Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: 7



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Краткое содержание романа

Несчастный случай перенес студентку колледжа Е Тин в другой мир.

Нет ничего, кроме таланта к обучению и росту.

Нет никакой системы, нет дедушки, нужно просто полагаться на

талант, чтобы встать на путь Бога Дхармы.

Используйте волю, чтобы изменить правила, используйте мудрость,

чтобы анализировать мир, и единственный человек, который

сравнивает богов с телом смертного, — это маг.

Гарри Поттер, World of Warcraft, Marvel, Синъюэ, Каталог

запрещенных магических книг… Перед ним развернулись

бесчисленные самолеты.

Тайна пальмовой магии и красота цветов.

Все началось в мире Гарри Поттера.

- Описание от



The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 251:

"Sure enough."

"This is indeed Ting Ye's answer."

This is the response of the two of them.

Hearing what Ye Ting said, a smile appeared on the corners of her mouth

as a silly girl like Luna.

Then she said.

"So, become an adult with me."

Upon hearing this, Hermione and Zhang Qiu, who were still complaining

about Ye Ting just now, were not calm.

"Why are you going around again!" Qiu Zhang said dumbfoundedly.

"Didn't it mean that you can only be with the guy you like?" Hermione

reminded Luna, pulling over.

"Yes," Luna replied confidently, "but Ting is the boy I like."

"No! But you haven't known each other for less than a week?" Hermione

said that he couldn't understand. "This is too sloppy."

Zhang Qiu came to Luna and asked her suspiciously: "Um, don't you have

a good relationship with another man? You don't only know him, do


However, Luna shook her head.

"No, I still know someone."


"Xenofilius Lovegood."

"Who is he? Is your cousin?"

"No, he is my father."

Now, the truth became clear.

After a long time, Luna has been in Hogwarts, and Ye Ting, who has only

met Ye Ting for a week, is already the man who has the best relationship

with her.

This answer is both funny and sad.

Hermione and Zhang Qiu sighed, and it took a long time for Luna to

understand that a good impression must reach the point of becoming

common sense like adults. It was a good idea to dispel her thoughts.

However, when they finally breathed a sigh of relief, Luna spoke to Ye

Ting again.

"Ting, our relationship is not good enough," she frowned, and said

slightly distressed, "when our relationship gets better, let's become adults


Hermione and Zhang Qiu were speechless for a while, and finally gave up

their efforts.

After doing it for a long time, they still seem to have failed.

It seems that the situation of their future rivals +1 cannot be changed.

Item 0338

The farce caused by Luna eased the atmosphere between the four a lot.

Even Hermione, who was the shyest person last night, began to speak

with Ye Ting in a twitchy manner.

However, now is not the time to speak.

Ye Ting drew out his magic wand and came to this huge **** maze.

Hermione, Luna, and Zhang Qiu stood behind him, looking at him


Ye Ting took a deep look, and the chaotic everything in front of him

seemed to be imprinted firmly in his mind.

Then he took a deep breath and began to wave his "weaver".

As the powerful wand continued to swing, the tip of the wand suddenly

appeared blue-white light, and it became brighter and brighter with the

swing of the wand.

The light flashed across the air, leaving a complex and every second


"Ultimate. Clean up!"

Ye Ting shouted.

As the spell was spoken, with the weaver as the center, an invisible wave

seemed to spread.

This wave continuously swept across the huge garbage dump until it

swept across the entire room.

The scene seemed to froze.

The light at the tip of the wand dimmed, but nothing happened.

Is the magic dead?

This is what the girls think.

They could hear that Ye Ting had just chanted part of the spell, and they

judged that this was a transformation of the cleansing spell.

However, the fact that there is no movement now makes them suspicious

of the effect of the spell.

Just when Zhang Qiu behind him couldn't bear it and wanted to ask


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in this huge room.

The noise appeared abruptly, and everyone was startled.

The girls looked around in a panic, trying to find out where the noise

came from.

However, it was not until then that they discovered that the noise had no


No, it's better to say that any direction is the source of noise.

This noise came from all directions at the same time.

"This is... what happened?" Hermione yelled out of her voice. She, who is

best at magic, keenly perceives that something amazing is going to

happen with the sound.

However, there was no answer.

The next moment, they were surprised to see that the whole room


No, the doors and windows of the room, the floor, the walls on all sides,

and the ceiling above the head were not moved.

However, apart from these, everything in the entire room began to move.

Yes, it's all things.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 252:

In the big maze of treasures and garbage, everything, including every

cabinet, every box, every chair, every book, every weapon, every

bottle...Even the smallest thing , All moved spontaneously.

And the sound just now is the result of the friction between all these


Only at this time did several girls understand what happened after Ye

Ting finished chanting the spell.

It's not that Ye Ting's spell didn't take effect immediately, but they didn't

notice any effect after the spell actually took effect.

Yes, the purpose of the ultimate clean-up spell just now is to clean up the

entire room, so that everything in the room is arranged neatly in different


However, because this room is too big, and the amount of debris in the

room is countless, so the spell effect is slightly slower.

These things move slightly at first, or just have a tendency to move, but

with the passage of time, the force of movement becomes greater and the

speed of movement becomes faster and faster, and the real effect

gradually becomes obvious.

From not seeing the range of movement at all, not hearing the sound of

movement, until it started to move slowly, the friction sound gathered

like thunder, and now, the friction sound has gradually disappeared, and

all the debris began to fly in the air.

Yes, as the movement became more and more violent, now everything

began to fly in the air, flying towards where they should be placed.

What unfolded before their eyes was an unprecedented spectacle.

Hundreds of thousands and millions of all kinds of clutter, large and

small, fly around in the air.

Whether it’s bottles, hats, boxes, chairs, books, weapons, brooms, bats or

other kinds of trash and treasures, these things of different sizes are

flying back and forth in the air, their flight trajectory is completely

irregular, so People are dazzled.

However, through this dazzling dance, we can see the weird rules.

Because no two things can collide in the air.

And all this happened in every corner of this huge room.

They seem to have eyes and will avoid each other to avoid any accidental


But even the most powerful pilot among Muggles, there is no way to be

foolproof in such an occasion, it is like driving a huge spacecraft through

the asteroid belt.

However, it is more difficult than crossing the asteroid belt: these

asteroids are not all revolving, but each has its own trajectory, and the

trajectories crisscross.

No matter how powerful a driver is, he cannot cope with such a situation.

In other words, the flight routes of these flying things have already been

planned one by one, and the flight trajectories of all things are staggered

in time and space, which leads to no accidents.

However, even in the Muggle world, all the computers added together,

the computing power is increased by several hundred million times, and

it is impossible to accurately plan the flight trajectory of these millions of


Perhaps only the real gods, or the rules of the world themselves, can truly

control all this.

It can be said that everything in front of me is a miracle that can only be

created by magic.

Under the dazzling eyes of the four, these debris were actually placed

together in different categories after experiencing tens of seconds of

interlaced flight.

As time goes by, there are constantly flying debris falling, and fewer and

fewer things are flying in the air, until all the debris has been sorted out,

and there is no other movement.

At this moment, the four people who were dizzy by the spectacle just

now can appreciate the scene now.

Now, the whole room is different from before.

If the room just now was a big garbage dump, a big maze, now this room

is like a giant beyond or a big warehouse.

All the sundries have been visited separately.

For example, on the leftmost area are various types of bottles. Beakers,

flasks, test tubes, retorts, etc. have areas, and even each area is arranged

by size and degree of damage.

The bottles with potions are behind.

Even the books are arranged neatly. The rows of books are like a big

library, and the books themselves are classified according to their types.

As long as the bookshelves are labeled, they can be used as a library

immediately. .

Ye Ting felt that after finding the crown, he could search the bookshelf


In short, under his magic, the whole room was completely renewed, and

it was time to search for Horcruxes.

Item 0339

Even if the effect of the spell has long since ended, Hermione, Zhang Qiu,

and Luna are still immersed in the big scene and the changes in the room

just now, and they can't forget them for a long time.

Ye Ting didn't rush to find the crown, he just put his hands on his chest,

smiling and waiting.

After a long time, Hermione was the first to make a sound.

"You...how on earth did you do it."

There was a little tremor in her voice, which was obviously shocked by

the scene just now.

Hermione's words also made Zhang Qiu and Luna react.

"Yes...Yes, there should be millions of clutter sorted out just now." Zhang

Qiu said in disbelief.

"I have never seen... such a large-scale cleanup spell."

Although the tone is still so calm, anyone can hear Luna's shock that can

hardly be hidden.

"This is the ultimate cleansing curse," Ye Ting explained faintly, but there

was still a hint of pride in his tone, "This is my transformation from the

study of ancient magic texts and referring to the ultimate iron armor

curse...no, this It cannot be said to be transformation, but it should be

said that it is restoration."

"Restore?" Hermione was puzzled.

"Yes, in fact, I should have told you that the spells we currently use are

all simplified packaging uses of ancient magic texts."

"Yes." Hermione nodded.

Although Zhang Qiu and Luna didn't understand, they still listened


"But there is one more thing I haven't said, that is, modern spells are

actually more simplified than some ancient spells."

"That is to simplify it twice in total?" Hermione concluded.

"Yes, so, some modern spells are easier to use than ancient times, but the

effect is much worse. For example, the iron armor curse, compared to the

ultimate iron armor curse, the ordinary iron armor curse is quite simple

and quick to use, suitable for Used in battle, but even if you use the iron

armor curse with all your strength, you can't stop the truly powerful

black magic."

"However, the Ultimate Iron Armor Curse is different. The Ultimate Iron

Armor Curse is quite complicated to use. The spells and gestures are

relatively long and cannot be used in combat at all. Moreover, using the

same magic power, the Ultimate Iron Armor Curse has the same effect as

the Iron Armor Curse. Yes. However, the Ultimate Iron Armor Curse

basically has no upper limit, that is to say, if the ability is sufficient, the

Ultimate Iron Armor Curse can form a shield covering the entire

Hogwarts Castle, even a larger shield, even the Dark Lord’s Killing Curse.

Break through this defense."

"The same is true for the ultimate clean-up spell. Although such a clean-

up spell is complicated to cast, as long as the ability is sufficient, no

matter how big the room is, it can be cleaned up."

"So..." Hermione couldn't help but exclaimed after listening. "It's so

powerful, sure enough, I still don't have a lot of things. I have to work


Hearing what she said, Ye Ting nodded in satisfaction, but Zhang Qiu

couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Listen, is this human?

Obviously, besides Ye Ting, you are already the best student in Hogwarts.

Every exam is a perfect score. Throughout the thousand years of

Hogwarts history, there is no better student than you.

Now you tell me that you still have a lot to do, and you have to work


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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 253:

You are still inadequate in this way, then we can only be insignificant

maggots and dust...

However, the top priority is of course not to understand the principle of

the ultimate cleansing spell, nor to study harder, but to find the crown of


As a result, the four walked into all kinds of debris together.

Now, after finishing the whole room, they no longer need to use the

dumbest method to search through the carpet like yesterday.

Ideas are like looking for something in a supermarket or warehouse.

They only need to follow the attributes of the searched item to determine

where the item is placed.

Ravenclaw’s crown is said to have the ability to increase the wearer’s

wisdom, so it is not only a jewelry worn on the head, but also a magic


Therefore, they either go to the area where the hat is placed in the

clothing category or look for the jewelry type.

In the end, the four found out that the sundries such as crowns were

counted among the jewelry.

However, even the crowns in jewelry, there are thousands of them in this

huge room.

From hand-woven garlands, to metal hoops, to real crowns, everything is


In addition, there are hairpins, hairpins, hairpins, flower heads, and even

flowers that are just pinned to the head nearby.

It is still not easy to find a specific crown from so many things.

However, what makes them happy is that the ultimate clean-up curse is

much more detailed than they thought.

The crowns are put together separately in the headdress, and the

different crowns are actually divided into categories.

Colors, materials, and whether they are magic items are all included in

the classification.

Soon, they found their goal among the rows of crowns.

Those are the last few rows of crowns, these are all magic items.

However, the silver material and the crown of magic props with emeralds

are just a few.

And there is only one women's crown among them.

Obviously, this is their goal, the crown of Ravenclaw.

Since this is a Horcrux, in order to avoid any powerful black magic traps

on it, Ye Ting did not touch him for the first time, but squatted down,

pointed his wand at the crown and studied it carefully.

Suddenly, he felt a burst of irritability in his heart for no reason. The next

moment, he immediately reacted, and then concentrated his mind to

dispel the irritability from his heart.

He knew that this must be the effect of the crown as a Horcrux on him.

After checking it with a spell, Ye Ting was finally able to confirm that

although Ravenclaw's crown was a Horcrux, no dangerous black magic

was applied to it.

It seems that its danger is spiritual, not direct danger.

Just as Ye Ting stretched out his hand and wanted to pick up the crown,

one hand grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

"Don't want to swallow this treasure!" It was Zhang Qiu who was talking.

She walked to the crown in three and two steps, squeezing out Ye Ting,

who was caught off guard, trying to get the crown.

However, in an instant, she was stopped.

It was Hermione, the tip of her wand shot a ribbon, tied Zhang Qiu's

wrist, and pulled her away.

"You...you can't touch this!" Hermione said softly, "You are so wrong


"Are you trying to stop me?" Zhang Qiu, who was originally gentle,

looked very angry now, "Quickly get out of me!"

Ye Ting could already see that the girl's wrist began to thicken, and blue

dragon scales grew.

In order to break free, she wanted to transform into a dragon on the spot!

Item 0340

Faced with Zhang Qiu who was about to transform into a dragon, even

Ye Ting had to stand up.

He was even ready to transform himself into a giant dragon, and then

suppress Zhang Qiu.

There is no way, for the average wizard, the magic resistance of the

dragon is so strong that the spells that are too weak basically cannot have

an effect on the dragon.

In other words, even Ye Ting, confronting Zhang Qiu, who was

incarnation of the dragon, was quite strenuous.

If he doesn't go all out, most of his attacks are just tickles to her.

However, once his firepower is fully on, it will be difficult to stop it, and

accidental injury to Zhang Qiu will be unavoidable at that time.

However, Zhang Qiu is Ye Ting's girlfriend after all, and he will feel

distressed if he accidentally bumps into something in the battle with Ye


At this time, Ye Ting was indeed regretful.

In the previous operation, he took a few girls and destroyed three

Horcruxes in a row.

As a result of the sufficient intelligence obtained from the original work,

coupled with sufficient caution, the destruction of the Horcrux in these

several times went smoothly, with no accidents and no casualties.

Perhaps it was all these smooth experiences that made Ye Ting paralyzed.

The traps on the three Horcruxes were successfully lifted by them, which

made Ye Ting's heart begin to swell, feeling that Horcrux was nothing

more than that.

So, after finding Ravenclaw's crown, he was not as careful as before.

It was just a hassle to check whether there were any traps on the

Horcrux, and I felt that it was foolproof.

In addition, there is no information about the effects of this Horcrux in

the original book. In the original book, this Horcrux has no effect at all.

It's just a soy sauce. The three Malfoys who were rash when they first

appeared. Burned down with a fierce fire curse.

Therefore, Ye Ting did not immediately notice the power of the Horcrux's

psychic temptation ability. After he got rid of his control, he could not

release the Horcrux's influence on other people in time.

This led to Zhang Qiu's mental condition being affected by the Horcrux

under his carelessness.

At this moment, he also had to make the worst plan.

However, in the next second, something strange happened.

Zhang Qiu, who was transforming in anger, just showed signs of scales

appearing on his body, and the original movement to break free of

Hermione's control immediately froze.

Then, she did not continue to transform, but gradually returned to


These two transformations were so fast and the interval was so short that

Luna didn’t notice it at all. Just now, Zhang Qiu’s body had changed-Ye

Ting’s sharp eyes had quickened his reaction. Then I figured it out. What

happened just now? what happened.

At the same time, her expression changed from the original anger and

excitement to the current consternation and confusion.

As Zhang Qiu stopped struggling, the ribbon at the tip of Hermione's

wand was immediately tightened, firmly binding Zhang Qiu's wrist.

However, this time, Zhang Qiu stopped struggling. Instead, she squatted

on the ground, her head wrapped in her tied hands, looking like a


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 254:

"What's wrong with you?" Ye Ting also knelt down and helped Zhang Qiu

to sit on a nearby chair. "Are you okay?"

"I... my head... hurts..." Zhang Qiu struggling to touch his head with his

hands, but because his hands were tied together, no matter how much he

stretched it out, he couldn't reach the place behind his head, and his

movements were quite awkward and awkward. funny.

Ye Ting looked at her, her black eyes that were so beautiful that she

almost didn't shed tears.

He felt distressed when he saw that little aggrieved appearance.

However, he didn't know what happened just now for a while, so he

could only stroke her head comfortingly with one hand, while urging

Hermione to come into contact with magic.

At this time Hermione had also realized that Zhang Qiu might have

returned to normal, but she was a little embarrassed to keep her tied up.

So she quickly touched the magical bondage.

Therefore, Zhang Qiu just lay pitifully on Ye Ting's lap, letting Ye Ting

rub her head for her.

However, it seemed that they enjoyed Ye Ting's petting a lot, and the two

of them maintained it for a long time.

Zhang Qiu himself is not willing to take the initiative at all.

After a while, Hermione finally spoke impatiently.

"Hey, you have enough to act like a baby, are you wasting our time by

lying in his arms?"

Hearing what she said, Zhang Qiu felt embarrassed himself, so he slowly

sat up.

However, she still stuck her tongue out at Hermione, "But, my head really


"Really, just sprinkle at him like a baby." Hermione shook her head

helplessly, and then asked, "What happened just now, why did you

suddenly come to grab the crown?"

"Just... I suddenly heard that someone was talking to me in my ear," said

Zhang Qiu with a thoughtful expression, "it seems to be telling me that

Ravenclaw's crown is a rare treasure. Increase human wisdom. As long as

I can take it as my own, I can become the most powerful wizard. It

belongs to me."

"The most powerful wizard?" Hermione let out a sneer. "It sounds good. If

the crown can really have such an effect, the Dark Lord will not die on a

baby's hands and stay lingering for so many years..."

"What happened then?" Ye Ting looked at Zhang Qiu with concern, and

asked, "What happened then?"

"Then...then I couldn't help but want to get the crown and put it on my

head," Zhang Qiu continued to recall, "then you started to stop me, in

order to break free, I couldn't help but want to transform when I got the

crown. ... Then I felt a sharp pain in my mind, but after the sharp pain,

the involuntary and controlled feeling disappeared... Then I realized that

I could not continue, so I stopped transforming. "

After listening to her words, Ye Ting gave a dazed expression after

hesitating for a while.

"I understand," he said, "Actually, the seductive power of this crown is

not as great as we imagined. Zhang Qiu was only controlled because of

carelessness. However, when she transformed herself, her soul The

promotion invalidated the crown's ability, and she regained


"Is it...like this?" Zhang Qiu asked with some fear.

"Of course, in fact, as long as we work hard to concentrate and strengthen

our beliefs, we can all get rid of its control."

Ye Ting said of course.

"This...this way," Zhang Qiu said, suddenly dropping his head, with a

tone of shame in his tone, "Sorry, it's me...that dragged everyone back..."

"Actually, there is no such thing," Ye Ting comforted. "It's just being

careless. The biggest responsibility lies with me. I didn't defend myself in


"No, you don't need to comfort me." Zhang Qiu's original gentle tone

suddenly became firm. "It is obviously my own responsibility. I am too

weak inside, so I can be controlled. Even Luna is better than Luna. I am

stronger. After I go back, I will definitely try to change myself and try not

to hold back again next time."

Now that Zhang Qiu said such a decision, what else could Ye Ting say?

All he can do is to help Zhang Qiu improve himself after returning home.

Item 0341

Before coming to Hogwarts, Ye Ting and his team destroyed three

Horcruxes in a row. This smooth experience made both Hermione and

Zhang Qiu think that Horcrux was nothing more than that.

However, what happened just now made them finally realize the real

power and weirdness of Horcrux.

Although just a little attention, with the willpower of Hermione, Zhang

Qiu and Luna, they will not be so easily seduced by the Horcrux, but at

this moment, they are like frightened birds, holding a trace of awe for the


In order to reassure them, but also just in case, Ye Ting put the crown

into a special dragon skin pocket.

This dragon skin pocket is his work. It is a very practical alchemy item

that can isolate the magic fluctuations inside and outside the pocket, so

that the magic items or magic materials in the pocket will not affect the

outside of the pocket, and the external environment is also Can't affect

everything in the pocket.

In this way, the Horcrux cannot be separated from the pocket to tempt

and control the people outside.

Originally, after discovering the Horcrux, they should have destroyed it

as soon as possible.

The previous Gunter’s ring, Slytherin’s locket, and Hufflepuff’s gold cup

all suffered the same fate.

However, for Ravenclaw's crown, Ye Ting was not prepared to do so.

Except because he promised Helena that he would not destroy

Ravenclaw's crown, there is another reason, that is the effect of the


As a magic item, Ravenclaw's crown has an unprecedented effect, that is,

it increases the user's intelligence.

It's intelligence, not spell casting talent, spell power, magic power,

mental power, or anything else.

To put it simply, it means to make people smart and quick-thinking.

It can be said that this is a very powerful magic effect.

Looking at the magic of various fantasy worlds, there are very few spells

that can increase a person's wisdom.

In the world of Harry Potter, Ye Ting had only heard of Ravenclaw's

crown, a magic item with such an effect.

Outside of the world of Harry Potter, whether it is Moonworld, World of

Warcraft, Devil's High School, Magical Forbidden Book Catalog, or other

magical worlds, there are countless spells that can increase magic power,

but they can increase intelligence. Spells are quite rare, or even non-


After all, wisdom is the foundation of the study of magic, and the power

of magic comes from wisdom.

As long as a spell's intelligence is increased, no matter what his talent

and magic power, his abilities will be much stronger.

If the ability of Ravenclaw's crown to increase intelligence is true, then

this is indeed a pretty great magic, even in most other magical worlds, it

is also the target of countless wizards.

Now, there is such an opportunity to see and study this magic in front of

Ye Ting, how could he miss it?

Destroying this Horcrux just to deal with Voldemort was a very violent

thing for Ye Ting.

With the importance of this magic, Ye Ting would rather kill Voldemort

directly and prepare to destroy him once in a few years, rather than

destroy Ravenclaw's crown in order to cut the grass and roots.

In addition, Ye Ting also felt that Voldemort was rather unsightly.

Because he actually gave up the truly great function of Ravenclaw's

crown, and made it into a Horcrux in order to satisfy his own desires.

In Ye Ting's view, this is typical of picking up sesame seeds and losing



After getting the Horcrux, the few people immediately left the responsive


But Ye Ting himself took the Horcrux and came to the secret room for the

first time and started researching it.

