Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Инвентарь двадцати королей навигации, стартовая предыстория Ван Луффи


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On the eve of the war, a mysterious projection descends on the pirate


Twenty king-level titles were publicly selected, and the starting point was

[Background King] Luffy.

Grandpa is a naval hero, father is the leader of the revolutionary army,

leader Yonko Red Hair, master Pluto Rayleigh…

As Luffy’s background was revealed, the other Supernovas became numb.

We are going to sea to be pirates, but you are completely experiencing

life as a rich second generation!

When king-level titles are revealed one after another, the world of pirates

is shaken violently!

Bucky: King of Luck? As expected of me!

Shanks: Face-saving? Haha, this inventory really gives me some face~

Kaido: Wait, who am I, the King of One Hundred Revelation? !

Kizaru: You actually said that I am the king of paddling? slander! This is

absolutely slander!

Luffy: The background king, the jail king, the harem king, the sit-up

king…are these all talking about me?

Sig: With a wine bottle in his hand and smashing the Yonko, and with his

feet stepping on the future Pirate King, who is the strongest in sailing? I

am the Thief King of Sig!


Chapter 041

【Monkey·D·Luffy: Wow! Will the future Saab be so powerful? To be able

to tie with a strong man of the level of an admiral is truly worthy of


【Sabo: Hehe, Luffy, I am actually very strong now, so don’t worry, I will

definitely be able to protect you and Ace!】

【portcas·D·Ace: Hey, Sabo, why don’t you listen to what you’re saying?

Forget it Luffy, do I still need your protection? ! I’m your big brother,


【Sabo: Nonsense! Obviously I am the eldest brother! You are the second


【portcas·D·Ace:? ? ? I’m the eldest brother! ! !】

【Monkey·D·Luffy: Hehehehe~ You guys fight, no matter what, I will

always be a younger brother~】

【Nami: Always a younger brother? Is this something to be proud of?

Haha, Luffy, you are too~】

【Yixiao: Will I also become a member of the Navy Admiral in the

future? I don’t know if I can find the true identity in a naval headquarters

like this.���What about justice?】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ The guy named Yixiao upstairs should be the future

General Fujitora, right? I wonder if my future colleague will be easy to

get along with? Let me first make myself familiar with it~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Speaking of which, why did the Navy Headquarters

gain a new admiral two years later? Logically speaking, no new general

will take office until the three of us abdicate, right?】

【Porusalino: That’s right~ Could it be that Kuzan, you stopped being an

admiral and joined the pirates?】

【Kuzan: I think Porusalino is more likely to defect to the pirates.。】

【Sakaski: Humph! Just the two of you who are cheating, I wouldn’t be

surprised if you join the pirates together! Some new generals will come

and make you better!】

【Porusalino: Well, Sakaski, you are really cold-blooded.~】

【Kuzan: How could you say such cold words from your lava-filled

mouth? Sometimes I really don’t know whether it was me or you who ate

the frozen fruit.~】

On the projection screen, the video continued –

after Fujitora led the navy to temporarily retreat.

Sabo received another message from Kerla.

The other party said that Badgers, the leader of the Blackbeard Pirates,

planned to take advantage of Luffy’s Devil Fruit abilities.

After receiving this news.

Sabo immediately rushed towards Luffy’s direction.

Through his powerful perception of Haki,

Sabo could clearly detect that Luffy’s Haki suddenly became very weak at

this moment.

Apparently things weren’t looking good.

Now I’m a little more worried.

The speed also accelerated a lot.

Finally, he succeeded in stopping Badgers before he could attack Luffy.

And warned Badgers:

“Remember it for me!”

“From now on, I will always be there for Luffy!”

“I will never allow you to hurt him! ”

After that, he let Luffy go first.

He fought with Badgers.

Facing Sabo who could fight the admiral back and forth.

Badgers could only be abused.

Soon . He was easily killed by Sabo.

After the Dressrosa incident settled,

Sabo came to the place where the Straw Hats rested.

At this time, Luffy was sleeping soundly because he had experienced a

big battle.

Sabo did not make any noise. Wake up Luffy.

Instead, he told Luffy’s friends about his past with Luffy.

Before leaving, he asked Zoro and others to take more care of Luffy.

This request was the same

as when Ace was in Alabasta. It was exactly the same when he said

goodbye to Zoro and others!

【Roronoa Zoro: They are indeed Luffy’s two older brothers. They even

say the same thing.。】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Luffy is very happy to have two brothers who love

him so much…….】

【Monkey·D·Luffy: Hee hee! Right

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] , right? Ace

and Sabo are so kind to me.~】

【Donquixote Doflamingo: Wait! What was the outcome of the Dressrosa

incident two years later? ! Why doesn’t the Tiandao Inventory System

play the entire video? It jumps directly to the end of the incident!】

【Moonlight Moria: Hehehe~ Doflamingo, do you even need to ask? You

must have been defeated by Straw Hat and his gang.~】

【Shah Crocodile: Give up, Doflamingo, you will never be able to defeat

the Straw Hat Kid and the assassin of the Shichibukai。】

【Donquixote Doflamingo: Impossible! Dressrosa is a kingdom that I have

ruled for many years. How could I lose to that guy from Straw Hat on my

own territory? !】

【Moonlight Moria: Haha, whoever you are talking about seems to have

lost to the Straw Hat boy on his own territory?】

【Shah Crocodile: I was almost able to take the entire Alabasta into my


【Donquixote Doflamingo:……】


The video continues to play –

after leaving Dressrosa.

Sabo continued to pay attention to Luffy’s movements and news.

And he also gave the other party a lot of help in many subsequent


When Luffy was fighting the Golden Emperor Tezoro in the Golden City,

Sabo appeared in time to stop CP0 Rob Lucci who wanted to take the

opportunity to attack Luffy.

During the Pirate Expo,

Sabo also helped Luffy fight Barret.

And when Luffy and others were preparing to retreat,

he used a fire fist to block Kizaru’s eight-foot magatama that was

attacking Luffy and others.

In the picture,

Sabo stood on the bow of the Revolutionary Army warship,

looking in the direction of Luffy’s retreat.

His arms and fists

were burning with blazing flames.

And by his side……

There is also a projected shadow.

It’s Ace!

Luffy’s two brothers stood side by side,

looking at Luffy who was gradually going away,

with warm smiles on their faces.

After Luffy in the distance turned around and saw this scene,

the corner of his mouth also raised a brilliant arc.

It seemed as if any regrets were finally made up for at this moment.

The army of barrages passed by——

‘Woohoo! Sabo is so gentle, I cried to death!’

‘He has been silently watching and protecting Luffy, what a good


‘Especially the last scene with Sabo and Ace, it was a dream come true!’

‘If Ace was still alive, they would probably be standing side by side like

this, looking at Luffy silently!’

‘A fire fist, two figures, three smiles!’

‘Action Frenzy has a box office of 5 billion, and a fire punch is worth 4.9



【portcas·D·Ace: Sabo, you kid……As expected, you are better at


【Sabo: Haha, isn’t this the future me who wants to give Luffy a little


【Monkey·D·Luffy: Just watching the video of Ace and Sabo standing

together makes me very touched. I really hope that one day the three of

us will really meet again!】

【Sabo: Definitely!】

【portcas·D·Ace: That’s right! Most definitely! 】

During a warm conversation between the three brothers.

The picture on the projection screen fell into darkness again.

This means that the part about Saab is finally over.

Immediately afterwards,

a line of text appeared again on the pitch-black screen.

A new person with Luffy’s background was also revealed…….


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Chapter 042

On a pitch-black projection screen.

A line of large characters slowly appeared。

【Monkey·D·Luffy’s Background No. 10: The Leader—Shanks! 】

As soon as this line of headline came out, it immediately aroused

everyone’s shock.。

【Kaido: Wo Ni Ma! The background review of Straw Hat Kid is not over

yet? ! Is it over or not? !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Is this kid’s background even red hair? How much

background does Straw Hat have? !】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ That’s it! Red-haired brat, it seems that

the Straw Hat Boy is the guy you told me about before, who made you

bet your arm on the new era, right?】

【Shanks: Haha, yes, the person I mentioned before is Luffy。】

【Monkey·D·Luffy: Huh? Shanks, have you ever told Ace’s captain about


【Shanks: Yeah, we chatted a little bit.。】

【Gore·D·Roger: Bet your arm on the new era? Shanks, what’s wrong with

your arm?】

【Shanks: Haha, Captain Roger is fine, he just had a little accident and

lost an arm.。】

【Gore·D·Roger:? ? ? Listen to yourself. Is this human language? ! lost an

arm……That’s all? ! Can losing an arm be called an accident? !】

【Monkey·D·Luffy: This is actually all my fault. Shanks lost his arm to

save me!】

【Monkey·D·Garp: Luffy! You kid, don’t be fooled by that red-haired guy!

If that guy hadn’t interfered with it in the first place, how could you have

gone to sea and become a pirate? ! Maybe he is an excellent naval soldier

by now!】

【Monkey·D·Luffy: Grandpa, you don’t know how many times you’ve said

this! No matter what you say, there’s no way I’m going to be in the Navy!

I want to be a free pirate!】

【Monkey·D·Garp: You kid……This really pisses me off!】

【Morgans: Oh? It seems that there seems to be an unusual story between

the Yonko Red-haired Shanks and the grandson of the naval hero Garp.

This may be big news! 】

While everyone was talking about it.

The text on the projection screen gradually disappeared.

Then a photo appeared on it as usual.

A head of red hair.

There are three eye-catching scars on the left eye.

White shirt, colorful cropped pants.

A black cloak.

There is also a Western sword on his waist.

The whole person exuded an inexplicable domineering air.

It is none other than the famous Face Fruit user – Red-haired Shanks!

The photo disappears.

The video officially started playing –

12 years ago.

Shanks, who has traveled far and wide, came to the East China Sea.

And the windmill village located behind the Goa Kingdom in the East

China Sea was used as a temporary base.

After each voyage the Red-Haired Pirates took to the sea,

they would return to Windmill Village to make repairs and replenish



Shanks met a little boy named Luffy.

Shanks vaguely saw the shadow of Captain Roger in Luffy, who was still

a child.

I even heard from the other party’s mouth the exact same words that

Captain Roger said back then.

Shanks likes Luffy very much.

The two soon became close friends.

Luffy often hangs out with the red-haired pirates.

And he always clamored that he wanted Shanks to take him to sea to

become a pirate.

Of course, Shanks refused without mercy.

Until one day.

Luffy was once again rejected by Shanks’ request to go to sea together,

and was “ridiculed” by everyone in the red-haired pirate group.

He immediately ate the rubber fruit that Shanks had placed on the bar


This rubber fruit was snatched by Shanks from the World Government

ship escorted by CP9 not long ago.

It possesses a powerful force that is still sleeping and unknown.

However, this Devil Fruit, which even the Five Old Stars were afraid of,

was eaten by the young Luffy as an unpalatable snack!

The barrage passed by——

‘Ha ha ha ha! Wulaoxing is vomiting blood online!’

‘The five old stars who saw this scene were probably going to be pissed to


‘Fozzie Fu is the one who deserves to be pissed off the most, right? It was

because he lost this

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] Devil Fruit

that he was imprisoned by the World Government.~’

‘Fozzie F: RNM! ! ! Get your money back! ! !’

‘Such a precious Devil Fruit was actually eaten by Luffy as a snack to

vent his anger. What a twist of fate.~’

‘Shanks was so careless that he just put the rubber fruit on the bar. He

really didn’t take this legendary devil fruit seriously!’

‘Maybe Shanks actually did it on purpose? I just wanted Luffy to eat this

Devil Fruit on purpose.~’


【Jaigolusia Satan Saint: Red hair! So it was you who stole the rubber

fruit? ! ! !】

【Fozzie F: Damn redhead! It was you who caused me to be deprived of

my CP9 identity and put in prison by the World Government! Everything

I have now is all thanks to you! I will never spare you this guy! ! !】

【Shanks: Haha~ Sorry, I didn’t know at the time that the ship was the

ship escorted by your world government. This was a complete


【Fozzie F: You don’t know? Misunderstand? hehe! Do you really think I

will believe it? !】

【Kaido: Speaking of which, those barrages just now seemed to say……Is

Straw Hat’s rubber fruit a legendary devil fruit? Isn’t it just a piece of

broken rubber? What’s so special about this thing? !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Yes, considering how familiar I am with Superman

Devil Fruits, I have never heard of anything special about this rubber


【Marshall·D·Teach: Is there something special about the rubber fruit?

Could it be that there is some secret hidden in this that even I don’t know

about? Then it seems that it is necessary to get the Straw Hat’s fruit

ability and study it…….】

【portcas·D·Ace: Tikki! I’m warning you, don’t try to trick Luffy!】

【Marshall·D·Teach: Hahaha~ Ace, my dear captain, I’d better wait until

you are rescued to say these words. You can’t even protect yourself


【Monkey·D·Luffy: What’s special about the rubber fruit? I know!】

【Nami: Huh? ! Luffy, do you really know? !】

【Monkey·D·Luffy: Of course! The special thing about rubber fruit is

that……It makes me eat better! No matter how much meat you eat, you

can still fit it in your stomach! How convenient! whee~】


【Roronoa Zoro:……】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:……】

【Nami: What on earth was I expecting from this idiot Luffy?】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Luffy, I think what you said makes sense!】

【Monkey·D·Luffy: Right, right! I really like the ability of rubber fruit!】

【Jaygolucia Satan: Not bad…….The rubber fruit fell into the hands of

this stupid boy, otherwise it might be really troublesome……】

【Donquixote Doflamingo: Judging from the reaction of the Five Old

Stars, it feels like he is hiding something from us.~】

cast���On the screen, the video continued—

that is, while Luffy was eating the rubber fruit.

A group of bandits swaggered into Maginot’s tavern.

The bandit leader Sig wanted to buy wine.

But as luck would have it, all the wine in the store had been drank by the

red-haired pirates.

Shanks said that he had the last bottle left and was willing to give it to

the other party for free.

However, Sig directly punched the bottle and exploded it.

The drink spilled all over Shanks.

Later, Sig challenged Shanks again:

“Do you know who I am?”

“I am Lord Sig, the bandit with a bounty of 8 million Baileys!”

“It’s not at all on the same level as pirates like you who play house!”

“I have killed 56 arrogant guys like you before! ”

Faced with Sig’s provocation, Shanks was indifferent.

Sig also suddenly lost interest and left with a group of younger brothers.

The scene was frozen here.


Thick barrages poured out!


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Chapter 043

‘He’s coming, he’s coming! The most powerful being in the pirate world,

Bandit King Sig, is here!’

‘I smashed the four emperors with a wine bottle in my hand. Who would

dare to do such a thing to Shanks except me, the Bandit King Sig? !’

‘I, the Bandit King Sig, am a ruthless character with a bounty of up to 8

million Baileys! 8 million Baileys! ! !’

‘8 million Baileys are worth 160,000 Choppers, how can he not be a

ruthless character?’

‘As we all know, there were actually 60 emperors in this sea. After 56

were killed by bandit king Sig, only the four emperors were left today!’

‘That’s right! Didn’t you see that Kaido Whitebeard and Big Mom hid in

the new world out of fear, far away from the East China Sea where

Bandit King Sig is?’

‘Bandit King Sig is awesome! ! !’


Dense translucent barrages continued to float across the projection


Everyone in the Tiandao chat group was stunned!

【Gore·D·Roger: Hahahaha! Shanks, I didn’t expect you to be humiliated

by a bandit with a bounty of 8 million beli!】

【Bucky: Shanks, isn’t it too embarrassing for you to look like this? !

With a trash character like that, I can take on a group of people by


【Shanks: Haha, that’s the Bandit King Sig, so I shouldn’t be too

embarrassed to do this.~】

【Tony Tony Chopper: I don’t know why, but I always feel like I was

humiliated by a barrage just now…….】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Are all the bandits in the East China Sea

so arrogant?】

【Kaido: How dare you say that a character like Red Hair is trash?

Doesn’t this also humiliate us? !】

【Charlotte Lingling: A character like Redhead, he had killed 56 before?

Well, well, well! What a shameless idiot! If you have the ability, come to

the New World and show me a kill?】

【Sig: Damn it? ! ! ! How the hell did I know that the red-haired guy in

the tavern was actually the famous Yonko! If you knew……Even if I had

10,000 courages, I wouldn’t dare to be so presumptuous! ! ! 】

Sig, who is in the world of the undead, is scared out of his wits at this


He never thought of it…

Back when he was in a tavern in a small place like Windmill Village, he

casually provoked a seemingly weak pirate,

but he turned out to be one of the four emperors who later became

famous and dominated the new world!

That is an existence that even the World Government and the Celestial

Dragons are extremely afraid of!

How could a little bandit like him afford to offend? !

Actually, it’s okay if you don’t know……

At most, Sig could just think that he had provoked a slightly more

powerful person, and

in the end he was buried in the mouth of the King of the Offshore.

But now through the Tiandao inventory video,

he finally learned the true identity of red-haired Shanks.

this moment!

He even wanted to die!

Oh, no……

He seems to have died!

But this does not prevent Sig from dying again!

Society is dead!

A proper social death! ! ! I actually said so many shameless words

in front of so many important people ! I’m afraid that in the eyes of those

big guys, I’m just like a clown! If possible, Sig really hoped that even the

souls of the undead would be gone! At least this way, we won’t have to

face the current embarrassing situation where people can leave three

bedrooms and one living room!


On the projection screen, the video continues –

after the Bandit King Sig leaves.

Shanks accidentally discovered Luffy turning into a rubber man.

Later, I realized that the rubber fruit had been eaten by the other party.

Shanks felt very troubled by this.

But in the end I didn’t care too much.

Luffy, on the other hand, was very angry that Shanks was bullied by

bandits but didn’t fight back.

He even got angry with Shanks for a long time because of this.


Shanks returned from a certain voyage.

It was discovered that Luffy went to trouble the bandit Sig in order to

help him out.

As a result, he was caught by the other party

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] .

Shanks rushed to the scene with the red-haired pirates.

Taught those bandits a severe lesson.

As a result, due to a moment of negligence,

Sig took Luffy and escaped to the sea.

And just when Sig was feeling proud,

the King of the Offshore suddenly jumped out from the bottom of the sea.

The bandit king was swallowed up in one bite!


the King of the Near Sea prepared to swallow Luffy as well.

Fortunately, Shanks arrived in time and

saved Luffy from the King of the Sea.

But because of this, his left arm was bitten off by the King of the


The picture freezes.

The army of barrages passed by——

‘ah! My king’s power! ! ! Sorry, I went to the wrong set~’

‘Shocked, the Four Emperors red-haired Shanks, a dignified Face Fruit

user, had one of his arms bitten off by the King of the Sea!’

‘The small Kingdom of Goa in the East China Sea actually has terrifying

existences like the Bandit King and the King of the Near Sea at the same

time. I don’t think anyone will dare to say that the East China Sea is the

weakest sea in the future!’

‘To be honest, I think this is too unreasonable!’

‘Whether Shanks was able to let a Sig escape with Luffy right under his

nose, or whether he actually had his arm bitten off by a tiny Neptune-like

creature, I still think it’s quite unreasonable!’

‘How could the four mighty emperors be so weak? !’

‘sometimes i even doubt……Could Shanks have done it on purpose?

Deliberately letting himself break an arm in order to save Luffy, thus

leading him to unswervingly embark on the path of being a pirate!’

‘Don’t tell me, it’s really possible!’


While dense barrages kept passing by.

Everyone in the Tiandao chat group was also shocked.。

【Kaido: Red hair! Are you kidding me? ! Your arm was actually bitten

off by a small sea king? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: For a Neptune of that size, I could kill it with just a

fart. How could you actually have your arm bitten off by it? ! ! !】

【Edward Newgate: Is this what you told me about betting your arm on

the new era? ! Isn’t this too fucking outrageous? ! ! !】

【Porusalino: Hmm~Why are Kaido’s mother and Whitebeard so excited

all of a sudden? It’s not them who lost their arms.~】

【Kuzan: Maybe they thought that the red-haired Shanks, who was on

the same level as them, actually had his arm bitten off by a Neptune-like

creature, which instantly made their four emperors’ prowess drop a


【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! Not only has it dropped a lot, this quality has

simply disappeared, okay!】

【Moonlight Moria: A little bandit and a little Neptune type broke off an

arm of a Yonko? If this were said before, no one would believe it,


【Donquixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu~ Even if we just find a useful pirate

in the new world, it would be enough to completely torture the enemy in

that situation, right?】

【Joracol Mihawk: Shanks, you actually lost your left arm, which is best

at using a sword, because of such a trivial matter? I don’t quite


【Charlotte Katakuri: In the situation in the video, if the red-haired

person had used a little bit of Haki, he would have been able to avoid all

of this from happening, but he didn’t use it?】

【Abel: This makes me have to wonder whether the red hair is really

what a barrage said just now…….All of this was actually done

intentionally by him!】

【Marco: Is the purpose of the red hair doing this just to make the Straw

Hat boy wholeheartedly follow the path of a pirate?】

【Monkey·D·Garp: Good on you redhead! I knew you must have done it

on purpose! ! !】

【Shanks: If I say I really didn’t mean it……Do you believe it?( ̄ェ ̄;)



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Chapter 044

Looking at the dense barrage on the projection screen.

As well as the doubts raised by everyone in the Tiandao chat group.

to be honest…

Shanks felt a little guilty. If he really didn’t have any selfish intentions


that incident back then , even he wouldn’t believe it. Although he had

not yet ascended to the throne of the Four Emperors at that time. But the

strength is definitely not weak! A mere little bandit with a bounty of 8

million beli, and a king of the sea who is like a younger brother to the

sea kings of the Grand Line. If Shanks hadn’t done it intentionally, the

other party would not have been able to defeat him no matter what. of.

And the reason why he deliberately let things develop like in the video is

just as mentioned in the previous barrage.


He wanted to use this method

to make Luffy firmly and unswervingly embark on the path of being a


The reason for doing this is

not only because Luffy is somewhat similar to Roger and

said the same words as Captain Roger,

but also because Luffy accidentally ate the rubber fruit due to fate.


It should be said……

Renren Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Nika form is more suitable!

Due to his special status,

Shanks still knows something about this legendary devil fruit that was

renamed and concealed by the world government.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t go out of his way to rob the World Government’s


Just to get this devil fruit.

This devil fruit has not truly awakened for eight hundred years.

However, Shanks saw hope in Luffy.


The other person is the one chosen by fate.


The other person is the person Captain Roger has been waiting for.


The other person is the person who can change the world in the future.

legendary warrior……


It was with such thoughts and expectations that

Shanks made such a decision.

He decided to sacrifice his own arm

to lead Luffy on the path of being a pirate without hesitation.

This is exactly what he told Whitebeard,

the true meaning of betting his arm on the new era!

Of course,

even though he thought so in his heart,

Shanks would definitely not admit such small thoughts in the Tiandao

chat group.

After all, if some things are revealed clearly.

On the contrary, it will have the opposite effect.


If he really revealed his little plan,

would he still be chased around the world by Luffy’s grandfather Garp?

Well, just like Captain Roger back then~


On the projection screen, the video continued –

after seeing Shanks lose an arm to save himself,

Luffy hugged Shanks and cried.

Not long after,

the red-haired pirates completed their adventure in the East China Sea


decided to return to the Grand Line.

At the port of Windmill Village,

the red-haired pirates continued to carry boxes of supplies to the Redfors.

Shanks, on the other hand, was saying goodbye to Luffy.

This time,

Luffy didn’t clamor for Shanks to take him out to sea as usual.

He looked at Shanks very seriously and said:

“I won’t let you take me away again!”

“I want to go to sea by myself in the future!”

“One day, I will find a group of partners who are not inferior to you and

find the world’s greatest secret treasure!”

“I will definitely become……One Piece! ! ! ”

Luffy’s young and tender voice contained an unprecedented firm

determination. After

hearing Luffy’s words, Shanks understood that his hard work was not in


He immediately smiled.

Then he said solemnly He took off the straw hat on his head and

pressed it hard on Luffy’s head!

“Want to outdo us? That’s really amazing!”

“So……I’ll leave this hat to you for safekeeping.。”

“It is my most important treasure, so I must take good care of it!”

“You must return it to me in the future……When you become an

outstanding pirate!”

“We have an appointment! ”

After saying this to Luffy,

Shanks turned around and boarded the Redfors and left slowly.

At the port of Windmill Village,

Luffy held the straw hat tightly in his hand and

looked at it with tears in his eyes. Following the direction of the red-

haired pirates,

the belief in my heart became stronger again!

【Shanks: Haha, it’s so nostalgic. I didn’t expect that so many years have

passed in the blink of an eye.~】


[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] : Shanks, I

have been working hard towards the goal I agreed with you!】

【Shanks: Yeah! I know that you have become a very great pirate now. I

believe that it won’t be long before you can fulfill your promise to me!】

【Monkey·D·Garp: Roll, roll! Redhead, you bastard, how dare you

brainwash my grandson in front of me? You are really braver than that

guy Roger!】

【Gore·D·Roger: Hahahaha! Garp, your grandson is a good prospect to be

a pirate. Shanks doesn’t want to bury his talent, so he has put in some

good intentions.~】

【Monkey·D·Cap:? ? ? Roger, get out of here! Your grandson is such a

good candidate to be a pirate! wrong……You have no grandson at all.

Not only do you have no grandson, your son doesn’t even recognize you

as my father!】

【Gore·D·Roger:? ? ? Damn it! Garp, we have something to talk about,

why did you bring this up again? ! Swearing doesn’t expose the

shortcomings! Don’t you understand this? !】

【Monkey·D·Cap: Huh? Do I still need to be reasonable with you? You are

so cute and silly~】


【Sengoku: The red-haired guy really doesn’t do good things. He has

instilled pirate ideas in children since they were young, and has created

such a big trouble for our navy as the Straw Hat Boy!】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ To be honest, I still can’t understand that this red-

haired guy actually lost one of his arms for such a brat? This is really a

mysterious operation! He even disgraced our four emperors!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, maybe the redhead has already

seen the identity of the Straw Hat Kid’s background king, so he used an

arm in exchange for a favor.~】

【Shi Ji: Is it a favor from the background king? That is indeed not

something that can be measured with one arm, Jie hahahaha!】

【John: But I have to say that the background of this straw hat boy is

getting more and more terrifying. Actually, even the youngest Yonko,

red-haired Shanks, is his leader!】

【Silver Ax: Revolutionary Army, Navy, Shichibukai, Four Emperors……

Straw Hat Guy’s background really covers all the forces!】

【Wang Zhi: After watching this video, the enemies of Straw Hat Boy

were probably so scared that they ran away overnight, hahaha~】


In the projection screen, the video continues –

after leaving the East China Sea and returning to the Grand Line.

Shanks also made a special trip to visit Pluto Rayleigh who was living in

seclusion on the Shampoo Islands.

And told the other party about Luffy.

Said that he thinks Luffy is very similar to Captain Roger.

Maybe he can really inherit Captain Roger’s will and complete what

Captain Roger failed to accomplish back then.

And after entering the new world.

Shanks met Hawkeye who came to see him to learn swordsmanship.

However, after seeing Shanks lose an arm, Hawkeye

lost interest in sparring with him.

But Shanks kept Hawkeye very enthusiastically.

Host a banquet to entertain.

And told Hawkeye a lot of things about Luffy. Later, when Shanks met

and talked with Whitebeard

because of Blackbeard and Ace, he also mentioned something about

Luffy, and told Whitebeard that he had bet this arm on the new era. . The

barrage army passed by again


‘Shanks really praises Luffy when he meets everyone! He definitely loves


‘What do you know, Shanks is helping Luffy gain favorability in front of

the bosses in advance, paving the way for the other party in advance!’

‘If Shanks hadn’t helped Luffy get in front of these big guys in advance,

Luffy wouldn’t have received such special treatment when he met these

big guys later.。’

‘Ha ha! Shanks has really silently sacrificed a lot for Luffy’s journey to

becoming king!’

‘If I hadn’t known that Luffy was the son of a dragon, I would have even

doubted whether he was Shanks’ illegitimate son.~’

‘Damn it! Case solved! No wonder the dragon always wears a green

cloak, because the hat is green!’

‘Long: Why does it feel like a piece of grassland suddenly appeared above

my head?’


【Monkey·D·dragon:? ? ? ? ?】


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Chapter 045

【Monkey·D·Garp: Oh, you red-haired brat! Even though you induced

Luffy to become a pirate, you actually mentioned Luffy crazily to other

big pirates. Are you afraid that my grandson will not be able to go far on

the pirate path? !】

【Shanks: Haha, Lieutenant General Garp, I just mentioned it casually,

and there is no other meaning at all.~】

【Monkey·D·Karp: No other meaning? I believe you! You little guy has a

lot of thoughts, you are even more cunning than Roger back then!】

【Gore·D·Roger: Huh? Cap, what do you mean? ! The main thing about

me is sincerity, but you actually call me cunning? What a complete


【Monkey·D·Garp: Haha, yes, you are not cunning, you are the most

sincere! Did you entrust the child to me because of a disagreement? It

doesn’t matter whether I agree or not!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Indeed! Who abducted Oden from my

ship in the first place?】

【Silbaz Reilly: Who burned my house down and forced me to go to sea

with him and become a pirate?】

【Sengoku: Who deliberately surrendered to the navy, said a lot of

inspiring words before execution, and started the current chaotic era of

great pirates? !】

【Gore·D·Roger:……It turns out that I have done so many bad things

before, and I really didn’t realize it~ Hahahaha~】

In the projection screen, the video continues –

the camera quickly switches.

The scene soon came to the end of the war on the top.

Shanks led the red-haired pirates and appeared at Marine Fando at the

Marine Headquarters.

Preventing the navy from continuing to pursue the fleeing Whitebeard


At the same time, the war was successfully stopped.

He also asked Bucky to return the straw hat that Luffy dropped.

But he didn’t choose to meet Luffy.

Because Shanks felt that

if he met Luffy now,

it would be different from what they had agreed upon.

After properly arranging the funerals of Whitebeard and Ace.

Shanks looked into the distance and silently told Luffy in his heart:

“Listen up, Luffy。”

“Only after experiencing victory and defeat, running around and crying,

can he become a truly independent man.。”

“It doesn’t matter if you cry, just overcome everything! ”

The camera switched again.

The time came two years after the War on the Top.

After learning from the newspaper that all members of the Straw Hat

crew had been resurrected and set sail again, Shanks showed a satisfied


And after that .

He also continued to pay attention to the news about Luffy.

When he learned about the series of incidents that occurred after the

other party entered the new world,

he also smiled and sighed that the time when the two reunited was

getting closer and closer!

And then.

Got . Shanks, who knew that Luffy and others were fighting the two Four

Emperors, Kaido and Big Mom, in Wano Country, led the red-haired

pirates to Wano Country. When he arrived at the offshore of Wano



scene The war between the new generation and the old era has ended.

The video did not show the specific content and results of this battle.

Instead, it showed another scene.

The new general of the Navy Headquarters, Green Bull Aramaki, came to

the outskirts of the Flower City. ,

wanted to attack the Straw Hats who were resting in the Flower Capital.

However, they were blocked by the Nine Red Scabbards, Yamato and


When the two sides were fighting fiercely,


A black thunder struck off the coast of the Country of Harmony.

Suddenly burst out!

The extremely powerful overlord-colored domineering energy actually

enveloped it directly from a place dozens of miles away.

In an instant, it forced the green bull to exit the state of elementalization

of the dense fruit.

And the new appointee The admiral was so frightened that he was

covered in cold sweat and did not dare to move!

Shanks shouted to the green bull from a distance:

“You are so afraid……Is it the dawn of a new era? ! navy! ”

As soon as these words came out, Aramaki was so frightened

that he retreated. He quickly fled the country of Wano and

gave up the idea of taking action against the Straw Hats.

After doing this,

Shanks still did not choose to meet Luffy. .

Instead, he o

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] rdered to

leave the country of Wano.

And threatened that he would also officially join the fight for ONEPIECE!

The scene freezes here.

The barrage army floats past.——

‘The admiral was forced back through the air, and Shanks’ queue was

filled to the brim!’

‘Being able to force the Green Bull out of its elemental state from such a

long distance away, how strong is Shanks’s domineering aura? !’

‘Do you think this is because Shanks’ Overlord color is too domineering?

No! In fact, it’s because Shanks has enough face! (dog head)’

‘Shanks hasn’t even met Luffy yet. He has really been motivating Luffy to

keep climbing!’

‘I’m afraid Shanks will only see him again when Luffy truly becomes the

Pirate King!’

‘As the leader of Luffy’s pirate journey, Shanks really wants Luffy to

reach the top of the sea!’

‘I would like to call Shanks Luffy’s……Guardian!’

‘With someone as awesome as Shanks always helping Luffy secretly, it

would be difficult for Luffy not to become the Pirate King!’


【Kaido: Huh? etc! what’s the situation? Why do the Straw Hats, the

Admiral, and Red Hair all appear in my Wano territory? ! When my

territory is the vegetable market? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, well, Kaido, maybe in the future

you will have been defeated by these brats, and the country of Wano has

become the territory of the Straw Hat Boys.~】

【Kaido:? ? ? You fart! How could I lose to a guy like Straw Hat who only

relies on his background? ! I think Lingling, an old woman like you, is

more likely to be defeated by them!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ But they appear in your country

of Wan, not my country of nations, so don’t be so harsh.~】

【Aramaki: Huh? Will I actually become a naval admiral in the future?

And he was actually scared away by the red hair? How embarrassing!】

【Polusalino: Hmm~ It turns out that my new future colleague is not

only the former Fujitora, but also this Green Bull. There are really more

and more new colleagues~ Sakaski, Kuzan, you two In the future,

everyone will die in the line of duty, right? That’s why there are so many

new people coming to take over your class.~】

【Kuzan: Why couldn’t it have been you who died in the line of duty?】

【Porusalino: Because I’m stubborn! And I’m faster than you. If

something really happens, I’ll be the first one to run away.~】

【Sakaski: Humph! It seems like you have a very clear understanding of


【Skulachman Apu: Mud! It’s so irritating that people are so different

from each other. While we were still struggling to survive in this sea, the

Straw Hat boy had already paved the way for him with the red-haired

Shanks of the Yonko!】

【Ulki: I originally thought that everyone was a supernova pirate who

rose from the grassroots, but who would have thought that it would turn

out……This guy Straw Hat is definitely the candidate for the Pirate King

that the bosses have planned!】

【Capone Becky: With this background, we still have a fight with Straw

Hat Boy about ONEPIECE? ! Mudd! No more fighting! There’s something


【Basil Hawkins: The more I watch this inventory video, the more I

feel……This guy, Straw Hat, is simply the chosen one! If it were placed

in a storybook, he would definitely be the protagonist!】

【Eustace Kidd: Humph! What about the chosen one? Even if I don’t have

any background, I can still win the throne of the Pirate King through my

own efforts!】

【Shanks: Eustace Kidd? Haha, I like your character very much! I heard

you also have red hair? Um……Not bad!】

【Eustace Kidd: Huh? Redhead, what do you mean? ! ]

Shanks’ sudden and incomprehensible words left Kidd a little confused.

And just when he was wondering about this.

The video on the projection screen continues to play.

And this time.

The picture is from the country of Wano…….

Island of Giants – Elbaf!


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Chapter 046

Inside the projection screen –

Shanks after leaving Wano Country.

He led the red-haired pirates to Elbaf.

I stayed here for a while, catching up with old friends from the giant


And when they were preparing to leave here.

A pirate ship appeared on the sea not far from Elbaf.

It is the Victoria Punk of the Kidd Pirates!

Sensing the arrival of the Kidd Pirates,

Shanks asked his subordinate Rockstar to deliver a message to the other


“Do you really want to start a war with me here right now?”

“Or hand over the road sign and history and get out? !”

“Choose for yourself! ”

The camera switched to the other side.

On the Victoria Punk.

Kidd and others have received a message from Shanks.

Kira on the side looked at Kidd and said with some worry:

“Kidd, do we really want to go to war with the red-haired pirates?”

“Last time we didn’t even see the other party’s leader, Red Hair…….I was

completely defeated!”

“You even lost an arm because of it!”

“If we fight again, it may not be as simple as an arm.。”

“I am afraid……Life is at risk! ”

Hearing what Kira said, Kidd also touched his mechanical arm made of

metal with an extremely serious expression.

But then, this supernova pirate, one of the most evil generations, smiled

ferociously. stand up。

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“that kind of thing……”

“Let’s talk about it after I lose! ”

As the words fell, ferocious murderous intent burst out from Kidd.

He was originally the most ferocious one in the extremely evil


Now, how could he possibly back down?

The scene froze.

The cold prompts of the Tiandao inventory system suddenly sounded.


“Random question 5: Who is the final winner in the battle between

Shanks and Kidd? ”

As soon as the question came up, the Tiandao chat group instantly

became lively.。

【Shanks: Haha, I just finished speaking on the front foot. Is the Tiandao

Inventory System on the back foot going to play a video of me fighting

this kid Kidd in the future?】

【Eustace Kidd: Will my future self challenge the red-haired pirates?

Hum! It seems that I will be able to win the position of Four Emperors in

a short time!】

【X·Drake: Hey, Kidd, would you please wake up? Didn’t you see what

was said in the video? You have already challenged the red-haired pirates

once before, but the result was that you were completely defeated

without even seeing the red-haired pirates, and even lost an arm because

of it!】

【Qiao Ellie Bonny: The red-haired being can use his domineering aura to

drive back the admiral from a distance of dozens of miles. Do you think

you really have any chance of winning?】

【Skulachman Apu: Do you think you are the background king in Straw

Hat? It’s really a life-threatening challenge to a redhead!】

【Basil Hawkins: Last time you lost an arm, this time you may lose your


【Capone Becky: It’s funny to say that Kidd and Shanks both have red

hair. Shanks broke his arm while trying to save Straw Hat, and Kidd also

broke his arm when he challenged the red-haired pirates. One arm, and

both are left arms. What a coincidence.~】

【Urki: Haha! I think this is not a coincidence at all, but a deliberate

move by Red-haired Shanks! Everyone has red hair, why do you have

two arms? Cut it off!】

【Trafalgar·D·Valtiel Rowe: Mr. Eustace, you are somewhat


【Kira: Kidd……In the future, we won’t really be wiped out by the red-

haired gang, right?】

【Eustace Kidd: Humph! Who can say for sure what will happen in the

future? The red-haired man is indeed very strong, but maybe my future

self has become even stronger than him? ! If I can’t defeat the redhead,

how can I reach the top of this great route!】

【Monkey·D·Luffy: The thorn-haired man is right! Just because Shanks is

strong, you can’t be afraid and stop fighting! How can you be the Pirate

King like this? ! But there is one thing to say, I think……You can’t beat

Shanks, thorn-headed man.~】

【Eustace Kidd:……】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ This brat who doesn’t know the heights of heaven and

earth actually wants to challenge the Four Emperors? We have

dominated the new world for so many years, and there are countless

people who have challenged us, and they have all been defeated by us!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, if the Four Emperors were defeated

so easily, then we wouldn’t have been able to sit on the throne of the Sea

Emperor for so many years.~】

【Warring States Period: It seems……The answer to this questio

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] n is already

obvious. 】

Soon, the question answering officially began.

Everyone started to answer questions in the Tiandao chat group。

【Shanks: Shanks! (answer question)】

【Sengoku: Shanks! (answer question)】

【Kaido: Shanks! (answer question)】

【Monkey·D·Luffy: Shanks! (answer question)】

【Eustace Kidd: Eustace Kidd! (answer question)】


Countless answering messages popped up at this moment.

And almost 99% of people

answered Shanks.

after all…

The opponent’s strength is obvious to all.

Although Kidd has the highest bounty among the current generation of

Supernova Pirates.

But I want to grow to the level of the Four Emperors.

It will take at least ten years!

Judging from the video,

the time when the conflict broke out between the two was obviously not

that far away.

Kidd’s odds……

Very low very low!

Few people thought highly of him.

After answering some questions.

The Tiandao reminder sounds again。

“There are only five seconds left in the answering time. Those who have

not answered the question yet please do so as soon as possible!”






“It’s time to answer questions!”

“Congratulations to Shanks for answering correctly and earning 1 point!”

【Shanks: Haha, am I right? This Tiandao inventory system really gives

you face.~】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Sure enough, it’s absolutely impossible for such a

group of brats to shake the status of the Four Emperors。】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, if you want to bring down our four

emperors, you should come back in a few decades!】

【Eustace Kidd: Damn it! future me……Still lost? !】

【Kira: I don’t know what will happen to our pirate team after losing to

the red hair…….】

【Skullachman Apu: No need to think about it? They must have been

completely wiped out by the red-haired pirates!】

【Urqui: Kidd, let me tell you, you might as well hug the background

king of Straw Hat now, so that when you actually meet the red-haired

pirates in the future, they might let you go. one horse~】

【Eustace Kidd: Get out! ! ! No matter what the outcome is, I still have

the courage to challenge the Four Emperors, what about you? They are

just a bunch of cowards who are greedy for life, afraid of death, and



In the projection screen, the video continues –

looking at the red-haired pirate fleet docked on the shore of Elbaf in the


The next moment, Kidd moved.

He directly raised his hand and activated the magnetic fruit ability.

A large amount of metal gathered directly towards his mechanical arm.

In an instant, an extremely precise cannon was formed.

It looks full of futuristic and sci-fi flavor。

“No matter who the opponent is!”

“Use this electromagnetic gun……Total annihilation in 10 seconds! ”

As he spoke, Kidd directly aimed his gun at the fleet of the Red-haired


On the other side,

on the deck of the Redfors.

Shanks’s expression suddenly became serious.

He passed the powerful Seeing and hearing Haki predicted the future.

