Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: 5



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Краткое содержание романа

Несчастный случай перенес студентку колледжа Е Тин в другой мир.

Нет ничего, кроме таланта к обучению и росту.

Нет никакой системы, нет дедушки, нужно просто полагаться на

талант, чтобы встать на путь Бога Дхармы.

Используйте волю, чтобы изменить правила, используйте мудрость,

чтобы анализировать мир, и единственный человек, который

сравнивает богов с телом смертного, — это маг.

Гарри Поттер, World of Warcraft, Marvel, Синъюэ, Каталог

запрещенных магических книг… Перед ним развернулись

бесчисленные самолеты.

Тайна пальмовой магии и красота цветов.

Все началось в мире Гарри Поттера.

- Описание от



The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 181:

"This woman is just like seeing the owner's puppy." Hermione muttered in

a low voice. Fleur obviously heard this, but she didn't care at all. For

him, dealing with a fire dragon is obviously a huge challenge. Her talent

lies in charm, and imitating this kind of magic to deal with ordinary

wizards is simply easy to catch, but for the fire dragon, the effect is

obviously greatly reduced.

Seeing the four warriors arrived, Bagman smiled and said happily: "Relax,

just like in your own home!"

He stood among the pale-faced warriors, like a big cartoon figure. He was

wearing his old Hornets robe.

"Okay, now everyone is here-it's time to tell you about the situation!"

Bagman said cheerfully. "After the audience gathers, I will hand this cloth

bag to each of you in turn."

He raised a purple silk bag and shook it at them, "You pick out the little

models of the thing that you are going to face from inside! They have

different-um-types. I have one more thing. I want to tell you...ah,

yes...your task is to pick up golden eggs!"

Harry nodded, indicating that he understood Bagman's words, and then

started pacing around in the tent; his face was slightly green. Krum didn't

react at all, it seemed that once he spoke, he would vomit with a

flustered heart. Fleur Delacour hugged Ye Ting's arms tighter, ignoring

that Ye Ting's arms fell between the pair of softness.

Among them, only Hermione had the calmest reaction, although her face

was still pale. But she doesn't look very nervous. It's no wonder that she,

who can transform into a giant dragon, will of course not have any fear

when facing a fire dragon like the two-footed dragon. The reason for her

face pale is that, except for Ye Ting. Outside of Animagus, Zhang Qiu and

Penello, she has never seen any real dragons.

Now, her attention is completely on Ye Ting's arm, and Furong's behavior

makes her very upset.

"Damn it, why is that woman so big? What's so good about being so big,"

she kept thinking, "and that bastard, give me a little bit of self-control."

Before long, they heard the sound of hundreds of feet walking through

the tent, and the owners of the feet were talking and laughing excitedly...

The audience is entering. These audiences include not only little wizards

from three schools, but also many wizards from all over the world who

come to visit the Triwizard Tournament, which has been passed down for

thousands of years. There is indeed a high reputation in the wizarding

world, and it can be regarded as having a worldwide influence. This is

why Mrs. Maxim and Professor Karkaroff even cheat to defeat

Dumbledore-this is to expand the influence of the Academy Great time.

"Okay, I think it's almost there." Bagman clapped his hands, unbuttoned

the purple silk bag and said to the warriors: "Ladies first."

He handed the bag to Hermione Granger because she was younger.

Hermione reached into the cloth sack and pulled out a small, beautiful

dragon model-it was a Swedish short-nosed dragon with a number tied

around its neck: number one. Next was Fleur Delacour, her hands

trembling a little, and what she pulled out was the emerald green Welsh

green dragon with a number two tied around her neck.

Krum took out the bright red celestial fireball with the number three on

his neck.

Harry knew what was left for him, he reached into his silk pocket and

took out the Hungarian hornet, number four.

"Well, you all got it!" Bagman said, "You have all drawn the fire dragon

you are about to face. The number on its neck is the order in which you

go to deal with the fire dragon, understand? In addition, Mr. Ye will

Responsible to follow you and ensure that you will not run into danger to

your lives. Okay, I will leave you for a while, because I want to explain to

the audience. Miss Granger, you are the first one. You will leave as soon

as you hear the whistle. Enter that field, do you know?"

Then, Bagman spoke a few more words to Harry separately, and asked

him if he wanted "a few ideas" that would help him pass the Hungarian

hornet, but Harry refused him.

He did this for a reason. In the Quidditch World Cup, he lost a lot of

money, especially Ye Ting’s heavy bet, which forced him to pay Ye Ting

almost 20,000 gold Jialong. It was only a few days ago. Returning the

last sum of money to Ye Ting, he turned to owe the fairies a large sum of

money. Ludo decided to place another bet with the fairies, betting that

Harry would win the game. Repay previous debts.

Item 0252

The whistle sounded shortly after, Hermione stood up, walked through

the entrance of the tent, walked outside, past the bushes, through a gap

in the fence of the field, and Ye Ting followed her behind.

Passing through the gap is the venue for the competition. The venue is

surrounded by stands. Hundreds of faces looked at her from the stands

above. When she entered the venue, everyone cheered.

In fact, many viewers know Hermione. Since winning the duel

championship, Hermione has had many fans in the wizarding world. In

fact, among the wizards who came to Hogwarts from all over the world

to visit the Triwizard Tournament, Part of it is because of her admiration.

Even after experiencing it once, Hermione was still a little nervous in the

face of so many audiences at this time, and took a deep breath, trying to

calm her rapid breathing.

Ye Ting comfortably patted her shoulder behind her, which made her feel

much better.

In the stands, Ludo Bagman had just introduced the other judges and

referees, and after seeing Ye Ting enter the arena with Hermione, he

introduced them with excitement.

"Many people may wonder why there are two young people entering the

stadium at the same time. In fact. Although the handsome boy is also a

fourth grade student at Hogwarts, he is not a player. He is one of the

referees and judges of this game, and he is also responsible for protecting

the safety of the players. Although he is very young, I believe that many

people must have heard of his name, he is Ting Ye!"

There were cheers in the audience, but at the same time there were boos.

There were as many people who didn't know Ye Ting as those who knew


Many people are unclear about Ye Ting's arrival, so in their minds, the

most outstanding little wizard in Hogwarts will be selected as a warrior.

Ye Ting who has not become a warrior is definitely lacking in strength.

"Oh, oh, don't do this." Hearing the boo, Bagman couldn't help but

frowned. "There may be people who don't know Mr. Ting Ye, so let me

introduce you in more detail. Mr. Ye once got it. The champion of the

International Wizarding Chess Tournament, and because of the invention

of the mobile fireplace technology, he won the Merlin Medal three times.

In the second grade, he single-handedly killed a basilisk, which is

comparable to the fire dragon. The powerful magical creature, which can

prove that Mr. Ye's strength is sufficient to protect the safety of the


The boos had stopped, and the cheers rang out one after another. In the

eyes of the audience, Ye Ting had already become an existence above the


However, Bagman's introduction is not over yet: "In fact, Mr. Ye is still

the first Animagus in the world who can become a magical creature. He

has done something that even Merlin has not done. Here is one thing to

reveal. Secretly, it is said that Mr. Ye’s Animagus is exactly a dragon.

However, apart from his classmates, only Mr. Ye’s transfiguration teacher

has actually seen him become a dragon. However, if the players are in

danger , We may have a chance to see the true face of his Animagus."

Now, the cheers are even stronger. Some even booed the players. Many

people began to hope that the four warriors were in danger in the game,

so that they could see Animagus who could become a dragon.

Next, the dragon trainer brought the first dragon to the scene. It was a

blue Swedish short-nosed dragon with silver-blue scales shining in the

sun. Due to the restrictions of the dragon trainers, this Swedish short-

nosed dragon looked very angry. From time to time, it slapped its nose

and sprayed a small cluster of dazzling blue flames from its nostrils.

"Well, our first dragon and the warrior who challenged him have entered

the field. This is a Swedish short-nosed dragon. His opponent is the

warrior from Hogwarts, Miss Hermione Granger, Although Miss Ranjie is

only 14 years old, she is already a very powerful wizard. I believe many

people will remember that this young girl defeated many powerful adult

wizards at the International Wizarding Dueling Competition held in Paris,

France in July this year. , Won the championship of the duel match."

Hermione's fans stood up in good time and cheered and expressed their


Under everyone's gaze, Hermione walked slowly into the arena.

At the other end of the field, there stood the Swedish short-nosed dragon.

It crouched low, guarding its nest of eggs, half of its wings folded, and

those ferocious yellow eyes staring at Hermione. This is an extremely

large lizard-like reptile covered in scales. It violently twisted its spiked

tail, leaving several meters of pits and pits on the hard ground.

"Well, how will our warriors get the golden egg? Let's wait and see!" On

the commentary stage, Bagman was speaking loudly for the audience.

"Miss Granger looked very calm and deserved to be the champion of the

duel. , The psychological quality is not bad, but she seems to be still

considering countermeasures, I think he needs some time."

In fact, Hermione was not thinking about countermeasures, she was just

focusing on using the power hidden in her body-this was the first time

she had used this power, so she couldn't help but feel a little strange.

It didn't take long before Hermione was ready, so she started walking

straight towards the Swedish short-nosed dragon.

"What kind of spells will our players use to fight this terrible monster?"

Bagman explained loudly, his tone full of doubts, "It's not for our players

that they didn't recite any spells, even the wands. Without taking it out,

she just walked towards Ruiding Short-nosed Dragon. What does she

want to do? Is she crazy?"

Hermione is neither crazy nor stupid. In fact, she doesn't need to rely on

spells to deal with this Swedish short-nosed dragon, she just needs to use

her own power.

As Hermione approached, the Swedish Brachynosaurus began to become

irritable and angry. In its eyes, this tiny creature was constantly

approaching and breaking into its territory, especially when it had to

guard its eggs. For it this is a provocation.

So it screamed, staring at Hermione tightly, and crawled towards her.

The mouth of the Swedish short-nosed dragon was already open, and it

seemed that it would give Hermione a mouthful at any time, or spray her

with a breath of dragon's breath.

Hermione went on walking as if she hadn't seen anything.

The distance between the two got closer, and Hermione became more

and more in danger. Her death-like behavior caused an uproar at the

scene. There was a lot of discussion among the audience, and all the

judges and referees were confused. No one could figure out why

Hermione. To do this.

Chapter 0253

On the teacher's seat, Professor McGonagall had already drawn out his

magic wand, as if he was about to rush to the arena at any time and

rescue Hermione from the dragon's mouth, but Professor Flitwick held it


"What are you doing? Filius?" Professor McGonagall accused loudly.

"Please don't stop me. I'm going to save the girl. I can't just watch her die

like this."

"Don't do this, don't do this, calm down, Minerva." Professor Flitwick

spouted a ribbon with his magic wand and tied Professor McGonagall to

the position tightly. "Look first, Mr. Ting Ye, look at him. Well, I dare say

that no one at Hogwarts cares about Miss Granger more than he does.

What's more, he is also responsible for protecting the safety of the players

during the game. You must look at it. He looks calm, presumably

Granger. Miss Jie has her own plans."

In the arena, the Hermione family entered the attacking range of the

Swedish short-nosed dragon, and suddenly the girl stopped.

When people thought he was finally going to use the spell, the girl just

looked at the Swedish short-nosed dragon.

But no one noticed that Hermione's beautiful brown eyes had turned into

a pair of golden vertical pupils at some point.

In the golden vertical pupils, there seemed to be flames burning, not

human eyes, but dragon eyes.

The power that belonged to the real dragon burst out of the girl's body.

The referee and the audience did not feel all of this because they were

too far apart. However, the Swedish Brachynosaurus, as a dragon with a

deteriorating bloodline, had been sensitive to the power.

It was an aura from a superior person, an aura that came from the blood,

made it fearful, and let it surrender, that was the breath of a real dragon.

Although this real dragon is not powerful now, if there is a dragon of

other worlds here, it will definitely feel that it is only a young dragon

that emits this kind of breath.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 182:

However, how can a dragon with a low IQ like the Swedish short-nosed

dragon be able to distinguish all this? After feeling this breath, this

dragon power, the Swedish short-nosed dragon was like a set of natural

enemies, and instinctively began to retreat. At the same time, he made a

low whine and lowered his body at the same time. , And shrunk into a


In this way, Hermione stared closely at the Swedish short-nosed dragon

while constantly advancing, while his opponent, the huge monster, was

constantly retreating, and at the same time began to flap its wings, if it

weren't by the thick iron chain. Locked on the ground, he even wanted

to. Soaring into the sky, far away from this terrible little thing in front of


If the Swedish short-nosed dragon can speak, then it must be shouting:

"Don't come here!"

"Oh my God! What happened on the field?" Bagman froze in shock, and

then shouted loudly, "I, I, I don't know what exactly Miss Granger used.

She didn't use a magic wand. She just looked at the Swedish short-nosed

dragon and made the monster back again and again. Although I can't

believe it, I still have to say that this and the Swedish short-nosed dragon

seemed to be scared. But how is it possible? That's it. A real fire dragon!"

There were deafening cheers in the audience. Although they didn't know

what happened, Hermione didn't use any method. She just glared and

forced the Swedish Brachynosaurus back. This "domineering" scene made

Countless people fell for her.

In fact, some girls have publicly declared that they are in love with

Hermione Granger.

The Swedish Dragon is still retreating. Now, it has completely abandoned

its nest of eggs, shivering and shivering on the edge of the field. Without

that chain, the dragon must have escaped.

"Oh my God, how did Miss Granger do it?" Bagman yelled, "How did Miss

Granger scare the dragon back, Dumbledore, do you know what

happened? Did she just cast a spell on the fire dragon with a wandless


"Unfortunately, I don't know too much." Dumbledore had already

frowned. "I didn't see what happened just now. I don't even know if Miss

Granger used magic."

"Although I don't know what's going on. But I still want to say that Miss

Granger is indeed the youngest duel champion." Bagman exclaimed, "I

have walked towards the lair without a hassle. Look, she has already got

it. It’s a golden egg. It’s almost effortless. After our warrior left, the

Swedish short-nosed dragon finally returned to its den, and it seemed to

be relieved. It seems that Miss Granger passed through. How can it make

it feel fear? But I can’t think of anyway, how can I make a fire dragon

feel fear.”

"She's not cheating anymore, is she?"

"Any spell is useless. It must be cheating. I don't believe that a 14-year-

old girl can do this."

"Then only the Swedish short-nosed dragon is not pre-trained, right?"

"I heard that the fairies in Gringotts will train the fire dragon to guard the

vault. Through cruel torture, the fairies have been able to use some kind

of signal to control the fire dragon. Will this be the same method?"

After Hermione's exit, some people began to question her methods,

including Mrs. Maxim and Professor Karkaroff. The last two words were

from them.

On the one hand, they didn't understand what means Hermione used. On

the other hand, it was also an opportunity to suppress the warrior at


However, after the game, dragon trainers rushed over to check the

condition of the poor Swedish short-nosed dragon.

Facing the dragon trainers, this Swedish short-nosed dragon immediately

regained its original ferocious and tyrannical character. It was

disobedient, and looked like a chicken just now, and began to furious at

the dragon trainers, um, trying to kill one or two of them. A solution to


Now, those excuses for questioning are immediately gone, facing these

dragon trainers. This fire dragon behaves as violently as a normal fire

dragon, and there is no pre-trained timidity—you know, even the fairies

can only make the trained fire dragon feel afraid of certain kinds of

things. Throughout the history of wizards, thousands of Hundred years of

experience has proved that it is completely impossible for the fire dragon

to fear or obey an individual.

At the entrance of the arena, Ye Ting waved to Hermione, and Hermione

immediately rushed to give him a warm hug.

"I did it, Ting, I did it!" The girl yelled, looking cold and domineering in

the rematch, looking a little excited, "I was hit, and I really used the kind

of dragon you said. Wei, have you seen it? That fire dragon is actually

afraid of me!"

"Of course," Ye Ting patted the girl's back, and felt a softness on her

chest. "I know you are the best, but this is just the beginning. You must

know that your Longwei is not very strong nowadays. , It’s enough to

deal with ordinary magical creatures, but it has no effect on slightly

stronger magical creatures, such as unicorns, phoenixes, horse-shaped

water monsters, and the like. If it weren’t for the opponents in this game

who are more sensitive to Longwei Fire Dragon, you won't succeed in

taking the golden egg with Longwei alone."

"I know, I know." Hermione pursed her lips and complained, "Of course I

don't know enough. But can't you comfort me? Really."

"Okay, then, Hermione is really amazing." Ye Ting smiled and touched

Hermione's head, before the girl got angry and counterattacked, and said,

"The referee's scoring process is about to come, I have to go now. See you


Item 0254

After Ye Ting came to the stage, the referee began to score.

"Well, let's see Miss Granger's final score." Bagman announced loudly.

The first referee—Mrs. Maxime—lifted her wand into the air. A long

silver ribbon-like thing sprayed out of the wand, twisted to form a big


The audience began to cheer, and this was well deserved.

Next is Mr. Crouch. He sprayed a "10" into the air.

Then came Dumbledore, who also gave 10 points.

The cheers of the audience grew louder.

Then Ludo Bagman, who also gave 10 points.

Of course Ye Ting also gave a ten.

At this moment Karkaroff raised his wand. He paused for a moment, and

then a number-"4" spurted out of his wand.

At this moment, there was a boo in the audience. They felt that Karkaroff

was pure eccentric and didn't want Hermione to get a high score.

"That," Karkaroff explained dryly, "I think Miss Granger should use some

means we can understand to deal with the fire dragon."

This reason is really lame, Hermione kind. The completely

incomprehensible means clearly demonstrated her power even more.

Already some spectators stood up and threw the debris in their hands at


"Oh, my goodness!" Bagman hurriedly hid to the side, still not forgetting

to explain, "It seems that our audience is more willing to see Miss

Granger get a full score. In fact, I think so too. "

I don't know when, Ye Ting has already left the referee's bench. The next

moment, boots, water bottles, leftover snacks, towels, rotten eggs...

countless messy things flew toward the referee's bench like rain.

Karkaroff took the lead, all referees had to leave temporarily, and the

game was temporarily suspended for a while.

Under the comfort of Dumbledore, Bagman and others, it took about ten

minutes for the scene to return to calm.

Soon, as he followed another whistle, he shouted, "One is down, and

there are three! Miss Delacour, please come on!"

Ye Ting went to lead Furong, she was shaking from head to toe, and

when she saw Ye Ting, she hugged his arm tightly.

"Don't worry, Furong, you won't be surprised." Ye Ting patted her

comfortingly, "Don't be nervous, you just need to let go on the field. Trust

me, once your life is in danger, I Will rescue you immediately."

"You...you must protect me," Furong stared at Ye Ting, her hands clasped

tighter, as if she had grasped the last straw, her voice was a little

trembling, "I heard that the dragon's flame contains Poison, if you slow

down, I might be disfigured."

It turned out she was worried about this...

Ye Ting was a little speechless, but he still comforted Lotus.

When he arrived near the stadium, although he was still a little worried,

Furong managed to resist and let go. She raised her head and held her

magic wand tightly in her hand, posing an elegant and confident look.

For this girl, maintaining a beautiful image is more important than

anything else.

When this girl walked into the arena, everyone's eyes were on her. It's no

wonder that although the mixed-race Veeva girl you posted did not

actively use her abilities, her beauty and passive charm are enough to

attract everyone's attention.

Unlike Hermione, facing the Welsh Green Dragon, she took out her wand

from the beginning.

As Furong approached the fire dragon, she placed the index finger of her

other hand to her lips and made a quiet gesture.

"The means our players need to use seems to require everyone's

cooperation." Bagman explained, "So in order for our players to

successfully complete the game, I trouble the audience to not make any

noise with me, so as not to disturb us. Players."

After saying this, he immediately closed his mouth, and the whole arena

gradually became quiet.

The girl nodded towards the auditorium with gratitude, then raised her

wand and slowly approached the Welsh green dragon lightly, as if she

was afraid to startle it.

However, this giant dragon is still staring at the human in front of him,

full of vigilance.

Next, Furong used her magic wand to point at the fire dragon while

muttering a word. Ye Ting heard that it was a hypnotic spell.

Soon, the Welsh green dragon fell into a state of hypnosis. It lowered its

head, lying on the ground and slowly falling asleep.

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 183:

"Oh, our warrior seems to have used some means to make the Welsh

green dragon fall asleep." Bagman stared at Fleur who was walking

towards the Welsh green dragon, and whispered, "I'm not sure whether

she did it wisely. ."

Everyone knows that the fire dragon is a magical creature with powerful

magic resistance, and it is difficult for ordinary magic to take effect on it.

Even a professional dragon trainer often requires dozens of people to

recite the fire dragon at the same time in order to subdue it.

Bagman obviously suspected that the hypnotic spell used by Furong alone

could not completely hypnotize the dragon.

But Ye Ting knows that Furong has this ability. First of all, she herself is

a mixed-blood Veeva, with a strong talent for charm and spiritual-

influencing magic. It is not the first time Ye Ting has seen her inherit her

from Veeva's grandmother. She has a talent to deal with other wizards.

She was like this in the wizard chess game before. During this time, she

made Hogwarts jumpy more than once, because she has already had

several couples broke up. It is a sinful sin. .

In addition, the core of her magic wand is the hair of her grandmother

Veeva. This kind of magic wand is not only suitable for spirit and charm

magic, but also very suitable for hibiscus due to descent.

In addition, since the magic resistance is concentrated on the scales, the

eye area of ​​the fire dragon is the only place where the magic

resistance is slightly weaker. This is why the eye disease curse is the best

way to deal with the fire dragon, and Wu Rong's hypnotic curse is

obviously hypnotized through vision. , Which just fits the weakness of the

fire dragon.

Therefore, it is not surprising that she can hypnotize the fire dragon.

Of course this kind of hypnosis is temporary, but. This period of time was

enough for Furong to take the golden egg and run two more rounds.

Unfortunately, the girl's luck is not so good.

As she approached the nest cautiously and was about to take the golden

egg from the nest, the sleeping Welsh green dragon suddenly snored.

Following the snore, a flame spurted from its nostrils, and Furong

couldn’t dodge her. The skirt was lit.

"Oh... just a little bit! Be careful... my goodness, I thought she had

succeeded!" Bagman said regretfully.

But the girl's reaction was not slow, she used a water-making spell, and

the tip of her wand sprayed spring water to extinguish the flame.

Then, she launched the next attempt.

For the second time, Furong was more careful. She bypassed the direction

of the Welsh green dragon's nostrils, came to the dragon's nest cautiously,

picked up the golden egg, and left quickly.

In the stands, the audience burst into cheers again. This was not only a

cheer for the girl's wonderful performance, but also an explosion after

almost ten minutes of silence.

After the Welsh Green Dragon was taken away, the second scoring began.

This time, Karkaroff's score for Furong was a little higher than before, but

it was only six points. Incidentally, Ye Ting gave 10 points.

In the end, Fleur's score was fifty points.

Item 0255

Although the score was slightly lower than Hermione, Fleur still received

applause comparable to Miss Granger.

After all, the charm of the mixed-blood Veela is not covered.

Before long, the whistle blew for the third time.

"It's Mr. Krum who is playing now!" Bagman shouted.

When he walked out of the tent, Krum's shoulders were slumped, and he

didn't seem to be in good shape.

but. When it came time to really face the audience, he did not have stage

fright, after all, he also experienced a big scene like the Quidditch World


Krum and other opponents are a Celestial Fireball Dragon, with bright

red scales and very smooth scales. There is a circle of golden tassel-like

spikes around the face with a lion nose and bursting eyes. This fire

dragon can spray mushroom-shaped fireballs from its nostrils when it is

angry, so it is named fireball dragon.

His method of dealing with the fire dragon is completely different from

other players, he chose a head-on confrontation.

I saw him standing in front of the Tianchao Fireball Dragon and chanting

an eye disease curse into his eyes.

"Very courageous!" Bagman yelled, "Yeah. Player Krum directly attacked

the dragon. This is a rather dangerous choice."

The eye sickness curse hit the sky fireball dragon's eyes, the fire dragon

uttered a terrible, shocking scream, and then rushed in the direction of


The audience breathed in unanimously, it was too dangerous.

Krum shifted his position calmly, and then used the Eye Curse on the

remaining eye of the fire dragon.

Because the fire dragon was constantly moving, he tried three or four

times to make a successful hit. Now both eyes of the fire dragon were

temporarily blind, and it was completely lost. Krum's bearing.

I have to say that Krum’s plan was quite successful. The violent heavenly

fireball dragon attacked wildly and spewed flames to vent its anger.

Under this frantic struggle, even its own egg was crushed. A lot.

However, this kind of blind attack has no effect at all. The blind fire

dragon did not touch one of Krum’s hairs. He took this opportunity to

break into the fire dragon’s lair-which of course is very dangerous,

because the fire dragon only Flicking his tail might hurt him, but he did

it anyway, and the result was undoubtedly successful. He dexterously

stole the golden egg from the fire dragon's nest.

"He showed great courage--ah--yes, he got the golden egg!" Bagman

announced loudly.

The overwhelming applause shattered the winter air like breaking glass.

Krum has completed his mission.

Then came the scoring link.

Mrs. Maxim gave Krum six points, seemingly the same as the six points

that Karkaroff had given Fleur.

Mr. Crouch gave him eight points.

Dumbledore gave nine points.

Bagman gave seven points. He explained that it was because of Krum's

spell that the dragon had destroyed too many of his own eggs. This

reason was recognized by everyone.

Ye Ting also gave seven points.

Finally, it was Karkaroff, who actually gave Krum a ten.

The principal's eccentricity was already evident, and the audience was

booed immediately.

Now it's Harry Potter's turn, he is the last player of the day.

When he entered the arena, Harry seemed quite nervous. In fact,

compared to the previous three players, Harry himself had not

experienced so many big scenes. This time he became a warrior purely to

catch the ducks on the shelves.

However, the audience was very interested in him. Who made him kill

Voldemort when he was a baby?

Harry's opponent was a Hungarian tree hornet, which stood impressively

at the other end of the field.

It crouched low, guarding its nest of eggs, half of its wings folded, and

those ferocious yellow eyes staring at Harry.

This is an extremely large lizard-like reptile covered in scales. It violently

twisted its spiked tail, leaving several meters of pits and pits on the hard


The Hungarian hornet is one of the furthest fire-breathing dragons, with

a distance of up to 50 feet. It is also considered the most vicious and

aggressive fire dragon. When protecting the dragon egg, this fire dragon

will also be more aggressive, so many people think that Potter is at a

disadvantage in terms of drawing lots.

Unlike other warriors, Harry's tactics were not to confront the fire dragon

head-on. He raised his wand from the beginning.

"Firebolts are coming!" he shouted.

When he just finished chanting the spell, nothing happened. Many

audience members thought he had chanted the spell incorrectly, and

there was a burst of laughter from the Slytherin auditorium.

But everyone suddenly heard that something whizzed through the air

behind him. A firebolt circumvented the edge of the forbidden forest and

flew quickly toward the field; it flew into the field, and suddenly stopped

in the air beside Harry, and he immediately collapsed.

"Harry used the Flying Curse and summoned his flying broomstick."

Bagman said loudly, "The youngest warriors. Harry did not choose to

fight the dragon head-on like Miss Granger, but the sword went slant. ,

To play to his advantage. As far as I know, Harry is a good trapeze at

Hogwarts and a seeker at Gryffindor Academy. Oh, of course, he can’t

compare with Miss Zhang.”

Harry kicked the ground and flew into the air. When he was flying in the

air, he found that he had become like a fish in the water, and all fears

had gone away from him.

He dived down. The head of the tree wasp moved with him. Harry

realized that it was about to spray flames, so he leaped up and avoided

the attack.

"Oh my God, this is thrilling! He was flying well." Bagman yelled-the

audience was screaming and panting. "Did you see that, Mr. Krum?"

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 184:

Harry hovered and flew higher and higher, the hornet's gaze still

followed him, and its head went round and round on its long neck. Harry

dropped suddenly when the hornet opened his mouth, but this time He

was unlucky-he avoided the flames, but the tree wasp's tail drew towards

him head-on. When he turned to the left, a long spike from the tail

pierced his shoulder and tore his robe.

Seeing Harry hurt, the audience screamed and sighed, but fortunately he

was not hurt deeply.

However, for Harry, the worst thing was not that he was injured, but that

all his previous actions were useless.

The tree wasp doesn't seem to want to move its nest, it pays too much

attention to protecting its eggs. Although it kept coiling and twisting,

spreading and folding its wings, folding and spreading, those scary

yellow eyes stared at Harry, but it did not dare to stay too far away from

its egg-but Harry's purpose was exactly Lead him away.

He started to fly around, here and there for a while, be careful not to get

too close, lest it shoot out flames and hit him, but it also poses a threat

enough to make sure its eyes stay on With oneself. The tree wasp's head

was swaying from side to side, staring at him from a pair of vertical

pupils, and all the fangs in its mouth were exposed.

Finally, the hornet was impatient. It stood up, and its huge black, rough

wings were fully extended, as wide as a small airplane.

Seeing this, Harry immediately swooped down. Before the fire dragon

understood what he had done or where he disappeared, he rushed to the

ground and rushed to the nest of eggs with lightning speed. The pair of

front legs with sharp claws protected them again.

So he let go of the firebolt, freed his hands and grabbed the golden egg.

"Look!" Bagman yelled, "Look! Our youngest warrior got the golden egg

the second fastest! The fastest is Miss Granger, I can’t believe it. What's

going on. The younger the warriors actually perform better, this will

make them the gap between them and the other older warriors!"

Item 0256

Next is the time to score Harry.

Mrs. Maxim hit eight points.

Ye Ting, Crouch, and Dumbledore all scored nine points.

Bagman hit ten points because he made a heavy bet on Harry.

And Karkaroff only scored four points for Harry, which made him a

complete joke.

In summary, in the first game, with a perfect score of 60, Hermione

scored the highest 54 points. The second place was Fleur with 50 points.

Harry was third with 49 points. The last place was Krum, only scored 47


After the game, all the warriors gathered in the tent again. For them, the

tent now feels completely different: it has become kind and warm.

"You all did a good job!" Ludo Bagman said, and he briskly jumped into

the tent, looking happy, as if he himself had successfully traversed a fire

dragon just now.

"Okay, I only have a few words to say. The second project will start at

9:30 am on February 24th next year. Before that, you can rest for a long

time-but we have to leave some questions for you. Consider! You look

down at the golden eggs in your hands and you will find that they can be

opened... See the seams there? You must untie the clues provided in the

eggs-that will tell you what the second item is , You can be prepared! Are

you all clear? No problem? Okay, let's go!"

