Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Новий Документ Microsoft Office Word


Адреса змісту:https://www.fansmtl.com/novel/the-seventeenth-


Su Yang once traveled to the world of pirates and became the captain of

the seventeenth division of the Whitebeard Regiment.

Not assigned to team members, it doesn't matter, fortunately the

summoning system is activated.

Madara, Black Dragon, Tornado, Misaka Mikoto, etc. are all members of

Su Yang's Seventeenth Division.

Warring States: "I'm numb, it's more difficult to play a team than


21 MadaraVS Original Black (For



Diablo and Uchiha Madara's eyes were focused on Su Yang.

Seeing their puzzled expressions, Su Yang was also slightly startled, and

then asked curiously.

"Isn't that mysterious voice explained to you in detail?"

Undoubtedly, after hearing Su Yang's words, both Uchiha Madara and

Diablo shook their heads.

However, it was precisely because of the two shaking their heads that Su

Yang made sure of one thing.

Yes, although it is said, the system is awakened by binding the

Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates.

However, the person Su Yang summoned would only recognize himself.

without listening to the orders of others.

Even the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Edward Newgate, couldn't

make anyone summoned by Su Yang do anything.

The general meaning is that in this set of power rankings in the

Whitebeard Pirates, the people who summoned them did not recognize it.

There is always only one master summoned.... that is Su Yang.

"You want to know?"

Su Yang asked.

Diablo and Uchiha Madara shook their heads again and said in unison.

"No, we're not interested."

Su Yang just smiled lightly and didn't say anything, but ate the

unfinished leg of lamb again.

"How do you plan the next time?" Uchiha Madara asked again.

"After I enjoy the food, I'm going to take a nap. You can do whatever you

want. In addition, we will stay on this island for two days. As long as we

meet in two days, you can arrive on time."

As soon as Su Yang finished speaking, Uchiha Madara smiled at Diablo

and said, "Let's decide the winner, bastard!"

When they were on the boat before, they didn't let go, partly because of

Su Yang, and partly because the boat couldn't support their fight.

However, when fighting on the ground, it is different.

"It's okay to learn from each other, but don't forget to pay attention to the


Su Yang reminded.

Su Yang has no objection to their discussion.

Anyway, there is nothing to do now, as long as you pay attention to your

sense of proportion, it is still very beneficial to have a friendship.

Su Yang nodded, and of course Diablo did not refuse.


After a long time.

Su Yang found a hotel and took a nap.

As for Uchiha Madara and Diablo, they had come to a vast land, and the

sparring between them was just the beginning.

"I hope you don't spoil me."

Uchiha Madara waved the scythe in his hand and pointed to Diablo not

far ahead.

Diablo grinned, but his body didn't move too much.

"It should be up to me to say this. I hope your strength can match your


As soon as the voice fell, Diablo attacked first.

I saw his figure instantly message from the place.

The next second, it appeared directly above Uchiha Madara.

A set of movements is like flowing water, and a punch is directly directed

at Uchiha Madara's head.

And Uchiha Madara's movements were quick, his body tilted slightly,

adjusted his body, and let Diablo's fist hit the fan on his back.

"Uchiha bounces back!"

As Uchiha Madara's voice fell, Diablo was instantly ejected by an

invisible force.

However, as Diablo, who has extensive combat experience, was ejected,

he instantly released a burst of flames to attack Uchiha Madara.

Of course, Uchiha Madara was not polite either. After taking a deep

breath, he directly used Fire Style to put out the fire and counterattack.

Although they are all fire attacks, the fire that Uchiha Madara spit out.

The area was so huge that it instantly engulfed the flames shot by Diablo.


With a loud bang, the surrounding temperature rose rapidly, and the heat

wave washed over everything around.


At the same time, above the port not too far from the battle site.

At this time, Momousagi and the others were about to leave here. After

hearing the violent movement, their eyes all looked in the direction of

the movement.

"what happened?"

Momousagi looked at the billowing flames not too far ahead, her brows


"Could it be... that there are pirates over there landing on this island,

burning, killing and looting." One of the Marine soldiers guessed.

"It's... possible, but I suspect it's also possible... those guys from the

Whitebeard Pirates are doing something." Another Marine added.

"Momousagi Vice Admiral, what should we do? Are we going to see

what's going on, or are we going to pretend we didn't see it and leave

with the pirates we just caught?"

Hearing this, Momousagi looked at him indifferently, and then said

solemnly: "What are you talking about? We..., it's Marine, whether it's the

Whitebeard Pirates, or someone else. Anyway. And you, as Marine, are

trying to avoid it!!!!”

"Sorry Momousagi Vice Admiral!!!"

Momousagi ignored him, leaving some people to guard the Lens Pirates,

and the rest followed her to the direction of the explosion.


As for the Uchiha Madara side.

Like Diablo, he became more and more excited the more he fought.

The strength of the two has been recognized by the other.

"I really miss this feeling of sweating! When I came to this place, you

were the first to let me find this feeling, so of course I have to give you

some unique skills to repay you."

Uchiha Madara said, the gouyu of the pupil began to rotate at a high

speed, directly advancing from Sharingan to Eternal Mangekyō.

Then a blue light instantly enveloped him, and a blue giant rose from the


...................................................... ...................................................... ..

It's a bit sloppy, the author carefully considers the plot, if you readers are

watching, please come with free flowers or other data, please. *

22 Su Yang and Momousagi, the

battle is about to break out (for


And Uchiha Madara entered Susanoo's forehead. He crossed his hands on

his chest and looked down at Diablo below.

The next second, Uchiha Madara said to Diablo while laughing wildly.

"Diablo, it's still too late for you to admit defeat. If there is a fight, you

can't lose half of it by surrendering."

Hearing Uchiha Madara's words, Diablo didn't take it to heart, the

corners of his mouth rose slightly, yes, at this moment, he was as excited

as Uchiha Madara.

"A giant without power can't beat me."


Uchiha Madara did not continue to talk to Diablo, only to see a blue light

suddenly burst out from the Susanoo he was controlling.

Soon, the light turned into a bow and arrow at a speed that could be seen

with the naked eye.

In between, Susanoo stretched out his hand and pulled, and a huge blue

arrow flew past.

Diablo was not stupid enough to have any idea. He saw a pair of wings

instantly appear behind him, and then flew into the sky.


When the blue arrow fell on the ground, it was like a giant bomb that

landed, causing a violent explosion in an instant.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa…”

Susanoo drew the bow again, and the blue arrows shot out one after


However, at this speed, Diablo could easily dodge it.

"Madara, if you only know this trick, let alone beat me, even touching my

body is a problem." Diablo stood in the air and still complained.

But Uchiha Madara didn't take it too seriously.

"You're right."

As he spoke, he saw his hands clasped together, and the bow and arrow

on Susanoo turned into a huge sword.


Susanoo disappeared in place in an instant, and when he reappeared, he

was already above Diablo, and he slashed straight down with a huge long


Diablo's pupils shrank slightly, but he did not expect such a huge giant to

have such agile movements.


The huge lightsaber smashed directly on Diablo's body, and he instantly

fell to the ground.


The billowing smoke and dust spread out in all directions.

At the same time, on a high hillside, Momousagi and the others were

witnessing what had just happened.

"Sure enough... it's the guys from the Whitebeard Pirates."

"What kind of Devil Fruit ability is this? Even if you watch from a

distance and don't go to the battlefield, you still feel a chill on your


"Both of them are Demon fruit power, and, it seems, they've both been

developed to some extent."

"Now think about it, if we had done it before, we would have faced such

a terrifying guy... huh, it's a shame we didn't do it with these guys."

"Is this the newly formed 17th Division of the Whitebeard Pirates? No

wonder.... can defeat Admiral of the Beasts Pirates, Jack."

"It's just... The one thing I don't understand is, aren't the two of them

together? Why did they fight? They quarreled? Are they still learning

from each other????"

"I lost it. Your family is fighting like this. It's a deadly trick. Who's heart

can stand it."

"Momousagi Vice Admiral, are we.... going to stop it? The aftermath of

their battle has already implicated the town."

"If it goes on like this, the town is likely to turn into ruins."

Momousagi frowned slightly upon hearing this.


What are you kidding?

She thought she could fight, but when the group of people behind her

went to war, it was like cannon fodder.

What's more, this is just a team member, and their captain has not yet


As for the strength of their captain, Momousagi knows almost nothing.

"What the hell are these guys from the Whitebeard Pirates doing?"

Momousagi's face was extremely ugly at this moment.

As soon as the words fell, Momousagi seemed to think of something, and

she continued: "Please ask for support from above."

"Yes, Momousagi Vice Admiral!!!"

On Su Yang's side, he was even more depressed. He slept well in the

hotel, and with a shock, he was buried under the eaves.

No need to think about it, he knew that this matter had absolutely

nothing to do with Uchiha Madara and Diablo.

However, what made him more depressed was that when he rushed to

the center of the battle, he ran into Momousagi and the others again.

"I forgot to read the yellow calendar when I went out today."

Su Yang glanced at Momousagi and the others in front, and stroked his


And Momousagi and the others all entered the first-level alert from the

moment they discovered Su Yang.

"It's really unfortunate. I wanted to hide and wait for support, but I didn't

expect to see a dangerous person when I turned around." Momousagi

groaned inwardly.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

Su Yang greeted Momousagi and the others with a wry smile.

Momousagi, on the other hand, was staring at Su Yang, his hand on the

handle of the knife, ready to draw the knife at any time.

In fact, Momousagi didn't want to fight, she hoped that Su Yang would

leave them as air.

However, seeing Momousagi's hand on the hilt of the knife in Su Yang,

she thought she would draw the knife and attack him at any time.

"It turned out to be so, it seems that this battle is unavoidable."

Su Yang said calmly.

...................................................... ...................................................... ..

Newcomers and new books, if you think it suits your appetite, you can

give more support. You can give some flowers. In addition, if you have

good suggestions, you can say them in the comment area. If it is suitable,

the author will adopt it. *

23 Momousagi: Open? man of

Steel? (begging for flowers)

When Su Yang said this, Momousagi also started to get nervous, and the

nerves in his body were tense.

"Is this battle... unavoidable?"

Momousagi murmured secretly, her heart was a little complicated at the

moment, the hand holding the handle of the knife was even harder, and

there was a feeling that she wanted to scratch the handle of the knife.

Seeing Momousagi's actions like this, Su Yang also had a headache. He

thought that Momousagi showed such actions, and there was no room for

discussion in this battle.

If there is a narration reminder at this moment, it is estimated that

Momousagi will swear and ask Su Yang, your uncle, where did you see

that I want to fight.

Since he couldn't avoid the battle, Su Yang simply didn't waste any more

time and launched the attack first.

As soon as he waved his hand, the underground current surged, and as

the ground cracked, countless huge tree roots attacked Momousagi and

his party like a tide.

"Come on, everyone be careful, he, like the other two, is also Demon fruit


Momousagi reminded, and then quickly pulled out the long knife hanging

from her waist, accompanied by Armament Haki's package, she directly

waved a sword energy.

"Bang" sound.

After the sword qi collided with the huge tree root, a violent vibration

suddenly sounded, and thick smoke also rose at this moment.


"I thought what a powerful attack, Momousagi Vice Admiral blocked it


As soon as he finished speaking, Momousagi's shout came.

"Be careful!"

The Marine was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, a tree

root penetrated directly through his body, then rose straight up and

turned into a big tree.

The other person beside him, seeing this situation, immediately slumped

on the ground, swallowed hard, and dense beads of sweat appeared on

his forehead.

"How dare you be careless in the face of this kind of enemy, are you

dying?" Momousagi roared, and there was a feeling of hating iron and

not steel in his eyes.

"Wood Style · Wood Dragon Technique!"

In the smoke, only Su Yang's voice fell.

The ground shook instantly.

Momousagi held the long knife in her hand tightly, and at this moment

she did not forget to instruct the surrounding Marine soldiers.

"Everyone be careful, and..."

Before the two words came, a huge wooden dragon with a long hooked

nose and thorns all over its body rushed out directly from the smoke.

He opened his huge mouth and bit Momousagi in one bite.

“Momousagi Vice Admiral!!!”

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Marine soldiers shouted and wanted to


Unexpectedly, the wooden dragon flicked its tail directly, sending most of

the Marine soldiers flying.


Of course, Momousagi was not bitten by the wooden dragon either. At

this moment, she was using a long knife, holding the huge mouth of the

wooden dragon tightly to prevent it from being bitten.


Suddenly, Su Yang appeared behind Momousagi, waving his fist and

hitting him directly.

Momousagi, of course, is not a vegetarian either. I saw Armament Haki

released, and she broke free from the giant mouth of the wooden dragon.

She moved quickly, and she turned around and swung the long knife that

was already wrapped in the armed color and slashed towards Su Yang.

Su Yang didn't expect such a result, and at this moment, his fist could not

be retracted.


The fist collided with the long knife wrapped around Armament Haki,

and Su Yang flew out in an instant.

After rubbing dozens of meters on the ground, the impact was offset.

Su Yang thought that after taking this blow, his hand would definitely be


But the result....no, there is, just a tingling pain.

However, Momousagi's reaction was bigger in comparison, she frowned

and looked at Su Yang with an unbelievable look.

"This guy...what's going on, I can clearly feel it, he didn't use Armament

Haki, but...the long sword wrapped around Armament Haki can't break

his defense."

"Is this guy born of steel????"


At the same time, on the other side, Naval Headquarters has received the

message of Momousagi's request for support, and has arranged for the

Marine closest to Momousagi to dispatch support.

"Are you worried?"

In a certain office, Sengoku saw Crane's expression and asked aloud.

Hearing this, He just raised his head slightly, glanced at Sengoku, and let

out a light breath: "Say you're not worried...that's fake."

"I believe you know better than me about Momousagi's strength. She is

facing... just a squad under the Whitebeard Pirates."

"If that Garp guy is here, he'll probably be teasing you for getting older

and having poorer judgment, Crane."

As for Sengoku's words, Crane did not answer: "We all know about the

sixteenth episode of the Whitebeard Pirates, but... this new seventeenth

episode, as soon as it appeared in the eyes of the world, defeated Jack

and the others. what."

"Sengoku....... This can't be underestimated. Besides, Momousagi is also a

battle-hardened person. Even if she will seek support, it means that she

feels that she can't handle it alone."

Facing Crane's explanation, Sengoku nodded.

"If you say that, it seems... it's really the case."

...................................................... ...................................................... ..

Newcomers and new books, if you think it suits your appetite, you can

give more support. You can give some flowers. In addition, if you have

good suggestions, you can say them in the comment area. If it is suitable,

the author will adopt it. *

24 Unexpectedly, Aokiji appears

(for flowers)

"Will the support from Marine arrive in time?"

Crane asked again, she was well aware of Momousagi's strength, but she

didn't know anything about the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard


Sengoku walked to Crane's side, patted her shoulder lightly, and said


"Don't worry, Marine support is not a problem, because, just right, Aokiji

is on the next island where Momousagi is. If you rush there at normal

speed, it will not take half an hour."


Hearing these two words, the crane's heart was relieved a lot. After all,

Aokiji was one of the three Admirals of Naval Headquarters, known as

the World Government's highest combat power.


Sengoku nodded, walked back to his seat, and sat down.

"With the addition of Aokiji, the situation can be turned upside down.

However, what I can't guess is, what is the mission of the 17th division of

the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Hearing this, Crane looked at Sengoku and asked.

"Is there any action from the Four Emperors recently?"

Sengoku shook his head: "It's still the same as before. The only big move

is on Whitebeard's side. However, Kaido's side has not been very honest

recently. It's probably because Su Yang defeated Jack."

After the crane heard Sengoku's words, he didn't say anything, and he

was silent and didn't know what he was thinking.


After a long time.

Su Yang's side.

Momousagi is worthy of being an Admiral candidate in the original book,

and his own strength is not to be said.

Although she has Armament Haki and Observation Haki, but she did not

take too much advantage from Su Yang.

After all, although Su Yang did not learn Haki, but with his own tough

body, he just offset the shortcomings in this aspect.


With a violent explosion, thick smoke engulfed everything around it.

At this moment, the area where Momousagi fought Su Yang is riddled

with holes.


Momousagi held the long knife in his hand, his face a little dignified.

She clearly felt that she was far superior to Su Yang in terms of overall

strength and combat experience, but...the result was that in the previous

battle, she did not cause much substantial damage to Su Yang. .

(To add here, when Su Yang has not awakened the system, he has been

training his body skills on the Whitebeard Pirates. He has certain

attainments in body skills, and now he has the same tough body as

Auntie, and then With the blessing of Wood Style, the ability has been

qualitatively improved.)

As for the other Marine soldiers, most of them were taken away by the

aftermath of the battle between Momousagi and Su Yang.

Probably, don't worry about them in the group, they will die themselves.

Similarly, Su Yang is a little helpless. With his current strength, he can

only spend with Momousagi, and it is impossible to decide the winner in

a short period of time.

At this moment, Su Yang was numb.

He meows, he is really just passing by.

I really want to stop the sparring between Uchiha Madara and Diablo.

But...... Momousagi has been persistent, and has no intention of letting



Just as Su Yang and Momousagi were about to continue their attack, a

heat wave rushed over from the right side.

And it was accompanied by the wild laughter of Uchiha Madara and


Seeing this scene, Su Yang frowned slightly.

In the beginning, he also told Uchiha Madara to be careful with Diablo.

But these two bastards fight more and more.

"This beautiful lady, let's each take a step back. You do what you want to

do, and I do what I want to do. What do you think?"

At this moment, Su Yang suddenly changed the subject and said with a

smile on his face.

Hearing Su Yang's words, Momousagi's tense heart was relieved for some


It seems... she has already had this idea, but she just didn't say it.