He needs to understand how the Horcrux is made, and find a way to

destroy it as part of the Horcrux without destroying the effect of

Ravenclaw's crown itself.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 255:

The method he first thought of was to directly destroy Voldemort's soul

fragments in the crown through a soul attack.

In this way, he does not need to physically destroy the structure of the

crown, but directly achieves the goal achieved by the magic weapon.

However, after research, he found that although this method seems

effective, it is very impractical.

First, the soul is fragile, and the confrontation between souls is cruel and

dangerous. If you are not careful, in addition to destroying Voldemort's

soul fragments, his own soul will suffer both losses.

However, as far as Ye Ting is concerned, this is not true.

This is because his own soul personality is higher than that of ordinary

people, and he has also experienced the baptism of the sea of ​​chaos.

Even the soul of a **** can only surpass him in structure and strength,

but in essence, it is lower than him— —This is what the Sea of ​​Chaos

brought him.

What about Voldemort? His broken soul is obviously inferior to Ye Ting

in any aspect, so Ye Ting is not worthy of soul confrontation.

He was confident that he could use his soul to destroy Voldemort's soul

fragments unscathed.

However, even so, he had to consider the second reason.

That is, the black magic attached to the crown.

Although Ye Ting was able to crush Voldemort in the confrontation, he

couldn't use his soul to carry black magic.

Magic is not a matter of physical concept, the latter cannot interfere with

the soul at all, but magic is an exception.

It can not only interfere with matter, but also affect the soul: you don't

see that so many undead magics directly affect the soul.

Therefore, if he wants to fight the soul with the soul, Ye Ting must first

remove the black magic on the crown.

However, Ye Ting can still think of a way for these black magic. After all,

he is also a master of magic. If he really sinks his heart and works hard to

crack the black magic on the crown, it is very likely that he can do it.

Of course, since the dark magic on the crown can act on the soul, why

can't Ye Ting directly use the magic against the soul to destroy the soul

fragments in the crown?

This is related to the third and most important reason.

That is, in the crown, the connection between Voldemort's soul fragments

and the crown itself.

At this point, Ye Ting had to admire the magic of Harry Potter's world.

Obviously, the magic power in this world is not strong, but the influence

on the rules and the attainments in some aspects are indeed culmination.

Take the Horcrux, for example, Ye Ting discovered after in-depth

research that at this time, Voldemort's soul had become part of the


If you directly attack the soul fragment with magic, the crown will

inevitably be destroyed along with the destruction of the soul fragment,

completely losing the original magic effect.

Therefore, Ye Ting believes that it is most reliable to directly use the soul

against the soul.

However, even so, there is a problem.

That is, once the soul fragment is destroyed in the confrontation, the

structure of the crown is no longer complete, then its magical effect will

still be ineffective-of course, it is much better than destroying with

Voldemort's soul.

However, even so, Ye Ting was not satisfied.

In this way, he had to choose between completely killing Voldemort and

studying the magic of increasing wisdom.

Item 0342

On the second night after finding Ravenclaw's crown, after the dinner, Ye

Ting wandered around Ravenclaw's tower alone and finally found Helena

in an empty classroom.

After discovering this ghost lady, Ye Ting greeted her loudly, and Helena

immediately floated to his side after discovering that the person looking

for her was Ye Ting.

After confirming that there was no one else around, Helena couldn't wait

to speak.

"How? Ting?" She couldn't wait to ask in front of Ye Ting, "Have you

found my mother's crown?"

"Of course, I found it." Ye Ting replied.

"I know you can do it," Helena was obviously satisfied with the news, and

then she looked at Ye Ting expectantly: "Then, the crown has not been

made into a Horcrux, right?"

Seeing her happy look, Ye Ting really didn't want to let her go, but the

facts were always unsatisfactory.

He took a deep breath and replied in a low voice.

"I want to answer, yes, but it's a pity that Tom Riddle did work on it. It is

now the Horcrux of the Dark Lord."

"Why... so..." Helena lowered her head sadly when she heard the words.

"I'm sorry, but the truth is indeed so cruel." Ye Ting shook his head, took

out Ravenclaw's crown from his pocket and placed it in front of Helena.

Helena was still very excited when she saw the diadem. She happily flew

around the diadem, but then she seemed to see something dirty and

floated behind Ye Ting as much as possible. Away from the crown.

"What a dark and dirty soul!" she screamed. "What the **** did the Dark

Lord do to this crown? He is too much!"

With that, she lowered her head again and began to sob in a low voice.

"It's all my fault... I... I shouldn't... trust him... it was me... it was me who

destroyed my mother's relics... it was all my fault."

Silver tears slipped from her beautiful and illusory face, fell to the

ground, and then turned into nothingness.

Facing Helena's crying, Ye Ting seemed to be in a hurry. He awkwardly

wanted to comfort her and wipe her tears, but because the ghost was

completely ethereal, his subconscious movements were useless.

However, these actions were obviously not ineffective, at least Helena

was amused by his futile actions, so she stopped crying anyhow.

"Thank you, Ting." Helena touched the tears from the corner of her eyes

and smiled at Ye Ting. "Thank you for your comfort. You are such a

caring boy. If the **** Barrow was like you. It's the same... Ah, I

shouldn't mention it."

She sniffed, then looked at Ye Ting expectantly, and asked.

"So, have you found a way to get the crown back to normal?"

"I'm sorry," Ye Ting lowered his head and said in a low voice, "The soul

fragment and the crown itself are too closely connected. I can't find a

way to destroy the soul fragment without destroying the crown."

"This...you are lying to me, aren't you?" The moment Helena heard what

Ye Ting said, the eyes of Helena, who was still smiling (of course, the

color is invisible) almost fell again. Tears.

Seeing her expression, Ye Ting was also anxious. He didn't want to see

the same ghost crying twice a day, so he said hurriedly.

"Wait, there is no solution."

"Yes...Is it?" Helena's expression immediately changed from cloudy to

clear, as if she had grasped the last life-saving straw, she asked eagerly.

"What's the solution? Say it!"

"This method..." Ye Ting hesitated when he mentioned this method.

"What are you waiting for? Say it!"

Under Helena's urging, Ye Ting finally spoke out.

"This method may require you to make some sacrifices."

"Yes...Is that?" Ye Ting's answer obviously surprised Helena, "I am already

a ghost, how can I influence the world of living people?"

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 256:

Helena has been a ghost for thousands of years, and she knows the

limitations of ghosts quite well, so at first, she thought Ye Ting was just

joking with her.

However, looking at Ye Ting's serious gaze, she finally chose to believe in

Ye Ting.

After all, this boy has done many things that the world can't imagine. He

even became the first magical creature in history, Animagus,

accomplishing an achievement that Merlin hadn't achieved.

So, it is not surprising that he came up with any counter-intuitive means

like this.

So she was silent for a while, and finally nodded seriously.

"If it is for the current relic, I am willing to pay any price-even at the

expense of myself."

Looking at Helena's firm eyes, Ye Ting finally uttered his method.

"I told you just now that Tom's soul fragment has been closely connected

with this crown. If the soul fragment is rashly destroyed, the crown will

lose its effect due to structural damage."

Helena looked at him and nodded.

So Ye Ting continued to speak.

"My method is actually very simple, that is, after destroying this soul

fragment, put another substitute into the crown to replace the effect of

the soul fragment. In this way, the structure of the crown remains intact

and the crown will not fail."

As the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw, Helena inherited the talent of her

mother. Before she was alive, she was a very good wizard herself, only

slightly inferior to her mother.

Even though she has become a ghost and no longer casts spells for

thousands of years, she still retains the knowledge she had in her


After thinking a little, she nodded in agreement.

"Yes, although your method is unprecedented, it is indeed an effective


"But the key question is, what are the substitutes?" Ye Ting then asked.

"Yeah, what is it?" Helena followed Ye Ting's words and thought about it

for a while, but she still couldn't understand it.

So, she simply looked at Ye Ting.

"Okay, don't sell it, let me know quickly."

"Actually, I have already given you a hint." Ye Ting smiled slightly, "I

already hinted at you at the beginning, didn't I?"

"Have you hinted at me at the beginning?" Helena frowned when she

heard the words, recalling what Ye Ting had said before, "Um...you

mean...that sentence that requires me to make sacrifices?"


"The meaning of this sentence is..."

"It's obvious, isn't it?"

"No..." Helena's eyes widened in surprise, "You mean, as a substitute for

the soul fragments of the Dark Lord in the crown, I am myself?"

Chapter 0343 Helena's Decision

Facing Helena's surprise, Ye Ting began to explain to her patiently.

"Actually, if you insist, if you must find a substitute for the soul fragment

of the Dark Lord, then most of the soul will be competent, but the point

is that it must be a living, complete soul."

"It's not that soul fragments are not good, but that the method of creating

soul fragments is too difficult. Directly tearing the soul can only cause the

destruction of the soul, and basically cannot produce soul fragments-even

if the soul fragments are successfully created, it will not be able to

compete with the Dark Lord. Compare to soul fragments."

"The only effective way is to use the Dark Lord to split the soul and

create a Horcrux method-to pollute and split one's own soul through


Hearing this, Helena blurted out.


Ye Ting glanced at her and nodded.

"Yes, we can’t do this: It’s not only about morality, but also about

feasibility. First, the killing curse can only be cast by wizards, and the

ghost cannot cast the killing curse, let alone splitting its own soul. , But if

the living were to be allowed to do this, then, what would the result be?"

"You know, people who don't dare to be evil in their hearts can't make

Horcruxes through this method. But if you really want to pick a person

with an evil heart to inject soul fragments into the crown, isn't the new

crown the same as the original one? In this way, all this loses its


"So, since there is no way to split the soul, our only way is to inject a

complete soul into the crown, and the complete soul that can be found at

present is the ghost. But strictly speaking, there is still a difference

between a ghost and a ghost. We all know that after any magic is used, it

will carry the user’s will, even alchemy items are no exception.

Therefore, Ravenclaw’s crown naturally carries your mother, Rowena

Ravenc. Law’s will, so the soul infused with the crown should be a little

closer to Ms. Rowena’s will, and who else has a soul that resembles

Ravenclaw like you?"

After listening to Ye Ting's words, Helena showed a confused and

thoughtful expression.

"Do you really think... I look a lot like my mother?"

Facing Helena's question, Ye Ting replied without hesitation.

"Of course, no one is more like your mother than you. You are the one

who inherited Ravenclaw's will perfectly."

"Really?" Helena shook her head slowly, "But, you know... I stole her

crown in order to surpass her. Can I really inherit her will?"

Having said that, she lowered her head again.

Seeing the ghost girl who had completely lost her previous arrogance and

was wandering in unconfidence in front of her, Ye Ting sighed, and then

said to her in a serious tone.

"Look into my eyes, Helena Ravenclaw," he looked directly at the ghost,

"seriously, I can tell you responsibly, no one can be more like your

mother than you, and no People are more qualified to inherit her will

than you. You are all arrogant and willing to associate with smart people

and reject fools. However, you are very kind in your bones, and you have

basic kindness even to fools. You all love face. , Pay attention to self-

cultivation, pursue beauty-of course, you are also very beautiful (Helena's

face is a little red)-but the most important thing is that what you most

admire and desire is wisdom, you stole your mother's Isn’t the crown a

manifestation of the desire for wisdom? I think, although you are wrong

in doing this, your mother will still be proud of you in the pursuit of


After saying this, Ye Ting found that Helena, who had been watching him

since just now, now there are silver teardrops across the corner of his

eyes, and his face is also red (because it is a ghost, it is actually gray. )

After a while, Helena finally spoke in a trembling voice.

"Do you... really think so?"

"Yes." Ye Ting answered decisively.

"Thanks...thank you," Helena wiped the corners of her eyes, "Thank you

for comforting me, and thank you for trusting me so much. I always feel

that you are a wizard who can only learn and research. I didn't expect

you to talk like this. …"

Having said this, Helena herself laughed out loud, Ye Ting could only roll

his eyes silently.

Helena continued.

"If you really think that I... can inherit the mother's will, and I am

qualified to inherit her will... Then, my answer is that I am willing to

enter the mother's crown as a substitute for the soul fragments of the

Dark Lord, so that it can continue to be complete Will continue to exist."

Ye Ting should have been very happy that Helena could agree, because it

meant that after the destruction of Voldemort's soul fragments, the

magical effect of the crown could continue to be perfectly maintained-no,

it was becoming stronger than before. It was the reason why Ye Ting

wanted Helena to enter the crown.

But at this moment, he himself hesitated.

"Actually...you don't have to agree to it," Ye Ting said slowly, "Really, we

can find other ghosts who volunteer to make contributions. This will not

make the magic effect of the crown worse-if you really After entering the

crown, your next destiny will be completely tied to it. You will have to

stay where the crown is, and you will not be as free as you are now."

"Thank you, thank you for considering me so much." After hearing Ye

Ting's words, Helena gave a pleased and moving smile, "but, I must do

this, I must be one with Guanmian. This is My duty is my carelessness to

make the crown look like the evil and dirty it is now. I must pay for it."

"But, you don't have to..." Ye Ting still wanted to persuade.

"Stop talking, Ting, I know you are doing me well, but I have already

made a decision." Helena's tone was decisive, and she seemed to have

made up her mind.

"Okay... OK." Ye Ting couldn't help her, so he nodded.

"Oh, don't you be so sad." After making the decision, Helena seemed to

relax a lot, and her tone became cheerful and lively. Now, she persuaded

Ye Ting instead.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 257:

"At first I thought that the result of replacing the soul fragments is to be

trapped in the crown. You said I can still leave the crown, even if I can't

go far, this is a great surprise to me, even in this state. My scope of

activity is only limited to Hogwarts. If I enter the crown, I might be able

to see the world outside Hogwarts. Isn't this much better than now?"

Item 0344

Now that Helena had made up her mind, Ye Ting didn't say more.

He put the crown on the desk in the classroom, and then looked at


"Shall we start now?"

"Yeah!" Helena nodded, "It's not too late."

"Okay," Ye Ting thought for a while and reminded, "You must be ready at

any time. After a while, I will personally use soul attacks to smash the

soul fragments of the Dark Lord. When I succeed, I will give you Prompt,

and then you must act immediately and enter the crown as quickly as

possible, otherwise, the crown with unbalanced structure will be

damaged at any time."

"Understood," Helena nodded, "So, how do I get into the crown? Do you

use ghost tricks? Just like Pepi Ghost often does?"

Helena still remembered that Pepi Ghost would often hide in the armor

in the hallway, or in the drawer of the little wizard, and then suddenly

came out, scary.

But Ye Ting shook his head.

"No, it can't be like this," he said. "This is different from the ghost drilling

into an ordinary entity. Simply drilling into the crown does not help. You

must establish a special connection with the crown. Then, I will use a

magic wand. To guide you, you must let go of your body and mind and

accept the guidance of my magic, and then I will use the magic wand as a

medium to bind you to the crown."

"Okay, I see." Helena nodded seriously, "I can start anytime."

"Then, let me destroy the sinful soul fragment of the Dark Lord first."

In Helena's eyes, Ye Ting took a deep breath, then closed his eyes,

looking like he was ready to go.

The next moment, Ye Ting's eyes suddenly opened.

However, what surprised Helena was that at this moment, Ye Ting's eyes

were not the deep and wise black that she liked.

Now, his pupils had turned golden, and there seemed to be flames

burning in those golden pupils, exuding an astonishing aura.

This kind of aura, even Helena, who has become a ghost, can clearly feel


She took a deep look at Ye Ting. When her eyes met Ye Ting

inadvertently, she suddenly felt that it was no longer a person who was

watching her, but a greater and majestic existence.

"How did he do it?"

Helena thought in astonishment.

She can be sure that this is not caused by some kind of magic, and she

also knows that there is no magic in this world that can make such a big

change in the nature of a wizard.

Do not!

She thought suddenly.

This kind of magic does exist, and it can indeed change the nature of a


But how is this possible? If it were this kind of magic, the boy would

have become crazy long ago.

The magic Helena thought of was Animagus.

Moreover, this is not an ordinary Animagus, an ordinary Animagus can

make a wizard truly become an animal, but even if the transformation is

successful, the soul of the wizard lives in the animal's body.

However, the failed Animagus is different.

If Agmanis fails and loses control, he will lose himself when he

transforms, treat himself as a transformed animal, and eventually become

the animal itself.

Although this effect only allows the transformer to have the soul of a

wizard with animal thinking, this is the closest to the effect just now.

Helena still remembered that Ye Ting was the first Animagus to

transform into a magical creature in history.

She suspected that the powerful aura of the inhuman just now originated

from some powerful magical creature-although such an intensity was

beyond her understanding.

At this moment, even though Helena had doubts about Ye Ting, she could

only continue to watch. Everything, she had to wait for the completion of

the things in front of her before getting answers from Ye Ting.

Helena continued to look, and saw Ye Ting's wand pointed directly at the

crown on the table.

However, the tip of the wand did not produce any magical light, and

there was no magical effect around it.

If a wizard saw this scene nearby, he would definitely think that Ye Ting

was just pretending to be waving his magic wand.

However, in the eyes of Helena, the ghost lady, everything is different.

In her opinion, Ye Ting's body seemed to live with the soul of a giant


But originally Ye Ting was a living being, his soul should have stayed in

the body honestly, not igniting it.

But as his aura changed, his wand waved.

His soul, like a dragon that had been sleeping for many years, finally


Now, she finally knew where Ye Ting's change came from, and what his

Animagus was.

It's a dragon.

He is actually the Animagus of the dragon.

It is not the fire dragon like the beast today, but the great dragon that

wreaked havoc in myths and legends.

She saw the dragon gradually get up, raised its head high, then spread its

wide and graceful wings and stretched its waist.

Then, the dragon took a deep breath.

The next moment, the dragon's head stretched forward, and the dragon's

mouth opened wide, and the dragon's breath sprayed from its mouth

toward the crown.

This dragon's breath is not a flame, it is colorless and invisible, but

Helena can just feel the amazing power in that flame.

As a ghost that will not be affected by matter and most ordinary magic,

Helena actually feels instinctively afraid of the colorless flame.

Her soul was trembling, which was telling her that the flame in front of

her was very dangerous.

Although the flame has no color, Helena can still see that the flame has

sprayed onto the crown.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp and miserable cry came from the crown.

However, only Helena could hear this voice.

This is the scream of the soul.

Then Helena saw it, and a black soul in the shape of a skull appeared in

the crown.

But at this time, this supposedly powerful and evil soul, like an ordinary

person on fire, was struggling in pain in the shroud of colorless flames.

His screams grew louder and more painful, and gradually, even ordinary

people could hear it.

If Ye Ting hadn't made the arrangement in advance, a little wizard or

professor would soon notice what was happening in this classroom.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 258:

Seeing the tragic condition of Voldemort's soul, Helena felt a little bit of

fear while feeling happy.

That's because she clearly saw that Voldemort's soul was constantly

shrinking as the flame burned.

This shrinking speed is so fast, as if his soul is the fuel of fire.

No, Helena can be sure that Voldemort's soul is the fuel of this flame.

This is actually a flame that can burn the soul.

What a terrible flame this is.

Helena couldn't help but glanced at Ye Ting in awe.

What did this boy create?

The flame that can burn the soul, if everyone can use it, then this is a

flame that can compete with Li Huo.

She felt that even a ghost like herself would have to be burned out after

being contaminated with a trace of this kind of flame, and there was no

possibility of escape.

Chapter 0345 Helena's Attempt

After a few seconds, Voldemort's screams finally came to an end-he was

completely burnt, and there was no scum left.

And Helena seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

The few seconds just now seemed to her as a century passed.

Watching a soul similar to me shatter in front of me, and the process was

so miserable, it really made her feel sad--no, it was a feeling of empathy.

——Fortunately, this boy is not on Voldemort's side, he still has his own

bottom line.

Helena thought secretly.

However, what she didn't know was that the biggest reason why Ye Ting

did not stand on Voldemort's side was not this, but that there was no

beautiful little Lolita in Voldemort's place.

Now the girls next to him, Hermione, Zhang Qiu, Penello, Fleur, plus

Luna and Gabriel from the reserve team, one of them is counted as one,

they are all standing on the side of justice-or ordinary wizards. of.

And who is on Voldemort's side?

Pansy Parkinson, this poodle? Or the older crazy woman Bellatrix


Otherwise, does he want to capture the heroine, and then come to a dark

forbidden の Baizhuyan Zhoujiao.avi?

How is this possible.

Moreover, Voldemort himself is not as easy to get along with as

Dumbledore, at least Dumbledore is a really nice person by nature.

And Voldemort...

Ye Ting believed that if he was on Voldemort's side, with his character,

he would fight Voldemort first before confronting Dumbledore.

Closer to home.

In fact, although Helena was particularly surprised by this flame.

But Ye Ting was not like that.

Although he had used this technique for the first time, in fact, he had

used this kind of flame a long time ago.

Even the discovery of this technique should be attributed to the last use

of this flame.

However, in the past, due to the different methods used, the flame shape

produced was also different from the current one.

If Hermione is here (if she can see the soul too), she can immediately

make a judgment.

Ye Ting used this flame before, but he actually used it when he used the

Guardian God Curse.

As we all know, the patron saint produced by the patron saint curse is a

manifestation of the nature of the user.

Moreover, based on current intelligence, the wizard's Animagus and his

patron saint are often the same animal.

But Ye Ting discovered that, in fact, the reason for this is very simple.

Whether it is Animagus or the patron saint, it involves the soul of a


The animal chosen by Animagus is exactly the animal that fits the

wizard’s soul best, and the patron saint curse itself is a use of the power

of the soul.

Of course, the patron saint curse also injected positive spiritual energy at

the same time.

And the breath of Ye Ting's dragon patron saint can wipe out the

dementors, the reason is that this soul-burning flame is working.

Although the patron saint of ordinary wizards can expel dementors

through positive spiritual energy, they cannot kill them because they

cannot destroy their souls.

This is the difference between their patron saint and Ye Ting.

After grasping this point, Ye Ting was now able to directly activate his

dragon soul to cast such a breath without even using the Guardian God


He believed that even real dragons could not do this.

This seems to be the reason he combined his soul as a man and a dragon.

You know, after experiencing the tempering of the sea of ​​chaos, his

soul is absolutely special.

And what aspects of this particularity are reflected in, because Ye Ting's

magical attainments are so deep today, he didn't fully understand it.

After all, the Sea of ​​Chaos is a restricted area that even the God of

Creation cannot set foot in. Now he is just a wizard on an ordinary

fantasy plane, and it is not surprising that he does not understand.

However, he believes that as he continues to travel through, continuously

learn the magic of various worlds, constantly understand the nature of

the rules, and at the same time constantly change himself, one day, he

will be able to fully understand the secrets of himself.

Now, another soul fragment of Voldemort has been wiped out.

This can be regarded as the sixth Horcrux that Voldemort was destroyed.

Today, only Nagini of Voldemort's seven Horcruxes (including Potter) is

still alive, and he is not far from his end.

