Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: 2


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The birth of the savior gradually dissipated the black fog shrouding the

sky in London, and the famous Dark Lord actually lost to a baby.

The Ministry of Magic also began to enjoy the fruits of victory. Pure-

blood families escaped trial in the name of being under the Imperius

Curse, but they still paid a heavy price.

The Black family has been a pureblood for thousands of years, but there

is only one Sirius left in Azkaban.

At the trial meeting of the Ministry of Magic, he attempted to take over

the Black legacy in the name of the Black family having no heir.

"Who said I have no one in the Black family?"

Cottrell Black was born, and the third son of the Black family returned

from abroad.

Cole said that as long as I am here, the Black family will not die.

Blake's glory will once again shine in the wizarding world.

Chapter 41 Fun Facts In The Box

There was a knock on the door, and under the signal from Martin's eyes,

Ben reluctantly opened the box door.

"Ben, you are all here. This is Goyle and Crabbe."

Draco introduced his two followers and walked into the box. Draco was

stunned when he saw the scene in the box.

Goyle and Crabbe were tall, and of course they saw what Draco saw in

his eyes. The two fat men were trembling with fear.

"Draco, you came quite early. Please sit down." Martin greeted warmly.

Seeing that the three people did not dare to move, Martin put his snake

back into the suitcase.

"Don't be afraid. They are pets given to us by our mother. They won't

bite. Ben, Darlene, and Alice, take them back."

Martin reminded a few people that as for Jerome's snake, there was no

need to worry at all, as it was unwilling to move.

Ben closed the box door, walked over to Draco and put his arm on his


"Cousin, I didn't expect you to be so timid. Just now you said you wanted

to raise a dragon."

"Tch, who is scared? I just didn't realize that Aunt Meira would agree to

you keeping such a pet."

Draco was not convinced and walked up to sit on the sofa.

Goyle and Crabbe stood behind Draco, but there were no seats for them


Martin smiled. Of course he knew Draco's courage, but he just kept silent

to save face for his cousin.

A lot of snacks appeared on the table, including Bibi multi-flavor beans,

chocolate frogs, sour lollipops,,,,

Draco picked up a bean and threw it into his mouth, frowning slightly.

"It's peppery and tastes really bad."

Goyle and Crabbe stared at the snacks on the table, but they did not dare

to move without Martin's words.

"You are welcome."

After Martin said this, the two of them immediately picked up the snacks

on the table and stuffed them into their mouths, leaving Draco speechless

for a while.

Just these two followers, Draco didn't say anything.

After sitting for a while, the train started to "eat like crazy" and the

scenery outside the window began to change. The green mountains and

green waters were pleasing to the eye.

Draco kept saying that he would definitely go to Slytherin, and that if he

didn't go to Slytherin, he would definitely be beaten by his father.

Only Martin listened quietly to Draco, while Jerome and the others were

all playing their own games.

"Do you remember the big guy that day? He was really a rude guy, and

we didn't do anything."

Then Draco thought of Harry Potter. Speaking of which, Draco had been

listening to Harry's stories since he was a child. For them, Harry's identity

was still very curious.

"Maybe he is not the same type of person as us."

Unlike Draco, Martin knew Harry's identity. From the few words spoken

by his father and mother, Martin could guess a little bit.

Draco looked at Martin in confusion and said, "The Potter family is also

pure blood. Of course they are the same type of people as us. Why do you

say that, Martin?"

Martin didn't explain. Anyway, he knew Draco might be disappointed.

Martin and Draco already knew how Hogwarts was sorted, but of course

this was not what Cole and Lucius told them.

This can be regarded as a prank played by wizard parents on their

children. The originally simple sorting ceremony was turned into a duel

with a dragon or facing a troll.

Countless first grade wizards are too scared to go to school.

Of course, after experiencing it, you know that this is just a prank, and

they have a tacit understanding not to tell their younger siblings. After

all, they still want others to experience the feeling of fear.

As for how Martin and Draco knew, it was all because Draco was afraid

and came to ask Martin.

Martin didn't know, and didn't want to ask Cole. He walked around

Knockturn Alley and got the answer.

Just kidding, turn over the alleys and streets to find out who the father is.

Martin's behavior confused the wizard who was attacked. He originally

thought that he was going to die, but in the end he was still able to

receive ten gold galleons in compensation.

As for the mental damages that Master Martin mentioned, the wizard

who was attacked didn't understand what mental damages were. He only

knew that he could get money for being beaten.

This also led to a wizard appearing in Knockturn Alley, deliberately

bumping into people while walking on the road.

You must know that the dark wizards are not doing good things in

Knockturn Alley. According to their temper, not sending Avada is enough

to give them face.

That is to say, the Black family's wizard patrol team is here. These

wizards dare not take action, so they can only lose money and avoid

disaster, and spend a few gold galleons to let the wizard go.

The wizard who had tasted the sweetness seemed to have found his own

way to make a fortune, and he worked even harder. He felt itchy all over

without lying on the ground more than ten times a day.

Of course, dozens of wizard victims were not vegetarians. On a dark and

windy night, several dark wizards held troll sticks and directly knocked

the wizard unconscious and took him out of Knockturn Alley.

From then on, there was no such person in the wizarding world, and the

legendary figure of Knockturn Alley disappeared.

At this time, Martin was sitting on the sofa, not knowing that he almost

gave birth to a new profession in the wizarding world.

Martin just watched Draco brag here, saying what he would do when he

got to Hogwarts.

Speaking of Slytherin prefects, there are no prefects for first-year wizards,

but Slytherins are different. They naturally pursue power.

There will also be shadow prefects in the first grade, and of course there

will be competition.

Draco expressed his firm support for Martin to become the prefect. He

would not accept anyone except Martin. Even if Dumbledore became the

prefect, he would not accept it. The main thing is his dissatisfaction.

This is why Draco has suffered too much at the hands of Martin over the

years. Martin looks friendly and harmless.

Only those who know him well know that Martin is a typical aristocratic

heir. When his own interests are touched, Martin will never show mercy.

Not to mention the aristocratic carriage, in the ordinary carriage of the

Hogwarts Express, Harry, who was wearing round glasses, also made new


A child with red hair and a dirty face, wearing old clothes, holding a

sandwich wrapped in a paper bag, looked at Harry and the snacks on the

table with a little embarrassment.

"You're welcome, can I try your sandwich?"

To avoid embarrassment, Harry tasted Ronald Weasley's sandwich in a

friendly manner, and Ronald seemed to turn on a switch.

He picked up the snacks on the table and started to eat them. In the past,

he could not eat so many snacks.

Mrs. Weasley was not going to waste her galleons on such useless things.

During this journey, the relationship between the two little guys became

better and better, and Harry also felt that it was right for him to come to

the wizarding world.

Everyone he met was kind to him, and it was so happy to think about his

future life at Hogwarts without having to face Uncle Dursley's family.

Chapter 42: Orthodox Sorting


The train arrived at the station, and under the guidance of the big man

Hagrid, four people were in a boat. Martin had no choice but to join

Draco, Goyle, and Crabbe.

Night shrouded the black lake. Under Hagrid's warning, few young

wizards dared to play in the lake water, especially when there were a few

ripples from time to time.

The little wizard knew that there must be something in the lake.

What ordinary people cannot see, the eyes of several children of the

Black family are different. It is recorded in the history of Hogwarts that

there are fish-men in the Black Lake.

Alice saw a strange-looking thing, ugly yet cute. If the situation didn't

allow it, Alice would like to catch one and play with it.

In this way, the little wizards walked the same path that the four

legendary wizards once walked, and arrived in front of the Hogwarts

Great Hall.

Professor McGonagall waited with a serious face. Hagrid went up to

explain the situation. After speaking, he walked into the auditorium

through the small door on the side.

Although the little wizards came to a strange place, they still whispered


At this time, Harry also saw Martin, Draco and others. They were

acquainted with them from previous experiences, and Draco also saw


"So you are here Potter, no wonder I didn't see you. Come on, stand here

with us."

Draco invited Harry to join his team.

Before Harry could say anything, a sneer sounded next to him.

Draco immediately stared at Ronald. Seeing Ronald's red hair and old

robes, Draco knew that the person laughing at him was a member of the

Weasley family.

"No wonder he is so rude. It turns out to be Weasley. His red hair and ill-

fitting robe have almost become Weasley's trademark."

Harry looked at the two of them awkwardly. Although he also thought it

was inexplicable for Ronald to laugh at Draco just now, he still said a few

words for Ronald.

"Draco, I'm sorry, he wasn't laughing at you, Ronald just thought of

something funny."

In front of Martin and Harry, Draco certainly had to show his

magnanimity and did not continue to taunt them.

But when Ronald saw Harry explaining for him, he didn't appreciate it.

Instead, his face turned red, thinking that he had lost face in front of


"Malfoy is not a good person, Harry. His family is full of dark wizards."

Ronald's words attracted the attention of those around him. After all, in

the young wizard's world view, dark wizards are all bad people.

Malfoy was also angry at this time, obviously he was ready to let this

lowly Weasley go.

"Potter, you have to know that some wizards are always superior to

others. Don't associate with these lowly wizards. Weasley can hardly

afford to eat, so he still cares about other people's families?"

Malfoy's words not only stung Ronald, but also made Harry

uncomfortable. After all, although he was from the Potter family, Harry

had never lived a day like a young master.

Malfoy's words made Harry feel a little hard to accept, thinking of

everything he had experienced at the Dursleys.

Coupled with what Ronald told him about the wizarding world on the

express train, Harry also understood that his parents died at the hands of

a mysterious man.

Death Eaters are all dark wizards.

A surge of anger rose in Harry's heart.

"I think I know how to pick my friends."

After Harry finished speaking, he looked at Draco blankly. Draco did not

expect that Harry would reject him like this.

Ronald heard Harry's words, as if he had won a victory, and looked at

Malfoy with arrogant and provocative eyes.

However, Ronald's expression looked really unwise to Hermione next to

her. After all, Ronald had already embarrassed others when he performed

the spell on the train just now.

Just when Draco was about to step forward to teach Ronald a lesson, a

hand was put on Draco's shoulder.

"It's time for you to enter the auditorium."

Professor McGonagall's voice sounded, stopping the fight.

Draco adjusted his robes unwillingly. After all, the following ceremony

was also very important.

Ronald whispered in Harry's ear, "Looking at him, he might also be a

dark wizard in the future. Harry, you have to be careful, the Malfoy

family is very bad."

When Harry heard Ronald belittling Draco, he calmed down instantly and

regretted what he just said.

After all, Draco was very kind to him when he was in Diagon Alley and

protected him. When he met Mr. Lucius, he felt that Mr. Lucius had no ill

intentions toward him.

Draco was just a little arrogant.

The little wizards were adjusting their clothes, and Martin was thinking

about what had just happened. According to his opinion, Draco did not

provoke Ronald first.

On the contrary, it was Ronald who laughed at Draco first. He could not

accept this the most for a character like Draco.

Things didn't seem to be simple. The Weasley who appeared next to

Harry seemed to be specifically against Draco.

Martin already felt that things were not going to be simple.

Harry passed by Martin and did not dare to talk to Martin again. He just

said "Don't be blinded by anger" from the side.

Harry turned around and saw Martin adjusting his clothes nonchalantly

and ignoring him.

The door of the auditorium opened, and four long tables came into view.

The chess pieces of the four houses of Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw,

and Hufflepuff were floating above the long tables.

At the front is the staff's long table, with a golden chair standing in the

middle, and the white-bearded Principal Dumbledore is sitting on it.

Under the leadership of Professor McGonagall, the little wizard walked

into the auditorium under the gaze of countless senior students. The top

of the auditorium showed the sky outside, with twinkling stars.

Such a magical sight also amazed many little wizards who saw it for the

first time.

There is a chair on the table. On the chair is an old sheepskin hat with a

mouth and eyes.

"You may think I'm not pretty,

But never judge a book by its cover...

You may belong to Gryffindor, where there is bravery buried deep in

your heart...

You may belong to Hufflepuff, where people are honest and loyal...

Maybe go to the wise Ravenclaw, those learned and wise people...

Maybe you will make sincere friends in Slytherin, but those cunning and

insidious people will use any means..."

An unpleasant song was sung by the Sorting Hat, which made Martin a

little irritable.

But both professors and students are waiting seriously for the song to

end. This is the tradition of Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall walked to the stage and took out the parchment

scroll. With the blessing of magic, the sound was clearly transmitted to

everyone's ears.

"Hannah Abbott."

A little girl with brown hair came up, placed the sorting hat on her head

at Professor McGonagall's reminder, and sat quietly on the chair.


There was applause at Little Badger's long table. Hannah nervously put

her hat back, walked to Hufflepuff's long table, and sat down safely

amidst the applause.

The little wizards also knew that this was the sorting ceremony of

Hogwarts, and many of them relaxed.

Chapter 43: The Whole Family Is


As the little wizards came on stage one after another, the clever ones

were assigned to Ravenclaw, and the ones full of courage and seemingly

optimistic were assigned to Gryffindor.

As for those who don't like to laugh, send them to Slytherin.

Those who are not suitable for the remaining three academies will all be

sent to Hufflepuff for retirement.

The sorting ceremony went smoothly, and Dumbledore looked at the

little wizard kindly, as if looking at the future of the wizarding world.

Snape, who was sitting in the professor's seat, was chatting with Professor

Freevey next to him, but his eyes were fixed on Harry in the crowd.

To be precise, it was the eyes that looked at Harry. There were turbulent

emotions hidden under the calm eyes.

Of course Harry also felt this gaze. He was sure that the professor in the

seat was staring at him and felt a little uncomfortable. After all, the

professor exuded a gloomy aura.


The name read out by Professor McGonagall made the entire auditorium

start to get excited. Many people had heard of the savior Harry's name,

but this was indeed the first time they saw it.

Even the little badgers who were indifferent to the world began to look

forward to the fact that maybe Harry could be assigned to their academy.

The little Slytherin snake looked at him with scrutiny, judging whether

Harry was qualified to join their camp.

The Gryffindor lions looked confident. They all believed that Harry was a

born Gryffindor. After all, his parents came from this academy.

Harry walked onto the stage and sat down in his seat under the eyes of

everyone. It was the first time that so many people were watching him,

and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Well, with excellent magical talent and a bit of ambition, maybe

Slytherin can help you realize your wish."

The voice of the Sorting Hat appeared in Harry's mind. When he heard

the word ambition, Harry was a little panicked. He didn't know that the

Sorting Hat could see his heart clearly.

But remembering what Ronald told him, Slytherins are all dark wizards,

and Hagrid also said that his parents died at the hands of mysterious


Harry didn't have a very good impression of Slytherin, not to mention

that he just hoped to achieve something in the wizarding world, which

wasn't really an ambition.

"Gryffindor, Gryffindor,,,"

Harry muttered Gryffindor's name silently, the sound of the Sorting Hat

echoing in his ears.

"Are you sure? Maybe you'd be better suited as a Slytherin."

Harry ignored the Sorting Hat and stubbornly believed that he must go to


The Sorting Hat has spent enough time to attract everyone's attention.

The savior is indeed the savior and has spent more time than others.

Of course, no one would doubt that hat embarrassment would happen to

Harry Potter.

"As you wish, I hope you won't regret it."


When the little lions heard this answer, they all stood up and clapped

excitedly, shouting excitedly, "We have Harry, we have Harry."

Seeing so many people welcoming him, Harry smiled and walked towards

the Gryffindor table.

Hermione and Ronald, who were already at the Gryffindor table,

expressed their congratulations. After all, they had communicated on the


Dumbledore smiled and nodded with satisfaction. After all, he was also a


On Snape's face alone, the expression on his face did not change, but he

could feel the gloominess on his body getting darker.

Malfoy, who was sitting at the long Slytherin table, made a sound and

felt uncomfortable. Obviously Potter was from a pure-blood family, so he

should belong to their Slytherin family.

Now that he was staying with those pure-blood traitors, Potter would

regret it one day.

"Martin Blake."

Martin walked onto the stage with firm steps. Many people in the

audience saw his appearance. Only the first-year mixed-race wizards did

not know the name of the Black family.

The remaining young wizards, no matter what grade they are in, have

more or less heard of the Black family's name. After all, they will also be

involved in the wizarding world in the future.

The wizards in Slytherin were even more excited. Compared to Harry, a

savior they had never seen before, Martin was a genius wizard they had

seen since childhood.

If Martin could get to Slytherin, it wouldn't matter whether Harry Potter

came or not.

The sincere smile on Martin's face made many professors feel good about

him when they first saw him.

Martin didn't do anything wrong. Even if the Sorting Hat was covered in

dirt, he could accept it calmly.

"Wow, it's my first time to see a wizard with such extraordinary talent.

His magic power is so outstanding at such a young age."

"You're just a little snake with a dark mind. Stop laughing. I can see the

malice hidden deep in your heart."


It didn't take long to determine Martin's whereabouts. Martin walked off

the stage gracefully and took a deep look at the Sorting Hat. The smile on

his face did not disappear.

The little snakes applauded and watched Martin Blake off, and the people

next to Draco quickly gave up their seats.

"Jerome Black" "Slytherin."

"Ben Black." "Slytherin."

"Darlene Black." "Slytherin."

"Alice Black." "Slytherin."

Five Blacks entered Slytherin in a row, and the sorting ceremony reached

its climax. Even the little snakes who had always maintained their grace

began to make excited celebrations.

The other first-year wizards still don’t understand the significance of all

five Black children entering Slytherin. They just lament that there are so

many people in the Black family!

The Slytherin snakes knew that they had a rare opportunity to contact

the Black family.

Chief Dumbledore received Snape's look, since he knew that Martin's

children would also be attending school this year.

He was thinking about whether to let them go to Gryffindor, but a letter

from Cole made Dumbledore give up the idea.