"I think, you know very well, you can't solve me in a short time, and I am

also in a short time... It seems that there is nothing I can do to you."

"Then what's the point of continuing to fight? It's just a waste of

everyone's time, and it's not good for everyone, right?"

Su Yang slowly analyzed the pros and cons of continuing the fight to

Momousagi in front of him.

Momousagi naturally agrees with Su Yang's words. If he continues to

fight, it is estimated that the remaining Marine soldiers around him will

all be killed.

However, just when Momousagi nodded and wanted to agree, a loud

voice sounded behind Momousagi.

"You're right, but it will take a lot of work to get Momousagi down,

but...what if you add me?"

When everyone heard the sound, they looked over.

A tall man wearing a white suit vest and dark blue shirt with a green eye

patch on his forehead appeared in everyone's field of vision.

However, when Marine's gang saw this figure, their faces all showed

happy expressions.

And Su Yang, naturally frowned.

Yes, it's not a simple guy who came.

It is the Admiral of Headquarters, Kuzan, known as the highest combat

power of the World government, with the Marine codename Aokiji.

"This guy....why is he here????"

Su Yang said with a stiff face.

...................................................... ...................................................... ..

Newcomers and new books, if you think it suits your appetite, you can

give more support. You can give some flowers. In addition, if you have

good suggestions, you can say them in the comment area. If it is suitable,

the author will adopt it. *

25 Summoning fragments

dropped from Aokiji (for flowers)

"Yes....Yes Aokiji Admiral!!!"

"Come... it's too timely, now we're going to win."

"Momousagi Vice Admiral teamed up with Aokiji Admiral, there is no

doubt that this guy named Su Yang will definitely lose."

"God bless us Marine."

The Marine soldiers standing scattered on the battlefield shouted loudly,

and their morale was also improved several grades because of the arrival

of Aokiji.

Momousagi also breathed a sigh of relief, originally planning to agree to

the plan proposed by Su Yang just now, but now that Aokiji is here, there

is no need to agree at all.

This battle....they won.

"This...is the captain of the 17th division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Su

Yang?" Aokiji looked straight at Su Yang in front of him, and his tone was

very flat.


Not far from the right side, there was another violent explosion,

accompanied by faint laughter.

The heat wave was the same as before, washing over Su Yang's side.

"Over there? What happened?"

Aokiji looked in the direction of the explosion in surprise, and asked in


"It seems that the members of the 17th Division of the Whitebeard Pirates

are fighting infighting, but it is not ruled out that they are learning from

each other." Momousagi explained.

"Oh? Was I just thinking that there was only one person? Now it seems,

more than that."

Now, Su Yang has some headaches. He is not afraid of Momousagi alone,

but now he adds another Admiral.

Clearly, the balance was tipped directly in Marine's direction.

"No way, is someone like me worthy of Admiral's shot?" Su Yang smiled


"No no no no!!!"

Aokiji waved his hand, and then explained: "It's really not necessary for

the others, but...you are the dangerous guys of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Then... now let me experience the strength of the captain of the

seventeenth division of the Whitebeard Pirates."

As soon as the voice fell, Aokiji activated his Devil Fruit ability, and the

ground he stepped on instantly froze, and the range began to expand.

The huge ice thorn rose directly from the ground, and the direction of the

collision was exactly Su Yang's side.

Su Yang naturally wouldn't sit still, just waved his hand to activate Wood

Style's ability.

Huge tree roots burst out from the ground in an instant.

In the next second, the tree roots and the ice thorns collided together.

Shards of ice and wood were flying all over the sky.

"Oh? Demon fruit power too?" Aokiji said lightly.

"He is not only Demon fruit power, but his own physique is terrible, like

a body of steel."

"It looks like it's really tricky."

Although he said so, Aokiji's heart was still calm, maybe it was his

follower Garp who lived through an extremely evil era when he was

young, and he had never seen such a physique before.

In the original book, one Admiral and the other will be Admiral's

alternate. Faced with such a lineup, Su Yang certainly has no idea of ​​

fighting to the death.

However, just when he wanted to evacuate, a system prompt sounded in

his ears.

[Ding... Detect nearby summon fragments! 】

Hearing the sound, Su Yang's pupils shrank slightly, his eyes quickly

looked around, and soon, he found the summoning fragments that the

system said.

It's just that the position of the Summoning Fragment is a bit awkward

now, right under Aokiji's feet.

"Did this guy Aokiji fall off?"

Su Yang murmured softly.

Now that the summoning shards came out, he modified the previous plan

to choose to evacuate after obtaining the summoning shards.

After all, Su Yang's principle has always been, be bold, starve to death

Be timid, give it a go, and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle.

However, it still takes a lot of work to pick up the summoning shards

safely in front of Momousagi and Aokiji.


Just when Su Yang was distracted and thinking about countermeasures,

Momousagi had already taken advantage of this gap to find a good

opportunity and launched an attack on him.

Su Yang frowned and quickly dodged.


When Momousagi's long knife dashed into the air, the smoke and dust

aroused instantly below, swallowing Su Yang and herself.

There was a huge crack in the ground.

But Momousagi did not give up after the emptiness, and still chose to

continue to pursue.

“Wood Style Wooden Golem Jutsu!”

As soon as the voice fell, the next second, Momousagi's whole body

bounced off the smoke.

Immediately after, a huge wooden Arhat appeared in everyone's field of


"Good...what a big giant."

"Damn, this guy, how many unique tricks are there yet to use?"

"I don't know why, but when I saw the appearance of this giant, I felt a

sense of unease in my heart."

"Me too, I hope Aokiji Admiral and Momousagi Vice Admiral can get rid

of him smoothly."

Aokiji also listened to what the scattered Marine soldiers were saying, but

he wasn't interested in saying anything to them.

"Can Devil Fruit still play like this? It's rare, but will this giant just bring

fear to others, but in fact....is it vulnerable?"

"Shh..." sound.

The voice just fell.

Aokiji had already appeared in the sky above Mu Luohan.

"Ice Cubes, Pheasant Mouth"

After that, I saw Aokiji punch out, the cold air gathered on his right arm,

and instantly released a huge ice bird rushing towards Mu Luohan.

"Boom..." A loud noise.

Huge pieces of sawdust were flying around.

"Hit? It went better than expected."

Aokiji said slightly suspiciously.

"No, Su Yang is where you were just now."

At this time, Momousagi not far away reminded.

And with this Su Yang here.

【Ding......Congratulations to Host for getting Summon Fragment X1】

...................................................... ...................................................... ..

Newcomers and new books, if you think it suits your appetite, you can

give more support. You can give some flowers. In addition, if you have

good suggestions, you can say them in the comment area. If it is suitable,

the author will adopt it. *

26 Confused Aokiji and

Momousagi (for flowers)

"Is it more successful than I expected to pick up the Summoning


When the system's prompt sounded, half of his goal had been completed,

and the only thing left was to escape.

However, trying to escape from a backup Admiral and an Admiral is

really difficult.

"You guy, it's really surprising. I thought the giant you summoned could

fight a fight, but it turned out to be just a trap."

Hearing the sound, Su Yang turned back quickly, and Aokiji charged

towards him with the ice thorn in his hand, and the distance was very


Su Yang quickly looked to the side, and unfortunately, Momousagi on the

side was also rushing over with a long knife.

"I'm careless, indulging in the few seconds of getting things, directly

pushing my situation into a desperate situation."

Su Yang frowned, and now he has no choice but to fight hard.

However, today Su Yang has been unlucky from morning till now.

People, it is impossible for him to be unlucky all the time, so this time, he

is very lucky.


The huge blue light arrow shot directly in front of Su Yang, the moment

Aokiji sensed the danger, he stopped instantly, and he took a few steps


As for Momousagi, it's the same. When the huge arrow fell in front of her,

she stopped instantly and stepped back to a safe distance.

Everyone's eyes quickly looked up, not far ahead, a huge blue giant was

reflected in their eyes.

"This is a member of the Seventeenth Division... It seems that the

situation is about to become passive again." Momousagi frowned and said


"It's a pity, I was about to succeed, but I didn't expect support to arrive."

Aokiji let out a sigh of relief, and at this moment in his heart, a wave

finally broke out.

"It seems that you arrived in time?"

Uchiha Madara stood inside Susanoo's forehead, glanced at the situation

below, and spoke slowly.

"You two, you had a great time!!! If you come later, I will announce that

the Seventeenth Division will be disbanded on the spot." Su Yang cursed.

"Don't worry, Captain, in fact, we have a sense of balance in our hearts.

When I was fighting with Madara, I was also watching the movement on

your side. I saw that you have been handling it very well, so I didn't

come to disturb you."

Diablo stood on Susanoo's shoulders and said to Su Yang with a smile.

It's okay not to say it, Su Yang remembered that, before they discussed it,

he had explained it himself, pay attention to the proportions.

But the result.... the more and more we fought, and none of the towns on

the edge were spared.


Su Yang let out a sigh of relief: "Forget it, I don't want to say useless

nonsense. The most urgent thing is to get out of here."


While Su Yang and the others were talking, Momousagi had come to

Aokiji's side.

"What are you going to do?"

Momousagi was the first to ask what Aokiji meant.

And Aokiji was silent for a few seconds, and then slowly said: "It's all

here, we can't come back without success."

Aokiji's meaning is very clear, even if Su Yang's support comes, he is not

going to give in.

"The hard bones of the Whitebeard Pirates are not easy to chew."

Momousagi reminded aside.

"Then I have to try it. What if there is an unexpected joy?" Aokiji said this

time, his body has begun to release air-conditioning, and the ground

under his feet is slowly expanding at a speed that can be seen with the

naked eye.

The battle also started at this time.


Meanwhile Sengoku over there.

Crane was still sitting in Sengoku's office and did not leave.

And Momousagi has lost contact, and the phone bug has never been


"Sengoku......you said, will something unexpected happen?" Crane asked


Hearing the sound, Sengoku looked at the crane, and after sighing lightly,

he took the freshly brewed hot tea and placed it in front of the crane.

"You are too sensitive, Xiaohe, the other party is just a division of the

Whitebeard Pirates, and our side.... went to an Admiral."

He picked up the hot tea on the table and took a sip carefully: "It's not

that I'm sensitive, I'm just worried about whether there will be any

changes, if it's just the people reported in the newspaper, I believe that as

long as Aokiji arrives , together with Momousagi, we can solve the

seventeenth division in a short period of time."

"Don't think about it, Aokiji should have arrived at this meeting now. I

estimate that within half an hour, we will be able to receive a call from

that guy Aokiji." Sengoku took a few sips of tea and said lightly. .

Yes, in his eyes, Aokiji took action against a Whitebeard pirate squad.

Before this battle started, he already knew the result.

As for reality....that's totally different from what Sengoku imagined.

After the battle between Aokiji and Su Yang, both Momousagi and Aokiji

were stunned.


With the sound of the explosion in the distance, Momousagi and Aokiji

were directly ejected from the smoke.

After stopping, the expressions on both of them were extremely difficult

to see.

"What kind of monster are we fighting????"

Ever since Uchiha Madara and Diablo joined the battle, they've been

completely suspicious of life.

"This kind of phenomenon...I have never seen it before. There are so

many abilities in one person."

"This seems to be a bit of a headache. We met a group of guys beyond

our knowledge. No wonder... After he was born, he defeated Jack of the

Beasts Pirates."

...................................................... ...................................................... ..

Newcomers and new books, if you think it suits your appetite, you can

give more support. You can give some flowers. In addition, if you have

good suggestions, you can say them in the comment area. If it is suitable,

the author will adopt it. six*

27 These seventeen real evil doors

(for flowers)

"And... I thought that the wooden giant used as a trap had no attack

power. As a result, the power was no worse than that of the blue giant."

"Our attack didn't have much effect, because no matter how many times

we knocked it down, he would recover in an instant."

Aokiji's expression became extremely dignified, and he analyzed the

current situation in a thorough manner.

"Damn it!"

Momousagi gritted his teeth and couldn't help but said, "What kind of

monster is the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates? I can

accept one weirdness, but everyone is like this."

For Momousagi's statement, Aokiji agreed with both hands.

"The bodies of these people...couldn't have been remodeled!!!"

Suddenly, Aokiji expressed his opinion. After all, a person can exert so

many different abilities. It seems that apart from this answer, the other

answers are somewhat unconvincing.

Momousagi was surprised when he heard Aokiji's guess, but if he thought

about it, it seemed very reasonable.

"Then shall we continue to entangle with these guys?" Momousagi asked


At the beginning of the fight, she was relatively confident, but after

Diablo and Uchiha Madara showed their super strength and strange

moves, her confidence was being worn away little by little.


Before Aokiji could answer, several blue arrows shot over here.

Aokiji and Momousagi dodged in different directions.

As soon as he landed and didn't stand firm, Su Yang controlled Mu

Luohan and waved a giant tree and smashed it directly at Aokiji.

Aokiji's reaction speed is also very fast, and he quickly defends with the

ice thorn in his hand.

However, he overestimated the defensive ability of the ice thorns. When

the giant tree hit the ice thorns, the ice thorns shattered, and in the next

second, he flew upside down.

Likewise, Momousagi was attacked by Diablo.

Although Momousagi's attack and defense methods are different, her

result is the same as Aokiji's, and she also flew backwards.

Momousagi and Aokiji gathered again, this time, before Momousagi

could speak, Aokiji spoke first.

"Let's retreat, there is no order above to take them down even if the fish

die and the net breaks."

Momousagi nodded, and the next second, the two of them turned around

and started to run desperately.

This operation stunned the three of Su Yang.

"I remember, wasn't the escape plan that Su Yang told us just now?

Why... they executed it first?" Diablo was puzzled.

Su Yang stared at their running backs, shook his head slightly, and was a

little confused.

"I don't know."

"Let's catch up."

Uchiha Madara said excitedly, obviously, he hasn't had enough.

"It's not necessary anymore. Marine doesn't know if there is any support.

If we catch up, in case a difficult person comes, then we will be the only

ones who will be embarrassed." Su Yang explained.

In fact, he felt that in this battle, he was the biggest winner because he

picked up the Summoning Fragment from that guy Aokiji.

"Forget it, I've been playing for a long time, and I'm still hungry."

Uchiha Madara took back his Susanoo, and continued while stretching,

"The restaurant we ate at today was very good, let's go there to settle our


"Come on, if you hurry up now, you'll probably find a few bowls and

chopsticks." Su Yang teased.


"I don't know what I did? The town on the other side was completely

destroyed by the aftermath of the battle with Diablo."


Sengoku over there.

As he expected, within half an hour, the phone bug in his office rang.

"Hahaha...Xiaohe, let me just say, within half an hour, someone from

Momousagi will definitely contact us."

"Whether they are not sure yet."

After speaking, Sengoku had already connected the phone bug, and soon

the phone bug imitated Aokiji's face.

"I've said it all, and my judgment will not be wrong."

Sengoku responded to the crane, and then asked Aokiji in the phone bug

about the situation: "How is it? It's going well."

"Mr. Sengoku, everything is going well!"

Hearing Aokiji say this, Sengoku nodded in satisfaction, and continued:

"If you can't get a Whitebeard squad even after you make a move, then

we really lose face."

"With a little more effort, I think I can match them, but... Mr. Sengoku, I

think it's more appropriate for me to say something."

For some reason, when Sengoku heard Aokiji's words, he clearly felt


"you say."

"The newly established 17th Division of the Whitebeard Pirates is too

evil. Their existence is beyond my knowledge. Everyone has a variety of

Devil Fruit abilities."


Obviously, when Sengoku heard this, his eyes widened in disbelief.

...................................................... ...................................................... ..

New members are about to be summoned. Anyone who has a favorite

character can say it in the comment area. If it is suitable, the author will

accept it. In addition, if you have good suggestions, you can say it in the

comment area. If it is suitable, the author will will accept. *

28 New member, the sin of

arrogance (for flowers)

ps: I’m so annoying, I can’t swipe the comment area, and I can’t see the

characters you suggested at all. If you have a suggestion, please put

forward it first. It can only be the next time. Because the comment area is

too confusing, sometimes it will swallow the comments. It’s normal and

basic. It will take two days to come out.

...................................................... ......................................................


On the other side of the phone bug, Aokiji said calmly.

"You mean...everyone has multiple Devil Fruit abilities?"

Hearing Aokiji say this, Sengoku couldn't help laughing immediately. The

reason he was shocked just now was because he could hear such words

from Aokiji's mouth.

After all, yes, this is a completely out-of-the-ordinary explanation.

Not to mention Sengoku, even Aokiji, if he hadn't seen it with his own

eyes, he'd definitely think it was just a ridiculous joke.

"I understand, you made the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard

Pirates escape, right?" Sengoku's tone was sarcastic.

Apparently, Sengoku mistook Su Yang and the others for escaping from

Aokiji, and then he made such a joke.

After Sengoku's voice fell, there was no movement from the phone bug

for a long time.

It wasn't until Sengoku shouted twice that the phone bug made a sound.

"Mr. Sengoku...you're wrong! I'm not telling you a joke, and since I've

been at Marine for many years, you must know my character."

"However, you are right about one thing, that is 'escape', but it was not

the seventeenth members of the Whitebeard Pirates who escaped, but us."

"Of course, if you continue to entangle with the Whitebeard Pirates, it's

hard to say who wins and who loses. The only thing I consider is that

they may still have cards that they haven't shown yet."

"So, I chose to bring the information back."

Aokiji's call made Sengoku fall into contemplation, and the expression on

his face became extremely complicated.

"Although it sounds a bit outrageous,...what Aokiji said is absolutely true.

There really are a bunch of incredible guys in this Whitebeard Pirates."

Next to Aokiji, Momousagi also chimed in.


Sengoku sighed softly, and for some reason, he now has a feeling that the

guys in this new era are far more difficult than the Rocks era, or even the

Roger era.