Everyone left the tent holding their golden eggs, but the hapless Harry

was stopped by a witch who suddenly jumped out.

It's Rita Skeeter, this woman seems to have been on Harry, trying her

best to dig out some news from him.

The reason is simple. Krum looks like a rude barbarian and can’t reason

with him. The other two female players seem to have a lot to do with the

genius who scared her. After thinking about it, only Harry can deal with

it. .

Looking at his friend Ron beside him, Harry felt that this woman was

about to arrange some strange news for him again.


When Hermione and Ye Ting walked into the Ravenclaw common room,

cheers and noise broke out again. Tables and chairs were piled up with

small mountain cakes, as well as a jug of pumpkin juice and butter beer.

Anthony Goldstein set off some laborious fireworks, and many stars and

sparks flashed in the air. Roger hung up several eye-catching new

banners, most of them painted scenes of Hermione scaring off the

Swedish short-nosed dragon, but there were also two scenes showing

Harry being hit by a dragon's tail.

Of course Hermione was also very happy, although unlike the other

players, she never worried about what damage the fire dragon would do

to her. But the first time she faced such a behemoth, Miss Granger was

still a little nervous. Fortunately, she succeeded in the end.

That night she completely let go of her body and mind, and ate and

drank with the little eagles.

At the climax of the banquet, Zhang Qiu came to her at the instigation of


"Oh my God, it's quite heavy," Zhang Qiu said, holding the golden egg

Hermione put on the table, weighing it with both hands, "Open it,

Hermione! Let's see what's inside!"

"Okay, come on, Hermione, open it!" Several people responded.

Zhang Qiu handed the golden egg to Hermione, and she used her nails to

dig into the groove on the golden egg and pry it open.

However, before that, she saw Ye Ting looking at them with a smirk, and

secretly covering his ears.

The golden egg opened, it was empty and there was nothing inside-but

the moment Hermione opened it, a terrifying, piercing scream filled the

room. It's like the noise of the ghost band playing with a music saw at the

ghost's death party.

"Close it!" Marietta yelled, covering her ears with her hands.

Hermione snapped the golden egg shut.

"What's that?" Eddie Camitchell asked, staring at the golden egg, "Like a

female ghost's cry... Hermione, you might have to pass by a female ghost

next time!"

"It seems that someone is being tortured!" Michael Kona said-his face was

pale and he sprinkled the sausage meat all over the floor. "What you are

going to deal with is a heart-wrenching curse!"

"Don't be stupid, Michael, it's illegal," Terry Bout said. "They can't chant a

heartbreaking spell on the Warriors. I think it sounds a bit like Filch

singing... Maybe you want to. Attack him in the shower, Hermione."

This made everyone burst into laughter.

Hermione also laughed with them, but she felt that these people's

suggestions were not reliable.

She thought of Ye Ting's weird action just now, so she looked at him.

"Did you know all this a long time ago?" she asked, "otherwise why did

you cover your ears in advance?"

"Of course I know what's going on." Ye Ting said with a smile, "Who

made me the referee? Do you need me to tell you the meaning of the

golden egg?"

"No, no need." Hermione said quickly, "I should solve the clues by myself.

This is the rule of the three tournaments... But if you are willing to give

some hints..."

It seemed that even Hermione, who was willing to abide by the rules, had

learned something else after getting to know Ye Ting.

"Okay, then you can listen." Ye Ting cleared his throat and said to her,

"There are two hints. The first one: pay attention to the pattern on the

golden egg, the second one: the scream is actually some kind of singing."

"Is that so?" Hermione looked at the golden egg carefully and nodded

thoughtfully. "I seem to have a clue."

"It's really Miss Granger," Marietta leaned forward, "but, it's banquet time,

so don't be disappointed. Come and play!"

So, the happy banquet continued again.


However, starting from the next morning, Ye Ting was completely

entangled by Sister Delacour.

Since breakfast, the two of them sat on both sides of Ye Ting. When Ye

Ting was in the corridor, they held him by one arm. Even during class

time, they had to sit behind Ye Ting's classroom to listen in.

Zhang Qiu and Hermione, who were still very happy about this,

frequently rolled their eyes at Ye Ting and were jealous.

Ye Ting himself was puzzled about this.

Since they did not actively interfere with Ye Ting’s daily life, he did not

take any measures and just tried to ignore the sisters. However, the

charm of this beautiful pair of mixed-blood Veela sisters was so great that

Ye Ting who was entangled by the two of them didn’t matter. Wherever

he goes, he will face the pointers of the little wizards. Among all male

wizards, he has become their public enemy.

This is no wonder. Now, the two most brilliant and beautiful women in

Hogwarts as a whole, the only man Zhang Qiu and Hermione have good

relationship with is Ye Ting, and they are obviously occupied by him.

That’s all. Who gives Ye Ting the strength? Is it so powerful that they

dare not speak up? But now, after the beautiful Boothbatten teachers and

students arrived, the boys who thought they had a chance found that the

two most beautiful girls of Boothbatten began to surround Ye Ting.

Looking at this posture, he wants to catch the most beautiful all at once.

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, we can't afford to offend you, but

we can bother you.

As a result, Ye Ting had to endure the trouble of being watched

everywhere he went.

Item 0257

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 185:

At night, Ye Ting finally couldn't help it.

"You two have been with me for a day." He frowned, looking like the two

sisters, "Don't you have your own business to do?"

"Following you is the most important thing for me now." Furong fluffed

up her long silver hair. Amorous glances at him.

"Gabriel likes Brother Ting the most." Gabriel looked at Ye Ting

innocently and said.

Seeing whether the sisters were cute or charming, Ye Ting couldn't even

make the fire out, so he asked dumbfoundingly: "Well, I've taken you.

Tell me, what do you want?"

The two sisters looked at each other with surprises in their eyes, and

finally the sister spoke.

"I want to know what the **** is going on with that golden egg." She

asked, "I spent the night studying him yesterday, but apart from that

unlucky scream, I didn't get any information. You are a top three. The

referees of the competition will surely know more."

"Of course I know a lot." Ye Ting deliberately sullen his face and said in a

deep voice, "But you know that as a referee in the Triwizard Tournament,

you should know the rules of the referee. I won't tell you any

information. ."

"Eccentric ghost!" Furong pouted her lips and coquettishly. "You are

eccentric to that Granger. You only help her but not me. I can guarantee

that Miss Granger already knows the secret of the golden egg. ."

"Sorry, you guessed wrong." Ye Ting explained, "I didn't tell Hermione the

secret in the golden egg."

However, as soon as his voice fell, Hermione's voice came from a


"Ting! Ting! Do you know? Just now I discovered the secret in the golden


——Wow, why don’t you find out early and late? I found out at this time,

aren't you hitting me in the face?

Ye Ting slowly turned his head and looked at Furong.

Sure enough, Furong had already put on an expression of "I believe you a

ghost, you are a bad old man."

Don't ask me how I see this expression.

"That..." Ye Ting was a little embarrassed, "Actually, I only gave her two

hints. Strictly speaking, she discovered this by herself."

At this time, Hermione ran to his side and kissed him excitedly, "Thank

you, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have discovered the secret in the

golden egg so quickly. Seriously, this mystery. The question is really


The misunderstanding was even greater now. At this time, Furong was

already looking at Ye Ting with the look of a scumbag.

Even Gabriel didn't believe him anymore.

"Brother Ting, why did you lie to Gabriel and sister?" Little Lori looked at

him pitifully, her watery eyes as if tears could fall at any time, "Don't you

like Gabriel anymore?"

I hate it by little Lolita.

"I...I really didn't reveal the game secrets to others." Ye Ting waved his

hand, "I just..."

"He just told the secret to his best friend." Hermione suddenly hugged Ye

Ting's arm and looked at Sister Delacour provocatively. Willing to do

this, even your sisters can't do it."

——Hermione, when did you fail to learn! I don't remember that you are

such a girl!

Unfortunately, even so, Hermione was still too naive.

Furong, who looked at Ye Ting suspiciously, thought for a while after

hearing Hermione's words, her eyes softened a lot when she looked at Ye


"I didn't believe it originally." She said slowly in a gentle tone that made

Hermione get goosebumps, "I always thought you were really partial to

Miss Granger, and told her all the inside story of the game. After all, in

order to let Miss Granger deal with the fire dragon smoothly, you secretly

taught her a very powerful magic. Didn’t you? But after hearing Miss

Granger’s words, I started to believe that you just gave her a hint. ."

"After all—" She looked at Hermione and smiled slightly. "The words of a

love rival must be totally unbelievable."

"Damn it!" Hermione was a little angry when she realized that her words

didn't bluff the other party, but instead let the other party find out the


Although he could be brilliant in battle, in terms of emotions, all ten

Hermiones couldn't match Fleur.

"Okay, okay," Seeing the results of the fighting spirit of the two girls, Ye

Ting, who was enjoying the Shura Field, finally took the conversation,

"Since you already believe me, what do you want? Woolen cloth?"

"First of all, I want the same treatment as her!" Fleur pointed at Hermione

and said softly, "I also want the two tips you gave her."

"Huh!" Hermione was very dissatisfied.

"Okay, I'll tell you later." Ye Ting nodded, "What then?"

"Secondly, I want to make up for it!" Seeing Ye Ting had accepted the

condition, Furong went a step further with joy, "This is because in order

to deal with the fire dragon, you opened a small stove for Miss Granger


"I really didn't give her a small stove." Ye Ting smiled bitterly and wanted

to explain, but looking at Furong's completely disbelieving eyes, Ye Ting

finally gave up.

It’s no wonder that the scene of Hermione scaring the Annealing Dragon

is incredible. This is an operation that even Dumbledore and even the

ancient Merlin could not do. Fleur does not believe that Hermione can do

this is excusable. .

"Well, even if I give her a small stove, what do you want?"

"I warn you, Miss Veeva." Hermione pointed to Fleur and said angrily.

"Don't worry, Miss Granger." Furong glanced at her and said, "I am as

unwilling to make it difficult for him as you are."

"You'd better do what you say." Hermione snorted and stopped looking at


"My second request, I heard that Hogwarts will hold a grand Christmas

ball this Christmas." Furong said, with yearning in her eyes, "During the

ball, everyone must wear a dress. Dancing with my partner on the dance

floor. As the warriors of the Triwizard Tournament, we will be the lead


Fleur's words gave Hermione an ominous hunch.

Sure enough, her next condition shocked the girl.

"I hope Mr. Ye can become my partner in this dance party."

"And Gabriel!" Little Lori raised her hand to the side, "Gabriel wants to

dance with Brother Ting too."

"Yes, and Gabriel." Furong touched her sister's head affectionately, and

then looked at Ye Ting, "What do you think?"

"Not so good!" The sudden sense of crisis made Hermione angry. "You

two outsiders don't want to be delusional. I am also a warrior in the

Triwizard Tournament. Ting has to be my dancing partner."

"Just rely on your bean sprouts figure?" Furong straightened her chest as

if showing off. Obviously, compared to the fourteen-year-old Hermione,

she has developed quite well at the age of seventeen. Ye Ting has been

deeply moved during this time. .

"And Gabriel will also support my sister." Little Lolita said to Hermione

like a demonstration, "Brother Ting can be a dance partner for the two of


"You...you guys!" Hermione flushed with anger, and began to speak

incoherently. "What a shame!"

"This is a dance for adults," Furong was even more proud. "Don't join the

little girl."

"Ye Ting is as old as me." Hermione pointed out sharply, "he is also a

little boy."

"Really?" Furong gracefully walked around Ye Ting and took his arm,

"Then he wants to become an adult with his sister, it's not impossible!"

Sure enough, in this regard, Hermione was still not Furong's opponent,

and just a few words prevailed.

Finally, the frustrated Hermione completely ignored it.

"I can do what you can do!" she said loudly and self-defeatingly, "and we

also have two people here, he can be my dancing partner with Qiu


In this way, Hermione sold her former rival and her current comrade-in-


Now, the two girls are evenly matched.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 186:

Far away in Diagon Alley, in the YC Alchemy Shop, the young and

beautiful proprietress didn't know why, she suddenly felt that her hair

was beginning to glow green.

Item 0258

It has been 14 years since Ye Ting crossed the world of Harry Potter until


In these 14 years, Ye Ting has become a powerful wizard with his talent

and hard work. Now his strength is comparable to the strongest figure in

the wizarding world.

In the days after entering the wizarding world, Ye Ting was not without

danger, but no matter what kind of danger he faced, he could use his

wisdom and power to turn the bad and turn the bad into peace.

Ye Ting is a very courageous person. None of the dangers he faced had

shaken his heart, whether it was Voldemort or the basilisk.

However, just today, he has to face a huge problem, which is quite a

headache, and even surpasses any problems he has faced before.

That is, he had to choose one of the two girls in front of him to be his

partner in the Christmas party.

At this moment, the two girls had stopped arguing, but they looked at

him with scorching eyes, hoping that he could make the "right" choice in

their opinion.

The girl standing on his left is Hermione Granger. She is a classmate and

good friend who entered Hogwarts with Ye Ting. The relationship

between the two of them has always been quite good, and they are

currently at a stage of mutual ambiguity. .

The **** his right is Furong Delacour, a friend Ye Ting met outside

school. The relationship between the two is not as close as Hermione, but

this girl has been trying to chase back. Ye Ting, and compared to

Hermione, Furong was more mature physically and psychologically, and

more feminine.

Strictly speaking, it's hard to say. Hermione is obviously more important,

after all, their relationship is closer.

However, a thought. Sister Furong will dance with other boys at the

Christmas party, and Ye Tingke immediately becomes upset.

How can this be tolerated?

Moreover, he is Ye Ting, a powerful wizard who can compete with

Dumbledore and Voldemort at the age of fourteen. He is the only plane

traveler among thousands of planes who can constantly traverse the

world. He will analyze all the rules. Of transcendence.

How can he admit counsel here?

So, under the gaze of the two girls, he said aloud.

"Children make choices, adults want them all!"

After saying this, Ye Ting didn't feel any anxiety or regret in his heart,

but a burst of comfort from the heart.

——Huh, I finally said this sentence in front of others. I have been trying

this for a long time.

In the previous life, he was just an ordinary person, and he had never

even talked about love. Apart from joking, this sentence was not at all, it

was impossible to say it from his mouth.

But now, he finally has the opportunity to say this in front of several girls

who like him.

So, what was their reaction? Ye Ting looked at the two girls expectantly.

To his surprise, after the initial surprise of the two girls, their reaction

was not anger and sadness, but complexity and entanglement.

"What are you talking about?" Hermione first pointed at Ye Ting and

exclaimed, "Even if Qiu Zhang and I are your dancing partners at the

same time, can't you feel satisfied? Have to add this pair Miss Veeva?"

"Yeah, that's what I think." Seeing Hermione's funny reaction, Ye Ting

took a step closer.

"This... this way." Hermione lowered her head, seeming to be making a

difficult decision. "If you must want this, I am not unacceptable. Just

treat them as... just pity them. "

——Wow, you're not Hermione, are you? When did Little Hermione be so


"What kind of eyes are you?" Seeing Ye Ting's suspicious eyes, Hermione

suddenly became angry. "Am I such a rigid and true person in your mind?

Can't I be empathetic? If I'm afraid of you If you are sad... if you do this, I

will regret it."

——It seems to be true. It seems that under my guidance, Miss Granger's

bottom line is getting less and less. This is really...great.

So Ye Ting looked at Miss Delacour again.

"Hermione has agreed, what do you say?"

"Since Miss Granger has agreed, what else can I do?" Furong curled her

lips, with a smile on the corners of her mouth, "Of course I can only


"That's great." Ye Ting nodded happily, then suddenly looked at Furong,

"Why do I think? You seem to be willing to accept this kind of result?"

Ye Ting's sudden question surprised Furong. After thinking for a while,

she replied, "Probably because it is a more acceptable result for me."

The girl sighed and continued, "After all, you have been classmates with

Miss Granger and Miss Zhang for four years. The relationship between

you is much closer than mine, so when he also invited you to be a

partner At the time, I actually didn’t have much hope — my charm

ability never worked for you — now that I can get half the chance to

dance with you, it’s actually pretty good.”

As expected to be Miss Furong, who is well-versed in people's hearts, her

analytical head is right.

But finally this time the dance partner battle has a happy ending, and

today's Shura arena ends here.

However, when returning to the lounge with Kobe, Ye Ting suddenly

thought of another big problem.

That is, he doesn't like dancing very much.

If there is only one dancing partner, he can just stop after dancing the

pre-stage. Anyway, Zhang Qiu and Hermione are not very dancing

people. Their yearning for the Christmas ball is just because they want to

try it. It's all about dancing with Ye Ting, so just experience it a few

times. In the rest of the time, Ye Ting can use it to fish.

If there were only two dancing partners, Ye Ting could barely find the

time to fish.

However, nowadays there are four partners, suppose. Well, every partner

wants to do two dances, and he has to dance at least eight dances.

Moreover, when seeing Ye Ting dancing with other people, the girls off

the court might be jealous or something, and then change their minds

and have to dance a few more times.

Ye Ting could already foresee at the Christmas ball. He who doesn't like

dancing will have to accompany the four girls to jump from beginning to


This is really a very uncomfortable experience for him.

But who made him choose to have it all?

A man who wants it all has to endure many other things in addition to a

good kidney.

After all, life does not have the best of both worlds.

On this road (referring to the harem), you can't look back.

Item 0259

About two or three days after Hermione solved the golden egg puzzle,

Fleur also successfully understood the secret of the golden egg.

With Ye Ting's hint, solving this puzzle is quite simple.

Ye Ting's first hint is the pattern on the golden egg. A wizard who has a

little knowledge of magical creatures can tell that the pattern painted is a


The mermaid in the Harry Potter world is not a dugong, but a kind of

intelligent creature. They have a prosperous culture because they live in

highly organized communities, and some use stones to craft houses. In

addition, they will also domesticate creatures such as Grindillo,

horsehead sea monsters, loba worms, and even use loba worms as

weapons. Mermaid will also make jewelry and weapons, create sculptures

and other artworks, and complete basic communication through gestures.

In addition, consistent with many legends, mermaid can create music,

and this is also the most common hobby of mermaid.

So, this is exactly what Ye Ting's second reminder said, the so-called

scream is actually a kind of singing.

However, unlike the legend, the mermaid’s singing was never used to

admire or seduce humans. It was just their own hobby. After a little

thought, they would know why the so-called singing sounds screaming to

them: this song It is a singing that can only be appreciated in the water,

after all, mermaids do not need to sing to humans in the air.

Then the answer is obvious, the key to solving the golden egg puzzle is to

open it in the water.

The two girls both chose to dive into the water to open the golden egg

while taking a bath. After the golden egg was opened, a chorus of weird

sounds came out:

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 187:

Look for us, where our voices sound.

We cannot sing on the ground.

When you search, please think carefully:

We took away your most beloved baby.

You only have one hour.

To find and recapture the objects we took.

After an hour, there is no hope.

It has completely disappeared and will never appear.

The singing also mentioned that it is impossible to sing on the ground, so

the next level is related to mermaid, and the mermaid colony closest to

Hogwarts is in the black lake of Hogwarts.

In the second game, the most important thing of the Warriors will be

hidden in the Black Lake, they need to get it back within an hour-this is

the final answer to the golden egg puzzle.

However, this is not the time to consider this. After all, the second game

will start on February 24 next year, and there are still more than three

months to prepare.

Now, what Ye Ting, a few girls, and all the little wizards have to consider

is the Christmas ball.

Although the warriors had received the news in advance, Professor

Flitwick announced the incident in the class after the end of a curse class.

"I have a few words to say to you all." As usual, he stood on a stack of

footsteps and announced loudly: "The Christmas ball is coming-this is a

traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament. It’s also a great opportunity

for us to socialize with foreign guests. That’s right, the prom is only open

to students above the fourth grade—but if you want, you can invite a

lower grade student—"

Kevin Entwistle let out a harsh smirk. Stephen Coenford stabbed him

hard, but the muscles on Stephen's own face were also tense, because he

was desperately restraining him from laughing. They both turned to look

at Hermione.

"Put on your gowns and gowns," Professor Flitwick ignored them and

continued, "The ball will be held in the auditorium at eight o'clock on

Christmas evening and will end at midnight. Listen--"

Professor McGonagall looked at the whole class calmly.

"The Christmas ball will undoubtedly give us a chance-um-to spread our

hair and relax ourselves." He said in a disapproving tone.

Ye Ting felt that this dwarf must be driving.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class. As usual, everyone put the

books into the schoolbags, and then threw the schoolbags over their

shoulders, and then walked out of the classroom.

But now, the atmosphere in the Hogwarts corridor has changed.

The girls laughed and whispered in the hallway. The girls shrieked

whenever a boy walked by. The girls exchanged opinions excitedly about

what clothes to wear on Christmas night... and the boys started to look

carefully. The looks of the girls made up their minds to invite one of the

most beautiful as a dance partner.

As a warrior, although Hermione didn't dress up very much, she still

became the girl with the highest return rate. For the little wizards,

becoming a warrior's dance partner was very popular.

After returning to the dormitory, Ye Ting and Hermione were surrounded

by waves of mad bees and butterflies. Many boys plucked up the courage

to walk towards Hermione and invited her to be their dance partner. The

first one was Kevin Enn. Twizel, he had been eyeing her when he was in


"Miss Granger," he flushed and stood in front of Hermione, as if he was

about to say something unspeakable, "Would you like to be my dancing


"Sorry, Entwistle," Hermione shook her head, "I have found a partner."

"Who is it? Miss Granger?" He asked incredulously, "Professor Flitwick

just mentioned this. Are you trying to perfuse me?"

"It has nothing to do with you, Mr. Entwistle, you can go now."

Hermione's questioning obviously made Hermione a little angry, and she

answered very bluntly.

So, Kevin lowered his head and left in a loss.

However, even if Hermione had said that she had already found a

partner, there were always boys who did not believe in evil and had to

try again and again, it seemed endless.

Hermione, who was finally frustrated, said loudly, "My partner is Ting

Ye. If you want to be my partner, go to a duel with him! Otherwise, go


Obviously, it was not a wise thing to fight Ye Ting. At this time, the boys

began to retreat.

However, someone suddenly questioned: "But I invited Qiu Zhang just

now. She also said that her dancing partner is Mr. Ting Ye. Someone of

you must be mistaken!"

So, the skeptical gaze turned to Hermione.

Hermione did not answer this question, but pointed out sharply: "Should

you not be rejected by one girl and invite the next one right away?"

These words hit the boy's pain point, how else would he know Zhang

Qiu's answer?

"Oh, I understand," Hao Min said angrily. "It turns out that, basically, you

want to invite the most beautiful girl who is willing to accept you, even if

she is a total villain? If you answer this question, you If you don’t come

up, I don’t think I need to answer your question."

"Yeah, that's basically correct." Zhongyu, the dumb boy said in a self-

deprecating manner, "That's how I think. Then you can always talk about

what's going on, I think you are taking Mr. Ye serves as a shield."

"Okay, okay," Hermione said helplessly, "I am going to share a dancing

partner with Zhang Qiu, it's all right now!"

Speaking of this seemed to exhaust his last courage, and after speaking,

Hermione immediately left the common room.

At the same time, from Boothbarton, there was also an astonishing news

that the two sisters Dracul found the same Hogwarts boy. As their

dancing partner, the jealous man was Ye Ting.

Item 0260

The teachers and students of Hogwarts continue to show their desire to

impress the guests of Boothbatten and Durmstrang. They seem

determined to show the best of the castle this Christmas. The school is

decorated with lights: the handrails of the marble stairs are covered with

icicles that never melt, and the twelve Christmas trees that are usually

placed in the auditorium are decorated with various knick-knacks, from

Shiny holly fruit, to the live golden owl that keeps chirping. Those

armors were all enchanted, and whenever someone passed by, they

would sing Christmas carols. It's really funny to hear an empty helmet

sing "Oh, come on, you pious people".

During this period of time, Ye Ting has become the object of jealousy of

all boys, because he has found four dancing partners in total.

If these dancing partners are all Elois Midgen—this girl is recognized as

the ugliest girl among boys, and no one wants to find her as a dancing

partner—that’s all, but Ye Ting and their four The dancing partners are

actually very good, two of them are the only two female warriors, and

the other two are also very beautiful and lovely girls.

If Ye Ting were a wizard with a low level of magic, he would have been

sapped long ago.

But now, Ye Ting used his daily swaggering behavior to tell all the little

wizards that if he had strength, he could do whatever he wanted.

It was Christmas Eve in a blink of an eye, and heavy snow fell on the

castle and the grounds. Boothbarton’s light blue carriage looks like a big

frosted pumpkin in winter, and the little gingerbread house with icing

next to it is Hagrid’s cabin; on the side of the ship of Durmstrang A layer

of ice has formed, and it has become smooth and translucent, and the

sails have been dyed with a layer of hoarfrost. The house elves in the

kitchen below are very busy, preparing hot stews and sweet puddings of

various flavors. Only Fleur Delacour can find an excuse to complain.

"The food at Hogwarts is too greasy," she frowned and said to Ye Ting

when they left the auditorium the night before.

"Oh, that's too tragic," Ye Ting didn't speak, and Hermione said rudely, "I

thought you were always proud of your bit of meat!"

"Hermione," Ye Ting seemed to have noticed something when she spoke,

and suddenly frowned when she looked at her, "Your teeth..."

"What's the matter?" Hermione said.

"They are different... I just noticed that they are all neat and tidy, and

they are also normal in size."

Hermione has always had a pair of small buck teeth, and she also wears

corrective wires, which greatly compromises her appearance, and even

the kisses feel weird.

Hermione suddenly laughed very mischievously, "It's like this... I'll go to

Madam Pomfrey to reduce the longer teeth, as you mentioned before, use

magic beauty."

She smiled happily. "Mom and dad won’t be happy. For many years, I

have been persuading them to let me shrink my teeth, but they hoped

that I would stick to the wire frame for orthodontic orthodontics. You

know, they are all dentists, and they think teeth shouldn’t be. Correct

with magic."

In fact, for this dance, she didn’t just trim her teeth. Before the dance, she

spent three hours on dressing up. This is something for her who always

loves to learn and feels that dressing up is a waste of time. The only


When she came out of her room, Ye Ting felt that he didn't even know

her anymore.

She made some hands and feet to her hair, they were no longer tangled,

but smooth and shiny, and they were turned into an elegant bun behind

her head. She wore Ye Ting's robe made of flowing light-colored fabrics,

her chest, side waist, and bun had light green ribbons tied with a bow,

and somehow her temperament was different— — Maybe it’s just

because she removed the more than 20 thick books she usually carried on

her body.

What a lovely girl.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 188:

"Is this still Miss Granger? I have never discovered that she is such a cute

girl." When I saw her, Ye Ting's roommate Terry Butt swallowed.

His words represent the aspirations of most boys. Although Hermione

used to be cute, it still has a considerable gap compared to Zhang Qiu,

Furong and Penello, especially her hair has always been messy, not only

has buckles. With teeth and braces, everyone was wondering why Ye

Ting had become best friends with Hermione since she enrolled in school.

With Ye Ting's excellence, she should choose a more beautiful girl.

Later, Hermione's talent gradually emerged, and the little wizards began

to think that Ye Ting was interested in Hermione's talent, not appearance.

However, now they found out that they were wrong.

Ye Ting's vision was far beyond their imagination. Miss Granger was

never a talented girl, but an excellent woman with both talents and looks.

They are the blind people.

After a while, Zhang Qiu also opened the door of the dormitory and

walked out.

Zhang Qiu’s dress was designed by Ye Ting herself—she grew up living in

the UK and didn’t know Chinese makeup—she wore a classic Chinese

hair bun with a phoenix hairpin, and she wore a blue cheongsam with

dancing on her cheongsam. Wearing a golden phoenix pattern, this

classic Chinese formal suit fully expresses her graceful oriental beauty.

Although Zhang Qiu was very beautiful in the past, the little wizards of

this oriental beauty have never seen it before.

"Girls, you are really beautiful today." Ye Ting smiled and walked

forward, holding one in his arm and leading them out of the Ravenclaw


Along the way, there was a heartbreaking sound, not only from boys, but

also from girls.

Ye Ting himself has a good appearance. Although a little reluctant, he

still prepared a formal dress for the prom under the supervision of the

girls. It was a double-breasted suit with a golden pattern on the neckline

—it was charming. The baby's hair was dyed golden and braided. For this

reason, Furong almost had a big fight with him-the buttons and tie were

also golden, and a red robe was added, which looked chic and


In addition, Ye Ting wrote spiritual suggestion magic on the suit. This

magic refers to Veeva’s charm talent and can amplify the charm of the

person wearing it. Because it is derived from Veeva’s almost conceptual

talent, plus The hair of the upper Veeva increases, so it is basically

unable to be immune.

Ye Ting decided to take this dress as his own charm, and in any situation

where he needed to negotiate, this dress would give him a huge help.

Originally, Ye Ting was Hogwarts' popular lover. When he swaggered

through the market in this formal suit, he was basically equivalent to a

small male version of Veeva.

If the two female partners around him were of too high a quality and

made people unable to compete, he would very likely be surrounded on

the spot.

In this way, he took the two girls and set off toward the auditorium.

Chapter 0261 Ron? Rona?

The hall was crowded with students, and many people met with dancing

partners from other colleges. The appearance of Ye Ting, Hermione and

Zhang Qiu attracted almost everyone's attention.

But soon, they were attracted by the charm of another person.

Because Fleur Delacour came over. She is wearing a silver-gray satin

robe. This elegant robe complements his long silver hair. It is really

stunning. Beside her is his sister Gabrielle Delacour, dressed as a little girl

and her sister. It's exactly the same, just like a small version of Lotus.

After coming to Ye Ting, the first thing Furong did was to carefully look

up and down Hermione and Zhang Qiu.

"Oh, I had known that I was not so eager to prepare the dress. Your

design level is really good. (She doesn't want to admit that Hermione and

Zhang Qiu are pretty in the first place She muttered a little unwillingly,

and then looked at Ye. Ting, "Is this the dress you made with my hair?"

"Yes, I used your hair to braid the golden pattern of the neckline." Ye

Ting straightened his chest to show her, "How does it look?"

"It seems to make me feel a headache." Furong complained with lingering

fears. In order to make Veeva's hair have a better effect, Ye Ting always

asked her to pull out. Although there was a paralysis curse, pulling out

her hair was still very difficult. Uncomfortable things.

