Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: 8



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Краткое содержание романа

Несчастный случай перенес студентку колледжа Е Тин в другой мир.

Нет ничего, кроме таланта к обучению и росту.

Нет никакой системы, нет дедушки, нужно просто полагаться на

талант, чтобы встать на путь Бога Дхармы.

Используйте волю, чтобы изменить правила, используйте мудрость,

чтобы анализировать мир, и единственный человек, который

сравнивает богов с телом смертного, — это маг.

Гарри Поттер, World of Warcraft, Marvel, Синъюэ, Каталог

запрещенных магических книг… Перед ним развернулись

бесчисленные самолеты.

Тайна пальмовой магии и красота цветов.

Все началось в мире Гарри Поттера.

- Описание от



The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 281:

"Do you really think that I will surrender to your defeated general?" Ye

Ting finally smiled, "Just now, my silver hope used the ability of blur to

pass under the floor, and then came behind you. Now, you have no


As soon as Ye Ting's voice fell, Voldemort showed a pained expression.

At that moment, he suddenly felt a pain that almost came from the

depths of his soul...

No, that is from the depths of his soul.

He almost couldn't stand firmly, and fell to the ground all of a sudden.


It was an indescribable extreme pain.

Even female births, or male egg breaks, can't reach this point.

Voldemort felt that every inch of skin on his body was hurting—

especially his brain, as if it was about to split...as if an important organ

had been cut off alive...

Nagini, died under the fist of Silver Hope.

His last Horcrux was destroyed just like that.

Item 0369

With the death of Nagini, the fragments of Voldemort's soul in Nagini's

body became nothingness.

Although this soul fragment was made into a Horcrux, it still had a

certain connection with Voldemort's soul.

In other words, the soul itself, as the foundation of a life, is a complete

whole. Although it can be cut by a special method, no matter how far the

space-time distance between the soul fragments is, there is a stable and

instant connection between each other.

This connection is somewhat similar to quantum entanglement in

quantum mechanics—even if two particles in a quantum entangled state

are separated by a few light years, the particles still remain related; when

one of them is manipulated and the state changes, the other will also

Corresponding status changes will occur immediately.

Perhaps the soul itself is made up of special particles, maybe a quantum

system in a state of quantum entanglement?

Currently Ye Ting is not trying to combine science and magic theories, so

this is just his guess.

However, in any case, the destruction of the Horcrux immediately

reacted to Voldemort himself.

This process caused great pain to Voldemort himself.

However, the pain in the body and even the soul was not the most feared

by Voldemort.

What really panicked him was the purpose behind Ye Ting's killing of


Although Nagini's combat effectiveness increased greatly after

Voldemort's transformation, it was only for ordinary wizards.

For wizards of Voldemort's own level, Nagini's combat power did not

pose much threat to them.

Even Dumbledore’s Phoenix Fox had all kinds of magical abilities—tears

healed wounds and resurrection abilities used to block swords—but

fighting power alone would not be enough to intervene in Dumbledore’s

own battles of the same level.

So why did Ye Ting deliberately divert his attention at the beginning of

the battle with Voldemort, just to kill Nagini when Voldemort was caught

off guard?

There are many possibilities. For example, Ye Ting is afraid of snakes. For

example, Ye Ting wants to humiliate Voldemort...

However, these possibilities are mostly unreliable.

The only possibility that Voldemort thinks is reasonable is the possibility

that he least wants to believe, and the least wants it to become a fact...

Ye Ting had discovered Voldemort's greatest secret.

That's the secret of Voldemort's immortality, the secret of Horcrux.

The fundamental reason why Voldemort is so arrogant now that he dared

to do things in the wizarding world while the greatest white wizard,

Dumbledore is still alive, is that he has always been confident.

The immortality brought by Horcrux allowed him to transcend this world

and look at reality on a higher level.

Anyway, every death is only a temporary failure, no matter what, he has

a chance to come back. In this way, what's wrong with a little death?

But now, he has a bad premonition in his heart: He has always been true

to rely on, he is the capital of death, but also the biggest weakness, and

may have been mastered by others.

However, even though the pain was terrible all over, and his heart was

flustered, Voldemort was still calm.

He looked panicked, slowly struggling to get up from the ground, and

asked Ye Ting weakly.

"What... what did you do to me? Why... I would... this way... weak..."

Seeing Voldemort's heart flustered, but having to pretend, Ye Ting

laughed with joy.

"Fortunately, you can pretend to ask me this question," Ye Ting said with

a smile, while strolling around Voldemort in the courtyard, "Looking at

how surprised you are, in fact, you are surprised by another one. Come

on... Why are you so weak now, don't you know it best in your heart?"

Looking at Voldemort's more and more panic, but still holding on, Ye

Ting's wicked and funny initiative broke the last trace of luck in his


"Let's put it this way, the resurrection you rely on, the taboo rituals you

held more than ten years ago, I...have already seen through."

Ye Ting's cold words, like a bolt from the blue sky, shook Voldemort.

He could hardly believe it was true.

If Ye Ting really sees through his secret, then...

Before Voldemort spoke, Ye Ting suddenly spoke.

"Your next sentence is, why would you...know this?"

"Why would you... know this? What?"

As soon as he blurted out his inner doubts, Voldemort was fooled by Ye


This situation of guessing what the other party wanted to say in advance

made Voldemort almost feel that Ye Ting is a more powerful master of

dementia than him.

Unknowingly, he broke through the Occlumency of his self-proclaimed

sorcerer, who had reached the pinnacle of mind, and gained insight into

his inner thoughts.

In an instant, Voldemort's fear of Ye Ting rose to several levels.

Ye Ting just smiled in response to this.

He wouldn't tell Voldemort, he just guessed what Voldemort was going to


After all, no matter how deep Voldemort's mind was, at the moment

when the greatest secret of his heart was revealed, he would be like

ordinary people, completely unable to control his emotions.

In this case, it is normal to blurt out what you want to ask.

Ye Ting only needs a reasonable guess.

This little trick, if Voldemort has time to recall everything about the

battle after this battle is over, think about it a little deeper, and with his

IQ, he will quickly understand it.

However, that would also require him to have a chance to live until the

end of the battle.

But now, Voldemort, who was thinking that his secret had been seen

through, was completely shocked, he was completely unknowingly led by

Ye Ting's nose.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 282:

On Ye Ting's side, he was still slowly turning around Voldemort, while

avoiding the "foreseeing and seeing through" just now, but slowly telling

Voldemort's greatest secret.

"Tom Riddle, you are just a poor creature with powerful power," Ye Ting

said mockingly as he walked, "Everyone thinks you are the Dark Lord and

fears your power, but in my opinion , You are just a madman living in

your own world, using a little immature theory learned from

Grindelwald, plus your magical talents to conquer the world. To you,

even thinking is not your own Yes, it's just a guy who relies on his

immortality ability to act recklessly. It's just a joke."

"You Mudblood... How dare you say something like this..."

Voldemort followed Ye Ting's footsteps vigilantly while rotating in place,

keeping Ye Ting within his line of sight, while refuting Ye Ting's mockery


However, deep down in his heart, he had been counting on Ye Ting's

words to be able to say more, so that he would have more time to relieve

the pain that originated from the soul.

The severe pain from the destruction of the Horcrux had indeed greatly

reduced his combat effectiveness. If Ye Ting shot directly, then he would

have to escape, and the current situation would have to be destroyed.

Ye Ting was just ridiculing. In Voldemort's view, it was because he did

not understand the Horcrux like himself, so he did not see his own

current state. Perhaps the other party is still wondering whether his own

painful appearance is right. It's just an appearance.

Therefore, Voldemort wanted to seize this opportunity that Ye Ting

hadn't understood, and restore his state.

Chapter 0370 Psychological Analysis of Tom Riddle

Voldemort was hurrying to recover his state, but Ye Ting pretended to be

ignorant of this. He suspected that Voldemort was deliberately weak, and

he was cautious not to start. He just walked around Voldemort slowly

and confronted him. Attempt to use words to hit Voldemort's heart.

"Did you know? Tom," Ye Ting talked freely as he walked. "Among the

Muggles you look down on most, some scholars have established a

discipline called Psychology, which specializes in the study of the inner

world of people, although Muggles cannot use magic. , Can’t influence,

tempt, and control the hearts of others. However, through the study of

psychology, Muggles have researched many secrets that even masters of

spiritual magic do not understand."

"Really?" Voldemort wiped the cold sweat from the sharp pain on his

forehead, grinning sneer, "What secret can Muggles have..."

"Actually, you underestimate Muggles..." Ye Ting shook his head with a

pity on his face, "According to Muggle theory, what you did in your life,

the reason why you became the Dark Lord, everything is in your

childhood. The age is already doomed."

"I didn't expect that Muggles still have research on fate." Voldemort

continued to sneer.

However, Ye Ting didn't answer his words, and just continued to talk


"According to Karen Horney's theory, in addition to the visible anxiety

about the visible crisis, there is also a basic anxiety about the potential

crisis. This kind of anxiety is common to everyone, whether it is a Muggle

or a wizard. The consequences of the basic anxiety are. It is a personality

neurosis, and this symptom often starts in a person’s childhood...By the

way, when you were born, Ms. Karen Horney was just as famous. If she

knew you, you would definitely become her researcher. Typical Case."

However, Voldemort only responded with a sneer. He always looked

down on Muggles and dismissed Muggle's so-called achievements. Had it

not been him who was at a disadvantage, he would have interrupted Ye

Ting's nonsense.

However, Ye Ting didn't care about this, and continued on.

"Ms. Horney believes that children’s basic needs are safety and

satisfaction, but you can’t get everything from your parents in your

childhood—your father doesn’t care about you, and your mother can’t

ask for her. Love and seek death-from this, your basic anxiety has arisen.

In addition, now that you are so strong, you must have shown a powerful

mana in your childhood... I remember that we both came from the same

orphanage. Well, believe me and you have a similar experience-obviously

I am very powerful, but I have to suppress my abilities..."

Although he still expressed disdain for Ye Ting's words, Voldemort

suddenly discovered that Ye Ting knew a lot about his past.

It seems that his opponent is indeed investigating him secretly, and the

depth of the investigation is greater than he imagined. Then, about the


Ye Ting continued to speak.

"According to Ms. Horney’s theory, people often respond to anxiety in

three ways: rely more on others and follow others for comfort; take a

hostile and aggressive attitude towards others to establish a sense of

superiority and fight anxiety; stay away from others and escape from

anxiety. Source. For the young you, the world is full of indifference and

hostility. As you have magical talents, you choose the second method,

because your talents can become a source of confidence for you to

establish a sense of superiority. From then on, you start to try Use control

of others, gain power and obedience to seek a sense of security."

"Nonsense! Nonsense! All nonsense!" Voldemort yelled furiously, even the

pain in his body could not contain this anger.

Ye Ting’s words made him furious not so much as they made him at a

loss, because although he didn’t want to believe it, there was a voice

deep in his heart reminding him that Ye Ting’s words were true, and he

was indeed. That kind of people.

Seeing Voldemort who was so angry, Ye Ting understood that he had

indeed pierced the opponent's sore spot, so he ignored Voldemort's

incompetent rage and went on more in-depth.

"According to this theory, neurotic patients tend to create an ideal self for

self-satisfaction, and this ideal self is often divorced from reality. After

entering Hogwarts, you find that your talent is not unique, but there are

still many Other wizards have the power of magic. Although your talents

are good, they are not enough to be the capital of your inner pride. So

you start to pursue your blood line, and you hope to be able to confirm

that you are different. But you are wrong, you His father is not a

powerful wizard, but an ordinary Muggle, and also abandoned your

extraordinary mother. This is the reason why you hate Muggles, right?

Because of this, you ignore the real I started pursuing the path of pure


"No! You are nonsense! It is speculation! I pursue pure blood because

pure blood is the future of the wizarding world! Muggles are just a threat

from wizards!" Voldemort's low growl was mixed with anger, but it

revealed a few things. Distraction guilty——Because he told himself from

the heart that Ye Ting was right, he was right.

"Pure blood is the future of wizards, and Muggles are the threat of

wizards?" Ye Ting smiled slightly. "This theory does not come from

yourself, but Gellert Grindelwald, right? I have to say, he is indeed. A

sufficiently good wizard, as a politician and leader, few people can

surpass him. His thinking does have a certain truth, but unfortunately...

his course of action is still a bit too radical. However, compared to you,

he It’s too good, isn’t it?"

"Excellent?" Voldemort immediately retorted, "That old guy is not locked

in Newmontgard now, and is now very old, but I am still alive, and will

get countless times longer than him?"

"Really? I think that you, the second-generation Dark Lord, will die in

front of him." Ye Ting retorted, "When you doubted your blood, you saw

Grindelwald, and you saw you from him. What you want, right? You

borrowed his theory and even went further, hoping to build a pure-

blooded world, so that you can prove your greatness and extraordinary

background, right? For this, you even borrowed His name...what you did

was just for self-satisfaction!"

"No! You are wrong! Everything I do is for the magical world... the


Voldemort retorted with a low growl in vain, but his rebuttal words were

so weak.

His past, his whole life, have been seen through by the boy in front of


He wanted to cite an example, or mention his past, to prove that the

boy's words were a lie, but his heart told him that the boy could say it

all! Complete! just! Indeed!

It was at Hogwarts that he heard about the rumors of Grindelwald and

learned everything about Grindelwald that crossed Europe at the time. At

that time, he believed that that was what he wanted, the power of

Grindelwald, The fear of Grindelwald’s countless subordinates and

wizards around the world about Grindelwald—everything fascinated him

like that...

And the boy in front of him, based on some past information, analyzed

his life vividly, more thoroughly than himself, as if... as if he had seen

through his thoughts.

——Yes, this is not Muggle's "psychology"... or "psychology"? In short,

this can't be analyzed by his Muggle theory, but by his mentality! He

used the same powerful dementia technique just now, just to hit his own


——But it’s okay. Now my state has recovered a bit. As long as I exert my

real strength, no matter what fancy magic he has, any small tricks or

dementia, it will be useless.

Thinking of this, Voldemort stood up slowly.

Item 0371

"Have you said enough?"

Voldemort, who had always been able to only verbally refute Ye Ting's

language attack due to his state, finally broke out.

With a wave of Voldemort's wand, a red light shot at Ye Ting, which

made him have to focus on the battle and resist.

"I have tolerated you for a long time!" Voldemort said solemnly, but his

hoarse voice couldn't contain his pleasure.

I am the only one who has always been irritable. Just like Ye Ting's

analysis, he has been flawed in his heart since he was a child. It's not

really like the first generation of Dark Lord Grindelwald, possessing

powerful abilities, extraordinary wisdom, and firm beliefs.

Just like Ye Ting said, even Tom Riddle borrowed his beliefs and ideals

from others. Such a guy is actually quite fragile in his heart under that

seemingly cruel appearance, as long as he grasps the key. Click, a few

words can make his mind break down.

It's just that, apart from Ye Ting and Dumbledore, no one has enough

strength to save his life before letting his mind collapse.

However, Ye Ting has done this now.

At this moment, Voldemort, under Ye Ting's words, the so-called villain

BOSS's aura was completely lost, and now he was just a child who lost his

temper after being provoked.

He has completely lost his reason and completely abandoned all

calculations. What is in bad condition, what Horcrux may be seen

through, is out of his consideration.

Now, the only thing he wants to do is to kill the boy in front of him, kill

this guy who has revealed all the secrets hidden deep in his heart, all the

weakness and confusion are naked and bloody.

"I have to admit that you do have two things," Voldemort attacked Ye

Ting, and said loudly: "You did seize my weakness and hit me badly. I

was in the weakest state just now. It's a pity, too cautious. But you did

not seize the chance to defeat me—you are nothing more than that. Now,

I am no longer weak, so your death date is approaching!"

"Cautious? Didn't seize the opportunity? Don't be kidding me!" Ye Ting

was still the same as he was in the original calm response. He tossed

around Voldemort's offensive with ease, and retorted with his thoughts:

"It's seldom that you lose your opponents by thinking about it. Now, how

can you see through my plan? It turns out that you haven't discovered it


"Find... what?" Voldemort, who was indulged in anger and lost his mind,

felt bad instinctively after hearing Ye Ting say this.

However, now he really doesn't have the mind to observe the

surroundings carefully.

What he did was like a mad dog, continuing to attack the people in front

of him unscrupulously.

"Hey..." Looking at the Black Demon who had already fallen short of the

standard before him, Ye Ting shook his head helplessly, "It seems that I

have to reveal all this personally-can't you see that there is something

wrong with the surrounding fighting? ?"

"No... that's right!?" Ye Ting's words made Voldemort look around


The current Voldemort was almost equivalent to being robbed of his

mind, he was being led by the nose by Ye Ting.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 283:

However, despite this, he, who had a high IQ himself, immediately

noticed something wrong around him after being reminded.

Since Ye Ting and Voldemort were far more powerful than everyone

present, both the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters, after they

started fighting, consciously bypassed them and made a large area for

them in the center of the battlefield. Prevent damage to pond fish.

If someone is killed by the aftermath of their battle, that would be too


Therefore, the two of them and the rest of the wizards are equivalent to

two separate battlefields.

As long as one battlefield decides the outcome, then it can have the

power to influence another battlefield.

Therefore, in this battle between **** and **** and king and king, if

either side can quickly produce victory or defeat, then the victory or

defeat of the entire battle will be determined accordingly.

In Voldemort's opinion, although he was better than Ye Ting-he had

always been so arrogant-but due to the endless methods of the opponent,

he was not sure of the victory or defeat in a short time. It was like the

magic that Ye Ting used that night to move people a certain distance.

Although he had prepared a defensive method in advance for this, he still

did not find a way to counteract it—after all, he didn't even figure out

the principle.

However, in terms of soldiers, Voldemort believed that they had the

upper hand.

The main reason was the existence of the dementors. Although Ye Ting’s

sudden explosion destroyed half of the dementors, fortunately, Silver

Hope’s attack range was insufficient, so half of the dementors survived.

The number is really too much, even if half of it is dead, the remaining

half is enough to be put on the entire battlefield. No matter how strong

the silver hope is, it will not help.

And with the power of the dementor, plus the cooperation of the Death

Eaters and the other dark creatures that he had transported here at any

cost, it was indeed no problem to overwhelm the Ministry of Magic.

He felt that after his resurrection, he frequently lost in the game with the

Ministry of Magic and Ye Ting, but this time, it was his strategic


After all, the Ministry of Magic can use so much power and support so

many people in a short period of time. They also strengthened the entire

Azkaban in advance, allowing them to directly break through the floor by

destroying the beams of Azkaban, and cast the imprisoned Death Eaters

to go bankrupt. In Voldemort's view, all of this is the Ministry of Magic.

There is a clear proof of preparation.

However, he was able to seize the opportunity and put all his power into

Azkaban regardless of the cost. This situation has now formed, which is

exactly his strategic victory.

As long as he can hold Ye Ting, the final victory will be his. Instead, the

Ministry of Magic will be the one who was wiped out.

This time, he won the bet.

Voldemort originally thought so.

However, Ye Ting still brought him a lot of accidents.

In reality, Nagini's sudden death made him instantly weak and almost

had to flee, causing a good game to be lost.

Fortunately, Ye Ting did not seize the opportunity to beat down the dog.

However, everything Ye Ting said next revealed all the misfortunes he

didn't want to face and made him lose his mind.

Now, he doesn't care about any plans or delays. He just wants to kill Ye

Ting, even if this is likely to expose flaws and be reversed, it is not in his


As a result, Ye Ting now gave him a third accident.

Now, under Ye Ting's reminder, he started to pay a little attention to the

surroundings, only to find that the situation on the surrounding

battlefield was very strange.

Not as he expected, the Death Eaters crushed the Ministry of Magic.

But it wasn't a scene where the Ministry of Magic took out some trump

cards to kill the Death Eaters.

It's not even a situation where both sides are evenly matched, and both

lose out.

He was surprised to find that there were no casualties on both sides of

the battle.

And this has been ignored by him before.

Only now did he realize that the situation is so abnormal, and the

weirdness is even more than that!

Item 0372

When Voldemort noticed the weirdness of the surroundings, he became


And the real situation around him made his heart full of fear and rage as

if he had been splashed with a bucket of cold water.

Although in his sight, the battle between the Ministry of Magic and the

Death Eaters was still so fierce that Voldemort subconsciously ignored

the specific details, but once he came back to his senses and concentrated

on observing carefully, Only then did I discover that this so-called "fierce"

battle was just an appearance.

In fact, after this appearance, there is a weird loop-just like a video that

is played repeatedly in a loop. All the battle scenes in his eyes, everyone's

movements are just a routine that is constantly being repeated.

It's just that the connection between the beginning and the end of this

routine is so smooth that he didn't find anything abrupt.

Therefore, after being attracted by Ye Ting's remarks, even a sinister and

cunning black wizard leader like him was deceived for a while.

Of course, there is also the reason why Ye Ting's remarks are sharp

enough. The words that pierced Voldemort's inner secrets and the

unbearable dark history did have a considerable effect on Voldemort.

While pulling a wave of hatred, it also succeeded in making Voldemort

lose his vigilance about everything around him.

He didn't realize the clue until Ye Ting took the initiative to remind him.


Finally, there was a gloomy voice from Voldemort.

"When did you... When did you arrange such an illusion..." Voldemort

resisted the shock and issued his own question, "I didn't realize how you

did it... This is not a magic that can be easily used. Bar."

"Of course." Ye Ting smiled lightly, "If I can casually use illusions that can

fool a wizard of your level, I won't be playing games with you until now.


"Play... a game?"

Hearing this, Voldemort felt bitter for the first time.

He suddenly realized that even though he prided himself on the Dark

Lord, in the confrontation with Ye Ting, he hadn't taken any actual

advantage until now.

Even on the contrary, every step of his own seems to be counted by the

other party to death, and even the "advantage" he thinks now is also in

the other party's plan.

If not, this deceived him and prevented him from paying attention to the

illusion of another battlefield for a period of time, and there is no need

for it. Of course, it does not rule out that the opponent may just bluff and

blow his self-confidence, but this possibility Basically zero, because as Ye

Ting himself said, this level of illusion can not be simply used at a glance,

but even Voldemort himself did not find any clues to the appearance of

illusion, just like that. Concealed it.

In other words, the casting process of the illusion is almost zero.

Then, if the illusion does not have a complicated casting process, it must

be prepared in advance.

Although due to the lack of magic storage technology, in the magic

system of the Harry Potter world, there are few magic items that are pre-

prepared and stored like magic scrolls, but it is not completely impossible

to prepare magic in advance.

So, how did Ye Ting do it?

As if seeing Voldemort's question, Ye Ting added a word quietly.

"You think, why should I keep going around you?"

This is what happened after Voldemort's backlash due to the destruction

of the Horcrux caused by Nagini's death.

At that time, Voldemort fell into an unprecedented weakness because of

the destruction of his soul fragments.

However, the young man on the other side seemed to be cautious

because he didn't understand the characteristics of Horcruxes, or because

he suspected that Voldemort was showing weakness and laying a trap.


In fact, such behavior was originally a normal strategy in heads-up.

When the two sides confront each other, the dominant player will

continue to move, supplemented by verbal speech, on the one hand to

give psychological pressure to the inferior, and on the other, to try to

divert the attention of the inferior, so as to find the weakness of the

inferior. One hit kill.

Therefore, Voldemort was not surprised by this behavior. At the time, he

was still laughing at the opposite side being too young. Although he had

strong strength at a young age, he had insufficient experience.

——If Ye Ting could seize the opportunity and attack decisively, then

even if he himself is strong, in this case he would have to abandon all the

subordinates present, and run away in a hurry. In this way, the Ministry

of Magic is the real one. The victor of, and he couldn't organize an army

of Death Eaters of the same size in Britain for decades.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 284:

This is of course his thoughts.

However, it now appears that this is not the case at all.

The opponent must have known the characteristics of the Horcrux at the

time, and knew that he was indeed weakened, instead of the so-called

"showing the enemy to be weak." Otherwise, it would be impossible for

the opponent to secretly set up a magic circle in this situation. A

prosperous top wizard doing this kind of thing under his nose, even if the

magic circle node has been prepared in advance, it is just meat buns and

dogs, because once discovered, Voldemort can easily destroy the magic

circle before the magic takes effect.

The other party seemed to use this opportunity to use the behavior of

"turning around" and "confrontation" to set up a magic circle that

produced illusions. With Voldemort’s magic level, although he can’t do it

himself, it can be inferred that as long as Ye Ting prepares in advance as

the props of the magic circle node, and then takes advantage of the

opportunity of Voldemort’s weakness in his soul, his sensitivity to

everything around him decreases. It is also possible to secretly arrange a

magic that produces illusion.

——What a terrible opponent, he set a trap without knowing it.

Voldemort thought.

"Your next sentence is, ‘but why are you doing this?’"

"But why are you doing this...what?"

Once again, Ye Ting accurately uttered his next sentence, and Voldemort

was shocked again.

However, what Ye Ting showed next was the truly shocking fact.

"You are wondering why I can end this dispute immediately, but I have to

do such a thankless thing."

Ye Ting said with a smile, but from the smile, Voldemort felt full of


Such malice made him shudder as the Dark Lord, the most evil black


Before he could express his approval, Ye Ting waved his hand casually.

"Okay, let you see, the real facts covered by illusion magic."

Following Ye Ting's gesture, the "video" that was automatically played in

a loop disappeared immediately.

Voldemort finally saw the real battlefield behind the illusion... and what

was really concealed by the illusion.

Item 0373

The illusion magic is like a mist that surrounds the two of them. When

the mist dissipates, the real world is revealed before Voldemort's eyes.

The real battle between the Death Eaters and the Ministry of Magic

suddenly came into view.

At this time, Voldemort discovered that under the cover of illusion, the

thing that worries him the most has happened.

On the battlefield, the Death Eaters had once again fallen into a

comprehensive disadvantage.

Originally, Voldemort thought that with the cooperation of various dark

creatures—especially in the presence of hundreds of dementors, the

Death Eaters could easily suppress their opponents.

However, the situation today is just the opposite.

The giant who was originally a heavily loaded "tank" that impacted the

formation of the Ministry of Magic and contained a large part of the

Ministry of Magic's combat power, now there are only a handful of them


The rest of the giants, like hills, have already fallen down unfortunately,

becoming natural bunkers on the battlefield.

They actually died like this.

The few remaining giants were also surrounded by the Ministry of Magic.

They were overwhelmed in the face of successive attacks, and it seemed

that they would not last long.

Only the leader of the giant, the strongest tall horse can still have some

advantages, vigorously waving the wooden stick to make the surrounding

wizards continue to flee in embarrassment.

However, once the remaining few giants are solved and the wizards can

concentrate their firepower, then those who are waiting for the high

horse will still be defeated.

However, with the giant's powerful magic resistance, it is impossible for

the wizards present to slaughter them all so quickly.

At this time, Voldemort found the key.

In addition to wizards, dozens of horsemen armed with spears and bows

and arrows participated in the siege of the giants.

The leader is Ye Ting's old friend, Margaret.

These horsemen are from the horse tribe in the Hogwarts Forbidden


At Ye Ting's invitation, they happily participated in the war against

Voldemort, not only because of Ye Ting's face, but also because of their

fear and dislike of Voldemort.

As a pureblood, Voldemort has the arrogance characteristic of wizards—

this arrogance can be seen through the statues of magic creatures

worshiping wizards in the hall of the Ministry of Magic—but this

arrogance of Voldemort is far better than ordinary wizards, so, If

Voldemort ruled the magical world, it would definitely be a disaster for

magical creatures like horsemen.

Not to mention how Voldemort indulged dark creatures, the magic

creatures that disgusted them the most.

In order to paralyze Voldemort, the horsemen did not appear on the

battlefield for the first time, but they became the support of the wizards.

They played a very important role in the battle against the giants.

Although giants have thick skin and thick flesh, their physical defenses

are not as strong as fire dragons compared to magic resistance. Therefore,

compared to wizards' magic, horsemen's arrows and spears can hurt them


Of course, although the horses are agile enough, even if they want to

hunt a giant, they have to pay a painful price. So the existence of wizards

made up for the shortcomings of the horses. The two sides cooperated

sincerely and successfully killed. A giant that looks invincible.

Without the giant's frontal restraint, the werewolves who had been

attacking the flanks as "hussars" could no longer play their role.

The wizards who had liberated their manpower re-established their

firepower advantage over the werewolves. Under a magical salvo, even

the werewolves who were agile enough and had a certain degree of

magic resistance, as if they were cavalry attacking the array of spears,

were knocked down one after another.

In addition, the horseman also played a huge role in the fight against the


The method that the werewolves deal with ordinary wizards is to use

speed and magic resistance to approach the wizard, and then use their

strong bodies far surpassing the wizard to subdue their opponents.

However, the werewolves are indeed strong, but the horsemen surpass

them in this respect.