"Your choice is right, at least... let us Marine know about this in advance,

and let us Marine, we can conduct research in advance to find out the

reason, or find a way to defeat them."

"It's hard work, you rest first, everything will be discussed in detail after

you come back."


As the phone bug hung up, Sengoku was still stunned, repeating what

Aokiji had just said in his mind.

"According to this, we Marine really have to face a big problem."

Suddenly, in front of Sengoku, a crane's voice sounded.

Sengoku came out of his thoughts, looked up at the crane, and then sat

down on the chair, stroking his forehead, and said.

"I'm thinking.... Whitebeard Pirates, is this newly established 17th

Division his Whitebeard's trump card?"

"It's hard to say, maybe it is, maybe it is not, but the only thing that is

clear is that this time, the Whitebeard Pirates have caused a big problem

for our Marine."

"Damn...how on earth did these people do it, could it be possible, what

secrets did they discover??" Sengoku guessed.

He thought for a moment and responded, "I don't know."

"Really, obviously half of my body is going to lie in the coffin, and I have

to bring fear to the world." Sengoku couldn't help but scolded.


Compared to the depressing atmosphere on Sengoku's side, Su Yang's side

is much better.

After the battle with Aokiji and the others, the three of Su Yang did not

leave the island.

They observed in the nearby waters for a long time and found no

phenomenon of Marine landing on the island.

So, until the evening, they canceled the continued observation.

Instead of sleeping in the hotel tonight, they went back to the boat.

On the deck of the ship outside, Su Yang stood alone in front of the

guardrail, staring at the sparkling sea.

The wind was so strong tonight that Su Yang's hair was messed up.


He sucked in a breath of cold air, and then sat on the ship's guardrail.

Such a peaceful night, for some reason, always calms Su Yang's restless


His eyes were slightly fixed on the attribute panel in front of him.

Host: Su Yang

Binding: Whitebeard Pirates Episode 17

Ability: Tough body.

Special Ability: Wood Style. (It can be obtained through system rewards

and team members inherit.)

Summoning value: 0 (0/100) (dropped by random people or things

encountered in Host)

Summoned characters: Uchiha Madara (40%) Diablo (35%) The

unlocking progress does not affect the moves, and the unlocking progress

reaches 60 to reach the peak strength of the original world. If the

unlocking progress reaches 60, the summoned character will surpass the

peak strength of the original world and unlock the progress. Associated

with several events, the Host increases its strength, the summoned learns

the world's abilities, and the summoned improves itself.

Warehouse: Summon Fragment X1

After looking back, Su Yang entered the command.

"System, use Summon Crush."

[Ding...Are you sure to use the Summoning Fragment! 】


[Ding...Congratulations to the successful use of Host, and get 100

Summoning Points. 】

"System, summon."

[Ding... Command received, calling. 】

[Ding...Successfully summoned, consumes 100 summoning points. 】

[Ding...Congratulations to Host for getting Ace Kano from "The Seven

Deadly Sins". 】

...................................................... ...................................................... ..

Newcomers and new books, if you think it suits your appetite, you can

give more support. You can give some flowers. In addition, if you have

good suggestions, you can say them in the comment area. If it is suitable,

the author will adopt it. *

29 At night, I'm sorry for

being human (begging for


Hearing the system's words, Su Yang became a little restless.

Yes, this one named Sin of Pride........Ace Kano is also a very character


It is because of this that when the system says the sin of arrogance of the

Seven Deadly Sins... Ace Kano, Su Yang's mind will recall it.

In the original book, Ace Kano is the sin of arrogance, a member of the

Knights of the Seven Deadly Sins, tattooed as a lion.

The person on the wanted list is a middle-aged and elderly person with a

long chin and beard. The magic power is "sun", and the personality and

physique will change drastically with the time of morning and evening.

At midnight, the fighting level is the lowest level of the Kingdom Paladin,

and the power gradually increases as the sun rises.

Reaching the peak at noon, because of the danger, in the original book,

Marlene and Gauser will join forces to force him to "nap".

Ace Kano is a very special existence, and he is described in two simple


'Night' was born to be human, and I'm sorry.

"Daytime" in the sky and the world, I am the only one.


Suddenly, at this moment, the white light came out of Su Yang's body

and fell to the side.

Immediately after, the group of white rays of light was divided into two

groups, one of which slowly turned into a human shape, and the other,

which turned into the shape of an axe, accompanied him to open his


The white light on the human figure began to fall off little by little.

Finally, a brown-haired, thin man with loose clothes and pants appeared

in Su Yang's field of vision.

Because Ace Kano is a very special existence, so his body and personality

will be very different during the day and night.

In the evening, he was extremely inferior and lacked self-confidence,

thinking that he should not have been born in this world, because he was

"cursed" and hated himself, thinking that he was "stupid and boring, low-

pitched, thin, cowardly, and indecisive".

But, by day, he's got big muscles, his clothes fit, his eyes are arrogant,

and he's confident.

Ace Kano looked down, not daring to look directly at Su Yang, he said

softly, "That...that, first meeting, please take care of me in the future."

Seeing Ace Kano like this, Su Yang felt a little helpless, and after sighing,

he responded.

"Ace Kano, you are welcome to join us."

"I'm really sorry, Captain, my arrival has reduced the combat power of

the squad." Ace Kano continued.

"Stop, Ace Kano, stop talking."

Su Yang reminded him, but of course he knew that what Ace Kano said at

the moment was all from the heart.

"Okay... okay, Captain."

"Madara, Diablo, come out."

Su Yang shouted towards the inside of the boat, and after a while, two

lazy figures slowly walked out.

"what happened?"

After Diablo came out, he was the first to ask Su Yang aloud.

On the other hand, Uchiha Madara's eyes fell on Ace Kano, looked at

him, saw that he was submissive, and couldn't feel the strong aura on

him, then withdrew his gaze and put it on Su Yang.

"What, new member?" Uchiha Madara asked.

"You guessed it right."

Having said that, Su Yang said to Ace Kano again: "Introduction to you,

the two of them....the same as you, both come from other worlds, the

name of the long-haired one is Uchiha Madara, the other one It's called


"Please...please give me some advice, I...my name is Ace Kano." Ace Kano

said submissively.


Hearing this tone, Diablo, Uchiha Madara, and Su Yang all looked at him


"Hey, hey, Su Yang, what's the origin of this guy you summoned????"

Uchiha Madara asked in surprise.

"Although I still feel that there are magic fluctuations, no matter how you

look at it, it seems that...you can only be regarded as an ordinary person."

Diablo said lightly.

"Sorry, everyone, I have embarrassed you." Ace Kano lowered his head

and said ashamedly.

Of course, even if Ace Kano was really an ordinary person, Diablo and

Uchiha Madara wouldn't say much.

Because, in the eyes of the two of them, this kind of thing doesn't matter

at all.

Su Yang also didn't explain what was special about Ace Kano, because

now he has more important things to sit on.

Yes, his reward hasn't been collected yet, all he has to do now is to

quickly send the three of them away.

"Okay, let's talk about this topic tomorrow. If you can talk tomorrow,

something different will happen. Besides, Ace Kano, you can go to room

104 to clean up. After that, that room will be yours." Su Yang reminded a


Diablo didn't say anything to Uchiha Madara, turned around and left,

while Ace Kano bent down to pick up the divine axe on the ground, but

obviously, he couldn't.

"Just take it and put it away tomorrow, Ace Kano." Su Yang reminded.

Ace Kano smiled awkwardly and said, "Okay....good captain."

When they all left, Su Yang reopened his properties panel.

Look at this prompt that appears in the properties panel.

[Ding......Congratulations to Host for completing 3/3 of the summoning

task and getting a gift pack X1]

"I didn't expect... The number of summons will be rewarded, tsk tsk tsk, I

really love this system."

When Su Yang saw this prompt from the system, the whole person was in

a good mood.

...................................................... ...................................................... ..

Newcomers and new books, if you think it suits your appetite, you can

give more support. You can give some flowers. In addition, if you have

good suggestions, you can say them in the comment area. If it is suitable,

the author will adopt it. *

30 You kid put this to show off to

me (begging for flowers)

Next, Su Yang did not hesitate, and immediately opened the gift package.

[Ding.......Congratulations to Host for getting Sage Body (Introduction:

Once you enter Sage Mode, a horn will appear on your forehead, defense,

attack, physical skills, etc. will be improved in all aspects, as well as the

power of immortality, super high recovery ability.)]

As the system's voice fell, a whole new memory flooded into Su Yang's


Undoubtedly, that's exactly how to get into Sage Body.

Looking at this prompt, Su Yang thought about it, in fact, this is very

similar to the Sage Mode in the Hokage world.

However, regardless of the similarity, Su Yang didn't care much, as long

as it was helpful to himself.

"It's not bad luck, but after entering Sage Body, it shouldn't be difficult to

activate that move."

Su Yang secretly snickered, the appearance of Sage Body seemed to him

like a tiger with wings.

"Let's try the effect of Sage Body first."

Su Yang murmured, relying on the use of the system's input.

Soon, beside him, an airflow followed.

The hair on his forehead began to flutter, and eventually a white horn


At this moment, he felt that his body was very light, and his whole body

was full of strength.

Moreover, he can still feel that the surrounding natural forces are

continuously pouring into his body.

"Is this what it's like to be in the Sage Body? It's such a comfortable


Su Yang sighed with emotion, retracted his Sage Body, and glanced at the

bright moon above the sky.

"After a day of tossing, it's time to go back and have a good sleep."

He stretched, then turned and walked towards the inside of the boat.

The back finally disappeared outside the ship.


Time flies, the next day.

early morning.

Su Yang lost sleep because he was too excited last night.

He basically didn't sleep much all night, and as soon as it was dawn, he

got up.

As soon as he left the room, Su Yang met a slightly stronger man.

And he... is the newly summoned member last night, Ace Kano.

Ace Kano was playing with the divine axe that he couldn't take up last

night with one hand. Compared with the submissive look in his eyes last

night, his eyes were full of confidence now.

"Morning, Su Yang!"

Ace Kano was the first to greet Su Yang.

‘Sure enough, it has changed a lot. Last night, I called the captain from

inferiority complex. After being confident this morning, I called my name

directly... Hahahaha. ’

Su Yang laughed inwardly, but he didn't care about calling the captain or

his name, it was just a joke.

"Morning, Ace Kano, I thought I got up early, but I didn't expect you to

get up earlier." Su Yang smiled lightly.

"Hey, it's a bit inappropriate to think that this thing is still chopped

outside, so I went to bring him in as soon as I got up." Ace Kano said


As soon as the voice fell, the door in front of Su Yang suddenly opened

with a 'click', and Uchiha Madara came out lazily.

His eyes first glanced at Su Yang, then fell on Ace Kano, and finally

moved away.

However, as soon as he moved away for a second, his whole body

seemed to freeze for a while, and he seemed to think of something in his

mind. His eyes returned to Ace Kano, and then his expression changed.

"Who are you?"

"Mr. Madara is really a forgetful person. Didn't I introduce myself last

night?" Ace Kano said with a smile.

And Uchiha Madara did frown, he could clearly feel that last night and

this one were just two people.

No....don't feel it.

Even with eyes, there are two people.

However, Uchiha Madara was not too surprised, just a little surprised.

"Is this your ability? However, this is really a strange ability."

"I just said, how could Su Yang summon a useless person to the team."

Facing Uchiha Madara's words, Ace Kano wasn't angry at all, just smiled

lightly and didn't take it to heart.

Then, Uchiha Madara waved his hand and walked outside.

"Ace Kano, come with me."

Su Yang raised his voice, and then walked towards the ship's hall.

Although Ace Kano was a little unclear, he still followed.

After the two sat on the sofa, Su Yang said, "I remember that for some

reason, you need to force a nap, right?"

In the original book of the Seven Deadly Sins, Ace Kano, a mortal body,

is really unable to use the power of the sun to its full capacity, which is

one of the reasons why Marlene forced her to take a nap (it is also said

that it is too dangerous).

Facing Su Yang's question, Ace Carnot paused, then calmly said: "There is

no need to force a nap, before I arrived in this world, a mysterious voice

already told me that the remodeled The body has a safety plug and

nothing dangerous can happen."

Su Yang was a little surprised by what Ace Kano said, but that's fine. The

system really understands it, and he knows how to add safety pins to

dangerous people.

"If you say that, I'm relieved." Su Yang nodded lightly.

"However, that mysterious person also told me another thing, Su Yang,

you can help me figure it out, is this true or false." Ace Kano said calmly.

"Go ahead."

"He said...in this world, finally, I can get a body that can Master the

power of the sun."

Su Yang didn't have any hesitation about this, the mysterious person =

the system, and the system said yes, then there really was.

However, Su Yang thought about it again and felt that something was


Good guy, obviously you believed the first one the mysterious man told

you, but you doubted the second one.

This kid....isn't right.

"Are you kidding me to show it off?"

...................................................... ...................................................... ..

Newcomers and new books, if you think it suits your appetite, you can

give more support. You can give some flowers. In addition, if you have

good suggestions, you can say them in the comment area. If it is suitable,

the author will adopt it. *

31 Crisis, Marine's

Movement (For Flowers)

When Ace Kano heard Su Yang's words, he laughed, neither denying nor

admitting it.

Although he is full of arrogance now, he has enough respect for Su Yang.

And Su Yang, after learning that the system had solved the problem on

Ace Kano, he didn't say much, got up and left.


New World, a certain sea area.

Three huge Marine warships are sailing with this.

And this time the lead character is not simple.

Like Aokiji, he is one of the three most powerful Admirals in the Marine

headquarters, named, Sakazuki, Marine codename........ Akainu.

"Akainu Admiral, ordered by Marshal Sengoku, we are not allowed to

take the initiative to attack the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard


Beside Akainu, a Marine soldier reports.

However, Akainu glanced at the Marine soldier who was reporting the

situation with disapproval. After frowning, he grabbed his collar and said


"Bastard, what are you talking about?"

Seeing Akainu's expression, the Marine soldier panicked, and his eyes

were full of grievances. After all, this was what Sengoku meant, not his


"Akainu Admiral....this...this is none of my business, this is what Marshal

Sengoku asked me to hand over to you."

After hearing this, Akainu threw him out, showing an impatient look, and


"Asshole, don't mention the word Sengoku in front of me, it's useless! It's

because he has been letting go, that's why the situation in New World is

getting more and more tense."

The Marine soldier who was thrown out quickly staggered to his feet and

nodded desperately.

"Yes yes yes... Akainu Admiral is right."

Akainu turned around and ignored him, staring straight ahead.

Originally, he had no interest in the Seventeenth Division of the

Whitebeard Pirates, but when he heard that he was born out of nowhere,

he defeated Kaido's henchmen.

Then last night I heard Su Yang and the others attacked Marine (The

World government is blind, in order to cover up the scandal of Marine's

embarrassed escape.)

With such a big fanfare, Akainu was born at once, and the idea of ​​​​

killing it before it fully grew.

So, he immediately got the approximate address from Marine

Intelligence, and set off early in the morning.

After all, he believes, such opportunities are rare.

Of course, when he decided to do it, he had already made a reason to

prevaricate Sengoku.

"Has the intelligence been collected over there?"

Suddenly, Akainu spoke again.

"Report, according to the information passed by Naval Headquarters,

there are three people in the 17th division of the Whitebeard Pirates. The

captain, Su Yang, has offered a bounty of 200 million Baileys for the first

time, and a bounty of 300 million Baileys for the latest." ( The latest

newspaper has not been delivered yet)

"The team member, tentatively named 'Madara', has a bounty of 150

million Bailey for the first time, and a bounty of 250 million Bailey for

the latest."

"Player, the name has not been obtained yet, and the bounty is 100

million Bailey."

"It is said that the three of them are all Demon fruit powers."

Akainu, who had been stopping, didn't have any waves on his face, but

after hearing more Demon fruit power, his eyes flashed slightly.

"How much Demon fruit power? You bastard, what are you talking

about." Akainu retorted.

"Yes... it's a message from Naval Headquarters."

"Hmph, how careless, this kind of thing can go wrong, Demon fruit power

is Demon fruit power, and more Demon fruit power."

Akainu snorted coldly. In his eyes, he thought it was the Naval

Headquarters intelligence officer who made a mistake.

"Akainu Admiral is right. Devil Fruit is the incarnation of the devil. A

person can only eat one at most, and has one kind of ability. If he eats

more than one fruit for the sake of ability, his body will suffer from the

curse because he can't bear it. burst."

This information doesn't seem to be of much use, but for Akainu, it's


"How long will it take to reach the destination."

Akainu asked again.

"At this speed, if there is no accident on the way, we can arrive before

noon. However, we are not sure whether the 17th division of the

Whitebeard Pirates still stays on the island."

"However, if we meet on that island, I'm not afraid that the Whitebeard

Pirates will come to support us. After all, Whitebeard's territory is some

distance away from that island."

"Even if they sent a distress signal, Whitebeard was not able to assist in


Akainu heard that, he didn't answer, in fact, he didn't dare to meet Su

Yang and the others 100% this time.

Encountered, they are unlucky.

If they didn't meet them, they were lucky.


Su Yang and the others didn't know about Marine's movements.

Uchiha Madara went to town with Diablo.

And Ace Kano stayed on the boat because his physique was too weird. If

he went to the street, it would not be good if he went to the street and

exploded with time.

While Uchiha Madara and the others went to town, they were looking for

clothes to make clothes with good shrinkage.

As for Su Yang, he stayed on board in case something special happened.

Of course, this task can only be done by Su Yang. If you want Uchiha

Madara or Diablo, with Ace Kano's arrogance, you may fight at some


...................................................... ...................................................... ..

Newcomers and new books, if you think it suits your appetite, you can

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32 Respond to my will, Axe Rita

(for flowers)

Outside the boat against the guardrail.