Only a few people knew about his plan, and even they didn't know

everything. Only Cole could guess what he was thinking.

Dumbledore was confused. Cole's strength was enough to scare him, but

Cole was so smart that he was at a loss as to what to do.

For the first time in so many years of living, Dumbledore felt like his

panties were being seen through.

The last time this feeling was caused by Grindelwald, although he did see

his own underwear.

It was because of this that Dumbledore decided not to interfere with the

children of the Black family, not to mention Cole also expressed that he

had no interest in Harry.

Sirius was Harry's godfather, not Cole.

Of course, there is no place for Sirius in the current Black family.

Snape didn't receive any response from the principal's eyes and could

only suppress the questions in his heart.

Snape also understood several of Cole's children, and they were indeed

far more talented than their peers.

The sorting ceremony ended. After Dumbledore told a riddle, he waved

his hand and food appeared on the long table.

The little wizards were already hungry and enjoying the sumptuous


Finally, during the Hogwarts school song, the prefects of each house

brought the students back.

Chapter 44: Wolfsbane Potion,

Cole Makes Trouble

In Black Manor, Cole used to hear the noise of several children when he

woke up in the morning. Now it was suddenly quiet and Cole was still a

little uncomfortable with it.

Meera suddenly didn't have to take care of her children, so she began to

indulge in her own research in her free time. During this time, a potion

suddenly appeared in Knockturn Alley.

The wolfsbane potion is said to be taken a week before the full moon, so

that a werewolf can remain sane even if he turns into a giant wolf on a

full moon night.

As soon as the potion appeared, it caused a sensation in Knockturn Alley.

You must know that there are many werewolves in a filthy place like

Knockturn Alley.

Every year, the Ministry of Magic also suffers from headaches due to

werewolf attacks on nights of full moon. Attacks occur one after another

and remain unresolved.

The sudden appearance of wolfsbane potion can be said to be good news

for werewolf wizards. They no longer have to let their families tie

themselves up with chains on the night of the full moon.

I don't know which dark wizard accidentally discovered it while

preparing the potion. Cole was very interested in this potion.

Wright was ordered to find the man, but he did not expect that this dark

wizard was so cunning that the Black family's wizard team never

succeeded in capturing him.

But Wright did not find nothing, as more than a dozen tubes of wolfsbane

potion appeared in Meira's laboratory.

Now, just waiting for Meera to develop the formula for the wolfsbane

potion, the Black family will have another formula to make money.

But Cole's ultimate goal is not just to make money, but to use wolfsbane

potion to recruit werewolves. The werewolf wizard's combat effectiveness

is not weak.

You must know that one-on-one Aurors may not be able to defeat the

werewolf. The giant wolf's magic resistance is surprisingly high, coupled

with its extremely fast speed, it is also very dangerous for adult wizards.

Wolfsbane potion can keep the werewolf sane while transforming, which

makes the werewolf even more powerful.

As long as wolfsbane potion can be produced in large quantities, Cole is

not worried that the Black family will not be able to recruit werewolf


Cole was sitting idle on the sofa in the study room when a knock on the

door interrupted his thoughts.


The door was pushed open, Wright came in and stood aside, facing Cole's

questioning eyes and said:

"Master, the land issue has been settled, but the price is a bit high. It has

been reported to the Ministry of Magic, and the registration of the broom

company has been completed."

"Okay, everything is going as planned. We will launch the first-generation

Dark Star broomstick and send samples to each Quidditch team. The

shops in Diagon Alley will also be opened, allowing wizards to

experience it for free for a week."

Cole's plan is to build a brand name in the wizarding world first, and

conduct a series of activities to let wizards feel the excellence of the

product, and then seize the market.

As for the land that Wright bought, it was used by Cole to build his own

Quidditch pitch, and the location was chosen well.

It happened to be right next to the Avery Family Stadium. Cole

remembered clearly how little Avery had offended Cole before. If he

dared to act as Dumbledore's vanguard against the Black family, he

would have to pay the price.

There is no reason to take action against the Everly family head-on, but

with normal business methods, Cole does not believe that the Everly

family can remain calm even if they lose their source of gold galleons.

As for the price being a bit high, this is completely out of Cole's

consideration. The previous investment is necessary, and the subsequent

benefits are the top priority.

Reporting to the Ministry of Magic is just a process. Land ownership in

the wizarding world is very similar to that in the Muggle world. Private

land is sacred and inviolable.

Cole cannot plunder other people's land at will, only through normal


The Ministry of Magic does not manage these private lands, but only

records ownership of the land.

The piece of land Cole bought was bought from a small wizard family.

Without much thought, Cole sent someone to ask and they agreed


After all, not everyone can refuse the shining gold Galleons, and of

course the reputation of the Black family is not excluded.

"Is there anything else?"

When Cole saw that Wright was still there, he knew what must have

happened when he went to the Ministry of Magic.

"Master, that old guy Fudge asked the Black family if they need help. It

can provide some convenience."

Cole sneered, Fudge is a pig that pounces on money when he smells it.

"Our Lord Minister still can't see the situation clearly. Doesn't he know

that if it weren't for Dumbledore's sake, he would keep him lying on the

street the next day?"

What Cole said was true. Fudge himself was not outstanding in ability,

and some people praised him for being the Minister of Magic.

However, our minister is still very proud and feels that his achievements

today are all due to himself.

In these years, the pure-blood family has always looked out for the

principal's face and not caused trouble. Of course, it is also for the

development of the family to win over him appropriately.

Unexpectedly, Fudge's appetite increased.

"It's not just the beginning now. When I first came back, I didn't have the

foundation to properly win over Fudge. Now it's not that easy to want to

suck blood from my Black family."

Cole is too lazy to pay attention now, otherwise he wouldn't send Wright

to handle the matter.

"Since our minister is so free, let's find something for him to do,

understand Wright?"

When Wright saw his master Cole's smile, he already understood.

"It's Master. Those guys in Knockturn Alley have been holding back for a

long time. It's time to let them out and make a big fuss. Fudge will be in

the newspapers soon."

Cole nodded, very satisfied with Wright's intelligence, and continued: "It

is the Minister's responsibility to maintain the stability and harmony of

the wizarding world."

"Of course, as a member of the wizarding world, our family must also

contribute to the stability and harmony of the wizarding world."

"Of course, outsiders don't need to know this. Who told me to be

indifferent to fame and fortune?"

Cole's tone made Wright laugh. When it comes to being indifferent to

fame and fortune, who can compare to the Black family.

The next day, Diagon Alley was peaceful and harmonious. However, the

wizard who came out of it was attacked in the wild. Many people were

injured and their finances were robbed.

There was even a male wizard who was stripped naked and hung from a

tree. The newspaper reporter only let him down by the Aurors after the

newspaper reporter went to see him.

At the same time, werewolf attacks on camps also occurred in various

places. St. Mungo's Hospital was full of people and its turnover increased


The Ministry of Magic also received numerous letters of complaint, and

Minister Fudge spoke in front of reporters.

"Strictly crack down on criminal wizards. The stability and harmony of

the wizarding world cannot be doubted. We call on wizards to believe

that the Ministry of Magic can handle the attacks."

Of course, the Minister of Magic's speech was also inspiring, and Fudge's

firm eyes convinced many wizards.

However, an official from the Ministry of Magic said that there have been

constant sounds of smashing and smashing in the minister's office in the

past two days.

Officials from the Ministry of Magic agreed that Minister Fudge was

under a lot of pressure, but also said that there was nothing they could

do. They were only clerks, not Aurors.

Chapter 45: Don’T You Know I

Know Kung Fu?

The small turmoil outside the British wizarding world cannot affect

Hogwarts. With Dumbledore's protection, everything is peaceful.

The first-grade wizards are busy adapting to the intense study life, and

their curiosity about magic drives them to never skip classes.

Unlike second- and third-year wizards, who are already veterans, they

have too many ways to skip classes that they don't like or that are not


In the corridor, Martin and Draco were talking about Professor

McGonagall's Transfiguration class. Even the strict Professor McGonagall

couldn't fault Martin's transformation.

Slytherin received credits from Professor McGonagall for the first time,

which made the little snakes very excited, but the little lions became


I feel like my dean is partial.

"Martin, you have to teach me that move you just made when you get

back later. It's so handsome. Look at the people in Gryffindor, they are so

shameless. It's because no one in their academy has succeeded."

Draco praised Martin for his successful attack on the Gryffindors, and felt

that it was not in vain to give up the position of prefect to Martin.

In fact, he didn't dare to go on stage to fight Martin. You must know that

even if he comes from a wizard family, he can only do a few small evil

spells, which are sometimes effective and ineffective.

Martin is a blazing flame as soon as he comes up. Who dares to go up?

Jerome and Ben do, but who makes Martin their eldest brother?

Therefore, Martin successfully won the position of Slytherin's first-year

prefect, and by the way, he showed up in front of other senior wizards.

No one dares to underestimate the little wizard of the Black family


Martin looked at Draco helplessly. Draco couldn't stop being excited since

just now. He couldn't even understand why Draco was happy when the

Gryffindors were depressed.

"Okay, what's the next class?"

Just as Draco was looking through the class schedule, a voice suddenly

came from next to him. "Humph, what's so great about it."

How could Draco not hear the sinister words? He turned around angrily

and saw Harry and the red-haired Ronald.

"Potter, what do you mean?"

Facing Draco's question, Harry was a little at a loss. He looked at Ronald

helplessly. What he just said was not his.

But Draco just asked him.

"Despicable Malfoy, stop bullying Harry and come at me if you dare."

Ronald was not afraid at all and stood in front of Harry as if to protect


Harry felt something was wrong. He obviously didn't do anything, so why

did he need to be protected?

"Potter, are you jealous of Martin? He is obviously more talented than


Before Harry could speak, Ronald couldn't wait to reply, "Fuck Merlin,

Harry defeated the mysterious man. His talent is the best. How can he be

jealous of Martin?"

"Martin, tell me, is Harry better than you?"

Ronald's words directly caused the surrounding young wizards to burst

into laughter. Anyone with eyesight could not see that Harry was a loser

and Martin was a prefect of Slytherin.

Even the little lions of Gryffindor couldn't refute the ridicule from the

little snakes around him. After all, Harry's performance was not

outstanding these days.

"Boy, you'd better not provoke my big brother, otherwise I will really

deal with you. When the time comes, don't cry and scream for pain."

Of course Jerome and the others were around. Ben stood up and said

this. He could hardly stand Weasley's arrogance anymore.

Although he clearly has no strength, he always speaks rudely.

Ronald, who was laughed at, blushed and lost his mind.

"What's wrong with the Black family? Are they very powerful? No matter

how powerful they are, how can they be as powerful as the principal?

Don't forget, your family has also produced dark wizards."

The surroundings were silent for a moment. Even the reckless and

impulsive lion knew not to talk about the dark wizard's affairs openly.

Slytherin's little snake eyes are even worse. After all, who doesn't have a

relative at home?

Ben's cold eyes made Ronald calm down a bit. He also realized that he

had said the wrong thing. Looking at Harry who still didn't know

anything next to him, Ronald said:

"Harry, dark wizards are bad people. Don't believe what they say."

Harry obviously didn't know the unspoken rules of the wizarding world

at this moment, and he couldn't ignore his friends.

"Martin, Ben, I apologize to you on Ronald's behalf. He didn't mean it."

Draco looked angry, while Martin still smiled, as if he didn't care at all.

Only Ben still stared at him, making people feel like he was being

targeted by a poisonous snake.

"What? People in the Weasley family don't have big mouths? When they

cause trouble, they just hide behind others? Harry, we weren't the first to

provoke you today. Don't blame me for not giving face."

Regarding Ben's words, not only Draco stood behind him to express

support, but all the children of the Black family stood behind him.

The eldest brother Martin didn't say anything, he just smiled and watched

his younger brother deal with it.

Sometimes a smile does not mean kindness, it may be a warning. Harry

did not feel kindness from Martin's smile.

"Ronald?" Ronald looked at him in disbelief at Harry's shout.

Why should I apologize? It's not my fault. This is what Ronald was

thinking at this time.

"Harry, they are obviously the ones provoking us."

Ronald's words made Harry confused. How could he remember that it

was Ronald who laughed at Draco first? Could it be that he remembered

it wrong?

"Red-haired kid, don't think I didn't hear it. You are mocking me when

you laugh at my brother. I guess you haven't been beaten before."

Ben is already very aware of Ronald's shamelessness. This person never

makes a rough draft of his lies.

"What do you want to do? Don't forget this is Hogwarts."

How could the class not know what Ronald meant? Although the young

wizards at Hogwarts can practice with wands at will, they are prohibited

from using magic spells to attack classmates, and they can only duel

under the guidance of the professor.

"Ah, yes, yes, why didn't you say when you provoked us just now that

you knew this was Hogwarts, but you thought it was a nursery if you

didn't know."


Ben's words directly mocked Ronald as a child who was still wearing

diapers and would only look for his mother after being spanked.

"You, I will fight with you."

Ronald was so angry that he took out his wand from his pocket and

pointed it at Ben, chanting a spell.

Unexpectedly, Ben didn't have the wand when he saw it. Instead, he

quickly stepped forward and slapped Ronald's mouth.

A sweeping kick followed by a bastard punch, and Ronald was beaten

until he screamed.

"Who gave you the courage to recite a spell at such a close distance?

Didn't you know I know kung fu? Draco, come and fight, why are you

standing there dazed?"

Draco couldn't bear it anymore. When he heard Ben calling him, he

simply went up and started punching and kicking him.

As for Harry, he was already tightly held in the arms of Draco's two

hummingbirds, Goyle and Crabbe, and became a sandwich biscuit,

feeling the loving care of the two fat men.

Hermione was standing nearby at a loss, shouting loudly:

"Don't hit me anymore, don't hit me anymore, it's against school rules."

But at this time, neither Ronald who was being beaten, nor the two

sisters Ben and Black who were beating, or Draco who was blushing and

excited, didn't care much about the school rules.

Nice lady, Hermione obviously had not experienced such a scene, and

turned to Martin to advise.

"Just tell them to stop, the principal will kick you out of Hogwarts."

Martin still smiled and replied: "I believe that the headmaster who was

born in Gryffindor will also approve of such a courageous behavior,


The situation got out of control for a while, but even if the other

Gryffindor students wanted to come to help, they could only watch as the

Slytherin students surrounded them.

When it comes to unity, it's Slytherin.

Once the little snakes have a snake king, their unity will be

unprecedentedly powerful.

On the other hand, Gryffindor is just a mess.

Chapter 46 Dealing With Fights

In the Hogwarts Principal's office, a group of people were standing to

greet Principal Dumbledore's eyes.

Next to Professor McGonagall, there was Harry with a pair of panda eyes

and Ronald, whose face was no longer visible. One was aggrieved and the

other was unconvinced.

Of course, Ronald was unconvinced. He felt that the Black family did not

respect martial ethics, so could they fight in groups if there were many


The Weasley family is not empty. Ronald has already planned to find

Fred and George. If he doesn't take revenge, others will think that the

Weasley family is empty.

It's just that Ronald feels a little distressed. He doesn't know how much

Fred and George have to blackmail him before they are willing to take


Harry was still a little confused. It was Ronald who was obviously beaten,

so why was he injured?

Harry couldn't figure out why Goyle and Crabbe attacked him. He didn't

provoke these two guys. They were as fat as his cousin Dudley. How

could Harry take the initiative to provoke them?

Feeling the pain in his eyes, Harry couldn't help but complain that he had

been beaten even though he had done nothing.

How come you only get beaten when you follow Ronald?

Harry was still deeply confused. Professor McGonagall was like a lioness,

unable to calm down at this moment.

"Principal Dumbledore, look at how my students were beaten. You know,

this is Hogwarts. Those who don't know may think it's Durmstrang."

Professor McGonagall's shout brought Dumbledore back to his senses. To

be honest, he didn't expect what Harry looked like just now.

Although the little wizard doesn't know many spells, he doesn't know

how to fight with his fists.

Dumbledore recalled that when he was a child, he also used wands to

duel according to the rules, although the spells were not very powerful.

Have times changed?

Dumbledore had no choice but to quickly comfort McGonagall: "Professor

McGonagall, calm down first. I probably understand what happened.

Why don't you take little Harry and Ronald to Professor Sprout first."

Dumbledore advised McGonagall to take someone to see a doctor first,

after all, the look from Snape next to him also made him feel anxious.

"No, Headmaster, what happened today is too bad. Snape, your students

violated school rules and beat students, and they should be punished."

Snape's mouth twitched slightly. To be honest, among the professors at

Hogwarts, he was the least willing to deal with Professor McGonagall. It

was too difficult to deal with.

If it weren't for his godson Draco and the children of the Black family

who committed the crime today, he wouldn't even show his face.

When they heard that they were going to be punished, Draco and Martin

standing next to Snape did not panic. They were just fighting, and they

were not going to drop out of school. What were they afraid of?

In fact, Martin and Jerome didn't do anything at all. Ben and his two

sisters did. This was one of the reasons why the Gryffindor students didn't

help Ronald.

After all, no one would be embarrassed to bully a little girl.

The other reason was Martin and Jerome. Although the two did not take

action, they took out their wands and separated them.

Martin's reputation as a genius is well known to everyone, and Jerome's

talent displayed in the classroom is enough to prove that the children of

the Black family are not simple.

What's more, their relationship with Harry is not that harmonious yet.

Ever since they discovered that Harry's talent was mediocre, they have

become somewhat indifferent to his savior aura.

Snape heard what Professor McGonagall said, and he was also protective

of calves. "Professor McGonagall, as far as I know, it was your student

who provoked you first."

"Yes, that's right, it was Weasley who mocked Martin first." The others

had not yet said anything, but Draco took the lead.

As if insulting Martin, his cousin, was an insult to him.

Draco looked arrogant and gave Ben a look of praise, after all, they just

got rid of the annoying Weasley together.