As a result, with the horsemen blocking the front, the werewolves

immediately lost their original advantage-if they were singled out in the

wild, they would still be able to deal with each other by virtue of their

agility and the horsemen. The outcome is unknown, but in the On the

battlefield, this kind of dealing is completely an opportunity for the

wizards hiding behind the horsemen to attack.

Today, the werewolves have suffered heavy losses and can no longer

organize a formation to harass the Ministry of Magic.

And the scene of falling to the ground on the most side was still in the


In the sky, because the nemesis Ye Ting was dragged by Voldemort, the

dementors who had begun to wreak havoc, now fled in panic.

This was not because of a patron saint curse. Rather, the Ministry of

Magic did not organize wizards to use the patron saint curse to disperse

the dementors—they could not provide so many hands.

All this is because of the guy who shines in the battlefield.

It was a silver-white foal, but compared to a normal foal, she had a long

single horn on her forehead.

She is the unicorn that signed the contract with Ye Ting, La Rui.

At this moment, La Rui was running around in the battlefield, her single

horn exuding a strange silver-white brilliance.

Unicorns are the incarnation of the beautiful side of nature. They are

pure and happy creatures. At this moment, this is derived from the silver

white brilliance of the unicorn. It continuously shares the happiness and

beauty of the unicorn's heart with everyone. .

Facing this radiance full of positive and beautiful emotions, the

dementors seem to have encountered a natural nemesis. When

illuminated by this radiance, the dementors will be like ice and snow

illuminated by the sun, quickly weakened. ,disappear.

Although unicorns are indeed a creature full of positive emotions, they

have never been the nemesis of dementors. These positive emotions can

only ensure that they are not afraid of dementors.

Ye Ting was the first to be able to truly excite this power and apply it.

So, as La Rui was happily playing in the battlefield, the dementors were

driven away and fled.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 285:

And around La Rui, Hermione, Penello, Fleur and Luna protected her,

while Zhang Qiu flew above her on a broomstick.

Yes, the most unexpected thing for Voldemort was the performance of the

girls. They have now defeated their opponents-although the reason is

unknown, but the result is exactly the same: the girls have now joined

the battle of others, and Voldemort's elites: Barty Crouch Jr., Peter

Pettigrew , Fenrir Greyback and Caro brothers and sisters can only hide

behind the defeated Death Eaters and lick their wounds.

However, it is not these that make Voldemort the most angry and

desperate, but another magic that is really covered by illusion magic.

He realized that this was the true meaning of Ye Ting's illusion magic.

Item 0374

Although the Death Eaters had already fallen short, after the illusion

magic was lifted, Voldemort was not the most concerned about this.

Compared to what he really cared about and feared, the magic that was

completely hidden by Ye Ting's illusionary magic, for Voldemort,

whether it was the total suppression of the dementors, the heavy

casualties of the dark creatures, or the number of his men. It's not a big

deal for a girl to defeat such a thing.

"What...what did you do to the space?"

When this question was raised, Voldemort's tone was full of anger, but

there was a hint of panic in his anger.

He hadn't experienced this kind of emotion for a long time. Even if he

was killed by his own killing curse, Voldemort didn't show any fear, and

some were just unbelievable.

Because of the existence of Horcrux, Voldemort has the confidence that

he will not die.

And all human fears, in the final analysis, stem from the fear of death.

Voldemort, who can't die, seems to have endless time and endless

opportunities. To him, everything in the world is like a game. He has

countless opportunities to try, and temporary failure is not under his


For a "player" of a computer game, how can everything in the game bring

him real fear?

However, all this has changed today.

Facing the boy in front of him, Voldemort didn't know how many times

he was shocked, nor did he know when such fears came about.

He subverted all the assumptions in Voldemort's heart.

This is not only because of the opponent's preemptive opportunities-even

though such preemptive opportunities have repeatedly dismantled

Voldemort's conspiracies and plans-but because of the opponent's

complete understanding of him.

His opponent not only understands his true past, but also uses his past to

reveal the **** and naked side of his heart that is unknown and

unwilling to be known, and analyzes it thoroughly, and seems to know

him very well. The biggest secret is that he relies on immortality, relies

on contempt for death, and relies on the secret of the game-Horcrux.

Nagini's death is a corroboration, and now he is aware of another fact

that was originally concealed by illusion magic.

This fact is that the space of the entire battlefield now seems to be

blocked by a kind of magic.

The other party worked hard, preferring to miss his rare and weak

opportunity, but also to block the space, and even spent energy to hide

the space blockade, just for fear that he would immediately run away

when the situation is not good.

In this way, his opponent really knows him quite well.

Indeed, for a guy like Voldemort who can continue to resurrect, a

momentary victory is meaningless. Unless he can be solved once and for

all, any outbreak and any temporary advantage will be just like passing


In the face of time, all fame and fortune, love, hatred, and hatred are

nothing more than dust. Therefore, in order to defeat Voldemort, who

has the advantage of time, Ye Ting has indeed prepared a lot.

"Ah, it's an honor to introduce my own magic to you." Looking at

Voldemort, who was in despair before him, Ye Ting leaned slightly and

bowed to him.

At this moment, the battle between the wizards of the Ministry of Magic

and the Death Eaters had stopped unknowingly, and all the wizards

gathered behind the leaders of both sides.

Naturally, the morale of the Ministry of Magic is high. Although facing

the first impact of the Death Eaters dark creatures, they briefly fell into a

bitter battle and suffered a lot of casualties, but when the reinforcements

from the Forbidden Forest: Ma The human tribe and the unicorn La Rui

came to support, and Ye Ting’s girls' outstanding performance:

unexpectedly at the same age as Ye Ting himself, they in turn defeated

Voldemort’s veteran black wizard.

The Ministry of Magic immediately turned its offensive, and the Death

Eaters suffered heavy losses.

Now, after the fog that enveloped the BOSS battle scene has cleared, they

are pleasantly surprised to find that their side is not only in the battle

against soldiers, but also in the battle against generals. The battle

between the king and the king seems to have an advantage.

However, everyone knows that the key to defeating the Death Eaters is to

defeat the Dark Lord himself. If the Dark Lord himself is not defeated, or

even wins in the king-to-king duel, then even the Death Eaters will be

completely defeated. If defeated, the Dark Lord may also reverse the

situation on his own.

Yes, in a world like Harry Potter, the power of the strong is so


Therefore, when the Death Eaters gathered behind Voldemort

spontaneously, they also began to stand in their hopes-around Ye Ting,

and handed over the battle to him.

The Death Eaters and the dark creatures are just the opposite. They, who

are now in a precarious situation, immediately took Voldemort as their

backbone after he appeared.

Although Voldemort seemed to be in poor condition at the moment, they

had nothing to count on except Voldemort.

Compared to them who were almost wiped out, their boss Voldemort was

the most likely to come back...or the one who led them to retreat.

It’s not that no one wants to escape. In fact, after being defeated by

Penello, Peter Pettigrew, a famous double-faced sect, tried to secretly use

the door key to leave the battlefield. However, he failed. The door key

was strangely strange. Lost the effect, unable to teleport him out of here,

as if the space door he left was sealed.

Some other Death Eaters want to leave in various ways, including but not

limited to Apparition, summoning house elves to use Apparition, etc...

But none of the methods work, Apparition can't be used, instead let try

Apparition The wizard almost squeezed to death in the space channel,

and the house elves could not come to Azkaban through Apparition: You

know, even the anti-apparition magic of Hogwarts and the Ministry of

Magic cannot prevent the fairies and house elves. The apparitions of the

elves, after all, are different from the wizards in the way they cast spells.

In desperation, the Death Eaters pinned their hopes on Voldemort, it was

only natural.

As the two sides gradually re-entered the confrontation mode, the

dialogue between Ye Ting and Voldemort became the only voice on the


However, Ye Ting didn't care about the changes around him. He

continued to stand from the perspective of the winner, introducing his

magic to Voldemort-or his desperate heart, putting on the last straw that

crushed the camel.

"As we all know, in order to prevent wizards from coming and going

freely in and out of certain forbidden places, our ancestors invented the

anti-phantom manifestation magic, which interferes with the generation

of the space channel by creating a space channel for the apparition

magic, thereby making the apparition manifest. The magic fails."

Regarding what Ye Ting told about the principles of phantom

manifestation and anti-phantom manifestation magic, most of the wizards

present did not know much about it. However, this did not include

Voldemort, the same profound wizard. When Ye Ting explained, He

showed an expression of impatientness.

Chapter 0375 Dimensional Anchor and Destroyed Horcrux

Ye Ting continued to explain faintly: "However, is there any kind of

magic that can prevent the use of any space-shifting magic? I combined

the anti-phantom shifting magic and Muggle's gravitational wave theory

to create a new kind of magic. After the use of this kind of magic, a space

entity can be produced. The existence of this entity will continuously and

strongly interfere with the surrounding space. This interference will make

the space quite stable. Any attempt to open the space door will move the

entity around The behavior of connecting the space with other spaces

can't happen, it's like laying a heavy anchor for the space ship."

"I call this magic—a dimensional anchor."

In fact, magic such as dimensional anchors—or, such techniques, may

have slightly different principles or methods of production, but they exist

in many planes, whether it is science fiction or magic planes.

In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, the Dimensional Anchor is a kind

of four-ring magic and the nemesis of teleporting spells.

In sci-fi worlds such as Stellaris, the dimensional anchor technology is

used for cross-dimensional movement. Through the dimensional anchor,

demons from different dimensions can anchor the plane of the "fourth

natural disaster" to open a stable portal.

And Ye Ting's Dimensional Anchor Magic, if used in another way, after

slightly modifying the interference fluctuations of the space entity, it can

also have the same effect.

In World of Warcraft, the magical world of existence and magic

technology, there is also the existence of a dimensional anchor. This

dimensional anchor comes from the Burning Legion that invaded

Azeroth. It also has an anchoring space to facilitate the establishment of a


From preventing the establishment of portals to assisting the

establishment of portals, the magic of dimensional anchors is very

practical. Invented independently.

In order to defeat Voldemort once and for all, Ye Ting himself invented

this magic smoothly and independently.

Of course, with the magic system of the Harry Potter world, the difficulty

of establishing a dimensional anchor is much higher than in the world of

dragons and dungeons-if the dimensional anchor here is just a four-ring

magic, Ye Ting didn't have to spend so much effort, first secretly used

illusion magic to blind Voldemort's perception unknowingly: Isn't all this

just because he was afraid that Voldemort would run away first when Ye

Ting set the dimensional anchor?

However, the fact now is that he succeeded.

In the antagonistic intrigue, Voldemort was successfully deceived by Ye

Ting to Azkaban, and stayed after Ye Ting completed the dimensional


Although the original Voldemort was still the doomed loser in this war,

with his magic and the Horcrux rituals he completed, even if all his men

were lighted up and all the Horcruxes were destroyed, he could fail

again. Finally escaped Yaoyao-at least let the soul escape.

But now, he has no chance.

When the space is blocked, Voldemort’s only effective escape method has

been lost, and the rest of the escape method through non-space magic,

such as turning into black smoke or flying... In other cases there may be a

chance, but In the Azkaban who was lonely overseas, such a method was

simply looking for death when facing Ye Ting.

In the empty sea, there is no room for Voldemort to maneuver. It is a

pipe dream to get rid of Ye Ting who can transform into a dragon before

crossing the vast sea.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 286:

"So, Voldemort, you can't escape!"

Finally, Ye Ting made a final summary.

Shock and cheers sounded at the same time on both sides of the

battlefield, followed by silence.

Voldemort's hideous expression made the entire battlefield suddenly

become deadly silent.

"You are not telling the truth," he said, his red eyes widened. "Why

should I run away? I am the undefeated Dark Lord, the only wizard who

has defeated death. You cannot defeat me!"

Hearing this, the morale of the Ministry of Magic dropped a lot, and the

Death Eaters were finally able to get excited.

The resurrection of Voldemort from the dead is indeed a big rock on

everyone's heart. Faced with an opponent who has been inexplicably

resurrected even after more than a decade of death, who can pat his chest

and say that everything is dead after defeating him? ? What if he is

resurrected again ten years later?

However, Ye Ting's words turned this atmosphere over.

"Don't pretend anymore," he said bluntly. "Didn't you have guessed it long

ago? You relied on defeating death—no, just a clever trick to escape

death. Your Horcruxes have been completely destroyed. I'm destroyed,

haven't I?"

Horcrux? what is this?

Could it be that the secret of Voldemort's resurrection has been seen and

cracked by Ye Ting?

The wizards on both sides of the battlefield were a bit at a loss, only a

few wizards who were proficient in black magic understood.

And Voldemort's words confirmed this.

"You...sure enough to know this..." The confirmed Voldemort's face was

distorted, full of rage, astonishment and despair, but more unbelievable,

"but...how is it possible? Are you trying to use some trick to humiliate

me? Isn't it... that's ridiculous... don't think you can deceive me by

mastering a few trivial little secrets of mine!"

"You defeated general, aren't you fooled enough by me?" Ye Ting said

sarcastically, "Since you don't see the coffin and don't cry, I have to use

facts to make you feel desperate."

As he said, he waved his hand.

Behind him, the girls nodded to each other, and then Hermione stood up


She took out her small beaded bag, and took out two golden semicircular

metal ring fragments from the bag.

It is easy to see that as long as these two broken pieces are put together,

a ring without gems can be formed, and there are similar cutting and

corrosion marks on the broken pieces.

"The ring from the old house of Marvolo Gaunt, the symbol of your

mother's family-one of your Horcruxes, has been destroyed. I personally

split it." The girl explained briefly.

No words can be as powerful as real evidence. Although they still don't

understand what a Horcrux is, in the dialogue between Ye Ting and

Voldemort, the wizards have all heard that the so-called Horcrux is

probably the source of Voldemort's ability to resurrect.

Could it be that this girl who was as young as Ye Ting really destroyed

Voldemort's Horcrux?

They looked at Voldemort.

From the ugly expression on Voldemort's face, it is not difficult to see

that the answer is yes.

"This... is just one of them." Voldemort was still stubborn. "You wouldn't

think that I would be so stupid that I didn't want to leave a second


"Yeah, you are indeed a prudent person." Ye Ting waved his hand again,

"Then, let's keep watching."

Hermione stepped back among her female companions, and then another

tall, silver-haired and charming girl walked out of them.

In her hand, she carried a golden pendant.

At the bottom of the pendant is a broken locket, and there is an emerald

"S" on the lid.

Voldemort was immediately dumbfounded.

Item 0376

Next, Ye Ting's girls showed Voldemort one by one the evidence that he

didn't dare or want to believe in any way.

Senior Sister Penello took out a diary that had been split in half, which

was obviously left by Voldemort to the Malfoy family, the one he wrote

when he was at Hogwarts.

Zhang Qiu showed the damaged Hufflepuff Gold Cup, thinking about the

"fire dragon escape incident" that occurred in Gringotts a few months

ago, and Voldemort understood the truth.

In the end, Luna took out Ravenclaw’s crown. This silver crown was the

only one of several Horcruxes that was not damaged. However, after

contacting several other Horcruxes, the crown now fell into Ye Ting’s

hands. Voldemort could already imagine the end of this Horcrux.

The above five Horcruxes that have been destroyed, plus Nagini who was

just killed by Ye Ting, and the Horcrux that even Voldemort did not

know-Harry Potter himself-Voldemort's seven Horcruxes ——Of course

he himself thought it was six——have all been destroyed.

"So, what now? Your support, your so-called trick of defeating death, has

been completely solved by us." After the girls showed it, Ye Ting took the

conversation again, and he smiled at Voldemort.

This smile is very elegant, even if the girls behind him are so familiar

with Ye Ting that they can be called "old husbands and old wives (not

including Luna women, they can't help but lose consciousness after

seeing this smile, but In the eyes of Voldemort today, this smile is a

naked mockery.

"You... how dare you..."

Voldemort let out a desperate growl, Ye Ting, who was directly across

from him, saw a trace of panic flashing across the snake's face, but it was


The two sides onlookers finally rioted again, and the sorrows and joys of

the two sides were very clear.

However, the commotion was interrupted again.

It turned out that suddenly, Voldemort began to laugh. The laughter was

more terrifying than his shouts: cold and crazy, echoing in the silent hall.

When everyone's attention was focused on him, Voldemort finally

stopped laughing.

"I have to admit, you do have two things. I didn't expect it to be able to

detect the existence of my Horcruxes and destroy them, not the old

Dumbledore, but you, this young Muggle-you made me right Muggles

have changed a bit."

After that, Voldemort showed a smile of relief in madness.

By this time, Voldemort's language was much more polite, but his tone

was still very arrogant.

"But, so what?" His tone was high, "Do you think you can have more

magic than me?" He said, "More than me—Master Voldemort? The magic

I have done, even if it is Dumbledore, I never even dreamed of dreaming!

Horcrux...but just one of them! You actually tried to knock me down with

this? You are facing me, Lord Dark Lord!"

Following Voldemort's rhetoric, the Death Eaters behind him cheered and

laughed wildly. They raised their wands and shouted Voldemort's name.

Although it was a moonless night, the werewolves still looked up to the

sky and roared. The giants, led by tall horses, brandished wooden sticks,

roared loudly, echoing Voldemort, and even hovered in the air. Legend

has it that there is no emotion. The dementor, also seeming to be infected

by the momentum of this last fight, began to whistle up and down.

For a time, the enemy's morale returned to its peak.

Looking at the fierce light in front of him, there was a crazy Voldemort in

his scarlet eyes, and the inspired subordinates behind him. Ye Ting

couldn't help but nodded secretly.

When he and his subordinates were all at a disadvantage, the magic that

depended on his life was cracked, and there was no escape, the villain

demon in front of him had not completely fallen into despair and

depression, but became free and crazy.

Although Voldemort’s words just now have no lack of reasons for a dead

duck mouth, they also fully reflect his inner pride. Even in the situation

of embarrassed and dying, Voldemort still does not allow himself to

admit his weakness, and he is paranoid. Put yourself in the position of

the strong.

Although this kind of paranoia can be said to be a kind of arrogance, it is

part of Voldemort's inner madness, but from another perspective, this is

also Voldemort as the Dark Lord, and he is commendable enough.

After all, no matter how dark, evil, and bloodthirsty the villain BOSS can

still find some shining points in him-otherwise, how can he gather a

group of men and wreak havoc for a while and become the villain BOSS?

It is a pity that even so, Ye Ting still won't return any mercy to him.

Who told him to block Ye Ting's path?

"Then, you can only see the real chapter under your hand." He

straightened his robe and said to Voldemort.

"You're right."

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 287:

Voldemort also tidied up his broken robe symbolically.

Infected by the leaders on both sides, the girls, the wizards of the

Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix, the horse tribe and the

unicorn La Rui, all began to organize their appearance, and then

arranged a battle formation.

The Death Eaters, werewolves, giants, and dementors were also out of the

battle array. Although there were too many victims and the formation

was significantly smaller than the opponent, they did not lose to the

opponent in terms of momentum.

The two sides have entered a decisive battle posture.

"Then, this is the end."

After Ye Ting finished speaking, he bowed slightly to Voldemort.

Voldemort returned the gift at the same time.

After the two of them finished the ceremony, they turned their heads and

walked backward at the same time, just like in the wizard duel etiquette.

Of course, the armies of both sides remained motionless, but their

attention was focused on the leaders of both sides in the center of the


The beginning of a duel between leaders is the starting gun for the

beginning of the final battle.

After taking a step in both directions, two steps, three steps...

Finally, after ten steps, both sides held the magic wands in their hands at

the same time, then turned their heads and pointed at each other.

The two people chanted the spell they had prepared for a long time at the

same time.

"Killing Curse!"

With a bang, like a cannonball exploding, in the center of the battlefield,

the pale silver and turbid green light shot together, making a violent


With this loud noise, as if hearing the referee's starting gun, both the

Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters also launched attacks on each


For a time, the spell once again flew like rain on both sides of the


The few remaining giants launched a charge, and their momentum was

not weaker than before their kinsmen were killed.

The horsemen also raised their spears and rushed to the opposite side,

the deafening sound of horses hoof like a real cavalry.

In the sky, the dementor made a terrible dive at the wizard, and the cold

air with evil black smoke spread everywhere.

However, the cold air only drifted slightly towards the Ministry of Magic,

and was immediately dissipated by the silver brilliance. La Rui raised her

front hoof, hissed, and then ran towards the dementor, her horn shining

again. The silver light that represents positive emotions.

Item 0377

Although the battle between Ye Ting and Voldemort started again, their

subordinates, the Death Eaters and the Ministry of Magic, also restarted

the war.

However, no matter which side of the wizard, they still avoided the

battlefield in the middle tacitly, and left everything to their leader.

Although as long as they join the battle group, they can more or less

effectively help their leader and grasp the advantage in this final

desperate battle. However, even the always despicable and unscrupulous

Death Eaters have no choice. Do it this way-even if they had realized that

their master Voldemort was at a disadvantage when facing Ye Ting.

For the Ministry of Magic, Ye Ting placed their absolute trust on him, just

as the wizard trusted Dumbledore when he was fighting against

Voldemort more than ten years ago-even more than ever-and gradually

understood. After Ye Ting's series of plans and contributions to fight

Voldemort, they differently placed their own destiny on him.

What about the Death Eaters?

Perhaps they had vaguely guessed the fate of Voldemort and their own

future, but in this final battle, they still gave Voldemort the last dignity.

Of course, this is also their final dignity as followers of Voldemort, as

fanatics pursuing the "new magical world" in their hearts.

In the center of the battlefield, Ye Ting and Voldemort did not choose to

conduct a magnificent wizard duel through complicated spells, exquisite

transformation techniques, and clever tactics.

On the contrary, at this moment, the two people representing the apex of

the power of the wizarding world chose the simplest and most essential

way of confrontation.

When the killing curses of the two sides collided with each other, the two

did not continue to use other magic, but tacitly increased the magic


Soon, this battle turned into a confrontation between pure magic.

Since both parties use the same spell, this kind of magical confrontation

is extremely simple-as long as the magical power is weaker, whoever will

lose the duel.

In this way, the pale silver and terrible green rays of light continued to

collide together in the center of the battlefield, bursting out fierce sparks.

And at one end of the colliding light, Ye Ting tightly grasped the

"weaver" in his hand and tried his best to input his magic power into it.

At the same time, his hand holding the magic wand was trembling

slightly, maintaining his eyes. Fragile link.

He looked to the other side, the snake face without a nose was also trying

his best. He could see Voldemort's red eyes widened, as if he had

exhausted any trace of power in his body, cold sweat slipped from his

bald head. .

Both sides know that in this case, if anyone can't sustain the output, then

the only thing waiting for that person is death.

This kind of magic collision can be called the most dangerous form of

confrontation in wizard duels. In the history of wizards, all such magic

confrontations are the last round of wizard duels, and the result of the

confrontation is the defeat of one of them, and the other One party often

suffers severe damage due to excessive consumption of magic power-or

even overdraft.

As long as this kind of confrontation begins, neither side of the battle can

actively stop. If you want a peaceful end to this kind of confrontation,

you can barely do it unless there is a person whose magic power is far

greater than the two sides of the battle.

If there is no such magical power, then, in this case, other people can't

even intervene in the duel, because once this is done, the result will be to

confront the two people in the duel at the same time.

However, in this world, is there any wizard with greater magic power

than Ye Ting and Voldemort?

It's even more pretentious than the sum of their magical powers.

Therefore, whether it is for Voldemort or Ye Ting, it is equivalent to a

lasting fight, Stud or "Allin".

For Voldemort, although such a confrontation did not leave him a back

road, but at this moment, he was originally cut off by Ye Ting.

Moreover, he clearly knew that with the genius of the boy in front of

him, no one knew whether he had laid any other traps, or prepared some

new magic that he had never seen before.

You know, when he was resurrected in the cemetery, Ye Ting's magic of

escape with Harry Potter and the two girls made him feel fresh in his

memory. He still hasn't understood how Ye Ting was without warning.

Under the circumstances, he took three people to the door key in an

instant. (He didn’t think about time magic because it’s too unbelievable)

If Ye Ting used this trick again in the duel, or used some magic that he

didn't understand, then he would be more likely to be defeated.

Therefore, he wants to understand that direct magic confrontation is the

best choice. He would never use this trick when he was pitying his life

against opponents of the same level. However, at this moment, he is

desperate to see through the life and death of Voldemort. But I can't

control so much.

——Since I can't fight you technically and intellectually, then I will

compete with you in pure strength, and let you, a young man, take a

good look at the magic power from the old strong!

As for Ye Ting, direct magic confrontation was also a choice that was

almost guaranteed to make a profit without losing money.

Even though he was a young wizard, it still seemed so to him.

You know, in the Harry Potter world, the magic power of wizards is the

same as the physical power of human beings, and it continues to rise

with the growth of people.

Unlike many worlds, in the Harry Potter world, magic power cannot be

improved through active exercise. In addition to innate talent, it only

rises slowly with age—perhaps continuous use of magic will also increase

magic power. But it is not obvious.

Like physical power, magic power grows fastest in the wizard’s teenage


A person's physical strength and various physical indicators will reach a

peak after a person is truly mature, and then begin to decline.

However, magic power is different. After the wizard reaches adulthood,

the increase in magic power will only slow down, but it will not stop. It

has always crossed the wizard's prime and middle age. When the wizard

begins to age, the magic power will begin to slowly decrease. For people

like Dumbledore, even the long-term physical aging cannot reduce the

magic power much.

Therefore, Voldemort believed that Ye Ting's magic power was inferior to

him, and there was indeed a reason.

However, what about the facts?

If this happened a few years ago, perhaps Ye Ting's magic power really

couldn't compete with Voldemort.

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 288:

No matter how genius he is, he needs time to develop.

However, when Ye Ting possessed the dragon soul and tried to integrate

the dragon factor, everything was different.

As mentioned earlier, in addition to representing absolute power, dragons

also represent the incarnation of nature and the source of magic in some


Therefore, Ye Ting, who has the blood of the dragon clan, can be

regarded as a rapid increase in magic power.

Coupled with the fact that he spent more than a few years in the world of

a song of ice and fire, now according to his physical age, Ye Ting can

almost be considered an adult (calculated according to the age of a


Coupled with the wand in his hand that is even more powerful than the

apex of Harry Potter's world wand-the elder wand, the weaver.

Basically, a few more Voldemort, and Ye Ting's magical battle will only

result in failure.

Item 0378

Since he knew that magic had a big advantage, Ye Ting was actually the

one who wished to face Voldemort head-on.

Instead of risking an accident and having a wonderful duel with him,

wouldn't it be beautiful to be able to defeat Voldemort steadily as long as

you stand?

In case Voldemort made the wrong tendon and hurt any of his girls, that

would be terrible.

As a result, the two of them were so intentional, one intentional, one

desperate, and one net was waiting, and they started a magical frontal

confrontation tacitly.

At the beginning, Voldemort tried his best, but his face was full of sneers,

as if he had foreseen the outcome of his opponent's defeat.

The silver and green rays of light fought fiercely between the two. The

sparks of the collision moved slightly in the direction of Ye Ting, and

then leaned against Voldemort.

This, of course, includes countless mutual trials and secret games

between the two, but as long as the two sides have not used all their

magic power, then everything is still useless.

However, as time went on, when Voldemort felt that his magic power

was about to run out, he found that his opponent was still the same as

before. Although it seemed that he was trying his best to output his

magic power, he actually did his best. There are no signs of him, just as if

he hadn't consumed anything for such a long time.

--Could it be that? His magic is much higher than mine?

Voldemort thought secretly.

--How can it be? He is obviously so young, and he is still a Muggle, it

doesn't matter if he has such a high level of magic skills, even so high in

magic power?

——Why? This is impossible. He must be bluffing and want me to give

in. I can't be deceived by him anymore. As long as I stick to it, it must be

him who can't hold it first!

However, as time passed by, Voldemort's face became whiter and paler,

and his magic power was almost exhausted, and Ye Ting still seemed to

have no waves.

And the deadlock between the two was finally broken-in the

confrontation of the two-color light of silver and green, the magic of

azure silver gradually overwhelmed the dark green, and the spark of

magic gradually moved in the direction of Voldemort.

Seeing this, Voldemort gritted his teeth again, increasing the output of

his magic power.

The movement of sparks finally stopped temporarily.

However, for Voldemort, this was nothing more than drinking poison to

quench his thirst.

However, he had to do this.

It was not that he didn't want to interrupt the confrontation, because he

finally realized that in the confrontation of magic power, he would never

be Ye Ting's opponent.

Although Voldemort had overestimated Ye Ting as much as possible, it

seems that Voldemort found that he still underestimated Ye Ting.

His arrogance as a wizard once again caused him a big loss.

However, at this moment, even if he wants to make up for all this, he has

no chance.

Under this kind of magical confrontation, the confrontation of the two

magical powers not only fights against the opponent, but also connects

the magical powers of the two together.