Ye Ting adjusted his neckline awkwardly, and then said, "Let's go."

"The topic shifted really bluntly." Furong curled her lips, but walked to

him obediently.

Zhang Qiu came to Hermione's other side at the right time. She knew that

the protagonist of today's prom was the warrior of the Triwizard


A group of Slytherin students came up from their underground common

room along the steps. Walking in the front is Malfoy, he is wearing a

black velvet high-necked gown, Pansy Parkinson is wearing a light pink

robe full of frills, she hung Malfoy's arm tightly. Crabbe and Gore are

both green, like two big rocks covered with moss. Neither of them can

find a partner.

Soon, the little lions of Gryffindor came, and Ye Ting found that Harry

and Ron had no partners, so they had to walk awkwardly together. Many

girls looked at them with strange eyes.

And Harry's eyes kept falling on Zhang Qiu's body.

"It seems Potter does like you." Hermione said quietly, but Zhang Qiu just


A few days ago, he tried to invite Zhang Qiu, thinking that after

becoming a warrior, he would be favored by girls. Because Ye Ting had

four dance partners, she thought Zhang Qiu must be very upset.

However, to his surprise, the girl simply rejected him.

The oak front door was opened, and everyone turned their heads and saw

Durmstrang’s students and Professor Karkaroff walk in together. Krum

walked in the front, beside a beautiful girl in a blue robe that Harry

didn't know, but he stared at Hermione more.

"Krum seems to like you very much too." Zhang Qiu immediately took

advantage of the situation to counterattack, and Hermione immediately

looked away without knowing anything.

Krum followed Hermione for a day or two. He had also invited Hermione

before and said that he came to the library every day to get a

conversation with the girl.

"Hey," Fu Rong suddenly pulled Ye Ting's hand and asked, "The suitors of

your two little girlfriends seem to be the other two warriors. Don't you

think there is a sense of crisis?"

"Sense of crisis?" Ye Ting raised his eyebrows and said disdainfully, "They

are just trivial opponents, they are not worthy of attention at all. Their

existence is only to prove your charm and my vision."

"Fart man..." Furong, who was on the eyedrops, was defeated by Ye Ting's

reaction, but she also had to admit that this man did have domineering


Moving on, they saw that the lawn in front of the castle was turned into a

cave, which was shining with the light of fairies-which meant that there

were hundreds of live fairies, they might be conjured by magic. Among

the rose bushes, or flapping wings on the statues, those statues seem to

be Santa Claus and his reindeer.

At this time, Professor McGonagall's voice sounded: "Please come here!"

"see you later."

Hermione and Furong bid farewell to Zhang Qiu and Gabriel respectively,

and then walked over with Ye Ting's hand from left to right.

The twittering crowd flashed a passage to let them pass. Professor

McGonagall was wearing a red tartan robe, and the brim of his hat was

decorated with an ugly wreath of thistles. She told them to stand by the

door and wait, and let the others go in first. After the classmates were

seated, they lined up and walked into the auditorium.

Harry, who had no partner, was a little at a loss. Suddenly, Ye Ting

suddenly thought of the Disguise Magnus and Transfiguration he was

studying recently, and suddenly took out his magic wand while everyone

was looking at Professor McGonagall. , Pointed the wand at Ron who was

next to Harry.

The next moment, Harry suddenly discovered that the friend next to him

had become a red-haired girl, and his male dress had also changed into a

set of red one. This made him look very much like his sister Ginny, just

extra A lot of freckles, after all, this is the female version of him.

Just when they panicked and didn't know what happened, Ye Ting

reminded: "Anyway, no one saw this scene just now. I think you two

should just make do with it. Don't let Professor McGonagall wait too


Harry thought for a while, then nodded thoughtfully.

"You don't really want to do what he said?" Ron screamed in surprise,

and then she realized that she was making a sharp female voice and

immediately covered her mouth.

"Sorry, Ron, I don't want this either." Harry folded his hands together,

begging, "I don't want anyone to know that I, a warrior, can't find a

partner. I will be laughed at by Malfoy for a semester! Sorry, Ron, You

are my best friend, and now only you can help me."

"But..." Ron stammered speechless. He really didn't adapt to the girl's

voice. "But if someone else knows the truth, we will be laughed at by

Malfoy for a lifetime, and we may even be on the "" Daily Prophet."

"No, Ron," Harry persuaded, "No one would think. Your present image is

Ron Weasley. As long as we don't miss it, no one will find out."


The two of them argued for a while, and Ron reluctantly agreed.

"Okay, I'll just help you." He (she) sighed and said helplessly, "But at most

two dances, after two dances, I have to change back, understand, right,

when you do Call me... call me Rona. And Ting! You bad guy, have you

heard anyone talking?"

He nodded immediately, and then quickly stepped forward, just thinking

about leaving this guy early.

——Oh, this Ron even changed his way of speaking after he became a

girl. Was it his problem or my magic problem? Wouldn't this magic be

able to change both physical and mental.

Then, he glanced at Ron again. At this time, he actually found that Miss

Weasley (sir) blushed when he took Harry's hand, and looked shy.

Shouldn't this magic really change the mind as well? The best friend of

the same **** is the person you like when you become the opposite sex?

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 189:

This this this...

Do not use this magic for yourself! Be sure to remember!

After repeatedly reminding himself several times in his heart, Ye Ting

walked away quickly, and the two girls around him were quite surprised

by the impatient appearance.

-It seems that this man said he doesn't like dancing, but he is still looking

forward to it in his heart. It's probably for me, it's awesome!

Inexplicable favorability UP, the strong is doing whatever they want.

Item 0262

Under the leadership of Professor McGonagall, the four warriors and their

dancing partners came to the door of the auditorium.

Soon, the door of the auditorium opened, and the little wizards and their

dancing partners filed in. When everyone passed Harry Potter, they

looked suspiciously at him, because no one knew Harry's dancing


"Well, Potter, so you have secretly found a good partner." George Weasley

asked Harry as he passed by, "By the way, did you see Ron? This stupid

brother doesn't know where to go. Now, maybe he didn't come to the

party just because he couldn't find a partner?"

When she heard her name being mentioned, Rona's heart tightened. He

slammed Harry's hand and said in his ear: "You have to dare. If you dare

to tell George the truth, I'll give it to you." nice!"

However, Harry didn't pay attention to her (his) warning, he was

completely attracted by Rona's soft little hands, and the soft cotton-like

touch made him feel a little unsatisfied.

"It would be great if this was true...no, what am I thinking?" Harry

thought silently.

Next to George was Fred. He looked at Rona for a while, and saw that she

was a little hairy, and she almost felt that she had been discovered...

"Hey, Harry," Fred tugged Harry by the sleeve, finally making him come

back to his senses, "Who is this beautiful lady? I always think she is a bit

familiar, maybe it's Luo again. Yeah, I found another Weasley for you."

"Yes...yes, Frey...cousin," Lona, who saw the ill-fated situation,

immediately stammered and explained, "I'm um, your distant cousin,

cousin Ron, please ask me to come to Hogwarts. …Mr. Potter’s dancing

partner, you know, I admire Mr. Potter the most."

When Harry heard Rona’s words, he suddenly felt something floating in

his heart. If there was such a girl, it would be nice to admire me...

In short, the two of them finally settled the matter in front of


After everyone was seated in the auditorium, Professor McGonagall asked

the Warriors and their dancing partners to line up two by two (actually

only Harry and Krum were like this), and followed her to the front of the

auditorium where the referee was sitting. As we walked to the big round

table, the people in the auditorium clapped enthusiastically.

The walls of the auditorium were covered with shiny silver frost, and the

ceiling was starry night, and there were hundreds of mistletoe sprigs and

garlands of ivy hanging. The four college tables were gone, replaced by a

hundred small tables lit with lanterns, each with a dozen people sitting.

The Warriors came to the front of the main guest seat. Dumbledore

smiled happily, but when Karkaroff saw Krum and Hermione get closer,

his face showed exactly the same expression as Ron. Ludo Bagman is

wearing a bright purple robe with big yellow stars printed on it tonight,

and he slaps his hands as passionately as his classmates. Mrs. Maxim took

off her usual black satin uniform and wore a lavender flowing gown.

However, Mr. Crouch did not come. In the fifth seat at the table was his

assistant Percy Weasley.

There is no food on the shiny golden plate, but there is a small menu in

front of everyone. Dumbledore took a close look at his menu, then said to

his plate very clearly: "Pork chop!"

The pork chop appeared immediately. The others at the table suddenly

realized that they followed suit and ordered their favorite food on the


Before the dance begins, everyone has to fill their stomachs. During the

meal, the people at the table chat.

Krum had been trying to talk to Hermione, wanting to brag to her about

his Quidditch experience and his school—he only had the ability to deal

with these topics—and his female partner's nose was crooked. But

Hermione immediately mentioned her close relationship with Zhang Qiu,

Krum seemed to be choked, and then she said nothing.

Fleur began to complain about the layout of Hogwarts today. "It's

nothing." She looked at the star-lit walls around the auditorium and said

contemptuously, "At Boothbarton Castle, our auditorium is full at

Christmas Ice sculptures. Of course, they won’t melt...just like huge

diamond statues, shining in the auditorium. The food is superb. We also

have the Mountain Fairy Choir. When we eat, they sing a serenade for us.

We don’t have these ugly armors on our walls at all. If a ghost who

specializes in pranks breaks into Boothbarton, he will definitely be kicked

out, just like this."

Many of the boys in the lower part were all looking at her, with an

intoxicating expression on their faces. Several times the forks were

turned crooked, and they didn't put food into their mouths. Ye Ting felt

that they would definitely not be in the next dance. Have a good time.

When everything was finished, Dumbledore stood up and told his

classmates to stand up too. Then he waved his magic wand and swished

all the tables against the wall, leaving a clear space in the middle. He

transformed into a high stage, attached to the root of the right wall, on

which was placed a set of drums, several guitars, a lute (poetry), a cello

and several organs.

At this time, the weird sisters-the star band of the wizarding world-

rushed onto the stage together, and the audience burst into thunderous

applause. Their hair is very thick, and they wear black robes that are

deliberately torn to pieces. They picked up their respective instruments,

and everyone watched them with interest, almost forgetting what to do

next. The lanterns on the table suddenly went out, and several warriors

and their dancing partners stood up.

Suddenly, Fleur looked at Hermione and asked, "Did you dance?"

Hermione didn't know the meaning of what he said, but she shook her

head honestly.

"Then, let me give you a demonstration." Furong immediately said

happily, and then stood up first, pulling Ye Ting to the dance floor.

Only then did Hermione figure out what Fleur really meant. She realized

that she had been tricked again, and had to sit alone in her seat and


The weird sisters played a slow, sad tune. Ye Ting and Furong walked

onto the dance floor. He held Furong's hand in one hand and her waist

with the other, and danced under the leadership of Furong.

Although I haven't tried it much before, for Ye Ting, these dance moves

are not difficult. The two soon became in harmony, and they were even

able to play some tricks. In contrast, Krum's dance can only It was

awkward, and Harry and Lorna played a game of stepping on each other's

feet like two learning to walk ducks.

The organ played the last trembling note, the weird sisters stopped

playing, and there was another round of applause in the auditorium.

Most of them were dedicated to Ye Ting and Furong. As the lead dancers,

they not only had a pleasing appearance, but also their dance styles.

Quite elegant and professional, it is the most beautiful scenery on the

dance floor.

Furong seemed to be satisfied with the applause. She still wanted to

dance with Ye Ting, but Hermione on the side had already stood up and

walked towards Ye Ting. Furong had to leave the dance floor unwillingly.

Item 0263

The Weird Sisters started to play a new tune again, at a much faster pace

than before.

However, Hermione was just a newcomer who didn't dance, so Ye Ting

had to patiently teach her from scratch.

At this time, Harry and Lorna had already left the dance floor. Neither of

them knew how to dance, and felt embarrassed to stay there.

Not far from them, Fred and Angelina were dancing enthusiastically.

They both jumped too unrestrainedly, and people around them drew

back to avoid being hurt.

Dumbledore is waltzing with Mrs. Maxim. Compared to her, he was a

dwarf, and his pointed hat had just touched her chin. However, for such

a big woman, her dance steps are really elegant.

Mad-Eye Moody awkwardly danced with Professor Sinistar in two steps,

and Professor Sinista nervously avoided his wooden prosthetic leg.

After the second dance was over, Hermione finally found the way to the

dance, but just before she was still interested, Zhang Qiu got out of the

crowd. She had been watching the stage for a while, and she refused. No

less than 20 boys invited to dance, and now she can't wait to dance with

Ye Ting.

In this way, Ye Ting had to stay on the dance floor all the time, endlessly

dancing with the four girls one after another. Furong likes to embarrass

Ye Ting with gorgeous and complicated dance steps, but she always

jumps out the most. Wonderful effect; Zhang Qiu likes to deliberately get

close to Ye Ting when dancing, and then suddenly move away; perhaps,

out of a psychology of comparison, perhaps out of a sense of crisis,

Hermione, who is least interested in the dance, insists They danced with

Ye Ting until the end; only Gabriel, there was nothing unusual in the

whole dance, but the little girl was innocent and always loved to make

some accidents during the dance.

In short, the girls vented some resentment to Ye Ting in this dance party.

Ye Ting noticed that there were many pairs of dancing partners who left

the auditorium holding hands in the middle of the dance. When they

came back, they often looked very ruddy and even saw some

"strawberries" on their bodies.

"It's really precocious." Ye Ting sighed, completely ignoring that he was

the most excessive one. In the world of "A Song of Ice and Fire", Daenerys

was only 13 years old and...stopped.

Regardless, what he didn't notice was that after seeing these people,

Hermione's face immediately turned blush, and she seemed to hesitate.

Then, when she looked at the other three girls waiting in the seat , She

made up her mind again.

In the last dance, Ye Ting danced with Hermione. When they finished the

last dance, the stage was empty. Sisters Furong and Zhang Qiu had

already left early, and Ye Ting also took Hermione to the outside of the

auditorium. Go.

The front door was open, and the fairy light in the rose garden flickered

as they walked down the steps. They found low bushes, ornately

decorated winding paths and huge stone statues all around. The sound of

splashing water can be heard here, like a fountain, and people can be

seen sitting on benches with flowers from time to time. He and Hermione

walked through the rose bushes along a winding path, but after a few

steps, Hermione stopped.

Ye Ting looked at the girl in confusion.

The girl looked at his face foolishly, and suddenly she stood up and

kissed him as if she had decided.

Ye Ting thought it was just because he couldn't help it, but suddenly, he

felt the girl's open mouth and stiff small tongue.

At this moment, Ye Ting immediately understood, he hugged the girl's

waist cooperatively, and the two of them walked into the rose bush like


Ye Ting hadn't forgotten that he softened the rose bush with a

transformation technique, weaved it into a hammock, and hung the

absolute bell on the side. This technique seemed quite skilled.

Soon, the girl's faint cry of pain came out, followed by a tactful and

undulating Ying's cry, the voice gradually rushed, and then finally

stopped, leaving only the gasping sound.

The rose bush is like a small tent that isolates the inside and the outside.

Inside, Ye Ting is holding the girl tenderly and caressing her back. The

whiteness of the girl has turned pink, her eyes are blurred, and the whole

person is still immersed in what was just now. In the experience.

Suddenly, from an unpleasant familiar voice from outside, the girl

immediately held her breath, and nervously covered Ye Ting's mouth, for

fear of being discovered.

She is still too sensitive.

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 190:

"Severus, you can't pretend that this didn't happen!" Karkaroff's voice

sounded frightened and hoarse, as if for fear of being heard. "It has

become more and more obvious in the past few months. I am very

worried now, I can’t deny—"

"Then run away," Snape's voice said impatiently. "Run away—I will

excuse you. But I want to stay at Hogwarts—"

Snape and Karkaroff took a turn. Snape held the wand in his hand and

blasted the rose bushes to both sides. He has a straight face, his

expression is ugly. There were screams from many flowers, and several

dark figures popped out from inside.

"Ravenclaw deducted ten points, Fawcett!" Snape said fiercely—a girl ran

past him. "Hufflepuff also deducted ten points, Stebbins!" Another boy

chased after him. The girl left.

Snape said Karkaroff didn't speak any more, and soon, the sound of their

footsteps gradually faded away.

"They...what do they mean?" Hermione asked while looking at Ye Ting,


"Please,'Miss Know-it-all', can't you ask these questions at another time?"

Ye Ting squeezed the girl's softness with a wry smile, and his hand was

immediately patted.

"Please, just tell me, people really want to know." Hermione suddenly lay

on Ye Ting's chest, her brown eyes looked at Ye Ting's eyes, and she

began to coquettish.

Although she has never done this in the past, Hermione is really cute

when she plays coquettishly, but Ye Ting always finds it weird, and it

feels inconsistent with her personality. Is it true that coquettish is really a

girl who has no teacher after she has a spouse. Skills?

However, Ye Ting could not help Hermione, so Ye Ting explained it for


He mentioned the identity of Karkaroff and Snape as the original Death

Eaters and what happened near the stadium after the Quidditch World

Cup finals this year.

Hermione understood immediately.

"You mean, the Death Eaters have felt it, their master, Fu..."

Before she finished speaking, the girl was covered with her mouth.

"Don't say that name." Ye Ting said annoyed, "you don't look at our

current state."

The name Voldemort was cursed. As long as someone uttered the name,

Voldemort could perceive the person’s position and status. Although Ye

Ting was not afraid of Voldemort, he often uttered the name without

caring, but He also didn't want to be taken advantage of by this ugly

monster without a nose.

Then, he accepted Hermione’s guess and reminded: "In the next two

games of the Triwizard, you have to be careful. I always think that the

Death Eaters have some conspiracy in the Triwizard. This is why I am I

will act as a referee myself."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he gave Hermione a shot in


Item 0264

In a blink of an eye, it was February, and the second event of the

Triwizard Tournament was about to begin.

On the morning of the game, Zhang Qiu was called away by Dumbledore.

There were three other people with her. Ye Ting knew that they were

going to be taken hostages and were hidden in the bottom of the Black


Speaking of it, Zhang Qiu was taken hostage completely as a substitute

for Ye Ting. Although she is indeed a good friend of Hermione, the

relationship between the two girls has not been very good during the

recent period, because Hermione Suddenly they began to become clingy,

wishing to be with Ye Tinggan all day long, even the library was

reluctant to stay longer. For this matter, the two girls had more than one


After breakfast, the little wizards walked along the river bank to the lake

to watch the second project.

The auditorium was lined up on the opposite bank of the lake, full of

seats, and reflected in the lake below. The referee and the players sat at

another table covered with a golden tablecloth by the water. Hermione,

Fleur, and Krum stood at the referee's table. They waited for a while

before Harry Potter ran and was late.

"I... I'm coming..." Harry said breathlessly, slipping in the mud, stopped,

accidentally splashing Fleur's robe.

"Where have you been?" a domineering voice said dissatisfiedly. "The

competition is about to begin!"

Harry turned his head. Percy Weasley sat at the referee's table-Mr.

Crouch failed to come again.

"Okay, okay, Percy!" Ludo Bagman said. He saw Harry, as if a stone in his

heart fell to the ground, "Let him take a breath!"

Dumbledore smiled at Harry, but Karkaroff and Mrs. Maxim seemed very

upset to see him... Judging from the expressions on their faces, they

obviously thought he would not show up.

Ludo Bagman came to the warriors and ordered them to line up on the

shore, ten feet apart. At the top were Fleur and Hermione in one-piece

swimsuits. Ye Ting didn't forget to impose the obscuring curse on their

swimsuits. Harry came in last, next to Krum. Krum was wearing

swimming trunks, had taken out his wand, and was ready.

"How about, Harry?" Bagman led Harry a few steps forward, avoiding

Krum, and asked in a low voice, "Do you know what you are going to


"I know." Harry panted, massaging his ribs.

Bagman squeezed Harry's shoulder hard and turned back to the referee's

table. He pointed his wand to his throat, just like in the World Cup, and

said: "The voice is loud!" So his voice was like thunder, passing across the

dark lake to the stands.

"Listen, everyone, our warriors are in their positions. As soon as I whistle,

the second project will begin. They have a full hour to recapture what

they have stolen. I count to three. One...two ……three!"

The sharp whistle echoed in the cold, still air. A burst of cheers and

applause erupted from the stands.

Hermione first walked to the lake, jumped in a perfect arc, and jumped

directly into the water-for this, she practiced for several days.

Furong and Krum first used a magic wand to cast a spell on themselves.

Furong used a bubble spell. This spell can form a bubble around her

head. The bubble can isolate the lake and let people breathe freely in it.

Krum used transfiguration to transform himself into a shark. In fact, his

background is not yet at home, so he only changed his head, but the most

critical mouth and gills have been transformed.

Harry didn't wait to see what the other warriors were doing, he didn't

even have the swimming equipment ready. He took off his shoes and

socks three times, then took out the handful of branchial grass from his

pocket, stuffed it into his mouth, and waded into the lake.

"Oh my god, our contestant Miss Granger jumped into the lake first,"

Bagman explained. "Like the last game, she doesn't use any magic. I still

don't know if she wants to What method can be taken to move freely


"Miss Delakul. And Mr. Krum, both used magic on themselves. The

former used a cannon shaft. This is the most suitable magic for this game,

while the latter used transfiguration to turn himself into a shark. It seems

to be able to move freely in the water."

"Mr. Potter seems to have stuffed something in his mouth, and then he

just wore his clothes and jumped into the water. What did he eat? Oh,

our referee, Mr. Ye, suggested that he ate a plant called Saccharomyces

chinensis. It is said that people who eat this plant will grow fish gills on

their cheeks and webbed feet on their hands and feet, which allows them

to move in the water."

"Damn thief!" On the professor's seat, Snape was furious. "I finally know

who sneaked into my storage room."

Next is Ye Ting, who takes care of the players' safety, so he also needs to

enter the water.

But he just took off his coat and didn't prepare any magic. Now he has

been able to hold his breath in the water for a long time, and the mere

one hour schedule is nothing to him.

However, when he took off his clothes, there were bursts of girl screams

and whistles from the audience. No way, the girls at Hogwarts had

almost no chance to see his naked body. Now Ye Ting finally Taking off

his coat, the perfect muscles really amazed everyone.

"Wow, our referee Mr. Ye is really strong," Bagman exclaimed a little

enviously. "The teacher said I had never seen a wizard with such a great

figure. I think I was..."

As he spoke, he recalled his experience as a batsman, during which time

he couldn't help boasting.

At this time, Ye Ting had sunk into the water, swimming around in a

dark, hazy strange scenery, and there was silence in his ears.

The water in the Black Lake is not clear, he can only see the scene within

ten feet of a radius, and every time he strokes in the water, a brand new

scene suddenly emerges from the darkness in front: undulating, tangled

black water plants The jungle is scattered with wide and smooth sands of

shiny pebbles.

He swims deeper and deeper, heading towards the middle of the lake. His

eyes were wide open, his gaze pierced the gray and sly lake, looking at

the dark shadows in the distance, where the lake was dark and hazy.

It was impossible to find the warriors in this way, so he closed his eyes

slightly, and appeared when his eyes opened again. It is no longer the

pair of dark eyes, but a pair of golden vertical pupils. These golden pupils

are scorching scorching, as if there is a golden flame burning in them...

These are not human eyes, but dragon eyes.

The scene in front of him immediately became much clearer, even at the

bottom of the dark and turbid lake, he can now see the scene hundreds of

meters away.

Now, it's time to see what the Warriors are doing.

Item 0265

The Black Lake is really too big. Even with the enhanced vision, Ye Ting

did not find the trace of the four warriors. He somewhat regretted why

he didn't put a magic mark on each warrior before he went into the


However, suddenly, he heard a faint singing in the water.

Ye Ting listened carefully, it seemed to be a female chorus, so he swam in

the direction of the sound.

After advancing several tens of meters, he was able to hear the whole

song clearly, Ye Ting recognized that it was a chorus of mermaids,

because Ye Ting had deliberately learned the language of mermaids.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 191:

At this time, Ye Ting became more and more certain of his goal. He

planned to find the mermaids first to ask about the situation. On the one

hand, these mermaids are the masters of the Black Lake, and there are so

many people. They can find warriors much faster than Ye Ting alone. On

the one hand, the mermaids themselves also assisted the Ministry of

Magic in hosting the second game. They were not only responsible for

guarding the treasures of the four warriors, but also responsible for

creating some trouble for the warriors.

Ye Ting followed the song all the way forward. He found that the

mermaid's position seemed to be in a large patch of aquatic plants,

because the surrounding aquatic plants had become denser and denser.

Suddenly, he found a dark shadow flashing around, so Ye Ting stopped.

Looking around, he was surprised to find that he was surrounded.

It was a group of monsters with horns and pale green all over. Their legs

were like octopus-like tentacles, and they had a big mouth and sharp

teeth. They were Grindillo, little pets raised by mermaids.

Seeing Ye Ting, these little monsters pounced on them as if they had

found their prey.

Ye Ting couldn't help frowning, he finally took out his magic wand and

took the initiative to attack these monsters.

The appearance of the offensive spell in the water seemed to have

changed. The spell no longer appeared in the form of light or sparks, but

turned into a stream of hot water. Grindillo was hit by a huge The

explosion, itself and the surrounding Grindillo all turned into fragments

in the explosion, and the shock wave pushed Ye Ting far away.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Ting swam forward quickly. The Grindillos

still wanted to continue chasing Ye Ting, but it was left far behind.

However, these guys do have perseverance, they keep swinging their

arms and feet, and perseveringly follow behind him.

At this time, the singing of the mermaid was getting closer and closer.

This singing is exactly the same as in the golden egg.

There is only one hour.

To find and recapture the objects we took...

After a while, he saw a large rock appearing in the turbid lake in front of

it, with many mermaids painted on it, with spears in their hands, chasing

something that looked like a giant squid. Harry swam past the rock,

following the singing of the mermaid.

...Don't delay, half of the time has passed.

Lest the things you are looking for rot here...

Suddenly, a lot of rough stone dwellings appeared everywhere, covered

with algae. Harry saw faces in those dark windows... These faces were

completely different from the mermaid in the painting in the prefect’s


The mermaid's skin was iron gray, and the dark green hair was long and

unkempt. Their eyes are yellow, their incomplete teeth are also yellow,

and they wear pebbles strung with thick rope around their necks. When

Ye Ting swam past, they smiled maliciously at him. In order to see more

clearly, one or two even ran out of the cave, holding a spear in their

hand, and slapped the lake with a strong and powerful silver fishtail.

Ye Ting continued to swim forward quickly, looking around. Soon, there

were more and more stone dwellings, and some dwellings were

surrounded by gardens. He saw a little Greenlody tied to a door.

Mermaid emerged from all directions, looking at him curiously, pointing

at his webbed hand and gill sac, and whispering while covering his

mouth with his hand.

At this time, the Grindillos who had been tracking Ye Ting stopped long

ago. They stayed far outside the mermaid village, staring at Ye Ting

rather unwillingly.

From this perspective, they are indeed raised by this group of mermaids.

After Ye Ting turned a corner, a very strange sight appeared before his


The place seemed to be the square of a small mermaid village,

surrounded by houses, and a large group of mermaid floating in front of

the houses. There were some mermaids singing in unison, calling for the

warriors to pass. Behind them stood a rough statue: a big mermaid

carved from a huge stone. On the tail of the mermaid statue, four people

were firmly bound.

Three of these four people know Ye Ting. Zhang Qiu on the far left is the

treasure Hermione is looking for. Next to her is little Lolita Gabrielle, and

then Ron Weasley. He is Harry looking for. The person at the end was a

boy from Durmstrang. Ye Ting thought he should be a good friend of


Ye Ting turned to the singing mermaids, the mermaids also looked at him

confused, they didn't seem to recognize Ye Ting.

It is no wonder that the mermaid only recognizes four warriors at most,

so that they can ensure that each warrior takes his own treasure.

"I am one of the referees who often play, Ye Ting." Ye Ting said in a

mermaid language, "I hope you can give me some help."

The mermaids looked at him even more surprised, as if they were looking

at some rare creature.

"You can speak our words!" said one of the older people. "There are very

few wizards who can learn the mermaid language anymore."

"That's why I am the referee in the Triwizard Tournament, isn't it?" Ye

Ting said quickly, "I need you to help me determine the positions of the

four warriors. I am responsible for ensuring their safety."

"Well, your wizards are really spoiled with cubs." The mermaid frowned

and commented, "The test itself is life-threatening, otherwise it will lose

its original meaning. We mermaids will never take care of the cubs that

go out hunting, so they In order to grow."

"But we wizards can survive without hunting." Ye Ting was a little bit

dumbfounded by the mermaid theory. "Although we hope the little

wizards can perform well in this game, we don't expect them to make a

living by these skills. It’s different from you."

"Well, I really don't understand you wizards." The mermaid shook his

head and swam into the village. In a blink of an eye, a few mermaid

swam to the surrounding waters.

"Don't worry, your cubs will not be in too much danger." The older

person advised Ye Ting, "In fact. We have arranged most of Grindillo near

the village. So treat them as real. When you are in danger, you must be

able to see them."

Item 0266

With the help of the mermaids, Ye Ting quickly determined the situation

of several warriors.

Among them, Harry, Fleur and Krum are all safe, but they haven't found

the right direction yet.

However, the mermaids did not find Hermione.

However, after a while, several mermaids swam back as if they had

escaped, with expressions of horror.

"I...I...I found a monster!" they shouted, "It's a large lizard with wings. It

has already swam towards us."

Lizard with wings? It's a dragon.

Ye Ting immediately realized that Hermione had obviously completed

the Animagus in the water and turned into the form of a giant dragon,

which is why she didn't apply magic such as a bubble head curse on


In a mere black lake, can a dragon be drowned?

After hearing the news, the whole person was in a mess in the village.

Some of the mermaids took the time to hide in their shell houses, and

some of them swam around blindly.

Even the chorus of the mermaids was affected and became intermittent.

"Don't panic, don't panic." The elder mermaid finally stood up and began

to maintain discipline, "Everyone picked up their spears. We are the

masters of the Black Lake. Our ancestors defeated the water monster

community in the Black Lake. This has established a village here. This is

our home, and we have to protect this place from the mouth of the

monsters like our ancestors."

Under his encouragement, the mermaids quickly calmed down, the

chorus continued, and the rest of the fools gathered in the square with

spears or tridents to wait.

Soon, the aquatic plants not far away swayed abnormally from the

beginning, and a large group of Grindillo suddenly emerged from the

aquatic plants, and then panicked swimming towards the mermaid


Before, they didn't dare to approach here at all.