And under the flames that burned the soul, the crown itself was

unscathed, and even the magic on it was not affected at all.

This is the power of this flame.

Unlike magic weapons, such a soul attack will only destroy Voldemort's

soul, and will not affect the crown itself, except for the magic against the


The demon-breaking weapon produces the effect of destroying soul

fragments by destroying the magic of Voldemort's Horcrux.

While destroying the soul fragments, it will also destroy the crown itself

and the magic on the crown.

Although after the soul attack, the magic on the crown will lose its

structure due to the loss of soul fragments and become unbalanced, but

the essence is still different.

What's more, Ye Ting now has remedial measures.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 259:

He immediately turned his head and waved his magic wand at the same


A blue light emerged from the tip of the magic wand, and the light

formed a chain and shot towards Helena.

"It's now!"

Ye Ting shouted.

Helena knew, she let go of her whole body and accepted Ye Ting's magic


At the next moment, she felt that she and Ye Ting's soul had a wonderful

connection. Although this couldn't make them figure it out, it gave them

an invisible tacit understanding.

Helena immediately realized that this is a kind of contract magic.

In modern times, contract magic has almost been lost, but in her day,

contract magic was considered famous.

There is a contract between the basilisk and Salazar Slytherin, and this

contract even extends to the bloodline. The descendants of Slytherin can

activate this contract only by finding the right way to make the basilisk

in the secret room Bow your head and ears to him and serve him.

However, she had never seen such a contract, and she was able to

establish contact with the soul.

Next, Ye Ting cast magic on the crown, continuing the connection

between the soul fragment and the crown, and passed the connection to


Feeling this connection, Helena chose to accept it.

Then, as if by instinct, she slipped into the crown and disappeared.

"Now, it depends on whether she can sustain it."

Ye Ting sighed and looked at Crown worriedly.

Although he said it nicely, after all, he had never tried this magic.

Although he was very confident and had a good grasp of this magic, he

had never tried it before.

It is no wonder that Ye Ting can see only seven Horcruxes, two of which

are still alive, while five dead Horcruxes have been destroyed and four.

In addition, the material is a complete soul.

This is basically impossible to try.

Therefore, now, he can only believe in Helena and believe that his theory

is correct.

If he fails, he may lose the opportunity to study this unprecedented great


Item 0346

For Ye Ting, he hadn't experienced such anxiety and powerlessness for a

long time.

Since entering Hogwarts and starting to learn magic, with his talent, Ye

Ting has mastered the power of magic in a short period of time and

became a powerful wizard.

Strength is always the most useful.

The strong with enough power can control their own destiny, while the

weak can only follow the tide weakly.

Fate is an excuse for the weak, and luck is a humility for the strong.

If it is said that luck is equal to all people in a relatively orderly and fair

modern society, then in a society that emphasizes personal strength like

the wizarding world, the influence of luck on a person appears to be

somewhat polarized.

On the spider web of fate, the weak are like mosquitoes and flies bound,

no matter how hard they struggle, they will only be tied tighter and


For the truly strong, breaking fate is not impossible.

If you are still bound by fate, then the reason is simply not strong


In the past few years, Ye Ting has become one of the few powerhouses in

the wizarding world, and his life is like that idiom solitaire.

The first word is "do whatever you want."


Even though he was as powerful as Voldemort, Ye Ting was not strong

enough to wave him and destroy him.

However, for Ye Ting, who had intelligence advantages and was also

invincible in strength, Voldemort's life and death were indeed decided in

his layout.

In other words, as long as he doesn't mess around, no one in the whole

world can fight him.

However, at this moment, Ye Ting revisited it again. When his strength

was weak, he was unable to deal with unknown fate.

Although this kind of powerlessness is only reflected in the magic items

in front of him.

But Ye Ting still realized a fact.

He is actually not strong today.

Of course, in the world of Harry Potter or a song of ice and fire, he has

reached the ceiling of his strength.

However, that is only relative to these two worlds.


What if he is in World of Warcraft at this time? Although he was

confident and had a single round of magic skills, perhaps only an

archmage like Antonidas could surpass him, but if he was more powerful,

he really couldn't compare with the powerhouses in World of Warcraft at

this time.

After all, the power level of that world is much stronger, and the magic

system is also different.

If he is in the world of the Devil's High School, the Godslayer, etc., then

he has to accept a sad fact: the only thing he can do when facing those

powerful gods and demons is to run away. .

But now, as long as he has more attainments in soul magic, he will not

face such a dilemma.

Therefore, he still needs to work hard.

His future is infinite. With the door through the world, he can travel to

and from the various worlds in the sea of ​​chaos. With his talent, he

can learn the knowledge of each world and master the magic of each

world, thus becoming stronger and stronger. .

But now, before heading to the next world, he still needs to dig deep into

the magic of this world, and tap the magic potential of this world as

much as possible.

He has always felt that although the magical lethality of Harry Potter's

world is insufficient, it still has deep potential in some places.

Such as the wisdom magic on the crown.

For example, the principle is unknown, but it can improve luck.

For example, all kinds of magic that can be run automatically with only

one spell.

Such as the ghost of this world.

For all of this, the wizards in this world only know what they are, but

they cannot know why.

But Ye Ting wanted to figure out the real mystery so that he could master

all this as he wanted.

For example, through the mass production of potential magic apprentices

or research assistants through wisdom magic, so as to accelerate his

research and mastery of new knowledge.

For example, the mastery of destiny magic.

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 260:

For example, a variety of automatic combat equipment, similar to the

magic version of mecha or exoskeleton.

Such as true resurrection-or magic that is infinitely close to resurrection.

Ye Ting, who originally wanted to see the scenery of a different world,

now has new plans.

Think about it, after defeating Voldemort and world peace, let's settle

down and study magic for a while.


In Ye Ting's constant thinking and waiting, the crown, which had been

unresponsive after Helena entered, suddenly changed.

The crown, which originally looked gray and inconspicuous, suddenly

flashed with a gleam.

And the green gem in the center of the silver crown became shining.

The entire crown suddenly got a new look.

Seeing such a scene, Ye Ting finally smiled.

Although Helena did not show up to tell him the result, Ye Ting had

already come to a conclusion based on the current changes in the crown.

Today's crown has resumed its function.

You know, whether it's the immaculate dust or the brilliance of magic,

they are characteristics that only magic items can appear.

Helena herself is just a ghost who can't use spells, she can't do all of this


Then the conclusion is: the power belonging to Ravenclaw's crown is


No, it wasn't just that he was awakened, Ye Ting felt that its power

should rise to the next level.

Just like Ye Ting said.

In the world of Harry Potter, any magic has a strong user's will.

And Ye Ting's method of repairing the crown was actually to turn Helena

into the crown's tool spirit.

This is also the reason why Helena felt the contract magic.

In order to find a way to repair the crown after destroying the soul

fragments, Ye Ting did some research on it.

After all, he can only imitate before he learns, and finally surpass.

In fact, through the research on Horcruxes, Ye Ting quickly understood

the principles of Horcruxes.

Unlike the phylactery made by the lich, the principle of the Horcrux is to

split the soul with evil killing, and then inject the soul fragments into the

vessel, turning it into a pseudo-spirit of the vessel.

It is precisely because the spirit weapon itself will hardly be destroyed

over time, so the Horcrux can become the guarantee of Voldemort's

immortality and rebirth.

However, perhaps because I have not heard of the concept of spirit

instruments, or because of insufficient technology, the inventor of the

Horcrux did not make the soul fragments in the Horcrux really become

spirit instruments, which resulted in the loss of soul fragments and

vessels. Insufficient fit, unable to fully use the power of the Horcrux


Moreover, since soul fragments need magic to maintain contact with the

Horcrux itself, this has led to the fact that once the magic fails, the soul

fragment will be destroyed, which is why the magic weapon can destroy

the Horcrux.

Item 0347

After understanding all the Horcruxes, Ye Ting had a way to repair the


But Ye Ting's method of repairing the crown learned from the Horcrux,

but it was higher than the Horcrux.

In his last life, he has seen many various works, including comics, novels

and so on.

In these works, the concept of Qi Ling is deeply rooted in the hearts of

the people.

Whether it's a direct girl turning into a weapon like "Weapon Race", or

the powerful magic weapon in the cultivation novel, he has given him


And the existence of the Sea of ​​Chaos was even more plainly told to


In many works of the previous life, there are many things that seem to be

fantasy but are actually true.

This also gave him a lot of experimental inspiration and exploration


When considering repairing the crown, he first thought of using a

Horcrux-like method to fill the vacancy in the crown after the destruction

of Voldemort's soul fragments.

However, he changed his mind and thought, why can't it take it one step


He remembered that in the second grade, he bewitched Ginny Weasley

for a semester, and even opened the secret room to release the basilisk's


If it weren't for Ye Ting, it would be hard to imagine what a mess this

diary would cause in Hogwarts.

This is just a mere Horcrux, and the soul fragments that Voldemort stored

in it can do this.

So, can he, while repairing the crown, let the crown go further?

As soon as this idea appeared, it immediately occupied his brain firmly.

And the information about the spirits in the works of the previous life

also brought him like a tide of inspiration.

The existence of the spirits is not as simple as changing objects from dead

to alive.

Artifacts can also greatly enhance the functions of items, and even make

the capabilities of items qualitatively changed.

But now, the opportunity for the crown to possess the spirit of the

weapon is in front of him.

Therefore, when repairing the crown, he used contract magic to almost

merge Helena and the crown into one.

This process is more sophisticated than the manufacture of Horcruxes,

and all of this is almost irreversible. After becoming the spirit of the

crown, Helena can no longer leave the crown. Her destiny, life and death

will be firmly fixed with the crown from now on. Bound together.

However, in the same way, after going through this process, the crown of

the spirit weapon is much stronger than the crown of the horcrux.

The first thing that exceeds the Horcrux is that Helena herself can no

longer be killed by destroying the crown with a magic weapon.

In addition, as long as the crown is not completely destroyed, no matter

what the crown becomes, as long as it can be repaired, then Helena can

continue to exist.

As the daughter of Ravenclaw, Helena's will and the magic in the crown

are quite compatible. In addition to the factor of blood, there is also the

similarity of personality and will.

Ye Ting's praise of Helena before was not just flattering her.

Helena, is really very much like her mother.

And under such circumstances, let Helena become the crown of

Ravenclaw, the only relic of Rowena Ravenclaw herself, and the magic

item that is a symbol of her will. It's not that high.

Perhaps only Ravenclaw's soul can surpass her.

In this way, how much this Ravenclaw crown can be improved is

completely worth looking forward to.

At this moment, the crown in front of Ye Ting finally dimmed after a long

period of flickering.

Then, Helena's excited voice rang in Ye Ting's ears.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 261:

"Ting, I... I succeeded! Did you see it? I succeeded!"

"Yes, you succeeded." Even Ye Ting showed a slightly excited smile. He

said to Guanmian (Helena), "Congratulations, you succeeded in keeping

your mother through your own efforts. Relic."

"No, it's not my credit," Helena said in a grateful tone: "I should thank

you. You found the crown and made up for the big mistakes I made by

credulously trusting others. It is also you and tolerating me. I found a

way to save my crown, really...thank you really."

"Don't thank me, Helena," Ye Ting slowly shook his head, "I am selfish


"But it's a fact that you helped me," Helena said. "Anyway, I owe you.

Now, in return, I want to give you a surprise."

"Surprise?" Ye Ting was a little surprised.

"Yes, although I don't know why, I only learned about it after I merged

with the crown," Helena said in a mysterious tone, "I need a drop of your


"A drop of blood?"

"Yes, one drop is enough, don't worry, I won't hurt you." Helena said


"I believe you." Ye Ting nodded.

"Then, drip your blood on mine...no, it's the jewel of the'crown'."

Right now, Ye Ting immediately knew what Helena meant.

Isn't this the confession of the Lord by dripping blood?

He was too familiar with this set in the previous life.

He even incorporated this into the magic created by the spirits.

Therefore, Helena didn't know the matter of acknowledging the Lord by a

drop of blood inexplicably, but a foreshadowing that he had already


However, looking at Helena's current appearance like a treasure offering,

Ye Ting decided that it was better to pretend not to know, and not to ruin

her kindness.

So he took out the endless sword from his pocket.

As the dragon's power continues to feed his body, his physical defenses

are now very strong.

Ordinary knives can't break through his skin at all.

I saw him holding the Infinite Sword in one hand and swiping it lightly in

the other palm.

A wound immediately appeared in the palm of the palm, and a drop of

bright red blood flowed down the blade to the tip of the sword, and then

dripped onto the crown jewel.

But nothing was left on the sword.

After putting the Infinite Sword back, Ye Ting used his magic wand along

the wound, and the wound disappeared immediately.

At this time, the crown bloomed with blue and green light once again.

Then Ye Ting felt that a mysterious connection had been established

between himself and the crown in front of him.

This connection is different from Endless Sword, Weaver, etc., and is

similar to Feiju and Oriana.

He knows that this crown now belongs to him completely.

At the same time, Helena's voice also rang in his mind.

"Adhering to the sacred contract, Ting Ye, from now on, you will be my

master, and I will be loyal to you from now on and dedicate all my

wisdom and strength to you."

Ye Ting was a little embarrassed when he heard Helena's words.

This girl is indeed a sincere person who knows her gratitude.

He not only made Helena a tool spirit, but also secretly planted a dark

hand like a drop of blood to recognize the master, just to fully grasp the


And Helena? In order to thank him, after learning about dripping blood

to recognize the Lord, he directly asked Ye Ting to do so.

Even, in order to prevent Ye Ting from disagreeing, he chopped it out

first and then played it, tricking him into completing the ceremony of

acknowledging the Lord.

Item 0348

After Helena's pledge of allegiance, there was a long silence.

Neither of them spoke.

Ye Ting was a little bit ashamed and embarrassed to speak-but he was

only a little bit ashamed. If he were to do it again, he would still do it.

And Helena?

After a while, she finally spoke first.

Her tone is expected to be Ai Ai, and she is obviously lacking in


"That... Ting... No, it's the Lord... Master, why don't you speak? Are you

angry because of Helena's advice?"

Hearing Helena was so nervous, even with a bit of crying words, Ye Ting

finally couldn't hold back.

He sighed.

"Do you think I shouldn't be angry?"

"That, right..." Helena's voice became weaker, but Ye Ting interrupted her


"Why do you want to do this?" Ye Ting asked in a complicated and stiff

tone, "Why, give up freedom and complete this ritual of confessing the

Lord by dripping blood? I just... helped you. I'm busy, this is the mutual

help between friends, you don't need to take this step for this."

"No! It is necessary!" Helena's tone became more and more excited, "This

is not only for gratitude, but for my mother!"

Ye Ting was silent, waiting for her to continue.

Helena paused, and then said: "I hope you can inherit your mother's will,

even a little bit."

"So you made this decision?"

"Yes, the reason why I told Tom Riddle about the crown information was

actually for the same reason, but it turns out that I missed it. He is not

the person who can make Ravenclaw's spirit carry forward. He is a man.

The real Slytherin, no, he is much more selfish and evil than Slytherin. I

remember that Mr. Slytherin, although he admired pure blood, was quite

a great and selfless man, he was really real. Put the pure-blood wizard in

his heart, and consider the benefit of the pure-blood wizard everywhere,

but Tom..."

"He only has himself in his heart." Ye Ting continued.

"You're right."

"So, what about Dumbledore? His wisdom is always enough."

"Dumbledore and Tom are just the opposite," Helena said in a low voice.

"He is a real Gryffindor. He is always thinking about love and courage.

Wisdom is just one of his tools to achieve his goals. He is not suitable at

all. Ravenclaw."


"So, I have been waiting, but year after year, Hogwarts has never seen a

truly outstanding Ravenclaw. Tom of Slytherin and Dumbledore of

Gryffindor seem to be the most in this era. Two powerful people until I

met you. You are smart enough and good enough, much better than those

two people when you were young. Even at this age, you are already on

par with them today. Now, the most important thing is that you are

different from them."

Speaking of this, Helena's tone gradually aroused.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 262:

"Tom is too evil, Dumbledore is too righteous, and you? You know that

justice and evil are not the most important thing, and the difference

between justice and evil is not as big as you think, and no matter when,

wisdom and power are the fundamentals. ."

Ye Ting nodded slowly when he heard this.

As if encouraged by Ye Ting's nod, Helena accelerated the narration.

"In the past few years, I have always regretted why I made a bet so early,

why I couldn't think about it for a while...In this way, I might not make

that mistake and give the crown to the wrong person, and

You...fortunately, you recovered the crown and successfully found a way

to restore it. Otherwise, I really don’t know how to explain to my

mother... I'm even more sorry to her..."

Although he couldn't see Helena's face, Ye Ting was able to tell from her

voice that the girl had finished speaking with tears in her eyes.

After a while, she continued.

"So, now, I have a chance to make up for my mistakes. Now, I put the

crown of Ravenclaw in your hands, and I also put myself in your hands.

You are my greatest benefactor, He is also my best friend and the most

suitable candidate to inherit Ravenclaw. I am willing to do this! I know

that you are an incomparable genius. Merlin competed, so I don’t expect

you to call yourself a descendant of Ravenclaw. No one is worthy of a

great descendant like you... I only hope to prove through you that among

the four founders of the college, only The mother is the brightest, and the

mother’s point of view is the most correct."

After hearing Helena's words, Ye Ting did feel a lot.

Helena, the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw, is indeed worthy of her


In the past, he had always felt that she was the character of a Jiaojiao

eldest lady.

But now, he discovered that under that arrogance, there is still a strong

sense of responsibility and judgment.

He looked at her with admiration.

So, after being silent for a while, Ye Ting solemnly said to Helena.

"Don't worry, since you chose me, then I won't let you down. As a mage, I

will reach the ultimate wisdom."

His words did not get Helena's response.

However, relying on the feelings of the two of them, he still felt that

Helena showed a gratified and joyful smile.

"So, are you ready?" Ye Ting then asked Helena.

"I'm ready at any time," Helena said firmly, "Just use me, Master."

"I'm really not used to this name," Ye Ting shook his head, "Then I will

try the effect of the crown."

"Just put on me."

So Ye Ting took the crown in both hands and brought it to his head.

This is the first time he has worn this magic prop.

Since the maker of the crown is Ravenclaw, the crown is women's.

Compared to ordinary crowns, Ravenclaw's crowns are much lighter.

And Ye Ting himself is not a very strong person. He is only seventeen or

eighteen years old when he counts his experience in the world of Song of

Ice and Fire. Not to mention that the dragon factor has greatly slowed his

physical age growth. .

Therefore, the crown was only slightly smaller when worn on his head.

In the beginning, Ye Ting only felt the coldness and heaviness of the

metal from the crown.

Then, the next moment, he felt that his mind and the crown were

connected together.

Suddenly, an unprecedented and wonderful feeling arose spontaneously.

Ye Ting felt that Ravenclaw's crown was indeed worthy of the rumors of

his wisdom.

Chapter 0349 Crown and Wisdom

A magician is a person who uses magic to manipulate rules and rewrite


And knowledge is the source of their power.

The more knowledge a magician has and the deeper his understanding of

the rules, the more he can have a huge impact on reality.

So, what is the ultimate magician?

It is omniscient and omnipotent.

A magician, if he can understand all the rules, then he can rely on a

mortal body to have the power of a **** of creation.

No matter how low his magic power is, it doesn't matter how low his

mental power is.

All-knowing and omnipotent, controlling the rules, this is the ultimate

dream of all magicians.

However, looking at the countless planes in the sea of ​​chaos, no one

has ever been able to do this.

This is not because of intellectual reasons-in countless worlds, the total

number of various intelligent lives has reached an infinite number.

Among them, there are many higher beings such as dragons, titans, and

innate lives, as well as various super geniuses. The Sajo Love Song that

connects the root, the two rituals of the root personality, the Qishi of

seeing the eye of the ancients, the copying eye Lena Longte, etc...

However, no one can truly reach the state of omniscience and


But what is the reason?

Can you say that their talents are insufficient?

After the carbonic eye is activated, it can instantly analyze the

composition, form, nature, and power of all magic, and can directly learn

the magic used by others.

And Qishi, who has the eyes of seeing the ancients, is even more

remarkable. No matter what it is, it is written words, the use of weapons,

or all kinds of strange martial arts, or even physical abilities, such as the

genetic abilities of other races, as long as it is Everything in the world, as

long as you have seen it with your own eyes, you can fully understand it

and use it skillfully-however, this is just to avoid using its own strength

and prevent the body from collapsing, so as to imitate others in order to

weaken oneself. But the last step is to continue.

Can you say that they have no way of mastering the rules?

The Sajo Love Song and the two rituals can connect to the roots anytime

and anywhere. Countless magicians all over the world have dreamed of

it. Throughout the ages, only five people have achieved miracles—the

five great methods—for them.

However, no one can reach the final state.

Why is this?

This is because people have limitations.

In other words, biology has limitations.

A human brain weighs about 1,400 grams, has a volume of about 1,200

cubic centimeters, and is composed of about 14 billion cells. So, how

many things can a human brain record?

At least relative to things like rules, it is far from insufficient.

From a scientific point of view, assuming that the unified field theory

holds, then everything in the world is established and can be calculated.

Because this theory can start from the quantum field and explain and

correct all the physical rules in the universe.

In this case, as long as people can accurately calculate each elementary

particle, then they can use the unified field theory to calculate the state

of the universe in the next second.

In short, it is to predict the future.

However, how much calculation does this require?

Even if it is to monitor an elementary particle, it needs to rely on a

supercomputer, and the material composition of a supercomputer must

far exceed that of an elementary particle. The computer must be much

larger than the entire universe.

Putting it in the world of magic can explain the limitations of people.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 263:

No matter how many supernatural powers there are, it is difficult to

master the rules of the entire world with the brain of a creature alone.

Some people will say that if a single brain is insufficient, then look for

help, and seek help from external forces.

But, what else can be comparable to the brain in terms of intelligence?

Modern computers, even quantum computers that are still in theory, have

powerful computing power, but if they are more comprehensive and real,

they are still far inferior to human brains.

Although it is said that the human brain has only been developed by

10%, 90% of the brain cells are still asleep for a lifetime. Such theories

have always been rumors. However, it is undeniable that in terms of

intelligence, the human brain does not. By comparison, nothing can

surpass it.

Ye Ting has always thought so.

Until just now.

The moment he put on Ravenclaw's crown, a cold, cold feeling instantly

filled his mind.

At that moment, his consciousness reached absolute calmness, and all his

thoughts were focused on thinking.

At the same time, Ye Ting can clearly feel that his memory, calculation,

thinking, and analysis skills have been improved several times. Many

questions that he didn't understand at first become clear, and many

questions that still need to be pondered instantly. There is an idea.

Even something as vague as inspiration, after putting on the crown,

pouring out like a reservoir with a floodgate open.