Before the end of the confrontation, no one can actively disconnect this

connection unless the strong man confesses his defeat like a broken wrist.

However, the end of the vote is to be swallowed by a torrent of magical

power at the next moment of disconnection.

After all, wizards are not creatures with powerful bodies or amazing

magic resistance, so for them, surrender is equivalent to death.

Unfortunately, for Voldemort at this moment, whether he surrenders or

not, the ending is generally the same.

Finally, he exhausted his last magic power, and the pale silver light

finally overwhelmed the miserable green.

In the center of the battlefield, under everyone's eyes, the silver light hit

Voldemort's chest.

People saw that Voldemort was hit by Ye Ting's curse.

He staggered back, arms open, and the slender pupils in his red eyes

rolled up.

Tom Riddle fell to the ground, dying like a mortal, his body limp and

convulsed, his pale hand still clutching his yew wand, the snake face

empty and blank.

Voldemort died, died under Ye Ting's killing curse, died in a magical

confrontation with his opponent.

After the Horcrux was destroyed, Voldemort's soul could not escape. And

his broken soul cannot even truly enter eternal sleep, nor can it become a

ghost. It can only wander in the illusion between life and death (or the

border of hell, which is the place where the soul must pass after the

death of the living). middle.

Ye Ting stood there, holding the weaver in his hand, and faintly lowered

his head, looking at the body of this old opponent.

This fifteen-year-old boy, the strongest genius in history, won the final

victory in his own confrontation with the most powerful dark wizard


At this time, on the sea level in the distance, a golden-red sunlight shone

abruptly, attracting Ye Ting's attention.

He turned his head and looked around, and saw a small half-round rising

sun slowly rising from the bottom of the sea, and half of the endless night

was already covered with thin clouds.

Before I knew it, the battle had lasted all night, and now it was finally

about to come to an end.

"The dark dawn is also over."

He murmured.

People's first reaction to Voldemort's falling death was surprise and

unbelievable. However, this trembling silence was suddenly broken.

When people realized what was going on, a tumultuous noise erupted

around Ye Ting, with shouts, cheers, and roars shaking the sky.

The sun’s rays grew brighter and brighter, and the rays of light shone on

the battlefield. People yelled and rushed towards him. The girls who

arrived first were Hermione, Zhang Qiu, Penello, Fleur and Luna. They

held his arms, body and back, and they sent him a passionate kiss, and

their lips stayed on his face, neck, hair, etc.

Next came his acquaintances. Ms. Bones changed her original serious

attitude and lost her position as the director of the Magic Law

Enforcement Department and the future Minister of Magic, and rushed

excitedly-as her own strength is not enough to fight Voldemort. The

leader of the Ministry of Magic, she is the one with the most pressure.

Then, Lupin, Blake, Tonks also came, as well as Mr. Weasley and

Kingsley, Moody, Scrimgeour, Margaret, Ronan, etc., the

incomprehensible yelling almost took his The ears are deaf.

La Rui also rushed over and squeezed her master with her immature

body. Everyone gave way to the little unicorn. Everyone liked her, not

only because she was a unicorn, but also because of her huge role in the

battle. In the second half of the war, she was almost alone. Fighting

against all the dementors under Voldemort, risking their lives to run back

and forth on the battlefield, is considered to have saved everyone's lives.

Everyone was yelling, Ye Ting couldn't hear almost a word, and couldn't

tell whose hand was pulling him or pulling him, desperately trying to

embrace a part of his body. Hundreds of people were squeezing forward.

Everyone wanted to touch this young genius. It was because of him that

their nightmare was finally over.

According to Ye Ting's temperament, originally encountering such a

scene would never give anyone face, he would either leave with the

space magic effect, or would shake everyone around him.

However, perhaps he was infected by the excitement and joy of the

people, and he did not do anything to disrupt the atmosphere.

"Just this time, not as an example."

He secretly said to himself.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 289:

Item 0379

"Voldemort's death declared the Ministry of Magic's war against the

Death Eaters, and it was finally over.

The war began in the 1970s. The most powerful dark wizard in history

wooed his team-Death Eaters with power and pure bloodism, and took

advantage of the biggest weakness of the wizarding world: wooing those

People and creatures neglected by society, such as giants and

werewolves, have since become the most horrible and darkest existence

in the wizarding world-this horror is directly caused. Until many years

later, people are still afraid to say Voldemort’s name. Generally speaking,

he is only called the "mysterious man" or "the demon who can't even

mention the name".

Under the efforts of the leader of the Ministry of Magic and the White

Wizard, Albus Dumbledore, who defeated the previous generation of

Dark Lord Grindelwald, Voldemort was defeated for the first time, and

the first Wizarding War ended. However, Voldemort had already Using

his profound black magic, secretly survived, and with the help of his

loyal Death Eaters, he regained his body and mana after fourteen years.

However, what Voldemort, who returned, had to face was no longer the

enemies of fourteen years ago.

He couldn't think that this time, his biggest opponent was not the

respected Dumbledore, not the most powerful Minister of Magic, but a

genius who was born in the same Muggle orphanage as him, and he

looked down on him most. Muggle-now well known, Professor Ting Ye,

who was only fifteen years old at the time, had long foreseen the fact that

the Dark Lord was not dead, and was prepared to defeat him early on.

Although Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic at the time, did not

want to believe that Voldemort was still alive, and repeatedly ignored the

warnings from Professor Ye and Professor Albus Dumbledore, the Magic

Law Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Magic at that time The

director Ms. Bones did not despise Professor Ye because of his age. On

the contrary, she attached great importance to the information from

Professor Ye and responded positively to it.

Finally, in order to fight against the returning Voldemort, the second

Wizarding War was led by Professor Ye. Ms. Bones gathered as much

power as possible, and with her superb strategy, she gradually eroded

Voldemort’s power and captured a large number of Death Eaters.

Azkaban finally forced the disadvantaged Death Eaters to make a

desperate move, and launched an action to capture Azkaban and rescue

his colleagues.

However, Azkaban was a huge trap set by Professor Ye for the Dark Lord.

The Dark Lord and the Death Eaters who invaded Azkaban found sadly

that all their actions were within the expectations of Professor Ye and the

Ministry of Magic. They fell into a siege and were blocked from fleeing.

the way.

In this battle, Professor Ye personally took action and killed Voldemort

himself, and all the remaining men of the Dark Lord were also swept

away and all sent to Azkaban.

Since then, this intermittent chaos that lasted for more than two decades

has finally come to an end. These two wars originated from Voldemort's

Wizarding Wars, and their impact on the wizarding world was far-

reaching. Thousands of wizards and Muggles died in the war. Tens of

thousands of families were affected, and more than 70% of them were

affected. The family of pure-blood wizards declined due to these two


However, the positive impact of this war on the wizarding world cannot

be ignored.

As a result, many wizarding laws regarding safety have been improved.

The original wizards were too conservative, and the atmosphere of

discrimination against mixed-race and Muggle-born wizards has

gradually been diluted. At the same time, Azkaban is no longer controlled

by the dementors. , Ended the persecution of the wizard prisoners by this

group of terrifying creatures...

At the same time, in this war, a large number of heroes emerged. It was

their efforts that saved the magic world. In addition to the most dazzling

Professor Ting Ye, there was also the Magic Law Enforcement

Department at that time. Director Ms. Burns, Mr. Scrimgeour, Director of

Auror Office, Mr. Auror Kingsley (some names are omitted here)... and a

large number of people with lofty ideals from the Ministry of Magic, the

Order of the Phoenix and the people, and among them the most

legendary It belongs to (a moment of silence) Ms. Hermione Granger, Ms.

Qiu Zhang, Ms. Penello Krivart, Ms. Fleur Delacour and Ms. Luna


What these ladies have in common is that they are all fairly young

geniuses. In fact, they are Professor Ye’s peers and have a close

relationship with Professor Ye. In the process of fighting against

Voldemort and cracking his dark magic, they are Ye The professor

provided considerable help. At the same time, they also had a mana that

surpassed many adult wizards. While Professor Ye faced Voldemort, they

fought side by side with Professor Ye and defeated several elite Death

Eaters under Voldemort.

Their existence, along with Ms. Bones, proved that female wizards can

achieve as much as men's achievements, and contributed to the rise of

the feminist movement in the wizarding world after the war. Of course,

we should not ignore the large number of male wizards caused by the

war. Casualties, and the influence of feminist ideas from the Muggle


However, the most ridiculous thing is that these young and outstanding

individuals did not follow feminist ideas and maintained a suspiciously

close relationship with Professor Ye for a long time. This also led to

Professor Ye becoming some extreme feminists. A thorn in the eye, a

thorn in the flesh-of course, we believe that these people are not worth

mentioning in the eyes of Professor Ye and his female friends.

In short, the Second Wizarding War did change the wizarding world, and

after that, the wizarding world was finally able to fall into a long-term

peace. "

Hearing a "pop", the man closed the book in his hand.

"Well, I have finished reading the book, and you have finished listening

what you should know. It's time to go to bed now, and school will start


The man stood up and said to a pair of children lying on two small beds

in front of him.

However, his two children still did not let him go.

One of the red-haired boys was holding his fingers under the covers,

counting the years, and then looking at his father.

"Dad, daddy, in that case, that Professor Ye is your classmate, right?"

The father had the same red hair as his children and a big nose. Under

the question of his son, he had to admit this fact that made him a little

hard to tell.

"Yes, Ting and I were admitted in the same year, but we were not in the

same college, but now you should call him the principal."

Speaking of this, he thought of the boy who made him jealous and had a

close relationship with the girl he had a crush on at the time.

Now, the boy has become the principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft

and Wizardry, the president of the International Wizarding Federation,

and the chief wizard of Wisengamao. He is a big man who needs him to

look up, but he himself has to be mediocre and ugly. Nawin Skeeter of

Nawin got married and has not achieved much now. Now he can only

work as a store manager in a chain of magic jokes opened by his two

brothers, George and Fred Weasley.

Things are really impermanent.

Item 0380

Ron Weasley didn't want to recall his old classmates, but his two children

didn't let him go.

"Dad, is that famous Professor Ye really our principal?" His son still

couldn't believe it. "I heard from Cousin Louis that the principal and

professor of their school are both old men, but Professor Ye is not. Old

man, why can you be the principal?"

"Because... he is a genius." Ron gritted his teeth and finally said


"Then, I also want to be a genius, and I also want to be a principal when I

grow up!"

The little red-haired boy confidently swore his vows, and Ron could only

respond with a wry smile.

——Dear Hugo, you are really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

If you want to compete with Ting Yebi genius, looking at the entire

history of wizards, even Merlin can't do it, let alone you are not a genius.

——I hope you won’t be hit in Hogwarts in the future.

His son Hugo Weasley finally got a satisfactory answer, but the daughter,

Rose Weasley, who was lying on another cot, was still very interested.

However, as a girl, Rose was more interested in other people than Ye


"Dad, since you and Professor Ye are classmates, you must also know

Aunt Hermione, Aunt Qiu, Aunt Penello, Aunt Fleur and Aunt Luna,


"Uh... yes."

Hearing the name he once had a crush on from his daughter, Ron has

been married for many years now, and he has been relieved for many

years, but when he thinks of his amazing face, he is still full of emotion.

"Then father, these aunts, what are you doing now?"

Rose asked curiously.

Because they were about to become a member of Hogwarts, and the

relationship between their father and those legendary classmates, the

little girl immediately became interested and curious about them.

"...Hermione, who was also my classmate at the time, is now the director

of the Magic Law Enforcement Department, and it seems that he is

expected to run for the next Minister of Magic."

"Wow, amazing!" the little girl exclaimed, "what about Aunt Qiu?"

"In autumn, you should recognize that she is the seeker and captain of

the Irish Quidditch team. She has led the team to dominate the Quidditch

World Cup championship for twelve years. I took you to see her three

years ago. Playing ball."

"I know!" Little Hugo here said excitedly, "Aunt Jinni has been playing

under her hands. They are going to play the World Cup next year, right?"

Although Zhang Qiu's existence has made more witches fall in love with

the Quidditch movement, in general, the majority of Quidditch fans are

still wizards.

"So, what about Aunt Penello?"

"She is now a famous alchemy master, and at the same time the chairman

of the world's largest chain alchemy store, YC (Yeand Clearwater)

alchemy store."

"I know! I know!" Hugo yelled again. "It's the big alchemy shop that has

been cooperating with our magic joke shop for a long time, right?"

"Shut up Hugo!" Little Rose interrupted him fiercely, "Of course I know

which YC alchemy shop is, and you don't need to talk too much!"

Due to her sister's (or younger sister's) prestige, Hugo had to shut up


When it was the next character's turn, Rose suddenly became excited:

"Dad, Aunt Furong is the singer group, the sister of the'Nymph Sisters',


"You guessed it." Ron nodded. "At the beginning, she participated in the

Triwizard Tournament from Boothbarton College in France to Hogwarts."

"It's great that Dad knows such a big star," Rose and Hugo both looked

forward to. "Unfortunately, he is already the most famous singer in the

world, so why didn't he sing all of a sudden?"

"Maybe people have more important things to do." When this point was

mentioned, Ron was still full of jealousy towards Ye Ting, so the famous

beautiful singer actually said no in order to spend more time with him. If

you sing, you won’t sing. He’s really a sinful man.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 290:

"So, what about Aunt Luna? Where did I see her name?" Rose continued

to ask.

"Of course you are familiar with her name," Ron pulled out a book from

his children's desk and waved at them. "The "My First Fantastic Beast

Discovery" that you like to watch was written by her. She is now the most

famous magic zoologist and magic animal science scientist."

"It's amazing!" The little girl exclaimed sincerely. "Each of them is

amazing. I must be the same as them in the future."

—What a nice dream.

Ron thought secretly.

—But don’t be like them, your head can’t be turned with a stubborn

head. It is obvious that everyone has such an achievement on their own,

but they have to walk around the same man, and not only enjoy it, but

also affect other people: Not only did Furong’s sister and her sister give

up their careers for the man, and eventually the "Nymph Sisters"

disappeared, but also took his sister, Ginny Weasley, and jumped into the

big pit. ; Pansy Parkinson, Nifadora Tonks, Hannah Abbott, Parvati Petir,

Padma Petir, Angelina, Astoria Greengra Lavender Brown and other

beauties have successively followed in the footsteps; this is what

everyone knows, I heard that there are still many beauties following that

man in a low-key manner.

However, Ron obviously thinks too much. Ye Ting is not a person who

doesn't choose his tastes. With the looks of Ron and Na Wen, what kind

of daughter can he give birth to?

When the good father Ron was coaxing his children to sleep, Ye Ting, the

current headmaster of Hogwarts, did not stay at Hogwarts to prepare for

the start of the next day. At this moment, he was just starting from magic

Leave on the ninth floor of the Ministry of Magic, take the elevator to the

Magic Law Enforcement Department on the second floor of the basement,

to pick up one of his girlfriends, the young director, and the youngest

Minister of Magic in the future, Hermione Ge Ranjie.

It is now 2009 in Harry Potter's world, and 14 years have passed since

the end of that war.

He is now twenty-nine years old. However, due to the existence of the

dragon factor, his lifespan has greatly increased, and his growth rate has

become almost as slow as that of a dragon. Therefore, whether it is his

appearance or his physical age, he is still The boy fourteen years ago.

Of course, his dozens of girlfriends are the same, which leads them to use

makeup magic for a long time to maintain a mature appearance, in case

they are seen by others.

Only Ye Ting didn't consider this at all. Anyway, he was different from

them. He was famous for his incomparable magic from the beginning. As

a current Merlin-like figure in the minds of wizards, there is nothing fuss

about staying young forever.

In the past ten years, Ye Ting has not gone to a new other world, but has

gone to the world of a song of ice and fire every period of time.

It's not that he doesn't want to explore the new world, but that the

conditions are still immature.

On the one hand, he needs to stay in the world of Harry Potter to study

the magic of this world, but more importantly, he needs to collect the

complete magic theory of the world of Harry Potter in order to create a

book of magic.

Different worlds have different magic systems, and even in some worlds

where magic is more developed, there are many different magic systems

in the same world. These magic systems are just like the instruction set in

the computer CPU. The computer can use the instruction set to greatly

simplify the programming commands, so that the programmer does not

have to use the most basic methods such as 0 and 1 to program, and the

magic system is the same.

The best way to successfully use the magic of the Harry Potter world in

another world is to first establish the magic system of the Harry Potter

world, and the classics are the props for establishing such a magic


If it is the Song of Ice and Fire, the magic is exhausted, the rules are

broken, but there is a low magic world with magic, if Ye Ting wants to

use magic in other worlds with higher magic power, then the existence of

the original text must Indispensable.

Of course, he stayed in the world of Harry Potter, there are more reasons

for conspiracy.

Item 0381

In fact, from where he came just now, one can judge Ye Ting's other

purpose of staying in the Harry Potter world over the years.

What he saw was the results of years of research conducted by the

Department of Mystery Affairs of the Ministry of Magic.

In fact, the Department of Mysteries was established as early as the

eighteenth century, and this mysterious agency was responsible for the

secret research of the Ministry of Magic. Most of the contents of this

department are highly classified, and only a few wizards in the Ministry

can know what is in this department.

The Department of Mysteries studies many mysteries in the world, such

as love, space, thought, time, death, and so on.

Most of the research results of the Department of Mystery Affairs cannot

be directly applied, but Ye Ting is still very fancy about it.

In the Muggle world, although basic science must be transformed into

technical means to have practical applications, countries in the world and

major universities still invest large amounts of research funds in basic

science, because only the continuous development of basic science can

Promote the continuous advancement of technology.

The research of the Department of Mystery Affairs is like the basic

theoretical research of the magical world. It is not easy to convert these

research results into useful spells, but these research results can greatly

improve Ye Ting’s understanding of the magic system. It is also very

helpful for the compilation of the magical classics.

In the second Wizarding War that occurred fourteen years ago, Ye Ting

defeated Voldemort almost by himself. Since then, in everyone's eyes, Ye

Ting has become a savior.

This is the true savior, the one who defeated Voldemort head-on with his

wisdom and strength, not Harry Potter in the original book. With the

help of Dumbledore and many others, he stumbled and let Voldemort kill

himself. .

The difference between the two is quite big, different from Harry Potter

in the original book. After killing Voldemort, Ye Ting’s position in the

wizarding world is basically equivalent to Dumbledore after defeating

Grindelwald, and even What's more—after all, his age is there, he can do

this at the age of fifteen, and no one can imagine how powerful Ye Ting

will be when he grows up.

Ye Ting was not the only one stepping on Voldemort's corpse.

After Voldemort’s death, the remaining Death Eaters and Voldemort’s

supporters were quickly dealt with. They were punished from being

imprisoned in Azkaban to paying the fine. After all the dust settled,

Wizenga The Moroccan Parliament immediately initiated a motion. The

Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge was removed from the post of minister

due to his ineffective handling of the return of Voldemort. Ms. Bones took

over the post as expected.

At the same time, the employees of the Ministry of Magic who made

outstanding contributions in the Second Wizarding War have also been

promoted: Scrimgeour succeeded the Director of the Magic Law

Enforcement Department, and Kingsley became the new Director of the

Auror Office...All in all , Fudge and the pure-blood wizards fell in the

Ministry of Magic, and those wizards who were close to and trusted Ye

Ting and followed him in the war against Voldemort became the real

power of the Ministry.

Since then, Ye Ting has had considerable influence in the Ministry of

Magic, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he indirectly controlled

the Ministry.

However, Ye Ting has no interest in controlling the Ministry of Magic's

dominance, and controlling the politics of the wizarding world of the

United Kingdom is unattractive to him.

What he really wants to get by using this influence is everything in the

Department of Mysteries.

Until now, Ye Ting, who got his wish, has basically digested most of the

research results of the Department of Mystery Affairs, and his decision to

stay as a professor at Hogwarts after graduation and his series of

academic achievements have also allowed him to browse the entire

wizard. Most of the magic book opportunities in the world.

Nowadays, there are few magic in the world of Harry Potter that he

doesn't understand, and the magic codec of the magic system in the

world of Harry Potter—the spell (also known as the spell, the spell is the

official translation) system is almost ready to be compiled.

He is almost ready to find the next world that can be traveled through

the gate of time and space.

Of course, the top priority is to take home Ms. Hermione, the director of

the Magic Law Enforcement Department who has been busy until late at


As Ron mentioned before, after the war ended, the girls who had

emerged in the war had a good development.

Although Ye Ting’s appearance allowed Hermione to take a completely

different path from the original, even from Gryffindor to Ravenclaw (a

change in fundamental philosophy), the same thing as the original is that

this girl is still Smart, opinionated, and compassionate.

However, under the influence of Ye Ting, Hermione did not do anything

stupid like setting up the House Elf Rights Promotion Association, which

is S.P.E.W (English just means vomiting) like the original book.

This is not because she gave up all of this, but buried it all in her heart.

She understood that only real power—strength, influence, influence—can

make her truly do everything she wants to do.

Therefore, after graduation, the girl successfully entered the Ministry of

Magic. Thanks to the care of Ye Ting's family and the girl’s own talent

and hard work, Hermione now became a leader of the Ministry at a

young age. Enough for her to fully display her ambitions, such as fighting

for the rights of house elves and other non-human creatures, so that

wizards and magical creatures can coexist peacefully; dispelling wizards’

prejudice against Muggles, greatly reducing wizards’ Muggle descent

Discrimination also makes the wizarding society face up to the existence

of Muggle society and learn certain Muggle culture...

In short, Hermione wanted to do a lot, and all of them became reality

step by step under her hands.

Sister Penello still runs her alchemy shop, and she herself has gradually

become a well-known alchemy master. With Ye Ting and herself behind

the two alchemists, the business of the alchemy shop has developed quite

smoothly, imitating Muggle. The expansion of the development model of

luxury brands has now become a giant at the top of the industry.

Zhang Qiu has led the Irish team to win four consecutive Quidditch

World Cup championships for the United Kingdom. Any Quidditch talent

is eclipsed in front of her. After losing to Zhang Qiu again and again, the

Bulgarian team’s prestige Kdor Krum announced his retirement in tears as

early as 2002.

However, Zhang Qiu has decided to retire after the 2010 Quidditch

World Cup, when she is expected to take over as the director of the

Magic Sports Department.

By the way, after graduation, Ginny Weasley voluntarily applied to

become a chaser for the Irish team and became a teammate with Zhang


Sisters Furong and Gabriel unexpectedly embarked on the road of star

singers after graduation. Their singer group "Nymph Sisters" became a

smash hit and became the biggest star across the wizarding world and the

Muggle world. Even Britney Spears at the time had to bow down in front

of them.

But now, the sisters seem to have had enough, both of them willfully

withdraw from the entertainment circle, causing countless fans and music

lovers to sigh.

In addition, the sisters have not yet become the dragon Animagus like

other girls. However, they have embarked on the direction of digging

into their own Veeva's blood. Ye Ting has also been trying to help them

through Anima. Gus's way to get the real power of Veeva.

Luna still loves to travel, and has traveled around the world with Ye Ting

more than once, embarking on the path of looking for the horned snoring

beast, and gradually became a naturalist and magic zoologist as a result.

As the girl's heart gradually matured, she gradually realized that some

things were just her fantasy.

However, in spite of this, as the most naïve fantasy of her childhood and

the best common memory with Ye Ting, the horned snoring beast is still

Luna's hidden fantasy in her heart.

Item 0382

Riding the elevator, Ye Ting went all the way from the ninth

underground floor to the second underground floor, then walked through

the long corridor and stepped into a fairly luxurious office.

Fourteen years ago, the current Minister of Magic and the then Director

of the Magic Law Enforcement Department, Ms. Bones, commanded Ruo

Ding, coordinated the forces of the entire United Kingdom, and worked

with Ye Ting to defeat the Death Eaters. Array.

Today, this office has changed a lot. Although it still belongs to the

director, it is no longer the old-fashioned decoration style of the early

twentieth century. Instead, it matches the modern style of the Muggle


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 291:

A huge mahogany table, a soft boss chair, a bookcase that occupies a

whole wall, a globe made of brass, a green plant in the corner... If white-

collar workers from the Muggle world come here, they will feel very

familiar, because they The bosses and some high-ranking officials used

this set of office decoration, and there was even a "computer" on the

desk-of course it was magically modified.

If it weren't for the moving pictures on the walls and the weird magical

props on the bookcases, no one would think this was the office of a high-

ranking official of the Ministry of Magic.

All of this is also one of the influences of the wizarding world reform

promoted by Hermione on the wizarding world.

Seeing that the door was pushed open, Yu Jie Fan Qiang, who was

working at the desk, finally freed her attention from the case, and the

automatic recording quill at hand also stopped moving.

She straightened her thick curly hair, stood up, and greeted the man.

"You are here," she said in a familiar tone. "It's so late, why don't you go

back first, and tomorrow you have to welcome the new children-I didn't

say that you won't be used to pick me up tonight. ?"

As always, Ye Ting hugged the woman who was almost as tall as him in

his arms, and gently hugged.

In fact, in his eyes, the woman in front of him is not so tall and mature.

This is just a magical simulation of the image of a woman at the age of

twenty-nine under normal circumstances.

The reality is that the lifespan of a dragon makes this woman-or a girl-

still a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old.

"You know, Hermione, welcoming a new student is not a big deal for me,"

Ye Ting put down the other person, shrugging helplessly, "I just want to

accompany you more, after all, I will leave in two days. For you, that is

just a momentary change, but for me, every journey is a long-term


"Okay, I know, can't you just give a little bit of trouble to these trivial

matters once?" Hermione touched Ye Ting's face helplessly, as if facing a

self-willed child.

The man's long-term unchanging young appearance makes her now

always have a strange feeling of "petting" for him. Perhaps this is due to

the fact that a woman's natural motherhood is projected on the man's


Anyway, she knew that her dozens of half-step "sisters" had the same


The sublimation of life level to Ye Ting and his girlfriends has brought a

negative effect, that is, it is difficult to produce offspring. Therefore,

although they have maintained the same life as ordinary people for a

long time, and even more frequently, until now, girls Still no one

succeeded in becoming a mother.

You know, many of their classmates of the same age have become fathers

and mothers, such as Harry Potter, who is now an Auror, and the famous

magical botanist Neville Longbottom. Become a father.

The most exaggerated among them is Ron. As early as in his seventh

grade, Ron had to marry Nawin Skeeter because of an accident—they

almost had to drop out of school—and now their children are already It’s

the age to go to Hogwarts to go to school.

The two chatted in this way, while reviewing the rest of the documents.

Ye Ting quickly browsed through the reports, using an automatic quill

pen to leave Hermione's handwriting instructions on them.

It doesn't look like he has done this for the first time.

Finally, with the help of Ye Ting, Hermione completed the task of the

day. Before preparing to leave, suddenly, Hermione mentioned another


"I heard that you are going to find some helpers from that world to

explore the new world with you?"

Obviously, the world in her mouth is the world of the song of ice and


Unlike the school days, most of the girls today are mature enough to

become Ye Ting's right-hand man, so Ye Ting selectively revealed some of

his secrets to them.

For example, the space gate, Ye Ting's plane travel, and the world of the

song of ice and fire.

Whether it is a strategy for the new world in the future, or building their

own forces in various worlds, the girls will be Ye Ting's good helpers.

With them, Ye Ting's journey to the plane will be much easier.

Of course, there are some fundamental secrets that Ye Ting will not tell

them: for example, Ye Ting's true origin, such as the existence of "story"

and so on.

These secrets are destined to be buried deep in Ye Ting's heart forever.

However, Ye Ting was taken aback by Hermione's news.

"Um... how did you know about this... I mean, why did you know this

before I told you?"

Ye Ting looked a little embarrassed.

"Do you think that, as sisters in the same world, Furong and Gabriel

would hide anything from us?" Hermione gave Ye Ting a meaningful


Since most of the girls have their own business, for a long time, even if

they knew about the existence of the world of Song of Ice and Fire, they

never really entered there with Ye Ting. Only the sisters Furong and

Gabriel were there. After announcing his withdrawal from the

entertainment circle a few years ago, he began to enter the world of a

song of ice and fire with him as Ye Ting's helper.

Therefore, only they know Ye Ting's decision among the girls in the

Harry Potter world.

However, it seems that everyone knows it now.

Thinking of this, although the man did not regret his arrangement, he

became more embarrassed.

"Well, I'm not blaming you." Finally, Hermione couldn't hold back her

serious face and laughed out loud. "Why are you so serious? I just want to

know, why did you choose them? You know Yes, if you really need help,

any of us is willing to put aside the work at hand to help you, you are the

most important of us."

Ye Ting was moved by Hermione's gentle words.

"Of course I know this," he defended softly, "but the situation in the new

world is different from what you imagined. Believe me, except for La Rui,

all of you are not suitable to go there, but La Rui has no longevity.