Ben looked at him as if he were a fool, but in Ben's eyes, although Draco,

this cousin, was stupid, he was pretty good.

After Draco finished speaking, seeing Professor McGonagall's expression

getting even worse, Martin quickly stood up and said, "Principal

Dumbledore, it's my class who were too impulsive, and I didn't stop them

in time."

"But we can bear the medical expenses. After all, Harry and Ronald's

injuries are relatively serious."

Dumbledore looked at Ben, Darlene and Alice who were unharmed, and

Draco who didn't even have a mess of hair.

I was really depressed, both sides were fighting, but one side was


"Hmph, don't think that you can be arrogant just because you have a few

bad money. The Black family doesn't necessarily have where the money

comes from."

Ronald's voice was deafening, and even Professor McGonagall frowned.

Harry rolled his eyes helplessly. To be honest, he really wanted to seal

Ronald's mouth at this moment.

"Some people are jealous. They are jealous of what others have when

they can't get it. Are all the Weasleys like this?"

Jerome spoke coldly. Although he was usually reluctant to speak, it did

not mean that he could tolerate outsiders provoking the Black family.

Martin's eyes grew colder, but he tried to remain elegant: "Mr. Weasley,

can you take responsibility for what you said? We will take the slander

against the Black family seriously."

"Yes, I will write to Uncle Cole when I get back. Weasley, you are done.

You have a bad mouth."

Draco Desser didn't mention writing a letter to Lucius to complain, but

directly wrote a letter to Uncle Cole to complain.

Because he found that his uncle seemed to speak better than his father.

"I, I didn't, I just..." Ronald also realized that he had said the wrong thing.

He just felt angry when he heard Martin say he wanted compensation.

His father worked in the Ministry of Magic, and he also knew that the

Black family's current status in the wizarding world was absolutely

impossible for the Weasley family to compete with.

If his father at the Ministry of Magic lost his job, Ronald could already

imagine being torn apart by his mother.

Seeing Ronald trembling with fear, Dumbledore couldn't just sit back and

ignore him. After all, the Weasley family was his loyal friends.

"Martin, wait, I don't think Ronald has any ill intentions, and he doesn't

mean to slander the Black family. The matter is very simple, isn't it?"

Dumbledore stroked his beard and continued: "I remember that when I

was young, I often fought with the neighborhood kids. It was an

unforgettable experience when I think about it now."

"I think you might become better friends after this, don't you, Martin?"

"Of course Principal, I like making friends the most."

Martin's answer satisfied Dumbledore. Sometimes talking to smart people

just doesn't waste time.

"It's getting late, and the old man's sleep comes as soon as he wants."

Both Snape and Professor McGonagall took the students from their own

colleges back, and neither of them mentioned the matter of punishment.

This proves that punishment can only be done in one's own college,

decided by the dean.

Not to mention how Professor McGonagall would punish Harry and

Harry, Snape could only imagine how he could not protect his godson

and his friend's children.

Chapter 47 Gringotts Cleaning

In the Slytherin common room, Draco cursed Weasley angrily, and then

even Harry cursed: "Damn Potter, you don't know what's good, you

should let Goyle and Crabbe teach him a lesson."

"Okay, Draco, that's the end of the matter. I don't want my mother to

write a letter to warn me."

Martin advised his cousin Malfoy that as the eldest brother, he would be

afraid if he allowed his younger siblings to fight in school.

Although I know my father won't care about this, my mother doesn't

necessarily care.

Draco sneered, today really made him angry, he had long disliked that


"Ben, you are so awesome today, you are worthy of being my cousin."

They had a fight together, and Draco felt that Ben wasn't that cold, but

his cousin still hit him very hard. He didn't even recognize Weasley until

he was beaten so hard.

"You're welcome, it would be a mercy if you didn't use a wand." It was

just a fight between children, not a duel between wizards, so Ben didn't

feel like he was winning.

Martin and others were able to come back successfully because of Snape's

fault. As the dean of Slytherin, Snape was strict but also very protective.

Not to mention that the one being beaten was still a Gryffindor student,

and the one being beaten was Harry who looked so similar to his old

enemy, which made him even more happy.

Slytherin aside, Harry and Ronald were in dire straits. They went to the

school infirmary and managed to get their injuries treated.

But when they returned to the lounge, they were greeted with ridicule

from around them. After all, the little lion was full of malice towards the

little snake.

Harry and Ronald were beaten up and humiliated.

Harry and Ronald didn't want to say a word when they returned to the

room. After all, who could be in a good mood after being beaten.

"Harry, Ronald, are you okay?" Neville got out of the quilt and asked the

two of them in a low voice.

"It's okay, you're not asleep yet, Neville."

Neville's concern made Harry feel much better, at least he still had

friends who cared about him.

Turning his head to look at someone who was already covered with a

quilt and pretending to be asleep, Harry felt tired, even though he had

done nothing.

Helping take the blame, but not getting a good look in the end.

"Go to bed early. We have classes tomorrow."

Harry didn't say anything else, got into the quilt and fell asleep with

random thoughts.

The next day, Black Castle welcomed the Hogwarts owls, and Cole

received a letter from Snape.

Looking at the letter in his hand, Cole learned about the fight between

several children, but he didn't take it to heart. It was just a child's play.

What's more, Martin and the others didn't suffer.

What's more, no magic was used. As long as he didn't use black magic on

his classmates, the punishment wouldn't be severe. Snape was the most

protective person.

Cole knew his senior, who was cold-faced and warm-hearted.

Cole naturally had a source of information about the experiences of

several children at Hogwarts, and also knew the ins and outs of this small


What intrigued Cole the most was that it was not easy for Dumbledore to

place people from the Weasley family around Harry.

Ronald, this kid, stirs up trouble everywhere, doesn't it make it more

difficult for Harry to get along with his classmates at school?

As far as he knew, the Weasley family were not troublemakers, and

Ronald's brothers were all excellent.

In Gryffindor, not only did he do well, he was also popular among the


Why did we get to Ronald? This kid seemed to have no brains. Could it

be that Ronald was adopted?

Cole didn't want to think too much. He didn't need to take action on

these small things. He had big plans these days, and he had people

watching outside Gringotts.

Looking at the master key redeemed from the system in his hand, Cole

nodded with satisfaction.

As expected of a system product, this key can open any door.

The ring on his left hand suddenly became hot, and Cole knew that the

opportunity had come. He stood up and walked to the fireplace, and a

handful of Floo powder disappeared into the room.

Diagonally outside Gringotts, Richie Black walked over just as Cole


"Master, the person you asked me to keep an eye on has just entered."

Cole nodded, and it was Quirrell who he asked Richie to stare at. You

must know that at this time, the great senior Tom is making his home on

the back of people's heads.

The reason why Cole made people stare at Professor Quirrell was because

he knew that Voldemort wanted the Philosopher's Stone, so he would

definitely break into Gringotts.

Don't get me wrong, Cole is not here to help senior Tom rob a bank. How

could he do such a bad thing?

He was just hanging around to eat and get some things useful to the

Black family, such as gold galleons, magic potions and so on.

Magic stone? Who would be interested in garbage that you don’t want to

give to dogs, it can only survive and lose all body functions.

Cole has many ways to live forever, but he is still very young and doesn't

need this thing.

As for turning the magic stone into gold, he was not a Muggle, so what

would he do with gold without magic? Build a toilet.

Nodding to let Rich go back, when he came to a deserted place, Cole

suddenly turned into an unfamiliar face.

This is not a simple polyjuice potion or transformation. Cole directly

asked someone to peel off the skin of a dark wizard.

The one-time props made by using the system will be gone after use.

When the time comes, the person will not be found, and the Ministry of

Magic will not be able to find it.

Don’t say Cole is evil, it’s all the fault of the system. Who allowed the

system to do this!

[System: He is the best at blaming others. Yes, yes, I am evil. 】

He swaggered into Gringotts, told the goblin directly that he wanted to

open a private vault, and took out a purse full of gold galleons.

The goblins couldn't wait to be happy, they liked the wizard to save


Riding the mine cart all the way down, before reaching the destination,

an explosion suddenly sounded, almost derailing the mine cart.

The goblin quickly stopped at a stone platform and said in a panic: "I'm

sorry, sir, there is some trouble now, please wait a moment."

The goblin's green eyes stared into the darkness. It had been many years

since anyone had dared to come to Gringotts to cause trouble. You must

know that there was an adult red dragon deep in Gringotts.

When he came to the edge of the stone platform, Cole looked down and

saw that the bottom of the funnel-shaped vault turned into a large sea of

​​​​fire, and there were a few green magic spells shining.

Goblins continued to fly out from above, rushing into the battlefield

below one by one.

Cole couldn't help but sigh. The goblins were obviously close relatives of

the house elves, but their personalities were different.

But the only thing they have in common is that they are both blessed

with magical talents.

The fighting power of goblins is not low, and countless high-level magics

are at their fingertips. However, the way they cast spells is not good-

looking, and they all look like dwarfs.

Seeing that the goblin next to him was also ready to help, Cole knew that

his opportunity had come.

[Collapses to the ground. 】

Cole thought silently in his mind that he didn't have the chuunibyou

disease of casting spells and shouting.

Even though the goblin had some magic resistance, he fell into a hopeless

sleep under Cole's spell.

Rubbing his hands together, Cole muttered excitedly.

"The cleaning has begun."

Chapter 48 Doing Good Deeds

And Accumulating Virtue In The


The underground vault of Gringotts extends in all directions, with only a

few torches shining, but these cannot extinguish the fire of greed in Cole's


The levitating spell is very good, and the apparation is not useful here.

When he came to the door of a vault and looked at the family logo on it,

Cole knew he was in the right place.

Little Avery, if you're unlucky, you'll be the first to go.

There is no way that there is nothing in the Twenty-Eight Holy Family.

Cole knew that the wizard family in this world would definitely put a lot

of good things in Gringotts, and he couldn't understand how the wizards

could trust the goblins so much.

He took out the master key and inserted it directly. The door of the vault

opened directly, and a puff of dust rose up.

Cole didn't waste any time and just used magic spells to clean it up.

As he walked in, Cole was dazzled by the gold in his eyes. He was indeed

a pureblood. He didn't expect that after Voldemort's looting, he would

still have so many gold galleons.

The shelves next to it are filled with potions and countless magical

biological materials.

The things here are worth at least hundreds of thousands of gold

galleons, and now they are all cheaper for him.

Cole slapped his belt, and a magical tornado swept through the vault, and

countless gold Galleons and materials flowed into the storage belt.

The Avery family's treasury was so empty in an instant that it would

make a mouse cry when it comes in.

The vault instantly lit up with red light, and countless curses flew

towards Cole, but Cole dodged them one by one. The magic energy of the

armor's protection was almost solid, so of course it could be blocked.

As for Avada's green light, Cole said what can little Avada do to him?

He had already expected this situation, and there must be traps in the

vault for protection.

Pureblood families are not fools.

However, he has a better move. As for the curses of some special items,

just go back and let the system handle it directly.

Turning around and looking at the row of vaults next to him, Cole

became excited.

Opening one door after another non-stop.

Gold galleons? receive.

The Crown of Merlin's Age? Good stuff, keep it.

Family crest? What a crappy thing, throw it away.

Merlin's underpants? Is this thing a treasure?

Cole also couldn't understand the thoughts of these wizards.

Along the way, Cole also encountered several goblins with red eyes.

Although they had green eyes, Cole could tell that they had red eyes.

Avada was waiting, and Cole didn't use his magic spell. After all, a senior

took the blame.

As we all know, Senior Tom is the best at using Avada Kedavra.

Rumor has it that Senior Tom is practicing the Avada Kedavra when he

goes to the bathroom, and the Slytherin bathrooms are all green ambient


Although the Black family has made a lot of money over the years, after

seeing the contents of these vaults, Cole understood what a pure-blood

noble meant.

There are so many good things, but I wonder if the pure-blood nobles

will be furious after experiencing this incident.

You should at least buy some cakes or something to pay homage to your

ancestors. After all, the family business of several generations was taken

away by Cole alone.

Cole was tired after collecting gold galleons, and felt that this thing was

no longer valuable.

It wasn't until he came to the vault in front of him that the fire of greed

in Cole's eyes subsided.

There is a huge phoenix on the vault door.

No need to guess, Cole also knew which family's treasury this was.

The Dumbledore family is full of talents, and the family is either a master

of magic or an Obscurus.

Of course, there are those who fish in troubled waters.

Cole held the key and was thinking about whether he should open the

principal's vault. The principal wouldn't come looking for him, right?

Although he is not afraid of Dumbledore, once this kind of thing is

exposed, his good reputation will be lost, and there will be a lot of

trouble in the future.

As the head of the Black family, Cole was very concerned about his good

reputation. At least in the Ministry of Magic, he had quite a reputation

for spending money like water.

Cole just hesitated for a moment, then took the key and inserted it


He thought to himself: So many families have been opened, but your

Dumbledore family has not been opened. Other families will feel


Besides, what kind of people do you have in the Dumbledore family?

In addition to the most famous white wizard in our time, recipient of the

First Order of Merlin, great wizard, founder of the Order of the Phoenix,

president of the International Federation of Magic, chief magician of the

Wizengamot, pioneer in the fight against the first and second generation

Dark Lord, Hogwart Headmaster Albus Dumbledore.

What else does your Dumbledore family have?

Cole made up his mind to insert the key directly and start stealing.

After all, they are all real relatives. They have been a family for more

than ten generations. How can they make mistakes with their own


Don't do it!

After entering the vault, Cole couldn't help but be disappointed.

Compared with the previous vaults, there didn't seem to be much good


It seems that when Old Bee founded the Order of the Phoenix, he not

only took the Black family's golden dragon, but also spent a lot of money


You tell me how to do this, how can anyone use their own money to do

things in the wizarding world?

But there are still good things. Phoenix feathers are rare.

I heard that the patron saint of the Dumbledore family is a phoenix, and

only members of the Dumbledore family can gain the allegiance of the


The Holy Grail of the Pharaohs, how did this thing get to England?

You old bee, you are kind-hearted and you still do this kind of thing, take

it, take it all.

Cole searched for a while and finally found the invisibility cloak in the

corner of the vault. Isn't this thing from the Potter family?

Cole knew that Dumbledore would give this to Harry later, and Harry's

several escapes would be indispensable without this.

Forget it, I won’t take this. Who makes him kind-hearted?

In the end, he left several thousand galleons in the treasury to give to the

old headmaster as pension money. After all, Cole didn't want to see

Dumbledore have no money to spend in old age.

Turn around and solve the magic trap and exit the door.

Arriving at the next vault, Cole recognized it as the Weasley family's


The poverty of the Weasley family was already well-known in the

wizarding world, and Cole didn't expect anything good from it.

You must know that the Weasley family does not have the habit of

saving, otherwise Ronald would not be wearing his brother's old robe.

But as the saying goes, it has come.

After entering the vault, Cole discovered that the Weasley family had

opened the door to a new world for him.

Not a trace of gold, not a single Galleon, not even a magic potion.

There are a lot of bard miscellanies. Why didn’t Cole know that the

Weasley family also produced bards?

It's true that mice tremble when they come in.

In the middle, there is actually a typewriter from the Muggle world, a

printing press that smells like ink.

Even the Muggle world has steam engines.

Arthur Weasley, if you really like Muggle items that much, you wouldn't

put this in your vault as a treasure.

Everything in the wizarding world is in tatters.

Your ancestors of the Weasley family will be furious to see this.

Others put gold galleons into their family coffers, but you put rubbish

into it.

Cole smiled, threw down a gold galleon and walked out the door. The

thief would either take away everything, or else leave something behind.

I, Cole Black, always play by the rules.

Just do good deeds and accumulate virtue.

Chapter 49: Don’T Blame Me,


The vault dragon keeps roaring. Judging from the sound, Senior Tom

who is possessed by Quirrell is really powerful.

Facing an adult dragon and a group of goblins, he didn't fall behind.

Cole really admired Voldemort's strength during his lifetime. After all,

Cole had seen his excellence in school.

But I didn’t expect that Senior Tom, who only had his soul left, would not

decline in strength with Quirrell as a humanoid.

It's definitely open.

But there was no time to guess how much strength Voldemort had left.

Cole took a few steps quickly, he had to hurry up.

After all, once Voldemort discovers that there is no Philosopher's Stone in

the vault, he will definitely run away as soon as possible.

Escape is the old senior's specialty.

Another vault was opened, and Cole ignored the sign of his cousin Malfoy

on the door.

Just kidding, so many vaults have been opened, even the principal’s


Malfoy's cousin is nothing.

Lucius, don't blame me for not giving him face. I was so cruel that I even

stole from my own treasury.

Ha ha ha ha.

That's right, Cole planned to go to his own vault to get something after

visiting the Malfoy family's vault. After all, everyone had been stolen,

and only you, the Black family, were unscathed.

It’s unreasonable to say it out loud.

Looking at the magnificent treasury in front of him, Cole had a question

mark on his face, no, why does your Malfoy family have more than


How can you decorate just a vault?

Everyone else's houses are rough, but you are the only one who has given

them fine decoration.

Not too particular.

When Cole saw Lucius before, the old boy complained to him about his

poverty, saying that all his previous wealth had been given to the

Ministry of Magic.

He must buy a stake in the Black family's industry.

But look at these hundreds of thousands of gold galleons, are you so

partial to your older cousin in love?

Take it, take it decisively, even the floor tiles were pried open by Cole

with magic, and countless gold galleons and rare treasures turned into

golden light and flowed into the belt.

Cole's inner unbearability could only turn into smoke, and at most he

would let Lucius get involved in the Quidditch business in the future.

Cole then went to his family's treasury. Cole did not deposit the money

earned by the Black family over the years to Gringotts.

There are still some left here that Sirius spent.

The Black family already had their own treasury.

