Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: 6



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Краткое содержание романа

Несчастный случай перенес студентку колледжа Е Тин в другой мир.

Нет ничего, кроме таланта к обучению и росту.

Нет никакой системы, нет дедушки, нужно просто полагаться на

талант, чтобы встать на путь Бога Дхармы.

Используйте волю, чтобы изменить правила, используйте мудрость,

чтобы анализировать мир, и единственный человек, который

сравнивает богов с телом смертного, — это маг.

Гарри Поттер, World of Warcraft, Marvel, Синъюэ, Каталог

запрещенных магических книг… Перед ним развернулись

бесчисленные самолеты.

Тайна пальмовой магии и красота цветов.

Все началось в мире Гарри Поттера.

- Описание от



The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 211:

"I heard that there was an accident in the Triwizard Tournament," he

showed concern. "I heard someone sneaked into Hogwarts with a

compound decoction and took Harry Potter away?"

"You're right, Connelly." Bones took the initiative. "It's Barty Crouch Jr.,

who pretended to be Alastor Moody, and did his job in the Triwizard

Tournament. Hands and feet, the purpose is to resurrect Voldemort..."

"The mysterious man... is back? Nonsense. Don't be kidding, Amelia..."

Fudge was shocked, as if someone had hit him head-on.

He blinked dazedly, staring at Bones dumbly, as if he couldn't fully

believe what he had just heard.

Although he had prepared himself, he couldn't believe it when he heard

about Voldemort.

"We just confirmed this," Bones said. "We listened to the statements of Ye

Ting as a patrolman and the three warriors. Harry heard it from

Voldemort with his own ears, what about Voldemort—from Bertha.

Jorkins learned that Barty Crouch Jr. is still alive-he rescued him from

his father and used him to catch Harry. Tell you, the plan has succeeded.

Little Crouch is already alive. Help Voldemort make a comeback."

"No, no!" Fudge said angrily. "Crouch is a madman who wanders around!

From what I know, I can only draw one conclusion. He seems to think

that everything he does is in accordance with the mysterious man. Will!"

"Voldemort did give orders to him before, Connelly," Dumbledore

interjected, "and that plan succeeded. Voldemort restored his body."

"Listen to me, Dumbledore," Fudge said, with a smile on his face. "You--

you can't really believe all this. The mysterious man--is back? Don't be

kidding, don't be kidding. ... Needless to say, little Crouch might think he

was acting on the orders of a mysterious man—but how can he take such

a lunatic's words seriously, Dumbledore..."

"Tonight, when Harry touched the Final Three Cup, he was sent directly

to Voldemort." Dumbledore said firmly. Li brought back, you might as

well go to my office and I will explain everything to you."

Fudge still had the weird smile on his face. He also looked at Harry, at Ye

Ting and the two girls next to him, then turned his gaze back to

Dumbledore and Burns, and said, "You-um-what you are going to say to

them Take it all, right?"

"Of course I believe them," Burns said firmly, her eyes glowing at this

time, "I listened to Harry's account of what happened after he touched

the top three cups; I also heard about Barty Crow Jr. The speculation and

analysis of the Odd Conspiracy all made sense and explained everything

that had occurred since Bertha Jorkins disappeared last summer."

Fudge still had that weird smile on his face. He glanced at Harry again

before answering:

"You are going to believe that Voldemort has returned, and listen to the

words of the four children, and these children... he..."

"Are you going to taste the magic of the kid in your mouth?"

Ye Ting's cold words made Fu Ji shut his mouth in time and blushed

slightly, but then his face showed a stubborn and stubborn look.

"In addition, I found out," he said, looking at Dumbledore again, "I found

out that you kept hiding something about Harry without reporting it?

He's a snake-like voice, right? He behaves strangely everywhere— —"

"I think you probably mean the scar pain that Harry has been feeling?"

Dumbledore said coldly.

"So, do you admit that he keeps feeling these pains?" Fudge said quickly,

"headaches? Nightmares? Probably there are-hallucinations, right?"

"Listen to me, Connelly," Dumbledore said, taking a step towards Fudge,

"Harry is as clear and sensible as you and me. The scar on his forehead

didn't confuse his brain. I believe. Harry's scar hurts only when

Voldemort is lurking nearby or when he feels he really wants to kill."

Fudge took a half step back from Dumbledore, but his expression was still

so stubborn.

"Excuse me, Dumbledore, I have never heard of a curse scar like a

warning bell..."

Item 0295

"I saw Voldemort come back with my own eyes!" Harry shouted

suddenly, "I saw the Death Eaters with my own eyes! I can tell their

names! Lucius Malfoy—"

Snape moved suddenly, but when Harry looked at him, Snape's gaze

turned to Fudge again.

"Malfoy is acquitted!" Fudge said, obviously feeling offended. "A very old

family-generous donations for a good cause -"

"McNeill!" Harry continued to report those names.

"Also acquitted! Currently working at the Ministry of Magic!"

"Avery-Knott-Crabbe-Gore -"

"You're just repeating the names of those who were convicted of not

being Death Eaters thirteen years ago!" Fudge said angrily. "You can find

those names in past trial reports! Look in God's newspaper, Dumbledore.

Lido—At the end of last year, the boy’s mind was full of quirky stories

made up—his lies became more and more bizarre, and you still believe it

all—this boy can talk to the snake, Dumbledore , And you still think he is


"You fool!" Bones shouted, "Bertha Jorkins! Mr. Crouch! The deaths of

these people are by no means the random act of a madman!"

"I don't see why it's not!" Fu Shi also shouted loudly, his face turned

purple, and his anger was no less than his colleague. "In my opinion, you

are all determined to create a panic and destroy our thirteenth

Everything that has been painstakingly built over the past few years!"

"Really? Do you think so?" Burns's tone suddenly became cold, as if he

was stating an established fact.

"Voldemort is back," she said, "Fuji, if you accept this fact immediately

and take the necessary measures, we may still be able to save the

situation. The first and most important step is to free Azkaban from the

control of the Dementors. ——"

"Playing the piano!" Fudge shouted again, "Remove the dementors? As

soon as I make this suggestion, I will be kicked out of the office! Half of

us know that there are dementors standing guard in Azkaban, and we can

do it at night. Get a solid sleep!"

"Connelly, if we let Voldemort's most dangerous buddies guard the guys

who will serve him at an order, then other people will not sleep well!"

Bones said, "Those guys can't be right. We are loyal, Fudge! Voldemort

can provide them with more power and fun than you can provide! Once

Voldemort has the support of Dementors behind him, his former buddies

will return to him one after another, to At that time, it will be difficult

for us to stop him from returning to the power he had thirteen years


Fudge's mouth opened and closed, and there seemed to be no words to

express his anger.

"The second measure we must take - and it must be done immediately,"

Bones further said, "is to send someone to send a letter to the giant."

"Send someone to deliver a letter to the giant?" Fudge exclaimed, and he

could speak again. "What kind of crazy talk is this again?"

"While it's not too late, extend the hand of friendship to them," Bones

said, "or Voldemort will draw them over. I still remember that he did this

before, among all wizards. , Only he can provide them with rights and


"You--you must be joking!" Fudge was out of breath, shook his head, and

withdrew from the front of Burns. "If the magic world learns that I have a

relationship with giants-people are right. The giant hates it, Amelia—my

career is over—"

"Connelly, you are so obsessed with your office, which makes you lose

the judgment you deserve." Bones said loudly, her voice gradually rising,

"If we don't take action-history will remember The one who lives with us:

it is our standing by and giving Voldemort a second chance to destroy the

world we have worked so hard to rebuild!"

"Absurd," Fudge whispered, and continued to step back. "Crazy..."

There was a moment of silence.

Madam Pomfrey stood beside Harry in a daze, covering her mouth with

her hand, Ye Ting looked on coldly, and both Furong and Hermione

stared at Fudge in surprise.

"If you're so obsessed and want to go your own way, Connelly," Bones

said, "we will have to go our separate ways. I will preach the truth about

Voldemort's return at the Ministry of Magic, and I will let the Aurors take

the right measures, and I You will be impeached on Wiesengamo!"

There was no threat in her voice, it sounded just a statement, but Fudge

was furious, as if she was holding a magic wand approaching him.

"Okay, okay, Amelia," he threatened, waving a finger, and said, "You

finally revealed your wolf ambitions. You opposed me with all your

energy, just wanting to be the Minister of Magic. , Right? For this reason,

you dare to fake the rumors about the return of the Dark Lord and fight

against me! I won't let you succeed!"

"The only thing I object to is Voldemort," said Ms. Burns. "If you object to

him, Connelly, then I won't impeach you."

Fudge can't seem to think of how to answer. His little feet were unstable,

and he swayed back and forth for a moment, rotating his bowler with

both hands. Finally, he spoke, with a hint of desire in his voice, "He won't

be back, Amelia, he can't..."

Snape strode forward, past Burns and Dumbledore.

As he walked, he lifted the left sleeve of his robe. He stretched his arms

over to show Fudge, who flinched back in horror.

"Did you see it," Snape said hoarsely. "Did you see it. The Dark Mark. It's

not as obvious as it was an hour ago, when it was burnt to black, but you

can still see each. The Death Eaters are branded by Voldemort. This is a

way for Death Eaters to recognize each other, and it is also a sign that

Voldemort summons them back to him. When he touches a Death Eater’s

mark, we must immediately Apparated and appeared beside him."

"In the past year, this mark has become more and more obvious.

Karkaroff's is the same. Why did you say Karkaroff is running away

tonight? We both felt the mark burning fiercely. We all knew he was

back. Kaka Love was afraid that Voldemort would retaliate against him.

He had betrayed many of his fellow Death Eaters, and surely no one

would welcome him back to them."

Fudge stepped back from Snape again.

He kept shaking his head, as if he didn't even hear what Snape was

saying. His eyes widened, apparently frightened by the ugly mark on

Snape’s arm, then he looked up at Bones Dumbledore and whispered, “I

don’t know what you are playing, but I’ve heard enough. I don’t want to

say anything, I have to go back to the Ministry of Magic, Amelia, you

won’t succeed, I promise.”

He put the bowler hat on his head and walked out of the room, closing

the door behind him.

Item 0296

The crowd watched Fudge turn around and leave, with different


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 212:

Most people's eyes were disappointed. Although they knew Connelly

Fudge's character a long time ago, his performance is still disappointing.

Only Ye Ting showed a smile that he had expected.

He glanced vaguely at Ms. Bones, who nodded at him.

Fudge's reaction is also in their plan.

Burns sighed, then looked at Dumbledore.

"Next... I have some work to do," she said with a serious face, "Albus... If I

am not mistaken, I can count on you?"

"Of course," Dumbledore nodded with a smile, "I have the same position

as you when it comes to fighting Voldemort."

"That's good." Burns smiled reluctantly. "For all those who can recognize

the situation under our persuasion, we must notify them immediately. I

will go back and contact the Ministry of Magic so they are not like

Cornell. Li is such a short-sighted person, and you, you also have many

supporters. I remember that in order to fight the Dark Lord, you also

assembled a group of like-minded wizards, right?"

"Yes, Amelia," Dumbledore replied, "We call this little assembly the Order

of the Phoenix."

"Then, Albus," Burns looked at Dumbledore with a serious face, "I hope

you can also contact everyone who is helpful to fight the Dark Lord. We

must unite!"

This evening, Bones and Dumbledore discussed for a long time, they were

all about how to face the rise of Voldemort. Bones decided to find a way

to pool all the power that could be obtained, draw all those who can, and

bring down the magic as soon as possible. Minister Fudge, at least able to

let her, as the second in command, fight against Fudge at the Ministry of

Magic, and then immediately launched measures to deal with Voldemort.

Dumbledore is pleased to see this. With his own personality, he will not

actively interfere with the Ministry of Magic if Fudge does not cooperate.

In other words, with Fudge as a stumbling block, all actions taken by him

and the Order of the Phoenix Not only will it not be supported, but it will

be suppressed by the government.

But now it’s different. In addition to Fudge, a dove politician, there are

actually like-minded people in the Ministry of Magic, and this person can

be regarded as the second in command of the Ministry. In this way, he

not only does not have to worry about the Ministry of Magic becoming a

confrontation. Voldemort's constraints, on the contrary, have the

opportunity to become their help.

In this way, Voldemort's invasion of the entire wizarding world will be

greatly reduced-although the Ministry of Magic alone cannot fight against

Voldemort's power, it can at least delay Voldemort's rule indefinitely,

which gives Dumbledore himself to find and destroy the Horcrux. chance.

And what about Bones? She also got the support of Dumbledore.

Although Dumbledore did not like to interfere in politics and the Ministry

of Magic, he himself had a considerable influence in the wizarding world,

and there were no lack of his supporters in Wesengarmo.

With Dumbledore, the chances of Burns seizing power from Fudge are

much higher-the opponent has a pure-blood family as supporters-and

Dumbledore himself can restrain Voldemort's power, and cooperates with

Dumbledore to let her There is a chance to avenge the family of his

brother who died at Voldemort's hands.

This is a win-win cooperation.

However, in this cooperation, there is actually a third party.

That is Ye Ting.

For Ye Ting, Bones already had deep respect.

The boy had foreseen the current situation more than a year ago. After

giving the whole Wisengama a disarm, the boy offered to cooperate with

her afterwards.

In that private meeting, Ye Ting predicted the return of Voldemort and

proposed the whole plan to fight against Voldemort.

The specificity of his prediction and the rigorous plan made Bones at the

time almost couldn't believe it.

But now, everything develops just like his prophecy, Voldemort returned,

and Fudge's attitude is exactly as he said: exactly like an ostrich with its

head plunged into the sand.

Bones could already think of what Fudge would do if no one stopped it.

He would attack Dumbledore, but let Voldemort's erosion of the Ministry

of Magic.

Bones couldn't believe it at all. This was the boy's prophecy-this prophecy

was not as vague as an ordinary prophecy, nor was it as fragmented as an

ordinary prophecy, on the contrary, it was specific and complete.

Bons would rather believe that this is the boy's deduction of the situation.

But anyway, this has proved that in addition to strength, this powerful

boy has wisdom that can rival Dumbledore.

Moreover, judging by the plan he proposed and the way he did things,

the boy was more unscrupulous than Dumbledore.

This also makes him even more terrifying.

At least compared to Dumbledore, Burns was more in awe of Ye Ting.

Now everything is in his plan.

This was another reason why Bones was in awe of Ye Ting, and one of

the reasons why she appeared to be less afraid of Voldemort.

At least in terms of the boy's plan—although some parts were not

disclosed to Bones—the possibility of Voldemort being wiped out was

very high.

In the end, the Triwizard Tournament came to an end.

Harry was barely the first person to win the championship trophy, but in

the end Ye Ting brought Hermione and Fleur back to save Harry. When

he returned to Hogwarts, there were four people holding the

championship trophy-among them Three are warriors.

This makes it difficult for the champion to decide.

In the end, because Hermione and Fleur were able to come forward and

rescue Harry, out of commendation for their selfless performance, the

title of champion was won by three people at the same time, and the

prize money was equally divided among the three.

"In this way, this champion seems worthless!"

This was Furong's complaint, but Gabriel and their parents seemed quite


They feel that Furong's action to come forward is more proud of them

than winning the championship.

Harry did not attend the final award ceremony. He was sent to the school

infirmary, with the Weasleys, Blake and Lupin all accompanying him.

In addition, he secretly asked Ye Ting, Furong and Hermione. Don't tell

others that he was resurrected from the death curse.

He also wanted to share his championship bonus among the three. He

himself felt that he was not worthy of being the champion of the

Triwizard Tournament after being rescued—although it was only one of


But the three agreed to the first request, but rejected the second.

Anyway, this is only a small amount of money, and Ye Ting himself is not

short of this amount of money.

After this night's experience, Furong's relationship with Ye Ting and

Hermione has become much closer.

Especially Hermione, she was very satisfied with Furong's performance

this evening, at least she was brave enough to live and die with them.

Although it was not a dangerous thing for Ye Ting to face Voldemort

directly, for the two girls, it was already a life and death together.

Hermione also began to have a tacit attitude towards Furong's pursuit of

Ye Ting.

On the one hand, his affection for Ye Ting was already broken, and on

the other hand, he recognized Furong.

It's really gratifying.

Item 0297

Not long after the Triwizard Tournament ended, this semester was almost


On the day before boarding the train home, there was a banquet for

leaving school as usual.

Usually at school leaving banquets, the auditorium is decorated with the

colors of the winning college. However, tonight, on the wall behind the

staff’s desk, red and blue decorations are hanging-half of the two,

representing Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, respectively, because Harry and

Hermione are side by side. Became the champion of the Triwizard


The real Mad-Eye Moody is now sitting at the staff's desk, his wooden

legs and magic eyes returned to their original positions.

Nowadays, he looks particularly nervous and uneasy. Whenever someone

talks to him, he jumps in shock.

This can't be blamed on him. Moody's kept in his box for ten months,

which aggravated the fear of being attacked by the originally suspicious

former Auror.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 213:

Karkaroff's seat was empty. Ye Ting sat down with other Ravenclaw's

classmates and thought to himself, I don't know where Karkaroff is at the

moment, or if Voldemort has caught him.

Mrs. Maxim was still there, sitting next to Hagrid, and they were talking


As half-blood giants, the two decided to participate in the confrontation

against Voldemort. During this summer vacation, they will go to contact

the giants together to prevent Voldemort from drawing these terrifying

magical creatures to their side.

When everyone was eating about the same, Professor Dumbledore

suddenly stood up from the staff desk.

The auditorium was already much quieter than the usual school leaving

banquet, and it was even more silent at this time.

"It's another year," Dumbledore said, looking at everyone, "it's over."

"Tonight, I have a lot to say to all of you. We all know that a lot of things

happened in the final match of the Triwizard Tournament. It was not a

warrior who appeared in front of everyone with the trophy. Three. In

addition, our beloved Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick were

also attacked that night and were eventually taken out of the game in a

coma. Therefore, I think you have the right to understand what


Everyone looked at Dumbledore.

"Harry Potter met Voldemort."

There was a nervous whisper in the auditorium. Everyone stared at

Dumbledore in horror and disbelief. Although most of the little wizards

had heard of this for a long time, many people only regarded it as a joke,

but now they were a little surprised when they were actually told about

it from Dumbledore's native population.

Gradually, their murmurs gradually returned to silence.

"Some people in the Ministry don't want me to tell you this." Dumbledore

continued. "The parents of some classmates may be shocked by what I

did-either because they couldn't believe that Voldemort really came back,

or It’s because they think I shouldn’t tell you this. After all, you are still

young. However, I believe that it is always better to tell the truth than to


At this time, every face in the auditorium was facing Dumbledore, and

every face was written with shock and fear...

Oh, not every face.

On the Slytherin table, Draco Malfoy was whispering to Clark and Gore.

"When talking about Harry Potter's encounter with Voldemort, we must

also mention a few other people," Dumbledore continued, "Of course, I'm

talking about Mr. Ting Ye and Hermione. Miss Granger and Miss Fleur


There was a wave of fluctuations in the auditorium, and a few people

turned their heads to them, then quickly turned back, looking at


"Harry Potter escaped Voldemort's claws," Dumbledore said. "The reason

is that they risked their lives and brought Harry from Voldemort back to

Hogwarts. They showed everything. A fearless spirit. Few wizards can

show this spirit when facing Voldemort's prostitution. For this, I pay

tribute to them."

Dumbledore turned to several people solemnly and raised his goblet.

Almost everyone in the auditorium did this. They whispered the names of

Ye Ting, Hermione, and Furong, and toasted them. Harry himself was

especially serious about it.

But through the gaps in the standing crowd, Harry saw Malfoy, Crabbe,

and Gore, and many others in Slytherin sitting stubbornly still, not

touching their glasses.

After everyone was seated again, Dumbledore said: "The purpose of the

Triwizard Tournament is to strengthen and promote mutual

understanding of the magical world. In light of what is happening now-in

view of the resurrection of Voldemort-this connection is more than ever

before. more important."

Dumbledore looked at Mrs. Maxim and Hagrid, looked at Fleur Delacour

and her Busbarton alumni, and looked at Victor Krum and Dem at the

Slytherin table. Strong's classmates.

Krum looked very nervous, even a little scared, as if thinking that

Dumbledore would say something harsh, because of the four warriors,

only he was controlled by the Imperius and attacked the others.

"Every guest in this auditorium," Dumbledore said, his eyes fixed on

Durmstrang's classmates, "as long as you are willing to come back, you

are welcome at any time. I will say it to you all again— -In view of

Voldemort's resurrection, we can only be strong if we are united. If we

are divided, we will be vulnerable. Voldemort's methods of creating

conflict and hostility are very clever. Only by showing the same

unbreakable friendship and trust can we fight to the end. As long as we

are The goal is the same, the heart is open, and differences in habits and

language will not become obstacles."

"I believe—I wish I was mistaken—I believe that we are all going to face

dark and difficult times. Some of you in the auditorium have been

directly victimized by Voldemort’s poison. Many of your families have

been torn apart , But please remember that in the face of such threats,

there are still people who are willing to come forward-what happened a

week ago is an example."

The next day, Ye Ting, Hermione Zhang Qiu and other Ravenclaw

classmates waited in the crowded hall for a carriage to take them to

Hogsmeade Station.


He turned his head and looked. Fleur Delacour hurriedly climbed the

stone steps and entered the castle.

At the other end of the field behind her, Ye Ting could see Hagrid helping

Mrs. Maxim to harness the two horses. Busbarton’s carriage is about to

set off.

"We will meet again soon," Furong walked to Ye Ting, gave him a hug,

and said, "I hope to find a job here during the summer vacation and

improve my English."

Her sister did the same.

"Your English is already very good." Zhang Qiu's words were a bit blunt,

frowning on the side.

However, Furong just smiled at her.

"Of course we will meet soon." Ye Ting smiled. "Maybe in the summer

vacation, I will invite you to an extraordinary adventure."

"Really? Then I started to look forward to it." Furong seemed very happy

about Ye Ting's proposal.

Then she turned and left.

"Goodbye, Ting. And Hermione and Qiu. It's a pleasure to meet you this


Ye Ting watched as Furong and Gabriel rushed towards Mrs. Maxim

along the lawn, his bright silver hair rippling like waves in the sun, and

his emotions became happy involuntarily.

Item 0298

Not long after the Hogwarts summer vacation began, a major event

happened at the Ministry of Magic.

The Director of the Magic Law Enforcement Department of the Ministry

of Magic, Ms. Amelia Burns, actually initiated a Wizengamore meeting.

At this Wizengamore meeting, she openly proposed the impeachment of

Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, because Fudge concealed Voldemort's

resurrection and deliberately concealed this fact.

At the Wiesengama Conference, she disclosed all the things that

happened on the night of the Triwizard Tournament final, and proved to

all Wiesengama members that Voldemort had returned.

Connelly Fudge denied it, of course. He proposed that Ms. Bones’

behavior was purely intentional to create panic in order to overthrow

Fudge’s position as Minister of Magic.

However, if Fudge said this a few years ago, there would be many

supporters, but after Sirius escaped from prison last year, the dementors

made Hogwarts, and Sirius was wronged, Peter Pettigrew was arrested.

The series of incidents of escape from prison after arrest made Fudge a

laughingstock to a large extent. Many wizards expressed doubts about his

abilities, and even Wisengama had much less support for him.

Of course, such a thing also accelerated Fudge's approach to the pure-

blood faction.

However, even so, the support that Bones can get is not as much as


After all, there are still some wizards who are unwilling to believe that

the Dark Lord will be resurrected before seeing them with their own eyes.

There are people who are as timid and self-deceiving as ostriches.

However, Bones was well prepared. She successively summoned the

victim Aristo Moody, the arrested party Harry Potter, and the rescued

Harry Potter Ye Ting, Hermione and Fleur— -This girl came to the UK

earlier than Ye Ting believed, and their separation did not exceed a week

at all.

Although there is no direct evidence of Voldemort's resurrection, the

testimony of these witnesses greatly enhances the credibility of Bones's


In particular, there was also Ye Ting among the witnesses.

The riots caused by Ye Ting at the Ministry of Magic and Wisengama last

year are vividly visible to everyone. The testimony of such a strong man

is absolutely credible.

In addition, another foreign aid for Ms. Bones is Albus Dumbledore.

At this time Fudge hadn't had time to suppress Dumbledore-in the

original book, Fudge even made Dumbledore a wanted man-on the night

of Voldemort's resurrection, it was Burns himself who really confronted

Fudge and broke with him.

At this time, Dumbledore was still the chief magician of Wizengamore.

While presiding over the meeting, he also spoke to prove that what Ms.

Burns said was true.

At this time, Fudge was a little numb.

Although he has the support of the pure blood faction, his approval rate

is still not high. If it weren't for the existence of those ostriches, Fudge

would almost certainly be dismissed on the spot.

But now, the support rate of the two sides can only be regarded as 50-50,

and there are still many ostriches and wall-to-head grasses who choose to


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 214:

The end result is that the Ministry of Magic is temporarily skeptical about

whether Voldemort is resurrected, but Ms. Burns is in charge of the Auror

office of the same age, conducting investigations and prevention work

within a limited range.

This result was in Ye Ting's expectation.

Although he could not completely overthrow Fudge, it was already a

good breakthrough.

At least, Bones got a chance to equal Fudge.

Moreover, as Voldemort becomes active, more and more evidence will

point to his return. At that time, Burns will naturally become the new

Minister of Magic in one fell swoop.

And he himself, in the process of removing the Horcrux in the future, can

also directly obtain official help from the Ministry of Magic. Although Ye

Ting has always felt that the Auror of the Ministry of Magic is too crappy,

the information that the Ministry of Magic has and their official powers.

Convenience can be enough to help Ye Ting.

Today, the power struggle in the Ministry of Magic has burned to the


In newspapers such as "Witcher Weekly" and "Daily Prophet", the Bones

faction and the Fudge faction began to quarrel. One party preached the

return of Voldemort and asked everyone to be careful. Don't believe it.

The two sides sprayed each other with great joy.

Ordinary wizards are a bit at a loss. They don't know how to tell who is

true and who is false. And Voldemort's affairs are not entertainment

news. They can face it with the mood of watching the excitement. For a

while, the entire British wizarding community is panicked. .

During this time, Ye Ting invited a few girls to start a journey to find


At this moment, there were four beautiful girls sitting on the sofa in Ye

Ting's home. They were staring at the only man together, and the scene

was a bit awkward.

It's no wonder that the four girls are both beautiful and outstanding

people, but they like the same person. The four girls under the same roof

naturally make the atmosphere very strange.

It is Ye Ting who is used to seeing such scenes in the world of Song of Ice

and Fire, even with Daenerys, Melisandre, Arianne and Sansa at the same

time, but that is after all the medieval worldview, that group of nobles

The education the ladies received was completely different from the

modern education received by the four girls in front of Ye Ting.

However, even so, Ye Ting bit the bullet and introduced it.

First, he introduced Voldemort and Horcrux to the girls-mainly for Zhang

Qiu and Penello-and then began to explain what they were going to do.

"The Dark Lord once mentioned that he wanted to divide the soul into

seven, because seven is a powerful number," Ye Ting said, "In other

words, including the soul of the Dark Lord's body, the soul is divided into

seven. , Then the Dark Lord will have six Horcruxes."

"Is Harry included?" Fleur asked.

"Of course not," Ye Ting smiled. "The idiot of the Dark Lord didn't even

know that Harry's soul had his soul fragments hidden in him. He even

more unexpectedly, it was he who destroyed part of his soul. ."

The girls all laughed, and their fear and fear of Voldemort became

weaker for a while.

Ye Ting continued.

"According to the information I have, Voldemort's Horcruxes should be

the relics of the founders of Hogwarts, as well as family relics related to

his bloodline-of course, there is also the one next to him called'Na Genie's

snake, I think it is also very likely a Horcrux."

The girls are a little curious about Ye Ting's intelligence sources, but Ye

Ting certainly can't tell them that this is from the "Harry Potter" novel.

"Although Horcruxes can be like door keys, they are common objects that

are easily overlooked. But would Voldemort use old tin cans or empty

medicine bottles to save his own precious soul? Voldemort likes to collect

souvenirs, he likes to have powerful magic and Items of historical

significance. His pride, his sense of superiority, and his determination to

occupy an astonishing place in the history of magic, all of which make

me think that Voldemort would carefully select his Horcruxes and prefer

those worthy of this honor. thing."

"But, that diary is not that special." Hermione pointed out.

"No, the diary can prove that he is the heir to Slytherin, because it

records the experience of opening the secret room when Voldemort was a

student. I believe Voldemort thinks it is significant."

"As for other Horcruxes, I can only guess." Ye Ting continued, "For the

reasons already stated, I believe Voldemort will prefer his own noble

items. And the four Hogwarts who can prove this the most. The founder’s

relic—after all, Voldemort was influenced by the thoughts of the four

founders throughout his life, especially his heir to self-proclaimed

Slytherin, who wanted to deny the views of the other three founders."

So the discussion began to revolve around the relics of the founders of


Item 0299

In fact, although the relics of the founder of Hogwarts are mysterious,

they are mentioned in some Hogwarts collections.

According to legend, the four founders passed down four magical relics.

These relics are magic items with special effects. Mentioning these,

Penello, Zhang Qiu, and Hermione immediately remembered the books

they had read and some rumors they had learned.

Now, Furong seemed confused.

"I remember that the Sorting Hat used to be Godric Gryffindor's hat,"

Hermione exclaimed. "In addition, Gryffindor's sword and Hufflepuff's

cup are also the relics of the founder."

"You're right," Ye Ting smiled, "but the sorting hat is not one of the four

relics, and it has been placed in Hogwarts. Gryffindor's sword is

Gryffindor's relic. , But I have seen it in Dumbledore’s headmaster’s room,

so none of them can be Horcruxes. After all, Horcruxes have evil powers.

That diary is an example."

"That's right, Voldemort's Horcrux will definitely not be something we

can simply see-otherwise it would have been discovered long ago."

Hermione curled her lips.

"So... what about the relics of Slytherin and Ravenclaw?" Zhang Qiu

asked, "We don't know what the relics of these two founders are."

"Actually... we can ask Ms. Grey." Penello suggested suddenly. "Ms. Grey

is the daughter of Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw. She probably knows what Ms.

Ravenclaw has. "

"The Dark Lord himself claims to be a descendant of Slytherin," Fleur also

offered his own opinion. "If what he said is true, then Slytherin's relic is

likely to be his family heirloom or something."

"It makes sense. In this case, Ravenclaw's relics can be considered after

school starts, and Slytherin's relics can be seen at the home of the Dark

Lord. I remember Voldemort's mother named Merope Gunter, she They

are descendants of the Gunter family, and the Gunter family is the only

descendant of Slytherin." Ye Ting concluded.

"In other words, maybe the Dark Lord has two, maybe found the relics of

the three founders." Hermione said, shaking her fingers, "but even if he

got something from Ravenclaw or Slytherin, plus On the diary, Harry

himself, and the logo of the Dark Lord family, there is still the seventh

Horcrux left. Do you think it will be that snake? Can animals be used as


"Not very desirable," Ye Ting analyzed, "because it is very risky to entrust

a part of your soul to an active and thinking thing. However, if my

estimation is correct, the Dark Lord was trying to kill Harry. At Potter's

time, at least one Horcrux was missing, and he had not yet reached his

goal of six."

"You mentioned that the Dark Lord is using murder to make Horcruxes,"

Penello was puzzled. "But we all know that he failed."

"Yes, but after a few years, he used Nagini to kill an old Muggle man.

Maybe he thought of turning this snake into his last Horcrux at that time.

It can highlight Slater. Lin’s family background adds to his mystery. I

think this may be his favorite thing. He undoubtedly likes to take it with

him, and seems to have an extraordinary power to dominate it, even in a

snake-like voice. rare."

"Then, the diary is ruined, and Harry is no longer a'horcrux', the snake

and Ravenclaw's relics are temporarily unavailable, that is to say, there

are still three Horcruxes to be found." Asked, "Then... shall we look for

them? Ting? Are we going to do this this holiday?"

"Yes," Ye Ting nodded, then looked at the girls, "Are you willing to come


"Of course." The girls agreed without thinking.

As a division of labor, Zhang Qiu and Penello are responsible for

inquiring about the whereabouts of Hufflepuff's golden cup through the

Ministry of Magic and other methods.

Through the alchemy shop, Penello actually already had his own

contacts, and Ye Ting introduced Ms. Bones to her, it was not as difficult

as imagined to find the whereabouts of the gold cup.