He saw the fleet under his command suffered heavy casualties under

Kidd’s electromagnetic gun!

“The damage was too heavy!”

“Really awesome! ”

Shanks muttered to himself.

Then he suddenly disappeared from the spot!

He was seen holding the Saber Griffin,

leaping towards the Victoria Punk.

The speed was extremely fast!

At this time Kidd was still charging the electromagnetic gun.

When he saw Shanks suddenly appeared not far in front of him, running

toward him, he was stunned.。

“Eh? !”

“Red hair! ! ! ”

Amidst Kidd’s screams,

Shanks had already arrived in front of him.

Then he swung down the Griffin sword in his hand without hesitation!


overbearing and domineering black thunder burst out from the blade in

an instant!

“God avoids! ”

It only took a moment.

The electromagnetic gun in Kidd’s hand didn’t even have time to fire.

It was split in half by Shanks!

Kidd himself, and

Kira who wanted to step forward to help

, He withstood Shanks’ divine attack head-on.

In an instant, he was seriously injured and fell to the ground, completely


Divine Dodge!

One move…….

Instant kill! ! !


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Chapter 047

The video was frozen at the moment Kidd was killed.

Then, a dense barrage floated past——

‘base – german——!!!’

‘Damn it! He knocked out both Kidd and Kira with one move. Shanks was

so awesome! ! !’

‘Kidd played GG amidst the laughter~’

‘Kidd! Why don’t you avoid it? Is it because you don’t want to?’

‘God avoids you, but you are more awesome than God?’

‘God avoids me, I am Dashabi!’

‘Kidd: Damn it, I’m an Oden!’

‘Okay, now Shanks has successfully helped Luffy kill a competitor.~’

‘Shanks, the leader, clears the way for Luffy to become king online!’


【Eustace Kidd:? ? ? Kira and I were killed instantly with one move? Is

the gap so huge? ! ! !】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ You kid who doesn’t know the heights of heaven and

earth, this is the gap between you and us Yonko!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, this kid named Kid really made me

laugh to death. In the video just now, he even said that he would

completely annihilate the red-haired pirates’ fleet in 10 seconds? As a

result, in less than 10 seconds, he was wiped out by the group.~】

【Shi Ji: Total annihilation in 10 seconds? wrong! They should have been

wiped out in 10 seconds! Jie hahahaha~】

【Monkey·D·Luffy: Sri Lanka! Shanks is so strong! Thorny man, you seem

to be a bit miserable in the future!】

【Eustace Kidd:……】

【Gore·D·Roger: Hahahaha! It’s actually a divine escape! Shanks, I didn’t

expect you to even learn this trick of mine!】

【Kozuki Oden: I don’t know why, but when I looked at the young man

named Kid in the video, I suddenly thought of myself back then…….That

was how I was cut away by Roger with a divine sword!】

【Edward Newgate: Oden, Oden, you are better than that kid Kidd. At

least you were fine after being stabbed, but that kid Kidd was probably

seriously injured.。】

【Kira: Could it be that……Will our Kidd Pirates be completely destroyed

in the future? !】

【Shanks: Haha, sorry sorry! I guess in the future I have foreseen the

scene of you destroying my fleet, so I hit you a little harder.~】

【Polusalino: Hmm~ Two swords per second. Do you call this just a

“slightly” heavier blow? Red-haired Shanks is so scary~】

【Aoji: Ah la la~ After watching this video, I’m afraid no supernova

pirate will dare to challenge the red-haired man again, right?】

【Monkey·D·Luffy: No! I dare! I also think that Shanks will be the first

Yonko to challenge in the future!】

【Capone Becky:? ? ? You are completely different from us!】

【Ulki: You are the background king, and Red-haired Shanks is your

leader. Don’t confuse you with grassroots supernovas like us!】

【Skulachman Apu: If you challenge the red-haired man, he might just

give you the position of Yonko!】

【Basil Hawkins: Even if the redhead won’t surrender to you, it’s

absolutely impossible to kill him as directly and ruthlessly as he did to


【Eustace Kidd:……】

Look at the conversations among the people in the Tiandao chat group.

Kidd’s mentality is a bit broken.

Oh shit!

Will my future self actually lose to the red-haired pirates twice in a row?


And he was defeated so completely? !

The strength of the four emperors……Is it really that scary? !

It seems that his previous knowledge of this sea was still a little too


Even the future self will be easily killed by the red hair.

So if I enter the new world with my current strength,

wouldn’t it be tantamount to seeking death? !


You have to become stronger!


My dream of climbing to the top of this sea is completely a fantasy!

Must become stronger!

And the current Tiandao inventory

is undoubtedly an opportunity for him to become stronger quickly!

As long as you can answer the questions correctly, you will get rewards.

There is a chance to become stronger……

Stronger than red hair!

It seems that I have to work harder to answer the questions next!

Kidd encouraged himself silently in his heart.

He wasn’t disheartened by the video of his defeat.

On the contrary, it inspired stronger fighting spirit and ambition!


inside the projection screen.

This concludes the review of Luffy’s leader, red-haired Shanks.

The screen fell into darkness again.

And immediately after.

A line of text slowly emerged。


[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ·Luffy’s

Background No. 11: Master – Silbaz Rayleigh! 】

A photo also appeared on the screen.

Long curly silver hair.

A pair of round rimless glasses.

There is a scar on the right eye.

There is a gray beard on his chin.

A yellow shirt paired with brown cropped pants.

There were a pair of flip-flops on the soles of her feet.

He was wearing a large white cloak.

Although he is old, he is still full of energy.

It is none other than Silbaz Rayleigh, the former vice-captain of the

Roger Pirates and the right arm of the Pirate King!

Known as Hades!

The appearance of Rayleigh on the projection screen

immediately caused quite a stir in the Tiandao chat group.。

【Monkey·D·Luffy: Ah! It’s the Uncle Rayleigh we just met at the


【Roronoa Zoro: Pluto Rayleigh, the deputy captain of the Roger

Pirates……Actually became Luffy’s master? !】

【Skulachman Apu: Damn! After Red-haired Shanks, even Pluto Rayleigh

came? ! One Piece’s deputy is Straw Hat’s master? ! Why the hell is this

not allowed to be played anymore? !】

【Urki: Numb! Completely numb! The background of Straw Hat is so

powerful that it can always exceed our imagination!】

【Trafalgar·D·Vatiel Law: Hades Rayleigh is the master of the Straw Hat

Master? No wonder he helped the Straw Hat Boss at the auction just


【Eustace Kidd: Humph! Damn it!】

【Silbaz Reilly: Huh? Will I become Luffy’s master in the future? It’s


【Gore·D·Roger: Haha, Rayleigh, old man, why are you so much older

than I remember you?】

【Silbaz Reilly: Nonsense, you don’t even think about how many years

you have been dead! Can I not age?】

【Gore·D·Roger: Hahahaha! Too~】

【Bucky: Mr. Rayleigh actually became the master of the Straw Hat Kid?

How abominable!】

【Shanks: Haha, if Mr. Rayleigh teaches Luffy, his strength should be

greatly improved!】

【Monkey·D·Cap: Damn it! This kid Luffy has become a pirate again? !

I’m obviously stronger, right? ! Isn’t it good to just follow me and

practice? ! 】

Amidst everyone’s surprise and emotion.

Reilly’s photo gradually faded away on the projection screen.

Then the video officially started playing –

since the Roger Pirates were disbanded.

Rayleigh has basically been living in seclusion on the Chambord Islands.

Became a coater.

When I have nothing to do, I go out to drink and gamble.

One time Shanks came to the Shampoo Islands to visit him.

He told him about a young man named Luffy he met in the East China


Said that the other party was very similar to Captain Roger back then.

And Shanks also entrusted Roger’s straw hat to him.

This made Rayleigh very interested in Luffy.

I have always wanted to see with my own eyes what kind of person the

other person is.


In the year 1520 of the Haiyuan calendar.

That was the incident where the Tianlong people were beaten that just

happened not long ago.

Rayleigh met Luffy at the population auction venue.

As soon as he appeared on the scene, he stunned many enemies with his

powerful overlord-colored domineering energy.

And used Armament Haki to remove the explosive collar from Kemi’s


It can be said that he is very handsome.

Forced to be full.

Barrage drifted by——

‘Damn it! handsome! Rayleigh is over 70 years old, but he is still so

handsome? !’

‘He is worthy of being the right arm of the Pirate King. This appearance

is full of force!’

‘I have fallen in love with the old man at the door!’


【Silbaz Reilly: Hahahaha! I feel a little embarrassed when these

comments are so complimentary.~】

【Xia Qi: I think you, this old man, are quite proud? Your mouth is

almost grinning to the sky, right?】

【Silbaz Reilly: Haha, where are you talking? I’m just generally


【Gore·D·Roger: Why does this guy Rayleigh become more and more

slutty as he gets older?】

【Skoba Jabba: Indeed, I feel the same way.。】

【Edward Newgate: Possibly……Is this the legendary Lao Lai Qiao?】


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Chapter 048

On the Tiandao projection screen, the video continued –

after appearing at the population auction venue and briefly chatting with

Luffy and others.

Rayleigh took the injured Xiaoba, Kemi and others and left first.

Later, he met the Straw Hat Gang again in Xia Qi’s rip-off bar.

This time,

Rayleigh talked a lot with Luffy and others.

In order to repay the Straw Hats’ kindness for saving Hachi,

Rayleigh agreed to help them coat the Sonny for free.

Before leaving,

Robin asked Rayleigh about the historical text.

Reilly said he knew everything there was to know about the historical


But he then said that

maybe everything he knew was not correct.

Maybe when Robin solved the answer to all this through his own


the truth he saw would be the same as what he and Roger saw back then.

are not the same.

And if Robin insists on knowing the truth now,

he doesn’t mind telling him everything now.

After listening to Rayleigh’s words, Robin smiled.

She said she wanted to rely on her own strength to get closer to the truth

of history.

Reilly was very pleased with this.

Immediately afterwards,

Usopp also asked Rayleigh,

wanting to know if ONEPIECE really existed.

But Luffy angrily stopped him.

And he threatened that if he learned those things from Rayleigh here, he

would never be a pirate again!

When Luffy said, “The freest man in this sea is the Pirate King,”

Rayleigh smiled, feeling that Shanks and he had not misjudged the


After some conversation.

Rayleigh left Shaggy’s Rip-Off Bar

to go coat the Straw Hats’ ship.。

【Roronoa Zoro: Is this what would have happened in a while if the

Heaven’s Inventory System had not arrived?】

【Nami: I didn’t expect that One Piece’s right arm Hades Rayleigh would

help us coat it for free. That would be great! Can save a lot of money


【Usopp: Hey! Wait, Nami, is this the point?】

【Nicole Robin: The truth about history? I will definitely unravel it one

day, but not now!】

【Morgans: Damn it! Just now, I was almost able to be asked by the long-

nosed guy from the Straw Hats whether ONEPIECE is real! It’s a pity that

he was stopped by the Straw Hat guy!】

【Moonlight Moria: That’s right! That guy from Straw Hat……He doesn’t

want to know, but we still want to know!】

【Gore·D·Roger: Hahahaha! Is the freest man on this sea the Pirate King?

well said! I really like this guy Straw Hat! Shanks, you did see the right


【Monkey·D·Cap: Roger! You, a dead man, get out of here, and don’t even

think about trying to mislead my grandson!】

【Gore·D·Roger: Garp, your grandson doesn’t need anyone to take care of

him at all. He is born to be a pirate, hahahaha!】

【Monkey·D·Cap:? ? ? roll roll roll! No matter how stupid you are, believe

it or not, I dug up your grave? !】

The video continues –

Rayleigh, who was about to coat the Sonny, suddenly sensed that Luffy

and others were in danger through his sense of sight.

So he rushed over immediately.

Zoro was saved from Kizaru in time.

Then a tug-of-war started with the other party.


Bartholomew Bear appeared and

said something in Rayleigh’s ear.

Xiong revealed to Rayleigh his identity as a revolutionary army

and his intention to help Luffy and others escape from here.

So, Rayleigh just watched helplessly as the other party beat Luffy and

others away.

Camera switch.

Time came to the top after the war ended.

Rayleigh found Luffy who had successfully escaped from Marinefando.

This prevented the other party from wanting to rush back to the

Shampoo Islands immediately.

And made a proposal to Luffy.

It means that the current strength of Luffy and others is still too weak,

and it is not enough to support them to enter the new world and compete

for the throne of One Piece.

It is suggested that the Straw Hats stop and practice for a while.

Luffy readily agreed to this suggestion.

So, Rayleigh accompanied Luffy on his return trip to Marinefando.

In the name of condolences to Ace, he secretly sent a message to his



Rayleigh took Luffy to start special training on an uninhabited island.

Teach the other party how to use the three-color Haki.

Time flies and a year and a half has passed.

During this year and a half,

Rayleigh and Luffy lived, ate, lived and practiced almost all together,

developing a deep relationship!

And Luffy also successfully mastered the

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] training and

use of three-color Haki.

Rayleigh felt that he had nothing left to teach Luffy.

So he left first.

He said that he would wait for Luffy to come again in the Shampoo


Another half year passed in the blink of an eye.

After learning that Luffy had landed on the Shampoo Islands, Rayleigh

came to see him off.

After seeing Luffy take a step closer to controlling Haki, he felt a lot more


in the screen.

Luffy, who was evading the pursuit of the navy, suddenly stopped when

he saw Rayleigh arriving.

Face the other party, raise your hands high, with a bright smile on your

face, and shout:

“Raleigh! I will definitely succeed!”

“One Piece, I’m determined! ! ! ”

Hearing Luffy’s firm words, Rayleigh smiled.

The smile was very gratifying and kind.

Since the navy was chasing behind him,

Luffy did not stay too long and

continued to run into the distance with his friends.

Looking at Luffy’s retreating back,

the scenes of getting along day and night in the past year and a half

suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Rayleigh’s old eyes became moist unknowingly.

He closed his eyes slightly.

Then he stood up He stood up and shouted in the direction Luffy left:

“Go to the top! ”

The words fell.

A sword energy suddenly passed in front of the marine soldiers who were

chasing Luffy!

A long ravine was drawn on the ground.

The marines stood in front of the ravine and stopped one after another.

And Rayleigh He came to them with a saber in hand and said with a


“My apprentice is about to go sailing, I hope everyone will not hinder


“this line……I advise you not to cross it. ”

The picture freezes here.

The barrage army passes by again——

‘Grass mud horse! It’s on fire! ! !’

‘It was so touching that the master came to escort his apprentice on his


‘Rayleigh is so handsome, I would call him the most handsome old man

among pirates!’

‘Rayleigh is indeed handsome and strong, but it’s a pity that he is not

good enough to be a teacher. He is not as good as Ka Er and Teacher

Kai~ (dog head saves life)’

‘Ha ha ha ha! Old Leili~’


【Basil Hawkins: Mudd! Look at the straw hat boy who was actually able

to receive personal guidance from Pluto Rayleigh, and when he went to

sea, Pluto Rayleigh personally came to protect him!】

【Capone Becky: It’s really irritating to see people compare to each other.

When we supernovas were chased by the navy, no one ever came to help


【Joelle Bonny: Oh, there’s no comparison!】

【Xia Qi: Lei Li, you actually cried when you said goodbye to little

Monkey in the video. It seems that you really have feelings for me.~】

【Silbaz Rayleigh: Haha, after all, this little guy Luffy is quite lovable,

and I have been with him day and night for a year and a half in the

future. I don’t have children, so I probably regard him as half a human

being. A grandson is here to take care of it, right?~】

【Monkey·D·Cap:? ? ? Raleigh! You old guy still want to steal your

grandson from me? ! ! !】

【Gore·D·Roger: Huh? etc! its not right! Rayleigh, you guy actually took

advantage of me? ! ! !】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! Roger’s son and Straw Hat Boy are brothers. As a

result, Rayleigh said that he regarded Straw Hat Boy as half a grandson.

So what is the relationship between Rayleigh and Roger?】

【Edward Newgate: That guy Raleigh……It seems that he has also taken

advantage of me. What an old fox!】

【Silbaz Reilly: Haha, I just said that casually, don’t take it too

seriously~ Having said that, I am more curious than this…….Why did

some barrage just now say that I misled my disciples? I think my

teaching level should still be very high, right?】

【Charlotte Katakuri: The card mentioned in that barrage……Why do I

always feel like it’s me?】

【Kaido: Who is Teacher Kai? When did a guy with such a name appear

in this sea?】

【Charlotte Lingling: It’s really strange. That guy from Straw Hat actually

has so many teachers? ! ]

In this regard, everyone was confused and puzzled.

And just then.

The inventory of Rayleigh on the projection screen was also completely


Then the screen went dark.

A line of text slowly appeared on the screen again.

Next Monkey·D·Luffy’s background character will be revealed soon!

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Chapter 049

On a pitch-black projection screen.

Information about Luffy’s next background person slowly emerged。

【Monkey D. Luffy Background No. 12: Teacher——Charlotte Katakuri!

As soon as this line of text came out,

it immediately caused a huge sensation in the Tiandao chat group.~!

【Charlotte Lingling: Huh? ! What the hell? ! My son Katakuri has

become Straw Hat’s mentor? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Perospero: How is this possible? ! How could Katakuri be

Straw Hat’s teacher? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Smoothie: Brother Katakuri also became a background figure

in Straw Hat? ! But my brother and the Straw Hat boy should have

absolutely nothing to do with each other!】

【Charlotte Crackler: What the hell is going on? ! Could this Tiandao

inventory system be kidding us? !】

【Charlotte Katakuri: So……Is that Ka Er mentioned in the barrage just

now really me? It seems that in the future that I cannot see……It seems

like something incredible has happened.。】

【Kaido: Charlotte Katakuri? Lingling, isn’t that your second son?】

【Edward Newgate: Lingling’s son becomes Straw Hat’s teacher? What

outrageous plot development is this?】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! Lingling, is it possible that you are actually with

the Straw Hat Boy? Are you one of his background people? !】

【Charlotte Lingling: You fart! How could I possibly be on the same team

as the Straw Hat Boy? ! With my strength, I don’t need to fawn over a


【Rocks D. Gibek: Then how do you explain the fact that your son

became the Straw Hat teacher?】

【Charlotte Lingling: I really want to know too! This guy Straw Hat

hasn’t even entered the new world yet. We have no interaction with him

at all. Who knows what will happen in the future? ! 】

Auntie is a little angry at the moment.

When she was watching Luffy’s background review before,

she basically had the attitude of watching a show and eating.

After all, from the current point of view,

I have no interaction or relationship with the Straw Hat Boy.

No matter how rich and powerful the Straw Hat Boy’s background is, it

doesn’t have much to do with him.

But who would have thought…

I was eating this melon and

suddenly it hit my head? !

His second son,

the leader of the four dessert generals of the Big Mom Pirates,

the Minister of Flour of the Kingdom of Totland, and

the highest masterpiece of the Charlotte family…….

Charlotte Katakuri!

Inexplicably, he became the teacher of the Straw Hat Boy mentioned by

Tiandao Inventory System? ! ! !

This is a bit too outrageous, right? ! ! !

At this moment,

Big Mom really wanted to question Katakuri,

what is his relationship with Straw Hat?

Why do they collude together?

But Auntie knew that

even if she asked, there would be no results.

After all, Straw Hat hasn’t even entered the new world yet.

Katakuri has not left the New World since he was born.

For now, it is impossible for the two to have any intersection.

Even if Katakuri does collude with Straw Hat,

it will definitely happen in the future.

Now I can’t even figure out why.。

“I want to see what’s going on before I arrive! ”

The aunt muttered to herself viciously in her heart.

Then she continued to focus on the inventory that was about to begin.。

【Silbarz Raeli: What the previous barrage said……Is Mr. Kaji, the

teacher who teaches Luffy better than me, Lingling’s son? But this little

guy is not as strong as me. How can he teach better than me?】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Reilly, is it possible that you are old and not

as good as the younger generation now?】

【Silbarzraeli: What words? What is this word? ! I am only 76 years old.

How am I old? !】

【Jabba Screba: Tsk, tsk, Rayleigh, you’re 76 and you’re not old yet? You

old guy is really tough-talking.~】

【Brooke: Is 76 considered old? Then I, who is 88 years old, am not even

more old-boned? Although I am a skeleton, all I have left is a handful of

old bones, yo hoo hoo hoo~】

【Dr. Kuleha: Let me tell you something, 76 years old is really not old. I

am already 139 years old. In front of me, 76 years old is like a little kid. I

don’t even feel that I am old. How can I be old at 76 years old?


【Silbarz Reilly: Haha, that’s right, old man, I’m still going strong! I

really want to see why those comments in the past said that Lingling’s

son is a better teacher than me? 】

While everyone was talking like this.

On the projection screen, a photo appeared as usual.

Tall and slender figure.

Amaranth red hair.

Dressed in a dark metal style.

In his hand was a long black trident.

A thick scarf was wrapped around his neck, completely covering his


It’s none other than Charlotte Katakuri!

The photo disappears.

The video officially started playing –

the scene in the picture appeared on the sea near the shore.

The shore was burning with flames.

A large group of figures were slowly walking out of the flames.

There is a pirate ship floating on the sea with a lion-like bow.

The pirate flag is a skull and crossbones wearing a straw hat.

It’s the Straw Hat Pirates’ ship, the Sonny!

On the sea farther away from the Sonny,

there were many cake-shaped ships approaching.

They seemed to be trying to surround the Sonny.

On the deck of the Sonny,

Luffy, wearing a red suit, was having a fierce battle with Katakuri.

Luffy’s fists wrapped in armed haki kept attacking the opponent like a


Faced with such a fierce attack,

Katakuri just stood there calmly,

shaking his body slightly,

and easily dodged all Luffy’s attacks!

Katakuri looked at Luffy indifferently and said in a deep voice:

“As long as I’m here, don’t even think about setting sail! Luffy

responded angrily:

“We will definitely get out of here! Absolutely! Katakuri

said disdainfully:

“Wait until you have the strength to drive me out. ”

The barrage flashed across –

highlight the key point! What Kaji-sensei said is that if Luffy wants to

sail, he must first have the strength to drive him out!

It turns out that from here, Kaji-sensei has already planned to attack

Luffy Special training is going on!

Teacher Ka Er’s informative and domineering class is about to start~

Ka Er: You kid can’t even think of leaving here until you graduate from

my class! (Dog Head)

【Shiji: Is the guy who is fighting the Straw Hat Boy in the video

Lingling’s second son? It looks pretty strong!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Lingling’s second son is one of the

strongest cadres under her command. It is said that the use of the

domineering power of seeing and hear

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ing has

reached its peak, and he can even foresee the future.。】

【Gol D. Roger: Can you foresee the future Haki? Although it is standard

equipment for top experts like us, I didn’t expect Lingling’s son to

actually master it. It’s really amazing!】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Lingling’s son is indeed quite strong. In terms of

strength, he should be on par with my subordinate Jhin. He would be a

complete crusher against a brat like Straw Hat.~】

【Shanks: Really? But judging from the barrage just now, it seems that

things are not that simple, haha~】

【Charlotte Lingling: Huh? This place in the picture is……The waters

near Cake Island? !】

【Charlotte Perospero: Aren’t the ships approaching on the distant sea all

the ships of our Big Mom Pirates? 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu

Novel Network!)

【Charlotte Smoothie: The Straw Hat crew’s ship actually appeared in

our waters? What do they want to do? What a courage!】

【Charlotte Cracker: Haha, no matter what the Straw Hat guy wants to

do, now that he has entered the territory of our Big Mom Pirates, don’t

even think about leaving!】

【Charlotte Snager: That’s right! Brother Katakuri is already fighting with

the Straw Hat Boys on their ship, and our fleet has also surrounded their

ship. There is absolutely no possibility for these guys to escape!】

【Charlotte Bray: But……What makes me a little confused is, isn’t

Katakuri-nii fighting with the Straw Hat boy now? Why do those barrages

say he is Straw Hat’s teacher? They are clearly enemies in the video.。】

【Charlotte Owen: Could it be that after the Straw Hat boy was defeated

by Katakuri-san, he chose to join our Big Mom Pirates, and then Katakuri-

san gave him special training?】

【Charlotte Dafu: That makes sense! I think this explanation is quite

reasonable! Otherwise, how could Katakuri-nii become Straw Hat’s

teacher for no reason?】

【Monkey D. Luffy: I won’t join your Big Mom Pirates! I am the man who

wants to become the Pirate King! 】

In the projection screen, the video continues –

Due to Katakuri’s troublesome Haki,

no matter how Luffy attacks the opponent, it will be of no avail.

It is even more impossible to drive the other party off the Sonny.

The scene was a little anxious for a while.

But then, Luffy had a plan in mind.

He suddenly bit his right thumb and blew in it suddenly.

The entire right hand suddenly became extremely huge.

Immediately afterwards, armed domineering energy wrapped around it.

A huge black hand quickly grabbed Katakuri.

He immediately grabbed the opponent firmly in his palm.

Luffy held his hand tightly, making it impossible for Katakuri to break

free for a while.。

“I see。”

“In this case, I really won’t be able to take action on other things. ”

Katakuri was not surprised at all by Luffy’s behavior.

It was as if he had expected it.

He didn’t make any move and just let Luffy catch him.

The two fell into a kind of stalemate。

“boom! boom!”

“boom! ! ! ”

The sound of cannonballs being fired came from a distance.

The Big Mom Pirates fleet that surrounded the Sonny were firing at the

Sonny non-stop.

And Luffy wanted to restrain Katakuri. , had no time to defend against

these attacks.

Fortunately, there were others on the Sunny.

Jinbe, Chopper, Brooke and others immediately took action to intercept

all the flying shells.

Nami was preparing Sonny’s blast cannon recharges.


Just when the Sonny was about to launch the wind cannon,

it flew into the sky and broke out of the siege.

But a huge figure suddenly rushed up from behind.

He directly grabbed the stern of the Sonny!

The huge force even caused the bow of the Sonny to tilt up.

Everyone looked back in horror.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the aunt who was suffering from

schizophrenia holding the stern of the Sonny and chewing on it.

He kept mumbling words like “wedding cake”。

“Stop! Let go of Sonny! ! ! ”

Luffy shouted angrily at Big Mom.

However, Big Mom, who was in a state of schizophrenia, had no sense at


Naturally, she was even less likely to listen to Luffy’s words.

The situation seemed to be getting worse at this moment.

Luffy looked around, and then quickly made a decision in his mind.

He turned his head, looked at his friends, and said:

“Everyone! I will definitely be back!”

“Next……It’s up to you! ”

After hearing what Luffy said, everyone was still a little confused.

They didn’t know what he wanted to do.

The next moment,

Luffy directly grabbed Katakuri and

rushed into a mirror nearby.

It happened to be at this moment ,

the Feng Lai Cannon was completely charged. An

extremely strong shock wave burst out from the muzzle at the stern of

the ship.

It directly pushed Big Mom back a short distance.

The Sonny also took advantage of this to fly high into the sky,

crossing at an extremely fast speed. He defeated the surrounding Big

Mom Pirates fleet and

successfully broke out of the siege!

On the other side,

Luffy took Katakuri into Bree’s mirror world.

After arriving here,

Luffy then Finally he let go of Katakuri, who he had been holding on to


The two looked at each other.

Katakuri whispered to himself:

“Did they escape successfully?”

“If we were here, we could have a good fight. ”

Luffy looked serious.

Under Katakuri’s gaze,

he suddenly punched the mirror behind him.

Completely shattering the mirror!

In this way,

whether it was Katakuri or him, I

can no longer return to the Sonny through this mirror!

The barrage army passed by –

so cool! The scene of Luffy smashing the mirror is so cool!

This is the realization of being a captain Ah, he must protect his friends

behind him!

I think Kaji was actually intending to make Luffy do this just now.

Otherwise, with his level of knowledge and domineering perception, it

would be impossible for him to not know Luffy’s intentions at all. You

can prevent Luffy from doing this in advance.

Indeed! And with Kaji’s strength, even if Luffy is caught in his hand,

there is definitely a way to break free, but he did nothing and just let it

go Luffy dragged himself into the mirror world!

Kaji wants to have an upright duel with Luffy!

Nonsense! What kind of upright duel? It’s obviously a one-on-one secret

teaching! (Dog Head)

Huh? Secret teaching?! Loving auntyyds!

Hello! Upstairs, you are on the wrong set! This is the place to be! It’s

started! It’s started! Teacher Ka Er’s advanced knowledge and

domineering teaching is finally about to officially begin! 2.

Chapter 050

【Charlotte Crackler: Damn it! He actually let the Straw Hat crew escape

on their ship? !】

【Charlotte Smoothie: The Straw Hats’ ship can actually fly? It’s


【Franky: Humph! The Sonny is my masterpiece, of course it can fly!

but……How dare that old woman in the video chew my Sonny? ! This is

too much! If I were there, I would give that old woman a good beating!】

【Nico Robin: Franky, that old woman is the aunt of one of the four


【Franky: Ah……That’s okay……But hurting Sonny is still absolutely


【Monkey D. Luffy: That’s right! That old woman actually dared to

damage the Sonny, I must beat her up!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ Straw hat boy, you’d better defeat

my son Katakuri first and then talk about it. Just because you want to

touch me? It’s still a bit too tender!】

【Charlotte Perospero: But then again……The mother in the video seems

to be in a bad state, right? It looks like he is suffering from


【Charlotte Katakuri: That’s right, and my mother was still talking about

the wedding cake. I guessed that Wanguo might have been holding

someone’s wedding ceremony before, but the wedding cake was stolen by

the Straw Hat guys. Broken, that’s why mom is so crazy。】

【Charlotte Lingling: Is that so? They actually ruined the cake that I’ve

been thinking about so much, so the Straw Hats deserve to die! ! !】

【Charlotte Flampe: That’s right! The Straw Hats should be damned!

Katakuri-nii, kill that Straw Hat guy quickly!】

【Charlotte Garrett: That Straw Hat boy actually thought that he could

stop Katakuri-nii by entering the mirror world and breaking the mirror?

How naive!】

【Charlotte Snamon: Brother Katakuri is the most powerful warrior in

our Charlotte family besides mother “507”. He can definitely kill the

Straw Hat guy in minutes!】

【Charlotte Custard: As long as the Straw Hat boys are dealt with, and

with the power of Sister Bree, Katakuri brother can still easily catch up

with the escaped Straw Hats and annihilate them all!】

【Shiji: Jie hahahaha~ You little brats of the Charlotte family, don’t talk

too much. Didn’t you see those barrages just now? Your dear Katakuri-nii

is the teacher of the Straw Hat Boys. We’re still not sure what the

situation will be like later.~】

【John: Haha! indeed so! Judging from the video just now, Katakuri

seems to be suspected of letting go of Straw Hat Boy.。】

【Silver Ax: Didn’t those barrages say that Katakuri was going to teach

Straw Hat one-on-one? This is not the kind of life-and-death showdown

you were expecting.~】

【Wang Zhi: The Straw Hat Boy is the background king certified by the

Tiandao Inventory System. I’m afraid he won’t be defeated so easily as

you wish~] Everyone was discussing the

upcoming battle between Luffy and Katakuri in the Tiandao chat group.

Some analysis and speculation.

And at the same time.

The video in the Tiandao projection screen continues –

the world in the mirror.

The battle between Luffy and Katakuri has officially begun.

Luffy, who was in second gear, immediately punched Katakuri countless


The fist left a trail of afterimages in the air.

Like a machine gun, they blasted towards Katakuri.

Katakuri, on the other hand, used the power of the Nuo Nuo Fruit to

condense several pairs of arms with glutinous rice,

and also shot back at Luffy with great speed.。

“Bang bang bang! ! !”

“Boom boom boom! ! ! ”

The sound of fists colliding continued to echo in the mirror world.

After the fight,

Luffy was already a little out of breath.

However, Katakuri still looked calm, and

did not seem to have any great exertion

. The scene passed –

Damn it! Kaji-sensei doesn’t talk about martial arts!

Luffy only has two hands, but Kaji-sensei has more than a dozen hands!

To attack with the same level, Luffy may need to punch dozens of times.

And Ka-2 only needs to be swung a dozen times!

That’s why the consumption of Ka-2 is much smaller than that of Luffy!

You see, Luffy is panting heavily from exhaustion, but Ka-2 is still fine!


continues ——Katakuri

looked at Luffy coldly and said:

“Haha, it’s a little different, right?”

“I am more efficient this way! ”

After saying that, Katakuri once again controlled the dozen glutinous rice

fists and blasted towards Luffy.

This time, the speed of the fists was much faster than before!

Even Luffy could no longer keep up. Got it.

It was just a passive beating.

Countless fists fell on Luffy continuously, causing him to scream.

After a round of attacks,

Katakuri looked at the seriously injured Luffy and said again:

“Did I say that?”

“In terms of ability alone, I can do everything you can do.。”

“And in terms of speed and strength, you can’t match me at all. ”

The barrage flashed across –

Hahahaha! Teacher Ka Er, are you sure?

Although from the current point of view, rubber fruit can do it, Nuonuo

fruit can also do it, but……Hehe~

Luffy: If you have the ability to say this, wait until I wake up and say it


Although there is something wrong with what Kaji-sensei said, I think his

original intention was actually to tell Luffy not to rely too much on the

power of the Devil Fruit.

really! Teacher Kaji wants to remind Luffy that in addition to developing

his Devil Fruit abilities, he must also improve his own speed and


Teacher Kaji really put in good intentions in order to enlighten Luffy!

In Tiandao chat group——

【Monkey D. Luffy: This glutinous rice man is so strong! I was actually

completely suppressed by him!】

【Gol D. Roger: That Katakuri used the Nuo Nuo Fruit’s ability to

perfectly replicate Straw Hat’s combat moves, and completely suppressed

the opponent in terms of speed and strength. Straw Hat was a bit


【Charlotte Flampe: I’ve told you a long time ago that it’s absolutely

impossible for the Straw Hat boy to win over Katakuri-nii!】

【Charlotte Katakuri: I’m a little curious, what does that barrage saying

that the results will be different after the Straw Hat Boy fruit awakens


【Charlotte Cracker: Yes, is there anything special about Straw Hat’s

rubber fruit ability after he awakens?】

【Charlotte Daifuku: But since Katakuri’s Nuo Nuo Fruit can perfectly

replicate the rubber fruit’s moves, then even if Straw Hat awakens,

wouldn’t it be great for Katakuri to use the Nuo Nuo Fruit’s awakening

ability? ?】

【Charlotte Owen: Exactly! I think these comments are all nonsense! I

even think that maybe the idea that Katakuri-nii is the teacher of Straw

Hat is based on these comments!】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Really? But I think these barrages are right. After

all, after Luffy’s rubber fruit ability awakened,……】

【Zambalong V Nasshou Langsheng: Stop! ! !】

【Maccamasus: Red hair! Shut up! ! !】

【Top Man Wo Qiu Li Sheng: Redhead, you’d better pay attention to

what you should and shouldn’t say!】

【Shepard 10 Peter St: Redhead, you guy, are you crazy? ! ! !】

【Jaigolusiasathan: Redhead, what do you want to do? !

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ! !】

【John: Damn it! what’s the situation? !】

【Silver Ax: The red hair actually blew up all the five old stars with one

sentence? ! ! !】

【Wang Zhi: This is the first time I’ve seen the Five Old Stars and the

others so excited. It seems that Straw Hat’s rubber fruit does have

something special that no one knows about!】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! I was just joking. I don’t know anything. Isn’t the

rubber fruit just an ordinary superman fruit? Wulaoxing, why are you so


【Jaigolusiasathan Saint:……】

【Shepard 10 Peter St:……】

【Topman Woqiu Lisheng:……】

【Makasmas St.:……】

【Zambalong V Nasshou Langsheng:……】

Wu Laoxing was about to be furious at this moment.

When they saw the message Shanks sent just now,

they really thought that the other party was going to reveal the secret of

the rubber fruit!

Due to Shanks’ special identity,

the Five Old Stars all know that Shanks actually knows the real secret of

the rubber fruit.

That’s why they are so excited.

That is a secret that the World Government has concealed for eight

hundred years!

What if Shanks exposed it to the public in the Tiandao chat group?……

The consequences would be serious!

Although in fact, as long as they think calmly,

they can guess……

With Shanks’s personality, it is impossible for him to tell the secret of the

rubber fruit so easily.

Most likely he was just teasing them.

But the situation was urgent at that time.

How could the Five Old Stars have so much time to think about this?

All of them didn’t care about anything else and

immediately spoke out in the Tiandao chat group to stop the other party.

This led to the farce just now. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu

Novel Network!)

And when I thought about it afterwards,

the five old stars immediately regretted it!

If they hadn’t said anything at that time,

Shanks wouldn’t have actually said anything.

Maybe this incident will just go away.

But now they are so excited in the Tiandao chat group,

which actually makes everyone suspicious.

I began to wonder if the rubber fruit really had some ulterior secrets.

Although this secret will not be exposed in a short time.

But since everyone has become suspicious,

there will always be people who are interested in starting to investigate it


If things go on like this,

one day……

This secret will be revealed to the public again! ! !


This is the real reason why Shanks suddenly acted like that just


Thinking of this,

the five old stars wanted to strangle Shanks to death.

But nothing……

I can only think about it!

After all, they couldn’t really do anything to Shanks.

On the projection screen, the video continued –

although he was at a disadvantage,

Luffy did not give up.

He continued to attack the opponent non-stop.

Then Katakuri was suppressed again and again with the same attack


Even Luffy’s third-speed rubber elephant gun,

Katakuri can use the glutinous rice fruit’s ability to imitate a bigger fist

than Luffy!

For a moment,

Luffy could almost be said to have been completely tortured by Katakuri!

On the side, the Big Mom Pirates who were watching the battle were still

shouting at Luffy:

“Wa hahaha! it’s useless!”

“it’s useless! Straw Hat, give in!”

“Katakuri-sama is the strongest among the three dessert generals!”

“You have no chance of winning at all!”

“You can’t get back to the ship, and you can’t get out of here!”

【Charlotte Crackler: Huh? Wait, why did those guys just talk about the

three dessert generals? Shouldn’t our Big Mom Pirates be the Four

Dessert Generals?】

【Charlotte Smoothie: Yeah, when did the Four Desserts become the

Three Desserts? !】

【Charlotte Snager: Could it be that one of us has been disqualified from

being a general?】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, never mind it! If this is really the

case, it only means that the person among you who was disqualified as a

general star is too rubbish!】

【Kaido: Ugh~ Lingling, you are really strict with your children.~】

【Charlotte Lingling: Humph! Of course! Mom, I will not raise some

useless children!】

【Charlotte Katakuri:……】

The video continues –

after knocking the opponent down with a fist bigger than Luffy’s rubber

elephant gun.

Katakuri woke up the unconscious Bree and

asked her to prepare to lead people through the mirror to chase the

escaping Straw Hats.

However, just when Bree was about to take action.

Luffy, who had fallen to the ground, stood up again.

I want to break the mirror in the hands of Bree and others.

However, it was predicted in advance by Katakuri’s Haki that predicts the


And stopped Luffy’s attack.

Later, Luffy contacted Nami through the broken small lens.

Let him quickly break all the mirrors on the Sonny.

After some explanation.

Luffy continues his battle with Katakuri.

All previous moves were suppressed by the opponent.

In desperation, Luffy could only plan to use the fourth gear to fight.

However, even this was predicted by Katakuri.

Katakuri directly interrupted Luffy’s fourth gear transformation.

Once again, he suppressed the opponent severely.

Luffy was beaten to the point where he was helpless.

The injuries on his body also became more and more serious.


Seeing that Luffy was about to be completely eliminated.

2.3 Katakuri suddenly stopped.

He did not use his own weapon, the trident “Earth Dragon”,

to give Luffy the final blow.

Instead, he used the ability awakened by the Nuo Nuo Fruit

to assimilate all the ground and buildings in the mirror world into Nuo


Then he controlled the glutinous rice to completely bury Luffy in it.。

“I’m sorry, let’s end it this way……”

“I’m a little angry。”

“I spent so much time dealing with you that forty minutes have passed

since my snack time today! ”

Katakuri said this to Luffy who was buried under the glutinous rice.

After saying that, he stopped caring about him.

He turned around and left.

He went to his snack hut to enjoy afternoon tea.

The scene was frozen.

Dense barrage floated by –

tsk tsk tsk, Kaji-sensei started to

let off steam! Obviously he could kill Luffy directly, but he just trapped

Luffy with glutinous rice. Kaji-sensei’s aggression was too obvious. !

Kaji was afraid that if he continued to fight, he would accidentally beat

Luffy to death!

He even left so much edible glutinous rice for Luffy to replenish his


Kaji-sensei is really So gentle! I cried to death!

Card 2: Let’s take a break between classes. Let’s all eat something to

replenish our strength. We will continue class later.~

【Charlotte Lingling:? ? ?】

【Charlotte Perospero:? ? ?】

【Charlotte Crackler:? ? ?】

【Charlotte Smoothie:? ? ?】

【Charlotte Katakuri:……】

PS: Thank you readers for your support! The subscription data is quite


Starting tomorrow, the young author will strive to update around 20,000

words per day!

Grateful! ! ! .

Chapter 051

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Lingling, your son’s operation is very serious!】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! Yes, it was obvious that the Straw Hat Kid was

about to be killed, but in the end he just used mochi to hold him down?