When Cole came out of his vault, he was ready to run away.

Unexpectedly, before he could leave, a voice floated from not far away,

followed by a fire spell.

There was a sound of goblin cursing behind him.

"Despicable thief, don't run away."

"Dirty and obscene things, do you think Gringotts is a place where you

can come and leave as you please?"

Cole was sure that under the black robe was the old senior possessed by

Quirrell, but in response to the abuse behind him, Cole said that

Gringotts' defense was vulnerable.

People are about to run out, and you are still talking here, and you will

kill them.

Cole didn't catch Quirrell's attention and just ran up the stairs.

When a large group of goblins behind him saw Cole's back, they thought

the two were in a group, and became even more furious.

He cast spells desperately, but Cole dodged them one by one.

Finally reaching the top, Cole could hear an explosion, black smoke

billowing from Gringotts, and Quirrell's figure had long since


Cole didn't waste any time and just apparated away, leaving Diagon Alley

in a miserable state.

Before leaving, Cole heard a goblin shouting: "Go to the Ministry of

Magic and ask for an Auror."

Cole wanted to laugh when he heard this. You must know that the

goblins of Gringotts had completely ignored the officials of the Ministry

of Magic in the past.

Now that the fire is burning to my butt, I think of the Ministry of Magic.

But what can those losers from the Ministry of Magic do?

Of course, Cole wasn't talking about his own Auror team.

As we all know, wizards from the British Ministry of Magic are the best at

fishing. Before doing anything, you must have a cup of black tea to

moisten your throat.

First, he went to Knockturn Alley and dealt with the skin bag on his

body. Under the flames, Cole ensured that the Ministry of Magic would

never find this person again.

After checking himself again in Knockturn Alley, Cole had to make sure

there was no curse on him and put all the things he robbed in the Black

family's vault in Knockturn Alley.

Cole didn't dare take these things home directly.

He understood the character of a pure-blood wizard. Some of these things

would contain ancient curses, and it would be troublesome if they were


None of the pure-blood families that can exist in the wizarding world are


Instructing Richie to keep an eye on Diagon Alley, Cole returned to Black

Manor by the fireplace.

Meera was sitting in front of the fireplace when she saw Cole getting up

in a hurry.

"You didn't do anything good."

Cole smiled and said: "How is it possible? Everything I did was good, at

least for the Black family."

This was Cole's first time doing something like this, let alone, it was

really exciting.

It's not because of how much wealth you have gained, but because of this

sense of accomplishment, the sense of accomplishment of letting the old

senior take the blame and pick up the slack behind his own back.

Cole believed that Senior Tom would be deeply suspicious and furious

when he saw the newspaper tomorrow.

After all, there are very few people in the entire magic world who dare to

let him take the blame.

After experiencing this incident, Cole believed that Gringotts' reputation

would plummet. British wizards could not believe what it would be like if

their private property was not protected.

Cole's operation mainly targets Gringotts' big customers. You must know

that pure-blood families earn a lot of gold galleons every year.

Ordinary wizards wouldn't be able to save a small amount of money in


The Black family's next cannibalization plan can also gradually begin.

As mentioned before, Cole couldn't understand that a wizard who had

experienced the goblin rebellion would put his money bag in the hands of

the goblins.

What kind of operation is this.

Even if the goblin has the spirit of contract to bind itself, Cole does not

think this is a right behavior. Anyway, people like Cole will never do this.

It can only be said that maybe wizards are too lazy to use their brains.

They are unwilling to spend time in this area, and would rather focus on

studying spells and magic potions.

Cole didn't want to see the goblin's bad face every time he went to


Taking money from your own coffers is like taking it from a goblin's


However, Cole has no prejudice against goblins. He can only say that

they block the way of the Black family. In this case, Cole will not be soft-


It's time to change the wizarding world, starting with the Black family.

Having stolen so many family inheritances today, Cole could already

imagine the expressions on Lucius and Dumbledore's faces.

Poor old cousin, poor little Draco, didn't know that his family's coffers

were already empty.

However, Cole said that young people have to struggle, otherwise the

wizarding world will not develop in the shadow of their parents.

Lucky descendants of the Black family, I am the contemporary guardian

of the Black family.

Corytel Black has made thousands of achievements for you, enough to be

recorded in your family history.

Chapter 50 Daily Prophet, Fudge

Wants To Kill Someone

There was a lot of movement in Diagon Alley. In just a few hours, a large

number of wizards had gathered to watch the excitement.

After more than ten years of stable life, most wizards have lost their


Something as big as the robbery of Gringotts would have to be published

in the Daily Prophet tomorrow.

Of course, these wizards can't wait to read about it in the newspapers, so

there is no excitement like eating melon on the spot.

The gate of Gringotts was blown to pieces, and a dozen goblins raised

their heads and scrambled to explain to the Ministry of Magic officials.

They were robbed in broad daylight, is there any law?

The leading goblin no longer cared about the broken glasses, and stared

at Levere Shacklebolt in front of him with his green eyes.

"Mr. Shacklebolt, as the head of the Auror Office, why are you here so

slowly? Do you know that the robbery by the robbers is an injury to

Gringotts and a contempt for the Ministry of Magic?"

Who is LeVert? How could you not hear the meaning of the goblin's


Yep, goblins are indeed a cunning race, and now they want to blame

them on the Auror office.

LeVert didn't want to take the blame. He didn't care how many galleons

Gringotts lost, and the Shacklebolt family's treasury was not here.

LeVell thought to himself: things are really in trouble now. As far as he

knows, most of the treasuries stolen this time belong to pure-blood

families. That must be accumulated over many generations.

The pure-blood nobles will definitely not let these goblins go. Even the

Ministry of Magic will be responsible. Who made them fail to guarantee

the wizard's property?

Turning his eyes, LeVert showed a warm smile and said:

"Mr. Governor, I don't know the details of this matter. I brought the

Aurors to help as soon as I received the news from Gringotts."

"Wait a moment, Minister Fudge is on his way here. He will respond to

your question. I have to go and take the Aurors to clean up the

surrounding risks. See you later."

After speaking, LeVille turned away and left the scene with a righteous

look on his face, as if he was going to use Avada's stance on the thief.

The President of Gringotts had no choice but to walk back and forth in

front of the door, worry evident on his wrinkled face.

By the time Minister Fudge arrived with small steps, the atmosphere at

the scene had already begun to feel uncomfortable.

Not only did reporters from the Daily Prophet arrive at the scene, they

began to interview passers-by whether they had seen the true face of the


The woman who gave Fudge a bad premonition was extremely excited in

the crowd, and the quill in her hand was about to smoke.

Rita Skeeter, a reporter from the Daily Prophet, has curly blond hair

spread out in all directions, and those pupils under her tortoiseshell

glasses can make anyone look a little chilly.

She is best at digging out the dark side of things. Even the boring news

can attract people's attention with her quills.

Although the truth of things is often not what people expect, Rita's

writing style is obviously more in line with the readers' taste.

People who are targeted by Rita must be aware that even a small gesture

may be over-interpreted.

Fudge looked at this bitch's actions and knew that the next thing would

not be easy to solve.

Although the Daily Prophet is an official department of the Ministry of

Magic, some policies and major events are published on it.

But Rita is obviously not a compiler of the Daily Prophet. This woman

relies on her sensitive sense of smell and control over the news. She is an

independent individual and only cooperates with the Daily Prophet.

What's more, he doesn't dominate the Ministry of Magic.

Rita was an annoying buzz bug that gave Fudge a headache.

Fudge's appearance attracted attention soon after. Before Fudge could go

to understand the situation with LeVert, he was already surrounded by

the goblins of Gringotts and the surrounding reporters.

Wizards from afar also came over, wanting to see how the Ministry of

Magic handled this matter.

"Mr. Minister, what do you think of this Gringotts attack? Does it indicate

that the wizarding world is no longer peaceful?"

"The attack occurred in Diagon Alley. You must know that this is Diagon

Alley. Is the support from the Ministry of Magic Aurors fast? Can we

doubt whether the Aurors can ensure the safety of wizards?"

Before Fudge could say anything, Rita asked a pointed question.

Fudge wanted to block this woman's mouth and use a curse to prevent

her from speaking for the rest of her life.

"Everyone, please rest assured. Please trust that the Aurors of the

Ministry of Magic can protect the safety of the wizarding world. As for

the Gringotts incident, I have not yet learned about it. Please do not

hinder the Ministry of Magic's investigation."

As Fudge spoke, he wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead with a


After saying that, the bull head took the goblin into Gringotts. The Aurors

stopped Rita who wanted to continue questioning but refused to give up,

and set up a cordon around Gringotts.

Fudge also realized the seriousness of the matter. He looked at the goblin

who was several heads shorter than him and asked seriously:

"What happened? How many vaults were stolen? Are Gringotts' defenses


The goblin president rubbed his hands nervously.

"Minister Fudge, the person who came here is very powerful. The dragon

deep in the cave was unable to leave any thieves behind. Almost all the

pure-blood family treasuries were looted."

"The amount of gold galleons lost is countless, not to mention the amount

of treasures lost. Only the owner of the vault knows the amount lost."

"What should I do? I will definitely be questioned by the headquarters."

Hearing the goblin's words, Fudge really thought that he was dreaming at

this moment, and he lifted up the collar of the goblin in front of him.

"You are still worried about being accused. I really want to send you to

Azkaban so that you can feel the cordial greetings of the Dementors."

The goblin kicked his legs weakly, and did not dare to use the magic in

the past. He just held Fudge's wrist with both hands.

"Minister Fudge, don't be impulsive. It's not all our fault, right? Your

Ministry of Magic is also responsible."

After hearing this, Fudge became furious and threw the goblin out.

"Merlin's underpants, millions of galleons are lost. Have you remembered

the Ministry of Magic? Didn't you goblins swear to guarantee the wizard's

property? Where was that arrogant attitude before? I knew I shouldn't

trust you cunning people. Goblin.”

Although Fudge is not very smart, most wizards say that he became

Minister of Magic because of Dumbledore.

But he is not a fool. The Ministry of Magic generally doesn't care about

Gringotts matters, but as long as there is a problem, he, the minister, will

be in trouble.

The treasuries that were stolen this time all belonged to pure-blood

nobles. It was terrifying just thinking about it. Fudge actually broke out

in a cold sweat.

The handkerchief was soaked.

Don't think that purebloods have declined after experiencing the era of

the Dark Lord. Their power is still spread throughout the corners of the

wizarding world.

Fudge could already predict that those nobles would tear him apart.

Of course, there are also these hateful, disgusting dead goblins in front of


Fudge looked fiercely at the goblin who was slowly being helped up.

Chapter 51 Who Is It That Gave

Birth To A Son Without An


In Gringotts, Fudge took steps and thought, thinking about how to deal

with it next.

No matter how confused he usually is, he can still understand that if this

matter doesn't go well, he will step down, and his usual reputation will

be bad, which also takes a big blame.

Before Fudge could think of a way to deal with it, wizards in black robes

had already broken into Gringotts.

Lucius of the Malfoy family was followed by a large number of people,

and the leader of the Avery family, Little Avery, was also there.

The old men of the Aibo family followed closely behind.

The old man of the Bock family also rushed over from Fantai Alley.

Not to mention Old Crouch, who originally worked in the Ministry of

Magic and was well-informed.

The old lady of the Longbottom family did not show up, but sent a family

leader over.

Ollivander was no longer in the mood to guard his wand-making shop.

His home had been stolen. How could he be in the mood? His pension

money was gone.

Among the only twenty-eight pure-blood nobles left, there are the Carrow

family, the Foley family, the Flint family, the Parkinson family, the

Greengrass family, the Nott family,,.

Either the person in charge of the family or the patriarch of the family is


A group of people immediately surrounded Gringotts and looked at the

goblins around them fiercely. Even Fudge was too scared to speak.

The aristocratic man who usually put away his fangs, now had an aura

that made Fudge understand what it means to be a nobleman.

These people alone cannot be taken down by the Aurors of the Ministry

of Magic.

Just as the atmosphere at the scene was gradually condensing, Cole also

came in from outside.

Lucius and others made way for Cole to walk in from outside the crowd.

"Minister Fudge, what is going on? Is the wizarding world so unrest

already? Even in the era of the Dark Lord, Gringotts was never attacked."

Cole didn't wait for Fudge to answer and turned to stare at the goblin.

President, Gringotts promised to protect wizards' private property, is this

how it is protected?"

The goblin president quickly explained: "Master Wizard, we didn't expect

such a thing to happen. Gringotts' defense is definitely the best in the

wizarding world."

"Hmph, it's the best, I don't think so, otherwise how could our vault be so

easily broken into."

After Cole finished speaking, he said to Lucius and others behind him:

"Stop talking nonsense now, let's go and see what is left in our treasury."

The heads of each family directly pushed the goblin away and went down

into the cave with gloomy expressions.

Cole looked at the backs of these people and thought: What else is left?

What’s left is garbage, hahahaha.

It was clear that he was the mastermind behind the crime and had done

bad things, but instead he came to seek justice with the victims.

Cole felt like a demon who ate people without spitting out their bones.

Looking at Fudge out of the corner of his eye, the old boy looked


'Hmph, if I don't peel off your skin, you are lucky, Principal Dumbledore

can't protect you.

The show was not over yet, Cole pretended to frown and anxiously

headed to the Black family vault.

The door to the vault is open at this moment. When Cole enters, he can

see the scene of his crime. There is not a single gold galleon left.

Don't tell me, if it is true that he did not do this, Cole has the intention to

kill people, and he will shed tears when the mouse comes.

"Fuck, damn Merlin."

"Merlin, your sister is like a rat, a damn thief.

"I curse you to give birth to sons who are Muggles, and all the prostitutes

in Knockturn Alley are nobler than you."

Angry curses were heard from everywhere in the cave, and it was

obvious that the scene in the vault directly caused the wizards to break


Cole felt that his ears were very hot and touched them with his hands.

Fortunately, these curses did not work on him.

But since when have there been prostitutes in Knockturn Alley? Our own

business does not deal with this.

As the King of Knockturn Alley, why have I never experienced it before?

"Damn it, these goblins have been wanting to get into Golden Gallons all

day long, but they can't even take a look at Gringotts."

Cole quickly cursed and joined the curse army.

In order to avoid being out of place, Cole could only scold himself, but of

course he would not say anything too vicious.

Cole acted for a while, but the scolding outside hadn't stopped yet, and

his ears were getting calloused. The vocabulary of this group of wizards

was too small.

It was those two curses that came over and over again.

When Cole walked out of the vault, he saw Lucius with a dead face.

The noble platinum gentleman can no longer guarantee his grace at this


"Cole, how are the Black family's losses?"

"Lucius, what are you saying? The treasury has been emptied, hundreds

of thousands of gold galleons, not to mention those magic materials."

"If I catch that damn thief, I'll throw him into Knockturn Alley, beat his

bones, peel off his skin, and feed the bones to the Hungarian Bee Dragon

to turn them into dragon excrement."

………Please give me flowers…0

Of course, these vicious words were said by Cole. Looking at Lucius's

expression, he felt a little guilty in his heart, although this guilt was

nothing compared to the joy of the harvest in his heart.

But facing your old cousin, you don’t have to have the right attitude.

Lucius looked at Cole and agreed with Cole's curse.

When he heard about the loss of the Black family, Lucius was not happy

at all, because the loss of the Malfoy family was even greater.

The hard work of the Malfoy family for generations has turned into


"Cole, you must not let this thief go. The Black family is well-informed.

Let your Auror team search everywhere. Even if this thief goes to the

Antarctic, he must be caught."


"Don't worry, the Black family's money is not that easy to get. Even if we

can't find it, aren't there other families? From the looks of it, other

families are in the same situation.

Lucius nodded. It was not like he didn't hear the yelling in the cave.

Cole looked at Lucius's expression and changed the topic.

"I really don't know what Fudge does for a living. He didn't set up a

patrol near Gringotts. Could he be so trusting about goblins?"

"This group of greedy goblins cannot be trusted at all. They should have

been exterminated in the war a thousand years ago. Gringotts is simply

too unsafe."

Cole's complaint hit Lucius right in the heart.

The loss of the Malfoy family has made him unable to trust the Ministry

of Magic and Gringotts.

"You are right. The Ministry of Magic should be responsible for this. Such

a big theft happened in the wizarding world, and it was still in Gringotts.

Fudge and the goblins should give us an explanation.

In a few words, Cole brought the conflict to Fudge and the goblin.

On the way back, Lucius asked about the situation of other noble

wizards. Indu was the same as the Black family and the Malfoy family.

What shocked Lucius the most was that the Dumbledore family's treasury

was stolen.

This is the headmaster's family, even though there are only two members

of the Dumbledore family.

But it does not hinder its status in the wizarding world.

Lucius couldn't believe who was so bold.

Little did he know that a thief was speaking angrily next to him. His

cousin was a director who could eat people without spitting out their


Chapter 52: Is Gringotts Part Of

The Ministry Of Magic?

Cole and a group of noble wizards came to the lobby of Gringotts. Before

Cole could guide them, Marin from the Flint family rushed forward.

He grabbed the goblin by the collar and wanted to bite the goblin in front

of him to death.

"What did you damn greedy goblins do? Where is the Flint family's


"Oh, Mr. Flint, let go, don't be impulsive, this is all the fault of some thief.

The goblin's explanation was obviously not very satisfactory. If it weren't

for the public gaze, Malin Flint could have taken out his wand and

stuffed it into the goblin's mouth.

Cole didn't have a deep impression of Marin, but he also knew that he

had a son, his name seemed to be Marcus, and he was still the Quidditch

captain of Slytherin.

However, the appearance of the Flint family is not very good, just the

buck teeth are enough to scare people.

Cole looked at Marin and wondered: Could this be the result of incest

marriage? This character is also very irritable.

