Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: One_Piec..._Dropped


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One Piece: Сильнейшая система

королей (выпала)

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Краткое содержание

Нарми Амси, 15-летний мальчик-подросток, перенесся в другой мир,

став путешественником по всему миру. Судьба не оставила его,

поскольку он обрел силу, которая могла помочь ему в его


King System, щедрая система, которая поможет ее хозяину стать

королем мира. Обладая этой дарованной ему силой и памятью о

будущих событиях, он отправляется в путешествие, чтобы

реализовать то, кем система хочет от него быть.

Следуйте за ним в его путешествии, знакомьтесь с новыми

участниками, находите любовь и сражайтесь с миром, куда бы он ни

пошел. Наблюдайте за ним, как он станет самым бесстрашным

существом и, наконец, станет Королем Мира.

«Они говорят, что Семья Д. — заклятый враг Богов. Они не говорили

о другом существовании, которое могло бы соперничать с Богами.

Я!» - Нарми

Отказ от ответственности: One Piece не принадлежит мне. Я пишу

фанфики только для развлечения.

Примечания автора: Изменяю синопсис, так как планировал

отправить нашего МС в другой мир после того, как он будет готов в

One Piece World. Этот синопсис является временным, поскольку он

снова изменится, когда история приблизится к концу.

Общая аудитория

Chapter 1: Another World

Mt Colubo

The sun just starting to rise but in the depth of this mountain, a young

man can be seen training. His body full of sweat showing how intense his

training really is. He is Narmi Amsi. His build looks average but if you

loom closely, you will notice he has well-toned muscle. With slightly

good looking face, if he walks in public, 6 out of 10 girls will fawn over


[Congratulations you have completed the daily quest. EXP+500, Bonus

Point +20, Trade Point +1000]

[Congratulations you have leveled up. You are now level 10. All Stats


Huff Huff~~

' It's been about a month since I got here. Luckily I got this system

helping if not I am doomed since I am not strong enough to live in this

world. Now it's time to check my status.'


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 15 years old

Occupation: None

Level: 10(EXP:0/4500)


-Strength: 150

- Agility: 150

- Stamina: 200

-Intelligence: 150

- Perception: 150

- Willpower: 400

- Luck: 100

Bonus Point: 20

Trade Point: 10000


Devil Fruit:

-Yami Yami No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)

Haki: None

'Wow my status looks ridiculous. Huh but all of this is thanks to this King

system for helping me. I need to get stronger so that I can sail out to the

sea. It is 5 years away from when Luffy set sail so I need to sail out fast'

Narmi raise his head to look the sun that had just rise from the horizon

and can't help but exclaimed. How beautiful. He woke up from his sitting

position and did some stretching before going for a hunt in the mountain

for breakfast.

30 minutes later

Narmi start walking away while holding a boar on his shoulder. He lived

in an old shack outskirt the mountain with an old man. This old man

helped him when he came to this world

"Hey old man, I brought a boar for breakfast. I'm going to dismantle it

and then you can cook for breakfast okay?" Narmi shouted

"Ohh sure. I'm going to prepare for cooking" the old man replied.

" Hey old man, where can I build a ship?"he asked. "If I'm not mistaken,

there is a shipwright in Foosha Village. His name is Rasa. Why you want

to build a ship? Do you want to be a pirate?"

"Yeah, I am going to become a king. King of pirates. I'm going to surpass

Gol D. Roger" Narmi claimed. "So, you are going to leave this old man

here? But do you have money to build a ship?" The old main asked with a

sorrowful face.

"Yeah, I'm sorry old man because I want to see the world. About the

money, how can I make easy cash?" " You can try to hunt a pirates

around this area. I'm sure some of them had bounty on them. Well, with

your strength I'm sure you will manage."

"Is it? Okay I will try to hunt them tomorrow. Thanks for the info" Narmi

said gratefully

"Haha, it's okay. This way you can get money and build a ship, while we

can reduce those good-for-nothing pirates."

Chapter 2: Pirates Information


Next Morning

Narmi continue his daily quest before going to Goa Kingdom. His purpose

is to catch the pirates, but first he need to get some information about

them. Can't go into battlefield without info of your enemy,right?

3 hours later

With his speed and stamina, Narmi ran non-stop until he reach the gate

of Goa Kingdom. He continue his stroll into a bar which is from his

information gathering, have info about pirates and their bounty.

As soon as he entered the door, the sound of chattering filled his ears,

making his ears hurt.

He glanced at it casually, and finding some pirates are sitting here with a

big mouth to drink and swig the meat. It turns out this establishment

always full of pirates. Some of the pirates laughing and talking about

how they rob and kill, boasting about their ruthlessness to everyone.

'Wow, So many of them, yet I can't kill them because I don't know if they

got bounty or not'

Narmi went straight to the desk and sat on an empty seat in front of the

bartender. " Beer, please". The information he got from the old man says

that some of the bar have their own intelligence network.

To get this information is easy, so long as you have the money, any

information you want will be given.

"Your beer" "Thanks"

Narmi then threw a silver coin to the bartender while saying "I want the

info on pirates around Goa Kingdom"

The bartender look slightly surprise, and quickly went in front of Narmi. "

Guest, the price is..." "How about a gold coin is that enough?" "Very well,

I shall grab the info and return in 5 minutes"

5 minutes later

The bartender pass the info in a thick bundle about all pirates with

bounty. Narmi take a quick a look and threw another silver coin to him.

"I need somewhere private to read this." "You can went into room 1 and

this is the key" "Thanks"

Closing the door, Narmi quickly took out the thick bundles of info and

read it one by one.

"500,000 Bailey, it's not worth my attention."

"1.5 Million Bailey, still not"

Narmi quickly filtered all low bounty pirates.

"Finally found some. 30 Million Bailey, One-Eyed Jack, 35 Million Bailey,

Scar Walker, 33 Million Bailey, Harry the Hook. You guys are my target"

He then quickly keep all the info inside the system. Luckily, there is

storage space in the system. Hehe, with this I can have some info about

them. Now it's time for pirate hunt. Muahahahaha....

Information Chapter


Strength: Physical Attack and Physique. Normal adult pirate value is 10

Agility: Speed and Flexibility. Normal adult pirate value is 10

Stamina: Duration for body can withstand in an activity. Normal Adult

Pirate value is 10

Intelligence: Critical thinking. Normal adult pirate value is 10

Perception: Sense. Normal adult pirate value is 10

Willpower: Mentality of Individual. Directly relatrd with Haki

Luck: The higher the luck, good incidence will always happen

Bonus Points: Can be acquired through quest given by Strongest King

System (SKS)

Trade point: Can be acquired through quest or exchanging items in the

SKS Store.( Will be introduce later)


Devil Fruit: Can be acquired unlimitedly by finding or buying from store.

Possible fusion of devil fruit.

Haki: Can be acquired by training or by SKS Store

Strongest King System


- Status

- Store ( Will be Introduce Later)

- Inventory

- Quest ( Will be introduce later)

- Combat Training Room ( Will be Introduce Later)



Hey everyone. Thank you for reading my fanfiction novel although I

know it is maybe none to your satisfaction. This novel is actually

wrote for my satisfaction. Do support me on my another novel

Emperor of Sword and Magic. I will try to upload 2 chapter/ day but I

cant promise due to my final examination for medical course is this

weekend. So Thanks everyone and enjoy this novel

Chapter 3: Pirate Hunt

In another bar

One-eyed Jack pirates and Harry the Hook Pirates are having their feast.

This crowd of people are drinking and feasting like there is no tomorrow.

Their captains are sitting in the corner watching their crewmates having

fun. On their table, there is a devil fruit of Goro Goro No mi which Harry

got during their ransacking of a village.

Jack glanced the devil fruit on the table. His eyes is apparent with greed

which Harry didn't notice.

"Hey Harry, want to have a bet with me?" Jack asked. "What kind of bet?"

Harry replied.

"Let's send our strongest crew mate and have them fight each other. If

you win, you get 30 Million berry from me. If I win, I got that devil fruit.

So are you in?"

Harry thought 'Why not? His crew is not strong enough to fight with my

crew. Besides, I got 30 million berry for free.' "I'm in. Let's do this. Goldo,

come here." he replied oblivious to Jack's scheme.

" Ron, Come, I got some entertainment for you. Hahahaha"

Jack whispered to his man " Just go all out. If possible, kill him hehehe."

Goldo and Ron face each other. Both of their faces are red while holding

their sword. The crowd at the side yelling and cheering for their own


When the two rushed up, they meet each other and started to swing their

sword. Their fight are so intense with dodging and sound of clashing

sword can be heard. Sparks of fire can be seen wherever their swords


It can be seen both of them are skilled. Finally, Goldo stop himself

thinking that they have played enough, but Ron rushed to him. Goldo

couldn't react and finally Ron's sword stab to his heart. The crowd is

silence by the unexpected turn of event.

Harry stand up. His face full of shock seeing Ron killed Goldo, his

crewmates. "What the hell is this Jack? You planned for this aren't you?" "

What are you talking about? Don't be such a p***y when your crewmates

is the one who is weak. Hahaha"

Harry unsheathed his sword while claiming " I'm gonna take your head

Jack! Did you think I'm a pushover?" "Come. Did you think your bounty

is higher than me means you are stronger? I will take your head and

stake them on the front of my ship"


MINE!" a shout came from the outside of the bar



MINE" Narmi shouted.

He walked to the inside of the bar while watching the crowd of pirates.

Disdain can be seen in his eyes watching this crowd of pirates. Then, his

sight stopped on a devil fruit on the table. "Now now, I came only for the

head, didn't thought there is a reward for me."

He held out his hand, using the Yami Yami no Mi power " Darkness

Attraction" pulling the devil fruit to his hand. " Wow, this is a jackpot!

Goro Goro No Mi" Narmi quickly take a bite of the devil fruit.

'Blergh, this devil fruit really tasted disgusting. Luckily Yami Yami no Mi

is a gift from the system, so I don't need to eat it directly'

"Now now, time for the pirate hunt to continue" Narmi rushed to One-

eyed Jack and held his head. His hand quickly disarm Jack and took

ahold of his sword and swing it to Jack neck , separating the head from

the body. "That's one down"

[ You have killed One-Eyed Jack. EXP +1000 ]

The crowd who watched him, tremble with fear. Someone from the

crowd said " Th--That's One-Eyed Jack! He killed him with one move!"

"Monster, he is a monster"

Harry quickly calmed himself and said " Brat, you have take his head

now get out from here. I'm giving you a chance. Do you think you killed

Jack, so you can kill me? I am stronger than him" Narmi turned his head

to Harry. He sized him up from head to toe. " You are stronger than him?

To me you are just a pebble beside the road"


composure and attack Narmi. He make a big swing hoping to quickly kill

this brat. Narmi watch the swing that came to him. Too slow.

Narmi parry the sword then elbow his opponent. Harry retreat 3 step

back and quickly put his sword in front of him. Narmi had predicted that

move so he make a feint and quickly aim for the neck. Harry's suddenly

felt like he is flying. Then, his eyes turn round with shock seeing his own

body headless collapse onto the floor. Life slowly went from Harry's eyes.

[ You have killed Harry the Hook. EXP +1000 ]

"Now that's two down. Total of 63 Million Berry. I think it's enough for

the boat and supplies for the travel. I need a navigator too but I think I

will try to find during my travel"

Narmi put both head in a sack that he carried and walked out from the

bar. The crowd of pirates open a pathway for him to walk out. After

Narmi go, the crowds started to exclaim in relief. " Both our captain that

is invincible in the East Blue, went down in front of a kid with a few




Hey guys, new chapter for you guys. I've read you guys comment on

some of my chapters. I'm moved. Keep supporting me and I'll try my

best to update the story for me and you guys satisfaction. And please

support my other novel if you guys can. Emperor of Sword and Magic.

See you guys later

Chapter 4: Preparing for Travel 1

After the hunt, Narmi went quickly to the Navy Branch Base to collect

the bounty. A young Navy clerk confirm the head and gave him the


" Here, your 63 Million Berry. Do you perhaps want to join the Navy? We

are now recruiting. We need people like...." "I refuse. I like to set my own

freedom. Thanks"

[Hidden Quest 1: Money for Travel completed! EXP + 1000, Bonus Point

+50, Trading Point +100000]

'Huh. Hidden Quest? So there is such a quest! Thank my luck. Hehe' smile

naturally formed in Narmi's face with that announcement. 'I guess this is

System's way of helping me to become stronger'


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 15 years old

Occupation: Pirate Hunter

Level: 10 (EXP:3000/5000)


-Strength: 150

- Agility: 150

- Stamina: 200

-Intelligence: 150

- Perception: 150

- Willpower: 400

- Luck: 100

Bonus Point: 70

Trade Point: 110000

Money: 63 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

- Yami Yami No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)

- Goro Goro No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)

Haki: None

Hmm. Seeing my status I guess I will put 50 point into Luck and another

20 into Willpower. Now my trading point is 110000. I'm gonna check

what I can buy in the System Shop.

'Open Shop'

- Devil Fruits

- Haki

- Equipments

- Skills

I'm gonna check in Haki section as my strength is good enough for now.

What I need is Observation Haki and Armament Haki as in the sea there

are many more strong devil fruit user. If I didn't prepare myself, I'm

gonna get my ass handed to me before I even enter the Grand Line.


- Observation Haki: 50,000

- Armament Haki: 50,000

- Conqueror's Haki: 200,000

[Congratulations for purchasing Observation and Armament Haki. Host

need to train himself to get hold of the Haki]

Now, I need to get back to Foosha Village to find Old Man Rasa to ask

him to build a ship for me. Seeing as the sun is going to set soon, I'm

going to find an inn for the rest for tonight.


At an Underground Intelligence Agency.

"What! Jack and Harry got killed by a kid? Are you kidding me? Who is

this kid?" Scar Walker asked his subordinate. "I don't know sir. What I do

know he is a devil fruit user. Jack and Harry's boys said to me"

"Is it? Now this kid is audacious enough to kill them both in a bar full of

pirates eh. He sure is gutsy. Go find information about him and his

whereabout now. Tomorrow we are going to kill him in public. Hehe."

Walker ordered his men.

""""""Aye, Captain""""""


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 15 years old

Occupation: Pirate Hunter

Level: 10 (EXP:3000/5000)


-Strength: 150

- Agility: 150

- Stamina: 200

- Intelligence: 150

- Perception: 150

- Willpower: 420

- Luck: 150

Bonus Point: 0

Trade Point: 10000

Money: 63 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

- Yami Yami No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)

- Goro Goro No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)


- Observation Haki

- Armament Haki

Chapter 5: Preparation for Travel



Bear Inn, Goa Kingdom

In a room, Narmi can be seen doing some intense training by himself.

[ Congratulations you have completed the daily quest. EXP+500, Bonus

Point +20, Trade Point +1000 ]

Huff Huff Huff~~

'Finally done today's daily quest. I need to get a move on to Foosha

Village.' A hint of excitement can be seen on his face. ' I will start my

journey to become the Strongest King. What Marine! What Yonko! I will

beat their asses! Hehe'

Narmi then went to the inn's bathroom to take a bath and after that, he

went to the dining room to have his breakfast of the day.

Sound of clamoring between citizens can be heard from the dining room.

'What is with this disturbance in the morning? Can't they let someone

have their peace?'

Bam ( Sound of the door got kicked)


ME!" shouted the pirate. 'Huh, it's just a stupid pirate. Did they think they

are strong to challenge me? This ant I can just flick my finger to kill him'





THR.... arghh

" Shut up you stupid pirate. On what authority do you think for you to

make a commotion in this early morning? You want to find Jack and

Harry killer? That's me. You got a problem?"

The pirate struggle to stand up while holding his stomach. " You.... dare

to..... kick me?.... I am.....Scar Walker-sama crewmates. He is looking for


Narmi's ears perked up with interest. ' I thought my hunt is enough.

Apparently, a bunny came to deliver himself to me'

"Said to him to come here to this king. I don't got any business to went to

him. If he have a business with me, come here. Now scram before I broke

you already fragile neck."

The pirate run off quickly leaving the inn with tail behind his legs. 'Huh,

once a dog, always a dog. Dare to boast in front of this king.'

Narmi then turn around and went into the inn to pack for his return to

Foosha Village.


"That brat dare to underestimate this father! Did he think he killed Jack

and Harry, he can trample on this father?!! Quick bring our crew to him.

I'm going to slaughter him in front of all people."

""""""""Aye, Captain""""""""


Narmi went to the inn counter to checkout from the inn. When he went

out, there is a man with scars across his face with a few dozens pirates

surrounding the inn entrance.

"Finally you are out kid. You dare to underestimate this father eh. You

ask me to came here so here I am. Come I will give you a painless death"

Walker said. "Scarface, did you think you are strong? Your face is only

worthy under this king's foot. Come, let me trample you to death"

Enraged by Narmi's statement, Walker charge to him and pull out his

punch. Narmi's use Observation Haki, dodge to the side while make an

axe kick. His feet pounce on Walker's face ruthlessly until bloods flow

from his nose and mouth.

Shiing (SFX of sword unsheathing)

"Goodbye, Scarface Walker" he said while smiling in disdain. This ant

isn't worth my time to fight. I need to head to Grand Line faster so I can

fight with strong character such as Shanks, Whitebeard, The Three

Admirals. Thinking about that, his blood is boiling. Narmi quickly slice

the neck to bring the head for his bounty.

[ You have killed Scar Walker. EXP +1000 ]

He then threw his sight around him. The pirates trembled in fear and

terror, seeing how he one shot their captains. They didn't dare to attack

him for fear their life will immediately leave their body. The scene is

exactly like at the bar.

For countless times, this reminds Narmi this world is real. This world is

where the strong is respected and feared by the weak. This is strong eat

weak world. If he want to protect himself and his loved ones, he need to

become stronger. Strong until no one in this world can rivalled him.

He then walked away from there straight to the Navy Branch Base to

claim the bounty

3 hours later

After getting Scar Walker bounty, Narmi ran as fast as he could from Goa

Kingdom to Foosha Village. He couldn't hold his excitement to build his

own ship. He need to find Old Man Rasa to ask him to build a ship for his


After he reached the village, he went to a stroll around the village asking

where did the Old Man Rasa's house. The villagers told him his house is

by the beach because he liked watching ships passing by. Narmi went to

the house and knocked the door.

Knock Knock Knock

"Hey Old Man Rasa. I am Narmi. I want to ask for your help to build a

ship. The fee for the shipbuilding is ready"

"Oohh I'm coming, I'm coming. Wait for a bit." Narmi stand by and

watched the ocean for a bit while waiting for the old man to come out.

'This sea I'm going to conquer them'

Kreeeeekk (SFX for door opening)

"Young man, may I know what kind of ship you want to build?" "I need a

ship which are big and can withstand any kind of conditions. Can you

make it?" request Narmi

"Hmmm.. It will take about 2 weeks to gather the woods and items. The

fee is about 15 Million berry." Rasa said. " Here is 20 Million berry for the

fee and for your uses. Many thanks. 2 weeks later, I will come again"

"Hoho, with this I can live for about 3 years without any work. Thank

you. I will try to make it fast as I can and make it sturdy. You can count

on me."



New chapter for you guys!! Thanks for reading

Chapter 6: The Journey Start 1

2 weeks later

Mt. Colubo

This mountain is famous for its large number of beasts. Hunters need to

tread carefully in here if they didn't want to become a feast for the beast.

But a young man can be seen playing (toying) with a tiger beast in here.

"Hey hey now, come on beast. I'm not done warming up yet you are

down. You are making me very helpless here. Now, off you go. I'm not

gonna kill you"

The beast whimpered a bit before turning around and charge towards the

depth of the mountain. Seeing this, Narmi couldn't help recall when he

first came to this world.

Whenever he saw a beast of that level, he ran away with his tail between

his leg. But now this beast is only at the level of his toying around to

relieve his boredom. Nevertheless, this is all thanks to the System which

helped him.

Until now, he still couldn't understand why and how did the System

bound to him. Maybe in due time, I will found out about this. Right now,

all I need to focus is to conquer this world and become a King of his own.

A hint of smile surfaced on his handsome-looking face.

'It's have been 2 weeks now ever since I asked Old Man Rasa to build a

ship. I'm gonna need to pay him a visit to confirm about the completion

on the ship. I'm also getting stronger now since I have completed the

daily quest.'

"Status Open"

Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 15 years old

Occupation: None

Level: 12(EXP:3000/6000)


-Strength: 150

- Agility: 150

- Stamina: 200

-Intelligence: 150

- Perception: 150

- Willpower: 420

- Luck: 150

Bonus Point: 280

Trade Point: 24000

Money: 73 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Yami Yami No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)

-Goro Goro No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)


-Observation Haki

-Armament Haki

I got some bonus stats point. Let's see.... 50 points to Luck and 30 points

to Willpower. With this I can control my Haki better. For the remaining

200 points, distribute it between Strength, Agility, Intelligence and


' Oohh I'm feeling a little lightheaded. It seems my senses is getting a lot

better. I can detect everything with 200 meters without using

Observation Haki. With Observation Haki, probably my range of

perception can reach to about 2 KM. Still I need to train my abilities so

that I can grasp a better control of my power.'

" System, compare me to the other prominent figure in this world, how

much stronger I am?"

[ Currently, Host strength is on par with Rear Admiral of Navy

Headquarters if based on your 5 basic stats. If is added with your devil

fruits and mastery of Haki, you can fight with the Vice Admiral only for a

few minutes. Hoping host can strive to improve faster]

Damn it, I'm still short compared to those famous prominent figure.

Seems they are really a monster.

"System, can you list comparison of stats with famous figures for my


[ Comparison:

- Stats 200 = Rear Admirals of Marine HQ

- Stats 300 = Vice Admirals of Marine HQ

- Stats 400 = Seven Warlord of the Sea

- Stats 500 = Admiral and Few General of Yonko

- Stats 600 = Fleet Admiral

- Stats 700 = Yonko

This is the comparisons ]

Damn it. I still got a long way to go ahead of me. Guess I am too

conceited with my strength in East Blue. Huh well here I am thinking I

want to beat the Yonko but I still didn't start my journey yet. Time to pay

Old Man Rasa a visit.


At a beachside,

Old Man Rasa can be seen appreciating a well-built ship in front of him.

2 weeks of building a ship can built a magnificent ship like this really put

his heart on cloud nine. While he is enjoying this scene, a shout can be

heard coming from behind of him.

" Wow Old Man Rasa, you really build a grand ship for me. I never

expected it to be this good" "Oohh, you came? Yeah this is it. My

masterpiece. Ohh how I love building a ship like this. So what are you

going to name it?"

" For every grand king there must be a grand mount. And for every grand

mount must have a grand name. I shall name you Errege." " Haha such a

good name. Come let's check the inside. I know you must be eager to

check it'

Then Narmi and Rasa went into the Ship. There are many rooms inside.

There are also a room big enough to make it as a training room. The hall

for meeting and having fun purpose is also wide enough for about a

hundred people inside.

" Thanks old man for building this ship for me. I'm very grateful for your

help." Narmi bowed to Rasa, expressing his gratitude for the help. Rasa

just shrugged his shoulder and smirked.

" Don't mind it. Besides I know you want to become a pirate. Maybe in

the future if you become a famous figure, I can boast about building your

first ship in my drinking bout with my friends."

Narmi also laughed it out, " Don't worry old man. I will never forget this.

Once again, thanks old man. I must make a move now to procure

supplies for my travel. I'll see you later." " Ouu, see you later too."


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 15 years old

Occupation: None

Level: 12(EXP:3000/6000)


-Strength: 200

- Agility: 200

- Stamina: 200

-Intelligence: 200

- Perception: 200

- Willpower: 450

- Luck: 200

Bonus Point: 0

Trade Point: 24000

Money: 73 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Yami Yami No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)

-Goro Goro No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)


- Observation Haki

- Armament Haki



Hey guys thanks for supporting me. I'm trying my best to supply 2

chapters/day for you guys. And please do leave a rating on my novel

and put some comments in it. Once again thanks.

Chapter 7: The Journey Start 2

Early Morning


A crowd of people can be seen surrounding a youth. That youth is Narmi.

They came to bid farewell for Narmi's departure for his trip.

"Oiii Narmi, if you have become famous, don't forget us here okay."

" Go and make your name in this world. Make us proud. "

" We will wait for your bounty to be posted here. Don't let us down."

Sound of cheering and shouting can be heard from the crowds. This

brought warmth to his heart. Narmi then bowed before the crowd and


" Thank you everyone for your support. I will not let you guys down. I

will come back later after I have make my name."

Narmi then raised the sail for the ship to start moving. A picture of huge

white skull with a yellow crown on top of it, while 2 swords intersecting

each other below it, is on public display to the villagers.

" Today, you guys witness the start of my journey. You shall bear witness

to the creation of Grand King Pirates Crew. This is the moment a grand

history be made"

Narmi then turn his body to face the crowd again and waved his hands. "

Goodbye everyone."

While Narmi had start his journey, an old man in the shack can be seen

smoking leisurely while talking with another old man of his.

" So, what do you think about that kid, Arnold?" the old man in glasses

asked. " I think soon enough the world will shook to the core with

another emperor-level pirate, Rayleigh"

Yes, the old man with the glasses is the Dark King Silvers Rayleigh, and

the other old man is his ex-crewmates, Arnold Beckman.


Two boys with age of 15 and 12 can be seen among the crowds.

" Na na, Ace, will we get to start sailing like him too?" excitement can be

seen on the 12 year old kid's face

Ace smirked and replied " Huh, you will not Luffy because I am the Pirate

King. You can just stay here and be a good boy while I will start my

journey 2 years later."

"No. I will start my own journey as well and surpass Shanks."

"Good luck with that."


A ship can be seen fast moving through the East Blue Sea. Narmi can be

seen trying to navigate his way on this huge sea.

" Damn it, navigating is really not my forte. I can read the map a little

but still I am not proficient in it. This thing need the skill for knowing

about wind direction, calculate the distance and others. Really pissing me

off. I need to find a navigator."

Narmi start to lost in thought finding the best navigator for him. There is

Demon Sheriff Lafitte and there is Nami too. I guess I will try Nami.

Now, I need to set course for Conomi Islands as Cocoyasi Villages is

located there. Arlong has set his base there but he is not my opponent.

Now onwards to get a navigator.



Hey guys, this is the new chapter for you. Sorry if the chapter is not

good enough as I am very busy now. Hope you enjoy the novel.

Chapter 8: Getting a Navigator 1

A week later

On a port at Conomi Islands, a ship is seen docking in it. Naturally, this

ship belong to Narmi.

" Finally, I have arrived here. Man what a drag trying to navigate here by

myself. This makes another reason to get a navigator for my crew."

Narmi start walking towards the direction of Cocoyasi Village with hope

he can recruit Nami to be his navigator.

Meanwhile, a fish-man pirate can be seen spying on Narmi and his ship.

He then picked up a den den mushi and called Arlong.

"Captain, a kid has docked his ship in our port. His ship is very grand big.

I bet he had a lot of treasure. He came here alone. What do we do now?"

" Hehe, is it? Wait there, I will gather our crew and robbed that ship"


In Arlong Park

There is a orange-haired young girl sitting in front of a sawshark fish-

man. She is Nami.

" Who is calling you Arlong?" "None of your business kid. Go back to your


Nami then woke up from her seat and went out from the place. Many

things are going around in her head thinking about how can she settle

the deal with Arlong.

Meanwhile, Arlong ordered his officer, Kuroobi to gather their mens to

went and rob the new ship dock at the port.


Cocoyasi Village.

Narmi had arrived at his destination and start searching for trace of

Nami's whereabouts. He asked the villager about her house locations and

the villagers kindly show to him the directions.

When he went there, he didn't found Nami, instead she found her sister,

Nojiko. Although he knew he had found the right place, but he still

pretend that he didn't know as to not raise any suspicions.

" Hello there, young miss. May I know is this where Nami's house? "

Narmi asked with an amicable smile on his face.

" Who are you?! What did you want with her?!" Nojiko replied with

vigilance. She then scrutinised the young man in front of her. Although

he is good looking but good looking man is always the one who is good-

for-nothing type.

" Aahh Iyaaah, guess I found the right place. It's actually this. I heard that

Nami is a good navigator from the villager. So I thought I want to recruit

her into my crew. So, where can I find her?"


shout can be heard from afar.

Narmi turned his head towards the direction of the shout and spotted an

orange-haired girl running here.


When Nami had arrived in front of him, she then jumped and released a

kick towards his head.

Narmi leisurely hold out his hand and catch her leg and hang her upside

down. " Now now young miss. From just where is my ulterior motive. I

honestly want to recruit you into my crew as I really in need of a

navigator. Why not join my crew and I will bring you to get many


Nami look tempted by his offer but she held back and replied. " No, if I

went with you Arlong will kill the villagers. I still need to fulfill the deal

with Arlong, so that I can save the villagers and my sister."

Narmi grinned hearing her reply as he had expected this. " How about

this. If I can help you to settle Arlong and his crew, will you join my


" Impossible! You are a one man. Arlong got many pirates on his disposal.

You don't get a chance to fight with him."

" So, how about a bet? If I settle him and his crew, you join my crew. And

If I not, I will be killed anyways. Though the latter is not gonna happen."

" Fine then. I accept the bet." Nami replied. Her face is full of confidence

that Narmi couldn't kill Arlong.

"Haha okay then. Let's go" Narmi laughed loudly and went back to the

direction of his ship.

" Where are you going? Arlong is not there." " He will be there. As I had

known that a subordinate of his had called him when I docked my ship.

They want to rob my ship."

Nami looked surprised by his reply. 'This man knows about that but

didn't do anything. Did he planned this?'. Confusion is written all over

her face.

While she is having a thought about his actions, Narmi had walked away

a distance from her. Seeing how fast-paced he is walking, she helplessly

reeled her thoughts in and chased after him.



Sorry for the late post. Please enjoy

Chapter 9: Getting A Navigator 2

Port of Conomi Island

Crowd of pirates are seen marching towards a big ship. All of their eyes

are filled with greed.

" Come on guys, let's rob this ship clean until it's owner can't recognize


All of them started to rush into the ship. Unfortunately, when they search

the ship, only a single bed can be seen while not a treasure can be found.

Apparently, they didn't know all of Narmi's supplies and treasure are in

his System Inventory while he is comfortable with only a single bed for

his resting purpose.

"What the hell is this? Did we come here for nothing? Where is the

promised treasure? "

" Captain, there is no treasure in this ship. Looks like only the ship is big

but the inside is empty."

A pirate report their founding to Arlong. But when he heard the report,

he look very pissed and glared viciously to the one who gave him the info

about the ship.

" Motherf**ker! You make me waste my time coming here only to be

made a fool. You are so dead. I'm gonna kill you."

Arlong raised his hand overhead, and swing his hand to the pirate

intending to kill him in one hit. Before his hand reached the pirate head,

a loud laugh can be heard from a distance away.


GOT TO BE MADE A FOOL." Narmi shouted.

Arlong turned his head towards the distance where the shout came from

and spotted a young man with a familiar girl following behind him.




Narmi shout and laughed out loud. He didn't care about what Arlong feel.

Although he didn't care about Arlong, Nami cared because if Arlong feel

like it, he will kill the villagers and her sister.

" Nami did you betray me? You bring this young man here aren't you?

You f**king ungrateful b***h. I'm going to kill the villagers and your


Nami's face paled when she heard Arlong's statement. "No, please don't

do anything to them. I am wrong indeed. Please have mercy. If you want

to do something do it to me instead."

She started to kneel in front of Arlong. " Have mercy? You think I'm

gonna do that? Hah, whatever you say, no matter how you beg me, I am

still gonna kill them all." Seeing this, Narmi's face started being gloomy.

[ Quest: Save Nami and the Villagers. Reward: EXP +10000, Bonus Point

+200, Trade point +200000, Conqueror's Haki ]

A quest notice came right before Narmi's eyes. Oh my God, System is

very nice to me. Thanks system, I will not let you down.

Arlong lift his leg and want to kick Nami away from him, but then before

his leg reached her, a spurt of blood started to pour into the air. Then, he

saw his leg in the hand of the youngster that laugh at him with a sword

dripping with blood.

"Hey lookie here man. You dare to kick my navigator in front of me? Did

you think I'm a pushover? Look this is the consequences. Your leg is in

my hand. Want it back? Come get it from me."

Arlong's face full of rage with the statement. 'This kid! Not only he dared

to laugh at me, he even dare to challenge me?!! Did he not see my crew

behind me?! I'm gonna teach him a lesson'

" Kuroobi, get him for me. I'm gonna skin him for he dared to challenge


" Aye captain."

Kuroobi rushed to where Narmi stand and swing his cutlass towards

Narmi in a big arc. Narmi sighed when he saw the attack as if it is like in

a slow motion. He then release his Yami Yami no Mi ability, Darkness

Attraction to rendered Kuroobi's retreat useless.

Next, he purposefully dodge the attack by a hair's breadth and quickly

shorten the distance. He then rotated with his sword aiming towards

Kuroobi's neck. Noticing this, Kuroobi try to retreat but failed due to

Narmi's ability.

His face full of panic due to the unforeseen event. Kuroobi tried to block

the sword by raising his arm but Narmi's sword is faster and slice through

his neck.

[ You had killed Kuroobi. EXP +1000]

Arlong's face full of shock as Kuroobi is among his strongest subordinates.

' This kid is strong. I need to retreat here.' He try to escape sneakily by

mixing among his subordinates and diving into the seawater.

Narmi smirked when Arlong's action is within his prediction. He held out

his hands and said " It is too late to run away Arlong. 50 Million Volt

Discharge. "

A lightning then seen leaving from Narmi's hand and shot to the sea

making the sea flash with electricity. Arlong who thought that he is safe,

get electrocuted to death by the attack.

[ You had killed Arlong. EXP +5000]

[Congratulations you have leveled up. You are now level 14. All Stats


The crowd of Arlong pirates seeing this can't help but kneel down in front

of him and beg for his mercy.

" Ohh benevolent human. Please spare us."

Nami who had seen with her eyes the fish-man kneeling in front of this

young man can't help herself but burst into tears. ' Finally, the villagers is

safe. My sister is safe.'

When he saw Nami in this state, he can only shrugged his shoulder and

put his hand on Nami's head.

" Now now, don't cry in front of me please. I don't like seeing my

crewmates crying. It pained me in the heart. Now, I had helped solved

your problem. Will you join my crew?"

Hearing this young man's word, Narmi stop her crying and look deeply

into this man's eyes. She can see a light of passion in his eyes. She can

guess this guy also dream to become king of pirates. When she saw this,

her mind started to pushed her to accept his invitation to his crew.

She then held out her hand towards this young man. " Thank you so

much. Well, a bet is a bet. I will join your crew."

Seeing she held out her hand, Narmi start to shake her hand with intense

vigor and laughed. " Haha finally, you accept my invitation. I will

introduce myself. My name is Narmi Amsi. I am the captain of Grand

King Pirates. Welcome aboard, navigator."

Nami then laughed out loud hearing the name of the pirate crew. ' Grand

King Pirates, what the hell?!! Did he think he is Gol D. Roger? What a

confidence he had there.

" I am Nami. Well, my dream is to draw a map of the world. So, It's my

pleasure to join your crew seeing as you are strong enough to beat

Arlong. "

" Now, may I ask you what to do with this remnant of Arlong Pirates,

Nami? If you want me to kill them all, I will." " Just let the villagers

handle them. Can you make something so that they will not runaway?"

" Okay. Let's bundle them up and I will electrocuted them until they

fainted. Then, you can ask the villagers to call the Marines. But, we need

to get out of here before Marines came. So if you got any unfinished

business please do it fast. Tomorrow I will be waiting for you at the ship.


" All right see you later. "

[ Quest: Save Nami and the Villager Completed! EXP +10000, Bonus

Point +200, Trade Point +200000, Conqueror's Haki]

[Congratulations you have leveled up. You are now level 15. All Stats


Thus, a navigator had been recruited into the crew.


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 15 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 15 (EXP:3500/7000)


-Strength: 220

- Agility: 220

- Stamina: 220

-Intelligence: 220

- Perception: 220

- Willpower: 470

- Luck: 220

Bonus Point: 360

Trade Point: 232000

Money: 73 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Yami Yami No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)

-Goro Goro No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)


-Observation Haki

-Armament Haki

-Conqueror's Haki



Hye guys. I had read your comments and some asked why did I make

Nami into this crew. Well, I guess this is easier for me to make it. And

besides this is novel written for my satisfaction. Keep supporting me

and enjoy the reading

Chapter 10: Finding a Cook 1

After Nami had done with her business, they started their journey. While

Nami is reading the map, finding their next destination choices, Narmi is

lost in thought.

'Now I am level 15 with a bonus points of 380 points after that daily

quest is done. I guess I'm going to put 80 points into Strength stats

making it 300. For the remaining 300 points, I will distribute among the

6 remaining stats, giving 50 points to each of them. Now my Willpower

had broke pass 500 stats. For my strength, right now I am at Vice-

Admiral level. My mastery over Haki had reached Advance Level. One

step before Master Level. It is still not enough'

While Nami had done with her map reading, she take a look to her

Captain. ' This man here no matter how you look at him, is slightly older

than her. With his not too big build, nobody can guess he is strong. But

after seeing how he defeated Arlong, I guess there is more to him than

meets the eyes.'

" Captain, where are we headed? From what I can read, we can either go

to Loguetown, Yotsuba Islands Region or Organs Islands."

" Set sail for Loguetown. We need to find a cook for our crew. I want to

eat delicious food while we are sailing." Narmi replied before continuing

to lost in his thoughts



2 weeks later.


A ship with a skull and crown logo on their canvas, are docking into the

port. Nami and Narmi jump from their ship to the port.

" Let's go Nami. We need to resupply, find a cook and buy a Log Pose so

that we can enter Grand Line."

Nami replied by nodding her head. They walked together heading to the

town. Narmi then remembered to warn Nami.

" This place here is crawling with Marines bastard. Tread carefully and do

not do something that draw attention. Well if you do, not to worry

because I'm here. For now, let's split up. Here take this money and Den

Den Mushi. If you got into a trouble just contact me. "

Narmi handed about 10 Million berry to Nami. After that, he walked

away to resupply and find a cook.

Nami look onto the direction he went and mumbled " This money, I will

keep it. As for the Log Pose, I can just steal it. No problem." She then

started strolling around to find the Log Pose.


Logue Restaurant

A muscular young man with average height is seen cooking in the

kitchen. The smell of his cooking reached until outside of the restaurant,

proving his cooking is good.

Narmi who just passed by the restaurant can't help bur enticed by the

smell of food. He quickly went inside so he can order a meal. But when

he went inside, his face is painted with surprise as no one in there, and

there were no waiter to be spotted.

He went deeper inside to the kitchen where the smell of food originated

and saw the young man using his knife skillfully, like it is an extension of

his hand.

Narmi try to approached the young man, but quickly retreat a few step

back when the young man stab the knife towards his direction. ' This

young man is no joke. He is strong. '

The young man's face look slightly flustered when he saw Narmi's retreat

and quickly rushed towards him. Seeing this, Narmi with a calm face

took a stance and wait for his attack.

The young man try to stab towards his head, but in response Narmi

calmly evaded it. The young man then reverse-grip the knife and

continued to attack Narmi's head intending to finish him off.

Narmi with a flash grab his arm and disarm the knife he is holding. He

then pulled the young man towards his direction and made him rotate

and quickly put him in chokehold position. The young man struggled to

escape from his predicament.

" Calm down man, I'm not your enemy. I came because I smell good food.

So why don't we sit down and talk about this?" Narmi suggested.

Hearing Narmi's word, the young man quickly calmed himself down.

After confirming the young man had calmed himself, he then released

him from that position. The young man lightly cough.

" Hey, I'm sorry for attacking you all of a sudden. You see nowadays

many thugs came to harassed me so I can't help but be on guard."

" Hahaha it's fine it's fine. I'm also sorry for making you put into the

chokehold position. Are you alright?"

" I'm fine thanks you. By the way, you said you came because you smell

my cooking?" " Yeah you bet. I am just passing by but then the air smell

like a good food is being cooked, so I can't help but follow it until I came


" Ooohh, I just done cooking when you came and just cutting the

vegetables for decoration purposes. Come have a taste of it. Oh, where

are my manners huh. My name is Henry Rock."

" I am Narmi Amsi. Ouu let me have a taste. "

The two young man then started to have a chat over a meal. Although

their meeting started with fighting each other, they quickly bonded

among themselves.


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 15 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 15 (EXP:4000/7000)


-Strength: 300

- Agility: 270

- Stamina: 270

-Intelligence: 270

- Perception: 270

- Willpower: 520

- Luck: 270

Bonus Point: 280

Trade Point: 233000

Money: 63 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Yami Yami No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)

-Goro Goro No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)


-Observation Haki ( Advanced Level )

-Armament Haki ( Advanced Level )

-Conqueror's Haki ( Middle Level )

Addition to novel:

Haki class:

Novice--> Middle--> Advanced--> Master--> Grand Master.



Hey everybody. This is a new chapter for you guys. Stay tuned for

more chapters. I have read your comments about someone want me to

make the novel a harem. Basically I am still pondering about it. I'm

thinking just make a romance subplot but with no harem. A girl only

but it is for future. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 11: Finding a Cook 2

Narmi and Henry pleasantly chat among them. With this, Narmi got to

learn that Henry is a 20 years old young man. He just started the

restaurant business and his cooking skill he learned from his father.

After chatting for about an hour, Narmi took the chances to ask him

about the circumstances of the restaurant.

" Brother Henry, why does your restaurant is so desolate? I mean your

food is very delicious and I don't see anything wrong with it. Tell me,

have you got a problem?"

When Narmi ask the question, Henry's shoulder visibly drooped.

" Haih.... you see there is this group of thugs that keep bothering me,

asking for protection fee. At first I didn't care about them and beat them.

But then they started to disturb the business by scaring my customers


" Sometimes they came to the kitchen to disturb me. So I retaliate by

attacking them. That's why I'm sorry for my offense on you brother."

Henry bowed towards him expressing his remorse. Narmi asked Henry to

raised his head in a hurry and said that he didn't mind it. Before long,

Narmi propose an idea towards Henry, hoping he will accept the idea.

" Brother, how about you join my crew? As this situation right now, you

better be off on the sea with me. We can sail the sea unhindered together.

Right now, my crew only have 2 members but it will grow soon enough. I

can help you become stronger , so how about it?"

" Recruiting me aye? The suggestion is not bad. Then, I would impose

you on your offer. But I will need some time to prepare myself. Maybe

we can meet again two days later?"

" Sure no problem. I will be waiting you at the port two days later."

With this, Narmi had secured a strong cook for his crew. He then went

for a stroll in Loguetown to buy supplies for the journey.


In a certain shop.

Nami is seen trying to snuck a Log Pose out of the shop. She expertly

moving around inside the shop to ensure the shopkeeper's attention is not

on her, waiting for the right moment.

After about 10 minutes doing that, she finally saw the chances and snuck

the Log Pose out in a hurry. After the successful attempt, Nami then stroll

around the town in search of what she could buy with the money that

her captain gave her.

Lot of things that came to her mind such as clothes. As she further lost in

her thoughts of what to buy, she didn't noticed she went into an alley.

When she came to herself, what she saw was a group of thugs that had

surrounded her.

This group of thugs' eyes filled with lust as they stared her. Some of them

also smacked their lips in delight watching a beautiful young girl coming

to this alley.

" Hey little chick, how about you play with us? You see we will give you

a good time if you play with us hehe." A thin-build thug said vulgarly.

" You guys won't dare to touch me. If you guys did, my captain won't be

forgiving towards you. Wait, I will call my captain." Nami replied

confidently while reaching out for her Den Den Mushi.

" Ooh.. this girl is playing hard to get. She thinks her boyfriend is

powerful enough to take us on."

