Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: 3


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The birth of the savior gradually dissipated the black fog shrouding the

sky in London, and the famous Dark Lord actually lost to a baby.

The Ministry of Magic also began to enjoy the fruits of victory. Pure-

blood families escaped trial in the name of being under the Imperius

Curse, but they still paid a heavy price.

The Black family has been a pureblood for thousands of years, but there

is only one Sirius left in Azkaban.

At the trial meeting of the Ministry of Magic, he attempted to take over

the Black legacy in the name of the Black family having no heir.

"Who said I have no one in the Black family?"

Cottrell Black was born, and the third son of the Black family returned

from abroad.

Cole said that as long as I am here, the Black family will not die.

Blake's glory will once again shine in the wizarding world.

Chapter 63 The Final Word, Do

You Have Time For Tea?

"Member Black, please don't be impulsive. Not only the property of your

family, but the property of all wizards should be protected.

"As for the Black family's decision, the Ministry of Magic will handle

related matters."

Dumbledore smiled and asked Cole to sit down first.

Dumbledore knew that Voldemort would not be interested in these gold

galleons without being resurrected and still in a soul state.

Dumbledore had been wondering for the past two days who had

interfered with his plan.

Until Cole appeared today, Dumbledore was certain that the Black family

was not behind the theft, and it must be related to Cole.

Dumbledore's heart sank, and he hesitated for a moment. Seeing the

other Wizengamot members looking at him, he slowly spoke:

"In that case, let's vote with a show of hands. Please raise your hands if

you agree that Gringotts will compensate the victimized family and make

certain compensation."

Hearing Dumbledore's words, Elder Gotha's expression changed instantly.

In fact, before the court convened, the goblin had already approached

Principal Dumbledore.

After all, as an international wizard and the principal of Hogwarts, he

still plays an important role in the British wizarding world.

The goblin immediately understood Dumbledore's attitude.

Elder Gotha has been around for a long time. He has experienced the

subversion of the first generation of Dark Lords and has also seen the

methods of the second generation of Dark Lords.

As a white wizard, Dumbledore's relationship with two generations of

Dark Lords is well known.

And Dumbledore's style of conduct was also fully demonstrated in these

two wars.

In the eyes of the goblins, although Dumbledore is powerful, he has his

own bottom line and will not use his powerful magical power to infringe

the rights of others wantonly.

This is also what reassures the goblins. As long as Dumbledore has no ill

intentions towards them, Gringotts can still exist in the British wizarding


But when the goblin heard that Dumbledore directly asked the members

of the House of Representatives to vote by a show of hands in court,

Gotha realized that Dumbledore's kindness was based on the stability of

the wizarding world.

Dumbledore watched Elder Gotha speak first and said first: "Elder Gotha,

we already understand the ins and outs of the matter."

"The vote by show of hands now is for the fairness of the court. As for

Gringotts, if he is not satisfied with the result of the Wizengamot

Tribunal, he can raise an objection to the International Ministry of


Dumbledore stood up and asked the councilors to surround him.

The members of the meeting looked at each other one after another. Cole

looked at it and raised his hand first. He had achieved his goal today. As

for the rest, of course, he would talk about it later.

Cole's words just now made the noble wizards present excited. Principal

Dumbledore made the final decision. Of course they agreed, followed by

Cole raising his right hand.

Seeing this, half of the members of the Wizengamot raised their hands,

and some of the hesitant wizards thought of Cole's words.

As wizards, they must of course stand on the standpoint of the group.

After all, who can say that they will not encounter such a thing in the


Most of the people present understood the result and looked at


As the chief magician of the Wizengamot, Dumbledore has a veto power.

The veto power represents not only the fairness of the court, but also the

strength of Principal Dumbledore.

Until now, the goblins in the audience still had a glimmer of hope,

although they knew that since Dumbledore could propose a vote, he

would not side with the goblins.

But how can they be willing to do so before the result has happened?

"Dong" the hammer fell.

“The meeting voted, and 42 members passed it, while two members,

Tian, ​​abstained.

"The Chief of the Wizengamot, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore,

hereby announces that Gringotts will compensate the victims for their

losses and make certain compensation.

"The Ministry of Magic will send people to investigate the specific

situations of both parties and record them."

"End of the meeting."

Elder Gotha and Haber lowered their heads in disappointment and

accepted the result.

However, no one among the wizards present cared about the goblin's

loss. The nobles knew that their gold Galleons were coming back, and

that was enough.

Other ordinary wizards left the scene one after another. What happened

today was an eye-opener for them.

The tit-for-tat confrontation between purebloods and fairies was all first-

hand news before the Daily Prophet came out.

Don't think that wizards don't gossip. It is the nature of all living things

to watch the excitement.

It won't take long for the Leaky Cauldron to be filled with people,

shouting about what they saw today.

Lucius crossed the crowd and walked to Cole's side.

"Cole, you are really yours. How dare you say such things? Aren't you

afraid that the goblins will sue you to the International Ministry of Magic

for discriminating against them?"

It was Lucius' reminder that Cole realized that there was still

discrimination in the wizarding world.

Damn it, the goblins are really good at fixing things. They really figured

it out. The majority obeys the minority, right?

If you can't beat it, just talk about things that you can't beat. Everything

can lead to discrimination.

Wizards also discriminate against trolls and giants. Why don't they stand

up and say wizards discriminate against them?

The brains of giants and trolls are not good to begin with, so why are

they still using discrimination?

Cole said indifferently: "||What are you afraid of, if it says it

discriminates against me, I will discriminate against you? This time it

was originally their fault. God, look at this world.

It's so absurd that the victorious party has to suffer the grievances of the

defeated party. "

"If you don't obey, beat them. I'm not afraid of them. If they piss me off,

I'll break their bones and spread ashes."

Lucius quickly signaled Cole to keep his voice down. This was a public

place, and goblins were an intelligent race after all.

"Cole, be careful. I have decided on Black Bank. I support you, but the

Ministry of Magic is not easy to talk to. Fudge is a greedy guy."

"It's okay. It's easy to solve it with Fudge. He can see it clearly. We

welcome the cooperation of the Malfoy family. Lucius, don't worry, I will

definitely protect the property of the Malfoy family with my life."

Cole smiled and was in a good mood (winner). Although he was a little

aggressive today, things went smoothly.

Lucius's attitude can also represent the attitude of some pure-blood

nobles, and the rest will be easy.

"Come on, Lucius, to celebrate, I have prepared a bottle of fine wine.

Cole and Lucius had just walked out when they saw Dumbledore standing

alone outside the door, saying goodbye to other wizards.

"Cole, what you said today is really surprising. You are the future of the

wizarding world."

"This is the first time I heard praise from the principal. It's a pity that it's

not at Hogwarts. The professor was wrong. The young wizards at

Hogwarts are the future."

Dumbledore smiled and nodded, without leaving Lucius beside him.

He said to Cole: "Do you have time to drink a cup of black tea with me,

an old man?"


With a noble smile, Lucius quietly exited, leaving Cole to deal with

Dumbledore. .

Chapter 64: Phineas, Bad Taste


Outside Hogwarts, a whirlpool rolled up in space, and Dumbledore and

Cole appeared on the grass, bringing with them grass shavings.

The two phantoms moved over, which was much faster than the fireplace

for them.

Of course, it is also because the fireplace in Hogwarts is not connected to

the Floo network, and phantom movement is prohibited on campus.

Except for Headmaster Dumbledore, no one can use displacement spells.

This is to protect the safety of little wizards.

Of course, the fireplace in the town of Hogsmeade, not far from

Hogwarts, can be used, but there is a brother there who Dumbledore

cannot see at the moment.

Aberforth Dumbledore, owner of the Hog's Head pub.

The two brothers have not seen each other since their sister Ariana's

accident. Perhaps it is also because of guilt. Who can say clearly what

happened to the two old people?

Cole obviously knew about this, so when Dumbledore used the spell, he

didn't ask any questions, but followed closely.

Entering Hogwarts, perhaps because classes were in progress, I didn't see

many young wizards, only a few people walking in a hurry.

It looked like he was late. These students were very embarrassed when

they saw Dumbledore. They called the professor a few times and ran


"Being late is part of studying, isn't it?"

Dumbledore was not angry. He had always been very tolerant towards

underage wizards and looked at the young wizard's back kindly.

Cole felt a bit nostalgic, whether it was in other worlds or now, his

student days are very memorable.

"This is also the time when they are happiest. They will have a lot of

troubles when they grow up, Professor Dumbledore.

Familiar scenes and familiar stairs followed Dumbledore all the way to

the principal's office.

As soon as you enter, you will see a wall full of books, warm candlelight

illuminates the room, and portraits of past principals are hung on the

dome under the steps and on the surrounding walls.

When I heard someone coming to the office, figures appeared in the

otherwise empty picture frame, some of them still wearing pajamas,

which was very interesting.

The old man in one of the portraits was wearing formal clothes, adjusting

his brooch, looking expectantly to see if Cole could recognize him.

The other portraits seemed to be watching the fun, and some were still


"The annoying Black actually has an excellent heir."

Of course Cole could react. It turned out that the person in the portrait

was Black's only Hogwarts principal.

"Good day, great-great-grandfather, Cottrell Black (cjej) says hello to


Phineas Black, the former headmaster of Hogwarts, is a feudal, stubborn

and cunning old man who hates self-righteous young people.

He is also considered the most unpopular headmaster of Hogwarts.

When he heard Cole greeting him, a proud smile appeared on the old


"Look, he is indeed a descendant of the Black family. What a polite young

man he is."

Cole smiled and said nothing. The people in the other portraits could not

see that Phineas was so proud.

"Yeah, Sirius doesn't have any manners, don't you think? Phineas."

One word made Phineas break his guard. He didn't care about

maintaining the dignity of his ancestors in front of Cole, and turned

around to curse at the side.

"You damn guy, you talk so viciously, you're filthier than a troll's ass."

As he said that he was about to chase after his portrait, Cole was just

watching the fun. To be honest, the magic of the wizarding world always

made Cole's eyes light up.

People who are clearly dead can leave a piece of their soul behind, living

in the portrait and carrying the memories of their lifetime, as if they had

never disappeared.

"Okay, you have to maintain your grace in front of young people, you are

all the principal of Hogwarts.

Dumbledore stopped the noise and took Cole to the desk.

Phineas also stopped. Although he sometimes loses his mind, it cannot be

denied that the old guy has the wisdom of the old guy.

I mentioned Sirius just now. Phineas was the most optimistic about Sirius

before. As the heir of the Black family, Sirius has already entered


Cole has the final say in the Black family now. Do you really think that

he, Phineas, is an old fool?

From the first time he saw Cole, Phineas could understand what kind of

person Cole was.

So I decided not to talk about Sirius in front of Cole.

However, someone didn't open his eyes, so he could only pretend to be

rude and refused to direct the topic to Sirius.

This is the wisdom of pure-blood nobles. According to Phineas, Cole is

qualified as the master of the Black family.

Not only will you have heirs, it will also make your family stronger.

Martin's children, Phineas, also have their own ways of understanding

them. Who said he can only be trapped in the office portrait and know

nothing about the outside world?

It's not like Dumbledore stays in the office every day and stares at them.

As for Sirius, Phineas had no choice but to give up. Unexpectedly, when

Cole did not appear, Phineas kept begging Dumbledore to help Sirius.

But Cole showed up, and Phineas stopped mentioning it. For the sake of

the family, it was best for Sirius to stay in Azkaban.

Seeing the Black family today, Phineas knew that he had made the right

choice. Cole, who had been inconspicuous since childhood, had grown to

a point that Dumbledore could not ignore.

The fact that the Black family can continue to pass on this legacy makes

him very satisfied.

Cole, on his side, watched Dumbledore wave his hand casually, causing

the teapot and teacup to fly out from the corner, and quietly watched

Dumbledore's performance.

To be honest, this precise and meticulous spell made Cole sigh that the

principal's strength should not be underestimated.

Silent Flying Spell, Silent Transformation Spell, and many other small

spells are used in combination.

"Have a cup of hot tea, Cole. I haven't had tea for a long time. My

favorite is honey juice."

Looking at the snacks that Dumbledore conjured up, Cole didn't expect

that Principal Dumbledore's afternoon tea desserts were so special, and

they were really suitable for sharing a table with children.

"Professor, eating too much sweets will cause tooth decay."

"Hahaha, wizards don't have this trouble."

After watching Dumbledore pick up the tea cup and take a sip, Cole

began to taste the black tea in the principal's office.

A warmth rose from his stomach, and the taste echoing in his mouth

made Cole frown slightly.

In one word, it doesn't taste good.

It seems that Principal Dumbledore's skills are indeed not good.

Drinking this is worse than drinking water, but British wizards don't seem

to like drinking water. Is it beer, juice, or honey water?

Putting down the teacup, looking at Cole's face full of rejection, a joking

smile appeared on Dumbledore's face.

It can be regarded as one of Dumbledore's bad tastes. He likes to study

some strange things. .

Chapter 65 Dumbledore’S

Invisible Shackles

The headmaster's office fell into silence. Dumbledore looked at Cole, and

Cole looked at the shelf near the window, where there should have been

a phoenix.

Cole was very curious about this magical creature and the ability of the

phoenix. He heard that it had the magic of rebirth from the ashes.

It is said that Qilin has the ability to distinguish between good and evil,

and will only surrender to those who are pure and kind, representing


The first generation of the Dark Lord used the Kirin to deceive the

wizards, and was finally exposed by Dumbledore.

"Fox happened to be away today. He doesn't usually like to stay in the


"Magical creatures always have their own tempers. I heard that the tears

of the phoenix can heal wounds, Professor."

Dumbledore touched the ring on his finger and smiled: "It's probably OK,

but I don't want anyone to use it.

Dumbledore looked at Cole, who already had a child. Ten years passed

too quickly for him. The longer the wizard lived, the more emotions he

would lose.

"Little Martin and the others are doing well in school and have great

talents. Your children are all very much like you, Cole~.

"The professor praised me, but I know they had a fight with someone

some time ago, which made the professor worry."

"I heard that the injured child is from the Wes-Lay family?"

Dumbledore frowned slightly. Cole's words sounded too threatening. The

Weasley family were all good people.

"I don't think you care about the play between children, do you?"

Cole looked at Dumbledore strangely, wondering why Dumbledore was

so sensitive. He just said it casually.

"Of course, Professor, I generally don't care about things between

children. Meira has always taught children to be strong and should

experience more things."

The child's fight wasn't serious and Cole wouldn't stand up. Even if he

did, it would be against Weasley. Cole remembered that Arthur Weasley

worked in the Ministry of Magic.

The eldest son, Bill Weasley, works as a curse catcher in Egypt.

Charlie Weasley studied dragons in Rome and stayed away from home all

year round.

As for the remaining sons, they are all at Hogwarts.

Thinking of this, Cole suddenly realized that there were so many children

in the Weasley family. He was cheating, but Arthur was really powerful.

Having said this, I have to admire Molly Weasley, she is such a great

mother, and Cole also knows that Molly's magical power is not low.

In fact, Cole didn't want to have anything to do with the Weasley family.

After all, as a member of the Order of the Phoenix, an important member,

and Dumbledore's diehard loyalist.

Cole could not help but think that the Weasleys were part of

Dumbledore's plan.

Didn't you see that when Harry entered the wizarding world, the first

friend he made was Ronald from the Weasley family.

You must know Harry's character. After staying at the Dursley's house for

a long time, Harry would never take the initiative to make friends.

Cole even knew that Harry, Draco and Martin had experienced the

Knockturn Alley incident, and both parties had a good impression.

But as soon as Ronald appeared, Harry inexplicably became at odds with

Draco, and even hated the Slytherin in his heart.

Just because of what Ronald said, all Slytherin wizards are bad wizards.

You must know that the Sorting Hat recommended that Harry go to

Slytherin. Even in adolescence, Harry can see the characteristics of


Thinking of this, Cole sighed, Professor Dumbledore really played a big

game and arranged Harry's journey from birth to Hogwarts.

What a miserable life, looking all the way into the future.

"Cole, what do you think is the difference between wizards and


Dumbledore asked suddenly, changing the subject in an instant and

catching Cole off guard. He didn't care that Cole also knew the purpose of

Dumbledore's search for him today.

It wasn't the actions of the Black family that made Dumbledore feel that

things were out of his control, and he was afraid of affecting Voldemort's


"Professor, there is actually no difference in intelligence between wizards

and Muggles, they just have different abilities. I think you also know the

development of Muggles today."

"Are you afraid of the power controlled by Muggles?"

Cole is of course talking about the weapons controlled by Muggles that

can destroy the world. Such power is unbelievable even in the eyes of


No matter how powerful the wizard is, it is impossible for a city with a

population of one million to disappear in an instant, but Muggles can do


Even the severe fire curse requires material burning, and the wizard can

also use the Ten Thousand Curses to stop it.

Muggle weapons, on the other hand, cannot be taken back once fired,

and the damage caused cannot be dissipated for hundreds of years.

As a great wizard, Dumbledore is not like some old stubborns who cannot

accept new things. He also understands the Muggle world.

·Please give me flowers...

"It's not that I'm afraid, but it's really dangerous for that kind of power to

be controlled by Muggles, but we have to follow the development of

things, everything is determined by fate.

Cole also understood that Dumbledore was also unwilling to change the

current stability of the wizarding world.

To be honest, Cole had a hard time understanding Dumbledore's changes.

In today's wizarding world, few people know about Dumbledore's past.

They just know that Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard in modern

times and carries countless auras.

But Cole knew something unknown.

That year, as the most outstanding graduate of Hogwarts, Dumbledore

could have unleashed his talents in the wizarding world.

But due to the unfortunate death of his mother, Dumbledore could only

return home to take care of his sister, who was Obscurus.


At this moment, Grindelwald, who was expelled by Durmstrang due to

conduct issues, came to the UK to find the secret agent of the Deathly


This is how the two teenagers met.

Grindelwald is like a mirror to Dumbledore. He is talented and at the

same time ignores rules, violates school rules and ignores the law. This

kind of free life attracts Dumbledore.

And similarly, in Grindelwald's eyes, Dumbledore, who is also the same

type of person as him, is very good and should not be trapped in the

small Godric Valley.

It was here that the two teenagers experienced the most unforgettable

period of their lives.

In just two months, the natives talked about it for a century.

Cole could not understand the emotions between the two people, but he

respected their choices.

Cole also knew, "For the greater good."

This sentence was put forward by Dumbledore. Dumbledore, who had

such great ambitions as a boy, now has shackles on himself.

The magic that restrains the great wizard.

Perhaps because of his sister's accidental death, Dumbledore always felt

guilty and did not dare to face Aberforth.

All results are traceable. What happened back then made Dumbledore

what he is today.

Whether he was defeating Grindelwald or Voldemort, from Cole's

perspective, Dumbledore seemed to be pushed forward by everyone.

The boy who longed for freedom has now become an old man with a

white beard, and Dumbledore Five is bound by invisible shackles. .

Chapter 66: Resurrection

Prophecy, The Disabled And

Strong-Willed Dark Lord

Dumbledore didn't know that Cole in front of him had thought so much

and knew so much about him.

His purpose today was just to test Cole's thoughts.

"Cole, do you know anything about prophecies and divination?"

"That's not true. You know Professor, I don't have any talent in


Cole's words did not make Dumbledore suspicious. After all, there were

too few wizards with divination talents, not to mention that some

divination masters were considered to have mental problems by wizards.

For example, Professor Sybill Trelawney of Hogwarts is considered crazy

in the eyes of students, and he always teaches students to talk to the

mirror in class.

He also said some words that the students could not understand.

In fact, what no one knows is that Professor Trelawney made many real

prophecies, and it was she who told Dumbledore the prophecies about

Voldemort and Harry.

As a result, just as Trelawney said, Voldemort tasted failure in Harry.

Perhaps because of his kind personality or his inability to deal with the

predicted disaster, Professor Trelawney always looks fragile and is often

in a state of fright.

This is one of the reasons why students don't like her very much. After

all, compared to other professors, Professor Trelawney looks too weak.

"Professor, are you trying to tell me about the prophecy that Voldemort

will be resurrected?"

Cole was not afraid of Voldemort, even though he knew that many

wizards used mysterious people to replace Voldemort's name because

they were afraid of being cursed.

But here in Cole, it is obvious that the Dark Lord does not have that

much face.

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, obviously not expecting Cole to be so

smart and talk to smart people easily.

"Cole, you are really smart. Do you think that prediction is true or false?"

Cole thought for a while before replying: "Professor, whether it is true or

false, isn't this about you? Even if the Dark Lord is resurrected again, I

believe you will defeat him again.

"Hahaha, Cole, I didn't expect you to have such confidence in an old man

like me."

Cole thought: Yes, yes, Mr. Principal, if I don’t have confidence in

anyone, I can’t have confidence in you.

If Voldemort hadn't been gifted and made the Horcruxes, even

Dumbledore wouldn't have known the location and number of the


Otherwise, with Old Man Deng, he can take care of a lot of Dark Lord's

people by himself.

Don't doubt Dumbledore's strength, just like you don't doubt that you are

still alive.

"Professor, you are the most famous person in the wizarding world and

the most powerful wizard in the wizarding world.

Cole's compliment made Dumbledore laugh while stroking his beard. The

simple humor also made the topic less serious.

"Cole, how can I hear the feeling of lying in your words? The most

powerful one? I'm not even sure myself."

Dumbledore looked at Cole with sharp eyes. In Dumbledore's mental

induction, Cole seemed to be surrounded by mist, and there seemed to be

a terrifying energy emperor in the mist.

"Cole, actually from the time you reappeared in the UK, or even now, I

can't see through you. I even think you seem to be a different person."

"It must be very hard outside, but life is very good now, isn't it? You have

a family and lovely children. I think you must cherish them very much."

Of course Cole knows that he is different, and he is the only one who

knows this secret, but now he is Cottrell Black, and he has been deeply

integrated into the wizarding world.

He took the fate of the Black family on his back.

"Professor Dumbledore, I just want to pass on the Black family. As for

other things, I don't care."

"Whether the Dark Lord is resurrected or not, it will not affect the Black

family. I am not interested in that pure-blood theory."

"I think you already have your own plan. Please don't doubt how I know

it. I just want to say that the Black family will not hinder you."

Cole played a word game. He said that he would not hinder Professor

Dumbledore's plan, but he did not say that he would not interfere with it.

In fact, what interested Cole was not Voldemort, but the benefits of

following Voldemort to the Black family.

Or what he might gain by following Dumbledore's plan.

It’s a typical pure-blood aristocrat’s thinking, isn’t it?

Cole would not admit that he was the same as the nobles in the

wizarding world. At most, he was a little selfish.

Dumbledore rolled his eyes and suddenly thought of something.

"Cole, I was going to tell you everything. Are you interested in joining the

great 'plan'?"

"Isn't life just one adventure after another?"

Dumbledore was like a pyramid scheme leader at this time. Cole didn't

want to admit it. Professor Dumbledore could always make simple words

very tempting.

Is this the charm of the top white wizard?

It seems that Grindelwald's failure is not unreasonable. The difference

between the black wizard and the white wizard is only the result.

"My dear principal, I am not in the mood to bully a poor man with a

disability and a strong mind. It's a pity that if I had come back earlier, I

would have joined the Order of the Phoenix and fought for you."

The current Voldemort is a semi-finished product, not even half of it,

only three-sevenths of his peak strength.

With such a disability, will it be Cole's turn to play?

"That's really a pity. Both Sirius and Regulus are talented wizards.

"Yes, my headmaster, Sirius is still in Azkaban, and there is no news

about Regulus."

Cole didn't mean anything else, he was just joking. It wasn't that he was

cold-blooded, but that these two people were not of much help to the

current Black family.

At the same time, he also knew that Regulus was dead long ago, and the

cunning and insidious Slytherin would also do good things, wouldn't he?

Dumbledore obviously heard Cole's teasing, but on the surface he didn't

have any trouble at all.

Dumbledore obviously has his own determination and choice. Today's

wizards think that Dumbledore is a kind person.

But sometimes kindness does not mean innocence. As long as he can

achieve his goal, Dumbledore doesn't care what others think of him.

"Cole, your words are really sharp, making even an old man like me feel


"Ha ha ha ha."

2.4 The two people laughed at the same time. It was obvious that the

talented wizards were more like the same kind.

"Cole, your wizard bank, don't forget to cooperate with Hogwarts in the

future. After all, some young wizards still need loans, but they don't have

the ability to make money."

Obviously Cole's words made Dumbledore temporarily give up his

thoughts. No matter what changes happened later, at least for now,

Dumbledore believed that Cole would not do anything irrational.

"Of course, principal, young wizards are the future of the magical world."

"Would you like to stay for the dinner later? I don't think you want to eat

Hogwarts food either."

Dumbledore invited Cole to the dinner, and Cole didn't refuse. It

happened that he hadn't seen Martin and the others for a long time, as

well as his little cotton-padded jacket Alice.

"Of course, thank you Professor for the invitation."

Chapter 67 Quirrell’S

Performance, The Mountain

Monster Appears

In the Hogwarts school cafeteria, the four long tables were filled with

students from all grades. Cole sat next to Dumbledore, and to his right

was Snape, who had a sullen expression.

It was not yet afternoon, and Cole went to visit some children in class. He

accidentally saw Snape making things difficult for Harry. He teased him a

few times, and Snape became so embarrassed.

"Snape, why haven't you changed your petty nature? Did I say something

wrong just now? You are so deep in emotion that you can't extricate


"Are all people from Slytherin like this? It seems that I am also a

dedicated person."

Snape glanced coldly and said coldly: "You? Cole, you are an emotionless


"Wow, Snape, you're really good at reading people."

Cole had a lot of fun seeing Snape's appearance, teasing the serious old

bat always made people feel happy.

Cole was about to say something when he saw Harry leading Ronald into

the cafeteria and sitting at the long Gryffindor table.

He wanted to continue teasing Snape, but when he saw Snape's

murderous expression, Cole believed that Snape must want to use Shen

Ying Wu Feng to deal with him at this time.

In order to prevent Martin and others from being grabbed by Snape to

answer questions in class, Cole sealed his mouth with gestures with his


Turning his gaze to Slytherin, Martin had indeed seen him. After Cole

nodded, he sat down to eat.

The two brats Jerome and Ben were not excited at all when they saw

him. They are heartless brats who are better off wearing big

windbreakers and small cotton-padded jackets.

Alice was about to run over before she saw it, but Darlene held her back.

Cole gave the two sisters a calming look.

"Snape, look, how polite and cute my child is. Have you really never

thought about having a child of your own?"

"Cole, if the chicken drumsticks in the cafeteria can't stop your mouth, we

can go for a walk outside."

Slightly shrugging his shoulders, Cole sighed that he was really a big

lover. To be honest, Cole really didn't know how good Harry's mother

was. Maybe the white moonlight that he couldn't get was the best.

Focusing on food, Cole found that the food at Hogwarts was pretty good.

Although British wizards didn't care much about food, at least these little

wizards ate well.

House elves are indeed very useful and solve the problem of wizards not

wanting to do housework.

I heard that Hogwarts has hundreds of house elves, and behind the food

on the table are the elves who are so busy in the kitchen that they are


There really is exploitation everywhere.

Hundreds of people are dining in a grand and orderly manner. The empty

plates on the long table will disappear in the next second, and appear

again and be full again.

The professors sat on it to dine and look at the lively little wizards below.

Suddenly, the door to the Hogwarts cafeteria was knocked open. A

panicked Quirrell walked to the center in a few steps, and the

surrounding area fell silent instantly.

"The mountain monster is in the basement, I thought you knew it."

After saying that, Professor Quirrell fell to the ground.

A few seconds later, the little wizards shouted in fear, and some of them

were already running out, panicking.

The little wizard's shrill voice almost deafened Cole's ears. Cole also

understood that the troll incident happened today. You call it a

coincidence or not.

However, Cole can still understand the performance of the little wizards.

The juniors are almost crawling under the long table, while the seniors

are calmer. After all, they have mastered some magic spells.

Today's first-year students are already very powerful if they can learn the

levitating spell.

Of course, Cole also paid attention to Martin and the others, but he didn't

expect Draco to be so timid, opening his mouth wide enough to stuff a

suckling pig.

It was Martin who slapped him in the face to make Draco stop his stupid


Draco felt embarrassed because he found that even sister Alice did not

show a fearful expression.

"Quiet, the prefects of each grade will take the students back. Professor

Li, please follow me."

Loud like a bell, Dumbledore's words silenced everyone present, and

prefects from each college also came out one by one to arrange things.

The only difference is that other colleges do not have prefects in the first

grade, but are arranged by the senior class.

Only Slytherin first years have shadow prefects, and Cole certainly knows

this rule.

But what he didn't expect was that the person who stood up turned out to

be Martin. Little Martin was obviously very prestigious in the first grade

and led people out of the cafeteria.

Before leaving, Alice still looked at him reluctantly, but Cole understood

that there would be no safety issues with the children.

What can a little mountain monster do?

As for Quirrell, who is still lying on the ground, Cole saw the

performance just now with his own eyes, and can only say that the

performance is zero.

The expression is too exaggerated, failure.

The look in his eyes is too cowardly and a failure.

He fainted on the spot, a failure within a failure.

You are a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. How can a little

mountain monster do this to you? Could it be that the mountain monster

inserted its rod into your butt?

If this is the case, Quirrell can still be considered a genius if he can still

run to the cafeteria.

Cole didn't know whether this was Voldemort's guidance or Quirrell's

own performance. Anyway, from today on, Professor Quirrell is a joke at


The dignified Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was frightened by

a mountain monster and fainted.

Watching Dumbledore leading Professor McGonagall and Snape into the

basement in a hurry, while other professors arranged for the students of

the college, Cole followed.

Along the way, you can see the residue of mucus on the mountain

monster's body, as well as the rocks broken by swinging the stick.

As he was approaching the women's bathroom, Cole heard a heavy sound

of falling to the ground. The first thing he saw when he entered was

Harry sitting next to the troll, with his wand deeply inserted into the

monster's vagina.

Ronald next to him had not yet put down his wand, and Hermione looked

on in surprise.

"Why are you here? Harry, Ronald and Miss Hermione."

When Professor McGonagall saw that he was a student from 380 of his

own college, he immediately questioned him sternly. He felt relieved

when he saw that the troll had lost its fighting ability.

Cole couldn't see Snape's emotional expression. Big Bat just stood and

watched coldly.

But Cole knew that his heart was not as peaceful as his appearance.

Dumbledore looked at Harry with interest as he stood up from beside the


"It's because of me. I saw how to subdue the mountain monster in a book,

so I dragged Harry and the others here."

Hermione immediately stood up and explained, after all, Harry and

Ronald had just saved her.

"How dare you? This is a very dangerous thing, Miss Hermione. You have

violated school rules and will be deducted five points."

Hermione, who had her points deducted for the first time, didn't feel so

uncomfortable, but felt very happy.

Professor McGonagall turned to Harry and Ronald and said: "As for you,

the reward is ten points, no matter what, you can't do such dangerous

things in the future."

It was also the first time for the Harry duo to score extra points, showing

happy smiles.

Dumbledore did not stop Professor McGonagall when he spoke. After all,

McGonagall was the Head of Gryffindor.

"Okay, little wizards, go back and rest quickly."

Before leaving, Harry suddenly noticed Snape unconsciously removing

his cloak, and secretly paid attention to it.

When Cole saw this scene, he didn't understand that this was to gain

experience for the Harry trio.

Isn't the guardian of the first level a mountain monster?

The matter has been resolved and several people left the bathroom. .

Chapter 68: Little Genius Harry,

The Future Of Muggles And


The next day, Cole had left, and Harry, Ronald, and Hermione were

sitting in the cafeteria eating. After what happened yesterday, the

friendship between the three of them had been established.

Snape suddenly came over and said to Harry: "Good luck to you Harry,

since you can subdue the troll, then today's Quidditch match will not be a

problem for you."

"Even if the opponent is Slytherin."

After Snape finished speaking, he walked away without limping slowly.

Cole would have laughed to death if he had been present. The words

were clearly congratulatory, but when they came out of Snape's mouth,

there was a strange sense of ridicule.

Harry stared at Snape's back and finally confirmed his suspicion.

"My guess is right, it must be him."

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Do you remember the three-headed dog that night? Snape's wound must

have been bitten by the three-headed dog.

"Yesterday he let the mountain monster in and went around, just to get

the things guarded by the three-headed dog, things that Professor

Dumbledore kept in Gringotts."

Ronald thought about it with his little head for a long time, but he really

couldn't figure it out.

"But wasn't Gringotts stolen? Are you saying he didn't get that thing?"

Harry seemed to be possessed by a detective at this moment, and he was


"He must have used the mountain monster to attract other people's

attention yesterday. Also, Martin's father came unexpectedly yesterday

and even stayed for dinner."

"What's more, aren't Martin's father and Snape good friends? One of them

stalks Professor Dumbledore, and the other sends out monster noises to

attack the east and west."

At this time, Harry was not only suspicious of Snape, but also Cole who

happened to be here.

"Martin Blake's father? Is he also a Slytherin?"

Ronald could answer Hermione's questions instantly, he took them


"Of course, all Slytherins come out are bad people."

Harry wasn't in the mood to eat either, so he folded his arms with a

determined look on his face.

"The two of them must be working together to steal Professor

Dumbledore's things.

Hermione remained skeptical. She had always respected the professor.

Even though Snape was the Head of Slytherin, she did not think Snape

was a bad person.

Ronald became excited and believed Harry's words.

"Harry, is there a possibility that Draco and Martin are also involved in

the plan? After all, they are the Malfoy family and the Black family, and

they have produced many dark wizards.

Harry nodded. "This is very possible. They are working as inside agents in

the school. We must keep an eye on them, help Professor Dumbledore

and protect his things."

Hermione looked at the two extremely serious people, raised her right

hand and said weakly: "Why don't you go to Professor Dumbledore and


"Hermione, even if you don't believe Harry's words, do you think

Professor Dumbledore will?"

Ronald was finally smart for once, and his logic was indeed correct.

Harry no longer cared about Quidditch in the afternoon and took Ronald

to discuss it.

If Cole knew that these two little brats were cricketing him like this

behind his back, he would be absolutely speechless.

What does it mean to cooperate with Snape inside and outside?

What does it mean to enter Hogwarts with conspiracy?

He was personally invited by Dumbledore.

If Cole knew that he just came to Hogwarts for a meal and happened to

encounter the mountain monster incident, he would be identified as

Voldemort's accomplice by the clever Harry and Ronald.

You will definitely sigh, these two little guys can really imagine it.

At this time, Harry still believed that Snape was the one with bad

intentions, and did not know about the existence of the destined Dark


Cole, who didn't know he was carrying a big pot on his back, was

currently staring at the netminder to open up the court.

On a piece of land connecting Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley, Cole

looked at the busy wizards and the buildings that were rising from the

ground, and his inner accomplishment was indescribable.

It was announced yesterday that the Black family would no longer use

the Gringotts vault, and today Cole and others were busy.

Many wizards watched the Black family's actions and saw the Daily

Prophet and knew what Black was going to do.

Both the wizards in Knockturn Alley and the wizards in Diagon Alley

were watching the excitement from outside.

After all, this matter is very new to them.

The family wizard Wright came over, bowed his head to Cole and said:

"Master, the Ministry of Magic already knows about it and has not sent

anyone to inquire."

Cole nodded. In fact, this matter had little to do with the Ministry of

Magic. He was just being careful and going through the process at most.

The quarrel between the Ministry of Magic and Gringotts has not ended

yet, so how could they be in the mood to take care of him.

What's more, this piece of land belongs entirely to the Black family, and

he has absolute rights to use it.

Although the management of Diagon Alley belongs to the Ministry of

Magic, this is normal business behavior, not to mention that Cole is now

working for the benefit of wizards.

Stupid people can't understand it and think it doesn't matter, but people

who are thoughtful will definitely know that there is definitely a problem

with Gringotts being managed by goblins.

Buildings on the surface can be completed in a short time, and the

wizard's magic is extremely convenient for infrastructure construction.

It can be said that wizards are natural geniuses in infrastructure

construction. They can move boulders and dig tunnels. Everyone is a

shield machine.

These people were specially found by Cole. As for the defense of the cave

underground, magic inscriptions and magic circles need to be carved, as

well as some warning spells.

Special chemicals are used to reinforce and solidify the surroundings of

the vault. It is so hard that even magic spells cannot break it in a short


With this protective ability, even Muggle's special weapons may not be

able to be bombed to pieces.

The magic of the wizarding world is definitely beyond the imagination of


Just like Dumbledore wasn't worried about the rise of Muggles, Cole

wasn't actually worried either. Those kinds of large-scale weapons were

not to be used casually.

Due to the flexibility and dispersion of wizards, a big city like London

doesn't have to worry about suffering a devastating blow.

What's more, the top Muggles maintain close ties with the International

Ministry of Magic. Although the top Muggles understand that the

existence of wizards is a threat.