"Then are they suitable?" Hermione frowned. "The little dragon (referring

to Daenerys, but she herself...) and the old woman (referring to

Melisandre) are there any better? Are we strong? Or do you prefer the

little she-wolves (referring to the Stark sisters)? Or..."

It can be seen from the words that although she has never met, Hermione

is still very concerned about Ye Ting’s "interpersonal relationship" in that

world. Even a magnificent girl like Hermione will express her inner

jealousy from time to time. Woolen cloth.

Hearing this, Ye Ting hurriedly stopped Hermione's words.

"You think too much, I'm not going to take them away," he shook his

head helplessly, "I want to take away Dani's three dragons."

Item 0383

"So... you mean, you are not going to take it alone?"

After listening to Ye Ting's explanation, Hermione asked in disbelief.

"Yes, don't worry, I will take those three dragons over." Ye Ting put on a

pure and innocent look, "Until the seven kingdoms of Westeros and

rebuild the Targaryen dynasty, Dany will not Those who have the mind

to do other things will do the same for other people, so in fact, this is

equivalent to going to another world by myself."

However, the facts proved that Hermione's understanding of Ye Ting

exceeded his imagination.

She asked a special question: "Is it right, are the three dragons male or


Faced with this tricky question, Ye Ting had to explain: "...In fact, the

dragons in the Song of Ice and Fire world are different from those in our

world. Although they can lay eggs and produce offspring, they have no

gender distinction. Each dragon can lay its own dragon eggs..."

However, Hermione was not satisfied with the answer, still looking in his


Finally, under the gaze of the girl, Ye Ting finally told the truth.

"Well, I confess, because what was bathed at birth was not pure high

temperature, but from my Animagus-flames from another world, so

compared with their kinsmen, they have undergone mutations. Among

them One is having sex... In fact, they are all female dragons."

Then he turned to blame Hermione.

"Even if they are female dragons? Why do you care about their gender?

You are not... thinking of something strange, right?"

"Isn't it?" Hermione was aggrieved, "Aren't you that kind of person?

Obviously you can't help it when practicing half-dragonization, what else

can't trouble you? Anyway, with your magical powers. , Since you can

turn people into dragons, you can surely make dragons into people...

And, I always think you and La Rui are a little too close, don't think I

can't guess your plan!"

Ye Ting: "..."

What should I say? Miss Granger deserves to be Miss Granger, she is

indeed keenly aware of Ye Ting's certain aspirations for the maternal

maternal mother from his previous life.

Seeing Ye Ting who was a little speechless, Hermione's tone finally eased.

"Okay, okay, it's okay to have a few such sisters. For your sake, if there is

such a day, everyone will recognize them. Who will let us all be

surrendered by a certain man?"

Hermione's words made Ye Ting relieved, who was worried about the

girls' thoughts. However, before he could express his feelings, Hermione

spoke again.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 292:

"In short, we are not unacceptable to sisters of other races, but you

shouldn't help it before they become human."

"Who would do such a thing!" Ye Ting retorted loudly in anger.

"Then who knows..." Hermione whispered.

In this way, the two went through the fireplace noisily and returned

home with the Floo net.

In the next few days, Ye Ting began to explore the new world of clothing

on the one hand, on the other hand, he also tried to find opportunities to

accompany his girlfriends more, because the new world is more

dangerous than the world of Ice and Fire and the world of Harry Potter.

Much, and the magic power level is much higher.

It is conceivable that due to the higher concentration of magic power,

this world must have more powerful existence than these two worlds,

more advanced and complex magic.

Therefore, the development and exploration of such a world is definitely

a long-term job, and, in order to prevent the possibility of being noticed

by some powerful beings, Ye Ting does not plan to frequent the new


In this way, the exploration of the new world may be a long time.

Before that, he must fully enjoy his beautiful and leisurely daily life.

This kind of thinking made him just perfunctory when dealing with the

new Hogwarts freshman welcome party, and it was almost the shortest

new semester dinner in the history of Hogwarts.

Although Ye Ting has always been indifferent to these trivial matters, he

can be regarded as unparalleled at this perfunctory level, and many of his

friends and acquaintances have found it inexplicable.

Even Dumbledore, who has been retired for several years, has already put

aside the safety of Hogwarts and the magical world. After giving

everything to the young people, Dumbledore, who is at home and spends

his old age, ignores world affairs, and therefore issued a question to him.


However, can this stop Ye Ting?

From the second day after school started, Ye Ting did not show up at

Hogwarts again, but stayed at home with the girls humbly. After two

days, he was content to enter the Ice and Fire. The world of songs.

Needless to say, you also know that although the time he stayed in the

world of a song of ice and fire, compared to the world of Harry Potter,

only a moment has passed, but during this time, he and the world of a

song of ice and fire The women also experienced a romantic time


Then, in the secret room that was still underground at Hogwarts, Ye Ting

took one gold, one red and one green, and three female dragons appeared

in front of the gate of time and space.

At this time, it’s been five years since Ye Ting first entered the world of

Song of Ice and Fire, and the three female dragons are already five years

old. They are now 20 to 30 meters tall. If there is no room to extend the

curse , The secret room can't fit the three of them at all.

For the fire dragon in the Harry Potter world, this is an unimaginable

huge figure, but for the dragons in other worlds, such a figure is just the


However, one of the wonders of dragons is that as they grow older, their

size will increase indefinitely.

In the world of the song of ice and fire, the largest dragon recorded in

history is the black **** of death Bellerion. It lived 220 years old, and its

body length at the time of death had reached nearly two hundred meters,

which was already more than that of the "Lord of the Rings". Smaug's

huge figure in the Middle-earth in "" is slightly comparable to the

Deathwing of World of Warcraft.

Ye Ting believed that in the world he was going to go to next, these three

sisters could grow up enough.

Because the world he is going to next is World of Warcraft.

In this world, there are demi-god-class creatures named Guardian

Dragons, who have been given power by the Titans to guard their planet,


And these guardian dragons not only have a size far surpassing the same

kind, but also have considerable wisdom and magical powers. Moreover,

almost every adult dragon has an incarnation of mortal races-such as

humans, elves, night elves and other creatures. Ability.

Ye Ting expected that his three giant dragons could grow up enough in

this world.

Even, he also used his ability to choose the timeline to cut into the world,

and had more arrangements for these three dragons.

For the three female dragons, Ye Ting is the one who gave them half of

their lives, and also the one who nurtures, teaches them to grow, and

gives them wisdom equivalent to humans. If Daenerys is their mother,

then Ye Ting The status is equal to the father.

Such a close relationship allowed them to repay Ye Ting's unconditional

trust, which was also the basis for Ye Ting's plan to be implemented.

In this way, under the eyes of the girls, Ye Ting tightly grasped the magic

wand "weaver" in his hand, feeling the fluctuations that echoed with the

space-time gate in front of him (because the material of the weaver was

derived from World of Warcraft plane), led the three female dragons into

the gate of time and space and embarked on a new journey.

〇③"World of Warcraft"

Chapter 0384 Dalaran's New "Scam"

If there is any place in the human kingdom that can be called a miracle,

it is Dalaran.

This wonderful city located on Cross Island in Lordamere Lake combines

wisdom, strength, majesty, gorgeousness, art and mystery. It is the

brightest jewel in the entire continent of Lordaeron.

Almost all the human wizards in the world used to study the arcane arts

they learned from the high elves, and the mysterious and elegant white

towers all over the city called the wisdom, ambition, status and power of

the wizards. .

The establishment of Dalaran dates back thousands of years.

When mankind was still in the age of tribes, the ruler of Lordaeron was

still the Amani Empire of trolls. The ancestors of the high elves crossed

the sea and established their own magic kingdom, Quel, on Lordaeron.


But soon, Quel'Thalas and the Amani Empire had conflicts due to the

expansion of their territories, and thus began a war that lasted for

thousands of years.

This war lasted more than four thousand years. Although the high elves

mastered powerful magic, they were unable to multiply as fast as humans

and trolls, and were eventually dragged down by the Amanda trolls. In

desperation, they found King Thoradin, who had just unified the tribes of

mankind, and formed an alliance with him at the expense of teaching

human magic.

In the end, the coalition of humans and high elves defeated the Amani

Empire in one fell swoop and ended the troll's rule on Lordaeron.

And the first human magicians who were taught magical mysteries from

the high elves gathered together and established their own city-Dalaran.

Due to Dalaran's extremely open policy in the use of magic, Dalaran has

gradually become Lordaeron and the world's magical and experimental

center, even with their magic teacher-the silver moon of the high elves.

The city is not inferior, even some high elves come here admiringly and

become a member of it.

Unlike the magic schools in the world of Harry Potter-perhaps because

the wizards of the world of Harry Potter learned the Muggle education

system-Dalaran's magic heritage is taught to apprentices through mentors

Way of inheritance.

Just like in universities, professors lead graduate students or doctoral

students, or traditional craftsmen and masters lead apprentices. In

Dalaran, the inheritance of magic is mostly carried out by mentors. Here,

all the magic of small achievements Teachers can be a mentor on their

own, recruiting some gifted apprentices of magic. They will pass on their

views on magic to their apprentices. On the contrary, these apprentices

will also take on tasks such as test assistants and handyman. The

instructor provides services until he leaves the teacher.

Of course, as a well-known center of magic, Dalaran not only has

countless magicians who are enough to become mentors, but also has a

wealth of public education and academic resources. This is why it can

attract wizards from all over the world. one.

Dalaran has almost the richest library in the world. Countless magical

knowledge is open to everyone who meets the conditions. At the same

time, countless new magical theories and results are born here, and in

The mages communicate with each other.

Since the mages of Dalaran have been in a relatively peaceful

environment for a long time, the prestige and status of a mages in this

city is determined not only by the mages’ powerful mana, but also by the

mages’ academic skills. Achievements-Of course, most of the wizards

with Zoran academic achievements also have powerful mana. After all,

the power of magic comes from wisdom.

Dalaran’s leadership organization is one of the six councils of Kirin Tor.

Archmage Antonidas himself was known for his genius when he was

young. He was awarded the Kirin Tor Supreme Wisdom Ribbon for his

dissertation on the “Branch Law of Magical Practice,” and he was also the

youngest ever recipient of the award.

Many other famous mages, more or less, have their own unique


In other words, in most cases, Dalaran's top executives are basically

magical geniuses.

Recently, the wizards of Dalaran have once again witnessed the rise of a

young genius.

This young mage is quite young. This is not a bad sentence, because he is

so young that he looks only fifteen or six years old.

Most mages, at this age, are just as magical apprentices under a certain


However, this young mage had quite terrifying achievements at this age-

he almost subverted Dalaran's arcane magic system.

In the plane of World of Warcraft, magic, or arcane magic, is generally

divided into nine schools.

These eight schools are the protection system that specializes in shields

and nodules, the spell system that can summon objects and creatures, the

prophecy system that can obtain long-distance and even future

information, the enchantment system that can add magic effects to items,

and the enchantment system that can add magic effects to items. The

illusion system that creates illusions and hallucinations, the necromantic

system that studies the dead man's manipulation of the dead, the change

system that manipulates time and space changes, the alchemy system

that creates incredible magic items, and the plastic energy system that

manipulates and transforms energy.

These nine magic factions cover almost all arcane magic. Any new magic

cannot escape this system. There are also wizards trying to make

breakthroughs. However, no matter what kind of genius or wisdom, there

is no exception. It failed, and in the end, the existence of these nine

schools became the basic common sense of arcane magic.

Originally, the mages thought that this common sense would still be


Until recently……

A young mage who came to Dalaran and studied for no more than a year,

but grandly suggested that he had discovered a new magic that was

different from the existing magic system.

At the beginning, the mages regarded this news as another little person's

sensational trick, or a trick of a liar. Almost no one took this as the same

thing. There are some such characters in Dalaran every year, and they

always raise them. Some appalling new ideas and new theories are trying

to fool some magical apprentices who don't know the truth and young

people who aspire to become wizards, or to defraud them of funding

from a certain wizard.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 293:

Most of these people eventually left Dalaran in embarrassment. Of

course, there will be a few lucky people who find some takers, but this

kind of fraud usually doesn't last long.

But this time, the good people agreed that the new liar was destined to

be unsuccessful-the cowhide he was blowing was too big for anyone with

a little knowledge of magic to see through.

There is also a female mage. It is a pity that this "liar" has such a high

profile. Instead of becoming a guest of female mage and female

nobleman, she has to engage in some pediatric scams.

However, soon, they were all beaten in the face.

At the young man’s academic lecture, the mages who were bored to

watch the excitement were surprised to find that the young mage turned

the podium into a huge cow in front of them. A group of hanging lights

turned into a group of nightingales, and a wonderful serenade was played

in the classroom.

Only then did they understand that this "scam" might be true.

Item 0385

"... Therefore, I think that transformation magic is by no means just a

part of the transformation school of magic. It does not change things

from the spatial level, but really changes the nature of objects, turning

one thing into another. One thing-although in most cases this change is

only temporary-to sum up, whether in theory or in terms of practical

effects, the magic of transformation is completely different from the

magic of transformation. In order to facilitate research and learning, we

should separate it into a new school of magic!"

Ye Ting ended the speech with a contagious voice, then snapped his

fingers, and immediately, all the birds and beasts around him were

reduced to the original podium, candles, oil lamps, and sitting The book

of the mage in the front row.

It's as if the previous deformation hasn't happened at all.

The next moment, thunderous applause immediately sounded in the

largest step-shaped classroom in the entire Violet Castle. This applause

was not only for Ye Ting's speech, but also for his magical transformation

technique. Even in this magic-of course, called arcane here-the

concentration is much higher than the plane of the Harry Potter world,

this kind of transformation show is unique and unprecedented.

"Wonderful speech! It's really wonderful!"

When the applause subsided, an old man wearing a purple robe and

white beard and hair stood up and exclaimed.

As his voice sounded, most of the noisy sounds in the back row gradually


In fact, this time Ye Ting’s academic lecture was the largest one he had

organized, and this classroom that could hold hundreds of people was

filled with a group of masters from the top of Dalaran, many of whom

had People with the title of Archmage, however, even they, after the old

man spoke, couldn't help lowering their voices—this was their respect for

the old man.

Because the person in front of him is now the highest leader of Dalaran,

the archmage Antonidas, one of the six-member council of the Kirin Tor,

and now the most influential mage in Dalaran.

"Really an excellent young man," he held his staff, walked towards Ye

Ting slowly, and nodded to him: "You did accomplish an unprecedented

achievement. In fact, our Kirin Tor Council is already discussing whether

to Grant you the'Kirin Tor Supreme Wisdom Ribbon'-of course, I can

reveal to you privately, this discussion is just a cutscene."

Speaking of this, the old man blinked at him.

At that moment, Ye Ting seemed to see Albus Dumbledore.

Speaking of which, these two old people do have many similarities: they

are both academic leaders, they are both considered the strongest

wizards (of course only in the mortal category), both are just and kind,

and both have a man who threw himself into the dark in order to

overcome death and The genius students who became the villain BOSS

(the student of Antonidas has not yet betrayed), all indirectly died at the

hands of this traitorous student, and they all taught another younger

student of the savior...

The topic is far off.

Although the old man in front of him looked as kind as Dumbledore, Ye

Ting could feel the deep wisdom and surging mana in his somewhat

muddy eyes.

At least it was much stronger than him-of course, it was another thing

after Ye Ting completely liberated the dragon's power.

However, in Ye Ting's view, judging from the first impression based on

this powerful strength and affinity, Antonidas is indeed well-deserved as

the spiritual leader of Dalaran.

Thinking about this, he also bowed back to the old man.

"You are absurd, Archmage Antonidas," he said modestly, "Thank you for

your recognition of me. I was just lucky. I happened to find this area that

no one had touched before."

"Anyway, strength won't deceive." Antonidas shook his head, "You can

see that this is not an achievement by chance. ——Rather, all luck is a

person who was prepared for a long time and just seized the opportunity

——Even if it was me... even the most powerful person, at your age,

there will be no such people in the world like you. Eye-catching

achievements, so, although it is not the time yet, I think I can say:

Congratulations, Grand Master Thunder (Thunder·Leaf, the alias of Ye

Ting, the two words are Ye The literal translation of the word He Ting,

although Azeroth has its own lingua franca, I will use English instead)."

After listening to Antonidas' words, many of the younger mages present

were dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

Granting the "Kirin Tor Highest Ribbon of Wisdom" is fine. The Master

Sander, who pioneered the Transfiguration School, was able to win this

highest award, and he deserved it.

However, what is the name Archmage?

For the wizards in this world, although there is no specific level of

strength, there is still a customary hierarchy.

Generally speaking, mages are called apprentices, mages, and grand

mages from low to high based on their strength and academic


Perhaps on this planet called Azeroth, there are magicians whose mana is

far greater than that of ordinary archmages, such as the guardians of the

Tirisfal Council who are determined to hunt demons, or ten thousand

years. In the past, the queen of the night elf empire, the light in the light,


However, as far as the mages are concerned, the arch mages can be

regarded as the most senior titles.

People who can become great masters are, without exception, strong and


In Dalaran, the Archmage is the Kirin Tor Council, second only to the

existence of the Kirin Tor Council.

They will make appropriate suggestions to the leadership council and

have specific responsibilities, and all the other mages must serve for the

archmage-at least one of them.

Of course, with Dalaran's freedom and openness to magic, every mage

has tremendous power and freedom. The so-called effectiveness is only in

terms of obligations, but it is enough to reflect the status of the arch


In contrast, it is also quite difficult to become an archmage. First, you

must have enough strength, and second, you must have enough wisdom,

at least enough in magic. This is definitely not something that can be

done with outstanding achievements. of.

However, in Antonidas's mouth, they did hear that the old man actually

called this young man "the great mage"!

It sounds like a "lucky guy" at this young age will soon be awarded the

title of Archmage by the Kirin Tor Council.

But why is he?

It’s not that people are questioning Antonidas’ favoritism. The old man’s

long-standing reputation and loyalty to Dalaran have made the mages

trust him. However, Ye Ting’s young face really has to make people

doubt whether he has something worthy of greatness. The power and

knowledge of the title of Master.

Only those who are superb in mana, those real archmages, can use Ye

Ting's hand to be silent and wandless. The) spellcasting, as well as the

complex and changeable and multi-line manipulation of the

transformation magic, are enough to let them see the leopard in their

eyes and see Ye Ting's abilities.

In any case, everyone realized that Dalaran was about to rise a new


Item 0386

Ye Ting, or Thunder Liver, proposed in a series of academic lectures that

the transformation magic should be independent of transformation

magic, which is actually the transformation he has mastered in the world

of Harry Potter. magic.

Even in that world, transformation magic is a type of spell independent

of spells, so put it on Azeroth (the world of Warcraft plane, the planet as

the main stage), and treat this as an independent magic The factions are


After all, in Azeroth's arcane magic, the transformation magic belongs to

the transformation system, the theory is complicated, and the effect is


At least in terms of the randomness of polymorphism, the transformation

of non-creatures into non-creatures, and the transformation of non-

creatures into creatures, the magic of Harry Potter's world far exceeds

Azeroth. At least the mages of Azeroth can only temporarily turn high-

intelligence creatures into low-intelligence creatures, such as Sheep

Transformation, Pig Transformation, and witch doctors of the savage race

(mostly turning into frogs).

Of course, it is not that the mages of Azeroth have not tried

polymorphism in other directions, but countless mistakes and accidents

have told them that this is nowhere.

But now, Ye Ting's appearance tells them that you are wrong.

He used subversive theories and incredible transformation magic to let

the wizards understand that it was not that the transformation magic was

complicated, but the direction was wrong at the beginning. His hand was

simple and effective (compared to Azeroth’s transformation. )’S

transformation magic and its theoretical basis have successfully proved

that the transformation magic produced by relying on the transformation

magic is a transformation magic that has gone wrong.

Soon, this theory caused an uproar throughout Dalaran, and the

archmages launched fierce discussions about it, and even the civilians in

Dalaran would talk about whether the transformation technique will

expel the transformation magic. Into a faction, and start a controversy

that is useless.

In short, Ye Ting became a popular person in the entire Dalaran, and

people wanted to know him. Within two or three days, he received

countless banquet invitations. There were always people who greeted

him on the road, and many magic apprentices sent him to him. The

request of apprenticeship.

He couldn't even calm down and read books in the library in the Violet

Castle in the center of Dalaran. Even in this place where he should be

quietly studying, there were a steady stream of mages trying to chat with

him, which made him feel uncomfortable. Without interruption, he has

been here for more than a year of study career.

However, for him, all this is necessary.

The reason why he did not hesitate to take out the transformation magic

and share it with everyone, in order to improve his status in a short time.

Only in this way can he better master the magic of this world and master

more powerful knowledge and power.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 294:

Although as the center of power and scholarship in Dalaran, most of the

libraries in Violet Castle are public facilities, but not individuals can

browse freely here.

As a mage, Ye Ting could only read some of the most basic magic

theories and some popular books here. More advanced and professional

knowledge requires higher authority. This authority may be a

contribution to Dalaran, or even more. The permission of high-status

people may also be the exchange of knowledge.

Therefore, Ye Ting spent a year in the library, basically mastering the

basic theories of arcane magic, and learned the most common magic, so

that he would not be shy when facing the mage of this world.

Then, he started his own plan to gain prestige.

In Dalaran, what could be more compelling than the new magic theory?

The magic from another world that Ye Ting grasped naturally met this


Therefore, in order to maximize the use of the capital in his hand, he

spent time and combined Harry Potter’s transfiguration with the

transfiguration in the transformation magic, and launched the first nine

school of arcane magic that is different from the original arcane magic.

Ten schools, metamorphosis school.

In fact, compared to arcane magic, although Harry Potter’s spells lack

power and offensiveness, they appear to be quite simple and convenient

in many respects.

Unfortunately, these spells are too complicated compared to the Nine

Schools of Arcane. For example, Apparition is placed in Arcane and

belongs to the Transformation System, Blazing Blazing and Fire Curse

belong to the Plastic Energy System, and the Disarming Curse and

Stunning Curse belong to the Enchanting System...

In this way, it is too troublesome to establish a separate system based on


Coupled with the skill he needed to keep one hand as the bottom of the

box, in the end, he only used the Transfiguration Technique to establish

his prestige in Dalaran.

The time Ye Ting came to this world happened to be the first year of the

Dark Portal, when all the plots began.

This year, the orc warlock Gul'dan from the alien planet Draenor has

opened a huge portal across the stars—the Dark Portal.

Through the Dark Portal, the orc tribe of Draenor has sent an advance

force to Azeroth and established a pioneer camp in the Black Swamp near

the Dark Portal to prepare for the invasion of the family.

According to the original history, it is still four years before the orcs

defeated the Storm Kingdom in the south of the Eastern Kingdom (the

name of the entire continent) and invaded the continent of Lordaeron,

making the human kingdoms aware of this huge crisis.

As the saying goes, heroes emerge in troubled times, and only when wars

are the time to shuffle all the cards, and it is also the time for Ye Ting to

obtain sufficient benefits in this world. Like in the world of Harry Potter,

Ye Ting believes that the best way to gain the knowledge and power he

wants in Azeroth is not to actively seek out, but to build his own power

and influence.

After all, it is much more convenient for an organization or even a

country to collect information and establish research than a mere


In the world of Harry Potter, he tasted such a sweetness-after becoming

the savior, he easily obtained the research results of the entire Ministry of

Magic for hundreds of years, and at the same time browsed the world's

collection of books, and successfully established the magical classics.

In fact, in this era, Ye Ting also had to do it.

In fact, Ye Ting did not intend to come to Azeroth at this time, because

since the first year of the Dark Portal, after the beginning of the entire

plot, countless troubles will follow on this poor planet. In the end, the

competition was staged: first the alien race invasion, then the

resurrection of the ancient gods, then the undead natural disasters, the

demonic invasion, then the planetary guardian civil strife, then the time

guardian civil strife, then the mortal race war, and then again It was the

invasion of alien races from another timeline, then another invasion of

demons, then the rise of the ancient gods, and then another world war...

If all this happens on the earth, ten earths will be destroyed, even

Azeroth, where the strong are born, can be considered precarious and on

the verge of extinction in the face of countless major troubles.

If it were possible, Ye Ting would never take part in this chaotic era so

soon—less to say, he would have to farm for thousands of years.

Unfortunately, sometimes, the trouble will not be transferred because of

human will.

Item 0387

According to the original plan, the time when Ye Ting planned to cut into

this world was tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years

ago in the first year of the Dark Portal.

In that era, there were neither elves nor humans. The mortal race did not

establish any civilization. The ruler of Azeroth was the ancestor dragon

and the creations of the Titans.

Titans are one of the apex existences in World of Warcraft. They are the

star souls of the planet. After awakening, they formed the "Pantheon" and

began their journey of creation.

After the "Pantheon" visited Azeroth, the Titans discovered that this

planet also has an immature star soul, so they established many

laboratories here and created their own servants.

However, when the Titans left Azeroth and visited here again, they were

surprised to find that this planet had been occupied by a group of

exceptionally powerful parasites, the ancient gods.

In order to prevent the new kinsmen from being corrupted, the Titans

sealed the ancient gods, and selected a few of the servants they created as

guardians of the world, and then left.

Ye Ting originally chose the time after the Titan left.

Generally speaking, arcane magic comes from the power of the planet

itself, and the Titan is the apex of arcane magic. Obviously, Ye Ting's

own strength can't provoke the Titan at all, and once discovered by the

Titans, as a flesh and blood creature, As a visitor from another world, Ye

Ting would most likely be seen by the Titans about the abnormalities in

his body.

After all, at that time, all humanoid creatures except for Titans were their

creations, and these creations were made of earth, rock and steel. Ye

Ting's flesh and blood body meant that he was either under the hands of

the ancient gods or was in the flesh and blood of the ancient gods.

Curse"-The humans, dwarves, and gnomes on Azeroth are all formed after

the curse of flesh and blood was created by the Titans.

Coupled with the dragon power and other world magic in Ye Ting's body,

in the eyes of creatures like Titan, it was basically as obvious as a golden


In this way, in order not to be arrested by the Titans, Ye Ting had to

escape and gave up the world: Who knows if the Titans will leave any

traps against him, you know, the Titans' seal against the ancient gods is

almost running. Million years.

Compared with the Titans, Ye Ting felt that the Guardians were easier to

deal with. His original plan was to absorb the wisdom of the Titans from

the ruins left by the Titans, and at the same time, to allow his three

dragons to gain a good fortune in this era.

The original him, almost succeeded.

His three female dragons, the golden dragon Talonixia, the red dragon

Alexstrasza, and the green dragon Ysera, did not live up to the name Ye

Ting gave them. This world seems to be more than a song of ice and fire.

It is suitable for them to grow up, and soon, they will become leaders in

the Yuanlong with their strength and wisdom far surpassing ordinary

Yuanlong (another name for the ancestor dragon).

Especially the eldest sister Taronisia, who is basically the most powerful

"Yuanlong", second only to Galakrond, who is called the "Father of

Dragons" in the future, and is hundreds of times the size of ordinary


In this way, they have a complete opportunity to replace the positions of

Taronixia, Alexstrasza and Ysera in the original history, seize the

opportunity and become the guardians of this planet-the guardian


Even, with her own wisdom and Ye Ting’s support, Talonysia can

completely break through the fate of the original Talonysia who died

before she was born in history, and becomes the original five guardian

dragons. The sixth guardian dragon to exist in history.

And Ye Ting himself, also in constant exploration, found the location of

the various laboratories left by the Titans, and prepared to crack the

mechanism and enter the laboratory.

Perhaps the timing of Ye Ting’s crossing was too precise. As the new

generation of Yuanlong gradually grew up, the other guardian dragons:

Nozdormu, Malygos, and Nesario also gradually emerged. , Became the

best in Yuanlong, and their names began to spread in Yuanlong.

The original Talonisia, Alexstrasza, and Ysera in World of Warcraft,

perhaps because they already have outstanding leaders in the population,

did not show their prominence.

In short, all the dragons gathered together, and their destiny was

gradually opened.

As in history, one of the guardians left by the Titans, the King of Order

Tyr, discovered the anomaly of Galakrond.

This Yuanlong evolved by devouring the corpses of the same race and

theirs. His unusual figure, the proliferating eyes and limbs on the body,

and the undead dragon that was infected by him all show that this

monster has already embarked on the wrong evolution. Path-the

evolution path belonging to the ancient gods.

Tyr wants his colleagues to take action together, but the rest of the

guardians believe that their task is to guard the ancient gods and

maintain the Titan Lab, and should not interfere with the disputes

between the natives of Azeroth.

So, as in the original history, Tyr chose Taronisia, Alexstrasza, Ysera,

Nozdormu, Malygos and Nesario in Yuanlong to join them. Fought a

decisive battle with Galakrond.

In the decisive battle, Tyr unfortunately lost his right hand, but the six

Yuanlongs worked together to defeat Galakrond, who was thousands of

times larger than them.