And Hermione and Furong went with Ye Ting to explore the first

destination, the old house of the Gunter family.

Early the next morning, Ye Ting brought the two girls to the Ministry of

Magic early.

They came to the second floor, the Magic Law Enforcement Department.

In the director's office, Ms. Bones has been waiting for them for a long


"You are here, Mr. Ye, oh, and Miss Granger and Miss Delacour." Burns

greeted them, then waved.

Beside her, a wizard stood up. This was a short and chubby man. He was

wearing a pair of glasses with very thick lenses. His eyes were reduced to

two points, like the eyes of a mole. Same.

He was like the inexperienced wizards who wanted to dress like Muggles.

He wore an eccentric outfit: a striped swimsuit with a tuxedo over the

top and shoe covers on his feet.

He nodded to Ye Ting, with jealousy and fear in his eyes.

"He is Felwood, an Auror." Burns introduced, "Although I don't know

what you are going to investigate, he will be responsible for taking you

to the Gunter House."

Under Felwood's leadership, through Apparition, Ye Ting showed up on a

country road with the girls.

On both sides are tall, tangled bushes and hedges, and above the head is

the summer sky, as clear and blue as forget-me-not flowers.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 215:

A wooden sign sticking out of the bushes on the left side of the path.

Felwood stepped forward, looked at the sign for a while, and then walked

quickly down the path.

The three followed.

As she passed the wooden signpost, Hermione looked up at its two

indicator arrows. The one pointing to their way said: Great Hangleton, 5

miles. Pointing in the direction Ogden is going, it says: Little Hangleton,

1 mile.

In the direction of Little Hangleton, they walked for a while, seeing

nothing else around, only the tall bushes and hedges on both sides, and

the vast blue summer sky above their heads.

Then, the path turned to the left and descended steeply along the hillside,

so they suddenly and unexpectedly found a valley, unobtrusively

presented in front of them.

In the valley, they saw a village, which was undoubtedly Little

Hangerton, situated between two steep hillsides, and the church and

cemetery were clearly visible. On the hillside across the valley, there is a

large house surrounded by large green grasslands.

Because the downhill road was too steep, Felwood trot involuntarily. Ye

Ting took a bigger step, Hermione and Furong also quickened their steps

to follow behind.

The path turned to the right, and when they turned the corner, the hem

of Felwood's dress coat flashed, and he was missing in a gap in the fence.

Item 0300

Ye Ting led the girls to follow him to a narrow dirt road, and the bushes

and hedges on both sides were taller and denser than the ones they had

just passed by.

The dirt road was winding, potholes, and full of rubbish. It descended

steeply like the trail just now, and seemed to lead to a small patch of

dark woods below.

Sure enough, the dirt road connected to the low wood without going far,

Felwood stopped, and the three of them stopped behind him.

Although the sky is clear and cloudless, the old trees above them cast a

chilly dark and thick shadow. It took a few seconds before their eyes saw

a house half-hidden in a thicket of trees.

Those big trees grew beside the house, and the trees blocked all the light

and blocked the valley below.

The house is obviously seldom occupied: the walls are covered with

moss, many tiles on the roof have fallen off, and the rafters inside are

exposed here or there. There are dense nettles growing around the house,

and the tall nettles line up all the way to the windows. Those windows

are very small and covered with thick old dirt.

"This is Gunter's old house." Felwood said to the three of them back, "Do

you need me to go in with you?"

"No, it's all right here," Ye Ting said, "your mission is over, you can go


"Then, good luck to you." Felwood heard the words, as if relieved, he

took out his wand, as if he wanted to Apparate immediately.

It seems that Ye Ting's lingering prestige for these Aurors is not small.

However, Ye Ting used his magic wand to point to Felwood first.

"Forget it all."

A white light flashed at the tip of Ye Ting's "Weaver". The next moment

Felwood's eyes became dull, he looked at the three of them mechanically,

and then continued to use Apparition.

Just hearing a "crack", the amnesiac Auror disappeared before their eyes.

"In order to prevent the Dark Lord from knowing that we have been here,

I can only do this." Ye Ting shrugged his shoulders when he saw the

puzzled eyes of the two girls, and explained, "Penello will also be

investigating. Treat it like this."

Then, the three of them looked at the rotten house in front of them.

Hermione and Fleur took out their wands one after another. They knew

that if there were any Horcruxes here, Voldemort would definitely not

forget to set a trap here.

Furong first raised the cane, aimed at the stained door, and waved it


"Alaho Cave opens."

The door was suddenly opened, and at the same time a red light struck...

However, Hermione, who had been prepared for a long time, recited the

iron armor curse calmly, blocking all the threats of the red light to them.

The red light seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall, and a violent

explosion occurred. After the explosion, everything around, especially the

bushes and grasses, turned off-white.

"It's a terrible curse." Hermione looked down, then concluded, "These

plants are dead."

"After all, it's the Dark Lord." Furong looked at the scene like a dead

place, and fought a cold war with fear. "We have to be more careful."

The three slowly walked into the house.

The room was in chaos, and all the furniture and furnishings were in


Such a bad and messy hut, except for the homeless, I am afraid that it

will not arouse anyone's desire to search.

Suddenly, everywhere in the house, as if they were startled by their

footsteps, there were noises everywhere.

"It's a human voice," Hermione said after listening for a while. "Is there

people in this house?"

However, it was not people who appeared in front of them—or rather

people in the conventional sense—these "people" included men, women,

and children. They looked very pale and wore ragged clothes. They were

all open. With sunken, non-visual eyes, his movements are very stiff,

looking like a corpse.

"This is a corpse!" Hermione came to a conclusion after examining it for a


"What's that?" Furong took a few steps back disgustingly by these corpse-

like guys, "I thought they were ghosts!"

"The corpse is a corpse invoked by the black wizard's spell. It has no life,

but is used like a puppet to execute the wizard's orders." Hermione

explained, "I am in a book of black magic "Dark Force: Self-Defense

Guide" "I’ve seen it on "They are afraid of fire and light, and like darkness

and humidity."

"Really? That means we have to deal with them with a blazing fire curse."

Furong raised her wand and looked at these guys emerging from all over

the house, a little eager to try, "I don't want them to touch my new

clothes. Woolen cloth."

"No! The Fire Curse will burn the whole house," Hermione stopped. "We

have to use some safer methods."

As a result, they had no choice but to use full-body binding curses,

petrification curses, splitting curses, etc. on these corpses.

These hollow corpses stared at them with misty eyes, withered hands

stretched out to the three living people, and threw on them one after

another, but they were hit by spells one by one, some could not move,

fell to the ground, some directly Become fragments.

Although there are a large number of corpses, this house is too narrow,

and their number advantages cannot be used well.

The two girls stood at the door, each time they only had to deal with up

to three corpses, they calmly and continuously fired spells to deal with

these scary guards, which are actually not powerful.

Soon, a stiff corpse and fragments lay on the ground.

"It's disgusting," Furong followed Ye Ting, raising her legs in disgust, and

stepping over the debris all over the floor. "Why do you think the Dark

Lord should arrange these guys here? They are too weak, and even a little

capable wizard can do it. Deal with them."

"Probably to consume the invader's magic power." Hermione analyzed,

"You can't use the fire curse in the wooden house, and you can't use the

mass destruction curse. Then the invaders have to deal with these corpses

one by one. The corpse, for ordinary wizards, consumes a lot of magic

power, so how can they have spare energy to deal with the next level?"

However, this trick had no effect on Ye Ting and Hermione who had

excess magic power.

However, after hearing Hermione's analysis, Furong realized that she had

indeed consumed too much magic power.

The next moment, Ye Ting threw a small glass bottle at her, which was

filled with blue potion.

Furong recognized it immediately. This was exactly what Ye Ting gave

out as one of the trophies for defeating the monsters in the Triwizard

Finals, which could replenish magic power.

At that time, when Furong first saw this potion, she felt very impressive.

Since ancient times, no potionist in the wizarding world has invented a

potion that supplements magic power. Everyone can only rely on their

own rest to restore magic power.

She was also wondering why Ye Ting had to release so many weird and

unreasonable trophies in the game.

However, she later realized that Ye Ting had just used them as

experimental products to try out his new invention.

However, now this blue potion should be the finished product after the


She opened the cork without thinking and drank it in one fell swoop.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 216:

Item 0301

After some supplies, the three people continued their exploration.

Starting in the living room, they searched every bottle, canister and

drawer container in the cottage, hoping to gain something.

Of course, it is difficult for them to find out which is a magical item and

which is a dangerous trap from these chaotic items.

However, they did not forget to bring a good search helper, Feiju.

This cat demon has far more intuition and sensitivity than ordinary

wizards, and she can easily find out what's wrong.

By the way, Oriana was arranged by Ye Ting to stay with Penello and

Zhang Qiu as their safety insurance.

However, let alone any suspicious magic items, in this old house, they

didn't even find a magic trap, as if Voldemort had set up a corpse level in

this old house.

But, logically speaking, since there are corpses here, it proves that

Voldemort should have hidden something here. After all, it takes energy

to make corpses. Unlike zombies, these corpses are not infectious,

Voldemort He and his followers must be made one by one, which is

laborious and laborious, so it must be effective.

When the corpse appeared, at least Hermione and Fleur had this idea.

This analysis was not incorrect, but in the next search, they became

confused again.

If Voldemort's Horcrux was really hidden here, it would look too


With such thoughts, the girls continued to search carefully, and the

search soon yielded results.

It was a small remote room. Judging from the decaying decoration, they

could vaguely distinguish that it was a female room.

It was after entering this room that Fei Ju began to look uneasy. She who

had been patrolling the room suddenly jumped back into Ye Ting's arms,

and then kept yelling "Mimi".

Ye Ting immediately understood that there was something dangerous in

this room.

Before coming here, they had known about Voldemort's life in advance.

He was born in the Gunter family, his mother was Merope Gunter, a

witch, and his father Tom Riddle was a Muggle.

And Merope Gaunt’s father, Marvolo Gaunt, was the head of the previous

generation of Gaunt’s family.

The Gunter family is said to be an ancient pure-blood family that has

been passed down for thousands of years, but in order to maintain the so-

called purity of blood, generations of generations have been close

relatives married. They pay special attention to luxury and extravagance.

They used to be quite rich, and their wealth was squandered many

generations ago by Marvolo Gunter.

In addition to Merop Gaunt, Marvolo Gaunt also has a son named Morfin

Gaunt, who is the orthodox heir of the Gaunt family.

However, Morfin Gunter was sent to Azkaban for the murder of the old

Tom Riddle family in Riddle House long ago and died there.

Before coming, they had retrieved the original files from the Ministry of

Magic. The files showed that although Morfin Gunter was unconscious,

he voluntarily admitted that he killed the Dingrieder family, but this was

obviously very problematic. Because at that time, Morfin Gunter's mental

state was completely unable to support him to complete this murder.

Obviously, the real murderer is Voldemort, who has been reluctant to

admit his Muggle background, while Morfin Gunter has been implanted

with false memories.

This is why Gunter’s Old House was the first stop of their investigation.

And because Morfin Gunter has been unmarried, according to data

analysis, this house clearly belongs to Voldemort's mother, Merope


In a drawer in the cabin, the three of them found a rather suspicious


It was a golden ring with a black gem inlaid on it, which looked very


But the ring will appear in such a place, which is already quite


The most noticeable is the emblem on the black gem.

It was a weird figure that looked like a triangular eye. There was a

vertical line in the middle of the pupil, but the triangular and vertical

lines were relatively dim, and the "circle" that made up the eye had very

clear lines.

Ye Ting knew that this was the sign of the Deathly Hallows.

According to the original work, this black gem is one of the three Deathly

Hallows, the "Resurrection Stone", and this ring is one of Voldemort's

Horcruxes, inherited from Marvolo Gunter's ring.

However, before he could say anything, he realized that the expressions

of the two girls beside him were a little wrong.

Their gazes were already staring at this ring, and they couldn't move

away at all.

Especially for Furong Delacour, Ye Ting could clearly hear her rapid

breathing. As if she was dreaming, she slowly stretched her hand to the

ring, just about to touch it.

Ye Ting grabbed her hand quickly, making her unable to move, then took

Hermione again, and **** the two girls back.

Hermione and Fleur backed two or three steps at the same time, their

bodies tilted, and they stopped looking at the ring.

"How about it, is it all right?" Ye Ting looked at them both with concern.

There was a moment of confusion in the eyes of the girls, and it took a

while to wake up.

"I...I'm fine." Furong finally realized that something was wrong with her.

She glanced at the ring with complicated eyes, "I'm sorry, I just lost my


"This ring seems to be tempting us." Hermione said with some fear. "This

is too weird. If we touch it, there will be some terrible consequences."

Ye Ting nodded and pointed his wand at Marvolo Gunter's ring.

A strange black smoke slowly floated out of the black gem.

Immediately, Ye Ting, Hermione and Furong all felt a very dangerous


Hermione turned a broken book next to it into a white mouse, and with a

wave of her wand, she threw the mouse into the black smoke.

The white mouse, who was still squeaking, screamed as soon as it

touched the black smoke. The three watched the mouse become pitch-

black in the black smoke, with muscle necrosis, and ultimately no life.

However, this black smoke still lingers near the ring, not reducing at all,

and there is a tendency to expand.

"Is this... the Dark Lord's Horcrux?" Hermione shivered. "It's... a

dangerous curse. No wonder he didn't set up any traps except for the

corpse, just relying on the ability to seduce people and this terrible thing.

The curse will stop any thief."

Ye Ting nodded knowingly.

Indeed, Voldemort's hand grasped the laws of human psychology. If

someone was really searching for Horcrux, the moment he found the ring

would be his most relaxing moment.

Spiritual temptation plus curse, in the original book, even Dumbledore

was also hit by this trick.

Even with the help of black magic master Snape, this curse still abolished

Dumbledore’s hand and left him with less than one year of life. So

Dumbledore had to make a sacrifice to himself, undercover. Nep's plan.

Item 0302

Through the trial just now, Hermione came to the conclusion that this

curse is the effect of directly devouring life and creating death.

The best way to face such a curse is to consume its power through life.

Hermione tried to conjure a few critters with the Transfiguration Curse,

trying to eliminate the curse with the life of the critters.

However, this method failed. Animals transformed by a few

Transfiguration techniques could not consume the curse. On the contrary,

the curse grew a little bit because it swallowed life.

It seems that the method of winning by quantity through small lives is

completely useless, and a single and sufficiently powerful life must be

used to consume the power of this curse.

However, this means that human lives must be used to fill it-and weaker

wizards cannot satisfy the curse.

Immediately afterwards, she tried various anti-curses to deal with the

curse, but to no avail.

"So, can we only use fierce fire to destroy it?" Hermione studied for a

while, and finally came to the final conclusion.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 217:

Indeed, the magic fire that burns everything is indeed the nemesis of all

kinds of magic items, even the most evil Horcrux.

However, Ye Ting shook his head.

"Lihuo is too difficult to control." He said, "If Lihuo is used, this house

will have to be completely destroyed. It's not good."

So, Hermione had to shrug her shoulders. Apart from fierceness, she

really couldn't think of a way to fight the curse.

For the study of magic, Fleur is not as good as Hermione.

Magic is not simply adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. It's not

that whoever has stronger magic power can win.

For such a curse, if the correct countermeasures are not found, even the

crushing power will not be effective.

Seeing this curse, Ye Ting thought of Dumbledore's Phoenix Fox.

The phoenix is ​​a powerful magical creature, and its vitality is enough

to satisfy this curse.

He realized that this curse and the killing curse had the same effect in the

same way, and both were dangerous magic that directly affected life.

The phoenix can swallow the killing curse and avoid death by rebirth—

even Voldemort's own killing curse is no exception.

In other words, if he had a phoenix, he would be able to consume the

power of the curse through the life of the phoenix-unfortunately, only

Dumbledore had a phoenix. I have to say that this is a huge regret.

However, through Phoenix, he had new ideas.

"You guys wait for me."

After speaking, he left the old house of Gunter through Apparition.

It took about ten minutes before he appeared again, holding a glass bottle

filled with silver liquid.

"This is the blood of unicorns," he explained to the girls, "I just went to

the Forbidden Forest and got some blood from La Rui."

After speaking, he showed an ugly expression.

It's no wonder that Ye Ting has always loved La Rui, and when she was

with La Rui, even if the little unicorn was naughty, he couldn't bear to

blame her. This time he bleeds her, and the most distressed is himself.

However, the blood of the unicorn is not only a symbol of holiness, but

also has ample vitality. Using it is just suitable to break this curse.

After applying magic to the bottle of silver blood and activating the

vitality in it, he transformed the blood of the unicorn into the appearance

of a little unicorn through a transformation technique.

If you use other materials to perform such a deformation, even if you

become a unicorn, it is illusory, at most it can be regarded as an empty

shell of the unicorn's appearance, but using the blood of the unicorn as

the material, the effect is quite different.

As the essence of unicorn power, the unicorn transformed from the blood

of the unicorn is basically the same as the real unicorn-of course, except

for the duration.

Under Ye Ting's control, the unicorn lowered his head, aimed at the ring

with his beautiful and dangerous unicorn, and then slammed into it.

At the moment when the unicorn and the ring touched, Ye Ting,

Hermione and Furong seemed to hear an evil scream.

The black smoke turned into a terrible skeleton and hit the unicorn.

The unicorn let out a painful cry, and turned from a white unicorn to


Immediately afterwards, black began to spread on it, and the holy white

fur gradually became dull and decayed.

However, as the darkness on the unicorn continued to spread, the black

smoke itself began to shrink, and eventually disappeared completely-

completely swallowed by the unicorn's body.

In this way, most of the unicorn's body turned black, but the curse itself

was also consumed.

Soon, the unicorn fell staggeringly, it completed its mission, stopped

breathing, and then turned back into a pool of blood.

At this time, the blood was no longer silver, but ugly silver black. When

it touched the wooden floor, it made a "chichi" corrosion sound, and it

quickly penetrated into the floor and left ugly corrosion marks.

"In this way, the curse will be resolved." Ye Ting smiled slightly and

stepped forward.

However, despite what he said, he still carefully took out a pair of white

gloves. The gloves are covered with gorgeous golden patterns. If an

alchemist sees this pair of gloves, he will find that the pair of gloves is

powerfully enchanted. The iron armor curse and guardian curse have a

powerful defensive effect against black magic and various curses.

Ye Ting put on his gloves, then carefully picked up the ring.

However, the glove did not respond to the ring, obviously cursed and


"So, how do we destroy this Horcrux?" Furong asked.

"The first Horcrux to be destroyed was the Dark Lord's notebook,"

Hermione recalled. "At that time, Ting took out a sword with the magic

effect and used it to destroy the Horcrux."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Ting took out a gorgeous sword from his

pocket-his "Endless Sword".

"Which one of you wants to try?" Ye Ting handed the sword to the two


The girls glanced at each other, and Hermione took the sword first.

"I'll come first," she said, "it's your turn for the next Horcrux."

Furong bit her lip unwillingly. She just hesitated for a while, and

Hermione got the Infinite Sword first, and now she had no choice but to

accept this condition.

Ye Ting put the ring on the ground, Hermione took a step back, and then

raised the sword high.

Thanks to the weight control enchantment, even Hermione can easily

swing the sword.

She slashed the endless sword hard, and the blade slashed into the ring,

cutting it into two pieces.

With a terrible, long-lasting scream that pierced the eardrum, a black

translucent, soul-like thing emerged from the ring, which seemed to be

the soul of the Dark Lord.

It struggled, cursed, twisted, and disappeared for a while.

Of the seven Horcruxes, three have been destroyed.

Item 0303

As soon as Voldemort's soul disappeared, Hermione and Fleur

immediately breathed a sigh of relief, as if relieved.

Witnessing the demise of Voldemort's Horcrux with their own eyes gave

them a sense of peace of mind and increased their hope of success against


Ye Ting bent down, picked up the black gem with a special symbol from

the wreckage of the ring, and then used the Vanishing Curse to dispose of

the remaining part.

"What's this? The gem on the ring?" Hermione looked at the black gem,

looking a little curious. "It's a strange pattern."

"I feel... I seem to have seen this pattern somewhere." Fleur looked at the

symbol on the gem, thoughtfully.

"Really?" Hermione was a little surprised, "but I remember clearly that in

the Hogwarts library, no book mentions this symbol, and this is not an

ancient magic text."

"This is the symbol of the Deathly Hallows," Ye Ting introduced, "Furong

will certainly find it familiar. In fact, most of the little wizards have

heard the rumors of the Deathly Hallows-it is not surprising that you

haven't seen Hermione. The legend of the Deathly Hallows is actually the

childhood story of wizards. Their fairy tales are very different from


"Death Hallows?" Hermione was still a little confused. She looked at

Furong, "Have you heard of this story?"

"This...I..." Furong thought for a while, and finally seemed to think of

something, and said, "It's "The Legend of Three Brothers"! I seem to have

heard this word in "The Legend of Three Brothers"."

Realizing that Hermione was still puzzled, Fleur explained.

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 218:

"This is a story that originated from "The Story of Poem and Pedou". This

is the story we wizards read most often when we were young."

"It's almost the same as Muggles's "The Grimm's Fairy Tales" and

"Andersen's Fairy Tales"." Ye Ting added.

Now it was Furong's turn to be confused, but she went on to introduce it.

"Once upon a time, three brothers drove along a secluded path, and it

was almost dusk--

Death spoke to them. The **** of death was very angry, he lost three

new sacrifices-because travelers usually drown in this river. But death is

very cunning. He pretended to congratulate the three brothers on their

magic, saying that they escaped death by virtue of their cleverness, and

each could get a reward.

The boss is a warlike man. What he wants is the most powerful wand in

the world: a wand that can always help the owner win in a duel, and a

wand that a wizard who has conquered death is worthy of! The **** of

death walked to an elderberry tree on the shore, made a magic wand out

of a hanging branch, and gave it to the boss.

The second child is an arrogant man, he decided to continue to humiliate

the **** of death, what he wanted was the ability to resurrect the dead.

The **** of death picked up a stone from the shore and gave it to the

second child, telling him that this stone has the ability to bring back the


Then the **** of death asked the youngest third what he wanted. The

third child is the most humble and smartest one, and he doesn't believe in

death. So he wanted something that would allow him to leave there

without being followed by death. Reluctantly, the **** of death gave him

his invisibility cloak.

Then the **** of death stood aside and let the three brothers continue on

their way. They talked about the wonderful experience just now, admired

the gift of **** of death, and walked forward.

Later, the three brothers broke up and moved towards their respective


The boss walked for more than a week, came to a remote mountain

village, and quarreled with a wizard. Naturally, he uses the "old magic

wand" made of elderberry as a weapon, and he will undoubtedly win the

duel. After his opponent fell to the ground and died, he moved on and

walked into a tavern, boasting loudly about how invincible the powerful

wand he had obtained from the **** of death was invincible.

That night, after the boss got so drunk, another wizard crept to his

bedside, stole the wand, and cut his throat.

In this way, Reaper took the life of the boss.

At the same time, the second child returned to the home where he lived

alone, took out the stone that could bring the dead back to life, and

turned it in his hand three times. What surprised him was that the girl he

wanted to marry but died untimely appeared immediately in front of


But she was sad and indifferent, and there seemed to be a curtain

between them. Although she returned to the world, she didn't really

belong here. She was in pain. In the end, the second child was tortured

crazy by hopeless desire and committed suicide in order to be truly with


In this way, the **** of death took the second child's life.

However, the **** of death has been looking for the third child for many

years, but he has never been able to find him. The third child lived until

he was very old, and finally took off the invisibility cloak and gave it to

his son, and then greeted the **** of death like an old friend meeting,

and as an equal, happily joined him and left the world. "

"That's it." Ye Ting said briefly.

"Sorry?" Hermione asked, a little confused.

"Those are the Deathly Hallows." Ye Ting said.

He took out a pen and a notebook, then snapped his fingers, and the

notebook immediately hovered in mid-air, and then automatically turned

to a new page.

"Old magic wand." He drew a vertical line on the paper.

"Resurrection Stone." He added a circle on the vertical line.

"Invisible Cloak." He drew a triangle outside the vertical line and circle,

which became the symbol.

"Together is-the Deathly Hallows."

"So... you mean..." Hermione said slowly, and Fleur could feel her trying

to make her voice free of suspicion, "Do you believe that these things-

these sacred artifacts-do exist? They—can be the masters of the **** of


"Yes," Ye Ting nodded, "and you have seen two of these three things in

the past, and now you have seen the third one."

"You mean..." The two girls looked at the black gem in Ye Ting's hand in

disbelief, "This is the resurrection stone?"

"There is no doubt." Ye Ting nodded, "This is the resurrection stone."

"So, it can really make people...resurrect." The two girls breathed quickly

and resurrected. This is really a tempting word.

"Yes, of course it can revive people." Ye Ting gave an affirmative answer,

and he immediately felt that the two girls became excited. However, his

next sentence is a turning point.

"But—please remember that story."

In the story, although the second child resurrected the girl he liked, the

girl was sad and indifferent, and did not really belong to the world. In

the end, the second child was driven crazy, and he finally committed


In other words, the existence of the resurrection stone is flawed.

The two girls became disappointed immediately.

"Actually, this is normal. If everyone can resurrect casually, the world

will be messed up." Ye Ting comforted the two girls a little.

Soon, their attention shifted to other places.

"You just said that we have seen two Deathly Hallows," Hermione

suddenly thought of something and asked, "Why don't I have any


Item 0304

"Do you really remember where you saw the Deathly Hallows?" Ye Ting

asked rhetorically, "At least, you will have an impression of one of them."

"You mean... Harry Potter's cloak?" Hermione was a little unbelievable.

"But, as far as I know, many people have cloaks, at least many Aurors

have their own cloaks. "

"Ah, but the Harry Potter piece is a real invisibility cloak, Miss Granger!"

Ye Ting emphasized, "I mean, it's not a magical spell or blindfolded eye. ,

Or travel cloaks woven with invisible beast hair. These can be invisible at

first, but over time they will gradually show up. We are talking about a

cloak that can make people truly and completely invisible. Permanently

effective, continuously invisible, unbreakable no matter what spell is

used. How many invisibility cloaks have you seen, Miss Granger?"

The words left Hermione speechless.

Yes, there are many other invisibility cloaks, but Harry Potter's one is

obviously the best, at least it can completely cover up the outline and


"So... what about the old wand?" Fleur asked, "Where did you see the old


"Oh, the old magic wand is the easiest holy artifact," Ye Ting said,

"because it has a special way of inheritance."

"What's the matter?" Furong asked.

"That's it. Only by seizing this wand from the previous master can you

become its true master." Ye Ting said, "You must have heard that the evil

Egbert slaughtered the demon Emerick and obtained the wand. Did you

hear that Godlot died in his cellar after his son Hereward took away the

wand? He also heard that the terrifying Loxias killed Barnabas de Freer,

did you **** the wand? The **** trail of the old wand splashed all over

the history of magic."

Fleur glanced at Hermione. She frowned at Ye Ting, but did not refute.

"So where is the old magic wand now?" Furong continued to ask.

"The last clue shows that the old wand was in the hands of the German

wand maker Grigovich, and then Gellert Grindelwald stole the old wand

from him." Ye Ting finished speaking and blinked at the two girls. Blink.

Grigovich is very famous in the wizarding world. He lives in Germany

and is one of the three major wand makers in Europe. He is as famous as

Ollivander of the United Kingdom. De mentioned that Krum’s wand was

made by Grigovich.

But the name Gellert Grindelwald...

"Previous Dark Lord!" Hermione and Fleur said in unison.

"Grindelwald is the previous Dark Lord," Fleur said quickly. "At the

beginning, his power swept across Europe, and everyone had to succumb

under his horror. I heard my grandfather mentioned that Grindelwald

almost Destroy Paris."

"Then, the one who defeated Grindelwald—" Hermione looked at Fleur,

and the two came to the answer in unison.

"It's Dumbledore!"

They couldn't believe that the old wand in the so-called Deathly Hallows

was actually in Dumbledore's hands.

Furong was the most excited, because she had heard the legend of the

Three Brothers since she was a child, but now she discovered that the

legend of the Three Brothers is actually true, and the three Deathly

Hallows are all by her side.


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 219:

After returning home, Furong still tried to use the resurrection stone.

She closed her eyes, followed Ye Ting's prompt, took the stone in her

hand, and turned it three times.

Soon, she knew that she had succeeded, because she could hear a slight

movement around him, and a figure appeared in Ye Ting's home.

She opened her eyes again and looked at the people in front of her.

Furong knew that these were neither ghosts nor real people. They were

more solid than ghosts, but they were still translucent.

They walked towards Furong-it seemed more illusory than living people,

but more real than ghosts.

Each of them looked at Furong, his appearance was exactly what he

remembered, and almost all of them had the same loving smile on their


Furong recognized it. Among them were her grandfather and grandma,

her grandfather, and relatives she had known but had long since died...

Furong stretched out her hand, feeling the soft words of her relatives she

hadn't seen for a long time, watching their faces with tears...

After a while, she and he bit his lip. Although he was reluctant to give

up, he finally made a decision.

She wiped her tears, turned the resurrection stone in the opposite

direction, and then bid farewell to these relatives one by one.

Gradually, everyone disappeared from her sight.

"You're right, the resurrection stone can't really bring people back to life."

Furong said to Ye Ting, "They... are indeed my relatives, but they only

seem to have negative emotions, as if... The positive side disappeared."

"Yes," Ye Ting nodded, "The soul recalled by the resurrection stone is not

complete. Like the ghost, the soul recalled by the resurrection stone has

obvious defects, but the resurrection stone is still useful."

"What do you mean?" The two girls were puzzled.

"It means that we can recall the souls of certain people through the

resurrection stone, and get information from them that we couldn't get in

the past."

Ye Ting's words made them suddenly realize.

It is true. Although it is said that only the dead can keep secrets, in front

of the resurrection stone, even the dead have no secrets, and all their

memories will be opened to the possession of the resurrection stone.

In fact, this is the real usage of the resurrection stone. Those who wish to

resurrect their loved ones through the resurrection stone will eventually

be driven mad by the resurrected negative souls, but for Ye Ting like this,

the real need for the resurrection stone is through the resurrection stone.

For those who achieve other goals, the resurrection stone is indeed a

good item.

In addition, Ye Ting didn't say half a word, that is, the people recalled by

the resurrection stone actually have other uses.

These people recalled by the Resurrection Stone can have a far greater

impact on the real world than ghosts, but they also have some ghost

characteristics. In other words, if you can control these people, you can

do a lot of things with them.

For Ye Ting, these people can exist as "true artificial intelligence" and

"operating system".

If it is too much, he can seal these people into corpses, puppets, artificial

people, etc., and manipulate these creations through the intelligence of

these people. This is much more convenient than creating artificial

intelligence through computer language or directly controlling puppets

with magic. .

In fact, the magic of souls is indeed a major feature of Harry Potter’s

world magic. There is a magic in this world that allows the souls of the

dead as ghosts, or portraits, photos, etc., to continue to exist in the world,

or to make falsehoods. The portrait came to life.

Ye Ting had long wanted to do something with these living spirit bodies,

and the "human" created by the resurrection stone was a better material

than this kind of spirit body.

Item 0305

Although the resurrection stone has so many uses for Ye Ting, it is a

matter of urgency that it should be used to gather intelligence.

Through constant attempts, Ye Ting discovered that the souls resurrected

by the resurrection stone have a complete memory during their lifetime.

Moreover, since these souls have changed their personalities after the

resurrection, they usually do not insist on their pre-mortem stand, and

are indifferent to the world of the living. Pursuing death.

In other words, even if Ye Ting revives Voldemort’s loyalty, most of them

will not be too loyal to Voldemort. No matter how much he regards death

as home before his life, after being resurrected by the resurrection stone,

Ye Ting can get it with just a few means. The complete information of

this soul.

Of course, the resurrection stone is not omnipotent, and it still has


Just as Ye Ting determined the limitations of other planes: the limitation

of the resurrection stone lies in the "coordinates" of the resurrected soul.

This "coordinate" is not the usual coordinates, but the memory of this


If Ye Ting wants to travel through or summon, he must rely on the

memory of the works on the target plane in his memory as the

coordinates, because the source of these works comes from the projection

of plane information, in short, these works It contains the "existence" of

the plane, and the "existence" of the plane is recorded in his memory.

In the same way, the "coordinates" of the resurrected souls of the

resurrection stone also come from the "existence" of these souls, and the

"existence" of the target soul can only be found in the memory of those

who have been in contact with the resurrected target.