But there is no way, unless Muggles have the idea of ​​dying with


High-level Muggles are also protected by the International Ministry of

Magic, and there is a cooperative relationship between the two.

Cole guessed that in addition to war factors, wizards were also one of the

reasons for the rapid development of Muggle weapons.

I just don't know whether the two worlds can coexist peacefully in the

future, but now, it is impossible for them to cause a fatal blow to each


No one from the wizards stood up, not even the second generation Dark


This kind of tacit peace can still be guaranteed.

Cole shook his head, feeling that he was thinking too much, and who

could say for sure what would happen in the future.

However, Cole believes that under his leadership, the Black family will

become stronger and stronger, and maybe one day it will change the


Let the Muggle world become a part of the wizarding world. .

Chapter 69 Nico Mellor, New


The early morning sun covered Black Castle, and Cole stood in the attic,

quietly enjoying the sunshine.

Time passed by, and it had been more than a month since he returned

from Hogwarts.

Cole was very busy during this period. Not only did he have to keep an

eye on Diagon Alley, but the trouble with the Avery family gradually


Cole was not in the mood to pay attention to things at Hogwarts, no

matter whether Voldemort was killing unicorns in the Forbidden Forest

or walking into Dumbledore's trap step by step.

Cole didn't care. Before Voldemort was resurrected, Cole had no intention

of doing anything.

Although he was curious about unicorns, he also knew that killing

unicorns would be cursed, let alone using unicorn blood to extend life.

Those are all solutions that treat the symptoms rather than the root


However, Cole recently heard that Nico Mele announced in the wizarding

world that he would give up using the magic stone to extend his life and

face death.

It's not like the impact of this incident went unnoticed in the eyes of the

students at Hogwarts.

You must know that Nico Mele is very famous in the entire wizarding


Born in the fourteenth century, the famous alchemist is still considered

by today's wizards to be the ancestor of European alchemy.

Nico is not only highly accomplished in alchemy, he is also a gifted

master of potions, proficient in dueling and divination. Even after

Dumbledore appeared, he was considered the most powerful being in the

wizarding world.

As a living fossil that has lived from the fourteenth century to the

present, countless teachers believe that this is the secret of Nico's


However, Nico and his wife have been coming and going erratically, and

their residence has been cast under a spell, and no one can find it.

What's more, if you find him, you can't do anything to Nico. He's just old,

but not without strength.

As a top alchemy master, Nico's various alchemy items are not easy to


Cole suspected that the residence of Nico and his wife was made by

alchemy, and that it might even exist in a different space, leaving only

the key in this world.

Only those who accept the invitation can enter.

Or maybe he changes his position from time to time and is erratic,

otherwise how could there be rumors all over the world that he has seen

Master Nico.

In Egypt, Europe, and Africa, wizards often declare that they have seen

Nico Mele.

There is another reason why Cole said this is the most important thing

happening in the wizarding world today.

That is when Master Nico Mele announced that he had left the secret of

alchemy in his will, and that those who were destined to get it would get

it in the future.

This is a big deal. Not only wizards in the UK, but wizards all over the

world are coveting this will.

Of course, I am talking about ordinary wizards like them, and I am not

interested in those wizards who have already found their own way.

Smart people also know that learning alchemy requires talent, and the

secrets of alchemy are more difficult than magic spells.

Just like Cole's men now put inscriptions on the treasury, this is not

something ordinary wizards can do.

Not everyone is a genius, and those who covet this power without

thinking will meet death.

What's more, Nico also has Dumbledore by his side. The two have known

each other since the twentieth century and established a profound

friendship when Grindelwald started the war.

Dumbledore would not allow anyone with ill intentions to get close to

Nico Mellor.

If you ask Cole if he is interested in Nico's alchemy, he really has no

interest at all. He is not a very smart person. If he wants to spend his

time on alchemy books, he might as well learn Horcruxes from


Yes, Cole suddenly thought, Voldemort was able to successfully make

Horcruxes when he was a student, and his talent in alchemy was

definitely outstanding.

It's a pity that Lord Voldemort has no intention of doing this.

But now Voldemort is also interested in the Philosopher's Stone, and he

has the method to make it.

In fact, even if Nico's magic stone was taken away by Voldemort, Nico

could still make another one.

However, the current Dumbledore would not recommend Voldemort to

study with Nico, otherwise the next master of alchemy would be the Dark


Cole was standing in the attic, thinking wildly, when suddenly there was

a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Wright hurried in and told Cole that the ground under construction on

the Quidditch pitch had been damaged.

Anger arose in his heart. Cole didn't expect that just after he finished his

work, things happened one after another. Who was so bold (cjae) to

attack the Black family's territory.

"Light, call someone."

A magic firework was emitted from Wright's hand, and he got out of the

window. He transformed and came outside to receive the letter. The team

of wizards were all dressed in black robes and were waiting in formation.

Cole didn't waste any time and disappeared into the manor with his men.

A valley on the outskirts of Brighton County is sparsely populated, but

the scenery is attractive enough.

Cole appeared in the valley with his people. Seeing that the confusing

spell outside had not disappeared, he walked directly into the barrier.

What came into view was a mess. On the flat ground in the center of the

valley, there used to be a Quidditch pitch, with stands surrounding it

towering into the clouds.

The green grass in the middle of the stadium was now burned to the

ground, and the stands were in dilapidated condition.

A group of Black guard wizards were still dealing with the Hungarian Bee

Dragon, which made Cole's teeth itch.

Without waiting for Cole's instructions, Wright and his team stepped

forward directly and joined the battle.

The Hungarian Bee Dragon has a violent and cruel personality. Its huge

wings allow its body of more than ten meters to flexibly turn in the air.

From time to time, flames are sprayed from the mouth, and the wizards

have to be careful about the bite of the bee dragon.

Cole looked at the bee dragon's eyes and knew that the dragon had been

drugged with magic medicine. Otherwise, no matter how ferocious the

bee dragon was, it would not be able to resist running away despite a

dozen wizards.

There were various torn wounds on the Bee Dragon's body, and the

dragon's blood spilled from the air like a stream.

Cole did not step forward. He was just an irrational bee dragon. It didn't

take long for his wings to be chopped off by the wizards.

Before the dragon corpse hit the ground, it was already torn apart.

"Master, I have already asked clearly. In addition to this dragon, there are

three wizards who ran away without seeing their faces.

"Well, I understand. You go down and clean up first, and restore

everything as soon as possible. Since someone is causing trouble, we

must speed up the pace."

Cole had actually guessed whose handiwork it was. Ever since the Black

family's broomstick entered various teams in the wizarding world, it had

already attracted attention.

The first-generation broomsticks were sent to major Quidditch teams, and

testing has been well received by players.

Even the latest Nimbus 2000 on the market can surpass the first-

generation broom, not only in terms of speed but also stability.

As the most trustworthy Sweep Seven Star, it is not as good as it in terms

of stable performance.

Cole named the first generation broom Meteor One. After a lot of market

research, the Black family's broom company was about to be established.

At this critical point, something like this happened.

It was obvious that the person who attacked this time was either

someone from the broom company or the Avery family who ran the

Quidditch pitch.

The newly emerged meteor broom will definitely impact the existing

broom market. You must know that the cake is so big. If Cole wants to

profit from it, he will inevitably offend people.

This incident is a warning.

Cole sneered, he is not afraid of challenges, whether it is the wizarding

world or the Muggle world, if you want to gain benefits, you have to


The next step is to deal with this crisis. .

Chapter 70: The Broom Company

Provides Benefits To The Family

Cole didn't bother to look for the three masked wizards who disappeared.

When such a case occurs, Cole certainly does not intend to seek help

from the Ministry of Magic. As the official organization of the wizarding

world, the Ministry of Magic naturally has the power to handle these


But it's not Cole's character to 'call the police'. The other party can play

tricks, and so can Cole.

Little Avery's suspicion is greater. After all, the Meteor No. 1 has not yet

been released, and the broom company will not engage in such petty


As for little Avery, he can definitely do such a thing. Does this brainless

person really think that this will hit him?

I don’t know that Cole doesn’t care about a stadium at all. For something

like this, Cole can build as many as he wants. There is no shortage of

money at all. The gold content of the nouveau riche, do you understand?

The day after returning to the castle, the Commercial Department of the

Ministry of Magic submitted the procedures to officially register the

Meteor Broomstick Company.

A few days later, a broom shop suddenly appeared in Diagon Alley, with

bright windows filled with meteor brooms.

On a promotional poster outside the store, the famous Quidditch star

rides the Meteor One. The popular One has an exquisite appearance, cool

special effects and a blue streamer during flight.

It catches the eye instantly.

Many children were clinging to the window to watch.

Today's Daily Prophet's home page also published the announcement of

Meteor 1.

Famous reporter Rita Skeeter said: Through the grapevine, all major

Quidditch teams are interested in ordering Meteor One, and the broom

market will change in the future.

At the same time, the Daily Prophet includes interviews with major

broom companies.

Looking at the Daily Prophet, Cole almost died laughing. He spent some

gold and galleons to let Rita interview the leaders of Sideswipe and


Originally they thought Rita was there specifically to promote the

company and was dressed up to attend, but after the interview her face

turned livid.

Angrily, he directly said that Meteor Broom Company was garbage and it

was impossible to replace them.

This statement was directly published in the newspaper by Rita. As long

as it was beneficial, Rita would not care about these two companies.

Creating gimmicks is Rita's famous operation. The battle between Meteor

Company and the old broom company will definitely occupy the

newspaper cover in the coming weeks.

When he saw that the time was almost up, Cole also stood up. Today was

the day when Cole invited reporters from the wizarding world to hold a

press conference. He was going to announce the Black family's

broomstick in front of everyone.

When we arrived at the door of the shop in Diagon Alley, there were

already a large number of wizards watching the excitement. Diagon Alley

had not been so lively for a long time.

At the front, Rita was ready with her photographer, and there were many

other reporters beside her.

The crowd made a way and Cole stepped forward quickly.

"Everyone, today is the day the Meteor Broom Company was established.

After years of research by the Black family, they have finally developed a

better flying broom. Please take a look."

Cole raised his hand and cast a spell, and a water-blue curtain appeared

in the sky, with silhouettes flashing across it.

"It's Appleby Arrows, my God, my favorite team."

“The Balicas Bats are the champions.”

"Fuck Merlin, didn't you see the Bulgarian national Quidditch team?"

The water curtain in the sky played scenes of teams using Meteor No. 1

broomsticks, and each Quidditch action in the hands of the stars was a

feast for the eyes.

Various reversal movements flow smoothly.

"Oh my god, even Nimbus 2000 can't do this Armstrong maneuver so


"How does Meteor 1 do it? It is fast while maintaining stability. Even its

turning speed is not weak. It simply surpasses all broomsticks on the


Waves of exclamations brought a smile to Cole's face. He had been

preparing for so long just to dazzle the wizards.

Although there are better models behind the Meteor Broom, that's not

how business is done, so there's no way to make big moves right from the


What's more, the performance of Meteor One is already very good. Even

if Nimbus Company and Sideswipe Company release new products, Cole

will have models to cope with it.

Ten minutes later, the scene ended, and Cole clapped his hands to let

everyone focus on him.

"Everyone, I believe that everyone has seen the performance of Meteor

One. All the major Quidditch teams are interested in cooperating with

Meteor Company, which is enough to illustrate the problem."

"Starting today, Meteor One is officially on sale."

Cole announced the arrival of Meteor 1, but he had something else to say


"Today, I will announce the price of Meteor One. In order to repay the

wizard, in the first month, I decided to sell Meteor One at a discount."

"Are you curious how much a broomstick with such excellent

performance costs in Galleons?"

Cole paused for a moment, looked at the curious and eager eyes of many

people, and then shouted loudly:

“The Black family’s centuries of hard work, special engine braking, and

exquisite appearance don’t cost three thousand gold galleons today.

Nor two thousand gold galleons.

Not to mention a thousand gold galleons, only 998 gold galleons. "

…Please give me flowers…

“998, you can’t lose money or be cheated, take home the most powerful

broomstick on the market.

#998, the first choice for wizards for daily commuting, and a Christmas

and New Year gift for children. "

Every time Cole read out a number, the wizards present were shocked.

Finally, they heard that they could buy Meteor One for less than a

thousand gold galleons.

The Quidditch enthusiasts present cheered, and even wizards who didn't

like broomsticks felt the desire to buy them.

"Oh my god, Nimbus 2000 costs more than three thousand galleons,

while Meteor One only costs nine hundred and ninety-eight. This is

simply unbelievable."

When Cole heard the following words, he knew for sure that this was

certainly not his request. How could the dignified Black use such a small


As long as no one knows about it, it wasn't him who did it!

"Everyone, Meteor Company is offering a tearful bonus. Don't miss it. If

you are willing to buy it now, please hurry up. Meteor Company

guarantees that it will be replaced if it breaks within three years."

Cole stepped aside and opened the door to the store. Many enthusiasts

rushed in impatiently, holding money bags in their hands for fear that

they would not be able to grab it.

The store clerk's shouts were also drowned out by shouts.

"There's plenty of stock, don't worry."

Rita in the distance nodded to Cole, turned and left. She immediately

published the news in the Daily Prophet.

Cole looked at the store that was about to be overcrowded and showed a

satisfied smile.

Yes, Cole is going to start a price war. Although this move is despicable

and shameless, it will even hurt both sides.

But who is Cole? Losing money will not make things easier for the Big

Four broom companies.

Black, who had robbed a wave of treasury, had money and confidence.

Cole just wanted to see who would be the first to fail.

The price of nine hundred and ninety-eight, on the broomstick market,

would make you lose even your underwear.

But Cole doesn't care, seizing the market is his strategy, simple and


To put it bluntly, they were burning Galleons and squeezing the broom

market. This was a set of unethical operations that caused Sideswipe and

Nimbus to suffer huge losses.

If they can't hold on any longer, Cole will be the dominant player in the

future market.

In addition to the British wizarding world, Cole's actions were also

underway in other parts of Europe at the same time.

In the future, whether the other party engages in a price war with him

and sells at a reduced price, or launches a new broom model, Cole will

have corresponding means.

If it still doesn't work, just lift the table. If it's difficult to handle? Then

don't do it.

Anyway, Blake is determined to eat this cake. .

Chapter 71 The Quidditch Match

Is In Full Swing

In the suburbs of Brighton County, if Muggles go out for an outing, they

can see weird people in black robes gathering in the wild.

However, any building or gathering place in the wizarding world will

have a Muggle confusion spell, causing Muggles to subconsciously ignore

some unusual things.

If a large-scale exposure event occurs, the Ministry of Magic will take

action to erase the memory, and the Muggle government will also

cooperate to clean up traces of wizards.

Today, so many wizards can gather together, of course, because an

exciting Quidditch match will begin at the stadium just outside


A contest between Puddlemere United and Potter's Madmen was held at

the Black Quidditch Pitch.

In order to apply for the right to host this game, Cole did not know how

many gold galleons he spent on connections.

Who on earth said that Europeans are not sociable? Cole just wanted to

throw rum in his face.

These greedy "560" wizards, one day Cole will stuff the troll's stick into

their eloquent mouths.

You know, Puddlemere United and the Madmen were both on the verge

of losing their minds last season. On the field, Puddlemere's batsman

directly fractured the Madmen's goalkeeper.

If it weren't for the referee's intervention, I believe a fight would have

started on the field.

However, the grievances between the two teams also bought the seeds for

the excitement of today's game. Countless fans wanted to see who was

more skilled.

Never question the hooliganism of the British Wizards. Some fans even

went to the players' lounge and threatened to kill them if they lost.

In the stands of the stadium, there were already a sea of ​​people sitting

in the stands before the players entered the stadium. Fans of the two

teams were distributed in the east and west stands, shouting and cheering

for the team.

Team flags were flying in the sky. Puddlemere United's flag was painted

with two crossed golden water candles, and the Madmen's team was a

golden five-star.

Cole saw such a grand occasion in the stands and became interested in

the sport of Quidditch. It was inevitable to be excited in such an


No matter how outrageous the rules of Quidditch are, at least now, Cole

can vent himself freely.

There was actually a band in the east stands, and this was not invited by


The Weird Girl Wizards are a very famous band. The lead guitarist Curley

is the son of Katrina McMahon, the most famous chaser of the Madmen.

Come spontaneously to cheer for the Madmen.

Katrina's daughter Migian is also the team's goalkeeper.

It is also very common in the wizarding world for mother and daughter

to play for the same team.

Little did they know that the members of the Wigtown Wanderers were

all descendants of the Parkin family. In order to pay tribute to their

ancestors, Parkin could often be seen on the bench of the Wanderers with

a butcher's knife in his hand.

This naked act of intimidation was even approved by the Quidditch


Amid the referee's shouts, the players from both sides officially appeared,

the Puddlemere players wearing navy blue uniforms, and the Madmen

players wearing dark purple uniforms.

They were all greeted by the cheers of thousands of fans in the stands.

"Crush the navy bitch on the other side."

"The butcher's knife of the Madmen will tear open your wounds."

"Foolish butcher, kneel before the Puddlemere fleet."

Cole also expressed his inner emotions along with the shouts.

"Fight, it's better to fight."

The Malfoys, who were invited by Cole, looked at this scene with doubts

on their faces. They never imagined that Cole had such a heart.

"Cole, you really don't think it's a big deal just because you're watching

the fun."

"Lucius, you don't understand. The more lively this game is, the more

people will pay attention to the stadium.

Cole clapped his hands in welcome, looked at the court, but kept talking.

"Draco, that little guy, doesn't like Quidditch the most? He can come and

play with Martin and the others during his vacation."

"It's a pity that they won't be able to see today's game."

Hearing that Cole, his uncle, cared about Draco, even Narcissa, who

didn't often give Cole a smile, felt a little relieved.

At first, Narcissa felt that Cole was too cold-blooded, even though the

feelings between nobles were not deep in the first place.

But Narcissa and Lucius are not. They take their family very seriously.

Narcissa wanted to help Sirius, but after Lucius' analysis, it was unlikely

that Narcissa would lose her owner.

I understand even more clearly that at that time, Lucius had done his best

to keep the Malfoy family.

What's more, there is no place for Sirius in the Black family now, and

Narcissa gradually loses that idea. After all, it is impossible to get Draco

and her husband into it for Sirius.

In fact, in the final analysis, Cole did not want to cause trouble, but Barty

Crouch replaced his son from Azkaban.

It is still hidden at home, under the watchful eye of the house elves.

Of course Cole can do it, he just needs to find a scapegoat...

But Cole knew that Sirius was not a peaceful master, and he would

definitely find Harry after he was rescued. If he showed up, there would

be disaster.

What's more, Cole originally had a grudge against Sirius, so it was even

more impossible for him to do such a thing.

Anyway, Cole knew that Sirius would escape from prison in two years

and Voldemort would be resurrected, so maybe Cole could benefit from


Turning our attention to the field, players from both sides played very

aggressively from the beginning, not allowing a single fly ball.

The batsmen fought in the air, even knocking the opponent's players

down to prevent them from getting close to the goal.

The fierce competition also ignited the passion of the audience, and the

cheers were loud.

If it hadn't been sealed by a curse, the sound would have reached


Seekers from both teams flew at the highest point, their sharp eyes

intently looking for the Golden Snitch.

According to the rules of Quidditch, as long as you get the Golden Snitch,

the game is over. No matter how exaggerated the score is at the time, if

you get the Golden Snitch, you have a chance to turn defeat into victory.

I saw Katrina McMahon, the pursuer of the Madmen, seeing that her

goalkeeper daughter was almost shot in the head by the opponent. She

couldn't help but ride up on her broom and knock down the opponent's


At an altitude of tens of meters, Puddlemere's players were free-falling,

and their own players quickly flew down to catch them, thus avoiding

falling onto the grass.

The excitement of the game made the audience scream and curse.

Cole wasn't worried about causing anyone's life. In fact, the entire grass

field was cursed by Cole. If a player fell, he would at most suffer


This minor 3.2 injury didn't even require a trip to St. Mungo's Hospital.

Of course, if your head hits the ground, the Black Family Stadium is also

equipped with a wizard medical team, and they will definitely not let you

die here.

As for whether you can survive going to St. Mungo's Hospital [that

depends on the person's skills.

Katrina's actions made the game more violent. The purpose of various

spin operations was not to hit the ball, but to hit people.

If it hadn't been for the referee's intervention later, it would have turned

into a wizard's duel.

The excitement of the game made the audience think that today's half-

discount tickets were not in vain.

That's right, Cole sold tickets at a discount for today's publicity. As for the

split between the Quidditch League and the two teams, Black made up

for it.

Do you want to say it's a loss? It's really not a loss.

Cole didn't know that the Quidditch game was so profitable. Is there too

little entertainment for wizards?

Chapter 72: Little Avery, It Didn’T

Work Then, And It Doesn’T Work

Now Either.

The game was exciting, but Lucius's attention was not on it at the time.

He had many questions. Cole's series of actions were too fast.

Even Lucius didn't understand what Cole wanted to do?

"Cole, you are officially declaring war with the Avery family this time.

Little Avery is very angry."

"Just him? How can I care about a character who can't stand on the


Lucius nodded. Indeed, the current Avery family is no longer enough for


When the Wrightsledge family provoked Cole, Cole directly declared war

and eliminated the Wrightsledge family from the wizarding world.

But we can't do this now, after all, it has been more than ten years since

the mysterious man died.

The reason Cole was able to do that in the first place was not only that

the Wrightsledge family were all Death Eaters, but also that the Ministry

of Magic's power had been severely damaged.

Without any intention or ability, Cole used the name of Auror to drive

the Wrightsledge family into the abyss.

The Ministry of Magic can only pretend not to see it. After all, Black is

also doing good things for the wizarding world, isn't he?

But now, the Ministry of Magic cannot control the private battles, and the

stability on the surface must be maintained. 29

Only within limited rules can we seek greater benefits.

The existence of the Ministry of Magic proves that no matter how chaotic

order is, it is better than no order at all.

"Cole, how else are you going to take revenge on little Avery?"

"Wow, Lucius, he is your friend. Why don't you wish him well? Just teach

him a lesson. I am a good person."

Cole boasted, no joke, that compared to Lord Voldemort, he was

extremely pure.

Lucius sneered, we are all a family, what?

Who doesn't know that Cole's revenge will either lead to death or the

destruction of the family?

"I don't believe you."

"Lucius, little Avery slaps me and I punch him. Is this a fun game?"

"It should be that if he slaps me, I will find an opportunity to kill him.

This is a pure-blood noble."

"Now is not the time. Changes are coming soon. Lucius, don't be too

afraid then."

Of course Cole can't do anything to little Avery now, but soon, the Dark

Lord will be resurrected.

Little Avery, who was originally a Death Eater, would definitely not be

able to bear it.

When the time comes, it will be justifiable, and Cole can still get some


Whatever he said, little Avery, who was still in the mouth of the two just

now, led people up the stairs, followed by several wizards, menacingly.

Of course Cole was not surprised. He also ordered everyone who came

today to buy a ticket to come in.

For something like Little Avery, full price is charged.

Turning around, Cole saw little Avery walking in front of him, and the

distance between them was less than fifty centimeters.

The only pity is that Cole has to lower his head. Who makes little Avery


Little Avery, with a ferocious look on his face, suppressed his anger and

congratulated Cole.

"Mr. Black, business is good. Thank you for your trouble."

"Of course, thanks to some clowns who only know how to play tricks, I

worked day and night to get where I am today.

Cole smiled and provoked. Not only was little Avery very courageous, but

he also had a great temper. He was worthy of being a Death Eater, but he

had a good reputation.

Look at the three melons and two dates behind him. It's not enough for

Cole to take care of alone.

"Is Mr. Avery here to congratulate me? You don't even bring a gift."

The corners of Little Avery's mouth twitched in anger, and it was

extremely difficult to hear Cole say this.

He stole the Avery family's business and still dared to show off.

Yes, today's game was originally going to be played at the Avery family

stadium. In order to welcome the team and fans, Avery Jr. made a lot of


He didn't expect to be directly intercepted by Cole. He really couldn't

understand how Cole did it. Logically speaking, the Everly family had

been cooperating with the Quidditch League for many years and could

not betray easily.

Cole saw little Avery's doubts and smiled:

"You don't understand, your little head, which is not much bigger than a

goblin, should be thrown into the sewer.'

"You, damn it, don't be too arrogant."

Cole chuckled and spread his hands. If these words sounded so familiar,

he wouldn't be polite.

"I'm so arrogant. What can you do to me? You still don't know how I got

the consent of the Quidditch League.

"Look at you, you look like a little baby."

In Lucius's eyes, Cole's demeanor suddenly changed, like a British wizard


"In terms of connections, you are not as good as me."

"In terms of financial resources, you Avery don't have as much money as I

do Black.

"What's more, in terms of strength, who are you? Don't think that you can

do whatever you want after being a Death Eater for two days. The

werewolf will either go to Azkaban or die in the hands of an Auror.

"For a guy like you who can only survive, stop pretending to be fierce in

front of me."

After Cole finished speaking, he turned to comfort Lucius who looked


"Lucius, I didn't mention you, we are relatives.

Looking back, little Avery's face turned red with anger, and his hand

unconsciously reached for the wand on his waist. The members of the

little Avery family also took action when they saw it.

Cole instantly took out the wand from the wand bag tied to his arm and

held it in his hand, with the magic power all over his body ready to


Cole's strength is considered a mystery in the entire wizarding world. The

only time he took action was in Diagon Alley ten years ago.

At that time, thunder was shining over Knockturn Alley, and countless

Death Eaters were wiped out. Only a few people knew that the Ministry

of Magic had blocked the news.

Little Avery is one of the insiders, so even if he is very angry now, he

does not dare to act rashly.

"Do it, Mr. Avery, I'm waiting. If you don't quit the Death Eater

organization, you won't be able to use the Avatar.

Avada? Little Avery's eyes were shaking. If he were here today and used

the Unforgivable Curse in public, he would be completely finished.

Little Avery, who had regained his senses, remained silent and refused to

lose face in front of Cole, so he could only remain silent.

The wizards of the Avery family behind them did not dare to act rashly.

They were certainly not afraid of Cole. As die-hard members of the

family, they could not take action without the signal from the family


"Hahaha, look, no wonder you weren't famous among the Death Eaters

back then. You weren't famous then, and you're still not famous now."

"Go away, I'm not in the mood to entertain you."

Holding back Blake's contemptuous look, little Avery said a word.

"We'll see."

He took the wizard with him and left the stand.

What happened in the stands did not attract much attention. Only the

Malfoys were in the stands and witnessed everything.

Lucius even admired Cole a little.

"Cole, you are really direct and not afraid of his impulsiveness."

Cole took back his wand, looked back at the arena, and then said, "Just

do it. If he strikes first, I will have a reason to fight back. Even if little

Avery dies here, I can have an answer to the Ministry of Magic." "

Sensing Cole's insidiousness, no wonder Cole had been provoking little

Avery just now, with this intention.

Lucius thought to himself: This kid is really insidious. He never follows

plans or routines. You have to be careful in the future and don't let Cole

plot him. Relatives are sometimes unreliable. .

Chapter 73: College Cup, No


The Hogwarts cafeteria is holding a ceremony to mark the end of the

school year. Time flies so fast that the little wizards have been playing

around in Hogwarts for a year.

For most little wizards, life at Hogwarts is always happy and interesting.

What's more, at the end of the school year, a big thing happened.

Professor Quirrell, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, turned out

to be a bad guy, trying to steal Master Nico Mellor's Philosopher's Stone

in the dungeon.

Fortunately, Harry, Ronald and Hermione used their ingenuity to stop


Of course, this is the official version, which comes from the mouth of

Ronald, the big talker.

Ronald said that he helped Harry pass the most difficult level of wizard

chess. If it hadn't been for him, Harry might not have made it to the end.

Although it was a bit unbelievable, the Gryffindor students all praised

Ronald's courage.

But none of them knew why Professor Quirrell wanted to steal the

Philosopher's Stone, and they thought it was for immortality.

In the eyes of these children, immortality is still something that they

cannot understand. Their lives have just begun, and their youth cannot

yet allow them to imagine the charm of immortality.

I don’t know the relationship between Quirrell and the mysterious man

Voldemort, and I haven’t even heard of the mysterious man’s name.

The little wizards thought it was just an ordinary theft.

After hearing about the adventures of several people from Ronald, the

Gryffindor students vowed to explore Hogwarts Castle in the next school

year, and maybe they could also experience ten great adventures.

The students of each college sat on the long table of their own college.

On the long table above the steps sat several professors, and of course the

great Headmaster Dumbledore.

Professor Dumbledore stood up, the whole place was quiet, and there

were no happy expressions on the faces of the Gryffindor students.

Everyone knows that their scores this year are at the bottom.

The Slytherin students looked proud, and even Draco was determined to

win, looking at Harry provocatively.

“Another year has passed and it’s time for us to award the College

Champions Cup. The scores of each college are as follows:

Fourth place, Gryffindor, 312 points. "

Scattered applause broke out.

"Third place, Hufflepuff, 52 points.

Hufflepuff's little wizard applauded calmly. The little badger's character

determined that they didn't care about this at all. Even if they were at the

bottom, they thought it was nothing.

But don't think that the ordinary-looking little badgers are bad. As the

college with the largest number of students, their academic performance

is not at the bottom.

On the other hand, Gryffindor is where the bad students come from.

Some people can't even complete the professor's class assignments.

But whenever it comes to this, Gryffindor students are not ashamed, but

proud of it. They have the courage to be ignorant, don't they?

Dumbledore paused before continuing his announcement.

"Second place, Ravenclaw, 426 points."

The smart little eagles also applauded. They were very satisfied with this

result. The sober little wizard Ravenclaw was more willing to focus on


Even the first-year wizard, under the guidance of his seniors, understood

the path he would take in the future in the first year and began to make

up his mind for the seventh-grade graduation exam.

The wizards of Slytherin are already smiling. Counting this year's

championship, Slytherin has won the Academy Champions Cup for seven

consecutive years.

For them, defeating Gryffindor was certainly an honor.

"First place, Slytherin, scored 472 points."

The first-year Slytherin wizard stood up and cheered, Draco also stood

up, Goyle and Crabbe shouted loudly.

Hermione and Ronald on the Gryffindor table had depressed expressions,

but Harry didn't feel anything at all.

The Slytherin flag flew from the top of the cafeteria, and green

decorations filled the surrounding area.

This is the reward for the Academy Champion.

"Martin, Ben, we have won eight consecutive championships, and

Slytherin is the strongest.

Draco danced happily, after all, he still had a share of the Academy Cup.

Martin was also happy, and Ben also had a sense of belonging to

Slytherin, so Draco shouted and celebrated with the two of them.

Instead of looking for Jerome, who has no expression at all. This year,

Jerome did not only go to class but also slept, and even skipped classes to


Surprisingly, Jerome's grades are all excellent, even except for Martin and

Ben, he has the highest test score.

Draco couldn't understand why the gap between people was so big? He

was obviously studying when he returned to the dormitory.

But comparing Goyle and Crabbe, Draco began to become superior again,

at least he was not an idiot.

Crabbe can't even finish his classwork.

As for Darlene and Alice, Team Draco will not compete with girls.

Slytherin's little wizard was celebrating, but unexpectedly Dumbledore

suddenly said:

"Well done, Slytherin, but recent events must also be taken into

consideration, and a few points will be added in the end."

The Slytherin wizards stopped cheering, and Draco had a bad feeling.

"Miss Hermione Granger, when others are in crisis, use your wisdom

calmly and get fifty points."

"Second, Mr. Ronald Weasley, the best chess player at Hogwarts, plus

fifty points."

""||Then Mr. Harry Potter, with his extraordinary courage and courage,

adds sixty points to Gryffindor House. "

At this time, Gryffindor Academy's score is the same as that of Slytherin.

"Finally, extra points for Mr. Neville Longbottom who stepped forward."

The Gryffindor table erupted in astonishing applause.

Dumbledore announced with a proud face, "If my calculations are

correct, the decoration here should be changed, Gryffindor wins the

House Cup."

Dumbledore exchanged his Slytherin aura for a Gryffindor's with a wave

of his hand. The whole sky is filled with red lion cubs.

Draco looked at Harry and others celebrating, and he hit his wizard hat


Even Martin, who has always been good-tempered, became aggrieved

and felt that Dumbledore was unfair and favored Gryffindor.

Ban's little face turned red with anger and he said: "I don't even have any

shame. The Academy Cup belongs to us, and Gryffindor is the thief."

Draco obviously felt the same way.

"Yes, Ben, that coward Neville can get extra points, why? He didn't do


Ben stood up and faced the Slytherins around him and said: "In this case,

what's the use of our hard work to win points? Just award them to


"Give them next year's too, we don't want them anymore."

Obviously, at this time, Ban also realized that their efforts were useless.

From this incident, the principal's favoritism can be seen.

When Martin saw the professor turning his attention, he quickly pulled

the unconvinced Ben down and killed him.

"Ban, it's okay.

"Brother, this is so annoying. Why?"

Although Martin is more mature, he can't explain Ban's problem and can

only offer some words of comfort.

"Ban, maybe you will get the answer to this matter from your father."

When Cole was mentioned, Ban calmed down and vented his anger on

the food in frustration.

No matter what the Slytherins think, the little Gryffindor wizard's brain

will only think that they have defeated the Slytherins.

The first year of Hogwarts ended in frustration. .

Chapter 74: Mrs. Weasley, You

Don’T Want Arthur To Lose His

Job, Right?

London Railway Station, platform nine and three-quarters, Cole and

Meira were waiting for the arrival of the Hogwarts Express.

Cole was wearing a black suit today, and Mera was wearing an exquisite

ladylike skirt, which made them stand out on the platform without

making anyone feel weird.

Unlike the Weasley couple in the distance, they were still wearing robes

in public for fear that others would not know that they were wizards.

Molly Weasley looked like a housewife at first glance, and her strong

body looked in no way inferior to Arthur next to her.

Maybe this is one of the reasons why Arthur is afraid of Molly.

Cole and Weasley didn't have much of a relationship. Even though their

pure-blood noble ancestors had blood connections, Cole didn't treat

Weasley the same way Malfoy did.

After all, it's too far apart.

The Weasley family is Dumbledore's die-hard loyalists. They have always

scorned the nobility and prefer to be close to Muggle wizards.

So Cole didn't go over to say hello, they were far away, and Lucius didn't

come today. If Cole took Draco back by the way, Lucius would be busy.

Cole waited patiently, and suddenly a few people came out from the

platform, Harry's trio, followed by Draco and the five Black brothers and


I saw several people arguing in the distance.

Ronald taunted Draco and the others, but Harry couldn't stop him even as

he pulled him beside him.

"Gryffindor is this year's champion. You must be very unwilling to lose at

my hands, Draco.

Ronald, who received Dumbledore's performance, suddenly became

swollen. He was 907 dissatisfied with everyone he met and gained

confidence to face Draco and Martin.

"Gryffindor is the thief. If it weren't for giving you extra points for

cheating, you think you can beat the excellent Slytherin. Dream on. You

and I are just Potter's followers. Don't be too proud."

Draco retorted that now he was not only targeting Harry, because he

found Weasley even more annoying.

The self-righteous Ronald heard Draco say that he was Harry's follower,

and immediately shook off Harry's hand, pushed Hermione away and

walked in front of Draco.

"Who do you think is the little follower?"

Draco would not be afraid unless he was left behind, and looked directly

at Ronald.

"I said you are just Potter's little follower, and you have no right to say

you can beat Slytherin.

Ronald's eyes turned red, he lost his mind, and pointed his wand at


"Say it again if you can."

Draco smiled disdainfully, he had to say it.

"I said, you, Weasley, are Potter's little follower."

Draco's hesitant words were full of sarcasm.

"Tarantallegra. The spell of Tarantallegra came from Ronald's mouth. It

was a curse.

It doesn't do much harm, it just makes the person under the spell do a

funny dance.

(cjbf) But obviously, Ronald, who was ignorant and unskilled, did not

perform it, but a black smoke came out of the tip of the wand.

"Black Snake is out."

Ben recited the spell directly, and a huge python appeared, hovering in

front of Ronald. The hissing sound of the snake sounded, the forked

tongue was probing, and the sharp fangs were exposed in the air.

Just waiting for Ban to give the order, he can pounce and capture


The appearance of the giant python scared Ronald so much that he dared

not move. Even Harry felt the murderous intent. As a little girl, Hermione

was even more frightened.

"Oh my god, why did a python appear at the station? Police,

The station didn't only have coins. When the Muggles saw the giant

python, they thought it had escaped from the zoo. Let's record it.

Chaos was caused around them, and many Ministry of Magic wizards

suddenly appeared, calming down the surrounding Muggles, casting

forgetting spells, and raising magic barriers.

Cole came over with Meira, and the Weasleys not far away shouted and

rushed over.

"You damn guy, how dare you hurt my child."

The giant python was only a few dozen centimeters away from Ronald.

Molly Weasley took out the magic spell as she ran and was about to

attack Ben's giant python.

Unfortunately, Cole stopped him.