He even felt that at that moment, he was an all-knowing and almighty

God, there was no problem he could not understand, and there was no

difficulty that could stump him.

However, he knew that this was just an illusion after his intellectual


If a mere magic item can make him reach this point, then Ravenclaw, a

thousand years ago, even if his basic intelligence is low, he must have

become a god-like figure.

However, even so, the effect of the crown made Ye Ting feel excited.

This is because this crown can actually sublimate his intelligence.

This is the ability to sublimate the intelligence of him, not other ordinary


Compared with ordinary people, Ye Ting's intelligence is no longer in the

same dimension. Unless he opens up, otherwise, even the strongest

genius of mankind can only reach this point at best.

Ye Ting originally estimated that Crown could increase his intelligence,

but it was only icing on the cake.

Who would have thought that the effect of the crown was so good.

However, Ye Ting's excitement was not due to the growth of intelligence,

but because he saw a possibility in the crown.

A possibility that can help him infinitely increase his intelligence and

achieve omniscience.

At this time, Ye Ting immediately made up his mind, taking the study of

the magic on the crown as his next goal.

As long as there is a breakthrough in this area, then at least he can

greatly increase the speed of his learning and exploration of magic.

He even wished to put everything down immediately and start

researching immediately.

However, he can't do this, because the premise of all this is that he wants

to kill Voldemort.

Although, for Ye Ting, who had a higher level of intelligence, Voldemort

is no longer a big trouble.

However, solving him is still a necessary choice.

Why for most people, although flies do not **** blood, they are more

annoying than mosquitoes?

Because although it doesn't bite you, it bothers you.

You still have nothing to do with him.

After Voldemort was solved, Ye Ting solved an annoying fly. At the same

time, he was able to control the Ministry of Magic so that he could use

the research data accumulated by the Ministry of Magic for hundreds of

years. Why not?

Item 0350

Ye Ting successfully obtained Ravenclaw's crown and destroyed

Voldemort's soul fragments in the crown, which means that his only

purpose of returning to Hogwarts has now been accomplished.

Now, Voldemort had destroyed six of the seven Horcruxes without

knowing it, and the only surviving one was the serpent beside Voldemort,


Since Nagini has always been inseparable from Voldemort, that is to say,

this Horcrux cannot be processed for the time being.

However, as long as Ye Ting really started confronting Voldemort, he

would always have a chance to run into Nagini.

After all, in Voldemort's mind, the fact that he made the Horcrux is still a

huge secret.

Perhaps, at this time, Voldemort was still proud to believe that he had

made the Horcrux concealed from everyone, and he was fearless because

he occupied an invincible place.

And what about Ye Ting?

Under Ye Ting's signal, the Boynes faction of the Ministry of Magic

launched an all-out war against the Death Eaters.

Due to Ye Ting’s attack on Cornelius Fudge in advance, and his own

support from Dumbledore’s display of carts and horses, at this moment,

in the Ministry of Magic, the Bones faction is in the political struggle with

the Fudge faction. Has fully occupied the upper peak.

As the government organization of the British magic world, the Ministry

of Magic has several directly subordinate departments: the Office of the

Minister of Magic and Logistics, the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement, the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters, the

Department of Management and Control of Magical Animals, the

Department of International Magic Cooperation, and the Department of

Magical Transportation. , Department of Magical Sports, Department of

Mystery Affairs.

Among these departments, the Office of the Minister of Magic and the

Logistics Department directly belong to the Minister of Magic, which is

similar to an organization and esoteric institution, and will not be shown

for the time being.

The Magic Law Enforcement Department is the largest department in the

Ministry of Magic. In fact, it is equivalent to a combination of military,

police, and judicial departments. The reason is that the wizarding world

can basically be regarded as a soldier of all the people. In addition, there

has been almost no war between countries in the wizarding world.

Therefore, the army is not of much importance to the Ministry of Magic.

The Ministry of Magic only needs to be able to maintain law and order.

In this way, as a violent agency of the Ministry of Magic, the Auror Office

can almost be regarded as a unity of military and police.

As the director of the Magic Law Enforcement Department, the Magic

Law Enforcement Department can basically be regarded as Ms. Bones's

political basics, especially the Aurors, who are inherently hawks. Facing

the return of Voldemort, they are the toughest attitude.

The Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters is responsible for

handling magical disasters and emergencies. Of course, the focus is to

deal with emergencies related to Muggles. Those who are exposed to

Muggles when magic is exposed to Muggles, or what damage they cause,

are responsible for the aftermath and delete It is them who modify the


Before becoming Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge served as the deputy

director of this department, so he still has a lot of influence in this

department, but because of the frequent atrocities committed by Death

Eaters against Muggles, this department often needs to be wiped out.

Butt, so the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters didn't have a

good impression on the Death Eaters from top to bottom.

Regarding Voldemort's resurrection, other departments may be

suspicious, but the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters is

most convinced.

Of course, this is not because they trust Ye Ting or Bones, but because

their workload has indeed increased. During this period, many employees

of the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters have to work

overtime continuously.

Although the employees of the Department of Magical Accidents and

Disasters rarely encountered Death Eaters during the mission, they did

feel that the Death Eaters were different from their previous activity.

Therefore, they support Ms. Bones's policy.

Even if Voldemort is not resurrected, at least her policy can combat the

arrogance of the Death Eaters and reduce their workload.

The Department of Management and Control of Fantastic Beasts is the

second largest department in the Ministry of Magic. It is mainly

responsible for dealing with issues related to magical creatures and

various magical races.

In this department, Fudge's influence prevails.

In the process of fighting Voldemort, magical creatures are indeed a force

that needs to be fought for. Voldemort has been wooing dark creatures

such as dementors and werewolves, as well as magical creatures such as

giants and horsemen who are dissatisfied with wizards.

However, for Ye Ting's party, the importance of the Department of

Fantastic Beast Management and Control was not as important as


Dumbledore himself has a wide range of friends, and he also knows many

magical biologists, including the famous Newt Scamander. With them, it

is enough to attract enough magical creatures as helpers-at least they can

guarantee that most of them are not The magical creatures of dark

creatures do not stand on Voldemort's side.

Even the Department of Management and Control of Fantastic Beasts

cannot do more. After all, wizards have always been arrogant, thinking

that wizards are supreme and despise Muggles and all magical creatures,

and this arrogance makes their interactions with magical creatures not


In this regard, many folk magical biologists have done much better.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 264:

The Department of International Magic Cooperation is similar to the

foreign education department. His former minister, Barty Crouch,

unfortunately, died at the hands of his son.

Barty Crouch the elder has always been a tough side against the Death

Eaters. After Voldemort's death, he almost became Minister of Magic.

However, due to the betrayal of Barty Crouch Jr., this fell short and

turned to magic. The Law Enforcement Department was transferred to

the International Magic Cooperation Department.

After the death of Old Batty, Fudge took the opportunity to control the

power of the International Magic Cooperation Department.

However, in the process of fighting Voldemort, Ye Ting did not expect to

seek foreign help, so he didn't care who was in charge of this department.

The Magic Transportation Department is the transportation department

of the entire wizarding world. It is responsible for managing the four

main modes of transportation for wizards: flying broomsticks, door keys,

flyway nets, and apparitions.

In the confrontation between Bones and Fudge, the Magic Transportation

Division also split into two factions.

The Department of Magical Sports is of course the Department of Sports,

and the Minister is Ludo Bagman.

Although there are many other sports in the wizarding world, Quidditch

is undoubtedly the most developed and the most popular one. Therefore,

the Department of Magical Sports has long been dominated by

Quidditches, and sports like Gobstone are very inconspicuous.

Because of Ye Ting's sake, the Department of Magical Sports was on the

side of Burns.

The Department of Mysteries is a department of the Ministry of Magic

that conducts secret research on specific puzzles (death, time, space,

thought, and love), and stores and keeps records of prophecies.

Compared with the political department, the Department of Mystery

Affairs is more similar to a research institute and archives office. They

have never participated in the power struggle of the Ministry of Magic,

and this time is no exception.

In addition to the various departments of the Ministry of Magic, there is

also a huge authority, Wisengamao.

This organization is similar to the combination of the Supreme Court and

the Parliament, but in terms of trials, Wisengamao only serves as a jury.

In terms of power, Wisengama and the Ministry of Magic are equal-of

course, you have me in the two, and many officials of the Ministry of

Magic also have seats in Wisengama.

Different from the original work, Dumbledore is still the chief magician

of Wesengama at this time. At the same time, Ye Ting himself also has a

certain influence in Wesengama. Of course, Fudge also has his own

supporters. They are the pure-blood faction in Wizengamore. Many

people in this faction are also on Voldemort's side.

After Fudge was gradually losing power, he completely turned to the

pure-blood school. Fortunately, the pure-blood set has become less and

less popular in modern times. Therefore, in Wissengamer, it is still a force

that supports Bones. Prevailed.

Item 0351

After solving the matter about the crown, Ye Ting still stayed at

Hogwarts, enjoying campus life.

As usual, he continued to conduct his research in the secret room, and at

the same time, in his spare time, he went to the ground with Hermione

and Zhang Qiu, or flirted with the "new love" Luna Lovegood.

At the weekend, he would find the opportunity to go home to comfort

the lovesickness of Fleur and Penello.

In such a life, I lived so happily as a fairy.

However, outside of Hogwarts, the situation in the wizarding world has


Under the order of Ms. Bones, the Auror Office Director Scrimgeour

personally led the team. The Aurors launched a full-scale attack against

all the Death Eaters who had been identified by Harry Potter himself and

appeared beside Voldemort in the cemetery. They were arrested by their


Although in fact, there are many pure-blood families who have taken

refuge in Voldemort, since the death of Voldemort for the first time

fourteen years ago, the Death Eaters have basically scattered like birds

and beasts.

Since Voldemort maintains the Death Eaters' fundamental strength and

fear, although there are certain benefits, it still makes most of the Death

Eaters not loyal.

Many Death Eaters completely betrayed Voldemort after that, covering

up their past.

There are Death Eaters like Karkaroff who have betrayed their

companions and avoided the trial. Of course, these people can't look


However, there are not many people who really pursued Voldemort after

his death.

Therefore, at the time of the war with Voldemort, the Ministry of Magic

cannot use the evidence 14 years ago to make arrests at will. It can only

use Harry’s identification to confirm who is the true loyalty of

Voldemort, because if according to the fourteenth year Although the

previous list is more foolproof, it also means that they will put many

people who might not have been prepared to return to Voldemort's side

to ruin.

If the Ministry of Magic had enough power, it would be fine, but the

Ministry of Magic did not have an army. In the past, the maintenance of

law and order could be done only with the Auror, but in today's situation,

the number of Aurors is somewhat stretched.

Unfortunately, the selection of the Auror was too difficult, so it could not

be replenished in a short period of time. Today, the only way for Burns to

expand the power of his men is to recruit the retired Auror and at the

same time turn to the power of the Order of the Phoenix.

Among the Aurors who arrested these pure-blood families, they included

the retired Alastor Moody, and of course the active Kingsley, Tonks and

so on.

Although the members of the Order of the Phoenix do not accept Bones’

leadership and have their own plans, Bones is on their side after all, and

they also occupy the righteous name of the Ministry of Magic, so despite

their plans for Bones Doubtful, but they still accepted the order.

Because the Aurors were prepared for a long time and took full action,

and such a bold action was too unbelievable, no Death Eaters could think

of it in advance, so the action was quite successful.

Headed by the Malfoy family, there are several families including the

McNeill family, the Avery family, the Knot family, the Crab family, and

the Gower family, but most of the members were swept away by the

Aurors overnight, and they were all imprisoned. Zkaban.

It wasn't until the next morning that someone discovered that the manor

houses of several families were all empty, and everything became clear.

For a time, public opinion in the entire wizarding world was in an


This is not only because of the decisive actions of the Ministry of Magic—

or the Boynesians, but also because of the identities of these families.

These families are all well-known pure-blood families. Among them, the

Malfoy family, the Avery family, and the Knot family are among the well-

known sacred 28 families.

These families have always been influential in the wizarding world, but

now they have been wiped out by the Ministry of Magic.

It was not Voldemort or the Death Eaters who reacted first to this

incident, but the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge.

Because these families are also the main members of the pure-blood

faction behind him today.

Without these people, the pure-blood would be dead in name, and his

already precarious ministerial position will soon be lost.

So, the next day, he issued dozens of orders to the Magic Law

Enforcement Department and ordered Azkaban to release members of

these families.

However, in the past period of time, Ms. Bones has been fully prepared.

Not only did she work hard to fight against Voldemort, she also took the

opportunity to keep away from the chaff in constant tasks, and built the

entire Magic Law Enforcement Department into an iron bucket.

Even Azkaban, who originally obeyed the minister's order, Bones tried

every means to intervene.

She kept calling Azkaban’s Auror on the grounds of lack of manpower.

After a series of complicated transfers and full-time appointments, he had

changed the Azkaban’s Auror from top to bottom. Bones was firmly in


After realizing that his command had fallen to the sea, Fudge had no

choice but to use the last trick.

He urgently called the Wisengama Conference.

At the meeting, he accused Bones of acting without authorization, using

public weapons for private purposes, and arresting a large number of

innocent civilians for no reason, including many faithful and reliable

wizards-of course, Lucius Malfoy and his like.

Of course, Ms. Bones also made a counterattack. She moved out Harry’s

testimony, thinking that these families are very likely to still help

Voldemort. Although the Magic Law Enforcement Department will not

try them at will, but for the wizards For the safety of the world, they will

all be temporarily detained in Azkaban before confirming that there is no


Of course, Bones used words like "detention" and "protection."

However, these words and Azkaban together, obviously no one will

believe it.

Since these arrested families contained almost half of the members of the

pure-blood Vizengamo, Fudge was able to get even less support from the


However, as a qualified politician, he keenly caught the Auror’s

unauthorized deployment, spread panic, and convinced people that if the

Auror was not supervised, Ms. Burns would use this as an excuse. All

members of Wisengama who opposed her were arrested and brought to

justice in the name of Death Eaters, thereby excluding dissidents.

Such remarks do have a market in Wisengamao, and many wizards

believe that the actions of the Aurors can be regarded as wanton, which

puts Ms. Bones at risk of dictatorship.

In short, with the help of Dumbledore, Bones finally maintained his


However, as time goes by, if Bones has no further gains, then there will

be more and more people who oppose her in Wizengamo. In the end, it is

not impossible to be counterattacked by Fudge.

On the contrary, as long as Bones can prove the correctness of her

behavior-such as finding out the evidence of Death Eaters, or obtaining

other information about Voldemort, then this operation can be regarded

as her decisive attack. Foresight becomes a plus.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 265:

In short, the risks and challenges of this operation coexist.

However, as far as Bones is concerned, she is indeed a sure winner.

Because this is just the beginning of the whole plan-to stun the snake.

Item 0352

The Aurors' surprise attack not only caused Fudge to lose support, but

also greatly weakened Voldemort.

Although the Death Eaters are scary, their scary thing is that they always

act collectively and are fearless.

When Death Eaters wearing hoods and masks gather together, they can

cause a terrible riot in the wizarding world, and the Aurors are often

intimidated when facing them.

Because the Aurors must take into account the safety of civilians, be

careful not to reveal the secrets of magic in front of Muggles, and be

careful not to cause too much property damage during the operation.

However, the Death Eaters are just the opposite, they don't need to care

about anything.

They can cause destruction and destruction as much as possible, without

considering any confidentiality issues, and even threatening the Ministry

of Magic with Muggles and wizard civilians as hostages is not impossible.

However, last night, their advantage could not be used at all.

Before Voldemort truly grasps the overall situation of the wizarding

world, all Death Eaters still need to hide their identities under normal


Even with Fudge, the mediocre Minister of Magic, these Death Eaters still

cannot blatantly reveal their identity as Death Eaters—as long as they are

not caught on the spot, but are suspected of being Death Eaters, Fudge is

there, they There is still room for maneuver.

Anyway, Fudge was quite terrified of the Dark Lord and refused to admit

his return. Under this circumstance, he would never admit the identity of

these Death Eaters unless there is hard evidence.

However, last night, all of this became the shackles that bound the Death

Eaters themselves.

Because they are with family members, the Death Eaters dare not reveal

their identity—because they have no way to defeat the Aurors. If they

reveal their identity without authorization, then their family will have

the Death Eaters harboured. For the crimes, there is even no doubt that

they will be made into Death Eaters' comrades. At that time, Burns will

have an excuse to throw them into Azkaban.

Unfortunately, they still underestimated the determination of Bones and

the Aurors.

They are not as intimidated as they used to be.

On the contrary, this time it was their actions without any scruples, and

they just wiped out several families in one fell swoop.

At this time, the Death Eater's side could be regarded as a heavy loss.

These families are the main force supporting Voldemort.

Like all terrorists or rebels, even the actions of Voldemort and the Death

Eaters still need human and financial support.

And Voldemort's supporters are these pure-blood families.

These pure-blood families not only provided many subordinates for

Voldemort, but also provided countless wealth for Voldemort's actions.

These wealth came from the accumulation of generations of pure-blood


Although the past was brilliant, these pure-blood families are gradually

declining. Their magic monopoly and talent advantages have gradually

ceased to function under the gradually expanding population advantage

of half-blood wizards and the continuous progress of various magic


Especially in the past 100 years, these families have lost their power in

the past at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Grindelwald back then, Voldemort now is the hope for the rise of

these pure-blood families.

As a result, on these two Dark Lords, they cast heavy bets one after


They not only provide wealth and manpower for the Dark Lord, but also

use the network of connections they have established over the years,

which are intertwined in the wizarding world, to provide information to

the Dark Lord, provide power and convenience, communicate with the

party, and unite...

Before the Aurors were determined to act, Voldemort had been secretly

contacting his past subordinates and those who had the potential to

become Death Eaters with the help of these families to increase his


At the same time, Voldemort also dispatched personnel to contact

horsemen, giants and other magical creatures, and even got on line with

Azkaban's dementors.

When Voldemort thought that he had assembled enough power, he would

officially start a confrontation with the Ministry of Magic.

On the one hand, he will contain the power of the Ministry of Magic

through constant terrorist actions, leaving them exhausted and unable to

look around.

On the other hand, after the Ministry of Magic reveals a flaw, he will use

the Imperius Curse to launch a strategy against the Ministry, gradually

infiltrate the entire Ministry, and then expand the rule of the entire

British wizarding world.

This is the action strategy that Voldemort formulated after he suffered a

big loss fourteen years ago.

Even the Dark Lord, after experiencing a failure, realized the mistakes of

the past.

As arrogant as him, it is indeed very rare to be able to formulate such a

well-accumulated plan now.

Originally, he planned to spend a year to accumulate his strength.

However, last night, the Aurors' surprise attack disrupted his plans.

Now, most of his forces have been wiped out.

Not only was the right-hand man headed by Lucius Malfoy almost all

captured into Azkaban, even their family members were also captured.

This means that Voldemort has lost its reserve force, lost most of the

source of intelligence, source of wealth, and lost many of the internal

responses of the Ministry of Magic...

Basically, the organization of the Death Eaters can be regarded as


Now, Voldemort can only call his subordinates only a few small families,

including some scattered wizards including Peter Pettigrew, and

werewolves headed by Fenrir Greyback.

Moreover, due to the main power: the pure-blood family was almost

completely arrested, and most of the sources of intelligence and social

relations were lost, Voldemort could not even recover the wizard secretly

and increase his strength.

At this moment, Voldemort, who was furious, could no longer remain

low-key and silent.

He decided to make a desperate move, abandon the original plan, and

immediately shot.

The most urgent task, of course, is to rescue these comrades from


To this end, he even violated his previous concept and made great


In order to gather power faster, he speeded up the pace of recruiting

giants and horsemen, and even gave up many benefits in order to get

them into his own command as soon as possible.

You know, as a pureblood, Voldemort is also a staunch supporter of

wizarding supremacy. He regards friendly and submissive behavior to

magical creatures as a great shame.

However, now, he has to do things that humiliated him in the past.

In addition to the humiliation, Voldemort cast his hatred on Burns.

It was this person who caused him to be so insulted.

He vowed that after taking control of the Ministry of Magic, he must

torture and kill Bones's family, just as he did to her brother's family.

But now, he can't do this yet, he has to do something to divert the

wizards' attention.

However, the current Death Eaters are no better than before. They want

to divert the attention of the Ministry of Magic and transfer their power.

With the current Death Eaters, it is very likely that they will lose their

wife and break down.

Fortunately, the evil Voldemort still has a way.

In the case of insufficient power to create a terrorist attack, is there any

way to contain more manpower in the Ministry of Magic with the least

force than to start a Muggle?

Item 0353

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 266:

It was another sunny morning.

In the hall of Hogwarts, the little wizards were enjoying their breakfast as


However, at this moment, the atmosphere in the little wizard is not very


On Slytherin’s seat, Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crab, Gregory Gore, Theodore

Knott and other little wizards glared at Harry Potter. In their minds, ha

Lee is the culprit who caused their parents and relatives to be imprisoned

in Azkaban.

This state has been going on for more than a week, and they have

become a joke at Hogwarts. Even the little wizards who were Slytherin

were unwilling to approach them, for fear of being regarded as

Voldemort's comrades.

However, even if Slytherin had a bad luck, the Gryffindor cubs who were

supposed to gloat, their faces at this time were not happy.

Do not.

Rather, everyone seemed worried.

Everything stems from the recent changes in the wizarding world.

Although a few months ago, Dumbledore and Bones had announced the

facts of Voldemort's resurrection, and spent a lot of money to arrange

newspapers for publicity, but there are still many wizards with ostrich-

like fluke mentality that are unwilling to believe it.

Since Voldemort was not ready to take the initiative at the time, and the

Death Eaters were not very active, these people seemed to have found

great evidence and refused to believe in Voldemort's return.

Moreover, under the instigation of the Fudge faction, some of them

suggested that the purpose of Bones and Dumbledore was to seize more

power by creating panic.

Such rumors have always been there, and there is no shortage of markets

until a week ago.

The Death Eaters, who had been restrained, finally couldn't stand it after

the Aurors' raid.

Under Voldemort's orders, they retaliated through terrorist acts.

Of course, now that they are insufficiently powerful, they cannot commit

terrorist attacks on wizards by themselves. The Ministry of Magic's

monitoring and protection level of wizard settlements is not low.

Their target is Muggles.

For a whole week, accidents and disasters of varying scales occurred

across the UK.

Eight days ago, at Walberswick Beach in Suffolk, a huge wave suddenly

engulfed hundreds of tourists on the beach, among which almost 100

were accidentally drowned.

One morning seven days ago, in the narrow Huddersfield Canal in

Yorkshire, a tunnel collapsed suddenly, burying two unprepared boats,

and all the people on board died.