So. There is only one reason why people make them make such an

abnormal behavior-a monster is chasing them, and they are running


After a while, a melodious dragon roar came from the water grass, and

then, a silver dragon three to four meters long came out of the water

grass, and with her appearance, a burst of dragon might swept in.

The merfolk pointed their weapons at her as if they were approaching

enemies, they didn't dare to move, and even some murlocs were already


The mermaids still recognize dragons. They could not see clearly in the

water and grass, but now they know that this is a dragon-and it is a

dragon that can move freely in the water. It is such a monster for

mermaids. The threat posed to them even exceeds that of the water

overlord long-horned water snake.

Judging from the figure, the silver dragon is still a young dragon, but the

beauty and elegance of the silver dragon have been reflected in her body.

Ye Ting knew this was Hermione, and this silver dragon was her


So Ye Ting ignored the bewildered expressions of the mermaids and

greeted her.

After Yinlong found Ye Ting, he screamed happily, and then swam to his


In the surprised eyes of the mermaids, Yinlong's body slowly shrank,

faded away his business card and turned into a girl.

The girl took out her magic wand and pointed at herself, and a

transparent bubble appeared on her head.

"Why are you here?" The girl happily swam to Ye Ting's side, grabbed one

of his hands and asked.

"I am the referee," Ye Ting explained, "I am here to ensure your safety.

How did you become a dragon? Didn't I say that you should not become

a dragon in front of others for the time being?"

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 192:

"Hey, it's not because I'm at the bottom of the lake," Hermione stuck out

her tongue, looking embarrassed, and said coquettishly, "Anyway, there

is no one else at the bottom of the lake. The three of them didn't see me

becoming a dragon with their own eyes. If they find out, they will also

think that it is just a wild dragon, so it's OK this time."

The girl shook Ye Ting's hand constantly, as if she would never give up if

she didn't agree.

"Okay, okay," Ye Ting couldn't help Hermione, so he turned to look at the


"You won't tell Dumbledore what you just saw?"

The mermaids shook their heads, they didn't dare to do so. How

terrifying is a wizard who can become a dragon? Just now, when the

silver dragon appeared, the mermaids said that their entire tribe would

be finished.

Hermione was not surprised that Ye Ting could speak murloc language.

After she saw the hostages, she asked Ye Ting curiously: "As long as I

bring Zhang Qiu back to shore, I will finish the game, right?"


"It seems that I am the first to finish the game, and I can find the way by

following the sound." The girl nodded in satisfaction, and then swam to

the hostages briskly.

The hostages were all **** with ropes made of thick water weeds. The

girl used magic to break the water weeds that tied Zhang Qiu, and then

took her upstream, and soon disappeared.

The second one who came here was Fleur. In the original book, she

happily met many Grindillos and ultimately failed to complete the game.

Although the bubble head curse is a spell that allows people to breathe

underwater, it has no combat power itself, and many wizards are not

used to casting spells underwater, which leads to a sharp drop in combat

power in the water.

In contrast, Krum’s method is much more useful. As long as he can hold

back his mouth, his shark head is invincible against Grindillo.

but. This time he had good luck. It should be said that the other three

warriors had good luck, because because of Hermione, Grindillo, who

was originally a distraction and danger, was scared and ran away, and

the remaining two or three were not enough to stop these warriors.

After Gabriel was taken away by Fleur, Harry and Krum also found this

place one after another. However, perhaps because his head turned into a

shark, Krum’s IQ seemed to be affected. He would only be against him.

The rope on the friend’s body was pulled and bitten. The problem was

that Krum’s shark teeth had a strange structure. He was very awkward to

bite anything smaller than a dolphin, and he was not careful, and he was

about to tear the boy in half. NS.

However, in the end everyone recovered their treasures within an hour.

Ye Ting was the last one to return to the shore. Madam Pomfrey made a

fuss around them. She prepared blankets for everyone, and forcibly

poured a hot potion into their mouths, and the heat immediately came

out of them. The ears of the warriors and hostages popped out.

Dumbledore was squatting by the water and was talking closely with the

older mermaid. He could also speak mermaid language. Upon seeing this,

Hermione immediately looked at the mermaid threateningly. In the end,

the mermaid did not say everything about the dragon. .

After listening for a while, Dumbledore stood up straight and turned to

the other referees, and said, "I'll meet up and score again."

Item 0267

The discussion lasted for a long time, and then, Ludo Bagman’s magically

amplified voice suddenly sounded, startling the audience in the stands

and calming them down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we finally made a decision. Mermaid leader

Mercus told us what happened under the lake as it was, and we decided

to give the warriors a score of 60 points based on the following... "

"Florence Delacour has shown an excellent use of the Bubble Head

Charm, and we gave her 57 points."

There was a round of applause from the stands.

"Harry Potter used branchial sac and achieved amazing results." Bagman

continued, "He is the third to return. We give him 55 points."

"Vektor Krum used Transfiguration. Although it is incomplete, it is still

effective. He was the last to return with a hostage. We gave him 50


Karkaroff slapped his hands particularly vigorously, with a triumphant


"Miss Hermione Granger did not use any spells. We have not yet figured

out how she moves freely in the water. Moreover, the mermaid leader

told us that they had not seen Miss Granger in the water either. The

hostage was rescued somehow. But she was the first to return with the

hostage. Therefore, we gave her 57 points." The Ravenclaw students in

the crowd cheered enthusiastically, their voices deafening.

Even the professors cast strange glances at Hermione.

No way, Hermione did set a record. From the beginning of the first game

to the present, all the referees and spectators have not seen what method

she used to complete the game, and she has not even recited the spell.

"The third and final project will be carried out on the evening of June

24," Bagman continued. "The Warriors will learn about the details of the

project one month in advance. Thank you for your support to the


After the second project was over, the most wonderful thing was that

everyone was eager to know what happened under the lake, which meant

that Ron, like Harry, became the center of attention for the first time in

his life. Harry noticed that Ron told the story over and over again, each

time slightly different. At first, what he said was true-in Professor

McGonagall's office, Dumbledore used magic to hypnotize the hostages,

and first assured them that they were absolutely safe and would wake up

as soon as they came out of the water.

However, a week later, Ron told a thrilling story of kidnapping, telling

how he fought with fifty heavily armed merfolk with his bare hands.

They had to force him to submit before binding him.

However, compared to him, Harry looked a lot embarrassed. In people's

mouth, Ron became his most beloved baby, and everyone made fun of

him all day long.

After entering March, the weather became clearer, but every time they

came to the field outside, the biting cold wind still blew their hands and

faces aches and pains, but Harry realized that it was related to him and

Ron. Rumors about the relationship suddenly began to spread widely.

One afternoon, he went to the last class-two consecutive potions class,

and found that Malfoy, Crabbe, and Gore were standing outside the

classroom with the gang of Slytherins headed by Pansy Parkinson.

Together. They were all looking at something and giggled happily one by

one. Harry and Ron, Pansy's fox face protruded from Gore's fat back in


"They're here, they're here!" she giggled, and the bunch of Slytherins

dispersed. Harry saw a magazine in her hand-"Witcher Weekly". The

activity photo on the cover is of a red-haired boy, grinning, showing her

mouth full of teeth, and pointing her magic wand to a large sponge cake.

"You will find something you are interested in, Weasley!" Malfoy said

loudly, throwing the magazine to Ron. Ron reached out and took it,

looking a little panicked. At this moment, the door of the underground

classroom opened and Snape greeted everyone to enter.

As soon as Snape turned to write on the blackboard the ingredients for

the potion to be made today, Ron hurriedly opened the magazine under

the table. Finally, he found what they were looking for in the magazine.

Harry leaned in too. Below a color photo of Harry, is this short essay:

Harry Potter's Secret Love History

He may be a different boy-but he also experiences the pain that youthful

boys often have. Rita Skeeter reports. After the loss of his parents, the

fourteen-year-old Harry Potter thought he was finally at Hogwarts, on his

friend Ron Weasley from the family of a pure blood wizard. However,

Such feelings have gone even further with the passage of time.

Mr. Weasley was a mediocre but ambitious boy who seemed to have a

soft spot for famous wizards. However, the friendship with Mr. Potter

could not be satisfied at all, so their friendship soon moved closer. A

delicate relationship that transcends friendship has been brewing

between the two boys...

I have never seen such a close relationship between the same sex. In the

second game of the Triwizard Tournament, Ron was even selected as

Harry's baby, trapped in the bottom of the lake waiting for his rescue.

The love and care for close friends made Harry explode with potential

beyond his own level and even retrieved his treasure before Krom.

"This nasty guy knows to make rumors," Ron complained to Harry beside

him, "He should know that the hostages of the four warriors are all of the

same **** as the warriors, are they all what she said... ...Is it related?"

"This woman is staring at me." Harry whispered. "She can't provoke

Krum, afraid of his violence, nor can she provoke Fleur and Hermione,

because they have a good relationship with Ting Ye, so she found On my


"If the woman at the Christmas party knows about it," Ron said, and there

was a cold war. "The two of us will be done. This matter—"

"Mr. Weasley, although your social life is colorful," a cold voice suddenly

came from behind, startling all three of them, "but I must warn you not

to whisper in my class. Grid Lanffindor deducted ten points."

Snape quietly walked to their table while they were talking. The whole

class looked back at them.

"Huh... still hiding under the table and reading a magazine?" Snape said

again, grabbing the "Witcher Weekly". "Gryffindor deducts ten more...but,

of course..." Snape's gaze fell on Rita Skeeter's article, and his black eyes

suddenly appeared. "Potter needs to collect newspaper clippings..."

The laughter of the Slytherins was coaxing in the underground classroom,

and Snape's thin lips twisted, revealing an ill-intentioned smile. To

Harry's great annoyance, Snape actually read the article aloud.

"The secret love history of Harry Potter... Oh my god, my god, Potter,

what's wrong with you? He may be a different boy..."

Harry felt feverish in his face. Snape paused after each sentence, making

the Slytherins laugh enough. This article was ten times worse after

Snape's mouth. Now, even Ron's face was flushed.

Item 0268

"You have become the center of media attention, which seems to have

made your accidental head more inflated, Potter." Snape said softly when

the other students in the class were quiet.

Harry didn't answer. He knew that Snape wanted to tease him and anger

him, which Snape had done before. Needless to say, he was trying to find

an excuse to deduct more than fifty points from Gryffindor before the end

of get out of class.

"You probably assume that the entire magical world is marveling at you,"

Snape continued, his voice was so soft that no other classmates could

hear him, "but I don't care how many times your photo appears in the

newspaper. Well. In my eyes, Potter, you are just a nasty little boy, but

you think you can ignore all the rules and regulations."

Harry's hands trembled slightly with anger, but he kept his eyes lowered,

as if he couldn't hear what Snape said to him.

"Therefore, I want to give you a kind warning, Potter," Snape said in a

softer and more sinister voice, "although you are famous—if I find you

breaking into my office again—"

"I've never been near your office!" Harry said angrily, putting aside what

he had just pretended to be deaf and dumb.

"Don't lie to me," Snape said in a low voice, and those unfathomable

black eyes glared at Harry's. "African tree snake skin. Glycosa. Both are in

my private storage. I know who stole it."

Harry stared at Snape without showing any weakness. He was

determined not to blink his eyes or show a guilty conscience. To be

honest, he didn't steal these two things from Snape. They took African

tree snake skin in the second grade—they needed it to make a compound

decoction—and Snape suspected Harry at the time, but there was no

evidence. As for the branchial grass, it was stolen to him by someone


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 193:

"I don't know what you are talking about." Harry said coldly.

"You weren't in your bed the night someone broke into my office!" Snape

hissed. "It can't hide from me, Potter! Yes, Mad-Eye Moody probably also

joined your star chasing club. But I will never tolerate your behavior

anymore! If you sneak into my office in the middle of the night, Potter,

just wait and see!"

At this time, someone knocked on the door outside the classroom.

"Come in." Snape said in his usual voice.

The door opened, and the whole class turned to look around. Professor

Karkaroff walked in, and everyone watched him walk towards Snape's

podium. He rolled his goatee with his fingers, looking restless.

"We need to talk." Karkaroff said abruptly as soon as he walked over to

Snape. He seemed determined not to let anyone hear what he said, so his

lips barely moved, as if he was a very lame ventriloquist. Harry stared at

**** root and listened carefully.

The two began to whisper at the door, and Harry saw Karkaroff lift up

the left sleeve of his robe to show Snape something in his forearm.

If a professional Auror sees all this, then they will immediately react, it is

the mark of the Dark Devil.

For the time being, the theft of Snape's office was no longer there, but

rumors about Harry and Ron's abnormal relationship began to circulate

more widely because of Snape.

Every time the little wizards saw the two of them staying together, they

would immediately whisper and then smile inexplicably at them. This

state continues even after the Easter holidays are over and the little

wizards return to school.

As usual, the beginning of the summer semester meant that the Quidditch

teams of the four Hogwarts colleges had to step up their training and

prepare for the last Quidditch game of the season. But this year, due to

the third and final event of the Triwizard Tournament, the Quidditch

competition was cancelled.

By the last week of May, Mr. Bagman gathered all the Warriors on the

Quidditch Stadium, where he wanted to tell them what the third project


So, at 8:30 that night, Hermione and Ye Ting broke up with Zhang Qiu in

the Ravenclaw Tower and went downstairs. When they walked through

the hall, they happened to see Furong coming out of the library.

"What do you think it will be?" Fleur asked Hermione as the two walked

down the stone steps together and melted into the dark night ."

"That's not bad." Hermione said, "but I don't have any opinion on this,

and Ye Ting doesn't tell me anything."

"You are already very strong." Ye Ting shook his head with a wry smile,

"If you know everything, then this game has no meaning to continue."

They walked along the dark lawn towards the Quidditch pitch, then

entered the pitch through a gap between the stands.

"What did they do here?" Hermione stopped abruptly and asked


The Quidditch court is no longer flat and smooth. It seems that someone

has built countless long low walls here, these low walls are intricately

stretched in all directions.

"It's a fence!" Furong said, looking down at the low wall closest to him.

"Hello!" a cheerful voice shouted.

Ludo Bagman stands in the middle of the court, next to Harry and Krum.

Hermione and Fleur crossed low walls and walked towards them.

"What do you think?" Bagman asked happily when Hermione and Fleur

crossed the last low wall. "Good progress, isn't it? In another month,

Hagrid will make them twenty feet tall. Don’t worry, your Quidditch

stadium will be restored as soon as the competition is over! Okay, I think

you probably guessed what we are going to do here, right?"

No one spoke for a while, and then—

"Maze," Krum said gruffly.

"That's right!" Bagman said, "It's a maze. The third project is very simple

and clear. The Triwizard Cup is placed in the center of the maze.

Whoever can meet it first will get full marks."

"We just need to go through the maze?" Furong said.

"There will be many obstacles," Bagman said cheerfully, jumping on

tiptoe, "Hagrid provides a lot of animals... Mr. Ye has prepared many

magical magic props for you, and some The spell must be lifted...and so

on. In addition, Mr. Ye changed the rules a bit and said that he wanted to

surprise you. Also, the champion with the leading score enters the maze

first." Bagman smiled at Hermione and Fleur." Then Miss Delacour went

in... and finally Mr. Krum. But you all have to work hard to succeed, it

depends on your ability to cross obstacles. It should be fun, isn't it?"

After that, the warriors observed the periphery of the maze and left. Ye

Ting planned to visit his unicorn Larry in the Forbidden Forest. He would

go there every one or two days, and Furong and Hermione followed

Behind him, they also wanted to see the unicorns. Among them,

Hermione had already known La Rui very well, but in recent months, as

long as Hermione stayed by Ye Ting's side, she would be hostile by La


Along the way, the two girls tried their best to get the information of the

maze from Ye Ting's mouth, but Ye Ting, who was determined to keep it

secret, kept talking about him.

Suddenly, Ye Ting smelled a **** smell, and there was abnormal

movement in the bush on their left. He instinctively grabbed the arms of

the two girls and pulled them over.

"what happened?"

Ye Ting shook his head and stared at the place where there was

movement just now.

At this moment, a man suddenly stumbled out from behind a tall oak


Ye Ting didn't recognize it for a while... Then, he realized that this was

Mr. Crouch.

Item 0269

Mr. Barty Crouch the elder seemed to have been wandering outside for

many days, the knees of his robe were torn, his face was stained with

blood, his face was also covered with scars, his beard was unshaven, and

his face was pale and haggard. His neat hair and beard all need to be

washed and trimmed.

His appearance is strange, but the strangest thing is his behavior. Mr.

Crouch seemed to be talking to someone, and only he could see this

person. He kept muttering and gesturing.

"Isn't he a referee?" Fleur asked, staring at Mr. Crouch, "isn't he from your

Ministry of Magic?"

Ye Ting nodded, and then walked towards Mr. Crouch.

Mr. Crouch didn't look at him, he just kept talking to a tree next to him.

"...Wetherby, after you finish this matter, send an owl to Dumbledore to

send a letter to confirm the number of students in Durmstrand's

competition. Karkaroff said in a letter that there were twelve.


"Mr. Crouch?" Ye Ting shouted.

"...Then send an owl to deliver a letter to Mrs. Maxim. She may also

increase the number of students. Since Karkaroff's number has increased

to twelve... Let's do it, Wetherby, okay? Okay? Okay..."

Mr. Crouch has prominent eyes. He stood there, staring straight at the

tree, muttering silently in his mouth. Then he staggered a few steps to the

side and fell to his knees with a thump.

"Mr. Crouch?" Ye Ting exclaimed, "Are you okay?"

Hermione and Fleur followed him into the bush, looking at Crouch in


"What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know," Ye Ting said in a low voice, "I think they are mentally

abnormal, probably because of some magical effect, you need to check

carefully to figure out what's going on."

"Dumbledore!" Mr. Crouch gasped. He leaped over, grabbed Ye Ting's

robe, and pulled him to his side, but his eyes were staring directly at the

top of Harry's head. "I want to... see... Dumbledore..."

"Okay," Ye Ting said, "Mr. Crouch, I'll take you there—"

"I did... a... stupid thing..." Crouch gasped. He looked completely crazy,

his eyes protruding outwards, rolling around, drool dripping down his

chin. "Be sure to... tell... Dumbledore!"

Ye Ting snapped his fingers, and Crouch immediately floated as if

weightless. At first, Crouch was a little panicked, but soon, as if a child

had found some fun toy, he just played in the air like this.

Ye Ting ignored his movements and just led him towards the castle.

Then they met Professor Snape halfway through.

"What are you doing here secretly? Discussing the next game?" Snape's

words were as harsh as usual.

Then, he saw the person floating beside Ye Ting.

"I've never heard of it. The famous and talented Mr. Ye likes to use the

Levitation Charm to joke with others," Snape narrowed his eyes and

looked at it. "Who is that? Anyone who doesn't have eyesight provokes

you. NS?"

"This is Old Barty Crouch, Severus." Ye Ting reminded, "He appeared

crazy in the forbidden forest. Now I want to take him to Dumbledore."

"Old Barty Crouch!" Snape was taken aback. Old Barty Crouch was an old

opponent of Voldemort and the Death Eaters in the past. He would

almost be able to do it if it wasn't for his own son who had become a

Death Eater. After becoming the Minister of Magic, what happened to

make such a person crazy?

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 194:

Reminiscing about what Karkaroff had said to him before, he

immediately noticed something was wrong. At this moment, he was

thinking about asking Crouch what happened.

"Why don't you hand him over to me?" Snape offered, "I believe that it is

the teacher's responsibility to handle such matters."

"Good idea." Ye Ting shrugged indifferently. He was anxious that

someone would take care of this matter for him, "Then he will leave it to


So, as if being thrown by someone, Old Barty Crouch was thrown onto

Snape’s shoulders. Snape was almost crushed by Crouch’s weight and fell

to the ground for a while. Supported him.

Then, Snape helped Crouch slowly towards the castle.

"Then, according to the original plan, let's go to the Forbidden Forest." Ye

Ting happily turned around and looked at the two girls and suggested to


However, early the next morning, Snape was found fainting next to the

Quidditch Stadium-of course, it was already a big maze.

Although I don't know what happened, the Gryffindors clapped their

hands for the bad luck of the old bats, and they all wondered who did it.

"I think it's Oklahoma City," Harry Potter guessed in the discussion in the

Gryffindor common room. "Yesterday Bagman introduced us to the last

game at the Quidditch Stadium. At that time, Oklahoma City Ye Ren was

also on the scene. After Bagman's introduction, I saw Ting Ye, Furong and

Hermione walking towards the Forbidden Forest. Snape’s coma should

happen soon. We all know that Ting Ye’s The magic level even surpasses

many powerful adult wizards, except for other professors, he is most

likely to do this."

"But what is his purpose?" Dean Thomas asked curiously, "He can never

attack a professor for no reason."

"I guess it's because Snape wanted to spy on what's in the maze." Harry

said maliciously. "Ting Ye is the referee and one of the designers and

creators of the maze. If the old bat did that. , He has every reason to stun

him there."

Soon Harry's remarks spread. Most of the little wizards felt that his

analysis was justified, and the news that Snape was punishing the

labyrinth by Ye Ting spread like wildfire.

However, Snape obviously did not have the mind and energy to manage

these rumors. Now he is still trying to find the person who attacked him

at Hogwarts, and retrieve the old Barty Crouch, and get some of what he

wants from him. The information you want.

"I can guarantee that Crouch was by my side at the time." He complained

to Dumbledore in the principal's office. The spell that knew where it

came from sneaked on, I clearly remember that it was a coma spell."

"Then when you wake up, Mr. Crouch is not by your side?" Dumbledore

asked seriously, looking at him.

"Yes! The **** attacker, if I catch him, I must give him a full bottle of

Veritaserum." Snape said viciously. It has to do with Crouch, he doesn't

want us to get any information from Crouch."

"What kind of dangerous information do you think?"

"Regarding... information about the Dark Lord, Crouch mentioned it on

the road. If it weren't for his words that attracted my attention, I


Chapter 0270 Scar and Voldemort

When Ye Ting was invited into the principal's room, an argument was

being staged there.

"Dumbledore, I don't see the connection, I don't see it at all!" It was the

voice of Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic. "Ludo said Bertha is

probably lost. I also think it should be now. I found her, but no matter

what, we didn’t find any signs of assault, Dumbledore, not at all. As for

her disappearance and the disappearance of Barty Crouch, it’s pure play!"

"Minister, what do you think of Barty Crouch?" Moody said in a rough


"I think there are two possibilities, Alastor," Fudge said. "Crouch is either

completely mad-judging from his personal experience, it is very possible,

and I think you all agree-he posted Crazy, confused, I don’t know where I


"If that's the case, he's going too fast, Connelly." Dumbledore said calmly.

"Either--maybe..." Fudge's voice was a little embarrassed, "Maybe, I

should wait until I see where he was found before making a judgment.

But, you said he was found by Boothbarton's carriage? Dumbledore, do

you know the details of that woman?"

"I think she is a very capable headmistress—and she dances very well,"

Dumbledore said calmly.

"Okay, Dumbledore!" Fudge said angrily. "Don't you think you favored

her for Hagrid's sake? They are not all harmless-if you can say that

Hagrid is not dangerous , Then his obsession with giant monsters—"

"I trust Mrs. Maxim as much as I trust Hagrid," Dumbledore replied still

calmly, "I think you may be prejudiced, Connelly."

"Can we stop it?" Moody growled.

"Okay, okay, let's go to the field." Fudge said impatiently.

At this time, Ye Ting knocked on the door frame a little impatiently.

"Dumbledore, Mr. Ye is here. He is outside the door." Moody reminded.

Ye Ting walked into the room, and there were three of them in this room

before him. Now, they are looking at him with different eyes.

Dumbledore's eyes were obviously gentle and kind. Cornelly Fudge's

pupils shrank subconsciously when he saw him, and he was obviously

afraid of him, but he concealed this emotion well.

Moody's eyes were alert, but it was not the alertness of the old Auror's

professional habits, but rather a guilty conscience.

After all, the perpetrator of the incident they just discussed was the fake


"Mr. Ye!" Fudge walked over pretendingly happily and said, "How are


"Very good." Ye Ting smiled coldly.

"We're talking about Mr. Crouch's appearance on the field that night,"

Fudge said. "You found him, didn't you?"

"Yes." Ye Ting said, "I took Fleur and Hermione at the time, and I was

going to bring Mr. Crouch back to Hogwarts, but I met Professor Snape

on the way. Professor Snape took the initiative to replace him. I did this,

and then you know what happened."

"So you didn't see any suspicious characters?" Fudge asked.

"Suspicious character?" Ye Ting glared at him, "Do you mean Mrs.

Maxim? Honestly, with her figure, it's not easy to hide so well, right?"

"Oh, oh," Fudge looked a little embarrassed, and when he was about to

say something, the door was knocked again, and Harry Potter came in.

"Professor, I want to talk to you." Harry said hurriedly, looking at


So Dumbledore sent away Moody and Fudge, and after about a minute,

he returned to the principal's office.

"Now, you can talk about what happened." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"But..." Harry glanced at Ye Ting who was sitting aside, and he couldn't

say anything.

"Don't worry, you can trust Mr. Ye."

"Really?" Harry glanced at Ye Ting suspiciously, hesitating for a long time

before making up his mind.

"Professor—I'm taking a divination class, but I—I've been watching."

He hesitated, thinking he was going to be criticized, but Dumbledore

said, "Understandable, go on."

"Well, I had a dream," Harry said. "Dreaming about Voldemort, he was

torturing Wormtail... You know Wormtail—"

"I know," Dumbledore said immediately, "Go on."

"Voldemort received a letter from an owl. He seemed to be saying that

Wormtail's mistake was corrected. He said that someone had died, and

that he didn't plan to feed Wormtail to snakes-there was a snake next to

his chair. He said again—he said he wanted to feed me the snake. Then

he chanted a heartbreaking spell to Wormtail—my scar hurts, and it

hurts so badly that it woke me up."

Dumbledore just looked at him.

"Well—that's it," Harry said.

"Oh," Dumbledore said calmly, "it is so, then, did your scars hurt this

year? Except for the one that woke you up during the summer vacation?"

"No, I—how did you know it woke me up during the summer vacation?"

Harry asked in surprise.

"You are not the only one who wrote to Sirius," Dumbledore said. "After

he left Hogwarts last year, I also kept in touch with him."

"You—do you know why my scar hurts?" Harry looked at Dumbledore

hopefully. He hoped that the old man could give him an exact answer.

This question had troubled him for a long time.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 195:

"Why don't we listen to Mr. Ye's opinion first?" Dumbledore smiled and

looked at Ye Ting.

"Obviously, our Mr. Potter and Voldemort have a certain connection." Ye

Ting said lightly, "Probably it was the failed killing curse. While Harry's

mother's protective magic made this spell fail, it also produced something

else. Effect."

"Me, I and Voldemort are in contact?" Harry looked at Ye Ting

suspiciously, "How is it possible? I have never been exposed to black


"No, that's possible." Ye Ting smiled slightly, "Think about your Slytherin,

we all know that Voldemort is the heir of Slytherin. Through Slytherin,

he controlled the basilisk. However, , Why do you who have entered

Gryffindor also have the characteristics of the Slytherin heir like


"Yes... because of Voldemort?" Harry finally believed a little, because he

didn't think he would be the heir of Slytherin or something.


"Then do you think...that dream...is true?"

"It may be true, it may be fake." Ye Ting shook his head, "Even if you can

have some connection with Voldemort, it doesn't mean you can see what

Voldemort sees. It should be in your dream. A memory. This memory

may be true, or it may be fabricated."

"But... he doesn't have a body himself, right? But... how could he take a

wand?" Harry said slowly.

"Mr. Ye's analysis is very reasonable, Potter." Dumbledore nodded in

satisfaction. He explained to Harry what happened last night, and then

said, "Mr. Crouch was briefly awake. It was revealed that Voldemort's

power is increasing."

Harry was shocked as soon as he said this.

Chapter 0271 O.W.Ls Exam

The accident about Crouch made Hogwarts nervous for a while, but no

one could find Mr. Crouch, whether it was the Ministry of Magic or

Dumbledore. He seemed to have evaporated.

In the end, this matter was not over.

The third game of the Triwizard Tournament was just after the little

wizards’ exams, so during this period, both the warriors and the ordinary

little wizards were quite busy.

Even Ye Ting, who didn’t care about the exam, was not surprised. During

this period of time, his new research, research on Fu Ling Ji had to be

interrupted at the very beginning, because the three girls Zhang Qiu,

Hermione and Furong occupied his possessions. time.

In order to cope with the third level, Hermione and Furong need Ye Ting

to teach them some spells in order to cope with the challenges

encountered by various people in the maze. For example, the smashing

spell can blow up solid obstacles; the invigorating spell can slightly

alleviate various negative states. ; Directional spell, can make his wand

point to true north, so that they can judge the direction in the maze...

Compared to Hermione, who was already a wizard duel master, Furong

undoubtedly needed Ye Ting to spend more energy, Ye Ting felt um. All

of the girl's talents are focused on charm and spiritual magic. Although

Fleur is considered a genius in the study of other magic, it is quite

mediocre compared to Hermione.

In this case, Hermione was like revenge, seizing every possible

opportunity to mock Fleur.

"I learned that magic long ago."

"Why do you practice so many times?"

"You don't even understand this? This is quite basic knowledge."

and many more.

The grievances that were teased by Furong in the past were liberated for

a while.

The Warriors need to prepare for the game, and Zhang Qiu is also busy


Unlike usual, Zhang Qiu, now a fifth-grade student, has to face the

O.W.Ls exam at the end of this semester.

For the little wizards, the importance of the ordinary wizard rank test lies

between the high school entrance examination and the college entrance

examination. The results of this test will affect the future employment

status of the little wizards, and also determine the little wizards in the

next year. Able to continue to study certain courses.

Of course, the OWLs test really puts a lot of pressure on most people.

During this period, many fifth-grade students or seventh-grade students

(need to test NEWT) suffer from test anxiety. I heard that Mrs. Pomfrey,

please Snape prepared a lot of tranquilizers.

In addition, in the fifth and seventh grades, there is a thriving black

market trade among them in order to concentrate, improve their brain

power, and treat insomnia. Slytherin’s sixth-grade student Graham Monty

was selling Buffy Brain Rejuvenator. He vowed to say that he had seven

“excellents” in the OWLs exam last summer, all of which depended on

this, and it was a whole lot more. A pint only costs twelve gallons.