Su Yang and Ace Kano were both lying on the lounge chairs, with two

fishing rods hanging in front of them, and from time to time they would

drink the fine wine on the middle table.

This kind of life seems to have a different flavor.

"Too bad, the wine in this world can't be regarded as a real wine." Ace

Cano looked at the bottle in his hand, pouted and shook his head.

Su Yang glanced at Ace Kano from the corner of his eyes, this is a

bastard, that's not what he said when he drank it for the first time. After

drinking more than a dozen bottles, he said that this wine is too poor.

"Ace Kano."


"Life is difficult, don't wrong yourself, we insist on not drinking junk


Su Yang said that this time, he quickly sat up and took all the wine he

didn't drink to his side.

Ace Kano was slightly startled, and hurriedly grabbed it again: "It's too

bad, but... it can quench your thirst. Another day, wait for me to match

you a delicious wine from our world, you can taste it."

Hearing Ace Kano's words, Su Yang was slightly startled, and he forgot

about it even if he didn't mention it. Ace Kano can still make wine.


Time passed minute by minute, and soon, at the end of the sea horizon, a

huge warship was rushing towards the island.

At this time Akainu was standing on the bow of the boat, and the sea

breeze made him dance in the robe of justice.

Looking at it, it seems to have a majestic feeling.

In his hand, he was holding a phone bug.

"Report to Akainu Admiral, no pirate ships were found in Port No. 1." A

voice came from the phone bug.

"The ships of the pirates usually stop at the port and look for the

coastline." Akainu ordered.

"Yes, Akainu Admiral."

The phone bug just hung up, and the next second, it rang again.


Akainu quickly connected after hearing the movement.

"Report Akainu Admiral, the pirate ship was found in port 2, but it is not

from the Whitebeard pirates. Excuse me, do we need to defeat them?"

Hearing this, Akainu's face became a little ugly, and he scolded directly:

"Bastard, we are here for the guys from the Whitebeard Pirates, not for

other sloppy pirates."

"Sorry, Akainu Admiral!"

The Marine soldier over the phone bug quickly apologized.

At this moment, Akainu directly threw the phone bug to the Marine

soldier next to him, and issued an order: "Inform, each warship will send

three-quarters of its people to land on the island to search, and the rest

will drive warships to the coastline. search on."



On Uchiha Madara's side, they also went well. They found a clothes

maker. However, if you want that kind of clothes that can shrink a lot,

you need special materials. From purchase to completion, it takes about a


However, there are ready-made ones in their store, but the effect is half

of customization.

After discussions between Diablo and Uchiha Madara, the two decided to

visit other stores.

Before that, though, they decided to fill their stomachs first.

And Su Yang's side.

As the time got closer and closer to noon, Ace Kano's figure at this time

had become unusually burly.

Although his clothes were not torn, the reclining chair he was lying on

collapsed for him.

"It seems that having a huge power is also a kind of distress?

Hahahahaha." Ace Kano looked at the reclining chair that had fallen

apart and said with a smile.

Su Yang looked at him, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he decided

not to speak.

I saw him wave his hand, and on the deck of the ship, the huge tree roots

reappeared out of thin air, and slowly turned into a brand-new lounge


The brackets have been significantly thickened.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to have such an ability." Ace Kano said in


However, just when Ace Kano wanted to continue lying down, Su Yang

suddenly spoke up.

"Looks like you have to move a bit, Ace Kano."


After Ace Kano heard this, he looked at Su Yang in surprise.

Su Yang, on the other hand, stretched out his finger and pointed to the

far side, and said calmly, "Hey, all the way, I saw Marine's flag, I guess...

it was those guys who came to the door again. already."

Ace Kano looked in the direction Su Yang pointed, then the corners of his

mouth rose slightly, and he slowly said, "I understand."

Saying that, he stretched out his hand and said calmly, "Respond to my

will, God Axe Rita!"

As Ace Kano's voice fell, suddenly, the divine axe Rita in the boat sensed

the call, and with a 'boom', it flew out directly and landed in Ace Kano's


Immediately following, Ace Kano narrowed his pupils and slashed

directly with the divine axe.


An invisible force surged from the divine axe in an instant, and wherever

it passed, the sea seemed to be cut open.

When he looked at the Marine warship again, the warship had already

split in two, thick smoke was billowing, and it was sinking at a speed that

could be seen with the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Su Yang was also slightly startled, and muttered: "It

seems that there is no strong man on board?"

And Ace Kano was also slightly surprised: "Is this over?"

"No, it's not over yet."

As Su Yang said, he made a lot of wooden boards, and while pointing at

the big hole caused by the flying of the divine axe Rita, he continued to

say: "There are rules on the ship, whoever breaks it, whoever makes it



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Newcomers and new books, if you think it suits your appetite, you can

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33 Sun and Lava, Ace Kano and

Akainu (for flowers)

ps: Ahem, this little brother of "Thousands of Invisibility and Thousands

of Magic" in the comment area, you are too much. There were only more

than 40 comments, but you accounted for more than half of it/dog head

to save your life.


"This...let me make it up, it's not quite suitable, I'm afraid that if I hit the

hammer, there will be a few more holes." Ace Kano explained.

However, it is true that with the current strength of Ace Kano, if one is

not careful, a bigger hole will really appear when the hammer goes



Su Yang groped his chin and nodded: "You reminded me, but it doesn't


Having said that, Su Yang smiled evilly and continued: "It's alright, it's

the same thing to make up at night."

"All right!"

Ace Kano is a little helpless, although he is arrogant, but Su Yang's words

will make him feel that he must execute.

Putting down the divine axe in his hand, Ace Kano lay on the reclining

chair on the bold version, then picked up the table, there was only a little

wine left, opened the lid and poured it into his mouth.

"Only the ship was destroyed, and most of the people on the ship seem to

be still alive. Are you going to kill them all?"

After taking a sip of fine wine, Ace Kano asked aloud.

Su Yang stretched and shook his head: "You can kill, but it's not

necessary, they are just cannon fodder, they are no threat to us now, and

it is even more impossible in the future."

Indeed, none of them have the strength to deal with Su Yang now, let

alone the future.

Although it may be said that you may become stronger in the future, can

a civilian player beat a cheating player? Obviously not possible.

"It's better. I'm not interested in such a weak opponent." Ace Cano said,

put down the bottle he just finished drinking, and turned to get the

second bottle.

And Su Yang looked at him in surprise.

Good guy, he complains more than anyone else, and drinks faster than

anyone else.

"Forget it, it seems that I have to call Madara and the others to bring

more wine." Su Yang stood up slowly, just about to go in and get a phone

bug to contact Uchiha Madara and the others.

However, at this moment, on the other side, a warship came quickly.

Originally, Su Yang didn't care too much, but when he saw a sturdy man

standing in front of the warship, with a cigarette in his mouth, his arms

crossed on his chest.

His brow wrinkled slightly.

Yes, he recognized it. Standing in front of the warship was not a simple

character, but Akainu, one of the three Admirals with the highest combat

power in the Naval Headquarters.

"Yesterday was Aokiji, today is Akainu, I'm thinking, I haven't been doing

anything lately."

Su Yang looked depressed, but he couldn't figure out why Marine and the

guys kept coming to him.

Do you have treasure here?

However it didn't.

Is there any secret here?

However, it didn't either.

why? Is it really a whim?

Su Yang really couldn't figure out what Marine was thinking.

"Ace Kano!"

Suddenly, Su Yang shouted.


Ace Kano raised his head and looked at Su Yang at the front guardrail.

"Go to work!"

"Didn't you say it's a good night? Why did it suddenly come early? Are

you really afraid that I will knock out a bigger hole if I'm not careful?"

Ace Kano said calmly.

Obviously, he thought Su Yang was talking about replenishing the boat.

"What are you thinking? The enemy is coming, and this time it's a

heavyweight." Su Yang said, lying on the reclining chair again.

"Or Marine?"

At the same time Ace Kano said, he got up from the reclining chair and

picked up the divine axe Rita that was on the side.



Akainu's side.

"It's the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates. At present, two people have been

found on board. One of them is the captain of the 17th division of the

Whitebeard Pirates, Su Yang, and the other is a burly one with an

unfamiliar face."

"Unfamiliar faces? Could it be that they recruited a new team member?"

"Who.... who knows? Maybe the message from Naval Headquarters was

wrong, missing one."

"So, isn't there a man named 'Madara' and another man? Where are they,

are they in the boat?"

"It should be... can't be wrong, but what's the use of people, facing

Akainu Admiral, they all only have to be beaten."

"You said they would run away?"

"Escape? What are you kidding me, it's too late, they can only ask for

their own blessings."

The Marine soldiers standing behind Akainu started talking.

But Akainu didn't care, his eyes were always fixed on the front.

"Aim all the muzzles at them."

At this time, Akainu suddenly gave an order.


Following Akainu's order, the Marine soldiers began to operate, and all

the muzzles were aimed at Su Yang's ship.


As soon as the voice fell, the shells were continuously fired from the


"Bang bang bang..."

"Bang bang bang..."

The densely packed cannonballs rushed into the sky, and after crossing a

gorgeous lonely line, before they fell, all of them were suddenly


Thick black smoke shrouded the sky.


At this moment, a burly man passed through the smoke and landed

directly in the center of the warship.

Ace Kano carried the divine axe Rita on his shoulders and looked directly

at Akainu in front of him.

"Come on, let me see, what kind of skills the heavyweight guy Su Yang

said has."

...................................................... ...................................................... ..

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34 So what, I am the sun (for



As soon as Ace Kano's words fell, all the Marine soldiers, armed with long

spears, aimed at him one after another.

"You are the first to want to die so impatiently."

One of the Marine Vice Admiral grinned and sneered as he moved closer

to Ace Kano.

"Don't think you're a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, we won't dare to

do anything to you, just squat down honestly, otherwise, don't blame us

for being blind."

However, Ace Kano straightened his waist and looked down at the

Marine Vice Admiral who was approaching with arrogant eyes.

"you're right."

"I think I'm right, don't squat down quickly, otherwise, we will directly

beat you into a sieve."

Ace Kano stretched out a finger, shook it, and continued: "I mean...you're

right, it's the first one like you who can't wait to die."

When the Marine Vice Admiral heard this, his eyes instantly became

anxious, he pulled out the long knife hanging from his waist, and shouted

angrily: "It's so, I don't care if you are from the Whitebeard Pirates."


Between the swords and swords, the blood was sprayed towards the

surroundings, 'did da... dick', the blood fell down on the deck of the ship

along the fingertips.

However, this blood... is not from Ace Kano, but the Marine Vice Admiral

in front of him.

"Pulling..." A sound.

Marine Vice Admiral's body fell to the ground in two, and blood was still

spraying from his mouth.


Ace Kano put the divine axe Rita back on his shoulders again, and said

indifferently: "Sadly weak..., who gave you the courage to challenge the

top man of all races."

Akainu, who was standing in front of the boat, saw Ace Kano's arrogant

appearance, he frowned, and then said solemnly: "A mere guy who is not

even a captain, who gave you the courage to be so arrogant? Whitebeard


With Akainu roaring, the next second, his figure disappeared directly in

place, and when he reappeared, he had already come to the sky above

Ace Kano.

The right arm has been magmaized, forming a huge magma fist.

"Let this old man guide you to the underworld!"

After all, he hit the punch directly.

Seeing this, Ace Kano grinned and sneered, and quickly swung the divine

axe Rita for defense.

"Bang......" sound.

The impact made the entire battleship press down directly.

"Magma? But... so what? I am the sun!" Ace Kano said expressionlessly.

Akainu, who saw this scene, was slightly shocked. He never thought that

Ace Kano could take his blow so easily.


"So what?" Ace Kano held the divine axe and increased his strength.

In the end, a force exploded directly in the center, the entire warship

shook violently, and the black smoke began to disperse.


Akainu rushed out of the black smoke and swung his right fist that had

turned into a magma to hit him again.

Ace Kano stretched out his hand, and a fireball like the sun appeared out

of thin air,

In the next second, the fireball instantly expanded and became a huge


"The relentless sun!"

Following Ace Kano softly, he threw the fireball out of his hand.

Facing the oncoming fireball, Akainu didn't care: "Do you think your

flames can devour my magma? A guy who doesn't know how high the

sky is."


When the huge fireball collided with the magma, the surrounding

temperature rose rapidly, and even something on the ship spontaneously


Originally, Akainu thought he could counteract this huge fireball, but he

never expected that the impact was too great. He was directly pushed by

the fireball and shot towards the shore like a shell.

From the trench to the sand trench, to the mud trench, and finally to the


Smoke billows.

Seeing this scene on the shore, and then looking at the messy warship

that had been shaken by the aftermath, Su Yang sighed.

"Sure enough. Not letting Ace Kano fight on his side is the correct



Inside the big pit in the smoke, Akainu slowly crawled up from the

ground. When he fought just now, he didn't think much about it, but now

he's starting to wonder.

"Is the ability of Mera-mera Fruit? No...no, definitely not the ability of

Mera-mera Fruit, is it possible that that guy also ate an ability similar to

Mera-mera Fruit?"

"But....even so, in any flame, for my magma, I have the upper hand, but


"It seems that he is really a heavyweight guy. I thought that he couldn't

hold it with one blow, but I didn't expect that he was still alive. However,

if this happens, I'm relieved."

As soon as these words came out, Akainu raised his head, and another

huge fireball came into his eyes.

"Go to hell, stupid guy."

Ace Kano threw the fireball down again.

With a sound of "Boom!", the fireball was like a bomb, and the moment it

landed, it instantly caused a violent explosion.

The surrounding forest was directly swallowed up, and the earth shook.


Of course, with such a big movement, other people on the island

naturally discovered it.

At this time, Uchiha Madara and Diablo had just walked out of the

restaurant, looking at the black smoke and flames in the distance, and

they had a slight meal.

"That direction...seems to be where we parked."

"Could it be, Su Yang and the others have encountered something."

"Yes... It's possible, maybe it was the guys called Marine yesterday who

came back with support."

...................................................... ...................................................... ..

Newcomers and new books, if you think it suits your appetite, you can

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35 The time is now 11:58 (for


"Forget it, I originally wanted to go to a few more places to see it, but

now I'm afraid it won't work."

Finding the right clothes for Ace Kano is a trivial matter. If there are a lot

of strong people coming and Su Yang and the others can't handle it, it

will be bad.

Diablo also agrees with Uchiha Madara's statement.

"Then I'll go ahead, Madara!"


As soon as Uchiha Madara's voice fell, Diablo had disappeared.

"This guy......."

After Uchiha Madara sighed lightly, he also started rushing towards the



The coast, the warship sailing on the sea.

Originally, the Marines wanted to shore up to support Akainu, but they

were all stopped by Su Yang.



Suddenly, at this moment, the phone bug on the table started to ring.

A nearby Marine Vice Admiral was quickly connected.

Before Marine Vice Admiral could speak, a loud voice came from the

phone worm.

"Sakazuki, why didn't you hear about your return?"

When the Marine Vice Admiral heard this voice and these words, dense

beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

Apparently... this call is coming from not a simple character, yes, he... is

Marshal Marine, the Buddha Sengoku.

"Battle... Marshal Sengoku!!!!"

"Where's Sakazuki? Let him pick it up."

"Marshal Sengoku, Akainu Admiral is fighting with the Whitebeard

Pirates, and we can't come to pick him up for the time being." Seeing that

he couldn't hide it, the Marine soldier truthfully explained what Akainu

was doing.

"Whitebeard? Seventeenth Division????"

"Yes....Yes, Marshal Sengoku."

"Bastard, didn't I already say it before? To deal with the guys at

Whitebeard, do we need to take a long-term plan? Why are you acting on

your own?" Sengoku said angrily.

"Grumpy Grumpy..."

The Marine Vice Admiral swallowed hard, he didn't intend to take this

pot down.

"Yes... it's Akainu Admiral's order!!!"

"I'm Marshal Marine!!!"

"Sorry, Marshal Sengoku."

At this time, Sengoku's side was having a headache. Now, no matter how

hard he scolded, it would not help. After sighing lightly, he continued to


"So, what's the situation now?"

"It seems... not very optimistic, because the information from Naval

Headquarters is not very useful. Right now, Akainu Admiral is fighting a

guy with an ax from the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates."


At this moment, Sengoku paused. Yesterday, Momousagi reported to

Aokiji that there was no mention of the axe.

Fortunately, however, Aokiji was at Sengoku at this time.

When he saw Sengoku's eyes looking at him, Aokiji said.

"We didn't meet a guy with an axe yesterday... if it was a scythe, there

was one."

"Sakazuki this bastard!!!"

Sengoku scolded, in fact, he probably guessed the current situation. After

all, yesterday, Momousagi and Aokiji were not 100% sure to eat.

Now, with only Akainu, the difficulty may be higher.

"What characteristics does the guy with the axe possess?" Sengoku

continued to ask.

"He's very strong, with brown hair and a brown beard."

When Marine Vice Admiral finished speaking, Sengoku turned his gaze to

Aokiji beside him.

I saw Aokiji shook his head and said calmly, "We didn't meet this person


"Recruited last night?"

Sengoku put forward his own opinion, but in the next second, he felt

absurd, the possibility of such a thing is really too small and too small.

"Marshal Sengoku, we may need support!!" Marine Vice Admiral


"Support, you still dare to ask for support, even if you like to do things so

much, then you can go as much as you like."

After all, Sengoku hung up the phone bug directly.

Then, he sat down on the chair and stroked his forehead.

"Again...is there another unfamiliar face?"

"Although I am very reluctant to accept it, but the reality seems to be like

this? Mr. Sengoku, if he reported that there were no falsehoods, there

would be four people in the seventeenth division."

Aokiji said slowly, but after he finished speaking, he quickly denied it.