Six days ago, a sudden off-season blizzard hit the Glenshee Ski Resort in

Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Afterwards, more than ten skiers disappeared in

the snowstorm. According to the site survey, the reason for the

disappearance was probably a snowman attack?

Five days ago...

In short, for a whole week, the successive accidents and terrible death

toll made the British Muggles panic, and also made the British Prime

Minister Major exhausted.

These incidents are accidents once or twice, but they happen every day,

so they are premeditated.

Although these incidents harm Muggle society, the wizarding world is

inevitably affected.

Almost all members of the Department of Magical Accidents and

Disasters were deployed, casting confusion and forgetting curses

everywhere in order to conceal the truth.

Even the Auror couldn't help being dispatched to make up for the

shortage of manpower in the Department of Magical Accidents and


However, at the scene of the accident, they found traces of magic, as well

as many unusual evidence-for example, the footprints of giants.

The facts are already obvious, all these are the means of Death Eaters.

This is their revenge for the actions of the Aurors.

In other words, they had to face a cruel fact-Voldemort was indeed


After all, if these families are reliable and good people, then no one will

retaliate through such fierce and cruel means.

For a time, rumors arose in the wizarding world, and even Hogwarts was


The little wizards began to worry. Some of the little wizards were rushed

back home by their parents, and then their families went abroad to

escape the clutches of the Dark Lord.

Just now, a group of owls flew into the hall, bringing new news to the

little wizards as always.

Hermione familiarly took over the latest issue of the Daily Prophet from


"It's really getting messy outside."

The girl flipped through the newspaper, telling the people around her the

news recorded in the newspaper.

Just like a few days ago, the Death Eaters have caused accidents all over

the UK.

For them, although these accidents caused a lot of damage to Muggles,

they are not news.

They couldn't do anything except curse a few words about the cruelty of

Death Eaters and express condolences to the Muggles.

However, there are still big news in today's newspapers.

Because the Dark Lord finally showed up on his own initiative.

Although he did not appear formally, the Dark Lord threatened the

Ministry of Magic through a letter.

He admitted that the previous terrorist attack was carried out by Death

Eaters and threatened the Ministry of Magic. If the Death Eaters held in

Azkaban are not released, they will continue the terrorist attack and even

carry out large-scale Muggles. Slaughter.

Although in the letter, there is no mention between the lines of the pure-

blooded family who was arrested a week ago.

However, everyone knows that this is just a pretentious gesture and does

not leave any people behind.

In fact, this has almost confirmed the identity of these people as Death

Eaters and supporters of the Dark Lord.

For the threat of the Dark Lord, even Fudge refused without hesitation.

No matter how timid and fearful of the Dark Lord, he did not dare to

agree to such a condition, otherwise, his political career would

immediately be over.

However, even if he made the right choice, he could not conceal the

glory of Bones.

At this time, Bones, whose prestige has already risen greatly due to the

appearance of the terrorist attack, has reached its peak after the threat of

the Dark Lord.

All this proves that her behavior a week ago was not reckless, but


Think about it, if it weren't for her actions, what kind of help these

powerful pure-blood families would bring to Voldemort.

If it were not for his subordinates to be swept away by a net, Voldemort

would have to be forced to take the initiative, no one knew how long he

would be lurking.

Now, although Bones is only the director of the Magic Law Enforcement

Department, her status is no different from that of the Minister of Magic.

Except for the Office of the Minister of Magic and the Logistics

Department, which directly belonged to Fudge, all other departments fell

to Bones.

Now, she had put Fudge on the air. If it weren't for the urgent situation

now, Burns might have already got the post of Minister of Magic.

Item 0354

According to the "Daily Prophet" news, everyone learned that on the day

the Minister of Magic rejected Voldemort's request, Voldemort made a

rather cruel response.

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 267:

That same afternoon, in Brogdale, Kent, Death Eaters destroyed the

Brogdale Bridge, which caused many Muggles to fall into the water


This is not over yet. He sent giants in the southwest of England to wreak

havoc on the Muggle world. Big trees were uprooted, roofs were

overturned, road signs turned into bends, and a large number of


In order to cover up all of this, the Ministry of Magic was almost crazy.

People in the Misinformation Office were working overtime. The

Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters also sent several batches

of memory cancellers to modify the Muggles who had witnessed the

incident. Memories, trying to convince them that everything originated

from a sudden hurricane, most of the staff of the Fantastic Beast

Management and Control Department were sent to Somerset, where they

searched around, but failed to find the giant.

Of course, the Ministry of Magic hasn't been exhausted all the time,

eating ashes behind Death Eaters' **** and wiping their ass.

For the confrontation with the Death Eaters, the Aurors had been

prepared for a few months ago, so when dealing with these troubles, they

were more calm than they thought.

The Aurors have already planned and arranged all possible actions of the

Death Eaters in advance, and now they only need to execute them step by


After the Ministry of Magic rejected Voldemort's request, the Death

Eaters reacted more intensely than expected, and their frequency of

Muggle attacks almost increased several times.

However, with the efforts of the Aurors, although the Brogdale Bridge

was destroyed and the giants raged by accident, several attacks were

prevented by the Aurors in advance.

Many wizards who were suspected of being Death Eaters had long been

monitored by the Aurors in advance. When the frequency of attacks was

not so high, these people did not show their feet.

However, when Voldemort gave an order and the Death Eaters attacked

across the board, intending to cause huge damage to the Muggles and

teach the Ministry of Magic a lesson, these people finally inevitably used

it passively, and the Aurors discovered the doubt.

About half of the persons under surveillance were either not Death Eaters

or were not called.

The remaining half, under the orders of Voldemort, tried to carry out

terrorist attacks on Muggles.

Thanks to the efforts of the Aurors, only a quarter of these people

succeeded in killing Muggles, and almost half of the attacks were killed

in the cradle.

Subsequently, the Aurors arrested these Death Eaters.

However, the Death Eaters are not vegetarian. Even though the Aurors

have the upper hand in numbers and first-hand advantages, about one-

third of the Death Eaters still escaped. Under the desperate resistance of

the Death Eaters, the Aurors It also caused some casualties.

In general, although the Death Eaters still successfully caused a terrorist

attack on the Muggles, the Aurors' actions were considered a great


Following the raid a week ago, the Auror’s stealth surveillance and arrest

operation this time successfully captured dozens of Death Eaters and

brought a heavy blow to Voldemort’s power.

Although the power of Voldemort in the past was overwhelming and his

followers were like clouds, the reborn Voldemort did not have enough

time to gather enough men.

Coupled with the one a week ago, now, even dozens of wizards are a

very important power for Voldemort.

He really can't afford to lose.

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic led by Burns really hit above his seven

inches again.

In this regard, Voldemort once again furious, he deeply vowed that he

must torture Bones severely in the future, so as to avenge his revenge.

However, what he didn't know was that this arrangement did not come

from Burns, but Ye Ting who was far away at Hogwarts.

Combining the original work and his own intellect, Ye Ting easily

guessed Voldemort's plan, and made targeted arrangements for it.

Facts have proved that Ye Ting can be regarded as exhaustive.

All of Voldemort's reactions were in his calculations.

Taking the lead, he effortlessly weakened Voldemort's power.

Today, Voldemort has not much power to rely on.

The number of Death Eaters who followed him was only about a

hundred, most of them were small families or scattered wizards. Among

them, the number of reliable and capable wizards was even rarer.

As for the elites like Lucius Malfoy, Antonin Dolohov, Bellatrix Lestrange,

there are basically very few left.

In addition, he has a group of werewolves headed by Fenrir Greyback.

Although Voldemort has always looked down on the werewolves and has

an attitude of calling them to come and go, but at present, the

werewolves have become The main force he can rely on.

In addition, the giant is also an ally of Voldemort.

During the summer vacation, Hagrid and the headmaster of Boothbarton,

another witch with giant blood, Mrs. Maxim, came to the deep mountains

of France to try to persuade the giant tribe there to join them—at least to

refuse Voldemort's wooing.

However, they ultimately failed.

Under the leadership of the leader Gao Gaoma, the tribe of giants became

Voldemort's allies.

This is all the power that Voldemort can currently master.

At the breakfast table at Hogwarts, Ye Ting analyzed the current situation

with Hermione, Zhang Qiu, and Luna.

After understanding all this, Hermione sighed deeply.

"Will the Dark Lord take the initiative?" She asked, "If the Dark Lord was

hit too hard and continued to lurch down, wouldn't we have nothing to

do with him?"

"No," Ye Ting shook his head, "The Dark Lord is arrogant and arrogant.

Even if he has learned some lessons from the last failure, the nature of

human beings is hard to change."

"In other words, he still has some action?" Hermione's expression was

obviously excited. "So, do we have a chance to fight the Death Eaters?"

"There will be a chance," Ye Ting said in a determined tone, "and, this

time won't be too long, you have to be ready at any time."

"Of course," Hermione's eyes seemed to flash, "I'm ready to teach them a

lesson at any time."

Zhang Qiu did not speak, but her firm expression expressed her attitude.

But Luna's godless eyes suddenly looked at Ye Ting.

"I want to go too!" she said.

"But, that's very dangerous," Ye Ting had a headache about this. "At that

time, we will directly confront the Death Eaters, and even face


"But, we are friends," Luna said earnestly, her firm eyes calmed Ye Ting,

"Ting is Luna's friend."

"Yes, we are friends..." Ye Ting said softly, and finally he looked at Luna


"Well, I promised to let you go, but you must pay attention to stay with

me. If I am not here, you must stay with Hermione and Zhang Qiu."

"Okay, I promise." Luna said, with a happy smile on her face.

Item 0355

Azkaban is a prison located on a path in the middle of the North Sea. It

was built in the 15th century and became the British wizarding prison

since 1718.

Azkaban was just a fortress in the beginning, inhabited by the evil wizard

who called himself Extis.

The wizard lured Muggles to his island and tortured them to death.

After Extis died, the hidden spell he used on the fortress and the island

ceased. Only then did the Ministry of Magic know that such an island

exists. At this time, this place is already full of dementors.

The authorities had considered destroying the fortress, but they were

afraid that after doing so, the island or the dementors on the island

would retaliate against them.

After the International Confidentiality Act came into effect, people found

it impractical to use a small wizarding prison, because prisoners who

wanted to escape often made eye-catching sounds, smells, and lights.

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic began planning to use Azkaban as a

prison, because the dementors on the island can act as guards, saving

time, money and energy. Despite the opposition, this plan was

implemented. As there is almost no escape or violation of secrecy laws,

Azkaban has always played the role of a prison in the wizarding world.

The reason why Azkaban is famous for being terrible is mainly because of

the guard of the prison-the dementor. Under the influence of the

dementors, the prisoners in the jail will eventually become insane and die


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 268:

However, just after Voldemort returned from his resurrection this

summer, the Dementors began to defect and joined Voldemort's side. The

reason is that under Voldemort's rule, dementors are allowed to consume

Muggles unscrupulously and reproduce without restriction. This is a

condition that today's wizarding government can never agree to.

In the original timeline, these dementors did not betray blatantly. Before

Voldemort really took power, the dementors became the undercover of

Voldemort buried in Azkaban. With their help, the dementors were in

Azkaban. The Death Eaters planned two escape operations in January

1996 and July 1997 respectively. A large number of Death Eaters who

had been detained in Azkaban successfully escaped, including Antonin

Doloho. Lord, Bellatrix Lestrange, August Rookwood, Voldemort’s right-

hand man.

However, now, with Ye Ting, who has been "wonderful", how could

Bones not know this loophole?

However, due to the plan, Bones did not immediately respond to the

dementor's betrayal.

She just used her position to secretly mobilize the Aurors guarding

Azkaban, changing them from start to finish in just two months.

On the one hand, although the original Azkaban belonged to the Magic

Law Enforcement Department, it was relatively independent and directly

accepted the order of Minister Fudge. By doing so, she was tantamount to

taking advantage of Fudge's unstable power to take control of Azkaban.

Get it in your hand.

On the other hand, she didn't just choose the Auror who will be stationed

in Azkaban.

All the Aurors she transferred to use the Patronus Curse, just to guard

against the dementors' sudden troubles.

And just after Voldemort began to retaliate against the Ministry of Magic,

she withstood the pressure of insufficient manpower to secretly transfer a

group of elite Aurors to Azkaban. The leader of the team was Scrimgeour,

the director of the Auror office.

This is enough to prove that Bones attaches great importance to Azkaban.

However, the last time it was transferred, it was not that simple.

Because she did not let these elites participate in defense, but ordered

them to hide.

No one knew of their existence except for the high-level Aurors who

originally stationed in Azkaban.

Not to mention the prisoners and the dementors.

Their task is to wait, wait for the dementor's riot, wait for Death Eaters to

escape from prison, and wait for the arrival of the enemy.

Then, appear at the right time to wipe out the enemy.

In the original work, in July 1997, Voldemort planned a large-scale

escape of Azkaban when he carried out a terrorist attack on Muggles and

forced the Ministry of Magic to pay a lot of manpower for the aftermath.

In fact, in the original escape in 1996, a large number of Death Eaters

escaped, but unfortunately, many of them broke into the mystery of the

Ministry of Magic in order to obtain the orb from Harry Potter.

Department of Affairs.

At that time, they were almost succeeding. Fortunately, Dumbledore and

the Order of the Phoenix provided timely support and eventually

defeated the Death Eaters and arrested some of them.

And this time?

Although the first escape did not happen, but now, most of Voldemort's

men have been locked in Azkaban, and basically all the Death Eaters with

their names have been wiped out.

If he could not raid Azkaban, Voldemort would basically be unable to

find a reliable enough subordinate in a short period of time.

Therefore, the current situation has forced Voldemort on the only way.

Attack Azkaban and plan a big escape.

Moreover, this plan must be made by Voldemort himself.

Because there are too many people who need to escape from prison. In

addition to the elite Death Eaters, there are also many Death Eaters’

family members. The old and weak women and children of these pure-

blood families had to be rescued by Voldemort. Otherwise, Death Eaters

We will definitely distract him.

Even a cruel ruler like Voldemort knew this.

In the original timeline of prison escape events, usually only a dozen

Death Eaters proficient in black magic escaped from prison. Therefore,

with the help of dementors, only a few Death Eaters from outside need to

bring them wands, and then the inside and the outside should be

combined. In a short period of time, they can take advantage of the lack

of support from the Aurors and run away.

However, this obviously cannot be done now.

In Azkaban today, there are more than a hundred Death Eaters in

custody, and so many people have to escape from prison unless the

Aurors are all fools.

Or, they must capture Azkaban—at least for a short time.

To do this, judging from the current power of the Death Eaters, it would

be impossible to do without Voldemort himself.

Of course Voldemort thought of this.

However, in his opinion, Ms. Bones, or the stupid Ministry of Magic,

would never have thought of this, and they would not have noticed that

the Dementors had almost completely taken refuge in him.

Just as they didn't know, he had achieved immortality through Horcrux,

no matter **** him, he would be able to achieve resurrection after a

period of weakness.

It is a pity that Ye Ting, who is a traverser, knows all of the above.

He not only knew, but also used these foresights to turn intelligence into

a "victory".

Today's Azkaban has become a big net, and the most evil Dark Lord in

history is the target of this net.

Ye Ting opened his net to Voldemort, waiting.

Item 0356

late at night.

In the middle of the vast North Sea, the salty sea breeze howled, with a

biting chill.

The harsh cold wind brought turbulent waves, constantly impacting on

that small island in the sea, continuously splashing white waves.

This small island is said to be an island, but in fact it is a larger reef. It is

like a lonely boat, standing in the violent waves.

However, despite its small area and far from the coastline, it is not

without people. On the contrary, a tall black tower stands on this small

island. The regular triangular structure of the tower shows that it is

undoubtedly the product of human civilization.

However, no one knows why such a strange building exists in the middle

of the sea.

Here is the symbol of death and fear, the legendary wizard’s prison-


At the top of the tower, several Aurors tightened their thick black cloaks

and walked back and forth across the frost-stained floor.

Azkaban is located in the North Sea, originally in a damp and cold

climate all year round, and the numerous dementors living here make it a

bit colder than the original foundation.

Even the thickest coat can't completely conceal the bitter chill.

It was in such an environment that several wizards kept patrolling back

and forth.

Most of them were the Aurors stationed in Azkaban, and most of them

had just been transferred.

In this dark, wet, and cold place, several Aurors chatted boringly to pass

the time and sleepiness.

"How long are we going to stay here?"

One of the young blond male Aurors grumbled dissatisfiedly.

He glanced at the dementors flying in the distance, his eyes filled with

disgust, and continued to speak.

"I don't want to breathe this air of fear and corruption anymore."

"I heard that the Dark Lord gave the Ministry of Magic an ultimatum,"

said another brown-haired middle-aged Auror mysteriously. Living Death

Eater, he is going to massacre Muggles."

"He has jumped over the wall in a hurry, and he threatened us with

Muggles!" The third Auror with black hair and a short stature said in a

disdainful tone.


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 269:

The Aurors burst out laughing.

From the preparation a few months in advance to the surprise attack a

week ago, the Aurors took the lead of the Death Eaters every step of the

way, leading step by step, step by step. This is completely different from

the war with Voldemort fourteen years ago. This time, the war was led

by them.

Therefore, instead of the unknown and fear brought about by passiveness

everywhere, the Aurors now see the weakness and weakness of the Death

Eaters. Although this is only due to the suppression of tactics and

strategies, they are facing death by eating. I was full of courage when I

was an apprentice. Even the person who could not name his name, is

now seen by the Aurors as a wizard with powerful strength but

insufficient organizational and strategic capabilities.

Then, the middle-aged Auror spoke again.

"Do you know how the group of Death Eaters who were sent in these two

days were caught?"

"How did we know," the fourth young female Auror shook her head. "We

have been in charge of patrolling the outermost periphery for these two

days, and we have never had the opportunity to contact those escorts."

"Yeah, speak up."

"Know that you are well-connected, don't sell it." Others also urged.

"Okay, okay," the middle-aged Auror tightened his cloak again, and said

casually: "Actually, after the Dark Lord gave the ultimatum, the director

saw through his plan, and she sent people in advance to monitor

those'noble pure bloods'. ', Sure enough, the Dark Lord gave these'noble

pure blood' orders to slaughter Muggles, and as a result, they were wiped

out by our people as soon as they acted."

The Aurors burst into a burst of laughter mixed with cheers.

In their eyes, the dark lord's deterrent power has been reduced.

"Ms. Bones is really admirable," the female Auror said in a reverent tone.

"The Death Eaters' actions were completely seen by her, and she was

easily swept away. If you face so many Death Eaters, Confrontation, how

many colleagues do we have to sacrifice to achieve such results... I never

knew that she could actually have such a strategy."

"No, this shouldn't be her plan," the stout Auror interrupted. "I heard that

this plan came from Mr. Ting Ye at Hogwarts..."

"Is that the kid who killed dozens of us by one person?" someone from

the Aurors exclaimed.

"If it's him..." the middle-aged Auror sighed, "That's another powerful

wizard. I think he can rival the Dark Lord. If even he is on our side, plus


Hearing what he said, all the Aurors' eyes flashed with excitement.

Even the blonde Auror who complained at the beginning sighed softly, "I

hope I can feel moved away from this ghost place. I can't wait to show

those shameless guys a little bit of color."

"Don't think about it in a short time." A gray-haired Auror said, and the

others fell silent immediately after hearing his words.

He is the leader of this patrol team, the captain of the Auror team.

"Today there are too many criminals in Azkaban. I have been an Auror

for decades. I have never seen so many people in Azkaban at the same

time. At this time, we must be careful and careful. especially……"

Having said this, he unconsciously lowered his voice, and the others

immediately understood and moved their heads close to him.

"... Especially be careful of dementors. It was revealed above that the

dementors might be drawn by the Dark Lord, just like fourteen years

ago... We are here to guard against them. I know, you will all Use the

Patronus Charm, right?"

"Yes, Captain."


"Don't worry, Captain."

The Aurors said confidently.

Suddenly, they found that several dementors gathered in the distance,

flying towards the tower in the air.

"Strange, what are they doing?"

Aurors, look at me and I look at you, all at a loss for the weird behavior

of the dementors.

Dementors themselves are cruel and cold creatures. Although they will

not attack the same kind, it does not mean that they will have intimate

behaviors with each other.

Therefore, a few dementors get together, it is almost impossible to


The Aurors felt something was wrong instinctively, and they pulled out

their wands and pointed them at the dementors.

However, the dementors did not act aggressively, they just drifted to the

sky above the tower.

Then, under the eyes of the Aurors, they scattered all around.

"What a fuss..."

The Aurors breathed a sigh of relief. When they were about to withdraw

their wands, they suddenly discovered that after the dementors dispersed,

a crow appeared from their original location.

The crow was obviously frozen by the dementor's low temperature, but it

was still waving its wings reluctantly, and its feet were firmly holding a


The Aurors froze for a moment, but their professionalism made them

immediately understand what was happening before them.

"It's Animagus!"

"Beware of the door key!"

The next moment, colorful magic shot at the crow and the hoop one after


However, it is too late now.

The crow has released its claws, and the iron ring has fallen from the air

to the floor at the top of the tower.

With the loud "jingle" sound, crackling white lights flashed around the


Item 0357

As the white light flashed around the hoop, the battle was on the verge.


"Except for your weapons!"

"Iron armor!"

"All petrochemicals!"

The Aurors stationed in Azkaban are undoubtedly well-trained.

When they saw the dementor covering a crow with a hoop on its foot,

they immediately reacted.

Guess the truth about everything.

After all, Azkaban, as a famous wizard prison, its defensive measures are


In addition to non-markable spells, like Hogwarts, Azkaban was also set

with non-apparating spells in order to prevent being invaded.

The location of Azkaban is secretive, and not many people know about it.

Even if someone knows and has been here, the spell prohibiting

Apparition can prevent others from invading.

In addition, the Ministry of Magic has also strictly monitored Azkaban's

Floo network. Except for a few specific fires, other places cannot use Floo

fans to come to Azkaban.

Therefore, in order to invade Azkaban, apart from going there physically,

the only way to use the door key is to use the door key.

The only problem with this method is how to send the key to Azkaban.

Had it been placed in the past, Azkaban was still directly under the

leadership of Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, or the wizard’s prison

that had never been invaded for hundreds of years, the Aurors who were

stationed in Azkaban might not be able to Have been so serious now.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 270:

However, since Sirius successfully escaped from prison and the leadership

was acquired by Burns, Azkaban has certainly performed differently

when facing confrontation with Voldemort.

The door key is the only way that the Death Eaters can quickly invade

here, why can't the Aurors notice it in advance?

Therefore, when there were signs of suspected door key space transfer

around the hoop, these Aurors launched an attack without even thinking

about it.

In a duel between wizards, first hand is of considerable importance. In a

wizard's melee, although the situation is more complicated, for the

"crispy" wizards, those who can attack first can always have the upper


Anyway, what they used was not a deadly spell. In today's environment,

according to the Ministry of Magic's order to them, it is always right to

subdue these illegal visitors first.