Isn’t this clear that you are letting water go? !】

【Charlotte Lingling:……Katakuri! Give me an explanation! ! !】

【Charlotte Bray: Mom, calm down! I feel that Brother Katakuri may not

really want to let go. We brothers and sisters also know that Brother

Katakuri has to enjoy afternoon tea at a fixed time every day!】

【Charlotte Garrett: Yes, mom, in the video, Katakuri-nii’s snack time has

been delayed for a full forty minutes because he was fighting the Straw

Hat boy. Maybe Katakuri-nii really can’t wait any longer. Did you go


【Charlotte Lingling: Well……Too! The sky is huge and the snacks are

the biggest! You can’t delay eating snacks just because of the battle,

right? Katakuri doesn’t seem to have anything wrong with this!】

【Kaido:? ? ?】

【Shiji:? ? ?】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ?】

【John: Hahahaha! can only say……As expected of Lingling!】

【Silver Ax: Lingling, a guy who only thinks about food, has a different

brain circuit than normal people like us.。】

【Wang Zhi: As Lingling’s son, it seems normal for Katakuri to follow her.

Maybe his brain circuit is the same as Lingling’s!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ In that case, it seems that this point in

the video alone cannot confirm that Katakuri is really letting the Straw

Hat boy go.~】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! The amount of water Katakuri put in the

video is nothing compared to the water put by Garp, Sengoku, Aoki, and

Kizaru before!】

【Monkey D. Karp: Well, indeed!】

【Warring States Period:……】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ It’s not good to compare our navy, isn’t it?】

【Porusalino: Well~when did I let go of the water? This is not


【Sakaski: Yes, you never let water go……That 08 of yours is all over the

sea! ! ! 】

In the projection screen, it continued——

after pressing Luffy under the thick mountain of mochi.

Katakuri returned to his snack hut and started enjoying afternoon tea.

I saw him lying directly on the ground with his back on the ground.

He crossed his legs leisurely.

He took off the thick scarf around his neck.

The mouth covered by the scarf was exposed.

It was a pair of gaping mouths.

Four fangs also sprouted from its mouth.

It looks a bit scary.

Katakuri has this image.

Started to eat donuts.

While eating, his face showed an expression of great satisfaction and


【Charlotte Breen:? ? ? Brother Katakuri actually lay directly on the

ground? ! But doesn’t he never land on his back? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Flampe: Ah! Katakuri-nii’s mouth is so scary! What a

monster! ! !】

【Charlotte Joscaponi: Is Katakuri-chan like this when he is eating

snacks? ! It’s so different from the perfect image I usually have!】

【Charlotte Ponna: Is this really the perfect and handsome Katakuri

brother in daily life? ! It’s unbelievable!】

【Charlotte Katakuri:……】

Katakuri was a little annoyed at this moment.

he didn’t expect……

This Tiandao Inventory System even showed the scene of him enjoying


This is what he least wants to be seen like!

His horrifyingly split mouth

was caused by being too greedy when he was a child.

He accidentally burst his mouth while eating donuts…….

Because of that mouth, he was teased a lot when he was young.

This is definitely a piece of dark history for Katakuri.

It is precisely because of this that

he has worn a thick scarf since then.

He covered his mouth.

Never exposed to outsiders.

The fact that her back never touches the ground

is also Katakuri’s way of

creating a perfect image for herself in order not to be underestimated by

others. He has been showing this image

for the past few decades . It has never been exposed! But now


The Tiandao Inventory System has made it public!

Although with Katakuri’s current strength and status,

it is impossible for anyone to look down on him because of his


But this still made him feel very unhappy.

The perfect image that I had worked so hard to maintain

was so easily broken by the Tiandao Inventory System!

How could he not be annoyed?

Especially when he saw

the surprised reactions of his younger brothers and sisters in the Tiandao

chat group,

Katakuri felt very irritable for no reason.

But at this moment.

On the Tiandao projection screen, a barrage suddenly flashed across –

hahahaha! I didn’t expect that the aloof teacher Ka Er has such a cute


Halfway through the class with my apprentice, I suddenly hid in a small

room and ate snacks alone, and there was no one else there!

Luffy was probably going to cry because he didn’t bring himself to eat

delicious food~

Luffy: I want to eat too! Hurry up and show it off in my mouth!

I really don’t understand why some people think Teacher Kaer’s mouth is

ugly? He’s obviously very handsome, right?

Yes, and what Teacher Kaer looks like now is the most real. How great!

At the same time, in the Tiandao chat group。

【Monkey D. Luffy: Does that look like this under the glutinous rice

man’s scarf? I think his mouth and teeth are so cool! I don’t understand

why I kept covering it up with a scarf before?】

【Charlotte Bray: Yes! I also think Katakuri-nii is so handsome that there

is no need to cover him up with a scarf!】

【Charlotte Perospero: Haha, Katakuri has always looked like this since

he was a child. Seeing him again after so many years makes me feel


【Charlotte Smoothie: Yes, I still think Katakuri-nii looks more friendly

like this! I had been wearing a scarf to wrap myself up before, but it gave

me a cold feeling that was alienating me from thousands of miles


【Charlotte Cracker: This is the Katakuri brother in my impression!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: The glutinous rice man looks so delicious when he

eats donuts! It made me want to eat donuts all of a sudden! Sanji, can

you make me some donuts later?~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: You boy……I really can’t stand you anymore, how can

I still think about eating at this time? 】

Start with a statement from Luffy.

The style of painting in the Tiandao chat group also suddenly changed.

Originally, everyone was still criticizing Katakuri’s appearance.

But now suddenly all kinds of compliments started to come out.

The previous cynicism was completely gone.

Seeing this scene, Katakuri couldn’t help but feel warm in his heart.

All of this now is indeed beyond his imagination.

He didn’t expect that after his true appearance was exposed,

there would be such a person speaking for him.


It was actually the enemy, Straw Hat Boy, who was leading the charge!

For a moment,

Katakuri seemed to understand

why his future self would let the Straw Hat boy go,

and why he was recognized as his teacher by the

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] Tiandao

inventory system.

It seems……

In addition to his powerful background, the Straw Hat Guy

also has some shining personal charm.

And those of my brothers and sisters

are not as cold-blooded as I thought.

At least……(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Brothers and sisters like Perospero, Cracker, and Bree who grew up with


are still willing to stand on their side and speak for themselves!

At this moment,

Katakuri gradually began to feel……

It didn’t seem so bad that his secret was exposed.

Maybe this is not a bad thing for me, but maybe a good thing!

On the projection screen, the video continued –

just as Katakuri was eating donuts with great enjoyment.

Outside the snack hut.

Luffy, who was pinned under the mochi mountain, also started to eat a


He ate from the bottom of the mochi mountain to the top.

He directly ate through the mountain of mochi that was originally

suppressing him!

After eating and becoming a big fat man, he also successfully regained his


Even the physical strength that was almost exhausted was greatly

replenished by this!

“Where did that guy go? ! ”

Luffy stood on Mochi Mountain, looking for traces of Katakuri.

Soon, he set his sights on the snack hut not far away.。

“I can feel the sound of a strong guy over there.。”

“Is he eating a donut? ! ”

Luffy said to himself very confidently.

The barrage floated by –

look! Luffy successfully fought his way out from under Mochi Mountain!

Nonsense! What’s the point of killing? It’s obviously eaten!

Seeing this scene, Keli Call me an expert!

That day, Cracker finally recalled the fear of being dominated by Luffy’s

Big Mummy King! (Dog Head)

Katakuri and Cracker are indeed two brothers. Flying for feeding?~

【Charlotte Crackler:? ? ? ? ? 】

His! Under the guidance of Mr. Kaji, Luffy’s Haki can already sense what

other people are eating? !

puff! I don’t think it was something Luffy sensed with his Haki of seeing

and hearing colors at all, but something he smelled with his nose!

Ha ha ha ha! As we all know, Luffy’s sense of smell for food is much

stronger than Haki’s sense of sight and color!

Seeing, hearing, seeing, hearing, and coloring, the focus can actually be

on smelling, there’s nothing wrong with it!

The video continues –

after determining Katakuri’s location.

Luffy immediately ran towards the snack hut.

Several pastry chefs tried to stop him, but they were powerless.

He could only watch helplessly as Luffy smashed the wall of the snack

hut with a rubber giant elephant gun.

Katakuri, who was enjoying donuts inside, was exposed to everyone’s


Katakuri was stunned.

Then his expression immediately turned cold and gloomy.

He first took action without hesitation and

killed the pastry chefs who had seen his previous appearance.

Then he started fighting Luffy again with great anger.

However, this time,

facing Luffy’s attack,

Katakuri did not successfully dodge.

Luffy kicked him directly in the chin, and he was even bleeding!

“I kind of understand……Your abilities!”

“You are indeed strong, but you are not invincible! ”

Luffy looked at Katakuri in front of him and seemed to understand


The next moment,

when Katakuri’s attack was about to hit,

Luffy successfully activated the fourth gear and transformed into Elastic


With extremely fast speed, He quickly dodged Katakuri’s attack.

Then he used the “Ape King Spear”

to blast Katakuri away!

“I thought you were really invincible!”

“The weapon color is supposed to be able to capture entities and has an

effect on the natural system, but it penetrates your body…….”

“I thought wrong before, my attack……They can still hit you!”

“No matter how strong your armed defense is, as long as I use the fourth

gear, I won’t lose! ! ! ”

Luffy said, and then he punched Katakuri hard in the face again.

This time, Katakuri also failed to dodge.

He received a solid blow from Luffy.。

“What’s great is not Mochi’s ability, but your knowledge, right? ! ”

Luffy directly revealed the reason why he had been suppressed before.

After the previous battle with Katakuri,

Luffy finally understood……

The reason why his previous attacks could not hit Katakuri

was not because���How powerful is Fang’s devil fruit ability.

It’s because the other party’s knowledge and color are too domineering!

Katakuri wasn’t surprised at all

when he heard Luffy’s words . Instead, he said to Luffy calmly:

“You are already amazing if you can see through this.。”

“That’s right, I just transformed and avoided the attack more


“The domineering power of seeing and hearing can actually predict the

future! ”

Hearing this, Luffy suddenly realized.

A thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

An army of barrages passed by –

take notes! Take notes quickly! Teacher Kaji started teaching again!

Hahahaha! No one will be here He explains his abilities to the enemy

during the battle~

Although Luffy had roughly guessed it before, Kaji-sensei was still afraid

that he didn’t understand it deeply enough, so he explained it in detail.

Kaji: Straw hat boy, watch carefully. This is how domineering is used!

Card 2: Rayleigh, watch and study hard, this is how the domineering

teaching class should be conducted! (Dog Head)

【Silbarzraeli:? ? ? Lingling’s son actually dares to mock me? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Katakuri: That was a barrage of ridicule, not me。】

【Silbarzraeli: How abominable! It was obviously me who led Luffy into

the gate of Haki training, but this barrage actually dared to mock my

teaching ability? ! ! !】

【Jabba Skorba: Yes, it is true that you led the Straw Hat boy into the

door of domineering training, but you just led him through the door.

There are still many things that you haven’t taught!】

【Gol D. Roger: Let me tell you something, old man, your teaching ability

is really not very good. Straw Hat has been practicing with you for a year

and a half, but in the end, he doesn’t even know that Haki can predict the

future through sight, smell, color, and he has to do it himself. Learned in


【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! Yes, Rayleigh, there is obviously a lot of

advanced knowledge about Haki that you haven’t taught the Straw Hat

boy, but in the end, you said that there is nothing you can teach him

anymore, and you even ran away half a year in advance.~】

【Edward Newgate: Blah blah blah~ Reilly, tell the truth, did you

deliberately want to hide your secret from the Straw Hat Kid, for fear

that you would teach the apprentice to starve to death?】

【Silbarzraeli: Nonsense! How could I, old Leili, be the kind of person

who hides his secrets? !】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Since you are not hiding something

secretly, it means there is something wrong with your teaching


【Silbazraeli: (Dan)……】。

Chapter 052

On the projection screen, the video continued –

after Katakuri and Luffy explained the Haki that can predict the future.

The two started a fierce battle again.

At this moment, Katakuri had regained his composure.

The Haki of knowledge and knowledge that predicts the future also

comes into play again.

Even though Luffy was in fourth gear, he still couldn’t do anything to the


Katakuri suppressed Luffy again.

The fighting situation between the two returned to the starting point.

The barrage floated by –

the few times Ka Er was hit by Luffy just now were indeed acting!

Without showing some flaws, how could Luffy discover the true use of

Haki’s Haki?

Kaji: You hit me, not because you can hit me, but because I want you to

hit me. (Dog Head)

Card 2: You’ve almost learned the theoretical basics, so let’s continue

with the actual practice!


The video continues –

after knocking Luffy away with another “powerful mochi”.

Katakuri looked at the other party and said in a deep voice:

“Have you seen it too?”

“As long as I stay calm, I’m absolutely invincible。”

“This is the truth. ”

Luffy rushed over again in disbelief and shouted:

“You will definitely show some flaws!”

“I can definitely defeat you! ! ! Katakuri

responded calmly:

“But you’re about to collapse……”

As soon as these words came out.

Luffy, who was still charging towards Katakuri, suddenly stopped the car.

He suddenly said to himself:

“Yes! Gear 4 time is almost here!”

“Okay, stop it now! ”

As he said that, he changed the direction and

flew quickly towards the distance.

As he flew, he shouted to Katakuri behind him:

“Thanks for reminding me!”

“I won’t be able to use my domineering power for ten minutes.……”

“You have to hide as far away as possible! ”

Katakuri stood there and looked at Luffy’s farther and farther back, a

little silent. The

dense translucent barrage passed by again-

hahahaha! I laughed to death. Teacher Katakuri actually reminded Lu It’s

almost time to fly to gear 4!

Did Kaji-sensei see Luffy’s deflated state with his prophetic domineering


Kaji-sensei was probably thinking, this guy is about to deflate and yet he

still attacks me Go ahead, let this go and die? No, I have to remind him!

Ka Er: This apprentice is really worrying!

Luffy’s reaction was also amazing, why stop it first? How can someone

suddenly stop fighting in the middle of a fight? Did you fight?!

What’s even more amazing is that Luffy actually said thank you to Kaji.

Are you two really fighting?

As I said, this is one-on-one secret teaching! What fight? What fight? (

dog head)


【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! Lingling, why does your son feel a little not very

smart? He actually kindly reminded his opponent during the battle?】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Lingling, it seems like all your children have followed

your IQ. It almost made me cry.~】

【Charlotte Lingling:? ? ? You two guys, shut up! Katakuri, aren’t you

usually quite aloof? Why did he suddenly talk so much when he was

fighting with Straw Hat? !】

【Charlotte Katakuri: I’ll have to ask my future self to find out.…….】

【Monkey D. Luffy: That glutinous rice man was kind enough to remind

me that the fourth gear time was coming soon. What a good guy!


【Moonlight Moria: Then he is your teacher, can he not be a good person

to you? !】

【Silbarzraeli: No! I still can’t accept the fact that my aunt’s son has a

better teaching ability than me!】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Old man, I didn’t expect you to be quite

competitive. If you’re not convinced, why don’t we continue reading



In the Tiandao projection screen, the video continued to play –

looking at Luffy’s running back.

Katakuri snorted coldly.。

“I’m not naive enough to let you go so easily! ”

With that said, he turned into flowing mochi and quickly chased Luffy.

However, before he could catch up with Luffy completely,

Luffy, who had already exited the fourth gear state, happened to meet Bu

who was leaning against the wall. Bree.

Suddenly, a “kind” smile appeared on Luffy’s face.

He caught Bree, who had no power to resist,

and then dove into a mirror nearby.

With the help of Bree’s mirror fruit ability successfully escaped the mirror


But without Bree’s help, Katakuri

could only be trapped in the mirror world and couldn’t get out.。

【John: Tsk, tsk, tsk, even though this Katakuri said he would not let go

of Straw Hat easily, he still let him escape in the end.~】

【Silver Ax: I don’t think Straw Hat escaped quite easily~ I guess

Katakuri just scared him.~】

【Wang Zhi: Isn’t Katakuri’s Haki of knowledge able to predict the

future? I don’t believe he didn’t see Straw Hat’s escape route!】

【Rocks D. Jiback: Indeed, if he wanted to, he could have intercepted the

Straw Hat Boy on his escape route in advance, but he did not do so, and

the purpose was obvious.~】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ Katakuri, you are really going too far.~】

【Sakaski:? ? ? Polusalino, if you have the time to teach others a lesson,

you might as well reflect on yourself first! You’re the one who’s been the

most arrogant! Are you embarrassed to tell others? ! ! !】

【Porusalino: Well~ Sakaski, why are you helping others to accuse me,

one of your own?】

【Sakaski: One of our own? Who the hell is your friend? ! I think you and

Straw Hat are our own people!】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Porusalino, why do you think you have nothing to


【Sakaski: And you Kuzan! Don’t think you can be any better than



【Silbarz Reilly: Has Luffy managed to escape? Katakuri was trapped in

the mirror world for a while and couldn’t get out. It seemed like this class

was going to end like this? There is no teaching achievement at all. Who

can teach better than me? 】

In the projection screen, the video continues –

after Luffy escapes with Bree.

Katakuri can only stay in this mirror world.

Through the mirror, he constantly understands Luffy’s actions in the

outside world.

But there is nothing that can be done about it.

However, just when Katakuri thought Luffy would just run away.

But the other party took Bree and returned to the mirror world through

the mirror.

Appeared in front of Katakuri again.

Katakuri was a little surprised by this.

He looked at Luffy who was back in front of him, staring at him with a

fierce look on his face, and asked aloud:

“We just met again, don’t look so evil.。”

“answer my question……”

“It doesn’t matter if you just run away, after all, my opponent is me。”

“No one will laugh at you。”

“But why did you come back?”

“Would you rather choose death than the shame of being considered a


“Or, you finally realized the difference in strength between us, so you

came to beg us to let you join mother’s army? ”

Facing Katakuri’s question,

Luffy took a deep breath.

Then he attacked the opponent with a pair of fists without hesitation.

At the same time, he shouted loudly and firmly:

“I’m here…to defeat you! ! ! ”

The barrage army passed by again –

hahaha! Ka Er was probably speechless for the first moment when he saw

Luffy coming back.

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ]

Ka Er: I worked so hard to let you escape, but in the end you ran back to

send him off by yourself. ?

Haha! Luffy is not stupid. How could he run away so easily with such a

good and domineering teacher?

Luffy is back to take classes again!

Luffy: I paid the tuition, but you haven’t taught me a lesson thoroughly. I

would never leave before! (Gotou)

Ka Er: Forget it, since you are running back again, then I will continue to

teach you slowly~ (Gotou)


The video continues –

the battle between Luffy and Katakuri begins again.

But this time,

Katakuri could clearly feel it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu

Novel Network!)

Although Luffy is still suppressed by himself,

the other party’s domineering power is steadily improving little by little!

Even occasionally, like myself,

I can predict the future through the domineering power of sight, color,

and color,

so as to avoid my own attacks!

Katakuri was extremely surprised by Luffy’s growth rate.

At the same time, it also made him realize… The real purpose of

Luffy’s running back after originally escaping

was that he wanted to exercise his own Haki by fighting against him!

【Shiki: Damn it! The Straw Hat boy’s domineering power has improved

a bit quickly!】

【John: Not long ago, he was completely suppressed by Katakuri, but

now he can occasionally dodge the opponent’s attacks!】

【Silver Ax: Although the probability is still very low, he has indeed

touched the realm of advanced knowledge and domineering!】

【Wang Zhi: To be able to make such a big improvement in battle and in

such a short period of time, Straw Hat’s fighting talent is really


【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Of course, it doesn’t matter whose

grandson he is!】

【Sengoku: Garp! You still have the nerve to say it? ! If you had recruited

the Straw Hat boy to join the Navy, with his talent, he would definitely

have the chance to become the youngest general in the history of the


【Zefa: That’s right! If you had brought Straw Hat to me to train you, I

would have definitely brought you the strongest naval warrior in history!

It turns out that you… threw such a good seedling to a group of bandits

to raise! ! !】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Don’t I want to give Luffy a little more

freedom? Training at a naval base is very boring.~】

【Zefa: Freedom? Haha, the Straw Hat boy is indeed free. How can he

not be free now that he has become a pirate? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Yes! Being a pirate is free! I love being a pirate the

most! whee~】


【Warring States Period:……】

【Monkey D. Cap:……】

The video continues –

the battle between Katakuri and Luffy continues.

Although Luffy’s Haki has been steadily improving in this battle.

But it is still difficult to reach the same level as Katakuri in a short period

of time.

And in previous battles,

Luffy had suffered many serious injuries.

His condition was much worse than Katakuri’s.

He had already been beaten to a bruise and swollen face.

On the other hand, Katakuri

only had a few painless scars on his body, and

he still looked calm and collected.

After knocking Luffy to the ground again,

Katakuri took out his weapon,

a black trident named “Earth Dragon”。

“Mochi thrust! ”

Katakuri held the earth dragon in his hand and stabbed Luffy fiercely.

Luffy stood up hard and tried to avoid the blow.

However, for some reason,

his movements were obviously slower than before. A lot.

He even slipped on his feet and almost stumbled.

In this state,

Luffy couldn’t dodge Katakuri’s blow. He

was stabbed hard in the left by the trident. Half the waist!

“Wow ah ah ah! ! ! ”

Luffy’s shrill scream suddenly sounded in the mirror world.

A large amount of blood continued to gush out from the wound.

Luffy was seriously injured again and fell to the ground.

Even his breath became much weaker.

The barrage passed by . ——F

*ck! Kidney! That’s the waist!

How can you stab a man in the waist? It’s so cruel!

If she knew that Luffy was stabbed in the waist, the Empress would

probably cry to death! (Dog Head)

Empress: Mine Is the happy life over before it even begins?

If Luffy’s waist is broken, wouldn’t the most useful function of the rubber

fruit be useless? Damn it!

What a fast car! This is simply not possible This is not the bus to

kindergarten! I want to get off!


【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? What do these barrages mean? Isn’t it just that

I was stabbed in the waist? Why can’t I understand what they are


【Portcas D Ace: Luffy, you are still young, it is better not to know


【Sabo: It’s true, Luffy, don’t ask, you don’t need to know this。】

【Boya Hancock: Who is the empress mentioned in this barrage? Besides

my concubine, is there anyone else who can be worthy of the title of

empress? !】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu~ Boya Hancock, is it possible that

the empress mentioned in the barrage is you?】

【Boya Hancock: Are you kidding me? ! How could I have a relationship

with a man? !】

【Boyasanda Sonia: Onee-sama is famous for hating men, and it is

absolutely impossible for her to have any relationship with any man! 】

(Okay okay)

【Boya Marigold: And what was said in those previous barrages… was

extremely vulgar! It’s absolutely impossible to say that it’s onee-sama!】


On the projection screen, the video continued –

looking at Luffy who was stabbed in the waist and lying on the ground

wailing and screaming.

Katakuri couldn’t help but frowned and said in a deep voice:

“What’s the matter with you looking like this?”

“The soles of your feet actually slip?”

“How could you be so lax? ! ”

Katakuri questioned while launching a fierce attack on Luffy again.

Luffy couldn’t dodge at all.

He was completely passive and was beaten.

After a while, he was completely beaten to the ground.

However, his performance was like this ,

which also made Katakuri even more confused.。

“What’s wrong with you? Straw Hat!”

“I’ve just begun to think you have some ability…and you immediately let

me down? ! ”

Amidst Katakuri’s questioning,

Luffy stood up tenaciously again.

However, just when Katakuri was about to attack him again,

an undetectable needle suddenly came from the side. It shot out from the


It shot straight towards Luffy!

Luffy subconsciously turned sideways to avoid it.

But then he fell to the ground again.

And this abnormality finally caused Katakuri to Attention.

He turned his head to look at the direction where the needle had been


Then he saw his sister, Charlotte Flampe,

hiding in the corner and snickering!

In an instant, Katakuri He understood everything.

He turned around and walked slowly towards Flampe with a gloomy


Flampe thought Katakuri was going to praise him for his sneak attack just


He opened his arms with joy. He greeted the opponent with his arms.


Katakuri suddenly stopped after walking in front of the opponent.

Then under the gaze of everyone,

he silently turned the earth dragon in his hand…

and thrust in without hesitation. on my left waist!!!.

Chapter 053

The sharp trident easily pierced Katakuri’s waist.

In an instant,

blood splashed out!

There was a trace of blood that

just happened to splash on the face of Flampe, who was holding her arms

open and looking proud.

The smile on the other person’s face froze instantly.

It turned into an expression of disbelief and horror.

Under Flampe’s incredible gaze,

Katakuri, who had finished stabbing his waist, slowly reached out to the

scarf around his neck.

Pulled it off.

The ferocious mouth and teeth hidden by the scarf were exposed.

He looked at the most popular sister in the Charlotte family and said


“Victory and defeat between men……”

“Don’t provide such superficial assistance without authorization! ! ! ”

The scene freezes on Katakuri roaring at Flampe with a ferocious face.


Thick barrage floated by –

holy shit! Ka Er is so handsome! ! !

Ka Er is a real man! ! !

That person named Flampe is really disgusting, actually doing such a

little trick behind my back!

If she hadn’t put an anesthetic needle to sneak up on Luffy, Luffy

wouldn’t have been stabbed in the waist by Ka Er just now!

Empress: Is it you, a dead girl, who caused my husband to be stabbed in

the waist? Take your life! ! !

Ka Er is also really cruel to himself! The waist is pricked as it says, and it

hurts just looking at it!

Kaji didn’t want his sister’s sneak attack to interfere with the fair

showdown between him and Luffy!

What duel? As you said, it’s obviously teaching! (Dog Head)

Card 2: How dare you disturb me from teaching my apprentice? Believe

it or not, I poked my own waist to show you? !

If you are a man, come and poke me in the waist!

【Rocks D. Jibek: Damn it! Good boy, be cruel enough to yourself! He’s a


【Kaido: Lingling, your daughter is no good. She actually did such a little

trick when two men were facing off openly. If it were me, I would kill her

on the spot!】

【Kozuki Oden: Haha, Kaido, it turns out that you also hate guys who

carry out sneak attacks behind your back? It wasn’t like this when you

faced me.。】

【Kaido: Oden, I was not the one who instigated that incident, and I also

killed that bastard Black Tan Muchan afterward! if you can……I still

hope to have an upright duel with you!】

【Edward Newgate: Kaido, I will go to Wano Country to settle the

accounts with you for Oden’s death!】

【Kaido: Haha, Whitebeard, if you have the guts, come and give it a try.

Let’s see whether you want to settle the score with me or I should take

off your head! But these……I think you should first come back alive from

the top war in 760 in a few days, huh?~】

【Gol D. Roger: Yeah…….Although Lingling’s daughter is not a very

good character, her son Katakuri is still very good and a man!】

【Shanks: Haha! I didn’t expect there to be members with such character

in the Big Mom Pirates. Katakuri, I admire you very much. Do you want

to come to my ship?】

【Charlotte Katakuri: Redhead, I think it’s best if you don’t ask such

meaningless questions again.。】

【Charlotte Flampe: This……What exactly is going on? ! Katakuri-nii in

the video was so cruel to me? ! I obviously want to help him get rid of

that Straw Hat guy quickly!】

【John: Hahahaha! Little girl, should I say you are stupid or should I say

you are stupid?】

【Silver Ax: Do you want to help your brother deal with the Straw Hat

Kid quickly? Have you ever thought about it……What about your brother

who doesn’t want to get rid of the Straw Hat Kid at all?】

【Wang Zhi: Your brother was teaching the Straw Hat Boy, but it turned

out that you were lucky enough to attack his apprentice in front of your

brother. You really deserve it!】

【Shiki: Jiehahahaha~ Katakuriji, what’s wrong with you? If he didn’t

hit you, he was already being polite to you! If it were me, I would kill

you on the spot!】

【Charlotte Flampe:……】

【Boya Hancock: In the barrage just now, the empress who is interested

in Straw Hat Boy was mentioned again, and it seems that the other party

also calls herself “concubine”. Why is she so similar to me? Who is this

empress mentioned in the barrage? 】

On the projection screen, the video continued –

facing Katakuri’s angry scolding,

looking at the ferocious face of the other party approaching him.

Flapper was immediately frightened and backed away.

In an instant, there was a long distance between him and Katakuri.

He kept shouting:

“Ahhhhh! ! !”

“do not come! Do not touch me!”

“monster! ! ! ”

She who once admired Katakuri the most, now regards him as a monster.

Katakuri looked at Flampe running away indifferently, and continued to

say in a deep voice:

“If you want to laugh at that idiot……”

“Even I can laugh at it too! ”

After some scolding,

Katakuri turned around again and

walked towards Luffy who had stood up again.

He came to Luffy and said extremely seriously:

“Feel sorry。”

“I was too stupid to notice the needle。”(aibf)

Luffy bent over,

covering his left abdomen,


“There is nothing despicable about a pirate’s victory or defeat.。”

“call……It’s my fault that I didn’t avoid it. ”

The two just stood face to face, looking at each other.

In the distance, Franpe, who had finally recovered, was yelling at


She was originally a fanatical fan of Katakuri in the family.

But Now……

After seeing Katakuri’s ferocious face hidden by his scarf, and

after being mercilessly scolded and scolded by Katakuri for her “good


Flamper had completely turned her head towards her brother!

So he mercilessly abused and ridiculed him in all kinds of ways.

He even ordered the subordinates around him to quickly take pictures of

Katakuri’s face,

and later make this secret of Katakuri completely public!

Listening to the constant noise coming from the surroundings,

Katakuri looked at Luffy and suddenly said:

“The onlookers are very noisy……”

Luffy immediately responded understandingly:

“They will lose their footing soon anyway! ”

The words fell.

Two extremely powerful overlord-colored domineering energy burst out

from Luffy and Katakuri’s bodies at the same time!

Sweeping the whole place in an instant!

Flampe and the surrounding soldiers all foamed at the mouth and

fainted. He fell to the ground.

In just a moment,

the originally noisy mirror world became completely quiet.

In the entire mirror world, the only

ones who are still standing and awake

are Katakuri and Lu. Two people are flying!

Katakuri looked at Luffy in front of him and put on a fighting posture.

He said seriously:

“I already……I don’t think you are inferior to me! ”

Luffy also put on a challenge stance and responded seriously:

“Really? I’m so happy too, thank you!”

“but! I want to win! ! ! ”

The scene freezes on the scene where the two are about to start the final


The next moment,

the cold mechanical sound of the Tiandao inventory system suddenly


“Random question 6: Who is the final winner in the battle between Luffy

and Katakuri? ”

The prompt tone

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] fell.

The Tiandao chat group suddenly became lively again.。

【Rocks D Jibek: Finally there is another random question. I must win

the points for this question! 】(Read violent novels, just���Feilu Novel

Network! )

【Gol D. Roger: Locks, I advise you to stop dreaming. This point must

belong to me. I must get the resurrection crystal. After resurrection, I will

go to Malinfando to save my son Ace!】

【Portcas D. Ace: Roger! How many times do I have to say it before you

understand? ! I am not your son, nor do I have you as a father! ! !】

【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! Roger, it seems you are the one dreaming,

right? Your son doesn’t recognize you at all, so why are you still

struggling here? If you ask me, you should give up as soon as


【Gol D. Roger: Humph! Whether my son recognizes me or not is one

thing, but whether I go to save him or not is another matter. It’s none of

your business!】

【Kaido: Ugh~ It’s such a boring argument. I think it would be more

practical to discuss who will win in this battle.。】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ Then do you still need to ask? My

son Katakuri will definitely win! Katakuri is the strongest among my

men, how could he lose to a brat like Straw Hat!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ I don’t think this is necessarily true,

Lingling, didn’t you see the water your son put on Straw Hat Boy in the

previous video?】

【Shiji: Yes, and the Straw Hat Boy’s domineering power has been

constantly improving during this battle. He has a tendency to catch up

with Lingling’s son. Maybe he will finish the counterattack later.~】

【Charlotte Bray: No! There is absolutely no way Katakuri-nii will lose!】

【Charlotte Cracker: Even if the Straw Hat guy’s domineering power

continues to improve, it will take a long time to reach the level of

Katakuri’s brother, and this period of time is enough for Katakuri.

Brother has completely eliminated the Straw Hat Boy!】

【Charlotte Perospero: Not only that, although Katakuri has tightened his

waist in order to have a fair fight, overall Straw Hat’s condition is still

much worse than Katakuri’s。】

【Charlotte Smoothie: So, the final winner of this battle must be none

other than Katakuri-san!】

【Charlotte Katakuri: Is this really the result?……】

【Monkey D. Luffy: I won’t lose! I will definitely win! In the video, I had

already promised Nami and the others that they would defeat Nuomi

Man and then go back!】

【Nami: That’s right! I believe Luffy will win!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Luffy will definitely defeat that glutinous rice

man! ! ! 】

After some debate.

The question answering officially begins.

Everyone rushed to answer questions in the Tiandao chat group。

【Monkey D Luffy: Monkey D Luffy! (answer question)】

【Charlotte Lingling: Charlotte Katakuri! (answer question)】

【Rocks D Gibek: Charlotte Katakuri! (answer question)】

【Gol D. Roger: Monkey D. Luffy! (answer question)】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Monkey D. Luffy! (answer question)】

【Charlotte Bray: Charlotte Katakuri! (answer question)】


Countless answering messages popped up quickly in the Tiandao chat


Another moment passed.

The beep of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again。

“There are only five seconds left in the answering time. Those who have

not answered the question yet please do so as soon as possible!”






“It’s time to answer questions!”

“Congratulations to Monkey D. Luffy for answering correctly and earning

1 point!”

【Monkey D. Luffy: Yeah! Very good! I answered correctly! It seems that

I really won this battle!】

【Rocks Djibek: Damn it! Not only did I not guess the answer correctly, I

didn’t even get the first place!】

【Gol D. Roger: I guessed the answer correctly, but it’s a pity that I didn’t

get the first one. It seems that I have no chance to get the resurrection

crystal again…….But since it was Ace’s brother Straw Hat who got the

points for this question, it doesn’t matter. They are all members of his

family anyway.~】

【Monkey D. Cap:? ? ? Roger! You shameless guy, who the hell is your

family member? !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Damn it! Katakuri actually lost to that brat from

Straw Hat? ! ! !】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Lingling, it seems that your number one general is just

that strong. I overestimated him. If it were Jhin under me, he would

definitely be able to easily kill the Straw Hat boy!】

【Jack: Boss Kaido, why does Brother Jhin need to take action against

the Straw Hat guy? I can crush him to death in a matter of minutes! 】

With the end of the answer.

In the projection screen, the video continues���Play –

The final battle between Luffy and Katakuri has officially begun!

As soon as the two came up, they launched extremely fierce attacks on

each other.

In such mutual attacks,

Katakuri still relied on his powerful Haki to gain the upper hand.

The fist made of glutinous rice

kept punching Luffy one after another.

Luffy fought back hard.

Although his power has improved a lot in this battle.

But he is still not as good as Katakuri.

So most of the time I can only be beaten passively.

On rare occasions,

he can also trigger the Haki of seeing and predicting the future, and

barely dodge Katakuri’s attack.

And as the battle continues.

This situation gradually became……

Luffy was able to dodge Katakuri’s attacks more and more.

And while dodging attacks, he can also counterattack

Katakuri from time to time!

Although most of these counterattacks were easily avoided by Katakuri,

there were still a small number of attacks that successfully landed on


Hitting this general who has reached the pinnacle of domineering power!

It’s obvious that

Luffy’s Haki

is still improving at an extremely terrifying speed!

If this continues,

I’m afraid it won’t be long before we can successfully catch up with


Sensing this situation,

Katakuri did not show any panic.


He also looked at his arm that was blown off by Luffy,

with a silent smile of relief on his face.

The barrage is passing by –

look! Teacher Kaer smiled! He laughed! ! !

Kaji-sensei saw that Luffy’s Haki was ready to be mastered soon, so he

smiled happily!

Card 2: Are you finally almost done? My hard teachings are really worth


Ka Er: Damn it, if this kid doesn’t learn how to predict the future and be

domineering, I will soon be exhausted by him!

Card 2: Hahahaha! Finally, I can finish classes and go back to eat donuts

after get off work!

I have to say that Kaji is really a good teacher. Rayleigh taught Luffy for

a full year and a half before he taught Luffy the most basic three-color

Haki. Kaji only spent one battle to learn it. Let Luffy successfully master

the Haki of seeing and seeing the future!

Ha ha ha ha! really! Compared with Ka Er, Rayleigh is totally misleading


Hahaha! Rayleigh’s teaching skills are really not that good~

What? Upstairs, you said that Lei Li can’t do it? You have to ask Xia Qi to

find out!

【Silbarzraeli:? ? ? ? ?】

【Xia Qi:……】。

Chapter 054

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! Absolutely amazing! Lingling’s son is really

amazing! Not only was he not angry when he was hit by the Straw Hat

Kid, he even laughed!】

【John: Hahahaha! Lingling, is your son a masochist?】

【Silver Ax: Shocked! The famous Big Mom Pirates’ four dessert generals,

Charlotte Katakuri, is actually an M? !】

【Wang Zhi: Hahahaha! Silver Axe, your words have the flavor of those

previous barrages! You kid learns so quickly!】

【Rocks D. Jibek: No wonder the winner of this battle will be the Straw

Hat Boy. Judging from the video, Lingling’s son never even thought

about winning!】

【Gol D. Roger: I can’t say that. I think the reason why Straw Hat won in

the end is because he was able to continue to grow and become stronger

in this battle, and the speed of becoming stronger is quite amazing!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ It’s true. The straw hat boy in the video

is so domineering and his growth rate is quite terrifying!】

【Baloric Clydefield: From the beginning when he knew nothing about

high-level knowledge and color haqi, to gradually being able to predict

the future with a small probability, and now seeing knowledge and color

haqi almost equaling Lingling’s son, such a transformation, It only took

one battle!】

【Zefa: Genius! Absolute genius! This guy, Straw Hat, is undoubtedly a

fighting genius! What a pity… Such a good prospect was actually trained

by Garp to become a pirate! ! !~】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hey! Zefa, you old guy, don’t stop spewing nonsense.

Why did I train Luffy to become a pirate? ! Do you think this is what I

want to see? ! It’s not all the fault of the red-haired bastard! ! !】

【Shanks: … When people sit at home, pots come from the sky ()。】

【Ben Beckman: Let me tell you, Shanks, you really have to bear the


【Shanks: Haha, what nonsense are you talking about?~】


In the projection screen, the video continues –

after a fierce battle.

The world in the mirror has been devastated by the battle between the


Luffy fell to the ground, panting heavily.

Katakuri stood not far away,

looking at the fallen Luffy, and


“What’s wrong? ! Straw Hat! ! !”

“Is that the end of it? !”

“Can’t you do this? ! ! ! ” There seemed to be a feeling of unfinished


in his tone . Luffy lay on the ground, panting and saying intermittently:



He hasn’t finished speaking yet.

Katakuri suddenly responded:

“I accept your challenge! ”

This answer seemed a bit inexplicable.

Luffy on the opposite side had already climbed up from the ground with


At the same time, he whispered softly:

“Let this fight end!”

“If only now you could……”

Katakuri interrupted him again。

“I’ve already promised you. ”

Luffy smiled and

said in a weak voice:

“This is the last……”

“Gear change four – snake man! ”

The words fell.

Luffy entered the fourth gear again.

But this time,

his form was different from the previous fourth-level elastic man.

His figure looked more slender and slender.

The barrage army passed by –

holy shit! Snake Man! It’s the new form of Gear 4!!!

This Snake Man is so handsome! He looks even more handsome than the

previous Gear 4 Elastic Man!

Empress: Ah! Snake Man! Luffy has me in his heart~

Gear 4 Snake Man form, Empress My favorite! (Dog head)

By the way, Kaji really has a relationship with Luffy. After Luffy fell, Kaji

actually asked him if that was the end of it~ Hahahaha!

Kaji thought to himself, there is still one last point left in the class. You

can finish it. Don’t let your guard down at this critical moment! The

conversation between Ka Er and Luffy just now was really confusing.

Every time before Luffy finished speaking, Ka Er would Interrupted him

in advance.

Haha! After all, Kaji’s Observation Color Haki can predict the future. He

must have known what Luffy was going to say next through Observation

Color Haki, so he answered in advance. So that’s

it If that were the case, wouldn’t it be necessary for the two powerful

people with knowledge and color who can predict the future to

communicate with each other? Just use knowledge and color to

communicate across time and space. Don’t tell me, maybe this is really




【Boya Hancock: Here we go again, the empress was mentioned again in

the barrage, and looking at the barrage this time, it seems that the

empress also likes snakes? Why do I feel like these descriptions are

becoming more and more similar to my concubine?】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu~ Maybe as I guessed before, the

empress mentioned in this barrage is you, Boya Hancock, the pirate of

Nine Snake Island Empress!】

【Boya Hancock: No way! How could I be interested in a man!】

【Xia Qi: If it were someone else, it might not be possible, but if the

target is Little Monkey… I don’t think it’s 100% impossible.~】

【Boya Hancock: Senior Xia Qi, why can’t you even……】

【Xia Qi: Haha, I just said it casually. After all, I think little Monkey is

quite charming. If you have the opportunity to get in touch with him,

maybe there will be some sparks.~】

【Boya Hancock:……】

I saw these words said by Xia Qi in the Tiandao chat group.

Hancock felt a little unhappy.

Are you kidding me? !

She is the emperor of Amazon Lily, the daughter country of Nine Snake


How could you be attracted to a man? !

Because of some past experiences,

Boya Hancock is particularly disgusted with men.

So what if he is a background king personally certified by the Tiandao

Inventory System?

I am a thief empress,

do I still need to flatter the other person and hug the other person’s lap? !

As for what Xia Qi just said,

if she had contact with the Straw Hat Boy,

it might be possible to create some different sparks.

In Hancock’s opinion, this is completely nonsense!

Not to mention that it is impossible for her to be attracted to a man

under any circumstances,

the mere fact of being in contact with the Straw Hat Boy

is simply impossible in Hancock’s eyes!

After all, from the current point of view,

she and the Straw Hat Boy will have no interaction at all!