The conclusion is: Ye Ting can only travel to the plane represented by the

works he has seen.

In the same way, the resurrection stone can only resurrect the people in

the user's memory.

Moreover, the limitations of the resurrection stone are even greater,

because the person who can be resurrected must actually have had

contact and communication with the user. Memories obtained by photos,

portraits, rumors, etc. alone are invalid.

This also explains the truth from the side.

A person will die three times in his life.

The first time your heart stops beating, then from a biological point of

view, you are dead.

The second time was at the funeral, and everyone who knew you came to

pay homage, then your status in society would die.

The third time is after the last person who remembered you died, then

you really died.

In this way, it was completely impossible for Ye Ting and the others to

hope to obtain information through unlimited resurrection.

However, they have another method. If they want to resurrect people

they don’t know, they can let people who know the target person

complete the steps of resurrection, so that they can also get information.

Finally, they only need to remember to use the Forgetting Curse

afterwards. It's okay.

Through further research on Voldemort, they gradually had a clue about

searching for the next Horcrux.

As we all know, Voldemort divides his soul by murdering with a killing

curse, and the pretentious Voldemort is actually quite ritual, just like he

insisted on using the relics of the founder of Hogwarts as his Horcrux ,

He will also look for some special targets as murder targets for splitting

souls and making Horcruxes.

For example, his father, Muggle, old Tom Riddle.

It was the same time he murdered the old Riddles and made the Horcrux,

Marvolo Gunter's ring.

And looking at the enemies and important people in Voldemort's life, it is

indispensable to mention the orphanage where Voldemort was born. It is

also the place where Ye Ting lived for ten years, the Wu Family


Ye Ting believed that he could gain something there.

——This is of course, after all, it has been mentioned in the original


So Ye Ting took Hermione and Furong back to the Wu's Orphanage and

found Mrs. Gary who had taken care of him for ten years.

The Wu Family Orphanage at this time has undergone tremendous

changes compared to when Ye Ting left.

It is no longer shabby and cramped, and it is no longer a small orphanage

that is remote and unattended.

On the contrary, this place has become the largest, best-equipped and

best orphanage in London.

After making a fortune twice through the collapse of the Soviet Union

and the pound crisis, Ye Ting donated a large sum of money to the Wu’s

Orphanage and expanded it completely. Mrs. Gary also started from a

small orphanage. The person in charge became the dean of a famous

orphanage in London.

This can be regarded as an end to his original affection.

But this time they came here to investigate Voldemort's past.

Fortunately, Mrs. Gary herself grew up in this orphanage and happened

to know the young Voldemort.

Through Mrs. Gary, Ye Ting successively summoned Voldemort's

childhood, Mrs. Cole, the head of the orphanage, and several friends of

Voldemort's childhood.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 220:

Through the memories of these resurrected souls, they learned about

Voldemort's childhood.

In fact, Voldemort had noticed in his childhood that he had some special

abilities that other children of the same age did not have.

However, unlike other little wizards of the same age, he can control his

abilities well.

He can move objects with his mind, let them float to any position, allow

animals and creatures to obey his instructions, can be said to be a snake-

like voice, and can also use his own abilities to injure other orphans.

After arguing with another orphan named Billy Stubbs, he used his own

ability to hang the boy's rabbit from the beam.

On another occasion, he took Dennis Bishop and Amy Benson into a cave

where Voldemort did a terrible thing, so that the two orphans were so

scared that they would not say anything. .

However, through the souls of Dennis and Amy, they learned that these

two poor children had become experimental subjects for the young


Young Voldemort would steal things from other orphans and put them in

his closet like trophies.

In the end, Dennis and Amy also revealed that they died at the hands of

Voldemort-the reason is unknown, they have not been in contact with

Voldemort since adulthood.

However, Hermione and Fleur immediately understood the reason for

this inexplicable murder-Voldemort was making Horcruxes again.

Then, with Voldemort's character, he would definitely hide the Horcrux

in the hands of an important person, or an important place in his


And there are only two places that have contact with Voldemort and

these two childhood partners at the same time: one is an orphanage, and

the other is a cave.

However, after all, there are people in the orphanage all the year round.

If Horcruxes are hidden here, Voldemort will definitely not set traps-

because in case a Muggle stumbles into the trap, any accidents that cause

bad effects, then magic The Ministry will send people to deal with such

incidents, and the Horcrux will easily be exposed.

Then there was only one remaining option to save, and that was the cave

that Voldemort had visited in his childhood.

Item 0306

After visiting the Wu's Orphanage, it was already afternoon.

However, the three of them did not go home, but went straight to the

cave that existed in the souls' memories.

Since the three of them never actually came to the cave, they had to

move there through physical movement instead of apparition.

In order to save time, Ye Ting directly found a deserted place,

transformed into a giant dragon, and then flew all the way to the cave

with the two girls.

At this time, Furong really saw Ye Ting's Animagus, and she immediately

thought of Hermione's performance in the first level of the Triwizard


As smart as her, she quickly asked the truth she guessed from Hermione's

mouth—Hermione also mastered the means to transform into a dragon.

Regarding this, Furong was extremely envious, and she was lying in Ye

Ting's ears and acting like a baby along the way. Ye Ting finally agreed

to help her master such skills at the right time.


When flying near the cave, it was already night.

After Ye Ting landed, the girls couldn't wait to fall to the ground.

Even with magic protection, flying on the back of a dragon for a long

time is not easy.

Here, the three can smell the smell of the sea and hear the sound of

rough waves.

Ye Ting looked at the sea under the moonlight and the starry night sky in

the distance, and a cold breeze was blowing in his hair.

Their foothold was on a high black rock out of the sea, and the waves

rolled and foamed under their feet.

Turning his head and looking back, there was a cliff standing up, and the

steep rock face fell straight down, and his face was so dark that he

couldn't see clearly.

"What do you think?" Ye Ting asked.

Listen to his tone, as if he is an ideal picnic spot here.

"Why did they bring the children from the orphanage here?" Furong

asked. She couldn't imagine a more uncomfortable tourist destination

than here.

"Ah, that's the Muggle way of traveling." Hermione explained, "The

seaside is a favorite tourist place for Muggles. For the poor orphanage,

the beach here is enough for the orphans to breathe the air of the sea.

The waves. However, the real tourist location should be halfway up the

cliffs behind, a place barely called a village."

"Hermione was right," Ye Ting added, "I believe they brought the orphans

there, but I think only the Dark Lord and the children he bullied have

ever been to this place. After all. , Muggles can’t climb this big rock

unless they are very good at climbing; the boat can’t get close to the cliff,

and the surrounding waters are too dangerous. I can imagine how the

Dark Lord climbed up. Magic is definitely more useful than ropes. He also

brought two children, probably to enjoy the fun of intimidating them. I

think he can actually come up alone, what do you think?"

Furong looked up at the cliff again, and got goose bumps on her body.

Ye Ting helped the two girls walk to the edge of the rock. There were

many jagged crevices on the rock where you could step on, leading to the

giant pebbles that were half out of the sea around the cliff.

It was very dangerous to climb down from here. Hermione took the

initiative to use a Levitating Charm, and the three of them jumped off the

boulder lightly one by one.

The rocks in the lower part were washed away by the sea.

The girls felt the ice-cold water splashing on their faces with the smell of

the sea.

"Fluorescence flickers!"

Furong was the first to descend onto the giant pebble closest to the front

of the cliff, and knelt down and chanted a spell.

Stars of golden light gleamed on the dark sea a few feet below him. The

dark rock wall beside him was also illuminated.

"Did you see it?" Furong asked softly, raising her wand higher.

Under the light, Hermione looked for a long time before seeing a crack in

the cliff with the black water swirling in it.

She tapped the wand lightly, and a red light flew from the tip of the

wand, tracing an arc in the dark water, and finally hit the edge of the

crack, and then stayed there.

The red light illuminates the periphery of the crack and also marks them.

Hermione nodded to Fleur.

"Do you mind getting your body wet?"

"It's okay." Furong replied.

The three cast head-foaming spells on themselves, and then dived into

the water one by one.

Ye Ting was the first one. He slid gently into the sea from the pebble and

swam towards the dark crack on the rock surface.

He held his wand in his mouth in a perfect breaststroke position.

The girls boldly changed into bikini swimsuits and followed suit.

The sea is extremely cold.

Through the bubbles, the girls seemed to be able to smell the pungent

smell of salt and seaweed. They followed Ye Ting and swam in the

direction of the inverted red light.

Soon, the crack turned into a dark underpass, and Hermione could see

that the underpass would definitely be filled with seawater when the tide

was high.

The muddy rock walls on both sides were only three feet wide, and under

the bright red light, they shone wet like tar.

Going a little further in, the underpass turned left and stretched out to

the deepest part of the cliff.

The girls continued to swim forward with Ye Ting, rubbing their numb

fingers on the rough, damp rock.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 221:

Then, he saw Ye Ting in front finally stand up from the water.

The two girls also swam there and found that there were steps leading to

a large cave.

They struggled up the steps and finally walked out of the sea. The

surrounding air was quiet and cold, and they shivered uncontrollably.

Over there, Ye Ting had used his magic wand to raise a bonfire,

illuminating the cave.

Through the bright flames, the two girls saw Ye Ting's black hair and the

drops of water all over his body gleaming, and his sturdy and powerful

muscles like a cheetah were unobstructed under the drops of water.

Although Hermione had seen and touched it with her own eyes a long

time ago, she was still attracted by the perfect muscles like Fleur, her

face flushed.

It is hard to imagine that a wizard whose life depends entirely on magic

would have such beautiful muscles.

The girls turned their heads reluctantly until Ye Ting's scorching eyes

were watching them under the firelight.

They suddenly realized that they are just like each other, wearing only

swimsuits all over their bodies?

Not to mention Furong's perfect figure that is protruding and warping.

Hermione, who is only the little lotus with pointed horns, actually has a

pretty cute figure.

Under such an atmosphere, if it hadn't been for the knowledge that

Horcrux might be hidden in the cave, they might interact more


A cold wind blew, causing the two girls to fight a cold war separately,

which made them wake up.

The three of them turned their backs, dried them with magic, and then

put on their clothes in silence.

Item 0307

As a male, Ye Ting took the lead to clean up.

He came to the center of the cave with his wand held high in his hand,

slowly turning around in place, carefully examining the rock wall and the


"Yes, this is the place."

After some observations, Ye Ting concluded.

"How did you know?" Hermione came behind him and asked in a low


"Trace." Ye Ting said briefly.

"What?" Hermione said she didn't understand.

"There are traces of magic here." Ye Ting explained, "Magic is a skill that

a wizard uses will and magic to use rules to transform nature. That is to

say, magic is civilized and unnatural. If your magic skills are high enough

, You can find the unnaturalness in some places here, that is, the traces of

being transformed by magic-it's like the Muggle civilization will

transform nature, but the traces of magic are even more inconspicuous-

but only large Only such obvious traces of complex magic remain."

Hermione probably understood what Ye Ting meant.

She watched Ye Ting continue to rotate slowly in place, obviously

studying some "magic traces" that she could not see intently.

"This is just the front hall, the entrance hall," Ye Ting said after a

moment, "we need to go inside...Now it is the mechanism under the Black

Demon King that is blocking us, not the obstacle set by nature..."

Ye Ting approached the cave wall, stroked it with his slender fingers, and

said a strange spell that even Hermione could not understand. Then, he

left the cave wall and took out his wand again.

"The Dark Lord didn't forget to arrange the anti-phantom manifestation

magic," Ye Ting sneered. "However, although we can't manifest and leave

by ourselves, it's okay to summon a helper."

He flicked his wand lightly.

This is a contract-based summoning magic that bypasses the principle of


Soon, Zhi heard the "crack", and the little white cat Fei Ju appeared in

front of Ye Ting.

The kitten's mouth was wriggling, apparently chewing something, but

after seeing Ye Ting, she seemed to have received a great surprise,

meowing, and rushing forward regardless.

"Oh, sorry," Ye Ting caught Feiju, held her in his arms while stroking her

while comforting her, "I didn't bring you here this time, but need to dive

here. Don't you like diving the least? ?"

Fei Ju was satisfied after acting like a baby for a while.

After Ye Ting explained the target to search for her, she immediately

obediently jumped out of Ye Ting's arms.

Feiju walked around the cave two times from the left, sniffing the cave

wall as much as possible while walking, and occasionally stopped to

fumble up and down somewhere with his cute cat's claws.

Finally, she finally stopped, and after a light sniff somewhere on the cave

wall, she looked back at Ye Ting.

Ye Ting stepped forward knowingly and pressed his hand to that position.

"Here," he said, "we go in here. The entrance is hidden."

Although it was the second time I saw him, Furong still thought it was


She has never seen a wizard who can solve a problem like Feiju: just look

at it with the eyes and sniff with the nose to find what she wants to find.

However, she has known for a long time that what makes ping-pong and

smog is usually the characteristics of lower-level people, not the mastery.

From this point of view, even if Feiju does not grow up, he has only

current abilities, so he doesn't know where it is higher than ordinary

magical creatures.

Ye Ting walked back a few steps from the cave wall and pointed his

wand at the rock.

Suddenly, the outline of an arch appeared there, emitting a dazzling

white light, as if there was a strong light shining behind the crack.

"Success?" The two girls were a little surprised, which was too fast.

"No, not yet." Ye Ting shook his head.

He put down his wand, and the outline disappeared immediately. The

rock was still as hard and thick as before, and there was nothing on it.

Next, he didn’t try any other magic. He just stood there, staring at the

cave wall intently, as if something extremely interesting was written on

it, and then from time to time he used his magic wand to tap somewhere

on the cave wall, leaving it on it. Next mark.

The two girls stood beside them motionless, they didn't want to interrupt

Ye Ting's thoughts.

Then, after a full two minutes, Ye Ting said softly: "Oh, this trick of the

Black Devil is really too low-level."

"What are you talking about, Ting?" The girls leaned forward curiously.

"I think," Ye Ting said in a contemptuous tone, "we need to pay a price to


"The price?" Furong said, "you have to give this door something?"

"Yes," Ye Ting replied, "If I am not mistaken, it is blood."


"So I said it was too low-level." Ye Ting shook his head, his tone was

contemptuous and even disappointed, "I believe you also understand that

the reason is that you want your opponent to weaken yourself before you

can enter. But obviously, blood is something like this. What can you do?"

"Yes, but if it can be avoided..." Furong murmured, she still felt that the

price was terrible.

"Sometimes it is unavoidable." Ye Ting turned to look at Hermione and

asked, "How do you think we should deal with it?"

Hermione had the answer after only a few seconds.

"Muggle's hospital!" She said happily, as if she had defeated Voldemort

with her own hands. "There is a blood bank in the Muggle's hospital.

There is enough blood stored there. My father took me to see it with my

own eyes."

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 222:

Hermione's father is a dentist, so she knows all this well.

"That's right." Ye Ting smiled and looked at Furong, "Look, this is the

result of despising Muggle. Although magic is a very convenient skill, our

current magic is not enough to make us ignore hemp. melon."

As he said, he closed his eyes, pointed his wand to the center of his

eyebrows, and muttered something.

"What are you doing?"

The two girls were puzzled by Ye Ting's movements.

"This is messaging magic," Ye Ting opened his eyes and explained, "Same

as the summoning magic just now, it is all contract-based magic. I was

talking to Oriana just now, you know, she and I also signed a contract.


After a while, Ye Ting seemed to have heard something, suddenly closed

his eyes, and then opened them again.

"She is ready."

With that said, he summoned Oriana in the same way.

There was another crackling sound, and a lovely machine girl in a maid

costume appeared in front of Ye Ting.

Next to the pilot lady is a metal ball, and a black and white lace maid

skirt is also set in the middle of the ball, which complements the costume

of the pilot lady.

"Father, good evening." A sweet mechanical female voice came from the

machine mother's mouth, and Oriana raised her maid's skirt and

gracefully saluted Ye Ting.

Although he felt awkward at first, Ye Ting had been used to this name for

four years.

"You are here, Oriana." Ye Ting touched the girl's metal hair. "Are things


"Of course, Father," Oriana tilted her head cutely, "I also thaw it for you."

She gave birth to a small hand, and the metal ball beside her floated up

to her hand just right, and the top opened, revealing what was hidden


It was a few bags of plasma, and the temperature had risen to normal

human body temperature.

Handing the plasma into Ye Ting's hands, Oriana saluted again.

"Then I will leave, my father."

After all, the closed orb gave out a burst of blue light, covering itself and

Oriana. About a second later, the blue light flashed, and the maidservant

and her orb puppet had disappeared in the cave, as if they had never

appeared before. Same.

Item 0308

In addition to Feiju, the appearance of Oriana surprised Furong once


Why did Ye Ting have a mechanical maid, why would the mechanical

maid call him father, why would the mechanical maid use magic...

Just like the first time Hermione and the others saw Oriana, there were

countless questions in Fleur's heart, and they wanted to ask but didn't

know where to start.

However, Ye Ting did not care about Furong's doubts at this time.

He held a blood bag in one hand and drew out his endless sword in the


A silver light flashed, the blood bag snapped, and a burst of bright red

spewed out, and the surface of the rock was suddenly covered with shiny,

dark red blood beads.

The next moment, the dazzling white arch outline appeared on the cave

wall again, this time it did not disappear. The blood-spattered rock in the

arch suddenly disappeared, revealing a doorway, which seemed to be

endless darkness.

"It really works." Ye Ting nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, Furong didn't know what to say. She had been living in the

wizarding world and she had never expected that Voldemort's magic

mechanism would be unlocked by this Muggle product.

"In Muggles...that blood...is the blood bag precious?" she asked Hermione


"Precious?" Hermione curled her lips. "Are you kidding? The average

hospital can have hundreds or thousands of bags of 400 ml of blood like

this, but the big hospitals are even more, and the Muggle World's

hospitals The number...Oh my god, there are definitely more wizards

than all of England."

At this time, Furong didn't dare to speak at all. She couldn't figure out

what Muggle would do to store so much blood?

Is it feeding vampires?

It seems that this Veeva girl has a lot to learn.

"Come with me."

Ye Ting interrupted the girls' conversation and took the lead through the


Hermione and Fleur walked in behind him, lightening their wands in a


After entering the doorway, they saw a very strange sight in front of


They stood on the shore of a large black lake, which was so wide that

they could not see the far shore.

The cave they were in was very high, and the roof of the cave was

invisible when they looked up.

Far away, as if in the middle of the lake, a hazy, green light shone,

reflecting in the dead lake below. Except for the green light and the light

from the two magic wands, there was darkness that was too thick to

dissolve, and the penetration of these lights was not as strong as Harry

expected. The darkness here seemed to be more than ordinary. More

dense and heavier.

"Let's go forward," Ye Ting said softly, "but don't step into the water."

He walked forward around the shore of the lake, and the two girls

followed Ye Ting closely, Furong in the middle, and Hermione behind.

Their footsteps slapped on the narrow rocks by the lake and made

echoes. They kept walking forward, but the surrounding scene did not

change in the slightest: one side was a rough cave wall, and the other

side was an endless, smooth, mirror-like black lake. The center of the

lake was shining with that mysterious green light.

The girls, especially Furong, felt that this place and the silence was

depressing and uneasy.

"Ting?" Furong couldn't help asking, "Do you think the Horcrux is hidden


"Oh, yes," Ye Ting said, "Yes, I believe it is hidden here. The question is,

how can we find it."

"We can't... can't we try the flying curse?" Furong said, she knew this

must be a stupid suggestion, but although she didn't want to admit it, she

was eager to leave this ghost place in her heart.

"Of course," Ye Ting stopped suddenly, and the girl didn't rush to brake

and hit him, making him feel soft.

As if nothing happened, Ye Ting suggested.

"Why don't you give it a try?"

"Me? Oh... well..."

Furong did not expect this. She cleared her throat, raised her magic

wand, and said loudly, "The Horcrux is coming!"

With a loud explosion like a loud noise, a big white guy jumped up from

the pitch-black lake twenty feet away.

Before Furong had time to see what it was, with a clatter, it disappeared

again, splashing large and deep ripples on the calm water.

She jumped back in shock, just hitting Ye Ting's arms, and a pair of

powerful hands wrapped her around her, which made her feel relieved.

She turned her head and turned to Ye Ting, her heart still beating wildly.

The distance between the two was so close at this time that Furong

couldn't tell whether she was scared or nervous.

"what is that?"

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 223:

Furong asked in Ye Ting's ear softly, making people feel like she was

licking each other's ears.


Hermione's dry cough sounded in her ears, but after Furong heard it, she

did not leave Ye Ting's embrace, but intensified, completely relaxed

herself, and gave the weight to the boy.

"We're looking for a Horcrux, be serious!" Hermione said sourly, "I seem

to have seen that thing just now. I think if we try to grab a Horcrux, it

will respond."

As she spoke, she suddenly looked at the lake again.

The surface of the lake became like black glass again, bright and smooth.

The ripples disappeared strangely, but her heart still beats like a drum.

She felt that something dangerous must be hidden in the lake, so she

closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, her pupils had turned into golden

vertical pupils, and her eyes seemed to be burning with golden flames.

By Ye Ting's side, Furong suddenly felt cold all over her body. In her

eyes, Hermione in the distance suddenly became terrible.

"Am I wrong?" She thought so, but she stood up reluctantly.

After Hermione finished observing, Furong finally asked quietly.

"Have you known that something like that would happen?"

"Of course, the Dark Lord will not leave such a big gap for us," Hermione

said in a proud tone. "I knew for a long time that if we blatantly wanted

to get that Horcrux, something would happen to us. Furong, your idea is

very good. You have used the easiest way to figure out what we are


"But we don't know what that thing is." Furong said, looking at the calm

and dangerous lake.

She always felt that Hermione's last words were ironic.

"You should talk about those things," Hermione said. "We saw this stuff

last time. There are quite a few of them in the water. Shall we keep



"What's wrong, Furong?"

"Do you think we need to go down to the lake?"

"Down the lake? Unless our luck is particularly bad, I don't want to run

into that kind of disgusting stuff."

"Don't you think the Horcrux is under the lake?"

"Oh, no... I think the Horcrux is in the middle of the lake. Even the Dark

Lord would not want to stay with that kind of thing."

"Hermione was right." Ye Ting pointed to the dim green light in the

middle of the lake. "It doesn't look right there, doesn't it?"

"So, what is that thing?" Furong was still at a loss.

"You'll know in a little while." A smirk appeared at the corner of

Hermione's mouth.

Sure enough, after following Ye Ting, Hermione also failed to learn.

Item 0309

Faced with the selling-off Hermione, Furong had no choice but to change

the subject.

"Then we have to go to the middle of the lake to get it?"

"Yes, I think so."

So Furong didn't say anything.

However, at this moment, she had already started to think about it,

thinking about water monsters, water monsters, water ghosts, pythons

and ghosts...

"Aha!" Ye Ting suddenly stopped again, and this time Furong hit him


"You did it on purpose, right?"

The girl patted Ye Ting's arm angrily.

The boy didn't look back, but said helplessly.

"I'm sorry, Furong, I should say hello. Please stand back and stick to the

rock wall. I think I have found a place."

Furong didn't understand what Ye Ting meant.

In her opinion, this dark lakeshore is no different from elsewhere.

However, she suddenly saw that Hermione also looked in the direction of

Ye Ting's line of sight, as if she had seen the same thing as Ye Ting.

"Well, you two must be deliberate." Furong pursed her mouth and stood


Ye Ting seemed to be aware of something special. This time, he slowly

waved his wand in the air, as if trying to find and grasp something


Soon, Hermione joined him.

A few seconds later, the two waved their magic wands vigorously at the

same time, as if they had caught something in the air that Lotus could not


The next moment, a thick green copper chain suddenly emerged from the

depths of the lake and leaped towards the shore.

The two knocked on the chain with their magic wands, and the chain

began to sprint from the water to the shore like a snake, and then piled

up on the ground. The sound of Ding Ding Dangdang hit the rock wall

with a resounding echo.

The chain pulled something up from the dark bottom of the lake.

Furong watched in astonishment as the bow of a small boat suddenly

appeared out of the lake like a ghost, glowing green like a chain, floating

towards the lakeshore where they were standing, with almost no ripples.

"How do you know where it is?" Furong asked in surprise.

"Magic will always leave traces," Ye Ting said, "Feiju told me just now."

"I saw the boat under the water." Hermione's answer was shorter.

However, after saying so much, Furong still feels that this is totally

tantamount to not saying.

Feiju is Ye Ting's pet. There is only one. Hermione's eyesight doesn't

know what's going on. So, even if she knows how they do it, she can't

learn it.

"Ting must have given her a small stove before." Furong silently looked at

Hermione from behind, her eyes full of resentment.

Hermione suddenly felt cold behind her back.

With a soft bang, the boat hit the shore of the lake.

"This...Is this boat safe?" Furong looked at the boat just under the water,


"Oh, I think it's safe." Hermione analyzed. "The Dark Lord needs a way. If

he needs to visit or take away his Horcrux, he can cross the lake

smoothly so as not to irritate him. Those guys in the lake."

"So, if we take this boat across the lake, the guys in the water won't

attack us, will they?"

"I think we have to be mentally prepared. Once they find out that we are

not the Dark Lord, they will definitely attack us. However, so far, we

have proceeded fairly smoothly. They allowed us to get the boat up from

the lake."

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 224:

"But why do they want us to do this?" Furong asked, she couldn't get rid

of the terrible picture that came to her mind: When they were far away

from the lake shore, there would be many tentacles sticking out of the

dark water.

"Voldemort firmly believes that only a very skilled wizard can discover

that boat, and his confidence is justified." Ye Ting interjected, "I think he

is ready to take the risk and let others discover the boat-in his opinion it

is almost It's impossible. He knows that he has set up some obstacles in

front that only he can cross. We will see if he is correct in a moment."

Furong looked down at the boat.

This is indeed a very small boat.

"It doesn't seem to be for two people. Can it hold the weight of both of

us? Will it be too heavy for the two of us together?"

The girl is still a little worried.

"I remember that Ting taught me an anti-gravity spell," Hermione pointed

out. "With this spell, the weight of many people can be reduced to just

one person."

Ye Ting laughed softly.

"Voldemort doesn't think about weight, he only thinks about how much

magic power has crossed his lake. I think this boat may have been cursed

and can only ride one wizard at a time."

"Then-let's go one by one?" Furong proposed a new method.

"No, even if I'm alone, this boat can't hold it." Ye Ting shook his head.

Furong gave him a helpless look, and she felt that Ye Ting was simply

showing off his magical power.

Ye Ting probably realized this too, and he added: "Humans cannot be

compared to dragons by magic, can they?"

"Speaking of dragon..." Furong had an idea again, "Can't we fly over?"

"This is forbidden." Hermione glanced at Fleur helplessly. "I tried it when

I first came. The Levitation Charm cannot get us too far from the


Hermione's answer made Furong a little frustrated. She suddenly felt that

she was a little far behind this girl who was several years younger than

her-the other party could give Ye Ting substantial help, and she did

everything possible to give stupid suggestions.

"In fact, we don't need any'good way'" Ye Ting said comfortingly, "In fact,

as long as the transformation technique is good enough, we don't need to

use this ship at all."

Furong looked at Ye Ting suspiciously. Ye Ting had already kicked the

boat away. He took out a small model ship from his pocket and placed it

in the water. Then he pointed his magic wand to a metal frame about ten

meters long. The boat appeared in the water.

"This is the American PBR-31 inland river patrol boat," Ye Ting said. "It is

31 feet long and has a speed of 28.9 knots per hour. It is equipped with a

dual-mounted M2HB.50 caliber heavy machine gun, a Type 81 mortar

and a Type MK19-3. 40mm cannon, once participated in the Vietnam


"This... is a warship." Hermione was a little dizzy. Even she could not

have imagined that Ye Ting would use such a Muggle industrial creation

to fight Voldemort.

"Don't you think that such a metal boat is the right thing to deal with that

stuff?" Ye Ting smiled triumphantly, and got into the boat first. The two

girls got on the boat like a sleepwalking, until they were "suddenly".

When the sound of the engine sounded, they realized that they were

already driving towards the center of the lake.

Suddenly, the water ripples around the ship began to sway abnormally,

and then, a pair of pale hands emerged from the water and grabbed to

the edge of the patrol boat.

"That...it's a corpse!" Furong was immediately frightened and screamed.

The corpse was disgusting, and the pale skin of the corpse in the water

seemed to be covered with mucus, which was doubly disgusting for her.

She immediately Retreat to the center, as if the corpse's arm could hold

her at a distance of one or two meters.

Hermione frowned, too.

There are too many corpses in the water, and the dense and pale arms

stretched out from the water and grabbed the patrol boat. This scene can

give rise to intensive phobia.

However, the patrol boat made of steel is not only hard but also tall.

Because of the low load and the high waterline at this time, those arms

are even less able to reach the sides of the boat.

They can only draw unpleasant sounds on the steel hull in vain.

Even Furong had to admit that in the face of this steel battleship, the

flesh and blood corpses had almost no effect-especially in the water

where there is nowhere to borrow, can their power beat the engine?

Chapter 0310: Life Recovery Potion and Yin Corpse

In this way, the patrol boat rides the wind and waves all the way to the

green light in the middle of the lake with a sudden motor noise.

Soon, the rock walls of the cave were invisible. They felt like they were

on the sea, except that there were no waves around them.

Suddenly, the three people felt the patrol boat shake, and then, the sound

of the motor began to weaken, and the speed of the patrol boat slowed


Ye Ting came to the stern of the boat and looked into the lake, only to

see countless pale hands clinging randomly on the surface of the water,

many of which stretched towards the stern propeller.

"Damn, I should use magic to transform it in advance." Ye Ting cursed in

a low voice, "The engine was stuck by the corpse."

He pointed his wand at the stern, and a red light flew from the tip of the

wand into the water.

The next moment, there seemed to be a huge explosion in the water, and

the wizard flew around with broken limbs and legs.

The speed of the patrol boat increased immediately.

When Fleur and Hermione came to the stern of the boat, they saw a few

inches from the water surface lying on their backs many corpses that had

been "dead" again: pairs of open eyes were misty, as if there were

cobwebs and hair inside. And the robe swirled around his body like

smoke, and most of his limbs, especially his arms, were broken. In

addition, there were many arms floating not far away.

Furong didn't say anything-she vomited out on the spot.

Originally, she felt terrified when she thought of the corpses floating

around them and under their boats. Now that she sees so many corpses

with her own eyes, instead of arms, it makes her who has always loved

beauty feel absolutely disgusting.

Ye Ting stepped forward with concern, patted her back constantly, and

then fed a small cup of tranquilizer into her mouth.

It took a long time for her to relax, but immediately turned her face to

look at the green light, and no longer looked into the water.

The patrol boat still sailed unstoppably towards the center of the lake.

Now, she could no longer pretend that she was not afraid. The endless

black lake, with dead bodies floating in it...

"It's almost here," Hermione reminded suddenly and cheerfully.

Sure enough, the green light finally seemed to become bigger and

brighter. A few minutes later, the patrol boat slammed into something

and stopped.

Furong didn't see it clearly at first, and when she held up her bright

wand, she saw them come to a smooth rocky island in the middle of the


The island is about the same size as Ravenclaw’s common room: a large

flat black slab, empty on it, with only the green light source. Looking

closer now, the green light looks much brighter.

Furong narrowed her eyes and looked at it. At first she thought it was a

lamp, then she saw that the green light was emitting from a stone basin

with a base under the stone basin.

Ye Ting approached the stone basin, and Hermione and Furong followed.

They stood side by side, looking into the stone basin. A pot full of

emerald green liquid, glowing phosphorescent.

"What is this?" Furong asked softly.

"I don't know," Hermione replied, "but it should be something more

worrying than blood and dead bodies."

Ye Ting suddenly stretched his hand to the stone basin.

"No, don't touch it--!"

"I can't touch it." Ye Ting smiled faintly, "Did you see it? I can't stretch

my hand forward anymore. Try it."

Hermione stared and stretched her hand to the stone basin, trying to

touch the liquid, and Fleur did what she did.

But they encountered an invisible resistance, and their hands could not

get close to the liquid.

No matter how hard you stretch your hand down, the air that your

fingers touch seems to be extremely hard and indestructible.

"Please get away a little bit." Ye Ting said.

He raised his wand and made some complicated movements on the

surface of the liquid, muttering something silently in his mouth.

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 225:

Nothing happened, but the light from the liquid seemed to be brighter.