However, the Death Eaters are not jealous.

Although most of the real bosses and elites of the Death Eaters are

staying in Azkaban, even in the remaining skirmishers, there are still a lot

of people with extraordinary skills.

These people, of course, became the vanguard of the invasion of


Their task is to send the door key to Azkaban first, and create a foothold

so that later people will not be caught off guard after the successful


You know, no matter if it's the Apparition, the door key, or the Floo fan,

any kind of space travel is not a very comfortable experience for


Among them, the Floo network with a fixed and stable channel has the

best experience, followed by the door key, the most convenient phantom

display is also the most dangerous, and the worst way to experience

space travel.

It's no wonder that for the wizard's fragile body, it is indeed a painful

thing to traverse a poor-quality spatial channel.

In terms of these experiences, Apparition does not know how many

wizards break their hands and feet every year, and for door keys, there is

also a sickness key disease.

Therefore, unless the mana is superb, proficient in space spells, or has a

high physical fitness and can adapt to space shuttles, for most wizards,

suddenly crossing the space channel will make them have no resistance

in a short time.

Because of this, the first group of Death Eaters must be elite, otherwise,

in case the first group of people did not establish a teleportation position

in a short time, and the Aurors of Azkaban rushed to the scene first, If the

door key is surrounded, then no matter how many people are sent in the

follow-up, it will be a delivery if caught off guard.

For this reason, Voldemort even thought about abandoning his force and

personally teleporting to establish a position.

However, fortunately, he still has some good subordinates today, and this

has not allowed him to be a big villain, the first one to surrender.

Now, these Death Eaters as pioneers did not live up to his expectations.

As soon as they were teleported to Azkaban, they couldn't even see the

person on the other side, and immediately used the Iron Armor Curse

regardless of whether they were indiscriminately.

And it was this decision that prevented them from being knocked down

for the first time in the face of the Aurors' quick-reaction attacks.

Except for a hapless guy who didn't react in time and was hit by a full

body restraint curse. Now his whole body is stiff, and he falls to the

ground immobile.

Today, there are five guys wearing black robes and skull masks standing

in front of the Aurors, wearing iron armor curses.

"It's a Death Eater!" The Aurors exclaimed.

They never expected that the Death Eaters would invade Azkaban.

This kind of thing, even more than ten years ago, when Voldemort had

the greatest influence, did not happen.

No, actually, they thought of it.

In other words, someone made them think about it.

Their superiors had foreseen this in advance, and warned them not to be


Now their accident is entirely due to Azkaban's past that was never

successfully invaded.

At this time, the role of advance training and warning came out


The Auror team leader was the first to react.

"Everyone, continue to attack, destroy the door key, and don't let them

increase the number of personnel and send it over."

As a result, the Aurors began to bombard the Death Eaters again.

Colorful magic shot at them one after another.

However, the Death Eaters at this time changed their original cruel and

aggressiveness. They stood in a row, using only the iron armor curse to

resist the Aurors' attack and did not fight back.

The door key was firmly protected behind them.

The Aurors’ magical attack on their iron armor curse hit an invisible wall,

but the Death Eaters hiding behind remained unscathed.

However, the Aurors' magic also caused damage to the wall, and the

barrier waved under the attack of the magic, and the Death Eaters were

beaten almost back.

It seemed that the Aurors had the upper hand, and it was only a matter of

time before the Death Eaters could not hold up their defenses.

However, it was the Auror team leader who frowned.

"Tsk, trouble."

He was right.

It seemed that the Death Eaters were being beaten passively, but in fact,

they made the most correct choice.

That is, they successfully protected the door key.

As long as they can hold the Aurors and pass the door key, the Death

Eaters will be able to welcome a steady stream of support, and the only

losers will be the Aurors of this team.

Now, the Auror Captain could see that there was another white light

flickering behind the Death Eaters.

Their support is here.

Item 0358

After seeing the white light flashing near the door key, the Aurors had

already noticed something wrong.

The arrival of reinforcements to the Death Eaters means that their plan to

snipe the Death Eater vanguard, destroy the door key, and stifle the

invasion in the bud has been broken.

At the same time, under the cover of the dementor, the crow who had

brought the door key to Azkaban now seemed to be relieved from fatigue

and cold, cheered up and deepened, and his body shape began to change.

As the Aurors guessed.

This crow is exactly the transformation of Animagus.

The Aurors realized that with the addition of the opposing force, they

were completely unable to resist.

The Auror team leader made a decisive decision and looked at the

players on the side.

"Bernadette, you quickly go back and call for reinforcements," he said

quickly between the offensives: "It's said that the Death Eaters are

invading, and the Dementors are suspected of betraying. The danger level

is the highest level. The others are ready to defend!"

Bernadette was the only female member of the Auror team. In this

emergency situation, she didn't have any hesitation or hypocrisy at all,

and immediately turned around and left.

The rest of the players did not struggle with the question of who called

for reinforcements and who stayed. Under the command of the captain,

they slowed down their offensive and began to prepare for defense.

At the same time, on the Death Eaters side, four or five black-robed

Death Eaters came to the roof of Azkaban through the door key. They

still used the iron armor curse to organize their defense as soon as they

landed. After clearing the situation and discovering that his side had

successfully established a position, he immediately attacked the Aurors.

Unlike the Aurors, the Death Eaters' offensive methods can be regarded

as unscrupulous.

Explosive spells, splitting spells, heart-boring spells, and even killing

spells. Compared with disarming spells, coma spells, and full body

restraint spells, most of the Death Eaters' spells are powerful black magic,

and their attack power is much stronger.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 271:

Suddenly, the Aurors' situation immediately became precarious. If it

hadn't been a decisive move from offense to defense, they might have

suffered casualties now.

However, if the situation continues like this, the Aurors will almost never

escape death.

At this moment, the dementors in the air were already ready to move, as

if they wanted to share a piece of the pie with the Death Eaters.

For these Aurors, they have been greedy for a long time.

However, no one fled, and no one surrendered.

A few Aurors were silent like this, constantly using the Iron Armor Curse

and Obstacle Curse to defend against the Death Eaters' attacks, and at the

same time, from time to time, they took the cold to make a


As the core force against Voldemort, they had long been prepared to die

in the battle with the Death Eaters.

Fortunately, their reinforcements came very timely.

When two of the Aurors had fallen, the entire top floor of Azkaban

collapsed suddenly.

The collapse was so sudden that neither the Auror nor the Death Eater

had a reaction, and fell into the next floor along with the collapsed floor

tiles and rocks.

For a while, the gravel raised a huge amount of dust, and the entire

penultimate layer (now the new top layer) became dusty.

In a daze, the Auror and the Death Eaters heard the curse.

"Sweep the whirlwind!"

The enchanting wind instantly cleans up the dust.

When the Aurors and Death Eaters who fell to the ground and were even

buried by bricks finally woke up, struggling to get up, they realized that

at this moment, all of them were surrounded.

A dozen Aurors were forming a circle, standing around them, pointing

their wands at the Death Eaters.

The roof collapse just now is their masterpiece.

As Azkaban was given a space extension curse inside, the size of the

space was much larger than what it looked like outside.

The Aurors took advantage of this factor, and when the roof collapsed,

they were not affected.

Now, the Death Eaters had fallen into disrepair and had no strength to

fight back, and easily became their captives.

It looks like this.

But when the Aurors were about to step forward and control them, the

dementors who had been hovering in the air responded.

Several dementors flew around the Death Eaters one after another,

attacking the Aurors.

In the higher air, as many as hundreds of dementors began to descend,

flying towards their direction.

It seemed that facing the situation where the Death Eaters were about to

be wiped out again, they also had to take action.

This time, the Aurors were caught off guard.

Although they had anticipated the betrayal of the Dementors, apart from

covering the door key, the Dementors did not make any active attacks, so

they were subconsciously ignored by the Aurors.

Now, the Aurors have to pay for it.

Several of the Aurors who were standing farther ahead were caught off

guard by the dementors.

These terrifying monsters in black robes pulled their masks one after

another and deeply "kissed" these hapless ones.

And what about them?

After being "kissed" by the dementor, the original agile Auror changed his

original agility and became demented, with no anger, he was about to be

sucked up and happy, and then lost his soul.

Suddenly, there was a low and loud shout from the Auror.

"Call God to guard!"

The next moment, a white lion galloped out of the Aurors, roaring

towards one of the dementors.

This dementor seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and was

immediately forced to retreat again and again.

The Auror who had been hit by its "kiss" was spared and fell limply to the


The lion patron saint seemed to remind the Aurors, and it seemed to

sound the horn of counterattack.

The rest of the Aurors also used the Patronus Curse one after another.

At this time, Bones's advance arrangements played a role.

Most of these Aurors who defended Azkaban can use the Patronus Charm.

For a time, the scene seemed to be a zoo, and all kinds of pale or blue

and white small animals charged towards the dementors in groups.

Where can a few dementors who just started eating have seen so many

guardians at the same time? God, they had to put down their food and

flew into the sky like an escape.

And the hundreds of dementors that had been flying around Azkaban

from the air had no choice but to hover over their heads. The existence of

the patron saints made them afraid to descend.

However, their purpose was achieved.

Their existence successfully restrained the Auror and forced them to use

the Patronus Charm and ignored the Death Eaters.

And the Death Eaters have been relieved from the sudden collapse and


At the same time, around the door key, a new group of Death Eaters was

also arriving.

Item 0359

With the arrival of a new group of Death Eaters, the battle between the

two sides is almost ignited again.

Among the Aurors, the low and loud voice shouted again.

"The first and second groups maintain the patron saint curse, and

everyone else will immediately attack the invaders. Here, in the name of

the director of the Auror office, on behalf of the Ministry of Magic, I

allow you to use the curse without restrictions."

The speaker was standing among the Aurors. His dark brown hair and

thick eyebrows were interspersed with strands of gray. Behind the gold-

rimmed glasses were a pair of sharp yellow eyes. Although his legs were

a bit lame, he stood up with a kind of stiffness. Straight and unrestrained,

people immediately feel that he is a sharp and tough guy.

This is Rufus Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror office.

This is a typical hawkish wizard in the Ministry of Magic, who advocates

tough facing Voldemort like Burns.

In the original book, after Fudge stepped down, because Bones was killed

by Voldemort, Scrimgeour took over as Minister of Magic.

However, although he was determined to fight Voldemort and was

eventually caught by Voldemort, he did not compromise under severe

torture, and he could indeed be called a strong fighter.

However, in terms of his strategy against Voldemort, he was not a

qualified minister.

In the original book, while fighting against Voldemort, he was still

suspicious of Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix, not only did not

cooperate with them, but also tried to send an Auror to follow


In addition, many of his strategies only spent manpower on the surface to

maintain peace in the British wizarding world, but did not really play a

role in fighting the Death Eaters. On the contrary, they were drinking

poison to quench thirst.

It can be said that although he has sufficient ability and attitude, he is

only a tactician and has no achievements in strategy.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 272:

In short, his strategy always fails to grasp the point.

However, now that the leader of the Ministry of Magic is Burns,

Scrimgeour, who only needs to be in charge of tactics, has performed

quite well.

Whether it was just destroying the ceiling decisively, it almost killed the

Death Eater invasion in the bud.

He still responded decisively on the spot now, and all showed his ability

as the leader of the Auror.

Scrimgeour has been an Auror for more than 30 years, and has been the

head of the Auror's office for more than a decade. Over the years, he has

established unparalleled prestige in the Auror.

Among all the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic, perhaps only

today's Bones has established a prestige in the Auror through the

"countless plan" commands in recent days that can compare with him.

So under his order, in the next moment, except for a dozen people, the

rest of the Aurors unanimously launched an attack on the Death Eaters.

This time the Aurors were not using such soft attack magic as the whole

body restraint curse, coma curse, and disarming curse.

They decisively gave the Death Eaters color, offensive curses, evil curses,

and even black magic, one after another from their curses to the Death


All of a sudden, the Death Eaters who were caught off guard could barely

parry, and several people fell down at that time.

However, the situation is still developing in a direction that is

unfavorable to the Aurors.

Although Scrimgeour mobilized almost all the wizards in the entire

Azkaban, they were gradually unable to handle the steady flow of Death

Eaters and betrayed Dementors.

In fact, in terms of total power, the Ministry of Magic still has the upper

hand over Voldemort.

However, the Ministry of Magic has too many places to defend.

Even if Voldemort's plan to attack Azkaban was foreseen, Burns could not

transfer all the Aurors there.

Otherwise, if Voldemort sees that Ding has a defensive emptiness

somewhere and abandons his plan to attack Azkaban and launches a

surprise attack elsewhere, it would be self-defeating.

And now, Scrimgeour had discovered that Voldemort might really be


Because, now he suddenly realized that the number of Death Eaters

transmitted through the door key has greatly exceeded him and his men,

and among these people, he even saw Fenrir Greyback , The leader of the

werewolves among the Death Eaters.

As soon as this powerful werewolf leader appeared, he took his men and

hit the Aurors by surprise. Two or three Aurors were caught, and some

were even bitten.

You should know that after being hit by a werewolf, a person will be

infected with werewolf poison and become a new werewolf.

Moreover, as a ferocious magical creature, werewolves not only have

agility, but also have a certain degree of magic resistance in their fur. A

slightly weaker wizard can't even hurt them.

Even the well-trained Auror was entangled by the werewolves for a


For them, this is simply worse.

Scrimgeour himself had to take the shot himself, which temporarily

repelled Fenrir.

However, with the appearance of the werewolves and the continuous

arrival of Death Eaters reinforcements, he had to command the Aurors to

retreat steadily.

Originally they were besieging the Death Eaters, but now they had to

shrink the front, and the two sides fought a battle of positions.

They are like infantry in World War II, forming a defensive front with

each other, and then shoot each other through the air.

The difference is that Muggle soldiers fire bullets and cannonballs, while

wizards use colorful spells.

Muggles use trenches and sandbags to defend, and they use iron armor

curses and obstacle curses.

Nowadays, the commanders of the Death Eaters are brothers and sisters

Alecto Carlo and Amikus Carlo. They are one of the few who are

relatively high in ability and status after Lucius Malfoy and other pure-

blood families were wiped out. Death Eater.

Therefore, Voldemort had no choice but to raise one of the dwarves and

let them be responsible for leading and commanding the rest of the Death


Of course, there are still Barty Crouch Jr. and Peter Pettigrew who are

higher than them and not in prison, but they also have their own


Now, under the order of the Carlos brothers and sisters, the Death Eaters,

whose average quality is lower than the Aurors, have launched a brutal

attack by virtue of their numerical superiority, vowing to wipe out the

Aurors guarding Azkaban and rescue their companions. .

"Give it to me!" Amykus shouted, standing behind his colleagues, "Don't

think of going back! Unless you want to see the anger of the Dark Lord!

Get rid of those pesky Aurors!"

With that, he casually used the Heart Drilling Charm on a Death Eater

who was trying to retreat.

A black robe immediately fell to the ground, shrank into a ball, and made

a painful sound.

The surrounding Death Eaters stepped away in fear, and then attacked

the Auror harder.

"This is the fate of the deserter!" Amykus exclaimed proudly, "If you want

to sneak into **** and skier, please try it. I will make you regret the birth

of yourself!"

The Death Eaters attacked vigorously, and the werewolves continued to

attack the Aurors. Hundreds of dementors in the air hovered around

under the resistance of the patron saints, staring at them.

The Aurors retreated steadily, almost to the top of the stairs.

But when they got here, they never backed up.

Because starting from the next floor, it is the prison compartment.

Once broken, the Death Eaters will be able to rescue some of their

companions. Originally, their continuous reinforcements made the Aurors

Alexander, and the addition of these new forces will definitely make

them worse.

However, although his casualties were not small, Scrimgeour did not

panic at all.

As the top of the Ministry of Magic, the leader of the Aurors, he knew the

plan today and knew who was behind them.

That was someone who could fight Voldemort.

Even if the Dark Lord came in person, he was not afraid.

Enough Death Eaters have come now, and the Aurors who are stationed

in Azkaban have basically completed their decoy task.

Therefore, their ambush should also be able to be dispatched.

Item 0360

Scrimgeour was determined to stop hiding his strength and began calling

for reinforcements, of course for a reason.

According to his judgment, after the main force was wiped out by a net,

Voldemort's vigor was not much.

And now the Death Eaters, werewolves, and dementors who participated

in the attack on Azkaban were already more than half of Voldemort's


If these people are lost in Azkaban, then Voldemort will really face


After all, no matter how strong he himself is, he needs his subordinates to

complete the rule of the magical world.

However, counting the Death Eaters who have been captured into

Azkaban, and the Death Eaters who are now attacking Azkaban, these are

already considered most of the people Voldemort can recruit.

In other words, if Voldemort is a lord, then for him, the entire UK's

recruitment potential has been almost exhausted.

Therefore, if these people are also wiped out, no matter how he pulls

people around, he won't be able to find any reliable men.

After all, most wizards still yearn for a peaceful and peaceful life.

Even if there are some wizards in the UK who agree with Voldemort's

ideas or want to take shelter under his banner, even if they want to be

villains or villains, they need talent.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 273:

In this case, even if the ambushes of the Ministry of Magic are now

dispatched immediately, Voldemort cannot abandon the Death Eaters

who have attacked Azkaban and break his arm to survive. His only

choice is to continuously reinforce them. , Even personally dispatched, in

order to be able to save these personnel.

All in all, if you compare strength to a bargaining chip, Voldemort has

put most of his wealth on the gaming table at this moment.

Even if he found that he was calculated by his opponent, he could only

choose to call when he faced the opponent's continuous raise, even All_in

(Stud, all bets).

As arrogant as him, he couldn't accept the result of his failure—especially

because he was defeated by the Ministry of Magic that he had always

looked down upon before confronting Dumbledore.

Ye Ting's whole plan is like this.

This is the naked arrogance, and it has determined Voldemort's character.

However, even if Voldemort was aware of this, he had to step into this

trap obediently.

And now, according to the judgment of the scene commander

Scrimgeour, the time has come, and it is time to plan to move on to the

next step.

He stepped back a little, and the two Aurors beside him immediately

stood in front of him tacitly and took over his duties.

Scrimgeour reached out and took out a locket from his arms.

He opened the locket and nodded at the portrait in the box.

"Tell them that the enemy has been fully engaged and it's time to close

the net."

The portrait in the locket is Theseus Scamander-certainly not the young

face in the movie "Where are the Fantastic Beasts", but the middle-aged

portrait of Theseus.

As a legendary Auror of the British Ministry of Magic, the former Auror

office director (not the last one), theseus is now dead for many years, and

he can only be seen in such paintings and photos.

Similar to the portraits of Hogwarts' previous principals, he can also walk

back and forth between his various portraits and photos, even if the

distance between the portraits is farther away, it is meaningless to him.

Although there is a custom that the dead should not interfere in the

affairs of the living, he is still the same as the principals of Hogwarts, and

Theseus is still serving the Ministry in this way.

Now, after hearing what Scrimgeour had said, he nodded knowingly, and

then disappeared into the portrait.

Soon, somewhere in Azkaban, in the office of the Director of the Magic

Law Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Magic, and somewhere

in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Theseus appeared in

several of his portraits. And convey Scrimgeour's words truthfully.

In Azkaban, a tall, bald, dark-skinned wizard put down the photo in his

hand in a secret room that was unaware of the dementors, then stood up

from his seat and looked around.

He is the veteran Auror, the mainstay of the Order of the Phoenix, and

the future Minister of Magic in the original book, Kingsley Shaker.

Around him, the Aurors were seated impressively, there were about forty

or fifty people, and they all looked at him expectantly, waiting for his


These Aurors were the ambushes arranged by the Ministry of Magic in


In order not to expose themselves and expose the plan, they almost lived

in this fairly large secret room for a week. If it weren't for the magic of

magic, now this secret room was full of excrement and peculiar smell.

However, even so, this week is still a torment for them.

And now, their colleagues are fighting the Death Eaters outside to the

death, but they have to stay in this secret room for planning and sit on

the sidelines and watch the casualties of their colleagues.

Although this was a last resort order, these Aurors couldn't help it.

They, eager to fight, eager to vent their depression over the past week on

the Death Eaters.

Seeing the expectant eyes of the Aurors, Kingsley nodded and said in a

deep, slow voice.

"It seems that everyone can't wait. Our colleagues are fighting the Death

Eaters outside. They have attracted the attention of those idiots. Let us

surprise these idiots now!"

The Aurors cheered with excitement, and Kingsley took out his wand,

waved it at a wall, and then chanted a complicated spell.

The next moment, the wall began to deform, and the stone bricks on the

wall shrank inward, exposing a large hole and forming a step.

Under Kingsley's leadership, the Aurors could not wait to rush out of the

secret room through this exit.


In London, since receiving the news of Azkaban’s invasion, Ms. Bones has

been sitting calmly in her office, handling her official duties as usual,

ignoring her secretary who is like an ant on a hot pot. .

It was as if only a little-known farm was invaded, and the invaders were

just a few Cornish elves.

This light cloud and breeze, Taishan collapse in the front and the same

color, and the elk's inspiring and non-immediate effort to raise qi, really

made her subordinates admire.

As everyone knows, although Bones himself has a strong psychological

quality, he has not reached the point where Azkaban was invaded

without being calm.

It wasn't her who made her so calm, but someone else.

Ye Ting's complete and exhaustive plan, as well as the fulfillment of each

step of this plan in the past period of time, are her calm capital.

For her, this invasion is also in her plan.

Finally, shortly after the news of the invasion came, Bones suddenly

found that the face of Theseus suddenly appeared in the empty photo of

Theseus that had been on her desk.

Soon, she stood up and asked the secretary to summon her subordinates.

Then, he issued a series of orders leisurely.

As the de facto leader of the Ministry of Magic, Bones’ orders were

quickly implemented.

The huge and sophisticated machine of the Ministry of Magic suddenly

turned at full speed.

The Aurors from all over the country, the strikers affiliated with the

Magic Law Enforcement Department, the Magic Law Enforcement

Reconnaissance Team, and even the wizards from the Office for

Prohibition of Muggle Abuse, the Department of Magical Accidents and

Disasters, etc. all acted and started to Assembly in the lobby of the

Ministry of Magic.

In addition, some members of the Order of the Phoenix who are not

members of the Ministry of Magic have also entered the Ministry of

Magic under the leadership of officials of the Ministry of Magic.

Soon, about a hundred people gathered in the lobby of the Ministry of


This is all the elite power that Bones can call.

This time, it was not only Voldemort's desperate move, but also for Burns

and the entire Ministry of Magic.


On the other side, at Hogwarts, Ye Ting in the Ravenclaw lounge looked

at Theseus who suddenly appeared in the picture, and his eyes lit up.

He knew that it was time to end it all.