Following the Flint family's revolt, other nobles also began to loudly

reprimand Guling 18 Pavilion for its dereliction of duty.

Cole and Lucius were left standing outside. Lucius had a younger brother

to help him speak.

And Cole is because his main goal is not just the Gringotts goblins.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, under the

continuous abuse, the goblin's eyes became red, and the nobles began to

take out their wands astutely.

When Fudge saw it, he was really going to start a fight if he didn't stand


As long as goblins and noble wizards are killed or injured in front of him,

he, the minister, does not need to do it.

"Everyone, don't be impulsive. Stop quickly. Everything can be


Fudge stood outside and shouted with magic. He didn't dare to enter the

crowd. If he really needed a curse, his death would be in vain.

Cole looked at the cowardly and cowardly Fudge trying to break up the

fight, and was really helpless.

No wonder someone can become a minister, with such a sense of life-


"Everyone, please calm down and listen to me."

Fudge's words were like farts, but Cole's voice made the nobles stop.

"Mr. Goblin, our property was stolen in Gringotts. This is your dereliction

of duty. No matter what, you must compensate us for the loss.

Cole took the lead and lost his tone. Apparently his words were also

popular, and the noble wizards nodded.

As for the goblins, the embarrassment could be seen on their wrinkled

faces, but they did not say a word. This matter was related to Gringotts'

credibility in the wizarding world.

It is also related to the peace between wizards and goblins. Once it is not

handled well, it will be another war between races.

Thousands of years ago, goblins lost to wizards. They can survive in the

wizarding world not only because of the peace agreement between the

two parties, but also because of the greedy but conservative character of


The wizards at that time actually chose to hand over the economic

lifeline of the wizarding world to these goblins.

Regarding this matter, Cole couldn't figure it out. You must know that

goblins have malicious intentions towards wizards.

To this day, some goblins believe that the sword of Gryffindor was stolen

from the goblin king by wizards.

But in fact, the sword of Gryffindor was commissioned by Godric

Gryffindor, one of the four giants of Hogwarts, from the Goblin King to

build it for him.

Because it is hand-forged by goblins and its materials are special, the

Gryffindor sword was born with the material properties of repelling dust

and absorbing materials to strengthen the sword itself.

It is precisely because of this that the Goblin King was greedy and wanted

to take the sword as his own.

Let the subordinates go and ask for it from Godric, but who is Godric?

One of the four legendary wizards, he is nicknamed Gryffindor sword

master and duel champion.

The goblin king was unable to snatch the sword, so he asked the goblins

to release the news that the sword of Gryffindor was his and that Godric

had snatched it.

Of course, wizards will not believe this statement. They all know the

greed and selfishness of goblins.

But the goblins believed it, and to this day, there are still goblins who

believe that the sword of Gryffindor belongs to them.

Wizards are robbers.

No matter what this history says, Cole doesn't like goblins anyway. They

happen to be blocking the development of the Black family. Goblins do

not exist in Cole's future plans.

"Minister Fudge, the Ministry of Magic is also responsible for this matter.

After all, it happened in Diagon Alley. Have the Aurors in the Ministry of

Magic been comfortable for too long? As far as I know, except for Wright

and the others, the other Aurors sit in the office and drink every day.

Black tea.”

Fudge originally thought that Cole stood up to speak for him, but he

didn't expect that the conflict would instantly turn on the Ministry of


With deep resentment, Fudge said in his heart: Yes, yes, you Black have

driven all the Death Eaters to death. If there are criminal wizards, you

can't wait to chase them to the other side of the sea. What else can the

others do besides drinking tea?

"Cole, this matter is not the responsibility of the Ministry of Magic.

Gringotts is the responsibility of the goblins. According to the signed

treaty, the goblins have full control over Gringotts."

"As for the security issue of Gringotts, it naturally has nothing to do with

the Ministry of Magic."

As a veteran, Fudge has been a minister for many years, so he still has

some excuses.

"Oh? Really? Isn't Gringotts a part of the British wizarding world?

Shouldn't it be the duty of the Ministry of Magic to protect the stability of

the wizarding world?"

"If Gringotts is not under the control of the Ministry of Magic, then why

would we trust the goblins to keep our property?"

"Is it necessary for a department that cannot guarantee the safety of our

property to exist in Wizarding Thought?"

"If I had known that something like this would happen, I might as well

have put the gold Galleons in my family's treasury, or my Black family

would be qualified to build Gringotts."

"It's better than leaving it to an untrustworthy goblin. It's been stolen and

there's no way to explain it. Even the Ministry of Magic doesn't recognize

Gringotts' management."

After Cole finished speaking, each of the noble wizards felt that Cole was

their spokesperson.

Yes, if Gringotts had never had any problems and had the endorsement of

the International Ministry of Magic, who would be able to safely place

their ancestral property in the hands of goblins.

The Black family members were right, it was better to keep it for

ourselves than to leave it in the hands of greedy and irresponsible


Cole Black seemed to have just said that he would establish the Black

family's 'Gringotts'.

Yes, we noble wizards should have our own wizard bank instead of

leaving it in the hands of goblins. This is in the interests of the noble


After all, the Black family is also a millennium pure-blood noble, one of

the twenty-eight sacred nobles, and has this qualification.

What's more, the Black family is getting stronger and stronger now, and

no one dares to underestimate the Black family.

Cole's words did not make the pure-blood wizards present lose their

minds, but they also planted a seed.

Things seem to be heading towards an unknown path. .

Chapter 53: Dumbledore’S

Reaction Was A Bit Off Guard

Fudge was also confused. Cole asked whether the Ministry of Magic

recognized the international Ministry of Magic's decree on Gringotts.

It comes to whether the British Ministry of Magic should be responsible

for this incident.

There's even talk of whether wizards should trust goblins in the future.

This is related to the economic lifeline of the wizarding world.

No matter how fat-headed Fudge was, he still understood the seriousness

of the matter.

The goblins have lost their credibility. Where should the Ministry of

Magic go in the future? No matter how insensitive the wizards are to the

economy, they all know that they cannot put the gold Galleons in their

hands into the hands of the goblins.

If it is not handled well, it will affect tens of thousands of wizards. Even

the wizards who have finally settled down will also be affected, and they

may embark on the road of crime.

You must know that the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic do not have that

much energy to manage adult wizards.

"Mr. Black, please don't make the matter so serious. I will send a letter to

the International Ministry of Magic. I believe the matter will be resolved


Fudge, who looked mediocre on the outside, seemed extremely smart at

the moment and pushed the matter to the International Ministry of


But this is originally a matter for their British wizarding community.

"Mr. Minister, it's not your property that has had your feelings stolen,

that's why you said such a thing.

The British magical world is composed of aristocratic wizards and mixed-

race wizards. Over the years, mixed-race wizards have gradually moved

to the top of the Ministry of Magic.

After all, during the Hogwarts admissions every year, a large number of

young wizards come from the Muggle world.

But the moment these mixed-blood wizards graduated from school and

saw the magic of the wizarding world, they no longer wanted to return to

the Muggle world.

Perhaps from the moment they entered school, the gears of fate did not

allow them to return to the Muggle world and live an ordinary life.

If you want to stay in the magical world, entering the Ministry of Magic

has become the primary goal for mixed-race wizards.

All jobs in the Ministry of Magic are a mess.

The appointment of mixed-blood wizards will naturally squeeze the living

space of noble wizards.

The noble wizards have not said anything in these years. After all,

hundreds of years of foundation cannot be overturned in a short period of


The big cake in the wizarding world is still divided among the noble


And just today, the achievements of the noble wizards were stolen. No

matter how pure-blood wizards usually scheming with each other, they

cannot bear such a loss.

"Yes, the Ministry of Magic and the goblins must give us an explanation.

Such behavior will not be tolerated."

Lucius looked gloomy. At the critical moment, the Malfoy family was not

a lamb to be slaughtered.

No matter how turbulent the wizarding world is, at critical moments, the

Malfoy family will always stand on the side that is beneficial to their


"The Flint family does not accept this outcome."

"The Welfare family also wants an explanation from Gringotts."

"Fairies, if you don't compensate us for our losses, then we will start a


The noble wizards began to put pressure on the goblins and Fudge, and

even talked about starting a war.

The atmosphere at the scene began to condense, and many wizards

already had their wands in their hands, always on guard for the goblins

to escape.

Fudge's face began to tremble with fear, and the goblins began to be

wary of wizards. Adult goblins were also unique in spells.

There are many goblins in Gringotts who are masters of cursing, and to

be able to break curses, you need to have a deep understanding of curses.

The goblin is not helpless.

Seeing this scene, Cole complained about the wizard who was handling

the goblin rebellion at that time. He was obviously capable of solving it,

but he just liked to delay it.

In the magical world, the population of wizards is not large, but the

population of goblins is even smaller.

Cole thought to himself: It's okay to start a fight now, and the goblins will

be dealt with in a legitimate manner. As for the guilt of provoking the

war, didn't the goblins of Gringotts pay first?

Just when the two sides were about to take action, footsteps came from


The white-bearded wizard Principal Dumbledore appeared in front of


"Headmaster Dumbledore, you are finally here."

Fudge hurried to Dumbledore's side, faced Dumbledore and walked in

front of both parties, hiding behind Dumbledore himself.

Only by the side of this legendary wizard could Fudge dispel the shadow

of death just now.

"It seems that I came at the wrong time. What's going on? It's not good to

be so nervous. The magic spell is not used casually. Please stay calm."

Dumbledore's calm voice sounded. No one dared to underestimate this


Maintaining due respect for the strong is the law of survival for pure-

blood wizards.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, as you should know, our property has been

stolen in Gringotts.

Lucius stood up and properly acted as the spokesman for the pure-blood


"Lucius, of course I heard about it. Things are very bad, but since it

happened, we have to find a way to solve it, right?"

Even on such an occasion, Dumbledore was very calm, as if he had

everything under control.

Cole thought to himself: What a confident principal, I admire him the


Cole looked past Lucius and said, "Headmaster Dumbledore, as you have

heard, almost all the family's treasury has been robbed."

"." The abominable thief actually stole from your family, the principal. He

is so courageous. "

Cole's angry words made Dumbledore's mouth tremble slightly, his beard

trembled a few times, and his eyes became restless.

Cole was very happy to see it. Hahahaha, he heard that his home was

stolen. Principal, you are really not that calm.

Cole naturally couldn't read Old Bee's inner thoughts, but he could tell it

from his expression.

The principal's current mentality is like that of an enemy who has a tacit

understanding, and both parties do not play their cards according to the


The principal also didn't expect that the old senior Tom didn't talk about

martial arts, but they obviously had a tacit understanding with each

other, and they were all planning for the Sorcerer's Stone.

This is the situation now.

Dumbledore was indeed not as calm as Cole thought.

He borrowed the Philosopher's Stone, which was a trick to lure

Voldemort out.

Originally, everything was under control and Hagrid appeared in the

Leaky Cauldron. He naturally knew Hagrid's character and would

definitely reveal something.

Let’s break the news that the real Philosopher’s Stone Cart is in Hogwarts.

Harry is at Hogwarts, he put the Sorcerer's Stone in Hogwarts, and the

stage is set up. Now you're telling me that the first play was a disaster?

Dumbledore felt that the development of things was out of his control.

I couldn't help but complain in my heart: Tom, isn't your first goal to be

resurrected? What kind of gold galleons did you steal?

Tom, you are no longer a good student at Hogwarts. Newt is much more

obedient than you.

A few seconds passed, and many things came to Dumbledore's mind.

But at the same time, he also discovered that something was wrong. The

current Voldemort did not have the time or ability to steal the vault.

Who is behind this? They plotted against him.

Dumbledore's slightly dim eyes glanced at the people present, but found

nothing wrong.

He thought to himself: Things are really getting interesting. Merlin's

beard is really troublesome. .

Chapter 54: Temporary

Suppression, News Of The Coming


Dumbledore's eyes scanned the scene, and the gray eyes under the frame

seemed to see through people's hearts. What happened today was not

what Dumbledore expected.

Dumbledore also wanted to find out who was involved in this game.

Faced with the old principal's eyes, Cole certainly wouldn't reveal his


Just like the noble wizards around him, his eyes were full of indignation,

as if he was also a victim.

In addition to Cole's confidence in his acting skills, he also has full-level

Occlumency. His footsteps have not stopped over the years.

Of course, in such an occasion, Dumbledore would not be able to use the

Divine Order to pry into everyone's hearts.

Cole knew that the old headmaster would always restrain himself.

Without this belief, he would not have stood up to duel with his old lover

at the request of the International Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore is of course the top Legilimency master.

But which of the wizards present are simple? Not all pure-blood nobles

are freeloaders.

Dumbledore said slowly: "Everyone, now that something has happened,

we have to find a way to solve it.

"As the chief magician of the Wizengamot, I will apply to the

International Ministry of Magic tomorrow to ask Guringo Headquarters to

compensate you for your losses.

After Dumbledore finished speaking, the heads of the various families

present raised no objections.

They all looked at each other and then fell into silence.

The tense atmosphere between the wizard and the goblin just now

gradually disappeared.

Cole thought to himself: As expected of Dumbledore, could it be that the

old headmaster had taken advantage of his reputation? A single sentence

could temporarily shelve the conflict between pure-blood nobles and


Of course, if the goblins of Gringotts could agree to compensate the

wizards for their losses, half of the matter would be solved.

But even so. The goblins have also completely lost the trust of wizards.

No wizard family will safely deposit Galleons in the stolen Gringotts.

If the family's treasury is not safe, it will lose the meaning of the treasury.

But what shocked Cole was that the goblin didn't have any refutation of

Dumbledore's words.

You must know how difficult it is to get Galleons out of the hands of

these greedy fairies.

This is simply worse than killing a goblin.

The gold galleons lost by various families are still in Cole's hands. Of

course he knows how huge the amount is, but Cole will never take out

this money for the time being.

He didn't want to be exposed and put the Black family into crisis.

In this case, the goblins will have to take gold galleons from their own

hands as compensation.

But Cole also knows that for hundreds of years, goblins have controlled

the economic lifeline of the wizarding world. Even if there is no such

thing as a loan in the wizarding world, goblins will not use money to

make money.

They simply preserve the wizard's property.

However, a certain storage fee will be charged every year, so the goblin

is not without property.

Thinking about it in an instant, Cole said: "Since the principal has said

this, we can rest assured.

Principal Dumbledore, you'd better go to the vault and take a look. The

thieves are so rampant that they emptied all the families.

Not even a single gold galleon was left.

What a (biee) Merlin rat, I have never seen a thief dressed like this. y

After Cole finished speaking, Dumbledore nodded in response and

followed the goblin down the cave.

Dumbledore was curious. Logically speaking, Voldemort couldn't do it

with his remaining power. Could someone help him?

Yes, he had known about Voldemort's behavior of possessing Quirrell,

otherwise he would not have invited Quirrell to be this year's Defense

Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Although Quirrell is not a student of Gryffindor, Dumbledore understands


Students from Ravenclaw have excellent grades in school and are humble

and friendly people.

When he came back this time, he suddenly looked like a man without a

ghost. Quirrell told the outside world that he was cursed while exploring

the ruins.

Not only did his temperament become timid, but he also stuttered when


No one else was suspicious, but Dumbledore knew what was going on.

However, Dumbledore did not intend to take action himself. Knowing

Tom's character, Dumbledore knew that even if he took action now, it

would only temporarily delay his resurrection.

As early as more than ten years ago, Dumbledore had made a thorough

plan. Except for him, no one would be sure that the Dark Lord would be

resurrected and sweep the division world again.

Although the Black family has emerged and developed rapidly in recent

years, in other directions, everything has been in accordance with

Dumbledore's expectations.

Dumbledore looked towards Cole, their eyes met in the air, and there was

no fierce confrontation between their eyes.

For Dumbledore, Voldemort is now the unsettling factor.

Dumbledore turned.

Looking at the back of old principal Dumbledore, Cole thought to

himself: Principal, don't blame him for being too arrogant.

After Dumbledore left, Fudge stood obediently in the corner. He didn't

dare to say anything now, lest he be pulled out by the noble wizard.

Lucius and others came to discuss with Cole what to do next.

Hear what Lucius and others did. Cole could only lament that the noble

wizard had indeed a wide network of contacts.

Even in the international Ministry of Magic, they are all related, and the

inextricable relationship between pure-blood nobles is also the cause of

headaches for Fudge and others at the Ministry of Magic.

After hearing Lucius and the others' method, Cole could only say: None of

these divisions are fools.

When there is a community of interests. The unity between pureblood

nobles is incredible.

Cole originally had a series of operations behind him, but after hearing

Lucius and the others' methods, Cole already felt that he didn't need to do

anything more.

It's enough to give Fudge a headache, and the Ministry of Magic may be

in chaos.

Things will naturally develop in a direction that is beneficial to the Black

family. After experiencing the more brutal development before, the

current Black family needs to stabilize step by step.

Of course, Cole had already envisioned the consequences of such a big


Cole's shot was very clean and no one would pay attention to him.

But Principal Bee, who is a chess player himself, will definitely notice

that something is wrong.

Suddenly there is an influence from an outside force on the chessboard.

Principal Dumbledore is cunning and will not allow things to go beyond

his control. Cole must also be very careful.

As for what happens next, Cole no longer has to worry.

Not long after, Dumbledore came up from below the cave.

What made Cole sigh was that he didn't see a trace of anger or anything

else on Dumbledore's face.

It was as if the family treasury had been stolen, which was just a small

thing to Dumbledore.

Also, as one of the top wizards in the British wizarding world, if

Dumbledore wanted wealth, it would be easy.

Dumbledore's apparent calm also made Cole more cautious.

Even if things didn't go as planned, it didn't affect Dumbledore's


Cole thought to himself: He is indeed the famous White Wizard.