"But... it's hard to say, there are other crew members staying on the ship

and not showing us."

"You mean, there are more than four people in Whitebeard's Seventeenth

Division." Sengoku said solemnly.

"Who's to say? Yesterday and today are the best examples."

"That's right, the headaches come one after another, which makes me

wonder if that guy Whitebeard has any big plans recently."


Sengoku sighed heavily, then said feebly, "Forget it, don't think about it."


On Su Yang's side, Diablo had used the space to move back to the ship,

and on Marine's side, their warship was destroyed by Diablo just minutes

after he and Sengoku hung up the phone bug.

"Time... It seems that it will be noon soon?"

Su Yang's eyes fell from Sun's body and turned to look at the clock he had

taken out from the boat. Sure enough, it was similar to what he had


The time is now 11:58.

"What's the point?"

Facing Su Yang's unusual behavior, Diablo wondered.

Su Yang just smiled, and then pointed to the direction of the fight on Ace

Kano's side.

"Hey, you'll know just by looking at it."

...................................................... ...................................................... ..

Newcomers and new books, if you think it suits your appetite, you can

give more support. You can give some flowers. In addition, if you have

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36 Noon: Heaven and the world, I

am the only one (for flowers)

Diablo looked over where Su Yang pointed.

At this time, the battle between Ace Kano and Akainu intensifies.

In this battle, what Akainu never expected was that he would find it

difficult to face a member of the Whitebeard Pirates who was not even

the captain.

What is even more depressing is that no matter how he attacks Ace Kano,

Ace Kano is still standing.


Akainu once again found an opportunity and knocked Ace Kano out

dozens of meters away with one punch.


With a loud noise, billowing smoke slowly rose.

Looking at the thick smoke, Akainu reached out and wiped the blood

spilling from the corner of his mouth.

"Damn it, what the hell is this guy, no matter what kind of attack he

faces, it doesn't seem to be able to cause him too much damage."

"With his strength, he can only be a team member? Is that old

Whitebeard really confused?"

Having said this, Akainu laughed at himself: "To make the old man so

embarrassed, if I don't kill you, the old man's face will never be able to

stand in Marine."

Just as Akainu's voice fell, suddenly, in the smoke and dust, a loud voice


"Who did you say you killed?"

When Akainu heard it, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes were

fixed on the direction of the smoke.

"You bastard, do you really think you can kill this old man?"


Ace Kano rushed out of the smoke instantly and landed on another flat

ground. Suddenly, his body swelled up again.

The shirt was directly broken by the flesh, and the figure was several

times larger than Akainu.

"Time is up!!!"

Following Ace Kano's words, flames began to burn on his body, a huge

airflow was generated around him, and coercion was also generated at

the same time.

Yes, at this moment, the time is just noon, and Ace Kano has also entered

the battle state where he is the only one in the world.

Seeing this scene, Akainu felt uneasy for some unknown reason.


At the same time, Ace Kano was stepping closer to Akainu step by step,

and the ground he stepped on, every step he took, would melt the

ground, leaving a red footprint.

"Death to the old man."

Akainu roared angrily, then strode wildly, the billowing lava gathered on

his right arm, and punched out with a punch.

Before, Ace Kano would still defend, but at this moment, he seemed to

ignore it as if he didn't see it at all.


The billowing magma hit Ace Kano, making a sizzling sound.

"Idiot, are you so arrogant?"

Listening to this, Ace Kano said very calmly: "You can hide, but it's not


At the same time as the words fell, Ace Kano instantly disappeared in

place, and when he appeared next time, he had already come to Akainu's


Akainu, who has Observation Haki, naturally felt it, but when he turned

around, Ace Kano had already punched.

"You said, who are you going to kill?"

Seeing this scene, Akainu's pupils contracted violently, and now he

wanted to dodge, but he couldn't dodge at all.

He had no choice but to take the punch from Ace Kano.


Ace Kano punched Akainu's abdomen directly, and the lava spilled



As soon as Ace Kano finished speaking, he saw Akainu's body changing

position, and most of the vacant body began to lava and join together,

and it was recovering with the naked eye.

Yes, this, it is Logia, Devil Fruit, the ability of elementalization.

"Dark Hound!"

Akainu snorted softly, and the magmaized arm hit Ace Kano's abdomen




White smoke kept coming out of Akainu's fist and Ace Kano's abdomen.

Ace Kano looked down at Akainu, just like that, Akainu's forehead was

sweating, the next second, he quickly closed his fist, and then retreated a

safe distance to the back.

Immediately after, he looked at his fist with white eyes, and frowned.

"I'm... I'm a magma man, my fist... my fist was burned."

"Holy Sword Ace Kano!"

Having said that, Ace Kano jumped at an extremely fast speed, and

slashed directly at Akainu with a hand knife.

"Then see, whether your flame is better, or my magma is better."

"The Great Eruption of the Burning River!"

At this moment, Akainu was also angry and attacked directly with lava to

form a huge lava fist.

This move is powerful enough to instantly crush and evaporate large


Moreover, in the original book, Aokiji was used to win Aokiji in the duel

with Aokiji on Ice and Fire Island, and Ace was beaten with Ace's Yandi

during Summit War.

The lava fist collided with Ace Kano's hand knife, and immediately, a

powerful airflow was directly generated.

The ground shook first, followed by torn apart, the giant tree bent, and

finally, the earth collapsed, and the giant tree was uprooted.


Akainu roared, and at this moment, blue veins burst out on his forehead,

and he continued to strengthen his attacks.

On the contrary, Ace Kano's side is still arrogant.

"Go to hell." Ace Kano said flatly, and in the next second, he increased his



Akainu vomited blood directly, and knelt down with one foot, pressing

down heavily on the ground.

"Ah ah ah ah ah........"

"Bastard... old man, how can you lose to a character who is nothing."

"Your words...too many."

Ace Kano swept directly and kicked Akainu into the air.

...................................................... ...................................................... ..

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give more support. You can give some flowers. In addition, if you have

good suggestions, you can say them in the comment area. If it is suitable,

the author will adopt it. *

37 days will not kill me (for



Akainu's mouth spewed blood again.

The impact made him keep flying backwards and backwards.


Suddenly, Ace Kano appeared above him again.

"Holy Gun Ace Kano!"

After all, Ace Kano directly a Finger Pistol, and the huge power runs

directly through Akainu.


Akainu couldn't stop spitting out blood again, and, this time, his eyes

almost rolled and he lost consciousness.

In the previous state, Akainu still has the power to fight, even if he can't

cause too much damage to Ace Kano, but at the same time, Ace Kano

can't cause too much damage to himself.

However, Akainu couldn't stand it at all in this state of 'in the heavens

and the world, I am the only one'. Whether it is physical skills or

strength, it is far better than before.


Akainu fell heavily to the ground, and Ace Kano chased after the victory.

After landing on the ground, he threw his fists and hit Akainu's head


The blood directly stained the ground, but as he beat, Akainu's head

turned into lava.


Ace Carnot paused for a while, but at this time, the state of 'in the sky, I

am the only one' disappeared, and the figure returned to the burly state


However, even if the invincible combat state has disappeared, Ace Kano

still has no plans to let Akainu go.

Seeing that the skull had turned into lava, Ace Kano directly punched his

body again.

Without exception, the body also turned into a mass of magma. Now, it is

no longer Akainu lying on the ground, but a mass of magma.

"It seems that this time, it is really dead. Sadly weak."

Ace Kano got up, glanced at the surrounding pit, then jumped up, jumped

on it, and finally, returned to the boat.

"Oh? It looks like you have a big victory?"

Seeing Ace Kano return, Su Yang said with a smile.

"I never imagined that you, this guy, still possesses such power. I really

thought you were an ordinary guy last night."

To be honest, Diablo was really surprised in the battle just now.

"Victory...Isn't it inevitable? I stand above all races." Ace Kano said



Su Yang and Diablo were speechless for a while, and after throwing away

the topic, Su Yang continued to ask.

"Is he dead?"

"It's been changed by my hammer."

Ace Kano replied.


Su Yang's mind suddenly thought of the scene where his whole body was

blown up, and when he thought of that look, he felt a little too bloody.

"Yes, are you going to see it? Su Yang."

"forget it."

Su Yang waved his hand, then asked Diablo, "Didn't you go with Madara?

Where's Madara?"

Before Diablo could answer, a figure suddenly landed on the boat.

Everyone looked at it and saw that the person who landed on the boat

was none other than Uchiha Madara.

"Hey, isn't he here?" Diablo pointed to Uchiha Madara.

"Okay, now that the crew has arrived, let's go."

"Go? Where to go?"

"Why is it so sudden? A lot of things are not ready, and Ace Kano's tailor-

made clothes are not ready yet." Diablo wondered.

"This place can't stay. Yesterday was Aokiji, today is Akainu, who knows

who will come tomorrow, if Marine comes directly to encircle and

suppress it, then things are not very good." Su Yang explained slowly.

After all, in Marine's combat power, there are not only Marine three

Admiral, but also the marshal, and even Garp, and these are still in Su

Yang's knowledge, I don't know if Marine has a pressure box bottom.

"What's the point of that?" Ace Kano said confidently while carrying the

divine axe Rita in his hand.

Su Yang was speechless and complained: "I hope you can still say that in

the evening."

"If you want to go, then go. As for Ace Kano's clothes, let's look for it at

the next stop." Uchiha Madara said calmly.

There was no objection to Su Yang's decision, they had everything on

board, so they had nothing to prepare for.

The food on board is also enough to last for a while.

"Let's sail."

Following Su Yang's shout, he stowed the anchor, raised the sail, and

controlled the rudder, and the boat slowly began to move.

When passing the Marine warship, Ace Kano did not forget to add a few

axes, and in the end, they left with satisfaction.


And at an unknown time, in that big pit, the original mass of magma had

changed back to Akainu.

However, at this moment, he is already dying. If it hadn't been for the

elementalization to escape many Ace Kano's attacks, I am afraid that his

breath would have been broken long ago.

Now, he has multiple fractures on his body, his whole body is weak, and

he has no way to stand up again.

"Is the old man really going to fall into the hands of a character who is

nothing today?"

Akainu looked at the blue sky, full of unwillingness in his heart.

Originally, he just wanted to kill the seedlings that had not yet grown,

but he didn't expect that he was actually killed by the seedlings.

"Yes... yes Akainu Admiral!!!"

Suddenly, above the big pit, Marine soldiers' words rang out.

Akainu looked over, and he only saw many Marine soldiers standing on

the edge of the big pit.


"It seems... the sky will never kill me! Hahahaha..."

...................................................... ...................................................... ..

Newcomers and new books, if you think it suits your appetite, you can

give more support. You can give some flowers. In addition, if you have

good suggestions, you can say them in the comment area. If it is suitable,

the author will adopt it. *

38 Fuck, you call this an intern

team (seeking flowers)

an hour later.

Since the medical level on the island could not treat Akainu, only

emergency precautions were given to him. After a request, Marine sent a

ship to respond.

Now, Akainu is undergoing surgery on a warship.

Time passed minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, night had


The operation also ushered in the end, Akainu successfully out of danger.

"I can't believe that someone could hurt Akainu Admiral to such an


"Yeah, Akainu Admiral, who was originally a Lava-Lava Fruit person, has

multiple burns, which is really incredible."

"You don't know anything about this?"

In the face of this sentence that suddenly popped out, several Doctor

Marines who performed surgery looked at the man who said this in

surprise, and then said almost in unison.

"Know...know what?"

"Come on, let me tell you."

Having said that, these doctors all gathered together.

"This time, it's not ordinary people who are fighting against Akainu

Admiral, but one of the Four Emperors, the seventeenth division of the

Whitebeard Pirates."

"The Seventeenth Division????"

"Yes, yes, I read the newspaper. It was just established not long ago. As

soon as it appeared in the newspaper, it defeated another Admiral under

the Four Emperors."

"oh oh!"

The crowd nodded.

"However, having said that, Whitebeard's 17th Division is outrageously

strong, and actually injured Akainu Admiral like this. I'm curious as to

what their origins are."

When everyone heard this question, everyone looked at me, and I saw

you finally shook their heads.

"It seems that this seventeenth division is Whitebeard's main division, so

strong that Akainu Admiral is no match for it."

"I don't think it can be ruled out that the Seventeenth Division won by

sneak attack, or by many-to-one."

"Well, it's possible, after all, that's Akainu Admiral, there's no need to

question his strength."


After a long time.

Naval Headquarters also held an emergency meeting because of the

Akainu incident.

"I think some people already know the content of this emergency


Sengoku stood up straight and glanced at Officer Marine who was

present, his face was extremely solemn.

"Well, we have roughly heard that Sakazuki was unfortunately defeated

in the seventeenth battle with the Whitebeard Pirates. Now his life and

death are unknown." One of the Marine officers responded.

"No, there is one thing I have to add. I got news not long ago that

Sakazuki is out of danger." Sengoku said calmly.

"This...what is the origin of the 17th edition of the Whitebeard Pirates?

It's so terrifying that Sakazuki can be reduced to such a level."

"If I remember correctly, the 17th division only appeared some time ago.

I didn't expect the danger index to be so high."


Sengoku sighed lightly and continued: "We didn't pay much attention to

his defeat of Admiral, a confidant under Kaido's command, until

yesterday, and then to today, we...have to pay attention to it. already."

"Although this is only a division of the Whitebeard Pirates, the level of

danger is very high."

"Moreover, there must be a reason for the incident. I think this squad

must be carrying out some secret mission for Whitebeard."

After everyone heard Sengoku's words, they all fell into silence.

Some of them didn't know much about Whitebeard at all, let alone

speculate about his purpose.

"These guys who were born out of nowhere really brought a big test to us

Marine... Hahahahaha."

Garp, sitting in the middle, said with a smile.

"Garp. Seriously."

Sengoku glanced at Garp, reminded him, and then continued: "Some

words, although they were said, were a bit of a blow to us, but I have to

say, according to the information we got from Whitebeard."

"This seventeenth division is just an intern division."


Everyone was stunned when they heard Sengoku's words.

fuck? You call this a practice squad? ? ? ?

"It's estimated that Whitebeard wanted to do something. He deliberately

made such a powerful squad a trainee squad, and wanted to shame our


"The headline in the newspaper is that so-and-so lost to a team of


"However, if you think about it carefully, the ability of the seventeenth

series is really amazing, to be able to force Sakazuki to such a degree."

"Yeah, it's nothing to describe it as a monster."

"To send such a monster squad, Whitebeard is really going to make a big


Sengoku waved his hand and explained, "Forget it, no matter what the

Whitebeard guy thinks, what we need to do now is to find a way to deal

with this 17th Division."


New World, a certain sea area, a ship sails calmly on the sea.

Since leaving the island, Su Yang and the others have returned to their

peaceful days.

"This guy...is like a different person from the daytime. He doesn't have

the arrogant temperament of the daytime."

"Well, you don't need to change your body shape, can you even change

your personality? This is really a rare thing."

On the ship's guardrail, Uchiha Madara and Diablo were discussing Ace

Kano who was making up the ship ahead.

...................................................... ...................................................... ..

Newcomers and new books, if you think it suits your appetite, you can

give more support. You can give some flowers. In addition, if you have

good suggestions, you can say them in the comment area. If it is suitable,

the author will adopt it. *

39 The New Bounty of the

Seventeenth Division (for flowers)

"I'm curious, what kind of world is Ace Kano's world? Is it possible that

both men and women will become full of muscles during the day?"

Diablo stared at Ace Kano in front of him and guessed.

Hearing Diablo's words, Uchiha Madara instantly flashed images of all

kinds of men and women full of muscles.

"What you said... It's really possible."

The two muttered, you look at me, I look at you, and finally nodded.

It was also a difficult time when Uchiha Madara agreed with Diablo.


In a flash, it was the next morning.

New World, a certain sea area.

On the Moby Dick.

Whitebeard was up early, but at this moment, on the sofa on the deck, he

was dozing off again.

Suddenly, a loud shout pulled Whitebeard back from his sleep.

"Dad...Dad, it's a big deal."

Lakyo, the captain of the seventh division, hurried to Whitebeard's side

with the stack of newspapers he just got in his hand.

Whitebeard glanced at Rakyo, and soon on the newspaper he was holding

in his hand.

"Is it about our ship, or something else?"

Facing Whitebeard's question, Lakyo quickly replied, "Yes...it's Su Yang."

"Huh? It's Su Yang again? I remember that Su Yang only appeared in the

newspaper not long ago, this guy really can't stop for a while, but when

he tastes the pain, he will know he is wrong."

Whitebeard sighed softly, and at the same time was a little worried. After

all, this sea is like a cloud of powerhouses. If you are unlucky and

encounter a hard iron plate, you will be in big trouble.

"Rakyo, what happened to this guy Su Yang this time?" Whitebeard

continued to ask aloud.

"No...I don't know, the newspapers didn't report anything about Su Yang,

it's just that his wanted bounty has changed," Lakyo explained.

There is no doubt that incidents like this that damage Marine's face and

the World government's face will definitely not make it into the

newspapers and make people all over the world laugh at them.

However, although there was no report on the newspaper, based on

Whitebeard's experience, it was probably guessed.

"Goo la la la..."

"This guy Su Yang must have done something that made the guys in the

World government lose face, or else... With their urination, they will

report it more or less." Whitebeard laughed. He got up, stretched out his

hand, and took the newspaper and the wanted notice in Lakyo's hand.

He flipped through and saw Su Yang's wanted notice.

Immediately, his pupils shrank slightly.

"What's wrong? Dad!!"

At this time, Marko, who had just come to Whitebeard's side, saw his

father's expression, and he immediately had a bad premonition.

Before Whitebeard made a sound, Marco anxiously asked Lacoyo,

"You...what are you showing Dad?"

