haven't spoken to you in a while. Who's this


Hadrian raised his head up and stared back at the man with an equal

amount of intensity. "Hadrian."

"Hadrian…?" Tom Riddle trailed off expectantly, clasping his hands

behind his back.

"Riddle." Hadrian stepped forward, discreetly pulling out his wand. "My

name is Hadrian Riddle."

Though it was subtle and only lasted for a second, Hadrian quickly

caught the surprised look that passed over Tom Riddle's face. Riddle

seemed to be calculating the situation, and eventually he scrutinized

Hadrian from head to toe.

"How…Interesting." Riddle said slowly, deliberately. "Are you my heir?"

When Hadrian nodded, Tom Riddle's features flickered with a strange

tumultuous emotion. His eyes narrowed, and after a deep bout of silence

he murmured silkily, "It seems as though my future self has decided to

take a slightly… different path in life."

"Future self? Are you directly from the past?" Hadrian mused aloud,

crossing his arms across his chest.

Tom Riddle shook his head. "Not directly from the past, no. At the

moment, I'm simply a memory preserved from the past." He reached into

his robes and procured a black, leather-bound diary from its folds. "I've

been preserved for over fifty years in this diary, with only my own

memories to relive and not a soul to speak to. " He paused and smiled

charmingly at the redhead beside Hadrian. "That is, until Ginevra

stumbled upon my diary." His eyes flashed, before settling back to their

stormy nature. "How peculiar, Ginevra. You spoke frequently of a

Hadrian, yet you never mentioned his surname."

"You wrote about me in the diary?" Hadrian asked, raising an eyebrow in


Ginevra's cheeks colored a brilliant shade of red. "Don't be too flattered. I

wrote about your idiotic fall from the quidditch pitch." She denied


Harry looked to the younger version of his father. "Is that true?"

Tom regarded him with a smirk on his face. "Ginevra was correct, you do

have the nicest emerald green eyes."

Hadrian felt his lips twitch upwards, but before he could say anything,

Ginevra turned to him and hissed, "Shove it. We need to focus on the fact

that Astoria is nearly dead."

That effectively shut him up. His gaze dropped to the younger Greengrass

sister lying lifelessly on the floor, and his features immediately hardened.

"What did you do to her?" Hadrian glared coldly at Tom Riddle.

Riddle shrugged. "I certainly cannot remain a memory. I have plans. Miss.

Greengrass is simply helping me."

Hadrian gritted his teeth, "Helping you how?"

Tom Riddle smirked, "By trading her life, of course." He held up the diary

in his hands, "As the little Greengrass grows weaker, I grow stronger.

When her life is completely absorbed by these pages, I'll finally be truly

alive, and not simply a memory."

Hadrian stared at the other man. He shook his head in disbelief as he

pulled out his wand. "I always forget how fucking crazy my father is.

Where the hell do you even get these ideas?" He sighed heavily, "I'm

sorry father, but I can't let you do this."

Tom Riddle had a wand leveled at Hadrian in a split second, and his

mouth curved into a humorless smile, "And what makes you think you

have a choice?"

Hadrian stared at the wand, Astoria's wand, with an unimpressed

expression. "You can't kill me." He said very matter-of-factly. "I'm

essential to your future plans."

The elder Riddle growled, jabbing the wand in Hadrian's direction. "I

don't believe you."

Hadrian shrugged. "You don't have to. You can kill me. But that would

just be ruining your own plans." He grinned cheekily, "You wouldn't want

to sabotage yourself, would you?"

Riddle sucked in a deep breath, but instead of lowering his wand, he

instead turned it onto Ginevra and threatened, "I may need you, but I

highly doubt I need your companion here."

Hadrian waved his hand disinterestedly. "Oh, you can dispose of her. I

don't particularly care what happens to her. She's actually been quite

annoying lately."

Ginevra sputtered incoherently, turning redder with anger by the second.

Tom Riddle pinched the bridge of his nose to quell the rage that was

storming beneath his calm façade. He took in a deep breath, and gave

Hadrian a chilling smile. "If I can't kill you, I suppose I'll just have to

distract you."

He hissed a series of things in Parseltongue, and Hadrian stiffened. There

was a second of silence, and then the chamber was filled with the sound

of ancient rumbling as Slytherin's statue began to open its mouth.