At this point, even Zhang Qiu is no exception. During this time, she has

been busy reviewing the knowledge she has learned in the past, and

occasionally she gets furious because she can’t remember something. Ye

Ting feels that if the girl doesn’t get Dragon factor, she will probably be

broken by this exam.

In this case, Ye Ting had to stand up and personally help the girl to


The castle grounds gleamed in the sun as if they had just been painted;

the clear sky was reflected on the shining, calm lake; the satin-smooth

green grass occasionally rippled in the gentle breeze. June is here, and

for fifth grade students, this means only one thing: their O.W.Ls exam has

finally arrived.

The exam will last for two weeks. The little wizards need to take a

written exam in the morning and a practical exam in the afternoon. Of

course, the astronomy practice exam is scheduled in the evening.

Professor Flitwick warned the little wizards that their exam papers were

all subject to the strictest anti-cheating spell, but every year at least one

student thought he could evade the rules of the Wizarding Examination

Board. It is strictly forbidden to bring an automatic answering feather

pen into the examination hall, in addition to memory balls, detachable

entrainment cuffs and automatic error correction ink. And cheating will

be punished the most severely.

"I really envy you, Granger," Zhang Qiu said to Hermione on the way to

the examination room. Just exchange it with each other, so that I don’t

have to take the OWLs exam, and I can get excellent in every course."

The first session of the exam is at 9:30. The venue is the auditorium,

which has been rearranged: the four college desks have been removed

and replaced by many small single-person desks, all facing the faculty

desk at the end of the auditorium.

Under the watchful eyes of Ye Ting and Hermione, Zhang Qiu walked

into the examination room with some tragic, as if he was on the

execution ground.

But when she walked out of the classroom, she was obviously in a good

mood. The exam was much simpler than she had imagined. She was

almost certain that she would be excellent.

"It's incredible!" Zhang Qiu rushed to Ye Ting and whispered, "I have seen

every question type in the exam. Every knowledge point is within the

scope of your review, and there is no place beyond it. You How did it do


Zhang Qiu conducted the review according to Ye Ting’s plan. She had

never seen such a precise scope of review. If she hadn’t believed in Ye

Ting, she almost suspected that Ye Ting had seen the test paper in

advance—with Ye Ting’s influence on the Ministry of Magic, he This is

indeed achieved.

Hermione also looked at Ye Ting in surprise, although she had always

known that Ye Ting was a very smart student. But she had never heard

that Ye Ting was so good at exams. After all, with his strength, no matter

what kind of wizard exam he faced, he didn't need to use this fancy


Hermione is also very curious about this. After all, Hermione will also

need to face the O.W.Ls exam next year.

"In fact, it sounds difficult to do this, but it's actually quite simple." Ye

Ting explained, "I asked the Wizarding Examination Administration to

ask for the OWLs test papers for the past 20 years. The wizard of the

questions has not changed. Through analyzing these test papers, I have

counted and analyzed the question types and knowledge points of these

test papers, and compiled such a review plan."

"that's all?"

The two girls are still unbelievable.

"That's it." Ye Ting said simply.

-Do you want me to tell you that in the last life I had to face exams

several times more than this knowledge point in the Celestial Dynasty?

With the question types and knowledge points over and over again, isn't

it natural to be able to sum up such a review plan? In terms of

examinations, your wizarding world is still far behind!

Item 0272

With the help of Ye Ting's Ultimate Examination Book, all written

examinations were easy for Zhang Qiu.

Ye Ting felt that if he sold the preparation materials, he would definitely

make a fortune in the wizarding world.

In terms of practical exams, Zhang Qiu obviously needs to be more

confident. Since she was able to transform into a dragon, her ability to

master and manipulate magic has greatly increased, and the practical

exams are just a piece of cake.

Two weeks passed in a flash, and the OWLs exam finally ended. After

that, the final exam at Hogwarts ended. Then, on the night when all the

exams were over, the third event of the Triwizard Tournament will be

held. .

The arrival of the game let the Warriors breathe a sigh of relief.

Regardless of whether the results are good or bad, the competition is

about to end, and the burden on their shoulders can be removed.

However, in the morning, Harry, one of the warriors, was in trouble.

At breakfast, a screech owl brought Ron the morning's "Daily Prophet" as

usual. After he opened the newspaper, he almost sprayed a sip of water

on the newspaper.

"Impossible, but today, this old cow." Ron stared at the title, angrily.

"What?" Harry asked, "Rita Skeeter again?"

"No." Ron wanted to hide the newspaper.

"Is it about me?" Harry asked.

"No." Ron said in a completely unbelievable tone.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 196:

But before he asked to read the newspaper, Slytherin at the end of the

auditorium stabbed it out.

Malfoy also held a copy of the "Daily Prophet" in his hand, and read

aloud: "... Harry Potter-upset, emotionally dangerous"

"Special reporter Rita Skeeter reports: The boy who defeated the

mysterious man is emotionally unstable and may be quite dangerous.

Recently, there has been astonishing evidence of Harry Potter's strange

behavior, which makes people doubt whether he is suitable. Participating

in such a difficult competition as the Triwizard Tournament, is it even

suitable to go to school at Hogwarts?

"Daily Prophet" exclusively disclosed that Porter often fell ill at school

and told people that the scar on his forehead was painful (the scar was

the mark left by the poisonous curse when the mysterious man tried to

kill him). In the divination class last Monday, a reporter from the Daily

Prophet witnessed Potter rushing out of the classroom, claiming that his

scar was so painful that he could not continue the class.

A senior expert at the St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Injuries said that

Potter’s brain may have been affected by the magic of the mysterious

man. He insisted that the scar is still painful, which shows that his mind

is quite confused..."

"Hey, Potter! Potter! How is your head? Are you okay? You won't go

crazy at us?" Malfoy smiled at Harry.

Crabbe and Gore were both laughing at him. They knocked their

foreheads with their fingers, making a strange look like a madman, and

sticking out their tongues like snakes. The Slytherin students were all

snickering, turning around to see Harry's reaction.

Harry smiled pretentiously, but there was a gloom in his heart, because

during this time, his scars hurt very frequently, as if...as if something was

going to happen.

Before the breakfast was over, the Warriors were told to go to the

conference room to gather. Relatives of the Warriors were invited to

watch the finals and they could meet each other.

Fleur Delacour got up from the Ravenclaw table and walked into the

meeting room with Hermione. After a while, Krum went too lazily. Harry

sat still, he really didn't want to go. He has no relatives—no relatives

willing to come and risk his life. But just as he stood up and planned to

go to the library to study a little spell, the door of the meeting room

opened and Furong poked her head out.

"Harry, come on, they are waiting for you!"

Before entering the conference room, Harry was still confused. In fact,

the Dursleys did not come. Since Harry's godfather Sirius Black regained

his reputation, Harry would prefer to stay in Grimaud, London. Square 12

instead of Privet Drive—Harry felt that if the godfather were relatives, he

would rather come to Black.

As Harry thought, his "relative" was really Black. In addition, Lupin and

the Weasley family also came, and the meeting room was extremely


In addition, in the meeting room, Viktor Krum was in the corner of the

room talking fast Bulgarian to his black-haired parents, and he inherited

his father's hook nose. On the other side, Furong was babbling and

chatting with her mother in French. Furong's little sister Gabriel took her

mother's hand.

Only Hermione stood alone in the corner, and Ye Ting stayed with her to

keep her from being too lonely.

Unlike Harry, although Hermione's parents are both here, they are all

Muggles. According to the "International Wizarding Secrets Act", they

cannot touch anything related to wizards, let alone to visit the Triwizard


At this point, the "International Wizarding Secrets Act" is indeed very


But soon, Ye Ting also had his own things to do. After learning that his

daughter liked a Hogwarts boy, Furong's parents had to come to see Ye


Regardless of Furong's obstruction, she came to Ye Ting on her own and

took the initiative to talk to him.

Fleur's Veeva lineage was inherited from her mother. In fact, her mother's

Veeva lineage was even more pure than hers. Although this woman is

over forty years old, she still looks beautiful.

The chat with the "quasi-mother-in-law" made Ye Ting somewhat

embarrassed. This was the first time he had such close communication

with the parents of the girl next to him. Even if he was as strong as him,

he was still a little at a loss in the face of this situation.

However, Ye Ting soon grasped the situation of the conversation. He had

been an envoy in the world of a song of ice and fire for several years.

Now the wizards of the Ministry of Magic respect him. Although Ye Ting

like this is still essentially Researcher, but the status of "father-in-law"

and "mother-in-law" cannot hold him down.

After the conversation, Furong's mother praised Ye Ting in front of her

husband and daughter. She thought that her daughter had chosen a very

good partner.

Of course, she still didn't know anything about the existence of other

girls, and Furong consciously didn't mention it at all.

Finally, sisters Ye Ting and Dracul accompanied their parents for a walk

in the castle, spending an afternoon, and then returning to the

auditorium for dinner.

Ludo Bagman and Amelia Burns, the director of the Magic Law

Enforcement Department, sat at the staff desk.

After the old Barty Crouch disappeared, Ye Ting signaled. Although Ms.

Bones did not understand the reason, she still took the initiative to take

over the follow-up work of the Triwizard Tournament. Now she replaced

Crouch as the referee and came to Hogwarts early.

Of course, Ye Ting had his purpose in doing this. According to the

original book, tonight’s game will be the beginning of Voldemort’s

rebirth, and Ye Ting’s defeat of Voldemort, the plan to control the

Ministry of Magic must also be launched. The role is to confirm this to

the Ministry of Magic.

Item 0273

Due to the game, the dinner tonight was more abundant than usual, but

the Warriors didn't eat much because they were really nervous now.

When the enchanted ceiling turned from blue to dark purple twilight,

Dumbledore stood up at the staff's desk, and everyone was quiet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes, I will invite everyone to the

Quidditch Stadium to watch the final event of the Triwizard Tournament.

Now I invite the Warriors and Mr. Bagman to the stadium."

Hermione stood up, and Ravenclaw's students applauded him, wishing

her good luck, she walked out of the auditorium along with Fleur, Victor,

and Harry.

"Is it okay, Hermione?" Ye Ting asked as they walked down the stone

steps, "Are you confident?"

"Very good." Hermione said, this can be said to be the truth. She was a

little nervous, but she recalled her experience in the duel during the

summer vacation. Thinking of the thrilling finals, she thought that the

Triwizard Tournament No matter how fierce and dangerous it is, it is

better to face a dark wizard.

They walked into the Quidditch Stadium, where they had become

completely unrecognizable.

A twenty-foot-high hedge surrounded the edge of the field. There is a gap

in front of them, and that is the entrance to this big maze. The passage

inside is dark and a bit scary.

Five minutes later, people began to enter the stands. Hundreds of

students filed in, and the air was filled with excited words and jumbled

footsteps. The sky was now clear and deep blue, and stars began to

appear. Professor Moody, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick

walked into the stadium and walked towards Bagman and the warriors.

Their hats were all decorated with bright red stars, and Ye Ting

reluctantly put on his hat with red stars. He thought this hat was

extremely stupid.

"We will patrol outside the labyrinth," Professor McGonagall said to the

warriors. "If you encounter difficulties and want to be rescued, we will

shoot red sparks into the sky. We will have someone to help you,


The warriors nodded together.

"Okay, you go!" Bagman said happily to the four patrol members.

"Come on, Hermione and Lotus." Ye Ting whispered before leaving.

The four people walked away in different directions and distributed

around the maze. At this time, Bagman pointed his magic wand to his

throat and said "a loud voice", so his magically amplified voice echoed in

the stands.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the last match of the Triwizard Tournament is

about to begin! I'll report the current score! Hermione Granger-111

points, first place, Hogwarts School! "

The applause and cheers flew the birds of the forbidden forest into the

darkening night sky.

"Florence Delacour-107 points, second place, Boothbatten College!" There

was another round of applause. "Harry Potter-103 points, third place,

Hogwarts;’ Victor Krum-fourth place, Durmstrang College!"

People applauded politely for Krum, Karkaroff looked a little

embarrassed, he tried his best to deliberately score low for other players,

but still only got a fourth place.

"Now...Miss Granger, listen to my whistle!" Bagman said, "three-two-"

With a short whistle, Hermione hurried into the maze.

The tall hedges cast a black shadow on the path. Whether it was because

of the high and dense hedges or the magic, the voices of the audience

could not be heard as soon as she entered the maze. Hermione almost felt

like she was underwater again. He drew out his wand and said,

"Fluorescence flickers."

After walking about fifty meters, she came to a fork in the road.

She pointed her magic wand to the ground on the left, and a mark

immediately appeared on the ground, and then she walked on the road

on the right.

Immediately afterwards, she heard Bagman's whistle rang again, and it

was Furong who had entered the maze.

Hermione quickened her pace. There seemed to be nothing on the road

she chose. She turned to the right and hurried forward, holding her

magic wand in one hand, trying to see as far as possible, but she still

couldn't see anything.

There was Bagman's third whistle in the distance, this time it was Harry

entering the maze. It's all in the maze.

Hermione kept looking behind her, telling her instinctively that someone

was watching her in secret.

The maze was darkening every minute, and the sky above her turned to


Soon, she came to the second fork in the road.

"Show me the way." Hermione pinned her wand to her palm and said

softly to it.

The wand spun, and designated the dense hedge to her right. It was

north, and Hermione knew clearly that to get to the center of the

labyrinth, you had to go northwest. The best way is to take the road on

the left and then turn right as soon as possible.

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 197:

So she made a mark on the fork on the right and walked to the left.

The road ahead was still empty. At a right turn, Hermione turned in.

There was still no obstacle. She didn't know why this happened. The

unobstructed flow made her panic. Something should be encountered

now. The labyrinth seemed to be tempting her with a false appearance of


Suddenly, she heard movement ahead, and quickly raised her magic

wand to prepare for self-defense. She saw a ten-foot-long shellfish-like

carapace that looked like a giant scorpion with a sting needle rolled on

her back. come out.

"Hagrid's snails!" Hermione muttered to herself in a low voice, "It's so big,

it must be a big change spell."

She remembered the experience in Hagrid's magical creature protection

class. They had suffered so much in order to take care of this creature.

Hermione knew that the sturdy carapace of the tail snail had strong

magic resistance, and could even reflect spells. It is said that the tail

could also emit flames. The only thing it was defenseless was its abdomen

without armor protection.

"And like all crustaceans, it is difficult to turn over."

Hermione used a transformation technique on the ground, and a stone

pillar immediately rose in the soil under the belly of the snail, turning the

top of the snail to the ground.

The majestic snail became funny immediately. Its belly was facing

upwards, and it kept twisting its pile of feet covered with carapace, but

this was just in vain. It did not have a foot that could touch the ground,

so turning over was completely An extravagant hope.

Just as Hermione was about to bypass the snails, a red heart-shaped

badge appeared in front of her. The badge said "+1".

"What is this?" Hermione was a little strange. She picked up the badge

and observed carefully. It seemed to be a magic item. When Hermione

turned it over and looked at it, she was surprised to find that there was

Ye Ting's in the lower left corner of the badge. The signature is obviously

his work.

"Is this what he called a surprise?" Hermione muttered, putting the badge

in her pocket, the magic items made by Ye Ting shouldn't hurt people.

Hermione circumvents the struggling snail and speeds up again. As she

turned a corner, she saw...a dementor slowly approached her, twelve feet

tall, with a hood covering his face, and his rotten, crusted hands

stretched out straight. It approached step by step, touching her with


Hermione could hear a gasp in his throat. A cold and slimy feeling hit his

whole body, but he knew what to do...

Hermione proficiently began to think about the most pleasant things,

desperately concentrating on imagining the experience of her and Ye

Ting among the rose bushes on Christmas Eve, while raising her wand

and shouting, "Guardian!"

A silver dragon flew out from the tip of her wand and soared towards the


The dementor took two steps backwards and tripped over its

robe...Hermione had never seen the dementor fall.

"Don't move!" She followed the silver patron saint, "You are a Bogut!


With a loud sound, blue smoke exploded on the first floor. The dementor

disappeared, and then something appeared in front of her again. This

time it was an Erlenmeyer flask with half a bottle of blue liquid in it. The

liquid blue was very strange. Hermione thought what it was. Poison, and

then she saw the familiar signature on the label of the Erlenmeyer flask,

and a big "MP".

Item 0274

Along the way, Hermione was surprised to find that there were so many

monsters in this maze.

Along the way, she has defeated two or three walking armors, a group of

manic goblins with sticks, a smelly giant, and seven or eight walking

piranha monsters.

When she first entered the maze, she still sighed that there were no

monsters in the maze. Who knew that after she went deep into the maze,

the frequency of monsters appeared so frequently, almost every two or

three intersections would appear a group of roadblockers, even with her

This kind of combat power is somewhat overwhelming, and she can

already imagine the difficulties her three opponents are facing now.

However, she is not without gains along the way. In fact, every time a

monster is defeated, Hermione will reap some trophies. Now she has got

a "+1" badge, a few bottles of red and blue potions, and a pair. Wrist

guards and a pair of shoes.

According to her attempts, the red potion can restore her injuries and

increase her physical strength, the blue potion can restore the magic

power, the bracers can maintain a weak iron armor curse, increase her

defense power, and the shoes will make her run faster.

"It feels like I'm playing some weird video game. If our weapon were a

magic wand, he would definitely let these monsters drop a sword."

Hermione sighed and began to complain about Ye Ting's evil taste, she

believed All this can only be designed by Ye Ting. After all, the routine of

killing monsters, red and blue potions is obviously derived from Muggle

board games and video game RPGs-Hermione herself played a game

called " "Zelda" RPG game-but most wizards only know a little about

Muggles, they don't even use electrical appliances.

Suddenly, a scream cut through the silence around.

"Furong?" Hermione called, and she heard that it was Fleur's scream.

However, there was silence all around. Hermione looked around. What

happened to Fleur? Her cry seemed to come from the left. Hermione took

a deep breath and walked towards the fork on the left.

Although she often quarreled with Furong, the two girls actually

established some friendship. Although they were rivals in the maze,

Hermione didn't want Furong to have any accidents.

Along the way, Hermione encountered another monster blocking the

road. This time it was a group of mushroom-like little guys with facial

features. They were only as high as Hermione's waist. They kept moving

their only short legs towards Hemi. Min ran into it, but she was all

stopped by Hermione's barrier curse, and then she was taken away by a

wave of explosion curses.

Now she has figured it out that the mushroom monsters this time,

including the piranha before, are the products of Ye Ting's

Polymorphism-he seems to have mastered the means to give life to the

creatures of Polymorphism in a short period of time. ——So, Hermione

didn't hesitate to deal with them.

The trophy this time was a bottle of purple potion, and Hermione held

her forehead helplessly-if she followed the RPG routine, it might be an

antidote or something.

Then, before she took a few steps, she saw a strange green mist floating

in front of her.

Hermione stepped forward carefully and pointed her magic wand at it. It

seems to be a kind of magic. She wondered if she could blow it up.

"Bone to pieces!" she shouted.

The spell went straight through the green mist and had no effect on it.

Hermione thought to herself that she should have thought of this long

ago. The Shattering Curse was used to deal with solid obstacles. What

would happen if she walked through the green mist? Do you want to try

your luck, or come back?

Thinking that Fleur might be in danger now, Hermione immediately

made up her mind. She took a deep breath and rushed into the magical


As soon as she entered the mist, Hermione immediately noticed that the

green mist was much thicker and wider than she believed, and after a

few breaths, she immediately felt a slight dizziness.

Hermione knew that her own dragon factor was actually highly resistant

to various poisons. However, this mist could actually make her feel

uncomfortable. Obviously, the toxicity was quite strong, but since this is

only a Triwizard Tournament, So it should not be fatal.

However, even if she wouldn't die, Hermione didn't want to just fall into

the mist. Suddenly, she remembered the medicine bottle she had just


"What kind of cliché is this! There are pass items near the level!"

She pulled up the cork, and then tried to take a sip of the weird purple


The effect is immediate, and the discomfort of dizziness disappears


Following this plan, Hermione immediately speeded up, and after

running in the fog for about a minute, she finally walked out of the green


For the next ten minutes, Hermione didn't encounter anything, she kept

walking into a dead end, and turned the same wrong way twice. Finally

she found a new road and jogged along it. The fluorescence of the wand

flickered, and her transformed shadow flickered on the hedge. She turned

another turn, and there was another fork in the road in front of her.

Hermione took one side and walked forward, which was a dead end, and

took another road, which was another dead end. She had to stop, her

heart beating.

Hermione cast another directional spell and returned to choose a way to

the northwest.

After walking on the new road for a few minutes, Hermione stopped

suddenly, and a voice came from the road next to her.

"What are you going to do?"

That was the voice of Furong she was looking for, but it sounded full of

breath, as if she hadn't had any trouble at all.

Just when Hermione was strange, she heard Fleur shouting in panic in

her voice: "What the **** do you want to do?"

Then she heard Krum's voice.

"Break out the bones!"

Then, she saw Furong dive and rushed in front of her embarrassedly.

"Hermione! Why are you here?" Fleur looked surprised when she saw


"I just heard your scream, I think you must be in trouble, so I want to

come to you." Hermione explained as she helped her.

"Thank you," Fleur was a little moved. After she stood up, she

immediately pulled Hermione up and ran. Hermione was dragged by her,

and then followed Fleur to run. Before that, she vaguely saw Krum

behind her. The tall figure is pointing at them with a magic wand.

The two girls rushed wildly, and Krum’s cast of a heart-piercing curse

came from behind. However, under Hermione’s leadership, the two

dodged from left to right, Krum’s spell fell through, and several shots

were made on the ground. A big hole just blocked his own way.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the girls immediately took the time

to move away. The two ran for a long time. After about to get rid of

Krum, they stopped panting. Hermione found a corner and walked in to

avoid being attacked. Rum saw it, and then sat on the ground to rest.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 198:

Item 0275

The two sat on the ground and waited a little while.

"Is it all right?" Hermione asked hoarsely, grabbing Fleur's arm.

"It's okay," Furong gasped and said, "It's okay...I can't believe...He sneaked

up behind me...I heard it, and turned around to see, he pointed his wand

at me..."

"It's hard to believe... I thought he was just a big stupid man." Hermione.

"Me too." Lotus said.

"Because of this, you suddenly screamed like that?" Hermione asked


"Yes." Furong said with an ugly face, seeming to have lingering fears,

"The Heart Drilling Curse hit me, I thought I was over... Then, he kept

chasing me."

"How is it possible! If you were hit by the Heart Drilling Curse, you

would have fallen already. How could it be so easy?" Hermione

questioned loudly. She knew how powerful the Heart Drilling Curse was.

Human suffering was the same, but although Furong was panicked today,

she was obviously in a good state of mind, and she didn't look like she

was hit by a heart-piercing curse at all.

"You believe me, it's true." Furong explained hurriedly, "I don't know why

the Heart Drilling Curse didn't work for me, right..."

She hurriedly reached into her pocket and pulled out a badge.

Hermione also has one of this badge, which is a red heart-shaped badge

with "+1" written in the center.

However, the "+!" of this badge was already blackened, obviously losing

its effect.

"I guess it's the effect of this magic item, which appeared after I defeated

a tortoise monster. When the Heart Drilling Charm hit me, it seemed to

help me block the Heart Drilling Charm, and then it became like this."

"It seems that this represents life +1," Hermione muttered to herself, "I

should have guessed it."

Then, she also took out her badge and handed it to Furong, "I also have

one of this, you can use it to save your life."

"No, no, this is your trophy, you can keep it for yourself." Furong


But Hermione forced her to take this down, "My combat effectiveness is

stronger than you, and Krum will catch up sooner or later. We have to

subdue him and hand it over to the professors!"

Hermione was right, and it didn't take long for Krum to catch up. He

blasted the walls of the labyrinth with the Smashing Curse, and rushed

all the way.

"He did this, wouldn't he be afraid of draining his magic power?" Furong

said nervously, her hand gripping her wand tightly. It seems that

although the heart-piercing curse just didn't hurt her, it still gave her

serious psychology. shadow.

"I think he has a problem. Normally, he wouldn't do this." Hermione said

calmly. She stood up and pointed her wand directly at Krum. "But no

matter what the truth is, as long as you defeat him, everything It's over."

Fleur was still very nervous, but she also got up with strong spirits and

stood side by side with Hermione.

Krum looked at the two girls who appeared, let out a roar, and then cast

the next spell on them.

"Bone to pieces!"

The curse that was supposed to be used as the wall of the maze was shot

at the girls.

"I'll stop it!" Hermione stepped forward and put up an iron armor curse.

She was quite proficient in the iron armor curse. The arch of the iron

armor curse blocked Krum's magic.

The red light seemed to hit the transparent wall, and then exploded.

However, the girls behind the Iron Armor Curse were unscathed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fleur chanted a disarming curse to

Krum. The two girls cooperated quite tacitly. Krum was hit by the

disarming curse before he even had time to react, and his wand flew in


Krum still wanted to pick up the wand, but Hermione's coma spell hit

him, and he stopped abruptly, leaped forward, and lay face down on the

grass, motionless.

"Finally... it's over." Hermione sighed. She really didn't want to attack

other little wizards.

However, Furong stepped forward angrily, and a silver ribbon spouted

from the tip of her wand, which tied Krum tightly.

"Have you seen Harry?" Hermione asked.

"No," Fleur said, "Do you think Krum had also attacked him?"

"I don't know." Hermione said slowly.

"Leave him here?" Furong asked in a low voice.

"No," Hermione said, "I think we should fire a red spark and have

someone come and get him away...or he might be eaten by some


"He deserves it," Furong murmured, but she still raised her wand and

launched a string of red sparks into the air. Sparks circled over Krum,

marking his location.

Hermione and Fleur stood in the dark for a while, looking around. Then,

Fleur said: "Uh...why do you think he attacked us?"

"It's an Imperius Curse," Hermione pondered for a while, and then

suddenly said, "His behavior just now was too reckless. No one would use

the Shattering Curse to chase down his opponent and open the way like

him. In that case, catching up. Before the opponent, he himself would

have exhausted his magic power. Moreover, his movements were very

rigid and completely lost his agility. I think, as a Bulgarian seeker, with

his agility, he can at least dodge our curse with his agility. Yes-but if he is

under the Imperius Curse, then it makes sense."

"Slap, slap, slap."

There was a round of applause in the darkness. The two girls looked

around nervously. They saw a face full of wrinkles and scars, one eye was

replaced by a magic eye, and a man with a wooden leg came out from

the shadow of the wall and appeared. In front of them.

It's Professor Alastor Moody.

Although this is a terrible old guy, he is a field patrol after all, and his

presence means safety.

Seeing Moody, Furong immediately became happy. She was too scared

just now, so she immediately walked forward happily.

"Professor Moody, just..."

However, she was stopped by Hermione before she took a few steps.

The girl blocked Fleur behind her, staring at Moody warily, and raised

her wand to point directly at him.

"Be careful, Fleur, don't go there." Hermione said calmly. "This Professor

Moody has a problem."

"How could it be, Hermione." Fleur looked at her with a face and puzzled.

"Are you too sensitive? Professor Alastor is our field patrolman. We can't

point him with a magic wand, just in case he Disqualify you from the

competition and you..."

Before she finished speaking, Professor Moody, who had been watching

them, interrupted her with frantic laughter.

The laughter was like the cry of a crow, unpleasant and shuddering.

"Miss Granger, what a Miss Granger," Moody's magic eyes stared at

Hermione, and said playfully, "What a smart little girl. How did you

discover all this, I think I hide it pretty well."

Item 0276

Moody's words made Furong a little dumbfounded. Now the fool knew

that Professor Moody was not a good person. Furong immediately took

two steps back and pointed his wand at Moody.

However, Hermione was as calm as ever. Moody did not scare her in

these two moments. While paying attention to each other's every move,

she explained: "It's actually very simple. The appearance of Krum

attacking us just now, we have already It can be seen that he was hit by

the Imperius Curse, and those who can use the Imperius Curse on him are

either outsiders invading the maze, or trainers or warriors in the maze.

But this game is at Hogwar It’s organized here, and there are people from

the Ministry of Magic present. With Dumbledore present, it is impossible

for anyone to break into the maze from outside, and the players

obviously don’t use Imperius, so there are only a few patrols. The clerk

may be the culprit."

"Good analysis." Moody slapped his slap. "After you graduate, you will

definitely be an excellent Auror, but why do you think that the problem

is me? Professor McGonagall, Flitwick. Professor, Mr. Ye’s suspicions are

the same, aren’t they? Of course, you might think that the boy is not


"You are right, Ting would never have done such a thing." Hermione

sneered. "Actually, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick and you-that

is, Professor Moody's cannot do such a thing. ——If you are the real

Professor Moody."

The words obviously surprised Professor Moody, and his originally proud

expression froze.

"I've read Aristo Moody's information," Hermione talked freely. "Professor

Moody himself is a senior Auror. He has dedicated his life to fighting

against the Dark Wizard. The curse controls the cannibalism of the

players. However, it is different if it is a Moody who pretends to be a

compound decoction. I still remember that Professor Snape has

complained about the African tree in his office several times this school

year. The snake skin was stolen. He even suspected that Harry did it. We

all know that the African tree snake skin is the raw material of the

compound decoction. In addition, the old Barty Crouch once came to

Hogwarts madly, but in When Professor Snape took him to find

Dumbledore, he was attacked midway, and Mr. Crouch disappeared. At

the time, I thought that the murderer was mostly hidden inside

Hogwarts, Crouch. My husband may have learned some important news,

and the purpose of his risky action may be to kill his mouth. So, now, I

immediately connected all of this."

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 199:

"So what?" Moody frowned and looked at Hermione. "You haven't proved

why the person being impersonated is Moody, not someone else?"

"Because you are the only one who carries a wine bottle every day and

takes a sip from time to time." Hermione smiled confidently. "The three

professors stay at Hogwarts every day and need to give us lessons. In this

case He must be under the gaze of others at all times. We all know that

the duration of the compound decoction is one hour. In other words, the

pretender must replenish the compound decoction every hour, and the

bottle you carry is the most Good disguise, the other two, neither

Professor McGonagall nor Professor Flitwick, have the opportunity to

replenish the compound decoction at any time."

"Ah! Really a keen girl," Moody smiled again, this time he smiled a little

evilly, "Although I just said it, but I have to say it again, your analysis is

so good, you know it, you almost want to see through me. Now, you will

definitely become an excellent Auror in the future—if you have a future

—Avada Sole!"

While Moody was speaking, he suddenly released a killing curse on


The terrible green light, with an aura of despair, shot at Hermione.