The two girls watched Ye Ting experiment in silence, and they didn't

think they could talk again until he retracted his wand.

"Do you think the Horcrux is hidden here, Ting?" Hermione asked.

"Oh, yes." Ye Ting stared at the stone basin more intently. Hermione saw

his face reflected on the smooth green liquid.

"But how can I get it? You can't reach for this kind of liquid, you can't

separate it, scoop it dry, or exhaust it, or use the Vanishing Curse to

make it disappear, use magic to deform it, or use other methods. Change

its nature. I can only come to the conclusion that this liquid needs to be


"What?" the two girls said in unison, "No!"

"I think it is like this: only by drinking it can I make the stone basin

empty and see what is hidden underneath."

"But what if—what if it poisoned you?" Hermione said worriedly, and

Furong also tightly grasped Ye Ting's hand.

"What? Poison me?" Ye Ting looked at the two girls in confusion, "I didn't

say that I would drink it myself. In fact, only fools can drink this stuff."

"Then what you meant just now..." Ye Ting's answer made them even

more puzzled.

"Don't you remember?" Ye Ting smiled slightly, "There are more than

three of us here."

"You mean... those... corpses?" Furong reluctantly said the name that

made her sick.

"That's right, these reluctances can also be regarded as'living people', but

they need to be processed."

Ye Ting waved his magic wand, randomly selected a corpse in the lake,

and grabbed it out.

The corpse who came to the land found the three people, and

immediately swayed forward.

However, the chain made by Transfiguration flew towards it and

entangled its hands and feet, holding it firmly.

"Well, that's you," Ye Ting looked at the male corpse and nodded in

satisfaction, "Then please open your mouth, sir, I would like to buy you a


Under the force of the chain, the corpse's mouth was opened. Far away,

the three of them seemed to be able to smell the stench from its rotten


Hermione and Furong stepped back involuntarily, they felt helpless at Ye

Ting's evil taste.

Ye Ting cast a head-foaming curse on himself, then put on his gloves,

walked forward excitedly, and poured a bottle of red potion into the

corpse's mouth.

The two girls recognized that it was the life restoration potion in the

maze in the Triwizard Finals.

"The principle of the life restoration potion is to revive the vitality,

thereby recovering the injury," Ye Ting explained, "Although the corpse is

a corpse, but the black magic forcefully restores part of the corpse's

vitality, which makes the corpse active. , I have to say, this is quite

magical, the Dark Lord does have a hand, he actually thought of using

the magic of death to bring life..."

"Speaking of the point!" Furong didn't want to listen to Ye Ting's serious

discussion of things like corpses.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about the point." Ye Ting returned to the subject

with some dissatisfaction, "My life restoration potion will not dispel the

dark magic of the corpse, but will further revive the vitality of the corpse.

Such a corpse has nothing but nothing. Outside of the soul, the gap with

the living is no longer big, so it can bear the responsibility of drinking the


Item 0311

Next, the task is simple.

Ye Ting found a cup casually, scooped out the emerald green liquid in the

stone basin, and then poured it into the mouth of the corpse.

With the first cup of liquid, the state of the corpse has changed.

It no longer focused on the three Ye Tings, and was determined to attack

the three living ones.

Because, at this moment, its own state is very poor.

It deserves to be the torturous cry of the lieutenant general Dumbledore

in the original book, and the drastically weak poison has a very strong

effect even on such a corpse.

Even though it was firmly entangled by the chain, at this moment, the

corpse also reacted violently to the emerald green liquid.

It began to tremble involuntarily, and a hissing noise came from its

shriveled throat.

This made the two girls who looked at the corpse frowned.

When Ye Ting poured the third cup of liquid, the effect of the medicine

had completely spread over most of the body of the corpse whose

digestive system had recovered under the action of the life recovery


The corpse was already completely paralyzed, and the chain that was

originally used to restrain it became a shelf to support it at this moment.

Nowadays, the corpse is almost considered to be hung on the chain.

After the fifth and sixth cups, the corpse no longer trembles. In other

words, the corpse at this time has completely lost its normal response. It

is now like a doll, even if Ye Ting keeps pouring liquid into his throat,

Only from time to time twitches can prove that it is still alive.

Finally, after the eighth cup, the stone basin had bottomed out, and the

three of them could see the locket placed in the center of the stone basin.

If the speculation is correct, this is another Horcrux of Voldemort, Salazar

Slytherin's relic-Slytherin's locket.

However, none of the three rushed to get it. Ye Ting's attention was still

on the corpse, while the two girls remembered the situation of the last

Horcrux. They knew that touching a Horcrux is quite dangerous.

Behavior, who knows what magic Voldemort would impose on the


Due to the existence of soul fragments, certain magic and curses imposed

on the Horcrux will become extremely powerful.

After Ye Ting scooped up the emerald green liquid, he restored the chain

to its deformation. Immediately, this "satisfied" corpse was like a doll that

had lost the puppet line, and fell to the ground with a click. Motionless.

"Is it... dead?" Hermione leaned forward curiously. She cast a head-

foaming curse in a way, and then carefully observed the corpse.

"It's not dead yet!" After some observations, Hermione was a little

confused about the result. "How could the Dark Lord's trap not kill it?

Could the corpse be immune to some kind of poison?"

"No, you are wrong," Ye Ting shook his head, "This is not really a deadly

poison. The Dark Lord will not be willing to poison people who come to

this island."

Both Hermione and Fleur thought this was ridiculous. Was Voldemort the

kind of person who kept his life?

For a while, they thought the boy in front of him had changed sex, and

they thought Voldemort for the better.

"Ting," Hermione said, trying to make her voice sound reasonable,

"Honey, we are facing the Dark Lord--"

"Sorry, Hermione and Furong. I should say this: He wouldn't be willing to

immediately kill the people who came to this island." Ye Ting corrected

himself, "He will let them live for a while to find out. How could they

pass through his defenses? The most important thing is to find out why

they are so eager to empty the stone basin. Don’t forget, the news that

the Dark Lord had made the Horcrux has not leaked out. At this moment,

he still I thought my secret was very hidden."

This reason is consistent with Voldemort's temperament.

Next, the three people's attention turned to the pendant.

Ye Ting looked at the pendant and then at Fei Ju, Fei Ju did not respond.

"There is no danger in this," he said. "There is no trace of black magic on

it-I mean, it's not a Horcrux at all."

"How can it be?"

"Then don't we run for nothing?"

The two girls exclaimed.

In fact, Ye Ting had already prepared for this a long time ago. After all,

he knew that this had been mentioned in the plot, and he also knew

where the real locket was. Now he can find the real locket at any time.

However, it is impossible for him to "know" certain information somehow

for convenience.

You must know that he defeated Voldemort was not an end, but a means.

He hoped that by defeating Voldemort, he could cultivate the girls

around him, and at the same time gain prestige for himself and the Bones

faction, so that he could control the Ministry of Magic in the future.

He stretched out his hand, took out the locket from the stone basin, and

looked at it over and over again. Hermione and Fleur also leaned

forward, one on the left and the other on his side, observing the locket.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 226:

The locket is golden, but there is no gorgeous, serpentine S in the center

—there is a portrait of the locket in the book introducing Slytherin's

relics, and this standard is clearly drawn on it.

Obviously, this is not a real relic.

However, leaving this aside, the appearance of the locket looks very

good, and the workmanship is at the level of the Middle Ages, but other

than that, there is nothing special.

Finally, Ye Ting pressed the center of the locket once, and only heard a

"click", and the locket opened.

The secret of the locket finally revealed.

In the locket where the portrait was supposed to be placed, a folded

parchment is now tightly stuffed.

Hermione took out the parchment paper and opened it, while Fleur

raised her lighted wand.

The heads of the three people came together and looked at it with the

light from their wands.

I saw this written on the parchment:

To the Dark Lord

I was dead long before you read this

But I want you to know that I discovered your secret.

I stole the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as possible.

I am willing to die, hoping that when you meet your opponent

Can be killed.


"It seems that someone took the Horcrux before us," Hermione frowned,

looking very disappointed.

"It sounds like this person is the enemy of the Dark Lord, maybe he has

destroyed this Horcrux." Furong said optimistically, "So we don't have to

spend so much energy to find it."

"Don't be delusional, no matter what, we must try to confirm whether

this Horcrux has been destroyed," Ye Ting pinched out her unrealistic

fantasies, "If one of the Horcrux is missing, the Black Demon will be

stuck. The gum on the soles of your feet is the same, you can't get rid of

it. I'm not afraid of this kind of thing, just in case."

"Okay, okay, I'll just talk about it," Furong curled her lips in an agitated

voice, and said in a low voice, "R.A.B...Who is he?"

Chapter 0312 Regulus Black

Because of the note that suddenly appeared in the "fake Horcrux", the

three of Ye Ting were all lost in thought.

At this moment, there was silence in the cave, only the sound of

undulating waves and the groans of the corpses still falling to the ground

echoed in the empty cave.

Suddenly, Hermione's words broke the silence.

"I have a little idea about the identity of R.A.B." Hermione said abruptly,

attracting the attention of Ye Ting and Furong.

Under the gaze of the two of them, perhaps a cat, Hermione began her


"Obviously, R.A.B. is an abbreviation for the initials of a certain wizard..."

"It's obvious, except for the initials, what else can R.A.B. be?" Hermione

interrupted her speech as soon as she was half talking, looking a little


"I haven't finished talking yet," Hermione rolled her eyes at Fleur nicely.

"Can you wait for me to finish talking?"

"Huh! I see what you can say." Furong muttered unhingedly, but she

didn't speak any more.

So, Hermione's statement continued.

"From the tone of RAB speaking to the Dark Lord, he must know each

other and the level of familiarity is not low. He is out of dissatisfaction

with the Dark Lord and wants to end his rule, so he stole the soul. This

means that this event happened before the death of the Dark Lord, and

the date of this person's death or disappearance must be before the death

of the Dark Lord."

"Because of his familiarity with the Dark Lord, we can know that he is

either an enemy who can be counted by the Dark Lord, or a subordinate

of his not low status. It's not a lot, and it's easier to establish a certain

connection with the Dark Lord."

"We can use these conditions to search for names with the initials R.A.B. I

believe it can greatly reduce the search results."

Hermione made a lot of sense. Even Fleur, who occasionally had trouble

with her, had to admit that Hermione was much better than her in this


So, after leaving the cave, the three of them once again came to the

Ministry of Magic and searched through the Ministry of Magic's records

of the death and disappearance of the wizard.

They are looking for a wizard whose initials are R.A.B... who died or

disappeared fourteen years or earlier and who had a greater connection

with Voldemort.

However, among most of the more famous wizards who were enough to

become Voldemort's enemies, they found nothing.

There are actually two more famous wizards whose names begin with

these letters-Rosalyn Antigan Banges and Rupert Axbank Brook Stanton.

But they couldn't match the number at all. Because they couldn't find the

slightest clue to prove what Bangs or Axbank had to do with Voldemort.

In the end, they came to the conclusion that this wizard named R.A.B.

might not be a great enemy of Voldemort.

The trio quickly changed directions again. They began to look up the

records of the Death Eaters. Compared to Voldemort's enemies, the Death

Eaters around Voldemort were indeed more likely to understand

Voldemort's Horcrux plan-not everyone was Dumbledore. profitable.

This direction must be easier to find. After all, the number of Death

Eaters is far less than that of decent wizards, and those Death Eaters who

can stand beside Voldemort are mostly from the pure-blood family. In

RAB, the last letter B is RAB. The beginning letters of the surname of the

pure-blood family, the surname is indeed not many beginning with B.

In the United Kingdom, according to Kantanlus Nott’s "Pure Blood List",

the Holy Twenty-Eighth Clan refers to the 28 families of British wizards

who were still "true pure blood" by the 1930s.

In the Holy Twenty-Eight Clan, the only clan beginning with B is Black,

Boss, and Bok.

By the way, the Porter family is also a pure-blooded family, but because

the surname Porter is more common in the Muggle world, and members

of the Porter family bluntly express positive opinions about Muggles, they

are not included.

In the end, in the archives, Furong was the first to find the final answer.

"Ting, and Hermione," she said, suppressing the excitement in her voice,

"come here!"

"what's wrong?"

The two of them ran to Furong's side with the documents in their hands.

"R.A.B...I think I found him."

The two approached Furong and looked at the document in her hand.

"Regulus·Arcturus·Black (Regulus·Arcturus·Black) is indeed RAB,"

Hermione scanned the information excitedly. "He used to maintain a

pureblood tendency because of his brother’s rebellious family and

himself. , Became a Death Eater. He died in 1980, exactly the year the

Dark Lord died, and he was actually... Sirius' younger brother!"

"Maybe, the real pendant is hidden in Sirius's house," Fleur was also very

excited-Sirius came to Hogwarts as Harry's family on the night of the

Triwizard Finals, so she knew him." We can go to his house and ask."

"But, are we really going to reveal the Horcrux to him?" Hermione was a

little worried. "He knows it doesn't matter, right? He is Harry's godfather

after all."

"Sirius owes me favors," Ye Ting concluded. "So, it doesn't matter if you

don't tell him. If I say, he should be happy to help."

Sirius’s house is at 12 Grimmauld Place in London, a house that has been

cursed with loyalty.

Now, since Voldemort has been resurrected, in order to protect Harry and

resist Voldemort, Dumbledore has contacted many like-minded

acquaintances to form the Order of the Phoenix, and this is now the

headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

After contacting them, Remus Lupin was sent to pick up the Ye Ting

three. Under Lupin's leadership, the three Apparated to Grimmauld


In the center of the square is a messy and deserted grassland, and the

surrounding houses are gloomy, looking like they are thousands of miles

away. The windows of some houses were broken, the lights flashed

dimly, the paint on many doors was peeling off, and the steps of the front

doors of a few households were filled with rubbish.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 227:

Lu Ping took them to Building 11 and Building 13 in the square. There

was no No. 12 between the two buildings.

Lupin took out a piece of paper, showed it to the three of them, and then

immediately burned it.

The note read: The Command of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​located at

12 Grimmauld Place, London.

"Think about what you just remembered." Lupin said softly.

The three of them thought intently. As soon as they thought of

Grimmauld Place No. 12, a tattered door appeared out of thin air

between No. 11 and No. 13, and then the dirty walls and gloomy

windows also appeared. , It looked as if an extra house suddenly swelled

up, squeezing things away on both sides.

This scene stunned Hermione and Fleur, they had never seen such a

magical scene.

Led by Lupin, the three of them walked up the broken stone steps and

looked at the newly transformed door.

The black paint on the door was peeling off, covered with scratches from

the left to the right. The silver door knocker is in the shape of a large

snake. There is no keyhole on the door, and no mailbox.

Lupin pulled out his wand and knocked on the door.

Immediately there was a lot of loud sounds of metal crashing, and the

rattling sound like a chain.

The door creaked open.

Chapter 0313 Grimmauld Place 12

The three followed Lupin across the threshold and walked into the almost

dark door.

There was a damp, grey smell, and a sweet rotten smell, and it felt like

an abandoned empty house.

After everyone had entered, Lupin closed the door, and now the hall was

so dark that he could not see his fingers.

There was a rustling sound, and then a row of old-fashioned gas lamps on

the wall lit up, casting a dangling and unreal light, shining on the peeling

wallpaper and polished blooms in the long eerie hall. Line carpet.

A spider-web-shaped chandelier shimmered overhead, and some portraits

that were darkened by age hang slantingly on the wall. The chandelier

and the chandelier on a rickety table next to it were both It was shaped

like a big snake.

With a rush of footsteps, several wizards appeared in front of them,

headed by Sirius Black, he smiled enthusiastically when he saw Ye Ting.

"Mr. Ye is here, as well as Miss Granger and Miss Delacour," he stepped

forward, enthusiastically leading the way for them, "Come in, there are

many people here who want to meet you."

The wizards behind Black had different expressions, some with happy

smiles, some with surprises, and some with frowned.

But Black didn't care about them, and brought Ye Ting to the living room

with himself.

Compared to just now, the living room looks much brighter. Several

wizards and wizards stand or sit around the stove and chat.

As soon as the three of them came, the eyes of these people were on


Ye Ting found that there were quite a lot of acquaintances here. Alastor

Moody was sitting at the door, his big and round, enchanted blue eyes

gleaming like electric lights were staring at them.

In addition, he saw Ron's mother, Mrs. Weasley, and Professor Snape.

Of course, there are still a few wizards that you don’t know. Ye Ting, the

youngest witch among them, is a bit familiar. She has a pale, heart-

shaped face, a pair of gleaming black eyes, and her spike-like head. Short

hair is a vivid violet color.

After seeing Ye Ting, the witch involuntarily fought a cold war and

backed away several steps.

"Tonks, what's wrong with you, are you okay?" Lupin, who followed the

three of them, stepped forward with concern after seeing the witch's


"He... why did he come?" the witch named Tonks asked in a low voice.

Although she tried to suppress herself, Ye Ting could still hear the tremor

in her voice.


"The boy."

"You mean Ye? He came to see Black. Has anything happened between


"No, it's nothing."

The witch walked away silently, and came to another corner of the room,

which was the farthest place from Ye Ting.

At this time, Ye Ting also remembered who this girl was.

She is a half-blood witch named Nifadora Tonks, quite young, and an


However, what is special about her is that she is a rare Yirong Magnus,

who can freely change her appearance, but she cannot change her body,

gender, and age as freely as Merlin.

Thinking of her identity, Ye Ting knew why she was so afraid of herself.

That was the third grade, what happened after he was in the Ministry of


At the beginning, he wanted to study Yirong Magnus. After thinking of

the existence of Tonks in the original book, he found her at the Ministry

of Magic. Not only did he do a lot of experiments with her, but he also

forced several tubes of blood from her.

Although Ye Ting gave Tonks a sum of Jin Jialong afterwards, she still

did not dispel her fear. From then on, she became extremely afraid of Ye

Ting, and she had to retreat every time she saw him.

On the other side, Moody also yelled at Sirius.

"Blake, you can't bring outsiders here," he roared gruffly, "if they are from

the Dark Lord, then we might be wiped out!"

"Mr. Ye cannot be from the Dark Lord," Black explained impatiently. "He

has the same power as Dumbledore and the Dark Lord, and he can never

be subdued under the Dark Lord-I think I'm pretty good at this point.

understand him."

"Similar to Dumbledore? How could it be? He's just a kid!" Moody's

surprised normal eye widened.

"What Black said is true, I can prove it," said a dark-skinned, bald-headed

wizard beside Moody-his voice was low and slow, with a golden ring on

one ear, Ye Ting recognized him. It’s called Kingsley—"Just last year, he

was summoned to the Ministry of Magic by Wisengamao. That time, he

was in the lobby of the Ministry of Magic and defeated dozens of Aurors

by himself. Fortunately, I was not there at the time. Among the people..."

"Also, he rescued Harry from the Dark Lord's hands." Mrs. Weasley added.

"In addition, you have to thank Crouch for being able to get away from

him," Snape added quietly, "If I were you, I wouldn't easily doubt Ting


"But, but..." Moody hesitated a bit in the face of everyone, but he still

stubbornly argued: "Can you guarantee that this is him? If this is a Death

Eater who pretends to be him, he will make trouble. Big trouble!"

"No one would pretend to be Mr. Ye, just like no one would pretend to be

Dumbledore." Kingsley said with a wry smile.

"Yes, and he is more decisive than Dumbledore. If a Death Eater dared to

impersonate him, maybe his house would become a sea of ​​flames the

next day." Tonks also added.

"Um... are you so scary in their eyes?" Hermione asked quietly in Ye

Ting's ear. She couldn't believe that these grown-up wizards were so

scared of Ye Ting. Although he was very strong, he was quite pretty.


After hearing the words, Furong gave Hermione a complicated look.

"This guy can only be so gentle when he is around you."

"You still have you now!" Hermione reminded.

"Yes, there is also me," said this, Furong gave Ye Ting a white glance, a

faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and then continued: "Actually,

facing any stranger who dares to provoke him, his attitude is different. "

She had heard about what happened to the British Ministry of Magic for

a long time—her parents worked in the French Ministry of Magic. At the

time, the incident was spread as a joke at the French Ministry of Magic.

After all, the awkward relationship between Britain and France... Later

she learned that the culprit was the culprit. It was the boy beside her.

In addition, on the night of the Quidditch World Cup, her sister was sent

back to her by Ye Ting after she disappeared. And Gabriel’s description

also mentioned how Ye Ting dealt with the Death Eaters’ parade.

Although Gabriel had closed her eyes at the time, she still noticed some

details, and she was also there that night, so she quickly understood the

cause of the deaths of so many Death Eaters that night.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 228:

However, she chose to conceal it because she was troubled by love, and

now even Gabriel doesn't know the truth of the whole thing.

However, Furong did understand the other side of Ye Ting facing


In some cases, he really dared to kill.

Chapter 0314 Kreacher

In the end, Moody did not continue to speak up under the persuasion of

other members of the Order of the Phoenix.

And Black also saw the opportunity to take the three of them to a room,

ready to talk with them individually.

However, in the house, they saw a house elf, cursing at Black.

The house elf was named Kreacher. He was thin and small, only half a

person tall. He was wearing a dirty rag, his pale skin was hanging down,

and a lot of white hair emerged from his bat-like ears.

Obviously, this house elf is very old. In fact, Kreacher has been their

house elf since the generation of Black's parents.

"—Coming back from Azkaban, I'm gesticulating Kreacher, oh my poor

mistress. What would she say if she saw the house become like this, the

scumbag came in, and her treasure was Throwing it out, she vowed not

to recognize his son, and now he is back. It is said that he is still a


"If you talk again, I really want to kill!" Sirius said irritably. He pushed

the house elf out of the door, and then shut the door heavily against it.

"Sirius, his brain is abnormal," Hermione said softly, "I think he is just too


Compared to other proud wizards, Hermione, who was born in a Muggle

family, is more willing to treat other magical creatures equally.

"He's been alone for too long," Sirius said. "Accepted some crazy orders

from my mother's portrait and talked to himself, but he used to be a

nasty little—"

"If you set him free," Hermione said hopefully, "maybe—"

"We can't let him be free. He knows too much about the Order of the

Phoenix." Sirius said roughly. "And, anyway, the fright will kill him. You

suddenly demanded him. He leaves this home to see how he reacts."

Then, he looked at Ye Ting and asked straightforwardly, "So, what are

you doing this time? I, you know, and I am willing to help you at any


The three looked at each other, and finally Ye Ting said, "Actually, we

came this time to inquire about Regulus Black. We want to know what

happened before his death."

"Regulus Black..." Hearing this name, Sirius' eyes suddenly dimmed.

"That's a long story."

He walked to the end of the room, a tapestry covering the whole wall.

The three Ye Ting followed.

The tapestry looks very old and very old, and the color is already dim, it

seems that the fox has bitten several places.

However, the gold thread embroidered on it was still shining, and they

clearly saw a family tree of vines, dating back to the Middle Ages.

Embroidered on the top of the tapestry are several large characters: "The

noble and oldest Black family is always pure."

"You're not up there!" Hermione said suddenly, looking at the bottom line

of the family tree.

"It used to be above." Sirius said, pointing to a small black hole in the

tapestry, as if it was burnt by a cigarette. "After I ran away from home,

my dear old mother destroyed me— —Kreacher likes to whisper this


"You run away from home?"

"I was about sixteen years old that year," Sirius said, "I had enough. I hate

all of them. My parents are crazy about pure blood. They believe that

being a Blake family is born noble. Yes, and my foolish brother is Regulus

Black. He is so weak that he believes what they say...that's him."

Sirius stretched out a finger and pointed to the name at the bottom of the

family tree: Regulus Black. There is a date of death after the date of birth

(approximately fifteen years ago).

"He is younger than me," Sirius said. "I have been constantly reminded

that his son is much better than me. But this stupid idiot has joined the

ranks of Death Eaters."

"Although I don't know why you want to know Regulus, I can tell you

that in my family, my parents think that Voldemort's claims are correct.

They all agree to maintain the purity of the wizard's blood and get rid of

Muggle origin. People, let pure-blood people have power. They are not

unique. Before Voldemort revealed his true face, many people believed

that he was right about some things... But when they found out that he

was trying to gain power They were all timid and flinched when they

didn't use any means. But I think my parents must think Regulus was a

brave little hero who joined them from the beginning."

"How did he die?" Hermione asked curiously.

"I don't know," said Sirius. "He may have been killed by Voldemort. Or, it

is more likely that he was killed under Voldemort's orders. I suspect

Regulus is not that important yet and needs Voldemort to get rid of it.

He. From what I know after his death, he has fallen deep, and then he is

afraid of what others want him to do and wants to quit. Alas, you can’t

pass a resignation report to Voldemort and it’s all done. Either life, or a

dead end. However, before his death, I didn't have much contact with

him... But Kreacher has been taking care of him, you can ask Kreacher, I

think he will know better than me— If you can bear his bad temper."

Blake opened the door and shouted, "Kreacher!"

With a snap, the house elf appeared. He stood in front of them, his eyes

cast with contempt and reluctance.

"Master," Kreacher said hoarsely in his bullfrog voice, bowed low, and

muttered to his knees, "Bring two dirty mudbloods and an inferior vewa

into my mistress's old man. House--"

"I forbid you to call anyone'inferior' or'mudblood'." Black shouted, "I want

you to answer their questions. No matter what they ask, you have to say

it exactly, understand? "

"Yes, master," Kreacher said, bowing low again.

However, when Ye Ting saw his lips squirming silently, he was

undoubtedly meditating on the insulting words that he is now forbidden

to say.

Even Hermione, who did not discriminate against house elves the least,

would find Kreacher's long nose and bloodshot eyes extremely uncute.

Ye Ting had already impatiently shot, he casually pointed at Kreacher,

and its long nose began to stretch out continuously.

"When answering a question, if you say another ugly thing, your nose

will grow an inch." Ye Ting folded his arms and said coldly, "I want to

see, how long can your nose grow? "

Perhaps he was frightened by the nose that had dropped to his chest, or

perhaps forced by Ye Ting's aura, Kreacher immediately closed his

mouth, retreated to the corner, and looked at Ye Ting tremblingly.

"You still have a way," Blake patted Ye Ting on the shoulder and walked

out. "We still have something to talk about. Just ask if you have any


After speaking, he returned to the living room, leaving only the three Ye

Ting and Klee looking at each other.

Item 0315

"Kreacher, come here, I have something to ask you," Ye Ting commanded

to Kreacher in a serious tone.

Kreacher cringed and walked up to the three of them, his long nose

dangling against his chest.

"I want to ask you, Regulus Black, have you ever brought back a golden


Hearing this, Kreacher, who was still cowering, suddenly became excited.

He shivered, swayed, closed his eyes, and just didn't speak.

Seeing his reaction, the three immediately understood, Kreacher seemed

to know something.

"Kreacher, do you remember what your master just said?" Fleur reminded

sternly, with disgust in her eyes-she still had a grudge about the house

elf's name for her bloodliness-"Are you going to violate the master?


For the house elves, the "master's order" was more effective than anything

else. Kreacher gasped, his shriveled chest rising and falling sharply, and

then he opened his eyes and let out a blood-coagulated scream.

"The locket! Master Regulus's locket, Master Regulus did bring back a

locket... Kreacher made a mistake, and Kreacher failed to execute the

order of the master!"

The next moment, Kreacher rushed to the side wall and kept hitting her

head against the wall. Hermione was taken aback by his movements, but

she immediately drew out her wand, and a pink ribbon sprayed from the

tip of the wand to knock Klee. Cut it tightly, and this prevented his self-


"Kreacher, I order you not to move!" she said loudly, "you must complete

your master's order first and answer our questions. You are not allowed

to do anything until then!"

The elf froze immediately, and he lay straight on the cold slate floor,

tears pouring from the sunken eye sockets.

"Hermione, get him up!" Fleur whispered.

Hermione pulled slightly, and the end of the ribbon was forced to make

Kreacher stand up.

"Tell me about Regulus' locket," Ye Ting said. "Where did it come from?

What does Regulus have to do with it? Kreacher, tell me everything you

know about the locket. , And Regulus' relationship with it!"

Hermione loosened the ribbon cooperatively, and the elf immediately sat

down, curled up, sandwiched the wet face between his knees, and began

to shake back and forth. When he spoke, his voice was low and muffled,

but he heard quite clearly in a quiet, echoing room.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 229:

"Master Sirius ran away. It would be nice to leave, because he is a bad

boy. His unruly behavior hurts my mistress. But Master Regulus has self-

esteem. He knows the surname of Black and him. What does a pure

bloodline mean. For many years, he often talked about the Dark Lord.

The Dark Lord wanted to make wizards no longer need to hide, but to

come out to rule Muggles and Muggle offspring... When Master Regulus

was sixteen years old , Joined the organization of the Dark Lord, he is so

proud, so proud, so happy, able to work for..."

"One year later, one day, Master Regulus came to the kitchen to visit

Kreacher, and he said..."

The old elf shook faster.

"...He said the Dark Lord wants a little elf."

"The Dark Lord wants a little elf?" Hermione asked, looking back at Fleur,

she was also confused.

"Oh, yes," Kreacher said painfully, "Master Regulus contributed to

Kreacher. This is an honor, Master Regulus said, it is the glory of himself

and Kreacher. Kreacher must go Do all the things the Dark Lord wants

him to do... and then go back-go home."

Kreacher shook faster, his breathing turned into sobbing.

"So Kreacher went to the Dark Lord. Instead of telling Kreacher what he

was going to do, the Dark Lord took Kreacher to a cave by the sea. It was

a big cave with a large black lake in it..."

Hermione and Fleur immediately thought of the cave they had been to

before, and everything was right.

"...There is a boat..."

Of course there is a boat, they know that boat, the ghostly green boat,

then Voldemort tested the protection of the Horcrux in this way: with the

help of an insignificant life, a house elf...

"There is a stone-stone basin on the island, full of potions. The black-the

dark lord makes Kreacher drink..."

The elf trembled all over.

"Kreacher drank, and saw a lot of horrible sights while drinking...

Kreacher's internal organs were on fire... Kreacher called Master Regulus

to save him and the mistress, but the Dark Lord just laughed... ...He

forced Kreacher to drink up the potion... He threw a locket into the

empty basin... and filled the pot with the potion."

"Then the Dark Lord got on the boat and left, leaving Kreacher on the


The three looked at each other, and the two girls finally understood the

effect of the potion. Fortunately, they transformed the corpse at the time.

"Kreacher needs water. He climbed to the edge of the island to drink the

water in the Black Lake... Many hands, dead hands, came out of the

water and dragged Kreacher down..."

"How did you escape?" Hermione asked.

After that experience, she found that Muggle weapons were very useful

against corpses, but Kreacher was just a house elf.

Kreacher lifted his ugly head and looked at the three with big bloodshot


"Master Regulus said that Kreacher would go home," he said.

"I know--but how did you get rid of the corpse?" Furong asked again.

"Master Regulus said that Kreacher should go home." Kreacher repeated.

"I know, but—" Fleur asked again, and Hermione spoke.

"Oh, it's obvious that he has Apparated! The magic of the elves is

different from the magic of the wizards, as if they can Apparate or

Apparate at Hogwarts, but we can't."

There was a moment of silence, and Furong recalled this sentence. How

could Voldemort make such a mistake?

Just as he thought of this, Hermione spoke again, her voice cold.

"Of course, the Dark Lord is dismissive of the behavior of house elves,

like all purebred wizards who treat elves as beasts... He never thought

that elves might have magic that he doesn't have."

"The highest law for house elves is the command of the master," Kreacher

said in singing, "The master told Kreacher to go home, and Kreacher went


"So, you did what you were ordered to do, did you?" Hermione asked

gently. "You didn't violate the order at all?"

Kreacher nodded, shaking faster.

"Then what happened after you came back?" Fleur asked. "What did

Regulus say after you told the master?"

"Master Regulus is very worried, very worried," Kreacher hissed. "Regulus

told Kreacher to hide and not leave the house." Then... after a while...

One night, Regulus Master Luss came to the cupboard and found

Kreacher. Master Regulus looked weird, unlike usual, Kreacher could see

that he was in a mess... Master asked Kreacher to take him to the cave,

the cave where Kreacher and the Dark Lord had been...

"He asked you to drink the potion?" Furong asked disgustedly.

Kreacher shook his head, crying bitterly. Hermione covered her mouth:

she seemed to guess something.

"Ray-Master Regulus took out a locket from his pocket, just like that of

the Dark Lord," Kreacher said, tears running down the sides of his long

nose. "He called Kreacher. Hold it, and after the stone basin is dry,

replace the locket..."