One of the thug want to blocked her from using Den Den Mushi. But their

leader held him back and said while grinning " Just let her call him. This

way we can f**k her in front of him after we beat him"

Unfortunately, this thug had make a big mistake by letting her call him

as a few minutes later Narmi had arrived at the alley.



The thugs laughed out loudly thinking this pretty boy in front of them

are weak. So they just rushed to him with the intention to beat him.

What happen after that is a completely one-sided massacre.

" You guys thought you guys can completely beat me in numerical

advantage? Idiotic group of thugs. Scram from here"

The thug scurried away from the alley with injuries. Some had broken

legs, while some others had broken arms. They did not expect today they

will kicked a steel. How unlucky for them


At a distance few metres away from the alley.

A young black-haired lady is using her ability to spy on the event in the

alley. Although she had use her ability discretely, never could she expect

the man that massacred the thug to notice her.

When she want to cancel her ability, the man suddenly said.

" The one who spy on us, show yourself. Well should I say 'The Devil

Child' Nico Robin?"

Hearing the words from the man, the young lady could not help but be

shocked silly. Yes, the young lady is Nico Robin.


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 15 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 15 (EXP:4000/7000)


-Strength: 300

- Agility: 270

- Stamina: 270

-Intelligence: 270

- Perception: 270

- Willpower: 520

- Luck: 270

Bonus Point: 280

Trade Point: 233000

Money: 63 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Yami Yami No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)

-Goro Goro No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)


-Observation Haki ( Advanced Level)

-Armament Haki ( Advanced Level)

-Conqueror's Haki ( Middle Level)



Hey guys. Hehe wait for the next chapter eh. Enjoy

Chapter 12: Lucky Find, Nico

Robin 1

Robin quickly want to run away when she heard him called her. She

thought that man is probably a bounty hunter who in pursuit of her.

Unfortunately, before she could make her move, Narmi had reached in

front of her. " Hey there, young lady. Please be at ease. I'm not what you

think I am. Let's have a talk."

Hearing that he want to have a talk with her, she quickly regain her

composure, but still maintaining a level of vigilance towards him. This is

in case if the man had meant to harm her, she can quickly escaped.

" What do you want from me? Usually, people who knows me are bounty

hunter or Marines."

" Let's find a place to have a talk. Coincidentally, I had found a place that

is suitable for us to have a nice friendly chat. Follow me."

Narmi started to walked towards Henry's Restaurant but suddenly halt his

steps when he remembered about the task he had given Nami.

" Nami, did you had buy the Log Pose?" Narmi asked her. " Yeah, I had. It

is pretty cheap isn't it."

Nami answered him oblivious to the fact that he knows about her nature.

" Really? Great. Where is the 10 Million berry I gave you?" His question

made Nami very shocked to the core, but still tried to answer innocently.

" What do you mean 10 Million? There is none, I have use it to bought

the Log Pose."

" Bah, you little girl. Do you think I don't know you stole it from the

shop? Return me 5 million only and the rest, you can use it for yourself."

Knowing that she can't outsmart her captain, she just return the 5 million

to him. After he received the money from her, he gave a signal for Robin

to follow him.

Robin who saw the weird exchange between this man and the little girl,

felt confused about them. She then thought that thinking anymore

couldn't help her, so she quickly chased Narmi that had walked a

distance away from her.


At a Marine Base in Loguetown.

Den Den Mushi is ringing in a Captain's Office. The captain quickly

received the Den Den Mushi caller.

" Report sir. 'Devil Child' Nico Robin is spotted with a young man heading

towards Logue Restaurant. What should we do sir?"

The Captain huffed a puff of smoke from his two cigars and replied "

Follow her. I will gather the men. Report to me later when she is alone.

This time we will not let her escape. "

" Roger, Captain."

'Nico Robin, I will not let you escape from here' the Captain vowed while

rushed to gather his men.


Meanwhile, Narmi and Robin had arrived at the restaurant. Robin look

inside the restaurant and noticed that there is no one in here. She quickly

calculated her escape path for safety purpose.

" Oooh brother Narmi. Why are you here? I'm currently preparing myself

for the journey. Don't say that you are impatient for me hahaha."

" It's not like that. You see I have something to talk with this young lady.

So, may I use this place for a moment?"

"Haha just use it. There is no one coming after all."

Narmi then quickly sat on an empty seat and beckon Robin to take a seat

as well. Robin watched her surrounding in vigilance.

" Just sit, I want to talk about an offer."

Finally, Robin take her seat across Narmi. Robin stared at the man in

front of him curiously. Who is he? How did the man notice her spying in

the alley? What is the offer that the man is talking about?

" I know there is many things in your head so ask me any questions that

you might have. But first let me introduce myself. I am Narmi Amsi,

Captain of Grand King Pirates. That girl you see at the alley is called

Nami, the crew navigator. While this restaurant's owner going to be my

crew's cook."

Narmi's quickly introduce himself and his crew. Robin who heard his

introduction, relaxed her vigilance a bit as she knows the man in front of

him was not your usual pirate. She could feel an aura of dominance

emanating from him.

But before she could respond to his introduction, Narmi's dropped a

bomb that made Robin's face full of shock.

" Nico Robin, I want to invite you to be in my crew as an archaeologist."



Hehe Nico Robin is coming. What will happen next? Stay tuned for

more chapters. Btw, thanks for supporting me. Keep on reading and

please make a review at the novel's page. So I can get my novel rating

Chapter 13: Lucky Find, Nico

Robin 2

" Nico Robin, I want to invite you to be in my crew as an archaeologist."

Narmi said to Robin causing her hear shook. Never in her runaway life

had someone invite her. Usually people want to take advantage of her by

giving info to the Marines. This young man in front of her invite her to be

in his crew.

Nevertheless, Robin still maintain her vigilance and asked him. " What is

your purpose of inviting me? I don't believe you didn't have any ulterior


Hearing her, Narmi couldn't help but scratched the back of his head in

embarassment. He understand that living on the run, hiding from the

world had make her lost some trust in people. So, he replied to her about

what he knew of her circumstances.

" I don't have any for real. I knew that you are not the murderer of

O'Hara. The O'Hara has been annihilated by Marines itself, when the

Buster Call is initiated. Also, I knew O'Hara been annihilated due to their

research on the Void Century"

Narmi's statement once again make Robin's face full of shock. How did

this man knew about the O'Hara's Research on Void Century? Did he

knew something about Void Century too?

" How did you know? Only the World Government and Marines knew

that we O'Hara research on the Void Century."

" Well, you can say I have some prior knowledge about it. But, most

importantly right now, is whether you want to join my crew? If you

want, I promise with my life that I will protect you and also I will bring

you to some places that have Road Poneglyph. Aren't you curious about

Void Century?"

His offer made Robin's heart fluttered as this man promise to protect her.

Besides, it looks like this man knew about Road Poneglyph too. My

dream is still to discover about the Void Century, the continuation of the

O'Haran people dreams.

With a resolute expression, she replied " Alright, I will join your crew."

Narmi leaped up from his seat in joy as Robin accepted his offer but

quickly regain his composure and made a fake cough. " Ahem , then

Welcome to Grand King Pirates. "

Seeing he acted like that, Robin chuckled a bit and replied to him with a

smile. " Thank you, captain. I'm counting on you."

Out of the blue, a shout can be heard from outside the restaurant.








Robin's faced pale when she heard the shout. Due to this, she thought

that she had made some inconvenience to Narmi, since she just join his


She turned to look at Narmi and stunned, when she saw the aura of

dominance seem to be getting stronger when he heard the shout.

[ Quest: Protect Robin from the Marines! Reward: EXP +10000, Bonus

Point +200, Trade Point +200000, Devil Fruit of Host's Choice]

'Hehe. This System is really generous. I love you System. Now let me

show them how strong I am with you help.'

" It's time to prove myself. Watch how I fulfill my promise to you." Narmi

said while he woke up from the seat.

Robin tried to stop him but before she could, Narmi had put his hand on

her head and said. " Sit tight, I will be right back. No one will ever dare

to disturb you again. As you are my precious crewmates."

Robin couldn't help but blushed when she heard that word. She then

turned and saw Narmi had walked until the door and opened it. In her

sight, that thin-build of him looks incredibly large this time, making her

feel secure for the first time.


The Marine's Captain waited until the door of the restaurant open.

Instead of a young lady, a young man that came out from the restaurant.

"Oya oya, Marines' Captain. Who are you and to what do I owe the

pleasure?" Narmi asked although he knew who is the man in front of


" I am Captain Smoker. My purpose is to catch the notorious Devil's Child

Nico Robin. I knew she is inside."

" Ohh, I'm sorry captain but unfortunately, I can't allow that. You see she

is my crew. Anyone dare to touch her will die. "

" You dare to threathen the Marines?! I guess I can capture you also in

the time being. A pirates is a scum of the society. Charge, Marines."

" Huh.. I guess you guys really need to get a beating. Let me show you

how big of gap between you guys and me."



Keep reading my novel guys. Thank you for your supports.

Chapter 14: Fighting Smoker 1

All the Marines charged towards Narmi under Smoker's command.

Narmi, the target himself, stood there and release his Conqueror's Haki.

When the effect of Conqueror's Haki reached towards them, all the

Marines stop in their track. Their eyes are all white. Suddenly, one by

one, the Marines collapsed before they even reached Narmi.

Smoker who saw this were very shocked, as he didn't expected the young

man in front of him will have 'that'. 'That' which proves a quality of a

Conqueror. He gritted his teeth and said " You...! You have Conqueror's


Narmi just grinned hearing the questions. He didn't want to answer him

as it was obvious.

" Now, the obstacles are out of the way. Why don't you come and attack

me? Let's play." Narmi said while smiling.

Smoker was fuming in rage when he said the Marines are obstacles.

Narmi's smiling face really manage to ignite his fury. He then took a

battle stance and shouted.

"White Blow"

A cloud of dense smoke shot to Narmi, intending to blast him away.

'After this, I will use White Out to trap him. No one's ever escape from

my White Out.'

Watching the attack that gradually neared him, Narmi just shook his

head lightly and smirked. ' His attack was pathetic. Let's just play along

for a while to alleviate the boredom. Then, I will crush the hope when I

escape his White Out'

Narmi intentionally let the White Blow hit him and retreat a few step

back. His acting can be considered top class as Smoker didn't realise that

he is just being played with by Narmi.

As his attack had manage to hit Narmi, Smoker quickly use White Out to

catch him. Confirming Narmi had indeed been catch by his White Out,

Smoker smugly said to him.

" Bullshit Conqueror's Haki. You are weak. It only take me two moves to

render you immobile. Now, are you still looking down on us Marines

huh, pirate scum?"

Out of a sudden, Robin went out from the restaurant and saw her captain

had been caught.


Smoker thought this is the opportunity to catch Nico Robin and said "

Nico Robin, your captain has been caught by me. Surrender yourself and

I will let him go."

Smoker's offer really tempted her because if she willingly surrender

herself, Narmi will be let off scot-free. As she had the feeling that he

would become a prominent figure in the future, she couldn't help but

think this is a good offer.

Her life is being exchanged for a future emperor. It is not a worthless

trade. After thinking deliberately for a while, she had made her decision

to surrender herself. Before she state her decision, she turned her head to

Narmi as to show her resolution to him. But what she saw stunned herself

instead, as Narmi just smiling at her and just shook his head.

His mouth make a signal as if saying " Leave this to me. Don't worry"

As Smoker is concentrating with Robin, he heard a laugh from Narmi's

direction. He turned his head and saw Narmi is laughing his heart out.

He couldn't help but had a bad premonition to this.

He quickly make his White Out as dense as possible so to ensure he

couldn't escape. Apparently, his effort are in vain as Narmi easily slip

away from him.

Narmi just watched him and clicked his tongue.

" Tsk Tsk Tsk.. Aii.. If not for Robin is worrying about me, I would have

played with you for a longer time , Captain Smoker. You see? What can I

do, I don't want her to worry about her captain."

" Black Hole "

Out of the blue, a black smoke started to spread with Narmi as it's centre.

The black smoke spreading quickly like fire but then stop when it had

covered all the Marines.

" Robin, just obediently sit tight in the restaurant. Oh if possible, could

you ask Henry to cook some food for me. All this fighting makes me

hungry. Thanks."

Robin when she saw his power felt relieved as he is safe. Apparently, he

is just playing around but she just butt in when he started to enjoy it.

When he said to her to obediently sit tight in the restaurant, she went

back inside.

But then, he asked for a food, this makes her had a headache as he can

still think about food when in battle. He really is one weird captain.

After he had confirmed Robin had went inside, he turned his attention

back to the Marines in front of him. He sent Robin back inside as he

didn't want to accidentally hurt her. Also he didn't want to show what he

want to do with Smoker to her.

On Narmi's face, an evil grin surface.

" Shall we start with round two, Smoker? I will show you a what a real

horror means."



Hey guys. Should I make Smoker quit Marines and join his crew. For

me It's like a good idea but at the same time I want to hear your

opinion. Please do comment below. Also, I'm thinking about what

devil fruit to give the MC. Care to give me some idea? Just comment

and I will read it.

By the way, I'm trying my best to keep the novel updated for 2

chapters/day. Enjoy the reading and thank you everyone.

Chapter 15: Fighting Smoker 2

" Shall we start with round two, Smoker? I will show you what real

horror means."

Narmi's words like a whisper of the devil on Smoker's ears. He tried to

launch his ability, but soon his face is full of confusion as he can't launch


" You can't do anything Smoker. This is the price you pay when you play

with me. Now let's increase the intensity shall we?"

Narmi's Black Hole started to devour all the Marines into the darkness in

fast pace. Smoker still continue trying to release his ability, but face an

upset when he failed every single time. Giving up, he tried to rush to

Narmi while unsheathing his blade.

Unfortunately, the power of gravity of the darkness produced by Narmi's

fruit prove hard to resist. Narmi's control of the fruit ability is near to

perfection causing all movements to be sealed.

Smoker finally gave in to despair as he can't do anything, wait for the

whole ordeal to came to an end. He regret didn't search for this man

background. Never could he thought this man is formidable to this

degree. He could only watched helplessly as his subordinates and himself

got suck into the darkness.

After the black smoke had fully devoured, Narmi quickly launched

Liberation and expel all the Marines. Finally escaped from the skill,

Smoker naively thought he could still fight him.

He couldn't imagine that it was the only beginning. Narmi then

repeatedly using Black Hole and Liberation causing the Marines to suffer

heavy injuries. After about 1 hour of playing around, Narmi then decided

to do what Blackbeard does to Whitebeard.

" Kurouzu"

Narmi launch his ability while holding out his hand. Smoker that had

lied down, got helplessly attracted to him.

'How did Blackbeard extract the devil fruit eh? Did he absorb all the devil

fruit essence from the body and collect it making it a devil fruit? Guess

I'll try'

Narmi start to carefully extract the Moku Moku no Mi energy essence

from Smoker's body. His right hand is directly in contact with Smoker's

body which is his neck, extracting it while his left hand is combined it to

form a devil fruit.

After about 30 minutes, the devil fruit had been completely extracted.

Narmi watched the devil fruit with curiosity and thought that the devil

fruit didn't have any powerful offense.

'This devil fruit can't benefit me enough. I guess I will save it in the

inventory for a later time.'

The devil fruit that are in his hand, gone in an instant. This scene make

Smoker bewildered, as he didn't know how did it gone. With the devil

fruit gone, Smoker is now just like an ordinary marine without any

special skills.

Narmi smirked and whispered towards Smoker. "Thanks for the devil

fruit. I really appreciated it. I hope you can find a new devil fruit. Who

know maybe we will meet again, and the same scene will happen right?

Hahahaha. Now, go get your men out of here and get them some


Smoker when he heard Narmi is letting him and his subordinates go,

couldn't help but bowed his head slightly showing his gratitude for

Narmi's benevolence, although he is the one who beat them.

Just before Smoker was leaving, Narmi left him with a question that

make him have doubts about Marine's existence.

"Smoker, what is 'justice'? Why does you Marines always say it's all for

'justice'? Does 'justice' really save people? Does pirates didn't have any


"What if a pirates is who he is because of that 'justice'? Why does 'justice'

protect the Celestial Dragons, who oppressed us, the commoners? Does

'justice' is low enough for it to be trampled on by those nobles bastard?"

"The next time we meet, I want to hear your answer. Who knows maybe

your answer can affect the future of the world. Goodbye. Ohh, don't

forget if you want to put a bounty, make it higher so I can become

famous quickly. Hehe thanks"

Narmi said before went in to the restaurant. Smoker repeatedly

remembered his questions and started to try searching for the answers.

[ Quest Completed: Protect Robin from the Marines! EXP +10000, Bonus

Point +200, Trade Point +200000, Devil's Fruit of Host's Choice]

[ Congratulations! You have leveled up. You are now level 16. All stats

+10 ]


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 15 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 16 (EXP:7000/7500)


-Strength: 310

- Agility: 280

- Stamina: 280

-Intelligence: 280

- Perception: 280

- Willpower: 530

- Luck: 280

Bonus Point: 480

Trade Point: 433000

Money: 68 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Yami Yami No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)

-Goro Goro No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)


-Observation Haki ( Advanced Level)

-Armament Haki ( Advanced Level)

-Conqueror's Haki ( Middle Level )



Hey guys. Thanks for reading the novel. You see at this point in time I

realised that the MC name is crappy. I think when I started this novel,

that time my head is unclear, so the name came to be weird. But what

can I do? The story had progress. So just continue to support the novel


And do wish me luck for my examination starting from today.

Chapter 16: First Bounty

Marine Headquarters.

An old man with glasses is receiving a report from the Vice Admiral in

charge of East Blue.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, I just received a call from the Loguetown

Branch. A pirate had made our Marines suffer a heavy injuries in a fight

when they are trying to capture Nico Robin. Apparently, the pirate is a

captain of a crew that Nico Robin just joined."

"What?! Only a pirate manage to make them suffer. Who is this man?!"

Sengoku asked. His tone carry a heavy pressure, unwilling to accept that

the Marines lost to a pirate.

"This pirate name is Narmi Amsi. Our informant told us that he had once

visit the Marine base at Goa Kingdom for the bounty of Scar Walker,

Harry the Hook and One-Eyed Jack. At Conomi Islands, he managed to

kill Arlong and Kuroobi although he is heavily disadvantaged in number."

"What is his ability? I'm guessing that if he can defeat those pirates, I

guess he must have some powerful abilities."

"According to our informant, we manage to discovered that he have eaten

a Yami Yami No Mi fruit when he killed the pirates and Goa Kingdom.

But then, we have suspicions that he had eaten another devil fruits, as he

used an electric attack to Arlong."

"Impossible, a human can't eat two devil fruits as it is harmful for the

body. Discover more about his ability. For now set his bounty to 40

Million berry."

"About that Fleet Admiral, I have another things to say." the Vice Admiral

said hesitantly. Sengoku heard his hesitant tone, urged the Vice Admiral

to continue.

"This Narmi, he managed to extract Devil Fruit from Captain Smoker. As

of now, Smoker didn't have Devil Fruit ability." he continued.

Hearing those words, Sengoku was stunned speechless. After a few

minutes of silence, he asked for confirmation

"Are you sure?!" "Yes Sir. Smoker himself stated it to me. In addition,

Smoker said that he have Conqueror's Haki and had used it on the


"Not only the Marines lost to him, but Smoker also got stripped of his

Devil Fruit. He also have a Conqueror's Haki at that. This pirate is a

dangerous individual. Set his bounty to 150 Million Berry. " Sengoku

ordered after a few minutes of deliberation.

"Yes sir."

"Also, prepared the Marines at the Grand Line for interception. Wait for

his arrival to Grand Line. We need to capture him. Watched his

movements and don't ever lose sight of him. We can't turn a blind eye to

his ability. This ability can indeed shook this world to the core. Alright,

you can go now."

"Thank you sir."

After the Vice Admiral went out from his office, Sengoku slumped

himself on his seat. His hand is pinching the the temple of his head,

trying to relieve the headache.

' Huh.... Obviously a new monster figure had emerged. He probably can

be the Fifth Emperor with his ability. We Marines need to step up our

game if not we will be devoured by the pirates. It is all for justice.'

He then turned his head towards the scenery outside of his office. A wide

open sea surrounding the Marine HQ.


In a duration of two days, many events have been published by the

newspaper. Among them, news about a notorious pirate named Narmi

Amsi that massacred the Marines had been published.

The ways of the story had been exaggerated managed to rouse the

public's animosity towards the pirate. After that, a bounty of him had

also been published by the Navy, with a bounty of 150 Million Berry.

The bounty managed to shook the world as a newcomer pirate first

bounty was very high. In all pirates' minds, they thought of the same

things. A supernova had appeared.

Meanwhile, the target of contempt of the public is having his fun chatting

with Robin. Sometimes, he just open his ears, hearing the stories that

Robin are telling him. Another times, he just chimed in making some

funny jokes.

Robin also had her fun having a chat with her captain. Although her first

impression of him is that he is a weird person, but spending time with

him managed to make her heart warm with how he treated her.

For a long time, she had hoped for a companion that willing to have a

chat with her sincerely. Now, the unexpected meeting with him, had

filled the empty space in her life,acknowledging him as her companion.

" Alright, Robin. I'm going to go the ship and ready for the journey and

wait for Henry and Nami. We have stayed here for two days. Do you

want to come with me? Or did you want to go by yourself?"

"Let's go together. I feel a sense of security being with you captain."

Robin replied with smile on her face.

Narmi who saw the smile on her face, turned his head quickly, intending

to cover the blush on his face. Robin's charming smile had managed to

make his heart thumped.

' Damn it. She is so beautiful. She really exuded a mature charm. I can't

help but feel attracted. Huff Huff. I need to calm myself. This is

unbecoming of me as the captain.'

" Alright then. Let's go together." He replied pretending to be cool. Robin

chuckled lightly watching her captain acting like that.

In her heart, she thought that maybe, she had finally found her true

companion. She just nodded her head and followed Narmi towards their




Hey guys. I guess I want to start a little bit of romance between MC

and Robin. I'm sorry if the Romance is not good enough as I am not

knowledgeable in that area.

So do enjoy this un-knowledgeable Romance of my novel.

Chapter 17: Strengthening the

Crew 1

[Hidden Quest: Bounty of 100 Million Berry before Grand Line

Completed! EXP +20000, Bonus Point +200, Trade Point +200000]

[Congratulations you have leveled up. You are now level 18. All Stats


[Congratulations you have leveled up. You are now level 19. All Stats


Stupefied, Narmi stopped in his track when the announcement of Quest

completion. ' F**k, didn't expect there is this type of hidden quest.

Luckily, I do that things on grand scale.'

Narmi pace faster towards the ship so that he can distribute his stats

point in peace. Robin noticed that his pace had gotten faster, also pick up

her paced.

When they arrived at the ship, Narmi quickly pick up Robin in a princess

carry, and jump into the ship. After helping Robin down, he went into his

room in a hurry, oblivious to the blushing face of Robin.

In the room, Narmi sat down on his bed and said


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 15 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 19 (EXP:4000/9000)


-Strength: 330

- Agility: 300

- Stamina: 300

-Intelligence: 300

- Perception: 300

- Willpower: 550

- Luck: 300

Bonus Point: 720

Trade Point: 635000

Money: 68 Million Berry

Unclaimed Reward: Devil's Fruit of Host's Choice


Devil Fruit:

-Yami Yami No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)

-Goro Goro No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)


-Observation Haki ( Advanced Level)

-Armament Haki ( Advanced Level)

-Conqueror's Haki ( Middle Level)

Yeah I got 720 points. Now, I'm going to put 200 each to Strength and

Luck. With my Strength stats alone, I'm now on par with the Admiral and

Generals of Yonko. For the remaining points, I'm gonna distribute

between the Agility, Stamina, Intelligence and Perception.

After distributing his stats point, Narmi lied on the bed and started

pondering on how to strengthen his crewmates. He didn't want his

crewmates to be in danger when he is not around. After a bout of

consideration, he asked the System.

"System, is there anyway I can help my crewmates to become stronger? If

there is a way please suggest it to me."

[ There is some way. System advise that host buy Potion of Dispel Curse

for 1000 points. With this, you can dispel the curse of devil fruit. Also,

host can buy the manuals for Haki training for 1000 points and gave it to

host's crewmates. For reminder, devil fruit in the system can be bought

infinitely, and can be materialised if needed ]

'Damn there is such a potion?! But why is it so cheap?' "System why is the

potion cheap?"

[ The Potion is originated to how system remove the devil fruit weakness.

So that's why it is cheap. Also, my existence is only for helping you to

become stronger. And for you to become stronger, your crew also must

be stronger. So helping you achieve what you want is my priority. ]

" I see. Thank you System. Without you, I am unable to do anything in

this world. I really appreciate it."

[ No problem, Host. Wishing Host good luck in becoming the King ]


At the same time Narmi raise his stats.

Robin who just tidying her stuff in the next room suddenly feel a rush of

energy came from her captain's direction. Robin recognise this energy is

more powerful than Aokiji when he was a Vice Admiral.

Meaning, Narmi right now, is on par with Admiral Level? This rail of

thoughts left Robin realised a fact that is, her captain is so formidable. He

is just 15 years old. Astonishment and admiration filled her face.

'Looks like I made the right choice after all.' She smiled when she

remembered about her choice back then.

~Knock Knock~

" Robin can you come out for a while? I have something to talk to you."

Robin swiftly went to the door and opened it. "What is it, captain?"

"Actually, I want to ask you if you have the chance to get rid the curse of

the devil fruit, will you take it?" Narmi questioned her.

"Of course, as I can get stronger. Why did you ask? Did you found a way

on how to remove it?" she inquired.

Her answer is as he expected. Every devil fruit user want to remove the

curse of devil fruit. Some even try to make an artificial devil fruit so they

can remove the curse.

"Here, this is a potion that can help you. I named it Potion of Dispel

Curse. It would help in removing the curse of devil fruit."

His statement pushed Robin in a state of daze. 'A potion that can remove

the curse, he willingly to gave me?! A newcomer in his crew! Did he trust

me to this extent?!' Her mind is in turbulence. She didn't expect his trust

for her is very high.

She then woke up from that state and stared into Narmi's eyes. "Why are

you willingly gave this to me? This thing is rare right? Keep it for other

crewmates. I'm not strong enough to use it."

Narmi smiled gently to her, then reached for her hand. Putting the potion

in her hand and said.

"It is because you are my precious crewmates(girl) and I want you to be

strong enough to protect yourself when I'm not around. Besides, I have

another stack of this potions, so don't worry"

He then patted her head and left her alone. Robin silently stand there and

watch the potion. 'He really trust me to this extent. As a repayment, will

not let him down. I'm going to become strong crewmates for him, so he

didn't need to worry about me.'

Strengthening her resolve, she then uncorked the potion and chug it

upside down. A few moments later, she can feel like the shackles in her

body broke down. She had never felt this refreshed for a long time.

Turning her head towards his room, her face is beaming with smile and

said " Thank you, Narmi"


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 15 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 19 (EXP:4000/9000)


-Strength: 530

- Agility: 380

- Stamina: 380

-Intelligence: 380

- Perception: 380

- Willpower: 550

- Luck: 500

Bonus Point: 0

Trade Point: 634000

Money: 68 Million Berry

Unclaimed Reward: Devil's Fruit of Host's Choice


Devil Fruit:

-Yami Yami No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)

-Goro Goro No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)


-Observation Haki ( Advanced Level)

-Armament Haki ( Advanced Level)

-Conqueror's Haki ( Middle Level)



Hey guys. I still can't choose a suitable devil fruit for MC. I mean there

is many Devil fruit that is strong and domineering for MC.

This left me no choice but to not update this Novel anymore.......

????? Just joking. Well Stay tuned for the next chapter. Hope you guys

enjoy it. Or just try to enjoy it if you guys still dont. Keep supporting

me okay.

P/S: Maybe I should put a rest for this novel for a moment. What do

you guys think? Comment below for your opinion.

Chapter 18: Strengthening the

Crew 2

On the deck of Errege.

Narmi is seen sitting there with his eyes closed. Apparently, he is probing

on how far his range of perception reached while waiting for Nami and


'Hmm, with my perception only, I can reach about 300 meters radius

from me as the centre. With the help of Observation Haki, that range can

reach for about 3km radius.'

That was the results on probing on his range of perception. ' Hmm,

contending with high bounty pirates or Admiral right now was not a

good of an idea, as my crew are still weak. For right now, we need to

spend some times in a place to start their training to become stronger.'

After some consideration, he thought that he will ask Nami the best

suitable place for training that they can use and won't take long to reach

there. After all, she is a navigator. She must know something.

Narmi then woke up from his position and look into the direction of

entrance of the port. He saw that Nami and Henry are coming to the ship

with Henry carrying his tools for the cooking on his back while Nami

carrying a handfuls of shopping bags. ' This little girl Nami ahh, really

made a reckless spending.'

After they had arrived, he ordered them to started to undocking from the

port and departed from the Loguetown's port. After their departure, a

Marine informant can be seen reporting about his departure from the



Marine HQ, Fleet Admiral Sengoku Office.

Sengoku right now are on the call on Den Den Mushi, while in front of

him, a broad-chested old man with a scar over his left eye were digging

his nose looking unperturbed with their situations.

He is the Marine Hero, Monkey D. Garp. After receiving the report,

Sengoku slammed the Den Den Mushi on the desk when he saw Garp

with that nonchalant attitude of his.

"Garp! Why are you looking so nonchalant like that huh?! Did you know

that a powerful rookie had appeared at East Blue?! Take this seriously


"Sengoku, that kid is just a one of the many pirates in the sea. If

everytime a powerful rookie appeared, and we flustered with their

appearance, doesn't that make us Marines look weak?" Garp replied with


Sengoku sighed when he heard the logical argument of Garp, but still he

can't rest his unease with Narmi was roaming the sea.

" What do you suggest me do Garp? That kid if we left him grow enough,

undeniably a new emperor figure will be born. With that powerful ability

that can extract devil fruit from its user, really is a dangerous situations

to us Marines."

"This is my idea. Send another 2 Vice Admiral figure to the G-2 base that

was under Comil's jurisdiction. This way even if that kid is strong, we can

surround and cornered him with 3 of them."

Sengoku contemplated a bit on Garp's idea and made the decision to

follow his idea as he believed that what Garp said is logical. He then

called for his secretary into the office and ordered.

" Pass down the orders for Dalmatian and Onigumo. Said to them they

need to went to G-2 bases to assist Comil in capturing Narmi Amsi."

" Roger, Fleet Admiral. I'm going to pass the orders please excuse me." "

Alright. Go now"

Apparently, what Sengoku didn't know is that this order will cause an

event to unfold. This event is what the world will know in the future as

'Tragedy of G-2 Base's Annihilation'.


Somewhere in East Blue.

"Captain, where are we headed?"Nami asked her captain who are doing

nothing at the front of the ship.

Narmi first thought to ask her the questions but suddenly remembered a

suitable place for training and replied "We will head towards the Grand

Line. Can you navigate there?"

"Of course. This is Nami whom you are saying with Captain. Where do

we headed at there?" Nami asked with anticipation.

"Little Garden." Narmi replied with an evil smirk in his face. Robin and

Henry paled when they heard about their destination, while Nami just

affirmed her captain's order energetically, oblivious to what that place is.

" Captain, why are we heading there? Aren't there many places which we

can go?" Robin asked him.

"We are going to start our training there. As of now, you guys are weak. I

need to train you guys so that you guys can be stronger, strong enough

until no one will dare to mess with you guys. Strong enough until when

you said Grand King, they will kneel before you. Don't worry, I will

protect you guys there. That is my duty as a captain."

Robin and Henry look relieved with his statement. They then went on to

continue onto their work. But before they went away, Narmi approached

Henry and asked him a question.

" Henry, what type of devil fruit you think are strong? And if you were to

be given one will you take it?"

"Hmm... According to what I heard from my father, a Logia-type Devil

Fruit is the strongest. Personally, I thought so too and if I were to be

given one, i will take it. Well if I were to be given one, I hope it was a

fire one so that I can used it both in combat and cooking."

Hearing his answers, Narmi grinned and quickly turned his head away to

avoid Henry and asked the system.

" System, what is the price of Mera Mera No Mi?" He whispered.

[ Mera Mera no Mi is a Logia-Type Devil Fruit. It was priced at 50000

points. In fact all Logia-Type is priced at 50000 points. Zoan-Type priced

at 30000 points while Paramecia-Type priced at 10000 points. ]

" Can I use the reward to get Mera Mera no Mi for my crewmates?"

[ Sorry, host but the reward can only be used on host. If you want to buy

for your crewmates you need to use the Shop ]

"It's okay then. For now, buy me Mera Mera no Mi and a Potion of Dispel

Curse. Thank you System"

[ Mera Mera no Mi and Potion of Dispel Curse had been bought. Please

take it from the Inventory ]

Narmi then turned back to Henry that had his face full of confusion when

his captain went silence after he asked the question.

Narmi then handed him Mera Mera no Mi and the Potion while saying "

This Devil Fruit is a Logia-Type and much coincidentally a Fire one. Eat it

and then chug this potion down."

Henry's face full of joy when he heard his captain gave him a devil fruit

and a fire one at. He followed what his captain said and bite the devil

fruit only to feel a disgusting taste. He tried to puke it but the Devil fruit

had fully absorbed into his body.

He felt the power that welled up inside his body but notice like there is a

shackle that bound it. When he turned towards his captain, he saw Narmi

is grinning towards him.

"You felt like there is a shackle right? That shackle is the curse of Devil

Fruit. You can't swim in the sea and if you are get caught with Seastone,

you are a dead meat. Now chug the potion"

Henry finally understood when his captain explained about it. Although

he felt weird when his captain ask him to chug the potion, he just

followed his order. Then, he felt and indescribable refreshness like how

his body used to be before eating the Devil Fruit. He noticed the shackle

that bound him down also gone.

"That potion can dispel the curse of Devil Fruit so don't worry. Right now

you are invulnerable towards the weakness of Devil Fruit."

Henry is not an idiot, oblivious to the world. He knows that the potion

that he just chugged down is a rare potion that the world try to find, or

maybe create to cover the Devil Fruit's weakness. If this was know, they

will become a target of the pirates and Marines.

But, Narmi just gave him one just like that. Not only he gave a devil fruit

but he gave the potion also. This shows to how Narmi trust him really

much. He vowed in his heart to follow Narmi even until the last of his

life. He bowed gratefully to Narmi.

Narmi just grinned seeing his actions and dismissed him so that he can

went back to his work. Robin who watched this from the side, float a

knowing gentle smile towards him.

Narmi, the one who received the smile, again had his heart charmed with

her smiles and quickly went away to his room to avoid from Robin to

notice his face blushing in embarassment.

For now, destination set for Little Garden. Onwards, Errege.



Hey guys. I hope this chapter is good for you guys. Stay tuned for

more chapters. Also thanks for you guys prayer that I my oral and

practical Physiology exam went smoothly yesterday. Do wish me luck.

Today, I got written exam so I will try my best to update the chapters


Chapter 19: Recruiting Trafalgar

Law 1

1 week later

Narmi and his crews had arrived at the Reverse Mountain. With Nami's

intelligence in navigating, they finally succeed in riding through the

dangerous current of Reverse Mountain.

After they had passed the Reverse Mountain, they experienced first-hand

on the abnormality of Grand Line as the weather is ever-changing,

shifting of the winds and tides.

Although Narmi had known about this, but he still felt bewildered about

the conditions. He ordered Nami to just steer through by following the

Log Pose.

While they are on the way, Narmi saw a pirate ship not far from them.

There are 4 people in deck which one of them Narmi open his eyes wide

in shock

Trafalgar D. Water Law

Never had he expected to meet him here. It seems raising my Luck stats

really affect many events. This is my chance to recruit him.

" Nami can you steer towards that pirate ship? Make it as near as

possible. Henry, I need your help to boost Errege. Use your fire to propel

the ship forward"

"" Okay ""

Narmi stand on the deck with a smile full of excitement. 'I'm going to

make you join my crew, Law'.

About 15 minutes later, they managed to catch up with the pirate ship.


"Law, there is a pirate ship behind us." a young Mink reported to Law.

"Just let them pass us. There is no benefit for us to pick a fight" Law



15 minutes later.

"Law, the ship had caught up with us. I think they have bad intentions

seeing as they went near us." Bepo spoke in a scared tone

Law became dumbfounded. How did the ship move so fast? They caught

up with us in 15 minutes only. He then turned to looks towards the ship

and saw a young man wearing a black overcoat with a sword at his waist.

Law's instinct told him that the man in front of him is strong. Stronger

that what he felt from Doflamingo. He then ordered to them to move out

of the ship's way as he thought maybe the ship want to played with them.

Although he had done so, but the ship keep following them and leave

Law with no choice. When Law get ready to use his ability to transport

behind the man and kill him, the man leap from his ship and landed on

the their ship without any difficulties.

Law enter the battle stance and get ready to assaulted the man, but

stopped when the man said.

"Hold it right there. Trafalgar Law."

Law's became stupefied. How did the man know him? Did we met

before? How come I never recognize him?

"Hahahaha. Your face are funny. You must be thinking how I know you

right? Well I just know. And yes, we never met before, so that's why you

don't know me. If you are from East Blue maybe you will know me"

East Blue? Wait, now that I think about it, there is a new about a man

that massacred the Loguetown Marine Branch. Alone, he singlehandedly

manage to kick the ass of all the Marines present there.

With a bounties of 150 Million Berries, his name is Narmi Amsi. So, it's

him?! No wonder my instinct told him he's strong. But still I don't know

his intention. I need to put up my guard here.


Narmi just watched Law contemplating with interest. This man really

manage to keep his calm although his opponent is stronger than him. But

he didn't want to waste his time here.

" Relax, I'm not here to do anything. If you thought about it deeply, if I

want to do anything, I had done it long before I jumped here. Why?

Because I'm strong and you stand no chance in front of me. You don't

believe it? Then come and try it"

Law whom was the only target of conversation felt like the man ridiculed

him. He admit that he is maybe weaker than the man in front of him. But

that didn't mean I can't do anything.

He felt the need to teach this man a lesson. So, he unsheathed the blade

and quickly made a hand gesture " ROOM"

When he thought that his abillity had been activated, he then plan to use

Amputate but then he noticed that his ability got absorb into a black

smoke. Narmi that stand there had activated his Black Hole causing

ROOM to be rendered useless.

When he saw Narmi just standing there with looking at him smugly, Law

felt insulted. So he tried to use his others Devil Fruit ability but even then

nothing happened. His attention went to the black smoke that spread

from Narmi's and saw that it had reached him.

He conclude that the black smoke is probably the one responsible for his

ability got sealed. Left with no choice, he thought that he need to use just

his swordmanship to try to defeat Narmi.

Nevertheless, when he tried to move, he noticed that his movements are

also sealed off. Even one step cannot be done. Only now did Law realized

that what this man said is really true. He can't do anything in front of


Devoid of any hope, he kneeled down hoping that he can forgive him for

trying to make a move against him.

"Please. If you want to do anything, just do it to me. Don't involve my

friends." Law begged.

"Stand up. Like I said, I didn't want to do anything towards you. I'm

coming here because I got some proposition for you. And I use my ability

because you want to initiate an attack just to sealed your abikity and

movement off." Narmi stated with his hand held out to help Law stand


Law heard what Narmi had said to him but still didn't believe him.

Nevertheless, when he saw Narmi's honest face, he finally revealed a

smile and reached out for Narmi's hand.

"If I may ask, what do you want with me? A 150 Million Bounty pirates

surely wouldn't have any interest in me. After all, I'm just a lowly pirate."

Law inquired in a humble tone.

"You see, I'm still building my crew up and as for now I'm in need of a

doctor, seeing as if anything happens to my crewmates, so they can be

treated right away. I heard you are a proficient doctor with your devil

fruit ability. So I want to invite you to join my crew. How about it?"

"I'm flattered with the compliment but I'm sorry to reject your offer

seeing as I have my friends here and we are running the Heart Pirates."

"Even If I said that I can help you to accomplish your revenge on


"How did you know that?! I've never told anyone about that." Law asked

with a serious face.

Seeing this, Narmi knew that Law had caught the bait. Now he need to

reeled him in slowly, as to caught him fully.

'Now now, from where should I start? So that he will be convinced with

my explanation.' Narmi pondered while his face trace an evil smirk.



Hey guys. I'm thinking to make Law join his crew. What is your

opinion on this matter? Haha although you can give some opinion

about this matter but the story had been published. So it will remain

as an opinion only.

Btw, thank you for supporting me by vote my novel with Power Stone.

You guys are the best. Due to this I am still motivated to write the

novel with a jam-packed schedule. Keep supporting me and thank you

so much

Chapter 20: Recruting Trafalgar

Law 2

Contemplating for a little bit, Narmi then explained on what he knew

with some make-up lies.

"You see, I had once searched for info on Doflamingo and I found that he

had a brother, named Rosinante. Then I tried searched for info on

Rosinante and found that he was always in a close relationship with a

boy that had Amber Lead Disease. He had travelled quite a distance with

the boy in order to search for the cure."

Law's body shivered, listening to Narmi's explanation. He was familiar

with this story as that boy was him. He was the one who travelled with

him together.

"Then, one day, they went to Rubeck Islands, as he got info about Ope

Ope No Mi. This fruit was the only hope they can get to cure the boy. So

he went and get the fruit, but came back in a mess with the fruit and

forced the boy to eat it."

The memory of that day keep replaying in Law's mind when the story

that Narmi's told is exactly like what had unfold. He didn't want to

remember that again so he angrily shouted to Narmi.

"Straight to the point."

"Fine fine, Geez so impatient. The point is he was a Marine. And the

letter he had gave you that day got exposed and become the cause of his

death, as Doflamingo knew that he betrayed them."

"So he thought that he should at least saved you, the boy and went to

sacrificed his live. Doflamingo killed him, and you know that he would

unable to raise a weapon against his brother, so you chose to be the one

who did the bidding. Am I right?"

Tears flowed down Law's face. Everyday, he thought about Rosinante.

The smiling face of his when he died tug his heart. He want to avenge

him but know he isn't strong enough. So, he planned to build a crew and

strengthen them and bring a fight to Doflamingo.

"What I want to say here is if you join my crew, I will train you to

become strong. As I said to my other crew member, strong enough until

whoever meets you shall kneel down for fear of your wrath. Even

Doflamingo would not be able to raise his head in front of you."

His heart was burning with desire. The desire to become stronger. The

desire to trample on Doflamingo and show him that he is just a bug that

can be trampled upon by him. Narmi saw Law's resolute eyes and lastly


"I will train you until your strength is on par with the Yonko. So, come

and join my crew. You shall become my mates."

"If there was a sliver of hope from a devil so that I can kill Doflamingo, I

will gladly sell my soul. If joining you can help me achieve that, then I'm

willing to become your crew mates until the end." With his eyes full of

resolution, he accept the invitation.

Finally, Law agreed to join his crew. Before he went to join his new crew,

Law went to Bepo, Penguin and Shachi and asked them to sail on the sea

themselves as he want to train and become strong.

The three of them understand the situation of Law and just follow along

with what he asked. Although they will be separated, they hoped Law

will do what he thought the best.

"Don't worry, Law. I'm just going to train you and another 3 crew

members. After the training finishes, then we can invite them to be in our

fleet and you will be the commander."

Law turned his head towards Narmi and nodded showing that he agreed

with what Narmi proposes. After a few chat with his friends, Law then

went on board Errege. Swiftly, Nami steered for the ship to went back on

trail, while Henry uses his Mera Mera no Mi power to propel the ship.

"Nami, we will stop by the Whisky Peak as we need to resupply and also

for recharging the Log Pose. So, set sail towards there."



G-2 Marine Bases

Two warships is seen docking towards the port and two big figure

standing on the deck. On the land, there is also another big figure

waiting for them to finish the docking.