So no matter what others say,

Hancock feels…

The empress mentioned in those previous barrage comments

could not be herself under any circumstances!

On the projection screen, the video continued –

looking at Luffy transforming into the fourth gear snake-man form,

Katakuri murmured:

“Snake people?”

“It seems a little different from just now……”

Luffy responded:

“That’s right!”

“Than just now……Faster! ”

The words fell.

Luffy directly aimed at Katakuri’s head and punched him without


Just as he said.

In the snake-man form, his attack speed is indeed several times faster

than that of Elastic Man. Points!

This punch attack……

Fast as lightning!


facing such a quick blow,

Katakuri still just tilted his head slightly

and dodged it with great ease!

There was even a little doubt in my heart.

That’s it?

Is the final snake-man form mentioned by Straw Ha

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] t

only so powerful?

If the attack speed is just faster than before, it still won’t have much


against him who has the domineering power to predict the future .

However, just when Katakuri was wondering about this. Behind him,

where he couldn’t see, Luffy’s fist that had already failed turned a strange

corner! Then he continued to blast towards Katakuri at an extremely fast

speed! This time, Katakuri couldn’t dodge and was directly hit! After

receiving several punches like this one after another. Katakuri also finally

figured out what was special about the opponent’s form. subsequently


The battle escalates!

Katakuri no longer held back and

launched a violent storm of attacks towards Luffy.

The two of them fought back and forth, and

the battle was quite intense!

Under such exchanges of fists and kicks,

Luffy and Katakuri’s injuries continued to worsen.

Both of them were covered in bruises and were at the end of their



Katakuri let out a roar。

“This will set you free!”

“This is the end, Straw Hat! ”

With that said, (for reading Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel


He directly launched a giant mochi fist with sharp spikes, and

attacked Luffy with a desperate momentum!

“Chop the mochi! ”

On the other side,

Luffy also shouted angrily.

The fist wrapped in armed haki quickly came out,

constantly changing directions and accelerating in the air, and

rushed towards Katakuri like a big snake. !

“Rubber King Cobra! ”

The attacks of the two people staggered in mid-air.

They did not collide with each other.

Instead, they continued to move forward in the direction of each other.


Luffy and Katakuri had the same idea at the moment.

That is, relying on this trick……

One move determines the outcome!

“boom! ! !”

“boom! ! ! ”

The next moment,

the two people hit each other with all their full blows.

The air seemed to freeze at this moment.

The two people’s figures were frozen in place.


Luffy retreated in fourth gear and

fell into the deep pit at his feet.


Katakuri also fell forward.

He fell into a coma with his face facing the ground.

The world in the mirror became completely silent.

There was no more sound.

Time passes minute by minute……

After about seven minutes.


a hand stretched out from the deep pit and

grasped the ground tightly.

Luffy used his strength to successfully climb out of the pit.

But he didn’t have time to stand up yet.

The next moment,

a shadow fell from above his head.

He looked up and

found that Katakuri had stood up again at some point

and came to him!

Luffy struggled to get up from the ground and

assumed a posture ready to continue fighting.

However, Katakuri did not move. Instead, he

just looked at Luffy and

said in a deep voice:

“you will come……will come……”

“Defeat Big Mom? ”

Luffy responded loudly without hesitation:

“Of course!”

“I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King! ! ! ”

Hearing Luffy’s answer,

Katakuri showed a happy smile on his face.

He whispered in a weak voice:

“You really are……”

“I’ve seen a pretty far future…….!!”

As soon as he finished speaking,

Katakuri opened his arms and fell backwards with a bang!

Land on your back!

Luffy looked at Katakuri who fell to the ground and was slightly stunned.


He silently took off his black round hat from his straw hat.

He walked up to Katakuri and bent down.

Put the round hat on the other person’s mouth.

After doing this,

he slowly left with somewhat staggering steps.

This battle.

Monkey D. Luffy VS Charlotte Katakuri.


Luffy! ! !

The picture freezes.

The dense barrage army passed by again –

win! Luffy really succeeded in defeating Katakuri, the general with a

bounty of over one billion!

After this battle, Luffy’s strength has officially reached a level of over one


All this must be attributed to the teachings of Teacher Kaer. Thank you

for your hard work, Teacher Kaer!

Card 2 advanced knowledge, color and domineering speed course has

officially concluded! Luffy successfully made his debut!

Although this battle with Card 2 was suspected of letting go, overall it

was still a hearty battle!

In Ka Er’s last sentence, you really saw a very far future, it’s so cool!

Luffy used his hat to cover Kaji’s mouth���Super gentle!

The two of them are in love, they cherish each other!

What a beautiful mentor-disciple relationship! (Dog Head)

Rayleigh silently shed tears of envy after watching it! (Dog head)

Ka Er’s big-character pose when he finally fell to the ground, Brother

Ming and Lao Sha looked at it and called him professional!

【Don Quixote Doflamingo:? ? ? What does this last barrage mean? ? ?】

【Shakrok Dal:……】

【Charlotte Lingling: Damn it! Katakuri, you actually lost to that Straw

Hat guy! ! !】

【Charlotte Katakuri: She is not as skilled as others, but she is willing to

admit defeat.。】

【Charlotte Lingling: What did you mean by the last sentence you asked

Straw Hat: Will he come and defeat me in the future? ! Do you really

want me to be defeated by the Straw Hat Boy? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Katakuri:……That’s what my future self thinks, and I don’t

know the reason now.。】

【Charlotte Lingling: I am so angry! ! ! ! 】


Even if you haven’t really been to the future.

But at this moment, after watching the video, Katakuri

can probably guess

why his future self finally asked the Straw Hat boy such a question.

Although he is the aunt’s child,

he has not felt much maternal love from her.

And not just him,

almost all members of the Charlotte family,

all his brothers and sisters,

rarely feel care and love from their aunt.

Apart from their blood relationship,

there was not much family affection between them at all.

Auntie just regards these children as a tool to strengthen her power.

When the need arises,

the aunt will sacrifice her own children without hesitation.

For example, marriage with other races.

She doesn’t even think about whether her children are willing to do this.

If anyone goes against her will,

even her own child,

Auntie will kill them without hesitation!

And Auntie’s behavior

has unknowingly affected many members of the Charlotte family.

Although the Charlotte family has many brothers and sisters. But there

are very few

brothers and sisters who really have good feelings for each other ! They

are full of overt and covert struggles and intrigues. therefore


Katakuri has long felt that

this Charlotte family is deformed and twisted!

Perhaps only by defeating Big Mom

can the Charlotte family have a chance to be reborn!

And this

may be

the real reason why Katakuri asked Luffy if he would defeat Big Mom at

the end of the video!

“If it’s that Straw Hat guy……”

“Maybe it can really be done! ”

Looking at the frozen picture on the projection screen,

Katakuri thought of spoon in his heart.

Chapter 055

In the Tiandao chat group.

Everyone is still discussing the battle between Luffy and Katakuri。

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Luffy is truly my grandson. In just two

years, he was able to defeat a great pirate with a bounty of over one

billion! Not bad!】

【Sengoku: Garp, you seem so happy to see your grandson grow into a

great pirate? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Karp: Of course I’m happy. Why aren’t you happy? Two

years later, Luffy will only be 19 years old. At the age of 19, he can

defeat pirates with a bounty of more than one billion. Isn’t this worthy of

me, a grandfather, being happy for him? Think about what we were

doing when we were 19 years old? Luffy is much better than me back


【Warring States: Am I telling you about my age? ! You, the grandson of

a naval hero, will become a very troublesome pirate in the future! It’s

enough to give our Navy Headquarters a headache for him in the future!

! !】

【Sakaski: Humph! If you ask me, a guy like Straw Hat, who is bound to

become a huge scourge in the future, should be eradicated in one fell

swoop before he grows up!】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! Red Dog, well said! But in this huge naval

headquarters, I’m afraid no one else has the same idea as you except


【Sakaski: I am enough! In the battle on top played by the Tiandao

Inventory System, I only killed Fire Fist Ace and allowed the Straw Hat

guy to survive by chance, but this time, I will never miss again! I will

never let go of the brothers Fire Fist Ace and Straw Hat!】

【Porusalino: Well, Sakaski, your speech is really domineering, but if you

are beaten by Lieutenant General Garp, Whitebeard, and Roger, I will not

help you.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Even Rocks back then wouldn’t have dared to offend

so many people at once, right?~】“Three sixty”

【Rocks D Jibek: I don’t dare to mess with you? Nonsense! There is really

no one in this sea that I dare not mess with! Moreover, I really offended

guys like Garp and Roger at the same time back then!】

【John: That’s why you died, old captain~】

【Rocks D Gibek:……】

Just when everyone was talking about it.

The picture on the projection screen went completely dark.

This also means that

the part about Luffy’s teacher Katakuri is completely over.


what is slightly different from the past is that……

This time,

after the screen went completely dark,

the words announcing Luffy’s next character did not appear on the

projection screen.。

【Shakrok Dal: Huh? How is this going?】

【Moonlight Moria: It seems a little different from the previous situation.

Why hasn’t the information about the next background person of Straw

Hat been released yet?】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Could it be that Straw Hat’s background has

finally been thoroughly reviewed?】

【Skullachimanap: I finally finished taking stock of Straw Hat’s

background! There are already twelve of them. If there are more after

that, I will be completely numb!】

【Basil Hawkins: Is this really the end? But if I remember correctly, in

the previous barrage about the Straw Hat teacher, in addition to Pluto

Rayleigh and Charlotte Katakuri, there seemed to be a teacher Kai


【Ulki: Maybe this teacher Kai is just an ordinary, unremarkable guy, and

he is not worthy of being included in the background of Straw Hat by the

Tiandao Inventory System.。】

【Kaponbeki: But if that teacher Kai is really ordinary, why does the

barrage compare him to Pluto Rayleigh and Charlotte Katakuri?】

【Eustace Kidd: Why bother with all that? ! If yes, continue the game, if

not, quickly substitute and win a king-level title!】

【Kira: I don’t know who will be the next person selected by the Tiandao

inventory system to be given the title of king?】

【Trafalgar D. Vartierro: I don’t know why, but I always feel that the

review of the Straw Hat Master may not be over yet…….】

Because the information about Luffy’s next background person has not

appeared for a long time.

Everyone couldn’t help but fall into doubts.

And just then.

The cold mechanical prompt of the Tiandao inventory system suddenly

sounded again。

“Since the inventory of Monkey D Luffy’s last background person

overlaps with the inventory of the subsequent title of [King of One

Hundred Revelation], this video will be left for later. ”

As soon as these words came out,

everyone in the Tiandao chat group was suddenly surprised.。

【Rocks Djibek: Good guy! Is this still possible? !】

【John: How old is this last person in Straw Hat’s background that the

Tiandao Inventory System specifically left his link to the back? !】

【Silver Ax: Even the previous sessions with strong players like Garp and

Red Hair were played normally. Why did the last person suddenly


【Wang Zhi: Didn’t the Tiandao Inventory System have just been

explained? Because the video content of Straw Hat Boy, the last person in

the background, overlaps with the content of the King of Hundred

Teachings that will be reviewed later, so I specially reserved it for the

later part.。】

【Shiki: Damn it! I suspect that this Tiandao inventory system is

deliberately trying to whet our appetite!】

【Edward Newgate: Blah blah blah~ Originally I wasn’t too curious

about who the next person in the background of Straw Hat was, but

when the Tiandao Inventory System messed with it, I suddenly became

very curious!】

【Charlotte Lingling: The King of Hundred Revelation? Why does this

title sound so familiar? Kaido, is this the King of Hundred Scholars

talking about you?】

【Kaido:? ? ? Lingling, are you kidding me? ! I am the king of beasts!

Beasts! ! ! He’s not some bullshit King of Hundred Revelation! Besides, do

you think I might be the background of that guy in Straw Hat? ! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Maybe this is really possible? After all, before

this, Lingling didn’t believe that her son Katakuri would be the

background of Straw Hat Boy.~】

【Kaido: You fart! ! ! Can Lingling’s son be compared to me? ! I can kill a

dozen guys like Straw Hat Boy with just one Thunderous Gossip. How

could I care about being his background? !】

【Shanks: Haha, look at what you said, do you think I can’t defeat a

dozen Luffys per second with just one God Dodge? Otherwise, I would

become his background~】

【Ben Beckman: And the previous barrage has been skipped. In addition

to Mr. Rayleigh and Katakuri, Luffy’s teachers also have a being called

Mr. Kai. This teacher’s Kai may be your Kai. There’s a lot of Kai。】

【Kaido:? ? ? Nonsense! ! ! If you guys continue to spread rumors,

believe it or not, I will kill you all! To say that I am the background of

that straw hat kid is simply insulting me! ! !】

【Porusalino: Well, Kaido, sometimes you can’t say too much. If the last

person behind Straw Hat’s background is really you, the King of Hundred

Revelation, then you have to Got slapped in the face~】

【Kaido: Humph! I’ll stop talking here today! Even if I, Hyakju Kaido, die

today, I will never die outside or jump off an empty island.���Could

be the last person in the background of Straw Hat! It’s even more

impossible to be some bullshit Teacher Wang Kai, the King of Hundred


【Kuzan: Ah la la~ I don’t know why, but I always feel that there will be

an earth-shattering slap in the face later.~】

【Kaido: Impossible! Absolutely impossible! ! ! Damn, I want to take a

look then……Who is this bullshit Teacher Wang Kai of Hundred

Teachings? ! How dare you have so many similarities with me. If I know

who he is, I will definitely kill him to prove my innocence! ! !】


After a heated argument.

The cold

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] prompt tone

of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again。

“Since the video content of the last background person of Monkey D

Luffy has been postponed to the [King of 100 Scholars] title review, the

review session of this round of [Background King] Monkey D Luffy has

all ended.。”

“Next comes the reward distribution phase!”

“The results of this round of questions are being tallied……”

【Sengoku: Is the review of the background king of Straw Hat finally

over? I hope that the king-level title to be counted in the next round will

be from our navy, but we can’t continue to give prestige to the guys from

the pirates!】

【Kuzan: I remember that I seemed to have answered a question

correctly earlier. I should be able to get a reward, right?】

【Nami: Is it finally the lottery draw? I’ve been looking forward to it for

a long time! I wonder if there will be anything valuable, maybe I will

become rich soon! hey-hey~】

【Shanks: Haha! I seem to have answered a question correctly before. I

am really looking forward to the rewards issued by the Tiandao

Inventory System, which has unimaginable power.~】

【Rocks Djibek: Damn it! Why didn’t I answer a single question

correctly? ! I want to revive the crystal! ! ! 】

Soon, the Tiandao prompt sounded again。

“The results of this round of answering questions are summarized!”

“There are six random questions in this round, and there are six correct

answers in total.。”

“Those who have accumulated 6 points: None。”

“Those who have accumulated 5 points: None。”


“Those who have accumulated 1 point: Nami, Monkey D Dragon, Kuzan,

Donquixote Doflamingo, Shanks, Monkey D Luffy。”

“Congratulations to the above six viewers for ranking first in this round

of answering questions. Each of them will receive a reward from the

Tiandao Inventory System.。”

“Rewards are randomly selected by the Tiandao inventory system and are

absolutely fair and just.。”

“The random draw will begin next……”

“The first lottery winner: Nami! ”

As the Tiandao prompt sounded. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu

Novel Network!)

A circular lottery wheel suddenly appeared on the originally dark

Tiandao projection screen.

The wheel was divided into many pieces with the same area. area.

There is a big question mark on each area.

It is still unclear what reward it represents.

The answer will only be truly revealed when the turntable finally turns


Soon, the turntable begins It started to rotate rapidly.

First it accelerated for a short period of time,

and then began to slow down slowly.

Finally, the turntable pointer slowly stopped in an area 0………

And the question marks in that area gradually dissipated.

What appeared instead was a small golden treasure chest.

There are also corresponding reward introductions on the side.

Gold coin treasure chest (large): After opening, you can get gold coins

worth 2 billion beli.

When she saw the introduction of this reward, Nami was stunned!

Immediately afterwards…

came the unprecedented excitement and excitement!

【Nami:! ! ! ! !】

【Nami: Oh my god! 2 billion Baileys! 2 billion Baileys! ! ! Am I

dreaming? ! Am I really rich? ! ! ! Ahhhhh! ! ! !】

【Usopp: It’s over, Nami seems to be crazy!】

【Franky: After all, this is 2 billion Baileys, a quite terrifying number!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Yes, all the gold we brought back from Sky Island

was only sold for 300 million beli in the end.。】

【Nico Robin: 2 billion Baileys? It is indeed much more valuable than the

gold we brought from the empty island…if we don’t count the gold pillar

we didn’t take away.。】

【Nami: Huh? Golden pillar? What golden pillar? Robin, why didn’t I

know? !】

【Nico Robin: Haha, it’s nothing, I just said it casually~】

【Nami: Hmm…Robin, I always feel like you are hiding something from

me! never mind! do not care! I now have a full 2 billion Baileys! Now I

really have become a little rich woman! Hey Hey~~~】

The Tiandao reminder sounds again���。

“The second lottery winner: Monkey D Dragon. ”

The reward drawn by Dragon

is a special item called Mechanical Heart.

Mechanical Heart: It can be used on robots or modified humans. It can

greatly enhance the physical strength of the target and provide it with a

steady supply of energy.。

【Monkey D Dragon: Heart of the Machine? It seems like a very suitable

reward for bears! Xiong has paid so much for our revolutionary army

over the years, and it seems just right to give him this reward!】

【Ambrio Ivankov: Now that the bear’s undercover identity has been

exposed, let him return to our revolutionary army. Using this mechanical

heart on the bear can also greatly enhance the power of our

revolutionary army!】

【Vegapunk: Can a mechanical heart greatly enhance the physical

strength of robots or modified humans, and provide a steady supply of

energy? If possible, I really want to study it carefully! This is definitely a

technological creation that far exceeds the technological level of our


“The third lottery winner: Kuzan. ”

The lottery is still going on.

The reward that Aokiji won is a sea-blue crystal.

Devil Fruit Curse Release Crystal: It has the magical effect of helping

people with Devil Fruit abilities to remove the curse of Devil Fruit. After

using it, people with Devil Fruit abilities will no longer be able to No

longer afraid of sea water and sea tower stones!

【Kaido: Damn it! The Tiandao Inventory System actually has items that

can lift the Devil Fruit curse? ! ! !】

【Edward Newgate: I believe anyone with a Devil Fruit ability would be

very excited about this reward, right?】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ Kuzan, you seem to be a bit lucky.】

【Library 0.1 likes: Ah la la~ It seems that in the future you will no

longer have to worry about accidentally falling into the sea while riding a

bicycle on the sea.~】

“The fourth lottery winner: Don Quixote Doflamingo. ”

The lottery continues.

The reward Doflamingo drew is a thin booklet.

Three-color Haki Experience Book (middle): After use, it can increase

1000 points of Armed Color, Knowledge Color and Overlord Color Haki

Experience at the same time. Can also be used by those with zero

domineering foundation。

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Is it an item that can enhance domineering

power? It’s a good thing to improve your strength! It seems that the

previous wave of picking up leaks has indeed paid off, fufufufu~】

【Torrebol: Congratulations, young master!】

【Serka: Congratulations, young master!】

【Diamanti: Congratulations, young master!】


“The fifth lottery winner: Shanks. ”

The reward Shanks drew was a bottle of green potion.

Life Potion: A miracle potion containing rich life essence. After drinking

it, it can greatly improve the user’s physical condition and heal all the

diseases in the user’s body. Injuries can even make a disabled body sound


【Shiki: Damn it! This stuff is great! If I get this life potion, all my broken

legs and old injuries can be restored! Red-haired kid, how about we make

a deal? As long as you give me this life potion, you can make whatever

conditions you want!】

【Shanks: Haha! Sorry, Senior Golden Lion, unfortunately I am also a

disabled person like you. This life potion is also very useful to me!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Great, with this thing, the arm Shanks broke when he

saved me can be restored!】

【Jorah Kormihawk: Redhead, I can finally continue to discuss

swordsmanship with you.。】

【Shanks: I don’t know why, but after hearing what you said, I suddenly

didn’t want to grow my arms back.……】。

Chapter 056

【Gol D. Roger: Shanks, congratulations, your arm that you bet on in the

new era will grow back soon, hahahaha!】

【Shanks: Uh-huh…….Captain Roger, there is something strange about


【Gol D. Roger: Haha, really? But I don’t think there’s anything wrong

with it~]

After Shanks’ lottery draw ended.

The Tiandao reminder sounds again。

“The sixth lottery winner: Monkey D. Luffy。”

【Monkey D. Luffy: Is it finally my turn? What Shanks and Nami drew

just now are very good! I wonder what kind of reward I will get? I’m

really looking forward to it! 】

While Luffy was mumbling excitedly.

The lottery officially begins.

The wheel kept spinning, and

finally slowly stopped in an area.

The question mark in that area immediately disappeared.

In its place was a thin, small white card.

Time Acceleration Card: After use, the user’s physical condition will be

accelerated to two years later, and the corresponding strength will be

perfectly inherited two years later!

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? What’s the use of this thing? Let me grow up

two years out of thin air?】

【Roronoa Zoro:……】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: I knew this kid couldn’t understand the


【Nico Robin: Luffy, to put it simply, the function of this prop is to

immediately transform you into what you will be two years from now as

shown in the previous videos, and have the same strength as yourself two

years from now.。】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Oh! I see! It’s an incredible card anyway, right? !】

【Nicole Robin:……Yes, you can also understand it directly like this。】

【Usopp: However, judging from previous videos, Luffy’s strength two

years later seems to be divided into several stages. I wonder which stage

of strength Luffy will gain if he uses a time accelerator card?】

【Franky: Logically speaking, it should be exactly two years later, that is,

when Luffy had just completed his training and returned to the

Chambord Islands to reunite with us.。】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Will I inherit my own strength from that time? It’s

also very good! I remember that at that time, I was able to blow up that

pacifist with one punch! I am already much stronger than I am now!】

【Brooke: This Tiandao inventory system really has all kinds of weird

rewards, it’s really eye-opening! 10Although I am just a skeleton and

have no eyes, yo hoo hoo~]

After Luffy’s lottery is over.

Everyone’s lottery sessions are now over.

The Tiandao inventory system directly distributed the rewards to the

corresponding recipients.

However, the pirate world is still at a standstill at this moment.

Everyone was still unable to move.

Therefore, these rewards cannot be used immediately.

They can only wait until the Tiandao inventory video is over and

the pirate world returns to normal

before they can start using these rewards.

After a slight pause.

The cold mechanical prompt of the Tiandao inventory system once again

sounded in everyone’s ears。

“Video of the twenty kings of the nautical world, continue now!”

“The second place – the Harem King!”

“Random questions for this round have been generated!”

“Random question 1: Who is the harem king in this round of selection? ”

As the Tiandao prompt tone fell,

the Tiandao chat group immediately became lively again.。

【Edward Newgate: Hiss! Harem King? ! Is this king-level title so

exciting? !】

【Shiki: Wow, Wow! The previous one was the background king, and this

one was the harem king. These king-level titles selected by the Tiandao

inventory system are really different!】

【Kaido: There is also the King of Hundred Grants mentioned just now.

These king-level titles are simply unreasonable!】

【Shanks: This Tiandao inventory system is really innovative. Every king-

level title exceeds our imagination.。】

【Gol D. Roger: If we follow the criteria for selecting king-level titles,

then my title of Pirate King may not even be on the list!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Yeah……By the way, what does harem king mean?

What is a harem? Can it be eaten?】

【Portcas D Ace:……Luffy, you are still young, you don’t need to know

so much。】

【Sabo: Haha, yes, Luffy, this thing seems to have nothing to do with you

anyway, it’s okay if you don’t know。】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Oh, that’s right……forget about it! I have no interest

in this anyway!】

【Ambrio Ivankov: Tsk tsk tsk~Long, it seems that Straw Hat Boy, you

were more innocent back then. You didn’t know anything about this

matter. You didn’t know anything.。】

【Monkey D Dragon: Yeah……I don’t know if this is a good thing or a

bad thing?】

【Monkey D. Garp: Nonsense! Of course it’s a bad thing! I’m still thinking

about having a great-grandson or great-granddaughter in my arms after I

retire in a few years! If Luffy has always been this stupid-headed guy, I

don’t know when I’ll have to go!】

【Sengoku: Come on Garp, with the way you, an old guy, raise your

children, do you want to train your great-grandson or great-grandson to

become a pirate again? ! If that’s the case, it’s better to let the Straw Hat

boy remain unconscious, which can be regarded as a blessing to the


【Zefa: I think what Sengoku said is right. As for the rebellious gene in

your family, Garp, it would be better for Straw Hat to just stay here and

not wake up.。】

【Monkey D. Garp: Roll, roll! You two old guys just have no descendants,

so you want my old Monqi family to be as desolate as you, right? ! Let

me tell you, it’s a beautiful idea!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? Grandpa, what are you talking about? Why

can’t I understand a word? What does it mean to be enlightened but not


【Monkey D. Karp: What I mean is……Oh, forget it, with your IQ, you

will definitely not understand even if I explain this to you, so just let it

take its course! Maybe one day you will suddenly have an


【Monkey D Luffy:(OO)?】

Luffy can be said to be full of question marks at this moment.

Although his educational level is not high and

he doesn’t know many words.

But for the messages that Grandpa and the others had previously sent in

the Tiandao chat group,

he basically knew the words on them.

I don’t know why…

When those words were connected together,

he couldn’t understand them at all!

Didn’t Ace and Sabo say before that the title of king this time has nothing

to do with them?

Why was it that while Grandpa and the others were discussing,

the discussion inexplicably ended up involving him again?

What does the royal title of this review,

King of the Harem, mean?

It sounds like a pretty cool title.

I don’t know which one is more powerful compared to my previous

background king?

But to be honest,

Luffy is really not very interested in these weird king-level titles.

the title he really wanted to earn……

Still the Pirate King!

Full of doubts,

Luffy continued to wait boredly for the official start of this round of


In the Tiandao chat group.

The discussion about the harem king continues。

【John: To be honest, it’s really hard to guess who the title Harem King

refers to.。】

【Silver Ax: Indeed, on this sea, there are many people with harems,


[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ing Celestial

Dragons, wealthy businessmen, and kings…….And among us pirates,

who doesn’t have three wives and four concubines?】

【Wang Zhi: And the more powerful a person is, the easier it is to get

these things. For example, I am occupying Beehive Island and claiming

the title of king on the island. There are countless women who want to

come and support me. Is this possible? The Harem King actually refers to


【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! Wang Zhi, you bastard, you took over my

Honeycomb Island and you still have the nerve to say it? ! You are

relying on me to be dead, so you dare to be so lawless, right? !】

【Wang Zhi: Hey, old captain, I’m not the only one doing this. After you

died in the Valley of the Gods, we divided up all your belongings. I was

assigned to this Beehive Island. Silver Ax removed all the weapons in

your arsenal. John went even further. He stole all the gold and silver

treasures in your arsenal and created something called “Captain John’s


【Bucky: Huh? Captain John’s treasure? ! Isn’t that what I’ve been

looking for? ! Unexpectedly, Captain John’s treasure was actually the

gold and silver treasures in Rocks’ treasure house at first!】

【Rocks Djibek: Mad! You bastards! You really divided up my things

clearly! I estimate that before I die, you have already made plans to take

advantage of me!】

【John: Haha, old captain, you are so smart!】

【Silver Ax: You really guessed it right, old captain!】

【Wang Zhi: Old captain, you are awesome!】

【Rocks D Gibek:%*!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ John, you three guys really know how

to make the old captain angry. When the Rocks Pirates were still there,

the old captain was often made angry by you.~】

【Shi Ji: Having said that, regarding this round of harem king, I actually

have a candidate who is quite qualified.~】

【Locks D. Gibek: Oh? ! Shiji, tell me! who is it? !】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ But, old captain, why should I tell you? I was

still thinking about gaining points and getting rewards. I was quite

greedy for the life potion that the redhead got just now!】

【Rocks D Gibek:……grass! You two, you won’t recognize me as the

captain once I die, right? Don’t you even listen to what I say? !】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Old captain, look at what you said, it’s like we

listened to you when you were alive.~】

【Rocks D Gibek:……】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel


【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! Old captain, I advise you to give up on this idea,

and just watch me get the points for this question~] The

golden lion looked confident.

There is no other reason.

Just because he was very confident in the answer he thought of!


after hearing the title of Harem King,

he had the same idea as everyone else.

That is……

There are so many choices for the harem king!

After all, this sea is extremely chaotic.

As long as someone has power, money or strength,

they can do whatever they want!

It’s normal to open a harem or something.

Even if you don’t have that kind of like-minded partner,

you can still directly rob or buy and sell them through the slave market.


people with large harems are not a minority in this sea. It is really not an

easy task

to choose a harem king among so many people . But just when Shi Ji felt

at a loss what to do, he suddenly thought of something! Who said harem



Does it have to be a man? !

Can’t women have a harem?

Can’t a woman be the queen of the harem? !

The pattern is open!

After realizing this.

An extremely suitable candidate immediately popped into Shi Ji’s mind –


Charlotte Lingling!

If it is difficult to choose a harem king among many men,

it is very simple to choose a harem king among many women!

Very simple!

Aunt Charlotte Lingling is definitely a unique candidate!

after all……

Lingling is a famous birth sow!

Auntie’s method of expanding her power is different from others.

It all depends on one word –


Marrying men of all different races.

Then give birth to a lot of children.

Then train all these children into capable generals under your own


This is how Auntie expands her power.

837 And this also leads to……

There are so many men who have had sex with aunties!

There are so many husbands that I have been married to my aunt alone,

43 times!

More than eighty children were born!

Such an aunt

is definitely a well-deserved harem king!

After thinking about this,

Shi Ji became more and more sure that what he was thinking was

definitely the correct answer.。

“Jie hahahaha!”

“Fortunately, I have opened up the pattern, and I am not as rigid as them

in thinking that the harem king can only be a man!”

“It seems……The points for this question are destined to be included in

my bag!”

“It would be great if I could also draw the red-haired health potion after

this round is over.。”

“As long as my legs recover and old injuries heal, then this sea will once

again usher in a golden lion in its heyday!”

“”Jie hahahaha~”

Shi Ji thought happily in his heart.

He couldn’t help but sigh at his cleverness.

At the same time,

the question answering finally officially began.

Everyone answered their questions in the Tiandao chat group. Guess the


There are all kinds of answers. There are many kinds of answers


Obviously everyone has different ideas for the candidate for the harem


But as the golden lion expected,

among these various answers,

the answer for women is It can be said that there are very few answers to

the name.

He filled in the answer “Charlotte Lingling” in a hurry.

He was very pleased with himself.


the answer time entered the last five seconds.。

【Monkey D Garp: Monkey D Luffy! (answer question)】

【Warring States: Huh? Garp, are you an old fool? ! You were saying

before that the harem king has nothing to do with your grandson, why

did you turn around and mention the name of the Straw Hat boy now?】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hum! I am happy with it, but can you take care of it?

! Anyway, I have one chance to answer the question. If I don’t answer, it

will be wasted in the end. Can’t I just take a guess? Although the answer

to this question is definitely not that brat Luffy, this is my best wish and

expectation for him. I hope he can enlighten himself as soon as possible

and let me have my great-grandson as soon as possible!】

【Warring States Period:……】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Garp, are you making this wish? It’s really




“1! ”

The countdown to answer the question continued to sound.

The golden lion did not pay attention to Karp’s last wave of outrageous


Instead, he was happily looking forward to the sound of the prompt

announcing that his answer was correct.


the next moment ,……


“It’s time to answer questions!”

“Congratulations to Monkey D. Karp for answering correctly and earning

1 point!”

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! I knew I was definitely right, so I accepted this

point unceremoniously…….Um? ! ! ! Damn it! what’s the situation? ! ! !


Chapter 057

【Monkey D. Cap:? ? ?】

【Monkey D Dragon:? ? ?】

【Warring States:? ? ?】

【Portcas D. Ace:? ? ?】

【Sabo:? ? ?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ?】


The moment the answer results are announced.

The Tiandao chat group was immediately flooded with neat and dense

question marks!

And this moment.

The golden lion is like being struck by lightning!

I thought I already had a chance to win.

You can collect the points for this question right away.


my answer was wrong!

The correct answer was actually Garp? ! ! !

But wasn’t the answer that old guy Garp gave him Straw Hat Boy? !

How could Straw Hat, with his still-unawakened elm head,

be the harem king? ! ! !

Does he have anything to do with the harem king? ! ! !

Is there something wrong with the Tiandao inventory system? ! ! !

At this moment,

the golden lion fell into crazy shock and doubt.

At the same time,

the Tiandao chat group exploded because of this outrageous result!

【Monkey D. Garp: Damn it! I actually got the answer right? ! ! !】

【Warring States:? ? ? What the hell is going on? ! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: The Harem King is also a Straw Hat? ! This really

exceeded my expectations!】

【Rocks D. Jibek: Damn it! real or fake? ! Didn’t Straw Hat just finish

winning the title of Background King? Why is there another harem king?


【Kaido: Damn it! Why is it the Straw Hat guy again? ! The Tiandao

Inventory System that he co-authored was developed specifically for him

alone, right? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: How can Straw Hat, a brat who doesn’t even have

hair yet, be the harem king? ! ! !】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ This result is really incredible!】

【Shanks: Hiss! The Harem King is actually Luffy? ! This guy is hiding his


【Portkas D Ace: Harem King…Luffy still has this ability? How come I

didn’t know this before? !】

【Sabo: Hahahaha! I never expected that Luffy, who was so innocent

when he was a child, would actually become the harem king!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Harem King? ? ? Luffy, what did you do? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? ! What are you talking about? I don’t even

know what the title of Harem King means. How come this title fell to me

again for no reason? I don’t want these weird king-level titles, I just want

to be the Pirate King!】

【John: Good guy! The Straw Hat guy is so blessed that he doesn’t know

how to be blessed. He actually said that he doesn’t care about the title of

Harem King? !】

【Silver Ax: That’s the harem king! Is it the ultimate dream of many

men? ! ! !】

【Wang Zhi: I really don’t understand. With a stupid head like the Straw

Hat boy, how on earth did he get selected as the harem king by the

Tiandao inventory system? !】

【Shiki: Made! There must be a mistake in the Tiandao inventory system!

Obviously the answer I gave is the correct one!】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hello! Golden Lion, you old guy, don’t talk nonsense!

What does it mean that the Tiandao inventory system is wrong? The

power of the Tiandao inventory system is mysterious and unpredictable.

How could it go wrong? This harem king is definitely my grandson!】

【Shiki: Garp, ask yourself in your conscience, do you believe what you

just said? Obviously just now you were saying that the harem king has

nothing to do with your grandson, but now it turns out that the harem

king must be your grandson? !】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hum! I am such a fickle man, do you have any

objections? Hey, how about the harem king! Luffy, you brat finally didn’t

disappoint me as a grandpa!】

【Monkey D Dragon: Well, although this result is very surprising, I am

very satisfied!】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Long, you really have a good son. Our old

Mengqi family has a successor!】

【Monkey D Dragon: Haha, blah blah~ Old man, you have a good

grandson! Judging from this, our old Mengqi family not only has

successors, but also a lot of people!】

【Warring States:? ? ? Oh shit! The father and son are still bragging

about each other’s business? !】

【Zefa: Sure enough, this family is surprisingly thick-skinned!】


In the midst of everyone’s shock and confusion.

The prompt sound of the Tiandao inventory system came again。

“In this sea, there are countless romantic people.。”

“There are countless beauties in the harem!”

“Some of them rely on strength, some rely on financial resources, and

some rely on power.……”

“But only he relies on sincerity!”

“With his sincerity, he captured the hearts of one girl after another!”

“Let countless girls fall head over heels for him, think about him day and

night, and be fascinated by him!”

“he! He is the well-deserved… king of the harem in this sea!”

“Welcome to this issue’s review of the Twenty Kings of Navigation——

【Harem King】Monkey D Luffy!”

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Well said, well said!】

【Monkey D Dragon: My son is really a great talent!】

【Portcas D. Ace: Capturing the hearts of one girl after another by

sincerity? I didn’t expect Luffy to have such ability!】

【Sabo: Hahahaha! He is indeed our younger brother! I used to look

down on him.~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? Luffy, I never thought that a guy like you, with

thick eyebrows and big eyes, would betray the revolution! ! !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? Sanji, what are you talking about? revolution?

What revolution? Is it the revolution of my father, Sabo and his

revolutionary army?】

【Roronoa Zoro: …It’s okay, Luffy, this perverted cook is sick, just ignore


【Monkey D. Luffy: Nani? ! Sanji is sick? ! ! ! Chopper, treat Sanji


【Tony Tony Chopper: Oh! ! ! Sanji, are you feeling uncomfortable

somewhere? Tell me quickly and I will prescribe medicine for you! ! !】

【Usopp: Chopper, don’t take it as seriously as Luffy!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Huh? ! So is it fake that Sanji is sick? !】


【Baloric Clydefield: I always feel that these guys in the Straw Hat

Pirates are not very smart.。】

【Douglas Barrett: Be confident and take away the feelings and the ass.

As the prompt tone of the Tiandao inventory system fell.

Dots of light appeared again in the originally dark projection screen.

Immediately afterwards,

another photo slowly emerged.

As for the protagonist in this photo,

everyone in the Tiandao chat group is no longer unfamiliar with him.

Hao Ran is the protagonist of the just-concluded [Background King]

review –

Monkey D Luffy!

In the photo,

Luffy still looks like a sunny and cheerful boy.

His face was filled with a simple, bright and honest smile.

If you just look at this photo,

it’s impossible for anyone to believe it.…….

This seemingly innocent young man

is actually the officially certified harem king of the Tiandao Inventory


Luffy’s photo slowly faded away.

Then a line of text appeared on the projection screen。

【One of Monkey D Luffy’s harem: Nami! ]

Along with this line of text,

there is another photo.

The photo shows a girl with short orange hair.

Young and beautiful.

Hot body.

Her innocent and cute looks are a bit sexy.

There is a tattoo on his left arm that looks like a combination of a

windmill and an orange.

no doubt.

The man in the photo is the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates,

the highest combat power of the Straw Hat Pirates above the three main


“The little thieving cat “Nami!”


[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] Zoro:? ? ?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ?】

【Usopp:? ? ?】

【Franky:? ? ?】

【Brooke:? ? ?】

【Nami: Huh? ! Am I becoming Luffy’s harem? !】

【Nico Robin: Luffy’s first harem is actually Nami, ho ho ho~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Ahhhh! ! ! It’s actually Nami-chan! Luffy’s first harem

is actually Nami-chan? ! Luffy, I’m going to kill you, kid! ! !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? Sanji, what’s wrong with you? Are you really

sick? It feels like you’re a little out of character.。】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Yes, from the looks of it, Sanji must be sick, and it

is very likely that he has some mental problems. It seems that he must be

prescribed some medicine.……】

【Ken: Straw hat boy! I asked you to help me take good care of Nami,

and I didn’t ask you to take care of her as a harem!】

【Nokiko: But if it’s Straw Hat Boy…it’s really worth entrusting Nami to


【Bellmere: Haha, it seems that Nami must be living a happy life now,

right? Then I’ll feel relieved~] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel


【Nami: Hello! Ajian, Nuo Qigao…and Bellemere, what are you talking

about? !】

【Monkey D. Karp: Oh? Is this my first granddaughter-in-law? She does

look very lovable! Not bad, not bad. As a grandfather, I am very


【Mengqi Dlong: As a father, I am also very satisfied with this daughter-


【Portcas D. Ace: As an older brother, I am also very satisfied with this


【Sabo: Me too!】

【Monkey D Luffy:(OO)?How strange…What are you talking about? Why

can’t I understand it at all?】



The text and photos on the projection screen slowly faded away.

Immediately afterwards,

the video officially started playing –

at the beginning of the video, Nami’s background was briefly explained.

Nami was born in the Ouikot Kingdom in the East China Sea.

When she was still in her infancy,

the Kingdom of Oiket was attacked by pirates.

The entire kingdom was reduced to ruins.

Nami’s parents were also killed by pirates.

Nokigao, who was a few years older than Nami, held her in her arms and

walked desperately among the ruins.

He happened to be bumped into by Bellemere, who was a marine.

In this way, Bellmere adopted Nami and Nokigao.

Settled in Cocoa West Village.

The three of them depended on each other for their lives.

Make a living by growing oranges.

Nami has been interested in drawing nautical charts since she was a


And he showed extraordinary talent in this.

Time came when Nami was 10 years old.

The ferocious fish-man pirate Aaron led the Aaron pirate group

from the Grand Line to Cocoa West Village in the East China Sea.

Aaron demanded that all villagers in Cocoyasi Village must pay him

protection fees.

Villagers who cannot pay the protection fee will be killed by him.

Bellemare gave his only savings to Aaron

as protection money for Nami and Nokigao.

And she herself was

killed by Aaron in front of Nami and Nokigao because she couldn’t pay

the protection fee!

Afterwards, Aaron and his group also discovered the navigation chart

drawn by Nami.

Aaron took a fancy to Nami’s extraordinary talent, so he forced her to

join Aaron’s group

on the condition of redeeming the village with 100 million beli . In order

to protect the village, the young Nami agreed to Aaron’s terms and

became the surveyor of Aaron’s pirates. Constantly draw charts for each

other. In order to collect the 100 million beli as soon as possible to

redeem the village, Nami also became a thief, specializing in stealing the

pirates’ treasures. Such a humiliating and burdensome life lasted eight

full years… The barrage passed by – Aaron really deserved to die! ! ! Tell

Lao Mo, I want to eat fish! ! ! She sacrificed herself to protect Nami and

Nokigao. Bellmere is really a great mother! In order to protect Cocoa

West Village, Nami, who was only ten years old, shouldered this heavy

burden alone. It was not easy! Nami has endured everything she

shouldn’t have to endure at her age. It’s so pitiful! Jinbei should have

beaten Aaron to death directly to prevent him from coming to the East

China Sea to do evil!