"Oh, Mrs. Weasley, please don't be impulsive. It's not that bad."

Cole asked Ban to take the giant python back first. He saw what

happened just now from a distance. "It was Ronald who recited the magic

spell first."

Molly ran up and hugged Ronald in her arms, glaring at Cole like a


Cole also protected the children behind him and waited quietly.

"Mr. Black, little wizards are not allowed to use magic after leaving

Hogwarts. Little Black has violated school rules."

As an official of the Ministry of Magic, Arthur was well aware of these

regulations. The angry Arthur was not as impulsive as his wife.

Cole chuckled, obviously Weasley's words didn't scare him.

Even though Hogwarts stipulates that little wizards cannot use magic

outside the school, this rule restricts Muggle wizards.

For pure-blood nobles, there is no binding force at all. There are many

ways for nobles to train their children in spells.

"Mr. Weasley, is it possible that you are blind? Didn't you see that it was

Ronald who took out the wand first? He was the one who dared to use a

curse on his classmates and violate the school rules."

"My son only released the python in self-defense."

Even if the lawsuit goes to the Ministry of Magic, Cole has reason to

protect his son. At least Ben did it to protect his friends.

On the other hand, Ronald used a curse on his classmates just because of

a few quarrels. This is extremely bad behavior.

If Cole sues him to the Ministry of Magic, Ronald will definitely be


Arthur obviously also thought of the seriousness of the matter, his face

was ashen and he hesitated and did not dare to speak.

Molly stood up from behind Arthur and cursed angrily:

"You blood-sucking guys, if you do all the bad things, Dumbledore will

definitely punish you."

Cole expressed helplessness at Molly's failure to see the situation clearly.

How could Dumbledore ask him about such a trivial matter.

I wonder if he has someone in the Ministry of Magic?

And Arthur is just the head of the Department for the Prohibition of the

Misuse of Muggle Items at the Ministry of Magic.

There were only two people in the whole office - himself and the old

wizard Perkins.

How much ability can a mere commander have?

"Mr. Weasley, it is obvious that your wife is still unwilling to give up.

Otherwise, we will let the Ministry of Magic investigate and find out

whose fault it is. No matter what the result is, just don't regret it."

"Mrs. Weasley, you are really irrational at all. You don't want your

husband to lose his job in the Ministry of Magic, do you?"

Strange words came out of Cole's mouth. He was certainly not interested

in Mrs. Weasley.

How can that damn waist be compared to the slender Ms. Meira next to

her who gave birth to a child?

Cole turned his head and blinked at Meira who was covering her mouth

and laughing, indicating that he definitely had no such idea.

Molly was also afraid that her husband would lose his job because of this

incident, and the family would have to go to the northwest to drink. The

poor Weasley was already living in poverty.

Arthur remained silent, grabbed his wife and son, and left with Harry.

Hermione also saw her parents and ran into her mother's arms.

The departure of Weasley and others made the atmosphere relaxed.

Looking at Draco who was still panting, Cole comforted him softly.

"Draco, it's just a small matter. I won't tell your father. Come with us and

go to Black Castle as a guest first."

Cole stepped forward and pinched Ban's serious face and said with a

smile: "Well done, my dear son."

"Of course Martin, Jerome, my little cuties Darlene and Alice."

The rain and dew were all wet, and Cole praised all his children without

being partial. He hugged and encouraged the children one by one.

Then watching the children fall into Meira's arms, Cole felt extremely

happy. .

Chapter 75: Fireside Chat, Cole’S


Cole, who returned to the manor, sat in front of the fireplace and listened

to the children telling them what happened at Hogwarts.

Although he knew that Voldemort was behind the scenes, Cole didn't

know the specific details.

As Draco danced and narrated, Martin and Ben added that eight out of

ten of Draco's sentences could relate to Potter.

Cole believed in fate. The two men were natural enemies.

Everyone in Martin's name is Harry, but he is the only one called Potter.

Isn't this a preference?

If Draco were a girl like Darlene and Alice, Cole would start hitting on


"Uncle Cole, you don't know that this year's Academy Cup was supposed

to belong to us Slytherins, but Professor Dumbledore's extra points

allowed Gryffindor to surpass us. It's really annoying.

When Draco mentioned it, Martin and Ben's expressions changed.

Cole knows that children at this age cannot yet understand that their

judgment of things is that right is right and wrong is wrong.

There is no doubt about Slytherin's strength for seven consecutive

championships, and there is no doubt about the desire of the little snakes

for honor. But what can you do if they are partial to you?

"Father, we lost to the Gryffindors."

Ben was dejected. After all, he was still just a child. Cole also understood

that among the siblings, Ben was the last to gain magic power and was

the most competitive.

Look at Jerome, this kid is spread out on the sofa with a nonchalant look

on his face. He doesn't care who Slytherin loses to.

Cole comforted softly, "Ben, you didn't lose, it's just that the outcome of

the matter was a bit unexpected."

"You are all my children and you have excellent grades. I am proud of


To be honest, Cole had already guessed what Dumbledore would do, and

Harry was the most important part of Dumbledore's plan.

Harry, who had just entered the wizarding world, had low self-esteem

and was sensitive. Compared with the young wizards who also came from

the wizarding world, Harry was not only inferior in ability, but also

inferior in character.

By doing this, Dumbledore helped Harry gain confidence step by step, so

that he could walk step by step towards the path Dumbledore had

prepared for Harry.

Fight the Dark Lord.

Is Voldemort's resurrection difficult to deal with? In Cole's opinion, it is

not difficult. Dumbledore is strong enough to kill Voldemort one at a


Even as long as Dumbledore was around, Voldemort would not be able to

make waves in the British wizarding world.

But Voldemort, who has seven lives in hand, is not a fool. He can hide

and consume Dumbledore.

Obviously Dumbledore wanted to catch all Voldemort in one fell swoop

and disappear from the wizarding world. For this plan, Dumbledore was

willing to risk his life.

The reason why Harry was used was because Harry himself was one of

Voldemort's Horcruxes, plus the ancient magic cast by Harry's mother on


This spell of love caused the Dark Lord to suffer a great loss, and it was

precisely because of this spell that the fates of Harry and Voldemort were

closely linked.

It was precisely because of this that Dumbledore spent so much time on


Dumbledore is not a good person, and he is certainly not a bad person. In

Cole's case, Professor Dumbledore can even be called a 'saint'.

Voldemort also knew about the prophecy about the Dark Lord, and

Dumbledore also knew about it.

But when Voldemort was about to harm James' family, Snape asked

Sublime to hide Lily's family.

Snape was such a proud person that he actually asked Dumbledore to

protect James and Harry for Lily's safety, because he knew that Lily

would not abandon her husband and children for her own safety.

Dumbledore agreed to let Snape become a spy, but he did nothing.

Only the four Gryffindors who swore an oath to know the location of

James's family were eventually hunted down by Voldemort because of

Peter Pettigrew's betrayal.

Cole even suspected that Dumbledore did it deliberately just to know

how Voldemort lost to a child in the prophecy.

Don't blame Cole for thinking so about an old man, but there is

something wrong with Dumbledore's approach.

Just like Dumbledore gave Harry to the Dursley family after the death of

Harry's parents, saying that he was with his family and the magic spell on

Harry could protect Harry.

But Professor McGonagall at the time said that Harry could be adopted at


Cole didn't believe that Voldemort, who was dead at that time, could be

resurrected. With Dumbledore and several professors at Hogwarts, could

he still not be able to protect Harry?

Even though Snape didn't like Harry, he wouldn't watch others hurt Lily's


These professors are not stupid.

Harry, who grew up in the Muggle world and was raised by the Dursley

family, has now become such a character. Although he carries the title of

savior, Harry is really not good in Gryffindor.

Cole could imagine how dazzling Harry would be if he grew up at

Hogwarts and under the care of Professor McGonagall.

His own talent is very good, and of course because of the magical

blessing of Voldemort's fragment, Harry may not be what he is now


Later, Harry also changed step by step with the help of Dumbledore and

became an excellent wizard.

Cole cleared his mind, looked at the children, and suddenly realized that

this incident had a huge impact on Ban.

Even Martin wasn't happy.

Dumbledore's behavior was really shameless. How could he give someone

such extra points for the championship?

.........Please give me flowers...

"Ben, what do you think of this matter?"

Cole is most worried about this son. Ban's experience and personality

since he was a child have made him a bit extreme.

"Father, is Professor Dumbledore the Headmaster? He is very powerful,

so he can give Gryffindor points and do whatever he wants?"

Cole must have known that something was wrong. Damn old man Deng,

he always dealt with things like this. This was how Tom Riddle was


It's the same now.

Doesn't Dumbledore know that this is unfair to Slytherin students?

Slytherin wizards are not born as dark wizards, let alone which wizard

dares to say that he does not know dark magic?

Slytherin is also a member of Hogwarts, but Ronald told Harry that

Slytherin was born a dark wizard.


In this case, if adults don't teach them, how can children know what is

good and what is bad?

Cole is afraid of planting the seeds in the young minds of the class that as

long as they are strong, they can do whatever they want. Although this is

the truth, children cannot think like this. If they are not careful, they will

go astray.

In the adult world, unspoken rules can exist, but they cannot be stated

openly, otherwise others will see you as an alien and fear you and may

harm you.

Cole waved Ben over and asked Ben to sit on his lap.

"My dear son, I have to tell you that power is essential for a wizard, but

you cannot be addicted to it and lose yourself."

"I can tell you that for us, what Headmaster Dumbledore did was

demeaning and wrong.

"Headmaster Dumbledore is indeed powerful, but that's not why he did

this. I guarantee that this won't happen in next year's Academy Cup."

"The little wizard still has to rely on his grades to speak for himself,


Several children smiled, but they didn't expect Cole to be willing to do


Cole smiled and joked. He worked so hard, spent so many gold galleons,

and raised so many people. Why?

Hogwarts is not just the hall of Principal Dumbledore.

"Ban, no matter what happens in the future, your family will always be

your backing. You can study hard next year. There are some things you

will naturally understand when you grow up.

"Yeah, thank you, father."

Ben got up from Cole's arms and ran to Martin's side. Several children

made an appointment to ride a broomstick outside. Under Meira's

warning, they could only play for an hour before eating.

Cole also returned to the study to redeem what he had promised,

focusing on first-hand contacts with the National People's Congress. .

Chapter 76: Office Punishment,

Warning To Dumbledore

Cole stood in the lobby of the British Ministry of Magic. During this

period, the Ministry of Magic has become his home, the Diagon Alley

bank also needs to be taken care of, and the broom shop also needs to

report to the Department of Commerce.

Cole complained very much about the efficiency of the Ministry of Magic.

Ministry of Magic officials did nothing all day long and just liked to push

things around.

If it weren't for Cole's help, this procedure wouldn't have been completed.

But Cole didn't come here today for those things, but for Ben's use of

magic at the London station.

According to the Ministry of Magic's Manual for the Regulation of

Underage Wizards, the use of charms is not allowed outside of Hogwarts.

Cole also brought Ben's wand over, and the Ministry of Magic wanted to

trace the trace to ensure that the spell was used.

In fact, this is just taking off your pants and farting. Children from pure-

blood aristocratic families who have not practiced wand use their own

wands in school classes.

There is no way to detect powerful spells practiced in private.

Going all the way up to the underage wizard management office, Cole

heard the noise outside.

Pushing open the door and going in, sure enough, Arthur and Molly

shouted at Parkinson, Ronald stood in the corner at a loss, obviously he

also knew that he had caused big "Zero Six Three" trouble.

Jod Parkinson, the director of the Underage Wizarding Management

Office, a member of the Parkinson family, and a pure-blood nobleman,

certainly couldn't stand Weasley, which was one of the reasons for the


"Cole, you're here, please sit down, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, please don't

yell in the office."

When Yoder saw Cole, he quickly came over, pulled Cole and sat on the

sofa, served him a cup of black tea, and ignored the Weasleys.

Look, what are connections? Cole sat down with peace of mind and

looked at Arthur's blushing face.

Arthur, who was not good at words, didn't know what to do.

"Mr. Weasley, don't be anxious. Look, I'm here too. Sit down first and

things will be solved."

Cole comforted Arthur lightly. In fact, this matter was nothing to Cole.

Even if it was not Cole, it would not be a big deal for any pure-blood

wizard family.

Obviously the Weasley family is also a pure-blood family, but they are

mixed up like this, and Arthur has no status in the Ministry of Magic.

According to Cole's understanding, Arthur Weasley usually has no

ambition. In addition to going to work on time, he goes home after get

off work and hangs out with friends.

The monthly salary is also received on time, and Arthur is not that

enthusiastic about gold galleons. The family can spend as much as they


That is to say, when both sons grow up, they both have jobs. Otherwise,

Arthur, a half-grown boy, would still be poor.

Cole turned to Parkinson and said, "Yode, we haven't seen each other for

a long time."

"Yes, Cole, I know you are very busy. Thank you very much for your help

last time so that we could find the missing goods."

Cole smiled and said, "You're welcome."

More than a month ago, the Parkinson family's caravan was ransacked,

and the Aurors searched for it for a long time but failed to find the


It was Cole who was well-informed and found out about the goods on the

Knockturn Alley news network, which allowed the Parkinson family to

get the goods back.

No matter what the Parkinson family thinks about this kindness, they

have to recognize it on the face of it, which is why Yode is so polite to


Watching the two people chatting, Molly and Arthur were very anxious.

They had just agreed that Ronald had violated the management

regulations and would be severely punished and might be expelled from


Little Ronald trembled when he heard it, fearing that he would regret it.

"Yes, seeing as Mr. Weasley is so anxious, we'd better deal with the


Cole glanced at him, and Parkinson knew in his heart that he did it on

purpose just now, and Weasley didn't understand any rules at all.

After all, he is also the director of the office. This is using the director as

an official of the Ministry of Magic.

"Cole, everyone in the Ministry of Magic knows what happened at the

station. Little Mr. Black just released the giant python to protect himself."

"As expected of Black, his magical talent is so outstanding that he can

cast such a spell in the first grade."

Yuode not only shied away all the responsibilities from Ban, but also

praised Qiban's talent.

If it weren't for the fact that the Ministry of Magic was full of talents,

Cole's mood would immediately improve.

Next to him, Arthur looked at Parkinson in surprise and thought: That's

not what you did to us just now. People who love people release giant

pythons just to protect themselves. Ronald's dumb curse turned out to be

the reason for the attack.

"Director Yode, that's not what happened. What's more, Ronald's spell

was not in effect at that time. Is this punishment too serious?"

Arthur fights for opportunities for his son. No matter what, he cannot let

his son be expelled from Hogwarts.

The appointment was made in an official tone and there was no rush at


"Arthur, does it count if the spell doesn't work? Every time the Aurors go

out on a mission, do they have to bet that the dark wizard's spell won't

work? You are also an official of the Ministry of Magic. How can you say

such a thing?"

The words of appointment also made Arthur realize that he had said the

wrong thing and looked at Molly nervously.

Cole looked at the joke but did not speak. He would not speak for

Weasley. He was just here to go through the process.

Kerr knew the punishment wouldn't fall on Black.

The appointment made it clear today that Arthur would not be given

face. Parkinson was proud and said that even if Dumbledore came today,

he would not be given face.

The scene became deserted, and Ronald felt extremely uncomfortable

when he saw his father begging for help for his own affairs.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, "Please come in."

His face froze with pride when he saw the person coming to make an

appointment. The person who came in was none other than Principal

Dumbledore, whom he had been thinking about just now.

Parkinson immediately changed his expression and put on a fake smile to

greet him.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, what would bring you to the office?"

Cole looked at Yue's bad behavior and knew that Parkinson was

unreliable, so he rolled his eyes.

Dumbledore's kind smile almost made Cole nervous, it was so jarring.

"Mr. Parkinson, Ronald is a student at Hogwarts. As the principal, of

course I have to come and deal with it."

With Dumbledore's intervention, Arthur and Molly's faces showed hope.

"Professor Dumbledore, it was Mr. Ronald who violated the regulations

after all, wasn't he?"

Parkinson was still explaining. In fact, from the moment Dumbledore

appeared, he knew that the matter would be settled, but he also wanted

to lose face. He couldn't let Dumbledore make him give in with just one


"Actually, the matter is not that serious, is it? As the best school in the

UK, Hogwarts will not deny a little wizard just because he made a


"I can vouch for little Weasley, he will never make such a mistake again."

Dumbledore's guarantee moved the Weasleys so much that even Ronald

looked at the principal with admiration.

When Parkinson faced Dumbledore, he could only agree. At the same

time, because of Arthur's presence, he did not stop him and stubbornly

punished Arthur with a month's salary.

Dumbledore apparently gave in as well.

But for the Arthurs, this is a bolt from the blue, and life in the next

month will be even more difficult.

It is also conceivable that Ronald will have a hard time on vacation.

Cole looked at the expressions of the Weasleys and knew that

Dumbledore's win over had succeeded again.

Old Bee is really good at deceiving people. Cole believes that if Old Bee

hadn't restrained him, he would be no different from Grindelwald.

After the matter was resolved, the Weasleys grabbed Ronald and took the

first step. Cole left as soon as the matter was resolved.

Seeing Dumbledore's back, Cole chased after him.

"Professor Dumbledore, wait a moment."

Dumbledore turned around, thinking that Cole was not satisfied with the

handling of this matter, "Cole, is there anything else?"

"Professor Dumbledore, the children told me something when they came

back. I have a different opinion."

Dumbledore expressed doubts, thinking that what happened this year had

nothing to do with Black, and he deliberately did not involve Martin and


"Headmaster Dumbledore, please don't think too much about the House

Champion Cup I mentioned. This year's champion should have been

Slytherin, but because of the headmaster's extra points, Gryffindor's

points inexplicably increased."

It turns out that this is the case, Dumbledore Encyclopedia 4.7 you


"Harry and the others deserve points for their bravery. Hogwarts also

encourages students to be brave, doesn't it?"

Obviously, Dumbledore didn't realize there was anything wrong with his


Speaking of this, Cole couldn't believe it. Dumbledore had already made

a mistake.

"But this is unfair to students from other colleges, isn't it? Whether

Harry's extra points are due to your favoritism or the school's rules, only

you know.

"But the principal should not ignore students from other colleges. Since

the College Cup is a tradition, let the competition be fair. Otherwise, the

College Cup will be a joke and there is no need to exist."

Cole's words made Dumbledore look heavy, and Cole obviously began to

warn him.

Black is also the school director of Hogwarts and is qualified to join other

school directors to question the management of Hogwarts.

After Cole finished speaking, he ignored Dumbledore's expression and left

directly, leaving Dumbledore to think about it.

Cole has no intention of letting it go lightly. If Dumbledore is still like

this next year, there is really no need for the Academy Champions Cup to

exist. .

Chapter 77: The Dark

Lord's Letter,

Avada's Confrontation

There were stars in the sky, and a figure appeared on the edge of the

Forbidden Forest outside Hogwarts.

Cole looked at the hut not far away. The lights in the house were still on,

and Hagrid, who was conscientiously guarding the Forbidden Forest.

The reason Cole appeared here was because someone brought him a

letter through the dark wizard in Knockturn Alley.

The dark wizard was tortured but did not tell who asked him to deliver

the message.

The dark wizard who died in Knockturn Alley had a strong smell of the

Imperius Curse. He was hit by so many Imperius Curses that he became


Cole's face was filled with anger, not because of anything else, but

because of the words on the letterhead. Every line contained the daily life

of Martin's children at Hogwarts.

Although there is no signature, who else does Cole know who can do

such a thing?

Of course it is the famous Dark Lord Tom Riddle.

According to the address left in the letter, Cole came to the Forbidden

Forest without disturbing anyone, and there was nowhere to vent the

anger in his heart.

He can make plans, but when it comes to children, he will end it today.

Cole did not get carried away by his anger. He carefully cast a

disillusionment spell on himself, took out a few bottles of magic potion

from his arms, opened it and poured it into his mouth.

Without hesitation, he broke into the Forbidden Forest with the night

breeze. There were not many magical animals on the outskirts of the

Forbidden Forest. Cole passed by the giant spider's territory and saw

groups of giant spiders hunting.

Without revealing his figure, Cole passed quickly, leaving behind 29

bloody eating spiders.

Gradually entering the forbidden forest, the sky was covered by dense

branches, and a trace of dangerous atmosphere filled the air.

Suddenly, Cole saw a man and horse in front of him, holding a spear and

staring at the sky.

Cole didn't intend to disturb the troops. He didn't want anyone to know

what happened today.

However, things didn't go as planned. Just as Cole passed by, the statue-

like man and horse suddenly moved.

The arm muscles of the centaur and horse swelled, and the spear was

quickly fired.

"who is it?"

"Iron armor protection." "Shadow piercing."

Cole's figure appeared on the tree trunk, and the disillusionment spell

failed. Before the centaur could react, two spells were issued directly

from the wand.

The spear did not hit Cole. The protective spell was just his cautious

subconscious reaction. The next spell was the trump card.

Before the man and horse could see the face of the incoming man clearly,

the shadow on the ground rose up, coming straight towards the man and

horse, sucking into his body, and the huge man and horse fell directly to

the ground.

No blood flowed out, and no movement was made. The death energy on

the bodies of the men and horses meant the end of the battle.

After a brief glance, Cole walked away.

In fact, Cole didn't want to kill, but he understood the character of

Centaur, hated wizards very much, and was stubborn and impulsive.

Cole didn't want to spend time explaining why he appeared deep in the

Forbidden Forest, nor did he want to attract a lot of people. He had other

things to do.

All the way to a cave, looking at the eerie darkness, Cole was not afraid

and cast a tentative detection spell.

The white light became fainter with distance, and Cole entered the cave.

The cave was extremely narrow at first, with the road only as high as a

person. After walking for more than ten meters, it suddenly became


Along the way, Cole held his wand in front of him and observed the cave

by the light.

The magic traps along the way were all violently destroyed by Cole,

announcing the arrival of the intruder.

Looking around the cave that was more than ten meters wide, I suddenly

heard the gnawing sound of rodents not far away, and the Sunlight

Flashing Curse illuminated the cave.

"Damn Blake."

Cole followed the sound and saw the body of a unicorn on a platform,

covered with a torn black robe.

Unable to escape under the effect of the Flashing Spell, Voldemort

stopped angrily and his black wizard robe floated up.

A black energy spread out from the wizard's robe, and Voldemort's face

condensed on it.

Cole didn't expect that Voldemort would be like this and be in the mood

to tease Black. He was so bold.

"Cole Black, a pure blood of Slytherin and the heir of the Black family,

was so rude when we first met. It really disappoints me."

Cole, who was more than ten meters away, looked at such a strange

atmosphere and sighed that Voldemort had taken a different path to


Although all roads lead to Rome, is it worth it to make yourself look like

a human or a ghost?

Even Dementors wouldn't accept such an ugly member of their own race.

"Should I call you Voldemort or Mr. Tom Riddle."

Voldemort was angry, he didn't expect Cole to be so disrespectful, and

the black energy surged around his body.

In his expectation, Cole should kneel down and worship him, the Dark

Lord, and become his servant like other pure ones.

"You are so bold, how dare you call the Dark Lord by his name, and how

do you know?"

Voldemort was obviously surprised that Cole knew his real name. In the

entire wizarding world, except for a few people such as Dumbledore,

other wizards were obviously more afraid of the name Voldemort.

Cole smiled contemptuously, and secretly a shadow moved from the

shadow under his feet.

"Lord Dark Lord, you really surprised me by paying a sudden visit to my

Black family.

"Tell me, if you have something to ask me to come here, this is your

hiding place. Aren't you afraid that I will tell Principal Dumbledore?"

The black robe possessed by Voldemort was floating in the air. For his

own resurrection plan, he could only ignore Cole's disrespect for him.

"Join the great Dark Lord's camp, Black. I can see your ambition at a

glance. You are still young and you are not willing to be at the feet of


"Join us and make pure blood greater. Wizards are the masters of this


"Follow me and you will gain endless wealth and power."

"Follow me, and the entire wizarding world will be trampled under our


Voldemort gave a passionate speech, but Cole didn't have the slightest

impulse. A tattered black robe told you that he could rule the world in

the future.

No matter how you look at it, it's a joke.

If it were the handsome face of Voldemort before, he might be more

convincing than he is now.


A scoff interrupted the self-orgasmic Dark Lord, and laughter echoed in

the cave.

"Hahahaha, dear Lord Dark Lord, you still can't see the situation clearly. I

think you have tasted failure again with little Harry.

"Looking at you, you are worthy of being called the Dark Lord.

Grindelwald is handsome even when he is old, but you look like a loser."

Just as Cole guessed, Voldemort once again felt the spell of love on Harry

and had no choice but to abandon Quirrell's body.

At the same time, it also absorbed Quirrell's remaining vitality, allowing

him to escape to the Forbidden Forest and survive using the blood of

unicorns and the vitality of other magical animals.

Voldemort's expression was unclear due to the black mist, but he could

still feel his sluggishness.

"You, you don't want to make Black great again? I can help you.

Unwilling to give up, Voldemort asked again and was laughed at again.

"Is it possible to be great just by listening to your words? Stop being

ridiculous, Riddle, you are just a wretch, hiding in this bottomless cave.

"Do you think wizards will follow you out of fear again? Don't forget, you

have already failed once."

"You are on the wrong path. The Black family does not need to follow a

brainless Dark Lord.

Cole mocked wantonly and loudly attacked one-seventh of Voldemort.

"Also, you shouldn't threaten me with my child. This is your burial place

today, and Merlin can't save you, I said so."


Cole hated someone threatening him the most, so he chanted a spell

directly, and green magic spells shot out.

Voldemort was not unprepared. A second-hand wand he had obtained

from somewhere flew out of his black robe.

Two green lights clashed in the cave, and magic power surged as you

came and went.

Cole's excited face gradually became ferocious, as he hadn't vented

wantonly for a long time.

Voldemort is indeed a senior Avatar master, and he did not fall behind in

the initial fight with Cole.

But Cole hasn't used his full strength yet, and has just started to get


If you have an Avatar, I can also do the Unforgivable Curse. Why not ask

you if that Avatar is mine?

Chapter 78: Kill The Dark Lord

And Massacre The People

Rubbles flew in the cave, and various spells flew out from Cole's wand.

The black robe possessed by Voldemort could only dodge or use Avada to

catch it.

I don't know if it was because of Voldemort's incomplete soul, but apart

from the Death Curse and the Cruciatus Curse, no other spells were used.

Unlike Cole, one moment the flames are blazing, the next moment the

thunder and lightning are flashing, and he looks cool all over.

"The undead appear."

The death knight riding a huge skeletal horse was summoned from the

world of the dead. His red eyes stared at Voldemort, and the sound of

death's horse hooves announced his arrival.

The death knight charged onto the platform with his giant sword, but

Voldemort dodged and flew into the air.

"Blake, stop, this devil has no ill intentions."

Cole kept his hands on, forcing Voldemort to dodge, and the entire cave

was shrouded in the shadow of death.

Laughing wildly "Lord Dark Lord, you can't do it either. You are a

remnant of the era. There is no place for you in the wizarding world now.

Go to hell."

Voldemort was directly hit by the lightning curse and was unable to

escape from the Death Knight's pursuit. The damage caused by the curse

caused great harm to Voldemort in his soul state.

Voldemort screamed and fell to the ground, the rich black energy also

weakened, and he lay quietly on the ground.

Cole didn't get close. Everyone knew that Voldemort had many ways to

escape. What's more, he didn't want to become the next Quirrell, who

was tricked by Voldemort.

"I don't know where you got the confidence to dare to provoke the Black

family in this state. It's a pity that your resurrection plan will be shelved."

"I knew that you, like that damn Sirius, had abandoned the honor and

dignity of pure blood, and I would not let you go."

After saying that, Voldemort took off his wizard robe and ran towards a

path deep in the cave.

Unfortunately, Cole had guessed it a long time ago. The way out from the

front was blocked by Cole.

The moment Voldemort was about to escape into the alley, the shadows

on the ground changed and rushed into Voldemort's body.

"Damn it, how dare you? I won't give in. I will come back."

Wails echoed in the cave, leaving only the shadow assassin summoned by

Cole, standing there blankly.

One-seventh of the Dark Lord just disappeared into the magical world

without a complete body. No, Voldemort had no body for a long time.

You will come back, and the one who comes back will not be you.

Cole knew that Voldemort's seven Horcruxes were from different periods,

and in fact they were no longer the same person.

Each Horcrux has an independent mind, and devouring other Horcruxes

is also one of the ways to restore itself.

Looking at the shadow in the sky, Cole thought that his efforts over the

years have been in vain, this thing is so convenient for shady people.

But it's just not easy to cast it outside, otherwise the master will think

that he is a bad person with such a strong black magic spell.

After calling it a day, Cole carefully searched the cave to ensure that

Voldemort had left no other means. Looking at the unicorn's body, Cole

did not move.

The rubble gradually fell off the cave wall. The movement just now was

too great. Although Cole did not use a more powerful spell, the cave was

already broken and was about to collapse.

Cole withdrew the magic spell and broke out of the cave. When his front

feet came out, his back feet had collapsed.

Taking a deep breath, defeating the incomplete Dark Lord did not make

him feel much accomplished. It was just an accident.

It did help Dumbledore a lot.

Just when Cole wanted to leave, suddenly several bows and arrows shot

out of the jungle and hit Cole's protective spell.

The arrowhead made of bones shattered and clanged to the ground. Cole

saw dozens of men and horses standing out from the jungle surrounding


"Intruder, Yunlin is not a place for you to come."

What a big statement, the Forbidden Forest is not the territory of humans

and horses, it is just a habitat provided by wizards for these magical


Cole comes when he wants and leaves when he wants.

"Get out of the way, I don't want to do anything to you."

But obviously, the conservative and stubborn character of the centaur

played a role and did not get out of the way.

The leading man, wearing leather armor, questioned Cole.

"Did you kill Gezier?"

"Who? I don't know, I'm just hanging out."

Of course Cole knew that they were talking about the centaur he killed

on the way here, but he would not admit it.

Cole laughed, these people were no threat to him.

"Wandering around? Look at the cave behind you. What's in it? What

have you done? Bad wizard.

It has to be said that the centaurs seem to regard the Forbidden Forest as

their own private territory, and they are very responsible.

Cole had no patience anymore, "I said, if you are not satisfied, you can

complain to the Ministry of Magic. This is not your place, so wizards can't


"Don't blame me for being rude if you block the road again."

Unexpectedly, Cole's warning was of no use to the men and horses, and a

sharp arrow shot at Cole's head.

The stubborn aliens couldn't reason with each other, and Cole was not

polite. He dodged the sharp arrows and waved his wand. The

transformation spell changed the terrain, and the hard land turned into a

muddy swamp, limiting the speed of the people and horses.

Instead of using the Unforgivable Curse, the Splinter Curse was used.

Since the matter is irreversible, as long as you keep your hands and feet

clean, no one will notice, right?

As for the trial by the Ministry of Magic, just kidding, who in the entire

wizarding world is qualified to judge him?

"Torn apart, blazing flames, boulders impacting, vines overgrown,,,,

Cole was like a magic machine gun, his magic power was not exhausted

at all, and the quiet Forbidden Forest became a bloody slaughterhouse.

Even Voldemort had never committed such a murderous act, it was

simply too bloody and violent.

After all, in the eyes of most wizards, intelligent humanoid life forms like

centaurs and horses are similar to wizards.

Unfortunately, in Cole's mind, centaurs are just aliens, no different from

goblins, and they kill without mercy.

The killing did not make Cole lose his mind, nor did he use black magic

to kill people, as other wizards thought, and black magic would erode his


On the contrary, the more Cole killed, the more he felt that his thoughts

were clear and his mind was clear and calm.

In a short period of time, dozens of corpses of men and horses lay

scattered across the field, and the smell of blood filled the air.

Cole didn't even have a trace of blood on his body. He waved his hand

and cast a magic spell, and the anti-application and retrospection spell

covered the scene.

Cole is very thoughtful. If something like this happens, the Ministry of

Magic will be shocked and will definitely ask the trace master to trace

back. Cole does not want to leave evidence.

After cleaning up the scene, Cole directly buried the bodies of the men

and horses, cleaned them up and disappeared into the Forbidden Forest.

If there was no smell of blood, it would be like nothing happened in the

Forbidden Forest.

Back at Black Castle, Cole cleaned up outside before going home. He

didn't tell Meira and the children about this.

They didn't even know about the letter, and no one knew about Cole's

actions, except for a few family wizards.

But their loyalty can be guaranteed.

Lying on the sofa in the attic, Cole calmed his heart, thinking about all

the possibilities, and planning for the future.

Cole reflected on himself and wondered whether his previous actions

were wrong. He clearly did not want to get involved in the matter

between Voldemort and Dumbledore.

Instead, they were threatened. The Black family had been too easily

noticed. Today, it has become an existence that cannot be ignored.

Voldemort also wants to use the Black family to regain power. If this is

the case, Cole might as well take action himself and clean out Voldemort

one by one.

Cole has always believed in the truth, to do things cleanly, with the

remaining soul power of one Voldemort and seven Voldemorts.

The person Cole killed today should have been the one who escaped after

Voldemort's death. Under the backlash of Lily Potter's curse, Voldemort

not only made the right decision to escape, but also made Harry one of

the Horcruxes.

There are only seven Horcruxes left: Tom Riddle's diary, Marvolo Gaunt's

ring, Slytherin's locket, Hufflepuff's golden cup, and Nagini and

Ravenclaw's crown.

Finally there is Harry.

Cole needs to plan his search carefully and solve some of the Black

family's obstacles in an instant.

Thinking of this, Cole wondered if Principal Dumbledore was also an

obstacle to the Black family?

Chapter 79 The Old Bee Wants To

Harm Me

The Daily Prophet reported that the people in the Forbidden Forest were

attacked, causing heavy casualties. Unknown fear is coming. Are they the

remnants of the mysterious man?

The Ministry of Magic announced that it would launch an investigation in

conjunction with Hogwarts, and the Forbidden Forest was temporarily

closed and managed, and no wizards were allowed to enter or leave

without authorization.

Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart, an internationally renowned figure and author, a

third-level medalist of the Order of Merlin, an honorary member of the

Anti-Dark Arts Alliance, and a five-time winner of the "Wizard Weekly"

Most Charming Smile Award, will publish a new book.

【Wandering with werewolves】

Cole threw down the newspaper and complained to the person next to


"The news in the newspapers is getting more and more ridiculous. There

are even deaths in the Forbidden Forest. Also, look at this well-known

author Lockhart. His new book is Wandering with Werewolves. Only

ghosts believe him."

Cole was not surprised that the Centaur tribe found the corpse, and he

was not afraid of the Ministry of Magic's investigation. All traces were

cleaned up by him.

If it weren't for the fear of too much noise at that time, the Forbidden

Forest was too close to Hogwarts, and the sound of the battle alerted the


Cole can make the men and horses unable to find the body, but what he

has done is about the same. He still has this confidence.

Meera smiled softly and said: "If the werewolf took the wolfsbane potion,

then this Lockhart may have experienced an adventure."

Wolfsbane potion, taken a week before the full moon, can keep the

werewolf sane on the night of the full moon.

But don't forget that this is a very difficult potion to prepare. Meira spent

a lot of time researching before the Black family mastered the method of

producing 500 wolfsbane potions.

But even so, Wolfsbane potion is not circulated on the market and is

rarely seen.

Cole is not ready to sell the Wolfsbane potion on a large scale. The

Wolfsbane potion is of great significance for him to control the


Cole didn't believe that by chance, the werewolf wandering with

Lockhart could get the potion.

What's more, Cole seems to still remember that Lockhart is a liar, and all

adventures are about stealing other people's memories.

Then this matter is very interesting. At least this great writer is not only a

wizard with a very deceptive appearance, but also has deep knowledge in

the memory erasure technique.

In some ways, he is a talent.

"Cole, what do you think of this holiday study plan?"

This is what Meira was busy with just now. In order to prevent the

children from wasting their vacation, Meira specially made a study plan.

Looking at the schedule, Cole complained a few times.

"My dear, can't you let Martin and the others have a good holiday?"

"Hmph, that's not possible. Knowledge is the source of a wizard's power."

Meera took the parchment away from Cole's hand with a wave of her

hand and went to find the children happily.

As a father, Cole can only pray that his children's childhood will not be

too miserable.

Cole was lying on the sofa intending to enjoy some quiet time, but

Wright suddenly walked in and told him that Professor Dumbledore was


"Just say I'm not here."

"Wait, I'd better go down and you can entertain me first."

Cole, who originally planned to avoid seeing him, suddenly changed his

mind. In this case, he still needed to see what Old Bee's purpose was.

After tidying up his clothes, Cole arrived belatedly, walked down the

stairs, and saw Professor Dumbledore in the living room.

"Professor Dumbledore, welcome. I had something happen just now and I

asked you to wait for a while."

Dumbledore smiled in response. "Cole, I came in too hastily. I should

have sent a letter of visit."

"Hahaha, please sit down, please sit down. We are all old acquaintances.