This figure are none other than Vice Admiral Onigumo and Vice Admiral

Dalmatian which just arrived from the Marines HQ. The other figure on

the land is called Vice Admiral Comil who are in charge of G-2 Marine


"Welcome to G-2 , Onigumo, Dalmatian. I see you guys are in a good


"The same can be said to you, who are in charge here. So are there any

new informations on that kid, Narmi Amsi?."

"As for now, we just received intel that they had passed through the

Reverse Mountain. Their destination is still unknown, but I had ordered

for my men to notify me on their location when they arrived."

"Good then. Let's go inside and have a talk for a bit seeing as we rarely

got a chance reunion like this."

" HAHAHA Of Course, of course. Come let's have some talk"

The three figure then made their way to the base while the other Marines

are busy to unloading the stuff from the ships.


Meanwhile, a few hours later, Errege were seen nearing the Whisky Peak.

After they found a spot for their ship docking, they jump down from the


"Okay. For now, we will stay here for a while. Henry, your task is to buy

the supplies needed for the food. Nami, you keep watch on the Log Pose,

and if it had been recharge, notify me on Den Den Mushi. Law, you are

free to go anywhere. That's all for now. If there is anything fishy, call


Narmi gave to each of his crew member tasks as to ease everyone burden.

Then he turned his head towards the only member that he didn't said her


" Umm Robin, how about we took a stroll together? I mean if you want

to. I'm not forcing you." Narmi asked with a slight blushing face but then

his face returned to normal.

Robin had noticed the slight blush and chuckled lightly. She then gave an

amiable smile and replied, "Sure I will be glad to stroll with you."

Narmi hurray in his heart with her reply. After that, he lead the way and

Robin walked together by his side. The other crew members look

dumbfounded seeing their captain acting like that.

Law then thought 'He is ruthless and decisive in battle, yet he act like

that with that lady. She also noticed about that and follow along. Does

both of them had fallen for each other?'

A big question mark floating on top of his head. But then he just

shrugged his shoulder and thought he will asked about that with the

others when he got the time.

Unbeknownst to the world, this 5 crew members of Grand King Pirates in

the future will be the names that everyone feared of. With the nicknames

of 'Devil King' and '4 Aide', the slight mention of it will make everyone

trembled in fear.



Hey guys. I'm thinking to put a stop on this novel for a while. But I'm

not sure as of yet. Seeing as only this novel can satisfy me.

Chapter 21: Date with Nico Robin


Two figure were spotted walking side by side. The man was leading the

young lady beside her to stroll around Whisky Peak. This man was Narmi

and Robin.

Narmi while walking with Robin, he sometimes make a joke, much to

Robin's amusement. She never thought that one day, there will be

someone who entertain her like him. Narmi was the first person who can

make her have fun like this.

She continue to fallen for him, although she still didn't realised it. Narmi

on the other hand, felt very happy on the inside to have the time to

spend with her. He really like her ever since before he came here.

Her calm composure and her mature charm really made him attracted to

her. Now, he had the chance to woo her, he will never miss it. If only he

had the courage to confess to her.

He admit that he is pretty bold when he face his opponent, but he is a

beginner in romance. He didn't know when the perfect moment to

confess will appear, so he just kept the feeling in himself.

Then, they both continue to spend time together. They went to restaurant

and shops. They were both in their world, that if anyone watch them,

they would thought that they were a couple.

Not far behind the two of them, Nami was seen tailing the both of them.

She had noticed ever since Robin join the crew, this captain got like a

screw loose in his head.

Whenever Robin was in the area, he tried very hard to impress Robin,

and Robin also just follow him along.

'This stupid captain. Can't you see that Big Sis Robin had fallen for you

too albeit she didn't realise? You should go for it captain. Confess to her.

You are making me sick like this.'

Nami screamed in her head. She imagined that Narmi was getting

scolded by her in her head. When she notice that, they had both gone far

away from her, she swiftly pick up her pace and continue to stalk them.

She made up her mind to made both of them get together if this stupid

captain didn't confess.


Marine Headquarters.

Theee big figures are having fun chatting with each others. Due to their

workplace was separated, they can only met when there was a mission

from the Fleet Admiral or Admiral.

But then, a secretary of Vice Admiral Comil came in and gave him a


"Sir, our informant had reported on sightings of Narmi Amsi. Apparently,

he had arrived at Whisky Peak for resupply. Also, there is a new person

that had join his crew making a total crew members of 5."

"Alright. Tell the informant to keep following them. Also notify other

informants about him and asked them to report to us if they ever reach

their places. Report back to me when they had reached near the Lulusia

Kingdom. We will ambush them there."

"Yes sir"

The secretary then went out to pass the order from Comil. Dalmatian and

Onigumo then said.

"Finally, that brat had appear. I'm itching to caught him and show him

the strength of us Marines. Anyway, your idea is good as with this we can

set an element of surprise. If our warship were seen to make a move,

surely he would notice about that." Onigumo praised Comil, while

making a crack sound with his hand

"Heh. This pirates is just a child's play. They dared to do bad things

towards the weak, but ran away when meet the strong. Pretty sure this

kid is the same. He dared to massacre our Loguetown Branch because

they are just weak." Comil replied smugly.

"Ohh looks like our Vice Admiral Comil is fired up huh. Hahahaha. Come

let's continue our chatting." Dalmatian said

The three man just laughed it out and continue their chatting. Albeit,

whatever they planned, Narmi will bring the fight back to them. They

didn't even knew about the impending doom.


Whisky Peak

Back to Narmi and Robin, they both went to a bookstore. Narmi had

thought to buy some books for Robin as she sometimes can be seen

reading a book. He asked for Robin to wait for him outside.

Robin although felt curious as why did he ask her to wait outside, she

just follow along. While she was waiting for Narmi to settle his business,

a group of pirates was walking towards her direction.

This group of pirates was only want to pass through, but then noticed

Robin that had been standing by the bookstore. They stared at her with

their eyes that filled with lust and greed.

Her milky-white skin paired with her beautiful curvaceous figure and her

mature charm managed to rouse the wild beast inside of them.

"Hey there young miss. Why are you standing here alone? It is such a

waste for a beauty like you to stand here. Come with us, we will give you

a very good time that you will ask for more." The leader of the pirates

group said.

Robin heard the pirate's word just glanced at them for a bit and turned

her head away. The pirate leader notice her glance that full of disdain

and contempt, making his heart burn with rage.

"Wow this young miss really want to played hard to get with us boys.

Come on young miss, don't be like that. We will just play around for a

while and we'll pay. I promise you will feel an out of the world pleasure."

The pirate leader then approached her and try to touch her face, but his

hand stopped as there is another hand that had caught his.

"F**k off, no one is permitted to touch her. I heard everything that you

said to her. It really pissed me off someone treated her badly." Narmi said

in a deep voice. He then flung away the pirate leader hand.

The man got really pissed when he heard Narmi's word. He then sized up

Narmi and saw just a thin-build young man, oblivious to his aura of


"You brat dared to disturb me when I'm picking up girls. Boys, let's teach

him lesson so that big head of his know that he shouldn't have disturb


Narmi just shook his head and grin evilly.

"You guys maybe are a strong being in front of civilians. Unfortunately,

you guys had met me and disturb my girl. For that, even your life wasn't

enough for it. Now, die for me!"

Narmi just unsheathed his sword and quickly made a large, fast swing.

The compressed energy that created due to the fast swing manage to

dismembered majority of the pirates. Narmi's face had a little shock as he

didn't expect that, but quickly resume the killing.

The pirate leader who just stand at the back when he ordered his

subordinate, swiftly turned his back and trying to run with his tails

between his legs. But then suddenly he heard a voice near his right side.

"Didn't I said that you must die? If I said you die, then you must die.

Never contradict a king's order."

In a swift motion, Narmi swing the sword and took the pirate leader life.

Due to the gory scene, and he didn't want the civilian's life affected, he

quickly use his ability 'Black Hole' to pull them inside his black smoke.

Then, he went towards Robin with a slight embarassed face with his head

looking down, as if a child that had a mistake.

"Umm Robin, I'm sorry for saying that you are my girl. That was blurted

out of nowhere. I'm sorry if it made you felt inconvenienced."

But, there was no response from her. He thought that Robin may really

felt angered by his statement so he raised his head up and want to

apologize again to her.

But then he saw Robin's face was blushing hard. It was not that she felt

angered and didn't want to respond. In fact, his words from before

repeated many times in her mind, making her to stand there in silenece.

'Disturb my girl' had been replayed many times and causing her to

blushed. Did he thought of her as his girl? Did he really like her? When

she thought of that she felt all this was unreal.

Narmi saw this and thought 'Isn't this like the best moment that could

happen for me to confess? In some anime that I had watched before,

usually they confess at times like this.'

Thinking this, he made a resolution and quickly kneeled down in front of

her. Robin was stunned with his action as she didn't expect that he will

did this.

The onlookers that before this watched him killed the pirates and cleaned

them up from the streets, continued to watch the scene unfolding in front

of their eyes. Nami that had been following them also felt excited.

"Nico Robin, I admit I am not a good man, and I am ruthless when I am

striking. But there is a side of me that yearn for a woman's love." Narmi

started to narrate about himself. Robin whom the target of his words, felt

weird with his choice of words.

"So, will you be my girlfriend?"



Hey guys. So finally, I had managed to make him confess to Robin. For

the next few chapters, there will not a fight with Marines. YET.

Because like I had note in the past chapter that they will undergo


So keep supporting me and thank you.

Chapter 22: Date with Nico Robin


"So, will you be my girlfriend?"

His question dropped like a bomb towards Nico Robin. She didn't expect

him to be so straightforward. Usually, people will took the time and

choose the most pleasing words for the girl.

Yet, here he is, with such a straightforward approach. He used the most

plain words but those plain words manage to melt Robin's heart. But she

still wanted a confirmation, so he inquired him.

"Did you really want me to be your girlfriend? You do know that Marines

and the World Government hunting for me. Right now, I am like a

burden towards you. I didn't want to increase the burden on you by being

in a close relationship with you."

Narmi just guffawed loudly with her questions. He then proceed to

answer her.

"Robin, Marines or World Government, nobody will dare to touch you as

long as I am here to protect you. You are not a burden towards me, but

you are my responsibility. Rather if you are here with me, even if the 5

Elders came to captured you, I will not allowed them as you are my

source of strength."

Her face flushed with his words. Tears began to welled up in her eyes.

For how many years she had been on the run, right now she had truly felt


Not only that, but he who was the one that had gave her the freedom,

had also said that he wanted to protect her. Tears of happiness started to

trickle down her fair cheeks.

Narmi who saw her tears started to drop down, woke up from his

kneeling and hugged her in a hurry. He tried to calmed her down

thinking that maybe this is too much for her and he got rejected.

But much to his bewilderment, Robin reciprocated his act by hugging

him tightly as if she doesn't want to let him go. He who was 195cm tall

look towards her. Feeling his gaze, she also look towards him and their

eyes meet with each other.

After a bout of stares, they started kissing in front of everyone. The

crowd of onlookers cheered when they saw the scene unfolding towards a

happy ending. Never could they expect, a ruthless man was so sweet to

her woman. Nami who had watched from before, also cheered loudly

showing her supports towards their relationship.

After a few seconds, their lips parted and just lowered their head in

embarrassment when the crowds cheered for them. Robin who was

unfamiliar with the attention given towards her, move closer towards


Noticing her uneasiness, he swiftly pick her up in a princess carry, and

left the area. Nami just grinned watching them, as she found something

that she could tease the both of them later.

With Narmi and Robin's departure, the crowd started to disperse.


Somewhere around Whiskey Peak.

A middle-aged man sitting in a seat with his right hand holding a beer

bottle. In front of him, a young man with face full of scar giving him a


"Boss, we found a big catch. Narmi Amsi, bounty of 150 Million Berry."

"A newcomer from East Blue right? I heard he had massacred the

Loguetown Marine Base. Shouldn't be easy to deal with"

"That's why I'm reporting to you about him. Apparently, he just hooked

up with someone in his crew. It was a hot information that had been

caught by our boys."

"Who is the girl?" "'Devil's Child' Nico Robin"

The Boss spurted out his beer. Heaven. This is a chance for him to kill

two birds with one stone.

"It looks like luck is on our side. Her price in underground intelligence

had been raised towards 100 Million Berry and wanted alive."

"Wow such a high price. So what's the call boss?"

"Gather our men. We are going to catch Nico Robin and bait that boy,

Narmi Amsi. Surely he won't intend to put her in a dangerous situation."

The Boss ordered the young man, oblivious to the fact that their

conversation had been heard by the passing Trafalgar Law.

'Interesting, he dared to touch captain's woman. He shouldn't had

planned that. Surely, he will not stand by'

Law then used his Den Den Mushi and called for Narmi. He reported to

him what that he had heard only to received an evil laugher from him.

Never had he felt such an ominous laugh before. But before he cut the

call, he heard a word of sincere gratitude from him.

Afterwards, he slid the Den Den Mushi in his jacket pocket and said to


"Haih.. You guys shouldn't have planned that. It wasn't luck that you got,

but a curse instead. A wild beast had been awakened, and you can't stop

him. No one will be left alive when he rampaged"

Although he just met Narmi, but he could guess what will happen if he

truly rampaged around. That young man's appearance truly can tricked

people about him.

Only an expert could notice in that thin-build of his, lies a dominant

power. He wasn't someone that you should dare to provoke casually.


Narmi who just received the call from Law frowned a bit but in a swift,

return to his smiling expression. Right now, he is in a bliss as he had just

confessed to Robin and she accepted him.

Originally, he wanted to continue flirting with her but he need to put

that on hold. The reason his flirting was cut short was the report from

Law. Apparently, they really thought I am an easy-to-bully pirates. They

dared to planned on using Robin to capture me.

Motherf**ker. This time I'm going to prove them my dominance. I'm

going to show them that if they dared to touch on my crew and my loved

ones, they have a hell to pay.

He then called Nami and Henry to went back towards their ship. He

ordered them to stick around with Robin and never left her side as he got

something to do that night. Nami and Henry just nodded their head and

Robin just blushed with his protectiveness.

When he left the ship, his atmosphere change from an affable young man

to a ferocious wild beast.

Tonight was the night his dominance be made known. The night that the

nickname 'Devil King' was created.




Hey guys, it looks like Narmi will rampaged around in the next

chapter. So what do you guys think of this chapter? Please do tell me

on the comment below

Keep supporting me and Thank you.

Chapter 23: Narmi's Wrath

Narmi who just went away from the ship, contacted Law and asked for

his help to locate all pirates and bounty hunter in Whiskey Peak.

[ Emergency Quest: Establishing Dominance! Reward: EXP +30000,

Bonus Point +300, Trade Point +300000, Devil's Fruit of Host's Choice ]

Huh.. Never heard of Emergency Quest. Looks like another way of

helping me had come from the system again. Seriously, this system really

are generous. I am really grateful for system's help.

Putting aside about the quest, Narmi was standing there waiting for Law

to contact him. Some people who passed by him, all shivered

uncontrollably as the atmosphere around him was very ferocious. All of

them felt like there was a wild beast standing there observing them.

After waiting about an hour, Law finally contact him and told him all

location of pirates and bounty hunters. Without further ado, he make his

first move on establishing his dominance.


In an Underground Intelligence Base

Law can be seen sitting on a seat while enjoying the beverages that were

served there. All around him, the underground intelligence worker had a

distress look on their face.

All of them was in a familiar situation, which is they had been separated

off their body and merged with another body. They felt the terror of not

being able to control their own body. Seeing that they couldn't get out of

this predicament, one of them asked him with a tone of courage.

"You, why are you doing this?! Aren't you scared of the consequences of

offending us of underground intelligence?! We could blacklisted you from

any underground intelligence." the man boldly asked him.

Law when he heard their claimed, just shrugged his shoulder and replied.

"Honestly? If I were to choose between offending the underground

intelligence and my captain, I preferred that I better be off offend you

guys. Although right now, I did this under my captain order."

"And why is that huh? Does your captain is very strong enough to made

you dare to mess with us?"

"You know Doflamingo?"

"Of course we know. That guy was famous among us who worked

underground. He was a madman that didn't hesitate to do anything to get

what he want. It would be a stupid idea to offend him."

"Well I guess it was easy to say that if Doflamingo were to contend with

my captain, Doflamingo could only dug a grave with his name on top of

it" Law said with a confident tone.

"And what made you so confident about that?!"

"I had been on the receiving end of their power. Compared to my captain,

Doflamingo's power was just a child's play to him."

When they heard he claimed that with confidence, their faced paled. No

wonder he dared to offend them. Who dared to offend someone who was

stronger than Doflamingo? No one dared at all.

Silence ensued between them. Suddenly, a sound of explosion somewhere

had broke the silence that had ensued for a few minutes.


The sound of the explosion was far from them, but the aftereffect of the

explosion had created an earthquake and reached them here. Law who

had felt the earthquake, turned his head towards the underground

intelligence worker.

"It looks like my captain had just started. Let's just wait here until he

called me." Law said while continued to enjoy the beverages.


Somewhere in Whiskey Peak.

Narmi had just released small-scaled Lightning Bomb towards the bounty

hunters that tried to attack him, when he just arrived at their hideout.

Originally, this Lightning Bomb was an attack that he created for fun.

This attack condense bolts of lightning in them and blast it upon

released. He had tried the attack on the ocean when they are on the trip.

When he throw it towards the ocean, the attack manage to make a hole

on it before the sea returned to normal. He realised this attack couldn't

been used in a civilian-packed area as it was a highly-lethal attack.

Albeit he make the attack at a small scale, the attack still manage to

make the the bounty hunter charred black and create an earthquake. He

then continued to search for the other pirates and bounty hunter.

But before he continue, he searched their hideout in order to find any

valuables, and collect it into his inventory for his uses. After that, he

resumed his operation with search-destroy-loot order.

Everywhere he went, only remnant of destruction can be found. All who

crossed in his pathway turned into charred black corpse. He really was

like a wild beast that had just been let loose. This action of his which

caused destruction, was what earned him the nickname 'Devil King' in the


At last, he finally found the middle-aged man that had planned to put

Robin in dangerous situation.

The middle-aged man and his subordinates, noticed a thin-build, good-

looking young man with black overcoat and sword on his waist blocking

their way. Naturally, he knew that the young man was Narmi.

"Boss, why did he came here? And why is he blocking us? Did he know of

our plan to capture Nico Robin and use her to bait him?" His subordinate

whispered to him. Needless to say, Narmi's high perception could catch

the whisper.

The ferocious atmosphere around Narmi became more severe, hearing

their plan by his own. The Boss and his subordinates although wasn't an

expert, they could still felt the changes in Narmi.

Right now, they were scared shitless as their own senses made them felt

like a wild beast was glaring at them. Never could they thought, the

young man that looked so fragile, would have this kind of power in him.

"So it was you guys that planned to hurt my loved ones. Obviously, you

guys underestimated me. It seems the World also think so. If it was like

that, then I guess I will annihilate all the pirates and bounty hunters at

this place to establish my name. Did you guys have felt there were many

earthquakes every now and then tonight?"

The Boss and his subordinates nodded their head as if it was obvious to

answer his questions. How could they not answer him, when he released

his pressure like that?

"That earthquake was my doing. You see, each of the earthquake means

that one crew of pirates or bounty hunters died. And it was just nice that

you guys was the last one." Narmi said.

His claim pass through their ears like a whisper of death causing them to

shivered uncontrollably. At last, the young man with face full of scars

realised that they had made a very grave mistakes. He shouldn't have

made that report. So that his boss wouldn't have made that plan. As of

now, they could only regret on what had happened.

Full of despair, they could only kneel down, waiting for their judgement

to fall upon them. Narmi who saw them set themselves in despair, raised

both of his hands and said.

"Kneel. Kneel down and received your punishment, for you dare to

scheme against me and my loved one. Regret about it forever in your

afterlife. This was the consequences for provoking my wrath. As of today,

no one will ever find you guys as your corpse will perished."

"King's Wrath"

A cluster of lightning was released from both of his hands and shot

towards the sky, causing a cluster of huge lightning bolts to shot down

towards them. High-scale earthquake can be felt all over Whiskey Peak

when the huge lightning bolt strike down. The strike was also eye-

catching as it can be seen from far away places.

After a few minutes, a large, deep hole was left there as an aftermath of

the attack. Not even a corpse remained as it was all had perished under

the intensity of the attack. Narmi who had just did the attack felt

refreshed that he had let off some steam from his body.

After that, Narmi went to find their hideout to loot, and called Law to

notify him that he was done. Then, he walked away towards his ship,

Errege, to meet his crew and his beloved.

[ Emergency Quest: Establishing Dominance Completed! EXP +30000,

Bonus Points +300, Trade Points +300000, Devil's Fruit of Host's Choice




Hey guys. I'm sorry if this chapter is not to your satisfaction as I didn't

have any idea and just put what came out from my mind.

And yesterday, I just finished my Physiology exam so it kinda like a

rest day for me so I couldn't focus on making the novel.

So I'm sorry and please do keep supporting me.

Chapter 24: Bounty Raised!

Nickname: Devil King

[ Emergency Quest: Establishing Dominance Completed! EXP +30000,

Bonus Points +300, Trade Points +300000, Devil's Fruit of Host's Choice


[ Congratulations! You have leveled up. You are now level 20. All Stats


[ Congratulations! You have leveled up. You are now level 21. All Stats


[ Congratulations! You have leveled up. You are now level 22. All Stats


Notifications from the system rushed towards his visions. Seeing the

completion of his quest, he couldn't help but make a big smile. As of now,

his Bonus Points was 440 points. He quickly put 140 points to his

Strength stats making it reached 700 points.

After that, the remaining of points he distribute it towards the 5 other

stats except Luck as his Luck was ridiculously high. He thought that he

didn't need to raise it more, and will raised it when needed only. As of

now, that was enough and he wanted to focus on raising the other stats.

He felt very satisfied with his fast progress because now based on his

strength alone he can contend with Yonko. But he knew to fully contend

with them, he need to raise his stats more so that whenever he met them,

bullying them is possible.

Seeing as he was right now at first part of Grand Line, wherever he go, he

could rampaged around without a care in the world.

He then proceed to Errege, because right now he need to meet his

beloved and have a good rest.


G-2 Marine Bases

Vice-Admiral Comil were seen working on the report on his tables. All of

a sudden, his secretary came in his office in a hurry and made a report.

" Vice-Admiral sir, our informants reported that Narmi Amsi had made

some movements in Whisky Peak." The secretary said in a nervous tone.

"What is it?!"

"He said that Narmi had made a relationship with Nico Robin and a

group of bounty hunters want to use her to bait him and capture him.

Due to that, he went and killed all the pirates and bounty hunters in the


"What?! Nico Robin and the Narmi Amsi had been in a relationship?!


"Yes sir. It was confirm as it had been the talk of the town when he

confessed to her."

"But I don't see anything that should made you nervous like that. Him

being in a relationship with her had nothing to do against us. And isn't it

good that he killed pirates. Albeit, he also killed along the bounty hunters

which was unacceptable."

"The thing is when he went and killed them, report stated that

earthquake can be felt all over the place. And there was one attack that

was very eye-catching, which is a huge lightning bolt rain down towards

somewhere far away and manage to create a high-scale earthquake at

Whiskey Peak"

"When they went and check the area, only a large, deep hole was found

there. Also there were many places that have charred black corpses and

traces of destruction causes by lightning attack were found."

"Didn't our report that we got stated that he had two devil fruits?

Meaning it was confirmed that he really ate two Devil Fruits. Looks like

he was not to be underestimated."

"Another thing to note sir, there was a new crew member that had joined

his crew and our informants said he is very formidable. That night when

Narmi rampaged around, he was the one that infiltrated the underground

intelligence base and took them under his control. His name is Trafalgar


"Understood. Looks like their newborn crew had slowly established

themselves. You are dismissed. I'm going to report this to Fleet Admiral."

"Thank you sir"

Colmi then retrieved the Den Den Mushi on his table and called the

Marine HQ

"Greetings Fleet Admiral. I have a report that required your immediate

attention. It was about the newcomer pirate Narmi Amsi."

Colmi then told Sengoku on what his secretary had told him. Sengoku on

the other side frowned deeply as he heard the report.

"It looks like we still underestimated him. Raise his bounty to 400 Million

Berry. Also raise Nico Robin's bounty to 200 Million Berry. As of now,

she had that kid Narmi protecting her, and that made her more


"Also for the newcomer of his crew, Trafalgar Law, put his bounty of 100

Million Berry as his ability was not clear yet. But infiltrating and took the

underground base under his control, he sure was a formidable one. We

can't afford to let our guard down. Keep up the good work, Comil"

"It is my honour to work for the Marines"

They both ended their call. Sengoku at the Marine HQ had another

headache as he didn't expect that kid was formidable to such an extent.

Sighing heavily, he woke up from his seat and went out to relax for a



Next Day

All over the world, pirates and civilians alike was shock when there was

an increase in bounty of a newcomer pirates, Narmi Amsi. He who had

bounty of 150 Million Berry, went up to 400 Million Berry in a span of

one week.

Naturally, the newspaper made some bullshit lies and stated that he had

done a very grave deed which is he had massacred the civilians and left

the landscape destroyed. Thus, due to this he got nicknamed as 'Devil


There was also the increase in Nico Robin's bounty, and a new bounty on

Trafalgar Law, but it was not as shocking as Narmi so they just ignore it.

The world finally learnt of a new emerging pirate crew, Grand King


Everywhere in the world, there was hustle and bustle about them. But the

bounty holders themselves just relaxing as if nothing had happened.

Nami who had known about Narmi went on a rampage due to Robin,

teased both of them causing Narmi went flustered and Robin blushing


Coughing hard, Narmi ignored Nami as if he continue to went along with

her, she would tease him until the end. So he went towards Law, who

was sitting at a corner of the deck and his eyes closed, with his sword

leaning on his shoulder.

Noticing Narmi's approach, Law just opened his eyes and raised his head,

and saw Narmi's wide grin towards him.

"Thanks Law for your help. Due to that, Robin was not hurt and I got to

release some steam too."

"It's fine. I rather told you about it than just letting you to undergo it

personally. Because I had a bad premonition that you would go

rampaging in this Whiskey Peak leaving nothing else behind if she was

hurt." Law replied.

"Oi what do you think I am? Don't you see I am a rather affable, good-

looking young man?" Narmi joked with Law.

"A Devil King" Law return back a joke to him while chuckling lightly.

Narmi also laughed out loud but then put a serious face and said "Though

your premonition might be right, as I won't let her get hurt. I also won't

let my crew got hurt as you guys are my family."

Trafalgar heard his words and just sported a smile on his face.

'Family huh? The family I had in this world was my father, mother, sister

and Rosinante. It might be alright if I had another few added to it' he

thought hard about it when Narmi said it.

"Hey Law, I got something for you. This is it." Narmi said while holding

out a bottle of potion. As a matter of course, the bottle of potion was

Potion of Dispel Curse.

"What is this?" Law couldn't help but be baffled when Narmi want to gift

him with a small bottle of unknown liquid.

"Just chugged it down. I promised you, you would feel refreshed." Narmi


Staring at the bottle of liquid curiously, he uncorked it and chugged it

down. There were no hesitation as he thought that if Narmi want to kill

him, he had long done so. Also, Narmi wasn't an ungrateful bastard that

will kill him after he got his help.

Chugging down, he felt very refreshed mush to his bewilderment. This

feeling of refreshed was like there was nothing that bound him. He

turned his head towards Narmi, signalling for Narmi's explanation.

"That bottle was a potion of Dispel Curse. You see it help to cancel the

curse of devil fruit. That's why you felt refreshed, as the shackles that

bind you to the curses had been released."

Law nodded his head, showing his understanding towards the

explanation. No wonder he gave me this, it was to help him release the

curse. Now he felt very grateful for that.

With this, he didn't need to worry of fighting on the sea, and probably

could make a new technique for battle on the sea. His mind drifted in

thoughts with the possibilities.

Narmi saw Law in that condition left him to his own. He then asked

Nami about the Log Pose and received that they need to wait for another

two days. So he ordered both of them on what he had asked before. Then

they are free to do what they want to do. He asked them to came back to

the ship in another two days.

Meanwhile, he asked Robin to continue their date from before and went


Thus, two days passed and they finally set off to continue their journey

towards Little Garden


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 15 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 22 (EXP:9000/10500)


-Strength: 700

- Agility: 470

- Stamina: 470

-Intelligence: 470

- Perception: 470

- Willpower: 640

- Luck: 530

Bonus Point: 0

Trade Point: 883000

Unclaimed Reward: DF of Host's Choice X2

Money: 400 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Yami Yami No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)

-Goro Goro No Mi (All weakness removed. Fruit power enhanced)


-Observation Haki ( Advanced Level)

-Armament Haki ( Advanced Level)

-Conqueror's Haki ( Advanced Level)



Hey guys. Wait for next chapter as there will be an emergence of

something new. Just wait for it and keep supporting me.

I love you guys. Also don't forget to vote and made a rating.

Chapter 25: Devil's Fruit Fusion

Errege, on the way to Little Garden.

Narmi was sitting in his room, making a plan for his devil fruit. As for

now he got Yami Yami No Mi and Goro Goro No Mi. For the unclaimed

reward, he intend to use it to get Magu Magu No Mi and Pika Pika No


"System, use my rewards and choose Magu Magu No Mi and Pika Pika No


[ Reward: Magu Magu No Mi and Pika Pika No Mi had been selected!

Confirm selection? ]


Then, light enveloped him with the new two devil fruits that had been

received. Apparently, if it was a devil fruit rewards, the fruit will be

directly integrated into him. While when he bought the Mera Mera No Mi

from before, system sent it into his inventory, so that he can choose

whether to use it for himself or his crew.

Possessing 4 Logia-type devil fruits, which is of fire, darkness, light and

lightning element. He proceed to buy the other 3 devil fruits with it

corresponding element as to complete them before attempting to made a

Devil Fruit Fusion

"System, buy me Hie Hie No Mi, Suna Suna No Mi and Kaze Kaze No Mi"

[ Hie Hie No Mi, Suna Suna No Mi and Kaze Kaze No Mi had been

bought with a total of 150000 Trade Point! Please check your inventory!


Narmi then went to check his inventory and notice there were four devil

fruits. The three was when he just bought them and another one was

Moku Moku No Mi. He almost forget the Moku Moku no Mi, which he

got from Smoker.

'This fruit, I will give it to someone that join my crew later. But it was

like a waste to give it to my crew as it's offensive power were close to

none.' he thought.

Afterwards, he chose for the three newly bought devil fruits to be

integrated within him as he didn't want to feel the disgusting taste of

devil fruits three times. After all the elements needed for this experiment

were there, so now he was ready to attempted it.

Devil Fruit Fusion.

The function that was there ever since system had been bound with him.

Only now would he dare to attempted it as he didn't want to make a half-

baked attempt and get a mediocre results.

As a matter of course, if you want to attempt something, better do it in a

grand way, that was his philosophy in life. So, here he is, trying to

attempt fusion of devil fruits with their corresponding elements.

"System, Please make an attempt on Devil Fruit Fusion of Magu Magu No

Mi, Hie Hie No Mi, Goro Goro No Mi, Suna Suna No Mi, Kaze Kaze No

Mi, Pika Pika No Mi and Yami Yami No Mi."

[ Attempting Devil Fruit Fusion! Needed time for fusion: 3 Hours!

Confirm Selection? ]


Then suddenly, he felt something warm converging in his body. He felt

the power of all his devil fruits right now are combining in a swirl,

making a whole new devil fruit.

Narmi then closed his eyes and sat on his bed. He was nervously waiting

and feeling the combining of the devil fruits. His concentration on the

attempt was so intense, that he didn't noticed the changes in weather

around his ship. Although Grand Line had ever-changing weathers, it was

not this severe of changes.

Three hours of waiting and finally, the fusion had done. Narmi took his

time to open his status, while praying it will give a new powerful devil


When he open the status, he saw it. The devil fruits of his had gone and

got replaced by a whole new devil fruit. He then asked for the system to

show an explanation about the new devil fruit.


3 hours ago.

On the deck of Errege, The four crewmates was seen spending the times

by themselves. Robin was sitting on a chair made by her abilities while

reading a book. Law was seen like he was in a state of meditation, with a

sword leaning on his shoulder with his eyes closed.

Nami, the navigator, just steer the ships following the direction of Log

Pose while Henry was seen practicing on using his devil fruit abilities.

Rumble Rumble~~

All of a sudden, the weather was swiftly ever-changing. Nami who was

navigating couldn't help but be baffled with the changing weather.

Although it was normal before, but this time it was very severe.

This was like the nature itself is agitated. Not only that, it seems like only

the weather around their ship was the only affected. So, Nami then

shouted and asked.

"What happened?! Did somebody do something?! Is it an enemy attack?!"

Robin who was just woke up from the seat answered, "Probably it can be.

This weather is so unnatural as it only affected the area around us."

"Big Sis Robin, please call for your boyfriend please. He was probably

could have some info as usually he was knowledgeable with this." Nami

asked Robin while teasing her.

"Wait for me okay? I will call for him in a while."

Robin walked away to Narmi's room in a hurry, for fear if the enemy's

came, this attack was not an easy one even for him. But then when she

reached his room and open the door, she saw him was like in a

meditation state and could vaguely feel the power in his body swirling


With her high intelligence, she could connect the link and knew that this

occurrence was due to him. So she just closed the door and went back to

the deck to report about him. She asked them to just endure this and wait

for the captain to finish his meditation state.

After 3 odd hours trying to endure it, they could feel a sudden gush of

formidable energy rushing from the direction of the cabin or more

precisely, Narmi's room. With this sudden energy rush, at last the

weather turn back to normal and Nami could continue to navigate easier.

All of them right now had a tense atmosphere surrounding them and just

waited for the culprit of the occurrence to came out from the cabin.



Hey guts. A new devil fruits had appeared. Stay tuned for the next

chapter for the devil fruit's name and explanation. Hehe sorry for any


Thanks for all of your support. Because of you guys, I felt a little

motivated on my writing. I had read you guys comment about the new

devil fruits. Don't worry there will be many more to comes.

And thanks for the suggestion. Please do leave a review and vote for

my novel. That's all and again thank you everyone.

Chapter 26: New Devil Fruit:

Shizen Shizen No Mi/ Nature

Nature Fruit

Narmi who just had done the Devil Fruit Fusion attempt, saw the new

devil fruit on his status. He then proceed to ask the system to show the

explanation of the Devil Fruit

Devil Fruits:

Shizen Shizen No Mi/ Nature Nature Fruit

- Logia-type

- Allows the user to create nature phenomenon, control and transform the

into any elements of nature at will. It has the ability that could

distinguish its opponent and allies based on the user's direction.

- Elements of Nature: Fire(Magma), Water(Ice), Earth(Sand), Wind,

Lightning, Light and Darkness

- Special Ability:

1) Nullification Domain- By combining all the elements, producing a void

element space that nullifies all the targeted devil fruits users' powers.

2) Amplification Domain - By combining the Light and Lightning

elements, targeted devil fruit users got their devil fruit strengthened for a

limited time until the domain got cancelled.

'Holy sh*t!! Didn't expect the fusion will produce this devil fruit. If I

awakened this fruit, wouldn't that make me so OP that even the Yonko

would scared shitless. Awakening this fruit would make the nature

around me to be affected. Damn, that's one hell of a luck right there.'

Narmi just screamed in joy internally with the appearance of the devil

fruit. He thank his ridiculously high luck for the very successful fusion.

Then suddenly bombardment of notifications appeared in his vision.

[Hidden Quest: Make A New Strong Logia-Type Devil Fruit Completed!

EXP +60000, Bonus Points +500, Trade Points +300000]

[Congratulations you have leveled up. You are now level 23. All Stats


[Congratulations you have leveled up. You are now level 24. All Stats


[Congratulations you have leveled up. You are now level 25. All Stats


[Congratulations you have leveled up. You are now level 26. All Stats


[Congratulations you have leveled up. You are now level 27. All Stats


He roared internally with the sudden notifications notifying the

completion of quest and succession of level ups. The hidden quest was

very good. Giving a hidden quest on making a new Logia-type devil fruit.

This came really unexpectedly.

So, if he were to make a new Zoan-type or Paramecia-type devil fruit so

he maybe could get the rewards again. But then he noticed that system

had specify that it must be 'strong'. So half-baked devil fruit's not going to

make the system specifications.

Naturally, Narmi just put it back to his mind and will try to made a new

fusion when he had fully controlled his new devil fruit. Having more

power is good, but couldn't controlled it will just make it a waste.

So, he better trained that and also he need to trained his Haki. His

Conqueror's Haki just had a breakthrough due to Willpower stats

affecting it. Seeing this, there were another added reasons for them to

went and train at Little Garden.

Narmi then raised up from his bed and went out from his room while

humming a song happily. He couldn't wait to arrived at Little Garden and

test his newfound power.


Meanwhile, Robin and the others still anxiously waiting for him to came

out from the cabin. Their tense atmosphere was clear as they wanted to

know what really happened.

Naturally after about some times, the main culprit of the phenomenon

just walked out from the cabin and laughed out loud.

"Iyaaaa... What did I miss?" he asked with a nonchalant face when he

noticed the tense atmosphere surrounding his crew members.

"Narmi, did you undergo some breakthrough or something? Because

something had happened when you were meditating." Robin asked

Narmi just grinned slightly and nodded his head, affirming his lover's

guess. Though it was not entirely correct, but he had made a new devil


"Yes my dear. I wanna test something a bit, so

how about you guys try activating your devil fruit abilities." Narmi

ordered them, as he wanted to test Nullification Domain. The domain's

width can be determined by himself and as for now could reach for about

1KM radius with him at the centre.

When he activated it, Robin,Law and Henry couldn't activated their devil

fruit abilities. This sent them to bewilderment as they didn't know why

the devil fruit's abilities couldn't be activated.

Obviously, Law was the most bewildered as when the first time his fight

with Narmi, his ability got sealed by the black smoke. As of now, none of

the black smoke was there but he still couldn't activate it.

Giving up, Law asked him how did he do that and went to said about his

conclusions from their fight before this.

"How did you sealed our abilities? I mean, before this, aren't the black

smoke that could only sealed it? And here I thought without it, the

abilities couldn't be sealed at all"

Robin who just heard Law's explanation, felt curious as well onto how

did her lover could accomplish that. She had never encountered this

situation and it was very distressing if the one that sealed her abilities

was her enemies.

"Hahaha, naturally you couldn't activated it. If you could, I would be the

one bewildered as this was one of my abilities. It was called Nullification

Domain. One of my abilities after my 'breakthrough'. Any types of devil

fruit will be rendered useless when they are in my domain. Well right

now the domain could reach only a maximum of 1KM radius. I need to

train more."

Law who heard him almost spouted out blood. 'Damn it. It wasn't enough

with his black smoke, he proceed to make a new abilities that can

nullifies all the devil fruits. And he said that it was ONLY a maximum of

1KM radius. This guy was insane. Luckily he was my captain.' Law


Narmi just laughed out loud when he saw Law's face that look like he

want to puked blood. But then he turned his head towards Robin and

said to her.

"Dont worry. You guys won't be affected after this as I can direct whose

devil fruits to get nullified. I need to get stronger, so that I can protect

you, Robin and you guys which are my family."

Robin blushed with his statement that he want to protect her. She just

smile affably towards him showing her support.

"I'm going to become strong too. So that my lover here was not the only

one who will strain himself for me. Isn't that why we went towards Little

Garden, right Narmi?"

"Yeah. That's why I'm going to train you guys and make you guys strong.

Like what I had said to Law, strong that was on par with the Yonko. So

that's that. Nami you little girl, come here."

Hearing her name got called by him, she quickly made her way to him.

She was curious why she suddenly got called by him as she was a


"System, buy Kaze Kaze No Mi and a Potion of Dispel Curse"

[ Kaze Kaze No Mi and Potion of Dispel Curse had been bought with a

total of 51000 points. Please check you inventory. ]

Narmi quickly open the inventory and grab the devil fruit and the potion.

He then handed the fruit towards Nami.

Nami who just curiously stared at him, stunned for a bit when she saw a

devil fruit and a small bottle of liquid came out of nowhere. When she

saw him handed them to her, she curiously asked.

"What is this devil fruit? And what is this liquid?"

"The devil fruit is Kaze Kaze No Mi which allow you to control winds at

your behest. Seeing as you were our navigator, aren't this fruit the most

suitable with you? While this bottle of liquid is hmm... I'm too lazy to

explain. Just chugged it after eating the fruit and asked for the

explanation from Robin."

"Are you really giving this to me? Hehe thanks captain. Or should I call

you Big Bro Narmi? Seeing as you were now Big Sis's lover. Anyways

thank you. Big sis help to explain this liquid to me after this."

Nami then in a swift motion eat the fruits and have taste of the

disgustingly bitter taste of the devil fruit. Her face was a sight to behold

as the others just laughed seeing her. She then proceed to chug the

potion and felt refreshed with the liquid.

Robin just chuckled slightly and explain to her the significance of the

potion to her. She was shocked as something as crazy as that exist. But

then turned her head towards Narmi and bowed gratefully.


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 15 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 27 (EXP:12500/13000)


-Strength: 750

- Agility: 520

- Stamina: 520

-Intelligence: 520

- Perception: 520

- Willpower: 690

- Luck: 580

Bonus Point: 500

Trade Point: 982000

Unclaimed Reward: None

Money: 400 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Shizen Shizen No Mi/ Nature Nature Fruit


-Observation Haki ( Advanced Level)

-Armament Haki ( Advanced Level)

-Conqueror's Haki ( Advanced Level)



Hey guys. So there it is a new devil fruit. Keep supporting me and rate

my novel please. Thanks

Chapter 27: Arrived, Little Garden


Little Garden.

One week later.

A big ship was seen sailing swiftly on the sea, nearing the shore of the

Little Garden. Naturally, this is due to Nami's ability to control the wind

after she ate the Kaze Kaze No Mi.

With her intelligence and capabilities in navigating, their trip had gone a

lot more smoother and faster. After they had reached the Little Garden,

all of them jumped out of Errege and tidy themselves up.

Narmi then ordered them to set up the camp not too far away from the

beach as he got some business in the Little Garden. He knew that on the

island, there was two giants that lived there.

When he had confirmed the safety of his crew, he then quickly went

inside and searched for them. This is so that the giants would knew that

they would mean no harm to them and wanted to only trained

themselves here.

After an hour of searching, he then noticed a movement on one part of

the islands. He rushed towards that place and saw a huge giant that were

fighting a T-Rex and knew that this was Brogy.

Using his Conqueror's Haki, Narmi then made the T-Rex as the target of it

and made it fainted. The giant that was fighting with it, noticed the

abnormality and tried to searched around him. At first, he couldn't search

the cause of the abnormality as he was too big and need to strain his eyes

to see something small.

But Narmi made his work easier as he released his ferocious aura that

send the giant shivered. Brogy who been made to bear the force of the

aura, noticed him quickly made his stand and ready for battle.

His big axe on his right hand an a shield on his left hand was raised,

preparing for incoming attack. Narmi saw that he had got the giant's

attention and called him.

"Hey Mr. Giant. Don't worry I didn't came here to fight with you. You can

put your arms down." Narmi shouted.

Brogy heard what he said and lowered his arms down, but still maintain

a slight vigilance as his warrior's instinct could tell the small human in

front of him was very dangerous. In fact he was stronger than Dorry and

that made him scared.

But as a giants, obviously he had his pride and just stand there waiting

for the human to continue his talk.

"Mr. Giant, I am Narmi Amsi. You see, me and my crew were searching

for a place to trained our combat mastery and found this Little Garden.

We got information that this place got some prehistoric animals that can

help us in strengthening ourselves."

Brogy heard him talked about he and his crew want to trained in the

Little Garden couldn't help but smile mockingly. Narmi saw this, carry on

with the topic that he want to say.