And Taronisia did not repeat the mistakes of Taronisia in the original

history, did not eagerly seek a decisive battle and was ambushed, so she


In short, they became the savior of this world.

Until this time, the guardians created by the Titans realized all this later,

and they felt guilty that they did not properly perform their duty of

guarding the world.

As a result, they summoned the phantoms of their creators and gave

power to the six dragons.

In the creation Titans, Amansur, the father of the gods, gave Nozdormu

the blessing of dominating time.

Iona, the guardian of order, gave Alexzstrasza the power to create life,

and gave Ysera the ability to manipulate nature and control the emerald


Norgannon, the guardian of magic and knowledge, gave Malygos the

earth-shaking arcane power.

Khaz'goroth, the world shaper and builder, gave Neltharion the power of

the earth.

What happened in the end was something that didn't exist in the original

history: Gorganes, the king of heavens and raging waves, gave Taronisia

the sky and the power of thunder and lightning.

From then on, six guardian dragons: Dominator of the Sky, Taronisia, Life

Oathbinder Alexstrasza, Sleeper Ysera, Nozdormu the Eternal, Malygos

the Spellweaver, Guardian of the Earth Neltharion received blessings

from the Titans and also received the responsibility to guard the world.

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 295:

At the same time, they also got rid of the image of Yuanlong, and under

the energy of the Pantheon, they became real dragons for majestic


Then, the guardians created by the Titans cast spells to transform

hundreds of Yuanlong Eggs that have not yet hatched, and the ones born

from them will be species like dragon kings. This new race of dragon-

calling dragons will form six different races in the future: golden dragons,

bronze dragons, red dragons, green dragons, blue dragons, and black


These dragons will serve as the dragon kings' subordinates, companions

and allies, in order to help the dragon kings defend Azeroth.

However, compared to Nozdormu, Malygos, and Neltharion, Taronisia,

Alexstrasza, and Ysera do not need a spouse. They have a world of ice

and fire. The characteristic is that they can lay a dragon egg enough to

grow into a giant dragon by themselves. In addition, compared to the

same clan, they expect a different spouse.

However, just as everything was about to be done, an accident happened.

In the decisive battle of Galakrond, the entire OB battle, in case the three

female dragons had an accident, Ye Ting did not leave when the guardian

summoned the Titan phantom. After all, this is just a phantom. The real

Titan is far away from the alien planet. , He also wanted to get a glimpse

of the true face of Titan.

However, he still underestimated the abilities of the Titans.

At the end of the ceremony, Norgannon, the strongest wizard among the

Titans, keenly perceives Ye Ting—the existence of a flesh and blood life

that does not belong to Yuanlong, nor does it belong to the creation of


Ye Ting, who was taken aback, immediately activated the emergency

escape measures: use the time-space gate to leave this point in time and

head to the future of this plane.

During the journey of time, he wanted to enter this world several times,

but was rejected by the world again and again for unknown reasons. The

War of the Ancients, the high elves fleeing east, and the fight against the

Troll Empire of Amani...Finally, until the Darkness In the first year of the

door, he successfully returned to Azeroth again.

Then he came to Dalaran until today.

Item 0388

After weeks of discussions and the hands-on practice of several

archmages headed by Antonidas, the Kirin Tor Council finally announced

that in the voting of the Society of Magicians, 80% of the mages agreed

to pass the Master Sander. Only less than 10% of the wizards objected to

the proposal in Liver's thesis "On Whether Transformation Magic belongs

to the Branch of the School of Transformation Magic School: A New Class

of Transformation Magic" to change the existing basic theories of magic.

In other words, it is basically a foregone conclusion that the nine schools

of arcane magic will become ten schools, and the mages of Dalaran have

new magic to learn.

This is quite a big deal for the mages.

It's like the sudden addition of a branch of quantum mechanics in

physics, or the sudden emergence of computer science in engineering.

Ordinary people may not feel anything, but for the masters, this can be

regarded as an earth-shaking change.

In this change, Sand Liver, who proposed this theory and built the

framework of the transformation school of magic school with his own

power, undoubtedly became a figure in Dalaran, and a recognized master

of the transformation system by the wizards.

In the next two months, flowers and applause followed, especially the

award of the Kirin Tor Supreme Wisdom Ribbon and the recognition of

the title of Archmage, which pushed Sander's reputation to a peak.

No mathematician wants to be under his sect, countless mages want to

establish friendship with him, countless salons and societies hope to

absorb him as one of them.

He even received an invitation from the Kingdom of Alterac and the

Kingdom of Gilneas to become their chief court mage.

Although all this annoyed him, but he was not unprepared for it.

In the world of Harry Potter, after he defeated Voldemort, he was

harassed by a series of such invitations for a long time, and until he

crossed, he had to spend a few days every year to participate in some

academic masters. Party.

Today, it is the same, but there are many more people worth dealing


Because the magic of this world is much more complicated than the

Harry Potter world as a whole, he needs to learn a lot more.

However, this kind of entertainment is annoying, but it is not nothing.

For example, he met a prince from the high elves, Kael'thas, one of the

Kirin Tor meeting of six.

For example, one of the six-person meeting, Krasus, who is actually a red

dragon, hides his identity and blends into the mortal race.

Etc., etc…

Each of these wizards has magical knowledge that cannot be

underestimated, and everyone is enough to benefit Sander in the magic

way, so he is very happy to have magical exchanges with these people.

In fact, he did become good friends with some of them.

For example, Kael'thas, although the elven prince looks very arrogant, he

is actually a very kind person. He is humble and helpful. He is also very

good at listening to the opinions of others. Most high elves believe that

Kael'thas He is an excellent prince, and he will become an excellent elf

king in the future.

However, Ye Ting felt that the elf prince was too kind and indecisive, but

too stubborn at the critical moment. These are not the qualities that a

future race leader should have. In the original plot, the high elves will

have such a bleak ending under the leadership of Kael'thas.

But it’s no wonder that compared with the fiercely competitive human

society, the high elves live much richer and more leisurely lives.

Therefore, the politics of the high elves is not as complicated as that of

humans, and even relatively simple. In addition, since defeating the

Amani troll, Quel'Thalas has achieved long-term peace, and it is not

surprising that such heirs have been cultivated.

If peace can continue, perhaps Kael'thas can become a great king, but...

In terms of magic, Kael'thas inherited the lineage of the Sunstrider family

and is quite proficient in the flame magic of the plastic energy system. In

addition, he is also very good at manipulating arcane magic in the

transformation system, and this aspect of magic is also considered good.

The above is the unique method of the high elves, from the "Arcane

torrent" that interrupts the casting, to the "spell countermeasure" of the

war gods in the wizard, etc... In terms of their ability to play with magic

power far surpasses that of human mages, especially Kael'thas.

The high elves have always regarded themselves as human magic

teachers, but Kael'thas admired Ye Ting's pioneering magical

achievements, which is why they can become friends.

Another friend of Ye Ting's, the red dragon Krasus disguised as a high elf,

would become friends with Ye Ting for another reason.

Although Krasus is different from other giant dragons, he has an

extraordinary affection for the mortal race, and is also willing to pretend

to be a mortal race and stay with them to observe, but the inherent pride

of the dragons makes it difficult for him to become like others. friend.

But Ye Ting was an exception. After talking with Ye Ting, Krasus

discovered by accident that instead of his innate contempt for this young

man, he had an extraordinary favor and even respect—he didn’t know,

all of this came from Yu Ye Ting's dragon's power.

In addition to interpersonal relationships, Ye Ting's biggest advantage

after becoming an archmage is that the entire Dalaran is almost

completely open to him.

He can browse the library in the Violet Castle at will. The public

laboratories and classrooms can also be used at will. He has become one

of the most powerful people in Dalaran.

And what he has to pay is to teach the newly emerged transformation

magic to other mages, and at the same time continue to study in this


Putting it on the earth, it is equivalent to a top professor in a university.

Not only does it have a good salary and loose academic tasks, but it also

has the right to participate in the administration of the university.

Under such convenient conditions, Ye Ting made full use of every minute

and every second. In addition to having a public class every week, he

gave a little guidance to the apprentices recommended by acquaintances.

He spent all of his time. In the libraries and laboratories, like a sponge

absorbing water, they are absorbing the magical knowledge of this world.

During this period of time, his magic props-Ravenclaw's crown also

played a huge role-the crown's own wisdom Buff and the tool spirit

Helena, which is connected to his mind, made his original unparalleled

learning ability reversed. Several times, and soon, his attainments in the

Arcane Nine University School (not including the Transformation

Department) surpassed most of the wizards, and this made the wizards

who were familiar with him called monsters directly.

During this time, he also participated in several Kirin Tor six-person

meetings and larger meetings, but he has never expressed his views at

these executive meetings.

Most of these meetings are about trivial matters in Dalaran. For example,

a certain mage was complained for summoning a strange creature, or that

a potion leak caused serious consequences...

Of course, something he was quite familiar with happened under the

decision of the Kirin Tor meeting.

A mage apprentice named Khadgar was decided by the meeting to assign

to this generation of Tirisfal guardian, astral mage Medivh, to serve as his


Upon hearing this, Ye Ting knew that the gears of fate had finally begun

to turn.

Chapter 0389 Tirisfal Council and Guardians

When it comes to the guardian of the Tirisfal Council, Medivh, the Astral

Mage, one has to mention the origin of the Tirisfal Council and their

relationship with the Kirin Tor Council.

As we all know, human magic was first taught by high elves.

However, if the high elves were not in desperation in the war with the

trolls, they would never teach magic to humans.

This is not because the elves cherish themselves, but because of the

danger of misusing arcane magic.

The predecessor of the high elves was the high elves, the nobles of the

night elves empire thousands of years ago.

Just as the earth’s continent was once a whole piece of Pangea, the

continent of Azeroth was originally a whole piece.

Today’s Azeroth continent is divided into Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor,

Pandaria, and Northrend, as well as many islands. The reason for the

continent’s division is not due to plate drifting and geological activities as

the earth. An accident-a huge man-made disaster.

The Highborne at that time lived by a lake called the Well of Eternity.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 296:

This lake was originally a wound on Azeroth caused by the ancient gods

and the creation Titans when they fought. The wound was so serious that

unstable arcane energy—the lifeblood of the newborn Titans—from this

scar Gushing out in the middle, rushing to the whole world.

And the Well of Eternity is exactly the remnant left by the Titans after

repairing the wounds of Azeroth, and the energy of arcane is moisturizing

the entire world through the Well of Eternity.

Before the emergence of the night elves, the entire Azeroth was the world

of trolls (dragons and extraordinary human races). After a group of trolls

moved to the Well of Eternity, they were nourished by the energy of the

well water and evolved into night elves—and this is also thereafter. The

origin of the elves' extraordinary arcane magic talent.

Soon, the night elves mastered powerful magic and built a glorious

empire. However, as they gradually abused magic, the space near the

Well of Eternity became fragile and unstable.

Finally, Azeroth attracted the prying eyes of the Burning Legion.

Ten thousand years ago, the ancient battle was the battle of night elves,

six-color dragons (more golden dragons than the original book), and

demigods (a kind of natural spirit) against the demons of the Burning

Legion and defending Azeroth.

The end of the war was a huge explosion. The Well of Eternity was

detonated by magic, driving away the demons, but it also shattered the

continent of Azeroth.

And the upper elves who once abused magic were exiled, and they

crossed the sea east to become the higher elves today.

Therefore, the high elves understand the consequences of misusing magic

best, which is why they are so worried about teaching magic.

After the establishment of Dalaran, their worries soon became reality-the

abuse of arcane magic by humans has attracted the prying eyes of

demons, although there is no energy source like the Well of Eternity to

support a huge portal. , However, they managed to send stragglers to

Azeroth and caused some confusion.

After the elves noticed this, they warned the human wizards. Soon, the

two established a secret organization called the Council of Tirisfal. The

organization would choose the most powerful wizard. Each of the mages

instilled part of his power into him, and this mage was called the

guardian, and he used this powerful power to hunt down the invading


The ruler of Dalaran has also become the Council of Kirin Tor. This

council is a subordinate organization of the Council of Tirisfal. They

stand on the bright side, ruling Dalaran on the one hand, and collecting

the most powerful magic possible on the other. To strengthen the power

of the Tirisfal Council.

However, for the sake of confidentiality, only some high-level members

of the Kirin Tor Council knew of the existence of the Tirisfal Council.

With the passage of time, the guardians of the Tirisfal Council passed on

from generation to generation, and each generation of guardians will pass

on all their mana to their next generations, which makes the guardians

particularly powerful, to Aegwynn’s generation. At that time, she was

even comparable in strength to the guardian dragon, but out of

selfishness, she used powerful magic to extend her life indefinitely, which

also led to a break between her and the Council of Tirisfal.

Hundreds of years ago, Aegwynn encountered the commander of the

Burning Legion, the fallen Titan Sargeras during a hunt for demons.

Sargeras was originally one of the creation Titans, a member of the

"Pantheon" and possessed powerful power. However, he eventually

betrayed the Pantheon, gave up the arcane that represents order, and

turned to the fel energy that represents chaos. Established the Burning


However, although Sargeras was strong, he who came to Azeroth

forcibly, with no power left, was defeated by Aegwynn and the guardian


However, cunningly, he hid his soul in Aegwynn's body.

Tens of young people, due to the pressure of the Tirisfal Council,

Aegwynn had to choose a successor. However, instead of recruiting

apprentices from the mage like her predecessors, she managed to obtain

the seeds of another mage and gave birth to one. Child, gave him the

power of the guardian.

This child is Medivh.

Sargeras' conspiracy also appeared, he hid in Medivh's body, waiting for

an opportunity to exert influence on him.

As a new generation of guardians, Medivh is undoubtedly the strongest

mage in the world and the guardian of the entire Eastern Kingdom. He

has a high reputation. However, when he was controlled by Sargeras,

under his conspiracy, Tiree Almost all the mages of the Sfar Council died

in "accidents."

This not only made him lose control, but also made the Kirin Tor Council

completely independent.

Perhaps because of the strange death of the mages of the Tirisfal Council,

or the coveting of Medivh’s knowledge and power, the Kirin Tor Council

finally chose to let Khadgar, the thorn in their eyes, become Medivh’s.

Apprentice-of course also a spy.

They didn't know that it was because of this decision that the secret

conspiracy of Medivh-or Sargeras-was discovered.

This great guardian actually opened the door of darkness and introduced

the orcs from Draenor, the puppet of the Burning Legion, to the culprit of


In fact, Ye Ting also thought about replacing Khadgar as an apprentice to


Because, as the guardian of the Council of Tirisfal, Medivh is too! rich!

Have! NS!

As mentioned earlier, one of the responsibilities of the Council of Kirin

Tor is to collect magic for the Council of Tirisfal. So where are those

magics now?

Of course it is in the hands of the guardian!

With the accumulation of the Tirisfal Council and the Guardians for many

years, it can be said that Medivh’s knowledge, wealth, and book

collection can even exceed the entire Dalaran (Tirisfal Council is the

mage of Dalaran and Silvermoon City. We established it, so the Tirisfal

Council in Dalaran also has it, and the Dalaran in Tirisfal Council may

not have it).

With Ye Ting's talent and aptitude, it is not difficult to become Medivh's


In this way, as long as he can discover Medivh’s secrets like Khadgar in

the original work, and then organize a wave of people to encircle Medivh

and kill him, then he can be the heir to the guardian and inherit all his

inheritance. .

Although Medivh is very powerful, his own consciousness is still there,

and he will fight against Sargeras' soul, causing the water to be released

in battle. In this way, Khadgar, a second-rate mage in the original book,

can do things. , There is no reason why he can't do it.

However, he finally gave up this plan and chose to take the Dalaran


This is because of fear of Titan.

As the apex of this world, even if Sargeras took refuge in fel energy, gave

up arcane magic, and is now just a soul, Ye Ting did not dare to

underestimate his ability. He still remembers the accident that was

discovered by Titan Projection before. It's still new.

If he became his apprentice and spent a long time with him day and

night, Sargeras discovered something wrong with him, it would not be


However, although he cannot inherit the inheritance as an apprentice, he

can participate in the encirclement and suppression of Medivh, and then

use this to get a share of the battle.

Although this plan cannot monopolize the legacy of the previous one, the

danger is greatly reduced.

Besides, it is not that he has no hole cards.

It's been so long in this era, and the transformation magic has gradually

spread, and some acquaintances should also contact him.

Chapter 0390 Emerald Dream and Ysera

Since Ye Ting decided to take out the transformation magic in Dalaran

and spread it, he knew that sooner or later the existence of

transformation magic would be noticed by interested people.

The fundamental principle of this magic is very different from all existing

arcane magic schools, which is why it will be unanimously considered by

the wizards as a new school of magic.

However, only those who know it can see its true anomaly.

However, Ye Ting was prepared for this long ago-rather, this is one of the

reasons why he shared his magic with others.

Now he does not have the ability to search the world for people he wants

to find, and the power he holds is not enough to support such a behavior

that consumes manpower and material resources. However, he can't find

people, but can let people find him.

However, he did not expect that the person he was looking for would

come so quickly.


After another day of study, Ye Ting dragged his tired body, left the

library of Violet Castle, and walked to his room.

Although he has the title of Archmage, he already has the right to build

his own magic tower in Dalaran, but at this stage of learning, he doesn't

plan to build his own small territory so soon.

With Ye Ting’s talent, it’s not difficult to quickly master the magic of this

world. However, magic is not just a subject that can be learned even if

you can recite spells. In terms of complexity, the magic system is

completely comparable to the scientific system. A true mage needs to

involve all kinds of disciplines other than magic such as semiotics,

botany, mineralogy, geometry, linguistics, energetics, etc. According to

the specialization of magic and schools, such as anatomy, astronomy,

Geography, history, literature, etc. must also be studied...

In fact, while learning the magic of this world, Ye Ting did spend a lot of

time on other knowledge in this world. At this point, as a mage, he must

not be careless, and those from the earth are about this world. The

"foresight" of the plot can't help him in this regard.

In order to speed up the learning speed, Ye Ting not only fully exploited

his potential, but also maximized the use of "Ravenclaw's Crown" to

overclock his mind.

This allowed him to progress by leaps and bounds while also increasing

his energy consumption, which made him have to return to ordinary

people's work and rest.

——Sure enough, there is a reason why the wizards of this world prefer

to use the energy-shaping magic to fight. Is it because of the close

connection with the elemental plane...

Still thinking of today's harvest in his mind, Ye Ting slowly undressed

and then threw his tired body into the bathtub.

The warm, spice-scented water moisturized his body after a tiring day,

and the slight magic power in the water supplemented his consumption,

making him a little relaxed and happy.

This can be regarded as a kind of welfare for the Violet Castle to an

archmage like him.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 297:

"I really want to try the feeling of taking a bath in the Well of the Sun or

the Well of Eternity, that must be great."

With this thought, Ye Ting just lay in the bathtub and gradually fell


Although Oriana is not taking meticulous care of him now, the heat

preservation magic that comes with the magic bathtub prevents him from

being soaked in cold water.

When Ye Ting gradually went into deep sleep, he suddenly felt that his

consciousness had been summoned inexplicably.

The call was very familiar, so he let go of his subconscious resistance.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that he was introduced into a world

where everything is possible.

At this moment, Ye Ting saw a glimmer of light.

——Do you feel the song of the stone, the dancing of the wind, the

rushing of the water?

A gentle and ethereal female voice said slowly.

At first, Ye Ting didn't feel anything. Gradually, he heard the slowly

rubbing sound of the ground, and then he heard the sound of rocks,

which moved from one end of the world to the other.

Later, other voices also began to become apparent. Every part of nature

has its unique sound. When the clouds are happy, they spin with happy

dance steps. When they are down, the opposite is true; the trees shake

their canopies; when the river fish lay their eggs, the angry river laughs

in a low voice.

However, he felt some uncoordinated sounds in the distance.

He tried his best to hear clearly, but couldn't hear clearly.

——Let the subconscious mind control you, it will bring you into my


The female voice continued.

Ye Ting did everything as required and gave up the final control.

So he overcomes even the last obstacle. He felt like a snake had lost a

layer of skin.

The world around has changed.

Everything was shrouded in smoke, hazy. The endless images are

intricately overlapping. But as long as he concentrates, he can tell one by


He heard a whisper. It turned out that it was a voice from the soul of a

sleeping person. He could distinguish the voice of the librarian. He was

still busy sorting books in his dream. There was also a female mage

apprentice in the last row of class today. She fell asleep in the laboratory;

he even heard Antonidas's voice, but the archmage controlled his

consciousness very well and did not reveal anything special...

Ye Ting kept moving forward, the world turned into a ball of emerald

green, and it became more and more hazy, and the whispers became


——This is my world, the Emerald Dream.

The ethereal female voice became clearer.

In the Emerald Dream, he saw the Violet Castle, saw the entire Dalaran,

and saw Lordamere Lake surrounding Dalaran...

However, although he could see the green trees, he could not find

anyone, whether it was a human or an elf.

He understands that this world is the backup made by the Titans to

Azeroth, and only by mastering the method can he travel in this world.

--You finally came.

The source of the female voice was getting closer to him.

——I... We have been waiting for you for a long time, and finally see you

again, my father.

Ye Ting turned around and found the source of the female voice.

It was a huge dragon, almost a hundred meters long.

Although this dragon is so huge, it is unexpectedly slender and light. Her

scales are emerald green, like emeralds.

A layer of mist enveloped her body, but it could still be seen that she

always closed her eyes, even when she was speaking.

Seeing this familiar emerald green dragon, Ye Ting was a little emotional

for a while.

"Long time no see, Ysera."

He flew to the dragon's head and gently stroked her smooth scales.

"...My father."

The green aura shone, and the huge green dragon shrank quickly,

eventually turning into a dignified and elegant night elf image with

dragon horns on its head.

This is her humanoid image.

Then, she eagerly rushed to Ye Ting and hugged him tightly.

"My father, I... we all miss you so much."

Tears flowed from the corner of her eyes.

Hearing this, Ye Ting felt a burst of sorrow in his heart.

Taronisia, Alexstrasza, and Ysera were raised by him and Daenerys from

childhood. For them, they are their parents, and the relationship between

them is nothing. Not intimate.

They and Ye Ting spent five years together in the world of a song of ice

and fire. For them, these five years are probably the happiest childhood.

However, when they were five years old, Ye Ting took them to the plane

of World of Warcraft. Since then, they have had their own mission-to

establish prestige in Yuanlong and become leaders.

Since each had its own task, they had to stay together with Ye Ting more

and more since then.

Then, they became the guardian dragons, gained power beyond

imagination, and at the same time sublimated themselves, possessing the

longevity of the dragons that far surpassed the world of the song of ice

and fire.

The price is to be separated from Ye Ting.

They couldn't meet again until Ye Ting returned to Azeroth after

hundreds of thousands of years.

Perhaps, the various ages of the dragon are not only the same as humans,

but the concept of time is also very different from humans, but even so,

for them, the difference between their parents and their parents for

hundreds of thousands of years is quite a torment. .

At this moment, Ye Ting was deeply aware of his current weakness and

powerlessness-if he was strong enough to be comparable to the Titan,

then maybe the three little female dragons would not have to bear the

pain of this longing.

Thinking about this, he hugged Ysera tighter.

Suddenly, he keenly felt something strange in the girl in his arms.

The body temperature rose slightly, and the purple skin was purplish red.

Then, he was thrown down.

"Y... Ysera?"

"Some things... I should have done in hundreds of thousands of years...

After holding back hundreds of thousands of years, now I can finally get

my wish!"

Originally among the three sisters, Ysera was the most gentle and healed,

and the least irritable, calm and calm, she rarely saw such an eager


But now, she fully demonstrated her side as the dragon queen, and

provoked a battle with Ye Ting.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 298:

"In this regard, I am the first of us!"

With that said, the female night elf jerky completed the step that she had

previewed in her heart for hundreds of thousands of years, and was also

looking forward to the step of hundreds of thousands of years.

Originally, Ye Ting still wanted to resist, but the girl's fatal body and

expectant eyes finally made his struggles invisible.

"Forget it, just treat it as compensating you for waiting for hundreds of

thousands of years."

Thinking about this, the Dragon Slaying Warrior took the initiative to

stab the Dragon Slaying lance towards the dragon.

The battle started.

Although the female dragon who took the initiative to attack was

impatient, she hadn't had any combat experience since she was born.

Although the female dragon used her physical superiority to act

arbitrarily, she actually had little effect under the parry of the dragon

slayer warrior.

Soon, although the female dragon, which had the advantage in the sky,

was still trying hard to attack from the top down, the rhythm of the

battle was gradually in the hands of the dragon-slaying warriors.

I don't know how long it lasted, and finally, the warrior seized the

weakness of the mother dragon.

He tried to hold his spear, and the tip of the spear pierced into the depths

of the mother dragon's body. The mother dragon wailed, and under the

severe pain, he couldn't make any effort.

"Now, let me take the initiative!"

The dragon-slaying brave smiled and knocked the dragon to the ground,

but he climbed to the top of the dragon, stabbed the dragon-slaying

cavalry again and again, and inflicted heavy damage on the female


However, although the mother dragon was stabbed with scars and

wailed, she did not admit defeat.

After a long time after she was relieved, she challenged the dragon slayer

again. The two fought for a long time, and they regained their posture

countless times in the battle.

Finally, relying on the advantage of experience, the dragon slayer fully

consumed the female dragon's physical strength, and then stabbed the

female dragon with a fatal shot.

The spear head pierced into the dragon's heart, and magic power erupted

from the spear head.

After hearing a long sound of the dragon, the emerald dragon finally fell

under the gun of the dragon slayer.

Item 0391

The battle between the dragon and the dragon-slaying warrior lasted for

half a night.

In fact, in the course of the battle, the dragon-slaying warrior had a

whim, and wanted to transform himself into a giant dragon to defeat his


However, considering that his power is not strong enough after all, it is

manifested in the form of the dragon that the size is much smaller than

the opponent. In this way, the battle will fall into a disadvantage.

However, even though it didn't work this time, this idea was still deeply

buried in his heart.

After the end of the hard fight, Ye Ting stayed in the Emerald Dream

with Ysera, who was still in human form, and they chatted with each


Mainly Ysera was talking, telling Ye Ting her thoughts for hundreds of

thousands of years, and her various experiences over the past hundreds of

thousands of years, just like an ordinary girl sharing everything about her

to her lover.

Some people may think this is boring, but in the eyes of couples, such

small talk is an extremely sweet thing.

If there are other green dragons present, they must not believe that they

are their queen with the female night elves who are shrinking in the arms

of the human male and chattering endlessly.

You know, in the giant dragon society, the status of the six guardian

giant dragons is particularly noble, and the meaning of the remaining

giant dragons is to serve them.

The guardian dragon in the eyes of ordinary dragons is just like the king

in the eyes of ordinary humans, no matter how arrogant, most ordinary

dragons don't even have the opportunity to talk to them, let alone a

mortal race.

The guardian dragon, like Alexstrasza, who is of the type of a good wife

and a good mother, has the most gentle and kind temperament, so

occasionally he would put down his body and say a few more words with


But Ysera, the Queen of the Green Dragon, is completely at the other

extreme. Although she is also a relatively gentle type, she is too

indifferent. She has been sleeping in the emerald dream for a long time.

Apart from the guardianship and the two sisters, she is almost right.

Don't care about anything.

Even for her fellow green dragon, she still owes it a second glance. At

this moment, she would be so pleased to a mortal and chattering so


However, for Ysera, the man in front of her occupies an extremely

important place in her heart, and even in her guardian duties, it is almost

on the same level as her two sisters-no, now he has surpassed Ysera put

her two sisters in the most important position.

After all, in addition to the existence of the contract, Ye Ting is Ysera's

supporter and only spouse.


It is the same whether it is a female dragon or a woman. After the first

time, they always like to stay with their spouse and do not want to be

separated for a moment.

For them who are in love, the time with their lovers is always short.

In the Emerald Dream, the morning light has already projected from the

other side of the earth, which also means that their gathering should be


After all, Ye Ting himself is still in the Violet Castle. If he doesn't want to

be found abnormal, he'd better not stay in the Emerald Dream for a long

time outside the normal sleep time.

As a result, he and Ysera began to say goodbye to each other and met late

at night the next day.

As she parted, Ysera suddenly hesitated.

"Then...that, my father...I want to beg you one thing, don't be angry after

I said you."

"What's the matter? I will try my best to satisfy you." Ye Ting agreed with

a smile.

"This matter..." Ysera hesitated for a while, and finally said, "I found your

news, can I tell my sisters later?"

The request was a bit strange, but Ye Ting knew after a little thought that

the reason for Yseraati's request was to stay alone with himself for a few

more days.

After all, in most cases, love contains possessiveness, even Ysera wants to

monopolize this spouse in a short time.

After seeing Ye Ting, she had already guessed what her sisters would do.

However, although she wanted to agree to Ysera, Ye Ting's answer

disappointed her.