Ginevra glanced frenetically between Tom Riddle, Hadrian, and the

statue. Her pale skin became even paler, and her fingers gripped

Hadrian's arm, digging her nails into his skin. "What's going on?" She

panicked, "What did he say?"

Hadrian clenched his teeth together, and a dark look came into his deep

green eyes. "He's summoned the basilisk."

Ginevra whimpered.

Hadrian shook her hands off, and raised his wand. "Unless you want to

die instantly don't you dare look at that basilisk, Ginevra." He hissed.

She could only nod, for she was frozen in fear.

Suddenly, a thought struck Hadrian and he glanced at his father. "The

basilisk obeys you because you're Slytherin's heir. And since I'm your heir,

the basilisk will obey my commands as well."

Tom Riddle seemed to be expecting this, because he shook his head and

laughed delightedly. "The basilisk will only respond to her Master. You

may be an Heir of Slytherin, but she will only respond to me, her

Master." He paused, "However, You do not need to worry. I have

instructed her not to kill you, only to keep you…entertained."

There was a sickening sound of something monstrous sliding across the

stone floor, but Hadrian was terrified to raise his eyes. He was sure the

monster could not kill him, but there was still the off chance that it could

actually kill him.

Sucking in a shaky breath, Hadrian carefully lifted his eyes. His shoulders

sagged in relief as he glanced quickly at the basilisk and still happened to

be among the living. Though he was nearly paralyzed with fear, Hadrian

still shakily pointed his wand at the basilisk, unsure whether his present

time father would Avada him for harming the creature. He decided to

take a chance.

As the basilisk slithered closer and closer to them, Hadrian could easily

make out the scaly spine and horrific features of the monster. It was

almost twenty feet in length, with the largest, and deadliest looking

yellow eyes Hadrian had ever seen. The creature snapped its jaws, and he

could easily make out the rows of razor sharp teeth dripping with deadly


Hadrian swallowed the lump in his throat fearfully. He forced himself to

think of all the things he knew about the King of Serpents, the deadly

basilisk. He knew they were poisonous, deadly, and could quite literally

smell fear. He knew their venom could kill within minutes, if the initial

bite didn't make the victim bleed out fast enough. He knew their armored

skin made it resistant to most spells.

As he tracked the weaving pattern in which the basilisk was moving

quickly towards them, Hadrian noticed the creature wasn't targeting him,

but the girl at his side. His eyes flashed, and Hadrian quickly pushed

Ginevra to the side in the instant before the basilisk snapped its jaws at

the spot where she had been standing.

"Run Ginevra! Get out of here! Don't look up!" Hadrian shouted.

Ginevra stood shakily on her feet, by now realizing that she was also a

target of the basilisk. Her eyes frantically tracked the shadows the

monster created on the floor, and she began to run. She didn't get far, as

the massive tail of the basilisk slammed into her, throwing her like a

lifeless doll to the other side of the chamber. Her back slammed against

the wall, and Ginevra groaned in pain, though she didn't dare look up.

She was certain she would not have the same immunity as Hadrian.

Meanwhile, Hadrian unwillingly shifted his attention from Ginevra to

notice that Tom Riddle was crouched near Astoria and watching her life

drain away with a sick smile on his face.

Hadrian wasn't sure how to stop the diary from sucking out Astoria's

life…but he knew he could delay it.

"Expulso!" He shouted, whipping his wand so that Tom Riddle was

blasted to the opposite end of the chamber. Quickly, Hadrian ran to

where Riddle had crumpled unceremoniously in a heap at the bottom of

a stone pillar. He pointed his wand and hissed, "Sectumsempra!"

Riddle's skin instantly became slashed with deep cuts, but to Hadrian's

horror, a misty substance began to flow steadily out of the wounds

instead of blood. Riddle smirked through his obvious pain long enough to

murmur, "You can't kill a memory, Hadrian Riddle."

Before Hadrian had any time to react, Riddle muttered an incoherent

spell and Hadrian bit his lip to hold in the scream that threatened to

crawl out his throat. His entire body felt like it was being squeezed to an

unbearable extent, and his air supply was quickly diminishing. Hadrian

wheezed out a counter charm, and to his relief it began to ease away the

pressure that was nearly crushing him.