Item 0361

When Ye Ting took a few girls and rushed to Azkaban through a preset

door key, the Death Eaters and the Ministry of Magic were in a state of


He looked around and found that the situation was indeed quite


At this time, they were on the top floor of Azkaban, and the wreckage of

the ceiling above told him that the real top floor had been destroyed by

the battle.

The cracked bricks and stones on the ground, large and small broken

stones, deep pits all over the ground, cracks in the walls, and lying

corpses all told the fierce battle.

Although the space extension curse made Azkaban's area quite large, at

this moment, the place was still slightly crowded.

Both sides of the battlefield were crowded with people...Of course, there

were also inhumans.

At the Ministry of Magic, Ye Ting saw many acquaintances.

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 274:

The leader is his collaborator and the director of the Magic Law

Enforcement Department, Ms. Bones.

Next to her is Rufus Scrimgeour. He leads the Auror team. Of course,

there are many wizards who belong to the Ministry of Magic but are not

Aurors. These wizards may be other civilians from the Ministry of Magic.

Department, but they all have good strength in themselves, enough to

play a role in this battle-no, it is the war.

Of course, there are also many wizards from the Order of the Phoenix.

Don’t talk about Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. In addition, there are

Kingsley and Tonks who are Aurors, and the rehired former Auror Alastor

Moody. The abuse of Muggles is prohibited. Arthur Weasley and Mrs.

Weasley of the Item Office...Of course, many members of the Order of the

Phoenix who are not officials of the Ministry of Magic are among them.

However, Ye Ting did not see Dumbledore.

Not counting the dead and wounded wizards lying on the ground, these

people add up to a hundred people. Although almost half of them are

injured and everyone is ashamed, they are generally in good condition.

This is all the power that the Ministry of Magic can mobilize.

On the other side, standing was their old rival, the Death Eater.

Compared to the Ministry of Magic, they looked much pitiful.

At this moment, Ye Ting could only see dozens of Death Eaters wizards,

and all the others were knocked down to the ground. Their lives and

deaths were unknown. The black robes all over the ground were proof of

their identity.

Those standing Death Eaters are also in a bad state. Except for the bosses

such as Little Crouch, most of the other Death Eaters can stand firm-after

all, their average quality is worse than that of the Ministry of Magic.


The reason why the Death Eaters have been able to suppress the Ministry

of Magic has always been because they stand in the dark, take the

initiative, are supported by a group of long-standing and powerful pure-

blood families, and are cruel and unscrupulous.

However, at this moment, all the advantages of the Death Eaters were

eliminated by Ye Ting's series of plans.

Standing in the dark, they were now forced by Ye Ting to make a

desperate attack, and then hit the ambush of the Ministry of Magic. As a

result, they had to face off against the Ministry without weakening the

strength of the Ministry.

They have always taken the initiative, but this time they seem to be

proactive, but in fact they just have to take this step.

Those powerful pure-blood families were wiped out in advance, which

made them lose most of their high-end power.

And they are cruel, and their unscrupulous advantages are completely

unexplored, because in this Azkaban battlefield, there are no factors that

make the Ministry of Magic scrupulous: there are no civilians who can be

accidentally injured, and the principle of Muggle society is not. It will be

exposed, and the Ministry of Magic has also let go of the spell restrictions

in battle. Black magic and unforgivable spells are no longer only

available to Death Eaters.

In this situation, as stragglers, how can the Death Eaters beat the regular


When the battle of Azkaban began, it was doomed to the end of the

Death Eaters.

...It should be like this.

But now, it was the Ministry of Magic who had the upper hand that

showed tension, solemnity, and fear.

And the Death Eaters who seemed to be almost wiped out were the proud

and arrogant one.

This is because, in front of the Death Eaters, Ye Ting saw a familiar, ugly

face without a nose.

Voldemort had already appeared in Azkaban himself.

It seemed that he had just appeared, but, as the second-generation Dark

Lord who once caused a huge horror in the wizarding world, even if he

died once, Voldemort still caused a great shock to the wizards of the

Ministry of Magic.

In other words, it was precisely because he died once that it had a more

shocking impact on the wizards of the Ministry of Magic than before.

After all, who is not afraid of a demon who can't beat him even with


For most of the decent wizards present, the resurrection of Voldemort has

been circulating for several months. Testimonies and evidence that

Voldemort has been resurrected are everywhere, but for them, they really

saw the resurrected Voldemort with their own eyes. This is also the first


Although they had long believed that Voldemort had been resurrected-

otherwise they wouldn't be here today, but it wasn't until they saw the

ugly face without the nose with their own eyes that they completely

believed this fact.

Of course, it was not only Voldemort who frightened them, but also other

people who came to Azkaban with Voldemort, or other "people".

Although these creatures are also classified as "humans" in the Ministry of

Magic, they are not humans.

These "people" were twenty feet tall, dressed in rudimentary and tattered

clothes, and were holding huge wooden sticks. To them, the floor of

Azkaban was just a small courtyard.

They are giants, a brutal and low-intelligence humanoid, very aggressive.

They live in tribes and even include humans in their diets.

Because of this, although the giants have strong magic resistance, the

entire British giants were almost killed by wizards a long time ago, and

now they were found by Voldemort from the deep mountains of Europe.

There are now eight or nine giants appearing in Azkaban. Their presence

makes Azkaban more crowded, and it is their chief Gao Gaoma who leads


For the Ministry of Magic, these giants can be considered a big trouble,

but overall they are not justified, because the average Auror can easily

play the giant in the palm of the hand, and a small group of Aurors is

more than enough. The adult giant surrounded and wiped it out.

However, when they appeared here, everything was different.

In such a small place (for giants), with the help of wizards, giants are

almost deadly to them, because giants with strong magic resistance and

huge bodies can easily tear their formations apart, and they Due to the

existence of Death Eaters and Voldemort, they could not launch a siege

on the giant.

In the air, hundreds of dementors were already ready to move, ready to

cooperate with their allies to launch an attack.

Everything is quite unfavorable for the Ministry of Magic.

Item 0362

Ye Ting had already made a disguise before coming. He turned

Ravenclaw's crown into a mask.

So, when he showed up with a few girls, Voldemort didn't take it very


He just glanced at them faintly, and then let them join the team of the

Ministry of Magic.

Just in front of the two armies, he paced easily, patrolling his men like a

general, and observing his opponents by the way.

No one dared to take the initiative, no one stopped him.

The Death Eaters surrendered to his reign of terror, and the Ministry of

Magic was born of fear.

Even though the Ministry of Magic had the upper hand differently from a

decade ago during the entire war, the Jackpot from Voldemort still made

them afraid to act rashly.

After a long time, Voldemort finally stopped.

He looked at the leader of the Ministry of Magic seriously, Ms. Bones,

twisted her neck evilly, and then spoke slowly.

His voice was deep and harsh.

"I heard that the person who led the Ministry of Magic against me was

not the Minister of Magic, but you, Amelia Bones, as the Director of the

Magic Law Enforcement Department, right?"

"Of course." Although Burns was afraid of Voldemort's power, he was firm

on the surface but did not lose the slightest. "To deal with a second-rate

villain like you, I don't even need to ask the minister for instructions."

"Ha ha……"

At the Ministry of Magic, there was a burst of laughter from the crowd.

All of them knew what was going on without asking the minister, but

Bones humiliated Voldemort in this way and made them feel excited.

Ye Ting could see that Voldemort's expression was a lot ugly in an

instant, but he immediately controlled his expression and returned to his

invincible look.

"You have the courage to say this to me," Voldemort continued, as if he

hadn't heard her mockery. "There were many people in the Ministry of

Magic who opposed me, and their fate was not very good, but this Once,

I am willing to give you a chance?"

"Give me a chance?" Burns sneered.

"Yes, as a member of the pure-blood wizard family, you have proven your

ability in the past few months. Dare to fight against me, you do have

some courage, and you are one of the few who can cause me some small

problems. Troublesome person, so now I especially allow you to be loyal

to me and become my subordinate. I will forgive your previous disrespect

to me and even let go of your subordinates."

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 275:

Voldemort said these words proudly, as if being able to be loyal to him

had given a great deal of face to Burns.

However, Bones rejected him quite decisively.

"Become your subordinate? Haha..." She smiled coldly, "What gave you

such courage to say this to me? Since the day you killed my brother's

family, you have been Become my greatest enemy. Instead, it is you. If

you surrender now, as the director of the Magic Law Enforcement

Department of the Ministry of Magic, I can promise to treat your men

leniently. What do you think?"

Her words to persuade her to surrender really surprised the wizards on

the Ministry of Magic. Many people began to admire her courage, and

some even began to yell in agreement.


"Surrender, Voldemort!"

"Don't resist fearlessly, Death Eater!"

On the other hand, Voldemort, after being rejected by Burns and

ridiculed twice in a row, he could no longer control his anger, and his

original expression on the lofty began to become angry and hideous.

"How dare you say this to me, the great Dark Lord?" Voldemort roared in

a low voice. The horror that it brings."

Then he stretched out his hand and pointed at Bones.

"You, an ordinary witch, why did you say such a thing to the Dark Lord?

Surrender? Before you say this, have you ever thought about your own


He paused, as if thinking about something, and then showed an

expression of sudden realization.

"Oh-so you were expecting someone to protect you. Did you mean

Dumbledore? That old muddle was indeed a trouble, but I took him away

with a little trick. Now, he might already be In Neumongaard, Austria, I

relived with his old friends."

The effect of this sentence is more useful than a large part of his previous

words. At the moment when he learned that Dumbledore would not be

coming, most of the wizards present changed their faces.

The Death Eaters naturally seemed ecstatic, while the Ministry of Magic

was just the opposite. Many people were almost ashamed. In their minds,

only Dumbledore could fight Voldemort. How many others were a gift to

the Dark Lord. .

Unlike Muggles, among wizards who admire personal strength, there is

indeed a huge gap in level.

There is no doubt that although the wizards on the Ministry of Magic are

confident that if they all add up and pay some price, they can indeed

defeat all Death Eaters plus werewolves, giants and dementors, but the

existence of Voldemort alone makes the whole victory. The balance

turned upside down.

After seeing the face on the opposite side, Voldemort looked very

satisfied. He scanned all the wizards on the opposite side deeply, and

then said slowly.

"Although your leader does not know the current affairs, but I, the Dark

Lord, is still quite magnanimous, so now you should understand who is

the winner. If you release all my subordinates who are imprisoned here,

then Kneel in front of me, and you will be forgiven. Your parents,

children, brothers and sisters will also be forgiven and continue to live.

You and me will enter the new world that we will build together. Who

will resist, regardless of man, Regardless of the woman, her family

members will also be put to death."

There was silence at the scene, even Bones did not take the initiative to


Of course, unlike other people, Bones herself is not afraid, she is waiting,

waiting for her real reinforcements, it is also the person behind the


Whether Dumbledore was present or not was not part of her plan, and

there was someone else fighting against Voldemort.

However, before her reinforcements appeared, someone suddenly spoke

in the silence.

"Do you think you are already a winner? Tom Riddle?" This voice came

from the crowd on the Ministry of Magic and immediately attracted

everyone's attention. All of his men were wiped out by us, and now it is

just your last fight, but you are embarrassed to say that you are the


These words were like a sharp blade, **** cut through the shell of

hypocrisy, and exposed everything about Voldemort nakedly in front of


Although Voldemort tried his best to avoid and didn't want to mention

this fact, in fact, he was the one who was about to lose.

"Who is it! Who is talking! Stand up for me!"

Voldemort was furious instantly.

Item 0363

As soon as Voldemort's voice fell, there was a commotion among the

crowd on the Ministry of Magic.

Originally, Voldemort did not expect this person who provoked him to

take the initiative to stand up, and the Ministry of Magic did not intend

to expose this female hero who, like Ms. Bones, dared to resist Voldemort


Yes, according to the voice of speaking, everyone can be sure that this

person is a witch.

Who knows, this warrior not only dared to resist, but also had the

courage to stand out from the crowd.

At this time, they discovered that there is more than one witch with such


Moreover, they are all too young. For most of the people present, they

are all children.

The leader is a beautiful girl with thick curly hair. She is not very old,

but many people know her.

Isn't this the youngest champion ever in the Wizards duel, and one of the

warriors in the Triwizard Tournament, Hermione Granger?

Most of the wizards present are British, and they are naturally familiar

with the Triwizard Tournament, and there are also dueling enthusiasts

among them who are full of combat effectiveness.

So, it's not surprising to be able to recognize Hermione.

Several of the partners beside her are quite familiar.

One of the girls was tall, with long silver hair, and she exuded a

fascinating charm. Isn't she the Warrior of the Triwizard Tournament

representing Busbarton, Fleur Delacour?

Another beautiful girl with long brown hair, beautiful, elegant, and

intellectual temperament is the one who is known for its high quality,

excellent effects, and many unprecedented abilities as soon as it appears,

and it became the alchemy item within a month. The best magical goods

store in the UK-the young proprietress of YC (YeandClearwater), Penello


The girl with black hair and black eyes, gentle and lovely, full of oriental

charm (for appearance refer to Liu Feifei), is also an acquaintance-the

youngest player in the Quidditch World Cup, and is also recognized as

the strongest seeker at present, and the Irish team Qiu Zhang, who won

the championship for Britain together (Ireland in HP belongs to the

British Ministry of Magic).

The last youngest girl, with long blonde hair and gray eyes, has an

ethereal and weird temperament. Although she is not as famous as her

companions, she is also recognized by acquaintances. She is from the

magazine "Singing Against the Tune". The editor's daughter, Luna


These girls are very young. The eldest Penello has just graduated a little

over a year, and the youngest Luna is even in the fourth grade. Everyone

wonders why they are so young here?

The war against Voldemort should have nothing to do with these


However, this is not the time to talk about this.

When Voldemort saw only the girls standing up, he couldn't help

despising it.

However, when he caught a glimpse of the appearance of Hermione and

Fleur, he suddenly remembered what was the same.

No way, anyone who makes their appearance too outstanding, as long as

they have seen it once, even Voldemort will leave a deep impression.

"I... remember who you are." Voldemort gave a gloomy smile. "You were

there that night, right...a mudblood and a dirty vee, and you That same

stupid partner, after daring to say those words to me, appeared in front of

me grandiosely, you are really brave."

Having said that, he glanced behind the girls, and then shook his head.

"Do you think that your mudblood male companion can protect you?

Unfortunately, he doesn't even have the courage to appear in front of

me... Of course, I understand. After all, after seeing the power of the Dark

Lord, he can stand bravely There are not many people in front of me, but

what I don’t understand is why you can’t know the current affairs like


"Knowing the current affairs?" Hermione looked at Voldemort mockingly

as if he had heard something funny. "Tom Riddle, as Ting's defeated man,

is this how you used to talk when he was away? You? Have you

forgotten, who defeated you when you were looking for the Philosopher’s


"Also, who made Hogwarts wipe out your diary when it ravaged it?"

Penello continued gracefully.

"Perhaps you want to remember who took Harry Potter from under your

nose after you were resurrected." Fleur showed a charming smile.

"Of course, you should also want to know who played you between the

palms of your hands in the past few months and wiped out your hands."

Zhang Qiu finally expressed an amazing fact in a gentle tone. .

"Ting--Ye--" The girls' words to expose their scars face to face, completely

tore off the last bit of Voldemort's face, and dropped it on the ground,

repeatedly stepping on all fours.

Now, a mighty dark lord like Voldemort, there is still no face left in front

of everyone.

Now, arrogantly he feels that his face is feverish. The fact that he was

defeated four times in a row by a young man has become well known at

this moment. He seems to feel the skeptical look behind him and the

mocking look on the other side.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 276:

He seemed to hear someone speaking in his ear.

"Look at that Dark Lord, he was defeated by a kid."

"Can such a person be the Dark Lord?"

"What a shame."

So much.

Especially, every time this failure was defeated head-on, the defeat was

dignified. His opponent-no, the nemesis, the Muggle-born boy. There was

no trick or Dumbledore's help. , Completely relying on his own ability to

make the Dark Lord face lost.

As a result, Voldemort today hates Ye Ting far more than Harry Potter in

the original book-after all, he has become the "savior of the world" again

and again only by cleverness, good luck and the help of Dumbledore. ".

Now, the only thing Voldemort wants to do is to kill. He wants to kill the

girls who humiliate him, he wants to kill the boy who embarrassed him,

and he wants to kill the wizards in front of him to prevent this scene

from spreading. go out.

"Unfortunately, you said a thousand words and ten thousand, the boy still

didn't dare to appear in front of me, didn't he?" Voldemort finally

suffocated such words, "Now, I will kill you after torturing you well. Let

you understand the truth of misfortunes... that boy, although he is not

here, he survives for a while with his cleverness, but it is useless... When

I leave here, I will find that boy and send him to reunite with you... …"

However, his unwilling declaration was interrupted again.

"You want to kill me too?" The voice was a young and magnetic voice,

which made Voldemort feel extremely familiar, but what he said

suddenly made Voldemort blow his hair. "Before that, you should think

about how you want to get out of here..."

"Hand! Down! Lost! Will!"

Item 0364

Familiar tone, and familiar title.

Just after hearing this passage, Voldemort immediately recognized the

speaker's identity like a conditioned reflex.

"You actually appeared in front of me, dirty Mudblood."

Voldemort followed the voice and looked over.

That was the corner of the crowd on the Ministry of Magic. The young

wizard who was standing there was a masked young wizard who looked

particularly inconspicuous among the many wizards.

He is Ye Ting!

However, at this time, when he took off the mask on his face, it

immediately became dazzling.

This is not just because of the extraordinary handsome appearance-

although that appearance is like the opposite of Voldemort: Voldemort is

the ultimate ugly, and he is the ultimate beauty.

The so-called dazzling is because of the wise and elegant temperament in

him. As long as he stands there, he is like the incarnation of wisdom.

There is no problem between heaven and earth that can stump him. The

pair of dark eyes looked deep and mysterious, and people couldn't help

but explore what kind of secrets they contained.

Although his clothes are not gorgeous at this time, or rather plain, his

slender and well-proportioned figure, which is different from most

wizards, makes him stand out from the crowd. That is not like a wizard,

full of athletic talent, even in the most Under the ordinary cloak, almost

all the witches present can be moved.

Such characters are just ordinary standing there, just like the protagonist

of the world.

It's hard to imagine that the wizards just now, including Voldemort,

didn't even notice him.

No one knows that this is due to Ye Ting's use of a potion that reduces

the sense of presence.

After seeing Ye Ting's face, the expressions on Voldemort's face were very

complicated: jealous, hatred, anticipation, and so on. It was hard to

imagine that such a wonderful expression would appear on the face of

the Dark Lord.

"Since four years ago, I have always remembered you, Mudblood. You

have indeed caused me a lot of trouble, and more than once, I have to

admit that compared to Dumbledore, you are indeed a better A difficult

opponent, because you are not as pedantic as him. Sometimes, I even

think that you and I are the same kind of people."

Voldemort continued to evaluate Ye Ting, and his expression became rare

and serious.

"Really?" Ye Ting shrugged indifferently, "I and you are not the same kind

of people, so you shouldn't compare your stupid and naive ideas with


Such a tone is like a disgusting thing compared to Voldemort.

"Stupid and naive?" Voldemort's original ugly face became even more

ugly. "It turns out that in your eyes, you actually treat me like this... It's a


"However, it doesn't matter. I never expected the lowly Muggles to

understand the nobility of blood...and now, you can be proud of it,

because the one who will kill you is me, Voldemort!"

"Killing Curse!"

As soon as the voice fell, Voldemort made a sudden move, giving no

chance to react at all.

Moreover, it is the strongest killer move at first.

From the tip of the yew wood wand, the dark green light with the black

skeleton shot towards Ye Ting's direction.

As soon as the green light full of death breath came out, all the wizards

present changed their colors.

The Death Eaters looked excited, but the wizard on the Ministry of Magic

looked worried.

After all, Ye Ting is not Dumbledore.

Although Ye Ting’s performance in front of them has always been

unrivaledly strong, but as a young wizard at only fifteen years old, before

he could really face up to old powerhouses such as Dumbledore and

Voldemort, Some people still have certain doubts about him.

Even if Ye Ting had invented so many powerful magics and created so

many unprecedented magic items.

After all, there are only a few people who have real vision and can see

the real power of Ye Ting.

Right now, Ye Ting and Voldemort were facing each other, and they were

about to face Voldemort's housekeeping skills, his killing curse with all

his strength.

Many people were worried about whether Ye Ting would be killed in a

single blow.

Voldemort's killing curse was not so easy to stop.

Ordinary killing spells can be resisted by small animals, or even

temporary lives produced by polymorphism. As long as the killing spell's

devouring of life is satisfied, this terrible spell will automatically

disappear into invisible.

But Voldemort's killing curse was different.

This is one of his best magics. Voldemort split his soul with the killing

curse and made seven (including Harry that Voldemort didn’t know)

Horcruxes, and being able to do this is enough to prove his ability to kill

The mastery of the curse.

Throughout the ages, there have been countless black wizards who have

used the Killing Curse, but those who can truly divide the soul and make

Horcruxes, apart from the creators of Horcrux theory, may only be a

handful of people including Voldemort, or even Voldemort himself. ——

Otherwise, the rumors of the immortal have long been circulated in the

magical world.

The killing curse used by such a person was difficult for even

Dumbledore to stop, and even had to use the life of his Phoenix Fox to

counteract the curse.

No matter how powerful Ye Ting was, many people were worried that he

would have to shed a layer of skin if he didn't die.

However, Ye Ting could not have expected it.

Facing Voldemort's killing curse, Ye Ting seemed quite calm, not even

digging out the curse.

He just snapped his fingers and said something that everyone-even a few

girls-couldn't understand.

"Come out, my stand-in, Silver Hope!"

The next moment a silver-white burly figure appeared behind him,

floating in the air out of thin air.

Although his overall appearance is human, it has the characteristics of a

dragon, such as the double wings on the back, such as dragon horns, such

as golden vertical pupils, and so on.

In addition, this figure wore an armor with a dragon pattern and could be

regarded as a magnificent medieval knight.

However, strangely, most of the wizards present could not see this figure

at all.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 277:

Only Hermione and a few girls-excluding Fleur and Luna-and Voldemort

and other most powerful wizards saw this white and silver half-dragon

and half-human image.

It just appeared behind Ye Ting's body abruptly, and then flew in front of

Ye Ting.

He crossed his arms and placed it on his chest, thus blocking Voldemort's

killing curse for Ye Ting.

This green, death-filled curse severely hit the "person" Ye Ting called the

Silver Hope. The powerful force made him retreat a few meters, and the

armor on his body was shattered, making him extremely embarrassed.

However, this "person" was actually injured but not dead.

Moreover, his scarred armor and body, as if going back in time, returned

to their original state within a few seconds.

If it hadn't been for several people to see this scene with their own eyes,

everyone would even wonder if Voldemort had actually used the Killing

Curse just now.