【Monkey D. Garp: Damn it! How dare this fish man named Aaron treat

our granddaughter-in-law like this? ! Where is he now? I will

immediately beat him into a canned fish!】

【Portcas D. Ace: How dare you treat my sister-in-law like this? See if I

don’t burn him directly into a grilled fish!】

【Jinbei: After Aaron ran to the East China Sea, he actually did such a

cruel thing? ! I am indeed responsible for this matter. It was me who

failed to discipline Aaron and the others!】

【Aaron: Haha, Jinbei, stop being so hypocritical here. Whatever I do has

nothing to do with you, and you have nothing to do with me!】

【Nami: Aaron! ! !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Aaron is really annoying. Watching this video makes

me want to beat him up again!】

【Monkey D Dragon: This fish-man named Aaron is indeed hateful, and

allowing a pirate to be lawless in an innocent village for eight full years

is the dereliction of duty of the navy.。】

【Ambrio Ivankov: Yes, if the Arlong Pirates are the kind of pirates that

are always sailing on the sea and traveling around, then forget it if the

navy can’t do anything to them, but they (who are good at money) are

The navy has been entrenched in the village of Cocoa West Village for

eight full years, but the navy actually ignored it? !】

【Sengoku: …This is indeed a bit strange. Logically speaking, within

eight years, the navy responsible for the jurisdiction of that sea area

should have noticed what the Arlong Pirates were doing, but why was it

so late? No action?】

【Crane: If I remember correctly, the person in charge of the area of

Cocoa West Village in the East China Sea seems to be a naval colonel

named Mouse.。】

【Warring States: Is that so? Rat, Colonel Rat, tell me, what is going on?

Why have you ignored the Arlong Pirates for the past eight years? 】

Long and Ivankov had already said that before.

In order to maintain the reputation of the Navy Headquarters,

it was naturally impossible for the Warring States Period to turn a blind

eye to this matter.

So he immediately brought Colonel Aite out,

intending to ask him the specific reason for this.

However, after he finished Aite.

Colonel Mouse did not reply for a long time.

This made Sengoku feel a little confused.

What he didn’t know was that

Colonel Mouse was about to pee out of fear at this moment!

When he saw Nami’s past playing on the Tiandao projection screen,

Colonel Mouse secretly thought something was wrong.

Now that Aaron’s affairs have been broadcast,

his collusion with Aaron will definitely be exposed soon!

And in front of so many people!

There are even a lot of senior officials from the Navy Headquarters

among them!

What frightens Colonel Mouse even more is…

Nami actually became the granddaughter-in-law of the naval hero Garp! !


If Garp knew what he did to his grandson-in-law,……

I am absolutely dead!

Thinking of this,

Colonel Mouse felt extremely regretful.

If he had known that Nami was the granddaughter-in-law of naval hero


he would not have dared to do what he did before even if he had 10,000


For a moment,

Colonel Mouse even wanted to die. .

Chapter 058

On the projection screen, the video continued –

time came to when Nami was 18 years old.

That is the year 1520 of the Haiyuan calendar.

Nami steals Bucky’s Great Line chart in Orange Town.

As a result, he was hunted by the Buggy Pirates.

And just when she was about to be overtaken by the enemy,

a figure suddenly flew over from the distant horizon.

Then it landed directly in front of Nami.

It’s Luffy!

The barrage flashed across—

it’s coming, it’s coming! The fateful encounter between Nami and Luffy!

There was a loud bang in the sky, and Luffy made his debut!

Falling from the sky is indeed the way for a male protagonist to appear!

Luffy is definitely Nami’s rightful son who fell from the sky in every sense

of the word! (Dog Head)

At that time, Nami didn’t know how this young man falling from the sky

would bring about earth-shaking changes to her eight-year painful life!


The video continues –

after Luffy lands.

It was very easy to deal with the group of minions of the Bucky Pirates.

Nami expressed her gratitude to Luffy.

And offered to cooperate with the other party.

However, after learning about Luffy’s identity as a pirate,

he immediately gave up such thoughts.

He also deceived Luffy and

took it to Bucky as an apology.

In order to test Nami, Bucky

asked Nami to kill Luffy in front of them.

At the critical moment, Nami relented.

And in turn protected Luffy.

Zoro then arrived and

rescued Luffy and Nami in time.

After Nami saw the scene of Luffy fighting for the puppy, Nami

began to have a slight change in her mind towards this young pirate

whom she met for the first time.

Then during the battle between Luffy and Bucky,

Nami took the opportunity to steal Bucky’s treasure

and assisted Luffy in defeating him.

After this battle,

Nami decided to go with Luffy and Zoro temporarily.

And this short journey

has become one of the few happy times for Nami in the past eight years.


when everyone arrived at Barati, the sea restaurant.

Nami accidentally found Aaron’s reward order from Johnny’s body.

This suddenly brought him back to reality from the brief beautiful



Nami stole the Straw Hats’ Golden Merry and

returned to Cocoa West Village alone.

After returning from this trip,

Nami’s savings were down to the last 7 million from 100 million beli.

When she thought of being able to redeem the village from Aaron,

697 Nami was filled with joy and expectation.


it was at this time that a group of uninvited guests

came to Cocoa West Village!

Colonel Mouse led a small team of naval soldiers and

found Nami’s orange grove.

Then, under the pretext of searching for stolen goods,

he began to rummage through Nami’s orange orchard without any


They dug out all the treasure worth 93 million beli that Nami had

worked hard to save over the past eight years.

And all of them were confiscated without ceremony!

In order to prevent the navy from taking away Nami’s treasure, Nokigao

was shot and wounded by a navy soldier!

It wasn’t until this moment that

Nami finally understood… why no navy had come to punish Aaron and

his gang

in the past eight years ! Because Colonel Mouse, who is in charge of this

area, has long been in cahoots with Aaron and his gang! ! ! And the other

party suddenly came today to steal the treasure that he had worked hard

to save for eight years, and he was also ordered by Aaron! Aaron wants

to keep Nami tied to the Aaron Pirates in this way ! After thinking about

all this, Nami went directly to Aaron’s Paradise angrily and questioned

Aaron on the spot. However, in response to Nami’s questioning, Aaron

refused to admit it. He also threatened the lives of the villagers in Cocoa

West Village to warn Nami not to think about escaping. Tears… suddenly

flowed down from Nami’s face! Eight full years… all her hard work over

the past eight years! All the heartache, sweat and humiliation! Everything

turned into a joke at this moment! But there was nothing she could do

about it. He could only grit his teeth and cursed fiercely at Aaron in front

of him:

“mean! Shameless! ”

Aaron didn’t take it seriously.

Instead, he laughed even more wildly and proudly.

The scene froze.

The barrage army passed by again –

Mader! Aaron really deserves to die!

I really want to give Aaron thousands of knives. , make him into sashimi!

Sashimi? It’s cheaper to make sashimi, Aaron! You know that Sakura has

a dish called bone swimming, right?

I know! It’s all about the superb knife skills. All the fish meat has been

removed from the fish, but the fish is not completely dead at this time. If

the fish bones are put back into the water, it can continue to swim for a

while! That’s right! That’s it! I think it should be done this

way He can relieve his anger by treating Aaron!

Then Sanji must come in person? With his knife skills, it can definitely be


To be honest, I really want to see Aaron being made into a bone

swimmer! It feels so good just thinking about it!

And we can’t let go of the Rat Colonel! As expected, he is as disgusting as

a mouse!

No! To say that he is as disgusting as a mouse is simply an insult to the

mouse! The Rat Colonel is simply worse than a beast!

Why don’t we just kill him? Let’s do bone swimming with Aaron!


Dense translucent barrages continued to float across the screen.

And these angry barrages,

coupled with the video content like just now,

also made everyone in the Tiandao chat group unable to help but raise

their blood pressure.。

【Monkey D. Karp: Damn it! Watching this video made me have high

blood pressure! How dare you bully my granddaughter-in-law like this? I

really want to punch that Aaron and that old rat colonel to death!】

【Monkey D Dragon: Dare to bully my dragon’s daughter-in-law? Do you

really think I’m a vegetarian? !】

【Warring States Period: How dare this mouse colonel collude with

Aaron and his gang to defraud the villagers of Cocoyasi Village? ! Let me

tell you why the Navy has ignored Cocoa Nishi Village for the past eight


【Crane: Guys like Colonel Mouse are a complete disgrace and stain to

our Navy Headquarters!】

【Polusalino: Well, this is what is called a mouse droppings ruining a pot

of porridge, right?~】

【Sakaski: Humph! If that mouse colonel were in front of me, I would

definitely burn him to the ground with a blast of lava!】

【mouse:! ! ! Lieutenant General Garp! Marshal of the Warring States

Period! Lieutenant General Crane! General Akainu! Spare me! ! ! I know I

was wrong! Please spare me! ! ! All this is what Aaron forced me to do. If

I don’t obey, he will kill me. I am also forced to do nothing!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: How dare you make Nami-chan cry! The bone

swimming mentioned in the barrage, I really want to try it on Aaron if I

have the chance!】

【Jinbei: Aaron! ! ! You are simply a disgrace to our fish people! ! !】

【Fischer Tiger: Aaron? Is it the Aaron who followed us back then? You

are really disappointing now!】

【Aaron: Boss Tiger, even you……】

this moment.

Aaron was completely panicked.

Whether it was the barrage of accusations against him

or the abuse of him by so many people in the Tiandao chat group,

Aaron actually didn’t care.

After all, he is a complete e

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] vil person.

How could you care?


Aaron never expected that

even the dead boss Fisher Tiger would come out to accuse him!

Fisher Tiger was the former captain of the Sun Pirates.

He is also the person whom Aaron respects the most.

No matter how others accuse him, it doesn’t matter to him.

But only Fisher Tiger!

The other party just said lightly “You are so disappointing”,

which made Aaron suddenly panicked!

At the same time, there is still unspeakable pain and discomfort in my


This feeling was even more excruciating

than when I was imprisoned in Impel Down City and baptized in 100-

degree boiling water! And this also made Aaron start to regret for the

first time… regret what he had done!


“This is my retribution, right? ”

Aaron thought in his heart。

……(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the projection screen, the video continued to play –

after coming out of Aaron Paradise.

Nami ran all the way back to the entrance of Cocoa West Village.

On the way,

she kept trying to adjust her emotions.

When she arrived at the entrance of the village,

there was already a forced bitter smile on her face.

Nami stopped in front of the villagers of Cocoa West Village who wanted

to settle accounts with Aaron. (baba)

tried his best to stop them.

Because she knew very well…

with the strength of the villagers,

there was no way they could be a match for Aaron and his group!

Even if you go,

you are just dying in vain!


I already knew it���The villagers who have worked hard over the past

eight years

have already reached the end of their patience.

Even if they risk their lives,

they must vent their anger for Nami.

As a result,

the villagers ignored Nami’s obstruction and

ran towards Aaron’s Paradise angrily.

Nami, who tried to stop them to no avail, could only watch the villagers

go away.

In an instant, she seemed to have lost all support and

fell to the ground helplessly.


she suddenly looked at the tattoo on her left arm.

That’s the symbol that symbolizes Aaron’s group.

Looking at this tattoo,

Aaron’s ugly face suddenly appeared in Nami’s mind.

next moment.

She suddenly grabbed the dagger on the ground and

plunged it into her tattoo like crazy without any thought!

One knife!

Two knives!

Three swords!

Nami kept pricking and

roaring Aaron’s name.

Blood was flowing down her arm.

But she seemed unaware.

Keep repeating this action.

It was as if those knives were not pierced in her own arms,

but in Aaron’s body!

And at this moment…

a big hand suddenly stretched out from the side and

grabbed Nami’s wrist holding the knife.

It stopped her from continuing such self-destructive behavior.

The camera zooms out.

I saw Luffy standing behind Nami at this moment.

Half of his face was obscured by the shadow cast by the straw hat above

his head.

It’s hard to see his expression clearly.

Nami turned around and glanced at the other party.

Then he dropped his arms feebly.

He spoke in a trembling voice:

“What…you obviously don’t know anything……”

Luffy responded expressionlessly:


“have no idea. ”

Nami grabbed a handful of sand on the ground and threw it towards

Luffy behind her.

While throwing it, she continued:

“It has nothing to do with you at all!”

“Get off this island quickly!”

“Didn’t I say that? ! ”

Luffy nodded.。

“Yes, I said it. ”

Nami’s movements suddenly stopped.

She covered her mouth and kept crying.

But Luffy continued to stand behind her

without saying a word.

After a long moment of silence…

Nami suddenly turned around, with tears in his eyes. Water.

She said to Luffy in a trembling voice:

“Luffy…help me……”

At this moment, the girl

seemed like a person about to fall into the water,

desperately trying to hold on to the last hope.

Hear Nami’s request.

Luffy raised his hand with an extremely serious expression and

placed it on the straw hat above his head.


he gently took it off and

pressed it on Nami’s head!

After doing this,

Luffy turned around silently.

After walking forward for a short distance,

he suddenly took a deep breath and

shouted to the sky with an angry and firm voice:

“Of course! ! ! ”

Nami squeezed the brim of the straw hat on her head with both hands


looked at the boy’s figure not far away.

A scene from when she first met Luffy suddenly appeared in her mind.。

“Don’t touch my hat, it’s my treasure! ”

In an instant.

Nami’s tears fell like a dam!

At this moment, she

seemed to see a beam of extremely bright sunshine,

passing through the crack…

and shining into the darkness that had shrouded her for eight years!

The picture was frozen. .

Thick barrages passed by –

Grass Mud Horse! I’m on fire again!!!

This scene made my skin crawl! I burst into tears

! It’s so touching!

Damn it! Kroc is in my eyes. Damn it!

Luffy at this moment is definitely Nami’s salvation!

Luffy is so warm and gentle!

Block kill! This is a block kill!

Luffy put his most precious straw hat on Nami’s head, this Men are really

good at it!

With Luffy’s operation, who is not confused? If it were me, I would fall in

love with him!

Hey! Guys upstairs, you are a man!

What’s wrong with the man? Tomohiro Isn’t it possible to go up? (dog



【Monkey D. Garp: Well done, Luffy! Just go and beat that Aaron away

in one go and avenge my granddaughter-in-law!】

【Crane: Garp, your grandson is really gentle. He is much better than this

old guy like you.。】

【Monkey D. Karp: Haha! Of course, it’s better to be better than someone

who is good at what you do~ How else would you say that my grandson

is the king of the harem!】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! The Straw Hat boy is really good at flirting,

no wonder that little girl Nami fell in love with him~】

【Nami: Hello! Don’t talk nonsense! I didn’t fall in love with Luffy……】

【Boya Hancock: This straw hat boy… seems to be much gentler than I

thought. His actions just now are indeed very touching.。】

【Xia Qi: Ho ho, how about it, Hancock, let me just say that little

Monkey is very charming, right?】

【Boya Hancock: Humph! No matter how attractive he is, it has nothing

to do with me. It is impossible for me to be tempted by a man!】

【Gion: I didn’t expect that among pirates, there would be such a gentle

man like Straw Hat. Look at our navy.……】

【Kaji: Gion, I suspect you’re just here to light me up.。】

【Gion: No doubt, I’m talking about you! It doesn’t matter if you are

ugly, but you don’t have a good personality, and you just stalk and stalk

all day long. No woman will ever like a man like you, so you should learn

more from the Straw Hat Boy!】


【Tina: Smoker, Tina thinks you should learn more from the Straw Hat

Boy and stop being so mean to women all day long!】

【Dasqi: I think what Senior Tina said makes sense!】


【Crane: Sengoku, the same goes for you. If you were as gentle as Straw

Hat, you wouldn’t be an old bachelor even at such a long time.。】

【Warring States Period:……】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! This guy, Straw Hat, seems to have

accidentally become a role model for all men.~】

【Portkas D. Luju: Roger, don’t just laugh, you should also learn from

Ace’s brother!】

【Gol D Roger:o(?Д?)!!!】。

Chapter 059

On the projection screen, the video continues –

after screaming to the sky.

Luffy took Zoro and others and rushed towards Arlong Paradise.

After they left.

Nami first returned to her hut in the orange grove.

He simply bandaged the wound on his arm.

Then he picked up his long weapon and

walked towards Aaron’s Paradise.

Partners are fighting……

Of course she can’t be absent!

When Nami arrived at Arlong Paradise,

Luffy’s situation was not optimistic.

Although Zoro and Sanji have defeated two cadres of the Arlong Pirates.

But they were seriously injured and no longer a match for Aaron.

They were all knocked to the ground.

Luffy had already been thrown into the water by Aaron before.

There is also a huge stone embedded on top of both feet.

It made it impossible for him to escape for a while.

Under such circumstances,

it seems that they still have no hope of defeating Aaron.

Seeing Nami’s arrival, Aaron

once again threatened her with the lives of the villagers in Cocoa West


Let her return to Aaron’s group.

However, this time,

Nami did not agree.

Instead, he looked at the villagers behind him with a smile and said:

“Everybody, I’m sorry。”

“Please die with me! ”

These seemingly absurd words

made the villagers of Cocoyasi Village laugh one after another.

They laughed very happily!

Because they knew……

Now Nami

is finally truly free!

She finally came out of the nightmare of the past eight years!

The villagers laughed and shouted……

Decided to fight with Nami to the end!

Another moment passed.

Luffy was finally rescued from the pool by Ken, Nokigao and Sanji.

The final battle also started between Luffy and Aaron.

The two fought from the courtyard of Aaron Paradise to the building of

Aaron Paradise.

The fighting was fierce.

No one outside the building could see the fighting inside the building.

Only the sounds of violent fighting and collisions could be heard coming

from inside.

And just when everyone couldn’t help but worry about Luffy.


A table flew out of a room at the top of the building.

Next came chairs, bookcases, thick books, and stacks of drawings…….

It was as if someone was deliberately demolishing the room,

throwing things out of the room.

This scene made the villagers very confused.

But Nami was stunned on the spot.

She covered her mouth and

couldn’t help but tears bursting out of her eyes again!

because she knows……

The room where the battle is taking place right now

is the room where she has been drawing drawings for Aaron and his gang

for the past eight years!

And those things that were blasted out

were all used by her when drawing drawings in that room!

Everything on that thing

carries Nami’s painful memories!

But now…

all of these things have been blasted out by Luffy!

It was as if Luffy had blasted all those painful memories

out of Nami’s mind!

She raised her head and looked at it all,

and said silently in her heart:

“Luffy…thank you! ”

This battle

ended with Aaron’s defeat and the collapse of the Aaron’s Paradise


Luffy successfully defeated his opponent.

In the picture,

he was seen standing on the ruins of the Aaron’s Paradise Building.

Looking down at the crowd Nami at the front shouted:

“Nami! ! !”

“You are…my partner! ! ! ”

As soon as these words came out,

Nami’s tears burst out again.

The girl raised her hand to wipe her tears,

smiled and nodded vigorously.。

“Um! ! ! ”

The screen freezes.

The barrage army passes by –

ah ah ah! Luffy is so handsome!!!

Although Luffy usually looks silly and dull, his emotional intelligence is

really full!

This way ! How can a man not be loved?!

Hahahaha! Do you like it? It depends on your IQ~ (dog head)

What Luffy yelled at Nami, does it sound like a confession?! (dog head)

I think even at that time What Luffy shouted to Nami was – Nami, you

are my girlfriend! Nami will definitely nod without hesitation! That’s

right! It’s so sweet, so sweet! It will knock me to death, knock me to



Hey, hey, please be sensible upstairs, eating everything will only harm


Nonsense! Eating everything will only make me nutritionally balanced!

(dog head)


【Rocks Djibek: Hiss! I have to say, this straw hat guy is really good at

flirting with girls! It has the same style as I did back then!】

【John: Pfft hahaha! Come on, old captain, stop putting gold on your


【Silver Ax: Those of us who were in the Rocks Pirates back then, who

didn’t know that you, old captain, are an invincible straight man of


【Wang Zhi: If you, old captain, were not strong enough to rob civilian

girls, you would have been an old bachelor just like the Warring States

Period until your death.~】

【Rocks D Gibek:……】

【Warring States:? ? ? What the hell does this have to do with me? ! ! !】

【Portcas D Ace: Tsk, tsk, tsk~ I’ve never noticed this before. When did

Luffy suddenly become so good at flirting with girls?】

【Sabo: Yes, Luffy was not like this at all when he was a child. How come

he became so good at this when he grew up?】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? Ace, Sabo, are you praising me for getting

stronger? ! Hehe, of course, I have been practicing very hard! ! !】

【Portcas D Ace:……】


【Shiki: I suspect that Straw Hat Boy is really, as a previous barrage said,

emotional intelligence is exchanged for IQ!】

【Xia Qi: Ho ho~ You don’t understand, little Mengqi is called Da Zhi

Ruo Fool.。】

【Silbazraeli: Haha! Xia Qi, it seems that you really like this little guy

Luffy, you keep saying good things about him.。】

【Xia Qi: Of course, little Monkey is handsome and charming. If I were

decades younger, I might really fall in love with him.~】

【Silbarzraeli:? ? ? ? ?】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Rayleigh, why do I feel like you were

suddenly cheated on by your own apprentice?~】

【Portcas D. Lujiu: Xia Qi is right. If I were still alive and decades

younger, I would also be fascinated by Ace’s younger brother.~】

【Gol D. Roger:? ? ? ? ?】

【Portcas D. Ace:? ? ? ? ?】

【Sabo: Hahahaha! Ace, for some reason, Luffy almost turned from your

brother to your father.~】

【Monkey D Luffy: (Oo)??】


On the projection screen, the video continues –

after Aaron’s battle.

Nami successfully joins the Straw Hats.

Became the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Following Luffy and others, we embarked on various adventures.

Camera switch.

The time came shortly after the Straw Hats left the small garden of the

Ancient Island.


suffered from a very serious “Five-Day Sickness” because she was bitten

by a poisonous parasite called “Keski” while in the small garden.

The fever persisted.

Luffy stayed at Nami’s bedside.

Making all kinds of faces to make Nami happy.

It’s a pity that it doesn’t have much effect.

But he still persisted in guarding Nami.

Even when Zoro told him that there was an island outside,

Luffy suppressed his inner excitement and did not leave Nami’s room.

If it had been normal,

Luffy would have turned into smoke and jumped to the bow of the Merry.

In order to treat Nami.

The Straw Hats came to the Drum Kingdom, a powerful medical country,

to look for

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] a doctor. (To

read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When he saw the people of the Drum Kingdom who were wary of the

Straw Hats,

Luffy even knelt down and kowtowed to them without hesitation.

Please ask them to call a doctor to treat Nami.

Then after learning that there is only the last doctor in the Drum

Kingdom living on the top of the snow mountain.

Luffy also carried Nami on his back without hesitation.

Braving the heavy snow in the sky,

we climbed toward the 5,000-meter-high snow mountain.

Due to some accidents on the way,

Sanji was unfortunately hit in the waist and unable to move.

So Luffy held Sanji tightly in his mouth and

carried Nami, who was unconscious due to high fever, on his back.

Continue climbing towards the top of the mountain with bare hands.

Even though his hands and feet were bleeding from frostbite and


Even though she was freezing and turning purple because she put the

cotton coat on Nami’s body.

Although the cold wind and heavy snow are constantly depriving him of

his physical strength and consciousness…

Luffy never gives up!

With extremely strong will,

he finally climbed up this 5,000-meter-high snow mountain!

And when he climbed to the top of the snow mountain and

saw Dr. Kuleha and Chopper,

the first thing he said was:

“Please save Nami! ”

After saying this,

Luffy completely passed out!

The scene froze.

The barrage army passed by again –

Luffy was really desperate to save Nami!

Obviously Luffy’s favorite thing is island adventure, But in order to take

care of Nami, he resisted and did not rush out of the room!

They say that men have gold at their knees, but in order to save Nami,

Luffy knelt down whenever he asked!

Carrying Nami on his back in such bad weather Mei climbed up a 5,000-

meter snow-capped mountain with bare hands. Luffy had already

surpassed his limit!

If this is not love, then what else is love?!

Although the Empress is also very good, I still want to say… Luna is the

best in the world!!!

I’m sorry, Empress, I testify that it was Nami who came first!

Damn! You people are also serious, why do you have to make choices

and compare them?

Luffy is the harem king, these things are not fundamental It doesn’t


Luffy: I want them all!


【Boya Hancock: Here we go again, the mysterious empress is mentioned

again in these barrage, I really want to know who this empress is! 】

Ask for flowers

【Nokigao: It turns out that Nami and the others have gone through so

much after leaving the East China Sea. Fortunately, there is Straw Hat

Boy, otherwise Nami’s life might really be in danger.。】

【Ken: Straw hat boy, it seems that you have fulfilled your promise to

take good care of Nami!】

【Bellmere: With a boyfriend like Straw Hat, I can rest assured in the

World of the Dead. Nami will be taken care of by him, and there will be

absolutely no problem!】

【Nami: Bellemere! What are you talking about? ! What is a boyfriend or

not…Luffy is my…captain!】

【Bellmere: Haha, whatever you want, as long as you can be happy~】


If the real world was not stopped by the Tiandao inventory system at this


Then the Straw Hats can clearly find that…

Nami’s face has turned crimson unconsciously.

At the beginning,

when the Tiandao inventory system announced that Luffy’s first harem

was actually him.

Nami still felt quite incredible.

Because she has always

regarded Luffy as her partner and captain.

So she was confused…

why did the Tiandao inventory system say that she was Luffy’s harem?

I even felt a little annoyed about it.

I feel that the Tiandao Inventory System is misinterpreting itself for no


However, when she followed the scenes played in the video and

carefully reviewed her past with Luffy again.

For some reason…

Nami’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

An inexplicable feeling began to spread quietly in her heart.

Facing the ridicule from everyone in the Tiandao chat group,

Nami became shy for the first time.

I actually feel a little embarrassed!

This unprecedented feeling and change made Nami feel a little


“Could it be that……”

“Is this what is called heartbeat? ”

Nami, who had never touched the relationship between men and women

before, thought with some uncertainty in her heart.。


On the projection screen, the video continued –

the time came after the Straw Hats were shot away by Bartholomew Bear

on the Shampoo Islands.

Nami was photographed flying to a small sky island called Visalia.

In order to rush back to the Shampoo Islands as soon as possible and

return to my friends.

Nami tried all kinds of ways.

Especially when she read the newspaper reports about the war on top.

Nami couldn’t help crying after learning that Ace died in front of Luffy.

Because she could imagine…

how much pain Luffy must have felt at that time!

This made her even more determined to return to the Shampoo Islands

and Luffy as soon as possible!

But just as she was about to leave Visalia.

But I saw another report in the newspaper.

That was the news that Luffy had returned to Marineland to express his

condolences to Ace and Whitebeard.

There was also a photo of Luffy paying his condolences.

Nami quickly understood the message Luffy wanted to convey from this


So we returned to Visalia.

And she begged the old meteorologists in Visalia to teach her about


in the screen.

Nami looked at the meteorologist grandfather Harida in front of her, and

said with an extremely serious and sincere expression:

“Haleda! Please teach me!”

“Everything you need to know about New World Weather……”

“Please teach me everything! ! ! ”

Hearing Nami’s words,

Haleda sighed slightly:

“You are really desperate~”

Nami nodded firmly and


“Of course!”

“This is a matter of concern to the lives of our partners!”

“I am a navigator and have great responsibilities at sea! ”

As long as the captain wants to go somewhere, I have to take him there

no matter what! ”

“Because Luffy said he was the man who wanted to become the Pirate


“So I can’t just be an ordinary navigator! ! ! ”

Nami’s words

contained unprecedented determination!

Harida touched his beard and sighed:

“He is such a happy captain to have his crew members think about him

so much~”

Hearing Haleda’s words,

Nami suddenly sighed and

spread her hands as if helplessly:

“There’s nothing we can do about this.……”

“That guy always talks big words, but he knows nothing about the sea。”

“Things are always messy!”

“If you ignore it……”

“He will die! ”

Speaking of this,

Luffy’s reassuring bright smile suddenly appeared in Nami’s mind.

She remembered the scene when the other party put the straw hat on her

head in Cocoa West Village.

She remembered the scene when the other party carried her with his bare

hands. The scene when climbing the 5,000-meter snow-capped mountain.

Thinking about it…

Nami suddenly laughed.

The smile was extremely bright!

She then whispered:

“He’s still a fool, always making people worry about him。”

“So, this time……”

“It’s my turn to help him! ! So! ”.

Chapter 060

The scene was frozen on Nami’s smiling face.

Immediately afterwards.

Thick barrages floated across the screen again——

aws1! Listen to what Nami said!

What Nami said just now was all about Luffy!

This tone is really quite doting!

Because Luffy is the man who wants to become the Pirate King, so I can’t

just be an ordinary sailor!

He was helping me before, let me help him this time!

This is really a two-way street! It is too sweet!

Nami’s comments about Luffy seemed like complaints, but in fact they

were all pampering!

Just pamper him! (Aunt laughs)

What? Whose uncle dotes on whose father? (dog head)


【Nami: It turns out that after I was photographed flying, I landed on the

small sky island called Visalia. There seems to be very advanced

meteorological knowledge there. If I study there, I should be able to

grow. Less?】

【Usopp: Did that casual photo of Bartholomew Bear actually land Nami

on a small empty island that is perfect for her to learn and practice?

Nami, you are so lucky!】

【Nico Robin: No, I think this may not be because of Nami’s luck, but

because of Bartholomew Bear’s intention.。】

【Franky: When Bartholomew Bear rescued us, he probably wanted us to

practice and become stronger in the place where we were


【Tony Tony Chopper: Is that so? Then I started to look forward to being

photographed flying somewhere!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Is it a good place to practice? Then will I be

photographed flying to… an island full of beautiful ladies? ! Just thinking

about it makes me excited! Hey Hey~~~】

【Roronoa Zoro: You are really hopeless as a perverted Kappa. I

originally thought that the place you wanted to be photographed flying

to was allb1ue……】

【Vinsmoke Mountain “870” cure: allb1ue? It’s okay, but I still want to

go to the legendary daughter country! I heard that there are beautiful

ladies all over the country, and the king is the most beautiful woman in

the world!】

【Brooke: A country of daughters? There is still such a place in this

world! Sanji-san, I really want to be photographed flying there with you,


【Boya Hancock: Sure enough, men are a bunch of dirty creatures! How

dare you covet the daughter country of my concubine!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: If it were me, I would rather be photographed flying

to an island full of all kinds of food! Then I will have endless meat to eat!


【Boya Hancock: This straw hat boy seems to be a little different from

other men.……】

【Usopp: An island full of food? Luffy, you really think about it, how

could there be an island like that in this world? !】


In the projection screen, the video continues –

the camera turns.

The scene came to Zou’s furry principality.

Nami and Chopper, who landed here in advance, finally waited for Luffy

and the others to arrive

after waiting for several days . As soon as she saw Luffy, Nami

immediately jumped towards him with joy. He jumped directly into the

other person’s arms. Hug Luffy tightly. The barrage flashed across——

Ah! This hug! Ah Wei is dead! Ha ha ha ha! Ah Wei is so miserable, he

died repeatedly in this video! The hug Nami threw towards Luffy was so

sweet! I would like to call it – the hug of the century!


The video continues –

the camera rolls again.

This time,

Luffy and Sanji appeared on the screen.

It’s just that the two of them at this moment…

are actually fighting!


To say fighting might not be accurate.

To be more precise, it should be…

Sanji beat Luffy unilaterally!

Sanji, wearing a luxurious white shirt,

was kicking Luffy.

Kick after kick!

Even the devil-style heels and armed-color domineering are used.

However, Luffy just stood there.

There was no intention of fighting back at all.

He just let Sanji kick him one after another.

Headache and bleeding.

Covered with bruises.

Nami, on the other hand, was not far away,

watching all this with great anxiety and anger.

She wanted to stop it, but was powerless.

Until Luffy was kicked unconscious by Sanji mercilessly.

Nami suddenly spoke up.

Stopped Sanji who was about to turn around and leave.


She walked up to Sanji with a gloomy expression.

He slapped the opponent hard on the face!

Then he said in a cold voice:


“Sorry, it’s us who are nosy.……”

The picture freezes.

The barrage army passed by –

she was anxious, she was anxious! Nami was really angry when she saw

Luffy being beaten!

Nami: How dare you hit my man? I’ll slap you to death!

Although Sanji had his own reasons for doing this, I was still very angry

after seeing it!

Such a gentle Luffy, how did Sanji do it? !

Nami must have been heartbroken when she saw Luffy being beaten!

Nami: Although I usually beat up Luffy, only I can beat Luffy, and no one

else can! (dog head)


【Nami:? ? ?】

【Usopp:? ? ?】

【Tony Tony Chopper:? ? ?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ?】

【Roronoa Zoro: Hello! Curly eyebrows, are you crazy? How dare you hit

the captain? !】

【Nico Robin: What’s going on? Why did Sanji suddenly fight against


【Franky: Sanji, your move… No, it’s really a bit harsh!】

【Brooke: What happened? Sanji-san, why are you doing this?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: I also want to know what happened! Why would my

future self do such a thing?】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Well~ didn’t I mention what I said in the barrage

just now? Sanji has his own reasons for doing this. This is nothing at


【Vinsmoke Sanji: Luffy……】

【Charlotte Perospero: The scene in the video just now looks a bit like

the plain outside the Temptation Forest on our Cake Island.……】

【Charlotte Smoothie: Is this what will happen in our lands in the


【Charlotte Cracker: Are the Straw Hats fighting each other on the

territory of our Big Mom Pirates? That’s really fun! Hahahaha~】

【Charlotte Katakuri:……】

The video continues –

the camera switches again.

The scene came to Onigashima Castle.

Nami and Usopp are being hunted by Junti and Peggyman of the Beast


While chasing, Runti shouted angrily to Nami and others:

“Hello! Take back what your captain just said! Peggy

Wan on the side also followed:

“The one who wants to become the Pirate King is Kaitou!”

“Take back what Straw Hat said just now! ”

Hearing this,

Nami and Usopp retorted without hesitation:

“I won’t withdraw it!”

“To become the Pirate King……It’s our captain! ! ! ”

The words of the two made Runti and Peggywan even more angry.

The speed of pursuit also accelerated again.

It didn’t take long.

Nami and Usopp were finally caught up by the enemy.

Runti first A headbutt

cracked Usopp’s forehead.

Immediately afterwards,

Runti slowly walked to Nami who fell to the ground.

She grabbed her from the ground with one hand. (Watch the exposure.

For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Net

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] work!)

Runti transformed into a swollen-headed dragon orc with a fierce look.

She put her face in front of Nami,

glared at her fiercely and said angrily:

“How dare your captain say that he will defeat Lord Kaido and become

the Pirate King? ! ”

Facing the angry Runti, Nami immediately waved her hands in fear and


“sorry! That guy is an idiot!”

“So please stop using the headbutt!”

“Please, we will leave this island……”

“If I give you another headbutt, I will really die! ”

Nami was so frightened that she cried.

Seeing Nami begging for mercy,

Runti immediately continued angrily:

“Then say it quickly!”

“Tell me your captain can’t become the Pirate King! ”

Nami burst into tears and her eyes were a little blurry.

She had already received a headbutt from Runti just now.

The injury was serious.

It was precisely because of this that she desperately begged for mercy.

However ,……

After hearing Runti’s request.

Nami’s eyes became firm again in an instant.

While shedding tears, she said:

“luffy him……”

“He will definitely become the Pirate King! ! ! ”

There was fear of Runti in the tone.

But more……

But he is firm and convinced that Luffy will become the Pirate King!

The picture freezes.

The barrage army passed by –

ahhhhh! Nami Saigo! ! !

Even if her own life was threatened, Nami still said that Luffy would not

become the Pirate King!

Because Nami has always believed that Luffy will become the Pirate


This is Luffy’s dream, Nami has never doubted it!

I wonder who will dare to call Nami timid in the future!

Hold high the banner of Luna! ! !

Nami looks so beautiful even when she cries! ! !

This guy Runti still doesn’t understand the seriousness of the matter at

this moment!

Luffy: How dare you make my navigator cry? Runti, you are finished!

【Runti:? ? ? ? ?】

【Monkey D. Luffy: That guy with horns on his head actually dares to

make Nami cry. I’m going to beat you away! ! !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: How dare you bully Nami-chan? ! I want……Wait,

that looks like a girl……Forget it, Luffy, I’ll leave her to you to teach her

a lesson!】

【Roronoa Zoro:……】

【Abel: This scene in the video seems to take place in Onigashima Castle?

It seems that our Beast Pirates will really fight with the Straw Hats in the


【Quinn: Those ignorant brats actually dare to try to challenge us?】

【Jack: Humph! To deal with these guys, there is no need for Boss Kaido

to take action, I can kill them all by myself!】

【Kaido: How dare that straw hat boy say in front of me that he is the

man who wants to become the Pirate King? Uh-huh~ Looks like I have to

reward him with a piece of thunderous gossip!】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Straw Hat Boy does have a good group of

friends! Even when his own life is threatened, he can still bravely and

firmly defend the captain’s dream!】

【Monkey D. Karp: Oh, my granddaughter-in-law is good at everything,

it’s just a pity……Why do you have to believe that Luffy can become the

Pirate King when you have nothing to do? What’s so good about One

Piece? !】

【Monkey D Dragon: Old man, just let the younger generation’s dreams

go their way. Don’t try to interfere anymore.。】

【Monkey D. Cap:? ? ? dragon! Your boy’s wings are stiff now, right? !

How dare you teach me a lesson? ! Believe it or not, I’m going to capture

you, the leader of the revolutionary army, and clean the navy’s toilets

right now!】

【Warring States: Okay! That’s great! Garp, come here quickly! Whoever

doesn’t go is a dog!】

【Monkey D. Garp: Woof! Woof woof! ! Woof woof woof! ! !】

【Warring States Period:……】

【Monkey D Dragon:……】

On the projection screen, the video continues to play.

However, the video content played this time is no longer a specific plot.

Rather, it is similar to a mixed cut.

The video is full of scenes of Luffy being beaten up by Nami.

Luffy is a powerful person with rubber fruit abilities,

but he is always beaten up by Nami until his face is bruised and his head

is covered with bruises.

This video is very professionally edited.

There is even a specially designed BGM that makes

the “bang” sound of Nami’s every punch,

which perfectly fits the BGM drum beat.

Very rhythmic.

It’s quite exciting to watch!

The barrage army passed by –

hahahaha! This video actually includes a special episode of Nami beating

up Luffy, which made me laugh!

It even has a special BGM, which is so professional!

Ha ha ha ha! Large domestic violence scene!

Look at the way Luffy was beaten up by Nami until his face was bruised

and bruised. Nami is so armed and domineering!

No matter how awesome you are, Luffy, you will still be punched down

by me, Nami!

did you see? This is the gold content of the Straw Hats’ highest combat


The three main members of the Straw Hats were all so weak in front of


Nami is the woman who stands at the top of the Straw Hat Pirates’ food


【Nami: Hey! This video and these comments are simply trying to

deliberately discredit me! She is just a weak and beautiful girl, she is not

so violent at all, right? !】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, if I hadn’t been beaten by you, I would have

almost believed it.。】

【Nami 3.7:? ? ? Zoro! What did you say? ! Want to die? ! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: Ahem, pretend I didn’t say that……】

【Monkey D. Luffy: It’s really weird to say it. Obviously I am a rubber

man who ate the rubber fruit. Ordinary blows have no effect on me, but

every time Nami hits me, it hurts. It feels like It was like being beaten by

my grandfather when I was a child…….】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Is it the same as me? It seems that my

granddaughter-in-law will also love her with an iron fist! Not bad, not

bad, I am even more satisfied with this granddaughter-in-law!】

【Monkey D Dragon: Iron Fist of Love? It seems that Luffy’s married life

will be miserable in the future.~】

【Portcas D Ace: Hahahaha! I feel sorry for Luffy for a second~】

【Sabo: I didn’t expect that Luffy is also a strict wife, haha~】

【Portcas D. Ace: Huh? Sabo, why do you say “Also?””?】

【Saab:……Um, it’s nothing, just a slip of the tongue…….Slip of the



After everyone communicated in the Tiandao chat group.

The picture on the Tiandao projection screen finally dimmed.

This means that

the session about Nami is completely over.

Immediately afterwards……

Another line of text appeared on the pitch-black projection screen.

Luffy’s next harem list officially revealed。

【Monkey D. Luffy’s Harem Part 2: Nefertari D. Vivi! 】


The Tiandao chat group is in trouble again!

【Nefertari D. Kobra:? ? ? ? ?】

【Ikarem:? ? ? ? ?】

【Bell:? ? ? ? ?】

【Jaka:? ? ? ? ?】

【Kosha:? ? ? ? ?】

【Nefertari D. Vivi:Σ(Д)!!!】。

Chapter 061

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Damn! what’s the situation? ! Actually, even Vivi-chan

suffered at the hands of Luffy? ! ! !】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Huh? ! Luffy’s murderous hand? ! Luffy, are you

poisoned? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? Poisonous hand? What poisonous hand? Where

did the poison come from in my hands? Why can’t I understand what

Sanji is saying more and more?】

【Warring States: Nefertari D. Vivi? If I remember correctly, the surname

Neferutari should belong to the royal family of Alabasta, right?】

【Crane: Well, that’s right. The princess of the Kingdom of Alabasta is

now called this name, but… there seems to be an extra D in the name?】

【Monkey D. Karp: Oh? Is my second granddaughter-in-law actually the

princess of the kingdom? Ha ha ha ha! OK! OK! ! !】

【Monkey D Dragon: Princess of the Kingdom of Alabasta? Not bad!