Professor, you are very polite."

The two of them drank black tea, but Cole did not take the initiative to

ask about the Forbidden Forest. I wonder if Dumbledore came here for

this matter.

"With the holidays, professors can relax a little and don't have to look

after the children."

"Although it's a holiday, there are still a lot of things going on. You

should have read the newspapers. It's really a headache for something

like this to happen in the Forbidden Forest."

Cole remained calm and asked with concern: "Professor Dumbledore, how

could something like this suddenly happen in the Forbidden Forest?

Centaurs have always been unwilling to communicate with wizards, so

how come it has something to do with the Ministry of Magic this time?"

Centaurs not only hate wizards, but also hate the Ministry of Magic.

Except for the professors at Hogwarts and Dumbledore, other wizards

cannot hope to get a response from centaurs.

For general matters, just contact Dumbledore and he will take care of it.

But this time, it was obviously a big deal.

Thinking of this, Dumbledore had a headache and said, "Many tribesmen

died this time, and the horses and horses were unwilling. They suspected

that the dark wizard was hunting them."

Cole nodded and said regretfully, "It's a pity, they are all living lives. I

hope the murderer can be caught."

Cole's lament did nothing to make him regret his impulse that night.

The Centaur placed their suspicion on the dark wizard, but there was

really no other way. Even the prophecy that the Centaur was best at

could not infer the identity of the murderer.

Having learned about the history of centaurs and wizards, Cole knew that

there had been some wizards (cjcj) who had a wide range of hobbies and

had done some indescribable things in capturing centaurs.

I just wanted to see what kind of species a centaur and a wizard could

give birth to.

Cole felt a chill when he thought of this. He was worthy of being a British

wizard. You can never guess the thoughts of a pure copper wizard.

How could those seniors do this? Even female centaurs are two or three

times larger than wizards.

How on earth did a centaur with four hooves do it?

Cole was also curious about whether the pregnancy of a centaur or a

horse occurs in the horse's belly or in the upper body. This is really a

question worth pondering.

Dumbledore didn't know that Cole's mind had gone to hell, but he really

didn't come here today because he doubted Cole.

Cole has no relationship with Centaur, not even communication.

He came today just for something important.


Dumbledore interrupted Cole's whims and asked sincerely, "Cole, are you

interested in the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

What? Cole looked horrified, you old bee, you actually want to harm me?

Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, what kind of position is that?

It's like working for Satan. Rather than doing this, I might as well just go

to hell and work in a job.

Seeing Dumbledore's sincere face, Cole thought to himself: Look at you,

an old man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, you have a very evil heart.

Seeing that I am still young, you want to take me away early.

"Professor Dumbledore, how come you have such an idea? I know that

the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts is not easy to

sit in. It also has the Dark Lord's curse on it."

Cole didn't want to be plagued by misfortune. Who knew Voldemort had

used the ancient curse on it.

"Cole, with your strength, you shouldn't be afraid of this curse."

Cole is not afraid, but this thing is disturbing.

"No, it doesn't work. Professor, you'd better find someone else, or

Professor, you can also serve as the Defense Against Dark Arts professor. I

believe in the professor's ability."

Why don't you, old Bi Deng, go? You still want to drag him into the


Cole was curious about Dumbledore's sudden idea. How did the old guy

come up with it?

Dumbledore was also a little nervous. When he heard that Cole asked

him to take on the role, his first reaction was to refuse.

Dumbledore looked embarrassed. "The Quirrell incident has made

students very resistant to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Hogwarts needs

a capable Defense Professor."

Dumbledore still recognized Cole's ability. After all, he still didn't know

Cole's strength until now.

No wonder, based on what Cole learned from the children, there was also

the behavior of Quirrell in the last troll incident.

It's hard for Cole not to suspect that Voldemort possessed him and

directly ate Quirrell's clever Ravenclaw brain.

Turn an excellent graduate into an idiot.

"Professor Dumbledore, the Black family still needs me, and I have no

plans to be a professor at the moment. You'd better find someone else."

Regardless, Cole declined Dumbledore's invitation.

Professor Dumbledore sighed, "In this case, I can only find a famous

person. Don't bother me, Cole, there are still many things waiting for


Dumbledore left shortly after his visit, and the purpose of inviting Cole

was not achieved.

Thinking about what Dumbledore said just now, Cole knew who he was

talking about and also knew that the next Defense Against the Dark Arts

teacher would be the great writer Gilderoy Lockhart.

If he is famous, then it must be him.

Thinking of this, Cole suddenly thought of something interesting. .

Chapter 80 Who Are You?

Imperius Curse

In Hunts County, Witch Street is one of the safest neighborhoods in the

surrounding area. Late at night, a neglected residence at the end of the

street is still lit.

After a busy day, Gilderoy Lockhart changed into his nightgown, combed

his blond hair back, and admired himself in the mirror.

"Oh, the gift of Merlin, look who this is, the most famous writer in the

wizarding world, the heartthrob in the hearts of witches, the greatest

adventurer in the world, Gilderoy Lockhart, it's me."

"Look at this handsome face. If I were a woman, I would be obsessed with


Lockhart admired it for a long time, then took out the perfume and

lightly sprayed it a few times, smelling the fragrance in the air and

feeling the beauty of life.

Today at the Diagon Alley bookstore, Lockhart has already negotiated a

new book cooperation. I believe that this adventure story with the

werewolf will definitely make him appear in the wizarding newspaper


Lockhart smiled softly and looked at himself in the mirror, thinking of his

achievements over the years.

Those wizards who he cast the forgetting spell have long been forgotten

by the wizards, and they don't even know that he stole their stories.

Lockhart is very confident in his talent in the Oblivion Curse, but he was

still a little scared from the first time he did it.

By now he was already comfortable with it. If he hadn't been sure that he

was not hypnotized, he would have thought that these adventures were

his own experiences.

Thinking about the wizard he met not long ago, Lockhart secretly cursed

him as a fool. Under the influence of his few words, he could say


It all depends on his overwhelming affinity.


There was a sudden movement outside the door. Lockhart quickly took

out his wand and walked carefully towards the door.

Before Lockhart could reach the door, he suddenly felt a breeze. He

looked towards the window and saw that the closed window had already

been opened.

"who is it?"

Lockhart saw a black figure. Before he could take the next step, his vision

went dark and he lost all feeling.

In Knockturn Alley, Cole walked all the way to the underground of

Knockturn Alley. He didn't know how long he walked before he came to a

dark basement.


Everyone I saw along the way were members of the Black family, and the

underground lair in Knockturn Alley had been transformed into

something impregnable.

In addition to his official role as a sentry, Cole also recruited many

werewolf wizards.

Because of their own special characteristics, werewolf wizards are

discriminated against by other wizards and cannot find serious jobs.

Wandering is their daily life.

Ever since Cole had the wolfsbane potion in his hands, he began to

slowly recruit werewolves, who would always use it in the future.

Standing at the door of the basement, Cole could hear the wailing inside.

"Ah ah ah, please, don't hit me anymore."

The sound of the whip surprised Cole. He asked Lockhart to be

summoned, but he didn't ask them to torture him. What's more, the

wizard didn't use the Cruciatus Curse but actually used Muggle torture


Gently opening the door, Cole stood in the shadows and saw a blond man

tied to a stake. There were many things that could only be seen in the

Middle Ages hanging on the walls.

Cole was very interested in these instruments of torture.

Lockhart's lips turned white and he tremblingly looked at the scarred

wizard on the opposite face. He swore that he had never seen this wizard

before and had never offended him.

The whip made of cowhide had already beaten the naked Lockhart,

leaving scars all over his body.

Lockhart, who had never been injured before, had tears and nose running

down from the pain.

"Please, let me go. I have gold galleons and I can give them all to you."

The scar-faced wizard's ferocious face nearly frightened him to death.

"Tell me, what's your name?"

Lockhart has a question mark on his face? Are you serious? It was you

who tied me here, don't you know?

"I am Gilderoy Lockhart, my lord, you must have the wrong person."

Just as Lockhart finished speaking, the scar-faced wizard whipped him

again, causing Lockhart's legs to tremble and he shouted.

"Tell me, what's your name?"

"My real name is Gilderoy Lockhart. What do you want?"

Lockhart is about to collapse. He suspects that a dark wizard kidnapped

him for evil black magic experiments and tortured him like this.

Obviously his beautiful life has just begun, and the golden galleons and

fame are coming soon.

Lockhart was already in a trance, and the weak candlelight became

dazzling in his eyes.

"Tell me, what's your name?"

"Gilderoy Lockhart, my father named me.

"Why didn't you say your name was Merlin?"

What? Merlin, Lockhart tried his best to raise his head, trying to see

clearly the person who tormented him, but he had no strength and could

only lower his head.

"Tell me, what's your name?"

Hearing the devil's whisper again, Lockhart weakly replied, "My name is


Another whip came down, and Lockhart perked up.

"Didn't you say your name was Gilderoy Lockhart? Are you trying to lie

to me again?"

"I said I am Gilderoy Lockhart, you believe me, you believe me, woo woo


Lockhart shouted at the top of his lungs, then began to cry.

If there is no such bully, you might as well kill me with the Unforgivable


Lockhart, who has a weak personality, has never wanted to die that

much. He really doesn't want to be beaten.

……………………Please give me flowers……

Cole was laughing to death next to him. Why didn't he know that he still

had such a talent under his command? His interrogation method was so


, Lockhart was on the verge of collapse.

Originally, he planned to directly control Lockhart with a Imperius Curse,

but looking at his expression, it was obvious that Lockhart was not a

steadfast wizard.

"Okay, stop and give him treatment."

Cole emerged from the darkness and asked the Scarface wizard to treat


Watching Lockhart being roughly given a potion and casting a healing

spell, he gradually regained his vitality.

"You are Black, this is kidnapping, this is harm, you will go to Azkaban.

Lockhart shouted aggrievedly and excitedly, no one could understand his

mood now.

"Gilderoy Lockhart, you're a liar. I don't think anyone knows your true

identity now. Your father's adventure stories were stolen from other

wizards. You don't want to lose your reputation."


Lockhart regained his senses and looked at Cole in horror, "How do you

know that? What are you doing?"

Cole was too lazy to talk nonsense. It happened that Lockhart was being

tortured and was restless, so he hit Lockhart with a Imperius Curse.

Lockhart's face suddenly became happy, and there was a voice in his

mind, telling him to obey the man in front of him.

Only those with a firm mind can resist the soul-stealing curse. At the

same time, people who have been cursed too much will also become


But obviously, Lockhart is not in this category, and Cole's curse is not

something he can resist.

"Lockhart, do you want me to experience this again?"

The sound woke up Lockhart, who fell to his knees and looked at Cole

with a loyal look on his face.

"My master, Luhart obeys your orders."

In the basement full of torture instruments, they were the only two

people except the Scarface Wizard. Lockhart looked at Cole respectfully.

"Lockhart, from today on, you are the real protagonist of those adventure

stories. Now there is one thing for you to do. Hogwarts will invite you to

be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. You agree."

"You will know my orders later."

Lockhart knelt and walked under Cole's robe, his face feverish.

"As you command, my master."

"Don't let anyone know what happened today. You just slept at home."

The scars on Lockhart's body and face gradually disappeared under the

influence of the potion, making them invisible to anyone.

But Cole knew. What kind of shadow will today's events leave on

Lockhart's heart? .

Chapter 81 Real Men Fight,

Flourishes And Blotts Bookstore

Daily Prophet [The famous writer Gilderoy Lockhart claimed that thanks

to Principal Dumbledore's invitation, he will serve as the Defense Against

the Dark Arts professor in the next school year.

New books will be released for sale at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, and

fans will be rewarded by signing autographs for those who purchase the

full set of books. 】

When Martin came to him with a list of books he would be using next

semester, Cole knew what Lockhart's conspicuous bag was about.

The books required for other courses are normal, but the Defense Against

the Dark Arts course uses not a manual on how to use black magic, but a

series of Lockhart's autobiographies.

Others don't know it, doesn't Cole know it? Those autobiographies are

useless and a waste of gold galleons.

After agreeing to the children's purchase plan, Cole could only get up and

take Martin and the others to Diagon Alley, not for anything else, but

because the children wanted to join in the fun.

Picked up Alice and said, "Honey, let's go."

Unexpectedly, when I came to the corner alley of "Zero Sixty", today's

wizards seemed to be gathered together, and the small Diagon Alley was

full of people.

Among them, female wizards accounted for the majority, and all of them

seemed to be fans of the sexy wizard Lockhart.

"Don't lose me, or your mother will beat you up when you get back."

With five little carrot heads, Cole actually didn't have to worry about

anything. He walked forward with the flow of people and happened to

see Lucius coming from an alley.

Others didn't know, but Cole was sure that the alley connected to

Knockturn Alley. Lucius was lucky, but Draco behind him was sneaky,

and he didn't do anything good at first glance.

"Lucius, are you here to buy books for Draco too?"

Lucius turned around and realized it was Cole. When Cole asked, he

nodded quickly, "Yeah, you guys too?"

Lucius involuntarily stuffed the black notebook he was holding into his


"Let's just go together."

Cole, who was casual and perfunctory, seemed to know something, the

diary? Could this be the Dark Lord's Horcrux?

Lucius hid his secrets pretty well. How could he be a Death Eater and get

such a good thing?

Cole, who had the idea, didn't even ask Lucius for it, since he couldn't

escape his hands, not to mention that he would still use this thing to

cause trouble this year.

On the contrary, Cole was thinking, could Riddle's diary be destroyed by


If that didn't work, Cole remembered that the original Wei weapon could

be destroyed with a Slytherin's fang.

Entering Flourish and Blotts Bookstore and going up to the second floor,

Cole could see that the people below were all bringing their children to

buy books, while the witches came to see the most beautiful smile in the

wizarding world.

Lockhart was like a peacock at this time, wearing an exquisite dress, and

even every strand of hair made people feel dazzling. He bared his big

teeth and faced the infatuated witches.

[Wizard Weekly] Most Beautiful Smile Award? Which idiot voted for


At this time, Lockhart couldn't tell anything was wrong, as if he wasn't

the one who was tortured in the basement that day.

Lockhart faced the reporters, and of course he saw Cole on the second

floor, but under Cole's eyes, he continued his signing meeting.

Cole took a look at the [Standard Spell]. It only cost two gold galleons. It

was very cheap for Cole, but for some ordinary wizards, it was still very


What puzzled Cole the most was that one of Lockhart's books actually

sold for five gold galleons, and the little wizards needed to buy at least

four or five books this semester.

After all, even Hogwarts can bring Lockhart several thousand gold

galleons in income this year.

Is writing an autobiography so profitable? Black-hearted Lockhart.

At this time, the Weasley family just walked into the bookstore. Molly

squeezed forward excitedly with her thick body, and Arthur could only

look at second-hand textbooks outside.

While choosing, Arthur thought about what he had been fined before.

Their family did not have the habit of saving, and they usually spent as

much as they had.

No, they don't have money to buy new textbooks for Ronald this month,

but they have the old textbooks from Fred and the two brothers, which

are enough.

The only difference is that Ginny is also going to Hogwarts. As the only

girl in the Weasley family, Arthur still wants to give Ginny a surprise.

Then Cole saw Harry running in from outside covered in ashes, and

Hermione also appeared in the bookstore.

The trio trained by Dumbledore appeared in front of Cole.

"Hmph, poor Weasley, what an eyesore."

Lucius also walked to Cole's side and followed his line of sight to see the

Weasley family.

Lucius had nothing nice to say about Weasley.

"Okay, have you bought everything? There's not much to see, unless you

are a Lockhart fan."

Lucius seemed to be furious and said angrily, "Cole, don't insult me.

Everyone knows that he is a braggart. I don't know what Dumbledore

thinks when such a person can become a professor."

Cole didn't respond. If Lucius knew that he almost became a professor, he

would definitely not be able to sleep.

The two walked down the stairs with the children.

Lucius walked in front, and nothing happened, but at the moment when

he was about to finish walking, Lucius bumped into a little girl.

"Oh, how rude.

The person who bumped into Lucius was Ginny Weasley. The movement

here also attracted Arthur's attention, and he ran over quickly.

"It turns out to be Weasley. No wonder, Arthur, keep an eye on your

children outside."

Lucius is eccentric.

Cole saw clearly from behind just now that Lucius stumbled deliberately

and put the diary in his arms into the bucket in Ginny's hand.

It turned out that this was the case, and Lucius also started to make


Ginny didn't know anything, hiding in Arthur's arms, as if she had been


"Malfoy, bullying a child would be detrimental to your noble demeanor."

Arthur taunted Lucius.

"Weasley also has gold galleons to buy new books for his children? Or he

will only find them in the second-hand books pile.

With his daughter beside him, Arthur obviously didn't look like he had

lost his father's majesty, so he punched Lucius in the face.

"You damn Malfoy, taste Weasley's fist."

The two of them started fighting in the bookstore. Lucius seemed to have

lost his mind, abandoned his wand and fought with Arthur 101 Real Men.

You punched him and kicked him, then hugged each other and rolled

into the pile of books.

‘Beautiful, hit him with this punch. ’

‘Hit him in the lower part, you coward. ’

The people around started to boo, and Cole stopped Draco, who was

about to make a move. Children, please don't interfere.

Molly pushed through the crowd and ran out with Harry.

4.9 Merlin, what's going on? Arthur, stop it.

Cole also stepped forward and separated the two people.

Lucius's long platinum hair was scattered. He stood up from the ground,

took the wand, and combed his hair unconvinced.

Arthur looked at Lucius proudly like a winner.

Cole wanted to laugh when he saw this scene, and Lucius had a fist mark

on his face.

It was really the size difference between the two that made Lucius suffer.

Fortunately, neither of them used magic spells, and this was just a small


"Hmph, Draco, let's go."

Under the disgusted looks of the Weasley family, Lucius disappeared into

the crowd.

Cole and Arthur had nothing to say, after all, Weasley was deducted from

his salary.

Ginny drifted past Ginny in the corner of his eye, and Cole thought to

himself: I wish you good luck, and make good use of this diary.

Cole also left the bookstore with his children. .

Chapter 82: Gaunt Family Ring,

Flattering Servant?

A house that is about to collapse on a wooded hillside near Little


Cole stood there and watched, a dead snake in the shape of an S was

nailed to the door of the cabin, symbolizing the pure blood of Slytherin.

The ancestral home of the Gunter family turned out to be just a small

house like this.

An ancient pure-blood family, the only remaining descendant of Salazar

Slytherin, one of the four founders of Hogwarts.

They all have no successors.

Walking into the ancestral house, the house has three very small rooms.

The large room in the middle doubles as the kitchen and living room. It is

dirty and dirty.

Cole searched the house, yes, he came here to find one of Voldemort's

seven Horcruxes.

The ring of the Gaunt family was also once the ring of Slytherin.

Unexpectedly, before Cole turned the house over, he saw the snake's head

on the fireplace, with a black gemstone ring hanging on the snake's teeth.

He waved his hand and took off the ring, which had the Peverell family

crest and resurrection stone on it.

No wonder Voldemort would make the ring into a Horcrux, the ring itself

was extraordinary.

This may be what Voldemort needs for his resurrection in the future.

Cole guessed that the medium Voldemort needed to make Horcruxes was

rare in the wizarding world, such as the Gaunt family ring, Slytherin's 02

locket and Hufflepuff's golden cup.

This magical item is unique in its own right.

Thinking of this, Cole suddenly discovered how Voldemort's diary was


Could it be that Tom Riddle used a diary to make a Horcrux for the first

time and found it too difficult? Then he looked for other items?

Cole, who was already considered an insider, knew that if he didn't come

today, the ring would fall into Dumbledore's hands.

It's better to keep this kind of thing in your own hands, and Cole can

continue his plan.

After getting the ring, Cole didn't linger, and this dilapidated cabin had

no appeal.

After leaving the hut, Cole suddenly remembered that there was a

cemetery at the foot of the hillside, and he thought Voldemort's bones

would be buried there.

Cole is considering becoming a gravedigger.

After thinking about it, I might as well forget it and let the corpse sleep

in the cemetery now.

It won't be long before the Dark Lord's loyal servant Wormtail will bring

Cole's will to resurrect his dear senior.

Cole suddenly turned around and realized that he had forgotten to clear

the traces. With a magic spell, Cole phantomed and disappeared.

In Black Manor, Cole appeared in the study, took out the ring, and Cole

felt the breath inside.

There is indeed a wave of black magic.

In order to prevent anyone from being deceived, Cole put the ring in a

box and stored it in the dark room of the study.

Before Cole could sit down, Wright came over.

"Master, Tuhat is looking far away"

"Let him in,"

Wright walked out, and not long after, he saw Lockhart stooping in, and

Cole knelt down directly when he saw him.

"My most respected master, your loyal servant is here."

Cole sat on the sofa with his legs crossed. He didn't expect that the

Imperius Curse was so useful and could turn a master into his slave.

Of course, this is also due to Lockhart's own low willpower.

"Lockhart, you should know that I don't want outsiders to know about

your relationship with the Black family yet. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Lockhart was terrified and felt that he had done something wrong.

"Master, I was wrong, I will die.

Before Cole could say anything, Lockhart began to slap himself with

considerable force.

Cole smiled. Although he wanted to control Lockhart, he didn't want

Lockhart to become an idiot. After all, there were things he needed to do


"Okay, stop talking about things.

Lockhart stopped, walked over on his knees, and looked at Cole sincerely.

"Master, your loyal servant brings gold Galleons to you today. This is the

publishing fee for my autobiography over the years."

Lockhart respectfully handed over a money bag.

Cole held it in his hand, and it was quite a lot. A liar could make so much

money. Lockhart was still very capable.

Cole was very satisfied with Lockhart's attitude. After seeing this guy's

book signing event before, he knew that Lockhart had made a lot of


Cole didn't care about the galleons, but he did care about Lockhart's


The simple summary is that I can not give it, but you can’t give it.

"Lockhart, my loyal servant indeed, arise."

Lockhart's face turned rosy after being praised. He stood up excitedly and

bent over respectfully.

"As long as you are satisfied, my master."

Since Lockhart is going to Hogwarts to be a professor soon, Cole doesn't

mind helping him.

"Lockhart, what do you know about the dark arts? How would you

organize your lessons?"

"Master, my lesson plan is the entrance exam. The content of the exam is

the scope of my autobiography. I will let the young wizards choose who

is the most popular professor in Hogwarts."

Look, Cole covered his head, he shouldn't believe how good this idiot can

be at teaching students.

How can you take exams right at the beginning of school? The little

wizard will definitely hate you.

Besides, what you teach is a defense against dark arts class. If you don’t

even know black magic, how can you talk about defense?

"You don't know any other spells? You only know the Forgetting Charm?"

Lockhart said with a proud face: "Master, in addition to the Forgetting

Curse, I am best at it. I can also clean up, I can also fly the Curse, and I

can also find the Object Curse...

"Mad, why don't you become a house elf?" 000

Unexpectedly, Lockhart looked expectant when he heard Cole's words.

"Master, I can become a house elf if you need me."

With a snap, Cole gave Lockhart a big mouth.

A dignified wizard actually wants to compete with elves for jobs, but

there is no future.

Cole sighed, looking at Lockhart's aggrieved look, he could only say:

"For the sake of your active filial piety today, I will give you some magic

props that can help you cast some powerful spells, but please note that

these props have a number of uses.

Cole had no choice but to take out some small alchemy gadgets that he

didn't need.

Lockhart burst into tears of gratitude. Looking at Lockhart's little

expression, Cole suddenly discovered that some wizards were out of

control once they opened the door to a new world.

If Lockhart wasn't still available, Cole would have made Lockhart a red-

butt baboon.

"Remember, these things given to you are not for you to show off. Use

them at critical moments. Remember not to expose your incompetence.

"As you command, Master."

Cole waved his hand and said, "Go away."

Lockhart cautiously withdrew, feeling very happy. Although he gave up

all his savings today, he got a lot of good things.

These things can help him. A great adventurer must have matching

strength, right?

Chapter 83 The Fate Of Men And

Horses Drifts With The Tide

Cole was dealing with matters at the Potion Manor that day when he

suddenly received news from John and hurried back to Black Castle.

John stayed in the Auror office all year round, leading a team to handle

arrests from the Ministry of Magic. He usually would not come back, and

would only deliver news when important events occurred.

Unexpectedly, when he met John, his first words surprised Cole.

"Master, there may be a war."


War? It seemed like a very distant word to Cole.

"The centaur tribe has closed the Forbidden Forest and declared that

wizards have begun to massacre their people. This is intolerable and no

wizards are allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest."

Cole also didn't expect that he could cause such a big noise just by killing

some people.

Also declares that the Forbidden Forest is closed? Wizards are prohibited

from entering.

According to Cole's understanding, the Forbidden Forest seems to be the

land of Hogwarts Castle.

"Don't be anxious. Sit down first and let me think about it."

Cole asked John to calm down and pace slowly in the study.

According to the tradition of wizards, in previous centuries, the forest

near the castle was a place for hunting and recreation for the castle


Hogwarts is no exception. The four founders built Hogwarts. According

to the law at the time, the surrounding land had to belong to Hogwarts.

The forest of Hogwarts may have been a place where the school fed

various animals at the beginning, such as unicorns, thestrals, hippogriffs,


These are just for students to have materials for research experiments.

But later, races such as centaurs, werewolves, and Acromantulas "moved"

into the Forbidden Forest, causing the danger factor here to soar.

That's why successive principals would not let the little wizards enter the

Forbidden Forest to avoid being harmed.

Cole also learned that it was the Ministry of Magic that later designated a

part of the Forbidden Forest for humans to live in, and then official

permission was given.

Otherwise, Hogwarts has the right to expel the creatures in the Forbidden


There are only so many professors in Hogwarts, and the management of

the Forbidden Forest is very lax. Just like Hagrid, the guardian of the

Forbidden Forest, how capable do you expect him to be?

However, it was precisely because Hogwarts had no intention of

managing the Forbidden Forest that it signed an agreement with the

Centaur Tribe, the Werewolf Tribe in the Forbidden Forest, and even the

Murloc Tribe in the Black Lake.

Both parties do not interfere with each other.

Nowadays, the self-esteemed people seem to regard the Forbidden Forest

as their own land.

"The centaurs seem to have forgotten one thing. The wizard allowed

them to exist, so they can survive until now. I really can't see the form


Turning to ask John.

"What do Ministry of Magic officials think?"

John was well prepared, "Most of the Ministry of Magic officials are very

angry. After all, there is a lot of output in the Forbidden Forest.

Also, according to Cole's understanding, the Forbidden Forest has been

sheltered by Hogwarts for hundreds of years, and many magical animals

have taken root and inhabit it. The land is very fertile.

Many precious medicinal materials are produced from it, which is very

important to wizards.

"It seems that this war is inevitable. Even Dumbledore can't change the

stubborn people.

"In this case, we may be able to benefit from it."

In a short period of time, Cole decided, asking John:

"After you go back, always pay attention to the movements of the

Ministry of Magic and prepare the wizards in the team. Once the war

starts, you will be the vanguard of the Black family and of course the

vanguard of the Ministry of Magic.

"Even if Dumbledore advocated peace, the wizards at that time would not

allow centaurs to have such an idea. What's more, the pure-blood nobles

have been eyeing this cake in the Forbidden Forest for a long time."

Cole is also eyeing this piece of cake. The Forbidden Forest is not small.

The land in the Forbidden Forest is enough to create a large number of

potion manors and breeding bases.

It makes people feel excited just thinking about it. I didn’t expect that I

would gain so much by doing it smoothly that night.

Poor people, what age are you still doing this? Don’t you know who is

the boss?

After receiving Cole's order, John returned to the Ministry of Magic,

arranged for his Aurors to be fully armed, and asked for information.

John's work at the Ministry of Magic these years was not in vain. The

source of the information was very well-informed, otherwise he would

not have informed Cole immediately.

Similarly, other families also began to show greedy eyes after learning

the news about Centaur.

After all, no one is a fool and cannot see how much benefit there is.

John stared at Fudge's office. There were many wizards coming in and

out all morning, all from various families.

Fudge is now the target of compliments. Before, John also suggested

whether to contact Fudge first, but the head of the family said so.

Fudge is not the one who decides to share the cake. If you want to join

this game, it depends on who is stronger.

However, it was in response to Cole's conjecture that the opinions within

the Ministry of Magic were not unified.

Some wizards think that there is no need to launch a war to resolve this

matter. They can negotiate and at most give them the forest where the

humans and horses live.

Wizards who held other opinions believed that what the centaurs did was

a provocation to them, and the wizards would never tolerate it.

If werewolves do the same thing, there will be no place for them in the


They believe that humans should disappear from the British wizarding

world to shock other races.

Anyway, the two parties started arguing in the conference room, and

John was among them, but he did not express any other opinions, except

that the Auror team was ready.

Minister Fudge is really like a mascot, sitting on top without saying a

word, and everyone who says he responds makes sense.

John wanted to laugh when he saw it. Fudge, who was caught in the

middle, was obviously waiting for Professor Dumbledore's response in the

background. He knew that Professor Dumbledore had picked him up and

had already gone to the Centaur tribe.

After some quarreling, the higher authorities were still undecided. The

efficiency of the Ministry of Magic was mediocre.

Fudge also dragged his tired body back to the office. As soon as he

opened the door, he saw the figure in gray robe.

Fudge closed the door and said, "Professor Dumbledore, what's going on

over there with the troops? You know, many people came to see me

today. Many people in the meeting just now thought it would be better to

start a war directly."

Dumbledore turned around and said with no trace of worry on his face:

"Unfortunately, the elders of Xilin did not listen to my suggestion. They

insist on believing that the Forbidden Forest belongs to the land of

humans and birds.

"Humph, is this robbery? I even wonder if they took this opportunity to

rob the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts. In this case, there will definitely

be casualties."

Fudge originally thought that Dumbledore would least want conflicts

between centaurs and wizards, but there was no trace of anxiety or worry

on Dumbledore's face.

"Professor Dumbledore, do you favor war?"

Dumbledore smiled meaningfully: "Who can determine whether he is

right or wrong in fate? Let all be judged by future generations, not to

mention that I have done what I should do. "I respect magic.

decision. "

Dumbledore's answer made Fudge think that shouldn't Dumbledore try

his best to discourage or even stop this war at all costs?

Maybe Fudge just got to know the principal again today. After all, he is

also a member of the wizards. .

Chapter 84 The Future Of

Centaurs, Greedy Nobles

Sure enough, the sealing of the Forbidden Forest by humans and horses

quickly caused fluctuations in the wizarding world.

Even Hogwarts professor Pomona Sprout entered the Forbidden Forest to

collect materials but was driven out by troops.

If Professor Sprout hadn't been a kind-hearted witch, no one could stop

him with his magical power.

Don't underestimate Dean Hufflepuff, who wears a gray hat and works

with flowers and plants in the greenhouse all day long.

It was precisely because of Professor Sprout's concession that the men

and horses became even more aggressive, and even began to unite with

the werewolf tribe to attack wizards who entered the Forbidden Forest.

The news in the Daily Prophet was flying all over the place. When Cole

saw the newspaper, he felt it was nonsense. Why could the Centaur be so


When he came to Knockturn Alley, Cole found that even the prices of

many potions had increased a lot, and the market had begun to become


However, Blake still took advantage of this opportunity to make a

fortune. Seeing how popular the market for potions and magical animal

materials was, Cole knew that he could not give up this opportunity in

the Forbidden Forest.

But Cole is not in a hurry. The bigger the storm, the more fish are


This time, Lucius had already come to the door, and he was anxious.

"Cole, we must not give up this opportunity. If we can really drive out the

people in the Forbidden Forest, the Ministry of Magic will not be able to

take such a big cake."

Lucius was right. Cole knew that among the officials of the Ministry of

Magic, there must be people who wanted to incorporate the management

of the Forbidden Forest into the Ministry of Magic for political


But don't forget, pure-blood nobles will not agree. When it comes to the

struggle for interests, the truth is to win more, but there is nothing good

about eating.

Just like Deputy Minister Umbridge, this old woman is ambitious and

wants to take this opportunity to contribute to her future position as

Minister of Magic.

Umbridge has already led a large number of officials to begin planning to

take over the Forbidden Forest.

John had told him all this.

"Lucius, what do you think the Ministry of Magic can achieve? Can it

really resist the pressure of the international Ministry of Magic and wipe

out all the pony tribes?"

For such a genocide, there must be a lot of public opinion in the

international Ministry of Magic.

There will always be some kind-hearted wizards who sit on their butts

and propose multi-racial coexistence.

Lucius frowned. To be honest, although he was once a Death Eater, he

really didn't have many lives on his hands.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to escape the Ministry of Magic's

trial so easily.

"Cole, do you think the centaurs could go anywhere else?"

Cole smiled and said: "The world is so big, there will always be a place

for them to survive. Unfortunately, the centaurs mistook the wizard's

kindness for fear of them. I think there is no need to be too kind to


Unlike house elves, centaurs can also clean up for wizards.

Do you need to use a human to pull the cart?

"For the benefit of wizards, purebloods should stand together, right?


Cole blinked, and his 36-degree mouth spoke cold words.

Lucius also agreed. Just as the two were discussing (accf), they suddenly

received news that a hearing would be held tomorrow on how to deal

with the troops.

Whether he is a member of the Wizengamot or the leader of the Black

family, Cole is eligible to participate.

On the second day, Cole arrived at the Ministry of Magic early, and all he

saw were familiar faces. After a few token greetings, Cole got down to

business in the conference room.

Dumbledore is also there, after all, this matter cannot bypass Hogwarts.

Next to Fudge was the pink old girl Umbridge, with a smile on her face

that almost rivaled that of a goblin.

"Everyone, today's topic is about the centaurs. The tribe of centaurs

claims that the Forbidden Forest is their land, and wizards are prohibited

from entering. What do you think?"

As soon as Fudge finished speaking, there was someone who was eager to

speak up.

"Fuck them, when did the Forbidden Forest become theirs? Since ancient

times, these places have been the land of our wizards."

"Yes, before, the Ministry of Magic only gave the Forbidden Forest a

temporary habitat for humans and horses, but I didn't expect them to bite


"I think this incident was deliberately provoked by them. Maybe they

killed the dozens of men and horses themselves."

Many conspiracy theories began to pop up.

In fact, in the eyes of many wizards, centaurs are difficult to talk to,

arrogant and pretentious.

In some ways, they are even more hateful than goblins.

"The International Ministry of Magic, let us try to resolve it peacefully. I

wonder what you think?"

Fudge was indeed a veteran, and he left the matter to everyone present.

Dumbledore also sat beside him and said nothing. No one knew what

Dumbledore was thinking.

LeVille looked at the people present and reminded him in passing: "There

are already rumors that the werewolves of the Centaur Tribe in the

United Forbidden Forest are running out of time."

What is the difference between a werewolf and a werewolf wizard?

In fact, there is not much difference. The difference is that the werewolf

wizard is still a wizard when he is awake and can cast spells.

The werewolf can not only transform at any time, but also can control

himself as long as he stays in the tribe on a full moon night.

But the combat effectiveness of werewolves is indeed not weaker than

that of humans and horses.

This is also a nuisance.

Cole said: "In this case, I suggest that the Aurors set off immediately,

surround the Forbidden Forest, and start a trial against the human tribe.

"Black, there are not so many Aurors in the Ministry of Magic." Little

Avery subconsciously replied. Although they are now in the same lineup,

it does not hinder the grievances between their two families.

"Since it concerns all wizards, of course we are also obliged to help the

Ministry of Magic. The Black family can provide at least a hundred


Cole was able to put forward his purpose with ease.

The other noble wizards are not fools. They naturally know that if they

don't contribute now, they won't get a share of the cake when the time


"There are thirty wizards from the Malfoy family."

"Thirty wizards from the Foley family."

"Twenty Averys."

Some officials of the Ministry of Magic are from noble backgrounds.

Although they are not twenty-eight purebloods, it does not prevent them

from seeking benefits for their families.

Fudge was not surprised to see this scene, and Umbridge was shaking

with anger.

Before the matter was over, the nobles' greedy nature was exposed.

"Okay, what does this have to do with you?"

"Deputy Minister Umbridge, don't forget, we are also part of the

wizarding world, so of course we have to contribute."

Cole also knew what Umbridge was thinking. To be honest, if he only

relied on the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic, he really wouldn't have

that ability.

Little did they know that except for John's Auror team, the other Aurors

were paid to work and would not work hard for a few hundred gold

galleons every month.

"Since the deputy minister doesn't want us to get involved, the nobles like

me will go back. I hope you will win."

Cole stood up directly, Lucius also pushed the chair away, and everyone,

whether it was Little Avery or other nobles, began to follow him.

The sound of chairs scraping against the floor sounded one after another.

Caught Umbridge off guard.

Obviously the deputy minister also realized that the nobles had united


Umbridge is not a fool. He knows that if the negotiation does not go well

today, maybe the nobles will be able to support the Centaur tribe


The Ministry of Magic's actions were in vain.