"So if I may, could we stay here? We wouldn't bother you with your

activities. Just the permission on living here in Little Garden"

"Gabababa... You human want to live here?! This place was literally

crawling with creatures like this. Can you kill it?!" Brogy asked him while

holding the T-Rex from before, forgetting that the T-Rex fainted because

of Narmi's Conqueror Haki.

"If I could prove to you that that beast was indeed a small piece of cake

for me, will you permit us then?" Narmi asked. Obviously, he just paid no

heed to the giant's ignorance.

"Gabababa if you really could kill it, then naturally you are more than

qualified." Brogy said in a slightly mocking tone.

"Alright. Just you see."

Narmi then proceed to went to find another T-Rex that looks far more

scarier than before. As a matter of course, Brogy followed him as he

wanted to see this human's abilities. Not long after, Narmi noticed a T-

Rex were lying down and have a nice, good nap under a big tree.

But then, in a sudden, the T-Rex opened it's eyes, as it had felt presences

that were on it's area. The T-Rex noticed there were two being in front of

it. A small,puny human and a giant. The T-Rex woke up from its lying

position and get ready to charged towards its prey.

While the T-Rex was taking its time to get ready, Narmi had made his

first move. Using a light-speed approach, he made his way to the top of

the T-Rex's head. His right fist was burning with magma that had mixed

with cackling of lightning.

Punching forward, he then released his new hybrid technique, King's

Blast. Afterwards, a blast of fire and lightning beam burst out from his

hand, annihilating the T-Rex from it's head until the ground, leaving only

a large hole in its aftermath.

Brogy's jaws was wide open while his eyes full of shock. That T-Rex was

among the top 10 among all the T-Rexs in Little Garden. Never could he

thought that a tiny human could annihilate it with two moves only. Even

he himself couldn't done that.

"Aiyaaa... That was such an overkill. I didn't expect it to make that much

power. It seems I really need to control it, if I don't want my allies to be

hurt when I launched the attack."

Hearing Narmi's word really make Brogy felt like he wanted to puke

blood. Did you use that attack for the first time?! And you manage to

annihilate the T-Rex without leaving even a corpse behind?! F**k it, this

really made him sick.

Narmi then turned his head towards Brogy and ask him again.

"So Mr. Giant, is this good enough?"

'This brat... If this wasn't good enough, then what is?!' Brogy cursed


"Yeah this was good enough. With this much power, even those mindless

animals didn't dare to make a reckless move against you. Ohh you have

introduce yourself right? Then it was my turn. I am Brogy, one of the two

former captains of Giant Warrior's Pirates from Elbaf. It was an honor to

meet you."

"Ouu same here. It was my pleasure. So then I will get going as my family

was waiting for me at the beach. I'm worried about their safety."

"Family? Didn't you said you brought your crew member here?" Brogy

asked, curious about this family.

"Ahhh my crew is my family." Narmi replied with a smile before walked

away from the spot.

Brogy heard his statement of his crew was his family, just guffawed

loudly. 'My crew is my family huh. This boy is interesting. Not only he

was strong, he also prioritise his crew member's safety and referred to

them as his family.'

He just watched Narmi's silhouette that gradually getting smaller before

completely disappeared.



Hey guys, finally we are entering the chapter in which they will start

their training. So stay tuned for more.

Thanks for supporting me and please do vote for my novels. I love you


Chapter 28: Arrived, Little Garden


Narmi went back to where Robin and the others had set up the camp. On

his way back, he casually killed an animal to secure food for a few days.

Not long after, he arrived at their camp, with a big animal corpse on his


The others when they saw the big corpse, were thunderstruck when he

dragged it to their camp. He just went in for a few hours and came back

with that big thing, without any injuries or any bloody mess. His face

also didn't show any distress.

"Hey guys, I just settled all my business in there. Look here, I brought our

food for a few days." Narmi said with an innocent tone. The crew were

stunned speechless with his words, that made it looks like killing that

thing was easy.

Putting aside about his nonchalant attitude, Robin curiously asked him

about his business.

"What business that you got in there? Didn't this place only have this

prehistoric animals in it? Don't say that you just went into the forest, just

to killed them and then came back."

"Oyaaa.. You see this place before this only have this prehistoric animals.

But then, right now, this place had two giants that lived in here. So I

went to ask for their permissions, well permission seeing as I met only

one of them."

"So, did the giant gave the permission?"

"Yeah, well at first, he looked like that he didn't want to give the

permission and asked me if I could kill the T-Rex. So, we make a bet and

he agreed to it while slightly mocking me."

"What happened after that? Knowing your nature, I felt that you had

done something that could probably made that giant dumbstruck, as you

were not one to lie down when mocked, albeit slightly." Robin replied

"Well, you see I tried to show my ability but 'accidentally' annihilated it.

Like you said, the giant was dumbstruck and his face was a sight to

behold. So then, here I am."

Robin just chuckled when she heard him said that he 'accidentally'

annihilated it. She noticed that after his breakthrough the other day, his

power was starting to leak out slightly. Naturally, she could guess that he

also had let off some of his steam.

"Tomorrow, we will start our training. This time I'm going to be totally

ruthless and made you guys train harder. So, you guys better prepared

for yourself, as I will not stopped training you guys until you guys were

as strong as the Yonko."

As a matter of course, Robin and the others were all ears to what he said.

They knew that if they want to stay in his crew, they need to get

stronger. Their captain was really strong, and him alone could fight with

the top figures of the sea.

But they knew, right now what made him stuck around here was them, as

he was worried about their safety when he went into battles. So, he

willingly took his time to trained them, so that when he went all-out, he

didn't need to worry about them as he knew that they were strong

enough to contend in a a battles themselves.

"I'm going to made each one of you like a war machine itself. One of you

guys alone could rampaged around the battlefield without any help from

the others. Yonko? Fleet Admiral? Admirals?Not even one of them could

hold a candle towards us."

"But before tomorrow, naturally comes tonight. This night we will have

fun and rest our body. Have fun to your heart's content tonight as

tomorrow, only hell will be waiting for you guys. So, that's that. We will

set up a barbecue spot and have barbecue party tonight. Henry will be

the one cooking as that was obvious."

After that, they started to work around, helping each other setting the

barbecue spot. Narmi knew that if they made barbecue, the animals in

the forest would probably came. So he bought a Bari Bari No Mi, as a

preparation for tonight's party. He didn't want the animals to disturb his

crew fun time tonight.

That night, all five of them have fun chatting around each other.

Laughter reverberated through the night with Narmi's making jokes.

Occasionally, roar of the prehistoric animals can be heard, but nothing

came towards them. Needless to say, this was Narmi's work as he blocked

the area around them with a barrier.


G-2 Marine Base

Dalmatian and Onigumo was sitting in front of Comil with a bored

expression on their face. Onigumo then started their conversations.

"Comil, we are bored waiting for this kid. Are there really no news about


"Not yet as of now. He probably was still on the sea. Be patient. It wasn't

only you two that were bored. Did you guys thought I wasn't? I need to

face this stack of reports everyday, not like you guys that just stay around

here doing nothing."

Suddenly, Comil's secretary came in with a distressed face. Obviously, the

secretary was scared that Comil and the two other Vice Admirals would

be pissed with this report. But then, he couldn't not report it as that will

probably pissed them more.

"Vice Admiral sir. We got reports that the Grand King Pirates's ship were

nowhere to be found. They didn't pass any islands and it was like they

vanished into the thin air. Not a trace of their ship could be found."

The three vice admirals were shocked when they heard the report. What

is this? Did their Marines were so incompetent that even a pirate's ship

couldn't be found? Comil, the person in-charge of G-2 base were really

embarassed when his secretary made that report.

"What are the informants doing?! Did they didn't do their works?! How

can a ship vanished into thin air?! Tell them to keep searching, or else

don't even make the report." Comil roared towards his secretary.

"Y-Y-Yes sir. I-I-I will tell them right now." the secretary nodded

profusely, before he went away in a hurried motion.

Comil just sat back on his seat while his hand were massaging his temple.

Onigumo and Dalmatian saw the state that Comil was in and thought that

probably their stay at this G-2 base will going to be extended by the Fleet



Little Garden

Late at night, when Nami, Law and Henry had went to sleep, Narmi and

Robin was still awake and sitting besides each other. Robin's head was on

Narmi's shoulder with his hand on her head.

"Robin, tomorrow I will not act like a lover. I'm sorry because if I didn't

act like that, then you weren't going to become any stronger."

"It's fine. I understand, although you had promised to protect me but that

didn't mean I always need to be protected. I know you did all this for our

sake. I'm happy that you didn't make any special exception for me as that

will only made me unhappy. Your choice to act like that show that you

really love me."

"Thank you Robin. I'm really glad you understood my intention. "

Their eyes then made contact with each other. Narmi stared into Robin's

beautiful eyes, before proceeding to kiss her lips.

In the middle of the night, a passionate kissing between a man and a

woman was happening with the roar of the animals accompanying them




Hey guys. Thanks for reading my novel. Sorry this chapter was wrote

with no idea on my mind. Next chapter we will start the training.

Have fun and keep reading my novels.

Chapter 29: 2 Years Of Training 1

Next day

Narmi and the others started their training. He really did what he said

which is he became really ruthless. Even the young girl Nami wasn't

escaped from his torturous trainings.

He first focused on their physical strength and stamina. As they need to

strengthen both of them in order to have a good control on their devil

fruit uses. He made it that at the morning they will focused on the

schedule that he set, and then after the lunch he bring them to fight with

the animals.

He done this so that their battle instincts would become a lot sharper.

Only by participating in battles, could someone's strength, perception and

instinct would become sharper. This is obviously because when in a

dangerous situations where the life could possibly gone, the limiter in

human body will be temporarily released and caused the change in the


As a matter of course, he would bring them to the most weakest animals

that present there, and he also ordered them to not use their devil fruit

abilities. This is so that if should their abilities got sealed, they wouldn't

be in a disadvantageous positions.

Narmi who was the one in-charge of their training, just watched them

fighting the animals. Whenever he felt like the situations they are in

could took their life, he would swiftly interfered. He chose to went in

when it was at the last moment before their life would gone. This is to

ensure that they could feel their limiter was uplifted and continue to

sharpen their instincts.

After that, he would ask them to take a 5 minutes rest to think back on

their fight and find their mistakes, before ordering them to continue the

fights. Naturally, for the first few days, there were many mistakes that

were made, which leads to his involvement in saving them.

But the next few days, gradually they started to make less and less

mistakes until they could fight without his interference. This obviously

made him happy, seeing as his crewmates become a lot stronger until

finally the weakest of the animals would no longer became their match.

If he were to send them to fight it one-on-one, there would be a 100%

chance to win.

Slowly, he took them to a stronger monsters. The occurrence repeated

again, as their opponent were a lot stronger. But this time, they quickly

saw through their mistakes, and improving it. They didn't need for any

rest, much less his interventions.

After six months, they could contend one-on-one with the strongest

animal in the islands, without using their devil fruit abilities. Seeing as

they had satisfy his conditions, he then taught them about Haki.

Robin knew about Haki as she had seen them before, but Law and the

others didn't. So he started to taught them by introducing them to Haki.

After his lengthy explanation, they finally knew about why he had done

this training.

When they start training Haki, Law was the most talented of all as he

quickly get the gist of it. He could control Observation and Armament,

albeit still on the Novice Level. Of course, training Haki wasn't easy so

Narmi encourage the others and said that Law could manifest it easier

due to his strong willpower. Nodding their heads, showing their

understanding, Robin, Nami and Henry continued their Haki training.

The next few days, Henry finally could manifest the Haki. Narmi saw

this, felt genuinely elated with their fast progress. Although he knew that

Law was talented in Haki, he didn't expect that Henry was one too.

But then he thought back to when he meet Henry, he could attacked him

while he was cooking, so maybe his Haki had unconsciously been used,

but he didn't know about it. Narmi obviously felt an extreme joy on

finding an unexpected rough gem, and he promise himself that he will

polished this gem until it became shiny.

The next week, Robin and Nami finally could use Haki, but only the

Observation as they couldn't channeled their willpower towards the

Armament, no matter what they did. Consoling them, he just asked them

to focus in Observation Haki if they can't do it.

Nami just energetically followed his order, but Robin had shown a slight

discouraged expression, which couldn't miss from Narmi's vision. He

could guess what she would thinking and just continue to encourage her,

saying that she should focus on what she can done best.

Hearing his encouragement, Robin just smiled and continue her training,

agreeing in her mind on what Narmi told her.

Thus, after another six months, they could manifest their Haki on the

Middle Level. Narmi's Haki also had managed to breakthrough to early

Master Level. Due to the daily quests, right now he was at level 39.

This marks the end of their first part of two years training.


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 16 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 39 (9500/19000)


-Strength: 870

- Agility: 800

- Stamina: 800

-Intelligence: 800

- Perception: 800

- Willpower: 810

- Luck: 700

Bonus Point: 7300

Trade Point: 1354000

Unclaimed Reward: None

Money: 400 Million Berry

Bounty: 400 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Shizen Shizen No Mi

-Bari Bari No Mi


-Observation Haki ( Master Level)

-Armament Haki ( Master Level)

-Conqueror's Haki ( Master Level)



Hey guys. I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't good enough. I'm trying my

best to wrote it yesterday as today I got Psychology examinations. So

I'm sorry if it wasn't good enough.

Please enjoy it. Thank you for your supports

Chapter 30: 2 Years of Training 2

Little Garden.

Second Year Of Training

Narmi and the others start training their devil fruits abilities. In this area,

he didn't help much as he wanted his crew members to create their own

news technique. This would depends on their creativity as they could

create technique that could be used in closed or ranged combat.

Naturally, Narmi also work hard on controlling his Devil Fruits abilities.

He tried to make offensive techniques by combining the elements. One of

the techniques was Hell Magma as he tried combining the Magma and

the darkness elements.

This techniques was among the highly lethal offensive techniques as

when he tried it, he had almost changed the Little Garden's terrains into a

black lava. So, he thought that if this techniques were to use in a war, it

was undeniable that countless casualties would emerged.

On the second month, Narmi could fully control his devil fruit abilities,

and manage to create many highly-lethal techniques. After that, he tried

to do something that not all devil fruit user knew which is awakening.

His control of his devil fruit abilities was that he could about two or three

elements at the same time. So when he tried to awakened the devil fruit,

he tried to control all the elements at once.

On his first try, he had suffered miserably as there was an unexpected

backlash when he failed to controlled the elements at the same time.

Luckily, the backlash wasn't so intense and after a few days rest, he

carefully tried to awakened the devil fruit.

Finally at the fourth month, he had awakened the fruit as the seven

elements can be used at once. When he had fully controlled all of them,

he could create natural phenomenon out of nowhere. This caused the

Robin and the others to be astonished as he had shown to fully controlled

the weather around them.

He then proceed to explained to them about Devil Fruit Awakening that

caused this. He ordered them to continue training and should they had

full controlled their Devil Fruit, they could try to awakened their devil


After he had mastered Shizen Shizen No Mi, he proceed to made a new

devil fruit that he had in mind. He bought for devil fruits of Zoan-Type.

Tori Tori No Mi, Model: Vermillion Bird

Ryu Ryu No Mi, Model: Azure Dragon

Neko Neko No Mi, Model: White Tiger

Kame Kame No Mi, Model: Black Tortoise

All if them cost him 120,000 points. Well he didn't cared about it as he

got many of it. Then he proceed to use the system's Devil Fruit Fusion to

create a new Zoan-Type devil fruits.

After 4 hours of waiting, the devil fruit that came out was Kemono

Kemono No Mi, Model: Four Divine Beasts. He got the rewards from

system on creating a new strong Zoan-Type devil fruit but just directly

ignored it.

He just focused on the explanation on the new devil fruit.

Kemono Kemono No Mi, Model: 4 Divine Beasts

-Mythical Zoan-Type

-Allows the user to transform into any of the divine beasts, while having

all the characteristics of them. The user can also make a chimera of

divine beasts.

-Beasts: Vermillion Bird, White Tiger, Azure Dragon and Black Tortoise

-Forms: Normal Form, Hybrid Form, Beast Form, Chimera Form

-Special Abilities:

-Regeneration (Vermillion Bird)

-Elemental Controls Increase (Azure Dragon)

-Physical Stats Increase (White Tiger)

-Unparalleled Defense (Black Tortoise)

This new devil fruits really was overpowered. Well, not that his another

devil fruit wasn't overpowered, but this devil fruit could even beat Kaido

devil fruit. What with the special abilities, it was really super


Narmi was in a good mood over the newly created devil fruits, so he

quickly went to train it so that he could control it better. Also if he work

hard enough, he could probably tried to awakened it in this remaining six


With that, he just continue to trained his devil fruit abilities, while

sometimes he give some pointers on his crew members on how they can

strengthen their devil fruits.

At the sixth month, all of them tried to awakened their own devil fruits

with Narmi's guidance after that had full control on their devil fruits.

Naturally, he watched them trying to awakened it as he didn't want them

to suffer any backlashes. If he was the one who suffered it, it was okay

but if the others to suffer the backlashes, they probably could have died.

Finally after four month of trying to awakened it, Henry and Nami

manage to done it. Right now, they didn't need to care about consuming

much stamina as they can use their surroundings for their Devil Fruit

abilities. Nami was the most happy as she can navigate their ships more

easier with the presence of the wind. Narmi was also successful in

awakening the new Zoan devil fruit.

In the remaining two months before they finished their training at the

Little Garden, both Robin and Law also managed to awaken their devil


At last, their 2 years training had finally done, with all of them had their

combat powers that were as strong as Yonko.

Now, they were ready to rampaged around the Grand Line, without the

need to cares about the World Government nor Marines. Right now was

the moment the history will be made.


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 17 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 49(16500/24000)


-Strength: 2000

- Agility: 1950

- Stamina: 1950

-Intelligence: 1950

- Perception: 1950

- Willpower: 1960

- Luck: 1800

Bonus Point: 7800

Trade Point: 2019000

Unclaimed Reward: None

Money: 400 Million Berry

Bounty: 400 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Shizen Shizen No Mi(Awakened)

-Kemono Kemono No Mi, Model: Four Divine Beasts(Awakened)

-Bari Bari No Mi


-Observation Haki ( Master Level)

-Armament Haki ( Master Level)

-Conqueror's Haki ( Master Level)



Hey guys. Sorry if this chapter was not to your liking. I want to make a

timeskip chapter for their training but I dont have any idea so this

chapter was wrote for that. Anyways, thank you for your support guys.

Please do enjoy

Chapter 31: To Alabasta, We Sail


After 2 years of training, finally the crew could contend against the

Yonko, even with the small number. Today, Narmi and the others had

prepared to continue their journey.

But before they depart, Narmi went into the forest to find the two giants,

to bade farewell to them. This place was their residence so he should say

something before leaving as it was with their permissions that they could

trained here.

Naturally, when he went to the centre of the forests, he could notice the

two giant figures that were sitting there. They was having their fun,

drinking booze that he had gave them before.

"Oiii Brogy, Dorry….What are you doing, drinking booze this early in the


"Gabababa if it isn't the small Narmi. This is how you should enjoy life."

Brogy guffawed loudly

"Gegyagyagya… True indeed. Why have you come here small Narmi?"

Dorry asked.

"Well, I came here to bade my farewell. You see, it had been two years

that me and my crew trained here. So now we would get back on our

journey to conquer the world."

"Gegyagyagya. Conquer the world eh? When you had done it, don't forget

about us here. Tell them that you trained at our residence, Little Garden."

"Hahaha of course. Then Marine will come and capture you."

"If you had conquer the world by then, I'm afraid the Marines won't dare

to touch me. Gegyagyagya."

Narmi just shook his head helplessly with Dorry's statement. Although, it

was true indeed if he had conquer the world by then, the Marine would

probably perished, or if they survived, they wouldn't dare to touch him.

"So that's that. I want to thank you guys for letting us trained here. If you

guys didn't, I would probably find somewhere else, but this place here

was among the best. I can't truly express my gratitude."

"Gabababa.. It's fine. Besides, you gave us a good booze. We had long

didn't drink one so that made us even."

"Haha okay then. Ohh, before I forget, this here is Den Den Mushi. If you

ever need my help, call me and I will came to you." Narmi searched for

the Den Den Mushi, before handing it to the two giants.

"Ohh, we will keep it then. But I think there will never came a day that

we would use it."

"Haha if you say so. Well then, I'm going now. Don't drink the booze too

much. It wasn't good for your health." Narmi joked before turning away

into the direction of his ship.

""Goodbye small Narmi. Good luck on your journey.""

Both the giants said loudly before laughing out loud. Narmi, who heard

their words, had a smile etched on his face. Swiftly, he made his way to

Errege, while leaving the two giants behind.


G-2 Marine Base

Dalmatian and Onigumo were seen walking towards Comil's office. They

thought that this two years without the appearance of Narmi Amsi and

his crew, had left them with no purpose of staying here.

Arriving at in front of Comil's office, they made their way in and sat on

the seats available in the office.

"Comil, me and Onigumo, we thought that we should went back to the

Marine Headquarters."

"And why is that?"

"Well, you know the reason. We came here under the orders that we are

to capture Narmi Amsi. But this two years, he never appeared. Even your

informants couldn't find his whereabouts. His disappearance could only

be presumed that he was dead." Onigumo replied.

"Huh.. Like what you said, we had waited for two years for him and his

crew appearance but nothing happened. It was only safe to presumed he

was dead. So what are you guys going to do?"

"We would went back to the Headquarters and report that he was dead.

But, we would depart a week later as we need to load our supplies into

the warships. So, I guess we would help around in this one week."

Dalmatian said.

"Alright then. Thank you for your consideration. Later, I would ask my

men to help load the supplies into your warships."

"Thanks Comil. Now we would excuse ourselves as we don't want to

disturb you with your works."


Then, Dalmatian and Onigumo went away from Comil's office leaving

Comil with his works.


Little Garden, Beachside

A grand ship was seen ready to depart. As a matter of course, this ship

was Errege. Narmi was standing at the front deck while thinking about

their next destination.

'This year, Ace would start his expedition. I guess I would meet him later

if I got the chance. Also, this year was the year Alabasta would started to

having drought. Naturally, this was Crocodile's doing. Then I guess

Alabasta it is.'

Narmi was pondering hard that he didn't notice that Robin had crept up

to beside him. She just watched him in his thoughts, before she went

forward and plant a kiss on his right cheek.

Narmi who was just finished contemplating, stunned with her action,

before he started blushing. He then asked her.

"Hey my dear Robin. Why did you suddenly kiss my cheek? You really

got me there."

Robin saw him inquired her while blushing, couldn't help but chuckled.

"Well you look so cute when you were thinking before. So I just couldn't

hold myself and want to kiss your cheek. Are you angry with me?" Robin

said while asking him with a puppy eyes.

Narmi the one received the full brunt of the puppy eyes, had his heart

thumped loudly. 'Damn this girl Robin ah. She really could used her

attraction to me this good ah. How could she used those puppy eyes to

me?! Don't she know that no matter what, I couldn't win with her?!'

"Aiyaa… How can I be angry with my queen here. You do know that I

can't win you." Narmi replied

Robin just chuckled with his response. Nami who just standing not far

from them, just watched them doing their lovey-dovey act. She then

butted in their conversations while teasing them.

"Big sis and big bro lovebirds. Don't flirt in the open please. If you want

to, then go inside the room."

Narmi and Robin's faces were in deep shade of red. This girl, Nami really

couldn't cover her mouth when talking. Nami laughed seeing the state

they was in. She intend to teased them more, but she thought that she

could done that later.

"So Big Bro Captain, where do we sail to now?" she asked.

"We sail to Alabasta."

"What were there in Alabasta?" Robin asked him, curious with the

destination he set.

"Don't you want to read poneglyphs Robin?"

Robin was shocked when he said that.

"Don't say.. Alabasta had…"

"Yes. Alabasta had a poneglyph there. Isn't it your dream to uncover the

Void Century? So we would set sail there and started our journey to

uncover it. Don't worry, the World Government could never touch us, so

you can read it to your heart's content."

Robin felt touched with his statements. Narmi would bring her to realize

her dream. No, the O'Haran's dream. Naturally, this made her fall in love

with him more. Naturally, she didn't know that he had another purpose

to go there.

"Thank you my love. Let's go uncover it. The Void Century and why did

the World Government want it to be buried." Robin said with teary eyes.



Hey guys. Now, MC would start wrecking all the prominent figures.


Anyways, thank you for the support. I really appreciate it.

In the comments, I had read about asking for the MC to went to

another world. Honestly, I didn't thought about that yet. If maybe, I

want to do it, I would ask for you guys opinions.

So have fun with my novel and keep supporting it. You guys support

really help motivating me.

Thank you

Chapter 32: To Alabasta, We Sail


A big ship was seen sailing in a swift motion on the sea. On the deck of

the ship, a young man wearing a black overcoat on top a white shirt with

a sword on his waist was seen in a sitting position with his eyes closed, as

if he was meditating.

As everyone might know, this young man was Narmi. Right now he was

in a state that he called 'assimilating in nature'. This state which helped

him greatly communicate with the nature itself, so that it can help him

when he was in battle.

Not to be confused, 'Voice of all things' and this state wasn't the same.

This state only could be reached, due to his awakening and his

overwhelming control with his Shizen Shizen No Mi fruit. This state

helped him improved on his perception of nature, so that whenever he

used any of his devil fruit technique, he could probably achieve two

times of its effect.

When he was focusing on this state, all of a sudden a notification

appeared in front of his vision.

[ Congratulations Host on comprehending one half of 'Voice of All

Things'! Completion on comprehending reward: Unique Ability 'Voice of

All Things' ]

'Huh?! Didn't I got into this state due to my devil fruit power? How come

I had comprehend one half of 'Voice of All Things?! And here I thought it

wasn't related at all'

After that, he went into a deep thinking mode. He tried to connect the

dots on how he suddenly had comprehended it. He thought back on what

is 'Voice of All Things'.

'I just found this state of assimilating with nature by chance. Then, I tried

to enter it and had successfully control it. But then, the notification came.

One half of 'Voice of All Things'. Is it because I had assimilated with

nature that contain elements?'

'This unique ability gave the user to hears animals and inanimate objects

that don't speak human language. Inanimate objects surely had elements

of nature. So, that's it. Elements of Nature was one half of the

comprehension. Controlling it was seen as me had comprehended it. This

must be due to my Luck stats was high.'

Narmi obviously elated with his high Luck stats that helped him to find

this state of assimilating with nature. And then due to this he had

comprehended one half of the 'Voice of All Things'.

Feeling happy, Narmi woke up from his position, and went inside the

ship to flirt with Robin.


G-2 Marine Base

Comil, Dalmatian and Onigumo was seen chatting among themselves,

while enjoying a cup of coffee. Then, Vice Admiral Comil's secretary

barge into the office abruptly, without knocking. This put displeasure on

all present Vice Admiral's faces as right now, they were having their fun.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you all kind sirs. But this is an important report

that I need to handed to all of you sirs."

"Carry on." Comil ordered

"Yes sir. Our informant had report that they had spotted a grand ship that

had just started sailing on the sea. Although they didn't know where did

it came from. It seems that this ship was a pirate's one, and had a logo of

crown on top of its skull with two swords intersected below the skull."

"Huh.. Why does this logo was familiar?" Comil pondered a bit, but got

answered instead by Dalmatian

"Of course. How can it not be familiar as this ship we had been waiting

for two years already."

Comil was shocked as he didn't expect that, neither was Dalmatian nor

Onigumo. Comil recovered quickly and asked for his subordinate's


"Are you sure this was them?"

"Yes sir. Apparently, they noticed this ship when they were doing their

patrol. When they check their Jolly Roger, they found it kn Marine's

Wanted List and quickly informed us."

The three Vice Admirals nodded their head, as if saying they understood

about it.

"Where are they headed now?"

"Apparently, based on their current route, they are probably heading

towards Alabasta."

"Alabasta? The country which had started to suffer from drought this


"Yes sir."

"Interesting. Why would he need to went to Alabasta that had just to

started from drought. There must be something there. Pass my orders to

the informants to gather information on Alabasta. Surely, we must had

overlooked something."

"Yes sir. I will immediately pass the orders. Excuse me sir."

"Yes, you are permitted to go."

The secretary then went away from the office with a sigh of relief. After

the departure of secretary, Dalmatian and Onigumo said to Comil.

"Apparently, the kid wasn't dead yet. I guess we would continue our stay

here then." Dalmatian said

"That kid must have thought that if he lay low for two years, we would

forget him. Apparently, he was wrong. We will capture him as the

repayment of wasting our two years waiting for him." Onigumo stated.

Comil just nodded his head, agreeing with both of them. But neither of

them would know that they were wrong in thinking that Narmi was

laying low. And this ways of thinking would cause them greatly.


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 17 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 49(16500/24000)


-Strength: 2000

- Agility: 2000

- Stamina: 2000

-Intelligence: 2000

- Perception: 2000

- Willpower: 2000

- Luck: 2000

Bonus Point: 7360

Trade Point: 2019000

Unclaimed Reward: None

Money: 400 Million Berry

Bounty: 400 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Shizen Shizen No Mi(Awakened)

-Kemono Kemono No Mi, Model: Four Divine Beasts(Awakened)

-Bari Bari No Mi


-Voice of All Things(Locked)(½)


-Observation Haki ( Master Level)

-Armament Haki ( Master Level)

-Conqueror's Haki ( Master Level)



Hey guys. Sorry for the late chapter. I'm not in a healthy condition

right now so my mind was a bit jumbled. Enjoy the chapter. Thank

you for your support.

Chapter 33: Two King's

Negotiation 1

Two Months Later

Port Town of Nanohana

In a port at Alabasta Kingdom, a big ship was docking into it spot. As

everyone can guess this was Errege. Their trip was very smooth with the

help of Nami's excellent navigating.

All of them started to unboard the ship as this place was their

destination. But then, all of them noticed that Alabasta had started to

face a heavy drought.

"Wow this town here was really hot. How did they suddenly have


"Narmi, didn't you can control nature? Can't you fix this weather here? I

felt a bit of pity towards the civilians that live here." Robin proposed

"Well, I can. But, from what I could infer, this drought was not a natural

phenomenon. I guess someone had caused it." Narmi replied, hiding the

facts that he knew who did it.

"Then, can't you fix this? It's for the civilians' sake."

"I can but the person who orchestrated this would not get caught if I did.

So, just endure it until we can find him. But before that, let's go find the


"Alright then. If you say so. It's true that we need to follow the flow if we

want to catch the culprit."

They then went towards the direction of Alubarna, the place where the

Royal Palace was located. Not long after they left, a spy was contacting

his superior, informing about the newcomers on Alabasta. Albeit, this spy

had long been noticed by Narmi and was let go by him, so that he can

catch all of them in one swoop.

"Hello sir. I have informations that were really important."


Rainbase, Rain Dinners

"Is that so? Thanks for the information. Your rewards, come and collect it

after this."

The spy's superior said and then cut off the call. He felt very happy that

his spy gave him a worthy informations. Naturally, he swiftly went to his

boss to report about it.

"Boss, I have some new informations for you."

"Huh? Tell about it quickly, and make sure it was worth my time. If not, I

would kill you." the boss said.

This Boss had a pale skin with nape-length black hair that was slicked

back. His face had a notable scars at the bridge of his noses that stretches

across his faces. There was a large hook that was made by tough gold

alloy on his left hand. This man was name Crocodile.

"Yes sir. Apparently, the young lady you mentioned from before had

appeared here in Alabasta."

"Huh?! Young Lady?! Nico Robin?! She was here in Alabasta?! Hahaha….

it seems that Goddess of Luck had shined upon me. It seems the heaven

want me to rule the Alabasta and uncover the Poneglyph." Crocodile said

while guffawing loudly, ignoring the presence of the man in front of him.

"Yes sir. However, she wasn't alone. There was four more people with

her. One of them was the 'Devil King' Narmi Amsi. Our info stated that he

is Nico Robin's boyfriend."

Crocodile regaining his composure, quickly glared down on his

subordinate and said.

"I don't care who the f**k he is. What I want is Nico Robin. She was the

only one that could read the Poneglyphs. I need her to read it for me.

Order our men to start mobilising. Bring me Nico Robin and you shall be

heavily rewarded."

"Y-Y-Yes S-S-Sir. I will go now and went together with the others to catch

her. Don't worry, we would definitely caught her."

"Good then. I will await for you guys good news. Also, ordered our men

that were in-charge of Dance Powder to use it, so the drought would

become more severe. And then start to spread the propaganda, saying

that this was caused by the king, Nefertari Cobra. I don't want any

mistakes to ever happen."

"Right away sir. Now if you would excuse me."

"Hmm go, don't disappoint me. If you fail, your life will not be left


The man heard Crocodile's warning, shivered in cold sweat. He joined

this Baroque Works as the pay was good. He didn't expect it to be this

cruel in the organization. Swiftly, he made his way to go and pass down

Crocodile's order to the others.


Two days later

Due to their training in Little Garden, they could move in a fast pace

towards Alubarna. Not only that, with Narmi's help on controlling the

nature, he made it so that the sandstorms nor the heat could reach them.

Actually, they could reached Alubarna in one day, but Narmi ordered

them to stopped for a while and take a break. But then he went

somewhere before coming back and ordered them to continue the


What Narmi did when they took a break, no one knew about it as he

didn't told them about it. Naturally, they didn't ask about it as they fully

trusted him. They thought that if he wouldn't tell them, then he had

probably planned something and want to made an element of surprise.

Thus, this occurrence happen a few times until they reached Alubarna.

When they arrived, they felt bewildered as Alubarna wasn't affected with

the drought that they saw in other places.

This made them felt weird as usually, if drought would had happened,

the surrounding of the places should had suffered it too. But only

Alubarna that wasn't affected with it. Robin, with her intelligence, could

guess what had happened here.

"Narmi, is this happening due to Dance Powder?"

"Yes. It was caused by Dance Powder. That's why I said before it wasn't a

natural one."

"Dance Powder?" Law asked. Nami and Henry behind him also perked

their ears with interest on the topic of Dance Powder.

"It is a powder that could create artificial rain. While it looks good when

it can create artificial rain, it had a very severe side-effects. The other

countries would face a long period of drought. This was due to the

artificial rain nurtures the clouds that aren't ready to rain, causing its

water contained to be used up. Other countries or places, would be

deprived of its benefits when this clouds naturally mature"

Robin nodded her head in acknowledgement on what Narmi said.

"So, I guess I could safely say that this culprit intend to framed the King

of Alabasta so that he/she can control it." Robin concluded.

"Well that was one of his purpose. He actually got another one purpose,

and I think you could guess what it is Robin."

"Poneglyph?" She asked, as that was the only thing sought out by

everyone that she knew was here.

Narmi just nodded his head, affirming her guess.

"Correct. But, recently the culprit had put on a new target. This target of

his was someone who could read Poneglyph. Someone originated from

the O'Hara. Yes, the target is you, Robin. So I suggest you stay with me."

Narmi smiled gently towards Robin.

Robin was happy when he said that she should stay with him. But, it

wasn't the same with Law as he thought that his captain smile were


'F**k this. When we just arrived here, someone want to offend him. Is it

not enough with Whiskey Peak?! I guess Narmi must want me to search

for informations.'

As Law's guess, Narmi turned his head towards him and said

"Law, find information about the Baroque Works. I don't care what

method you used. Just report to me when you are done. Also, if there

were any weird movements, quickly report it to me."

Law swiftly made his way to gather informations after Narmi ordered

him, while Narmi and the others went to the direction of Royal Palace.

Narmi's intention? He want to negotiate with the King.

For him, this was a negotiation between two kings.



Hey guys. This time MC will rampaged around in Alabasta. Wohoo

cheers for MC.

Thanks for supporting my novel. I love you guys. And I thought about

Marineford War. I need you guys opinion, that was should I prevent

Ace from being captured by Blackbeard or not? Please give your

answers and reasons on the comment below.

Once again, thanks and enjoy my novel. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Chapter 34: Two Kings

Negotiation 2

While Law was busy searching for informations, Narmi and the others

had reached the front of the Alubarna Palace. The guards placed there

quickly stopped them.

"Halt! What is your purpose of coming here? This place was off-limit.

Only with the King's permission should you enter."

"I am Narmi Amsi. These here was my crew member and family. I came

here to negotiate with your king."

"No negotiation with our king. You are not worthy to even negotiate with

His Majesty."

"Even if I can help him solved the drought problem that was occuring in


Hearing that Narmi came here, having a solution on their drought

problems, the guard obviously were flustered.

"W-W-Wait a second sir. I will called for our superior. Please wait for a

moment. This thing here wasn't on our jurisdiction." the guard said while

prompting for the other guard to call for their superior.

Narmi knew that the guards just doing their duty, so he just simply put it

off saying that he don't mind. As a matter of course, he wanted to leave a

good impressions towards the resident of the Alubarna Palace.

Even though for him, if he want to barged into the palace, not even one

people could stop him. But then his conscience prevent him from doing

that. This conscience was the thing that help him preserve the humanity

of him in this world.

After a few minutes of waiting, finally the guard came back with a tall

man on his tow. This man a little red nose, with a blonde hair with a

resemblance of powdered wig style.

"Hello young man. My name is Igaram, the Captain of Alabasta Royal

Guard. I heard from my subordinate saying that you want to negotiate

with His Majesty right?"

"Yeah." "And if I may ask, how did you intend to solve the problem?"

"I'm not going to answer you here now. But, I can assure you that should

your king accept my negotiation, I promise that this drought problem

would be settled."

"I understand. Come and follow me. I would bring you to His Majesty.

But you would be warned to not do anything towards His Majesty, or else

we would battle you to death."

"Don't worry. If I was intending to do anything, shouldn't I just started to

raze this place from the palace entrance?" Narmi said while slowly

releasing his ferocious and domineering aura.

Igaram, the one who bear the full brunt of the aura, felt cold sweat

drenching his back. He felt like death had came near him. Then, he

understood that this young man really didn't intend to wreak havoc in

here, so he brought him to the King's Audience Chamber with an ease


After about 15 minutes walking, they finally reached a big chamber, with

the king was sitting on his throne. Igaram bowed towards the king, but

didn't asked for Narmi to bowed, as he knew that it was useless.

Some of the members in the audience chamber felt that the young man

attitude was rude, so one of them quickly shouted towards him.


Narmi hearing the shout just smirked lightly. He released his aura with

full momentum, while lightly said.


All the people present in the audience chamber, broke in cold sweat with

the release of his aura. They didn't thought this frail-looking, thin-build

young man would have such a ferocious and domineering aura. The king,

Nefertari Cobra just smiled with his action.

Seeing that he had intimidated the people enough, Narmi retracted back

his aura. He then proceed to gave his proposition towards Cobra, with

full confidence that he would accept it.

"King Cobra, I am Narmi Amsi, Captain of Grand King Pirates. I came

here in hope that you will accept negotiation with me. My term was that

I would settle the culprit of drought problem that plaguing Alabasta and

in exchange you would let us see the poneglyph."

"Hmm? Isn't the drought was a natural one? How come you said you

would settle the culprit?" Cobra curiously asked

"This drought was not a natural one. It was a man-made using Dance


"Dance Powder?!" all of the people exclaimed in shocked.

"I take it you all know about Dance Powder. Well yes it is, this was

caused by it. Apparently, the culprit want something in Alabasta, thus he

did this so he could frame you and made the civilians to rebel against


Cobra was stunned when he heard Narmi's word as he didn't expect it

was a man-made drought. Not only that, it was caused by Dance Powder.

Cobra thought that if it was this young man, he probably could help him

find the culprit. Thus, he raised himself from the throne and said.

"Please, I'm asking for your help in catching this individual. I'm willing to

give in to what you want."

Corba then want to bowed himself before Narmi. Narmi saw that he want

to bowed, swiftly made his way to stopped him. Cobra was shocked when

Narmi stopped him from bowing.

"A king should never bowed himself in the presence of his subjects,

unless the target for the bow was a worthy one. This was a king's pride.

This is a negotiation between us two, King of the World and King of


Cobra felt the majestic of the young man in front of him when he said

that. He felt moved by his words and quickly held out his hand for a


"Then I guess we could only do a handshake. I'm counting on you, King of

the World."

"Yeah, we could. Don't worry, the culprit will soon be in my care."

"How are you felt very confidence that you could catch the culprit? And

why did you really want to catch him?"

"Well, right now one of my men was searching for the culprit's

whereabouts. I'm waiting for his call. As for why, first it was to make it as

a negotiation chips for the poneglyph, as my lover want to read it.

Another reason, the culprit dared planning on to catch my lover. And for

that, I can't forgive him."

Narmi said with his aura slightly leaking. Cobra truly felt that he was

glad this young man were to side with them. If they were to face him, he

was sure Alabasta would cease to exist.

Suddenly, a ringing sound could be heard from the inside of Narmi's

overcoat. Narmi proceed to pick it up.

"Narmi, I got information about Baroque Works. Their base was in

Rainbase, more specifically, Rain Dinners. Also, there were a large group

of people searching for Nico Robin right now. Want me to tell them their


Obviously, Narmi knew their location, but he just want the source of

information to be reliable, so he just asked Law to find the informations.

"Yeah" Narmi replied in a cold tone.

"Alright." Law replied, knowing that the large group of people had

offended someone they shouldn't offended. He proceed to tell Narmi all

of their location and cut off his contact when Narmi told him to went

towards the direction of Rainbase and wait for the others.

Narmi who just got the information, turned his head towards Robin and

the others and ordered them.

"Robin, Nami and Henry. Go towards Law's location. If anyone blocked

your path, just killed them. Their target is you Robin. Well, you guys are

now on par with the Yonko so nothing bad could had happened. Wait for

me there. I'm going to rampaged around for a bit. Dared to try catching

my lover. Their rewards should be death."

Narmi then walked away from Alubarna Palace alone, while Robin and

the others went towards Law's locations. Cobra just watched their

silhouettes slowly became smaller before they were gone.

"I pray for you guys to successfully caught the culprit." Cobra sincerely

said that while a smile was plastered on his face



Hey guys. Thanks for reading my novel. My Anatomy examinations

would be in two days. So, maybe the chapters would be updated later.

I'm not sure as of yet if I could make it. So, just hope that I could, if

not the chapters would just be updated late only

Chapter 35: Heading to Rainbase


In the region of Alubarna, there were some places that had traces of

destruction. These places had similarities in which it were filled with

charred corpses and big holes. Not only that, it seems that a scene of

massacre had unfolded in all of these places.

Naturally, the culprit of this was Narmi, which right now nonchalantly

heading towards the direction of Rainbase, to rendezvous with his crew

members. Albeit he had just massacre the subordinates of Baroque

Works, there were not a sweat can be seen on him.

This was obviously to him just releasing some steam on the small fry. His

main target right now were currently taking his time at their base in

Rainbase. He felt that he need to teach some lessons for Crocodile that he

shouldn't be conceited with his abilities and title as a Shichibukai.

After about an hour, he finally arrived at the rendezvous point of his

crew members. They were just chatting among themselves, devoid of any

tense expressions on them. As a matter of course, they had reached the

level that was on par with Yonko, so this matter was just a small piece of


"Yoo… Sorry for being late. Is there any problems that you guys

encounter on your way here?"

"Well as for me, I just use my abilities to scramble their bodies part so it

wasn't anything." Law replied. Boring was written all over his face.

"As for us, there were many of them that tried to capture Big Sis Robin

when they noticed we were passing through. But as you know, these guys

wasn't worth the time so we just knocked them out cold. How about you,

Big Bro?" Nami replied with energetic tone.

"Well, I got to teach lessons on those small fries thinking they can catch

Robin. Well not that they would mind the lessons as they were dead by

now. Ohh the guys that you guys knocked out, I also took their life. So,

any informations Law?" Narmi said with indifference. To him, killing

them was just cleaning the world from the existence of these nasty


"Hmm.. With my method, I got that their leader was a Shichibukai,

'Desert King' Sir Crocodile. He was a Logia user, Suna Suna No Mi. He

was famous for his cruel personality, for example he killed his

subordinates that had failed the mission he gave to them."