"Sorry, I need to see them as soon as possible."

Ye Ting shook his head, very guilty.

"That's it," Ysera's expression was a little sad, and she forced a smile, "I'm

sorry...I'm too capricious. My sisters miss my father as much as I do. I

shouldn't be so selfish."

"No, this is not a question of selfishness," Ye Ting shook his head and

explained, "If Azeroth is still the same as hundreds of thousands of years

ago, maintaining a long-term peace, I actually want me to see you in one

or two months at night. They are nothing, but Azeroth is not so long that

it can be delayed now... Now it is an eventful time, Azeroth is facing a

series of crises, you must prepare as soon as possible... However, I will

have one or two in the evening. It's okay to see them."

Ye Ting has always kept a high degree of confidentiality about his true

source, and the so-called plot issues are never revealed to anyone. For all

his foresight, Ye Ting is an excuse to guess and reason.

Therefore, even Ysera and the others have no idea about the true

development trajectory of Azeroth in the future.

At the beginning, after Ye Ting brought them to Azeroth, he only

revealed to them the threats from the ancient gods, and pretended that

he discovered these threats while searching for the Titan Lab.

Now, according to the original plot trajectory, several of the various

threats that Azeroth will face in the future are closely related to the

dragon, and even led to the fall of several guardian dragons, including

Ysera, among them. A threat was imminent, Ye Ting wanted to remind

them, and tried to stop all of this.

The experience of becoming the guardian dragon made the three sisters

stronger, but it also allowed them to establish a deep bond with Azeroth

—perhaps, this is the price of gaining power.

Their fate was destined to be deeply connected with this planet from the

moment they gained power.

If Ye Ting now lets them leave Azeroth forever and leave the plane of

World of Warcraft, then they are absolutely foolproof.

Moreover, as long as Ye Ting must so request, they will definitely agree.

But it doesn't work.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 299:

Because if Ye Ting really did this, then the three sisters would definitely

indulge in guilt for a long time, which Ye Ting didn't want to see.

In this case, Ye Ting had only one choice, and that was to help them and

protect Azeroth.

If it was any existence in World of Warcraft, even Aman Sul, the most

powerful father of the gods among the Titans, would not dare to pack a

ticket and say that he could protect Azeroth.

In fact, Aman'sul is now dead, dead in the hands of the fallen Titan

Sargeras who has been coveting Azeroth, and even the Titans in his

pantheon have been swept away by Sargeras.

But Ye Ting was different.

He understands the plot, knows all the crises that may occur in the

future, understands the source of all crises, and also knows who their

friends are and who are the potential threats.

Guarding Azeroth is something only he can do.

For him, this can not only satisfy the wishes of the three little mother-

and-daughter daughters, but also pay for his long-cherished wish when

playing WOW in the previous life, and also take the opportunity to gain

powerful strength, why not do it?

Item 0392

Ysera was gone, and disappeared silently in the emerald dream, without

a trace of cloud.

After understanding the real reason, she immediately gave up the idea of

​​temporarily monopolizing Ye Ting-even if it was not necessary for a

day or two-and chose to bring the two sisters over the next night.

For Ye Ting, she certainly believed it unconditionally.

The way to come is still through the Emerald Dream. For the mortal race,

the three guardian dragons visiting at the same time are too exaggerated.

Moreover, human beings are ambiguous about the existence of the

guardian dragon - even the existence of the dragon.

However, even if she couldn't get along alone, Ysera was still very happy,

because Ye Ting took the initiative to mention "one or two days", which

proved that he was interested.

For women, attitude is the most important thing, and the same is true for

female dragons.

Although he has never had the experience of pursuing a girlfriend

seriously, but after experiencing so many girls, Ye Ting still has some



In the evening of the next day, Ye Ting did not choose to stay up too late.

He is still looking forward to the meeting with Taronisia and Alexstrasza.

Lying on the bed early, he fell asleep again, and the familiar feeling came

as scheduled.

This time, without Ysera's guidance, he himself successfully entered the

Emerald Dream-a world that was like a sister to Azeroth.

Dalaran in the Emerald Dream was still empty, and Ye Ting did not stay

here, but hurried to the old place outside Lordamire Lake.

In terms of aspect, the Emerald Dream overlaps with Azeroth. As long as

you master the skills, you can even temporarily affect reality through the

Emerald Dream. Therefore, in order to avoid certain strong or keen

existence awareness, they will not choose to Meet in such a densely

populated place.

At this time, the three guardian dragons had been waiting for a long


A long distance away, Ye Ting could see three huge figures.

The youngest one is Ysera, but even she has a body as long as 100


The other one is a lap older than her, almost two hundred meters long,

and is more plump than Ysera.

This is a crimson dragon. The shimmering red dragon body emits

amazing heat radiation, but this heat is full of breath of life. Even the

plants in the Emerald Dream are beside her. With her glory, it grows

vigorously with the naked eye.

Although she was huge, Ye Ting could feel a kind of inherent docile

character exuding from under her huge physique-like a gentle and good

wife and mother.

This is the life-binder, the second of the three sisters, Alexstrasza.

Among the three dragons, the one in the middle is the most conspicuous.

Although Alexstrasza's figure is quite huge, but still slightly inferior to


This giant dragon is more than two hundred meters long and is covered

with golden scales, shining with brilliance even in the dark night.

She is slender and graceful, with golden and white feathers on a pair of

wings-perhaps as the ruler of the sky, only the Golden Dragon clan has

feathered wings-as the beautiful wings flap unconsciously, the wind and

thunder Surging faintly under the feathers.

This dragon is not only the largest in size, but also has a kingly aura that

far surpasses her two sisters. The first two are only dragon kings of the

same family, but the golden dragon in front of him vaguely seems to be

the king of dragons.

She is the ruler of the sky, Taronisia, and the sixth dragon king who does

not exist in the original plot.

However, the two huge, domineering dragon kings, at the moment Ye

Ting appeared, coincidentally moved forward with excitement like seeing

their master's puppies.

They carefully stretched their huge heads to Ye Ting's side and rubbed

him gently.

However, letting such a behemoth with a length of one hundred meters

rubbed against a human being less than two meters tall with a head that

was almost two or three stories high is really funny.

However, in Ye Ting's eyes, this kind of action moved him.

If it were not for the dignity of being a "father", he almost wanted to

transform into Animagus and get close to them in the form of a giant


Finally, Alexstrasza and Taronisia made the same choice as Ysera-

transforming into a mortal form.

Alexstrasza's mortal form is a high elf female, but her red eyes and

dragon horns with golden accessories reveal her identity.

Compared to Ysera, Alexstrasza's mortal form is like a big sister, and she

is full of wifey temperament-even though she is the same as yesterday's

Ysera, she is actually inexperienced.

Taronisia's human form is also the appearance of a high elf, but her eyes

and hair are all golden, and she is also wearing a gorgeous golden and

white coat and a feather-adorned cloak.

Even in the form of a mortal, Taronisia still has a kingly demeanor, that

proud queen temperament, even if the king of humans or elves meets it,

he will be heartbroken, but in the eyes of Ye Ting, he is full of conquest


It's a pity that his desire to conquer can't be satisfied, because the next

moment, Taronisia will have no queen temperament. She and Alexstrasza

will hold Ye Ting into their arms. What kind of reserved pride is there?

In the face of such a "queen" given for nothing, Ye Ting had nothing to


After the mutual complaints, Ysera took the initiative to provoke the

topic about the world crisis.

"So, what kind of danger is it that makes Father Father call us in such a

hurry?" Alexstrasza held Ye Ting's left hand and looked at him.

"Yeah, yeah, this is too urgent, I thought, the little girl would stay alone

with you for a few days first-with her personality, she would definitely

make this request-even this gave up, I Guess, it must be a very important


Taronisia, who was holding Ye Ting's other arm, said, and looked at

Ysera teasingly.

Ysera lowered her head in shame when she heard the words. It was

obvious that she had found her father yesterday, but she did not tell the

two sisters the first time. Instead, she ran away all night. Now she is

confessed by her sister. No regrets, and now I feel a little sorry.

"Ahem... don't change the subject." Upon seeing this, Ye Ting gave a dry

cough, relieved Ysera, and then said: "Although I have not been in this

age for a long time, but through myself From my observations and

understanding of the past history of this planet, I infer that the future of

this planet will be an eventful period, with various crises coming from

inside and outside the planet. There are more than one or two such

crises, and they will come more than ever. You imagine it is much faster,

and even guardian dragons like you are in danger of falling in these

crises. However, before I tell you everything, I want to ask you, what

happened 10,000 years ago? "

Item 0393

"Ten thousand years ago?"

Hearing this word, the three sisters who were still joking with each other

suddenly became serious, as if Ye Ting mentioned some taboo topic.

They look at me, I look at you, they all look like they're hesitant to talk.

"Ten thousand years ago..."


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 300:


"Why, can you not say something special that happened ten thousand

years ago?"

Ye Ting was a little strange to see them stubbornly.

After making eye contact for a long time, finally, the eldest sister of the

three sisters, Taronisia, spoke.

"Actually... I want to say yes, there are indeed some things we can't tell


Then, as if afraid of Ye Ting's misunderstanding, she hurriedly added:

"Trust me, we will never betray you. The reason why I can't tell you

is...Yes...Oh, in any case, please trust us. good?"

Seeing that Taronisia, who treated him the most and grinning, had

already come out with anxious honorifics, Ye Ting smiled slightly and

said gently.

"You can't say it, don't say it, I believe you, if you don't say it, you must

have your own reasons. You will never harm me, right?"

"Yes, that's right!"

When the three sisters heard the words, they nodded eagerly. Ye Ting's

understanding made them relieved and moved.

Of course, what they said could not be said, referring to some secrets that

only their three sisters knew about the history of the ancient war 10,000

years ago. As people who have experienced it, there is no shortage of life

for both the dragon family and the night elves. Those who have

personally experienced it up to now, of course, as a branch variant of the

night elves, the high elves have also recorded this, so there is no need to

ask them about the information on the surface, and Ye Ting can know it

by himself.

But Ye Ting still felt a little strange. Could it be that they couldn't reveal

certain history of Azeroth to him for some special reasons?

However, this is not right, because yesterday, Ysera held him and talked

about their experience since they became the guardian dragons. From the

moment Ye Ting left and talked until the night elves appeared tens of

thousands of years ago.

When talking about this history, Ysera had no scruples at all.

This means that not everything can be said, but something special

happened ten thousand years ago, which they couldn't tell him.

He thought for a while, reviewed the memory about World of Warcraft,

and immediately speculated.

"If you don't tell me, then I'll just guess," Ye Ting said confidently, "It's

related to Nozdormu, right?"

The three sisters were shocked when they heard Ye Ting say the name of

the guardian dragon in charge of time, Nozdormu the Eternal.

"Looking at your expressions, I should have guessed it." Ye Ting nodded,

"Then, I probably know what happened at that time."

Of these, the three female dragons were at a loss. They had no idea how

Ye Ting guessed what happened ten thousand years ago without a hint.

Then they thought of what "he" said to them ten thousand years ago.

It seems that "he" from 10,000 years ago had already anticipated this, so

he didn't leave any hint.

Is this man always so confident?

However, right now Ye Ting guessed everything and did not continue to

ask. This is a good thing for them. After all, the law of time is there, and

the price of violating this law is too great. Although they are willing to

give everything for this man, if not If necessary, they don't want to pay

that price.

Then Ye Ting continued to ask: "Then, I just want to confirm one thing, is

the soul of the dragon still there?"

When it comes to this, Alexstrasza and Ysera among the three sisters both

lowered their heads in shame, as if this was a shame.

The soul of the dragon is a powerful golden disc, cast ten thousand years


Due to the invasion of the Burning Legion, Nesario, one of the guardian

dragons, proposed to gather the power of the dragon kings to forge a

powerful artifact to fight against the demons of the Burning Legion.

However, in fact, as the guardian of the earth, Neltharion has long been

corrupted by the ancient gods. His purpose of casting the dragon soul can

be regarded as uneasy. In the process of casting the dragon soul, he The

role of the dragon soul was deliberately modified, so that in addition to

its powerful power, the dragon soul also became the nemesis of all other

dragons except the black dragon.

At least in the original history.

However, in the history that was disturbed by Ye Ting, the actual eldest

sister of the guardian dragons was the most powerful ruler of the sky,

Taronisia. When Nesario proposed the plan of the dragon soul, although

The rest of the guardian dragons were persuaded, but Taronisia was

keenly aware of the hidden dangers, so she only believed in her own

power as an excuse, and refused to inject part of her origin into the

dragon's soul.

As a result, although Neltharion's dragon soul can restrain the red

dragon, green dragon, blue dragon, and bronze dragon, it has no effect

on the golden dragon.

When Nesario, who mastered the dragon soul, turned his back and began

to slaughter the dragon legion in turn, Talonichia took the golden dragon

legion to protect her other kinsmen under the black dragons' minions-of

course, Due to Taronisia's eccentricity, the red dragon and green dragon

lose the least.

The most unlucky Malygos suffered the most when it was targeted by

Neltharion. Not only did he lose his partner Sindragosa, but the other

blue dragons and dragon eggs were all lost and almost extinct.

Now, when Ye Ting asked about this topic, the queens of the red dragon

and the green dragon couldn't help being like children who had made

mistakes, and felt ashamed to see Ye Ting.

No way, it was so stupid to be calculated by Nesario.

"Oh, this is actually my fault." Seeing their self-blame, Ye Ting had to

take responsibility for himself. "I have long seen that the Dragon King

who controls the earth has the possibility of being corrupted by the

ancient gods. It's a pity at that time. Going too quickly, I have no chance

to tell you."

Although they were forcibly taking responsibility, under Ye Ting's

comfort, the two girls were not so uncomfortable.

So Ye Ting continued to talk about the orc invasion.

"...In short, these orcs are the puppets of the Burning Legion, and their

invasion is one of the Burning Legion's conspiracies. Remember when

Aegwynn defeated Sargeras?"

"Is that the female human mage who claims to be the'Guardian of

Tirisfal'?" Taronisia said thoughtfully, "That was probably more than

three hundred years ago. I have some impressions of her. It was the

leader of the Burning Legion, Sargeras, who invaded at that time, and we

and her killed Sargeras."

"Yes, that's her." Ye Ting said yes, "you don't know, she is a child named

Medivh...Wait, what are your expressions?"

When Ye Ting mentioned Medivh, he found that several female dragons

looked like children who did wrong, and he was even more guilty than

when he mentioned Dragon Soul.

Even Taronisia is the same.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but look dumbfounded.

What's this? Why is Medivh related to you again? Isn't the original plot

like this?

And, with your expressions, have you done anything to apologize to me?

Item 0394

The look of the three sisters that seemed to be a little girl caught in a

prank, immediately aroused Ye Ting's vigilance.

Especially Taronisia is one of them.

In the world of a song of ice and fire, when the three sisters hadn't grown

up, they often played pranks in Daenerys's sphere of influence.

For example, stealing the sheep of the herders, or burning the flag of the

army or the haystacks of the farmers.

Whenever Ye Ting discovered something like this, Ysera and Alexstrasza

would put on such an expression-of course, in the form of a dragon, the

appearance of a mortal race was after becoming the guardian dragon.

The ability that he had just acquired--but Ye Ting could recognize such

an expression no matter whether it was a human or a dragon. After all, it

was a "father and daughter".

However, if it's just a small prank, with Taronisia's courage and

character, she will definitely show a nonchalant look and act


However, if even Taronisia is embarrassed, it means that they made a big


So Ye Ting deliberately put on a serious expression and looked at them.

"Tell me, what did you do to Aegwynn?"

Seeing the familiar angry expression of "father", they were even more

daunted. The three guardian dragons, like three children scolded by their

parents, bowed their heads and said nothing.

It seems like this can be mixed.

Ye Ting is also familiar with this set of them, but in the past in the world

of Ice and Fire, they also had their mother Daenerys to relieve the siege.

The mother of dragon who loves her children always reluctant to let Ye

Ting get angry with them, so every time Take them away before Ye Ting

finishes educating them.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 301:

But now, there is no Daenerys here to protect them.

Ye Ting was about to show off his majesty as a father now.

Finally, under Ye Ting's gaze, Alexstrasza couldn't hold back at first, and

took the initiative to confess.

"Um... Father, I... I admit my mistake. The main responsibility for this

incident lies with me. Don't blame your sister and sister."

If you let outsiders hear such a conversation, you will definitely feel that

it is very contrary to peace.

Because among the four of them, the one who claims to be the father has

a fairly young voice, but the one who claims to be the daughter has a

much more mature voice.

However, the four themselves were not surprised.

"Well, let's talk about it first." Ye Ting put his arms around his chest and

said slowly: "I will judge the responsibilities of the three of you based on

your words. If you are more honest, I will reduce the punishment

depending on the situation. "

When Alexstrasza heard this, he was relieved, and Taronisia interrupted

him as soon as he was about to speak.

"Sister, don't listen to him, don't speak out!" The Golden Dragon Queen

said hastily: "As long as we don't speak, he has no reason..."

"Shut up!" Talonysia's words were interrupted by Ye Ting. He grabbed the

tall blond queen and pressed it to his lap.

"I made a mistake and tried to conceal it. I also thought about taking bad

sister. I don't remember that I taught you this way." Ye Ting raised his

hand high and said fiercely, "Now let you remember the education from

your father."

Then, he swung down in his hand and hit Taronisia's plump buttocks.


There was a crisp sound, and Taronisia was beaten to scream.

"You...you spanked me!"

"It's you!" Ye Ting didn't relax, feeling the tender and elastic touch just



"I'm not a kid anymore!" Taronisia rebelled.

"Then it shouldn't be a mistake!" The resistance was suppressed again by

his father.



The crackling sounds followed Taronisia's yelling one after another.

However, gradually, due to the incomparable touch, Ye Ting's slap

became lighter and lighter, and Taronisia's scream became like a cat's


Looking at her again, she saw the Queen of the Golden Dragon lying on

Ye Ting's lap like a kitten, looking at Ye Ting with her eyes blankly, as if

to seep water, her blonde hair was messy, and her face was strange.


I always feel that the atmosphere is developing in a strange direction.

Looking at Alexstrasza and Ysera again, they looked both excited and shy

from the side...

——I always feel that my daughter (sister) is dignified.

Ye Ting and Taronisia thought so, and they separated in unison.

After a while, the atmosphere normalized.

However, Taronisia did not resist any more, leaving Alexstrasza to state


According to the Red Dragon Queen, after defeating Sargeras with

Aegwynn, out of curiosity, they made friends with this powerful human


This is another difference between them and the guardian dragon in the

original plot: Because they were born in the world of a song of ice and

fire, they were raised by two humans, Ye Ting and Daenerys, and the

three female dragons understand mortals better. The extraordinary part

of the race is also more willing to condescend and associate with mortals-

their parents are mortals, so how can they look down on mortal races?

This is exactly what the original dragons evolved into dragons cannot do.

Their innate power and duty to guard the world make them arrogant and

even arrogant. Most other dragons don't care about the ideas of mortals

at all.

After becoming friends with several guardian dragons, Aegwynn seemed

to have found someone who could socialize on an equal footing.

This powerful guardian has always disdain to work with other wizards,

even the Council of Tirisfal is nothing but a stale and outdated existence

in her eyes. The powerful force made her sink into the loneliness of the


However, the guardian dragon is different from those mortals. They have

the same powerful power as Aegwynn, and they have hundreds of

thousands of years of accumulated wisdom and experience. Therefore,

Aegwynn often seeks advice from her guardian dragon friends.

When Aegwynn was forced to find the heir to the Guardian by the

Council of Tirisfal decades ago, what she was dissatisfied with was

thinking of giving birth to a child of her own and passing on her strength

to him.

However, being as proud as her, but rather unwilling to give birth to

offspring with those mediocre mortals, it was an insult to her.

She knew that her three friends who guarded the dragon did not have

their own mates, but they could still lay dragon eggs for the dragon army

to multiply, so she found them and asked them to teach this method.

In fact, the characteristics of Taronisia and their partheno spawning are

derived from the dragon bloodline of the song of ice and fire. After some

research, even the magical Aegwynn and the life-saving Alex Tassa also

failed to find a perfect way to replicate this characteristic.

However, their research is still rewarding: they have successfully

obtained the technology that uses limited male genes (of course not so

expressed in magic) to allow females to conceive independently.

This can be regarded as an upgraded version of IVF technology.

However, although this technology has saved the proud Aegwynn from

being defiled, it still requires her to seek a parent for the future child.

Who among mortals is worthy of Aegwynn to be the father?

At this moment, the three guardian dragons offered help to Aegwynn

again. They proposed that they knew a very good parent body, and they

had his genetic samples in hand to provide Aegwynn.

After listening to the three dragon friends blowing up the excellence of

this father's body as rare in the sky and nothing on the ground, Aegwynn

finally agreed.

Then, she gave birth to one...


Chapter 0395 Medivh? Medivh!

Ye Ting was dumbfounded when he heard that Aegwynn's child was a


The news really caught him off guard.

Obviously in the real history, this archmage who inherited the position of

the mother's guardian is a bearded man with a drumstick staff, who likes

to wear purple robes, and who likes to become a crow and talk alarmist


When I got here, I became a little girl.

“It’s because of Aegwynn and the Tirisfal Council.” Ysera added, “Perhaps

because Aegwynn’s role as a guardian does not meet their requirements.

The Tirisfal Council is very They all reported deep suspicion. Some of

them even believed that women are too emotional and easily lose control

when they have a powerful force far beyond their own capabilities.

Therefore, in order not to arouse parliamentary disgust, Medivh has been

disguised as a man from an early age and is regarded as a man. Boys


"So that's it." Ye Ting nodded and continued to ask questions, "Then what

do you mean by your ‘very excellent father’?"

What Alexstrasza just said about them helping Aegwynn to give birth to

children, although it sounds ridiculous, but it does not make him angry,

so why did they make a mistake?

He was keenly aware that the problem should lie in this parent body.

Sure enough, Alexstrasza's answer did not disappoint him—or rather, it

did make him dumbfounded.

"That... the father's body refers to... you..." the Red Dragon Queen said


Yes, the incomparable "father body" in the mouth of the three guarding

dragons refers to Ye Ting himself.

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 302:

In the eyes of the daughters of the three dragons, the father is the best

male in the world.

Therefore, when considering the father of Aegwynn's child, they

immediately thought of him.

Anyway, as his daughters, although Ye Ting did not leave them any

serious genetic samples, they still secretly kept souvenirs such as hair.

"In other words... Medivh... No, it should be Medivh, my... daughter?"

Suddenly there was such a cheap daughter, Ye Ting was still a little

uncomfortable. "No, it's not completely counted as it is. After all,

according to our technology, the paternal parent exists only to make the

child's genes complete, but she shouldn't inherit much of your


Facing Ye Ting's question, Alexstrasza whispered.

As the life oath-binder who masters the power of life, Alexstrasza is the

main person in charge of the research and operation in this matter.

They helped their father to "create" a daughter. Such a show operation is

ridiculous when they think about it now.

"Really..." Ye Ting sighed, "But, at least she still has some fate with me, so

I can't leave it alone."

"Did something happen to her?"

The three female dragons asked curiously.

Seeing that Ye Ting did not pursue the above matter, they decisively

changed the subject.

"Yes." Ye Ting said, "You should all know that as long as the demons are

not killed in the Twisting Void, no matter how much they die, their souls

will return to the Twisting Void to be reborn."

Sanlong nodded.

"In the mastery of the soul, the demons really surpassed us." Ye Ting

sighed, "Actually, although you and Aegwynn killed the leader of the

Burning Legion Sargeras, he did not really die, even His soul did not

return to the Twisting Void, but was hidden in Aegwynn's body."


"How can it be?"

"We didn't find him?"

After the three listened, they were shocked that their biggest opponent

had been hidden in their friends for hundreds of years, and they

shuddered when they thought of this.

You don't need to think about it, Sargeras must have his conspiracy,

otherwise he would have returned to the Twisting Void to be reborn long

ago, and die once without any power, which is nothing to him.

"So, is Sargeras' soul still in Aegwynn's body now? She has lost most of

her mana now, and we should be able to subdue her easily." Taronisia

said impatiently.

"No, no need." Ye Ting shook his head. "It's useless to subdue her now,

because Sargeras has already left her body."

"Then where did he go?" Ysera asked subconsciously.

Suddenly, she thought of Ye Ting's first problem.

"Did he hide in Medivh's body?"

"You guessed it." Ye Ting nodded with an ugly expression.

Alexstrasza suddenly realized something: "No wonder Aegwynn

complained to me that her children were sometimes cheerful and

sometimes gloomy, and she even felt that Madison was schizophrenic. I

also told her at the time that maybe it was because Madison had been

acting as a female for a long time. Men's clothing is caused by too much

depression in my heart. It turns out..."

"Yes, the symptom of this schizophrenia is that Madiwen himself and

Sargeras' soul take turns controlling the body. Although Sargeras cannot

manipulate Aegwynn, who has a complete personality, he has been

hiding in Madison since birth. In Wen's body, it has a great influence on

her body."

Ye Ting continued to explain.

"So, what are we waiting for? Before Sargeras carries out his conspiracy,

we have to stop him!" Taronisia said angrily.

"It's too late." Ye Ting shook his head, and then told them what he knew

about the Dark Portal.

"The devil's minions actually invaded Azeroth again?" The three dragon

kings became even more angry, and they looked at Ye Ting.

"Let's go, Father, what do you need us to do? Before they can gain a

foothold in Azeroth, we can definitely drive them back to their

hometown!" Alexstrasza said loudly.

"We can even counterattack Draenor and exterminate these guys!"

Taronisia's words were even more murderous.

Ysera also nodded in agreement.

However, Ye Ting just waved his hand in the face of their fight.

"No, no. You don't need to trouble your dragonflight to deal with the


He explained carefully: "Actually, the combat power of the orcs is not

worth mentioning to you. The mortal coalition can deal with it

completely. However, considering that there will be greater crises and

disasters in the future, they need to use the orcs to do it. A rehearsal-only

external pressure can make the tribes who have fallen into a long peace

wake up from their dreams and grow to the point where they can protect


"And you," he said in turn, "I'll take care of Medivh's business, and then I

will also need you to fight Sargeras together. Just wait for my signal."

"Understood, Father." The three dragons nodded one after another, and

said cleverly: "We obey your arrangement."

"Now I know how to behave." Hearing their answers, Ye Ting suddenly

smiled coldly, "Don't think that you can get in there. My daughter

secretly used my hair as a sample to create another daughter for me. ? I

haven't asked you to settle this matter yet."

Ye Ting said so and rushed towards them.

The battle between the dragon-slaying knight and the female dragon

started again.

This time it is one-to-three.

Item 0396

Even though the battle between the spirit bodies took place in the

Emerald Dream, Ye Ting still felt fatigued after the battle.

No way, who made his opponent the three dragon queens?

However, this kind of work is still worthwhile, at least let Taronisia and

Alexstrasza have their long-cherished wishes.

Before leaving, Ye Ting reminded the three female dragons carefully.

"After you go back, be careful of the dragon soul. Neltharion may use it

to make a fuss. Use the hands of these alien orcs to master the dragon

soul, and then control you-especially you, Alexa Sa, since Neltharion fell

into Deathwing, his body has been unable to withstand the huge energy

in his body. Even his spouse Sinestra could not mate with him like this.

Now, he wants to revive the Black Dragon Legion. , The only thing he can

count on is you."

Hearing Ye Ting's words, Alexstrasza couldn't help blushing, but he

nodded to show his understanding.

In fact, Alexstrasza, who has the power of life, is indeed the best mother.

In the original history, the deathwing conspiracy allowed the orcs to

obtain the dragon soul, and the orcs waited for the opportunity to use the

dragon soul to control Alek. Staza used this to threaten the Red Dragon

Legion to serve them, causing the alliance of humans, high elves and

dwarves to suffer huge losses on the battlefield, and even Dalaran was

destroyed in the red dragon's dragon flames.

And Alexstrasza became a spawning machine in the hands of the orcs,

until several mortal squads rescued her.

Due to this experience, coupled with the appearance of Alexstrasza's

mortal form, many World of Warcraft players were imaginative about

Alexstrasza's experience in the hands of the orcs, and therefore gave her

the title of RBQ.

Now that Ye Ting is here, how could he make Alexstrasza suffer such an


Immediately afterwards, he turned to Taronisia.

"Taronicia, you are the only one of your sisters that is not controlled by

the Dragon Soul," he stared into her eyes and said seriously, "I hope you

can try to be with your sister during this period of time. We stay

together, protect them, and prevent any bad things from happening... I

don’t want any of you to have an accident."

"Don't worry, I will." Taronisia also replied seriously.

"There is one last sentence." Ye Ting glanced at them separately, and then

said: "If you meet me in the outside world in the future, you have to

pretend to see me for the first time. Don't call me "Father", just call me.