Although she had been prepared, Hermione immediately became nervous

in the face of Moody’s attack. She believed that the wizard who

pretended to be Moody must be a powerful dark wizard, and the killing

spell he used was definitely better than the killing spell used by Krum

just now. The drill spell is much stronger.

She reacted extremely quickly, and immediately had to read some spell

to block it, but some people were faster than her.

There was a flash of light, and a familiar figure stood in front of

Hermione and Fleur.

"Bone to pieces!"

There was a burst of red light from the tip of the figure's wand, which

accurately collided with the green light. After a while, there was a big

explosion between the man and Moody.

However, the killing curse was indeed blocked.

Everything just happened between the sparks and flints, until now, they

can finally see who this person is.

That was one of the four patrolmen they mentioned earlier, the man the

two girls liked together, Ye Ting.

"Sorry, I didn't show up until this time." Ye Ting smiled slightly and

looked at Hermione. "I was listening to your wonderful analysis just now,

and I was a little fascinated by it. I'm sorry to make this guy scare you.

Blame me."

"No...it doesn't matter. I...we don't blame you." Hermione, who was still

confident and talked a while ago, and calmly dealt with a powerful

enemy, now she immediately became a little girl after Ye Ting appeared.

, Looked a little shy.

And Furong was even more unbearable. Tears were already in the corner

of her eyes, and the eyes of Ye Ting who appeared in time were worried

and moved, and she seemed to want to plunge into his arms immediately.

However, at last the two girls knew what was going on and held back

their emotions.

Then, the girls discovered that Ye Ting was actually holding two

unconscious people, one tall and one short, one male and one female.

Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be Professor McGonagall and

Professor Flitwick.

"This guy not only controlled Krum with the Imperius Curse, but also

stunned the two professors secretly behind his back, but Harry was safe

and sound." Ye Ting noticed their eyes and explained, "I thought, you

guys. You can still play the RPG game for a while. I have prepared a

powerful BOSS for you in front."

At this time, because Ye Ting hadn't paid attention to him, the fake

Moody, who felt that he had been insulted, was just about to get angry

because Ye Ting hadn't paid attention to him and talked to the two girls.

"What you said...BOSS...yes..." He couldn't help but ask.

"You said that," Ye Ting said with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and

explained, "BOSS refers to the last and strongest monster in the level of a

game. It is generally responsible for guarding the final reward of the

level, and the intensity is often far beyond. The little monster in front."

"Intensity...much better than...little monster." Fake Moody twitched the

corner of his mouth, "Really...damn it, you wait for me."

Without a word, he turned into a black smoke and drifted away quickly.


The two girls looked dumbfounded at where the fake Moody originally

stood. They thought Ye Ting and him were about to break out of a battle,

and they were ready to support Ye Ting at any time. Unexpectedly, their

opponents listened to Ye Ting’s words. Then suddenly ran away.

"Could it be... his purpose is Harry!" Hermione suddenly blurted out, and

Ye Ting immediately looked at her in surprise.

"You... are right again, the guy just said that was right," Ye Ting sighed,

"If you want to be an Auror in the future, you will definitely become the

best one."

"You...what are you talking about?" Furong on the side was still confused.

She felt that she was too stupid and her brain couldn't keep up with their

thinking. She was obviously the best in Boothbarton. Students.

No way, in fact, most wizards are not good at logical thinking, and this is

Hermione's strength.

"That's it," Hermione explained to Fleur. "The person who pretended to be

Professor Moody just now was definitely not a whim. After all, judging

from the time when Snape's African tree snake skin was stolen, he was

probably pretending to be. Professor Moody’s for the most part, or even

the entire semester, must have been premeditated, so the fake Moody

must have his purpose. Just now, Ting mentioned that Harry was safe

and sound, and mentioned the ultimate boss’s strength. , The fake Moody

left as soon as he heard it, so obviously, the fake Moody left in a hurry to

help Harry deal with the final boss. His purpose is Harry, and he is likely

to make Harry the top three. The champion of the competition is

attacking all over the maze...wait...what's the use of the champion...isn’t

his purpose...is it to let Harry get the championship trophy! I heard that

the warriors who encounter the championship trophy will Teleported to

the podium-the trophy is a key to the door, which means that in case

they tamper with the trophy... they want to take Harry away."

...Girl, you must have been Holmes in your last life, right.

Item 0277

"Finally, the biggest doubt is that Harry Potter became a warrior-logically

speaking, there can only be three warriors in the Triwizard Tournament,

one for each of the three schools, but this time there is a fourth warrior. ,

And Harry is obviously not my opponent in the fight for the strength of

the Warriors, that is to say, there is a lot of conspiracy in it, and when

you think of the fake Moody that pretended to be a professor and

sneaked into Hogwarts, everything became clear."

After an analysis, Hermione immediately looked at Ye Ting, with a look

of expectation on her face.

"Well, my analysis is correct, right?"

Without a word, Ye Ting rubbed the girl's slightly messy hair fiercely.

"As expected of you, the analysis is completely correct!"

"Eh heh heh."

The praised Hermione laughed immediately.

"However, when I saw Professor Moody's first appearance, I felt that

there was an accident, and it had nothing to do with the previous

evidence." Suddenly, Hermione's next sentence caused Ye Ting's

attention. Notice.

"What?" He looked at the girl.

The girl suddenly seemed unwilling to show weakness, and stared at him


"Because you were not the first patrolman to appear." She said, "If

nothing unexpected happens, based on what I know about you, I believe

you will appear as soon as possible after seeing our signal. What is in

front of us-after all, one of your goals in becoming a referee and

patrolman is not to protect me... and Furong's?, right?"

The girl seemed to have taken a lot of courage to say such words. It is no

wonder that although their relationship has become very close, the girl

seems to have been unaccustomed to saying something nasty.

——Can you not laugh stupidly, you just thought you were Sherlock


Ye Ting put the two unconscious professors on the ground, and then

looked at the two girls.

"Well, do you want to see what conspiracy that guy has?"

"Huh? Shouldn't he be arrested?" Hermione and Furong didn't understand

Ye Ting's proposal.

"No, we can't catch him for the time being," Ye Ting said in a deep voice,

"He wants to take away his favorite savior from under Dumbledore's

nose. There must be a bigger conspiracy. I want to see what it is. ,I


"Puff!" Upon hearing that Harry was Dumbledore's favorite savior, both

girls laughed out loud. They both thought this description was

appropriate. Hermione thought of how often Dumbledore met Harry— —

Absolutely far surpassing all other little wizards.

But when Ye Ting mentioned a bigger conspiracy, both girls raised their


"Hurry up, don't hang on our appetite," Fu Rong took Ye Ting's hand and

said coquettishly, "What the **** is this conspiracy?"

"Are you sure you want to listen?"

"Listen to." The two girls nodded like chickens.

"The man behind this conspiracy is very dangerous."

"It's okay, listen."

"Are you sure you don't regret it?"

"Oh, you don't want to sell it anymore, just say it soon." Furong urged


"Okay, cough cough," Ye Ting cleared his throat. Then said in a low tone,

"I think this conspiracy has something to do with the Dark Lord."

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 200:


"How can it be?"

As soon as Ye Ting's voice fell, the girls screamed. They couldn't believe

it. That was the Dark Lord who had been dead for 14 years!

Not dare, Hermione immediately remembered what happened in the

second grade. At that time, she and Ye Ting came to the Gryffindor

common room together, where they did find the murderer who opened

the secret room and released the basilisk—— The diary of Voldemort

when he was young, and a memory of him lodged in the diary.

Then she thought of Professor Quirrell in the first grade. Professor

Quirrell had a face of Voldemort on his head. Voldemort sneaked into

Hogwarts to get the Philosopher's Stone hidden in Hogwarts.

From this point of view, although Voldemort claimed to have died

fourteen years ago, he was obviously not dead, and he has been making

waves and trying to resurrect himself. From this point of view, it is not

surprising that he conspired against Harry Potter this semester.

After some explanations, Furong finally believed this cruel fact that the

Dark Lord was indeed alive—or not really dead, which made her look a

little scared, and she looked at Ye Ting eagerly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's stop the fake Moody and save

Harry back. Otherwise, if the conspiracy is really to bring back the man

who can’t say the name, then it’s too late. ?"

"No!" Ye Ting shook his head, "We won't save Harry for the time being.

I'm going to follow them first to see what they want to do. After all, the

resurrection of the Dark Lord is a good thing."

These words were so shocking that the two girls were dumbfounded. If

they didn't understand Ye Ting, they even thought Ye Ting was on the

side of the Black Devil.

"Because the Dark Lord cannot be killed by ordinary means," Ye Ting

explained immediately, "Look at now, why is Potter called the savior?

The Dark Lord was indeed killed by the bounced Killing Curse fourteen

years ago. However, he avoided complete death through evil black

magic, and is still making waves and trying to resurrect. Therefore, in

order to make him completely dead, we can only resurrect him again,

and then use specific Kill him one more time."

This time, the two girls understood roughly, and nodded separately.

"So, are you interested in watching with me? Maybe they are still

engaged in a BOSS battle." Ye Ting invited after explaining everything.

"Okay, I want to go with you. We will face all this together." Hermione

immediately agreed without thinking. In the first and second grades, she

and Ye Ting had the experience of fighting against Voldemort with Ye

Ting. Although her studies at Hogwarts were smooth sailing, and she got

the first place in all grades, and no course could stump her, but she

experienced the sense of failure and bitterness by Ye Ting's side, facing

the likes of Professor Quirrell and Basilisk. When facing the enemy, she

understood her weakness, she couldn't even fight side by side with Ye

Ting, and could only hide far away in the battle to prevent her from

becoming a burden to Ye Ting.

"But I am different now." She secretly said to herself like this, "Now I

have become stronger, and I even won the duel contest. I am no longer

who I was before, although I cannot protect him now. , Fight side by side

with him, but at least it won’t drag him back, so this time, I want to

stand with him!"

Furong opened her mouth, just about to refuse, but she immediately

heard Hermione's categorical words, which caused her to swallow the

refusal that she had just reached her mouth.

Yes, as a lover, don't you just have to face danger together? As a lover,

shouldn't I believe him? If you dare not go with him, what else can I talk

about liking him? Am I not even as good as this little girl?

Thinking of this, Furong was both excited and ashamed. She looked at Ye

Ting firmly and said to him, "I also want to go with you."

Looking at the two brave girls who had overcome their timidity in front

of him, Ye Ting smiled with satisfaction.

Chapter 0278 Puzzle: Spider

At this moment, Harry Potter is fighting his BOSS.

Along the way, he found that the obstacles he encountered were pitiful,

as if there were no other difficulties in this maze other than getting lost.

Along the way, he defeated a Bogut and bypassed a troll. Then he rushed

through a golden mist—this mist was the most difficult of the few

obstacles he had encountered. After entering the golden mist, he found

the world turned upside down, hanging upside down there. The glasses

were off the bridge of his nose, his feet seemed to be glued to the grass,

and the grass was now the ceiling, and beneath him was the endless,

starry black night sky.

At that time, he felt that as long as he lifted his foot, he would

immediately fall.

It was an illusion, and he encountered an illusion as he inhaled the

golden mist.

However, he still resisted the blood rushing to his head, hitting his

eardrums, and mustered the courage to move his footsteps to pass this


In this way, he reached the end quite smoothly all the way.

In fact, this is a matter of course, after all, he still has a "foreign aid" who

has been helping him. Fake Moody went to great lengths to overcome

difficulties for him and defeated many monsters that blocked him

without his knowledge.

In fact, this is also the fault of Ye Ting. He added too many monsters to

the maze as a test, so that it is impossible to reach the end with Harry's

level-even genuine warriors such as Krum and Fleur. Make full use of the

"monster drop" set by Ye Ting to go all the way.

This makes the fake Moody have to spend a lot of time in the maze: he

needs to find opportunities to sneak attacks on Professor McGonagall,

Professor Flitwick, and Ye Ting to prevent them from obstructing his

actions; he needs to find opportunities to use seizures. The soul curse

controls Krum, so that it is reasonable and unsuspecting to eliminate the

other three warriors, to prevent anyone from hitting the championship

trophy before Harry; in the end, he has to open the way for Harry to

prevent him from being too weak. There is no end.

On the way, the fake Moody can be regarded as a father and a mother. It

was hard to make Harry, a (relatively speaking) child, the first to reach

the end, and Krum, who was controlled by the Imperius Curse, was

defeated in the middle. The accident made him have to personally show

up to deal with the remaining two players, who knows that his identity

was seen by the witty Hermione just as soon as he appeared, and then, in

order to delay time, he had to bite the bullet and listen to Hermione’s

Throughout the analysis process, the girl's sharp analysis was a mockery

of his perfect plan, which made him furious. As a result, when he was

ready to breathe out a bad breath, Ye Ting appeared again...

This series of accidents really made him feel sick.

However, in Ye Ting's mouth, he learned a bigger surprise: The final level

he thought was not difficult to deal with was actually strengthened by Ye

Ting. This is really...

After passing through the golden fog, Harry found himself walking into

dead ends more and more frequently, and the darker and thicker

darkness convinced him that he was approaching the center of the maze.

Then, when he was walking on a long, straight path, he noticed

movement again. The light of his wand was shining on an extremely

strange monster, and he had only seen pictures of it in "The Book of


It's a sphinx. Its body is like a scary lion: huge claws, long yellow tail,

and a tuft of hair on the tip of the tail. But it has a woman's head. As

Harry approached, she turned her long almond eyes towards him. He

raised his wand and hesitated. She didn't squat down to pounce on, but

just walked around to block his way. Then she spoke, her voice low and


"You are very close to your goal. The quickest way is to get past me."

"Then...Can you please give me a hand?" Harry said, and he knew what

the answer was.

"No," she continued walking up and down, "unless you can answer my

riddle. One guess-I'll let you pass. If you don't guess-I will rush forward. If

you don't answer-I'll let You go away without hurting you."

Harry's heart sank a few times. He is not good at guessing riddles, he

weighed it, if the riddle is too difficult, he can not answer, the sphinx will

not hurt him, he can find another way to the center of the maze.

"Okay," he said, "can I listen to the riddles?"

The Sphinx sat on her hind legs and stood in the middle of the road,


First think about who always wears a mask.

Acts are secretive, with lies.

Tell me again what things are always stitched together.

The middle of the middle, the tail of the tail?

Finally, when I told me that I couldn’t think of a word--

Which word is often spoken.

Now connect them and answer me.

What is the animal you don't want to kiss?

Harry gaped at her.

"Can you read it again...slowly?" he asked tentatively.

She blinked at him, smiled slightly, and read the poem again.

"All the clues add up to an animal I don't want to kiss?" Harry asked.

She just smiled mysteriously, and Harry thought it meant "yes". He

searched in his mind. There are many animals he does not want to kiss,

so this is tantamount to no answer.

"With a mask," he glared at her and muttered to himself, "always lie...

uh... that is-imposter (liar). No, this is not my answer! Is it-spy (spy)? I'll

think about this later... Something is always stitched up," Harry repeated,

"Uh... can't figure it out...'The middle of the middle'...'A word that I often

say when I can't think of a word. ', uh... it should be... uh... wait a

minute-'er!' er' is a word!"

Sphinx smiled at him.

"Spy...er...spy...er..." Harry said, pacing. "The animal I don't want to kiss...

It's a spider! A spider!"

Sphinx smiled more cordially. She stood up, straightened her front legs,

and stepped aside.

"Thank you!" Harry was surprised at his cleverness and rushed over.

However, he didn't know that this was not only a puzzle, but also a hint,

a hint to the final level.

Harry ran away, and there was a fork in the road ahead. "Show me the

way!" He said to the wand again, and the wand turned and pointed to the

way to the right. He ran along this road and saw light in front of him.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 201:

The top three cups shone alluring light on the base a hundred meters

away. He sprinted towards the trophy at full speed. Seeing the champion

is right in front of him, he has begun to fantasize about his godfather

Blake, the Weasley family and Gryffindor’s How happy the little lions

were for him, he couldn't believe that he actually defeated the duel

champion Hermione, as well as Booth Barton and Durmstrang, two

warriors three years older than him...

However, the accident appeared when he was most excited. Outside the

hedge on the left, there was a huge black shadow, moving quickly to this

side on a crossing road. Harry discovered this when he was about to hit

it. Guy, he had to swoop to avoid the sneak attack of this huge monster.

That is a huge spider.

Item 0279


Har used his wand to point at the giant spider and shouted.

The spell hit the spider's huge, black hairy body, but it seemed to throw a

stone at it. The spider twitched and continued to rush towards Harry


"Fainted! Obstacles! Fainted!"

It's useless—maybe the spider is too big, or its magic power is too strong,

the spell doesn't work on it, but it irritates it even more. Harry saw eight

shining black eyes and sharp pliers in horror, and the spider had already

pounced on him.

The spider lifted into the air with his front legs, and he struggled


He tried to kick it with his foot, and his leg touched its pliers, and there

was a piercing pain immediately, so Harry raised his wand and shouted

"Except your weapon!"

Fairly effective-the disarming spell made the spider let go of him, but it

meant that Harry fell from a height of three meters.

The injured leg couldn't hold back the weight of his body, and he

collapsed to the ground all of a sudden. Without even thinking about it,

he pointed his wand at the spider's lower abdomen and shouted "fainted!"

Unfortunately, the spell only made the spider back a few steps. In fact,

the weakness of this spider is not as obvious as the snail.

Immediately afterwards, Harry discovered that the spider had aimed at

him with the end of his abdomen. Only then did he discover that the

huge abdomen of this giant spider had opened several terrible small

mouths, which were closed one by one, as if thinking. What to eat.

Harry thought that this was probably something the spider used to spin

silk, but if it was, the silk it spit out was definitely thick.

Then, his eyes went dark, and he felt overwhelmed by something slimy.

This is the mucus sprayed by spiders. Because the reminder is too big, the

mucus sprayed by giant spiders cannot be like ordinary spiders. As soon

as it comes out of the silking organ, it solidifies immediately. Therefore,

it is like a long abdomen filled with strong glue. Like its high-pressure

water gun, the sprayed strong glue shot out several meters, surrounded

its prey, and then solidified within a few seconds.

When Moody arrived at the scene, he was faced with a scene: a huge

spider was lying on a white cocoon the size of a person, as if to enjoy its

trophy, and this white cocoon seemed to It was wrapped in a living thing,

twisting like a white maggot.

There is no doubt that the person in the cocoon is Harry.

In fact, for the safety of the warriors, when this spider BOSS was

designed, Ye Ting entered into it instructions that only trapped the target

with spider silk, not killed the target-this is the Imperius Curse, Ice The

product combined with the skills of the changer in the song of fire and

the spells that modify the memory: biological operation spells. Through

this spell, Ye Ting can give some relatively complex commands to

creatures with low IQs. The animals will execute presets like robots. The

same command enforces Ye Ting's instructions.

In addition, the venom sac of the spider’s fangs has also been replaced

with paralytic toxins.

However, the purpose of fake Moody is not to save Harry’s life. He

doesn’t care about Harry’s life at all, and he even wants to die. However,

his purpose is to let Harry Potter go through the door key championship

trophy. He presets the place.

Unable to do so, he had to start a battle with the spider boss.

As soon as they played against each other, the fake Moody understood

the difficulty of Ye Ting's so-called final boss.

This spider has a strong magic resistance. Even the black magic he uses

can only hurt it—for ordinary wizards, this is fatal.

In addition, this spider is quite flexible. Although it is huge, its

movements are not slow at all. Moreover, its eight legs give it excellent

jumping skills, which makes it impossible for the fake Moody to play its

small and flexible body. The advantages.

In addition, the silk spewed out by the spider-no, it is mucus-is also a big

trouble. The viscosity of the mucus and the strength after solidification

are so high that as long as he is caught, he cannot escape, and the fire

The curse has no effect on it at all. As for the fierce fire curse... False

Moody doesn't think he lives for long.

As a result, he had to continuously use the magic that turned into black

smoke from the Dark Lord to avoid being directly controlled by the

spider. Whether it was caught by its claws or trapped by mucus, it was

considered a fake Moody. The above is fatal, because once trapped, he

will never have the opportunity to fight back. Mucus and paralyzing

toxins will make him unable to use magic. That means that not only will

he be captured in Azkaban, but the plan for the resurrection of his

master, the Dark Lord, will be declared bankrupt, and the return of the

Dark Lord will be postponed again.

As soon as he thought of this, the fake Moody immediately fought his

life. Under the continuous attack of the spider, he dodged like a clown,

looking dangerous, while he himself constantly used magic to attack the

spider’s leg joints, wanting Let this big guy lose his mobility.

His thinking is correct.

Although fake Moody's black magic cannot kill giant spiders in one shot,

or even cause too much wounds, it is still sufficient to deal with leg


Finally, after hitting the same leg of the spider with two or three blade

curses, one of its legs was broken, which reduced the spider's ability to

act a bit.

However, spiders have eight legs, but losing one of them does not make it

much weaker, but makes the spider manic.

Immediately afterwards, Moody, who had eaten bad results, looked even

more embarrassed under the violent and violent attack of spiders.

After a lot of energy, he left the spider with only six legs.

......Then there are five, and now, the spider has finally lost the ability to


When only four legs are left, the spider's crawling speed also slows down.

The three-legged spider is basically unable to move, but it can still turn

around in circles.

The two-legged spider is a living target...

Finally, Moody used the last smashing spell, and finally smashed the

spider's head and ended this terrible life.

Scarred and exhausted, he sat down on the ground. He had never been as

fortunate as he was now, and the final boss that Ye Ting chose was a

spider, not a centipede.

Otherwise, he felt that he would be exhausted here because of the

overuse of the spell.

At this time, in a corner not far from him, the girl's chuckle sounded.

"Puff ha ha ha ha-this guy is too miserable ha ha ha ha ha ha -"

That was Hermione’s laughter. When the girl saw this powerful black

wizard who was inexhaustible in front of them and made her nervous,

she just made this look like a magical transformation creature that dealt

with Ye Ting, she couldn’t help but laugh. Screamed.

This is nothing like two people.

And Furong was looking at Ye Ting in horror at this time.

"You are the devil!? The BOSS you designed has never thought of letting

us pass. You want the Triwizard Tournament to be a joke, right?"

"How could it be?" Ye Ting explained with an innocent look, "In fact, this

level is not difficult. Even if it is Harry, as long as he operates well, he

can get through it smoothly."

"Okay! Then you explain to me, how are we going to deal with this guy?"

Furong looked at Ye Ting angrily. She felt that this wicked guy just

wanted to punish them.

"Sweep equipment!" Ye Ting said with a look of course. "Each monster

will drop equipment after being defeated. There are supplies and things

that enhance your combat effectiveness, such as shoes that speed up your

running speed, and knee pads that increase your jumping power. , A

bracer that increases defense, a cloak that can double jump...There are

also potions to relieve paralysis, potions to dissolve spider silk, and even

potions to repel spiders. You can always find a way to pass the level.


Item 0280

Leaving aside the argument between Ye Ting and Furong, beside the

spider's corpse, the fake Moody struggled to get up and came to the

cocoon that wrapped Harry.

He carefully used the splitting spell, turning the cocoon into a piece of


Harry, who was about to give up struggling, suddenly realized that the

darkness in front of him had disappeared.

He sat up in surprise and looked around, only to see the scarred Professor

Moody next to him, looking at him with concern.

"Professor Moody, are you here to save me?" Harry saw the spider's body

and the scarred Professor Moody, and immediately understood what had

just happened.

He felt that the Triwizard Tournament should be over, and because he

was caught by the spider, he had lost his only chance.

"I'm really sorry, Professor Moody, I'm too weak, I'm not the opponent of

this spider, I didn't get the championship trophy."

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 202:

Harry’s tone was full of apologies. He knew that Professor Moody had

great hopes for him to win the Triwizard Tournament, and he had given

him a lot of help in every aspect of the game.

So, to say that Harry failed to win the championship, the person who felt

most sorry was Professor Moody.

However, Moody shook his head and grinned and said, "My boy, you

probably misunderstood. Until now, no other warrior has found here

except you."

"You mean..." Harry looked confused.

Looking at Harry's blank face, Moody said with a bit of hatred for iron

and steel, "I mean, you still have a chance now. You are closer to the

championship trophy than they are."

Harry finally understood what Moody was referring to, but he was

confused and said, "But...it's not right. I didn't defeat the spider, did I?

The one who defeated the spider was the professor. How can I... ...This


"It's cheating, isn't it?" Moody looked a little annoyed and anxious. He

really hated the hypocritical nobility of Harry and Dumbledore.

Moreover, he now hopes that Harry will not procrastinate and get the

trophy because He spent too much time dealing with the spider just now.

He was not sure when Ye Ting and the others would tell Dumbledore

everything, but he didn’t dare to bet. He hoped it would end as soon as

possible. Otherwise, once Dumbledore appeared here, Everything is over.

His being caught is a trivial matter, but the failure of his master's

resurrection plan is a major matter.

However, in order to avoid Harry's disgust, he bit the bullet to explain--or


"Yes, yes, child." He pretended to be relieved. "You are indeed an honest

child. I dare say that Albus would be very happy that you made such a


Harry heard his compliment and forced a smile.

"But," the fake Moody took a sudden turn, "In fact, there were some

accidents in this game, and the monster was designed to be too

powerful...I mean, this spider, its strength exceeded the limit."

("Although he is a nasty person, I agree with this guy on this point." In

the corner not far away, Fleur disappeared and muttered.)

Harry looked at Moody strangely.

"In fact, I am the one who was entrusted to deal with this matter." Fake

Moody continued to talk nonsense with his eyes open. "The monster was

designed by Mr. Ye. When we discovered that the monster he designed

would cause no warrior to win the championship. At the time of the

trophy, the game had already started and there was no way. As the most

experienced person among the patrol officers, I was assigned to handle

this matter."

"So..." Harry's tone implied excitement, and he vaguely guessed


"Yes," Moody nodded affirmatively, "So, if it wasn't for you to reach the

end too early, in fact, after you reach the end, this monster shouldn't stay

there, that is Say……"

"In other words, it's not cheating for me to get the championship trophy

right now, right." Harry almost shouted excitedly.

"That's right, kid." The fake Moody finally breathed a sigh of relief when

Harry finally believed it. "So, go and enjoy your glory."

Harry's eyes moved to the trophy. In the light of the trophy, he was in a

trance, as if he saw himself holding it out of the maze. He raised the top

three cup high, and the crowd cheered in his ears; he saw Qiu's face

overflowing with admiration, which was clearer than ever...

In the eyes of the fake Moody and the three people hiding in the corner,

he limped forward and raised his hand above the shiny handle of the


"Aren't you going to stop him?" Hermione looked at Ye Ting anxiously, a

little ready to move, "If it's a little bit later, it will be irretrievable


"No," Ye Ting shook his head, "Let's take a look."

Although they were quite worried about Harry's situation, the two girls

still believed in Ye Ting more.

So they watched Harry grab the handle of the trophy.

Then, there was a twist around the trophy, and Harry disappeared


"Sure enough, that's a door key!" Hermione screamed out of voice, but

because of Ye Ting's absolute bell, her voice was still not heard by fake


The fake Moody seemed to have finally accomplished a great task. His

posture suddenly changed, no longer like Moody, crouching and limping,

although he was still holding Moody’s face, but now he seems to be It

was another person, a much younger person.

He laughed wildly for a while, and the laughter made the two girls


Unlike the original book, he dared not stay at Hogwarts this time. Just

now, his disguise and purpose were revealed by Hermione. In order to

help Harry get through the final BOSS, he gave up on Ye Ting. ,

Hermione, and Fleur went to an end, but chose to support Harry. In this

case, it would be a matter of time before he himself was exposed to

everyone, and now returning to Hogwarts is purely self-inflicted.

"Just let you go this time, old blind man (referring to real Moody)." He

said bitterly.

After speaking, he turned around and only heard a crackle that the fake

Moody also apparated and disappeared-although Hogwarts could not

apparate, but because of Dumbledore's mechanism, the trophy is an

exception here.

"They are all gone, what should we do?" Furong looked at Ye Ting and

asked in a bewilderment. She really couldn't imagine that such a

conspiracy was hidden in the Triwizard Tournament.

Hermione’s previous speculation about the trophy was still a bit

unbelievable, but now it seems that she is very lucky. If it is her who

wins the championship, the consequences will be disastrous. The other

end of the door key must be a dangerous place, maybe There are all

Death Eaters there.

When she was fortunate that it was not she who was being teleported, Ye

Ting's words made her luck come to nothing.

"Let's follow." Ye Ting said without hesitation.

Item 0281

"Are you crazy?" Furong screamed at Ye Ting, "The opposite of the door

key may be their old lair. We will be surrounded by Death Eaters!"

"No," Ye Ting shook his head, "As long as we are well hidden, no one can

find us. Didn't we just hide under the eyelids of the two of them?"

Ye Ting's words left her speechless for a while.

Ye Ting was right. The three of them were indeed very close to the

battlefield between the fake Moody and the spider. Moreover, the maze

has been quiet and terrible. It stands to reason that any disturbance will

cause the fake Moody and the spider. vigilance.

But no matter how noisy they were just now, they were shocked, Moody

and Big Spider seemed to be deaf and blind, hearing and seeing nothing.

Furong had to admit that Ye Ting did hide some tricks.

Ordinary wizards, who want to hide their body, use the phantom spell.

This is a spell like a chameleon. The effect is to hide by changing the

color of the whole body, but the effect is not good. After all, the existence

of humans is contoured. .

Some high-end methods are invisibility spells, only wizards who are

proficient in phantom spells can use this spell, but truly powerful wizards

can still see through invisibility spells-the method is to discover that

someone is invisible through the defects of the invisibility spell itself: the

invisibility spell itself produces powerful A powerful wizard can detect

such traces at a glance.

However, Ye Ting's latent method is different, his method is not a change

in appearance, but to hide by reducing the sense of existence.

Through the research of unmarkable spells, Muggle hidden spells and

other spells, Ye Ting found out how the wizard can control the sense of

presence, and created a presence reduction potion.

People who drink the presence reduction potion will feel like they are

wearing a Doraemon stone hat, reducing their sense of existence by

dozens of times, so that even if they are seen by others, they will be

subconsciously ignored, which is different from the phantom spell. ,

Invisibility spell, the effect of reducing the sense of presence has an effect

no matter how powerful a wizard is, unless the other party also drinks

the same potion.

Only people who drink this potion can treat each other normally.