"Hmm Crocodile. Well, I guess his power only as a Shichibukai, not even

worth of you guys that had been strengthen to Yonko level. Capturing

him would be easy. Nevertheless, tread carefully as we don't know if he

had set a trap for us. Although we are strong, but we are not immortal.

Not yet as of now"

Robin and the others just nodded their head. They knew what Narmi said

was true. Strong doesn't put them as an immortal. If their enemy

probably put out deadly poison, then they could be dead.

"So what's the plan? Did we just charge into his base?" Law asked.

"I guess we just charge in. Based on your info, I guess he wouldn't cared

much about his subordinate's death, if he was that cruel. So hoping that

he will came out was out of the options. Besides, I want to settle this

quickly so Robin can read the poneglyph."

Robin just smiled gently with Narmi's statement that he want to settle

this quick just so that she can read the poneglyph. This reason was really

like him. After that, with Narmi on the lead, they quickly rushed towards



Rain Dinners.

"Sir Crocodile, all of our subordinates that had been stationed in

Alubarna had been killed. The one who had killed them was rushing

towards here."

Crocodile's face was full of indifference when he heard the report. For

him, these guys that had died, was just couldn't made the cut in this line

of works.

"Useless idiots. It was good they were dead, I didn't need a bunch of

useless guys under my lead. And I guess you who was leading them,

should just follow them along."

Crocodile then held out his right hand and reached for the subordinate's

neck. The subordinate's eyes was wide in shock when Crocodile said he

want to kill him. He tried to run away, but Crocodile could reach him

before that. Fallen into despair, he heard Crocodile's mouth muttered


"Desert Encierro"

It turns out, he just muttered the attack name. The subordinate's body

slowly starts to wither until the liquid in his body got absorbed, leaving

him in a seemingly flesh-less state. After absorbing all the liquids,

Crocodile just threw the subordinate's body to the side.

Crocodile then reached for his Den Den Mushi, and contacted someone

on the line.

"Daz Bonez, a group of troublemaker were heading this way. I task you

with stopping and killing them. Bring Zala along with you. Also, in this

group of people there were Nico Robin. I want her alive."

"Alright sir Crocodile. Is there anything else you wanted to tasked me


"After you beat that group, go and recruit some more people into Baroque

Works. We are right now in shortage of men."

"As you wish."

Crocodile then cut off the call and sit on his seat back. He continue on

relaxing, as he was confident that Daz Bonez would complete what he

tasked him with.


3 hours later.

Five silhouette were seen gradually nearing Rainbase in a swift motion.

Obviously, these five people were Narmi and his crew members. They

had rushed straight towards this place without stopping.

"Finally, we had reached Rainbase, right now we would just need to find

the base and wreak havoc there. Now now, where are you Crocodile?"

"His base were in Rain Dinners. This place was a casino that act as a front

for his base. So if we find this place, we would find him." Law replied


Narmi just dropped his head down when he heard that. He didn't expect

Law to just said that with a straight face. He knew that his base was in

Rain Dinners, and the question was just his mumbling.

Suddenly, a shout can be heard from afar. The loud shout contain the

tone of confident which caused the group to turned their heads towards

the direction of shout.



When they turned there, a tall man and a slender woman was seen

standing besides each other.



Hey guys. I'm thinking about making one chapter per day as right now

I'm very busy. Due to this, I didn't have much time to wrote the novel,

which led me to the conclusion on making one chapter per day.

Anyway, thank you for supporting my novel

Chapter 36: Heading to Rainbase




When they turned there, a tall man and a slender woman was seen

standing besides each other. The man had tanned skin, with a muscular

build and shaven head. An archaic Japanese symbol of number 1 was

tattooed on his torso. While the young woman had a pale skin, with a

curvaceous figure and dark curly hair.

Naturally, both of them was Daz Bones and Zala, also known with their

codename as Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger. As everyone had known, both

of them were task to stop the group led by Narmi.

Narmi when he saw the two of them, just display a look of indifference,

as he knew both of them were not strong to faced his team. So he just

ordered Law to fight with them as he didn't intend to use his nullification

abilities. This way his crew members can fight to their full abilities.

Law just nodded his head when Narmi ordered. He quickly unsheathed

his sword and covered it with Armament Haki. A pitch black colour can

be seen coated on his sword.

Daz Bones and Zala just look at Law smugly. They thought that by Narmi

sending only one person to fight them, it was actually suicide. Little did

they know, they were about to get wrecked by Law.

Narmi and the others, find a spot to watch the battle and sit there. They

didn't show any worried expression on Law's fight. This caused the

usually calm pair to felt bewildered as they didn't know what kind of

trick that they had under their sleeves.

"Oi kid.. You are only committing suicide by fighting both of us alone. Do

you think you can contend against us?" Daz Bones asked

"Indeed. Although I would like to play with you, but it wasn't good for

only you to fight with us. I want another victim." Zala added

"Fighting both of you at the same time? No thanks. Me alone was enough

to kill both of you. Come and attack me." Law said mockingly.

Daz Bones heard the mocking tone of Law, felt that he need to teach him

a lesson on what happened when he underestimated him. He was the best

fighter after Crocodile, so he naturally had his pride on that.

Daz then rushed towards Law, turning the underside of his fingers into

blade and slashed towards Law, while Zala just turned her fingers into

long spikes and slashed towards Law. Their combination attack seems

were very well coordinated.

Unfortunately, their opponent was Law, who just block their attack

effortlessly. His Haki-imbued sword had block Daz's attack, while his

Haki-imbued sheath block Zala's attack. Due to his awakening of Ope Ope

No Mi, he didn't need any gesture to use his abilities. With a muttering,

he activated ROOM, and then continued with a very lethal attack.

"Jinkaku Ishoku Shujutsu"

Then suddenly, Daz and Zala's personality had been changed. Their devil

fruit abilities also couldn't been activated. At first they didn't noticed

what happen, but then they realised that they wasn't in their own bodies.

Narmi at the side just guffawed loudly with the sudden change in

personality of both of them. He then raised a thumbs up to Law, with a

wide grin when he did that.

Law just shrugged his shoulder as this kind of people wasn't his match at

all. With their devil fruit abilities gone, their combat effectiveness also

gone. Although they maybe could fight with only pure physical, Law

wasn't their opponent at all.

Narmi then stood up and went towards the pair. He had his intentions on

coming towards them which is he want to extract devil fruits out of their

bodies. After about an hour extracting, two devil fruits appeared on his

hand. He just stored them in his system inventory.

"Law, return their personality back to their bodies, but then scramble

their body parts as of now. We don't want them to run away after all."

Law followed his order and did what he asked. Although both of them

had returned to their bodies, they couldn't control it as some of their

body parts had been changed. Narmi just stand there and looked on


"Next time, do your research on your enemies. Lack of information

caused you guys to be in this state. Well, not that you guys could used

what I said, after all you guys were in this state."

"What are you guys planning? Did you think sir Crocodile would take this

lying down? He would definitely kill all of you except for that young


"Ohh is he? If he can give me the fight that I want then I would be glad.

Well if he can but I think he can't. You see, I am his downfall. His fate

was sealed ever since he planned to capture my girlfriend, Nico Robin.

Ohh before I forget…."

Narmi then searched for Daz Bones' Den Den Mushi. After finding it, he

turned his head towards him and said.

"Thank you for this also. Goodbye, I wouldn't want you to be my future

problems so you guys need to be dead."

Without hesitation, Narmi used fire and lightning attack to burned them

until they turned charred corpse. The crew members just watched him, as

they knew about his attitude. If one were to fight him in an honorable

way, he would reply it in the same way. But should you intend to harm

his family and friends, he would turn into a ruthless man.

After he had done what he wanted to, he used Daz's Den Den Mushi and

called for Crocodile.

"Hello Daz, had you caught Nico Robin? If you had caught her, brought

her to our base."

A silence was heard on Narmi's side, which Crocodile expected to be Daz


"Daz? Why are you calling me when you don't said anything?! Don't

waste my time!" Crocodile shouted.

"Crocodile, my condolences, your subordinate had been killed by me and

my crew members. You should just be obedient and stay where you are.

We are coming to get you. Your fate had been sealed when you said you

want to capture my girlfriend." Narmi said coldly.

Narmi then cut the call and continued to lead the others towards Rain

Dinners. Crocodile, on the other hand, had a slight panicked face as he

didn't expect his best subordinates could get done in. He then regained

his calm composure and planned to trap their group with seastone,

intending to seal their devil fruit abilities.



Hey guys. Sorry for the late chapter. And I apologize if this chapter

wasn't good enough as I wrote it in a hurry. But please do enjoy it.

I'm planning to made a chapter per day after this but I didn't know to

start it when. Maybe after they had done in Alabasta, then I would

start a chapter per day.

Anyway, thank you for supporting my novel.

Chapter 37: Playing With

Crocodile 1

After rushing towards Rain Dinners, Narmi and the others finally had

arrived at the front of it. The largest building in Rainbase, taking the

shape of pyramid with a statue of golden crocodile on the top of it.

This place was famous as a casino, restaurant and resort. Of course, these

was merely just a front. The real reason behind these Rain Dinners's

existence was it was the secret base for Crocodile and his Baroque Works

located underground.

After arriving, they quickly made way into Rain Dinners to face

Crocodile. On the other side, Crocodile was waiting for them with a trap

ready for them. He thought that his seastone trap, would definitely rob

them of their devil fruit abilities.

After a few minutes, he noticed a group of five coming towards him. The

leader of the group was a thin-build looking young man. But still

Crocodile could felt an intense pressure that were released from him,

more intense than Yonko that he had faced before.

Moreover, the others in his group also had powerful pressure that was on

par with the Yonko. He couldn't help but be bewildered with this group.

He didn't expect they were this strong. It explained why they could defeat

Daz Bones and Zala.

And so, without hesitation, he deployed his trap on them. He thought by

deploying a cage that was made by seastones, could help drain their

energy and thus making them unable to use devil fruit abilities.

Narmi and the others, on the other hand, just watch the trap been

deployed towards them. Not a single distressed expression could be seen.

It was as if they had expected this.

Narmi thought that although he expect that he would use trap, but he

also wouldn't expect it was the same as when he use it to trap Luffy and

the others. Narmi just sighed in exhaustion with Crocodile's display. And

herr he was hoping it was the more extravagant way of trapping them.

Crocodile thought with Narmi sighing, it means that his well-planned

trap was a success. Naturally, this led him to guffawed loudly, mocking

Narmi and the others. But he didn't noticed that all of them didn't have

any panicked expression, but instead an expression of pure puzzlement

was surfacing.

"Kuhahahaha. You guys are naive. Coming here and gotten trapped by

me. It seems that now you couldn't do anything."

Narmi and the others just looked among themselves. They had the same

thought within which is 'Was this man crazy? Didn't he noticed we aren't

panicked at all?'.

But then, they thought that they would just play along with him.

"Ohh no! What is this?!" Nami started acting, putting a distressed face.

"Kuhahaha. This is a cage made with seastone. With this, you guys won't

be able to use your devil fruit."

"Ohh no! It was true. I'm feeling my power being sapped away by this

cage. Release us right now!" Nami continued with her acting.

Narmi and the others just put a shocked expression with her acting. This

little girl Nami, she got a top-notch acting abilities. Even the Crocodile

was following her along, not noticing her acting. If watched by the

sideline, it was almost seems as they had been scripted.

"Kuhahaha. Are you an idiot? You want me to release you? Not in a

chance. Hand me Nico Robin, and I will grant you guys a quick death."

"No way, Big Sis Nico Robin was our precious member. You can't take her


"I'm going to take her away by force if I have to. Remember! You guys

are in my trap right now! Do what I order you guys."

"No. Even if I were to embrace death, I would not hand her to you.

Release us right this instant!"

Irritated, Crocodile quickly used his power to make the girl in front of

him suffer. Sands started to rise from his feet and shot towards Nami. He

didn't intend to had a talk anymore. Nami, just stand there, also using her

devil fruit abilities to cover her whole body with winds.

When the sands reached her, the winds helped to dispersed it. Naturally,

this caused Crocodile to felt bewildered, as she can use her abilities well

even when she was trapped in a seastone cage. He tried to attack her

again, only to saw that his attack was dispersed again.

Only after the third attack did he finally felt something was off. He just

noticed there wasn't any panicked expression on their face, instead their

face were very calm. It was as if they wasn't affected at all. Even the girl

that he tried to attack had a playful look on her face.

This caused him started to lose his composure as he didn't know what did

his opponents had under their sleeves. But then, he remembered that

they was inside the cage and felt relieved. He regain his composure and

smugly looking at them.

"Hey, it seems you guys weren't affected with the cage. But, you guys still

can't do anything. The key for the cage was with me. Kuhahahaha."

Crocodile said while showed to them the key.

Narmi couldn't stand Crocodile standing there looking smugly anymore

and he bought Jiku Jiku No Mi (Space-Time Space-Time Fruit) from the

system. It was a Paramecia-type that could gave the user the ability to

manipulate space and time.

He then proceed to teleport all five of them outside the cage and quickly

made his way towards Crocodile. Stunned by Narmi sudden use of his

abilities, he couldn't made a move at all.

Narmi then released a Haki-coated punch onto Crocodile. This time,

Crocodile's abilities that he was proud of couldn't help him as he

helplessly got sent flying by Narmi's punch. He knew now that he was

screwed with this guy that could caused his abilities to be rendered


Narmi then went beside Crocodile and crouched while looking down on


"Actually, I was planning to take time on watching Nami acting with you.

But then, I couldn't help but get pissed when you look smugly from

outside the cage, stating that we are hopeless and sitting duck inside the

cage. So, I had the sudden urge to beat you up."

The injured Crocodile spurted out blood when he heard that. This man

felt pissed with his statement, proceed to get out from the cage and want

to beat him up.

"Now then. Shall we continue playing? I had all the time to play with

you. Also, as a reminder, you being a Shichibukai, wouldn't save you out

of this predicament at all."

Narmi said while his face grinned evilly. The 'Devil King' want to play

with his victim.


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 17 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 50(23500/24500)


-Strength: 2010

- Agility: 2010

- Stamina: 2010

-Intelligence: 2010

- Perception: 2010

- Willpower: 2010

- Luck: 2010

Bonus Point: 8600

Trade Point: 2071000

Unclaimed Reward: None

Money: 400 Million Berry

Bounty: 400 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Shizen Shizen No Mi(Awakened)

-Kemono Kemono No Mi, Model: Four Divine Beasts(Awakened)

-Bari Bari No Mi

-Jiku Jiku No Mi


-Observation Haki ( Master Level)

-Armament Haki ( Master Level)

-Conqueror's Haki ( Master Level)



Hey guys. Not long before Alabasta will be done and I will start update

a chapter per day. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Thank you for supporting my novels and do vote for me

Chapter 38: Playing With

Crocodile 2

"Now then. Shall we continue playing? I had all the time to play with

you. Also, as a reminder, you being a Shichibukai, wouldn't save you out

of this predicament at all."

Narmi said while his face grinned evilly. Crocodile finally felt the terror

contain in his grin. He then proceed to use his devil fruit abilities again.

He thought with this close range, he could at least made Narmi to suffer

some injuries.

Unfortunately for him, Narmi had long activated his Nullification Domain

targeted for him. His abilities couldn't be activated at all. Narmi just

watching Crocodile made a futile attempt.

Then, he proceed to attack Crocodile with sand also. Crocodile was

shocked silly, seeing Narmi also can control sand. Narmi control the sand

and made a giant hand, then thrust it onto Crocodile sending him flying


"How can you control sand?! I am the devil fruit user of sand! It wasn't

possible for there to be exist two devil fruits at the same time!" Crocodile

asked while stating about the fact of this world.

"Huh? Well it wasn't possible, originally. But I am the variable that what

made the impossible, possible. Isn't this proof enough to show you that it

was true?" Narmi replied coldly.

Indeed, what he had showed proved his claim. Crocodile could only

accept the truth that was shoved in front of him in despair. He always

thought that with this Suna Suna No Mi power, he was strong. Many

people want to be his underlings.

But the presence of Narmi had crushed his pride. Setting in despair,

Crocodile just slumped his shoulder and just wait for Narmi to attacked

him. Narmi seeing Crocodile had lost his fighting spirit, felt irritated.

Initially, he thought that Crocodile will continue to fight with him, so he

planned to play along. But, with Crocodile being like this, he had lost all

his mood to play. Indeed, if he want to have a fight, maybe he should just

went to fight with Yonko or Marines. At least they would have some

intention to retaliate even if their death was imminent. This small fries

after this he would just asked Law and the others to settle them.

Narmi went towards Crocodile, held him by his neck and raised him. He

then proceed to extract the Suna Suna No Mi from his body. Crocodile,

the target of extraction, felt that his devil fruit abilities was losing its

power within him, started to struggle.

"It was too late for you to struggle right now. If only you struggled a bit

instead of wallowing in despair before this, perhaps I would fight with

you for a longer time. Just obediently stay still." Narmi said.

After about 30 minutes of extraction, finally a devil fruit had appeared on

his hand. Like always, he just kept it in his inventory, intending to

safekeep it until he met a worthy people that would join his crew.

Crocodile, who had just got extracted, was lying down on the floor with

exhaustion written all over his face. Apparently, extracting the devil fruit

had drain his energy as well.

Narmi, seeing that it was a waste that he left this place undisturbed, start

to search for valuables and looted it. He also asked Robin, Law, Nami and

Henry to search for it. And after about 4 hours of searching and looting,

the place had been finally swept clean.

Seeing that they had indeed looted all of it, he asked for Henry to bring

Crocodile with him. Narmi then proceed to teleport all of them not far

away from Alubarna. He didn't want to teleport directly inside Alubarna

as he didn't want for the Marines to get ahold of new informations on his

new Devil Fruit power.

With a relaxed pace, they started walking towards Alubarna Palace to

hand in Crocodile and claimed their reward of reading the poneglyph.


G-2 Marine Base

All of the Vice Admirals was seen sitting around a table, discussing on

their motions to catch Grand King Pirates. The discussions proceeding

smoothly until Comil's secretary knocked the door and enter the room in

a hurry.

"Vice Admiral Comil sir, we got informations that Narmi Amsi and his

crew had successfully defeated Shichibukai Sir Crocodile. He was seen

with his crew on their way to the Alubarna Palace with Crocodile on a

shoulder of his crew member."

"What?! He defeated a Shichibukai?! But why did he brought Crocodile

towards Alubarna Palace?" Onigumo exclaimed instead of Comil.

"Our intels that we received stated that Alabasta right now were facing

an extreme drought. It was caused by the use of Dance Powder and

Crocodile was the one responsible for it. Apparently, he used it so that

there would be a rebellion on Alabasta, which would ease him to usurp

the Alabasta's rule."

"Despicable! How dare a Shichibukai try to cite a rebellion on a country

affiliated with World Government. Good work. I would report this to

Fleet Admiral. You may go now." Comil said.

"Thank you sir."

Right there and then, Comil quickly made a call to Marine Headquarters

to inform Fleet Admiral Sengoku. After it was connected, he told him

everything that was reported to him.

"This Shichibukai system had caused these pirates dare to did this. Thank

you for the report. I will bring the proposal on removal of Crocodile from

Shichibukai towards the World Government. I had said this to them that

this system shouldn't be established at all."

"Yes sir. I agree with what you said. Due to this system that these pirates

dare to act like this. We should just abolished it."

"Well, this was the World Government's idea. We could only followed

what they ordered us to do. Anyways, keep up the hard work. Tell

Dalmatian and Onigumo to keep their guard up. Don't slack off even if

they were tasked to catch Narmi Amsi. It seems that he was getting

stronger by the day and I'm afraid that a slight lack of concentration

would cost us greatly."

"Yes sir, I would pass them your message. Thank you sir."


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 17 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 50(23500/24500)


-Strength: 2010

- Agility: 2010

- Stamina: 2010

-Intelligence: 2010

- Perception: 2010

- Willpower: 2010

- Luck: 2010

Bonus Point: 8600

Trade Point: 2071000

Unclaimed Reward: None

Money: 2 Billion Berry

Bounty: 400 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Shizen Shizen No Mi(Awakened)

-Kemono Kemono No Mi, Model: Four Divine Beasts(Awakened)

-Bari Bari No Mi

-Jiku Jiku No Mi


-Observation Haki ( Master Level)

-Armament Haki ( Master Level)

-Conqueror's Haki ( Master Level)



Hey guys, I'm sorry for the late chapter. I was busy with my

examination so hope you guys understand. I couldn't focus on writing

at all for now.

Chapter 39: The Alabasta

Poneglyph 1

Alubarna Palace

In front of a man sitting on a throne, a tall man with a noticeable scar on

the bridge of his nose was seen kneeling. As everyone might know, this

man was Crocodile.

"So King Cobra, here I had helped you caught the culprit of the drought

in Alabasta. Don't worry, right now he was just a man without any power


"Shichibukai Crocodile?! Shouldn't you work together with the World

Government?! Why are you doing this?!" Cobra was shocked silly when

he know Crocodile was the one responsible on the drought.

"It was a useless attempt asking him. He didn't have the energy to answer

it. Well, I will answer in his stead. He planned this so that the civilians of

Alabasta would start a rebellion against you. Then, he will used the

rebellions as a chance to usurp the position of Alabasta Ruler. Another

target of his was the poneglyph that was being kept inside of the Palace"

Again, Cobra was shocked with the revelations that were made by Narmi.

Never could he expect all this drought was only a means for Crocodile to

get the poneglyph.

Suddenly, tears started to fall down on Cobra's cheeks. He felt greatly

hurt because of this revelations. His civilians suffered so much from this,

and he couldn't help but thought that he was a failure as a King to his


Narmi knew what Cobra were thinking, so he said.

"Wipe your tears, King Cobra. All of this wasn't your fault. You weren't a

failure of a king. Instead, you were an honorable king. You didn't hesitate

to jump on the chance that I had presented, only because you thought of

the citizens that reside in Alabasta. For this, you are worthy of my bow."

Narmi bowed slightly. Nevertheless, it could still can be count as a bow.

Cobra, the receiver of the bow, just smiled and stood proudly when

Narmi said that. This was because Narmi's action and statement before

this which said that he didn't bow to anyone.

"Thank you, Narmi Amsi. Well, you had done the part of your deal.

Follow me, I will lead you towards the room in which the poneglyph

were being stored. But before that…."

Cobra said before turning his heads towards the guards and ordered.

"Guards! Arrest this man and put him into the prison. We will hand him

to the Marines after this. Do not attempt to call the Marines right. This

gentleman here was the saviour of Alabasta. We would give him the

hospitality he needed for as long as he stay here."

Then, he signalled for Narmi and the others to follow him, before he

started to walked away. All of them quickly walked following the pace of


While walking, Cobra and Narmi had a little chat among themselves.

They talked about their backgrounds in which Narmi lied about his. He

couldn't said that he was from another world. He just stated that he was

from Foosha Village.

"King Cobra, don't you have family?"

"Yeah, I have only my daughter that were living with me right now. My

wife had long been gone when my daughter were still young."

"It must be painful for you, when you lose your wife. So, where is your

daughter? I haven't seen her yet."

"Haha right now she was with her maid in her room. I usually gave her

freedom on what she want to do. And so, how about your family?"

"My family I guess I only have an old man at Foosha Village. As of my

wife, although we were not married yet, this girl here with black hair,

she would be considered as my wife. Nico Robin was her name. While the

others in my crew, all of them I considered as my family."

"That girl with orange hair was called Nami. The man with sword in his

hands, he was name Trafalgar Law. While the large-build man, he was

our cook, Henry Rock."

Narmi introduce Nico Robin and the others towards Cobra. Cobra bowed

slightly towards them because as of now, there were no one around, and

also all of them was Narmi's family and crew member. Naturally, he

acted respectfully towards them.

After walking for a while, finally they reached at the Tomb of The Kings.

Cobra then head towards a statue of Sea Cat and proceed to turned it.

And when he done so, suddenly one part of the ground was lifted and

revealed a staircase leading underground.

"We kept the poneglyph underground to protect it as that was the duty

passed down over generations."

"Though, I might add it wasn't to protect it King Cobra, rather it was

World Government's intention of hiding it. Poneglyph was pretty much

indestructible. It actually didn't need for any protection." Narmi stated

the fact about poneglyph.

Cobra was stunned when he just got a new information on the

poneglyph. Before this, he didn't have any information on poneglyph, and

he thought it was their duty to protect it.

"Don't worry over the small details, King Cobra. Let's just continue

walking towards the poneglyph. Please lead the way."

Not long after they started following the staircase to the underground,

finally they reached a big door that was the entrance to the Alabasta

Poneglyph Chamber.

"This here was the Alabasta Poneglyph Chamber. You can copy any

contents in it. It was our promise after all. If you need anything, I would

try to help, but if you need me to read it, I admit that I also didn't know

anything about it."

"It's alright. We got our expert here after all. You can just wait for a

while. It wouldn't take a long time."

Then, Narmi and the others started to copy the contents of poneglyph,

while Robin decipher the contents of it.



Hey guys, sorry for the late chapter. Hope you guys enjoy the novel

Chapter 40: The Alabasta

Poneglyph 2

"So, Robin, what is the content of the poneglyph? Is it about Void

Century?" Narmi asked although he knew the content generally.

"Hmm… It stated about the location of Pluton, one of the the three

Ancient Weapons." Said Robin while having a disappointed face.

"Why are you looking so disappointed? Is it because of the Pluton?" he


"Yeah. My purpose was to uncover the history of Void Century. But

instead, I just uncover the location of Pluton. If it was revealed, this

would lead to other pirates to search for it, causing havoc in the world."

"Then, isn't the solution was easy then? King Cobra!"

Narmi turned his head towards King Cobra and called him. Naturally, he

want to asked if he could take this poneglyph, with a reason that King

Cobra would accept it.

"Yes Narmi. Is there anything that I can help?"

"It was this. This poneglyph's content was about the location of Pluton,

one of the three Ancient Weapons. I want to asked if I could take this

poneglyph with me."

Cobra then hesitated a bit. He thought that this was his predecessor that

had protect it, so if he were to gave it, didn't it look like he didn't want to

protect it. But still, he asked for the reasons.

"Why did you want it? This was like a keepsake of our country."

"I actually didn't want to take it, but because of the content it made me

want to take it. Think about it, were the contents got revealed, wouldn't

many pirates would come and raze Alabasta, only to know the content of

it. The time right now was an Era of Pirates. Although, I admit I am a

pirate, but my goal was different from them. And I don't want this

innocent civilians to become the sacrifice only for the content of the


Hearing the reasons that Narmi laid, Cobra of course had a look of

understanding. As a ruler, he want his civilians to live in a comfortable

life, free from any threat of the pirates. Seeing as the poneglyph's

existence could be a threat, he contemplated about it.

After a few minutes of contemplating, Cobra look towards Narmi and

gave his approval.

"Fine then. You can take it. Although it was my duty to protect it, but my

citizens were more important. Should this poneglyph being a threat, it

was an obvious act to dispose of it."

"Thank you then. I will accept it. Also, as an exchange, whenever you

need help, you can call for me. You must have a Den Den Mushi, so you

just need to know my contact. I will come immediately should anything

to happen."

"It's a deal then. I will do so."

After gotten the approval, Narmi touch the poneglyph, and keep it inside

his inventory. The sudden disappearance of the poneglyph did made

Cobra alerted, but relaxed when he knew it was Narmi's ability.

After that, all of them return to the Palace to have a rest. On their way

back, Narmi offered to help Cobra to return the nature of Alabasta to

normal, so that it won't affect the citizens. His suggestion was

immediately gotten Cobra's approval.

Then, he went outside of the palace and used his devil fruit abilities to

set the nature back on its track. Cobra didn't noticed anything that had

changes, but Narmi stated that they should wait for a few days before the

changes could be seen.

[Hidden Quest: Solving Alabasta's Crisis Completed!]

[The Quest Divided To A Few Parts:

-Capturing the Culprit (Crocodile)

-Reward: EXP +60000

-Safekeeping the Poneglyph

-Reward: Bonus Points +500

-Returning the Nature of Alabasta

-Reward: Trade Points +300000

Extra Reward: Marine's Rokushiki]

[Congratulations you have leveled up. You are now level 51. All Stats


[Congratulations you have leveled up. You are now level 52. All Stats


Narmi was surprised by the sudden notification of Hidden Quest and

Level Up. It had been long that he didn't had completed any Hidden


'The rewards are still as satisfying as ever it seems. Although, the extra

rewards of Marine's Rokushiki was not to my satisfaction indeed. But

well, it was System's reward so I would accept it with much gratitude.

Thank you'

Then, Cobra asked his servants to helped assigned rooms for them, so

that they could have a good rest after helping Alabasta avoiding a crisis.

Narmi just followed before he went into the room he was assigned with

in a swift manner due to he wanted to sort out his status.


Inside on of the room in Alubarna Palace

A slender young girl with long wavy blue hair was seen with her maid

spending their time together. After a while, she asked to her maid about

their guests.

"Dear maid, who were our guests for the day? Why did they were given

the permission to reside inside the palace?"

"Princess Vivi, They were the savior of our Alabasta. They helped catch

the culprit that cause the drought. Although, I heard that they were

pirates but His Majesty was all respectful towards them." the maid


"Dear father did? Indeed, I am now curious to find out about them. May I

know their leader's room? I want to pay a visit." Vivi said while on her

face there were a slight mischievous grin.

"Princess, it would be better if you didn't went even near to them. I heard

pirates are notorious people. Although they didn't do anything towards

us, I'm afraid they would do anything towards you if you were to disturb


"Don't worry. If anything to happen, I could escape quickly. So just tell

me the location of their leader's room."

Giving up to Vivi's request, the maid gave the information about their

room location. Vivi, having acquired the information, swiftly made way

towards Narmi's room.

Arriving in front of Narmi's room, she tried to peek inside by slightly

opening the door. But before she could do that, the door was suddenly

flung open by Narmi himself. He stared hardly towards Vivi.

"Kid, what are you doing snooping around here? Don't you have any

manners to knock the door?"

Vivi, apparently embarrassed when her action were found out, quickly

apologized and introduced herself.

"I'm sorry. I was just curious after all about you guys. So, I went to check

on you guys. By the way, my name is Nefertari Vivi. The only daughter of

Nefertari Cobra, the King of Alabasta."

Narmi obviously knew who she was, but still feigning ignorance. He

made a slight surprised face with her introduction. Naturally, he followed

up her introduction.

"Ohh I'm sorry for not knowing you, Princess. So, you want to know

about us huh. Then, follow me. I will bring you to my wife."

Narmi then lead her towards Robin's room. He actually wanted to find

Vivi himself, but she were the one finding them. For Narmi, he wanted to

set Alabasta as one of his place of protection, so he intended to train Vivi

to become the protector of Alabasta by giving her devil fruit.

Vivi, oblivious to Narmi's plan, just followed him along.


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 17 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 52(8500/25500)


- Strength: 2030

- Agility: 2030

- Stamina: 2030

- Intelligence: 2030

- Perception: 2030

- Willpower: 2030

- Luck: 2030

Bonus Point: 9100

Trade Point: 2371000

Unclaimed Reward: None

Money: 2 Billion Berry

Bounty: 400 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Shizen Shizen No Mi(Awakened)

-Kemono Kemono No Mi, Model: Four Divine Beasts(Awakened)

-Bari Bari No Mi

-Jiku Jiku No Mi

Marine Rokushiki

-Soru (Novice Level)

-Geppo (Novice Level)

-Tekkai (Novice Level)

-Rankyaku (Novice Level)

-Shigan (Novice Level)

-Kami-e (Novice Level)


-Observation Haki ( Master Level)

-Armament Haki ( Master Level)

-Conqueror's Haki ( Master Level)



Hey guys sorry for the late chapter

Chapter 41: Training Nefertari

Vivi 1

In the hallway of Alubarna Palace

Sound of footsteps reverberated in the hallway that originated from a

young man and a young girl. As a matter of fact, both of them are Narmi

and Vivi. Due to Vivi's curiosity about them, Narmi was leading her to

Robin's room.

His purpose was to let Vivi became close with them, so that he could use

their relationship to trained her. This would be aligned with his main

aim, which is to put Alabasta under his crew's protection. On their way to

Robin, Narmi fell deep in thought on how he can persuade her to become


Meanwhile, Vivi that was on his tow, was feeling weird in her heart.

'Why did I follow him as if it was natural? It was like I were not thinking.

We just met and was still stranger to each other. What would happened if

he did something to me? I'm afraid I cannot do anything at that time.'

Deep inside her heart, she felt regret not following her maid's advice.

Although she was in the Palace, it was like this Palace wasn't under her

territory anymore. Even her father was respectful to this man, which

mean he is strong. She tried to calmed herself down and pray that

nothing will happened.

Not long after, they had reached in front of Robin's room. Narmi knocked

the door, and telling her that it was him who came by. Then, the door

opened, revealing a beauty that was residing inside the room.

Narmi then turned his head to his back, and said towards Vivi "Stay here

for a while. I'm going to say something with her."

Narmi then walked into the room leaving Vivi standing at the entrance.

"Hye Narmi dear, why did you came here? Do you miss me?" Robin asked

with a wink.

"Hey love. Indeed, I miss you haha. But for now I brought some official

business. This blue-haired girl here said she was curious about our crew,

so I brought her here, thinking maybe that you could bond with her. You

see I got some plan to do with her." He replied back while winked back

to her.

Robin just chuckled lightly with his action. This occurrence had become

a normal part of their life.

"What was your plan?"

"I intend to put Alabasta under our protection. But, I need someone to be

here. I don't want to put either Law, Henry nor Nami here as all of them

were precious. So, I thought that I could trained her, seeing as she were

the Princess of Alabasta, she would probably want to protect her


When she heard what Narmi said, she turned her head towards the

direction of the entrance.

"I understand. Of course, I would try my best to befriend and bonded

with her. Can you call for Nami here? Both of us could try to befriend the


"Sure, I will call her now. Then, please excuse me."

Narmi walked away from Robin, and passed by Vivi. When he was beside

her, he said lightly "Have fun."

Vivi thought that Narmi meant that she would suffered should she enter

the room. She wanted to scream but hold her back afterward. She saw

the young woman inside the room gave a gentle smile towards her, while

her hand was signalling her to come in the room.

Narmi who were just gone, went to Nami's room to asked her to join

Robin and Vivi bonding time.


Robin's Room, Alubarna Palace

Vivi right now were chatting and laughing together with Robin and

Nami. Never would she thought that both of them was very nice to her,

and talk with her as an equal. All of this time, people treated and talked

to her as a princess, so this treatment by Robin and Nami made her very


This bonding time planned by Narmi was very successful, as Vivi started

to call Robin as Big Sis. After a long while chatting, she decided to ask

about Narmi.

"Big Sis Robin, that thin-build young man is your leader of the crew

right? Is he strong? When I talked to him earlier, he had like an intense

aura around him." Vivi asked with a curious expression.

"Narmi? Well, he is good. Don't be tricked by his build or his outer

appearance. Do you know Yonko, Little Sis?"

"Yeah, I knew Yonko. Each one of them were powerful individual on the

sea. Even Marines wouldn't dare to fight with them head-on."

"You see… That Narmi, he had exceed the level of Yonko. Even if he

were to fight four of them at the same time, he would win."

"He is that strong?" Vivi asked with her eyes round wide with shock.

"Yeah, he is. And he also getting stronger by the day. Everyday, in the

morning, I always watched him training in an intense manner, even when

he was that strong. When I asked him why did he keep training, although

he had become strong. He said it was a part of himself. Our crew

members felt ashamed with him." Robin replied with an expression of

admiration on her face.

"Wow.. How about you guys? If he was that strong, you guys must be

strong to."

"Well, we need to be strong. As if we don't, we couldn't keep up with him

anymore. As for our power level, I could say we were on par with the

Yonko. Besides, that was what Narmi said about us. He trained us for two

years after all."

Vivi admired Robin when she said that. She then turned her head

towards Nami and saw her face looking very smugly. Vivi couldn't help

but be disappointed with herself. Both of the women in front of her had

become a powerful battle potential on the sea rivaling Yonko, but here

she was, got protected by them. Even their country got saved by Narmi's


Robin saw the disappointment in Vivi's face and knew that this time was

ripe for her to ask Vivi about what Narmi had planned.

"Little Sis, if you ever got the chance to become strong, would you take




Hey guys. Sorry for the late chapter as I was busy with my

examinations, and could not write the chapter at all.

So hope you guys enjoy

Chapter 42: Training Nefertari

Vivi 2

"Little Sis, if you ever got the chance to become strong, will you take it?"

Robin inquired Vivi, albeit she knew that Vivi would take the chance.

Vivi is a strong-hearted girl based on what she discovered from their

bonding time.

"If the chance to become strong were to be displayed in front of me, I

would take it. But on the condition that I would not need to went out

from the country. If I need to went out from the country, I would have to

refuse it."

Robin was perplexed as to why she stated that. Most people wouldn't

hesitate to become strong, even if they were to betray their country, they

would gladly do that. But, Vivi wasn't someone like that. Instead, she

didn't want to leave the country.

"Why did you say that you will accept if the conditions was you would

not need to leave the country?" Robin asked with curiosity.

"Well, if I leave the country, I could not see my citizens. My purpose as a

royalty, was to served my citizens. I need to stay with them. I only want

to become strong to protect my citizens. That's why, I didn't want to

leave the country, even at the cost of I couldn't become strong."

Robin smiled gently with Vivi's words. Never could she expect that Vivi,

thought of the citizens that reside in the country that important. She was

glad that Vivi replied like that. Should Vivi were to become selfish and

didn't care for the country, Robin would gladly said that she wasn't worth

their time to Narmi.

Robin just chuckled lightly. 'This girl, if she were to join our crew, she

would probably become a good battle potential. How unfortunate, Narmi

some plan for her.'

Vivi just tilted her head to the side in puzzlement. She didn't know why

Robin chuckled. Did she said something wrong? Is it because her

statement that Robin laughed at her?

"Why are you laughing, Big Sis? Did what I said were funny? I don't care

if you laugh, but what I said was true."

"It wasn't because what you said were funny. I just thinking something

about you."

"What about me?" Vivi asked with a big round eyes.

"Well, I just thought that it was unfortunate that you weren't in our crew.

We could have an increase in battle potential should you join us. Well,

that about it."

"Yeah right."

Vivi sighed. She knew that Robin and the others were strong based on

Robin said before. She really wanted to be like them, so that she can

protect her country. But, this guys all of them went on journey. She

couldn't join them just because she want it. She still had her

responsibility as a royalty. Her face was filled with gloominess.

"Well, now now. Don't make gloomy faces like that. I asked that because

Narmi had some plan for you. I just want to confirm something. Now that

was said, Nami could you call Narmi?"

"Sure. Wait for a while." Narmi replied, while went in a swift motion.

Vivi just watched the exchange, while thinking about what Robin said.

'Big sis said that the young man had some plan for me. I am really

curious about what he had planned.'


Narmi's Room, Alubarna Palace

During Robin, Nami and Vivi bonding time, Narmi called Law and Henry

to his room. He had some planned for their movements as of now. He

thought that they still have about 3 years before Luffy start his journey.

When Law and Henry had came, he signalled for them to take a seat and

stated about his plan.

"Law, if I were still remember, you have about three of your friends out

there right?"

"Yeah, Bepo, Shachi and Penguin. Though I didn't know where they went

after I left them, as I didn't contacted them yet."

"Well, here I was planning. You can take Henry and Nami and went on an

expedition using Errege. You can either find your friends, or recruit

someone new. But only find someone that were loyal. I didn't want any


"Why did you planned this? Where did you and Robin would go if we

were to went on an expedition?"

"I am planning on staying in Alabasta for a while. I planned on training

Cobra's daughter. You see, I want to put Alabasta under our protection."

"Why did you want to protect this place? Isn't this place were under

World Government? Shouldn't we just left them be?"

"That's where you were wrong. World Government indeed hold this

place, but it wasn't important to them. I intend to take over this place

slowly from World Government's hand, although I would still like Cobra

to rule this country. He is a good King."

"But then, why would you want to train his daughter?"

"It was easy if I did that. I would still want to continue the journey, so his

daughter would act as our replacement here. She could help protect this

place. I am confidence that she would gladly agreed with my plan."

"So that was it. Fine then, we will prepared for our expedition. For how

long would you like to stay here?"

"I planned for another 2 years. Like how I trained you guys, but not as

intense as that, as this country's threat were only like newcomer pirates.

Also, I planned this so that the Marine's attention would divert, as they

thought that I went for an expedition with you guys. It was killing two

birds with one stone."

Law just nodded his head. Indeed, this plan could probably divert

Marine's attention from him. Suddenly, the door was opened, with Nami

were the one that opened it.

"Big Bro Narmi, Big Sis called for you."

Narmi then stand up from his seat and went away from the room, leaving

Law and Henry planning for their expedition.


Robin's Room, Alubarna Palace.

After waiting for about half an hour, finally Nami came back with Narmi.

Robin then went up from her seat and went towards Narmi and explained

about her observation and confirmation.

Narmi was glad with what Robin had done, so he kissed her forehead

after that. He then make his way to Vivi and said.

"Princess Vivi, I would like to ask you to join our crew, Grand King

Pirates. I would help you become stronger."

"I'm happy for the invitation, but I would need to refuse as I....." Vivi

replied, but were cut short by Narmi

"I know the reason. I want you to join us as an unofficial member. You

don't need to follow us, as I wanted to placed you here as our stand-in. I

had made promise to your father to protect this country."

Vivi were happy when Narmi said that. She didn't expect that he would

agreed to her condition. With a vigorous nod she replied.

"Then if you say so, I would impose you on your invitation."

"Great then. In a week, we would start our training, and I planned to

train you for two years. I would talk about this later with your father,

seeing as I had your confirmation on this matter."

"Thank you. I am really grateful."

Vivi then stand up and bowed to him. He just smiled and went away

from the room.



Hey guys, sorry for the late chapter.

Please enjoy

Chapter 43: Training Nefertari

Vivi 3

One week later

Law, Henry and Nami had started their expedition as per what Narmi

ordered. They planned to head towards Water 7 trying to find Law's

friends. Meanwhile, after having a talk about his plan on training Vivi

with Cobra, Narmi got the king's approval and quickly started Vivi's


His aim was to get Vivi level on the level of Shichibukai. Because the

area around Alabasta was the place where newcomer pirates started to

emerge. So it wasn't that hard to trained her to that level.

If she was done training earlier than he expected, then he could continue

his journey. As for now, he was at the courtyard of Alubarna Palace,

waiting for Vivi and Robin to came. The devil fruit of Crocodile was in

his inventory, and he wanted to give Vivi the devil fruit.

After a few minutes of waiting, Vivi and Robin finally came. Vivi sported

a casual clothes for training. Although it wasn't look very luxurious, it

still could highlight her beauty.

Seeing as they had came, Narmi went up from his seat and went towards

them. He then just smiled towards Robin before turning his heads to Vivi.

"Vivi, like what I said, I would train you. But, the you right now was very

weak, without any power to complement you. So, here take this."

Narmi then hold out Suna Suna No Mi that were in his inventory towards

her. Vivi was shocked that Narmi readily gave her a devil fruit. She then

proceed to ask him about it.

"What is this devil fruit? Why are you giving it to me? Isn't it a loss for

you if you were to give it to me? I couldn't follow you on your journey."

Narmi smiled gently with her query.

"This devil fruit was Suna Suna No Mi. As for why I want to give it to

you, it was so you can protect this place like what you had said before.

And also, I had some people that I had my eyes on, but they wouldn't

came here until 3 years later maybe. It wasn't at a loss for me. I need

your help with something, so giving you help me to achieve my purpose."