Luffy is so good!】

【Portcas D. Ace: Good guy, the princess of the Kingdom of Alabasta! I

seemed to have seen her with Luffy before in Alabasta, but I didn’t

expect… that she would actually become my sister-in-law!】

【Sabo: Hahaha! Luffy, I really have you! Even the princess of the

kingdom can be kidnapped!】

【Monkey D Luffy:(OO)?】


In everyone’s surprise.

The words on the Tiandao projection screen gradually disappeared.

Then as usual,

the same photo slowly emerged.

The girl in the photo.

A head of flowing aqua hair.

The appearance is beautiful and moving.

The figure is exquisite and graceful.

A luxurious and elegant long dress.

Jewelry that is sophisticated but not over the top.

Gives people a very gentle and kind feeling。

【Rocks D. Jibek: Is this the current princess of the Kingdom of Alabasta?

She does look beautiful!】

【John: Straw Hat is such a blessing! Whether it’s the former little

thieving cat Nami or the current princess of the Kingdom of Alabasta,

they are all top-notch beauties!】

【Silver Ax: Damn it! Why is a person with a wooden head so lucky in

love? !】

【Wang Zhi: Just because he has the ability to stretch and retract the

rubber fruit, isn’t that enough?】

【Shiki: Damn it! It was such a fast car, I almost didn’t react! 】

Inside the projection screen.

The photo disappears.

The video officially started playing –

just like Nami before.

11 The video begins with a brief explanation of Weiwei’s life background.

Vivi is the daughter of King Kobra of Alabasta.

He is also his only child.

Therefore, Weiwei was raised as the heir to the kingdom from an early


He received a lot of education about the royal family and the country.

And Weiwei has been very kind and sensible since she was a child.

When she was young, she was taken to the World Conference by her

father, King Kobra.

He met Valpo, the king of the Drum Kingdom, who was very at odds with


Valpo intentionally knocked down Vivi.

But Weiwei was not only not angry.

Instead, he lowered his head and apologized to Valpo.

Because she understands that…

on important occasions like the World Conference,

even a small conflict may turn into a conflict between countries.

In order to prevent the people of the two countries from being


Weiwei, who is still very young, has learned to be tolerant.

It wasn’t until Valbo left

that young Weiwei finally couldn’t help crying loudly.

Because the time Valpo hit her before…

it hurt!

The barrage army passed by –

Weiwei has been so sensible since she was a child that it makes people

feel bad!

While others are still playing house, Princess Wei Wei has already begun

to care about the country and its people!

Such a gentle and kind-hearted Princess Vivi will definitely become an

excellent Queen of Alabasta in the future!

He actually deliberately made things difficult for his little girl. That guy

Valbo is just a beast!

Is a scumbag like Valpo worthy of being king? ! Weiwei was able to crush

him even as a child!

He looks like a metal bucket. To say he is trash is to flatter him! hetui!


【Valpo:? ? ? ? ?】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Valpo! ! !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Vivi-chan was so cute when she was a child! That guy

who looks like an iron bucket actually dares to bully little Weiwei-chan. I

really want to kick him into a discus!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: What a disgusting guy! It seems that the last time I

beat him was too cheap! If I have a chance to see him again, I will give

him a good beating!】

【Nami: Take me one! How dare you bully such a kind-hearted Weiwei? I

will never forgive him! ! !】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ As the first harem of the Straw Hat boy, are you

actually standing up for the second harem?】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Maybe this is the calmness that only belongs to the

palace, right?】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! good! OK! My grandsons and daughters-

in-law should love each other and help each other!】

【Monkey D Dragon: I was originally worried that there would be fights

if Luffy had too many harems, but now it seems I don’t have to



【Nefertari D. Vivi:……】

【Rikudold III: Kobra, your daughter Weiwei will definitely become an

excellent king in the future!】

【Elizabello III: Yes, Cobra, I really envy you for having such an

outstanding daughter!】

【Nefertari D. Kobra: Haha! No matter what, no prizes, no prizes~ But if

you think about it carefully, Weiwei has really been very sensible since

she was a child. She has also sacrificed a lot for this country. I can safely

hand over the throne of Alabasta to her in the future.。】

【Nefertari D. Vivi: Father, you are in your prime, is it too early to think

about the succession to the throne?……】

【Nefertari D. Kobra: Haha! No sooner or later, anyway, I only have a

daughter like you. If I don’t pass the throne to you, who will I pass it to?



In the projection screen, the video continues –

Weiwei grew up day by day in a good educational environment.

She also became more gentle, kind and responsible.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long.

Along with one of the King’s Shichibukai, Shakrok Dar came to the

Kingdom of Alabasta to station.

The domestic situation suddenly began to get worse day by day.

A drought that is about to last for several years has descended on the

Kingdom of Alabasta.

At the same time, someone discovered dancing powder in the port of


It is suspected that King Kobra’s use of this forbidden substance caused

the drought.

For a while.

The crowd was excited.

The citizens of Alabasta complained against King Kobra.

Kosa even established a rebel army.

Trying to fight against the Royal Army.

Overthrow Kobra’s rule.

For a while.

The originally peaceful and peaceful Kingdom of Alabasta began to

become turbulent.

Weiwei, who believed that her father would never do such a thing,

suspected that there were other people behind the incident who were

secretly causing trouble.

And the target of her suspicion…

is a mysterious spy organization – Baroque Works!

So, in order to investigate the truth.

Weiwei, who was only 14 years old, left the palace.

Joined Baroque Works as agent MissWednesday.

After being undercover for two full years.

Weiwei finally found out through some clues that

the boss behind Baroque Co., Ltd.

was none other than Shakrok Dahl, one of the King’s Shichibukai!

And this turmoil in Alabasta

was planned and promoted by him behind the scenes

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] !

The camera turned.

The time has come to the year 1520 of the Haiyuan calendar.

Weiwei and her agent partner Mr. 9 from Baroque Works

encountered the Straw Hats who had just entered the Grand Line in the

Twin Straits.

Weiwei led them to Whiskey Peak. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu

Novel Network!)

This is a secret base of Baroque Works.

In fact, all the residents of the town are bounty hunters from the Baroque


Originally, Weiwei wanted to kill the Straw Hats here.

But all the bounty hunters in Whiskey Mountain were no match for them.

They were all killed easily.

And after seeing the powerful strength of the Straw Hats.

Vivi and Ikarem finally revealed the truth to Luffy and others.

She told them her identity as the princess of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

And he asked the Straw Hats to help him defeat Crocodile and save


To this, Luffy and others agreed.

Just like that, Weiwei got on the boat.

Start walking with the Straw Hats.

Heading towards the Kingdom of Alabasta.

And on the way.

Nami was infected with the five-day disease and was dying.

Originally, Nami meant not to worry about her and continue to move

towards Alabasta.

But Weiwei took the initiative to find an island to treat Nami first.

There is no need to rush back to Arab Pakistan.

After arriving at the Drum Kingdom,

Weiwei followed Luffy and knelt down to the citizens of the Drum

Kingdom without hesitation.

Begging the other party to find a doctor to treat Nami.

The picture freezes.

The barrage army passed by again –

Weiwei is really kind. She is obviously very anxious and wants to rush

back to Alabasta as soon as possible, but she is still willing to take a

detour for Nami!

Yes, Weiwei had known for a long time that the situation in Alabasta was

urgent and there was not much time at all, but she still offered to treat

Nami first!

As a princess of a country, Weiwei is willing to kneel down to a group of

civilians in order to save her friends. She is so kind!

Nami is also very kind. Even though she is so sick, she still wants to help

Weiwei rush back to Alabasta as soon as possible without thinking about

herself at all.

Nami and Weiwei both care about each other. What a touching


Look at Luffy’s harem, how harmonious it is! (Dog Head)

All the sisters in the harem love each other. Luffy, the king of the harem,

is so happy!

When the ancient emperors saw this, who could not express envy from

the bottom of their hearts? (dog head)


【Ambrio Ivankov: Kroc boy never thought that you would actually go to

a country in the first half of the Grand Line to commit evil and evil. It’s

really a shame!】

【Edward Newgate: Blah blah blah~ Crocodile, when you challenged

me, you were not as ambitious as you are now. Has your fighting spirit

been completely wiped out after losing to me?】

【Shakrokdal: Humph! What do you guys know? ! Do you think I care

about that country that has no shit? ! What I am seeking is one of the

three ancient weapons buried under that country—Pluto!】

【John: What? ! Hades? ! Is that the legendary super battleship Pluto that

can destroy an island with one shot? !】

【Silver Ax: Hiss! Pluto, one of the three ancient weapons, is actually

under the Kingdom of Alabasta? !】

【Wang Zhi: Damn it! Then if anyone could get it, wouldn’t it be

invincible? !】

【Douglas Barrett: I really want to try it. If I use my Fusion Fruit ability

to fuse the Pluto battleship with me, what kind of power can I exert?】

【Gol D. Roger: Haha! Barrett, you better not think about it, because the

ancient weapon Hades… is not in Alabasta at all!】

【Kaido: Hades is not in Alabasta? real or fake? ! I was almost ready to

go to Alabasta and snatch Hades away after the inventory was over!】

【Gol D. Roger: Of course not. Why did I lie to you? I have been to the

final island of Ravdru, and I know all the contents of the historical text,

which of course also includes information on the three ancient


【Spandam: So where is Hades? ! Tell me quickly! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Huh? Who are you? Why should I tell you?】

【Silbarz Raeli: The power of the three ancient weapons is enough to

destroy the world. We will not release the information about this kind of

thing casually.。】

【Nico Robin: It seems that these are the same as the historical texts I

deciphered in Alabasta. The ancient weapon Hades is indeed not in the

Kingdom of Alabasta.。】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fu Fu Fu Fu ~ Pluto is not in Alabasta, so…

Crocodile, you have worked so hard to plan in Alabasta for so long, but it

is completely useless.~】

【Moonlight Moria: Crocodile, you really want to make me laugh to

death. You have been working hard for so many years, but in the end you

found that all your work was in vain! And he even got himself defeated

by the Straw Hat boy in the end. It was really embarrassing.~】

【Shakrok Dal: Haha, weren’t you yourself defeated by the Straw Hat

Kid? How many of the zombie army you have worked so hard to build

for so many years are still left?】

【Moonlight Moria:……】


In the projection screen, the video continues –

after curing Nami.

Vivi, Luffy and the others continued to move towards Alabasta at full


Finally, he successfully arrived at the territory of the Kingdom of

Alabasta a few days later.


Weiwei planned to persuade the rebels.

Trying to dissuade them from this senseless rebellion.

However, on the way to persuade the rebels,

Luffy suddenly stopped working.

He leaned against a dead tree in the desert.

No matter what, I don’t want to move on.

Luffy’s behavior confused everyone.

In the face of people’s inquiries.

Luffy only responded with two words。

“boring! Weiwei was stunned, ”

What?” ”

Luffy suddenly looked at Weiwei with an extremely serious expression

and continued:

“I want to punch that crocodile!”

“After stopping the rebel, can we stop the crocodile?”

“Even if we go to that city, there is nothing we can do。”

“Who will listen to the pirates’ advice? ”

Luffy’s words left Weiwei speechless.

Luffy continued:

“You don’t want anyone to die in this battle, neither the citizens nor us


“But our opponent is King Shichibukai and the fighting strength of 1

million people.。”

“But you hope everyone is safe and sound……”

“Weiwei, you are too naive! ”

Weiwei retorted with some displeasure:

“Is there anything wrong with this? !”

“I hope no one dies, what’s wrong with that? ! ”

Luffy said solemnly: “People will die! ”

As soon as he said these words,

Weiwei seemed to be completely angered.

She slapped Luffy in the face and knocked him to the ground!

“Shut up! Don’t say that again! ! !”

“If you dare to say anything again, I can’t forgive you!”

“Aren’t we trying to prevent this tragedy now? !”

“So are the rebels! The King’s Army is also good!”

“No one in this country is wrong!”

“Why does someone have to die? !”

“This is all Crocodile’s fault! ! ! ”

Weiwei yelled at Luffy angrily.

And Luffy slowly got up from the ground.

Then under the gaze of everyone…

he also punched Weiwei directly in the face with a heavy punch.

knock it down��!

【Monkey D. Garp: Damn it! what’s the situation? ! My grandson and his

grandson’s wife got into a fight? ! ! ! 】.

Chapter 062

【Monkey D. Garp: Damn it! what’s the situation? ! Why did my

grandson and his grandson-in-law get into a fight? ! ! !】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! It seems that even the king of the harem has not

always had a harmonious relationship with the harem.~】

【John: Originally, I thought Straw Hat Boy had a high emotional

intelligence, but I was a bit stunned by his actions here…….】

【Silver Ax: Princess Vivi must have been so anxious at that time to save

the country, but Straw Hat Boy actually poured cold water on her at this


【Wang Zhi: Look how angry the Straw Hat Boy was at Princess Weiwei.

Such a gentle and kind person was so angry that she started fighting!】

【Rocks D. Jiback: With Straw Hat’s performance, I don’t think any of

you have the nerve to say that his emotional intelligence is higher than

mine! I know that I should appease the other person’s emotions at this

time, rather than confront her!】

【Gol D. Roger: Haha! Yeah? But that’s not what I think~】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ I have probably guessed what the Straw

Hat Boy wants to do~】

【Shanks: Hahaha! I can only say that he is indeed Luffy. If he can do

such a thing at this time, I am afraid he is the only one.~】

【Kaido: Huh? What are you guys trying to do here? !】

【Charlotte Lingling: A bunch of Riddlers are so boring! ]

On the projection screen, the video continued –

Luffy stood up and punched Vivi to the ground.

At the same time he said angrily:

“Then why did you risk your life to do it? !”

“After seeing this country, even I knew what I should do first!”

“How can you fight them if you just rely on yourself to fight hard? ! ”

While talking,

Luffy and Weiwei struggled with each other.

Weiwei showed no weakness and asked loudly:

“So what should I do to fight them? ! ! !”

“Do you think I don’t know what to do next? !”

“But apart from risking my own life, I can’t do anything else…….”

Weiwei didn’t have time to say all the words.

was interrupted by Luffy’s angry shout.。

“Then let’s fight with our lives together!”

“Aren’t we partners? ! ! ! ”

As soon as these words came out,

Weiwei was immediately stunned.

She looked at the resolute face of the young man in front of her.

The previous words had been echoing in her ears for a long time.

For a moment……

Tears blurred vision.

The face of the young man in front of him also became blurry.

But deep down in Weiwei’s heart,

the image of Luffy when he roared firmly was deeply engraved at this


Extremely clear! ! !

Weiwei raised her hand to cover her mouth.

I burst into tears.

And Luffy saw her reaction.

It finally calmed down.

He looked at the other person and said softly:

“What, isn’t this leaking out?……”

“your tears!”

“The one you are most unwilling to accept is actually yourself, right?”

“I wish I could beat that guy! ”

Luffy said as he

picked up the straw hat from the ground.

Gently patted the dust off and

put it on his head.。

“tell me……”

“Where is the crocodile? ! ”

The picture freezes.

The barrage army passes by again –

handsome! Luffy is so handsome!

I have to say, Luffy is really warm!

He can see the deepest vulnerability in Weiwei’s heart at a glance, and

with such a special The way to let Weiwei speak out, and then tell the

other party that she can also bet the lives of her group. This emotional

intelligence is simply amazing! Who

can resist such a warm man and not fall in love with him? !

It’s still the same sentence – are you envious? IQ is changed ~ (Gotou)

This battle is definitely the peak moment of Weiwei’s combat power, she

actually made Luffy’s nose bleed! (Gotou)

Seeing the road Fei’s last question about where the crocodile is, I just

want to answer – he is drawing Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba! (The

dog head saves his life) Damn! God, the

crocodile is drawing Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba! That guy upstairs

is laughing me to death What good will it do to you?

Maybe he wants to inherit your ant flower.~

【Monkey D. Garp: That’s it! It turns out that this kid Luffy had this idea!

I asked him why he suddenly hit my granddaughter-in-law. I almost

wanted to teach him a lesson and help my granddaughter-in-law vent her


【Monkey D Dragon: Old man, this shows that Luffy is much smarter

than you, so stop worrying about him.。】

【Monkey D. Cap:? ? ? Wo Ni Ma! Long, you brat! You’re preaching to

me again, right? I don’t dare to teach my grandson a lesson, so why don’t

I dare to teach a son like you? !】

【Monkey D Dragon:……Old man, if we have something to say, let’s talk

it over, okay?】

【Monkey D. Cap: Yeah……What you said makes sense, but……no!】

【Ambrio Ivankov: Hahahaha! Long, it seems that you are going to have

a slipper mark on the right side of your face soon.~】

【Monkey D Dragon:……】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ The Straw Hat guy’s thoughts are

indeed pretty much what I guessed.~】

【Gol D. Roger: The Straw Hat Boy is indeed a little guy who knows how

to understand people’s hearts!】

【Shanks: Haha! Captain Roger, Luffy is very similar to you in this


【Gol D. Roger: Indeed! Straw Hat really looks a lot like me in many

places. I’m even a little skeptical…….Could it be that he is my biological


【Monkey D. Luffy:? ? ?】

【Portcas D. Ace:? ? ?】

【Portcas D Lujiu:? ? ?】

【Monkey D Dragon:? ? ?】

【Monkey D. Cap:? ? ? Roger, you can eat randomly, but you can’t talk


【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! I just made a little joke casually, look at how

excited you are…….Don’t take it seriously, don’t take it seriously~]

On the projection screen, the video continued –

after Luffy’s wake-up call.

Weiwei decided to target Crocodile!

As long as he is defeated,

this rebellion in Alabasta will be completely ended!


Weiwei took everyone to the location of Crocodile – the Rain Land!

But here they suffered a loss due to Crocodile’s scheme.

Fortunately, everyone managed to escape in the end.

But just as they were leaving.

Crocodile suddenly caught up.

And he pulled Weiwei back from the crowd.

Times of crisis.

Luffy takes action boldly!

He took Weiwei back and handed it over to his friends.

And he stayed alone to stop Crocodile.

Camera switch.

This time,

the scene came to Albana, the capital of Alabasta.

Weiwei, Jaka and others are standing on the top floor of the palace at the


They were going to blow up the palace.

This was used to create noise to attract the attention of the rebels below.

This prevented the meaningless fratricide between the rebel army and the

king’s army.

But at this moment.

Crocodile arrived with the captured King Kobra.

Jaka and his clawed duck troops

fought desperately to rescue King Kobra.

But in the end he was still defeated and

was easily killed by Crocodile.

All this was witnessed by Kosha, the leader of the rebel army who


Kosa, who knew all the truth, planned to personally come forward to

make the rebels stop fighting.


[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] …..

This is also part of Crocodile’s calculations!

Kosha was shot by Crocodile’s undercover agent in the King’s Army.

This move immediately intensified the conflict between the rebel army

and the king’s army.

Not only was the war unstoppable.

On the contrary, it is getting worse!

Weiwei stood on the roof of the palace, (to read Baoshuang novels, go to

Feilu Novel Network!)

looking at all this in despair.

But there is absolutely no way to stop it!

This made her feel extremely hopeless.


Crocodile came to her in a flash.

One hand pinched Weiwei’s neck and

lifted her whole body up.。

“You stop the rebellion with your left sentence, and stop the rebellion

with your right sentence…..`..”

“Wake up, princess!”

“Your ideal of saving the country is too unrealistic!”

“The so-called ideal is a reality that only those with strength can express,

and you……He doesn’t have that qualification! ”

Hearing this,

Weiwei held back her tears and gritted her teeth and said:

“It doesn’t matter if it’s unrealistic……”

“I won’t give up!”

“How can someone like you understand? !”

“I am the princess of a country!”

“I won’t give in!”

“I love this country so much that I must save her no matter what! ! !

Crocodile didn’t take Weiwei’s statement seriously.

He just carried Weiwei to the wall on the top of the building with one

hand. He

stretched Weiwei’s whole body outside the wall.。

“Haha, if you just told the King’s Army that an explosion was about to

occur in this square……”

“No matter what, at least thousands or even tens of thousands of lives

can be saved.。”

“Want to save everyone? Your idea is too naive!”

“And the real result of this day is……”

“Leading to the annihilation of your favorite citizens!”

“It’s been really hard on you during the two years you’ve been

undercover in my company.~”

“It’s a pity that in the end, you still can’t save anything!”

“You alone can’t save this country at all! ! ! Crocodile

looked at Weiwei in front of him and kept taunting him.

After saying this,

he let go of the hand holding Weiwei’s neck without hesitation.

He just let Weiwei’s body slide. Falling straight down towards the palace.

From this height, if Weiwei really fell……

Certain death!

“Farewell, Your Highness Princess! ”

Krokdal stood on the wall and

watched with cold eyes as Weiwei’s body continued to fall little by little.

At this moment……

Even Weiwei herself was completely desperate!

She opened her arms and

let herself fall downwards.

There seemed to be darkness in front of him.

Can’t see any light and hope……


at this time!

A roar suddenly came from the sky!

“Crocodile! ! ! ”

Weiwei looked towards the sky.

Then she saw……

Above that blue sky.

A young man wearing a straw hat and

carrying a bucket was approaching quickly on a white bird!


The darkness dissipates!

Warm sunshine shines in!

Weiwei burst into laughter and

couldn’t help but shouted excitedly:

“..Luffy! ! ! ”

The next moment,

Luffy stepped on Bell who had transformed into a falcon and swooped in

front of Vivi.

He held her in his arms and

firmly caught the princess who almost fell to her death!

And Weiwei also hugged Luffy tightly.

She cried and told him about Crocodile’s conspiracy.。


“The square is about to explode and there is no time left!”

“Everyone will be……Exploded to death!”

“No one can hear my voice anymore!”

“If this continues, this country……”

Weiwei hasn’t finished speaking yet.

Luffy interrupted softly again:

“It’s okay, don’t worry。”

“Your voice……”

“We all heard it! ”

As he said that, the young man gave Weiwei an extremely bright and

warm smile.

Weiwei felt her heartstrings tremble violently at this moment.

At this moment, there was no sound.

Weiwei only had Luffy in her eyes. That reassuring smile.

She didn’t answer. She

just buried her head in Luffy’s shoulder silently.

Her hands hugged her tighter.

The scene froze.

The dense barrage floated by again –

ah ah ah ah ! No! It’s so hard to cry!!!

Luffy is so good at flirting!!!! There

was a loud bang in the sky, and Luffy appeared again!

In Weiwei’s most desperate and helpless moment, Luffy once again led It

gave her light and hope!

Who wouldn’t love this kind of knight who descended from the sky to

save her in times of crisis?!

Look how tightly Weiwei hugged Luffy, why don’t she show up now?

���Let’s get together immediately!

Don’t move around here, I’ll move the Civil Affairs Bureau here for you!

(Dog Head)

If it were me, I would love to give Luffy a hundred monkeys on the spot!

Hello! That buddy upstairs, it’s you again! Are you going to fall in love

with a man again this time? !

Hey~ why not? (Smirk)

Everyone, run! There are gay men here!

What? Gay? If you say this, I will get excited! (dog head)

Damn it! Something is wrong with you! Something is quite wrong!

I’m often incompatible with you (money guys) because I’m not perverted


【Monkey D. Garp: Phew—I’m scared to death! I almost thought that my

granddaughter-in-law was going to be thrown to death by that Crocodile

guy! Fortunately, Luffy arrived just in time!】

【Monkey D Dragon: She is willing to do whatever it takes to protect her

country. My wife here is really amazing! If the kings of all the countries

in this sea have the same consciousness as my daughter-in-law, then the

ideal of our revolutionary army will be achieved!】

【Portkas D Ace: Luffy, this guy, really has to wait until the last moment

before appearing. I’m very nervous when I see him!】

【Sabo: Haha! Ace, you don’t understand. This is popular nowadays. The

protagonist will not appear easily without waiting until the last


【Gol D. Roger: How can we highlight the role of the protagonist if we

don’t wait until the most critical moment to appear? Ha ha ha ha~】

【Porusalino: Well~ I see, I learned another trick! Next time I will try

this method to flirt with girls.~】

【Kuzan: Come on, Porusalino, with your wretched old face, even the

aunt can’t look down on you.~】

【Charlotte Lingling:? ? ? Qing Pheasant, believe it or not, I will kill you?

! ! !】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! Take a look at the scene in the video. Straw Hat

Boy and Princess Vivi are showing off their affection at the bottom.

Crocodile, the light bulb, is standing on top of the palace with an

expression uglier than eating a cock. Soft】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Don’t say it, it’s true!】

【Shakrok Dal:……Oh shit! I get angry when I see this scene!】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo:


a sense, Crocodile.~】

【Moonlight Moria: Hee hee hee! This is indeed true! This Crocodile is

the biggest contributor!】

【Edward Newgate: Blah blah blah~ When Straw Hat Boy and Princess

Vivi get married, Crocodile must be invited to be the witness.~】

【Shakrokdal:? ? ? ? ? 】.

Chapter 063

In the projection screen, the video continues –

after being rescued by Luffy in time.

Vivi began to work with the Straw Hats to prevent the explosion in the


Luffy once again started a desperate fight with Crocodile.

Camera switch.

The scene came to the catacombs of the royal family of Alabasta.

At this moment, the underground tomb has begun to show a faint

tendency to collapse.

Luffy and Crocodile stood face to face.

Crocodile looked at the guy in front of him who had challenged him for

the third time, and said angrily:

“Straw Hat! How on earth do you have to give up? ! ! ! ”

Facing Crocodile’s roar, Luffy calmly replied:

“Because you haven’t taken away what you took away……return! ”

Krokdal was puzzled.。

“What did I take?”

“money? reputation?”

“trust? life?”

“Or rain?”

“Hahahaha! What do you want from me in return?”

“I can’t even count the things I took away! ”

Luffy said seriously:

“It’s the country! ! ! Crocodile

frowned and then sneered.。

“nation? Haha, you really know how to joke!”

“I haven’t officially acquired this country yet.。”

“But it’s soon……”

“This place is indeed about to become my favorite! ”

Luffy shook his head.。

“No, when we first arrived on this island, it was already……”

“It’s not her country anymore!”

“If this was still her country……”

“She should have smiled more happily! ! ! ”

With Luffy yelling angrily.

The next moment he rushed towards Crocodile.

Then he punched Crocodile so hard that he flew away more than ten


The battle between the two started again.

Although the road Fei used the blood on his fist to restrain Crocodile’s

elemental transformation.

But the difference in strength still put him at a disadvantage in the battle.


was even stabbed by the poisonous stinger on Crocodile’s left hand.

He was poisoned.

But even so ,

Luffy still did not fall.

He was still fighting desperately.

This desperate spirit made Crocodile unable to help but feel scared.

Crocodile looked at the road getting up from the ground for an unknown

number of times. Fei asked loudly:

“Your purpose is obviously not in this country, right?”

“Is it really worth dying like this for some irrelevant people? !”

“As long as you are willing to give up one or two friends……”

“We wouldn’t have encountered such a disaster!”

“You 177 are such a hopeless idiot! ! ! ”

Listening to Crocodile’s words.

Luffy stood up straight with difficulty and said in a deep voice:

“That’s why I said……”

“You don’t understand anything at all!”

“Weiwei clearly said she didn’t want anyone to die…….”

“But I always want to sacrifice myself to help others。”

“If I don’t take care of her, she will really die…….”

“I will be killed by you! Crocodile

sneered disdainfully:

“That’s why I asked you to get rid of that burden! ”

Hearing this, Luffy suddenly raised his head.

He glared at Crocodile and yelled:

“But I don’t want her to die!”

“Because she is our partner! ! !”

“So as long as she has not given up on this country, we will not stop

fighting! ! ! Crocodile

asked coldly:

“Are you not afraid even if you die? ”

Luffy replied firmly without hesitation:

“If you die……”

“Then let’s wait until we die! ”

Hearing such a conversation.

King Kobra, who was leaning against the wall, turned to look at Luffy.

His face was deeply shocked and moved!

The scene froze.

The barrage army floated past again –

in order to protect Vivi and her country are constantly fighting for their

lives. Luffy is really too gentle!

Protect the best captain in the world!

Hahahaha! Crocodile is almost broken by Luffy!

Luffy These words shocked both Crocodile and Cobra at the same time!

Look at Crocodile’s incomprehensible eyes, it feels like his entire pirate

world view has been subverted by Luffy!

Look at Cobra’s face again The look on his face was shocked and moved,

obviously he was moved by Luffy’s words!

Cobra: I agree with this marriage with both hands and feet!

Luffy: Okay, the father-in-law strategy is successful! (Dog Head)


【Nefertari D. Vivi: Luffy…it turns out you said such words in a place

where I couldn’t see…Thank you!】

【Nefertari D. Kobra: The Straw Hat Boy is really a very good man.

Without him, Alabasta would have fallen into the hands of Crocodile! I,

the king… owe the Straw Hat a favor!】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! King Kobra, we are all a family, how can

we say that we are not human? If you really want to thank Luffy,

schedule his marriage to Weiwei as soon as possible.~】

(bcff) [Monkey D Dragon: Old man, shouldn’t this be said by me as a


【Monkey D. Karp: Huh? Dragon, your wings are hard again, aren’t they?

! What happened to the father? I am still your father, can’t I not bring

this matter up? ! I see your skin is itchy again!】

【Monkey D Dragon:……】

【Ambrio Ivankov: Hahahaha! This is really the first time I have seen a

dragon deflate so many times in one day. Sure enough, it must be

Lieutenant General Garp. Maybe this is the legendary bloodline


【Rocks D. Jiback: One pirate saved a country from another pirate? If I

had said this before, I would never have believed a word of it!】

【John: Sometimes I even wonder, is this guy Straw Hat a real pirate? !】

【Silver Ax: Other people’s pirate experience, committing crimes by

burning, killing, and looting; Straw Hat’s pirate experience, saving his

friends, his brother, his village, and his country.……】

【Wang Zhi: Let me tell you, Straw Hat should stop thinking about being

the Pirate King and just become the Rescue King.~】

【Monkey D. Luffy: I don’t want it! I am the man who wants to become

the Pirate King!】

【Shiki: Jie hahahaha~ Straw Hat is really obsessed with becoming the

Pirate King. Roger, how about you just follow him?~】

【Gol D. Roger:? ? ? Shiki, what kind of man are you talking about who

can become the Pirate King? ! ! !】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ So is this what it means to be a man who becomes

the Pirate King? It seems like a door to a new world has suddenly


【Aoji: Ah la la~ If Straw Hat really becomes the man of One Piece, what

kind of relationship should he have with Fire Fist Ace?】

【Portcas D. Ace:? ? ? ? ?】


On the projection screen, the video continued –

after a desperate battle.

Luffy finally succeeded in defeating Crocodile.

Weiwei and others also successfully prevented the explosion in the


This senseless rebellion was quelled.

The rain also fell.

It has driven away the drought that lasted for many years.

The Baroque Working Society was eradicated.

Alabasta finally returned to its former peace.

King Kobra hosted a banquet in the palace for the Straw Hats to express

his gratitude.

That night, Luffy and others sent an invitation to Weiwei to board the


Said they would leave the country tomorrow.

If Weiwei makes up her mind to leave with them.

Rush to the port to rendezvous before they set sail tomorrow.

This is Weiwei’s only chance to get on board.

That night, Weiwei stayed up all night.


[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] can’t make a

decision in my heart.

The picture freezes.

The cold mechanical sound sounded again。

“Random question 2: Did Princess Vivi choose to leave with the Straw

Hats in the end?”

【Warring States: Damn it! This is a scoring question!】

【Crane: Indeed, this incident happened in the past, and now we all

know the list of members of the Straw Hat Gang, and Princess Vivi is not

included in it.。】

【Gion: So obviously… Princess Vivi did not choose to leave Alabasta

with the Straw Hats in the end!】

【Sakaski: Fortunately, Princess Vivi is more sensible and did not choose

to become a pirate. Otherwise, even if she is the princess of Alabasta, I

will capture her without hesitation!】

【Monkey D. Karp: Sakaski, I warn you, if you dare to touch my

granddaughter-in-law, I will never spare you!】

【Rocks D. Gibek: It seems that there is no suspense about the answer to

this question at all. That’s great. I like this kind of question that gives


【Gol D. Roger: Haha, Rocks, don’t act like this is a question that gives

you points and you will definitely be able to get first place and get


【Rocks Djibek: Humph! Roger, just keep an eye on it, I am bound to win

the points for this question! 】

Soon, the question answering officially began.

Everyone in the Tiandao chat group began to rush for answers frantically.

(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Nefertari D. Vivi: No! (answer question)】

【Locks D. Gibek: No! (answer question)】

【Gol D. Roger: No! (answer question)】

【Warring States: No! (answer question)】

【Kaido: No! (answer question)】


It only takes a moment.

The Tiandao chat group was flooded with negative words.

As everyone said before.

This question is an undisputed scoring question.

The comparison is entirely based on everyone’s luck and hand speed

when answering questions.

And it’s not easy to find such a score-giving question.

Naturally, everyone worked hard to answer the questions.

I want to grab this rare free point.。

“There are only five seconds left in the answering time. Those who have

not answered the question yet please do so as soon as possible!”






“It’s time to answer questions!”

“Congratulations to Neferutali D. Weiwei for answering correctly and

earning 1 point!”

【Nefertari D. Vivi: Huh? Did I actually get the points for this question? ]

Even Weiwei herself found it a bit incredible.

She just answered with a trying attitude.

Unexpectedly, I actually won the first place!

Successfully got this point that makes countless people crazy。

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? grass! Almost! I almost got the first place! As a

result, this little girl had her beard cut off? ! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Locks, aren’t you sure to get the points for

this question? Why didn’t you get it?】

【Rocks Djibek: Humph! Roger, you didn’t grab it yourself, so what’s

there to be proud of? !】

【Gol D. Roger: At least I didn’t get slapped in the face by talking loudly

like you did. I’m happy to see you getting slapped in the face,


【Rocks D Gibek:……】

In the projection screen, the video continues –

the lens switches.

The scene came to the sea somewhere offshore Alabasta.

Luffy and others were dealing with the pursuing navy.

While waiting for Weiwei’s arrival.

However, at this moment…

the sound of Weiwei’s speech on the radio suddenly came from the

direction of Albana.。

“I ventured out a bit!”

“It was a journey through the sea of darkness and finding hope from


“The ocean beyond the country is indeed vast……”

“There are also many incredibly powerful islands!”

“Never-before-seen creatures, dreamlike landscapes……”

“music played by waves……”

“Sometimes tranquility seems to soothe the troubles in my heart。”

“Sometimes passionate, as if to tear my will apart and laugh at my


“It was in that dark storm that I came across a small boat!”

“That little boat kept cheering me up and saying…can’t you see that


“That incredible little boat never loses its way in the dark。”

“Riding the waves as if dancing!”

“Even if you encounter countercurrents, keep moving forward!”

“Then, it pointed forward and said to me……”

“Look, there is light ahead!”

“Although this legend will be considered nonsense……”

“But it is absolutely true for me! ”

Luffy and others on the Merry were a little frustrated when they listened

to this continuous speech.

Because this means that Weiwei should be participating in Albana’s

celebration at the moment.

The agreed time has also passed.

Weiwei should Won’t come and leave with them…

The navy warship that finally got rid of it had already caught up again at

this time.

Zoro and others were about to turn around and set sail to leave.

However, Luffy was still unwilling to give up.

He firmly believed that Wei Wei will definitely come. He

even wanted to get off the boat to find Weiwei.

But everyone did not agree to his proposal.

They controlled the Meili to turn around and prepare to leave.


the next moment!

“Everyone! ! ! ”

A familiar shout suddenly came from the shore.

Everyone looked back in surprise.

Then they saw Weiwei, wearing a luxurious and elegant dress, standing

on the shore waving to them!

Luffy and others were overjoyed. .

Thinking that the other party was determined to leave with them.

But Weiwei smiled and said:

“I’m here… to say goodbye to everyone!”

“Sorry, I can’t go together!”

“Thank you very much for this time!”

“Although I also want to take risks……”

“But I still love this country very much!”

“Therefore, I can’t leave with you!”

“I… decided to stay here! ”

Hearing this,

Luffy was not depressed.

Instead, he smiled heartily and said:

“That’s it! ”

I don’t know when.

Tears suddenly burst out of Weiwei’s eyes.

She cried and shouted in the direction of Luffy and others:

“If we meet again someday, can you call me partner again? ! ”

Aboard the Merry.

Luffy was about to answer Vivi loudly,

but was stopped by Nami.。

“Fool! You can’t answer her!”

“The Navy has noticed Weiwei. If any more evidence is collected that she

is related to us, she will be convicted!”

“Just say goodbye to her silently like this……”

With that said, the group turned around silently.

When Weiwei, who was on the shore, saw this scene, she couldn’t help

but cry even more sadly.

But the next moment.

But she suddenly burst into laughter again!

Because she saw…

on the deck of the Merry that was gradually moving away,

Luffy and others raised their arms silently with their backs to her!

And on their arms…

there is an extremely familiar figure“X”Sign!

“From now on, no matter what happens……”

“This mark on the left wrist is the sign of a partner! ”

The words of the past echoed in Weiwei’s ears.

Immediately afterwards,

she and Kalu also raised their arms silently!

The figures of Weiwei and her friends intertwined and overlapped in the


Only the figures on the arms The mark is extremely clear!

Chapter 064

The picture freezes.

An army of barrages floated past –

Damn it! This scene is really something I never tire of watching, it makes

me cry!

I really am moved to tears every time I watch it, I can’t help it!

Crocodile, get out of my eyes! ! !

【Shakrokdal:? ? ? ? ? 】

It’s really a pity that Weiwei didn’t get on the boat!

But it’s actually good for Weiwei to stay in Alabasta. She is more suitable

for this country.

Yes, and the other members of the Straw Hats are more or less abnormal.

Compared with them, Weiwei, a normal person, is simply an alien.


Weiwei: I often don’t fit in with you because I’m not sick enough!

Weiwei: I also want to continue to develop friendship with you, but all

you talk about is your illness! (Dog-head)

Weiwei: After I go to a mental hospital for further training, I should be

qualified to officially join your group, right? ! (dog head)

【Monkey D. Luffy:? ? ? ? ?】

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? ? ?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? ? ?】

【Nami:? ? ? ? ?】

【Usopp:? ? ? ? ?】

【Tony Tony Chopper:? ? ? ? ?】


But to be honest, in addition to Weiwei being too normal, her strength

was also an important factor in her failure to get on the ship in the end.

Indeed, Weiwei’s real advantage lies in governing the country, not

fighting. Her strength cannot keep up with Luffy and the others’

subsequent battles.

Um? I heard that some people look down on our Princess Weiwei’s

strength? !

Weiwei: You are certainly very strong, but if, I mean if, I pull out the

Pluto battleship and shoot you, how should you respond? (Dog Head)

Your Excellency: Do you think I will be afraid? Then why don’t I just die?

(dog head)

【Shakrok Dal: Huh? Hades? ! Can Princess Weiwei control the Pluto

battleship? ! real or fake? ! ! !】

【Warring States:? ? ? If what the barrage says is true, then Princess

Weiwei’s influence will be huge!】

【Nefertari D. Vivi: Huh? Can I control the ancient weapon Pluto? I do

not know how? !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Didn’t you see that those barrages all had dog

heads behind them, and they were obviously joking?】

【Monkey D. Karp: Roger, you know the historical text and all the

content about the three ancient weapons. Tell me the truth, does my

granddaughter-in-law have anything to do with Pluto? If so, I have to

protect her as soon as possible!】

【Gol D. Roger: Didn’t I just say that? Those barrages are all jokes. Isn’t it

clear whether they are true or false? 】

Roger did not answer Karp’s question directly.

Just gave an ambiguous answer.

But this was enough for everyone to dispel their doubts.

Everyone thinks that Weiwei is not really related to Pluto.

It’s just those barrages making jokes.

As for whether this is true or not,

perhaps only Roger and his friends who have been to Raffdru with him


But obviously, Roger and the others don’t intend to say this now.


Several other barrages on the projection screen once again aroused

heated discussion.

Weiwei reluctantly said goodbye to her partners for the country she

loves. She is truly the queen of a generation!

Looking back at someone, just for his own selfish desires, he left his

country alone, and eventually the country was occupied by others!

Please answer who the person mentioned above is and explain in detail

why it is Kozuki Oden.

Haha, that guy Oden is a complete idiot, there is no way he can be

compared with Weiwei!

I really don’t know why so many people still praise Kozuki Oden as a

hero? A bear is pretty much the same!

Hello! Guys upstairs, please don’t insult the bear!

【Kozuki Oden:? ? ? ? ?】

【Kotsuki Toki:? ? ? ? ?】

【Kozuki Sukiyaki:? ? ? ? ?】

【Hiyori Kozuki:? ? ? ? ?】

【Kozuki Momonosuke:? ? ? ? ?】

【Foxfire Kinemon: What nonsense! These barrages are completely

slandering His Highness Oden!】

【Denjiro: Oden-sama is not the kind of person the barrage said!】

【Raizo: His Highness Oden is the greatest warrior of Wano. I will never

allow anyone to insult His Highness Oden like this!】

【Yamato: His Majesty Oden, whom I admire, was actually criticized as

being worse than a bear? How can this be? !】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Yamato, how many times have I told you that it’s not

good to worship anyone but Kozuki Oden? Apart from being stronger,

that guy is completely useless in other aspects!】

【Abel: Yes, among so many strong men, Kozuki Oden is definitely the

stupidest one I have ever seen, bar none!】

【Quinn: If it weren’t for his many crazy operations back then, we, the

Beast Pirates, wouldn’t have been able to occupy Wano Country so


【Jack: So, that guy Oden is still a great contributor to our Beasts

Pirates? Ha ha ha ha!】

【Kozuki Oden:……Could it be that that year……Did I really do

something wrong?】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, don’t doubt Oden, you are a

complete and utter fool~]

Just when everyone was discussing it.