"Cole, everyone, please sit down first. I am the Minister of Magic, right?"

Fudge spoke and slapped Umbridge in the face. He had wanted to do this

for a long time because this old woman kept staring at his butt.

"Hogwarts is the master of the Forbidden Forest, isn't it? Let's listen to

Principal Dumbledore's opinion."

Dumbledore didn't say much, except that the students at Hogwarts

needed a place to study.

The meaning of this is very clear. What is a place of learning? Isn’t

Hogwarts Castle enough for little wizards to toss around?

In fact, it still shows that no matter what the outcome of the matter,

Hogwarts' share must be given.

Of course, the nobles also agreed that these uses were their territory.

The second half of the meeting was to discuss the division of each potion


None of the wizards present thought they were no match for centaurs.

In this way, Cole relied on his own strength and the number of family

wizards to occupy a lot of shares.

The destruction of Sagittarius and Horse has been doomed, but I don’t

know if Sagittarius and Horse who believe in zodiac signs have seen their

own future. .

Chapter 85: Commanding Before

The Battle, Scolding The Pink


Hogwarts Castle suddenly had a large influx of wizards.

There are tents everywhere on the Quidditch pitch. Fortunately, this time

is when the little wizard is on vacation, otherwise the temporary

stronghold would not be placed here.

First of all, Dumbledore would not allow them to disturb students'


Cole brought a large number of wizards into Hogwarts, which really

made Cole feel like he was marching to Hogwarts.

This sudden war also allowed Cole to see the confidence of the pure-

blood family.

Normally they are inconspicuous, but when the time comes, these nobles

cannot be underestimated.

You must know that the wizards of the Black family are already new

faces in the wizarding world, okay! Cole has never seen some wizards

from other pure-blood families.

Everyone is doing little tricks behind their backs.

Along the way, Cole was also asked to get a feel for the details of each

family. Similarly, Cole brought more than a hundred wizards here today

to show off his strength.

On the Quidditch pitch, except for the Ministry of Magic tent in the

middle, the other families are clearly distinct. They are in the same army,

but they all have their own thoughts.

Of course, Cole's move also shocked other families. Although they all

knew that the Black family was rich, they did not expect that there were

many adult wizards under their command.

Just looking at the equipment on each wizard, these are all standard

equipment for Aurors, making people jealous and at the same time a little

more careful about Black.

In addition to the wizards of the Black family, don't forget the John team

in the Auror office. They are also experienced in hundreds of battles and

never show mercy in arresting criminals and Death Eaters.

It can be said that Blake's sudden appearance shocked all hidden


Similarly, Cole also saw St. Mungo's medical rescue team, specially

dispatched by the Ministry of Magic to give a signal to the wizards

present that this was really going to kill someone.

The wizards were stationed very quickly, but they also knew that the

men, horses and werewolves were waiting there, so they did not rush

into the Forbidden Forest.

Instead, he sent people to send letters to the human and centaur tribes,

asking them to surrender, and Magic A kindly sent them out of England.

However, a bow and arrow already represented the rebellious attitude of

the centaur tribe, which also excited the wizards present.

One by one, they began to discuss an attack plan.

But the funniest thing is that the Ministry of Magic officials started to

quarrel over who was the commander.

In the tent, Cole watched this funny scene.

Minister Fudge, who used to push away his responsibilities, now said

with a righteous face:

"I am the Minister of Magic. I am the commander of this operation. I will

lead the wizards to defend the dignity of the Ministry of Magic."

The only one who can compete with Fudge is Deputy Minister Umbridge.

This woman is laying a solid foundation for herself to compete for the

Minister of Magic in the future, and of course she will not give up.

"Minister Fudge, didn't you say that you can't handle the International

Ministry of Magic? Then let me take on this responsibility. For the British

wizards, I am duty-bound and not afraid of life or death.

Supporters from both sides turned against each other, spraying each

other with insults.

The people in Umbridge said that Fudge couldn't even defeat Umbridge,

let alone face the troops.

Fudge has won over a few people over the years, and they all say that

Umbridge has no experience in commanding a war. Fudge once

participated in the operation to encircle and suppress the mysterious

man, and had great military exploits.

Cole and the noble wizards present wanted to laugh when they heard the

nonsense from the two parties.

Bragging is a good thing. When did Fudge have such courage? He also

participated in the operation to encircle and suppress the mysterious

man. It was good enough not to pee his pants when he saw the Death


You must know that Fudge has not dared to go to Azkaban even once in

these years for fear of dying at the hands of Death Eaters.

As for Umbridge, the noble wizards admitted that this woman did have

some abilities, but it was not the ability to cast spells, but the ability to

win over people.

That's also a civilian position in the Ministry of Magic.

In the eyes of the wizards present, these two men seemed to be boasting

that Merlin was reincarnated and that one person could win this war.

Fudge's background, Professor Dumbledore, is obviously not here. I heard

that Professor Dumbledore didn't want to see the miserable state of the

people and horses, so he went back to the office to deal with things.

At the same time, the professors at Hogwarts were not involved.

This put Fudge at a disadvantage. After a fight, Umbridge successfully

assumed the command and looked at the noble wizard proudly.

"Everyone, I hope you will hand over all your people to me, and I will

coordinate them with the Aurors. Victory will definitely belong to us."

Umbridge's passionate speech was met with a cold look from the noble


Cole didn't expect the old pink toad to be so stupid and want to seize

power as soon as he came up?

Let’s not talk about whether they will hand the person over to Umbridge,

just hand it over to her. There is no guarantee that this woman will not

let their people take the vanguard in order to weaken the strength of the


If they fall into the trap of men and horses, they will all feel bad if one of

them dies.

Also victory will be ours, who doesn't know that victory is the wizard's.

But under Umbridge's foolish command, the balance of victory may not

necessarily favor anyone.

Today's wizard army is considered a traditional Western army in Cole's

eyes. Although the Ministry of Magic can nominally command it, each

family is equivalent to recruiting it for profit.

The wizards under them obey their orders, but they will not obey

Umbridge's orders.

The scene instantly became awkward. The noble wizards present said

nothing and looked at Umbridge as if they were laughing.

Even Fudge, who was angry just now, was watching the old woman's

joke. He was not afraid of smart enemies, but afraid of stupid teammates.

Before the war even started, Umbridge had already made a mistake.

Umbridge's face turned redder under the pink coat. She actually set her

sights on the Black family, who had the most Black people.

0...please give me flowers)…………

"Mr. Black, as a representative of thousand-year-old pureblood and noble

wizards, what do you think of my proposal?"

Well, Cole was shocked. Pink Toad didn't give him any benefits, but he

actually wanted his support. The Malfoy family didn't ask for it, and the

Parkinson family didn't ask for it.

Cole suspected that he had brought over a hundred wizards for nothing.

Lying back, Cole leaned on the back of the chair and said


"Just you? Are you worthy?"

"Don't think that just because you are the deputy minister, you can talk

nonsense in front of me, referring to the Black family wizard. Are you


"It's just a toad swallowing a bullwhip. You have such a loud tone."

Putting his feet directly on the long table in the middle of the tent, Cole

said sternly:

"You go outside now. If someone from the Black family talks to you, I will

take off the head and give it to you."

"Let me tell you clearly, your proposal is extremely stupid. I really don't

know how you became the deputy minister. You don't have the ability to

show off your beauty."

Even the noble wizard who supported Cole didn't expect that Cole could

say this, and immediately broke down.

Unexpectedly, Umbridge was shaking with anger as he sat in the

commander's position, pointing at Cole and stammering.

"How dare you?"

Cole put down his legs and stood up directly. "Anyway, this is the

attitude of the Black family. After I finish speaking, who is in favor? Who

is against?"

After looking around, no wizard said a word.

"If the Ministry of Magic insists on commanding us, I will withdraw from

this operation and the Black family will act on their own. Everyone, first

of all, declare that Black will not give up the food that is fed to his


This war is inevitable. Regardless of whether the Ministry of Magic is the

orthodox representative or not, the rebellion of the Centaur tribe is


Cole can also act in the name of all wizards. As for the subsequent

wrangling, that will happen in the future.

The other noble wizards were obviously not stupid. Their families were

now one.

After Cole walked out of the tent, everyone followed him, leaving

Umbridge with his eyes wide open and some Ministry of Magic officials

who were at a loss.

Cole came out of the tent and was chased by Lucius.

"Cole, you are really brave. You can say such things. You must know that

we are participating in the war in the name of the Ministry of Magic this


"Lucius, don't forget that the wizarding world speaks based on strength.

You don't really think that I don't dare to help people, do you?"

Cole smiled evilly.

"You said that if I fight against the Ministry of Magic in the name of

coexistence of all races, will the international community say they love


Lucius nodded. Whether they were wizards or Muggles, there was

definitely no shortage of people with good intentions.

"You are really an insidious guy."

"Everything is for profit, Lucius, this is the pure-blood way of survival.".

Chapter 86 I Want To Eat Fish,

And The Pink Toad Suffers A

Serious Blow

By the black lake in Hogwarts, Cole stood admiring the scenery.

Two days have passed, and in the camp that was bustling before, no

nobles have taken any action, which also shows their attitude.

Fudge has returned to London and is not involved in this matter, and

Umbridge, Cole knows, has been traveling between families these days.

Thinking from Merlin's butt, Cole could also imagine what they said.

But obviously Umbridge did not succeed, and no family was willing to

stand up and support it.

Looking at the depths of the black lake, Cole wondered how many giant

squids and mermaids there were. Why didn't the cruel mermaids

participate in this war?

"The head of the family."

Wright's voice sounded from behind.

"Umbridge took the Aurors into the Forbidden Forest. It was Revel who

ordered the Aurors to go.

"410" Leville is the old fox, and he is also the director of the Auror Office.

Cole didn't look back. "Where are John and the others?"

"Follow me in."

Cole was not surprised, but I really don't know if Umbridge is stupid or


You want to say that she is stupid, but she also knows how to break the

boat and lead the Aurors to open up the situation. As long as she can be

the first to win, the families will definitely be restless.

But you have to call her smart. She knew that John's team was from the

Auror office but was actually from the Black family, so she still took it

with them.

"In that case, Wright, do you think there are fish in this black lake? I

want to eat fish."

"I understand, Master." Wright turned and left.

Cole had already asked John to act according to the situation, otherwise

the Aurors would not be so easy to mobilize, and Umbridge was not the

director of the Auror office.

Looking at the Forbidden Forest in the distance, Cole waited for the

storm to come.

In the Forbidden Forest, the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic were in a

fighting posture, searching carefully with their wands. Dozens of Aurors

were spread out, always watching out for traps in the jungle.

Umbridge followed LeVille, refusing to leave for fear of death.

"Leverell, can you guarantee my safety? This time we only need to get

back a few heads of the men and horses, and we can complete the


LeVert rolled his eyes.

"Dolores, if you are afraid, you should stay in the camp. All the Aurors I

have are elite. Don't worry, I have the advantage."

What LeVert said about who was nice to him was all ridicule and

calculation under Umbridge's unseen eyes.

If it weren't for the plan, how could he listen to Umbridge's order and let

all the Aurors enter the Forbidden Forest, including John's team.

Gradually entering the Forbidden Forest, LeVert could no longer see the

Aurors, but there was no fighting, which proved that he had not

encountered the Centaur tribe.

Umbridge also relaxed, lowered the wand in his hand, and mentally

planned to go back and face the hateful noble with his first victory.

A sudden cry came from the northwest.

"Be careful, they are men and horses, be careful to avoid bows and


"The werewolf is coming too, be careful, Richie, the flames will explode."

"Armor protection."

"Damn it, use a big spell and burn them to death.

The explosion was not far away, and Umbridge suddenly became

nervous. He looked at the direction of the sound, but still refused to go


"Leville, do we want to go there?"

Talking about Umbridge who refused to move even half a step, LeVert

said: "No, they will take care of it."

The dark shadows of the surrounding jungle flashed, and a depressing

atmosphere filled the air.

"Is it a centaur?"

"No, look out, Dolores."

LeVert pushed Umbridge away, dodged and fired an explosive spell,

causing the dirt on the opposite side to fly.

A dozen werewolves howled and rushed out of the jungle so fast that

they couldn't see clearly.

LeVille directly used the transformation spell to turn the surrounding

land into a desert, restricting the movement of the werewolf.

Floating into the air and bombarding with magic spells, he looked at

Umbridge from the corner of his eye. As expected, this stupid woman

stood there at a loss.

LeVille conveniently added a protective spell to himself and sent a signal

to request support.

A spear as thick as an arm directly shot him down from the air. LeVille

fell to the sand and spat out sand. Fortunately, he had cast a protective

spell just now.

Several black shadows rushed toward him, and the werewolf's sharp

claws tore apart Revel's arm, and blood spilled into the air.

"Damn werewolves, elf of sand, obey my call."

The five-meter-tall figure stood up from the sand and protected LeVille.

At this time, Umbridge had already fallen into the hands of the werewolf.

Looking at the woman held by the three-meter-tall werewolf, LeVert


"No~~~ Dolores0..."

Unfortunately, Umbridge had passed out and was captured by the

werewolf and disappeared.

The supporting Aurors also rushed over and repelled the werewolf. The

group looked embarrassed but were not injured.

The only casualty was LeVert.

"Director, what should we do? Are we going to rescue the deputy


"Merlin, didn't you see that I was injured? Send me back for treatment


LeVille's attitude towards his less-sighted subordinates was not so good.

Didn't you see that all the wizards in John's team looked like they were

watching a good show?

In this way, the first crusade of Gangshi ended with Deputy Minister

Umbridge being captured.

LeVert took the people back to the camp and went directly to the medical

tent. He never came out. The Aurors were also at a loss and could only go

back to rest.

The news that Umbridge was captured spread throughout the camp in an

instant, and all the noble wizards were watching the show. They knew

that this operation would not have a good result.

In the Black tent, Cole and Lucius were joking.

"Lucius, how do you think the Centaur will treat Pink Toad and cause her


Lucius swallowed, imagined for a moment, then shook his head to expel

some evil things.

"Cole, you are really a pervert. How come this kind of thought comes to

your mind?"

Cole's righteous answer was, "Lucius, wizards should maintain a spirit of

exploration into the unknown. Maybe the wizarding world will change in

the future because of this?"

Seeing Lucius's expression as if he had eaten a slug, Cole didn't want to

tease him anymore.

"Okay, Lucius, use your social butterfly skills, it's time for us to take


Lucius stood up angrily, "Cole, the words coming out of your mouth

sound better than those of a goblin. I suggest you run for Minister of


Looking at Lucius walking out of the tent, Cole laughed.

Maybe he can really become a minister in the future and change the

wizarding world starting from today, starting with the demise of the

centaur tribe.

Oh, the coming massacre made Cole start to get excited. .

Chapter 87: Horses And Horses

Sacrifice Flags, Thunder Sweeps


Umbridge's story was only circulated in the camp and did not appear in

the newspapers.

This was one of the deals Cole and Fudge made.

That's right, when Fudge's competition failed, Fudge and Cole cooperated

with each other.

Cole then promised Fudge to get rid of Umbridge, the careerist who

coveted his position, and Fudge also agreed to Cole. In subsequent

actions, the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic obeyed Cole's command.

This is also one of the reasons why LeVert was intentionally injured. In

addition to clearing himself of the suspicion of actively harming the

deputy minister, it was also to make way for Cole next.

Likewise, this matter was not included in the Daily Prophet among the

recommendations of both parties.

In this way, Cole successfully seized power, although it was only


In the camp tent, Cole summoned all the noble wizards together and

announced his appointment. The officials under Umbridge had no choice

but to make them only civilians.

It's okay to follow Umbridge and wave the flag, but if they really go to

the battlefield, they will start to be afraid to death. 03 This is also a

common problem of most Kufa officials.

"Everyone, are everything ready? Are you ready for victory?"

"Of course, Cole, we can't wait any longer and move forward towards

great interests."

Taking out the sheepskin map of the Forbidden Forest, Cole specially

divided the attack area. Cole suggested not to clear the giant spider

territory outside the Forbidden Forest yet.

After all, the Acromantula can produce a lot, and those precious

materials are valuable whether they are in Diagon Alley or Knockturn


"First, gather the wizards and seal the entire Forbidden Forest to prevent

them from escaping. Leave this matter to the Aurors. I believe you will be

able to handle it with ease."

"Also, I hope that no one will not do anything just because of a little

difference. If I find out, don't blame the Black family for being rude."

Little Avery nodded. Although his expression was ugly, he also knew that

the Avery family could not stand against all the nobles.

Cole carefully arranged the battle plan. To be honest, the army would

press forward and kill the men, horses and werewolves whenever they

saw it.

"Okay, gather all the wizards."

Before setting off, Cole traditionally wanted to boost his morale. To do

this, Cole specially sent John's team to capture a few men. There had to

be some blood before the wizards could get serious.

The nobles walked out of the tent and gathered the wizards of the family

one by one. Hundreds of wizards were waiting on the Quidditch pitch,

looking expectantly at Cole in the middle and the men kneeling on the


When the young men and horses saw such a scene, they already knew

what the divisions were going to do.

Despite this, the proud men and horses refused to cut their heads and

chanted that the stars foreshadowed their victory.

Cole finally knew what the centaurs were thinking. The stars in the sky

told the centaurs the prophecies, so they dared to fight against the


But even the stars can't stop the wizard's power.

"Wizards, what do these centaurs' rebellion tell us? They are not afraid of

the wizard's kindness, so let them experience the wizard's wrath."

"Today, the wizards will tell this group of aliens who is the real master of

the wizarding world and destroy the Forbidden Forest for the greater


"The history of magic will record today's greatness. Proud wizards, tell

me if you can do it?"

These two simple sentences inspired the wizards present and started


"Yes, yes."

Cole nodded to the tall wizard holding a giant ax next to the men and

horses. He raised the gleaming giant ax high and was about to chop it


"Wait, Blake, you can't do this, let alone harm the magical animals in the

Forbidden Forest. They are also alive."

It turned out to be Hagrid, the famous ranger of the Forbidden Forest,

who squeezed in with his tall body from the crowd.

Cole was too lazy to talk nonsense. Why are there such idiots

everywhere? Why didn't he see that Dumbledore didn't care about this


A spell of weakness immediately paralyzed Hagrid. For a moment, Cole

even wanted to use Hagrid to sacrifice the flag first.


The sharp ax blade fell, cutting off the heads of the men and horses, and

the hot blood spread on the ground, witnessing the wizard's cruelty.

Hagrid wailed in pain, but the wind direction present did not care.

He took out his broomstick and set off towards the Forbidden Forest. Like

a swarm of bees, each team flew to the designated location.

Cole also led the Black family wizards to set off, leaving the lonely

Hagrid and the corpses of the men and horses lying in the middle of the


The arrival of the wizard was announced with a magic spell, and war

began to ignite in the Forbidden Forest. The multiple magic spells united

by the noble wizards caused the lives of the Forbidden Forest to be


Cole led the Black family and swept over them like thunder plowing the

ground. When he saw the people and horses, he fired the Unforgivable


This is not a child's play now. The Ministry of Magic's prohibition against

using the Unforgivable Curse does not apply to the current scene.

Cole also knew that other nobles would not be lenient, so he said that

Avada could not be used, but it also depended on who the other party


The wizard team is extremely efficient. With the Auror equipment, they

can go up to Avada despite the rain of arrows from the troops.

Every flash of green light represents the passing of a life.

Cole even wanted to cast a fire spell to add to the fun, but when he

thought about earning Galleons through the ban, there was no need to

destroy the ecology.

Shadow magic, but Cole's research over the years, is uniquely suited to be

used in places like the Forbidden Forest.

The wizards of the Black family are not simple either. A series of magic

spells tore apart the bodies of the men and horses and shattered the

heads of the men and horses.

Carrying a magic potion with you is like not needing 820 Galleons. After

drinking one bottle, throw away another to keep the magic power


Along the way, Cole saw no trace of the Acromantula. It seemed that the

old spider was a little wise and kept his descendants underground.

Cole is also planning to capture Hagrid's friend Aragog specifically to

give birth to spiderlings, so that the Black family can continue to produce

Acromantula venom.

There are not many people in this area of ​​several kilometers of

Forbidden Forest. The Black family has cleaned up and is heading

towards the ancestral land of the people in the intelligence.

If a wizard looks from the sky, he can see that each family has

surrounded the centaurs and horse tribes, advancing step by step,

compressing them into the ancestral land of centaurs.

In less than half a day, Cole and the wizard approached the men and

horses. Looking at the totem pole in the middle, Cole calmly did not

launch an attack.

Standing on the stone, knocking the dirt off under your feet, waiting for

the other families to meet.

Malfoy was worthy of being the pure-blood noble who preserved the

most strength. Lucius quickly brought his people over.

Foley family, Carrow family, Burke family, Greengrass family

The wizards who had already killed them were staring at the centaur

tribe and were ready to make a move.

It can be seen that there are only more than a thousand warriors left in

the centaur tribe, and the others are little centaurs.

Adult horses, regardless of gender, are all capable of fighting. The

immature pony is also holding a small bow and arrow, staring at the

wizard with a look of hatred. .

Chapter 88 Burning With Fire,

The Deathly Hallows?

The men and horses are surrounded by the wizard, and only one word

from Cole can decide life or death.

Lucius used a spell to tell Cole that all the werewolves had been killed.

Compared with the number of humans and horses, there were only a

dozen or so werewolves in the Forbidden Forest, and they were still

family-style tribes.

The war has reached this point, and there is no room for persuasion.

Looking at the eyes of those little ponies, Cole knew that there should be

no further trouble.

Just as Cole raised his wand and prepared to attack, an old centaur came


The traces of time show up on this centaur's body, including wrinkled

skin, a body that is no longer strong, and even its eyes are a little cloudy.

"Wizard, the sins you have committed will be punished by God today,

invade our land, and the stars will be on our side."

The centaur elder's words made the tribe warriors shout loudly, and their

morale suddenly increased.

The wizards looked at each other, and Cole looked at the sky

suspiciously. The power of the stars?

It was daytime now, and the sun's rays obscured the glimmer of the stars.

"It's really ridiculous. Death is already knocking on the door, and you still

put your hope in illusory gods?"

Cole sneered, "When did the Forbidden Forest become your land? If it

weren't for the mercy of the wizard, would you have been able to survive

in the Forbidden Forest for so many years?"

"I know that foreigners are all wolves that are not well-raised. Today is

the day for wizards to take back what belongs to them."

The Centaur elder shouted loudly, "Let you see the power of the stars."

All the horses howled loudly, and the beast-like sounds sounded, and

Cole noticed that there was a pool of blood under the totem pole in the


The totem pole began to glow red, and in less than a blink of an eye, the

light shot straight up, flew hundreds of meters into the sky, and spread

out, making the surrounding area seem dark.

A huge black cover enveloped the wizard and the centaur.

When I looked up, I could see stars. The most dazzling one was the

Sagittarius galaxy. A centaur holding a bow and arrow appeared in the


The arrow was shining brightly, as if it would hit the ground in the next


Cole also didn't expect that Centaur could have such a foundation. Could

this be the power of the stars?

Change the sky and the earth, regardless of the sun and the moon?

The noble wizards present used flashing spells to illuminate the

surroundings. They looked at the people and horses with a slightly

panicked look on their faces.

Fortunately for Cole, any source of power cannot come without a price.

For the Centaur totem pole to have such power, it must have cost a lot,

and it might not last long.

"Don't panic, gather together and use the multiple armor spell."

After Cole's reminder, more than a dozen wizard families opened wizard

arrays, and some net masters even started to hold back their ultimate


The ancient horn sounded, the men and horses were bathed in starlight,

and the sharp arrows in their hands quickly shot at the wizard with the

power of the stars.

The men and horses with spears in their hands were running forward,

traveling at extremely fast speeds on the gravel road.

Arrows hit the protective shield, and the wizard shouted, "Continue to

maintain the magic."

Some wizards began to throw black magic at the men and horses. Under

the illumination of the ancestral totems, the men and horses flew over

the fallen warriors and attacked the wizards without fear of life or death.

Cole was not under any pressure, but was observing the stars in the sky.

Such magic should not appear in the centaur tribe.

What happened to make people and horses resist desperately?

Cole also discovered that under such a barrier, the attack power of the

men and horses was greatly enhanced.

Unexpectedly, some wizards had exhausted their magic power and began

to drink potions.


A red flame was born in the distance. At first, the flame was only a few

people high. After swallowing the bodies of the humans and horses and

the surrounding trees, it began to become huge. A flaming skull face

more than ten meters high roared.

With the Fierce Fire Curse, Cole knew that some families could no longer

hold on, and unleashed the Fierce Fire that did not distinguish between

friend and foe.

Everything that can burn can make the fire grow bigger and bigger.

There was once a house fire that almost burned down the entire Paris.

Foley family, Parkinson family,,,,

Fierce fires of different shapes appeared in the Forbidden Forest. Cole

knew that if the battle could not be resolved as soon as possible, the

place would be destroyed.

In that case, let's make a scene.

"Fiendfire." Cole shouted, and the python-like green fire rushed towards

the men and horses.

The wizards spread out and slaughtered the people and horses with fierce


The centaur and horse warriors suffered countless casualties. The centaur

and horse elders on the opposite side took a look and ran towards the

totem pole with their hooves.

"The Water Prison is Born."

Cole had quick eyes and quick hands, and the water prison spell trapped

Changtu, a man and a horse, and the surrounding warriors.

The rapid water shattered everything that dared to touch, and the blood

of men and horses was mixed in the water prison. The elder looked at

everything helplessly.

"Thunder shines."

Cole waved his wand and pointed it at the sky, and the sky filled with

stars shone with countless thunders.

Suddenly, a star fell from the sky and struck Cole.

Cole actually saw that it was a meteorite, with dazzling flames behind


Continue to increase the magic output, mobilize the magic power in the

whole body, the magic spell is born, and Cole's body is covered with

thunder and lightning.

Thunder struck down from the sky, shattering the stars in mid-air, and

countless ashes floated to the ground, like snow.

But it can't bring harm to the wizards.

Cole floats in mid-air, as if a god is alive and judging the world.

The thunder and lightning formed into reality, shattering the totem poles

of men and horses, dividing the battlefield like plowing fields.

The bodies of the centaur and horses who were unable to dodge instantly

turned into gray carbon, and even the wails could not be uttered.

The wizards of the Black family rushed towards the men and horses one

by one, and Avada threw them away as if they were desperate. Compared

to the Death Eaters, these wizards were the masters of killing.

After a while, except for the unstoppable Li Huo, there were not many

people left on the battlefield.

The war was over, and the wizard who had exhausted his magic power

fell down and sat on the ground gasping for air.

The surrounding area is no longer what it looks like. Destroyed by the

fierce fire and the wizard's curse, the centaur tribe has been reduced to


Cole knew that the next step was to deal with Li Huo. Fortunately, he

knew how to break the curse. "Otherwise, things wouldn't be that simple


Cole unexpectedly discovered that the Li Huo who had lost their target

started fighting one by one. The big Li Huo of various forms swallowed

up the smaller ones, and in the end only the green Li Huo released by

Cole remained.

It was almost a hundred meters high, and the nobles present all turned

their attention to Cole.

They knew that besides Cole, the only one who could solve this problem

was Professor Dumbledore.

Facing the fierce fire he unleashed, Cole even wanted to study it, but

seeing such a scene, he had better solve the problem first.

Otherwise, all the efforts will be in vain and the Forbidden Forest will be

burned down. This is all gold galleons.

"The curse stops immediately."

Cole was talking about the spell that could break ordinary spells, but the

movements of his hands and the waving of the wand represented

different things.

Li Huo is not something that can be used by ordinary curse-breaking


Cole's wand emits black light, and under the magic output, Li Huo's body

gradually shrinks.

tens of meters, tens of meters,,

In the end, there was only a small flame left, which disappeared when

the wind blew.

"We win, we win."

"You're like shit Merlin, I've never experienced such a battle."

"Oh God, one person can handle such a fierce fire. Black is indeed a pure-

blood family with thousands of years of talent.

Many wizards' faces were blackened by smoke, but the joy of victory

made them show their white teeth.

The wizards celebrated, scaring the only remaining villains to write.

Dozens of little people gathered around, their trembling bodies looking at

the wizard with determination.

In their eyes, wizards are like demons.

"Master Black, how should we deal with these little people?"

A Parkinson's wizard near Cole [respectfully called Cole.

Cole conquered them in this battle, and also made many wizards

understand the power of Black, Cole's powerful dog.

Cole glanced at the surviving wizards. This battle was not without wizard


However, the surviving wizard's eyes were filled with the desire to kill,

and there was no pity for the pony at all.

Cole said sternly: "Then send them down to reunite, and there is no place

for them in the world. y

Cole ordered, and each wizard smiled ferociously and walked towards the

little centaur.

Seeing that the little centaur was about to be buried under the wizard's

spell, a familiar voice sounded from the side.

"Please wait a moment."

Dumbledore suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

Cole frowned, the Invisibility Cloak, one of the three Deathly Hallows

given by the God of Death?

Chapter 89: Do You Think You

Have Red Hair? Talking About It

Doesn't Work

Dumbledore's appearance surprised Cole. He really didn't notice the old

bee wearing the invisibility cloak.

But what made Cole curious was, Dumbledore was hiding nearby just to

watch them slaughter the people?

Even though Cole admitted that the desperate resistance of the centaur

tribe was very powerful, the so-called star power caused many casualties

to the wizards.

But it was not enough to save the situation of death. Even if Cole was not

here, it was impossible for the noble wizards to be wiped out.

"Professor Dumbledore, why are you in school?"

"Cole, since the war has been won, let's end it here. I will send them to

Egypt, which has a good habitat."

Cole frowned slightly, wondering what deal Dumbledore had made with

the centaurs, but Cole didn't care.

A good habitat? I didn’t go there long ago. I only said it after losing. This

world is so absurd. When did the weak have the right to choose?

"Headmaster Dumbledore, I think you are not qualified to point fingers at

our trophies. Although I don't know why you are here, I appreciate it."

The wizards of the Black family gradually surrounded Dumbledore, and

the nobles who had just fought side by side did not choose to retreat and

surrounded the little centaur.

Let alone Dumbledore, even if Grindelwald and Voldemort were there to

help Old Bee, Cole would not agree.

Looking at the eyes of those little people, Cole understood in his previous

life that the principles taught by his ancestor 537 should be eradicated.

"Cole, wizards and centaurs are all part of this world. We should live

together with a peaceful heart, right?"

"Cole, too many killings will make you unable to see yourself clearly, and

you will eventually be lost in endless fear."

Dumbledore was still trying to persuade Cole.

Both Cole and the noble wizard behind him were watching Dumbledore's

performance quietly. Everyone could tell the truth, but it was obvious

that Cole did not accept this trick.

"Hahaha, Professor Dumbledore, do you want to say something to save

your face and let me think about it after listening?"

Cole's teasing look showed that he was suddenly very fed up with

Dumbledore. The old bee's behavior was disgusting to him.

He wanted to see if Dumbledore had eaten the fruit of face, and if after

listening to Old Bee's words, he would have a compassionate heart and

understand the importance of peace.

Although Lucius and others could not understand what Cole was talking

about, they could still tell that Cole was provoking the Hogwarts


I couldn't help but admire him.

"Cole, why can't you agree to an old man's little request?"

"Because I don't want to, Professor Dumbledore, no one ever told you that

you like to dictate things too much?"

The scene instantly became awkward. Although the sky was clear, the

wizards present felt inexplicably frightened.

The nobles also understood that when Cole said these words, the matter

was irreversible.

In fact, the nobles did not have any different opinions on the disposal of

the remaining troops. Even if Dumbledore was taken away, there would

be no harm at all.

After all, the cake of the Forbidden Forest has been won, the benefits

have been obtained, and the nobles also want to preserve their own


The only thing they couldn't accept was that Dumbledore wanted them to

surrender with just one sentence, because he was not the Dark Lord.

Calm and automatic, Dumbledore still looked the same on the surface,

but what he was thinking in his heart was that he might not be able to do

what he promised the centaurs.

Cole took off his wizard robe. The battle just now was just a small fight

for him, and he didn't even break a sweat.

Facing Dumbledore, the white wizard, Cole still had to show some


"Blacks, follow my orders, leave no one behind."

The Black family members reacted instantly and pounced on the little

centaur. The green light on their wands almost became reality.


Dumbledore shouted, but it had no effect at all. Dozens of dwarfs had

died tragically in Black's hands, with helpless eyes and cold corpses.

It also allowed the nobles to see Blake's ferocity and decisiveness.

"Cole, you have been lost in the Dark.

"Stop talking nonsense, Dumbledore, I'm tired of you telling me what to

do in front of me. Wizards don't rely on their mouth (agei) to survive.

Strength is the only criterion that determines success or failure."

Cole transformed, instantly stuck to Dumbledore's side, and directed an

explosive spell at Old Dumbledore's head.

Dumbledore also reacted quickly and moved out of the way.

Another Deathly Hallows weapon of Death, the Elder Wand pointed

directly at Cole, "Stop, Cole is no longer necessary.

I don't know why, but Dumbledore, who is obviously powerful, is

unwilling to take action.

Maybe it's because things have come to an end, or maybe Dumbledore

doesn't want to abandon his inner perseverance?

Cole kept holding on, and Dumbledore didn't want to fight, but he was

very angry inside.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, excessive restraint will hurt yourself."

The figures of Dumbledore and Cole flickered in the Forbidden Forest,

and spells once again destroyed the Forbidden Forest.

For the two of them, using apparation in battle was a simple matter.

The two figures also disappeared in the sight of the nobles.

Lucius and the wizards looked at each other. They never dreamed that

Cole would be so strong-willed and would directly attack Dumbledore if

he couldn't agree with him.

You know, Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard in the wizarding


The famous white wizard.

Little Avery started to panic at this time. Seeing Cole's appearance, he

doubted that he could die in Black's hands.

"Lucius, how do we experience this?"

Parkinson asked. The noble wizards were already at a loss. They had

obviously won the battle, but Dumbledore stood up again.

They were also very angry. By supporting Cole just now, they were just

showing their attitude and asking Dumbledore to give up his share of


They naturally handed over the little people to him.

But I didn't expect that Black had already taken action without even

talking about it.

Lucius felt his heart beating wildly. Something big might happen today.

Turning his head, Lucius discovered that Wizard Black had already begun

to clean up the battlefield under the leadership of Wright.

Loudly covering up the fear in his heart, he yelled: "What else can be

done? Is there anything we can do? Let's clean up the things in front of us

first. n

Except for little Avery, everyone else was relieved that the fight between

Cole and Dumbledore was their own business.

Anyway, their interests are about to be obtained. It is impossible for

Principal Dumbledore to die in Cole's hands.

The nobles also understood that even if Cole was defeated, Dumbledore

would not deal with Cole at will. At least he would have to go through a

trial to be in line with Dumbledore's character.

But what excuse can be used to try Black?

Cole did nothing wrong, but Principal Dumbledore made an unreasonable

request. .

Chapter 90: Demonic And Martial

Arts? What A Disappointment,

Beat The Principal

Cole chased Dumbledore all the way out of the Forbidden Forest, but

Dumbledore didn't stop.

Cole also couldn't understand why Dumbledore didn't take action and

kept avoiding it.

Cole was not impulsive today. He had long wanted to see how high his

strength had reached.

The things he has obtained over the years have made Cole's magic power

continue to grow. The British wizarding world is really too small. Just

those noble wizards. Either Cole looks down on them or they are not the


The only thing Cole couldn't figure out was the principal.

Taking this opportunity, Cole also wanted to know where he had gone on

the path of a wizard?

Chasing Dumbledore, Cole passed through Northumberland and saw the

charming scenery.

After arriving in Edinburgh, Dumbledore disappeared again. Cole

followed closely, chasing Dumbledore across the channel to Ireland.

Unexpectedly, Dumbledore didn't stop.

Cole knew that Lao Dengtou was specifically leading him to a certain

place, so he did not use all his strength.

Flying across the ocean, Iceland was deserted, and Cole thought this was

the battlefield chosen by Dumbledore.

Unexpectedly, the old bee still refused to stop. Cole was so angry that he

never expected that Dumbledore would choose to run away.

Is this still the most powerful wizard in the wizarding world?

After more than ten days, with the land in the distance covered with

snow, Cole finally knew where he had arrived.

Huge icebergs, land covered with ice and snow all year round, and even

animals rarely survive here.

Greenland, Dumbledore finally stopped and faced Cole.

"Professor Dumbledore, is this why you have been hiding for so long?"

Greenland, a place where birds don't poop, is a perfect place for the two

of them to fight.

"Cole, I want you to understand that power needs to be restrained, not for

you to act recklessly.

The wind and snow fell on Dumbledore's beard, and the headmaster's

beard seemed to be gray at the moment.

"I have never acted recklessly. I just want to make the Black family

stronger. Anyone who hinders me is an enemy."

Dumbledore walked through the wind and snow, looked into Cole's eyes

and asked: "Then, what will you do next? Cole, you have to know that

wizards are not the masters of this world.