There was a scream to his right, and Hadrian immediately turned his

head to the opposite side of the room where Ginevra was cowering from

the Basilisk. The monster had seemed to trap her into a corner of the

room, and it curled itself around Ginevra's form. Her eyes were glued on

her shoes, but Hadrian had no doubt she knew exactly what was


When he turned to look back at Tom, he was shocked to discover that

Tom wasn't there. His gaze shifted to the center of the room, where Tom

stood over Astoria's body, seemingly recovered from his injuries. Hadrian

helplessly looked between Astoria's lifeless form, and Ginevra who was

very much alive at the moment, but wouldn't stay alive for long.

Hadrian gritted his teeth together and shot a spell at the basilisk, causing

a spark to hit but deflect off the monster's skin. The creature let out a

screech, and turned in the direction of the offensive attack.

"Get away from Ginny, you monster!" A voice screamed from somewhere

behind the basilisk.

Hadrian stilled, frantically glancing around the Chamber but unable to

see anyone but himself, Tom Riddle, Astoria, and Ginevra. His gaze fell

on a small black diary that was thrown to the side of the stone pillar.

Deducing it must've fallen out of Riddle's robes when he flew against the

wall, Hadrian discreetly picked it up and hid it underneath his cloak. He

quickly made his way over to Astoria, and his eyes darted up to see if

anyone had seen. He was relieved to find out that everyone's attention

was still on the strange voice that had spoken.

As if on cue, a hand appeared out of midair, and pulled off a heavy

shimmering fabric-a cloak, perhaps- slowly revealing a familiar figure

underneath. The boy cast his eyes downwards, carefully shielding himself

from the basilisk as he pulled out his wand and began to cast juvenile

jinxes at the basilisk. The jinxes did not seem to injure the basilisk, but

they did seem to make the creature angrier.

Hadrian narrowed his eyes and tried to conceal his shock as best he

could. He wasn't sure how that idiot had gotten into the Chamber of

Secrets, nor did he understand how wasn't able to realize that he'd been


"Who's this?" Riddle hissed angrily, glancing down at Hadrian for an


Hadrian was stilling staring at at the slightly pudgy boy in disbelief.


Tom Riddle glanced at Alexander Potter, not bothering to contain his

disdain. "Please tell me I don't father that thing as well."

Hadrian shook his head, "You're insane, but not that insane."

Despite his hatred of Alexander Potter, Hadrian couldn't help but feel

slightly relieved that there was someone else to distract the basilisk since

Ginevra was of absolutely no help. And if Potter managed to get himself

petrified, or even killed in the process, it wouldn't be that great a loss.

At the moment, Alexander Potter was running around the Chamber of

Secrets, with his eyes trained on the floor beneath him, as he blindly

fired small curses at the deadly creature behind him. The sight was so

comical that Hadrian almost began laughing due to hysteria.

Tom Riddle hissed a command angrily in Parseltongue: Kill them all.

Hadrian suddenly froze in place, watching, as the basilisk seemed to

listen to the command. He turned to Riddle and growled, "You can't do

this. You'd be ruining your own plans."

Riddle smirked, doing nothing to hide the cold fury that brew in his eyes.

"I'm sure I'll find a way to handle any problems that arise with your

death. But you've annoyed me far too much for me to simply let your

misdemeanors pass. Enjoy hell, son."

Hadrian rolled his eyes, "Merlin, you're as dramatic fifty years ago as you

are in present time."

Hadrian aimed his wand towards the basilisk and cast a dark hex, causing

the basilisk to feel as though it were burning internally. The creature let

out a horrific screech and whipped its deadly gaze to Hadrian, beginning

to move quickly and steadily in his direction.

"I did try to give you a chance." Hadrian turned to the younger version of

Lord Voldemort. "I honestly did try to keep you alive."

Riddle looked at Hadrian with an indifferent mask, but after years of

living with Lord Voldemort, Hadrian was able to discover the small facial

ticks that allowed him to uncover the true confusion that hid under

Riddle's mask of apathy.

"Father is going to literally murder me for this." Hadrian muttered sourly

under his breath, reaching underneath his heavy cloak.

"I don't understand?" Tom Riddle raised an eyebrow curiously, eyeing the

quickly approaching basilisk with a sudden sense of unease.

Hadrian shot an almost illegally dark curse at the monster. The basilisk

hissed, opening its jaws wide and swaying from side to side in obvious

pain. The venom dripped dangerously from its rows of sharp teeth,

leaving sticky puddles of venom and blood to fizzle and steam on the

stone floor.