Kreacher's sobbing became harsh and harsh, and the three of them had to

concentrate to understand him.

"He ordered-Kreacher to leave-leave him alone. He told Kreacher-to go

home-not to tell the mistress-what he did-but must destroy-the first

locket. Then. He drank it-drank the potion-Kreacher replaced the locket-

and watched... Master Regulus... was dragged underwater... and..."

"Oh, Kreacher!" Hermione wailed, and she cried, kneeling beside the elf,

trying to comfort him. The elf stood up immediately and hid straight

back, with obvious disgust.

"The Mudblood touched Kreacher, Kreacher didn't allow it, what would

the hostess say?"

Then, before anyone sneered at him, Kreacher was met with retribution,

and his nose grew longer, and it was hanging down to his waist, so he

shut up immediately and looked at them with a wince.

"Then, you brought the locket home," Ye Ting continued to ask,

determined to understand what happened, "Did you try to destroy it?"

"Kreacher can't leave a trace on it," the elf said sadly. "Kreacher tried all

the methods, all the methods, but none, none succeeded... There are so

many powerful magics on the box. Kreacher believes that it can only be

destroyed from the inside, but it cannot be opened... Kreacher punishes

himself, tries again, punishes himself, tries again. Kreacher fails to

execute the order, Kreacher cannot destroy the locket! The hostess went

crazy with grief, because Master Regulus disappeared, Kreacher could not

tell her what happened, no, because Master Regulus banned—forbidden

him to talk to his family—the family members say the rock—the cave

What's inside..."

Kreacher couldn't make a sound. Hermione looked at Kreacher and burst

into tears, but she didn't dare to touch him again. Even Fleur, who had

no affection for Kreacher, seemed a little sad.

Ye Ting stepped forward to hug Hermione, hugged her and finally let the

girl stop crying.

Item 0316

In the end, at the request of the three, Kreacher told them where to hide

the locket.

Next, Ye Ting found Black again.

"Is there anything you need in the Black family's collection?" After

listening to Ye Ting's request, Black agreed with a bold gesture: "Come

with me, the Black family's proud collections are all here. , I wanted to

clean it up a long time ago, if there is anything you want, you can just

take it away."

Black led them to a glass-door cabinet.

This is one of the places where the Black family's collections have been

collected for hundreds of years. It is filled with various items. The three

keenly noticed that a large part of these collections are magic items.

However, Black, who is quite contemptuous of the family's pure-blood

history, does not seem to care about these collections. These collections

are piled up in a disorderly manner, which brings trouble to finding the

locket-they have to remove these collections one by one.

The difficulty of this task is much higher than imagined, because many

things in the cabinet seem reluctant to leave the dusty shelf.

Sirius was bitten fiercely by a silver snuff box, and within a few seconds,

the bitten hand formed an ugly hard shell, as if wearing a rough brown


"It's okay." As he said, he looked at the hand with interest, and then

tapped it with his magic wand. The skin on the hand returned to normal

again. "There must be sarcoma powder in it."

He threw the snuff box aside, and Hermione picked it up with interest.

She hadn't seen sarcoma powder yet.

They found a particularly ugly silver utensil, like a pair of multi-legged

tweezers. Furong just picked it up. It crawled up Furong's arm like a

spider, and wanted to pierce her skin.

Ye Ting grabbed it and shot it to death with a book called "Born and

Noble: Genealogy of Wizards".

There is also a music box. As soon as the clockwork is twisted, Ding Ding

Dongdong’s ominous music is faintly played. Then they both find

themselves inexplicably weak and lethargic. Fortunately, Hermione’s

brain is clear, hurry up. Close the lid.

There is also a heavy souvenir box that no one can open. A lot of antique

seals. In addition, in a gray box, the medals Ye Ting and Hermione were

very familiar with. It was a Merlin first-class medal, awarded to Sirius'

grandfather, and rewarded him for his "contribution to the Ministry of

Magic." ".

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 230:

"That means he gave them a lot of gold." Sirius said contemptuously,

throwing the precious medal into the corner.

Kreacher sneaked into the room several times, trying to hide something

under his waist cloth; every time he was caught, he would say a lot of

very bad words.

When Sirius snatched a big gold ring with the Black family crest from his

hand, Kreacher was so angry that he shed tears, and walked out of the

room with a whisper, cursing Xiao with words they had never heard

before. Sirius.

"This is my father's thing," Sirius said. "Kreacher is not as loyal to him as

he is to my mother, but I saw him kiss an old pair of my father's pants

last week."

In the end, Furong found the locket at the bottom of the collection.

The locket was the size of an egg, and a gorgeous S, embedded with

many small emeralds, gleamed dimly in the twilight that penetrated from

the top of the canvas tent.

However, unexpectedly, although this locket is a Horcrux, it is not

dangerous-at least compared to the diary and the ring, there is no

dangerous magic on it.

Voldemort seemed to trust the defenses in the cave, otherwise he would

not stop using dangerous magic on his Horcrux.

However, this locket does give people a strange feeling.

Although Furong had bothered to find it, but when she got the locket, she

had a strong urge to throw it away immediately.

She restrained herself, tried to break the locket with her hands, and then

tried the unlocking spell again, but it didn't work.

He gave the locket to Ye Ting and Hermione again, and they each tried

their best, but they were as unsuccessful as hers.

"But do you feel it?" Furong squeezed it tightly in his hand and asked in a

low voice.


Furong handed the Horcrux to Ye Ting.

After a while, Ye Ting understood what Lotus meant.

What he felt was his own pulsation, or something in the locket was

beating, like a small metal heart.

All in all, after getting the locket, the three were finally satisfied.

Before leaving Sirius's house, at Hermione's request, they found Kreacher.

The girl took out the fake Horcrux from the bag, the fake locket, which

contained Regulus' note to Voldemort.

"Kreacher, I, uh, I hope you will accept this," she put the locket into the

elf's hand. "This is Regulus's. I believe he will give it to you to thank you

— —"

When the elf saw the locket, he let out a cry of surprise and pain, and

collapsed to the ground again.

It took them nearly half an hour to calm Kreacher, and they were able to

obtain a relic of the Black family. The elf was so excited that his knees

were weak and he could not stand.

When he could finally stagger a few steps, he walked to the cupboard and

carefully hid the locket in the dirty blanket.

Unexpectedly, before the three of them left 12 Grimmauld Place, the elf

bowed to Ye Ting and Hermione respectively, and even twitched

comically at Furong, perhaps trying to salute.

After returning home, Ye Ting took out the locket and prepared to

destroy it.

When Ye Ting took out the Infinite Sword, Hermione held the locket

intricately, but the locket seemed to smell dangerous and began to


It kept trembling in Hermione's hand, and the chain began to fly in the

air, as if trying to escape from Hermione's palm.

Hermione used a Confinement Charm on it, but it was bounced away.

Sure enough, no Horcrux should be underestimated.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard the locket struggles, it is just a locket.

Soon Hermione found a way to trap it, and its chains were pressed tightly

to the ground by the book with the gravity curse.

Then Ye Ting vigorously swung his sword at the locket.

However, the endless sword, which has always been unfavorable, only

cut the gold chain of the locket, but did not hurt its body.

"Perhaps, we should open it to destroy it." Hermione analyzed. "The core

of the locket is obviously hidden inside."

"But we can't open it," Furong complained. "No magic can open this


"It should work if it's a snake-like voice," Hermione thought for a while,

and said, "After all, this is Slytherin's locket, and the way to open it may

be Slytherin's best."

Chapter 0317 The Whereabouts Of Hufflepuff's Relics

Although the Snake Whisperer is a mark of Slytherin and his heirs, it

does not mean that most people cannot learn snake language.

At least, in the original book, Dumbledore succeeded in learning snake

language and became a snake tongue—of course, this kind of snake

tongue cannot be inherited.

It just so happens that Ye Ting is not inferior to Dumbledore in terms of

IQ and language talent, but even surpasses him. Therefore, in addition to

the languages ​​of various humanoid magical creatures such as murloc

language, horseman language, giant language, etc. , Even the snake

language he learned smoothly.

Now is the time for him to use this skill.

So he started a second attempt.

He raised the sword again, looked at the locket, held his breath, and was

ready to shoot at any time.

No one knows the danger of the opened locket, so the sooner the locket is

destroyed, the safer they will be.

After getting ready, Ye Ting spoke to the locket.


It was a hissing roar in the ears of Hermione and Fleur.

The next moment, the small golden cover of the locket popped open with

a click.

Behind the two small glass windows was a live eye blinking, black and

bright, like before Tom Riddle's eyeball turned red and his pupils became

a line.

These terrifying eyes immediately stared at Hermione who was fixing it,

startling her.

"I saw--"

Before he could finish his seductive words, a silver light flashed by.

Ye Ting looked at the locket indifferently, completely ignoring its

temptation and its spiritual magic.

The sword of endless slashed instantly.

Although the sword couldn't hurt Hermione at all, the girl was still

photographed by Jianfeng, backed up involuntarily, and then sat down

on the ground.

There was a loud metal sound, followed by a long scream.

Just like the scene where the previous two Horcruxes were destroyed, a

terrifying black spirit body emerged from the locket, then struggled

painfully in the air, and finally vanished into ashes.

In the end, this precious Slytherin relic completely turned into tatters

under the destruction of the Infinite Sword.

The glass of the two small windows was pierced, Riddle's eyes were gone,

and the colored silk lining of the locket shed light smoke. The thing that

was living in the Horcrux disappeared.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 231:

At this time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This was the third Horcrux they destroyed—the fourth one, including

Harry himself.

Next, there are three Horcruxes waiting for them.

In fact, when Ye Ting, Hermione and Furong destroyed two Horcruxes in

succession, Zhang Qiu and Penello gained a lot.

Their task is to find Hufflepuff's golden cup, which is not a simple task.

For a long time, the four relics of the four founders of Hogwarts are

legendary items. They occasionally appear in history, but they will soon

disappear again. This makes people have to think that these relics exist.

It's just rumors.

However, just like Ye Ting’s search for Slytherin’s relics started with

Slytherin’s descendants, Zhang Qiu and Penello also quickly determined

the direction of their search: first, they were looking for Hufflepuff’s

descendants. .

Although the relics are passed down from generation to generation, the

possibility of loss is quite high, but compared to finding a needle in a

haystack, the descendants of Hufflepuff can be regarded as a safer


Through Ye Ting's relationship, the two girls were able to search the

descendants of Hufflepuff in the archives of the Ministry of Magic.

Unfortunately, the archives of the Ministry of Magic are no more

convenient than searching the archives on a computer by Muggles in the


It took several days for Zhang Qiu and Penello to find relevant

information in the pile of old papers.

In the early twentieth century, there was indeed a witch named Hepziba

Smith, who claimed to be a descendant of Helga Hufflepuff.

What makes them even more excited is that this witch is very rich and an

avid collector of magical antiques.

Compared to ordinary people, a wealthy wizard—especially an antique

collector—is more likely to possess Hufflepuff’s relics, and the collector

himself is Hufflepuff’s heir (even if claimed) The possibilities are greatly


After all, ordinary wizards may be deprived of poverty and sell the

antiques left by their ancestors. Many pure-blooded families who have

fallen are not doing things like this.

Even now, there are still many pure-blood families who have become

antique sellers in order to maintain a luxurious life.

But a wealthy collector would never do this.

On the contrary, such a wealthy collector would try his best to collect

antiques, and this witch who claims to be a descendant of Hufflepuff is

especially true.

Even if she doesn't have Hufflepuff's relics herself, as a descendant of

Hufflepuff, she will do her best to find the relics.

Then, starting from her, it is most likely to find Hufflepuff's golden cup.

At worst, clues to the gold cup can also be found.

However, when they prepared to go a step further and wanted to start

from Hepzibah Smith himself or her descendants, they were disappointed

to discover that Hepzibah Smith had passed away in 1946.

According to documents from the Ministry of Magic, the cause of Hepziba

Smith’s death was that her house elf Hao Qi was dim-eyed and

accidentally put a rare and deadly poison in the hostess’s cocoa instead of

sugar. This That led to the death of Hepziba Smith.

Even the house elf himself admitted it.

Fortunately, although Ms. Hepziba Smith has no descendants, she does

have a family, and her siblings and descendants of siblings inherited her


So they began to look for Hepziba Smith's surviving relatives.

If there is news of the Hufflepuff Golden Cup, then the news must be in

the hands of these people.

Soon, they decided on one goal, which was Hepzibah Smith's sister,

Manasseh Smith.

The Smith family is indeed a big family. Hepziba has four siblings in

total, and she is the second child of the family.

Manasseh Smith is much younger than Hepziba Smith. She is the

youngest of the five siblings, but has the best relationship with Hepziba.

Therefore, Hepziba’s manor and A considerable part of the property was

inherited by Manasseh Smith.

Fortunately, Manasseh Smith himself is still alive.

So, under the recommendation of Bones, Zhang Qiu and Penello came to

visit Manasseh himself.

Manasseh's home is on the outskirts of London. It is a large Victorian

manor, and Manasseh himself has always lived in the manor.

After arriving at the manor, it was a house elf who opened the door for

the two girls.

This is probably the thinnest and oldest house-elf that Penello and Zhang

Qiu have ever seen. Their heads reached the waists of the two girls. The

paper-like skin hung on the skeleton, like the thin piece of her body. The

linen robe is the same.

Led by the house elves, the girls walked into the manor.

Chapter 0318-Manasse Smith

In the center of the manor is a three-story villa, where Manasseh Smith


The house elf walked ahead and opened the door of the villa for the two


When the two girls walked into the villa and came to the entrance hall

for the first time, they found that the villa was indeed a fanatical

collector, the property left by Hepzibah Smith.

All kinds of antiques and collectibles are placed in every corner of this


On the way the elves led them to meet Manasseh, they saw many

dazzling collections.

Vases of different styles were placed in every corner, and there was a pair

of knight armor in the hallway, which looked like a product of a fairy.

Zhang Qiu suspected that they could move freely just like Hogwarts


When passing by the fireplace, they saw many animal heads hanging on

the fireplace, just as the Muggle nobles showed their harvest from

hunting, but the difference was that these heads came from magical


Among these first levels, the magical creatures that Penello recognizes

include fire gray snakes, big-headed hairy monsters, soft-clawed land

shrimps, Riem cattle, etc. There are also some that Penello does not

recognize. One of them is like A leopard head grows on a large durian or

a large balloon full of thorns. This specimen makes her feel the most


In addition, they also saw many copper vessels of all kinds, and many

lush plants grew vigorously from these vessels. The plants looked neat

and tidy, and it was obvious that the house elves were pruning very


Finally, after crossing the living room and up the stairs, the house elf

opened a thick wooden door for them.

Behind the wooden door was a study room. On the recliner in the middle

of the study room, they saw a very fat old lady who was wearing a green

floral robe and a pair of tight satin shoes on her fat feet.

Obviously, this old lady is the owner of the manor, Hepziba Smith's

sister, Manasseh Smith.

The house elf received the letter of introduction from Ms. Bones from

Penello and handed it to the old lady. After reading the letter for a while,

the old lady rudely drove the house elf away.

There are only three of them in the room now.

The old man seemed to have a bad temper. She looked at the two visiting

girls and spoke first: "Amelia told me that there are two girls who are

doing investigations for the Ministry of Magic, wanting to learn

something about what happened in the past. Things, are you the one who

did the investigation?"

"Yes, Granny Smith," Penello replied first, "we want to find out with you

about the whereabouts of an antique, which is involved in..."

"Ah, antiques," Manasseh interjected impatiently, "I knew it was antiques.

There are antiques everywhere. How would I know the whereabouts of

all the antiques? I don't like them. If it weren't for my sister, I I've lost all

these nasty things a long time ago."

"I promise, you must be impressed with this antique!" Zhang Qiu said

quickly, "this antique involves very important things, so you must help!"

"A very important thing?" Manasseh squinted at them for a while, and

suddenly said, "You look very young. Are you really sent by the Ministry

of Magic?"

The old man's suspicion made Zhang Qiu a little flustered, but Penello

took the conversation calmly.

"In fact, this matter was originally not our turn to be responsible." The

girl explained solemnly, "We have just graduated from Hogwarts and

have not been in the Ministry of Magic for long, but recently due to the

news of the resurrection of the Dark Lord, The Ministry of Magic has

always been very busy. In order to cope with the possible future crises,

Ms. Bones has deployed a large number of manpower, so the current

Ministry of Magic is tight, and the safer tasks are taken care of by us who

have just joined the Ministry. "

When a lie is true and false, it is actually the most deceptive.

Penello’s words are mostly true. Amelia Bones herself was really busy

during this time. On the one hand, she had to fight for power with Fudge,

who was dragging her feet in the Ministry of Magic. On the other hand,

she needed Responsible for their own opinions, dispatch troops to detect

the movements of the Death Eaters, and prepare for Voldemort's


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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 232:

After all, even if Ye Ting promised to destroy Voldemort, it would take


Moreover, if Bones did nothing, even if Ye Ting eliminated Voldemort,

she would not get any benefit.

If after Voldemort's resurrection, Bones can make preparations, even if

the plan goes smoothly, these preparations are useless, and Voldemort is

killed by Ye Ting before he really shows off, and Bones himself will still

gain a huge reputation.

After all, all her preparations at least proved that she has done

something, she has foresight, etc. Fudge's clumsy will bring out her


However, today's Bones has to face the embarrassment of insufficient


Of course, Penello and Zhang Qiu were not under Bones, but Manasseh

didn't know.

Therefore, Penello's explanation fooled her perfectly.

"So, what news do you two want to ask?" Manasseh finally got into the


"It is rumored that the Smith family is the descendant of Helga

Hufflepuff, is this true?" Zhang Qiu asked timely.

"Of course," Manasseh raised his head and said with a little pride. "Our

family genealogy has always been up, and it can indeed be traced back to

Helga Hufflepuff. In fact, our family has been born for generations. All

graduated from Hufflepuff College."

"So, do you know the whereabouts of the Hufflepuff Golden Cup?"

Penello asked.

"Hufflepuff's golden cup?" Manasseh became vigilant at the mention of

the name. She frowned and looked at Penello, "Why do you want to know

this? What is your purpose?"

Manasseh's reaction was a bit wrong. The two looked at each other, and

finally Penello replied, "This is a very serious secret. I can only say that

this secret has something to do with the Dark Lord."

"The Dark Lord?" Manasseh's brow furrowed deeper.

"Perhaps you have heard of his other name," Zhang Qiu added, "Tom


"Ah, it's him!" After hearing the name, Manasseh immediately exclaimed,

"I seem to know him...that's how...the real murderer is him!"

Seeing Manasseh's sudden realization, the two girls looked at each other,

wondering what happened.

After a long while, Penello tentatively asked: "Excuse me, is Tom Riddle

related to Hufflepuff's Golden Cup?"

"Well, this is a long story," Manasseh sighed long, and his tone softened.

"Since you make me want to understand the truth, I will tell you about

Hutchison. The whereabouts of the Patchkin Cup, it has something to do

with what happened 49 years ago..."

Chapter 0319 Voldemort Sells Hue?

With Manasseh's talk, Zhang Qiu and Penello finally understood about

the whereabouts of the Hufflepuff Golden Cup.

Manasseh told them that, in fact, Hufflepuff’s golden cup has always been

the heirloom of the Smith family, which is why they dare to call

themselves Hufflepuff’s descendants.

As the person who inherited most of the Smith family’s estate, Hepziba

Smith inherited Hufflepuff’s gold cup of course and kept it at home.

However, this heirloom disappeared unexpectedly after Hepziba Smith

himself died in 1946.

According to the original Ministry of Magic's investigation, Hepziba

Smith was accidentally poisoned by an old-eyed house-elf.

When the house elves were convicted, Hepziba's family discovered that

Hepziba Smith's most precious treasure, Hufflepuff's gold cup, had been


Moreover, what was lost at the same time was another equally precious

collection, the Slytherin pendant. The news made Zhang Qiu and Penello

extremely excited, because this was also what they were looking for.

Hepzibah Smith bought this collection at a high price at the Bork-Bock

antique shop, and Bork bought it from a shabby woman—in fact, this

woman is Voldemort’s mother. She ran away from home in order to be

with the old Muggle Riddle and stole the Slytherin pendant. However, in

the end, the old Riddle discovered her as a witch and abandoned her.

In poverty, she had to sell her belongings, and Slytherin's pendant was

one of them.

It took a while for the Smith family to determine this, because Hepziba

has many secret locations and always takes her collection very seriously.

"So, Hufflepuff's gold cup just disappeared like this?" Zhang Qiu was a

little disappointed, because it meant that their clues were broken again.

However, Penello was keenly aware of something.

"Ms. Manasseh, you think Ms. Hepziba's death is related to the Dark Lord,

right?" She said her judgment cautiously.

"Yes... at least I think so-if your news is correct, because, the man named

Tom Riddle, I met him."

"Have you seen... the Dark Lord when you were young?" Zhang Qiu and

Penello realized that they seemed to have discovered incredible news.

"Ah, yes, I did meet that person, in this house, with my sister. At that

time, he seemed to be a clerk at the Borgin-Bock antique shop. If

Hufflepuff’s gold cup really If it has something to do with the Dark Lord,

then, it is very likely that he killed my sister and took the gold cup."

However, to their disappointment, Manasseh seemed to have only seen

the Dark Lord when he was young, and his knowledge of the incident

was limited to this.

Therefore, the two girls still can't make a judgment whether this is really

the case.

Until Ye Ting, Hermione and Furong brought back the resurrection stone.

Through the resurrection stone, they can temporarily resurrect key

witnesses so as to understand everything that happened 49 years ago.

So they visited Manasseh again, and this time they managed to get

Manasseh to resurrect her sister, Hepziba himself.

However, Hepziba also seems to think that she was accidentally poisoned

to death by her own house elf, but from her mouth, the two girls learned

more accurate information at the time.

While working at Borgin Bock, Tom Riddle became good friends with

Hepziba. She was very obsessed with Riddle, a handsome young man.

Tom himself was very friendly to Hepziba and flattered her to make her


For a long time, Hepziba did not notice the dark and greedy nature of


Once, Riddle went to visit Hepziba at the order of Mr. Bok, ostensibly to

negotiate with her about the sale of armor made of goblins. But during

this visit, Hepziba rashly showed Tom his two most precious treasures:

Hufflepuff's cup and Slytherin's locket.

When Tom held the locket into her hand, she caught a glimpse of the

greedy red light flashing in Tom's eyes, and she did have a bad

premonition at the time.

After two days, she herself died inexplicably.

All this was confirmed by the resurrected house elf Hao Qi. In addition,

Hao Qi also mentioned that shortly after Hepziba’s death, "The clerk at

Bokin Bok, who often went to see Hepuziba And the youth who would

please her like that" has resigned and disappeared.

His boss didn't know where he was going, he was surprised like everyone


Tom Riddle disappeared for a long time.

Reminiscent of what they learned when they exchanged information with

Ye Ting, the memory of Voldemort modifying his uncle, Morfin Gunter,

made him think that he killed the Riddle family and used Voldemort to

commit the crime, Penello. And Zhang Qiu came to a conclusion


It was Voldemort who poisoned Hepzibar to steal Hufflepuff’s gold cup

and Slytherin’s locket, and he used the same method to modify Hao Qi’s

memory to make this poor housekeeper The elf condemned it.

Although this is somewhat incomprehensible to ordinary people, this is

indeed something Voldemort can do.

After all, the heir to the arrogant Slytherin has always regarded

Slytherin's locket as his own, and Hufflepuff’s gold cup is a historic

antique for him. Attractive.

In order to get this, Voldemort even put down his figure and betrayed her

hue to please an old and fat woman who feels good about herself.

Ye Ting even thought maliciously, maybe in order to make Hepziba truly

trust him, Voldemort had a closer relationship with her at the beginning.

Even Penello and Zhang Qiu felt that this experience was a dark history

of Voldemort himself that he would never want to mention again.

However, the whereabouts of the Hufflepuff Golden Cup seemed to be

broken by this point.

No one knew where Voldemort would hide the golden cup after that.

However, Ye Ting put forward a conjecture that seems to make sense


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 233:

"Gringe?" In the living room of Ye Ting's house, Penello stared at Ye Ting,

as if judging whether he was joking.

"Yes, when it comes to hiding treasures, what place is more suitable than

Gringotts." Ye Ting said naturally.

"But...but the Dark Lord doesn't have his own vault in Gringotts, he was

born in an orphanage, and he obviously doesn't make money as much as

you." Hermione pointed out keenly.

"That's right," Ye Ting smiled slightly, "but who said that the Dark Lord

must hide the treasure in his own vault, have you forgotten that diary?"

Chapter 0320 Ender Pearl and Gringotts

Speaking of diaries, they immediately remembered how the diaries

appeared in the first place.

Voldemort gave the diary to Lucius Malfoy for safekeeping, and Malfoy

took the opportunity to hand the diary to Ginny, which led to a series of

subsequent events.

So now that there is this record, it is not impossible for Voldemort to give

other Horcruxes to other men.

Of course, Voldemort couldn't give the Horcrux to one person casually.

The Horcrux was so important that Voldemort could only give it to his

most loyal and intimate subordinates.

For example, Lucius Malfoy who got his diary.

For example, Barty Crouch Jr. who ventured into Hogwarts.

Such as Severus Snape.

Such as Antonin Dolohov, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange,

Walton McNeill and so on.

Of course, Barty Crouch Jr., Severus Snape, Antonin Dolohov, these

people, because they are not from a long-established pure-blood family,

so even in Gringotts Owning a vault is just a general vault.

And families such as the Malfoys, Lestranges, Crabs, Gowers, etc., as a

pure-blooded family with a long history, they have the largest and most

luxurious at the bottom of Gringotts, as well as the most strictly guarded

vault. .

If Voldemort wanted to hide the Horcrux, it was probably here.

And by analyzing the situation of the Death Eaters back then, they can

understand that, when it comes to Voldemort's closest and most loyal

subordinates, Bellatrix Lestrange is the most important thing.

This woman is one of the few known female Death Eaters, and the most

dangerous and brutal of Voldemort's many followers. It is said that she is

still very obsessed with Voldemort and wants to be Voldemort's lifelong


In addition, her husband Rodolphs Lestrange and Rodolphs' younger

brother Labistan are also Death Eaters.

Of course, several other companies may also keep Horcruxes for

Voldemort, but the vault of the Lestrange family is the most likely one.

In fact, Voldemort's hiding the Horcrux in the vault of Gringotts was only

a possibility.

However, this possibility is quite high, and it is worthy of them to give it

a try.

Therefore, after destroying the Slytherin locket, Ye Ting decided to take

Zhang Qiu and Penello to the Gringotts in person.

However, before that, he felt that he had to make some preparations in

advance. After all, Gringotts was one of the most heavily defended places

in the wizarding world, where fire dragons or sphinxes would even be

used as guards of the vault.

Of course, for Ye Ting, these magical creatures are not a big trouble, but

Gringotts also has a variety of detectors and other levels for detection.

This is the most troublesome place. .

If Ye Ting made up his mind to rush to Gringotts, he believed he would

certainly succeed, and basically no one would be able to stop him in a

short period of time.

However, this also means troublesome follow-up.

Because, after all, Gringotts is the only bank in the wizarding world, and

it also represents the power of the fairies.

Although the power of the fairies can't fight against all wizards, they are

still a very powerful magic race.

Not to mention the bad influence brought about by breaking into

Gringotts in the wizarding world.

If he really walked so hard, he would be regarded as a dark wizard,

wanted criminal, and then extinct from the entire wizarding world.

He may not care about this, but his girlfriends are different. They still

have family members and they have to live in society.

Of course, Ye Ting could also choose to pretend to be someone else, or

not show his face from beginning to end.

However, although appearance can be disguised, ability is fixed.

Looking at the entire wizarding world, apart from Dumbledore and

Voldemort, he was the only one who could break into Gringotts alone

and make a fuss, and then escape smoothly.

In case one is not careful and uses his own unique magic during the

forcible, such as gravity magic, time magic, etc., it basically means that

you can never use the same in front of others in the future. The magic is


Therefore, in the end he chose the means of infiltration.

However, if he wants to sneak into the Gringotts, then he must find ways

to bypass or deal with the Gringotts investigation methods.

For example, the magic detector at the gate of Gringotts: this instrument

will detect hidden spells and hidden magic objects.

There is also the anti-thief waterfall: it will wash away all the spells, all

the magic disguise.

Of course, he still had to find a way to unlock the magic lock of

Gringotts, the lock of the vault, and so on.

However, if you prepare well in advance, all of this will not be difficult

for Ye Ting.

It only took two days before Ye Ting made the magic props to deal with

all this.

The first is the jammer.

The principle of the jammer is similar to that of the Muggle radar

jammer. By continuously casting magic waves, the detector will be

activated regardless of whether it detects hidden spells and hidden magic


In other words, as long as the jammers are arranged in advance, the

goblins of Gringotts will find that their detectors are malfunctioning,

regardless of whether the detected person is carrying magical items-even

whether there is a detected person-detecting The device will show that

hidden magic items have been detected.

In this way, although the elves will temporarily increase their vigilance,

the detector is completely indistinguishable from failure.

Of course, Ye Ting can also fool the detector by other means, making it

unable to detect the magic items carried on his body, but relatively

speaking, the jammer is relatively simple and rude, and the

manufacturing time is relatively short.

In addition, Ye Ting also prepared enough potions to reduce the

presence, supplemented by the invisibility cloak, would be able to allow

them to sneak into the Gringa without anyone discovering it.

The magic fluctuations produced by the invisible potion are too large and

easy to be detected by powerful wizards, so it is not applicable.

Regarding the Anti-thief Waterfall, Ye Ting didn't think of any way to

bypass it.

Because even if it is an ordinary waterfall, it will leave traces when

someone passes through it.

He has not yet mastered the magic that can completely make people lose

the collision volume.

However, he figured out a way to bypass the waterfall.

That is to jump through space.

Although Gringotts prohibits apparitions, Ye Ting is able to move

spatially through magic props.

The shape of this magic item is a green glass bead, as long as it is thrown

out, and then activated, it can be teleported to the position of the glass


The prototype of this magic item comes from the harvest of Ye Ting's

certain summon.

It is a special product from a certain cube world, called the ender pearl,

which is taken from the spoils of endermen, a race that is born to jump in


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 234:

After obtaining this kind of magic material, Ye Ting felt it was useless.

After all, he himself was proficient in phantom manifestation. Whether it

was a long-distance travel space movement or a short-distance rapid

phantom manifestation used in battle, he was able to capture it. In this

way, the end The pearl seemed to mean nothing to him.

But now, the purpose of the ender pearl has finally emerged. This magic

item can be used in most places where space movement is forbidden, not

to mention those places where only phantom manifestation is prohibited

(Phantom manifestation is just a method of spatial movement. ).

Item 0321

Three days later, Ye Ting, Zhang Qiu, and Penello, who were well

prepared, came to Diagon Alley, and then found a corner to drink the

presence lowering potion.

Then, they put on the invisibility cloak again, and in this way, they are

equivalent to completely disappearing from people's eyes.

Ordinary invisibility cloaks are woven with invisibility beasts' hairs, and

are not as effective as Harry's invisibility cloaks. On the one hand, they

tend to show their outlines, and on the other hand, they will fail over


But after they drank the presence lowering potion, the defect was well


After all, the reduction of the sense of existence by dozens of times means

that as long as they are not under the eyes of others, they will not be

noticed at all. Then in the invisible situation, how can anyone care about

that unnatural outline?

In this way, they all came to the bottom of the marble steps leading to

the bronze gate of Gulin Pavilion.

On the steps, beside the shiny bronze gate, stood a fairy wearing a scarlet

and gold uniform, holding a long slender gold rod in his hand—that was

the detector.

In front of the three, a pair of wizards and wizards in old-fashioned robes

were walking towards the gate.

Ye Ting made a decisive decision and activated the magic jammer.

The golden rod in the fairy's hand flashed immediately and made a harsh


The pair of wizards were immediately stopped by the goblin guards.

"What's the matter?" The wizard said loudly in a rude voice, "Why are

you stopping me here? I'm still in a hurry to get in and get money!"

"I heard that the Dark Lord is back," the witch's voice was very sharp, and

it was very obvious in the noisy Diagon Alley. "We must hurry and move

away, so don't stop us."

"Sorry, madam and sir," the goblin bowed politely. "Our detector shows

that you may be carrying any dangerous magic items or malicious magic.