Lakyo also looked aggrieved. He just showed Whitebeard Su Yang's

wanted notice. Is it so serious all of a sudden?

"I'm showing.... I'm showing my dad an ordinary wanted order for a

reward. Could it be that I'm going to hurt my dad?"

Hearing Lakyo's words, Marko looked at Whitebeard again and wanted to

say something, but at this time, Whitebeard spoke up.

"Su Yang has given me more and more surprises,


"Dad, do you mean...the sudden increase in the bounty?" Rakyo asked.

"What? Brother Su Yang's bounty has increased again??" Marco said with

some surprise, after all, Su Yang's bounty only increased not long ago.

"Yes, and this time, the Su Yang brothers' bounty has increased a lot, and

it has directly become 550 million Bailey." Lakyo replied.

Five hundred and fifty million Baileys?

When Marko heard this number, he was stunned, and there was only one

thought in his mind.

That is... fast, too fast, it was only more than 200 million not long ago,

and it didn't take long for it to increase to 550 million Bailey.

"What the hell did Brother Su Yang do? Why? The bounty has changed so

much all of a sudden." Marko said in shock.

Faced with this answer, Whitebeard also shook his head: "I guess, I know,

only Marine and Su Yang himself."

"I also think it's unbelievable. Brother Su Yang's bounty is completely

jumping, but... We know that Su Yang's strength is not worthy of this

bounty." Lakjoo expressed his opinion.

After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, it didn't take long for Su Yang to

leave Whitebeard's shelter, and even if his strength increased, it wouldn't

go anywhere.

Facing what Lakyo said, Marco nodded in agreement: "Indeed, the last

time I discussed with him, I was able to find out a little bit about him,

even if he became stronger after going out, his strength was not the same.

There may be qualitative changes, but I think the 500 million is still

beyond the standard.”

"Don't forget, this bounty is not given based on strength, it's based on

your threat level to the World Government." Whitebeard explained, and

then put the A stack of wanted notices turned over.

His pupils shrank again, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he

continued to turn back.

The more he turned, the bigger his face changed.

"Old...Dad, what...what's wrong?"

...................................................... ...................................................... ..

Newcomers and new books, if you think it suits your appetite, you can

give more support. You can give some flowers. In addition, if you have

good suggestions, you can say them in the comment area. If it is suitable,

the author will adopt it. *

40 Madara: You are Whitebeard

(for flowers)

Seeing Marko's panicked look, Lakyo on the side was also infected.

"What... What's wrong? Could it be... Is this a conspiracy by Marine's

gang? Brother Su Yang hasn't gone through the storm yet, if they play a

conspiracy, I'm afraid Brother Su Yang won't be able to resist. "

Whitebeard looked away from the wanted order and fell on his two sons.

He didn't explain it, but handed the stack of wanted orders to Marko.

After Marco took it in a hurry, he quickly looked at the wanted notice.

"Su Yang, Captain of the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates,

with a bounty of 550 million Baileys."

"Madara, a member of the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard

Pirates, with a bounty of 300 million Baileys."

When he saw the third wanted notice, Malco paused, because there was

no name in this one, only a hand-painted portrait.

However, if Su Yang is here, you can recognize it at a glance, this is what

Diablo looks like, and the similarity is about 80%.

"A member of the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, with a

bounty of 300 million Baileys, there is no name in this wanted notice,

only a hand-painted portrait."

After all, Marko continued to turn to the next chapter, and what caught

his eye was a hand-painted portrait, he was burly with an axe in his


Obviously, this is exactly Ace Kano.

"A member of the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, with a

bounty of 450 million Bailey."

When Marco read the words on the wanted notice, his heart fell into


He didn't expect.... Su Yang had not long since gone out, and he actually

recruited three team members.

He was even more unexpected... The bounties for these three team

members all started at 100 million as soon as they appeared. Currently,

the average bounty for each person is 400 million.

Moreover, the bounty of this squad added up, and it has already

surpassed some of the previous squads.

"This...is this really the 17th Division of our Whitebeard Pirates?" Marco

had a feeling of disbelief.

The captain of the seventh division, Lakyo, just read Su Yang's wanted

notice, so when Marko read out the wanted bounty of his division's

members, he was also shocked.

"It feels like a dream, but, are the strength of the team members recruited

by the Su Yang brothers really worthy of this bounty?" Lakyo guessed.

Marco shook his head. Now, his mind is confused, because almost all of

Su Yang's things are too bizarre. Most importantly, the World government

hasn't reported what Su Yang and the others have done.

In the end, Marko's and Rakyo's eyes fell on Whitebeard.

Whitebeard hesitated for a few seconds, then laughed.

"Goo la la la..."

"Let him make trouble, we've been quiet for so long."


Meanwhile, New World, a certain island.

This is the site of one of the other Four Emperors, the red-haired Shanks.


A fat man wearing small sunglasses, a green and white striped hat, a

green and white striped shirt, and a yellow coat, holding a new stack of

wanted notices, walked up to Shanks with a smile and handed it over.

Shanks gave him a surprised look, and although he didn't know why, he

took it over.

"Laki Lu, what's wrong?"

"Boss, look at it."

Shanks' eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at the reward and wanted

notice handed over by Lackey Road.

"Oh? When did Whitebeard set up the Seventeenth Division? And it

seems that the Seventeenth Division has been very talked about recently."

"It's quite high, and it seems that this team is better than the previous

16th team. All of them are new faces, and the bounty has increased

rapidly in a short period of time." Benn, deputy captain of Red Hair

Pirates Beckman analyzed.

"It shouldn't be so much fanfare. Could it be that the latest Whitebeard

has some new plans?" Shanks conjectured.

After all, Whitebeard hasn't made a big move since the New World's

layout was set.

There is only a conflict between the members of the Four Emperors, and

there is no other movement.

Even the original Ace, when he didn't join the Whitebeard Pirates, kept

making trouble. He thought that after joining the Whitebeard Pirates, he

would continue to make trouble in the name of Whitebeard, but

unexpectedly it stopped.

"Looks like a storm is coming." Benn Beckman said lightly.

Hearing this, Shanks' pupils became deep, and after a few seconds of

silence, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Just because of Ace, I

want to negotiate with Whitebeard. If everything goes well, this will be a

Good thing."


Time flies, a few days have passed.

Since leaving the island, Su Yang and the others have never encountered

anything, and these days have passed quietly.

It's okay to get along with a few people.

Diablo would occasionally argue with Uchiha Madara over trivial

matters, and sometimes during the day, Ace Kano would join in the fun.

Therefore, the previous ship repair duo has advanced to become a ship

repair trio.

Because of them, ships have also appeared in large and small patches.

Su Yang was really afraid that at some point, the whole ship would fall


As for Su Yang, apart from eating, drinking and sleeping, all his time is

devoted to cultivation.

early morning.



Uchiha Madara, who just got up, looked at the phone bug on the table,

and after a slight pause, he walked over and connected.


"Who are you? Little devil"

There was a hoarse voice over the phone bug.


Uchiha Madara paused, but did not expect to be called a kid one day.

"Su Yang said that this phone bug usually doesn't get called, and the calls

are always from Whitebeard. If I guessed correctly, you are Whitebeard

in his mouth."

...................................................... ......................................................

A new month is here, beg for some monthly passes

A new month is here, beg for some monthly passes

A new month is here, beg for some monthly passes*

41 Redhead and Whitebeard (for


Hearing Uchiha Madara's words, Whitebeard paused, he was not stupid,

he naturally guessed that it was the team members recruited by Su Yang

who said this.

"So, kid...you're part of my Whitebeard Pirates, goo la la la."

From Whitebeard's side, there was a burst of laughter, and Uchiha

Madara frowned. He was the only one who called him a kid, and no one

else called him a kid.

"For the sake of you being Captain Su Yang, I won't care about you this

time. For now, you can consider me a member of your Whitebeard


Uchiha Madara reminded, in fact, according to his real age, Uchiha

Madara is much older than Whitebeard. After all, he is considered to

have lived twice... No, strictly speaking, three times.

"It's very loud, you bastard."

"I don't want to say anything that doesn't make sense, just say something,

I'll hand it over to Su Yang for you." Uchiha Madara asked.

"You ask Su Yang to pick it up."

Uchiha Madara stretched and didn't bother to reply to Whitebeard, put

the phone bug on the table, and shouted: "Su Yang, Whitebeard is looking

for you, I put the phone bug on the table, you can get it yourself."

And Su Yang, after hearing Uchiha Madara's words, also put down what

he was doing and came to the hall.

"What's wrong? You suddenly contacted me. Could it be that something

happened?" Su Yang asked first.

Generally speaking, Whitebeard would not call for no reason. For

example, when he defeated Jack before, and then the bounty was raised

later, Whitebeard did not call to ask about the situation.

And today.... suddenly called, Su Yang guessed what happened.

"I'm here to give you a mission. Su Yang." Whitebeard said slowly.

Su Yang was silent for a while, then guessed: "Is it Ace's business?"

"It can be said yes, but it can be said no. Yesterday, the red-haired kid

came to find me."

"Redhead... Shanks?"

Hearing the word red hair, a picture flashed in Su Yang's mind.

Yep, it's the picture of the redhead getting on the boat to dissuade

Whitebeard from Ace from chasing Blackbeard Teach.

"Yeah, but, yesterday, we talked about you by the way, that red-haired

kid wanted me to let you stop Ace or help Ace, but that idiot wanted to

point fingers at me, but unfortunately it was 100 years earlier. "

Hearing this, Su Yang paused. He once joined the Whitebeard Pirates and

he didn't do much, so the butterfly effect was very small.

Now, with his actions, the butterfly effect has begun to get bigger and


The most obvious is what Whitebeard just said.

In the original book, the red-haired ship persuaded Whitebeard to stop

Ace from chasing Blackbeard.

But now, the redhead has proposed to ask Su Yang to help or dissuade


"So, what do you want me to do?" Su Yang asked.

"You probably haven't left New World yet."


"That's just right, Su Yang, help me run a trip to where the red hair is, tell

him that I have some people in the Whitebeard Pirates, and I don't need

him to be alone. Outsiders worry about our Pirates, don't worry about it

next time because of this. Stupid things come up."


Hearing Whitebeard's words, Su Yang's face was speechless, just...for this

matter, he had to come to the door in person, which was indeed a bit of a


However, he is not afraid of the past, the redhead will make things

difficult for Su Yang because Whitebeard didn't give him face yesterday.

Because Shanks has a bold and generous personality, is informal, and has

a very good temper, it is impossible to add displeasure to Su Yang

because Whitebeard doesn't give him face.


Su Yang agreed. First of all, he doesn't have any goals now, and he has a

task that can enrich the future.

Second, there may be a surprise. After all, after a period of observation,

Su Yang found that powerful people are more likely to drop summon


Like Jack, and Aokiji.

"By the way, Su Yang, let me remind you of one thing."

"you say."

"I don't know if you can handle the people you recruited, so be careful,

I've encountered something like Teach, and I don't want you to."

Whitebeard's tone was a little softer than usual.

"Don't worry. Whitebeard, they will never betray like Teach." Su Yang

said confidently.

After all, the people summoned were 100% loyal to Su Yang, and there

was no betrayal at all.

"Idiot, don't be so full of words. However, there is another point that they

are not recruited by me. Although they are also members of the

Whitebeard Pirates, they don't have to listen to me, just follow yours."

Whitebeard's words probably mean that although Uchiha Madara and the

others are also members of the Whitebeard Pirates, they are not under his


Another meaning is that this seventeenth is an independent team, and the

relationship is also rooted in Su Yang, the crew and the captain, not the

son and the father.

It's better this way, though, with the personalities of Uchiha Madara,

Diablo, and Ace Kano.

Be a son, what are you kidding?

"I understand."

"Okay, that's it."

Just when Su Yang was about to say something, Whitebeard hung up the


Su Yang looked depressed, good guy, he wanted to ask where the red hair

was, but he didn't ask.

"Forget it, it's not a big deal."

Su Yang also put down the phone bug in his hand. He remembered the

red-haired site, and when the time comes, he can go to his site and find

someone to ask.

...................................................... ......................................................

Brothers, a new month is here, beg for some monthly tickets

Brothers, a new month is here, beg for some monthly tickets

Brothers, a new month is here, beg for some monthly tickets*

42 Do you know where Shanks is?

(begging for flowers)

"Go back!"

Going outside, Su Yang shouted.

"Huh? Why?"

Diablo walked out of the cab with a puzzled look, then leaned on the

guardrail on the second floor and looked at Su Yang and asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should have something to do with that

Whitebeard." At this time, Uchiha Madara also came out.

"Whitebeard? I don't remember this being the captain Su Yang said



Su Yang nodded, for them, there is no need to hide anything.

"Whitebeard asked me to visit Redhead and pass him a word."

"Red hair?"

For these names, whether it is Uchiha Madara who came early, Diablo, or

Ace Kano, they are all unfamiliar.

Because the system just instilled some basic information into their minds.

"Like Whitebeard, one of the four sea emperors."

When they heard Su Yang's words, Diablo and Ace Kano didn't react at

all, but Uchiha Madara was a little excited.

"Although that guy Whitebeard doesn't speak well, but Su Yang, your

decision is right. If you are dissatisfied, say that I really want to challenge

these so-called sea emperors."

Su Yang glanced at Uchiha Madara angrily, sighed softly, and then slowly

said, "We're not going to fight, we're just going to visit and send a


"That's boring."

Uchiha Madara jumped up, jumped onto the second floor, landed next to

Diablo, patted his shoulder, and continued, "You say yes, Diablo."

Diablo smiled slightly, then squinted and said, "I listen to Su Yang for


Diablo's answer made Uchiha Madara speechless.

"Madara, although I said I'm not going to fight, but...if you let him learn

from you without picking up troubles, I have no problem with that." Su

Yang reminded .

After hearing Su Yang's words, Uchiha Madara patted Diablo on the

shoulder again, and smiled strangely: "I heard, don't rush, you bastard."


Meanwhile, New World, the Shanks site.

Before, Shanks thought that as long as he analyzed the pros and cons of

this with Whitebeard, Whitebeard should understand the dangers and

make Ace stop chasing Blackbeard' Teach. ’

But it never occurred to him that even if he said it, Whitebeard was still


"Boss, don't be sad, Whitebeard's reaction is to be expected, isn't it?"

Yasopp said with a smile.

"Yeah yeah, boss, yesterday, I thought we were going to fight the

Whitebeard guys?" Laki Lu also continued.

Shanks looks a little sad now, and the scar on his eye still seems to be


"If Whitebeard doesn't stop it, things will become unstoppable and the era

will run wild!"

Listening to Shanks' words, everyone put away their usual carefree

appearance, and then fell into silence.

"Didn't I mention the 17th Division on Whitebeard's side yesterday?

Maybe I think we can secretly contact the 17th Division and tell them the

pros and cons. Maybe this will have some effect." Benn Beckman

reminded a sound.

Shanks heard this, hesitated for a few seconds, maybe that was the only


Of course, they must not be dispatched, and as soon as they are

dispatched, Marine will receive a message immediately.

And Whitebeard's side will naturally receive news.

Once Whitebeard knew about it, it would be equivalent to getting on

Whitebeard's ship again and discussing the topic that was rejected


Therefore, in this operation, Shanks could only send one of his

subordinates to do this secretly.

"That's the only way to do it. Now, Whitebeard's seventeenth division is

the only opportunity to stop this rampage." Shanks said slowly.


It was not close to Shanks' territory. After sailing for two days, Su Yang

and the others finally entered Shanks' territory.

However, their ship did not sway to park on the port, but parked on a


After a few people got off the boat, they began to split up. Ace Kano took

the supplies list to collect supplies, while Uchiha Madara, Diablo and Su

Yang went to inquire about Shanks.

In places like this, it is generally best to inquire about the situation, that

is, taverns and pirates.

However, he went to the tavern Diablo, and Su Yang's inquiries ranged

from this side of the coast.

His luck was not bad. After walking for about half an hour, he saw a

pirate group on the other side of the coast.

But, judging by the pirate flag, this is a pirate group that Su Yang doesn't

know about.

Su Yang didn't think much about it and walked over slowly.

Obviously, as Su Yang got closer to the pirate group, more and more eyes

on the ship fell on him.

"This guy's target... It seems to be us." One of the pirates with a yellow

hat said.

"I took a look around, and there was no one else, should he be the only

one?" Standing next to the pirate in the yellow hat, another man with a

bandage on his head said.

"What does this guy want to do?"

The others shook their heads.

"Who knows? It's probably just passing by."

"That's right, maybe we're just too sensitive."

Soon after their words fell, Su Yang had come to the side of the boat.

"Do you know where the redhead Shanks is?"

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43 Are you going to use the pirate

set to communicate with me?

(begging for flowers)

Su Yang's sudden and unusual question made the pirates on the boat


"What did this guy just say????"

"He's looking for the redhead Shanks???"

"I'm going to tell you, where did this ignorant boy come from, and he

actually inquired about this information that shouldn't be inquired."

"I've seen this kind of situation a lot. I thought I was pretentious and

wanted to increase my reputation by challenging the Four Emperors, but

without exception, that kind of pretentious guy is now buried in the sea."

Su Yang naturally heard their whispers, but his heart didn't make any

waves, he just raised his head and waited for their answer.

One of them, a man in a loose robe and a pair of sunglasses on his

forehead leaned on the boat guardrail with great interest, and joked:

"Boy, it's okay to tell you, but we are not good people. , but a pirate, so

you understand the rules?"

Su Yang wasn't stupid, he naturally heard that they wanted money, but in

general, if he had it, he could give it to him. Anyway, in this world, he

felt that money was not very useful.

"How many."

"Ten million Baileys."

"make a deal."

Without any hesitation, Su Yang went straight into his pocket, took out a

purple gemstone, and threw it towards him while speaking.