"I've got two words for you, father, " Hadrian said as he grabbed the diary

he had hidden earlier, and pointed his wand at it. "Wingardium leviosa."

The diary began to levitate in the air, and Hadrian moved it towards the

basilisk. In one swift moment, before Riddle had any time to even blink,

Hadrian had dropped the diary into the basilisk's mouth. With a quick

spell, he sealed the jaws shut, and he swore he could hear the exact

moment the basilisk pierced the center of the diary with its teeth.

The effect was instantaneous.

Tom Riddle began to scream, feeling as though the basilisk venom was

seeping through his own body, and his core began to glow a strange

shade of gold. Hadrian could only watch in awe as the man began to

claw at his skin, gasping and nearly biting his own tongue off in trying to

contain his screams.

Meanwhile, the diary inside the basilisk was exhibiting a dark smoky

essence, and the black began to pour out of the basilisk from every

crevice. Hadrian's skin turned ice cold and his ears began to thrum with

the sounds of the torturous screams that seemed to be emitting from the

black essence itself. The basilisk was drowning in the black smoke, and if

its distressing cries were any indication of the amount of agony it was

feeling, Hadrian reckoned the thing would be dead in the next few


He was right.

The basilisk fell to the ground with an enormous thud only a small

moment after, covered in thick black soot and burnt to a crisp. Hadrian's

eyes watered at the smell, for 'burnt basilisk' wasn't exactly a pleasant

scent sold at the candle shop in Diagon Alley.

Tom Riddle, on the other hand, seemed to be exempt from the brutal

death suffered by the basilisk. His entire body began to disintegrate,

piece by piece, and the memory of Tom Riddle did not go quietly. He

screamed and hissed in pain and cursed everything within his sight.

Eventually, the Chamber of Secrets was silent, and the only sound

Hadrian could hear was from his own heavy breaths. He was covered in

sweat and thousand year old dirt and rubble and mud and all he could do

was sink down to the floor and wait for Astoria to wake up. He wasn't

exactly sure how the whole "soul sucking" worked, but he was positive

that once Riddle was gone, Astoria would come back to life.

Well, he hoped so.

Though he didn't move his eyes off Astoria, he could feel the other two in

the room come up next to him and hover behind his back. Without

looking up, he asked coldly, "How the fuck did you get down here,


Alexander Potter scowled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly and

shooting a quick glance at the pretty redhead beside him. It did not go

unnoticed. "I followed you both down." He admitted. His face turned pink

as he defensively added, "I saw you heading this way after we were

instructed to go to our common rooms. Looked mighty suspicious. It's a

good thing I decided to follow you."

"But how did we not notice even notice you?" Ginevra wondered aloud,

"You're not skilled enough to cast a dillusionement charm."

Potter grinned, holding up a shiny cloak he had picked up from the floor

before. Proudly showing it off, he explained "Its an invisibility cloak. An

old family heirloom, actually."

Hadrian tapped Alexander Potter on the shoulder. When the boy turned

around, he had an expression of fear on his face, no doubt remembering

his last encounter with Hadrian Riddle.

"Sorry about this." Hadrian shrugged. "Stupefy."

With a beam of bright red light, Alexander Potter flew to the side of the

room, landing in a sprawled position facing the ground. Hadrian Riddle

casually strolled over to him, and stood over Potter's unconscious form.

He knitted his eyebrows together, and muttered "Legilimens."

Hadrian shifted through Potter's memories of the night, trying hard not to

leave a trace of his magic in the idiot's mind. He watched the night's

memories through Potter's point of view: The brat had originally been

following Ginevra, and then decided to follow the two of them when they

entered the Chamber of Secrets. Hadrian pulled the night's memories out

of Potter's mind, pushing them into a small corner at the side of his

murky thoughts.

Hadrian took a deep breath, ignoring the headache that threatened to

take over his own mind. He raised his wand, visualizing the memories in

the corner of Potter's mind. His eyes glinted coldly and he whispered,


Hospital Wing [April 27th]

When Ginevra Weasley opened her eyes, she was met with the telltale

ceiling of the hospital wing above her head. From what she could see, her

limbs were scratched and bloodied with open wounds. Her entire body

felt like it was on fire, and every time she closed her eyes the only thing

she was able to see was the horrible basilisk's rows of teeth dripping with

sticky venom. She shivered involuntarily. She tried to sit up in her bed,

but was too tired to do so. Instead, she simply turned her head to the

sides to get a better feel of her surroundings.