Of course, concealing by reducing the sense of presence also has

disadvantages, that is, if you force certain actions that are very present,

such as singing and dancing, talking loudly, standing under the eyes of

others, or being a person There is too much sense of presence, so even

this kind of potion can't suppress the bursting sense of presence.

However, as long as there is a little cover, plus the sound of the Absolute

Bell to absorb the sound, as long as they don't get within five meters of

Voldemort or Dumbledore, they won't even be able to find anyone using

this potion.

It was precisely because of such a method that Ye Ting dared to say that

he wanted to track Harry and the fake Moody-otherwise it would not be a

stalking, but an honest invasion.

"So, do you want to go together?" Ye Ting asked casually.


"I don't want to be excluded!"

The two girls categorically agreed.

So Ye Ting pulled one hand in hand, and the three of them gathered

around the position of the trophy.

With Ye Ting's knowledge of space, he had already cracked the

coordinates of the trophy's door key as early as the beginning.

So, only hearing a crackle, the figures of the three were twisted and

disappeared into the maze.

The space in front of them changed for a while, and then they finally felt

their feet touch the ground.

The legs of the two girls softened and they almost fell, and Ye Ting

forcefully helped them up.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 203:

"Where are we?" Hermione asked.

Ye Ting shook his head. He stabilized the two girls, and the three of them

looked around.

It was completely outside of Hogwarts, and they had apparently moved

several miles—perhaps hundreds of miles, because even the mountains

surrounding the castle were gone.

Standing on a dark overgrown cemetery, they could see the black outline

of a small church behind a tall yew tree on the right. On the left is a hill,

and they can recognize an exquisite old house on the hillside.

"There is no one around." Ye Ting concluded after looking around.

"But it's still scary." Furong said. She looked at the cemetery, and the

surrounding was gloomy and silent. "Is this a gathering place for Death


"I don't know." Hermione said, her voice a little nervous. "Pull out your

wand, what do you think?"

"Okay." Fleur was glad that Hermione said it first-now she didn't look


They drew out their wands, then lowered their bodies and looked for a

direction to walk forward.

"I saw people." Ye Ting said suddenly.

So the three people found a larger tombstone and hid behind the


They saw several people standing in front of them, and Hermione

recognized that one of them was relatively short, and the limping one

was Harry Potter, who seemed to be bent over, clutching his forehead.

Then, seeing a flash of red light, Harry was hit by the spell and fell to the


A short man in a cloak put down his baggage, lit his wand, and dragged

Harry towards a marble tombstone.

The three took advantage of this opportunity to get closer, and now they

could see more clearly.

Ye Ting pointed at the three of them with his magic wand.

"Ears are clear and eyes are clear."

This is Ye Ting's own investigative spell, which can increase eyesight and

hearing in a short time.

The man in the cloak used magic to conjure a rope to tie Harry tightly to

the tombstone, one after another from neck to ankle. They even heard

rapid, slight breathing from inside the hood. Hardy struggled, the man

hit him-they found out. The man was missing a finger on Harry's hand.

"It's Wormtail, Pettigrew Peter!" Hermione blurted out, and then she gave

Fleur some background information about Peter.

These were what Ye Ting told her last year.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a big snake snaking on the grass,

spinning around his tombstone. Wormtail's wheezing gasps rang again,

and he pushed a stone cauldron under the grave. This crucible is very

large and can accommodate an adult sitting in it. The crucible is full of


Wormtail was busy using his wand to punctuate the bottom of the

cauldron. Suddenly there was a crackling flame under the cauldron. The

serpent swam into the darkness.

The liquid in the crucible heated up very quickly, and the surface not

only started to boil, but also sparks burst out like it was burning. The

steam thickened, and Wormtail's figure looking after the flames became


Suddenly, they saw Wormtail's baggage on the ground move, and a

sharp, cold voice came.


Sparks are now flashing across the surface of the water, as if encrusted

with diamonds.

"It's done, master."

"Now..." said the cold voice.

Wormtail pulled away the baggage from the ground, revealing what was


Hermione and Fleur screamed immediately, but the Absolute Bell

absorbed their voices well.

Chapter 0282: Return of Voldemort

It was as if Peter slammed open a stone, revealing a slimy, ugly thing

without eyes—no, it was more terrifying than that, a hundred times more

terrifying. The thing Peter carried looked like a curled up baby, but

Hermione and Fleur had never seen anything less like a baby. It has no

hair, it seems to have scales on its body, and its skin is dark and red, like

wounded tender flesh. Its arms and legs are thin and soft, and its face—

no living child has such a face—is a flat snake face with gleaming red


The thing looked completely incapable of taking care of itself. It raised its

thin arms and put its arms around Wormtail's neck. Wormtail held it in

his hands. Peter's hood fell off at this time, and the girls saw his pale and

weak face in the firelight with an expression of disgust.

Peter took the thing to the edge of the cauldron and put it into the

cauldron. With a hissing sound, it sank. They even heard the soft sound

of its soft body touching the bottom of the cauldron.

"Then...what is that thing?" Furong asked in a trembling voice.

Hermione also had a chill, and they were disgusted with nausea.

"That is our worst enemy," Ye Ting said in a deep voice.

"Could it be he..." Hermione was surprised, but she immediately covered

her mouth.

If she pronounced that name, the three of them would definitely be


Ye Ting nodded silently.

The two girls fell silent and kept silent. They were afraid that the baby-

like Voldemort would spot them at any time, and then rushed over and

killed them in front of them-even if the sound of the bell has been able to

guarantee that they would not even sing "GiliGiliEye". People will

perceive them-as if they can avoid being spotted in this way.

Ye Ting took the girls' hands, the hands of the two girls were cold and

they were still shaking constantly.

However, his powerful hands and the heat in his palms made the girls

feel relieved temporarily.

On the other side, Peter was talking, his voice trembling, as if he was

frightened and nervous.

He raised his wand, closed his eyes, and said to the night sky: "Father's

bones, accidentally donated, can make your son regenerate!"

The tomb at Harry's feet cracked open, and a small cloud of dust rose into

the air at Peter's call, and gently fell into the cauldron. The diamond-like

liquid surface burst, hissed, sparks splashed, and the liquid turned a

bright red blue, which was poisonous at first glance.

Wormtail was whimpering. He drew a long, thin, silver dagger from his

cloak. His voice suddenly turned into a sob of extreme fear: "The servant-

the meat-donated voluntarily, can make-your master-rebirth."

He stretched out his right hand-the hand with one missing finger, then

held the dagger tightly with his left hand and waved it towards the right


The dagger was so sharp that Peter's palm broke, and the two girls

couldn't bear to cover their eyes.

The screams that penetrated the night sky pierced their ears, and then

they heard something fall to the ground, Wormtail's painful gasps,

followed by a disgusting thump, and something was thrown into the


The next moment, the potion turned fiery red.

Wormtail came to Harry in painful gasps and groans.

"The blood of the enemy, the enemy... is forced to donate... to resurrect

your enemy..."

Harry struggled desperately, trying to break free of the ropes that bound

him, but he was too tightly trapped to stop it.

The tip of the dagger pierced his arm, and blood ran down the torn

sleeve of the robe. Still panting in pain, Peter tremblingly took out a

small glass bottle from his pocket and placed it next to Harry's wound. A

small amount of blood poured into the bottle.

He staggered towards the cauldron with Harry's blood and poured it in.

The liquid in the cauldron immediately turned dazzling white. Wormtail

completed the task, knelt down beside the cauldron, slumped to the

ground, panting and sobbing with his bleeding broken arm.

The crucible was about to boil, and the diamond-like sparks splashed

around, so bright and dazzling, everything around it turned into a black

velvety color.

I wish it had drowned, the girls thought unrealistically, I wish it would

not succeed...

In fact, they knew that success is the best ending. After all, Ye Ting said

that Voldemort must be resurrected first and then killed again. However,

facing the scene of Voldemort's resurrection, they are still scared, the

instinct of fear Let them refuse all this to happen.

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 204:

Suddenly, the sparks on the crucible went out. A white vapor rose from

the cauldron, and then, through the white mist in front of them, they

were horrified to see the black figure of a man slowly rising from the

cauldron, tall and thin, like a skeleton.

Is that the legendary Voldemort?

Furong and she shrank into Ye Ting's arms, completely afraid to face all

this, even Hermione clung to Ye Ting's arm, nervous and frightened, she

subconsciously used force to grab Ye Ting's arm deeply. mark.

"Cloth me." The cold, shrill voice said behind the steam. Wormtail sobbed

and groaned, still protecting his stumped arm, hurriedly grabbed the

black robe wrapped in a blanket from the ground, stood up, and put it on

his master's head with one hand.

The thin man stepped out of the cauldron and began to examine his


His hands were like big pale spiders, and his slender and pale fingers

stroked his chest, arms, and face; those red eyes appeared brighter in the

dark, and his pupils were split like cat eyes. He raised his hands, moved

his fingers, his expression was ecstatic, he ignored the **** and twitching

Wormtail on the ground, or the big snake-it swam back sometime, hissing

around Harry. Spin around.

Voldemort put his strangely long fingers into a deep pocket and drew out

a magic wand. He stroked the wand lightly again, then raised it to point

at Wormtail, picked him up from the ground, and threw it on the

tombstone where Harry was tied up. Wormtail fell beside the tombstone

and slumped there weeping. Voldemort turned his bright red eyes to

Harry, and let out a cold, sharp smirk.

Bend down, pulled Wormtail's left arm, and rolled his sleeve to his elbow,

revealing the black mark on his skin.

"We... We saw that sign on the night of the World Cup..." Furong said


Hermione energized her and explained to her the meaning of the Dark


Seeing Voldemort pressing his long, pale index finger on Peter's mark of

the Dark Devil, Fleur seemed even more frightened.

"He... he is summoning Death Eaters... right?" Furong said in a voice that

was so small that it was almost inaudible. Before, anyway...Anyway, we

have seen the Dark Lord's...resurrected."

"No hurry, no hurry," Ye Ting shook his head lightly, "I still have one last

goal that I haven't accomplished. That is, let the Dark Lord kill Harry."

Chapter 0283 Voldemort and the Death Eaters

Today Voldemort is full of ambition. Under the plan of the Death Eaters,

he not only regained his body, but also brought his big enemy to the


Now, Voldemort treats Harry purely as a cat and mouse, and he is even

in the mood to talk to Harry about his father.

"...You are standing on my father's bones." He hissed softly. "He's a

Muggle and idiot, just like your mother. But they are all useful, aren't

they? You little At the time, your mother died to protect you, and I killed

my father. You see, how useful he was after his death..."

He recounted the experience of his parents, recounted his birth, and

continued to pace while talking, scanning back and forth between the

graves with red eyes.

"...Listen to me, listen to my family history..." He said softly, "Ah, I'm a

little sad...but look, Harry! My real family is back..."

The air was suddenly filled with cloaked Xixi pawns. Between the tombs,

behind the cedar trees, there are wizards apparitions in every dark place.

They all wore hoods and covered their faces.

Only the Death Eaters would still maintain this attire today.

They came one by one... They walked slowly and carefully, as if they

couldn't believe their eyes.

Voldemort stood there in silence and waited. A Death Eater fell to his

knees, climbed up to Voldemort, and kissed the hem of his black robe.

"Master...Master..." he whispered.

It was the same with the Death Eaters behind him. Everyone knelt and

crawled to Voldemort's side, kissed his robes, and then stepped aside,

stood up, and silently formed a circle, connecting Tom Riddle’s grave,

Harry, and Voldemort. Surrounded by Peter Peter, who was paralyzed on

the ground, weeping and twitching. But there are still some gaps in the

circle, as if waiting for others to join.

Hermione and Furong couldn't bother to ask Ye Ting about the shocking

remarks he had just said. They covered their mouths nervously, stared

carefully at the faces under the hoods of the Death Eaters, trying their

best to identify their true identities.

However, Voldemort didn't seem to expect anyone to come anymore. He

looked around the faces in the hood. Although there was no wind, there

seemed to be a faint rustling sound in the circle, as if the circle shivered.

"Welcome, Death Eaters," Voldemort said quietly, "Thirteen years... It's

been thirteen years since our last assembly. But you still answer my call

as you did yesterday... That is, we are still united. Under the Dark Mark!

Isn't it?"

"I smell guilt," Voldemort said. "There is a smell of guilt in the air."

The Death Eaters in the circle shivered again, it seemed that everyone

wanted to step back, but didn't dare to move.

"I see you, healthy and healthy, with the same magical powers as before-

arrived so quickly!-I asked myself... Why don't these wizards always come

to help their masters, help them who sworn allegiance to them forever?"

Obviously, Voldemort was quite angry at what the Death Eaters had done

over the years. He was furious at the Death Eaters, causing them to


Someone immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, but what was

waiting for him was a heart-piercing curse.

Then, he finally gave Peter Pettigrew the reward of resurrecting him-he

raised his wand and danced in the air. On the head of the wand was

drawn a band of light like molten silver. At first, it had no shape, and

then the band of light twisted. It became a gleaming human hand, as

bright as moonlight. It flew down on its own and rested on Peter's

bleeding wrist.

Seeing this scene, Ye Ting shook his head in admiration.

It seemed that Voldemort was not a fool who ruled everything purely

with fear, he was still a leader.

After returning, he summoned his past men and furious with those who

were present.

However, although he was very angry, he actually only picked up these

Death Eaters, put it down gently, and punished one of them with the

Drilling Curse. He didn't really kill them because of his anger, but

appropriate. Shows his belly volume.

After all, he still needs people to do things for him, and this threat is

enough to make these Death Eaters obediently obedient.

However, those Death Eaters who did not come are different. Those

Death Eaters who responded to the call can be forgiven, and those who

did not come, ha ha...

In addition, his reward for Peter is to show that the rewards and

punishments are distinct-it is clear that Peter resurrected Voldemort out

of fear of old friends such as Lupin and Black, rather than loyalty.

After reporting back to Peter, Voldemort walked to the man to his right.

"Lucius, my cunning friend," he stopped in front of the man and

whispered, "I heard that you did not give up your past behavior, even

though you put on a stern face in front of the world. I believe it. Are you

still willing to take the lead in torturing Muggles? But you never looked

for me, Lucius... Your actions in the Quidditch World Cup are quite

interesting... But if you spend your energy on finding and helping your

master , Isn't it better?"

"Master, I have always been very careful," Lucius Malfoy's voice quickly

came from under the hood, "As long as there is any signal from you, as

long as there is any rumors about your whereabouts, I will rush to you

immediately. , Nothing can stop me—"

"But when a faithful Death Eater launched my mark into the air last

summer, you ran away." Voldemort said lazily—Mr. Malfoy shut his

mouth suddenly, "Yeah, I know. Lucius...you disappoint me...I hope you

will serve me more faithfully in the future."

"Of course, master, of course... you are generous, thank you..."

Lucius Malfoy was the representative of the pure-blooded family who

took refuge in Voldemort. Voldemort's words meant that he would no

longer hold these people accountable, and everyone was relieved.

Then Voldemort took two steps, stopped, and looked at the gap between

Malfoy and the person next to him—the gap was enough for two people.

This was originally the location of the Leicester couple, but the loyal

doglegs of Voldemort were still in Azkaban.

Voldemort announced loudly that he would rescue the couple and give

them a huge reward. He also declared that the dementors of Azkaban

would join them.

Finally, he stood in front of a guy in funny clothes.

The man in front of him looked quite young, but he was wearing a set of

tattered old-fashioned clothes, with a magic eye tied to his head, one

bare foot, and a prosthetic leg beside his foot.

"It's that guy. He wears Professor Moody's clothes, but he has changed

back to his original shape." Hermione whispered.

This is Barty Crouch Jr., who pretended to be Moody with the compound


"Ah, Barty Crouch," Voldemort looked at him with hollow red eyes, "I

know that you are my most loyal servant and have been working for me.

You sneaked into Hogwarts alone, **** it. Thanks to your efforts, our

little friends will come here tonight..."

Barty Crouch Jr. bowed to Voldemort proudly. There was a small

commotion among the Death Eaters, and they secretly exchanged


Item 0284

Finally, Voldemort finished training his men and began to deal with

Harry Potter.

This is that Hermione and Furong finally thought of what Ye Ting had

said before.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 205:

"You just said that you want that person to kill Harry." Hermione looked

at Ye Ting suspiciously, "Why is this?"

Furong also cast a curious look at the right time.

They didn't think Ye Ting had an antagonism with Harry. Although Harry

did like one of Ye Ting's girlfriends, Zhang Qiu, Ye Ting had never been

interested in them at all for such an incompetent opponent.

They felt that Ye Ting must have a deeper reason.

So Ye Ting finally began to solve their puzzles.

"Do you know Horcrux?" he asked.

Fleur shook her head blankly, but Hermione tried hard to remember.

"I remember... I saw this word in a black magic profile in the restricted

book zone." Hermione frowned, thinking, "The book says, this is... this is

a very evil thing." , Very evil, that refers to an object that hides part of a

person’s soul."

"But, how do human souls hide in objects?" Furong pointed out

doubtfully, "is it similar to becoming a ghost?"

"No, it's not a ghost." Hermione shook her head. "The Horcrux means that

you split your soul and hide part of it in an object outside of your


"Then, even if your body is attacked or destroyed, you can't die because

there is still a part of your soul left in the world, unharmed." Ye Ting


Furong cast an admiring look at the two of them, and she had to admit

that compared to the two knowledgeable people in front of her, she was

far from the best student of Busbarton.

"However, few people want to be like that, less and less. It's easier to die."

Ye Ting sighed and shook his head. "Remember the Dark Lord on the

back of Professor Quirrell's head in the first grade? And the one you just

saw. That baby-like thing, trust me, no one wants to fall into that state

except that lunatic."

"You mean, Voldemort survived and resurrected by splitting his soul and

making Horcrux?" The two girls suddenly realized.

"In other words, that diary is one of the Horcruxes!" Hermione suddenly

woke up.

"Yes." Ye Ting nodded.

In fact, this is Voldemort's greatest secret, except for Ye Ting, only

Dumbledore used to know.

Because Horcrux is the basis of Voldemort's survival, once the secret is

known, he will do his best to eradicate all insiders. For safety reasons,

Dumbledore did not disclose this news to anyone.

At this time, a few more people knew about it.

"So, is there any connection between Horcrux and asking Voldemort to

kill Harry?" The two girls still didn't understand.

"Be patient." Ye Ting continued to explain, "You must understand that the

soul should remain intact. To split it is a violation and anti-natural. And

through the evil behavior-the most evil behavior, through the murder

society To split the soul, sorcerers who want to make Horcrux use this

destruction to seal up the split soul fragments."

But the girls still didn't understand what it had to do with Harry.

"Do you know?" Ye Ting continued, "The Dark Lord is Slytherin's heir, but

Harry is also a snakelike voice, and he will often dream of the Dark Lord.

His lightning scars will be caused by the Dark Lord. The power and

pain... the Dark Lord died of a death curse that Harry bounced back."

"Should...Is Harry also the Dark Lord's Horcrux!?" Hermione suddenly put

forward a bold hypothesis, "The Dark Lord's soul fragment is with Harry,

so...that's why he owns the Dark Lord's She speaks like a snake, and has a

certain connection with the Dark Lord."

"You guessed it." Ye Ting snapped his fingers.

"So, you want the Dark Lord to kill Harry, which is equivalent to

destroying one of his own Horcruxes." With Ye Ting's approval,

Hermione's analysis became smoother, "Even...due to the existence of

soul fragments, Harry will not really die. After all, you said that the

Killing Curse...The Killing Curse directly affects the soul! With the soul

fragments of the Dark Lord as a barrier, Harry will survive!"

"That's right," Ye Ting nodded and added, "In addition, Harry's mother's

protective magic for Harry will actually last until he reaches adulthood-as

long as he considers the home of a blood relative of his mother. My own

home-before this protection magic expires, the Dark Lord’s killing curse

will not hurt Harry, but last year I managed to get Sirius Black to redress

his grievances. Although Dumbledore tried his best to stop it, it was

finally driven by me. , Harry lived in his godfather's house, that is to say,

the protection magic is no longer valid, and Voldemort can actually hurt


Now, everything was clear. The two girls looked at Ye Ting with awe and

admiration. The man in front of him was nothing short of a plan. He

started planning for this as early as a year ago, even though they didn’t.

They figured out how Ye Ting calculated today's situation, but they knew

that Voldemort was obviously going to suffer the consequences today: he

would become one of his murderers.

If Voldemort knew all this, he would vomit blood with anger.

At this time, their eyes relaxed a lot when they looked at Voldemort.

And now, surrounded by Death Eaters, Voldemort began to play cat and

mouse games.

"I think you have seen how stupid it is to think that this boy is better

than me," Voldemort said, "but I want to completely eliminate the

misunderstanding in everyone's mind. Harry? Potter escaped from me by

a fluke. .Now I’m going to kill him to prove my strength, right here and

now, in front of you, there is no Dumbledore to protect him, nor his

mother to sacrifice for him. I will give him. Chances are, he can fight

with me so that you won’t doubt who is stronger. Put him down,

Wormtail, and return his wand to him."

Peter approached Harry, and Harry tried desperately to reach the ground

with his feet so as to support his body before the rope was untied.

Wormtail lifted the silver hand on Xin'an, took out the rag stuffed in

Harry's mouth, and waved his hand to cut the rope that tied Harry to the

tombstone, and rudely stuffed Harry's wand into his hand.

"Have you learned to fight, Harry Potter?" Voldemort asked softly, his red

eyes shining in the dark.

Hearing this, Harry remembered that he had participated in a short duel

club two years ago. It seemed like something in his previous life... He

only learned the disarming spell like "Weapon except you"... But even if

he What's the use of being able to take Voldemort's wand away?

Surrounded by Death Eaters, his ratio was at least thirty to one.

He has not learned anything useful here. Voldemort was right, no mother

came to rescue him this time... he had no protection at all.

"Let's bow to each other, Harry," Voldemort said and leaned back, but his

snake face kept looking at Harry. "Come on, etiquette is to be observed...

Dumbledore must hope you behave well. Grace... Bow to death, Harry..."

The Death Eaters laughed again. Voldemort's lipsless mouth smiled.

Harry didn't bend down, he wouldn't let Voldemort play with him before

killing him... he wouldn't let him succeed...

"I said, bow." Voldemort raised his wand-Harry felt his spine bend, as if

an invisible hand was pressing his back mercilessly. The Death Eaters

laughed harder.

"Very good," Voldemort said softly, raising his wand, and the pressure on

Harry's back disappeared. "Now you look at me, like a man... with your

head up and your chest tall, just like when your father died..."

"Now—we are fighting."

Item 0285

Under the watchful eyes of the Death Eaters and Ye Ting, Voldemort and

Harry's duel began.

No, it was not so much a duel as it was a one-sided torture.

Voldemort raised his wand. Before Harry had time to defend himself,

before he even had time to move, he was hit by the Heartbreaking Curse.

Severe pain occupies everything. He doesn't know where he is... Every

inch of his skin is pricked with a white-hot knife, and his head must be

cracking with pain. He screamed screaming, he had never made such a

screaming scream in his life--

Fleur lowered her head and Hermione closed her eyes, but the Death

Eaters were excited.

Then it stopped, and Harry rolled over and got up, shaking

uncontrollably like Peter had just cut off his hand. He staggered into a

wall of Death Eaters, and they pushed him back to Voldemort.

"Pause," Voldemort said, and his two slit nostrils widened with

excitement. "Resting for a while...it hurts, Harry? You don't want me to

do it again, do you?"

Harry didn't answer, he would die like his mother. Those cruel red eyes

are telling him this... he will be killed, and he has nothing to do about

it... but he won't give in, he won't listen to Voldemort's mercy... he won't

beg for mercy...

"I ask if you want me to do it again," Voldemort said softly, "answer me!

Out of my soul!"

Suddenly, Harry felt that there was no thought in his mind. This was the

third time in his life that he felt this way... How happy, without thinking,

he seemed to be floating, dreaming... Say "Don't"... Let's... ...Say "don't"...

I don’t say, there is a stronger voice deep in his mind saying, I don’t


Say "don't"...

I will not say, never say...

Say "don't"

"I will not say!"

These words burst out of Harry’s mouth and echoed over the cemetery,

and the dreamy state suddenly disappeared, as if being poured with a

basin of cold water — all the pain left by the heart-drilling curse on his

body came back again— —He realized again where he was and what was

in front of him...

Although Harry himself was very weak and looked down upon Ye Ting,

Ye Ting also had to admit that Harry's ability to defeat Voldemort in the

original work proved that he still had some merits.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 206:

Just now, he actually broke Voldemort's Imperius curse with his own


Although the reasons for this are very complicated, such as the fragments

of Voldemort's soul in Harry's body, such as Voldemort just holding an

attitude of playing with him and not casting spells with all his strength,

but this is enough to prove that Harry is one of the advantages of being a

savior-strong enough Will.

Even Ye Ting nodded approvingly, giving him a high look.

"Don't you?" Voldemort said softly. The Death Eaters stopped laughing.

"You won't say'no'? Harry, I will teach you the virtues of obedience before

you die...maybe a little more pain?"

Voldemort raised his wand, but this time Harry was prepared. Relying on

the agility he had developed in the Quidditch match, he swooped to the

side and rolled behind the marble tombstone. The spell was blown away,

but he heard the sound of the tombstone opening open.

"We're not playing hide-and-seek, Harry," Voldemort said softly, and the

cold voice was approaching, and the Death Eaters were laughing. "You

can't hide from me. Does this mean you are tired of our duel? You? Do

you want me to end it now, Harry? Come out, Harry... Come out to a

duel... Soon... Not even painful... I don't know... I haven't tasted death..."

At this moment, Ye Ting looked back at the two girls.

"The time has come, I'm going to shoot," he reminded, "be prepared."

The two girls were a little nervous. They knew what Ye Ting's shot

meant: the spell was quite conspicuous. Once Ye Ting shot it, their sense

of presence would greatly increase, which meant that the potion that

lowered their sense of presence could not hide them. They must face

Voldemort and a dozen Death Eaters.

This is a scene that even Dumbledore may not be able to handle.

However, they looked at Ye Ting and nodded firmly.

They decided to advance and retreat together with Ye Ting and entrust

everything to him.

Ye Ting stuffed a few red heart badges with "+1" in their hands.

"The experiments in the maze have proved that this life-saving badge is

effective," Ye Ting said with a smile, "but I don't make much, so you have

to be careful."

At this moment, Harry was curled up behind the tombstone.

He knew it was all over—no hope...Isolated and helpless. He listened to

Voldemort's approach, with only one thought in his mind, which

transcended fear and reason: he couldn't curl up and die here like a hide-

and-seek kid; he couldn't kneel at Voldemort's feet... he had to stand like

his father. To die, to die in self-defense, even though self-defense is


Before Voldemort's snake face turned to the tombstone, Harry stood up...

He clenched his wand, held it in front of him, and rushed out, facing


But Voldemort was also prepared.

While Harry was about to yell "Except your weapon!" Voldemort yelled,


However, Voldemort's killing curse had been shot, but Harry's disarming

curse stopped in his mouth.

A faster disarming spell was shot behind a tombstone that no one had

expected, and it hit Harry's back in the blink of an eye.

Harry was staggered by the attack, and the wand in his hand flew out. At

this moment, a man stood up from behind the tombstone, and he reached

out and grabbed Harry's wand.

It was not until this time that Voldemort and the Death Eaters discovered

that there were still three people hidden behind the tombstone!

They couldn't believe that there were three people hiding under their

noses, but they knew nothing.

However, for Voldemort, another thing that happened now was more

important to him.

The green killing curse hit Harry, and he flew out like a ragdoll, hit the

Death Eater's wall, and then fell softly to the ground.

At this moment, his mouth was half open, and there was no light in his

eyes. He was dead.

However, at the same time, Voldemort himself slammed and fell to the

ground. The Death Eaters immediately ignored Harry, and did not care

about the sudden appearance of the three Ye Ting. They panicked around

and wanted to take a look. Voldemort's current state.

Because Voldemort was killed by Harry's rebound of the curse, but there

was a criminal record-although there was no scene of the curse

rebounding just now.

But Ye Ting knew why this was. This was because Voldemort's soul

fragments in Harry's body were destroyed, and he himself was weakened

at this moment because of the feedback of the destruction of the soul-of

course, he would soon be able to recover.

However, even so, Voldemort still forced a hoarse voice.

"I'm fine!"

With the support of the Death Eaters, he stood up again, and then looked

in the direction of Ye Ting's trio.

"Let's see, who is the little mouse that sneaked in."

Item 0289

Being watched by Voldemort and a group of Death Eaters, Hermione and

Fleur were still very panicked. They used their courage and pointed their

wands at the dark wizards on the opposite side vigilantly. As long as

there was something wrong, they would launch an attack.

However, Ye Ting himself was very calm.

Not to mention that Voldemort has just been resurrected, and then under

his calculations, he stupidly destroyed one of his Horcruxes and fell into

a state of weakness. Even if Voldemort is in his heyday, Ye Ting has the

confidence to take the two girls away safely. .

He looked at Voldemort mockingly and smiled slightly.

"How are you, ‘fell the enemy’, did you forget me if you haven’t seen me

for three years?"

Voldemort looked at Ye Ting intently for a while, then his face changed


"It's you!" His expression became savage in an instant, "You are the boy

who destroyed the Philosopher's Stone and ruined my good deeds!"

It seemed that he recognized Ye Ting.

Also right, when Ye Ting brought his friends to compete with Professor

Quirrell for the Philosopher’s Stone at Hogwarts, he really impressed

Voldemort—he was defeated twice by Ye Ting, who was only the first

grader. inside.

"You dare to appear in front of me." Voldemort's angry expression

suddenly turned into a sulky smile. "Three years ago, you really

impressed me, but I was so weak at that time, and now I am He has

regained his body and returned to my friends, and you dare to appear in

front of me—you are surrendering yourself!"

The Death Eaters stood beside Voldemort knowingly, and a dozen wands

pointed at Ye Ting.

"Ah, what a wonderful destiny." Voldemort made an aria-like voice in his

hoarse voice, "I, the great Dark Lord, after his resurrection, not only

killed Harry Potter, but also another enemy. Ting Ye Dajia came to my

rebirth party. We might even call you a special guest."

There was silence.

Then, the Death Eater to the right of Peter Pettigrew took a step forward,

and came Lucius under the mask? Malfoy's voice.

"Master, we are eager to know... I beg you to tell us... how you

accomplished this... this miracle... come back to us..."

"Ah, it's a long story, Lucius," Voldemort said. "I was stripped of my body.