We need to do something against you. Body check."

"Full body check?" The wizard seemed to feel offended, "How dare you?

You are just a fairy!"

"But this is Gringotts!" The voice of the fairy guard was very strong, and

the look in the wizard's eyes was rather unkind.

At the same time, several goblins in uniform walked out of Gringotts, and

together they took the pair of wizards aside.

However, the golden rod still screamed while flashing, telling its owner

that it had found something.

However, at this moment, the fairy guard didn't point the golden rod at


If there is no detectable object, why is it so?

For a moment, the guard was completely confused, and he discovered

that perhaps his detector had just failed.

When the fairies were busy bowing and apologizing to the countless two

who had been wronged, Ye Ting, Penello, and Zhang Qiu had already

entered the gate and came to the marble foyer of Gringa.

Behind the long counter, the fairies were sitting on high stools, receiving


The three of them came to a corner with no people to prevent being hit

by wizards or goblins who accidentally passed by.

Now, their task is to wait, waiting for a certain wizard or goblin to enter

the lower vault. At that time, they can take advantage of the time when

the goblin opens the door to the vault and enter the ground.

There is a huge corridor extending in all directions in the underground of

Gringa, and the fairies will move here through the railroad tracks and

small carts in the corridor.

As long as they can enter the tunnel, they can try to reach the lowest

level, find the vaults belonging to the pure-blooded family of Voldemort,

and search them one by one.

However, not everyone needs to enter the vault at all times.

Although wizards would store their property in the Gringotts vault, when

they wanted to withdraw or deposit money, the fairies would not enter

the Gringotts every time.

That's too much trouble.

For convenience, the fairies have a small vault at the counter. All small

withdrawals will take money from this small vault, and the small deposits

of Kanon, Siko and Nat will also be directly put into this small vault, only

When the small vault is full or empty, the fairies will enter the vault and

process deposits or withdrawals in a unified manner according to the

records, so that they will not make a few trips in vain.

However, the effort paid off. After waiting for a while, they still waited

for the opportunity to enter the underground vault.

An old witch offered to check her own vault for herself.

So, a fairy emerged from behind the counter, appeared at the end of the

counter, happily ran towards the witch, and hurriedly led her towards a

door of the hall.

"They must have gone to the underground vault." Penello reminded in Ye

Ting's ear.

So the three of them followed behind them, passed through the door, and

entered a rough stone corridor illuminated by burning torches.

The stone corridor is a steep downhill with a small railway below. The

fairy blew a whistle, and a small cart rushed towards them along the


In this way, they watched the fairy taking the old witch onto the cart.

When the cart was about to leave here, Ye Ting and Penello looked at

each other and suddenly shot at the same time.

Two full body restraint curses hit the old witch and the goblin at the

same time, and they immediately fell into the cart, unable to move.

Ye Ting hit the old witch with a coma spell again, leaving her

temporarily unconscious, and then turned to the fairy.

"You...who are you?" The goblin looked at Ye Ting and Penello, who had

taken off their invisibility cloaks in horror, and their voices trembled,

"You...what do you want to do...this is Gu... …Gringotts, invade here...no

good ending..."

"Relax, relax," Penello said to the goblin in a kind tone as much as

possible, "We just want to know the vault of a few people. As long as you

tell us the real direction, we won't embarrass you."

"No...no," said the goblin courageously despite being scared, "I...I won't...

tell you..."

"Really? It seems that you are very loyal to Gringa," Ye Ting sneered from

the side, "Maybe a little Veritaserum can help you."

The fairy wanted to say something, but Ye Ting forced Veritaserum into

his mouth.

The fairy was stuck with Ye Ting's neck, and he just drank a tube of

Veritaserum. Its wrinkled throat kept stirring, and a few drops of

Veritaserum slipped from the corner of his mouth.

Soon, his eyes became loose, and Veritaserum took effect.

So Penello began to question him, and Zhang Qiu took out a piece of

paper to record the fairy's answer.

In total, they only asked about the vault routes of the Strange, Crabbe,

and Gore families, but because there are too many vaults underground,

the corridors are quite complicated, so even if it is a few roads, They also

recorded a large sheet of paper.

Then it's time to deal with the scene.

Penello used a spell to lift the effect of the coma spell, awakened the old

witch, and then Ye Ting erased the memory of the two with the

forgetting spell. Then they put on the invisibility cloak again, watching to

completely forget what just happened. The goblin took the witch and

drove the cart into the darkness.

Item 0322

After finishing the witch and goblin, the three were also ready to set off.

However, they still have one problem at the moment, and that is: they

don't have carts.

In the tunnel, fully automatic carts are indispensable, but they cannot use

the carts of the fairies, because these carts have special magic marks. If

they are used without authorization, they will be found.

But Ye Ting was not ignorant of this situation, he took out a small cart,

put it on the track, and then lifted the shrinking curse.

Now they have transportation.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 235:

"You actually brought this!" Penello was a little surprised, "When did you

make the cart? Why didn't I see it?"

They have been together every day these days. Penello knew that he was

preparing magic props and potions, but he had never seen him make this


The cart is so big that Ye Ting couldn't make it sneakily.

"I didn't make this," Ye Ting shook his head. "In fact, this is an old-

fashioned Muggle mine cart. It was made by me at the Muggle factory."

After speaking, he squatted down and looked at the bottom of the cart.

"Well, it looks like the axle is a bit too narrow."

He waved his magic wand and used a transformation technique on the

cart so that the wheels of the cart could perfectly match the track.

Immediately afterwards, he applied magic to the handlebar, allowing

people to easily control the direction.

"Now, we can go."

He jumped into the car, and then carried the two girls in separately.

Then Ye Ting pulled the handle.

The cart suddenly started, getting faster and faster, galloping along the

maze of winding corridors.

They first turned around along the maze-like corridor, and rushed down,

the two girls could not hear anything with the click of the car.

They kept turning sharply between the stalactites and galloping toward

the depths of the earth. The rapid wind made the long hair of Penello and

Zhang Qiu fly backwards, and they had to scream and squeeze their hair.

After driving a long distance, the car encountered a fork in the road for

the first time.

Since they were not Gringotts carts, they had to operate the carts


However, the speed of the car almost dazzled Penello, and she didn't

even react to the fork in the road.

However, Ye Ting did not count on Penello.

Because he already has someone around him who can cope with this


As the champion seeker in the Quidditch World Cup, Zhang Qiu’s

reaction and dynamic vision are enough to cope with the current

situation. Of course Ye Ting himself is not a problem. Now Ye Ting is

holding the record sheet, shaking at high speed and constantly. The paper

record of the calm viewer in his car, and contrast with the current fork.

However, Zhang Qiu calmly held the handlebars, waiting for Ye Ting's

order, ready to turn at any turn in the road that might appear.

Ye Ting chose the direct route to the vault of Strange's house. Except that

he already knew that the Horcrux was there, the apparent reason was

that Bellatrix Lestrange was in addition to Lucius. · Besides Malfoy,

Voldemort's closest subordinate.

However, because the speed of the car is too fast, they must all go right

at once, otherwise, it will be quite troublesome to stop and turn around.

However, for Ye Ting and Zhang Qiu, these are just a piece of cake.

When the first fork road appeared in front of him, Ye Ting calmly spoke.


Zhang Qiu calmly turned the handlebar to the left, only hearing a click,

the car quickly passed the fork and entered the fork on the left.

Then turn left, turn right, turn right, turn left, the fork in the middle,

then turn right, turn left...

Ye Ting and Zhang Qiu thought one thing, one did it, and they

cooperated very well. Compared with Penello, who was already holding

Ye Ting and didn’t know where they were, they acted as if they were

sitting by a fire. Just like chatting on the sofa, telling the moving

minecart that the violent tremor of driving over the rails and the fast

passing pictures seemed to them nothing.

Finally, when Ye Ting finished reading the direction of the last fork, the

car seemed to have reached the destination.

The ramp became gentle, and slowly, the car stopped.

Zhang Qiu jumped out of the car first, while Ye Ting helped Penello who

was embarrassed and walked down.

"I... I feel... I'm going to throw up."

As soon as he got out of the car, Penello bent down, clutching his belly,

his face pale.

No way, some people just lack exercise genes, even the dragon factor

only slightly improved.

However, Penello didn't really spit it out. After all, his physical fitness

was there, and he was relieved in a while.

The three of them continued to walk forward. After walking a few

meters, Ye Ting suddenly frowned, and the two girls also showed the

same expressions.

"Did you... feel it? The breath of low-level blood." Penello said slowly as

he watched them.

"Of course." Ye Ting nodded.

"That... seems to be a fire dragon." Zhang Qiu said, "I think only fire

dragons have this kind of breath. In the first game of the Triwizard

Tournament, those fire dragons gave me this feeling."

They turned a corner and saw the guy they had prepared to deal with,

but it still stopped everyone from celebrating.

A huge fire dragon was tied to the ground in front, preventing people

from approaching the four or five deepest vaults there.

Because of being confined underground for too long, the scales on the

dragon's body have become pale and loose. Its eyes are turbid pink, and

its hind legs are heavily shackled, and the thick chains on it are deeply

pierced into the stone. Huge pile of ground.

Its huge spiked wings are gathered on the sides of the body, and if they

are unfolded, they will fill the entire basement. The giant dragon turned

its ugly heads towards them, let out a loud roar that made the stones

tremble, and opened its mouth to spray out a raging fire, forcing them to

retreat a few steps.

"Its eyes are gone," Zhang Qiu said after observing for a while, "it seems

to be out of sight."

"Yes, but that makes it more brutal." Penello sighed. "I don't know how

the fairies control it. Didn't the book say that fire dragons cannot be


"Yes, fire dragons of course cannot be tamed." Ye Ting nodded, "but fire

dragons are wise, so he will succumb to strength and pain. These fire

dragons have been'domesticated' in an inhuman way. When they hear a

specific sound, they will recall the pain that the fairies have caused them,

and reflexively retreat back to allow authorized fairies and wizards to

enter the vault."

"It's a bit... cruel," Zhang Qiu sighed, then asked instead, "Then how do

we deal with this big guy?"

"Have you forgotten how Hermione dealt with that Swedish short-nosed

dragon?" Ye Ting asked back, "Animagus, the creature dragon, isn't it a

piece of cake to deal with ordinary fire dragons?"

Item 0323

Longwei is a universal skill for dragons, and dragons exist in most of the

world's dragons.

This kind of coercion from the dragon spirit can make weak people or

creatures feel afraid and timid when facing the dragon, and eventually

escape without a fight.

Compared with ordinary humans or animals, the lower-level creatures of

giant dragons, such as dragons, such as Yalong, and the fire dragons of

Harry Potter world, are particularly sensitive to dragons. These creatures

with the blood of giant dragons are particularly sensitive to dragons.

Powerful, they will feel terrified when they face Longwei-even if the

dragon that exudes Longwei is a cub, or it is dying.

At this moment, for the fire dragon in front of him, Longwei is the best

way to drive it away without blood.

For Zhang Qiu and Penello, who are now able to use part of the dragon's

power in a human state, Longwei is not a difficult method to learn.

Ye Ting gave a little pointer, and they learned how to use Longwei

without being transformed into a giant dragon.

Soon, the dragon let out a hoarse roar and backed away.

Obviously, Long Wei of Zhang Qiu and Penello had already scared it.

At this moment, they could see it trembling, and when they got closer,

they saw terrible scars on its face, guessing that this was the torment that

the fire dragon suffered when it was trained by the goblin.

As the fire dragon receded, the three of them could finally come in front

of Lestrange's vault.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 236:

Now, what they have to face is the last line of defense-the vault gate.

As the bottom treasury of Gringotts, the gate of the Lestrange family's

treasury has the most stringent defense measures.

Unlike those vaults that only require a key to open, entering this vault

requires a certified goblin to gently knock on the door to make it

disappear little by little.

Except for the goblins of Gringotts, anyone else who touches the door

will be sucked in by the door and will be stuck in the door and cannot get

out. And the goblins of Gringotts will check whether there are thieves

trapped in them at a frequency of once every ten years.

Ye Ting carefully observed the vault gate, then sighed.

"Why? Can't it be opened?" Penello asked with concern.

"No, I can open this door." Ye Ting shook his head, "but it will take a long

time. I can't guarantee that anyone will come here during this time."

"Then what should I do?" Zhang Qiu was a little anxious.

"It was the old man who knew we should use the Imperius Curse to

control a goblin. He seemed to be in charge." Penello regretted it a bit.

"There is no way, we have to brute force," Ye Ting looked at the two

girls, "brute force will trigger an alarm, so the speed must be fast, we

have to find the Horcrux before they come here."

"Don't worry, as soon as you open the door, we will start looking." Zhang

Qiu said confidently.

Penello also nodded.

"Okay, then get ready, we only have one chance." Ye Ting reminded,

"Just to say in advance, the property in the vault here has been given a

resistance curse, so it is impossible to use the flying curse on them. In

addition, the vault has also Copying curses and blazing fire curses will be

used. Any property touched by an illegal intruder will be burnt and

copied, but the copy is worthless. If you touch too much property, you

will eventually be crushed to death by gold."


"We will be careful."

"Then, I'm on it."

Ye Ting took a step back, and then waved the "Weaver". The chance was

to use the splitting spell on the gate with all his strength.

A violent blue light flashed, and this powerful splitting spell hit the door

almost instantly.

As the vault door at the bottom of the Gringotts, this door has of course

been imposing a powerful spell to prevent it from being destroyed by

magic. Of course, ordinary splitting spells will not have any effect on this


However, Ye Ting’s "Weaver" is far beyond the world’s most powerful

magic wand—the old magic wand’s casting tool, and Ye Ting’s own

magic power can be regarded as one of the strongest in the world, plus

Ye Ting is Be fully prepared and try your best.

The three conditions are added together, and what has long been a super

split spell.

The defensive spell at the gate persisted for a while, but it still couldn't

stop the split spell.

In an instant, the door that originally looked solid and heavy began to

crack from the place where it was hit by the spell.

The crack continued to spread, until it reached the edge of the gate.

Then, there was a loud bang and bang.

This so-called unbreakable Gringe vault door was turned into fragments

in front of the three of them.

Now, a hole was exposed behind the broken door.

From the ground to the ceiling, the cave was filled with gold coins and

gold goblet, silver armor, furs of various exotic animals with spines or

hanging wings, potions in a treasure bottle, and one still wearing a crown


"Hurry up!" Ye Ting said, and they rushed into the vault together.

They have seen Hufflepuff's golden cup in books, and the former Ms.

Manasseh also described the appearance of the golden cup.

It was a small golden cup with a badger carved on it and two handles.

They just have to look for it.

"Fluorescence flickers!"

The three of them used their own lighted wands to illuminate the

surroundings of the vault, checking the piles of objects around them.

However, there are too many treasures in front of them. The Lestrange

family's accumulation of hundreds of years is indeed very rich, and in

this pile of treasures, all kinds of cups alone make them dazzling.

At least, Zhang Qiu and Penello saw several different wine glasses with


Suddenly, there was a scream from Penello.


Ye Ting shot her wand at her in time and saw a golden wine glass

slipping from her hand: but it broke when it fell and turned into many

wine glasses. A second later, with a series of crackling noises, it fell on

the floor. Rolled up with the same wine glass, I can't tell which one is the

original one.

"It burned me!" Penello groaned, while sucking on his blistered fingers. "I

just want to try to see if they actually have a copy curse and a fire curse."

"Now you know," Ye Ting knotted her soft little hand, and used his magic

wand to light a red burn.

Penello felt a coolness in his hand for an instant, and the burn was

quickly gone.

"Be careful next time," Ye Ting let go of her hand, and the girl nodded


Her behavior just now was indeed as reckless as a child.

Because of fear of duplicating the curse and the blazing fire curse, they

could only turn around with extreme care, pointing their wands at every

corner and every gap.

However, it is impossible not to touch anything.

Zhang Qiu made a lot of fake Jialong waterfalls spilled on the ground,

mixed with wine glasses.

There is almost no place to stay now. The hot gold exudes high

temperature, and the whole vault feels like a stove.

The beam of Ye Ting's wand moved across the shield and the helmet

made by the fairies, and the layers of shelves reached the ceiling. His

wand was raised higher and higher, and suddenly it hit an object.

"There, on top!"

Zhang Qiu and Penello also pointed their wands at it, and the small

golden cup gleamed under three spotlights: the cup once belonged to

Helga Hufflepuff, and then passed to Hepzibah Smith. Tom Riddle stole


Item 0324

Now that the golden cup was found, the remaining task was to get the

golden cup and escape.

If it is the savior trio in the original book, it is still quite difficult to get

the gold cup from the high pile of treasures.

After all, the Jinbei was too far away from them, and the flying curse

would not take effect.

Climbing directly up and holding them with their hands is not enough.

The Fire Curse and Copy Curse are to stop the enemy in front of them. If

they really climb the hill of treasures, even if they will not be scalded to

death, they will be crushed to death by the repeated treasures.

Moreover, the golden cup itself was also given a fire curse and a copying

curse, that is to say, even if the golden cup is placed in front of them,

there is no way to take it away.

However, for today's Penello and Zhang Qiu, it is not difficult to take

away the gold cup.

There are many spells that can do this.

Zhang Qiu took the lead. She pointed her magic wand in the direction of

the golden cup. Several blue ribbons shot out from the tip of the wand.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 237:

The fire curses and duplication curses that the fairies impose on the

treasures actually have loopholes, as long as the invaders do not

personally touch the treasures, these spells will not be triggered.

Therefore, they can take away the gold cup through such indirect means.

Afterwards, Zhang Qiu pulled back, and the ribbon itself began to shorten

continuously. The golden cup was pulled down all of a sudden, and it

was hung from Zhang Qiu's wand like a lantern.

Penello also shot out afterwards, and her wand also shot out ribbons. Her

ribbons were so many and wide that they quickly wrapped up the gold

cup in dense clusters.

In this way, they can hold the golden cup safely in their hands through a

layer of ribbon.

"Now, we have to leave here quickly," Penello said hurriedly when Ye

Ting put the Jinbei room in his own bag, "They should be coming soon."

Penello and Zhang Qiu ran out in a hurry, but Ye Ting fell to the end.

"What are you waiting for?" Zhang Qiu looked at Ye Ting and said

anxiously, "Come out!"

"Wait for a while, I'm going to cause them some trouble." Ye Ting said,

with a smirk that they were familiar with.

Ye Ting waved his magic wand and shouted loudly.

"Water and fire will not invade."

This waterproof and fireproof spell is quite effective. Now Ye Ting will

not be afraid of the fire spell on the treasure in a short time.

So, he snatched from the treasure pile, and a pair of armor fell into his


The heat surging on the armor had already shown the high temperature

it was carrying, but Ye Ting, who had applied the water-proof and fire-

proof curse, didn't notice it. He took the armor and walked out quickly.

However, although the Fire Curse was not effective on Ye Ting, the Copy

Curse was still working.

Behind Ye Ting, the replicas of the armor burst out one after another,

filling the small space like a white-hot body.

Fortunately, Ye Ting walked out of the vault in time. Behind him, the

vault was filled with armor replicas.

Subsequently, Ye Ting did not forget to restore the vault door to its

original state with the restoration spell. Although it might be discovered,

he still hoped to prevent Voldemort from knowing that his Horcrux had

been stolen.

Now, countless copies of the armor began to appear outside the vault.

After a while, they piled up into a hill, and the hill exuded a billowing

heat wave that made Penello and Zhang Qiu afraid to approach.

"Go, let's go to the fire dragon," Ye Ting reminded as he dragged his

armor forward, "We can ride it out."

The three of them began to run towards the fire dragon. Since the three

of them did not cast Longwei now, the fire dragon did not retreat in

fright, but issued a threatening roar and walked towards them.

"I'll be responsible for controlling it!" Zhang Qiu who ran in front shouted


The next moment, she suddenly changed. Her body began to swell, a pair

of wings appeared on her back, a long tail grew behind her, her hands

and feet were replaced by sharp claws, and her body was covered with

sapphire-like scales.

At this time, she has become a blue dragon four to five meters long.

Although it was only a juvenile blue dragon, even though it was much

smaller than the fire dragon in front of him, the blue dragon was a giant

dragon after all, and its bloodline was much higher than this fire dragon.

After the transformation, the blue dragon didn't need to actively activate

it at all, and the dragon's prestige naturally radiated out.

The fire dragon, which was claimed to be untamed, fell on the ground as

if a servant had seen his master.

Zhang Qiu patted his wings along the way, the whistling wind sounded,

and the blue dragon flew onto the fire dragon's back, and then firmly

controlled it.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Qiu changed back to the original, holding

the dragon's bone spurs in both hands and sitting on its back.

Due to the dragon power just now, the fire dragon remained motionless

and did not react at all. The blue dragon had disappeared.

Penello and Ye Ting also came to Fire Dragon's side.

Penello raised his wand and yelled at the heavy fetters of the dragon:

"Bone to pieces!"

With a few loud noises, the shackles turned into a pile of broken copper

and iron.

Ye Ting also dropped the armor in his hand, stepped on the bend of the

fire dragon's hind legs and climbed onto the dragon's back. Then he

stretched out an arm and Penello pulled it and jumped up.

After a second, the fire dragon realized that the dragon that suppressed it

was gone, and the chain that controlled it had been broken.

At this moment, in front of the fire dragon was a hill of armor replicas,

completely blocking the way to leave.

This hill is like a mountain of flames, with steaming heat everywhere.

And on the other side of the hill, there was a dense crowd of footsteps.

Lying on the back of the tall dragon, the three of them could see that on

the other side of the hill, a large group of half-human fairies poured in

from the passage where they came. They all held short swords and

shouted: "Catch the thief! Catch the thief!"

In addition, several wizard guards ran over from the corner.

However, they were all blocked by the hill of this armor replica. No one

wanted to taste the hot metal, and no one wanted to try what would

happen after being buried by the hot metal.

However, they are afraid of such a high temperature, but the fire dragon

is not afraid.

Rather, such a high temperature is just the temperature of the bath water

for the fire dragon.

Ye Ting cast a fire-proof and waterproof curse on the two girls, and then

the three of them put on invisibility cloaks.

As soon as they were ready, the fire dragon who had regained freedom

let out a roar, scaring the fairies on the opposite side back.

Then, the fire dragon stood up, spread its wings, and rose into the air.

Ye Ting clamped his knees, firmly grasped the jagged dragon scales in

one hand, and held Penello, who was lying next to him in the other.

Zhang Qiu, who was sitting in front of him, grabbed the dragon’s

backstabs with both hands. Ye Ting's body has been pressed under him.

The posture of the three of them was too intimate at any time, but they

were firmly fixed on the dragon's back, and no one was thrown off.

The fire dragon in the air began to fly forward violently, the armor hill

was knocked down like a bowling pin, and countless silver-white armors

formed a fiery torrent, instantly engulfing the unprepared fairies.

Although they were in the air, the three of them could see that the fairies

underneath were constantly struggling in the sea of ​​armor.

However, this is not a sea of ​​real sea water-rather, it is a sea of ​​

molten iron or magma.

Originally dozens of hundreds of fairies were submerged, and

occasionally there was one who popped his head, with blisters all over

his body, screaming one after another.

And as they touched the armor, the ocean was still rising, and it seemed

that these hapless goblins would soon be wiped out.

Item 0325

The three of them were very happy to see the bad luck of the enemy, but

now they are also facing a major crisis.

That is, if the ocean of replica armor continues to rise, sooner or later

they will be submerged.

Therefore, they must leave here quickly before being submerged.


"We can't get out at all, it's too big!" Penello screamed.

The fire dragon seemed to be aware of this. It opened its big mouth and

spewed flames, exploded the tunnel, and the roof of the tunnel shattered

and collapsed.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 238:

The fire dragon used brute force to grasp and plan, rushing out all the


Penello and Zhang Qiu closed their eyes tightly, avoiding the dust and

heat waves, the crackling of stones and the roar of fire dragons were


They can only hold onto the dragon's back tightly, worrying about being

thrown off at any time.

At this moment, they heard Ye Ting shouting: "Digging three feet!"

He is helping the fire dragon expand the passage, dig the roof of the cave,

let it rush into the fresh air above, and leave the rising ocean of armor

and the screaming fairies in the ocean.

Penello and Zhang Qiu followed him, using more digging spells to blow

up the roof of the cave.

They passed an underground lake, and the slowly advancing fire dragon

roared, seeming to feel freedom and the space in front of them, and the

corridor behind them was swept by the fire dragon’s spiked tail, piles of

rocks, and fragments. The huge stalactites and the constantly replicating

armor are packed full.

The screams of the fairies seemed to weaken, and in front of them, the

flames of the fire dragon cleared the way for them——

Finally, relying on the brute force of the fire dragon and the action of the

spell, they blasted the passageway into the marble hall, and the fairies

and wizards screamed and fled to hide.

The fire dragon finally found a space to spread its wings. Its horned head

turned to the door and smelled the cool air outside.

It stepped out and squeezed out the metal door forcefully, Ye Ting,

Penello, and Zhang Qiu still clinging to its back.

Because of the cloak of invisibility and the existence lowering potion, no

one found them on the dragon's back. Everyone thought that it was just a

giant dragon that had escaped from the Gringotts.

The deformed door shook on its hinges, and the fire dragon staggered

into Diagon Alley, and then soared into the sky.

Finally, they managed to escape from Gringotts without being noticed.

They did not show their feet in the whole course of their actions. All the

wizards and fairies who witnessed them were given oblivion spells. Even

if the fairies who finally arrived in the vault were not burned to death by

the hot armor, they would not be able to discover the truth. After all,

They are invisible even on the dragon's back.

The ender pearls didn't work, because they ended up riding a dragon to

leave, and they didn't need to pass through the anti-thief waterfall at all.

In other words, for this accident, the goblins are likely to think that

everything originated from a fire dragon guarding the vault trying to

escape, which created a huge chaos, and the alarm that the vault was

opened illegally was due to the fire dragon. When struggling, they

accidentally ran into the vault. In short, they would basically not find the


The action was indeed very smooth.

However, they are currently facing another problem.

That is, they can't control this fire dragon.

This is not because fire dragons cannot be tamed. In fact, through

Longwei, they are likely to make fire dragons obedient and serve them.

However, this fire dragon is different. It has almost no eyesight and can't

see the direction. Now flying is purely based on the experience before

being captured by the fairy.

At this moment, they are rising higher and higher, and London is shown

below like a gray and green map.

They certainly can't leave here through Apparition, in fact Apparition is

not a very good way to travel in space.

The use of phantom manifestation requires a stable enough state. To put

it bluntly, you must stand firmly in place before use. If your own spatial

coordinates are changing at a high speed and cannot be stabilized, then

the phantom manifestation is prone to problems-such as moving to the

wrong place. Place, or get rid of a few parts on the body.

Of course, it’s not a good idea to use a levitating curse. The invisibility

cloak can’t cover their whole body, at least the soles of their feet. In this

way, if they want to float down from the sky, then people on the ground

might look like seeing At the bottom of the girl's skirt, she saw her feet

appearing in the sky for no reason.

There are a few more pairs of feet in the empty place, so that the

conspicuous spectacle can't even cover the existence of the lowering


It is one thing to be discovered by a Muggle that there is a fire dragon

flying in the sky. If a Muggle finds someone floating down in the sky, a

slightly smarter wizard thinks of the fire dragon that escaped from

Gringotts and can immediately guess something. If it reaches Death


Therefore, they had to stay on the dragon's back obediently now, waiting

for the fire dragon to fly to some desolate place before leaving.

The fire dragon seems to be eager for cooler and fresher air. It continued

to rise until it flew among the faintly cold light clouds, and they could no

longer see the small colored dots that the cars in and out of London

turned into.

They kept flying and flying, passing green and brown intertwined

countryside. The winding roads and rivers on the ground were like dim

or smooth ribbons.

"Guess what it is looking for?" Zhang Qiu shouted, they were flying

farther and farther north.

"I don't know." Ye Ting shouted.

The sun slipped a little further, and the sky became indigo blue.

The fire dragon was still flying, and its huge shadow swept across the

ground like a large black cloud, and cities and market towns were far

away below them.

Finally, after confirming that the fire dragon had flown to the place

where the principle man was walking, the three finally stopped grasping

the dragon's back, and jumped off the dragon's back one after another.

Of course, they didn't want to commit suicide.

In the process of falling from the air, the appearance of the three of them

changed one after another.

They began to grow bigger, grow scales, and wings grew on their backs.

After a while, three dragons appeared in mid-air.

One of the dragon's scales was as bright as a diamond. He was more than

ten meters long, which was a circle bigger than the fire dragon just now.

On both sides of him, the other two dragons were much smaller. They

had sapphire-like scales and were only a few meters long. They were

obviously two young dragons.

The three dragons flapped their wings and slowly fell from the sky to the


However, the sudden appearance of the dragon's breath frightened the

fire dragon, and its flying movements became embarrassed, but soon, it

accelerated its wings and flew to the distance with all its strength.

Obviously, it was terrified.

Ye Ting and the three did not care about the whereabouts of the giant

dragon. After they landed, they apparated in a hurry and returned home.

Hufflepuff's golden cup has now fallen into their hands, and it is time to

destroy this Horcrux.

Item 0326

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the summer vacation is over.

After destroying the Golden Cup of Hufflepuff with the Infinite Sword, Ye

Ting and the four girls' mission of destroying the Horcrux has come to an


This summer, the five of them destroyed a total of three Horcruxes, the

Gunter family ring, the Slytherin locket, and the Hufflepuff Golden Cup.

Coupled with the diary that was wiped out as early as the second grade,

and Harry, who died once in the night of the Triwizard Tournament

finals, if Voldemort really had a total of seven Horcruxes, now there are

only two.

One of them is probably the snake named Nagini next to Voldemort, and

the other should be Ravenclaw's crown.

Nagini has been carried by Voldemort, so he can't start, and Ravenclaw's

crown is completely unknown.

Therefore, the five people went back to their homes temporarily after


Of course, only Hermione and Zhang Qiu went home.

Furong Delacour, who had graduated, chose to stay with Ye Ting.

After that, Ye Ting's alchemy shop added a female clerk with Veeva

pedigree. This clerk is quite popular with male customers. The only

drawback is that she speaks a little bad English and always has a strong

French accent.

However, the proud John Bull has always eaten this set. When people in

the third world countries are proud of speaking London-like English, they

especially admire French accented English—because Gallic chicken has

always spoken in French. Rong, never cared about John Bulls, so John

Bull became a licking dog of Gaul chicken instead.

Closer to home, since Furong started working in the alchemy shop, the

monthly income of the alchemy shop has risen by almost a third.

It's no wonder that although Penello is indeed comparable to Fleur in

terms of appearance alone, the attractiveness to men brought by Veeva

blood cannot be replaced.

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 239:

In the days following the summer vacation, Hermione and Zhang Qiu

would visit Ye Ting within a few days. The rebirth of Voldemort made

the girls really nervous, and they had the enthusiasm for practicing spells


In addition, with the help of the curse, Hermione managed to send her

parents out of the UK. At the end of the summer vacation, the Grangers

finally moved to Canada, which is separated from the UK by the Atlantic

Ocean, because it is far away from Voldemort.

In case Voldemort and the wizarding world officially go to war, who

knows what this crazy dark lord will do? Threatening the Ministry of

Magic by attacking Muggles, Voldemort has not never done such a thing.

Therefore, parents in Canada can give Hermione no worries.

Now, when school started again, Ye Ting came to King's Cross Station

with Hermione and Zhang Qiu as usual.

It stands to reason that Voldemort has been resurrected now, and there is

no point in going to school step by step before he really kills him.

But in fact, even in order to kill Voldemort, they still have to return to


Because, at Hogwarts, they were able to find a clue to Ravenclaw's


Rowena Ravenclaw’s daughter, Helena, is now the ghost of Ravenclaw

College—Ms. Grey.

No one knows Ravenclaw's relics better than Ravenclaw's own daughter.

As long as Ravenclaw's crown can be found and this Horcrux can be

destroyed, Voldemort will only have Nagini left in the world.

In this way, the war against Voldemort can enter the final stage.

At Kings Cross Station, in addition to familiar classmates and freshmen,

the three also saw many acquaintances.

When Harry Potter crossed the nine and three-quarters platform and

came to the station, Ye Ting found that this "savior" is now like a big

figure, surrounded by people, most of whom he knows .