My name here:'Thunder Liver', I don't want those guys to know our


"You mean... the ancient god?" The clever guardian dragon knew


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 303:

"Yes, at least until these guys are dealt with, we can't recognize each

other... If you need anything, see you in the Emerald Dream."

After everything was explained, the four finally separated.

The guardian dragons also have their own responsibilities, so their next

meeting may take longer.

However, no one was dissatisfied with this. After all, as Ye Ting said, this

era is an eventful time, and countless chaos is coming, and there is no

time for them to enjoy peace.

However, time is not a luxury for both the dragon and Ye Ting. Their life

span is enough to ensure that they have enough time to enjoy the time

with each other.

Anyway, it will be long in Japan.

... After the three guardian dragons left, Ye Ting's life in the Violet Castle

returned to its original two-point line.

Get up early in the morning to go to the library, read a day's books, and

go to bed in the middle of the night.

This kind of life lasted for more than half a year, and he finally learned

all the magic that can be learned in the library.

The rest of the more advanced or more partial magic is mostly the unique

skills of some people, or some unspoken secrets, or need to pay a certain

price to learn.

However, at least for Ye Ting, these magic and knowledge are now

sufficient for the time being.

As for the transformation magic, after Ye Ting’s selfless teachings and

widespread dissemination, it has been widely recognized by mages in the

entire human kingdom, and even the high elves of Quel'Thalas expressed

this. Out of curiosity, Kael'thas mentioned in private that the Silvermoon

Council of Quel'Thalas had begun to discuss whether to invite Ye Ting,

the founder of the transformation system, to invite him to Quelsa. The

capital of Lars, Silvermoon City, teaches the mystery of transforming


By the way, the Silvermoon Council is the ruling institution of the High

Elf Kingdom Quel'Thalas. It is composed of the seven greatest noble lords

of the High Elves, but at the same time, the Sunstrider Royal Family of

the High Elves also has certain powers. It can be regarded as a

constitutional monarchy in another world.

Moreover, these seven noble lords are all mages-mages have a special

status in Quel'Thalas, but due to the high concentration of magic brought

by the Sunwell all the year round, almost every high elf can play One or

two hands of magic.

Now Ye Ting intends to suspend his studies and formally intervene in the

wind and cloud of this world.

Originally an archmage himself, Ye Ting was qualified to build his own

magic tower in Dalaran, but this required sufficient financial and

material resources.

Of course, if Ye Ting was willing to eat soft rice, the collection of the

three guardian dragons was enough to make him build as many magic

towers as he wanted, but in order not to expose the connection between

them, he had to give up such a convenient choice.

Therefore, before building the magic tower, he must find ways to find

sufficient financial resources.

Master is indeed a profession that spends money.

So, for Ye Ting, traveling the mainland and building strength is indeed an

urgent matter.

It just so happened that in the past few days, the Kingdom of Stormwind,

a human kingdom far south of the Eastern Kingdom mainland, is also the

core kingdom of future humans in the original plot. An army composed

of humanoid races, these humanoid races are similar to trolls, but are

stronger and have long fangs. After failing, they retreated into the dark

swamp and sealed it with dense fog.

The Stormwind Kingdom believes that these strong and savage alien

races will surely make a comeback, hoping that the kingdoms of

Lordaeron will give them support to fight against the alien races.

However, because the Kingdom of Stormwind is too far away from the

kingdoms of Lordaeron, and the Kingdom of Stormwind has been

pursuing isolationism for a long time, there is no one to help.

Leaders of various countries regarded these news as jokes. The Kingdom

of Lordaeron, most likely to help, was deterred by roadside news from a

nobleman in Stormwind: "The so-called war by King Lane is nothing but a

civil unrest."

The Kingdom of Stormwind has become a lone boat on the sea, and now

has to face the stormy waves alone.

However, here in Dalaran, Ye Ting took the initiative to propose that as

Dalaran's messenger, he would go to the Kingdom of Stormwind to

conduct field trips to judge the real situation.

Most of the mages in Dalaran felt that Ye Ting's request was completely

unnecessary-Dalaran did not need to pay so much attention to the

internal affairs of other human countries.

However, in their opinion, at Ye Ting's age, it is understandable to find a

chance to visit Dalaran in the distance. Coupled with Ye Ting's own status

as a great mage, in the end, the Kirin Tor Council agreed to his request

and secretly gave him the task of contacting Khadgar, investigating the

mage tower of Medivh, and Karazhan-after all, Karazhan It's near

Stormwind City.

For Ye Ting, the second task was simply the convenience of being

brought to the door, which just gave him a reason to intervene in the

incident about Medivh.

In this way, Ye Ting embarked on a journey.

Item 0397

Unlike the game, there is actually no portal between the main cities of


In fact, in Azeroth, the number of wizards who can use portals is quite

small, and these wizards who can use portals basically have the rank of


And even in Dalaran, the gathering place for mages, the number of

archmages is quite small. Every archmage has a respectable position.

Who would take that effort to open a portal for others?

In any case, mages always think of rare professions in Azeroth. Compared

with the popularization of warriors, thieves, and rangers, mages are

completely rare in Azeroth, and the degree of rarity is much higher than

that of priests.

Not to mention, the stability of the portal depends on the user's mastery

of magic, and most of the wizards who can use the portal create portals

that are not stable. In other words, if you pass through the portals of

these wizards casually, except those who are proficient in space magic,

others will be teleported to a place that is quite different from the

destination-maybe even because Lost in the star realm due to the chaos of


In fact, even in Dalaran, within a short period of time, there will be

accidents where a wizard gets lost in the astral world because of a

mistake in using a portal.

In contrast, the magic of the Harry Potter world is much more advanced

in the development of space.

Phantom-shifting magic that can be used for personal movement or even

one or two others is difficult to learn, but it is much simpler than portals-

most adult wizards can learn it after a period of training.

Compared with portals, door keys are more convenient to manufacture or

maintain, and there are basically no transmission errors. In this regard,

the Ministry of Magic even had to specifically legislate and set up an

office to prevent the door keys from being abused.

Needless to say, Floo Network has become popular enough to become

one of the daily necessities of every wizard's family, completely hanging

the portal.

This is why, in the original plot, Jaina would be regarded as a genius

mage by Dalaran by virtue of one-handed mass teleportation.

In this way, Ye Ting, who has mastered space magic in another world,

may be able to make a fortune with space magic alone.

However, for Ye Ting, who is the envoy of Dalaran to the Kingdom of

Stormwind, it doesn't matter whether there is a portal or not.

For him, instead of using a portal to appear directly in Stormwind, it is

better to use traditional land transportation to get there, so that he can

appreciate the customs of Azeroth on the road.

In this way, he rode a carriage, through the Hillsbrad Hills, through the

Arathi Highlands where the Wall of Thoradin stands, through the Sador

Bridge that connects the two continents, and then through the vibrant

wetlands. Passing through Loch Modan, the food production base of the

dwarves with the majestic boulder dam, passing through the deserted

land filled with dust, passing through the burning plains of scorched

earth, passing the red ridge mountains full of crimson fertile soil, and

finally into the vast Irvine Forest.

Through the forest, Ye Ting came to Stormwind City.

The whole trip took two months.

For the arrival of Ye Ting, the envoy of Dalaran, everyone in Stormwind

Kingdom responded with a warm welcome.

The human kingdoms of Azeroth are similar to the Middle Ages of Earth

Europe. The knight culture here is quite popular. The royal family and

nobles are either from knights or highly respect knights.

On the contrary, they have an inherent prejudice against mages, thinking

that they are mysterious, withdrawn, and incomprehensible.

However, the king of Stormwind Kingdom, Ryan Wrynn I, is different. He

himself has basic goodwill towards mages. This not only stems from his

own kindness and wisdom, but also because he and Medivh are good

friends since childhood. The two of them plus the current leader of the

Royal Knights, Anduin Lothar, are **** players from childhood to


Therefore, compared with other kings and nobles, he understands the

mages better, understands their power, and pays more attention to the

power of the mages.

Not to mention, Dalaran at this time was the only one among the human

kingdoms of Lordaeron that gave them positive feedback.

The rest of the kingdoms all took the warnings and requests for help from

the Kingdom of Stormwind as a joke.

However, the Kingdom of Stormwind has a hard time knowing that under

the attack of the orcs, the Sunshine Forest, the Western Wilderness, and

the southern area of ​​the Redridge Mountains fell into the hands of the

orc tribes. The human population was displaced, and the nobles also lost

a lot of property.

Although under the leadership of Anduin Lothar, the troops of the

Kingdom of Stormwind have repelled the orcs' vanguard forces and drove

them back to the Black Swamp, but they all believed that these orcs

would make a comeback sooner or later.

At that time, they didn't know whether the army of Stormwind alone

could stop the army of orcs.

And now, Dalaran seems to have become their only possible


In such an emergency situation, the Kingdom of Stormwind gave a grand

welcome to the messenger Ye Ting.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 304:

King Ryan Wrynn I personally summoned Ye Ting in the conference hall

of the palace.

Surrounded by guards and attendants, Ye Ting stepped onto the red

carpet and walked into the discussion hall.

Entering the conference hall, you can see King Lane sitting on the throne

in the center.

King Ryan’s age is estimated to be forty or fifty years old. He is dressed in

a gorgeous dress and a golden crown. He is kind and gentle, and he is

easy to gain the closeness and trust of others.

In the original book, he can be regarded as a wise king.

Sitting beside him was his queen, but he didn't see Prince Varian Wrynn,

who was still a child.

The nobles and ministers of the Stormwind Kingdom lined up on both

sides, and one of them was dressed in a gorgeous heavy armor, and the

imposing guy attracted Ye Ting's attention.

In his opinion, although there are many soldiers who can go to the

battlefield among the nobles present, this man is the strongest among


The nobleman's etiquette and spellcasting were cumbersome and bored

Ye Ting, but now he could only go to the village and do what he had

done, and barely passed the ritual that the messenger had seen.

Fortunately, most things do not need to be executed by him himself.

Since Dalaran has sent two apprentices to assist him to deal with it, he

himself just reluctantly nodded to King Ryan, which was regarded as a


Due to Dalaran's transcendent status and the particularity of the mage,

these rather rude behaviors in the eyes of the nobles did not arouse any

face-to-face dissatisfaction.

Perhaps seeing Ye Ting's impatience with etiquette, King Ryan's

empathetic simplification of the remaining red tape, quickly entered the


The servants pushed a big table and spread a big map on the table.

And the man just now, Anduin Lothar, the leader of the Royal Knights of

Stormwind Kingdom and now the commander in chief, began to explain

the current situation to Ye Ting.

"...In short, the loss of the Stormwind Kingdom is much more severe than

expected. It is estimated that this year's autumn harvest will be greatly

affected, and the orcs have not really been defeated. They are now hiding

in the Black Swamp. Already shrouded in thick fog, we don’t know where

they came from, how many troops they have, how much food and grass

they have, but I believe that they must be brewing a new offensive.

However, in the battle against the orcs, our army suffered a lot of

casualties. Seriously, I don't know if Stormwind Kingdom can withstand

their next attack."

Speaking of this, the atmosphere in the entire hall became sad.

Item 0398

As in the European Middle Ages, the kings and noble lords of Azeroth all

established their country by military force.

Therefore, military merit is an important criterion for determining the

status of a nobleman in their evaluation system.

In the eyes of the humans in Azeroth, the orcs who are dressed in simple

clothes, outdated weapons, and are still ruling in the form of tribes are

undoubtedly a barbaric nation.

Therefore, the human aristocrats who claim to be civilized races naturally

look down on them, and even regard them as the same thing as the

Gurubashi trolls near the Kingdom of Stormwind.

Therefore, in the first battle with the orcs, many nobles in the Stormwind

Kingdom regarded this war as a beautiful mission to gain military merit

and sent their children into the army one after another.

However, they faced a tragic victory.

Under Lothar’s wise leadership, the human army successfully repelled the

orcs with good equipment, a well-organized military formation, and the

cooperation of various arms, but also suffered heavy casualties. Including

the nobles, almost everyone in Stormwind City today Everyone who

knew left their lives on the battlefield.

Therefore, whenever we talk about that war, it is a painful memory for

everyone in Stormwind.

In such an atmosphere, Ye Ting also went to the village to silently mourn.

Then Ye Ting looked at Anduin Lothar.

"As far as I know, the weaponry of the Stormwind Kingdom is second

only to the Kingdom of Lordaeron among the human kingdoms. As a

direct descendant of Thoradin the Great, General Lothar can also be said

to be a generation of famous generals with family history. Suffering such

a big loss in the war with the orcs? Even the trolls of Gurubashi, it is

impossible for the troops of Stormwind to suffer such heavy casualties,


In fact, Ye Ting certainly knew what was going on, but now he is acting

as a messenger from afar, who doesn't know the truth, so he has to

pretend to be stupid for a while.

Lothar sighed when Ye Ting asked about this.

"It's still that we were too careless and underestimated these savage orcs.

Lord Liver didn't know something. We thought that orcs were just

another kind of trolls we hadn't seen before, but in fact, they were much

better than trolls. These green-skinned monsters are quite bloodthirsty

and combative, and they are so powerful that even the strongest creature

among humans can hardly block a blow from an orc head-on."

"Really?" Ye Ting nodded, "How does that compare with the troll?"

"Troll?" Lothar snorted. "Compared to these orcs who can fight us head-

on, those big feet can only cause us some trouble in the jungle."

—That is God Loa who you have never seen a troll.

Ye Ting slandered inwardly, but did not say anything, and continued to

listen to Lothar's description.

"Ashamed to say, although we won this battle, it was a tactical and

strategic victory, and we had the advantage of magic. In fact, when it

comes to frontal combat, our soldiers and these green-skinned monsters

The casualty ratio is almost three to one. If it is a militia who temporarily

takes up a weapon, it may take ten to twenty people to replace an orc."

Speaking of this, Lothar still had some lingering fears.

"So exaggerated?" Ye Ting raised his eyebrows, "So, do you have orcs

captives? Or corpses, too. I want to actually take a look at these


Hearing this request, Lothar looked at King Ryan.

King Ryan nodded.

"Then, Archmage Liver, please come with me."

Led by Lothar, Ye Ting walked through the long corridor, down the

rotating stone steps, and came to the dungeon of Stormwind. King Lane

also personally accompanied him.

In a separate cell deep in the dungeon, Ye Ting saw a green-skinned orc.

Although he knew something about this race in his previous life, it was

the first time he saw this race in this life.

The orc was about two meters tall, with rough green skin, and all kinds

of scars under the ragged leather armor, some of which were new

wounds, and some of them existed for a long time.

Compared with the trolls, the orcs are shorter and sturdier, and also have

a pair of long teeth, making them very violent.

A long distance away, Ye Ting could smell the stench on the orcs.

"This is the orc warrior we captured after the battle," Lothar introduced.

"During the battle, he killed six of our elite soldiers with a big axe. In the

end, he was wounded so badly that he could not escape. Stayed on the


Seeing someone coming, the orc immediately grabbed the railing of the

prison, squeezed forward frantically, and at the same time grinned and

let out a bloodthirsty roar.

Seeing the orc suddenly violent, the nearby guards immediately drew

their swords alertly and pointed them at him.

However, he didn't seem to see it. After roaring for a while, the orc began

to speak loudly in an unfamiliar language, but none of the people present

could understand it.

Realizing that even though the orc in front of him is still in prison, he

still doesn't change the ferocity. Even Lothar frowned. He realized that he

still underestimated the madness of the enemy.

If every orc is so warlike...

Lothar couldn't imagine it anymore.

On the other side, Ye Ting walked towards the orc curiously, wanting to

take a closer look.

Seeing one of his enemies approaching, the orc thought he had found a

good opportunity, and actually wanted to grab Ye Ting from the depths

of the gap between the railings.

Upon seeing this, the guards immediately stepped forward to block it.

"My lord, please stand back and don't let this monster hurt you."

But Ye Ting easily pushed them away.

"Don't worry, I'm a mage, he doesn't hurt me so easily." Ye Ting said, and

continued to walk towards the orc.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 305:

Perhaps he understood Ye Ting's words, or perhaps surprised at Ye Ting's

strength, the two guards did not try to stop him again.

And Lothar and Ryan, who were standing behind, were shocked when

they saw the scene in front of them.

They saw with their own eyes that the messenger from Dalaran could

easily separate the two elite soldiers with strength alone.

How can this be?

Aren't mages all "freaks" and "nerds" without the power to bind chickens?

If the mages have such power, then how can they let their fighters mix.

The two looked at each other, and both saw surprise in the eyes of their


"This mage is not easy."

This is their common conclusion.

But Ye Ting, no matter what they thought, walked towards the orc on his


Facing the green-skinned monster trying to grab him in front of him, Ye

Ting just stretched out his hands, pointed at the orc, and muttered words

in his mouth.

As his hands exuded the radiance of arcane magic, the railings of the

prison immediately began to deform, turning into thick iron chains,

wrapping around the orcs like a snake.

Although the strong orc warrior tried to struggle, he still lost to the tough

iron chain, and was quickly **** firmly, his hands and feet were pulled

apart in an X shape, like a big pig waiting to be slaughtered.

Ye Ting took out the Infinite Sword from his pocket, turned it into a

small knife with Transfiguration Technique, and came to the orc with the

knife in this way.

Item 0399

With just this magnificent transfiguration technique, Ye Ting succumbed

to Lothar and Ryan.

The two people who were originally curious about Ye Ting being

awarded the position of Great Master at a young age were regarded as

seeing Ye Ting's abilities, and couldn't help but give him a high look.

Ye Ting began to gesture at the orc captive with the knife in his hand.

He first rolled the orc’s eyelids, then used a knife to pry open the orc’s

big mouth and observed it. Then he squeezed the muscles of the orc’s

arms and legs, carefully observed his hands and feet, and finally Separate

the blood vessels of the orcs with a knife, and collect two bottles full of

orcs' blood.

When he checked, there was a notebook floating beside him, and an

automatic recording feather brush quickly wrote and painted on it.

The whole process took half an hour and then stopped.

When Ye Ting left the prison and restored the cage to its original state,

both Ryan and Lothar got together.

"Archmage Liver, what were you doing just now?" Ryan asked curiously.

Lothar also looked at Ye Ting.

"I'm checking and recording the characteristics of the orcs." Ye Ting said

as he walked, "I want to know the true source of these creatures and their

relationship with the trolls. I think this helps us understand and deal with

them. "

"The conclusion?" Lothar asked impatiently.

"Currently there are only preliminary conclusions, and I need further

research, but I can be sure that the orcs are not another kind of trolls, or

relatives of some kind of trolls." Ye Ting replied.

"This... where do you start?" Lothar looked curious.

"Language first. According to the history of the elves, when Azeroth was

a whole continent, the trolls used to have a unified empire, but as the

continent fell apart, the trolls split into tribes around the world.

However, because of the unity in the past, the language of today’s trolls

is basically derived from the language of the ancient troll empire.

However, although I can’t understand the language of the orcs, according

to the tone of his speech, he pauses and sighs. Judging by the word, their

language has nothing to do with trolls at all."

"So that's it." Ryan and Lothar nodded suddenly.

"Secondly is the characteristics." Ye Ting continued, "Although the orcs

and the trolls have tall statures and huge fangs, they are different in

many other characteristics, such as the arrangement of teeth and the

difference in muscles. The number and shape of the bones, etc. You

know, the species is evolving... (an analysis of biological evolution)... In

short, the body structure of the orcs is completely different from that of

the races on Azeroth in many places , This is what surprised me the


Listening to Ye Ting's professional analysis, Ryan and Lothar were

confused throughout the whole process. They could only nod their heads

from the side, and showed a typical expression of "I don't know what you

are talking about, but it seems very powerful."

After finally waiting for Ye Ting to finish speaking, Ryan immediately

couldn't wait to ask.

"So? What is your final conclusion?"

"No, it's not a final conclusion, but a preliminary conclusion," Ye Ting

frowned and said in a low voice, "I suspect that they are not native

species of Azeroth."

This conclusion is really unbelievable for Lothar and Ryan.

They looked at each other, and finally Lothar spoke.

"You mean, they come from another world?"

"Yes, it is possible." Ye Ting nodded, "but I have to wait for me to make

further analysis."

However, although Ye Ting has not fully affirmed, Lothar believed this

conclusion in his heart. Judging from his years of experience in leading

troops to defend the Kingdom of Stormwind, the orcs' abilities and

behavior patterns are completely different from all the enemies he has

encountered. , Whether they are trolls, wolves, murlocs, or goblins with

green skin like orcs, they are all different from orcs.

Especially the warlike and bloodthirsty deep into the bones of the orcs,

which impressed him most.

In the following days, Ye Ting continuously refused the invitation of King

Lane and the nobles to banquet, and spent several weeks under the

leadership of several knights traveling throughout the Stormwind

Kingdom and the battlefields of the Redridge Mountains to observe the

orcs. At the same time, he also checked many animal assets captured by

Stormwind, including battle flags, weapons, armors, corpses of mounts,

tents, large ordnance, and so on.

Later, he also obtained permission from Ryan to stay in the dungeon for

several days to interrogate several orc captives, during which time he

used spiritual magic such as dementia.

Almost two months after coming to Stormwind Kingdom, Ye Ting finally

visited King Lane again.

At this time, King Ryan had no hope for Dalaran's support. This

messenger from Dalaran had always been concerned about asking for

help, but he was rather interested in the orcs themselves.

However, perhaps because of his natural generosity, Ryan still satisfied

the curiosity of the young archmage.

As a result, after a lapse of more than two months, King Lane suddenly

received the archmage's quite formal visit documents, which were

different from the daily visits.

Such a formal visit made King Ryan suddenly renewed his illusion of


The place where the two met was the king's study, and the accompanying

person was still Anduin Lothar.

When Ye Ting stepped into the study, Ryan noticed that this time Ye Ting

did not come empty-handed-although he would use a space bag to hold

his belongings-but a notebook-style book.

After the maid of the palace filled tea for the three of them, Ye Ting first

opened the topic.

"His Majesty Ryan," he said in a serious tone, "First of all, I have to thank

you for your full assistance so that I can successfully carry out a series of

investigations on this newly discovered race of orcs."

"Ah, that's what I should do," Ryan said gently with a smile, "I can help


"Yes, you did help a lot... Maybe it helped yourself," Ye Ting handed the

notebook-like book to Ryan, "Now, let me show you this passage. The

result of time."

Ryan took the book. The book is not thick and does not look gorgeous.

On the cover, there are a few large characters written in beautiful

swashes: "A preliminary analysis and speculation on the orcs, a suspected

alien race."

Ryan opened the book. The book and his professional tone gave a

comprehensive introduction to the orc race, including their physical

characteristics, their civilization, their political system, their technical

level, where they originally lived, and part of their history. And customs,

their basic language, their major tribes and introductions, some of their

leaders, speculations on the reasons for their attack on Stormwind, etc...

It can be called an encyclopedia for understanding the orcs.

In addition to some memories of Ye Ting's last life, the source of

information for this book also includes the clues he left from the orcs and

the interrogation of the captives during this period.

At the end of the book, it described the discovery of fel components in

the blood of the orcs and the analysis of the relationship between the orcs

and the demons.

Chapter 0400 Orcs and Garona

After a quick glance at Ye Ting's work, Ryan handed it to Lothar

inexplicably excited.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 306:

Soon, Lothar also roughly understood the content of the book.

The two looked at Ye Ting with surprise, shock, and admiration.

No matter in which era or plane, in war, intelligence is an indispensable

magic weapon for victory.

"Knowing yourself, knowing the enemy, winning in a hundred battles" is

not only the wise saying of Chinese military strategists, but also an axiom

recognized by every general.

However, in a feudal kingdom like the Stormwind Kingdom, have you

ever seen such a professional intelligence analysis?

Without evasiveness, Ye Ting alone summed up the orc intelligence that

far surpassed that of the entire country of Stormwind Kingdom.

Moreover, the analysis of the orcs in this book has quite a few angles that

Ryan and Lothar had never thought of.

As a general, Lothar originally only understood the elements directly

related to war, such as the military deployment of the orcs, food and

grass, weapons, and the quality of soldiers.

However, in Ye Ting's book, from various perspectives such as military,

politics, history, humanities, biology, and sociology, there is no dead end

to analyze the orc race thoroughly.

And from this comprehensive analysis outside of the military, Lothar saw

the weaknesses of many orc races-these weaknesses could not be

discovered by military intelligence alone.

In this way, the troops of the Kingdom of Stormwind can quickly master

the methods of combat against the orcs, and their commanders can also

formulate strategies for the orcs' tactics, greatly improving the victory

rate when fighting the orcs.

Lothar was even thinking that if he could read the book earlier, then in

the last battle with the orcs, the casualties of Stormwind's army would be

at least half less.


This was Lothar's final assessment.

Not only for this book, but also for Ye Ting himself.

"Indeed, the talent of Archmage Liver... teaches people's heartbreak."

Ryan agreed. "The ability to write such a book is enough to see that

Archmage Liver has a profound knowledge in many secular disciplines

besides magic. His accomplishments, such an all-rounder is really

unprecedented. In fact, I'm already thinking about how to invite Your

Excellency the Archmage to become the Palace Director of Stormwind


"His Majesty Ryan joked, his ambition is only to study magic, and he can

only live up to his high hopes." Ye Ting refused with a wry smile.

Ryan also knew that this request was a bit unrealistic, so he skipped

mentioning it and proposed instead, hoping to copy Ye Ting’s

"Preliminary Analysis and Speculation on the Suspected Orc Race" and

distribute it to Stormwind. The nobles and generals of the city.

Ye Ting's purpose for writing this book was originally this, so he readily

agreed, and he also asked Leon to reprint a few more copies, so that he

could bring it back to Dalaran.

The first copy of the transcript was sent back to Dalaran by Ye Ting with

a report to the Kirin Tor Council. Of course, he also attached a copy of

the blood of an orc as evidence.

According to the story of World of Warcraft, the indigenous peoples on

the planet of Draenor originally lived a peaceful life on the planet in the

form of clan tribes, accepted the leadership of the chiefs of various tribes,

and believed in the shamanism that respected the spirits and elements of


However, Kil'jaeden the deceiver, one of the leaders of the Burning

Legion, took a fancy to this race, so he deceived Ner'zhul, the most

respected shaman teacher of the orcs, and told him that the draenei, the

neighbor of the orcs, tried Destroy all orcs.

As a result, the orcs slaughtered and enslaved the draenei. In this process,

in order to enhance their combat effectiveness, the orcs drank the blood

of an abyss lord named Mannoroth. While gaining powerful strength,

their original red skin It has also become green.

These evil energies from demons not only give the orcs powerful

strength, but also make them irritable and bloodthirsty. The demons use

this to induce them to attack Azeroth.

Ye Ting knows very well that the wizards of Dalaran actually have no

desire to interfere in the changes of the secular kingdom, but they are

quite wary of the existence of demons. Therefore, if you want to impress

these masters, let them participate in the confrontation. In the war of the

orcs, then this orc blood containing fel energy is the key.

Compared to visiting the Kingdom of Stormwind, the communication

between Dalaran and Dalaran is much faster, but it still takes a few days.

While waiting for Dalaran to reply, another thing happened to Ye Ting.

It was an ordinary afternoon. Ye Ting was in the room giving lectures to

his two entourages-two apprentices of the mage. By the way, he passed

the time, and suddenly there were heavy footsteps outside the door, and

soon the door was knocked.

The apprentice who was interrupted opened the door dissatisfied.

Standing outside the door was an old acquaintance, now Ye Ting's friend,

Anduin Lothar.

"Hey, Sand, good afternoon," Lothar said in his loud voice, "I hope I

haven't disturbed you, can you come with me? There is an updated

military situation that might be of interest to you."

"Then, let's come here for our course for the time being. You review it

yourself first." Ye Ting nodded at the apprentices, and then followed

Lothar out.

On the corridor, perhaps because he thought Ye Ting’s physique could

bear it, Lothar hooked his shoulders together, like a soldier friend, and

said, “Hey, friend, you may not know, we catch I arrived at a strange


"How do you say?" Ye Ting asked back when he easily withstood the

power that was enough to crush the ordinary mage.

"Yes, our patrol caught a group of orc scouts in Elwynn Forest." Lothar


"That's normal."

"Yes, we will catch a few of these guys in two days..." Lothar paused

pretending to be mysterious, "but this time the captives are different."

"Huh?" Ye Ting looked at him.

Lothar deliberately lowered his voice and said, "Among the captives this

time, there is a female orc."

"Really?" The news really surprised Ye Ting.

"Of course it is true." Lothar said, "Based on your information and our

actual contact with the orcs, it is really rare for a female orc to go to the

battlefield. It is the first time that such a female orc has been caught.

According to the reports of the soldiers, she still has something unique."

"for example?"

"The soldiers said that the guy is much thinner than the orc, and has

almost no fangs. It is also different from the female orc you described,

but more like a human... They suspect... They suspect that this guy is a

mixture of humans and orcs."