To her right, she was relieved to see her friend, Astoria Greengrass.

Astoria was breathing steadily, and a healthy glow had returned to her

skin. Her eyes were closed, but Ginevra was just thankful to see her

friend alive. A tinge of guilt hit her then, and despite knowing that Tom's

diary had probably pushed her away from Astoria, she knew that it was

primarily her own behavior that was to blame. She had been vulnerable,

and she had nearly destroyed the one person in her life that had never

sneered at her because of her class, her lack of wealth, or her family.

Astoria Greengrass was a pure soul, and Ginevra felt as evil as Tom

Riddle himself when she realized that she had almost destroyed Astoria.

When Ginevra turned to her left, she caught sight of Alexander Potter,

who seemed to be recovered from his stunt with the basilisk. He had a

variety of injuries similar to her own, and seemed to be still in a heavy


Ginevra frowned as she noticed that Hadrian Riddle was not present.

The doors to the infirmary slammed open, and along with Madame

Pomfrey, Dumbledore, Snape, and her elder brother, Percy strolled in.

Madame Pomfrey quickly assessed her condition, and shoved a few foul

smelling potions down her throat. When she was sure that her charge

would not pass out, Madame Pomfrey retreated to her office with one

warning to the visitors: "Don't exhaust the patient."

Dumbledore stroked his long white beard, and asked her a few questions

about her current condition. Ginevra barely restrained herself from

rolling her eyes at the obvious false sincerity and concern, and somehow

managed to answer his mundane questions.

"Miss. Weasley, I'm afraid you are the only one who remembers what has

happened to the three of you. Miss. Greengrass was not conscious the

entire time you three were in the Chamber of Secrets, and Mr. Potter

seems to have lost his memory of the night. Would you care to explain

what happened?" Dumbledore asked politely.

Ginevra frowned slightly. Three of you. Hadrian was nowhere to be found.

Three of you. They didn't know. Three of you. They had no idea Hadrian

was part of the Chamber of Secrets escapade. And for some reason,

Ginevra was sure Hadrian wanted to keep it that way.

So she lied.

Slytherin had really cultivated her already stellar lying abilities, and she

was sure even Dumbledore bought the web she had spun. It made perfect

sense, after all. She found out that the monster that lived in the Chamber

of Secrets had taken Astoria. She had entered the Chamber of Secrets to

save her best friend, unaware that Potter was following her. She fought

the basilisk, and she was the one that discovered who Tom Riddle was.

She was the one who was the Hero.

When Dumbledore had praised her bravery, insisting that the hat must've

made a mistake when sorting her into Slytherin, she had only requested

one thing: None of this knowledge was to be presented to the public.

Ginevra had blushed at the correct times, and calculatingly looked down

at her hands with just the right amount of shyness, effectively convincing

the Headmaster that she simply did not want any attention.

The old coot beamed and ushered Snape away, insisting the newly

redeemed Weasley needed her rest. Only Percy hung behind, and he

waited until the two professors had left before speaking.

He crossed his arms and pursed his lips into a thin white line. He peered

down at her and said crisply, "You're lying."

Ginevra raised an eyebrow.

Percy shook his head. "I've seen you lie your way out of trouble for nearly

everything you get caught for. I've seen you procure false tears to get Ron

and the twins in trouble for something they never did. I've seen you

manipulate so many people around you. Do you honestly think I'd be

swayed by a few demure expressions?"

Ginevra grinned wryly, "You've always been the smart brother, Percy."

"Are you going to tell me what really happened?" He questioned.

She shrugged, "I can't."

"All I need to know is that you're safe."

"I'm fine." She insisted. "How long have I been in the infirmary?"

"About three days."

Her eyes shifted to the door and she asked hesitantly, "Have Mum and

Dad come in?"

Percy bit his lip, but did her the pleasure of not lying to her and shook

his head.

She blinked, feeling the corners of her eyes sting a bit. She stared up at

the ceiling until the urge to tear up disappeared.

"The hat wanted to put me into Slytherin too." Percy said so quietly, she

barely heard it.

Ginevra looked back at her brother, who was staring at his hands


"The Headmaster was correct, Ginevra. You are brave. It doesn't matter

which House you belong to. You're much braver than me, at least." He


"I thought you were-"

"Going to pretend you weren't my sister because you were a Slytherin?"