His best friend, Ron Weasley and his sister, and his two twin brothers

aside, Ye Ting also saw Ron's mother, Mrs. Weasley, watching with a

demon eye. "Mad-Eye" Moody around him, Remus Lupin who was the

professor of their defense against the Dark Arts, Harry's godfather, Sirius


In addition, Ye Ting also saw an old lady with curly gray hair and a

purple hat that looked like a pork pie.

At first, Ye Ting thought this was someone he didn't know, but after a

closer look, from her movement habits, Ye Ting could see that this was

the Tonks who possessed Disguise Magnus.

Obviously, these people were all here to **** Harry to school.

"I think that when the Dark Lord appeared, he was surrounded by Death

Eaters like this." Ye Ting suddenly said this when getting on the train,

and the two girls were amused all of a sudden.

After getting on the train, they carried their luggage and walked forward

while looking through the glass doors into the boxes, which were already

full of people.

Since they were late, they couldn't find an empty box at all.

In the end, in the last car, they found a box that was barely suitable.

There was only one girl in this box, and the three of them could barely


So Ye Ting opened the door and dragged the box into the box. Hermione

and Zhang Qiu also followed.

The sound of opening the box door alarmed the girl sitting by the

window. She raised her head and looked at the door.

This made Ye Ting finally see the girl's appearance.

She has shaggy, dirty, waist-long golden hair, very light eyebrows, and

her two eyes bulge outward, which always makes her look surprised.

Ye Ting immediately understood why the others hadn't sat in this box.

There was clearly a madness in this girl. This may be because she put the

magic wand behind her left ear just to be on the safe side, or because she

actually wore a necklace made of corks of butterbeer, or because she

actually took the magazine when she was reading it. upside down.

Ye Ting immediately recognized this girl. In Harry Potter's world, the

only one dressed in such a special way was "Mad Girl" Luna Lovegood.

"Hello, Luna," Ye Ting said, "Can we take these seats?"

Her gaze swept across the two girls, fell on Ye Ting, and then nodded.

"Thank you." The three of them all smiled at her.

In fact, Ye Ting did not have much contact with Hermione and Luna, but

Zhang Qiu was very familiar with her.

Because she is too weird, Luna is often the target of other little wizards

and taunts-people call her Mad Girl Lovegood, always steal her things

and hide them, and since last semester, Zhang Qiu has acted as The

prefect will always uphold justice for him.

As soon as the three of them sat down, the train sounded the whistle, and

it was about to leave. Ye Ting glanced out the window again, and saw

that Harry and the others were still bidding farewell to his "bodyguards"

because they came to see him off. There are too many people, so a lot of

time was wasted just to say goodbye.

Ye Ting was sure that they would never find a seat after getting in the


He watched Harry and his party rush to the train in a panic, and then the

train started.

Item 0327

As the train swayed rhythmically, Ye Ting helped Hermione and Zhang

Qiu put the boxes on the luggage rack, and then sat down.

Luna looked at them from the upside-down magazine, the name of the

magazine was "Singing the Tune".

She doesn't seem to need to blink her eyes as often as ordinary people do,

she just keeps staring at them.

Suddenly, Ye Ting's backpack moved, and then opened it by himself, and

a little white cat got out of it, pounced on the table, and occupied it.

Luna's attention immediately shifted to the kitten.

"Have you had a good summer vacation, Luna?" Zhang Qiu asked.

As the only person in the audience who was familiar with Luna, she had

to speak to break the awkward silence.

"Yes," Luna said in a daze, her eyes still fixed on the kitten, "Yes, it was a

good time."

"You are Hermione Granger." She followed closely.

"I know that." Hermione said dubiously.

Ye Ting laughed immediately. Although he had read the original, he was

still amused when he heard the Luna-style greeting.

Luna turned her pale eyes to him.

"You are Ting Ye."

"You actually know me!" Ye Ting was a little surprised.

"All the girls at Hogwarts know you," Hermione said in a sour tone. "Isn't

it right that she knows who you are?"

"No, what you said is wrong," Ye Ting shook his head and said to

Hermione seriously, "She is Luna Lovegood. This girl has always thought

differently from ordinary people. It is impossible to guess it at all. If she

Tell me she doesn't know who the Dark Lord is, I won't be surprised."

"You know her well," Hermione said quietly, "have you been observing

her for a long time."

—How do you want Ye Ting to answer this?

Ye Ting was taken aback by Hermione's words, but before he answered,

Luna spoke first.

"Excellent ingenuity is a man's greatest wealth." Luna said in a singing


Then, she held up the upside-down magazine to block her face, and

stopped making a sound.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 240:

Ye Ting and Hermione stared at each other, and Zhang Qiuqiang tried

not to giggle.

In the end, Zhang Qiu made the evaluation.

"This... is probably a compliment to you."

Hermione’s gaze at Ye Ting became even more resentful. It was no longer

Ye Ting’s attention to a certain girl, but the two had already looked at

each other right. She even felt that they could be more likely anytime.


But what can she do?

Thinking about it carefully, she can do nothing but say a few words, she

can't stop anything-she doesn't have that position anymore.

After all, there are precedents such as Furong, Zhang Qiu, and Penello.

They can't go back anymore.

For a while, an awkward atmosphere once again filled the carriage, and

only the "meow" cat cry can give people a touch of warmth.

In order to ease the embarrassment, Ye Ting decided to find another


He set his sights on Luna's magazine.

Although the magazine was placed upside down, Ye Ting took a closer

look and saw the cover of the magazine.

It turned out to be a poorly painted cartoon of Cornelius Fudge, and Ye

Ting recognized him by the dark yellow-green hat on his head.

Fudge grabbed a bag of gold in one hand and pinched a goblin's neck

with the other. The caption in the comic is: How far is Fudge from

occupying Gringotts?

Immediately afterwards, the titles of other articles in the magazine are

listed below:

Corruption in the Quidditch Club Federation!

The fire dragon escaped from Gringotts, the goblin's big mistake!

Does the Dark Lord return?-Part of the magic is broken.

Sirius Black: A villain or a victim?

"Is there anything good on it?" Ye Ting asked Luna, "Can you show me


Luna nodded. As soon as she handed the magazine to Ye Ting, Hermione


""Singing and Singing" is a pile of rubbish, and everyone knows it."

Listening to her tone, it was obvious that she was deeply moved by it.

"I'm sorry," Luna said, her voice suddenly no longer so tranced, "My

father is a magazine editor."

"I...oh," Hermione said, looking very embarrassed. "Yes, some of them are

quite interesting...I mean, it's still..."

The atmosphere became even more embarrassing, and Ye Ting had to

take this "Singing and Singing Devil" and read it seriously.

Before arriving at Hogwarts, he didn't plan to speak anymore.

The train continued to travel north, and the weather became volatile.

The rain pounded on the car windows one after another, and then the

sun came out lazily, and soon the clouds drifted over, covering it again.

As night fell, the lights in the carriage turned on.

At this time, Ye Ting had already given Luna back to "Singing and

Singing". The girl rolled up the magazine, put it in her schoolbag

carefully, and then turned her face to stare intently at everyone in the


Zhang Qiubai sat there bored, putting his forehead on the car window,

and wanted to see Hogwarts from a distance, but it was a moonless night,

and the rain-drenched car windows were dirty. .

Finally, the train slowed down slowly, and they heard a chaos all around,

because everyone was busy putting their luggage and pets together and

getting off the train.

As the prefect, Zhang Qiu wanted to maintain order, so he left first,

leaving Ye Ting and Hermione to pack.

"Let me hug your cat, okay?"

When Ye Ting was about to temporarily put Fei Ju into his backpack,

Luna suddenly said to him, and at the same time stretched out a hand to


Faced with such a sudden request, Ye Ting looked at Fei Ju and asked her

own opinion.

Unexpectedly, Feiju, which is usually not touched by strangers, actually

agreed to Luna's request this time.

So Ye Ting handed Feiju to the girl's hand. Under his watch, Feiju was so

obediently held in her arms by the girl, without even showing any


She even twisted her body, found a comfortable position, and fell asleep

in Luna's arms.

Ye Ting and Hermione were shocked by this situation.

"Feiju, you have changed..." Hermione said to the kitten in a pitiful tone,

"When I first saw you, you were so indifferent to me, so loving to answer.

I won't even touch it, but now, why are you so obedient to her? It's the

first time I've seen each other..."

However, in the face of Hermione's problem, Feiju just turned her head

away, as if she didn't hear Hermione's words.

In this situation, Ye Ting was also a little inexplicable. Apart from him,

Luna was the first person to have a good relationship with Fei Ju at the

first meeting, and let her sleep in her arms without worry.

From this perspective, Luna is indeed a magical girl.

Item 0328

As usual, they walked out of the box with their luggage, joined the flow

of people in the aisle, and moved slowly towards the door.

When he came to the door, Ye Ting could smell the scent of the pine trees

on both sides of the path leading to the lake.

After getting off the bus and arriving on the platform, Ye Ting heard a

neat female voice, shouting: "First-year students, please come here to line

up! All first-year students will come with me!"

He was not familiar with this voice. In the past, it was Hagrid's job to

pick up new students at the station.

A lantern swayed towards Ye Ting. With its light, he saw Professor

Grapland’s protruding chin and meticulously trimmed hair. The witch

had replaced Hagrid the previous year. After a period of protection of the

magical creature class.

At this time, Zhang Qiu also came back and seemed to have completed

her mission. By her side was her best friend, Marietta.

Following the flow of people, the group came to the rain-washed dark

street outside Hogsmeade Station.

There are about a hundred horse-drawn carriages parked here, and they

send students above the first grade to the castle every year.

All this was nothing strange to Ye Ting, but when he was about to move

forward, two screams came from his ear.

It was the voice of Hermione and Zhang Qiu.

They were looking at the direction of the carriage in surprise, as if they

saw something weird.

"What's wrong?" Ye Ting asked.

"Look, what are they?" Hermione tugged at the corner of Ye Ting's clothes

and asked him to look in the direction of her fingers.

"What is it?" Ye Ting was still a little inexplicable.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 241:

"Those horses... I mean, what are those horse-like things?" Hermione's

tone was very fussy.

"What horse-like thing?" Marietta was aside, and she also thought their

questions asked strangely.

"It's the horse-like things that pull those carriages!" Hermione said


"We have never seen these horses in the past. I always thought these

carriages would move by themselves." Zhang Qiu added.

They were only two or three steps away from the nearest strange horse,

and it was watching them with hollow white eyes.

But Marietta glanced at Zhang Qiu in confusion.

"what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking... Look!"

Zhang Qiu took Marietta's arm and made her turn around, facing the

strange horse with wings.

Marietta stared straight for a second, then turned to look at Zhang Qiu.

"What are you telling me to watch?"

"Look at that... there, it's between the shafts! It's on the carriage! It's right

in front of you!"

But Marietta still looked confused.

Zhang Qiu and Hermione looked at each other, and they suddenly had a

strange idea.

"Don't... can't you see them?" Hermione asked.

"See what?"

"Can't you see the cart?"

At this moment Marietta showed a very horrified expression.

"There is nothing wrong with you, Qiu, and Hermione, are you cursed by

some ghost, so you see something strange?"

"We are all right!"

However, Hermione and Zhang Qiu were extremely confused.

The horse was clearly right in front of him, shining literally under the

hazy light from the window of the station behind them, and the breath

from the nostrils condensed into water vapor in the cold night air.

However...unless Marietta is pretending to be a fake, if it is true, the joke

is too lame, but although Marietta likes to play, she will not make such a


But this is definitely not their illusion, because the image of the horse is

very clear, and both of them can see it. It is not like a normal illusion.

The only person who can see is themselves—the possibility of two people

having the same illusion. too small.

But why does Marietta say that she can't see it?

Just as they were thinking, a vague voice said in their ears.

"You won't go crazy or anything. I can see them too."

"Really?" Hermione asked urgently, and Zhang Qiu turned to look at


They could see the horses with bat wings reflected in her big silver eyes.

"Luna is right. Actually, I can see them too," Ye Ting explained. "This is a

night skeletal creature, a kind of magic creature, belonging to a species of

Pegasus, only people who have witnessed death with their own eyes. To

see them."

Ye Ting's words comforted both Hermione and Zhang Qiu.

However, Ye Ting began to think, when did they begin to witness death

with their own eyes?

You know, last year they didn't see the night skies.

Zhang Qiu's words should have witnessed death in the underground

vault. After all, with so many elves and wizards submerged in hot armor,

it is normal for a few of them to die.

And Hermione...

Does it count to see Harry die once?

In such thinking, the carriages lined up, creaking and swaying on the


They passed through the tall stone pillars on both sides of the gate, and

Ding Ding stopped at the stone steps leading to the oak gate.

After a few months, Ye Ting returned to Hogwarts again.

The auditorium was still full of four long college dining tables with a

starless black ceiling, exactly the same as the sky outside they saw

through the high windows.

There were candles floating above the dining table, illuminating the few

silver-white ghosts dotted in the auditorium, and illuminating the excited

faces of the students.

They were talking happily, exchanging news about the summer vacation,

greeted loudly with friends from other colleges, and looked at each

other's new hairstyles and new clothes.

However, this semester, Hogwarts still has some changes. As we all know,

the position cursed by Voldemort: the professor of the Defense Against

the Dark Arts class, this semester has ushered in a new candidate.

Of course, not Fudge's confidant, "Toad" Umbridge.

As a result, Umbridge is still in Azkaban. When Ye Ting was summoned

by Wizengamo, he had dealt with some members of the Ministry of Magic

who provoked him. Those people were headed by Umri. strange.

As Fudge’s running dog and the person who took the lead in provoking

Ye Ting, she was sturdy, roasted and boiled. After that, she was pulled

out to be responsible for the crime. Now she has been sent to Aziz. Caban

has been around for more than a year.

In addition, Fudge is now focused on maintaining his rights and fighting

against Amelia Burns, and has no energy to manage Hogwarts.

In Fudge's eyes, it was Amelia, not Dumbledore, who took the lead in

propagating Voldemort's resurrection and was ill-intentioned about the

position of Minister of Magic, so now Hogwarts escaped in his hands.

Ye Ting felt that the little wizards of Hogwarts should thank him, because

it was his plan to save them from the idiot Umbridge.

Item 0329

As usual, the process of the dinner party started with the sorting

ceremony, and then the little wizards began to eat and drink, and when

everyone was full, it was time for Dumbledore's speech.

However, during the sorting ceremony, the singing of the sorting hat

aroused Ye Ting's interest.

This time, the song of the Sorting Hat was exceptionally long. He first

reviewed the history of Hogwarts’ establishment of the school, and

mentioned how several founders established this college in the first place,

and why they wanted to recruit Students have different requirements and

conflicts, and then Hogwarts is divided into four colleges.

When the Sorting Hat said this, Ye Ting's thoughts gradually drifted


He thought of the relics left by the four founders.

The four founders who were stunned in the singing of the Sorting Hat

probably never thought that their relics would be sold by Slytherin's

unlucky heirs. Only Gryffindor's relics survived.

To make matters worse, in order to destroy the Horcruxes, these precious

relics themselves were also harmed by the pond fish, and if bad luck

occurs, they will all face the fate of being destroyed.

Now, Slytherin's locket and Hufflepuff's gold cup have been brutally

attacked by Ye Ting. Obviously, Ravenclaw's crown will face the same

fate in the future.

If the four founders can come back alive, they will definitely fight

Voldemort, the man who spoiled their relics...

Thinking of this, Ye Ting looked at Hermione and Zhang Qiu beside him.

During the summer vacation, these two girls and him destroyed three


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 242:

Perhaps the girls thought of the same thing, their eyes met in a tacit


The three smiled knowingly.

Then Ye Ting looked in other directions.

Then, he suddenly discovered that Luna Lovegood, who had been holding

Feiju, was staring at him with her silver-gray hazy eyes.

——Am I really that attractive?

Ye Ting remembered the girl's evaluation of herself on the train, and

couldn't help touching her face.

Suddenly, the singing of the Sorting Hat reached a climax, and the

sudden high-pitched singing interrupted Ye Ting's thoughts.

"... But this year I have to say a few more days, please listen carefully to

my new song:

Although I am destined to divide you, I fear that this is not correct.

Although I have to fulfill my duty to divide the new students each year

into four, I am worried that such a classification will lead to the collapse

I am afraid of.

Oh, know the danger, read the signs, and the lessons of history warn us

that our Hogwarts is in danger, and the enemies outside the school are


We must unite closely within us, otherwise everything will fall apart from


I have told you bluntly, I have sounded the alarm for you, now let us

start the sorting. "

The hat was motionless again after speaking.

There was applause everywhere, but there was a mixture of whispers,

which was the first time in Ye Ting's memory.

Throughout the auditorium, the classmates were whispering to the

people sitting next to them. Ye Ting slapped the hands with the others,

knowing exactly what they were talking about.

"It's a bit off topic this year, isn't it?" Marietta raised her eyebrows beside

Zhang Qiu.

"It's true." Zhang Qiu said.

Usually, the Sorting Hat only describes the different qualities valued by

the four Hogwarts colleges and its own task of classifying students.

"I don't know if it has issued a warning before?" Hermione said, her voice

a little disturbed.

"As far as I know, there has been," Ms. Gray said knowingly, and poked

her head towards Hermione through Anthony (Anthony flinched in fear,

it was very uncomfortable for a ghost to pass through your body. ), "The

Sorting Hat feels that it is morally responsible for giving appropriate

warnings to the school. I have heard the Sorting Hat warn several times

before, always when it feels that the school is facing great danger. Of

course, its advice It's the same every time: unite and maintain internal


Hermione and Zhang Qiu, look at me and I look at you, and said in


"It's the Dark Lord!"

"Black... The Dark Lord?" Marietta covered her mouth in surprise, "Do

you really believe that the Dark Lord... is resurrected? You know, the

ministry has already quarreled, and some people firmly believe this.

Some people think this is nonsense. I heard that the Director of the Magic

Law Enforcement Department, Bones, is leading people who believe this

to be on guard. My mother heard from Fudge that they were creating

tension and it was totally unnecessary..."

"They didn't do anything extra!" Hermione interrupted Marietta loudly.

"Wh...what?" Marietta was stunned by Hermione's words.

"I said, they are not playing mystery, not at all," Hermione retorted her

seriously. "These people are very respectable people. They risk their lives

just to protect everyone. You shouldn't say that. them."

In the summer vacation, in order to collect information, Hermione and Ye

Ting went to the Ministry of Magic. There, she saw with her own eyes

how Ms. Bones led her Auror to visit, search, and plan ahead. They

almost couldn’t do it for a moment. idle.

For these people, Hermione respected them very much. Although

influenced by Ye Ting, she also began to feel that the Ministry of Magic

was mostly idiots and politicians, but the existence of these people made

her have to admit that the Ministry also has people who do things


"But...but..." Facing Hermione, Marietta was speechless, and she retorted

stiffly, "The Dark Lord is dead. There is no evidence that..."

"Yes!" Hermione said in a decisive tone. "There is evidence. I saw the

resurrection of the Dark Lord with my own eyes that night."

In the face of Hermione, Marietta had nothing to say. She looked at

Zhang Qiu next to her, hoping that her friend could support her point of


However, although Zhang Qiu spoke softly, what she said made her a

little sad.

"I believe in Granger," she said, "I believe the Dark Lord has been


"You...how do you..." Marietta couldn't believe it when she faced her

friend's "betrayal".

"I'm sorry, Ekmore," Zhang Qiu smiled softly at her, but still did not

change his opinion, "I still think that Granger is right."

"Okay... okay." Marietta lowered her head sadly.

It seemed that she was a little angry with Zhang Qiu, and the two might

have to be awkward for a while.

However, it is understandable that Zhang Qiu did this.

After all, she had seen and experienced the activities of destroying

Horcrux with her own eyes. Such evidence is far more true than the

illusory rumors.

Moreover, although she and Marietta are good friends, from another

perspective, she actually has a closer relationship with Hermione.

How can a close friend be comparable to a sister? And they were in the

same bed...fight together...

Chapter 0330 Slughorn

Due to the small gap between Zhang Qiu and Marietta, they did not

speak to each other until the end of the banquet.

But Ye Ting felt that the relationship between Zhang Qiu and Hermione

seemed to be much closer.

In addition, Luna had been staring at Ye Ting until the end of the


No, it was not staring, it was a curious observation, as if Ye Ting was a

weird and cherished magical creature in her eyes.

The classmates were full and the auditorium gradually noisy, and

Dumbledore stood up again.

The voice stopped immediately, and everyone turned their faces to the


"Well, now that we are digesting another incredibly rich meal, I ask

everyone to be quiet for a while and listen to me talk about the

precautions for the new semester as usual." Dumbledore said, "The first-

year students should know, the hunting grounds. Students can’t enter the

forbidden forest here—this point, some of our senior classmates should

know by now.”

"The administrator, Mr. Filch, asked me. He also told me that this is the

426th time. He asked me to remind you all that magic is not allowed in

the hallway, and there are many other regulations listed here. The long

list is pasted on the door of Mr. Filch’s office."

"This year, there are two changes in our faculty. We are very happy that

she welcomes Professor Grapland back, and she will teach you a lesson

on protecting magical creatures. We are equally happy to welcome a new

teacher. Professor Slughorn ."

Slughorn stood up, his bald head gleaming in the candlelight, he had

bulging eyes, walrus-like silver beards, and a big belly in a vest cast a

large shadow on the table.

"He was a former colleague of mine, and he agreed to return to his old

job as a potions teacher."

"Potion class?"

"Potion class?"

The word echoed throughout the auditorium, and everyone wondered if

they had heard it wrong.

Even Ye Ting felt a little surprised.

He didn't expect that without Umbridge, Slughorn would have become a

professor at Hogwarts in advance, and would become a professor of

potions class just like the original.

However, this is no wonder, after all, Slughorn itself is a more timid and

fearful type. Now he is willing to ignore Voldemort's fierce power and

come to Hogwarts as a professor. It must be because Dumbledore sent

Harry. But lobbied him.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 243:

If he is not a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, isn't it...

"At the same time, Professor Snape," Dumbledore raised his voice to

silence people's comments, "will be the teacher of Defence Against the

Dark Arts class."

——Sure enough, but, according to Voldemort's curse, Professor Snape

can only be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts for a year at


So, what will we do next year?

Ye Ting couldn't figure it out, but he didn't have the opportunity to try

this personally, because he was sure that Voldemort would be wiped out

by him within this school year.

Suddenly, there was a scream in another corner of the lobby.

"Do not!"

Many heads turned there.

It was Harry Potter, who was staring angrily at the staff table.

In fact, not just him, but also many other little wizards opposed this


Even Hermione beside Ye Ting had some prejudice against Snape.

Snape sat on Dumbledore’s right side. He did not stand up when he heard

Dumbledore mention his name, but lazily raised a hand to indicate that

he heard the cheers on the Slytherin table. .

"Alright, there is a little benefit to this matter," Ye Ting heard Anthony

say, "Snape will get out in less than a year."

"What do you mean?" Terry Bout asked.

"That job was cursed. No one can last more than a year... Quirrell went in

even for his life. Personally, I sincerely hope that another murder will


"Enough!" Hermione scolded loudly.

Dumbledore cleared his throat.

Harry, Anthony, and Terry were not the only ones talking below, but the

whole auditorium heard the news that Snape had finally got his wish,

and they were all talking about it.

Dumbledore didn't seem to realize how sensational the news he had just

announced was. He didn't talk about the teacher's job any more, but

waited a few seconds to make sure everyone was completely quiet before

continuing to speak.

"Everyone in this auditorium probably received a warning from the

Ministry of Magic. Voldemort has returned and his entourage has begun

to gather around him."

As Dumbledore spoke, there was a tense, heart-wrenching silence in the


"I need to emphasize that the current situation is very dangerous. Every

one of us at Hogwarts needs to be extremely cautious to ensure our own

safety. The magical fortifications of the castle have been strengthened

during the summer vacation, and we have received new, More effective

protection, but each of our teachers and students must still be vigilant at

all times and not be able to take it lightly. Therefore, I ask you to strictly

abide by every safety rule set by the teacher, no matter how annoying

those rules and regulations may be—especially comply with them. The

rule that you cannot get up and go out after the lights are turned off. I

implore you, whether you find any abnormal or suspicious situations

inside or outside the school, you must report it to the faculty

immediately. I believe you, for the safety of yourself and others, will

definitely restrain yourself Behavioral."

Dumbledore's blue eyes scanned all the students, and then a smile

appeared on his face.

"Well, your beds are waiting for you, as warm and comfortable as you

expect. I know your top priority now is to have a good rest and prepare

for class tomorrow. So, let us say ‘good night’. Beep!"

As usual, the benches were pushed behind them, making a harsh rubbing

sound, and hundreds of students began to file out of the auditorium and

walk towards the dormitory.

Zhang Qiu also stood up and shouted at the table very majesticly: "First-

year freshman, please go here!"

Ye Ting walked towards Luna, holding Feiju in her arms.

Seeing the master coming over, Fei Ju happily broke free from Luna's

arms, then leapt into Ye Ting's arms lightly, and then naughty crawled on

top of his head.

Ye Ting has always been doting on Feiju, and even if she was in a ball on

her head, it was as if she was wearing a funny white fur hat.

Even Luna couldn't help laughing when she saw Ye Ting's current

appearance and helpless eyes.

Ye Ting also smiled, then looked at Luna and asked.

"I found out that you have been looking at me today, why?"

When this question was asked, Ye Ting felt that he was a bit narcissistic,

but he still asked.

If a beautiful girl stares at you for a minute, you will think she likes you.

If she looks to you for half an hour, you will feel that she is in love with


If she watched you for an hour, she might think she was in a daze.

However, if she watched you for three or four hours in a row, it would be

very scary.

Item 0331

Facing Ye Ting's questioning, Luna looked at him with hazy eyes for a

while, and said suddenly.

"I found it……"

Ye Ting was confused by these words without beginning or end.

"What did you find?"

"I found that you... are human..."

? ? ?

——Do you still need to talk about it?

——I also know that I am human.

——I am not a human being, am I a cat or a dog?

——What are you talking about?

Ye Ting looked at the girl who was talking nonsense again, and said


"Of course I am a human..."

However, Luna interrupted him.

"No, you are not actually human either."

? ? ?

This sentence was too shocking, Ye Ting heard the words, the first

reaction was not anger, but doubt.

——Why do you say "also"?

——No, right? It was you who had said that I was a human, so how come

you immediately regretted it.

——Furthermore, girl, why do you curse when you speak? I don’t seem

to mess with her?

——But Luna doesn’t seem to be the kind of person who can swear


——What's wrong with this world?

Just when Ye Ting was frantically complaining in her heart, Luna spoke


The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 244:

"Hermione Granger, and Cho Chang, they are not human either."

? ? ?

This sentence is even more excessive than the previous one. This is no

longer a curse, but a mockery of the group.

At this moment, Ye Ting wanted to ask the girl in front of him loudly.

——Are you sure you are chatting with me instead of finding fault?

——Look at what you said!

——If I hadn’t understood your character a long time ago through the

original book, I would have been swearing and even doing something for

someone who was a bit irritable.

——That is to say, I, a person who understands your essence, will

patiently listen to your nonsense.

So Ye Ting patiently explained to Luna.

"I think I am really human, and Hermione and Qiu are also humans."

"No, you are not." Luna said quietly.

Why is this girl so stubborn?

"I'm really a human being. Like you, I have both hands and feet. I walk

upright and speak the same language, don't I?"

"No, you are different from me."

Right now, Ye Ting had nothing to say.

He felt that although he had read the original, he still couldn't

understand Luna.

This girl, I am afraid, not only has the stream of consciousness as in the

original book, but is really crazy.

Otherwise, I wouldn't say such a thing.

However, Luna's next sentence stunned him.

"Although you look the same as me, you are dangerous? Are you different

from me?"

"Danger... dangerous? What do you mean?" Ye Ting felt that he seemed to

be wrong.

"People don't have such a powerful power, absolute power." Although

Luna was still wandering away from the sky at this time, his tone was

very serious.

"You remind me of Fire Dragon. I have seen Fire Dragon in the Triwizard

Tournament, but I think you are much stronger than Fire Dragon." Luna

looked conclusive and continued: "The same goes for Hermione and Qiu.

It's like a large fire dragon in a human skin."

Ye Ting suddenly felt that this girl was really scary.

Obviously Dumbledore hadn't even noticed it. Hermione and Zhang Qiu

were both giant dragons Animagus, but the girl in front of them saw it.

Moreover, it is not the answer obtained by collecting evidence and

careful reasoning, but her intuition, unreasonable intuition.

Sure enough, this is a girl who is completely opposite to Hermione, but

has its own merits.

Although Ye Ting has always believed that reason and wisdom are the

roots of power, his sensibility and intuition are not bad.

Thinking like this, Ye Ting took a deep look at Luna.

——This girl is really worth training.

——Or, try to develop it?

——Well, I made this decision because I thought she was a person, not

because she was cute.

Ye Ting was seriously thinking about whether to launch a new strategy

here, but Luna over there started first.

"Do you believe in horned snorers?"

? ?

Ye Ting looked at Luna strangely.

Luna still looked serious and said to Ye Ting.

"Since there are dragon people in the world, there must also be horned

snorers, right."

——What the **** is Dragon Man? Don't nickname me without


However, Ye Ting replied comfortably and perfunctorily.

"I don't know, because I have never seen a horned snorer, but you can try

to find it, maybe it really exists."

"Then, can you find it for me?" Luna glared at her big silver-gray eyes

and looked at Ye Ting steadily.

Seeing such expectation by a cute girl, Ye Ting couldn't bear to refuse, so

he said.

"I am willing to promise you, but not now, because we have to defeat the

Dark Lord first."

"The Dark Lord? I know him," Luna said in a strange tone. "He created a

decayed tooth conspiracy in an attempt to bring down the Ministry of

Magic from the inside with black magic and gum disease."

Her bizarre words once again made Ye Ting froze. Although he felt that

Luna was mostly right, Ye Ting could be sure that she definitely confuses

the Imperius Curse with something.

However, he did not refute Luna.

In other words, he has given up refuting her.

The girl firmly believed in her strange fantasies, and Ye Ting felt that she

couldn't correct them one by one.

——Perhaps, this is also the origin of her powerful intuition.

Ye Ting comforted himself so.

Then he changed the subject decisively.

"So why do you think I can help you find the horned snorer?" he asked.

"Because, apart from my father, you are the first person to believe that

the horned snorer exists," the girl replied, "everyone else told me that the

horned snorer only exists in my imagination. But I I don’t think it’s a

conjecture, because my mother has said that horned snoring beasts exist."

Hearing what she said, Ye Ting suddenly felt that the little girl was

indeed very pitiful.

So he stepped forward and touched her head in a reassuring manner.

The girl seemed to be enjoying it, and the two of them just stood there.

However, the next moment, there was a voice behind Ye Ting.

"I'll just say, you've been following her for a long time, right."

Ye Ting looked back and found that Hermione was standing in the

corner, looking at him blankly.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 245:

"Why are you here?" Ye Ting asked.

Although a little embarrassing, he was relatively calm in the face of this


"I was in the lounge and found that you hadn't caught up, so I came back

to look for you," Hermione sighed and walked towards Ye Ting. "Then I

saw you molesting the little girl as soon as I came."

"Missing? Me?" Ye Ting was a little bit dumbfounded, "I'm just comforting


However, Luna over there spoke again.

"Ting promised me to be with me."

Hermione looked at Ye Ting.

"It turns out that you even arranged your appointments, so you don't

even care about business for this?"

"Hey, don't listen to her nonsense," Ye Ting defended, "I just said that

after defeating the Black Devil, I have a chance to find the horned

snoring beast with her..."

"Forget it, I won't stop you." Suddenly, Hermione smiled, "After all, I also

want to understand, our state may be able to experience a longer time

than Nicole Lemay. In this case, you will not be lonely if you have more

companions around."

Item 0332

Hermione's words really surprised Ye Ting.

For a long time, she had actually held a certain hostility towards the

existence of Penello, Zhang Qiu, and Furong beside Ye Ting.

After all, unlike the latter three, Hermione was born in a Muggle society,

which is a more modern and utilitarian society than the wizarding world.

The morality of the wizarding world is more biased towards the Middle

Ages. Although not everyone likes the existence of lovers such as lovers,

wizards still have a higher degree of acceptance.

But modern Muggle society is different.

Because of the emergence of capitalism, for higher productivity,

capitalism has promoted the emergence of a moral view of equality

between men and women.

In this way, female productivity can be liberated.

Of course, relatively, this kind of morality also makes Muggle women

more independent, more assertive, and less able to accept certain notions

of teapots and cups.