"This is a first-class gem, let alone 10 million Bailey. If you take it to the

store, you can sell it for 50 million Bailey. You are very lucky, and I will

give it to you cheaply."

After the pirate took the gem, he looked at it with radiant eyes. He never

thought that he just said it improvised, and he did not expect to get a

gem worth 50 million Bailey.

"Okay, it's time to tell me where Shanks is." Su Yang said flatly.

At the same time, the gem in the man's hand had not yet warmed up, and

was immediately snatched by another person, and he was the captain of

this group, Yilifu, currently offering a bounty of 390 million Bailey.

Yilifu lifted the gem, and after examining it carefully, he revealed a

satisfied smile.

"This is indeed a fine gem."

After saying that, he put the gemstone directly in his pocket, then looked

at Su Yang and said with a wanton smile.

"We told you just now that we are not good people, but pirates, but... do

you know what pirates do? Stupid guy."

After listening to Yilifu's words, Su Yang understood, and he just grabbed


"Now, hand over your other valuables, I can spare your life." Yilifu

continued to shout at Su Yang.

The look on Su Yang's face didn't change too much. He sighed softly and

said calmly, "It's really bad luck."


Yilifu did not know when he had drawn out his pistol, loaded it, and

pointed it at Su Yang.

"You bastard, say it again, I guarantee the bullet will leave a nice mark

on your skull."

"Okay, my interest is gone, you all go to hell!"

Su Yang's voice was strong.

With a 'bang', the bullet was shot directly from the muzzle and directly

on Su Yang's forehead.

However, the moment the bullet touches the skin, the bullet hits the steel

and bounces instantly.

Seeing this scene, Iliff paused, followed by frowning: "Armament Haki?

No...No, I didn't feel it at all, but...if it wasn't Armament Haki, what is


Just as Yilifu hesitated for a while, he suddenly shouted, pulling him

back from his fantasy.

"Captain Yilifu, that kid has come up."

Yilifu was stunned for a moment, and his eyes glanced around, only to

find that Su Yang had appeared on his side.

"To be honest, I'm also a pirate. I originally just wanted to communicate

with you in the way of a businessman, but you have to use the way of a

pirate. If this is the case, there is no way, I can only fulfill you. That's it."

Su Yang approached Yilifu step by step.

And Yilifu is not afraid, after all, he is more or less confident in his own


"Then let me see how powerful you are."

Having said that, Yilifu's hands instantly covered Armament Haki, and

then he stepped forward and threw a punch.

Su Yang didn't choose the drag-and-drop fighting style, but planned to

fight quickly.


The two fists collided, and there was a sudden airflow around them.

However, obviously, although Su Yang did not use Armament Haki, the

impact force is far better than Yilifu.

Within a few seconds of the collision, Yilif was directly thrown out by the

impact bomb.

"I thought the guy with Haki could do a few tricks, but, I didn't expect

you to be just a balloon that burst when you poke it."

After saying that, Su Yang waved his hand, and countless tree roots burst

out on the floor, attacking everyone on the boat.

After a while, most of the people on the boat were surrounded by tree

roots and could not move.

"Demon fruit power? A guy who only relies on Devil Fruit's ability, no

matter how strong he is, he doesn't deserve to be called a strong man."

Yilifu laughed grimly.

And Su Yang didn't even bother with him, he ran along these tree roots,

and finally jumped up, waving his fists, and punched Yilifu directly.

Iliff didn't sit still either, with Armament Haki covering and then


However, he still underestimated the power of Su Yang's punch.


The floor Yilifu stepped on collapsed instantly, and the surrounding ship

deck was torn apart. Finally, with a pop, his body fell heavily into the

interior of the ship.

"Look at me, I don't need Devil Fruit ability, I guess I can be considered a

strong man."

Su Yang looked down at the big hole he made, and said solemnly.

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44 Redhead Shanks and Su Yang

(for flowers)

"Captain Elef!!!"

Those who were entangled by the roots of the tree and couldn't move

shouted after seeing this scene again.

Su Yang was not in a hurry to execute these people, and slowly waved his


In the next second, the huge tree root slowly pulled Yilifu's body up. At

this time, Yilifu's eyes rolled white and he passed out.

And Su Yang took back the gem from Yilifu's body, but this gem was

already stained with his blood.

"It's a pity for this fine gem."

Su Yang pouted and shook his head, and after sighing lightly, he threw

the gem into the sea, and his eyes followed on the others.

"I'll give you a chance, tell me, where is Shanks." Su Yang pointed at the

man with a pair of sunglasses on his forehead.

And the man panicked immediately, because he didn't know Shanks'

whereabouts, he was just joking.

However, I didn't expect that just a word of hilarity could bring a fatal

disaster to myself.

"Forgive me, I apologize to you, I shouldn't covet your treasure." The man

hurriedly begged for mercy.

However, Su Yang was unmoved, his eyes gradually released killing


"What I want....is where Shanks is."

"I... I don't know. I'm just a little pirate who has just arrived on this island

with a bounty of over 100 million. How can I know where the Four

Emperors Shanks are?"

"I am very satisfied with your answer."

Su Yang said in a deep voice, and in the next second, he waved his hand,

and the tree roots wrapped around his body tightened instantly, directly

strangling it, and the blood flowed down the tree roots and flowed onto

the boat.

Su Yang glanced at the rest, and didn't bother to ask, or even to kill, it

was a complete waste of time.

"Don't...don't kill me, if you want money, I know where it is."

"Me too... I also know that as long as you don't kill me, you can let me do


"You bastards, come out to mix, die... one day I will die, but even if I die,

I will never bow to anyone." At this time, another bald man said:


In the next second, not only Su Yang, but also his trapped companions all

looked over.

"Forget it, it seems that killing them will not waste any time."

Su Yang sighed lightly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone around him exploded, looking

at him with extremely disgusting eyes, as if they all wanted to eat him in

one bite.

"Fuck you, uncle, don't drag us if you're going to die."

"Bastard, Laozi went out to sea for so long without getting anything, and

will be killed by you bastard."

Su Yang waved them all down, then sat on top of the boat guardrail, with

his hands folded on his chest, as if he were watching a play.

As Su Yang expected, as soon as he put it down, all the people attacked

the other person.

However, at this moment, a violent explosion suddenly sounded in the


The movements in everyone's hands stopped, and they all looked in the

direction of the sound.

Due to the shelter of the forest, they couldn't see anything, and all they

could see was thick black smoke rising into the sky.

"Should this direction be..."

Su Yang murmured, and didn't stay here too much. He jumped directly,

landed on the ground, and then rushed towards the direction of the


Their eyes were sent to Su Yang's back, and they breathed a sigh of relief

until they disappeared.

"Damn it, I'm also a cadre anyway, so you guys are doing this to me." The

beaten man got up and roared angrily.

It would be fine if he didn't speak, but as soon as he spoke, they were

blown away.

"Damn guy, I was almost killed by you, you are too embarrassed to say

here, brothers, fuck him."


In less than five minutes, Su Yang successfully reached the area where

the explosion had just occurred.

What caught his eye was a tavern that had been burned down for more

than half, and in front of the tavern, there were probably dozens of

people lying all over the place.

In the distance, there were still some citizens watching carefully.

Sure enough, no matter in Su Yang's former world or in this world, there

will always be people who are not afraid of death in order to watch the


Taking a quick glance, Su Yang saw a familiar figure, and he...is Diablo.

He is now stepping on a burly man under his feet, holding a bottle of fine

wine in his hand.


Su Yang shouted.

Hearing the sound, Diablo also turned his head to look, and when he saw

Su Yang, he let out a long-lost smile.

"Su Yang? You came just in time. I'm very lucky. I found the place called

red hair."

Hearing Diablo say this, Su Yang swallowed the words he wanted to ask

him what he was doing, and then asked, "Where?"

Before Diablo could answer, the burly man who was stepping on his feet

spoke up.

"Don't worry, the red-haired Shanks will arrive soon, and then you will

know what the consequences of making trouble in a Four Emperors

territory will be."

Hearing this, Su Yang paused, followed with a smile and greeted him:

"Thank you very much, we spent a lot of time looking for it, come come,

Diablo, it's not easy. What are we doing with our feet open, how can we

do this to someone who helps us?"

After listening to Su Yang's words, Diablo let go of his feet, and upon

seeing this, the burly man turned over immediately, and then retreated to

a distance he thought was safe.

"You wait to pay the price."

After all, the burly man just rolled and crawled out of here.

Diablo was about to chase, but Su Yang reached out and stopped him.

"No need, didn't you hear what he said, the redhead will arrive later, we

just wait here."

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45 Shanks: I've long

wanted to meet you (for flowers)

At the same time, New World, a certain sea area.

"Boss, it's just a little kid who doesn't know how high the sky is, so let's

not let us do it ourselves." Laki Lu complained while eating the meat.

Diablo was not the first to indicate that he was looking for the Four

Emperors. There had been such cases before, but Shanks simply ignored


This time, Shanks actually came out in person, which made Laki Lu very


"Boss, I feel the same way, aren't we giving too much face to those little

bastards?" Another crew member also said.

Shanks was drinking wine leisurely by the side, as if he hadn't heard at


Benn Beckman couldn't stand it anymore, so he stood up and said calmly:

"You guys think too much, do you really think the boss is going to see

them? He just went to buy wine because there was no wine on board. "

"You all know the reason. Having been to so many places, the boss has

always felt that the wine in the tavern on that island is more fragrant."

After Benn Beckman said this, Laki Lu reacted.

"Hahahaha, I just said that the boss would have the spare time to take

care of those little devils."

Of course, now Shanks and the others... don't know, the so-called 'little

devils' in their mouths are the seventeenth division of the Whitebeard



Time unknowingly, almost an hour has passed.

Ace Kano's materials have been collected, and he and Uchiha Madara

have both come to Su Yang.

They spread a few large pieces of cloth on the ground, drinking the wine

rescued by the tavern, and chatting leisurely.

Of course, there are always onlookers around, but they are a bit far from

Su Yang.

"It's been almost an hour, that guy must have deceived us."

As time passed, Diablo's face became a little dignified. After all, if he was

really deceived, he would definitely be ridiculed by Uchiha Madara.

Regarding Diablo's words, Su Yang didn't dare to give too many

guarantees, maybe it was really possible.

After Su Yang thought about it carefully, he found that his thinking was

too simplistic. Even if someone really came to the red-haired site to make

trouble, the red-haired would not necessarily come to deal with it in



Su Yang stroked his forehead lightly, and he didn't even think about it

when he heard the burly man in front of him saying that the red-haired

man was too excited to come over.

"Maybe...it's really possible that we're going to be deceived."


Ace Kano laughed aside, and then joked: "You said, will there be a case

tomorrow, the people of the 17th division are being played around by a

kid on a certain island."

"This Su Yang has nothing to do, it's my carelessness."

Diablo said in a deep voice, although he would be more or less ridiculed

by Uchiha Madara, he was more reluctant to slander Su Yang's


"Forget it, whether they come or not, let's stay here for one night, and

we'll go to another island tomorrow to see." Su Yang said slowly.

Everyone nodded, not continuing the topic, but chatting about the world

between them.

About ten minutes later, a loud noise interrupted their chat.

After a while, the crowd gave way, and a group of people led by red hair

walked out of the crowd.

When Su Yang saw the red hair and they came, he was quite surprised.

However, when the red hair saw Su Yang, he paused, and the red hair

was more surprised by comparison.

He never imagined that Su Yang and the others would come to the door

by themselves.

"It's just...that they were making trouble on the island, and I didn't know

that they wanted to see you." The burly man pointed his finger at Su

Yang and his party, and reported the incident to Shanks. .

Originally, he thought that after Shanks listened to it again, he would

definitely shock Su Yang and the others without saying he was angry.

However, to no one's surprise, Shanks laughed.

"Huh? Isn't this the protagonist of the recent topic, everyone from the

Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

As soon as these words came out, the burly man was shocked, looked at

Su Yang and the others in disbelief, and then looked at Shanks beside


"White... Whitebeard Pirates? Are they... from the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Of course, as soon as Shanks' remarks came out, the people around them

reacted greatly.

"The people from the Whitebeard Pirates...It's over, I have a bad feeling."

"I... I also have this hunch. They won't come to fight, right? If so, it's

over. Our town can't stand their toss."

"Don't worry, as long as there are Shanks, I don't think they will do

anything too outrageous."

"Okay, you are all gone, now, let us handle this matter." Shanks said with

a smile to the surrounding crowd.

They were also sensible, and after hearing what Shanks said, they left.

After a while, only Su Yang and the Red Hair Pirates were left nearby.

"It's such a coincidence, I've long wanted to meet, the newly established

Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates." Shanks said to Su Yang

and the others with a smile.

Obviously, what Shanks said directly confused Su Yang and the others.

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46 Madara: Fight with me,

redhead (for flowers)

"Want to see us long ago?"

Perhaps this is an honor for others.

After all, as one of the emperors of the sea, if he wants to meet a

newcomer who has just emerged, naturally he has also been approved by

the emperor of the sea in some respects.

However, Su Yang, on the contrary, did not want to have too much

contact with Shanks.

"Of course, but are you here to fight me?"

Shanks looked directly at Su Yang and asked with a smile on his face.

"I don't like fighting and killing. If you insist on fighting, we can't avoid

it. The reason why we are looking for you is nothing else, mainly because

Whitebeard asked me to give you a word." Su Yang said calmly.


Shanks paused, but, given Whitebeard's character, he probably guessed

that it wouldn't be a good word.

"Anything about Ace?"

"Let's dip a little bit."

"Then tell me."

Su Yang didn't want to stay here for too long, so he didn't make any

detours and said directly.

"Whitebeard said, just let you take care of your own affairs. You'd better

not participate in the affairs of the Whitebeard Pirates."

However, Shanks is exactly the same as the original, with a bold and

generous personality, informality, and a very good temper. After hearing

such ugly words, he burst into laughter.

"Hmm, I guessed the same? How about you? As the captain of the

seventeenth division, what do you think?" Shanks asked Su Yang again.

"I generally don't participate in this kind of thing."

While Su Yang was talking, he had already started to pack up and

prepare to leave. After all, the words had already been conveyed, and

there was no need to stay here any longer.

"Do you understand 'Teach'? It's... the traitor on your ship?" Seeing that

Su Yang was leaving, Shanks stopped talking and went straight to the


"I know what you're trying to say."

"Then you should know that if you don't stop Ace, then things will

become unpredictable, this era will be completely runaway, and your

Whitebeard Pirates will become the victims of the runaway."

The smile on Shanks' face was now gone, replaced by a serious look.

Of course, he didn't say this to Whitebeard so clearly before, because

Shanks knew that if he said that, it would be fine with Whitebeard's

character, and there would be no more words to fight.

"So, what you want to do is the point."

Su Yang's face didn't change much. As a transmigrator, he knew the

ending well, but Shanks was just guessing.

In this wave, Shanks is in the ceiling and Su Yang is in the atmosphere.

"Whitebeard doesn't agree to stop Ace from chasing Teach, I think, let

you stop, or help him, I trust your strength..."

Having said this, Shanks paused, and then said the classic words.

"I hope that here, you can sell me a face."

As soon as these words came out, Su Yang and his party all stood there

without making a sound.

And Benn Beckman, who was standing next to Shanks, stood up and said

with a smile on his face: "We are also doing this for your Whitebeard

Pirates. Well, Whitebeard, he has been standing at the top for a long

time, and it is hard for him to listen, right? Bad news for him."

"So, your Seventeenth Division will become an opportunity. Whether you

want to go to the road of destruction or the road to light, the choice is

ultimately in your hands."

"A lot of things, we can't control, it should come...he will always come,

just sooner or later, I believe...whether it's me or Whitebeard, we're not

afraid , this is my answer." Su Yang said slowly.

Shanks looked at Su Yang's firm eyes, and he knew that it was useless to

say more.

"Unexpectedly, Kabuto Kabuto turns around, or this result, maybe... it's

life." Shanks laughed hahaha.

As soon as he finished speaking, Uchiha Madara, who was standing on

the side, spoke up.

"Hey, redhead, let's fight, I really want to experience the strength of the

emperor at sea."

Shanks didn't have much reaction, but said, "Su Yang, it seems that your

team members are very energetic, if I remember correctly, you should be

the man called 'Madara'. "

Uchiha Madara didn't answer his question, he continued: "You just said if

you want a fight."

Even if Shanks said he didn't want to, Uchiha Madara wouldn't force it.

After all, when he came, Su Yang made it clear.

"The tavern was destroyed by you. It is obviously impossible to drink. As

for the fight, I would never agree to it in the past, but if the opponent is

the Whitebeard Pirates, I am willing to give it a try." Shanks greeted with

a smile. .

"Boss, just let me do it," Benn Beckman said.

"No need, let me come this time."

Su Yang's quick agreement for Shanks was beyond Su Yang's

expectations, but Uchiha Madara was the most excited.

He directly picked up the scythe on his back, jumped up, and slashed

towards Shanks.

"Come on then!!!"

Although the sudden blow of Uchiha Madara was beyond Shanks'

expectations, he immediately pulled out the Western sword hanging from

his waist for defense.


The sickle slashed heavily on the hilt of the Western sword, and the sharp

edge of the sickle was only a few centimeters away from Shanks' face.

"You are really in a hurry, but this place can't stand our tossing, let's

change place." Shanks said slowly.

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47 Whole body Susanoo ginseng

(for flowers)

Uchiha Madara is naturally not in a hurry at this time, and, he knows

well, the battle that can make him sweat, this town naturally cannot


After the decision, Su Yang and his party followed the red-haired group

to the other side of the island.

In the area over there, there are dense forests, wild beasts, and above the

town, about 40 percent of the meat comes from there, 40 percent comes

from domestic sources, and the remaining 20 comes from outside.