Inside the Tiandao projection screen.

The picture gradually darkened and returned to total darkness.

This is the end of the section about Weiwei.

After a while.

A new line of text slowly appeared on the projection screen。

【Monkey D. Luffy’s Harem Part 3: Nico Robin. 】

At the same time.

A beautiful figure slowly emerged.

The slender figure is curvy.

Exquisite facial features are like works of art.

A head of beautiful black hair.

A royal-sister outfit that outlines a perfect figure.

The whole person also reveals an intellectual beauty.

It is O’Hara’s last descendant-Nicole Robin!

【Nicole Orbia:? ? ? ? ?】

【Dr. Clover:? ? ? ? ?】

【Haguvar D. Sauro:? ? ? ? ?】

【Kuzan:? ? ? ? ?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? hateful! Even Robin-chan……】

【Nico Robin: Ah~ I’m even on the list, but that’s to be expected.~】

【Rocks D Jibek: Tsk tsk tsk, she is a great beauty, and her style is

different from the previous two. Straw Hat Boy is really lucky!】

【John: Damn it! I’ve already said the word “envy” too much!】

【Silver Ax: Everyone in the harem is the most beautiful woman. I finally

understand why the Tiandao inventory system said that the Straw Hat

boy is the king of the harem.。】

【Wang Zhi: Although the number of other people in the harem may be

greater than that of Straw Hat Boy, their quality is definitely far


【Shiki: You don’t need to think about it to know that old guy Garp is

definitely smiling crookedly now!】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Golden Lion, you really understand me!

This kid Luffy is really trying to cheer up my old Monkey family!】

【Sengoku: Garp! You better pay attention! Forget about the two before,

Nico Robin is O’Hara’s last bloodline, the son of the devil! It is an

existence that the world government must get rid of no matter what!】

【Monkey D. Karp: Oh, so what? What does it have to do with me? I only

know that she is now the granddaughter-in-law of my old Mengqi family.

If anyone dares to touch her, they must first ask my husband for


【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Garp, you are trying to rebel against the

world government!】

【Monkey D. Karp: That’s not the case. As long as they don’t have any

ideas about my husband, grandson an

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] d daughter-

in-law, I’m usually too lazy to offend them.~】

【Sengoku: Garp, you! ! ! 】

In the Tiandao projection screen.

Robin’s photo slowly faded away.

Immediately afterwards,

the video officially started playing –

just like before.

The video first briefly explains Robin’s background.

Robin was born in O’Hara, an archaeological island in the Western Sea.

Her father died before she could remember. (To read exciting novels, go

to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, Robin did not have any impression of his father.

Robin’s mother, Nicole Olbia,

went to sea with O’Hara’s archaeological team when Robin was 2 years


He placed Robin in foster care with his younger brother.

Robin, who was dependent on others, was disliked by relatives and

neighbors since he was a child.

And because of her ability to produce flowers and fruits, she was

regarded as a monster by her peers.

This also caused Robin to be isolated since he was a child.

Very lonely.

Only Dr. Clover and the O’Hara scholars were willing to admit her.


Robin began to study archeology with them and

spent all day in the library of the Tree of Omniscient.

Robin has a great interest in archeology.

At the same time, he also showed extraordinary talent.

When she was eight years old,

she passed the doctoral examination

and officially became an archaeologist with full marks!

Dr. Clover praised Robin as a rare genius like his mother Orbia.

But at the same time, he also warned the other party not to try to

investigate things related to the historical text.

Because it would cause her death.


Robin discovered a giant tribe named Hagwal D. Sauro on the seaside of


She was attracted by the other party’s peculiar laughter.

The two became good friends.

During the conversation, Robin learned

that Sauro was a lieutenant general at the Navy Headquarters.

However, he escaped because he was dissatisfied with the extreme

measures of the Navy Headquarters.

And Sauro also learned that Robin’s mother was actually Olbia.

The archaeologist who was let go by his own hands!

It didn’t take long.

World government official Spangdine led a team to O’Hara.

The World Government has discovered the fact that O’Hara is secretly

studying historical texts.

Asking for flowers 00

They came here

with the intention of completely destroying O’Hara.

By the way, this is a warning to other scholars in this sea who want to

study the historical text.

Serve as a warning to the monkeys!


Spangdine launched a demon-slaying order against O’Hara.

Everyone, including Robin’s mother Olbia and Dr. Clover, died in this

demon-slaying order.

Robin was entrusted to Sauro by Olbia.

I hope the other party takes Robin and escapes from here.

However, when Sauro was escaping with the young Robin,

he was chased by Aokiji, who was also the vice-admiral of the navy at the


Aoki pheasant blocked Sauro’s path.

When the two had a dispute.

He happened to witness Akainu ordering the bombardment of the refuge

ship carrying O’Hara civilians.

This scene made Qing Zhi begin to waver in the justice he insisted on.

He uses a “frozen time capsule” to completely freeze Sauro.

But he let Robin go.

And he also used the ability of frozen fruit to build a way of escape for


In this way,

Robin successfully escaped O’Hara.

O’Hara became the only survivor of this demon-slaying order.

To capture Robin.

Spangdain deliberately lied about Robin destroying six warships.

As a result, when she was only eight years old, she was offered a bounty

of 79 million beli by the World Government!

And was dubbed “O’Hara’s Demon”!


Robin began her life of hiding in Tibet.

After encountering countless betrayals and betrayals.

Robin gradually understood the darkness of this world.

In order to avoid being hunted by the world government.

She herself had to embark on a path of constant betrayal of others.

Haiyuan calendar year 1516.

That was four years ago now.

Robin found Crocodile, one of the Seven Seas of War under the King.

Offer to cooperate with the other party.

Crocodile took advantage of the identity and convenience of King

Shichibukai to give Robin shelter.

Robin promised that after the other party found the historical text about

Pluto in the future, he would translate the information for him.

Because Robin is the only scholar left in the world today who can

understand the text of history.

Therefore, Crocodile readily agreed to this condition.

So, that’s it.

Robin joined the Baroque Workshop in Croquedale.

And assumed the position of vice president.

The codename is Miss.A11.Sunday.

The picture freezes.

An army of barrages passed by –

Robin’s past was really dark and hard!

Walking in the darkness every day, and being betrayed by the people

around you at any time, this feeling is really uncomfortable!

If Robin hadn’t been smart enough, he might have been betrayed and

captured by the World Government!

That Spangdam of the World Government should be damned, as

disgusting as his son Spandam!

To be honest, Crocodile was relatively trustworthy when it came to

protecting Robin. At least he had never betrayed Robin before seeing the

historical text.

Yes, Robin has stayed at Baroque Works for four full years, which is

definitely the longest organization she has stayed in.

such a pity……Crocodile betrayed her in the end, and Robin was almost

killed by him!

Fortunately, Luffy is there! He is Robin’s true salvation!

Let’s hurry up and show Robin joining the Straw Hats in this video. Her

past was so painful that I couldn’t bear to watch it anymore!

【Nicole Orbia: Robin, I didn’t expect that these years……You have such

a hard life because I, as a mother, have not fulfilled my responsibilities.

I’m sorry!】

【Dr. Clover: Robin, we are sorry for you. O’Hara’s fate should not be

borne by you alone!】

【Nami: Although I already knew that Robin had a dark past in the Seven

Capitals of Water and Judiciary Island, after watching this video, I

realized that the truth is even more cruel than I imagined!】

【Haguvar D. Sauro: Robin, it has been really hard for you these past

years, but judging from the reports I have seen about the Judiciary Island

incident before, you have finally met a group of partners who treat you

sincerely. Woolen cloth!】

【Nico Robin: Huh? etc! Sauro, you said you saw the report on the

Judiciary Island incident? ! Doesn’t that mean……you are still alive? !】

【Haguvar D. Sauro: Yes, I am still alive and well! I really hope I can

meet you again one day, hehehehe~】

【Nico Robin: That’s it, it turns out you’re not dead…….That’s great!】

【Sakaski:? ? ? Kuzan! What did you do back then? ! Not only did they

let Nico Robin go, but they didn’t even kill the traitor Savullo? ! ! !】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ I don’t remember that I said that Sauro was killed by

me. Didn’t I always say that he was frozen by me? It’s because you didn’t

do a good job in dealing with the aftermath.~】

【Sakaski: You! ! ! zero】.

Chapter 065

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Look at how angry Akainu is at Aokiji. The

two of them are really completely opposite in temperament, philosophy,

and behavior!】

【Silbarzraeli: It’s not easy for two such completely different people to

work together.~】

【Sakaski: Haha! Do you think I want to work with a bastard like Kuzan?

! For a guy like him who eats the inside and outside, I can’t wait to break

his legs! ! !】

【Porusalino: Hmm, Sakaski, that’s really scary.~】

【Sakaski: And you Porusalino! Don’t think you are any better than

Kuzan! I really want to break your legs too! ! !】

【Porusalino: Ah this……I was shot while lying down for no apparent


【Rocks D. Gibek: Tsk tsk tsk tsk~ Red Dog’s fiery temper is really

amazing. No wonder he was able to bombard civilian refugee ships when

he was in O’Hara!】

【John: Indeed! Ordinary people really can’t do such a thing. It is a

refuge ship for civilians. Even pirates like us may not be able to do it!】

【Silver Ax: So, as a marine, Akainu is actually more ferocious than

pirates like us? That’s really ironic~】

【Wang Zhi: But to be honest, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with

Akainu’s actions of bombarding civilian refugee ships. After all, no one

knows whether an O’Hara archaeologist will be among the civilians.。】

【Shiki: Indeed, if you look at it from the perspective of the World

Government and the Navy, they must definitely eradicate all the

archaeologists in O’Hara. Akainu’s approach is just to eradicate the root

cause and prevent Just a hidden danger。】

【Kaido: Ugh~ It’s a pity that Akainu couldn’t have imagined at the time

that he had made so many efforts to eradicate O’Hara’s archaeologists,

but in the end, his colleagues let Nicolo go. Bin!】

【Charlotte Ling “Fifty-seven” Ling: Well, well, well, Akainu was stabbed

hard in the back by Aoki this time. No wonder he was so angry just


【Nico Robin: But……What did O’Hara’s scholars do wrong? ! They just

want to study history, do they deserve to face such a disaster? ! ! ! 】

Looking at what everyone is discussing in the Tiandao chat group.

Nico Robin finally couldn’t help but asked her question.

In her opinion,

the archaeologists at O’Hara were just a group of good people who loved


They have never done anything harmful.

He has never hurt anyone else.


They are kinder than those civilians!

When he was ostracized and isolated by the residents of O’Hara as a


it was this group of scholars who accepted him in a friendly way.

And he patiently taught himself a lot about archeology!

Such a group of kind-hearted archaeologists,

they just want to study history and

unravel the truth of the lost hundred years!

They obviously did nothing wrong!

Why would the world government kill them so ruthlessly? !

This is a question that Robin has been thinking about for the past twenty


This is also a question that she has never been able to figure out.

She felt angry and unworthy for those O’Hara scholars who died!

My heart is full of resentment.

But now,

this resentment has finally been vented in the Tiandao chat group.

She finally had the opportunity to question those people,

why should the kind-hearted O’Hara scholars be treated so cruelly and

mercilessly? !

After Robin asked these questions,

the Tiandao chat group fell into a brief silence.


Everyone began to speak again。

【Gol D. Roger: Robin girl, I am deeply saddened by O’Hara’s tragedy,

but there is something I still have to tell you…….On this sea, being weak

itself is a sin!】

【Silbarzraeli: O’Hara’s scholars want to study the truth of the missing

hundred years of history. This is not wrong. What is wrong is the world

government that covers up that history.。】

【Jabba Skorba: But……Those scholars at O’Hara are too weak! He is so

weak that he simply does not have enough ability to complete this


【Monkey D Dragon: Before you have the strength to protect yourself and

those around you, you try to challenge the bottom line of the world

government. This is indeed an impulsive and irresponsible move.。】

【Ambrio Ivankov: And the price of this impulsive move is that the entire

O’Hara will be wiped out by the World Government along with them!】

【Crow: If they had enough strength, at least the strength to protect

themselves, O’Hara’s tragedy would not have happened.。】

【Gol D. Roger: For example, my Roger Pirates and I have been studying

the text of history, trying to uncover the truth that has been lost for a

hundred years, but because we are strong enough, the World Government

There was no way against us, and in the end we succeeded in getting the


【Silbarzraeli: So……Although what happened to O’Hara is very sad and

regrettable, and the World Government is indeed very hateful, you can’t

blame anyone, because this is the path you have chosen!】

【Monkey D. Long: I believe that the scholars at O’Hara, when they

decided to start studying the historical text, had already prepared for the

worst, and decided to bear all the consequences that this might bring!】

【Nicole Orbia: That’s right, Robin, that’s what they said……In fact, they

are all right!】

【Dr. Clover: Robin, I stopped you from studying the historical text

because I didn’t want you to end up like us. When we decided to

investigate the historical text, we were already prepared to die! I just

didn’t expect it……This time is earlier than we expected!】

【Nicole Orbia: So…….Robin, you don’t have to blame anyone, and you

don’t have to live in anger and hatred. You are free. You have your own

partners and your own life. Don’t be bound by the dead like us!】

【Nicole Robin: Mom……PhD……】

this moment.

Look at these messages in the Tiandao chat group.

Robin’s mood was a little complicated.

Although after the Justice Island incident,

Robin is no longer afraid to face his past.

But O’Hara’s destruction has always been a knot in her heart. She has

always been filled with resentment and hatred

towards the World Government . But now


After seeing what everyone said.

Robin suddenly woke up.

I shouldn’t be trapped in the tragedies and hatreds of the past.

O’Hara’s Tragedy……

It was brought about by the path chosen by my mother and Dr. Clover.

They are doing this with the consciousness of death.

If even those archaeologists who have died can face all this calmly.

Then why can’t I face it calmly?


Robin only felt that the knot that had troubled him for more than twenty


seemed to be slowly being untied.

After some conversation.

In the projection screen, the video continued to play –

the time came to the year 1520 of the Haiyuan calendar.

In the Alabasta incident.

Although Robin and the Straw Hats were enemies at first.

But she was letting off steam everywhere.

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ]

Saved Ikarim who should have been killed by the explosion.

He showed mercy to Falcon Bell and did not kill him. He even rescued

Luffy when

he was defeated by Crocodile for the first time and was about to be

swallowed by quicksand. Immediately afterwards. In the royal catacombs

of Alabasta. Robin lied that there were no clues about Hades in the

historical text here. Because of this, he was abandoned by Crocodile.

Although Robin was prepared for this, he was still not as strong as

Crocodile. He was easily defeated by the opponent. Later, she witnessed

the entire process of Luffy defeating Crocodile. And after Luffy defeated

Crocodile. Throw the antidote to King Kobra. Let him help Luffy detoxify.

After feeding Luffy the antidote. Cobra looked at Robin and asked:

“then……Why do you lie? ”

Robin leaned against a collapsed wall and said with a smile:

“So you know? ”

Cobra nodded.。

“What is recorded on those stone tablets is not the history of this country

at all.。”

“But the information about the weapon you dream of, including its


“If you had told Crocodile honestly at that time, from that moment


“The country became that man’s bag, didn’t it? Robin

smiled and said:

“I have no interest in that kind of thing!”

“The prosperity of the country���and human life and death……”

“It doesn’t matter to me. ” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel


“Besides, I had no intention of handing Hades over to Crocodile. ”

Cobra continued to ask with some confusion:

“I do not understand……”

“Then why did you come here? ! Robin

responded in a low voice:

“something i dream of……It is a true historical text!”

“Among the historical texts scattered around the world, there is a stone

tablet that only records the true history! ”

Cobra frowned.。

“Real history? What’s the meaning? ”

However, Robin smiled bitterly this time and shook his head.。

“Forget it, I’ve been looking for it for twenty years……”

“Didn’t find any useful information!”

“This was my last hope, but it still failed…….”

“Just let me die here。”

“I’m tired and don’t have the strength to continue along this road until it

gets dark…….”

“I just want to explore history!”

“But there are too many enemies blocking my dream! ”

In the ruins.

With tears in his eyes, Robin

said these words in despair.

Cobra originally wanted to continue to ask something….

However, Luffy suddenly stood up and grabbed him and held him under

his arm.


Luffy walked up to Robin again and

also grabbed him and carried him on his shoulders.。

“alright! Go up! ”

Luffy said to himself.

Robin struggled hard.。


“Living has no meaning to me!”

“Put me down and go!”

“Let me die here! ”

Facing Robin’s call,

Luffy turned a deaf ear.

He raised his head and looked for the exit.

He responded confidently:

“Why do I have to listen to you! ? ”

Robin was stunned.

There were waves in her flashing pupils.

She did not continue to resist.

Instead, she just let Luffy lead her to escape from the underground tomb

that was about to collapse.

The scene froze.

The barrage army passed by again. ——Hahahahaha

! Why should I listen to you? I can only be worthy of being Luffy!

Luffy’s answer has the feeling of a steely straight man!

Nonsense, this is obviously the overbearing president, okay!

Overbearing President Wang Luffy flirts with girls online!

Robin: I think I want to die here.

Luffy: I don’t want what you think, I just want what I think! (Dog Head)

Originally, Robin had no motivation to continue living, but Luffy was

Such a tease has rekindled hope for life!

Luffy can always pull the heartstrings of girls inadvertently!

Alas, this is purely a talent, it can’t be learned, it can’t be learned!

I think that’s right It’s not all about talent. The most important thing is

that Luffy is very sincere in his treatment of others.

Sincerity! Sincerity is the ultimate skill!

Got it, let’s steam an orange!

??? What a terrible homophonic joke upstairs, deduct money !


【Shakrokdal:? ? ? Nico Robin! How dare you lie to me? ! That piece of

historical text clearly records the information and whereabouts of Pluto,

but you actually told me? ! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Crocodile, in fact, even if I tell you the

information and whereabouts of Pluto, it will be useless. You don’t have

the strength to obtain it. I advise you to give up on this idea.~】

【Shakrokdal:? ? ? How abominable!】

【Nicole Orbia: Straw Hat, you saved Robin’s life. Thank you so


【Monkey D. Luffy: Hehe~ You’re welcome! In fact, Robin saved me

several times first. If it weren’t for Robin, I might have been buried in the

sand or died of poisoning.。】

【Meng Qi Dlong: Yes, mother-in-law, we are all a family, there is no

need to say thank you or not!】

【Monkey D. Cap:? ? ? Long, you kid, have you learned how to get in

front of me and finish what I want to say first? ! ! !】

【Ambrio Ivankov: Hahahaha! Long only dared to secretly resist his

father using this method of backstabbing.~】

【Bellobetti: After all, if you resist openly, the dragon leader will have

another slipper mark on his face.~】

【Monkey D. Karp: It’s like if he resists secretly like this, the old 1.0

husband won’t teach him a lesson! Dragon, you wait for me, my supreme

cock is already so hungry and thirsty!】

【Monkey D Dragon:? ? ? ? ?】

【Sabo: Hahahaha! I feel sorry for the dragon leader for a second~】

【Kerla: I feel sorry for the dragon leader for a second~】


On the projection screen, the video continued –

the scene came to after the Straw Hats left Alabasta.

Luffy and others were currently on the deck of the Merry,

feeling dejected because Vivi could not get on the ship.


the door of a cabin on the Melly was opened from the inside.

A graceful figure slowly walked out。

“You finally escaped, thank you for your hard work. ”

Robin said as he walked slowly to the deck of the Merry.

Zoro and others suddenly felt as if they were facing a powerful enemy .

They all

became vigilant.

Only Luffy seemed to be very calm.

He looked at Robin, He didn’t take it seriously and said:

“ah? what?”

“It turns out it’s you, still alive! ”

Ignoring the vigilant Zoro and others,

Robin moved a chair and

sat on it leisurely. He

stared at Luffy with his beautiful eyes and

said softly:

“Monkey D Luffy。”

“you won’t have forgotten……”

“What have you done to me? ”

Robin’s tone was very light.

There seemed to be a bit of provocation in it.

There was a feeling of all kinds of charm.。

【Monkey D. Cap:? ? ?】

【Monkey D Dragon:? ? ?】

【Portcas D. Ace:? ? ?】

【Sabo:? ? ?】

【Nicole Orbia:? ? ?】

【Monkey D. Garp: Damn it! Luffy, you kid……Have we already carried

out the work of carrying on the family lineage of our old Monqi family? !

! 】.

Chapter 066

【Monkey D Dragon: Hiss! Will I have grandchildren soon? !】

【Portcas D. Ace: Damn it! Luffy, could it be that you, the kid, have

already enlightened yourself? !】

【Sabo: Tsk, tsk, tsk~ Luffy, I didn’t expect you to be such a person!】

【Nicole Orbia: Robin, could it be said that you and Straw Hat have


【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? ! What are you talking about? Why can’t I

understand a sentence (Oo)??】

【Nico Robin: …Mom, I think you may have misunderstood. What I said

in the video was the incident where Luffy saved me.。】

【Nicole Orbia: Huh? So this is ah……】

【Dr. Clover: Harm! Robin, it turns out that this is what you are talking

about. You really scared us just now!】

【Haguvar D. Sauro: Yes hehehehe! Robin, when did you, a little girl,

learn to talk and gasp?】

【Monkey D Dragon: Did we misunderstand the co-authorship? It turns

out nothing happened……】

【Monkey D. Garp: It made me happy in vain! The great-grandchildren

who came to the mouth just flew away!】

【Warring States: Huh? To the mouth? ! Garp, are you trying to eat a

child? ! ! !】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ Lieutenant General Garp actually wants to eat

children. It’s really scary.~】

【Monkey D. Cap:……】


In the projection screen, the video continues –

after hearing what Robin said.

The Straw Hats were also extremely shocked.

They all asked Luffy what he had done to Robin.

The reaction of everyone in the Tiandao chat group was exactly the same.

Luffy argued with reason:

“Don’t talk nonsense, I didn’t do anything! ”

Robin leaned on the chair.

He stretched his body lazily and comfortably.

He chuckled softly:

“No, you gave me an unbearable blow。”

“So…you have to be responsible for me~”

Luffy asked with a puzzled look on his face:

“I’m confused, what do you want? ”

Robin suddenly sat up straight.

Her upper body leaned forward slightly.

A delicate hand held her chin.

She looked straight at Luffy and said seriously:

“Let me…be your partner! ”

As soon as these words came out,

everyone including Luffy was shocked.

13 “Huh? ? ? ”

Robin continued:

“You make my life worse than death……”

“This is your crime!”

“Now I have nowhere to go。”

“So, just let me stay. ”

Hearing what Robin said,

Luffy nodded without thinking and said:

“Oh well! ”


he showed a brilliant smile and

said to his friends:

“don’t worry!”

“She’s not a bad person! ”

The screen freezes.

The barrage army passes by –

hahahaha! Luffy agreed so quickly!

This way of joining new partners is a bit too hasty!

Although it is indeed a bit hasty, Luffy is looking at people. It’s quite


So, Robin seems to be the only one among the Straw Hats who proposed

to join, right? She

is indeed a mature lady, but she is more proactive than Nami and the


And Robin is also more mature than Nami and the others. It’s sultry.

Listen to what she just said to Luffy – you have to be responsible for me.

It’s really hard not to make people think about it!

Woohoo! I also want to be responsible for Robin!

Who wouldn’t like it? What about a mature older sister like Robin!

A mature older sister is a treasure, gentle, considerate and flirtatious!

Ah! Sister, kill me!!! Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk,

tsk, the few people upstairs are really perverts… just like me!


Inside the projection screen, the video continues—

that’s it.

Robin successfully joined the Straw Hat crew.

And with his detailed understanding of Luffy and others, he

easily figured out everyone’s preferences accurately.

Everyone quickly recognized the identity of her partner.

Camera switch.

The scene came to Long Chain Island.

The Straw Hats met Admiral Aokiji here.

The appearance of the blue pheasant made Robin panic.

And the words the other party said

also pulled her back from the wonderful adventure she had with Luffy

and others during this period.

Robin once again recalled his dark past.

She began to worry…

Worried that if her dark past was known to Luffy and others,

would these friends who originally treated her sincerely stay away from


He was worried that the World Government’s pursuit of him

would affect Luffy’s safety.

After this period of adventure,

Robin has really regarded Luffy and others as his partners.

This is something that has never happened in the past twenty years.

Perhaps he was moved by Luffy’s action of saving him in the catacombs

of the Alabasta royal family.

Perhaps because of this period of time together, the sincerity of the Straw

Hats had a subtle influence on themselves.

It made my originally frozen heart gradually melt…

ever since I saw Aoki Pheasant on Long Chain Island.

Robin began to feel anxious because of these things.


The Straw Hats arrive at the Seven Water Capitals.

Robin was approached here by CP9, the intelligence organization of the

World Government.

CP9 threatens Robin with the lives of Luffy and others,

so that she must obey the orders of the World Government.

In order to protect his partners,

Robin agreed to CP9’s conditions.

Decided to follow the other party to Judiciary Island obediently.

Even though she knew that once she really did this,

there would be endless hell waiting for her ahead!

But Robin agreed without hesitation.

And she only has one condition.

That is to let everyone in the Straw Hats except her leave the Seven

Capitals of Water safely!

She even showed up when CP9 was assassinating Bingshan and

said some unfeeling words to Luffy

to make him give up on her.

He won’t do anything impulsive just to save himself.


Robin was escorted by CP9 and

boarded the sea train to Judiciary Island.

The picture freezes.

The barrage passed by again –

Robin sacrificed herself to save her friends. Robin is really a very gentle

big sister!

If it were in the past, Robin would definitely choose to betray without

hesitation in such a situation, but the Straw Hats made her give her


After all, with such a warm captain like Luffy, it would be difficult for

Robin not to give his sincerity!

Those guys from CP9 are so disgusting, they actually threatened Robin

with the lives of the Straw Hats!

CP9: Ms. Robin, you don’t want your friends to be in danger, right? (dog


Damn it! That friend upstairs, please stop your little cherry blossom


It’s a pity that Robin didn’t know Luffy’s background at the time,

otherwise she would have discovered that the threat of CP9 was a

complete joke!

Threatening Luffy’s life? Garp, Dragon, Ace, Sabo, Shanks and others

silently nodded ~ (dog head)

CP9: Nico Robin, if you don’t follow us honestly, we will kill your


Robin: Oh, then go ahead and see who kills who~ (Dog Head)


【Monkey D. Karp: The abominable CP organization actually dares to use

my grandson to threaten my grandson-in-law? Do you really think that I

can’t harden my fist? !】

【Warring States: Can’t be tough? Why does this always sound a little


【Gol D. Roger: In the past twenty years, Nico Robin has been betraying

others to save her own life, but this time, she chose to sacrifice herself to

protect the lives o

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] f her


【Silbarzraeli: It’s hard to imagine that such a change only took so little


【Jabba Scribes: And the one who allowed her to change like this was

undoubtedly the Straw Hat!】

【Edward Newgate: Blah blah blah~ I have to say that Straw Hat’s

personal charm is really strong, and he can make people willing to risk

their lives for him without even realizing it.。】

【Shanks: Maybe this is the reason why Luffy can become the harem

king, haha~] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

【Nicole Orbia: Robin, I’m really happy to see such a change in you!】


In the projection screen, the video continues –

the lens switches.

The scene came to Luffy’s side.

At this moment, Luffy was stuck

in the gap between the two houses and was unable to move due to being

beaten away by Rob Luchi.

The water gods are constantly coming towards this island.

There were strong winds and heavy rain on the island!


An anxious shout came from behind Luffy。

“Luffy! ! !”

“What are you doing there? ! ”

Hearing this voice,

Luffy responded with a guilty conscience:

“N… Nami?”

“Are you behind me?”

“I was beaten away by that bastard who raised pigeons, and I got stuck

when I got here.……”

Nami, who was sitting on the roof behind, had no intention of listening

to Luffy’s explanation at the moment.

Robin’s gentle face seemed to appear in front of me again.���A big

sister-like smile.

With tears in her eyes, Nami shouted to Luffy:

“Do not make jokes! ! !”

“When did this happen? !”

“While you were stalling, Robin was already taken away by them!”

“Robin… she’s going to die for us! ! ! ”

Hearing Nami’s cry,

Luffy was stunned.

His pupils shrank slightly and trembled.

Behind him,

Nami’s choking voice continued to be heard.。

“Robin decided to sacrifice himself to protect us from the government!”

“She knew that if she was taken away… she would definitely die! ”

After hearing this,

Luffy murmured to himself:

“So Robin really…has been lying!”

“Very good!”

“Nami, don’t worry!”

“I will never let Robin die! ! ! ”

Luffy roared angrily.


his eyes became extremely determined at this moment!

It was as if there was a steady stream of power bursting out from his


He was completely different from one second to the next. !

Caught in the gap, he exerted force with both hands and feet at the same


In just an instant,

the two rows of tall buildings that had originally trapped him were

knocked down by them!

Straw Hat Luffy……?

Successful resurrection! ! !

Dense barrage floated across the screen again——?

He knocked down two buildings at once. Luffy is so handsome!

The reason why he was stuck in the wall before and couldn’t get out was

actually because he felt confused and lost motivation because of Robin’s


Now that he knows that Robin did that to save them, isn’t this motivation

coming back to him all at once?

Nami is right, as long as Robin needs their help, the power of their group

is immeasurable!

Look! This is the courage that belongs exclusively to Nami, the royal


He never gets jealous, but always thinks of other sisters. With such a

main harem, how can Luffy’s harem be disharmonious!

But having said that, it’s really weird that Luffy can be stuck in the wall,


So what, there is a road-crazy swordsman stuck in the chimney at the

moment~ (Dog Head)


【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? ? ?】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? Stuck in a chimney? Is there anyone stupider

than me? Hahahahaha!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: You don’t need to think too much to know who the

road-crazy great swordsman mentioned in this barrage is, right?~】

【Usopp: Hahaha! Zoro, you’re actually stuck in the chimney. I didn’t

expect that.~】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Zoro, it’s not me who told this secret. I’ve always

kept it secret!】

【Franky: One is stuck in the wall, and the other is stuck in the chimney.

Maybe these are the so-called sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks,


【Brook: Luffy-san, Zoro-san, you two are really eye-opening, even

though I am just a skeleton without eyes, yo hoo hoo hoo~】

【Roronoa Zoro: …Mad! This damn barrage has totally embarrassed


【Vinsmoke Sanji: Green Algae Head, getting stuck in the chimney is

enough for me to laugh at you forever, hahahaha!】

【Roronoa Zoro: You perverted kappa, if you dare to laugh again, believe

it or not, I will chop you with a knife!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Before you chop me, you should practice chopping

chimneys first.~】

【Roronoa Zoro:……】


On the projection screen, the video continues –

during the sea train ride to Judiciary Island.

Sanji, Usopp and Franky chased after him.

Want to rescue Robin.

However, Robin showed strong resistance after seeing them. ?

Indicates that he has made up his mind and will not go back. ?

And Sanji and others were ultimately defeated by Lucci and others.

The rescue operation ultimately failed. ?

I can only watch helplessly as Robin continues to be taken away.

The camera turned. ?

Soon, Robin was taken to the Justice Island. ?

Here she met Spandam, the boss of CP9.

He was the son of Spangdyne who launched the order to destroy O’Hara

and kill the demon!

Robin looked at the other person and asked:?

“Why did Qing Pheasant give you the authority to activate the Demon-

Slaying Order? ”

As soon as he asked this question,

Spandam, who was still talking proudly about his plan, suddenly turned


Then he punched Robin in the face and knocked him to the ground.。

“Are you worthy of asking me? !”

“You rude woman! !”

“The devil’s land, the evil seed left behind by O’Hara。”

“If I hadn’t discovered your value, there would have been no point in

continuing to live!”

“Why don’t you thank me quickly!”

“Moreover, from now on, you will have to face the torture of not wanting

to die every day!”

“Just be mentally prepared!”

“Torture you, use you, and finally throw you into the sea to feed the fish!

This is your sin! ”

Spandam kept yelling at Robin who was in the end.

Then he suddenly laughed again.。

“Wa hahaha! correct……”

“There was a guy just now who wanted to save you! ”

Robin was suddenly startled.。

“Could it be? ! ”

Needless to say, Robin can probably guess it.

The person Spangdam mentioned should be Luffy.

Spandam continued to say with great pride:?

“But that person should have been arrested by now.。”

“Straw Hat Luffy and his companions!”

“In front of the 10,000-strong army on Judiciary Island, it was simply a

matter of striking an egg against a stone!”

“Just in time, the boat to the prison is about to leave.。”

“as a trophy……”

“Just take them into Impel Down City together!

Robin’s pupils shrank when she heard this. She

roared at Spandam angrily:

“etc! What you say doesn’t count! ! !”

“You said that as long as I do what you say, I will ensure that they leave

the Seven Water Capitals safely! ”

Spandam had a cold expression and responded in a mocking tone:

“Didn’t they already safely leave the Seven Water Capitals and even come

here? ”

For a moment, Robin felt like he was struck by lightning!.

Chapter 067

“What did you say? !”

“Did you plan to play word games from the beginning? ! ! ! ”

After hearing what Spandam said,

Robin finally reacted belatedly….

The other party never really wanted to let Luffy and the others go from

the beginning!

The so-called letting Luffy and the others leave the Seven Water Capitals


was just a word game that deceived him!

Faced with Robin’s angry questioning.

Spandam punched and kicked him again.

He kicked in the mouth and cursed:

“shut up! You bastard!”

“There is no need for us to keep promises to prisoners!”

“who do you think You Are? !”

“It’s common practice in the navy to deceive and catch pirates! ”

Robin, who was kicked all over his body, gritted his teeth and said


“Despicable and shameless villain! ! ! ”

Spandam smiled instead of being angry, and said mockingly:

“You, a woman who survived through betrayal, this is the end you


“Just keep me company on the road to Huangquan!”

“In the face of great justice, everything is pale and powerless!”

“Hahahahaha! ”

Amidst Spandam’s mocking laughter,

Robin bit his lower lip and

cried silently.

The screen froze.

Dense barrage drifted across the screen –

Spandam This guy is really a beast!!!

He is obviously worse than a beast!

He looks like a pig head, which makes people sick just looking at him!

Like father, like son, Spandam and his father Spandam Dyne is just as


Nonsense! This is obviously better than others, and Spangdam is much

more disgusting than his father Spangdyne!

How dare you treat Robin-chan like this? I really want to tear off his pig

head and feed it to the dog!

Dog: You and I have no grievances, why are you doing this to me? I

might as well go and eat an Oli to eat this! Breaking your

promise, keeping your words, and playing word games. Is this the style of

the world government? ?!

In fact, if it was Robin-chan in normal life, it would be absolutely

impossible for her not to realize that the World Government was playing

a word game with her. It was

just about the safety of Luffy and the others, and caring would lead to

chaos, so Robin-chan fell into the trap. This bunch of bastards’ trap!

And the great justice, I’m so fucking confused, where does this thing have

anything to do with the word justice?

Watching these angry barrages drifting across the screen.

Tiandao Chat Group The emotions of everyone inside were also

completely detonated.。

【Monkey D. Luffy: That masked bastard, how dare you do this to Robin,

I really want to beat him away!】

【Roronoa Zoro: Suddenly I want to kill someone!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: I didn’t expect Robin-chan to be treated like this in a

place we couldn’t see. If I had known, I would have kicked this guy into a


【Monkey D. Cap: Spandam! You bastard, how dare you treat my

granddaughter-in-law like this? ! What a courage! Don’t think that with

the support of the world government, I won’t dare to teach you a


【Monkey D Dragon: It’s precisely because there are scum like Spandam

in the World Government that it’s so rotten!】

【Gol D. Roger: I have to say that what Spandam did is simply despicable

and disgusting. Compared with them, we pirates actually look a little


【Edward Newgate: These officials in the world government are really

getting worse with each successive term!】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ A bunch of guys like this have the nerve to talk about

justice all day long?】

【Charlotte Lingling: If we follow their standards, wouldn’t we pirates

also be righteous?】

【Shanks: This Spandam is just a reflection and microcosm of the ugly

side of the world government. This ocean really needs to be



Watching everyone in the Tiandao chat group criticizing him verbally.

Spandam was almost pissed.

When he was insulting and beating Robin, he

never thought that one day he would be denounced by so many big shots.

this scene……

It’s too scary!

The bosses above are blaming and denouncing themselves.

If you pick one at random and move your fingers, you can easily crush

yourself to death!

And even the world government

would never be able to protect itself when facing these big figures.

If these big shots really want to do something to themselves because of

this matter……

Then he will definitely die! ! !

There is no way to survive at all!

For a while.

Spandam was filled with regret.

I regret why I did such a thing in the first place!

If I had known that I would end up like this,

I wouldn’t have dared to do anything to Nico Robin!

If we had known that the Straw Hat guy had such a big background,

if we had known that Nico Robin was actually the grandson-in-law of

Lieutenant General Garp, who is not even afraid of the Dracos,……

I would never provoke the Straw Hats in the first place!

It’s better to treat them as ancestors!

That’s the king of backgrounds! ! !

Think of this.

Spandam wanted to have a few big cocks fucked at him.

In the projection screen, the video continues –

the lens switches.

in the screen.

Robin stood on the balcony of the Justice Tower with his hands cuffed by

seafloor stone handcuffs.

Opposite her.

On top of another building separated by a huge cliff chasm.

Luffy was standing on the wall on the roof of the building.

Face her from afar!

Seeing Robin,

a bright smile filled Luffy’s face.

He waved his hands excitedly towards Robin and


“Oh—Robin! ! `!”

“Very good! You haven’t been taken away yet!”

“good! Wait for me!”

“Although it’s a bit far, I’ll try to see if I can fly there! ”

As he said that,

Luffy suddenly turned around and ran away for a long distance.

Then he stretched out his arms and grabbed the wall on the top of the


He was ready to eject himself to the Tower of Justice where Robin was.

However ,……

Robin, who saw this scene, suddenly shouted with a gloomy face:


“I’ve said it many times!”

“I won’t come back to you again! !”

“You go back……”

“I don’t want to see you again!”

“Why did you come to save me? !”

“When did I ask you to do this? !”

“I already……I don’t want to live anymore! ! ! ”

As she spoke,

Robin almost roared and yelled out the last sentence.

And when she finished speaking,

several members of CP9 also appeared on the Tower of Justice.

They looked at it menacingly. Looking at Luffy opposite.

Luffy didn’t pay attention to these guys who suddenly appeared.

Instead, he looked at Robin seriously and asked:

“You don’t want to live anymore? ! ”

Robin responded:

“Exactly! ” Spandam on the side couldn’t help but laughed out loud

after hearing such a conversation.

“The captain traveled thousands of miles to rescue his companions, but

was rejected at the last moment。”

“Is there anything more interesting than this? ”

It happened at this time.

Luffy shouted over again.。

“Robin, why don’t you want to live anymore? ! ”

Hearing Luffy’s shout,

Spangdam laughed even more wildly.。

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“Listen! What a miserable wail!”

“What would his expression look like now? ”

Speaking, Spandam looked in the direction of Luffy expectantly.

Then he saw……

Luffy was standing on the rooftop opp

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] osite,

picking his nose with a nonchalant look on his face.。

“What are you talking about?”

“Listen, Robin!”

“We are all here! I’ll save you first!”

“if……If you still want to die, then let’s talk about it when the time


“It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to live anymore!”

“These words……Wait until you get back to us! ! ! ”

Listening to Luffy’s shouting,

Robin’s breathing suddenly stagnated. (To read exciting novels, go to

Fulu Novel Network!)

He couldn’t help but shed tears in the corner of his eyes.

And Spandam beside him,

He showed an incredible expression.

The barrage army floated past again –

Hahahahaha! Luffy’s reaction really made me laugh to death!

Spandam was expecting your expression of pain, but you were actually

there Picking his nose there!

The suspect who gave Spandam a hard time was born hahahahaha!

I can only say that he is indeed Luffy, but you can’t judge him with

normal thinking!

This action of picking his nose is just like Garp They are exactly the

same, they are indeed a grandfather and a grandson!

Even what Luffy said is here, but he is a college student! He has

come all the time, and during the Chinese New Year, everyone is dead,

and he is still a child! (Dog Head)

【Monkey D. Garp: Fuck! Luffy, what’s wrong with you kid? Picking your

nose like me? ! Why don’t you learn from my other strengths? !】

【Warring States: Do you, this old guy, have any other advantages? I do

not know how~】

【Monkey D Garp: Warring States! Believe it or not, I will roast your

sheep and eat it later!】

【Warring States: Do you dare? ! If you dare to roast my sheep, I will risk

my life with you!】

【crane:……These two old guys are really embarrassing…….】

【Gol D. Roger: I have to say that Straw Hat’s answer is quite touching. I

saw in the video that the little girl Nico Robin was obviously touched

after listening to it.。】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Although she wants to die now to

protect her friends, Straw Hat’s words still deeply moved her.。】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Luffy has been like this since he was a child, and he

is so casual but also has a bit of seriousness~]

The video continues –

very quickly.

Zoro and others rushed to the top of the building where Luffy was.

All members of the Straw Hat Crew assemble.

Stand in a row on top of the rooftop wall.

Looking across from Robin.

Everyone had a look of determination on their faces.

But Robin kept his head lowered.

His expression was full of gloom.

Especially when Spandam brought out the Demon-Slaying Order again.

Robin’s mood became obviously emotional all of a sudden.

She looked at Luffy and others opposite, and spoke again:

“If the demon-slaying order is activated here now,……”

“You will be reduced to ashes along with this island of justice!”

“20 years ago……took away everything from me……”

“An attack that changed countless lives…….”

“It’s the Demon-Slaying Order!”