"It's not easy for us to coexist peacefully with Muggles."

Cole was not confused. Dumbledore's mouth could not stop his inner


"Professor, have you ever thought that one day Muggles can threaten

wizards? Or wizards are so powerful that they can ignore the opinions of

Muggles. Will the world change on that day?

The matter of the centaur and the horse was just a trigger, and the two

people's different opinions were the reason why this duel was


"It is precisely because of this that I try my best to maintain peace in the

wizarding world. Cole, you haven't seen how many wizards died in that

war, and you haven't seen that a war between Muggles can kill hundreds

of thousands of people in one day. .”

Dumbledore's tone became excited as he recounted his memories.

Doesn't Cole know? Of course he does.

Dumbledore's tall body seemed to be fragile, as if this day had come too


Things did not go as Cole expected. There was no need between him and

Dumbledore. Voldemort was Dumbledore's target.

"Professor, you have been stuck in the past for too long and think too

much. Is it possible that I just want to see how far my strength is from


Cole was a little amused. Dumbledore's sudden showdown made him

doubt that he had no signs of inheriting the Dark Lord's will.

"Come on, Professor, let me experience the First Wizard's calendar."

The wind rose with the spell, and the snow and wind in the sky turned

into Cole's weapon under the influence of the weather spell, gathering

into a ball and rushing towards Dumbledore.

Dumbledore took out the Elder Wand and cast the Vulcan Curse as if the

God of Fire were alive, waving the flame to resist Cole's curse.

The surrounding ice turned into water under the power of the flames,

and the land revealed its original appearance.

"As expected of you, Professor."

Cole looked at Dumbledore excitedly. Under such conditions,

Dumbledore could still summon such a huge flame.

The ice giant was born under Cole's summons, drew his sword and

slashed at Dumbledore, leaving cracks on the East King.

As a master of transformation spells, Dumbledore used everything around

him to transform into animals to resist.

Two legendary wizards engage in an unprecedented duel in an

uninhabited part of Greenland.

The glaciers are melting, and Chen Shizai is experiencing something he

has never experienced before.

Cole used all he had learned to his fullest, and his magic power did not

require money. He made full use of the magic that the system had

rewarded over the years.

The more he fought, the more excited he became. Cole finally understood

where the wizard's power came from.

The power of the mind is the true meaning of changing the wizard's spell.

Dumbledore, the old wizard, looked embarrassed under Cole's strong

attack, and could hardly hold on.

When he was about to be defeated, Dumbledore suddenly stood up,

clapped his hands upward, and the cry of the phoenix sounded.

The phoenix Fawkes appeared above Dumbledore's head, driving away

his master's fatigue.

0......Please give me flowers

I saw Dumbledore put his right hand into his robe and pulled it out,

revealing a sharp sword engraved with precious stones.

Cole's eyes twitched. Is this a Gryffindor treasure?

He thought to himself: No, Professor, you are neither Gandalf nor Godric

Gryffindor. People even play sword duels for wizards, but you have never

practiced it.

Gryffindor's sword ignited flames, and Dumbledore held the sword and

moved towards Cole, slashing Cole head on.

Cole dodged, using ice to make shields to resist Dumbledore's attacks.

Cole knew that he was driving Dumbledore into a panic, otherwise he

wouldn't have changed from a wizard to a melee combatant.

"Professor Dumbledore, are you a genius? A master of both magic and

martial arts?"

Cole said while dodging.


It's a pity that Dumbledore only relied on instinct to use the sword, and

the magic and martial arts that Cole expected did not appear.

He just said that he would not be able to cut down the entire wizarding

world with a Gryffindor sword in his hand.

If this is the case, why should wizards learn magic spells? Why not just

learn how to fight?

Cole summoned the Death Knight and ducked away.

With the death knight's charge, Dumbledore couldn't hold on anymore. In

the end, Cole just watched quietly, and Dumbledore was exhausted and

fell on the spot.

Cole stepped forward and said with a smile: "Professor, could it be that

times have changed?"

Dumbledore stopped Fawkes from rushing towards Cole and accepted his

defeat calmly.

"Cole, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, let's do it."

Cole sat down directly. He had no intention of killing Dumbledore, at

least not now.

"Professor Dumbledore, I don't want to be stained with your blood. Let's

talk briefly."

Dumbledore adjusted his robes, straightened out his scattered beard, and

said slowly: "Cole, your change is really surprising."

Staring at Dumbledore.

"Professor, do you know what I wanted to do at the beginning? At the

beginning, I just wanted to inherit the Black family. You also know that

there is no one in Black except me."

"I just want to make the family stronger. As for other things, I really

haven't thought about it.

On the devastated land, Cole and Dumbledore's voices were obscured by

the wind and snow, and only the other party knew their conversation.

Cole took the first step without waiting for the sun to set. He had been

out for many days and should not worry his family.

Dumbledore stayed behind and refused to leave for a long time. .

Chapter 91 Black Without Cole,

Little Avery Is A Bit Timid

Cole, who quietly returned to England, did not appear in the sight of the

wizards for the first time, but secretly observed the reactions of various


The Black family goes step by step, and even if Cole is not around, Meira

has interpreted what it means to be a noble lady.

Of course, Meira knew that nothing happened to Cole, and the

connection between the two had never been broken.

While Cole and Dumbledore were heard disappearing in England, the

wizard was last seen in Northern Ireland.

Mera immediately stepped forward and directed the Black family to start

cleaning up the Forbidden Forest. Because she knew her husband well,

Mera attacked Aragog, the Acromantula outside the Forbidden Forest.

Ignoring the opinions of Hagrid, the administrator of the Forbidden

Forest at Hogwarts, he successfully captured Hagrid's old friend.

Aragog and hundreds of his wives and children had been imprisoned in a

enchanted iron cage.

As for those Acromantulas that resisted "Trinity Three" on the way, they

also added extra income to Black.

The distribution of benefits in the Forbidden Forest is still waiting. As for

what to wait for? Of course, who will win between Professor Dumbledore

and Cole Black?

The aristocratic wizards are not fools. How could they dare to bite the

Black family like hyenas as soon as someone's family disappears and the

news of their death is not heard?

I really thought the Black family wizards were useless.

Facing the war between humans and horses, wizards from all families

witnessed Black's power.

Therefore, the nobles were all waiting for the news tacitly, and no one

made any tricks against Black who was not in Cole's absence.

Even little Avery is considering whether he should bow to Cole.

Pure blood, gold galleons, profit, no shame in bowing down.

Little Avery admitted that he was too reckless before. The problem was

that he did not expect Cole to be so fierce and directly attack the legend

of the wizarding world, Professor Dumbledore.

You must know that when he was hanging out with the Death Eaters, his

master did not dare to fight Dumbledore head-on.

The only thing that made little Avery hesitate was that because of what

happened in the last school year at Hogwarts, news began to spread in

the circle that the Dark Lord was about to be resurrected.

People have their own paths, and rats have their own paths. Of course,

people like them also have their own circles.

Of course, there are conditions for joining them. First of all, you must be

a pure-blood wizard. Of course, due to the ups and downs in recent years,

their conditions are not that harsh.

It doesn’t require that your ancestors have been wizards for more than

ten generations, it only requires that those who trace your ancestors’

generation are wizards.

Or those who were originally born as squibs in the family without

magical talent can enter the circle even if they meet the academic


Secondly, to be the mainstay in the circle, you must have studied among

the Death Eaters. After all, they all claim that they were under the

Imperius Curse.

Therefore, this circle is also called the recuperation class for victims of

the Imperius Curse.

In fact, this guy named Cole Black came up with this name. When he

heard the words "Victim Training Class", little Avery's beard exploded

with anger.

But there was no other way, the nickname in the circle was widely

circulated, and even some stupid guys recognized it.

Little Avery suspected that some wizards seemed to have been blinded by

the Imperius Curse.

How can they not know if others don't know? Among the entire Death

Eaters, the only one worthy of having his master impose the Imperius

Curse is that madman.

Barty Crouch II.

Others are not qualified yet!

Of course, little Avery also knew what happened at Hogwarts. The

ignorant little wizards thought it was an accident. Only they, old fools,

understood, "The Dark Lord is coming back."

From the day Harry Potter entered Diagon Alley, he was destined to

attract attention.

Of course, people like Little Avery are also staring at Harry. Although

they are afraid of Dumbledore and dare not take action, the savior can

tell them when the Dark Lord will return.

Sure enough, something like this happened in the first academic year.

Some nobles could no longer sit still. Not everyone wanted to return to

the shadow rule of the Dark Lord.

Little Avery knew that Lucius had started to deal with some things, but

he still went to Knockturn Alley.

Little Avery became angry when he thought of this. What kind of place is

Knockturn Alley? Even though it is a place often frequented by dark

wizards, it cannot stand that it has now become the territory of the Black


Lucius's actions will definitely attract Cole's attention.

This is what little Avery is worried about. He has already offended Cole,

so little Avery only wants to admit defeat to Cole.

There are other plans, which is to wait for the Dark Lord to be

resurrected to support him.

But looking at the current situation, the Dark Lord is probably useless, so

little Avery stayed silent this time.

Cole Black didn't show up, and he wasn't going to make any impulsive


Not only little Avery, but other nobles are also waiting for Cole to show


News from the Daily Prophet was flying all over the place, all declaring

the wizard's victory, but not a word about Dumbledore and Cole.

Ordinary wizards had no idea about the situation and were just enjoying

the carnival of victory. The Leaky Cauldron was selling well day and


Even this victory has nothing to do with the average wizard's one gold


At Black Manor, Cole came back and saw Wright, gave him a reassuring

look, and walked in.

I saw Meira taking extracurricular tutoring with her five children, and

everyone rushed up when they saw Cole.

"Father, you are back."

"Well, I'm back." Cole responded while picking up his youngest daughter

Alice. Alice looked at Cole innocently and asked:

"Father, is Egypt fun? Why don't you take us?"

It turns out that in the past ten days, Mera said that Cole went to Egypt

and did not tell the children that their old father had gone to find

someone to fight with.

"It's fun, can I take you there next time?"

Cole said softly.

The first person to greet him just now was his eldest son. Martin could

still feel the difference in the family atmosphere and knew that things

were not that simple.

But Jerome and Ben were heartless and didn't care about his old father at


Jerome looked lazy, which made Cole very angry. "You treacherous son,

your father is struggling outside, and you are waiting to die in front of


What? You want to be a rich man?

The third child, who was also 1.7, said hello and ran off to study gadgets,

not caring that Cole had been away from home for more than ten days.

Cole thought: This won't work. The training of the second generation

Black must be planned. They will eat and wait to die, and none of them

will be useful.

Look next door, there are some little wizards who can defeat Dumbledore

in their teens. Compared to them, Cole feels like a waste.

It wasn't until today that he defeated old Headmaster Dumbledore.

Putting down his little daughter, Cole said, "Let's all play."

Went back to the room with Meira to find out what happened these days

and the plans for the future.

The big cake of the Forbidden Forest is right in front of us. Cole must

have a big one. Who is in favor? Who is against?

If you object, please go to Hogwarts to see Dumbledore and talk to him

again. .

Chapter 92: The Lion Opens His

Mouth, Do I Want Them All?

When Cole appeared at the Ministry of Magic, the noble wizards showed

such expressions.

Lucius even asked nervously: "Cole, are you not injured?"

Cole was so nervous that he could beat an old man, but there was

nothing to be proud of.

"Lucius, instead of worrying about me, you should bring some sweets to

see Dumbledore. We are relatives, so you don't believe me?"

Lucius nodded in admiration, "I'm really worried about you being beaten

to death."

"You're kidding, I'm a genius. What I have achieved today is all due to my

hard work. Lucius, have you ever seen London at four in the morning?"

Although he didn't understand what Cole was talking about, it didn't stop

Lucius from rolling his eyes. He had never seen a nobleman as shameless

as Cole.

Without further ado, the two people walked into a room where people

were already sitting waiting to share the cake.

Seeing Cole stand up, both his performance in this war and Cole's

strength are worthy of respect.

Cole is now here intact, but Professor Dumbledore has not shown up yet,

and they have guessed something.

What surprised Cole was that in addition to Fudge, Umbridge also

appeared here. Cole thought she had died at the hands of a centaur.

He also didn't expect that the men and horses could still maintain

kindness towards the pink toad when faced with the disaster of


A fat woman like a clown, if she had known Cole, she would have had

him killed, and Umbridge would not have been left to look at him with


Obviously, the fat woman knew that all this was Blake's plan.

"Merlin bless you, Ms. Umbridge. I didn't expect you to come back alive.

Although you were greedy for success and got yourself captured, the

result was good. We still captured the men. Congratulations. Everyone


Cole took the lead in clapping his hands, and warm applause rang out in

the room.

Umbridge's face was ashen and he gritted his teeth to accept everything.

She knew that Black was behind all of this, but she also understood that

her original words had a bad influence on her among many nobles.

This is not a good thing. I didn't eat the meat and made myself


If she hadn't agreed to some unequal conditions for Fudge, she wouldn't

be here, at least her position as deputy minister would not be saved.

"Mr. Black, it is only thanks to you that we can achieve such success.

Without you, victory may not come."

There is a sword hidden in Umbridge's words, so as to drive a wedge

between Cole and other noble wizards.

None of the nobles present could hear Umbridge mocking them for not

being able to do anything but follow Black's ass.

This kind of small scene does no harm to the nobles at all. The world is

like this, and powerful wizards will naturally have people following


As long as you can get benefits.

Cole sat down in his seat and smiled when he heard the fat woman's

words: "You're welcome, since the deputy minister said so, I won't refuse

anymore. After all, the Black family did make a lot of efforts this time."

"I am deeply proud of the remarkable achievements. The Forbidden

Forest can be completely managed by the Black family. I guarantee that

the entire wizarding world can enjoy the results."

Through Umbridge's words, Cole opened his mouth and proposed to

bring the Forbidden Forest under the management of the Black family.

Of course Cole knew that this was impossible. After all, Black ate meat

and other nobles couldn't just drink soup.

When Cole understood a theory, it was when you wanted to open a

window in a room full of people.

You can't say that you want to open the window first, even if this

proposal is beneficial to everyone.

The first reaction from others in the room was to object.

And when you first say that you want to remove the roof, they will agree

to open a window.

Korgin thought, if there is no place where the Black family can't do it,

then just bring up the big one first, and the rest will be easy to talk


Sure enough, the other nobles shook their heads when they heard this,

and also glared at Umbridge.

It was a great cake-sharing party, which one didn’t you mention?

Why is a prisoner so arrogant? Does he have the right to speak?

Umbridge also felt that he had caused public anger and hid behind Fudge

and did not dare to come out.

Fudge also knew that it was time to stand up, otherwise the Ministry of

Magic would not be able to benefit from the situation today.

As the Minister of Magic, he must seek some benefits for the officials,

otherwise no one will support him in the future.

Similarly, Fudge is very happy now that he has solved a competitor.

"Cole, everyone has a share in this victory. Let's discuss it carefully. The

Forbidden Forest is almost in ruins. Hogwarts will start school soon. We

must solve the problem and let the little wizard We have a quiet place to

study, don’t we?”

Cole straightened up and was about to speak when little Avery rushed in

from outside, saying sorry for being late.

Cole disliked it. He was late even when sharing cakes and couldn't keep

up with eating shit.

Ignoring little Avery, Cole said: "Anyway, I think the east side of the

Forbidden Forest is very good and suitable for growing herbs. I think it

can be handed over to the Black family.

There are four directions in the Forbidden Forest: east, west, north and

south. Except for the ruined centaur tribe in the middle, the east side of

the Forbidden Forest has the most magical animals and fertile soil, "the

most suitable habitat."

Cole led people to investigate and found that at least four potion

plantations could be established.

When other wizards heard that Cole wanted to occupy the most fertile

land, although they were a little reluctant, it was still much better than

taking it all.

At least the rest was enough for them to share. After all, whether it was

the Black family or Cole alone, 223's strength was obvious to all, and

they had no objections.

When Little Avery, who happened to be late, heard this, he thought, this

is not bad, the starting point is only a quarter, does this still allow them

to survive?

"Blake, your appetite is too big. I don't agree with it, and neither do the

families present."

Little Avery stood up, thinking he was speaking for everyone, but when

he turned his head and looked around, why did the others look like


I am speaking for you, why do you all react like this?

Cole sneered and always jumped out blindly.

"Who did I think it was? Merlin's belt was really loose, and that's why

you showed up.

"What qualifications do latecomers have? I don't think the Everly family

looks down on this thing in the Forbidden Forest.

Before little Avery could say his retort, he suddenly realized that he

seemed to have missed something. He had planned to give in to Black


Why did you jump out now?

Little Avery was annoyed and hesitantly said: "I just made some

suggestions. If you all agree, I have no objection."

Little Avery hesitated, and the other wizards raised their hands in

agreement as if they were seeing a joke.

The east side of the Forbidden Forest was successfully occupied by the

Black family.

They will not give away the remaining land.

A heated argument began in the office. .

Chapter 93 Malfoy’S Innocence,

Aragog In The Cage

At this time, each nobleman ignored any etiquette and argued with red

faces. They all said that they had contributed and that their wizards were

killed or injured.

Malfoy also began to feel anxious, but he didn't know that his strength

was not enough to suppress Malfoy's interests.

Of course, Cole ignored Lucius' look for help. Although they were all

relatives, who among the people present was not related to the Black


Take the Foley family as an example. The teacher sitting here is still the

son of Cole's great-great-grandmother's daughter's son.

If you, Lucius, get one more share, others will have one less share. This is

not good.

Cole controls this very well. What's yours is yours, what's mine is mine,

don't confuse them.

What's more, Lucius has not told Cole yet, and only Lucius thinks the

things behind it are very hidden.

Take Riddle's diary as an example. Lucius has a lot of little tricks behind

his back.

The one who was in the same mood as Cole was the famous Minister

Fudge. Sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, the Ministry of Magic's share was

indispensable anyway, and it wouldn't fall into his pocket. Fudge didn't

care whether it was more or less.

It took a lot of time to finalize the matter of the Forbidden Forest. Some

people smiled while others were unwilling to do so.

Little Avery is the most unwilling one among them. The Avery family

actually developed a potion manor together with another small family,

and they didn't even have a share in other breeding bases.

The more I think about it, the more unwilling I am. Why can the Black

family occupy a quarter? Since there is no benefit to him, then don't even

think about it.

In just a moment, little Avery decided that he would betray other nobles

and follow the great interests.

Let Black be proud for a while now, and when the plan is completed,

they will have something to look at.

No one cared what little Avery thought, at least Cole didn't care,

everyone benefited, and the scene was extremely harmonious.

The wizard who was red-faced just now turned around and took the

hands of other wizards, saying that we are all a family and will work

together well in the future.

This is how pure-blood nobles are, let alone wizards. When faced with

interests, they must stand up and fight for it, and when there are no

disputes, they can welcome them with a smile.

Under Cole's warm invitation, there will be a celebration at Black Castle

tomorrow to pay tribute to the great wizard.

Cole came out of the Ministry of Magic and was about to go home. The

planning of the Forbidden Forest must be carried out as soon as possible,

and it will be all gold Galleons.

"Cole, wait."

Lucius chased from behind and stopped Cole.

"What's wrong? Lucius."

Lucius blamed Cole for not helping just now, and said: "Cole, our

relationship is much closer than them. If you had spoken for me just now,

I would have been able to get more land.

Cole smiled. Although he could understand Lucius's mood, it did not

mean that he could tolerate his attitude.

"Lucius, how can you say such sad words? Will it be beneficial to help the

Black family? Will the benefits you get be shared with me?"

"The child is already so old, but you can still say such childish words."

Lucius couldn't refute, so Cole pressed forward and looked directly at


"Lucius, I'm not as kind as you think. No matter what you want to do,

don't try to drag me into trouble. I hate things that are out of my control.

Cole turned around and left. Lucius stretched out his hand to stop Cole,

but couldn't say anything.

"Cole, I..."

Ignoring Lucius, Cole directly apparated away from the Ministry of

Magic. Floo powder was really annoying to use, and he said he couldn't

accept it.

Thinking of this, Cole found that transportation in the wizarding world

was still not very practical, except for some thrill-seeking wizards who

would ride broomsticks across the ocean.

Most wizards take the bus or use Floo powder.

The bus was uncomfortable to ride on, the floo powder was unsightly,

and the train was the only mode of transportation Hogwarts would keep.

It's called the Hogwarts Express, but it's actually a slow turtle that eats

like crazy.

Cole found it unbelievable when he thought of this, and wondered

whether the wizard had kept him in captivity.

If you don't do anything for a day and don't follow technology, you can

see that Muggles can go to space, and airplanes are very fast.

Isn’t there anyone who promotes alchemy? Isn’t the entire teleportation

array bad?

In fact, Cole complained about it and discovered the truth of the matter,

whether it was wizards or Muggles, gold galleons or Muggle currency.

What is the basis of everything? Population.

By all accounts, the British wizarding world has a population of tens of

thousands, which is not even enough for a Muggle district.

Even if a talented wizard develops a way to travel, it is still unclear

whether it can be realized.

Just like the teleportation array that Cole just thought of, even if it is

completed, how many divisions will use it?

We can't let Cole do charity. The teleportation array is free, and the gold

galleons collected by then will not be enough to maintain it, so why

waste so much effort.

Thinking of this, Cole felt that if he became the Minister of Magic, his

first decree would be to encourage wizards to have children.

Ten or eight is not too many, fifty or sixty would be even better. Anyway,

they are all useful.

The wizards can't afford it, but the Black family can afford it. If not, let

the Ministry of Magic subsidize it and give birth to a Galleons reward.

As long as it is liberalized, the population of the wizarding world will

double several times in less than ten years. The more people, the greater

the power.

The wool comes from the sheep, so how can the nobles who control most

of the resources worry about it?

Not to mention the Black family, they will all have to fight for Black

when the time comes, which is exciting just thinking about it.

Shaking his head, Cole found that he was becoming more and more evil.

Is this the price of having power?

Do you have different ideas when you stand at different heights?

No, no, I don’t have that ability yet. Slowly developing, Cole came up

with many good ideas in an instant.

When he got home, Cole told Meira about the banquet held tomorrow. As

the hostess, Meira was responsible for all the affairs of the banquet. This

was her right.

At the same time, he also called Wright over and told him to start the

construction of the Forbidden Forest and try to get it done before

Hogwarts starts school.

Cole still cares about the little wizard's learning. The noise from the

construction of the school will affect the little wizard's study.

At the same time, I went to look at Aragog in the cage. He was indeed the

breeding pig of Acromantula. With a body of more than ten meters, the

spider's legs were too long.

"`" Please, let me go. Hagrid and I are good friends. I have never hurt a

wizard. I promise to restrain the children from hunting too much in the


Aragog looked at Cole with despair and a hint of pleading.

To be honest, although Cole heard the sound, he really didn't know the

eyes that looked at it.

Cole looked so densely that he almost had a phobia.

Cole wanted to blind it in his heart, but after thinking about it, he

decided not to do it.

"Aragog, right? Don't say you are Hagrid's friend (Zhao Qian's). Even if

you are Merlin's friend, I won't let you go."

"Just stay well and wait until the breeding farm in the Forbidden Forest is

completed. Then you can give birth obediently. You don't have to worry

about food anymore. The Black family will take care of it."

Cole continued: "Think about your future life. Food is delivered to your

mouth, and all you need to pay is reproduction. This is also your nature.

Go ahead and be beautiful."

Aragog seemed to have seen his future. Although reproduction was his

nature, when he heard Cole say this, he felt that he would rather not

have children.

Cole waved his hand, not bothering to listen to its howling, and covered

it with a black cloth.

He said to Wright: "Feed him delicious food and drink, and let people

stare at him."

Cole is not worried about Aragog committing suicide at all. Let's not say

whether it has this determination. Even if it does, it can bite off its own


A small wound, the master healed it.

If you can't feed the magic potion as food, you won't be able to trust the

little giant spider.

"Hey hey hey."

Cole's laughter frightened the eight dark-eyed Aragogs in the cage. .

Chapter 94 Dumbledore’S

Memories, Castrated Hogwarts

Hogwarts Headmaster's Office. In fact, Dumbledore had already returned

the day after Cole returned.

Only the professors at Hogwarts knew about Dumbledore.

The reason why he did not appear in the wizarding world was not

because Dumbledore was ashamed of losing to Cole, but because

Dumbledore was a little confused and didn't know if everything he did

was meaningful?

Sitting in the office in a daze, Dumbledore looked at the memory ball in

front of him. With a thought in his heart, he reached out and pulled out

ten traces of memories that he had long forgotten from the magic

memory ball.

A blue memory trace seems like a tiny strand in the long river of time.

Putting it into his mind, Dumbledore closed his eyes and enjoyed his

quiet time.

In the quiet office, the statue-like Dumbledore had a smile on his face,

and there was a hint of youthful shyness and desire on his face.

In the summer of 1899, in the Godric Valley, a bohemian boy and a

talented boy hit it off, cherished each other, and agreed to do a great


A fascinating summer vacation in Godric Valley.

In Britain in 1945, under the spotlight, the respected White Wizard

defeated the Dark Lord [the world regarded this victory as the wizard's


Little did he know that the sky was clear that day, but in Wizard Bai's

heart it seemed like a heavy rain had fallen.

"You are now alone, Albus."

Dumbledore opened his eyes suddenly, and he was as scared as a young

man when he was older.

Severe breathing sounded in the office. After a long time, Dumbledore

calmed down and pulled that memory out of his mind.

Put the memory ball in carefully as if it were a treasure.

Adjusting his glasses, Dumbledore returned to his calm and confident


There was a knock on the door, and Professor McGonagall walked in.

Seeing Dumbledore's appearance, he asked with concern:

"Professor Dumbledore, are you okay?"

"McGonagall, don't worry, that's all." Dumbledore forced a smile.

Although Professor McGonagall saw it, he also understood something.

"You and Cole disappeared for a long time, what happened?"

McGonagall was curious. After sending Hagrid to St. Mungo's Hospital

that day, she heard about what happened in the Forbidden Forest.

The subsequent disappearance of the two also made McGonagall worried.

After all, Hogwarts cannot do without Dumbledore.

"Is Cole Black really that powerful? Even the principal (aidf) can't do

anything about it?"

Professor McGonagall certainly knows how powerful Dumbledore is, and

even in her heart, Dumbledore is already the best headmaster in the

history of Hogwarts.

Dumbledore looked at McGonagall with sincere eyes and said: "Cole is

indeed very powerful. It seems that we were wrong not to notice him at

the beginning."

"You mean he's going to be like that guy?" Professor McGonagall asked


Voldemort, who was born in Slytherin, is always an indelible experience

in the minds of professors.

It is precisely because of this that the curriculum at Hogwarts has been

adjusted in recent years, and even the professors of Defense Against the

Dark Arts have been fooled.

Otherwise, do you really think that Professor Dumbledore and

McGonagall don't know that those wizards have real talents?

In fact, although Hogwarts does not advocate black magic like

Durmstrang, it once taught some powerful spells.

As for the Defense Against Dark Arts course, you must first understand

black magic before you can know how to defend against it.

The courses that young wizards now study have been abridged, which

has resulted in some graduating students not even being able to cast the

Iron Armor Spell.

Studying black magic is very dangerous. In name, it is to protect

students, but in fact it has caused a great decline in the combat

effectiveness of the British city.

If it weren't for tradition, those families would never have sent their

children to Hogwarts.

As for young wizards from pure-blood families, they can get guidance

from the family wizards, and the learning at Hogwarts is only the most


What about those Muggle-born wizards? Without the help of their

families and the reference of ancient books and spells, their combat

effectiveness is naturally not as good as that of pure ones.

Muggle-born wizards who can stay in the Ministry of Magic are all


To put it bluntly, pure-blood wizards and Muggle wizards have different

resources, and they cannot learn real things at Hogwarts, which is

relatively fair.

When you enter the world of wizards, you will always be inferior.

Masters will always speak with their strength.

Dumbledore didn't know whether what he did was wrong or right, but he

was very sure about Professor McGonagall's question at this time.

"McGonagall, he is not Voldemort, and he will not become the next Dark

Lord. Maybe his future will bring something different to wizards. No one

can tell what the wizarding world will look like in the future."

McGonagall suddenly had an idea and asked: "Maybe I can ask Professor

Trelawney to predict it, and I will get different results later?"

Wizards always say that prophecies are illusory and unbelievable, but

Dumbledore and McGonagall know that the long river of time can always

reveal clues.

"That's a good idea." Dumbledore nodded.

"By the way, how is Hagrid?" Dumbledore suddenly remembered this


"He's physically stronger than a mountain monster. He's just a little sad.

You know those animals are like family to Hagrid."

McGonagall said words of reassurance to Dumbledore.

"His heart is pure, isn't it? But things have happened. You also know that

the Forbidden Forest is very dangerous, and Xiaogang will be in danger if

he goes in."

Dumbledore didn't know whether to comfort himself or McGonagall, and

continued: "At least it is good to leave it to them now, and the students

can go in from time to time to enrich their after-school life."

"By the way, Professor Sprout will have a lot of things in the future, and

there is no need for her to enter the Forbidden Forest to search for

potions. Whatever she lacks, they will provide it. Don't forget that there

is also a share from the school.

Dumbledore reminded McGonagall that Lin's proceeds would be used to

benefit the students and professors at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore has no use for these things. Cultivating students is what he,

the headmaster, should do.

"After Hagrid recovers from his injury, let him take care of the Forbidden

Forest. Hogwarts still cannot do without him."

Dumbledore still values ​​Hagrid very much, not to mention that

Hogwarts is currently short of people, and one professor is responsible for

several courses, which are courses for one grade.

The teaching pressure on professors is still very high.

No matter what, it is the responsibility of these professors to teach young

wizards how to use magic spells and how to survive in the wizarding


As for whether the future should change, Dumbledore was still very

hesitant. The professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts had already been

decided, so let Horwat teach it for ten years.

If it's still intact next year, let the little wizards learn some real lessons,

the uncensored ones, the true survival skills of wizards. .

Chapter 95: The Burrow,

Harry's Day

Located outside the village of Ottery St. Catchpole in Devon, England,

there is a small building built with magic.

It's four or five stories high and looks crooked from the outside. This is

the Weasley family's house, the Burrow.

If it were not built using magic, Muggles would not be able to see it. Such

a building would definitely be regarded as a dangerous building in


Harry, who escaped from the Dursleys, had been going here since he

came back from Diagon Alley that day.

Although the Burrow didn't look very nice from the outside, it was very

warm to Harry at this time.

Of course, it would be better if Ronald could sleep more peacefully at

night. Harry and Ronald shared a room with two floors of beds.

It happened that Ronald lived up there and had trouble sleeping at night.

Harry had discovered this problem with Ronald when he was in the

Gryffindor dormitory before.

Harry sat up from the bed and washed himself tiredly. Not long after,

Mrs. Weasley's roar came over.

"Fred, "Four Eight Seven" George, Ronald, if you can't get out of that

damn bed, there won't be any breakfast for you today.

Molly walked upstairs and saw that Harry had washed up and had a

loving look in his eyes.

"Oh, good morning Harry, did you sleep well? Breakfast is ready, go and

eat it."

Harry wiped the toothpaste from his mouth with a towel and said,

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley."

"You're welcome, sleepy kid."

Turning his head, his expression changed, and he looked fiercely at

Ronald, who was sitting up in a daze.

"Ronald, look at Harry, he's still not up."

Ronald was so frightened that he jumped down from the upper bunk.

"Mom, those who didn't know better thought Harry was your son. Did I

carry him here?"

Molly waved her hand, cleaned up, made the bed, and pushed Ronald

with her hand. "Come downstairs quickly."

Ronald then depressedly went downstairs with Harry to the restaurant.

Arthur was already sitting at the main seat, eating breakfast and reading

the newspaper. Ginny was eating obediently next to him. Percy was

neatly dressed. When he saw Harry, he handed it over with a smile.

Not long after the two sat down, Fred and George ran down from upstairs

and greeted them with playful smiles.

"Good morning, Harry [and my dear brother. X2"

The two people talking at the same time made it difficult for Harry to tell

who was who, but Ronald also told him that even family members

sometimes couldn't tell them apart, especially since the two of them liked

to play pranks.

Molly walked into the kitchen at this time and came over with her

breakfast. Seeing Arthur still reading the newspaper, she couldn't help

but complain.

"Arthur, hurry up and eat. You're going to be late for work."

Arthur put down the newspaper and said while eating, "It's okay, the

Ministry of Magic is not busy during this time."

Molly flashed doubts, "Didn't the Daily Prophet say that the Forbidden

Forest matter was resolved? The Ministry of Magic has been busy with

this during this time."

Arthur said with a hint of embarrassment, "That has nothing to do with


Who knows, Arthur's self-esteem as a middle-aged man can only say this.

Now the entire Ministry of Magic is busy with the Forbidden Forest. The

plan for the Forbidden Forest is in full swing, and everyone is talking

about how much tax revenue the Ministry of Magic can generate.

But who happened to be the one from the Department for the Prohibition

of the Misuse of Muggle Articles? The whole office was full of people and

he only had two people.

My daily job is to drink tea and read the newspaper, and then get off

work at a certain time.

It is a position that no one cares about in the Ministry of Magic, and of

course there is no pay.

The past few months have been really rough for the Weasley family.

Arthur was punished and had his salary deducted for a month.

Their family had no habit of saving. If it weren't for the pumpkins grown

in the garden outside, the Weasley family would have become the first

wizards in England to starve to death.

Of course, this is an exaggeration. No matter what happens, the wizard

will not worry about food.

But the family's other expenses are much tighter, and Arthur doesn't have

the money to study Muggle things.

When Harry came to the Burrow, he learned that Mr. Arthur's ambition

was to study how Muggle planes took off.

Wings that cannot flash can actually fly into the sky. Arthur believes that

Muggle airplanes must be equipped with the same thing as flying


Without basic knowledge of physics, Arthur couldn't figure it out. What's

more, although Arthur was interested in Muggle things, he was not

willing to learn Muggle knowledge.

The Weasleys and Harry were enjoying breakfast when Arthur suddenly

thought of something.

He said happily: "I heard that the Ministry of Magic will increase salaries

next year, and there will also be a share of the Ministry of Magic in the

Forbidden Forest."

Molly beamed, "Merlin, this is great news. This way I can buy some gifts

for Ginny."

The gossip that Arthur heard was actually known to everyone in the

Ministry of Magic. Who didn't know that Black led a group of noble

wizards and killed all the people.

The Forbidden Forest will also give birth to many magic potion planting

bases, all of which are gold galleons.

The envious person even wanted to propose the establishment of a

Forbidden Forest Management Department "but was demoted to Arthur's

office the next day.

This also means that Arthur has another capable person under his


Much of what Arthur heard came from him.

After breakfast, Arthur picked up his briefcase, said goodbye to the

children and went to work.

The children who were still on vacation also started their daily routine.

Ginny is very studious and is afraid that she will be stupider than other

little wizards when she goes to Hogwarts, so she starts preparatory

courses in advance.

Harry and Ronald, who were both bad students, ran to the attic to see the


Don't be surprised, there really are ghouls in the attic of the Burrow, and

Harry was frightened when he first saw them.

But Ronald told him that the ghouls would not harm them, but when

they thought the Burrow was quiet, the ghouls would scream and make

some noise.

Comparable to a noise maker.

After playing for a while, the two went to the garden to fight the gnomes,

who would steal the pumpkins planted by Mrs. Weasley.

They didn't care before, but now they can't let the goblins succeed like


The goblins who only reached Harry's thighs were beaten by Ronald with

a stick and fled in panic.

After playing for a while, the two of them sat on the ridge to rest. Harry

looked at the careless Ronald and asked, "Ronald, do you know that all

the people in the Forbidden Forest are dead?"

"I know, isn't it written in the Daily Prophet?"

Ronald didn't notice Harry's mood.

"Why didn't Professor Dumbledore stop it? Aren't they part of the

wizarding world?"

Ronald shook his head and couldn't figure it out, but as for centaurs, he

knew from Percy's mouth that centaurs had a very bad attitude towards


Treat the Forbidden Forest as their territory and don't let the little ones


"Why do you think so much? Since Professor Dumbledore didn't stop it, it

means they are all bad guys."

Thinking about what Arthur said at the dinner table in 5.2, Ronald


"Dad is going to get a salary increase next year, so maybe I can buy what

I want. It seems like this is a good thing.

Harry didn't speak anymore, feeling that there was no difference between

wizards and Muggles, and looked into the distance quietly.

But Harry suddenly remembered the strange house elf he met at Dursley's

house that day.

When he arrived at the Burrow he was never seen again.

The house elf said strange words, telling Harry not to go to Hogwarts,

saying that someone was harming him.

But when Harry asked who it was, the house elf refused to tell him, and

even punished himself by slapping himself.

But how could Harry not go to Hogwarts?

At least in school, Harry felt that he was happy.

By the way, that house elf seems to be called Dobby or Kobe?