Narmi explained his reasoning. After that, he shoved the fruit into Vivi's

hand, signalling her to quickly eat it. Vivi hesitated about it as she

thought that she wasn't worth it for them to invest the devil fruit upon.

But when she raised her head and saw the look in Narmi and Robin's

faces, she eat it in a hurry.

When her teeth sunk into the fruit, she had started to feel the disgusting

taste of it. Steeling her heart, trying to ignore the taste, she quickly took

a bite and went for another bite. But before she could take another bite,

Narmi and Robin stop her.

"You don't need to finish the fruit. The first bite had help to integrate the

power of the devil fruit into your body. The bites after that won't have

any effect at all." Narmi explained about the devil fruit.

His explanation brought a wave of relief in her heart. It was because she

didn't need to finish the fruit and have the disgusting taste on her taste

bud many times more. Then, she tried to use her power and could detect

the changes with her body. She could particles of sand flying about

around her.

She could guees the power of the devil fruit but still turned her head

towards both of them for their confirmation. Seeing the look on her face,

Narmi continue to explain.

"It was as you had guess. That devil fruit power was a Logia-type for

sand. Its name was Suna Suna No Mi. It allows the user to create, control

and transform into sand at will. It was perfect for you to use it on this


Her head nodded, showing she had truly understand about it. Although,

she felt some regret that she couldn't play in seawater and she was

vulnerable to seastone, she felt it was worth it to pay that sacrifice for

her country.

Narmi knew what she was thinking, so he went to buy a Potion of Dispel

Curse from the system and held it out to Vivi.

"Here take this and drink it Vivi."

Curious, Vivi took it and held it at her eye level, inspecting the content of

the bottle.

"What is this? Is it some new drink?"

"Don't ask too many questions. Just drink it."

Vivi followed what Narmi had ordered her and chug it down. Like what

had happen to the others, she could feel the shackles inside her after she

ate the devil fruit, broke apart.

She turned her head towards Narmi and Robin and saw both of their

faces was grinning. Her reaction must have been expected by them, so

she proceed to asked for an explanation.

"If you want an explanation, talk to Robin. I had my share of explaining

about this many times."

Hearing that, Vivi turned her head towards Robin and asked. Robin just

kindly explained to her about it and answered whatever questions that

she had about it.

After a bout of questions and answers, Vivi realized that this crew of

Narmi was really an unusual ones. All of them were a world-defying

existence that had removed the weakness of the devil fruit to dust.

She couldn't help but be glad with her decision for this. And she also glad

that Narmi chose to train her, albeit she didn't know what it is about her

that Narmi saw that made him made that decision. Nevertheless, she was

grateful for the chance.

She stood upright at her position. Determination filled her eyes as she

was ready for her training. Narmi and Robin just smiled.

"Now that you are ready. I'm going to say this first. I planned to train you

for two years, but I hope you could finish the training before the two

years ended. I had many places that I need to go. So, I hope you be

serious about this. I am going to become ruthless."

"Well then, let your training to become stronger started."



I'm starting to think about stopping making this novel or putting it on

a hiatus. You guys are demanding too much from me. I saw some of

your comments about how I made my story.

Can't you guys just leave me to made my story? It was what I wanted.

If you guys felt unsatisfied, please do make one yourself. I'm not

forcing you to read my story.

Well, that's all I think. Also sorry for he late chapter. I was very busy

and didn't have much time.

Thank you for reading.

Chapter 44: Training Nefertari

Vivi 4

Thus, Vivi's training started. First few months, he gave her a schedule of

workout that she needs to finish in the morning. After that, he taught her

the basic close range combat training until the evening.

After about a month, he started to ordered her to spar with Robin,

without the use of devil fruit power. First few weeks, she always lose

miserably, couldn't give a fight at all. Robin didn't even sweat as she

fought. Every round of spar she would be done in by Robin in seconds.

But then, improvement started to take place within her. The duration of

their spars started to become longer, although Robin still could win

without as much as breaking sweat. But still it was a very good

improvement, seeing as she was a princess.

Not long after, she could sometimes land a hit or two on Robin. Her rate

of improving was very good, much to Narmi's pleasure. Like what Robin

had said, she was very worth their time to train. He felt that he really

made a good decision.

On the fifth month, when she could give a good fight with Robin, Narmi

started to brought her to the desert. It was for her training with the wild

beast, Sandora Lizard. He ordered her to fight with it, without devil fruit


She protested at first as she said that it was impossible for her now, but

shrinked back when she received the glare from Narmi. She knew from

Robin that Narmi was ruthless also when training them.

Leaving with no choice, she start to fight with the beast. But, like the

others, many mistakes were made when she fought with it. Narmi just

intervened when it was getting dire only, and gave her a few minutes of

break before ordering her to continue the training.

For a few weeks, Narmi's intervention were needed. It was obvious that

she took a longer time to adapt, as she fought with the beast alone. But

after that, gradually she made less and less mistakes. Sometimes, she

prolonged the battle as she wanted to test her limit, before finishing the


Narmi, watching her becoming stronger from the sideline, felt genuinely

happy with her improvement. Right now, he didn't even need to

intervene at all and just let her do the work. As he just want her to reach

the Shichibukai level which was enough for this area, he didn't made her

train like crazy as what he did at Little Garden.

After she had reach the level of physical strength that he wanted, he

started to train her Haki and devil fruit power. His aim was to get her to

middle level on Haki and let her get perfect control on her devil fruit,

like how Crocodile did. If possible, he also wanted her to awaken the

devil fruit.

But, as of now he just started to train her Haki And devil fruit power first.

He started a new schedule for her in which, she would train her Haki in

the morning while training her devil fruit after the lunch. This way she

could reach his target in a shorter duration.

During the first month, she didn't have any breakthrough on Haki at all.

She had almost want to gave up on it. But with Narmi's persistence on

pushing her on it, she could finally manifested it.

She had both Observation and Armament Haki, much to Robin's

disappointment as Robin and Nami couldn't manifested at all on

Armament Haki. When he saw Robin became like that, he quickly

console her and suggested her to try on manifesting Armament Haki

while helping Vivi's training.

When she tried to channeled her willpower this time, she could finally

succeeded, much to her bewilderment. With that, she concluded that

maybe due to her training Vivi, her willpower increased and caused her

to manage to manifest Armament Haki. Narmi didn't say anything but be

glad with Robin's success on it.

With Robin's success, the training of Vivi were joined by another person.

Albeit Robin had reached Yonko level, she also strived much harder

when she was training. Vivi, who saw Robin tried hard, couldn't help

herself and also followed her footsteps.

She didn't want to lose to Robin. Before this, without Robin, Vivi's rate of

improvement was good enough. But with Robin joining her, her

improvement rate increased quickly.

In a year, her control of Haki reached middle level, making Narmi felt

glad with this. He expected that she could probably reached it next year.

Robin's involvement really brought out her potential even more.

He then ordered her to continue training her devil fruit. Narmi

demonstrated how to control the devil fruit by using his Shizen Shizen

No Mi. He explained about her devil fruit power and show some of his

techniques on sand. He also demonstrated the techniques of Crocodile

that he remembered.

At first, she was shocked seeing as Narmi could control the same power

as her. She do have some knowledge on devil fruit and knew that they

couldn't have two devil fruit of same power. She inquired him about it,

but Narmi just shrugged it off and said to her he was the new variable of

the world.

She looks puzzled with his statement, but didn't ask for more as he had

ordered her to continue her training. With Narmi's demonstration and

guidance, she could create new techniques that really matched what she

wanted to.

After a few months, she could perfectly controlled her devil fruit power,

and could turn into sand unconsciously. After confirming that she had

perfect control on it, Narmi suggest to her to try and awaken the devil


She didn't know about it, so Narmi gave her an explanation about it.

After that, she followed what he had suggested and try to awaken it.

Narmi watched her trying to awaken it, as he was afraid that she would

suffer backlashes.

But her concentration on trying it was very intense, and there were no

risk on backlashes at all. So Narmi just stood watch only while sometimes

flirting with Robin.

Finally, few months before two years of Vivi's training, she could awaken

it. Like what Crocodile had did, whenever she wanted, she could turn

anything into sand. Narmi warned her that she should use it carefully, as

she could permanently change the area's landscape due to the devil fruit


In this two years, Narmi also had trained himself in Marine's Rokushiki

and had reached Advanced level.

Thus, Vivi's training that spanned for two years had finally reached its



Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 19 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 65 (3000/32000)


- Strength: 4150

- Agility: 4150

- Stamina: 4150

- Intelligence: 4150

- Perception: 4150

- Willpower: 4150

- Luck: 4150

Bonus Point: 11700

Trade Point: 3101000

Unclaimed Reward: None

Money: 1.5 Billion Berry

Bounty: 400 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Shizen Shizen No Mi(Awakened)

-Kemono Kemono No Mi, Model: Four Divine Beasts(Awakened)

-Bari Bari No Mi

-Jiku Jiku No Mi

Marine Rokushiki

-Soru (Advanced Level)

-Geppo (Advanced Level)

-Tekkai (Advanced Level)

-Rankyaku (Advanced Level)

-Shigan (Advanced Level)

-Kami-e (Advanced Level)


-Observation Haki (Master Level)

-Armament Haki (Master Level)

-Conqueror's Haki (Master Level)



Sorry for the late chapter. Thanks for you guys advice and support

from the comments I had read. Like what I had said before, if some of

you guys find my story wasn't to your satisfaction, find others or wrote

one on your own.

Thank you for supporting me.

Chapter 45: Continuing The

Journey 1

Two years had passed.

Vivi's training had reached its end. Now, Narmi and Robin were waiting

for Law and the others arrival at Alabasta. They would now continue

their journey to the New World.

About three days later, two ships was seen nearing the Port Town

Nanohana. As a matter of fact, one of the ship was Errege. Law, Nami

and Henry was standing on the deck of Errege. While the other ship,

there were some people on it which Narmi guess was Law's friends.

After they had done docking, Law and the others jump from the ships

and approached Narmi and Robin to report about their expeditions this


"Narmi, this time I had brought some people that were loyal and strong

in my expedition. What do you want to do with them?"

"I don't want to do anything with them. They are now part of you. I

intend to made division in my crew. So you now can take them and set

sail for your purpose. Like what I said, my purpose was to help you

achieve your revenge."

"So you mean that I can now go and find worthy people to join me?"

"Yeah. But when you want to go and wreck Doflamingo, don't forget to

contact me. I kind of hate that guy you see. I want to teach him some


Law just nodded his head blankly. He didn't expect that Narmi would let

him go by himself.

"Understood then. But I am still a member of your crew, Grand King

Pirates. So, where do you want to go now?"

"I'm intending to go to New World, finding the Old Man Whitebeard."


"I got something to tell him. A warning of something that would

happened to his crew in the future. Then, I want to went and fight with

Big Mom and steal her territories."

Law was stunned with what Narmi had planned for himself. He couldn't

had predicted that Narmi who had never been to New World, had

planned to fight with two of the Yonko.

Well, it was a misunderstanding on the Whitebeard part as Narmi didn't

want to fight with him yet. He just want to warned him of future events.

Although, he didn't had that much confidence that Whitebeard would

listen to himself.

"So that's that. You still would need to resupply won't you? Then we will

move together until Sabaody Archipelago. Then we can go our own way.

Take some rest as of now."

With that, Narmi and the others went to the town to find some inn.


Later that night.

Narmi and Robin went to the Alubarna Palace by using Jiku Jiku No Mi

power. He teleported both of them to the entrance of the palace. The

guards stationed there had known them and brought them inside.

Their purpose was to bid farewell to King Cobra and their unofficial

member, Princess Nefertari Vivi. They then arrived at the courtyard of

the palace.

After waiting for a few minutes, Vivi and Cobra came in their casual


"Why are you coming here late in the night, Narmi? Did you perhaps

want anything from me?"

"My purpose coming here was to bid farewell to both of you. As of now,

Vivi's training had concluded and I bet she could protect this place. So,

me and my crew would now continue our journey."

"Ohhh.. I see. Should I leave the three of you for the moment?"

"That wasn't needed at all. This night, I and Robin wanted to spend some

times with both of you, before we went our way."

"Then, I would ask my servants to bring some light snacks to accompany

us. Is that okay?"

"That would be much appreciated."

Cobra then ordered his servants that were waiting not far away from

them to bring some snacks and beverages. After about 15 minutes, the

servants brought them the snacks and beverages.

They then started to chatted away among them until midnight. Cobra

used this time to complained about his country management, with

Narmi's responding about it based on his knowledge on his home world.

He also gave some suggestions of his own on this matter.

Cobra was shocked with how detailed his knowledge and his suggestion.

He thought that he could implemented it to his country, thus he thanked

Narmi for the suggestion. Narmi just shrugged it off as he said that they

were both friends, so it was natural for him to help.

With that, their chat were continued until midnight. Narmi and Robin

then both excused themselves, before bidding farewell to Cobra and Vivi.

Narmi also reminded them to contact him, should they were in a pinch.

He promised that he would come and help them whenever they needed



Somewhere Whitebeard Pirates Location

A tall, massive build with a thin limb man was seeing sitting far away

from his crewmates. Right now, his fsce was full of frown as he was deep

in thought.

'Where does this damn Yami Yami No Mi fruit located? I had try finding

it but to no avail. I'm getting irritated being in this crew right now. I had

been in this crew for so long, yet even the shadow of it wasn't found.

Does this way could really brought me to that damn fruit?"

He then turned his head, watching the pirates crew was having fun

around a big build man with a white moustache on his face. After a long

while contemplating, he finally release a heavy sigh.

'It looks like I need to stay in this crew for a longer period. That is until I

found Yami Yami No Mi. And then, I would proceed with my plan on

becoming a Yonko. Not even the damn old man couldn't stop me.


On his face, an evil grin surface. But it quickly vanished as he sensed the

presence of his crewmates coming towards his direction.

""Hey Teach. Come and join the fun with us.""

They invited him, oblivious to his plan all along. Teach, responded to

their invitation by laughing out loud.

"Zehahaha, yes yes. I'm coming" he replied before going to join them.



Sorry for the late chapter. Like I had told you guys before, I am very

busy right now with my examinations. Maybe after 15/6 I would

continue to post again two chapters per day. As of now, this is what I

could do.

I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused by me.

Chapter 46: Fighting the Marines


G2 Marine Base

Knock Knock

"Come in"

The secretary quickly walked in after he got his permission. He then

passed on the information that he got from their informants.

"Vice Admiral sir, we got information Narmi Amsi and his crew had just

depart from Alabasta. They had set course for Sabaody Archipelago."

Comil who was focusing on his work on the desk, raised his heads up

hearing the report. The other vice admiral that was on the room also

perked their ears up in interest.

"Finally, you guys had started to move. How long did you make us wait

for you guys. Tell me more details."

"Yes sir. It was said they move with two ships. We believe that the other

ships belong to Trafalgar Law and his friends."

"Huh adding one more ship won't help them. Let's pack up and move. We

will intercept them and capture them. Dalmatian, Onigumo, prepare your

men. We will depart in 6 hours."

"Sure then. I also want to finish this task fast."

Dalmatian and Onigumo rise up from their seats and walked out of

Comil's room to prepare their men.


Two weeks later

Narmi and the others were seen relaxing on their ship. Nami who was

responsible for the navigation also had a leisure navigating as they wasn't

in a hurry towards their destination.

Suddenly, from afar, a cannonball came towards their ship. Henry who

was just relaxing, jump and use his devil fruit power to catch it and send

it back towards the origin.

"It looks like the Marines want to play with us. I guess they had waited

long enough that they were impatient to catch me." Narmi said while

having a smirk on his face.

About 10 minutes later, the vague outline of the Marines' ships had

become clear. On the deck of the ship, Vice Admiral Comil, Dalmatian

and Onigumo standing on their respective ships.

"Devil King Narmi, I am Vice Admiral Comil. I am here to arrest you

because you are wanted for the crime of massacring the civilians of

Whiskey Peak. Surrender yourself to the justice." Comil said

All around the Marines, aura of pride were emanating from them,

showing that they were the embodiment of justice. Dalmatian and

Onigumo just sneered as they thought this Narmi was not so strong in

front of them.

"Is that so Vice Admiral Comil? I massacred the civilians of Whiskey

Peak? Or is it one of those lies that you Marines and the World

Government made?"

Suddenly, a surge of power burst out from Narmi. The sea which were

originally calm with no big movements, suddenly had a big wave

originated from Errege.

All the Vice Admiral's face became heavy as they knew this Narmi Amsi

wasn't their match. They had felt his outburst of power and notice his

power was out of this world. Even the Fleet Admiral didn't have the

domineering pressure like him.

But then, out of the blue, a laughter resounded from Errege. They saw

Narmi had retracted his power burst and just having his fun of his life

laughing at them.

"Look at you guys Marines, having a pale and heavy face when I display

my power. That was only a part of it and not my full power and you guys

had become panic haha."

Narmi continue to laugh, while his crew members were all just having a

light smile watching. Well with an exception of Law's crew members as

they were first time seeing Narmi's power.


Onigumo shouted. All attention was directed on him when he shouted


"Narmi Amsi, you dare to laugh us Marines!? We the embodiment of

justice!? I guess you want to die"

Without warning, Onigumo make a move to assault Narmi. He coated

haki on his blade and slashed towards Narmi. What a pity, under Narmi's

perception, anything would not be miss by him.

Narmi just smirked and blocked his attack only with his sword's sheath

coated with haki. Then, he lightly pushed Onigumo and kicked him back

towards the Marine ship. It all took a few seconds.

Although he kicked him lightly, it was still heavy and Onigumo was

planted on the ship's cabin wall. The other Marines who saw that was

scared as they didn't saw what happened as it was happening very fast.

"Law, I didn't wanna play with them. I give them to you. Do whatever

you want but don't kill them yet. I got a big surprise for them."

Law just nodded and began to make a move towards the Marines.


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 19 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 65 (10000/32000)


- Strength: 4150

- Agility: 4150

- Stamina: 4150

- Intelligence: 4150

- Perception: 4150

- Willpower: 4150

- Luck: 4150

Bonus Point: 11980

Trade Point: 3115000

Unclaimed Reward: None

Money: 1.5 Billion Berry

Bounty: 400 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Shizen Shizen No Mi(Awakened)

-Kemono Kemono No Mi, Model: Four Divine Beasts(Awakened)

-Bari Bari No Mi

-Jiku Jiku No Mi

Marine Rokushiki

-Soru (Advanced Level)

-Geppo (Advanced Level)

-Tekkai (Advanced Level)

-Rankyaku (Advanced Level)

-Shigan (Advanced Level)

-Kami-e (Advanced Level)


-Observation Haki (Master Level)

-Armament Haki (Master Level)

-Conqueror's Haki (Master Level)

Chapter 47: Fighting the Marines


Law who had received Narmi's order, swiftly rise up from his position

and make a move towards the Marines.


A light blue coloured spherical boundaries started to expand, originating

from Law. All of the Marines was on alert as they didn't know what Law

will do right now. The spherical boundaries expand until it enveloped all

the ships around him.

Suddenly, Law disappeared while his place was replaced by a Marine

soldier. A soldier had found Law had teleported to the replaced soldier's

place from before.

Law just smirked and started to massacre the Marines. He teleport from

one place to another in a blink of an eye causing the Marines to just

stand there hopelessly without any retaliation.

Though the Vice Admiral want to cover for their respective subordinates,

Narmi use his power to suppress them to their knees. They could only

watch their subordinates being massacred with their own eyes.



"What? Only you can kill but we can't retaliate? Didn't you guys want




"Why should I obey the justice when the justice you guys carry were

tainted with your bullshit?"



"Massacring the civilians? I had never done that. I killed the bad guys.

Even your guys, Smoker and his subordinates I had let go. You guys were

the one who made up that lie. So from now, you guys Marines and the

World Government were my enemies. I would have no remorse killing

you guys the bearer of tainted justice."

Comil wanted to retaliate but Narmi's power overwhelmed him. He

couldn't do anything in front of the absolute power. Narmi who just

wanting to continue his rest but then said to the Vice Admiral.

"You guys came here meaning the base had no high end power. Hehe I

will let you live longer to see how I conquer your base and despair. So

that you would realize why you should have never provoke me."

In a few minutes, all the Marines soldiers were done being massacred by

Law, leaving the only three Vice Admiral alive.

"Narmi, it is done. What are we going to do now?" Law ask while

cancelling his power.

"Well, we would head straight to their base, and conquer them. I want to

send a clear intent on showing my enmity with the World Government

and the Marines. But first…."

Narmi then rise up from his seat and walk towards Onigumo and

Dalmatian. He wanted to extract their devil fruit from them.

After about 30 minutes, he was done extracting both of their devil fruit

and kept it in his inventory. He then ordered Law's crew to hang them in

front of their ship so that they would see how their base were conquered.

"Narmi, how about these Marines' ships? Do we burn them?" Henry ask.

"Let's just take them as we didn't know if one of these days you guys got

your own subordinates. We can use the ships then."

"Well then, I would ask my crew member to take over the ships. Some of

them had some skills. They need to follow Nami afterall." Law replied.

"Good idea. Then, do that. After that we would head for their base."

After they had done taking over the ships, Narmi ordered Nami to set

their course for G-2 Marines base. It was time for them to conquer the

Marines base.


Marines Headquarters

An old man wearing glasses was having some relaxation time, chatting

with another old man in front of him. Both of them were Fleet Admiral

Sengoku and Vice Admiral Garp.

Suddenly, sound of door knocking were disturbing their chat. Sengoku

gave the permission to come in.

"Fleet Admiral sir, we had lost contact with Vice Admiral Comil,

Dalmatian and Onigumo."

"What!? What happened!?" Sengoku asked while standing up from his

seat in shock.

"As for know, we didn't got any information yet. But what we do know

that before we lost contact, they were on their way to capture Devil King"

Garp who was just listening perked his ear in interest.

"Garp, what do you think happened to them?"

"My bet was they were done in by that brat"

"How possible!? That brat was probably at the level of Shichibukai. Even

fighting with three Vice Admiral was hard for a Shichibukai to contend."

"Isn't that report was two years ago? The possible conclusion is that brat

had long passed that level and we seem to underestimated him."

"It seems like that. Damn it we should have chased him long ago."

Sengoku crush his hand in the table. The whole room seem to had some

vibration with that action. He tried to think of a solution.

"Call Admiral Akainu to this room now. I need to talk with him. Also, if

we ever got any report or info on the three Vice Admiral, pass it to me


"Yes sir! Then, please excuse me"

'Devil King Narmi! It seems the Marines had underestimated you'

Chapter 48: Conquering Marines

Base 1

Footsteps made by a person resounding in the pathway to the Fleet

Admiral room. The temperature there also start to increase due to him.

This man is Admiral Akainu.

He then proceeded to push the door into the Fleet Admiral's room.

"I've come"

Sengoku raise his head from reading the report on the Vice Admiral.

"Sakazuki, I need to discuss something with you. It is about--"

"I know. Your secretary had inform me about it. What are our course of

action?" Akainu replied, cutting Sengoku's word in short.

"Good then. I need you to bring three more warship and head to G-2

Marines' Base. I had bad premonition that something will happen there."

"This wouldn't had happen if had informed me earlier. We should had

just killed this pirates when they had only just started. That's why th--"

"ENOUGH SAKAZUKI! Just take the warship and get a move on. Protect

our Marines' base. Follow my order."

Akainu just huffed angrily before leaving the room. Sengoku, after his

order, slumped back on his chair while his hand massaging his head.

"It seems that I had become old enough, that I had become soft-hearted

like this."


One week later

G-2 Marines Base

Three warship and two ships was seen from far away heading to the

dock. The Marines thought that the Vice Admiral had successfully caught

Grand King Pirates, so they cheerfully celebrated.

But then after about 10 minutes, all of their face pale as they saw their

Vice Admiral got tied up at the front of the ship in a very bad condition.

They also saw a man relaxing on the deck of the warships with a woman

beside him.

Both of them were Narmi and Robin. Finally, they had arrived at the G-2

Marines Base. Narmi ordered for the ship to be dock not far away from

the base as he wouldn't want the ship to get affected with what would

happen next.

"Henry, Nami, come here."

Both of them jump from Errege and arrived in front of Nami quickly.

"These days I didn't even get to see your fighting. I want to see my crew

fighting. So, go all out, show me the Grand King Pirates power."

Henry and Nami nodded before they went to the base. In a blink of an

eye, they had reached the shore. The Marines that was stationed there

was all shocked silly and couldn't do anything.

"I'm going first. You support me with the wind." Henry said

These two years apart from Narmi had really helped both of them to

reach a greater heights of power. Both of them were able to become a

powerful pair. Henry had also figured out on how he can increase the

temperature of his fire.

Right now, he would show Narmi his techniques.

"Ignis Azul"

Ignis Azul, one of the new techniques that he had developed during his

journey. This technique allow him to use blue fire which is on highest

degree of temperature.

"Blaze Pillar"

Henry made a punching motion into the ground. This moion cause five

pillar of blue fire emerge from the ground covering the entirety of the

base. Usually, he could made more but he thought that it would be an


Also, due to the reason that they want to conquer the base, he refrain

from using excessive power. With that, he turned his head towards Nami

and gave a signal for her to use her techniques.

"Slithering Gale"

This technique allow her to control the wind like it was a big snake. She

made the wind to redirect the blue fire towards their target, and avoid

affecting the buildings. Combination of their technique easily massacre

the Marines.

After about an hour, they had done clearing all their targets, with traces

of blue fire still remains as a proof on how terrible the attacks were.

They then returned to the ship and report to Narmi. He was extremely

pleased with their progress as they had grown more stronger than they

were before. Then, he ordered them to take a rest and dock the ships.

Narmi also ordered the others to take count of the treasure that the

Marines had and report to him later.

With that after a few days had passed, he got a report stating that three

Marines warship was heading towards them. Narmi was smirking before

heading towards the dock, while ordering the others to stay away from

there. He also ordered them to record the video on what will happen

from now on.

"Now now, I wonder who will be humiliated this time? Is it Akainu,

Aokiji or Kizaru? I hope it would be Akainu as that would be really


Chapter 49: Fighting Akainu

Narmi went to the dock, waiting for the warships to come closer to take a

clear look on who would be his opponent. His leisurely attitude didn't

show that he would be facing a Marines, as he was using his abilities to

just play around at the dock.

About 10 minutes later, Marines' warships stop a distance away from the

base as they knew the base right now was under Grand King Pirates

control. Akainu who was standing there with his abilities intensely in

display, showing his anger on the pirates that act unruly on the Marines'


"DEVIL KING!!" Akainu shouted loudly, causing powerful vibration all-

out, showing his power towards all.

Unfortunately, the aftermath of his shout was cut short by Narmi who

started to release part of his power. Narmi then stand from his position

and face in the direction which Akainu was there.

"Finally, I have been waiting for you guys to come. I thought the Marine

was a cowardly bunch, didn't dare to come and face me. Although they

sent a mad dog coming for me. Hahaha"




"Why wouldn't I? I want to set up my prestige and conquering your base

was the best way of it. Besides, I know you guys will come, so I will set

up a bigger more prestige when defeating a mad dog like you" Narmi



Akainu, impatient with all the talk, make a move towards Narmi with the

intention to caught him off guard. He didn't dare to underestimate Narmi

as he knew three Vice Admiral had fallen under him and his crew.

A meteor showers of magma started to rain down, targeting the Marines'

Base. To Akainu, he didn't care about the building, as long as he can kill

the pirates. Even if there was any Marines residing in it, he wouldn't care.

Narmi on the receiving end just smile and launch his move to protect his

base and his crew members.

"Dome Barrier"

A dome-shaped barrier started to cover the entire base. The audience was

shocked as they thought they would be done in by the attack. This

motion by Narmi causing him to earn the loyalty of the new crew

member as he still remember them even in a powerful fight.

After Nami launch his techniques, he focus back to the Marines' direction

and saw Akainu boost himself to his position using his abilities. His plan

was to distract Nami from the battlefield with a big motion and attack

him when he was distracted.

Never could he thought Narmi had this abilities, as report on him stated

that he had two logia devil fruit abilities. Intending to finish this soon as

possible, he boost himself and transform himself into magma.


He claw-thrust his had towards Narmi. Without panic, Narmi draw his

sword from his sheath, covering it with haki and block Akainu's attack.

"Now now Akainu, did you think your plannned attack coukd distract

me? Naive. Lightning's Serpent-10 Million Volt"

A snake-shaped lightning was released from Narmi and slither it's way to

Akainu. Akainu seeing the attack rapidly pull back from his position.

Despite his effort to pull back, his hand still got a part of the attack,

causing his hand to paralyze for a moment.

Narmi not intending to give him time to take a breath, use his magma

abilities, copying from Akainu and shot towards him.

"Ryusei Kazan"

All of the meteor showers focusing on Akainu as it's recipient. Akainu

seeing his abilites was shot back at him, was full of confusion and got

shot by the meteor shower. Due to that, he fall into the sea.

Knowing that he would become weak in the sea, he try to swim back but

felt that he had become weaker and weaker. Never had he felt this

powerless his whole life. He, a Marine Admiral, fall into the sea caused

by a pirate.

Narmi saw that Akainu had fall into the sea, use his abilities to control

the sea and bring him up and place him into the Marines warship. He

then jumped to The Marines warship and face Akainu.

"Hahaha look who it is. The Marine Admiral Akainu, had fallen low in

front a pirates. How pitiful." Narmi provoked him.

Cough cough

Akainu coughing hard as he could to discharge seawater that had went

into his mouth. His face darkened heavily hearing Narmi's provocation.

He had been mocked by a pirate whom he thought was a parasite on the

sea that he need to extinguish.

"What do you want, Devil King!?" Akainu asked

"Oi oi, is that tone nice when you having a talk with me huh!?" Narmi

said while his leg kicking Akainu.

"What do you want?" Akainu said with a lower tone.

"That's it. That is the tone that a pitiful dog would take hahaha. Isn't it

match with your alias Akainu, Sakazuki?"

"What do you want!?" He repeated his question for the third time.

"What I want? I want two of your warships that you brought, and also

your abilities." Narmi responded with a wicked smile.

He then proceed to clutch Akainu's head and started to absorb the devil

fruit. All the Marines just stand and watch while Akainu being played

around by Narmi.

After about 10 minutes, he had done extracting the fruit and save it in his

inventory. He then throw Akainu towards a wall on the cabin.

"I won't kill you now Akainu. I want to see what would happen to you in

the future. Even if you found a new devil fruit, You would never be my

or my crew match. Tell to Sengoku and the World Government, as of now

I am the new Emperor of the Sea and I declare war on the World


Narmi quickly ordered the Marine to leave the two Marines' warship and

bring it back to the base. Akainu who was in a weak state ordered for his

men to return back to the headquarters.

"A new Emperor of the Sea has risen and he was most powerful of all.

Nothing could hold him down." Akainu stated

The Marines was shocked as they knew Akainu never had said that way

about someone. All of them hold a heavy face as the Marines power right

now was declining. With Akainu lost his devil fruit, the firepower of the

Marines declining rapidly.

The future of the Marines is bleak.


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 19 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 65 (15000/32000)


- Strength: 4150

- Agility: 4150

- Stamina: 4150

- Intelligence: 4150

- Perception: 4150

- Willpower: 4150

- Luck: 4150

Bonus Point: 12180

Trade Point: 3125000

Unclaimed Reward: None

Money: 1.5 Billion Berry

Bounty: 400 Million Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Shizen Shizen No Mi(Awakened)

-Kemono Kemono No Mi, Model: Four Divine Beasts(Awakened)

-Bari Bari No Mi

-Jiku Jiku No Mi

Marine Rokushiki

-Soru (Advanced Level)

-Geppo (Advanced Level)

-Tekkai (Advanced Level)

-Rankyaku (Advanced Level)

-Shigan (Advanced Level)

-Kami-e (Advanced Level)


-Observation Haki (Master Level)

-Armament Haki (Master Level)

-Conqueror's Haki (Master Level)

Chapter 50: Fifth Emperor of the


Few Days Later

World Government, Mariejois

The Five Elder had called for Fleet Admiral Sengoku to had a talk with

him about the news of Marines' failure on capturing a pirate. This failure

had caused the trust of the civilians on both of the organizations

declining and they need to act on it.

"Sengoku, what is your opinion on this matter? These pirates openly

declared war on us, World Government." an old man with a hat over gray

dreadlock asked.

"Devil King is strong. His crew were also strong. As of now, we could

only take a cautious stance. We didn't had enough firepower to deal with

them." Sengoku replied

"CAUTIOUS STANCE!? This event had caused our public image declining.

We can't afford for the civilians to put us in a bad light." A bald man with

glasses holding a samurai replied

"I KNOW! Our public image had also declined! Those were my men who

had died under those pirates! Yet you Elders sitting here prioritising on

your public image!" Sengoku shouted

"The death of your men had nothing to do with us Celestial Dragons! We

care not about them! This was your job to begin with! Deal with it

properly!" the youngest looking among them said

Sengoku didn't reply and quickly went out from the room with an angry

expression. The door was slammed hard showing how angry he was on

the Elders' attitude. As if now, he planned to find a replacement for

Akainu's position or finding a new devil fruit for Akainu to use. Many

things been display in his mind on his motion after this.


The news about the defeat of Admiral Akainu and three Vice Admirals by

Devil King Narmi and his crew members was spread everywhere. Never

could they thought a Marine's symbol of strength would be defeated by a


Video of the fight between Akainu and Narmi was displayed everywhere.

Even video on Law's fight with the three Vice Admiral and Henry-Nami

conquering the Marines base was displayed. Naturally, this was Narmi's

intention to show the world that he declared war on the World

Government and the Marines. He ordered Law and his crew member to

spread the video using the underground intelligence.

This video had created unrest in civilians' minds as for them, the Marines

was their protector and the fall of an Admiral could lead to a negative

impact. Newspaper was spread everywhere saying Fifth Emperor of the

Sea has risen.

New bounties had been posted on Narmi and his crews. Narmi's bounty

had reached 1 Billion, while Law's bounty had reached 700 Millions.

Henry and Nami got their first ever bounties with both of them were 500

Millions. Robin who haven't done anything also got her bounty raise to

400 Millions.

In addition, Law, Henry and Nami got new nicknames. Law's nickname

were Devil Sword, Henry were Devil Cook and Nami were Devil

Navigator. Newspapers worldwide had named them as Devil King and

four Devil Aide.

Whitebeard's Pirates

"Old man, it seems this Devil King was a force to be reckoned with. Even

Akainu couldn't match him" said Marco towards an old man with huge

white mustache.

"Gurarara, Devil King Narmi eh!? It seems so. This old man thought that

he hadn't shown his full power yet." Whitebeard replied.

"Really!? It seems he really had concealed his power deep within him.

What do you think if you were to fight him old man?" Marco asked

"Haha, I don't know. I need to see him face to face."

Marco was shocked when Whitebeard said that as he knew Whitebeard

was an arrogant man. Even he himself said he didn't know. He secretly

thought that he needed to be careful with them.

Red Hair Shanks' Pirates

"Devil King Narmi eh? The Fifth Emperor of the Sea" Shanks said in a low

voice. "It seems the sea wouldn't have been in a peaceful state after this."

Kaido Pirates

"A new opponent had come. Maybe he could kill me with his power."

Kaido said

Mt. Colubo, East Blue

Two old man was seen relaxing while reading newspaper. Both of them

were Dark King Rayleigh and Arnold Beckman.

"Hahaha. Arnold, it seems the kid that you take care of had become the

Fifth Emperor." Rayleigh said while laughing

"I know. I knew from the start that he would become a prominent figure."

"His feat was very grand. He showed himself with an interesting motion. I

wonder what those geezers at the World Government would do. Even the

Marines had taken a fatal blow with the loss of Akainu battle power."

"They couldn't do anything. Marines would take a prudent action. Unless

they want to destroy themselves, they would ignore him."

"Yeah. Well that would be their job to settle. Us, these old geezers should

lay back and relax. This is their generation to shine."

After that, both of them continue to do their own work.

Foosha Village

A boy wearing a red vest and blue short with straw hat on his head was

seen reading the newspaper on the newly nominated Emperor of the Sea.

This boy was Luffy. He usually would not pay attention to the newspaper,

but this time he was attracted to its title.

He saw the picture of the young man on the front of the newspaper and

recognize him, who started journey from here.

"Wow. He is amazing. Fifth Emperor of the Sea. But, I would not lose to

him because I am going to become the King of the Pirates."

Luffy vowed with his hand thrust upwards.

Chapter 51: Marines' Plan

Two Months Later

During this time, Narmi stay at the Marines Base for two months to help

establish their base there. As of now, this base was their territory and he

left it under the management of Law.

The treasure that was left by the Marines was also swept clean and used

for the reparation of the base. Narmi also help in the reparation process,

earning the respect of his subordinates.

Everywhere he went, all of them greeted him warmly. To the pirates,

Narmi is a powerful individual that worthy of their respect and loyalty,

seeing as he protect them during his battle.

Before he continues his journey to find Whitebeard, Narmi ordered Law

to recruit more people. He set the recruitment condition that they would

never hurt civilians. This was due to their target was only the Marines,

World Government, Celestial Dragon and the bad pirates.

Law just nodded and asked to leave it to him. Narmi then name him as

the Commander of the 1st Division, before continuing his journey.

After that, Narmi took Robin, Henry and Nami on his journey to meet

with Whitebeard


Marine Headquarters

Six figures were present in the room of the Fleet Admiral. They are

Sengoku, Garp, Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru and Tsuru. Right now, they were

discussing on their course of action to deal with Grand King Pirates.

"What do you propose of our action on them?" Sengoku asked

"We got information that Devil King and three of his aide had continue

their journey. They left behind Devil Sword and a group of them at the

base." Aokiji said

"Then we should storm that base again right now. Send Aokiji and Kizaru

to take back that base." Akainu said. "That bastard had taken away my

devil fruit ability."

"Our battle power right now wasn't good enough to go and take over

their base, Akainu. We can't just storm in like that." Tsuru reminded

"Then, what do you suggest we do!? Stay and do nothing when those

pirates relaxing on our base!? That was OUR base they step on." Akainu

said angrily

"We don't even know Devil King's full power. Our report on him wasn't

even consistent. He at least got four devil fruit powers. That made him

the Strongest in the sea. Our info on the Devil Sword also wasn't

complete enough. We need to tread carefully" Tsuru reprimanded.

"Then what do you suggest we do Tsuru?" Sengoku asked

"We need to made a deal with him. A temporary truce. Besides, my guess

that he wouldn't stay silent after this. One motion after another would be

made by him. We need to set our focus on pirates that couldn't fight with

us." She suggested.

"What about my devil fruit!? We should let it go!?" Akainu replied.

Displeasure written all over his face.

"If you want to fight him, you can go by yourself. We need to think on

the Marines welfare. Besides, you can become like Garp. Being strong

doesn't mean you need devil fruit." Tsuru said with a smirk on her face.

Akainu couldn't retort anymore and sit down with an angry expression. If

this was before, the room temperature would probably had risen. Luckily,

he had lost his power and couldn't affect anything around.

After a few moments of silence, Sengoku who were just listening then

made his decision.

"Okay then. Tsuru, I ask you to go and meet with Grand King Pirates. Set

a deal with him on the truce. Right now, we can put out focus on

increasing our battle power. Order the informants to inform us on

specially talented individuals that want to join the Marines."

With that order from Sengoku, all of them went out of the room.



Narmi was fiddling around with his inventory, sorting the devil fruit that

he had gotten. There were Moku Moku No Mi, Dalmatian Zoan fruit,

Onigumo Devil Fruit and Magu Magu No Mi.

He then proceed to take out the Magu Magu no Mi and pass it towards

Robin. Robin accept it and look towards him with a puzzled expression.

"Haha. Dear, I gave you the fruit wasn't for you to only hold it. I want

you to eat it." Narmi said

"But, one fruit is only for one person isn't it? The only exception was

you." Robin replied

"Didn't you drank the Dispel Curse potion? Then, you can eat other devil

fruits. That potion remove the curse and restrictions implied on Devil

Fruit users. Right now, even you eat ten more devil fruits you would be


Robin's eye shine brightly with Narmi's explanation. She then proceeded

to eat the fruit without hesitation, earning the fruit's power.

"Now, I wouldn't even need to worry anyone hurt you as you can just

transform into its element." Narmi exclaimed

Robin jump towards him and hug him in response. She then proceed to

kiss him, showing her gratification with his gesture.

"Thank you, my love"

"Anything for you, my dear"

With that, along their journey, Narmi help Robin to train using the



Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 19 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 66 (14500/32500)


- Strength: 4160

- Agility: 4160

- Stamina: 4160

- Intelligence: 4160

- Perception: 4160

- Willpower: 4160

- Luck: 4160

Bonus Point: 13440

Trade Point: 3188000

Unclaimed Reward: None

Money: 3 Billion Berry

Bounty: 1 Billion Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Shizen Shizen No Mi(Awakened)

-Kemono Kemono No Mi, Model: Four Divine Beasts(Awakened)

-Bari Bari No Mi

-Jiku Jiku No Mi


-Voice of All Things(Locked)(½)

Marine Rokushiki:

-Soru (Advanced Level)

-Geppo (Advanced Level)

-Tekkai (Advanced Level)

-Rankyaku (Advanced Level)

-Shigan (Advanced Level)

-Kami-e (Advanced Level)


-Observation Haki (Master Level)

-Armament Haki (Master Level)

-Conqueror's Haki (Master Level)



There is correction on the status. Before this, there was the Unique

Abilities which is Voice of All Things locked and so I hd added it.

It was mistakes on my part as I forgot about it.

Chapter 52: Negotiating with


One Week Later

Not far away from Errege, a Marines' ship were navigating closer to

them. This ship was lead by Vice Admiral Tsuru with order from Sengoku

to negotiate with Narmi.

Under Narmi's perception, he noticed who was on the ship and didn't

make a move. Instead, he continue to relax with a leisurely attitude.

Robin and the others saw him like that and just let him be, as they knew

if he didn't made a move then it wasn't their enemy.

Although Tsuru is wise and strong, she still had some fear as this was

Narmi Amsi that she need to face. But seeing Narmi didn't do anything,

she felt relaxed for a bit.

After a few minutes, both if the ship had close their distance and made a

stop. Tsuru stand on the deck and called for Narmi.

"Devil King Narmi, I am Vice Admiral Tsuru. I come under the order of

Fleet Admiral Sengoku to negotiate on terms with you." Tsuru stated

"Vice Admiral Tsuru. Great Staff Officer Tsuru, the wise and

knowledgeable one among the Marines. I presume the Marines had taken

their stands on matters about me, am I right?"

"Yes, and that's why I am here to negotiate with you."

"Very well. Luckily the Marines had sent you to negotiate with me. If it

were to be someone else, I'm afraid I would had made my move on

them." Narmi said lightly

"Why did you say that?" Tsuru asked vigilantly.

"Well, you are among the Marines that didn't follow the Absolute Justice.

You are wise and worth my time to have a chat with. I didn't want to

have a talk with someone who despite their bad conditions, still looked

down upon me."

Narmi then proceeded to make an ice platform in between their ships.

This way the didn't need to went to any of their counterpart's ship. After

that, he walk onto the platform and wait for Tsuru to walk onto it.

Noticing that Narmi didn't hold any hostile intention, she brought one of

her subordinates to accompany her on the platform.

"Bringing a companion?"

"I still need to take some precautions. I am not your match after all."

"True. So what did you want to negotiate?" Narmi asked directly.

"Let us state our terms for this negotiation. First, you are prohibited to

kill any of the Marines. Second, we would not pursue or capture your

crew members. You are free to roam the sea wherever you want."

"The first term is a bit tight. What if the Marines provoke me? Should I

just stay silent? Besides, you Marines protrct Celestial Dragons right?