"Hey hey hey, why don't we get some tints."

On the way, Laki Lu suddenly said this.

"What kind of color head."

Yasopp took a few steps faster with his sniper rifle, walking side by side

with Lackey Road.

"Let's bet that our boss can defeat that young man named Madara with

just a few moves." Raki Lu had a naive smile on his face.

"Che, who can say this? If he is weak, he can't take a single move.

However, that kid named Madara, I look quite strong, and should be able

to pass a few moves." Yasopp shrugged. .

"1 million Bailey, I bet ten moves or something, and the boss will defeat

the one called Madara. Of course, if the boss is serious, then it will be 20

moves and so on."

"Who do you look down on? Our leader is the Four Emperors. We still

need so many moves against a team member. I bet that the result will be

within five moves, and the bet is 300 Bailey."

"I bought it and left, but I didn't bring a notebook. I hope everyone

remembers to pay me honestly if they lose."

Listening to the chatter of Laki Lu and his group, Benn Beckman turned

his head and ordered.

"It's okay to play, but keep your voice down. You can't hurt the self-

esteem of those young people."

"Okay okay, we got it."

Although the two groups followed at a distance, they whispered, Su Yang

and the others stopped in their ears.

However, there was no response, and there was even no turbulence in his


Before long, they came to a vast wasteland.

Uchiha Madara was about ten meters away from Shanks, standing face to


As for the others, they were divided into two groups and stood in

different places to watch the battle.


Shanks drew out the Western sword hanging from his waist again, and

said to Uchiha Madara in front of him.

"Come on, young man, use all your strength and challenge me."

The corner of Uchiha Madara's mouth raised slightly, and his heart

became more and more excited. He wanted to see what the strength of

these so-called sea emperors was.

Uchiha Madara ran fast with the scythe in his hand, and when he reached

a certain distance, he jumped up.


As Uchiha Madara approached, Shanks covered his Western sword with

armament colors, defending as before.


As the scythe and the western sword collided again, the reaction this time

was far better than before.

A strong airflow followed, and the ground on which Shanks was stepping

continued to crack and collapse, and even the surrounding trees directly

bent down.

Such a blow surprised Shanks.

"It looks very young, but I didn't expect it to have such power."

"Fire Style, the fire is extinguished."

As soon as the voice fell, Uchiha Madara moved quickly, and while

putting away the scythe, he made a mark on his hands, and then sprayed


A mass of golden flames swallowed him instantly.

The surrounding forest instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The people watching from both sides resisted the rushing flames.

"This...Isn't this the ability of Mera-mera Fruit? Why, that guy called

Madara can also use it." While resisting, Raki Lu was the first to speak,

and his face appeared An unbelievable look came out.

"It seems that I'm not the only one who thinks this way. What's going on

here, and looking at the damage of the flames, it doesn't seem to be

worse than Ace's." Yasopp was also confused, and he couldn't understand,

Ace Why is the ability in this young man named Madara.

"Could it be that Ace has already..."

Before one of the crew members finished speaking, Benn Beckman tapped

him on the head, and then said lightly: "Don't think about it, it's probably

just similar, but according to this, don't forget to treat your guests

tonight, Laki Lu. already."


At the scene of the battle, after Uchiha Madara released the fire to

extinguish it, the two rolled over and fell to the ground.


Dozens of sword blades cut the flame directly, Shanks' speed was very

fast, and he escaped from the sea of ​​fire in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared above Uchiha Madara in an instant,

and he had already swung his sword down.

However, just as Uchiha Madara turned around, what most people didn't

notice was that his eyes had changed, from ordinary eyes to Sharingan,

and then from Sharingan to Eternal Mangekyō.

Although the process seems to take a long time, in fact, it only took less

than half a second.

"The winner is decided."

Shanks' words just fell.

A skeleton-shaped thing instantly enveloped Uchiha Madara, apparently,

this is Susanoo of the Uchiha clan.

"Bang" sound.

A huge sound resounded in all directions.


Fissures started to appear in Susanoo, and the fissures were spreading at

an extremely fast rate.

Shanks was still stunned for this sudden appearance.

"This...what? Isn't your Devil Fruit ability fire? Why...?"

Uchiha Madara did not reply to his words, but grinned: "The strong

should not hide their strength. Now, let's show you the real Susanoo."

Following Uchiha Madara's words, the crack that appeared on Susanoo

just now was basically repaired in an instant.

Just arrived at this scene, Shanks found something wrong, landed

quickly, and retreated to safety.

On the ground where Uchiha Madara was standing just now, there was a

huge amount of smoke and dust, and the ground shook accordingly.

A huge blue giant rose from the ground.

...................................................... ......................................................

The new month is here, if you have flowers or a monthly pass, you can

vote for the author, please. *

48 You say it's useless,

maybe as fragile as a bubble?

However, before it was over, Susanoo's appearance changed again, a

tengu mask appeared on his face, wings grew from the back, and he held

a long sword in his hand.

And this...is the real Susanoo for short....full body Susanoo.

Susanoo was like a god descending from the earth, and the powerful

sense of coercion attacked the surrounding area, and even the citizens of

the other town were affected.


A gust of breeze blew past the Buddha, and the smoke and dust also

receded, as if torn off a veil, allowing Susanoo's appearance to be

displayed in everyone's field of vision.

There is no doubt that the appearance of the complete Susanoo made the

Red Hair Pirates group stunned in place, raising their heads and staring

with wide eyes.

"This....what is this????"

Laki Lu's body seemed to be fixed at the moment, and dense beads of

sweat were secreted on his forehead.

"No...I don't know, but, I have a very bad feeling."

While Yasopp responded in a low voice, his eyes were on Su Yang and

the others on the other side, but when he saw that Su Yang and his group

didn't respond, his brows were wrinkled, and he seemed to be even more


"I really didn't expect that the guy looked at a young age, but he didn't

expect to have such power."

Benn Beckman also spoke calmly, but there was one thing he was curious

about, how could someone with such power still be the captain of the

Whitebeard Pirates?

Instead, became a member of the Seventeenth Division?

When he was in doubt, Benn Beckman dropped his original prejudice and

looked at Su Yang's group again.

First of all, his eyes fell on Ace Kano, and the powerful muscles made his

eyes flash.

'Is it an illusion? Why... I feel that his body has become stronger than

before, and even the breath from his body feels different. ’

After a murmur, Benn Beckman continued to look at Su Yang and Diablo,

and finally he came to a conclusion.

That's... The Seventeenth Division of Whitebeard are all monsters.

"What a big giant, to what extent does Devil Fruit need to be developed

before it can show what it looks like now."

"Don't be stupid, this is not his Devil Fruit ability at all, his Devil Fruit

ability is a flame that is very similar to Ace."

"But if this isn't the Devil Fruit ability, what is it?"

When everyone heard it, they fell silent. Yes, although they Red Hair

Pirates are a group of people who have seen strong winds and waves, this

is the first time they have seen such a strange situation.

"The boss doesn't know if he can handle this big guy."

"Just kidding, who is our leader? Our leader is the Four Emperors. If that

guy beats the leader, the Four Emperors will take him."

"I think so too. Actually, this giant looks a little scary. As for what it

actually is, I don't know. Maybe it's as fragile as a bubble."

As members of the Red Hair Pirates, they were indeed shocked that

Uchiha Madara could use this power, but....even so, they didn't think that

Uchiha Madara had the power to defeat Shanks.

At the same time, Shanks, facing Uchiha Madara's full body Susanoo,

leaked a strange look.

"It seems that I'm going to be serious about a young man. Your strength

really shocked me too much, but, do you want to come to my boat?"

At this moment, Shanks was standing on top of a huge tree, and he

looked at Uchiha Madara who was standing in his forehead and asked.

Facing Shanks' words, Uchiha Madara didn't answer. He fought Shanks

not for fame, but simply to get rid of boredom.

"Go ahead, redhead!"

Uchiha Madara laughed grimly.

At the same time, Susanohana slowly started to move.

The huge arm grabbed the handle of the knife and slowly pulled it out.

The lightning flashing from the blade kept whipping the ground.


Shanks' powerful Armament Haki wrapped the Western Sword, and the

next second, he jumped up and attacked directly towards Uchiha Madara

wrapped around Susanoo's forehead.

And Uchiha Madara controlled Susanoo with a horizontal slash towards


The huge light blade was released from the long sword. Shanks wanted to

take the blow, but...his intuition dispelled his idea of ​​taking it.

Using the airflow to change his own trajectory, the huge blade of light

brushed past his body, and he was also deflected by the airflow generated

by the huge blade of light, constantly flying backwards until he landed.

Where the blade of light passed, cracks appeared in the rock, and the tree

bowed down.

Until a long distance, the light blade hit the mountainside.

"Boom......" sound.

What surprised everyone at Red Hair Pirates was this.

They originally thought that the light blade would only cause a large

explosion after hitting the middle of the mountain.

Unexpectedly, the mountains are like tofu, directly cut in half.

"One knife...cut such a huge mountain in half????"

Laki Lu's expression suddenly became extremely ugly, and more, he still

couldn't believe it, but an ordinary blow cut such a huge mountain in


"Just now... Who was saying that he was as fragile as a bubble?"

"The power is too strong, but I think there are advantages and

disadvantages. Summoning such a huge giant will definitely take a lot of

physical energy."

For their talk, Benn Beckman expressed his opinion.

"Perhaps normally, it is exactly as you analyzed, but the opponent is the

seventeenth division of the Whitebeard Pirates. The people from this

division give me a feeling that it is too weird."

...................................................... ......................................................

The update is late. If you have flowers or a monthly pass, you can vote

for the author, please. *

49 Shocked redhead gang

(begging for flowers)

"Like...that man named Madara used fire ability before, but what he uses

now has nothing to do with fire at all."

For Benn Beckman's words, other members also agree very much.

"Yes, yes, I said the weirdness of this before, I don't know how they did


"Although the number of Whitebeard's seventeenth division is currently

only four, I have a feeling that he is better than any division in the

Whitebeard Pirates."

After Benn Beckman's words fell, they began to discuss.

Everyone is guessing that the strength of the other players, only Benn

Beckman's eyes are always fixed on Su Yang.

"Perhaps I think that the most dangerous existence in the seventeenth

division should belong to their captain 'Su Yang'."

When Benn Beckman said this, everyone else's eyes were on him.

"Don't you see it? We've had a lot of dealings with Whitebeard, and

everyone knows it."

"And it's because of this... We know that in this seventeenth division, it is

not from the other divisions, but everyone is a brand new face."

"The 17th Division was established not long ago, but it has already

recruited three beast-like guys. More importantly, they are all willing to

stay under Su Yang's command and become a team member."

Hearing what Benn Beckman said, everyone suddenly realized.

"Indeed, there is nothing special about it, how can you submit to such a



Looking at the mountain that had been split in two, Shanks raised his

brows rarely.

"Sure enough, my intuition is very sensitive, which makes me excited."

There are not many people who can interest him, and now Uchiha

Madara is one.

At this time, Uchiha Madara had already controlled Susanoo again and

started swinging.

Shanks immediately held the Western sword in his hand, yes, he wanted

to fight Susanoo head-on.


Shanks Conqueror's Haki wrapped around the Western sword as the huge

light blade slashed, then lowered his body and began to swing the long

sword with force.


When the Western Sword and the Light Knife were at a certain distance,

they suddenly stopped approaching, and an energy ball appeared out of

thin air between them.

A strong airflow followed.

The airflow is like a ferocious beast, it opens its huge mouth and devours

everything around it.

The power of the confrontation this time is far greater than when they

first started.

The earth cracked, giant trees were uprooted, and the cumulus clouds

above the sky were directly washed away.

The ground on which Shanks was standing was already unsightly, as far

as the ground he stepped on was fine, there was already a huge deep pit

around him.

"As expected of the emperor of the sea, you can actually catch the power

of the perfect body. In terms of body arts, except for the guy named

Might Guy, you are one of the few that surprised me."

Uchiha Madara stood on Susanoo's forehead, looked at Shanks below and

laughed wildly.

But seeing his hands clasped together, Susanoo unleashed all his strength.

And Shanks stepped on the only little bit of ground left and couldn't bear

the impact at all, and collapsed directly.

The result was obvious, and it was directly pressed into the pit by Uchiha

Madara's light knife.


Huge plumes of smoke came from the sky.


Laki Lu shouted in the direction of Shanks, and now, his heart is

extremely complicated.

Because, the legendary emperor of the sea was forced to such an

incredible level by someone in the Whitebeard Pirates who was not even

a captain.

(Note: Not being driven to a dead end, but being forced to use Shanks'

real power.)

"It's incredible, that kid named Madara, who is only one of Whitebeard's

team members, can make the boss take this seriously."

"I didn't expect that the seventeenth division gave us so many surprises."

"It's no wonder... The Jack in Beasts Pirates directly destroyed the ship,

and ended up with an unknown life and death. In the face of such an

enemy, who can stand it."

"With such a group of monsters around, it seems that this sea is going to

transmit the word Whitebeard, which is loud enough."

...................................................... ......................................................


The update is late. If you have flowers or a monthly pass, you can vote

for the author, please. *

50 Get Summoning Fragments

again (for flowers)

Compared to the shock on the Red Hair Pirates side, Su Yang's side

seemed a little out of place.

They keep ranting about Uchiha Madara's hi-hi, regardless of what's


However, it is true that there has not been a long battle, and the

surrounding is already riddled with holes, and even the town on the

other side has been affected.

According to this kind of battle, the island can't support it at all. It won't

be long before it will be torn apart, and even sink to the bottom of the


"Do I need to call a stop?"

At this moment, Diablo who was beside him asked.

Su Yang shook his head and said gently, "No need, let him make trouble."

However, just as Su Yang's words fell, suddenly, the familiar system

prompt sounded in his ears.

[Ding... Detect nearby summon fragments! 】

Hearing this, Su Yang was stunned for a moment, and his mood suddenly


It's been a while since I came to the red hair side, and Su Yang didn't look

forward to it after so long.

However, I never imagined that at this time, I would receive a system

prompt again.

‘Sure enough, this trip was not in vain! ! ! ’

Su Yang murmured inwardly.

His eyes began to scan the surroundings for the Summoning Fragment,

but at one glance they met Benn Beckman's.

Seeing Su Yang looking at him, Benn Beckman smiled politely at Su


However, it gave Su Yang a chill down his back, and he always felt like

Benn Beckman was thinking something bad.

Su Yang also smiled politely, and quickly looked elsewhere.

Soon in the billowing smoke, he found a spot of light.

"That place... was Shanks dropped?" Su Yang muttered, then stood up


Diablo, who was on the side, saw Su Yang's actions, and asked aloud,

"What... what's wrong?"

"No, I just suddenly felt that what you said was quite right." Su Yang

smiled and responded.

"Then let me stop him."

"No need, I'll just go by myself."


With the passage of time, most of the smoke and dust gradually


A huge deep pit appeared in Uchiha Madara's field of vision.


Shanks rushed out of the big hole, Uchiha Madara's blow did not cause

any damage to him, but only consumed a little of Shanks' stamina.

"It seems to be getting more and more excited. Sure enough, this trip was

worth it."

After muttering, Uchiha Madara looked down at the Shanks below

Susanoo and shouted, "Go on!!!"

However, what Shanks did next caught Uchiha Madara by surprise. He

slowly put the Western sword back into the scabbard, then raised his

head and said with a serious face.

"Today...that's it, if it goes down, the town will be affected. This is my

place, and I don't want to see it turn into ruins."


Uchiha Madara paused, obviously not happy.

After all, yes, my pants are off, what are you talking about?

"Who cares!"

I saw Uchiha Madara put his hands together, ready to attack again.

Seeing this scene, Shanks' heart became a little complicated. He was not

afraid, but he couldn't bear to turn his place into ruins.

However, just when Shanks was about to say something, a voice came


"Madara, according to what he said, that's it for today. If we continue to

fight, it will affect the town at light, and the island will be torn apart at


Uchiha Madara heard the sound and looked over. When he saw that it

was Su Yang, he put down his hand and followed, Susanoo also


"Forget it, it's boring, this kind of feeling, it's better not to fight."

Uchiha Madara spoke gently, walking towards Diablo's side.

"If today was on a deserted island, I would definitely have a good fight

with you." Shanks raised his voice and said towards Uchiha Madara.

However, Uchiha Madara glanced back, but ignored him and continued

walking, while Su Yang came to Shanks' side.

"Let's not say anything else, Su Yang, your team members are very


Of course, this is not Shanks's polite words, but from his own heart.


Su Yang nodded calmly, then jumped into the deep pit.

As for Shanks, he glanced at the big pit, not knowing what Su Yang was

going to do.

At this time, Shanks' crew also came to his side.

He also took a look inside the big pit, and finally someone asked.

"Did you drop anything? Boss?"

Shanks shook his head. He usually doesn't have anything on him, just a

Western sword hanging from his waist.

"Then why is that boy Su Yang going down?"

Shanks still shook his head.

"However, boss, you're too rude to be made like this by a young man,

hahahaha..." Yasopp said with a smile.

As this laughter sounded, the other crew members also laughed hahaha.

Facing the ridicule of his crew, Shanks didn't care at all, but in the end he

couldn't hold back and laughed along with him.

As for Su Yang, after falling into the deep pit, he quickly found the

summoning shard.

【Ding......Congratulations to Host for getting Summon Fragment X1】

Hearing the system prompt, Su Yang let out a satisfied smile.

Finally, jumped up and jumped up.

"If Whitebeard asked me to pass it on, I've passed it on, redhead, we're

taking our leave."

After Su Yang left those words, he stepped in the direction of Diablo.

"Su Yang, I still hope you can listen to my opinion, otherwise...... things

will become unstoppable." Shanks looked at Su Yang's back, and did not

forget to ask.

...................................................... ......................................................


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