Chapter 96: Understand The

Basilisk, Beware Of The Basilisk

At Black Manor, Cole suddenly started studying the children today, and

found a book about various magical animals from the Black family's


Phoenix. Qilin, Zou Wu, water monster,,,

The portraits and introductions of each magical animal are clearly

recorded in the book.

In fact, Cole didn't know where this book came from. Maybe it was an

ancestor's collection. Anyway, it contained what Cole needed.

"Father, will you really die if you look into the basilisk's eyes? It's like

turning into a sculpture, a stone man."

It was Alice who asked the question, and several other children also

looked around Cole with curious eyes.

"Of course, Alice, the basilisk is very dangerous. Most wizards can't stand

it. You have to know that the birth of a basilisk is not easy.

"Legend has it that it comes from a magic egg laid by a seven-year-old

rooster when Sirius was in the sky, and hatched by a toad.

Its sight is the most dangerous attacking weapon. Any creature that

directly meets its gaze will be killed immediately.

Creatures encountered indirectly (such as when seen in a mirror) will be

turned to stone. As long as there is enough food, basilisks can usually live

a long time. 08"

The things in these books were narrated by Cole. Although I don't know

whether they are true or false, the danger of the basilisk is inevitable.

"Wow, it's really powerful. Isn't it more powerful than my snake?"

Ben praised the basilisk and suddenly felt that his pet snake was rubbish.

At this time, he wished he had one.

A question mark flashed over Cole's head. He meant to tell the children

that the basilisk was dangerous. Unexpectedly, Ben wanted to own it.

I'm afraid there's something wrong with this kid.

Cole clapped his hands and said: "Okay, after reading this book this time,

you all know some very dangerous creatures. When you encounter a

basilisk, remember not to take it seriously."

"I know, Father."

The children nodded, and except for Martin who had a doubtful look in

his eyes, the other children didn't really care.

Of course Cole saw his eldest son's unnaturalness. This was his purpose.

This year's Hogwarts would be very lively.

The diary sent by Lucius will cause waves in Hogwarts.

Slytherin's basilisk will also be released and use the sewers to harm the

little wizard.

In fact, Cole is also worried about whether Martin and the others will be

harmed, and is thinking about letting the children take a break from

school this year.

But turning around, Cole thought that some things must be experienced.

Of course, he was not unprepared. If he saw the basilisk indirectly, his

eyes would be petrified and could be treated with magic potion.

But looking directly into the eyes of the basilisk will result in immediate

death, and even the Saint-Germain Hospital can't do anything about it.

But Cole had a way. When he told Meira, there happened to be a solution

in Meira's inheritance.

That is to make a magic prop that can transfer fatal injuries to pets. It

just so happens that several of Martin's children have their own pets.

Martin's black snake, Jerome's brown snake, Ben's giant ant, II

I don’t know why, but these children all like snake pets.

Compared to the injuries to his own children and just a few pets, Cole

could even find more.

What's more, children's pets are not simple. It is fatal to a wizard, and it

is not fatal to children's pets.

With these things and Cole reminding the children, he felt relieved.

Not seeing Martin's thoughtful eyes, even Jerome, the laziest son, also

realized something.

With the protection of the eldest brother and the second brother,

Tianliana and Alice will not be harmed.

As for Ban Cole, he is worried that he should not think about catching the

basilisk as a pet.

Among the several children, he is the most obsessed with the pursuit of

power, and of course this is not a bad thing.

Let the children play, Meera came over and asked: What will happen at

school this year? That makes you so cautious. "

After telling Meira everything, Lockhart's story also came out. When he

told Meira that he wanted to use the secret room to cause trouble.

Mela expressed support and even suggested many new ideas to Cole.

Lockhart is an idiot. Cole only hopes that he can muddy the waters in

Hogwarts. At least Dumbledore will have a headache.

When an attack occurs at Hogwarts, parents will be worried, and at least

the nobles will hold the Ministry of Magic accountable.

Cole is ready to take this opportunity to extend the Black family's hand to


I feel excited just thinking about it. This is the training base for students.

I have to say that even if I have seen the Black Family's Chamber of

Secrets, the books in it are not as good as those in Hogwarts, which are

the heritage of the four legendary wizards.

In fact, Cole had already discovered that the teaching quality at Hogwarts

was not very good. He had previously thought that too many young

wizards of Muggle origin had lowered the limit.

Hogwarts was afraid that Muggle wizards would not be able to keep up

with the curriculum, so they started teaching slowly.

But later when he learned about Martin's courses, Cole discovered the

reason why they were getting worse year by year.

It's Professor Dumbledore who doesn't allow teaching.

How is this okay? Is it worthy of parents who send their children to


If you were to be Cole, you must reform Hogwarts and make the little

wizards more powerful, instead of only knowing the cruelty of the

wizarding world after leaving the ivory tower of Hogwarts.

This time is an opportunity to deal with Voldemort's second Horcrux.

Diary? Cole remembered that the soul in it seemed to be Tom Riddle in

his student days, or the tall, handsome, and charming Slytherin

outstanding student.

Compared to the complete Voldemort, this soul is still very immature,

full of complaints about its own experiences, doubts about its own

lineage, and the pursuit and exploration of black magic.

Cole suddenly remembered something. There seemed to be a traitor in

Lucius's family, it was the house elf.

The house elves knew about Lucius's plan and secretly sabotaged their

master's plan.

This is not tolerated in aristocratic circles, look at Kreacher, the elf of the

Black family.

Cole said whatever he said, Cole let him commit suicide, and Kreacher

had to thank Cole for his kindness.

"Kreacher, come here.

Kreacher, who didn't know he was cleaning that room, appeared in front

of Cole instantly.

"Master, what are your orders?"

"Kreacher, do you recognize the elf who admonished the Malfoy family?"

Kreacher rubbed his hands and said: "I know the master, he is a young

guy and very timid. Of course he is not as good as me, the servant of the

Black family."

Cole was very interested, "Are you related?"

Kreacher shook his head wildly, "How is it possible, Master? He is not a

relative of mine. He is a despicable thing. You will not abandon me,

right? Dear Master."

Kreacher thought Cole was not satisfied with it, so he knelt on the ground

and begged Cole.

"Okay, let's go out. I'm not interested in it. It's a restless elf."

"Yes, yes, Chinese."

Kreacher knew that he had not lost his job and returned to his job

happily. .

Chapter 97: Mark Of The Dark

Lord, Secret Conversation In The


The Black Family Castle was busy today. Taking advantage of the

incident in the Forbidden Forest, Cole held a banquet to celebrate.

Many families came to participate with their wives and children. The

women and children were received by Meira. Martin also showed the

excellence of the family heir and imitated Cole's example of hospitality.

The Black family's status in England is now rapidly improving, especially

with the emergence of Cole.

More than ten years ago, the talent of the Black family withered, and

Sirius was gradually forgotten. Almost no one paid attention to a wizard

who was expelled from the family in Azkaban.

Similarly, the wizards who entered Azkaban did not come out alive, and

the dementors tortured the prisoners who were worse than death and

could only wait for death.

Cole was walking among the nobles with a wine glass, changing glasses.

Fudge was missing from such a scene. This old guy still expected the

nobles to support him.

Wright came over and told Lucius that he was coming with his family,

and Cole put down his wine glass and went outside to greet him.

Today, Lucius didn't know whether it was because of what happened that

day or something else. He always actively participated in the previous

banquets, but this time he was late.

"Lucius, you are late. They are all waiting for you."

Facing Cole's enthusiasm, Lucius was a little unnatural, but he also said:

"Sorry, I'm late, it took Narcissa Tao some time to choose the gift.

Facing this cousin, Cole had nothing to say. He never cared about her

thoughts and just said perfunctorily:

"Narcissa, Meera is waiting for you over there."

Looking at Draco who was following Narcissa, "Draco, Martin and the

others have a lot of good things to share with you, right?"

Only Cole and Lucius were left. On the way into the living room, Lucius

said tangledly: "Cole, there are some things I want to talk to you about."

Cole did not stop and only responded lightly.

"Okay, if you're not in a hurry, we can go to the study and sit for a while

during these times.


No wonder I saw something wrong with Lucius today. I was afraid that

Lucius wanted to show off his cards with him.

Cole had a hunch that Lucius was probably talking about Voldemort.

Harry, the savior, knew something different happened at Hogwarts in his

first year. The nobles were not fools, let alone the most slippery one

among them, Lucius.

The Malfoy family, no matter how dangerous the wizarding world is, can

always save itself in the end.

Looking at the overall situation, Cole even thought that the Malfoy family

was the destiny of the world.

All wizards born in Slytherin will remember these four words: be wise

and protect yourself, but the only ones in the wizarding world who can

really do this are the Malfoy family.

Without saying much, he brought Lucius to the living room, and the

atmosphere became even more lively.

Lucius looked around, as if he had discovered something, and asked in a

low voice: "Cole, no one from the Avery family is here?"


Cole's flat response made Lucius realize that the matter was somewhat


It’s not that little Avery is very important, but in such a scene, all the

noble wizards in England accepted the invitation. “Even officials from the

Ministry of Magic came.

As long as the Avery family doesn't show up, doesn't it mean that little

Avery doesn't want to hang out in the circle of noble wizards?

Even if there is a conflict between the Avery family and the Black family,

it does not go to the point of declaring war. The nobles always have to

maintain apparent friendship.

Thinking of some news, the fellow practitioner reminded Cole.

"Cole, little Avery must hate you very much now, you have to be careful."

"Hate me? Don't worry, Lucius, things will change soon. You also know

some inside stories, otherwise you wouldn't talk to me today.

Little Avery was simply blinded by greed and wanted to use external

forces to harm Black.

Little did he know that Cole knew all this and was just thinking about

how to maximize the benefits and leave the Ministry of Magic speechless.

Cole didn't say much for the rest, but his confident look made Lucius nod

and just remind him of some things.

The banquet ended quickly, and Cole took the opportunity to recommend

Black Bank. You must know that in the future, the wealth of the nobles

will rise significantly.

Gringotts has also been squeezed out by Cole and has no place to survive

in England. Even ordinary wizards know that goblins cannot trust it.

The victimized nobles also understood in their hearts, not to mention

witnessing the power of the Black family wizards this time, which made

them even more relieved.

One by one, they agreed to cooperate with Cole, and the relationship

between them became much better.

After seeing off the guests, Cole came to the study room and lit up

Lucius's face with a little candlelight. If nothing else, Cole suddenly

discovered that Lucius's face was very long.

The face that reminded Cole of Draco didn't look much like Lucius, didn't


Hahaha, Cole sat down and recovered. It was just a sudden thought, how

could Draco not be Lucius's son.

Muggles have ways to identify parentage, how could wizards not have

ways to identify bloodlines?

Leaning back on the chair, Cole said leisurely: "It's been a long time since

we sat together and chatted together, Lucius, what do you want to tell


Lucius stared at Cole, who was sitting right in front of him, but Lucius

felt like he was like a dew.

"Cole, you are different from Sirius and Regulus. We grew up together

and understand each other, but you suddenly changed a lot."

Cole was not surprised, Dumbledore had said so too, but he was now

Cottrell Black.

"After experiencing a lot, you will naturally change, just like Sirius, who

would have thought that he would end up in Azkaban when he was at


Lucius and the children of the Black family have known each other since

childhood. Although he is a few years older than Sirius, they still have a

good relationship.

Lucius suddenly asked curiously: "Don't you know the whereabouts of


Regulus Black, the second son of the family, was more of a nobleman

than the reckless Sirius.

After initially following Voldemort, he disappeared inexplicably in the

wizarding world. Many people speculated that Regulus was harmed by


But Lucius, who was also a Death Eater, knew that Voldemort could not

take the initiative to kill a pureblood of the Black family.

You must know that Lucius, who came out of the Malfoy family, and

Barty Crouch II, the Dark Lord's loyal servant.

Regulus is the one who takes the most attention, and his status as a pure-

blood family for thousands of years means that Regulus is destined to

help the Dark Lord reach the top.

Cole was silent. Lucius's sudden reminder and questioning reminded him

of his nominal brother.

Compared with Sirius, Regulus was not that flamboyant, and his

character seemed a bit weak to outsiders.

But Cole knew that Regulus was not weak.

Because he discovered the secret of Voldemort's Horcruxes and disagreed

with Voldemort's ideas, Regulus decided to steal Voldemort's Horcruxes.

Slytherin's locket was hidden by Voldemort in the center of a cave lake.

The water was full of inferi, lifeless, soulless and thoughtless inferi

guarding that area.

To get the locket, you must drink a potion that makes life worse than


Regulus did just that. After witnessing Voldemort's actions, he drank the

potion and asked the house elf Kreacher to bring back the locket.

In the end, he stayed in the dark lake, keeping company with the Inferi.

Regarding this behavior, Cole felt that Regulus was brave, but


Even if you don't want to let go of the house elf, you can find a damn

dark wizard, cast the Imperius Curse, and drink it obediently.

Of course, it is also possible that Regulus was too late and was afraid of

being discovered by Voldemort.

Anyway, all this has happened, Cole remained silent, and had no

intention of telling Lucius the truth.

The locket was in Kreacher's hands, and Cole asked for it after a while,

believing that Kreacher did not have the courage to refuse him as its


"Let's not talk about that, Lucius, let's talk about you. What do you and I

want to do today?"

Cole got straight to the point and asked directly.

Lucius raised his arm and pushed up his sleeve with his right hand,

revealing the snake-shaped mark on his left arm.

"Cole, you probably haven't seen this before. This is the mark of the Dark

Lord. In order to control us, the Dark Lord left this."

Cole looked at the Mark of the Dark Lord on Lucius's forearm and

stretched his head to study it carefully.

The appearance of the black snake-shaped mark is not important, but the

magic fluctuations within it are important.

Today, there is no unified standard for the definition of magic in the

wizarding world [Wizards never study where magic comes from.

All I know is that if there is no magic riot before the age of eleven, it is a


So knowing Mela's mage heritage, Cole also understood how crude the

use of magic by today's wizards was.

In fact, each wizard's magic power fluctuations are unique, and those in

the period of solid cultivation obviously have magic power that does not

belong to them.

The Mark of the Dark Lord does not seem to have any unique effect. After

studying its magic structure, Cole found that it was just a 'BB machine'

equivalent to the wizarding world.

There is no curse breath, and its owner will have no other impact on the

wizard when it is not activated.

Voldemort only used it to summon his subordinates.

There will be a burning sensation in the arm when activated, but

otherwise the ball is useless.

Putting down Lucius's arm, Cole felt that Voldemort was nothing more

than that. If it were him, he would definitely add a bloodline curse to this


Or some torture curse, just a burning sensation, what's the point.

As long as disloyal thoughts appear in the heart, the Dark Mark will

punish the betrayer or directly smash the betrayer's head.

||Lucius, is this the Death Eater mark? According to my observation, this

will have no impact on you. "

Lucius put down his arm and said worriedly: "That's not what I am

referring to. Originally, this mark has been silent over the years, but it

suddenly started to react again some time ago."

Seeing Cole still looking like that, Lucius said in his heart: "Do you know

that the mysterious man is not dead yet? He may be resurrected."

Cole was certainly not surprised that Lucius could ask such a question,

because the research just now found that if Voldemort died, the mark

would disappear.

Of course, what we are talking about here is not physical death [but the

disappearance of the soul.

Voldemort had seven Horcruxes, how could they disappear so easily?

Lucius actually showed a look of fear, as if he was unloading a heavy

burden when he said those words.

Lucius only felt a lot more relaxed after saying that.

He couldn't tell Narcissa these things, as it would make her worry. As a

man, Lucius chose to resist on his own.

Cole asked Lucius seriously. "If the Dark Lord is resurrected, you will be

afraid, right? Afraid that he will punish you traitors."

Cole's whisper made Lucius tremble unnaturally. To Voldemort, wizards

like them who escaped the Ministry of Magic's trial were naturally


As for the price of betrayal, Lucius had obviously witnessed it with his

own eyes.

Cole continued: "Is this why you sent the things left behind by the Dark

Lord to that Weasley?"

"You, you know everything?"

Cole shook his head, "Of course, Lucius, in addition to that thing, I also

know that you sell many collections that smell of black magic.

If you drop it, don’t forget, I have the final say in Knockturn Alley. "

"It's a pity, if you ask me, I can still offer you a good price, and you don't

have to go there yourself, Lucius."

Lucius wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead. In front of Cole, he

felt like he was being seen through.

"Do you know how he will be resurrected? (Zhao Haozhao)"

"I don't know." Lucius shook his head.

Cole said with a mocking tone. "It seems that you are not the one he

trusts the most.

After some testing, Cole discovered that Lucius didn't know about the

soul body.

Regulus was able to discover Voldemort's Horcrux, which meant

something important. Lucius's status among the Death Eaters of Cohen

was not as high as that of Black.

Malfoy, a loach, knows how to fish in troubled waters and is really bad at


Cole gave Lucius a sigh of disappointment.

"So you want to use that thing to lure the Dark Lord out? I'm afraid you

also know that Harry was stared at by Dumbledore, so he chose Weasley.

You also know that Weasley is Dumbledore.

A big fan of Lido. "


Lucius nodded, that's what he originally thought, as long as he couldn't

be traced in the end, or there was no evidence to prove that he was the

one who started it.

To say how much Lucius wanted to harm Harry would be ridiculous.

To Lucius, Harry, the savior, was not important at all.

Even if Voldemort died in Harry's hands, "Hughes had no intention of

avenging his former master.

"Good plan, Lucius."

Cole praised him with his mouth, but actually despised him in his heart.

This guy hadn't realized that there was a traitor around him.

Or a house elf who claims to never betray his master.

If other nobles knew about this matter, the Malfoy family would become

a laughing stock in the wizarding world.

Even a humble house elf can easily betray the Malfoy family, so what

power does Malfoy have to deter other evil wolves?

Thinking of this, Cole found something interesting, why not tell Lucius

the news now?

Let’s see how the noble man with long platinum hair reacts?

Chapter 98: Do You Know There

Is A Ghost Around You? Fooling


"Lucius, do you know where Harry is these days?"

Cole's sudden question made Lucius stunned, thinking: Of course the little

wizard will go home on vacation, and the savior Harry will naturally not

stay in Hogwarts.

"He should have returned to the Muggle world." Lucius replied simply,

expressing his regret that Harry was in the Muggle world.

In fact, many wizards cannot understand why the Savior is in the Muggle

world instead of being protected by Dumbledore.

Cole smiled and said: "You are wrong, Harry is at the Weasley house


Sitting up straight, Cole looked at Lucius with interest.

He said softly: "Then do you know why Harry came to Weasley's house?

Because a mysterious guy told Harry that it would be dangerous to go to

Hogwarts this semester. He tried his best to stop Harry and annoyed the

Muggle who raised Harry. Lock him up."

"Then it was the two Weasley brothers who took Harry out of there.

Lucius' face darkened.

"The question is, besides what you brought to the little Weasley girl, is

there anything else that could harm Harry?"

"You mean someone knew what I did, betrayed me, and told him the


Cole nodded. Lucius was quite smart and understood what he said


Lucius was silent, thinking again and again, and then his eyes fell on


With a sigh, Cole cursed angrily: "You idiot, you actually suspect that I

told Harry? Merlin, is your brain made of the troll's ass?"

"You didn't even know you had a ghost around you, and you still came to

doubt me?"

Picking up the tea cup and taking a sip, Cole was no longer interested in

playing charades with Lucius and told him directly.

"It's the house elf of the Malfoy family. The little servant beside you,

Lucius, is it ridiculous that the elf who has served the Malfoy family all

his life would betray you."

After listening to Cole's words, Lucius remembered that what he had

done was not avoiding the house elf.

He said in disbelief: "How is it possible?"

Lucius refused to accept the pride of the nobility.

"How is it impossible? This is the information I got, Lucius. I didn't expect

you to trust your servant so much."

The reason why Lucius refused to believe it was definitely not because of

trust, but because Lucius thought that the timid house elf 803 could not

do such a thing.

Ignoring Lucius who lowered his head, after all, the news was still

shocking to him.

Cole looked at Lucius's expression quietly.

From hesitation at the beginning, to anger gradually, and finally, Inseus

turned red in the face.

He jumped up and walked around the study with his wand, cursing.

"How dare it? This despicable and humble guy dares to disobey Malfoy's

will and betray the Malfoy family."

"I'm going to peel off its skin, dry it and hang it on a tree trunk. I'm going

to make it pay the price."

"Ah~~ It's simply a shame that an elf is not afraid of me.

"How dare it? How dare it."

Finally saw the scene I wanted to see, the noble platinum Malfoy collapse


Cole knew that Lucius would behave like this. For a pure-blood noble,

this would be a great shame.

Lucius jumped up and was about to rush out of the study to find the

house elf, but Cole stopped him with words.

"Wait, Lucius, don't lose your sense at any time."

Lucius turned around, his eyes red, looking like a cannibal.

"Cole, how can you keep me rational? A house elf dares to betray me.

Where is the dignity of the Malfoy family?"

Also, Lucius was not wrong. Most wizards would not care about creatures

like elves, but if someone knew that Lucius was tricked by the house

elves of the Tenth Song Dynasty.

This is big news.

"Lucius, I understand what you mean. Sit down first. I promise that I

won't tell anyone about this except you."

Lucius panted heavily and sat on the chair, looking at Cole.

"I asked Kreacher and he said that the elves of the Malfoy family are very

timid. Aren't you curious why he does this? Is there any benefit to it?"

Lucius calmed down a bit. He also knew that Dobby was very timid,

stupid and often made mistakes. He was teased by Draco and punished

by him.

But all this is normal in noble wizard families.

"Aren't you curious? Maybe someone confused it?"

Cole said it was possible, but he was actually confusing Lucius.

Of course Cole knew that Dobby was not being deceived, but simply

wanted to protect Harry, the savior.

Oh my god, what the hell, Merlin never imagined that a house elf would

become protective of a little wizard he had never met before.

For this reason, he even betrayed his master.

Cole was also wondering whether it was the house elf who had awakened

his will and wanted to have freedom.

Lucius said gloomily: "You mean someone cast the Imperius Curse on a

house elf?"

Cole rolled his eyes, and Lucius was still looking for reasons, refusing to

believe that it was his own incompetence that gave the house elf the

courage to betray him.

God, who would cast the Imperius Curse on an elf, not even Voldemort.

However, for the sake of his own plan, Cole still followed Lucius's words

and said: "I think it is very possible."

Lucius suddenly thought of something and said excitedly: "It must be

Dumbledore. You must know that there are many elves in Hogwarts. He

must have taken the opportunity to control the servants of the Malfoy


Before Cole could even think of how to make it up, Lucius had figured it

all out and actually thought Dumbledore was behind it all.

Okay, okay, what I need is your good brain, my dear Lucius, your brain is

of great use to me.

"Cole, did you tell me to calm down just now as I guessed? Sure enough,

you are also a smart person."

Lucius looked at Cole with admiration and nodded in approval.

"Tell me your plan, Cole."

Cole really didn't want to admit that he and Lucius had the same IQ, but

looking at his excited look now, Cole knew that if he said anything more,

Lucius would be so angry that he would kill all the house elves in the

wizarding world.

"Hang!" Cole coughed a few times.

"Lucius, I don't want to expose it yet. You know, Hogwarts will be very

lively this year. Do you think that if things don't happen according to

Dumbledore's plan, do we have a chance to intervene in Hogwarts

affairs? ?”

Lucius tilted his head back and opened his mouth.

"You, Cole, you actually want to interfere with things at Hogwarts?

Dumbledore is still here.

Cole was smug, his eyes were shining, and he said confidently:

"Dumbledore can't stop what I want to do."

"Did you know? Hogwarts was originally a place that brought hope to the

wizarding world, a holy place of magic, and a palace of knowledge."

"But look at what the ten little wizards have learned now at Hogwarts.

The students who are about to graduate can even cast a protective spell.

They are already some outstanding graduates."

The more Cole talked, the more excited he became. He stood up. The

candlelight shone on Cole's body, and the shadow behind him seemed to

be glowing too.

"The wizarding world shouldn't be like this, and Hogwarts shouldn't be

like this."

"It's conservatives like Dumbledore who turned Hogwarts, which was

supposed to be a place for teaching and educating people, into a

children's paradise.

"Lucius, you know what I am going to do? Join me and witness the

greatness of the wizard."

Cole spoke heartily and felt pretty good about himself, but Lucius's

expression didn't seem quite right.

Cole, who stood up and was still showing off, saw Lucius didn't react and

sat down with a smile.

Thought: It seems that my speech skills are still not good. Every person

who has shaken things up in history is a great speaker.

I also wanted to fool Lucius, (bbbe) I tried too hard.

Lucius looked surprised, and after a long time he said slowly: "Cole, you

seemed to be alone just now."

That's right, Cole almost made Lucius think he was possessed by the Dark

Lord just now, and the bad memory made Lucius subconsciously reject


Lucius asked cautiously: "Cole, don't you want to...

Before Lucius could continue, Cole spread his hands. "No, I was just

joking. How about it? Are you trying to control your momentum?"

Lucius choked before he finished speaking, like a mouthful of blood spat

on Cole's face.

"Then you want me not to expose that nasty house elf?"

Lucius looked like a broken Niffler.

"Gee, I'm just looking for something to do. That's fun, isn't it? I've got

everything under control, Lucius."

After the farce just now, Lucius no longer had the impulse and thought

for a while. ,

"Okay, I'll let that despicable thing go for now, but when your matter is

over, I will definitely peel off its skin.

Peel off the skin? Do you still want to make a specimen?

Cole suddenly thought of reminding Lucius whether this was a kindness

to Dobby?

Just like Kreacher of the Black family, its dream is that Cole can keep it

as a specimen at home after its death.

This is a great honor for Kreacher.

Cole was annoyed by what Kreacher was talking about. Although he

didn't understand it, he respected it.

But thinking about it, maybe every elf has different ideas? Cole gave up

reminding Lucius.

The two of them left the study and came to the living room. Narcissa was

playing with Draco in the living room, and Meira was narrating and

accompanying you.

After seeing off the Malfoy family, Cole rested.

Time flies and the first day of school soon comes.

At London Station, Cole sent Martin and the others to school as usual.

Seeing Meira hugging each other, Cole reminded:

"It's getting late, so don't get on the train. Go ahead, kids, and enjoy the

happy learning time.

Cole also said goodbye one by one, and reminded the children to take

their things with them and don't forget them.

Platform nine and three-quarters are operating as usual.

Cole knew that someone would cause trouble today.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a small shadow next to the trash

can. Cole smiled to himself: Sure enough, the smart little guy is about to

take action.

Cole also pretended not to see it and left the London station with Meira.

Soon after, Wei Caijia hurriedly pushed his luggage to the station.

"We're going to be late, Percy, you go first, Fred and George follow."

Arthur let his three sons pass through the wall, turned to Ginny and said:

"Ginny, don't be afraid, go ahead.

Ginny summoned up the courage on her young face, closed her eyes and

leaned against the wall.

Because it was Ginny's first time, Arthur and his wife followed closely

behind, and they had to help Ginny find a seat.

Harry and Ronald looked at each other, their hearts filled with longing

for life at Hogwarts.

Home is not as fun as Hogwarts.

"Harry, are you ready?"

"Well, Ronald, let's go."

The two people rushed towards the wall one after another. Unexpectedly,

the passage that had been unobstructed just now, Harry and Ronald were

knocked over.

The owl in the cage flapped its wings, and the suitcases were scattered on

the floor.

Ronald holds his forehead

Looking at Harry who was still lying on the ground.

"Harry, what's going on?"

Harry finally stood up, walked up and touched the wall, and found that it

was as hard as stone, even though it was stone itself.

"Ronald, the passage has disappeared, is it because we are late?"

Ronald was in disbelief. He had never encountered anything like this


"How is it possible Harry, dad and mom are still in there, can't they get


The two of them, Harry and Ronald, were groping around, wanting to lie

down on the ground and looking for gaps. Finally, they attracted the

attention of the station administrator, who drove the two children out of

the station.

Next to the trash can in the corner, the house elf Dobby appeared. Seeing

this long scene, he muttered:

"Harry, Dobby must protect Harry. He cannot be allowed to go to

Hogwarts. Someone will harm him."

"Dobby did nothing wrong. Tubby is sorry for his master."

"Oh, damn Dobby, damn Dobby."

Dobby began to punish himself, holding the trash can with his head, and

finally knocked the trash can to the ground, attracting attention, and then

disappeared here.

Harry and Ronald, who were kicked out of the station, looked at the

pedestrians on the street in confusion.

"Harry, did we miss the train?"

Harry was extremely panicked at this moment. For him, Hogwarts was


If he couldn't go to Hogwarts and had to go back to the Dursleys, Harry

would rather die.

"Ronald, what should I do? I must go to Hogwarts and find a way."

Ronald nodded, used his smart mind, looked around, and suddenly saw

his father Arthur's car parked on the roadside.

Ronald smiled and said: "Harry, I may have a solution, follow me.

Harry was still confused and didn't realize it until Ronald pulled him into

the car.

"Ronald, you mean we're going to Hogwarts in a car?"

Ronald, who looked like an experienced driver, imitated Arthur and lit

up the car, looking at Harry confidently.

"Are you ready? Harry, we are about to embark on a great adventure."

As expected of a reckless Gryffindor, Ronald directly pressed the button,

stepped on the accelerator, and the car began to run rampant on the


A car came from the opposite side and finally flew into the sky before


"Oh, watch out Ronald."

Ronald twisted the steering wheel and avoided the bell tower, startling a

large number of flying pigeons.

In public, countless Muggles around the station saw a car flying into the

sky. .

Chapter 99 The Little Wizard On

The Express, Harry On The Car

On the Hogwarts Express, Martin sat in the noble carriage, holding the

Fantastic Beasts Reference Guide in his hand and looking at it with


Draco, who was next to him, was also in this carriage. Seeing Martin

being so serious, he couldn't help but ask questions.

"Martin, why have you been holding this book since you got in the car?

When did you become so interested in angry animals?"

Martin answered the questions without blinking his eyes. "I'm not

interested in magical beasts. I just want to learn about them. There's no

harm in reading more books, Draco."

Draco pouted. Although his grades were pretty good, he didn't want to be

a nerd.

Martin's heart was gloomy. After that day, the astute Martin realized

what might happen to Hogwarts this year.

That's why he was so careful and wanted to find the answer from this


Among the siblings, Jerome has a lazy personality, while Ben is a bit

impulsive. Darlene and Alice need his elder brother's care more.

As the eldest son of the Black family, Martin always has strict demands

on himself.

"Martin, I learned new curses during the holidays. If stupid Potter dares

to mess with me this semester, I will make him look good."

Draco took out his wand and waved it excitedly, as if he saw Potter

begging for mercy at his feet.

Ben, who was in the box, heard Draco's words and asked with great

interest: "Draco, what kind of spells have you learned? I have also

learned a lot, do you want to compete."

The smile on Draco's face was dull. It was not like he didn't know what

kind of character Ben was.

Among the first-year Slytherin wizards, Black is known as the most


Draco sneered, "There's no need for this, Ben, we are brothers, you'd

better let me go."

Alice's silvery laughter. "Hahaha, Draco, are you scared?"

Draco stood up and said slowly: "How is it possible, Alice, I, I just don't

want to use a curse on Ben."

Everyone in the room didn't know that Draco loved face most, and if they

really got into a fight, he might even start a fight with his subordinates.

As the eldest sister, Darlene pulled Alice to sit down. "Draco, that's not

what Alice meant. Hexes cannot be used on friends.

Darlene calmed the mood and asked Draco to step down.

Draco also nodded with the words, "Yes, how could I use a curse on you."

Jerome, who was half-lying in the corner and dozing off, was also woken

up and understood what had happened.

He stretched and said slowly: "Draco, why don't you show it to us? It will

open our eyes.

The others were also very generous and applauded Draco to show off.

The most diligent followers were Goyle and Crabbe. The two fat guys

held snacks in their hands and cheered Draco on.

"Well, since you kindly invited me, I will reluctantly show it to you. Don't

be surprised later."

The noble box is different from the ordinary box. It is much wider,

otherwise it would not be able to accommodate so many people.

Draco walked to the middle, took out his wand, brewed for a long time,

and said with firm eyes "Oolong."

A black snake more than one meter long jumped out of Draco's wand in

an instant, landed on the floor and curled up, raising its head.

It opened its mouth and hissed, its fangs exposed to the air.

Not to mention that Martin, who was attracted to the attention, was not

scared, and even the two little girls were not bitten by this little snake.

Alice also said: "It's so ugly, not cute at all."

Draco responded unconvinced, "Alice, this is a curse, how can you judge

whether it is cute or not? Its fangs are very powerful.

Martin nodded. Although this curse is a curse, it is already very lethal to

the community master.

"Indeed, Draco, it seems that you didn't relax during the holiday. Yes,

you're pretty good."

Draco raised his head, "Of course, although I am not as good as you, I am

still very powerful, don't you think so, Goyle Crabbe?"

Of course the two little followers applauded. "Master Malfoy, of course, is

already very powerful."

Martin smiled. He had just noticed that the moment Draco released the

snake, there was no fear in the eyes of Goyle and Crabbe.

They were not his younger brothers and sisters. Martin even felt that at

that moment, there was a hint of disdain in Gore's eyes.

It seems that these two little followers of the Malfoy family are not

simple either.

Although their grades in school were not outstanding, and from the

outside, Goyle and Crabbe looked like idiots.

But who can really say that Goyle and Crabbe, who were born into noble

families, are really not smart?

They are just better at disguising themselves.

Martin thought to himself: Young wizards from noble families who have

received traditional education will definitely have an advantage over

Muggle wizards.

When Ben was released from Draco and regarded as a little snake in his

eyes, he was no longer interested. He had stopped playing such little

tricks a long time ago.

"Draco, you should take it back. You are much smaller than my pet. I am

embarrassed to let it out and laugh at you."

Ben was not polite at all, and of course Draco was not angry either. They

had long been immune to such jokes.

"Ban, you guy, you didn't help me last time."

Of course Draco was talking about the time he went to have a duel with

Potter last school year.

In fact, he was not prepared to go at first, but Martin said that since he

agreed, he had to go. This is the honor of the nobility.

Draco took Martin and Ben out of the dormitory at night.

Unexpectedly, before the duel started, Mrs. Lorris's attention was

attracted, and the squib administrator arrived.

They had no choice but to escape.

Speaking of this, Ben remembered the way Weasley provoked him at the

station. He was very cautious.

"Draco, I can help you next. That red-haired Weasley is so annoying. Give

him to me and let him feel what fear is.

Draco was so excited that he almost jumped up and down. Goyle and

Crabbe felt useless in his heart. Ben finally agreed to help him, but he

was very unhappy.

"Ben, we are indeed good brothers. Don't worry. Leave Potter to me and

you can deal with that Weasley for me."

Ben pulled Draco over and whispered about what he had done during the

holidays and what new spells he had learned.

Cole didn't hear the whispers between the two, but just watched the light

in Draco's eyes become more and more dazzling.

Under the education of the class, he went further and further.

Martin didn't care either, he said it was his fault.

Martin looked out the window, relaxed his eyes, suddenly saw

something, and shouted:

"Look outside, what is that?"

Everyone looked out the window, and as the train moved quickly, the

trees moved behind them.

I saw a flying car driving alongside the Hogwarts Express.

As they were about to pass through the tunnel, Martin clearly saw that

the two people in the car were Harry and Ronald, the Weasley family


"Is it them? How could they drive a car?"

Draco exclaimed, and Martin also had doubts. Didn't these two people get

on the Hogwarts Express?

what's going on?

Martin couldn't figure it out, but he also knew that something must have

happened, and this matter must have something to do with Harry, not


After all, Harry was the savior.

Draco was very angry and even said: "Who allowed them to use Muggle

items? I will write a letter to Dad and let them be expelled from school

for abusing Muggle items."

Martin looked at Draco in surprise. Unexpectedly, Draco recognized this

as a Muggle item?

"Draco, Muggle cars can't fly. They were obviously modified using magic,

and it's not considered abuse."

Draco was still unconvinced and very angry after hearing Martin's


"That is also a Muggle thing. Underage wizards cannot use such magic

items. I understand the regulations on underage management, Martin.

Others didn't expect Draco to say such logical words, and they all looked

at him sideways.

Soon, the car outside the window disappeared, and everyone gave up

looking for it, but instead discussed the outcome of the incident.

"Such things will not be tolerated anyway, stupid Potter, damn Weiss."

Draco had already started to think carefully, and he would be happy to

do something as long as it made Potter miserable.

The train was steaming, and they arrived at Hogwarts at night and took

off their luggage.

Seeing that there was no Harry on the other side of the Gryffindor, Draco

immediately ran forward and rushed towards Professor Snape's office.

After telling his godfather what he had just witnessed, Professor Snape's

first reaction was to rush out of the office.

Draco was left looking at the back of his dear godfather with a question

mark on his face?

Although he wanted Snape to punish Potter, something seemed wrong.

Why does it feel like he has been abandoned?