Not only does he scheme against others, but he himself is also part of the


"Everyone, that's it for today. The wizarding world needs stability, and all

families are asked to stay calm. I would like to remind you that a new

darkness is gradually awakening.

The meaning of the deep sea was hidden in Dumbledore's words, and

those present were not ordinary people. There were many more sources

of information among pure-blood wizards than ordinary wizards


Over the years, news has been circulating in the British wizarding

community that the Dark Lord will be resurrected again.

Even though many wizards saw it as a joke. But these wizards from pure-

blood families naturally understand.

The death of the Dark Lord many years ago was too sudden. The famous

Dark Lord fell into the hands of a child.

The Death Eaters that swept the British wizarding world collapsed

instantly precisely because they lost Voldemort's leadership.

After all, pure-blood nobles followed Voldemort only because of the

threat of death and the interests of pure-bloods.

Lucius in the crowd suddenly changed his expression and held the crutch

in his hand tightly.

How could he not know if others didn't know? Back then, Lucius was

considered a rare talent among the Death Eaters and the Dark Lord's most

loyal servant.

Although Lucius used his family connections to escape trial on the pretext

of being under the Imperius Curse, the mark of the Dark Lord on his arm

always reminded Lucius that the matter was not over yet.

Lucius was panicking in his heart. At this moment, he was no longer in

the mood to pay attention to the family treasury.

The darkness in Dumbledore's mouth seemed to envelope Lucius.

A lot of noble wizards behind them started to look bad, but on this

occasion, no one dared to express their doubts. .

Chapter 55 Joining The Game

Between Dumbledore And Senior


After Dumbledore finished speaking, he walked towards the door of

Gringotts, Fudge following closely behind.

A lot of noble wizards looked at each other and followed Dumbledore


Outside the gate of Gringotts, there was a large group of wizards

watching the excitement.

And of course Rita from the Daily Prophet.

Seeing Fudge and Dumbledore, a group of people swooped on them like

flies seeing meat.

"Principal Dumbledore, does what happened in Gringotts mean that the

British wizarding world will no longer be peaceful?

Are the Ministry of Magic's Aurors really incapable of protecting wizards'


Mr. Black, Mr. Malfoy, what will you do next?"

The wizards present all looked sideways when they heard Rita's question.

Some ordinary wizards were full of respect. In their eyes, Rita was the

most daring woman in the wizarding world to tell the truth.

But for the interviewee, it is deeply malicious -.

Not only Fudge was angry, but even some noble wizards didn't like this

woman who thought she could control everything with a quill.

With people like Rita, the entire wizarding world would know they were

a joke the next day.

This is a matter of face for the pure-blood family.

"Ms. Skeeter, please don't doubt the ability of the Ministry of Magic. Over

the years, the Ministry of Magic has been protecting wizards in the

wizarding world. This time it was just an accident. Please believe that we

can solve all problems."

Fudge was able to talk about this kind of situation with ease. With

Dumbledore present, Fudge was not afraid. Do you really think he had

been Minister for nothing for so many years?

At the same time, a smile appeared on Fudge's fat face, but his eyes were

deeply warning Rita in front of him.

Maybe it was because of Dumbledore, or maybe the people present today

were all pure-blood nobles. Rita dared to offend one or two, but half of

the wizarding world was here.

If she was really offended, there would be no need for Rita Skeeter to

stay in the UK.

"Okay, Mr. Minister, we all believe that the Aurors of the Ministry of

Magic will definitely arrest the culprit.

Rita responded shrewdly, her face full of trust in the Ministry of Magic.

Cole looked at this woman curiously. She looked delicate, but the

ambition in her eyes was not hidden at all.

Cole found that he seemed to have overlooked a lot of things on

weekdays. The wizarding world was really full of talents.

Rita said this today, but Cole could imagine that tomorrow's Daily

Prophet will be very exciting, and this woman will not let go of any

opportunity to make herself famous.

Cole didn't intend to touch this woman and let her play her role. Anyway,

his original intention was to cause trouble for the Ministry of Magic.

Cole was the first to leave. Listening to Fudge's clichés here, it would be

better to go home and sleep with Jin Gallon in his arms.

Cole's departure directly drove the remaining noble wizards, and they

walked out of the crowd easily.

Dumbledore was left to support Fudge. After all, Fudge was still the

principal. Although he was stupid, he was obedient.

What happened in Gringotts hit British wizards like a tsunami and

gradually fermented.

And here, Cole, who returned to Black Castle, was also ready to start the

next plan.

That's right, the reason Cole followed Voldemort's footsteps and broke

into Gringotts was after several children entered Hogwarts.

Originally, Cole had no intention of getting involved in the matter

between Dumbledore and Voldemort.

These two are not a love-hate relationship between Dumbledore and the

Great Demon Lord Grindelwald.

Senior Tom really wanted to kill Dumbledore, and Dumbledore really

wanted to kill Voldemort.

Because what Voldemort did was absolutely intolerable in Dumbledore's


In Cole's memory, he actually saw Riddle when he was a student.

At that time, Tom Riddle was a popular figure in the school. He was

extremely talented and very approachable, and he was always

surrounded by a large number of people.

Tom, who was about to graduate, wanted to stay at Hogwarts and

become a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Perhaps seeing the darkness in Tom's heart, Dumbledore refused to leave

Tom in school.

Little did they know that at that time, Tom had already made many

Horcruxes, experienced several schizophrenias, and his personality had

already become extreme.

Browsing through the memories, it was like watching a movie. Even Cole

could tell that something was wrong with the old senior.

Dumbledore's strong refusal caused Tom to leave school and disappear

from the wizarding world.

Until he appeared again, Tom had abandoned his name and became


In Cole's view, Voldemort is an extremely dangerous person. In addition

to his birth from the love potion, his childhood experiences also shaped

Voldemort's character.

Others didn't know, but Cole knew that Voldemort, who was in the

orphanage, had been bullied since he was a child because he was

different from others, but little Tom also responded in kind.

From Cole's perspective, little Tom did nothing wrong.

But the appearance of Dumbledore obviously changed little Tom's life.

For the first time, he knew that there was a little Tom in the world who

had the same special abilities as himself.

When I saw Dumbledore for the first time, I was very excited, the

excitement of finding someone of the same kind.

But later, Dumbledore asked little Tom to apologize to those who had

bullied him.

Just because Little Tom's methods were too cruel in Dumbledore's

opinion, those little guys would either have their arms broken or go to



Even when Little Tom was unwilling, he apologized.

This also planted a seed in his young heart. As long as you are strong

enough and right, you can force others to do things they don't want to


At that time, Dumbledore may not have thought so much, thinking that

the play between children was too much and was not good. Little did he

know that little Tom was far more serious than his peers.

Similarly, after entering Hogwarts, little Tom worked hard to study magic

and achieved excellent results in all subjects.

Let Dumbledore think that he really admitted his mistake and took the

right path.

Dumbledore stopped paying attention. He would not have thought that

Tom was hiding his heart and absorbing knowledge like a sponge.

I just want to become stronger.

Cole can know Voldemort's heart because he is an outsider and knows

many things well.

Understand that Voldemort has no emotions in his heart. The wrong

time, wrong birth, and wrong experiences created a monster.

In the name of pure blood, Voldemort arbitrarily slaughtered half-blood

wizards and used fear to rule people's hearts.

In fact, many purebloods died at the hands of Voldemort. If the noble

wizard had other ideas, he would not follow Voldemort.

If you can't beat him, why don't you ask Dumbledore for help?

Cole knows what these selfish guys are thinking. If you want to ask why,

of course it’s because he is also a selfish guy!

Cole, who had no intention of participating in the Dumbledore game,

changed his mind when several of his children entered Hogwarts.

Things are inevitable, so we have to find ways to have more trump cards.

The things in each family's treasury are good, but the Black family is not

short of money, let alone in the wizarding world where the currency

circulation rate is extremely low.

Gold Galleons are not important, but controlling their circulation is


This was also the reason why Cole attacked Lord Gring. The treasury was

stolen. Regardless of whether the goblin admitted his negligence or not,

he had already lost trust in the British wizarding community.

That's right, Cole is planning to take this opportunity to establish Black

Bank, the first private bank in the wizarding world.

The location is located at the junction of Diagon Alley and Knockturn

Alley, with two doors open. Whether it is a dark wizard or an ordinary

wizard, everyone is welcome in Lake Bank.

Black Bank is not like Gringotts, except for depositing money and

withdrawing money.

There are so many ways to play here, and Cole doesn't even have to

worry about it. He can gather the wealth of the British wizarding world

by just relying on Muggle methods.

The Black family became the first giant in the wizarding world, starting

with Cole's theft of Gringotts. .

Chapter 56 I Shed Blood For The

Ministry Of Magic

The Leaky Cauldron is a place where people come and go every day. It

looks like a shabby place, but it is the most well-informed place.

What happened in Gringotts yesterday made the wizards in the Leaky

Cauldron very excited. They all ordered cups of butterbeer and discussed

it vigorously.

On each table, wizards held newspapers in their hands, and Fudge's face

appeared on the big page of the Daily Prophet.

"Hahaha, stupid Fudge, look at his face, it's almost like a turkey's ass.

"Silly Fudge, what did you think he could say? Isn't the most important

thing now to catch the thief?"

"He is not worthy of being the Minister of Magic at all, and stepping

down would be his greatest contribution to the wizarding world.

"Praising this brave man should turn all those misers into paupers."

"Oh, praise Merlin."

The bar instantly became lively.

After all, wizards like them don't care what happens when the Ministry of

Magic issues "183". They are even happier watching Fudge make a fool of


Regarding the current Minister of Magic Fudge, many wizards think that

he is a fool. If there were no people in the Ministry of Magic, this fool

would not be allowed to come to power.

In the Leaky Cauldron, speech is free.

They preferred Dumbledore in the photo to Fudge, after all, it was the

headmaster who made them feel safe.

Not only the Leaky Cauldron, but also the release of the Daily Prophet

made the entire British wizarding world question Fudge's ability.

They knew that Fudge was a fool before, but now that something like this

happened, the wizards felt that the Ministry of Magic should be replaced.

In the Office of the Minister of Magic, Fudge looked at the Daily Prophet,

his hands trembling constantly. Sitting across from him was LeVert, his

eyes looking more like he was watching a joke.

Hearing Peng's sound, Fudge held his right hand in pain.

"Damn it, these stupid wizards, what do they know? How many things

have I done for the wizarding world over the years, and it wasn't my

leadership that made the Ministry of Magic stronger?"

"You want me to step down. I was the one who led the officials of the

Ministry of Magic to fight against the mysterious man. I contributed to

that war, I saved their blood, and I was admitted to St. Mungo's


"They can't do this to me, Merlin, look at this world, it's simply too cruel."

LeVille was dumbfounded when he heard Fudge's impassioned words.

Even a shameless and selfish person like him couldn't say such words.

Have you ever contributed to the wizarding world? All your efforts have

gone to the blond secretary.

You, Fudge, work for the Ministry of Magic? You haven't done anything

at all these years, okay?

Not to mention that you led the officials of the Ministry of Magic to resist

the mysterious man. That was what Barty Crouch did, and he was the

Director of the Legal Department at the beginning.

If it weren't for your son's work, it would really not be your turn to be the


Others don’t know it, but LeVert came from that era.

Fudge had blood in his mouth and entered St. Mungo's. It was simply a

shame to the Ministry of Magic.

It was during a mission that he was attacked by a mysterious man.

During the retreat, Fudge didn't hit anyone with any of his magic spells.

He accidentally fell down a mountain col and broke his arm.

Went to St. Mungo's and was cured in less than ten minutes. Just like

that, Fudge was still in there and refused to leave the hospital, claiming

that he was under a curse and had a headache.

LeVell just wanted to throw his inner complaints at Fudge's face. He was

already dozens of years old, so shameless.

Level has never seen such a shameless person, he is simply lower than a


"Mr. Minister, why are you so angry? Although what the Daily Prophet

said is a bit excessive, it is also recognition of you. Everyone wants the

wizarding world to be more stable."

LeVert said this deliberately, but Fudge didn't even hear the irony in it.

Instead, he shouted loudly, "Rita, this bitch, dares to provoke me. I am

the minister. Let the Propaganda Department teach this woman a lesson

and let her know the price of offending me."

LeVell listened to Fudge's shameless words and reminded him.

"Minister, please don't forget that this woman is not the trouble now, not

to mention that there is no one behind her.

"Then there's nothing I can do against her? LeVert, who is the Minister of


Fudge glared at LeVert with a stern look, which did not scare the old guy

in front of him at all.

LeVell felt contempt in his heart and said slowly: "Mr. Minister, the

opinions of ordinary wizards have no impact on your status at all. Even if

they don't like you, so what?"

"But please don't forget, sir, that the pure-blood nobles suffered heavy

losses this time. They are the important beings who can decide whether

you can continue to serve as the Minister of Magic."

Fudge sat down with a livid face. He was not stupid enough to

understand what LeVille said.

That's right, no matter how ordinary wizards think he is unqualified, it

will not affect his status.

Pure-blood nobles are an important part of the wizarding world. Even if

Fudge doesn't want to admit it, most resources are inextricably linked to

pure-blood nobles...

Even if Fudge recruited many mixed-blood wizards, it was still not

enough to resist the nobles.

If what happened this time really made these nobles become cruel and

propose changing minister candidates, then he would be in trouble.

Most of the members of the Wizengamot Council were noble wizards.

Thinking of this, Fudge broke into a cold sweat. He knew what he had

done over the years. He just said that he had done a lot for the Ministry

of Magic.

Indeed, there are many corruption cases involved.

After losing his position as minister and offending a pure-blood noble, his

bad deeds will definitely be exposed.

Not even Dumbledore would say a word for him then.

"No, they won't do this. They also get benefits, don't they? They can't do


Fudge shouted loudly to cover up his inner panic.

Of course LeVell knew what benefits Fudge was talking about. This was

already a tacit understanding among the top officials of the Ministry of


"Yes, I also have the support of Principal Dumbledore. The principal will

definitely support me. He is the chief wizard of the Wizengamot, so he

will definitely be able to help me."

Fudge muttered in a daze, and as he spoke, he stood up and saw that he

was going to find Dumbledore.

When LeVille passed by Fudge, he directly held Fudge down and pulled

his arm to the sofa.

"Mr. Minister, don't be too impulsive, otherwise you will lose your mind."

"If you go to see Headmaster Dumbledore like this, he won't see you." 0.3

Fudge couldn't understand what kind of person Dumbledore was, but

Level knew a lot about him.

Levelle believed that such Fudge was of no value to Principal

Dumbledore, and worthless things would be discarded.

Although he didn't want to admit that Fudge was unqualified as the

Minister of Magic, Fudge was not useless from LeVert's position.

He didn't want to step on Fudge to get the position at all. The minister's

position was not that easy to sit on.

The Shacklebolt family cannot be a thorn in the side of other noble


Pour a cup of black tea to help Fudge calm down.

Fudge may seem stupid to outsiders, but in LeVert's heart, Fudge has

really never made any big mistakes.

Although I don’t have the ability, I don’t use my talents randomly.

For Britain after being devastated by the Dark Lord, stability is the most

important thing. .

Chapter 57 Another Provocation

At the Hogwarts cafeteria table, Ronald was holding a chicken drumstick

and stuffing it into his mouth. Harry was already used to it.

What was reported in the Daily Prophet did not attract much attention in

the school.

Under the protection of Dumbledore, the school is the safest place in the

wizarding world. The little wizard in the ivory tower worries about the

homework assigned by the professor every day.

Or have fun with classmates.

Only Harry, looking at the newspaper in his hand, suddenly remembered

the day Hagrid went to Gringotts, saying he was helping Professor

Dumbledore store something.

Judging from Hagrid's tone, it must be something very important.

"Harry, why don't you eat? There are flying lessons in the afternoon. How

can you not eat enough?"

Ronald's heartless words woke Harry up. Harry nodded and could only

suppress the doubts in his heart.

"Ronald, are you aware that Gringotts has been stolen?"

"I know, there's Malfoy among them, hahaha, it's such a happy thing, I

can even imagine Malfoy's expression."

Ronald put down the chicken legs in his hands, and he felt happy when

he talked about this.

Harry looked at Ronald speechless, held his forehead and said, "But your

home was also stolen.

What Harry didn't expect was that Luo En was not worried at all.

"You don't know, our family's treasury doesn't have any gold galleons at

all. Dad's salary is used up every month, so it doesn't matter."

"Ah, Harry, I forgot about your family. The newspaper said that the

Potter family's treasury was also stolen. What a disgusting guy. Can't you

just steal Malfoy?"

Ronald also realized that Harry also lost gold galleons, and he felt

heartbroken when he thought of this.

"It doesn't matter. I won't use much anyway. I'll still have some in the


Although Harry didn't have much pocket money since he was a child, he

didn't care much about money. When he first saw the gold galleons in the

vault, Hagrid said they were all his.

Harry was only slightly excited, not to mention that Hagrid also said that

the Potter family had income every year, so he didn't have to worry

about his future life.

Harry's plainness made Ronald feel a little jealous. After all, he had never

seen so much money since he was a child.

Why, if Harry is as old as him, he won't have to worry about money in

the future.

After lunch, the two people walked out of the cafeteria, and Martin,

Malfoy and others just walked over from the opposite side.

When Harry saw the people opposite him, he didn't intend to say

anything. After all, there had been a fight not long ago. Harry felt a little

guilty inside. After all, Malfoy and Martin were quite friendly to him in

Knockturn Alley.

Unexpectedly, Harry tried not to provoke him, but Ronald snorted.

"Hey, isn't this Master Malfoy? I heard that your family encountered a

thief, and you are still in the mood to eat."

Ronald was still worried about his previous injury, and always felt that if

Malfoy hadn't relied on more people, he would not have lost.