However, since becoming the dragon Animagus, several girls have indeed

changed a lot.

It seems that after understanding their potential and future, they are

indeed trying hard to adapt to the changes in strength, and also trying

hard to adapt to the life of the longevity species.

However, before Ye Ting could say something to Hermione, Hermione

first reminded him.

"Don't forget, we have to ask Ms. Grey about Ravenclaw's crown."

Hearing this, Ye Ting gave Hermione a strange look, and then at Luna.

Signal her, Luna is still here.


From left to right are Barrow the blood of Slytherin, the fat monk of

Hufflepuff, the almost headless Nico of Gryffindor, and Ms. Gray of


However, Hermione looked disapproving.

"What are you afraid of?" She curled her lips and said, "I will tell her

sooner or later, right? After all..."

Ye Ting could only smile bitterly at her words. He felt that his original

tall image in Hermione's mind had probably been deformed.

Luna was quite positive, she raised her hand and said to them.

"Are you looking for treasure? I want to join in too."


Before Ye Ting spoke, Hermione agreed.

"Okay, we are short of manpower."

In this way, she became one of Ye Ting's team members against

Voldemort in a daze.

The first step in finding Ravenclaw's crown is of course to get clues from

Ms. Gray.

Of course, this work doesn't require too many people, Ye Ting can do it


Although he knew the whereabouts of the crown, the process still had to


So, on the evening of the second day of school, he found Ms. Gray in the

tower of Ravenclaw.

Ms. Gray is a young woman with long hair. She is beautiful, with long

hair that is waist-length, her robe and the floor.

However, at the same time she appeared very arrogant and defiant.

Even the little wizard of Ravenclaw, she seldom wants to talk to them.

In fact, she herself is the founder of Ravenclaw and the daughter of

Rowena Ravenclaw, whose real name is Helena Ravenclaw.

Like Ravenclaw herself, she is a witch who advocates wisdom, but the

pursuit of wisdom is too extreme, which led to the tragedy that followed.

Of course, the people she looks down on most of wisdom are fools, and to

her, most of the wizards at Hogwarts are fools, except for the professors,

only a few people can come into her eyes.

Fortunately, Ye Ting is one of these people.

In fact, Ye Ting himself was famous for his genius at Hogwarts, and Ms.

Gray also admired him a lot. Although she was the ghost of Ravenclaw

College and needed to serve Ravenclaw College, she was most willing to

Ye Ting himself was the one who helped and served, and he was willing

to chat with him for a while.

As a result, Hermione and Zhang Qiu occasionally ridicule, saying that

Ms. Gray is in love with Ye Ting.

Therefore, if you want to get a word out of her, you still have to look at

Ye Ting.

Isn't this, only one day back at Hogwarts, Hermione and Zhang Qiu shook

Ye Ting, went to "seduce" Ms. Gray, and asked about the whereabouts of

the crown.

So, as soon as Ms. Gray was found drifting by in the corridor of the

tower, Ye Ting immediately chased after her.

"Ms. Gray--" Ye Ting shouted loudly as he walked quickly.

Ms. Gray turned her head to find that Ye Ting was calling her, raised her

eyebrows in surprise, and then turned and floated towards him.

"It's Mr. Ye," she said with a smile on her cold face, "are you looking for


"Yes, I need help. I need you to tell me everything about the missing


Her expression suddenly became ugly, and the look in Ye Ting's eyes was

also full of apologize and a hint of...disappointment.

"I'm afraid," she said, turning around, panicking to leave, "I can't help


"Wait! The matter is urgent," Ye Ting stopped her and said, "If the crown

is at Hogwarts, I must find it, right away."

"You are not the first student to covet the crown," she looked at him with

a complicated expression, "generations of students haunt me--"

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The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 246:

"This is not to get a good score!" Ye Ting said calmly, "I don't need that,

you know, my head is enough, isn't it?"

"Yes," she heard Ye Ting's words, her eyes lit up, and then she was

puzzled again, "Why is that?"

"I have never seen magic that can increase wisdom," Ye Ting talked

freely, "I want to find out, what is the principle of the crown."

"Ah...really," Ms. Gray sighed after hearing it, "Intelligence is not the root

of wisdom, but the thirst for knowledge is. I didn't understand it until a

long time after I died. You are indeed a true lad. Wenclaw."

She looked at Ye Ting's eyes and became relieved.

"However, I still—"

However, before she continued to refuse, Ye Ting spoke again:

"Of course, there is another reason, this is for Voldemort-to defeat

Voldemort-don't you be interested in this?"

She doesn't blush, but her transparent cheeks seem to be less transparent,

and her voice is filled with excitement when she answers: "Of course I--

how dare you say--?"

"Then quickly help me!"

"Although the crown bestows wisdom," she looked at Ye Ting curiously,

"but I doubt it will help you defeat the guy who claims to be the Dark

Lord, didn't you just say it? Your wisdom is enough."

"Of course, of course, didn't I tell you, I am not interested in wearing it

myself." Ye Ting said, "I can't tell you the reason for now, but if you care

about Hogwarts, if you want to see When Voldemort is finished, you

should tell me everything you know about the crown."

She remained calm, floating in the air, looking down at Ye Ting.

For a long time, she spoke in a low voice.

"Although you don't want to say why, but... I believe you, I will tell you

everything from the beginning."

"Thank you." Ye Ting was slightly moved, this is indeed a heavy trust.

Chapter 0333 Helena's Past and Crown's Whereabouts

From the original work, Ye Ting knew that she had also trusted another

student, but this student took advantage of her trust and used

Ravenclaw's crown on the evil way to make a Horcrux.

He himself is Voldemort.

With this experience, Ms. Gray should have believed no one, and would

never reveal any information about the crown—after all, the person she

had chosen last became the Dark Lord, which definitely broke her heart.

But now, she actually spoke to Ye Ting.

Presumably, she had just given a lot of courage to convince herself to

believe him.

So, Ms. Gray began to talk freely.

"I stole the crown from my mother."


"I stole the crown," Helena Ravenclaw said softly again, "I want to make

myself smarter and more prestigious than my mother. I ran away with

the crown. They said that my mother never admitted The crown is gone.

She has always pretended that the crown is still there. She even

concealed her loss from the other founders of Hogwarts and concealed

my terrible betrayal."

"Later my mother fell ill-very ill. Although I did something unfilial, she

still eagerly wanted to see me again. She sent a man to see me. That

person loved me for a long time, but I Rejected him. My mother knew

that the man would not give up unless he found me."

She took a deep breath and tilted her head back.

"He found the forest where I was hiding. When I refused to go back with

him, he became furious. Barrow was always a grumpy man. He hated me

for rejecting him and was jealous of my freedom, so he stabbed me to

death. "

"Barrow? You mean—?"

"Barrow, the blood man, yes," Ms. Gray said as she lifted her cloak, and

indifferently exposed a black wound on his white chest. "After he woke

up, he regretted it, so he picked it up and asked for it. The weapon that

killed my life, committed suicide. After so many centuries, he still wears

shackles in order to repent... He deserves it."

She added angrily.

"So... what about the crown?"

"At the time I heard Barrow stumbling towards me in the forest, so I hid

it and stayed there. Hidden in a hollow tree."

"A hollow tree?" Ye Ting asked, "What tree? Where is it?"

"In a forest in Albania. A desolate place, I thought my mother was beyond


"Albania," Ye Ting repeated, "You've already told this story to someone,

haven't you? With another student?"

She closed her eyes and nodded.

"I... I don't know... he is... very likable. He seems... seems empathetic...


That's right, Ye Ting thought, Helena Ravenclaw's desire to seize the

treasure she was not entitled to, of course Tom Riddle could understand.

"But how do you know this?"

Ye Ting took a deep look at her and said in a low voice, "I didn't want to

tell this to other people casually, but since you believe in me so much

and are willing to share your past and your secrets with me, then I I can't

live up to your trust, and I should also trust you."

"Thank you." Ms. Gray was a little moved, she looked at Ye Ting


Later, Ye Ting revealed the secret of the Horcrux to Ms. Gray.

"What?" After hearing Ye Ting's words, Ms. Gray exclaimed, "He actually

turned the crown into a Horcrux...How dare he do this? This is

blasphemy! It is shameful blasphemy!"

After speaking, her tone changed from surprise to deep anger, and then

deep sadness.

"What did I do? I actually revealed the secret to such a... I destroyed it."

Ye Ting could even see silver tears slipping down her translucent face.

"Oh, you are not the only one who was deceived by Riddle's rhetoric." Ye

Ting comforted her. "He can make himself very charming when needed. I

know a witch, a Riddle fan. I stayed with her and learned that

Hufflepuff’s golden cup and Slytherin’s locket were in her hands. Then

Riddle killed her, took these two relics, and made them into Horcruxes. ."

Maybe it was because other people were deceived, maybe the relics of

other founders were also made into Horcruxes, Ms. Gray obviously felt

much better.

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something and asked Ye Ting a


"Now that you know all this, it means you are looking for the Dark Lord's

Horcruxes and trying to destroy them, right?"

"Yes." Ye Ting nodded.

"So, how did you destroy the Horcrux?" Ms. Gray took a deep breath and

asked this question with some expectation and trepidation. "After the soul

fragments in the Horcrux are destroyed, what will happen to the

container itself? ?"

Ye Ting looked at her, hesitated for a while, and then said the answer

that was difficult for her to accept.

"Of course... it's broken into pieces."

Upon hearing these words, Ms. Gray fell silent suddenly.

She lowered her head and covered her eyes with her hands, obviously

shocked by this answer.

Because she was a ghost, Ye Ting couldn't comfort her with words other

than words, so he had to stand there quietly, looking at her, to show her


After about a quarter of an hour, she finally raised her head, her eye

sockets a little red and swollen-if she had any color.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 247:

Then, she looked at Ye Ting and said solemnly.

"Although the rules of the ghost are not to interfere too much in the

affairs of living people, I still want to ask you one thing."

"Go ahead, Ms. Gray." Ye Ting said readily.

"You can call me Helena, because you are my good friend." She smiled


"Well, Helena," Ye Ting nodded, "I am willing to help you."

"Thank you, but this is an excessive request." Helena's tone was very


"It's okay, just say it," Ye Ting said indifferently, "I will do my best."

"Then... I'll just say it," Helena thought for a while, and finally blurted

out, "I hope you won't destroy my mother's crown."

"This...but...that is..."

This request really embarrassed Ye Ting.

"I know that if the Horcrux is not destroyed, the Dark Lord will not really

die, but I still want to beg you not to destroy it. It is the only relic left by

my mother. If it were you, I would definitely find it and not destroy it.

The crown can destroy the method of soul fragments."

Facing the helpless and expectant gaze of the ghost, Ye Ting couldn't help

being silent. He pondered for a while and finally gave the answer.

"I will try my best," he said, "but please don't expect too much from me. If

I can't do this, I will still choose to destroy it."

"I understand, you just need to try your best," Helena felt quite, and the

silver tears flowed down again, "Thank you for agreeing to my request.

You are indeed a good friend. I know that. I didn't see the wrong person

this time."

With that, she floated to Ye Ting and gave him a hug.

Because she was a ghost, this hug made her body almost pass through Ye

Ting, which made him feel a little uncomfortable, but he still let her

complete this thankful etiquette.

Item 0334

The news of Ravenclaw's crown from Helena meant that Ye Ting could

take out the information from the original work in an open and honest


That is, the crown is hidden in the room of responsiveness.

Regarding the responsive house, Ye Ting started researching it when he

first entered school.

Among the many rooms in the Bing House, the largest one is a huge

garbage dump.

All the things that were cleared by the teachers and students of Hogwarts

with the Vanishing Curse are piled up here, and Voldemort also hid the

crown in it.

Their remaining task is to find this crown.

However, although they have mastered this information, it is not easy to

find the crown.

After all, this room is too big, and it is not an easy task to find a small

crown in this huge junkyard.

Fortunately, unlike the savior trio in the original book, they now have

enough time to find this crown.

The day after Ye Ting met Helena, after the dinner was over, Ye Ting did

not immediately return to Ravenclaw's common room, but took

Hermione and Zhang Qiu to the eighth floor.

In addition, Luna also joined them, and Ye Ting felt that this girl's

unfavorable intuition might play a big role in finding the crown.

They stopped across the tapestry where the giant stick beat Barnabas.

Then Ye Ting closed his eyes and began to pace back and forth.

——I need a place for me to hide things... I need a place for me to hide

things... I need a place for me to hide things...

He walked back and forth three times in front of the empty wall, and

when he opened his eyes, he finally saw the door of the room where

there is a need.

Ye Ting opened the door, and the four of them walked in together.

However, the scene in the room made everyone gasp.

Although thinking about the crown in his mind, he still couldn't help

being amazed by the sight before him.

They are now standing in a room the size of a cathedral, and the beam of

light from the high windows shines like a city with high walls. Ye Ting

can see that they are all items hidden by the Hogwarts people of the past

generations. Piled up.

The streets and lanes were piles of crumbling and broken furniture,

which might have been stuffed here to hide evidence of misuse of magic,

or hidden by the house elves who maintained the decent castle.

There are thousands of books here, undoubtedly banned, scrambled or

stolen books; there are winged slingshots and spiked flying saucers, some

of which are still hovering feebly over the mountain of forbidden objects;

some The broken bottles contained solidified potions; there were hats,

jewels, cloaks, things like fire dragon eggshells; some clogged bottles

were still shining with evil light; and a few rusty swords And a big axe

stained with blood.

"This is the best place to hide things in Hogwarts," Ye Ting said to the

three girls. "I think the Dark Lord is most likely to hide the crown here."

"This... is indeed a good place to hide things." Hermione sighed, covering

her forehead. "This is a garbage dump. It seems that finding the crown is

really not a simple thing."

"Moreover, after wasting a long period of time, we may find that we were

wasted and useless." Zhang Qiu added.

"Is this the secret maze of Hogwarts?" Luna tilted her head and looked

around, and then said solemnly, "I guess there must be some big secret

hidden here, let's find it out."

Then, she smiled at Ye Tingqian.

"Thank you for taking me here. I think maybe I will find the horned

snorer here."

After that, she took a step forward and walked towards the garbage


"The crown is silver, with green gems inlaid on it," Ye Ting reminded. "If

there is any danger or discovery, use the magic wand to launch red


"Got it." Luna waved her hand and quickly got into the garbage dump.

"She's very positive," Hermione said, looking at the girl's back, and then

took out her magic wand.

"The crown flies."

She yelled, but nothing flew towards them.

This room also seemed to be like the underground vault of Gringotts,

unwilling to hand over its collection easily.

"I should have guessed it." She curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

"Then, let's find it separately." Ye Ting said to the two girls, and the three

of them got into the garbage dump from three directions.

Ye Ting chose an alley among the treasure piles and went in, turned

right, saw a giant monster specimen, went on for a short distance, and

turned left next to the broken vanishing cabinet...

He still remembered that in the original book, Harry discovered the

crown for the first time because he went to the responsive room to hide

his potions notes.

In the responsive room, he found a cabinet. In the cabinet was a cage

with a five-legged monster skeleton. He hid the potions notes there.

And there was a crate beside the cabinet, and on the top of the box was

the head of an ugly old wizard, on which the crown was worn.

However, at this moment, Ye Ting saw neither the cabinet nor the head

of the old wizard.

He can only patrol back and forth among various trash and treasures

such as bottles, hats, boxes, chairs, books, weapons, broomsticks, and

bats, and most of his efforts are in vain.

Four people searched in this room for two or three hours, but the final

result was very disappointing.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 248:

None of them found traces of the crown, not even a clue.

Even Luna, who was given great hope by Ye Ting, did not find the

whereabouts of the crown.

After feeling bored in the endless search, the four gathered in a clearing

in the room. All of them found a place and sat down tiredly to rest.

Ye Ting pulled out a huge cushion from the treasure pile and sat on it


Although searching for the crown is not a labor-consuming task for him,

the whole process is too boring.

He was thinking about finding something interesting to solve, such as

going to the secret room with Hermione or Zhang Qiu, or going with

both of them.

"It seems that we can't find the crown today." Ye Ting said helplessly.

"Yeah, there are more things here than we thought." Hermione said, at

this moment, she was sitting on a wooden box with no image. "The four

of us, it took so long to search for only one-twentieth. If we are unlucky,

it is estimated that it will take a month before we can find the crown."

"It would be nice if the clutter here can be arranged neatly," Zhang Qiu

pouted, complaining, "If you are at home, you can do it with a cleaning


"Indeed, the neater the place, the easier it is to find things," Hermione

pointed out. "I dare say that if the clutter here can be sorted out, we

might be able to complete the task in a few days."

"Yeah..." Ye Ting was absent-mindedly following the girl's words.

Suddenly, Zhang Qiu's complaint made him think.

Item 0335

That night, after the four of them had finished searching for a day, Ye

Ting suggested that he had a new idea, and took Hermione and Zhang

Qiu to the secret room.

Now, the secret room whose opening method has been changed has

become their unique secret base.

Here, Ye Ting made a great effort to build and tear down all the old

facilities, including the huge Slytherin statue, the relief of the snake, etc.,

and then separated many rooms, including bedrooms, kitchens, living

rooms, study rooms, and experiments. Room and so on.

It almost became Ye Ting's another home.

If it were not for the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore, he even wanted

to put a fireplace here to connect to the Floo network.

In the case of inconvenient use of the House of Requests, Ye Ting will

conduct his own research here.

Today is no exception. As soon as Ye Ting entered the secret room, Ye

Ting began to study ancient magic texts, but Hermione and Zhang Qiu

seemed to have nothing to do.

However, Ye Ting's research did not last long.

His purpose is not to create new magic, or to analyze a certain spell, but

to transform the old magic.

And the purpose of bringing Hermione and Zhang Qiu here...

The three of them did not return to Ravenclaw's lounge at night, but

rested here for one night.

Under Ye Ting's soft and hard bubble, he successfully resolved the

boredom accumulated in the process of searching for the Horcrux with

the two girls.

Ye Ting finally got what he wanted.

It's really gratifying.

The next day was the weekend, and Ye Ting got up early in the morning,

and wanted to come to the responsive room immediately to experiment

with the new ideas the night before.

However, Hermione and Zhang Qiu's attitudes seemed a bit abnormal.

They became exceptionally convulsive, and they had been lingering in

the bedroom of the secret room, seeming to have a tendency to sleep on

the bed.

Ye Ting didn't bother himself either. He left the secret room by himself,

leaving behind the two girls who finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, maybe it was too tired the night before, and it was already

halfway through the breakfast time that Ye Ting saw the two of them

walk into the lobby jokingly and come to Ravenclaw's table.

However, in the face of Ye Ting's greeting, Hermione and Zhang Qiu had

an unusually tacit understanding. They all gave him a roll of eyes, and

then found another corner to sit down.

It is estimated that Ye Ting's behavior made them feel dissatisfied last


"What's the matter? Did you quarrel?" Anthony, who was sitting next to

Ye Ting, asked quietly in Ye Ting's ear.

"No...no," Ye Ting replied slightly embarrassed, "maybe because I did

something excessive."

"What the **** did you do that would provoke them both?" Anthony was

curious. "It has never happened before. After all, you are a male god, and

only others are jealous of you to please you. Well, or to say...you have a

new goal again, and then they were discovered by them?"

Hearing this, Ye Ting gave Anthony a different look.

It was the first time that he discovered that his roommate was so

intuitive, he didn't remember that he had too much contact with Luna in

front of other people?

However, he said truthfully: "It has nothing to do with the new target.

They are angry because of other things."

"This...say, you have a new goal... ooh..." Next to Anthony, Michael Kona,

who has been listening with interest, almost yelled in surprise, the last

roommate Tai Rui Bout immediately covered his mouth wisely.

Michael finally broke free of Terry Bout's hand and whispered


"You still let people live? Can you consider our feelings, every Valentine's

Day you have 80% of the chocolate, the school sisters and school girls

line up to confess to you... We can't even find a girlfriend, but you are

here to say that you have a new goal again!"

"Yes, you have already monopolized Hermione and Qiu, so don't fight

with us anymore," Terry echoed, "The two most beautiful and

outstanding girls in Mingming Academy have been around you every

day, you actually Also want a new goal... I think you should choose one

of them so that we can pursue the other."

"No, it's one of the three," Michael said suddenly. "Have you forgotten the

Warrior Fleur of Boothbatten last semester? She seems to have been

pursuing Ting for a year."

"It's four," Anthony added. "You forgot about Penello, who has graduated,

and her relationship with Ting is not bad."

"Yes, yes, it's four," Terry looked at Ye Ting, and the other two also cast

expectant glances at him.

"Let's talk about it, which one are you going to choose?"

——Which one to choose? Children only make choices, and adults want

all of them. If you know that I have chosen all four and I am ready to

start the fifth one, what would you think?

Ye Ting felt that they might commit suicide because of jealousy.

However, it is not easy to disclose such a thing, so he used the phrase "I

will talk about graduation" perfunctorily.

"Really, why do you have to wait for graduation? I also want to try to

pursue Hermione and Qiu." Terry heard the words, rather disappointed,

"Why do girls care about looks so much? It's superficial."

Suddenly, a girl's words rang beside him.

"You are jealous."

"I'm not jealous!" Terry was so excited that he almost didn't jump up.

Then, he saw the blond girl standing beside Ye Ting.

It was Luna. After finishing her breakfast, she couldn't wait to come to Ye

Ting's side immediately.

"Luna Lovegood?" Anthony, Terry and Michael stared at each other.

They both felt very strange about Luna's arrival and sudden interruption.

Luna is in her first grade, and she is not a girl with a wide range of

friends. On the contrary, because of her strange ideas, Luna appears to be

very independent and withdrawn, except for Jin, who grew up in the

same village with her. Ni Weasley, she doesn't have many friends.

Therefore, they are not familiar with Luna.

However, Luna's "Mad Girl" nickname is widely spread, so they have long

heard of her.

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 249:

Suddenly, Anthony thought of something and whispered in Ye Ting's ear.

"Your new goal, shouldn't it be...'Mad Girl'?"

Hearing what he said, Ye Ting frowned involuntarily.

"Luna is not crazy at all, she just thinks differently from others," he

reminded, "this is not a pretty nickname."

"In other words, it's really her?" Anthony looked very surprised. "I

thought your new target was at least like Sister Parvati? Luna...isn't it too


"Luna is not ordinary at all, she is a special girl." Ye Ting explained

earnestly, "you will learn about it someday."

After speaking, he greeted Luna.

Item 0336

The girls at Hogwarts have never been so jealous of a person as they are


As we all know, Ye Ting is the most handsome and best boy in the minds

of most girls in Hogwarts.

Almost all the little witches hope to have a boyfriend like Ye Ting.

However, although Ye Ting is excellent, he has a cold personality and is

very difficult to follow.

Every year on Valentine's Day, most of the girls at Hogwarts will give Ye

Ting Valentine's Day chocolates, and many people will pluck up the

courage to confess to him, hoping to get his approval.

However, no one has ever been able to succeed.

Year after year, no girl has ever been able to become Ye Ting's girlfriend.

Gradually, the identity of Ye Ting's girlfriend became the highest pursuit

of all girls at Hogwarts.

But most of the girls decided to take the second place, at least make

friends with Ye Ting first, and then seek further opportunities.

However, now, it is not easy to become Ye Ting's friend.

As a mage whose supreme goal is to explore the truth of the world and

control the laws of the world, Ye Ting spends a considerable part of his

time on studying and researching. Therefore, he was unhappy and

basically gave up most of his social life.

This also blocked the way for most people to become his friends.

So far, only a few people in Hogwarts can be regarded as his friends.

Among the boys, apart from his roommate who is near the water tower,

only the twins of the Weasley family and the savior Harry Potter can

barely be regarded as his friends.

Among women, only Hermione Granger and Zhang Qiu are close to him


Although the girls at Hogwarts are envious of these two, they are still


After all, they all have achievements that others can hardly match.

Needless to say, Zhang Qiu, I am a Quidditch master who learned from

Ye Ting, and a champion seeker of the Quidditch World Cup. He is a

famous star in the wizarding world.

Everyone believes that as soon as she graduates, she will be invited by

the major Quidditch clubs, and at her age, she will be able to dominate

the World Cup for at least ten years.

Not to mention, Zhang Qiu himself is not only one of the most charming

girls at Hogwarts, but also belongs to Chinese with her.

Many girls regard her as their biggest competitor.

Another, Hermione Granger, is a competitor that only emerged last year.

Although the original Hermione was a high school leader, she had a

serious personality, focused on her studies, and was unrefined. He was

not likable among girls.

However, since last year, she has not only defeated countless powerful

adult wizards, but also won the international wizard duel contest in one

fell swoop. She has also shined in the Triwizard Tournament. If there is

not an accident in the last game, everyone feels that, She is the one who

is most likely to win the championship exclusively.

Moreover, she, who was originally a little inconspicuous, finally showed

her beauty after taking care of her appearance.

At this time, the little wizards realized that Hogwarts still hides such a


Many boys beat their chests and sighed, lamenting that they had no

eyesight, why didn't they find this treasure earlier, but Ye Ting was


In short, Hermione is impeccable in terms of appearance and hard power.

The above two were able to establish a relatively close relationship with

Ye Ting, and most of the little wizards still recognized and convinced.

However, what surprised them was that after the recognized beauty and

wisdom coexisted with Senior Sister Penello, in addition to the two girls,

there were girls who could have a better relationship with Ye Ting, their

male god.

Moreover, this person is still the object that all of them look down on and

reject-Luna Lovegood.

Just now, they saw that Luna and Ye Ting were so close and had such a

pleasant conversation.

Moreover, their male gods actually smiled at her, and this was a smile

that no one else had ever received.

How can this be tolerated?

Who is Luna? She is a famous mad girl, and all girls don’t like her

because she is always mad, has no beginnings and ends, and always

believes and preaches some opinions that sound ridiculous to others.

For example, moon frogs, such as bubble snot monsters, such as horned

snorers, such as Heliopa, such as Abubashjit, such as worm hooks, and so


In addition, they also feel that Luna's tastes are not very good, such as

using butter beer corks and carrots as jewelry, and they have a very

strange view of decent behavior.

For a long time, Luna has been the object of their contempt and bullying.

But now, such a girl who they both hate, actually took a step ahead of

them and got Ye Ting's approval.

At that moment, countless girls felt heartbroken, and countless girls

began to report jealousy towards Luna.

Many people also started to study Luna, they wanted to know how she

aroused Ye Ting's interest.

Not far from Ye Ting, Lisa Dupin was whispering to Padma Petir.

"I just heard that Ting actually promised Luna to go with her to find the

horned snorer!" Lisa Duping fussed, "You said, should I also have an

unrealistic hobby? , Maybe this will make me look even more different—"

"Don't be stupid, this will only make you look stupid," Padma whispered,

"I think Luna can succeed because of the charm."

"But, it's not that no one has tried the charm spell." Padma's younger

sister (sister?) Parvati Pettil pointed out in a low voice. After the charm, I

heard that the Slytherin sister Greengrass did the same thing, but no one


"It's just that they didn't find the right way!" Padma said confidently, "I

think everyone knows that Ting basically doesn't eat food from others

casually. Lovegood might have found something else. Method, maybe she

colluded with the house-elf and secretly put the charm on Ting's


After listening to her words, whether it was Lisa Dupin, Parvati Pettil or

other girls, they all lit up. They seemed to have found some useful cheats

and began to plan secretly one by one.

It is foreseeable that in the next few days, something will happen in the

Hogwarts kitchen.

On this side, Ye Ting and Luna were eating and chatting. Although Luna

sometimes couldn’t speak, Ye Ting could barely keep up with her

thoughts. Under the strange eyes of the little wizards around, they talked

for a while. talk.

In the corner of Ye Ting's eyes, Hermione and Zhang Qiu finally finished

their breakfast. Ye Ting immediately got up and walked towards them

with Luna.

Today's work is about to begin.

Item 0337

The God of All Realms Starts with

Harry Potter Chapter 250:

After the breakfast, the group came slowly to the eighth floor and entered

the responsive house.

Along the way, Hermione and Zhang Qiu still seemed indifferent to Ye

Ting, but the conversation between the two was much closer than before.

Seeing this situation, Ye Ting couldn't help but sigh.

For men, there are four major irons in life: carrying guns together, going

to the window together, getting dirty together, and winning a female

ticket together.

Perhaps Hermione and Zhang Qiu also became such irons last night.

As for whether it belonged to having carried a gun together, was a female

ticket to a female prosperous, or shared the stolen goods together, it is


All in all, they seem to have reached the realm of a good girlfriend a


After entering the responsive house, Hermione and Zhang Qiu seemed to

want to start searching immediately.

But Ye Ting raised his hand and stopped them.

"I heard you mention yesterday that after organizing this large garbage

dump, I can find the Horcrux faster. After that, I had a good idea and I

did an experiment overnight. Now let me try it first. It's no use."

However, as soon as Ye Ting finished speaking, Hermione and Zhang Qiu

cast mocking glances at him.

"Late night?"


"Are you serious?"

The two said one sentence, and Ye Ting smiled bitterly.

"Of course I'm serious... You don't think I'm talking nonsense, do you?"

"Who knows if you are making an excuse?" Zhang Qiu rolled his eyes


"Yeah," Hermione spit out, "who knows if you are making a bad idea

again and want to deceive us like last night."

Just as Ye Ting wanted to explain, Luna spoke quietly.

"Ting...what did you lie to you last night?"


"Little kid... don't ask this."

Faced with Luna's question, Hermione and Zhang Qiu's small faces

flushed red, and they hesitated.

"But, are you a few years older than me?" Luna tilted her head and said


As soon as this statement came out, Hermione and Zhang Qiuqi froze


After a long time, Zhang Qiu suffocated a reason.

"That...that... to judge whether a person is an adult or not depends not

only on age, but also on what he has done."

"Yes, that's right!" Hermione echoed, "You can only be called an adult if

you do special...special things."

"Really?" Luna nodded thoughtfully, and then looked at them again, "So,

what can I do to be called an adult? I want to be an adult now."

The question is straightforward. If you don't contact the context and

listen directly, you must think that they are here to lie to the little girl.

The two looked at each other awkwardly, and finally, Hermione chose to


"This thing... can't be done alone, you must be with the boy you like to

become an adult."

In their eyes, Luna, who is dazed, is like a ignorant little sister, so they all

use the tone of coaxing children.

After Luna listened, she tilted her head and thought, suddenly turned to

Ye Ting, walked in front of him, and grabbed his hand.

"Ting, come and become an adult with me."



Luna's words were really amazing. Ye Ting, who was holding her arms

around her chest and watching a good show, was suddenly attacked by

her, and she couldn't help but make a sound.

Zhang Qiu almost laughed.

Hermione realized that Luna had misunderstood her words, and

immediately stepped forward and pulled her away from Ye Ting.

"You don't want to find someone just like this!" she said loudly, "it must

be because the two like each other."

Luna was pulled aside by her, looked at Hermione blankly and then at Ye

Ting, then suddenly asked.

"Ting, do you like me?"

Ye Ting was stunned by her words again.

—This kid, why do you ask all questions so directly?

—In front of Hermione and Zhang Qiu, how do I answer this?

However, after thinking about it for a second, Ye Ting answered directly.

"Luna is indeed a cute girl, I like it very much."

Although taking into account the presence of Hermione and Zhang Qiu,

Ye Ting still expressed his true thoughts.

Ye Ting has always been in a dominant position in the relationship with

several girls.

Although he always starts to attack them first, but different from the

normal pursuit, his strategy is to gain favorability, increase his

attractiveness, and then gradually close the relationship.

And after the girls' goodwill was almost full, Ye Ting would not take the

initiative to go further, but let them take the initiative to complete.

Because Ye Ting’s own abilities and strengths kept him in a high position

in the status level, even if he was as proud as Hermione, he often felt his

own shortcomings beside Ye Ting. In this case, these were regarded by

others. Girls who are goddesses are willing to take the initiative to take

the initiative.

Ye Ting knew a truth from the beginning of his last life: the unreachable

will always be in a commotion, and the favored will have no fear.

Although this seems a bit scumbag, but he has always been the one who

has no fear in this life.

Perhaps this is also the reason why he has always been single in his

previous life.

And this is why, even in this case, he can say something like a straight

steel man.

After all, he was confident, and he wouldn't worry so much that

Hermione and Zhang Qiu would really turn their faces.

The actual situation is indeed as he imagined.

Hearing what he said, Hermione and Zhang Qiuqi rolled their eyes at him


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