After listening to Lothar's words, Ye Ting was a little surprised.

Suspected of being a hybrid of orcs and humans? In his memory, he

agreed with this condition, and only the legendary hybrid, Garona,

appeared at this time.

This woman can be regarded as a key figure in the history of Warcraft.

Lothar obviously saw an interesting look on Ye Ting's face, so he hit the

iron while it was hot, and added.

"If you want, you can go see her, explore her bottom, and see how she

got here."

"By the way, help you get some information, right?" Ye Ting continued.

"Uh... the same can be said," Lothar was a little embarrassed by Ye Ting's

dismantling on the spot, but he still asked, "What do you think?"

Ye Ting thought about it, and finally agreed to this request.

"Well, I am really interested in her, then, where is she locked up by you?"

"North County Abbey," Lothar said with some joy. "It was the gathering

place for our pastors, and it is now an important base for us in North


"Okay, then I'll go to the North County Monastery." Ye Ting nodded, "I'll

leave tomorrow morning."

Chapter 0401 North County Monastery

It seems that in the game, the North County Abbey is very close to

Stormwind City, almost just around the corner from the city.

However, in reality, in the real Azeroth, the North County Abbey is still

some distance away from Stormwind City.

Following a team of cavalry, Ye Ting set off in the morning and arrived at

the destination in the afternoon.

After all, it's almost the same as walking from Guangzhou to Shenzhen.

The North County Abbey is located in a quiet valley in the northern part

of the Irvine Forest. It is the most important church in the entire

Stormwind Kingdom. In terms of scale and influence, it is second only to

Lordaeron, the most worshipful of the Holy Light, among the human

kingdoms. cathedral.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 307:

This is a Gothic-like church with a red roof and white walls. The

structure is similar to a cross. There is a cemetery around the church, and

a training ground is temporarily built. Ye Ting can see soldiers and

priests walking around.

In the North County Abbey, there is a famous pastor organization, the

North County Holy Brotherhood.

This is almost the highest organization of the Holy Light Church in the

Kingdom of Stormwind.

Although it is a "fraternity", in fact, there are not only male priests, but

also nuns and female priests in this organization. In the card game based

on World of Warcraft, "Heartstone", the famous North County Priest is

called "North Bitch" because of her powerful checking ability.

The priest who has mastered the power of the holy light has the ability to

bless people and heal wounds. So the priest who saved the dead and

healed the wounded became the source of hope for the human soldiers.

In the previous gnoll wars and troll wars, even the gnolls and trolls

would seek the help of human priests to heal their wounds.

In the last war with the orcs, the priests of the North County monastery

still went to the battlefield to heal the wounded physically and

spiritually. They gave the human soldiers a great help. However, their

behavior also incurred the hatred of the orcs.

In the past, the orcs who believed in shamans, but now controlled by the

evil energy, dismissed their belief in the Holy Light, and ruthlessly

massacred every priest they could find, decisively eliminating the root

cause that helped wounded human soldiers return to the battlefield.

However, even with heavy casualties, the priests still joined the battle

firmly, composing an anthem of courage and compassion.

In the end, the North County monastery suffered serious casualties like

ordinary soldiers. When Ye Ting came outside the monastery, he could

still see the priest praying in front of a tomb.

Such scenes also made him sigh the cruelty of the war.

However, Ye Ting has adapted to such cruelty.

Let alone the battle in the wizarding world, in the world of a song of ice

and fire, he and Daenerys are one of the forces that provoked the war

and hoped to profit from it. From the Dothraki Sea to the trading city-

state, to the Westeros continent, he can be considered to have

experienced countless fierce battles, big and small, and he is used to

seeing life and death. Compared with the war that swept almost half of

the world, now the orc tribe and the storm The first battle of the

kingdom was only for pediatrics.

However, in the current war, although the Northshire Abbey is a

relatively important stronghold, there are not many guards near the


Perhaps in order not to disturb the repairs of the priests, the soldiers’

garrison is still some distance away, and only some special facilities will

be placed near the monastery.

Of course, the female orc who is suspected of being mixed is also being

held here.

For Ye Ting and their arrival, the soldiers did not give them a warm

welcome. In the eyes of their garrisoned soldiers, Ye Ting may be a

young nobleman who wants to take credit for it, but the priests gave

them some hospitality. .

However, the commander of these garrisoned soldiers, a baron named

Aniès Grammon, understood that this group of visitors was extraordinary.

He found that the knights who were guards were clearly from the Royal

Knights, and although the **** looked quite young, he was not a second-

generation young nobleman-although his clothes were exquisite, he did

not have any noble ornate features, and The tolerance is far beyond that

of ordinary people.

And from this young man's distinctive arrogance and with some lonely

indifference, as well as the special lines on the cloak, Anies guessed that

this should be a mage.

Looking at the North County Abbey, Ye Ting didn't care about these

garrisoned soldiers. Even Baron Grammon was not in his eyes. Only the

priests who had mastered the Holy Light were the objects of his


Of course, the reason he paid attention to them was only because of the

"Holy Light".

Just now, he did see a priest who was healing a wounded soldier,

summoning the holy light to the soldier's wound.

Although the effect is not as immediate as in the game, he can clearly see

that the soldier's blood quickly stops.

This was also the first time he saw a spellcaster in the magical system

after traveling through several worlds.

By the way, magic refers to the borrowing of power from others through

belief and invocation, while the opposite of magic refers to the

manipulation of power through one's own wisdom.

For many humans, the holy light is their belief, but in Ye Ting's heart, the

holy light is just a kind of energy.

However, unlike the energy in the scientific system, the energy of the

holy light has a clear emotional direction and has both subjective and

objective characteristics.

However, due to the fact that the blood elves used the holy light from the

light creature Naaru in the original work, Ye Ting can be sure that the

holy light is indeed a kind of energy.

Born as a mage, if you don't study the holy light, how can you be worthy

of the nickname of "research madness" as a mage?

But of course not now.

So he resisted his curiosity and followed Baron Grammon to the

basement of the monastery.

The underground part of the monastery is usually used as a tomb or

temporary tomb, but now it is also used as a dungeon.

After a tortuous road, they finally came to the target room.

Ye Ting resisted the complaints they always like to keep people

underground, and looked into the room.

Here, he saw a large iron cage with a female orc, or half-orc.

Like the orcs Ye Ting had seen, this female half-orc had green skin, a

protruding chin, and long fangs—but these two points were far inferior to

ordinary orcs.

However, her body shape is obviously not as bloated as those of her clan,

in fact, she is even thinner than the average adult. Her face is not like an

orc. Even from Ye Ting’s critical aesthetic, she can be considered pretty,

and her figure can be considered slim. Even the strong muscles and

slightly protruding fangs make her show wildness. Beauty.

The more Ye Ting could feel that she was Garona.

However, if she was really Garona, it would be no surprise that she was

mistaken for being a hybrid of humans and orcs based on this


Item 0402

In fact, apart from looks, Garona and the orcs have many differences.

For example, her skin is smoother, closer to humans, and the tone of the

orc's emerald green skin is brighter. The eyes are also bigger, more agile

than the blood red eyes of the orc warriors.

In addition, the orcs like to wear tattered, pitted armor, and they don't

like to be clean. You can smell the strong smell of them when you get

close to them.

However, Garona was much cleaner, her clothes seemed to come from

humans, and when Ye Ting approached, she could smell a delicate

fragrance from her.

At this moment, not only Ye Ting was watching the female orc, but the

female orc was also watching him.

To the female orc, the male in front of her seemed a little strange.

He didn't hate her like other human beings and cursed her. From his

eyes, she only saw curiosity.

In addition, what makes her most strange is that this human being is not

strong, but it is clearly the highest status among the visitors.

You know, in the orc tribe, only the strongest can serve as chiefs, and on

the battlefield, human commanders generally have two shots.

After they watched each other for a while, Ye Ting finally spoke.

What he uttered was not the familiar human lingo of the people present,

but a sound similar to roaring and grunting.

That is orc language.

In the ears of the female orc, that was a word.

"Hello, can I communicate with you?"

For the female orc, this sentence seemed like a fairy sound-this was the

first time someone on the human side was willing to communicate with


So she nodded excitedly and replied in orc language.

"Of course, I would love to talk to you."

"Okay." Ye Ting nodded and looked behind him.

At this moment, his entourage and the commander of the garrison, Baron

Grammon, looked at him in surprise, as if he were a monster.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 308:

"I... I didn't expect you to say them... I mean these beasts."

It took a long time before Baron Grammon stumbled.

Ye Ting noticed that when the baron mentioned the word "beast", the

female orc frowned slightly.

"Beast? Maybe." Ye Ting shrugged nonchalantly, "But they are indeed a

kind of civilization with a certain degree of civilization, and it is not

surprising that they have a mature language."

Realizing that the baron in front of him wanted to say something, Ye

Ting blocked the conversation in advance.

"Now, I want to chat with her alone, can you give us a private space?"

"But, she might hurt you, my lord," the baron persuaded. "Don't look at

her much thinner than those monsters. In fact, she is also a powerful

warrior. Before we caught her, she cut and wounded her. Five

infantrymen were taken, and three knights were knocked off the horse...If

we were not in large numbers, perhaps she would have escaped in the

forest long ago."

"Don't worry," Ye Ting shook his head, "I'm a mage, she won't have a

chance to hurt me."

Ye Ting's confidence left the Baron speechless, so the door to the room

was closed again.

Right now, only Ye Ting and the female orc were left in this room, and

the swaying torches made their shadows stretch very long on the wall.

Ye Ting asked the question first, using orc language.

"I noticed that you can understand our words, that is, you can speak our

language, right?"

"Yes...," the female orc stumblingly replied in human language, "I...

learned from your... appendix... from the snow in the mouth of the

captives. But I'm a master...speaking in general."

"Just imitating can say this, you are already great." Ye Ting praised, "but

if you want to learn, I can teach you."

"Of course." The female orc returned to the orc language, "I would love to

learn your language."

"That's great," Ye Ting was a little happy about it, at least it proves that

the female orc is not pedantic, "but that's something later, now, let's talk

about you. My name is Sand Liver. , Liver is the last name, Sand is the

first name, so what about you?"

"Garona," the female orc replied, "I am the child of a slave, and I have no


Garona, it was her, everything was right.

"Okay, Garona," Ye Ting nodded, "I just call you that, and you can also

call me Sander. This is what humans call friends."

"Sand...Sand..." Garona repeated his name in her mouth, her mouth

widened with a smile, obviously a little happy.

Suddenly, she looked at Ye Ting.

"Do you...really want to be friends with me...?"

"Yes, of course I would like to be your friend." Ye Ting nodded and

added: "As a friend, I can even release you-as long as you promise not to

escape from here."

Garona looked very surprised when she heard Ye Ting's words. She didn't

want to understand why the young human in front of her made such a

decision. However, after thinking for a while, she still made a promise.

"Then we are friends, and Garona promises not to run away and swears

by my glory."

So Ye Ting waved his hand at the cage and cast a transformation magic.

The next moment, the originally hard steel railing seemed to have turned

into noodles, and it was so soft that it bends left and right, just enough to

leave Garona with a hole enough for one person to pass through.

So she leaped out of the hole sensitively.

However, the next moment she came out, she rushed towards Ye Ting.

Garona's muscles were tight due to this instantaneous burst, her figure

resembling a cheetah, and her hand pinched Ye Ting's fragile neck, as if

she was about to twist it off.

However, Ye Ting didn't change his face for Garona's uprising, and he

didn't even do any defensive action, as if nothing happened.

Just when Garona was about to attack Ye Ting, the female half-orc's feet

firmly grasped the floor and let herself stop the car, her hand only

stretched out less than five centimeters from Ye Ting's neck.

Then she retracted her movement and sat cross-legged on the ground.

"Cut..." The female orc curled her lips in an unhappy manner, and then

looked at him curiously: "Why don't you resist? As long as I go further, I

can break your neck."

"I don't believe you will hurt me," Ye Ting smiled slightly and said gently,

"You just said that you are friends with me, didn't you?"

Seeing the man's smile in front of her, Garona felt that her dark and dry

heart was shining through the sun.

However, the real fact is not like this. With Ye Ting's physical fitness at

this time, Garona suffered minor injuries at most at this time, and then he

would be able to subdue her in turn-after all, Garona had no weapons in

his hands.

Not to mention the triggered magic items hidden in Ye Ting, Faye has

always been a Krypton Gold player.

Item 0403

In Garona's eyes, Ye Ting's attitude of trusting her friend with no defense

still moved her a bit. The female half-orc forced her face and accused:

"You are too careless, if I really don't hold you. What do you do with

good intentions? I know that you are a spellcaster. Although the caster is

weak, they are all important people. It is easy to be targeted by assassins

like me."

It's quite typical arrogant.

"Is this a reminder as a friend?" Ye Ting deliberately misunderstood her

words, "rest assured, I won't thank you casually."

In response to Ye Ting's response, Garona had no choice but to act like he

couldn't do anything about it, but in fact, she was actually quite happy in

her heart.

Next, the rhythm of the conversation gradually became normal.

"So, what is the purpose of your being sent here?" Ye Ting asked.

"Detect and obtain information." Garona replied, "Because I can speak

your language, the warchief sent me out. The warchief is the common

leader of all our clans."

"I know that your entire tribe is composed of many clans, and each clan

has its own chief." Ye Ting nodded.

"You... know us well?" Garona looked a little surprised.

"Ah, yes, because I have to help humans defeat you," Ye Ting said,

"knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle."

The last sentence expresses a similar meaning in orc language.

"Very brilliant words," Garona asked, "is this your human proverb?"

"No, it's my own summary." Ye Ting said.

"I always think that human language is a little bit... long-winded," the Orc

hesitated when he said this, "but you made me change my mind."

"That's just because we always have something to say," Ye Ting said

mockingly. "Some sociable people can answer yes and no at the same

time and they don't mean anything at all."

These words obviously made Garona a little unacceptable. The female

half-orc thought for a long time and didn't figure out what kind of words

can answer yes and no at the same time without expressing any meaning

at all.

Finally, she suffocated a sentence: "I think it is meaningless to speak like


"But it makes a lot of sense to humans." Ye Ting shook his head, "Humans

are self-contradictory. Ten thousand people will have ten thousand


"The orcs also contradict themselves." Garona said, "At first everyone

wanted to go through the Dark Portal and conquer new lands, but after

coming here, some clans didn't want to continue the war."

"What about you?" Ye Ting looked into Garona's eyes and asked, "Which

clan do you belong to?"

Garona snorted: "I don't belong to any clan."

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 309:

"Why?" Ye Ting asked.

Garona did not answer directly, but raised a hand in front of Ye Ting:

"What did you see?"

"Your hand." Ye Ting replied.

"Human or orc?"

"Orcs, but also a little like humans."

This is obvious. The green skin, sharp yellow nails, and knuckles that are

slightly larger than humans are not unique to the orcs, but compared to

the orcs, her skin is too smooth, the nails are too short, and the skeleton

is too small. .

"Yes, the orcs would think this is a human hand-too thin, too unusable. It

lacks muscles, can't lift an axe, and has no strength to smash other

people's heads. It's too pale, too weak, and too ugly. NS."

Garona put down her hand, her eyes drooped. "You see me like an orc.

And all orcs only see me like a human. I have two identities at the same

time, and I am nothing at the same time. No matter where I am, I am

regarded as an inferior creature. ."

In fact, Garona does not have human blood. The other half of her blood

comes from the draenei, one of the races defeated and conquered by the

orcs in Draenor. In some features, the draenei does have human-like


However, although she had known that Garona was in a difficult

situation among the orcs, Ye Ting still felt desolate after hearing her

personally say this.

"Then your life must be very difficult, without the protection of the clan."

"It's also good," Garona said. "I can deal with the clans more freely. As an

inferior creature, everyone thinks I am an outcast with no clan loyalty.

They think I will not favor any side, so it is all right. I am unsuspecting. I

have become a great negotiator, but in order to survive, it is better to

find someone to rely on than to fight alone."

"Then, which clan do you depend on?" Ye Ting asked.

"The Rampage clan," Garona whispered, as if she didn't want to mention

it, "The chief is a warlock named Gul'dan. He is a magical orc and has a

lot of influence in the tribe."

Later, Ye Ting asked Garona many questions about the orc tribe, and

Garona did not hide it, and answered them one by one.

Suddenly, the door of the room was knocked, and Baron Grammon's

voice sounded from outside.

"Master Liver, is your interrogation over? Can I have the honor to invite

you to our dinner party?"

Obviously, since being captured, Garona hasn't eaten much, because

hearing Baron Grammon's words, the orc's belly immediately rang out.

The half-orc immediately pressed his belly with his hands and turned his

head, obviously a little embarrassed.

"Heh, you must be hungry," Ye Ting said in disapproval, inviting, "Come

on, try human delicacies with me, you will love it."

Facing Ye Ting's hand extended to invite her, Garona seemed a little

moved, but there were still concerns.

"Really...can it?" She looked at the direction of the door. "They...maybe

they won't welcome me."

"Of course, you are my friend," Ye Ting said readily, "I still have some

status among them, but you'd better stay with me."

"Then...then thank you very much." Garona finally took Ye Ting's hand,

stood up and added, "I will definitely not run away."

"No need to say anything, I believe you." Ye Ting said, opening the door

of the room with a smile on his face.

He is indeed more happy now, because according to Garona's reaction, he

can already be sure that as long as it continues, this girl will leave the

tribe and take refuge in him.

Originally, Garona had no nostalgia for the tribe, where she had no

fetters, and the orcs didn't like her either.

In this situation, she is eager to be trusted more than anyone else, eager

to be treated kindly, and eager to truly rely on. Ye Ting's hand extended

to her is like seeing a life-saving straw for the drowning person, no

matter what the cost. , She will catch it desperately.

Item 0404

When Ye Ting and Garona appeared in the monastery dining room

together, they unexpectedly attracted everyone's attention.

The dining room is actually a side hall of the monastery. Only the priests

and nuns and the commanders of the garrisoned army eat here. Since the

priests of the monastery arranged it, even if the usage exceeds the

ordinary soldiers, it is not considered rich.

However, due to the visit of big names from Stormwind today, the

commander here, Baron Grammon, arranged a relatively splendid dinner.

Everyone is very happy about this. The officers have been stationed here

for a long time, and have long missed the big fish and meat in

Stormwind, and even the indifferent priests would not mind having a

good meal occasionally.

However, with the appearance of the Orcs, the atmosphere on the scene

immediately changed.

The priests and nuns are okay, they are relatively broad-minded, and

they can treat lives other than humans equally.

However, most of the officers present immediately changed their colors,

casting nervous, hostile, and disgusting eyes at Garona, and some even

subconsciously pulled out their swords.

Seeing this situation, Garona immediately became tense, Ye Ting could

feel her muscles tense, and could react to potential threats at any time.

"Let down all weapons, don't use force in front of Lord Liver!" In the face

of this situation, Baron Grammon had to be embarrassed and soothed,

"Miss Garona is not our enemy now, but Lord Liver's guest, please rest

assured, everyone Don't be irritable, stay calm and don't be irritable."

Under his persuasion, the officers' mood a little slow, at least no one puts

their hands on the hilt of the sword.

It can be seen that Baron Grammon is very good at running the army, not

the kind of wine bag and rice bag, his prestige among the officers is not


Garona seemed to be relieved too.

As a stalker, she seems to be very uncomfortable with the situation where

the dagger is not around, especially in the nest of humans, surrounded by

armed men of the enemy, she puts her body as close to Ye Ting as

possible, it seems that this is the way to feel a little safe.

Ye Ting patted her comfortingly, and then led her to sit at the dining


As the highest person present, Ye Ting sat in the main seat, while Garona

sat beside him.

For the first time sitting at a human dining table and dining with

humans, Garona was a little at a loss. The wooden chair under her

buttocks seemed to have thorns that made her feel awkward, and she

didn't know where to put her green hands.

What made her most nervous was that besides Ye Ting, there was another

human sitting on the other side of her.

This human looks weaker than Ye Ting, a mage. Garona believed that she

could break his neck with one hand, but this did not weaken her tension.

Because, after seeing the hostile scene just now, she suddenly wanted to

have a good relationship with the humans in front of her. She didn't want

to make her friends feel embarrassed for her. However, she didn't know

how to make Other humans like her-at least don't hate her-after all, she

and those human enemies, the orcs who slaughtered countless humans,

have similar appearances and similar skins.

However, when she was still struggling, the "skinny" human actually took

the initiative to speak to her.

"Hello, Miss Garona... I just heard that Baron Grammon called you that.

My name is Fidel Fraile, the bishop here."

Worthy of being the bishop of the Northshire Abbey, Fidel was far more

tolerant than soldiers when facing Orcs.

Looking at the old man’s kind smiling face and his kindness from the

heart, Garona’s mood improved a lot. She stumbled and replied with the

common human language she mastered: "You... hello, Fraile ...To live

in...bishop, Gao Xin...I am happy to see...you."

Facing the friendly Bishop Fidel, Garona quickly put down her guard and

started talking with the old man, who was also willing to listen patiently

to her unskilled lingua franca.

In this regard, Ye Ting was pleased to see the result.

Because, if you really want Garona to betray the tribe and stand on his

side, before he truly fully demonstrates his strength and influence, he

alone is not enough.

Garona needs to see the kindness from more people, at least to make her

feel that she can live happily in human society than in orcs, humans-or

the races of Azeroth are more capable than orcs Accept her.

At this point, Fidel has made a good start.

The sergeants saw that the bishop was also chatting with this orc (in their

hearts), and gradually began to reduce their alertness and hostility

towards Garona. Compared with the newcomer Ye Ting, Bishop Flayley

was highly respected and could heal them. The influence among them is

much greater.

However, there were still a few officers who reported strong hostility

towards Garona.

While waiting for the food to be served, an officer suddenly spoke up.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 310:

"Master Liver, I think I need to remind you," he said righteously, "I don't

know how this orc who speaks human language deceived you, but I have

to say that you should not be taken by this female orc. Confused.

Although she looks pretty good, she is our enemy and quite dangerous.

When hunting her, she alone let six or seven of us out."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

He really dare to say.

What kind of confusion, what looks pretty good, isn't this a naked

mockery of the adult from Stormwind being fascinated by beauty?

Baron Grammon's expression changed, and the comrades beside the

officer also reminded him in a low voice, for fear that Ye Ting would be


However, Garona was the first to refute him.

"I... didn't deceive... Sander," she said intermittently but categorically.

"Garona won't... deceive Sander. Sander is... my... friend."

What's rare is that she didn't make a typo this time.

Seeing her nervous and serious look, Ye Ting couldn't help but smile a

little. He touched Garona's head comfortingly, and said, "Don't worry, I

won't doubt you."

Then he looked at the officer.

"First of all, I am grateful for your reminder," he said in an indifferent

tone. "However, I know Garona better than you. I know her character and

whether she is our enemy. I want to ask you, Do you believe in the Holy


"Who? Me?" Ye Ting's sudden question made the officer unable to react.

After a while, he stumbled and replied, "Yes...Yes, my lord, I believe in

the Holy Light."

"And the rules and arcane magic I believe in," Ye Ting continued bluntly,

"As far as I know, Gilneas also has the beliefs of druids and sea gods. You

see even humans have different beliefs, then , And there is no reason to

think that the orcs are all the same, and you should not arbitrarily treat

her as an enemy."

Chapter 0405 Wolf Cavalry

Ye Ting's words left the officer speechless, and also made others let go of

some of their prejudice against Garona.

However, there were still unconvinced people who spoke.

That was another young officer, who looked about the same age as Ye


"But she is still dangerous." The officer said, "When we caught her, she

was looking for information for the orc army!"

"Yes, so what?" Ye Ting said in an impatient tone. "She is good for us to

stay here. In fact, she is the only orc who is willing to communicate with

us. The only way for us to get information is Have you been tortured? Do

you suspect that my abilities are not enough to deal with a half-orc?"

"Liver-sama is a powerful mage who has mastered powerful magic."

Baron Grammon added to his men at the right time, "Liver-sama vouched

for Miss Garona. You can rest assured."

The word mage seemed to have magical powers, and immediately

stunned other people, so that they did not dare to question any more.

Even in the high magic world of Azeroth, there are very few people who

can become wizards. In the eyes of most people, wizards are mysterious,

and they hold a powerful force that makes ordinary people fearful.

Unlike priests who are full of affinity, for most people, the mage is

synonymous with powerful power, and most people respect the mage.

Finally, everyone began to put the main course in front of everyone. Ye

Ting first said a toast, and then everyone couldn't wait to enjoy the big


Although many officers are of noble origin, most of them are high-

ranking officers, and the lower-level officers are more civilians or ruined

nobles. For these lowly-born sergeants, etiquette can't resist the

temptation of good food—what else can be asked of them Woolen cloth?

But beside Ye Ting, Garona was in distress.

You know, there is no such kind of banquet around the table among the

orcs. They prefer to stay by the campfire and cook directly. Therefore, for

Garona, using human tableware has become a very troublesome thing.

Looking at the plate and all kinds of knives and forks in front of him,

Garona's hands that can control daggers like flying are now extremely

heavy. She wants to learn Ye Ting's elegant cut and use in the plate.

Food, but only learned four different things in the end.

Seeing her clumsy movements, Ye Ting almost laughed out loud.

"Actually, you don't need to be like me." Ye Ting said, "You can be free to

eat. You have to have a good dinner as you like, and you don't need to be

restrained by the so-called etiquette."

With that said, he put down the knife in his hand as if to demonstrate,

and directly used the fork to roughly fork the large steak to enjoy.

Seeing Ye Ting's ridiculous actions, Garona not only did not laugh, but

was moved a little.

—He did this deliberately to keep me from embarrassing. Obviously his

original movements are so elegant and beautiful...

This is her inner thoughts.

When Ye Ting took such a big bite to eat a piece of meat, he suddenly

discovered that Garona hadn't eaten, but was still looking at him.

He turned his head, his eyes met Garona's serious eyes.

"Teach me," Garona said to him, "Teach me how to eat... for humans."

"Okay, okay," Ye Ting shrugged, unable to take Garona's seriousness. He

left his seat and came to Garona, teaching her how to use a knife and


Looking at the female orc who was supposed to be warlike and

bloodthirsty in the impression, she was now awkwardly learning the way

humans eat. She dropped cutlery and chopped up plates from time to

time, and the surrounding sergeants and priests burst into laughter.

Unconsciously, their hostility towards Garona has been reduced by more

than half.

While the banquet was going on happily, suddenly, the sound of a wolf

howling faintly came from outside the monastery.

I saw Garona's long and pointed ears move lightly.

"It's a wolf cavalry!" Garona said suddenly and solemnly, "I can hear the

voice of a wolf, and a wolf cavalry is approaching here."

In this emergency situation, Garona spoke the language of an orc, and Ye

Ting immediately translated it to Baron Grammon.

"Everyone returns to the barracks and immediately organize their own

team!" Baron Grammon commanded loudly, "The archers enter the

defensive position, the cavalry prepares armored horses, and the infantry

lined up in the square. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Beware of those. A surprise

attack by the wolf cavalry."

The officers put down their knives and forks and hurriedly left the

monastery. Bishop Fidel also began to organize pastors and nuns to

provide first aid and support from soldiers in the reserve team at any


Then, Baron Grammon looked at Ye Ting and his royal guards.

"My lord, do you and Miss Garona go to the basement to hide?" he

reminded, "I know there is a secret road here..."

"No need." Ye Ting interrupted him, "I also went to see the orc wolf

cavalry, don't worry, as a mage, my destructive power is greater than you


"Then come with me." Baron Grammon immediately walked out


At the gate of the monastery, the soldiers had already prepared horses for

them. Everyone rode their horses to the valley mouth of the valley. In

order to defend the North County monastery in the valley, simple

wooden fences and arrow towers were built here.

At this moment, the wolf cavalry had already rushed to the fence, they

threw ropes to trap the fence, and then ran in the opposite direction on

the wolves.

Under the pulling force of the rope, the crude wooden fence appeared


The human soldiers hurriedly lined up behind the fence. They knew that

facing the impact of the cavalry, only a neat formation and cooperation

could save them. They had to take their place before the cavalry cleared

the obstacles.

On the arrow tower, the archers have already aimed their arrows at their

enemies, ready to shoot the killing arrows to the opposite side at any


Baron Grammon had gone to the front to coordinate the formation, and

Ye Ting was only surrounded by Garona and a few guards sent to him by


"You can also help," Ye Ting saw the guards' eagerness to try, and said

empathetically, "You should have wanted to fight the orcs a long time


"Yes, but we should stay with you more." The captain of the guard

rejected Ye Ting's proposal. "This is not only because of our duty, but also

because you are a mage. You are the one who can cause the most damage

to the enemy. People, so we must protect you."

At this time, Baron Grammon had already completed the formation and

returned to Ye Ting's side.

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