I was worse than a ghost, worse than the humblest wandering soul...but

I'm still alive. What am I, until now? I don’t even know...I, someone who

walks farther than anyone on the road to longevity."

"I remember that in those days and nights when I couldn't close my eyes,

I just forced myself to live again and again every second... I hid in a

remote forest and waited... my loyal Death Eaters would definitely think

The way to find me... There must be someone who will use magic that I

can't perform and return me a flesh... But I waited for nothing..."

The Death Eater circle shuddered again. Voldemort let the terror escalate

in silence, and then continued: "I have only one magic power left, and I

can attach it to others. But I dare not go to crowded places because I

know Aurors are still looking for me everywhere. I sometimes attach to

animals-snakes are of course my favorite use-but they are not much

better than pure ghosts, because their bodies are not suitable for magic...

and my possession shortens their lifespan, they Didn't live long..."

"Later, four years ago, there seemed to be hope for my resurrection. A

young, stupid, and easily fooled wizard walked into the forest where I

was staying, and happened to be hit by me. Oh, that seemed to be the

opportunity I dreamed of. Because he was a teacher in Dumbledore’s

school-he was easily manipulated by me. He took me back to this

country, and then I attached him to him, closely monitored him, and

guided him to carry out my orders. But my plan failed. , I did not steal

the Philosopher’s Stone, and there is no guarantee of immortality. I was

frustrated, and this time, it was this boy who frustrated me. He burned

the Philosopher’s Stone with fierce fire in front of me!"

There was another silence, there was no movement, even the leaves of

the yew were still. The Death Eaters were motionless, their shining eyes

on their masks stared at Voldemort, then at Harry.

"The servant died after I left his body, and I became as weak as before."

Voldemort continued, "I went back to that remote hiding place. I don't

want to boast to you and say I was not worried. I can’t regain my magic

power again...yes, that might be my darkest time...I can’t hope that

another wizard will come to my door... and I no longer imagine any

Death Eater caring about my condition..."

At this moment, Voldemort seemed to be talking. He began to talk about

his resurrection experience, including how Peter Pettigrew got

information about the Triwizard Tournament and how he wanted to rob

Harry on the night of the Quidditch World Cup. How to arrange for Barty

Crouch Jr. to sneak into Hogwarts and arrange the conspiracy afterwards.

Surprisingly, Ye Ting did not interrupt him. At this moment, both Ye Ting

and Voldemort knew that the other party was delaying time.

Voldemort needed time to recover from his weakness just now, and Ye

Ting wanted to wait for Harry to wake up again.

He knew that Harry was hit by Voldemort’s killing curse. Although he

would not really die, he would temporarily fall between life and death.

His soul would temporarily enter the living world on the way to the other

shore, but it was different from real death, ha Lee will eventually return

to this world.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 207:

However, during this time, Harry may run into his parents, they will

have a lot to say, and it will take a while.

Voldemort completely disregarded the law of the villain's death due to a

lot of talk, and continued his speech, as if he wanted to vent all the

unwillingness and grievances he had suffered over the years after his


At this moment, Harry's "corpse" had been completely ignored, and Ye

Ting saw with sharp eyes, his fingers moved slightly.

Ye Ting knew that he was about to wake up now.

Finally, Voldemort finished his long talk. Now, he stared at Ye Ting

coldly and announced loudly.

"kill him!"

Like more than a dozen guns fired together, all Death Eaters, including

Voldemort himself, shot various black magic from the tips of their wands.

Ye Ting heard the killing curse, the drill curse, the explosion curse, the

splitting curse, and the petrification curse. Wait, these spells not only

shot at Ye Ting, but also at the two girls behind him.

Behind Ye Ting, Furong and Hermione looked quite calm in the face of

such a scene. Furong chanted an obstacle curse, while Hermione closed

her eyes and focused, probably because she wanted to transform into

Animagus. .

If she becomes a giant dragon, although she is still a young dragon, these

attacks will only severely wound her, but will not really kill her.

In fact, Ye Ting could do the same. With the maturity of his dragon form,

these attacks would only cause him to be slightly injured.

However, Ye Ting did not choose to transform.

He just waved it gently, "The Weaver", and said a spell that no one had

heard of.

"The white horse crossed the gap."

In the next moment, everything except Ye Ting became motionless,

Voldemort's hideous expression solidified, the fluttering sleeves of the

Death Eaters immediately froze, and the colorful spells were also

suspended in the air.

Time was stopped.

Item 0290

Following Ye Ting's spell, time was stopped by him.

This is the "Time Stop Spell" invented by Ye Ting. This spell can stop time

in a short time, and only the person who uses the spell can move.

Through the time converter and Ye Ting's own talent, Ye Ting turned this

impossible spell into reality.

During the intermittent time, Ye Ting could almost do whatever he

wanted, even a powerful wizard like Dumbledore or Voldemort was


However, although this spell is powerful, it is not without its


The first disadvantage is that the magic power is consumed too much.

Basically, ordinary wizards will only be drained after using this spell-if

they can learn the spell.

Only Ye Ting, who has the magic power of the dragon level, can

withstand such a consumption, but even so, the time stop can only last

for four or five seconds at most. Of course, as Ye Ting continues to grow

stronger, As well as the continuous in-depth study of this spell, this time

can be further extended.

The second disadvantage is that Ye Ting cannot use magic when time is

stopped, and can only cause physical effects on the outside world; if you

want to arrange formations, rune magic, etc., you can only do so after the

time stop is lifted. Can be triggered.

Of course, when time is stopped, objects with a certain density are

basically difficult to be physically destroyed. That is to say, it is totally

unrealistic to take advantage of the time to stop causing destructive

consequences or killing people. Ye Ting can only be like Sixteen Nights.

Like Dior Brando, Sakuya uses a preset ranged attack to cause damage

after the stop.

But now, Ye Ting didn't plan to pass Shijing to kill people at all. He

immediately raised Harry after Shijing, and then took him and the two

girls to the place where Voldemort and Death Eaters were.

In addition, he conveniently placed a metal ball in front of Voldemort.

With his current skill, five seconds is still enough.

Soon after, the world returned to normal, and time flowed again.

People's expressions began to change, the curse continued to shoot

forward, and the sleeves of the robe continued to flutter with the wind.

However, in the eyes of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, Ye Ting, the

two girls and the "corpse" of Harry Potter lying on the ground

disappeared in an instant. Their magic smashed a tombstone to the

ground. It was a mess, but their goal disappeared without a trace.

Before they could find themselves, Ye Ting took the three people

decisively to the "door key" that had been ignored by Voldemort and

them-the trophy of the Triwizard Tournament.

This is not the time to fight Voldemort. He is not ready yet, the girls

around him are not ready, and Voldemort’s Horcruxes have not been

completely destroyed, so at this time, confront them head-on, except to

put the girls in danger. There are no other benefits at home and abroad.

Even if Ye Ting could kill Voldemort, Voldemort would not die

completely. At that time, he would have to wait for Voldemort's

resurrection and could not attack the Horcrux-if Voldemort knew about

it, then he would never die again after the resurrection. When he showed

up, if he had made another Horcrux that Ye Ting didn't know, it would

be a big trouble.

Therefore, today's Ye Ting chooses to go the best way.

Of course, in return, the "little gift" he left will impress Voldemort.

With only a crackle, Voldemort and the Death Eaters immediately noticed

the movement nearby.

However, when they reacted, it was too late. Ye Ting took the two

"corpses", grabbed the trophy under their gaze, and then disappeared in

front of them.

They looked at the graveyard in front of them stupidly, as if they couldn't

believe what happened just now.

There was no one there, as if the children had never appeared.

Is the appearance of Harry Potter, Ye Ting and the two girls just an


After a while, a Death Eater took a step forward.

"Are you going to chase?" Barty Crouch Jr. hissed.

"No, no need." Voldemort shook his head solemnly, "After so long, it is

estimated that Dumbledore has noticed our conspiracy, and now is not

the time to deal with the old guy."

At this moment, he was still thinking about how Ye Ting did it, what

magic he used to bring three people to another place in an instant.

He racked his brains, thinking about the magic he knew, saw, and even

the magic that had only appeared in the rumors, but he still didn't expect

what magic Ye Ting used just now.

He wanted to break his head and didn't expect that someone could invent

the magic to stop time.

This can be considered a great creation.

Voldemort just wanted to turn around and say something, only to realize

that he had hit something heavy under his feet.

He looked down and saw that there was a metal ball beside his feet, and

a red dot in the metal ball was shining with red light.

He suddenly felt something bad, and his instinct told him that it was

quite dangerous.

"Hurry up!" He said loudly, and took the lead in turning into black

smoke, drifting into the distance.

The Death Eaters didn't even know what happened, but seeing the

master's reaction, the quick-minded Death Eaters followed suit.

However, there were still dull Death Eaters who took a step slower.

The next moment, the metal sphere exploded hugely.

The black flame expanded from the small sphere, and instantly filled any

space within a radius of seven or eight meters.

"It's fierce!" Voldemort said loudly.

A few hapless Death Eaters were instantly engulfed by the fierce fire, and

the black flames burned them clean all at once-not just them, everything

within the seven or eight meters of this area was burned to ashes by the

fierce fire, and , The flame spread quickly towards the surroundings.

Although the unlucky Death Eater escaped in time, he was accidentally

touched by the splashing fire. The fire immediately burned on his body

like a tarsal maggot. He kept beating and rolling. But it was just in vain,

except for the counter-lihuo curse, no method could extinguish Lihuo.

Soon several Death Eaters died in the fierce fire, leaving only a handful of


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 208:

At this time, Voldemort reacted. He and several Death Eaters used a

counter-fire curse together to wipe out this terrible flame.

It is a pity that at this moment, the Death Eaters around him have

already died by one third.

Voldemort immediately thought that the metal sphere just now was a

magic item left by Ye Ting.

He had known the news that Ye Ting was a master alchemist.

Obviously, this was Ye Ting's revenge against them.

"Damn Ting Ye! I will use the most terrible means to kill you!"

Voldemort's stern roar resounded throughout the cemetery.

Item 0291

Harry felt himself falling to the ground, his face buried in the grass, and

the smell of grass in his nose.

When the door key took him to fly, he closed his eyes. Now he still keeps

his eyes closed and motionless. After waking up, he has been pretending

to be dead, even when Ye Ting brought him to the trophy, he did not

open his eyes. .

All the strength seemed to run out. He was dizzy so badly that he felt the

ground underneath him jolting and shaking like the deck of a ship.

Fear and fatigue made him lie on the ground, smelling the scent of green

grass, waiting...waiting for someone to do something...waiting for

something to happen...At the same time, the scar on his forehead kept

faintly burning...

A sound wave overwhelmed him, confusing, there were sounds

everywhere, footsteps, screams... He frowned tightly, as if it was a

nightmare, and it would pass soon...

He felt a hand on his shoulder, it was just so powerful, it just grabbed


"We are safe, Harry, you don't have to pretend to be dead anymore." A

male voice rang in his ear, and he heard it. It was Ye Ting's voice.

When pretending to be dead, he heard Ye Ting's voice, and the voice of

Hermione and Furong chanting spells. He knew that these three people

were probably going to save him.

The familiar feeling just now was similar to how he felt when he went to

the cemetery. In other words, he should have returned to Hogwarts

through the door key?

Thinking about this, Harry opened his eyes.

There was a starry night sky in front of him, and Ye Ting and two female

warriors stood beside him. Surrounded by dark figures, they all squeezed

towards him, and Dumbledore stood at the forefront.

Harry could feel the ground under his head shaking slightly with their


He had returned to the edge of the labyrinth, and he could see the high

stands around him, with people walking on it, and the stars flashing

above his head.

In the crowd, a little silver-haired loli and a black-haired girl rushed up.

Little Lolita rushed into Furong's arms, while the black-haired girl hugged

Ye Ting together, tears in both girls' eyes.

It is Gabriel and Zhang Qiu.

Soon, Zhang Qiu hugged Hermione again, and Gabriel rushed into Ye

Ting's arms.

Harry glanced at Zhang Qiu with a complicated expression, and then at

Ye Ting, his face looked ugly.

However, since he had just "dead" once, his face was not good, so no one

noticed this.

"What happened, Mr. Ye." Dumbledore said anxiously. "Where you left

the signal, we saw Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall and Krum

who were unconscious. Professor Moody was missing. what happened?"

"Moody was pretended to be," Ye Ting said in a low voice, "His original

identity was Barty Crouch Jr., he played with the trophy of the Triwizard

Tournament and changed the destination of the door key. Take Harry to

a cemetery."

Dumbledore's expression froze immediately, and the other people around

couldn't believe it.

"It turned out to be a good thing he did!" Snape said gloomily. "Stealing

my African tree snake skin, attacking me from behind, killing old Barty

Crouch, I should have thought of it."

"This is ridiculous!" Karkaroff blurted out, "This shouldn't be the way you

Hogwarts want to win the championship!"

After speaking, he also looked at Mrs. Maxim in Boothbarton, hoping to

get her response.

However, before Ye Ting could speak, Hermione retorted.

"Just now, in the maze, the fake Moody used the Imperius Curse to

control Krum," the girl said quickly, "Krum attacked Miss Furong with the

drill curse. If it weren't for Ting’s magic item, Miss Furong is early I was

seriously injured."

"Miss Delacour, are you okay!" Hearing that there was something wrong

with her proud disciple, Mrs. Maxim was no longer caring about the

championship. She hurried forward, wanting to see the situation of Fleur.


Being hit by the Heart Drilling Curse is not a good thing. A slightly more

serious one will cause an irreversible psychological shadow, and even

more will become a lunatic.

"Don't worry, Poppy will provide enough help for Miss Delacour."

Dumbledore reminded, and Mrs. Pomfrey stepped forward at the right

time. She was just taking care of Professor McGonagall and Professor

Flitwick. And Krum, they haven't awakened from a coma.

"No, I'm fine." Furong shook her head.

"Yes, of course she's okay." Karkaroff interjected, "What'Imperius Curse'?

What'Mind Drilling Curse'? It's just an excuse for these kids, I think..."

"You can try it with the flashback curse!" Fleur said angrily. "If you use

the flashback curse on Krum's wand, you will find that he has used the

drill spell more than once."

This time Karkaroff's expression stiffened, and it was self-evident that one

warrior used the Heart Drilling Charm on another warrior.

If it turns out to be true at that time, then he will have to catch Krum's

use of the Imperius Curse instead.

"So, what then?" This time it was Ms. Burns who was speaking. She

keenly realized that Ye Ting asked her to take the initiative to propose

the reason for the Triwizard Tournament because of now, so she began to

actively cooperate: "I Notice that you, Miss Granger, and Miss Delacour

appeared here with Mr. Porter. You just mentioned that the destination

of the trophy as the'door key' has been changed. Could it be that..."

"Yes, you guessed it," Ye Ting nodded, and secretly gave Ms. Bones a

thumbs-up. "Although Barty Crouch Jr. could not be stopped in time, I

followed them and went to Their destination-that cemetery, as for Miss

Granger and Miss Delacour..."

He looked at the two girls and continued, "Although it is my duty as a

patrol to rescue Harry, the two warriors offered to offer that even though

Harry is an opponent, they can't just watch Harry being hacked. The

wizard took it away and offered to help, so I took them with me."

The two girls gave Ye Ting a blank eye. Ye Ting just opened his eyes and

said nonsense. It was clear that he let Crouch and Harry away for a long

time to catch a big fish. Moreover, they went to help purely. For Ye Ting,

not Potter.

However, after Ye Ting finished speaking, everyone looked at them with

admiration, and Harry also cast grateful glances at the two girls.

"How can you take them there!" Mrs. Maxim said sharply, "Take them to

that dangerous place. They are children..."

Halfway through these words, she couldn't continue, because she

suddenly noticed that Ye Ting was also a child - and his age was much

younger than Furong.

Only then did she realize that Ye Ting's strength and maturity had always

allowed them to treat him as an adult on the spot.

"This is not Ting's responsibility." Fleur stood up and persuaded, "It was

Hermione and I who asked him to take us."

"Miss Granger and Miss Delacour are worthy of the warriors of Hogwarts

and Boothbarton," Ms. Bones also said, and she nodded and looked at the

two girls with friendly eyes. "They It is indeed worthy of the title of

warrior, so, to get back to business, you must know what Crouch's

purpose is? What happened in the cemetery?"

Ye Ting looked around, everyone's attention was on him, everyone

looked at him expectantly.

He cleared his throat, then said solemnly.

"The one who can't say the name, he, is back."

Item 0292

"This is impossible!"

As soon as Ye Ting's voice fell, someone in the crowd lost his voice.

"The Dark Lord is resurrected?"

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 209:

"This joke is not funny at all! Voldemort died fourteen years ago!"

Just like throwing a boulder into a calm lake, this news caused an uproar

among the wizards.

Most wizards couldn't believe this at all, they couldn't believe that

Voldemort could actually be resurrected.

"This is true..." Harry also stood up, his face pale at this time, and he

didn't seem to be in good condition.

"My boy, drink this first. You look a bit horrible." Madam Pomfrey

stepped forward and handed Harry a tranquilized hot cocoa.

Harry slowly added, "The trophy is a key to the door. It took me and me

to a cemetery... where Voldemort is... Voldemort..."

"You must have read it wrong!" Someone in the crowd pointed out

loudly, "Do you think some dark wizard is a dark king!"

"Please be quiet, everyone, let's listen to all the statements of these

parties first." Ms. Bones stood up, and when she was a high-ranking

official of the Ministry of Magic, the scene calmed down.

However, no one saw that the eyes that Bones himself looked at Harry

and Ye Ting were much eager.

This woman is not only a hawk in the Ministry of Magic who fights

against Voldemort and Death Eaters, but also has a deep hatred with

Voldemort himself.

"Where is the dark lord? What then?" She was tempting to Harry.

"It's... Peter Pettigrew... he's there..."

"Where is Peter Pettigrew, what happened later?"

"Fried a pair of medicine...recovered his physical body..."

"The Dark Lord has recovered his body? He has been born again?"

"Then the Death Eaters came... and we duel..."

"Did you fight the Dark Lord?"

"We escaped... Mr. Ye, Miss Granger, and Miss Delacour showed up...

rescued me... with that trophy..."

He didn't tell how he was hit by Voldemort's killing curse, nor did he

mention that he saw his parents between life and death, and then came

back to life.

He thought it was incredible.

Ms. Bones nodded and looked at the other three.

"Have you really seen the resurrection of the Dark Lord with your own


"Vol... I didn't see the scene of Voldemort's resurrection," Hermione

hesitated, but still mustered the courage to say the name. "However, we

saw Harry and his duel with our own eyes, before they noticed us. At the

time, we created chaos and then took Mr. Potter away."

This is the testimony that Ye Ting and the two girls discussed in advance.

If they had arrived early in the morning, someone would definitely

accuse them of why they didn't stop Voldemort's resurrection.

The information that Voldemort has Horcruxes is too important. Even

Dumbledore has always kept this secret by himself. Not even his best ally

and companion-the wizards in the Order of the Phoenix. Know the news.

After all, this is a magical world, and there are too many ways to obtain

information from a population: superb illusion magic, Veritaserum,

dementia, etc., can easily make a wizard who is not powerful enough to

confide information.

If Voldemort knows that his Horcruxes are exposed, then he may make

more Horcruxes, or transfer existing Horcruxes, etc. In this way, it will be

difficult to kill him completely. Make it harder.

Because of this, Ye Ting and the two girls also kept silent about the

Horcrux in a tacit understanding.

An unthinkable thing, if only one person tells it, is often regarded as a


If this matter is spoken by two people, then someone will be suspicious.

When three people confirm the same thing, even if it is unthinkable,

someone will believe it.

Today, Ye Ting, Hermione, Furong, and Harry, all four of them have

confirmed the resurrection of Voldemort—and these four are not

ordinary little wizards. Ye Ting will not say anything. Harry once "killed"

Over Voldemort, and Hermione and Fleur are the warriors of the

Triwizard Tournament, the best of the little wizards, the four of them

confirmed together that the credibility is indeed much higher.

Immediately, the wizards present started talking noisily. Some people

believed in horror, some were dubious, and some insisted that they were


Ms. Bones turned to Dumbledore.

"Albus, what do you think of this matter?"

People's eyes also turned to Dumbledore.

As the leader of the White Wizard, he was an important force against

Voldemort, and his words were very credible.

Dumbledore thought for a while before continuing: "Although I don't

want to admit it, my friend, I still have to announce that my old

opponent, Voldemort, has probably really been resurrected."

There was a sound of cold breath from the crowd.

Dumbledore frowned and continued.

"Three years ago, I saw Voldemort. He hadn't been resurrected at the

time. He could only be attached to others to survive. Most people

probably knew that guy. He was the teacher of the Defense Against the

Dark Arts class at Hogwarts at the time. , Professor Quirrell."

The little wizards began to whisper. Many of them remembered the

crappy Professor Quirrell. No one thought that he was actually possessed

by Voldemort who tried to steal the Philosopher's Stone.

Dumbledore pointed to Ye Ting and continued.

"At the beginning, Mr. Ye was still a first-year student, but he led this

young lady, Miss Granger, Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley (Ron raised his

chest and blushed in the crowd) to bravely protect The Philosopher’s

Stone was saved, and Voldemort prevented it from resurrecting."

The crowd looked at several people with surprise and admiration.

"However, we can still judge from this that for a long time, Voldemort

did not really die, and has been looking for a way to resurrect. Therefore,

now the news of Voldemort's resurrection is likely to be true."

"Of course, there is no proof. We still have a side evidence here." Ye Ting

suddenly interrupted, "That's Barty Crouch, Jr. disguised as Professor

Moody. We can go to his office to take a look. , There must be evidence

of him pretending to be Moody and sneaking into Hogwarts."

"Good idea." Snape's eyes lit up. "The raw materials used to make the

compound decoction include living human hair. I can guarantee that the

real Alastor is still alive."

So the group walked towards the Office of the Defense Against the Dark

Arts section on the third floor.

In the chaos, Ye Ting discovered that two people had escaped. One of

them was Ludo Bagman. In order to repay the debt owed to Ye Ting, he

did not hesitate to bet with the fairies, and he was betting that Harry was

in three. An overwhelming victory in the strong competition-for this, he

tried to cheat for Harry many times and gave Harry full marks twice.

The ending of the Triwizard Tournament is now anticlimactic. Harry

appeared with Hermione and Fleur holding the trophy. In other words,

even if Harry was the first to encounter the trophy, according to the

character of the fairy, they would not think that Harry was an

overwhelming victory.

In other words, Bagman lost the bet.

In order not to be caught by the goblin, he escaped early.

Item 0293

The other person who escaped was Karkaroff.

As a former Death Eater, this evening, he already felt a strong reaction

from the Dark Mark on his arm.

After Ye Ting and the others mentioned Voldemort's resurrection, he

immediately believed it.

In the past few months, his Dark Mark has felt anomalous many times.

For this reason, he has found Professor Snape, who is also a former Death

Eater, to discuss it more than once.

Now, apart from Voldemort's resurrection, he couldn't think of any other

reasons that would make the Dark Mark's reaction so intense.

So he ran away. He betrayed so many loyal supporters of the Dark Lord,

so he dared not meet them.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 210:

But Ye Ting suspected that he would not go far, because the Dark Lord

had a way to track his enemies—especially the Death Eaters who

betrayed him.

Everyone came all the way to the Office of the Defense Against the Dark

Arts Division. They looked around, rummaging through boxes and

cabinets, but found nothing.

"Is Alastor really hidden here?" The professors were dubious. They

searched the office thoroughly, but did not see any clues.

"I think you should have overlooked something." Ye Ting looked at a big

box with seven locks in the office. "Has that box been checked?"

"Of course, it's just an ordinary box," Hagrid said. "There are only some

textbooks and magic items in it."

"No, there is a mechanism here." Ye Ting stepped forward and checked it


After a while, he came to a conclusion.

"You need a specific key to really open the secret of this box."

"The key must be with Crouch," Snape said coldly. "So now, we don't

have any evidence to prove Moody's fake guy."

"No, since I found the mechanism, there is a way to crack it." Ye Ting

shook his head and said confidently, "Give me a few minutes."

He pointed his wand at the first keyhole and moved his eyes forward, as

if using a wand to pick a lock.

However, what he picked was not an ordinary lock—even if the Muggle

was the most brilliant gate of a bank vault, it was nothing more than an

"Arajo Cave Opening" thing—he opened a complex magic lock, which

was quite a magic lock. Sophisticated and complicated, even Dumbledore

would have nothing to do with it without the key.

However, for Ye Ting, this was a piece of cake.

A few minutes later, I saw a burst of sparks between the tip of Ye Ting's

"Weaver" and the keyhole, and then there was a click from the keyhole.

The first lock is released.

Ye Ting opened the box again. This time, a bunch of spells appeared in

the box.

"This...it seems like no one is hiding in it." Furong pointed out weakly.

"No!" Hermione retorted. "This box has seven locks. I think I must open

them all."

Soon, Ye Ting began to crack the second lock.

Perhaps practice makes perfect, or perhaps mastering this magic lock

routine, the second lock was opened in just over a minute.

When I opened it again this time, the box was no longer a spell book, but

various broken looking glasses, some parchment paper and feather pens,

and a silver invisibility cloak.

The professors and other wizards onlookers were surprised to see that Ye

Ting quickly cracked the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth locks, and the

speed of cracking each time was much faster than last time.

However, when he opened the box, things appeared different every time.

In the end, Ye Ting didn't even look at the seventh lock, but only slightly

pointed at the seventh keyhole with his magic wand, and the seventh

lock opened.

"Unbelievable!" Dumbledore took a breath, "You have completely cracked

this magic lock, and you have created the corresponding universal

cracking spell!"

"If you specialize in unlocking locks, all the magic locksmiths in the

world will be driven mad." Snape's face became stiff, and he was once

again restrained by Ye Ting's ability.

However, Ye Ting had become accustomed to these compliments, he

didn't say anything, and opened the lid of the box.

The bottom of the box turned out to be a big pit, like a basement.

There was a man lying on the floor about three meters deep, skinny, as if

he was asleep—a real crazy-eyed Moody.

His wooden legs are gone, the eyelids of the magic eye are empty, and

the gray hair is missing a few strands.

People looked at Moody's sleeping soundly at the bottom of the box,


This has been able to show that the previous "Mad-Eye" Moody is a fake

—that is, the conspiracy of Voldemort's resurrection is real.

Dumbledore crawled into the box, fell gently beside the sleeping Moody,

and leaned over to look at him.

"I was knocked out-under the Imperius Curse-very weak." He said, "Of

course, they need to keep him alive. Severus, please find a cloak and

throw it down-he is frozen. Need to be frozen. He gave it to Madam

Pomfrey, but his life is not in danger for the time being."

Snape complied. Dumbledore put the cloak on Moody's body, covered

him tightly, and then climbed out of the box.

Snape picked up a set of glass bottles on the table—just when Ye Ting

opened the sixth lock, he took this out of the box, he unscrewed the lid,

turned the bottle upside down, and spilled a viscous liquid. On the floor

of the office.

"It is indeed a compound decoction," Snape said. "How simple and how

ingenious. Moody's always drink only from the curved bottle he carries

with him. This is notorious. Of course, imposters need to take care of the

truth. Di stayed with him to keep making decoctions. Look at his

hair...have been cut for a year."

"In other words, it was the counterfeit that put Harry's name in the

Goblet of Fire in the first place." Dumbledore sighed. "He has been

plotting this conspiracy for the past year. It was he who offered to put the

trophy into the maze. Yeah, finally let them succeed... We were really

careless... Except for Harry, fortunately he is still alive."

He turned to Ye Ting and the two girls.

"I have to thank you for saving Harry from Voldemort and the Death

Eaters in desperation. Your bravery and fearlessness tonight has greatly

exceeded my expectations of you. I ask you to show your courage again. I

ask you to tell us what happened, and Harry, so are you."

Next, the scene was quiet. The little wizards and other unrelated people

were invited out of the office, leaving only the professors at Hogwarts

headed by Dumbledore. Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick

were awakened. He hurriedly arrived, Harry's godfather Sirius Black and

Lupin were also there; besides, there were Ms. Bones and her men,

including her secretary and several Aurors.

Everyone surrounded the four of Ye Ting and listened quietly to their

statements-of course it was Harry. After all, Ye Ting and the others came

"late" and didn't see all of them.

Just as they told how Ye Ting took them back to Hogwarts with the

trophy's door key function, there was a sudden noise and footsteps

outside the door.

The door was opened, and an acquaintance everyone knew stood at the


Connelly Fudge.

Item 0294

Everyone saw that Fudge came here with a few Aurors and a dementor.

Ms. Bones’ face changed slightly. The Triwizard Tournament was

completely in charge of her, and with her position, she had full power to

handle the current situation. Fudge came to Hogwarts without saying

anything. , Is an interference with her authority, is slap her in the face.

Obviously, Fudge had heard the wind about Voldemort.

"Connelly, my old friend," Dumbledore greeted Fudge, but his face was

ugly: "I remember I told you not to bring Dementors to Hogwarts."

"My dear Dumbledore!" Fudge yelled. He has never seen such an angry

look now-at least Harry and Hermione think so. "As the Minister of

Magic, I have the right to decide myself. Would you like to bring a

bodyguard, because I want to meet someone who may be very dangerous


"Have you said enough? Connelly." Ye Ting stood up suddenly,

interrupting Fudge's words: "Do you need me to clear the excess

employees from the Ministry of Magic?"

Fudge's voice immediately stopped, and his expression became quite

ugly. Ye Ting did surprise him here. This was a wizard as powerful as

Dumbledore, but more powerful than Dumbledore, for people like

Dumbledore. It is true that Fudge can be deceived by a gentleman, but

for Ye Ting, Fudge's method as a politician has no effect.

However, it was the Dementor who reacted more than Fudge, as if it had

seen some natural enemy, or the patron saint curse appeared in front of

him, Fei also retreated back.

Obviously, Ye Ting frightened it—it must be there in the Quidditch

match last year. The scene of Ye Ting's patron saint destroying the

dementors impressed these guys.

From ancient times to the present, dementors can only be driven away,

but cannot be eliminated.

But Ye Ting was an exception.

Today, he, to the dementor, is like a devil, able to stop children from

crying if they have children.

Seeing the escaped Dementor, Fudge's face worsened, and he felt very

embarrassed—especially in front of his biggest political enemy today, Ms.


However, as a qualified politician, Fudge has the skin of a politician. He

pretended that nothing happened and asked Dumbledore.

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