He rolled his eyes. "I care about you, Ginevra. I'm not concerned with

House loyalty."

Ginevra grinned sheepishly, "I think I might've misunderstood you my

entire life. You were always 'swotty Percy' and 'bookworm Percy'."

"And now?"

She bit her lip, her smile vanishing as she looked up at the pure white

ceiling. "Now you're my brother, Percy. Now you're my only family,


Slytherin Dormitory [May 1st]

"Daphne, I do not need a chaperone everywhere I go." Astoria Greengrass

insisted as she blocked her sister from entering the bathroom with her.

Ever since the Chamber of Secrets debacle, Daphne hadn't let Astoria her

out of her sight. Her overprotectiveness had reached an all-time high and

it was starting to grate Astoria's nerves.

"What if-"

"No Daphne! Go talk to Hadrian or something, I don't need you to stand

guard while I shower. Understand?" She didn't even pause before

slamming the door in her sister's face.

Daphne grumbled under her breath as she made her way to the Slytherin

common room, barely noticing anyone else as she climbed the spiral

staircase. She settled onto her signature seat in the common room, and

raised her arm to cover her eyes. The more she thought about it, the

more she'd be tempted to rush back to Astoria's room and make sure her

sister was alright. She'd been exhausted the past couple of days, making

sure Astoria had gotten everywhere safely and uninjured.

The couch dipped slightly beside her, and Daphne didn't even bother

lifting her arm, for she knew exactly who it was. "Hello, Hadrian." She

murmured, forcing her heart to slow down as it began to beat faster.

"Daphne." He greeted silkily, bringing a smile to her face. He removed the

arm from her face and peered down at her, "Did you have a rough night?"

His eyebrows frowned slightly, "I told you, Daphne. Astoria is all right

now. She has Ginevra to help her. She has all of us. You don't need to

constantly worry to make sure she's alright."

Daphne sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder, inhaling his

comforting scent. She looked up at him, and said softly, "You know I'm

never going to be able to thank you enough for saving her, right?"

Only a few knew about what had truly happened in the Chamber of

Secrets, and one of those people was definitely not Alexander Potter (who

was convinced his love for Ginevra had foolishly led him to follow her

down to the Chamber of Secrets, and somehow also lose his invisibility


Daphne, however, had nearly cried with relief when she saw her sister,

slightly weak and unconscious, but relatively unharmed. She'd insisted to

know exactly what had happened, and Hadrian had discovered that he

couldn't deny her anything, especially when it concerned her sister.

"Astoria is safe now, Daphne. You don't need to worry about anything


"Except exams." Daphne grinned, "Hermione will kill us both if she finds

out we aren't worried about exams."

"Then it'll be our little secret. Deal?" Hadrian winked mischievously.


"I think we should make it official." He turned to her with a cheeky

smirk. "Seal it with a kiss?"

Daphne rolled her eyes, "Nice try."

Hadrian shrugged, leaning back into the couch. Then all of a sudden, he

turned towards her and grabbed her cheeks, pressing his lips to hers. He

could almost feel her shock, and he smiled against her lips. Her lips were

soft, like satin. He pulled away slowly, and before she could recollect

herself, he started to run towards the staircase leading to the dormitories.

When Daphne finally wrapped her mind around what had happened, she

jumped up from her seat, and trying to conceal her smile, she shouted,

"Riddle! Come back here, I need to hex you!"

The only response she received was the sound of carefree laughter.

End Year Two

A/N #2: I do plan on writing the later years, but I'm going to do that

in a sequel fic. I don't know when I'll start (or finish) the first

chapter of that, but when I finish I'll post it ASAP! Thanks you guys

for reading! I really appreciate every single follower, every favorite,

and especially every review. I swear, I have the nicest readers, since

I never get too bad reviews :P

P.S: The Sequel Fic will be called "The Allure of Darkness"

32. Sequel Up!

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that the Sequel to Dark Prince is now

up! It's called "The Allure of Darkness!" You can find it with my

other story, in the "My Stories" page under my account. Thanks to

everyone who read this fanfic of mine, and especially thanks to all

those who reviewed! I think your criticism has definitely made me a

better writer!

Follow me on Tumblr for more information on updates and other

stuff- Username: lovemyromance

Anyways, thanks for reading + reviewing... Now go read the sequel!

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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