"You damn redhead, you haven't experienced the pain yet. Didn't you

learn the lesson last time enough?"

"Even if what happened at Gringotts happened, the Malfoy family would

not be like Weasley, unable to even raise children and still wearing old


Draco was not to be outdone. He was already upset when he got the

news, but when the annoying Weasley appeared in front of him, Draco

was even more angry.

Draco's words made Ronald break through his defense instantly.

Originally, he was the one who provoked and should have the upper

hand. However, Draco's words made Ronald's face turn red with anger.

"Who are you talking about wearing an old robe? You should let thieves

steal your home, so that you can only go to the streets to beg for crowns."

He could even say something like "begging on the street", which directly

made Martin, Jerome and Ben next to him laugh.

They felt that the Weasley children were really childish and were

wizards, and would never end up begging on the streets.

Draco, who often followed Martin and others, was obviously less

impulsive and used his brain when doing things.

"Weasley, who can't even afford candy, should stop caring about our

pureblood affairs, Harry, you traitor."

Harry stood aside and said hello. He obviously didn't say anything, even

though Draco could talk about him.

"Harry, don't stop me, I have to teach Malfoy a lesson."

Ronald said, but his hand reached Harry's robe.

Harry thought to himself: I didn't stop you, why are you arresting me?

"Come on, let me see what you can do to me. This time I will let you

sleep with the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest."

Draco is not stupid, he will not take action. What happened some time

ago has not passed yet. If he takes action again, Hogwarts school rules

are not a joke.

So Draco only provoked verbally and did not take a step forward.

Ronald pulled Harry reluctantly and was about to pounce on him.

On Draco's side, Jerome and Ben behind him looked at the clown-like

Ronald with disdain in their eyes.

He obviously didn't dare to take action, but he still said it was powerful.

Martin looked at the farce and could only stand up and said: "Harry, take

your friend back, we are not in the mood to deal with it."

With the steps provided by Martin, Harry also reacted, raised his hand

and pulled Ronald to the side.

The two of them half-stopped and gradually disappeared into the

corridor. Ronald's unwilling shouts could still be heard.

"Damn Malfoy, do you really think I'm afraid of you? Come on, come on."

Martin looked at the disappearing figure with many doubts in his heart.

"Draco, have you met Weasley before? Or is there a conflict between your

family and the Weasley family?"

Draco looked at Martin with a disdainful expression.

"Martin, why do you say that? How could our Malfoy family be related to

Weasley, who is close to Muggles? I feel sick talking to them.

Martin nodded, and the question in his heart seemed to have a clue.

"It's nothing. Then there's something wrong with Ronald targeting you

like this."

Jerome and Ben also lowered their heads and thought, some things are

often impossible, but that is the answer.

"Martin, what are you talking about? Isn't that Ronald just relying on Po

Te for support? Damn Po Te."

Draco didn't realize anything yet, he just thought that Pott refused to be

friends with him because of a Weasley.

Draco has never been so angry since he was a child.

Martin smiled helplessly: "Nothing, let's go eat."

In Martin's heart, Draco has indeed not grown up yet. Although they are

about the same age, Draco is obviously very well protected.

Just like just now, after he finished speaking, Jerome and Ben thought of

something. Even the two seemingly stupid guys behind Draco, Goyle and

Crabbe, showed thinking expressions.

That was obviously something that came to mind.

Martin was sure that Goyle and Crabbe's parents must have said

something to make them look like this.

In a pure-blood family, who is really a fool?

Martin sighed as several people walked into the canteen. .

Chapter 58 The Torture Of The

Dark Lord

The nights at Hogwarts always seemed so peaceful, and the roars of wild

beasts could be heard from the Forbidden Forest in the distance.

Inside the castle, Argus Filch held an oil lamp and listened to the sounds

in the corridor from time to time.

A cat came out of the corner, and Filch knelt down to pet it.

"Mrs. Lorris, did you find anything?"

The cat just enjoyed Filch's smooth fur and purred.

"Disobedient little wizards should be punished. Hogwarts is a place for

learning, but hunger can make them naughty.

The hoarse voice echoed in the corridor. It was obvious that Filch was

enjoying his nightly patrols. The torture chamber in his room had not

been used for a long time.

Although Principal Dumbledore forbids him from using it on young

wizards, it can still be used to scare people.

Filch was very excited when he thought of this.

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom in the castle, the black

curtains look depressing, and the room at the back is where Quirrell, the

defense teacher, lives.

In the room, Quirrell was kneeling in front of the desk, with no one in

front of him.

The scarf on his head also disappeared at this time, and an extremely

ugly face was attached to the back of Quirrell's head.

A hoarse snake-like roar sounded.

"Damn Dumbledore, with no trace of the grace of a great wizard, actually

framed the great Dark Lord for stealing gold galleons.

"Such insults are unacceptable to me. I will fight Dumbledore."

"The Daily Prophet is a liar, I didn't get anything from Gringotts at all.

"Cunning old wizard, it's a trap, yes, Quirrell, it's a trap."

"Using my desire for the Philosopher's Stone, you actually framed me.

This is slander. How can the Dark Lord be a thief?"

Quirrell was on the ground, not daring to raise his head, trying his best to

cover up his presence, like an ostrich.

The face on the back of the head scolded the servant for a long time but

did not see a response. He said in a conspiratorial manner: "Quirrell, this

operation failed. Whose fault do you think it is?"

Quirrell's thin body suddenly trembled. Voldemort's words made Quirrell

react in fear.

"My master, a great being in the wizarding world, it was my subordinate's

mistake that allowed Dumbledore to find the opportunity to slander you.

It was obvious that Quirrell's IQ was on the line now. How could he, who

was born in Ravenclaw, not understand Voldemort's current mood.

"That's right, it's all your fault, it's your damn weakness that makes me

unable to show my full strength.

After Voldemort finished speaking, he recited the curse with a twisted

face, and Quirrell covered his head and rolled on the ground.

"Ah, my master, I don't dare anymore. Merciful Lord Dark Lord, please

spare me.

Quirrell's miserable howl echoed through the bedroom.

Looking at the tortured Quirrell, Voldemort felt a sense of relief in his

heart. He was not worried that Quirrell's movements would attract

attention in Hogwarts. He issued a spell to seal the bedroom, ensuring

that no sound could escape.

Quirrell's painful screams made Voldemort feel as if his time had

returned, and he was still the terrifying Dark Lord.

A few minutes passed, and Voldemort also broke the spell. After all, he

only had Quirrell by his side at the moment, and he would still be needed

to do things in the future.

Otherwise, according to his temper as the Dark Lord, he would have

become an Avatar long ago.

Quirrell lay on the ground like a dead fish, gasping for air, dripping with

cold sweat, as if he had just emerged from the water.

After calming down, Voldemort ignored Quirrell and analyzed what


With Quirrell's body, he broke into Gringotts and went all the way down.

When Hagrid took Harry into Diagon Alley that day, he possessed

Quirrell. Following him, he already knew the specific location where

Hagrid stored the Philosopher's Stone in Gringotts.

Take action only when you are ready.

For this action, Voldemort endured it and did not make a sound when he

saw Harry with his own aura on his body.

Unexpectedly, the plan failed.

"The old guy is really cunning. Since the Philosopher's Stone is not in

Gringotts, where is the safest place in the wizarding world? Quirrell, stop

pretending to be dead."

Hearing Voldemort's voice, Quirrell quickly climbed up from the ground

and replied tremblingly: "Master, the safest place in the wizarding world

besides Gringotts is Hogwarts."

"Yeah~ That's right, it's Hogwarts. Quirrell, you are finally smart for

once. You are worthy of being a servant of the Dark Lord."

"Of course, Lord Dark Lord, your most loyal servant also graduated from


"Shut up, damn thing, who asked you this?"

Voldemort was possessing Quirrell's brain, and Quirrell's thoughts were

completely invisible to him. Just now, his servant actually felt a sense of


Damn it, Ravenclaw has nothing to be proud of, they are all a bunch of

damn, arrogant, selfish guys.

Slytherin students are the best at Hogwarts.

However, Voldemort was still very satisfied with Quirrell. Not everyone

had the ability to find his Horcrux under ancient ruins.

It is precisely because of this that he can see the light of day again.

""|| Quirrell, follow me, you will witness the day when the wizarding

world changes. Now there is a task for you. If you do it well, your

reputation in the wizarding world will definitely exceed that of

Dumbledore in the future, and it will be written into the history of magic.

The presence. "

Voldemort bewitched Quirrell, and he certainly knew what Quirrell's

heart longed for. Quirrell, who was born in Ravenclaw, longed for fame.

He vowed to become a famous wizard in the wizarding world and gain

international fame.

Exploring ancient ruins was Quirrell's idea, otherwise he wouldn't have

met him.

Sure enough, after hearing the future described by Voldemort, Quirrell's

eyes were filled with magical longing, and his pale face turned rosy.

"Master, please be sure to leave the task to your loyal servant."

"Okay, since you have made a sincere request, of course I will satisfy you,

great Lord.

Voldemort lowered his voice and spoke his plan, completely forgetting

that he had cast a spell before and the sound in the bedroom could not be


"You are going to visit the castle at night today. You must find out what

is wrong with Hogwarts. Don't jump into the trap and alert the enemy.

This devil has other plans."

Quirrell nodded quickly, the face on the back of his head rising and


"Okay, you damn idiot, I'm going to be knocked unconscious by you, why

don't you go quickly?"

After saying this, Voldemort closed his eyes. His previous actions had

consumed a lot of his magic power, and he had to find a way to make up

for it.

He didn't have the energy to keep an eye on Quirrell, so he could only

arrange things.

Quirrell felt the Dark Lord's deep sleep, picked up the scarf from the desk,

and carefully wrapped his entire head.

Pushing open the bedroom door, he took out his wand and cast the

disembodiment spell, covering up the smell on his body, and disappeared

into the classroom. .

Chapter 59 Lucius, We Are

Dearest Relatives And Friends

In today's Ministry of Magic, the fireplace has never stopped, and the

staff of the Ministry of Magic have always maintained the stability of the

floo network.

Wizards came out of the fireplace one after another, using cleaning spells

to clean away the non-existent dust on their bodies. A decent wizard

would always ensure that his robes were clean.

When I see someone I know, I walk over to talk to them. There are small

groups standing in the hall.

That's right, the Wizengamot Conference will be held today, and anyone

with status and fame in the magical world can attend.

Although most wizards do not have decision-making power, it does not

hinder their understanding of the Gringotts incident.

A green light flashed from the fireplace, and Cole, wearing a purple robe

with a delicate silver W embroidered on his chest, appeared in the

Ministry of Magic blockbuster. He raised his hand and cast a silent

cleaning spell.

Cole stood aside and waited for a while.

Lucius followed closely, complaining about the crowding of the Floo


"Can't it be renovated? All the Ministry of Magic's funds are going to

Fudge's ass."

Cole, who is also a 'taxpayer', is also dissatisfied with the work efficiency

of the Ministry of Magic. The Floo Network has not changed for many


No one ever pays attention to these.

"Stop complaining about this, the focus of today is not this. Lucius, are

you sure the International Association of Wizards sent wizards here?"

Lucius replied while adjusting his sleeves: "Of course, the person here this

time is the Secretary of Justice of the International Ministry of Magic,

and Gringotts headquarters also sent 340 goblins. They are the kind who

can take responsibility."

Cole nodded and turned to ask Lucius.

"Lucius, what do you think of the proposal I told you the day before

yesterday? Black Bank can definitely guarantee the safety of the Malfoy

family's property."

Lucius looked at Cole with a strange look on his face. Lucius didn't know

how to evaluate Cole's sudden idea.

After all, Gringotts exists in the entire wizarding world, and no one wants

to open their own bank.

In the eyes of most wizards, how could anyone do such a thankless job?

"Cole, you're not planning something, are you?"

Lucius knows Cole's character well, and he also understands what

position the Black family has reached now in Cole's hands.

What is heartbreaking is that in the ten years that Cole has been the

master of the family, the family has developed much faster than the

Malfoy family that he led.

Over the years, Lucius has been traveling between pure-blood nobles and

the international Ministry of Magic, just to eliminate Voldemort's


After all, he escaped from trial by relying on the excuse of being under

the Imperius Curse.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows the people he used to work for

the Dark Lord.

Pity him, Lucius, a dignified pure-blood noble and the leader of the

Malfoy family, went out to work and left behind a criminal record.

On the other hand, Cole suddenly appeared to turn the tide and save the

Black family when the Black family was falling apart.

Lucius had heard about the reputation of the Black family from many

places, and even knew that Cole led a powerful wizard team.

What's more, the Black family is also present in the Auror office today.

Thinking of Sirius who was still in Azkaban, Lucius believed that Cole

was indeed more suitable to be the leader of the family than him.

Sirius is too impulsive and doesn't care about the interests of the family

at all.

I guess no one in the Black family cares about Sirius' life or death now.

Lucius stared into Cole's eyes and said: "Cole, you know, pure-blood

nobles don't care about things that have nothing to do with family

interests. Whether you open a bank or replace Gringotts, almost all of

them do. Neither support nor oppose."

"Forgot, there is a possibility that little Avery will oppose you. There is

something wrong with this guy's brain. I don't know why he would target


When Cole heard Free's name, his eyes looked serious. He had always

remembered this guy.

The Black family Quidditch pitch was prepared for him.

Cole smiled and said: "Lucius, aren't you a good friend of him? This is not

what good friends would say."

Lucius raised his head proudly, the disdain in his eyes revealed.

"I have too many friends in the wizarding world. Little Avery is well

known for his stupidity."

"Cole, we are also friends, aren't we? We are also relatives."

(cjec) Lucius, who was always serious, seemed extremely relaxed and

even joking in front of Cole.

Cole smiled on his face and thought to himself: Lucius, if you knew it was

me who stole your family's treasury, you wouldn't say such things.

You are my cousin-in-law. Backstabbing you makes me happy.

Cole saw that it was almost time and headed to the Wizengamot

Conference Hall with Lucius.

On the way, Cole put his arm around Lucius' shoulders, completely

ignoring Lucius's awkward look.

"Lucius, when the time comes, you can deposit the gold galleons in Black

Bank. I guarantee that not even Principal Dumbledore can take away the

Malfoy family's property.

Lucius turned his head with a surprised look on his face and asked.

"Although I don't like Principal Dumbledore, I also know his character.

How could he come to rob the Malfoy family's property?"

"Hahaha, it's just a metaphor, Lucius, you really don't understand humor."

The expression on Lucius's face was frozen, with a black line on his face,

and he thought to himself: You are so funny, that's you, others don't dare

to make jokes about Principal Dumbledore.

As soon as Cole reached his arm, he said sincerely: "Lucius, if you keep

the gold galleons with me, I can give you interest, and the money is still



"Just give me the money and I will give you a little bit every year...

Cole explained a lot before Lucius, a wizard, understood the rules of


After all, wizards are still a bit far away from the Muggle world. Muggles

have smart minds and rapid economic development, and the gameplay is

shocking enough.

Lucius, who was born in the wizarding world, would not even think

about understanding the development history of Muggles.

"Cole, why do I feel like you're lying to me? I'll give you the gold

galleons, and you give me a little every year, so why don't you still give

me my gold galleons?"

"Lucius, we are relatives, how could I lie to you? I am using your gold

galleons to give birth to little gold galleons."

Cole said as he stopped and looked at Lucius and continued: "Lucius, look

at my sincere eyes. If I were a liar, there would be no good people in the

wizarding world. You are my dearest relative and friend."

Lucius swayed uncomfortably, unable to hold on under Cole's eyes.

"Okay, okay, I believe you, I'll think about it."

"Okay, okay, this is family, dear Mr. Malfoy."

After Cole said this, Lucius quickly took two steps. He didn't want to be

misunderstood by Cole holding his arms in front of everyone.

You must know that this is Britain, and it has always had traditions.

Narcissa is true love, Lucius has no other ideas.

Lucius walked towards the conference room, Cole smiled and followed

him in. .

Chapter 60: Mrs. Longbottom’S

Kindness, Goblin Harper

The Wizengamot Court, the highest court in the wizarding world, has

about fifty wizards, all of whom are famous beings.

Chief Wizard Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts, is currently the

most famous person in the wizarding world.

Sitting on the highest seat in the courtroom, Dumbledore was now

wearing a purple robe, unlike the plain white robes of the past, which

looked very majestic.

Fudge followed Level, surrounding Dumbledore, his mouth moving so

much that Cole couldn't hear what he was saying.

But thinking about what happened today, he might be begging

Dumbledore to help him.

Cole withdrew his gaze and looked at the seats on the surrounding steps.

Lucius, who came in first, was now like a social butterfly, chatting

around with a smile.

If Lucius outside is like a cold Erha, Lucius here is simply a butterfly.

No wonder he can protect himself. With his communication skills, I am

afraid that in the Dark Lord's team, Lucius is also an important contact

point among the Death Eaters.

Cole recovered his mind, walked up the steps, all the way to his seat, and

sat down slowly with his back on the bench.

Dumbledore saw Cole from a few seats away, and the two nodded and


"Mr. Black, long time no see."

When Cole heard the voice, he turned around and saw old Mrs.

Longbottom. Today, Mrs. Longbottom was not wearing her favorite green


Wearing a purple robe, a fox scarf around his neck, a tall hat with a

stuffed eagle on the top, and a large red handbag.

Cole's kind smile almost made him forget that she was a tough old lady.

"Good day, Mrs. Longbottom, I didn't expect to see you today."

Longbottom usually didn't show up because of his son and daughter-in-

law's affairs. He could often see Yao at St. Ann's Hospital.

"As I get older, I don't have so much energy anymore, but I have to attend


"How could it be? The Longbottom family is becoming stronger and

stronger in your hands."

A smile appeared on Mrs. Longbottom's old face.

Cole was right. The Longbottom family was in the potion business and

had close ties with St. Mungo's Hospital.