They are an arrogant bunch. I'm afraid when they provoke me, I couldn't

promise I won't kill them!" Narmi said, unleashing a part of his power.

Tsuru, the one who were the closest to him, felt the brunt of his power.

Her face pale as she felt like she were facing an ancient beast. She then

proceed to continue their negotiation, intending to clear the


"The first term said that you were not allowed to kill the Marines. That

was under the condition that they didn't do anything that annoy or

provoke you. About the Celestial Dragons, we would definitely never let

them cross path with you."

"Very well." Narmi retracted his power. He then wear an amicable smile

and said "I accept the terms. Make sure the Celestial Dragons never cross

path with me. Otherwise, there will be bloodbath."

Narmi planned to met with Whitebeard, so he didn't want to waste his

time on Celestial Dragons yet. He planned to deal with them later.

After they had discussed about the negotiation, they proceed to go on

their own destination.


World Government, Mariejois

The Five Elder were having a discussion about the Grand King Pirates.

Suddenly, they got information from their informant that they had

planted in Marines about their action.

"It seems Sengoku sent his Vice Admiral to negotiate with that low-life

pirates." an old man with a grey dreadlock said

"That Sengoku! This matter concerning our reputations! He should send

his men to fight the pirates not make a negotiations" bald old man with

glasses said, angry with Sengoku's decision.

"It seems that we need to make our move. Send CP-0 after them." A tall

and thin bearded man said.

He then called for someone and ask for them to pass on their message to

the CP-0 about their new mission. It seems in the near future, another big

motion would shake the world again.

Chapter 53: Sabaody Archipelago

One Month Later

Sabaody Archipelago, Grove 50

A ship bearing the logo of the infamous Grand King Pirates were heading

towards this island. Naturally, this ship was Errege, that belonged to

Narmi. After a few minutes, the ship was navigated by Nami to dock at

Grove 50 so that they could go down from the ship.

Occasionally at Grove 50, there were usually crowd of pirates that would

merrily having fun. But then, the sudden appearance of Errege stunned

them all silence. They all know the logo of Grand King Pirates.

They also know the captain of this crew is the newly established Emperor

of the Sea. So, when the ship appeared, they felt like they had come to

this place at the wrong time.

Back to Narmi and the others, they had just come down from the ship

and walked towards the crowd of pirates. These pirates, open the path for

them out of fear that Narmi would do something. They knew that Narmi

is quite merciless towards anyone who opposed him, based on the

available on him.

Seeing this action, Narmi couldn't help but feel that he wanted to have

some fun. Quickly, he release his Conqueror's Haki. Heavy pressure was

sent towards the pirates.

This caused the surrounding pirates to faint. Although, there were some

of them that could withstand it but after a few moments, they fall down

too. Narmi just laughed it out loud while walking away from there.

While walking, Narmi asked Henry and Nami on their activities.

"Hey, what are you two going to do at here?"

"Hmmm… I think I am going to find ingredients for our meals on the

ships. Then, I guess I'm going to take a walk around the islands." Henry


"Well for me, I'm going to shopping I guess." Nami replied.

"Then, after you guys done with what you want to do, come to Grove 13.

There is a bar there called Shakky's Rip-Off Bar. We will be waiting for

you guys there."

"Okay then."

"Also, if you guys met Celestial Bastards and they demand anything, just

ignore them. If they threatened you guys, kill them. Also, if the Marines

bothered you guys, remind them about the negotiations. Contact me if

there are any problems."

"Roger that."

After that, they part ways from there heading to their destinations. A

Marines informant had followed them, and took notice of their

destinations, so that he could informed his superiors. Not long after they

parted ways, this informant quickly made his report.


Marines Base, Grove 66

"What did you say!? The Devil King is here!?" A Rear Admiral exclaimed


"Yes sir. Two of them were headed to Grove 13, while another two were

heading towards the tourist area." he informed

"Damn it! Why must they come at this time!? Right now, a family of

Celestial Dragons were headed towards the tourist area too."

"Sir, the Fleet Admiral had remind us not to stir troubles with him or his

crew members. What should we do?" the informant asked.

"Well, you go follow the other two that were headed towards the tourist

area. Inform me their locations. I would ask the others that were

escorting the Celestial Dragons to persuade them to change directions."

"Yes sir."

The Rear Admiral then proceed to pass his order on the Marines to lead

the Celestial Dragons away from the tourist area.


Celestial Dragons Groups

"Captain, we got orders to lead the Celestial Dragons away from the

tourist area. If possible, persuade them to not went there at all."

"What!? Lead them away from there!? Are you crazy!? Don't you know

how hard it is to persuade them!?"

"But Rear Admiral said it is important. He said two of the Grand King

Pirates member were heading there. Devil Cook and Devil Navigator."

"Fucking hell! This is serious! Okay, I will try!"

The Captain then walked slowly towards the Celestial Dragons Family

and said.

"Saint Henry-sama, We can't went towards the tourist area right now.

How about we go somewhere else?" He said in a polite tone

"Are you ordering me, a Celestial Dragons!? How dare a filthy plebians

like you order me!?"

"This isn't an order Saint Henry-sama. It was a suggestion."

"Even a suggestion is an insult towards me. I am a Celestial Dragons and

nobody had ever suggest me what to do."

"But Saint Henry-sama, right now there is a serious problem at tourist

area. We just got information."

"What problem?"

"Right now there was two notorious pirates that were heading there too,

and I suggest this for you and your family safety."

"You suggest me to change my destinations for two measly pirates!? Are

you guys in Marines that stupid!? Even if they come, they would still

kneel down in my presence! Hurry up, we are still going towards the

tourist area."

The Captain turned his head back towards his subordinates and just

asked for them to follow his orders. It was useless for them to even asked

about this.

This Saint(Idiot) Henry was oblivious to his grim fate. Let's hope he

would survive(die).

Chapter 54: Celestial Bastards


Grove 13, Sabaody Archipelago

Shakky's Rip-Off Bar

Creak(sfx door open)

Narmi and Robin headed straight here after they had parted ways. His

intention was to find a coating specialist, while hoping the specialist is

Dark King Rayleigh.

Well, if this bar didn't have, he just need the information for other

coating specialists. He didn't hope for meeting with Dark King Rayleigh,

as he thought that that old man would probably had a business

somewhere else.

When they enter the bar, they saw a slim and tall woman with short

black hair behind the counter. She is Shakuyaku, or as people called her

Shakky. As of now, she was cleaning the leftover that the pirates from

before made.

Due to Narmi's reputation, when the pirates knew that he was heading

towards the bar, they quickly left. This caused the bar to become empty

without any customers. Seeing this, Narmi and Robin didn't hesitate to

went to the counter and took a seat there.

"Hello there, my name is….."

"Devil King Narmi Amsi, the Fifth Emperor of the Sea. May I know to

what do I owe the honor having one of the Emperor to come in this

shabby bar?" Shakky cut Narmi's introduction short

"It seems the bartender here was well informed."

"How can't I? You cost me my customers." Shakky replied in a joking


"Well, I'm sorry about that. I heard that this bar had a coating specialist. I

wanted to ask for his service for coating my ship."

"We do have a coating specialist and right now he is heading here. Have

some beer while waiting for him. Ohh I forgot to introduce myselves. I

am Shakuyaku, you can call me Shakky."

"Nice to meet you. As you might know I presume, this lady beside me is

Nico Robin, my girlfriend and wife-to-be."

"Nice to meet you." Robin said with a pleasant smile.

Then, they waited for the coating specialist to come to the bar, while

Narmi took his time to ask for information from Shakky. He knew she

possess many useful information due to her personality.


Grove 40, Sabaody Archipelago

Henry and Nami were walking together towards their destination. They

then separate ways and set a time for them to meet back.

After about two hours later, they meet back at the same place. Then, they

proceed to leave the tourist area, heading in the direction of the Celestial


At the same time, the Celestial Dragons group of family had arrived at

the tourist area. Along their journey, all around civilians had to kneel

down for them. The slave that they were riding look very exhausted with

all his crawling.

These Celestial Dragons felt extremely pleased when he saw all of the

civilians kneel down. He make a full smile while having a look the

civilians kneeling down around him.

But then, he noticed there were two people in front of him, a man and a

female, that didn't kneel down at all. What made him more furious that

both of them were even chatting, disregarding his and his family's

presence. With an arrogant tone, he shouted loudly.



The Captain that was escorting them smack his forehead. His body was

covered in cold sweat as he saw those ignorant Celestial Dragons provoke

the Devils. Not only one, he provoke both of them. Fucking hell.

Henry and Nami who were in good mood, turned their heads in

displeasure towards the source of the voice. Then they saw, there was a

fatty bald man with a weird bubbles on his heads with a bunch of people

that have the same fashion like him.

Henry and Nami didn't expect they would run into Celestial Dragons,

much less a group of them. Both of them thought that they would just

move away in a rapid manner, ignoring them. They didn't want to make

a ruckus at all, as they didn't have any mood for it.

But then, the Celestial Dragons lock his view on Nami, as he saw her

splendid looks. His wife didn't even look like her. His lecherous thought

running wildly and then he ordered.

"You girl over there, come here and be my slave. I am the Celestial

Dragon" Saint Henry ordered.

Nami who was just want to leave, suddenly felt rage welling inside her.

Ever since Arlong, never ever she had been humiliated to this degree.

Openly asked her to become slave as if she had no honor at all.

Henry who was beside her, knew what she wanted to do. So, he thought

that he would help her. He also remembered that Narmi permit them to

kill Celestial Bastards.

Saint Henry saw both of them released hostile intention towards him, so

he in a fit of anger took out a pistol and shot towards both of them. He

thought if he can't make them suffer, they would never knew his prestige.

Unfortunately, all of the bullets shot pass through both of them. They had

ready for the event that the Celestial Bastards make a move.

Nami then turned her head towards Henry.

"I need your help. Block the civilians with your power. I will cut him


Henry just nodded and started to use his power



I am running out of idea on the novel. Please give me some ideas.

Chapter 55: Celestial Bastards


With Nami's request, Henry started to use his power. But this time, he

didn't use the blue fire. He just use normal fire as he didn't want to hurt

the civilians.

"Blaze Wall"

Fire started to emerge from his body, making walls of fire surrounding

Nami and the Celestial Bastards. He didn't include the Marines in the

walls of fire as he remembered that Narmi had made some kind of deal

with them to not hurt or kill them.

After making the fire wall, he proceeded to call out for Narmi to make a

report on their situation.

"Hello Narmi. It seems we would run late for a while as we got some

situations with the Celestial Bastards here. Nami are going on a rampage.

These bastards provoke her."

"Ohh seriously, I'm coming to join in on the fun."

After that, Narmi teleport to their location. He ordered Nami to hurt

them severely and don't kill them just yet, as he had some business with


With that, Nami started her rampage. She launched her techniques

towards them.


A huge tornado appeared with that. She then asked for Henry's help to

send a fire into the tornado. After that, she control it to make the

Celestial Bastards get sucked into the tornado.

Few minutes later, she released the technique. The Celestial Bastards

emerge from it with a tattered clothing and burns all over their body.

Their expressions were very scared as they now knew that they had

provoke someone they shouldn't. This was the first time they felt fear all

over their bodies. Never could they have known the person in front of

them would disregard their status and directly massacred them in front of


Narmi who was being an audience when Nami's rampage, just laughed

out loud seeing the Celestial Bastards acting like that. He then ordered

Henry to release his technique as Nami had done her job.

Next, he walked towards the Celestial Bastards, while releasing his

pressure all over them. All of them peed in their pants, as they feel like

an ancient beasts was coming towards them.

For Narmi, he feel like he didn't have enough with the Celestial Bastards.

So, he asked the system if the store had anything for this kind of thing.

"Hey system, I feel like I didn't have enough fun with the Celestial

Bastards. Do you have anything that can help me have more fun with


[Host can buy a Collar of Slavery and put it on them. This item would

make the slave to do host's bidding. It was only price at 500 points]

"Then, buy me four of them, each one for the Celestial Bastards. Thank

you system"

[Yes host. You're welcome]

Four Collar of Slavery had been sent into his inventory. He then proceed

to put the collar on Saint Henry and his family. But when he was about

to put the last one, the Captain of the escort group stopped him.

"Devil King-sama, what is that thing that you are putting on the Celestial

Dragons-sama?" the Captain asked, trembling with fear.

"Collar of Slavery" Narmi nonchalantly replied.

"Please Devil King-sama, remove it. You can't do anything to them. They

are Celestial Dragons."

Narmi was pissed off when he heard that Captain said that. He then

turned his head towards him and said.

"I can do anything I want. You want to stop me? Come! I'll give you a

painless death. Don't think I don't dare to do this. You know that I had a

deal with the Marines. It said that if you interfere with my business, I can

kill you. Besides, to me, they are Celestial Bastards."

"But Devil King-sama, right now the Celestial Dragons is under the

Marines' supervision. If anything happens, we would be responsible, and

probably our deal with be broken."

"You want to back off from the deal? I don't care. It was you Marines who

came to me to make the deal. Let me say this to you, the moment the

deal broke, I will personally storm the Marineford. Don't ever think I

wouldn't dare to do it." Narmi gave his warning.

The Captain who intended to stop Narmi, back off a distance away as he

felt Narmi's intense pressure. He just watched Narmi put the collar on the

last Celestial Bastards helplessly. Narmi after putting the last collar,

ordered Henry to help the slave that was exhausted to take a break and

give them some food.

He then proceed to ordered the Celestial Bastards remove the Bomb

Collars from the slaves. There were four slaves that were present, with

three of them were females with the other one is male. All of them were


He inquired about their background and knew that the females were

kidnapped when they were a child. Meanwhile, the male said that he was

a former pirate hunter. He said that he was betrayed by a Marines

acquaintances and got a wrong information on his targets. This caused

him to get caught and sold as a slave.

The Marines who heard the male story got silenced and look down as

they were ashamed that one of the Marines had done bad things.

Afterwards, Narmi open a teleport gate and send Henry, Nami and the

former slaves to the bar.

After that, he went to the Celestial Bastards and sit on their back ordering

them to crawl like how they had done to the slaves. He ordered them to

crawl until Grove 13, his destinations.

He knew that his actions would anger the World Government. His actions

is a slap to their faces after all. He was waiting for them to make a move,

while secretly hoping they would sent a CP-0 agent, if not all.

He couldn't help but smirked thinking what their face would make when

he killed the Celestial Bastards in front of them. He wanted them to feel

the despair that they couldn't do anything to save them, in front of him.

Not far away from Narmi, an old man with a white hair wearing glasses

watch all of Narmi's actions. This old man is Silvers Rayleigh.

"This Fifth Emperor is really fearless. Perhaps, he could one day change

this world, and unravel the truth within." Rayleigh remark, while his face

full of smiles.



I'm sorry if this chapter isn't good enough, as my ideas running on

short. Maybe after a few chapters I would make a fast forward to

Luffy's Departure.

Hope you guys like it.

Chapter 56: Torturing Celestial


World Government, Mariejois

"We just got information that a family of Celestial Dragons got attacked

by pirates" The old man with grey dreadlocks said.

"Whom dare to attack Celestial Dragons!?" The old man with glasses



"Those bastards dare to disregard our status and attack them!? Did those

Marines didn't protect them!?" The bald old man with large white

mustache said.

"They just watched them get attacked! It seems that Devil King is there

and told them to not mind his business towards them. So they could just


"Useless fools! It seems that we need to make a move. CP-0 is on their

way to here but they couldn't make it in time. It seems that we need to

send CP-9. Tell Rob Lucci to bring his team to Sabaody Archipelago and

deal with those pirates."

The subordinates of the Five Elders that were just hearing their

discussions go on and pass their orders. With that orders, the five

arrogant old man would suffer a big loss in the near future.


[Hidden Quest: Make a Celestial Dragons Become Slave Completed!

Reward: EXP +100000, Bonus Points +1000, Trade Points +500000,

Dracule Mihawk's Swordsmanship Style]

[Congratulations you have leveled up. You are now level 68. All Stats


[Congratulations you have leveled up. You are now level 69. All Stats


[Congratulations you have leveled up. You are now level 70. All Stats


'Hmm, it seems I have done the right thing to make them a slave. Well,

that swordsmanship is unexpected but I don't care. Even without one, I

am strong enough.'

He ignores the notification and continue to torture the Celestial Bastards.

He wanted these bastards to feel what the other slaves feel. The pain, the

fatigue and anything that despairs them. They need to have that feel

before they die.

The civilians around them saw how Narmi tortured the Celestial Dragons

fearlessly. On the surface, these civilians appeared scared but in their

hearts they hope that Narmi would tortured them further. These Celestial

Dragons had always been cruel to the civilians like them.

Narmi felt like it wasn't enough with this, so he tear the Celestial Dragons

clothes. After that, he uses magma abilities and made the logo of Grand

King Pirates on their back, imitating the how they treated their slaves.

Along their way to Grove 13, Narmi ordered for the surrounding people

to do anything they want towards the Celestial Dragons. At first, no one

didn't dare to do anything as they knew they would be dead if they did

something towards them.

But Narmi gave his assurance that he would take all the responsibilities

and they wouldn't need to worry. With that, everywhere they pass, the

Celestial Dragons got beaten up. Getting thrown stone on, punched,

slapped and many things were done onto them.

The Celestial Dragons beg for forgiveness, asking them to stop but no one

didn't even care. To them, this was their chance to release their

dissatisfaction on the Celestial Dragons. Words of abuse can be heard

everywhere, targeting the now turned slave Celestial Dragons.

Narmi who watched they got beaten, laughed out loud. The arrogant

Celestial Bastards begging for forgiveness. Who wouldn't laugh in this

situation? Every time they stopped, he physically abused them to keep on

going. All of his actions really made him look like a Devil King. But he

didn't care as long as he can abuse them to his heart's content. This

continues on until they reached their destination.

Few hours later, they finally arrived at Grove 13. Narmi then asked them

to stand outside and ordered to never take a rest. He quickly went into

the bar and saw Robin and the others having a chat with the former

slaves, although they look stiff as they just knew about their identities.

The Fifth Emperor's crewmates, Devil Child, Devil Cook and Devil

Navigator. To them, surrounded by the notorious pirates of the sea really

made them feel like suffocating. They wouldn't dare to say anything that

could possibly angered them.

But gradually, their expressions look comfortable as they feel the

intimate atmosphere that they release. They started to converse more and

more. Laughter filled the bar with their conversations going on.

Narmi watched them silently, before going to them and introduced


"Hello guys, my name is Narmi Amsi. The Captain of the Grand King

Pirates." Narmi said.

All four of them rise up from their seats and bow towards him. Narmi just

laughed and asked them to raise their head. He then proceeded to take a

seat near them and join their conversations from before.

From these conversations, he knew that the male named Chris while the

other three females were Holly, Anna and Maria. For your information,

the girls were all top tier beauty. Despite that, to Narmi they weren't as

beautiful as Robin. After that, they continue to chat among them.

Not long after, the door of the bar opened with an old man with white

hair wearing a round shaped glasses entering. Narmi saw this old man

and went to greet him.

"Hello there, old man. My name is..."

"Narmi Amsi. The Devil King. The Fifth Emperor. I know all about you

hahahaha. It seems my luck today meeting you."

"Hahahaha don't say it like that. I'm embarrassed. My prestige is not that

great compared to the Right Hand of the Pirate King. Isn't that right, Mr.

Silvers Rayleigh?"

The bar went silent. Robin and the others were shocked when Narmi said

that. Shakky also didn't expect that Narmi would know Rayleigh.

Rayleigh who was laughing before stopped and peered into Narmi's eyes.



Hey guys. I want to ask your opinion, should I add a new fruit for our

MC. I want to make a new one which is based on Godzilla movies. I

am hooked with Godzilla, as he is so cool for me. Also, what do you

think the MC should do with the former slaves.

Btw, if you guys want to translate my novel to your language, by all

means please do so. Just credit it to me okay.

Lastly, give some review on the novel's new synopsis that I just edited.

Please put your review in the comment section.

Thank you

Chapter 57: Fun with Rayleigh,

New Members Recruited

When Narmi said that, all of them were shocked, including Rayleigh.

Although some people knew of him, but he really sure Narmi wasn't one

of them. So, he increased his vigilance. This is all due to his observation

on Narmi's power and knew he wasn't his match.

But then, he peered deep into Narmi's eyes. He did that as he wants to

know Narmi's intention of coming here. But what he saw and felt was

only Narmi's respect and admiration.

'A man with power that stands above all, had a deep respect and

admiration towards me. If he knows about me, then he should know my

power is below him but he still respect and admire me. This means he

came here without any ill intentions. What a foolish action for me to

increase my vigilance.' Rayleigh thought while a smile was forming on

his face.

Suddenly, laughter filled the bar as Rayleigh laugh out loud. He then hug

Narmi on the shoulder and brought him to the bar counter.

"Shakky, give this boy some beer. We will have some conversations

among us. Hahaha."

Shakky saw her husband bring Narmi to the counter, served all of them

with beers. She knew if her husband didn't put up vigilance that means

the opposite party didn't have any ill intentions.

"So, what should I call you? Silvers-sama? Rayleigh-sama? Ray-san?"

Narmi asked

"Haha, call me Ray-san. You don't have to treat me as if I am a respected

elder. We both are on the same standings."

"Hahaha okay then Ray-san. By the way, let me introduce to my crew.

Those three there is Nico Robin my girlfriend, Henry and Nami. While

the former slaves are Chris, Holly, Anna and Maria."

"Hello there. As you guys had known from him, I am Silvers Rayleigh. In

the past known as Right Hand of Pirate Kings. You can just call me Ray-


All of them stand and bow their heads towards the prominent figure in

the past. Never could they thought, they would meet someone that had

been with the infamous Pirate King. But, seeing as that figure talk

casually, they then join in on the conversations.

"Ray-san, I actually came to this bar to hired a coating specialist. We are

headed for New World. Although with my power, we could just teleport

there but it would become less fun as we can't enjoy the scenery


"Ohh, Coating Specialist? I am the one. I can help you to coat your ship,

but with a price."

"Of course, nothing in this world is free after all. I will pay for the


"That's good then. With that payment, I could enjoy the alcohol.


The others thought that this Right Hand of Pirate King had a very

carefree attitude. They originally thought that he would act dignified

with his past. But they didn't mind as this would help them to know him

better. The bar was filled with chatter and laughter with their


"That's right. What are you going to do to those Celestial Dragons?"

Rayleigh asked "You do know that World Government will sent someone

to take them and deal with you right?"

"I do know that they would send someone to deal with me. I'm keeping

all of them alive so that I could kill them in front of anyone that they sent

to me. I want them to feel the despair that they couldn't save them."

Narmi said. A wicked smile appeared on his face

'This Narmi is really fearless. Keeping them alive so that he can kill them

when the time comes. His confidence is very high.' Rayleigh thought.

"Well, if that what you want I wouldn't stop you. But, if you need any

help, you can ask for my assistance." Rayleigh offered

"Thank you for the offer, Ray-san. I would call you whenever I need your

help. You too if you ever need help, you can ask for my assistance. I

would come as fast as I can."

"Haha thank you. I would take up on that offer when the time comes. The

Celestial Dragons matter is done. What about the former slaves?"

Rayleigh asked while turn his head to their directions.

"We don't know what will we do in the near future, as we had just got

freed from the Celestial Dragons. Besides, we got a Mark of Celestial

Dragons and there are chances they would find us and take us back to

being slaves." Chris replied.

The other three girls shivered in fear when they heard becoming slaves

back. It was still clear the torture and punishment that the Celestial

Dragons had incurred on them.

"Then, how about you join my crew? I could train you guys so that you

become stronger. Besides, you guys would be under my protection."

Narmi proposed

"Is that okay? I mean, if we joined you, we perhaps would become a

burden on you and your crew members." Chris ask for confirmation. It

seems like he was representing the other three girls.

"Burden? What burden? Did you mean that the World Government would

chase me? Don't worry about that as they couldn't hold a candle on me

after all. They are just bugs." Narmi stated

"But what about the others?" Chris asked back.

"We don't care. Besides, we could have more companions this way. Our

crew members aren't that many after all." Robin replied, representing

Henry and Nami.

"If that is okay with you, then please take care of us." Chris bowed his

head. The other three girls followed his gesture, showing their gratitude

on Narmi's kindness to take them in.

"Then, welcome to Grand King Pirates crew. Let's celebrate hahaha."

'System, buy for me the best liquor available in the store.'

[System recommend for host to buy the lowest quality available as the

best liquor taste is out of this world.]

'Why is that?'

[Best liquor taste could make even host that have a high stats drunk

when you took a sip. Much less the resident of this world. Also, the

lowest quality had the best taste in this world]

'The buy the lowest quality liquor.'

[The lowest quality liquor is only 50 points per bottle. How much did

you want host?]

'Buy 10 bottles'

[Affirmative. Transaction complete!]

Narmi then took out the bottles from his inventory and served it to the

others. Rayleigh was very interested with the appearance of the liquor.

"What is this liquor? I haven't seen it before in any other places."

"This is the best liquor from my place, Ray-san. Have a drink." Narmi

replied, excluding the information about the system.

Rayleigh took a sip and made a remark on the taste.

"This is delicious. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that this is the best

liquor that I have ever had in my life."

"Then, drink it to your heart's content. Don't worry, I will leave you some

when I leave this island."

"Hehe thank you."

With that, all of them had the fun for the day.


Meanwhile, on a ship that were heading towards Sabaody Archipelago, a

group of four people were discussing on their target for this mission,

Narmi Amsi.

This four people were the members of CP-9. They are Rob Lucci, Kaku,

Kalifa and Jabra.

"It seems our target in this mission is the newly crowned Fifth Emperor.

He defeated Akainu on a one-on-one battle." Lucci said

"That is one-on-one. We four people are enough to deal with him." Jabra


"We can't underestimated him. He defeated Akainu with only a simple

display of swordsmanship and use only a tiny bit of his power. He is

hiding his strength." Kaku stated

"So what? We are CP-9. Besides, we have Lucci here to help deal with

him." Jabra replied to Kaku's statement with a hint of mockery. For him,

there is no need to fear pirates.

"Anyways, I just want to say don't underestimate him and be careful.

Jabra you should noted that. I'm not going to save you if you happen to

be in a dangerous situation." Kaku replied back

"Hmm, like I need your saving."

With that, silence fill the ships heading to Sabaody Archipelago.



Hey guys. With your comments, I finally resolved myself to give the

Godzilla fruit to the former male slaves. It seem our MC would see

Godzilla beam from up close.

Btw, did anyone know how to recovered Apple iCloud? Because i

forgot my password and forgot the answer to the questions that I had

set. And it seems my iCloud had been lock.

Please help me solving this problem.

Thank you for reading

Chapter 58: CP-9 Arrived

That Night

Narmi and the others were staying the night at Rayleigh and Shakky's

place. Actually, they wanted to spend the night at an inn, but Rayleigh

offer them for a place to stay the night.

Narmi knew the reason for Rayleigh's offer for them. He wanted to have

some more of the liquor that Narmi served. Narmi then gave him a few

bottles more and spend the night having fun with Rayleigh, while talking

about his past.

"Oh yeah, didn't you want to know anything about what we found at the

end of our journey?"

"Nah Ray-san. If I know about it, it would make the journey to be without

purpose. It would be better for us to stay in the dark about it until we

reach the place."

Rayleigh smile with Narmi's statement as this attitude is what one should

have when they went on a journey. He then continue to have fun with

Narmi. Meanwhile, the Celestial Dragons that Narmi had slaved were

standing at the outside of the house.

The Next Day

Narmi's perception detected the arrival of a group of CP-9 agent. From

his perception, he knew that the agent that they sent are Rob Lucci,

Kaku, Jabra and Kalifa. Rayleigh who was relaxing near him also

detected their arrival.

Both of them turn their heads towards each other and nodded. Rayleigh

went ahead of him to survey their movements while Narmi went and

took Robin to let her use her abilities.

Robin who were just having a chat with the other girls notice Narmi

coming towards her. When he said about the appearance of CP-9 and he

wanted to show these guys her power, she quickly agreed. It was because

she wanted to test the combination of her devil fruits techniques.

With that, Narmi took Robin and teleport to the area which the CP-9 just

arrived. Meanwhile, Rayleigh was watching the movement of the CP-9. If

they would start to do anything unreasonable, he would quickly

intervene. But it seems they were taking their time gathering information

so that they can prepare on how to deal with their target.

Unfortunately for them, Narmi and Robin arrived before them leaving

them with no room for preparations. They need to fight without any

additional knowledge of their enemies.

"Yaaa, I didn't expect for the World Government to send CP-9 agents on

my tail. It seems they are really pissed off right? Although, I'm hoping

that they sent CP-0 instead of you guys, well you can do just fine." Narmi

stated with an arrogant tone.

All of them raise their vigilance when Narmi stated that they are from

CP-9. Not many people knew about them. But then, his arrogant

statement made them feel angry especially Jabra as they were looked

down upon by pirates.

Jabra almost wanted to start his attack but was blocked by Lucci. He

knew if even Lucci had taken a cautious measure, meaning their target is

a powerful one.

"But you guys are not my match. I feel like I didn't want to play with you

guys." Narmi added

"CUT THE CRAP! Where are the Celestial Dragons!?" Jabra asked

"Those bastards? Is this whom you guys were looking for?" Narmi then

teleport the Celestial Dragons' family of four there.

All of them were shocked seeing the Celestial Dragons' conditions.

Tattered clothes with a collar on their neck. They also noticed a mark

bearing the logo of Grand King Pirates on their back. It seems like they

had been treated badly in this one day.

"Release them! Or you will suffer a tragic death by us!" Lucci stated

Narmi laughed out loud hearing the statement. These guys really had no

brain to make that statement. Their power aren't that strong to contend

with Akainu and yet they thought they could beat him.

"Why are you laughing!?" Jabra asked

"You guys want to make me suffer a tragic death? Really funny. You guys

can't even contend with her." Narmi said while pointing to Robin.

"Devil Child Nico Robin? She is not my match. I alone can beat her."

Jabra said with a smug face.

Robin's face were calm without any sign of anger. She knew that they

weren't even her match so she feels that there is no need for her to get

angry. Only in battle could she show her power.

"Is that so? Then try to fight her. Ohh, a kind advice, you better fight her

with all of you. Well, not that you guys stand a chance at all. Hahaha."

With that, Narmi teleport the Celestial Dragons back to Rayleigh's place

while he teleport to the side of Rayleigh.

"Aren't you scared that anything will happen to Robin?" Rayleigh asked

"Robin is a strong woman. Her fighting capabilities is top notch. Speed

and power mean nothing to her. She can beat them all in a matter of

seconds." Narmi said confidently.

Rayleigh standing beside him just smiled. It seems Narmi was very

confident of his crew's abilities. That's why he can rampage overbearing

in the sea. He knew that without him, they still can protect themselves.

With that, their attention focused on the fight that will start shortly

between Robin and CP-9. Narmi didn't forget to record the fight as he

wanted to use this to spread it to the world.


Name: Narmi Amsi

Age: 19 years old

Occupation: Captain of Grand King Pirates

Level: 70 (500/34500)


- Strength: 4200

- Agility: 4200

- Stamina: 4200

- Intelligence: 4200

- Perception: 4200

- Willpower: 4200

- Luck: 4200

Bonus Point: 15200

Trade Point: 3726000

Unclaimed Reward: None

Money: 3 Billion Berry

Bounty: 1 Billion Berry


Devil Fruit:

-Shizen Shizen No Mi(Awakened)

-Kemono Kemono No Mi, Model: Four Divine Beasts(Awakened)

-Bari Bari No Mi

-Jiku Jiku No Mi


-Voice of All Things(Locked)(½)

Marine Rokushiki

-Soru (Advanced Level)

-Geppo (Advanced Level)

-Tekkai (Advanced Level)

-Rankyaku (Advanced Level)

-Shigan (Advanced Level)

-Kami-e (Advanced Level)


-Dracule Mihawk Style (Novice Level)


-Observation Haki (Master Level)

-Armament Haki (Master Level)

-Conqueror's Haki (Master Level)



Hey guys. You see I'm thinking on adding another romantic

relationship for our MC, in other meaning a harem. What did you guys

think? Should I or should I not?

If you guys think that I should, gave me some suggestions. Also, is

there anyone that play bitlife?

That's all thank you.

Chapter 59: Robin vs CP-9

All four of them surround Robin, closing all possible escape route. Robin

just standing there, calmly analysing their movements without any hint

of fear. Jabra, who thought that Robin didn't have any power, make a

move on her.

He used his devil fruit power, turning into a hybrid form. Then, he uses

Soru to charge in with a fist at the ready. He uses Tekkai Kenpo to

harden his fist, so that he can punch Robin after he entered the close


His speed was very fast, but unfortunately his opponent is Robin. She

launched her technique to cut his charge short. A group of arms emerge

from the ground, catching his legs, causing his charge to fail and he fell

down face first.

After that, she infuse Magma using the emerging arm, causing his legs to

burn. Despite being burned, no screaming was heard, as Jabra was

holding his pain in. He tried to escape from the hands, but could not and

continue to get burned by the magma.

Rob Lucci saw how fast Robin react take a cautious measure. All of them

started to use their devil fruit power, with Lucci and Kaku in their hybrid

form. They signalled for Kalifa to use her power, so they would easily

take care of her when she was weakened.

Kalifa knew that she needed to clean her opponent's power, so she

gathers the nearby soap and foam, launching it towards Robin. Robin felt

the threat that the bubbles process, use her power to create a group of

arm forming a fan and blow bubbles towards Rob Lucci and Kaku.

Both of them saw Kalifa's attack got countered and move away from their

positions. With Kalifa's attack got countered, they were forced to move in

for the kill instead, as they didn't knew what Robin would do. He who

strikes first shall win.

Kaku uses his big nose to fire Shigan, while Lucci move in to use Shigan

on to Robin. This move of them were with intention to kill Robin as they

saw how powerful she was even with four of them fighting.

"It seems like my experiment has come to an end as I had seen the results

I want. So you guys can just save your time." Robin said

With that, she uses Geppo to launch herself upwards, while she uses

Hana Hana No Mi power to bind all of them. This move of her caused the

four agents to be restricted of their move, with hands covering their

bodies. Like how she had done on Jabra, she infused Magma using the

hands, causing them to get burns.

You guys must be wondering how Robin could use Geppo? After Narmi

had got the Rokushiki and understanding it, he train Robin on how she

can also use it. During their journey, Robin had practice hard on

mastering Rokushiki. That's why she can use it.

With that, in only a few minutes the fight was concluded with Robin as

the winner. Narmi and Rayleigh who saw the fight, went down from their

place and walk towards Robin. Narmi was especially excited as he saw

how powerful Robin had become now.

"Wow you are really ruthless. It seems like you gave them hope that they

can defeat you, but instead made a move that despairs them at the last

minute." Narmi said

Robin just smile with what Narmi had stated. She was interested to fight

just so she can experiment her new power combination. Usually, she just

uses her power to restrict her opponents at the start.

Narmi then went towards the four agents and sit down facing them.

"Well, didn't I said that you guys were not her match at all? Hahahaha."

Narmi said while laughing.

The four of them had dark expressions hanging on their face. This time

Jabra didn't say anything as he knew he wasn't good enough to talk in

time like this.

"What do you want?" Lucci asked

"Nothing. You guys present here is enough. I can show to the world what

World Government is hiding from them, with your presence here. They

can't deny anything."

"Our presence here won't change anything. The World Government would

deny everything that you claim."

"Well, I don't care about that. I'm just showing them the truth. If the

world don't want to believe it, then I can't force them to believe it."

"So, what are you going to do with us?"

"Hmmm, usually I would kill all over who come with hostile intentions

on me and my crew. But, I had found something recently that would be

more pleasurable. Besides, you guys had more value alive than dead."

With that, Narmi bought another four Collar of Slavery and put it on the

four agents. He then proceeded to ask Robin to release her techniques on

them. They had planned to attack Narmi off-guard after they got


But, they only took one step towards Narmi, the collar release some sort

of torture with unbearable pain on them. They tried to kill themselves,

but the Collar won't permit them to act like that. Now, they knew that

right now their life is in Narmi's hand. So, with reluctance, they had to

follow what he wanted.

"Good good. Now I got four high-end slaves with high battlepower, along

with four useless slaves." Narmi said

"What are you going to do, Narmi?" Rayleigh asked

"Right now, I'm waiting for you to coat our ship. Then, I guess head for

Fishmen Island. My guess is I would met CP-0 at New World, seeing that

they sent CP-9 after me."

"Well, if that is your objective, you can go wherever you want. But, I

thought that you should train Chris, Holly, Anna and Maria first if you

want to bring them to New World. That place is full of dangers."

"That's true. Although, the dangers won't possess any threat on me or my

other crew members, they still didn't got any high firepower. Let's go

back and discuss this with them."

"Yeah, let's go then."

All three of them went back towards Rayleigh's place, with the four

agents following them closely behind.



Hey guys, sorry if the chapter wasn't good enough. I'm not that good in

making a fight scene. So, there you go.

Thanks for reading.

P/S: I'm very hungry during writing this chapter. I need food.

Somebody please send me food??

Chapter 60: The Crew's Discussion

That night

Narmi and the others sat around the table to discuss their future

movements and also about the four new members. Law was also present

as Narmi brought him there. Rayleigh just sitting not far away from

them, while drinking the beer that Narmi gave to him.

"So, before our discussion start, let me introduce you to our 1st Division

Commander, Trafalgar Law. Also known as Devil Sword." Narmi said

Law just nodded his head towards the four new members, as his response

towards Narmi's introduction.

"Well, like before our destination would still be the same. I and the others

would head towards Whitebeard territory, while Law and his crew would

head to Dressrosa."

"Who will manage the base when we leave?" Law asked

"Well, that was your decision to make. Put the one who you trust the

most to manage the base. Besides, nobody would come to take over the

place with our absence." Narmi replied

"That's true. Even if there are truly someone who were reckless enough,

we could kill them all." Law nodded, agreeing with Narmi's statement.

The new members were scared with their conversations. These guys that

they followed are very fearless. Their conversations really showed their

confidence in their abilities.

"Well, that's that for our future movement. Next, I would like to talk

about our four new members."

"What is it that you want to talk about, captain?" Chris asked

"Hey hey, don't call me captain. Just call me Narmi. We are a crew

members now. We are like a family now. No need to be formal."

"Then, what is it that you want to talk about, Narmi?"

"Good good. Well, what I want to say is about you guys combat power.

Frankly, your combat power is very low, or in other words, very weak. In

the New World, you guys would easily be beaten by anyone. Although I

can protect you guys, but I want you guys to have the strength to protect

yourselves. Even when I am not there to protect you."

Narmi's frank statement pierced directly into their heart. Although they

knew about it, but talking about it frankly really made them feel the

pain. But, they regain their composure quickly and continue to listen to


"That's why, I had been thinking that I would send you guys training.

With none other than the Right Hand of Pirate King, Ray-san as your


They turned their heads towards Rayleigh with sparkles in their eyes.

They wanted to be strong and being trained by a famous strong figure

was really a good chance for them.

Rayleigh, being the centre of attention right now was laughing loudly

seeing the excited face on the four people's faces.

"What Narmi said is true. New World is ruthless and you guys can't hope

for Narmi to protect you all the time. You need to be stronger. That's why

I would help him by training you guys." Rayleigh affirmed what Narmi

had said.

They all rejoiced with the confirmation. They knew right now that their

future are safe as they wouldn't need to fear anyone. Then, Narmi's body

shook as he remembers something.

'System, is there anything that could help remove a scar from the body?'

[Potion of Full Recovery could help recover the body to its original

condition. Even if there are a lost limb, it would help to regrow it back. It

cost 500 points]

'Ohh nice potion. Give me four then.'

[Affirmative. Transaction Complete!]

With that, four bottles of potions were present inside the inventory.

Narmi took out all four of them and hand it to Chris and the others. He

ordered them to drink it. Although they were confused of Narmi's order,

they just followed and drink it.

Suddenly, all of them were groaning in pain as their bodies were

undergoing changes so that it would return back to its original condition.

They were shocked as they didn't expect this would happen.

After a few minutes, finally their bodies had stop undergoing the

changes. Chris and the others were speechless when they move their

bodies. They feel a new refreshing condition whenever they move their


Rayleigh who was watching them from the start also was shocked silly as

he had never seen anything like this. It may be said that this was his first

time ever. Robin, Nami, Henry and Law didn't bother about it. They were

very used to Narmi bring out anything like that after all.

The four people and Rayleigh turned their head towards Narmi, asking

for his information about what had just happened.

"The thing that you guys drink is Potion of Full Recovery. It would help

recover your bodies to original condition. Though I would say that I

didn't expect it to cause some pain to its drinker." Narmi said with a


"You guys are my crew members and I want you guys to be on top

condition when you guys start training. Also, I gave it to you because I

want to help remove the mark of Celestial Dragons from your back."

Narmi added

Chris then lifted his shirts and try to feel his back. He noticed that the

scar on his back was gone and he started to shed his tears. The girls also

shed their tears when they saw his back that was devoid of any mark.

They knew right now that they are free from the Celestial Dragons.

"Although, I don't know what those bastards had done towards you guys

before, but I know it is cruel. That's why I'm helping you guys removing

the mark. This is a Captain's duty after all. So, shed your tears for

tonight. Because tomorrow and forever after, no more tears will be shed."

After saying that, Narmi rise up from his seat and walked away from the

table. Robin and the others stay for awhile to watch over the new

members, while having a light conversations between them.

Meanwhile, the four new members silently vowed in their heart that they

would never betray Narmi, after all he had done for them. They also set a

goal to train seriously and become strong so that they can be useful to




I have nothing to say for this chapter as no idea was coming. I read

some comments about the Kalifa and Kaku got their abilities earlier.

Well, what I want to say is that although I follow the timeline, it

doesn't mean that I would follow them all the way through. I would

write it the way I want it.

Next, I need some suggestions on what Devil Fruits should I give to the

former girl slaves. Also, I got some plans for the CP-9 agents if you are

curious why the MC made them as slaves.


Chapter 61: The Four People Got


The Next Day

Video of Robin fighting with the CP-9 was spread around the world.

Rumors also spread stating that Robin's opponent is World Government's

secret agent CP-9. This rumors had shocked the civilians as they didn't

knew about this CP-9 existence.

Some information of CP-9 was also leaked stating about some massacre

that they did to the civilians, and they put the blames on the pirates. This

truth was hard to bear for the civilians as they now knew the existence of

this organizations.

Meanwhile, the Five Elders who got the news about this erupted in anger.

They sent a group of four CP-9 but all of them weren't able to subdue

even one of Narmi's crew members.

"Those CP-9 couldn't even do their work properly. What use are they if a

small task as these they can't handle. Make a call to CP-9 Chief


After a few minutes, Spandam answer the call of the Five Elders using

Den Den Mushi.

"What can I help you with?" Spandam asked

"What is wrong with your subordinates!? So weak!? What use is there

CP-9 if you guys can't handle even these small task!?"

"Uhh…." Spandam was speechless. He were trying hard to think of

solution out of this problem.

"Besides, right now the civilians had known of CP-9 existence. You guys

existence would be disbanded after this if no solutions would be

presented. Our reputation had been taking a downwards directions. We

can't afford for it to make it reach rock bottom."

"Sir, I propose that the World Government denied their involvement. We

can framed them and said that they are intending to put a bad reputation

on us. Furthermore, let's put bounties on each one of them." Spandam

gave his idea.

To him, this idea is the best that he can do. He couldn't afford to lose his

position right now. He would do anything that he can to maintain it,

even betraying his colleagues.

"Hmm, then do that. Even if the more intelligent people didn't trust it, the

naive and stupid civilians would trust us. We can still protect our

reputation with this move."

"Alright sir, I will do that."


The Next Day

Newspaper was spread everywhere with the content of World

Government on the matter that had happened. They denied any of those

people connections with the World Government. They also stated that

there are no CP-9 organizations in World Government.