Why do you feel that your godfather was a little worried just now?

Draco couldn't believe it. He knew that Snape hated Harry the most,

otherwise he wouldn't have troubled Potter in Potions class.

Well, my godfather must love me the most. Having confirmed his

position in Snape's heart, Draco happily went to the cafeteria to find his

little friend.

·…Please give me flowers…

Of course Draco, who was still young at this time, would not understand

that his feelings were complicated. Snape, who showed that he hated

Harry, was also concerned about Harry's safety.

Who allowed me to have Bai Yueguang’s mother?

Draco, who returned to the Slytherin table, showed off his achievements

and told Martin and others that Potter would definitely be punished.

Then she looked triumphantly at Hermione, who was looking for Harry

and Ronald on the Gryffindor side.

As for Harry and Ronald, because Ronald didn't know the way, they had

to go around a lot and saw Hogwarts Castle in the dark.

"Ronald, over there, over there, we're here, drive over there."

"Okay, Harry, it's time to sit down."

Ronald turned the steering wheel hard, made a 270-degree turn, and

rushed towards Hogwarts.

"Ronald, slow down, we're going to hit the ground."

Ronald was in a hurry, looking at the ground getting closer and closer in

his eyes, cold sweat breaking out on his head, and he knew that this was

going to happen.

The two of them will become the only two wizards in the history of

Hogwarts who were stabbed to the ground and killed, and they will

definitely be laughed at.

"I don't know how to slow down. Harry, what should I do? Are we going

to see Merlin today? I don't want to die yet."

Ronald actually started crying at this time.

A magic car with its headlights on, rushed straight down and was about

to hit the ground.


Harry and Ronald in the car had raised their hands on their faces, "too

scared to look.

When it was a few meters above the ground, the car suddenly seemed to

be stopped by time and space, losing power and floating in the air.

Harry and Ronald didn't feel the impact for a long time. They slowly

opened their eyes and saw the car stopped, shouting happily.

"We survived, oh my God."

Then the car fell to the ground, the seats ejected the two of them, and the

luggage flew out of the trunk.

Harry and Ronald lay on the ground in a panic, watching the car start,

drive towards the Forbidden Forest, and disappear in

Harry and Ronald lay on the ground in embarrassment, watching the car

start, drive towards the Forbidden Forest, and disappear into the night.

"How long do you want to lie on the ground?"

Harry and Ronald looked in the direction of the sound and saw Snape,

whom they least expected to see.

No matter how stupid you are, you can guess that Snape saved them.

Harry looked at it in disbelief. No matter how much he imagined, he

could never imagine that it was Snape.

"Professor Snape, did you save us?"

Snape said coldly: "Hmph, he is just like that guy, reckless and impulsive,

and does not know whether to live or die.

Snape obviously saved people, but he didn't give Harry a good look.

Ronald, who had been saved by Snape just now, walked up to Harry with

an annoyed look on his face.

"Underage wizards abuse magic items and endanger others. Do you know

what your behavior is? It may also expose our world to Muggles, which is

a crime.

Harry and Ronald shivered under Snape's aura, and their little minds did

not expect that the matter could be so serious.

"If you were Slytherin students, I would let you go home right now."

Harry opened his mouth weakly, knowing that he had done something


Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall came out of the castle and

interrupted Snape.

"Oh, Snape, I guess it's not that serious, is it?"

Snape faced Dumbledore and said sternly: "They violated the minor


"I think I know this, especially since I wrote many of the regulations in it,

but I think Professor Cat is the head of Gryffindor, so I'll leave this matter

to her."

Dumbledore smiled and asked Harry and Ronald to leave with Professor

McGonagall, making his position clear.

Snape had no intention of letting Harry leave Hogwarts, so he didn't say

anything, but just told McGonagall to punish the two of them.

Dumbledore looked at Snape and thought of something.

"Snape, you came here as soon as possible just to protect Harry. We all

hope that he can be safe, right?"

Snape's eyes glanced, and the top-level Occlumency technique left no

expression on his face.

"Humph, I just don't want anyone to die because of being stupid."

After Snape said that, he turned around and left. The black wizard robe

flew up as he left quickly, and his back looked like a big bat.

"You are still like this, your mouth is always harder than your heart,"

Dumbledore shook his head helplessly.


Chapter 100 Beating Kreacher,

The Sinister Black

In the castle, Cole looked at the empty home. The new semester started,

and once Martin and the others left, it became less lively.

I have a lot to do next.

Ginny Weasley, Tom in the diary will definitely use her to release the

basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets.

Cole suddenly thought of what else he could do.

Cole, who was sitting on the sofa, stamped his foot twice. "Kreacher,

come here."

After being summoned by Cole, Kreacher's figure appeared in the room.

"My master, do you have any orders?"

Kreacher, a house elf, no, should be said to be an old elf, stood in front of

Cole with his hands in front of him.

Cole's serious expression made Kreacher a little scared, and he looked at

him at a loss.

The gloomy voice made Kreacher tremble.

"Kreacher, do you know what news I got? The "840" house elves of the

Malfoy family actually betrayed Malfoy. What do you think about this?"

Kreacher seemed to have heard a big joke and said in disbelief: "Master,

how can a house elf betray his master?"

"Oh, damn Dobby, I knew this guy was a disgrace to the elves, and his

family should be nailed to a stake.

The circle of house elves is only that big. Except for the ones in Hogwarts

Castle, the others are all distributed in the homes of noble wizards.

Similarly, Kreacher and the other house elves with owners looked down

upon the group of masterless guys at Hogwarts the most.

Compared with them, Kreacher is a nobleman for house elves.

Kreacher couldn't believe that Dobby's family had received a gift from the

Malfoy family, but they didn't know how to be grateful and committed


"I didn't expect that a house elf would betray a wizard. Kreacher, do you

think I can still trust you?"

Cole looked at Kreacher with a smile, but Kreacher's heart fell into an

abyss and he knelt down directly.

"My master, Kreacher will never betray you or the Black family. I have

been serving the Black family since I was born. Please trust your servant."

Kreacher looked at Cole with pleading eyes, and Cole didn't know how to

tell, but he found determination in Kreacher's eyes.

Obviously the trust of master Cole is very important to Kreacher. If the

house elf is not trusted by his master, there is no point in living.

After a long silence, Cole knew that if he didn't speak, Kreacher might

even cut off his head and offer it to Cole.

Cole quite needs this guy, at least he can keep the castle clean.

"Kreacher, I believe you will not be like that house elf of the Malfoy

family. Get up. The Black family will always remember your dedication."

Kreacher had tears in his eyes after receiving Cole's affirmation. "My

master, this is what Kreacher should do.

"Do your best, and when you die, I promise you that your head will be

hung on the fireplace."

Cole drew a pie for a house elf. Obviously, elf creatures are different from

normal humans. If Cole heard this, he would be shattered.

But Kreacher jumped up excitedly, thanking Cole for his kindness.

"This is my glory, master, Merlin, ancestors, Kreacher will be hung on the

master's fireplace, what an honor it is.'

Cole looked at the elf who was even more excited after being beaten by

him, and thought to himself: If other wizards in the wizarding world

were like Kreacher [the Black family's ten steps are the pinnacle of the

wizarding spring.

"Kreacher, okay, I called you here to ask you something. How did

Regulus die?"

Kreacher stopped, froze on the spot, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Master, do you know about Master Regulus? Kreacher should be

damned. Damn Kreacher for not protecting Master Regulus."

"I also hid Master Regulus's affairs from you, my master. Kreacher does

not deserve the glory of the Black family."

In just a few minutes, Kreacher's mood changed drastically. He would

laugh happily at one moment and slap himself on the other.

The attack was so cruel that Cole felt his face hurt.

"Master Regulus was so kind to Kreacher and couldn't bear to let

Kreacher die in his place. It was the Dark Lord who killed the master."

Kreacher finally revealed the secret he had hidden for many years.

In fact, Cole could understand Kreacher's reaction. House elves are very

loyal, but they also have their own thoughts and emotions.

There is no wizard like Regulus in the entire wizarding world who would

rather die than let an elf take his place.

The elf who has been discriminated against by wizards for many years

and has been tortured will only become more loyal when meeting such a

former master.

However, Cole has no interest in changing the situation of the house

elves. He can only do it without punishing and torture easily. As for

liberating the house elves...

That was a dream. After all, Cole was a nobleman, and he was the vested


Lying in the service of house elves, this is what wizards should do,

selfishness is human nature.

"Okay, Kreacher." Cole stopped Kreacher from hurting himself.

"I feel sorry for what happened to Regulus, but it has already happened.

We should strengthen the Black family so that similar things will not

happen in the future."

"Did Regulus ask you to keep something else?"

Kreacher, who was wiping his tears, did not question Cole's

understanding of what was going on.

In his heart, whatever the master does is right.

"Yes, master, it's a locket. Kreacher hid it in his room. It's an evil thing

that makes a sound every night, making Kreacher do some bad things.

"Go get it."

Cole thought while letting Kreacher get the things.

Having just heard Kreacher say that a voice bewitches him every day,

Cole certainly knew that it was Voldemort's soul that was causing


If it weren't for Kreacher, he would have been an adult house elf, and he

would have been wary of pendants because of Regulus.

Maybe Voldemort's locket soul will succeed.

After all, not everyone can refuse power, but the house elf Kreacher does

not have this ambition. 5.5 What he wants is not to gain power, but to

hang his head on the fireplace.

It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it?

When Kreacher took the locket back and handed it to Cole, Cole looked

at it carefully, the exquisite Slytherin family crest, the long platinum

chain, and the familiar aura of the Dark Lord.

Cole smiled and thought sinisterly: If Lucius gave the diary to Ginny

Weasley, could he deliver the locket to Ronald Weasley?

After all, as a poor student of Gryffindor, Ronald is obviously better at

seducing, and Harry is a seed in his own right.

In this case, Gryffindor can have three Horcruxes of the Dark Lord,

combined into three-star Horcruxes?

Isn't it a good idea to just catch the Weasley family raking in wool like


Cole's sudden kindness made him sick.

Are you a very good person?

Shaking his head, Cole thought to himself: The show is about to begin!

Chapter 101 Slytherin Locket,


In the Hogwarts cafeteria, the little wizards are enjoying a sumptuous

lunch, including cakes and other sweets.

Wizards don't have toothaches, and they can be solved with a trip to the

infirmary at most.

Draco was chewing a chicken leg at the Slytherin table and staring at the

Gryffindor table.

The ferocious look made Martin suspect that Draco was treating Harry

like a drumstick.

"Draco, can you be normal? Didn't you just kick Harry out of Hogwarts?

As for that?"

Draco didn't look back, put down the drumstick and said fiercely:

"Professor McGonagall must have been the one to cover it up. She is the

headmaster of Gryffindor. Potter caused so much trouble and was only

punished to clean the bathroom."

Martin shook his head. Draco still couldn't understand, thinking that

Professor McGonagall could protect him. In fact, if Dumbledore hadn't

been behind it, Harry would have been expelled.

The Daily Prophet reported that at least a dozen Muggles saw Harry and

Ronald driving up to the sky in a car.

This kind of exposure to the world of The Witcher 13 will not be

tolerated by the Ministry of Magic.

How much work do they have to do to clear the memory and influence of


Only Dumbledore, the chief magician, could make the Ministry of Magic

change its mind and allow Harry to enjoy his study life in peace.

You must know that there are many laws in the Ministry of Magic, which

were once formulated by Professor Dumbledore. Of course, he also knows

what loopholes can be exploited.

Martin didn't say anything anymore. Ronald's incident made Martin's

attitude towards Harry change. It was a tradition of the Black family to

be a jerk.

As the eldest brother, Martin naturally has to protect his siblings.

At this time, suddenly an owl flew in from the window, attracting the

little wizard's attention. This was not the time to send letters.

The owl suddenly plunged onto the Gryffindor table and lay on the cake

in front of Ronald.

It flaps its wings and splashes the butter around.

"Oh, damn, Ronald, get it." Hermione ducked, wiping the cream from her


Obviously, this was Ronald's owl. Ronald hurriedly took down the letter

and let the owl go.

"Oh my God, look, Ronald has received a roaring letter." Seamus, the

famous Gryffindor wizard and the founder of explosive magic, shouted.

Harry looked at Ronald worriedly.

"Ronald, Mrs. Weasley couldn't have given this to you. You might be in


After Ronald heard this, he hesitated whether to open it, and finally

made up his mind. If he didn't open it right away, he would not be able

to eat his good fruit when he got home.

"Ronald Weasley, you dared to steal your father's car. Do you know how

much trouble you have caused? Your father is already under


I'm warning you, if you cause trouble in school again, you'll go straight

home. "

Molly Weasley's voice could be heard throughout the cafeteria. After

finishing the snarling letter, she angrily tore it into pieces.

The jeers also followed, Ronald's face flushed, and he looked at the looks

around him, as well as the mocking looks from Slytherin.

Ronald, who was already very low on self-esteem, was about to burst into


"Ronald, are you okay?" Harry asked concerned.

Ronald said nothing, stood up and ran out of the cafeteria, tears floating

in the corners of his eyes.

"Ronald." Harry stood up and was about to chase him out, but Hermione

pulled him back.

"Harry, leave him alone for a while."

Hermione obviously knew that Ronald was more suited to licking his

wounds alone now.

Here, Ronald ran all the way back to the dormitory, threw himself on the

bed, covered himself with a quilt, and cried in the quilt.


Ronald was hiding alone in the dormitory crying. At this time, he didn't

even have the courage to go to class, thinking that he might as well go


Ronald was crying and thinking: Why do you treat him like this? He

obviously wants to help Harry, even his family looks down on him, and

everyone bullies him.

At this time, Ronald was even thinking in his young heart: Thirty years in

Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, one day, he will make those who look down

on him and bully him pay the price.

A gentle voice suddenly sounded in Ronald's ears. "Poor little wizard,

why are you crying?"

Who? Ronald opened the quilt in horror. He didn't want anyone to see

him like this.

Looking around, there was no one there, Ronald looked around.

"Where are you looking? I'm here, little wizard."

Ronald saw a locket on his bed, with a platinum chain shining in the sun.

"You, who are you?"

The gentle voice continued. "I'm just a soul trapped in a locket, little


Ronald held up the locket cautiously and saw the snake pattern on the

box. Ronald had never seen such a delicate thing, but he also knew that

"the symbol of Slytherin is the snake."

"Are you a bad wizard?"

"It's really sad. I'm not a bad wizard. I just happened to hear you crying,

so I came to comfort you."

It must be said that the sound made by the locket was so gentle and

seductive that Ronald relaxed his vigilance.

"Have you been bullied?"

Ronald's mood became depressed and he said slowly: "They will

definitely look down on me from today on. I have no shame in staying at


"Oh, miserable little wizard, but you may not realize that only strength is

the support of wizards. As long as you are good, they will not look down

on you [but will

Worship you. "

A glimmer of hope rose in Ronald's eyes, but then he said in despair: "But

my talent is not good, and my studies are not as good as others."

"It doesn't matter. Our meeting is destined. I can help you. Don't you

want to be admired by others?"

The locket continued: "Think about it, when you become good, they will

forget how you treat people today, and you will become a role model in

their hearts and win all the cheers ["

Ronald fell into fantasy, imagining that he would become a prefect, lead

the Gryffindor Quidditch team to win Slytherin, and win honors while

everyone was in a trance.

If Cole were here, he could see the ambition rising in little Ronald's eyes.

Desire is like a rolling stone on a high mountain. Once it falls, it will not


Ronald's eyes sparkled. "what should I do?"

"I will help you, but first you must listen to me and earn respect in the


Ronald nodded, covered his head with the opened quilt, held the locket

in his hand, and started whispering.

In the Gryffindor bedroom, young Weasley's future changed and headed

in an unknown direction. .

Chapter 102: Ronald Became A


An incredible thing happened in Professor Snape's Potions class today.

With Professor Snape taking care of Harry and all the Slytherin students

watching the show, the team of Harry and Ronald not only completed the

potion refining quickly and efficiently.

Ronald actually answered a series of questions perfectly despite the

pressure from the dean.

Although the Gryffindor was still deducted points, this is not important.

What is important is when will Ronald be able to answer questions,

something that only Hermione, a Gryffindor master, can do?

The trio of Harry and Ronald came out of the potions class with

confidence on their faces, without any of the frustration they had before.

"Ronald, weren't you most afraid of Professor Snape before? Today you

dare to stand up and help Harry answer questions."

Hermione looked straight at Ronald with her big eyes, as if she didn't

recognize him overnight.

Harry also had big doubts in his mind. He knew that Ronald not only

hated Snape, but was also afraid of Professor Snape. After all, not

everyone could withstand Dean Slytherin's eyes.

When Ronald heard Hermione's words, his heart tightened, he reached

into his pants pocket and touched it, and said unnaturally: "I just don't

want to see him treat Harry like that.

"You weren't like this before," Hermione muttered.

Although the questions Snape asked in class were easy for Hermione, you

must know that Hermione was a ruthless person who could preview all

the textbooks before school started.

Harry thought to himself: Maybe Ronald just knew how to work hard

when Mrs. Weasley said it, which is good.

Harry and the three of them hurried to their next class.

Martin and Draco not far behind were watching all this. Draco couldn't

believe it. He had wanted to see Potter and Weasley make a fool of

themselves just now.

"Ben, this is impossible. He must be possessed. Otherwise, how could

Weasley suddenly become smart?"

"Draco, maybe it's just a coincidence? Take it quickly, the next class is my

favorite Charms class.

Unlike Draco, Ben had to keep an eye on Harry and the others all the

time. He was only interested in the power of magic.

No matter how dissatisfied Draco was, Gryffindors and Slytherins were in

most classes together.

This is what makes Martin strange. It is the tradition of Hogwarts that the

little lion and the little snake don't like each other, but they have to go to

class together.

Ravenclaw's little eagles hate stupid people the most, and they want to be

with the little badgers who don't fight for anything.

But it is precisely because Hufflepuff students don't care about anything

that they can tolerate Ravenclaw's arrogance.

It can only be said that the small Hogwarts is divided into four colleges,

each with its own unique personality.

In fact, this is also the reason why Martin is still young and has not

entered the wizarding world. If Cole is here, he can give him the answer.

Such differentiation even occurs from underage wizards to adult wizards.

Most of the top officials of the Ministry of Magic are from Slytherin and

Ravenclaw. Wizards born in Slytherin are extremely ambitious. Every

wizard who comes out of Slytherin wants to gain status in the Ministry of


And Ravenclaw is simply because of his excellence. Among the graduates

of the four colleges, Ravenclaw has the largest number of people who

have passed the Ministry of Magic exams.

Gryffindor graduated wizards prefer to do some challenging work.

Hufflepuff is a brick in the wizarding world. It can be moved wherever it

is needed, filling other positions.

The future of most wizards has been determined from the moment they

saw the Sorting Hat.

Next, in Professor Freevey's Charms class, Ronald held the wand wrapped

in a bandage and succeeded in one attempt, winning five points for


In Professor Sprout's herbal medicine class, Ronald not only answered the

question about the properties of mandrake, but also succeeded in

changing the flowerpot. Neville, however, fainted due to the baby-like

cry of mandrake because he did not wear earmuffs. .

Similarly, Ronald's performance in Professor McGonagall's

Transfiguration class was also praised by the stern Headmaster


Professor McGonagall even used Ronald as an example. As long as he

works hard, a lowly student can become a top student.

In the next week, not only Draco and the others were unfamiliar with

Ronald, but even the Gryffindor students seemed not to know Ronald.

Ronald, who seemed to have been injected with blood, even listened to

the history of magic and divination classes with great interest.

Harry and Hermione, who were in class together, were stunned.

Similarly, Ronald, who is shining brightly these days, has also won a lot

of attention. In Ronald's heart, all this sunshine is his envy.

This feeling was something he had never experienced before, and he

finally understood how Harry, the savior, felt on a daily basis.

In the cafeteria, Harry looked at Ronald who was enjoying his meal, and

couldn't help but feel worried.

"Ronald, are you feeling well? Do you need me to accompany you to the

infirmary to take a look?"

"How is that possible? I'm fine." Ronald couldn't swallow the drumstick in

his mouth, and his voice couldn't be heard clearly.

Hermione also advised from the side: "Ronald, I also suggest that you go

and see him to avoid physical problems.

Ronald drank the food in his mouth with juice and looked at Hermione

with a frown.

".々Miss Smart, I told you it's okay, do you think you're the only one

who's smart? Humph."

Hermione was pushed back by Ronald's words, and she glared and said: "I

don't care what you have to do with me, Harry, I'm going to the library.

Harry looked at Hermione's angry back, turned around and said

helplessly to Ronald: "Hermione is just worried about you, why did you

say that to her?"

Ronald didn't care at all. The professor's praise and classmates' attention

these days had made him very proud.

"I don't need it, huh, she just thinks I'm better than her and is jealous of

me. Gryffindor isn't a smart person like her, is she? Harry.

Ronald always raised his head when he spoke now, with a proud look

that was strange to Harry. He was not like this before.

Seeing Harry's silence, Ronald had a hint of doubt in his eyes. "Harry, we

are good friends. You won't be like Hermione, who doesn't want me to be

better than others.

(Wonderful) Harry replied awkwardly: "It's possible, Ronald, it's your

own ability."

Ronald nodded proudly and joked at Harry.

"Hahaha, just don't blame me for stealing your limelight. Harry, I will

protect you from now on. If Malfoy troubles you, I will take action.

Harry smiled and said nothing. Even if Ronald performed well these days,

it was not to the point where he could do anything to Draco.

Ronald looked a little angry when he looked at Harry. "You don't believe

me? Harry."

"Trust, trust, trust, I trust you."

After receiving Harry's affirmative answer, Ronald patted Harry on the

shoulder and left the long table.

Harry looked at Ronald's back and touched his forehead. He had been

having nightmares these days and originally wanted to tell Ronald.

But looking at Ronald's appearance, Harry couldn't hold back.

For some reason, Harry always felt that something was wrong with

Ronald. .

Chapter 103: The Bloated Ronald

Was Teased

Of course, Ronald was not simple. He did not go back to the dormitory to

rest at noon, but came to an abandoned bathroom on the second floor.

The dilapidated toilet, dim lighting, and even the sink have stains from

many years.

Ronald came to the innermost item, closed the door and placed it on the

toilet lid. He took out the Slytherin locket in his arms and asked


"Are you there Tom?"

A gentle voice sounded from the locket.

"Of course, Ronald, I'm always here."

After receiving the response, Ronald felt relieved. Finally, with Tom's

help, he was able to achieve great results, and he was not willing to let

Tom leave.

After a week, Ronald didn't know how much he cherished this locket.

Even when he slept, he had to take it to his bed to feel at ease.

Yes, the reason Ronald was able to perform so well this week was

because of Tom's help.

Whenever late at night, the locket would give him a lot of knowledge,

and even the questions asked by the professor in class [Tom's voice

would appear in his mind on time.

Tell him the answer.

Similarly, Tom also taught him many tricks to cast spells, allowing

Ronald to cast spells even with a broken wand.

"Tom, do you know? I was so excited when I saw those people admiring

me in class."

"Even Malfoy's disbelieving expression makes me feel good."

Ronald kept talking about his experiences these days, especially when he

talked about Draco, Ronald's pride was beyond words.

The locket listened patiently to Ronald's words and did not say until he

finished: "You can only answer the advice in Ronald's class because of my


"To gain greater power, you still need to do a lot."

Ronald looked dissatisfied. "I have memorized all the things you said. I

am also very smart, okay?"

The soul in the locket didn't know what to say. If Ronald hadn't still been

useful now, he would have wanted to kill this idiot.

Stupidity is not terrible, but self-righteous stupidity is the most terrible


Voldemort's soul in the locket had never seen such a stupid little wizard.

As for the knowledge, Ronald would have remembered it wrong if he

hadn't reminded him.

Talent? Can you show off even your poor talent?

Voldemort didn't know what to say. He just reminded Ronald that he

needed to work harder. This idiot thought he was jealous of him. (bdci)

"Yes, you are indeed one of the most talented young wizards I have ever


Tom went against his heart and praised Ronald. Seeing the fool's happy

expression, Tom knew that only if he suffered hardship would he

understand his own importance.

He has a very clear grasp of the human heart.

Ronald didn't ask, so he didn't take the initiative to teach Ronald some

other spells.

Tom in the locket remained silent and just watched Ronald boasting

about some unattainable dreams.

The next step is to select prefects, join the Quidditch team, and lead the

team to defeat Slytherin.

To everything, Tom's response was: "Okay, okay, you can do it if you

work hard."

After a long time, Ronald, who had had enough of venting, walked out of

the bathroom and confidently went to take the afternoon flying lesson.

On the Quidditch pitch, Gryffindor students and Slytherin students stood

in two lines.

Ronald, who usually followed Harry, stood in front today, provoking

Draco and Martin on the opposite side.

Draco looked disdainful, he only had Potter in his eyes.

And Martin has no interest in Ronald, the clown, and they are not on the

same level at all.

Mrs. Hoch scanned everyone with her sharp eyes. Some little wizards did

not dare to look directly at them, but Mrs. Hoch's eyes were like those of

an eagle.

"Today's lesson is to review the previous actions. You can move freely.

Please note that you cannot exceed the height of 200 feet, cannot fly out

of the Quidditch pitch, and cannot fly into the Forbidden Forest. I don't

think you will violate the school rules, right? "

The little wizards shouted in unison: "Yes, Professor Hoch."

As soon as Mrs. Hoch left, the students seemed to have a good time,

flying into the sky with their brooms and practicing Quidditch moves.

Harry came over. "Ronald, let's practice together."

"Of course, Harry, I am a genius now, a very powerful one."

Without saying anything, Harry took the broom and flew into the sky

with Ronald.

It turns out that Ronald is not a genius in flying, not even as good as


In just one week, although Ronald's performance in class surpassed

Harry's, the extent was very limited.

Ronald's lame moves in the air also made people around him laugh.

Ronald's face turned red with anger, like a red-hot prawn.

"Ronald, don't worry, we can practice slowly."

"Hmph, don't think that just because you are in the Gryffindor team, you

can coach me Harry."

Ronald expressed his dissatisfaction and did not notice Draco flying over

on his broom and landing on Ronald's broom.

Ronald rotated 360 degrees, his brain almost shaking before he stopped.

"Hahaha, Potter, your follower dares to talk to you like this. It seems you

are not good at it either."

Harry flew to Draco dissatisfied. "You are not allowed to say that Ronald,


Of course Ronald heard those words, Malfoy actually said that he was

Harry's follower, which was hard for him to accept.

"Dammit Malfoy, who do you think is the follower?"

Draco said disdainfully: "Of course it's you, Weasley. Don't think that

small tricks in class can make you a genius. "Everyone knows you


"I didn't cheat." Ronald thought Draco knew something and retorted


Ronald was relieved until Draco didn't tell him how he cheated.

Still, he couldn't stand Malfoy's contempt for him.

He flew up and was about to hit Draco. Draco turned around on the

broom and played a trick on Ronald.

"Hahahaha, Weasley Flying Pig, do you think you can catch up with me?"

Ronald was not convinced and rode a broom to chase Draco at a slow

pace, but under Draco was the Meteor One given to him by Uncle Cole

[not the old broom from Hogwarts.

Draco flew for a while, stopped for a while, and kept taunting.

"Weasley, what a crap broom you have? Look at mine, it's the best pop

number one on the market. Poor Weasley has never even seen one."

"Weasley, the flying pig, can't catch up, can't catch up, are you angry?


Ronald lost his mind and chased after him with his head trembling.

Draco was so angry that he almost shed tears.

Especially when there were so many people watching around, Ronald felt

like everyone was laughing at him.

No, he is the wizard who won thirty points for Gryffindor, and he is the

community wizard who is praised by the professors.

Pride and inferiority tortured the young Ronald, and at this time he

wanted to kill Malfoy with a thousand knives. .

Chapter 104 Where Are You

From? Call Me

Ronald stopped in mid-air. Seeing that he could not catch up with

Malfoy, he lost his mind and took out his wand.

But before Ronald could make any other move, the wand in his hand was

disarmed and knocked away.

The one who took action was Ban who was watching the show.

"Ronald, you actually want to use a spell on Draco? That's despicable."

Draco turned his back to Ronald. When he turned around and stopped, he

realized that Ronald actually wanted to knock him down. He was furious

when he heard Ben's words.

"Despicable Weasley, do you only hurt people behind their backs?"

Ronald said nothing in panic, and flew down to pick up the wand,

followed closely by Harry.

Draco naturally refused to let go and chased him to question him. Martin

and Ben also controlled the broomsticks.

"You want to run away, right? Damn it, Weasley, you have to give me an

explanation today."

"Excuse me? Who should I give an explanation to? Malfoy, is there any

school rule at Hogwarts that stipulates that Ronald is not allowed to take

out the wand?"

Harry continued to defend his good friend, "Ronald just wanted to show

it, couldn't he?"

Draco pointed at Harry and muttered, "You, Potter, cunning Potter."

Obviously after a summer vacation, Potter has become a lot smarter,

making Draco feel a little strange.

The little wizards of Slytherin immediately gathered around. As for why?

"Seven three three", of course it was because of unity.

Well, it was actually because of Black. One summer vacation passed, and

they, the little ones, heard more or less what the Black family did.

They are not the heartless little lions of Gryffindor.

Some young wizards from pure-blood families were also warned by their

elders not to mess with the Black family, but to make friends with them

as much as possible.

Not to mention that it's still Draco's business, Malfoy's status in the circle

is only acceptable.

When the Gryffindor students saw the excitement, they hurried over and

Ronald felt reassured.

Little did he know that the little lions were not here to help him, they

just simply disliked Slytherin and were curious to join in the fun.

But Ronald thought that his performance these days had made him the

leader of Gryffindor and had a good reputation.

"Malfoy, don't be too arrogant. I won't allow you to bully Harry."

Ronald yelled loudly, saying that today he would take action on Malfoy

and Black to establish his Weasley dignity.

Harry looked confused, as if there was a question mark on his head, and

thought to himself: When did he bully me? Didn't he mainly bully you


"Hahahaha, Weasley, when did Draco bully Harry? Don't get me wrong,

you are really jumping up and down now."

Ben stood out from the crowd and looked at Ronald across from him with


The little Slytherin snakes watched the show, and it was not common for

the two purebloods Black and Malfoy to stand up together.

As for Martin, he just stood back and watched his brother show off.

"Is it wrong for Draco to say that you are a follower? Ronald, you are just

a little follower behind Harry, no, you are a slug, hahahaha.'

Ben's words made all the little snakes present laugh. Even the Gryffindor

students looked at each other, as if they had just discovered that Harry

and Ling En were inseparable.

Ronald's little face was dark, and he was already a little guarded.

"Ban, shut up, I don't allow you to say that to Ronald."

As expected of Harry, he took the initiative to stand up to defend his

friend. However, Ronald's face became even worse when he heard Harry's


By saying this, Harry was admitting that he was a follower.

"Who wants you to be kind?" Ronald turned around and yelled at Harry,

who was also at a loss when he heard this.

Looking at Ronald blankly, he thought: I am here to speak for you.

"Hahaha, Harry, it seems Weasley doesn't appreciate your kindness. Just

stay away."

Ben looked at Ronald fiercely. Back at the station, he had already disliked

Ronald and dared to attack his family.

"Don't think that answering a few questions in class can change the fact

that you are a waste. Weasley, who doesn't know your academic


Ban walked towards Ronald as he spoke, and his words were like sharp

knives piercing Ronald's heart.

"Although I don't know what method you used to cheat, trash is trash.

You get so arrogant after you achieve a little bit. Look around, you are no

better than that stupid mountain monster.

Ronald looked around, expecting the Gryffindor people to help him, but

all he got were looks of fun.

It's not like this, it shouldn't be like this, he won so many points for

Gryffindor, stole the show in class, and suppressed Slytherin's arrogance.

He should be the leader of the Gryffindors, and they should worship him.

Why do they look at me like this, why do they hate me.

Ronald was stunned and froze on the spot.

As Ben said, Ronald's week-long efforts not only failed to win respect, but

instead made people around him hate him.

It's nothing more than that he is too cool and always likes to belittle


Little lions are different from little snakes. With little snakes, as long as

you are talented and capable, you will be respected.

As for Gryffindors, they don't admire Ronald, they just feel bored. They

don't think Ronald is better than them.

In fact, it is because a short period of time is not enough for Ronald to

change other people's opinions of him.

The results of the first school year proved that Ronald's magic talent was

not outstanding.

This year, although Ronald has suddenly changed, his way of dealing

with people is not that well-informed. If he remains humble, the little

lions may view him differently.

"Do you know that in Hogwarts you need to have strength and

background? Which path are you in? So arrogant.

Ronald hesitated and didn't say a complete sentence.

Ben knew in his heart that Ronald was considered a pure blood, but he

betrayed his class and got mixed up with Muggle wizards. Ben did not

look down on mixed-blood wizards.

But it is obvious that Ronald has not managed the relationship well

among mixed-blood wizards, and he does not have the same savior aura

as Harry.

"I'm a Gryffindor, damn Slytherin, what do you want?"

Ban showed a bit of sneer and said slowly: "It turns out to be a little

Yakuza. Keep your tail tight from now on, or you will know the


"You want to bully us Gryffindors?"

I have to say that Ronald is still somewhat witty, and he suddenly

escalated the conflict between himself and Blake to the academy.

Ben only thought about Ronald's little thoughts and didn't notice that the

Gryffindors around him looked different?

Little lions are always brainless, their impulses take over their reason,

and words can always provoke them.

But does Ben care? Not really.

"What can I do if I bully you? Hit me."

Seeing Ben's arrogance, Ronald's anger welled up in his heart, and he

picked up the wand and pointed it at Black.

But he obviously forgot one thing. Ben had already slowly walked to a

position two or three steps away from him.

There is a famous saying in the wizarding world, seven steps away, the

spell is fast.

What about within seven steps?

Merlin, of course the magic spell is faster...

It's just that for adult wizards who are proficient in magic, second-year

wizards are still learning the castrated version of Hogwarts courses.

What kind of powerful magic spell could it be?

Ben stepped forward, knocked off Ronald's wand, and punched Ronald

directly in the eye.

Ronald lowered his head in pain and covered his eyes.

The fight between the Gryffindors and Slytherins was about to break out,

and the little snakes were already prepared when they saw Black making

a move.

Just find the target and hit it with punches and kicks.

Who said wizards have to use magic spells to fight, and their bodies also

need to be tempered.

Dozens of little wizards started fighting on the Quidditch pitch, and the

little snakes who had the upper hand pushed the Gryffindors to the


And Draco took his two followers and rushed directly to Ronald. What he

hated most now was not Potter, but Ronald, the little brat, who made

him so arrogant.

As for Harry, he was already hugged by Martin, watching Ronald crying

and wailing under the beating of Draco's trio.

Ben didn't relax, he kicked Ronald on the butt, gritted his teeth and

shouted: "Hit me, hit me into the smoke.

Draco was even more excited and asked Goyle and Crabbe to control

Ronald while he took advantage of him.

At this time, Ronald could no longer think. He just heard the words that

knocked him into the smoke.

He thought to himself: Black is so unreasonable. He still beats people

until they are smoking? That’s a lot of practice.

Ronald was scared.

What everyone didn't expect was that under Draco's fist, Ronald's head

actually started to smoke.

A wisp of gray smoke rose up from Weasley's red hair, leaving Draco


Goyle, this idiot, even shouted, "Look, Weasley was really beaten until he

was smoking."

With this sentence, both parties who were fighting stopped and looked at

Ronald strangely.

"Hahaha, he is so timid, he is really smoking, he is indeed a timid Weiss.

The jeers of the little snakes followed, making the Gryffindors ashamed.

He thought to himself: We helped you fight, but you gave up and

surrendered later. This is too embarrassing.

Of course they heard what Ban said, but they didn't expect Ronald to be

so obedient.

After Ronald recovered, he saw the smoke on his head and quickly

explained: "It's not me. I did the part. I didn't do it."

It's a pity that too much explanation is a pale response. Everyone thought

that Ronald's little trick at this time was to make smoke come out of his

head in order to beg Black for mercy.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, since you have begged for mercy, then I will let you

go. Remember to lower your head when you see us in the future,

otherwise I will beat you every time I see you."

Ben, Goyle and Crabbe let go of Ronald, and left the playground with

Draco and the other little snakes singing high-spirited songs.

Ronald collapsed to the ground, and was greeted by cold looks and

whispers from other students.

"I knew how he could become so powerful all of a sudden."

"What a waste. Not only did we lose to Slytherin, we also had to be

laughed at."

"Let's go, let's go. It's really boring. I think he is cheating."

"A spineless guy, if I were me, I wouldn't beg for mercy even if I was

beaten to death.

The little lions left one by one.

Ronald looked at the disappointed figures from behind and opened his

mouth weakly.

"I didn't. Come back soon. Trust me."

Unfortunately, no one paid attention to him, but Harry came over and

took the absent-minded Ronald back to the dormitory. .

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