Regardless of whether Mrs. Longbottom was doing it for her son or

something else, she had a strong say in St. Mungo's Hospital.

"I heard that the children of the Black family are also at Hogwarts? They

happen to be classmates. I hope they can get along well."

Cole thought, it was well known that Martin and the others were in

Slytherin, and he also knew that Neville Longbottom was in Gryffindor.

The lion and the snake are incompatible and dislike each other.

Cole also knew that Neville was worried about entering Slytherin during

the entrance test. After all, he was also from a pure-blood family.

But growing up, Neville heard countless curses on Slytherin from his


How dare he go to Slytherin.

What's more, Neville's parents were both killed by Death Eaters, and Mrs.

Longbottom hated Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

Cole heard Mrs. Longbottom's words, but he also understood that this

shrewd old lady had never been prejudiced against Slytherin.

Even though Neville entered Slytherin, she still loved her grandson.

Cole ended his momentary thinking for a few seconds and said with a

smile: "Of course, Martin and the others don't have many friends, and

Neville is also a good boy.

Cole would not refuse Mrs. Longbottom's kindness, not to mention that

there was no conflict between the two families.

The two smiled and exchanged a few words, and talked about how

difficult it is to manage a family.

In fact, Cole only talks about people when he sees them, and what he

says when seeing wizards may not be true.

Is it tiring to manage a family? Wouldn't it be better to leave everything

to the subordinates? Cole is very leisurely.

At this time, a figure suddenly walked in at the door. He was short and

fat, wearing a purple robe, with short curly blond hair styled with a

medicine, and a pink hat on his head.

Seeing the fake smile on the man's face, Cole knew that this man was also

a troublemaker.

"Is it possible that Mr. Black is meeting Umbridge for the first time? This

deputy minister is not an ordinary person."

"It can be seen that her ambition is greater than the current minister."

Cole saw that Umbridge's pomp was even better than that of Fudge. The

stupid Fudge was still hanging around Dumbledore.

Cole's mind flashed with information about the fat woman.

Dolores Jane Umbridge, Deputy Minister of Magic, made a high-profile

appearance when Harry was in fifth grade and was recommended by the

Ministry of Magic to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

He is cruel, with a dark heart hidden under his pink appearance. He

tortures Harry with little spells and forces Harry to admit his mistakes.


It can be seen from Umbridge's behavior that this woman does not care

about justice at all, she only cares about whether the result is beneficial

to herself.

Umbridge also later served as the Interim Headmaster of Hogwarts, High


Even if Dumbledore didn't care about her at that time, maybe he had

other plans that made her go further.

But it can also be seen that Umbridge himself is quite capable.

In the end, Umbridge was kidnapped by the men in the Forbidden Forest,

but it was Dumbledore who rescued her.

But who knows what kind of night Umbridge spent in the centaur tribe.

She was not Harry and could gain the friendship of centaurs.

In the end, he was dismissed from his post and ended his career as a

Ministry of Magic official in disgrace.


It's almost time, and almost all the wizards of the Wizengamot have

arrived, sitting in their seats and looking down from above.

Gsilda Marchbain and Tiberus Ogden, both senior members of the court,

instantly silenced the audience.

Dumbledore glanced at the scene, and the chief magician's aura

enveloped everyone's hearts.


The hammer on behalf of the trial fell, and Dumbledore announced that

the Wizengamot Conference had officially begun.

"Today, thank you all for coming, I announce that the 234th trial meeting

has officially begun.

Today, the trial is about the Gringotts theft incident. Next, the head of

the British branch of Gringotts Goblin Bank, the goblin Harper Yale XXIII,

will speak. "

Dumbledore motioned to the goblin in charge from Gringotts

International not far away. After agreeing, the goblin Harper walked out

of the corner and stood in the center of the rotunda.

Fairy Harper looked up at the wizards all around who seemed to be

sitting in the sky, and felt unprecedented pressure in his heart.

"On that day, I was doing my job, and I originally planned to have a cup

of fairy black tea...11


"Mr. Yale XXIII, please be brief and tell the key points of the matter."

Dumbledore wasn't angry, just reminded Hubble that no one wanted to

hear what it did so early in the morning.

Haber's thin elf body trembled, and he clasped his hands and rubbed


After organizing his words, he told what happened. .

Chapter 61: Jin Gallon Slapped

Him In The Face, I’M Done!

At the trial meeting, Fairy Huber explained clearly what happened.

Dang said that the thieves who broke into Gringotts not only knew the

location of the underground vault, but were also powerful.

The faces of the wizards present became solemn, and they had to admit

that although the goblins rebelled before, the goblins were severely

punished by the wizards.

But the magical strength of adult goblins is obvious to all. Even in the

wizarding world, there is no unknown wizard.

He can repel dozens of adult goblins and escape safely from the siege.

What's more, there is a fire dragon deep in the cave.

Someone with such magical power cannot be an unknown person in the

wizarding world.

"Okay, everyone, Harper has clearly told what happened. The Ministry of

Magic will send Aurors to hunt down the thieves."

"Gringotts only has an approximate figure for the amount of money

stolen from the vault, and the specific amount lost by each family is also

only an approximate amount."

"The victims of the theft who suffered heavy losses this time strongly

demand compensation from the ancient "850" Lingge. What does Mr.

Gotha have to say?"

The Gotha in Dumbledore's mouth was the goblin sent by Gringotts

headquarters. He stood up and walked slowly down with his waist bent.

This goblin, who is almost two hundred years old and about to be buried,

has white wrinkled skin, but he is an elder among the goblins.

Walking to the center, saluting the wizard present, an old voice sounded.

"Dear wizards, on behalf of the goblins, I deeply apologize for this

incident. It was our dereliction of duty. Gringotts is also responsible for

compensating your families for their losses."

Gotha's words made the nobles present look relieved. They did not expect

that things would go so smoothly.

As a result, Elder Gotha's sudden words made the nobles present angry.

"However, Chief Mr. Dumbledore, please allow me to question whether

the amount of losses reported by the nobles is too large? It is suspected

that they are using this to rob Gringotts."

Even when Cole heard this, if he hadn't done what he did, he would have

gone down to beat someone.

Are fairies so brave?

Do you know who put down the goblin rebellion? Who surrendered to

the wizard after losing?

Who can still control the economic lifeline of wizards after surrendering?

Oh, goblin, that's okay.

However, Cole did know that Gringotts only made rough statistics on the

gold Galleons in the vault, and would never open the vault privately, let

alone understand how many good things were stuffed in the nobles'


After all, the wizard's private property is sacred and inviolable.

In fact, even noble wizards don't know how many gold galleons they

have in their treasury. Hundreds of years of accumulation have almost

turned into a small mountain.

Wizards can only make statistics on precious potions, magic items and

the like.

So, if you want to ask each family how much is in their treasury, instead

of asking the head of their family, you might as well ask Cole, who


But he will not stand up and surrender.

The scene got out of control under the provocation of the goblin, and

there were curses everywhere.

"Damn goblin, who do you think I am? The Welfare family treats us

wizards as beggars. I want to duel with you."

"The soles of Merlin's feet, how could there be such a despicable creature

in the wizarding world."

"Mad, the trolls are nobler than you. You think we are too poor to afford

food, and you are here to blackmail you, a group of goblins who deserve

to go to hell.

"You think I, MacMillan, have no money? I will kill you with gold


I saw many wizards impulsively taking out a handful of gold Galleons

and throwing it into the center, hitting the goblin in the face.

Gotha, the elder goblin, hurriedly hid behind Haber, letting the sound of

golden galleons ring out from his body.

Harper shielded his face in grievance. He had been working for many

years and had seen a lot of Gringotts' wealth, but this was the first time

his face was smashed by gold Galleons.

Under the leadership of the MacMillan family, golden rain began to fall

in the Wizengamot court, and the spectacular scene made many watching

wizards open their mouths.

How much gold galleons do they earn in a month, and they may have to

risk their lives to do so.

Look at these rich nobles throwing money at people for fun.

oh. No, it's not a human, it's a goblin, so that's okay.

Rita's eyes in the corner were shining golden, not for the gold galleons,

but for the next issue of the Daily Prophet.

Rita held the parchment in her hand and wrote quickly with a quill.

Black ink fell on it, composing the grandeur of the scene.

[At the Wizengamot meeting, the goblins caused public outrage. The

wizards present were furious and attacked the goblin elders with gold

Galleons. What's more, they jumped into the arena and initiated a duel. A

murder was about to happen...]

Rita quickly signaled to the photographer behind her to take pictures,

and a white light flashed, and each vivid image was recorded.

"Gentlemen, please stop."

Dumbledore's voice was like a bell, and a breeze blew across the faces of

the teachers present.

The scene was contained, and Cole felt Dumbledore's spell. Although he

didn't know it was the spell above, he could feel the magic contained in


As expected of a principal who has lived for such a long time, he has

dabbled in all kinds of ancient spells.

With the help of Haber, the goblin elder pulled his lower body out of the

pile of gold galleons.

Hubble was frightened, with wounds still on his face. On the other hand,

the elder shook the goblin's head as steadily as a rock, and sighed at

Hubble's youth.

"How rude. Thank you Headmaster Dumbledore."

Gotha thanked Dumbledore and looked at the noble wizard coldly.

"You're welcome, Elder Gotha. The Wizengamot is a place of justice. If

you have questions, of course you can raise them...

"Everyone, if you have any objections, you can speak up now."

The wizards present looked at Dumbledore, who represented justice, and

refused to say a word. Although many noble wizards were ready to make

a move, they did not stand up.

They all turned their attention to Cole and Lucius.

Lucius gave Cole his eyes, and Cole knew that these people wanted him

to stand up and speak.

As the oldest Black family in the British wizarding world, they are

certainly qualified to speak on behalf of the nobles.

Cole smiled to himself, he had to do it by himself, after all, he was the

one who caused the matter.

"Elder Gotha, I am Cottrell Black, the head of the Black family. In this

incident, the Black family's property was also violated."

"As for the question you just raised, let's not talk about whether it is

reasonable or not."

"Everyone knows that Gringotts has existed for hundreds of years.

Hundreds of years ago, wizards kindly handed over Gringotts to you.

After all, we wizards were not the losers in that war.

"You have to thank the wizard for his kindness at that time, otherwise it

would not be your turn today, and you are standing here to ridicule us."

The goblin elder's face changed slightly, and he listened quietly to Cole's

next words.

"Wizards entrust their wealth to goblins for safekeeping. Whether it is out

of trust in you or a compromise to international Ministry of Magic

regulations, goblins have an obligation to protect wizards' property,


"In the final analysis, this loss is due to Gringotts' negligence and the

irresponsibility of you goblins. Now you are saying that we are suspected

of robbery, which is simply a joke."

"Even if the amount reported by some families is a little higher, it is still

necessary compensation for you goblins to us. Is it possible that 0.9 does

not mean that the goblins have no responsibility at all for their

dereliction of duty?"

"Is there any justice left in the wizarding world?"

"Chief Dumbledore, I'm done. Thank you."

Cole's impassioned speech made the nobles applaud. They were all so

excited that they lost their minds because of the goblin.

After hearing Cole's words, they knew what a complaint was.

Everyone praised in their hearts: He is indeed Blake, he is knowledgeable

and different from those who have traveled abroad.

"Did you hear that? You goblins should compensate us. Before, we

wanted our property back as a kindness to you. Now we still want to

compensate you."

"Yes, if there is no compensation, we will not agree to destroy Gringotts."

"That's right, Cole, you are really our benchmark."

The goblin elder broke into a cold sweat at Cole's words, and his shrewd

little head turned rapidly.

Why are things different from what he imagined?

Chapter 62: The Glory Of Pure

Blood, It Is My Duty To Do So

Under the pressure of the wizards' eyes, Elder Gotha was thinking in his

mind. He didn't even notice that the young Haber next to him was almost

unsteady on his feet.

"Mr. Black, please don't get excited. We didn't say we wouldn't

compensate, but the responsibility for this incident doesn't entirely lie

with Gringotts."

"As far as I know, the Auror support from the Ministry of Magic is not

timely, otherwise the thieves who break in will definitely be left behind."

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, the goblin couldn't shirk away

and was ready to assign some responsibilities to the Ministry of Magic.

The far-fetched words directly aroused the dissatisfaction of the officials

of the Ministry of Magic. Fudge spoke anxiously. He could not bear the

consequences, otherwise his position as minister would be unstable.

"Elder Gotha, as far as I know, the head Auror of the Auror Office was the

first to provide support after receiving the news. LeVert can testify that

he was also the first to arrive at Gringotts.

LeVert, who received Fudge's signal, stood up and testified.

"Yes, when we arrived, the people had already disappeared."

"Not only that, many wizards saw the intruder entering Gringotts. The

time at that time was quite different from the time when we received the


LeVille stood up and spoke, proving that the Ministry of Magic's support

was timely.

"It is enough to show that it was Gringotts' failure to deliver the news in

time, rather than the Aurors' negligence.

Finally pushing away the responsibility, Fudge looked at the goblin elder


Elder Gotha looked at the goblin beside him fiercely, feeling extremely


In fact, the wizards present can also understand that goblins never like to

deal with wizards. Even if you go to Gringotts, you will not get the

smiling faces of goblins.

When attacked for the first time, the goblin's reaction was not to ask for

help, but to believe that he could solve it.

Later, I realized something was wrong, so I asked the goblin to send a


Cole looked at the goblin's whining and was very bored. Originally, his

plan was just to give Black Bank a reason to establish.

Even now, the goblins and the Ministry of Magic are still shirking their

responsibilities. The matter has been made clear. Can't you just solve it


I have to enlarge my move.

Cole had no patience anymore and said in his heart: Poor goblin, don't

blame me for being cruel if you don't take the path you chose.

Cole lifted his robe, stood up and said:

"Everyone, everyone present, whether they are Wizengamot members,

Ministry of Magic officials, or wizards watching the trial meeting,

everyone can see that the matter is very simple, and we all understand

the ins and outs."

"But the goblins just refuse to take responsibility and are still trying to

shirk responsibility from the officials of the Ministry of Magic."

"They even accuse us victims of extortion in public. This kind of behavior

and attitude is simply outrageous."

Cole suddenly stood up and made an impassioned speech, which directly

made Lucius open his mouth.

Brother, our plans don’t have anything like yours.

Even Dumbledore couldn't hold back, and the corners of his mouth

twitched with a white beard, as if things were about to get out of control.

Cole grasped the rhythm and continued: "Whether it is us nobles or

ordinary wizards, we trust Gringotts, or even trust the goblins, so we put

our property in the Gringotts vault.

"But what now? Before the white fog in London's sky cleared, people

were being robbed in broad daylight.

"Goblins cannot guarantee the safety of wizards' property and even

slander us. This is simply intolerable."

"Do you think we can still trust Gringotts, trust goblins, and hand over

our master's wealth to goblins in the future?"

"I'm not angry about the loss of the Black family's property. Gold Gallon

is an external possession and is like dirt in my eyes. What makes me

angry is Gringotts' attitude.

"This attitude is simply insulting to me, to the Black family, and even to

all wizards in the UK."

"The Black family doesn't even need to pay compensation. I don't even

care about the loss of the treasury. I, Cole, had the honor of the pure-

blood nobles at that time and it was my duty to do so."

"From today on, the Black family will no longer cooperate with Gringotts,

abandon the Gringotts treasury, and the Black family will establish its

own wizard bank.

Cole, who spoke, simply radiated holy light in the pure-blood eyes, and

many nobles seemed to see Black protecting their family's rights and

interests more than ten years ago.

Black, who had been silent for many years, finally became tough again.

At this moment, the pure-blood nobles became excited. Yes, they should

not care about losses. What is more important is the dignity and glory of


Many nobles in the audience are also here today. Geoffrey Goyle and

Marlowe Crabbe are the fathers of Draco's two little followers and have

always been attached to the Malfoy family.

But today, Lucius is not as dazzling as Cole.

"Jeffrey, why do I feel that what Mr. Black said makes sense? He is

worthy of being a member of the Black family. The thousand-year-old

pureblood is extraordinary."

"You are right, Marlowe. Mr. Black stood up for our nobles. He is really

great. I don't know why, but I really want to follow him."

Marlo Crabbe agreed very much and did not refute, completely forgetting

about Lucius.

Lucius, who had been forgotten by the two, looked at Cole blankly at this

time. He was not surprised at first by what Cole said just now.

But it sounded so familiar. Gradually, in Lucius' mind, Cole's figure

seemed to merge with a mysterious person.

Thinking of this, Lucius was a little nervous. Cole was afraid that he

would not take an evil path.

But thinking about Martin's children, Lucius felt relieved again. No

matter what, they were still relatives.

Dumbledore glanced at Cole with his eyes hidden under his glasses, and

Cole proposed that he would no longer use the Gringotts vault and

establish Black Bank.

Although this surprised Dumbledore, Cole's words seemed to sound more

and more wrong.

With Dumbledore's experienced eyes, it seemed that Cole's purple-red

robe was getting darker and darker.

No, Dumbledore refused in his heart. There is still one problem that has

not been solved. Will there be another one?

When will a peaceful retirement life come?

As a person who has experienced two wars, Dumbledore's keen sense of

smell not only made him feel that there was something complicated

behind Cole's establishment of the Wizarding Bank.

It became clearer that Cole seemed to have provoked a conflict between

the nobles and the goblins.

It makes wizards suspicious of goblins. Once they lose their trust, they

will become disgusted with the existence of goblins.

In the wizarding world in the future, there will definitely be another

goblin rebellion, perhaps blood will flow like a river, and the goblins will

disappear from this world.

No matter what Cole's purpose was, Dumbledore would never allow such

a thing to happen before Voldemort's matter was resolved.

Dumbledore secretly made a decision in his heart. At such an important

moment, he had to stand up. .

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