“.And this attack……”

“Now I’m targeting the trustworthy partner I found after all the hard


“The more I want to be with you……”

“The more I will cause trouble to you!”

“Even if I flee to the ends of the world, I can’t escape the clutches of the


“Because my enemy is……”

“World Governments and the darkness they rule! ”

Robin kept talking.

The more he talked, the more……

Her mood became even more depressed.

Even my voice couldn’t help but become a little trembling.。

“It was like this the last time I met a blue pheasant, and it’s like this this

time too……”

“I don’t want to drag you down anymore!”

“If this continues, even if you can tolerate me now……”

“Sooner or later, I will feel like a burden in the future!”

“When the time comes, they will betray me and abandon me!”

“This is what I’m afraid of, so I don’t want you to save me!”

“If I die sooner or later……”

“It’s better to die here now! ! ! ”

At this moment,

Robin finally spoke out her truest thoughts.

After listening to this, Spandam on the side

couldn’t help but laughed wildly again:

“Wa hahaha!”

“So that’s it, it’s really insightful and reasonable!”

“You can’t blame others for this, no one would be stupid enough to take

you with you as a burden! ”

Speaking, Spangdam suddenly raised his hand and pointed at a flag

hanging on the top of the Tower of Justice.。

“Pirates, look at that flag!”

“That logo represents the alliance of more than 170 participating

countries on the four seas and the great sea route!”

“This is world government!”

“In the face of the world government, you should realize how

insignificant you are, right? !”

“You should also know what a huge organization this woman is facing,

right? ! ”

On the roof of the building opposite.

Luffy looked up at the flag that Spandam was pointing to, and

said in a deep voice as usual:

“I finally know who Robin’s enemy is。”

“Sniper King!”

“Knock that flag down! ”

Luffy gave this order very calmly.

Usopp, who was wearing a Sniper King mask on the side, nodded without


“clear! ”

He slowly pulled the new weapon in his hand, the bow.

He aimed at the flag of the world government at the top of the Tower of


“Must-kill Firebird Star! ”

The next moment!

A giant bird made of flames flew through the air.

It accurately hit the flag of the world government!

The flag was instantly penetrated!

The blazing flames completely engulfed it.

The flames burst out. The light shines brightly on the top of the Tower of


The scene freezes.

The barrage army passes by again –

so cool! It’s so cool!!!

Don’t talk about that flag, I’m about to burst into flames!!!

What’s the flag that was shot? Then it was my heart that was shot!!!

Luffy is such a reliable captain. After understanding that Robin’s enemy is

the World Government, he did not hesitate to let Wu Thorpe shot

through the flag!

Usopp was very strong this time, without any hesitation at all.���The

shot hit the target without any fear at all!

Ha ha ha ha! After all, he was still wearing the mask of the Sniper King.

Usopp thought that others would not be able to recognize him.

Usopp: The one who shot through the World Government flag was the

Sniper King. What does it have to do with me, Usopp? (Dog Head)

If that flag had any intelligence, it would probably be screaming at

Spandam right now~

Spandam: Have you seen that flag? Take a good look, after all, it will be

burned down in the next second! (Dog Head)

Flag: Spandam, I’m so damn grateful to you for being my ancestor for

eight generations!

Flag: Spandam, you big Sabi, you can do what you say is yours, what the

hell do you want me to do if you have nothing to do? !


The video continues –

This move by Luffy and others immediately stunned Spandam.

He opened his mouth wide and shouted in disbelief:

“Are you crazy? !”

“You are declaring war on the world government! Vol!”

“If you are the enemy of the whole world, don’t expect to survive! ! ! ”

Facing Spandam’s intimidation and threats.

Luffy, who was originally calm, suddenly straightened up, raised his head

and roared:

“Just what I wanted! ! ! ”

This sound…

resounded through the sky!!!.

Chapter 068

Over Judiciary Island.

Luffy’s roar echoed for a long time.

Spandam was so frightened by his answer that his nose ran out and his

legs trembled.

Robin, on the other hand, was stunned.

Tears couldn’t stop falling.

Luffy looked at Robin on the Tower of Justice, and

spoke again with an extremely serious expression:

“Robin! I haven’t heard you say it yourself!”

“explain……I want to live! ! ! ”

At this moment.

Luffy’s shout was like a strong wind,

blowing away all the haze that enveloped Robin’s heart!

“You shouldn’t live in this world! Robin!”

“Your very existence is a sin! Robin!”

“I do not want to live!”

“The sea is so vast, you will definitely find a partner who is willing to

protect you!”

“Robin, trust Luffy! ! ! ”

The voices continued to echo and disperse in Robin’s mind.

Finally ,…

Only the boy’s cry is still lingering in my ears。

“Tell me you want to live! ! ! ”

Robin looked at the row of figures on the roof of the building opposite.

He looked at the young man wearing a straw hat with a determined


Tears burst into his face!

“live on……”

“I have always felt that I am not qualified to expect this……”

“No one has ever made me think that way。”

“if……It really allows me to express my wishes……”


Countless thoughts flashed quickly.

next moment.

Robin mustered up all his courage.

He shouted towards Luffy with a trembling but extremely firm voice:

“I want to live! ! !”

“Take me to the sea together! ! ! ”


Luffy suddenly smiled. His

smile was extremely bright.

He looked with sharp eyes at the crying figure in front of him who finally

let go of all his psychological defenses.

He responded to the other party with the same firm voice:

“good! ! !”

“Next……Just leave it to us! ! ! ”

The picture freezes.

The barrage army passes by –

wuwuwuwu o(╥﹏╥)o! I’ll forget it if I cry to death!

So touching! This section is so touching! !

Ha ha ha ha! Have you noticed that Franky is crying like a fool next to


Let me tell you, Franky and I have exactly the same expression at this


Frankie at this moment is a true reflection of me!

For Robin, Luffy and the others are not afraid of becoming enemies of the

World Government!

Luffy: Enemy with the World Government? So what’s there to be afraid

of? Isn’t that what my dad does? (dog head)

Hahahaha! According to what the person above said 457, Luffy

completely inherited this from his father~

Luffy is really able to perfectly hit the fragile hearts of girls every time

and bring brilliant light to their dark world!

That is! How about saying that he is the sun god?

You can always believe in Luffy! ! !

Protect the best captain in the world! ! !

Ahhhhh! Luffy is so handsome! I’m going to give you a monkey! ! !

Mudd! There’s another man upstairs! Run! ! !

【Rocks D. Jiback: Tsk, tsk, tsk! I didn’t expect that after I died, there

would be pirates who dared to declare war on the World Government so

blatantly! good! Have courage! Straw Hat is not a coward! ! !】

【Monkey D. Karp: Rocks, what nonsense are you talking about? ! How

could my grandson be a coward? !】

【Sengoku: Garp! How proud are you of your grandson declaring war on

the World Government? ! ! !】

【Sakaski: The Straw Hat boy dared to ignore the authority of the World

Government at a young age and openly challenged the majesty of the

World Government. He will definitely become a major scourge in the

future and must be eradicated as soon as possible! ! !】

【Monkey D Dragon: Hahahaha! Declaring war on the world

government? He is worthy of being the son of my dragon! Luffy, don’t be

afraid, you and I have done this a long time ago! Just go ahead and do it

boldly. If anything happens, your dad will take care of it for you!】

【Sabo: That’s right, Luffy! Isn’t it just to resist the world government?

Your brother and I are very familiar with this!】

【Portkas D. Ace: Although I have no experience in resisting the World

Government, if someone wants to touch Luffy, they have to ask my Fire

Fist for permission first!】

【Kuzan: If it were someone else who declared war on the World

Government, the people around him would probably have distanced

themselves from him and wished they could end their relationship, but

the people around Straw Hat stood up to support him one after another.

The treatment is different. ah!】

【Porusalino: Well~ He is truly the King of Backgrounds, so


【Hagwal D. Sauro: Hehehehe~ That’s great. Robin, let me tell you, this

sea is very vast. One day you will definitely be able to find a partner who

is willing to protect you!】

【Nico Robin: Yeah! Now I’ve found it, thank you, Sauro!】

【Haguvar D. Sauro: Yes hehehehe! You’re welcome, Robin. After

watching these videos, I am also very interested in Straw Hat Boy. If you

come to Elbaf one day, you are welcome to come to me and I will treat

you well!】

【Usopp: Elbaf! ! ! Is it Elbaf, the Island of Giants? ! That is my dream

place! I promised Dongli and Brockie before that they would definitely

go! ! !】

【Haguwal D. Sauro: Really? Then we’ve made an agreement! Yes


【Nico Robin: Yeah! Sauro, I am also looking forward to the day when I

can meet you again!】

【Nicole Orbia: Robin, that’s great. It seems like you’ve solved all the

knots in your mind. I’m so happy for you! From now on, you are free and

you can finally live for yourself!】

【Nico Robin: No, mom, now I am not just living for myself, but also for

Luffy…….and my friends!】

【Nicole Orbia: Haha, you are right, Straw Hat and the others are indeed

the best partners in the world!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Hehehehe~ Not really~(~▽)~】

【Usopp: Hehehehe~ Where are you talking about?~(~▽)~】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Hehehehe~ Even if you praise me, I won’t be

happy, asshole~(~▽)~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Hehehehe~ Robin-chan’s mother, please feel free to

leave Robin-chan to us~ ̄▽ ̄~】

【Nami: Hehehehe~ Aunt Olbia, you really know how to tell the


【Franky: Hehehehe~Robin’s mother is really a super honest


【Brooke: Hehehehe~ Miss Robin’s mother really praised me with joy,

even though I am just a skeleton and have no heart, yo hoo hoo hoo~(~


【Roronoa Zoro: These guys really don’t deserve praise.(–`)……】

In the projection screen, the video continues –

the lens switches.

The scene comes after Luffy defeats Rob Lucci.

He was lying on the ground covered in blood.

He yelled with all his last strength:

“Robin! ! !”

“Let’s go back together! ! ! ”

Hearing this shout,

Robin, who was fighting the navy with her friends on the Hesitation

Bridge, suddenly became moist again.

She smiled and nodded heavily!

The camera turned again.

Robin used “Big Delphinium” “Rescued Luffy, who was unable to move,

from the bridge pillar that was about to be bombarded.

After the group returned to the Merry,

Luffy lay on the ground,

looked at Robin who had returned successfully, and


“Robin, thank you so much just now……”

He hasn’

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] t finished

speaking yet.

It was Robin who used the flower fruit’s ability to gently cover his


Robin stood beside him.

Looking at the straw hat boy in front of him,

he spoke softly with a smile:

“Luffy, thank you! ”

Luffy grinned,

revealing two rows of white teeth.

He gave the other party a reassuring smile.。

“You’re welcome!”

“Hee hee hee~”

The barrage army passed by again –

OMG! Luffy is so good at teasing!

I’m almost going to be obsessed with Luffy!

How can Robin not be tempted ? !

Robin covers Luffy’s mouth. It’s super sweet here!

He’s covering his mouth. It’s really hard not to kiss him!

Why are you standing there? Kiss him! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to

Feilu Novel Network!)

Why are you kissing? Stun him! (The dog head saves his life)

On the projection screen, the video continued –

time soon came to after the Straw Hats were shot away by Bartholomew

Bear in the Shampoo Islands.

Robin was shot flying The Kingdom of Bridge in the East China Sea.

In order to protect a little girl, he was arrested for taking the initiative

(bddc) and became a slave.

Fortunately, not long after,

the Kingdom of Bridge was liberated by the arriving revolutionary army.

Revolutionary Army soldier Baniqiao told Robin

said that their leader, Long, had always wanted to see each other.

He also called Robin the “Light of the Revolutionary Army.”

Faced with the invitation of the Revolutionary Army,

Robin declined the invitation on the grounds that he had to rush back to

join his friends. .But

no���how long.

Robin saw the reports about Luffy returning to Marinefando.

And understood the message the other party wanted to convey.

So she informed the Revolutionary Army that

she had changed her mind and

decided to take a boat with them to the Revolutionary Army’s base camp.

But she did not enter the cabin of the revolutionary warship.

Always stay alone on deck.

in the screen.

Robin stood alone on the gunwale of the deck.

Looking at the sea in the distance.

All the past events flashed rapidly through her mind.

The painful and dark memories made her expression look a little lost.

But it quickly passed.

In his mind,

the dark memories were dispelled,

replaced by a bright smiling face wearing a straw hat.

Luffy’s voice kept echoing in Robin’s ears.。

“Why do I have to listen to you?”

“Robin, wait for me over there!”

“Tell me you want to live! ! !”

“Robin! Let’s go back together! ! !”



The disappointed expression on Robin’s face had long since disappeared.

It was replaced by a gentle smile.

She looked at the sea in the distance and

murmured to herself:

“Luffy, if you join the wave of the world by your father’s side……”

“Could I also become slightly stronger?”

“Wanting to become stronger for someone, I have never thought about it


The picture freezes.

Thick barrages passed by again——

“Ahhhhh! So sweet! So sweet to me!”

“It’s another day of all-you-can-eat dog food!”

“It’s great to want to become stronger for Luffy’s sake!”

“In the past, the Straw Hats all worked for their own dreams, but now

they have a common dream – to support Luffy and become king! ! !”

“I just want to say……Luffy deserves them! ! !”

“Robin is going to the base camp of the Revolutionary Army. Wouldn’t he

be able to see the dragon soon?”

“Ha ha ha ha! My daughter-in-law needs to meet her parents in


“Robin should be the first one in Luffy’s harem to meet his father-in-law,


“Not just my father-in-law, but also my brother Sabo!”

“Nami and Weiwei: We were obviously the first to come, so why was you

the first to meet your parents? (dog head)”

【Monkey D Dragon: Oh? ! In the original process, will my daughter-in-

law come to see me soon? It’s really exciting!】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hum! What’s the matter? I had already met Nami and

Robin, my two granddaughter-in-laws, in advance when I was in the

Seven Water Capitals!】

【Monkey D Dragon: Old man, you don’t count, I am Luffy’s biological

father, and it is the most formal thing for my daughter-in-law to see


【Monkey D. Cap:? ? ? dragon! What did you say? ! Your kid is itchy

again, right? !】

【Monkey D Dragon:……Old man, it’s boring for you to use violence to

threaten me if you can’t fight me, right?】

【Monkey D. Karp: What? Do you have an opinion? If you have any

objections, just become stronger enough to beat me first!】

【Monkey D Dragon:……】

【Sabo: Oh? I could have done it right away���Have you arrived at

your sister-in-law? Ha ha ha ha! That’s great! How about it, Ace, are you


【Portcas D Ace: Haha, Sabo, look at your proud look, don’t forget, I

have already met Nami and Vivi, my two sisters-in-law, when I was in


【Sabo: Yes! How abominable! If I hadn’t lost my memory before, I

would definitely have met my sister-in-law earlier than you!】

【Portkas D Ace: Haha, Sabo, give up. Even if you don’t have amnesia,

you will definitely not be able to compete with me.~】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? It’s so strange. What are Grandpa, Dad, Ace,

and Sabo fighting over? Why do they want to see Nami, Vivi and Robin

so much?】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Luffy, don’t think about it. After all, your IQ is

added to your EQ. You probably won’t be able to figure this out even if

you think about it.~】

【Monkey D Luffy: (Oo)??】

inside the projection screen.

As Robin boarded the revolutionary army’s warship, he gradually moved

away on the sea.

The picture on the projection screen also gradually dimmed.

This concludes the section about Luffy’s third harem, Nico Robin.

Taking advantage of the time when the Tiandao Inventory System has

not announced the list of Luffy’s next harem.

Everyone also started speculating in the Tiandao chat group。

【Shiki: You say……Who will be the next harem for this Straw Hat


【Gol D. Roger: The three previous harems, Nami, Vivi, and Robin, are

all members of the Straw Hat Pirates in a sense.。】

【Silbarz Reilly: But apart from the three of them, there seems to be no

other girls in the Straw Hat Pirates, right?】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ So the next candidate for Straw Hat’s

harem should be from another force?】

【Marco: But apart from his own partners, has Ace’s brother had any

interactions with other girls?】

【John: Judging from the previous videos, it seems that there are not

many other girls who have interacted with Straw Hat, right?】

【Silver Ax: Except for the three of his companions, most of the others

seem to be enemies.。】

【Wang Zhi: If I remember correctly, there seems to be a female emperor

mentioned in the previous barrage. Will she be the next harem?】

【Boya Hancock: I am also very concerned about this. The empress seems

to have many things in common with me…….Who is it? ! 】

Amidst everyone’s doubts and curiosity.

On the originally dark projection screen,

a line of eye-catching text finally slowly emerged!

【Monkey D. Luffy Background Part 4: Boya Hancock! 】.

Chapter 069

【Monkey D. Luffy’s Harem Part 4: Boya Hancock. 】

The moment this line of information emerged.

The entire Tiandao chat group exploded!

【Boya Hancock:?~??】

【Poya Sundar Sonia:? ? ?】

【Boya Marigold:? ? ?】

【Granny New:? ? ?】

【John: What the fuck? ! Boya Hancock? ! ! !】

【Silver Ax: Boya Hancock, who is known as the most beautiful woman

in the world? ! ! !】

【Wang Zhi: Boya Hancock, one of the Seven Martial Arts under the

King, the pirate empress of Nine Snakes Island? ! ! !】

【Shiki: Made! real or fake? ! Isn’t it said that Boya Hancock has no

interest in men at all? Why did she become the harem of that guy from

Straw Hat for no apparent reason? ! ! !】

【Warring States: Boya Hancock? How could that woman be in Straw

Hat’s harem? !】

【Crane: After Bartholomew Bear, there is another king. Is Shichibukai

related to Straw Hat?】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Luffy, you can do it! He even managed to

get the most beautiful woman in the world! I am very pleased!】

【Monkey D Dragon: The Pirate Empress Boya Hancock? I never thought

she was my daughter-in-law!】

【Portcas D. Ace: Damn it! Luffy, since when did you have a relationship

with the Pirate Empress? !】

【Sabo: I really can’t tell, Luffy, he usually looks more innocent than

anyone else, but I didn’t expect that he was actually having so much fun,


【Vinsmoke Sanji: Ahhhh! ! ! Boya Hancock! The legendary most

beautiful woman in the world! Luffy, when did you, that brat, meet her

behind our backs? ! ! !】

【Brooke: The most beautiful woman in the world. Just hearing this

name makes people feel excited. Although I am just a skeleton and have

no heart, yo hoo hoo hoo~】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? Who is this guy named Hancock? I don’t know

her at all, why does she appear in my inventory video?】

【Poya Sundar Sonia: Be bold! The rude Straw Hat boy dares to be so

offensive to onee-sama!】

【Boya Marigold: I even called my sister by the wrong name. This is a

complete provocation to my majesty!】

【Boya Hancock: The empress mentioned in the previous barrage……Is it

actually the concubine herself? ! How can this be? How could I be the

harem of that guy from Straw Hat? ! ! !】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu~ You actually made me guess it

right by accident? It’s really surprising~】

【Xia Qi: Hoho~ I’m not surprised by this. Hancock, didn’t you already

see it in the previous video? Little Monkey is very attractive to women. It

is not a strange thing even if you fall in love with him.~】

【Boya Hancock: No way! Although the Straw Hat Boy is indeed different

from the men I have seen before, I am a majestic pirate empress, how

could I be tempted by a man? ! This is absolutely impossible! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! I think nothing is impossible for Straw Hat

Boy. This little guy is indeed so different!】

【Silbazraeli: Haha! Is even Hancock a member of Luffy’s harem? How


【Shanks: Luffy is such a blessing! 】

Amidst everyone’s shock, surprise, doubt and envy.

inside the projection screen.

As usual,

a photo slowly emerged.

Tall and slim figure.

Perfect and refined appearance.

Three thousand black hairs were scattered like a waterfall.

The princess cut hairstyle adds a bit of cool temperament.

A cheongsam with high slits showed off her curvy figure to the fullest.

The whole person exudes a powerful aura of a queen.

If I had to use one word to describe her appearance.

That is……


The beautiful silhouette in the photo is

as perfect as a work of art that does not belong to this world!

It makes people want to appreciate it.

But he couldn’t bear the slightest blasphemy.

You will only be deeply impressed and fascinated by the beauty of the

other person!

You can watch it from a distance but don’t play with it!

【Rocks D. Jibek: Damn it! What a beautiful woman! Is this Boya

Hancock? ! It’s a pity that I died too early and never had the chance to

see this world’s most beautiful woman with my own eyes!】

【John: What did the Straw Hat guy do in his previous life to be so

blessed in this life? ! It doesn’t matter if she has a great background, the

harem is also top notch, and now even the most beautiful woman in the

world is here!】

【Silver Ax: I’m really tired of the word “envy”! We are all human

beings, so why are there such big differences? ! ! !】

【Wang Zhi: I don’t envy the mandarin ducks, I don’t envy the

immortals, I envy the straw hats every day!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Ahhhh! ! ! beautiful! So beautiful! It’s so beautiful!

Just looking at this photo makes me feel like I’m going to be petrified!

Luffy, when did you, such a brat, meet such a beautiful woman? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: I told you that I don’t know her at all. I’m also very


【Nami: In that case, Luffy should have met this pirate empress in the

future, maybe after being swatted away by Bartholomew Bear!】

【Nefertari D. Vivi: I have to say, this pirate empress is really beautiful,

even I, a woman, can’t help but be dazzled by her beauty!】

【Nico Robin: Ah~ This is more proof of Luffy’s charm, isn’t it? Even the

most beautiful woman in the world is impressed by her。】

【Boya Hancock: Nonsense! I am not convinced by the Straw Hat Boy. I

am the pirate empress of Nine Snake Island. She is a superior being. No

one can convince me, let alone a man!】

【Xia Qi: Hoho~ It seems that all the kings of Amazon Lily have this

characteristic. They will always be tough-mouthed until the last


【Granny New: Yes, this seems to be a common problem among Amazon

Lily kings throughout the ages, but I really didn’t expect that even Snake

Queen would fall in love with a man one day…….】

【Boya Hancock:? ? ? Senior Xia Qi, Granny New, what do you two

mean? ! Do you really think that I will fall in love with this guy Straw

Hat? !】

【Xia Qi: What we think is not important, what is important is that it is

the truth。】

【Granny New: Although it’s hard to believe, the Tiandao Inventory

System has certified it this way, so it must be true.。】

【Boya Hancock:……I still can’t accept it! This is absolutely impossible! !

! 】

Boya Hancock seemed to be a little excited at the moment. Hancock

began to be curious

when he noticed that the title “Empress” was mentioned in the barrage.


Who is this empress mentioned in the barrage?

Why do you seem to have so many similarities with yourself?

Could it be that there are people in this world who are so similar to me?

These questions have been lingering in Hancock’s mind before.

It made her very concerned.

But no matter how doubtful he was,

Hancock always believed that this empress could not be him!

She knows herself too well!

Due to those painful memories in the past,

Hancock has no good impression of men at all.

It can even be said to be very disgusting!

Only because Rayleigh had saved their sisters’ lives,

Hancock’s attitude towards him was slightly different

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] .

But only a little bit.

As for other men……

Hancock gets annoyed when he sees it!

I don’t want to have any interaction or contact with men at all!

Such a self……

How could it be possible to fall in love with a man? !

Hancock always believed in his heart that this was impossible.


Now the Tiandao inventory system has actually included me in the list of

Straw Hat’s harem? ! ! !

This had a huge impact on Hancock.

I even have some doubts about life.

She didn’t want to believe it was true no matter what!

“What will happen in the future?”

“Why do I have an intersection with this straw hat boy?”

“And why did she become a member of his harem inexplicably? !”

“What’s going on……what’s going on? ! ! ! ”

With full of shock and doubts,

Hancock returned his attention to the Tiandao projection screen.

Waiting for the next video played by the Tiandao projection system to

answer her questions.

In the projection screen,

Hancock’s beautiful and charming The figure gradually disappeared.


the video officially started to play –

different from before.

This time the video did not introduce Hancock’s background. As soon as

the picture began,

the���In a misty bathhouse.

Hancock, who had taken off all his clothes, was walking into the pool

step by step.

Her body was obscured by the mist.

So that no one can pry into any secrets at all.

Only a vague and attractive outline is left,

looming in the hazy mist.

The barrage passed by –

hiss! Opening lightning strike! ! !

The first thing we do is the empress taking a bath. Is it so exciting? ! !

This damn fog is such a hindrance. I can’t see a single bit of the beautiful


Is there anything that I, as a valued member, cannot watch? Bad review!

Hehe~ The bath water in this pool is so dazzling to me! !

Damn it! Brothers, stop the guy upstairs quickly. Each person has a

spoonful of bath water. No one should drink too much! (To read exciting

novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Hiss! Why did this video appear in the bathhouse as

soon as it was released? ! Does this section have anything to do with that

kid Luffy? ! ! !】

【John: Could it be that this is simply a benefit given to everyone by the

Tiandao Inventory System? !】

【Silver Ax: The bonus of getting a hammer! Everything that can be seen

is blocked by those damn fogs, and you can’t see anything clearly at


【Wang Zhi: It’s just a blurry black shadow. What kind of welfare is this?

If you have the ability, remove all the fog for me!】

【Shiji: That’s right, it’s so damn lonely to watch! Zinima, refund your

money! ! !】

【Boya Hancock: Haha, men are indeed a bunch of vulgar, obscene and

disrespectful people! 】

Video continues –

Hancock is enjoying a quiet and relaxing bath time.


“boom! ”

With a loud bang above the head,

a figure directly smashed through the ceiling of the bathhouse.

Then with a “dong” sound, it fell into the pool behind Hancock.。

“Oops! It’s water!”

“wrong! It’s hot water!”

“So hot, so hot!”

“It’s over, I’m going to drown! ”

The fallen figure was fluttering desperately in the pool.

There were shouts from the mouth.

After a while,

the figure finally realized that something was wrong.

It stood up directly from the shallow pool.

The expression on his face is that of surviving a disaster.

And look at that face full of wisdom……

Surprisingly, it is Luffy!

【Boya Hancock:? ? ?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ?】

【Monkey D. Cap:? ? ?】

【Rocks D. Jibek: Damn it! What’s going on with this straw hat boy? !

Did it fall directly into someone’s bathroom? ! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hiss! Then wouldn’t Boya Hancock be seen by him all at

once? ! ! !】

【Edward Newgate: Goo-la-la-la~ This guy is really lucky.~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Luffy! What’s the matter with your boy? ! Why did he

appear in the bathroom of that pirate empress? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! My grandson is really fierce. Is he so

impatient? He just broke in while my granddaughter-in-law was still

taking a shower!】

【Monkey D Dragon: It seems that Luffy has really grown up…….】

【Nami: Luffy! It’s very rude to break into a girl’s bathroom!】

【Nefertari D. Vivi: Luffy, are you a little too anxious?】

【Nico Robin: Ah~ I didn’t expect Luffy to do such a thing.~】

【Boya Hancock: Is this the future? ! Why did Straw Hat appear on Nine

Snake Island? And fell into my concubine’s bathroom? ! It seems that the

Straw Hat Boy is no different from other men, just as vulgar and


【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? It’s so strange, why can’t I understand what

you are saying more and more? I just accidentally fell into that guy’s

bathroom. What’s all the fuss about?……】

Video continues to play——

“Is this a bathhouse? ”

Luffy stood up from the pool and looked around curiously.

Then he met a pair of beautiful cold eyes.

Luffy looked at the seductive figure in front of him.

He said very seriously:

“The one on your back……I seem to have seen it somewhere……”

Hear the words.

Hancock immediately retracted his body into the water in a panic.

Raise your arms to cover key areas。

“Was it seen? ! Hancock

secretly thought in his heart.

At the same time, there was a hint of cold murderous intent in his

beautiful eyes looking at Luffy!

The next moment,

the bathroom door was opened with a bang from the outside.

Hancock’s two sisters were holding weapons and looked panicked. rushed


“Sister, what happened? ! ”

The two people asked hurriedly.

Then they saw Luffy standing opposite Hancock.

The two people were suddenly shocked!

“Is it a man? !”

“Why did the man appear here? ! ”

Sanda Sonia and Marigold looked extremely serious.

Hancock also stood up at this time. He

slowly retreated from the pool to his two sisters.

Marigold immediately put on their clothes I bought a bathrobe.

Hancock said coldly:

“back……Was seen by him. ”

As soon as these words came out,

Sandasonia and Marigold’s pupils suddenly shrank.

The murderous intent in their eyes when they looked at Luffy was even

more intense.。

“That thing on the back you just saw is something we would rather die

than be seen! Hancock

looked at Luffy coldly and said.

Luffy tilted his head, blinked his big innocent eyes and asked:

“ah? That one?”


“Who are you from? ”

Hancock ignored Luffy’s question.

His white and slender hands were placed in a heart shape in front of him,


he aimed at Luffy’s position.。

“Take what you see with you to your grave!”

“Infatuated with Ganfeng! ”

The words fell.

The next moment,

a pink heart flew out from Hancock’s hands.

It quickly attacked Luffy!

In Hancock’s eyes,

the man in front of him who saw the secret on his back

was about to… It will turn into a stone statue without life and


Any outsider who knows his secret……

You have to work hard! .

Chapter 070

【Shiki: Hiss! Boya Hancock actually fell in love with Ganfeng from the

very beginning? That Straw Hat boy is dead this time!】

【Locks D. Gibek: Huh? Shiji, why are you so sure?】

【Shiji: Jie hahahaha~Old captain, you died early, so you are not

familiar with the abilities of this Boya Hancock.。】

【John: It is said that Boya Hancock is a superhuman sweet fruit user.

Her obsession with sweet wind can turn anyone who has a crush on her

into stone.。】

【Wang Zhi: That guy from the Straw Hat just saw the whole scene of

Boya Hancock taking a bath. Even if he has a thick head, he must have

been moved, right?】

【Katrin Diemei: Not to mention men, even women will definitely be

moved when they see Boya Hancock’s beauty and the scene in the


【Moonlight Moriah: So facing Boya Hancock’s attack on Obsessive

Ganfeng, Straw Hat Boy will definitely fall for it, and I’m afraid he will

soon turn into an immobile, unconscious stone statue.~】

【Nami: No! If this is the case, then Luffy will be in danger!】

【Nefertari D. Vivi: She actually dealt such a deadly blow to Luffy right

from the start. Is that pirate empress really Luffy’s harem?】

【Nico Robin: It seems that not every harem’s first encounter with Luffy

is a peaceful one~]

Just when everyone thought that Luffy would be affected by Hancock’s

ability in the next second and turn into a cold… The time of the stone


Inside the projection screen——

Facing the pink hearts that are constantly coming towards me.

Luffy seemed to have thought of something.

His expression suddenly became a little panicked。

“Is it dull light? !”

“not good! The body is going to slow down! ”

He hurriedly put his hands in front of him.

At the same time, he shouted in a deliberately long and slow voice:

“Changed – late – pause -! ”

The next moment.

Pink love directly enveloped Luffy’s body and

passed through his body. “Seven Six Three”


Luffy was not affected in any way.

He did not turn into a human being as everyone expected. stone statue。

“Um? ”

The expected effect of being dulled did not appear.

Luffy put down his hands in front of him and

blinked his big innocent eyes in confusion.

Hancock, who was opposite him, was also stunned.

Why wasn’t the other party turned into stone by his obsession with Gan


Could it be that he was hiding from him?!

With such doubts,

Hancock launched his obsession with Gan Feng towards Luffy again.

This time,

she widened her eyes . The beautiful eyes were fixed on Luffy.

He was extremely sure that the opponent did not dodge his attack.

Fan Ganfeng had indeed hit the opponent!


nothing happened!

Luffy in front of him was still alive and kicking.

He even looked at him

She tilted her head towards the three Hancock sisters.

Doubts were written on her face.

Hancock was completely dumbfounded.

She said in disbelief:

“Why wasn’t it petrified? !”

“Didn’t this guy feel any emotion when he saw my concubine bathing? !


on the side echoed:

“How could such a ridiculous thing happen? !”

“Everyone, regardless of age or gender, should be fascinated by onee-

sama’s beauty! ”

Sanda Sonia looked at Luffy seriously and guessed:

“Maybe it’s because the fear of death overrides evil thoughts?”

“What a sad man……”

The picture freezes.

The barrage army floated by –

hahahaha! Luffy confused the three Hancock sisters this time!

The Empress was so insecure by Luffy~

If it had been anyone else, everyone, male, female, old and young, would

have turned into a stone, but unfortunately… he was Luffy!

Luffy: Will I be turned into stone if I just have a heartbeat? But… what

does heartbeat mean?

Luffy: The most beautiful woman in the world? What the hell? ! You

can’t eat it, so what’s so rare about it? (Dog Head)

In Luffy’s eyes, the temptation of the most beautiful woman in the world

is not even as great as the temptation of a piece of meat~

If it is a piece of meat that eats the sweet fruit, it might really turn Luffy

to stone, haha Ha ha! (Dog Head)

Luffy even thought that his obsession with Gan Feng was a dull light. He

was nervous there for a long time, but found that nothing happened~

Does this

mean that… for Luffy, Hancock’s threat may still be there? Not as big of

a threat as Foxy the Silver Fox?

Ha ha ha ha! Nothing wrong!


Look at the picture on the projection screen.

And the barrages kept drifting across the screen.

Everyone in the Tiandao chat group was also stunned.。

【Shiki: Damn it! What the hell is this? ! The Straw Hat boy is not

attracted to the most beautiful woman in the world at all? ! ! !】

【John: And the most beautiful woman in the world took off her clothes

in the shower!】

【Silver Ax: Made! I couldn’t even watch it even if I wanted to, but this

guy Straw Hat didn’t even have the slightest reaction after watching it?


【Wang Zhi: Abnormal! Absolutely not normal! Could it be that Straw

Hat Guy’s sexual orientation is bent? Otherwise this is completely


【Monkey D. Karp: Go, go, go! go away! Your sexual orientation is so

curved! My grandson’s sexual orientation is normal!】

【Monkey D Dragon: Luffy really exceeded my expectations once again.

This… concentration is so strong!】

【Portcas D Ace: Wouldn’t the world’s most beautiful woman not be

moved even if she took off her clothes and stood in front of her? Luffy, as

expected of you, hahahaha!】

【Sabo: Hahahaha! It seems that Luffy is still the same as when he was a

child in this regard, he hasn’t changed at all!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Is there anything attractive about a woman’s body?

It’s not edible, so why should I be interested? oO】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Who says you can’t eat it? Of course you can

eat it, and it’s extremely delicious!】

【Rocks D. Jiback: The Straw Hat boy must have said this because he has

never really tasted that kind of thing.。】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Nani? ! Really? I really want to try it if I have a

chance, but I don’t know what it tastes like? Is Sanji’s cooking


【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? ? ?】

【Roronoa Zoro:……】

【Nami: Haha! Luffy is indeed still the same, making people worry for


【Nefertari D. Vivi: Yes, considering Luffy’s character, this is indeed the

most reasonable thing. I was too anxious just now.……】

【Nico Robin: Ah~ It seems that the pirate queen’s ability is completely

ineffective against Luffy.~】

【Boya Hancock: How could this happen? In this world…there are

actually men who can resist the charm of this concubine? ! Straw Hat

Luffy does seem a bit different.……】


In the projection screen, the video continues –

the screen changes.

The scene came to the arena on Nine Snake Island.

Luffy’s body was tied up by two slender little snakes that looked like iron


Sitting in the center of the arena.

The auditorium around the arena was filled with citizens of Nine Snake


And at the very front of the arena.

There is a high platform.

Boya Hancock sat on the throne on the high platform.

Sandasonia and Marigorud stood on both sides behind him.

Hancock stared

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] at Luffy

below with cold eyes and said:

“Men, come from the real deal!”

“What is your purpose here?”

“How did you get in again? ”

Down below.

Luffy replied confidently:

“I do not know either!”

“Suddenly he was knocked into the sky……”

“I’ll be here when I wake up! ” Hancock obviously didn’t intend to


Luffy’s explanation.

“nonsense! Don’t try to get away with talking nonsense!”

“You must have bad intentions! ”

Luffy spoke again and explained:

“In terms of purpose, I just want a boat!”

“Of course it would be better if you could send me back!”

“I want to leave here quickly and rush to a place。”

“You’re the boss here, right?”

“Please, I want to go to sea! ”

Luffy requested very sincerely.

However, his words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the

citizens of Nine Snake Island in the audience.。

“That man actually dared to call Lord Snake Ji “you”? !”

“It’s so outspoken! Rude!”

“He must not be spared!”


Angry shouts continued to come from the audience.

Hancock looked at Luffy condescendingly and said coldly:

“It’s impossible to get out alive!”

“You cannot escape death penalty! ”

As he said that, Hancock was planning to formally sentence Luffy to


However, at this moment,

a crisp and anxious voice suddenly came from the audience.。

“Please wait a moment, Lord Snake!”

“I’m afraid… this person didn’t lie!���

“What he said is true and he will not harm our country! ”

Everyone followed the sound and

saw a pretty girl with short blond hair standing up from the audience.


begged Hancock with some fear.

It was Margaret, one of the protectors of Nine Snake Island. Special.

Facing Margaret’s plea,

Hancock asked indifferently: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu

Novel Network!)

“Nine Snake Island is a forbidden area for men. The moment he steps into

our country, it is already a capital offense.。”

“Why are you still protecting him? ”

Margaret jumped to the arena and

knelt beside Luffy.

She looked up at Hancock above and

replied with some trepidation:

“Because I can’t escape the blame……”

“The one who let him into this country… was me!”

【Margaret: Huh? ! ! ! how so? ! I was the one who let that man enter

Amazon Lily? ! ! !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Another beautiful lady! Damn it, how come Luffy is

able to attract so many beauties wherever he goes? ! ! !】

【Brooke: It seems that this lady named Margaret is also interested in

Luffy. She is really enviable. Luffy-san~】

【Kaido: This guy with Straw Hat actually flirted with other little girls in

Boya Hancock’s country? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ He’s flirting with other women in

front of his harem, this Straw Hat guy is really wanton!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ But judging from the video, this little

girl named Margaret was attracted to the Straw Hat Boy earlier than

Boya Hancock.~】

【Shanks: Haha, Boya Hancock is still full of hostility towards Luffy at

this time. I really want to know how Luffy finally conquered the most

beautiful woman in the world.~】

【Boya Hancock: Conquer Me? Haha, stop dreaming! As the majestic

king of Amazon Lily, I can never be conquered by anyone!】

【Xia Qi: Ho ho ~ Little Hancock, I tell you from experience, it’s

definitely better not to say this kind of thing, as it will easily get slapped

in the face.~】

【Silbazraeli: Haha! really! Xia Qi, you came here like this back then.~】

【Xia Qi: Lei Li, I advise you to shut up!】

【Silbarz Raeli:(,)】


On the projection screen, the video continues –

after Margaret has finished speaking…..

Two of her companions also came down to plead for mercy.

Listen to what they say.

Hancock suddenly stood up slowly from the throne.

Lian walked slowly towards the arena.


She came to Margaret.

One hand lifted the opponent’s chin。

“Look up, honest Margaret. ”

Hancock looked at Margaret in front of him and spoke softly.

Just such an action. Even

Margaret, who is also a woman, couldn’t help but feel a little shy and


The other two soldiers protecting the country on the side The same is



next moment!

Hancock directly launched his obsession with the three of them without


In an instant, all three Margaritas were turned into stone statues!

Luffy was shocked when he saw this。

“Hello! What happen to you guys? !”

“Why did they all turn to stone? ! ! ! ”

Hancock ignored Luffy and

turned around and walked back towards the throne on the high platform.

Luffy turned his head and asked loudly at him:

“Hello! etc!”

“What did you do to them? !”

“They are my lifesavers! Hancock

responded coldly without looking back:


“It’s because they saved you that they will be punished。”

“Bring Bakora up! ”

Her last words were to her men.

Soon someone brought a huge black panther named “Bakora” to the


“This is the country of the strong, Amazon Lily, only the strong are


“Just fight to the death with all your strength. ”

Hancock looked at the untied Luffy below and said again.

Luffy looked extremely small standing in front of the huge Bakora.

But he didn’t show the slightest fear. He

didn’t even look in front of him. This ferocious beast.

Instead, he still looked at Hancock and asked:

“Compared to this… can they still return to their original state? “2.3

Hancock did not answer.

On the contrary, everyone in the audience mocked and reprimanded


At the same time,

the huge black panther named Bakora also started to move. He bared his


and claws towards Luffy . Luffy rushed forward brazenly.

Hearing the shouts from the surrounding audience,

Luffy’s face was gloomy and terrifying.

He turned around suddenly and punched.

With one punch, Bakura was sent flying to the audience. Enter.

Then, he roared to everyone in the audience:

“You guys… are so abnormal!”

“My companions have been turned to stone by that woman, but you can

still laugh! ! ! ”

Hearing Luffy’s roar and questioning,

not only did everyone in the audience feel no guilt at all,

but they shouted towards Luffy even more excitedly and angrily:

“How dare you take responsibility for us? What a savage!”

“Men are indeed incredibly vicious creatures!”

“Although Margarita and the others are pitiful, Lady Snake is not wrong!”


Shouts continued to come from the audience.

Hancock, who was sitting on the throne, also said:

“That’s right, no matter what I do, I will be forgiven。”

“Because… I am so beautiful! ”

As she spoke, she flipped the hair beside her ear very charmingly.

Just such an action

once again caused waves of nymphomaniacal screams in the audience.

Then, Hancock looked towards Luffy below said confidently:

“You will forgive me too, right? ”


Luffy suddenly raised his head.

He stared at the world’s most beautiful woman with a pair of eyes, and

said in a tone full of anger:

“You stinky bitch is so infuriating! ”

As soon as these words came out,

Hancock felt like he was struck by lightning!

His whole body suddenly felt bad!!.

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