Not only denying the CP-9 existence, they also put bounty on each one of

them. This was due to the reason that they were trying to smear bad

reputations on World Government.

Although, this statement seems like forced to protect their reputations,

but it still helps to protect their reputations. There were only a few

civilians that didn't trust whatever was said in the newspaper.

Narmi who was just reading the newspaper, laughed out loud with this

movement by them. He had expected them to make this move. He also

knew who would be suggesting them to make this move. The CP-9 Chief,


The four CP-9 agents was curious with what was written on the

newspaper, as they saw Narmi seem to have a lot of fun reading it. But

they didn't ask him for the newspaper due to their position that they

were in right now.

Narmi noticed their intention to read the newspaper and so rise up from

his seat and went to them. The four of them flinched when he came near

them. Narmi just smirked and put the newspaper on their table, giving

them permission to read.

With that, Kalifa who was the most bookwormish among them, quickly

read it. She saw all of them had bounty with Lucci was tagged at 300

Million, while the others were 200 Million. Then, she smashed the

newspaper with her face coloured red due to anger. The other three was

curious and asked her.

"Why are you looking so angry?" Kaku asked, calmly.

"We are right now had bounties on our heads. The World Government

denied of our existence."

"What!? Is it true!?" Lucci asked

"Yes it is true. Who is it that suggest the World Government to make this

move!?" Kalifa contemplated

Suddenly, a voice interrupted their conversations, giving them their


"Your CP-9 Chief Spandam." Narmi replied, while drinking a liquor.

"Impossible! He is our chief!" Lucci replied. Although he is a weaklin,

Lucci respected him as a boss.

"It is not impossible. He viewed you guys as his subordinates, one that he

can use so that he would feel superiority. I guess your failure this time

must have caused something which he didn't want it to happen."

"And what is it?" Kalifa asked

"CP-9 disbanded or something along the line. He didn't want it to happen

and probably suggesting the World Government to framed you guys."

"I don't believe you. Who knows that you are tricking us!? I don't believe

that Spandam would betray us." Lucci replied

"Well then, be my guest. I'm just stating what was the possible thing that

happened and probably the truth behind this event." Narmi replied and

then walked away from them.

"Kalifa, you still have the Den Den Mushi right?" Kaku asked.

"Yeah, I will call Spandam." Kalifa replied, while using her Den Den

Mushi to call their Chief.


"Who is this?"

"Spandam. It's me, Kalifa. Why are we got framed by the World

Government?" Kalifa asked, with hope that Spandam denied Narmi's


"Ohh it's you. I'm sorry, it was either of you guys or the CP-9. Besides,

that Narmi had caught you guys right? Then we can't do anything. That's

why I had to suggest that move." Spandam replied. Although they would

resent him, he wasn't afraid as he was with the World Government.

"Fuck you, Spandam. How dare you betray us!?" Jabra said, in an angry


"I didn't betray you. You guys failed your mission and caused bad

reputation to CP-9."

"Just you wait! One day, we would find you and have our revenge!" Lucci


With that, their call was cut off. All four of them had an expression of

rage, after they had their confirmation. They didn't expect what Narmi

said was right.

"We would have our revenge one day! But, right now we don't have any

backer with us." Kalifa said

"Yeah. Besides, right now we are slaves to the Devil King. How can we

get our revenge like this?"

All four of them were contemplating hard. Although they were strong

when facing the pirates, they were just only four people. That Spandam

still have subordinates with him, and they would be fucked facing too

many people at a time.

"Then how about you guys join my crew and I become your backer?"

Narmi said



Hey guys. Maybe in these two days, I would probably not post any

chapter, as I had to help my friends in events. I will post if there is

enough time for me to wrote the chapters.

Please do enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 62: Ex-CP9 Recruited

"Then, how about you guys join my crew and I become your backer?"

Narmi said.

The four people raise their vigilance when Narmi said that. To them,

Narmi offering to become their backer is good enough, but they can't

help being vigilant as they didn't know what Narmi want.

"What price do we need to pay for you to become our backer?" Lucci


"No price. You guys will become my crew member, that's all. Besides, if I

want to, I could just kill all of you here. This is me giving you chances to

live on and carry out your revenge. The question is, did you guys really

had the conviction to join me in my war against the World Government?"

Narmi asked

The four of them were silenced. Although they want to have their

revenge on Spandam, but they were trained by the World Government to

become their agents. They had live for so long with their purpose to serve

the World Government.

Their thoughts were conflicted in their mind, whether they want to join

Narmi's crew or not. After a long moments of silence, all of them finally

had resolved their mind. With Lucci in the lead, all of them rise up from

their seat and bowed towards Narmi.

"Thank you for the invitation. We're counting on you."

Narmi saw they had made their decisions, smiled and release them from

the Collar of Slavery and give them the Potion of Full Recovery. With

Narmi's order, they drank the potions and recovered their bodies' original


All of them were shocked when they felt the changes in their body. What

made them shocked even more was Narmi's decisive action. Feeling

curious, they asked.

"Aren't you scared that we will betray you after all you've done for us?"

"I decided to trust you guys. My crew members is built based on trust.

Maybe we met on a bad start, but right now we are a crew member. So,

as a captain, I put my trust in you guys. Don't ever let me lost my trust on

you." Narmi replied with a smile.

He then turned and walked away from them. The four of them were

stunned with what Narmi said. They couldn't have thought that Narmi

would easily trust them like that. But then they thought that even if they

betray him, there would be no benefit at all.

This was due to his power which stand at the top. The World

Government and the Marines couldn't hold him down. So he didn't need

to be afraid of being betrayed as he can just push forward with force.

With that thinking, they finally set their resolve to follow him until the



The Next Day

Due to his intention to let Rayleigh train the new members, he went to

find a training place for them. He had decided on their training place.

Rusukaina, the place which Rayleigh trains Luffy for a year and a half.

The climate and the amount of beasts there was good enough for them to

train themselves. After their breakfast, he headed there using his Zoan-

Devil Fruit Power in Vermillion Bird form.

His intention to fly there was due to he wanted to teleport Rayleigh and

the others there, so they didn't need to travel by the sea. This way they

would have more time training. He had ordered for the others to spend

their time however they see fit until he comes back.

On his way there, he saw a giant red ship with two sea serpent harnessed

on the front. He knows the ship belongs to Kuja Pirates, so he just fly

over them without care. But then, a sudden barrage of arrows imbued

with haki coming his way.

He dodged all of them, only to find another barrage already coming to

his direction. They had predicted his direction with ease. At first, he

didn't want to bother at all, but seeing as they attack him like this, he felt

he needed to make clear his stance.

He turned back to his original form and then simultaneously launched a

barrier blocking all the attack. Continuing on, he unsheathed his sword

and made a slash to the sea, causing a huge cut appeared on it before

returning back to normal.

Seeing his movement, the Kuja Pirates stop their attack but still raise

their vigilance. They saw that his attack was not aiming at them even

though it was overwhelmingly strong. Seeing their attack stop, Narmi

went to their ship and land on the deck.

"Hello there, my name is Narmi Amsi. I apologize for flying over your

ship. Don't worry I don't hold any hostile intention to you guys."

"Narmi Amsi!? The Fifth Emperor!? Known as the Devil King!?" One of

the Kuja Pirates said. They knew about the rise of the new Emperor of

the Sea. Especially when he battle against Admiral Akainu.

"Yeah, the public call me that. Well if I'm not mistaken, you guys must be

Kuja Pirates? Your Empress is one of the Shichibukai."

"Yes. We are the proud warrior of the Kuja tribe. Though we were

brandished as pirates after the peace treaty with the World Government."

"Is that so? Well, be careful in the future. Those Shichibukai title might

not stay that way much longer." Narmi said, while he turned away

intending to continue his journey.

"Wait! What do you mean it would not stay much longer?"

"Hmm? Why? You see my crew had crushed one of them, Crocodile when

he intends to take over Alabasta. In the near future, my subordinate

would crushed Doflamingo, who was ruling tyrannically at Dressrosa."

"Although the title might sound domineering, it won't be long when

someone reckless who would try to attack the other Shichibukai

including you guys. That's why you need to be careful in the future."

Narmi added

"Wait! Can you please wait for a minute or two? We need to relay this to

our Empress"

"Well, I don't see any disadvantage for me to wait for a while."

Then, one of the Kuja went to inform their Empress about what Narmi

had said. To them, this kind of information was crucial, as they were

protecting the residents of Amazon Lily.

After a few minutes, the Kuja girl came back and said.

"Devil King Narmi, our Empress wish to see you."



Hi there. Sorry for late chapter as I went sleeping after I came back

from home. Besides, I had a headache right now, so if it wasn't good

enough I'm sorry.

Well enjoy the chapter

Chapter 63: Meeting the Pirate


"Devil King Narmi, our Empress wish to see you."

Narmi was stunned when he heard that. He didn't expect that Hancock

would want to meet him. This was due to her past, which caused her to

discriminate against men. So, Narmi didn't do anything crazy despite his

status due to his knowledge of her past.

But maybe she had something to ask, that's why she wanted to meet him

despite that. This caused him to respect her more.

"Lead the way for me." Narmi gave his response.

Along the way, he saw the decorations of the ship which was very well

placed. He couldn't help but admire the ship He thought that his ship

didn't had that many decorations as they didn't even care about it. Maybe

he would try to decorate the Errege after his return.

Not long after, they arrived in front of a big door. The girl who helped

lead him here knocked on the door notifying his arrival. She then asked

him to go inside before excusing herself. Narmi then proceed to open the


Once inside, Narmi saw a beautiful woman wearing a revealing red

blouse sitting on a large white snake with pink spots. Even though he had

always interact with an exotic type of beauty, this is his first time saw a

Goddess type of beauty.

Luckily, his willpower is high enough to prevent himself from being

charmed. Unfortunately, her eyes were very emotionless. Beside her,

there are two other large woman accompanying her. These are the

Gorgon Sisters, Boa Hancock, Marigold and Sandersonia.

When Narmi came near them, he can easily read the pain in their eyes as

they was feeling reluctant to face a man after all this time. But they had

to do this as it involves the future of their tribe. Without wasting much

time, Hancock directly ask the question.

"Is it true what you had said to my subordinates?"

"It is all true. Crocodile had been detained by Marines, meanwhile

Doflamingo would face his doom in the near future."

"About the Shichibukai title? What would happen then?"

"Although the World Government would still acknowledge the existence

of Shichibukai, but like I said to your subordinates before, there would be

pirates that are reckless." Narmi said

"Although it was just my prediction, but they would probably try to

attack the other Shichibukai. Besides, the world saw Shichibukai as the

World Government's dogs. They can't contend with World Government,

but they still can try to contend with the pirates that was under them."

Narmi added

Hearing this, Hancock wear a difficult expression on her face. Although,

she didn't seem to care about the Kuja, but they are in the crisis of

getting attacked in the future. She didn't want the Kuja to experience

what she and her sisters had experience from before. This is her duty as

their Empress.

Although she knew the excellence of the Kuja tribe, but compared to the

outside world, they would probably lose. There are many more

outstanding people travelling the sea. And if they decided to attack them,

they probably couldn't retaliate.

Narmi at the side just stay silent, watching her fell deep in thought of the

solutions. But after a few minutes, without anything came up as a

solution for her, she shows an expression of giving up. Seeing this, Narmi

then interjected.

"I see you are thinking hard for the solution of the problem. But it seems

you have no idea on how to deal with it. Then, how about this? I suggesr

that my crew would become your protector."

Hancock and the others put on their vigilance when Narmi said that.

First, this was due to the fact that he is a man. Second, nothing in this

world is free so he must be planning something.

Narmi just chuckled seeing this. It seems they are cautious of him. Well,

not like he didn't understand so he then proceed to explain.

"Don't worry, I don't intend to do anything towards your tribe. I want you

guys to do me a favor, which is to stay your position as Shichibukai."

"Why?" Hancock asked

"There will be something interesting happening in the future and I need

your help during that time. It is related to the World Government."

"So, you want us to stay as Shichibukai in exchange for your crew service

as our tribe protector?"

"Yep. Easy enough isn't it?"

"How can we trust you?"

"You guys know Silvers Rayleigh right?"

"Yeah, we know him."

"Well, he would be responsible for the new members of my crew training.

This new members are former slave of Celestial Dragons. Right now I'm

heading to Rusukaina so I can teleport them there."

"Former Slave of the Celestial Dragons!?" All three of them were shocked

"Yeah, those bastards dare to insult one of my crew members, so she then

trashed them hard. I couldn't even hold my laugh seeing them got

trashed." Narmi laughed out loud remembering that event.

"Y-Y-Your crew member trashed them!? Aren't you scared the World

Government would retaliate!?"

"Ohh they had retaliate. But the agent they sent were also trashed. But

then, they framed their agents so we recruit them into our crew hahaha.

That five old man must be pissed off."

By then, Hancock, Marigold and Sandersonia thought of the same thing.

The man in front of them was fearless, his crew were also fearless under

his leadership. He is a foolish man like the one who had set them free.

"Aren't you afraid of the Celestial Dragons at all!?" Hancock asked

"Living while thinking about what would happen in the future is

meaningless. Tread your own path and face whatever comes your way

fearlessly. That's my way of life. Besides, no one in this world could

contend with me."

"But all of the Celestial Dragons' slaves bear their mark. How are you

going to deal with that?" Sandersonia asked

"Ohh I had helped them removed their mark. So, no worries."

This time, the three of them were shocked to their core. They had lived

all this time with that mark on their backs. They really wanted to remove

this mark so they needn't worry of their past were exposed.

Due to this mark that they need to remain aloof and detached from the

tribe. This was so that they wouldn't need to worry of being discovered.

When there is a chance that they could remove this mark, they would

surely take it. And so with a determined expression, Hancock said.

"To tell you the truth, we are a former slave of Celestial Dragons. We

always look for a way to make the mark disappear. So, if you can, could

you please help us remove the mark?"

Narmi just smiled hearing Hancock asking for his help. He had expected

that she would probably asked. But then, he just bought the potions and

gave it to them.

"This is the thing that help remove the mark. I'm giving it to you. Just

drink it and endure the pain for a few minutes. Well then, our business is

done here. I would like to continue my journey. Take this Den Den Mushi

and contact me whenever you guys are in danger."

Narmi then rise up from his seat and went out to continue his journey.

The three sisters just watch the bottle containing the liquid that could

help them. For safety measure, Marigold asked for the two of them to not

drink it yet.

She would try it first to confirm its effect. Without further ado, she

quickly gulped the potion. Then, like what Narmi said, the pain came

right after she drinks it, and the pain was loss after a few minutes pass

by. They then check her back and notice the mark was gone without a


Swiftly, Hancock and Sandersonia took the potion and gulped it down.

After a few minutes, they were done and saw their back was without any

mark. All of them cried for the first time after a long while. They didn't

expect that their meeting with Narmi would help them remove their

main concern.

Right now, they wouldn't need to care about the mark and can even

interact with the tribes without any worries. They thanked Narmi in their


'Devil King Narmi Amsi eh. I wonder what should I do to thank him in

the future?' Hancock thought.



Hey guys. The chapter is here. I know you guys must be wondering if I

would make a harem or not. Haha, truthfully I don't know yet. I didn't

make it clear yet as I don't know what I will wrote in the future. It all

depends on my on-a-whim storyline.

So keep reading and stay tuned for more chapter.

Chapter 64: Before Continuing the


After meeting with Hancock, Narmi then continue his journey to

Rusukaina. As of now, Rayleigh was doing final touch on coating his

ship, so he intended to quickly continue his journey to Whitebeard


The reason he chose to travel to Rusukaina today was so that Rayleigh

could train them after they parted ways. Few hours later, due to his flight

speed, he finally reached Rusukaina. He memorized the place so that he

can use teleport.

After that, he teleport himself back to Sabaody Archipelago. He estimated

that tomorrow they would continue their journey so he ordered Henry

and Nami to go shopping for their supplies for the journey.

As for the others, he just let them be free to spend their time. For the new

members, this would be their last time having fun before they went to

training with Rayleigh.

Meanwhile, he took Robin for a date as he feel that it was such a long

time they didn't spend time together. After all, they were just focusing on

their journey. So right now is the best time for them to have some

relaxation time together.

After all, their journey after this would make them very busy.


World Government, Mariejois

The Five Elder was discussing among them about the info that they just

got. Not further from them, there was a video call ongoing with the CP-9

Chief, Spandam.

"What will you do about this!?" One of the Elder asked

"It wasn't my fault. I wasn't responsible with whatever their action. They

are not part of CP-9 after the public announcement." Spandam replied

with innocent face

"Yes, but you suggest this move. You should take responsibility for this.

Right now, our best agents was taken by that Devil King. His already high

battlepower gotten even higher."

"There should be no worries. Besides, we got more promising recruits

that were being trained. As of now, we don't need to make any move on


"If that is so, then we would wait for the results."The Elders said before

disconnecting the call.

The Five Elder didn't know that what Spandam said was all lies. There

aren't any promising recruit at all and the only strong agents had been

taken away. He panicked a little when the Elders said they were waiting

for the results.

He planned to deceived the Elders later about the recruits. Maybe he can

stage a mission and send the recruits so it would seem that what he said

was true. This way he could gain more time to search for the ancient

weapons. After that, he didn't need to give a shit about the World



Marine Headquarters

Sengoku was reading reports on the activities of the pirates and planning

the Marines' movements. Suddenly, a knock coming from the door. He

just gave his permission, prompting for the door to open and his

secretary came to give him new reports.

"Sir Fleet Admiral, we got reports that the former CP-9 agents had joined

the Grand King Pirates."

"What!? How does a former World Government agent were willing to join

the pirates!?"

"It seems that their chief had told them about what he had done to them.

That's why they chose to join the pirates, so that they can take their


"What does that guy thinking!? Is he stupid!? Devil King and his crew

was enough to give me a headache. Now, their battle power is increasing

by letting those former agents join them."

"What should we do sir?"

"Our deal with Devil King was still going on, so we don't need to do

anything to him. Like we all had known, the Marines had lost some

battlepower. If we make a move recklessly, maybe we would be on the

short end of the stick."

"That's true sir. With Admiral Akainu lost his Devil Fruit abilities, we

can't do anything."

"So any information on excellent individual?"

"We are still searching. Right now, due to the exposure of those CP-9

agents, the public didn't see us in a good light. Even if there were any

such individual, he would probably think twice to join the Marines."

"It seems so. Our reputation was at an all-time low. Like what you had

said, they would think twice to join us. What with the Devil King

appearance right now, people would be more afraid to join us. Anyway,

good work. You can go now."

The secretary then bowed before went out from the room.

'It seems I am too old to deal with this kind of things. Maybe it is time I

should step down from my position. But, who is suitable enough to

replace me?'

Sengoku then fell deep in thought on who would become his successor

when the time will come.



Hey guys. Sorry for the late chapter. I'm sorry as this chapter was very

short due to the lack of idea for the chapter. After this, we would make

the MC to continue his journey to the New World, passing through the

Fishman Island. Yahoo.

Anyway, I still didn't got any idea for the devil fruits for the former

girl slaves. Give me some on the comments. All your comments are

very much appreciated.

Thank you and hope you enjoy

Chapter 65: Resuming their


The Next Day

Narmi and the others woke up early for their breakfast, as today they

would continue their journey. They had their fun long enough at Sabaody

Archipelago. It is time for them to continue setting up their prestige as

Emperor of the Sea.

After they had done packing up, all of them went towards the area where

their ship was docked, Grove 50. Along their way, there were many

pirates that were gathering. Rookie or veteran pirates, they all had their

fun together. Laughters and curses resounded everywhere. There were

even some pirates who were fighting among them.

Suddenly, silence ensued between the pirates. The rookies all asked the

veteran why did they suddenly went silent. Neither an answer or a

scolding was given, they all just pointed to one direction. That direction

was where Narmi and his crew were coming from.

With that gesture, all of the pirates made a path for Narmi and the

others. The rookies all made a confused expression, but still followed

what the veteran did. After all they were just recently became a pirate. If

the veteran didn't want to offend that person, then neither should them.

Not long after they made the path, the rookies then knew the reason

behind it. Each one of the people who passed by, all of them had an

intense pressure. But the most intense was the young man who was

leading them. The pressure caused them to feel suffocated.

Fortunately, they only passed by and didn't do anything towards them.

The pirates along the way heaved a sigh of relief after they had passed.

The curious rookies then asked their respective veteran pirates. Each one

of them gave an exaggerated explanation. But there was one similar thing

among them.

The Fifth Emperor of the Sea, and the most powerful one. The rookies

were all shocked. Of course they knew about the Emperor of the Sea, but

they didn't have any knowledge on his appearance. This was due to the

Marines and the World Government had suppressed the videos from

spreading further.

That's why they didn't know him, only his title. They didn't expect that

new Emperor was a very young man. But right now, they had the

information of his appearance, so they kept it locked inside their

memory. This was so that they could run away whenever they saw the

sight of him or his crew member.

Back to Narmi and the others, it didn't take long before they reach the

dock. There they saw Errege, their ship which was perfectly coated by

Rayleigh. Narmi and the others including CP-9 went onboard the ship to

put all their stuff.

Meanwhile, Narmi had bought Devil Fruits for his new crew members.

For Chris, he bought Titan Titan Fruit, Model: Godzilla. This was due to

him hoping that he can see Godzilla atomic breath. It was his dream to

watch it for real after all.

As for Holly, Anna and Maria, he bought the three Logia fruit that was

the same as the Admiral. Magma, Ice and Light. He wants to make his

own version of Admiral. After their training, they would bear the title of


He then bought Dispel Curse potion for the former CP-9. He didn't buy

any for the new members as he wanted them to train the devil fruit

power first. After they had mastered the fruit abilities, then he would

give them the potions.

With that, he gave them their respective gift from him. Chris and the girls

were shocked when they got the devil fruits as they didn't expect they

would even possess one. They thanked him for the fruit with their

promise to train harder so that they can be useful to him. Narmi just

smiled and wish them good luck before sending them to Rusukaina with


Meanwhile, the CP-9 didn't understand why Narmi gave them a bottle of

liquid. They didn't see any significance of this liquid to them. Narmi just

let Robin explain about that liquid. After her explanation, all of them

wore a shocked expression before quickly drinking it. Like the others

before, they also felt the refreshed feeling after drinking the potion.

Without wasting any time, Narmi asked Nami to navigate the ship out of

the dock. He knew Rayleigh had taught her all about the coating, so he

didn't need to worry. With her instructions, they then removed the

floating bag and released the sail.

With that, their ship which was just floating started to submerge bit by

bit. Seeing this, all of them felt excited, including Narmi. He finally feel

what Luffy and the others feel when they continue their journey after two

years of being apart.

He couldn't help but feel excited about the future events. There are many

things that he wanted to do, but as of now he will just focus on meeting

Whitebeard first before getting more serious.

-The End-

P/S: Joke only. There will be more chapters.



Hey guys. Sorry for the not-so-good chapter. Also if you guys had any

comment on the devil fruit of the girls, I'm sorry as I had no idea on

that at all. If you were pissed off, well give some response when I

asked about that next time haha.

Well, for me, this chapter was just like a buffer before I start to write

on Fishman Island.

I think that's all, if you want to response anything on the chapter, just

put on the comments. I will be reading.

Thanks for your time and enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 66: Arrived Fishman

Island, Going to Mermaid Cafe

Their journey under the sea was proceeding smoothly without any

hindrance. With Narmi's abilities, he could control the water in the sea to

his liking. So, Nami just gave him the direction while he helps controlling

the water current.

Even though he is helping with controlling the current, he still had the

leisure to enjoy the underwater scenery. It is true what people said that

the more you travel, you will find many interesting things. But still, only

with powerful strength could he enjoy his journey.

He then turned to look at what his other crew members were doing.

Robin was reading a book that she just bought from a bookstore in

Sabaody Archipelago. Henry was deep in thought on what new recipe he

could make.

Nami, navigate their course and gave the suitable instructions to the

Lucci and others. Meanwhile the Celestial Slaves, Narmi just ordered

them to do cleanup work. Though they tried to work in a sloppy manner,

the collar prevents them from doing so. Thus, they worked hard in


Well, this was what they could only do when being underwater. Though

sometimes, he directs the water to bring a big fish so that they could eat

seafood cuisine. Through their journey, there were barely lights that they

could see.

And so, when they noticed light emitting from somewhere in front of

them, they knew that they had finally reach their destination. All of them

saw an island wrapped in a gigantic bubble in front of them.

It was a very beautiful sight that left them in state of admiration.

Although Narmi had saw the island from the story, but seeing it by his

own eyes still left him speechless. But then, he just control the ship so

that they would enter the island.

He didn't plan to stay at this island for long as there are many things that

need to be done. Besides, he could come here whenever he wanted after

this. He noticed that there were someone that were watching them, but

he just ignored it and continue to control the ship.


A Few Days Before The Crew's Arrival

Madam Shyarly, famous for her gift in fortune telling, made a prediction

of the near future. Her prediction caused great unrest in the island. This

was due to all of her predictions that turned out to be true.

"A young man who will become the King in the future and possess the

power to change the World and the Fishman Island will arrive in a few


The island's residents all was shocked with this prediction. Meanwhile,

the fishmen pirates that were scattered around the islands, went ahead to

inform their captain. The Fishmen pirates crew that available in this area

was only one, the New Fish-Man Pirates led by Hody Jones.

The information brought by them was then passed to him, hoping to

know what actions that they should take. Hody Jones, with his vicious

nature, couldn't accept the prediction made by Shyarly.

To him, this prediction as if stating that the whole Fishman race's fate

was under this man. His believe that the Fishman race is a supreme race

led him to thought this prediction was nonsense. And so, he ordered his

men to spy on this young man's movement when he came to the island.

He planned to ambush this young man to show that Shyarly's prediction

was wrong. He also intended to gain more followers by doing this

ambush. To him, humans were a weak race. Never could he know that

his fate was sealed when he dared to make the plan.


Back to the Present

Narmi noticed that from the time they had just arrived at the island, they

were being watched and followed. His other crew members also notice as

the spy following them was too obvious in their movement.

But Narmi just ordered them to ignore and just have fun strolling around

the island before continuing their journey. Thus, they followed his order

and ignore the stupid pirate who were following them.

Narmi and the others went strolling around the island together. Although

Narmi had given them permission to go on their own way, but they just

follow him, stating that they didn't feel like going on a separate way.

And so, Narmi just led them while asking around where the Mermaid

Cafe were. After getting the directions from the locals, they head towards

the Mermaid Cafe. His intention going there was to meet with Madam

Shyarly, to make her as one of his acquaintances.

Her ability to predict the future make her worth his time to come over

and meet her, despite the fact that he didn't believe in predictions. His

believe was that the future is full of possibilities. Either better or worse,

you didn't know what would happen in the future. That's why you should

live fearlessly regardless of what the future holds for you. He holds a

philosophy which your life is your own, so live a life you will remember.

So back to the group, not long after they got the directions, finally they

reached the Mermaid Cafe.



Hey guys sorry for not posting for two days. I was busy processing on

my student visa at the place where I'm studying. That's why I didn't

have time to write anything

And so they had reached the Fishman Island. Well look forward to

what they will do to the Fishman Islands and their residents.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter and I will continue posting as I had done

on my business.

Chapter 67: Spending Time in

Mermaid Cafe

All of them stand in awe in front of Mermaid Cafe. It was beautifully

designed and attractive, making it sort of stand out due to the other

buildings' common architecture. Without waiting much longer, Narmi led

them into the cafe, while their tail report on their location to Hody Jones.

Inside the cafe, all the tables and chairs were neatly arranged, with pretty

decorations placed all over the interior. Mermaids can also been seen at

this cafe. With all these things presence, it wasn't weird that this cafe

were very popular.

After they went in, all of them choose a place and took their seats. Not

long after, a mermaid waitress came and asked them for their orders. All

of them chose their own servings and gave their orders to the waitress.

After that, she went away to pass on their orders.

It wasn't a long wait for the servings that had been ordered to came. But

instead of the waitress, the one who came was another person. She is a

large mermaid with dark blue tail on lower half of body.

It wasn't hard for Narmi to guess who she is. This is the proprietor of the

Mermaid Cafe, Madam Shyarly. The other mermaid waitress was in shock

seeing her serve Narmi's group, as she rarely had done it, if not never.

They all wore a confused expression on their face. But then, some of

them recover from confusion and started to think about the prediction

that she had made before. They thought that perhaps the group that she

serve is the one she meant.

After she had served all of their food, Narmi called out to her.

"I didn't expect the proprietor of the famous Mermaid Cafe to serve us."

Shyarly who had just intended to walked away from there, was stopped

in her place. Her expression showed she didn't expect Narmi to know her.

Although she was relatively famous around the area, but Narmi just came

on the island. He probably couldn't know her appearance.

Recovering her composure, she then turned her face to Narmi's group.

"And here I also didn't expect that I would be recognized by the Emperor

of the Sea."

The customers all around stunned when they heard her remark. To think

they would be sitting in a near proximity with the Emperor of the Sea.

Despite the fact that they weren't really knowledgeable about the surface,

they still knew about the existence such as the Emperor and the likes. As

such, all the customers present there wish to walk out from the cafe.

"Well, the waitress there all wore a shocked expressions on their face. It

wasn't that hard to guess." Narmi replied

"I see. So, may I know to what do I owe the honor of having you and

your crew come to my cafe?"

"Well, we just came for the foods and beverages served here. I heard

about this place was among the famous in this island. Besides, I also

heard that the proprietor is a famous fortune-teller. So, I came with the

intention to make an acquaintance."

"Indeed, what you said is true. If it is an acquaintance that you seek, I

will be very much obliged to become one. There are not many chances

that I get to become an acquaintance with an Emperor of the Sea."

"Then, come join us in this table. We can have some conversations among


Knowing that Narmi bore no ill will towards the cafe or her, she then

joined the group. Although she display a strong front, inside she still had

some fear as the one she faced right now is an Emperor and his crew. The

strength of the Fishman Island's residence isn't going to be enough to stop


But then, after she joined the group, she knew that all her information of

them was wrong. The crew members all wasn't like what the public paint

them. Although she noticed there are some among the members that

didn't quite blend in, it didn't bother her one bit as the others treated her


Especially when she was having conversations with Narmi, she noticed

that he exuded a kind of aura around him. Whenever he spoke, she felt

that aura become stronger. It was as if he wasn't a pirate at all. Never had

she have an enjoyable conversations as this one with the group.

She really enjoyed being in this group, and she also hoped that the time

spent with them will never end. But as if fate opposed her, a certain man

shouted loudly from outside of her cafe.

"Shyarly, I knew there was a group of humans inside your cafe! Bring

them out right now! I'm gonna slaughter them all here, proving to you

that your prediction of the future is wrong!"



Hey guys sorry for late chapter again. I didn't have any idea on what

to wrote on Mermaid Cafe. Besides, I got some idea to wrote an

original novel and that's why I didn't post any chapter.

Although before this I had tried to write an original one, but that was

abandoned as I didn't feel like it was good enough.

That's why I'm trying to write on a new original novel this time around

as the idea come flooding in my mind.

But, I'm not posting it yet right now.

Thanks for reading and enjoy.

Chapter 68: You Should Never

Disturb A King's Relaxation Time

"Shyarly, I knew there was a group of humans inside your cafe! Bring

them out right now! I'm gonna slaughter them all here, proving to you

that your prediction of the future is wrong!"

The shout resounded from outside the cafe. One of the Mermaids went

out to check, she then rushed back in, informing Shyarly that the

Mermaid Cafe had been surrounded. Thousands of Fishman Pirates had

spread all around the cafe, led by a great white shark fishman.

Shyarly knew who they were. They are the group who had been

spreading around the hatred of the humans. They are also the believers of

the ideal which believe the Fishman Race is the supreme race. This group

of troubles are led by Hody Jones, the great white shark fishman.

Shyarly who just got the information, bowed her head towards Narmi's

group and went out of the cafe in a hurried manner. Like what she had

been informed, she saw their cafe had been surrounded. Hody Jones had

bring all of his crew members there.

"Hody, Why are you surrounding my cafe like this?"

"You know why, Shyarly. I want that humans are in there. The one who

you had predicted about. Get them out here. I'm going to show these

Fishman that humans are nothing in front of us Fishman."

"You! Did you ever think of the consequences if you provoked him!? You

need to see the bigger picture here, Hody! My predictions always comes

out right!" Shyarly stated.

"What consequences will we face!? It is just puny humans. We are of the

supreme race! I am looking at the bigger picture here! Your predictions? I

will prove them wrong! That's why get them out here! NOW!" Hody

replied, with a threatening tone.

"I'm afraid I would not allow you to do so. You are threatening the fate of

our Fishman Race and the Island by provoking him! I'll have you move

away from here!"

"Then, I'll have you dead!"

Hody then proceed to use Fishman Karate. He hurled a water droplets in

a swift manner towards Shyarly. Despite her bravery, Shyarly didn't

possess powerful combative abilities. And so, she couldn't react much

when the water droplets came into her direction.

She closed her eyes, preparing herself to brace for the attack. But, she

still didn't feel any attack to come through. When she opened her eyes,

she saw some kind of transparent wall was blocking the attack from

coming to her.

Hody Jones, the one who initiated the attack, also stopped in track. He

didn't expect that his attack would be blocked. He then focused his

attention to the entrance of Mermaid Cafe. There, he saw a young man

came out with his group in tow.

"'Madam Shyarly, you don't need to protect us. Just sit back and enjoy the

show. Don't worry, I knew that this man wasn't a representative of

Fishman Race. His actions are his own." Narmi said while smiling gently.

He then turned his attention towards Hody Jones and the other Fishman


"Hody Jones was it? I'm giving you chances to strengthen yourselves by

whatever means you got. You better take this chance. Why? Because

when I start, you better pray that I would show mercy even by leaving a

single strand of your hair intact." Narmi said, while started to release his

power slowly.

"And the other Fishman Pirates, I'm also giving you guys chances.

Whoever don't want to die, leave this place, or else my crew would kill

all of you." Narmi added

By this time, Hody Jones had feel the intense pressure coming from

Narmi. Even the small fry Fishman pirates noticed the pressure. Their

instincts force them to run away as far away as possible from there. They

could tell that right now, they had provoked something that should be

left as is.

Hody Jones who saw that some of his subordinates running away, clicked

his tongue in displeasure. He thought to himself that he would deal with

them later. Right now, he focused on Narmi. He eats a load of Energy

Steroids to enhance his power. He left some so that he could eat it

whenever he reached a critical condition.

"I will show you the power of Fishman Race!" Hody Jones moved from

his position, intending to deal the first blow to Narmi. When he had

reached near Narmi, he thought that this Narmi wasn't that powerful, as

he didn't made any move at all. He smirked thinking of his impending


But then, he noticed the angry expression on Narmi's face. When he saw

that expression, his instincts ringing loudly, informing him of the danger

that is coming. Unfortunately, he couldn't stop his motion in track.

Narmi who just stand there, started to coat his arm in Haki. Then, in a

swift motion, he slapped Hody Jones away from him. Hody Jones' body

flies further away from there, crashing some of the buildings along the

way. It only took a second for Narmi to make his move.

Due to the swift action, the others only saw a flash before Hody Jones

flies away. Heck, they even thought that Narmi didn't do anything as he

didn't move from his place. But, they knew it was his doing as they saw

his right arm that were coated in black.

"You shouldn't have disturbed a King who was having his relaxation time.

Now, I'll show you the consequences of it."



Hey guys. Thanks for reading. For this weekend, there would probably

be no chapter, as I'm going ti sit for exam again. So sorry for that.

This chapter didn't show Narmi fighting yet. The Next chapter I will

write about it.

So have fun reading the novel.


Chapter 69: Complete Defeat

"Law, I will leave you and the others to deal with the remaining forces.

Spare those who surrender and kill those who resist. I'm going." Narmi

said while glancing to Law, before leaping away towards the place where

Hody is located.

Law and the others watched Narmi went away before redirecting their

attention to the Fishman Pirates.

"Now then, as our Captain said, whoever wanted to surrender better do it

now, otherwise prepare to die. If you want to surrender, lower your

weapons and move away from the group."

All of the Fishman Pirates had saw the strength shown by Narmi, causing

fear started to plant itself inside their heart. However, one of their

officers then shouted out loudly.

"Impudent human! Your captain aren't even our captain's match. He just

been caught off-guard with that attack. Dare to thought you are invicible

huh!? You small fries can be taken care of by this great Dosun. After all,

we are Fishman races, the race that stand above the others." a

hammerhead shark fishman said

His statement of confidence can be seen as logical to the fishman. With

his height alone, he towers above others in his crew, making his presence

look more imposing. Not to mention his battle prowess among the

fishman. Their confidence can be justified

When the pirates heard Dosun's shout, they quickly recover their

confidence. Whisper and murmur can be heard among them, agreeing

with what Dosun had stated. What would they need to be afraid of? Their

opponents were human while they are fishman.

Unfortunately for these fishmans, their opponents this time were the

crew of the renown Fifth Emperor. Their life under the sea cause them to

had little informations about the power level of the world. Thus, these

little knowledge create this situation.

Without giving any attention to the nonsense spouted, Law said, " This is

the last chance I am going to give to all of you. If anyone want to

surrender, lower your weapon and move away."

Laughter filled with confidence came from the Fishman Pirates. Not one

of them move from their position. They even take a stance, preparing to

attack Law and the others.

Seeing their action, Law just smile and unsheath his blade, coating it with


"I will take the officers. You guys just deal with the small fries. This even

won't take a minute for us to settle."

With a step, Law propel himself to the officers. Dosun, Zeo, Daruma,

Ikaros Much and Hyouzou were perplexed seeing only one person came

attacking them. Then, anger rise up from deep inside. In their mind, they

look down on human. Thus, Law's action on taking them by himself were

seen as a provocation to them.

They then proceed to attack Law at the same time, to show him that he

aren't their match. Law seeing their attack, proceed to dodge with

inhuman agility.

Dosun's large hammer arrived first in front of him, which he move the

side to evade it. At the place which Law evade, Daruma was heading

towards him with his sharp teeth intending to injured Law.

Law had expected this with Kenbunshoku Haki, so he activated Room,

before swapping places with Zeo, leaving him to bear Daruma's attack.

With this, he positioned himself right behind Hyouzou and Ikaros Much.

He then sheathe his sword and stretched his hand towards both of them,

activating Mes. With this, both of their heart expel out from their body,

leaving a cube-shaped hole on their body. After that, he activated Room

again and swapped the heart with stones near him so he could keep it to


With their heart absence in their body, they could not continue with their

fight. Therefore, Law just ignore them and continue with the others. Not

long after Hyouzou and Ikaros been rendered useless, the other officer

also followed their footsteps.

During the time Law fighting, Robin and the others quickly clean up the

remaining pirates. They wanted to kill the fishman, but seeing as they are

in the fishman domain, they decided to just beat them up and round

them up.

This was so that the fishman would not hate and fear them in the future.

They didn't want their action to cause a full-blown war between races in

the future.

But, Narmi with nonchalant faces, held Hody Jones by the neck while

flying back to their place. He then proceed to throw him with the

officers. One could see from Hody's body how badly he was beaten by

Narmi. Even with high consumption of Energy Steroid, he couldn't touch

even a strand of Narmi's hair.

Like the others, Narmi intend to kill Davy Jones, but he refrain as Hody

Jones are still useful to him. He knows what Hody Jones had done in the

past, so he wanted to hand him to the Fishman King.

This way he could show his sincerity in befriending them. Though his

strength could dominate others, but this would only plant fear to the

others. If that happen, how does he and the Celestials were any different?

Shyarly seeing the injuries on Hody Jones' body, could confirm Narmi's

terrifying strength. Narmi then looked towards Shyarly.

"Miss Shyarly, let's continue our chat from before." he said. Shyarly just

smiled and lead their way to the cafe.

Chapter 70: Meeting with

Fishman King

After settling the business with Fishman Pirates, Narmi discuss about how

he want to proceed afterwards with Shyarly and the others. Although he

could just kill them all, but he wanted to hand them to the Fishman King.

He know what Hody Jones had done in the past, so to him this way was

better. With this, he could befriend the Fishman Race and make them

owe him for what he has done. Though that would depend on the King

and his subordinates' attitude to him.

Not long after, a few Fishman soldier came and inquire them about the

situation that had happened. With Shyarly's help, they manage to explain

without having misunderstandings. Having heard the explanation, the

soldier then leave the place to ask for reinforcements so that they can

detain the wrongdoers.

Meanwhile, Narmi and the others discuss with Shyarly whether they can

meet with the King. Luckily, Shyarly had contact with the King from

before so she said that she could help them with it. She also propose that

they go meet the King tomorrow, so that she could serve them as their

guest for the day.

With Narmi's agreement, the others then have their share of fun. Narmi

also spend his time with Robin together.


On a deck of a ship, a Fishman giving his report to his captain. This

captain is a Japanese bullhead shark-man. His captain is Vander Decken

IX, captain of Flying Pirates.

"Captain, our informant report about Hody Jones' arrest at Fishman

Island. It looks like he got caught by someone called the Fifth Emperor."

'Hody Jones caught by the Fifth Emperor? Does the Yonko have new

addition? Well, Hody Jones is useless anyway. Okay, you can go." Vander

Decken said

Vander Decken planned on using Hody Jones to urge Shirahoshi to marry

him. This was due to his discovery of Shirahoshi's ability to communicate

with Sea Kings. With her ability, he could rule the sea without fear.

He then controlled the Flying Dutchman, his ship to move towards the

Fishman Island. With Hody Jones being caught, he feel confident that the

King would probably execute Hody Jones. Shirahoshi could also probably

be there. If she was there, he would confess to her in presence of


If she decided to accept him, he would finally gain control of her ability.

Though should she reject him, he would send Noah to crushed the island.

'If he couldn't control her, no one else will' that is what he thought.

Unfortunately for Vander Decken, he wouldn't even imagine all his plan

would be thrown to disarray by Narmi.


The Next Day

Narmi and the others are heading to Ryugu Palace while being under

Shyarly's lead to meet King of Ryugu Kingdom, Neptune. Narmi really

wanted to meet him for few reasons.

First, he wanted to befriend him. This reason was solely cause by his

second reason, which is The Ancient Weapon Poseidon, Shirahoshi that

are present there.

He wanted to propose something to Neptune which will benefit both of

them. He wanted to train her ability so that she could use her power

perfectly. This way he would make Neptune owe him a favor and he also

could add Shirahoshi as his subordinate.

Not long after, they finally reach the front door of the palace. Shyarly

said to the guard stationed there about their intention of coming to the

palace. Then, one of them quickly go inside before bringing an attendant

to lead them.

Under his lead, they are brought to the audience hall to meet the King.

Once entering the hall, they took few steps forward before Shyarly stop

them and bow. Naturally, Narmi didn't which lead to the others also

follow his actions.

"Narmi Amsi has meet the King of Ryugu Kingdom, Neptune"

The attendant who bring them there couldn't help but sweat bullets

seeing his action. Although the Royal Family is kind, they still have their

majestic pride. He just stand there horrified of what will happen next.


Hey guya. It has been a long time. I wrote this to inform you guys that

unfortunately, I gad to dropped this novel. Though I think you guys had

probably guess that by now. It has been a wonderful time for me writing

this novel eventhough short.

Right now, I am working on a new novel but I don't know when will it

finish. I hope I can finish it in two months to three months with probably

300 chapters. I am focusing on finishing the novel while being jam-

packed with making study notes for my friends as we had examination


So, wish me luck and thank you for reading this novel until this chapter. I

hope you guys stay safe amidst this COVID-19 pandemics. I am also

praying for you guys future success. Thank you for supporting me and


Chapter 1: Announcement 2

Hey guys,

I just released a new chapter on my new novel, My Ability is Modifier

System. How about take a look on it and give some review and

suggestions on it.


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