And more surprised than them are the wizards who can't see the silver


In their eyes, Ye Ting snapped his fingers, and then Voldemort's spell hit

something invisible, producing a powerful explosion-like effect, but in

the end nothing happened.

It's almost like shooting an empty cannon.

"Could it be that this boy is strong enough that the iron armor curse cast

without a wand can block Voldemort's killing curse?"

This is what most of these people think.

This is not surprising, after all, in the scene just now, the invisible wall,

in their eyes, really looks like an ordinary spell is blocked by an iron

armor curse.

"What kind of magic is this?" Voldemort said with a sullen face.

At this moment, he realized that although he had always tried his best to

look at Ye Ting, in fact, he still looked down on this boy too much.

"Magic?" Hearing Voldemort's question, Ye Ting suddenly changed his

posture. He was standing normally, with his legs crossed, one hand

swinging back, and the other opening his forehead.

The strange posture has a different kind of beauty.

"This is my stand-in, Riddle."

In his pursuit of the essence of wisdom, he is still an otaku.

Item 0365

The sudden appearance of the human form resisted the killing curse.

New terms that suddenly appeared: "Silver Hope", "Stand-in"

And the weird Pose that suddenly appeared.

Ye Ting's sudden show operation made everyone look dumbfounded.

However, out of shock that Ye Ting was able to block Voldemort's attack

frontally, Ye Ting's second behavior and the standing posture of JOJO did

not make people feel ridiculous.

Almost all people have only one thought left: Although they don't

understand it, they seem to be very powerful.

Even some of Ye Ting's little girlfriends, seeing his second posture, all


Although he was in a strange posture, he was still handsome.

Of course, if Ye Ting's stand-in is just a mere appearance, the result may

be just the opposite, and his second-level behavior may be regarded as a


The winner takes all, the winner is correct. This principle applies


Although most wizards couldn't see Ye Ting's substitute, and those who

were able to see the substitute basically didn't understand what the

substitute was, Voldemort himself was an exception.

With a level of magic far surpassing everyone present, he stared at Ye

Ting's substitute for a while, then waved at the dementors in the sky.

Next, following Voldemort's orders, all the dementors in the sky moved

into action.

They were originally hovering continuously over Azkaban, suddenly they

gathered together like a stream converging into a river, and then flew in

the direction of Ye Ting one after another.

Hundreds of "black-robed men" attacked the same target at the same


On the Ministry of Magic, the wizards squeezed a cold sweat for Ye Ting.

Such a horrible scene, such a terrible offense, even Voldemort or

Dumbledore himself had to admit it.

Thinking of this, the wizards squeezed their magic wands, ready to

support Ye Ting with a patron saint curse.

However, they did not take the initiative.

In this situation of confrontation, except for the two sides of the battle,

other people will not take the initiative to attack, otherwise, if it

stimulates the nerves of the opposite side, it will detonate a full-scale war

in advance and destroy the plan of the leader.

But Bons looked at Ye Ting, waiting for his order.

She understood that Ye Ting was the decisive force in this battle. Coupled

with a series of previous performances, Ye Ting has always been in the

leading position in the cooperation between the two sides.

Therefore, when Ye Ting took the initiative to show up, Bones handed

over the supreme command of the battlefield to his hands.

However, Ye Ting did not give any instructions.

Seeing the hundreds of dementors coming in front of him like a tide, he

just shook his head faintly.

"Want to rely on them to give me my silver hope? It's still a long way


Having said that, he changed the posture of JOJO standing, and said

sideways to the dementors with his fingers pointing forward.

"Silver Hope, defeat them!"

Yinbai hopes knowingly flashed in front of Ye Ting again, greeted the

dementors group, faced these terrible black monsters exuding fear and

absorbing heat, and raised its fist.

"Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula

Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Ou

Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula

Oula Ou La Ou

Facing the impact of the black torrent, Silver Hope’s fist at extreme speed

was like a squally storm. For a time, the fist that told to swing left

countless afterimages, as if dozens or hundreds of fists had been born at

the same time, bursting out. The loud roar hit the dementor's body.

It seems that I didn’t expect that the fist of this entity could actually

attack Silver Bai’s—or it was impossible to see Silver Hope at all. The

first Dementor unsuspectingly ate this terrifying attack head-on, almost.

It was broken into black smoke in an instant, and then disappeared


However, this is not the end.

After the destroyed Dementor, the other Dementors continued to rush

towards the Silver Hope, wanting to break through its defense in one fell

swoop and devour Ye Ting behind him.

It is a pity that the mere number advantage has not stumped the silver


The steel fists that continued to swing formed a wall of fist shadows, and

the dementors seemed to be rushing towards the dam... Under the attack,

he was crushed to pieces.

One, two, three...

Ten, twenty, thirty...

In the eyes of the onlookers, Ye Ting was no longer just a wall, but a

huge mouth of a monster who chose to eat.

Dozens...no, it was the lives of hundreds of dementors that were

ruthlessly swallowed up, and it didn't seem to fill the monster's appetite

at all.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 278:

It seemed that even if all the dementors were filled in, it would only be a

little more exercise for Silver Hope.

"Poor and weak, poor and weak! (pronunciation: boxer briefs Standing

behind Yinbai Hope, Ye Ting shook his head disdainfully, "There are so

many Dementors, no matter how many there are, it is just a lot of money

for my Silver Hope. It’s just a few pages."

As if he had understood Ye Ting's words, and as if he could no longer

support it, the black torrent finally stopped in front of the silver-white


Then, as if facing a natural enemy, all the dementors ignored Voldemort's

orders, turned their directions in front of Silver Hope, and fled in all


When they once again gathered in the sky far away from Ye Ting, the

remaining number was almost less than half of the original.

Seeing this scene, the original depression and tranquility on the

battlefield was broken.

"I'm... just kidding," someone on the Ministry of Magic said in a trembling

voice, "I... actually... blocked it."

"No, it was not blocked, but the dementor ran away!" another voice


"How can it be? That's...that's all the dementors in Azkaban!"

Even on the Death Eater's side, someone screamed out of voice.

"It's too strong!"

"Unexpectedly, one person defeated the Dementor!"

"The Dementor was really...killed!"

The screams came one after another.

After a while, Voldemort finally spoke.

As soon as he spoke, everyone was silent.

"That double... is actually related to your patron saint." Voldemort said in

a low voice, "I heard that your patron saint is a fire dragon, and it is

different from other patron saints, your guardian God can really kill

dementors with breath, not simply disperse them."

As the analysis continued, Voldemort became more confident in his


"The color, the entity, plus the lethality against the dementors, think of

the ability of your patron saint, your so-called stand-in is actually the

patron saint of change!"

After listening to Voldemort's words, Ye Ting couldn't help but raised his


Excessive arrogance and unrealistic fantasies aside, Voldemort was

indeed a brilliant wizard, and he discovered part of the truth at once.

Item 0366

In fact, Voldemort's guess is correct.

After learning to use the patron saint curse, Ye Ting discovered that, in

fact, the patron saint and the double have quite a lot in common.

For example, they can all have entities, transforming between reality and


The avatar itself can virtualize like a phantom, but it can also cause

physical damage, so the avatar is also physical.

The same is true for the patron saint, just as magic power itself is not a

physical concept. The patron saint produced by magic power does not

exist directly in the physical world, just like most magic, but the patron

saint can have entities-at the stage of reaching the physical patron saint

After that, the patron saint can be touched on the screen, and can even

cause physical damage, make sounds, and so on.

In addition, the patron saint and the stand-in are based on the human

spirit and filled with another kind of energy.

In "JOJO", the energy of the substitute is judged as vitality, or life energy,

but the generation of the substitute is based on the spirit.

People whose spirits do not meet the conditions, no matter how strong

their life energy is, cannot have a substitute. Instead, many people will

burst out of spirit and awaken unexpectedly when they are on the verge

of death.

In the world of Harry Potter, the patron saint created by the patron saint

magic is based on the existence of magic, but it is produced by the

positive emotions of the wizard.

Also possessing powerful magical powers, the black wizard was unable to

use the patron saint curse because of his gloomy heart and lack of

positive emotions.

If it were in the original world where the mystery was zero, these

common points were only due to the overlap of the author's brains. But

when Ye Ting came to this real Harry Potter world, he understood that

all of this was real.

In other words, the similarity between the avatar and the patron saint is

not accidental.

In addition, Ye Ting also thought of another concept that was similar to

both: the black ghost, again known as IBM.

This is the concept of the world view that exists in the work "Aren".

Demihumans are a special kind of humans, possessing a resurrection

ability that is almost magical, ignoring the laws of physics.

After the demihuman dies, the body is recast. After the resurrection, no

matter how broken the body is, even if it turns into ashes or another

substance, the body will return to its original state, and anything that

prevents the body from reorganizing will disappear.

In addition to possessing such absolute immortality, demihumans can

also produce a black humanoid existence called a black ghost, or IBM.

This existence is similar to the avatar, based on the spirit of the

demihuman, composed of a kind of IBM particles, usually not seen by

people, etc...

All this shows that based on spirit and energy, it is indeed possible to

create puppets with entities, and even creations with a certain amount of


After conducting research on ghosts and dementors, Ye Ting even

discovered that these two creatures also exist based on this principle, but

the spirit as the foundation comes from the souls of the dead and the

dementors themselves.

Ye Ting can even boldly guess that many elemental creatures in the

magical world also have similar composition principles.

If in some magical worlds, this conclusion is not very useful, because

even if you understand the principle, it is still more difficult to create an

elemental puppet. After all, whether it is a dementor, a ghost or an

elemental creature, all are born. The existence of, and the reasons for the

stand-in and the black ghost have never been explained in detail.

This is like, although human scientists understand the composition of

cells and organisms, they cannot create life by themselves.

However, Ye Ting felt fortunate that what he is now in is the world of

Harry Potter.

Although the strength of magic in this world is not high, in some respects

it has magic that is very effective even in the eyes of many magical


The Patronus Mantra is one of them.

Unlike other "energy life" or "energy life", the patron saint curse is not

born, nor is its production method unknown.

It is purely an "energy life" produced through spells.

With this spell, it is like putting a machine that synthesizes ordinary

matter into life in front of a biologist.

Through the patron saint curse, Ye Ting can completely solve the

problem of creating life through magic, which is basically a forbidden

zone in magic.

Because the creation of life, whether in science or magic, is basically the

realm of gods.

Of course, Ye Ting hasn't researched such a high level yet.

However, now he also mastered the method to transform the patron


Through the new patron saint curse, the patron saint he summoned not

only had magic power, but also injected his own vitality.

This allows the patron saint to have the effect of a substitute at the same


Ye Ting could even feel that there were powerful abilities hidden in the

double, but because the transformation was not complete, he could not


Even so, the infusion of life energy caused the patron saint to produce

certain "chemical reactions", which increased its physical strength by

more than one, enough to cope with the battle against Voldemort.

Unfortunately, even though Voldemort had judged the principle of Ye

Ting's substitute, he still didn't really understand everything about the


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 279:

He still underestimated the combat effectiveness of the substitute.

After making the judgment that the substitute = the patron saint,

Voldemort did not put it in his eyes.

In his opinion, the reason why the avatar is able to destroy nearly half of

the dementors is because of the restraint of the dementors. As long as this

point is directed at this point, they should not be confronted head-on.

"So, your so-called stand-in is nothing more than cleverness." Finally,

Voldemort made the final inference, which also gave the Death Eaters a


Seeing Voldemort's clever explanation, Ye Ting shook his head


At that time, he will pay the price for his cleverness.

"So, one last question, is anyone going to accept the last kindness from

the Dark Lord?" He hissed softly, like a snake.

It can be seen that his patience is exhausted. This is his ultimatum.

However, no one wavered on the Ministry of Magic's side.

"A mere defeated general, would you like to persuade me to surrender?"

Ye Ting rolled his eyes.

"Who do you think you are talking to?" Hermione and the girls dismissed


And Bones, even more righteously, rejected him.

"I will surrender to you unless **** freezes," Bones said loudly. "Where

are the Aurors!"

She yelled, and there was an enthusiastic response from the crowd.

"That said, the negotiation broke down." Voldemort said hoarsely, "Kill


Following his order, the Death Eaters raised their wands eagerly.

Fenrir led the werewolves to complete their transformation and rushed to

the opposite side.

The tall horses and giants raised their wooden clubs and moved his huge


The Dementor bypassed Ye Ting and rushed towards the Ministry of


The battle began again.

And this time, unless one side falls, the war will really end.

Item 0367

As soon as the battle started, Ye Ting was entangled by Voldemort.

Voldemort attacked him again and again, so he had to concentrate on

resisting and dodge.

No way, Voldemort's offensive power still has to be respected.

The Dark Lord saw it very clearly that this guy in front of him was the

opponent's last hole card, he was at the same level as him, and he could

often invent some strange magic, even he couldn't handle it.

For example, the night he himself was resurrected, until now, he has not

figured out how Ye Ting rescued Harry Potter in front of him.

The "Stand-In Magic" that Ye Ting took out this time also gave them a big

"surprise", which almost caused the dementors to lose half of it all at


If he was allowed to play freely, Voldemort felt that he could be played

by Ye Ting alone.

Now, Ye Ting was no less threatening in his mind than Dumbledore.

At the same time, he was also fortunate that he deceived Dumbledore

with the news of searching for Grindelwald in advance.

Otherwise, facing two masters of the same level at the same time,

Voldemort felt that it would be better for him to lie down for a while, to

kill Dumbledore and come out again.

As for Ye Ting, he himself was not in a hurry to kill Voldemort.

Because of the Horcrux, he had to kill Voldemort's last Horcrux, Nagini,

before he could truly be killed.

But even though Voldemort brought Nagini with him in such a battle, he

protected it quite well and never left it.

Therefore, Ye Ting could only wait for the moment.

In this way, he did not take the initiative to attack, and he appeared to be

able to do well under Voldemort's stormy attacks.

With strong mana and agility, Ye Ting either dodges or resists, appearing

quite calm, as if he is not facing the Dark Demon who everyone fears in

the world, but just a little bit who can be destroyed by the palm of his


However, Ye Ting's side was quite relaxed, but the others in the Ministry

of Magic played very hard.

The appearance of giants caused them huge troubles.

These behemoths have strong magic resistance, easily tore open the

wizards' defenses and entered the formation of the Ministry of Magic,

which made the wizards have to allocate a lot of manpower to deal with


These giants are not only strong in defense, but also have a huge range of

attack. They can step on a huge pit with one foot, and sweep a large area

with a swipe of a wooden stick.

Ye Ting saw it with his own eyes, and an Auror was caught off guard by a

wooden stick.

It was like a home run hit by a batsman in a baseball game. The wizard

was hit solidly and head-on, then flew far away and fell directly into the


But looking at the blood and dregs remaining on the stick, Ye Ting could

be sure that this hapless wizard had definitely died cleanly before flying


This scene also frightened other people. No one wants to be smashed into

meat sauce by giants or stepped on into meatloaf. A large number of

wizards spontaneously attacked the giants, not to knock them down, but

to trap them. , So that their destruction can not be fully activated.

However, the Death Eaters are not alone in giants.

It's like a real battlefield.

Giants are like ancient heavy cavalry or tanks in World War II. After they

tore a hole in the front battlefield, other arms cooperated to launch an


The werewolves are agile and have a certain magic resistance. Their role

is equivalent to that of the ancient light cavalry or the light armored unit

in World War II. With extremely fast speed, they copied from the side

bread and even went to the rear to launch a surprise attack on the

opponent. .

When the firepower and attention were attracted by the giants, the

werewolves simply did not have enough firepower to restrain them—

similar to the light cavalry, when the same amount of wizards faced the

same amount of werewolf’s attack, the greater the number. , The wizard

has the advantage.

This of course has a mathematical basis. In the case of the same shape,

the larger the area of ​​the figure, the greater the ratio of the area to the

perimeter. For the wizard, because it is a long-range attack, the greater

the number of them, the more they are in the surrounding area. The

greater the coverage of firepower per unit area.

A wizard may not hit a werewolf, but queuing to shoot is another matter.

The werewolf's magic resistance was not strong enough to ignore the

wizard's concentration of fire.

However, with the giant standing in front, the werewolf was finally able

to use his strengths and circumvent weaknesses and play his role.

Under their attack, several wizards were thrown down in just one


Believe that within a few times, the resistance of the wizards will collapse

due to a steady stream of side and rear attacks.

As for the dementors, they are like air units in World War II, targeting

wizards on the ground.

Although it is not like a bomber, it blows up a large area, but there are so

many dementors.

Although Ye Ting had killed half of them in one breath, there were still

more dementors left than the Aurors.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 280:

And the best part is that they will not be killed.

Although a patron saint can repel several dementors.

But even if these guys are repelled by the patron saint, they can re-launch

the attack in another place as long as they are slow, and the wizards

cannot maintain the dementors all the time.

Most of them have to deal with other enemies on the ground.

For a time, the dementors posed a huge threat to the wizards.

Had it not been for the wizards who had been stationed in Azkaban by

Burns, almost everyone would have a patron saint, and now most wizards

would be able to resist the threat of dementors.

Maybe the Ministry of Magic is about to collapse.

Even so, several wizards were killed by dementors due to the lack of

support from the patron saint, and their souls were sucked away.

As for the Death Eaters, they are much easier now.

They have been at a disadvantage before, and now they are like infantry

on the battlefield. They only need to follow behind their teammates to

check and fill vacancies with teammates, and provide timely support,

make up, and pick up leaks.

I have to say that Voldemort really deserves his name in the choice of


These dark creatures and Death Eaters were now organically combined,

exerting even more powerful combat effectiveness.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Magic, both in terms of number and

average level, were higher than the Death Eaters, but under this

omnidirectional attack from sea, land and air, it seemed a bit

overwhelmed, almost completely at a disadvantage.

Had it not been for Hermione and the other girls who had exerted a

fighting power far beyond imagination and had been active everywhere

on the battlefield, and had provided strong support to the Ministry of

Magic, perhaps the Ministry would have suffered a huge defeat this time.

However, several girls were quickly spotted by the elite combat power of

the Death Eaters.

Chapter 0368: Daka, Oral Wow

Barty Crouch Jr. found the strongest Hermione, and the two started a

wizard duel on this perilous battlefield.

One is Voldemort's elite, from the famous black magic master, and the

other is the famous duel champion, a genius girl with dragon blood

bonus and extraordinary power at a young age.

Immediately afterwards, Peter Pettigrew found Penello Krivart.

Although Peter looks trivial and inconspicuous, he is actually not a good

stubborn—someone who can be called brothers to James Potter, Sirius

Black, and Remus Lupin, collectively known as the "predator", and can

still be After Sirius chased and killed him, he escaped, and he was even

able to fight back and frame Sirius. This kind of guy also has the fighting

power of the first echelon in Harry Potter.

As for Penello, although some of the girls are not well-known, she is not


Before Hermione, she was Hogwarts' previous generation of genius girls.

After possessing the Dragon Buff, her combat effectiveness has increased

by more than a single factor. Even Peter Pettigrew can only match her.

The werewolf leader, Fenrir Greyback, faced Zhang Qiu.

Fenrir is a born werewolf, the most powerful among werewolves, and he

is quite cruel and bloodthirsty, and he regards ordinary wizards as prey.

Although Zhang Qiu is quiet, she, as a champion seeker, has quite strong

motor nerves. Although dementors are now raging in the air, she can't

ride a flying broomstick, but she is agile after receiving the dragon buff.

With skill, coupled with the skillful magic taught by Ye Ting, even Fenrir,

who is a werewolf, was turned around by her agile movements and

transformation skills.

Alecto Carlo and Amikus Carlo approached Fleur and Luna.

Although they had previously served as the command of the Death

Eaters, the two brothers and sisters were not the first echelon under

Voldemort's hands, and now they have such a status is nothing more than

a dwarf.

Furong and Luna are the only girls who have not obtained the Dragon

Buff. Among them, Furong has a strong combat power and has the charm

ability inherited from Veeva's grandmother. With this and the psychic

magic that Furong combined with her charm ability, she was still able to

lead Luna to the left and right in front of her siblings, and retreat.

"Did you see it?" Voldemort was proud of the battle situation in front of

him. "In front of my dark army, the wizards of the Ministry of Magic are

nothing more than terracotta dogs. They will collapse and escape soon...

yours My friends did have two chances, and they were able to fight back

and forth with my right-hand man. Unfortunately, there are dementors,

and soon they will fall under our feet... But you, the dementor nemesis I

can’t do anything about their destiny...At that time, I will occupy

Azkaban and release my men, but the power of the Ministry of Magic will

be swept away. The entire Britain...and the whole world...will succumb

to my palms. ."

Although Voldemort has always refused to admit it, he is indeed very

dissatisfied with having been "losing" to Ye Ting, and now he

subconsciously shows off whenever he has a chance.

In this regard, Ye Ting didn't say a word.

Voldemort continued in a low voice.

"So, it appears that you are still alive and your friends are still alive,

hurry up and surrender... I will spare your life."


Seeing Ye Ting not speaking, perhaps because he felt scared, Voldemort

was even more proud.

"Hurry up and surrender, hurry up and say...you see, your friends are

almost out of support..."


"Isn't your relationship very good? Hurry up and save them... Hurry up

and save them..."


"You... don't want their lives anymore?"

The tone of Voldemort's words was already full of threats.

Finally, Ye Ting spoke softly.

"If... I surrender, will you really let your men stop and spare their lives?"

Hearing that the formidable enemy in front of him finally began to

acknowledge, Voldemort's mouth couldn't help showing a smug smile.

Even his calm words became impatient.

"Of course, I count the words!" He said jokingly, "This is your trade in

exchange for their lives..."

Seeing Ye Ting still hesitating, Voldemort couldn't wait to urge him.

"Quick, surrender quickly..."

However, in the next moment, Ye Ting's tone changed.

"Daka, wow! But I refuse!"


"One of my favorite things Ye Ting does is to say "NO" to a guy who

thinks he is very strong..."

Seeing Voldemort's dumbfounded look, Ye Ting smiled slightly.

"Do you think I really want to surrender to you?"

As soon as Ye Ting's voice fell, behind Voldemort, a voice that impressed

him came.

It was in this magical, blood-filled shout that he witnessed the defeat of

the Dementor being destroyed in just a few tens of seconds.

"Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula

Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula O Laou


Voldemort turned his head and took a look, only to discover that Ye

Ting's substitute, Silver Hope, had gone around behind him at some

point, and now he was waving wildly at his pet, the serpent Nagini, who

is also one of his Horcruxes. His fist.

The silver-white steel fist turned into thousands of phantoms, and in just

a few seconds, the huge snake body was beaten up and down.

Nagini, who had always been by Voldemort's side, possessed good

physical strength and magic resistance under Voldemort's transformation,

under the crazy attack of Silver Hope, now he has vomited blood and

wounds all over his body. It's not working anymore.

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